HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-28 - Newport Harbor News Press- -. HARBOR . • PR SSS -. 48th YEAR -NUMBER 99 FIVE CENTS NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, NOV. 28, 19M PHONE HARB£R 1616 ----------------------------------------------------------:,f-----------------------~ ANYONE SEEN A 65-FT. YACHT SUPPOSEDLY SUN K( IN H'ARBOR? Jt lan't Apnl F ool's Dtty -thta really happened here. A. d1vln& crew from San Dil'go appeared at Udo lele Clubhou.e and wa.e at'nt by Buneter Creeley. club manager, thl• morning to the H &rbormuter'e O!tlce In an attempt to locate a 60-ft. y.wht &llecedly aunk In the Harbor o r out.aide the Jetty. P~rrett SlaJingl Clse Due ' J AND ONLY $5 TAKEN -Costa Mesa Police Chief Art McKenzie, right center. in- vestigate.a safe taken in a burglary last night from the Hanna Es<:row Co., 112-A E. 18th St., Costa Mesa, while owner Claude Hanna, left center looks on. Head- ing the investigation is Detective Sgt. L. D. Pollom, left. The safe was discovered in a field near Orange Coast College by a co!Jege instructor. Coast College em- ployee Francis Albers, right, aided police in recovering the safe. -Staff Photo Burglary Fails The crew waa ready to ralae her but officials of the Har- borma.ater·a oftlce, U. S. Cout Guard anJ local lllllpyarda could not tell the divers whHe to look. The crew had no n&me/ on the boat or lhe person who contracted withj them ' In San Diego t o raise the craft. u you know wht'Te she lies on the bottom, lt't the Har- bormuter know. DEC. 1 PROCLAIMED ''SAFE DRIVING DAY" Newport Beach Mayor Dora 0 . Hill ha1,1 • .J,,:111ed a prorlamallon &11 follows aetllng Dec. 1 aa Safe Driving Day: PROCLAMATION ls to call attention to thr necesl!I· ty for sound, proven year-around 1mtety progrom!!, supportM' -the year-aro und --by f'very citizen: Now, Therefore. f, Dorn 0 . Hill. ESCROW FIRM'S ,SAFE FOUND AT AIR BASE A ltwkf'<l up obJecl aJway!t ap· Wherell.'J. President Dwight D. Mayor of the C ity or Nrw port Bcaah, California. Jo hereby pro· claim December 1, 19511. to be S-D DAY l'"ar11 11 l lr'H'ltVf' lo a thief. Or ~~Isenhower, Governor Goodwin J. so lt S<'etrlf'd tu the burglar who l<n.ghl, and every other Governor hr"kt> 1ntt1 th•' Nf'wport H at'bor In thf' Unil1'd Stat ea have endors- e 'harnh1•r of l'o1mmerc·e off ire. J 800 er! the program for the .N11tlon'11 Costa Me1<a police nrnlifo a ~·ard~ !re m lht> gymnasiu m. Thi' \\'. <"•ltlsl H 1~hwuy. tludng the ~econd a nnual "S afe Driving quick recovery this murnrni: CIC a !Jur,;ls• \' wn~ f11 sl re1•nrll'd ul wrrken1I nnJ lt'tt'tl to pry open 11 o a y", ThurRday , December l o·~r1 r: m. Inst night by Bernie falini; n •blll•'l while ignoring $·1 1 195~; and and do tltrect the Attention of our c1ttz1•ns Lo the nt>c:ess1t y of tak· Ing iotock of our behavw r . as ln- 1.hvitluaJs. ancl a11 a . communlty, 1n Lh, mat ter of lraf!tc aarety, and reminding ourselve!I 'Of our m oral and civic responslblltly !or sure driving a nd sate walking. &ate whic h was lakf-n Y""l••nlav Al1h·n, pt ttprletnr 11f 11 photo slu· 111 1·11><h nn top of a J1•sk. Whereas, the purpose or S-D a fternoon fr orn the 11H1t'l' n( thl' rliu ra•xt l•i the esrrow , umpnn~'. M rll. \.\·111tam Saumlc rs. offire Day Is to provt' that we can re- Hann11. ES<01•11w Co .. 11 :.!·A E. !St ti He s11hl he ldt hi~ orf1re Ill ;, 1<errrt11l'y, 1lt,<,'T'<Wt'rt·d t he altempl· 1 tluce traffic a ccidents by our own St. The sMt• wa~ wrP.-J<t.,I 111111 ~.-. I'~ 111. and whl'n he 1· .. turnNl he ··•I hut i;liJt y when she upeneJ Lhe per sonal a ctions. a s moto rists anJ wa• tak••n httl muro· imp•il 111111 1 Hlw lit•• door of lhe 1·sc1ow C(J111-1 olffrn~ tht~ n11·1·111ni;. Nothing or pedestria ns; and t.he •• ,,\'.ruw c,°,111p,in.v 1 ,., "vt>i i·d p:;iny Wkl! open. \ ulU<· w .t'\ lt1k£"n '.'s for ai< 11hc \Vhereas, the goal t his ye11r wi~I valuabl" 1111vul<' l"'l'"'s llh•y IH1Ll l l'11l:r•• 1ny.0.•llirat<'tl an•I •ltl't'nv· 1·m1ld •frtt·rrnrn•>. 111e loirk <·.d ftlc·l b., to eul flown on traffic a cr•· •tor•·t.I rn 111., ,111 fc . ., .... J the bltq~lnr~· orru·e1s s111--cunlatnn l only bh111k t'111'ck><, no ' t11•nt~ nut only on S·D .Duy itself Police ,,111t1 th" ~Af•• wn~ 11h:1n· n11u•ol that a pu k11p 1111!'k hn•I 1· .. ~h. ,.hp tultl p111t.·e. A \\'tnJow but for the 2 1-day penod begln- doned ein the J.'Tnwvl>< 11r th• •1lol I»'"" usl·J to haul away the hell\'}' ut lhl' uflit·.: w:.i!I broken t1l gaJn ntng November 21,~9:>5 and con- Sanla Ann A1 111v Arr B1<.•" 1r1t1 1 sfll<' tHlt111ll 1t1u'!'. tlnuln!( through v ecember 11, · 19M: and Whet ea s, the S-D Day objective 1:-l WJ,.TNESS \\'HEHEOF'. J have hl'relmto set my hand and C"ausett the seal or the t:ity of Newport Bel!ch, CaJifom ia to bto atrlxed thi11 22d tlay ot November. 195:.. Dora 0 . Hill, Mayor or the Clly oC Newporl Bea ch MESAN HITS TRAFFlt ISLAND ' WITH CAR, ESCAPES INJURIES A. Costa Me8a motorlat'a ca r c:olllded with a dividing l1la.nd on Nl'wport Blvd., north of Industrial W ay, Costa Meaa, at 0:20 p. m. Saturd&y, went out ot rontrol and flipped end over Into & dit ch, but the driver walked away with onJ)' minor laju.riee. ' Calvin L~ Baird. 27, o r 1630 Orange A ve., t old police hi' beltevt'd his brakea lock rd prior lo lhl' a ccident. Offl- •'rra 11ald the vehicle stppped 364 f<!'t't f ro m the ftr8t po int of lmpaC't. Baird recciverl only & 1tmall puncture. wound on on the right side ot h~ chin. He rdusrd me<hcal all«'nUon. GOLD' BADGE GONE TOO! Council Credentials, Cash Taken from Charles TeWinkle WHAT A MAN! Driver Rans~·,.. Down Newsboy, Laughs, Leaves An n ~year-old newl!paper car- rier was the victim Friday or a hll-and·ntn driver who laughed and drove 11way without 11topplng afler hll! (·ar knockl'd lhe boy and hill bicycle to the ground. Vernon E •Jler of 120 VI& Yell.a told police he was riding east on Vta Lido Soud al 6 p. m. when a car sur!denly turned In rronl ot him onto Via J ucar. Young V..rnon 811id he wu unablt to stop al)d hl11 bikl' ran Into the front fender or lhe car. When he tell lo the ground he eust11.lned a chipped tooth and head brulsl's. The boy said he called out to the driver but he ju.st laughed an•I drove on without •topping to aid him. Yule Lighting Awards Plan Of Chamber • The publicity committee of t)\e Newport Harbor Chamber of Com - merce, headed by Rupe Hen- dricks, has planned anotht'r com- petitive program for the etlmula- llon ot Chrl1tmu ll&htlng. it waa announced toda y. Newport Beach re11tdenta are uke<t to join with enthu11iaam ln decorat- mg their homu and placu or bu.sinus "° the city will reflect a ray 11.nd rnrrry llplrtt fo r all to rnjoy throuithPUl the Yulelldr Holiday•. No entry blan.lu ere 1equired Rnd all d11<plAys will bt• viewed and con.,hlercJ . H ~R~ttS F'ourt rPn certificate.a' will be owartlru by the ('hamb.·r, n1n•t><l· 1ng of a lust. l'rronJ :inti th11tl awarrl for the beNt outdu<1r ll~ht • ed ~ decor·a lion or hc.m""'· un<" ( (,'o•fl•~ on Pac e II) ThP f"'l'lll)n who hll!! Cl'll'ta MP------------------------- l'R C'o11nr1lm11n Chari!'!< \V, T<"· \ \.\'lnklC'0>1 i:nlrt r1ty cnun (·Jlman'" h11•t.::P hnd not better ll ltl'mpt l n 11i<e it MPl'n po llre are on th" TllHEt: MA\'ORS OPE~ STOitt: -Mayor Claire Nelson of Costa Mesa, r ight, rrnwl tri rli1<rovrr the r11lpr1t wh., lnok 1l had plt·nty of official help 8atunlay as h is new hardware st ore was opened. With T<'Wrnklr ot 1110 F. !Sth St I fornwr ~l avor Cha rles Tt·\\:inklc, Costa Mesa's fm;t elected hrad eivic leader at lefl r10"l'n'l kM\\' Whl'r<• hP l•llll the Jenuin!! support. ~ta)·or Dora Hill of Newport Beach pcrformrJ with scissors at huoig<'. D1u1pp<'nnni:-Rt t he !nm.- • · l1111e wet .. Tr\\' i n k I e · 11 brown n bbn11-rutt1nJ! eercmonv. -Starr P hoto l«"atht>r hrllfolrt. driv<'r·l' liN·n~,. , . I ULTRA MODERN STORE ::!;~11~~·~11;~~~. <1trtli., rre•!lt cnrds New Charges RA<lgr or nn b1111jl'P Tr\Y1nklr ,. Newport Mayor sn·1ps R1.bbon, Wiil llllrnd lhr RdjllUtt·d t•tty "'•lln<'rl m"•'l!n~ tomghl 111 the Leveled in Opens New Nelson Hardware '1f::,·~~r•1<irn .,, thr Nl'wport J n .. l•ce TI1e plannln~ romm.Jl'1tlon "'Ill ~ A It C 1 C'1•11tpl"ll' with :i ribbon flllllofl. '''"'' p:i11" 11'11t1n" In the rlb-mret nl the rrgul"r time tn t he \ ssau ase t •ll'fll'ffl\' h1· frlluw H11rltu1 1&r•0ll h•111-<lllt111,.: ""'"'''"'' hl lhe (rrmt t'OUl'll•IOm to hol1I hraron~,. on ' · M ""r, "ri11;a H ill <•f ="•'\\'!'"'' """' ~: 11111d11,v 111111,1rni: WA~ City l11nol u .... 1·n1 1.1nr"~ for nn tt•!dltlon SA:-\T \ \~\ .nr';>;!'• ~"" H•a•h. C'1>sla :11•'•11 :111"'' 111:·1 c .. 111111h11.111 c'h 11l•A Tf'\\'mklt'. tn a rhttrr h 11n V1ctnr111 ~l. .. nd ,\t r~ ('ln1tt' .\f :"1·ls11n :-;i1111ol ,.,. 111 ' 11 •\11r 11.f t 'usl~ :Mr'<ll.. f<ir A tratlrr park a t !On \\' \Vil· rhaq.:.·... F 1 1 d ·1 ' w.~n· h ''''' 1 ,,fr" ;sd 1y 11p, nt•tl n n• ,,. '\.,l:.,..,u ., t<'<' , 11•di.1l'S. ~nil '1dd lfnnk s son St. a gnu1 • It 1 ~1 't I .... 1.t ~ttntn ,\n.l • I ---------------u . 1 th A lh11 d\\Hrl1 ~l11t1 ..4l 24!'lf; ~1·\\ftotl v..·, "'l '\·1 J ~!U••.!'l."4 HJ!1 ,.U'llOniers y ou 1 111 ••·•·:r<'• 11111 w1l l " s· Hll"I ,.,,,1l\ Mt>~,1 J1.1rni; 111, •In\· 'I t' Pl 88111\ •I! ,t 1'1 • ~'111111! WOl11Ul1, hf'I l ' nnocen ea hu~har, I ,11,1 A ftro·n•I Mll l"tnl•t1t:Hlly t•11n~tr111 l1•ol a nd ~1•b, .. 1 ;•n•I hrr< \\ 1(1' Lorene w lll R I \\' t• t l!I c-l6 H.:ht"ol. th•• ~part"lll< ll<'W •lnll-h1• 1111 h;ond olo1olv In iwrve thr 11•·.i "'P"nrr .•. o ' ' t th ' •r :\°('\\'f•rt '·•·1'• .. ,,r 111 ....... "1"""'Y"'tthlhP1r On Check Charn. orl ttll di\ \\ti•' ,hRrCf"d \\•l lh ti~· [;Jvd nn1l f'r1d ,,.,, 111n ~IO"i. 01W JiOt \il • ( 11'•1' an1J!l'!t1, inclu<i· 8 U11 •It !>-I lllld !llX 11t 11"1' ynttf hi< ltrf' A I' I •lrt "1';1 ' • I " I .,- 11 1 1 1 ,,11 1 .:l\ll1J1u11H1 (t 11frtm1r~I'"'' \\llh ll'C frn ... 11io 111 ,1110., <1f h11rdwa rt>. SANTA ANA, cOCNSl -.. l n-u u t \\ 1th 1tn~ Pt l1tr1 t• '"'' \' o t::; . , 1 • I t r"11:1• ~r .. nt h"dilv harn1, a f,,1. AdJ:i1·1·111 "' oh1111"· "I''"• 11( 1.: .. 11 1'lll11!-""I """'\.11 •· T hN!I' Rr«' nnc·flnt" Wiil< the pie" l''rld11y by ./on . '<Jll.u (' ft .cnd a f'll\'1•d l"'f km:; •II 1t I lllH 11 I' t ho• • ••tllfll<'l<' l111r \\'ill11rJ 11111111•• L1•11r h 11( :\l'W['O..ft I ~l)\\t'I" I. ~•111111 :\111'1 -OrAnJ:<" tltl'll (111 r.o ("lrl<. n( Ir•"! I'''' ,ind '"""''"" ~lpplt~'< B~tl• h . Whll I!! fl(!'ll~•·d nf J1Hl<l<tnjtj M uttll q• ti ( ·,11111 Judf,!•· H nwnrol Th" t 11111t ••11trA Hi'''. fnr111~ ;\:l'W-l hr >'• 1~.,11 "" ,.,, 1 •fl l•'ol f1H I h" An $HI h<i~llll rhef'k n t the Hani;:- Canh'tt>ti diotn'l ht•ld i ·aip••nt•·r nr J'flll lilvd , t~ llt••stly '"'"·'"· m 10:1~1 JI( .\1•111, lit 1111~ i<.trnr• l11r11-oyl 1·11,.t<\ :1!•·~11 I Lenn.11 i H Hl'>1t' 18. "' 11'.··~l t hl' nll1 '1 i"'"'''' n m:1n11·' T l ,, \1 .. n " I S11pr 11111 C111111 .hrolg;~ J ohn Shea G ra1111 ·1, I" Pr, l'rrnti; Ana, l11 fin-h111l1hn~ hnR r .. 111 "ntr;ln• ,., \\Ith 1"111111 In t!1r ru1111r nf r oiota accr·pletl lhc pl•»• and set ll Jury I swer. n,,. '!lh•r '""' \\••rt• Mllth l 1·.1!<,\' lll'l.<'!111 (1111n p111k 1ni.: .H • "' ~, •. ~,. hlllll th1. ll1•'1!{'1 n b1Ji11h11>i." trt8l (fir lit<' ti~f('nJR/lt J.1n. 9. O\'e1-1 1 :-:111wr "'' t'u11r1 llt''" 2. All Al Ill•· fi.,nt nnol "11 'il h"r ~1'1" ~"1"''1 1''1"'11""· I L•'&C'h R•~~rt('d1y ,t?nve th11 rhe<'k a re fl I I' "" s:.1111 h11ol I -lo Bar1111111I llnr othy H11lltng!· ()•'I' r• •l All\' l't'nnf'lh \\'al· L B h Youth Hurt as Car Wfltth, <'••>'lll. lltrsa , OOL J8. ll )111111 ~ I 1.t,1 \· lnd~1·d hlltll'ry 1.011 ong eac \\·ns for $20 d~t111h II" l h l' rrnl" 1•hUrJ:P!I --------- &g'Blll•I ( 'll Jll nt.·r. ,, w1.1riant wos ' Rams ··nto Rear of Newporter's Jegl\!1• 11~ hAI'(' bt01'll inailp Rj;!llin•t ltoSU•'•' IPr hi~ nrrl?-.1 ~ .. IWW Al · 1 Beat1. /\ 11J-1 r11r·nM Loni,; n .. ~. h !><'" •l11wr!I h· r l'AI rlown In II pnlr h or cc nntlnuf'd on r n11r Il l iouff•'' 1 ~rnn11" tOJur:<>q NHly r .. ~ 11n11 the ~1 1\.,,r., 11111 .1 rammPoJ · todn" .1 (\\'O·cnr tt"~r t'ntl 1111-h rn111 thp 1•'1tr of It 111 :?·:!n A m. ~~ ""J:S!~ ll:a~Jl:f.\ ~II Only 23 '.It Ill"""'''>= H :-.;, \\'f'<ll't HP!H h W<>llH\n ill clrr1·1 r 1o11 1 ·on~l Htl'hW••Y n<'l th of ! Munttni;ton Bt>Adt. ~I C11liforp111 H lithw11y P111rnJ lt'-g p(lrls !(a.id Vouglllll F::irl Wtl11nn Mrs. Arena Hurt in Fall from Seawall McGravon Baby Mr 11nd ~I r~ J-'1 anklln MrGr11- ''"n. !'>110 S11nt11 A na Av•', :-;.,w- put l 1'\NH'h. at<' lh•' pllf('llh fl( & h111· h><hy, born :-:m• 2:-! 111 Hoag H<111p1tal. " .. I " ..... JI-,... .. • urors Smith Describes Rnding l. A. Youth Near Window SANTA ANA, NOV. 28, (OCNS) -Defen.ee Wtti.e William G. Smith of 1008 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, took the stand in Superior Court here today u the man. slaughter triaJ of Robert H. La Verne, 33, of San Gabriel rolJed into it.s third week. The cue Is expected to ro to t he jury tomorrnw . La Verne 11 accuaed of bl'atlng R ichard-Per- ·retL 21, son of a well-known Loa Angelea advertlaing exet ullve, to death with a stick In Newport Beach July 23. Smith testified he NW the de- Ct'ased exposing hlrn1elf before the kitchen wtntlow ot the La Verne apartment Lhe night or the fatal beating. Per rett w1u clubbed to de&th a t 12th St. and Balboa Blvd., two blocks from Ute L& Verne ap&rl- ment. K NOWX BRIEFLY Smith aaid he h&d re.nted an apartment to La Vl'rne, baby sitter Wilm& ker. 17 and lhe La Vernea' t o children. A Mrs. Cecile Be11le of Loa-Angelo &leo wu 1pendi g the night with the La Vernea The witneu aaid he·d known e de.fendant only six weeks or 10 before renu nr the place. Smlt.h aid .La Verne. Ml.u Bal<er &nd he had gone for an a.fter-m idnight 1w1m In the ocu.n. On their return, he aatd, Miu Ba.ker wu about "~ to 100 feet a head o r us. When I first NW him (the deceased) he wu •t&lld- lng In fr<>nt of t he wlndow." BOTH STANDING Smith claimed the vlcUm wu HARIOR WEATHER m ekln« lewd geet urea. "'We lltouto ed Smith uaertPd. "but I don't, .. call what w e iiald. He tumtd to Ute left and •tarted to walk briak· ly toward the atreet. IA Verne yelled and ran alter him , • • I followed ••• L& Vune Jelled 'atop" or 'hey yo u' or aomelblnl like that . • • the next time I a&W thena wu at 12th St. They we"' atand- (CollU..DfJG ...... •> MORE ROOM Post Office Needs Yule Quarters Urcent need ror a building to house tha workers on Uncle sam·a Santa Claus detail has been voic- ed . by H. Payne Thayer, J>ORI· muter or Newport Beach. Al le&at JllOO aqua re feet of ap1 .. e lJt needed, particularly tor th<' period from Decemt>.r 12 to :.!8 but'\mmedlate uae could be mll.te or 1pace, Thayer aaya. Whal'• m o re, Santa Claus· l<>i 111 helpera In Lhe f\llae of pot41nrtu ~ worker1 will pay tor the """'" they net>d. Prcwrpectlve Jan1ilu11li• are uked to •Ubntll bids to 111 u · v1de apace. complete wll h n«'• Pi<· Tf'ftlperatu'" the put -k 111 the MrY heating, Jljhttng &nd •ll11t• llNbor .,.... "'ett: t.a.r;,· taclllUeii to the po11tmu 11•r mc1a Tuelldoy, N ov. 22 ei Wedneadey, Nov. 23 .. 61 ThuraJay, N ov 24 •. 61 F'nday, Nov. 2~ . tie Saturday, Nov 26 . 6~ S unday, Nov. 27 . et Monday, Nov. 28 . , ~9 Lo• , before_ 2 p. m. December 8. , 47 Of coune tr there 18 llOmt one 39 with " vac11.nt store which coulrl •~ be Ulle<I 11.nd who d~s not W1ah '42 to be botherl'd with such a ehor t 11 r.-nlal the propnty rould probAb· '4e ly be put to very quick UM by the 48 poatorficf'. Shopping )I \\'R " takrn In Lonir B.-11rh ! 'um·• Mr~. l,1mi~ Arl'nn., :;o, rrrPl\'Nf 11 rnu111ly t10.~p11al fnr t11•11 tmrn1. He t.-..atnwnt at Ht'Jag Ho~ptlal Thurs· I ha.t q,,,,+,,, n,·n t )nt·, .. 1at1•·n~ :.l r11,·-ng Clrculatlon Today CITY EMPLOYEES ~IVE TO CHEST 100 PER CENT Days 'til Christmas • olh<'r lnjttn""-u., wn" fl J'!ll!sen-d11y but wns n1•l ho~pttaliud ! ~er In a r ar drl\'••n by l-1snu•I C. arter ralhnit off 11 I ·fl ht!lh itf'll· St11·erit, 16, al!IO lAn~ Bra1•h. Wrl-Willi In ttw arN of 9th St. and Bay Fnlnl. MrA. J a.m<"ll Coherly or .;41 0 Lido J 111on ws.a hurl"d Into l h•• t\·tnt.ll<hteld I hy the colllsrnn lmrnct , I Pt1tN1l r.-porlll :<hnwe<I Alfrrt>lla 5826 . Coples I :0-I Rr)· H• ll. ~;'. r1( !\ 16 c. tl•illl\11 St . ! \\ R11 <Ir 1·r r nf lht> nl h<'r '~ r -a ••••••r.1i11t•~ 111tellon . wagon. l.)Hrcer. · 11a1d a.he ;\'111•1. 1h111i:'ht1•r .. r th•· ,·1<11111 told Xt>WJ 10rl R""''h P' 1lt4 •• hn rnnther I ftll while 1<i0k1ng for he• dor;. --------------- ··' Ditk Whitson. president of ,..rewport Buch City E m- ployees Asso<;iation, gives envelopea containing a1most $200 to Mrs. Duncan McAJpine, secretary in the rity manager 's office, for filial compilation before it is turned over to the Community Chest. The gift represents 100 per cent contribution of City Em- ployees Aa8ociat1on. Orrin Wright, 11eat.ed, treuurer and aecreta.ry of the Community Chest; G. Martr Engeltre. major for Area B, Newport Beach, and Al Clemence, dfrector for the Community Chest and member of the Advance Gifts Comm ittee, etanding iJI background, offer congratulatione to -Whit.aon. - Photo by Don Buah \I • N EARLY-NEW BABIES for new mothers to find under the tree on Christmas morning are in charge of this group of A:-:sistance League members, (I to r) Mrs, John Webster, Mr s. Lawrence Pfist er and Mrs. Marshall Neidecker, toy chairman. League members work much of the year al the toy shop on 21st St. CRAFT DISPLAY .. America Studied by Cub P~ck 105 "America the Beaut(ful " w..ts t he November program theme of Cub Scout l'at·k 111:;. Thi• benuty and poi nt s of in- l <'rest in t his country und thankfulnL'l'S for 1t!i bounty were dcmonstrall'd in many ways by the i:1x dl•ns 1n t hr1r hand- craft displays. repamng used dolls a nd making tiny garments for them. shown on hangers, a lso renovating many other kinds of discarde<l toyR. They will be available to parents of under-pri\'ilegcd children at the Christmas Toy sale on Dec. 6. -8taff Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WlNIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1955 Taeso dJJOplay,, tPnl 11rf'il mt t•• d1•11 "' th1ar 1111111th~ 111 t1nt11·" a~ '"" ''" lht• •'W lllll)':.' t11••1:1n111 un•I NEWPORT ISLAND WOMEN "'"I\ IHI U1•11 I 'll n •lll'f 111"1'" .. r tho U n11 .. J !:Hale,._ 1-;11d1 b<•.v 111 !>om 2 •ho\\ l'•I on hr~ ma JI I hi" 111 11n11t111m 1'1111·nl t1f 1 l.11111 f.,r lh• ,.11''~111'·" " 11111 'HAVE LUNCHEON PROGRAM Tiu• l'h11 1m.1~ r~t11· wM1 h 1, J11r1tl'lll t lll•'•, th~ 1·11p1tnl•. ••r 111\· 'l'""'"rt I h\' lh·· F:lka I.mile<' liGi l1t1llP1) pnrk~. TI11,. •l<'n ;ot••I l<hlo\\'o'ol w11j l•i•llll•• f,tlflll l•I the ('Ub ll I 'fhnnk,.glv1ni: taut.~ •"'1 "1 .. ttun" ur 11<1111 th•' ~:lk • i:1fl" th" hoy' l1'llll t 1J1l;• , .. mnth llPlll JIWIC h1tvc• m111I•• f•ir lht'ar rAtPnl• n~ll r11111•1t 1111•1 • Jootllc: 1111in," •u•tl• •11v11 nnfl <••>•I thnt !lit' l'11h'< bnni: .. r ""•th(r, , .,1,1 ~r •nil '""'''• t .. r thP ~:tk• 111 1lu•lnb11l•• tu nre•I\' l't.:\ '·' 'T-4 1 '·•11111 ... ~ • I I •. l t t I llll AClllF.\'t:\ff:~'T!" I >Pn .i"' • H\ 11 n1 ••in ".,.,. 11"'' I ~ nunt .. or ,, It Ill l 'llh ,.,,, .. ,,, tu p .... I IPd thr "f"'lllllj! '"'fl'mnn\' mark 11\r '""' 11r ~··Hllnj( fot R nl>t!rl l:;wtic11rl 1undu1llnK lhe t llf'lr rum 11.... 111 p 111 k "'"' llni;? • •lur 1eu11r.1 11n t lo·E&dini.: tlw fl.•i.: ltO•! f"Clilll•••"' U·•··I In t'lll in.a: ...... , ... ntonft-1r11 l hn f ... hr1\n·d I"'""'"' .. · ,..~ "t~ll. u"d rnap,c nntl !'ltl\'••tu1 1'l.tn1• llnd hn •I rt•lldt•1~ \\'nil I 't1•t· 1, •', , I " .,. •4 l tt n• t n, "'' J 01 , I• t t, · r l"f"'·tl1n.1: fh., l"w c I lh• I 11t l'.u ~ \\'AS Ult• ft nlUr•• u( 1 •• n •fl t 1-· J;lay, """ ,. ,.,.,.~rf111 •n,.~ •n •\\'· ln1e t he d• \'t'Jupml'lll ••( 1111• ,, .... rnran rl11i.: •l•~ll11~•11•I '"' 11 , • ., •111t1t" A •.•l,t11nt I 'uhma•l"r T •••I \\ 111111 r rr>ntlu1 l•"I tt:r ""' I"" t ••I '"" 11111•1111.: 11nd d1~trih11tm1? l l1t ll"\'111 ol '"" 111 hlf'\'t'lll"llll'I HI· tlh • t'l th• rt "' 1f h· '' !tu1n 0f"n I l•\\.tll ~I 1ph \ l l1•n 1 Wll• 11\t• '' nn1 1 ' ( th1 Ht t11 'f·rut•n\ prn Uf4hl "'4-\h J .... lte::•"'4 ~ttn): In· f .J ~w1-..111t. \\'id( ht••I..:< ~hrp ''' 1 ·,,, ~ ll• It RI\ '''' Hul• h :I.IHI' \Vnrk. •'' I l-11l.t l\111 l tu ... h•·"' a rh11 \'t' • ThP '4 inr 1 f , f thr, ttPtv 1,,., •• 1 • nt tn ("tihh1ni:'. lt •l lh•n br••lt:t· M <'mt,.'rll "' 1h1• \Von•Rn '4 A ux1l11try of N <'w port b land. l1w, hPld 11 p111 l11• k 11111• hl."111\ r t•< r•nlly llt l h.-huutP of Mr11. J .. 111e11 F:dwa1d.,, '.:900 l'h11nn1 I l'l•H<' Jll atn t'lll•·t lainm ent wa!I lhf' ~h 11 .n • ,.( 1 "' ·• (11!11 t.1k. n by Mra <.;,.,1rge Shtrrlll, " ntt·mb• 1 11n h• r t "I' 111 th•• t-:11 .. l t.;r.a:rl 11\lll fall R1, "''" Ii 1 lurl"d 1• .. tlftt•x of lht' U1 anJ l'anyun, Brycl' llni1 Z1"11 N11t11111 .. 1 l'uk 11nd t a•tnn c 111r,.' l'r ""' wlnn~t11 Bl l hv 1111111\1•1111 w 1•11• MIA S)'ll'll• l'llAct• 111'i•I Mr1' l:l••rt Turnl'r. ?11< xl na•·t-l tnR of t 1\1' nux1lle ry will be held "l thr home fir M r" 1<1 Ith R1mn :!P t I Mt1rl'U.i AYf on D <'\', Ill l:ll 8 fl. m. POPU LATION I NCREASE T oastn1aster Ot1tlines the ·Race for Survival' "II ll' rnnc• IVllbll!' lhllt In 10<,i l hf' WOI hi aal1I Tt1llAlm1111trr 8 Ar· )l"nn.mt \\'1• \11• nr ilh11l\ ..... ittlwt 11\\Rfl• 1111111·1•·1 ho II h~·l.;•' lhr , 11th .. 1~rt•lul111n '"I h~\P R, -.nd their l'llhlblt 11h1111 .. 1 llfll111· ••nd "''""" ~1 "' c; '11"'" 'T•Jhlli. 11n fn1t•llnt1•<l thr 1trnlllr "'"n <•( llMUal am11unl of 111•c•111.J1•h111•11I """ •ll\'"r n1 1"""· Huh r.1111 1<111" '" t t 1n h" tnlk 11n "A Rllrl' for SUIVl\"lll " In wall pl11qUf'8 o ( I hi' I '111> S< .. 1,l I l11r1k Th.1 \'•I S!• ph1•n • i\ol 1111 11 hr f'iir l h that fl'•'ollni.; lht• r •fHl· Ju<'l llt l\llhUI\ F r;111k . 1 11 .. hAll 1.1111111 w ill h•• tonr ••r •••It ll•·IJ"r 'ft1n~lnrn•tt'1 8 111 Con d 11 r r e ~r"k" 1111 lhr 111hJ• rt "Mrinopc1I~ ... "1th ",.,, .,,,. f to t hl' m1...-on1tru· T'roml1e. 11111!. 1m1111l plant. rll • 1 tlllntnr na llv(\ p}Jlnta Tht>lr IHhl• 11n I J am \\',.hi• 111 h. J• Ion II ''""' r· • nnu•rn:o • ., 11•l.1t•··I T o:.,1t n•ll"'' r , .. 1 f"""•l111n of thl' t"lrphonl' t 11rrlfd 11 Vf'rj> t omrlr•,. .. r1e1•t 11111 nnr tint! l'hll 0<'rl ll'i ""r1·1rr ~:I ton 8 &1 nrll 1n h1~ pt "I''" t1J ruhhc ut1ht1f!~ arrv1ces In And lhl• <>r lllu11tr11Uon" or t he b1•11ut1!111 J "1'°" ~r•·rrh bdml' thr H111 ho 1 1'11ni1t· ll rl'lll, .. rl'nN (Ir acrn..,. t h t• l'n•l··d Tl1.. ftlt1•n1tnnrr w 1nrrr WllA mMll'r Cluh Tu1•111ll\\' r•1·1·111n1t I A (f'fttUrl' nai:ht rroi:rnm 111 bl'· li!Oleit. I Pl'n 3 With !17 rnrf'nl t•( f'ollt''ll ~ Ing pl11nnl'<I (nr flt c 6 In which Chlllnnan Wll• rnmmtl !.<• mnn In nltf'n•l.1nll' 11ntl 100 ,,( lhl' I><•)• Biunf'tl " 1" '1 Hf'allru ••tr•I "''''l'rlll of the t.wnl Cl\'IC ll'&•IC"r• n 11o1 Simmon,. a nd hi• II • l!tanl~ ,,, n :! 1'H~l'ntr1J an u11i;11111I th!' p11pul.11l••n "'' rM11<1' nf lht' \\Ill bt' ln\'llf'•I tn " 11ympo111um In lhe judittn!: l.lf'r• FHmk ~t.•r· •flni: '\\'1• ,\~ a Cub ~· o1111 woi Iii (1t•lll ~1 1·1 01~111011 tn lli!)I• ,,, rt.o<,1~n1·1l 1troun•I lhf' S·O 1!laft' ll t'l'll lJ 11n1I J,irru•• \\uhfl•lt•h 1'1111<" h\' lt11hl11 F'"•ltl 1';w• \\••If' llll rr•~rnt 2 11 hllll"'' JU~I !105 f'lth•111i.:1 ramr11t~11 Ju.tru AWRrdr I '"'' In I"" t II ... •lltfl.111•"1 In lh,. i;;111111r bl' Gt11'~l11 llft' Wt'lr'Om t' Al l ht'M! cup to IHn :I \\' ...... Ith Al"'',,,, 1·1 ....... 1·.111 I\ H•:t.an• ~1.tl1J· )""" 1"'"r I\( lhr• ·~tr 111 JU•l T\Jj>•lA\' f'\'rnln1: rrogfam' ht-Id l n buttd lht' l'a • k I t'\\~1·11•1 1111 · 111 "'' .. .,. .... I lht r·1·k 32 "'8 '' llll~ '""''1" "''"I·· 111'1 11 lht' :-:e\\pcl!l Hart>or Yacht ''!'\lb Cal'•'I · 1.11 ch '"lllt1111• I 11 11•h ol1111 ""n~· inl lr1•11'1j: 11( tn 6 6 b1l:1.·1 11nl th,. 1< h1ll111n,('lub 1•1tUmt' fn1111 t h.-1••r<t1t•r 111 •fl•h l'r• If• '111:1111.; l1o•11 \,•kit 11n.!I nrrf'~ o r 111•111IHhlr ll\n•I will n11t hr ----Ill •t 1111 1-'1.ll \\ 1111 • "' h "">' Rt t· ( h< c M •1..: " • '"'' '·· • j Ill• 1\m• rl• an aur IC'lllnl ln th h• Ul'(' 1111.t f .. r•I d Matron Home Lido Gourmets Sample British Beef & Pudding " , 111, "I 1 11 ,1 hi I',. c•t t;,.1,. I hit ropuln tll\n Stt• nr• I• I:• ~r· ~Ir• !Oji; roll" lhla llt1tf' h' rn"""l •l•'- Vft'IOf'mrn I~ tn ""'""' h•"" ~l1111c I ,,., t from th .. ~,.~. Rn•I \\fll• r "''.I< nl If G 0 111lf'rfll'M. 408 TO \flt II \-.t: I f'11h""°"'' 1 II 1. 1 t ~ Cll1 •lnc>r 1o .. 1 tllf• 1 11 k 1n " ,,,,, ... r 11r1•r"· • •Ht '"' l" ti I• yn,, Tti1l\ Pr "htt Ill '~"I lh ,,~·1 t rlfl , .. th• l..hlN TI• 11-A1r B1111r f-><-n :1 I"' ~r•,.J 1 IO'f'fft~l•nit aktl Th• Lido l•l" 1--1><"1 11n•I \\·Jn,. 1d1 dt, ~•n• 1th" s"•I Aw111tJ ~n· Sncl~ty arrv~t1 1t 11•01h\tr•n11I Bttl· I rirn• ·111 .. ,. d· f•I• lt>il th<' :-:ntlonal l"t\ dlnnl'r Al "" nwntl\lv m~l'tlni: l ,1•Ji• 111111 , 1 11 h ,. J onn1n~ ontn o n Nov. 16 Cht I< or lh• f'l'• nlr•~ " I IL" Ill I ' .,,,., h "' th .. I'll''· RedlteJJ Olnw1.1111.. 1111 I JR mt'' Ill,, II I I I( 1111 I I• lhn~ R ltlllf' ,,, Holiday. with lh•1r a .. J .. ~11\nt... 1t>1ilci.:•••ll 1 f•<>n 1 "'" l\\\arol c;.-.orre Hn•lit LRurrrl<'" J;1Barn11 •ol 11 1 c .. ,,1 1· .. 11.i111 1 fl11ic llMry Lunrfry, Hurr J\IAfll• nnd \ 1 1 tuu l"I 11,.11 1; prrfnrmr 1 Ila.I D lk <i', llllf'tlll••·d lho• lll•plll" 1 , I•. \ • 1 \\h•h lhiy h8ol !Inn nr II\!' TPA•l ,.,.,,, .. ,k~l'11' •. I" 111 I•.,., o( n .. , )'t1ddln1t m4'11I. t"r"l"r it 11 "" "1111 " •pll"ndld plum r1111ot1ri: ' .. , ........ "Ith 1,1 pomr1trnn11t•· ·""''" ''"'" ,111 11111 r&mll\' 11 •It'" hv , hd 11,• 111lslnr, Hnlrh Tan l••w•ky Strtrlly hmtl• t In l\il nu•mbf'f'll t h~ OrRMUll tl111i ft 1t 1tll•"' lht t'll 1<th4' or 1 ~ri .. 11~ , .. 111111"'" "noi 1 l1>11e1 ll\1• n onthlv 1111 Itri.:~ "''h 11 form •at "lll•"IRlnntt nl m k•·· p· m g 1.1·1th llr 11111" 11 .. 111\ 1 f "'' mtal. 11•1• IJ••r • n h.·r 1 c t'\11\J?: "'.11 hr df'l'Ott••I I • rt 1 '" kt111I I .11 ly Ill \\ hl<'h I ht• \\'I VMI \\ 111 I'' I 11n "I'' pttrlunlly to •Rmpl•· lltPll ht1• 1toi.nd'1 hor~ 11' """'·r,.• l••r th,. f11i<1 I me . . ---. !"to II \\ If 1:1 n .,,11 \ '''"'' ~flk1 ruH I\ J f1° d '"'1f ... c• f t ft\ 0\ \\ , .. 1. ' 11.'• r •• o ·-1•u1 J'h" ···111u1;.; 1 h• lhu k•~'\11'~ th•111~ A•1d .~n1h h11' 1ll·1 I •v•• • f 1 f'ul r ' t• ,.. • ! lh l·j;" f I \\I h h• \\ t ll.n11lt f ti ti.•· 11 , .• t ua.; , o Ina: '' Jt:' \11••• 1.1n1• 1l<'111111(11l Harbor Rest Memorial Park C•nrtlrn•. ('rmf'lrry llu lwlr at Ol•lrr 11 ll -···-····-·········-····· ................................. -··-···.-·········· ·--······ .. ·-·---.. ---- Pia 11 n ..!},, J/ru c f ion TERESA RE~~NER I Mrs. A. Renner ) \1 I i'pl lni; ,I ltllll o 11 111111" r •If pt1pll• (or plt•nn ( ••nt ,.,, r•'i'"'"' of 1 hr•·t• < o n1ln•1nf, f•tat111J'fr ~l111lrn1 Ill lk l• ll>1rf11k 436 S::~ l>rh" Ph. Har. ZOS9 ~===,~.'1f~~iitl~~~dc; --f orona...;;;_d..;tl=Ma=r==--=-' <I ' ' Dinner Honors Grow S. Browns A t11m1lv 1lln nf'1 ,.,,1,.111 .. uni: llllh wr<Jdtn~ 11n111\1•1•,.11· •·r th" HI'\' 11n I Mr• t:1 "" :-; lhn\\ n r1<rr• t • 11( ('hl•h"I • Ur 11 n 61!' l'lllTI<'r !'I (' 11 ~ll'l''\ \\"' hrll .;\t 1 ht~ u ...... , It hfl,I\. ''ft ~'10•1 ,, Th11nk"J:t\•1ni.: •l ·~· d.1111< 1 ~.,,. t' 111 thl' B 111wri•' ''' '' \1 1 ~ n I \11 ,.. Hut.:.h I •it\ " '11•1 t ,f.J1 • n 1'1.1nr ,. lt1t h111 I 11• I I. lu • 1 \Ir • ~1 .11 I L1n11• ~Ir -\\1111., 1• 1 hut< ·•·Ht \l' ·"" '\:an•\. Hu):·•• uf f!1'\1·1 • ~•d•· .tnd t f1;• L 1 .. 1 ... ~t· ,, 111 ~1•~ l'111•t ... tm llroo\\11 H.1111~111 anl ~Lil It,. F'f't nh11f A1·r , (.'nron11 11el Ma r. 1,. hn1111• (1 om fl ll'n~lhy atay In 1 ... 111 A ni;rlr " Shi' 1 ... rec11pN •llnS ''"111 11 fr arlurl'd arm and Ju ;. :JJecorali11g _A.wai/J 1}ou ~ A rcmmcier that an urly order &ure& Holiday IJ<.Ii,·rry of Selected Pirces of Fine Furniture Corona del Mar Balboa Island ~ - MRS. ROBERT MOSSON RUSSELL -I . Mull Photo Zanders Reveal Linda's Troth Mr. a.nd Mra. ElUs J ustin Zander, 500 Poinsettia Ave .. are announcing the marriage of their daughter , L inda Rae, to Robert Mosson Russell, son of Mre. J ohn Milton Durand of Pasadena and Laguna Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Zander will host a rf'c t-rtlon ror the nrwly· The couple Is living in PIUIB· Wl'ds on DI!<:. 30 In lrvln~ Country dl'ne. Club, The couple wu m1trrled ,-=::::::::::::::::::========-i. Nov. 12 In K1ngmt1n, Ariz. Thl' bride wL• gradunted from Newport Harbor Union H I g h School wht're "he ~· f'rom Quf>t'n In her 11t"nlor year, e.nd attended O ra.ngl' C' u H s t CollegP w h e r " 11he Wftlf HOmt"comlng Qut'rn In hrr rreshmAn yur Sh~ la lilt' granddau1:hter or Mrs. Rllymond C"harlu Norton a nd thr late Mr. ;>;urton o r t:plaml and was 1t Nt>wporl H arbn r OC'buant ot 1 9:'.I~. The bridegroom le the gr1tn<1.~on of M r. and Mu David T nrranrc Prl'nler or Dana Pu1nl. H " attl'nd- t'd fo~llntrtdge J'rt'paralory S ch ool and M t'nlo Collea•. la .pr~aently with tho Loa A ntr<'IU Stock Ex· ch&.ng~. Pot Luck for · Mesa Moose Lodgei A pot luck d lMt'r w tll be hl'ld Nov 30 a t 6.30 p. m . ror au ml'm bt'rs or thr Co:1lJ\ 1'~H Mooee Lodp H :l7 l:ntJ tbtlr Jam· 1111'1 1,1t the American Legion Hall In Coeta Mesa. N<'w mt!mbt'rll. recently 1nlllated . will be wel· com~d. THE ORGA..'1 YOU CAN l'LAI' AT ONCE~ Uie woDdertuJ - HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN TIMI W-.. l'MlUJ C.. Pia, It WIU...' '-•! Nowt NoN ..... Take~ Come In and Prove It to Yo.wlf Bay l t \\'Ith \\'• ........... ,_ to -Ill ud trJ U.. aew llunmoDCI 8plM& Ors-Now AV&Uaa>S. DANZ· SCHMIDT Fl•••'• ., Wlre BIO PIA.~O Ii OROA.'J STORE Headquartera for All Modt-la ffammolld Orpn• Party ~ntal l~mi. Kl Z-6140 .H OJ E . COlut Hy . t'nl"n"o d· I I/or Harbor 5071 6!0 S o. Malo SaJJta A- LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BLDG. BALBOA Opu Tutacs.7 lbru ~turda1 Relax and look lovely in Capri Pants LO\'F.1.Y TO L('l()K AT I.I >\'El Y TO L0L•:-:C.E I N VF.J.\'f:T bl11rk. ,,., • nalrr. m o ' 11 itrr<'n. lu rQuniac unrl bhJt' •••. r< !'le rOROl'RCW hlack .......... .!' <l"i rrtrro;>; '"''"nitrr, i;r,.y ani1 bl11rk .....•••.•••.• ~ !l5 S111·~ R IC) l6 FASHION APPAREL J1Ua ~ .. wport Bh·d. • · .. • HARBOR AREA ' BUSINESS GUIDE : . I " AUTO al:P'AJas c-p'4!u <'oUW.. \\'ork Auto Pa18U.s PATCH'S IODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH 'ree E1tit"nt<'• Trt1 U• Tlr•t 1111 WMt l Ttll St. Coeta 11-. uallf. u 8·1508 COSTA MESA MOTOIJS Complete Automotln Service Body A Paint D t'1>arlml'nl Brake IU'iop H HOl 'R TOWISO "A .A.A" APPRO\'ED U bflrty 8·%288 J HO :'\t-wport Roult'\ ard ('011ta MNa, ('aUfom l• MARINE BEAUTY SALON Krpert Btyht19 -~llJ1pit19 PcrJ1111111 11/x -T111t111g 8 11p1"M latd by Violet 3'?1 Muinl' AVI'. -Harbor Ul Halboa IJ1land CAR WASH 3 Minutes LUSTERWASH A .. to»111r1c Cur ll't1Nl111111 11t 11,, F111•1>t %!« \\'. Coa>it lllr;h,uy Sl'wpor1 Kl'&t'h, C.'allt. l'hono, U berty 11-4112 (Ar r1>111t •·rom l'ort Or&nff') CONT91AC1 Oll~S'----- CHAMBERLAIN & SON Gru,.rnl Coulroctor• Colliml'rrlal -RHld~Ual Y~odlllf -l'atloa 8811 E.ut 11th "'· C0ttta MNA I.I K-t301 MAX W. POPE, Inc. Gr~al Cottt-racror• Commerclal -RHldentlal Industrial -Tract.a 401 Bol .. ' u 8·!%81 N11wport IWM:h . DllUCCIST CRAWFORD PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 1804 N-'port Bh·d. Phone Llbf'rty ~-12n ('osla Mf'M, ('allf. HARBOR MEAT co. I lhrbor J'roren t '•>C!d Ll><'kl'r I Pr-h•• A Cl\ok-• M••h ~Ir •t Whotr••'• Pr1c.•• L.clil.u """'•l•. C\olof!I'\ 5tno"ln1 Cutltn1. Wrepp_•.,1. "'''"I I Cue . $moltlnt Ftth. Tur .. f'yt, CMcli.•n• 41 8 • 30th !"I. ll1trbor 01111 Xr"port ~h FURNITURE FINISHING A.ullrr V Ell~U'orlh t-icll.up •"4 D,.ll••ry Sn•f<• fr•• Euh••t• !03! rtiu· .. nlla I.I 11-m J R"'· I.I 11-.~ZH ('ow.la ~Ma • • • • Hl:ARING AUii The F!nMt la Beutas c-.i••..tr la.WW. Sat11lwt1 .. C.1Waat"4 MAICO AUDIVOll W EIT°'" 1:1.&CTllC 8en 1c. Batteriee C'onh All llalle9 R. DALE RATHER "HMM"ll Oettter" IOtN.Kala lutaA .. Kl t..Ult MOVIMC 2 BklUed, lnau red A Faat MOVERS only '8.811 hour r,_ r'AtlmatM on Dlalallee Hlalfl or ?'liatJoa \\'Ide LOWEST P.U C. RATES NEWMAN Transfer & Storage l.lbrrt' 8·'!?1-1 or A...aoM l'IANOS WO,ODWORTH riro Company Be ldwlA Pta•o• .... O't••• Ccu•pl•I• Sl•clt Uu•d Pleno• ••ul Ore••• 5a.l"'• -ku,la..h -S•r·•k• Har. SSH ( 'uruna dl'I Mar PLUMBEllS H. H. HOLBROOK Nlll'w Con•trut tlon -llt•M04ellft8 Weter H••t•n -Dh .. •••l• I loor Furnace• •·Kt:!-; ESTIMATt:!J !8(11 \\'. RAlhoa Bh·d . Har. me :'\o•wrort l\<>tM•h GILLMAN PlumblnCJ Co. Co•tr•cU"I -R• .. •hl•a ••••4•11n1 -Wa••r H•atera Wall H••t•r• -Fl••r fw•"•<•• 410 • Sl•t ~t. Rf'•. Kl 11·&.IWl! S""'pnr1 ft<-M"h f'OULTllY HALL'S RANCH CO. • RanC'b Yr.-.h t:u-.. • ...,...... l>r..-d Poultry U !lll Harbor Hh d. Llhl'rty !4·11346 C'o•ta M~ <"allt. Sl:llVICf. STATION.;.s __ _ IAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE 8 /1,L WRIGllT, O tt'llr r 2110 w,. .. , ('out ""'" J'h. l.lhl'rh• 11·91 U :">~•pun R.-a,.h, ( aJlf. ____ T_v_~~':.':!,~~C!-!__ - }'our liu1tr•ntttt1 TV and APPLIANCE ro. All l rp .. • •' T•H•l•f•• onol Me r1a1 -~t ... 1a111htN•• Apphet1111 •• Ph. Liberty 8-3437 l llM.", llRrlH•r Rhtl .. C. '1•1a Mna YACllT SALF-'1 -----------'--~---- CLARK SWEET rllLD SCHLNCK I A• ... l•to) \'al'ht MAln -Chartf'l"ll \•rllf'r•I ln,.uran,,. flprrlttlh l>t? ,,, Af•1f"ir10 /,.,.tJr OHC'i< en . Shi ~•. ttar11or out :"> "" port Bf'Mob .. CMl.a M-. Callf. ~rty 8·'7U1 no\o 111 KaJt'lt"-Cnro-df'I Mar ' .. J r MR. le MRS. WILLIAM ROBERT OfELLE -Harbor Photo Lab Mission Rites Followed by Home Reception Mexico City Trip for Mr. & Mrs. William Opelle Held in historic MiMion San Luia Rey near ·o ceanside wae t.be 10 a. m. Nuptial Mau which united Miss Frances Emily Kneubuhl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Kneubuhl of 311 Sapphire Ave. and William Robert Opelle, son of Mrs. William Opelle, 187 Shorecliff Road, and the 1Rtf', Mr. O~lle. Th.-Rl'v. Gl'Orfe For her daughtl'rs weddln( Par11111u111:< wu nfflclRnt, and t.he Mr1. Kneubuhl wore Dior blue <'f'renw ny waa held In a Ntlinl lace ln cocktall ltn,..ih with blue of whit.-J!toc-lut. gladlolaa llnd sequinned hat and pink roHbud pompon <'hry .. nthemuma llnd tall corup. Mr.-. Opeu. wore a unall white hat affiS acctnted ht r cocoa c11ndrla1J1·" fll!Ua ahaalh with a (l't't'n orchid l .A('F. A:'\D Tt'Ll.E corMge. F'1 >1n«"li walked lt> nwet her ht 1tl,.~111t1m dow n 8 whit.-('ltrptl· ed ai11I" with aaUn ribbons at pew en<IJ! Rhr wr1r" white larf' wllh 1hol'l 11l1•t•v"d b•11!ire and narlnJ •ktrl tn wlllt7. lenitth. rdl(td with a p!f'J!h'•! lllll<' flnnnu A l'flll'. f'mbr•Hdl'1 t'd c1 nwn htld her ahort '"'•I 11n•I h<'t n ow1·rs were orchids an I \\h1•1• .-.11n11t1nn11. M ii<!! l'ut111•1n Kr11em1>r Clf Pl•· c• nllll wn" mnhl or hnn11r wtllr· lrti.: i:rrt'n \'1•h·t'l \\1th ,:m11ll hat DI j:ll'• n w•lvl'l lf':t\'t'll s nd Larry· Ing ~·rllow rlnwrr11. Ht<OTJIF:HS AIU Lulllll t:nlondct tlf Lo,. AngPIPS 111'1 vc.i 9,., b•·1<L m11n a nol guest.I "''l'l t' u~h«r<'i1 l>v lhc bn<lt''n f'lur b ruthet " Jamf'f; Knrubuhl nt ra· 111olNIM, 0 1>1111111110 F l<nl'ubuhl Jr of Hnnnh1h1. Jnhn nt Jl(lll~·wood 1n(I f)"11i:ln• C nf B11rllng11m l'. Integrity Doubted by Toastmaster "Thrie \\AS 11 lime when 11 m11n·1 ¥.'tit•1 w11s 1111 th111 Wll' ne<'t'ss11ry to ... ,.1 ti e t111n ... .il'llon If thla I.I done trnle ,. \'oil wtiuld Ile eon111den-d n111'·~ nt hrllt ' ~Id 1'oaalmaatu R nbt't l ,l11h11wn \I) the Harbor TnR.•t 111a11lt>rll lul 'I'uellday at their rrgu!ar m•wting 11t the N-port ~· 11r hl C'lub lnhnllon a IO<'lll htudne11sm11n. (lrpl1>1 rtl thf' lr.~s,.nlnit nt mornltly In 111oo1 ... , n hualn t'11 u 11 tndJcalf'd by lltlltw lrs toward obeervinl' fair dl'nloni:11 And Jl"'rtlPl'~ In tht hlirh· J,,. <'o•mJif'tllh•1• 1.radr11 of todny. "ll Is l'On•idar«I by aomr that an a l'l""Pt mrnt or <lcllvery promise 111 "Ill\' to tw kept If It 1 .. OOft• v.-111 ... 1 t," h•• 1'1>ntln11ed tn his I Jl•'•'rh 11n No"'" IAl's Be Honest:' Of1E8T8 R£0£J\'t0 Immediately follow lnl' the ce· N!mony a weddln1 breakfut wu served the 160 fl.lel!ts in t he Kneubuhl home anrt gnrclen, t he b1 Ide &nd croom leaving aller· ward for ll llonvym1xm in Mexico Clly. The _E!W Mr11 oiLue was grad- ual.cl In ~-M1ll11 Collt'ge. Her hu,o1ba11d alltnded the Sor· bonne in P arii< anti wa& graduated from the Un1v!"r11ity of California. Los Ani:•·le,. .rruT1pu11. HI' lit con- ne1·ted with lh<' Amer1<'11n Ex· prei<J< 'fnivPI Agl'Ol'y, Ln~ Ang. Ir,. H111 falhl'r·tn-lew. Mr. Knf'U· buhl. tJ! a former repre.w.ntJt.ttn ot lhr M11t11on Navigat ion Com· pany on Am~lt'1tn R11moa • Will Entertain Drama Group M rs Robert Hom . 3M Dllhlla Place will <'nlntain tht drama 8eelion nt tlle American A11socia· llon of Uni\ler111ty Women, Sar1la Ana br&n<'h Dec. 13. Ill i '46 p.m. 11~ her home. Continuing the year·a study of thr Living nw- lltf'r. lhP g-rnup wlll r1u1eu1~ muat· cal comedy rtimlln<'P <"ompe riftl' lht> "Me>!'ltel111 n s " of Plautu11 v.'1th .. Oklahotna" by Rodgrra ll n d Ha mmarllte>ln M IM Ruth Rowland 11nd Mrt. Gtrnlt1in.-Douglu will lea.cl tlle dl.11rull11J11n. whic'h will bf' tollnwed by ll"A111t101111I <'hrlslm1u1 rrfrnb- OH'l\la ot w1•&.ll. Re11erv11tlo n1 may be made by calling H11rbor Ull·W. ~zarich Family Back From Mexico J~ l.AzRrtch. Connerly of Nr•· port Beech. ha.I returned to the Unltfld Sl11lH with h111 wife 11nd 80n Cae1111r uft•r stven ye a r 1' restdeno. 1n Sii.iil& Rosa lia. Baj• 1lda Mae-McVay Wed in Ho111e Cereniony, Reception Follows Mr. & Mrs. Frans Hanson Honeymoon in Las Vegas A home weddinJ wu followed by a reception for 300 pen. at Kemaedy'• Re.t.&urant when Misa Ida Mae McVay became the bride of Frau Richard Han.on, , son o! Mrs. Helen HaMOn of Ha wail. The Rev. Cb.aria Hand o!ficiated at the .tpt o'cloetf eerentGll)' beld at the bmne of Kr.. Loul.lla Bcbtrer, Co1ta K.._ The btide lt the da~tar ot 1o1r. and Xn. c.H McVay, tetll lrYine JI.••·• Coat.a MeA, " IN OIU. T WOO!'; Mr. McVay pn hi• daupter in keeptnr. J'or tb.e vow exchange ahe wore a steeveleu fftY wool <1HM with matchlnl' accuaorlea, P'Jlk hat. and pink roeebud co.,. ..... SIM wu attended lty her •later. Mn. WI.Ill.am de Lop. who wu c-owned in brown fllllle. Charin Han.eon 1tood with hi• brother u be•t inan. 1'or lhe c•NmOlly and reception llre. Mcvay wore bell'• wool with ptdenla coraap. Mr. and Mra. Jack KeMedy and litr. and Mn. J . Ji. McVay a11&ill· ed at the ~pllon, held ln 1 tloral eettlng of bird11 of Pl!radlse, chry-.nlbemuma. lfladiolu and a&rn&Uona. Helen Terry wu at lhe pi.a.no and sroup aing1nc wu led by Dave PatterlOll and Dick Smouse. AT JA8 VEGAS The honeymoon was 1penl at Laa Veau with lhe bride choos-lll& a wool en.aembl.a ot pink and rr•Y and a r·oeebud coraai•· She waa 1Taduated from Newpol'l Harbor Union Hifh School and attended Orazice Cout College. Her bu.band wu 1T•duated Crom Harbor Hip Schoal and Sllnta Ana Coll•&'•· The couple la now at home at 378 18th St., Coat& M\laa. LIBRARY SERVES WIDE AREA, EVEN EAST COAST ·Do You Know Your Public Library," a di.pl&J ot UI• reaourcea and Mrvicu that t.he Pu.bite U~ offers bu bffn on exhibit thla month at the main llbra.rJ in B&lbo&, accordUil' &o Kn. Lin llheely, lilln.rtan. Ktfnbtrw of Ula library board which aervea the area are: Kn. C. II. De&Jdna, chaJnnu, DicJc RJcb&rd, M,.., C. H. Harry and Leon Ware. I\ MR. ANO MRS. FRANS RICHARD HANSON -Beckner Photo l\lr~. Jar k rarprnter, Mrs. W llUam Brn'tk, ,\lt•11,,1s. and Mmea. Ellis Zand<-r. I.. S. Ynungbloocl, Robert NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • P~GE J MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1955 Troop 6 Brownies on VlBit to Zoo The newly orpnl&ed Brownle Troop t re<'c-nlly w--ent by lrllln to vi•lt th• Ban Dlero Zoo. Twenty 11r1rJa W'ent accompanied by leader. ~Mrs. J . T . Roblnaon and her co- mNta In the Community Cllul"<'h ln Corona dal lcar. Dwinl' the Tuuday moatln'f an tn..,..tlture cattmony ac1mltted , three new 11rta, Pen n y Mce.y. Bonnie Wirth and Chrlatl Mcl..eaJI, ••ho met llll requirement•. I lc-adera. Mn. Bamey Mcc ay and -c&ll Hllrbor lilt Mrs. J. R. Longley. Thia troop Ad on thl• pace. --------- to place your BIGGEST BUY EVERI Ciaftl Si.ii ( lZ oi.) ~ Dorothy Gray SPECIAL ORY SKIN LOTION · ONLY $100 Rl~'t l •222 Nc\'er greuy or heavy, Special Dry Skin Lotiott dt- t.ns your akin in1tantly, leaWJa it emooth, npple, bea•· tiful. Try a little before wubinc dilh....,... the water 11ide right off your handa! Buy MYeraJ boai. to la-.. iab oo younelf all winier long! The price ii'° low- the lotion ii 10 wondtrful I An lnddeat that prcwee Ubrary t19ok1 have a wv.y of re- turn.Ing after betnl' clUlltled aa ".6.tae1nc" for 11 ye&r11 recently occurred. 81x book• were m.a.llad from Holyoke, Mau., a.ccompa'.nled by a letter ot a.pol~ for not relurnlnl' the nv. love •tort .. and Tht. Story ot ortantaJ Pl'llOllOphJ, by L. Adama Beak. TM year WM lH•. and World War lI wu In prosnu. 1'le booka were humadly packed away, and Wt'nt dl1covera<1 "laln 11 ye.us later. Rothwdl. I From <lilt or town Wl't'e u •dr anrt l\ln ti S PRekard, Cornnaclo: I LnJr. a 11d ;\Jr:<. A. f'. Littleton, Mi1111 Geneva Bostwick, 502 Poln· San llit'i;:o: C:apt. and Mr$. Thom· Honors Parents and Kin at F 01 uuo dry ,.,rU-4alt "-'•- DorOlly Gr111 Hormone HPll Cream. SATURDAY Philharmonic Concert to be Held in Anaheim Anaheim will be the locale tor Oranre County'• tum. There wel"I! thf' Oran,.. Coun~ Pttllbannonlc two northern area concerts tut Soclely'I llmCt oaaoert. which WW aUOI\ but both c4 thOee were In be on l&t11rda7. Dec. a. at l:JO J'Wlerton. Tll1a wU1 be the llret p. m. in Ula Ana.helm Rlfh School llme thal the group wlll have auditorium, It waa announoed 1>7 played In Anahe.tm." Mnt. Karen MarJTtta llrunlnf. Ttie 1lrahma Fourth Symphony executive d.ir.ctor of Uie aoc.lety. ud JUmak)'·Konakov'• Scbeher&- '"Th. -••Y bu a tt.ftnJte po-.a4e Butte w111 be the nttmbera Ucy ot trytac to divide the play· featured Ulla lime by Frieda Bel· Ing fairly ltetw-the NortJMTn lntllnte, the 1oolety'11 perma.n.,nt and Southern p11rtll of t he <'OUn· conductor, and the 110Clety•3 pro- ty." 11t•ted Mrw. Brunnlns. '"naa t..aonal orcheetra. beach area waa eerved with thi- Aufl'Bl COGC:ert al Ow lrrine Del t Att d Bowl, the central u e& ot the ega es en county with the recent one In Girl Scout Confab Santa Ana and It la now northern Starbright to Elect Officers Harbor Start>r1flst Chill met Nov. HI In the IOOF hall, Coeta Meaa. luncheon ~lnf aerved by Mmea. Younr . HavlM, Kns.., Miu Lola Geddu and Mra. Mirtha Stroln. The pre1ldent, Mrs. Melwood Bl'rry. named u a nominating committee Mme11. Tl"ader Horn. Home from the Xa tlonal Olrl Sc·oul convention. M.re. Ted Ram· brook. preside-cit. M r a. Sidney Sander11, Mr!!. Everett Nunan and Mn. W. P. Thomaa, execullva di· ntctcrr. brouK"ht to · t hf' recent Newport Council boarrl mPellnJ e:nttluslum for t he job to be dont IA Girl Soouuna. Held Nov. l_. In San Fr&ncl.eco. 8000 adulta and teen·ag-erft atten- ded lhC' gentral assembly which Introduced national officers and fl.lella Including Lady Baden-Po- well. Thomu Allen and Richard Nlch· ------------- 0111. Out of toW'8 ~ were Mr9. Loul1e Myera of Wuhln~on Ml"I. H E Hatch ot W~ and Mtil. Ethel Smith of t.o. Anfelea. M•mber• were M.mu. Edith Calendar of Events Holte, Blanche Lytle, J . M. Arthur -------------f'ltzmorru. II!. V. R&pft, Mu Owen, Philip Orth, Btrria Plaoe, Annie Walkf'r. !:. Y. Moatt, P'r9.11k Keeler. A. A. Voor11.. ucl tb• hoauuea. VarloUI manbera wlll help wttb the IMtlll.latlon of ••w ottican ot Harbor Star Olapter. OX.!., on DK 3, 8 pm. ln rrtdaJ Att.erooon clubbouae. Mr&. Max Owen 11 to be 1eated u worthy matrqn and Mr. Owen u worthy patron The next ..Son ol 8tarb11tbt. Dec. 21, wlll be a Chr11lmaa .. lfl exchange and new omcer1 Will be l'l~ted that evenlnJ. Jackson's in Hawaii Mr. and .Mra. V. M. Jackson of 512 Tu1t1n Ava .. have flown to Honolulu for a mtO.•lllur ..a&• lion as guealll ot .a radio •talion. ln return tor wlnnlftf tbe ttatlon'• N ovember audience cont•L sov. l8 AM. Ll!:OION A~lllaiy. J'il'OV. 11 B 0 SS!: 8 NIGHT. Exl'<'UU\'e a.cr.t.an•. lrvtne Coul Club, NO\'. SO P ANKmLLl!:NlC -· 371! Ck~n lllYd. CdM. MOH SCHOOL P·TA -7.30 p. m . aoclal hall. MESA MOOSE 6 ·30 p. m. pot luck Mua Leston Hllll. DEC. 1 J OB'S DRS. -8 p. m. rAC clubbou.aa. ore. J ,.-= Book Bec.-n :JO p. m clubhou"4' CHPU!!T LUTljERA N Women -2 p. m. panonai.rc SltNlOR PL.A Y -Hl(ll School Aud. 8 p. m. CKIU8TMAll t'REVIEW -8 p. m. Rendezvous Ba.llroom. . Cocktail Party _ as Flynn, Seal BPlll'h: Mci;i1rs. and sctl1a Ave .. entet'la!ne!l el cock· I l\lnies. C' T_ Uc1tll, Houston, Tcx- taii. at Balboa. &y Club Nov. 19 us: Frnnk !llixnn, Stwrnum Oaks; hononnr her parl'nU. Ml'. anti Mrs. I \\"lllla111 Carp<'ntrr, \'an Xuya; Willie R. Bennett ot Tampa. F'la. 1 E mt>ry Rloto•r. Tarzana; A. L. ~n1t· 1 !'I'S uncl ::\Ir L. H. C>UTI<'ron. Norlh I and her brolht>r·ln·lnw anti sl11tl'r. Hollywood; Mr iuu.I JlfTs. Gordon Cmd.r. llnd M~. William S. Ral· An.Jr""'" and Mr8 ,!, H. H urrmllfl, 11ton. / A n •1111lu; .\It'. 1111<1 J\ft>!I. E. A . Th'e Bf'nnett1 are rormer South· RC1h1111, Bt>hnonl. ShnrP:<, • OUNca.$1~ ltlGULM\.'f 12» • UDO DRUGS S461 V1a Udo, Newport llMeb HARBOR DRUGS -SSOI E. eo..t Hwy,. 0 cl II lllnd 1 eslde"l.A. Cmdr. and Mrs. ;.=~--...,;;;;======;;;::;;; ~==~~~~~---~·-~~=~~~~~~~!!:!:!!!!:!:!!~ Ral•LOn hll\'e Ju11t ret urn1·<1 from SAVE a tour of duty In Pan11m.11. 11rc now at Seal Bl'ach w hrre tho• EXTRA commander 11 public worka otrirrr 51420 at the Ammunition and Net Dcpol RED-HOT Loclll f Ul'Jt,a ln~luded Lt. 1rnd Girls' Club Gifts Two ~ttR tor the Ch11m1 Rnom of the OtrlJ!' Club or thr Harbor ...,_ wer. ,.ported Ill I.he ('llt'CIJ· live board meeting Monday nlJ(hl at the clubhou11e. A money clo n11· tton f r:11n Conrhlla Parlur W1 of Ole Na tive Daughtera of the Gnlrl· en Well anci ten bath towrl~ !n 1m Mr11. Arthur Fllzmorn• Wl'r•• n- cetvl'd, Two new rl<'rtrlr hf:tl• rs have been ln1t&ll<'d in th•· 'luh roo11U1. The bo11r<t 11 IAO illll.LI.11>.:lcl~ pi..111 for a Chrlslmas p111 t)· !t-1 the (lrll. WAVES SPECIALS c-.1 .... $10.00 $750 Perman•nt Pin Penn Wave $5.00 • Gile,.~ Beauty S/iop 357 N. Newport Blv. Croasroads Villa~e Center Bldg. opposite Hoag .Memorial Hospital Llberty 8-2•112 What everyone wants at Christmas ... a CHECK from Olltri_stmas Qllub Mo~e ~•t Chr-istmo1 !Mf'fie1 for your family ond friends. Join our n-Christmos Club ond save o conveflian1 omount regulorly, so you'll hove e•lro cash .,.,ith whldl to ahop early ond ovoid piling up bills . Newport Harbor lank 34;~;; t~. Coast Hwy. Corona df>I Mar llaroor 3070 RED RIDING HOOD oUt·foxe1 wotf SPECIAL on a new TillNAWI HAI m SMITH-CORONA CLIPPIR "Witt\ The hdwlve Pot• Oote .....,., Complete With CaM 78~!_ .... CONVlNllNT IUDGfT TlllMS • OUICKSIT MAaOIN ••• le"-' 994' ,....., 1yatem on any ,ortable. • ,AGI GAOi ... Taket lllfft woric eut ef poi• end typlr19. • fXClUSIVE .•. AM around stMI frome. • TOUCH SlllCTOa . • • Six ,__. .. .,.,. • COlOI SPiii> OYIOAID ... ,ermanent """ tiara '1ley1. Full tire office machlM 1<9Jboard. e SKID ,aOOF Fiil ..• Well to front of machine (bolonced). FOR TAXICABS IT PAYS TO LOOK l'h"l Mar.•r l, t .. ut 11t from tJle LA1lutu1 B!'n;·h 1'o u tn11111ter1 Club, •r<>llt• "" mrrrh1u11Jii1m1 trendl! anol t11.. efftet of wall d•lgnPd pnr k11111ni: m hu talk. which wu t u l<"ol · fl·~ Ct;1mpetltive ·• CaU f oml a. ••h er a he w u a.Moel--::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiliii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; aled with the ahrlmp fu1heries ln· tluatry. The Lasllrk h family ill vt11Un1 rrlatins In lh~ area. MN. IDdw&rd Miroovlch ot Costa M..a llfld JI(,.,., John Mar OnMld of c~ ORA 1IPI Mar T hev e•pecl to &. rB AWFVUY FAR TO GAANDrM'S THE WOOOS ARE SCA~ TOO ffif HANDY YEUOW PAGES WILL SEE ME SAFELY THROUGH IN THE #Cl.ASSIFIEO" PART OF 'tOOll TELEPHONE SOOK <1111•11111 11re w .. lcQffia at1d or-n· Ing • 1P'1t1l11hl,. In tt\la 11peech Im· JI'"'"'"" nt l l11h. llfN>rtllnK to W f' Hn1t1t'\'. Ll ll<>rt \' S-6362. who "'"'Y bf• • rAlled f~r 1nfOm1aU<ln. cal.e In SAn Pedro. R.•paJna e !llalatenaft~ • lutaUatlOll STAFFORD & ION ''NELB and OOC .. ELECTRICAL C'O~TRA('T()Rlll ""°'"' I.a.-rty l-1%'7t Jlt IUt'e,.... "'..... ~eM-port ~· BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17 • 1 lupertor A TGHM <.:<>11ta M-. cam. l'llone Liberty fi·2 l21 CIVJ>E.L ST TD SEA 16IO E. Oout Blvd. Corona d•I Mk, Calif. Phnn" Harbor 42 the lic~ard leeson Company Lnclscape hlltn •d COMtructloll VOllON'A DEL IU..a PRONE IUJWOa 161 DID YOU KNOW tMt tlte NCllOll JO'I IH IO ,...., llllilhMJ PLYMOUTH •twers, h tl9at tlte NEW PLYMOUTH h a HAPPY cs to .We? r SAUSA&E JUMBLE TAS1' <>nee i. a wllile 109 tnd a •Ml· la-ltlMlf Ndpe with a ftavor that will dellsllt JO\lr family, ud at U.. Miii• time 11 economical ~ to 1&•• 1Vt.tantlall1 oa ~rw,.t. .._,. Jumble la Jlllt 1udl a , dWL Jt la made IO quickly and ia IO _, to ,~... l"I tliat YOll will bn a thol"OCI IJ dellclo111 ud aouilhlq m on the table In a J~ with jut the addition of a 6aWd. 11.-4, ud de-n. '6 np rnlnNCI oniona l pou.ncl ...... 1 12-ounce pac.11.,e froHn torn 8'6 npe (No. 2 can) ~tot. eup water t'UP uncooked rie. teupoone aalt l.eUpoon· pepper cop rrat.d cbWM Brown onio111 end uuaar in aklllet over hlsh beat, 1t1rrin1 f requtntlJ until bro'lll'Ded. Drain off ue• fat. Stir in rorn, tomatoee, ••ter, rice, 8&1t., and pepper. BriJir to • boll; lower heaL Sprinkle top with clieeae. Cover. Simmer 25 to IO mlnut.M, or un· t.il rice and corn are tender. Yitldl 1i11 1uvin.11. LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES Cu1rent Trend Keeps Alive , Yuletide Symbol in Yard Tuletlme decoratlon1 alway11 center around the Chrl1tmu trf'r -wtth eacfifamlly following IU owu epeclal way or decorating a nd celtbratlnr the holiday •toa· 8011 with the "tannenbaum". A curnnt trend In tht uu of C hr1•t· mu trtea I• tht "llv1n&' Christ· mu trM'', an alive a nd srowlng tr.. Ln a container which y o u decora\4 and keep In your houH t or the holiday• &11d plant out of door• atterward.e. Stnral f'tnH. Cedara. Cy· pre-. Jun lper9 and Arbovitae are "P«lally f'ffectlve IU llvin1t tht futuni home11 of lht> Norway Spruel' I Pie-ea • b1e!< 1 and the Cul· orado ~pru<'e I P1c.,a pungens 1 for lhue two tr4'u gruw to l!lO fed and rrom 80 to I()() r .. .,t. r.-apec· lively. They 1.Bke nutny mony yrars to attain lheu h e I g h t 1; htJWf'v.,r. and probably will be n11rrna1 height during your llfe· ttme A lno. the"" specle8 arr not r<•oomnwmled ror resldenli< In ~uthern Cahfornra. Tht> Norway la pyramid In shape wht>n younr. inak1ng It eape<:lally tint in a con· tarner as a Chrlatm1111 tr"I' The Colorado with lt5 1dlvery !(Tay· grtfn foV•gf' Krows very •lltf and upnght In a broad pyramid manntr Cbrlttmu treea. 'Illa Ce.llfomla REDWOOD TRt:r: Aaeocla tJoa of Nunerymen N!Com· The California Rt'dwood I Se· mand1 aa particularly approprl· quole 11 an especlally "'ood llvlnK ate for thla 11euon the California • Chr1Altmai tree (Cedrua deodara). Chrl11tmu tree. Hert'. lll(run, It wJll not get too large during a MOUNTAIN NATIVE normal llft>lime. A native of the Himalaya moun· Uv1ng Chrl1tmea lreo art prf'· ta.Ina, lbe o.odar Cedar provlde1 pared for uee at holrday time bY tro.ty, blue • sreen foUace In your nurteryman. Hr 'll havt' them conical al\ape -beauUtul when already growing In l'Ontaj.,er11 or decorated wtth Chrl1tmu 11rn•· •Imply balled a.nd you can dlooM menu. It reach .. 2:"1 to l50 ff'•t which form you prefer. You·11 be and therefore 1hould be plantt'd a ble to obtain <'ontaln,.r s from In a rat.her larre area A amaller him, too At any n1te. wheth"r form ot the Deodar Ct'dar 11 the you pot thtm or !(el lh.l'm In run· Cednaa deodara compact& whlct\ talner•. remrm'&r ti) r aft' f o r .. ldom srow• blrtier than 215 teaL your llvlnit Cbrl1lmae t rt>e Ju11t ln JunJpan. the Narrow lrlah u cauUou11ly u you Jo any houllt' Juniper (Junlparua rommunle bl· plant -If you want lo enjoy the bernlca futict•lal reacht'AI only lrff outdoors aftt>rwllnl1. ala to .. "" f"t. an Ideal auu When you drop by your nur· t or 7our ..em.all )'ud. Th1e Mltctlon 11tty nn111·1 for a living Chrbtmu to r tba role of llvl~ Chrl1tmu t~f' make aure you ltl'l full In· t..-srow• willl btue • ITffn fol· lt'lt..Cllon• nn Caff' •nd pl&nlin1t l-.e In a narrow and erect man· mtthoda for yo ur particular n«. Ot about the eame height rholc,. And wh~n you've brouithl t.ba Junlparu. chJnenal1 lw11ted your l re• hvmt'. w11lch your chll· la lrref\llu' In Ile l'f'OWlh form dren'1 ey,.11 light up a t the 1du W1lh twUled, tutl4d branchea that of a Chrllllmaa tret' thtH they can look ~t artJnclally trained. enJoy for yora to come JllEA2' GIWWER Flowers Pulled Up Mn ThomH Whill<'n of 430 .... • ft.a.a.I • Karl Kitts Now tlonen !Mir tlr.t opportunlt)' to .; d . Tra~er Honi lport11c auu•I II -s-.Dledt ftM6u -n: ==-=~·~ UllJl ot Home J G I I 1._. l • ..,_. •••r 8ubmarta• J'loUUa 1, lquadron a, anu • a r en l!!!,e H!! • .!~ ..!::I'._~~!.. ... .t ~"S.~::~~· _t_aan_DI_ .. _. o_. ---- • ·--· ·-~ ...... __ Balbotl ,.... • ... •• ' Now ---------------------------wtU Ct'lebrate OpelllDC lD • n-eeve ... croupa. ...~-..... USN • .,., ot Kr. and Mn. ~ur locallon. 200 Main SL, on llat:ur-Ana1Lnc C1ub, IAdy A.nclera. Bal· A. XJtt. ot 111 K. luta 1aba1 UCllt.illDTO. ICNll -Ttle day, Ott. a. botl lmpro .... t AMOda&&oll.. &nd It.. a.ta ....... w:ortnc ......... ~ ot lllat• ~ I•· PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 A raJ& event I• pl&:tned wtt.h the N.wport ll&rtlor Chunller of the ...,,.'"'9 ..-.ana. UU -.ace ot a .ot.ary pubUo ~- many valuable award• belnl' of· Commel"Ca. ,.,,., ha.,.. .,._ In lh• ~ at ... ntaso. ....._ to r . Marie Pult., SOI MARINE TRIO PLEADS GUil TY IN LOCAL STRONG-ARM 'ROLL' rered. All are lrv1ted to eto p llpOrtlnc sooda and t&cki. ~-ftaeftMarMok~ a tow--La Jolla on ... N"'JIOrt. l!lleacJ\. Treder Hom anyUme beto,. the Mae for the put ft" :rean la .,.-cna. a late October to -------------openlnf dat,. and register In or· Balbo&. 111 mo.tnc to u.etr MW t,llle M..._n ~ plaJpound dl'r to participate In the awardtl. locatillll, no Gpel\M lllu been ol •-•klo. SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -Ttlrff youthtuJ Camp Pendle· ton Marine. ll'rlday pleaded rullty to robblnl' a La J olla man In Newport ~ach Nov. 8 and uked for probation hearinf. Fred and Edith Joaeph. UM l!pAl'ed to make thetr llton one ~ =-;:;.t .,,_.... ...._, nee· popular proprletc.re. are w e I I ot the ftn•t of It.a klnd ta t.ba known lhroug'hout the anUre Har-enUre eounty. Naw ftatw-. with Supnlor Court Judl'e Shea aet Dee. 16 u the hearlns ud .. ntence pronouncement date tor J erry Lynn Bowman. JO; Michael Davi• Mlle., 19; and David Delth..arow. 20. South Coast GI In Cold Weallwr Silrvlval Test au IMl"CbucUM tutetuU:r a " d attracUftly di.played, malre tbe ,_ .tor. a dlltlllct UMt to Ute aommun1t1, they ballaft. The trio admitted "roUlnl'" John C. Buchan. Ttley U · eertedly aot only II In the atronl'·arm holdup. GARDINER'S CHICK UST Tt)e detendanta. In cuetod)', uked to be rt>leued to the Marine Brls pendlna the probation hearlnl'. Judre She• de· nled the reque1t. A UOSBURO, Ol!IUlANY Army PFC J ohn 8 . Gleed, 23, aon of Mra. Paul H. J ohnaon, 811 Wendt Tf'rrace, Laguna Beach, Azalea Offers Bright Floral Indoor Note For a brll'ht tlonl note lndoon durlnr lh. Ctuutmu aeuon you can enjoy the g'Orgeous blooms ot the AuJea. Jmpoulble, you ay. 1t Isn't their eeuon ! ! But, aaya the California AHO· clellon of Nurterymen. you <'&n obtain container • srown Al.ale•• throughout the holiday• to deco· r11U1 your home and t o present u 111Cta tor your 11ardenlnir frienita. A aeries or the Rhododendron irenua. th• Au.lea srow• In ever· AWOL Serviceman Enters Check Plea SANTA ANA, NOV 2:1. IOC· NS1-Jlmmle ~ayne S1efr rl, 19. "" AWOL Air F orce man. loday t'lltHt"d gllllty plf'H In SuJ>ulor Court here on two bad check counts and rrqunt•<l a probation hearing Hearing and pronouncement or judgment wn e ~t for 9:30 •· m Dec Ill by Superior Court Judge John Shea. Tht> cht>ck~. for 125 t'&<'h. w..re IJU1uet1 al 11 Santa Ana store Ol·t 10 and Ocl. 13. Laguna WHI Placed Fo'r Court Probate SANTA ANA, IOCNS I The wlll or a 1-Algun& Bnr h woman. wh11 1llet! a boa rd a 10h1p •nroute lo H11w1111 Nov 12, wa11 pla<'ed up ror 8upt'rtor Court problll• heN' F'rlday by a Loa Angelo man. Up for pr•J<"t>•u11ng w1111 the will of Edna A. Kane Frank K""" wa11 th,. p•·tlt1onf'r The utale conlaln .. d p l' r "u n a-1 pruperl)' value.I a t '24.000. plu11 an $&10 annual lncOrn4', Probate of WAI Asked by Widow SANTA ANA 10CNS1 -Pro· btllt' or th• wlll of Nath .. n1al S••I who d lf't1 AUK 2 In Nt wport ffelC'h. W&I UkM In Superior Court herf' •'nd1y by htl' widow Zelt!a A Snl of 612 Via Lonn Nord, Newport Be1ch Real lf'ft all hl11 holding1 tn hi• wife Pu&0nsl properly In lht> H · Uite wa11 ll11lt"<1 al worth In ··u · Ct'811 ot II 0,00().'" green. and declduoua form. bloom· recently took part Ln a cold Ing In enry shade of r~ and weather Indoctrination exercl .. In pink with white overtonu and Germany. 11haciinga of coral. salmon-well, 'l"h.e '~erclee, held by the 15th practically every lovely 1hade you lnfantry Dlvtalon·• 2d Rasiment, can think of. Lntned Private Flr11t ci.. Gleed Nuraetymen prepare A z a I e a In the methoda of llUrYivaJ 1n rt.uii,,.oow in attractive contaJn· aub-zero tempt>ratu~. ,., 11 The plants can be kept In Gleed. an enllaed recorda spe- lhtat> ronta111er1 dunng t he I r claJl1t In Service Company, Ill• stay Indoor• and after Clu1etm1111 tenid the Army In September, ~urlng aultable plantlnl' weath· 19f>.t and received baalc tralninl' er-eet outdoor.. Amons the t•v· at P'ort Or<t. He arrived In ICuropa orltt> A&alea varlellM In the ever· 'ln Febuary. 19~. l'fHn class are the Rutherford!· Private Flrat Clue Gleed la a anu. the lndicae and Kurumes. 19111 rraduat.e of Oranl'e Cout Declduou1 A&altu are lea1 wide· CoUese and a 19:M fl"&duat.e of ly · l'fown but they a.re becomlnr the Unlverllty of C&Utomta. Mulch elUVbbe.ry borden and fJOWv bede now wtth ._ manun. I. ~ ClnlUMlltal ahnab- bary to ... lt Ul..Y wtni.r deanup llpr'AJ'tns la .,_ .ary. I . J'nltt U.. and onau:iml&l ahrubbery wW r.eect pnm- 1.nc 900ll. It'. a aood ldea to COMUlt your •W'Mr)'· man on What and how to to prune tf JOU're not cf!r· t.aln of what to do. He wtll l'fve you sooct ad'Ytc. and recommend an lnerpeuhre haodbook on cornet P"111· Inf. more avallable and tamlllar. ln pi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii--iiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thl1 catesory la the America na· live R. occldentale. Other Millea cla111ea are the evergreen·decldu· oua claN and th• hybrid CIUI. When you have fln lehed enjoy- lnl' the Azalea blooms In your home chooae thtlr out·door plant· Ing •ite very carefully. Provide flltt>red IWlllght. good drainage. a aoll with peat or lea! mold com· blnt'd and plenty or mol11tul't'. Ov· erht>ad watering la recommf'nded --dally In dry areas -plue a weekly llOaklng Of tht> root •rf'll. FertlltM moderately with a <'Om· plete a cid fertlllur. Cond11ct Cattle Grading at OC A beef ca lllt> iradlng d•mon· Atr1t1on waa conductt'd at Oran~e Coul College lut week u a part of tht <'<lllege agriculture program. Horace Strong. llvntock epeclaJ· lat from U'lt> Unlver•lty of Cal· 1fornla at Davie •lid Max Cory. Orangt' County Farm Advl110r. conduclt>d th.. Jemonatrallon In the college Bttf corr.la. The brtf'C!Jng herd of Hert>ford c-a l lit' were gnded by Stronit. Thl11 will be an annual procn.m. 11ccordlnji( lo Richard B8rrell. OC· C arr1culture instructor The beef gradlnc hae advanl&1t•• both tor ci ... lnatructlon and for dt>velop· Inc appropriate rk'ord keeplA( proce<lul"ea. Dre.• "P WO<fi furniture eurfac" w.lth mica rto• EASY IUDGIT TERMS ON ALL PURCHASES WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. JJOO W. Coast Hl .. way -NewpOlt l•iiclt PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Liberty 1-3411 You're Invited ••o.en HOUM," T"9Mllry, Nev. 29 fNftl IO•·"'· to 4 p.m. to celeaw.te our new hOM9 k 1 ,f:lr1 ,_1/!'r d CrJ11rrt-lf · WILCH'I llADY MIXED CONCRDI UI 0 Clflil WQ a.u-.. Ul.aen ~·llw7•J& ......... ... . La. MID You Save 10~ PRINGLES Fr•• Fiim! Two Dwarf Cypreu var'•llu. the lllhrood Cypreaa ( Cbamaecy· pan. laweonlana Ellwood) a n d tJI• Btu. IAW80ll Cypre.. (Cham· aecyparl• law10nl&na Scartbl are food .. 1cUone t or lnlA.nd areu of the elate. The Ellwood 1rowe ...,. neat ln dwarf form lo 1lx feet; froety blue • l'fttD In color. wlllle the Blu• L&waon may reach 12 fMt In a met.&Jllc .111Vf'T)'·blue color. A 11rand total nf ll.4~.770 '1rlv· HelrotroJ)<' notified N t w P 0 r l er!!' lrct'll!!!'a were o1itJitan<hnl( In Bee.ch pollct' on Nov. 11 lhal California 11 nr Au~1t 31 , l9M. aomeon• had pulled up !tower• In rerort1 the N11llon11J Autamoblle Tw.e ArboYltu family ofttr!l two m.mbera well aulted lo bl' U'ttlll' Ch.netmaa trua. D w • r t and con,. -1h&Pf"d thr Thuja on · ent.alia Bonita l'f'OW• to five fttl an a broad and compact manner T!laja or1entalle nana or Btn:k· raann'e Arbo,,lt1e feature~ an un· ~ fNen •·ith irolden t1p-10•hll'h 80ftla Callfom1an11 ml1tht prefer tor aa un-.1 t ouch • t t h11 w•· --i..,... l'OUndll are nHdtd for CONCRETE Satisfaction POUi IT THI IASY • WAY AND SAVI e ..... .....,,J'Mr I au• wwtl wftai a ._.el ,....srtn min,. -e ........... .. ,... ....... ~. Lltertr 1-2213 BAY 85y • • • 711 w. 17 .. St. front of her houee Club ROBERT FORBES ...... PHO;\~ HAIUtOR 11 .. JAMIS D. General Contractor MeC-t Bh·ct. OUIWNA Ot;L MAR ll A Y '.'"j & Builder f'HO:\ E HA KffOK Ulll MAX W. POPE Inc. OES~RAL t'OSTRA~'TOKS 401 lloa.An. ,,_. eU ~pt. IMYd. at 16UI RESl~ENTIAL-INDUSTRI Newport Beach UMrty 11-tUI NO JOB TOO URGE OR TOO 8IU1L ....... " ........... e·n.1511 J·- T. A. •1'"',1•~ Ml•. HMI •n11 a co. ~llA llACll Enlarged Quarters • Extensive Remodeling MORE FACILITllS FOR INVISTOIS Due to the tremendous growth of Laguna Beech and the IWTOUJlding towns. we've outgrown our "home" in the Bank of Lquna BMch Building. To accommodate more investora and increue our service we have enlarged our quart.era and just finished exteneive remodeling. We want you to come see ournewmodemiz.ed facilities inclu~ I I E•.-J QuolaliM loonl • """"-c-1.we IOGflll Complete Sfofidiafl Dept. • L...,. c.ltlet'• 0.Jll. liggw leconl Oepl. OW.ct, ,.,,.,.,. t.o.J Teletwe W".,... Come in Tuesday and loolt around. W~ ho~ to ~e you and talk with you in our MW hotM. T. A. l!Wer, "· .... ,_....,. QI~ °""""' ...,.... '-"C....... AlwtO...- ....-.. N-Ycw4t Stoc\ b~ lM Afttalaa ltect We fl ~" fore1t A<enve • lonk of a..9UIMI a..ch ...... LAGUNA llACH Tel1pht1te MT ... 4-tlM Chlc9te • YES • • • BE THRlm or CASH! for Christmas 1-t••._. of Folb Waftt TlloM ..._ Y °" No LAMMjer Neecl. . List Them in the Classified Columns for Quick Sale. n.. Cost Is Low So It's E•y to Get CASH! ' . ' Christmas \ fi9 .................... llnal ................... I .. ..,~ NEW CHARGES YULE l~GtRING ------------------~JEWPORT Hl\RBOR NEWS-PRE SS -PART r •• PAGE 5 Too Late to Re Clasaffiecl TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 , 1955 1&--8ha~ .. \'our Cu GEOLOGIST '"fl' king downtown L4, wa nt .. to •:art nr )t)tn r11r pool from Nt'Wpl'lrt·C01<\a Mt'sa area. H~r !13' .~ 371·30 28--Situ1ttlon-. \\'~1nt ~:t CO.till ... ,,.. ""' ..... C-t ..... ,,_ ,,,... .... The youtha were char1ed with award for UI• bMt decorated AAM!•ultln• tilr. and Mn . Davtd aU>re In u cll of the rlty'e five Sulllv&J\ and Robert N. Brokaw, eectlona and •I• apec:lal aw•r<h aJI of Santa Ana, ln a local dr1VI'· for lhoae tatabll•hmenta which do • 1n rutaur.nt. not come under ~e home or atore . Bound ove .... to 8UP41rior Court clUIA.fle&Uoe. are J amea E . Blemonema. 18. of PnUmt.nary juditng will bl' 10731 Newport Ave .. C08ta Meaa: doae by nlne ot the civic: and RuueU A. T1ns. 20. of Irvine: b\Aaln-&MC>Cl&Uona and the fin· F rnncls O Diil, 20, 20113 Bayalde, al JudJ'ln• by membef'll of Hen- CuHta M,.is&: Bt'nnle J . White, 18. dr1tla' commlp~. or i04 w 8th St.. Sunla Ana : a nd l J>Tellmlnary :J\ldgln~ wlll be Gary R . Siegal. 12282 Redhill. me.de on the night or 0 l'C' 18 TU11lln. I and 19th. F tnal judging will he NEW YORK NEWS COM· I vtded an ot tael ao lha t pricea are MENT COMPILED BY B. C. rthUlvl'ly steady. GARSIDE. DEAN WnTER CO. Report.-t.hat new car aalu de- The market wa. mtxt'd In lht> chnl'll t urthef durlnc l.h• flnl ea rly tr 11 d I n It u (•ont1r1ued IO·day ptrlod of November e.nd profi t -t a k I n g In thl' motor lh11t tnventor1e1 an m ountln1 section and Gener a I Motor• rapidly t'Onlnbuted toward Uie In purtl<'ular, hau i;n un&e llllng conc.-rn. However, Oeneral Motors dfe<'t. Selectt>d 11leel1, 0111!, air· had prcvlo1uly Indicated pront- cratt11 and varlou1 ape<'laltte.s pro· taking rouhJ ~ "'Pl'cted and nor· .IOHNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wrecken UM!CI •uto Part• a.nd A~riH 2076 PIMeotia An . Llbf'rty 1-'JOIS C:Ollta 111- £XPERIEN<'EO w h 11 t' 1•1111plr want 6 ht s, r 1 .. 11.111nic a lll•y. .A.IA<> cooking ,, ~t'I vin·; Ex· ttllr>nt cook LJ 8·6490 1·v .. n1nc " 47-Waotfld to ~nt 37r39 -_I DEA TH NOTICE completed on thr> nlg-hl of 01'1' 20. Wlnnt'ra will be announce.I In tht' I Nl'wt·Pru• In time ror everyone -------------to view the diaplay• durln1t t.he DAVIO C'l'Of; I Chrlatmu week. If you pla n tll mally thn change-over per1od la PERRETT CASE one of rt!duced aelu. Alao N!· ~~~~ htt1vely l•rre Inventory I• nf'ed· ~ ed .._!9 h11 nt1le a rt'<'rlrd 1alea rate. ..- WA NTED 3 bdrm home Cnsl.3 Me1&. must havl' 11bl i:ar. Pre· I fer large lot \\'111 i:lvr i;nod PrlvAle funeral 11erv1ru were enter the conteat you arl' reque11t· 11d1t'\Juled tor David Culle, 29. or ~ to have your lighted deoora · 2209 S Park11 Santa Ana, con-lion• read,y tor judgln& on then Coatlollf'd from First Pa,e !" RAJL POT ESTIA-1, ~... SJDDl. Although rerent at rong ra.1111 tvr. ~uth u Union Paclnc and 81.11t.a mg." Smith t Mlltled he too~ the board out of La Verne'• hand and picked ue Perrf'tt. care A ~ permanr nt Have 2 • T. A. KlPPl:Y ..... durted by Parkes-Ridley Mortu· nlrht.. Fe have tntered areu where pl"O· SOUTH COAST CO. children • doc-. LI 8-10331~:.2 1 Dean Witter in Larger Office Now at Laguna a 1 y at ~ravt'slde tn Harbor Re•l n 'OOING TOLD Perrett wu In a crouchtd J>Oll· lion, with La. \'erne standing over him. The stick was upralsed 111 tJle defendant'• hand, accordinr ' to the wltncaa. flt taking ma:v hb encountered, ISrd a Newport Bh·d. 48-B-Bou.~ for ~nt ''LfDO ISLE. 3 betlrooma, 212 bath home, on annual baa111. Slip tnr 40 rt. boat, 1111e or 18 ft. Vlkln1t runa~ut powt'r boat, 2 car gar . ~auurully furnish· ed. shrubs, STOO per month Inquire at 41 Balboa Covu: Newport." 36ttr LEGAL NOTICE Thr opening of enlarged nr>w quar ters and .-xten1lve remodeling will bt• C'eit brated tomorrow by ~an Willer A Co. at an "oJ)4'n houst'" In thr 1nve11tment f irm'• new offHJl'll, 361 F oreat Ave., J...&. guna Beach. T. A RlpJ>f'Y Jr .. Branch Man· ager of the nation-wide lnveatment Amt'ndment No. II firm. In mvltlnr the pubtlc: to at· %· Heartnca tl'nd, a&ld '"Tremendou• growth NO'l'ICt: OF P UBLIC JfE ARJN'O or Laguna Beach and the •Ur· N otice I• hereby given that the rounding ar•a made poulble thl• Planning Comml•&Jon or the City txpanslon of our aervlct• to In- of Newport Beach Wiii hold two VcJJtore." publlc heartnr• on tht' apphca tlon Deen Willer A Co. o~ned their of E. MORRIS SMITH 601 Via I f11""l branch offlct' In Laguna Lido Soud • , . U ctc> ult to ernend Beach In October, 1941. louted In OrdJnance No. 636 anrt Re-Zone tht Vista Apartment• Building on t he property d~cnbed bt?low : Cout Bou levard. laking tempor- from R-2 lo C-1 H on Iola l , 2. •. &ry qua rter• fur a few mont}la at e. I. It 10 ... block •311 tract 323 102~ S. C0&11l Blvd. while the new located and bounded by Jumtne Bank of Lag'\ma Beach bulldlng and l rl~ Slreell, and Flnil Street 'waa being complcl('d. and the eo..t Boule\·ard . . . The or1gtn&J bran<'h ort1ce wu Notice 1.1 hereby further given orenetl umler the manegerahlp of t hat aal<I public hearing wtll be Rlpf)t'y, with hla wtfe, Adele. U· held on the llilh rtay of Oeamber 11111llng u C&.11hler and Secretary, yea r 19M whlrh 11hall be the l e<'· The l'nleric1·d new qu11 rter9 In ond heartnit . • • at the hour ot the Bank of Laguna ~c:h Build· 7 30 p.m. In the rounrll rha mber1 tnf have been complett'ly N!model- ot the Newport Bt'ach City Hall, ed with de11gnlng and arrange· al whlrh lime and plare any and ment handled by ea~rta Mure all per90n11 1ntereated may appear lp&<'e hu bet'n leased to allow for and be heard theri•on. an enlargr>d quatallon board room, R AY Y. COPELIN. Secretary private C'ontercnc:e room•. com· Newport Bul'h Cit v plrte •'1t~st1cal llcpu.rtment. larger Phmnlng CommlMl!•n q1111.Tlt·rfl!fo1 cashl~• '1 dt'par1 menl, No 113-4 New1-P ru 1 11 28/~ f dlrtrl. prtv11te lu11ed tl'lt'lYJ>t' t't:RTIFICATI'~ OF Bl"SISE!l8 FktlU-f'lrm S &ll>f' The un1lerelgned do ht'rl'by cer· tlty that t hey are conduc:t1n1 a r~ h11I ball, tackle and aport..wear b1111lneN al 200 Main Street, Bal· boll, California. under lhf' flcUlloua firm na111a ot TRADICR HORN SPORTING 00008 and Uult aa.ld firm Is compoaed of the follow1n1 per11ona, whOH namu In full e.nd placu of ruldt nc:t a re aa folluw1, to-wit : FRED JOSEPH EDIT H J OSEPH 8<H E . Ralbna Blvd. Balboa, Ca llfom ta Wltnea• our hana.e t hla 23th day of NOVWlbe.r. 19~ II( F"RED JOSEPH 1111 EDITH JOSEPH 8 TATf: O•' CALIFORNIA COUNTY OP' ORANGE )u . Ot thl• 2:1Lh day or Nov~mbt'r. A 0 19~. bfofnre me. MO!ll't'E R. GRIMES, a l"oluy Public In and for the •&Id County and State. tesltllnf thtreln, tluly rommlMlqp· f'<1 amt! •wom , peraonally ap~ar"ed I F"REO JOSEPH and EDITH J08 · EPH known lo me 10 tHI lh• ~r· 11nna who"" n11 mr1 ar~ eubarrl~ to the w1Ulin lrultrumf'nl. and I 11rknowl~ged to me tha t they •llt<<'utect the U rn!'. Jn wl\nue whnf'Of, I have here- 11n10 nt my hand and &ttllt~I my CJfflclal aeal the day and yea r In thll Ctrtlf1ratt flr91 above WTltt~. wire.fl and rl'rf1rd department. R lpf>t')', who mo,•ed to lAguna Beach tn 193.'I, ha.a ha.d 28 ynni In the broker11ge buslnn•. H e u1 a c raduatl' of Ortgon Sta i... Coller• and riret went 10 work ror a brokerage firm In Lu.a An(tlet u a Board M&rker. He w... wllb th!' Oi'an Willer firm In Loa An-s•Ju befon movln• to Laguna BHch Mn . Rlp~y. who s tarted with lhr> firm Whf'n ll OJM!ned It.a Laguna Buch bra nch In 1941, wf'lrked u Cut\ler e.nd 81'creta ry. Aa t he rtrm ~w.-M ra. Rippey ruaed the necu •ii'l')t rt"qulremm t.. an<I •tudy tv bt-coml' a Rt«i1attr!'d Ref'l"'H'rtlAllVf' of t hr New York lUlllC4110H -~· P'OllSHINe At .'Jl.088 AOM 81tA.aa SANTA AMA Mt'morla l Park at 2:30 p. m, lo· Decorations will be judged on day. Mr. CUde waa killed In a the balls ot 40 per rent tor ad· trafrlr accident ln Coela Mua 1 herence l o the Chriatmu theme, Th11r11day. 30 per cent tor originality •end Thi' Rev. Arthur Pedereen ot 30 p•r ct:ll for beauty. Sarita Ana w11s to offlclalf', I Rf'queal to ha\'e displays vif'w· Survlvor11 lnclud,. the pAl'ent•, ed or judged 1hould be referred Mr and Mr1. Brit C\t\.le of the to the chamber otflce, Liberty hl•me 11ddrea11. and two 11lster11, 8-116:\. ' Mrs. Lois Hf'nrk h or Santa Ana Jn addition to thr local <lecora· and Mra. Marr arete Anton of Loa lion ~ontul, there will be tht' us· Ancelea, ual Orange County Cout A11110C'la- LOUJS BODMAN tton Conteet , llO if you are plan- Holv rosary waa 11Chedulet1 to nlnr a shrlnf' or 110me other out· .. _ .It d t 7 t d I 1 •tandlng dl11plav, nollfy tht' New· '"" rec e • p. m. yea er ay n port Harbor C,,Rmber ot Com· P arkea·Rfdlty Mortuary cha~l ln onJrr that our exhibit wlth maM celebrated In St. Joa· mettr .Y . chlm Catholic: Church at 8 a. ·m. may be entt red In lne mter-c:1ty today for Louie Bodman, 83. of contest. 218 Beatrice St .. Coala Men. The -------------Rev. Thomas J , Nevin officiated. Interment wu 11eheduled for Ho· Jy Sepulc:hl'r Cemetery. Mr. BodlJ'lan died Friday mom· Ing In Ore.nee County HOl!pltal 'Her an l'xtended lllneu . He wu a retired building contractor and charter memb4>r ot Amher9t Arla Fraterna l Ordt'r of Earlu No. 1442 of Amher1t. Ohio. A native of EhJr la, Ohio. Mr. Botlman l'ame lo Calitol'nla In t909. He had llve<l here the put four yl'nrll. Survivors Include hi• widow, Mra. Augusta Bodman, and daughter Mra. Eth11l Klrkpa t· rick of the home addreu , an d two brothera, W11J1am and Cllrl Bod· ma~ of Ohio. •OHS McXAY Funeral services were 1chedul· f'd al 2 p m. today for John Mc· Kay, 78. In Coate Mu a chapel of Baltz Mor tuary with the Rt'v. P . 0 . Neumann offll'latlng lntr r· menl waa to follow In Harbor Rut McmCll"lal Park. .Mr. McKay died In Orang!' County Ho~pllal arter a lf'ngthy lllneN. He wu a nRllv~ of lrf'· land, realdlnr 11t 1600 Newport Blvd., Co11ta Mt'11a. for the put tlve yean. There were no aur· vlvor1. StOC'k EKC'hanJt'. the only aalu ~preaentaUve ot her ~x Jn Dt'an Witter'• aout.hem dlvteton otflcea. r"j~t'l now corutl•t. ot Rlp- Jlt'Y. Mana rer. M ra. Rlpl>f'y and Gii Schubert aa the wu force, with another Hleaman to etart tht' nnt of tht' year. Miu Doro- thy Hayne11, Cuhler. Mra. Fem I Corriveau, Aul. Cuhtcr ft.lld Mra. Anni' GranJ1er aa BoArd Marker complete the et.art. · ANOTHER SKUNK TELLS PRESENCE Second rl'port of a akunk - the anlmal'var1ety, that Is - In Newport Beach within a week wu given to local poliCt> Sunday mom\ng by Dorothy Bodine, 819 Heliotrope Avf', She uked city help In gettln , rid of the crlt ter which wu lllrategtc.Uy 1.1lluatt'd 1>ene11lh her home. RIGHT TICKET! Driver Jlappy on Reclivin1g Mesa Citation A aurprlaed man waa Th(lmU Jefferaon Moody of Long BeaC'h when 8gl. Ltt }.(. Laaler of the Cottta Mu a polke depanment or· dered Moody'• car to the side or thr> road Monday morning. "What have I done now!'' uked Moody. Momt'nta before the Long 81'.ach motortal h11tl made a perfect bouleve.rd 1top at 18th St. and Newport Olvd . walled tor a g roup of pedt.!llrlana lo r o by befor t' pro· MESA UPHOLSTERING ··~rt,.. & Draper/ HOO Nwpt. Blvd., Coeta Mee&· Ubert1 M 'lll Smith we' under the direct quea· tlonlng of Def. Atty. J&mee C&n- ttllion. Under the croM·examlnatlon or Proeecutor Stan Oould, Smith teall- r1ed the La Vern ... had VUllted hill apartment In the triplex 8.bout 9:30. He 11ald La. Verne "had aev· eral drinks." Later, 'Smith 1111.ld he 11topped In the La Verne aparl.Jnent but had noUUng lo drink "aa 1 recall.'' Smith &1111erled the trio had stayed on Uie bt-ach only about five or ten mtnutee. He Rid La Verne and Ml u Ba.le.er went 1wlm· ming. He didn't.. "Did you aee anythlnw In Mr. Perrell's h1md when you saw hlm at the wmtlow ? • GouJd uked. "No," wee the an11Wer. Smith teaWled he couldn't r• call hearin• the board 1trlke Per- rett or the victim beg hi• use.II· ant to n op 11trildng him. He alao eald 1'e Cltdn'l hear La Verne aay he WM "frlghttned" Ot the victim. Smith eald he aaw no blow• struck, nor dtd he eee IUlY blood on t he 1treel. A l no lime dltl he aee the dece&ffd 1tretched out in the gutter. Smith testified. ceedlng on. and had topped It off by mak lrg s nother per fect etop a rcw blocks farther. Sgt. L..aster lu ued Moody a clta· t•on But lht' rltallon wa11 for 1a.fe l!rlvlng. Moody wu the flrat motor- l11t to rttelve one of the printed ronne Ix-Ing distributed by Coate Meaa police prior to Sate Driving D11y Otc. 1. He will be 1 1ven & Aperia l certifica te <111rlng an awarde prut'ntat1on during S·D day. PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY Fonnerty Oraud Cllapel 110 BnNMI...,. -Coeta Metia PbODff l.DertJ 8-Mll Li i-UM -BEACON PERSONNEL~ . , ... , • Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 llary Louhe Matttn,ly Mary .Jane Ba;igert 41 S Slat. Stnet. Newport Beach la11ue1 auch a a Great Northl!'rn, Ca nadian Pac1flo and St. Loul•· S8n Fraootsco have potential. An abdVe average return la available from Great. Northern wl\la. St. U'lule-San Franclaco hu likely prospecta ot an lncreaae tn Its pe.yout next year. A great deal ot Interest has developed In ){ontitomery Ward which h u a metiUnc achrdulrd lattr torlay. Prevloua comment:s by membera or the bonrd h11vr 11tlmulated hopea 110 that guei.,11•11 rango from an lnc:rea11e to a apllt and an extra. 0 M INFLlTE~OE The market la presently 11ndt'r the Influence of General Motore ao that recent strong atoc:ka will Ukely al>Mirb protll taklnc. St.ol'k L' being well ta.lien but wr fel'I buying lnterut will be cont ln r>d to epecl&JUu over the balance ot lhe day. For at'ale-down purchas· ts we !eel aelected rails and sttel are candld&t .. tor later rotational lntereal ana are IJ\ position to assume leadership. Onw Jooeaa 1 p.m. AVf!"'l'M 30 lnduatrlll14 ........... 482.U o(f .47 20 Rall11 .. .. . ... _ .... 161.3._ off .40 JD Utilities .. . .. . 66.35 up .04 l p.m. \'olum.-1,480,000 S ew \"ork l 11.m . "lO<'k l'rlN"tl Amer1can Telephone ··-··· .. Jl\010 Anaconda -........................ - .. 7211,_ Chry~ler ................................ 96 ~ Du.Pont . .... . ....... ···-····-···· 227 "- General Electric-...................... 02 "• General Motor11 ·~ ......... • . .. 49 ~1~y Co. -·--....... •t '• New "'vork Centra.I . . ..... •o' North American Aviation . . 74 Safeway Store11 . 62 "• So. C"allf, Edlll<ln .. ·--.... I'll'\ So,. Pa1•1r1c . ..-......... 09 ._ Slandard OU of Call!. ···-····-811 '• Union Oil oC Calif. ..... ... 02 "• U.S. Steel .. .. . ... 68 BE SURE -INSURE ~1UI MAMUC'E STA1"LEY ....... ,..(18 Ollly l'bone lt.rbor !04 ISi $ £. Coaet Hll'llWa)' Coro-deJ Mu • Corona Highlands A mOlll unueu11I home 3 bdnn1. • plua m~ld'1 room l 3 b&lh.a. Love- ly play room w1tli tlreplare 300 tl' lol lyu, 300') with lln· obetruc:tetl view. O.· 1l1tned for r ood llvtng Prlcf"d to 1ell C'all H"'bnr 1600 MO~"TE R. GRIMY.S My ('.,mmlaalon Explru Novemt>.r 13, 1958 SUCCESSFUL METHOD IN IRllVING PAINS OF ARTHRITIS, BURSITIS Give Your Fa~ily a low Cost No 1132 Newa-PTeu 11 23. 12 tt, 12. JO, 11155 .--DIBT-- COLLICTIOlll A-...&8 -N.._ -a.llM of ..,, k1M ., ........,.. ........ A--. MN• oollecU--Na ..._.. \\'e ~-.u oeea CUDIT BUll&AU ef W•&anl Oraa.. eo-tJ '~ CrMtl ...... ef N..,.._rt Beadl. Lacu.u 8-alt ... Cot&a ~ IN IU'ftraNa A"'-P.O. lies ... NEWPORT BEACH. OAUF. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATIOL \ Kl 2-7027 J RHEUMATISM. IMPAllED llOOO CllCULATION I utC'll•in hciepol&l rau hett pro•tn th., TH El.MO CYO.OP A 0 , an rn· uttlr ""' con<rpt 10 rein ttlid, can dh~t1ffl1 Jlft\oniah dU<Omfo" a.nd f'!lll •7mp1omah< cl Anhruu. &unni" IUicwnati.im and Imp.ired C1milat10<1! Now for 1~ 6n1 um<, and Ill fO'll own hotM. ,o. can ~ 1hc p.in rtl1"ln11 bmlfia °' man· klnd'a oldnc hnltn-httc and mu. Mllf'-ll<1talt~o•1l1. It ,_,,.._, dttp, tOel•oJ/,J hftl With ~Ut• in,1 ry1l,,.J mut1~ in <>ftt 11}/t, romfortable pad. ThiJ J..J anion ,Jetl down tnll) ~ huue, l n<l'U.)• " cirwlation and du~h peon Of'O .. ,ion. The inJ1•tdval on UN ~ ~ •F Thermn·Crclopad fullr drnW'd, whcr"'r· and •~tr he prtt•n , .. 11mn.a. rn 11nii. rnd1n'-tt- duun.a. or u rn work1n,1t. THERMO CYCLOPAO u ., <on· •t nitnr IO u.r •• 1he .. n.~c: hou .... ..,,I.I lf'l"li•n<t W 111~ toda, l<>r • tREE HOM!. TRIAL 1nduJ 1n11 a corv C'lf MlllA<..LE OI· ~IE."'lc.F." , . an 1llu11ra1rd rnlu:h1t n1n11 h~ ch•r• 11\ac COO<ftno all •ho tufttt frrm I~ •l'IYt It~ (\I fleln. Thttt " nn co.1 ot nM1~11on NIAGARA Drr1 fl ~I, Su11c 209, 1./)()() 141n.rf AlY,I , lll'lly•nn.J 1.'l, C.alol I Dav an.I N111h! ttl~hoM .rrvict JtOllywCl"lll 4 R \ 17" twice as fast as aspirin! doesn't upset rour ltomlchl LEE•s PHARMACY IOt 11.utM Aw. a•• M& ISLAND Ila.rt.or 3111 Eastem Christmas Santa Fe F111ily Fam lrl111 luxury Tral1 ~rntl 'ti btry fa11ily lud1tt 'v--) ~ ~-- ' ""'.'--~ ~""" -;,..__:_ -. ~ E>..._~~ ~ -- How could you have• nicer Christmas? Your whole family will njoy tb«ir trip Ea9t oo Senta Fe. Safe, war~. d~ndable -at a fraaioo of th« fornwr cote I Sania h Family Fara are efftttlvc on all Stora Fe trains (#1u•pl for ;,.,.,._u.l• l~••I;., Ulifor.J.J. Gtt the deuill from J'OUI cidec apat, make rauntloos codar. A pbooe call will do ic. New Rail Travel Credit Now Available-for Tiwu. Food. Beverages H "" 1Ml~M , , A '°~': :.·~c:' •'• ,':,!' a.on" """'-CAU J. "'•'••••tin to The Arches . let .... ,,.: L\·. 'l1wt A"'llM • . . .... l:M a.m. Arv. Loe Aqe!M . . .. IO:M 11.111. Lv. Lo. Allg'"'8 -······ l :IO p.llL An·. T iit' Ar!"hN • 3 :1! p.m . .c11 .... _,"•· 24 Round Trips Dally Ooly Gr~hound oa;,; ~freq­-,,,i~ J.ela by &ir.coocl1riofttd but ~ ... ., tJ-& lllOllCJ br Gmlioudl 53% (}out HJihway Phone Uberty 8-Sl02 • ---.:::::: ' ~ I \ I ' , ~ ----1:..... .. . .,._ ,, -;;:'~>"'.Jlr ..• GllYllOUID HOME LOANS LA GU MA FfOEllAL SA VIN6S A LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Serie Y °" LACiUNA llACH AND ' SAN CUMINTI QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEltfST llA ns • EASY MONTHLY P'A YMINTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SEA.VICI FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKINQ ESCROW SERVICE. EfflCllNll Y OPE.AA TIO LAGUNA BEACH 2JJ Oceen A.,... PHONI HY. 4-11 n SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. El C.mlno _.., "'40Nf HYtclntt. 2-lltl M ~Yecinth 2-119'. LIDO sHoPs CLASSIPllD DlllCTOIY APPLIANOM -11,..eMll Parta -DM..ler -SVYl~ UDO l:LECl'IUO a&H \'la Ullo -llarMr '1ft &UTOllOBILE DEAl.J!:IUJ New ud UMd C&n NJOIUC.&TZ 8TUDD•m 8al8 8el'Vlee Pute H l 6 Newport 8IYd. -llu. Ill BAND Baak ef AmeJ'ke NT a BA U"VlalMo-llafterUll BARBER SHOPS LIDO SRA \TSO 11110 In JUdtfelJ'• 5 .... fw .._ H ll \"la Udo -llartliw l$N BEAUTY PA.BLOBS LIDO SAWS or BEAVTT • 1'16 Npt. II.Ivel. -ll&r. 1&'71 BOOKS BOOK CASE Hlt \'la Udo -ButMlr UM CAMERAS & 8uppllee \'INCl:.'\T LIDO DRUGS l"l \'la Udo -~ aooi CARPrn'S & DRAPERIES DICK MACKE~ NlO \'la I ld1 ~ 6111 C&TERING RICHARD'S lJ.DO llAlllln MU Via Udo -llartlor UH Clothlng-Chlldnaa & lafut. n :RrR OF UDO UOI Newpon Blvd. CLOTIUNG -Mea'a Retail BIDWELl..'8 8HOP roa KEN aua \'la uc1o -llartlor OM.I cLOT.HI?tG-Woma'• ....a LA REINE aoe V'9 M .... a-Rartior 6111 LJDO •"A8BION8 SUI Spt.. Bl\'4. -llartlor 1111 KllADDO<'K'S UU \'le. Ud• -Rart»or M1l \'AOAB0~-0 llOVSll I mported Sport.awear HH \"la Lido -Banor MM DRUG STORES \"l~CEST'S UDO DRUGS .... \'la ...... -lil.anM ..., ELEC?RIC CONTBACTOja UDO El..ECl'IUO IU. , ... Udo -llartior 61". FLOWERS IUCHAIW'8 UDO MA•Kft Cor11a1e11-Tabl• Arrangernenta M ii \'toe Lido -llartlor .... FOUNTAIN, GRILL \'INCENT& LIDO oauoe IMl Via Udo -...,..., .... FRAKES A ALBUJl.8 GEJUIAIU)T 8rt1DI08 Hit Va. Udo -llarhr Ult FURNl'l'UBE DICIL MACKO IUO Vla Udo -....,._ 6111 GIFT SHOP Rl<.'HARD'8 LIDO 114•Sft u.u \'la Udo -aan.r ..,. INSUllANCE AGEN'l'8 W. O. BVC&. LNO. NOO Via Lido -...... , "'6 INTF..&IOB DEOOB.ll'OU BLA.~CllE FVLllElll80N A..1.D. 141t \'la Uode -a.nor NII Dl<;IL KACllLE.& H %0 \'la Udo -Ba.nor 6111 DOS CREJOBTON A. L D. ........ ll'BporU 600 \"la Ma.1&1• -ea.rt.er 111'7 MARKETS RICUAJlD'8 LIDO au.a&rr IUI \'la Udo -Jlat1Mlr %1!1 REAL ESTATE P . A. PAUU:R rsc. UIS ria lido -~r '* \'001:1, ('OHPA..'\Y HlfJ \'la U do -Harbor"" BAY ASD llF.ACH REAi.TT \ la U du Brktce otftoe lll l! l.a•·a)l!tle -IWbor M6I LIDO Rt:ALTY A880CJATE9 U tlo SaJea A ltentaa MOO \'la Udo -llarbor "'6 SA VINOS & LOA.N ASSOCIATIONS Nt:WPORT BAJ.BOA 8AVIN08 & LOA~ A 8800IATIO!lf A Savina• lnaUt uUon IJlng Term Home Lo&rut I ISM \'la Lido -Ranor &1• SERVICE STATIONS LIOO RIC'Hl"lr:r.o 1411 S e.wpon IMvd.-U&r. "n SHOES-Mea'a RIDWl:LL'l'l 8TOU roa ... M18 \"la Udo -..,..r ... I SHOE.~. \\'OMEN IU"U :'H Ot" CALIFOKSIA I HIO \qa Ucl-BA 0335 · ru:&U'RES I UDO TREAD& Conaull lhl• p&~l' fO'f prorra- \"la I.Mo a& N..,_. 81M. I Hatt.ot 111' I l01'S I U DO TOYJ.A>il> MU Via Udo -...,._.. lM6 1 l'RA VEL ACENCID HA&BO& 'T&AVSL AO&JfO'I' KllN..,.n~llM I UPBOLITEBING DIC1' llACILE& MM Via Ude -Bart.or Utl ' WATCH REPAIR WINDOW COVERING TllE llllA.DE 880P Jlf.n t. P• Ofllea ll&r. W • /~· • -, Gxcepl 1PA6E 6 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE.c;S MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 ''God grent us thtt serenity to accept the things we cannot change: the courage to change the things we can end the wisdom to know the d iffere!"ce." (A. Anon.) ' EDITORIALS ) I Oil Refineries Believed Main Source of Bad Smog The ever-lncreulng smog problem whJch beleta Lota Anrei-County la a aimilar threat to Orange County, believe .it or not. Some expert.a have concluded part of the harmful factor which smog carriee with it ia cau.aed by oil ""' &.n. and the guollne they tranamit to diatributora wbo Mil it to aervice atatione and on into youra and my automobile. In brief, becau.ae Calllomia crude oil con- talna llUfficient aulpbur, the catalytic cracking proceaa for maklq guollne automatically emita sulfuric acid fum• lflto the air. Th.-go on to create ozone when comblned with sunlight. • Now, becauee engin• of the automobilee we drive are not 100 per cent efficient the aame aulphuric acid tu.me. ro out our exhauat plpe, wonening an already bad atmoepheric condition. · You ~ho have .een amqg in Loa Angelee or during lta recent viaitation here when weaterly b~ blew tnto the Harbor area the batch of amog which euterty leMrt winct. blew out of the Loa Angele• buin can fully •ppreciate the eye irritant which alao produce. lung "8comfort. Aithourb you'll read and hear prating about home lnclneratora being a big factor in IJDOg, we have not yet • nad or heard they will produce aulphuric ·&eid. So here we are in a growing county whoee new re.i- •deDta an naturally adding their can to our auto fleet. So that prollliael more amog. The threat to farmers wu brought out recently at the annual California Fa.rmrllijD'au Federation conven- t.Ion ID San J'ra.nciaco by Frank ld. Stead, chief of the .Ute department of public health'• diviaion of environ- mental aanltatJon. Mr. Stead a&ld if eome regulation on paollne tranafer vapon doem't abow up within six moot.ha 1n the Lo. Angelee area, "it will be too long". t Stead added that control of guoline tranafer va- ,Ora involv. tranafer from loading dock to tanker, from tanker to .taUon, from station to automobile and from the auto In operation. The latter, he added, account. for a coaaiderable percentage of the pollution. WhertU Lo. Angelee County hu a number of oil · refinerie. which UM the catalytic cracllinr proceu. Or- anp County bu only a fflW. We are of tbe opinion tlle "cat" ~ proceea may haw to be chanpd drut.JcalJy eo loq u It con- tinue. to pour out Ila aulphuric acid fume. by-product We are informed the "cat" p1"0Ce99 allow-a oil re.fineriea to make a tremendoualy greater amount of guoline from the aame amount of crude oil than the ame refineries wen able to make be.fore "cat" proceu wu developed. Naturally, the re!ineriea will not welcome auch an economical method of production being changed. But tbelr ownera, workera and atock holden also have to breathe the aame air if they live in the Southland which la afflicted with amog coming from thia .ource. It la a very 11eriqua matter when milliona of Southland reai- denta are )o~ to uae the genera.i product which con- taminate. the alr llO thoroughly whenever they drive their can. We wonder how many of them rea1Ue that the paollne la cauaing them to weep and cough in the amog. The unfortunate part about the petroleum indus- try'• harmful vapors ta they will not riae nicely through the air: they bane on like a creditor. We here in N~ Harbor and Orange County have a chance to leod our aupport in the batUe agalnat mnoe and ita producua, one of whom apparently la the oU lnduatry eection and it. cuatomen .. de9Cribed. A. mentioned be.fore. there U. some poeaibillty of "atlerbumen" being developed fo r car exhaust pipea. And the oiJ induatry haa allocated eome $180,000 for amoc reM&J"Ch which will aid them in ita c-0ntrol. But it would appear theae are long range atepa which can have little lmmediate affect oo thoee who breathe amoe-taden air. We think we've named the• chief contaminator of the atmo.pbere. Let it be held in check at it.a eoun:e. .,pp 1...., ....,, WM I 'E' ... F1'tda;r ~ U. . ••wwww •A&llOI& PUllLalDN.O OOllPANY ............ JISWJIO&T a&ACR. CA.I.II'. .,.... 11.uMr ltll i ts .. W ..... Jlf...._ ... ~ .t All KIMI E .......... o..t .c ~~ .. A--Ne.. ... ,,.. r om a ·-a ,c Prt" t .... , .... . r a Jr--.a ......... •= "._ r a ., ....,.. ~ N-e.ntDe DK llZDDrat, PUBU.UD:R WJUIAM A. MOUla, &clltor cP!lm"> • JWUJf'l'Ull, ~ I>tNdor cw+ PJW A. .AJUa'l'RONO, .tfeclwaloal 8taperintendent Holidays Are Hazard Days Turkeya are not the only creaturea which experience a drop in life expectancy during the holiday aeuon. The Chriatmu-New Year holiday seuon a.iao is the moet huardoua single period of the year for liomo- aapiena -that'• ua. Lut year, according to National Safety Council atatiatics, ~1~ persona were accidentally killed ,!.n two dayw at Ch.riatmu time. Traffic accident. cau.aed 392 ot theee dee.th. -fire and macellaneoua accident., 123. Over two daya at New Year'a 362 penom were klll- ed -296 in traffic aocidenta, 66 in fire and miacellan- eoua accidenta. Thia la a total of 877 killed needleuly at what abould be the happiest tl.meiof the year tor everyone. Year after yeut tlle accident toll bita a peak in De- cember. The holiday sea.son coincldes with many winter traffic huarda. In many part.a of the C1unt:ry street. and higbwaya are dangeroualy alippery. Fog. ,aln, anow, aleet and fewer houra of daylight reduce the vtaibillty of both driver and pedeatrian. Fainuy get-togethera impel people to drive long dia- tahcee regardleu of weather. Shopping dra11Va more people onto the atreeta. And, of coune, there ia more drinking than at any other time of the year. It La a aeuon of gaiety, to be aure, but gaiety to be enjoyed only if you reaolve t o protect younelf from ac- cident and to "Be Your Brother'• Keeper." "Safe Driving Day" -should be all day uery day. Cost of Adding 100 Families to 'a City We filled out our education the other night by . attending a meeting of the Lafayette School Board in Contra Cotta County. Thia job carries no aalary and tremendou.e responalbiUty, demanda extraordinary"fore- a.ight, and they handle huge sums of taxpayers money. Many of their problems are contingent upon the rapidly growing population and the preuure they put upon the school ayatem. Then we picked up a copy of the "Tax Outlook" and it outlined a whole aerie. of prmauree that new famlllm bring to a community. L What do 100 new famllie9 to a community! L About~ new people. 2. 50 new kida in grammar .chool: 25 in junior high and 25 In aenior high. 3. 2,.2_new grade acbool, a.nd 1.65 high acbool rooma. 4. City will have tQI. bl4Y about four acrea of land for grammar acboola, high school.a, park.a, playgrounda and playf ielda. 0. 100 new famllie. add about $30,000 a year to µte echool operating budget. 6. 100 new familiea mean .84 new employeeti in the police force and two-thirde of a new fireman. Police bud- get goe. up $4,510 a yur, and fire department. $2,820. 7. After adding joba like fire, police, garbage, street.cleaning, etc., the annual payroll of the city ta in- creued by $12,000 to $1~.ooo. 8. Water department will have to pump an addi· tional 10,000 gallon• a day. ' 9. One new hbepital bed will have to be added at a coat ot $10.000. 10. Finally, there wi.11 hav& to be a fraction of a vi.ailing nuree and last, but not. lea.at, a fraction of a jail cell (From The California Farmer) The Complete Coach In cue you mi88ed that new gag Wilch bu been going the rounda aince 90 many of the Weetern foot- ball coachea have been ''atrung up" by irate atudent., here it la: Future applicanta for football coaching jobs will undoubtedly include in 'their applicationa "have own effigy, will travel.'' Grass Roots Opinion . ' NORWALK, CONN., HOUR: "Every time a motoriat filla hia gu tank, be paya well over a dollar in ta.xea to the state and federa.i ~overnment. Th.I.a fact, aaid T. S. Peteraen,. president of Standard Oil Company of California, might well puah the tax up to a point of diminlahlnc retuma on a commodity auppoeedly not lil the 1 uxury clua." BISHOP, INYO REGISTER: "How are your ~rlee today? Thoee 65' ho,..,_ that do so much work around the bouae-for you. The bone. referred to are thoee u.eed to dealcnate the amount of mechanical energy -horsepower -~ by the average Ameri- can homemaker in he.r touter, vacuum cleaner, elec-~ tric wuhing ma~hlnc, refrigerator ~d all thoee ot.Mr wonderful adjuncta t-0 the better lite contrtbut.d b7 American in''.~Uve geniua." ..... ' May The Aim Be Atcllrate Editorial Circuit Rider By UNITED P~ (A Sympoeium of Editorial Comment from California Newspapers ) Calltornia editors lncrea.alngly are turning to political editoriala in an effort to acquaint readers witb the Import.ant and uaually hotly-contested isauea of the 1956 Presidential election. Thia week a roundup of the. Democratic stand: Chico :£nterprla. -Re co r d : Admlnlstra llon took over a bloo.ly "Nothlnr that hu h&ppened &l and uruiuccu1ful war from lht the polla thl• y ur or in 1954 previous OemO<'rallc Admlnlslra- con•lllutee convlnclnc t:vidence lion and now this counlry 111 no that the Democrata wllJ capture longrr al w&r a.nywhere. Obvious· the White Hou-. In 19~. with or ly the f&nn problem wlll r rotr without · Pruldent EJ&enhowl'r a trouble /or the OOP In 110me •grl· an opponent. Al the aame Ume, cultural sreu, but nolJYl~Y ar:rl· however, It muat be Admitted culturall•la w"r" havin& " parll· th&t Jut week'• lllld lut ye&r'a cularly jolly time or It 10 r&r 11 elecllon1 have Improved the IH.m· term prices went during the l•"l oor•llc 1tratertc poaltlon m&terl· Democratic admlnlslrallon. • The &Uy. The Demo• will have a bet· truth 111 lhat If thry wen> now ter orrant.Z&tlonaJ atructure Ill In t.he ,..ddlr, the Democr&t11 to- al&te a nd local levela next time day would be drllghle<l to t.&ke than they had In 1952. Only Um4! all the credit ror Ule present W111 tell whether they will be <.'ond.lllon or the country.'' able to put the needed meat on Bal<eraflf'ld Calitoml•n · "l l lhHe aturdler bont11.'' wtJI be lnt.eruUnc to ne whelhC'r 0000 POLITICS lh• Dvn~ral,ll 11ceept fdt' their Lone Beach p,.._ TelelfTilm: standard be1u er lhl• candld&te ''The mJddl..oi·Oi.r-4 &ttutude who hu once bffn beaten In the la & healthy o ne In It.ell-and lt national Ital.JI and whf'lhC'r Mr a1.ao h&ppena to be good pollUca. 8tevenaon "VIII ht-llblr to rapture u l:lee.nhower hu ahown. Con-the tn1st "nd 11tfttllon of the 1ldering the good luck the people blO<'k or lndep<'m.lent vntera who h&ve bad with that kind or gov-renlly !!Wlni: th" ,.1,.r t1on o n" emment th-pa.i th'" ye&ra. w11 y t>r lht nth,.P ThAl hr reror:· It wvna unllkely th'lt tr&eUon· nlt'X'it l~ 11trl'n1rth nt thl11 blQC'k &ry pohcla, whet.her ot ldl or Is a«n In Mr Stt'V,.nl!On'a appeal ri&'ht win( exlremea of ~publl· tor Its 8upport 111 hl11 flrat 11l11te· can or Democr•Uc label, will gain mt>nt ot N1nd1d11rv, and perhspa the t&vor or the general public. he 111 doubtful lh1t thl' voter11 w111 The Rt'publlcana h&ve & atronr 1"1nt to abandon lh" Elaenhnwl'f r«cord to run on &nd will be hard progrlllTI that hu •ccomrlu•hed to beat, w hether Mr. Elmenhower ao much In lhe put thre,. yur1 runa or not. The Democrala will From prellt'nl Indication•, h I• automatically alienate a larce doubt 111 well rounded. &nd unleM number nC voters of bolh p&rlle• conditions u nder Jo a radlca.I Ir they aound u they're on & ch11n.:f'. hi• new &dvt'nture will crua&de tor r&dlcal ch•nre~· not dJt!er ttom his prevtoua on" " Merced Sun • Star: "B&ck ln ADLAI TO BEAT t 1138. R.epublk&na picked off 80 Napa Register: "Adlai Stcvf'n· Democ,..uc conrreaelonal ... t• son of Jlllnols. now en 1.vowrd and llffmed to be on the march. c&ndld&te for lhl"' prel'llilt'nry In ,._o yea.ra later, the l&te Pre11I· 1956, la the m1tn to bt111l 10 lh• dent Roc>Mvelt won a I.bird term Democnlll" Party •nd t'v,.rvbo<ly BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL R)· llORACF. rARKER (Ed. Not• -Tllta eolmnn h,v H"nu'f' fark1•r "'Ill dt••I wttlli th llttle-k1t0"'il""lit.tortcal fa<'I• hf' h1" ''""''""'I un I" hi• mao1 trip• lato llae IMM'k C'ountl')' ID ro·1·rnt > ,.,.,....) TAI.ES OF THF. RRP·:;u C'Ol;NTH\' (Conclusion of two parts) As Juan de Lugo scrambletl like a fri~ht't-ned bn.tah rat from out the cave·kish and in f<>ar of hu1 companion alck with the deadly small-pox. ht' rC'ali?.<'d he hnd panicked. H~. Juan de Lugo who had stood stt'adfa~t a~ainst the vicious, howling attacks of the Apache and Yaqui : J ui\'n de Lus-o, who h11d br11vffi the ht'ttl ""'' thl' b<'11•t 111t-.·'hl t1l1ll while and thirst or th" df'serts h ii ti l\'11ll~h ~1111 llcm n pa111rkNI; Juan <ll.' Lugu who Tw.1 th1v11 11flPr' tnr 1111·angf'r would h11vr s::la11ty 111 .. ,1 n~hllllli? '•lh• 1 on•· ,,r th•• lllil wumcn who b&ck to bal·k \\Ith 1\11 rnf'nd i 1>1111 l"n•I• .i hln1 f••ll '"' k In lhrt<" Pablo Hlv1·1 a. 1·1111lil 11111 (A1't' t h•· da\''< tlw 11•11 111Al'11li•• nppt•IH'f'd un lhouj;,hl ot 1les1h bv "'I'""" ron· hl'r r ... ,. 'l'hc>n 1111111h1·r w11m11n tracte.I f1<1m hh• 1nfr1•1c11 c1 i.-m.1.1 r. II swk "•111 OIJ!' 11r l he· ml'd1c-1ne 1:-; t'UClRT I "''·n 1<11t 11I I h1• b• ""'' d l'hl .. r "°" H r' had bru~h,.J th<' Hille. 01,1 or .Nnll:oh 1 .. 11 lll <'k, 1111<1 Nallah Jndhtn 11s1dr 11,. hf' hui r-u••llV II/Id-<11111<"1'<1 nn1I t h11ntl'•I. 1tnol poultlc· died hla hor!ll' H111 hl'll rt p:1un•lf'd 1 ••ti tum. Ukc I hi' f1rcll I h•l 11wttp lllld th•• puli<t• lhuihh'<I 111 hi"' th!' bi uahli.11d:o thr l'f'Oplt' re l'l throat. Tht' rnult' hail 1111t ye l :<Irk \\'hlh• uh.I Nallllh 1"('ma1ued been unlo11d!'ll Gn1hblnJ:' thP lt>nd unsrath.·J . rcpe or thr mull' hp mounted. M T1t1t:s TEMF.KC'AI. 1purre1I hie horse lhrou1ih l h c Jn d•·~p1•1allon olil Natl11h h11d & creo11ote bushf'A lo 111 .. beckon Ins;: t1•nw1wal I l!WPl\l huu"f'I bu 11 t clean. grt'('fl wlllnw~ lin ln~ t h (' 11~·ur a 1h•1•p IH"ll 111 th,. crt'c-k. can~·on's l'l'l'l'k Ii<' lt>okt•.t 11~ his Thi" ""'" ,., , ent m1>1ll1·lnf ot the handft Ult II thf.Y h>t•I bPtr11yed I lnd111n1t "' Tt'll1N'kll 1'1'1'111f'l'll1• ), him tht>y were u1wll'wn, 1·«ntu111· on .. sol 111 1 he ht'lll"•t. 11ublerr11n- lnttlt'1f. A s h1' 11·1wh1•d th1• "'"'"'" <'lln t••nw~1·al """ 8Wt'lll<'<l, thm ot lttt' crct>k he tort• his rlothl'll .tuvt> 1010 t ht• 1ry w"\r11< or lh• otf and thn·w th•'lll rn a1111 lh•·n , nenrbv pool. 'l'hc-tlr~l thrf'e Clln• ly1n1t In lht' Rh111luw wutt'n1, hi' yon l'e•111lrR •Ht'<I umfrr thl11 rl&• I rl1>1I 10 ""'"'" lhP !lf«"Mll"'<i 1nfet.. 0 1 l)lljj I ro•tttlllt'lll. lion from h1., nak1,11 bod,'" Th,• tlt'O.lh 1 h11nlio mnanf'd 11 nd Old Nt&tlllh wn11 ht•\\'1hlo" ,..1 Th"• .. t·hu<'J up R!lll ll11wn thf' can~·on. auddcnly 1111d obviously frlght1•ntd N ii.; ht a nll 1IA.Y thr funeral fir u df'pnrture of th•• t11111y 8 1111n1:"r bu1n111 1<n•I im111k,.•I. Thr Canyon 1t11rtlrd him. Tbt' 11111gh J01<lhn1t Pt'<•J>l1•s Wt'I~ dying 11ol one by lht l!tran~C'r h tHI glvtn h1111 as he ono: but by two,. 1111J lhreu a ml saddltd lhe gre11t bf'1t:1t hurt hi• murl'. No lon.:Pr werl' lh!'re pride "nuulo!h lo 1lra1: lhe de.Ii from t he Curiously he f'l"t'rt'<J lnlo t ht' rav .. -k111hs and prepl\J'c the crrm&• dim d11rknu~ of th,. ('8V" • k1'lh lion flreio. The olhf'r Hslry St1 ango>r wnl h· Kalul llll'd &nd 11omt'thlng died t'd and babbl!'\1 u it in pain l'\A· wl\h1n olil Nal111h. tit• old w orn&n ti11h crawled to An•I. squatt111g on had loni; •Ince pu8f'd •war• end hl11 hounchr~. q111 .. 1ly watrhrd \ht' I lht! g-ra.nd11on•. .N&t'leh prayt'd he 1lck man. H1• too 1111w the r.-•J n11t:hl t110 be lllken 11IC'k, but he mSt'lllt'll Thl'V "'""' a MrAllj:I' 1iv .. t1. ~n loni:l'r WIUI Nat lllh f('• thing. Yt l 11; h<' wnlth('d the ~II"' '"'I. 'ihe t'11nvon Pt'opll!3 "f'"t •tr&n~er IK'rntl'ht'tl al lhP111. Ah, lllld I !'Ul'll"d him, r 0 r he had old Nall11h kn•'\\'. th•' i;tr1•nl('t'I h1 n~hl the ,.tr•ngera wl1h I h e had w11lke•I throur.:b the nre bu•h 1lt'<uJly 111t'k nnM a'lwy would hnve lpolaon oak1. H I" people km•w k•ll•••I ;l:atlsh but th•'Y Wf're too how to cope with thh A 11rn1pk weak With ah'knrl!3 or 1tnckrn poultice would cure him. with g11cr lo bothl'r. Ol:ATH C'OMF.!-4 To MOl 'STAJSS For day11 th" w l11t' <1111 womt'n l n lu.11 thlln 30 day1 only • 'nd the mt'dlclne men roultlN>d 1core or mor<' or I he onl.'t' numer· Ole etr&nsu. He acrAtched a.nd 0UJ1 Ca"ilyon Peoplti• Wf'rf' alive d111r at thf' t eetering maculn. Ht' and 1N>me ot U11m1 Wl'r .. 11lck. One moanl'l1 an1l p0&nl'ol and on t hi' of lh• C&nyon PN1pl•'• rulnor alllth d1y hi' dlt'd ThAt day 1hl'y I ch1d11 had INrvlvl'd nn11 calllnlr du,1t lht' l''l 10 lhe .oft !MlnJ. tllll'J llu..,, .,.,.ho l'f'rnalr1t'O about him It w11h I.Jr u•h. hod tht' •trM1t<'r hr 1111111 "On lhl' mnrl'IJ'"'' W4! lt'Ave On II With h111 l:H'lomclng~. Ill the thl!O v1llK~1• Of dl'IHh 11nd llOltOW runf'ral pnto 11n.1 v. rt h rev"""nC'f' unrl t1••n1I Into the frr11h.ne.a. ut r rt'mated hh1 body In lh(' way of lh" mvuntlln" .. lheir p<'op)('. \\'t'lu11~· lh<' lt>mn&nl r.t l.h t Nat.sh '"''Ill' (a•cl1111tf'd v.·lth l ht' t.:anvun l'Mlllf'io hradeJ lnln lhe g re.11l be•11t ot l hr ti• Md 11t1•n1:.-r 1 .• ~•n··~~ 11( tl·C' ~anl& R<>u t.fo11n· It wH• 111m .. kn I lllc('tl r11 111 :-\11· 1.1.n" n .. h1nol ""m' nhl l'\11 t•11h. Ulh jtllthert'd j;I• OI 11m.l11~1h1 of ~UJll" rtNI b\' hh• .Y•l\IOJ;l'r ~n ,.,. 1treen ~rl\NI 1 r11 m al"n"' lhl' \\ '" Hntl l/11· Wiil' ut <lflld K1.1tul. creC"k 11n11 fr•I It Th• C'llfl'' 11 p , .,. l.1k .. 11 ~tunn"'J nnt1 dll"<I ntbllll pie wcr~ lmpr• ... I ;\'"1 •h ~ n••w l11l hy 1111 "'""• IOJ: •lklc ~·­ I! he l'OUld clanil11•r on 11 .. hHt'k 11 .. ti·" 1111~""•"11 .. ,.,.,. llll1I rattM 111g I.he penp.lt' w1111l I be! "'""l 1111-•'•I'" fullu\\'l'•I lhr p~Llful rl'm• prelll«I A1111 It "'"" l' 1:r 1 x1 1lnv nnnlK ••r 1h .. ('any11n l 'Ml>lu !Jut when !l:Atlllh hA•I h:.11111 1,.,.,~1 him I' hit• h·· I Iii; ht Iv In Nn11,.h'1 "1th· on th!' bll•·k nt th~ .1rn·11l b••1U1l , I'!• d 1in1J vf'1n111 h1111ch1 "'"" lht and the Can~·on l'••·1plt· "l" 11 <l 1,.,.,1 101,.. .. r I he 11:rN•l brA•l alu.n nt'd with ama.z1•111r11t :-\11l h11\l 1h11110•·1 nt th .. 11lf·k m11n, who rol• w&ved hi.JI armio • a111I wu p1 out.l. 1 lowP\I rat 1 .. nlly l>f'hlnd. d actually widened the Df'mo-knows 1t. Hl1lor1ca.Jly, It 11 hlich· CTaUi' con(Teuielft&I m a-r r In ly •lfntneant that he •hould OC'· About &JI that can be u.ld of thf' eupy lhl• domln11nl po11lt1on. Not tu le.11 Important 1965 returns loo ma.ny d .. realed ('&ndldates for . aa an Indicator I• that t.b~y wlll lh4! oftlcl' Itel lh&t kind ot •r· unqueellona bly lend an ear lo the cept.a.nt !' trom their party Rlf'V· Oemocrat.t. Evm tht>u(b limited, en90n i. In tact powerf\Jlly pl•l'ed they &re f&vorable and they do lo r•t Ille nomination again. But not IN!rp&t &ny marked chllni:e he clearly wlll have to tM8de tor tram 1964 when the pArly plnrd It &nd h.rht fo r It. 11"" prue '' Conrn• &nd ~lud ma.ny new too bl1t to b' ~v,.n away otl"n r o vemorahlpa." · by p0hlfcl&n1 who are trained to NO WA.A LEFT uacl lh~lr •quid pro quo· In re-- tum for f11vnr11 utended. It he Ontario • t1pl&nd Dally Report· ''Moat. Important ot &JI la t h e tact that no Democrauc candJd&te can ~ &r0und -the EtMnhower doean't &lready know them, 8le- venaon I.I now turning the hard tact.a or polltlcal llfe.'' AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By HENBY C. MacARTllUB 8ACRAM'ENTO. (CNS) -Con· tlnuatfon or the low merit raUnit achedule In the C&llfom l& unem· ployment lnaurance &el durin1t 111~ la uaured. &ecordlng to an· nouncemtnl m&de by H . v:. Stew· &rt. new director of the dep&rt· mtnt. Thia •Ill be rood news to m•· ny unployera U\rou(hout t h t 1tate. who have tor eome ye&ra peld nolhlnr at &JI l11to the un· employment ln•urance tund by ,__ ot the fact that U),e1r n - aerve t\lnda wtlh the dep&rtment &r• llbovt the percentage• or wa~e• peld requl.rlntr contribu· Uon1 up to 2.7 percent of th • lol&I '#'a&""· llAPP1' ft A. TE n-employen l"Mehed t h e h&ppy •tale of paJ1nr no unem· ployment 111.aurance taau by HY• eral roulea. Ule flrat b<olntr mil.in· unance ot at..dy employment tor their worlcera. The aecond route C'on&Uta or contutlnr any &nd &U cl&.lm• made &(•ln1t their r .. acn. (unda. And a.nothtt ntucfn lh• lower· ed rat• proV1ded In the law wilt appq DUl )'Ur UI the dM.,. ag&lnat chl11"lln1t l1111nrh"tl hy former dlrl'ctor W llllllm Rurlc .. tt when he took ottlce a l lhl' be· ginnln~ or Oovrmor Goodwin J . Kn lg.ht'• •dr\li.nh1lr11 t1on By ellmlnstlng at'vt'rAI mflllnn dollar• worth of chlaellntr u r h year through cloeer a ppllcallon ot OLD ORA VE -This Canyon Peoples' grave la marked by brok<'n bits nf an olla w h rr h h9..R lx't'n ex- posed by changin~ winds. -Horace Parker Photo blainl!lla pr1nclplu to •dmlnlatr11· AOll 11 1~ n11 ,...rrl'I t hat ht" ""'I'' h f '11ht .. m lA «>mplnveni nf •e"" tlon or the dt'pertrnent, B11rktll I lh11rlty wa11 11n1J,.m11111~1 Kn11:hl f'I "I 1111111 '" tJrJll11r11 11nn11nlly built up tht tund to the pnlnt hD'Ntv .. r, •ltd a r1>11lnl 111111 ~tut .. Th" ,. ,., , ""lf'h•h"'I by fl'lUlll• \\'~~rf' I\ .... 111 tOlal llpprOXlmllltly 1Upt'110tt'fllll'flt .. , I.tank•, th .. •11'• 11( ti\" ti I••• 1«n1h,. Of unf' J'<"frl'nt l 8ta mllllon •t the clOlle ot bual· j 11ry 111 v.1111 h rlO b4>1nw lht 11lll ur "n•r•I••\ 111.,0 , \A:J( t1•..,.N<llJ b 7 neu lh111 )'l'Ar, which IJI m ore m,.1,. 10lll111 v r111 th .. •llrl'ct11r "' lh" '•"ll'lnl 1,.,v,.rnm•••H . ..,,hlch than S75 JnllUon mort' thin nee· th•• departrn,.nt uf emplovm<'n1 ..., urlol ni , .. unl 1,. •zs.111-1 000 tor uiiary lo k~p th" lower IMUI· In atldillu11 t11 I hr •mrk 11r.;11~11•t ll 1°·1 ••ii 1nvolv1 d Oll1t1nally, ance tate11 In etrecL r hl!M!hng. whl• h lh" "' w ''"'' t •1 lhr< ' '·f'l• \' v.11• •11pp<•ANI tri ti. IUCUD OfT hlla dKrta~I. the .:l'Of'f81 bu•I· ~,.,,..,, I t • '· 1l1fum1.o f•n 11.tmlnl· Tt:t th&nka Burkett rec,.lvP<I nffl condlllon• of Cilltor 11111 1111t-1>111111 '" 1 11 ;i<••r• Yr1 !111 th • for helping to accompllllh Thi• ur&Jly helped maintain th·•" 1r.v. l'I~.:. i'I 11 ... ul Y"•r. th,. <Jrpart- malnltnance ot lower r • t e 1. un .. mrloymenl rat""· An)' mllJ"' nr,. 11 t of "mplnym,.nt t1udg~ which. u ve1 C&Jlfomta bualn,.q lnC'l"'llAe In un~mploynu•nl, .. r 111 •·1>r1l1•1I 11nly It> 12• 104,000, mllllon1 or dollar• &nnually, wu cour!IC!, will put th,. r11te>1 buk "''"' h "'"""" Abm•l Sl.378,000 removal from lua ~t by Oovrr-to lbe hlliJ'hf't 1u·heoule. •111\:. In 1h11 (f'tlPrl\I t r,.uury nor Kn Ir ht. foUawtnr 90me I w1tt1•111t bl'nr f1t tu ('ul1tu1 nlll'• ad• lt nrthy c..,mplalnt.t on the part 8TA.TP. ROBREn m1n1,.t111u .. n 11! 11... ""''m pl<J,Y• or labor lobb)'lllJI that the dlr~· 8tew&rt'1 11t8t•l'Tlfnt lh•l t h I' '""nl 1n1111111nr r •l'I. Thl11 1111wun l tor wu too touch. Jn addJUon to ta.Jlabll' wagn f111:ur,. tor t h" l!IC1I· of 1Y1<111• ,. n1a11)• l'mplO\• I• con- lh1 labor complaint. Burk•\t nev· M flacal y .. r. nn "'h1r h lhl' 111t ... r"1l•. u,...d In poltcini.: th .. tund. Pf m1.1n•aed lo cet alon• wtlh tM .,.. b&Md. tol•IP<I J9.•9f ()()() tKI'! v.·uul•I t1r1n1t .... m .. lrtmtndoue r.- 1ta.tt c.r civil ... rvtce bu,...ucratA brlllp out th,. f11rt U11t the fl'd· j -utle 1n 1 ull in~ oul more cl'llMI• he U\b"n~ from ha predeceuor will a onrumtnt u coolln111nr to mi. - BUCS 3RD BEST IN CONFERENCE Orange Caul College'• 3·3 record In Ea.11tern Conference grid competition proved good enough to give the Piratu und111put.et1 possession of third place In the final football standings. Fullerton romped through the loop undefeat· ed tor first place with Mt. San A~onio In 11ec~nd place on buls~f a O·l mark. R1vers1de upset San Ber· nardlno 41-27 Tburllday t o leave BerJoo knotted w ith Santa Ana and. Chaffey with 2·4 recerds . Rlve.rslde wound up In the cellar with a 1-6 mark, COMEBACK' BILL PJULLIPS. Sport.a Editor NEWPORT HAftBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11. PAGE I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, ~955 ALUMNI DOWNS TARS IN CASABA TIP OFF I After tralllllr by u many u 11 point.a ln the early r;olnr. the Alumni quintet put on flnal quar· ter rally Friday nl(bt that aaw them soom to an 81-H triumph over Coach Julee Gae• and hla Newport Harbor High Schoo I bukelball vanity Tan1. Coach Bob Wet.&el'1 "old men.. tucked the tilt away ln the final four mlnutea of play ln the six-quar- ter fray. Oddly enough, It wu moally the lada who defeated the alumni In U:e 19M olaab for the Sallora. 68-&e. who paced the alumni vic- tory thl1 time -pottln' P a u I Neumann wtth 18 point•. B 111 Wetzel with 11 and Denny Fitz· patrlck with 6. Jolnlnf them were Frl'd Neebltt •with 12 markera, Bell Kelter with f and Bruce Knipp with 8. In t. IUdde.n aurge. Bul goals b)' Neumann and Wetz.el closed th• margin wllh Neumann'• bucket f inally eendlng the alumni out f ront where they atayed. Pope copped high scoring n on· ora for the annual clash wcth 10 field 1oal11 11nd eight frPI' !thnls At halftime, Eddie had puppt'of fl\tl!. field g.,.ls an1I four gift toaaee ·to evenly dl~trlbut e h I fl work. Stanford's Nt>um11nn wn~ topa at g11me'1 end for the a.lu111- nl, but OCC'11 Bruce Knipp klO{l: the old men In lhe going with -two field goal11 and t.hree fret' throw• In the first half. Jn the prl!llmlnary tussle, Uw T&r junior varalty edgl!d the 11eur· ryln&' Sailor B'a 61-116. However John Henrolln 01 1ne 11ghtw•lghta led •coring with 25 point.a. Cagy Qage'1 195!1 • 5e cua ba Tars led through the ftret five •••••••••••••• qu&rten, 12~. 20-14. 33-29, 64·47 and 84 ·69. Eddie Pope 1parked th.: attack. dunklnr 28 point.a C'Ome the final busier. with I.Ar· ry Harper a~ 13, Ororge Mabee t and Dave Tamura 8. ALDO RAl' Dirk \'ork DO YOU NEED MORE INCOME? WC orn:R 8CLCCTCD 18T MORTDAOI: I.DA.Na WITH .CAVICC ""' MA). .. 0 ttt••CN~ 90\.tCITATtONe T•u•T or.10• 80utlHT AND 801.D WM . I. 1111 MOltTUAOlt 8ANltlNO •IHCI. 1920 16()11 N IUSH 1 T II Et • SAN1 A ANI'., CAl If, KIM&l•l Y ).71 ta Advt'rtlM'mf'nt Anodlllnt Protects TY Antennas Atalnst Salt Air, Dampness Coulal a!'t'.& ,.....ldof'nt• "'lll be! happ'' to kun tbal thry rn.n now buy " 'r\' anl('nna P'-J'4·~1- fic-ttlly dr.;' 1:m'd to ,. 1mbn I th,.\r 1·llma' h' 1tnd atmos11hc'r· IC' c-ondlt Ion .. \\'lnrtta rd ( 'o-n· I*-")\ 1.:a~1ll' 'c·turrr.. u: ttt 'l- ou-. Int• :-·c" ,~or An· t\'lOM!i, htn·... I~; ,·, ti ' ·d &n\1t1! ... ·p; .a• a pt•rm··1•,·.H (lllrl or ti ... l\"l- lt*Olta. r,·:.r• H oclt~ t.~ flt~u'•'~" pr•H••r!" I 1 · ftluml ;'I .1 1•1•·· 1n<·nt ~ uf f • • .u .. u·\0 '". ~· : 1 t M\lf a•:. d l 'C"!'4K, ~,.I t , t• ··t and o:!'wr c· H r,..1!-,i\l' &. ";(•u'• th.at ar,. lrn., n to lfr•;1•rl<1r11tr by oddallon or.Unary nluml· num a!llt-:11' ..... l n fa~I . a no· dir.lnit marl<" tl1,. \i'lnrirard lntC'rt'rrilor u• th" t r••I •·o:n· pll'l .. ly nu.'·•'.• . ' ·. • T-.' an- . ,. ... ! Monarchs Get Winning CIF TDs in 4th Goins lnto the final canto. net· tlnp by M.abH and Harper thot the Tara Into a 10 'point bulce. 61-01. But with a combo of Neu· mann, Fltapatrlck, Greg Wrl(ht. Wetzel and Pele Morn a takln& the court. the alumni f o r c e 1 'il..ulckly rallied. ~et.RI hit the cord.a for thne point.a, Fitzpatrick, for four and Keller for a pair to draw within three dlg'lta of the current Sallora. At Ulla point, Bob Weur.el'a wh.1.a· klda applied a flllJ court prua. aettlnc up a 1t.eal for brother Bill In "Three Stripes in the Sun" 1.PllAa on 1;1,. mar h1':. ~ In addl;lnn l o p11· ,,. \'inr tflf' lllf' of tliM-an:,. 1:i:i, a 1u .. i1tlnt &h •c•• l hP aft,f'IU!U ll Olflllrkl.n n;, SANTA ANA. tOCNS) -Vic· tnr1ou. Friday night over Be 11 G11rdrn1, 26-14, on a lut quarter cnmeba~k. Mater Del'a unbeaten Mon.arch• today looked lo their at'cond round Cl F' playoff next ti'rlday night agalnat Paeo Roblu . REA.JlCATS NEXT PASO Roblu dlitplayed a pow· er ful land atlack tn whlpplng- Blahop tnlo aubmlH lon F r Id a y nlghl. 38-19. Site or the contul ho1m't been determined. Both •chools want lhe J'ilme played ln lhctr ba ck yard. The Mon11rch• trailed a b I g Bell Goi rd••na team, 14·13, with four mtnulu gone In lhe I a 1 t pcn o<l tn Mun1c1pal BQwl here •"n J ay night. Then. Quarterback Gt'ne Oldham man1hall~ h I a forces for t. amt.llhlng wtndup. AT THE THBOTl'LJ: StkldAJ t.o ua sl'OWU1. Ol.dh&m t ng'lnened two touch<!own drlvu which puUcd lhe r;ame out of the tire. Fullback Hllllk Enrlqu~ and R tj(hl Half Ron 0. Voa were the btg ball v-ckrra u Ute Monarcha tallied to take their lOl h conM· c:utive vlr lory. On the ltno It wu Gu• O•ttr· a bru1111ng end, and Ed who drove In for a buckeL With the aoore 84-63, oa.-e'• S:UY• foul'ht b&ck. Score• by Tom Kouat.on and Pope made It 68-63 Going to The Candy Cane. Ball? Rent A Tux at Major's Tux Shop C.omplete W-ta.I 8en'k-e Pllode IUmbutT 1-6714 l ot11 E. 4'11 8L. 8-ta Ama ()pea l:•Mliap hT Appotlltmftt _,. __ "Creature with The Atom Brain" r vio .• ul "· • . .. ·' ,. 1.1· pllmr ut,. lht· •• ,, •••• ur of an.y borne'. \\'ln,.a.ard lnt1•l"N·p'nr T \ an· tPnna' arl' " .. ~ 111.0 1 .1 tor brlnalnr: In thr 1tlU11'pf'•t. d 1•1U'f'"I T \' p:1·:urr' ou all l'hlllln••I•. ('11n..111t your IM'•r· ""' \\'lnl'i;•rd ttfoalt'r, or "rll# WI n,. r: a rd l:...Upany, 1Ut W.--t lll>th Ml ...... t, lAltl All· l t'IN 4l\, ('•IHornU.. -tt paya to reac the want ada. le Cooperation with S. D. DAY w. Offer ABSOLUTELY FREE! 8t.eerhlK Check UKbt lmpectloa Wiper Check NO OBLIGATION OF COURSE CHEVRON P.W \'atal'lut %100 W. Balboa Blvd. SERVICE c ~ n le r from the Monarch•'l r~~-~-~~~~;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:-;;;~-::-~~~~~;:;;;;;::;;;;;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;;;~ BUC GRID FINALE HIGHLIGHTS At top. Halfbark BilJ McKenzie hurcUt>s into Vikin~ end r.one early in game.' only to have i-c,,re nulhfie<l by 'offsiue penally. In middle. Quarterback Bruce K nipp lives dangerously by thrcJwing pass from P trat" FLYNN FLOUTS KING-SIZED CRUSADERS WITH TD S!EGE I t'nd zfJni.>. N!'>:t play, a Viking safety resulted. At bottom. Ha llback Bill Hani8on dh·es between rivals t o n ·c11\'1•r an 1111 side kick. -Staff Photos Ml:rray Caps Gent;. TrHtJ 1 .. : ~1 ti I • \ ,,,. •• , • ( •• n~r··"4' ~f 4 II • l -,,~ t 1 I" J th ~f r1f r ,,,, ., 1' • htthi •f.. ,, •n1 ht~ I " If I • j• o ol Ill 21111 J\1 \TTllt:'l~t:~ Boah -lfnm7 -Trant,.. I rr<'1:11la~hapH 1.n.~r:y 1'-UOS COST.\ ~n;~.\ ~L\17RE..'l8 CO. !l ~O ~1'\\port Blvd. CO~TA MESA , IOCNS) -A naheim's Halfba~:k ~tic-kf'.\' 11.,. • 1 I' 1 ' ' • Hauskee-Watson SPOR'fS CAB Ct:NTEB • .lecu&r. MO, Alla 8-eo AuaUo Hl'alf, Au•tln, Morrta Aw.tin f.:a«ll!itl t'nrd ~t:W CAR SAU:S It SER\'ICF. • CLEA:"J L:SE D CA-RS rmport<>d • Domuoc C'Ol'ITA Mf:l'A I ~A~'TA "'""" Llbf'rty 8-6flM Kl t-016e lfH U.ar. 81. t'!OI !". Mala Flynn slammN.I t he door 011 ~H. Cat"lnel's supcr-1<17.r .t ~'lund as lh<' C11l0n1:-1ts won thr tr first round contest Ill ri..•g 11 11:i l ClF play, 33-1 1, hN '<' F riday nt~ht al Oran ~L' Coa~I ~i nd.urn . 1111 •••• , •• ,. T hP ("111 •tla!"t!"I "l•11lt11d l ht• nln•· I T he c •lllnJ"f 3 r1t .t h1, '" • t t Plvc-t'ru ... 11ol••1 • 11 .. 111 1, • 1\n,.:•ll" 11\11• 1n th11 f"ti•"I 1.1. 1 t• H pnlnlll Ill I ho• ~•·r-.111d 1111:.t IN 1 • :,.,.I .. ,. ftll• l1lrol 1 1·1 1 h•• I' •' but r1111n111:c .. f tn ch• 'k l11t1•r II\ th .. t 111 .. ll 1• Id "' ol \n•c 1 11•.. I 11 1: e.anl~ P•'no•I ht1k .f, •• 4\\1t1u to• •J•d 1•1 111 .Flynn two1rP•t lhl• •' t1,11chf1r•\\fl1t hi1U a1td •J:f'l\1· l r ·• t .. , .. t J.&,\, .1111 (I( lho•m on qui• I< ''l"'nrr f\l!I \'~ lfYlfllO 1111." A (I ' I lt11llt••· 111 0\ If C ,U• I I I l"I' f 'I l I •1 I •• I ' '' '"' t I """ \\.. • t t I t lJ1' , t ' I "! 'Pt• I 11· I I ~ ~· I ' I 1 ,, 1 •• n~ t f I n, '' h\ ,, t 1 \( I I'' 1; t' I 11 1'1•' (•1,,. I. •J I I• I I I , '11 He ran en nn•I t1rn11n•I thr• ~It Pl1•111 1 l •• .1 II · ·'f' 11llf'n I• Ctilrntt l )O\f't Athl al~11 l1Jh t H i:l~ h1:t!(r 1111 •)1' HTHl to\ltl••t 11J) 1' hi) r /It r.:•r •c:; )'!lrtl Tfl lun • i<llo•d hA1 k \'11111 tlri~h ihrn11ch tho• 11hnlr• ('1,. '"" •• ' • ThP 1.· .. 1 .. 111"~ kl•'k"" .. tr ln :'-fl ·•"· r ,...... .. 'N.:U •. A: :ct: C'Arm,.,l. T hl'V m"l l'1l t or bA ll i•l l I 11,. l 'ol1•n111r .. lonk thr I• n·I ~·'"•th "'a't•ni: yar•ls Pn ll 1'• II•• •hl!lni; wh11h a fl"I Ml 1·.q 111 • I f1111.1i1, .. 1 11 1 •I 0 •'111•1 .. I .. 1. n 1; ... 11 1 ~· C1>. ·lhl'y r •• kt··t Ill' j I\'• I !r•l dt1wn1< I ""'"l fllllll Ill 11 lio t hi I I I ,.r, .. .i .... ~:c ( '" l I. • .. '"'"' l!H Qusrl<'t ba, k A1 f ~rul<np ~f'OJ Ptl c) •'U t" 11 f,,11l ht1•' 11 '' l ~ f· !\ n•1 f ,f'1 ... l"• • • -·, ! · •I• It t •tt-1'' !If! 'l11n r,,., R:.11t ... 1.1 hh,nd :!'lfll l"n. !lt nln. :0-11.:1 n /\n• 1..-ond,.rln,; t'ur CleMtlnJ and l'to'9Ce Phone. Barbor' 10 for pick-up !M"r\ 11'1' on ll ~mc-1111 I '''h" rnll.tr lh<' '''""' '\ 111.i 111·" •-_..,.,.......;,_.-JL~"TJ+I::--~r Cnlnnl~" thl'n ~~ p n•-M~·r~I om thr nr xl J•M\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l e'M tnn nn a 1'4•'1 "'"' ''' funlh1'·~ j An..-Ht''"' 1110 l'h ~.I\' d •llllti.tt• t Minut r11 i.1 l"''.~lt c·:-01111.J .-1· .. 1· 111,, l'l".I' 111 111" t•ur:h 1111.111.c ed when 11 po:<~ 11 :11 l'11Jk.1p t ,, NUii •ni: tw1r• Hal!b111k ~l 11k0 1· 11 .. (!,.,,._,. c:i ~-h n11 "'"'f"I "'" lhit l t ·11 11 the f'nd 7fllh' "11' >'Ill' 1• 1111 111• .fll\\ll '"' ll bt ill•Alll "il l.tl'klo pl,, O.nrg•• "'""~ li••lh '"r1111•1n11 1r •.J1htni: thr •'t•d >:.n1· •l•!h; ,.,, • ., ' FACTORY CLOSE OUTS i-rnokr "="-.. i-lp Smoking StandM 16" Rn1m1I C'rmmlr J Tripod Rri:ular 1t.-ta11 CHAIR SIDI': TABU-:8 9.95 SPf'claJ 4.95 • ""it· &.93 ~1 ..... 1a1 "·9.~ Ol!ll('ontlnuf'd and factor~· St'<'ond!' Wln-&· Wrons:ht Iron c-hai~ -Tabl~ -Dt-sk8 Bar Stools, t t<'. at Jt>!'s than M·holtMJe \ THINLINE MANUFACTURING CO. 512 • 30tb St., Newport Befcb THE BIG ERCURY for. '56-&rings a new high in usable power• 225 hp with faster getaway than ever before DRJ\'E IT AT l'Ol'R ME RCT lll' OEALF.R : Johnlbn & Son -Lincoln-M«cury 900 W. Coast Highway .-Newport Beach -liberty 8-55'45 LAST THREE DAYS G I GANT· IC END OF THE YEAR 5· A L E ENDS NOY. JO SAYE SAYE SAYE 20«ro OFF • on 1955 , Johnson Outboard Motors & *Boats* Come In and See These loats and Moton Dlsplayecl In our Showroom " ) ~ ' PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MO~DA Y, NOVEMBER 28, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Rt:!'OLl'THl.S so. U04l 11pel"!a.I ~lecllon to be held on the A RF.SOM 'TI01'" Ot' TIU: ('ITV I llh day of 1'~11bruary, 19M, In eer- COl ' S<'ll. Ot' THE c·rrv OF t.lln lnhnbl!Pd territory conllRUOUS St:\\'l'OrtT Rt:.\Cll Ut:l'l.AK-1 tt• !la1cl city. propo11t'd to be an- IS<l IT!< ISTl''.STIOS TO llPX•'" th1,ret•1. for the purpoM· or ( Al.L t'<)R A ~Pt:Cl.\L t:l.Y.C-submit,ting lo the qualified l'l,<'lors TIOS IS Ct:RTAl"S ISllAFUT-r<·.!!td1ng in t'al;I t erritory lh1• tjU<'S- Y.O T•:teRIT<Ht\' C'OSTHit '., llon whr thl!r or not eald lt'rr1tory Of'l'I TO i-t.\lf> nTV f'RO-sh!IJI be R.llJlexed to the City Of f'O!"t:n TO nt: A'\"Sf:XF.n l Newport Bench and the. property Tflf':ttt:TO. f'Olt TflY. Pl'H· 1n tile Ll'rrttory s ubjected lo ta x· f'()"f' ,,... !'if "fl!\fll'Tl"(; TO ll\lon afle1· annexation .. qoolly ·rt1r. 0 1· .\l.lt"ll'.t> ,.:1.-t:CTOHS I with r rnptrty within the City ot Ht:t'tOISIO f;\" :-.AIO TY.RRI· New p<11t 6 each, to pay the entire TOJtY T JI 1·: qr F: l't T 1nx 1 b<111d<'d lnd ehtedne1111 of the Cit y \\'tlt:TllF.11 on ~oT sAJO ur :-;ewrort Bea<'h outstanding or lt:tlRITOI<\' ~llALL HF: AS-l\Ulh'>rill(•ll at the date ot t he lll'!lt ·sr.xt:u ·n~ Tiit~ ('0 '\' OF puhlto·at ion ot the notice e>f elec- SF.WPOHT RFAC'ff, ASO FIX· !Inn for annexat10!1, for the ll<'qul- 1 '-'(~ A Tl.\n: A '\"I> 1'1.ACI-: -~•l1011, ronstrut·tum r1r l'ompll'llon \\'llF:S A.')O \\"llt:tt•: AS\' 11f 111un1t'tpt1I Improvements. l't:R..;O'I; U\\'''l:"f: Rt~ A I, .S.'\lrl lo'l'T'lto ry )R 1IP1<rrlbetl a~ l'fHH't:HT Y \\'11'111:" Sl 'Cll folll<l\'S' . TF:rtRIT()lt\' '1.\ \' .\l'l'P:.\lt l B•·i.:1 11n1n~ At an angle point In flf:l-'Ol<F: S \II> C'IT\' ( O t 'SC'll. lh" b"llllolltrv line t.f the City A~O 1'1'10\\' (".\l".:t; \\'II \' St'<'ll 1'Ell!UTO\' SllOl I.II 1 ut ~. Wfll•rl B elH'h :;hid 11ggl1' :\OT n..: so ,\.'\:\t:x t:11 1 BE IT rn:sOL\"F:J1 hi '"" 1·11v r 1.\l n•tl d !111• <"•t > rt :\"""Jltt1t H1111·h· Rl·:t 'TIO:'\ I Thal II h th" Ill• t e11L111n 111 I ho• Cit v < '1<1111< •I •>( th" City 111 N«ll /1t1rt .ll<:_a1'11 t11 e._dl ll I" 111 l IJ•'.lllJ; tn th1• W<'llL~·l)• l1m• .. t 17tl1 StrPrt, 80 f,•el i11 \\ 1ilt I\ 11:< d es1•r1h1·d 111 iJP1•d ,,.,.,Hd1•d Ill H1111k IOI. r ..ii.;e I 77. ()1(1, tu l lt•'l llrds 11( U r· r111i.:1• r uunl.\'. C'allfor11111. and b .. a n11g not lh 2~ 21' 05" wt•:<t fln•I ol1slant 19.63 f"t'l frvm You ca.n't guess wrong wifk a •• _..---::.~~; ff! rWt_~!tf ~~te . .:·.' l from ' LEGAL NOTICE the mo11t l'uterly corner ()( Lot 18 1u1 ehown on a map or Trac\ No. 1218 recorded In lflacel.l&neous Maps. Book 37. f!agea 47, 48. and 49. Records or aald Orange County;. thenci> gent>rally northerly a long sa1tl City boundary hne t o a n llngle fl'•lnl In 1111111 CHy houm1ary llne, said angle pmnt bl'ing in t he soulhwt'sterly Hnl' or Block l'l2, or Irvlnt>'s Suhdl- v~slon, a11 recorded in MJscel· lo.neol.UI Rl'cord Maps, Book I, on Page 88 or Record11 of 11n1cl Orangl' County. and being dis- tant 1290.00 reet 10uthl'utel'ly or the aoulheuterly line of lrvtne A,·.,nue u e}lown upon a map of :'llew port Heights and recorded ln Miscellaneous Map Book 4, Page 83. Rerorda or llB.ld Orange County, t hence northwr11terly along thl' south· wesl!'rly lint> of 1.11t.ld Blo('k :-i2 anr1 alonK salrt City h<mntlarv line to an lnlt'1'9l'('llon with the IKlutheMlerly line ot s11ld rrvine Avt>nue; thenc" south· we!!tt>rly alonir the 11oulhea~l­ Prly lint> •1f s11li1 l rvlne A.-... ttU(• lo an tntC>rsertlon with t he i>uu! IJpa.qll"rly prolongo ttnn "' thl' northeast .. rly llnC' of 20th St1 ect ns s h\>wn upon s11id mi.p or Newport Height.!!. 1111111 point aL~o b;:tng an angle point In the b<>undnry lJne of Llw City or Costa MeM; thl'nr«' cont in u 1 n g 11outhweisterly nlunir 11aid southeallt•'rly line Of l r\'in<' Avenue to Wl lnler· s<>ct1on "with the southWC'llterly llnl" of 16th Slrl"el aa s hown upon ll mop 01 Tract No. 1120. recorded In Ml,ofCj'llane- ous M11pi1. Bonk 39, Page 7, Records of said Orange Co- unty, sald point of lnteraectlon being an 11gle point In the boundary line of 1181d City of Newport Beach: thence south· ea.~terly along the llOulhw<'st- erly hne of said 16th Sire<'! and along tht> iroundary h ue or said City oJ Newport Beach to th(' point of beginning. SEC TJON 2: That eald lerr1· Lory hl'reby 18 rleslgnat.ed a nd ldent1!1ed ror 11uch ~·leclion pur- pose11 IL!lcl tor u11e upon the ballots at 11urh elerllon 11~ "Harbor Hlgh- hlndll Ann!'x." SECTION !I: Notice I.a hereby J..'i''t'n lhllt on the 12th day or De- eember, .19:1;'>, at thf' hour of 7 :30 fl• m.. 1n the Councll ChlllTlbere ot Ute City Hall or the Clly ot Nl·wport BeaC'h, any p<"rson own- 111g real properly within 11Rld territory 8<> propoHd to be All· nexed and having a.ny obJecllon to lht• proposed annexatrnn rnay ap- ONE BLOCK NORTH OF SANTA AHA COUNTRY ClUB I J)t'ar hrfore Mid City Counrlt anrl show f'RUIU' why ~U<'h ler rilo1y I 8hould not be 80 11nntxl'd. Such prote~t m u1t be In writing and 19X32 S. \V/Nrwport Bh·d. Klmbt>rly 5-2462 UGAL NOTICI lbaD n&t• Ow name w n&m• ot the owner or ownera of the prop• erty affected by llUCh anneuUoa and the loc&t.lon Md area ot INCb property Ill pnen.J tum.. U It be found Ulat a maJonty proi-t hu not ~n made aa preacribed In Section 86121 of ~ Callfomla Gqvemnwnt Cod•. t\lrther pro- cffdinp llba.ll be taken ln accord· &nee with the law tor the boldln1 ot auch apeclal elecUon. SECTION 4: That the City Clerk ab&ll certify t o the adopUon ot thl• re.OluUon a.nd cauae tha Mme to be publtahed In the New- port Harbor News-Prua once a week tor two weelu prior to th• 1&1d ftearmr. The above and foregoing Reso- lution No. Hoe wu duly a.nd recularly puaed e.nd adopted by the City Counclf or the City ot Newport Beach, at a re(Ular mret· tnr thereof, held Qn the 14th day of November, 1960, by the rollow- lng roll caU vote, to wit : • A YES. COUNCn~MEN: Bl'nnett, Wilder. MacK11y, Stoddard, High .... R1c.1Jerhof, Hill NOi'~!~. ('UUNCILMEN~ None ABSENT C.:OIJNCILMEN: Nnne DORA 0 . H1LL A TTEST : ~larg<'ry Schrourter C'ily Cll'rk SEAL No. 631 Muyor NPwa-Prcs" 11 28 12 !\, 19:i6 Amendment to Onflnanl'e-No. 860 2 Hearing• DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa·P~ la cuannt.ed. Carrier boya WW deliver their papers be- fore 8 p.m. on Mood'\y, Wedneeday &nd Friday. U your paper la not delive»ed by. that bour pleue call Harbor 1818 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NEWft>RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS hery Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays 'Llaea 4 Unee 4 Unea 4 Lines l IDsertJon 2 lneertlona S lnaertlons 4 ln8ertlOn!l $1.00 1.60 2.00 2.50 add'L lines .25 ea. add'L llnN .26 ea. add'I. lines .25 ea. ~d'l. Hoes .25 PB. •a-situations Wot.tel OltNERAL HOUSE l'let.nlnr b)' • ' hour or day. We do anythlng STANDARD STATIONS better. Har. 0802. 3'dl I oy's Maintenance HoUM cleantnr-noor wu1n1 Wall waN11n1-wtndow cJeantns Venetian bUnd1. Uphol•l•ry lnaured. lo'rt'8 l!:allmalu Ubecty 4-1332. lUc Swedish Massage Ladles, by appointment ir Y•Jllr homt Formerly m ... euae at Arrowhead Springe Hotel. Pleaae call Harbor t79~ or Hae<>r iO. 3lc0.h LADIES plannlnJ to entertain! Consult m •n\all partlea. Care of chOdren n1Jhi 1 or week enda Excellent tet. Gert.rude Brad· ford. Ll 8·9098. 33p37 CLEANING .I: rRONINO by the day. Exptrlenct'd. Balboa JaJand preferred. Kl 3·60K. tl Ha. oJ*lnr tor Station Sall'amen Aa-ea 18 · l6 ON.nae county . 5-Day -40-Hour· Weelr H igh atart!ng pay Exctllt'nt Benefit.. Good opportunity f•r Advancement Apply ST ANDA RD ST A'l'IONS Dahlia and Couit Hll'bwa,y. Corona dl'l Mar Chapman and Spadr. Ji'ullt'rton 8:30 .12 9:30 a. m. Monday A Tb~aya. UcO MEN-WOMEN OROCERY ca.ahlera and Ml:AT wrappera. $80 ~ 1100 week. 308 Spurseon. Sant• Ana. Ph. Kl 3-41300. See Ad Cl&M 24.. - Hc46 SltuadOD w-t.ed Ada wllJ ..-.h'e 16% dl•counl. Cub In adnnce unly. Experienc'd gardener HL\IMVM AD 1s • u~r.s LANDSCAPING Beacon Personnel 10070 employer retained agency Special Notte.:. Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meets l)'ITY Thurllday I p.m Via Oporto -Central Ave Newport Beach Albert H. Matthew•. Exalted Ruler 12-Bulldlng Services PAINTING M. W. ROSS Licensed LI li-3321 280 Avocado, Costa Mesa 86tlc and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1659 NO FEE collected from applicant U3·311t Newport S.cb 30tfo HOUSEKEEPER. Live In or out -------------Hu 1'1696 aJter 6 p. m . M r38 RELIABLE JAPANESE. AMERICAN WANTS GARDENING JN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 24p37 REAL E STATE SALE8KAN HA VE openln« for locally l'X• perlenced SaJ111man. JACK BRENNAN, Raa.ltor 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. Npt. Bch, Llberty I · 7773 aatto \on~·ernlng 0f'ubdh·lidon11• ••• SOTIC'E OF f't"RLIC HEARISG on °ft.1>1M>lulion of lntf'ntlon No. ~8' 'Amendment .•. No. 11' l~Bulldlng Se1vloet CARPENTRY Custom CABINET WORK -"'~~~~l'd~;:,..sP~1;1c!~e01~1E;~ ~~MORE anywhtr!'. NO\"'' AVAILABLE THAN EVER Notlre 111 hereby given that the Planning Commi11slon or the City or Newport Beal'h will hold two pttblir hcarinJ:S on t he propo11ed Amenrtml'Tlt No 17 ... or Sub- tllv1st1m Ordtn11nce No. 600 .... Artlr l1• LX l~ to amend Section "9201'1.2•" to read 'Sldewa.lks' ;hall' . . . and Se<·Uon "9200.28" to react. In pla~e of '11treet hght- lng' 11hall read 'An underground uU!lly 11ervlce for omamenlal llghllnK avstem1 1hall be requlr·l'd hy, ett'' l n ad<hlwn a new aecllon 112~6 29 A shell be ineerled, r<'ad- lnr; 'Telephone and utility under- !)l'Ountl syatenu1 mAy be required. 1'otl~e Ix herehy further glVPn that said r>ubllc hearlnp will be held on tne 16th day oi De~mber yrar 19M and the l 9th da.y or January year 1966. at lhe hour of 7 30 pm. In the l'OUnl'll rhambere nt th~ Nl'wporl Bearh City Hall, at whkh tlme and plart' 1111y and 1111 pl'r90n11 Interested may 11ppear and be hurd thert'on. RAY Y. COPEWN. Secretary Newport Buch City Pl11.nn1ng Cnmmlulon :>;o 833 New11-Prt11.11 11 /28~ PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS MINOR REPA,lR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL a. o. Anceraon 101' IC. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24M 83Uc Done on prem11ea No Job too amall. Phone Kl 3-3348 33c4~h Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Salary open. L.1 "8·7933. 3ep38 BEFORE! Our new, higher •larUns wace BABY s1tln. mature woman. By and frequent lQEreuea &1V• you hour, •hty or week. Good refer· thta opporlunftY. OpenlAp now encl's. Har.OH~-J. 38c38 tor - CEMENT It BUILDING A11 Kinda GEO. BURKHARDT '!9-Help Wan~ TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wUl W-.ln you and you'U re· ce1v1 many otlle.r benetll.8. FREE ESTIMATES Uberty 8-6109 CARPENTER Repair Work Do.e Your Home Nied Repairlnl or R.emodellJll T Call Frank. Uberty l-88M All Worll Guarantffd 74lft' General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling I J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W l 58t!c LICENSED CONTRAc.:roR 178 W. 18th St., Coat.a Mel& Liberty 8·8628 R d. OU Spreaotng Driveway• PARKING LOTS Sub·dlvlalona our apeclaJty. We tuml.sh a ny type oil to your ap~ c1flcatlon. L&.rge j oba -amall Jobe. Free eattmatea. Also w a· I.er apreadlng. Modem equip- ment. LExlngton $-4008. Gil· more It Page, HunUnlrf.on Bob. 6Uc Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty Water hulert on Ume payment.a 2819 Newport Blvd,, Newport Bch. Har. 5385. Rea. Har. 4367-J LOOK AT THIS AD Earn S8 • $14 daily -Apply - . OU 1ia No . .M&ln SlrMt, Rm. 2 ll, Womtn ot a ll ages desperately Santa Ana. nt>eded at once. Eam while you 9:QO to •:OO p. m. loam prAcltcal nuflltng. Htth PACIFIC TELEPHONE aehool educllllon not needed CllU LAm bo>rt :'>-7521 oi.: write CAREERS IN NURSrNO, Dept ll'>, 4016 W. Commonwealth Fullerton. S3llc NAME TAKERS for Laguna Beach .fr South Laguna Ci ty Directory Good hand wrlUn& uaent111I. Write 204 E . 4th 100111 7. SAnta Ana or call Kl 3-.3881. 23ltc Real Eetate Salesman A Planned FutuJte POSITION with old etlab. l',,, Build a bn•Lnua of your own. Repeat aaJea. food produt'l. Htsheat income bra.ckeL 811b- •tanU&l ~lll'flllent plan. No lnv. W l-0740. 20c42 EXPERD:NCIID wait.re• wanted. Apply at SNA.CK SHOP, 2:1()6 I:. Cout HW7 .• Coron. del )tar. lilt Paint ing C~ractor U cenal'd -In.turert "Complete Painting Service at reuonable pricea" 27c•l I Painting, Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" For our newr11t otrlce -a tine ground-floor opportunity. Our tnCl'nllve commlMIOn acbedule ravnra thOlle who 1ta.y w1th iu, tho.cl' who produ<'t', and °'°" active In Haling. We •rt friend- ly and coo~rallvl' and we want th<! 1amt from you. WANTED, younc m&1Tlld man wtth eirpertence In fUmlture &JI· aembly. 8t.ady employment wltb vacation 6 tnauranc• bene· flt.a. Uberty t-t.UZ. 14e38 JAMES, Harbor l239M 36p48 COMPLETE PAINTING A Paper Hanging Service ICUQENE 0. SA UNDllRS GOO Slit Street. Newport Beach ll&rbo1' 21178 or Rar. 4448. tfc -For • depend•t>te uaed car, 1ee your local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to beck up what he eella TODA T ! Check the ·Wied care tn th• clautJll'd aecuon to- day. ~~~es~.~ N~~~!~~; P h. Har. :H04 or 1087-R. l :itrc FOR RENT SllJIJ Sawa, ltlec. OrlUa, Poll.ahera, all typo.a of Sander•, WbMlbar· rowa, e-tc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. Co AgT HlGHW A Y Wberty 8-343~. Nnrport Bch 28Uc ASPHALT TILE L1NOLEUM Ln1t.all the abo\le ctteaper than moat. Alao eel! Tile It Llnoleum. Non-union, 26 yHr• u~rtence. Compare and 11~e - BILL COKER Har. 4796 or LonJ Beach 7~6973. 89ttc Painting & Paperbang1ng Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 3630 Eaat Cou t Hwy. Carone del Mar Harbor 6248 WOMEN otfle11 }oblt open, A LSO domullc Job11. M t::N, te<'hnlc'aJ akUlt'd labor an1J gl'n,ral. R"« 1-ler now. J CN&l J."ARRAR Jo:.1',f PL ACCY 402 1, 32nd St , Npl tncroa11 rrom <..:1ty H•lll 0000 opportunity for u pcprl· e.nced .. rvtce elation attend11nt. Full It part Um• needed. Har, ?793. 341-311 EXPERJENCE:D NWIJ16 machrn" opl'rator. A lrtmmera. Chitp· man Watu 8portJi Equlp. t:n , ~667 1, E. Cout H lrhway, 1·n· rona dl'I Mar. S.~r:li ARE YOU TIRED OF WILL t ra111 ""'nan tn l"'lor11l -JrlCHTJNO CROSS . TOWN B11111nt'itJ1 1 Ii Htoaclway C. M TRAFFIC LJ &·6071 3:t\.fc -ROUTINE INSlOE WORK ADVl!!RTISINt: rtrrrt wanlJI hOllJll'· wl\'CAt wltJ1 l'lcur hant.lwrltlnit Make itood mQn••y ~parl' Urnl'. Wrlle SHfRl.E\:' MITCHELL. 129 Bt'lmunl 8t1ett, IJl'l111n11l MA~• :\~1fl43 -LOSS OF' PAY FOR VACA· TIO NS -NO <"'HANCE FOR ADVANC"Y.· MENT Apply Io:~ £. f'I rel St l'i••nl11 A 111I ·'''"' Ln F'rl , ' .10 ,, m t<> 1 t~1 r "' \Ve do t he work oursclvea. C llEJ.', o1111nl'r , .1 .. 11 o1,.,,.,. ••11•, 30 y<'ara experience It }11ur1~ ,.,...,~1.,11 ' oltt ~• LJCl'nud 8c tnaurl'd llA r\ It-:\\' •:~If l.t •\';,;I ,,, I 'l11?7 I ~OlJTHr:RN l'Ol'NTIE.C:i r.A~ CO. sauaractlon ptarantPl'd I \\' C'n11 ~1 II\\~· I.I -!)11•1• 3:\• :1; Eatimat.e.a !ree. t:aJJ Johnnll'. , • U 8-2687 & U 8-5289 81Ut' <'1111 p ('\/!I·: 1.iw1t•I f11r 2 yr 1 11111 f;tll Hf(• ffttl•N• l'f1 1'1 "l')nHf l.r lu . II \ \ 1·1 ·~1 ' f., n r nr 14-Persona.19 ~·•ltr• C'>oll H•r .'l:?l:J 1!11v• nr ftto !\1°'J ""*'·~ 3~\ .. 1ft Ill'~ 1n\ .. r,.J1t1n11 Mil r.r rtoor-11 jnh,. 1111· h •J:h ~rt"""' J'r-lll111llt"" 18·4!'\ Wl\h 1'1>01" ffiM'harl o Al . AJcobolJC8 Anooymoua W nt.e1 P. O. Bos 3il Nt'•'port ~llCll. Ca.hf. P hone Barbor 4711:'1 IK-Beauty AldA tto R. E. Hendricks, D.C. Health Depends On Superfluous Hair P ermanently remo\•td trom race arma. lei'•· E yebrowa and hair Une llh•pKt-No mor, twew nc Eu.EN l... BRYANT R. &. Perfect Of Functionin9 Entire Body Lido'• Salon ot Buuty Har. Z678 I tto 21--~hool, ln"tn•<'flon No marhlJle ha~ rvrr hrr n reyn- SCHOOL, strurtrd U111t I~ "'' Pff11 1l'nt Al' mRn him""" i'\o pumr '" n~ f>"r· I feet u the human hNHt nn•l ii DAY OR NIGHT ll'l'llletl corr«'clly ll "111.v11 i1n thr Gnor r;ny " ~h ir .. A ol !'>fF T )nb for morr lttan AOO ono ho11r11 a: r n · ./\ makln1t 4.320 11trokM .,ntl rumr· 1 wr•pprr~ NHn SfW S IOO P"r flct ll h !'.; Wl'l'k :10'1 ~p11q;"""· Snnll\ A nll. mg l'en Jit& llnll ptr nur • 0 Ph Kl 3 ti:lllO 32 • ~ lelt"graphic mt'chanlsm 1,, t'qual tn · · ' "•" our nervous l!Jllrm: no r11d10 60 LF.AHN 1'1111'ltl'11J N11r•lni. F:nrn t!Hlrlenl 11~ thr vot<'<' 11nrl thr l'llt . 18· Sl4 1l 1tlv '''hll•· t1.1 lnln1r nn r1tmrra '" .r.nfrrt R!l lhl' h11· LAm bt'rl !'!-i~121 :.:Jtrc man Pyt, no "~nt1laUn1: ~.\llll'm --- All W'1nrll'rful " th .. 001'1". lun~io ch·1na Pa1·n+1·ng and aki n: 11nd nn "lerlrtcel 11wltehboan1 can r ompare with Day llnd ' £venlng Cluee.a thP 11pln11I ror<1. ll'n't llllfh 11 mror· o 1' "' . rn .. r11 akt>n ••OW I velo11s m11Ch11nl•m wnrthy td thr Phono Liberty 8-6648 9 .. ttc h1g'hesl ft'llpecl a od the br11t e>f care! >q•tltwt• ~. 1l>1\' 1V hr Wt-ek :!ic•2 SO-M~ilanPOUI' ----------------------------- PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs All riew material patterns or hit and miu ~ce <iur lll'll't't1 o n nf 1mp<>rtcd china, Englt11h bluP, tic·t·rwry nnd ... inr & wh"at in br11wn The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 111 :1 !':O ,\IA/S ST '<'IHtllNA l'llll'J~A i7~ MuVl;'l;i; AlJtil'T J J\!" ll'<t l;'l;T(I :-;i::w Ut "ll.1.Jl;'l;C: WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE Attention Knitters WF:LC'OMr. ,,, inv nrw 11hror f'r.m .. In 11nrl hrlr rnr build '''"111<1 )'tllll li!'l'•!a ("r Ol'l'dl<>f I Aft Sit N' Knit ~F:l.l, {J:'\ n~TtMS S F'T !11£1.JCATICSRI:::-\ t•M. $1:'10. O:'\ I·: 6 I! r,.I rig• rs tor • l :W. 0;'1; I·; 1111 II" < <m1111~rc rt>frlf . 176. I !WAl.l:S. $M I GCJ;>;DQLA Ull. C~ll ""'11"1 I.I 8-6223 rriutnUlll or i.ft ~, ,, p m 9tJc Firewood The J'ltrVOU!\ sy11lc-m rn-or<}'· n11.te11, 8nd con lrnl11 t h111 entire m«ha.nl.tm. By norma lh:inlf tht nervo4s 11yalem. lht' d'l1rnpra.i-tk prort'ulon promote9 11 .. nllh and be&IJns rrom w ithin the body. WORKTNG 111olhu•. <hlld <'Arr 1n :J I:\ E Hal0<111 l11wl 1!11 II>'•" 712' ,, Phnn• d~y "r night Kl 7 H!l'IH my h11mr l\."cv.-p 1rt. Hro.,ht~ Q d I I ---- nreA. _:r li-71)7-1 :11>,:111 j r er Now. ORIGINALS my _h:1m,.. Exf'tllenl ":•rk Christmas Ca ro~ I o!r~••"• 1. f '11r.r111n111 ... 23tle ' 328 AMERICAN AYE. Ph. HEmlodl 7-1203 For r ood H ealth l!''e> you r Chl· ropractor, R, E . H en1ln ckl'I, D C Cal.I Ra.rbor tlHl or t 01' For Ap- ,polnt:ment. 700 Carnation St .• Co- ron.a del Mar lRONll"G. will r1 .. ;vour lrn n•nit in I Personalized I A t-'TF.H N11<1S, <"0c It tail, dinner 1...1 8·o.lM 3 , p:l8 <T l'TCJM l>HEIUUI AKJNO _ . -. 1 At.I. X/7.F:S, ALI, J'l:H"F:S j l'h ll.1t t~,r 23i-W. . 22 ~ li:XJ>ER. Gara ge attendant. C.llr Repre11rn la t1ve will Call al your l _ r> I pnll11hlng, wuhlng, htbnl'llll••n. hllm". 1 C"H I I.I!~ fll O~W A LK DIKIC, Sood •team <'l"a..n1.nJ "' undt'l'l'""' r'llU.'iE liar 1618 or Jlar 22e3W cond1tlo11 fl 2 6cJ H11r, 30<>7 KI 3·9283 37c:lt 22pt2 1 J7cJI ' ... ., .. • • I -I ao..a-Annaa.-so-B-Att•1ueee _____ _ USED APPLIANCE BUYS O'KEEFE & MERRl'IT ga.a ran1e .. GAFFERS & SATTLER, white table t op gas $49.50 ran1e. Very clean . .. .. ... ... .. ... . . .. 79.50 WHITE T ABLE TOP, gaa ran1e. griddle, oven control . . ... ... . . .... ....... $74.50 WESTINGHOUSE cle<:tric nrnge, late model S99.50 PHILCO Refrigerator, 6 cu. Ct. $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE Refng. 7 cu. ft.. very clean ~99.50 SERVEL Re!rig., left hand door ... S89.50 WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 7 1 :i cu. Ct. Deluxe ... $109.50 KELVINATOR Refriger&tor 8 cu. ft. Deluxe ... $119.50 DEXTER A utomatic W81her .......................... $89.50 KENMORF: Wringer w&Bher .............. $49.50 EASY SPINDRYl!:R .... ..... .... . .. Special Only $59.50 ALL GUARANTEEU WASHING MA ('HINFS, AUTOMATK ANl1 WRJNGEH TYPES Si:VErtAL TO SEL£C::T FROM ALL RICA~ONA BLY f'RIC'E:lJ B\.:DOET TERMS -FREE DELIV. KNOX 420 East 4th St. HARDWARE 99; 2-2336 Santa Ana Fresh Hearing Aid BEDROOM Wa Olva 8:~:! 8t.&mp1 s1-:Ts G d D C 6 & 11 ORA "'";R <lrl'llller·. mir ror. I I 8 .. llC'IAL BUT.I •• BeauUtul French ProvUidaJ fam. OU. make 8ptn~ ptalio. U lle new. ll&•e •100. Coav, t.enn. &l lnU.J'Eft8 (8lnce ltOT) 1-4U N. ltycamatt, kftta Ana Phone JUmberly 2-otTI Knowlton Elect.rooice TV ANTENNAS I t Cl Hr Beam -HI Oaln) J:-.ISTALLIID complete to your ael. $9.95 39ltc RENT ... piano tor Chrlatmu . All lt>rm renl allowed. Good prac- tice pianos rl'om 15 per m onth let the k lddlea le&.m. DANZ·SCHMID1', 020 No. Main, Santa Ana. OROA~ !IPl!lCIAL: OF:MON8TRATOR model Mtnaha.11 aplnel or~an. Uke new, Save S200. Llbual trad,. Con•,nlent term11 al ,H L.;RS 1 Stnre 1907) 421·423 N. Syr amore. Sant& Ana Phone Klm~rly 2·0072. 0 111n1r County's Oraan Hdqtra. ~MACED In 1hlpptng 2 Splntt., aave 1180. < DANl:·SCHMIDT, 620 No. Main, Santa Ana. un erson rug o. I bnokl'nlk henollJonnl, from Sri9 60 K&l.n St. at B&lboe. Blvd .• Balboa TWl:>i ~till h• Led \\uh mallre.11.11 .t Hubor 616. 98tlc 11,,, 1111r1ni;. only U9 50 ea Knowlton ElectronJca BICYCLES 6 !1: .~~1~~i,;r~n,;:1~ple rtr;;:i;o l TV REPAIR NEW a: usitu L1 vmg Room SelJI I 24" A: :16" Modern & Maple I Girls ct: Boys AS :'\ICE A LJ~"; 8~ vou would FAST 8ERVICI!:, IUtA!!ONABLE. Schwinn Ll1thtwt>1~hl &:>2 !!fl frn<1 tin\"• hen· With. nur low Service Cali. llll 9 p.m. New Eni;:-ll11h ll~htwe1~hl l~tl 11:, m ..,, 11.,tt.i yu1t'll h.· HUI pr11tl'd how Ll 8·6206 Newport Balboa Auto 8upply 111111 11 w., cM !itt\'•• , "" Pltlut tt 2108 Ncwnort Blvd., N1n Bch. 1ak1• a look It 111!1 Jl"Y you. r· t;t )OU Tl!:R~i8 ORGAN. 1 Electronic Organ now 3!k37 RETA IL n·n~JTL'HE BROKERS only $076. A U lllectrio Orp.n, Optn Yrlday Ev,. Kl 3.24Jl j bal. only $786. Lowry Organo 11 F"T. ROW BOAT. lg Jig 11aw, 11mall w()()(j laltle, Ant111ue ruund t•of!ee I.able. flK 111 plu111 nilor~ Br,mr11ooni 3-c:\3 IJ1•1i;c> • 01 ton ha.II runner. 000 Pumaell11< art.·r n I'm Hur Juui. Jf•t J ; S IN<:L.E STRA:"ll Ht-:AL r ••..irls I :1:11 Cl a •IUA11·•I ~"" \'11lu .. 1 a l 11300 Mtuu• 11fft>1. W rit .. flm. ~f-M lhla pare• :iec38 J6 t>A l GI-. !Iulo on• 1 111 pun1p 111101.:110. 3?b \l•Km1m nnli onr I 6 ~ ~1.1nl11 kt r CJn• 2itt model ~4 Unc 2211 S'" fl LJ I> H I'! I 3r•I .t Spur~n Sant1t Ana $19~. Alt wondel'flll bargains. 34 ... 39 DANZ·SCHMJDT. 620 No. Main, ____ ____ · 1 Sant& Ana. OL'NK t:l'.:I •:> 11implelt' 1S11n· ,11.,n-1 s1lr, ~ ,.111 n<·w da \'rnport !PINP.:T J>lano11. ftental returns. rnllk<·~ mto 1;,.,1 160. Chro me ba r I Tra.<ltHna on orra.na, Hke new et•J{)lf•. $:\ oo ,.111 h Phonf' Hu 110me Maplf', Blond Ou , French •111'1 11.r "J'l'I 111 'C't' 1,, r t1ll Provincial. Ttll• 11 a chance tor Har b<Jr -w1e4 i.CL.-r e 1, 111 :11.;i 38 1 blc 1&v1nr. Opu Friday nlf hl. _ OANZ·ICHMIDT. 620 No. Main, B E::'l:PIX \\'~~1 1-:H $011-,,,·al Santa Ana. lJkEAF.l. 111;<l11111 •.hn t .. l>t.· 41: ----- 0 r hnlr>1 $1i'o, l>rrx .. t mt1hu1t 4 OPlA?-10 Pl.A.l'fO Chrlatmu Sale. po .. le r •po 11 1 ... 11 s I'• 1 irritl'l I Ma.ny w onderful bafTlLlna, fam- "'"h"K 111 l~·i· s 1r, Hl,,nole oua makn. St.tlnway. Muon dtop ""'' •lln l&hl,. 6 4 "',1, 11 I Hamlin, Knabe. t tc .• dtUvered ..t1i.11·11 $ ,,, t,;1,., n w•••I iu,: ,.. tree, bench included from 1387 1:rny:-; C'lll T ll J11 m c>11 p<•rt11111.. ,..,. 1~x111 S!lll :-;, " .thl 11. 11· up. il"h"bh,.1. )\\l lk ""'k , ,,. trtl lr.-°"' & ho" •l'lln>:• s.i ·, II ir OANZ-SCHMJDT, 020 No. Main, ~Aut<>11 (': Sa.le M OLDS 88 2·dr., flyd., rad, htr. w w. tlr•, a tone. 3 m onth.8 old 126911. No Nl• l&JL P h. Harbor 3099· W tvenlng•. 36p37 New and Ueed TRUCK AND Pauen9er TIRES 8-Hour Recapping. Service Complete Brake ServicE.> A:-..'0 Front End Alignment ROAD SERVICE Ftrtslonr Buc:tgel Plan Youni tor lht>-Aaklng HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. 1st St. SA~A ANA Kl 3·8363 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Deli,btful living. Apt.-Caba.nu. UWiti• with paid. Yacht slip accomodat.ion.a. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. l'or appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc iS8A-Apts. for f\eat 48-A-AptR. for Rent Lovely New Studio Apts. You will like the quiet convenient location, the heated swimmiug pool. the friendly atmosphere. Be g lad t o show you anytime. Ken Niles 1021 Bayside Drive 48-Apt!t. & HooSff Villa Marin"' H ar. 1 00 32c•l5 48-A-Apt~. for Rent - NEWr'ORT HARBOR NEWs.J>RESS -., PART 11 • PAGE l MONDAY., NOV~BER 28, 1955 49-Room9 fur Rent . * * * ENJOY UVINO on the ~ Front. Ktt.cbenette apt.a. Ir ma. With prln.l.p be.th, Maid Mf'Y1ce. TV. 2306 W Ul Ocean J'root. Harbor 6091. * * * OFFICES For Leue In New Building 17 x 40' $100 mo. 17 x 25' $ 86. mo. 13 x 18' • $ 36 mo. In Lido Shopping Area MlJ 3:.!nd SL .. Newport Be11ch Harbor 4321 23t!c COAST HIGHWAY, new bulldlng, ~10 111. ft. o ffice. Sultt1ble in· 11i.ra.nc•. attorney, tic. $90 mo. R ·ss 1-'0RD, LI· 8-61'1. 20Lt S~lAL..L OFYICE for renl. Bull• ahh• rt"aJ esta te or l.Juurance. 419 Balboa Jllvd. Call Har. 4718. 34lro • New Offices ., Available. . 4 CLl:.AN INCOME l 'Sl'TS-c-lc:-.e to l>Mch, bl\y an1I 11hC'J'plnJ. l!!x· c1Ueut tttum on ln\'r11tmenl of '21.600-terma. BOM!:R 1!:. SIUFER. Realtor Jot lol<'f'adden Pl., at Ule Nf'wJ'()rt P1rr. Hu. H O l:vPt1. Har. 6263·W Hubor 25211-M 80A--Corrunf'ttlal, Industrial F ACTORY BUft.DlNO, Ch'-"" In M·l aone. 70x3t>O f l. lot !aru two eta. 3200 1q. f t. bltlg. "" rront portion. 1--1. A11klnir 128.600-low lerna . Call Lull BOYNTON with EARL W. STANtJl:Y, Reallt•r llay•lde Dr. A: Coaet Hwy Hu. 3:?97 or 1776-1Wf.t1. Har. 2!l78 11-R4-al }Alt.at~ EuhanFe • CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFOltD TO SELL? JJlfC NF.A Ill. V NEW unfuin. dupll'll ------------·--:! bdrm.-hwd. fir-!! r n. 1w.1t XF:Wl'ORT u~:ArH F\.trn 2 bed· e rm. apt. i;.u. & 11t1l. lnr .v11r<I Ideally suited for profts· sional or business ust-. H OW A 110 1 'T A TH.A IJE, for 111an· ager Vf't'r•tc."-' <"ltar tncunw prop- erty Wf'll eml of l.o11 An)(C'lt'.11. \'alU!.'<I ftl $!'>5,1)(1(.1 Wll.h O\'et 110.ouo a ye&r lnoomf' It 111w expt'llSf'. Am n •11rlni; & 11 111 ln- fl'rf'll1 N1 In n11y F'r1•nl propt'rty. \\'111 tr11rlc up "r •IU\\n ownrr, \\' l-:baltl. t.'\llGJ. (Ir Wr-1 lA aPl.17 Svuth euetl ra11 A vo., Loi An· i;ell's 18. 41-Auto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl1. ---····----··$48.88 8 Cyls. ·-·-·-··----·······$58.88 Includes both labor a.od parts. New r1nga, wrlat plna, va.lve grind. fitUn1• ot main and rod beartnr1. bpert motor lune up. 90-d&y or •.000 mlle f\lara.nt.e. (NO MONllY DOWN). REBUll..T ENGINES -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own factory by •killed \ ma.cblm1i... Don't cont..nd w it.b the mlddl• man. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD -·-·-.. ---·---1121.60 CHEVROLET --·-·--··· 1149.60 PLYM. A DOOOE ·-----$154 CJUlYa. Ir DE SOTO -·--1170 STUDICB.AKER -·-····------1170 OLDS I& PONTIAC I -·-·--$170 ButCk --·--··· .. -··-.. ····-····-· I JTO -pn. fltil lo gurege. C 0 :0.l S10r1 m u Call Hn1bor 11:t1l·R attt r e p. m. or Htir. Jtikt-R 3~1tf<" CORONA DEi, MAR, <'ottns:e, conil>. llv. b•·tlrm .. k.ltchen. Own frncrll yt.I. Ot:can ~It.le Hwy .. nr. mark••li!, thrnll'r. No pl't.« ~1-:.:;o Har. :>016·\\' 361•:li YOUR H O ME Vacu\tun i<pol. ED 2 bf'droort1. lll• I h<'l 111• •~t hea l, patio. gangt $80 )"""Y· unru1 n. J07 3:Jrt.I. St , Jl11 r h '' 4308-J. ;u;, :111 NEWPORT HE IGHTS purlly (111· n lsh1·1I, l 'bllr111 uml .i;:.r 11lc• yearly only. A\ ,111 IJ11 I Ll ·~71111 :J5l11 ~Apt.. &l Hou~ Choice Wmter P.entals on Balboa Ialand .&. Udo IBie 8m&1J A coaj or l&rC• A <leluu 175 to 1300 month VOGEL CO. $iO mo. LI 8·14()1}. :1:ur1· OELtJXE mot1r1 n rum 1tudl1l npL t.:lllllu•s pal1l $7:• mu. Corona dd Mar. Har. 08:i3·fl. J ttrc CORO!'IA DEL MAH Furn. duplex. (11111. ll"ll. l,g. yo.rd. (:,Uj &: w11l1•r p•I. SG:, mo. yrly. 2fl:?8 S"ll \'I>'\\', :Ji 1';;9 i:-• ra~c a pl. yrly. I 1<11·k J . 6 16-'lhlh. :Ji1·:19 Fl"H:'\ISI 11-:D A PT , J b,•J1111 n1'llr flus 111111 Jl .lf<1n1·~ t:.·nlt·1. A l•o II< 11 1 bt:dr110111 11pt:o on \\ .;· I rl frtinl :r;1M; <:hun rl l'l.11 ••• lhUIM•I l'.!li J :/91((' H..\l.RUA 11'1..ASll Alll'lll ll\'f' llfl• rH•r 2 l•dl I. nt•t TV llt'l 1111 \\ .nl•·r -,, )'• .1111· sino. H.ar. 1.,;<1 J "'' nini:• Ac "'"k • n•L,, l !u. 17 -----------~ -I-I H:-; "l lr•< lll'e! I Mrrn 11 pl T\' ,1, .1nlrnn 1 \\alklnJ; 1h•t .1n1 ,. 10 Li·I·• "h"l'l•tni.;. ll.11 . Ji:ll•·H :l5r'l7 Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 tf 53·A-BmlnCM Rentals <·or . 19th A Placcntl&, C. M. ~UH IU.:r-;·r two b<ln11. borne - ( sto"c & re frig-. furn.) 1nd udc11 sttJre room & two otr1t:t' 8paces. $ IUO monlh. OR will rent eera· rHtcly l ottlce al S711 and l al S:IO rnonlh. Alao emaJI 11tore $100 mu. Call owner Llbcrly M·62:13 morntng1 or atur II p.m. tttc 'UH LEASE. n~w bkl&. on EILlll lilh SI We ' need J;lAR.Bl!:R S llUP. H£At.;TY PARLOR. T\' SAL.El'l A-SERVICE, Rl!:AL •:STAT& OFl'lCE. arrr SHOP l'lr t;l'l your buain-•t.arte<I In the bul loutlon In Costa Meu •·ur 1ntorm&Uon, U2 Eut l 7lh ur Llbt"rly 8-629• 28d I M-Bwilw~Ja~ UHOKF:Rs IN\'ITt:fl -------SEVl!:N U!'llT MOTEL JiAll· S1'1l W. """c.1• mnr1 unit•. plr-N.y <I( ftl<llH ft11 lflHh~r ptu k , •;11l)'. H t.773. 3 l:lli:.UR. llUU81ll In l:hmN . I ., lll'ri'. 3 irac-. h or11" lit ... 111 .. , •'<l r. r·i.1, w11tnult1. "r11111;1•t1 & rru1t I reu, JOO fl. bu.o frrn11 Hl(I'. TraC'tor $17 !loo A..LSO $:.!2 :n~ 8euonc••I tn11t •le r<I wlll .... 11 nr I rruh• 1111 ur till)' pa11 '\\'ANT BAY ARMA prop h n11N"11, Rpll. bwiin'"" 11r whnl ha \\• ~ ""· SH A \\', Spuce 4.1. lol u11111 p11l Trall;>t f'11rll , Nr~ rort fl,·3, h 8Jp4' EX<.:HANGE l 'HIC'At:O ll\;J:t'ltH home for lo• 111 11r ~·• 1. ".•It(. land or 1•m1' ... • I~ Rf<•nl 7 • 1 oori1 tr ... m• u 1lev .. 1. m mJ.orn. Il l /\ur"' 1, Ill I" 1c-e $17,SUO l..riw lit"t'li L'IPar. In• wred rnle pnlll')'. TIM<ll" """" or down fol' • ll"•C' Calif . 111·upf'1 ly BuK )(. 7 lh1~ paper. l~P" l hr111lrr lf11r '..!1111:1 1•\'rnln,i:' • 1:i2·J Jtlp:18 I l&nt& Ana. \ :l~r 37 HAMMOND ORCANS, all moJei., 1111nn: ~Tl.I. (W 1<'1.'lll' ~II"'"· :iZ-A.=AnUqu':~-----our Chr11tmu •lock now romln1 HUDSON -· .. ··-···--.. -· .. ·-·-... 1170 Loan Car Fr«i Tow1nc NEW CAR GUARANTEE Blook mu~t meet our 1t.udard~ 2oa. Martne Ave .. Ba.Ibo& laland Pb..'-ttarbor 444 or H 11rl>Or 2151 Ru. Har. l 71l6·R or Har. J0'.1\l·M LIDO ISLE BACHF.LOR 111111 Ont' & two bdtrn. nplA ~ht.rt lt'm 1 un•J yrarly. URA:'\ll NJo:W luo c-hroom Ir. com• p lt•le bak,ry 8et up. Kll<"hfn, '"'tm•. mlll.f'rll, 4 dr. refng , Ice r rMm ('llblntt..I. 12 alool rounler, 1ltMpl11y c..-e.... l!uh rf'gl•tna, now llnlng $1 200 ll Wef'k plu•. Bargain prtct, SHl,000 down. J 1111;1 r • lllt: I t l!IJ,. •h~h", hr· 1·11a . 111lrron . hrlc·a·l:>r11t• rlr !•Ill\ S. Uav )o'ronl, J:Sall11.m Is· 1 .. 11.1 341, 311 I BUY ANO SELL In; •10.00 dt>pollt Wiii rr•,.rve •ny 1111.1tlf'I while.-t hry hu t Tt 111lt' 1n your old piano. PJua uxu, fUktll and Oi i \ 64Uc ALSO. l.idv llc1111c-• 11n1I Any F10 11l Homes 11nr1 11portmenl11. 1':ARLY AM.f:ftll.:AN cut. <1ol11retl. pattrm gluM Prlmill\'U An· 11q1:e r111nitur .. llh t1 flnf' C'tilna l•t :'\CA!'\ l'HYl'E I• lllf'• ,. ollllln); THE BIG OLD RED BARN ~i·I llk ct lll'\O., II 111 fl l'hll~o F.. l'"IRRA:O-:K Kl 3·3241 tdrli; Wtlh ''"rf~• 'I P•f'I'<' t:J 41 11.u1,.,,-H h1l <;ard.•n Onw e , htn1111 lurllkf,.,.t -1 2 \.\'11t11n "I\"" '""" l>-11:1 n11:• Ont! 11 2•r.:17 ·h UA NZ·SCJIM!IJT Hnml' or the w or hi famoull HtUnmond, 020 N11, M11ln. lilanta AnA One 8p1nl'l Mo<ll!l, onl' Hammond C'h1m1 Organ u11rd but Ilk,. n.w, wondf'rful bar&•lna ~ Iii .. l'l x 10 M•k .. 11H1'I "' r lNKOLl> OHllM T ABL.F.. t'llm · 11 '"" " l' A VICTOR TV \l lll lr111te fol' 1 r Har 181f!·R I plt•lr ly 1t1llolll tlo r1tl <I H llrf\ l'l'r-('0111oule ,.,llh doon GOOD rnn· 3'1<'t! r .. 111' 11t1htl1111 S4'\0 1<111•. 28th I ollllun s:IO U ar :111Hl·R. !\11•:18 I Ht, :"•Wf>ort Uf'ach H11r fM IO ------ 1 >elltJ1:nrr11 H igh Stylr F abnr11 .1;, 39 16--Dop. o.a., l'eta & 1mµorWJ WUOll'lllC lll l'l.>•l. ----rt'RI': BRp;o mtnl•tur.. poodS.. Opm 8unday 10' a .m . to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBlJILDERS .. Open DaJ.ly 8 to 7 St•lA Bonded NE~ LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SARVER F'CIR BRAKES Brnwn Ml lf $7~ Kr 7-183C tL .. ORA;\'CE C'OUNTY Ii' YR81 37rJ9 Bondf'd Hrlill 4 WhHI• I I I llt MAH<;JF: \\'J-;Bl~ ~~t'-S_up~_.____ 11up J9fl6 S l'oul Blvd . I I ..n gu na 1 Jfouc h Jilft )IAHQUrrTlt A rc w. klfT. IOf'W ) :1 hp Air C.:cimprUtlVr, :Un V"lt ••nKI" rhu• ~ .... •t 1•11Tr 11 ~ 17111 .!'I •I l'hl" n11 .. I I 'I i!\"~ Last 3 Days STATION WAGONS l n.l.&llaUon !Ill a12e3 Tall •8 YOl' PAY l'\O MORE $13 4.3 SARVER MOTORS BRAKt; llERVJC:f': , ATTRACTJ\'E I o.n<.I 2 b•lrtn furn. Vllllti('8 p1th1, l <rr ~ 1 l11ldrl'n Laund1-y room B L I' Jo; Tc 1 r APT. MOTl!:L t 03 Xl'wpot t lih 11 N1;l. Buach, J\11Jl ubovo 1'11' Arrhu. iHll $1.111 2 H1 1HM trlJ>ll'X, flr..pla r,., ,;11rh.1.:•· •ll~fl Wkll'r p•I yard m.un1a1111 •I Owner 2-:2 l:Sroadw11y. W ~·2i711 :u1r. CORO NA 11 .. :1.. MAH rurn1~h ... I 2 llr humf' \'c-n ll\1111" f!,, • " LlDO RF.ALTY A~sociatcs ll1ubor HH 89t(r llAI 'llfo:l..l)ll hf!I r ... 1y rum V('r)• J••1<trl'ultl•· '""'l'h lf'ly prtvat• 1<a1 ·•x•· ~•O mn .. 31 l ~'"' 1iir1hl Cu rc111 1 1h·I Mllr. l 61 :18 \\'A .'"I' c·111.A1lt wttmllh, ,11n • S•·· 1 .. ,1:1:1-: I '"h Ill o6)tl un- f111n r~l l•l'lt"I I ht~I 1~ "f•h•nl \ l'•l1t J.\•11 ·~· '•·ai l~· S~.'1 uttl otl 111 ,I l"I :-;r 11 er •tlll"C J l •k-311 fo1Uibl•• only i ;u ""' "" 1 •. ,... :'\l.\\ l'VHT ltt:AC.11 1•n1 U..11rm. n qutrf'(.f fur'l •rt s~o n • )'•h In• lutl•·• CLJi:~· llA \'f-:1' 11nf lrtll•h• I 11r•I 2 bra. I I vnv '" I ttrl'J I 1 • Jl11p, v .. nt f~n. 11.11n•lry '"' lot icaragl'. f;IVl41 Jo• 11111 "· THE VOGEL CO. JI 11 U~•I' R .Ill•::~ .f8n-Houllt•tt for Keat --------------- $7:, \Ill 01'\\•1 I• lr111. 11 .. u .-tu11 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1Rll7 Newpart. Cuet.a MN& l~ ~ 1632 E ve U 8-6803 NVEtsT •1~ In rutnc bul'lntH ti• wurkm!t' ~l•le. HonMl, w hit•. f'f'llablt. Write thlA pta~r Boll J . 71 35p38 -~AJ(~:ft'\' 3 Olllo'Nll9 1n '3 yean 1 c1wn .. r• rf'tlrMi. 3nJ want..t to.. UroM &G0,000 yr. A U equipment, c>vrrur, m1xf'r•. de. PerfK t coo- J1llon. Ex<'t.11. tenrra. See flnan. 1.1al •lAlemenl. URANGE COAIT PROPICRTIES 1~7 :-Otwport, Colt.a M ... J.J I\ lll:l2 r,, t u ll.fl8-0J PARTNER Wented Bargain Ol'E N t • t DAILY T7t M.AONOLTA 3 OEDftOOM.8, old1•r b1 h k hum• on one floor 1800 Ml· Cl . .Luce Jot with trolt Ir,.... atwf'n con· neoted. ffllae ir•r..,e, lalAl\dry •. hobby f'OOm. Price •l&alled to ILl.300. <"All ... f11r full dt'lell1. Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 :!Ill --1 SALE Ends Nov. 30 20 % off W.E SP~1AUZ£ ONLY JN THE (;LEANEST STA· TION WAGONS ANY- WHERF.. OUR WAGONS E IST AT <;RANLI ~1\:'\IA AN/\ ACt•r The Crull l l'.• Too Latt 2111 rr ~'""' i\111 •111;11 I •1 1 ·r n1n•11l11 I 1· .. 1111 \\ 1n1rr ,,.,,t111 10 OJ'f'r•I'" lh f'n11t<I ""lvaJ .. atorf'. Attention lnve1tor1! l' '• IH,i\111•:-0l,I I• •. :~• l.1111111 111 1•"111"<1 nrar ('fly Hl\JI Small I l'ftH'~' RF.UUCEO ·i1;117 •: t ".111~1 11 ... , JIA 17~1 HA 14i 1 BAMBOO I DRAPES ('\.~TOM MA!•t-: A;\'\" Sl7.t-: I f't11•M ~lt\ftlnJ llt 211 e •II ~II Hf'•Utl(UI ,...,,., \\"uv,.n 1'1 nll If•·~·-hutt4' •• l11IHr•11n O tl Mo101 i. So. Coast Co. Nrwpmt IJlv•I Ill :.!:\r.I Ill BALllttA ISLA:\'1• lurn : t httt 1 ;1,•11.i uo I.I 1•11 ' It 111" J·fl:l HI ll1\'1'41tlllt'lll uniJ bt•l'hl ,,.qulr f'<I For 11u11 I( a1.tlCln nn 0 11• b111<IOl'~I A RE OUARANTli:ED & ~2-Trailen lo,.,••I iluJ•l••X. \\ 111lcr $7~ 1ni 11111 :!Zif• 'iarl>or !.1ia1 belWC't!n 6 • 7 ,,, tn prvr,..rty. 2 1111•1,.m bu1k11np on ARE FULLY EQUIPPED. ln..i i.111111 .. ,. Hnr !\f1'l'I-\\' t~.11. u1fH1:->,, l •~.1 •• \IAH 11 111.11 11 .i ONLY TH E BEST ARIC *PORT ORANGE* I :::':.:: ... ~11.1,"·:::., ''\~~~ ·::;'.,'"';~::: H ELD F 0 R JtETAIL. TRAILER SALES l8A-Apt11. fo,-Rt>ot 11,.,1,.,, 1; t f IOO 't FINANCING CAN a.nd SUPPLJES RENTAL .1 T\\''' y l"lri1 I •1~r •11 r•n" • '' • p! 11r W•,.•k••ncl~. :t:i. 16 G3' ,.. JJ 7 1 .. 1 I h11t .t1ou.hJ ltAMI or ,,.,11 fur R lute.I or at leut &~:.o 1•• r 11111nUt l'h 111y "' l•Nlm CASH •.• H IH THl"ST lJEEOS I' tlt••rn• r'nr All I 11•• or• K1Nr h f'mt11ln It Tnri v,.r•" R~I• 8ff Th•m On 0111rla y In our Sto" SA:-.:TA ANA T ENT & A WXJN<,; C'O. :ti !If\ 1 I'll!' t-!O FOR Qt'tr K ~-' t.P I .:ntnc ''"",..."" 1'\ fl I.AP BE ARRANGED. AN D 2200 W. Coaet H lway. S •'I\ ., 1, 'L " 1•11 , r II•.\\ BANK TERM S ARE Newport Beach LI ··H20 I SPECIALIST 1· ,, ,.,. •I 1 \I ir t:~ 1o 11 111 .1 .. ,, •• A\'ATLABLE. 1 '!\2·1Y Happy h<1mf' a:.~ Ct1ll Edna Craig t ll 1r ·.i·1 ;:•,,~; WE HA VE 30 CARS IN :s~-:i:.· TrAvr1 .. i.c. s~c "i 2:111j I Blanche Gates, Rltr. Tw• i i:tt " 11 :-11 •·nr "°'C' C'J t \\'l>L B. llOL T :0.10RTCAC!': BANKING ~INCE 11130. '"' o .pa.n1lo11. Adequkltl I"" k· 1nr Loc•tr<I In th" l1talut l ltJWIOlr ptlrl ur ("()Illa Me.-... 11111i In lht hea r t ot " l1r11•, """' l'h••fll""" ,. n1 er Wb•n U1ta I~ ltlll11' , ll,. l • ti ' /\ f"llr"ll 111 ()(IO l'!Ulh down r••tUll'T'd ''•U "'"'nu U li.-n y ~ e:.t:.ia m .. m inc"' or a ll .. , 6 f1 m Hr .S A '\"TA A;>: A Jf!2f\ .s "'"n ... , 2-~ ...... ~~-~~~~~~~ ITRA<"A 12 lt'l· F "' rump In'" f '{>l\<hol<1• & • ._.. ·n romt l or I w" ''It ~"" · I.I Ii·~• f.J 3ipJ8 I .l'TH~":AJ< f1l:\'•.HY •• 111 i "" 1>11lh<1111 .I ld ,.>11 I r l11H "I urt •hw., (tah r c h. I• • • 1 l • •I "''' lh1.o Ullt '1~·. I' r• f'AT Rlt ~;\ 11. l'O \T ~1th -• 1 (ll>"rttlu • .. ··I h11ll •1mll11r t • fin,.wb1rd • l '"' N '" I'; I• A \IO!H',l;o..;•. 11 ll 1• A I I I 11, f U U AHl> \\. '' ~ I lhtl 1r ... 111 \'111 11 ,, t. .. 1., 11 ., 111711 R 30-~A2fllaatt9 I MIXJHIN•1 (CJ( ;\ti l.U 3:1 fl ,.,.,, h \nllRU'OOL a ul(l111a 111 111• ,1ryiu I w11t '"' u l,. • 1 I Ha 11,..r ;\I " \l II h a utoma tlr lp·1l 1nn Rte 1 .. r o r ,..,,.,, It• "' I• II ~·n 1 ... k I""" 12119 fl!'\, fll11 lt f rt•,. flP{I ~" 4 11:111 1111-r ; p rn ,.,,._,, I-,,.,. ln~tRllu.llon, No •to .. •n, 2 •91-.-----JI"'" k :-;,. pi\I 11 1•n1 1iulll l!l:.6 HlR ~.\l.F: I.• h1r n11 111 , -., , I 1'11RO:'\~O;\' ~ 11o1 •. :'\PW~rt A\'{' l·•nl ... ,, .. 111 '"II 11111 .... r ,1111 I '•••Ill \ll'M, I ( ('ht 11111• , .1 I ll•j.• ''"' '' '" ~ 111 __ ----t11rpa11lln , ... ,..,., T•I 11 11 ,or111 W ashinq_ Machine SERVlCE' TRADE l·yt&r guaraot" on Job• don• sr;ot1r~;1 1io;tt a1ux 1 ll<'h!~.ntr1 and on UMd •Mh•t11. 241114 ~xce tn or 1 1ar "' nn f'l"U['("tl)' nr llrnl\llN hrnH l :/:!11 (n&r) Newport Bl .. Coet.a )lua. W . Ualb1111 111\·.i :'\r\\ r<•rl ll11r Llberty _-8-4503 or Liberty I 3VJ2. 3!'trc- 8-4327. 64Uc ---------- yacht Remo d eling Service 1•111u.·o r: ,,, fl r.rrlgrralM i lh. 11rnl•tt 1 .. r fr•·· a•r f:-<< ltu l\" I P h llH\ "'II \t A\ d• .. •t :o t•f'11•-.\ frf'runi; tr11 pc>r ntur 1• S ~ ;!• 11:1 Xn ''""'Tl r-Ym•nl. 2 911 1 • 1 ••k lutn"'1 '' u1 k H• t 1n•.,ht1 ~ 1:. ,.,.rtnjf ,.,.,.,. 1':•1 ""''"' f111r 12'i~ W T HRON80:-> S l I "• ''"IN•r\ A \• 331 •:lh l"u" II :'-! """ I ( 0 KEF.n: Ii .\IERRIIT n1n~c. ;,:\ ~"--Mruilcal. Rerlk>. II T ,, ~L L1u 1r I: ~111 k "'1th oul\, till>• r t'hr••n,I' ~rtll hr r1.-r !In<\ f'RAf'Tlr F. r:rn11• $ o $!1!'> tn 1~11• Jltt ur '"I> l '"•I ••nt SIS:• ~p1n.-1 type m1rr"r r 11•nn m1>:ilh, f 14P ~' rl\llh, , r J"l'Y Iii I $:?::;:, .. bl11nt.1 brauly. Eu ttsl I" r lllll 11 11 \\. I h •pnia n, l•·rm11 UrnnJr'· KP: ~ ~817 lt llAXZ·tCliM IDT 1)20 No M 11111, _ _ __ I s .1111< /\ '"' J\)11 p1an .. s '", h•~•llt Rt-:\\ AIU I s :i11 1111 I 1 '"')' "u h••r 1 ftum 1.1n 11ur1 h11>1· 111 11 r11·w lh ndltnn I -- 11u1 .. 11rnth \\1Hll• 1 pit"' • ".," 1 • c a..1 Rf:~1·1.-rs · •h111n <lll\••n !ti~,• :'\I' tll'Wtr C'tll H ;1rb<1r lfllf\. "'" I w11nl tu :'\11 rn~·mtnl !ti 1!1:16 I 1Jl&~41 ft (;11\.1-lflt'\l A•I' 11ni1 JllJ\rl TltRo :-;so :o-; ~ 1a1~ ll:rwpon '"' ••l•Ht1sln1 ~.ultll coming your Co~t a >.tt.aa IC 1, way. .'>~·•!'> Rr.11tln1•sltr 2 1:1 R npl <"llll 311 )fartne Av,. ~TOCJ< NOW Arfl> OUR •r!Hl f'aramounl R•" t.111Kount I •l• ' ~ ••' J '•r '°''" ''n ltlufl • .. .. Y&lbo& h lan<J. Har. l67J T?t (C I J , , • It \I r DI::ALS ARE THE BEST ·~·21 ' T,.rry Wiii dl'11I •·n Ull1 _ _ __ _ ''1' r ·~ I 11 ~"' "'"11t .,.,,4 ,,, '"'\\ ••·• tt \ llYnK n.-u 1='1 THE WEST. PAN AMERICAN Crown of the Sea Motel 1"·"1 ..... • \ ' ,,.. '" x .. Para.mount ·Kf'n1klll I"" • ,,.,I \\ I II• h "' 1 • \I COSTA MESA MTRS. Travelrz•Teny In Corona del Mar H~r .,,. Ii'" r. ''•I f, li lO NEY.'PORT BLVD. 8.:.trc COSTA MESA BARO A INS 111'1~ TWO TO SP:. 4·1.>00R P LY -1" ;o.;1-:w TRA rU:H~ I f'"urr ( •rt thl1' ( «Ht "" Iv lo!tl •ri,.•1, 'I • I'\ n,.,. ,, k "' • •t I\· n'• :z&<i11 ~; t •·IV'I }i y,~ ll 11 11"1 .. ,~. M•lt'Tll P:qulppNl '"''It h radl•• 511 8HARTA 22•, fl •II m<.J trn hr·AI-. & ""'Mrl''" Onr nw11H I t\\in 11"'1~ F'OH RF'"i ''"'" 1111·:• •I' •111 ••1\h tinly 21!0cl0 mlle• 11i<1'. !'i~ T~A\'~;~F.7.f: :n. fl mo<ll'rn :i h·lr11 t ""'" 11ir ,,.,, SI~. fl""n' 1n11 U ll·ltlMi. f:\'"10 I.I I !'i!'i Ht.Ai ·ci;-. ;i:, fl." ll1tlrm l 1no l;1••\l•r 111•1 .: 1,11,., I l111•h IC· 711:.ll l\llC'll7 I 5:1 RllLl.A \\'A\' J:'l fl 2 hrdrrn r11r1 ~I 'it\ '"'' - -• ~'.t .~TA_~ I~ ~t. 11"~".rn . LOPJ!l \\' 11rw;1;..; 11 11 "'I l!ll)I lJl'lc'I\ ~1111,,1 • t.lr H <llln. flAR<.Al;-.;s l:'I: t :-:F:/r Tl. \ll.1-.H"' I .: 1, ;~ H 11.t111 tu•111N I• nn r11• ~ nrnn\' b.l MOHll. ('kl· 1s ,.;tt •I fl 2 __ _ llAUll tA J;o.;',A;o.;I• h .rn h11rti,. : I 11 :: t •'I • 1 I "l'I n i: )~, 1•• t •t t It I ' ft1f111f ,. ~,. J '• I .I '-· 7• Jt ~•l•·'I t •t. 14\:,...I I.A t• ''"' i h•lrrn t If k J UI th t t1o rt h dh._ • 1. 1 t.u ~ II .,_. p , 'I ,,.,,. I 1 t 1 1 ,., t,1 11• ~ 'lftU 11h '" ·'""'' ~. \lh $1 ... 11111 ~Al1•1 11 ~111111 1,,11 t:l\I 11rn11htl1 '' t11C..!< , II •' '16p.H< 1609 N en m !IA..,'TA A'l'A KL\ffip;RLT 3·7118 LOAXIJ TO B UU.0. DrCPftOV E BUT, MOOJCRNIZE, OR RJ:11NANCZ w. 8117 Tru.at DMd9 :'-"l:WPORT BALBOA SA vtMQS A LOA.~ Aa80CU TlON 336e Via Udo. Pbl Har. 0 00 "' NO COMMISSION No Appra.isal Fee SALES -R.Ji:FU'l Al'lCE CO"STR\.iCTlON C!all for Free Faal Commitment.a <Wl Rul<ltneea and Unit.a only •1lh•1 •·\l r•• (;1.-1111 and in f.:"'"I """"11~ j rl'H:'\ ,,,,,.1,tn l 1 .. 11 • ••l•I \\11/o '"" lttwn Only S~ll!\ ()\\nt'r I ·~1 ALL A:O.IF:RIC,\:" 2~ r1 mc1ol J''''''' & '".' f•"ll i ·ir' '11•1,, ti f.f !I 11111, p;,,,., 1,1 A·2~4!1 :1!'11':'17 OC Sl'lll'LT'.l :'lts fl 1"'1111 t11nd 2fllfl A\t 11 ;\1•\4V<H~ 1:1 "h _ 41< \'AOABO:-.llJ 27 rt ~· 111 1 t1.rbi1r 41ii'U J, :l•lf• r f 11t 1tr :-;·r .1 t •~"" run11t1h···• D I H ddl t "'"' • $ •• :, 11111•1 "'""'.h wllh T\'.' on u es on t o•\' •11111 •11,.· l"pt l\.~""·1 • HAU SKEN-WATSON '"'"1rrn SPOR1'S 'AR CE~T'T'T:'R A lwAys " 1111 IC" ""'''I\ iun of jtun.tl c ·1 tl\01' A 11~:1. MA It ol•tf'I"~ 2 , .. J ~ u•v'1 Tmll•·n Allo Nrw \'1111• I brlrm furn. H ar !'Hlllt .lmfr .... , 1111 1 ' :tAr:I'! 173 E . 17th St. '" >. \:"\ I-1:11;>;1 c ""'"'" f11n 1 COl!ITA M:&SA Sl•HI "''· 111'111 '"'' t I l'til "' u 8·~1 LI U~2 J AIJl'AH. M 0 ;\ t'STl:\'·H l-:AL£l' MOHlllH Al.FA HOMF:U A l.~TIN RELM'FT '°'"'·' ("\,r ~;dr41 .-\-St•1 \ tt,. , .,,.,.n l'lttl c •••. "'• M&k PI' 1111· pm IMS an I IXlm•llr 22111 flu MAI" 8T SANTA A1'A "'I ~-OiMI 1'1'12 HAR UOH Hl.\'l t C'08 T A ~H-;8A 11 .. n r"nl11I• I \\ f'•I I 'olilil T r111lcr ~.cir• 121111 l'\1111111 Ma tn Kl :?·31•i I __ _'._1"'11n nurl A 1..tRn~--- 41-Waated to ~nt Rentals Wanted We oMd •pl.ti a.nd nou .. u ln aJ£ 8«llONr tor bolh vo.•inlt'r and ytu'a le&ae. f'Urn. or unturn. I.I 8·6061 tt ' U you have a vacancy, phone t oday c:Rf:E:" Jr• p •lPI """''" tul I nrr ' The Vogel Co. J1r.n H11r 1 ·.7; :l'I• 3i U Ol W. <At. Hwy .. Ntwpurl Bc.h. '.)6 l"llF:VROL.t-.:r O.l\&&e 8 ryl . 4 111 Be l A tt«'. P<•""er ~l .. ••rtn,; " l'Jr11k,1. 1;uy l!:ye (lM•. •linaJ Hunl radi o, a.Jr nvw he&ler Only 11 300 mll"A Pr'Wn!I' •fWn" PllODe Uberly 1·¥'11 208 Marine, Balboa l•land Mione FJa.rbor U4 2617 E . CONt Hy .. Corona dtl Mu PllOne Har bor 174 l LAdo omoe, 3411 Via U<lo llUl•I. "'' '"' '"'' 11111 1161 M !\"lrl ~ ,, h ,,,. 111 .11l•:\R Charming lfarbor llawn ApartmC'nl.-; • Patin>1 :>:EW 4 Rt>UM. ~lr<"f'I JN •rl SrAr 1.r 110111_. llll' l'J'ln~ cl .. 1111 I. CJ 11"! pleua.nt. ,.,,·1u.1vc Ga 1 bait" •II• sw• HI Ja.Jn1lt~. ,.,.,,,.~,. r .. ·~ jtllrB&'P l~:/ ,11 Ir (). t"lfl,r• rn• \tr,._ •\f'f'l f: •••J ... Upt l'"V\~\un LOANS for Homes '\~I ' It' 11111 1-1. !-'-1 \"II I~ 2 I &~ -IC) Tl' 1A*11a t~1 11 • •I• 11 & ~··" F.I•·• rnnR<' • A 1• 11r· ~ '"' n ?"'t~. S fl ... h .. r .. l Construction Loans l •r '' :"•"I rt 1 .. '"I •1>1.18 ~lj.!1 t:'iul ll 1w•1 l l 1r I Uh1t k );,.ulh nf l h1i1h '" 1 ... ,1 ./\USU fo l 'H:'l:ISH l-;11 Al'T~. WL''Tt' fl HA 1 E~ 5t(c-I CLO~!-: I:'\ 11\Ll:O,\. r r.rri1•hrl I bt'thm Alt Y'""rly 11\•1 m1 r.u & ""'' r J 1H 4•1~ .E 1!.11 boll Oh d 1111 r 211";'11 J.lltf v1-:txX>: F t;R:'\, Af'l"~. I I 'lJWJ;'\o A 1 1~.1. "\J( I It} X11.t- '1•••1 • 2 l•ln n II' run1 nfl\1...-- "' 1 lo.ll •l·' ,, 111\ r.-rl~I ~100 \\ "' • r I •I H•11 :IAU'C \\' 37c:rn lfl-Room '4 for l<Pnt ------------------~~~ J.,\ 11\' "It .n. I "' t1111111 I 1 n • ,. I II'"' f11r rn plnv.-.11 111d~· l.J k · ,1j1 ! 2(11 ,,. ~lnglc11 "' dlJl!I J .lll mo a n•I up. UAl,UUA l'il.,"l l :'\~t·1.A H 11om 104 F.. Bny An?. H11lho!\. Hsrh<•ri "'"" prl~Al•• i. .. 1h ~ ••ntrKn•" 63"4. lltfr ./\1•11r1111,.nl h111lrltn11 ll11r. 24M . I :l:ltft" SEE BOB SA TTLl:R 251:, EAST COAST BLVD. Corona de.I Mar ~ IUI Rep. POm.mR llORTQAQll 00. Metro u.te Im. r.49 ICl. 1-6116 61tto ~M~nry-.-.\\_._an_~~-~~~~ 2Nr1 TRl"flT DEEIJ, 5 yra .• e~ lnt .. rr11l S2!\00-13!1 mo. -10-;-, <ll11t riunl -We"fpor\ H'lght.a - I.I ~-211211 a_n.er 6 3&:38 Mar ~•11'111 37,.39 I -Oel tht "1n·lhe·wi.y1" out of t li02 \he way. Ule wa.nt ad wt1y, call Ku. 1119 Hul>or 49il Ntwport Rlvtl . Colfta Llberty 8-~~97 .M111111 l MONO ATl<I mort' •dv~rt1..er• a.re <1:"> fo; ~\\ t 1 t.•h 111~. w1lh ,horn,. flndlpg II profltnbll' lo use !liEWS· prh'll• ae.o. lt.'11) Arl><'1r. LI 8·:'"">6:1. ttc rRate cta.u1t1ed ad._ "r11•r I\ r , m. 36tfo \\'/\:'\'Tl':u by pn oi. party •llrf'rt I rom liwnu ~ bd.nn. or 2 bdm1. Ii tlan )wmr, Writ. fuU detail• lo &11 No. N 81 W1 ptaper. 31pll • -. ' TWO UHA ~11 :-IY.\\' twn "'· tulh· r•1rn IW.th ha',. ru .. 11., , .. ~·" • •It"" r1. •r pr111" •l) n ..... nf'r ... II ""rT'Y h.il11n ... urtt r •1111111 """ n f•Aynu r 1 UH.A.Nl'U.~ l'OAllT N't011F.HTJ f:~ )t\~17 n .. w pnrt ,.,,_, .. ,\ti'. I.I lf.1 ll:t:' p:.,,. 1,1 " 1\1\oJ LOOK c·h·•r 1 4•1 '*' r •-. f>• I.\ t~• n t .. 1>urntnK Joehua Tr•• It ll!l 1'1'.lma r,11 fH"ln hljth\\ttV lltll 111 n•W f'IVl•l- ramll" ll"ll{hl,.. ~111l"h vl11lnn. Only 11100 prr arr" or will I r11•I• "'Jlll!J v.,hh· (,,,. 'Ir-ctr 1,.011 ,,, "" orr,r. lh•~ vll 111tly 11-.11 .. r !\ilfl R11mons PIA<"· 1,1 II· 711711 lH r!I• uur.u-: <JN < ltANYI. 1·111,. 1 hr. <"Ompl~l 11 "1lh l''"r a111J 11l1p - W11lk lro I' I) II 1.nlu •hOlJPUllCo J'artl.a.Jly fllrn, $111/•fll'I, lr1111~. llU.\l ".H ~; :-II.A~ a.:H, ll••llur 1(16 .Md•"a•l<l•·n l'I, al the l'•~1JOrt P1tr, liar H •I Ev,.• llnr. 62G8·W Jlullur 2~.t9·M BY OW:'\b:K CORO~ UP:L MAR, roodun 2 h<lrm. lv1me. f1repl11• "· r um<l""· Mw'1. flre, WW CATP«llnf( t1nr1 <.lr&pt'I, d blt!. ear. Htr .... 1 •I f.1r apl. F'WI price $13.700, '31'>1111 dn. 603 P olMelll&. lllH. 3110fl M 24r37h ----------YOR SALE UY OW!'\&R.-t bfo•I· room Mmf', l ~ baths, la."'1· 111·11p<'11 & r .. n ...... 1. Yll/\ 1"''"· Jo'r~m h<.trn" 1 UH. CaU Llb.rty 8-8223 mom.lllJI or after 6 p. m. Jllro Pll:="l JN!il 'l..A LOT. On1• llf I hr IHl Jn th,. sr,..a. Pr. 1 .. af'll & l't,~I() HOMER IC. 1.t.lln ;R, RHJlOr 11)6 M('P'&t1t111n f'I . •t U1f' N"""p.n t Pier . Har. 1411 t:v~• llu. 62'18-W Harbor 2419-M 'I ) ' PA6E 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 62-Real F..-tat41 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1955 BA~BOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to 5 309 APOLENA FLASH! $5000 down! Xln't 2. story duplex furnished ! Lge. Iv, rm. Fr. Place, Loads of cloeet11. Pencil• out good for income -$25.7~. f WHY NOT A LASTING CHRISTMAS GIFT? Buy the family this truly delightful 2-bdrm. 2 bath home. Lge. Iv. room with studio ceiling, din. room, kitchen la a beauty, master bdrm. with dressing rm. Large · patio. OWNER SAYS SELL -YOU MAKE THE TERMS ! $29,500. LIDO ISLE WARNING -00 INVESTIGATE 3-bdrms. 2-batb eemi-modern beauty! Lge. fireplace. less than 1 year old ! Many unusual features. See it today! $26,500 witfi terms if desired. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 0502-4623 CORONA DEL MAR PANORAMIC Harbor and ocean view, "quality .u.t..'' ' B. R., den, 2 baths. Low terms. Bar- pm "5,000 BAYSBORES A'ITRA.CTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro- tected patio. Owner anxious for offer. Ae1rfnl f28,000 BAYSHO~ 4 Bedrm. 2 baths, 1:! blk. from be.thins beach. Submit terms. Asking $29, 750 IRVINE TERRACE. $5000 will handle. Almost MW 2 B. R.. conv. den, 2 baths, inaide BBQ. Drap- m., lton, fully landacaped. Low price. 81::&: US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertiee. Bu. 1175 -Ev•. Edith Maroon, HY att 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9 Loa ~ Ba)'lllde Dr. office, .Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 -EARL W. STANLE", Realtor 22:5 Karine Ave .. Balboa Ialand WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THI: MOST cantully lklect· ed v&luu In each of our dl1t1nct· ly dllfere:nt. HAABOR AREAS. BALBOA PENINSULA BACK BAY VIEW ~ ac re, W/t br. houae, bot locn, xlnt. po .. lbUlllu $ 11 ,000 l A<.:RE--13• Jt 300 -.:a n ~ divided . f 7000 ~ AC:RE w12 br. stucco, well landacaped _ 11:1,:.c>O 2 BR. A OEN, llW floor•. beauty. AJoklog . I 19.000 LOTS -110 x l:IO -111&-hly rr- 1lrlcled $8000 70 x 100 NE. COR. 23rd anJ S&nla Houston Values $2500 Down 1'\EWPORT BEACH, atlr. 2 br. furn. home. 7 yrs. old. F . P. Sl0,6-00. Low paymtnt on bal. AN XL.NT. BUY. NEW ~1~11 ~~!:~ 4 1~'i loan. A rtal home Inv., al only $9500 with mo. pymt. of a60. Only $7950 3 BR HOME on rear of high-level •, acre lot. Santa Ana Ave:. nr :Z3rct SL Room tor 4 unllll. BACK RAY VIEW LOT -R ·l . S:'\2:10 Restricted. Trade 2 BR. :'I/EARLY NEW landAt' nr. ;whoolft lie storu. $2000 rtn. or will take good lrtuler part <In. Houston Realty Co. & ASSOClA TES :109 Center SL. Costa Men Ll 8-69ll LI 8-7787 Eve. ph. Petitte Ll 8-0487 L ytle LI 8·2042 Seymour, Har. 11298· W "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS Cliff Haven CHARMING BRAND NEW home on Cllt't Dr. with panoramic VJEW of harbor from aundeck . Lge. llv. room with fireplace & Imported wood paneling, built· In range & oven, to11chplatt wlr· Ing. 3 lge. bedrooms. 2 ·~ bat ha. abundance ot wardrobea, F . A. heat, hdwd. floors. TrtJly a love· ly home A PRICED AT ONLY 126,1100. Bayshores BA YSHORE DRIVE with B~ Y VIEW-3 bedroom•. 1,.. battui, brukfut room plWI din. room, lge. hv. room with flag1lone flreplact , hdwd. tloor11. lot.a ot cupboard•. oversl~e dbl garage, fen!'ed yard. choice location It PRICED RlCHT-123,600. term11 LOVELY CAPF. con HOME - "(;'J~;s:'"~tr. 224 W <:out Hlway LI 8-M27 "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS CHARMlNO modem Provtncla.I 2 br. Lota of cupboardl!. i.,, block 10 Jetty. 11% IO&n, Jiit 48 a mo. F P. J l8,000. Ana 54009 ------------- CLIFF HA VEN YEAR-ROUND Uv1n1 11 euy and thrttly In Ull• I bdrm. homt. H W. Flrw., Uled kllt'hen, fan • <llehmute.r. for mother. lovvy encl. yard f or kJda. 116.600 F .P. 16000 dn. M7 month •• Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 2'°' Nn.rport Blvc1., Npt, Bea<'h l:uy ParlltlnJ H&rbor 4610 80 ACRES CORONA HIGHLANDS • BR. 3 84 TH, r ump119 l'OOlll. on 2 lot1, lovtly vttw $411.000 2 BR., 2 BA TH lerr1flc view. room for pool .. S27.!100 2 B~ .. VIEW, (;000 POSS181U · TlES . Sl9.960 . . . l3:Z' FRO!IIT. hwy to bay Npt. Bch. Mira cle Milt, tor ll'nJlf' Will bulld to 1111lt ttnan l KO<>d hl·CIUa rf'1laUr811\ I0("1\1on Claire Van Horn Corona Do It del Mar Yourself! \\'E K:-;ow how hu11.J 1t I~ to rind Ju11t l\'hllt you Ot't'J 1n CIJM Wt: -'PC'nd (IUr tlm,. hrlplng p.;o- ple <f•) ll. Ont: 11.nswer 111 to bull<t a.nil lhe cunc:nt phaJ1c> or the lot prirt' • homt' pn<:-.. cy( Ir d ou fllvor doing M> Wt' hAVI! l'Omt !Int' 1011 llslt'!I. M oi!l rt'tuionable 11 11n K-2 he1t11ty Juxlltc lt'vel • well·IO<'att•I fol alxnit $600o. HOWt'\'l'I' lhf' P••tfN'I tW(I 11nll lot '" 1n l..'<>1 ont• I lll:'hlan<111 ror REALTOR 2731 W. Coaat Hwy. Juel 11t>-111t lwlrt 1111 muclf but LI 8 ·42i7 worth it. bll(. with It run• VIC'W And 0 (1\)ung likt' ll Wt-h11vr a n OLD WELL 6 J'OUNOATIO:-J on property. View of l>Hutthll val· Jey. Only 2 houn from Newport 2 Kue ofter. Here 's A Bargain 8EOROOM-18 month.• 111.t - Hardly u.ae<l. JUjtl ~ 4 mllu rrom Rlchiard'a Lid-0 Mllrkf'l and only 6 mllu 1rtJfti ::>1·,.r~. Sanl11 Anl• 'le.rt ~ than IC) 111tnut;o11 ruy t1r1v1ng lo either pl11l'c 2 man· uleii lo Sanl11 Ana <:011n1ry t:lub unu"uully nu e sq111trl' t'urna lot to drll\t•r J•11•! •Hl•l"r S61tVO eml what a \\omlerl'ul ~•If' !ur your 1•nu1y·1 n~v. hom, Ag&lu tor Jt0111ething more than •louble that pr1t<' WI' hav.-ll11tet1 A 1 11m•J1htn~ KOO<.I buy in 1 \11ona l H1glilan<tl!I. • h11t homl'••l• with IJrl'e lhtakinir "'~'" re11Uy Jl()ntt'· thins l'~lr" C'om,. rn •n!I 1tt 1111 1111111 .. le "11•1 )'•111 1·,.11 1lu with JO '1\0ST FR.EE ACRES plantf'd w1UI over 100 3 year old Avoca do tr·-. I rnervolre. every tree ~ lndtvldually. Good well. 2 l'Oom houw, electrlclty. family on:bard. Near F1llbrook. Owner A ..,,.... Mil S9600, n ooo down. SAM EMMES HICKORY Bl.'ILT HOME une ut thr~I' <m Yhur n\\n butl- h11r1lw<>Od flO()f'll, w ired for K~ ff'l you'll see whet we mi>an or l!I~ rllngr. '• acrr . pl!U\t th• I tron~ In '1'11.N and put an ot<'h· B & B h Rlt I I a rd In the rr11r 1 ay eac y nc . Re&! ltat.at.e B l"Oker &rbor l ()U·R THIS HOME CA':\ NOT ~ ilupllc-· J l :orona 111'1 M11r Orft,e alt"! for SI I()()() h ut you , an .3~311 f, Cr.1t•l llwy ll11rbor ~2411 18111 VUla Way, Ne.,.'J)Ort 3!\1-37 See Me-Ta Nelson And 70U'U be IJlanktul a-plrnt v. tor thee• excellent otrertn1t11 CX>llONA DEL MAR Three unit.a on ocr&n 11lde nf Hwv AU leaaed ahowang tremtn<10l•~ n tunut. Two B«lrm•, l'ozy A shlh1ni- cl<>11e In And • bu v 1.J!:MON HElCHTS 20 ar rr1 ••I· Jolnlnr be11.11ur111 Mtate11. 7 a cr•• in bl!snni ""or 1i.lo1. iAllll Uian 1, down CHOICE RENTALS f11ml1he1l It unt um.lshe<I MF.TA N'fLLSO:'\ 2908 E 1·ou1 H wy, Coron• dl'I Mar. Hu .">:'\f\O :\:1<':17 ' OCEAN FRONT I BEDROOM furn111hl'd honH• Bu· pin a t $111.ClOO. C•rl,.,, by 62011 8..ahnre flri\'c>, lhrn rAll to -. We have the kry N.B.C. REAL TY IJnd It N-port Bl•d., Npt. Bch. HaJ1lor 1 •0CI - 1tral this one: for Stl ~11 tnrl 3~'<"1(1 tlrt"tric 11tC1vt a.nrt draVff nu1y~ 1----- " m.1t ll'M 1r ym1 c-an p11y 1·•11h ON A WIDE to t .. ~ lt'All of 563(.0 wt111'h 1.. LIDO ISLE LOT pt1y11ble S:i• 116 flf'• mo Duncan Hardesty flf;;ALT(JR 2602 :'\f'wpon Hlvrl , Np! A•·ll Hubor 47111 RUSTIC HAVEN R1•11l 1111 ttrl\•111 y, Im'• l~ "'~" dl'· llghlfUJ 1\111811<' ~flJlt'lhly l<H 1\1· t<I In Cl.rona tlrl Mllr LArge lflxHl hedrti.im "•lh f11~f'l&1·e. Am 11ll hl'rltm p,.,,,.,, for 1>11t1y I'• b11th' l.ar ,;;y p1t•tu1" window In living l'Cl(•m \\ llh un .. 1 .. 111ll'l• 1e<.I lll\)'0 11 \'lf'W, ""'""~ lu 110 l'O· lcrt111111nl( ,., .. ,k ~ur• I'll u11 f111 - n111 c. Int~ nr .Jtorni:t> 10x I ~11 !l lot Trnly " little par11ll:t1• S HI !\nn khoul Sf\:ll)O (ltW>'ll Hy Rpp111ntm1•nl O"'ntr Har 4M3 f.:vrA :l4 77 32t f< THJU :i.; UA'r Hs THR.1'.:l: YEARS I (JI.I• 1 hi. J.1vtly l.11\E :'\F:\\ HO~!~ '""' tt h11i;t• h\•lnl( 111om. 2 ~ot"dn111m11 11 ppr11:-l Z>. I 7 enl'h l.111g1· k111 ht11 \\llh .11~1lwn~lll'1 4t 1h~p'1!1~I N ,, ,. d<'n & t11nin11 11r<'tt l..011.i,. <Iii , l!i•N ~l'·•r" \.\ 11ll lo wa ll • 111 f'• t •ni: 111• lu•ll'll l'ri.<' i i11,;.iw1 :-<11li1111t •ltJwn Seven Islan ds Realty & Investment Co. 111:1 ·:~n I :-t '.\:1'1 I''" 1 •• 1'111 11 1 '11llf lla1 :,~"" .. n ..... p 111 11.11 i !!1:1 •• J :ir.. :17 INCOME PROD~ERS ' '1'\nl ~tt L.'TI ru: 1 ;, 1+ ""'·' in ({11Jl>'M .wAr I• n '"'"' ha,. 11t1d Cl••'1'f1 t 1\\'1•t -" v~h f1.tdt•·,,V\\n ft~r Im 'I rr"f\)'f"lf t \ tit .. ... F:X<.:1':L.l.Jo~:'\T 13uy Aw• 4•1 fl C'Or ll1':1.1t;1rrn 'L 2 ~<1~11,-rlen homr I H·I" .1. rloo1 ~. flitgstnne fir~! \\ 0Allf'rt J'llf '" nhl(• gar"ge wllh plumb111g c\ Ill 1 \'!Ulf't1 for 1ncom• 1o<1r, nnll \'lf" ~11d Jlliot a elep to BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES W. B•lh<111 Bl"d Harbor 618~ 1111)' HOUSE hardwl'lOd ORA'."GF: C'OAST J fh•or" r••d,,eur•t<'d ln-111•• anl'l PROPERTrES Ollt. SlO 'i;t() I' 181\7 SewporL Co~ta Mr'a 13.')IJ Flnwer ~I . Co-ta Me11a . Ll 8-16!\2 Eve, Ll 11-6803 rhone Liberty 8-7801 . !\:itlc GOLDEN RULE VALUES ASTOUNDING BUY You can't beat this -Large C2 lot with a real good furn. duplex only four years old. 1 :: bloc k from large market. All for $10.000 full price. Also The Best House Buy 3 bdrm. and dining room hdwd. floors -2 bathe. F . A. heat -1 yr. old.., Dbl. garage. Corner lot. And only $11 .950 Submit your terms. Older 3 Bdrm. l A real deal in a large older farmhouse now in town -Huge rooms and basement -Lg. land- scaped lot. $8950 -$1500 down. PHii. SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa {across from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761 Eves Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 BALBOA BAY SHORES Jn the quaint restricted district of lovely Bay- shores, we have a very attractive 3 br. home com- pletely furnished· with new bric.k patio 22 x 36, and room for swimming pool in this wide irregular shaped lot. 1 blk. from private bathing beach. A comfortable home. Excellent income property. $24,500 LIDO 1St£ FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE Very nice modem 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Lovely covered patio. Many fine features incl. electric garage door. Excellent Location. Please call for app't to see. CLIFF HAVEN View lot Kings Road. Leasehold lot 67 x 110'. Charming location, fine view of bay. Only $5500, $2000 down. THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R, LI 8-5297 or LI 8-3040 NOW'S THE TIME!! GIVE FOR CHRIS'I'MAS - An adorable Cape Cod cottage. beautifully furnish- ed for Mama. For your boating minded son or daughter, an almost new Wizard boat -a J ohnson 5 h. p. motor, with an established mooring on t.he North Bay. MAKE IT THE HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS EVER! DORIS BRAY CLARENCE LAKE 216 Marine, Balboa Island. Realtor JfM BLODGETT Harbor 20 or 64 EXCHANGE WANTED Nearly new 2 bednn. and den Ranch style home with swimming pool. in finest Lemon Heights area. Will exchange for 3 bednn. home in Newport Heights, Corona del Mar or Lido Island, W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park Balboa Island Harbor 2462 VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE .. l'M SEEING DOUBLE ' Two 3 bdrm. 2 bath homes with forced air heat. sun decks, patio. etC'. This furnished comer duplex on Balboa Peninsula "point" at $29,500 is only slightly higher than most single homes with these features. One ACRE Residential Room for 12 units or 3 good size R-1 Iota. East Col(ta Mesa for UOOO THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast H1way. Newport Beach 'LI 8·3481 BEAUTIFUL BAY FRONT Sp1•c toll" •nd erit 1n •ty """''''Tl I 1>rrlr11•1111 4 h11lh t1u11H' rm (lne~I •cl"ltrtll 11f ha.v \\tl ll pnvlll" brB( h '"'" !<hp r .. r lorl!C' I f\llAl'f . I plu~ "' iwr 1111mrlnjt Lido Isle Open House 211:1 \"la N1re Sal &. Sun J ·4 30 SPECULATORS HERE'S A ... GOOD BUY ON XLNT. M-1 bwtlnHI property, 83x290 ft., Jooated on Pla«nlla Ave .. COllla M-. Raa a 2 br. houae on It too. Al.o rear alley. Sult.able tor ofttce or rental and plenty of properq left for mtf., ahope, etc. Only SlO,DOO f , p. Better hurry on t,hia onel $62· Month WHY PAY RENT! WKEN YOU CAN BUT th.I• 3 bdrm. nurly ~~~~;fm on Fed· eraJ Ave. for ffVOQ, . pymt.. only $82, •" % J' JOU\ - tax• A m... an Incl. Ntcely landtlcaped plua front and rear lawn. Price ~cl. lovely 2 oven Unlvera&l elec ran.-• A refrlf. CALL NOW f . er partlcu· Jan on req. . p . t., etc. Outs ding CORONA DEL MAR home and Income. Owner haa j1J.1t 11.ated thl1 very dulrable duplex, nice cor. location. Only 3 yr1. •Id. Thia la re&lly a dandy buy at $19,860. C&ll now for appt. to •-you'll be flad you did, Cell Harbor 20'42 Frank James & Li11wood Vick REALTORS R. Rayle. C. Travi11, C. R1111. Aasoc 312 Marine Ave. -Balboa llland Ylhet Do You Expect For $I 51500 WITH ONLY $111()() DOWN ! WHATEVER IT IS. th la home haa It. Brand new, large lot, JOOd aurroundlng1, c101e to be1.ch area. good achoola 4t ahopplnr dl11lrlcl. Curb•. pa\'ement and aewer a.11 In and paid for. Shake roof, real ti replace. 1 ~ bathe, Oak floor•. W eetinghouae built In oven and •love. Stucco and board A batten exterior-Now hold your br4iath-lt hu 11x rooma and a 2 car prare. If you are a 1low buyer, don't e.xert yourulf on thl• one becauae It will be gone ~rore you decide, Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 1103 32nd St., Newport Beach, Ca.Hf, Har. 5868. after 6 p.m. Har. 2293-J 36c37 Balboa DUPLEX. fumt.hed JH,860. Two 2-bdrm, apt.I. AU on one tloor Walking' distance to downtown Balboa. Showln1 food Income. Submit on term•. Ocean Front 115,000. GOOD TERMS. 3 bedrm. older home, parU&lly f uml&hed, C-1 aone. H eart of Balboa. 2 ~r garace 1treHtd for apt. abon. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2M8, 2597 anrt 4600. REDUCE-D! Newport Heights! • W88 $1 8 ,000 Now $18.900 • '4!'>00 down. Euy terma • 2 ye11ra. Cuatom btnlt • Ocean View! • Hardwood Ooor,._Jge ttreplace • Very lar('e k.itchen-220 V. • F'ull dining room • 3 large bedrooms 2 bath• • Double garage--Alley • Wood 11htngle root e Su thi1 real value now! Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1696 Nt'wporl Blvd, Collta Mesa. C.lit. LI 8-IHIJ -E\'l!I, Ll 8·8010 $960 DOWN, Move In. Home or 5 room• on Back S.y a rea ,., acre 1 tlbl. gu&gt', balance 171'> mo. (le" than rent 1. ORANGE COAST PROPERTJES J86T Newport, Coata Men I.I 11-1632 EvH. l.J 8-6803 Acreage INDUSTRl.A.L, bualne111 • r·eel· dentl~ acreage. A lllO ranchea and groVl"I In Co11la Meaa - Santa A na area. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Realtor Hitr. !'>691. .Eve11. LI 8-6317 38c38 Gre<'nlear-severt~ Realty CJVF, HER A RRA:'<n NEW beau-OCEAN f"RO!li"'T LOT. Clln b11lld 11!111 home for Xma.3! 3 bedrma., 2 un1t1 '8711() fuU prk a. t erm• ;J 11'.l NI'\\ }IOI I Blvd :"ol·•wpor l z h1tt ll11 All eleclr1r bullt-tn kH· J Ml'• •R 0 """n WAii l o wall C&rJW!tlng, I · M. · ........,. C · 111rgp "'""Y pllllO. smutly land· 2025 .w. Balboa Blvd. H11r •Ofll 8• n1w1I. 1m111e<llnte J><lll!l'Nlon! t I near the NIWl"Jrt Pie~ I H "r 2:1:i'.l Har 16li·M ,'OACllF:Ll...A \"ALLEY IPHI lln<I Trrr1C1r t•omrr lot al. lo ,t. $13.000 J>IJll'<I 76 ""' ~ r111 m 1·11011111 •1 111-• 11111 11n1I <1 lf31fl\ 1:'ln1•h C'u1111n I - 'l""'" 1600 '' on H\\ y 1111. s;:;o Bay & Be.ach y.::lty I c Rn ,., •• f'. Bt.'A1·h :I hr(lr1\1 hotnr '"' • <'nn~l•lr1 nl kA pa1 l fl••" n Good 1 Llfl() OFF!f"'lt t .. lnl~ 1 :\) 12 L8fll_;Pllt', !'li!'I. , 3643 ORA :'\GF. C'()AST PROPERTIF.S 1 1807 Newpol'l. \OMA Mel!• Ll 8· 1632 Evet1 U 8~03 $200 Down -------·-, ----n o pn month or more a 0001" 99 x '474 M-1 On r.l'rn,,r on Pl&ce,ntl&. U 8-6&40 3&<:37 LIDO R-3 2 -30 (t. !Qt.a Oft So. Bay J'n>nt J3J,:.OO eAC'h. Call T. D. Rogu-1. Har. 1686-W, or RTa.n l-4I0211. 18tlc LOT 311 fl. R·Z $4260 I U)T cn11Ullde Co•la MHa. F'ull HOMER E , SHAFER, R<"•llor pr1re S2000 LOT 80xle6 on 8tU\Ht oft Mon· 106 M<"Fa1.hli<n Pl . al l.he :-<1owporl I rovll., Co11la Mu•. 11800 prl Pin Har 140 Ev.•11. Har 1'>268-W DAN A ,JACOBSEN. R.-allor owner. Write Boa L 7t lhl1 Harbor 2&29-M Har M191, Evt'a. LI M317. 3&<:38 paper. I Mp'8 --- BAYSHORES .. \ Three bedroom. three bath home, 3¥.'. ye&l'll old with lovely patio and beautiful bay view. Carpeta and draperies included. An outstandJnc Baysbores Talue at $39,500 BALBOA ISLAND Immaculate 2 bedroom home on rear of OOl'Del' lo\. Farm type fence and eeparate fenced patJo. At· tractively furni.ahed. Room to build additional unit in tront. $18,500 fumiabed One of Balboa Island's loveliest, moat paeloua homes on the bay front. ~an uaed u tarp family home or as two it.a or income, both affording comple vacy. l $59.500 J One of the best 2 story Bayfront homee. Choice Balboa Island location with private pieT and float. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Full price $57 ,500 FOR A LOW DOWN PAYMENT -ocean vitw, large 4 bedroom, two story home. Don't pus up this Corona de! Mar Vogel Value -only a few steps to the beach. Full price $24,950 and $4.000 CASH DOWN THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island ~~t door t o the Post Office Har. 44.4 Eves Har. 3.059-M Har. 4248-R BALBOA ISLAND ATTRACTIVE 4 bedrm .. 21:: baths, nr. So. Bay. Owner will tiike small ctown. Asking $42,500. GOOD FAM1LY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard. 3 bedrm. 1 1:: baths. $26,500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn- ished home. Submit down. $25.000 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Island, pier. float , formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value is close to t~e asking price, LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 31 ~ bath house plus unusual 2· B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both units newly furnished. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Bill's Best Buys LOTS Several beauties in Back Bay Arca $5500 to $8000 3 are overRizc parcels on private street. SMALL GOLD MINE Vacation in winter and .taJ<e in top income during the summer months \'l•ry little extra help required. Full pril'<' $.5000 -with 1 ~ down '4 BEDROOMS , 2 BATHS Owner leaving slah'. Choil:f' corner location. Wall to wall car11N 111 Jiving room. hall & bedroom11. Rear yard encloi>t•J by gr111wstak<> frnce. Full price $11 ,950. PaymC'nls on F. H. A. loan. $70 per) month inc, taxes and 1m1urance. .. W. A. TOBIAS ' and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll Like our frirndly service" 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mct<I\ Li berty 8-1139 \_Save Sml On a beautiful view hom<' in Corona Highlands - 3 bedrm. and d<"n. bath .ind 11. 2 fireplaces. built ll'jo.. Western Holly range -hardwood floon~ -Iota of tile and many either fine features. Mu~t sec to appreciate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS !) HI De Anza Ocean view and 11w1mming pool. Ranch atyle home, nicely landsci.pt'd anu many fine tealurea. w to w <'a.rpeting. Priced to B&IJ. OPEN D AILY 1·5 P. M. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar HAR 6432 You Can Stop Thumbing The Pa9e1 At laat you have found good return ph.w opportun- ity tor increeeed value and income. in tbill 2Yt acre blvd. buaineu property. Partially improved and leued. Income $6000 a yr. now. Price $62,500 Term.a. LET'S TALK TURKEY! RUSS FORD, Realtor 1600 W. Cout Highway· Liberty 8-6141 --~~~~~-...~~~~~~~~~-----....... ~----------~--------~-~·,.--~---~-~-~---~-~-~-~-~~-~~~~~~--.L'r~~~~~~~~~-----~~~~-~--~~~~-~ • J I ' _r 1 L ·.~ ' I - I ' I ! I ' .I ) BACK BAY AREA OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 482 Either St. An arehitect'• dream. thia beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Custom built by Lloyd C. Howard. Hu everything including built-in stove and oven, plank- ed hwd. flooring. Dobler brick fireplace coveriac entire waU, brick BBQ in kitchen, fenced yard with aeveral trees. 0 SEE IT AND YOU'LL BUY IT" -Only $26,500. OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 406 St. Andrew11, Newport Heigbta. S14,7M -$65 mo. incl. taxes and insurance. Three .bednn., living room with fi~place. fenced yard with patio and sprinkler system. Cloae to school.a and churehea. "Vacant" -Owner haa moved to Sa.n Francisco. immediate posae88ion. SEE THESE WATERFRONTS 2 Bedroom home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage. Pier & float. Near Lido center & City Hall. Only $18,950 -Submit on 9own payment. DUPLEX, 82 ft. bulkhead, ove~ized float, 2 car garage. Nicely furn. & in ex.cellent condition. $26,500 Easy terms. 5 BEDROOMS extra lge. living room with fireplace. Pier & float will accommodate up to 50 ft. boat. Priced to aell quickly at $29,500. Firm. SELECT INCOME BUSINESS BUILDING NEW INCOME 10% PLUS. Six top notch tenants all on leaae. Best location on Coasl. A-1 construe· tion. Owner living in Ea.st desires quick sale. JACK BRENNAN, R~altor and ASSOClA TES \ 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. Liberty 8-7773 , "At the Arches" Vogel Values CORONA DEL MAR STOP -and check this! Corner duplex, partially furnished. Income potential $120. per mo. Rm. to build on frt. or lot. Total price ONLY $10,500. Thia will aell fut -HURRY ! BEA lITIFUL CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 BRs. & conv. den, l ll:! baths. patio, ocean view, rear Lvnn .. fireplace, entry hall, Iota of t ile. disp .. vent. fan. Breakfast nook & dining area. Com- pletely redecorated inside. Total price $24.500 - 5'"o in.aura.nee loan at $34.48 mo. NEWPORT HEIGHTS More atorage & cloeet apace than in the average larger home, 1 BR and conv. den home on 50' lot with eome ocean view. Priced at only $10,~ in excellent condition, too. You'll agree it'a a REAL VALUE. The Vogel Co, 2667 Etuit Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Har. 1741 Har. 1477 KILLION, real estate P&rade of Home V aJuea LIDO ISLE Exchalve Baytront Pier and Slip ' bdrma., 0 luxury b&Uw Cu.tom tumlllbtns lnclud.c!. BALBOA OOVES Wal~rfront, Pier • Slip 3 bedrma.. 2 baUa "Boet lncluded" A 1tC&rce Item! CLIFF HAVEN Cb&rmlnl' VI-Home Room for pool UUOO-That'a r11'bt! CORONA DEL MAR Contemporary modern Buutlf ul bay view Under co1t at $311,600. U your homt la NOT 1hown here Come In and Uk- We have one for you. KILLION, real estate 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 (Evening• -Harbor 3554-R) Oppo1ite City Hall SEASHORE DRIVE EXCELLENT BEACH See this attractive OCEAN FRONT home-design- ed for yr. round living. Knotty pine liv. room wit h dining area. 1',onnica kitchen. Downstaira has 1 bedrm. & 1 i bath. 3 bdrms. l ' :.'. baths up. Solid const., concrete & piling foundation. Enclosed yard. 2 car garage. $22,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor .,, 3113 Newport Blvd .. Ntwport Beach Har. 1013 'DON'T make a MOVE" Rep. ,• UJ'l.'TlL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION-Wl01'~ MOVING Pb. KI 3-9221 Eve LI 8·2961 Corner Newport Blv<!. and So. Main St. • ,_ -. &i--Real P'Atate b"2.:-Real Eat.ate ·---.. ----- p. a. p a I m e r i n c .o r p o r a t e d I developers of Lido Isle Lido Bayfront Duplex Announcement 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstain with decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath down.ttaira with encloeed patio. Both apts. have forced air furnacea, fireplace, carpeting. drapea. refrigerator, stove. Unbelievably priced at only $57,000. $12,000 dn. • Beau·tif ul Lido Residence Artiatically landscaped on very choice site 92 feet on Centro Strada, 60 feet on Dijon, and 45 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room fo~ pool if desired. Large 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for indoor-outdoor living. Thi. home ia ~apart by ita charm; even in thia section of lovely homes. we' are proud and privileged t o announce t.he offer- ing for sale of one of Lido's most exquisite BA y . FRONT homes. Built in 1954, this 4 bednn. 3 bath home is unexcelled in charm.. The muter bedroom is 24 x 16 with a beaut iful fireplace and a view of the Bay. Completely carpeted, draped, all built-ins in kitcht'n, beautiful furniture and a lovely sandy beach. Priced to s~ll at $82.500. Submit tenns or trade. Call Bill Farnsworth. Insure Your Future $32,600 with only $7500 down. Modern Charm, individuality, tranquil atmosphere all blend perfectly in this fine 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. You rivrn enjoy every minute in the lovely livingroom with ita cheery fireplace. Very nicely furnished including carpeting and drapes. Furnished price By buying this almost new commercial building in Corona del Mar. Let the tenants (there are six of them) pay for thi.8 property for you. Enjoy secur- ity forever by owning good income property. Priced at S55,000 with a $550 per mo. income. soon t o graduate t o $600 per mo. Cash required? Call Dave Osb'urn for details. only $32,950 Terms. Family Growing? · Catch Us Do you desire the many advantages of living on Lido Isle for your children ? If so, you should see this -it's a 2-story family home on Via Lorca. 4 bedrms. 2 baths, forced a ir furnace, informal kitchen with built-in range and and oven, fireplace, you should aee this al only S30,750. Owner will If you can. and it you do and want a t bdrm. 2 bath home Gn Balboa Island, we may show It to you. We might even show you the rumpus room with its secret bar. Truly, this is an out.standing home at a low price. Available for a trade on Palm Springs property. Price $31,500. Ask for Joe Kincaid ..._ 1take in smaller L ido home. \ p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole banson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-557S CLIFF HAVEN Look1n1 !or a lovely '*'m• with low down payment? ? v v Best Buys Corona del Mar B~lboa Duplex! HERE'S I/\ N l-:W LISTING AND LOCATE!> WITHIN l~O ~~ET THIS 18 IT ! Paneled den w I t h built • In detk and book11helvea. Workshop tor Dad . .PTlvate bath otr maal· er bl•droom. Built -m HI -Ft cabinet In Liv. Room. FEE SIMPLE. Tinted glaM between ....... ' I. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Best buy of the year. Large 2 bednn. home, 2 baths plus 2 bedrm. garage apt. plu. furn. stuclio apt. Only a few steps to ocean front & China Cove. I 1 v I nc room and patio. Lovely drapes 1.ultl carpl'llng 1600 sq ft Pull price $19,900 2 $4.H O clown. • 45 ft. frontage. Quality const thru-out - Belter hurry -Only $38.500 CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH Sale or Exchange Thrre smal .. hOullt'a on 7.i20 11q. fl of G:2 property ('»Oler or Coela Mea&-1 Monthl)'. income $1 70. L&rge dcptect•Uon rate. Excel· lent opportunity tor capital ap· prer1auon. Exeh•rnar, up fM bu111nus property. Full price S Ul,7~. Excellent condition, both units have fireplaces. hwd. firs .. laundry and garag<.'. Priced at $22.500. Terms can be arranged. Exclwiive with us. 3. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Only lot a,·a1lable of this kind, 40 xJ18. rental district. Priced at $15, 750. <4. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price of $14,750. Choice Newport Beach 2 5. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA Cozy 2 ~oJroom hOnlf' JU•l block11 f1om Ore11n a nd Channl'I Cor onl~· i 1 1,l'JOO full pnrl' with 11 lnw low nown. H111 ry on lilts one' From thia choice lot high on the hill in C-Orona Highlands. Best view lot availabl<.'. Priced at $13,500 terms. Bay ~7~~~~~ ~~.~y Inc 6 • ~~e~R~XC~~~~~s w~hcu:~~~~'1ar ~~~b~~s cost" M .. sa. C-ahr m thUI area. Shown by appointment only and LI 8·7714 Ev.-s LI s.31:,s priced far bl·low replacement cost. Call us for --parl1culars and appoint to see. · "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS fix er-Upper ARE YOl" A F'l,\'.l~R·l·rrER. BulcaJly l!()11n(1 • ht'olroom ocrnn CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUTSTlON. Realtor 3447 E . Coas t Hwy .. Corona dt'I Mar . Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Ban.kl front bouer 4t gar&j;I' llfll. ntl'tlll ---·----- pa.lnL (loo(! l<x:a uon with ex nn YI-. Pnce inr l11oJ1·~ ttt!W Hot Point 1lnk with cll,..hw11!lltl"r a nd dlapou.1. E.11tcellent 11rr>nr t11nll.)' for homt A: In< ome 5!1000 .. ,11 handle. "C" Thomas, Rltr. 22• W. Cout KIWI)'· L I 8-!l62i I "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS EXCLUSIVE WITH US A COMPLETELY F'URNlSHF.1> triplex llS.~llO cloee to the water a nd wide aandy beach tn Balboa U\&l Ora odpa could al· moi l aplt h!JI chev.1ng tobac:<o rlfht into Ule Soulh Bay from hla window. Come on -1tv,. Grandpa • break and don't for- g-e t the ht1h rent..e a plat-e like this can bring yo11 111 Ille r.ooo OLD SL"MMC:l-<TJM I:: only 1•n11 18 var ant 1n1I ru dy for Y"" to 1110\'f IOI" nllW Tl'rmll Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. .'tll3 :llnol ~r , :-\1• • .'flOrl tin ch. Calif 1 11nr :,~61', ""' 1 ~. 11111 liar. 2293-J 3!ic37 I COME. SEE. m •kf' propo11tt1on to owm•r $18~ mo Income rrom 3 rurn. unill on plo t large enoulfh Cor 4 ad•I I un it.a. S3600 do,. n m lp:hl m~' you owner. Full pr1c·e 1;nly i 11.ono untur n, ORASGF COAST P ROP ERTlE!' 1~7 JIOtwport, Co11a MtH LIDO PROVINCIAL • • • CLOSE TO THE CLL"BHOUSE This.choice two bed room can be youn for only S22,700. • Bt-amcd ceilings • Used brick fireplace • Inside wmdow shutters • Quarry ttlc kitchen • Largf• t wo·car garage • Large walk-in cloS(>t We hn ve the key to this immaculate, near new Lido home. Come 1n and Ll 1scW1s term.. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPTON GENE VREELAND 3400 \"ia Lido J. H. GROHMAN VIRGINIA MANSON Harbor HH (Across Crom Richard's Market Entrance) ~ -----Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars u 8·1632 Evu. LI 8·6803 PROPERTY SOLD IN 19M \\.1TH MONTIIS TO SPARE 8 L":OHTS fl"R:"l Corona del Mar All lea~. 000<1 return oa your lnv.-tmt'nt I ii'> 000. Ownu, Har. 0409 26c31 U rr. LOT ON WATt:R.f'RON'T. Can h 11,·11 pier • 1llp. 117,000 full rrlr e, lerm1 - J M. M.ll.Ll:R CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. •otl 1 op.r the Nt"WpOrt Pier I u~E MULTIPLE LlSTlN(;, IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL \l'AY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. N"'}lOrt racu OF THE UA Y . , . ON ANADE STlU:E'l' :1 hN1roo11111 1!nwn !Ind 2 up, both tuin1.<lwol. Sllua1 et1 on 2 lot•. Oan1ly rentt•r fir h<imt with income. $20.00U. terms. Balboa Home! CLOSE TO LlliRARY • llALF Hl..OCK FRUM UA Y . 3 bclr ms . l .114 IHHhs. Extra lol tnduclf•J . l.tH~•· l1v1ng rvom with ftrtpl81" :\1l .. & d ean .,. 51 7,0VO, term~ Peninsula Homes! \'ALUES LIKE THESE FOR l'EN l l'\SULA "POl~T" HO~IES A RE HARL> T O FJ:>:O, t or In· t1ta11ce; one With 2 1:.1 be<tr~IHl! IU\tl 2 hath&, !urntsht'ft too. I M c1nly $Ii.~)(). Top ccmctlllon. An· ollwr 2 bedroom hom•, aJ110 fur· nl11t1e<J, 1 ~cerul~· r Nl4'('1.1rl\Led for $16.~VO with tcrma. A 2 ('Ir garage, flreplArf' l\Tld pntto. Bay Front Duplex! u· '\'(JJ: AL"Tl:Al.LY ~A~'f T HI'! · F!Nf;ST BA ,. FR()NT Ot;PJ.J-:X AVA fLAHLE are lhl.s &llrlHllVI' prop<'! Iv :t. lx'dro111n8 tn cm h unit l"ppt'r br11ut1f111ly !um11111- cJ. LAumlt y and 1111111 y room11 J•r1v11t•· '''"" h IU1•1 l'h'I' r 1i.:1tt11 1 lrtly 4 ) l'Arll Ohl llJlJ 8 llWt'IJ J • M I:"' age. s~.ouo 1111d i <>od l1·11111. Balboa Realty Co. llJ•J1C••1tc Bank nf J\m l'rtl'3 ltl)ll• tin•• 111•/ Al C'"nm,.1111• • E•I l.A:'o Jock. l 'inkl11t01 J oJl'flhlnf.' \\',.bl> i OO £. U11lb<Jt\ Ul\cl , Balboa Phnnt• 11111 bor :1277 Very Close to Channel & Beach A CU~l l'Lt;TEL\· Ft "H:'-'IS HE D 2 11101 y •lupl< -c, 2 b.,lrooma In l1m rr apt , I 1n uppu , 2 car garnge 11n all<')' priced ''rrY low s t Sl5.r1nu. UUl llere pr1cra l'f'U n i:I t on up w1th L A:a wmnitr ht'al. Buy now. lt 11 occupred hy m onth to month t*nants Terms. E XCLt:SJ\"f; WITH t:S Seven Islands Realty I & Investment Co. M>3 32nd 1'1 . :'\ 'WJ>Ot1. Bu <'h, Calif Har. 68611. nru r.:, p 111 Har. 2:.!93-J 3~C'37 $AO ~10. F HA pnvrrirnr~ tnrluolr11 lilX'"· lo , I" 1111 r('lr & i '. ! lnlt>1r11t 1 ~•~MI .t•'"" p11yn1N 1l ,\)11\'(' 111 I h111 ,,.,,.1rnlolt• lll'W a h"·lr m 111>1111• 1·1111 .. t••I w tn wl lltr11 '"'' 1 '••h•r t-•I bn!l1 f1xtu11'- " '""t lnn1lx1 'l''"I ~11u k f">...-"11· '"''" f'avr1I iilt1t•••t1f. !'i~·~et,. tn /Jr l'•llol (Jf'..\ :-:1 ; .. : \llAST l 'HOl't-:HTlf.S 111:.7 Xewf"lr\. I "~'" MtJ<ll L I "· lfi.'l:! f:1 "' I.I tl·IUll'l:I \\ ATl-:IU H< •:\T u IT, • Onlf>ltll' '"ot II bulkht'lol -\'c-ry clnwe I'> Lr>111 •hllflplng. 1'U1otht coni1lder I r11 •t_l.lced f<or ~Ult}'. ~!ER .1-:. S HAFl:H. RnlU>r llti\ Mr F'ttt1dPn Pl liar. HO EwJ Har !\288·W -1111r, 21'J2il·M KINGS ROAD CORNER VIEW LOT ~ I '( 11 ... rt C -2 Lot I l ~· '( ·~I ..... 171 lo "' I I , ., ... _, M .... 1"Al.I 11\\ '1;1'..lt, Lll nly ~-11'142 M c:U1 ----------JGI'\" 2 Bit. H<i~H:. un lM fl ,,..,,,.~ I"' llnly JM4 •J d()wn ~T •Arr · J M Mu.u :n co. 2Q2~ W BaJtio. Bl.-d. Har. 4091 Cn-.r the Newpol't P'Mt1 • \ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PAGE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1955 $1500-Down 3' bedrm: home in East Costa Mesa, 11 :.: yeara old. Dual wall fumaCE'. Birch cabinets in kitchen, Hx2d' living room and dining area overlooklng patio. WW carpets in living room. Rock roof. Sl0,500 fp F HA 41 .! ~( loan. ADOBE SUCCESS HOME Beautiful modt-m home in Back Bay. .Maintenan~ free inside and out. Tile tlooNJ with radiant heat . 2 baths, 2 patioe. One patio off mastf'r ~nn. is planted with tropigal plants. Large living room faces on other patio ovt:'rlooking Ba1'k Bay and back bay hills. 3 cnr garage and s un deck. Phonl' for nppointnwnt to se<>. $32,500 f. p. 1nclud<.'s furniture. $8000 Full Price Buys nt-at attrat'ti\'e :! bedrm. homC' only 4 yl'ars old. Redwoud fcncC'. 50 x 135 R-4 l(1l. Pll'nty room in bnt·k fo1• an i11com<· unit. \Valkin~ tlbtancc tn city n •nler. 8 UNIT NEARLY 11<'w C\1urt apa rtml'nt li. S550 mont~ly income. Commercial bu1ldt11J;. S600 month income on least> THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 N<.'wport Bin i. Phone Liberty 8-5597 Cost a Mesa E\'rn111gs 1,1 br rty S· 7457 CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY S,12<J~ Two Jkdroom Bryn ~tawr 937 SQ. FT. at $4.60 sq. ft. $5295 Thr<'C Bedroom Loch Lomond t 155 SQ. FT. at $4.60 sq. ft. Car Ports 11 x :!O $295 ' I 00'7o FINANCING GUARANTEED through $250,0011 Sl'C1>nJary F111anl·mi; Fund, on your lot pu1d for or not WE ALSO BUILU lNCO~t E UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNOA YS Cor. Century & Dorothy: Garden Cro\'e LE 9-0633 27Uc LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Lido Nord comer with pcr- manr nt n C'w of Bay. Near bes t beach for &w•m · ming. Thrr>c bednna., bobby rvom & d('11 , Charm- ing king size muter bedroom WJlh alCO\'C and connectmg pn\'ale bath opening on to la rge sun deck. The unuAually attractive livi~m has Rl1din~ glass doors opening t..o the patio, while the mu<ll'rn k1tchrn has built·m diahwuhcr, disposal, copp1•f' huod . Cl.'ramic tile and numerous other features t11 plrnsc tlle moat futldloia. T ruly one of the f1m ~t of homea, and pricf'd to IK'll. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport 13lnI.. Newport Beach Harbor 1013-- NEWPORT BEACH Oceanfront h ome m•e r Cathuhc ('hun·h. 3 B. R., 11 ~ batha, double gA rab<" EXCLUSIVE LlSTli\:C: -'20.•100 BALBOA PENINSULA Close to bathing bearh. new 2 B. n. 11.: bath provincial homc-w1lh bullt-in kitchen, lot..s of U8cd brick and bcaullful wrJml paneling. wall to wall carpeting -nttractrn·ly dl·corated, nice patio. $22.500 -CnnvC'n1t•nt t1•rms t•J quah.ff'd buyrr. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. 1150 W. Balboa Bh'd. Bal boa Harbor 1264. CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two hol!Rl·s, 1 lot. fireplnc·C'11 "' ·-$21.500 Two B H. Houiw'. J B. R apt , uni~r . . . $16,000 Two H. R. House'. oak noon ... c:h·an ...... ··-Sl 3.500 Tl'n acre!I n~«•r Tuatin. Pe r acrl' S 0.000 H-2 Lot, Corona Highlands, ChCJlt'l' -make offer AL!-50 Ml'.:MHER OF MULTIPLI'; LISTlNG BOARD C, H. LATHROP,. E. C()a.<;l Hwy. Corona dd Mar Har. 5442 Eves, Har. 5680 36c38 EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS F1R8T TIME OFFERED -V>vely 3 B. R. &. den. :l bath \'JEW HOME . Lge. liv. room wilh raise<l hearth f 1rcpl , den -dining nn alRO hu firepl. Unc:Jc cabinets, dIBhwuher, garb. d1sp., bll.·ln oven & range an dr<'tm kilchcn. Ma.at cr B. R. openA to patio. Cue-tit rm. & ., l bath over dbl. gar. Car- fl<'led WW. Fenced "Imperial'' pool. SEE to appreciate. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622_ E. Cout Hwy. CoroM deJ Mar Har. 211' , ~ I . .. • / urid~r a tree under a tree that's the place .we long tO be • I Long B~ach • Santa Ana _, '