HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-25 - Newport Harbor News PressI FIBERGLAs SNOWBIRD -The development committee of the Snowbird Sailing Association of Newport Harbor check the plans and inspect the new molded fibre- glas and resin bull in the plastaglas Division of ·the W. D. Schock Co. L. to R. are committee chairman Ed Warmington, Lel)n Ware, the builder, Bill Schock. and hon- orary commodore Jim Webster, one of the originators of the Snowbird class. The new craft wiU be sailed for the firs~ time at Newport Harbor Yacht Club this wcek-end.-Beckner Photo \ ..,, ' PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTI Mesa Fatal Sends Ro.ad Toll -to l ___ Snowbird Class TU1'NKSGIVINO DEATH CAR -Here's light roadster that carried David Cude of Santa Ana to his death in front of the Harbor House Thunday night at 8 :46. The fatality wu third reaulting from Costa Mesa auto accidents this year. - Beckner Photo David Cude of Santa Ana Dies on Thanksgiving Day Coat& Mesa's third traffic fatality of the year wu,... corded by Police Chief Art McKell%ie following a Tha.nU. giving-Day rear end <eruh in front of Harbor Houee, 22eO Gets 'New Look' ·First Fiberglas. Plastic Model in Weekend Debut lb• molded hull lhtreby preventing lhe vcl1t1ng wooden hull.I of t.he same clua from becoming obeo- lete due to lhe new tabrlcaUon media and enabling the two type1 to race together on an even toot- 111g . IDt.:!'\TICAL "~Pt:cs~ HARIOR WEATHER Harbor Blvd., at 8 :46 p.m. Kiiied wu driver of a Ilg-ht roadater. David Cude, 29, of 2209 Temperatw. t11e put w~k la the South Park. Santa Ana. The road· Harbor .,.... WH•: 1ter •lam.med Into the rear of an Rlclt Low auto drivtn by Anthony Coet&. 42, Saturday, Nov. 111 68 40 or 1008 Balboa Ave., lnveaUpUntr Sunday, Nov. 20 92 48 om cenr 11&.id. Monday, Nov. 21 .. to ~ Tuelldly, N ov. 22 61 47 Cud!' wu ruahed t.o Hoa,-Ho. W~e•dfty, Nov. 23. 61 311 pll.al wM.re h.e wu pronounced Thur'8d&y. Nov. 24 .• ti 40 dea.d. Friday, Nov. 26 ....... 68 43 Houae drtvewa.y &nd headed .oulh. report.a ahow. The amuh-up occuf't'9d 100 feet north of Wit.on St. lntenecU~ Police aald tl'g1stered owner ot the vehicle Ca.ta wu dr1vinr WU Anthony MaJulr of Stace Molal, Newport h eh. Twmty-two J>UH11Ctr9 ._.. hurt. lb~e aerloualy, In <>nap county rural road accl«Mftta be- tWt'en 2:30 p.m. Wedn.-day and e a.m. today. None WM from U.. Newport Harbor area. The new flbuglu Snowbird hull By NEAL BECKNER will be Identical lo the woollen boat ln110far as we1ghl, contouni, Wh o says the Snowbirds are dying? aiW d1men11on3 . Coam1ng1, rallll, One of the Newport Harbor's oldest and best· known centerboard, rudder, and apar• wrn racing class sailboaUI has finally succumbed to the "new be or wood ,.. berore. The main I G~ts Prison on · ,M•rijuana Rap I SANTA ANA. Nov. 2&. roc- 1NS1 -Harold David Grimmett. Cude wu travelln&' .auth on Harbor Blvd .• etrlklntr Ute vehicle Colla wu drlvtng u Coet.a enter- ed lhe hlrhway from the Harbor The hlg11way patrol alto lt.ted .ev.ra.I cruhe.a whlcb weft ci.... ed u .. fender benderll", 58EA TING SUSPE~TS HELD TO ANSWER RAPi allvanlHJ;<'S or the r11cnforce.t Ja.m-look." The first one -piece molded fiberglas and plastic Iner c-onatruction wtli be in aatety, model of the famous Balboa Snowbird has just been com-11g1t1lty, nnd f'ase or maintenance. pl•·l•'•I hv thP pt11~t.oi:ln." 1.1tv111lnn Jncr~11ed popul11ri1y rnmc tn the Sinn• the hull II mot11cd In one uf 111., \\', 0 . ~dl••l k Co , well-Snllwb1nl d1u• to their Inherent pJ1•1·e, there are no nba or llrlnar- k nuw11 h1111tlc111or 11111all bouts here 1 atablllty under nil de81>1le th" ab-t'f8 ao tht1 bottom or the bllce, In N"" 1111r~ l:!!'Kl h. Th" nf'w ~nee oC any oul.llde b111lut. Even formrrl;v covered by floor 1lata m0<li·I will he N I led here thus though "'rry hard lO capalu>. lhf'I over the Crnmn. ts now sealed otf "" ··krn•I 11ll·Wooden constru<'tlon enabled w ith a 110lld lamlnat<'d panel to I-mil introduced In B"aton about thl'm to floal and •11pport the11 form an lnteg-ral flotation compaft,. 11120 from " du1gr1 by WIUla J . crew tn ca.e ot an upaet. Thrtt ment upable of wpportll1« llO lk1<1. the rlnns we1 e publl&ht'd In r .. ature• have m ade Snowblrol• an Iba. of dead welCM ln addlUOft t.o s yet htrn11: ma11:ulnl' In 1921 and Ideal .. f1r11t boat•• for the yo11n1 · 1 lht boat llaelr. Tht11. of colll'M. """,.. 111 thl' attention or our own ll,.1'11 l o aa1l and have led to the rnakea the new craft unainkabM lion ,111 1 y Cl>01m0<lort• Ja111rJ1 M. many d &lll racing ev ents for Jun· I and ev'n more bouyant 1n ~ fl/f \\'o ll•h 1 Afll'r 11\tH h 1 aN'ful 1or sklppeni throughout rach sea· up.,.l than th!' woo.Jen hull.I. Maia- '", '"' 1,111011 und 1111 In• rt.-se in Min clrrnuC'd by the> annuel Cold ttnanrf' 11 r "dueoo to a minimum lh• iw1I pl.in fr nm 72 l•> 9R aq. ft., "S" 11enes and rile no .... world·h\m· na moltlf'd flbn«lu t.11 lm pervk>U9 '' "" t• 1 '" •l 11n a~•>< oat• ('apt. ous Flight of lhe Snowbirc!Ji v. hlrh to rot. 11hrlnka11:e. and the atceck (' :--111 , 11111n "'"""'1, .. 11•ne1I Ton1 has 11!'en as many as 200 or I hl'•e of all k1ntll! of marine l'f'Owtb.. ttrn•t• .. 1v " 1111 ,11 h<mt t1111!11er. to tnm llttle cruft In competll1on. Pamung 11 unn~-ry •Ince t.be , , ,, .... , ... 1 fnur .. r lhf' t ,.,,ft. In Ht:Aot:O BY BEEK ouu1tJe eurlace I• (laaaY amootb lfl:! t ''"' \, • h•I• r """ 11111 two Th,. Snnw b1r•I Racing AHO< la-(C-Uallf!ld oa p..,_ '> """" T .. 1,1 11n•I H11hh. l.111111 hl'fl anJ t1on wu founded m 1114~ lo atand· """· ol Sr1"-''h1t•I :-;,, I, • .tll••tl T om· I 11tdn;I' and rej?ulatr thf' <'18811 ""d R uh111 'Th•• 111111 i.111 .. ll·fl i.'111· to 1<uUr!' uniformity or htllla. 1pari1. 1:1 .. ·1 ·• • 111i;hl "" 'I"" kly ftntl """n s nit 1!8tls sn that 1ac1nii: boat-tor- h• 1111• l'"I'"''" "''h 1111 nl •n1lur11 boal WMJl.t ~on a alrktly "flur· ,.,. 11 "'" .i ... 1~11 r kt '"" ht1r.I 8ll a nd-11qu11re" basis. H rl\th•<I by ""II "" 1111 nhl• d t\ "llllt'r f11r lhr• Co111mn•ln1e J A OrPk. th111 nr- IJn~ K'an1uliun ha~ hl'l'n rltr«fully !'>Kll'l't;u Cl\ t:K ftA~K~ I walrhlng the> d1•v.-lupmrnl of lh<' Tl" or "'''" 1 .. 111>1, &ta.tllt•w d1 11fl. new n•oltle-1 !rhrrJ(hH• nnd pl11.ollc 1111.i I'",,,,.,, ,.•nl ~• tlt11111l mK•JI' mOl.lel of the famnoo~ lr11 le boat th· ltl • ·P"t 1,111\· hnntly in hurtlhng I A C'omm1tter was appolntrrl with t h• n11111y m11tf h11nk11 lllM dolll'J Ed \\'armln~ton of :\'rwrort Har· I ~ I••• •' , h• ••• •l·t" • T hi' SnO\\ · 1 bor Yarhl Club I WhOM' fathrr owll· I '"" .:•••I I'"'''" lllllMI.. t'IL•I' ur .-.1 Snowbird ~o. 4 ' 1111 lhl\1n11an hM• 11 ". ••n•I '"'"l'IH ll\ or <"On· to kef'p a <'I "ch('('k on all 1i-I· J' • "' • O f'< II\ r•I "4\ llrt\•11ntnll:f'OU8 flC'ltlOnll. <llmen810Till, Anti WPIJrhl.11 th 11 111 a: .t th .. l~ii.t """' 11~ltcled on the prototy~ mod• I a~ It 111•· "' 1 Ir· ul! '' 'ti '"' 1n;: • 11 t lxoal for proarhell oompleuon 10 Schel"k 1 Active S-D Day Program for City Told By S llAROS CROWL A<'tlvllltt fo r Sa.te-Drlvtnr Day, 0 ,.r. I. llrf' now In tuU •wlng u me1nbe11 or the :Sewport &&di S-0 D11y rommltltt. he&CMd by Mr. 0 . W. "OIC'k" Rl<'hlLrd, conduC'l t.hrlr parta In the lrfe·llA vlng day ANOEUC COVER OlRL -Jennifer Dorman, 6, shows bow she looked when she posed for Laguna Beach photographer John Mechling for a cover on the December iaaue of Cornet mquine. J ennjfer, a Cost& Meaa finrt grader, wu on lhe front of e recent issue of Popular Photography and ia scheduled to grace the covers of other national publicatiorua soon. -Staff Photo by Leonard Sargeant I Ir•• \ .o 1111ni.; •'" 1M .. n ••f 1h" Olym· f11<'tory J " < :.11 • • 1 ... 1.i 111 l..c·• Ani:l'lr• lhl' The mol't <"riliC'al pmblf'm In ""'II ,., " I-11t • .. n 1 .... ll~ "'l'l f' built builf1tng a mololf'd r<·.'lln ''N'Blon of fur 1111• "''nl nn•I. \\llh 11h1tht a ny ont'·df'.'!1gn clA1111 wno.lrn l><•••l nrn•hflr11t1"n nf lhr n i;r. werr known 11• to 8f'f' th11t 1111 far tnrs atft<"llni;r 11'4 th" 11ly111p11 Monotypt" P"rformsnt•e rrmaln thf' 11ame 1n Suv11" to motor111t.1., po.le,.., pamphlru . and !lt>monatratJo08 a~ thr hl~hlighl• of the campaign lo HARBOR'S COYER GIRL inf111m bl.th dnvf'rll and pede1- ~~·~:!~~t:;:n~T:C::"olded Jenn if er Donnan' s Picture lllln11 Rrontng. Balbo& Ial&nd. LA VERNE TRIAL SEES CHARACTER WITNESSES h111 obt111nl'd the C'OO~rallon of lllJ s d N t• I 'M I fllltnl( AtatlOnl lo attar h amall on econ a 1ona ag plrrl'll of rf'J a<lhtalve tape to lhe :i..'1.m1I• j'W'r hour ln•Jlc.ator or each ST l'Ar·,. llPf'l'<lnmttf'r Broering ela ted Ry LF.O;llARD SA.ROF.A. I The younrtf'r may ap~11r on the hr ur~•'" nil gu 111111100 auendant• Ullle J ennifer Dorman or Co-~l'm ~r wue or Am1"11can Mn- to t1•ll r 11 .. 111mN11 ahout aafrly •ta Mi•l!a hiu done 11 a it•ln! The I ~11:tln• And 11 l'Xfl<'<'ll'<I In 11prw11r bell ... Th....,dor" Robln'a l'n rd aalrs H arbor ar•a'• own rovn 1t1rl. who on " future .lllJIU•' nf Thi" w .. l'k. 1rnil sf'1 vire IA ltWlng lr,.e 1a!ety "'11~ e yur" of Age only 1 a " t a ma1111:11ne .,.rtlnn Perrett Death Suspect Vouched for 1hrl'\1~ nt br11kr11, llght11. and ste•·r· Monrtny a ctornt1 thP rovn of the ! Al.WA\·~ l'HOTO..t::->I(' DrcembrT IAs11e or C'otonf't m111111· b L A D D• • In~ np11111At1111 lo nll t 11r11. zinc. A• t urdlnl' l•l h .. 1 flllht>r. , wh" y . • eputy 1str1ct Attorney I A l';•~l!'I Bnd .. 1 .. a.:i,n contt'l'l J 1>nmfer a fhlll ~r111le l!IU.Jl'nl I• .. m1Jl11'"" I•\' I\ 1:1t11lf'n t.r11v1 SA:'\TA A:-;A 10CNS I Chllt· l'ontrnrtor. tretlf ied th~t •• 1 ~=~:'.~'r'.'i~~y~'~,11111/~~::1~~1~~-r;;at~~ ln Coi1la ~l,.11a Main Rrhool, nr· 1;•n•IJ11wt1~n ·;1111111•1;·r11 tlrn~. hi· 0 " "" ateo.l on lh•' rnvrr or Popul"r l •' ••nni ~r ,,.. 1 "'"'" "'' n 111 Irr wllnt'Mf'll .. 11tr1ml't'J In t hl" Vernt• s n·p11t11trun for flt'llt,. 11noJ H.11 1lltl 111 in"' I'"" fnr i1t 11denta of Pf' () h pl11·l"i:' wt• \\ h1•11 •I,•• "'"• )U•I " ~•op.-i lor Court l\••pntlml'nl 6 •t11nd quirt \\llll gc.. .. 1 :'\!'l\)'orl ll111IK•r ll11th Sr hvol. Stu-fPhntn~'Taphy 1 <1or <t .. ~r,. '' rl 1111, ·h,.1 11nc I·· 1•11110". Pmn111n I 1 l I J I f ir1<l r'O\'rr K r 8io..•1gnmrn . ROI • haP \\'rtlnf'!Hl"Y a~ thf' mnn· It "n" ~llp11lnte<I thnt fu111 t '"" ponr i.:1 oup1""" ll llO norm-h h 1 ltd bf l ""n" n11t1<on1tl '"""'I In 11 h111h >I lllJ:hler trl11I of R,.h,.rt H La nlh1•r.11 woul•l tr•llf\· hkf''""" T hrv mg 11t111lrnl" 11( lh" t rarffr rulr.• ot rr rnverll lllf' llC r<u · r 0'" • hnllf J·h"t"1.11q•ll\ • •nlw•l fhl a \ ei nr :13. of ~an C1br1c-I nr11reJ ""'ll' H111rof1I Jol111~un Rnhut ~1:. l\TI1I cn11rl1•1"11 nrr eMary for safl' the rn•I of thl' Y"Rr hla.11 n11 I \\l11I• p11nl 1,.k,.n ul '"• It• '"'"' ll181on. C'i ohn. Stanlry ~11111 h 11n•I 1;. •If' •fl ".'"\ The phnlo1:1 aprcr "ho tnuk "''", 1.., \'etnl!' Ill IU'l'llllt'fl n( heAlinjt Clitrkson "'pnrte<lly 1111 o f !'-an Thi'. r\\pntt llaibor t·n1nn High J rnmfri" rtrtui ... whuh h 'I"" Th· 1111.:1.\11 -fMtf'd 11111-ic orl Jn rng Hu h11rd Pt'rrell. 21 . of I A>~ Cohrirl. The r1u.1rtel "''"in'l put g, honl Ptu"nt T""' h,.r',. Alll!O<'IO· broui:l.t hrr n11t1nn"l l 11ttrn1 inn " l IK•' h"• Ml•tni.: ~<'toull\l f .. r •he I r h I r II bo l J ohn ll. •rrhhn~ nf L11 .. 11nr1 Rrn,.h llll I 1 1 h I l) Anjtrlo • In death Wllh " !111\k 11n lhC' l'l1nol. lion 11 urn•:. anJ: n ritmB on 11 11 • "'. '" • r.1rn•, '''' u "' w1thnut J ul)• ~J in Newport; l:Jt>aC'h. A tolill of 36 witnr~us hll.J ap· wherr AAfety bclu ma.-· be found. """ nf Amenra s top ,.,tor phulo· !ht· t.•llAI 111~ ini.r ••f 1,.•tl• ,.11 (I.Al~~ YRIUHT P''lltt'•I in Lllr ltldl up In I rm hm.-n "' h lh~· <'t11'l. snd who will gra phrr... , , . .,lll'J."lt'r• hrr a11r Ui.t onr f' lhe Tht drlrn•hrnt hM lC'~tirt ... I he Wi-1lnt'~lnv, tfl for th<' prM"• ut1nn d1\ the IMllllllltlnn Mr•. Jord Suth-~.\\\' HER ~norr"" ptr lure lllkrn~ 11 nv!'r J!'nnrr,r W R-• fns:hlened'' of th .. •IN'l'Ue<I Ii for th!' dl"frn~r Tr111l """ re· (('ontlnltf'(I on Par 7) Arc-nr•lrn;;: IJl J ~nmrn • fs hN JllmJ>ll up an•I btoromn JU"'l u 11n,1 nnly i:rabbt't1 lhl' lxlAi.I whi'n <'!'!l!l"'I lo 10 a Ml :\lc>ntl1ty H,.nry ~ Dor m11n who 1r•1•lt·• "' n< '""' "" h,.r y .. uni:l'r 111~l .. r who r,.11 .,u lh rt'W up hl1' r.~1_. encl Thi' pN>.!!l"<'tJl1t1n •Rllr•I \\'1lhnm ~~----,...._.-•••• 2013 Rr.,ub'io.: A\1" \\llh t q "'' .. 1" 1111• on11111lh to b"rt1mt a c1Jver ~tnll k him flr'1. R. Altxantl<'r or l...<>l! Anj!'l'lr11 to I I uo<l s nnthrr 1ln•~hl"r 1n "1,111 1 •n i:trl herl\l'lf lklme 11'ty . .. ,. thr stand lo tf'~llfy on 1· .. r11 11·,. I Only i tn Jtnn1f~r. !\I"• hhng f11 •l '"~· La '"''"" 111~•· rl11lmed the u r!'p1rtnllon fo r pucr anti 'llll"l But <'''''ere"I the lx'11ul1ful 1,111• c1w• r <'e11srcl "11 ~ "' pn~ar.a: hlmttlf b"· th,. llefenlt Atty . .l,me~ Ca.nl1ll1nn 26 itlrl whol,. l'hf' l\ll.!O hPlponi: hn fme thr kllrhrn \\Inflow nf h1i1 • I Cl I fl •liked (or a n Ollt·Of-cnllM-r<H'nl I mother ~hop In a l.i\g'llM Bt'll<'h rcu a on 11"" \'ti nr • r apl'l rln1l'nl wh"n first huddle with the Judge And Pr•'•e· 1 i:rocrry ~Im e The Dorm11nio "'''"' lll'en. I Sh • cutor Stan Goul<I. opp1ng I lhl'r" l><'rm .. Ol"\'1nir In l hl'tr nr\\ Th" rh11 .. 11 ... h1r h c11ln1ln11trd In ann\· ... O\] c • I I t T cl _... '" • O~la ,.Jrsa 1u1111• II~ 'Mii 0 ay thr flltRI heallnit or l'l'rtttt 11l11rt· Mra. Lloyd Evrr• nr ' n G11brlel l Days \ I Dormi.n Al\ltl thrv tlr In t lnteond •d <'n I h•• w11l kw11y out111,111 the r rccedl'll Andcrt10n to t e wllnf's.t In ('lll'\'I' out a rnml,.lini.: carl'n Prrrrt t l\pa rtm .. nl 11ntl endl'd at chatr. She u1d 11he ·upled an for thl'1r )'nun~ offiip1111;. llut It 5826 the rorrH'I or 12th St. end Balboa ... l lh "-1• apa.,men near e .,.. •"&'·IOCtnl' 'tll • ita\'e them • lot of pride and 11al· Bl\'d · two blCH.'ka away. and aaw two men m ovtn1t a body 111farllnn to ,...,. J Pn nlfn nn th~ ( HARAC'Tt:R \\.IT~t:l'4~E~ Mni. Evf'ni te:atillf'd Ahe eaw lhf' I covrr of 11 n•llon11l map:trnl' Two ... 11ntuf'•. Ralph F . l:Saglty, hody put In an a mbulanct' a rt,.r 11 ChrlsfHICIS I On Coion .. t. J f'nn1rrr 18 ~"~ I-<•• Anlif'lf'11 tlrr111y •lllltrlrt at-I haJ ~en C'ovtorf'd w ith " blaziket I with her h•n•b r11l1<l'<l In prayf'r. lorn~y. u d S"veretl R. liaruoel, a 1 by lh• occupant.a of a Jeep. I typlf)'Ul(; lh• •Pint ot <.;hnetm ... Coples allu Davy Crockett. 22, formerly ot Co1ta Mr .. today wu 11enlenc· ed to priton, for the tenn pre· ecribed by law on marijuana po•· HMIOD. Ortmmf'lt pleaded rullty on lhe ch&rge and ukf'd for a proi.&tlon hearlnr: 8Uperlor Court JtJCtc'e John Shea denlf'd probation i nd lev•led th,. prlllOrT term. Orlmmell .,.11 arTf'Aled by 1tak· ed-out offlcer1 al Sll HamJllOft St. Pollce uurtedly found 0 marljU11na clgarell~• In Orirn· m'll • houM Mesa's Sle•DMlllCI. DIU Among Felony Assault Chew .. 9ulntet Police prf'vloualy had aun two per11m11 f'nt"r the O!lme tl rHI· dt'nce and depart. Thty were ar· r•11Lrd a frw block.a from the l hou~ Marine FTa nk Tavl1 a dmit· led buylnir 11i:. marljUAna rlgar•t· tes from Gnmmf'tt for J4 Jrrrv i.,.,. Hf'nry wu a rn11led ans, lllte.r releof'd. Sane<' hl11 arrest. Orlmmtlt hu 111ov~11 to Lo• AnJelea. SANTA AN A. IOCNSI -8&1\- ta Ana-Oran1e Munlclpel Court Judie Hov.·ard Ca meron Wednu- day afternoon held five of iwvffl youth1 cha r.red w ith UMUltU11 a pregnant woman. her hullb&nd and a friend t.o an.wer In Superior Court Dec. 2 "'l'Wo afe CM~ JifF 11.f\f\.9 Bountl over to Supenor Court were Jamu E Sl•monema. 18. ,,f J0731 Nf'wport Ave .. Collta Mr· aa: 1t•ranc111 D. Olli. 20. 20113 Bay· 11ld•. Coata Me .. : Rua11ell A. Tina, 20 or lrvlnt1: Benni" J . V.'hlte. 19, G J or S•nla Ana . and Guy R. Sle· rand ury Meets 11:aJ. Tu1111n S I N ..& TWO NOT Hl:LD uperv sors •A• Two olhl'rll Wt'rl'n't hf'ld on thfJ SANTA ANA. IOC'NSI The ff'lc>nloull 111111ult cherge. Th•Y were L<-onutl R. Braly. 18. and Ornnce Counly Grand J ury Wed· Ru-II w Carpenter. Ill, bOth of nr,.1ley concluded it11 twu·1)1rl Santa Ana !lr11~1nn with Ul• county fllMninc romnuulon hf'r• How,ver Prnl('('ulor Krnneth Juwr11 met w ith the plannt'l"ll W1J11am1 H id he would hie a•· 10 help In their prt'perallon or .. u11 and bll llf'ry cha1 f"• aplnat thf' annual rf'port lo ~ ma~t' to Carpenter lod11y Supt'rlor Jud~e J ohn Shf'a The The fl"f' IW'l lo appur In Su· flrdt "1f'f'lmg Y.'llh the plannf'ra ('('rlor Court Y. l're r-.leal'f'd on WllS hf'ld. I J :10() ball U <'h Jumn 1nll the romml"'l"n m,.t Th" qulnlf't 111 auu!ll'd or 1u - 1 for 11n hour and 1~ mlnut"• w ... 1. •.'lultinit Mr1t Oav1d Sullivan. htr nrll{Jny II wu a do~" t •"""'"" with unly the commu••ll'ln"• ~ entl I ju1 or1 prf'lll"nl. Thl' grand ju1 y. unill'r f"orl'· man Bromley \IV Hiii. or l.A jl!un11 I Ueach, "''111 mtf'l with thf' bo111d of auperv11or1 nrxl \Vedn•'Wlay h11•b11nd 1n•I Rnll"rl Bnlllllw. all Of l'la nta AM. Th" 111ltf(r<I of· rtnl'(' occuri I'd a l a 10< II Jn,·e-tn lilh a nd m111n Sl• \\ 1lltam• saul l•l•• Wf'dn .. •.ta y. "th,.re 11 to 11<1mt' othr1" wr are 1t<>- '"K to f1I,. f'h81 1tPll •J:•lnlll 1 .. 0. IC"11ntl1m"" on Pair 1) nlANCl8 DILL AWAIT COl'RT PROCEEDINGS -Chief witnei1s<'s in the fclon'ioua uaault prt11m· inary heanng or aeven young defendant.A confer out11ide Santa Ana-Orange Municipal Court. They ar(> tL to Rl D11vld N. Sullivan. Mn1. Da\'id Sullivan. MrA. R. )(. Brokaw and Brokaw, all or Santa Ana. Two McSA youth11 are accUMJd of beatiq Sullivan and Brokaw w1lb five other youUaa.--OCNS Photo ., • .. il ' .... CHAPMAN HALL-Studel'\ta Kar en Van Dyke, S anta Ana, freshman, nnd ;Doyle Clar k. Orange, jun ior, are Bhown here dancing lo the music of th<• Dodgson Trio at the Chapman College annual 1'-len's Formal. The event t ook place al the Irvine Coast Count ry Club. was one of the highlights of the Chapman College social sCtu:iOn. H onor guests w<'rf Pr<'sidc nt and Mrs . George R eeves and Athletic Director anJ Mrs. OonalJ TOUCHDOWN> PARTY at Balboa Bay Club recently found members having a gay time dancing, dining and chatting with old friends. Many journeyed down from Los A ngeles. as did former Newporter Jim R o gers, at left, chatting Mrs. Alan Mickle of Lido lflle, Dorothy (Mrs. George) Yardley and sports columnist Braven Dyer who was a gue6t of honor . Aao ther prominent guest wa.s Ed Crowley, n e w BBC preai- dent dir<'ctor , w ho was introduced t o the meme rs for the first time. -Terry Boris Photo NEWPORT HARBOR C. Perkins. • S E A L A R K I N G MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, W omen's Editor __ n_l_. o_rN_~_Y_<M_u_s._E_o_n_·A_R_n_L_•::._sT_•_~•-q_s._~•-•T_•_• __ J PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 251 1955 ABOARD TYPEE: With mn~t of thl' yacht!' in th<' F ourt<'t'n Milr Bank R11te i.;irn1g up Ulll' to la1·k of wind, PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY that terrific ten meter S irius sc•t m~d t o gather a gust o utJ £~ £ TO 0 of the blue to glide 111 for anothc·r first for that t op nukh NAM Y. 6 M N B ARDS sailo r H oward Ahmnnson and his thp n okh t'rl'W of nine ... I ~rw membe1J< wt·r .. n1tmect to lhl' board or directors e.nd 1" 111•• Md ht·11u11f11l Uoltv Ah· - 1 Burn•ll1 Fn11:1' If, rh It.IP\', Je.1n 111kr•~"n ts LIH' onl.v rem nboar.I 1 Mrs J:Jlph 1 ·1.wolt•W>ky. Fi 11n nnol 111 ~pltP <•f h• r ~l:te riot', a 1111 1 Linn \\'1llmm,., :.tnxin(' 11n1I t1t.•H, 1'1~e J1tb 111 kr•p1ng p1uP J., Pt1Jn111J;•'1 ('t11 ,\lru1 ~tukl·· ... l"lh·•I'" 1t, l>Mly:c bl .. 11.J l'••lh· 1t1 I l 'o•I :.1111 llb"r 1"h" 1!1•.1111 y that l1.tre11 \he brene1 ... marle wonde1 ful .!<UJ:jll'llllon~ •• nJ wtll h1•11 l 11 lf••lp I Ii" ( '1111 •r" I !',\I L°ltOA \' :"ll.;llT \\Ith th•• 1 unin1111 .... 1, 1:r11v .11111 J uhn ll.1 · 1 :-;.,,.,, blo"1ni: in .il i 30 lhc v1•• Jl1<k 1 .. ,..,1nn1I 11n•I J"' "/ Ahr111u1"'""" "" 1 ,., •. w "''•I•• to''" ('"h, .. tour, p~· .... 11. nt ,., Uh• , .... , 111ah~ Mr\d \\u11u "' .. uu I tht· '"•lMd•· .,f L'JutJ I •ult'" t•IHI HuwatJ':< Hartx•r l.•lr ilr<'amv troplr11l atx>;I,. talktni: 1'111\."K Sl :tVl"I:•: "'ltnn• .. 111 uv-t'r the race, '''hlle tK>me u( th~ of t n\\,, \\•·rtt •-n1u\•·•d bv nuu1v ~"rhl11 wfre 11llll tryln~ to find -"""f" 11. '" 1111 h1ol111i: the ff 1 1hc markrr nt the f 0outl4'rn Mth· l'.1\'1\1·· Th't\'• 1 t1t11lil\ wh" 'h"r"'I 11dn11orv board of tht 01 "ni:e County Philharmonic Society whtn th.-Krnup mfl Mnn1ll1y PVening ln Newport Beach. Mon•lanrl Lrltholll of Balbn" pr-.-:<ldent of thr llOClety, led the , ''•·nmg E14.'<'lt>tl lo thl' boar.! 11r 1hreclor1 werr Salvadore Moooe<> of lh1s <·11y, !:>tanll'y B>tlt»• "' R11nla Ana, and Adrlrn G. Pel· l!'l i"r nf L11guna IJrrwh. New advisory board member11 ere \\ 1lhwl B><~l'll ol Sont11 An11. Richard Nolan of Anahrlm and I >on.1lcl Vanrlrrb1ll 11( l.llg una Bearh. Plan• "'''rt' mntle fur •·unt11.cllnc lndu1try and bu1lneu group,. an1I 1<llh•·1t1nK th1•11 11up1wrt of lht Phllhllrmonlc Society , "'11 , 1 t' Fut th" I dlli• 11.u.1 .. :1 1tn•I pl11.nnlng ctnlr1 ed around the l \•111pl .. t111n nf 11ri.rn11rnwnl11 f11r the or1anlutlon'1 rlnil Anti· lw1111 ron1 •·1 l \\ h11'h 11• IKht•<lule<l (or Uec. 3. Rank, which, due lo <larknl'•~ fielllanlif fn. prov1de1f an r«ltft-d obstacle •.. 11:1' Iii! k"" IHI I n11n•" J'I" wll h l".•l\\"fnl\ nnrt inr-k-krt'nr~ m I.·~ p TA BENEFIT A na.;")'~ I h · T"h\' \\'111 ux - RAY SPRTTZLER Mil h11< Jur· Ina crtw who hail m11l•1r"'I 111 urly, due to l11ck or w1n11, galh· ered at crew member Bud H1r,,l· and'a apartmtnt ror rucktAils 11n<1 1eutUtbult with 8u1l and hi~ kl· 11n 11\ wli1• h I'• 1111 .. \••d l•• lhrl1 I l't' 1 '• nn. t >r.lHL.•... t;n,,,. /\,,. 111 11 •·•·nt "h• r• All 11•1r rsom1h• Ot•'I A fHI l~t I ••r llH1lnt •"'•l In I hf' \'all•,. Hllhl ; ·1111) r .. r Tlrn11k11· 1 J.!l\'1ni: rllnn• r 111 11 1 h•Hll:4' Ht"•Ut O\oU \ f 11tulr, -" f l( ~' W• 'The Magic Toy Shop' Slated at Harbor View tractive Au1'tra11Bn wife Tf'Mll' f'"ll•t• lll"""'•I """''1 ,11 ,01 t""'" who werr dnwn ror lhf' wer k ·en•I f, .1 I hi• tuolo•l.I\' '" , , ,.. •11•1 M 1 I tn hrr nwn rl1 l'nm nf Ator~ lmok will hi' the 11nnual c:hildren'• from their liollywoo•I hnmP · · · 111 1 ,\t i~ H.i\· s .. 1,. ,. "' :-.; ith l'hu1111 l<'r" 1·11111" (<1 Iii••, M11rlh• 1111 <'l11 IJ1l11111J1 p111i.rrn111 of J<nn~,. It MORt: SC"LITLt;BL"TI :.::in•I·" H•IJ\·\'"''' "t· .. hl'l.1 lh• l1'1111h •!\fr'I J H 1 Ran•lllll 11< 1<t111:1n1t will ho' nn Of'< 1~ Ill 9 11 m In ~vt when l'h\'lhs 1u11l 11 .. 11 T :l\ lu1 •hnn• 1 111 °lh•·1r 1l11lh"" I•lnn•I 11n1I •lit<'< lini; The ~1 111.:i· "l 11\ lhr 1't'hool audllonum ifd Miii Narmco Industries Honors 5 Workers Five employees of Narrnco In· du11lnea, Co1ta M~aa. w tore honor· ed at the company'• 11 lh annual picnic 11t Felicl!.a ~ark, E11condldo. Nov. e. attended by over 700 per· 11on1 Including employee1 and their famlllu ot the Costa Meaa and San Diego plant.a. R eceiving !lve·yt<&r P,lns from the N ewport Harbor plant wue Jamea Bento, Lafeorn Rambo. M:irg1ret Thompson, Lupe Torrea. and Alfrtd We~. Fo1.r of Narmco'1 1iit companJee are located In Costa Mena. pre-holiday 1peclal scam by vera 31 Inch pure llilk band .cr~ed prtnt. and Ju.ah colored cll1ltoia ""Ured cockl .. Bll~ at tht"tr l••v•11)• hPu ~ h h"11~r Wl1h tht11r 1Jo11cht11r c;h11p . tht• l'h11.,t.Jnt'"' play \.\'hh h ~1u1ln1an ..... ,11 lhrtct. '.. · L T t~n c:'lollar Lido Nord w11terfronl . . '"' en•t •1111-1n·I ,,, • fAn11h 1 l1t' Tr11l H11111 .. r \'1l'w ~. hf)(li ' A 1J1 f" .,. I----------o ll jtnod lo IK'e M)'TTll\ 11n•I F:mll' I()\ ti l If " I h ,. I .. 1. h~r 11 ... •IUClllj<. n.. 8 .inti 111 •• R hl'nr· \'alUf'I Sattlc who llllve J11at rPtu. mr 1 1 c1u1 ol 1111 i<• ,. 1 T1 ,.i,' \'11 >I\ I•· 1 f11 Artn11 from Mexico tn th<'lr Hollywm~I "'"" .. ut ro f lh1• ""'!"' rta;• 11J.1v v.ill h" 1•11•<.enll'll tn penlhouM ap11 rtment ... Mrrn" Tlll!'l A:-;Jr T lf\T llw· ,.,..11 H111001 \"u•w 1111 l11ua 111111 11t i3fl a~ ti.a.uUfUl Ill 1!\'l'r. I• "E'llptd· 1 p Ill 11•·• I.. (111 r11• nts Rm! Inc'' lhl flrat OC the )'"ar . . . henrol "1 ttl II" ri• I' "''•l Ii\ inr chllolr• 11. 8 11•<111 a l 2 '.{II I m l•<'c l'ool 11 1111 'lr11111 . l 'luh" \\'11h lllhh 10r,1 rh1lolron I'll!<'• 1ur mini· IF' YOU HEAR :'\Pwpnrl A•· 1•1 .. 1111111111 11 .. 11. '' ,._~ 11111 l111hll'r .'Ii• J••hn 1 I mum itrto11t1r1,.; '" " ~ al1tant Uaguer• 111 k ini.: "' "'' ,.. I t l.1111 ,. t "'"'' 11•~1111 .. lt"I 11 Slall11111n. ""'" lln•I nu Kiili rhA1r -thelr '101111 11n1I tny, 11 n t I·· Alarmed! Th~y Ari' p11lt 1111: t • plaything-a In or rl «' r f111 111° U agut'• annual Tny ~11le In lot• held Dtt. 6 11l th,. Ttmft s11 .. ,. • . • lhe gal.. RI(' • \'1'11 (Ill II~ hundred,. of ( 'hrl~\mM lltM kin;:• ,.hf••11.J L,,-·• tri int ,,.._, ,,.~ t huh· l1Ju.1• "'""' "'' 1\d+t•··I to ltttl t1•fttflf 11tl' ftH1'•• ~it th,.. f h'h l:.111 p ,, ,, I II, 11").l'luh "' 11 I "' \, • F I<• liuh,.1 1t• 1 l11)t11l.I 'I h 'htHllli.10 1\0 1 lf•l·n 1 ~!1• I ••• 11•1• /\n•lr1 .i n ... "l'\'lln I II\ !hi' "• 1t•·~• 11r niunlli1\ t 'h•l.J l .. hRl' 1n the •llHhltorlUlll T ill' lllt'l'llflj; Y. Ill bC' n1nd11ct r1I hy Ml811 Bai hll l'I H11rtiol z of lhf' <K11njtr l"nunty off1le. 1111p4>p nttndrnt of 1<rho .. 1• I Shr "111 t1 II hnw rhllolr~n arr br· ing t11111:ht tn 1r1.11I. with l'ml'h 110~ on ll11rbor \·1. w i;tU<lrnl• Thi' Dl'r:emhrr 1'-T ;\ mt11 l1ni: only S4.9l'> while they lut :Jlie gift· wreriiffi for Chrl1lmu Harbor Rest Memorial Park CfolleJ J/orJe : BEACON PERSON NE( Attt<Y Carefully Selected Applicants for Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 I Mary Louble M.attlag'ly ~ary .Janf' Bangf'rt ·H S Sbt Strttt. Nr"l"frt Bn.t'b ;\I 1111~oll'ltm-I nt r rm .. nt 1:33 t:. l"ith st. Ra.lhna lttlll.lld ll•rh .. r "' c.liolr r Costa M f'M Set FOR THE YOUNGER SET! G1•lr' 5,.,, 1 , , ~ .. AT'"" fl /I Apparel for the Younger and Custom Originals at JERI'S OF LIDO 30-"5 Newport Boulevard NEWPO RT BEACH Clothes and Toys for G irls and Boys at JERI'S PRIDE-N-JOY 1881 Harbor Boulevard COSTA MESA u br•tr " .,,,,, \ I Fun Galore for Lido Isle Cubs Who bu more fun tha.n Cub Scouts? Hardly anybody. proclaim Lido lale'a Pack 37, whoae six dena are. atill on cloud eight following a w eekend San Diego zoo outing. Via chart- ered bua a.nd train, t2 Lido cub~n stormed the zoo for a da yl1 bivouac with 11 pa.rent.a Jt.mea Peraon. Llrry Elman, ~nglng up the rear. Randy Rigga. Oreg rerit0n, Rich· La.al week the pack primed tor lrd Hom . John Seal, Bob Saw· 11pectator ecrlmmagtng al Oranp yrr a nd Bill U ndekt. Coe.at 1tadlum to aecond-guu1 Bpbcat badgee went to Bob lhe OrMge v1. L. B. Clly Colleire Ros80, Grrg Per111m, Bruce Re("d. I football ganu. A rrangement11 for Gordon Rt>Pd, T 1mo1 hy Vllsark. l the junket, a talher·Mln evening, Linn \\'1lham1. Ro~rt M••Clalre were •el up by Pirate Coa ch, Ray and Palrlck \\'emer. and W Ro11ao. b&dfea were awnrded to Mike WITH TOYS Ober. Michael VH111C'k. Bob Ros· Pack 37 hun't bern Idle pm- ject-wl1e e ither. Late1t undtrtak- lng hu been the building and palnttnr of 1Vooden toy1 to be given to under-pr1viltced young· 1ter1 at Cbr11tmaa. The handl· craft wu dl1pl1yed at the re· cent pack meeting with Oen II wlnnl11g the ''do your ~~l" cr11 fl flag. Cubmuter OeralJ McClalre •C9nducted . the rousing meeting which lncludl'li 8 Th8nk1<g1vini; skit by Den Two. a r11rtoon movie "It ·s Everybody 11 Bu~111ess'' d1•· naled by Spauldini: Ea.~lnum a nti thP awarding or a<"hlevement award11. Graduallng W e be I o s were George McCulley. Biil Elmqul11t. Chark1 Bell and Pl'te Mlrhaud. Each rece1vf'd the tr11dlt1Qnel scout knife a ward. \\1SS TWO FLA.OS A 1111I11 t" n t Cubmuter John Shielda conftrrPd both the a t· lendance and lnspeclion flags on Den 2. The following Cub9 won badgts for Oclober and November: I)(>n. nerli, Mike Shuchter, Mike Qber, GrPg Von H ortman. Eva1111 Smith, Jim Humper t, Larry Elman, Pat· nck Wernl'r. Biil Warmington. Randy R1gg11 11nd Gordon For..:ty. 1LS11lsU1nt denner11, Bob RuAMO, e Corona Highlands 110, Unn WU ll1m11 and J err liter· cer. ARROW AW A R OS Gold arrowa wl'nt In MlthR~I Vllsack, Larry Elman sml Oa\'l!I Schntider . Sliver armw" W<'re I awarded to Ml<'hec>I V1 l111tck ( 2 I. Peter Ktll, Jrff Cl11rk . Lurry 01h· l'On (2l. Rlrh111d l-lc11 n. l.1111·\· Elman ond Oov1d Sl'hn,.lrler 1:!1 I The lttller tw11 b11y11 &l:;o r1•t't>IVt'll I thl'lr hun badjolC'J!. • I $C'r\'l<°C Sit.In• Wl'rl' h.·~lrl\\'l'd on Jnmr.!< f'l'r11on. r.11·1: \01>11 Ho ffmun, M1•·hat'I V1b.so1·k. Hullln Boyd. Bru1.'<' P·rl'~ton, Larry 1':1· m11n. R11ntly R1gi:~. H11·hn1 .J 1-!111 n. R1rk\• Jtt•·k:<on. l'•'l<'r K .. 11. J .. 1r Clark, Jeri,. Arlnml', 0 .1\'l•l 1 St•llt1t>1del'. Miki' Sh111'111rr, Hill LI n de kl', Cordon 1-'011 J:•'\', Mill Don11hoe. John Shi<'I 111 nnol John Seal. or a short VACATION at Palm SprinCJS Las VecJCIS '--or San Francisco We plan your A rcomodat ions L arge or Small Corona del Mar Travel S.nice flrt'hld &: CoaMt ""'~" H a'fhor 12-16 A m01l unu1ual home 3 bdrms. (plllll maid's room) 3 bathl. Love· ly play room with fireplace 300 ft' lot (yem, 300') with un· ob1tructed view. Oe- •l&'1led ror good living It's fun playing Santa when you give her PTlced to 11ell. BERKSHIRE STOCKINGS CaJJ Harbor llM h your .U\•er service ready for Chrlstmu~ lt'1 "WIRTH" It! E~~ lov<'s lkr!..•lrirl'<l -lhat'ii whv ,.,.u • a11 give et•rryvnr lh('•c ~ltrrr •lin·r f11ll -f.i li1"11 '"' bcauti<'S with r\} lu<'t:: run pro11•1 ti<•ll 111 l"P iH1ol tne 11n1I l nnw ) 1111 'rr (!i' in,: tl11• 1111·,..1 ( l111•1111:is present of all. SilverplatilHJ e1· Silversmiths • • C'IMnlnr • Buftlnr ·~......----Copper, B,_ ~ J'f'M'tf'r WE (;t'ARA:"\&t:t ; C-plete cu .. tomer !ilatld~tlon \'I.sit Our l'nu-uaJ ANTl9UE SHOP f'or Out11tandln~ ('brtalmu (ilrh e WIRTH'S e layside Plating Co. 1914 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a Men Liberty 8·1482 Tbis Christmas GIVE HER A LOVELY MINK STOLE' CAPE or SCARF Complete Selection of Fine Furs In All Popular Styles and Color All Reasonably Priced The Olive M. Dullng label ~prene1 t+ie fine1t in quolity ond WO<lcm9nVl1p BUY NOW On Our Convenient Lo y-Away Pion. A Small Deposit Reserves Your Selection. OLIVE M. DULllG FURS 218 N. Brocrdway, Santa ha Kl 2-1223 T fl HRIF.R S 1 .1~ -I S 150 ;UH l .11 • 11 ,. fo, 7 4 ·11 .; .. -;., ''"r .,1 A,,. f'u•ll\ :\!I';.,, ( nhl OPEN EVENINAS BY APPOINTMENT v. • • Gll{L SCOUl~S .r1~A l(E • 11 • •1:-:>::T 1 !t "--:. ~ r :~v::;.P~ES!;,..cPART 1 PAGE 3 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 . . .. TESTS FOR ROUND.UP Calendar of Events ·TOP DRAWER Mariners Have We·ekend Camf ere nee at Laguna Twelve Newport Harbor Girl Scout Council applicants full of high hopes appeared at the Girl Scout house recently to demonstrate s k ills a nd abilities before the Senior Roundup selection committee. This next to the last exhibition day was spent in planned demonslratiOTI of camping s kills such a.s "pitching and dltchlnJ:" lfnlll. Sharon •Singer, Sul' Brown, Dlant laahmit. cooking o•·l'r uo.cn f (re, Wolfe and Robin Rylell ust> of tool~ and ramrflr .. sin~mg Member" nf lbl' ael!!ellon com- and ent .. rtalnrnent. m1ltee 11rc Mr11. Tt>ll Hambrook. Alon.I¢' with phvllrral l\ktlls tht> cha1m111n: Mrs. C. W . Crowl, two 1!'11'111 11n1I eltern11t10.,-rho,i>n Mr11. John Oertly. Mrs . F:ver .. tt I h All /\ s l'iunan 11nd Mr11. Jark Quli;en- lu etteni 1 t' -mer\•·an t>n-bt'rl , .. M1 11. Albert Rvl<'tl 111 the wr Roundup .HI llt1<'hir1tn in ID~ . · n11114t prove thPir ability to rope voluntl'Pr coordinator for New- with unusunl i<ltunt.ions Tlwy port Council Rtountlul' plans. nrnl<t 118 ,,,. all around p«r'llonnli -Trninlng thr girls In their work tiu and fine ~·h11raclcrll!lics which llr!' Mr11. William Spurg<'on 111. allnw t hem to 11dj11st w!'ll to 8 11 and Mn<. Crowl. Lattr when dele- typr!l of pMple. Thl'y mu"l bP I .:utes and a1tem11tu ~ave been t11p rate voung Amerlran <'lltzenti. l r hoMn from Laguna Beach. Ana- .TAKt: TE~T~ I heim, 1'~ullerton. Santa Ana and Newport Beach they will bl' Work1ns a t t he IHlA "'!!>•l of known as patrol 31 and M rs. th•· tlay Wl'lf' Jerrl Nark. Diane 8 11 t th ( purgeon wi r&m em o r 8•11Hll'rs, ~1:n 11\·11 l'tll')\ Dabnl'y J t t b t l t W1tl1<on, Son<lr;t SpurJ:eon. Pntly c~;1PL prot l'C 8 0 e pu n ? \\'tlcnx. J .. an l{l"ed, Pl'ggy Bueh . c ec nex summrr. AT OONFERESCE 1'fj>mber11 of the M.S.S. Maul 11nrl lit SS. N111st1 11ttenolt>ll • 8 l '111llf1•11•tw<' In l.ngunl\ Bi'll!'h lhf> wet'kend of Nuv. 19 1tnd 20. T oasttn istress Election Night •• 81 CAmp Ehzobtlh Dolph Tht> Camfrrl'n<'e 11t11rt_.d a l 1 p. m. ~;i,., l1qn •II nff11·1•ri. wlll h<' h1•lct 81! many ur the girls wenl to lie(' .11 lh" ;-.:,,,. :!I! 1111 rt111i: 1>1 Harh,ir T "1t · 1111 111· , <:luh 111 H1111p1t11 tity " ~ H• ll"' BRlho>t An 01111 "White ···- ,•pitUlll" a1H ltttn 'ah· \\di ,,_. c•o n - lhu I• d '''""" 10;.: Uh• 111••i•lt11J.t GIRL MARIN8R SC.:Ol ' S lJtanc SandC'rs of M. S.S. Naia d (kft l and IJabney Wat-M•' i\1 111111· Mwhu .. 11 will tJ,. son of M. S.S. M nui fright ) t a ke cn mpin~!;ktlls tcsts. Thl'twoureamu ngqualifwd 11111Mn11,t1 '"'• of 1h1· 1>\1•n1r1i: an1I Clothes!!'"-.;<;-: Day after II Day group from which twu d1·1\-~;i ll·~ and tw11 a llt·rnati•s will bl· <'h osl n tu rc11rr .;l·llt Nl'w-'f "•1k"'' "1" •n• tu 1•· :\l1a1<·s Le· I• v /\nd••1111.11 H11z1•I H Rt~k. R11y po rt Harbor Girl ~cout C!luncll at the A ll-Aml•rJcan Sl·nwr G1r1 -~cuu1 H11u nduup IT11111t\\'1·111 ,111o1 ·"'"' t'lmrlolll' a t Michigan in HJ5G. ~k1nn1•r. 1 --------------------------------------·------The 111vn1 81 '"" .,..,II Ii• J:1"<'n b\• FOR THE NEEDY Mesa Cub Scout Pa ck to Collect Yul e T oys T hi' :"JO\'t•t111!1 r lll•"'ltnl{ 11( f'a• 11 '" 11· .. 111:in 111 .. I ~n·I 01 .. 11.111-.I 111 l ~!l il11 \\' U I V""'" ,\h'•ll 1'11li 1111· I'"' k t.\ \[,,. I. I-"""''''II :.; • "'" 111111 tht-lr J'Itl l'lllll l•J H1u -J11•11 .\l11lh1•1 f"r 11t n 3 Th"Y '"''' l'"r ~·hoot re1·enlly. A t ten1J11n1, ,.,i.1 I•• th,. ,.,,,,,..,,, .. \\ 1111 p1"' Pi"'' RECOGNITION SCOUT DINNER 1 ht .u 111uu I ~, ''"1gn11 H•n 1hn· 1111 '"' rll uolulli. purt11·11111t- 1n1: tll lh1· 11.11 t1<11 er1•1t Ii<•\' Sc ulll f'l"Lh•ltl \\Ill h•· h•ll lh•1 t; 7 p UI 10 Al t•l 1ll1~1· ( ·,q l I ·,,jt,·~·' U• Lor d1n~11 Ju \\ I \\II"'" 1t o1•111lw1 .,( I h" • l I I ' ' I 1 ' t•IUll• ...... Jftft I h.t1fl Ir\ (nl t r •hn1 • f lt tl t .11 .. ,k 1i'vealC'<l llt-n I l\>11tl111g with )o!u1ni; 1nl11 lh1• p.11k ltl'll~tJr\' I I All•uduUt•· '" h~· 1f·.,1t\t· a r"P' 1'11enUll1un ti( 27. ))pn ~ 111.111· 1t .. 11 I '11l • •'"''"""Y h• ~l d 111rni:1 >tt1rat.•t1 the t>\'f'n•ng'g t'ro«·e~dH~,.:~ I h•· ,.,, n1n..: 1nttt11 1t-d l\•'llfl• 1h ~1 • 1'00 "01' ~,,,I "111 ' 1 tw ..._ •. , 11 - \\ hll h r1t rly ln\"luth•d t'llllllllllnl\Y (" 'l•l • SI tJ•ltt•n J\1111.•\ti>n!( I: 11 \ "1 lo\ 1 llhto Iii• J;, \ ~ .. II' :-.1ns;:,lng lerl hy Hen fl S.n•t sk lllt f.th\\\ H.11 1y Hall. Uunn~ Ctwul-11 '1*•ll•'1 d ''1'1' ... '11 1''"' ''1 1'rt"'lll•nlt•d hy J 1,•tu• J fHHf :l. IH!\I\, K1ul T l1HlUI\ s1.~phcn,.t1n . lh• t ... ,, :-.. .••• , , ., ' or ~' ;uil t11u•p \\ 1lh \\I • h ftw Philt I' Cub111a111er Jn• k F'le11 lwr urgl'd A \'"' >""'" k• ,,.,., 1tln1 11\\IU.f 11111,, ,1, 1 1111 pa•• lllflllbt'1~ 111 hr lni.r lh .. tr WAii "'"t'I" to Ith tu111I L111.k '-------------- pr_.11.-nts nf t•lothtnJ;' or Ct•v.-(11r Ch1• :i.•·nt ~wt\I• t' ·•\\Ut•b• '4• ut n"r<ly huyi< ioml .:1r1,. tu thr' next I" CJ""'"" I '<11 11>·· 1!11g0•1 111 "'"' I'll' k ll1<'1'llng. H11n111t.I l'1•rf' ,,, P.1111 \\ 1•11\' 1( .. 11 1tld ShUl\\'1•11 11111 1111111•1 ·'""'I fl l 'KnlSt'lll' c:1•J,.tOI \' ('•tt' tlt•flf\ 1t~·11n,. "nil 11a,·1.1 Kl'n•lnll Art ::"\e••b 1(11\'C' llw l1t•1J!0111r1 ·11 r<'l'lfll l II ntl ll I l pc>rt or IHC.01( rt·•• l•r1ng mndP "" th .. mi.: 1lr1n• ""~ (;l\••n l•.Y ~1111 lll'th .I• nk •. Thrrn11kl(l\'lnlt 1111k"Y 1IM'•>1 nl to11 Panhel to H ear tllhtr" tt"4t"t\ln~ 1r•uctt.'H•M t 1 Ht'J'UlUJ*la"'hllU'fll!"i \\ flf i1 \ :11•' t'1.,• •'Id futtl 1'Jl''' r \\••IJ hi to\\ t .J•·r1 \\ 1h., v. ulf tutd~.tt ultf j• ol I \\fltl Htl•\\. ''nt l•.uu•1n l '1f l .... u ht t.._1 lJ~~.l,,l:L' nf fl,, I'\ r•nlf1,b ''.l' 4 I t •lli•\' 11,l! ••f .111 -, • , u. "t r11a_. t 11, 1 t tllll F:ast for Holiday ·'''~ "··1u1t •h c·.111lir1a.: "' n. ,, Hn l~ 1\' ( 't•ltilfillrl\ly 4 'ht ~t C"HUq• t .,.ll • 11.111 111.11 . fl," tu F.li:•n J II lu h n·t· T• 1t k').."' •liq• \\ 1• h tu 1 "'* '•"I "'I t1 11••'1 ~t• \\Ill 11•lu111 M'"· u 111•ll11 B 1hinn lh• ,.1,.,1.:r b\ M 1 ~. Na•l111 .. H ill """ I ht> l•>- r1111111<lrPs,. w1ll lw J\·11 ~ l'llt B<·r - i.:1•r l\'11'-1t11 k C'mh1.rn will giv1• lh•• 1 .... .._,,n ''" IMJ l1tt1ut•nt •I \t ht.\\\ l\IJ , Alb• ti J11h1111"11 \•Ill bt: lf'XI· 111lng11il. J\111t NBdine 11111, tmw1 und award14, 1'v11lu11lor. lllr~ l':o1- w111 •I J\111 k ov1r h an•J lh<' pMrl will Of' i:1wn b\' J\l r!' Jaw· I>. 1'11'· 11-«llsun 1)1•· lllf'l'l1ni: •~ •!pen t.o j llll 111terl'i<tr.I w p1111'11 !Trio Classique 1 at Laguna Gallery 011 :-ir11111.tH\ 111 I! r 111 t~l.11· I I!"'"' Ho .. 1• h A 11 t :11 I• r \ .,. 111 prt'- •·11t tht· tu Mt ul it' ._, t 1•' 1tf lUn · ••• ,,,. to1 th.• !-lf\!t ?\ .. fl (\hotrman. .luloll H111i.:lo1t11 h.1, "'1 lltl'd lhC' I T r 1" f"li.iu•tqtl• 8 itrmrp rnmpn~- 1111: ('ulh"11n1 JA• k ..,·11 h.11p1~t .. J.,. •h 1 u k I•· .nn•·lh ,.,,•hnt ~11'"' 111·~h1.n1t .. 11t \\,1ll1t·1~ hnc-,.,.. r I~""· Th• )\tt t hr',, lllUJt1C'Utn11 h .. ,. ""''K'"' th1·11 .. k111M And Ar- ,, fr \ tn uhl.11n tt n• W ApJlrOAt h tu 111u."''' .1 ••r.t•·1 l un1111·nt Speaker on H oliday Decot Sf ... tl! I l""h f lri: !U I u, 1it .• <>•I I\' II• rl1 J• •I<• 11 .. '1 i '' '"' th•· ,,., ,,,,. nt , f ' , t11111111 Fh•~ t ••·n 'i tt tt •t11ut '•· t II· 11'•'•'11fl~ • .\1•r1·11t1111e a ll111ltr1I numl"'r u f pupll~ for 11hrnn t 1 m·r rl l 'l,ir1"1 uf 1 hr•"' t nntlnr nt• •·nufur.t•~ ''"•••·111 ''' f\•1la t\urh•k A Chrt1<\111a~ frl r Ill •I 1111<klnt.: rJ huluia\' th. .. "\•JlttlJnn-. ~•II ht un lht' llJi!t'noltt fnr URrl><or 1•u11h• ll .. n 11 wh• n t h11 i;roup mC'"l l' :--uv .. 111 Ill 7 ;{I) p. Ill. At thP h llMIC' ,.( ~lr <I. H •h1lrll \\ .. nk••r. 372.IS <•• eRn Uh·d., Corona ''"' Mt•r. Is H os less to Univer sity \\'om en \ft ~ C..:• ... ~·· f\.t th '1._•11 !'--• ,, t Pt I\•· \' , ... t1 .,.. • .... 11 "'"' .: : ' Howe.rd C"lupp, 1n~ln1< tut 111 rHI 111 .. ,,,,, ,11,,1 1,.,, •I 1.1 ti•• •• • , 1:u; Snra llrh 1· Ph. lla r. 2039 (. or1111:i 1'1.i.:hland"' -Coronu d 1•I ~tar .............................. -···-··········-·~= ...... . ~ .. Christmas . ..:... Some have never given it a "Thot" and others have -Well --It's really some- thing> to think about - -CLOTHES?-YES The Clothes you We Are Happy to Serve You wear .J <>-I~ee SPORT SHOP 1823! Newport Ave. t 'OSTA Mt:l>IA Lady Baden-Powf'll at Sant& Ana 10 the morning. The Camferf'nce co'mmlllH ta made up of two repreRntatlve1 from nch Sf'nlor Girl Scout troop In Orange County. They makl' all the plane with little u - 1l11tance from the leaden. Saturday startt'd with regl11tra - tlon and each airl wu ual&'Jled a patrol. They patroled meettnp and the patrol le&dera went to 11. Court ot Honor. After dinner one ot the troops had a campfire where all ot the glrla aaeembled and a 11pealter lalkl!d on the many thing» the Girl Sl'oUla have done thla year. Sunclay'a agenda abowed Scout• Chm and church aervlcea for tbe ditrerent denomlnaUona. Alao, there were five different dl11cu1- 11lon group11 on the many oppor- tunities afforded by Girl ~t-out­ lng. Each troop wu In charge of lwo or more dutlea, thl1 w,.y each troop had a part In making the Camference a auccMt. It. cloaed a l 4 p.m. Sunday. All lhe glrla carnf' bac k wllh •a better knowledge of Scouting 'and many-new trlenda trom all over Orange County. Munl1ln« ~ut Bc:1"·1 :Wt. !\'.Inc-inch wooden bowl holds large supply or nttt11. Crac-k - er and 111x p1C"ka art' alwaya ready for UH in center, l:!cl, lt.70 ·NOV. ts UNJON Thank...-lvlnr aervlce A: drama, 7:30 p.m. SL Andrt!W"a Preabyterlan Church. NO\'. !6 F.A.C. Oard Party, 12:SO p.m. NOV. H ELKS CHARITY dlnntr dance. CONCERT, Trio Claulque, I pm. ~na Art Callery. NOV. H AM. LEGION AuxUlary. NOV. ti B 0 8 8 I: S NIGHT, Executive Secretarlee, Irvine Cout Club, Trio Receives Kappa Keys K'appa. Kappa Gamma la •An- nouncinr an overalght in reporl· Ing .lta recent pruentallon of kcy1 alf1\ltytng ~O yeau of mrm- berl!hJp. The Southern Orange County Alumnae ANoclallon of KKO pniMnled lhrH lnalead of two plna, Mra. R. P Morrill, 304 Jll'.11mliie Ave .. havmg been a ~­ clplent. ,Olhera were the Mluea Rulb R. Maxwell and MAltle 8. Lacy, alao of Corona del Mar. Tlt~-~ 8&liNtc'ue 81-t. Brig-bl, ltAinleu 1tecl bl&.dea with poHahed ro11ewood hand- Ir• that have hang-up leather lhong1. Jiandlea are extra lonir lo prevent buma. t3.96 lalboa hlaad for' Girls & Boys 3 -bx 7 -,. Sub Teens Now Giving 1 ,s £,ti_ I Green Stamps' Domhaloa l:lectrte Cora Popper Alumlnum base .and ln11ert wllb glaaa cover eo you have the Cun oC watching com pop! Comee complete with four plullo eervlng bowla and UL approved cord. Ideal ror a f ltl -ror yoW' own home, too. M .'16 Ute Our o-..-t LAY·AWAY l'IAN i;.t,.ak Knlf.. 1'14't. We believe )'OU Wlll BKr<'e with us that thlA aet hmk1< u if It 11hould rOllt twice u much t H eavy- K"ugt>, hollow·grounol, 11ta1nlen 11ladt's I C'l In ivory 111yrene ron· toured hanillts. Stt of a1x kn1ve11, 16.B~ ~\l!!!fiiii 1802 Newport Blvd., 0oMa .._ Uberty 8-1426 We Give & Redeem Clowll Stam.,. -....~rffll _ fot -ev~el toes .•• 01Rnge Cos"t C11llt1t•'. will bo thl' 1111 .. 1 1r1~ .. r ~"""' '"" • ll•ll'' , ICpt'llkt'r, 1'hOWlll!C UllJ:lnlll flor ii /\1\11 t1n1n .\ ''" 11 '"" t•I \'1u t I 1111d table d1·< 111at 1nn" fur l'hn•t-811 ,. \\',.1111•n mu . Plllllll \\Ill II""'"'" f1•r a A"'l•llnl>' hi""""'''''''' \I Chr111lm•11 r "l v '" .... "" h hll~· ,,,.,. 11.1111 \ F 11 " ·' ""' '~· II I ' b&ncU Will be 1nv1lrtl. H o1pkin• ,,.,,f :\h -'' ll• 1""1 I l.1 m orning & glories ~ Fur Trimmed Moccasins-- Smart-Comfortable to warm and warm their their • hearts Ho11L41,.....1 "'"''t1ni: ;\Ir• \\ .. nk-.. m l ~1"' '-"'' t l " ' '11 • \1 • f'r•'1U1ndu1l11:\lm•' ~'.ln11r l "'-I""' llol 1r l \Ir·~-,,, Lanni', The0tl11r,. .Juhn""" 1,.·on-J nr1t.. II• • l•·•I I h• '" •1.••1"1' • Hrd B11IUt'r :mr1 Thm1111 • ~-, .. ~I. \\1•1 ltl l1.t1I• ':J.i11 e :J)ecora ling Service -4.wo i I J 7}011 ITJa11Je'1J A remJnder t hat :in r11rl~· Mtil'r :t!<:-un•!i ff11lidny Delivery of Sl'IL'Cled P11:n·s r1f F 111" F1111111 t1re Corona del Mar Lamps Ynnr Chri1<>e ('If °'"r 401111 Lamp• " and Tlw Encha11ted .... !t. "•I•, S•••• A•• Ba lboa Island Shades • J)f'rfrt I Ill brln11 In ~""' 1.-ml' Cotlatre ...... IU·2·121~ • ,. I .. ·'· ~ %t~~ +·-- ----... I I I Fr"'' l I ll wrapp1~ -·------+ Quilted Nylon Satin Robe with La ce Trimmed Neck and Sleeves • l'ttllW._ 111 p:ts\d pink Rnd Spt.'l'lally rr.1111 s . wh1k pnC'ed blur . J at ·14 95 CnnH• in nnw ancl ""'<"- our collect1nn nf Beautiful Robt>~ and <:1ft L1 n~enc- Corona c.J.-1 Mar Whlt.r, rN. b111_. and Y•llo•'-s 2 99 Slipper Sox Grand for LounCJiftCJ • • • warm woe>J-soft l.ather soles .•• Romeos •.. Soft leather upper, elastic on side for comfort and snUC) fit •.• at the head of your Christma5 list ... at the foot of the Christmas tree .•. g ift sl ippers. Come c hoose from our huge se lection KA/ll'S K US TOM SHOES MA DC . I 12•• Moccasin Type Slippen trim, '"*' looldnq, comfottable ••• in black and brown. Gift wr•ppeel Jn pl•stic: boxes ••• B pair for •2•7 JlfJ'lne H~ 51 OIMll'e ,,..~, .. , 3 pair for Blvd. 17 I• Newp~rt ~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~-~-~$=--~-~-~--~~h~~~ next to .Safeway in Costa Mesa ' r I I ·1 • PAGE 4 ·PART I -NEWPOltT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2!. 1955 Original Television Opera l(ln11 BallJHll.Ar, and Clf'n Or(Wtf u The Pace . OCC Christmas Prodll(tion ~ill ·· Amahl a nd Ult Nt1hl Vl•I· tora" lht flr.tl op.ra commlNlon· td upeclally tor ltlfvlaion ud prel'tnted originally In 19111. will be tht Chnatmu production al Orangt Cout Collf'ge on Dec. 18 PrH l'nlallp n of th• opera will ht-In lhf' ntw colltge audllorl~m. It hu bHn announced u a Chrl•t· mu gltl lo lht community by Or· an gf' Coast Colltge The perform· ance will bf' open lo the public without cha rge. TEMPTED TO 8TEAL I Wr1llt'n by Olan·Carlo Menotti. the Opl"rll WIUI flrel fiVen In the I NBC Televlalon Opera Theall'r In ew York The &l'tnl' 11 the In· tenor of a •hf'phl'rd'11 hut where Am a hl llnd hl1 molheor llvr. Three or1t>nt11I klnJ11 enur t he hut. car· rylni; rlt ti gifts on their pilgrim· &fl!'. \\'hih• tht Icing• aleep. lht mother 111 tempted to atul the gold tot ht'r own <'hlld. Then. be· Mesa House Robbed SA NTA A NA. IOCNSI -Tht South Cont Conetrucllon Co. or Nt"".J)Ort Buch told 11heorltr11 de· pullt• Nov. 18 that ca bl()el doors. 1tr~ven1 and a vent tan worth a tot I of 181.4!1 were atolen fro an unflnlllhf'd hou1e at Irvine Blvd. ant1 Walnut Ave .. ..1 Costa Mesa. JUNIOR LINKS ACE -Irvine Coast Country Club Tournament. Chairman I rving Watcher, left. presents trophy emblematic of junior golf championship to Jim McAlee J r. al recent dinner mceU -Maggie Price Photo I Ray Ilk• Stolen I Mr1. Arthur Ray, 61 1 lrvlnr Ave.. told pollrr Nov. II her 11on'g b1kl' had l>«'eon takl'n from Horace Ensil(n School g'round1. Red Pun• Staten M r1<. RolM' MHI)' D 'Or111 uf l .. ns Angt>lea report1•11 the Cl flf hl'r 1 t>d lt>alh!'r pur1'1' I<• Nt'wporl Hl'ttrh police on Nov 11 Sh1• mud I SPEAKING OF FASHIONS IN HARBOR the purse l'on1111nr•I $8 amt Ii • 1 t'd· ll card and WR!! l8ken from =""" · port Pier. These and others will be modeled at the Christmas Pre\'icw's Ott. 3 fashion show Buell Mat Takell in Rendezvo\18 Ballroom, Mrs. Sidney Peck, left. tells Mrs. Olin Lisk, center and OQug Bu,11. 3:\ 12 r.. l;o&'<l Mrs. Ruby Fox, all of whom have been inviting local folks to participate in the style Highway. 1111<1 :-:i·ww11 1 R"'« h .oiree. Members and husbands will wear authentic costumes of horseless car· I pohce that a rub"'r mat vnlu"d riage dav. at fashion ahow to introduce today's fashiom1. Kate Quinn and ~en at $S!'i hud hP<'n token from the J-1 l'ar ot h111 hClmr al approxlmalt'· Niles will collaborate u ,eommenators. -Don' Bush Photo Jy 1 a m . Monday. IN BEST MELODRAMA STYLE Ii J T • n•(' ••'""t' Crom "The Remarka ble Jnc1df"nl Ill C&r80n Cor· nt'r• l<hnw• n .. rrv ':'ol a, 1 Mr. KovaJ,sky 1 a1·ru.•<'d Jan1I or ~r11rp1tni;:-"1lh mny Mt'Gtnn1io. playt'd b\' Mike BarUtll on fat• Cul r,r,. l'Sl"a p•· whn " murder O<'cur" ~u.~n Cll.ldwt'll pln\'l'<I hy SRntlrn \\'1lh11ms looks on In !mun ht•rror Thf' play 1" 1 .. I>• 11rr•••nl•'•I ''''''"'"~" nf Der 2 1<h1l :t "' I\ 0'1 lnrk l>y h111h ttehool iwn1tir' in ll('h<)(ll auditorium. ' HARBOR CHAMBER WOMEN'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lancaster, Van DeVeere Now on Duty at Kodi.ak with Navy Kt)DIAK, 1 Ji·HTtl:CI --Al the I' ~ ~1vul S1nt1nk Ko<11Ak, All\· ~"11 f01r \1111\' 11 11' .flmm1e D l..8n· c-'Ht l•'I ' 1nn\nu laun :ipprenlH'e. l'1o11,.1111r1111r1 H1111 .. 1111n. l'SN. of :11 11 Bil\' SI , < 0 olSl.t Ml'"'" 11 n d J,.11 \' ,\ \"n n O>'Vl'l'l 1', t'Onl!I rlll'· l•on:1111n. l"""'t111111un li11ll,1hon, t·s~. -.on "' M• ;1nol -''"' J A \'an 11 .. v .... , .. " 1 ~72 Ph1L"e WRONG PEOPLE 'Grove Driver Arrested I or Shout by Cop H•• h111.t !':lit.:""'' F'l,.lt h•·r 21 n ( 12112 Tlll"k. C11rrl1•11 C:rn\'t', ptcketl lhP wroni: pe<•J'I" I» ,.h .. lll et y,·1·dn•>,.1l11y night 1n 1·c.-1a M"~' A 1 tllzen's 11rrt»•l h\• 1·o•IH MeAA l'Oli<"P Off11·1•r (;I· nn F: \\'ulkM' 11•~1111 ••d In Fl«lt h• 1 '~ bi111k111~ In t ll nni:•· 1 • .. 11nty Jr11l Ill II :111 I' 111 1 .. 1 •ll•tul tlln>; the pCAl't' ><-. ("0J1la Ml'~a: Th<' :'\11v11I ~rntlon 11' hl'ndq1111r· tn s tor the-lil h Ntwal Oisl rlrt 1111d Commendr r, Ala11kan S 1• fl Yronllt'r. Thl'SI' ll<"llVlllt'll f'l'O\ltdl' l<ri;tiAll(' o;upporl for Nll\•l\t vNll'lt-1<•. lnrlurl· tng floalinK drvd1wk ftt• ihlle• r• .. t•onnatA!Anc•"' a 1rr ruft. An•I N8\'Y "'"' •mJ 111r r""""" 11nil,. Kodtnlc lslnn<l. 111111 ot thr Nn· vy·,. n111 lhrrnn111l<I 1'Rval Slllllun 11> lo1:a1ed o ff the ""Ulh·1f'nlt11t C'Olllil of A l111<k·i Statia Notes 30 Years with Firm Stanley ll SlRlh1 of :17111 l.Akf' StrPrl, \hi~ 111•1nth 1~ •••I· hr 11 nn11 hi~ 30th )1•,1r w1lh Tltlr In.ill an, t• 11nd TruHI Comp.on\" l'r\'111· tfrnl E1 ne.11t J t ... 11•1>1><>1 kr· 11nn11un· tl!J IQ<IH)' J n1mng lht> Lo~ A ng!'I>'~ l1lll' firm un Nov. 'l l!l:l~1 SI 11t1H 1~ rurr,.ntly M """l~litnl ~"''r"tary ancl m11 nnl{rr nf lhr puhlk r<'<·· c•rtllo 1hVl.'UPn Ill lhr 1•1o11nl v r·our1 hOlllll' ... DEATH NOTICE \\'ul\cl'r "pm l•·d 11 • .1r piu•~eJ 111,. VC1lk~" ·~"n Ht ,, h1J.:h rate M 'J><'l'd. tu l I 1ni: In '" 111 .,f him 1n ll n·· kl1 ""' 111ann• r u1U"1df' thfl tll\' 1111111" •n ll 11hrn 111'"1 At th•: 111 ,, 1t11u1i. 11" "ir '"'" •·•l I UA \'ID <Tur: • olrHI ''"l'I"' I 11 ~ti., ll.11 h<'1 n lvd l'llVlll•• i;:-r.tl\'f''l·lr ~l'l\'11 • • \A Ill \\"hrll \\'i;lk••I, 1u loo f'·•"•"•I Fl<'I· h<' hrJ.I .\ton•lay al 2 :lO I' m 1n j l'h• r ollf'I!" lh I•·'"'"' from hl!I tl11rhur R· •I Mrmnn;\I l'nrk Cr·m j .-ar w in I""' 111111 h"llrl'l-'1 ion ob• .,,,.rv fnr f)ft\t1<1 C'nrlr ~ n11t1\-r llCt'n" r"m1111< 11 .1 1 .. 111 ' •re f ll1\• r~1·!o' uf 2211'' !' l'11rk v.·111k"'' w11 ... Etnin,. wa• nf· ,.,,., f:anta AnR. Y.h•• •hl'ol 111 frn•J..,I b\• II" If ma1 k \\"11lker HoR,1!' Hn•pllnl fnlloow1ni: .1n 111111'· •11111 Hf' 1 u1 nt••I 11n•t i<l1•ppt1I tn mnb1lt' at·c1dent nn Th111 ""'" H• ,,..,nt of F"ll!'l< h• r' r.1r Thr JlOl1<" """ 11 morh1nf optrlllor fur th•• •.ffrr!'r' 'lll•I F lf•lt hl'r 1 lln" l'\'Pr J nt-n J F'oster Co at c· .... 1n .\ff''ll I f1•l." <'lt"nr h"1I 11n•I 1J1•mnnd,.1l. Tht> RI',. Arthur l"•••frr•••n or · \\'hnl "· hot h••rtnir y1o11 " \\'slkPT FIJ\w SquarP ~llpl'I Chuh h ~.1n· tolol him an•I nm1J.• lhP 11rr.-.J1l ta Ana. of wh1rh th" •I"• rn•r<I wa11 R mtm~r. wlll nff111l1to> f11tur<> lnrlwl1ni.: It~ a nnua.l pello nntl i:nrdr•n 1 .. 11r tnr thr 11pnn11;, v1me l'ffr• tl\1' work :uwlU'd a t r<'e phrnt111g pMjtrnm, t'•lr\lr'tpal1on in t hr 1 mrnt \"·w•dr lw1111t1f1rnt1on con· Survivors arr h 111 pn r rnl~ Mr 1111d Mr11. Birt Cude '1f th" h•'"•" two 11istl'r11, Mr~ l.n,. lt••nnrh Santa Ann 11n•I !'-11• M11q:1 rll•• Antnn, 111~ Ani:<'ll'~ l'11rkc~·Rhllr\' Mort1111r~ 1~ in COMMITTEE To EULARGE I ;\(IAJS !'oiT 1\11.l,l\OAJU)S n II u• 1.,,r.,11.-.i \hat lhr11e womt>n charj:<' <)( HI r11ng,.m,.n1 • TRAVELING ••• or SHIPPING Use Santa Fe The only railroad under one mana2ement between California·Chica10 ,.., For over 80 years, Santa Fe Railway has served the Nation's shippers and travelers. Tbcre is a Santa Fe man living in your town. He has o nly one reuon for being in business -to help provide you with the best, most economical rail transponation to your destination. Call on him. Santa Fe -America's New Railroad , 111•• "l'l'"~'"J:' "'" llllbJI'• l nf the B"irmninlt'" pr1"1J:111m or lnrr.-&.11·' Clu b and 11t wh1r h Mrl'I. Strw1u'l m pltlly 1111 n•A,~1111: bill hnMJ~ !•n ~d 11t't1P•'. lh4' \\·oml'n'10 ,C'.,mm1ttel' prt-.sldl'll. Thi' ,,nl 11 • r·ommitl<'l' 1 ro11cl11 11nd h11:hw1n·11. a.nd cla.lm of the Newport llurbor C-ha.mber I will mret At lrA!ll ti'-1,.,. A year lhc-y w111 lr\' lo •In !'lomrlhlng lo <>f Commt'rCt' 11 In hf' ,.nlArtlt'"I The nrxl mcl't111i:: tof 1111 womt'n hrlll t hr un111i::hlly '1tul\\1'1n, In f rom 1t11 htn-lofon' I~• nirmh, r9 tn Chambt'r memb<'rll 1• tn bl''" hrdul· 1nnJ1tru-l11°n \\th <>1h1•1 Ch11mber of l ncludt all womtn m,.111h•'rll .. r th• 1 .. .i for • arly 111 J11n11111' ••f thr npw •C-0•n11n• ·• r ""'""'n • romm1ttrt"io in , See the NEW R.C.·A. Big 21'' ••• Chambrr. \'1>11r Err. 1 l• will hi' n11u1._. 10 lh" • •mnl)' In thr put t htn> h~!l 11 .. .,n .;n h;n·,. "1lll11" "1'"<'1111 "J'"Akl'r, 1111t•h .\Ir• i::1 .. w11 rl '-tlrJ thr funda· acll\'P ~rnup of 16 "'omrn h< :1ot· I <lll .\11 .. ~ G1111 r ~In• rm• 1 wtw mrn111t · rurJ'l'•f' of I ht' w11men' f'rl hy 11 chairman 11rro1ntM by !!f>nke a~ lh" la!ll !lll•·h, rnr('llOJI rnmn11tt0 t' i:i In prnmntr 11nt1 10· I t he f'n'lltdtnl ot th.-C-hlln twor ~hr Thi' "XP• U\l\f' bnnrol "· lllr wo orc1m11l• Cl\"lt "n rt t'nmmunlly I In turn hu a ppolntl'•t th• m• n1t>-orio men'!l 11mnr hi" null nl'<t R rrn· rr"JN l• 11nc1 mn•'t"mcnt• Pl!J'l"Clll.lly of h'r wnrlllng C'omn11ll•,. nnil sh,. grtlm of Art1nt~ fror th.-1mm.i1lale atfrninir wnmPn All•I lhf'lr home11." automal1rAllY h1o11 h< ''""" 11 mcm· ~r nf lhr Bo&rd ot I h r,.r lon1 of thl' Chnm~r. The commltlH nt 1:1. -.nd .a cha.lrmU1ed, will now 1 on!ltllule t he ExrruUVI' &u fl r•f lhe tn· llu·p:e<I \\'omrn'a Commlltr.• :i.tro T . D11nc11n StE'Y.-atl I• t'h111rrnM or t his RNlnl !Llld will 1t11 r rf .. rf" ~ 1'11111r11111n of th.-new nll ln• 111 a1w rommlllH. sr.w, a,· .J.A W l'I :-;I'\> h\' lllW!O lCI t'ffo I I I ll\lf I h.1 ni; ,, \\ ,., •• p81U11."I 8 I "' Ir• • n I rnrd1111. of lh1 \\'11mf'n • C1°11111 It'~ Re.Ap t t\rlrl lit Tr \'lnt' \·u11nl•\ I Saturcta y Billy Arthur's Orchestra PuhUr ID\'ltt!d l)Oc IH't pt>rM>n ~•·wport Hiarhor IA>gion Hall 1."•th St. 1&t Ra~ Front COLOR TELEVISION RCA First In B~k 1* White> Trlt \'i'llon First in Color Television See This Beautiful Set Priced In action ... color pictures 7cn91ow5cn shown daily in our show rooms. Phone us for t ime schedule and drop in. Bring A New Wortd of Color . i Into Your Home! l 'ou'll 84't' pictu"'8 big a>1 Uf.-••• RfoaJ u life .• • on RC~ Color TV 1 . DAVIS· BROWN CO. 1885 Harbor Blvd. C0sta Mesa Uberty 1·3437 .. caUH or the almple ta.llh of the mother and child. Ame.hi la cured and leavea lo Joln the lcln,.. Tht tntl~ production la bein1 conducted by Howard Kay, mu11c ln•tructor al 0 ran I e Coaat Jamu Fltqnald la dlrect1n1 VO· cal s roupa. Lucll'n Scott ta ln ch&r&t' of act1n1 and Ml c•nalruc· llor . Eu1tac• Roju will direct lht orchulra and Howard Clapp o( lhe-art department la a•l1tln1 with Ml dn lsn and prorrun•. Benrly Campbell la dil"t'Ctinl the choreogTaphy. to-VOICE C'HORt'S A choru. ot 90, and a 11tare chorua o r 2• volcea will be em· ployed In the production . The danclnr group will number 1lx and a Ul·plece orcheel ra wlll be In the pit. ln the r ut will be Sara Met· cell al Amahl: Barban Jackaon aa H11 )fother; Marvin Luck u Kln1 Kupar : Borden Orangtr u Kini' Melchior : Bob Stoala a• Mesa~ ·~ .,,, 2ND llG WEEK !'Rebel -Without A Cause'' CllM'ft\&8(>ope \\'.,...roolor ''T.-.Age Crime-Wave" NOW SHOWING I" TWO FEATURES M·G·M's Bl1·St1r Comedy· Romance I •'file !!nde~ Trap• Frank Sinatra · Debbie Reynolds David Wayne • Celeste Holm .. LEWtS PluA Errol Flynn "THE WARRIORS" <·nntlnuoua Tlu.nkrtch In&' .ti l"unday from 'l :M Evtaln« !'4how .iarta l :IO Wf'CI., t"rl. 11nd ~t. Prl~ for 111111 plf'tu"' adult• SI.Oii. j ,,., H r, (111111 %.k Next Attl"Mltk>n "Quentin Durwood''. "Shack Out on HH". Now Sho"'inl ~hnw •tam l :U f'Vrnlnr• Cont. ~un. from ! :30 WMf ··-"' ...... la f'elflJNy't He-4 ... •'"' ,.,..., "''"' ol ""•"Y ,.~,,,..~._.-... .. , CINl!MAScof'i: !.~ ... RICHARD EGAN ·· DANA WYNTER CAMERON MITCHELL Special Kiddin Holiday Show kiday, Nov. 25 at 1 :45 Adult.I' Wrlrofnf' Chlldrf'n 2!'>c Adult" 50r Kid'fll Mat. Sat. I :4!\ -"OVt;Rf.ANO PAClf"lf'' STARTS !'\EXT wtmNt:."illAY ... ANAHEIM, MATER DEi IN CIF BID ClF lfl'ldiron ... ay In Or· an&a County itt~ und1>rw11y t onight Ill 8 p. m on two fronts At Parat .. Stadium in Cos· ta M l' 11 o. SUMt>l Lf'&jrlll' C'bamp An11hr1m, It'd by Half· back J.hckey Flynn. make11 op,.mng b1J fer top pr~p pls;- ak1n honors ai;Alnst twrty Mt. Carmel ll'll be Co I u n 1 11 t s~ed &nd g r o u n ,1 r o w e r against M t. C"armcl's ,\·right and p1111.~lng lhrest In S11nta Ana Municipal Bowl. P a r or h 111 I LeaKtJt' champ Matt'r Dr1 tnces Bell Gard~na. run1wr-11p 111 the R lu Hondo Leoi::-ue. Bolh lht> Coloni8t8 a nd Monarchs a re undt'feated thl!I se11son Mt. C:innrl 1s unil•'· fe11tecl but lWICI' l il'tl, 8Pll C1trdrn11 hA rl a =>·'4 srnaon ree- or.t. but won four. lost on• In loop play. HORRORS! PIRATES CRUMPLE BEFORE RIVAL · POWER; LOSE GRID FINALE 21-6 Fighting valiantly apin.lt superior power, once ltopplnc n... fourth down tacM u. the enemy on the aix inch line and again QD the 1 yard line, =~ B~~ oui:-~: lhe Orange Cout College Pirat. finally crumpled under the pe.s u.. porkhlde • to H&1tbaclc pressure and fell 21~ before the Vlkinp ot Loac Bel.eh City BW Barrtloe all aloM In the College in frigid Pirate Stadium WedDeedaJ DJcbt. It wu =•~ ~~ ~on~; laet gridiron fray of th• .......... and Bill Mex-mle maldias W&J at MJtUmt, , .. ..,..wt th• for lhe Buc11 and left them wtt.h .ttal cant•. llcX .... a~-loc9l a.da. an overall record ot lhrM wtu, ly 800Nd an. Bw NCOl'de4 a 'J1lle vsu. oMrpd down to the rive i<>lff• and on• U.. tint down • tile VUdac I. A.a a~ ua. wtMn tM Buee J\ekS Vp unUI the fl.nal two millute11 onatde J*'&lty awun.d t.bat. fol· In ta.. Wrd ..,ur. But UM or the pme, It -appea1'9(1 the PU-~ by a backfield In motSca 1taa47 ,..._.,.. pro'Nd too mucb. oles stood a chanct (o end tll.etr wtlJcb mOftd u. ~tal.DC a... paated out to t.be oranse 11ch~dule juat ._, they bepn It-B~ back to u. rtftl ll. Oout IT and Romo and Haltback with a 13-13 deadlock. Tbe econ ·. 0u7 J101ft11 puncbed that pek>ta at that 1tace favored th• Vlkinp NOi' lmNUD rtpt back to u.. Ptnt. 4. On 13·6 a.nd the Buca ha4 •topped llc:lt~• c:ro. llUclwd to UM tourtJa dow1a. BaJftieck Cbarl• the third Long Beach p>alward T and Bu.a llammed to t.bl I Morrell 800N4. drive on the OCC 1. There ap- peared •ufttdent time to lilt the a trlanes and acoce. DA.JUNG TYPE HARIOR ,o~ WHERE · THE GOING GETS KINDA TURF Nation Needs S-D Day -for Ducks Now! Playlnr the darlns type or football necessary to do that, Quarlr rback Bruce K nipp atart- ed throwing p&Mf.'!I from be.hind hlot own goal. The pigskin got 11w11y from him on a tineak at· tPmpt and lhe Vikings were cre- dited w1\h a 11ately. Thia put the ga.rrie away for the rlval.t 1~·6 "' minute and 24 aecondll before BILL PHILLIPS, Sporta F.dttor Maybe rambling Sailor B back Bill Buckland •looks lilc<' he's going to get smcarea now. But this situation arose after the boy had battered through the champ· ion Anaheim li ne for 8 big yards. Unable to get • Hl8 J'IME OF-YEAR -1'hat would ~ ba.sl<eThall season, and here, looking forward to a winning sea. son at N<'wport Harbor High School rs Tar van1ity coach. J uke Gag<'. Pirst public outing for his prep cagers comes al 8 tonjght in the Sailor gym. -Stai/ Photo Traffic Congestion Avoidance Impractical for Winter Games S AIRAMl''NTO. tCl"~l Sllltl' l'rr•Pnl pl11nninj: on l 'S 111 1·nll ~ H ·i:hwav F:nirtnPr>r GMrf?t T Mr · rnr to11r·h1n1n1r :i 7 m1lr>• bt'l\\rt''l t ·, ,. h11• in!n,-.m,.<:I th,. f"11llromla H11mp3h1rf' H n, k • 11r1·I S••lll ll11ttl"'"') (".,ru111111•fon hi' 1 un •t<1Pn SJ•llni:• 111 11n f'11t1m•~•t , ... \ ••! II 11),.-;,1u h· 1mpra• lh'AI' lo '"11· S2 IOI\ 000, 1tnt1 11 ·1 mil"• !>4't'"·r. n ~trw t .. uu11 r• n high\\ II\ • l'I J'll< II\ Trurk"" a n<t ~·1 .. 1111t 1•n nt 1\11 r11t1· 1.1 ha n tl 1,. Ant1r1r11t"1'1 tra(!.,. mlll,.<I S8 MO Oil() Mr<·n:v •A id ""ni· 1 11•11n.1 Sc1r11w \'11 11••\' •hrrlnJ: !hi' pl<'t1nn "' thr•" p1••Jl'I i. I \ i!'ll<l I •11111 \\ 1nt"r (II~ mprr Gamr~ ll'n· wnulf! leavr ~I mil"" nr twn-li>n~ t.111\'""' "hf'<l nfl'CI fnr F' .. hruary h1i:hw11y ""twffn Tnidct>c-w ,e J.: lhroni:h 22 .or1J Sacr .. n1ento, rour . lan1nc ••f \\ r rn11!'t bt rtllfly tr; 1111 "Pl "hlch wnu r.r-.-""' 11n l'•t1mat•·1I I hP •!Jml' ty.,.. of con)ff'JHlon thlll 1 $.1 1 000 000 •·'\pf'rt,.ncl'd Ill ulh"I l11rj:• On US !'J('I prt'!<('nl rl.1n1 ' d i l'l~1tt1ni;: r vent• and "llh fhf' f"lll• '"' four-l•n1n1t ~. 2 n ilr~ hd\O • .-n • I hi\' nf MVl'rlW' ""llh .. i::. .. ,,.1 I Tnh·~ v.11 .. y 11n<1 rt .. ;-.; ..... la 1111r 111 the """"rlty <>f lnn11 .. 11t wn 1••1\f' lln<' 11l "" ,,,.tlmlll"•I 'illl\tt. 1'1· c 'c1y rrpor lr•I. •~'Ml Bnd 1 I 111111'• "ll~t or '"" ,,.,. \l~l'oy 1uwl he llJllH 1pat•·11 nb<'lul """"" at J l Ol\O 1~111 2•• MCI rar•. ph111 htu•••'ll 11n•t c•\h"r ;\fr('ny 11a1ot 111!0 11< fttr St " t r \• l1t1•lrt1, Wi ii f'nt,.r 11n•I ,,,,., . ., 111 .. lt11ute 89 lnrhr II',,.,, n•trm 1111n .. r (1l1111r1c!' 1<11.-<11111\'. H " a hl!'d th11t -: :l m1lr11 or 1w11 . 111n1• r<•R•I 111 t1 "' ~fl 111111 t•• I•)(\ 1100 •I"'' tur.r>t• SflOO <)Oii ,.,,, tnc~· '•"•I t u -.llt~n J fth• ~1u11 1·" e " h day. I he h1ch""Y en~1nN•r 011tlin1"t ti .. 11 lr,.11dy pl11nn"'I r1'-'1ot1«m fnr A nv ll•l<lllH1n111 h1fh"'" ,. • • n \rur\1 on proJ••• t• lur I h .. II'•"' ••• W1)lll1I h11vr In ti<' 11u1h .. 1 r7• ol 11 .. t ( .. •fl8t rul'llnn r1n L'S 40, l '!' r.o l\n•I tan11nCl'ol prior to lhP rn:M< 8t11te R ovtr !If• ma in 1mll•" l~ao-1 ~t rurllon /IP8l!On In nr.!1 r '" lni: to lhf' Squ11w V11llry al\eo r rft•ly by lll6n, McC1>y Ml<I For reeenratioM -U.a.rbor 272' ' ·n tht' final gun. into pOsition to blocl< for rum is ( 81) Quarterback Jim Schonee. Anaheim won. but was hard pressed for a 14.7 margin. -Staff Photo But lh' Bu<'s wanted onr more ANAHEIM, (OCNSI -J os<'ph TD bad. They auccPaa!ully pulled Carter decldrd kllllnr ducks with an onulde atter-aa.lety kJcll:. a ca ,...-was a rather unfair way to Halrback Bill Harrlaon recover· bag game. 110 he called An11helm ing. Quarter~k Dick Ehner poh<'e to inform lhem of his fet'l· toued a C<J9'lplete pau for a flrllt tng11 in cue anyone agr<'t'd with down on the m idfield alrlpe. Ttlen him. I hi• nut heave wu lntercepltd NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I .., PAGE 5 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 ·' TAR QUINTET, ALUMNI TIP OFF CAGE SEASON TONIGHT Hcwborltes Hit TY with Races The <lurk -killing l'plll<>de camt by Guard J im KaeDonald ot Ule about when Carter, driving on Vl ku on the 50 with 46 •eeonda From parked car 'beetdt man· Bltt Parker, Ronnla Tim&, ~ Reed. 11, and Wo rthlnston Lee, 11. RMd and 1-an 1tudent.1 at Ntw• port Ha~ Kith lkbool. Anahttm-Ohve Road at about 11 , lcft. made Lake Lo. ~ or Yla one nlihl last week. near Sunkli<I ;' ONE OTHEJl WIN video In Jh• Uvtq l'OOID, Harbor- lt• can -tell t.UOW dtiaena Str~t. llJ>Oltt'd st'vl'ral construe· Lonr Beach, wtnner of a atnrl• race t.h•lr outboard mot.on C>Ytr Harbor area basketball fans will get their firs t look lien slirns. He ,,~artt'l1 slowing hi• prevtoua contut tht. esaon and C b J I C • ed N H bo H' h <'llr then 11111ld<'nly noLlrt.>-' 1.ome·' that 18·0 over Santa Ana, -•-a tf\v•.,.lrhta mile count ltunday at oac u es age s renovat ewport ar r 1g " ......., atltmoona. . 9tllck s.mc. l'OA loller Shades School Tar quintet in the Sailor gym at 8 tonight in the moving acrou Uw highway In I wu~ -..c>lhn TD. A aen.atlonal Tbe fourth WMk of th• racl.nt !ront or him. He swllt """ on h11 break-away gallop to Ule OCC JO Uo ed b t.M annual court l'lpectacular between the 1955 varsity and bright lights .ancJ aw " great by Halfback Don LI• set It !!:~-:! ';!w:U eoa"t ~•- alumni of the la.st three years. I many dur ks. I up. Llea carltd It acroN wtlh Uon can be ... °"" Channel '· Alumnl Co11rh Bob Wetzel. 19:'>3 I In thl11 ut·11p will ~ 1111ch u lc•t· He slammed on hia brllkell, but one 11econd Jett ln the football KTLA. from 1 to a p. m. Sunday., 8tadd&rd Sllade Cloth.I and eu.tom 8ped&IU• e Draptr7 Jl&rdwaN e VentU&n a&IMil <JAlJ. llA&80J& IM Tar star. wlll allf'mpl to oul· termt'n Paul Lorentz.en. 6·0 lien· 11 was Ion llil<' Thi· rnr roAr!'d eeaaon. Local hMdquarttra tor th• putt· muterm1nd or. ta1hng lha t, to 1or. Eddi<' Popt• 6-1 Jumor. anti down o n several ducks In lht mlrt· I Led by the power nmninr of putt ranr u Dave lpl.., at.a out-finagle, can Gage. In ordl'r Lrana!er Cary Gret·n. 5· 10 Junior dlr o! the road, tht>n l!khldl'd to a l.JtUe balterl.nc butterball by hMdqua.rttn tor th• Newport· to gel all the players into the <mtF.R Hl)J>Y.FTI ~ the a1<1f'. h1tt1n1e M'vt'rlll more of the name ot Richard Romo. Vlk· Balboa Boat Club. THE SHADE SHOP !ray the l!'ama wlll duh rn 8 ' ' -1 the blnJs. 1 •ng fullback. Lone Buch .cored Loc.aJ lAlc• Lo. Aq..a.. n.c.. I . Oth!'r \ll\r.01ty hnpduh• lnl'!Ulll' I "Thl'y didn't ny .. C11rter Mid In fut ordl'r In lhe 0"'"'"lnc ·-Dick --d v--· ~-v•---. &II u..aa.,H ............ .............. ome. 1 a -quarter aet-lo. S I C · M 1 , · • r -· -· -· -• .ao;-1 en or• •nrg-e · 11 Wf' anrl l>fl\t' "1m l 1u1•wn•d tht' blrd11 were quarter. Romo rom.,..d the fl.nal ·~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PAST GREAT!C Tamura. a.nd Sophum•)re Bob VII· domP11l1l ..• but then, too," he 2~ yarda ot a 47 yard march. Beal.S.a Welztl, p4Ul Sailor per· lagTana. a.dded. "f thought domutlr du<'k• breaklnJf o tf tackle. Quarterback formers wh11 wilt ·~•In at rut their Stuttng at 6 ·30 Jl m tnnlght wl're whlteo a.nJ lhHe were 1•n· Bob B rooke convert«! a nd l.be atuft on the loca l hardwood, In-Cna<'h J im ?.tlllrr,, B "quart "111 erally •lark in colur ." rlv11l1 led 7 ·O bdore !Ive mlnutu clullr Biii Inion nf Orang" CoaAt pl11y 11 h11lf. follnwr rt by " he!! Aaked 1r he aan1t a ny ducka I hf\d tlop11e<l. Colle1te a nd P111ul Ntuma nn or fe1tu1 ins; J11n11tr v1H'lllt )' 1trO~Jl('1 t~ for his llnm<" !rl'Pt er. Carl.t'r 1 The P 1ratra came rtrht back Stanford. qulck,ly a n awe r e d, "Certainly with a 75 ya.rd drive with mighty Oar e will tut a nf"w 1yet .. m n1co~t~"~' -----------~·~~~f ~lk~e:._J~f~a~a~s·:__~H~a.rr~}~' ~\\~'1~l1~1am~~aon::·~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the 195:0,-66 Tar cc.urt crew Harbor N1·mrods -for the flr1l Ume in actual <·m11- VILLA MARINA November Weekly Specials p,\ltlon wn111:ht. To takf' 11dven· t•ge of added heigh\ lhh• ~ .. ""'"n· Bag 2& Matches Gage pla.na to 1nat.aJI a 1l1111blr pivot and employ a aoneo dtlf'n,.,. Key ml'n 1,11 lhr double pt\'ot • T k Sh t pla.n are T um Mouaton. 6-:1 JUnlnr In . ur ey 00 up from the JVs 11nd ~<'nlor~ Lairy Harper, 11.:, lttlnman. 11.ntl A t11l.U nr 26 Hn11'K>r l\r~a Milli· Ol'nny H•rwO'><I. 6 · i 11nnthrr roe ls hftK.I(• .t 111rt lo h win" t11111n~ jun111r varslly trnlnl't' Outa111, mrn Boys' Club Enters Cage League Teams ln•I !'1111.Ja\ ~ l-\n11lh l'"ll•t H1fl•• anti l '1•tul l'll1h 1111 k<'\' •h•"•l Th!' n!'XI llJrkf'V ;huut \VIII bl' tu•lcl 01-< Ill Hl:11 11111· 11t P • m. on the-rnn1" tiff Mn• r lh11r Uh"t out 11! Cnrnna •t••I M 1tr l,cw·11I lr"l!p "Inn"'" lnl'ludf'd l\\u lltHlt h \Hlt.t-. H.•·•ill rtU f l Jar11•ll, :111 B1•r11 .. n HA\'. 11n•t I(, n· n .. th ft l<u•t .. tc ~11> 1<1 .. nn Pl"r " and <1nr • n 'tl1 h ""'"" \\' F' All)..r• 01 ollll(• ( nlhl ('"II• l(f' ~ C C"'1t ""'"" 2fltlli <"II fl Pr"'" '\ ,,, Ha1bor 8'w .. Club blt'keotb11llc-r11 ""'" \\' 11 11111" .. ,.t h I 12 Hl\Z.1•1 will rr11r1tc1pat,. In thP Orlin.I(" O rtl'" ~-... ti \\' K11•l••1 J1 6fl l County &y11' Aaakl'lhllll A•""'I•· Man11:qltl. ll••n.lld II :-O:nd 41 2 llon In a ll five d1vu11un~. 11 "'•" Snui; 11111 httr lt•t\ ""'"" ft •. .,., 22!\ announ<etl lh1a wttk f'lan, "n•· I Mnnt" V1•ln 1 ·,,.1 • \f,"" An•I 1 rormulated rtt .. nUy at 011r<tf'n Krn "'' nt.:t'I. I o:t1, l'l11C,.nt1n \.rnv.. "" M V<•n f'lllt'll t:nt,.r .. •I " co .. 111 M ..... l ntnl llf l8 l l'llJTl.I HQ<! M.l<'Mlllurn, l'l•tul m All h "llH\•·1 • ln1111111'.t llarbur Boy1· l'lub Athlf't11• l>1 r,.r-Stnnlr\ Annin :!~'I "' 1•an llh·tl tor W/tA rleot·trl1 Ill ...-rv• ... h"M•I R11 lph \\ (;1r1un :!I" rall°"·'" or lh<' ,1111•()('1atrnn tor lh,. •t'<"nn•I P l11r• l'.••tr; "'"~\ 1; •. ,,rgf' 1!•1 stra1gh1 )'1:'81 rlOll:l•lM, ""~l"·rt """' h A M Anl\hl'lm Bunn,. Park H 11nt1ni:· P11wl'll 1111 l'n1n•rl!111 1•n•I I, F' t on . Bta<'h FullHlun IA11:11n• Pr"ll 1;u p.-1 ""' ,.,,.," .\t11i1 .. Br11t'h •n•t ~an la Ana llrl' N'J1r• · \\ nn•·r . 11 11.1 1Hl•· m11•• h• • -ntM In th" 1"111111" 1n 11'1flll 1•·n 11''•rr 11 .. 11 B11lllr•1t"r H nf Jl! .. 1 \(I tht lnr'll \ lub lAai:u· phH' ~hMI'• hf! Rnaot J111 k r .. lmf'r will open lh" "'""k of f 11•1 17 Ji; C"•·• 11 r li11·f' l'n~lll M"SSl An 11 amt l..rm1nntt \hr •·nil or Frbuat1 T t run,11n ~'""·"' 1 :\ Slrnrr Rl'plP1lt>nta11v"' ~rt "P f1vr .t1v1· tllft R11ad ~1•inR o! <'nmpt'lllu n &S !ollow .. · ;'\'"'"II\ , \••nt wmn• i• Wl'rl' AA lAllltUf' O~n to a nv high Bill Rlur ,,, •.111 f l \l••trn,. whl) !14'hOOI b<.Jy whc"'~ rlass hu nr1t t >tptt•r,.•I '""" ,.,. t ,,,. 1· C"'non. irr•du•ted A IAaiuo• Opl'n t<,Co11t" M1 ~11. 11.,. 1<11 kpatrlck. any hti:h -"Chool boy rlaulfl"'I "' 710 M1111~11!.I \\ A l..it1111:hlln 11 8 In Clf' h"llfhl. wt11thl 11 n•t llll!l 1.in•l• I l 'l"" 1· .. •1;t ~'""' ageo r hart .. anr1 any nint h c n1oJ"r Cr·••!.!" \\ ;\1\1 r• 1 J ! 2·.1h !-"1 rf'itllrfllt '>l nl •1u B 1 ...... ~u,. Kf'Hn• th I, 1'1" ,,,. 612 lfrhf)· Open to All 1'16[hth ier11flt1a I' trnpf' I. F' l 'rA" 17rr f\PI ,\l~r LeaJ11"' Opl'n \tt a ll ,,.Vtlllth C-n~t11 Mr.;8 Ln• I ' Sm1tl' :IOi gr111fr111 P t....aiur O~n to all St A n.J1 '"'" 111 I II R Turtor I •IXlh cra.t.•1• 2107 ;\°t'\\'f"1rl <"·•111 ;\f•·•.t If yon prf'f,.r to !tfa.'· at home to !M'e your fu·orlte wl.-,·tsioa pro'1'U11 tr~· our boxt>d Mukan dinneni or !6pttlal ordena to tue out. Thf')"N: ttad~· to !M'n ·e. ran'ATr: PARTY •OOM f'Oft 1.A.RGF. PARTU:~ 1511 Newport 81..S.. COSTA MESA - . ASSURE YOU OF DININGf»LEASUREATGREATLYRIDUCIDPRICES Sunday 27 . M0ttday l Tuesday \,-29 28 I 1Wsclay I Open How. •t ViL Wedwclay 30 3 2 This week we will serve • FRIED CHICKEN DINNER for $1 .75, or you nw1y order our SWORDRSH DINNER for $1 .50. ContinulnJ: \\ith th4'il' polk:y of df'8i~ling certala of t~r replar dlaaen at a~ red~ price du.ring !'!lH't'iflf'd prriod8 u ladkaled above VlDa lllartaa ~t ott .. ~ 1pechh FOOTBALL c 0 I or TV Color TV "Family NigJih" at on on 8i9 Screen B • s Ville Merine Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1n 1 g c r e e n lounge • • Sports Orama Villa in Marina Lounge e Music Army vs. Navy Fine Food Bud9et Price• Saturday, Nov. 26 10:30 e .m. The New Honeybffs play for Satwclay Danclnt atl VHla Marina For Villa Marina resenatloft1 pMR• Harbor ltlO. VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARABLE e A YAILAm.E FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES '.fhe next time you plan a dinner party, luncheon, buffet or cockt&l1 pvtfj to celebrate a birth· day, anniversary. engagement, wedding. reunion. boai~omlng. hon voyage or "what not," pleue call Mr. McGill at Harbor 3Y30. He will adville you about menua, .ervlce, decoBlloa., settings, etc. For small Intimate groups or for large 1&tbering1 the tacllltiem at Villa Marina cunot be surpassed in the Harbor <1rea. 21 I N c H R c A c 0 L 0 RI --T E L E v I s I 0 N TARTl:R TF.L~\,!UOS ~TORt:H ('OROSA D f:l, MAR ~ r:. ('nut ftlvd.-Hartw.r ~91 L. W. TA&ftA, CoMr 1'«tlaldu LAOUNA BEACH ,,. ",..,., •• ,-lll'.tt f.Mll • , ' I . • WOii.EN GRADUATES -Everyone wu happy, aa women graduates of Balboa Power Squadron'• Spring collr8e in Seam.anabip received their Certificates from Instructor and course Chairman, .Albert Rylett. at the Nov. 17 Squadron dinner meeting a\ Newport .~arbor. Yacht Club. Rylett is now known a.a "1 00 per cent Al." since hia claae of 31 men and women paased the examination unanimously. Left to right, Mre. James Beattie, Mns. Keith Cordrey, Misa Goldie J0&eph, Mrs. Howard Peterson and Mra. Fielding Thayer. -Beckner Photo • IN OllADUATES -Balboa Power Squadron'• moat recent graduates ot the Junior N1vlpUon Course. received certificate. at the Nov. 17 dinnt'r meeting at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Left t-0 right are Donovan J ohnson. Mrs. Monte Crimea, second woman to earn a J N here: Raymond Miller : Commander CUrtia Do11h, presiding; course instructor Leonard· HoateUer, and Course Chairman and instructor George F'ox. Not s hown, but al.so a new counte g raduate, wu Stroller White. These four bring Balboa's total of JN1 up to 20. -Beckner Photo Gold Cup Series Due tomorrow Nrwp01 t llai bt1r \'a1 ht Club'• annual (.;tjffl Cup 8«'rlf'• r"e•tl• "'Ill br ht ltl I h11 Wl'tkf'nd tor J1S l'IMNt'• ll Wll• &nnounc ... 1 l0ot•y by Comrnudu~ ll1rry A M•nn Thl'i.e t lllMf'• w1I tit In l hf' rart'.A l.Ahnaana l'nlf'"• Laf'ht· nlng•. lnl I h , Mnc11n •. A ll>A· \l"'!'M, Lu<irnt I~ Thfflle• StaTll Rhodl'•. P <·II "n·f Orran Rae 1n11: Stx or n•f1l'l' f'nt llf'• '"' """df'(t 1n .. rh .1 ...... Thrl!'I' r111 '" wall b~ hf'M fll~ 1>ac·h c:ILfll' "'Ith IAhrna n'. Sn1r .... U aht· nlnl(• Int I 4-11n1f ~!t'rcurya 11l111 t Ing rn1111 lh~ Non·C:altn f'l!'r Amt lar(l'f t la11.-11 •larttnlf In I ht' ba;v l'ftllt nt IA•lo l•I,. Sl•rtlnl' irun tnr tht' flnt rt11u •~ ~,.., ror I r m MARINE NEWS~ PAGE 6 -PART I -·NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 TIDE TABLE Date Tim,. Ht. n-H~ Hl1ll Low Friday !\.26 " tll :'i3 12:2\ p. m. 0.7 No\' Z:i II 06 r m s~ 10:63 p. m 1.3 Saturday 6 00 II. Ill :'1.9 1 :03 p. m. --0.l N o\'. 26 I 011 p. m 3.9 Sunday 6.36 \i ~ 6.4 0.1~ a . m. 1.15 Nov. 27 7:66 p.m.1 4.0 1 :4~ p. m. --0.7 Monday 7 :1:'1 H.m.' 6.8 O:M a . m. 1.8 Nov. 28 8 :•16 p. m . 4.0 2:29 p. m. -1.2 Tuesday 7 M 11.m. 7.J 1:39 a.. m. 1.7 Nov. 29 !1"36 Jl Ill 4.0 3:111 p. m. -1.~ \V .. ctrwsday 8 .40 8 Ill 7.1 2:24 a. m. 1.8 N IJV 30 10.:?I! p. Ill tO 4 :02 p. m. -1.6 Thursday ~-2i 8 Ill. 6 9 3 :12 a. m. 2.0 Del'. l :2:1 p Ill 4.0 4:110 p . m. -1.4 PACIFIC STANDARD TllUC ~ @ (f • P'IJ&8T FULL lAft N'l:W QO.ulTER MOO:!J ~VA.ATS& MOON Ol'C. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 ~-13 PALM. MONACO PICTURES DRAW SQUADRON PRAISE By I. C. PEASI!: Wanner of the grand prize at Balboa Power Squadron'• a nnual prh;e Picture Party, held Nov. 17 a t Newport Harbor Yacht Club. was Bt•mllard P11lm. 11nd honor- a.ble mention went tu Armando Monaco. Just h11111e tro111 two year11 wath the A 1r Jo'orce an Ge1 - many. 11helter in the moat grim locale. Ht told of pilot• who hU died of thlr11t after crHhlng .Jn land w hut' other men could live (or monthl! from JU.Ill what wu ofi- ta1nable from n•ture. He prailled the Boy SC<:lut1 sa a training 11chool for survtva1 under handi- cap Balboa Squ11dron 11pOnaor1 thl' Girl Scout Mariner Ship, Naiad. Wllh Al Rylell .. Ottlt'lal Squad- Monaeo • p1t·tures w1·1 ~ taken aun rl'prtsl'ntauv • ., an<l Mrs Ry- 1n Sw1turla11J. J'alm 11 Wt•lt-t.ak -1 .. 11 11• Ct11".:f Slclpper. At the din· en dUJ lllK the a .. cent Honolulu I O('r lht•y made an appea.l ror Ra<"P. whale n• w1111 nio\•lgatur on "mall ..ailing dtnghle• for the Flying Cloud. rar e t n t r 8 n t 1(11 11< of thf'l r •hip, and ukeJ any· Paum'a Wf'rl' l:ho.i;en for. lllut y 'If'· cm.-h1cv11111 a lialbtla d1n.,'fhy, " S111Ktt o-' 11m1l11r boat lo donate quen.:1:, .:ulur 1111<.1 l:O<XI marine ahould nourv lht>m 1<ubject m a t e r 1 a I Cont .. ata nt • · ahow"d 10 pillur~• .. iu·h I n lht' nl'XI two we,.k1. 111 fall rlaueJ< "'all take their exam111a-rn~:~•, s':,iv,~:, P:~lu~~I' ·~u~~:.: 11ons •n<"ludang the 400 In the two held Ui .. aud1enl·e ut more than P alounc claMea. All •prlng ell.II· l'tr will ~gin In January. datea to t~O apellbollnd. ., he df'mun11µa-be llllnOWlced an Lhe Ntw ... Prt'll! led how miln can, with the rhthl k lloW·how. !and rt>OJ, wat"r &lld Saturday and 11 a m. Sunday An lnf<Jrmal »eH&on of dining a nd dancing wlU follow Satur<lay'• r11ces whlle the pre111'nlallon dlnnt>r wUI be held Sunday nicht al lhf club. CLOSE /~ ~ SOUTO COAST 00. Uni a N-.,ort Blvd. OUT 1955 OUTIOARD MOTORS * BIG DISCOUNT* 01.J\'f:R Ol 'TBOAROS Bu)' S ow -S.\e Now George J. Meachem U!t "· < o.,.t U\\y. l.llW'rty 8-IMS GIGANTIC A..~DALt: "Ot:l'S Tiit: BIRO" -l"sually a trrm or deruuon. gttllin~ the b1rd in thl8 case m£'ant winmn11: f 1nrt plact' in h18 c ht .. "s :it A lamitos Bay Yt' s lra- d1tional Turkey l>ay lte~alla hu1t ~unday where· turkC')'ll WE'rr award1'<1 t hr w1nn<'ri:1 an~tt·ncl of cups St.aff-Cnmmodort' Wnlt1•r Franz. of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. was nnt' of th<' lucky cines wht:'n he put hie tnm Calif. -32 sloop Andal<' over the rourt1e o ut m front ~ w in t op h(lTIOMI in the clas.<1 ond a fine Thanksglvm,,; turkey. -Bcc:kner Photo Cullen Ucensed contr1ctors 11t11t,. hrtn~ hoartl anooUllced that Walllam C Culltn - MAKl~f; l"PROUJTl:.RL'tU ROAT ('0 \"f:R8 flALBOA C'A..'li\"AS 3501 F"lnlty AVf'. :-Ot"'"J'Clrt Rtlh h M••bo• 1f7 hu quAll'1td tcir a renPral bulh.1-II• , 11.1 s• l'llOP S ACRAMKl'\TO, 1C:'llSt -Thi' ~ lnr contractor, h<'l'nu. Nl w,011 u .. cM 1 ~~~==~;;;;;;;;;~~;::::=;~~~I NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily From ~ Sea to You 2S r pound -Cleaned FrH Sold Only the Day Caught ~' Ii NEVER HEI.D OVER 1 at tt.e toot of th• I END OF THE YEAR SALE SAYE SAYE SAYE ·aocro OFF on 1955 Johnson Outboard Motors & *Boats* Come in and S.. These Boats and Motors Displayed in our Showroom Newport Pier 1 1 "-------------------------------'----~__;..----------------~- j Franz Takes lird in Turkey Day . Regatta 11 Al·amitos lay . By .IAC'Ql'IE BECKSJ.:R Sevenal local "t lllt>r artl1u" did themaelve.a proud 1 .. t Wffk ·end when the~ ln\•aded lhe newly open- ed contlnea of Al11mlloa Bay to participate In ABYC'• traditlon•I Turkt y Da y R«-g alta. Some 111 boat• turned out an l!I r lH81'1 to compel«' tor Thank11g1,·lnit t urkey• which are 1twarded t o w1nner1 an lieu of lhe l'Uetomary ulver troph- aea. Local wlnnt'rs In thf' J11rgr 'boat dh•l.tlon, whlt h rllce11 o'·er rourlll'I In the 1heltPred wa tera of lower L.A. Harbor ott Al11,mltoa Bay. In· eluded Waller Franz whott Call· tornla-32 •loop Andale c11rrlf!d the Newport Harbor Yacht Club bur- cee to flrll place In that claea. Ed Lamar 9COred a win for the Voy- agen ' YC with hi• •loop Slnbad In the elght·bbat P.C. fleet. AND HOW! New Cutter Launching Due at South Coast Among thl' ... maller boalJI. l"red- dle St'henck camt' In with anoUler victory for NHYC by topping lbt' ll·boat Snape fll'et w11h his Slo· Crap11 I formerly n11mt"d Chequen- ,. lue uk F're<t why the change). Ca rol Ann Jonp1 11pht>l1I the honon ot the dh1t11tt sklpf't'r8. llS well 811 the Balboa \'C' by bringing horn~ "lOP' turkey" an thc.-Jnternallonal· U cla.&1 with her sleek dinghy Fidget. All parll<'lpanl.3 wall ha\'e a chance for a "r•'turn llllltch" thi• week-end when Lht' Newp<H·t Har- bor Yacht Club's populsr Fall Oold Cup 1erlu tnkl'll ph1re on S11111r· day and Sunday. The rat'e t•om· mlltee reporta that entr1e11 havt' bfoen pouring In and a huge turn- out la expect<•<! In all clas11es. Prowler Complaint Two t'Omplt11nts of prowler11 In the 1111me sru of tht> 1•11~· wert' reported within an hour :"ov. 9, accordl~g to police. Dorla Walker. 1020 \\'. Balboa Blvd .. aald ther t' was a. man look · Ing In h•r window. A 11hort l1ml' later MllrJorle Farnsworth. 622 Clubhou11e Ave .. reportl'd 11 mllll prowlln1t an the ba<'k o( h,•r home. Poll cf' wer(' unablr to lo· Somen Hcw.-1d by Texas SdJool at 'Fort Sam' P'ORT SAM H OUSTON. T!:X. -Flnat Lt. Madyra B. Somtni. whOIH! wltl'. Ct'rlll~lnl', llvu at 408 SL An<lrt'w• ro1\l1, Nl'wport Bearh. recently w11s lT•d111ttl'd from the military mNht·al orlrn- latlon course At'' thl' Medh-111 F!C'hl Srrvlr• St'hOOl hrre. Thl' t'lus was compmaed ot rirw- ly comml11slontd offlcen1 Thf' cour1<l' 1trr1111e•I nal'd1cal 111>1 vlr e In comblll. LI. SOllll'l'll hllll fel'l'l\lC'tl 01-.tcr11 81'81).:nlng him 10 lht• ll, S. Army D1spf'nKA ry al the l'rt'11ttlo of San P'ranclsl'll. • Lll'Ulf'nant Somf'ra r('<'f'IVf'd 1111 M. n. ile~rtr Ill lll!\3 fron1 lht> Univers ity of Southi>rn Calatorn111. Bl'tore enlenng th..' Army lull SC'ptembt'r, he wus enapluy.-J Long Bt'arh. MARINE INSURANCE Nm0<llb l'lallln1t Oooborn,..t·orton K f'&lt)' ('o. u~s \\'. ('oa11t lll1llway Ill An Owtns cutter. thl' f lr11t -------------••••iLiiJbf'iirtiil "m"ii·'lii/\8iiitilll•• .. Henry HlncklPy-bullt (lf 1111 c1tu111 Palmer Signs Gone to be launch~ on the Weat CoMt, cat I'. will be chrlalened Sunday at 4 p. R1•al F:stAtf' d<-ulPr P. A. Pal- m. at South Coa.st Co. 11hlpyard« ml'r told police tod11_v that re· where it 11 now receiving final pe11t!'d lh<'fl" ot phti<tk leltt'r8 touchea. from a ••B"n in front of hi• office Walter O. Fran&, South Coul at 3333 Via Lido Friday and Sat-p~lldent, "'1.ld Mni. Gould Eddy, urday ti.ad coat him a tot.al ?' $8. Sierra Madre, wl((' of the owner will 1pon1'0r the 40-rt. IUllllnj crut. Tht'y w111 moor ,H'1e yacht here and Ill Los AngeleA H11rbor. Harold I. Johnson Propellar Repatn Oohaoblu aad t'ederaJ A~eacy Phoee Harbor 1%0 18ll \'Ula Way, N-'POrl Beac.11 \'our A u t h o r I 1 e d TUALCO tiberglus De&ler la. the ,Harbor area. Brtag your ftber- 1lue prob~m1 to u1. Pacific Flbertla11 HOl W . COM& Hwy. Pb.. U l ·H'JI Acr o11a from AIJ-Amutca.n M.kt. The new boat Wiii he chrlatenrd Y Como <A nd H ow J before an u~trd crowd of 600 pn110ns. ln- cludlnl' Mr. u1d Mr8 Hlnrkley. Music wall be fuml8h~ by IUl Hawa1i8n bA11d wh1rh wall play dunng 11 rerPptlon for guestA 11t South Cou t MARINE CARBURETORS Acrording to F'ra..nr:. t1"' nl'w cuttf'r" hu *tady been enterl'd by ht'r nrw o"'-ner In lhf' 81111 DIPgo -A.-apuh-o oce•n raring cla.8111c ll<'htdulffi Jan. I~. ftf-paJn -SalH -Parts ZENITH t STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2439 W. Coast Highway Liberty 8-1343 \ ~ for more endurin1 gifts for everyone-~op youl IRHA · .:filnlil\!,Gt<t Cent~ TOASTMASTER PllEIMATIC TIASTEI 11• 2·SllC I H • • '•••t· .. ,,. ...... . ••tlcetlr\e-.. .,. ~, ..... ...,.,, ....... ... . . ..... ••h •• h-ell ~' ~ .. •' '· :::!.'1 ~··'•cf l /,...:...~ .'7~~h ~flfT/ .r-- Timt-savin1 Ch11stmu &•ft ... RUB8£RMAIO OI SHWASHINC T(AM Sa•-.e hl'r 30 m1nu1,.. .. v,.ry da) O .. lual' Dr11io•r .,,..,,,,,.,. d"h~ hu 8 outald~ rlu.h .. 1d,...., poru ...: .. 1. Vtr....,,. ('Up SJ ... Matrh1nc Draant:.o.rrl Ttay to ... u. drauonc. kttpo drt!nboud dr) SJ.ff SPECIAL fOI CHRISTMAS leautifur PYREX Ware R Color ::. • o.c• .. ,..:~ >27 a;;;' ... -· 11 ~ .. , "·•ndl drill, ~~/ .... for"*ly $3.SO ._. ...S k.oy. 7 bi1&. ho.nmfti...I /~ IC.A.nd. beck.inc s-d. 3 •nd1n1 d_.,., J ~ -now only poltelw>1 pad 1:11nd1n1 wh.(.I • ..,,,.., ~ ) bruAh. arbor point mu.,r and ..._, $ 2 9 S boL Ma.la• 1001 bome JObe ... yt ......... __ ,.. .. _,._._...._ ··~ ......... ......... ...__ ...... _,..._.._ ,...._-w... M.l I/I .... _...... ... ~ '39.91 ll•laty l••1rlcttl •l•r• WESTClOX l SALUJA ---·· ...... ............ GIVE A CAMILLUS POCKET KNIFE FOi CHRISTMAS y~~ ...... .. .... , ,._, .. ,_ ... ,.,, ,., "''• ""•"' .4' ·--· heVll9 """-"' ...... ., ~- t• •h "'· ., ...... ,. ""•4• C.-.lh1111t Pe<ti .. ••"f•t ,., fe.c'f '• ......_ lu ,, .,.'" ••I f ,._..,., •ar •4••' .....,.,..O"'l 9""h."""'•"'9 ~4 fl-."•"• tr p t 01f• ~ • ..t Wt• M'"1•..,_ ... ,, ... '-......... ,.1 _,.,. ... llll ....... ,.,, .. , ... l l•lft." ... Tl.. Gift For Ollffl~ l Mttf UTTLElllQ Jl15S. & ClllStS . th• F1neu . Fotte•I woy to Cood Coffe. UlllVfRf.Al lrom $24.tS Ntw I Fe .... Siil S•w At De ·lt·YHrtlff rricnl '•w•rlvl ,..w •'•" Sllll Sow hot -'! .... , ... .., ..... ,, ....... "'.' ., ...... . c~:,., .. "°""'-••• ., ..._ Pf-' .. ,..,,..,to .. ,, po ... 1 ..... ~ ...... in.eh. b~Lcf 0 .,..,. ,..M 6' ···~· M1tltl 504 Hly •29" ~fM.(U...,.,._ INllMall "~'•" her ~••<...., ~le IOI' y90~ .. <-Coy. •oorU1"9 <°'°'1-ca,.·1- rv•t dvroble GUAUNlffO• s915 c.~ po<~ov-d .. , - •ft,.Jllv-...i *' •-J•"""" -t ,.....,.._. -. Take advantage of Our Xmas Lay-Away Plan-A Small Deposi1 will hold your selection 't~ later. Hundr('(hl of additional g1fl8 for mcn -w omen and for lhP hnme r We offer attractl\•r gift wrappll)K • \ • • ! I ' II i I I '--...,. I I ' Fint Street Lighting Step \ ' .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 PA&E.7' ·l POLICE NUMBER HERE TOPS · U.'S. AVERAGE Harbor 20-30 Hear Official Explain Aims • for Costa Mesa TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT DEA TH NOTICE Ar_a.tt.,... Mid Ellrl L. ........ lknta An1; 10 1TaJldddldr9. 1114 : 1 1-------------1 • frT•t-1....addau,-ht•r: two...-. • l·----------''------------------1 f'IR!'. A.SSA ALEXA.NOE& r'ri. t...rk and Emol"J a...'C IS])"clal 1,.. u,,. :-;,,,_·port·H•r- br•r Ne"'·1·r'rel!J1 • NE\V YORK Nov 2:'t ·-\\'1th t he l!f"'lhght o'r pu1J1l('1ty l•)(·u11tt l o the at I ri . t " " 1ona ' 111<' p11· 111 ... J>fflp!e lo No>.,.·port lil'llCh nn<I '" 111011 Ol hf"r conununnl-JlCl"Ol>H lh• country have b~tn lllklng • 11Pcond look a t tht adequacy or In· ao<ltquacy or thirtr police prOl!le- l ion. - Too Late to •• Classlfled 28-."ltuatlon" Wanted r;E:\'!;RAL HOUS~: <'leanlni;:" by hour "' rlll}' \\'r do 11hythfni;: hetl••r Har. 0802. :16c38 :Hl-Heln \\'antM HOUSKKJ!'EPER. Live lo or out H11 r ~9!'i 1ftcr :'.> p. m. 36c~ SO-Ml11ttllueou11 -HOUSE PULL OF FURN.-Stove. 111.rit c rttr•c .. lamp•. d11ht~. lln· <'Tiii. 1nlrmn1. brlc·a·brac etc. ll08 •• ••Y Front, 8a!bo11. ••• lanrl, 38<:38 DUNCAN PHYFE 9 pltce dlnlTlg ... Ilk<'! ntw, II ru. "· Philco refn g. with rre,.ttr. ' piece l'hmme bre.akt.ut M!l, :l \Vllton vrlv<'!t ·-btli;: .. rugs. o .. ' ' 12 • 12 • " M•k<'! offer or will trade f11r ~•r. Har. 3816-R. 36<'38 .. ~Musical, Radio, T V .. IS . R c. A. VJC."TOR TV Cnn!Wllf' "'It h d•~\r• <.:OOD r<>n· <l1tlon $.">(I Har. 3816-R. 31k38 4S.A-Apt,.. '°' R<'nt A 1ur\'t )' on th" 11ubJ"<'I. made by Uie lntern1111an11l City :\Ian•· .:~·r• A11socl111Lon. g1vea f1(\lr~• on Stventh organltatlon•l ntef'ling !he M!;r;e an{I coel ot poll<'t ron·e1 ol the Nl"wpr;rt H11rbor 20·30 Club In 10:11 C'ltlt ll larftt than 10.000 Tue1<t1y evf'n1ng In Sea.port Re•· pnpul11tlon. tauulnt. t"'atured u &Ue~I apeak- 41 OS STt\t"}' er 1'fLke Taylor. d!rec•or fQr the 8l11t Southern CaJ!tornla d lH lrlct A•· ot the beglnninir of thla ot 20·30 JnternaUanal. Ha 1pokt I'll{, 11rl'<u·d1n11: 10 th,. data. Nt "'· on the dt'\•elop111e nt or 1he 1trvlce pt.tr! 1:i..11ch hl'(t 1 compltmtnt of club throughout tht United Stale& I full-tlmr flll!lct rmp•oyeP I!, In -and abr011d. ,. • ' T f hu1ini:-f'i villHn1. on th .. p11yroll. AlllO ll\tending the d!nn,.r rneet· h1& rcpr""~ntt<1 2 21 employee• In& wtre nif'mbr r1 of the 1 ponaor- or t\·<'!ry 1000 rt111dl'nl11. lng Orange 20-30 Club, II "'"" h!~h ln rn"'p11rlJ1on \l'l\h Taylor wa1 lntrOOuct!d by Rich· • • he r11tlo In other cltle11 ,.., II.JI anl Krull ot !\'e\l·port Beach. a cl- lt ,. c111,.i;::ory. 10.000 to2:'.>.000 pop· lng ch11lmlAn. Alao att,nd!ng t11t1on Th"'Y 1.v,.r11gl"d 1.39 po-were C. M . Henrolln. Allan..Thom- r r J'<'T 1000 pe<iple. For 1111 tht aa, Rod J ohn1ton. all of Ntwport 1tlt~. l"<'g&rdlf'!l..!I or ~17.t, the av· Beach : Bob Kelly, Shel BtHner, ra ~e wa11 1.~8 per 1000. T. E. JohnaoTI, Jerry K!Tlg, Cal r.111ny eltit1 lhrouKhnul lh• Bark. J . T. Newton, R. E. ltflllt!t O"nLr.v nre undf'r·Al&tfed. a ccord· and B. Storey, allot CC*ta Me11a. ng to) J . F.d~11r Hoovrr, FBI head, The Or•nl"e club a'!ded 111 1 n 11. ,.,.,.,.nt 11t11.temtnl . He cl11 lmtd pnxe ot • Thinkas1v!ng turkty. hat f"'l•cc r,.cruitmrnt hu failed Krull .. Id that a.II younr men Jn " k••i•J• pnc, with populnlu1n the Harbor area are Invited to rowth. Th!M. h"' Mld. h11~ b'en. attend any meeUng or the r.lub •rRely re~ponalble ror lh"' h11!"h at 7:30• p. m. Tue1day1 tn Sea· .. " " • ' • ' ' ' ' I •tlonal r rln>f' r11te -~port Reitaurtlllt. " F.~p~f'lally 1n urb11n ~re11.'l.l -------------­ whlrh h11vt> i.:rov.71 n1ore rapidly h•n rural 11ttllon1, "th<'!· &Vf'rage 1tlt t!n runa 11 J:reattr rl1k or be- n_g vlctlmlied;' he u ld. I ' I TOTt\I, f)l"Tl .t\ V The amo unt• 1ptnl by r llln tor he matnt"nance and operation ot hl'lr pollce department.I vary r.on- dtrably. In Newport Beach. dur· ng 1954, the outlay w111 $180.700, c<>vt rtng payroll, equipment and I I "' I •• J o ther opendlture1 <'!Jtcept ply· rn!1 toward retJ rement or peTl- on fund11- m •I Thl1 w111 equ11J to S9.7~ 1pent per• rtJ!ld•·nt or \he city. It w111 bove U1e a mtaint •pent ln th• her •·itira ot \ht 1!t<'! g:roup, @.~1 pf'r cNpLt11 . For all the clllt•, hr 11ver~i:e waa $9.1-" Pfr capita. .Con1 p11ri~t>IL11 or pollce 1tr,..ngth 11•1 cn11lJ!, u between ciUe1, " M • I " Man Who Robbed Newport Home Gets Jail Term BANTA ANA, NOV. :l6 (OCNSJ A 22·yu.r-old Ortlllgl re.ldent w'ho WM lt1volvld Ln a i :rO-OQO.plua bur· glary of "SmJJ!n1 Ed" McConnell'• hom1 al 2.5-0l Circle Drive, N~w­ port Stach. tod1y wu aentenc~ to prlaon ·for the term pl'e$Crlbt!d by l&W. St!ntenced by Superior Court Judge John Shea w11.1 Roy Ray· mond VUla.loboa, 336 U,rnon St. Nf:\\'PORT BllAC:li (lne Dl'drm. I ~htiuhl take Into a ccount varla· turn. apt. $60 '""· yrly. inclu.Je1 l1on1 In houri \l·orked per .,.·eek. u lllltle11 & l'llrRg t. ll11r. 0839·11 ~~r lRI t r11ff1c problem• and other J(lcJ8 1<)1'111 f11rtnn1 !hilt !'all for Added peraonnt!I, th<'! report nol<'!J!. ~ \'Hlaloboa pleaded cullty to W(lrkln&: with Rlch!ll'd Ivan Touby, l.)onald J . Bluone\\11 ·11nd Don1!d E . Wt!lll ln the :\fcConnell llon1e burglary on April 8. l!e •11.ld, how· e••er. that he never f'ntered the bouat. 48B-House• for Rent F OR RP.:l'T 3 roon1 tumL11h,.d hou~e SJ~o.00 per iuonth with TV. l !l6', 29th 1lreel. Npt_ Bf'.otth. tl11 r. !fl\ 1 JGc.::18 OCEAN to"R ONT, 3 bdrm1 rurn $100 010. until June 11 Utll. & 1111to. "''1111\er Incl. lia r l 16·1-:\1 ~810 Sr1~ho1·t Uri"''· :is, :1s ll="FURN. HOUSI!: ss.-.-;:;;.rly. 7 bdrn1~ .• di n " gar. Elt.c. r-.nRe. It dr1111e1 furn. 6~ Seuhore. O n1·r, Newport Brach. Sk.38 ~i-~al Estat~ \\'aoted \\'A:->TED by pnv11te p11rty direr\ from vv.•ner 2 tx1rn1. or 2 bdrm. &r drn hvn1~. \Vrllt! full d~l11l111 lo U.--.:< :-;fl N !ti 1hlll Jlll]'ltr. 36p38 • ACTIVE S·D • erl11nd, prea!dent' or the P-TA. re- m!niled p111·i,n1.1 11111 t he Jlv,.1 of their rh1ldr<'n depend on tht m. l 'ltl'°'F.!4 HllCo(JJ~STr.D The ftev. Donald 0 . Sapp ha• 11ugge~1 ed that mlnL11ter1 i'nentlot1 1a111eth1ng about S-D 0 1' In tht!lr ch11rc:hr11_ lie also 1urgut1 that chl111e11 ring out on Deo.:. I. Tha Ch1un~r of Commen:e la helplnr .,..Ith publh:-auona and ob· t 11ln tn1r t ha M11!1tance or mer· chllUlt 'a rroup&. Th11 Junior j':°hllm· ber or Comn1erce ta running moVle 1hort1 In thtatre• Md po11lln1" ta.xi phone n11mher1 1n bar1 tor thOJle "''ho w ant \o rt<le homa and live at lht! &•ll'le Um• . Vllla loboa admlltl!d helplng carry AOme ot the 1tolen 1\erna from lhe re11dencC'. Taken 1''r re $20,800 worth of je.,.·.,Jry, a ppUancta and clothing. \\'h"n arre11ted by Newport po· lict . \'11111Jo))(),a a11Krt <'1ly Admllted hi' h11d a pproidmately l O tu 16 ca.-ult a day heraln habit. The other• who worked .,.·1 th Vt!lalobOll in th• otfen~e alllO have been 11p- prehendl'd. Cruz Home Entry Dan Paulon C1·u• of 1760 S11nla Ana A1·e .. Colt• M<'!1a , not1!1ed pollce ot ent ry or hi• homt v.·h1Je he wu at work Tue1day. Inve11\- K•ltni otflcer1 aald 11''0 ~rN.n dooni .,. • .,re torn to galn entry, but nolhlnf v.·111. 1 p pa rtnll y m1 .. 1nc . ~DAY . F'lr1t 1lt'p ln having unified Okl&J'\om., Her onJ7 .... ,..C itrttt lighunr In Coata Mt .. wu NEW YORK NOON COJ.f~t E!'l.'T an1ong the 11lracth·111 lagg1Nt. 11 J'\1nt'rlJ Mrl•lcq for Mr.. Anna tedfi'I her In de&tb 10 da7ll aco.• taken by the city counc-ll Monda y Compiled by 8 . C. 0 11r1idl', Dean ll candld&le for an 1nr"''"' ln the So1>hle Aleundl"r , (I!, or 41 ~ I Thi! Rtv. D. 8 . .AJ:t.du'MIO f/11. ... \llhen they ordfred C1ty Attornty ''litter Co., -The n11rkl't Opt"ned <1!>'1dend. E1mln11 thl1 yea r ,,.. Ham!ltcm St., Cotta Mt ... were Oabl"\fl ,..111 o trlci.lt. Mid ~ Don Duhgal'I to prf'p•re proc~dii rt Frid•Y on a firm tone .,..ilh 1nter· e1t1mated at 14 :)0 and thtre are held a t 1 p. 1n. t<.>doly Ln Parkea· mtTll will be In Har• ._ M6&- ror the eatablllilHllent ur one or ut brO&deninl" out u the •W11on pro.•pt<'tt tor a n1ln1n1un1 l:l pa)'· Rldh!)' 1'1ortuary Chapel with Ute inorl•.I Puk CemataQ' mort lighllng dt.trl<'la In the tit)' prol'rel.ffd. Rana auppUM llle pri· out. On lhta baa11 yleld al the cur· Rf'V.; Charlea to". Hand otf1clattnr. · and clly EnlJlnter Don south-m&ry leadtr1hlp 1'1th olla, ateeta, rtnl level "'·outd b.-e.e .per tent. Mni. Alex-.nder dl.-d 'Vectne..iay LOUii aol>llAH worth to M!t up itanl.l•r.1.s !or 11.lrc:rarta and chemlca~parUctpat· :\'01·1hern Parltle r--a ~n aubject In Orllngl' County Ho1tp!tal anft' Fun1ral .ervica. &n1 ,..... •t atreeL lighting. Lnl'. to l'l'·a l'.'cum11l11t1on ud with favor· IUI t:totendl'<I ILln"••· She wu a ParkN·Rlfl.Jey Mortuary, o.ta &n!a Ft and SouL'iern Ral\1 ad· ablf' pr011f>l!'Ct• for ral\ earnlnp n-ath'I' or \Vt-llley, Iowa and had J.leaa, for Lnui. Bodmaa·et 111 Such di1tric11 mu1t bt e•l•b-vanced tn1pru.lvely Into nev.· hlch a entra lly, baa the added ,,_,.!Ill· S.alrlce St., COil.a M-. -- II " I "-f ,.,, , y '""' r ,....-Uved h•rt .Un~ 1908. 8urvivol'9 aue< .,., ort 1 ru r · 1 ground u logical •Plit candidate• U\'f' potential of 1ubstanllar' land today In Or•"•• Coun•• o..aJ. ' " 1 b 6 ., Y••··• 1 -•re her hu111H1 nd, J"reo.l L. of tht -.. v nty art o e n rie~ • 11.~ to eventually follow the action or hold1ng11 _which 11re contrlb11t1n1 Hoapllal. !"Olla. 11 "''•• po1nltd out to !lie U nion Pacific. Allhough pro-10 gro"•lng re\•enut•. home: ht r father, Ira 011\Jtr of -----------~-- councU Early action, therl'for ... nounced gain• by the hlCher pnceit Lo.i AmLgOJI : • brolhtr. ftl)ll('oe L. ta expecte<"I. 1 d h !I \\"hilt gain• art! le11 pron.uncM Otnger of Upland•; two 1111 .. ~ luuea t arr.. I. era a vt ri1g .. Int<;> th t I t tl I fl t Mayme C11.rtch of San Prdro -.nd Much of the prenurt for lhl' t•· new,.hlgh ground, ln:;ore11t 11 Ukely t • ee • are • PQ en • re tc • tablL•hment or the di•lriCta haa to perel.11t in lhl• ~roup. ing pro11yec-t rrom lhtt well·matn· Mrs. Naoma Flory of Lancuter; bffn brought about b)' the Soulh-l.OOK~ (;OOD l•lned\tve1or orerat1o1U1 next year. l ntermtnt WILi .In. Harbor Re•I ern Cal!fomla E dl110n Co .. whoae St. Lnula·S•n Francisco 11pp.eara .AJltghl'ny Ludlurn a dv11nct<I 10 • Mtmorlal Park Cemelf•ry. T'Wo 1nore local men han ....,, appoint<'!<! t o the PT'llldmt'• ..,,_ offlclalt ~ay lhey hl\'e bten Tl!· new high ground. ab110rblng pront MRS. nt:l.LA llkO\\'S quest«! by the C011ta t.i e•• Plan· t11k!ng well. llelatlve to esrnlng11 Fun<'r&l .,.rvll'ell for J.lra. Dtllll vl&or)' CoUf!clt a t Ch•pma.a OOl- nlng Comml1alon to put 1n ade-2 Permits OKed •nd cn~h flow. Altrg-heny Lud!uni Mae Brown . .,fl, of 112 North lece. They are A.Nembcym.a art quate 11treet llghllng in nev.• 1111>-i• lltlll among lhf' mQolt r,aAOn&bly Plo.,.·,.r St.. Sa nta. Ana, ... ·111 ~ \\·. Sllllllt)', Beacon Bay aad m.. <l!vl•loni which they eannot ltgal· By Mesa Council prlr!'d In 111' i;:roup lhllt rtnialn11 hrld :Monday at 1111.m.1n Park1-lpr It. Hill. Udo Iala. nltrll!'U1•r Ill 1·urrf'nl lr.vr.I~. Bi'th· HI H t-1 t C.'h • C Th ·1 I d 6 J-A•~-1)' do until the Uchlln.: dlatricta D. O. Shelto n. 2171'i Pacific, co,. ltheni l'ltf'cl ""ti U .S. Ste<'!! lioi·t ' ~)· · or u11ry 1tpe1, 01t.1 e counc1 Inc u " S _..,. ara •el up. ~,, b •••]In.,. ..... ~i·• ••d ,., I• 0 l\lrftft. 1\11"11. Brown ~d •.,.•ay rll l:um1 or lh& count,y and Wiii Th d d ta :\ftaa, hu bttn granted a per· " ... ..,.. 1·~· "" •• • •• \\'edntlld11y in Snnt11. Ana Com-11'11eet ntxt Thul'9day ••enln.r a t e pre1ent •tan ar 1ttm11 to mil by Coat& /,le!!a City Coun1·1t \tC'hnirn1 po11ltlon 10 lln . be a mast arin on a wooc1en "''le, <L "'" mun1ty H 03pit1l 11nr r a Nlart ltl· the <'011,.j!<'! rampua. Al !hi.I -t- 'h• <ounc!I wu ln!ornied. 'T h•• 10 l:ollect m<'!tlll 1""v .. ,ga nnd t ut-PllOFITS t\R~OKHt:O ne1111. Sht w111 •l n11!11•t of ln~t. 1 ln)l: th,.y w ill ltam nret-h.an4 Ut.a ting• from local indu11trl11 l planlll K I I ' r h ,,. "·ll•··•p•-·l•g m••blo1·-·• Ml• Th,. 11u1rlt(>t 'a t()n .. 11 qvHt satb· y. 11.n! r11 n1e le Co1ta ?.lr•11 In optr11 to" o t e eoun • MW ""' • .. --· ·• ...,., .-Sht!llon aa ld he pl11n1. lo takt' th•' 1 ...... W•• , .. ,, •• ,,, bolh tor ap-••-1 h 1 factory "·Uh pror1t-tak111g "'"II ab· 19:?7, mo1·t>d .l o Santa A.Tia ln 1933. non-111. aupported four-y.r ---" .,.. r -• Junk out a l e City or pnx:e11elng 11 ] I 1 1 U 11.nce 11nd lower 1.1pkt!ep. u nder· -.nd ••le. sortie•!, ,,.,. l1mk tor a firm tone ~ht! "'llll "" ml'n1bo'r 1>f th<'! Co11ta c• on• n1 I u on. ' ••ound cablt!ll and meter• would n1·er t he h~lanro or tt1e d~>· with ?.tt""-Con1n1unlty 1'1rlhodl1 t • Shtlton'e Pf'rn1lt w11.11 Ont! of two ~h alAO cut down on axpen1ea. Edlaon gTantl!d by the council. They Ill.ta rail~ 11nd strrl• .,.·.,JI •Upportf'd. C ~~~~·i·ora are two dau...,t .. ni. ;.,.,., but the city would ha••e to od p I a!!on by U II d ~-J •· s ••• approv -.n a P 1c n e .... 11· """~ ·'<>On · lfl<'k t\\"l"faCl'a ltfr11. DougMll R. \\•a-~ of Lido l•I• n111.Lnt11.ln llltm. B h Ad ti I I I t ll "' --------------I enc ver lletll, nr. 0 "' 11. JO lrului;trlalN 482.96 up .3i and MrN. DersLd T. \\'akerteld or thrPe or mor<'! bu1 be:nche11 on city· :?ll !l1illa . !641.311 up :l.96 CGllla l\teia: 1.lx 1.0n1, Au D. ot ""'•n{'(I 11rop<"rly alo"lg '.\',.11·1'°1·1 1• ,.1,111,,,, 6, 37 . 1• 1 t R \\' llll I I' u· Hh·<l. A ll benrhes will b"' Lnsurr•I ".. . "• II\> .11; on 1iun, -" re o ~un nc -1 SNOWBIRDS nnd rerudntr<I from litllf" to t1111c CUGtillued from t.,nl Pal'" ---I p.rn . \'ulun1,. 1.130,BOfl i...•,. 1':. or Long Br11ch. Jeri;-\\'. oi 'I '"" Hearh. !l.!1•11•1r1 0 . of P:\11A<lr1111 '.\'rw \·<>rk I 1>.rn, SI.wk l'rlf'r~ ·I although almDfll a ny <'olor can b<' lmpre1rnated lnto th<'! pluUc il1clr u lha t1111l la molded. The Interior 5 SUSPECTS A111erl1·an Tflrphune ... Hlfl1, \\"ATl:K llt:t\1'}-;luc Au:1ro1v!i1 . 73~. S•L!S st•YICf ••d l l, .. llS '"ontlnn>!d from f 'ln1t ro-Cl•·,-1~· <l~ J B. I. /,/ I• u cleu and 1n1ooth M lhe nut-'-... '· ~ <·• • 0 f llde and the one· piece eonitrucu o '. but I 1·11 ri t i:Jvr yuu lhru nnrnt·l'I' I ~11 l •on1 228~, Oel'l.I·~. eHC.]•.· • •• , O ( with Iha centerboard trunk n1o' d llAtt· Pl'ltl.I(', l'ltt:::o>s t~enrrat E!t•l'I! w ~2A~ ... ,, ... " 11 11 1 The 111·,,t1u1in11ry heann" w1111 O,.n,•r11.1 :\tot•or• 49'• [ lfl..,5 ., •t• ,,., oow• lnlt graUy With t he nU . e m n1 .el Pho~* H • .i,.,."1il0 " the f>O""Lb!llly of leaking, <-nl1vtn.:od Tu<·~day whl'n lh" p1o·S!I 1\1 ")' \'"· 41 '-·r:=======~i====~~::::::::::::~ \I'll~ bPrrt"d f r(llll tht> cQY-11 t'hA1ll · '.\'r"· Yn1k c .. 11l1 nl . 4; . l't:RPETUt\Tt: C'l.Ai;i~ bt"r while Brokll"' 1r~tlf1r.1. The ="o Ar11e r1 r11n A1·inllon 71 The dt!velopn1ent comn1Lttee, and 1lt·l<'TU1e 11ttorn"Y" rl'qur stc,t 111e ~"'"''"s .1· Brorr n :,4 other11 ""ho have 1ten \ht ne\I' bu11t bannln~ u f the 111'\\'~rn•·n. I ~" l '1t!or Ed1110n _ ~t i undtr constn1cUoh. reel that thl~ One w1lnrsn i.-.. ~t 1 fh·il ht ;rnw IS" P11<'1f1t' RH !'IN atrea mllnl'<l \'e~lon or the belo1•ed !I.fr~. SultJ\•itn, 1evrn 1n<Jnth11 prr~· S1 ~n1t11r<t IJ1I or f:11l1f. .. ff Sfl~, old c•l.·boat wlll 1erve to ~rpe-111nt . 11!\0\'t?d lo th<' i.:-1uun.1 1111\I !'n1nn t •1I nr l 'nllf. ~ -· ~:?~, tuate the cl11.aa and tncr,.11.~<'! \ht" her ~rm tW IAlf<l hth!n'I hrr 1w.s :-;1,.,.1 08! popul11rL!y ot the1e fine little rac· Brok11w 11uff1•rf'd lll'nou.~ 1nju1'--------- lng erafl e"en morC'. tc11 In the fr11r"-'· 1 Otftciil iancllnn from the Snov.•. Th<'! KSM""rted att11r k t><:Curred Hausken-Watson bird SaLllni; A.llaoc!aUon 11 oe11pect · "·hen Sullivlln tried tu. diii·i, lni Sl'Ol~TS C.o\ll C't:NTt:R ed al an rirly date, ofter which •·thir!e rron1 the 1'11fe" pF1tk1P1;; --•-- regular productlot1 of the boata ilUt and round lht p~lh btn•·k~•t by -'•1!:t111r. ,\I•;, t\ll• llumf'o wlll be •\11rttd. T he protot r pr nnothPr <:ll r, allei:rd Y llHll t)f 111" Au,fln 11 .. 1,1.•·. Au~lln. ~lorrl• 01od~l \l'llJ be demontlrated 11n1h:r dtrtndanta_ 1 All•!lu t:ui:ll~h l"ofll aa'.U rnr the tlr1t Ume off lhe New----1 XI:\\' C"'AJ: SA 1.t:l-1 A' s1':1t\•l('f: port H arbor Y1cht Club durlr>g \ht! BE SURE INSURE -e- Fall Gold Cup Regatta lhil ... ·eek-\.\"llh C;Ll:AS 1·st:rJ C ARS end. M.4l'RICt: 8Tt\~·l.E\' J111p0rt•'<i & Don1e~L1c Car Tap Slashed The convertible t op or Rn autn· mobile belong1 nc to J.larJOrle I!: ln1u r11.nc• Ooly rhon .. ll11rhor 2 111 OOST,\ ;ut-:SI\ I ~t\XTI\ A:"OA IS i~ l:. ('o>a<>I Jllch11ay 1,1,,,.rt.-11·."W.l l Kl !-n~.'\.6 C'A1roria clf'l ,"iar 193:? ·Har. Ill. '!201 ~. :\laln 'ti! 7 P: M. ~ Colll1. 482 Co1ta MeH St .• Co&ta M.e••· WM 1Ja1hed ln Ui.r<'!e pl&Cf'I by v~nd&l• II• the car wa1 parktd In rront or a r.hurch at 1964 Or- anc• Ave. rtcenlly. M t!lll. polite reported. Loa.a wu a pproximate!)' . ... SATURDAY November 26 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Our New and Enlarged Store See o,.. 119, New FREE Refreshments Served All .Day! HARDWARE FREE GRAND PRIZES • 4 DRESSED TURKE.YI 4 • Plus Betty Crocker • ~~ b , -and- HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENTS • 1xer , ~ ----.....Ar • Food M. ·-t-W~ ~' ??@fin Plus S)M'dal "'''"'to I~ ''"'"" fn• ""' hour :~ IS th '111/Jf!/'JU'lf SAFETY. CHECK.:UP Grand rrize OraM·in~ at ,5 I'· m. Sat .. S o,, '.?H. Ke~tf'r t·..,.t: an) tin11• IM'IWte n K a.n1 . Rnd ;1 r.m. C.:omr and ~ ho"' "'" ha\'f' i;::mwn In the pa1o1 t e:l&htttn .\·rant in I hl5 IWUhe location. v v v Checli Check Check Brakes SteerinCJ Horn v v v • 'checli Tires Check Lights Checli I Windshield Wipen Stop at ane of the Local Auto Dealen Listed lelow and Get Yaur Free Check-up D•lng the periad from Nov. 26th lhrau11h Dec . 3rd. I DRIVE SAFELY EVERY DAY! THEODORE ROBL'°S -f 'ORD \'nur t•ard l>Mler Sine. l ttl 1100 ''-'· c-t Hw')'-Ubf.rtJ' 14411 --JOHNSON .t SON -LINCOLN-lllERCUR\" CnnUnl'-ntal toO \\". C-..t Hory-t.l1"'r1y 9·M4l ROY CARVER PONTIAC 1 UIO \\·.('<,._I 1114)'-l.lho..rty 8-14'4! • MIUER CHEVROLET CO. Che1•rolet -Old.unobllr 1000 ~Caul Hwy-1.Jbart)' P...ttll LOU REED I; ASSOCIATF.8 lna~rtai~:hry•l"r-Plymouth-lntemaUonal l tOO "'· c-· HW)'-l.lbenJ 11-MM COTl'OS GOFF Yallnt....._,.•ne!M t i 11 =""'""''por1 Bh·d--Jfaftl()r t • r ,\Rt\Kt:t:T FREE \\"Uh lh., 1•ur,.h11-"' I .Arie~ :rr.·1rkl,. l'l11l"il CafJe s5 2s Rrc11l11r IJl.911 ,.al u# fiarro ~ l'or•·,.f:oln t:n•n,.•lrd l'Ol'ltma.tlr ~u,..,.ha.mp Roaster T,l'I"' Do9 Food $1 47 Wheelbarrow ' lh. ('&11 .... 49< 11 .. i:;11l11r 5't . .'t9 \ itln•· $995 1 -~'I:" rn••ni;h l•ir .'! I hl r~""'" Rr tul•r 1111.nn \•11,.,. l t..•1ul11r 6.'11: \ lllu.. We Feature & Recommend Our Complete Line of LARRO "FARM TESTED" FEEDS ' Y ou'r• Money Ahead When They're "LARRO" Fed! • f"un<K1_• Brand namn •ur h _ .. Rf'\'Prt \\·ar• .. -"\\·,.•r-t:1·rr .. _ .. M••lf't··-":'iilU1.J<oy"-"l'lumh··-D1 .. 1on and OtMra e • =------ 2240 • 1 I r iAdvent Breakfast CHURCH OF REL!S~:>rs SC~ENCE Emeat Holrrf1. (oun,~r. author 01 "S,·1,·twe o( M1nJ " SUNDA \' SER\'ICES 11 a.m. .lualor CbW'Ch and Nurw~· Cani II a.en. ,,, for St. Jam es Men B•v. lritl Turil, M1n1 .. t .. r LAOIJ!llA BEACH A.BT OALJ.ERY lt\'att .._,:M SOT CUff Dr. Advent seaaon will be inaugurated at St. James Eplaco- pal Church with Men's Corporate Communion at 7 :30 a. m. Sunday, followed by a breakfast in the Parish Hall. For reeervations, call J . A. Pinkham, Har. 0283-M. There will be no 8 a. m. service BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MJlSA CHAPEL 170 Superior Avenue Co1ta Mua, Calif. CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3020 E. COlllOl Ulvd ... Corona dl'I Mar, Calif. ~RE CEREMONY for new Boy Scouts includes llghing of candles for points of the Scout law. Above (1 to r) a re Peter Koch, Jim Bridgeman. Peter Flaherty, Mel Parks (not visible}. Randy ·Investiture For Island Scouts Climaxing the family night dinner of Balboa Island Community Methodist Church, held in Dearborn Hall. 0 was Wright, John Scott. Dick Brenan. Lee Fellinge, Jim Culb<'rtson. Tom MacMast e>r, nnd J im Jones. Cere- mony was in Balboa Island Methodjst Church with ScoutmW:ltcr Matt Waidelich offic;iating.-Staff Photo the candlelighting ceremony in which a group of buy~ was 1 PAGE 8 • PART I _ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS welcomed lnto Scout Troop l of whic h the t·hurch 1s 1 FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 •poD.10r. ..... ................................................................................................................... .. The tnvMUture rite rulminRtect pl&cin11: ll'"•r h11nt1~ lll1 th1• 11 1u11• · "' thl'ff month• or a~l'lal 'rlllflllll:" f lag llnil t•'•illni; the l'1·1111t ""Ill METI-IODIS1 s TO PRESENT ft:>r the boy• and the itroup was rrpre1wnl··ll bv th•·''"'''' ,.,., .. 1,, •• / ... Jar1e1t to completr lhr N1ursf E11d1 boy lh•n hi 11 ,..,,,1 r '"' CI-J RI STMASrl"'JO£ PAGEANT lllnce It wu •tarted three yurs I t he J2 1H11nl1< of 1t1· s. 11111 Ill\\ ago. Rt:c·t:n ·t: llAUc.Y.~ I TltC' , h•h111111,• 1·111'1 lrnn,. f'ai:1•a11t l•> bP 1o:1v .. ,, a l Chrl3t orr OY c t:BRJso scoutma,;t~1 )f 11 1 1 w .11o1. I• h When Cub Seoul• reach the agf pre11l'nll'd the n,-.w S• •lit. v.ith ('l111r• h Uy 1111· R.,, I ,., l >< Ill-; :w Jl Ill 11> n11w in reht'&rlU!l. of 11 they w111 have attained w,.. lheir TPn<krront i,,111,.,. \\llh 11 l.l\'1111: I'" 1111--d1·f11• l111~ tlio· ~rtll\'11.V \Hll "" p r1•11••11t,.d, wlth beloa rank and begin to le11r11 lht mln1t<tmr b!lil)'•' l:I\• n 1., , 1, li ,....111•1"" t111 .1-l11·il by'"'' 1111.un11>t, 11•1l111sl11, •UIJ 1111 lhe rhurch requirement.II of .T~nderCool r&nk j mo1 her . .>tc·n t.-11 d• 1 ~ .i th1 t "'"I' < h1· 1 IA Boy 8coutlngo. prt'srnll'fl thP hn\'S \\·Jl'l 1h"1 r ~·Ir~ L• 1tP F'·r1rni: plt1~n thr !"Art nf ~l11 r~·: .Mrs Dnrnt hy Havtnr demon.1U-.tt'd their troop neck .. rc'lld • !'till\\•tl ltw l•lli:•I \\'11i.t1111 Tl\1111111.<, S1ni•nn a11rt Sam Baril. knowled11 lo the audience '"I 1 .... at1 .. 1·• '"''th<' Rr \' 1>1n11l•I .l"•11h 1'h I\" H '"'"l"11 \\'1llplnv t hPC'hr1:ol:"h«'pherd,., Dearborn Hall, lhe group of boyA Sapp. l'ul. J ohn J..ol, ri·d H.iu~•·• ''"'' .\lo·t 111•1 1/11• Jllil~··" .... 111 h1• 1q111·«nl«I hy <'hur,·hmrn. .:,~~,:du~~ ~:~u: ~c~ou~:cl~=~~ Ray Ro rk, Boh 1-n11r ltrnn 1: ,, \\ltll•· • h• 11 I ... 111~• I• An•I 1i1'.11rnly th11111i:" \\Ill be pl1yfd the caD to colora and a cctpt#d Lon, ltoland \'all1•l1. Jim (; 11•r 111· 111, ~·• i.:•·•~ ~Ir 111 lly \'i:" I. •io~IM•·•I by Mr1. IA11h th• candldatu inlo l ht troop <Ir· Bob l 'l,f"n•·i·. I>o11i: t-••iff"\ ,.11.i L1111 · •. ~,, .. A J H11111·1 and Mrs Hoy Carl80n, la 111 cle oC frtendllhlp. The hllll'r drdl· AM1llllint :-;«111ln11t-11·1~ ;-.; .. 1"11 11 d i .. 1.; .. <>I 1h1 fll••lth ti• 11 c•led thtmNIW• to Scoulrnie by VIAt•I lllld uu.1 l"he,l<'I ------------------------------''-~-- Churchwoman Addresses Saint James Auxiliary be<.'8Ulle It I" 11\'ldo" 11 .. ,,,,.,. "' I Ina;: 8•0l•u1,lv un 1h• l oh •• 1 t lh•· earlh.' AIM> l!lpt'llklng •in lh• )H<•J:l olflt -Religious Sc ience 1 un......1"llv IA111• a tundance la· • •uJ • .i m• m h-·1 • from l\'t'wporl. (.',1-.t.1 M• ~ t I '11r111111 drl Mnr, 08· na l't 1111 X:io 1·i.·mt'nlt' 1tnd l..a· 'l.HIR Rt'.11 h ~crvi ce Gu il<l Tl"" !'···vu,, Cu l.J 1' I 1·1.,,,.. .,.., rr rnmplct NI tor a 11-1 I:• It 1 ,_j,_ ;-;, ''•' • I.••· •&Utllllt.!"' ""'" t•• tu• h~ld '" Sci•· ,.;11 • lv t • h· •I,, I 1 • 11 l ti!••' .. ,.,,, ,., •• j •. Lo1,:-111i~ H• .. u•'h, ru•c U• 111 1 lu 111 1u• • r ~11 • •:a"'•· I. !' tu tth ,., , • ., , .. d,. tn lw u•t(f fr1r "•' J.. h \ IH ~ .. ,,tl1 t...t '"" A tt l h,1 (•ll*' h 1M• of H lUJlf' tN'(H·•!f'r Mom lnr Prayer and family eervlce la at 9 :11! a. m .. a.tao Sun' day achoo!. There wUI be Holy BAptiam for KrlaUn Kim LIU.- cnaven. Young People'• Fellowahlp 8 :30 p. m ., Adult lnqulren1' clue at 8 p. m. AT RET1lEAT On Tunday Ute Long Buch convocation wlll hold a Quiet Day at St. Mary'a, Laguna Beach. 9 :30 a . m. to 3 p. m. The Rev. John Parke ot St. Jamea will lead I In medllallona on "Th• R oly Eµ- chsrlat". The Adult Study f?'OUP meet. Wednuday a t 7:30 p. m . IA the library. The Prayer Oulld meet• a t 9:1~, a. m. Thul'llday wtth Holy Commumon and beallnr aerv!c:e at 10:30 a. m. DA 1' SCHOOL DINNER The Rev. William S. Chalmen , headmuter of Harvard School and head of the Dl;:,cuan Depart- ment of Day Schoola. will be apeaker on Friday, Dec. 2 at the U niversalist Sermon to be on 'Judaism' The "Contribution of Jud.abm" will be the aermon theme at th• &ervtcu or the Unlvena.ll1t Com- munity Fellowahlp on Sunday. Thi• la lhe fourth of a aeriee of 1ermon1 on the cor.t.rlbutlon.a of the llvlnr reltgiona t.v ~ world'• common ntt<U. The .erlea will be Interrupted during Ute mom.h ot December and reaumed ualn In January w ith evaluation of I.a1am and Ch anlty. Nnt Sunday wW al- e birthday Sunday t or thoee having birthday• 1n the month of November . Children are u ktd to be p~ &fnl at 10 a. m. inatud of 10:30 rrom now untll the Chrlaltnu proftT&m on Dec. 18 In order to practise for lhe Chrlatmu alng- l11g and the tableauic wtth Wll· llam Wllty In charge. Two p iano n umber• wtll aritn be a 11pectal feature of Ole Fel- low11hlp'1 mu111c ortering1 on Sun· day11 now th11t M ra. Katherine Orr hu rtturned to thla commu- nity 11tter an extended atay In the middle wea~ and Canad&. The Fellowehlp meet. eve.ry Sunday at lhe EbeU Club. a15 W. Balboa Blvd. a t 10:30 a.. m. tor Sunday tchool and 11 a.. m . tor morning w orahlp_ A coffee hour tollowa the eervlce ao that the !rttnd1 ot the F eUowahJp may get acqua.lnted with vt•llora. The ~v. I Frederick R.lng-e of C<>rona del Mar la the mlntater and M.ra. Rlnfe &a mln!M.w oL nwalc.. Insurance \Vo01en Jnaurance Women ot Oruire county will bold a Cb.riatmu par· ty Dec. 7 at Swan.on'• Mont.Ny cafr. Santa Ana. with dinner and a 11urprll!4l prorram. Each mem- b,.r 11 to brtng an a cha.nre rift. "Pray•r a the unattn brl•lgt belwa.n man a nd Uod". "aid Mr• J. H erbert. Srnll h. wire or lhf" rector ot A ll Sainl11 F:l)l11Mpul Church ot Btverly Hilla. 1111!.lrPfl· lllnf mt mbera or the Wom11n'11 P'eUowahlp or !'It. Jam~ Church at Utelr Novrmber lunchf'1111 Wilh M n l'lUllh \\i'lt· ~I I II.ti· oht S And-.•t ... 11n .11 h'1•1 ~1tt;t Costa Mc11a., California ConUnulnir on bar 11ubjrcl ot .. Prayer". Mu. Smith ... d: ''All ot UI In IOUthem Callfll!'· nla are aeflnK a trem endous unou11 t ot building golnr on In Ula neld• ot lnduatry. 9Choolll. ~mH anef churt~ F or every "ulldtnr thrr• hu to be e lf'O'Ulld· brMJitng a nd a dlwng of dttr fou.ndaUon•. Similarly. 1n lhr 11>lr1tuaJ lift. when we ~11~ to -.reak new g-round we ~w •titl,. n. blf quuuon I• how ran v. .. lllulld dttp roundallona ~nf'a th our IMU llYf'll fU Wt .,... bu1ltl· lnl everywhtrt \•l1Jlble. "Xlnnal foundallona ror our modern eo- c.lety? Nrwton 0 . L\11•1' l~·lh o• 11\'t• 111 I l\ll Sulnl.11' Cl1t1tol• \1 1 \11d•1 l"On, " furmer 1''''"''''•'111 .. 1 11 ... II II ~1uut.s' \\'omnn ~ 1\11\.rr.••' "fl' K· nf ma rn· C'"n< t ,., ,. \\ ·" .c 111 hu \ o~ & v1l"I prtl)'t'r hi•• h 1 1·•,. •n 1111 and rn tam1lr "1.1: 1· 11,.11·1• Mrt1. Copp lfll•I ''""° p1 I\•' h \ ~ 11ltf'nl('lhcneJ tlw .. 1,.:.,n1:1w I 11!1• nf l he \\'nman Alll•1f.ol\ 1111 .. 11. \'Tlal dfV1llon11I on I •"l·h· I. • •11•~ She al.to •r .. ,k. •·f hm, .. 11 •n· c~111nr; numh• r 1,f p,,,., .1 .. , .. are help1ni: "t•nt••n I•• 11 111n1 • pnwerl\.ll fa.ilh a n•I l" n •I•·· I" • un ll'~t.&nd1111o: .. t lh .. l1f• <>I I''"·'· •r ).fr.. J O .. ff'h If R1i:1.. ' I• •I d~nl ••f th ... ,.puo l1 ., \ ,., "' llnl • •t l.br nc.xl mrPltn~ lln I 1•111 • n WOUid t>f' h Pltl un f '' 11 •I U Ill p. m. In th<' l 'w 1•h II II 1\1• 11 . n.1 .. of Rl M .. _.tr• 1 M 1;11111 '"" be lunl'heon hni;• •'•~··· Science Sermon Denounces Evil '\\',tll'h y(' ,..l,tnl f.1 -1 tn !It f lllh, 'I Ill \• ·I hi.. '"' I I" 11-f r 11n 1: .. Th''"Ct~ 't''1•1ilJt ''' t t 1 r11 "Prayer 11 th,. btldf• over which man walk• to t h,. a.n-f'r. J>r11yfr a. our touch With 000 and HI• wtlh u1 It mf'&n• lalklng thine• OYer with Him and ll11ltnln11: to Jflm. Praytr m,.nnfl obeylnl' the llond ot HI• w ill. not 011r11 A t a lime whfn mo1tl or 1111 11re ron- cerned with lhf' n ",. J uf th,. world, with th,. """'! ''' <1111 trlend.g, with l h <' n'""' 1•r 11ur f&mlllt'I, 11 n1I thl" ti<'' •I In 1>111 Hl•M. pr11yrr 111\\111" r n11 t, tt" way to ron11t r11d 1 \'r "1 11"'' "0uf' lo lhl' 1r11r<•l11til11l1111•• 1n•I 1 "lltt1<!'1. !;l\"n 1 .. l'.1111 I lh• 1·, 1~ demanda put ur11n 1111 1t11y in 1t11 I 1,'1tluan• in h•~ (•· •t • i • " • 111 day out. m an\' 11r 1111 ff'rl •1111p·i "11 14 111 h1• tit'" <i •ltl1•11 ,,,1 ped" by ,.. ",. n 14 ,, of flr.'''-'UJ, Lh•• ~;tn•IA v L f" _ 11n :-:, , "' n 1n .f>rayt r I• lht 11n~Wf'r to pr,.,.•urt lll C h1,11111u1 ~. • n•" •'""'I~~ becau~e It ntf'Jtnio "" ,,,, IHk" Anc.••111 1111 I ~I 11111 :\. 1 , 11 . 1 tlm• for qulf't aluntne~s "Ith t:••I ri·. a llu ~I · ~n • · 1 11 n I II\ I'• • through w h h h hf' t nn Rn•t """~ 11sn1. Pt"""' •·•I '' tt ·• ""''1 •,' direct thf' aff11lrs or lllf'll "~ \\I'll '""lnh I•, ..... ,. 1: ' ' ' I" •• 1 .. u of n1Uon11 rll'•tr"'' brn•llli;•• \\h•n h• '"' Prayer untftn 11n1I "rr hllf<'\l' "T hr Lnrrt ••I hn•l • h:i'h .,, .. rn H eh day 11ntl fills 11~ w ith tn· '"111·rni; ... I \\111 '"' •k lh,. \ Cl"Pllllnir purJW'I"" an.t Pl1lh11111n11m "~' '"n In rll\' IHnil lh• 11 I 1 I t o 11harT lhe U vln1tt Chi 1~1 In hi• ~ 11kf tlr1•A1 l fr. 1· n1 I I h··1 , ma.t natural an.I t>ll rltlnfO: -.ny• An.I h1• h111.i.,, ol·1°11t In" •II llle chain rf'11rtlon nf 1•1111·r1 1• 111 .. 11 •h1111ldt>u 1111• 1• 11.,. 1 •11 llO tran•tormlnit th1'll,1t '"ti un111 I"~·· th•' I• l''''I"''• ! 11· , !hr a perllOft. a home 1nd 11 n11t1on \\hnli> ••111 lh end th • '" 1t, h~n·I tll111 I• li il•h"il nlll llj••n 1<1l lhr rmaT CHl'RC'H Of' CHRl.ST n11\1>1n' 111 Zl·'.!11 8C'llE~Tl8T ;\lfp \" P.otk• ! l"d·!\ I•• Ill •'< IJIJ Yla Ltdo. Ne•PGt't l•ech tn A h-•,.<"' o• h t JrriA •• ,.. 1r..· • ~ "• i ~· '~• l'"'' ,. ''' 1 JC• \l"h \\i'h l\••\' l o Ooofttl 94 C .. ltt, k leo!lol, lo lotto•. Mo1 .. • (ho• :'t 1 IJ 11,1 •'< ' ' rJl.11 r\'.J f I ~Sc.... ''' •·,.. m11t1rr ha ~ n·· thrr 1111 t lt1~1·l1t" c:; Se,.lu ----11 00 • "'·1nor Jhll\'lf I~ lh1• il•rlrlll" ,.( nh• • ......, .... 1.. ... ....... --• 00 ... ,.. • ... .,,.. •-._.1 • ., •• UIS .,1• l1d0, solute I hn•:11n Sr1~n· ~ 11n I 111,, ..._,... leKll, 1, .,. ..... , d•r• ,, • .,, 111 t h,. l.'.IP"lt trulh .... h11h •1111H ltM •·"'· .. , ... ""' Wed,..10•1• tro'"' all !1l~C\ll.M' ft nm tll fllt .. •·j' h ' ltM e.M. le I -• "' • P..1der •••• 1 t. t. -Cleoed 1101 d•f\· .. .....,,. " _ .... ,.. , ....... .., .. . ... .... .. ~ ............ -,... , .... , .. ... ' irood ynu •In 111i.1 l'n&ti. .. 1v 1.:11'"• you lhe nnll' pnwrr obt11ln11hl,. EVU Ml JIOt po"·er." IPP· ~.18:11 ._Je~Vi~ .. ,. --I ---- No Parkin9 Problems Parking, in general, has become a tre· mendous problem, yet parking at the Parkes-Ridley Mortuary is NOT a prob· le:-n af all, since we make more than ~<l equate parking facil ities a vailable to ~·1ose who come to pay the ir respech er to aH end se rvice s here. 0 ,1r pri vate parking lot is sufficiently le>: g:? to accommodate a great many 1; :i ·s: sufficiently large to accommo· date All c/during an average service. ---- PARKES· RI OLEY MOR.TUAR.Y 11 0 BROADWAY COSTA Ml.SA LI BU.TY 8· 3433 8 A LBOA•BALBOA ISLAND•LIDO ISLE NEWPORT aEACH • CO&OHA DEl MM 8 p. m . d.IJ\nu and a rea meflln& ot the Dloceaan Day School. Phone Liberty 8-2121 Phone Harbor 42 - ---·- • .. ' At eftf1 parent lrnowt, learning to aay •thank 7ou" i1 ont of the elementary lu- IOftl in a cbild'1 bol))• education. It i1 ptft OM in the boolr'of good manners. It 11 alao ont of the first leuon• in a P'rton'• rellrioua edupetion. And hen it ia aomtthias1 more tbln mere cood man- nen. Jn ntt'f are nn'• 1plrltual instiht can bt meaaured by his readine11 to recognize Ood as the source of 1tren(th and bleu- inp. and by hi1 eacerne11 to expre11 hia cratitude to the Almighty. No one has ever doubted the r~ligiou11inceritv of our Pilf"rlm fathers: thty i•vt us Thanlcs- 1lv1a1 Day. . . Today, in 1 world hungry for spmt· uel leadenhip, how much depends on our faith in God •.. and our abil ity to turn to Him irf' gratitude and pr1 yerl J .... ~ THE CKUllCH FOii All , .. All FOR TIU: CHURCH Tht Ct-.. rch tt 1t> • ou oua1 foe tor on •Orth tor tht bt.1uOU'CJ ci. C'haroct•r 01\'1 QOod C•l1;en1h1p ft ti a t1o·ehouat of a~1r1tuol •ah••• W11hout o &11onq Ch1.Uch ne1n ., dt mOCtOC Y "Ct Cl¥1li:rotte>tt ton tur¥1we. Thert o r• '""' aound reoecn1 •hr •••rr r-''•On •ho.,,kJ Oll•Dd 1er•1ct1 r99Ylo1l1 ond 1up.. ro11 lhe C~urch The1 ot• 111 ror hlO own toke 121 ro1 h1a Cl\tld••n ' ooh IJI rot lhe ' ••• of h11 commu,,ur ond ao11cn t4 ' ro,. 1he 1ake ol 1t-e Chun:h '"'111 'Whi<h n••d• h11 moral t:1nd .... ., teuot ''°"'P<'" Pia" to oo to cku1ch 1e9ulot11 and ''"" your Bibi• doily l>•r aook Ch1p1er Veno luodoy I Choooirlu It '1·>4 M""d•r r> .. tm• 101 l·t Tuud1y l'ulmo 14S 1·11 Wtdo .. d'r J•h• • 1 14 Thvn4ay Atu 1 Jl.u Pti4•,. .. Acn 11 7J.J4 IUvtda7 .. c.1 ... r... a 11.17 This Ch ... ch Feature Sponsored by L 1Mse Local lusineu Firms ILANCHE IENZ Lawle Wooclwortll Plano Co. Tbe Yam Shop Cb.ut-Aaaembl-Blocll • wln.let 308~ Marlae Ave. Barbor 0880 Complete Line ot New A Uffd P l1noa 2610 E. Cout u ... y. Harbor 3382 CUSTOM AUDIO Public Addre .. -Hi-Fl -Tape Recorden US 29th St. Newport Beach Barbor 1506 GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rup and Ca~u 122 Agate Ave. Balboa lal&ad Harbor 3256 • ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors Bay Front SpeclallelA 2901 Newport Bh·d. Newport Beach Harbor 5226 Mario's Smal1 Set Hair Fashions Complete Slylln~ Permanent Wa vt.ng and Ttnllnr MOi Eut Cout Hwy. Harbor 61M NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. I Co mplete Home Fuml.shlng1 Zfho w. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-lllS Fred Orqeron Chevron S.nice Tlru -Batterlu -Arcu1<1rlu Complele Lubr1c11ttnn 2100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor llWS MAC PELLETID'S Newpert Beach Pharmary 2108 Ocean Front S ewport Beach Barbor 5 UN19UE CAFE BrMkfut -Lunch -Dlnna 410 SZcla St., (Acro.t· from City BaU) Entle Chw'c.._THE AICHES IJnion 011 Dealfr MOO W. Cout Hwy. Newport 8-cb u 8-908S The Island Patio Restawant SOO Jtutae Ave • EUTE IEAUTY SHOP Under the New Mana1enment or Mr. Pat Harbor 1 M27 H. H. HOLIROOK Depcondable Plumbing' 2801 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4624 DICK MACKER Draper1r11 -Carpel' -l·phollll f'ry C<>rnplete Frtt Decorating St'rvlte S420 \'la Udo Harbor 4m MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flowen -Pel Suppllee NEWPORT HARIOR IANK An Independtnl Home Ba.nk . Corona dt l Mar The Port Hole Breakfast House Midnig ht l<l 11 A. M. 221'7 W. Cout HJway, Newport 84!ach STAFFORD . & SON E l•ctrica.l Conlrar lora 11 O IUvenlde Ave. Newport Beach LllM'rty 8-2276 Vlllcet1t'1 Rexan DnNJ Stores Thr~e )l)('atlon.1 to Serve You Newport Beach Balboa Corona df'l Mar Tommy WHIOft leauty Salon ~15 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor 2187 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT C<>ff,.. Shop-Open 2-l h our• SM5 W. Co.Al Hy. (at Balboa Covet) ljarbor !1820 EvefY.bOdY. Reads The C L ~ S S I F I E D • AR MY-NAVY GAME O N COLOR VIDEO -----------------·NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE SS PART II PAGE I ELKS -KICKOFF YOUTH SLATE FRIDA Y, NOVEMBER 2S, 19S5 WITH THURSDAY GRI~ FEAST Nl'wport H1rbor lllk1 l..odi:;l' night for <'l'l!•·rt-.io1ng t11a H11rbor 1trca Nl'wport Harbo r High S.:hoo! '1i11J Onangl' C(•11l Coll<'Kf' ffll •lbM!l 1t·11.1111 11t 1 p. m. ThuraJ11y w ill 11.lao mark kh:koff <Jf a n1ore iextrndt>d loca l l:lk1' youth Pn>(rallJ, ac· cordi ng lo Ex11L!N RulPr Al Jitatthewa. I n follov1•>n&; thr~ut.:h nn • polky t atablLthed by the l'!lk•' Gc'and LodKI' Youth Authorily. the Newport Hllrbor mt'mbo'ra ha»f' adoprl'd the •Log.,n: .. Today·a yooth holdi America'• futurr In h1~ l111nrb ·• The prnjel'll'd local p rorrarn will be 1!1n\t>J' tuwat<l tlil' ti·pnn to;I' grou1J. Ma llhl'WI la.Id, llnl'e !h i f:llo~ f,•cJ tt111\ 111 the nrgh•ctetl t'l!Jllent among Ult younger 11 ~nt'nlt1on. Gu•'>•I "r•'11 ker Thur11r1ny night w ill ht-a member of COACh H••d Sandt-rs· L:l.'LA 11l&ff. S11nde1.,, prep•ring hi• B ruin t>le\«·n rur the Jnn. :: Rost. B-Owl date a gainst Mtchtgari Statr . h1td pnur <"nn11u l!l11lt'n\9, Trophl"s will be pn11enled to the "rn•\,;l us•·lul" pk1yers on <I'll.Ch local .quad. RED JUST DON'T KNOW Bruins Could learn Lots From Harbor Boys' Squad 6 TH GRADE GRIDDERS SEEK PERFECT -MARK Boys' Club Team Tan9le$_ with Fullerton, Anaheim in Finale · ·. Bracing ror their last two games or tht' !:K'&HOn arl' the Harbor Boys' Club sixth grade fl ag footb11.ller~ nftt•r rolt- ing over Laguna 45_-.18 Saturday at l.Aguna Beach 1-ligh School ror their nint h win without a &.•t back thi~ year. ToU•S. lh<'Y titk» on 1"11U1•rton at COl!lll 1'1<1'all Paik 111 2 p.in. •ntl tun1orrow tru1•el to Anuhe1n1 ror a quarter ~1ufr•! ••I\ ~ h•"·k ll•l•·•~l f"'-111'· fl\';• ,\.U'l lll 11\'1 hfl••r .lro l J p.1n , KHIJlt' .. ,,,\ IH•Hll\•( 1•lay l.:•t.:""" ~· l"~·t i..t'fl hJ\lf Den11y Prr·11n "'fl\\ 40 .,11 lt !h>l!wr· 1 • .,~~ l'l"y 1,, IHll l<f' il .•·~•l'.ls on t ho: "~~n<t pltt.y <>( :>at -'.1!!·11' l'rrnn ~··urr•t lho• !•'1·•1 ;;~~·~;~e c~i:;:1;,o ;~,~: l ~~;!lf:r".,.,'.~~; po111111 (/JI " ::4 !:'"'•\ !Hwk lM '""" .. play. O•'•·r for thl'l con•·rrM1un for ll 1-0 ~ __ _ lf'll(1. Althou)('h. they had ku·ke't lo 011"!1 the KA•ne. lhf' hwals 1tu<'•'t.'M~­ fully txecutfl<I an ftll •1th• kick 10 J immie Shipman, 60 pounds of dynamite, made UC LA 's K•'l poaeei;J11on of lhf' 111111. Athlet:cs Stay Atop 71!1 Gra ~e v.·ingback reverse look sick Saturday as he spa.rked th('I Kt:l'EAT 1·'A 11~~ H b Bo 'Cl b t 19·6 win over Laguna Beach from .Aflf'r thl'l touch\lo"n, th,. l•K·"!.'! ar or ys u O a . iriell the oruUJe k ••·k "'""I h111 T h fl t f l ed Sh Ored R11ff.-nni: I ho'!r f11 ~1 ···!11 "'II ,,, F'OO\bA!l fAns "'ill hll\'t 11.n hia Wingback position. C ee 00 1pman BC Lllguna re<:overffl lhe lmll. Un f1r11t th•• llHih<ir lln)'.'I' •'li:h ~· '•'ll'h oppuru1 nlty to "·1tnr"s 11nolhl•r one touchdown and set up two others on t he play tha( play Jln1 Curtis inte1 1·epl<'<l "' p .... s 1:r11,i,. fl•ll' 1."11 "',11 lo·~ .. ,1,. 11,., outStAn1hng gJ\nle on color TV "111.de thl'l Bruins flln>OU$, •nil l"Qn lt back 28 Ylll'<ls ti> lh<" Alhl ~t .. ~ rcni~uwot "' lo ,( Patrick picked up t he ball. skirt-•.. 30 e 1 • -10\'-·' <h t onior'r(•W "'hfn lhc annual ... guna . ran ....,wi• n ru . " "'itll a ;,.1 .,.~,,!11 ·""" Jr. ORIM (•ftlM ing end t or the •cort.. Patrick b 11 l!) I ti r I I ' pl."'" Tho Arrnr-N,.,vy G11m" h1 pre111'n\-1 ,, •. , •• <h• ''"''TD 1, '"• '"•••·<h u y11r1•on •<' 1rat P"Y'"' Tii;:•·r• <'•\):'"I rh • A',. 2 ... 1,.. eil on lhP bii;: t<'l•••·l~ion ,.,.rctn Of <"ourae he had au •lance v cu u • v Perrin fsked an off t•ckle Mf11nt . Oth.-r ,., ~ul1.1 ,11 111 1 ••• f,,,,,,,1 ~n nw louri:c 111 Villa '.\la rlna. frorn Harold 1F'i1·.it [)o"·n B ro"'"' qu•rter~on a right end run "'1th p&ll.lllng to end Mike PalrlC'k tor th" Gia a:~ Ii. •'.•"1' th•• I : .i :-· •:t Garne '""""fur this t ri1<li· Ciull who kepl the flefenites itt>et!J!-Goocl blocking from Crim, Ship-the •...:ond touchdown. l!•-IJ, 11,,. \\'h.f•· s "" ''""''•": 111,. tlonlll lnl+"r _ ll<'l'VICI' gr 1 u ing on hM run-pae11-run play. Llke 11111n a nd Robinson. Lii.gun!\ came back "'llh a 4/\ Cirtluials 2;.1~1 1., . .i I ii. , ~11 k,· .. ~ <'lll~•tr 1~ lO II. "'. lll'<'o·•l!ni;: Hro"'Jl, he 11t:iyed to I.he ground. The defenah'e unit play~ better yard p ... play al{alnst HBC to boJ'Jll ll" the Hl"''•·~ :;2 2.,, 10 "\\'r><.><ly" H r>lder, of the G1try 1Poi,:o liobl ltobin90n w•11 ball Ulla week w ith F'rank IT!ger) meke It IJ-e at the end of the " B:iyslde r<'ll\l!Urllnl. a lhr .. at up the n1hldle and Thn Durante, Harold Maxwell, and flr•t quarter, Tht llarbor 13o\·a I N ril :O.lt·~hL:"n w1.t1 12 l<'l•I Fn·•I , I:._ _______________ 1Patr11.:k hnndled lhe ball on e\'ery Joh11 Gatlch looking .. 1ronc. took the"ball a ftl'r th" kickoff /,n hli·G11vr,.n's ti ,.,., . .,1111:<' t '"' 111 .. t•lu y fron1 his rljht poe1tion 101 ----------------tht lr own 3~. L<l'w l• ran 10 IUl•I A'" Ml'onnt.: \\',nntri:; 1'""''11 wrrr ' Bob Gingrich in Approving Greens Vis it \\'~llrr \\'nod etn<"q;:ed t riumph· ant 111 wo•ckly Au~trMli"n 1un.:l•·!I k~·t p lhe off,.,,~ jelled. Ma I i K CurU1 paa•<l'<I to Pt'rrln In lhr rlit-1 1'.'!!!Nc<!<t fnr thf T•t.::·1·~ ~y l\1ul sundtrll hasn't Jearnffi <>f th!ll nJUCC n ey Perrin rut back 1nd went 6:1 \'11rw.18 tam. 18: Ronn11· I 11h•l<rr1, l , 1ype 111ngle "'I ng 11uack :Vt.I : fl'a SA NTA ANA. (OCNS) -J oe lo •core. Ll'wla took a "'i'nli'b11.r k 1•nd Tonini)' ~l""'n.-r. I. 8 niuiture of the T and SW syi -MarRUCcl. halfback on Santa A na ~\'erM for the i:onv<'tslon. l'•rnn Glt'nH f;sr•Lner'11 1:1 pll<'•·•! 1hl' t.-rn./ The rf"•l of the o(fenll<! ha<! Colll'g<' Roee Bllwl i:hamplonahip aj{aJn cmaat'il the lt"•l line n11n-G11u1t "'In. l lltll!l)' An1<>l<I 11•t.1r<I John Taylvr 11 nd Steve v.-rPlank team of 1940 lltld now aa•l•ta nt ut• lat.-r on a 'puchout froni e. For thr 1""'""'· Jun 1 ·~11.-1 ~nn~ al eiuhi; Hob!n Hanve!t at guw d coach •t the Univl'rlllty of South· D•Y• Roao. llt'ttred 1: t •a nn~· h':r rr 6 ,,,., ~u<I llill Burt Ill <"rn1er. ~rn Califom ia.. WILi bf' t he kt'y HAU...,.fMr: l.l':AI» \\'hl\f Ro11 'l'"!l "" 1:! '""llt• hy The flrllt ac01., came on a eo "peaker at !ht. S anta Ana <;t>llese (..ar.lna M"Ot<l'<I ·on 1not h'r ps11.• Tony (,\1..,1llell, ; h~· Al H<>bPaon r ur\I wini;ha<·k rt••erae "'ilhShlp-1 _roo_•_ba_l_J _b_~_•_"_'-'-°""--·-'-·----l play aa the half ended "''i\Jl locals 1•n., 8 by t•11ry :0.1Mtkh11n1 F ur 11,,.11 1JCooting up t he aldrJine11, on front 26·1?. Rl1•k Ro~r11l t ook th~ C&r<l.•. r.i,·.,ny Qu•···n~r ~rn1.-d Bubin11on plungell through. thl'l cll'n· QCC Ren1'8Callf'ed at a pitchout around left .,.nd f1 >r 27 lJ, l..i..:in Sfwn11nn tl. r·---yarclll and anolht'r .i·orll' 11a the o The l'•nk~ w1011 •in But•·h \'(nf'· SAILOR GRID FETE HIGHLIGHTS I Ja·wn bn"·Un,:: nn the Newport ?.luntcipul i::r•'!'ll~ Tlll'~tlity. A l"tlll or IS pl1t.1'crll ron!Jlt'll'<I. ,,.,...,ct rolltd up l i polnt11. ler for the con••eraion. Laguna USC C f i·ame bn~k with a .. Jeft end r"" in Oft~ftC• third period optoned. A kf'y block )'llrcl'll Ill, l'a"l!U1'l It""" l'o anol 9 'II<' "t'l'untJ "tn•rltr to m.-o It 7-6. . C by end Jf!d Hou•ton pavffi thr Wll)' I by D~nni~ McF11d.~n·I J •I <' k v ., Orange Cout OJlt'ge .,.,... re· s h ~ • ! H k F:arly !n the third period Shlpman Le .... ·11 conver ted on a ceMer·I 'c•hulll w11 L •. J'' 111 • "' 111;,n riJillf"d nff ~ yard8 on a W\ng· preRntf!d Sa turday et t ht. Annua.J plunp~ w1th e itnrt ~n1 n' Ciirl"°n'• 8 bs<·k re•·,. .. ~ "'Ith 11ood blocking ~~~al C~~:;: !~i:u!!te~:~d Perrin aeored a.ga~n_u __ l~n1 11enrf.il f<;>r thP Hr1>•·"~ At frft, above. metropolit.an 11ports rt'port('r l~ra\'cn l)yi:'r. Htandino. rf'lntcg roo1ba!I anec:dol£'s. Rose Bowl hl'ro Doyle Na\'t.' and :Supt. Sid l~a\·idson look on in fore· ground. At right is t hat ri~ht guy. Tar 1"1 eud Cu<it h 1\l lrv.•in. IC'llh1,'! of his p;g~k i n da)·S al College of Pacific. 13elo~·. Cuach Chet \Vulf f of th(' Tar 11 Li~'\'{'I\ hands out lcttcrs.-Staff Phototi I'• rnn1I "''~ Rrrt h':nopf with 14; thin! Ed \\'1lcnx w•th 13, and f'nhn Brown. \\'i\loani .,.illlHr<I, ~I r.•. Csir s11d ll11ruhl Sh"nttl<'y 111!'<1 f.,r fn11r\h "·Ith 12 p<Jlnt.• es ch. \\'1U11 nl W<Hl !h~ playoff, Uub Gini;:nch, 1l1n•ctor Of rr<"rf- h11\ h i~ flag fell out 1>n the live at U.S.C. il~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§§§§§§§§~~==-~o.=--_; r nrd hnf'. I>--•ain Galterdam. prealdent of JI --~ SCORE BOBBLE the I ntl'maUonat Rel•Uona Club; \. I The Jll'Xt play ••W Patrli:k hand Wldad A . .Abdullah. student from DID YOU KNOW t he hall t o C r1111 "'~o fumbl~ •nd Ir aq : Ghahrt.mln Hajeb\ a nd H~· . Torrid Trio Leads 5th Grade Win 11t1un ~n•I park!<, •·1alt~cl the ------·I iri·ett1~. •·xpr"s.~•nK ~ hnpc rn o re Skyrockets Interest --------------------------------peopl" will leit rn .t h., ~ .. n1e s nd p 01111billty that the sreat Stirl- .teln Sh.na Ya r. 11tudent1 from Iran; and Dr. ahd Mrs. 011• T Brown made up the Orlltl(e Coiaat Con· """ ,.. ...,_ you ... so 111any sinllll<J PLYMOUTH PIGSKIN FIElD DAY BOYS' CLUB GRIDS BRINGS TO END 1."-'c'_"'_•_• ..... "_'_M_. _________ 1"11:' MoM. Encland'• forem011t 1'port1 car driver of t he day, will n"caus~ "' th,. plen!lrul 1111pply rompete 111 the Palm Spring& ~·f rJ,h. • r11~tsre11n~ "'"J pl11nkt 0ri ro11d rll t''ll Dec. 3·4, has akyroek- ln thl' wAltrs K111·roun•!!n1: Ant• 1•t.-•t lnt ~rr~t in the f11mou1 spa Mr<"ll<'a. thr~e "'l ttl'• •bound In jcla111k , due lo d r•"'' a top f ield LI")'!<' (;h,n r .. u11Jall Ura"'"' t n un vr ru 1,11 ,.,,.i r .. n101row "'1\h 1110· l<{l<l(<Hlt of Ilic !lllJIUlll l••lt!Jall 11"1'! ·'".' Hl ('Ol~lil 1\.1\'1'1t _l':11k. All h".''~. lh1rd (:UJol•' lh!<hlt.:11 h•t.:l• 11•".lutol <•'11- <'IU</lnK t11011" "''"' pl11yrU lu~h ,.,,11001 t'""h.~11 . .,,,, ""1:1n1 .. r .. r j .,.·1ia1.-.., and M'AI~. of !klme JOO c•r•. Jn.tinny I-"'1(inll""''ail. Ccn.e -l~llla~ frrr1 11rHt Bob Shl1•n1'1n "''"'"<\ lo11r hl'lnwn1 to lrR•t H11rl>l1r Bo~·i.' ("luh f1rtn 1tr11t1 .. flai: ,,.,...,tbllll"r.~ 1n Mn 18·6 "'In o•·tr Lllj:11f\K U<>}'ft' Club ~111urd11y Ill L111:unM ("1:\/~k tc1h111 l11ltl ~ .. , ... ,,.1 n1o e bl!Kk& t" hf'lp t h" ,.. . .,r,.rs T h<' !hf' f'I• nt,o "'hi< n 1nr lutl,• !~"~"' m ph1<'0• klC klllj:, pa.-.~•ni:. ruri· nine . r>1nt1n; nnn lllll{'kTng Comf""ltH..,, w1H .,.. "'ll a 11r .. u.. .. ,,u11J ~.huo·l ~l l!ll .... s:ar\1nt; ""'" .. Ji'~ '" N•"!l"t\ l1111b"r /l 1~h'• Al l r"m "ill "·'"1~1 1n the lh'ld •1~y w1Th !lop M"1 uf high '"'h""! fovlhlil! pl11y•·1~ 1111<1 \'Hlurlll'•'f' 1!1<<11< ,\l..,la L• "'II f11·11t TD ranie ",. l.eff1111.,...,..·~J1 JIJ\tHhn i: pHrln l1u1nt.• J'<,1n!M \\Ill h" l'"'•'!I J, r 1••ll•"tn•l1••.• 8h1pni11n 11n<1 P11laf~rn 1.0.-ok turTI.' 111 ll•<' '"''''""" t•·~t11 "·•"'••II u~ ,,,,. p~•ln 'l .. 1 .. •n ,., 11, .. l!"Y' ""'V•ni: 1hr b11ll frnrn th••\r 1'"'n j l'luh f,..,U1all l""1:rau1 thl.• 11.,_•\ 1,,11 20. P11lsf1·rrl f1n11lly Wf'llt O\'f'I --------------------------------] frnrn JO yard ... n11t. The l.at.:nnn 1 '"" '"" "" •cMo '"" " .... BIG WELCOME FOR LEE th11t "'•)' until the th1t J 11u1r1.-r ,:.J,;.. ___ ,;.. ____ ,;.._...;;_ __ ,:..;_;_...; __ _ ·wh,.n Lfoff1n1:w<'ll "'"nt 1111 1hf ITl lth llr 70 y11rrl!< rin " hllnolofl rrnrn T qn1.1·1,.r r ahirerr1 ThP KBn•e "'Sll IC'ed IA!<' In the fourth qu•rlt'r All Shlpmlln tnok • 111\chout fmni l'all1f<'r1 L s nd ,,..~nl 30 ynrU11, I Sammy , Salute Wednesday in Anaheim Elks Lo~ge Tha local• hl'llt F'llll<"t1 on hPrP t n.tay at I r. m. an11 II" 10 An11helrn tomorrow 11t 2 p. rn. l u An official "'l'lcon1c> to Sa1n1ny Lo>f'. thf' h:nr('an-ancf's- "''lnd up t he aes.!OCln. try A.r1n y medit:ttl ~laJor \~."h11 \.\'.t'l s re iu~d rr :~ht to bu y --'-'"-----------·l home!I in both GnrJ!'..'n Gro\'e and 1\naht·irn. "'1!1 be tL•nJ..:r(·J 4th Gracie Cubs Unblemished by Squeaker Game him and his wire \V('(!ne.11day In Anahc1111 l'.:lks ClubhouSf'. '" !'"'''" <!!t•lltl II. hr \\"!I !,.,. Anahe1m-1>orn Jllfl!Ur ,..,Inn lro111 ~l··~·~I "llh ,,11 ,.1, ,,f l1r>nlo·.• llP Californlfl., "'Ill llfll\'Pr lh••.,."fh'<)nl 11,.1,.;hl ... ,. at l 4u11 t:lll l""'"' lnJ:' •d!lr~ t o Ule (l!yn1r•u• ~ ... 1n1-I'.'•·,. ,\uoh• 1m, •fl· r In>/"'' .1n1; ming •t•r whu "<.l"' l1•·e.• Jn Ana-."'"''"I "hu~P hnil•h·!!I "lf<'ted Jolm Taylor'• M yard k ickoff hel1n and haa s "'"'l1r-s l pral'l1to• 1h•·1n retum fnr a toochd~ In the in Santa Ana 1 -.>.ITl.t ' UU\\ S fln•I minute of play f!nabled lht.I l 'Ol ':"ti'Tl' ''t:l.1'4l:'o1t : ! Jlarbor Boya' Club rnurth l{tade \\I I<' 1,,.,,, "''""""'I on l1nolll11111a! '\'1th•n " ,, , ... ~ 1 ... ,. nn<1 I Clar football le<\gl>e Cuba to re-The OJ~Jt"h.>·lhl"·puh!!t• llfllllr "'11·" r.1:.iun11 ••' 11,,. 11,·.,;!il ... ,,. 111 11 t.:··I· m111n undr:faa.tl'd Jut F r1d•y with .Mtt for I 30 f'"' ,,.,.,tur•olu~· "~" 1 .. 1: .. 1tt .. 1. 11 ,.1 11 ... '·"'' :~nlil \' "''l·I • 'l8·20 tr!umph DV Pr th" Al hll"llc~. cnunty-"·1d11 "•'l<'<'lllr 1'1 111•• f111n1I)' th·•I "'" n lu '"'llJU1• 111 Ill•• i.~+' Olh•r loop r<'lllllt• foun1! th" [ "·hOfle r111•11 e h•'I'" "'Y~ I<! •l•uol•t " •r u.11< 1 I 1''' '' I '''hit. Sox edll'inr th" Ur••·Pll for ..01ne tune 11ft,.r 1.-111 1•d 11l<' :-lt<J"'·"' .J 1""~" .: . .,,., ~~ ol :;n.:ie. the D<Jdi;::era 'r etll"r; put ,\·1 1.,,-. .,, ,, "' hr " ·~··, .,f , , t r · 'h. G•·-J• 10•13· ""'' <h· Tl'''' Ratt'ntA "~ni:t:r~l··•J'' lh!l! 111<'11 1.;0-...,1 ~ """11~ ... r .. 1 1 ,. f' .•• ,. "' ;'''·"" blsnklnR the Rt.ii Soll: 19-0. r•·lln nnc.-~try n1l,Ch l ""t tir I!• 111"1' ,\IJ ... ,,.,,,. '1.1.o< u111 r11u1• rw~ Tllylor uored 12 pn1nt• ''"ll h Oiory Robin!tt')fl whllt V•rPlank •ddf'd 2 for th• Str\•f' """" an•1 1 ~:"''~ •ro;.111 ~1!1••'.•~ "'1!1 h•' 1n1 i:···l '" tJtl ... 1•1111 ~=;~;.:~::~·;:::;::;: :·:,: INTRAMURAL KIDS CASABA the White So:ii: "Ua~k. B1!1 Burt I ~,~":::",:: .. '; ~::::~: ":~,:~,.~i UNDERWAY AT Bovs· c~~B Ji, Nleky Cll.l\'"rt ttn<I To•rry \\hit,. fl Pilch. Tf.tf}' lie ~tllll h <l•.l"'"t'd I " r1 \'a.I baC'k In \hr r nil 7.oone fur II Nfely to h11n•t t h.-JJ,~li:.-r~ ll \'lf- l ••ry. F'nlnk Durnntr !lrforo•1I lhf' oth•r lJ Bum po•nl!l. F.ir t11r G1r.11ll, Jltnrn~· Sh1pn11tn ~' ''rr•t 7, Harold <'r1n1 6. Hh k ,\l<1 nr .. ho 111•1 1111 th• .!'(·nr lnJ:' !(>r the Tn11n1ph1nt Tlgrr'fl. F<'rn111 t i11n ,,f lnl '111 11•+r"I 1, ·~! .. ·' hall tran1~ lnr -" '•·nt!I 1•1"111 h 1111 I hit.:11 >'l'lh~·I "II" I"'>" ''ill l.•k·· r l."'° th1• "''"'" A! ll11!l"'I 1 1••}'~ , ll1h with lo>ui !h fifth An.I ~1 x th !I. , '' 1 I • t• I,,,. · i'I \ "'"ln- 1 I II • ,._ lo•ilt \' I y l·~l \ '''.! lrl th•• .nl .• 1 >II ... !I h : 11 .1 11 ••I •' I "I Ill lt1" '"·''•" '" •t'1··nl tll•-1U •'l •·nl~ llltu\1,::11 1111 l!.1• "''""~ l " ;::"•' "1•'11 i;1 11•lel'8 ~lttl •nf: l11 t"'' ""t'k~ •'••lll!'<'o!t\o•T\ A.• 1n fO<'lhall 11,•I l>A11•·h.1ll. ,,,,·,•1(h 1:1 •·1••1 • '' oil T hur" J11•y~· ("1t1l1 1nhl·l1r• II'•' I:'"·"'''! I" •lay 11l'r1n.,..,1 l IH .. i:I''" l'an" 1p1111 .. n t" .• 11 Hu~ll ~t-~' l!'>, • •.:h1:1 r; ,, ;, • ' S\.llnd!n~~: Cub~!•·/\. ,\thl.,11<'1'. Tll{en 4-1 GIRnlll, H.-d S nx, l.hl!lg- era 1·3: \\'hltr! Snx. Hre•·r• l·I to11u "h••ll~,.· rul~~ 1""'"" ,.,,•1\' n1::h\. 6 ·'" l•l 1• ""'J h•i.:h ~. lrT'"I b<ly nr r111.1.nc n: i.-.,,\ 1111Jf '"" jl'.MUlr 1\11 bo~·~ "'"" •Ci"'"1 f·•I f ' C G I ~::i~~on:.1 1t~:ir:,xf;rJ.'~l~l:y~uurlll tnrnt"!O"n flr lr.11:"""' Alt• pll11<'ol lrSt GC)e 0 1111 \••":'I\~ nn•1 "'"'"rl 111. •!!~111 .-OHA:..'GE ,,.c·:x ~, -t 'n \'t'1l· ---1 10 1•1:1•·. ' 1ni:-1'1• 1'.'1~: •. ;.s b 1•k"'l hA ll "'J""' Family Affair ···~ a FUR FACT! • Each year, d oring lh• rur ••a 1on, concel· 1ionor•e1 a nd 10 called "Whole 1o ler1" offer 1petiol p •ic11 lo !he fur buyer. G.nerally, 0 1 1oon a1 th 1elling 1eo1on ii ov•r, lhe y condud• the ir bu1ine11, ond lh• buyer o f lh•lr fur1 ho1 no recour1e 0 1 lo opkeep·gvoranly-or fre• service, 'i."s a FUR FACT! • ihol many many y•or1 o f tra ining ar1 ••· quired !O becom a on e11per1 furrier. Thi1 know• ledge i1 nece11ary to .-l1ct, d esign a nd 11y1e furl in 1he be11 po11ible manner. Thi1 e•p•r· 1ence also i1 ready lo 1erv• yau in moin!o1''""g ih beauty ond oppl!aronce o f your for1 ofter yoo hove p1trcho1~d it. a FACT! • That o ll reliable furrier• 11ond bock of their nierchand i1e. Their r<l'puloi:on, b ulh throv;ih the yeo•I, depend1 unon g jying a guorontee thal i1 Iron clod. A 1roble, t1m• 1e1led bu1ine11 bock· ground ,, a lto another pre-req1•i1ile. ll Fll ll FACT! e That Sonro A"o Fu r. Co ho1 been in 1h1 Fu r B..r i•"e11 eKclu,ovely in Sonic Ano for 15 Y"ar1. Chorle1 Co hen. owner. MASTER f U R~IE R ond DE· S'GNElt-it o 2nd gf'nero11on for croh1mo"• Their 9 va•on1ee1 a re re•pec•e:I 1hroughov! I h a I u r buy+ng world. So,,!a Ano Fur Co. is ~ n own th•ooghoul Orange County for offering the bl'•! in fur voloei, ond for never lo:now · ingly being l.l"de •told o" !Op q v ol.iy ""'· The pr:cele<t ingr•dienl of ony fur gormen! 11 11'e obiloty of it1 de11gl'le • and 1he q ua lity of lti 1kon1. SANTA ANA FUR co. Ungent. Theme tor tb• conferenc:e wu "The lnlt.n1aUona l OpportunJU,.. of tht. Platform." Or. Brown 1' a director of the u .oclatlon'• WM t- ern re(lon. Alm or Ute orr a nta -) uon ill tht. ent"Ouragement of • free plat(orm in a rr .... llO<'ltty. I drlwen. Is that tlie NEW PLYMOUTH J Is a HAPP~ •• ~~: .~.~Ive? J Every 'lmportant "LITTLE FUR• FaJhion rJ)MSTICAlLY («oucrv 1· .LAY-AWAY NOW Fo r Cbrislmas Givi•g MINK STOLES Hancft, fl'ild, Royol Ptut~l. (,.rrrlM n, Sapphire, SilrPr BIHr l •gularly .,.. 11111( STOLES "" 11111 STOLES ""' 11111( STOLES IMutAN:t 'rice .......... $4llj .......... - .......... $7111 SIBERIAN SQUIRREL ~. 11 !)9.!Wl. Now STOLE .... $129.50 I NORTHERN MUSKRAT 5T'oCi°'.' .... s 139 .5o FOX STOLES While, Blue, Block, Sil ver from $H.50 ,, $495 I NECK PIECES $55 .. $395 r ,..., ... , SANTAANA FUR COMPANY SANTA ANA , ..... "' .. 1 Lay .. way New Whlla .,.., .. poy Sttldl1 Ara C.m,.... 308 NORTH BROADWAY ~. All 1n footbl<ll 111.-h··t1rr !'IA}'· tt<:rntly ia 11\t' annual •·•r••ly-1 ,r r11nrr1:1•·1"11 sn n,1,1.t1 nni.1 riprur· ,,1u1nr11 111.m .. •"'"1'"1: ol ••h (1i•1p·I K.-nt H1!rhr()('k hri11 d ~ the 1u1111r rrir •'•'"'l"'\lt hlll _11.: .. ,,r11 n111n ('011o•h ''"n l'.-1k 1"• ~,.".ho• SJWt dbnat r11rt1<·1rllt1nn 1n '"" ur~nt" ~·nun · cu1rf'nl \'>U ~•l ,V r••ll '""r hi• ra.st l HI• "'U'elty IJO\'~ Ha~kt'\b11U All.•{l{'1at1n'1 ~lll1 1 "'!\h r11:7 11• lhr Panlhtrl \VeJne8d&y eren1ng 6 .30 pin. tv ll.j "'vii i;:ulng a••1ay, '\.:" soulhern Ct!.hfomla (.'lub ag11oln thl1 yMZ. P1i"7 .. .....uq, - JOI N. l roodw oy Klm~rly 2-0652 ! ·I ------~~~---~------- (}overnmenf IJxcepf U4at ·JJ1 PAGE 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 I "God grant us th~ serenity to occep+ the things we conno t chonge; t he couroge to chonge the th ;ngs we con ond the v.:sd um to ~now 'he differencf!." (A. Anon.). BRUSH COUNTRY JOlJRNAL Dy EDITORIALS \ HORACE rARKER Ward Versus Present City Council Election System ' Then• has been much information and misinforma- tion put forth to th<' \'Olen:i of the City of Newport Bea rh rcla l 1 \'f' t 11 the propo!!ition w be decided in the Kf'>CCial t·lt•c-111 111 within the d ty on Tuesday, Dc.ic. 6. In sud1 l'fi.'iC'S, rather than t o deal in p<'nmnal opin- ion 1t bvhr1t 1\'1·s nnC' t u go to tht> facts at hand -and at timt'i:; tt1 n •arh afield for adJitional factua l informa- tion. Th<'n•forC", rcpr<>dU<.:o..•d hr~with. side by Bide 1s thl' l'Urrr nt pro,·ision of the Municipal ChartC'r of th<' City or Nt'Wf)Ort lkat•h. 1>ection 400, relatin~ to the C"lectiv<' off1cei; as it now til anus. and the t C'Xl of th<' proposed a mendment. Rcpr0<luced under the two which will s till n •main in full force a nd C'ffcct regardless of the charter srrtion 4()(1 provision is section 401. A care- ful study of the two \yill speak volumnes. \ 11TU'l.t: I\' f"!Tl' C'O I S C'll. "f'c'ttnn '4041. t.lo·dht' Offlro•,.., Tl\4-rl<'rlh+' otr1 .. ,.,.. of lh,. < 11,.- "hiUI '"'""'"' of a ('II~· < ·o un<"ll of ,. .. ,,.n mt•mlH•r• .. ('andhlalf•11 tor ('II,\• Counl'll "hall br noml- nalNI from an1I "·" tbf' l'll'rtor" of rarh o f thf' ,..,,,,n dl,lrlrh rl'frrrl'd lo In A rtlf'lf' X o f thll> ('hart,.r a1ul 11n1• ahlLll IH• ••h•rtf'<I from 1•a<·h of "lll'h c11'4trld" hy tho• '"'"'"' of tlu-t'lty 111 btr~·· al lhr tlml'" and In lh" munn..,· pro\"ldNI In thh• ('h11rfrr. Thi•)· "hall .,..,. .. fur a to•rm of f1111r y1•a,.,. 11nd until th1·lr rt'"IK'"'"" """"'""''o'"" arf' t•lf•c·ftod and qu1All- 11,..1. Thi' flw• m f'm b.·r-. of lhr C 'lly f'ounl'll In ufflro· at thr llm•• lhl• C'barlf'r lakr11 f'ffN•I 11hull c·on- ' tlnuf'I In oUlc-,. untll thr flnot Tu"1Mlay follow In.:-t h1• ""'' c•·n- f'ral munlc-lpal r lrc-tlon undr-r thl" C'hartr r. • .At thr nr .. 1 l(PnPml munlc-lpal .. 1 .... 11,,n undc-r thh• l'harlf'r, the four c·andld&lf'• r ll"r lf'<t to th., C'lly ('ouncll "Ith lhl' hl11:h•.,,t muntw>r of \'olM "l\aJJ M"r•" uni II thr t h ird TUl'l'(lay In April, 19.\11, anti th1· m<'mlw<r• o r lhr C'lt,v ('ounr ll from th•• dh.lrkhl from "hlo·h ,..Id fnur 1·an(llda tM1 "l"rl' noo1111111o·d 'hall t... ,.,,.,.,I'd at th<> .: .. n .. ,..t n111nlrlp1d ,.1,...11110 f'&<'h fourth .)'l"ar lbl"neft#r. 'l'1w> rl'1tt11lnln1;' thrf'f• randldatr" rll•1·t- f'll t 11 t h•• C'll y Counrll """II ..,.,.,, 1rnllf thl' thlnl Tuo• .. d1t~· In l'l'f•llun to I. Aprll, 111116, &JUI the rnf'mbr111 uf thr ('Jly ('ounrll from the tll .. trlr t-. frum "hlr h "llld th,,... c"ILndldalr" "'""" nomloah-d ahall bt• t•l,.•·te•d at thr icen,.raJ munl- l'll'lll ••lo'f·llon t'M'h fourth )'l'l&r lh••r,.111rtf'r. Thi' tPrm nf f'IM'h IDf'mbrr of 111 .. ( II~· ('ounrll Ahall .. omm .. nrfl on tht• flf'l(I T1wllduy followlnic hi,. r lC't'tlun. Tl"" In \'Otlnll' amuni:-('llntlldatn for uUlrr "hall bf. M•llll"d hy ttlf' r ullnll' of lot1t. "t:ASl 'Rt: Sl'R~ITTED TO \ OTt, Ot' \ OTt:RS l'ropo""d C"hiarfrr Amrndmrnt; !"hall lhP pr o p o " rd C'hBrt"r Aml'ndml'nt arnt•nrllnic th,. ,.,..., para.:raph of l'W"l'llon 400 or th" ( 'hiart••r of thr City of ~""'J>Orl Jl4·1t••h, to r••a.i.1 ll" follow•: ":o.o ... t111n 400. t :l,.l'th·e ott1 .. 1•no. Tho• t•lrt•lh•• t•fflN'no of th•• t'll )' "hall c•on"l't of 11 C'lty ('011nl'll of -C'n mr m!N'ra. ( '11ntllll1tl1·" for ('try C'ount·ll "ha ll ti.• nt•mlnalf'd fl"l)m and by thr• l'lt•do,.,. of l"Uh Of th1> •""''n dl,.trleltt rf'fr rred tu In Artlrlf' X of thla Chartf'r, '1'd con .. "hall bf. l'lrf't~·d from t•1t.-h of .. ur h dl•trlr t.. by thl" \'olrr" nf th., dlal rlf't nomtnattnic auc-h randldat'"" at lht> llmo•• a ml In tbe mannu pro\ lt.1•-11 In tltl• ('h111r1 .. r. Thl'y ..tlall M'n " for a lf'na of ,_, .,..,. -d until thl"lr ,,.,.,.,. .. th•" "flfff'"- •ofll .,.. rlfftf'd and q1aaJ1t1,.J." oo rattn...t ~ nffl•••· a-. 11 1111'mho•r !If th•• t lly ('nunrll unllo" hr I•. an1I llh811 hll\ ,. ht'f·H for at ... ut nnf'I yr., lrmnt'tUalf'\ pl"N'Milll« hi• nornl- nat l"ft o•r 111•1l'•l11tm,.ol, " 1111 .. llflf'cl l'h•C'tnr uf thr tll .. t rk't frorn ,,hlrh ho• 1, nttmlna"'tl 11r appolnt.-d, 11nd for at lt·••I lhrN• yo•an mmc<11a_t1·ly 11r1•t'•·1llnx hi• r lH llOfl or 111'1"''"' uu•nt, a qualftlf'(l •IN'I or 11f I ho• C It~. Th1·r<' hali b<-en a lot of misinf11nnat1on put forth th11l t h•· "Frr1·hohlers in drafting the• r hart(•r made a h'rnblc• m1,.t:ik1• and it ll:I their dt•sir<' that 1t h<' <'<1r- rr1·trll." This 1s no t t rue. The fre<'holdcrs whn llraftril bnth t'ha rtcrs included in both the t hartt-r that fnill'd an1J tlw charter that pni,iscd the Ramr pr11posiCion con-... t nm('() 111 section 10Q. Th<'y worked as <'nt1f\•ly different 1nt1t 11•:; with cl1ffrrent t'nunscl. We ha"" not heard 1 hn!K' freeholders a:i R. ~roup or ~B ind1 v1dua 114 -sa \'l' 11rk -prot<'st the existing Section 400 whk h it is lhe lll ll'ht of .th<' spN'ial election meuure to rhnngl'. nor have WC' hrard them recommend the propo~1t11•1\ on lhc> ballot. · Now to carry the factual prr-;,...ntat1nn further- w 11 hout any add<"CI wo rd of our own hC'r1• 1s I he opin- 111n nf the Colifnm 1a Le~uc of t'1t1cs with statistic& ( rrom their ftl C'.". "The fnllow111t; information wai-. fum11:1ht'd this nff1c1· by the L<-aguc of C'a hfomia l'1lies anti Duane \\'hf>t·lrr Company. J::lert1,nn Supply ll11use of Southern l"ahfornra. supply111g 1 l Soulhem Cnunlll'h The following t'iti<'R of more thnn 111.0flO p•ipuJation have a Ward 8ystl.'m for t he election of C11unc1 lmrn. as shown b<!Jow. ' Cit ies nominatmg by D1strirts or tin~ at large- Alhambra . Compton, Pasadena, Ann . .Newport Beach. Wards and c-IN'- PonH'n:l, Santa F ormerly t ho ~rwport·P:nlhnn ~rws-T1mca nn<'l the :'\cwrort·0·1l!)('l11 Pr"!-~ A Dt-prndabl.-l.ocal ln,lllutl11n for lht'r l 'orf)' \'una E ntt'rtd n:. S,.rnn<l·Clll$ll Mnltt'r nt the PoHnfCtt o In ;lir w('Orl Buch, 1 ·n11tom111. 11ntlrr Ute A1 l u! Mar, h 3, ISill. ruhlhhrd I'\ rry ~font1ay, \\ rdnr•dAy IUIJ Frlt.lay by tbc St:\\l'ORT ll""RllOR l'l.lll .l~lll'O (0\ll'\~l· ~'!II l\alboa Rhtl .. ~f:WJ'ClRT 1n :.\c "· (\I.It". f'hnn1• llarbor 1618 Quallfled to rubll'b usal ~ollcr• ano1 Ad\'f'rtlte~h of AU Klnd1 By ~ ot Ute 8upertor Court of OMUll!t' Co. 111 Ac U011 S o. A -!l 7ot Mc-mber C&JUomla Sewspapc-r l'ubll8bt'na Aa-.odalloa Mm1bf'r :'\'allonaJ Edllorlal Aa!OOClallon MMllbt'r nf O rlUlt" ( ounty St>w• ~<'rvl~ BE~ REDDICK. r 1·nw s HER \\'IUJAM A . MOSES, Edlto r OR.MO?\'D F:. ROL':-.'TR.EE, A1h"erU~111g Olrrctor CHARLES A . ARMS'MlONO, ~Ire h11nk11I Superl.ntendent Sl'BSCIUPTIO:S JC.ATES: :'\t'W'pOrt Harbor :Sew.-l'rru. Trf-\\ttkly /IA Orure County, M.00 prr 7Nr: 13.00 "'"mo~.; ll ~J tlll'f'fl mo.. ) Out.aide of o,._,. Cowity f 1.00• IH:I ,,.., Cit ies nominating and electing Warda- by Districts or Inglewood, . Palm Springs. Redondo Beach, Santa Barbara (mayor e lected at large). Los Angeles, (mayor elected at large I, San Diego. San Francisco. I mayor elected at large. Oakland. In Long Beach there arc nine wa rds. Each ward nominates its own councilman. If he receives a majority in th~ primary, he ia elected in ~ primar y . If h~ d oes not r eceive a majority in the primary, t he two highest_ run off in the general election. One of the nine coun-1 cilmen becomes mayor by action of the Council. San Berna rdino has the same sys tem. except that it has onJy five wards and the mayor is separately elected at lar_ie for that specific o~fice. · The foll9wing state ment was made by Mr. Howard Gardner, A88ociate Director of the League. in answer to an inquiry on this subject from another City. . . . it has always been our policy to recommend agafost the ward system of government, primarily on the basis that councilmen s hould h ave, as their first ~ interest, the city as a whole rathe r than a part of the city. It just cannot be denied that where a person is C'lected from a ward he feels obliged to place the inter- ests of that ward or district above the inter ests of the community as a whole in many respects. While it is tru(! thal t here is authority under our general Jaws for cities such as Tehachapi to elect on a ward basis, t his procedure haa bee n used very svaringly in California to meet most unusual situations. such as in Palm Springs where Indian resen ·ations were involved. At the time this ci ty waa organized. had there been no ward system it is very likely the council would have consisted of four lndiana and somebody else ... " Of course Newport Buch would not be greatly damaged if all of iU. councilmen came from one geogra- phical section of the City -but under the existing City Charter this cannot happen. Councilmanic candidates are nominated from their dlstr1cts, to serve their dis- tricts. and then are elected at large by t he entire city. This hi as it shoultl be . A Newport .Beach City Councilman represents and speaks for his specific councilmanic district, but. he also must be saitsfactory to the City of Newport Beach a.s a whole and his efforts s hould and must be on be- half of the entire City o! Newport Beach. As it is now City Councilmen are nominated from each of tht" seven councilmanic districts. they must have been qualified electora of that district for at lea.et one year preceding the election, Councilmen are th'en elected. fr.om the nomlneee from the dwtricts, by the cit y at large. Thua, both djatrict and c ity apea.k. You, the voter of N ewport Beach who pays his tax es into the g<'ncral funds of the City of Ne'>''POrt Beach, can cast your ballot for those who will represent you. You do not just vote for one councilman r<'presenting your district or ward or prC'Cinct.--you have the opportunity <luring the course of four years of making your wisb known for each of the &e\'en council me mbers of t he City of Newport Beaoo who arc nominated from their home districts. . T he charter as it is gwes the control of the entire City of N<'wport Beach l o you the voter whose lax money is paid with out cannarking for your home. dl8- tric t. Your council members of the City of Newport Beach s houJd be in the same manner responsible -L to the entire City of Newport BC'ach... We recommend a "NO" vote on the cha rter amendment proposaJ on Tues- day, Dec. 6. Be sure to Vote! \. Sacramento Sidelight ~ ~ i AFFAIRS OF STATE By l!ENRY C. MacARTHUR (JllL Note -Tb1a column fly Horac-e Parkf!'r wlll cff'al "1tlt U. Utt&.luaow• lllatorti-al tac-ta be ha• dl"f'd&"ll!(J up In bl9 tnU7 tripe IDlo Ute ~k C'OU.1111')' ID retV"al J'Nf'L I Tales of the Brosh Countr)· (First of two pnrts) I As we reRdy ourselves 1 for a fi ve-day tour of the Jon~ deserted villages of the Mountain. Canyon and ~rt Ind ians our imagination runs rampant. W hen one sees the extent of some of tht-sc \'illages that must have ht-Id hundreds of people for ('enturies, 1t i1:1 with a s harp twinge of guilt that you realire white man has brushed these pC'Ople to the brink of ext met ion.I I J u an 11~ l.11..:11 1lt1•1'J"' I t h1 hi i.1-ne<1 "J111 II" by th" hind ll'fCll a nd h• ri ,,.,1 his l11•h•' "" f11o1t ht' 1111.:ht wtlh 11 1 hnpp1ni: hlow of hi' 11pen I ,1111111 11nll ie1 tt.z1• "" th .. i;111~H ~ur-11111111 hl'hll\\I tho tar• hi' klll•1I It. 111un.11111( th,. ~1111111: "' :,<,.n L'•r· "l\'l'll .tune, .... n , .. rrirJ N•ll•h. 1011. The la1lo·n ... 1 f18<'k mttlr wa11 , "\'011r throw ing •tick fllea true atrfa dy tl'aring hnjt't m1111th"ful tui1l WI' havt meat" o( lht llUl'<'lllf'nt ~msa lllld rl'llSh-Al'rROAC'H 1·s.t\\'ARE Ing It h11ngr1l;v. So lnll'nl had both men bffn Ju11n BhlldcJ h111 e Ye 11 11nd on the h unt thc>y Yt•ere unawarci w11tchC'd his r11mp1rnton. !'Ahlo HI· of thr appl"Ollr h o f t he two beard· Vl'r11 , •rproact'llnJC through the l'<I mc-n on horaebaclc wtlh the green c1!'nej!a a .quarlrr or 11 IP•·1 toadl'd mull'. gue aw11y. At lhf' 11metl n( w11ter "Indians .. wh11pered J uan. "Jf lhe f18C'K mull' had btOKPO away we can llll!kf' trrenda w\ll\ ll\em an1! Ju11n h11d fnllowe1l II al 8 perht1pA WI' Clln N'lll whlle you tolow In..,. 'lr Iii ll at ray dnit be I overcoml' thla 11un 11cknt>&A which lost w1lh tht'lr pn~11e&.~1nn~11. F ur has hll ~-o~" J uan tie Lu1>10 an•I P ablo '" • w1•1., 1'11',...rtani.r ll"lllleri< tr l' PAblo nrnmi url'd 110meth ln1 un-Ml~~~on f'a.n t;1thii rl l n lhlit yr11r lnteoll1111 bl<'. tor he waa burnlnr of 1776 both own had Ion.: llrrd with fi'YH. u! lhl' bui td om s t 1 ht• i;arrtaon Katul saw lh!' ~rde<t atrana- o r MIMI on S B n Ga brttl l'U first 11nd Wit h_,~_t:ttartlC'd yelp t'E~ORITA)'I nt;t'KOS dafth('(I Into 8 l hlrkel or willow~. .:'\Rllllh bun .ll"nl'fl with age rt111\'l-SACRA1llE;";TO. tC';";SI -An· concerned tor our department to Hom<. fr wnd1<. ""11 blll•k·ryl'J I'd more 111o wly And w h en he saw other lndlcalion of how gnvt'rn· rend<'r a dedslon w ithout heKMn~. aenun tas bt•t'kunril thi•rn 1111111 1hr i mll,. ano1 •lllll8 or frlt'nd1hlp 111tnl burl'au<"r&r y cnultl thwart plta.se 11gn the statement at lhe I ac•CJ"• lht' buinini: M n!Jlt <•f lht' rrorn Juan de Lu11o, he pau-1 Jut' proress o! law 18 81'<'11 In B bollom ot lhll IC"tter. drlk. rta. nft> Wllh •lll.llger uf lhlrst i•urtouah'. \\'hen N1l11h 11aw thf' • nt'w pollry worked out by Ru~-"ln consldtrallon o f such 1tate· •nil •tan•• lion Th'".Y 111111 ttj!i rrd I t r bl t .,. .. _ 11 the t lak we' ,..,., th 1111C in1: '" t i<-1111.i-• r1nr o IJ<', raa .. .,... " arll $. M11nro, dlre<"lo~ or lhe state mf'nt, we would orrler a ptnalty rap" !hi~ frnntil'r pn,,.m h•·ll of and h«'A rd th,. 1ofl words In Spa n- tlep111·tment of akohol1c bevr1·tt~" or ll l~·day au11penslon, w ith 10 1111 ,,1111.0 t.hll v Ill thr MIAlllnn 1111h, "\\'e Arc .!r1Pnt:l1 old man. control. stayed tor • period or on " )'tllr Tli .. y "l.'fc \ .. uni.: 1111,1 hi .I 1111 11,.. 1lon l h<' a!ra hi, hll co11r11gl' and Munro 11, 11nw l'ltnthng lt>I ter• on rondlllon thllt no f\lrthl'r ,.In· "', <' ll i:i••~' i•lol 11r ,111, 111 Ahu 1 u rlnMly r .. turnt•I Long h•d hh" lo 8ome liquor hct-nsl' 1-oltll'rll who latlons occur, and lhereaftl'r lo 1>t.' C1thf1ta nui wnnlt.,1 to mre l one u! t " are accu~•I or varloul!: nrf<'t'llons •tayed permantnlly. Thus. '" Pf. "Thui woy • .-11 11..,1 J uion. ""' 1<tran~,. b<'ardPd onl'll f rom out or in ob3ervllnre or the 11tat•"a alco· 1 fl'ct. your llcC"nllfl would b4! 11u~· Pablo 11p1,1111i1'hl'd •Spur tl111l 111 · 1 'ht' ,, .. 11th. hollc IX'veru~t' l'Onlrot 8<'1. offer· pended for O o1t1y3 " lzy, t'iow ba ll ur,. tnb01ll•• 1tf yu111.. t~AOER T(\11.l:t.r lnit " "dl'lll" whf"r<>by lhl' l111>n•et• "'I "'EAKl':SS l'l'Bl.H ' • ., "'" "'"" .. nJ••}" th,. 1,.,,i11, •• ,., Aft• r Mt111r 1111111111·" ,.r 111i:n .. I .. t ...,1 ll I turn r. 1mmallnn ot hl'annit" I n ' J . 1 ,. rop~ a p t'8 0 ~-1 y n It r • h lhl' I :.ndc• hrl" 11n1J• r lhr 111:111111 .. " l1111g11111:1• 111111 tk l.llJ:O 11'18 1 !' ,,,.. for the dPal, "'hlch tlan11natl'8 " li\ll'h "11""11• 0 t't•lllSI'. a ll or "hll '"I ht ~1111 ~ 1 k"n" 111,. '"•lu\ · 11•h 11111l1·r•t un•I l.t/\ cum111111111n hC'llrtnt: on 'th1 acru1111t10n, l he 1 "kl'11bllr 81 the1 pre1tt'nhl timbr .,,11" r ubt11 ·It niako•" mv ho·t1•l "BM .. irk 1'utl~h. nuw e1111"r tu dapart nl 111 a t • day Wt'U l'n!I thr po111t on ut I ,. fill • , l I . ., ~ me w !111!'81 u. ;:i. lie whl<'h lhr &h:ohollr bt'vf1 lll>(f' \\h1rl ""'' "'' t''"" ,.,,. hlun1•d '1 w I' .tho'. J<t11:111:•••1t 11n .. lmf•ll'M penaJty tor Ute vlolallon. but, a nd 1 1 "II 1, """ tlrnl ,.1.,,m 111,,111,. "''llfl lhi• 1 1.i1~"" I 1uple>, , 11llt'1I 111 h 1~ thl1 18 the a lmmlck . w ill "et.a y r•mlrO I a cl s I U(lp<lllt't.I lo prut ('o'I vnu "'""'' !tut nl .. ht • ·,111,1 Juun ''"" K11111I KMtul t'ml'rl:C'l'I 111°111 permant!nlly" tXl'<'Ul1on of ten of In othc•r wortl~, •lrahnt": "'1h lhf' "Mv bl'llV 1.1 .. ,.,.~1 1111 no ~ht "' lhC' 1h•lt1•r c•! ""'u"'• w hrrt' h" the 1:, d•••s. l llt'rnsf'e mtrf'h open~ thf' tlonr 111 . I h•••I I • I'll "•It h1n•• the ~ ''"" .z t t t t u f fUttl • ... , "io\'' n t thut tt•·• ur""'' '·"· ... ~ u.•111<1• ..... 0 11 ll• rt nl'go 1" Inn• "'1""""11 1" 1 r fl• 111111111" In fr11r C11r h11t f11lhr1 'oa YT ._,., l t r I t b n" ,,., i \vu I"'' 1111 it .. Thua a llq11o r llcenflt'et who hu pnr men °. 11 I'll Hihr '''t'r""'' · "'"" 1~ q1,. I" ,11~ ,.,. :-;11n ,.,11 "'""" O ld :\'11t1~h 111<1111rr1I K111UI vlol1ted the l11w or Ill ll'as t t•nnlrot tnvt•.11ll~ntin$: orficrr ~. (II In• ~·•l•I f'.1hl11 ~:"·11 111 .. u~h 111v 111 .. ~111111i;••r" wro r frtl'nilfy. ('10" • uth,.1 t'mploy .... ,. and lh•• l111um k Id h whom the <lrparlmenl lnvNUga· io0uo t tlwl.t "'huh J 11·nwni1,., ll I\ .111 "" a ool 11hou r•10t In t o tori think ha• vlola t.., Ul• law. ltctneel'. Opt nm~I Ulla 1 ~low •;~ 1-11 wh .. n t .-,.111 ~,.'1 h•"" wllh I wlhll'• c•f thC! Olnycm P-plM. t:lln wli:glc o ut or the v1ola11on cour...-. rQnf.'e•v11 Y rnoi ' p<•rm Anzo h•~t y.·o1 1 .. ii• w th1oui.t• \\'I "II lh,. 111•1 """'le "' ,. .. ,.In,: a rC'lu m lo lhe Abwir .. whl<'h "'rr,. · :-.: l h I 1 'h t '--I d With Onl)' & flVl'·dlly 8hUl·d0Wn. lhlll r11~14 ltl \llUI 11•1\ lln•I \'I' • A U• 1•111 tr\C ~ I' WO .,.·art I' CaU&e ot the of!tr according to prl'v&lent pr1or 1" thC' c·h&niteo 111 ,.111,11 , Ill•·• Ui<: "'""' •'""'"" 1h111 1 >1•11111: .. 1~ anti lh"1r h UJ'• bl"aA\1 ' liquor control ••Im I nlsl t Cl t ion at I I .. I •r th Munro l1 the back·loc or liquor I lllkf'A u• ln 111 .. '''"'''fl l\t q• n 1111 .. I\!' \'I 111~,. ''"' w n rn 01 f" • 1 b d l the flnl of thl8 v .. ar • 1• 1 " 11 d I k d cu e• pl~d up n l e l'partmen . Allk f"!t for "'"''n;rnt n lhi• nrw •hnrp f'\<' 011 1 f,.1 nll\' ho• \II• • ltll\1111 ·~•I'" vc ;'"f' 1 <' , •• Wllh not l'noui;h hr11r1ng of!lc-e111 11 G n '"""" ••I lh\' 1nnon11it "" \• ••• r lo~h•· I ~h1l.Jr .. 11 rhr y r11tnr ,.1t, lo <l111poSl' of the C'L~f'll ,~o C" y, .ovci nnr Goodwin J "" lcv hill Y1111 tlllt) l•t• •1111• 111, d1 .. nl1 If .Ultl In r o•nl'tl!ll "llhn"'"•l· I nl~hl •&Iii ht• nl'Vtr hBll hl'IH•1 II I ti I ''!'IJI M11nn:>'s lt ttl'r f1>1low3 In p11rt ab<>lll It, Mil hA•I no rommrul 11,. 1111• '"11. 11111~ 11• " 1 11' "•1tn,. · • "A t1n•!ul r<'Ylt'W <•f our rN .. nl11<• M id tho• nitmlm,.trarwu ,,r :-.. \1'1-..11 "' 111 'T \\ 1l•"· ""l"'• I "~. lrnr11111:.: or.i. 1na1e&tf!'l' thal 11ufllrle11t ""1· .; Cllil :\'uti•h I ltr i:• ttl I I··• 11 "1llt 11t .. foru "' h• 11 111••8111 ti tnl' ll,.p11rtmO'nl \\ IU. UjJ l•I thr I , I bl f I h 1 1 tl1°n<'t 13 &v111labl1> tu l'l"CI'" th<'ldcpart.ov'n! •r J'••ht ""'"1 ,, •I •l•1· ,, , , q, r "' ~·" ·11 • 11•m I• rnui.. ., •. fAfl" &JlegC'd In . thlt l ('('11Mlli11n \\hilt' thr dPl•lll(nu•nt'~ u((,.1 ~tn1111t11ln T'"'f•I• \\I.-h unl nt: J 11 m 1111' C'1\'<-1W•h rro"P"n'll l'il lhl' H d t "'· th b t Ill h I I I • I I I 11 l 111l11•laJl ow ever. 1n or ,.r o 118Vl' .,,, "'14'" n nt ext1rl 1,. ""!'""" 1111 ft•·· 1 • "' 1 • • • • • • , .. 1 '11 • \'llU, 11nrl 011' i<llllt' ron11l>ff'r8blr t'lllll'd ltcenR('P hlJ!I dAV In t flllll, 11 rw11 ~t·ll~IJll• Ill:" 11 .. "''' ... ,1 .. 1 .11111 llU"IP•I ''""'t h .. '""''"'" II ·' dtk . ti • I' 't • 11 1.1.11" •k111 .. r ""l•r '"' ""' me 1uiu expt'llae. an a lllK In-"PPllr<'Olly nmkr• !hr off•·r 111 ,, t 111\1•11 ••I .. " """ ,. 1• In ('onsluera t 1on ynur pre .. lou~ t r8rllve .. nou11h ""'' the t •nyun.. ..... .\l .. 111 • .. lo II I. I I ~1111\\ II • ,. h .... Ii I I '" r• tlll!•ll Kood r!'lord. "'t w oulll be w lllLnl( l"lll«'•l of a rrlmr lll!lltn•l th .. 111• ''' '"'" 1n I ~•If• 11 ""'"'" •11 i: 'CtTIC 1.-. ll.J.,t:!"-.. to dlapoae nf th" m11ttrr wlthoul t•uhllht: bevt'raicr ronltol nil"'''"'" 11, 1\11 1 .,.,1.,, 1111 11t. 1 111\ 11 I:•' 11 1111•1; I•• 1111·11·11 U1f\ h "ll'I public lll'Ar1njC. Thi• mnv ht' ll11nt' I thlnle t win hrforr h" 1, l"llt 1,, l'"'I I ' 1111.i 11 ... ~· 11 111111 t • I \ • "' I' ti • I(",• 11 lu 111• ""ttk•»I It ynu Wl.1h lo rulmll lh!' rhRrfrl"" tho• rxpl"n"4' f<( hinni.: IHlnrnr\·• \l 1lh 1111•111 !'(11 1111111 11 111 • I rq •• 11 111 11 , t I 10111.hl lh<' ,.,tl('r Mkon n11 1!11111'<1. !Ind WMIVt' your hf'lir-anti l'l'ling thnigh 110 "Ill''""'"" 1111111utl 1 1111'1 "' tt" ~1 .. 11n•""' '" 11 I•"" Jn ltw !fHll l11;fol ..r "'" 1ng. rKon1lr1t'rat1'•n a n'1 "l'r~•I h••n rlllg fl r 11 c ,. • "· 11 '" ,..,,1111tf' 1 • .. ,111.. :"\ '' "" 1111•1 1,., "'' 11 "". l<1 •1, n n•I 1111'1• r 1 h· 1 ...... ._ , ,r right " l "'hloh undullblo·ollv woul•I ,.111 up <:1r11I ~1,n ftl l•"""' ti • 1 .1n\11n .... , 11 l••ll•l•nt.; 1111111 Ill' f11t f'h •il•I · Sh11u1t1 you 111grec> lhAI It w ouhl m111·r profits lh11n fivl' rln\ -,,r l'""l'I" """ !-•· 1• ·•• h'IJ' '" 111• I•''' I 1..-'" "l n••lto NI ho• advant111t'Ou.• to 1111 parll,.11 t lo•urC'. A •I .... 1 < 1 • ~. • ""'" 1, ••I" .J th1 11 1 I• o.1.. r·I 111a1 ul~• • .. v .. r ,.,1 (r11nl tht .,,,,.~1,, u r11t :uh• Jtf'• 1 h t •1,h1 , 11111 ti• ntl ;u hl l.t1f"Ut lt"'tl 1ntu ''"' '"' 1 .. , I 11 ... llh'll h •t •ol IJ1• 1. :up1 ... · II• 1lrv1•1~ l th .. ou le \\h11111 .. 1 ''""I\ ' I I ' I 1h· 11 .. 111 lll'h .. t 111•<' hd p•u~· f 1t1 'ur, h cl 1tl • \h1 In• •It• l •1• ." J ,. ):tuAh .-.•t. Chr""' t .... tlJf \•••1 Up1\\P1r 11 "Th•,,, THE CAPITOL WEEK ""llh A "" t'l.1 r l<. II It ·~""" 1nlt• A11'1 Ill " l!IM•I •• '111 mblt1 hf' rr .. 1, Ill• •UI I"""' I lilt! "11111 '''" !1 0111 '"'" • ,,., k1 .. h 1<11•1 I•• •11 le S ACRAMENTO. <C~RI -T h" t tr m ake •tudenl..I! «'Y"" nf lhe nAllnn will he fl)('llJINI hou r.. ,,,. put thl'rn wor k lonirr r •n•I pl< k"•I ur llt•• 11111v .. rm~ •11111 "'"I'"'"'!!.,, In t" c> • """ !'ACRAME:-O:TO, 1C:"o:S1 -r n· S<"rllr <' nn nmc-ndmrnt 10 the 81-11n educnllon Nnv. 2 lo Df'r 1 thrrr 11htn,. vnt<' <"h1 uotmA..• 811•1 :\'C'w Venr r11hohc bl"Yf'rn11e con t r o I a<"t when l'Ome 2.000 delqr"t"" 1:•1th· "Oraw nut the sr hnnl ytoilr to pnrt 1<>s mny now ~rrvl' "~ rnurlo Whlr h w n11l11 permit thf' d ep11rt-t'r &l thr White Houlle In \\"uh· 11 month• or m orr " liquor &e thry Wlllll to, aernnhn~ 111rot to 111.ur a 'onl'·•lay' liquor lo~ton. D. C'. for a ronfrn•nC'C' Th,. q11rJ1l ton t. , .. h y tho• p11hltr to .1n~t1 uctlona IMurd bv Ru!<.•f'll hr,.n~r I<• l'"''"t" rl11b1 a nll olh· C"llllt-d by Pr. •!Cl• nt f:"l'nhm..:•r •hnulrt .!lpen•I m ilhon1<. ""I r vl'n s . Munro. dlN>ct.nr oC th,. •l&I•' r r ~. "''hlch occu111na ll\• ~ve p&r· Ca hfornl11 w all lul•·e a 100 pn· bllloons o! cl<,llar• for lh ho t hulltl· f!'pnrtmt•nt nC oh,,hnhc hf'VPrltJ:" t1t11. an•J ~rmit lhe "<'lle11 of bev· llOn t1eleir111llun. hl'Alied hy r.1u •ll· 1n1;a a re pnmll thrm 1., 1,,01,.1n I t'1Jntr1<l, prnvttlerl the r"q111remrn1<1 q 11gr• ol l't1rh p11rt1r<1 !or one nl'r J nhnsun. Ren F'n1nc-111C'n 11ttnr · l<'lle for lhr,.,. month" or miorl' ,,, .. ••f 1<lalc-la w 11re met 1111\' I nty who re1<lde.• In A<>1 kl'l"Y· lhC' er:v Y"•r. A ~ onr NIU~lllor put ll ThP flr•l provi~lc.n. l hl' ln•lrur· llo,.·rvtr, I.he lticlslalure ovrr· 11leteiratefl ApJX>ln t"•I b\• Gow•m or ":'\tl M>lvenl buaanrs.' , un•rm 11,,n .. My, ,,. that lhtre Ahllll hr rulrd h1n1 tin thlit n•qul'~I . on !hf' Co11<lw1n J l<ntRhl mn•t o( w hom "·oultJ tnll'ratf' .,trh mt1nllfll'll1C'lll .. no M lt' or an 111lcohohr ~Vtrlllt" ~r1111nr111 that with only 8 one-da y 11 ttenr1l'd t h,. 1to\·rm11r • rnnf,.r· mMll." ttt ll nrlvAte part\'. 1111 r n•"· t he llci>nuf' <'OUld not bf' enre on f'rlurauon h<'lrl In S11C'r11· ,. t Thf' ILrtlrl,. 111111,.,. f rnn1<1 1• trlnl Seconu. lhe prem!M",. mulil nr•t innrrullo"I h1· tho drp11rlml'nl. In I men n rl'rt'nlly. thl' All-v!'llr l'l'hn<ll of four q 1111r· he optn to the 1ten1·rat pulll1r othl'r wnrrt, ... t hP pnrty • itlver l'IORF. rR081.f:~!'! tl'r11 hn~ b""" trl"t1 1n 11omf' rnm- •lurlng the lime hquur Ill ron· might walk "" w ith 1111 thr prof· MJ\ny o( th,.•e confer• nr,.,. hav.-munltll'•. 11 n •I !nun•I w11nlln1t. 'Um!'d it .. And !oritl'l lo J'l"Y of! Ule b!'tn held. OOlh on & n8110no\' l•lr rht,.flv brr1111-,. ,.., I.hr rrol•t1nr" whnle,..lf'r from who m he pur-llOd t t ·Id b 1 b l th Thu•I, thP prrm111e, w he rr lhf' l'hRl'NI hll !llt•t k 8 8 ,..,. e "11 8 11 "ioc l'Omr 1•t lhl' rtnpl!' who ml1eh• I p11rty 111 held, mu11l nnl Ile main· I ''(' \Tl:RER'~ l.JCP:S~I:" prnbll'mll crt'ated by thl' ner"l'.!llty h!lve t h,.1r vAr Alll>nll r1i•turhe'1 It IRIOl'tl for thl' f'llrpMll n( ")\l'f'J'l• ) I rl~. ~ Of edUl'flling YOUOR; Jll'fl('llC' flJ)pt'llr Rllln m rnflflll• lh" fRrl lhAI JnBOV n.!ltea•I or tho ont· ay hcen11e, t h bf r1 h · In(, !ll'rvlnit. consumtni;, or uthf'r· !hr lr,1ta•lt1turr r llmr wllh th!' o ave tn agg~AYll l" re l "1, prolJll'm11 "' 1"" tn m11ntrn11n1,. It! w1•I' 1hl'po111n.1t or alcohohc brvtr-1,.,.,,.11,.1 , 111., er· 11 .,'.',;~. whlr h lh11n 1ltrrc11N>t1 b} h•1lo11ni:: lh• thr 1ch1w.,111 whtrh 111 r11rr1ru1t j Ilg"•.. ' ' r " ' c .ltl'l-lni.:elht'rl' ~o t hr 11nly 11!<• "'""n thrv Arr ltllrtl with viva· . ( 0'\fE AS 8HOCK :" •• " m1l!nomrr If thu r ".'·"r w.H ~11mrt1nn I~ th11t th" p rohlrm• c1ou11 vm inir•t rr• <•n•• To 11hl11fn " r11tr1rr ~ hqunr mii:hl have br,.n "'"r"" h1t•I th,. • Thi~ rr1 hApl!. m1w romr A~ " lh ""~"· lh" UJ'pllr1111 t rn11~l h••ltl t'Onf,.rrnCl'll nol bf'rn hf'I•' 1 T!:ACttt:R ORJE<7IOS!4 11hr.,k to A lut of clubs anti 1othr1 11 '"'1 I "n·11nl•· J1q11nr """""~ I•·, Ob h on .. of th" 1111m .. r v "ltJf'rllonJ11, nq:11n!U1tlnns. which • H~tnmeri l\ •111nl'I' 1,f l hl' tAl<'rr1 ~ h.-en"e 1 \'fnusl~". 1 l!I \'t'Ar the qu;•· or course. woul1I rom~ f1.,m ll'A rh · g1ve r Arties arnunil l hP h1 ll<ln\· "'"'"'Y prrmll~ th,. lu' """'' to I nn11 of nvrr·rrnwolan1: IPllr N n11. man v n( "'hr•m hll\•' rxlnt """"""· 11nd r hAr,.;e !or lhe hqu••r • 'llrn<I h111 11rcn11 11111' 111 ""m" AhllrlJI~. 1111 k of rta••·a'lOm'" ""'1 J11hJt In 11umm('r to bnl•t,.r th,.lr eerved. r thPr lol'11lton. 11n.1 llrrv,. llqu .. r 81 lh,. nther <'hfhCll U!'t'•I bv 111" t rl· anromrJ11. nr i:n In rnll"J>:" tn nl). Durlni:-thr days or thP 11t11t1 " prtvel" or ..... m1-pr1voll'! partv url!lnr~ tfl k""P lhC' lAllp1ty<'r!I t111n mor" rT'P•llt" In """""" tll"•l• boa r-! of equaliza tion. Munrn AA}'l' A• IUAlly, 11 t 1111 ti'•' "~ ~urh. n~1· hurrlt'nr~ with 11d1nt1I r11n>ribu lo riu-o molf• '"''"'"" (lf """'~" It Wl\ll 1llt1?11l tn nrvo hq1mr 111 who ,.,.rvi-11 (,,,~1 • 11nn"l holtl 11 1 tlnn,._ will rome up 11' the \\'hllr thf' L11,·men "'"hn w11nt11 t o Jmpt""" pr1\1Btl' rsrtlrs 8l •II. Howevf!'r ('01"1• r" llq111 r ht rn .... UOll"•ll h .. Ht1U•P hi• rducallnn11I l'lll lllll u•UAll\ lhl' b<l1111I 11pp11renlly "'lnkr·I 111 11lu11dv " 1n lhf' hui<lf1"'' nr ~,.11. Rllt thrrf' aprr•'l"t1 10 bl' 11 nrw t1Qt'• not hAv,. the nppnrtuntt \' t•i I hr rr11('llr t' of chArJtlng tror " 1ni;-alt nhnhr h• \'1 111£1'~ 11\ ret111i. "UhJrd. l()nir JIPglri trd but Pllr· t11ke t hr,.e monlh11 off f'\IC'I y ~"·Ar, '(irlnk 11t 11ur h parllr11, "-"th" holl )'ITf«IC'Tt:tc ftl l.t:s 111111>' dl!ICUl'lled. whlrh m Ay b• hut m1111l ('!b t11l n h lll "lllrf\ crr1!1111 I rlay r1111lom Wll!I not to m11kr n TI1U11, I h e '"'" lvml'hl~ 1mr· glv,.n llOme 1tcrlou11 ronllldl'rnl11Jn 'bv 2•110£ to night 11th1Y1l pro fit on Ute-hquor. b11l ml'rr ly roun•hnii t h<' ,.;w1n1: of s rnvat~111· •crord~n11 t n the cur.rt'nt · Howtvr r. ll 111 ln,.vll11hlr 111"1 In JlAY t!'ll' C'Olllll. p11rl\' 111 \\hllh hqllM I' ';.n'\'l'<I ~,(.s' o! the t:nllt"d ~tAltll :o-;rw1< nnl" nC two lhlnjtll m11•t h11ppt'n M unro 1111.)'ll lhat "exch8n£tn i; he<••tn<' rn111e 11£11 ra,atrd all th.--" '1 \\'orld Rtporl. 18 the qllf'llllnn l and l'O<ln. Ellh"r the ruhl11 r•ul• 11r.v 1 1•n~l lrr~tlcm f111 11Jcnholk llm• 1.1lh1'r lhAn ~1mpln Ahllllf' of Whf'lhl'r Y"•r-round 11<:h•l"IS arl' I up more tax monry to bulllt mor,. bC'\'<'Trlitrs ,.., rv<'cl lo lho v nttrnrJ-11! < lub 11,rn~~" firoho bl\' h11s IMI c1•111t or nol 11chnol,, nr 111hlillonnr "~"I:" •· tnir l'"n•tlt11trs a 88lr'. Thr ·,·on-111 th,. 11tr1rt fi'gula llons on prl·j STA«Of:R \"AC-ATlOSS m11d p or thC' exl•tlnit llthr"•I plant•1 1ldt r•llon hr pnlntii out. 1ndud"• \'&tr p11rl1r~ T h,. outlook. hnw ev-ome of the r ropnsall' that thrt•U(?hout th a rountry. "'llh monry 11\kl't&, 11r An,·thmg el>t l'r, I• f nr ''"' much <"hl'OJ!' 1n U'IP h vr hem m11<1e, lhe111rllc-le N Yll 11nm,. vanAllont, o f oourM'. Anoth· of valuf' Of t ollrl". 1 nf' may t'hri8lmn" l1olod11y pr'f1< ••l111re ovf'r or~ t r ovt ml~ht II• tor t he ronf Pr· 1 ~,.II t lf kl'l11 to th•! pnrty. rrov1dc-r1 rot ~11Mr~ ThP rrr1"'1 1n whl<'h I 'St11~g,.r lhrrr·month v11c11t1011 ~nr,. o;n e1h1catlon lo 11tt 1tboul <1P· lhty 111 c "not "*hani.; .. a ble tor p1Clh1h111nn wns In f fll"Ct 11bould perloda 1111 8ro\ln•I th" HAr Thf'n l tnnln lniz: how m an y u111>ll'M Mlrnhohr hrvfragdl ' ha.•,. < •n\11111 1'<1 11ut hnrtltl'3 lhC' 1n lhrnr;.o .H h•.,•lhn11•;.,; p1n h1tn· <'OUr11e1 are beln1e 11tl"rn. M lf hnw ~tunro Atlemptt d. <lunng Utt J)<"npt.. v.'111 .,,.. 111\n11t 11• Ute)' tllC' ll lhtr" mnr<' ~t\vlrot " much lhty could cut lh11 tea<;her 19~ session oC ll'l1 leg1,18turt, tn 1 plcu... • I Angthe11 lhr 111 h•"'I d"Y F.•lh-p1yroU. .. _..._Ma;...--"' l'I\ \"t>KISll -T ll1K 1s l111w 1 ·11ny11n l'e1;~lc•x' hide-out looks today and 1s hk1-.1 lw 11nr· 11-.r·d by ~1ck Span1a rd dea<'nlx'<l in rnl umn t11da.\ -1l11rarc 1'.irkrr ,Photo Grass Roots Opinion BEn FOfll >. IND . l lATLY Tl~f t:S-MAfL ; "We firmly lx•ll(•ve that m ..... t 11f lh·· pN•l'I" an the L'nitl'd Sta te11 are fu111hm«ntf1lly < <m>.1r',1!1\1•, bc•e:aut>t· most cof them h8\'<' $;nm<·th1n·~ '" 1·11n•"·n·p u hnmr. in~11r;1nrc policy. farm . Jw.'rsmrnl I'' "fl' rt v 11mrmK t ht· tangible t hmg11, 11nd r•nt;1tnly idl ri f 11 -1 \\ int t11 1 c.11•<1·rvr t he sylilt'm eif ~O\'C'rnmrnt ;111 I prl\ at•· • nt ''fJ•n "'' °" h1r h hu created thut high stancJan.1 of ll\•1ng. • I • j ·J • ... ENTE RED Home financing is t h r mam 1op1e w'w11 thrse "stu- dents" from N,·wp11rt Ra!b ... 1 S:.\·111~s go l11 C'lass Tuesday rn•nmgs 111 till' i\r">;t·rn-;111 Sav 111~s :i nd Loan l nstitutc 's fa ll dass 111 m11rt~.1·.;•• I t1d11,·.:. Standmg- left ab11\·e urc• ~lary l1 111l:-u11. l '.1lhl'rtllP K iPst1•r ~t rs. Marjori1• 81l\'n, Bob 1111 Id, l':.ul ~·1 h·a, 11un thy Orwig. R ESID ENTI A l-1 N OU STRIA L-CO :.;.~A ER CI,\ L NO JIJB TOO LJ\1:<:1: c:~ ruo !--.1 \l.L \\ \ \ \ . \ ~-; '· I ( c;. and Sten· ~mith . Seatrd are Lyla Baugh, Fred Crox- on. Ruth Clark, "Spud" Eastman. Mrs. Doyle, Gilbert, and Mrs. Carl Bundy. Croxon 1s 111structor Cur the 1·las;;. "hk h iudud<'s sta ff m cmben; from other a :-so1·1al11111s. throughout Orange County ~ fktkner I 'hnto Boots and Saddles Club Notes Events HARBOR HI-LITES n~· ?"\ ANC'I C A~IPBEU. ~aJnesi; was th<' keyriott' of Ha rbor's game Friday night w r lost to the Anahc·tm Colonists 27-6. j Some of thr T11rs who tran•led to the game were Bob ,,. • OPLong and Sharon Lyman, Walt Howald and Marian j K1 .. •1 rwr. J1111 n111h, r:onl1111 J1•\\'hl, d Perle Holll\nd. Nanci •camp- H .. h !-.11Hlh. I loll M••llol"th. llnb 1 ~b ll T • J j c~ u Ro c , be . •'rrv ay an ~r,.e yer. ht·nt>\' 1m 1I l.\·nn T •'.lat'. .lohn l::\'lt' Taylor , Joyce Chung and G.i11r.•1. Tnot11• Ru•lt•ll. fl,•nm~ Har· Kelly T .-mpleton. Jenny Lunlt, Jan lwa .. •<i. Hub 1•1111 111, M'111lyr1 llum· Blum, Norma Heffner. Carlton 1~11111.t <11t>t "' C'hupmnn. ~181 j!IP L)ew"on. Grant Stagshead and I !'itm11I. A1111.~P.d111. Ila ~tht'r l.111-J <lalllf' Farquhar, Jt'rr)' F a rquhar ldlo•. ~1!.11g1,. l'n'"· J1111 t\nlghl 11ml J M M 11 1<:1111\v Jlufr. 11,.nnv l'11h• anti Ann an ary 1 er. n1•11,i,.111. r.a11 v J~111nda•r anrl \'n· Sa111ralay night the 20th, l.url 1 l>'I ,,. ( ·,,tton. S;m ilra \\'tlloalllll Riie! K1 hi.'l.t a pro greBlllVt• dinner. The Riin p11 k11 rtt .lu n .. aubo. n imol I f1fftl course or 11oup Wl'Ul held at I H11 lw iol L.11sk , ;\'un<'y Ma~tPn, Dl'b· the home or Jo Ann S11es11. Pally hie ( ·.,i.-11rnn. l~yn ~lahli••, suun.ty 1 R1tg11n ho11tcd , the glrlll next tor ~\\Ill 1tn,1 Tom Countt'r. Judy Ute salad. llitllan di~hea wrre round C111f1113n, l 'at ul 1-:,1" :1r1I~ And 1111nn Bl l"nnci Campbell"11 hOUl!l' whr~ MPr,.hlh, 1..111 ry l'llll.ll il. l'hm·k the 111u111 counie waa 11ervrd, and K<&t\"i><lu ,inti C'!H'\'IP c111.1,..,., lJIUn" the fl-11llv1tle11 rnded 8l the honu• J uyl', ~ui' so" &Jet;, Snmly <..:o lemnn. of Lynn Pease for lee cream anJ Ph~1s M1l11m, Don H.-lldington cake. I .lu11nn1· Oi:d<'n 1tnd Don Jackson. Thol!le making the journeys were Jail"fl C:rePn an•t B<>b While, C hnr-.lane Enright, J oyrc Ville, Lyn nelh s1a1·n1~1·, J oannP Su,.s><. Pat-Mc .. 'arland, Sue OW111lt'r, .Ian Blum. ty R 1ll'y anti Howa1<I ~lilf'ht'll. Londa P re.Mton. Laural Woodson, Tnna ll11rro11ghi1. Drnny H1>nderson aml J allt'n Green. ~· h• •h•l• I :--•"'tut '\'t•ul~ fur lhtt ""k•nl On J.'111la1• 111~hl nll'm· h• I>. illld 0Ul..,1d1• J'•'Old•· \\ th r U!"· I . 1 ... 1 ... l•·d 111 ttj" :-tHJ.:,1n~ ''' th~: Cn:i.A ' \ ~ \ , cu ·-..: . .:.• 1)1 ('1hr1., lwn1·f1l h u 1.•u "'h''"'' huCil ' ' \\ ' I I 1· .. 11· NEWPORT HARBbR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 3 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport Harbor News-Presa ia guaranteed. c _arrief boys will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. lt your paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier 'will bring your paper. Classiffecl NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays CoaataA 4 Llaes 4 Unes 4 Uoes " Line§ Sbopper Ada run 1 Insertion 2 ln~rtions 3 lntuirtloo" 4 Insertions lJI the Wfldne9dAly Ne\H-Preu $1.00 add'L lines .25 ea. 1.50 add'L Uaes .25 ea. 2.00 add'I. llnN .25 ea. 2 . .>0 add'l. llnf'8 .25 ~a. SltuaUo• W-tl'd Ad• wlll rffl'h ·e H % dlM'Ount. C..'a•h ln advance 0Dl70 l\llSlMf 'M AD· I~ ' U SES DEADLl::-IES for pl11cmg or ranrelhng a ds are: For Momhty Pubheauon -Friday 6 p.!J1. Jo'or Wedn1•11llay P11hllc·1tt101111 -T ues<lay 1 .r.m. For Frid11y Publlrlll1on -Thursday l p.rn. ~EWPOKT HARROR l'l'BLISWXO CO. ZZI I Balboa Bh·d., Sr~port ~ad1, Callfoml&. All OlaNlfled Ad• m1111t be paid tor Caah In ad\·11n,.., or publlcattoo. The publillhera will not be rc11pon111ble tor more thtLn onn 1ncorrttt lnaerllon ot an ad. ru !'r\le the right to corrl'Clly cll.ll!Stry 11ny and all ada and to rfjcct any ad not conforming lo rule11 and reilol•la tlona. Special Notsce. Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 M eet. every Th~ay 8 p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. Newport &ach Albfrt H. Matthew•. Exalted Ruler - 12-BulldlnJ Servlcet11~--­ Painting. Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy' ' · Sympson & Nollar 12-Bulldln.: Sf>n 1t'es Elec. Tool Repair Sktl Saws, Or1 ll11. Sandere QUICK SERVJCE LEWCO ELECTRJC CO. 456 No. Newpo rt Blvd., Npt. Bc.h. Llbrrty 8-R:l!l:I. r fl ----- PAINTING M. W. ROSS L1cen11t'd LI 8-3321 280 A voc11do. Co1ta Mt'aa Mtf• ,. I. ·., I If I •' \.I, I It 1 t• • ... t. 1 '·''• \\1 ••k lt t t " ,_.,..,~1tt11nd24 ~tire J'•l llill hnrt111 1·1t a~ ,, d •1H••·1 :.t lht* l rn'"' 612 38th St., Newport Bea.ch Ph. Har. 24()-4 or 1067-R . l~lCc Custom ',, \•I I I-1l• "" ". II p••.,.tl t 1111 111 ': ud,·n t:1ovP P•'fl'"' I a If I"'''' 1!11 l·11ll t1111r. A lt f' ri••"••un the \\I f. '• I iJ :1•1 I 1"'1f ... I lh 1· l llf C •,, .. ,L l:o· .. ,1 • ' \I •.iUqtl 1 111 t 1'1 : f' 11 ~ tl 1111lt' n ••' .. '°'0•1 :-;u li1 J1 llll'IUhPI~ l1H1l ' \. ,,1 ti t•1 1u 1 •t11111 111pl'1 11•1• ~undny Ii '\ r. t .II fl~ '.... .., I" t IJ1t\ .... ··~· nl uf'• t1• .,q 11 pjll~ ;ttl1 F\.\1,111 J111 (••ff,~ hOd '" o I I I I 'I I 1,,. .. , ,!H d•dl~:t UUf"t ,ti the h ttllll" u r Jt"t;tnk , . tit\ \\1 ... 1 ,,, .11111 h·ld II'< H"l!lllur 1 ., 1"''1111 .: ~1•111•1 •'· n1,.:hl >tl th~ I• • ,,,. tJ, I 1 v Ii , lt1t1h11H""'' an t he F'tt11.,;ruun h. , .... ..,.... .-. :'If/ j • ~-...........->/ / ' PU ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. HEmlock 7-1203 L' I I RUNNE~UP CHAMP -Mickey Hfath. left, accepts Irvine Coast Country Club golf ruthier-up honors at recent diriner meet when Dick Ewert presents him with a cup. -Maggie Price Photo More to Costa Mesa's New City Hall Than Meets Eye Coffey Reports Architects to Have RoUCJh_ Sketch in 3 W Mks B~· RILi. P lllLJ.IPtil , jail rPl111 or<' part of the city h11ll. Thrtt·,. m•'n! tn bu1l1hn1t a C'1ty pnll(1nf'111 often takP advantag" oC h all thl\ll throw ing up "11trur tu1r ttw nl'urness v( the publlr lo •It•- ''" a fl'w 1tr 1 _.,. ut l11n d, C1>11ls hbC'l'ltldV cau11c 11rPne11. Thi!! c11n Mr •'I• 111 rlt•("VVPMnl(. b<> 11vo11lt>d Wht'll lht• l'D Ill 8 llt'p- ln n11 l-A11J:U"t. tht' l\ft'~a 1:1ty antl,. 1-trm lure. ('••llnC'°ll ApproVl'i.I p11rl'h8!111 or :I I l \\'ht>n lht' lll'W 111 V h1&1! I~ l'rt'I'· a1•1r" nf lan1I tor SJ!l.~>00 a\ the te•I l'lut>f A1 1 J111'Ken~1t• n1111 h111 ''" ni·r "' PomnnA 11nal \\'. JIHh tll'J'IH I 11wn1 will '" k" •I\'"'" I hf' ~t~ In rnul·October the cmmc1I· pi e11,•nl c al)' hull 11p1He. l,.'urt~y men ~· ltct.>11 Arch11~·1" ·w 11111r•I asid. T Jno 11~ n ,,r C'nMtn l\1•·1111 !lnrl Plr · '-' • 1111111>1 k 11nrl H lllll!flll 11( Cnt - • nA •I• I ~'"' 1u ..:u tu \\utk t•n tht' 111111a t w,· ;\1 ax111111111 '"'l nn thP p1·enl11AI bud hni: 1~ ""f'•·rtr.1 '" h.-h,.· l\\••·11 $711 {\IHI 11nd $111'11)00 •II'· I" nil1111; nn "''JllRUJ tuolA~L deltr- 1111nr I 1w1 <'1'.•llry W'ht>n r111&l &p- 1'' "\'1'1 11n lht• pllrn• ,,. J:l\'l'n by :\I.Hor t'l,111t> ;\'rl•on and thl' ulh• r r1111n• 1l111rn. ~Tl I>\" OTllt-:H1'' Thr a r• hllt'I l• 1mmed111lely h• .. i:-11n tnu1 ini: S1u1Ua"rn t 'ahl•.r111a 11t1r• 'r l'llntlnr "11.t '" ""~'" ;\f P.St, Alllil\ 1ni: nthr r r lly hl\ll IH· rAnJ(f'nwnl~ This WP(k tt-r\· '"'"" 'l'rr"t "''h C'rlv !11 tnRl!Pr C Hiii!" '•, ..-t.·v "h~ ".~nt ,.vrr ,11• re""( c'nl- l ,,,,~n1tat11H\~ s.n.1 tht' rfl'~1~11n«i f11r t ho Ol. And hrtr(Nj lhl' Hrrhllt•a I ~ f'n lhl' H•nOl't ll"n lllld 'r hAln n( ' ..... 111.111•1'0 r NJUll "" r .. r b•••l Ill, .• ''"' u( the v1-r1u11' tlrp111 lrnrnl1< ,,r ~f1••tt c It v 1'1'' t•t nm11nt • (J111· nf t h1' hoc pt "l1l•·111~ w h11 h h11• 1 .. h•' k• pl m mind ' C'orr~v I •'"Jlhlllll'll, ·I• l hl' \'ftl'l numb• r nl r•., • 1 o1~ wh1l'h rnu.o•t h" k•·r1 lhr,,a11,h lhl' ''"Al •. l'lirn• nf bml1I· LEGAL NOTICE (0t:1tTIFICATE Ot' on.;1st:i"l1' fl rtl II Oll" n rm :'\ anw T hi• undf'rll•Knt'd Ju h,., ehy 1u-1 lify thlll thev are rond11<t1ng 11 L1m11r~1 Parlner11h1p ba1111n!'!I~ 81 3 112 :o.;.-wport IJoulevard. ~t·wpn1 t II• l < h, Cahfom111, under Ult' f1r t1- t lflm1 firm n111ne ur URA:'\1:r. COAST AC'HE;S, WMITl-:u 11nd lh11t l'llld t1rm•u• curnµoaed or lhr folio" ml(' ('i't ll<JnS. who.of' nanw11 in Cull and plll< NI of rr111dl'n< •' lltl' 8!1 r11lln-.·~ lo "1 t OltA:'\G F: L'OAST ACRES, 1:-.1<' :\117 ~t'"J'<Jrl Unuh•·;ird. ="'"" I"•• I 11 .. "rh, ~·llhfnm10. A < ·,,11. f "' n11t Coq'k1rAt t•m. 11: ,. n < 1 a l l 'M1nl'rl F:LIZAHETll F. PA<:J.: R• Tru11tt·•· for I hi' J.:!111111• 11f ' llAN H. <..:LAY, t Lrmlle>I l'1HI I n'·r1. lkU\I :"r'-'Jl••rt 1-\\'••n11••. 1 ·11~11\ Mt>~ll. C'ahf urmA: Br:RT- Ht-:N I. S~llTH 1 L1m1le.J 1'111 I· nor 1, M\4 l'ork 1'1111 r, t'1111ta ~l r,R. CRllr!lrntH. \\'1lnP>lll our hand11 t hi~ 7 d~y CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL H. 0 . AndarllOD 10 1t E. B&lboa Blvd-. B&lboa Harbor 2~ 83tfc Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty Water heater• on time payment.a 2819 Newport Blvd., Newport Sch. Har. ~. Rea. Hu. 4367-J 27dl Painting, Decorating Paper Hangtnr GEO. BURKHARDT UC'EN8ED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 18th St., Coat& Meaa Liberty IH821 ------ CEMENT ~UILDINO All K inda FREE ESTIMATES Libert.y 8·6109 CARPEN TER Repair Work Doea Your Homa Nee<l RepetJ1nl or Re mode II~! Call Frank, Wberty 8-696• All Work Cuara..ntt'ed Htrc COMPLETE P AlNTING & Paper Hanging Service El:CE..-.;E O. SA l.:;'l;OERS ~>00 :111t Street, Newport Beach H arbor 2976 or H11r. 4446. lfc Pa inting Contractor L11'E'n~,,,1 I n11111 pd "Complete Painting Service at reason a blP pric<'S" .JAMJ-:s. ll11rbor 173!lM :ll}p4f< H•I Ori ~prraJlnJ:' Orh·eways PARKING LOTS !'<11t1-1J1v1"1cma 1;11r ~Pf'< la lty. \\'t' fumt•h 11ny typr <111 lo your ~p~ • 1r11 almn. L.i11 K<' Jt1bs -11inall J11h~ Frrl' ,.,.un1111 t'~ Also w&- '•'r l!JlrPR•hn" ~1,,.1,·rn equlp- lllf'nl. U::xtnglnn 6 ·40011. Cll- more & P agr, H untington Hr h. 6trc of ;\°11\'<'l})bf'r 1!1~5 ni;" "hu h .:r• lhr11ui:h lhi• •Jlv IJRA;'l;<;J.; L'llAST A<'RE i::. l;'l;C r nurtt'Oull:"t WB·Prl'lll!CIU !llCtfd 1>1111 Ion~ drp.ar tmPnl '"' NtR111pl1•, · ·• Ail·Tllkt'rll are tr111nt1I Lo write f 111a1,1 hi' kPpl '"' /Ill tllllt' lo a f'.d1fu1niA l'rnp<1rnt11•n, efre<'llve Rll•. CHllh' • lly: l.F:~TER A . S MIT ll. ('•of (!'\' nr tl'll th.>l ,,.n1,. dtl"I' Settc>l111y F:CIZABF:TH F. PAGE \\I I• l)o'glllnlnj( ltn 11111 I "(lint I "'• "'"' 111 11hl111n ht••I'' llJ•AI " "llut 1n,, I '-tntt~ If\\, ... tu•· 1h,.nc•1tt '' (" t '''' P"lnlPrl nul '!hr .. , 1,:111RI •··•uni~ ~• 111 mu~t h-> r"l lllnnd nn•I ~lnr Al:P !lpA1·r t~ r<'q111rt11 for !hhl ., Ro n .11 1'Kr.N II 'TllP Rn• 11~· t11 will probllbly httvr 11 1 v11~h "k"t•h 1111 lh,. new I II \' h1dl In 11h,.11! lhl•' W1>rk11," C•''•'\' •~1 1 Al that 11i1" lhP ••· m ;HTHJ-::-.; I. S MITH !'ITATF: U I-' C"ALJFO RNIA cu1·;o..'TY OF ()RA;\'t;f~ 11!1. On I h111 j f'!Ay o( 1"ovem h,.r, A II. Jl'.155, btl nt e mr, the un•lt'r- tolgnNI. ,. l\'otRry Puhllc-In 11n1I frar "aul C'ounl v a n•I Stall'. rP111111ng thPtrtn, tluty rnmmu111lrmM a nrl 11wn1 n, pPr~on111i~· 11 pp r11rr<1 LES- TJ-;ll A S;llJTH, St'<'r!'l&ry nr OHA~(;F; 1·0AST AC RI-:!' JNC R C'u ht C'n1 I'. F:LIZA AE:TH F l'A<:J-: nn<I llF:RTIU:N I. SMITH ., rtiun~..:.··• \\It a~A.1n a,:q fl\'"r- 11 .. rlnn~ "''" lh(• /lt•htlC'il~ \\'I" n ;ill ,. int•·r•I "II"" prd i-k n11\\n to rn• I<• lw thr pt'1110n" Through long exPt'r1cnce and a thoruu11h undE'r11tandlng of 11dvl'r- tlalng wr can put your want.I lnlO words that get 11.ct1on. Let ua help you ael11 TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS cl TRUCKS Hdt.JSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • ,, 11 •1\" f'h<n~ v.11l ,,,. 1,,,.11,.nt•·d '" """''' ri.u n M nor •11h1111l hNI tn l h" ,11 , '"''"''' 1 \\1\lltn m Rlr UmE'nl. An•I nc-know- T h" ll"W rllv hull v. Ill n <)l In-ll'iti;;• •I to me lhlll lh"Y <'Xtl'Ulttd I' io11 .. lh•· l '•·•I A M• •11 l~lilf'r •I"· llll' Mllll•" OR GET A TENANT 1·111 tmn l 1'1ot .,.,. 1 "n11 n .i t-J In ~ 1tn1>u wh<"• eor, l have ht'rt'· FI1'i'D YOU A JOB 11or .. ,,,. '"" 111 ... ,., ... 111 ,.~ .. ,,1'un1u 8<'l my hi<nd and art1XNI 11n· GET YOU A HELPER CABINET WORK n one (Ill prrmu•es N o j ob loo 11ma.IL Phone Kl 3-3348 :Jae• General Contracto r LICENSED New Work -Remodelln1 J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58 FOR RENT lkill Bawa, J:Mc. Drtlla, P all typu of Sander•, Wh rowa. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2'30 W, COAST HJOBW.A.T Llbert 71-3416, Nt'wport Baa ... -ASPHALT TILE LINOLEIDl 1 lnalall the above chea~ U... ntOll. A tao •ell Tile • I JDOIM Non-union, 26 yearw ~ Compare and llt'e - BI~ COKER Bar. 6795 m "'°"" lk> r h 7·69i3. nut Painting & Paperb&ngtna We do the work ourael.-. 30 year1 expt'rle.n~ Llcenffd A 1n1ured. S11Uatact1on C"l&rLl'llt'ed. E«tlmatea free. CaJl J olmlll., LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tlo 14--Penoruu. AJcobolaca AJloo)'DlOQ9 Writ• P. O. Boa Ul N rwport &&Ch. C&11L Phone Harbor 4796 .. 1 ~Bf'autz "Id• , Superfluous Hair Perrnanrnlly r·emoYed fl'CIQ r- arma, leg•. &:yebrowa and laa&r Une a.hapt>d-No more tw...UC. Eu.EN L. BRYANT R. & Lido'• Saloo ot Be..t7 Bar. •Te -24-SchoolA. lmtroctloa Jones Birkel-Richardson ORCAN ST\;010 . IA11rn to play l ho mighty WlTRUtt.ER. EVELYN J CJNER, Mgr . 300H olm· wood Orlw•. J.r 8-10112. 20c33 - SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT GROCERY cu hlen a nd MEAT w ra ppt"r--rn f80 -1100 ~r t&lffk. 308 8pur1eon, a anta .Ana. Pb. Kl 8~300. I 32eta LEA.RN PraoUe&J Nurur. J:arn 58-116 dally Whtie t.nLlnln!f. LAmbart &-7521. 13tfo China P aintirig Dtt.1 a.nd DNWIS a..... Ord9ra T&Mn If- PboM Ubnt1 1-6141 ••ti• 23-Sltuattou WanW 1'1 th• 1"'1 ....... , .. all1&a<111 . lh1 ti· r•lllllRI 'f?AI th .. Jsy s nit ;\'l'Br '" I 11' 111nnHp·1 •Aid · 1>11" I• thA1 lhr th111 ~rrtlrlr"t" rlnit 11tx.vr wr1ll~n.1 'T hh N p C l lfl .. Ad n. , , >M t'W!I• l'e1111 llJlll '"' • •·-p •111" fat al 11t• • •h<>11lot he piu l n f I f<l)lj~.RT R H I R" ITZ TRkrrR Are f'XJ'"rls An•I lh" ar at live In, rr(. Ll 8·11111~ 36c.'46 Ri:UABLl!l MJl>DLE AOED lad 1 w11nt11 wn rk "" hou11e k"'" r, rh" 1 ,t\ h11 ll Th,. .. 111 .. , 1• th111 11 Mv r '•1Tm1s!lt'ln Exp1te11 J t h Y e __ _ __ _ your 1erv1r1> UI r nne I . •h• 111.i hf' ""r~"''~ I 11~ 11n 11 •lvn-•IRr :11, 1!1:1!1 I \\'ORKINr. m"thn11 , t1ild •Ar" Jn j ,·111; • f In~ 181'•1 th""'~'·" I :'\n I 17h ='"WP·Pr"IU! H.ARgOR 1616 m\· h'lmf' ""'"I'' r H"•tchlll '-Orfty po1~led out t hat when I H ;ll. 16, 2~. 12,2, J~~ atf'll. L1 &-767 1 3&<:38 \ ' , l. J • \ ' PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWP6RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 30-P-AJ!pllanf!l' Sfl;~~P~!~"~------I S!>,-B~~"· ,_s_u.;,._,p._111_1.-~"----I IB-AutM for Sale • 48-Af_t~. ~ Hou!IH f or Rtat_-18-AJ!t". &: llouM.'a for Rtnt 29--HeJp Wanted %9--Belp Waat.ed YOU CAN SAY YES • • to these q uestio n s l . Do y ou have steady em ploym e nt? 2. Does your e mployer train y o u for advancem e nt? '3. Do you h ave paid vacation, h olidays, and sick leave? 1. Do you work c lose to your h om e? 5. Do you have company-paid pe nsion, life insurance and o ther benefits? WHEN YOU WORK FOR South ern Counties Gas Co. USED APPLIANCE BUYS O'KEEFE & M E RRITT g11S range S-t9.50 G AFFERS & SA TILER, white table to p gas range. \'ery clean 79.50 WHITE TABLE TOP, gas range, gridd le, oven control $7-1.50 W ESTINGHOUSE electric rang e, lak model $99 50 PHILCO R l'frig<'rator, 6 c4. (t. S90.M WESTTNG MOCSE R efrig. 7 cu. ft., very c lean $99.50 SERVEL Rcfrig .. left haNi door $89.50 W ESTING HOUSE Refrig. 7 •:.: cu . ft. Deluxe $10fl.50 KELV INATO R Refrigerator 8 cu . ft. Deluxe .. $110.50 DEXT ER Automatic w asher ......... $89.50 KENMORE Wringer was he r ,, $49.50 ~ASY S P lNDRYE R S pecial Only S59.50 ALL GUARA!'ITEEr> '.VAS HJNG MACHINES. AUTOMATIC: AND \\'RINCEH TYPES ~F:VEHA I. TO SE:LE<-r FROM ALL RF.Al'lONARl~Y PRICED BUDGET TERMS -FREE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 East 4th St. Santai A na Kl 2-2336 Slip & Rowboat Space for R~nt Am .. ncan l.A!iton 21:'.l·l:'!Ul St . M C'etangs 2nd. 4th W ed. 8 p .m PP.tr HE;'l;T o p11no ror C'h r1:otm1111. All t.rm r.-nt 11!1uw~J <.;oo.I prac- l1rr f>tatwii rr .. m $5 f)<'r mon lh ltl lhl' k ldthttl! learn. l>ANZ·SCHMI() r. ~120 No. Main, $1\nt11 An&. l'RACTl c~-: p:111ws $89, $!16 to $18~. Spint•l typr mirro1 piano S2:l!) -ll blond b<'auty. Eaa11.•1t I t.-r111s. DA:">Z·SCH ~llDT, ~20 No. Milin, Snnla Ana. l O<I p1ano11 to c.hooae rrnm. UAMAGED in !hipping 2 Spinrla, 1111,·1· SUIO. DANZ·SL'HMIOT. !l20 No. Main, Santa Ana. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '48 OOOOE ~ I panel ".)() CHEVROLE'T 1, t panl'I ·r,o F'OR o v ·8 •, t, pickup '52 1:-.'TF.RNATIONAL l,. t PIS 'tll DODGE 1, t. plrkup '53 GMC •,. t. pl<'k up ·~ GMC' '• l. pickup '54 CMC 1,. l pickup Hydra-mallc tran11. '0() CHEVROLET -\o !. pickup ·52 DODGE ~ l. pickup ·54 GMC s, t. p1r kup Hydra-~fa1 1r tran• ·111 F'ORO \'-R ~ t. pickup ''48 GMC l a,, l , 12' a take 'tit l:':Tn:R L-160, C It C. 2 speed. 8·211 llre11 't\3 GMC COE. 2 t . 178" wb .. 2 &pt'e<I. 8·211 Urea, SPc the largest vohtme tn1ck J eal· er tn 01 ange County ror but buy In u:icd trucks. All type1 ' 11ml 111zes 11t price.a to flt your l l A Cabanft'S Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. _ch. OFFERS Delightful living. A pt . .c&banu. UUliUea with Yacht alip a ccomodation.a. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or ~rvation, Call Har. 2992. "8A-Apta for Rea& paid. 34tfo Lovely Hew Studio Apts. You will like the quiet convenient location, the heated swimming J>QOI. the friendly atmoapbere. Be glad to 1how y ou anytime. Interestin g e m ployment now offer ed to H .S. gradu- a t es 18-15. 5-day, 110-hr. w eek . A pply 1030 E . F irst St .. Santa A na, Mon .. l o Fri.. 8.30 a .m . to 4 p .m. ----poclce:b')ok. S PECJAL Rt"\"! Ken Niles Villa Marina SOUTHERN GAS J3.-Situations Wanted Roy's Maintenance HouM cle11n1nr -F loor wuung \'\'all w11~h1ng -window cleaning Vrn..t111n blinds. Upholstery Insured. Frl'e EsUma1ca Liberty d·l 3:12. life COUNTIES co. 33(:36H 29-ilt>lll Wa~ted __ Beacon Pe rsonnel 100' ( employer rctamcd f'llHTAl.11,I•: Rt'A 1ad111 ~· l<lu.t~o ru111 h 1en:-11nahmJ.• 108 lklh St :">l•Wporl murn1n~'< or llfll'r ti 30 p m H.•r. 1!173-\\'. 34p36 ''II ('Hl<Y~l.Ell ...,llflt' th~lt1v~ IBoll'I, ~uwl 1·flrl' $1 lti Solid brHl'll flllt'f1 bar FIRE SCREE:-.' -31 111 wide. m•arly new $1 5 C'omplrlt' Hnr. 3681. 34c36 age ncy Fresh Hearing Aid !'\O FF;E c-tillecletl rrcom :ipJlll<':int • BATIE RIES ~l:S·:Slst Newport Ueut•h We Give S&H Green Stamps Gu'tiderson Drug Co. IU~;\I, ESTATE SA l ,E~l\I AN H1\ v i-: UJl"lllll): fo1· icwally ('X· Swedish Massage w-. 1cm·cJ su1l•s111.1n. .J,\l'K AIU~:\'.:"\AN l11•11llnr Main St. at Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1110. 98Uc yuur hol\11' hy lll'P<Jlntml nt lr 3;1:w \\" 1 ·1.11xt H wy Npt. Brh F o1111e1 ly 11111~:.1·1111,. "l /\ r rowtwad SprinJ.:, I hot ..r Llb<'rt y 8 777:1 33tfc BICYCLES NEW It l:SEO 24" & 26" G1 r111 &: lioys WHIRLP<.,OL n1~tornatir g11s dr.Y•'I with a utn111at1r rgn1t 1on Hr1' 'pnr·" $21-0 95. Salt rrlr1• $1!'1:1 !•!'i Fr~e in,,11111a1 1on, i'\o ch1wn :?4!1 per wk Xo payment un111 1 ~151\ THftO:">!>O~·s HSI!\ Nl'wpott A\'•' t:OMla M e:<a I ( Washing Machine '>ERVIC£ l-year guarantee on jobs done and on uaed waahera. 24tl814 I rear I Newport '81., l:Ollla Mcaa. Liberty 8-4503 or LJberty 8-4327. 64tfc SZ-F'omltore for Sale BEDROOM SETS P l••lJl!<' <till 1!11rlx•1 17!1~• c11· llnr hn1 I<.: llU.S i11 3:, t4h ~~AHN MORI-~ LA!Jlr~s J1l.m11111i.: 111 , n11·1111111" 1 TII.\N EVER BEFORE! , S1•hwlnn L1ghlw .. 1ghl St\2 9:> :-: .. w F:n!{l!Bh liJ.:hlwl'lghl $19.96 6 cfr: 9 DRAWER dre1111er, mirror, Beau I tful Fr ent•n P1·0,•tnt'1al fam- OUll • mak1' Sptn<'l ptanu. Like new Save $100 C'ww te1ms al S HAF ErtS 1S1nt·e 19071 421 ·123 N Syrnmoro . Santa Ana l'hon,• Kl111t. .. 1:_y 2·0672 J\no wlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS r ( 'ie&r Bt'll 1\1 HI Ge In I Jl'\STALLEI~ rnmplrte to your sel. $9.95 39ttc Uf<l ;,\,\ Sl'l·:L"IAL: 1 1~::111>SSTHATUlt 11u.,ld l\linl<hall iop1111 L nq;un, 1.111 .. new. SavC! ~~1111. L1IJ•"'lll lr'a<fr. Con\'<'lllent lt llllSlll ... · 1,'1fl("I' 19117 1 4:!1-42;l :\' ~"' lnll•rl'. Santa Anri. I 'll11n1• I\ I 1:0111•1 ly 2·116i:! 1 ,• 1 .. ('f.,: \' s I 11;;1u1 Ht.141rs C1•11>o1Jlc 111• •11 all I"'""'' <'aro• Uur ""'" l11i;ll1 r st1u ltni; WRJ:t' O( o h.Jdot II 1;,~lllS "I \\l'! k l'll•h I allJ fr t'llllt'll~ tnt"l t';t_.l'S.l;l\"('S )"vU Nl'.'wpo rt Balboa A u to Supply bookcu e headboard, from $69.!IO TWlN Maple bed with mattress cfr: 210 N c w pt>rt Blvd., N pt Bch. box spring, only $OUO ea. I l\nowlton Electronics 3r..c37 6 cfr:c 9 DRAWER maple drusn. TV REPAIR ·, I.\.• ••Jl .. 111 11 ( •·• r lrll ll' 111.111 tlus til'JH1rlllll1l) l>p•·11111i;11 nuw l•H•I f,,I M !fU!ffi :.tp.1: J••r -------with mirror, from $79.:10 1.:Ll::A:\IN<; & IHUNI:'\<; b\ tllu TELCPHONE OPERAT ORS J1<y F..xptr1t'n~· ol U.dbua i&lan I pt t:! .. rrl'<l. KI J·60!16 tt 11 FT RU\\' liOAT. lg. Jig aaw, Llving R oom Sets I 111111111 wood lathe. Antique round Modem & Maple FAST S FH1·1e t: 1u :Aso:\',\BLF. I ruf(e@ ta ble, 9x 10 plurt1 l'Olored \\" "ill 11 1•n you 1t n•I y1·11·11 ,,.. ~ .. 1.«1100111 3,33 beige cotton AS ~ICE A LINE u you would l;ct' 11 •· •.dis 1111 II I' rn • l'h'o nrany olht'r ln~nctlta. I hall 1 unner. 000 PointielllA aflH find anywhere. With our low LI !:1·:'1:1115 I ApJ'h' ~ pm Har 30117. 3~37 overhrad you'll be 11urprlat'd how Experienc 'd gardener !'IH 11 Ne. ~1 .. 1n Street, Rm1 211, . • • . . . ~ --i>tuch we can aa\•e you Please • S•nta Ana SINf,U,: S1 RA;'l;D REAL pearl.I take a look IL will pay you. ORt;AX. EIL"4·tron1c Oritan now LANUSCAPIN G I {I (ltl .lu .. OU p. m. I 1331 g1atluate<l 111ze. ~11luec.I at GOOD TERMS. I unly sr.;;,, All El .. t"lrtl Urgun, and C LEAN lJPS PACJl'.'TC TELEPHONE SIJOO Muke Mrer. \\ t·tte Box RETAIL FURNITURE BROKERS b11i only $il:i5. Lowry Organo r-' 'I •· th .., 36c38 o F E 3 3 Slit:> All w11nd1•rru1 harga.ins. Lfbert y 8-16o;9 ·'. v i:i ,.,ap<'r. pen riday vt . KI .24 6 v I 3rd at Spurgeon Santa Ana I OA:>\Z·SCHMIUT, r>20 .No. Mam , :JOtrc i::ur.c..-r TRAIN valued at $200. 34c39 I Santa Ann. ------------I A Planned Future 101 Eant Uulboa Hl\•11. Balboa ___ _ REL r ABLE JAPANC:SE. 30p36 Mesa Woodcraft Sf'lNET 1'1anns A .M E P. I C A N WA NT S POS ITIO:'\ with old l'Slllb t'o Trade·ln11 un orguns. Ilk" new • !Jut!d a bn11lnt'M or your own. 1tl C:A l '<:~: t1uto. onr 4 111 pump UnpuintPd & Ju\'enllc f~urnllu1 <' 1>t11110 Mapl1', Blond Oak. F 1 cm•h Rt·ntal returns. GARDENIN G JN HA R-j Rept•1t1 ,..1,..s. toool pruol111·t ,,11.,1~11n. 375 .\fo~nun1 und one Christmas Spe.cials! l'rovin.:i..tl. This'" u chance tor BOR AREA BY WEEK O R H 11:hr-~t inrumP brat•ket. Su~-1 r, 5 Munl1~k(•r I/flt• :170 model !)lg !l1tvini.: Up•·n Fnof1ty rught. 2 lp37 1H1uil1t1I 1et1rement pltrn .!'\o ~· U111: 2'.lll !-:will. l~l 8·3381 SH ELVF.R. 11p1re <'Ablni>lll. m11 i.:n· DANZ·St'HMIUT. :,20 Nu. Miun, MONTH. HYATT 4-5171 Inv LI 8-:lH O ·29r4:l 30~·37 zlnr rark11; cloU rum. lrrudh•>< S&.nlll Ana hulC'h' ... ch1•11t.o11 rh1ltlrrn·11 lttblr l \\Ill Uu & r ha1r "rt". 1'1111\1 s R<1~lun rocktrs a nt.I kn~hult' de•ka, tuy CilANU l'lANO t:hrialmu Sale. YOUR IRONING WA:"llTEI •. young m srrtt•I man GHt-:J-::"> C:lH ·1 •11. J11n11•• j>U1 talJle with rl<pc•1 ii-nee.' In rurnllllre ns· 1 dlahwuher Kwlk C'OOk eleNrlr 8embly. S teady <"lllpluyml'nl broller. liar 211113 t\',.nlnJ.:11 wilh \'arat1"n & lnsurancr brnr· :S:ll'37 chests. ret't>nJ ca brnrls. t.;,. .. <>11r L.-iy '"""'' plAn 2121 Hl!.r bor. <.:JI! Llbfrl\ 8·161:.0 Muny w oncl• 1 ful barg111n11, fom- nui< makr>' Sl!'lnway, Ma..nn llumlin, Kn1tb.'. l'll J,hvt>rc<I 11 l"l', bt'nl'h llldUdc•IJ fru111 $387 (\IA Llht'1 ly 11·6332. 34•30 LAHtit:-l; 1-;-Hl';FRIG. G<>t'lt.I ~s W.W. WOODS 1021 Bayside Drive GMC' DEALER i l~·l9 E. •t:1 SI. Santa.An• Open Sund11y A M. '1~Auto Service Trurk H,.ad1111'\rtl'ra ror Orang-e Co 19:>2 CAD 62 Sedan 37000 mi. Vf'ry clran car. Sl99S-W W nylon tlrell. Take tranllportaUon rar trade. Harbor ~ 725 afler 6 p. m. 17trc 'S• MORI-US MlNOR ronvertlble Jo:xrellent con<t 40 mpg. Low <lown F. P 17110. l.Ambert r>·06i6 1100 E. Union. Fullerton 33p36 1!:1!'13 TWO-TONE, 4-DOOR PLY· ll!Ot:T tf. f;4uipped with radio, heater &r. overdrive. One owner l'ar with only 26.000 milt'll. 100·' fin11nrlng LI 8· 1139, Evt11 LJ 8-7021. 311c37 STATION WAGONS ' SARVER F'OR BRAKES UN ORANGE COUNTY 17 YRSI Bonded Brakea-4 whtel1 Sll lie lnatallallon ···············-·····-·· .99 $12.90 Tax .48 YOU PAY NO MORE .•.. U3.~ SARVER MOTORS BRAKE SERVJCE E. IST AT GRANO SA:'IITA ANA After The Cra.sh lt'a Too Lett' 29trc * PORT ORANGE * WE S PEC IALIZE ONLY TRAILER S ALES IN THE CLEANEST ST A · and SUPPLIES TlON WAGONS ANY-2200 W . Coast Riway. W H ERE. OUR WAG ONS N ew port ?';each LI 8-4420 ARE GUARANTEED & '52-t :'>' H arpy home .. ·-·· .... a586 RE F L y EQUIPPED I '54·36" Ttaveln •·, Sper ..•. $239~ A UL · '54·'40" Roadmu ter 2 B. R. Special ONLY T H E BEST ARE 'r>tl·U ' Paramount Bjg diacount H E L D F O R RETAIL. '0:'>·24' Tt rry. Wiii delll on thl1 100'i FTNANCTNG C AN PAN AMERIC AN BE A RRA NGED. AN J) Paramount-Ken.11klll Tra velue-Terry Har. 1800 32e'5 48-Apta. a Romm l'\F.ARLY NEW untum. duplex 2 b<lrm -hwd. r1n .-r. a. beat -prl. patln-gara r;e. 0 D M . SIO:'J mo. Call Harbor &Ml·R aftf'r 6 p. m . or Har. 1884-R . 36lf o CORONA DEL MAR, Cott&~. comb. liv. bedrm ., .kitchen. Own rrnrr<l yd. 0<'e11n 11111., Hwy., nr. 11111rki•t11, lh~ater. No prl.8 SH .t>" Har. 0016-W 36c37 -------------- YOUR H 0 ~t r. 111 Aml'rlr1t'a Vac111ion iop<•I. R ll:DEC'ORAT· Jo_;n 2 bf'dro11m, I th'. thermo11t. hc111. pau11. i;a.r11J(c. $80 ye111 ly. u nlurn. J07 :IJr.t. St .. lliu bnr 4:1(111-J. 36<·:1H :"\E\\'PORT HF.lGllTS partly fUI. nli;ht"d. I bdrm 11nll gar, 1110 yl'arly only. A \'a ll. Dt"c. l . LI 8·57911 3Mrc -ISA-Apt&. for Beat RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cra11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. l:jalboa laland, Har. 1671 72llc BANK TER M S A RjE A V AILABLE. f --------- 8 - 5-uc Crown of the Sea Motel WE HAVE 30 C ARS I N STOCK NOW AND OUR DEA LS ARE THE BEST IN THE W EST . COSTA MESA MTRS. 1740 NEWPORT BLVD . COSTA MESA B ARG AINS IN NEW TRAILERS '56 SHA STA 2211 ft. 1111 modem l W(ll betlJ', ·11~ TRAVl-~LEZE l9 rt motlern 'Ml Bt-:AC<JN 35 fl., 2 bvdrm "66 ROLl~A WAY 36 ft , '.l be<.lrm . '112 STAR 18 n modt'm BAHC AINS JN USEU TRA ILERS '6 2 MOl:HL C RL'ISER 41 fl. 2 bf't.lrms In Corona del Mar Comfortable room,. 4r k tlt'h('nl'llt.' upl11 TV n .. y wf'rk -mo11thly rtttr i&oo E . ('uMl H l'y. Hai. :1194 3:11'4~ F'OR HE:'l:T yrnrly, uppt>r 11pt 2 bll1n111. J bath 11nl11rr1 s12., m o Lowl'r 11p1 "I. h•lr n1 I l1nlh turn II r.o mo tn nn· humt-Utlng han1tl'11<. \\'1JI I'" k 11p & 1lc>llvt'r I.I >-::111.;; pr COOD opportunity ror experl· I tnll'd 81!1 \'lee 1tlal1on attt'ndnnt n.-w SliO I~"'" mower 6 at· BUNK n i-:us <'omplrt.. Uilm· IA< 11m{•nl11 $6, Cu healer S!I monsl 56~. Near nt'w t11w l'n1>0rt ur 140.A-TlreA & Parta UA:\'Z·S<..:HMlOT. 1120 Nu Mt1in, 't\1 AU, AMF.RICAN 27 rt. mod. ''48 SCHL'LTZ 28 tt. aeml·moo. '411 VAGABOND 27 It. ll'ntl· LOUIS W. OOIC<.:li. H 1u .MO a:1, :111 ~· HIN~: 1111-;s ,.;1, e;Gl:"\El-:R, Full " l'•IL !11111! ntt'<hl 11111 11nlln11l,.d II I' ltrl'n111· \\'Ill Ji" 2793 3~·36 LI M·tl!'l;,i 35<':16 makes into l>eol S!'IU. ("h10111t bu "lool.9, U W <'1t1:h. l'hnne ltnr 4091 ,,,,. 11rp1 tn ""!' ur t·11ll Marbor 39M ett~r 6 pm Sl!r:tll s.rnt.i Ana I New and Used lllOo lern A lw•y~ a large !Otll'C'llOl'I or good U.!ltJ Tt1u1~u. AitW New v•c•· r'l 'K:-.'. moJ .. rn 1 bdrm a pl \Aollh pa l111 Ir tllr po1 l, garb J11tpn1tnl anY"hn• :'II()\\' AVAii.ABLE I , -~--. _ I SaJ.11 ~ 11pcn U 8.· 7!Jl:1 3Gµli , EXl-'E_RlE:'I: CED sewing '\lat htne 1 Movie Proiectors FOR RENT opt'r11l11rs & ln111mer1 ChAfl UABY ~111 .. r 111ntU1 " womnn lh man \\atl'r Sp<•r\JI Equip t"o . 1 8-MM 16·MM 35·MM lluur o1 .. v 01 w,,,.k Grw .. 1 1~1.·r· ::!66i'y ~: Coa~l Highway. •0• HOBBY anel MODEL ··ntt·... Hai lli-4!)-J 36c38 I . rOntt 1le~fi\r 3~<"37 MeAau;;'CN:~~;~5s op :!:::~ Wan_t_~-----~Ml'4Ct'Ua.n~os LOOK A T THIS A O r:n rn SR • SM daily \\ om .. n •If all 1<1(1•• •l•••p .. r1111•ty nrt'dcol Ill unr•t• r:11 r11 \\ha lo• ) uu lrnrn rr11r tlrnl Rllrllllllo; lllgl'\ ~· h11ot t1<h1e·ttt1nn rl••l nN•tlt·d c 1111 LAn1J1,.rl ~·7!12 1 111 \\lllt• I 'AHJ-:r:Rs IN Nl'R~I N"I lkpl 1:.. ~0111 \\" C'orm1111nw,.11l1h F''11llt1 Inn ;1S1fc I l\ A ,\IF T \l(l"ll!-i I• r l..ui:111111 Ho .. tr h ~ :-.. •ultt L11&:un11. 1·11} 1'1to1lt>I) 1;t><I llil ll•I \\1!1111,: •'"l'nllal Wrilt' 2(H F 4lh 1 t• • 111 7, S11nt11 An11 ur t111i Kl ;: .16'1 ~:lt(o Attention Knitters \\'P.LC'OME tn my new .. tinr \om" in and h11lp m,. hlUlol l .. wurd y .. 11r nN»b tnr n,.t'<lll'l"r ar1 Sit N' Knit .:113 r; Bsltxn1 Bh·tl. l311lbon 3:.!t(o Order Now! PersonahzNI Christ mas Cards ALL ~17.F:!': ALL PRlCES 1782 Newport Blvd .. Coat& l'hona LJbC'rly 8· 104~. Good Used Appliance~ , .. {'r t.t 9 ft. Ch<'s t type freezer $99.50 Gas Ranges fr o m $29.50 Jo"nr our n"". •l nrtlt r a fin,. Hl'prtAl'ntatt,·e w111 ra il at Y•lllr Fng1da1re 9 ft. Refr iger ator .:r .. untl·fl•M•r opp<11111n1I) Our lh•mf' $75 50 lll~<'nll\t 1omn11 .... 1 .. n .. ,.h,.ilult PHOXE Ha r 1616 or liar 22113\\ • 1uo1a lhn.~ "ho 'tky w nn 11... 221'12 Washl'1"8 •• Take yo ur choice th,>11r "h" prowlu1 r nn•I th11llr A utomntic and wnnger adl\'<' In lislln~ \\r arr frll'n•I BAMBOO"" ly an<I t·u• r •r11th·r l\l'lll W<' want $20.00 thr u.mt rrt1m yo11 DRAPES Bav & Beac h Really, lnc. J:i:io F:A~l l'oa.'I H \Aoy I C.,Mnn 1trl ~l nr lla1h111 l\21tl I EXl'ERll\!NCF;IJ w111trr&A wtullt>1I. Apply nt ~N AL'IC .!-;t-10 1'. :.i:lll:'J F.. Cu•l~L Hwy., Corunn dl'I Jllu1. J8tC MEN-WOMEN Ct'!'TO~I MA[•!-'. A:'>\" ~17.F: P1 11•,., ~t 1rtlni.; Al 21 • A ~'l Y•I Hf'l\111 lflll S"w \\011\"l'n P11 •I t>rni1 F111 A 11 I •rrur,. Klr.,, J1 <''111 tn111 & T m' l'fll•• IJ.Qi.1~ ~r<' 'l'hrm ~in I •i.•J•lny In t lur t-:11q" ~ANTA ANA TF:~T & AWNING CO. ~\:"\TA ,\Si\ GROCF:H\" C:-lll'lhltrl' and ~fF.1\T lll:?r; S. :'>11'm 1\1 '..'-1:11:; :lit :Ill wr11ppcrs. SSO • • Sll•l Wt'"k 1-------- --- ;i.1c; Sp111i;rron. :-..tnla J\rrn l'h SELi~ 0~ TERMS i.; I :l·ll:ll1t1. ::;ee A<I Clut1 :? 1 ~ F"T. OEl..ICATESSE:-1 l l\14'. $1~10. 32t I:\ 0:">1-: fl 0 re(rli;:-rretor • $~. 0:"\F; l11q:r rommfrr. T• frl#:° Si'1. l SCALE~. $8:; 1 GONDOLA $21\ C111l ownf'r I.I 8·622J momlni;• nr --------\\ O MJ::N ort11 a Jvbir ''f>en. A LSO <1.,!lleitlh.: Job.ti. ~tE:'.". ttc:hnical 11k11led Jab .. r anti genera\; Hea · u1trr no~' aft••r !') pm. 9trc -------------- Newport Furniture Co. , Complete Home Furn ishings :!G'.?O W . Coa~t Hwy. N e w po rt Beach LI '-· 1113 3~c JG PHILCO I J cu It. r rfrii <'ralor. 71 !h •• 1 on tor rreez• r. Exclu91\·e Ph11<·0 two-" B)' •ll'>Or. 20 brlnw frtezmg tempert1lure $330 PO :\'o do" n J'll)'ment. ::! 96 per wk. THRJo:i-; f"~" RM tun -l'rl111nal 1 oH• e ta bit. end la bit' it flt><•r lamp. Vf'ry ~a.!Klnrtbl" $1:10 1:i 8-2790. 36r38 ------------ JJA.\IMONU OHL:A .. '\:S, !!II rnu<.lcls. • nur 'bnatlTTll:c !ltf)("lt nnw c<Hmnii 111 $ H) 00 ti• p<>Sll "'d i rt'M'f\ e 111 v ll1ml el "h11t• I hl'y la.Al Tra.dt 1n your olJ piano. l•ANZ·S{"li:ltlOT Ho•rn" of t he ""tld ra11111W! Homntond. ~20 S o Main, Santa Ana One BF.1'01X WASH ER S50. o,·al :O:ptn• t M1,;ll'I unr Hammond OllEXEL ma.ho~ J in. lllJll· lit \'luml Or~l\fl Ul!Ctl bul hke new, 6 1·h1ilrH $S:., n1ex .. 1 mnhol( 'j _"_"nol•·rf11I hnri:am,.. po,.le1 a pool bed S 1:.. l.11 <'Xl'I ----- mil.hog Hl·Boy $1~. Blonde d1op ll',1C din tabll" Ar •I r11.1tt'h 1•ha1n1 SolO, C.:re"n w1111l n•i.: & pArl 1r,x1S. S!lO. S ew .lbl 111nl· ll •'i>" & b1•x 1Jpnn1fi.. S 1:. H1•r •152-J. 36p38 :S2-A-Antlqon I BUY AND SELL F.ARt.Y A:o.!ERICAN C'llt. ··olor~I. paltem glasa-PrlrntltVf'll -Arl· t1qu<' rum1t11rf' anti tin" rhlm1 THE BIG OLD RED RARN E FllUIANK Kl 3-3211 l38tll llarbor lll\·11, C11r<h'n <:ru\I' ~~p37 ·h :13-Boats, S upp_Ues TRADE Deeut1ru1 70-ft. aux. 1chooner, I Exe client for r hllrlcr \\ nnl proptrty or 1<maller bout. J220 I W. Br.lbOa Blvd. Ncwp<>rl l lar, 303Z. :llltrc Yacht Remodeling Service J o1nerwC\I k Hrflnl11h111i:- R,.ra111ng F1• <' F..~l1n1t1l• s. liar 12 I·\\' a:1t 1:,h S.~DOJ,t~. C'at!f, l'r~ --------, __________ _ \\'A:-J·n :11 "hl'ol1t•11t l ~ii 11 .. 1111• .... Jtl\'Jllg & m 11I.• •h• 1·p 1lni.: H>t! 3G::-Pot~~~~.~~~~·--~~ Fin 1:1<:0: I '"' r 1e.11, 1nd1v11lual ht'n • 1i:e:1. <''!°J: ha1tkl'tl'I autornall<" 11•1•ud•1i>r, J 11111n I'" k;11i; n111c:-h .. < 1:~ ll:ta•l f'r c-i;g )11111• 1, ,or, young I n11 ..tc l 'o11l1 rv <•1111• 1 HNatl O,•I \Ao hulf'A .. tt 'li21 f-: 1·. 111tu•. An11h1'1111 J/\r k"ton 7-1:\72 :l·f• :IG 4~Auto~ and Tru<'kK HA C~l\EN-WA1'SON S l'OltTS CAil CENTER .I \t.1'1\I' •. M 1; 1\ I ST1'·111-:At.l-;Y ;\t1 IHHlh ,\LI \ HI J;\tEI I ,\I STIS 1:1-:1.1 11 r T ,, \\ I .r ~11le11 & Sf'I\ lo e ( lt>11n l'",j < .. ,~ All ;\lllko•• 1111· , ... 11• I .,nd ,.,,,.<'~flt l:!ul Sii :ti ,\ l.'I: ~r ~ \:\Tt\ A:".0 A Kl :l-117~ 1932 HAHHCJR OL\'U TRUCK AND Pauenger Tl RES 8-Hour Recapping Service Comple te Rrake Service AND F ro nt F.nd Aligf'lmcnl ROAO SERVICE F lrl'J1l on1-Budl(<'l Plan Your~ ror th' ""king HOWARD RYAN 0 1 -809 W , 1st St SA:">TA ASA Kl 3· 363 28:.!U Avon. Ntwport lll'•H h t um 11·nlali1 na.1 bor 41170-J. J 11 rt ·-\\'e111 t"oa~t Trallf'r Salu ., 2101 South Marn Kl 2·3147 t.:<JR()~A ti•;L MAR tlu1Mx " <Jwnt',., Burt A. lARoy bdrm. rum. Har. tl•OSJ. lllllt 4'7-Wantfld to Heat Rentals Wantea ONE b<-dronm furnllh• d mf'nl 7 Jj '• F.-rnll'a r. fl~ I Mar. St<' F'ri•ltt y JI Sat11rJ11y. llfloll I• Co1u1u\ "' .au ;J~u 01 We need a pla and bouau ln a.II l't.:R NJ!;HEU APT . ' 11 .. dr111 11• ltl MCUon.1 ror both winte.r and n1111 •ntl H1111n".,. l r•ll• '. /\ 1 .. .. year's leue. Furn. or unrunL twu I l>etlruom •111• 1>11 w .. . U you ha Ye a vacancy, lt'rfrnnt 37~ Ch1t n~I l'lllf .. . phone today llarllvr 121i ·J . :l!Jtft· The Vogel Co. 1201 W. t.:11t. H wy , Newport Bd'I. Phone Ltlx'rty 8-3411 W8 Ma rint, Balboa laland Phone Harbor •u -U/\LHUA ISl..ANI) a tlracll\'e llJ'· J•n :.! l><lr111. &pl . TV 11t'1 l11l \\ 111l~r $711 Y"•rly $1011. llnr 1:1711.J rvo nlng11 It. wrek ,.nl'la 3!'>r37 2687 E. Cout Ry., Corona del Mar 1 Lil P l.F:X l:o.11la Ml'1<&, 7 bf'drr"'"'· Phone Harbor 174 1 h•i"•I n l'Jflr.. S e&rly new. C0t•I Udo Orelee, 34111 _Via Udo I lt-c-&l h•n $75 lllT:l A m1hrlm Harbor '49tl Ant A LI 8-1~46. 3-'ttr 1702 Sewport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa ,. Liberty 8-0697 ttc I 1-1 H" nl lr111 t1v .. l h<lrm. a pt, TV A ttnl,.111111 WAlklnic tlU1l11nre lo l.ul•• .!!hopping, Har. 37311-R 36"37 _'8-~-A~p_t8._&~R_o_u... _____ ,_ 41-Auto ~rvt« I Choice Wmter P.entals u n Charming H a rbor H aven A partmen t.II -Patios M t 0 h I Balboa lala.nd Ir Lido lale N"EW 4 HOOM, 11trttl levrl. !\ear 0 Or Ver au I SmaJJ a co11y or 1&r11 A deluu ach0<·I~. 1hnpp1n1r d111l rlrL Qultt, NO MONEY DOWN I S7~ to '300 month plc11.1u\nl. r~1·h1y''t'. c;arbage dlA· d I VOGEL CO T>OJ1•I. laundry, 1tloraico roorn1, * With this c!t * • guag,., SR2 00 up. °'"""flll!tl •n· 6 C 1 $ 8 88 208 Manna An~ B&lbua Laland tire lllrl'tl c: .... d aur .. rvl11lon. Y 8· ·············-·-···· 4 · Ph. H&rbor 4H or Harbor 2 1111 M~r. 1501 Hllvf'n l'l~"e 8 Cyls. . •....•..•..•.•.•...•. $58.88 Ru . Har. 178'-R or Har. 3059-M l Hl11rk 8011th <or Hlg'h Srhonl lnrlndt>11 buth l11bor anrt psrt"-114lfa Al-SO l"l'ltNISHEO APT!:!. Nrw r1n~~. wrl.9l pin11, \'l\lve Wl:-.'TER RATES Ot fe ~rlnrt, lllllnfA o r main and rod A TTRAC:TIVE 1 11 nd 2 bdrm. tu in. hrailni:io. 1..:xpcrt motor wnr up. lJt111u,11 pa11l J or 2 rhllt.lren l'WS•: r:->. llA LIJOA. F'ltmianetl !lh·tfflv nr 4.000 mt!r inr•ra.nlC'e. La111uJ1y rn<m1 H L i.; E T O P I I 1.i ... 1m1 11rt y,11rly. 60 mt). 1 :\'.O MO;l;Jr.Y DOW N t Af'T. MOTF;l, 41\3 !'ewport Blvrl c:u & Wiil• r Jlllitl 40S E. DAI · RE BUlLT ENGINES Npt. Bl'lll h. JUlll a bOve lht I lx•lt 111\'•I. l lAr. 2070 18lt -l'P t•I 11\ MONTHS TO PAY-Arrheo~ 74tfc R111't 111 our own ffl<'l(lry by 1kllled n1Al'l11n1 .. 111 Don I contend w1tb t hf' m11lolleo m11n Buy direct REBt;I LT and INSTALLED ~llOHT BLOCK FORD ··--·-·-··· S1 29.:oO CHEVROLET .. ···--····· SH9 ~ PL\"M •DODGE .·-··-····-SlM <.:HR YS. It DE SOTO -·---1170 STI.."DEBAKER SliO I 'NFt"R XISH f:l> trlplPi.. llr •I''"' ef i:11rb8J1;" d1~p Watrr !)<I '111<~11lnta.1n"'I Ownrr 2i i Ur flll•lway Ll 8-2776 Jltrr IJELl:XY. Ji"URK APTR. Rlng!es .\: dbl• 130 mo. a n1I up. Jfl4 E. Uey Ave . Balboa Harhor O:IH 8tfc ----------~---LIDO ISLE BACHELOH IUld one A t"o bdrm. a pt.& She.rt ttnn and J <'arly. Al.SO. Ll•lo Homa a nt.I Bay Front Homu ILl\d af'l"rtment.a. J l":'\E FARRAR £.M.P'L. AGCY. 402 ~ 32nd St • Npt. tar"'" rrom City HaJll Firewood T HRO="' SO:'." S l 1:, l't'wporl Avr ('nsta. l\l,.sA.. tf PRl\"ATE FLOAT for 11.'ll!!f' \\ 1111 11c<nmn111<lnle up ln 2 ·fl cnhln l"OST1\ MESA J,I 8·~o;, I tr OLDS A POJ\-c'IAC e -···-· $170 B UICK ·-····-·· ·--·-··-··· .. -Sl75 COROXA l •F:I. ~1AR ruf'nlAhffl 2 br home \'Hy livable It com· rortat>lr only S70 mo no l,.ue teq111rtd CLIFF llA \"f;N unrorn1shf'•I apt 2 t1ta I I ""r)' I~ 1, flrf'J'lla1" dlwp . ''ent (Rn, la1tnll1 y rrn It r11 1 a,tt 01)()(1 locatl"l'I lJDO 'REALTY Aseoclat«-'8 3WO \"1a Udo, Harbor HH ~llttr ----------\\'JU.. ln.in woman l'l F lorlal Bu~int•s 117 Bnladwa v C. 1\1 I.I 8~071. . 3:>trc .A fl\'ERTISINO nrm w ant1 h01tlll'· w 1\"l'I w1th l'INr handwr1t 1ng M11ke g!Xld money 11pare llmf' Write RHIRLF:Y Mm'llEI..1. l:l9 Otimunl l'llreet, lit'lmonl. MA.M. 3.,p43 l'llfi:F , tltnnu 1·ook: tll.11hwuhr1 . • ~·01111..: l'l'<"kt111 I wa1lrt'as. n n·1 ~:\\ F.~lf'l,OY~!E:"\'T. :: 27 \\". CO>t8l Hwv 1..1 H-6002 361 .17 • l'honr <la\• or ntg'ht KI 7·t890 ORIGINALS 2Jllc AF"TER:">UO:'I." C'1 .. kt All, tltnna drruf'S A: l.:001 t11natu CT STOM DRESSMAIONO J..'h. Harbo r ~37-W. 22p36 MAH~l ET'TF: Arc-W l'l<!Pr, (newt :1 hµ Air l 'nm111 UIO(•r. 220 Volt 11ln'1lf' 11hl\.81 Sc-c 11t PATCH 'S 17th St 11t f'IMc11t1n. LI 8-i~08. 211r rrul~t'r 1-'nr 1ntor mill1<1n 11111 CHl-:EN .IPrp•lrr "l•n•Jerlul r"re O"KEEFF. & MERRlTT rJ\llge, ·;,;, H&rhor 3!<i~ 341 36 S .:.o Htt r 1:17i • 3.x37 mo<l<'I. LJUTip .tr rlo1 k w11h <"'"" ------- t111w r. ('hrnme ~rtil brvlll'r, anti B t R • I :15 11Lr>S /\b 7-•lr . ~h ti ra.11. htr thal l1fll. Up lop, l'81'd UOl' oa epa1rs \\ W . llro>o, 2 l"nl' 3 nlo'nlh8 Old munlh. SI 1f180 rn .. h. or po)· S1> S!ll!ll\ :">ro "11h•11 1.1~. l'h H11rlM•r f::~n~~"· K~,·~t I\ ~\ i 'h11prna~'i I ROBERT \'A UGH AN & CO. : ... !'9·W ""'n1n1e11 :l~1p:11 1600 W. C o at.t Hwy, :II <:HHY.SU:H ~eJ•m. Nrw York· kh:WA HU i :iti •~1 tvr a.ny WUhN N Be h l'r \'·8. lit\! h p , auto. tran•, on pun hM~,. ot a n~w Ha111111un I '•wport ac lt&H. P ower •l<'•rln~" nrar new 1111\onrnllc wruh .. 1, ['IU• 11 nPw prlr \\SW. \·rry 1INUl. A ate.I al •ha.In drlvrn l1 ll<I' :'>:o <lown ------------5,p~ Tr11r!I' .\ finanr ,. :\'o paymrnt 111 1!:1:16. 1-Gel the "ln·lhr-w11ys" nut or MUTllH\'ILL~: THRO:"SON S lfll:o Newporl Avr lh" WllY I.hf' "''Ant ad way. call '2~io Sl'"rc>rt Bh-.1. Co11tJ1 MeM c·.,,IA M•••• tr liar. 1616 I.I Q.1 ·,,~ ,H r:;.; HUDSON ·······-···-···· .. ···-·· .. $17:'! Loan Car Fr~• Towing NEW CAR GUARANTEE B lock mu11t mttt our atand•rda Plua taxr1, gaaketa and 01! Open Sunday 10 a m. to 2 p .m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 1 Open Da!l_y 8 l~ 7 Sta te Bonded NEW LOCATION I 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA THE VOGEL CO. 2fllli E <..:otu t llwv HA IHI llA 147~ :l:'lt 37 BA LHUA !St.A NU turn ~ Wrnt low..r duplex \\'rntf'r $ii'> monlll Intl lltlflllH , Har. 6Mi8-W. :lfllf•· -M r>r, and mc1r" 11dv,.rt1,...rN n1r rtndlnr It profll11blf' to UH NEW~-1 PREHS claaiC1rtl a rt .. :-;1<..:l':LY fo'l'RN 1 bdnn. 11pt /\•l•rltll r•nly \"11} f"'I. I'll'•"" l,l t.rrly II .n~ 31\• HAI lll':l.C11t 11p1 m• r•ly turn. V"I \ 1l•·••r .. abl• , •1m1 1 .. 1 .. 1v p11v11I • 1p••~ltt" Siii llllJ :I ll f\hr rll(•ol•I I '••rtirm tfrl M•r, ·111 •• ~ \\A °ST c•11l./JH. w•rrnU1. ~•H•' ~.SI' l~A t<<;ll: I bd1 m &pl 1111· .s<i1 n • ar1..,t""· 11<1•• lJ' 11111,.nl\ 1,~1,. ic·<r MIC•· y .... ,1y iu. 111 11 In• I 214 :t3ril Sl. HJOr;· 4:1111\ I all< ·:11 • / 43-A-Apta. for Beat NEWPORT BEACH Furn 2 bed· rm. apL pr .. .t utJI. Inc yard. S70 m o. LI 8·1409. 33ttc DELUXE modem rum 11tud10· apt. Ullllllu paul $7!'.'I mo Corona del Mar. Har. 08:>3-R. Hlfc '88-801t!Wtl for R.f'at NEW nlct•ly fu1 n. 2 b<);lrrrl. for tamll,\' $76 111" :>:e11r 111111 cs. 304 32nd St ~··wpurl. 31p36 $76 MO. Two bilrrn hou111' f urn 2009 Miramar Or , f'enln8ula P oint · \\'1nlPr rcntul C. G. B~AROSLF.E, 724 Lut11n Or Glendale 6-Ph Cltrua 3·5316 32lfr CORONA DEi. :0.IAR. unturn 3 bdrm., 2 hath. newly cJe<-u1 a led tn1lde and uul. $125 mo. Call Harbor 47 If CORONA IJEI. MAR -U 6 :-it<r· r la811t'll, 2 bdrm unfurn hou~e Yearly rt>nlal S 100 mo. \\'et1·r pd. Har. 2482-W ilftl'r fl :t:">r 36 TWO bdrm. hmlSI' 11nf11rn excPpt 1tlve A: rerr 1g. !'1111th 11f H " y , Corona d r l Mar S75 mo l<> J un" l-R11r. M: . ..i . :iric37 T\\'O DR. H OIJS1': llnC. l'X<'<'Jll atove lf-r et. 2 car ga1. on bluff beyond Hoag. llo8p.~M11gnlf11•t•nt orean view, country 1lv1ni: n~ar town. $80 mo. yrly. rental. No pet... 963 W. l6ltl St • ('. lit Har. 80, 9 to ti. 3!'.ltfi• BALBOA ISLAND, Furn. hom<'. 2 bdrm .. 2 ba lh11, n<'ar 11h11pp1ng. Reasonable to adults. No pet.s LI 8· 7624. 36c38 J 1ENINSULA Point 2 bdrm. l bunk family ruom 1 3• b1tth11. fireplace. fib!. gar , r m•loaed patio, aundeck. SIOO mo. to J une 15. yrly $.1~0 mo. w111.,r p<I. 2100 Oc1'8n Blvd. Churchill 9·4R88 l'Olle<'l. 36p:J8 49-Rooms for Renl M-Bmlaeee ~rtal~ PARTNER Wanted to operate licenaed aolvace •tor e, locutf'd nPar City Hall. Small 1rive11tment and bond rt!qu1red. Harbor ::ioa1 belw,•en 5 • 7 p. m. or weekend.a. 33c46 55--Moaey t.o Loan . CASH ... FOR f rtl'ST IJEEIJS WJ.t. li. HOLT MORTGAGE BANl<JNC SINCE 193V, 1609 N BUSll SANTA ANA KL\tBERLY 3·7118 LUA NM 1V tit;ll,i.>. IMPHllVbi BUY, MUl>ERN IZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy TTuat De~ NEWruR'l' BALCUA SAVINGS A: l.JOAN ABSlll'lATh >N 336' Via Udo Ph. Har. '200 tt• NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -RE1''1NAN<.:E CO:-iSTRUCTJON Call for Free Fast Commitments on Rcsll.lences and Units only Don ·t Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESk LI 8·5Ml LI 8-&M2 LOANS for Homes 6"' -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans SEIC BUB SA 'M'U:R 2616 EAST COAST BLVD. Coruna OCI M&l Harl>or a881 Rep. PUlRlEP. MORT GAGE CU Metro Llfe In.a. Fund1 Kl. 3·!11M 48Uc LADY alvne has m11111 m nlct' ~Money Wan,!ed ____ _ homt' fnr employed Indy LJ. ~NIJ TIH'IST IJEEri. 6 ~·is., 6·, 8-5648. 20tf<' Interest S2600-S3t> rnv 111', LIVI': LIKE A MILLIO NAIRE iJuitotint ='iewport llr1ghts W ~-:.!82!1 after 5. 36<'38 nn Sl5 a week and up! u r .. an fo'runt k 1tchen~tte a pt. with n111ill I<. phone scrVI\ •'. 'l'V. M od~rn, eyt'·ftppea.llng, ult nH'omfort11bl11. N!'l\r tchopa &.nd mk ll!. l'all lfarbrir 60V I. 33t!c 60-lncome Property 6 1.;l.EAN JSL"(JME L"X ITS cloae to beach. hny 11nd ahopplng. Ex· t·dh~nt return on IO\'tllmenl of BALBOA PENl:"SliLA H 11 u m S21.600-term11 "llh p11\'8tl' brHh & l'nlr11nH• H OMER F. SHA .. 'ER, Re111tor Ap11rtmc-nt bu1ld1n~ Hat. 24~. 106 Mc.-l-'ad1h:n l'I at the Newport :t3lfc Pier Har 1411 E \'•'"· Hnr. ~268-W f111 rtH\r 2629· M O:" .. : ()K TWO lt .. rli1~ with hurnl' prl\ 1h•gea 930 Arbor. W ~-3~!'1. afl••r ~. p. m :16tfc 60A-Comm~i:cial: _l_!'_.!'_u~!!..~# FAl"TURY Hl'ILDl:-:1:, l'losf! in Jl1.. J zun,. 70i<360 ft lot r11rl'~ tw11 11tll 3200 IQ ft bldg <•n OFFICES For Lease front port1un l"'4"1tiu•1f A~k•ng In Nl'W Build in~ $21.\,bl,)O low tet m:. l'ull LUI: J7 x 40' S lt)U mo. HU YNTu!'\ With 17,. 26. S S5. mo. EARL W. STANU:Y. R,.11ltor Bay•ldo Ur A C:u1Ul H wy 13 x 1:!" S 3:'1 mo. HJr 3297 or 17i6 .. vrs liar 2878 In Lido Shl1pping Area __ tio:I :12nt1 ~I .• :-«•wport l:irio rh 161 Rt-, ..... H n rbor 4321 Z3lfc -al ..,..tale ~~- I 'llA~T HlllH\.\ A\", ntw l1111ltllng, 1 ~.IHI "'' tt orc11 1•. S111lllllll' In· .. 111t.JHf'. ttlto1ll\'y. ••le $110 mu.I nn::!' F'ORO, U 1'·1'111. :ttttf CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO ~ELL" ~\l\1 1. 111-1·11"1·: lt•r i.·nt ~ull-1 110\\'ABOl"TATRAOE,fvr man· .•lol• 11 ,ti "•1111•· 11r 1n•11111n11• Kge1 l•P•'llltl'oJ • 1.-Kr m• .. 1111 proi•- 4 1!1 llnllt11u Ulvll ('all H111 '•~I'! I 1•rty ww•l en1J l•f '""' Ani;• r.11 :!H f<' \ 11l11rt1 111 $!>~ lli.0 ,. 1l11 rn 1•1 LI DO \\ \ll .. \1:1.f. \tAH\11 l~T flftl• 1• 111 1<'HI• ll't ll~W h11iltllni: ::11 r1 nntHi:r "" l•ll•Y Stlf'<'l S~l '"' \1 UI It 11 "" Un" 1·711 lhlll pup•,. 3•r:l6 • Nc.•w Office11 SI 11.IM>Q • Y'"" 1n1 '"' " Ii lr1w "~l'f'""'f' A n1 1•111 in..: & ruu In· '""'"t"•I Ill HR) I· I •IOI l'fllf'l'rl)' \\'Ill I rtl•f•• lip ur 11•"•' 11 I f\\'rH I \\'1':b11t.-1 4MHJI ur "'1111' 111117 Smith 1".,•h1un I\\,. 1 .... .1111· gele!O J6 HRtil F!R~ l!l>\'ITl-:1 • ::nr12 A va1lable. • !'F"VF:N l";\;JT MOTFL II \I~- • hkallv i>U tl(•<l fur prt•I t'!I· ~TO\\' ne. 111 mur .. un11. fll• 111 )'I s11111;tl o r bmuncss use. uf r""111 '"' llnil"' I ·11 k F 111v S24 ii<i Locatro in -3 t:JEUR. H11n~F: "' H .... ,..r 1•1 Hdrbor lnn:.'<lm~nl Co. Blu~ "r• :1 """ hur,.. k 1h1• ,.,,. 3111 It & NC'wpnrt Blvd ri1 I. w lllnula ura111. ~ k rnut lrt•u1. ll)il Ct Im• trnril"I:" Har. Hit)() If I 1'r11tlur s 17 :tl•lt um l :.!:! :ti:> 8""~••1l• ti l111M I),• <I \A. Ill •II 111 ,').'i·A-Ru<cinr~ "4>nt.al8 i 111t1• ,.11 "r 11nv I ro 1 t -1 \\A~T BA't' A6lE.11 l'"l' 1r .. 11,..~ I 1'111 l&lh cfr: Plarentla C . M Api a bu11ln•llll "r \\h><I hH\>' \•HI J-••I{ R .. :.'\"T t-. .. 1,.11 m. h 'lllit' -~II .II \\ S tiff<.. u M11n111r111 l!llll\!' &. rf.'fll!l ri.rn I 1ncltule11 I Tr•il~r P><rk ;11 ...... r•urt H· .. 11 lo\lt 1 e r·oom It t v. o orttcc-ro11111 ea, I 31 J• II s 11111 1n1111lh. Olt -.1u rent 8t•pa · 1.1:('1\ l ('lfClrc nl Si:> e n1I 1 nl F:Xt'liA='i(l Y. l"Hll'A!:<I 1'1"1J\'1tlt S~'!!I n,11nth A~o "l111lll ttono SllllJ I h1lnlt' r .. r l1o<ttl "' 1,;., t'•ltf m u \'all O\\nl'r Llbenv b·ll:.?:.13 lllntl Ill rn•l "11\' m11ri11ni:• or Afl1•r :1 I'~ l'lfr Rr• ••nt 7 ""II ''"II I I 1 ii• I• I I mu1hrn. 1tl A1., .. 1 , Ill 1•11• .. .H•rt l .~:ASE. new blllg 1•n F:Alll Sli ~10 """" t ·~··,. l'l•HI '" 17\h ::i l \\t> nt>rd BA llB~:H I "'""'' 111 1 .. 1-.1 .. I Tl •.•• •\•II SllOT' lll':Al;T\' l'ARl,t)R TY ••r •lnwn f •t 1 l•IH l '11llf 11n •1w1 SALl::S & Sl::K\'11.:~;. Hl::AL l1 fl, X h i ' 1111• 1• •1~ • .l:'IJ'l I 1-.::::TAT~: un ll'F:. 1;nT !o\llUI' .,,,, r;r1 yuur lt111lne1t" 11P1rt• 11 In I 62-Rf'&I tJ.ta\4' "'" l•l'•I '"' U mn Ill C<t•l I "'''"• ------------· F1•r 111 tnrn.1llon. 432 J-:a1l lith BACK BAY or I lh••11v J.-!'IW4 :l'l1·•1, r>-l-Ru14inrs" Opportunltl""' !l>E\\' :I btlrn1 :l l>1•l II homl' 1111 HALF' Al"R~~ ()\•l'r~IU .. tloublt• j;\lr cl1'1·t rll' n1·!'n It p 111 llRA:-il I l'\F:\\' lunchroom & l'l'lnl· S21 .~)() F:ASY TEltMfi lll"'" I plPI" h11k1 rv 11«'1 ur 1'.111 hen ov4!l'l11, 11\llo.l'rll. 4 th rrfrlg , Ire crf'alll cablnt'I•. 1~ •tool cn11nt r1 •l11•f'IH v 1 ue11. ('a!th n •lflll ers. nnw 1l111n~ $1:?00 a \\'t'rk plnio lbrlt'Aln prtc". Sl:>.01111 "''" 11 Ol{A!'.JViE CO.llRT PROl'l-:RTIES 1 !17 '-°t" J"'rl. l 'o!OlA :O.lt>"ll LI 8-1113:! F.\" I.I !<-61103 INVE~T S l:>11() 111 i.:nlnJ.: bu111neM .._, wor~1ni: 11 "'" l><tr Honl'tll, "h1lr rPh.•hli'. \\ 1 llt' lh1J p11pt·r BQx J 77 .l!lp.I l!Aln:1n :1 1•111\t'I ~ Ill •• 1 ,~ ... ~ . ".! 11\\1w r11 n ·11n .. 1 '.\1•1 \1 1tr;t,. t u 1:ru..a $11\t 111~1 \I All ~fllp1114'nt, O\tfl•. t .~\t:t111 ,.._t, p. Jf••' t l ••O· ,Jllum. )o:).tt·IJ ,. t tlltt s,,,. lll11tn- r111l 11tAtf'ni1 n"C •• I •lt A.'1\1 ;~; l "ll \ST l'HOPElfflES 1":'17 :"\""l'Orl, C1 .... 1a ~''"" I.I '-·111:\2 f:ve. t.I ·1'·6M3 -1 ,. ., t: t n ~. d111ly :161 21n1I ~I 2:l :l6 Red Hot Two R-3 10111 4:1Jllf\(I 'R '" !"11n 1 'h•mf'nlf' -~ Le\ el It r ra<lv t 11 h uil<l on. Bnth for $11<:'10 °1•11•h <'&.II F'ORD V&RR.1:-.IDER t•'lt111 v .liar. 4263 Ev .. a 3Hi 33de LOT Mh :tft!I on ~""'rt hrf Mon· lfl\'l,t ~ ·n~t11 M •''II S 1110\l J•ll ow11!'1 . \\'1 ll" Box I. 711 tht • J•i.p••r. :lRpl8 T\\ IJ· Br1R:O.I lllJI 'SF' hlll tw ..... 1 fJU••t• l•'tfttHIUI• •I 111'\iJhlt tH1tl • llllf. $1l1.~.'il' ;l'.tl f l• Wt'r ~I (0 1 •la 11fl' .. a l'hun.. l.lb.·11 r II· 7807 :I .It fl J,l 1T :11 I, I~ :l $4~~,o lh •\I ~-H r: l'!llA 1-t:k, H••11llur lflfl ~I· I ti•lll .. n l'l at lht N!!v. purl 1•1,.r Har u o ":H1t. Hai 626!-W H11rt>or 2:5U·M • e Irvine Terrace Magnificent Cu.tom BW.lt Home · O Two bdrma. and den • Prime location on Dolphin Terrace • Beautiful carpet.a and drapa1 • Expenalv~ly land1c:aped • Modern In every detail • Elrctrlc kllC'hen • Two coniplele bath.I • Owner wanlJI Immediate aale (lllnu•I Pru·e reduced t o '33.600 temu HARBO~ INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Eve11. Harbor 3&88 Bargain OPEN 2 -ti DAILY 21l; MAGNOU.A 3 BEDROOMS, older brick , home on 011e floor 1800 aq. rt. lA.rge lot with fn.11t t~ea. aewer1 con· nected. Huge garage, laundry 4r hobby room. Price aluhed to U6,600. Call ua for f ull detal11. Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 80 ACRES OLD WELL & FOUNDATI ON on property View of buutltut val· lt'y Only 2 houra rrom NewporL Make utfer 10 FROST FREE ACRES plan•.e<l with over 150 3 year old Avocado tree11. 2 reservoirs, every t1 ce p1[)(!'1 ln!ll\'ldually Good w~ll. 2 room houac>, f'lectrlclty, family orchard, Neu Fallbrook. Owner mllll aell $9600, $2500 down SAM ENNES Real Eltat, Broker Harbor l OU ·R 2810 Villa Way, Newport 36c37 OCEAN FRONT 2 BEDROOM furnl11hM home Bar- gain a l $16,000 Drive by 6209 Seiu1hor~ IJ1 Iv!', then ca.II to au. \\'e have the kc-y. BALBG>A BAY SHORES In the quaint restricted d.latrlct of lovely Bay· 1hores, we have a very attractive 3 br. home com- pletely furnished with new brick patio 22 x 36, and room for swimming pool in tbia wide irregular .,shaped lot. I blk. from private bathing beach. A comfortable home. Excellent income property . $24 ,500 LIDO ISLE FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE Very nice modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Lovely covered patio. Many fine features itlcl. electric garage door. Excellent Location. Please call for app't to see. CLIFF HAVEN View lot Kings Road. Leasehold lot 67 x 110'. Chuming location, fine view of bay. Only ~ $2000 down. THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE- 3.11a Via Lido, N1>t. Bch. ,)tar. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 299S-R, LI 8-5297 or LI 8-3040 LIDO BA YFRONT beluxe. owner-built home of 4 bedrooms & 5 com- plete luxu ry bathrooms. Pier & slip. With custom furnishings included, this exceptional home is priced below cost at Sl00.000. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. BACK BAY VIEW i.., scr1•. w l br hou11e. but lucn, xlnl. pvss1bihU!'s S 11.000 l ACRE -134 )( 300 l'llll be dlvhlt'<l $7600 '• AL'RE w 2 br. lltUlCOj' well lan1h1cs~I •15,:iOO 2 BR'. 4t OEN, HW llvon1, bc>11uty Asking $19.~\IO LOTS -l 10 x 160 llli.thly rt•· 1tr1cte<1 $8000 75 x 100 NE COR 23r•I l\llll Santa A nn $4000 CORONA HIGHLANDS • UR 3 BA TH rumpUll ruom. on 2 lot11, lovely \'lew $45.000 2 BR., 2 BATH t1!111(1t• view, room for pool $27,600 2 BK . VlEW. 0000 P USSIBlLl- TIES . $19,950 132' FRONT, hwy to ~ay. Npt. Fk h. Mlraelt Mile. tvr lease \\'Jll 1>1111tl 10 •1111 t l.'n11n1 itoocJ hl·4·hu1s n'~l1111rant "" 111100 Claire Van Horn REAi.TOR 273 l \\' CoMt Hwy. W 8-42i7 Harbor 5505 Corona del Mar Do it yourself ! WE KNOW how hard ll ii to tlnd ju1t whsl you nC<'d In CDJ.1- We spend our lime lltolplng peo- p le !,!sU.1-One a.nawer ii to buiJd a.nd the C'tl rrent phase of the Jot price -home price cycle does f11 vor dolni; so. We have 1urru1 fine loll llate<i Mo11t reuona ble la an R·2 beauty 30xl 18 level .t well-located for a bout $5000.- However lhe perf ect two unit tot is In Corona Hl&hJand1 for just about lw1ce u much but worth ll, blf , with a nice view and nothing like ll. We hue an unu11ually nice aquare comer lot. to deliver Juat under $6000 and what a wonderful 1lle for your fam11y·1 new home. Alain tor aomethlng more than double that prlt.1 we have lilted a 1muh1nr good buy In Corona Highlands. a blf homHJle ·with br,.alht.aklng ''lt'W re.ally aomt· thing extra. Come In a.nd let u11 Indicate what you <'llll do with cine of these on your own bu~ g et-you'll '" what we mean • North Udo B•yfront Price reduced tor qutcll _,. 1-B.Jt. 2 bat hs. Pier Is .Up. Comp. tum. A REAL buy 169,600 (JU,600 d.n.) Price lnclud.. WUhblC roach., dry•r, ~ ud carpet.I. • Irvine Terrac PRJCJ: RJ.:DUCJCD A modun· lovely home -I R. Is rtrn. Beauttrully carpe~ Is drapu. Landac&ped. ldM.lly located on Dolphin 1'9rn.oa. Owner wanta .qu.lck ale, Priced S33,600 • Waterfront Duplex 2 Bedroom unit up and I be<lrm. unJt down -Excellent marine property. Bulkheaded and you can have a pier It float. Well located on Rlvo Alto. 125,000 • Corona Highlands A mo11t unu11ua.1 home -3 bdrma. ( plu• ma.Id'• room) 3 batha. Lovely play room with flrepla.ce 300 foot lot (yea, 300 ft.) .JVllh unobalr\lcted view. Deetsned-'tor cood living. Priced to aell. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Houston Values $2500 Down NEWPORT BEACH , attr. 2 br. furn. hume. 7 frl· old. F . P. f l0,500. Low payment on bal. AN XL.NT. B UY. $1000 Down NEW 3 BR.. all lmpr. In. 4 1~ % loan. A ru1 home Inv., at only $9300 With mo. pymL ot $60. Only $7950 3 B R. H OME on rear or hlCh·level 1., acre lot. S8nta Ana A ve. nr. 23rd St. Room tor • unit.I. BACK BAY VIEW Lal' -~L $6260.-Rutrtct.ed. N.B.C. REALTY 4 Bedroom Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Trade Corona drl Mar Otflce 2 BR. NEARLY NEW land.le., nr. 32nrl It Nev.-po11 Hlwl . ;llprHr h Ha.rbor t •oa Atiention Investors! PRICE REDUCED YE~ 4 01ce b••1Jroom11 with 2 full bull\& Im maculate I< welJ I(). r111N1 among hum"' of 111mllar valv.,, Price J 12,400 lnl'lude1 Wftll to wall c1111wt1nir & t1r111)('-• Thia hvm,. 111 f,.nt·r •I itn•I lan1l· I 11< a J"('il & 1 f'A1ly t11 gu Tc-rms t-'or qwck a.cuun un Uua buain,u I propert y 2 mod,.rn bualdln&• on VACANT 63' x 13';'' lot thllt t1h11uld I'•~ 1 Ch&• minr z txo\lrm hom•'. hard· or r Pnl for a total or at leut "'"Kl ,.00,.... 1.11gt' kit,·h,•n with 5260 P''r m onth f'ltnty ur ruom I '""lie& of built 1n8 . ~xl 11.\ 111rg1• for txpru1111on. Adf'qul\tr (lllrk· b<'llrou111,. PullmlLl'I tyJ)i' bath 111g Loc11lf'll In lh.. f 1111tf1tl v. llh l>uih 111 olr"-"•lln>t tabl,. gr11v.1nic pa1 t 11( CU"la Mi-M, Th•-I• "'" ut lhr , Ill• •I h1tmu 11gh1 1n lht ht'1otl ol 11 l111fitr 11ev. 8hopplng C"nt11r Wh,•n th11 •• gone-thul'1t II' A pJUllX $1) 000 ('U h duwn rpqulrNI f't11l owner Ub<>r ty 8~223 morn1nira nr 10fter 11 p. m. I IC Wt• h•t\'" JiAl•'ll In II l<tlli,: llml' "'ull 1•r11·e Sll711H '1111v term~ B. A. Nl?RESON REALTOR 3530 £. Cout H wy, Harbor :1249 achooi. • inoru. S2000 ctn. or ____________ a_~_rn W1ll take f ood trailer part dn. :I SAY Mr. De9camp: Here's A Bargain 8EDROOM-18 mont.h.e old - Hardly Uftd. Just 6 4 nuln f rom tt1char'11 Udo Markel and only 11 mllu from Seara, Santa Ana alore. ~ th.an 10 minute• ~a.sy drtv1nc to e llher pla" 2 min- \118 to Santa Ann Country C:l ub A Hl~RY' Dt•ILT HOMF: hanlw I floor 1, "'Ired for gu vr 11'1~. ngr •, a «'rt'. plant the rront. In i:ru11 uni.I put an on-h· "rtJ tn lhe r t'ar. Houston Realtv Co. A: ASSOCl.A TEI 609 Cent.u .SL COit.a Me11a LJ 8~911 LI 8·7787 E ve ph. Petitte LI ~7 Lytle LI 8·2642 St'ymour, Har. 11298-W WATCH THIS COLUMN lfll'l N 1•\\rpvrt Ulv•-1 f'oata Mran LI &· 1672 f;""" I.I 8·4120 Tll IS HP~lE CA..'1 NOT be dupllc· atrd for $11 000 but you rnn FOR THI'; MOST c.&.retully Mlecl· .tl<'&I t hle uni! filr SI I 230 ind "<l \'a luu In ea<"h of our distinct· RUSTIC HAVEN Rell,ful p1 ".it y. Im C"ly \•1ew de· hi:htful 111t1i.11e-""PNbly local· rd 1n l'11111rw .1 .. 1 ~lar Lllrl'f IUJl16 \If' 110<>111 \\Ith flrc11lue, 1111Jll lie.Jr111 ~r h-..t for IJ11 t y I '. b:tlhio Larit ptclur.-"1n1l11w in ltvln~ room with unnb~trt1•l· ··ii tftn\1,n \I~"· tlJ'NHl tn HU ··n· 1.-n .. 1111nr t.1"<'11 ""ri·..u 1111 1111- na• t. l•llJI t.C ~tor"~" 4t1Xll\O ft 1111 T ruly a 11111!' p11n•h•r ~l1'<'lr1c 11tt11·~ tu1ll 1lrAf'<'• mavbe ly different RARBOR AREAS. See Me-Ta Nelson A ll I }llU II ht 1h1111ktu1 II pl .. nt), l ul th""" '"" l'll••nt 1111"• 102~ 1 ml~hl lt'"S ar > 1>11 <'11.n pa)· <'llllh to the loan of •6300 wh1c h 1s p11y11hlt> Sfll ll(l p<'r mo <'ORO'\ .11 I •~:I. ~l i\f~ l Thlf•,. unit .. on t '' • ~n •t 1• •tf Hv.·\• 1 A II l•'ft"-t•tl h, 1v. tit._ 11 t rt1t'tHh1U<it ,, l11tf'14I Duncan Hardesty IU·:ALTOR S Ill ,,IHI I< bout SM.OU 1111\• n Hy ar1iu1ntnlr n t Ov.n!'r fl11r 42113 .. :\•It :1477 32tf• Twn Hrdrm• , ,,,, It' •t11n1n11 LJ-::O.t11:-: H ~t r :HT!' JO "' r• ~ a-1 Jdln1r1,.: 1~ ... ~11\lf 11 t'"1••l•" -: 21)11'..! ;'111-wport lllv•I , X pl Hur oor 47 lll Hr h "tlACllt:LLA \AU.£\ ll\f'I An•I j11f><'(I Tt\ ft('rr (•rm 1 lln1111 ... 1 1 1t 111" 11n•l l\lflllh r 11n• h f"ollun qunl" ll11K1 (t 1111 H ... v 1111 S76o MO "' r,. B .. ,., .. :1 t" Inn "'""~""1'"' llJI fll\rt """'n ,,., '"" a• '"i' 1n bP1trllll; H tl< 1'110~ 1-1'"' I• tllnn 1, down I ·111111 ~: R ~-'l;T A I '-1111 n1•hr•I & ON THE PENINSULA i tN BALBOA -BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR THE LARCE FAMILY: b..lrm1 . 2 bath.~. 2 r1repln1 ,.. MAny flnt appoint mf'nU H• o- 1111nably pru I'd PR A :->r:F: C'< 1Af'T l'H.OI ~:JtTI ~-~ IR:'>i ~ .. ".!"'' t I.I II 11\:11 ,.t'"'" ~'"~" F:1 ••• I.I 11.111,11;1 11urau t 1 r t I MJ.;TA . 'El-~0:--1 2!1lll'I t-: I 'nt""t H\\ \ t Ill nn' \Jrl ~h11 HA • l!\f~l 1733 Fu llc•rtott JI '~T A STEP - llOME WITH COMMAl"r•I:-><: VIE"-" ti (l('('lln a.nd Bii} (ln l•rit"' I JI "''Ith trr,.,. One of tht ""Ill m C'o111n11 •lt'I Mnr. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. <'nmpl<'I• v.11h plt r ,;nn •Iii' \\ .t lk 111 I'll ... 1 ... 1. ~1;.1• r mi: In Cotila Mesa r\lultrple l.18t111g RHllor .. T'11rt1.-1ly furn . $111.~.1~1 If"'" ;.-P,(),\\ 1\l.f'll \ B~;T,\ 111111 l'nf,.. 1 Rrn1lne,oos Rr11kt r .!1 1.,.,. ,; ~11.-. .. ·~:K H"nllttr 1 \\nv l .. ol'rlv :I h• •ll••ml 11.1111r I'll\ 3130 E C""l Hwy . Cornna drl MR r IOG ;\h I ntldl'n l'l . •l lht• .'\t> \J•ull 1 lt11.:,. ""n1·1 1 .. 1 Sltl,!•~l l:fln· Harbor 2162 .'l('I ii" I ~'' ~:\'•, Jf 11 ;)l6ll \\' 1fr1 t•ff• I 1• I"" II~ $1"11141 dn ll11rbor 2t>:t9-~t SEE A 1-'i<J Ii I~ f"l"LU:RTO:-: :"\f:\\'PllRT llF:IGHTS C.'<•Z.Y 2 b<ltm ''" lrnnt nf'"r c1irr 1 •t I .fr<' llv1nlf room w11 h f11 t · pln1 r <11n11ur room In\ ('I\ p11110, nu:.. lawn11 2°1•ar lfll.P ftnCf'<f yarcl Only Sl.'\,7;>,n 1r 1nu H11·t>c\r 2111'1:? E \·o LI 8·31 4 or H ar. 4817·M BY OW;llfi:R t;OROr\A UEL MAR. modtm 2 bd1 m . home. flreplace. tu macr, hdwd. n r1.. WW carpeUnlf a nti drapea, 4lble i •r 8tresaal tor ll!Jl Full pd c>t' $13 7~•0. '3600 dn 11113 l 't1111aettla.. Har. 3!Ml·M :Z4e37h OCEAN F'HO:"l<T ! $2r1t'lfl ltt!\\;\" S IUI . ltl••nlh II 1<ln,,,.: ,.,1,.,. 111 ta k<' ttw• flnr "• ('k r r.d flll 01 •hNI )1111111• On t\1 nnrlw1< lk \\ l'•l "' 1'1' r I •hi l•'l rnr n~r :t h<lrm" . $ IMIO 1'10"""· $111(1 r"r mn TH~HE Jl "T 1\ I' T '\O ;\tnRE BAYVIE W Z3M \\' R11llwm Blvd llAr 3371 34r38 F'OR ~Al.E M TRADJ-:b\' ... ,;;;~r 4 rm h"'° 7 \'T~ olrt C'ln•" 1•• I' (J, & ,,,.1t1 1':11 .. : ./\lfe B. \' UI 81jlil l' l) a. •'I 3•8 p.J(l F UR SALE BY O\\':"ER.-4 beJ· $200 Down r0<10I ht>M('. \&, bath-. lant'I• $2t11per lll•tnlh l•I 111111(• & CO()J1 Kaped A ren <'f'(l. >'RA loa n l/>T r1111I••"" 1 • .... t" ,\INB ~·uu F rtttlo111 home au a. C.:all I pr lC,. S2V.HI Liberty ~SW mominia or-UAN A.. JACOB8E1', R1>allor a.flu II p. m. } Hit.le Har IWl91 , E \'"11 LI !'·631 i . 36r3'1 F:XCE~l\'T BAy Av" , 40 fl ror lJEl~J<:llTFl"L. J l'l<'tlrm·rl!'n homt Htlwi1 flc>01 s, flRR!ltone fl rr11I \\'&lied patio. f>l'l lt f;Ull.lfc wtth plumbinf:' lit ~trrJUtrrl for ln<·omr unit, \'1ew, 11nd J•18t a 1ttp ~ hA)' ORA:-:GE COAST PROPERTTF.R ·~~j x,wport. Co11ta Me"" l':\·e U 8-SSn:l Lt 11-1632 INCOME PRODUCERS TWO ~ll.LTIPLE l'~rr apt.I m H11lbr11• nf'ar fun zrme. btty sntl O<'tan. U W04":"11 w ttl lrft1le down for local pr<•JJ('rty r•r • ; BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES I~ w. Balboa Blvd Harbor 6JRJ\ BALBOA PENINSULA CHAR.MING mo.tern Provlncl.al I br. Loll of cupboa.rda. ~ block l11 Jrtty :,•, loan, ~1 ~ a mo. ..... $1 ~' CLlFF HAVEN \'EAR·RUl":,~IJ IMng 111 t uy and lhntty in Ihle 3 bdrm. homt '--• ~::.:.... E'l.m., tlltd k itchen, tan 6 d1.11hm Mter for mother. lovely ('nrl yud fnr k1i:l11. $1 6,600 F.P. StlOOO lln. $67 nmnth Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 2604 ;s,wport. l)h•d. Npt B('ACh fA!ly Parklnit H.lrbor 4610 ON A WIDE LIDO ISLE LOT THREE BATHS THREE YEARS OLlJ Tbil lovely U K.Ill )'IEW HUME hu a hUJ• li\'ln&' \.oom, 2 l>e<Jr~m~ appro x. l2x17 u ch. Laqtr klt<'hen with Ullhwa.ahu k d1~i-111 :0-:lf'<' tlc-n <It dining 11rc11 t.1111d.11 or rto~t spare. Wall 10 wa.11 carpeuni lnc lu!Md. Price S2fl l)OO. submit down. Seven Islands Reelty & Investment Co. 503 32nd SL. Newport Beacn. Callt liar. 6368. II.ft.tr 6 p.m. Har. 2m-J 86<:37 Acreage 1..'1o"Dt:STRJAL. bualnea• .. rHi- denllaJ anellge. A IAO ranch• and p ow' In Coet& Mu& - Senta Ana area VA:-: .11 • .IAC'ORSE:-..'. R('t.ltor H u l'ld{ll , Ev1!11t. W 1-93 17. secll \ PB:-il=-:8lil.A LUT. One of the lu t In llH1 aru Pr. to Mil 110.000 Jl(JM)o:K K SHA fo~£R. Realtor 1116 M<l-'IU.ldfn 1'1 . at Ute Nnrport l'1er. lla.r. H O Eve•. Har. 6Jel-W lll1rbor 2~29-M .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, NOVEMER 25, 1955 a._,...._ a•,......_ Vogel Values CORONA. DEL KAR STOP -and check W.! Corner ctupi., partially fu.rni8hed. Inoome potential $120. per mo. Rm. to build on frt. or lot. Total price ONLY $10,500. ThJ9 will ..U fut -HURRY ! BEAtmFUL OORONA HIGHLANDS 2 BRa. le conv. den., 11h batha, patio. ocean view, rear Lvrm., fireplace, entry hall. Iota ot We, d.U.p., vent. fan. Break.fut nook 6 dining area. Com· pletely redecorated inalde. Total price $24,500 5% insurance loan at $84.48 mo. NEWPORT HEIGHTS More •torace 6 closet apace than in the average larger home, 1 BR and conv. den home on 50' lot with aome ocean view. Priced at only $10,2!50 In excellent condition, too. You'll agree it'a a REAL ~LUE. The Vogel Co·. 2667 Eut Cout Highway, Corona del Mar Har. lUl Har. ~f11 Kl LLION, reel estate Pan.de of Home Valuea LIDO ISLE J:xclu1lve 8-yfront Pier and Slip ' bdrm.I., 6 luxury bat.hi Cuatarn tumSahlnc tncluded. BALBOA COVES Wat.ertront. Pier 6 Slip a bedrm11., 2 balha "Boat Included" A acarce Ite m: CLIFF HA VEN Charmine View Hom• Room for pool $24,000--Tbat'a rtpt! CORONA DEL MAR Contemporary rnodem Beautiful bay view Under CO•l a t $39,600. U ;your home La NOT abcwn here' Com• ln and aak- Wa bave one tor you. 4 KILLION, reel estate 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 (Evenlnp -Harbor 35M-R) Oppomte City Hal.I MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrocma • J'oroed A.Ir Beat~. St.on• Firep1acM -Built in Ruse and Oftn ••• actually nery llm&r1 f•ture and in Oranp County'• ftn.t Joeatlon Bi& ir.tatt SiJ.ed Lot. .Wt&ble tor pool and patio! Drive out nnt Street in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Bill Ave. George M. Holstein Designed by & Sons, Builders Cliff Ma Y. LIDO ISLE Pr tt BEAUTIFUL home on Udo Nord comer with ptt· manent view of Bay. Near beet beach for swtm- m.ing. Three bedrml., hobby room le den. Charm· ing .kiJ:lg aize muter bed.room with alcove and connecting private bath opening onto large sun deck. The unmually attractive Uvlng room ha.a sliding glau doon opening to the patio, while the modern kitchen bu built-i.D diahwuher, dispoaal, •copper hood, ceramic tile and numerous other features to pleue the moet futldioua. Truly one of the finest of homes, and priced to ~- SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 NOW'S THE TIME!! GIVE FOR. CHRISTMAS - An adorable Cape Cod cottage, beutltully furuJab- ed for Mama. For your boating minded soo or daughter. a.n almoet new Wiu.rd boat -a J ohn.an 5 b. p. motor, with au eatabliabed moortDc on thA!t North Bay. MAKE IT 'ntE HAPPIEST amISTKAS EVER! DORIS BRAY, CLARENCE LAKE 216 Marine, Balboa laland. Realtor JD( BLODGETI' Barbor 20 or &4 EXCHANGE WANTED I Nearly new 2 bedrm. and dlll Ruch ltyle bam8 with nrimmJq pool. in f~ LMDoQ Beicbta area. WW acha.np for 8/ bed.rm. hoaw in Newport Helcbta, Corona del Mu or Udo lllaDd. WW SANFORD. STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park BaJboa laland Harbor 2462 BALBOA ISLAND Immaculate 2 bedroom home on rear of comer Jot. Farm type fence and separate fenced patio. Al· tractively furnisned. Room to bµild additional unit In front. $18,500 furnished One of Balboa Island's loveliest, most gracious homes on the bay front. Can be used as large family home or ae two units for income, both affording complete privacy. $59,500 One of the beat 2 story Bayfront homes. Choice Balboa Island location with priv~te pier and float. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Full price $57,500 • FOR A LOW DOWN PAYMENT -ocean view, , large 4 bedroom. two story home. Don't pass up this Corona del Mar Vogel Value -only a few ateps to the bench. Full price $24,950 and $4,000 CASH DOWN THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue. Balboa Island Next door to t he Post Office Har, 414 Eves Har. 3059·M Har. 4248-R Lido Isle • • Lido Nord Bayfront e e Exclusive Listing (First lime offered) Exqu1'ite year round completely furnished Bay Front home on large lot -Panoramic Bay View- Located near east end of Lido-Two master view bedrma. -Two fahlily bedrooms -Servanta quar· tera with bath -two master bathrooms-powder room -Mr. and Mrs. enclosed dressing rooms with showers -View dining room -Butlers ki tchen off main kitchen -33 ft. glasa enclosed, carpeted, BAY VIEW upstairs lanai. Pier and float. 3 car gar;ige. SORRY, no telephone information -shown on ly by appointment to qualified buyer. Full price $89,500 terms HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Eves. LI 8-5386 Bill's Best Buys LOTS Several beautie8 in Back Bay Area $5500 to $8000 3 a re oversize parcels on private street. SMALL GOLD MIN E Vacation in winter a nd la.ke in top income during the aumm(>r months. Vl'ry little extra help required. Full prirc $5000 -with 1: down -4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATH S Owner lea ving state. ChoicP comer location. Wall to wall carpet m li\·ing room. hall & bedrooms. Rear yard encloat'd by grape11take fence. Full pnce Sll.950. Payments on F. H. A. loan. $70 per month in c. taxes and insurance. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service•· 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty S.l 139 EXCLUSIVE · SHORECLIFFS FIRST TIME OFFERED -Lovely 3 B. R. & dPn, 2 bath VIEW HOME. Lge. h\'. room with raised hearth firepl., den -dining rm also has f1repl. Brick cabinets, dishwuher. garb. d1sp .• blt.·in ov<'n & range in dream kitchen. MaHter 8. R. op<'nll to patio. Gueet rm. & =1& bath over dbl. gar. Car· peted WW. Fenced "lmperiaJ" pool. SEE to apprttiate. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coaat' Hwy. • Corona del Mar Har. 2774 SEASHORE DRIVE EXCELLENT BEACH See this attractive OCEAN FRONT home-design- ed for yr. round living. Knotty pine liv. room with dining area. Formica kitchen. Downstairs has l bedn:n. It 1:: b&ta . 3 bdrm•. l h bathA up. Solid conat., concrete &. piling foundation. Encloeed yard, 2 car ,a.race. $22,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 1013 . e *ETS e NO DOWN Except Impound• & Costa e · NON-VETS e From $495. DQwn. You Can Qualify at Braeburn Forest So Come Oui -Look Buy on Oran·ge Countys' Easiest Credit. Qualification . Be in by MOVE Your New Home Christmas- IN IMMEDIATELY ' ' e LUXURY FEATURES Shake Roofs Spaci ous Rooms large Double Closets Floor to ceiling brick fireplaces- with log liter • Flush birch kitchen cabinets Oversize 2-car garage Forced air heat Landscapfog Built in dressing table and writing desk . . Come out via Santa Ana Freeway South to Magnolia in Anaheim Tum left on Magnolia to Model Homes on Houston LOOK FOR THE SANT A CLAUS SIGN Built Better By George 0 . Buccola Developer of Sherwood Forest "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Cliff Haven CJIARMING BRAND NEW home on Clift IJ• with panot am1r VIEW of hat bor from su nd!'ck. Lge. llv. roum wllh flrt•pla('e A ltrtporll'rl wood paneling, built· In 1 &nge A oven. touchplale wlr· Ing, 3 lge b(o<troom11. 21, balh11. abunJance of w11rcJrobes, F A hral, h<lw1t floorw Truly a love- ly home A PKICEIJ AT ONLY $26,500. Bays ho res BA YSH ORE DRIVE Wtth BAY \'JEW-3 be(lroom11, I "'• baths, br<·&kfasl r0<1m ph111 din. r1)()m lg~ liv r<iom with nagstOnf' fireplace. hdw1J floor11. lot11 or cupboanl11. OVf't11lze tlhl it11.r111t~. ft'n<"l'll yar1I, rt101re h><·•tlon &: PRJ<:EO RJGHT-$23,1)00, lt'I ma LOVELY r APE con H OME - ~ bedrnt11 , 3 btllhs S39.~. "C" Thomas, Rltr. Keystone 5-2151 BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to 5 309 APOLENA FLASH ! $500 down.! Xln'I. 2 -story duplex furnished ! Lge. Iv. rm. Fr. Place, Loads of closets. Pencils out good fo r income -$25,750. WHY NOT A LASTING CHRISTMAS GIFT? Buy the family thia truly delightful 2-b<lrm. 2 bath home. Lge. Iv. room with studio ceiling, din. room. kitchen is a beauty, master bdrm. wi th dressing rm. Large patio. OWNER SAYS SELL -YOU MAKE THE TERMS ! $29,500. LIDO ISLE WARNING -DO INVESTIGATE 3-bdrms. 2-bath semi-modern beauty! Lge. fireplace. less than 1 year old ! Many unusual features. Sc-e it today! $26.500 with terms 1f desired. NELDA GIBSON , Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Har. 0502-4623 224 W l"oMl Hlway LI 8-5627 CORONA DEL MAR "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Lido Isle Open House 20:\ Via Ntr e Sat. It Sun l ·ol 30 GJYE HER A BR,A;:..:o NEW bea u-· llful home for X ma.! 3 be-drmi' .. 2 balha All f'l eclric bwlt-in k ll· chen. \\iall lo wall rarpellng. lerge sunny p111 lo. Smartly land· 11c&pt'd. lmmMIDte JX)lllleMion ! ! Teni fie comer lot 111 lo at. $ 13,000 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc LlDO 0 1-'rlCE 3112 Lltayettr. !'\pt. H 1t 3643 TWO BRA:-\0 NEW homea, fully rum. Both hllVe flr«"placu . gsr· a.gea. C lear property. Owner will carry balance alter •mall down ~yment. O RANOE COAST PROPERTIES 18!17 :'\ewport, Cnsta Meu Lt 8· 1632 F:ve. Ll 8-6803 99 x '47'4 M-1 On cornrr oo Plaunllk, Lt 8·66411 3~!\7 LIDO R-3 2 -30 fl. loll on So. Bay Front $31.600 f'ACh Call T. 0 . ROjl«'U., Har. l~&:>·W, or RYan l-t029. 18tfc PANORAMlC Harbor and ooean view. ··qur.hty stre<?t." 4 B. R., den, 2 baths. Low terms. Bar- gain $45,000 BA YSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· tecled patio. Owner anxious for offer. Asking $28.000 BA YSHORES 4 B~rm. 2 baths, I:: blk. from bathing beach. Submit lermi1. Askmg $29,750 IRVINE TERRACE, $5000 will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv den. 2 baths. 111side BBQ. Drap- eries, stove, fully landscaped. Low price. SEE US for BEACON BAY aml BA YSHORES properties. Har. 1775 -E\·es. Edttll.:Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, tilrbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. office. Har 3207, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island • You Can Stop Thumbing The Pages Al last you ha\'e found good return plus opportun· 1ty for increaHed \'alue and in come. m tbiA 21 :i acre blvd. business property. Partially improved and leased. Income S6000 a yr. 'now. Price S6:l.500 Terms. LET'S TALK T UR}{EYl RUSS FORD, Realtor 1600 W. Coa1Jt Highway Liberty 8-6141 ~-~~-~~--~~-~~~~~~~~......:....-~--- .· $~2 Month WHY PAY RENT? \\"HE°:-; \'Oii CA~ BU\' 111~ :S b lrtn .11•e 1 j\ 111·\: 1\01111· on I-t' I· ct 111 A \'t' for 50950. mu pymts only $6:?. ~ ·~., J. H \ l"ilfl lll}.CS <14 111~ a1 t' lnd :-; 1r 1•ly lanrl11<"1t :•t-d plus frunt ar .I n·ar lawn 1•,·ll't' 1nl'I h11 <'IV :l O\'<'n l "mve1MI c1 ·:•1 t llll"I' ·.~· tl'ft t;:' !C.\LI. NO\\" rnr f11tlh1't jlllllllll· lar" on ! r•1 ,111 py111l . !'It I Out st~nding COR ONA Dl~L MAn hot1'1' 111111 lnc-.•llH'. U1.·m•t hl•8 Jll.'H II.ii I'd I \hlS \'l'f,I" (f••Stl'llhh• 1!11pll'X. llfl't' ("OI '""" t 11111 < 111ly :J yn• old Thi"' ls t ••"lll~· a 11a111ly b11y Ill $19 8511 C1tll 1111\\' (or llf pl tu ue )'tlll'll be J;l81I )'llll Ill.I Call Harbor 20'42 Frank James & Linv.1ood Vick I I! E A LTOP.~ R Ravlr 1• Tra11s, C Rues /I.Mu• 312 r.ta11ne A ''"l !:11111><111 llland 'Nhat Do You Expect For $15,500 WITH 01'LY Sl!IOO DO\>\'!':~ \\"HATlo:\'F:lt IT IS this home hRS it. Bnrnd "''"''· large lut, gU<'l<I s11t t c.oumhni:• d11>1e I<• bea r h at ra. gu<•ll >1rhuols & 11hopp1ng d111tr1r 1. C11r l!>1, pavemc-nl arul aewt•r 1<11 In 11nd p1rnl for· Shakt' roof, re11 l flteplacc. 1 ~. blllh1<, Oak C1011r11, \\ 1.•111ingh111U<e built 1n m•en 11nll ntov1· SL111·cu an1I bc>Ar<I & bttlll'n ex lt>ttOr :"\ow hol•I yu ur brPnlh It ha11 111\ rooms a m.I 11 2 , . .,. ~nrai:e Ir you aJ e a 11l11w huyer. tJon I ext'rl youri<l'lf on 1eh11< one bt"\'1111110 it wtll tie gone b1•for" yvu or1·1tlt< Seven Islands Realty & In vestment Co. l\03 3..!nrl SI :"\!'\\,,.,rt l;!t'11• h, t'11ltl Har 686H. Qf\•'r ~ pm H111 2Z!l'.1-.I :\f'H":\7 Balboa Ot'PLF:X, rurnl11hed s 14,Ht.O 'l'wn 2-bt.lrm apt11 All on <•llf' flour \\'ftlkm g •ll•l an <' I" tu tlttl" ntuwn [lulb<»1 l'hrtWlll~ ~IJUJ ln1 Ontf' SubnuL on !Ann•. Ocean Front $16 ,(\()fl OUOO T1':RMS. :S m-.ir111 ol<ln hmnr r111 ll•lh' C111 nl,.hNI ("·I u onl' lleat l of ll1Jlb<111 2 r 11 r I g111 "!;' ~• t esso••I for •pl ~•"" ... Coast Propertie' !\01 F: A1tlhr1" lll1•d n.,10011 Haroor 2668, 2:}1)7 •nil 4111111 REDUCED! Newport Heights! e Wu Siil 1~)0 :-.:ow $16.ll~O • 141100 duwn f:AAY \Pl m" • 2 Yt'll r" 1'11~tu111 b11ilt • OrPtan ,.,,,\, • • Hard\\()fl'I flour• l,1tt' tirrr lnr11 • \"f'ry ll\rlt .. k lll ht'n 2211 \ • F'ull •hn1n~ 1 """' • 3 lars:!' b""t' 11on111 2 l1a 1 h• • Uoublt' i;:111ai:e Allrv • W 00<I rohtn1tlt' nV>f 1 • s .... lh1~ r <'Ill value no": Bay & Beach Rlty Inc lflM Ntowp<ort Rl\rl l'Mt .. Mrse Caltf LI 11·1161 F:"r9 Ll 8-3010 I NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Authl'nllr lrt) I'" lbnc h hmnf' nn comrr Int I yr cilt1 .!(1u1l111 11,·. Ing ;inti chninit tm. w uh a n11q111• !tr!"plsH'I" 1'11•1 w11 If or glAIUI O\'l'r• lo<>k tnJr lg" p11 l1n l>f'a U! lf•tl hA n l" on<I Clooni. rno.r .. m kl\< h«'n \.\llh hr••Jlkfl._.l ttll'U. n"llllAI wr.ci.I , 11l11nr1~. l1111ll-1n ''''l"n & fl\llj;;C 3 rl•llh\' l~lr llU', 2 llll"rl t>ut h~ ttn<I 1111 •·iv I Ir, •ir I ht 11u1oth· uul Only SMi1111 tl•I\\ n GreenlN1f-ScvC'rts Realty 3112 Nr" port Ill"''. ;:.;, wport llt1 t hor 25!l:l E1°1"J1 I.Ill 11-!HIJ!'> or Hrir 3921-\\' $9!'1(1 Lil)\\";'\ MO\'I' tn Hn1111" oC I) roo11111 nn flll r k Ba~· n ti>a '• 111 te 1Jhl Jit•11·11,1t1'. balunce Si6 n10. 1 le1111 lh11n rt'nl I OHA:"ta: COAST PROl'l!:RTn;::; 18!'>7 ~ewport, CoHa M•u LJ 11-1632 F.vrs LI ll-&1103 GOT A BOAT? \\'e hn I,. !fir (hnorm 1t " 1 If' l' Anrl 1m111&• •ll141.. I b<lrm. lwme on Ill!" C'nttnnel Al h"lf' nwr,. lhlln lhl' pt,,.,. 11! lh,. lot I Inly SfHllMI down. J>tlf l" Sii' flOO. ht>hl""" ll o r no!. ll&rb<1r 2:162 Evl" .. LI 8·3 186 ur Har -461i M oc·t:AN FRCJNT LOT C.:an l>111ld 2 unit• llli!'>•I full p rtt'», ten uA J M MI Lt.ER CO. 202:, W Aalh"a Bl"<I Hu . 4091 111 .... t th" ;:..:t'v.°f'Ort P1rr t Also The Best House Buy 3 bdrm. Rnd dining room hdwd. 0 1111n. -:? baths. F. A. heat -1 yr ('ltd. Obi. J?llrRgC'. Cor1H'r lot. And only ~11.950 Rubn11t ynur ti.'rms. Older 3 Bdrm. A real d<'a l in a la~e nhkr farmhnu~<' now in town -HUJ:t~ rooms Anti baseml'nt -Lg. land· .stllpNl lot. ~8950 -$1:'l00 down. PHI!. SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Rlvd. Costa Mesa I acros." from Qist.a M<.'sn Rank I Phone Ll -6761 Evcfi Har. 4366 -LI 8·2103 .. THANKSGIVING GREETINGS! At Thanksgi\'ing Time. anct at all times. let UA gh·e thanks for tho pri\·ileg<' of li\'ing in a country where we are permitted to give thanks -each m our own way ! We would lik(' to take this opportunity'to thank our many friends for their support and loyalty and . als11 cxprcNs our gratitude to our cQmpetltora for their friendship and eooperat ion. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. "With five offices to ser,·e you" MAIN OFFICE : 1'150 W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Har. 1264 LlDO BRIDGE OFFICE: COSTA MESA OFFICES: '31 12 Lafayette--Harbor 3643 1696 Newport Blvd LI -1 161 CORONA DEL MAR 1875 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-7714 OFFICE: 13530 E. Coast Hy. Har. 5249 BALBOA ISLAND ATTRACTlVE I hedrm .. 21; baths, nr. So. Bay. Ow rwr will take l>mall down. Asl<mg $42.500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near ~-Bsy. Lge. yard, 3 bcJrm. 11._ baths. $26,500 About 200 ft from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn· 1sheJ home. Submit down. $25,000 60 FT. BAY FRONT AGE. On LJttlc lsl~d, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land valu<-Is close to the uking pric~. LI DO NOnn RA y FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bd rm. :! r ~ bath house plus unusual 2 B. R. apL ow•r :.J l'Jtr garage. Hoth un lti; newly furniahcd. Har. 1775 -E\lcs. Edith Maroon HYatl 4~6222 John Macnab. Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Save sm On a ~nut1ful \'l<'W home in Corona Highlant.111 - 3 bedrm and dt'll, bath :ind ·11. 2 fir('placl's, built / 1n \\'e :-.ll·rn Holly range -hardwood lloon1 -lots •1r tik and many oth1 r fine featurNJ. Must RN? to apprec1alt>. OPF:N SATCRDA Y AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS 540 De Anza OrE'1tn Vl<'W anci s wimming pool. Ranch 1Jtyle home, nicC'ly land11rap<'d and many floe featurctl. w to w <'llrpf'trng. Priced to sell OPEN DAILY 1 ·5 P. M. W. E. FISHER & Associates 30:?& Jo: Co11i:t Hwy .. C<>rona del Mar HAR. 5032 'DON'T make a MOVE" VNTlL YOU SEE CHAR LEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep . Storage LOCAL ANO NATION-WIDE MOVINr. Ph. Kl 3·9221 E,·e LI 8·2961 Comer NewpQ.rt Bl v<t. and So. Mam St. WATERFRONT Pier & Slip Boat 1s inrludf'tl tn this Ralboi. Co\'f'A b11 rgain al $36.000. 3 tM>tlr01•nl11. 2 botl1H. f1rt>phu·P -If you want watt'rfro111, ist'l' th111 t1,.hr ~ WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. llarbor 5500 .r ( . . a •• r..tat.e TURKEY DAY SPECIAJ.S BALBO~ ISLAND HOME Ii INCOME. One ot the most charming 4 B. R. 3 ba. homes on Island plWJ guest room and bath -AND unusually attractive furn. spacious 1 B. R. apt. Obi. gar. Owner leaving town. Xlnt. financing. This h1 a first class property, priced t o sell. Our exclusive. GRACIOUS LIVTNG. One of the moat charming 4 bedrm. homes on Island. Built for yr. round living. A ttractive patio. Bay mooring included. $32,500. Beautifully furnished. $24,MO. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 B. R. apt. Charm. patio. Shown anytime. But hurry! CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TIP OFF -Owner is out of the City. Immediate possession. Here is a good buy at $13,500. A two bedrm. home only 4 yrs. old and like' new. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTlNG 311 Mar.4ne Ave .. Balboa Island Phone Harbor i671 w 1672 QACK BAY AREA OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 482 Esther St. An architect's dream, this beautiful 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. Custom built by t;oyd C. Howard. Hae everything including built-in stove and o\'en. plank· ed hwd. flooring. Dobler brick fireplace covering entire wall, brick BBQ in kitchen, fenced yard with several trees. "SEE IT AND YOU'LL BU\' IT" -Only $26.000. OPEN FRIDAY, SA TU RDA Y AND SUNDAY 406 8t. Andrews. Newport HeighU!. $14 .750 -$65 mo. incl. taxes and insurance. Three bedrm .. living room with fi replace, fenced yard with patio and spnnkler system. Close to schools and churches. "Vacant" -Owner has moved to San Francisco. Immediate possession. SEE THESE WATERFRONTS 2 Bedroom home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage. Pier & float. Near Lado center & Cit y Hall. Only Sl8.950 -Submit on down payment. DUPLEX, 82 ft. •bu]khead, O\'ersizcd float. 2 cnr garage. Nicely furn. & in excelle nt condition. • $26,500 Easy terms. • 5 BEDROOMS extra lge. living room with f1replac{' Pier & float will accommodate up to 50 ft. boat. ~ Pnced to aeJJ quickly at $29.500. Firm. SELECT INCOME BUSINESS BUTl.OING NEW INCOME 10'; PLUS. Six top notch tenants all on Jeuc. Best location on Coas t. A-l ron11truc· tion. Ownt-r li\'lng an Ea.st deeares quick sale. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coast Hwy. Lrbcrty 8·7773 "At the Arches" VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE l'M SEEING DOUBLE Two 3 bdrm. 2 bath homes v.'lth forced 1ur heat. sun d~ka, patio, etc. Thia furni1hed comer duplc.>x on Balboa Peninsula "pomt" al $29.500 1t1 only aligbUy h igher than most single homeA with the~ features. .i>ne ACRE Residential Room for 12 units or 3 good 11i.ze R-1 lots. Eut Costa Mesa for $7000 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Const Hiway. Ncwp<>rt Bca<;h LI 8-3181 COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. t THREE BEDRM. HO~!E 19 yrs. I stnra~c room. large lot, 70x185. Sewer in and paid. East aide near Tustin Ave. $8500. with terms. * * * * • IRREGULAR SHAPED lot (1-2.000 sq. ft .. rm. for -l units) w ith entrance on Tustin Ave. $4000. * • * * ACRE , 2 bdrm. home. double car garage with gue11t room, n~ar Ha.rpcr School SA500. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport 81\'d., Co~ta MCM LI · H>jll ( & CORONA DEL MAR ( J We ha\·r JU!lt lasted a home th1H will ~rip t he imaganataon or a "DO·ll·)'Oll~lf" decorator. A cornt-r lot. \'lcw, step t.lown la\'ang room. full bat h. 2 half bath11. hug~ k1lchc.>n. Room on rear of lot to cxpaml, l Now an assortt.'d fruit lr~·s> · Exclusl\'t.' with RAY REALTY CO: U44 E . Coast Hwy. Corona del ~tar Har. 2288 (Acro11S from Bank in COM) P. a. palmer incorporated .. } developers ' of Udo Isle · Lido Bayfront Duplex Announcement 3 bednn. 2 bath upetail"ll with deck•. 2 bedrm. 1 bath down.lairs with encloeed patio. Both apt.a. have forced air furnaces, fireplace, carpeting. drapes. refrigerator. stove. Unbelievably priced at only $57.000. $12,000 dn. Beautiful Lido Residence Art"'°cally landscaped on very choice site 92 feet on C~ntro Strada, 60 feet on Dijon, and 4.6 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room for pool if desire.Ji, Large 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai £or indoor-outdoor Jiving. This h ome· ia set apart by its cbarm. even in this sect,jon of lovely home11. We are proud and privileged to aDJlOUDCMI the offer- ing for sale of one of Udo'• ma.t exqulalte BAY· FRONT homes. Built In .1954, thia ' bedrm. 3 bath home is unexcelled in charm. The muter bedroom is 24 x 16 with a beautiful fireplace and a view of the Bay. Completely carpeted, draped, all built-Im in kitch en, beautiful furniture and a lovely a.nd1 beach. Priced to ae1l at $82,MO. Submit term.I or trade. Call Bill Famlworth. Insure Vour Future $32.500 with only $7500 down. Modern Charm. indi\·iduality, tranquil atmosphere all blend r,erfectly in this firµi 3 bednn. 2 bath home. You will enjoy every minute in the lovely livingroom with its ch~ry fireplace. Very nicely furnished including carpeting and drapes. Furnished price By buying thia almost new commerclal building ~ Corona de! Mar. Let the tenants (there are 1lx of them) pay for this property for you. Enjoy· eecuifr it y forever by owning good income property. ~ Priced at $55,000 with a $M0 per mo. Income, aoon to graduate to $600 per mo. Cub nquired 1 Call Dave O.bum for detalla. only $32.950 Terms. Family Growing? Catch Us Do you desi re the many advantages of living on Lido Isle for your children? If so. you should see this -it's a 2-story family home on Via Lorca. 4 bedrms. 2 baths, forced air furnace. informal kitchen with built-m range and and oven. fireplace, you should sec this at only $30,700. Owner wiU If you can. and if you do and want a 4 bdrm. 2 bath home on Balboa Island, we may show it to you. We might t.'ven show you the rumpus room with it.a secret bar. Truly, this ia an out.standing home at a low price. ... Availat;>Je for a trade on Palm Springe property. Price $31,500. Ask for J oe Kincaid. take in smaller Lido home. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -Uberty 8-~73 CLIFF HAVEN L<•okrnK for a lovel.Y horn,. with I l11w down pA\'ml'nl • ., THIS IS 11'! · v v Best Buys Corona del Mar HE!~1~~~w ~~~~~x:ND LOCATED W1THlN lGO FEET Paneled den w 1 l h bulll • In l11!1k ttn~I bc.ok~helvu W111 k•hop tnr Dad P1 1val•· bath otr mul· er bt•droo 111. Built ·In Hi ·Fl cabrnel tn l.1v R uom Jo'EE SIMPLE Tlnlr.fl i;IA>~ l>\'l wtt•n t. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Best buy of the year. Large 2 bedrm. home, 2 baths plus 2 bedrm. garage apt. plu.e furn. studio apt Only a few steps to ocean front & China Cove. 15 ft. frontage. Quality const thru-out - 1 1 v, n i: '"""' 011°1 r•lll• I Lo\•ely 1h "J1C'll ""'' '1trp<'tln1t 1600 14 fl F ull 1111u • SIUOOO 2 S• 440 rtnwn • BettC'r hurry -Only S38.500 CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH ExcellC'nt condition. both units have fireplaces, hwd. fin., laundry and garage. P riced at $22,000. Tenna can be a.rn.nged. Exclusive with u1. I ,.~!1.~1al~~u~.~~~l~~2~~ert 1 or C·2 pr 'I"'' 1 \' • ••nt • 1 ur Colt>i I Ml'•• ~lonthl) '"'' n .. 1170 3. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Larg,. d• 111 rt1,.11on 111 t•• l';11c .. 1 Only lot available of this kind, 40x118. Choice I lenl oppot t uno .y f1tr '"1"1"1 "f" rental d1stnct. Priced at '$15,750. prtrlallon t:xrh1•ni.:" 111• fnr ~:.;~~-propmy. Yull prlcf ... SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price or $U,7~. I 2 5. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA Newport Beach Ct>t )' 2 IJt· .. n(1IO hon\" , ... 1 bhK k, 110111 O•t'11n ""'' <'h""""' From this choice lot high on the hill in Corona f11r "''" s 1 1 .~110 ruu I",,.,. with Jlighlanda. Best 'ricw lot available. Priced 11 lt•w Juw down lh11 n · "" lhl•. 3 <>n,.· at $1 .MO tcrma. I Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 6. SHORE C~tFFS ~CEAN VIEW HOMES 1117!'1 Harbor Blvd ~lated vtCIUSlvely with Ul!I. See ua for best 'buys c oat• M"""· Calif. 1n thla a.rca. Shown by appolntment only and i.1 8-1714 E vu i.1 8·31:;8 priced far below replacement coet. Call Ull for "C'' THOMAS "C' THOMAS Fixer-Upper AR,.: YOU A YlXER-V PPJl;R • 8ulr ally llOllnd 4 bt'droo1n ()('ea.n front hou.r A ganige apt. need• paint. tiDn<l ID< a \Ion wllb O<'HJt ••tpw Prlt " ln<ludra ntw Hot J'olnt alnk "'tlh tllahwu her and dlapoMI EllCl'llenl opportunity for home A tn4.'onu I~ wlll h11n1llr "C" Thomas, Rltr. "(~· THOMA S "C" THOMAS EXC LU SIVE WITH US A 1·11\11'1.1:n·:1s n ·,,:-;1s 11t;n lf lf'I~\ l '',11 .4U1fl1,,.t11thr "'1!,r a• I ",,,. .-. ... n•h t ,.l, 11 tn 1:.,11.. ·· 1 1:1 .. n.11 " • • 'llol al 1 t ,, I I 1 rhr1. n i: 11.h11 u 111; fl' 1111 • I It~ .:V.UI 11 1J l \' f l'•rrl l ... "''"''"" r()ml' <>n jtll'r 1.1 •n·l1•1 11 hi• t~ "n I •I• •1 I 1111 • l{rl lh~ 11 'h ll'i'll~ It I 11·1• lilt•• l h l-<'AO I>: 1111: \•"I Ill 1111• l ,(l(Jl 1 OLO til'~l\11,ftT IM~~ ""Iv M fl \11 vacanl u •I a n.1<y fr11 ~·uu II> n'O\'~ 1nl' r10"' ·r, t ,,.~ Seven Islands Rea lty & Investment Co. 503 !121'1rt ~1 :-;~wpMt R"IH h. f'llllf I Har 118611, Aft"r II p m l·lar 22113·J I 3~37 C ~;\I f: !'J.f: tuak!' f'T''f"'''t1 111n ltt (l'o' nn $ l'!'J tnn on• ••·,. (1 0111 31 furn 1:n1°• on plot lari:t tn()ut h rnr • 11 111 uml• $3!>1>0 .io"' n m1 J1hl 1 Ai.,. ) 0 11 <"" nrr Full r>rll <' 11t1I) $1 l OM unflll n llHA:-:1:E C'OAST l'HOJ 'ERTi F:S lll!\7 :-: .. wport. LI 11.111:12 l'o~ll\ MtlOA P.'4'• I.I 11-flll(IJ 8 UNITS FURN. Corona dtl Mar All leaRd. Good return on you1 ln\',.Nlmt nl $i "• OQO Owner. Ha.r. MO$ 25<'38 U F'T. LOT O;>.; WATERFRO?\"T . Can have pier • 1J1p, 111.ooo run prict. t.enn•.- ' J :It MILLER CO. 2024 W. B&Jboa BJ'l'd.. Har. totl (M W th• Newport PltJ'J particulan and appoint to eee. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY co. PRICE T. McCUlSTJON, Realtor 3H7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) LIDO. PROVINCIAL • • • CLOSt TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia choice two bedroom can be youre for only $22, 700. • Beamed ceillng8 • Used bnck fm:place • Inalde window shutters • Quarry t ale kll<'hen • La:-gc two.~ar garage Large walk-m l'loset • Wr hn\'e thl-key to this immaculate, near new Lido homf'. Come m ud discuss terms. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON GENE VREELAND 3400 Via Lido J.'". GROHMAN VIRGINIA MANSON Harbor 4444 (Across from Ric ha rd's Market Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the Top Million Dolle rs PROPERTY SOLD IN 1955 WITH MONTHS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, IT'S TiiE SL'CC.:ESSFUL WAY TO RELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. · N ewport .Beach • OF THE BAY ..• ON AN°'ADE STREET. 3 bedroom• down and 2 up, bo~ fumu1hl'd. SltualC'd on 2 ltit,,, p andy renter or home wlltt lnqome. $20,000, t erm•. Balboa Home! c;Lo si:; Tf: LIBRARY -HALF HU>CK YROM BAY. 3 b<:lrma., 1-'• bot '· Extra lnl Im ludf'<I. IArlil<' II •tng room w11 h "replace Nace A lean .•• 117,000, term1. Peni,,sula Homes! VALUES UKE THESE J'OR PENL'l4ULA "POTNT" R OMES ARE J.fAllU TO J.~L'ID. tor In· •t.ance, one with 2 1~ btd room11 a.ml 2 h:ith11. fum lAhtd too. tor nnly 117,tiOQ. Top c<1ndlUon. An· olher 2 ~!room homt, alJN> fur· ntahed, ~ntly redecorutrd for 116,000 with term.1. A 2 car aaraie. tlrepla.ce and pauo. Bay Front Duplex! JF YOU ACTCALLY WANT THE FINEST BAY FRONT DUPLEX A V A fl.ABLE •~ lhl1 atl1'8CUve ~rty, % ~nu In O M unit. Upper beautilully tumt1h· .ct. Laundry and uUUty rooma. Prtvate ~ac11 end pier r l&htl, Only • y ea.n old and a swell 3 "er 1•race. ~.ooo and 1ood term1. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoalle B&nk of America Rou Orvley Al Com•llua Ed ~ Jack P inkham JOMphln• Webb 700 Ji: Balboa llJvd, O&Jbo& Phone Jkrbor 3tt7 Very Close to Channel & Beach A COMPL£TEL Y FURNlSHED 2 1tory duplex. 2 1>4-Jrooma In lnw4.'r a pt, 1 In urr\<'r. i rar IO:&rllC:e on a ltl'y priced Vt'r >' low l\l $)~. I Ovt hell' f'rll'tfl llO&r r lght on up wl~h l. A • aum~r }IC' •t. Buv nMli-I t '" l)O'l'llf'l"'I l•y mnnlh to month 1~n1111u TPrms EXC L.L'Sl\'fo; \\'fTH l'H Seven Islands Realty & IQ.vestment Co. ~OJ 32n•I S t . :"t'"'i"'rt Bl'11rh I '1111! ll11r ~~ 1!t1 r :i r m ll1r 22113-J J~37 ·~~~~~~~~~ $611 MO. ,..HA paymen111 1lncloou t11>o.l'll In•" principle It •'~'~ Int f'1 cat $:.!0110 11.,,.. n p1tym<'nl :\low• In t hl8 <l,.111r11ble nrw 3 hl.'<l1rn. hom,., < • .'11r fl4.'t"d w to w lhnl·Olll C<•lored bnt11 flKlllrell Front landttes~. Qluc:I\ po~e•· 111 1n J'D\'1"1 elrt'f'lll ~fV.'l!tt In It J'llh.I ORAl\'CE COAST f>RCJ J•ERTIES 1~7 N~wport, Co11t11. Men l..J..fi-1632 E vu . LI A·6M3 \\'A T l-;IWltOXT l.A Yr, r<>mpletl' \\ n h hulkh"A•I -\'ery t ltlM' lo 1.1.1 .. 11h<>prm j;. Ml~ht C'onslder I rutl 11~~ tor equity. llOMF.R E SKAFER. Rnltnr 11'16 ,\lrf'11rltirn P l. Har. Hr> Ew·-Hu 6!?1}8-\\' -Har. 2521l·M. KINGS ROAD ( CORNER VIEW LOT ~ti II ] I!'\ fl C-2 Lot JOO JI JllO on 17lb St . ~o~t:\ )tr .. a C'A l,f, OW:"l!:R. Lltieny 8-11142 311c33 NEW 2 BR. HOME. on )M ft. <lupltx lot . Only IMOO down. DON'T \V AIT - J M . MILLER CO 202G W . Balboa Blvd. Har. 4091 t near lhe Newport Ptt r) NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE 7 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 This _Week ?tlCWLY OPJC1'4ED . J'URNI8RJm) HOlOD - HARKONIOUSLY OON'l'DaOURY · In Irvine Terrace Oppo.tte I"1ne Cout County Oub Hirhway 101, NWpon Bari>or We are very proud of the clua of IDell"CJiaDdll whJch we are offering In Irvine Terrace. We know you w1U also like the location, quality of oomtruo- \jon by Maoco Corporation and lnterlon by Mart1n A Von Hemert. . Hometa available from S2f ,OOO to $M,OOO fO#r tM di.acrlmlnat1ng buyer. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Harbor 4448 COURTESY TO BROKJCRI $1500 Down 3 bednn. home in East Costa Mesa, 1 ~ ~ yeara old. Dual wall furnace. Birch cabinets in kitchen, 14.x20 living room and, dining &J'('a overlooking patio. W W carpet.a in Jiving room. Rock roof. $10,500 fp F1iA 4 Y..! ~;, loan. ADOBE SUCCESS HOME Beautiful modern home ln Back Bay. Maintenance free in11ide and out. T ile floors with radiant heat, 2 batha, 2 patios. One patio off master bednn. la planted with tropical planta. Large living room faces on other patio overlooking Back Bay and back bay hillil. 3 car garage and sun deck. Phone for appointment t o acc. $32,500 f. p . includes furniture. • $8000 Full Price Buys neat attractive 2 bedrm. home only 4 year& old. ~wood fence. 50 x 135 R·'i lot. Plenty room in back for an income unit. Walking distance to city center. 8 UNIT NEARLY new Court apartments. SM<> monthly income. Commercial building, $600 month income on leue. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8~97 Coata Mo& Evening-a Llberty 8-~7 , CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY $4.29:S Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SO. FT. at $4.60 sq. ft. $5295 Three Bedroom Loch Lomond • I 155 SO . FT. at $4.60 sq. ft. Car Ports 14 x 20 $295 I 00% FINANCING GUARANTEED through $250,000 Se<-ondary Financing Fund, on your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS 1104 l We.sLminster Blvd., Garden Gro\'C LE 9-0633 27t!c NEWPORT BEACH Oceanfront home near Catholic Church. 3 8 . R .. l 1 :! baths, double garage. EXCLUSfVE LISTING -$20,400 BALBOA PENINSULA Close to bathing h<'ach, new 2 B. R. 112 bath provmc1al home with built-in kitchen, Iota oC U8ed bric k &nd beautiful wood paneling. wall to wall carpeting -attractively decorated, nice patio. $22.500 -Convenient term.a to quaHfed buyer. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC.-Hso W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor l2M CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two bouae1, 1 Jot, firepltlcea ................ --.. -.$21,500 Two B. R. Houae, l B. R. apt., under _ .. ___ $16,000 Two B. R. Hou.e, oak floors. clean -... _-$13,500 Ten acrc11 near Tustin. Per acre .... _. _ .. $ 6,000 R-2 Lot, Corona HighlandA, Choice -make oUea ALSO MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING BOARD G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E . Coa.et Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. M42' E\1e11. Ha.r. :>680 36c38 ) • PAGE I · PART 11-NEWPORT HA~OR NEWS-PRESS ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 ' Sl00.000 Irvine Gift Aid To Agricliltural -Research U11henlty of California Sollth Coast Field Statloft To Be Developed Soon mtdlalt 11n<! tnlanr! r llmatu . The Melullsn l t1elJ 1lal1on spec1aJl~ea In duert agrk'ullure. Reuarch far1Ulles of lbe new 11l11Uon wlll bl' available t.o all de('Wl1 tm• nt.• of lhl' t.:nlvn11lty'11 ~t.atew1di' Olv1~1on or Ai;1·ti·ullu1 ul Sc1em·ea tor n1r<>Jecta of bl'nf'lll to Soul hem California egrtculturc The department of pomoloi;v 11l Oavl11. for tinmplt>, will UH 1t11 lanil allo<·a tion et thl' Soul!} Cr1n111 !lll•LIOrl for l'frCJrtd to lh·v,•l<lp ~trawberry varletlt11 odliptnbll' lo Southern CaHfornl11.. Al p1e~l'nt lheae lnvesllgouorui are be In g done on leased lan<L A $100.000 gift from the Irvine Co. of Tustin to be used tor Mollt horticultural f'Xper1menu develqpment ot Lhe Univeraily of Call!omla'• new South COIU!t t1eld wllh citrus and avocadod are not •talion near Santa Ana wu announced today by Or. H arry R. ~1tabl1> tor lea11ed plots. 111nce Wellman, UC vtce·prealdel\t tor a(licultural aclencea. lhe nl'gatlve reiiullll that lnt!vlt · The Irvine (ilt will aid materi· Sit uated In a dealrable thtrmaJ obly occur In KUl.'h research are alJy In the coll'lly developm!'nt or bell near the c o1111t. thl' South more costly Oil tree crops. Ule field ata.tlon tor vllaJly-need-Coa.st field station rounds ou t !'IASV ASPE<.'TS ed agricultural reaearch project•. the cllmallc areu av111lable t o All aspecl8 ot the production of Dr. Wellman aald. Al the aame the statewide Un1v;:or111ty for re· <'1tn111 and avoc&•lcoft will be 11t ud1· t ime, he pointed out that the 200· l!lellrt•h on all cropH grown In •·t.l al th•· 1u•w slullon. CI tr u 8 a cre tract la without Improve· Sou them Calltorntu. Rt>i;l!llrch on Kl udies will prtmnrlly con c er 11 rnenta and hu never been under the T..01 Angeles camp1111 ht m11 1n· j h•mon8 and valencla or1u11~es. In· lrligallon. It wu previously in ly limited to cr ops 1'l'qulr111g 1 <'hading the development of n<-w JNln under a dry-farmtng oper· co111lal climates an1l at River· varlelle11 and hybrids. 1ootal<X'kll, ellon. 11lde lo rrops adapted to inter-frrllhzallon, lrri~slion, 1>1anl d1· • e I LIDO HOUSEWIFE'S C~RISTMAS PACKAGES STOLEN FROM AUTO I Ing <'hl1f'lf'd to a depth ot 30 IM I lnrhf'& lO brt!lk Up C'OmpnC'tcd ~rr.are lu) er• :.> Roberl!on Injured in Auto Cr&::sh ', IHK~L:\TIOS l't.A:'\~ ~:·Jf cally lrrl~lltH>:l Ill < 11fl1t·~ Wiii IJWIU<lt' Th• It of ChrlMtm 1111 p11t'kages ar" starling a lllllt> eal'ly this }'l'lll', ac.:ordlng to Newport ~ach police. Taking the dubious dh1tm1·tion of being the first 8Ul'h , vmpla111t v f the aNaon, Mrs. Wilha m Chr1&t1.i.haon of 117 Via Yt>lla n •ported her ca r wa 1 bl"Okl'n Into at 4 p . m. Tuea· di.ya~ ll \\88 rarkl'd un \he !IOUlh 111de of V111 Lido Soud near t he Lldu lt1IP C lubhowie and ch1ldren"11 t oya valued 'tt 18 had been tak .. n. The toys. descr ibed IUI a lawn mower, tdephont' and children's books, were au wrapped In Chr~tmu gift paper, sht> said. l\\'0 t rp \!4 \lf S\'.!olt"l.l' Ju\t.' pre~~ ~UrC' f.>r t1oodin1t i.nd fu1 row Ir ri· i;atlon. an•I 111 r1111u1 I' .anes for 5prinllle!"s. [.1 ·s havr !:>CC' 1 calle1 for a main w:tler hne. pumping unit• and rt5rrvo1r. lrrl111111on w&h•r wtll romr In · illnlly from U1e Irvine ~ i;y. stem. 11llhough plan• call for cvt>nlual purch:tse or wah•r from the Metropolitan \\'t1ll'r 01stn ct Unlve1 !lily art·hllN•ts anJ eni;I· neus havf' drAwn trntAtive build· St'll::ll'a and Insect pest control. AIU1ough lhl.' Riverside campus ha•' the worltl's largest collecllon of citrus and a\'OCaJo varieties, !ls chmale doeM n't favor tu t• of rertam varletlr11. For Instance. t he nutritional expPrlment1 be· Ing 'conduc11•d In water cultures there wHI it lso be supplemented by 111mllar test• at the new tleld ~talion. irrorti to adapt olher eubtropl· Ing plans ror the 8latlon. ln!'lud· 1.'llls to Southern Calltorm&, auch Ing a reJ11dence tor tht' 11l1Hlon 1111· u lychee a nd rnacadamla nut1. per lnl<"ndenl. a C'Om banstlon ortke will allO ~ fostered by the new I and la boratory buildlni:. green· stallon'11 climatic condltlona. houua, l11tb houses. machine shop Development or the field eta-and 1torage facllllle11. lion la already under way. accord· mg to J. E . Myler, ata lrwille di· The new field station Is within rector of field atatlons. The aouth-1 M mllH of both lhe Lon AngPlea ern por\lon or 120 aero It being land Rl.vers1de ca mpus,•11 of t he developed llrat. with the land be· Unlver11lly. • Hl'portetJ 111 ctlt1l'al cond1unn 1r1 I"' nl1nl of hPr r11r nnd whtn It Hrn ·~ HoPpltul Is Msrg11rt>t H<'l"n "tru1·k t h!' t1<·.-"h"" frll "Ill an.t Rob •t111•n 20. of t•9 E. F'lowr1 hit hrr h1·••I 11.:mnsl 11 l'\JI h RN k 81 .. Cn~t11 Mesa, w ho wa.s lak•·n ""ll!I nol hrl1I there by Hunt 1n1,1ton 8f'a{·h 11t•· hrl" a fh•r hf'1 1•11r stn1.-k 11 lr••t' C ty G ts 5751 a t o.:{O p. Ill T\ll'llCh1y. I cun • Ho~r11e1 "t 1 .. n,11rn11 11111,1 t h" Forest Receipts woman was suffrring from R ' 11kull tral'\ure. brOkt'n Jaw, thrl"I' ~AC'RAME~T'J. tC'N~ I -~··· multipll" 111<-vretiona 8n,t Bbrailona IM>r 1 C 1'11 kw1+1. ata tf' c·ontroll,.r. a bout her body l tmlll\' . 111111n11nl'rct !hilt .. n~11n~e Hnnlinl!'lon Bear h polll'e ailld Nltlnl\'" "hlll<' "' lhl' Ii. !l!H ,O,li M1"s Robto1·tM1n'1 t'ar wa11 hit In 11pp1•1't1nnni•·nl of ti S. f~rNll re· the rear by another auto driven J "'•n•e rer t'lplll totat .. ,1 s .rit. by Robert · E. Btck. 39. of Hunt. T h,. 11 ppnrllonml'nt. t f'rt "~""' • ington Be1i-h. Thev said she> 10111 '"It 2:) p<'r rrnt of fl'rleral I f'\',.r111t1 --------·......,....----+-from lorrst rl'~''""'" In C-111!furn1.l Willard Returns ) Jmmg th<' lllM·~~ f 1,.rRI Yl'lll, wa" ctlslrlbntt'rl RmcTng 39 or tlw "tetc"• !)8 countlo. Wiiiiam A. WlllRrd of 403 JH· State law prr~rlbeii th11I on11 mine Ave. returned to Nl'wport half of thl' amount appnrtinnrJ Buch Municipal Bowllnfr (rttn11 tn earh 1•nu11ty ~ dt'(>O."llrd In play Tut-sday Ht-1ptnt the aum-118 Jl('hrM>I runct and the othl'r hair mer at Estes Park. ' in 1ta road und . • int eow rice 1e • e · I • e . • ... makes Studebaker the STANDOUT CAR • In low • price field I the • new ~ ~ ~~/Outmde,theeculptared- at.Ml look. lrlllide, handaome iound-cond.itioned om.1inp. A mnart new inatrummt panel with Cyclope Eye apeedomet«I .7'1-~ ~ (9,../ Suriinl Tak&-<>ft° Torque in three great new SW9ep9takes en(inet1. Ptu.1 N!W Fl.i1thto- 1D11tic-11moot.hest. (uteet.-.ta.rt.ini auto matic drive known! ;4-~ ~~/&me budpt.minded de.ign and economy en,ineerinc that won 6nt place comiMently (or Stade~ in Mobilpa Ecoooany Ruml Make way today for the one new car that ltanda out from all the ... t -the big new Studebaker! Here'• a really new look ID ·the low price field. Longer, stronger linel, greater roominem, standout stylln1! And more! You11 find a new note of aaftmnanlhip in the deft tailoring of bigger, eound-conditioned interiors, ip the eaey precuion with whiclt the deora click. shut ... all throuah the widest choice ever offered in ita field! Five great new .erieel Sirleen fabuloua nair Studebaken-with rich, oolOPkeyed int.erion wftbtD mnartat two-tone exteriora-eech a living, vibrant eumpl. of cro/tamanMip wWa a flai,TJ • 8TUOllllAK•i. .•• Dh•l•lo" ef 9Wd•Hker-,.eckal'd Cot"pOratlon WH•i.• ..... D. 0" woi.KMAH8HI .. •TILL COM•• ...... Tl ..... See II al your Studebaker Dealtir today I • • JOE NICKERTZ, Local Studebaker Dealer • 3636 W. NewDOlf Blv.d.~ entrance to Lido-New~ Beach Phone H91bor 510