HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-30 - Newport Harbor News Press. ,. -- HARBOR P _RESS f8th YEAR -NUMBER 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1965 PHONE HARBOR 1818 FIVE CENTS BIG PAINT JOB -Myford Irvine, on steps at right, presented $~.000 check from Irvine Foundation this morning to Dr. George N. Reeves, president of Chap- man College. Money will be used to repaint Chapman buildings, formerly Orange High School. -Staff Photo 12 ~SkiU Ciames' Ciet Council Okay ABSENTEE BALLOT DEADLINE SET DEC. 1 ON WARD ELECTION City Clerk Ma.rcy Schrouder today announctd all ahHntee ballot• tor the Dec. 8 city election mu.et be obtained from her office by II p. m. tomorrow. Votera who become· Ill or dlaabled &tter Dec. 1 may have abeentee ~llota picked up at the clerk'• office, dty ball, on election day, however. The election concema retaintnc the preaent method ot elecllnc city counctl m.emben or chanctnc, charter provtalona to allow election of councU can- d1date9 1ly warda, the volen In each dlaL~ct Yot1n& on only one cendtdaC. for t.beir particular warda. ___________________________ . ________________ .. ______ ___ rscHOOL OPPOSmON FAILS Trailer -Park 'Inequity' Ovemlled by Planners • Propoeal of Gordon A. M&rtln ln Costa Meaa at 100-108 W. Wil- to eatabllah another lntJler park aon St. wu approved by the Co.ta ~ Mesa Planning Commllllon after Myford lrvl•ne a public heartn&' Monday but not without oppo11ftlon from the Co- 1ta Meaa Union School District. G•IV8S $25111 supt . .lllwrett A. Rea declared ' In a lett er to the commlulon that lo CLlpmlft the 11ehoo1a were oppoaed to the R utabllabment or more trallu court. becau.ae it wu '"Unfair to OR.ANGie: (OCNS) -Cb&p· tbe dtatnct aa a whole" due t o man coUe(e atudenta, ffCUlty and the inequality ot taxu paid by fr1enda ot the coU.1• t.h1a morn· tnilel' ruldenta. lnc cbMred the announcfment .. u there wu more equality ln that the ln1ne f'oUlldaUon wu t.axea,• the letter conUnued. "'tbe contrtblltlnc 120,000 for the palnl· achool d1atr1ct would be 1.ncllned 1D1 of the 10 bulldlnp on tbe to ctn their 9Upport to trailer e&mpua 1D 0raa(e. "parb." But, .. It la, Rea u.ld. .At an outdoor rally a t 10 L m. the "tax yield to Ult city '8 nerU- lt ,.. .. dllcloeed that Kyford Ir-&1ble." TALK. IT OVER -Robert H. La Verne, left and William D. Smith, Co.ta' Meea and Newport Beach reeldent, dilcua manllaughter charge following fatal beating of Irving Richard Perrett, 21, Loe Angelea1 lut July on Balboa Blvd. La Verne, San Gabriel pluterlnc contractor, lut night wa.a found guilty of manalaughter charge by j W')' verdict bi SUperior Court, Santa Ana. -Staff Photo La Verne Found lies Romp over Alumni Quintet 4-3 Vote Split Allows '-- Bowling, Pool, Gun Games Runnlnr th• "old men'' complete- ly Into the crowtd and hltUng the bucket. from ev&y angle, Coach Balls, bullels and ten pins -all described aa "skill" 8tu Inman'a Orange Coaat Col- me, prellldent of the foWldatJon, Jofartln protHted th• 8Cllool had jun preMnted the 1211.000 dlatrlct'e a.cUon. 1taUn1 that th• check to Dr. Oeorce N. Reev•. taxu paMS by traJJenta. .e.ould prealdent of th• collere. not be made a bull few the dmlal STATEMENT READ of the varl&nce applJcaUon. Tbe DT. Ree-vu ~ad the followlnr commllal~r• ~ atatement 1-Jed by Irvine: J.fartJn 8&1d the 1&11).eq.-tt. "Our l.nventptlon showed that trailer park would be aurrounded lha contribution wu ur1ent1y by a fence and would be decor-- needed to help bring the ptlyatcal at.ad tbrou&bout wtUa onani.ntal CacUIUe. of cbapman colle1e up planUn1. Guilty by Jury lfll'& Pint• q ulntf'l lut night games Monday night a>city council -arc back in bueineaa romped to a 114·1111 victory over following a 4-3 vote that climaxed considerable diacu.saion th• alumni team. among council members. Mayor Dora Hill, and Council- tx·N-port Harbor Hfrh School men Sandy Mackay and J . B. Stoddard vo~ &JUnat performer Denny Fitapatrlck paced the Bue alt.a.ck wtt.h 21 JIOlnU. crantlng appllc11t1on requeet.a tor Sunic Httrbor, Norm'• C ate, trailed by Jedd)' YOl.IJ\C, former the new m&chlnt'S. f F:rnle'11 Cafe, Rosal Cllfe, I: I k 1 H unUncton Beach HJgh •tu, w llh .AppllcaUons for nl11e mat-hine11 Club, Chlne!lfl ("a11lno, Slag Care, 19. were aubmllle~ by Clyde Denlln· Park Avtnue Cale arfd lhe Drtfl Inman ll&ld hfl didn't con.Ider gtr, Balboa owntr of lhe Beach Room. to par with Ila 1plendld education-----.....;:....-----------------------1 al prorram. We were pleued to be able to Uliat ln meetJn1 thl.a preemnc need. The found&Uon'a board of ~ vot.ed WWU· moualy for tlJ• a ppropfl&Uon. D.A. QUIZZES GIRLS REPORTEDLY \ 'STOLEN' Defendant Asks Retrial on Pea,-ett Manslaughter t he game u a ••meawrtng allck" Amuumtnt Co.. who11e 60 p I n I l...'ouncilmrn Gtrald Bennett and alm·e the current occ ll<JU&d was bill! ma<"h1110 we r e removrd Slanlty R1dlltrhot movf'•I a nd we· ln auperior condition to lhe alumni 1 from thf' t 1 ty r..,.enl ly when a omled resp<'<"llVl"ly lo •rprove Ute repruenlaUvu. ''We"ll know more 1 reslrtcUve ordinance f>ecamt et· f ~nllng~r llren1'H Ridt1erhof con- t omorTOw night agelntt Glendale foctlvl":. llm1lrng the pl:':' ball 11n1t11 trnded. 1"h1io I• a ,.kill .:amt Jl.L8l th~• and Sat urday nfr ht when we to an unde~ une root operation. u mu<"h u lawn bowlln& or recu- hoet Ptu<adrna here." Jnm&n uld Orl::'\SISO J.JC"ES!"F.'4 lar bowling. Thia IA ~~lla.1 undu "Tbe found&Uon'a t-ontrlb•Uoa to the coll•r• la In line with our poUc1 of "'PfOrtlne Jocal lMUt.- Uona ol eommunlt1·-.rtde ben.rtt. Thi• four-year liberal art.a coU.p II provln1 to be an uHt to the entire county. Loc:&J aludmll wbo e&11not a.ffOTd to pa1 room and board al dlat.ant con..,.. can ot>- talll IA ...U..t edue&Um at Chapman Colle&'• bere at bome. 0-,..... ot •hlld ~ acalnal two man1ed eo.t.a Mt' .. ma ,..,.,.. dl11nfaaed lhi. momlnr edly wa.a wrecked wtMn 1t struck SANTA ANA. NOV. 30 - (OCNS) -Dark, lantern- • cow. The four continued on foot jatnld Robert H.. La Verne, 33, of San Gabriel wu found to t.be border Wbere Utey we,. apprehmded. The· ctrta ..,.. ln aullty of manslaughter by a four-woman. eicbt-man Super-)' t..be Dlatr1cl Attoruey'a office and ch.aacecS t.o t'Oun ta or cont.rt- bllUn I' to the deUquency or mtn- ora foUow1n&' lntemewinr of two eu1tody oc lll• Ju..U. depart· ior Court Department 5 here Jut night. IMlit. Jurora dellb..-aled neVty _.... lA V.nie -.. dlart'ed w1tll Harry Dm·mung. Balboa, wa.~ lhe present ordinance. cranted llcenees for thre<' mini· I f'OU("r; REJ>ORT l'Our board of tnaat.e fee.la c-............. Bolaa stria. one 15, the other 18. lelL Wiii RI 'Ml• llUIJ)ICt• are JlrnmJe DMn q llCJ ature pool games wh1C"h Hre lo ~I Mac Kay declared, "We: had a operate-d. the city d«rk rea\I, at repur-l Uu1 morning from the po- Uu.-Chlnrl!e Ctulno, Ea nle"s Cafe hce aJt>p&rtmtnt that Miffit' of the and lhe Crow·11 l\t>lll. D<-nlini:er'11 1 machine. were paying orr an ny· eight bowling games 11 nd on,. g-11n ion 8lO<'kln1t•·" Councilman ~n· gttme Wl're licensed for the fol-1 nett countered, "'Not the machlnea. lowing plsct'11 : CoaU.ued oa Pac• t Fincher, 31. of 2012 Santa Ana ftaa.&I Mesan Ave. and Norman P. Chrtau e. 21. tlftl Of 1134 Hamilton St. ChrlaUe ls houl"8 In the conncUna of lA ~tin« the barefooted Perrett, a Verne, a plut.erinc contractor. ot wmdow Pffplr, u W.Umony ehow· t.be 11ay{n1 ot J~ RJCbard Pft"'o ed. lo dl&lh "1IJI a tx.rd J uly 21 ,.u. 21, IOI\ of a prom1nen• Loe at 12th St. and Balboa Blvd. S·D Day Reminder Allfelea edvert1a.1nr eucuuve. The datendant claim~ H1t de- 1 The Jury reu~ to begin cwUb-ft nae. He teatltted he w • • S ' H free on ~000 ball and w1U be ar-181 or urts raJgned ln Huntington Beach Jua~ Uce Court Dec. 5. No a rralrnment In Alto Wreck dalt wa.w Hated for Flncher who 111 11Ull In CUllody. Chr·1stmas Tree Lane Opens BANTA ANA IOCNS}-A 2t-eg~e!u~~r~u~:m.!.ed ~~II 8;.,~~ The Rev. Donald Sapp tnfonned ert.llona at 2 =18 P· m. 1t brousht frightened of the d~tued. lA O. W. '"Dick" RJchard that dur1nl' In the verdict a t t :t:i. Ken.n~U\ Verne .-rt.4'd he cb&Md Perntt Safe·drlvlng Day tomorrow at leut A. McCoy of Stanton foremanned from hla (La Verne'•) apartment tlvl' Newport Beach churchu wUI the Jurora. unLll thr v1cllm &Jle«edly turn.cf rtng their bells at 10 a .m. and at La Vernf' •hawed little emotion on him and altuck th• flrat blow, 2 p m. u " reminder td a ll they when the verdict wu returned and 1ho11ld not kill lbelr brethren with the Jurors polled. Hla wtft' broke CLAIMS EXP08tlU DA\"ID \"AILE year·old Co11ta M4!&1.11 10ught I HI.· cro118l'd the Mex.lean bord4!r Y•· 000-pha pereonal lnjurlea In a dam· lrn lRy 11t n juana. Sheriff'• ju· Offic·1ally ·1n Costa Mesa are ault which WU up for trlsl venlle dt'pllrtmt'nt head Sgt. Ru•-befor11 a jury In Supertor Court 11.tll Campbell told OCNS lht' Department tour here today. , glrlll ((Ol In lhe men·s car Sunday Costa Mfll!lll011 Chrlstmss Tree j' men's Atl.IO("latlon obt&lnert per· The plain Ute waa Cary \.\ ll&0n "nd d rove to a Costa :Meaa bar 1.Ane offlt-l11lly opened th1.R "'f'l'k mlllAJon rrorn C'fly orrlcllll11 and of ~9 Victoria St. He formerly I whrre tht>y met two aallo,... The l\ftt'r L~e Downtown BulllnC'Bll-the 11talt' hl .. hwrty drpartmtnl to llveo al 213 Colton St .. New'J)ort l!flrv1cemen &.111ertedJy talked the ,. &ach. I quartet Into driving lo San Dle(o. put up tht' 11trtn"'8 or mulll-<'olor-Defendan t.5 named by the plain· Aflrr lttllng th• navy men out Saunders Makes I'd llirhta and dt'Corfttl'd Cllrutmu tlff were Theodore c. Baxter of 111 San Diego I.he m en and girl• tr<'ell. It markt'd lht' nrf'n•ng of Santa Ana. Keith B. Collll\ll M d Bllt'jt"edly drove Into Mexico. trav-,1 n nocent' Plea \ Kt>1th B Collina, Inc, of Coeta ellng to the EnAenada &rt'L On th• 'ulr 1hoppln1t ~f'a~on M esa. lht'lr return lr1p Y•lerd&y -to Thi' m"rrhan 111 will 11ward tr-H The pl&lnuff auel"U he wu rid· Tijuana. the auapect.a' car aller-Att k R ~fl.11 anclurl1ng "" EngllAh bl<"ycle Ing with John Ev..na C11mpbf'll, •le· on ac a p CeUerl, Whl'!n the laller'I t'llf l.Rnl'· • I •lut1n1t I\ "'ilbbf)n • t'lllUng" l'l!re· led with a \ruck operated by Uax· Electric Motor Taken I F'rAnl"1~ SAundrn1, ZP \\"f'•tm1n· mnn'' Ill i 30 P rn f'n nffl<"lllllY ter and nw nt'd by Colllns. 1'n1'J>Or1. Manne Worka, ~ lllrr ,, h•ll•l t,.,. ht-r 1rn•I 1 f'•111 .. n1 •1p,.nln1: th,. h•rit,.•l of lht lhrC'e Thi' ect-ldent <X'.CUrred Oct 29. Lafaytltf' Ave.. wu lhe victim ht Raltw•A l •I·'"''· Jll"1"l• 11 ··not nrw 1"mm11m1y p111k1ng lots .on 1954. on Highway 101 nt'lr Urchld of a theft of a 3·horaepower eltt- 1:11111) .. in ;-.·l'"·port Ju•tlr•• C-ourt thr Nt •I •1,1,. of :'\C'"-porl Bl\"t1 Avr at-cording 10 the pl&Jntaff. trlc motor valued at J Tll. police au.tomobUee. The churt-1\ bella 1A•hlch will rtnc Will be tboae of St. AJ1t1rew1 Prea- byUrla n, Colla Mua Community Metbodi.t, ChMllt Cburch-by·Ule lk!a. BaJboa laland Community M e tho d I 1 t and Confreg&tlon&I CornmlU\Jty Church. corona del Kar. Holt Son Armes at HOCICJ Hospital ){r. and Mn. l>ou&'lu Holt of Corona del ¥.,. were b'--t ..,1th a -. Gre1W7 Paul who wu born Y•terday a.t HO&( Hoepltal. Mra. Holt. known u Mae Holl r.- ctnlly while Iba wu acunr Ne•· port 8-cb ctty c.lerk, I• report.eel u "doln~ fine" u la the baby. at 9 o m ye,.tra •IRy nn o rh11 ri;<>, bl't···-n Ba.xtu drove carelt'Uly and ne.gllg· 14'amed et noon Sunday, ~~~ lf!th St Rn·I Bro•t1w11y Y •1 t E nf unnatur111 etlil<"k "1ta1n1<t 11 c>ntlv an<I wu to blame for the GI e 0 mcee C.'OlllA Mel'>& WOlllftn l\C"ht••I IPIH'h· 1 MAY"' 1·1 .. 1re M :"rl ... in w 111 roll;lllOn. Mesa Seeks Repeat of S·D· Day 'No Ac~ident' Record ..._ i Safu day er. HI\\-jury tr1 .. 1 wA~ ~1·1 fur Jll •le-<ia·:it•• lhc thl"" purkmi; lulll --------------..-~¥ ew r II n1 . ~·.,, j' !>'111ndl'I .. h 111 nf I with thr 1111i.;11111 I I """'"~ h•l rum· f 9 A att-- 1 -~it " -acre nnex nm Da'1d \"llllt. Br&rnn Bay011 wl'll· JlOOO w " IM rt1nlln11"•1 I 10111~ •. h<'lloi•'•I h) l:ob1•1l Craw· known r111llO nl'W1"C'll~f'r nnrl pm-1 Hf' Ill n<'\\' trl'P ''" bntl (t"lr ,,,,, fllr•I. pArt1• lf•"ttn,.: 11 lhl' publl~ I to Mesa Approved gram d1rt'C"tor, t nd11y llJ:rN•1I tn 11llci;:•d atlnrk "h1rh 1rr111tf'oll~· C!'iemuni• Thi' ••th• 1 lo\ll 11re lo· 1 -ll\ICCfft1 J<tn Nilr11 R!I m11•trr nf co1'<'111r.-ol 1n n ''." Ori. 311 1n Cor· ,.,.ltld ,,,; 1~111 St n x t to the 0111 F'lr11t publJt' rtlldrnl' of an or dl· cettm,,111,.,. 11t th1• fort h<'nmlng 11nl\ del ~lnr :-;111111cll'r" wr.~ HI · r nanre to ann"x a 9·-<"re trt1ct lo P roud ot no1Ull.I of la.It year'• Me• Pollet Department N~fl<ltl Ht\Jbor Ou"1ne11,. ""'' rl'i<ted wh•n tlh· ~!"1"-•m~ ''' 1h,. ••ff lCJf 111111 lirt11uol .'."rwport A ve. Co~tA Mt>~a loc&ted north or Wll· S i1fe Driving Day campatrn to reeo'mmend you on your •af• PTofr,.,.11 •na1 \\" o"',. n ~ ('I u b 11·11n11111 11111111·1,••I 1 ""'~nt• 1of tht .. rr 'l'<th !';1 11no1 r irk Av• 1'0n Slrt••t nno wrsl ur Pln<'cnllll whirh resultett In a 24-hour J>f>rlod drlvt ng hablta and we gnaUy al>" Chri11tm•• l'rtvlew $Rturola y ='nrt-111~11J11 A\P, near \\tlrrr th r HN11 lini: th" ("!11 .,1,nn:o •l••C'nn i· Avt-. nr 11r tht> eru t bounclary of '1t'vold of tr&fflc accldent.11, Chief precla le your effort• In worklnf nlpt shn"'. 1\'llf!'s w11" unftblr ti> r11r 11·11• w11·kr l Pnhr r h<Mkf' I tWn , .. r.1mlttl'e """ Jo" St1 oup. lhc clly """" htlil by th1• Me.ca Art McKt nzle 11nd hi• Cotta Mua With u11 to keep the traffic acct•• appur b('(' t18'f' ot 11thtr cnmm1t-181111ndf'no t• r 1·11•lR<!On nr ~t'ct1on Pnl11t1•<1 b~· O N \\'1>11... Mr" c1ly co11nrll on Mon•lny, The an· pollre forct tot111y irlrded for a dl'nl toll f'rom ntounllng In the mMl.11. I 21111 nr the C"si ·1r.,rnla p,.nal C".pdl' J11ck Rt1nt'1 l and Rend.v McC11r · nt'XAlton wu appruvt'd tol101A1ng r!!prnt performance on S ·D Day City of Co11ta MeaL'" Valle. known for hll" bro.-ido .,.,,._ Thr wnnnn w11' r,.lnsed. dlt " public hearing In the :'\e"'J>Ort tomor row. McKensle •Id addltlona.l of lhf' ="•·" r<>1 t • l-~nl"~natl11 11nd -------Ju~liu Court Jury room '"All lhl' 1ttnps have been pull-trolmen w ill be on duly tomorrow 1'1ln1 r 11, ifw lfnn1,h1lii \11\ht UPSO w RNS SAF ET \\"hen lh" rarc~t'I 111 r1r .. 11y en· l'<l." Mr Kt'nZlf' rt-port~ "'\\"e"vr a lt an added reminder to motoro ~ll. ·,.Ill ht' •l•lr I in tu• ;l'lll:l't' N A y -irvd It will bf' jNne•I with " 2.J· conl"rt"t1 th,. l"f'rv1rl" t-lubs. the u1ta of lhelr S·D Day r t1pt1n11lbl• m&Uu l'I" Mra ltAlph 1l<1thry-n1 llUt' lra<'t I> the IA"l'•t ll ll'l'IHly In •<'hMll• llllj'lfllled our nfflre-r11 •ith JitlU The chief noted he "'"" no\ QUfn.n, r 1•mmenlator. I the r11v hm11.J1 •nd eub-1v1t1td bv ro11rtei"" drlvlnr; t-ltat1on11. dl1trl· 1 ha;ipy with the t.r.afrlc loll In ~ the H11"'ln\" lnvr~unen_t rn or •bu'r I the S-0 llny 1tttnC'lll't1 11log· ta Mesa alnct Nov. 20. ln the IN\ --Jlllllll'l••MM~ DEPENDS ON DRIV ERS Tempi,. c·1ty into a ) , l·lot l"Ub· nn• 11nd 11lrn1t. 11rtif. unf!'rlunetel)• lO day1. 17 accident.II ha'"e QCcur-only 11 dhilllon I pl,,tnly ln<llc11tf'i1 """ of lht' rt'· rt><I. rf'"lllllng ln 13 lnjurlr a and I ""nt C.ttalhy on HRrb<>r Blvd nrar onl' dt'&lh. I W 1l1111n St. u a "''&ming to all I 21 "\\"e •" polar" off11·c>110 r11n"t I,,. ol 11'f11 11\I <'onl in11ed pa'llln,1r m ntort,.1# ·· nlllkl' SAfe-Jlrl\"tn~ Oi.y II l!llrce,.~ l "p~n Ml·I l\\\RlrtA ....... r .. ltlVl'n Clrculatlon !';Inc .. lh4! ('OUrte11y t1rlv1nr ell· HARIOR WEATHER Shop • I "nllrel)• b.\" .. n r•11.;ng 11111rP •I~\·· la11t ),,r 10 ,.,,. flrl\"f'I ~ obsri•'t"l l llll1on11 were dh1lrlbutet1 on ~ov. PlnCJ In l>t-11n11•u11 Jh· 1m 1rtl'•lllll on• S-U 20 I h b I :M ,-------------- 1 111.tf \\" ha1e t11 ll'Al'C l!ome .,, lhe '••Y llrnl l"'hrntt•I lhAl f'Ome euch T...lav Ken;~t y ~:f'etll:;. ';::a~""~":~l ~~ ~,... t.111• put week la..,. Days )"h ur to thr "lll7.• n11, thf' •lrw!'ra I aw11rd11 w11111fl ,bf' IN!Uf'(I tomorrolA' ~ • Thnma,11 Jetferaon Moody of 331~ r .,.,.. weni: 1h .. m1&eh·r.,. 'olrcl111rd :"rwpN·t Po· ~13ynr Oorl\ Hill J.lc>no1ay p ro· Jol'r Av!', Lonir g ,,ach Moody ~p Low 111•0 ~hll'f JCohn L Cpenn. on. thl':' lnlmt'd Lil'<'. l 11~ S·D day In I C· 5N3 workll &t a C'"Mlta Meu t1t<1re The Thul'lday, No•. 24 .... 81 4~ 'til t ''1 '' 11f $.nit-1 ~rl\ ing VB.\" 111 I'll' I "M•hln•" ""ith a na,Uonal proc111m· rourtt11y rltatton "''at prl'l'<'nlPd to F'riday, Nov. 2:) .... M 42 1 Iii tomorrow. · rillon by l'rl'«ttl~nl El,.~nhower ant1 him al 10 4!'1 11 m. Monclay when Saturday, Nov. 241 ..•. 811 41 Ch I ·R11t th<' l't'WfXlt't Poht-1' tleparl• '1lecl11rrd' lht .tfM I this .)'NH would C I hf' l!lQflpt'd for a ~e11trl11n who Sunday, Nov. 27 _ -·-81 441 r sfnlCIS I ml'nt will clo all In Ill• pnwtr to ! c 111 t ""'",. .. R('l'lfil'nLll not only on op •• WU In \he (l"O~l!Wllk at 18th St Monday. Nov 28 Ml 4i •llll•••••maq-.•••I 111.ve another 11cl!ld«nt-1ree day j S·D ll•y llMlf but for the pe.rlod and Newport Bl\'d. \ T\JNday, Nov. 2t ··-68 43 I J~\ .. we had Jul .1ear," Ua• Crom Nov. 21 to Dec.. u. Tb• dt&Uoa IMda: ...,,.. Coeta Wed:Meday. NOY. ao -97 '° ) 'J' .. down In tean1. They embra<'ed La Verne cont«mded Perrett, and hurried from the courtroom 8-ft , :l-ln., WM .XpOl!IOf hlmMlf af\4!r the proceeding•. before the apartment kitchen wtn- Nl:W TIUAJ.. . dow. IA Verne'• wife and a Def. Ally. Jamu CanUllon of fnt'nd. Mn. <Adle Belllf')' or Loa Loe Anselea lntonntd Judi e John I A..ngelea, were lnalde lhe apart.- 8M<a he wanted to ~ tor a menL new trial. He al.to applied for The pn»ecuUon aJJ.,..s UMre prob4at1011 on beh&Jf ot hl11 client. wu no indication of .. 11 def-. The jud(e scheduled 2 p. m. Dec. Ot>puty Dl•t. Atty. Stan Oould 18 u the Ume of lh• hear1ni' on produced photocrapba or th• df'· probation and a n-trial. He I ceued wblch he Mld &howed all conunued La Verne In baU. C-UaltM oe Pace t X llA&K8 FATAL 8POT-Cotrta Mea. Police Chief Art McKellie looh on u City Pa.inter Chuck Kunz.. man complet.ee white circle a.round location of Thanksgiving Day'a fatal traffic accident on Harbor Blvd, near Wilson St. The X la a reminder to motor- a.ta u part o! tbe S-D Day ca.mpal(n -SW! Photo ,. • ~ ~ .. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' 1applnr up t0me of that tr••h WEDNESDAY NOVE ..... BER lO 1955 mountain air at Bis Bear an d klnt Ind Beacon Edltur Sharon St1.1dtnt 8')dv Pru ld.-nt John Rop· 1 APPOINT HI LL. SMALL• .l'O H N S T 0 N E ' S ..._ AltO Wrecken Old C.tabllr.hfll ln111r•11re Al'UC)' • ""' • Snow Valley. O.ttlnif wet and Crowl. Conteeta are plannrd and AU liaM W1'itt4el. -----------------------eold and enjoylnt every mlautt ~ ~~~:~~BUSINESS ADVISER c ... " ... ,...,. ............. HOW.UO W. OE•IMB llOI Newport Blvd .. Coeta ,...,. GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS Of It were John McKJnley. Tom IOTl ftloeataa An. IAal1;J .. 1011 Ooeta ..... PHONE UUJlT\' 1-llll UNIO& PIAY DU& ~h. Geors• PIU, J im Klllcjst, John Hopklnt aad Nucl C&Jfip- beU. llob Delons and Tont e u r- rou11t., J erry WbttaJu~r. Wenda.I K be .. v.n Mm I' r l 4a1 loDd 8aturda• ACCOl'dlq to ln!ormation "'" U-y--1 NAftllE•••• ~ l'T)' and Bute,. ~·oway. DIJhll. Ult Mnlor p1aJ productlo~ oelved trom Con,-reuman J&mea amaU buel11 ..,. bU &a ep,or-... wport wl9ty - 'l'llA.NlllOIVINO TIUP of ''Tb• Rernarlll:able Incident at B. Ult of Santa Ana. Edgar R. tunity not ool1 to Nmain ln W.. TOA 1 ... 11 l'l'OU ..... -llomee -TN&i.rt ~farta.a Jeoernw. her follu, aad C&nona Cornert" will be preeent-Rill. pruidf'!lt or the Marlnera· In... tMat al8o to tna~ h1lll ~ lrN,.aar .... ,.. Wall Howald l"Ok a 1"'anklf1v· ed at the high lcllool a uditorium. Bank tn Newport Beach. has bflc'n u pand, U.. llnaU ..-.. A • We Gift o ..... ,...,_ U..rt1 1-ltol . Inf trip to Oreaon to tee rela-Altbou b the 1tory i. knOWll to appointed a mem'ber of lh• !"a· mlnlatr&Uon ...U.. h .. .uy Upclll 0... ..,_, Neu l'ler C>OaTA llEU MA'ITllEU CO. THE GREAT CANE ROBBERY: The cha1~an of th•• Allho\lsh t.My rot .nowed only a' ttNt, aad Ute fl'!dln~ to UonaJ Board ot Jl'feld A.dvlMr• the ad\'fee ot men lJJle ~ lD N'&1R'OaT ll&ACB llM N"'J'Ol't Blvd. Jut year'a Candy Cane party at the BBC waa ho~nfled to un<Ser. each exclaimed, "t!le bat even leaa, [ can only stv• you of the emau Bua.lneu Admlna-11\at\Y parta ot the country, Ut\ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~iiiiiii~~~~~ dt8Cover. after the ball wu over, that one of the giant une lime ever." a lltUe .llJnt aa to what it will be. tratlon. ~laLMd. p r decorationa entruated to her care wu miuing. A heinoua Jenny Lund. Jan Blum and J u· It concern• the death ot a boy "Orlfinated to lnaure that their ------b-· -. __ ---,----L--~rime, thla, for the pilfered article w~ no penny atiek. dy knda a... worktni bard on a and the trtal of • man. ~vtnr -·-----------AffV """' Bought aeveral years ago u permanent decor for the &n• new and uctttnr project. Th e aat In on UI• tttlearula. I can D 9r...--W J'amM B . abort. JI, Loe An ... MISA UPHOLSTDING nual event the canN aet the Junior Auxiliary to the A-. pJu r To ,.t ltantord to open a g\.larantee you • tine event~ ot Gt •..a OlllClll Jee, told Collta Meaa police that tance Lea ' e back a pretty doll-.r. And IO the bloodhoundm new •teulon of lll• wliYWtlty In ent1rtainmenl and hlJb quality Lupe Leon, IUT w. l7U\ llt., wblle he ,,.. att.endlns a football t7~t...t.&' .t Drapel'1 Ult Nwp&. Blvd., Ooeta 111 ... b ~t in d tb lliti lled out and a thoroqb· IMd old Newport Beach. Good drtm.allc actlnr. Th• Udcet. are Coit.a Me1a, told police there ihe game at Onn1• Cou\ Colle,. were roug an e m a ca uJd be --'tn IAlck ttrlal 80 cent• and may be purctiued wae bitten by an untdenllfled doc Ptrat• lltadium rrtday n~ht a Uh11Y a.nu goint aear~h wa. made of the/remlaet1. Wo • ""' .... The aate • Drtvtns Day earn-from a.n7 wnlor atudenL near her home a t 3:30 p. m. Bat· lhlet broke lnto hll automobtl• ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ were questioned cloeely. Ha anyone eeen a prowlel' 1:J• Jialp la •tll unde.r way at Har-rtl!:MEMBER TOMORROW J! urda y. 8he ...., treated at Hoar t.nlnk and took tOola nl•d at -c.11 Harbor 1811 to place your -U ve merelWlta are \bOM wbo the (f'OUDda with a candy ~ne biner than he wuT No Y bor Rtp l&Ddtr Ult leaderablp of s-t> QtT. DIUVll CAl\IU'ULLT! Hoapltal. $28. A.d oo Ulla pap. advertJa.-patrolllA them. had. The club gateman wu queried. Had he teen a •ua· •. iiiiiiiiiliiii·ii-iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii picioua looking car with the prized object atrapped'to ita top go out the front door? He had not. Nor hadv-nie dockman aeen a boat pull up and amucgle tbe contraband aboard In the dead of night. It wu a puuler, all richt. Juat when the myatery aeemed incapable of solution, a friend of the committee, seeing the eonatemation he had caused, atepped up and cont'eued that he had been. playtn1 a little joke. He ht.d hidden the cane, and now he wu returning it to the committee, atripea int.act. He wu chu· tiaed, and lucky tor him that he didn't end up lJi 1trlpe. him.elf. The police, let off the book, went back to the import.ant buaineu of arresting people maldn1 illegal left tuma. The bloodhounda ret~ed to their kemiela. But the committee had been put on ita guard by the incident. Next year, they decided, a cloae watch would be put OD the priaed decoratlona. Next yur amvee Friday ni1ht. December 9, when the 11amorowi event ii lt&pc1 apln. And it tome poor1 miaguJded 90ul ahould decide to perpe· trate a limllar cnme after he bu enjoyed hlmlelf din1D1 and danc!n1 at thil brilliant ball; It he ahould be IO cad· d1ah u to pull a Raffle. and rifle the very h09teue9 who han provided him with a full meuure of ~errtment. let bim be adviaed that he won't get away with it. Each J unior Aulatance Leaguer will be 11peaktng softly, aa bene- fii. a lady, but 1be'll be carrying a big stick. And thil one will be harder than candy. * * • Before the Newport Juniora 1et their charity affair under way, the Santa Ana Seniors or the Lea'11e will 11ponaor a tour of ChriAtmaa·decorated homes to ra1se1 more money for the organization'a many philanthropies in Or- ange County. Included in the tour, which rolls December 3 and 4, ia the bandaome bayfront home of BBC'era Mr. and Mra. Lyman J'anvell. From front to dock the home will extend a cheery greeting. The garage will be don. over u a p.rden 1hop where plani. aod tree decorationa may be purchased. A real live S~nta Clllus will. hail visi- tors from the giant yacht SeJdrlft. Newport. 1•. al:"~ya epeclaJ during the holiday aea8'n. But then, when 1sn t Jt? * * * Recent guests at the Club have included Tom Reed of Palos Verdes author of the beet eeller "Nlrht P~ple;" Bert.ha Blac~ell, editor-in-chief of Mademoiselle Maguine (both the guests of IA.guns. desi~rl<'r Peg Power); The di· rector ol the Norde Deut.sch Bank in Hamburg, Germany; and Sir Charl€.'S and Lady Loui.Re Clinton of England. Sir Charles, the guest of ~eler de Pa!11a, wae lately .11urv~yor­~enrral of India and 1a vice pru1dent of the Royal Geo- fitr&phlc Society. ,,,. HARBOR HI LITES By NANCI CAMPBELL Friday night wM the annual°slurnnl V11, Vanity buket- ball ,ame. Thia is the gAme in which C~ach Jules Gage utenda an invitation to all tho graduate hoopt1ten1, to challenge his preeent vanity aquad. The pme. w ttb •I• quartera. p"8y nl1ht ror the Introduction of aaw m"'Y eaclUnc momenta be· tti. atudt"nt. de1lnn1t rnembenhlp tore t.he t ll&lftllt victory of 711 lo to the old m•m~ra. The acUvl· 71 wu flWled. Some ot tho•" ti"" Included volleyti.11, p Inf w.tclllnf the .,.rta7 for rc>lnU pons . parlor 1am .. IUld a bla&lllJ wer. Carton 0..'lnOn And Sue !!t tire. Clalr, Pat Kel~r. Judy 8and11, "\'0 ACl'1\'mt:8 HUD Toni B'Un'Oufbl. Olor1a CbaJl'l"f'IAn. The pr-n tly ronnfd Tri·Hl·T Bob J obnlOn. Lyn11 P.-111e. Bob and Hl·Y dubs rumlllhtd every- Whlte a.nd Jallt n Oretn. TH1tPI th1n1 from U!e vulleyball ntla to Knapp. J oanne 8u .. n . N 11 n ,. I the tire woool. Certainly a tre-1 OunpbtiU. l &Ck S mith and J ody mendo111 tnnlntt waa had by all. I IA&b. Al&n Ry ptnalU. litany or Harbor'• a 1 u d en t 1 Bob Parlln, Nell Beatty, Sleve were found al th• B&lboa Yacht I W a' e b • r, Denny Hender.on, Club an .. r U1e buketball cam• to WoodJ• Woodrldr•. Bob R&pr hl'IJ> I .Ind• <:h•ary celebrate her and M&711• 8tova.U. Mickey Rel· birthday. D•nclng to a hn<', tour rater &114 Carol ltdwa.rdt. Howard p1ec1 combo 1nJ devouri.nJ one Mlt.ch&IJ, Prte Schulberf. Corclan of her r1t1.11 ( lwo carlo03 ot bub- J-lil. Richard J.loraln M d Bar· ble rum I Wf •• T~ ~ck I S~an­ bara 'l"bolnu. RJchle Pallfert •nd ronl l and Jlll\me Lund, Tom Dam Pope, B#vetty L11n'1, Mar· Hu111ton and Toni Burl"QU•hl· jor1e Kllox. Pat ,.,.uehllnf. Ann11 Die~ Moralu and Bublara Thtmp- Rlynolda. Nancy Ball~g~r. ('ar-AOn. Chuck Maller a.nd Nancy 1'• C&rttt, tnea Naf'Ole, Ptff)' ~flllltfn. John Crauer and Melinda R09eo and Nonna Htrrn<'r. <;J,.mmrns. I Alter the pme w ... t he "Y'' Cene Wagroner a.nd J uel)' Nta- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ly. Toni Palaterri and Bue lltow- BE SURE -INSURE f'TI , J im ~her and Sonja Rich•. Dave Tamo..& i nd OlorlA Chap· man. Bruce Kni pp (OCCI and Judy Sandi. Dave Brickner and 1 Sharon Mann. Mike J ohneon and Joyce Albeu, Bob Raser • n d I Mar(ie Slov11l, Don R yptn1kt ll'ld ._ __________ Carol Craln, Bob Jot\n.on a nd I t.lnda Cleary. Howa rd eorut I 8tanford) and J•n Blum. .Rich Palattrr1 •nd 01w11 Pope, Tom Nlquett• and Vicki Verr•nrr. 8-eotlt WU.. a nd Culton Daw-on and Sue It. Ollh,...ren-a-Jty Co. 1 Clair 1 MAllNI INSURANCE .... w. c...t HJ111tway ANst·AL 8TAO l!! ........... 111 ,1M .. 11 __ .. sasurday nl&ht the Koalu ten their (lrll a t home u they had I ky I\ With their annual 1ta1 pa rty at tht 1tomt1 of Oeorit Pitt 8 1nf1nJ and lauchtng Into the wn hount of the morning •er. Pet. Schul· berg. H o ward Mitchell. Jack Smith, Dave Petit. John McKlnn· ley, 81llp 'Mendenhall, J im Unll. Tom Murch. Van Pomroy, Tar Attwood, 8 r u c a Knott, Jim Knlrhl. Phil Trapp, !Job Cr•IJh· ton. l:<Htt Pop.. J ack Hiil. Dou1 ~twberry. Oltnn Buford, Bob Par· lln, Alan ft)'l>lt\lkt end 0.01T• I Pitt Ha..ac ..... WCltlOft Alan Ryptn1k1 tntertalned ~ SPORTS CAR CLVfl:R er.1 or Me fn enda et tit• 11:;\ e Saturdey nlCht Tl101t p,-.eent I .. 'A't rt Carlton Oaw110n i nd Mar· 1 ..-,r. -o. Alla lt-.o cella Ktlter. Anita Palm anl1 BUI A•Ua ...._.,, A•tta. Moma Wttu l. :"'u l Metcalf and l'ooUe A•U• Caa.,. Finl ftU'1tll. Paul Nt uman 1 llanfo~I !ll'EW cu flALEI. ll:a\'lCJ: llM ,hh'f\' ~"""'· P.ddlf' Pope. Pim! • • Lc-r,nu .. n Jtrl\' SamMI and Al· CLEA:-: l"SJ.:I • l'ARS an 111n.1 l'•lt1 Keltrr lmJ"Orlr'2 A l•,mtsllr TM snn ... • huhla i "a t at'lrar· .._.... ........ .,,, .... , ........ llC\n fl'r _,,mt H•l'bortte~ t ven In ~ ""60al Kl .~,N vt ty trn•ll "UMtlU... aom. ot I """"' .... ~"'" I "· ·' . "·'" . ttll &r. Bl t S.l 8. J11a111 UU! TArs l\&vt alrtady tried to __________ __.pt 1A l.J'lt Cbrlatmu IJ>lrlt by -- Xmae S ve, Dee. H~. ............ ec-la toda1 and ... ..._.....,.val...,. prt_.. Doll't ..... dd9 eppwtwtt1 to wlll .. of Ule prtw. GIFT $U&GESTIOHS l'llt ... Yow Xmas Lay-a-way Bull1 Eye Flesh Outfit $18.60 eo. ..... 1 Browaie llollaqe O.-ra. -lloclallte M.14ctt na.Ja •older w!UI suard. I 11·1 f1Mla """'· J rvlll 120 ftlnt. I ~tt.erte., lutl'Ut'taoe Mek. . 4, ~ ' ·-.. .-. .. ~ . KODAK r~ ~ ~v ~ Stero Camera Ama1in9 lifelike pictures in 30 0-a. -.cl ~t .. allow > 0 11 t"41 caniena and alldH ........ -···-. . $84.50 llodM 1'011,1 135 Camera wUb t•M t f'1ll& Lr•• I /HO Slaut wr ' Rapid Loedlnc $33.75 AD °'" a4 .. ut&J" of Frylq and C(M)klnJ at llM> ('()rr'f'<'f, rontrolkd hNt eH'l'Y llm ... Sunbeam FIY PAN $19.95 SANTA ANITA WARE 16 Piece Starter Set • . • $6. 95 '4 CUPS--4 SAUCERS--4 PLATES '4 SALAD PLATES-In Yellow, Blue, Pink, Gray, Charcial and Gre~·n. TIDE Giant· 6Sc Ret. • 21c SPICIALS FOR n .... Fri., Sat Nov. JO. Dec. 211d. -~ Grand Prize Girl'1 end Boy11 BICYCLE by COl.UMllA plus many other Prizes ••• Special Prize $185.00 VM Tape Recorder Girl's and Boys Contest es pervading a1 the spirit of Christmas night EXTRACT-$16.50-$25.00 LOTION-$ I 0.50 CARON BELLODGIA a carnation blend- ;AY!.fSS For Toys Toy Kitchen Utensll Set a delightful boquet Extract-$10.00 15.75 27.50 Lotion -Sl.00 CHANEL PERFUME for the purse $5.00 Al.VII. TOn TllAT TEAC11 Monopoly Official Football A "Fr.akll•" loettlcdl fer • rMJ dMmpMa. I bled! a.-4a. A99 1 '"'8 _. 11P Re9 . 2.98 $2.49 51" REX 80" WAGON llG TYPE f\OXED "*•· U .H $2.6.9 lounc ln9 SprlllCJ Hone lnune .. 1t11 "prtnc• Coftot to rt&bh! .ad -'"• •turdy flbr~ J•laAtlr hor"M mnunt...t "" rnun~ wtt• •11rln1t•" $7.99 l'\a~r lt.99 JI o1tGm Amerlc:aa ....,.. c-b\alld p01\eef c a b I • I lo11. block be\&Ma. etc. All aquan 1091 IAt.tlock. A,. I .,.ar1 11114 llP $1.98 YARDLEY SPRAY MIST Bond Street, Lotus, lavender $2.25 ea. DANA SETS-AMBUSH Spray Cologne & Ousting Powder Tebu, Emir , 20 Carets and the new $4.50 ea. s·pecial ILUI CARNATION COLOGNE $4.50 value for $2.75 GOURIELLI COLOGNES Five O'Clock-$3.50 Fourth Oimension-$2.25 & $3.50 t'ompll't~ 11...-of ftoua Carc'IMo O'"Unr ('•r11• • <111ie1m-l 1--•Jf" A ... t. J8 dl•tl1tf"th,. ,..,d• It "'" ... '"JIH Jt.00 ( hnlllm-rr ... 11 ... A•"orlml'Dt.--!6 rarcl• print~ ha flM•1 Krvfttf"kote 11.'9 AIQUOR DEP ART~1 ENT SPECIALS VINCENTS ICE CREAM SILVER Drobney Beautiful RIPPLE VODKA Xmas Decanters GIN * OLO f'ORE~TT.ll I. W. llARPl::R rU'Tll 0 1.D TA \'LOR $267 8 r. AM PARK ~ TTLFORO OLD KV. TA\"ERS OLD FJTZ-OEllALD l Gallon 5c uaas Cone •. DOU8LS lfk Con•!· u- Hand Packed Pints '30C Quarts SCJc 811llr "'1'• 79c • • • • • • Pl.A YOU TO C'llOOH note ' THE SPORTS WATCH By BR.L PHILUP8 J"U juet add that with Bteve WatdMr OCI UM trombcm.a. Dmny Henderaon oo tile au. O.ve Vaqtua u ctnanmer a.nd Deoplll Woodridl oe tba baa. theJ'N l"MI crUy, mu. J lne&A that •P- pred&Uftly, of COUl'M. --------~!~ry over Loq Beadt WU.00 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-NISS -PART I • PAGE J 1!...11'. PlaJOff DIGIT NIPS TAR he.t .,, DDa ..... WO WEDNisDAY, .......... ·-Ullll B SQUAD rft ... 9 Jwtk>r tonrvd. wtio Ilk ._ 1T ____________ ..., _________ _ ' ~ r:!8~-:2 ~.-:;,::-.: LOCAL 51H 6RADE KID &RIDS· ffe1d fo find c.oach Jlmmy Mlller'a N ... -Vtlle,frana wttll lt marbn, U. ' =~~e:lp4::'°~ =Ol'q~~'::* ... ln:..•o!'f!! JARRED BY LOSS TO ANAHBM Flag Wln.---1er Jt ill alway, a wonderful thing to ~ the very real HOll'll•h Coy 11-.. -1 ln their ttnt -... a 2 •• 21 ........ __ ___ -· • --r •-.. wn .... .., ·-•-••aM• ••• "m l>~t'a ....... fllW feat• affection that ex~u for their chaf3es among men who Uce ouUn,. at Lon,. ~ With Ba!»ba npp&q u.. eon1a ......_ ._... ....._ ..,_. ClllUarw ._. ..._ .._ ot "°rk with youths, and to St e thllt affection returned by the Oft · 1ow1 :llcl: WU.O... Tbe halftime acore for 11 polnt. &ad Vtuacnaa for the --~.,....._et .,,......_ TM T ettaclr ol ...,... ....... at am.ta 11 .. · red N H rbo aJao tuond the rt-i. bf the t , the local l&da ran a~ &ad bid Patil ~ to W.U -., a four. youngsters. Such an OCCUIOn op:ur in ewport • r Left on Limb aame m&r'Jin, 24·JS. In t he flnal h&lt. In all. UM Tan ......... ecco...t.ed -lt .... wt.ile t.be ...a. ..... to ~ dMdloelt -........ the Yacht Club lut Tucs:iay nit;ht wh~n Newport Harbor High 'nle k>c&l llptwetrht.a had hit for 21 tleld pale and .. tree tllWI tM iCIOi hud. ~ 8oJa' Quit ..-&la INde School hrld lta annual footbellll VULERTON. tOCNS) -Ful· a one point )l'&d with US aec-throw• tot.be rfftJ6 lt pala UMI • n.. ftftJa ........ el-. • tile .._ MKt ~ ftq fooUIUl ....-. ,,.. A.tlaW· banqurt. Vl'n D Y er epo;cr: whrrr the lr rton JC'a football team will not onda to ,-o. only to -WU· 7 free toaMa. Wit.It a. Ntan .... at ~ X-¥ wt~ A,.ltehn k9. ..,...., ,,._. ... T--.. All th,. coachrii. from Alhlt 111· I coachrs had !'<> many nocr lhlnga be playlnr In a poat-aeuon Bowl .on come up wttll the wtn-Babbll and Vlllqrana Meis pot-1----------------.. --.... -----oompleted the --wt~ &-I Dir«tnr Ralph Rrt'd r11ht on to Hy about their p'11 ye·s: and conteat Ulla year. n1nr field eoaL Rieb Palaferrt ted In T fleld roala. ll&bba col-IND OF THI UNI NCOrda. down tht line. mWlt have Celt wnc•r the player• had •u~h nice Thr Hornet.a. In aerlow conten-with u point.a and J ohn Hen· lected three rttt ahot. to two (or A wla fair tile ~ 1ut \'ery proud thlnt:"t1 to say about their coache1. lion tor both lhe National Orange roUn With 12 were l•dln1 Vllla(l'ana. John Lewi& folknred --------------Wed11Mda7 would Mft emehed M:r~f~· o~1ci c!?:i:'dtl~~~n'~f'~~~;~ ~he!.~·~' t!• ~~~h g;1~g P~~ll~ I ~~~wth:o;~ta:: :;:,, :::r::::!i;: Gob soat·getter•. . Kwiegimthpe~orru~e;': JVfefror acoP,et,.eTar.._ra: ~~an:,d 6th &ade • Football Jeam ~~tortlO•P~ .. u.~~; .. ~: to them u wt.he !>Ht rc1ac·hlnr •dequaleoly cover it •11• All you t1eld now find thtlr aeuon 11 P'lral home pracUce c-on. ow ...,....... ...,. .. _ . ca h pe to ae p!Uh 1 • teat for the 8 '1 oomea at I •tatf In Southern CallforruM." Id n o com n your over Bob .Allen t and Stan 8choau J. L • ft 10 Tri lllphs •rom~ ~or/11 • !! .. ~ _!~1'"1 ... , like lo l11kr thl• opportunity to nrw11 atorle11 18 to captur.. t b el' R.;.ll&lnr tha t tht-Hornet. p. m. TUeeday areJnet Toi' ..-• ..,. _.. __ ._. u add a h01arl·f Pll ll~C"ond In lhlll OVf'l'Rll pll-tu1·e or the event. But Were dlckertl\I' tor another Bowl. ranee. oses I er u Yank ... te&mm&taa P-.qual a ... . ·r:a I )\\"~ that 11t1ll leavf'• more notu than San Berdoo offlclal1 Wt'nt ahead ------------Local Lawn lowl lt, and Deanla Brooke, 1. T~IA~K!'S. I' • ; .c : . you ran eover re-create In your and obtained undefeated Tart to JV JIVE whl In Barbor Bo ' 1-Il For the loeen, Jadl 11a11., Wlt.ll J don t twheve 11n) "P<'' t11 rf' c·olumn. _ T Cop .. ,..., """-'--_.__L. -Club •oot porter In tht> l"Ountrv has • beC'n play Valley Yrtday nlrht. Fuller ----WllS I' J ...... -.-.. _._ J-~· JO Neil Mclltllan WIUi JI and Ahown thl' c•ourtl'J<Y •n•I riven Ult Thrrt> Wftl Ult> No. 40 oddity ton fall~ to receive a.not.her J1n1·or Tan came to an -·Saturdq u tbe mth lftde team fell to ned ll'cOavran wlUi • accounted attfflllon tor hi~ t\'Pl"V rPQUl'llt noted by Nave. probabjy the Oral Bowl bid. N~rt Beacb awn Bowltnc Anaheim lU at An1betm Otr Park. Tbe local. had racked tor· the A'• potata. that. I ha\'e. It ha11 ~··n • plf'All· pulllng sennUon of ~e Southern Club captured U\e ~ Beach 0 wi•'--·_.. 1 AN'--' -a11 ..._ ,,.. _ _.._ Point producen: llr&..,..__,,adc Ure worklnit wllh them. n1Rtnly C'1111rnrn1a Trojan elevl'n .. Al " Torr1'd w1'th trophy Saturday OD tl'le LAaima UP. l wim ""™"'" a '*-. i..uD Wiii _, at '-'Ul9La Meu 8dlUJtt JI: Dick Butt.rworth It: beca u•e or th' pleuurr lht>y 1.Ak,. llOphomort' at USC .~~~ In the Beach gTeel'I& Tile. tournament tit Park neat 8aturd&7 aft«'DOOll fer 1ocaJ9 llt.opped an An&Mlm drift Norm Carbon T. Olanta -Otcmn ' 1" wt> kin with the h11:ti ~rh()()l mld·l93o,,. Doyle aaid. w, open· played annually tor tbe trtpJee ~ ftn&l PJD• of uW'....,.,. on U.eir own thne. O• the finlt Gentner 12: Charley TorTea 7; lf ' C'tl the ~•llOn •calnat College ot W'I . w· "---,.,___ ....... --... t"'-ft t Dann A Id T ,, Mal teenager ... whethf'r trr .. hml'n tn lhr Pac1f1c. I WO"' No. 40 and I son IR champ6onahJp of ~.-.. e ......... ty. AU ..... ---... --n pla7 Perrtat waa atopped behind y m o . ,.... - ""'m ~la1'•r• or var~oty athll'le~ The local team ot Nlcholu bal.t. AA&betm wet ln tront l-0 .... line ot--'-m•-for a -·•ety. Knlpten 12: R<>Mle Palaf.rrt t ; "'·' ~ " · · · threw thr r a11it that ICOred Ole ._ -· "" -.-_. ,_ l And llvi<..,...n an.. t I J! 40lh poml on tha t ,...me, After J " ................ J ,..._..,_ ....._ -•-M •· I d 7 R-.. lo D ... •·-.. th h h Apparently tllkl.nr up where 8.N'ttner, Taylor C&1T and Jobn oe aa elpt yard pua P~J' In Ult All&b~lm came back with the Tommy Spooner e. Card ... a • -I -' .. -their undefeatl'd football brelh· Lamar won top bonora. defaa.tlq f1nt period. ~.....-• lm "'"'._ kS to the Ba.rbor 141 when u-<:nnui c~r an . ..., ll -IM'hOO bo.11rrl ol t ru:1tef'.!I ,,p,.,.rv,. thrtw t h ' wlnnlnr touchdown •-.. _ J -.. -H h Jt •111 8c tt 1• I k ren left off. Coach J ulu Oa•e'• Santa Ana 30·14. Tiie local t.-m p..-ed to D.nn .. Penin Wnv W91\t • .._ -red on a •~ ...... do-..... \MUI u• ea ; o o ~: all po~1uble cred t tor pit' •n1 p&l'11 that beat Oukt-7.3 In tht' d .. _,._ .... t• ~-1 -.... ,.,.....,, _., .... N 11 Pt • JI P ti t I I th Junior varsity Ta r baakr tbaU of Al 01t1a.nt1, Walter Pea.non an tO ~ up the a ...... e ,_ u t' ' rni v: "' a f'r.-on • thrlr coach nr ~rsonn.. wi Ul39 Ro~,. Bowl Jrllme. there were \WI del(am;s· tt-am opened It.ct practice llt'uon H~ld Shandley fefeated ~ t.be quart.r ended to u. th• count. tue of liberty play for the flaal Whilf' Smc Oary Markham U ; •ucb care that tht 1u111over 11 40 1ttnnd1 rema.lnlnr to pl1v. J -· -.... •-.... ~ .. ..-.... ... t •1 ""-beo 1 't Thi th J Monda y afternoon with a 62-38 run& Beach ...-115. -•1 -.... ---· ...,a ecor.. .n ....., n . non-eic 1 ant. • mt11 ns t Y irraduatf'd In the da!IJI or '40 and." --------pick the man for the Job of rtr vPI· Nave conrluded. "I'm now oldrr .M'!J/.a· 11'7 oplnr 11port..01man11hlp and rill&Pn· than Jack Benny for J just turn-~ ~LS 1h1p ln lhl' boy• -not tor com· ed 40!" SP!.~,~ 3 pill~ all-vlctortoua HUONI. SOT ELA8TIO Ml"8T Wl.S See what I mean! I've j u a t Many hlrh echoot. have a dopt· alerted catching up on Ole prep ed lhe "must win" altitude of t he 1porl• banquet note. a.nd my col· collerea w Ith major rootb11.ll urnn 1pace 11 running ouL Juat tt-am1. There'• •a new head" coach room el\ough to ap:t>&k of the Tar tsvery aeaaon or II(), Jf he> win• Rhythm Klng1 who entrrtalned all the ramea. he geu another with a number tolled. "Coo--Coo c.:i«tract. But If he haa a 1011~ Cat." Oavld1tOn explained their eea.on before tenure comee along, t-icl11tenc~ like this: "Whenevu another mentor i.t ahlpped Jn. tomeone break& a leg ID aport.., When the edlool dlatrlct. lt.aelf we recru t them to make mullic." p~cee the em,hul• on winning, iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii coacbea start forgtttlnJ that tht main job le development of callow youth Into conrtdent cltl&en• ca~­ able of t-IC.hlb•Unr 11P<>rteman.ah1p tl'lrourhout their llvt-L Jt'a not lhe klda our educalol"I nffd WOrT)' &boUt. but the ml!n ·•nd women reaponelble for a.ldlng thoea children In "tfuwinl' up." Appumtly, the Harbor Hl(h Plall NOW SHOWING AU>O RAY IMek trurteee h&ve,no worrtu. Carey IUN A TOUGH 1·ork Tl"ouble with a •port.a b&nquet •uch aa tb&t ... t week where Roae Bowl ht-ro Doyle Nave and mrtropolltan apart.a ,.eporter Bra· HOME ·LOANS LAGUNA l'IDMAL SA VIN~S I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OPPICll To lerwe Y °" LA•UNA llACH ANO IAN CLIMINTI 1 .. ''Three Stripes in the Sun" tat rodurillr Mltwko HJtnu,. _ ,, __ "Creature with The Atom hin" 9th Annual ... • MumNI •••• 4 .. 17' ....... , • ....... ,wbt COffUCAkl ••• 29' ... ... 11~-1 008T A lll:BA \, noe N-pon ... ,,. OOllON A DllL MA.A tol O-• Hwy. AC'ORD'8 LAOUN A l'IE,\t;ll .......... .., B.u.BOA lSIAND ,.. lllU'tlM A ... st:WPOKT BEAOB at 0-..t Hwy. Fri. & Sat. Dec. 2nd&3rd QUICK 14 HOUR IDV1CI Preview LOW tCW "RIDUON&" INTMllT UTM EASY MONTHLY 'AYMINTI FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC HRVICI FREE CUSTOMERS' 'ARKIN$ ESCROW SERVICE. IPfltetlNTLY O'ERATEO LAGUNA BEACH 222 Ocean Ave, 'H~NE HY. 4-1 177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 1 N. El Camino "HI ,._.ONE HYecinth 2.11 95 ., HYacirot+i 2-11'& • Rendezvous Ballroom (Balboa I 7:00 p. ~- • Merchant's Display • Fashion Show • Bataar • Prizes DA-NCI NG Music by "THE RIFFS " Admlulo11 sue I Tl«"kl'l Oood fnr ft(ltb Sl1tht a. r,......ntf'd .. ,. ~rwport Harbor ... ..,.. a.cl Prof-at>_, WntltM'• Oub. ·. '· ,1 ' • ' ~ -USDA .. atOICI .... Sof•WCIY b. ~w·· . -~ : :.:: I ·-r..··jp· -· . r;;. SMML•P ••••-SPARERIBS ~::;~ SLICED BACON =:~ BOILING BEEF -~r.::=-.. ~ BEEFSHORTERFI~~:: .. 23~ GROUND BE =--~ .. ., . ~ , ... 3.,. ~...... ..25 Some,... 51i1"1e ... ~ _...,... DIY SALT fC8 35• HAL9UT S1lAIS ,_. 49-,._ ._... .-. .. coptoin'• choke. ,.. Ef lJVll ]6 COD FILO , ... ]C)t Wttela•"' .. """'"'' .. 7 c.t-'"'''~· .... (II /:11 BAKERY \/ I,,,/ PAl11 A"'8. FOOD RING UGHT-..,.. "'"'"' ~·, the kind of one-I food that 39' fairly meltt In yovr movtt-11 It'• dellclow .•. ond, epe· ciolly ptieed th it ...... 1r_. , • ..,...,45c.) c.tsr C., Cakes ~M> '"mpldn. O.-aft99, M---. f.-.,.. T11 n.. ': 17' ~ 29' Frflh tnoclt crockert In '"'1·h.t. podl Wo....,.,._._..._, ~~ ......... Oliotwol Uperle,.. ........ 11 ... 1,.,, ...... .. VlelfMLI. 4 'I &I"' .._, ~ "'c.twy • ...._ v ... 1.tila. "••••• ...._ ¥ .. 1tabl1 _.,,~. •••a• ..... leef ....... "°"'"°"' c;,.... "'CMdreft, Olldceft ~ Chlc:b. with Ike, a-o-cter. ew--. c,...."' Muab .. ._ ...._......,.v,,,, 'hleef. 2 1•.:...-.1~ 2··.:..~23• 2 ... ..:.. .. 2~ Rll ADl8 llfAJ 1M wnl IATlll CtimlS. P..a0.1w1 IOXIUIY,tt I I I .... ~s1· .... PAPERTOWRS CANIEDPEAOIES NONFAT MILi LAC-MIX =: !: 4'L. 2-6.M-..n. ~- ~ wefAp ••• -4 15 ........... _._......... c _,.. a:..,, m rowaa .,. htpw_._...,..., wipfnv of '°9• ..ty _,. ..... ,,_ .. 91ot11 Handy f0t v--af deal:.._ toal PUREX UQUID IUAOI So"itl1" a• It "'hltefttl ~ 17c ~"t:; 29- WHm MAGIC llEAOI On!-, b'-c~ .,..., for ,, ........ 1 ....:15c ~t26c S. wr•.IOreod ""-lo1(on0t1ng 1101r Mt.Tim ..... lltO• , '"' UYll ....... ,,.., ._ °' . IA•YA CLAVS -·-~~·;,. ~ NONFAT MJUC -·9' &.--. ............... w ...... ~di""' :=: ·~ 17• OKAY GRAPES ~ 1 .~ 2 .. 18: FRESHDATES ·r ;Def.V \ .. .. ,. , ....... ~ 8TOU llO'Ca8 OaUy t a.m. to 8 p.a. (,. '*' w • p.m.) ................... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLElftT or PAUINO ON LUGE PAVED I.or / I • .. SUSAN BRENNER, meuo eopra110 from Sant& Ana, will sing two ariu in the Chapman Colege Sym- phony's first progra.m pre8entation of the aeason in the Chapman auditorium Dec. 6, at 8 p. m. In her firat appearance with the 8().piece Chapman Sym· phony Miaa ~ner will aing "Oivinite du Styx" from Gluck'• "Alcest.e" and ''Habanera" from Bi.u.t'1 "Carmen." Tbe Symphony Ja made up of mualciana from nearly every commp.ruty io Orange County. There will be no admiuion charge. 9ffR1STMAS PREVIEW bazaar booth, the "Christmu Sock," is being prepared by Mrs. Al Horvath and Mn. Cliff Varner, above. Membe1'9 ot Busineu 6 Pro- feaaional Women's Club have made many gift articles which will be on aale. At the lut moment good cooks ot the club will bring many delectable. to be added to the booth. The Preview opens at 8 p. m. Friday and Satu.-day in the Rendesvou. Anaheim Concert Scheduled The Bunprian March from Berlios' "'D a h n a ti o n of uat," Rlmeky -Koraakov'1 .. Scheberuade ~and Brahma' .,Fourth Symphony in E Minor" will make up the iaro- gram of the <>ruse County PbllbarmoaJc Boo11ty'a c o n c • r t which WUl takt plaie ln Anaheim at Ule hlrb tehool auditorium on Saturday, at 1 :30 p.. m. J'rtada Bdllltante will conduct Ule pro- leealonal orchNtra and a4ml"'°" u free. • TllJa pertorm1.nce, the third of the current ..uon, '8 the first to be bald In Ana.helm. It la the IO- clety'a ptedre that tha orchutn will play In all commllllltl• of the county wbart ta.cwU.. an accouUC&ll7 adequate tor UM full ememble. . TM Ana"411m 8oropUm1el l.n• tematJon.&1 . h&I made the t\uthe,. ance and wpport of tht Pllllhar- monlc 8ocS.ty lta rD&jor project tor Ult CW"-t year, It !t.M been Ballroom. -Don Bu.h Photo ------------annoUDCtd. by Kn. Jam• .A.uut. . NEWPORT HARBOR CHS Auxiliary Hears County Social Worker Oueat apeal<er at tht meeUnr ot the Newport Harbor .A.uxillary, Handmade Children'• Home Society, wat Contemporary Orfi1na1a Thelma C. Patton. 1oclal worker lA eolid Gold and IW•er 11upervlaor ot the Department of Welfare. Banta Ana. 2l4tth Place at Mmoet Piilr PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Miu Patton spoke ot tne aer· Long Beach. Calif. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's F.d.itor ~nf'\l\!ln,ht ,.,ub •• : r lb• concut. r~ .. ~'""''' ,..,,, I he t nor-. 1.oa Cltntoa. •ponaon a!Wl :-In~ n" • .. t ·t for patron• trom all part. of t.I\• ClOWlly. Ml• MartM Mettler. pro~t clULltm&n tor tbe 1oropUm1ata. C ll D .~t with Mra. Mar&attt J. Buttree. onne &"'l§u er. oo~nnan tor Phil1'armOC1tc tn A i-by daupter wu bom Nov ~elm. ta 11pee.r • hMd1nr a 21 In U. 8. Nan.I Hoap ltal, Corona memberahlp drive In that city. to Navy 8N and Mra. ratrlck fta .oelety now baa.over 'JOO ao. Charlu Conaell of Co1ta ,....,., p DP.AVVER Olrl1 --• loys· PRE-XMAS SALE e IOYS e 8AU: PIUCll 30 Oren Shirts-Reg. $2.98 ........................ $1.H 27 Sport Shirts-Reg. $2.98 ....................... $1.H 18 Sport Shirts-Reg. $'4.98 ..................... $3.ZS Flannel Sport Jackets .... ···················-·····. i PllCI c•ro11 .. ·•-l • Gabardine Sleeks ........ ····=········· .... . l PRICE (brok• ........ , e GIRLS e 30 Wondemere Sweaters .. (-'-ct ~re) . i 'PRICI S & H Green Given With Sale Stamps Merchandise "I S -l:a. Boy• 8l&H S· 14 Girt. '1 -l4 ~ub · ,..,:" SATURDAY EVENING Eastern Star J.nstalla ti on WEONESOA Y, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 vtcN otterld to children by th• Clollld Monda.>'• _A_R_T_I_S_T __ H_E_L_EN--W--0-L_F_l_N ___ ~~;!~;:;~a;~ ~~~~!'t; ~ijiij~~iiiiiiiiilmmi=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· to children In poor health aa well IJii u thoae who are In need of eco· FIRST WEST COAST SHOW-::i1:1ao·~~kf~n::ic:! c=~~~ I A L I An Important exhibition. tint West Oo&•l 1howlng of palntlriJr!I by Helen Wolf, opened Sunday with a Tectpllon In the Laguna J!tludlo-Oallery, 1390 8 . Cout Blvd., Laguna Beach. Mrs. Wolf was born In Vluua and educated In Euro~. Public in.lt&llation ceremoniea for newly elected officers She 11 a member of the Art Student Lugue and haa won of Harbor Star chapter, O. E. S., headed by Mrs. Max Owen, m1ny prize• and award•. Her otl.1 broucht her to Ule e tten· b..tWNn adoption &ienclee a n d Dresses ·(--•-the Deparlml!Jlt of W el.fare ln ... .,.... aa4 cott.olla) 1V: placlnc clilldren 1n private board· C t • In( hom .. Whllt they awalt place-04 S • ment With adopUVe p&IWlt.I. Su"1ts ni. JnMtln( waa held at the home Of Mr1. Martin Manrold, Sports" we.ar 214 Larkapur .A.ve. u worthy matron and Mu Owen, worthy patron, will be lion of the National Arademy of Fine Art and Oeatcn. conducted Saturday, Dec. 3, at 8 p. m. at the Friday After· whf're she 11 a frequent e•hlblt.or. Birthday Hosts . <:'JI noon clubho11.1e in Coit& Mesa.. Io.tailing officers will be After four y«'ar·s atudy with l"rederlc Taubea ahe was JWoeent ho•t• torr a blrth<1a1 Jh put matroria and p&trone •. Cor· ~ranted a fellowahtp 11 t the Hunllnct.on Hartford Found•· party for their I year-old CTand· ti I 11 'I I off win Home, maater of ceremonlea; Edith Ho!U, chaplain; Mr•. Lea-Uon In preparation for ht r flr•t one m11 n 1hnw. In New York. eon. D1umy Viele ot Sant& Ana. eii. ~ JI. _,_ llCarta 111ur... 0.C-, f•C . Mn. John D. MacVlllan. inlt.all· tar Smith, marlhal. ------------------------wr re Mr. and Mrs. Frank Viele of l Moura. Dec. 1411 Xm.u I Ing marahAl; MrL H&n1.t Cottle, Star Point. are: Mra. Corwin 397 Hamilton 8t., Coata Meaa. Al• Ot1 d Or66 t :SO a.m. 'lll t ·OO pm. C'h&pla.ln; Stuart Price, lll))oll't. Horn~, ad&; Mra. Rvc Albritrhl, AT SAINT JAMES 80 P~•nt were D&nny'1 parentA. ...... ...... l!lunday1 10-6 ao pm 11 Alllliatlng wtU be M.ra. Ray Niel· Ruth, Mn. J ol\n Yalu, EsUwr; Mr. and ~ra. Max Vlei•. and al• I lltn, ~puty Oru4 Katroa Mril. Mn. Oacar Holmatrom, Marth1: ft~r~Oe~bo~rah~·-~-~.:~~~~!=~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~:!!~~!!!!!:~~~~' W. E. Lachenmytr ~Edward L Mn. Elia Porter, ~ta; alM> Chr1·stmas Tea Slated -Moore. Mn. O.Orr• Bvu. warder; Mrt. Harold Wllaon, aentlnel; Mn. Ar· Other otnoer11 to be lnduct.S thur Eby, prompter and Mr-1. Ar- w1t.h Mr. and Mn. Owea are Mn.. thur ntsmorrla, retiring worthy by St. Joan's Gu1·1d Elkin Rt,-&Q. uaoclata matron: matron. ottklal aubeUtut .. M a• Ellther IWflne, eec:retary; H--... of It~ are Mmu. Mra. Ora UllJ&A Cburdl. t.....ur· Arvin Voo...,_, Lettie Brtnder· A Chrlalmu tra tu tul'lnr a civU!it have bt>en made by Mmu rr: Miu Bernice Katea. conduct--· W. H. Randall a.nd Clarence "Slamue Auction" 111 being plan· Burton Ryedale, Henry Wag'ner rru ; Mr1. H&l'O!d Wu.on. IU&Ocl· ~e. The ceremonl• an open ned for mrmbers and t rlencle of Jr , Waller Bames. Robert S tral· Bte conductn•; Xra. Florence to the public and a reception tor SL Jamea' ~lacopal Church In lift, Thomu D J'roat. Clayton .MacOlnnltle, ofT&'llat. Appolntln tM nnr ofncert will be held fol· the parl•h hall on Df'<'. 7, from Roae and John Pante. ottlcera to be ._t.d an Mr L lowln' Uft p~. 3 Lo ~ p. m. SL Joen'a OuJld Ml TM wtU be M"ed before ~d sponaorlnf the event a.nd ceneral an.er the aucUon. ..-..tatinr w1th Local Students Present Program for Asia House When Aala Bou .. h.,ld llt din· 11er aeulon Monday ntpt ta Chl· na City, ~ Anrel•. Mn. Alu· a.ndtr Renner ot Oorona d411 )l(a.r, pre•nttd wvenl or her talented atudenlt in a piano recital. 'nit proiram lncJuded; 0.pha• MWU'Oe of Sant.a Ana. '1'hl Or· pn QriJlder" (Koue&t.h): Paul Can, Coal& x .... a 8ouaa march; Helene Kornllov ot Corolla del Mar, "Prelude" (Bach). Ann Kum a.eon, Corona dcl Mar. "Pre· lude" t Chopin J, at\Jdy by C:u rny and a Johann Str11uu wait.&; Hruu McGum, thrtt Czerny 11tu· dlH, a Chopin prelude 11nd w11lt& trom "The Bat"', 11 StrauN! npua Mra. Renner "' a concert plan· lit and gradua te 1tudent ot S..la Bart.Qk. Her hiuband 111 prealdent chairman 111 Mr11 Oon Fnguaon . rdreahment.I are Mrou. Jamu C T he unlqut' sur lion will be held at 4 p m. when cuuta will have Butltr, Ben Madlaoa, May ICU· a ch&nce to bid on a Chrlalmu more. J a c k Pinkham. ()--se centerpiece belng made by Mn. Grupe, Harry Cafty, Leet.er Harvey 8omt'ra. A holiday theme Smith, Jam• Wt blt r r, GeorT• wlU be UHd In decoratlon.t by Vibert. John Clark. Wmlam a. Mn. Harold BP<"k Lee, Thomu Rutter, William L. Gltta suitable tor Chrlatmu Hwnphreya an d. H A. ArC'brlJl!t JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILAILI If you •re sMkin9 Jewelry Items that are Scarce lri us know .•• We may Buy It For You • IEWt:UlY 80t.'GID' • .,. • ~tart Yoar Olu19bnu La1·A•_, N- R01ERf$ JEWELERS .,_.----------.. of Aala HOWie, a f"OUP of South· la.nd ~pie who &re "old China b&nda". Partnt.I of the younr pn· l!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ formen alao attended lht dinner. r Harbor Rest Memorial Park HJ* Mart.e A\·e. -...,.._ ...... -.....,.,_ tltl ... _....... later-t ~C-tery lla.ri»or a& 0'81w Commented Ol\t' Of the gl.IHl8, "Perfect lonr, ~autlt\JI hand~. and rlean pla}inr made each atu· 1 de11t ouutanding In upreaalnl their lf'll'Cllon• ·· BALTZ MORTUARIES COBT A MJ:84 CB.A..PJ:L 17'1 Superior 4ftll1M Coeta MaM, CaUf. CHAPEL BY THE SEA a620 II. Cou\ Blvd. CGroD& del M.v, CaJll. Phone Liberty 1·~121 Pbone Harbor U • CONVERTIBLE Tops ARE OUR 8PECIALTl' Made IUpi-Look lll1bi-Wev Rlghi-Prtcr4 JUgbt Anomollae Ui*Ola&ertar TAYLOR 'S TRIM SHOP 1101 fiadlllltrtal Wa1 -Ubpr11 11·1UI -<'•l41ta M- 1 ~, A remind•r that tn eosrly order a .. ures Holiday Delivery of Selected Plecea o{ Fine Furniture Corona del Mer I I • Balboa Island ) . I DANIEL GREEN'S '~ ---... the scuff ,--.....~ of the season 1' ' "' # 5-rlett, ~ fltt"'t eicu* \ # you'va ever ~-rf;Oflf leott..r I , Oft 0 bfCll\d "9W KVff lotl IO !hot • rov wollr with the leou ftlppety· I • ..... W-4erM felt_,_. • I I I • I DOIMll c-bl Plnll. # ·------Bl~. RH •r l'Uark. • We Give S&H Green Stamps • I BARBER'S BOOTE RY Co\ta Me\a . UNANIMOUS VERDICT: Dould Gordoa Soa •f IJlr. a Mn.. DoGald Oordoa 600 Eut 15th t. Newport Ile~ht. Manager a.nd carrW-r of Boote. N H 3 ud 5 Newport Ref~hte 9th Jrade N~wport High ~Greftt Experience for any boy!" """ President Eisenhower, H-.,ry Ford, Thomas Edison, Herbert Hoover, Ford Frick, S.njamin Feirleu, Weij Disney, Georg• C. Me"hel, Bob Hope and Joe OiMe99io ere emon9 the rMny wcce11ful men who were at one time new1fMperboys . 'l1tf' boy who ~ert J'OGr Mtnpaptt -Jmt Ike thf'M' worlcMamoua mea -la 1ettiac aa early a..I· --tnlalq. He buye at wllale1alf, .en. at NtaU ud operate. his 0W11 b...u.e.. He •~ ba. prob .. he baUd9 hJa roa1e Ulroqb good eenb ud wlc • PMahtp. A aewspapu route la a sr-t a.,ertew for uy boy r No other part-tillle Joi> wtll do more to teeeh blm promptaeea aacl dnelop po6ee and Mlf~. . l ' oar aetnpaperbo)' wOI be r'Mdy for the bt1 Jolt opportanttlee of tomorrow. lie la learala1 the-· UaJa of bubaeee •acc.. today. ..... 221 l W. Balboa Blvd., Newport 8-eh Phou ll&rtNtr lilt Busy Boys Are Better Boys U you thlllk ~·our liOD or M>rnt' other yoani11tA>r mJ1ht profit b~· similar N~wspaper­ boy n~rin<'t", why aot aac· J;eflt th.a& hf' come In aad taJk ff) ... ... Notfo tci l'aberrtwn: .,._.. lilav,. J'flar l9fltlf7'.,..., ..._ '"r N.....,..,,.1'1"1,. "'•".,. Ida~. It wtll MH ... U.. ... wW ..................... lllie ,,.ttta. I • ' t BRIDE·EL~vr Miss J ane Nunan was honor gue•t at a brunch and kitchen shower boat.eased by the Misses Nancy Tritt and Yvonne Taylor in the William B. Tritt home. 209 Via .Ravenna. Examining some of the pretty gift. are (1 to r) Y iM J an Dulworth, Mies Nunan, Miu Tritt and Miu Taylor. -Start Photo , Bridal Shower for Jane N unan College Friends Honor Future Mrs. Patterson Mi.es Jane Nunan, bride-elect ot Gene eatteraon, WU honoree at a pre-nu)>tiaJ ahower on Nov. 25. Twenty friends were bidden to the brunch by co-hoateaees Mias Yvonne Taylor and Miu Nancy Tritt at the latter's home on Lldo !ale. P n 1tu for gamu wu e won by Sch&mtll &nd Mr1t. W B. Tritt. Ml.. Carolyn C1ddlna1• &nd M iu I Out of town guesla we1 e M md M.ary Royce. Much exch&n&• of J ohn Patte111on of San Lula Obl•· <'Oller• new• t.ook place betwevi po, DonAld Pruton ot Calulco, ruuta. mo•t ot whom wtr• home ).'ra.n.k Palltraon of Hununctoo for th• holiday•. Uta.ch &nd Laddie Taylor of Ban· F'OK KITCHEN ta Ana. •·J ur•''. u llh• le aJfecUonately l'alled by h•r many t r1md11, w u preMnlad wttb gtft.t for the .kit· chvi at & table which had u Ila ce~r ot lnteN'lt a amall·acale 9411?& ot u old fuhloned cook atove. MrL Everett D. Nu.na.n. m other of the honor iuut. pouN>d during th• urvln1 ot the bufftt brunch. Ttle table arrang-ement wu of autumn n owe111 on a brown linen clotll. In 'Three Angels' MarU.n L. G rffn. son of Mrs. Loui.e Scheren, 1~ Sa.nla An• Ave., Coata Meaa, will be In the cut ot the comedy, ··My Three An&'•I•", to be preaented by th• Pomona Coller• Drama Produc· llona. He will play the pa.rt of the vlllaJnoue coueln. Htnrt TTo· chard. Calendar · of Events NOV. It P ANHICLLl!NIC -3721 Ocean Blvd. CdW. HJCH SCHOOL P ·TA -7:30 p. m. social hall. )fESA MOOSE -8:30 p. m. pot luck Me1& Legion Hall. DE<l. I J OB'S DRS. -8 p. m . FAC clubhouM. U E(;. % FAC Book Sec 12:30 p. m . clubhoUM CHRIST LUTHERAN Women -2 p. m . panonafe. 8J!:NlOR PLAY -Hl(h School Aud. I p. m. • CHR.JSTM.A8 i'Rli:VlfW -I p. m. Renduvoua B&llroom. or.c. a PHJUIARMONIC Concert - 8 :30 p m . An&lltlm RJ(h School Audltorlwn. 8Jr:NlOR P L.AT -Ip. m. H igh School Aud. CHRISTMAS PRJ:VIJCW p. m. Rende:rvou1. I 0 lt.8. Il':ST ALLA TJON I p. m. Friday Afl•rnoon clubhouse. Jnvlled were the M1uea J an Oulworth. Connie Mangold. Unda Z&nder, Sally 8teW&rt. Mary Har· vty, M&ry Royce, J udy Blum. R&- nee ll:Ulot. M&l'Y Ann Run. Caro- IYTI Olddlnca, Becky Smith . Xay Boerdrn&ll, O&.ll Parker. Ma.r1lyn a.or,.. MUUe ( Mra. R.o(tr I Mc· KIAnon. Barbar& C Mrf.. Robfort I CAMP FIRE GIRLS SLATE lST GRAND COUNCIL FIRE New Exhibit at Laguna Gallery L&,cuna lk&dl Art Ca"ery 'wu cloeed Nov. 28 a nd 211 tor lhe ha.nrtns ot lh• u.hlbll.JI for Df'· cember. 1n the Foyer Oallery t h~ Penn&nent Memorial Coll,.cu on wtll ti. hu.nr Th11 u .hlblt ot painUn1• by fOUlldlnir; rnembt'ra or th• a.NOCl&llon, which durlnir; the ye&ra ha. bl't'n <'OllKtC'd lhroush U\• d Corta ot Mn . W ll· Uarn Swift OanJelL chatrm&n of th!' Permanent Mr.morlaJ commit· !..ff, la prob<l bly lht' only l'Ollec· -Oan\p Fl~ Glr1• tn Oran~e County &re lookinir; forward to their ' tint Grand <=ounl'll F in . Dec. 2. at the 0 . A. r eteni School, N•whope St. Ga rden Om v•, a.nd tht awarding or fllLmffl honon1 and rMk.t The OnuuJ Council F'lr!', l4> alArt prompUy a t i .30 p. m. w lU a.l.9o futurt th• Blue Blrda &nd Horizon Club membeni a.nd 1111U •how &IJ th,.... made& ot C&mp F are Olrla In lhd r Mrv1re coatumu &nd ~rvnon\a.J 10Wru1. Mra. 0 . A Pf't"r• ot Carden Orove, l'h.airman tor the n-ntt;-tta.-"l"P"httM Mn "'1nn ~ l)r Anlll'tmrto pr•· anit th" ra.nks, honor. and char lfl"ll Tho Oda.konuht' irroup of Camp Fire Cir'-of Co.t& M•N wUl &lllO take part In lhe t l'r•mooy AU Ora.nge County Blul' Bird•. Ot.mp .,,.. Clrb, Horizon Club m embt'n lf'&de111 and a.M.11t&nt le1l(Jtr1 will partlc1palt a.nd &r• look ing ftJrward to the a ttenda.nce of Ulf'lr famWt111, nl'lghbono, fr1f'ndil "'d croup •J)ONOr• Thtre "''111 bf. a mu1111-.J prOl'J"&m by th• Wawoyua Tribal D&ncrni ot Ca~n Grove In full co.tum~ dotnf a uthtnt1c lndla.n da.ncee. tJon ot ILe kind In thr Unllfd Sh H flt.atn &nd comprla•• j>Jtllmpll'<I nt ower onors the work ()f molfl ot n111tnrn111·~ I HEO SKELTON. Hollywood - "Rnck 'n' roll •• tht k ind of mu•lc you don't brlnt hom!' to mother " ~:~~un~. art••ta or Ul• put h•lf Recent Bride N-Al'qulaltlon• ha ve ~"" I .Od9d rK~ntlv, a pa1nun1 by thf' Mn J ohn Wu.ium wu co-hoe· late LllU&n Ftrlfllaon. 111vt'n by I tos '"'llh Mrt. Cllarlr111 Spa rmlLtl htr da u1htt r Mtll Uunran Ulf'a· l•11t Wl'dnu dav t ventn1 at !ht aon a.nd a pal.DW11 by lhf" la t• l•ller 1 horn,., 3~ Flower 1'1. co .. Minnie Tlnttlit. wh1rh tvf'ntually 1 ta M~. at a pollt·weddin1 ml•· will be adtll'd to lhr ~ollrrt10n a nd rf'llanffiu• ~hower hononnir Mno .. SURPRISED BIRTHDAY honoree waa Mias Pat .tdama when her mother, Mn. Phyllis Adams, entertained tor her at dinner in Sea.sport dining room. Dinner waa followed by games wit'1 prizes awarded. Seated are (1 to r ) Shuon Crowl, Karen Bjorneby, Robert Oliphant, Helena Boster, Terry Jeanson, Donna Doran. St.anding, Diane Drake, Charlene Drake, Sidney Wheeler, Mrs. Ada.ms, birthday· girl Pat Adams. Charlotte Schmeber, Sandy Pinckert and Irene Drake. Not ln picture was J eannie Gillespie. -Don Bush Photo STATE HISTORY National Literary , Honor for Mrs. Nell Murbarger Once again Mrs. Nell Mur- barger 1940 Maple Ave., CostA Mesa, has received national honor in the field of writing, this from The Ameri· can ABSociation for State and Local History of Wash ington, PRESS WOMl:S , Articles by the Cv!!l& Mt'sa tree !&.nee writer &nd former newspaper editor appear in a 1Core or more publlca llon11, have won award11 from the National Federation ot Preu W omen and It.a affiliate. C&ll!~mla All110C1a - Uon ot Preu Women. Mrs. 'Murb&rgcr and her par- f'nla, Mr. nnlt Mr~. H. C. Louil.I· berry, have rcrenlly l'Oncluded 11 monlh's mowr trip through A ~· zc..n11. uncl l"cw Mexlc:1J. Thf'y ~pc nt t'Olllllflernbh:t link In th~ Hopi l ndl11n villa~cs of northern Anzonll and In the Navajo coun· try of N ew MexlcQ. D. C. Each year the associa-.------------------------. lion confers awards of merit on organizations. newspapers, m&gulnu and lndlvldual11 which are judged to have elvt'n the m04lt dbtin(Ulshed aervlce "ln t h e c&UH ot m&klng Americana bet· ter awu. of their loc&l history". N.UU:D B V SE\'ADA Candldatu are nomlnaled by vartoia hbtorlcal 80C'lt'llt'a a n d Mra. Murbarg't'r. lc nown u the "roving reportH oe tht' Soulh· west", waa chosen by Jl:t'va.da u llll onJy c&ndlda le. Mrs. C lara Beally. director o! the Nl'vada Hlelurlcal Society. pointed oul that In the put 10 yean MMI. Murbarger h.u pub· llllhed aomt' t OO authorlllltlve ma · a-ulne a.nil nrw11pR~r featurH dealing' wJlh the early hl~tory at the lnt~r·mount&Jn reJ(lon com · prUlnf Ole at.alee of Utah, N .. vada. AriM>na a.nd New Mt'xlco. Two other Lndlv1dua l1 r ecrlvlnr with Mra. Xurb&rrtr tbe awa.rde or merit wn• Mra. K&t• carter or S&lt Lalce City, editor ot a 12· volume hJlltOry ot U tah arut Wal· l&<"e StejOltt ot SL&.nlord Univer- sit y, a uthor of a book, "Beyond lht' l OOlh Mntdla.n". Only w,.stern m~e a...-d Wfnt ln Artzona HlfhW&ya a.nd o y WNlfm nt'wep&per eo honor· _.,,... 1be Sp11da1 .teat:w. Lion or lh!' SaJt L&)ce City Tr1· bone wh1l'h har'tJ~ 110me 123 of Mu. Murbarger'• ft ature arUCll'I At Greeley Home Turkty plate ra nla marltl'd tl\f' place for eitrh (lll'~t 11t t h' Th&r1kllgh 1 n1t 1llnnrr i;1vrn by Mr. a.nd Mn1 Rnb<-1 t Or Pl'll'V lu l Wefk. Rtlatlvra llntl rn»nol~ rrt· 11mt wtr11 Mr ~1rnd Mr•. Eow111 J ont•. lhl' All Cr~ley11 ILtld Kllr~n. Mr11 W I Roundtru . Mr. and Mr11. E . •. • 111,y, thl' hoau M d lh!'lr children. Allt n and Michael. TOMORROW IS tile day to look for ••• Oii RICHARD'S Gift Shop Mezzanine Let .,. ..,,. yeu • fr•• cup of delllo• ..... ....... In the new ~ Colh....uter. ......, ...... 11 I 11119 will ... ilt -....... IA.y .. .............. ..._ .__.. .... -Su,..._ ,,__.. ,_ .,... c-......... ...,.,...... • .. '"" ..._ _,..,_....,..._ MOO&IO MIXMASTH ~ COIFHMASTH @ A8y ........... __ -4 ...... ~S.. ... ,....lttl'- ....... CeftM It Hu tht t1du•ive lu1er llOWl...FIT bu1er1 fur fVt N m1 •i1111. llrf•IU Af RATION, •nd liah1crJ h•,ahu, fi ocr·lt&luie ak••· I• bt'Jns I nt'<I by h,.r nlf'l'" Mn Rnc,.r Mr K mnon Oamu "''"" __ E Ctne A t1tll'l'M'ln ot (·,.t .. na plll)'"'I d11r1n1r the t ven1n11: •nd 11,..1,~~~~~~~~~§§§~~~~~~§§~~~j:§~ In the two MA.In C&llf'rlr11 th• roriot1t11'• •nil r•frfahm,.nta wnf' Ill -............ dfiiibiiina ._ .... ..... "-". ~l ........ .,.....,,. TOAml ... _.._. h'• •11ro11i111jd Vou can't n:iiu ! Pcrf~cof«nuy1~t cup to a. No ••tch1nt1-no •otf). AU ...-hke diromaum plate. No1lau bowl.ttob....L Auwma11c ~ond l\t'litf' AJI you do u drl•p 111 1ht hrc.d. Brutl ,_,,.., d•I/ •• ,.,_,,,,,.11, ,... ,,. '" ,,. ,.,,,. 1-~ ... ~ it •V .U...U,. ..-11bouc popp1n11 o r he11aina. £vur shC"I •l•li-moite. df?, duck alt"1 ex lb10 Df'Cf'mb!>r January )1f'mbt'r• 1n thr brida l motif I •hnw wtU bf hUllf Thf' JUr)' of lnvitrd to th,. affair "f'f!' H lect lon anti ""'·artl~ NimpttM• mm"" \\' \\' f'nr">n J11 m"• ~tr. I J oane (.~om", II 1-:11t.tl'nf' F'rantl· Maluln. J nhn E Gill \\ l'n•l-11 L. I a.n a111! Bur\ l'r<<ter Th• n,.w P 1ck,.n•. KJll) \\'a tt>m 1an R.ol>frt 1hoWJ11 1'1'111 opl'n ;'l:nvl'mbl'r 30 lhf' ll<n 1! l..!!u "" In• Rhu• R"bf'rt H I t;(llClllll ''Jli'nlnit ..... 11 b.-th .. ~Un• D•nll'I Hurt a 1-:n11:1~ r R111)f'rt I day ti'& on l k-r 41 h 11r10n,,•r!' t by l"ham~r lllJlll Ch,.• I"• Mr Ktnnon tht n ana r mnt An c;u11t1 Ray Bro"·n. Mu; Eir hR-< hnf't ~1nt11 Saturday. HI'<' 26 111 dat,. ot th!' 8p•rrn•n and J.(n . Nutrum and rnnrnt h\ th,. Tnn ("h•11a1qu" &t !;p11rnu.n an d Mrl'I Nun1m, an1t t ht' Ga llf'I )'. • 1 lht honorff. Mra. McKinnon. JJ;allo .!J,,~fruclio11 TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner l AN'l'ptlnir; a llmlll'd t1um .... r or pupll• tor piano C nnffrt l'lanl•t of Thrre (.'onlllll'nta Ctraduat4' ~ClldMt ef Ilda llartok 4S6 ~rra Orh,. Ph. Har. ?039 CGroaa Ki~hlaada -Coroaa del 11.&r .... ----·-···--··---""'·--=-----..... -;-;;,-;;.-;;.;;.._..._.._.:;-...;;;===-· lttlCJ PERSONNE( DID YOU KNOW that the reasoft you SH so many smilin9 PLYMOUTH driven, is that the NEW PLYMOUTH is a HAPPY car to drive? / .. ,. ~ fast relief when pail -Get Bufferin now! BU ~WAffU lllll Aut0matica.lly makH " delidou•. 1ood·1atd • aJlft at ooe time. No C()(lfu,ion, •a.i1io11 or dtl•v M· fWM!I waftlc-rvt," ~ur1t •uh ooe L.kini. diiiibiimi . lGG COOICU Con1i:9 l'llll• llJt ,.,,,, ,,..,., ..... cualy u you ltlr.t thtm-all a u1oma11ully. V.-ry eoft. med- ium, luo rd nr any de•ree in ~­ rwttn. 6 eu ~,_,ny. -~ SHAVIMASTI Amtrie11'1 FASTTST SEWNG encl MOST POPIJLAR ~l«tric Iba-.-1»- cauH It shaves ckMcr, du~ U, LESS 1 11\C I! cban •ny oiber mnh t<1ap- and·liladc or cltnric. Twice.•,.•1de \bavioi turf.a~. Entirely !IC'W 1bape o>ier to handle. ---.. .-..-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I PAGE 5 WEDNE~OA Y, NOVEMBER 10, I 955 Guests of Mayor . New in A. A. U. W. M ayor &.nd Mra. Claire Nei.on Mra. W Wlam 8 . l.Ae, 109 Via ot eo.t& M-•ntertabll'd w..it-DI.Jon a.nd Ml• Oly de 1'1a)'ftard. -4 ,uMt. UU. ~ a t their toe IAtkapur Ave . are amonr baln• 450 Bernard ISt. VMlltJns lat.el Of UM .. n-m.mben &om loulll Puadena were Kr. -lcomed t.bia ~ to Sant& Ana and Mn. Paul Lamb &.nd MJM bnnell of Am•r1can Aaoctauna Kuy R1da&rd9on. ol Ulllftnl&t y Women. WESSON OIL .. -... -........ 6~t. ............... 35c HEINZ KETCHUP ...... . 23c 35~0L .11c MINUTE llAJD P'aO'Z&N ORANGE JUICE n-oL ..................... So. 2 11 ran3fc • LIDY'S PEARS BlRD8EYE FROU;N SPINACH ............................. -... .. 2 tor 33c DOLE • FRUIT COCKTAIL DEL MO:'l.'1T. TOMATO·ES VAS CAllP"lil PORK & BEANS Don's Ilea ts LOIN • • PORK ROAST . "(llBCLE &" so~ t ~an 23C No. SOI ran 1 tc ~o. IOO (99 2 rur 25c • • Featurln9 Prime Center Cm I AC 0 N ·---····~ ... · .. ····----... -... .......... It.. Fllf.:8R DllE&lED FRYERS . .... -. __ .... • • 9' • DICK'S Gr .. n Groceries .... "Good ""' This w ..... Titlck Meaty la•• Squash lanje F..rte Awocados llpe a-c1y ,.,...._. ~ ..... MUfPINI •••• 4 tw 17' ... ... ., • I•• ••ts Twllt co:sa CAKt ••• 29' • ... 11't..., , Prteee ICtlled•• .,._._. I ·t-1 You Select The We Deliver Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 RICHARD'S Market Spot doesn't upset rour .l.Ull .... I UDO MARKET 200 Mart .............. lal'--11..l-d Mary Loul~ Mattingly Mary .Ju~ Baaa~rt ~ lll'UIW ....... 41S Sh•t 8trHt, N~wport 84-IM'h I LlE'S PHAIMAC Y Newport leach, Calif. Hal4sor 1000 ._ __________________ ...,..._ ____________ ..,. .... 302llarilleAw. BALBOA ISLAND Ha.rborll681._------------------------------------__.---------------------------------------- • • • 'AM 6 ·'ART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1955 TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT llVllE II Fl ·::: = ~..:_:.: : " H I ................ _,._., Wltb ~ rttt tM palllt- tliila •a.._. la....._,l In Ul4 Illa wt.D. be •tarted bl!IMdtateiy. .. ...an,maat ot <>.....-Cou.nt,y,N n· •• P'Ml auutmu Sitt for mvnt11 Vl8l'I' Chapmaa coai.,.. aac1 UM Couty. l'A.IT ACl'ION -Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y Club enthua- tut. keep an eye on the ball at the Orange Coast YKCA "Play Night,'' Nov. 20 in th~ ·Coet.a Mesa Method.lilt gym. Fifty high school youths kept two TROY LINE COACH SPEAKS AT ELKS Om ~m~~o~!, u~~~~~~~m~h- foml& Trojana who laat Bat.urda)C. u~t Not,,. Ou.me'• tool· ball team. will bt! (U8t •l>C'&ker ln~f'wport Harbor Elk• Lodp tomon'oW nll'hl whm Orangt Cout Collt'~e ani1 New- port ~ Rll" School (rid players ere enterulned a t a t.nquet. ~ bulquet m&rk1 kickoff or m enlargM local youth procram .. pert Of th• Elka Na tional Youth aulhonty pre>· '"""-wtU\ teen-ac• Juvenile. of 1p~rll.I concern. ll w•• announced by 1:.xtJted Ruler Al Matthew• TropbJ.u wtll be pM'llf'ntrd to the "moAt uAetur· play<'rs on both the Pirate and Sailor footba ll tum• thlll aeuon volleyball games, shuffle board, ping pong, table games and the refreshment corner buzzing from 10 p. m. to 12 midnight following the Jiarbor High Alumni-Student basketball game. -Don Bush Photo I feel 11oml' or thtl<t' r1nce11 arc ------------- wlld enoua-h without l(t'lllnit any wilder. r m not 11 blueno1<e and I don"t w11nl to l<'s:•~lat" 1nor1tla J want thf' c'lunr ll 10 he rnn~l11t ent ·· The 4·3 votr rollowf'd, allowing the m1chlne11 llcen~e~. Then Dur·n1llnj( IH't'ntt• fnr lht three pool ir;11me. werr 11 pproved by the 81lme votf' Th,. r,.cenl nnhrnrnr,. lin11t1ni; Jlln bllll m111 hanf:11· OJlf'flltlnn !'8ffil' rollov.·1ni; t he l\'l'Y.ll·Pr~l<ll· P)(rlll· AIVt l'llpM,. of pin bllll p11y n rt11 aa l!f'Vt'ral hoea l ... 111bll~hm .. nt.11 to lht llf'W"pspPr'• MJ1t<l81 SUI vey v11rn .. r u:p,.rt pin ball machant• player1 UPSON RETURNS AFTER 3 MONTHS AT FBI SCHOOL Nl'wporl 8<!&1 h Pollc-c-Chief J oltn L. Upaon t0<l8y r!'turnNI lu has dullet• hrre afl• r nn abarnte of thrl'• momh11 ,1u1- uag "hit h h .. ""-" All• 11J1ng FBI 1whoul "'"'' Wa,.htni;:tnn, D l' [)unng h111 ah111>nu:, ( \tpl \\'11lter IJymn "'""" l\t11ns; po· ht e c:h"1eC until h .. 11uffrretl a h• 1\1 t attack a 1111mlh 1<gu NEW YQRf NOON COMMENT ~MPll..EO BY 8 . C. GARSIDE. DEAN WrM'ER Cv.-1Aader1hlp rotated In the early trading with .9teel•, alrhna drug• ancf recent tax tar&eta pullclpatlng. Steel• enjoyed ·a b11oyant tone under the leader•h1p or ADtgheny Ludlum, Armco, U.S. Steel and Bethlehem Steel. Although Aller · heny-Ludlum could be ~ubject lo profit taking. the lsauee atlll ap- pears a1 an excellent value i.l cur- re_nt level11 and rema ln1 attractive particularly on any minor dlpa. I AIR<"RAJ"TS QUIET Alrcrl\fts quletetl down !ol111w1nr yc111eri1sy·s 8trength with lntel'tllt ~olatlng to the alrllnu. There haa 1 M courq been 110me apprehen1ton over JH transport co1t11. How .. ver, 1ndlv1dual llnea are malrlng Clnanc• I ang arrangementa In addition to which aubstantlal cuh Income i. bi'lng generatM throurh heavy I cJcprec11 lion charge• w hich ahould !'nable the aarllnu to meet lhetr obllg11t lon11 aatlll{actorily. I Since the Jets l'l turn provide much f8StPr service at reduced costs, worthwhile earnings galna wall hkely be realized later on. Pan-American anct TWA wtll be among the important lonf t\aul benef1riar1111 and have 1peculallve app1'11I. AlllO among major bene- flclarlee of better qua Uly Eutern Alrllnu. United Airlines and Am- McClure laby Mr. a.nd Mr11. Gi!orge McClure, :106 E . 2111l St., Collta Meea, a.re the parent.a of a boy baby born Nov. 26 In Hoag HnspltaL e Waterfront Duplex Richardson letter '''01d ha!! been re•···•,··.i thilt chlnu· appllC1lt~nn1 sought afll'r Capt Dyaon hu bt'l."n 11bll' '" ruling ag a1n11l pin balls Ce1 ry KIC'h111 "'"· 1;. nf'1 al llll\n· le""" the hollpllal Ct1r th!' 111 ~l LA VEINE 2 br unit up It 1 br un1l tin ~xcl marine pro~rty. Bulkheaded & you ca.n have a plC!r It float. Wdl locat.ed on Rlvo A.Ito, al(<'r. M111 1ne11 B11nk t n .. ·a.·tl Hoa"' 1an th WAAk 11n·• Atur t Counrllmsn Lee Wllfltr 1111r,.f'd .. 11' as • • " r. n o 0-.._. trwn ""'* ...... with Rldderhot. uyln~"Thf!y"re Hoapltal S11ncluy ror lr tat111cnt IJI h111 homr tor c:onvalf'Ll«"-n"" bl --~ p a heut 11tt11fk, ho11pllal of11rlnl11 the ows were pou.,.,.. on er· le&tJ but they could u11ed a r apt Harry La.t •·. fmy 11h1ft f .... _ 18111 101h1y lluc rnndJI •••n wo1 dr· $2&,000. relt rom .... rear. 1ambling." Sloclda.rd Jntu.1,cted. c·riptaLn. hiu hl'en ot·tang rht<'f H Id th t h ..... If 11cr1bl'f1 a• .. r111rty stnotf" 1nrt 11n· •· ow oou a a ve ... en 1e I "I won't mention 11.1\:V nl'llll<'ll but during the put month. Gould a1llO cl&lmed evidence on ht• bed. ~~•?"~u~lhe~ry.--• ;P:M~\~•tn:1C~h-•-•t~h~e~~~~~1l~l ~r~n~nr~1~nc:d~l•~>~=========:::l!!!!!!!!!!!! La Vem1'1 ... rt.ed f'X hlbltlon wu I not cooclualvf'. He uplalned only the deft11dant aaw the alleff'd In· cadent. 1'..tlmony brourtit out lhat P•r· rel! wu obHrvf'd atandlnc In tronl ot the La Verne ar-rtmf'nt wUtdOW at approlflnf&Uty t a. m He wu •hoeie.. hla IOC'ka were In hla pocket . WUma S.ker, 17, of Sa.n Gabrtel. & pretty baby altllr : Willia m G Smith. 2t. of 1008 W.&lboa 81Yd .. ~-ner of ~ lrlplex In which La Vune'• family w u 1tayln1t. and La Verne, came upon Ule decru ed .• cbaM ~. MY PLEDGE ,.,, .. ~WITTCMCK Cru8ade-For Traffic Safeiy .IONIOllD IY ni. trto h&d returned from a.n &ll•Mnldnlpt ..tm In thr OCMn.1 IA V9"1e etanda to (tt a mtutl· MY SOllMN PUDGI: mum ol 10 yeara In prl90fl Hnw- e ver, aut.bonU .. polnl out he con-1 verMly could recalve a minor I •• .,..... _, cer et •• l•et , ... __.. .. drc-... tKet wit\ •hlMef e11t.W..tiee ,., ....... , .... 0011nty Jail eentmrf' or protMIUon. la f•rttaeftace el tt.;. ,..... 1 ,..,..,.. 'SKILL' GAMES o.-.. rrom nnt Pase 1 th• propriewre weN put11nr up I pr1M1." At the laat council .,.. alOft \.be ally man-.u wu lnatrur· ted to onSer &11 1\ldl 1klll 1a mf'• t o c-opf'ratJon pendlnir; c-nun-I t U af>proT&J of pro~r e ppllrs taun• few lJcerwu Mayor HUI l&ld. "I havt ""I proof of anylh1n1 but tht m11rh· tau wlU bear watchlnir;" She added lh• did t1ot wanl lo t•kr a ata.od aK&in•t the pin b•ll11 thf'n all-eome "l!Ubf'rfu(t" df'l l ~ ettered and ap1>rov9d. •Wt .... ~··= I. KNOW AND Wll.LINGLY Oil'{ All TtAfFIC LAWS. 2. CONSTANllY MAINTAIN MY VIHICLI IN SAFE DllVING CONDITION. ). COUITIOUSL Y AND DlClNTl Y OISllVt THI ACCf'11D IUllS Of THI IOAO. ~---··---··-.. Oty _______ ,.._._, ,..,.,,,.., .,..., .._ f.lled ..... -... ~. .,.._ ..... If ., "'°'' '' re CIUMDf i'()lt "'1£TY ...... 011 ... of"'"-.. poo91'. V-., wUt ""-"" f't<.•~ o thcU t t• be ~ .., "'9 ,.... .,._o-t ol ~°"' ' _,_ ... Councilman 8todd11rr1 N ld hr felt the council would not b I' I ·~t" If It allow•d Ule ma· -----------~ FACTORY CLOSE OUTS 9mo1Mi ''N" Sip 18" Round c .. ramlr 8moldal Stands Tripod ae,...a.r "4-tall CHAIR SIDE TABLES 9.96 Spedal 4.9!; Kf'(. U6 Spo'<'ltJ tU" Dtacontlnued and factory eecond8 Wire & Wroqbt Iron cb&ln -T~ -~b a.r 8tooll, etc. at lee. than wholeeak' THINLINE MANUFACTURING CO. W • SOtb St., N ewpc>rt Beach RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO .JOB TOO U RGI: OR TOO SMALL ................. ..... ... aor SPRINGS MATTRESSES Layaway Gift Selections Now FOR HOLIDAY· TIME DELIVERY! FAMOUS MAKES • NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SPECIALIZING IN SIMMONS , SEALY ·SERT A • ENGLANDER lNN t:RSf'tU~(i, Tl"l'"Tt:u . ~ffLTIPLt: COIL.~. Ot:t:P COTl'ON PADDlNG, PRE-Rl'ILT 80 RUER." ASO OTHER GOOD t•t:ATl'R~ A URI.NG YOU Rt:O.~TtT L s u :t:r ! REMEMBER-These Are Not Fa_ctory Seconds or Moct.I Home or Discontinued Coven -ALL ARE . BRAND NEW CURRENT MODELS! Unconditionally Guarant~ As Advertised in Ufe • l.AOlt:.~ HOMF: COMPASION • ~ATl 'RDA\' E\'f;NlNG rosT • • Rt:rn:R HOltt:~ ANO OARDE~S • A~n;RICAN no~n: • TRl'E STOR\' • WOMAN~ HOMt: ('{HIP.\S IOX • HOl'SE Bt:At"TltT L • TRl't.: IWMASC't.:.'°' e RADIO I; TV !HIHROR -and hf>arin.: thr C.000 95 ,., Set 11on-1t:l\t:t :PISG Sfoal t)f A ••(lrH\SI. Al .. o adnrti .. f'd in Amrri1·an .\1 f'•lk.1I \ ''·Orial lon Puhli<·at ion'. Hotel Style F~ll er Twin Siu ., Bu~9~(Vour Paymrnr1 01 YO U I •L • . . m ean AJrUw are ...,;·"17 prie«I. Acllve tnvwtmtnu &Del .,.cula- tJve bu)'tae la ret1ec:ted ta U.. ~ Unloll OU la Mine bouPt few Ul4 diyjdada wtth 8W1 OU..~d and 8Jnclair belt.-tn antklp&Uon of hlPer -.nalftlll aext Y'MI· .A.cUYltJ tn U.. 1ow9r priced .... wa .hfJeet.t a lftdual Nlurn ot •pecUlaUn buytac. "nlla la likely to 19Ult tn tnc~ MltcUVlty. We look fol' a tlfm '-• onr the balance ol the da)r. Dow 1-. l p.a. Aftl'WCM 30 IndUftr1ala ..... _ •8'.29 up 1.89 20 R&lla -·············-·-117.10 up .S2 15 UlUftJ• ...... ·-·-··· 86.80 oft .11 l .......... _ 1;'711 .... N-Yen l p.a. Medi Prtce1 American Telepbone .......... -1111 "4 AJl&cond& -·-······-···· .. ········• .. ···· 71, Chryaler ···-·-····-··-··-··........... 96 % DuPont _ ................ -......... _ 2271' General Electric -··-····...... 113 'II Omttal Motora ................ ·--··· 48' May Co .......................... ·-········· 40';, New York Central .................... 48 No. American .A\l'laUon ...... _ 76% S&teway Storee .................. ·-··· 113"" So. Calif. Ed1.on --··-········.. . .. 62 So. Pacific .............................. 1191", St&!tdard Oil of CtJlf. ............ 118 Union 011 of C&llf. .................. M U.S. Steel .................................. 119~ lmM 1eu lied that wblJe U.. touadatioll WU oooducttq IU ill· ...U,..U... • Wilted the campua wttbout ldeaW)lllc ~ and talked to a aamber ol tile •l•· 4-t.. Ht ll&!d be found tllem to be lllncere a n d c01U1ClentoU. and proud of tbe educaUon they are rec:elvtnr a t Chapman Oollep. All ot them, however, fell that t.be number one need of the college wu t.be painllnr of the bulJdlnp, In accep~tnr the check, Dr. Reevea aald: "'The 1ludenta, faculty and boani of tru.t-and all friend• ot Chapman Oollere alnc,rely apprec:l4te this expre'8ton of con- fldenc.. Jn recent month• the palnUnr oC 011r building• bu P AIKES ·RIDLEY MORTUARY Yormerty Gnoet Chapel 110 Broach,ay -C-ta MHa f'ho- Llbes1y a-a•u u a-MM • COIOIA Dn MAI the colorful •lMIUCI .. ~ Viaor Hugo Give Gilt la aplte ot the milliou ot dol· Ian l!l*ll by tbe U. a. la ea,aor- lnc the Anta.reUc coaU...t. no move hu ewr be9l made to claim an.y port.IOft of .A..llt&rotk:a. A11odlllnt Protects TV A11tewaA .. a.t Salt Air, Da...,...11 Ooutal ...... ,....,. .. wUI .., •appy to ~ tMt t~ Na no"' buy a TV .. .__ aped- flt'a.lly dHISftll4 to C'CMBlll&t . 1-bf'lr rtlmatkl aad a tm .. pMr-- IC' ooDdllloae. WIUM'prd VON· '*"'· muufllC'tu~n of ,__ oue lntf'l'Ol'pto r Aatanaa.. ha,,. lntrocluc-.d aaodlda1 u a pt'nn&nf'nt part of the Ml· •~nna. nw. aaodl&l•I ,,,,......,. protN"l• tb.-ahanlaum e1 ... mf'nt• of thfl 111teana •c-ain"t ult &Ir, damp_.. eoot. du•t and otiM'r ~\tfl aa•nts that .,,... kao" • to df'teriorat• by oidda.tlon ordl-ry allUftl· nwn &11t0\t1nu. In t&c•t, ... o- dldn1 m&J'k" tllf' 'M'htf'lard JntMt'f'ptor .,. thf' n,..t ..-. pa..tely non...-orrm•h•f' T \' ... tf'DDA on thf' markrt. In addition tu p,._,.rvln• U.. lift> of ttw-a.ntf'lnna. anodl&I .. 11, .... tb" antenna a .,.rkJlaa. l'ttlurtul •PP"''&rl'nC'f' that r-· pllm.,nta th,. ,.,lr rtnr of any b()fl)f'. \\'lnf'prd latf'r«'f'ptor T \ aa· lf'flDAa .,... "ell k.no• • for brtn(1q lfl thfl eilarpnt. rae.,...,.t T \" plc>tu""' 011 all rhaftn .. I•. C ·on .. ull your _,. ""t "'ln .. 1ard d....,.r, or "rtte WI n" If a rd C.'ompany. Hit "°'""' l'Olh "',_'-a,-A•· ir;rl"" •6. California. that Gift Account et Newport Balboa Sevings kHpt right on growing, urning 4 divid...d1 YH~. Your Gi~ Account P essboo• will sp.,kte on the CMtstmet tree, in ih handsome red cese, with a Gi~ Card be1rin9 your signature. MMes eyes sp•r•I•, too, at such a thou9hf· ful, worthwhil• gift from you. 'f Savings lnvnted l:>y tfte I Otft of erry PnOftth Hrn from the lst, at our ciuneM high return , ...... .. ...... of l'/,'/. per Y"'· NEWPORT IAUOA SAYINGS and Lo.n Alsocietion 1'. A. PALllrR, he~t 3366 Vie Udo NEWPORT BEACH, CALtf<>RNIA H.,t,o, 4200 Convenient CORONA DEL MAR Office 2407 F.ut Cout Highway Harbor 5220 France. Bundy, Manager ' . l • WINNER OF NEW GAS RANGE AT COOKING SCHOOL Mrw. E. Scharsand, Santa Ana, right, receivet1 a new gu 1tove from Louil J. Ceenar. field represent ative for Gaffers 6 settler, Balboa. Ialand, aa cook.inc tchool eponaored jointly 'by Orange Cout College, Southem CounUe. Gu. Co., JUchard'• Lido Market and Lido ShOJ>ll concluded 1ut week. - H. E. Griffin Photo SAFE WALKING PLUS SAFE DRIVING NEEDED By ~HAROS f'RO WI, J ayw1Jktnr le noted u a factor A 1 Newport Btft<'h lnten11ltlt11 In halt of the pedntrtan death• 1t1 art1v1t1es In prf'plHllllon tor 11nd 1tepplng f rom behind parked "8 -0 Day" n11t1• Orlvlnit nl\y. care and c roulnr agaln1L red Thur11day. n,.r 1 the ntl'd tor lights rank& nut In pedu tr1a.n uft walking. 11 ~ Wf'll "" 1111fe flrlv· aellon1 whtch end In traredy. 'lnr. I• t m('hH tllf'd by thr t1ct11 Thr Pr ts Id t n t"11 Committee a nd t11u1 "II ott .. rf'il by t hf' T'rul-1tate1 that t he blulc rulea tor dt nt0111 ('ommlttte t o r TrMtftC atopplnit unnecruary tralliedY ue e atl'ly almple enou1h but mu1t b4! prac:· The p r ,." I •I , n 1·,. C-ommlllf'l' l111Ptl eaC'h anti enry day . The fol· atatu thal rtRnl(f'f'•llll tiatfir hllb· lowing-rulu for •ate walkin1 a re II• hlVf' ,.r,.llrot •hv .. t r 1 ''" m an) 1 from the Na llon1l Sattty Council ped,.11tri11n traff1<" \I• 11m11 0 W. Rt"J..EI' FOR Ll\.1NO "Dick"" R1rh1irot. Ir>< 111 S -0 rhalr· 1 Obty t raffic algnai. a nd man, repMl,.rt alrcna. From nn,.·h11lt In thr,.,.·fnurth11. 2. Look ru efully all way1 br- of lrafClr •lea lh11 In c1t1 ... lnvolvt tore altpplng Into the l lrHt or petlt111 rittn• •:xpPrl• hAvr found h1ghw11y. 11nd keep alert aJl Ul.a tha t 11evf'n out ot f'Vf'ry 10 pf'<ltll· way ar rosa. trl11n" k1ll"d "'" mrn. th11l lhrtt 3. Be doubly C'&rdful whne out of fl\,. "'" 10lrurk rt111 1ns lht thf're are f\l'rked car1 or olhf'r ob- hour .. nf tlnr kn"•"· a nti lhnt f'll?hl .. t11rlf's to obllc:ure your Ttew or or nine 1t11t "' "''rry 1n 11•lult pr· thlll nf l1rh"er1. du lrlan t111 .. 1111r11 11r" 11nn-dr1vtra. •. l>on"l !rave the Cllrb unUI l'F.flY.'4TlllAN TOLi. vou h11ve pll'nly of llm,. lo p l Som" "l'""t11.I 11t11dtM 1nl11l'lll,. 1111 lhe way acroAa before ap· th111 mur" lh11n nnt ·thll•I 11( e ll rr<>aC'hlni; traHlr c:an. reach yo11. fl"'l,.•lt 1111111 k1Jl .. d 111 r m·• 1 6:1 1111111 ~ .. While cro11mng. don't read a IJlat lhe i;r•'"I m11Jorlly 111 .. "'""r· nrwapaper or obtcµre your Vlf'W 11111 1t11rk l lllllllnl( ~ h1•n ~I nu k With 11n umbrtlla. fl;paJ,.. • lla&ateaan~ • 1..wlatt• STAFFORD & SON "'NELS an'1 DOC" F.l.t';( "TKIC' AL <'OSTllACl'OIUJ t'hon" Ubrrty 1-tn• 11n Rhf'"I.,_ Ann-Newport ~ 8. UM pllin\4d croenralka, WI· ty llilanda and otbtt •t-ruardt. 7. Do not walk behind or ln front at a atrfftcsr or t.u. lmine· dlalely after allfhUnr ; take urne to be tale. 8. Never make audden duhH or •lope ln Ult middle ot tlle atrett. t . Don't deJ*ld on Ui. 111otor· let'• llfflnf you al nlfhL Wear 11f.ht-COl°"9d cl0Ulln1 or aom .. Uitnr that will renect ll1bt. JO. Where Ultra are no lid .. walka, wa.lk to tbt left of lb• roadway. taelnr lralftc. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CAU COMMllCIAL , SECUllTY PATaOL Kl 2·7027 Here's The-. Difference in Dollars And SENSEi TYP£WIHTEI' BUYERS, IEED TllS: lebullt ... 1Mo"4iltlette4 ... Gv•nt...._. ... AR tMle dolfftt m'9ht -..~ IVM ttte ortlln•ry ahefr,.rt "1Honcf .... M4" m69ht mean a "•"'' c.-t el point, o .i11ht dMnlne, •'Ml o few .,.,.,.. -4f"""'".._ ... ..._., .... w.•h• "'-" o ...w n blten o"41 • MW platen ht ochfltf°" ,. the •Mvo. A 1uoran· ••• «9Vlcl tMan ,..., ttio med!IM -,.u t»vy win lte ,.,._ired If It •ueo•• down, ltut wh..., how tho,..,.hfv, and by whom? Ancf tttl,.li-who UM• a ..,achlM •MV9h te fMlty h'y It ovt In 3 monttl1, ttto "°""•' Ion.aft. of • 1uoronteo ... Su....-It 1t,..1i, 4 or S met'Htt off.r yov buy It. Tho ropelr blll .,. • ., Ito .,..... tt.on the pvrch.ae ptlcol HERFS WlllT YQU 10 IT TIERIU'I: We h-• 1pc1<lofla-4 In typ9wrftert fer,' yor H '""' h ery MechlM we IOll 11 COMl'lml Y Nltullt freM the ..... " vp .., • ,...ular 1toff of 12 expert repairmen In •M of S.l'fhem CaNfonii.'1 ,..... compl ... ofNI u,- fo.dato thope. Tho modtl M 11 tem tlewft, eedl _.., It lnepMted and worn .,.., arw .,,ta<941, •ncf , .. , ..... wet1 with ,.,tect 9411uatm•"'9 and t.ttod to 1 lvo the typllt eqvetlt..t kn4Cffen wftt.h la .. '"',.nont to ••,.r1 ooerate" a1 woll .. ..._fnMfW. Wt'N • aure .t ..,, ~lte,.. condl"4tn thoi 9V•ry oM ..W "91 • fvll .,..,., .,......, ... _.. ..,.,....._ and aleo a JOfl91e~ .... ~ R•"'•"'~• IM 1y,,._,.;ur you buy. ..d "'"-• yo11 buy l1 ....,. ~ 4olw1 ud tt..U ;,. your podr.,, •/l#r IA. 90 day ,..,.,.~ a,,U...I ., FOi HOMI Washer 5f69 • now 1n 7.9~ lronin~ Tables 6.44 FOR HIM 34.95 Value Pop-up Toaster 9.97 ......... _ ... efl... '" ........... • .,..,... ec--Nll•• N •1i. ... 1 co••t•l .. u el .,, •• 41"'f , • ., ......... , • ...... • , _........ s.. .... c-""• ~ .. ,..., .._.., s.o,, t•ore. WEONESDA Y, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • ,A&E 7 FOi Hll Vacuum Range ClllMI 5137 progress at Sears in Santa Ana gifts for him 24.75 All Wool Sport Coote, light, dark colon ...•••... 21.11 Vif9ln Wool Shon Gabardlno Slodt1, colon. 28-'2 ...... to.to 4. 91 Rayon-Nylon Gabardine Sloclra, 29 thrv '2 ...•.... J.11 Suede Saeli Coat, 2 button style. 36-'6 ...........•••••. 37.'5 13.SO loya' Nylon Jacket, wa1habla. Sl111 1·18 ...•... 9.95 2.49 Sport Shins, 1tri~cl. royon lin9n. 'colon. 6-11 ..... '·" l /19c Wa1hfo1t Socks, anorttd colon . 7·11 .....•. S ,., 6'c S.95 Novelty Suits, corcls, cotton twtll. Colon. ,_, ....... 2.11 gifts for her 4.H NytOft Slipt, foe• on bodice, flounce. 32-..0 ..••••... J.33 J .91 Gown Sale, nylon loca. ' colors. 3'·"° ........•... 2.ff 5.tl Nylon Dro1M1, .5 1tyln ,rlnh, lhode1. Glrl1' 7.u .... 4.44 ) J .H Cotto" Du1tel'1, quilted cotton. 10· Ul . . ........ J.n 1.H Plannel Shirts, 1nugly comfortoble. 10-20 ....••.•.. 1.26 'ur Lined Sllp,.", podded leoth1r. 3 colori. '·9 .......... 2.91 1.50 Siik SquarH, 33"JC33". Hond rolled .......•.•..... 77c 2.91 OlovM, nylon or cotton. Double woven ..•••• , ..... ·"' 29c Cetton Crew Soclra, nylon r1inlorcad. 9-11 . . . . 4 for lie Santa is in Stars Toytown gifts for the home 2ff.9S Colet.pot. 11.5 cu. ft. Automatic cle-frost ..•.. 261.11 299.95 Upright ''"H r, 11.7 cu. ft. Holcl1 '00 lbt. ..... 2'9.11 149.95 llectrlc Dryer, driH clothes completely ....... 129.00 144.95 Vl1l·M9fl< Wother, 9-lb. tvb, timer ..•.•.... 119.00 204.to Ironer with Choir, 26", 2-•peed roll ......... 114.H 15.00 S.wlng Machine, portable. Gray flnlall . . . . . . . • SI.II 154. ts Hl·'l Con tole, 6-lnc h tpeali:1r. 6 tubes ....... 144.H 109.95 Tobie TV, 17-in. Automatic focus ••...... 91.H 19.95 Mldeet ,.,.oblo lodio, fits In polm of hone! . . . . 12.H prices cut on miKellaneous gifts 114.95 htentlon lecliner Choir, buih-in ottomon .... 19.11 59.95 Platform locker, high boclr, foam ieot ........ 54.H 49.95 Occoaional Choir, mod1rn orm 1tyle .......... 44.11 4 .91 Orot1er Set, .C p<. Prini.d sotin or brococle .•.••. .J." 1.50 loton Gift Sot, mosculina acent. Plus FE T ........• 1.22 1.95 l yric Trovt l kit, leather grained fabric .....•..•. 7.44 3.49 Muaicoi Jewel lox, 18-note Swin movement ..•.... 2 .II 1. 91 and 2.39 r ifloWCOM Sett, floral or embrolcferacf , 1.66 2.69 Figurine Lompa, figurine bot0, colors ............ 1.91 'folk of tho Town', Malmac, SVC. for .C. 9reok-re1l1tont . IJ.95 Min's Lutlllr Slippers 2.98 WERE 1.91 Cotton Ira 1.66 SAVE 1.631 Jeans 1.66 Dry Iron 9.88 B iiilflt(lft•t LI! UP CILUI ... -.. .. -.. ··-.. . leg. 14.95 -Drtss Fonn · SAVE 99c Corduroy Shirts 2.99 17 Jewel Watches Wagon 7.77 1716 lo. M81n It. --~ ,,,.,...... Kl 7-1171 • 1 i ----= -----4' ;;'l *• i j •I w. .. , " •• • .,I ,. r • .. l .. ;. . • • • ,, . , •• ' I • 0 M A I I I f WITH SALLIE "Ilea and womea are IM>Ua bM cbtven. but the wow.a .Jn~ all the blame" • • • pueed •food the 8 • D (We Ori~. ~! Day CIJ'eJee • • • u all over the uUoa are put topther to make the public .,n.lae ••• "uybody who hu aa aceld•t oa 8-D Day, 'l'handay, December 1, t. • Dlrty Blrdle" • • • Bey yea there. yoa, behlad that wheel, you're the one tbM c.mee Mddents. no- body elle • • • Flnt of all, tur. a haJMlred or ao of tboee bol'lllN from under tba& Moel aad put 'em oat ·to ,._,. ••. Remember ....... et.hen oat there on • tllat ldgllway aad In tbOM 4tT ._.. bMld• you ••• • "Do Unto Others aa you irouJd uve them do unto ~.. • •• let the other guy p by, don't pwah, don't ahove ••• you'll live longer •.. •-n. Wta-to &tve than to receive" • .• WlMD IOmebody'a gotta ~-lt sift. you try doing the giving. Q~ KS@~ .fl. ~ than broken bonea iet ud maDl'9d bodlea • . • Be eoart.oal • • . You are not thtnlrtns of othen when you ~.,. one for the road" . . . ,11~ toa are aot thinking of otben ~ .._ ,_ drift too fut ... ~ an not thinking of •then ,,._ you drive when you an too tired • . . Some- one la tbil Nation diea every ftve mlnutea In an automobile icddellt ..• What can be done Co .top tMI horrible toll of aeed.leu death ! Not ·re- llt&rcb ! . . . not d.Mlp ! . . . 41bntributJnc money won't lelp ! .•. Tht came ll alrudy ltnown .•• 110 la the cure • • • ll'llli~l'W You're the doctor ••• •'Drift ...raDy when JOU aw.I fM free coDaeJ1 .cn·;;.:z..~ ()nap c.a-Xe Am' hla:a~~ at 8:80.... allbt. ~···· "Drl" earetully" .•• when E attend the Bu.lneu and fwloaal Womena' Ninth uaJ aui.tmu PreviflW at the a..dillnou Ballroom, IJriday end Saturday, De- cember 2 and 3 . • . Jut pre- '1oualy, l"rlday night '9 for the ...a try ... with a 1JTO-~ ooaUting of danclhg, balllt, •actnc, baton twirling and IDllldo ••• Saturday night a 'TulUoD Show of Yeeter- Jll&l"' ••• alto danclnr to the llitta from °:ri Cout Col· 11p ••• uoo rrand prise Gu. ,_r plua 100 door priue . . . Meta $1.20 for both •ie. . . . The theme thia ,..r Iii U.. Barbor'• Golden Teu-••• Bellen me, Christ- ... 8boppen. thar'• gold'n = m then th&r booth• In the cave.ma of the ~ballroom ... Pan ,....U a little •.. ye'll have time to whittle U ye abop at ...... ~~ tblt II • I 'Dmnday, Friday ... ...,...,, Deaanber 1, S a I ... ..._ )'CMI au.cl j .. e ,....., Lido Daya UIOlll al of oar Lido =wttla all tile abope la to opea ap a blc •ftlp aecoaat •pedaDJ for ,.. • • • Olabmere llw•*•• Uld Ua~erle • : • ~ en. l.aDoz lluld ~ . . . 7tc:!!' Kapok flllfcl tllNw .•• 603 off, New G. E. Aatomadc ........ wttll tnde f%69.93 M lew M $2.M rr IDO., KW• mr, boat tnllftr Ne: .._ large HOl'llelnU do.I a wvdrobfl ••. 17.95 ••• 1..-tllerette Photo, Scrap. Oaeat. ete. boob ... ptetare fram~ • • • to~ dlecoaat • • . Color ma&ehed Doeelda bloo9N, jadleta, lldrte &ad f&My pa at a '6.50 -$1S.60 Du P o • t o r I o a .alp -oatJ and CanllpM . . • $.1.9,S. 14.96. GIN aad Boyw shlrta A bao.ai. •.. ~ off, Mf'n's a1lk rlbboa lultt sport sMrt.. reg. $1SJ50 DOW SlOJJO .•• ~....ten,~· $1'7.95 llOW $11.16 ••• A.Ah t:rnyA, 8Wtldlsh crywtal Cl'Uf't aet. -e&.ber glltaba.. . . . ~ trtee ... a speed SpelbnAn ........ record players. '911-.. UO for $%2.90 ••• ud Mt of four t•vt.toa tr.,. wtUa ndr I• ebony a ....... 17.95. Look for tri..i Ullo DA.1'8 ..._,.. la a. wlltrww of tM .,,. .. M .. m' ........ , -OOAn'AL BBOPPU r.dtt""' of NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -MONDAY; NOVEMIEA 21, 1955 • ; . ..... .. l""'·"' r .~ I ., ·, I . .. '~~ ·. > ...... . . . . '. t . .. ' . ...... • 4 • ' ~\ Dole 8Ueed PINEAPPLE ~, . . ' ' 0 1oneua BAATl.XTT 37c PEARS ··-·· ·-······ No. 2~> <'Ml Gl"M• Giant 39c ASPARAGUS ...... -.1•--0L Klw.W9ben 1ac SPAGHETI'INI ...... n -os. 7- aorme1·. OHILI • 25C CON CARNE Xo. JOO - &enl• STRAWBERRY 39c PRESERVES .. -·····-··· io-oL an;·a;sTARD .. 11~29f o1a1 Deodol"Mli 2 23c TOILET SOAP ,,.,. for For Au'-&Ua \\"..a.en 229 ALL DETERGENT 10-1h. - ~11: FACIAL 2 29c TISSUE ................... 200'9 for Aa complete ae we can make It .•• The but greerui money ra.n buy, our own Hlecl«J C.S. Choice Be~f. an .aging room. our private bakery, a nd a dellcaleHen kitchen ror hot and prepan'd foodt1 The11e •rt> the thtni;3 lhal make Rlchanf• dt!tercnt. lllld can make eating pleuure "'h•l 1t .tiould be. tor you. Fresh Baked THl"KSDAY 2 dnr:f'n39( ffnDf'y FRUIT IARS & for 15' Potato DINNER ROLLS FRIDA\' 100";, WlfOl.E 23t WHEAT BREAD 1oaf SATl'ROAV SREAKFAST ROLLS 6 for 21 C' l.AU'l"f' i ...... 2 laff'r ~ARBl.f; a1~ LA YER CM<E . ... r ar h Gl•"f' Sunbeam and you i t\'• th!' fln,.J<I • H C'rt' • a •lol"an .\'illl'll agr r{' wJth wl\en yoo 11~ an<1 hear nil 11t1out the bea11t1fuJ new Sunbeam err1t11nr· eio. at R1r han111 lh\11 "'eek .. n<1 Re 1111rf' you jl1\"t' the flnr11t, wttt. S11J1be&rn, rrorn our Gift Shop Muu.nuie. • .. P.S .. le IUt'9 enCI affen(f tJte Ch'ristmes Preview. Friday and Saturday, Dee. 2 & 3, 7:00 P.M. at the Rendezvous laltroom, S.lboe. Fridoy will be Fami ly Night ... en ev.nincJ of entertainment, under the direction of Dorothy Jo Swanson and Art McKenzie, Police Chief of Costa Mesa. Saturday is Fashion Nite -for Moms end Dads -commentated by Katie Quinn end Ken Niles. Dancing both nite1 by the Riffs. S..ta's all , Eyes for the ••• •2500.00 Discount • • . • on our Gift Shop Meaanine :Jud one way of wytn9 a 9reet bt9 1'Th.nb" for your JHtron•9• •nd friendship over the past year.· S.ve $25.00 in food receipts.for your discount caret We'I tel you how it works. Here's • s•mple: $ 25.00 roocl Sec 1lpte Gm. 10" Oft ap to $10.00 purchw on Mezzanin~ $ 50.00 l'oo4 81 a ..... Oh. to% Oft •P to $20.00 pW'Chw on Mezzanine S 75.00 Foo4 8111lptlt Olne ~ Off ap to $50.00 putt.hue on Meu.anlne Sl.00.00 J'oocl 8e 11a,te Ol"9 ~ OH ap to $40.00 purchue on Meuanlne · S.vings incr•••• each time you MY• $25.00 in food receipts. Discoul'lt c•rds valid until we give away $2500.00 or Dec. 241 1955. Start wving right •way. Lay-•w•y Christmas Supplies at Richard's LIDO DAYS Dec. 1·2·3 .. BARGAIN DAYS In ... • • .,....... .... 1··u··1··1-·E-R .. ~ . MARGARINE _ ........... . .................... LARGE EGGS ___ ····· _ Ollcllrea el ._ LIP• Ilea& CHUNK TUNA __ ·-·····- ... • lb_59c 1b.2for 35c do~~n59c M-~~23C Lido Shops St•ts Toclclr hr 3 lit Daysi iAiEDiEANS _ . __ 2F TOILET TISSUE ___ . __ ...... 2 ... 1~ Frozen Choice Quality M;ats t7. a. 0: .. 11 l'G&TE&llOUD-T~W STEAKS iOOND BEEF .. B ,,. r·~ 4F SPARERIBS -·····-····-··-............... ~ Al&11kan Breadf'd 2139• VEAL CUTLETS t -H . . .... ~···-· ... w --------· .. ··-··-···-···· lod.llut Trail Ot.au 23• CRAN1IRY. RELISH 1t-os. Minute Maid 2135' ORANGE JUICE . e-oz. • RotarttJi 59¢ MEXICAN DINNER u-oc. Si.IEfi BACON ___ ·--·---···. ---·A 55c TAM,.AiE PIE 29' ............. .10-01. ('luk'• CbJcke.a -4 TURKEY PIES ifAfFAST SAUSAGE ··-·--·~.._ ... 3F S-D means Fresh Produce Safe Driving. Be t:x·F-<'y, Waalalnrto• 2 25c ROME BEAUTY APPLES __ ··--·--.... Sure You Do • Fn!llb, Fanc.r, 15c SNO·WHITI CAULIFLOWER ......................... -... .... lussEr POTATOES _____ 10 k 35c Delicatessen FRAN .. KFURTERS ·-··········--A3F On!&on'a F1-.t SF TILLAMOOK CHEESE .. ·-···-·--·· ...... -... \\'11 llan It NWI • 3F L U T E F I S K --·----------·-········-·__.. FRENCH DRESSING ___ -Jor 23c CHRISTMAS TREES Fn111 frOlll ... North • • • ,. anhed ........ ..,. .uu tne1a. ._ ..... l>Mpa Fin Md 8llnr n,. ,_ • bollday ...... .._ ..,., for· J!11GZ otnoe, Mow• room Ol' lobbJ. eo-la Md MIE. ,., J t ,. .. (lg' 0 7 !'NI ..... l'OOD llAm' °' m UDO Wll Weetas~t.e .... - • 1 t SCAT, BACK! -Neil McMillan, ·of local eeventb grade flag .footba}l team. clutches pigskin &fter p888 from John Hughes Friday. Fullerton's Brigg LOTS OF COURT LIMBS Owena, left, and Bob Rodriques, right. f&lled to catch hlm on the TD play. -Staff Photo , LOCAL FLAG GRIDS DEFEAT FULLERTON· TAR QUINTET FACES RIVERSIDE FRIDAY . Sailors Drop 52-41 Home Fray to Lo•g limit Wiison Monday 'S;:~~; C Cage Q1inlet Loses The Newport H • r b or High School C nrtra of Co1Hh Btll Straw dror~ their tint rractt<'• pme of the bukl'tball au90ll at Loni Beach WU.on i.tonday, but ll wu lo the rival B reaervu. 34·2S. J ohn Fon tl11.1 or the Sa1lo1• captured hlCh polnt honora ot th• Diaappolntlld In llhowinc of hill boy. lo their first home tray . Pratt.ice ----1w.• 1 ...... Beach WU.OD Monday after• Fontlu1 hit on tour tto•M go •• 1, a---~ end 1l1t ftf'e lh1 owa tor 11 po1n:,, noon. Coach Julee G.,. today WU running the Newport Charlie Taylor with 6 a n.I J ,m Harbor High School ftl"llty Ta.r quintet through etrenuoua Jewell and Gary Plckeru -. .. 111 :! each accounl"d for rt>mlltnilr1 ..t d.rilla ln preparation for & Friday fray &t Rivenide. Start-the 1oca.1 tlKw.tgbt ecorrn>; lD&' Um• for uMt.& ~ eourt dunkJns In 11 potat. to I for The Tara led 11·10 111 f'nd 1of tu.le 1a 8:111 P. m. ~ Wllaon. the first quarlf'r but tn"l~.1 1~·1:. Wll90n drubbed die lla1Jar We-Tha aurs-didn't lut throu&'h at llalttlme. Wll8nn'11 B r'""'I''""' ket brtpd• U~l ft8B llUCJl key the ttn.al .,.nod, however, wtth pulled away In lht' flnlll r1•1111.1, local performen u H Tom Hou· the rtni. whtppln&' ln 16 maTk· dunklnit 9 point~ to 2 rm 1 he 1ton connected wtU. DAr7 a net· era to T for tlle Ballora. Nl'"''J>Ort Harbor c·11. ttnr. Paul LoNDtMn ,.... lleld to ----------------------~-------------------------thTee point., M I*lny Harwood manqed Oll.Jy, two.~ Daft Tamura but & pU-. O.Orp Ka.. bee only two fteld So&la. a n d o.ry Orem fin potnta. Thia t.brnr th• 14*1 on nterana Eddie Pope, who popped through ltl polnt. for hip -nzic bonora In tlle fray, a.nd ._. Larry Har- per, who hlt for t markera. 'nll• ju.t wam't ~oug-h. l!xcept for Pope'a top t&lly pos!Uon, t he only HARBOR ,o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.a Editor other cat.ecory In Wblcll t he T&n ~~~~~----------------------'""'"'------------bettered the n..w wu tn 1ucceu-NEWPORT HA RBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART 11 • PAGE I tu~~ ~3;!~.t enoup WEDN ESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 In view of the fact Wlllon 1llt ---------:=::-::::-----------......._ ___ _ the corda on 21 fteJd goal• com· Harbor Boys' Club flag football teams copped four Plfed to H for the Sal10T1. games from FuJlerton Boys' Club at Costa Mesa Park Sat-Lon&' Beada Jumped Into a 16·8 lead ln tlle flnt quart.er and ran urday. The local eighth graders took their fifth in 11i.x It to 29·18 at halftime. An lnter- *Mono starts, 15-6: the seventh graders continued undefeated, m1Hlon dreqlns down by O.ge 39.33: the sixth graders rallied, 25-7 ; and the fifth graders rNUJted In the Oob1 outplaytn&' came through, 26-19. Lone Beach In th• third quarter, Jerry Hehn puaed and ran the I nle Perrin ran 40 yarda on an eighth graders to victory. He hit end sweep \\1th Brian Lew1JI .cor· Teddy Haddock for a -40 ya rd Ing from I 8 yards out for the pau-run tally, then galloped ISO local lade In the first halt. Win· yarda to score. ning the contnt were ec:or" by Fine blocking by Ronnie Pala-J im Curtta and Mike Patrick. feni and Neil McMiiian wu lar ge-Hubor Boy a' C 1 u b f!tth ly reapomilble for handing Fuller· grader• rolled lO their alxt.b win' Lon'• seventh rradt-r8 their flrat of the uaaon alter Fullerton pUed loae. Harbor t1corlng wllll 1lone by up a 12-0 lead. Gene P&la!errl Quarterback ButC'h V.illtvard on malle the flrst home t.ea.rn t.1.lly tulf 1plnner~ throuith 1 11, n11ddlr: on a 46 ;vard nm. Johnny Leff. Dick Bultr rworth and Mt•Mfll11n Ingwell 11corcd on " fake pUI. on line smashu; John Hught'1 on Palarerrl'• converelona put the lo· a 27 yard run an<I on Tn ra&1e1 .cal11 ahead. to Butterworth and McMllll!n. Aftl'r the rlv1l1 made It 19·14 Trailing 7-6 a t the h8lt. the early ln thP fourth quarter. Leff· 1lxth gradt'rl won lht-1r tenth Ingwell and Palalerrt did TD ..,. •lralght t ray of the aeuon. Den· peat.a. MERCHANT NINE IN CRUCIAL GO SUNDAY With Buddy Pierce poking a home run with none on, the Coeta Mesa Merchant. clobbered Fullerton 11-1 in a SUnday )'eea Park gama called at the end o! Mven lnnlnp becau.. the rivai. bad enough. The one-aided Yictory left the Meaamen in a tie with Santa Ana AJ'a Sporting Gooci. certo reached flrat on a fielder'• COUNTY CIF GRIDDERS IN SECOND ROUND Orans• Count)"'a Cir foot· ball contenders -Anaheim ot the Sunaet Leajue, Mater Del ot thti Parochial Learu• and Tuatln of lha Orange LM.fu• -go Into 11eeond roun• p1'10lf cont.nUon UU. week. .A.ftahe1m f&eee the G}en- dala Dynamllen of th• F oot- hill Leasu• In Puaden.a'• famed Role Bowl &t I p. m. P'l1day nlstlt. The Monwcha tall• on Puo Roble. ln Santa Ana Municipal Bowl at I p .m. l'&turday nl«bt. Tll.llln tans· le. wlUl Cl&Amont of the Tr1·County loop Jrrlda.y nlKht. The Colonl1te b a nd l l y downed be!ty Mt. Cannel lft tint round CIJ' play. Puo ltoblae defeated Blahop Sl·lt ...... ~~­mansUns a.u o.r... -.H. 1'IAln •ot by J:acondldo oL ~ A't'OC&do X-.Ue H -20 l&at -k. At the earn• Ume Ctattmont wu drubbln&' El Centro &4·13. nine for Onnit<' County W inter Baaeball Leawue third place. choice &nd pilfered second, and ---------------------- ;, 150 t1m1ttl ;,, U. S. N.tio,,.i·, HRISTMAS CL V~ I 1.00 a-· ,.-,.._ .. ____ ,_, .. S IC.CO I 2.00 e -~ ..-Y'···--·-·-'IOJ.'::> 'uo ...... ....,._, ____ $!~'")l 110.00 • ..... ,.Y'-··-··--··-·· HOO.C.O -PUS IMT1UST - UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK lM'1 Nf"'R·port Bl,·d. OOSTA MESA By a 1lr&nge colncldtnce. lhe Much&nla or Man•Ker Bob Wet· zel ta.ogle wllh lhla All.me Santa Ana aquad a t Costa Mcu Park come J :30 p .. m. nu t Sunday. That makea ll a crucial. Tony Lombardo and Wally Wei· ,~B!i§B!~§!~~ij8]§38iliBiBiBi8ii!ii§!~~i§i~~~i§§!~f~~!i, brock connected f o r bin glee. g ,.. ::»I Wal.lf11 to Pierce, J im Newkirk Pl .. rcE''• poke dPstrvu 11pttlal menuon. nol 1>e.c1W1C ll wu v1l&J In lhe final n •aull ot the f'ulltr· Lon fray. but becau .. e ll la the flr1t homer the ltl<'al Mercbanu have delivered In months a.nd PJtchl'r Wayne Co~htry a.c.- c<>unted toT that third run. Announcing • • • Some of the a.nna and lep Involved above ,belong to current Tars Tom Houston (28) and George Mabee (32). and alumni •Frank Navarro ( 16) and Paul Neu- mann, n ow of Stanford. The alumni won Friday night, 81-74 . -Staff Photo Actually, thf' ol&Kh \4'1111 <'Onclud· ed In the . tint tram!' whrn lh' MeM macers drove In a tr lo of ta.Jllf'll. Wetzel Mlrolled. Bob Loci· J uel to ernpl\ulze tbe point. the IOt'a.1 larrupl'n 11cored t I v e limo In the third 1tanza Pierce walked, Ntwldrk doubled an d Couirhtry. Bob Revira and Wl't.ul got tree t I c k et 11 to flr9t. A fielder'• choice 11.lld error tin · l11hed thAt nutbur11l otf. By tha t time f"\lllerton wu convinced It wun'l thll'lr d11y. Our New Location at 200 Main St.· Balboa ~ Practice Slate of 7 Games Plus 3 Tourneys for Bucs A pl'&CJtiff acb~ 11t11Jcla In· t'lude• MftJI cont.Mt.a and partfcl• paUoa In OU-.. care toW11ament.1 le expeo&.ed bf Ciach Stu Inman to deUnnln• ora.nre Oout Col· lt1t• c.h&nc• lo Sutcn cont .... enc• bMJteU.U. But. enn befon Jul D13;• open.r wttb UM alW'DAI., , had tabbed 10 men u tbe JI Of UU. aeuoa•a Pirate qulnte~ They Include a paJr ofC lut .... 11on·a Newport Harbor HJ1h School TIU"ll, Bill Wetsel and Den· ny Fti.patrlclc. The olhen are Bob Chapna.n, Bill lnloea, J eddy Youn.. :ESTA Van Horn, Don Mi--. Ted Coutte. Lee DouKhty and l'.Mn Bldntck. Tl\undAy night. tb• Buca travel t o Glend&Je. Saturday nlgbt they take on Paaa(lena ln the Mua « y m. Tuellday nl(bt, Inman'• ch&r&"U h o 1 t t h • Oc:cl~nt.&1 Fro.h. All ga rnet .tart a t I p. m. 'nl• OCO burttet brigade w111 J111rt1clpat,. In the CbaUey tour· ney .at Ontano, ~. 14·17, and the Sain Barry claMto In Olen• dale, Dec. 27-31. StartlnJ ~c. 20 will be the foul"'-te&m tournament on th• J.t e· H hantwood, with the Buc11 ho10t· lnr Loyola. Wh.ttt1er &nd Redle.nd• Mlor lowl Pair Compton hu be~n 1rlM"t~ 10 battle J ones C!'untv Junior Cnl· lf'p ot Elllavtll~. ~Ulll' In t h t annual Junior Rose B11wl fn.Hball ,.am• Ott. 10. P'ro1h. Tll• flnrt nlgllt wlll ~ " two-Kam• elunin&Uon. On Dec 22, t.ha two loeer11 meet In t he pre- Ura go and the v.'lnn,ra clash tor the title. Ftr•t loop contr11t 111 hi' rt J11 n. 6 aptn11t Rlverl'ldt'. ' I MY PLEDGE ,., ,,.. CMlmA WtTT ClllCll Crwade For Traffic Safety IPOt4SO.IO I Y MY SOUMN PUDGI: I will _,...,t .,, ur t t t i ,.,." tto4 ..., ell citn•tf••< .. ••t~ •t111ott c-W-tltot fel --· life. I• ........ !Kt ef Hilt !llt4tt I '""''IM M ~itllett C.t1Kltttet te: I. KNOW AND WllllNc.L Y OUY ALL TIMflC LAWS. 1 CONSTANnY MAINTAIN MY VI HICLl IN SAH DllVING CONDITION. J. COUl TtOUSl Y AND DlClNTl Y OUHVt THE ACCEPTED l UllS Of THl IOAD. ,.._ ---·------ AMt.11 ------··---°" ·-·-----...... _ .. __ ,,..... . ··--· IWNf'I you how n1i..1 out ti. .. P~ • ..i.-~·"O 11 .,. "'011 fl lo ClllUSAl>t ~Oii \JVOY ot '"-ell• .. of ""' ........ ,,_, Y<N will "'°" ,....,.,..a tlk -.r ta .. ~ ... ""-~ ....... a.ii_ .. , LAST DAY! GIG AN· TIC END OF THE YEAR SAYE SALE ENDS TODAY SAYE 2ocro OFF on 1955 SAYE Johnson Outboard Motors & *Boats* Come in and See These Boats and Moton Pisplayecl in our Showroom So. Eas' Comer Main & lalboa llvd. sexa to f'09t ornce Opening Celebration Saturday December 3rd . LOTS OF FRIE AWARDS 'u•t f'Of'M' la &ad -ue Ill our .,..,., locaUoL we·,.., a.II "'~oratrd. aJI d~ up tn our """' 1tomfo •"IU1 f'<>mplet.f> ritCW'lce to wn" 1ou bf'tln U1a11 •nr. twirl•~r In '''" 0 1tt1>t Hook -4 put.ll'lpM4! la the Y""' Awarda. No ollll1,ratlon of cour-. and 100 don't h&\'" &n b!o p,_.t to ~ve -of t~ lllaadecli.e ·-~ • You May Receive OH of Thfte Gifts ·Sila-Rex "611 Wa&u SPINNING ROD 3/6 ROD ..ct REEL l'f'tUI Ill_..,, <>c..... Clly 01- REEL TACKLE IOX Unes Lins M•y Oltler Yal•ble Awards We Haven't Forgotten the KiJJies .. Sea-labe" MODEL BOAT n-dy to ro -Oomplete wt\11 a.tt.17 AIR-PLANE MODELS • BOAT MODELS You Don't Haft to le Presellt to Wl1d Saturday-The llCJ Day-Don't Miu ff! TRADER HORN Tackle lalt leach & Sportswear SPORTING GOODS • ....... Hawlw 0649 (}overnmenl Gxcepl. PAGE 2 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE.~S WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIER 10, I 911 "God qr"nt us t h& se re ni ty to occep+ thtt things we cennot change: the tourage to chonqe .t~e things we can and the ""isdom to know -the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Gov. Knight Leads Way to Sensible Christma~ Parties We must commend Gov. Goodwi~~ Knight for taking a very admlr11ble and Christfin ~tand in his recent edict to stale employees. The governor pulf a taboo stamp on the cup of Yuletide ch~r on 11tate premises. In a flat J1S.Uement. Gov. Knight said there must be no liquor aerved at employees' Chriatmu parties in state offices. Additionally, he decreed no state employee may receive gifts of liquor or anything else from firms which do business with the atate. Said Gov. Knight: "We don't want to kill the Christmu 11pirit. It would be very embarrassing If some state employee were to get drunk and, in driving his car home, should have an accident and kill somebody. It would be a needleu tragedy and would reflect on all atate em· ployeea." We tmaglne the governor went on to aay the prac· tlce of state employees acceptin' largesse at Chriatma.a or any other time from firms doing business with the 1tate ia a reprehensible thing. It wiU alwaya be to the governor'• credit that he is making a good try at controlling any grog revels in 1tate offlcee. There ia no place for 1uch in a public, t&x-9Upported Institution. A. we have stated in years pa.st, the ever-decreas- ing practice of so-called office Christmas partiea right near Cbrlltmu Eve i• aomething all thinking b'ualnea• and manufacturing firms executives are trying to ac· celerate in their own offices. They are doing IO becau.ae they do not want the head of a family arriving home drunk, or not getting home at all because he had too much party at the office. Moat business houses have a genuine epirit of genero9ity toward their employees baaed on appreciation of the work performed for which money cannot always pay. That'• why employers in tim~ past have felt the office party could be a token "thank-you" from th~ firm. However, with the years of partiea bu come a growing awareneas that the best Chri11tmaa party any firm can bold ii one which includes the wives and children of the penionnel. This has a leavening effect on any drinking. Then too, there ia the widening practice of public and private oUicea holding their holiday partJe. a week or so before Christmu Eve. Thia method alloW'll a good party without obscuring the meaning of Cbri1t- mu, the great.est holy day on the Christi.an calendar. We.In Newport Harbor have been singularly bleu- ed with a minimum of Yuletide tragediee traceable to office parties. We hope this will continue in decreuing number. Crimes Against Youth Need More Severe Punishment With the ever-increasing growth of Newport Har- bor and Orange County population it ia quite neceAsary •• atut thinking more eeriousJy about some o! the app&lUng crimes being committed against childrt"n by adult. and/or juvenil es. Hardly I\ week g<>eft by but we see neW'lltoriee deal- in1 with children who have been frightened. attacked or molested by adult.s. Si mllarly, we follow lbeae cuea through the courts and all too often see the malefactors get off with relatively light eentences or probation. It may .in.krest you to know that when & judge eentences a defendapt to "the term preecribed by law" he baa no control ovf'r the yeaf'l!I apent ln prl.lan. ..trhat'a up to the Adult Authority or the Youth Authority, de· J>mdini on the defendant's age. The judge Cfll, how· ever, llelld the con\'lcted detl!ndant in a heinous crime agalnlt a child t o a atate prison, u compared to a year Jn the county jail. Take this example -1f a suspect is ron\'icted of atta.clclng a female under the age of 18. the judge hu the option of giving him one year in county .jaU or .e.nding him to priAOn. The law reads one to not more .lf8WPORT J HARBOR RE-W~61PR:ess rormerly the Newport·B&Jboa N-•·Ttm• And the Newport·&lboa PrtSll A ~ Local lutltuttoe tor Owr Fort1 l'e.n llntered u Second·Clau Matter a t the Poetofflce In Newport Buch, CaJllom1a undtr lhc Act or M&rch 3, J879. Publl1btcl ~ Moeday, \\'~1 a.ad Frtdaf hy tile NEWPORT tlARROR rt·BLISHl~G CO~PA.~l' ~Ul IJAJ"'-Bh·d., :NEWl'OkT BEACH. CA.LIP'. no .. Ran9r Hll =-•!fled co PuWllb ~ Notloee Ud Acln..a-ta tf AD IU8dt DeclM of th Superior Court of Oraor-Co. la AttJoa No. A·ll'7tl Jlf-ber Ca.Ufonala ~t'"•paper PublJtaae,. A-.latlo• •-• National Mltortal ~Uoa 111-11n of O.--u CovatJ Nt1" 8trYloe B~N R.EOOICK. PUBLLSHICR WllJ..IA)l A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND E. ROtJNTR.£1:, AdverUmic Dlnctor ' CJJA,RL1:8 A. ARMSTRONG, :.techa.nlcal Superintendent than 50 yean for thil 1art of thins. Too often th• minimum is observed u the court.a and the Adult and Youth Aut~orlty group1 rely more heavily on phycbla· tric treatment at the 1tate inltitution in At.ueadero. Section 288 of the state pena1 code provide. the person convicted of a aex crime agalut a child, truly a heinous offense, may be~ished by~ one year to life term ln a state penitentiary~g the court 11endl him to a priaon rather than a U1bt year'• term in county jail. The latter can be offset even more by time off for good behavior. Some ot our law eriforcement officers belieye there has been too much tendency on the part of the court.a in recent years to uae the county jail for 1uch malefactors as we have d~scribed. That 10rt of judical thinking puts only the very wont criminals in the state penitentiary, hoping ap- parently to rehabilitate the sex psychopath who harms a child or a teenager. We are alway• glad to see men rehabilitated Into useful members of 11ociety but not at the expense to society of future similar crimes. We believe it ia time the law enforcement officen of this and other ('J)unties 1lnd the judges therein face up to the !acts or such crime. It should be punished adequately in relation to its viciousness. We ltnow of no more vlciou.11 crime than those against children, whether o! the moleatatlon variety or suborning them Into uae of drugii or lntoxicanta. With Orange County attracting more and more thoU.B&Ddl each day It is only justice we would have served by sentences severe enough to make this county'• court. highly regarded by those who would offend the code of decent behavior. IT OOULD HAPPEN TO YOU. -Kake Safe-Drivinc Day, tomorrow, your model drivin1 day throughout the yean to come. CarelesaneM of the driver or &nother driver. can re1ult in thil kind of a picture. TIIE CAPITOL WEEK Who's Master, Man or Car? · Because of the American motoriat's penchant for injuring himself or woree and colliding with his fellow drivers or striking pede.trians, tomorrow has been des· ignated by President Eisenhower as Safe-Driving Day. It'a a aad reflection on us as a nation of driven that the President of the United States, govemon, con- greaemen, 11tmaton, legielators, supervisors, mayors, councilmen, police chiefs and highway patrol offlcen once a year must take the time to ask us to atop injur- ing and ldlllng ourselves and our fellowmen. De•pit.e what'• been aald and written about the machine age and it.a aucceaaor, the atomic age, we &1 members of both have really no true part in either. U we cannot master the machines we drive and ride in, how can we be worthy of even greater tecbnJcal de- velopments? Each community throughout the land bu lta 0 . W. ''Dick" Richards who apearhead the annual drive in their pllrt.icular localitiea, calling on their fellow citlzel\1 to let the other driver or pedestrian live hit normal life span. And these men do their part aa civic leaden. But what a commentary on the towns whoae safe driving day projects they head! Why should any civic leader h1l\'e to take time from hla buaineaa or activity to beg you and me to atop the alaught.er! Possibly the answer Lii that man basically la a care- Jeas, carefree. thoughtless being at odd times. And at thoee times he endangers hla fellowman -a penon who could be related to him or a total stranger, yet neither of whom he would like lo &ec inju~ or worse. Tomorrow all of us throughout Newport. Harbor have a chuncc to 11how we a~ maateni of OW' mot or C&J"I!, not the r<'Vef'S(' Pro\'e thill la trut> and we won't have ~ven a "fender-bender" in Newport Beach or Coeta Meea. Slow Burning Fuse Publisher Tom Anderson of Farm & Ranch maga- zine defines Socialism aa "Communism with a slow· burning Cuae." He adds: "Whether we call it Com- muniam, Welfarism or Socialism, it leads to the same thlnft : ruin ism." Probably the best word describing any and all forma of total go,·crnmcnt is Statism. Jt crules an accurate picture. ~~ore and more individual respon.aibili· tica and right~ and obligations are turned over to the state -until the people wake up one dismal day and rind that the state is the boss of everything. NO COMMENT By JAM'ES W. DOUTHAT \\' ASHINGTON """ , t'mrm· 1'11 t11rally, All or lhll acUv1ly tier the 1lory of I hc-\lllll'".' "r "ho by 1nd111!lry c11vHte con11ldtrabl• v.•andf're<I Into onr of tht' oH!rtll mllnpow,.r from lhe primary )Ob of lhe Jnt1rnal Rtv~n11~ !'"~'-1<'t of r roduring 11 prnd11rt Such di· and t'llplaint'd t hAt lhe p111 p<•11 .. of vt'r:onn ~ M p1rt1rularly no II re· h1a vi•it w11• · J11M to nw••t the nhlt' during Worltl War It and lh!' SACRAMENTO, (U.P.) - Talk pu.Uta in the East that Earl Warren may be the Republl· can party standard bearer Ln l9M It Prt11ldent Ebenhower qullJI. But eeverat or Warren'• lonr·tlme California friends are firmly ron- vlnced the Chief Ju11Uct wtll nev· er leave the ~upreme Court Ba.ck In Aprtl. before the Pres!· dent waa 1trlcken w1lh a heart attack, a nationwide poU reported that Mr. Warren waa the tlnlt choice for the OOP nomin&Uon It lke quit. AEFUSES CH.ulOE At U:iat time. Chief Justice ?f'.arren I• 1 u e d the followinl' atalement: "My name hu been UHd a11 a poMlble candidate tor l.he preal· dency. "'Thl.I hH been a matter ot em· barT&Mment lo me bec&UH It n- necta upon the performance ot my dullu u Chief Justice of the ~lted Slatte. "When I a ccepted that po81Uon It wu wll.h l.he fix~ purpose or leavtnr polltlct ptnnanently tor 11ervfce on the eourt. "That la 1l1U my pufllOH. It II• t~able. I wtll not chang~ It under any clrcumat.anc• or condl· Uona. "Be they many or t~. the re- malnln&' ~rul yeera of my lite are dedicated to l.he llervi("e of lht 8upreme Court of the United Slatu. In which work I a m In· creu ln"°ly l111ppy." Dt'apll• the clarity Rntf forth· r1ghtnu11 ot that etatemt>nt. m11· ny Eastern comm«-ntalore 11nd po· llllclana continue to build up Mt,. \Vorr4'n u a pre1ldrntlal r11nlll-l datf'. Thi' United Prus talked to a ulf-doun man who have known the former C11llton:la gov<'rnor and W!>rked with hlm for ~llrtl. Some of l.htl'O' have ~ 111111ocla· led with Mr. Warren for a quar· ler QC a century. All u c:e11t on• ~td that the Ch1fC JutUce meant u•ctly what he 1&1d 1ut April and that nelth· tr the President'• lllnl"A!I no!' any other tlrrum11tance would ch1nge Mr. Warren'11 11ll1tude. Budret u the re.ult of 1Uggea· lion• bf tbt Hoov1r Comml•lon on Orf&lllatlon of the ExecuUve Branch of lb• OovunmenL CoruiJ6trablt ~rngr-eH alrMdy ha11 bten m11de, but much more 11 dulred. 8u1t.nue people aA br· lnit urited to .end In their sug· re1Ucna bu"4i on practical U))el'- lence w1lh the papuwork rtquU. meni.. HOOVER The Hoover Com.nl-1on found that lht're were ao1ne 4,700 cllf· fertnt forms or queauon.nalrea lmpo~eod u pon private cltlun• or bualnt811 C'oncema and that the cost for clerical help, &ccountlng. lt'jl'DI ancl other expm11e11 l'lln Into hundred• of million• of dollare an· nually .•• not to mention l.he cost to the Oovemment of hand· lln1t the documt'nlll. Confirming p o p 11 I a r opinion. the Hoovtr Corr.mlll!llon 1tudy ~­ vealed that: ,.,.,onle 1 work ror ·· I KorPl\l\ ho~tlhtlt'11 when maxi· ..-r l . A lar,;e ni;.'Tl~r ot rtport.a H I• quip, ot n>ur~r rcfl'rrl'•I to mum production wu urgent. ..,,trt 1 equ1red of tndualry by a tht' mnnty hr pilld lht O•wnn· rAPERWORK Govlrnmrnt Agrncy whtn Ute In· me:nt tor tai1r• But 1\ 11 nrten Theo pRptrwork 11.1110 I• upen· torm~Uon wai alreaay •"'liable forgotten thlll m&ny p••nplt' wurk el\'t And don't forg!'t that 11urh ln a.nolhrr nearby Agency. " llUb1lJUlt1al amount of llm~ for o:prn~rs h11ve t•> be erldrd to the • 2 0 u t uanllU t record• lhe Oovernme:nt In othrr .. 11y1 Jlrl<" M the pr1Klu1·t Jll ld bv the • r lq-.. t M o I d lry -were requ r~ r o m n ua Con•ldtr th,. rost In mnnfy 11nd purrh1111er Evl'n It Uie Oovtrn· hi h t !It'd l1m«-or prtpArlng the ''llllt \•nlurne ment buy• th.. rroduct the colt w c were no u · or report.a and other typ•·~ nt pa· t1 rollt<l•'d trom vou tn l.AXM. 3. Lut y a.r 938,000 ~rsona perwork r.qulrf<I by l'n< It Sam. Qr C'CIUr!ll', l'Onl~ nt \he report11 lfncome tax J>&Ylfll were rt'quJr• ~lleve It or not, more tha.n are essenll•I. But f\'l'n thu e ("(! to nle a fonnal rt'port 1&ytnr •.000.000 11mall bu11tnu11mf'n have ml~ht be 11lmpllrf!'d to reduce the they had nothlnr to report. CTh~r lo •ptnd II ptr r~nt to 29 rer cent buri1en on bualnl"Mmen. 'Tben l&.lary wu unchanf'ld trom l.he ot l.helr Ume on p•perWork for lherl' are other• lhal are pure 11Umal4.) the Oovcmmenl. wute and ahould be t llmlnattd Nol t.o be overlooked 11 the facl The demand& on larpr bull· mtlrely. t.htt th ... report& are on11 a pelt ne .... alao .,.. terrUlc. nqulrln& The problem 111 lo determlnt of th• ~.000.000,000 ptec• ot J>&- lh• ualJllmellt or a 1UbltanUal whAt rtport11 llhoult1 W eliminated per crated and handled by lbl &mowit of ptHOftDll to prepare and what to 11m pllryr ThJ1 l.t be-fedtral sovl'rnmf'nt each y e a r th• dealnd f11PON aDd ncorda. 1AI tackltd by th• BWM&& of tM lAl4 end to .nd Lb.e7 would nach One ot Ult moet Ultereatln&' ob- servaU009 came from a lon&'·llm• polJUcal ueocl&te of Mr. Warren'• durins h1a ~ term• u Ca.Uror• n la SoY•mor. "J th1nlc you hn• lo eou11le Warren'• atatement with the on• EIHnhower made to OOP slate chairmen rKenlly that thtrt u no wch a lhlnr u lb.a tndl1pen.1· a!Jle man," thu lnformant Mid. "The only po.ulbl• th.in&' that could Chan&'• hi• (Wa1Ten'1) mtnd would be pruaure from Elaen· hower -and J don't think Jke would do lha t. · ' "1:1.Hnhower many Umu hu eald t.bert u no tndllpenaable man In 10,,.rnment. He'1 applied It to hlm .. it and J would expect him to apply It to other•. "Jt Jutt wouldn't be In ch.arac· tu for tbt Preeldent, U be la p tn1 to nu,.., to come to Warreii And •Y· UI effect, 'Ea.rt, you're the only man who can do It.' " BTllZM l'OINT All of Warren'• old·Ume a.uo- clatee and fr1mda aU-d on• point: that when the Chief Ju..- tl~ maku up hla mind lo 110me- lhln1'. be me&J1• It and he 11 ex· tremely unlJkely lo cb&nl'•· RoweY'lr, one cloM Calllom1a rrlmd of Ult Chief Jultlce aald he U:iou1ht lbere waa a "chance" Mr. Warrm wouJd accept the no· mlnatlon If It wtre vrfl'rf'd hhn "I 11m 1ure h~ wnuldn'l r•m· pA lgn for It." ht1 11altl, "or tnKtlgl' In any pre-rnnvl'n\lnn maneuv!'r· Ing ror the nomination. "But It fke uked him and lhl' nomination w~re hMdNI tn him u an accompl111hf'<! h rt. I think he'rt arrcpt ·-11lthn111th with a grrat clC'AI of rl'lurt11ni·r" One Ca llrornla nrw~p11rrr 1'•11~ tor who hlls known Mr. W11rrl'n for yur11 rr('tntly lnltrvlf'W<'tl the Chief Juattr~ In W1u1hlngtr1n ~n1d Olln L.. Bttbe ot lhl On•villl' Mtr· Cl.lry: ''I rettnlly tBlketl with him In Wuhln(ton and I lefl convinctd t.bat h• hu not changed hi-. posl· lion Ali elated In Aprtl, wh"n he a td he wnuld lt•Y out t'lf r ohtlC'• permanenUy a nd th&l hi• rtecl11· loc was 'I rr4'VOCA ble.' " from the earth to the moon 13 um ... 150.000 r:~PU)l'f:l.:!4 Thia paptrv.•ork rtqulru , M.· 000 tull·Urn" fmployf' .. io • • • 1t co1t. St,000,000.000 a n n u a I I y c nearly $100 fOf' u ch flm11 lv of toun ... &ml thf' rr•·fll•I~ "" hRnt1 would !111 11ev«-n b1111thn1-s I hfl 1lze of the Ptnlllgon You will be lnlrrrst"t1 In know· lni thAl 10ml'thlni; 111 bi•tni.; done 8bout lhl11 ol11n ... At the 111IJ(ll:«'ll· tton or the llrinv1>r Cnmn1l11t1lnn. And wh&tevtr 1111vlnl( 111 11rll1m· plll•hl!d ml'ans tli11l you evtnlu11lly will hAVI lD p11y lhRl murh ll'N ln tu:n. PAT lkOUIRK, s ,.~ rartlo per· former - ' Suecr111 la maktnlf more money to r11 y lh• l&At• you would not be paying II )'OU h11d not m11de ao much m o n e y alrMdy!" . Editorial . Circuit Rider \ By UMTED PBE8S · (A Sympoelum of F.clltortal Comment from California New1papen) ., With the return of Prealdent Eisenhower to work, Callfomla new.papen once again wen1 1peculatin1 on Rt· publican politic• for 1966. Tbt Merced 8un·8lar wrote: men whom we •hould not loee." ''WI th Pruldent EIMnhower'1 The San Dle10 Union Mid: move back from Denver, 10me of "New preuure 11 llk1ly to be ea· tho unctrt.ainty that hu becloud· erttd on PrNldent l:IAe"hower tn ed hJ.I tuture 1lnce the ratt!UI announ('e wht'ther or nol h• wlll bt&rt attack ot Sept. 24 hu be· aeek rt·electlon Such preeaur. 111 cvn to dlaapJ>'ar. F1rm datu now a probable conaequt'nc:e of Ad111I dot hilt calendar. IUoport• from Stevenson'• 1rnno11nr•nient. Bui II UI• capital have It thal 1 o m e 111 •• unju1tlrled now u It Wll( Ume between Jan. 20 anrt Feb. II af'vtr1l we~k• •«O· Mr. SlaVf'naon Ulf' Pruldent will di-rid,. an I n•'t>tl•••t In c1Pt'll1P •'llr•,. Mr f:IRen· mike known whl'lht>r or not he howf'r 110 .. ~ 1111t n1·v.I i.1 Th,• ft,.· Wiii run for a ~COnd tl'm1." rubh!'f\nf •lrt'lhl\ hcl\'o• th• 11 tm11(' The Ontarlu·UJ)land Daily Re· pll\lform !hi' F1~··nh11wo'r pr-o· port addf'd: "\\'h1l«-most prf'f11t· l('rnrn 1t 1 .. th<' ""111•" lllt• "hn tlon.e are that the Pre~itlent l'V•'n· m11.>lt Cin•I "" 1 ...... r .11111 """ th11 tually will takt hlmaelt out ot tht volefl on It " 19~ race, there are other tie· The Turlock Joum11l 1ppl1ut.led ment. worklnr a(&in11l this " Mr. Ela«-nhowtr tor 'maklnr the PUBLIC'S IUND!'o'1:88 office or Presldeonl •onuth1ng; hf>· The newspaper Mid the prul· •Idea a on1·mtu1 Job. Thi• I• a dent's lllneu "brought home lo 11trp In the rl~ht dlrtctlon J!)vwi him the rullz:atlon. ot how kind more of the Prf'8ldfnt'1 reaponir· people can be. This realization to-bllttlu ahould be 1hltled to aome· pthar wtt.h hi• 1tronr 1e111e of one tlftt. rteaplte tht crlllcl1m of duty ml&ht prove a. major fact.or 1ome cruet editorial writer• who ln hit declalon .•. " might think that a hw af· "The only excuu for trylnr to ttmoon1 of golt w111 ~au" the rush th• President lnto an early country to go to pot." deel1lon:1 the San P'ranrlaco New1 The Fullerton Dally New1 Tr1b• wrote, ''It that If he I• NOT going uno aald: ''Wt aJway1 did thlnlt to run, time woullf be needecf to lhe Umt-i.atlng and tedloua Job of 'build Up' anolher candidate Or &lgnlng his name to endleH dOCU• candldatu. But It the potential menta, the H cua number of pub· c&ndldatu are not 'built up' lie appearancu . . . and many enourh by now to ju1llty publlc other minor la•k• art more J*!kY confidence In them, we doubt than neceeury for a man in a anolher two or ).hree month• po1IUon of w ch v ital r .. ponaOtl· would make much -dlfterenc~" hty. The job never can be made Th• Sallnu Calltornhtn : "With almple, or llfhl. But we hOStt the Ule proepect that Pre11ldent E tatn· attorney general and co~. howe.r may not run for a Mt'nnd and people senerally, can find term, l.he battered right wing I w1ya to ahuck ott more ot the ot the Republican party hu bf'. dlatracunc 1tuft -ao the man gun to 1prout new feathers, At better can tend to the maln tuk " the moment. their rallying point NO SllFFERINO la Sen. William F. Knowland of ln an e<lltorlal headlined "lke'11 CallromJa. Jt haa been rtllably Team Carried On Admirably Dur· report.ed he would be a ca.ndldate Inc rtlneM," the 8an R&tul lnde- lt Eillenbower I• not. A111odate11 pendent -J ournal wrote: "We ot the s.nator NY they look tor c&ru1ot Mt that anythtnr concam· him to enter the California prl· ed with lhl weltar1 ot our nauon mary. There are lndlcatlon1 he h.u suffered In any way aa a re· mJ1bt ai.o mal<e a run In Oreeon auJt of hi• lllneH. Thi• we bt'lleYI and poHlbly MlnntlOt&.'' la l.he retult' of Ule Prealdent'• The Hanford Sentinel wrote: nmarkable ability to choo .. o· "It the Wlltte HouM Ju.den who cepllonat men u aubordlnat11 and are Intent on unloadlnl 10me of delegate re1ponalblllly lo them. thJ• burden (on the Prealdenl) Ha hu plckrll &ood mm. A.nd aro 1uceeutuJ, the pattern lhnutd good admlnlatrator that he 11, he be ma.de formal by l11w. Thi• ha.a welded them Into a team ml11:bt aave, not only Preeldtnt where Intra-team ai1t·rrlndlnc l!!l.senhower, but men of great <'aJ-and bark-blUnr ar. virtually un- lber durln1 tent rallona lo come. known." AFFAIRS OF STATE 87 HENBY C. MacARTBlJB SACRAMENTO CCNS) -P~ Inc to lht bureau df milk control. albillty that the 1peclal aeuion ot ruled dw1nl' Ult productr pnce lhe ttat• le,Ulatun , to rwi con· hearinp that hecsrtbp held mn11- c11YTe11Uy With the 1915& budget ty to pa.. throuJh any produur Molon, m ay be opened up to the price chanau Into whole.Nie and controvtr1lal aubjt'Ct or milk prtc· ret.11 prlcea, probably would not Ina wu -n loday when the be leaally proper procedure at lllll lt depa rtment of •Jo.'Tk111ture lhl• t1u1 .. announet-d It will ""k Gove n10r The tlt"p&r tmtnl "'"•" 11t1v1111'•1 Goodwin :J. Knight to ancl11r11! Ult' lhttt r11111111, r prt.c, h11·re1110r- mllk control h1w11 In tht r11 1l. MuM "" ,.ffl'rtm1tt'c1 onlv tnllnw· Al a apct'ltl aes..lon. no •ubJtl"t In~ t\Jll·•cnle rf'•11le pr;rti hr1tr· may be conaldered without lnrlu· lng11 In et••h nr 11\e •t111~, 32 milk 11lon by th" govl!rnnr In lhl' 1<pr· n11t1 k1•t1111< 11r•'ll,. t·111I r11ll. In Mlt11tlon, 11n\' nrnll•·r 1 Th•• h111rn11 1111no>11n<t'<l It 1• 1·011tl\ln,.1I In the epeclnl rt1ll I• .,,,. m11klni.; ~oool rr11i;r,.10• 111 pr<'par• I'll for leg1alatlve •Clil>n In 11ny ()( Ing th<1 nl"r"•llAry CO•~ 11\lrVC!VI In "" Jlhll.MR, Thia n11 .. w1o111 I f!*r• th,. ma jor """ kf'tlnir ANlll• t'lf the mll nny type nC 111111111 ''" lh•• rt,.I•• hut lll•lrl lhl' lnllllfllll••n .,f milk '1inlr<ll IQ.,'I. •'V"n to wtr· 1111,• n• w 11rh~d11~1 nr rtote In~ Ulrm nut. IC 11ny pnrt h Illar prt("H Wiii rt'q111 rr m"'''' month•. 1111hjr1 t on milk I• lnrlul\trl hV thf' ll point Pl! nut th~ ll'1o.1•lat11r .. 111· gov~mnr Im• t •I I wn \'" 1111 '"' 1 hr '""" Rt:Fnn:o rxou"t: I Mt AT Mom..-,· Tht' dt>pArtment of •l(Tlrull11re'• B"Cl ll81! nr lhl11 a1 tua llon. lh• Announc .. mmt fnllowe<I lt11 aC'tlnn burt"6u ••1•1 tl rt'l I~~ Jlrll'.'" mo.Ji· In reJU1ln1t to lni re~~• prl<'f'!I oC fl• ullcm .. "'"> hl!t • '"" lll>f""J Rl l\1' mllk lo J1rOl'.1<1Crn or thf' 8ll lt hl'rnr•• lhl' 1111'\( • nn h,. II• ,.,,nir· Thi' action "''Al tUtn fnllowlni: ll•hNI. 11nt1 thf'r,.fnr,. w111 Uk th" four hfflrins:• 1-'rom the t'vldtnC'I'., i:ovf'mnr tn ~1 rnll II In ••·k " lh,. \Jrpartm~nt '• bur~1111 n( rnilk rl11rtf\ tni: l\mrn•lmtnl to a11lh,,r· control der"1"3 that 1mrh prlrr In· tz,. !'''""'' ,.r rn• ,, 111• rl'111r• P"""· crrll'f'• were not "• learl)' w11r-, lni: thr tlmf' thr """' ,,.~Ill" prlr?•• rantrd" al this um~ t11n ht "'"''"'"r"" In ,.~, h milk llnwever. during l he 0011r11t ot marketm11: 11rra Lh" hl'ar1n11:11. thr d~Jlllrtml'nl rnn Thu• "" th" '"'r. J O by 11n•I Uf' 11~11ln11t a rn:ii: whl<h 11 •u\'1 the Hlllt runt1nu"• to atlf'mpt rn mls:hl have prohibited an lnt'r"ll."' ma lnt'lm munnr•1h-ll1 rontr .. 1 nv- evPn It prlrl'• or fC!t•I 11.nd t1l11,.r tr the •l"1ry 1ndu11try lhr0111h 111 C<•.<11' of pro•IU("Utm h11d wa1r1tnl· lr1t11l r• r1 •11•l 1v•· iit f1111n1 mtn1· ell 11n lnrrr11.w. mum milk prir••1. lhf J11l•1r •'UJH · Th111 WAii AB 2335. th,. rontrn-plk l!rlf mil!( prldng he<ntnf'~ Vf'I ~la( milk bill Il l th!' lfl::.~, lrg111· Thr llfl!'< l&<'l1• 111 W it' Ill Whit h 111.ttve 111•1111lon. The m .. 1u111rl' In ll la rlrarlv l'htiwn thnt , •111•um· p11tl, provldtl for full 11r1tl" 1""~ale f'r• 111 r pn1 1ni:: m .. rr t.n milk h•,. pn r11 he11rtng1 ln each t1rp11rnl!' lllllM! or 11••V"n11ncr11 lnl" '"'"'"" mark,.llni( e rca 11f lhP 11IHIP ttnd th11n thry wollM 11nt1r r lht f°ll •V appllrallon nt n·,.w piov11<1nn'1 n·I· of 11uprly 11nd <1,.m11nt1. rnr 1 h" alive to dl~lrlbutor 11 nl1 rt'IJlll Bur""" ti\ 1111 l!rrl-lnn. 1'111'1 ,r~• I· 1\nre co11l11 antJ rnarg1n1t. tlcnlly th11t II\ '"' taln 111 l'lll' mllk The a ttorn!'y ~"'1tr11I. arrnr•I· 11 In surplu11 READERS WRITE Ot11r Mr. fttddlcl<: Today 11 Th&.nk11f1vtn1 Day and I ha.ve much tor whl('h tr1 M lhankJul. l t>mu~t W111t Mmt trom th• hotrplt&l W a attt m oion, ha I.I eUll qu.lt• wtall but the Ooclor aald he 111 profT•"lnrt very nlcfl)'. The real ru.aon fOI th.la 1,.tt'r lt to try to thanlc Ole many v .. ry kind people nf N"WJ><lrl Rl'AI h, for the hur t wannln6> all' cards. lrl tera ant1 n <1wn11 WllJ l cnll I 1't'C4'1Y«'d after worll nt h11 !Uno• wu publlabl'd. Your ed· ltor'lala tell u11 ot the rrrowth In Po~latlon of our city. 1 wn h~re to ltll you that th' hurt of ll'• people ta much larser than t.ht populllllon could "'""r ~ We recelvf't1 ottn• or u 1111tance trom " many pt0pi. Ulal II 1 11•~1\ them I think yo1.1 ml1ht tvl!n be a Jillie 1urpr""'tJ. roopl• orreri>d fund• .. ,.,,,, tor their O'-' n tmf'rJVlrlea. J never lack..:! for arier dark rldu to a nd frc.m Uu1 h··~J'llllt rc.r Ule 18 d•y• I "''""' hnve olen every rn~al Wllh klnrl folk•. JU•t IO 1 woul.i not ''" 11 l<1n• . llff on t 11 t-11 e car• of lh• y11rd, thf' fl Owftn and PVtn lo rnn c.ver &n•I i.lo 1111y h,.avy l1tt1n1 or nlhrr rhr111~ I might hav,, W•I• numeruua. A~ mlUlV ,. ... ,. .. Walt h•• wnrl<t'(l wtth the ~le (If 1111r cll y, ha wu nt:1t pr8f1Vlld rr.r Ill• all·•111l 11)•111pal.hy and 10<.dv.-tll he re<~h·M We af'1' very .-n1,.r11l to 1111 a.nd U\,aakf'\11 we are part or ~l'"-'Jl<.irt ~A(h. Rtneertly, Mn. Waller E. Dyl()• -1 Alleged Kicking, Beating Ends In Arrest of Costa Mesa Man Earl RobP1 l•. 48. ot 2381 •.., Ro· Frlltay, pollc• aalJ. The· a,.._lt dw Piere. Co.ta Mt!&a. wu Fri· on Trapp took place at approx•· day '" r .. 111.,d on a warn•nt chll{g· malely :>:20 p m. ln1 balluy a.nd boo~<.I In Orange County Jail by Costa Me1<& pollcl'. Ball Wlli llel at 12~ The "''arrant wu luu4'd on complaint of E<JwarJ J Tn•pp or 168 E. 21.t St., Co.ta Meu. fol· lowlnx a vlall to lhti R11berts home Frid.My afternoon. Trapp 11altl he went lher~ In an attempt lo .-mplc.y Mta. Roberl• fur iron- ing an•I hou8~work. Then Trapp claimed RoMl"t• or· tiered 'him to lelln. followed him lo h1i1 car, struck him rn llw fitce. L W II knockeJ him to the xround an<.I ynn a ace ~i':k~1~:.~•pp In the face five or N d N Jnnsllg11t1ng o t t Ic e r • aahl ame ew Trapp'• face waa a maa of ' 11cratche1 and cut.11 a.nd his right t'Ye w11a bloodshot. He wu taken County Clerk lo Hoair Ho.pit.al tor treatment. Mesa Pollce Car Hit in Accident .A Co11ta Ml'~ pollce drpart- menl patrol car 111•&11 tnvolved In a minor trllfflc accident on New· port Blvd. north of Harbor Blvl.I. at l :l :'j a. m. Saturday. Mda pollrt1 nported. Driven by Sgt. Mo>rel NeHb1ll Coe of 21711 Rural Lant'. <.:vet & Mt•11a. thl! police vehicle wH •truck on the lett rtar fender while •topped al the rt!d •lgnal controlling lramc on the .outh- Drlver of the other auto lnvol· ved w111 Julia •Ann Edward., 29, ot 312 Apolena. Balboa laland boun4 aide of the hl&"hway. The car waa reg11tered to Herl•· chel R. Harea ot Columbu1. Ohio, polrce aald. Roberta was arreeted at 1167 W. 18th St., Co•ta Meaa. and SANTA ANA cOCNS)-Lynn ~ked Into Jall al 7:30 p. m . B. Wallace. ~9. of Orange. yf'11ter· --·--------------------------day wu appointed Oran!fe Coun-LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ty Clerk to •Ucceed retiring B. J. 8mlUI on Jan. 1. -----------------------------'"'• 1lender, beapect.acled Wal-CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH lace now 11ervu aa chief deputy STATE OF CM.IFO&NIA county clerk. ' NOTICE TO CONTBACTOR8 The county board of eupervl•· SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City ora n.amed thf' Orange man to the Clerk, City Hall, City of Newport Beach, California, u.nUI 7 :30 P.M. poet on motion ot F ourth Dlitrlct o'clock on the 27th day ot December, l&M, at which tlme Uley wm be 8upervlll<l r Wllllam Hirstein. The publldy openf'<I and read, tor performlnf work aa tollow1: motion waa Mcond~ by Ralph CITY OF NEWPORT BICA.CH, CALIF. McFaddt'n. reprP1l'ntmg the thir11 F or the Conat.ruction of a Sanitary 11Upervl11ori11l lll11trlct. Sewer Main and Connection• Board Chalrmlln Wllll11 Wam•r on North Side of Balboa Blvd. didn't take part In tht' 4·0 vote. between "B" Street and "O" StreeL He 111 Ill. No bid will be received unleae It la made on a propoaaJ form tum- . Wallac" '" & velf'ran of mo1... lahed by the City Engineer. Each bid mu1t be accompanied by (cuh, t.han 24 )'t'1tr11' duly In the county certified or cuhler'e check, or bidder'• bond) made payable to the clerk'• department. He st11rted City or Newport Beach, for an amount t'qual to at leut ten percent oul a11 a court clt'rk under super· C 1011, I of the amount bid, auch ruaranty. to be forfeited ahouk1 the ior Judge H. G. Arnn. He itlftO blddt'r to whom tbe contract 1a awarded fall lo enter Into the contrac:~. waa clerk unrler Supt'r lor Jul1ge In accordance with the provl•lona of Section• 1770 to 1781 of the G. K. Srov11lr. lAbor CO<le the City Council of the City of Newport Beach hu u- Wallare h1111 acted u chief dt'-cerlalned the 1eneraJ prevaJlln& rate of wagea applicable to the work puty rlt'1 k the p1111t 16 yt'ar,.. I tu be done u follows: The new rounty clerk told llll· "SEE ATTACHED WAGE SCALE SHEET" p.·rvlaor,.. "l thank you tor thr All bld1 are to be comparfd on the ba11l1 of the City Eng1neer'11 honor I haven't muc-h to 11ay, H e11t1male of Lhe quanlltiea of work to be done. • J can or r.v nn thl' work 1111 lhf' I No bid will be accepted trom a Contractor who hu not been llcena- oftlce tht11 unt1tr Mr. Smith, I'll NI Ill acc-ord1nce with tbe provllnona of Chapter &. Dlvuilon JU of Bual- be plelll"'•I wt' h11ve a 1plrn•llil neu and Protesalona Code. orth:e r11•w " Plllne may be aeen, and torm1 ot rropo1al. bond1, contrac-t, and A trlhute tn Wall11c:e w a 11 1pecltlcatlon1 may be obtained at the oftlc:e of the City En,.ineer, City brought nut""' ll'nlf>Clr1try c;h1111-,Hall, Newport Beach, California man C. M. Ff'nthl"1l v rr11d a l••t· The 11peclaJ attention ot proapectlve bidder• 11 called to the "Pro- ler sl•n .. 11 by clC'rk'" Mflc-" t'm· po111l Requirtmenta and Conditions" annexed lo the blank form ot pro- ployee11. Th"Y urgrrt lhe 11pp<1ln!· poul. rnr full dlrechlona aa to blddlnJ , etc. ment or '\.\'ull1tc't', txp'111n1n1t th11t The City ot Newport Buch reaervt1 lhe rl1ht to reJ~t any or ''he h11a bf'en lnatrumrntal In all blca. achlrymg th" nH rmonloua tuni·- Uon nt our om rr " W111l1<1'<' 11tlC'n1trd Orllnae Hrgh School anti lhe Unlv1·nol\' 11( Bouth•rn Cl41ifornla He w11,.· born ln Northw .. ~l Ml1111ourl. He nn'1 hla wlrl', Hf'nl'i<'ll''· have two rnarrif'rt t11111i;:hrrr,., CITY OF NEWPORT BICACH, CAWfl', MARGER' SCHROlTDl!lR, City Clerk Dated: Nov. 29, 19~ Carpenter .· Cemeont F inl11her CLASSU'JCATJON Hourly Wage Seal• """ ... 2.90 ............... 2.825 Per Diem w.,.. 23.20 22.llO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICI NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 : PAGE 3 l!=!!!'!'!I 811"-' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 ., p Rflllforcln&' Iron Worker 2.86 Re1nfott1ng Iron Worker F~ma.n 117 •a pt'r hr. more than J ourneymen 1 Laborers, Cent'ral or Cun1truct1on 2 20 Opt'rators Ir Tendeni of Pneumatic It Electric Tools. Vibrating Machlnu, It 1lmllar me<:h· anleal tool• not separately claulfled heniln 2 '1 C't>rm•nt Dumper 1011 1 yd or largt'r mlxera and handling bulk cement l . Cribbers or Shorer. Aaphalt Raker &nd Jrontr Concrete Cllrt'r Jmperv1ou8 M1111br11nt Jo'ine Craoer 1H1way &. Str~et Ptt,·rng Only1 'Fhtgman Sewer P ipe Layer (Exf'll•dlng Coulkl'rl Sewer Pipe CAUiker I Uaing t:o.ulk1ng loolll 1 Turman & Mortarm11n 2 •l 2 :Ml . 2 41 .. 2.39 2 30 2 20 . 2.61 2.39 2.20 Apprenlll't' Engineer, l11rl11cJ1ng Jo'lremitn, Oller, Grt>a~er 2.2a Air Compre11s1.r. Pump or Oenerutor Operator 2.37 C:om•rete or Asphalt Spreading, Mechanical Tamping or Ftnlllhlng Machine Opt:ralor 2.68 C'oncrete Mixer Operator -paving type and mobile mixer , 2.91 <'oncrele Mixer Operator Skip type , .......... 2.52 Material Loader or Conveyor Oper11lor 2.37 Pavement Breaker Operator . . .............. 2.llO Pump Operator ... ...... ... ................. 2.52 Roller Operator . . ................. 2.llO Skip Loader Operator-Wheel Type ................ 2.52 Tractor HI-Wt Shovel Operator . 2 91 Tractor Operator-Bulldozer. Tamper. Scraper or Drag Type Shovel or Boom Attachment• 2.88 Trenchlng Machine Operator • . 2.78 UnJveraal Equipment Operator (Shovel. Drac· line Derrick, Den1clt-Barre. Clamahell. Crane or Piie Driver> ..... Driven ot Dump Trucka or le111 than 4 yde water level . .. .. Driver• of Dump Truc-k--4 yda. but le81 lhan 2.91 2.3015 8 ydll. water, level 2.331! Driven of Dump Trucka-6 yd1. but lea than 12 yd.a. water level •. .. 2.386 ' Drivers ot Dump Trucka-12 yda. Qut lea1 than HI yd11. waler level . 2.465 Drivers of Dump Tn1ck1-l6 yda. or more water level .. ... .. ' .. 2.884 Drlvera of Truck&-LegaJ Payload Capacity leu than ~ tons r· . .. . .. 2.~05 Dr1ver11 ot Trucks-Legal Paylo11d Capacity between 6 and 10 ton11 • . . .... 2.335 Drlvera of Truck3 LegaJ Payload Capac:lty between 15 and 20 ton11 .. . ........ ·-·· 2.485 Blacksmiths ·---·-.... -··· ... .. . .... ········-3.125 Blackllplllha Helpt'r .... ··-.,.. ............. 2 90 Bricklayer and Stonemaaon .. .. • ···-................ 3.110 Brlcktende,r .... ·-··-·· ... ... . ............................ 2.ao Electrician .. j . • 3.33 Any cl1U1SlflcaUon omitted herein, not ~ .. than 2.90 Drtvers "'' Truck.a-Legal Payload Capacity between 10 and HI tou 2.385 No, 117 New11-Pre111 11 /30, 12/7, 19:15 22.IO 17.1() 19.28 19.28 20 4tl 19.28 19.12 18.40 17.80 20.08 19.12 18.00 18 00 J 8.911 21.44 23.28 20.111 18.911 20.80 20.111 20.80 20.111 23.28 21 .4' 22.08 18.41 18.88 l&.08 17.72 21.48 18.4' 18.118 1&.72 25.00 23.20 28.80 20.00 211.80 23.20 19 08 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2so and it will run in all 4 iuues A Minimum ed i1 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Newa-Prflfl9 Monday, Wedneeday and Friday edltlou, Plua the Coastal Shopper, Wedneedays DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preaa ia guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papera be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedne9day and Friday. It your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every . MonclaJi Wednesday aad Friday ·COASTAL S OPPER -Wednesdays Ooutal &bopper Acla naa la tlN WedMeda7 Newa-~ ' Unee 1 luertloa $LOO add'L U.... .%5 ea. 4 Unee 2 lmertiou 1.60 add'L Unee .2.5 ea. 4 Unea S luertaou %.00 add'L Uaea .!6 ea. 4 Unee ' lmerUom 2~ add'L Unee .%6 ea. st~ Wuted AM wW reeave H'9 dlaeo98t. Cull I.II ..,.__ .U,. IUNDflJJI AD 18 ' UNE8 ainting Contractor Ucmaed -JMUl'9d "Complete PaJntinr Servlc• at reuooable pricel" JAKES, Harbor JSltl( MIKI COMPLF:I'E PAINTJNQ A Paper Hangtq Ser-rice EUGENIC O. 8AUNDD8 500 l11t Street, Newport Jle&cll Harbor JtTI or Har. ""· lto PAINTING M. W. ROSS LtcellMO LI 8-Wl JIO A YOC&do, Ooeta )I .. .. u. Custom CABINET WORK Done on proinlae• No job too .malt Phone KI I-SUI Painting, Decoratiq Paper Rustnc GEO.B~ LicmNU!D OONTR.AOl'Oa 111 w. 11th St.. oa.ta x.. LJborty ...... Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a apeclalty Wat.er heatarw on Umo ~ 2819 Newport Blvd., N.wpert &h. Har. 5385. R ... H&I\ 6H7 ... '7oM Alcohollca ~ Wrtt. P.O. 8-- Nowpoc't ...... a.._ no.. Ban. '"' Gl!!OLOOIST worklnr downiow9 L.A. wanta to start OI jota ., pool from N~ X.. area. Har. 53&6. IT• NOTICE OF HEARING AppUcatloe No. S'1S41i BEFORE THE Pli1'8LJC UTILJ· TIES COMMISSION 0 ,. THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County boundary 1111d, In the ennt It I• determined that the public lntereat requlrea eetabllahment ot euch aervlce, tor authority to ntabll1h rat,e. tor aa.ld utended 11ervlce In Ueu of prcaent rata '" the arflU affected 1111d to cancel and withdraw me~e toll tele- phone 1ervice ratt'I now In effect for .aid routea. All ci.-uw Ada .-& M ,.W for CAM la a.dvueoe of p•Mlc:MSoa. Tbo pu.bllaben wW not be ~•ponalble tor moro than one incorrect 18--Beaa!Z .&Jell ilaertion of an ad, re.aerve th• rilhl to correctly clualty any and aU _____________ .. ,. In the Matter ot the Appllca · tlf)n of THE PACIFIC TELE· PHONE AND TE LECR A PH COMPANY, a corporation, tor detennln&Uon whether the public Interest require• the eetabliehment ot ext.ended 11ervice over certa.ln routea In Orance County and por- Uona ot Loe Angelem County which are adJa.cent to the Orance PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS ad. and to reject any ad not contormin. to rulee and r«SU)auona. ;!'!I!!rf1UOU8 Hair DEADUNll8 for plM:lJlS or cancelltnc ada an: U7 ,_,,... llraa fMe For Monday PubUcaUon -Frtday O p.m. a,_, lop. .,. ...... ._. ForWedMOda7 PubUcaUona -Tueaday 1 p.m. Un. .... pof.-Mo _.. tw1 rtz1 For Frtd&y PubUcaUOn -Thunday l p.m. EU..D 1. •YA.In' a. & NEWPOaT BUBO& PVBL1811JNO 00. U do'a 8&loa ol 8-1t7 ....... llTt till ....,_ Blvd., N-pol't 8-dl. C.Woraia. t11 NoTic1: rs Hll'J\EBT mnN Classl.a-...a 1-...1-x that the Publlc Utilill• Comml•-TISU llUW •Ion ot the St.ate ot Oallroml& 1 F\menl No~ hllll Mt tht' hev\nc ln the above I Oard of Tllaaka entitled matter beroro Comml•· 1 Spedal ~· I ' I'....,.. PlredGft •oner Cra.emer ..... W>amt...,11 ie • 111111 a... P'..dwa.rda for Thul'9d&7, De«mba' 15. 19511 al 10:00 a. m. In th• 11 ...,... Miit ...._ County Welfare Bulldlnl, 19ant& 12 Bulldtq 8emcee l•P-h Ana, Callfomla, at which Ume 1111d IO 8laanl v .... c.,. place aU lnt.erMted partlea may It Trall.portatloa appear and be heard. 11 Rooflq BY ORDICR or no: PUBLIC 18 Beaut)' Au. UTIUTI.ES COM.MlSSlON %0 e.aua AJdA Dated at San Frandaco, lhll 8th U Lolat -4 P'ouMI day of November, l&M. U Sellooh. l.MlrueUGll R. J. PaJ&llch. Secretary 28 satuaa-Wut.ed Public UtlllUes COlnmlulon H Help ""aatfod or the State ot C-&llfomJa IO ~,..._ No 88 -Newa-PrMe 11/30/M IO·A Swapti IO-B AppllaDca No. A·H621 U W-&ed to Buy NOTICE TO CILEDITOM IS Fanalhan for 8elo E1late ol LEON n SANBORN. 12-A Aatlq-~ceued. u 8-t .. 8uppllee H Muelcal. Rad.lo, T \I NOTtCE 18 Hl:.RICBY GIVEN J5 Doc .. Oata, Pete to the credltora or anct aJJ peraona II Pol&ltry having claim• apiNrt Ula .. Id n Uveet.oek decedent or 1&1d eetata to nte St Autoo \\'ut.H them wtth tht neceuary •ouchera '° Aut. for 8aJe In tht> ornre of th• Clerk ot the .. A n,_ a Parta Su~rlor Court or u.., St.ate of •t Auto !H'n ·lc. Callrornla, In and tor the County u Trallen ot Orange, or to p~nt the 11&me, u Atrp'- wllh tht nece~ vouchers, to '1 Wuf.ed to Rftt the undel"lllrntd a t hll ~ her J>lac• '8 Apta. a 110-fer a.at ot bu1lneu , to-wlt: '8-A Apta. for ~t Sny<.ler and ,,~her U-B a-for 8-t 1124 F'&lr ~Avenue U-<' Trailer 8~ South Puadena. Callromi. '9 "-9 for ""8t within •Ix monUw alter the tint 4t-A RMt e- publlcaUon of thla noUce. U-B ~ a Botlrd Dated November 25. 19!)5 60 "-!, Mhl<'. J ORDAN L. JONES 61 8totte .t Oftkee 6S·A 8-eHr a-IAh Elwcutor 1 ot the Eet&te ot M .,_._ Oppom..IUeo uld decedenL Nil. ~ 66 M_.7 to Loall Ill Mo.e7 Wut.d Ntw1-~ 11 /30. 12/7, 14, 21, '55 61 Reel Estate WuW CERTmCATE OF 1u·s1~"'1:SS •.,ctltloae Fina ~- 68 RMI Eetate ~n1rtt to lnf'Oll'MI Property l&-A Commertc.I. llldu•trtal 11 Rt.I l:lllate l:x~e 12 Ree.I !Atale 8pedal NoUcee The undenlKned doe• hrreby r trt1fy that he 11 ronductlng a boat building. 1erv1clng and repair· Ing bU11lnt&11 "nd 1elllng of boat hardwar' 11nJ equipment at 220· 26th St. Newport Bf'ach, C111ifor· nla. un1lt'r lhe fltUllo1111 flrm nam!' of MF.SA BOAT • HA ROW ARE snd lh11l ealrt firm I• compoled ot the f o I I o w I n g peraonll, whoae n11mu In tull and place.a o.t ru1dence are u tollow1, to-wit: lf Newport Harbor C. W. PHULIPS 220-211lh Street ?\twport Deach, Callr. Wllntaa my hand thl1 2J1l day ot November, 19:15. ,II C. W. PHIU.JPS STATF. OF CAUFORNIA COt.:NTY OF ORANOE , .... Of 0111 21•t day of NovembeT', A. 0 l~. before mt , ROBl:RT ~·. WILLMES. a Notary Public In amt for the 1aJd County and State, ruldmf lhtre1n. duly commlaelon- ed •nd fWUm, per90na.Jly appear.d c:. W. PKILL1P8 known to me to be the peracm wboee nama ti 1Ub· l \Tlbed to the wtthln ln1trument. and lh'knowledJed to me that he txt'CUlt'd the Mmt. In wltncaa whfreot. I ha•e here- unto llll!l my hand and a.ttlxed my otrlclaJ 1teaJ the da1 and yaar in t.hla Certlllcate tll"lt abo,,. wtitt•n. B. P. 0. E. 1767 Me.ta e·Hry Thuraday I p.m. Via oPorto -Central Ave. Newport 8o&cll Albert B. Kattbewa, .EltaJtod Ruler HAULING truh or~ Anythlnr . Anywhere LJl>erty 8-2140 HUcpp ·CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO I.KALL R. o . .A.Dd-- 101• .. Balboa Bl•d... 8&.lboe ll&rtlor 24e0 llttc CEMENT A Bun.DING .All Kinda FREE ESTllil TES ~M108 ... CARPENTER Repair Work 0... T OW' Home l'f..O ~ OI' .._~, C&ll Frad. Ubert7 1..-cK All Worll <>uarut..o 1'tfo Rd. 011 Spreadln1 Drtv-aya PARKING LOTS Sub-d!villona our apecl&lt7. Wo SCHOOl:, DAY. OR NIGHT QROCllRY ...._. Md Mm.AT waz;•r• .,.. .. -u.eo .- waek. 308 Bpurpoa. lluta .A.aa.. Ph. Kl J..aOO. Hc48 LEARN Practical NUnUll' • .l:anl '8-11• daily wllJJ• tra!nl"-. LAmbert 6-TOJl. latte China ·Painting D&7 .... llC\'elaC a... Ordera Talr9 Mow -...~ ....... ..... tumllh any type oil t.o you.r ~ l8--8ltaaf'-W..W clflcatlon. Laree joba -amaU Jobi. Free eeuma tn. AIM> wa- ter 1prudlnc. Modem equip- ment. l..Exlngton 6·4008. CU- moro A P .. e. Hunllnflon Bcb. 5ttc WORIONO molhera. chlld can la my home. Newpon B•rllta a.rea, LI 8-7974. Hdl lRONINO, will do ,.,ur l~ la my home. llaoolloat ~ General Contractor _u_a.-_7-365--"'----"-paa_ W CENSED IDCPICR. CMn~ attendal\t. Cu New Wor k _ Remodeling polllh1nr. wuhlnr, lubrication, 1tearn rleanlnr .ti v.ndenoal. J. MILTON McKENZIE KI 3.9233 17cH Harbor 6399-W ~tfc GENY.RAJ.. HOUSE cleWntf "7 hour or day. We do a.nythtnr Painting, Paperhanging better. Har. 0802. McU "The Fineat Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar :112 38th St., Newport ~a.ch Ph. Har. 2404 or 1M7-R. Utlc FOR RENT Skill 8&W9, DK. Ortll.I, Pou.ban. au lYPu of Sa.nde" WllMlba.r· rows, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2130 W. COAST HJCHWAT LlbertJ 8-3U5. Newport Bch 28t.tc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I lni<tllll the above c0heaper than m<Hlt.. Al80 eell Tiie A Linoleum. Non-union. 2~ yt-llra experience. Compa.re and 11ee - BJLL COKER llar. 4795 or Loni Beach 7-l)973. 89ttc Painting It Paperhanging We do the work ouraelvea. 30 yean nperten~ l..lcenled A lnsured. Saliltactlon fUarantttd. EltlmatH tree. Call J obnnt' LI 8-2687 A LI 8-5289 81tlc H.H.HOLBROOK Roy's Maintenance Houae c1Hnl.Dc-1'1oor WUlal' WaJI wub1nr-wtndow c...,,h!S Venetian bllnda. Upllo....., liaured. f'roo s.ttmM .. Libonr ,_au. Swedish Massage Ladlu . -by appolatmeM II your horn•. Formerly m .... uae •' .Atl'O rtl • e ~prl~I Hot•!. Pleue call Harbor tTt6 ~ ~ 70. ll°'41t CJ..l:ANLNO .ti IRONING boy LM day. Experlenoed. Balboa ~ preferred. Kl 1-eoH. ti Experienc'd ~ardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-lMO MAJUNE DIESEL ENQIMEJCR. unlimited. H. P. llcenae. WW •o •n)'Where. NOW AV AILA.BL& Salary open. U 8-7933. Mpll DEPENDABLE PLUKBING BABY •Iller, m•lure woman. 87 ' A P?-ompt hour, W.y or w"tk Oood ref_.. ~pair SerYice Main~ t'nre". Har 0741'1-J. l hO Phone: Hubor 4C24 -llOl lteJbo& Blvd., Newport BHcb ltXPJ.:R IF.~<'ED w h 1 l e ooupl• pAJI Wllnl 8 ltra. C'lt'4nlnlC & day, -------------Al•o cooklnJC It Hrvln1. Ila• "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY • THE NJl:W m•chlne proc"N mtth- Od, flf'a9Q.n1ble prlce11 A Ye rage 2 tape re1ldenlraJ blind Onlv $1.00 cellent took. U i-4411<1 even1n1a. 17dt RELIABLE JAPANESE· A MERIC A ?i WANTS GARDENING IN HAR· BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATT 4-M71 321 AMlllCAN A YI. Pia. Hlmlodl.7·120J /A/ R081CRT 1'. wtLU0:8 My Comml-'on EaptrH NovmtlMr lT, 196t W.U..'r"I HOME R~AIR .. ...tc.. Carpentry. palnU~. paper hanS· tft6, upN>lft¥7 • ..... mm. ,.,.an. LI MUI. 11,.o Bllnd.I repa.iN1d and rtbUllL rr... Pick up and d~llver) Work done by appolntmant Phooo l..lborty WT01 GARDENING N.,, "3 N.-.. ....... U;U, IO, U/T, 1', 1111 .. lamMrl7 l-UT4. nu. Tans clean up. ...... lolma7 E r - - ,( •• I• .. .. It • ,. I I L ,. " ' ~ I • ' I ' " • ' • • I , ~ • . ~ • ~ . ~ • ' > f t ' I 'I" ' / ' I M-l"nrntt•,... for "-le _,, ___ . __ ---PAGE '4 • PART 11 -NEWllORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEONESDA Y, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 S::Wfllp wuW j -u I W .__. ••• "'-"'P anu:ou LOOK AT THIS AD • Earn $8 • $1 t daily Women of all asu duperately aMded at once. Eun while you I Journeyman Machinist Milling Mnchine Operator Turret and Engine Lathe Operators Boring Mill Shaper APPL\' BED SPRING and MA Tl'RESS, eomplde :....Sl0.00 WASHING MACHINES -········-····----$12.M ap Tbe.e and a thouu.nd other hoU8ebold barplu. Everything for the House-Fu.rniahlDp, To)'9. Badioe, Clot.bing and Sboee for the mtln family END OF YEAR WIND UP ~See These learn pracl1c11l 11urs111g. H11h llChool educa tlun nut nee<.letl. , Call LArnb .. rt !'1·152\ or wr1le CAREERS lN NURSING, Dept, 15. •ot8 \\'.-Commonwullh, FUiierton. 33Uc NAME TAKERB tor Laguna siach A South LaKUn• City DtrM:tory. Good h1.nd wrllln!' eufntlal. Write 20. E. 4th room 7. 8&11t.a Ana or call Kl 1-3881. 23trc Shaffer Tool Works 119 N . Pomona A vc. BREA, CALIF. JAsper 9-2 I 34 :1111'40 Real Estate Salesman-I ~~1-L~:::A For our n~ut office -a fh1e rround-noor opportunity. Our Fresh · f-tC';· riP ~ A id Incentive commlMion 11cht'dUlt' BA "M"ERI F:S favora tho.e who 1l&y with U8, We Give S&H Grc-f'n Sl:tmp• those who produce. ann those Ounclersnn 0 ··1•'7 Co active In ll1tiJ'lJ. We are frlentl-• • ly and cooperative and we want •t:un St Al r.:i tbr1 Ah'd. llrtho~ th• •am• from you. I Harbur ~lii ---98~ I Bay le Beach Realty, Inc. I HOUSE FULL O!'" FURN.-Stove, • 31130 Eut Cout Hwy. lar~e r<'~rl!'_ .. limp~, d111~ei .• ll.n· Coll'OD& del Ma.r Harbo 6249 eM. ml ru. !I. hrlc-n ·bi . C' c.c. r 1108 S Uay Front. CalbO'l 111· ADVERTlSINO nnn wanl.11 ho1111e-land. • 3<MIS DUNCAN PHYFE 9 ptet't• dining All new material patterns or hit and miss ~cc our sC"let·tion of imported china, English blue, secrw ry and vine Ii wheat in brown. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 111 3 so. 111:\lN ST. conONA CORONA '778 ~ioVING ABOUT JAN. 1st INTO NEW BUJLDINO WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE Order Now! Personalized Christmas Cards SPECIAL THIS WEEK CHA :\IOIS Cull skin. Oil tanned <111Jy • 53.110 wtv• wlth clear handwrlttnr. Make r ood money llpare lime. Write !HIRLEY MITCHELL, l29 S.lmont 8trMl, Belmont. ).(.... 35p43 1u•l Ill:<' new, l I ru, fl. Philco ALL SIZf:S, ALL PRICES S.A F"ETY bl•lts, a.sat. colorll $7.911 SA \'EON Qt'ALJTY TOOLS,.Seta & ln<ll\'ldual pieces. '"&IJLO CARJ!l wanted for 8 yr. old Jh1 atternoona after e<:hool. Below Hwy., COM. M)' home or )'OUl'I. Call Har. 112U day" or Har. 6303 evea. 37c39 ref rig. with rrcf'zer, :; pie<:e Repreunl1.Uve will call at your chrome brcn !:fil sl : el, 2 \Villon home. velvet ro11e brip,r ru'?R. One 9 PHONE Har. 1616 or liar. 2263\V x 12 It. 12 x rn Make offer or 22p42 Newport Bnlhoa Auto Supply 2108 Newpurt Blvd .. Npt. Bch. 3Mc40 will t r:>de for ci;r. llur. 3810-R7' - 35c38 CHRISTMAS SPECI LS I SINGU: STRANO REAL pearl• ------------A 133! grad1.ated 11ize. Valued at Recent additions of aeveral diaabled 'Nt.-aD per!IOQ• nel-who have completely refurtdabed. "juwa.at.d and placed In top condition everythllas l:D our atoN make aa M1 '.!rf6'-i WHAT THE BOYS IUCBUILD" VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E. 4th, SANT.A. ANA Open Friday and Saturday until 9 P. K. S2-Funtlture for ~ . EVERY DAY 'til ·Christmas Day ~BETIER BUYS at Bay ALL NEW CHEER UP THE UVING ROOM FOR THE HOLIDAYS. I BUY AND SELL EAR.LT AllllllUICAH eut. oolGn4, ,.u.a 11&9--l'mdU..-....... Uque turnlture &ad ftDI ell1DL THE BIG OLD JUllD BARN Ill. l'IRBA.NI[ ICI 1-1M1 11111 BarW iaYd., OU-. am. I llolD rINll OU> DRUK TAm.a. _. pletely lnlald fJonl ...... Pv- t• condJUOG S•(A). lot~ llUl 1953 Ford Ranch V/agon U,bt blm. ndlo. heat., fWdcwnetJc, new ttr. .. Oaly $18'5 t 1955 Plymouth Savoy . · 11 V -I Oub cpe .. automatio tnMPDIMlon, ll 6 B WSW, amt.om ll'OU.P ---poee 1955 lntemetional Pickup Truck ~ ton. U,ht snm-... ''BUDdnda" 1 ~~~·:ew~a•:~o~----·-···· .. ······· *8 • 1950 Chrysler W.ndsors 'dr. eed1nai 'naouaanda of trouble free mil• left -thne to ~ 'from -·-·-·---······-····$M5 We ati1l Jian two factory fnieh 1965 Cbryalera that mmt So! You cu aave hun4red8 of doUan Clll one of U.... 25 W'EEK VI ARRANTY ON ALL CARS LOU REED and ASSOCIATES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coast Highway LI 8-3486 MARQUE'M'E Ar<: Welder, (new I 3 hp Air Compressor, 220 Volt 1ln,rle pha.e. See al PATCH'S 17th St. al Placentia. LI 8-7~8. BJG SA \'lNCS on 11evernl :.. ;i:i..:·, ptano:1 mahogany. walnut, maple. blonde and FrenC'h P 1•0· vincial c11sC!I. Liberal t r11dc.1 .. Convenient terTT'l!I at $13()0. M11ke offer. Write Box M-!10 this p11per. 36c38 8 Piece matched sroup complete, l n c 1 u d ea I u x u r- loualy comfortable aofa A chalr. 2 11tependl, 1 coffee table, (Neva- mar topa) 2 3-way mod. table lamps. l 3-way floor lamp - Choice ot aet.a. $289.50 VALUE, AT BAY .... J199 It.. Newport Bieoll.. Bar. CK40 --~-------------, ------- ARE YOU TIRED OF -P'IGRTINO CROSS ·TOWN 'l"RAJTIC -ROUTINE INSJDIC WORK -LOSS or PAT FOR VACA- TIONS -NO CHANCE FOR. ADVANCE· JoOINT Apply 1030 E. B'lrat--St. Santa Ana. Mon. to ll'rl., 8:30 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. BAMBOO DRAPES 2ltf CUSTOM J.lADE: ANY SJZE Price. Starttng'at 21c a 8Q. y(l. Beautiful New Wo\'cn Patterns Fol' All Decor" Kirsch Curtain & Travers~ Hod• •See Them On OiJ1pl11~ In Our Slcre SANTA ANA TENT Ii AWNING CO. IT ... 8 PC. PROVINCIAL BEDROOM SHAFERS 1Slncc 10071 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santn Ana Phone Kimberly 2-06';2 Designers High Style Fabrics & imported woolens at coat. MARGIE WEBB ~ 195~ S. CoasfBlvd., Laguna Beach ~~~~:de• 8 drawer double !!!~=~~-!!!~!£.J~!~ft!!PR!!!!_ __ _ WESTERN OIFTS School It We11tern Wear tor Boya and Corli 2-16 yrs. 37tfc dreaaer -pewter pulll-large tramed plat• mlrror-booke&H last Day headboard. llookon met.al trama. U .S. Koylon 2-way foam rubber mattreaa, (platium label) top J UNIOR WESTERN SHOP 1810C :-.lewporl Blv<.I. t In Arcad~I CoHt.a Mesa. Calif. 38c40 BICYCLES quality hand tied box 1prinJ. SALE $339.50 VALUE, AT BAY '2•11.~ OlRLS 26", Good cond ........... $1:1 NEW, 24" Boys .... • $U.9{1 CHR STlJ s USE OUR LAY·A·WAY for blcy-ll PC. DlNETTE SET-I MA clell A ac<'eM<Jr le•. 30d0 mica top ext.en.lion table, 4 ORGAN SPECIALS! Schwinn Sah•s le Service foam rubber .eat c~. LOVELY Ulled Hanimond Sp1ret Newport Balboa AULo Supply ff6.1!9 VALUE, AT BA -S-8.18 Ends~ Nov. 30 20~. off $2550. OU M -at JOll l'UCW'l'S. •t:M•klh-.... MM N..,..t ahod., Ifft. -.n-llt. . SANTA ANA -Hu tnteratlnr out· of· doon 1g28 s. Main Kl i-3:>45 Joba for hll'h aohool rradualea -------37c39 In perfect con(Jltlon mi; '1\ g 2108 Newport Ulvd .. Npt. Bch. . · d 111 8 a&c4o DUNCAN PHYFE DROP LEAF DEMONSTRATOR model. Min· • TABLE- Oft all ltM boat. 6 Johllaoo O. B. Motora. llclt ... PLTIIOt11'11 .... 90DdlUoa I\ 6 B. LI I-~ Broad- _.., 0. K. &"-l :IO p. m. lb() 11·•6 with aome mechanlc&l aptitude. 6-d&y, •O hr. _.eek-. STANDARD STATIONS 37cU i< .. openlnr for lit...t.Jon Saleamen lsu is -3:1 ~County 5-Day -40-Hour Week Hlrh lll&rt!nr pa,y ltxcellent Benetlt.e Good opportunity for A.dv~t A.ppq STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Cout HlpW•)' Corona del Mar Ciapman and Spedra Fullerton - 1:30 lo ll :SO L m. Monday • Thutllday1. MEN-WOMEN OROCER Y cub1erl and MEAT ~pen. MO -fl~ wffk. IOI Spurgeon. 8ant.a Ana. Pb. Kl 1-aOG. ... Ad 0... I~ - 32cU Beacon Personnel 100'9 employer retained &leDCJ NO rD collected from applicant ua-u., N.wpw-l 8e&cli HOU&ml:Pl:R. Uw In or out Attention Knitters WELCOME to my-new -,hop. Come in and help me build toward your needa !or ne~lecraet. Sit N' Knit 313 .E. Ba.lboa Blvd, Balboa 32tfe SELL ON TERMS arr. DELICATESSEN cue. 11110. 0NJ: 8 f.L retrlcvat.or --~. ON& i&rr-commerc. rdrlc. 170. 1 SCALES. 185. 1 GONDOLA 12l\. C&lJ owner Ll 1~223 momln&• or alter 6 p.m. lltlc firewood Phon,. day or nl&ht Kl 7-4890 23ttc ONMORJC Auto Wuher work• rood. t!f.t::.-133t w. Bali)na I Blvd., Balboa. 38ct0 20 CU. FT. DEEP freez~. 100 player piano Roll8. chlldrent aand box, bMyY cal. ateel gym. ML Har. 1303·M. 38<'40 ROOM divider by 'W1ddlr<>mb Sor- rel flnllh coal $61 () .ell 1200. AuU\~httc old cupptor ple('t'l\, :-ll'W Simmon• day bf!d. C&ll Har. 383& 9 •· m tbru. 12 noon. 38c 11hall Spinet organ -like new.-ACCORDIAN llallan while 120 27 x S8 x H extended-Mabo- Save $200. bllNI, :i iwilches like new. $lOO rany or wheat ton .. So. Coast Co. 31 ~ Amelhyat Balbo& laland $96.60 VALUIC, AT BAT .... HT.ti() ONE ONLY E'l,.rlronlc orgnn ~69:1 " • · · M.-por\ llmL at llrd at. Liberal lradtlll C'onvtnlcnl t•·• nu Rar;,bor 6M S. &le LYRE BACK DINING C1IAllUI ITcll 1..0 HUD80N t .,i. Mdul. Kot.cw (A small drpo.'\lt wlU 110111 nny I SERVICE for 8. Spode china A to match above tablu. pinno or. orran Cgr Chrlstma.a I Hawkes crywta l REA!!ION· $19.96 VALUE, AT BAY -.. SH.50 _PRI_Cllll> __ ro_R_Q_Ul_OK __ LU.11____ l'OOCI ~ faO.--IO'TI a.at.a rolnc OYUM&& 1t ft. .LA.P· AD& A•e.. ea.ta KeM alter • delivery). ABLE Harbor 2488-R. 38c40 SHAFERS (Sln<'t' 19071 ---GAS RANGIC S8" DIVIDED TOP. STIUllAK DINOllT -1Ul f~ -p.m... llcll outboard. 14-l for be.y or ott TmAft DROP ..p trails. cwt-421-423 ~. Syt':\l'l'lOlt. S:rnlll Ana CHILDS SIDEWALK Bll<.E. JOOd A~to oven heat control -non .ibore flablnS. Kldlt c:u't mp-t.olll built. all IMtal lncl\ldlns Phone Klmberly 2-0672 condit1on $12.~ Kar. 8007 IN'l\Oke bToUer pan. ch ro m • Orange County's Orgl'n Hdqtr11. 37c3a h&ndl•. ._ thi. on. SlA 11~ ft. CAT· wind e&bln.. lllxClllMDt Ur-9. RIO ~ BOAT With Mila, •erJ 8b&rp JlTI -"8 IU._. ftbeJS'uMd hull alm1Jar to T~ Ooroaa HtpJanda. -SO-B-A~p~ces~~~~~~!l-~P~l!ance9~~~~­ USE0 APPLIANCE BUYS O'KEEFE & MERRITT gas range .. .. .. .• . .. $49.50 GAFFERS & SA TT~R. white table top gu range. Very clean .. .. . ... ·-···-·· .. ·········-········ 79.50 WHITE TABLE TOP, gas range, griddle, oven control ···-·-· .. .. ............. $74.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late modtl .... $99.:50 PHILCO Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. ...... . ..... $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 7 cu. ft., very clean $99.60 SERVEL Ref rig~ left ha.nd door ......................... $89.50 GIBSON 6 ru. ft. .. . .... __ ............ $79.50 KELVINATOR Refrigerator 8 cu. rt. Deluxe .... $119.50 DEXTER Automatic washer ......................... $89.50 KENMORE Wringer washer ................... -........... $49.50 EASY SPINDRYER .. . ... Special Only $59.60 ALL OUARAN:rEED WAS HING MACHINES, AUTOMATIC AND WRINGER TYPES SEVERAL TO SELE(.'"T FROM ALL REASONABLY PRJCED-BUOGl:T TERMS-FREE DELJV. HARDWARE co. $139.60 V ALUJ:, AT B.A T ...... SIS Bay Furniture BnoW'llUd '100. N J: II D A C.D.K. llclt MOOIUNQ OR PADDLID ------------ BOARD! We've ,.ot that too. 'd FORD chlb oovpe. W8W Una. lll VI& DlJOllo Udo. Hu'. UT0-1\ h•ter, PM• LI Nl.06.. llc.o "Where Prtcu Ar. Hald At B&T' 11• U7 E . 17Lh ec.ta X..-------------'U ftmD LUICll W ..... ,.,._ ~ Stor.!ront ParJdns Terina MOORINO, a IO te U ft. eomlt. ...U.. I\ 6 B "°1al IDUt# 0 Ev 't!I 8 IMlat tor -.... Ot.U Barbor W... ww I t.ooe ..,.._. Orts pe.iat pen 8S. N ter or Loq 8wlll. -kd 6 taplllollt..-, -bee...t•te 6·11M an.r f p.a. 11p11 ..... to .. to 4P atde No tu er liem. b7 OWMr. W1ll BUNK BEDS complete (8lm· l'OR aAL&-Lehm&D-10' -a,. trade, OI' baDll ---. ~ mont) Na. Nev new dannport lot ooodJUon number UO. ImlertJ •llCN. ~o makee into bed '6(). Chrome bar 1tooll, '3..00 •di. Phone Bar. CllnDe fltUnp Dacron Ml&.-NJCA.T, two•U.. 'A ..,....u. •091 tor &JIPL to .... or oaU ~ OO¥er. 'hi Bu. 3000. ....._ &Miio ... ....._, .,..... Harbor 898' after e p.m. 1eca1 MpU drtft. nry pod U... ., ..-. -------------•· XUIT 8111...L o.D LD9V BENDIX WABHl:R '60: oft! TRADE 1-1111. J:fta. l.n.t7 1-Ttn. DREXEL mallor. din. tabJ• • ..... & chair. $16; Drexel mabor 4 8eult.ltu1 10-ft. -.a. llCllD••· po11ter 1poo1 bed 140; Dreul ExceUent for ~. WUll& mahog. Jil·Boy U.6 ; B1ondt propert)' or •mall• tloaL 1JIO drop leaf din. table A ' match W. B&lboa Blvd., H.-,-t.. Bar. roa a.u.a depotltt oa M 'nmll· ~ Delt.-.ry '--allout d ~ ~ 1-1111. llo60 ch&1r11 $40, Green wool rue A 1032. lltte pa.d l~X:l8. 190. New dbl mat-------------. H •s '2\ .... T v true • boa •prinp. IHI. Har. y echt Remodeling 41 ~2-J. 18p38 • Service ClllA.ND PIA.MO CbrWtmU ... KU' 116t6 alter ~ p. m. 3&e31 FOR SALi!: Avtu r). wdl hullt 38c KNOX 420 East 4th St. Santa Ana KI 2-2336 FIVE ROOMS of nea.r1)' new Msple tum1ture. A1Jlo re!rlJ .. At•to w&3hn • T. V. Barbor 5286-R. S8p40 Jo&nerworll -Retlntelq ~· "'-~ Har.ilM-W ....... MaaJ woedarful be.rp1U, tam- om makea, 8t.lnW&)', MUClll ll&alln. Kna!le, etc., Mthaed fl'Mt beDdl 181Wed ,.._ PIT ... RLU. ESTATIC 8ALl:SMAN JIA VS openirl&' tor locally .._. pwleaoed Saleimnan. JACK BRENNAN. Realtor 8320 W . COUC. Hwy. Npt. Sch. Llt.rt.1 .. 7173 OJJU..I - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! 33ttc Our D-, ~liar •l.artln• w-.e and frequent lncreu• r1vea you thla opportwut7. Open.lnp now. tor- 'l'ELEPHONE OPERA.TORS We wW trala you and you'll re- "'" 11tany olll•r benenu. -Apply - lH~ He. Matn Street. flm. 211. Sant.a Ana. t :00 to • -00 p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE A Planned Future U berty l·C>'.l2~. rnlACA 12 CU· F wt. pump cun. PolychOkf A Cllff on comet or Dewalt Saw. U 11-5863 J';p38 )\.HIRLPOOL automatic , .... drytr with automatic Ignition Reg price 12811 96. S&le pr Ice Jl99.96. Fr" lnalallaUon, No down, 2 •9 per wk. No payment until 1966. THRONSON'! 181{1 Ntwport Ave Coeta M..... LI . 32-f'urnlture for Sa.le CLEARANCE SALE BEDROOM SP:TS Brand new 1955 apphanCt'I 0 a. 9 DRAWER dre:ui«-r. mir ror. PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIALS NEW 1956 TV FLOOlt /ltl':RCHAl"l)l~E book1·"" headbo&rd, Crom 169.60 TWt=-: MBple bed w it)) mattreq 'It Norge. Easy. ABC. Whirlpool Automatic Washers Save up to SlOO Norge Refrigerator!! ~ave up to $125 hox tlprlng, only . 169 60 ea. 6 &-9 IJRA W!!:R maple dres.~~r with mirror, from -.179 50 WE ARE SELL.ING OUR JU>OR BillPLES AND DEMONSTRATORS Living Room SeUJ • Modern & Maple WESTINGHOUSE 21" Blonde Comoloe -~-•. '219.90 AS N'ICE A Lil"E u you would Regularly $299.9(5 rind a.nywherE>. With our low wllb your old TV Wash.Ing Mach·1ne <l''"rhrad you'll ~ surpnnd how WESTINGHOUSE 21" Mahogany Conaole _ .... $239.95 O'Kee!e &. Merritt. Norge mu1·h "'fl can H\'e vou. PIP&ae I Re Tappan, Wedgewood Rangc.•11 11111 .. a tonk Jt wni p11y you. gularly $339.9(5 · r.oOI" TP:RMI' w1Lh your old TV 1-yur ruaruttt on Job• dont Sa\'C uµ l o S60 1 Rf:TAIL f'l"RNm'RF; BROKF.RS PHILCO 2J" Con&<>le with Golden Grid Tuner. ud on UMC1 wubrr1 ~•II '4 ! o L" ,. E • I • fll"ll r rl•iOY ·"'· Kl 3-2439 Alumm1Zf'd Picture Tube plua Tint-..a GI··· $21n Nl (natl Newport Bl . Lue~ M..,,, Norge & \\hlllpi)fll Dryers 31•1 31 srurir,.nn s11n111 Ana · o:u .....,, ..... -. .. • .., Liberty 8--4503 or Liberty Save up to Soll I J 4r39 ·Regularly $339.95 8--432'7 , 64Uc ,_ -v.1th your old TV ~OTHING now:'\ & 21 ~tus TO Mesa Woodcraft PHILCO 21" Deluxe CoMOle. Alum.inized Picture Tube, PA\" OJ'\ T H£ Allll\ f>: F:o..>t"IPM"r 1• 1 1 • J 1 L-N°w M1cro-Gn·d, .. s-na • ~J:RVIC!' PHILCO 13 cu. fl. rt'!nger1.lor. 8i npll1n ,., uvcm c r'urn1 1ure " · ..... ............... . .... ·-····-~.•v ~OM E sTu..1. 1 :" t 'R" n;~ Ch . t S . I 1 Regularly $34.9.95 r1s mas. pec1a s. I wllh your old TV l'OSmON with old eatab. Co. I lb. ecroa• top fr~f'ur. F.:icrlu~h·e Bu.lld a bn.alneu of your own. I Philco t'WO-'"'•Y (!oor. 20 ~low !Upeat M IH, food product I tr~:r.1nc temperature 4'933!l !l!'I JAKE'S APPLIANCES Jlla'll-t Income bracket. 8ub· 1 No down paymc-nt. 2.'IT ~r wk. ataAU&l reUnment plan. No THRONSON'S 181:\ Newport Av" JaT. LI 1-67'0. 29"42 Coata Mt'sa tt rlNDB c&btnet maker wllh u · ~ tn seneral woodwork. Work In • out ol 1hop. N•tn_. -Si>-d A: Accuracy wU1 t1ua111Y you for a perman· •t poeltlnn ~lb l'OO<i pay. O'KHFE • MERRfTT ranee. ·:i5 model i...mp A clock w1lh uven • 10:\7 H11rbor lllv.t I I.I !1-l\l\114 c·o.111 Mr~s BR.ENEMA.N'S CUSTOM WOODWORK teO w. 1TUI It .. Bids. No. 21 Ooeta Kaae. Callt. L1 8-8041 3IJ>40 SXPDJJINCIID wa.ltn• wanted. timer. Chrome grill bruller. i nd Ulat Wt up top. Used one !Jl-~\'aated to Ruy month. $149.80 cuh. or pay $8 ~r mo. lHl W. Chapm11n, ore.Age. KJ: 8·0817 tf 1• REWARD $!IO.OO fur any wuher l ~ on Jlllrchue of a new H.Amllton a11tonlat1( wuht'r. plus a nf'w chain drl\'en trikt'. No down. No peyme.nt Lii 1966. THRONSON'!! 181:1 Newport Avr <..-o~l a M~. tt wr: "' ,. ANYTHING New-Used or I SH J-:1.\'l!:S "Pl<'e 1'r<lm1rl11, m111t8· '1.1rw 1 nt·k~. lloll furn l~rn<lh!s. hutch"'· <"hP~lJ! 1 chlldrtn • L11hle & rhnlr .Sl'l.... r hlhl'I' 'RllAtOn rnck<'r,.. ilniJ knl'tholc l1e11k11, toy l'h1 '"' it•cvt\J ~ablnetA. l ""o our ~y nwny plan 2121 H111bnr, CM L..lbertr 8-18'1:1 BERKl!!Y GAY 9 plt'(e ma.hoc. ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGB DA VIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd ., Coeta Mesa -<11nin1r !Oft. A1be4t o11 pad A leavu $60 313 Am~thyat, B&I· 84--MUBlcal. Radio, TV M-11...a, ~~·TY, boa llltLlld Har. r13r'6 38c PRA("TICE Jn&11oe '811, 590 to OfOAN. 1 m.ctrocdoa 0rpa aoow omly W5. All meotno e>rpa. Sof'l1ebody Wants that UMd tumtture. bne-a -brac, t'tc .. now taklnc up 11>•C• ln your l lrUJrC. Ml. oal7 J7U. Lo'tln7 0rsue $18.'o. Splnet type mlrTor piano 123'1 ~ a blond beauty. llaalell tt•rm1. S19!1. All woaderflll '1&rpln&. OAN'Z·SCHXlDT, 1110 No. Maln, DANZ-ICHMJDt, 6JO No. MUI, Stull& Ana. 100 plAlloe to chooae Banta Ana.~ from. · ---------'-----U'Dfft ...... llmal ........ D~Ul'J', UO Jfo. Mala, 811iltaAAL DAMA.Gm> la _..,.... I ~ • .... auo. D~. UO M .. Jlalll, ..... A-. TV REPAIR rA8T IDVICla. R&A.80KA.m.m. le"1c!e .a. UD t .... LI e..QOI ti JU:NT. ,. ... ,_ ~ All t.'1ll ~nt .now.t. Oood pru- Ua p&anoe tram SI per -~ i.i tM ldddlee ....... DAHS-.aDIIDT, 620 Jfo. Mala, aui la An&.. Knowlton Electron1ca TV ANTENNAS (ca..r a.m -Bl a.Ill) IMftA.LLllD eompltll4 w >""" Mt. $9.95 u 1-QOO, 11 IN. a. 0.. A. VJCTOll TV ~ ,,_ ..en, OOOD _. .... .... -.......... Appl.J at &NA.CK SHOP, :2308 &. Oout Rwy., Corona de! Mar. llU Ll.KE NEW 111:,4 OILffen·Sattler Df'ht..'1:«' ~ 111. 111 1 a.n11re. r hromt top. griddle, high broiler all Abused GR.ANT~ Find 8 buyer wHh t" Id ln N_ .. WA NTED> LOw priced pra.cUoe Prue Clanlfled. J utt phone Hii.r· piano. LJ. ~21• Uc40 ~... oa _,... Jae ..,. -----------------~ ~~machine optinton 6 t:r&mmna. Cb11p· mu Watar Sport.I !:quJp Co .. HtT~ a o.lt JftlltW&)'. Co- 1 rem& Ml Kar. &6c:IT bor 18J8 A 111y: "J •·ant to piece • ClaN1fled Ad," and a courteout WAR SURPLUS a uto Co• 139'. Bnpln $179. lT:i<> 448 RJvera Terr•<-• Cenma HIJl\· 1 land& C.D.M. aldt Nf'WJ'°rt Blvd . Co.ta M"'8 ad.·l&Jttr .-m l\•lp you \Po'rlte an -To l"f'nt " hou.M or 11111 • hou ... LI l ·OU I 'ftttttve ad. lhf' 111mplwt .....,. to f111d • place to pxp 1 Uvt, UI lhroup the want ada.. _....,.., ... ou. ..... Prcmllda1. nae i. a ..._ flW blr •WIS· 0.-rrWq llAP'- DANS-8C1DCIM'. -Jfe. 1111111. ..... AM. . " ,- GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '•9 GMC 'ti t. pickup 'DO BTUDU.ucmR 1" t . pickup 'DO DODO.IC % t . panel '111 CBJCVROl.ZT ~lckup '112 CHEVROLET % t . pt.n•I , •u DODGIC % t. pickup '114 GMC % t. pickup, Hydra· maUc trana. '50 CHEVROJ.ZT 8' t. pickup '62 DODGE % t. pickup '114 GMC % t . pickup, Hydra- m&Uc lnlna. '111 CHJCVROLET 1 t. C .. C '•T OltlC 1 % t. 12' van •.a INTERNATIONAL Kl, B·L trana. I :20 Urea 'Gl INTl!RNATIONAL XXX I., 180, J apeed, 1:211 tlree 'U OMC COil, I L l 'tt'' WB I apeed. 1 :16 tlrH. w. bava the aar,...i and cle&ne9\ MlecUon ot UHd trucu ln .Or aftS'• County. You will aave Ume &.11d money b)' -lnr ua tint. W. W, WOODS GMC DEALER llll-lt m. •U. It. Sant.a Ana 0.-8unday A. M . Tnadt JIM.dquarten for Oruice Co. aacae IL\Usn:N·WATSON SPORTS CAR CB:N'l'D JA.OUAR. K.O. AUllTDf·B&•t&Y KOIUWI Al.IA aOXJDO AU8TIM Rlll.DUJ'T 1f .. cu ...... a.nt~ a.a UMd ~ .AU llU•. lnl- ported ~ Doni.Uc. llOl ao. lU.IN IT. IA.NT A AN A KI 2-47N JtH ILUUK>R BLVD. 008T A. Ml:aA LI 1-6061 ti '66 CHJ:VROLl:T delWle I C)'l, 6 ctr. Bel Aire. power ~ 6 ~ SU)' J:ye ...... aipM Bunt radlo. aJ~ now b•tar. ~ I.JOO aillM. Pnnt.e ..ner. ll&r. 6060 ITcM New and Ueed TRUCK AND Pauen9er TIRES t-Hour Recappin9 ... Serviee C.om~ Brak• .. ,Ice AND l'ront End Allpmat ROAD ARVJC8 ,.,,..... ...... ,,.. Youn tor Ule ~ HOWARD RYAN 801 • 809 W. lit St. llAHTA AJfA m ..... SARVER roll BRAKES lllf• (llf ORA.MQJ) OOVMTY 1T YR.81 ......S .................... 11.M ,........ ·" I -r ' ) - · Johnson and ~on Have For You Wide Selection Fine Cars • Priced Branp Right New Bank Terms No Money Down '55 Merc's. - 2 Montereys Save $900 \ Save $900 4 Doors -Choice $2598 '55 Lincoln Capri, Convertible __ .. ____ ....... $3698 ~wered -6000 miles, original throughout '54 M .. c. Monterey Coupe __ $1998 Radio, H eater, Overdrive .• Black Finish '54 Mere. Convertible .......... __ ... ------·--· _ -$1898 Radio, Heater, Mercomatic, Power Window11 '54 Ford 4-door Custline ............... ··-------·--___ $1496 Radio, Heater, Fordomatic, Like new '54 Lincoln Capri Coupe ________________ ........ $2698 Fully Powered, All Leather, Hydramatic '52 Mere. Station Wagon ·--.............. $1598 M'ercomatic Radio, Heater 29,000 Milt'•, Extra Clean ' $3498 '54 Cadil(ac "62" 4-door ............. . Power S~ring a.nd Brakes, clean, one own er ' '53 Ford 2-door Custom _ .................. __ .... $1096 RadJo, Heat.er, Fordomatic, original black '53 Lincoln Capri Coupe . ·v-····--. Full Power, &ll leather interior '51 Ford Tudor ------------------------------........... _ Radio, Heater, Fordomatic '50 Cadillac Coupe ---------------------- Cle&nttt. in To.wn, Locally '50 Mere. Club Coupe '50 Nash 2-door '46 Dodge _ . ...,,.., $2098 $ 798 $1698 $ 695 $ 195 95 •7-Wanted to Keet Rentals Wanted We 1'eed •PU aad boq,eea lll all ~ tor botb wtat.or and ,..ar'. IMM. Fun!. Or Wlf\lnl.. u 7ou be.•• • •e.c:&11c7, --· The Vogel Co. 1201 W. C.t. Hwy .. Newport Bch. Phone Ubl!rt7 14481 to8 M•r1ne, Balboa laland Phon• Hubor 441 U81 It. eo..t Hy., Co~• del -.iar Phone H•rbor 1711 II L1<10 Otf!Ni, 34111 Via Udo H&rbc'or <1.1n1 \102' Cabanas Marinas • Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch . DtligbtfµJ Jiving. OFFERS Apt.-Cabanu. with UtiJiUcs paid. Yacht slip accornodation.e. Daily. weekly, moothly, yearly. CASH ..• FOR TRUST OEl:DI \\'&1. 8 . HOLT )(ORTCAGE BANKINQ Sr..'C!I 1"30. l&Oi N . DUSH BA.NT.A AN1 Kl:MllltRLT 1-7111 LOANS for Homes o"-ao n . 1-1111 Construction Loans SEE DOB liTTl..D :t&t~ EAST COAST BLVD. ~.-------------------------Col'OCl& del Mar B&l'bor 1111 For appt. or reservntion, Call Har. 2992. 34tfo Ne .. ·port s 11·d .. Cll!lt• U btlrty 8·6697 ' ... -Apt• for R•nt 48-A A I f R t Rep. POIR.aR. KORTGA.Gm CO. U< C...-'..-'C-"-'~~__c:.;___:.;___:.;___ ___ __;;;_.co...=P~~··e-0."~'---"-'~"c....---1 Met.n> Ute Im.. Pm4ll Kl. 1-011.5 ...,, \VA ~'Tl!:O :t bdrm. home Cn1t11 P.ff'&11. m1111t have dbl. g1r. Pr•- ft r l11ri:~ let. v.·1u glv~ Jl:'co<I c•r• • be ~rmMfnl . He•·e :1 thlltl rPn A-<101 . LI 8-793~1. I • 37c~2 ---- "1.oice Winter P.entale 1111 Balboa leland & Lido Isle Small A caay ur tar1• 6 delU•• a1.5 to '300 monllti VOGEL CO. Lovely New Studio Apts . l'nu will likr the quiet con,·enient location, the heatrd swimn1ing pool. the friC'nd!y atmosphere. Be glad t ~ show you anytime. Ken Niles 1 021 Bayside Dri,·c Villa Marina Har. 1800 32c45 4~Room.... r11r Ren1 NO COMMISSION No Appr&i&a.l Fee l!IALES -REFIN'ANCll coxsrnucnoN C•JJ for Frfll Fast Commitment. on Re•ldenc•• uid UnJtl only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th Sl COSTA MESA Lt 8-~541 Ll IB-eM2 !~Ap~~_!?r Re_••-~---~------·!----------- • " NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER lO, 1955 U(lsurpassed -View of Ocean & Harbor NEW I BDRK. -with ...i..!vo oeclualon plua ....,.......,.. __ ~ Manyblt.tnfea. "--~ ~at Sf~,'ll!O -Euy ......_ BAYSHORE . DeUghttul Redwood boiu -3 bdrma. comp. turn. On extn. larp lot. SS ft. new br1ct patio. Partly ooftfed -& Tery comfortable home -or excellent lncome property for $2f.,MO THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Udo, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4n;2 Eves Har. 2191-M ~ar. 2998-R. LI 8~297 or LI S-3()-1 0 TALK ABOUT VIEW! , From the BIG living room (19x28} , trom the din- ing room and 2 bedroom.a. Y-. outatandlng view or the ocee.n, hilb and THEN .omo. t:rom all thene rooma -Alao a den with fireplace (one in Uvtng room, too) 2 full batha. Many e:rtraa. ' yean old. Coron.a del Mu'• ttne.t. Only $~,000 -Terna to malch. 208 Martn.e Ave., B&lbua l•lanJ Ph. Hubor 444 or Harbor :tll)l Rei. Har. 1716-R or H•r. 3&.>!1-1'1 e•tt<: D~:Luxi.; n1od»rn furn ~:111110 11 r t. Ul•lltiP.1 1u1icl $i~ mo. COr<•lll\ dcl ~!ar. liaf'. 08[,J-R. l·ltrc * * R. L. STRICKLER, ~~~~~~8;?~f>d____ 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar EJ\'J()Y LJVJNC: on the Ot:<'l.ll 2:\'l> THl:!;T oi::1,:o. II yn., er~ 1----------------------------- Realtor Har. 2774. ATI'RACTJVE land 2 bdrn1. tum. Ul\Utle• peld. l or 2 ch!ld~n La.undcy room. B L U E T 0 P APT. MOTEL 403 Ney,·pott Bll'd. Npt. Bt-•ch, Juat •bo1·e the Archea. 74t tc ·---------~...-- CHAN:O:F.:L f>'RONT furn•~h··d S:OO m/J. ll<'all Ownrr a.pt. N""'port. ~11r11ge 11pt. yrly. Ooo.•k I. 6 1~·3601, f'ront. K(lrht>nrtte arts. & r1na. !ntcrc:;t 1:::100-$.1!) 1110. -t or;;. \\'Ith pth'"t'" ba!h. ~!Ill<! a .. rv\r,e. d1aco11.n1. Ne\\·porl Haight. - TV. ::306 \\'r11t Oce11.11 1',roni. LI 8-28:?9 art.:.r .5. 36c38 • Hubor 6(){ll, 3ip39 * * * -:-:-:-:--::-~~~-r~----------'~-sEE THIS LADY alone /la~ TOHIU tn nice ----------i so 2 BDR!'.t, UNJ.'t;RNlSUF:D SHARP CORO.-.:A DEL ~!AR triplfx, flrtpl11ae. g11rb1111:t d111p. J br 11n(I cC1n•'<'l'\1b l" tJc11 a pt. hon1e for en1ploycd lt!ly. 1.l. 8-~6~8. 2\ltfc "''•t~r pd. yard rn111ntalned Luxur1oual_1• furnlxhed. Ful!y BAJ.BOA PENJ!l>SUL.A R-;;,:;; Owner 272 Bro•dw"Y· U 8-2776 1;arpoH<'<.l 1dl nl'"" l!c:11n <'lg. ' 3lllc Bi<r. Ille k>t<"h. 11nd balh. Gfl.r. --utilil1c11 p1111I. Sl30 rno. CALI. BEAUTIFUL un:urn. 1 bedrm. M rll H llllbeq.: Mar , J6Jil. or duple•. Fl'nCed 1n patio -192 1-:\·r.s. Har. 3[,;,~-H. lSp~O 811.llta J,;a bcL c t.1 . K ~y •l 2~l7 ----__ _ __ Or&nge, H•r. 2336·\\'. 311•·40 l'l.~:ASANT k notty pint', ntud10 TWO aEnROoMCN:L-;;;-= 'ir 11.p\. Ta.!!tt'rully '"rn, f()r <'\'<'I')' block et>nter r.f Colll• MPii>! 1'1.omrort -n•l"t' n1•1i.:hborhoo<1 160. Llberty 8-7714. ,1!k·10 17th St. ,.._ O~-.·An ... 'ront :!nJ _ houir.e nn n 1:l1l ""'"J for coup!,·. I•~ 1nr l .. ut1l , Harbnr 41 13-\V. ..... u h 11r!v11 te b11th • t'nt!'nnct .Ap•rt.n'lfnt bu1ld111g. llil.r. 2·1[10. 33tfc O,\:E OH T\\'0 bdnn•. w ith hume pr1v1leJ!'.t.9. \130 Arbor. Ll 1!-:>!l:i~. after :. p. in. :J6tfc ROOl\1 for working man, 16 un<I $7 per "''t'ek. l'rl\'llle en\0·;1111 f . 123 21:1th St , ?'\(:"'port r·1,1fc 57-Real FAitate Wanted. \\'ANTED by pri'l'ate part.v direct t rom owner 2 bdnn. or 2 bdnn. & den hon1.,_ \\'rite full detll.\111 to liox No. N 8 1 thl• p:iptr. 36p38 60.o\.-Commel'<'laJ. lndust.rlal FACTOkY-BUJLDING, C-101111 tn !ll·l ~one. 70x3~0 ft. hH fecea '"''" 111. 3200 eq, ft. bldg. on front por\1011.. Le•,.fi-1. A11k!ng S'.?IJ . .'.>00 low t .. rn11. Call LOU UOVNT0:-1 "·tth Eil.RL \\', STAI\.LEY. R"allor B11y11lde !Jr. & Cool!t H .... ·y. NEARLY NE\V unturn. duple• 2 bdrm.-hwd. r1,,. -f. a . hc11t -pn. patl(l-Jl:'&raii:f'. C D J.I. 110~ 1110, Call Harbor ti::.tl-R after 9 p. nl. or Har. 168~-R. 1701 \\'. 01'e:tu F11,ot. N<'Y.·port 49-8--Room &: 801t.rdl ____ I:::---:::---:--::--:---:--::--:--~ B•·aeh. :1sp40 ---:.. -RoO.\l & 0011.rd r,.r rlo.J,.rl~· Jlt'Ople Gl-Rfal Estate Exchange H11.r. 3~!17 or i;;.:.--<'vc11. H"r. 2871:1 J::.trc FU RN'JSH~U APT , I IJP•1rni. n""rl In prlwt1<1 h .. n1". :!4 h011r t t<rt'. Uu• •nd B11111h~"" c,·nh•r A l!tll KlnH>~r!y ~-liOK. :i!lc40 two l bt<lrrn>111 >1Jlls. on \\·a.-1-------'--------- YOUR Ho 1'1 E in Amenc1 '111 ttr!tont 3';'!JG C::hant>I P tar ... 53--."tore5 £: Orficetl V ac• t ion 1pn1. R EDECORA T -Har bur I'..' l 7 ·J i9t '"'' i ::::.~~;;;.:;=...::;-"'o;_c;,cc ___ _ ED 2 bedro!lm. ui~. thr rrnost. 1----COAST JllGll\\'A \", ne•v btJU<llng, MIO •'I· tt. offlet . Su1tsble In· Burance. •ttom~y . .:·tr. l~O n10, he.et, p.uo. garaJtt'. 180 ye•rly. I N•;wit POltT H TS., l bt>drm. ¥Pl. un11wn. 307 J3rLI. St . Harl>r•r unturn ~xct>pt 11to v" & • rt<fr\g• 4308-J . 36c38 GARAGf. \ r\.\' <>11ly $.f) ~."t.i -\\'.,1tm!n1~ter. LI s.:.;11s. 3~i rc Rl,;SS J.'ORD, W 8·61 41 . 2\ll~ .&HA-Apt.a. ror Benl RENTAL ,t SPECIALISTS Call ICdQ.a Cra.11 Blanche Gates, 3 l I M1r1ne A•~. •b•lboe Lll•nd, Har. Hill Rltr. 7lltto ---- Crown of the Sea Motel In Corona del Mar Con1ror l•blt' t<.l<:Hn• • \c.l!1•hrnflle .. p:& TV ---LIDU-JSLE~----S.\fALJ'.. O"'"'ICE for rrnt. Hu!t- •blt real .. •tat• or lnauri1nce, '19 Balbna Ul\'ct, C•ll tt11r . 4~18-BACHELOR •nil one At tv.·o bdrm. •P~ Sh1,rt t ern1 anJ yearly. ALSO, Lido Hun1e1 a.II<! Bi.y •'ront tlomea 11.11d ap11.rt1ncnt•. e New Offices J t tfe s~~a ~;:LTY ~:=!•.1:;'4 Available. ti9llc • ideally auit.ed ror prores- -------------a1onal or bw;incs11 use. BACHELOR apt nicely turn. very de1treable. r(lmpl.,tety private, xu•¥e 140 1no -31 1 &larlgVld t.•orll.U• dt'I '-f111r. J6,·311 Located in - Harbor ln\'cstment Co. Bldg. 30th & Nt.'wport BlvJ. WA !>.-r_c_·_o_L_o_R_, -.-.,-,-"-,,-,-.-,-,-,-~ 1 Har. 16-00 St>1· URGE: I bt'<h'oonl apt.1 ------'----------- lf CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL? HO\V A FJOUT A Tl"tADF., for 111a.n- •J:::t>r'opw11tt>o.J l'lt'ar 1ncon1e prop- ttrty ....... 8t t-lhl of IA• An&elu. \'11.l ut>d Ht $~.000 wtlh ovar 11 0,00tl • yu,1.r iocon•e A low f.~['t.·n~e. A n1 retiring & sm ia- te>rPlllC>ll 1n Hay Front pro~rly. "'ill t n1J e l•Jl fir down. o ... ·ner. \\'£bater. ~961 or wrlt• 2907 South Coch'nn AV•., Loe An- Ktlt• 18. BROKEAa U<VlTllD ' EXC l·lAXGE C HICAGO SUBURB hon1 e fur lv< at or So. 0t.11r /nnLI or 1•ro1><'rl)'. f{cc•·nl 7 -roorn r1·1.nH1 trllevtl. t1l(1o.Jern. •l Auror!l. 111 . prlc• l li.:.<J-0. I.ow taxes. C:lt>ar. In· BUI .-L.J title poliry. Trade •vtn t:ir d ...... ·n t orr el,.ar Calif. propt'r· LIDO THIS BAYFRONT IS HOT! , M ft. Pier and &lip privilege. $29.500. CLYDE MEYER, 307 M&rine, Balboa Is land 38c40 TWO WAY MAGIC! The out11tanding duplex buy in Newport Height ~. Two bdnn11. t-&ch, lovely living room. dbl. ~nrugc11, carpeted floon, stucco, red~·ood & brirk C'Xtcrior. What a locaUoc ! A view ot Catalina f rqm your up- per home AND what a price at $22.500! No Joke, Better Hurry! THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI S-3481 PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE 1 • :5 SUNDAY 2017 E. OCEAN BLVD. ap4CK>U.,._ ....... 9IDd oul -riui 6-W ftae .,,,.... bl a qu•lll7 -prot~ed ~ of t lJI• homee. S bt'• .. l '!£ N tlu, Jwcunou• patlo--(12 tL lot. - Bt1nl' your cbecllbook. Prlced to •• u. BIB T.his ·Ranchy twQ ~ and d-. hame wtD help you •utm0t1nt I ha lnaur- moun~ble. Jta work ... aver tlt'C• trio llltchf!fl "1th all the ~eu,, pl111 llpholete.red brukfut noolc will r.ci1Jlel• J OUT h OUHkMplnl' Jn many "''"1• ... And' lht:re la • halt ecra of lan<'I v.1lh horN con-at.a aad dDir kt:nn111-•w price •is.soo wHJI jU1t 12M>O dn. $ '51 More. Convertible, Body Man's Specie I $ 295 , 1)11y •••••tk -rnonthly ratr 2&00 £. Cou l H ... ·y. H'ar 319• 33<'411 futn. <•1rJ•t't .. o.1. 1·t .. ~• 111 11r 1,n1y, JH~llu, J:1'to•):,. '''"-'IV ·~~ Ut1L 1r1r1 21 1 33••1 SI 1i11r. <t:I08·J Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 53-1\-Bu!ilnt•ss l(l"nl.al~ t.Y. Hi.ix 1\.-i:i til1• Pt.Pfr. 3:.pil --1---------------12804 Newport Blvd., Npt. S.eb C(l r. 19th a, Plarenu:i. C . "'· ,.., R .. al~!i.··.·"t! ______ 1_,_,u_1_P_u_•_•_•_• ____ ...._ ___ •_•_<_O r~~u•I~ ~.ed~~~~Y aot For The Best Cars -Best Prices -Best Terms Johnson and Son Lincoln -Mercury 900 Wea;t Cout Hwy. Continental l~I 8-5545 Newport Beach -Opcn evenings Motor Overhaul NO lotONEY DOWN * with this ad * e Cylo. ______________________ $48.88 8 Cylo. ---·-------------~-88 lnclude• both !"brlr •nd r1u1•. Xtw r1tu:11. •••r1~t fl"'"· v11l•·e ~nd, fltt1nc1 or mau1 i nd rod tie&rlnfl-l!:l(pert n1C1lQr 1une!up, fO-d•,. or 1,()(1() mile 1(1.l•rai'ltet'. INO W01'.EY 00\\."XI, REBUILT ENGINES -1.,'1' to l& )10:'\'.THa TO J'AY - Bu!lt In our own tactory by ak\lled mi:.~l'Ulil.8t.t. Don t cl')nt~nd wit.It th• m iddle n1a n. lluy d1rt'ct . REBUILT e.nd INSTALLED &HORT BLOCK J.'ORD ·-·----------······-·-··· 1 1.29.~ CHEVRoLrr ..... -•. · .. -·-··· llli.:,O l'LYM. 6 00001.: ........ _ .. ___ ll~ CHRYS ... OE SOTO ··--·--1170 STI:Dl!:BAKER ....... -... 1170 01.DS A PO!>."TIA C e -·-···--1170 bUlCK ..... -·-.. ·---·-··-............ _ 11 1~ 1iUDSON ------·-·-...... _____ I 1 7~ Loan C.r f"ne T~ln(C NE\V CAR Gt.:AR.A.....-TJ:E l.loc:k n1u1t mHI our 1t1.nd1rJ1 P!Ull tUe•. 1:ukrt11 Mnll Ull Open Suntlay JO a.n1. to 2 p.m. BELLES EN<;;INE REBUILD~S ~n Ol.111 I to 1 Stau Boad.-d *PORT ORANGE* TRAJLER ~ALES and SUJiPl.IES 22<}0 \\', Coast Hiway. Newport. Beach 1 .• 1 S-4 t20 ·~2-1.~· Happy hnrut' $.'>~ ·:, 1·3~' Tt11 1·,.h.'~". lil'"'' SZ39~ '.'.>•·ll'i' Hnottlnul."\,.r 2 HR !'1,.,·,,.1 ·:·:I-i i ' 1•,.r,.m1:1unt A1.t d>•• !'!Int '.51'i-2t' T,.rr)', \\'111 il"lll <Jn th•- PAN AMERICAN f'•r•moun1 -J\cnell>ll Travfl~l.f· Tt1 r )' BARGAINS f:N ;">~:\\! T lt AILJ·:RJ'I '66 8HASTA 2'l't ft all n'<~l,.rn tw1n ~J• 'l'll'i TRA \'t:LEZE lll ft 111,Ht,.rn ':'.1.5 11~:At:v.-.: 3:'1 ft '.: t>•»lriu 'ti.5 ROLLA\\' Ar 3:'.> n z 1,.·.1rrn '.52 STAR 111 ll """l"'" BARllA I ~~ I:" V:-;F;S • 'l.l\AILF:H!' '.52 )IOIUL CR.t:'ISE:H i ! It . 2 ~trm1 '.'JI AU. AMi:RlC",\,-.; 2: II ITIO,><! '4/t 8CH l:LIJ: ;/Ii I! •,.nu-m"'I •ot \'AUA lJ(.,;".'t.> z: tt ""'"I· modern A l-Y• 1, !aq(f UM'•I Tra llrr~ 11.m rfnt •ll. ~l"l,.,·uon 9f ti:"'"t Al•o :.;,..,... •·•rll · \\'t>11t ("011•l Tttil r r S Ait'• 2101 S.1ulh .\ta1n Kl 2-31i -:' 0"'11"t Rurt A lA'Roy ---------~- 36c38 FOi{ Ri,;S'T t"''o Mnn, h•Jnl<l o...-• -~ BALBOA 181 .. F.. )' .. Arly, lo•·el)' ---l•IO"o , _,,,, ,., •. , 0 O"<'l" I•• .. , ..... ,.,,,, •Pl ... ,,.,,, furn ,-.;f:\\lf'QJ{T BF:AC U-nne n .-drm. • ..-·• ,. . ..,. " "' 11'Y O\\'XER COl~()XA ! •J·;L ,\!,\H, ~ ....... • " I) I d •lorl!I r!)Orn 4r two (.fl1~" llJ!U• •'>I, rf11pon111b!e ;ou1pl r~r:ovn, •~ fu rn lip! SS ino. yr\)'. ln0•·3u t'a $1 00 rnuuth. O rt "r!l r1·rn A•'o•· modern J u11hl1r• & ga.n•.:e. lh•r. M tl ·lt ut1 I. pol. All1Ul\1~ )·03(j.~ nr ats.,38 ralt'ly I OtllCfl lit .. ~.·. UO<l I 11t ..... 11t.. 11211 Lor111n Rd . San _ S:l'J r:.on1h. A lso 8111a1L J.tur~ 'lt~I b·Jrn\, ll1>!nc. f1re>pl<1r e. tunuic ... htl ....,•I. flra. \\'\\' <'llFf1t'\111g 1nll <l•.'•j••·~-d bl.-r 11r. S!rfM~<I for 1111 J.,11l1·rh e !ll~~.11.s3~rl(l dn. l)u;\ l'..,1n~l.'t t u1 , H at :l900·M. f.lar1no. :\Spt O I -n10. Ca!l ow·ner L lllcrty Jl-6'.?:::: -----,"8B--Ho u1""• fo r Rf'nt 11111r11lni;1 <Jr 11/l••r 5 11n1, llt!r. F'QR fl.E:-''T yfa rly, llppt'r •Pl -------------· 1-'l bdrm!I . I b11th 1aifurn 112:. mo. Lo"·~r 11pt 2 bdrm J bat h furn 11:,11 n10 LOUJS \\', BH.IGG!'. o:-.•£ BDR~l. f'UR:O:. Library 111 B~lt,.•11 n>o \·,.11!'\y t.:UI onJ~· LJ 11-fl .-.o; 11... 80 lJc38 APT n"lll' $:'ii !>(I P''' !'-I /\ otu!1 • :1,., I ll lic37h $~·' )1 0 Twv bdrt" bou'"f furn •'0 1{ L~:11 sE. nt>W t;J,1g. on 1·:.'"t -----___ _ 20(~ ,\l1111 rn~r !•1-, l'<l'l1ln111Ja l71h :St. \\'" n""'I l:,\lt11•:H F UH S Al .f: ll'i O\\·:-;~:lt--1. Md- J•,,,nl \l'rn!~r N'nl:ol S llOI'. llF:Al .TY 1',\P,l,{Jl{. T V ,,,,.,111 l11•n\•·. 1 <,, bat h,., 111.nd· C.: (; JJf:AK fl:<L"~•:. 721 Lut"n Dr l'>Al.~:M .. ~E lt\·1c:•;. HF'.AL •cH!l"il. "' frut rd, FllA LO&Jl. Gl•·nd11 1,. 6 Ph (.!'Ju• 3-~~HI F:STATF; t 1FFh't:. ljl .. ·r l'>il••t' F 1t"t,J,.n1 hor\llf •rre. C•ll ~J\I ~ !'I•'· G•·t ,\uur b11~1 11r,•~ "l•oft•·'I !fl LIU(•l1)! -"'·\\Z:.!3 !•1..,rn1ng• ()r -------------tht' be"t t<oC"at1011 111 •·,.~'" :\!,.;:-;• 11.ft· r ~ I' "" l6lfc CUltllN/\ l •EI. "!A l~. u11!urn. 3 F oJr 111I C1ttn1&\1<1n. ~;I~ Ell!<l 1;111 ---------- b•httl, z l>Rt h. n"" 1.•· •l•••·•·•l"•I or Lll .. ·11y ~-.:.~\!\. ~,,.~I 1·t:N l'.'\'~t 1.'A l.L1·r. nn., of t he lu t SCARCE AS HENS TEETH NE\\'PORT HEIGHTS. l ll,700. Completely tuml&bed :I blldnn. home. ne .... ·ly paillled " dKon.t-•·I. Close to grammar and h!(th rJChuoll. Church A aboppl"6. • Jll.llt brtn1 your llllllC._.• All<! kid• •nd 1nove 1.n. 'Jbpr1 I• lllM:I a 2 c•r gsrage and the lt:il Lii eOtlTfly enc!o1ed with • •tMI ft.nc". Good term11, F.XCWSIVE \\,Tlt l.'S. Seven Islands Realty &: lnve1tment Co. BACHELOR APT iunrurn '· 011·t>r A'llrllr"' Clt>lln Goo.I ~·1e .... • s~n 1110 6io l'op11~-. C111ona •It'! .\IH1 -'~' ln•I If' 11n•l 0 "1 1 1~~ ""' (' .. II -----, 10 ULlf area l'r. Iv lfll 110,!POO H~d,.,r t7 ti I ·..i-nu .. int••»• 011110,luniti'""' 110:\l/'_I~ 1 .. :oJIA Ft;Jt. fleaHyr ~l l:Znll SL. N•wport Beecil. Ca.llt. --1 ·--------. ---· --•• --'"" ,\I I '1 ,, :'! l'l 1<t th~ :-.'!'"''f'Ort H.\r. r>S&8. aflfr & p m. Har. 22\13-J LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina '" lt'Tll'MI • .J ... j f l'<IRO'.'\'A !'~~I, \t ,\lt .-!•1rl~\ ~ b•h m 11.1 n 11,., :, '"'' '"tr1 Charn1111g llnrb<'lr fia\'1·11 .>\p11rtm('nlt1 . Pul1r•:-. ;\'";I\' t 1{{11 1:.1, ~1 r1·f'~ h•.-rl '.'\'l'.I! ~··h,.o•\11 :<IH'!'l•ln,: •I ,•:r., I Qt1l"I r t"",nnt. c~<'l11.,1•· .. ''~'h";::" <II.~· pn1111I 1~unt!11 ~!'''"!::~ ••~•n .• i(<1 rni.:r s~z ~'' •11> o., 11111 ~~ rn- cu~ •l••<I (;.,,.11 '•P•••1•1"n "fli:r 11}01 Hfl,.,.n 1'1R•'" l 1!.h•dt ~o,.th 1\( IHth !':, 11'••1 Al-'it • ~-l'f:'.'\'1.iHE I• <\PT~ =-=-""-------CLOSF. I:", liAt.llUA 1>·ur111~t":"I I tw-l nn •J'\ Y""tly """ llhl l>ll• ,(r "'11! .. r paut 41,,. 1-: ll.d- bo. Blvd Hat 2(1~0 l ~t r l!ALllllA J:-;LA:-.'IJ. F111n h•"f'"· J:>:\'E'!-IT l ir.uo It\ "'''lni.: IH"'"' .. ~ l'11·r. llAr )II'~; ... ~ ll~r 1'1'.!118-\\ z l•d l UI '.! IJl\lh•. fl•'"' ~tll•f•)•Lnl: N" ... .,rk1n i:-........ lt\'P '''·"•~I. lt ort .. •r Z..\l~-)\\ l<o·1u .. n1~hl1• ,., ~·l••H :-;,, t'P.t-I 1<'tu!•\ rf'l1111lh•. \\'11:e l~n,. ! •1•1r - 1,1 ll-7G::• ~li13., llvlt J .~; .: .. , •.. ,, !'RIC"~: f{t:(J\'1'f:O _h,~uitt· ... u ~ -u 11 .. 11••k l.•'J.:'" h"'""· ranutr •' 1 '~';\'t :\'.Sl 'LA J'"1 nl " b·lr 111 1.,u1k 1an11I• ''" ru J '. l>..•lh• rtrrr j.,," ,Jbl i.;.11 "II• l•·•r•! I'"''" J11.nll~t I< S1ou1 r1" ,,, J"n" 1" )o :~ $\",n '"' ""!"' J•t 21 (1(1 \"''•n l-lh··I o'n•u<hilJ ~··1115.M ' .. u ... ! :t6pl~ Fn n ftf;ST .1 r''"'" f11rn1~1,. 1 11""" l 1, '"I !"'f ,..,.,,lh "'1th TV 11"'•' '.!"!h •L••" I :\'1 t I ~~ .. I• ltll< 1 ~· , 1 !" t:A:-0" ~t!f•:"'T ; h'1nn." •u•n 11'"' i. 0011111 1nn" II l'I•! & PARTNER Wonted ro oprr~T r JI•""., I ,.,11\.•~c ~t· r~. 1 .... ,~••! Q•"r ,.,,,. ll 1!l ~1ro•1j, 111\'<'Jllmr ,,t 11.n<i Mn•i f""ltl!T"-i. l\;u l><r :~o:,\ .,...1',••n : •• ';' 1 '" 6~ "'''k•n•IJI. .11. I:\ ~·u11 l.t·,\~l'. r1n,. '"'' 1 _ -" .;1 •I'"\,, ~'l''"'"''l ' •li J" '•r nt1lr •·f ' • k l , •· 1 k 11 • f' •>" •:;-\\'H" l'·••l< • •.! • .• , nr 1 h•• p •l"'I . ,,, .• 11 .. : l ''" c""":" ·''' .,. 11• ,_,,,,l,lo• Mrt<•·t 1n C11U ll~r t i ll! :is tr "'' h '>-lon•tt•· '.! • <1 a.,·~~ .. 1.~ .. J•! \1n'1· "l'"'l \\nlk t o ~, ·1·•· :.·~, 1t1•r1 1· ,, .... ~·,,,.1 . "I•"" ;,l<i,,:1~ \1 ,,TE lt~!l••';T lt••\I~'!-('u:c I l•l1 1n l"llil' fL111, :"l;•ll r :.1.1n ~hur1••·•i: .tu•i ,.,,,,1,., .... 1 '" ~ l; ·.11 '-1•' ' • ""\" "·~!"'' 11>• I llnr I Jr.I ~I ·~·~~'!_'!t'..:\:.._f~~--~--~- ·.i;;111 ~•·il•~\"I " f hH ,jf\, '' !!• .. ".II f; I" :-ll.\l-J;I(, R,.lll!nr l"» ,\I f '! l·!• n J'I. Hl t h•1 :>;r:-.·'- 1 !\ 1 'J• I 11111 !n>t I \<\ f: •···~ 80 ACRES OLD \\'ELL • F OUNDATION on r rc1,.•r1y \'1ew of bta uutul ''ai- lry Only 2 houra trorPI NewporL Make offer JO FROST FREE ACRES planted v.·1lh o, . .,,. l!>O !I )'ear oW A voe.ado I t~"~• 'l re,~r\'f)\ra. e\'fr}' Irr., Jl!Jl""\ 1nd1,·1dually. Good well. 2 • ....-.m h'JUV . thM·trlcuy. r11n1lly orrh11.r'I. :>:r11t F•IJ IJroolt. Owner 111u11t ... n Iii~. 12.'ll)O tto .. ,.n. SAM EMMES R'•I btale 8rnll" l1•rbor 10i4-lt 281& \'Ill• \\11y, Nnrwrt ""' n1~:A r .. E~TA1·c; LOAi'IS h•l•1n• •I• n k i!·•· F:I,.., 1 .. 11 ~·· l n1;·1·cf<t ftHle i>----fl 1 .. , \t~r :.:•;~.\\, /.,,,1.,, :?::.~'9-.\\ 1-------------- 1o ·h~1"'" ''"" ;;,.,i.;, s~11.~1.1,,,.1 1,,..,.,L• '!1"•kh· ,,1 ... r~.,n th•· H 1rl"'t l •r 11•• :-,. •. ,,.,,1 11.-.1.11 .:>i • .!11 /l ro·~ l.1<1.un11 111 11 1·.,,1 " .'I'"" Attention ln vestor5! ("••Ht)NA l •~;I. 1<1 /\lt 116 :"l;f\t t1ft~\I~ ~ h·11111 u":un1 tl<•U"· I "'U\l.:•>'t.:• Y··•1hr•·l'lu!$lnO Jc.•! I\ ,d, I f ·l fl o! ,1 11"~ II ~ll>i.;I,. t•r roo•llhf le fllllJI ~ X·~" l 'HIC'F. HE.!Jl ("f.:fl •r••l'I JC,\\,., 111"1 "'''I" 'l<'•l!'1r ljUl•k ••1"·11 .. r1 lt\o~ l10tJ1lnt!I$ l1n1u ,.m._ \Hllf 1 ••~"1 t .. •n )'!l'J'':' :.! th•lt rll buil•l1n~•on ,\lll o•Ulll1\\ •~••••4• ~''~•HI !•I ll• o,,'-' I,. !•' 'll.O ! Jll!10ltl,J I""-"~ ,• ·t,.~.1 •I .-. .. ,1111.;o• '""I'''' •t I•!'\ It a tvl•I .. rat J,.11•t 1;11 .. 1\.11) "l 'l r.11 ~111 i,r J ,,,,,J s.:· .. 1 1 rn·I·'•· l 'l•·11ly •Jf r0<11n .< br.J1.,.,1 ,.~ i 1 : .. r t'llf 1111 ... 1·0n J\ilO!'qUa\e purl\· ha rl1 )""'!" "fl ,,,.,,,,,,1 1 •.•••• I J\H.'f!IL1Il L\. ~\1\Y li i,: 1 ••.•.• I It\ 1 11~ f(<~l~~l Slol• ''" 1•1 11 '""'' , •.•.. t 1 ~ ~l urti.:111!e L<.lln L.:urr• •f"'nurnl ~1 ''-l'>tli,: f'll tt .. ~ c., .. \• 1't~ .... II \d1111., IH'1·•1"'"t !"•l••I 1...,.,1 I 1..t<"nJ~r,1.11 I.lie ln~UtU."r~ O..::o. ! 1t·\ "11"' hr.ltt or I& latlf"- ~ • '" !.:"' lr· .i ,1 ' "' f•IT •»·ll i1;jl :ouulh .\lllln t; .. 1.tJi AnA J • ' ~Ii• 1'1'11111' ,., Ul•·r l\ht•n lh11 ... ! 1'h•ul·~ ~7"'' I 1 .,, .. nth I pp •• !."'" 1tn1l t ll ' Apprt•• l11Q1Jlt •• .. 1 ~1 llA JI••• f ' .•••• ---)11 """ ''"'h •.l"l'n T"'1Ulr ... o.J. <;a.I.I RUSTIC HAVEN ttr111ru 1 pr1•••cJ. lo•'t ly ?tew, d ... UghtfuJ cott•ae. •upo.rblr i.ocat- ftl ill Coron• del MM. Larp 16111& bP,Ciroo111 w ith r1repW:e, 1n1al l be<Jrn1. perfect for Nby. l •-, b•thll. Lari• plelur• 'll'1ndow In llvlng room With unobrtruct- N c1.nyon v1 .-·, Opell.I to ui en- tl'rta1n!n(I' dll'CIL i'orted a.Jr fwo.. n•et>, Iota Qf •lo"'le. 40• llO tl. lut, TrU!y f UtUe pa.riMU.e - S18.&fl0--1bout U500 down.. 87 appo!ntmenL Ownw Har. 428S. y,, ..... 3477. l2Uo \\'a cha.lien~• you to beet t he vaJue on thll 1 y tiar old S bed· roorn. a ll r l•·r ltk k1trhcn Jiome cornplt>t•ly rUrpt'led a.n<1 n•1t u • pin. 1 10,7&0 •nd yuu aubmlt the down plym.,nt' Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 11178 H•tlM\I' Hlv.t. l'.,,.t. ~1 ..... <"•hf U b.,rty 11-7il4 1>:•eJ1 l.J 8-llftl Tt1d1rl' ,~10<1 t"r ~A :'\'D t1,.lu' bt\•·k I n 1'EXA!4 CUFF HA Vt-.:N GI Reaal~. I bo.Jnn., dbl. i;•r .. J.'a<"MJ""'1 yrd , Pl<llo, ,.,.,.y nn1uH-... e~.o. 12.Mf){) tin , W111 ... 11 41:'1 l '1t•t"' Rf! fn<:d. I l l.• f\11"!'1. H.ARBOR lllGlll.AXll new ' bdmi., :l 1>11 , >-A ht, ~11 "J11-.C<!', Du1p'I. H<lwtt. 11~11 , ov~rll7.'" 1 •Ar Rllr _ I ... ~ prd fnr1I yn:I , lmmed'. ,.,,,. •. r,;1 Tt't'•111ta L..ne. I IP 9!'i0, S2700 tin A ~un•• OC ·~-221 118 LAGUXA l 'A.'"Yl)S RD. X ln't lnrnrn e prnr . 1-2 bdrm. f11rn, apt. nt>wly d~rotll"CI. I• ~tu<l io tum •r>' . 4 r urn. """"""" dbl ••r .. 2 ~ .. )/\\3 tr, build Q9o H~. frollll\j:'", <)U\•ld<'I tPJ'!llJi\.o fr!, 113 'l:,(), 12 !Klfl rtn. \\"mi.Id coo1tder 1111e n1""'~1 car. Qr r BT O\Vl\~""R., •-n;x ' U I · 1700. :\.llptt) BY' OWN1.!R I bdrm. hom.,, yr. old.. t.'"'Jl. pKrtly fellO<'d • m•ny ft,.lut .. • rnl()t-<><l b•lh tl•tur..a. 160 ~.fl nln \";11,.. Ai in.. lnclu•l 4 '-. ""~ I". II ~ Do:>wn paym'!"nt t.n hol ~rnnirtd. a.11 low •• I 1.000 ~--uu l'rlr• lf12:,0. iafl Oon~.-81 . Co•ll\ M-. 38p COSTA MESA tarnU)' hmn• lOOll l~ n. lot \hat 11011\d bot div!~ Pll..Un, ...wluoM\, bre&Jd'Mt noott 17f )(acnol& Cell Jfar. '718 .. '"' TWO-BDRM. llouec. ha.r::lwood tloot"fl.. redeco,..t.4 truLd• e.ri.:I out. 11 0.7~. 1J1':l..1.:Xt: i>'l.:ll :>;. Al'TS i;:tn1t le11 It dbl• 1:111 mo. 11 n•I up 1114 M, Bay A"•, H•lbQe lf11rt.Jr l'j341. Iii!.- ~""'!""·! Hi''' I UJA.,S 1u lll ll.IJ /.\fl'llUVJ. ""r"r !Jb0 11y ti-622J n1c.m 1ni:;a -· -' S t:Y. lllll!Jl::IC\'.JZ.E. OH QT 11(1 •·r 6 I 111, l!cl·-------------l !l!• BALBOA ISLAND n<'""'""" ----1,==:-.,-----c..,.-~:-- UI J10'WU l!lt.. Coet,a M- Pbafl.e LnMrt1 1-7807 '\'1:-.:TEn 1~ntnt: A!l n•rtn•t :i "'• l!uy Tru~t LHedl I LOOK -NewPwort Hts. Area ~T nd--.t.d mod~rn on• ll<'<lt1n .,,,,.~,. l~•.c•• Ii•'"/: 1 r"'nl I !'iE\\'f'UHl l!Al.J.JU /\ ~A \'l~CS C"l,.11r 11i, ,., 1, ~ 1,. l\I.'""" l\<.nmlnl NEAR NEW I b&d:rrl1. hom&, • • ~ ~;':' l~n. 6 :•,";, NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. lllA!>.IA AN A your 1., •.• 1 de11 1~r .. -ho ... ,11 l>e n~r .. \\·h~U'l•r Y"U .<tr" on bu••M,.•ll f,.., I TOM RRO ...... to blck u "''h•l h11 ,· .. u r.v lf "r wnrk l<-.r ,.,m ...,n• ,., •• , • 0 P .... ·1th fu•rlit·~ 1•11i .. -. ""! 1<,Ar <'=I.AJ A:"' ASS(>l.:l/\Tlu :O: 1 J••t"'" T'r•'" A-:i,i; f'llhr:• nn c•rpel. n r .. pl-Corner Mt. Pflt1e, 1'r-i>"'rt Kta. dl!•t.nr t I '. S I~\ rtl '1ftl~ c .. 11 ••<'n1"0: II:" I S3116 \'!• Udo. f'/1.. Har . 4200 11 ,11, hii;:hway •'II 1t1 n.,...· f'M o-1 l llJMO rond tf:T'Tl'l9. JC. 1.JllertJ 8-1178. '.i'l!f<I Z1•Wl·R 1~, 1•1 tJe r~" ,. II • ri:-f\t• ~U "°"l\'lllton. Only ---\\~/\:O:Tt;I' 1·ni·i·il': ,, ·Ii~·· ~1 ----1~""r•r11.-r .. ,.r .... 1111r1\lf'"'""IU"l Newport-~e1a Realty T"'fl ~rm. I". f'. IA.:'" •·rt -o-.,-,:=:-:--;;;o==:=o---()tot ll'I• "tn-t1'!11-.. ·11rw" ,.,111 .. r the war. Ole •·1.nt att "'•)". r11 U liAI'. i•11 )·ou ,,n uM> th• r l1a111f1t>'1 a'1• In ~It• TODAY : Chf'Cll tl'le Y"'""' )"O•lr '••han1•t:":. tn .. ~11 ~·,.u• ••t-ca r• In lh• c!1M1f1tod •"eUon to· ,,r••, rrnduc• or m1rcha.ndi.aor. ...,. I l><>"I ,,,....,.,, 11,.,,1,, ,,., 11 . .., ,c. )<!nr~ IU'•t n nr" • .,,.,.rfl •~•• 11 1~ ,,,,,., '"' ,1,.,r l11n <\ nr !n.-,.m .. , Ji!W S f'"'Jlflrt Bl\'d., Ctwite M""'• P"llo )ft:BT •t'll I~• ""'"11 h~!r 1J11!1t 1~, f'hnnt LI 9.11 111!1 1 ru,.hnl' h 1:ornf11 11bl~ In u•~ .-.:f:;\S· P ~ ,,. ,., '>' '""'"TI~t 308 Ra.mon11 Ll l-l'>Y18 .,._, m--a:7:a31 •111 000 with tf'Trn~ 11~-~"~l l fl a. m . to 8 p n1. 38p f'fl&<;S· c laU1!1ed ad•. l'l11r '!I. 1.J 11·7978 1 7i:l9 , IWO 3&<:40 \ PA&!'. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS 6Z-R-.I FAtate WEDNESDAY, NOVE~IER 30, 1955 HOLIDAY VALUES BALBOA ISLAND PRIDE OF OWNERSH1P. Churning 4 bedroom I bat h home pl us unusually attractive 1 bedroom apt. and guest room & bath. A wonderful home plus a sure fire rental. DON'T let this deal GET AW A Y rrom ·you. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Sat. & Sun. 1·5 at 32-1 Sapphire Ave. A beautiful 4 bedroom home com· pletely ready for you and your family. Newly decorated with provincial maple furniture. A patio and lanai for easy entertaining . Top location. Bay mooring for t hat larger boat is included in the price of $32,500 N EWPORT BEACH TKE R IGHT INVESTMENT. Charming modern Provincial 2 bedroom home anrl 3 yr. old duplex, 1 bedroom each unit. A $4,400 potential income In this top notch location. 1 Thia is a buy at $27,500 CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TIP OFF. Owner is out of t he city. Im· mediate possession. Here is a good buy at S1 3.500. A two bedrm. home only 4 yrs. old and like new. BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 CORONA DEL MAR • PANORAM1C Harbor and ocean view, "quality atreet." 4 B. R., den, 2 baths. Low termfl, Bar- gain $45,000 BAYSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· tected patio. Owner anxioua for offer. Asking $28,000 BAYSHORES 4 Bedrm. 2 baths, 1:: blk. from bathing beach. Submit terms. Asking $29, 750 IRVINE TERRACE, $5000 will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 baths, inside BBQ. Drap- eries, atove, fully Jandacaped. Low price. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties. Har. 1775 -E ve.. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland LlDO ISLE BUSINESS PROPERTY SPECULATORS HERE 'S A GOOD BUY ON XLNT.•M·l bµa lntse property. 6Jx290 ft • l<>l'aled on Pt.cenua Ave., Coe ta M eaa H u 11 Z br hous!' on 11 too. Alao rear allr y Su1 labl' tor orrlc-e or ren la I ana plenty of properly (eft tor mfl:'. 11hopa. ti~-. Only uO.~oo r p U•ller hurry 011 thta one!! • ('.J BUSJNESS PllOPEHTY, 80 x 200 fll'At Unr" uftcrc<i S.1rgain al $89~0. OPEN HOUSE :IH H117.~I 011vc, COM B1•aut1ful Ytt'W hvrne of 3 bdrm~ .• I '• blllh.•. walk1111: dl~t111w1· t<> b11.thln1: llt'•ll"h Thi,. h111111 rrnoJ llllli<la111li11g lu1·All1111 l'c1ltld n11l h~ 1luphl'n t .. d t111lay for l11t• u~k· 1111( prlo·e llf 5:11!,:'100 t ... rm8. OPEN SAT. & St:N. I ·~ L\111 n•iw I ur pt t'-~hvWtnl) Call Harb or 204 2 Frank James & Lin~ood Vick REALTOl":S R R11ylc. c . T ra''"'· <.: Russ AAAnr 3 12 Marine Ave --Hslboa Jslan•I Corona del Mar Do It Yourself! WE KNOW how h11r1t l~S lO find ;uat whal you neNI 1 C IJ M We apenll our t une hi.'l g peo· pie do It. Onf 1ui3w .. r 1s l<> hutlcl and the CUl'renl phitne ot t hi' lot prtce • honw 111·11·e c·y.-11· t.111,._,,,. favor Jorng llO. \>\'e have H11111c tine lot.1 ltaterl. M wu r1•a11un11 t1lu Ill an lt·2 beuuty JUl\l l li h•\cl &. well·localcd !or abo11l $1'>000. How'''t>r the perfect two ttnil lo t 111 In 'uror111o I ltghlnnils for JUSl Al1<111t I w ... c l\S mut It \;ut Wot th It , bti;, \\1th II Oil I' \'ll'W an,1 nnthlng ltke It \\ c han• tan unusually 111< e aq1111re 1·111 nu lu l l., ll••ltvcr Jlllll ttnllt'r $6000 1am l wh11t a Wlll1Cltt tut altl' for ~u11r fAm1ly 11 new hnrn•• Ag111n t111 ·110me1h111g more than .ioul.ol" that Jll lle "e ha\C h:1tl'cl /I 111nMh\flg goc><I huy In ( ·ornnll ll1glll1111d11, a big h o111c·.,tc "Ith br,.alhtaklng \'tl'W 11'11lly "'"""· thing exl1a.. Come 111 on•l lrt ll" 111'11• 11te "''" l you , 11n cl11 "11 h une of lh .. ae un your O\\ n bttl".I· g <'l you lJ "''~ wh11t "eo 111'-a n Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Corona d11I Mar Offlt e 3:130 K Cou t H "·y, H 111f>11r fl:!41l 3~·40 Furnished Duplex ' 62-ReaJ F..etate , ---------------__ " ______ _ Save sml On a beautiful ,.rcw home in Corona Highlanda - 3 bedrm. and den. bath and :1 ,, 2 fireplacea, built in Western Holly range -hardwood floors -Iota of tile and many olh<'~e feature9. Must ~ to appreciate. · OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola ~ CORONA .HIGHLANDS,·, . . 540 De Anza · Ocean viC'w and :swimming 1>001. Ranch style home, n.icely lands('ap<'d and many fine features. w to w car peting. Priced to sell . OPEN DAILY 1 ·5 P. M. Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar to occupy a large older home, located south of the Highway 1:: block from the ocean. With minor ex· p«'nsc can be con\'C'rtcd into 4 bedrm .• 3 baths, din· ing room and largl' playroom. 40 ft. lot and on a nit•c qu1<'l s trl'et. T<'rms are \'ery f!exible and can be arran{!'ed to suil. Call us fo r any additional information. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302'1 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 GOLDEN RULE VALUES ASTOUNDING BUY You can'l beat t his -Large C2 lot with a 'real good furn. du pl~ only four years old . 1 .. block from la rge market. All for $10,000 full price. Also The Best House Buy 3 bdrm. and <l ining room hdwd. floors -2 bath•. F A heat -1 yr. old. Dbl. garage. Corner lot. And only $11,950 Submit your terms. Older 3 Bdrm. A r('al deRI in it large old<'r farmhouse now ln town -Huf:<' roomR and ba11ement -Lg. land· scapro lot. S 950 -$1 500 down. PHii. SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1 56 Newport Bh·d. Coata Men facr•os8 Crom Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761 Eves Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 Bill's . Best Buys .. 0" THO~ "C" TROWil BAY FRONT ON!l OP' THm NlCll OLDER H OWES, II bedrooma, I rood· •rnlMd ti.Ula, tile kitchen, fire- place, lrood bMt. Part!.)' f\u'rUa4l· ed. S&te beach tor ch.l.ldrwl. PR.J'CED IH ,&00, mnall down Is owner wU1 carry. OPEN DAILY 1 to I 1021 Cliff Drive CHARMINO ....,, ranch 1tyle borne wltb ·~onunlo Yiew of harbor from 111111 deck-4'00m tor 1wtm· mtns pooJ-1 )6a. bed.room•, 2 ~­ b&Uut, bdwd. noon. touchplal• wirlJI&', delJp lt\ll natural kit· ehen with bu11t·ln ~· and oven, •lldinc (1&11 doorw onto patio t'rom Jlv. rm. Is muter bedroom, ttreplace PLUS many attractive t•tUJ"M -PRICED • AT 12t ,&OO. Bayshores VIEW OJ' BA Y from thle nice 3 bedroom, l" ti.th home. Ire. ttv. rm. with fiaptone nr eplace. din. ~ breakfut room. hdwd. noon, abundance of cupboarda, ovenlse d bl. p~e. fenced - EXCEUZNT VALUE at 123.~ Terme. "C" THOMAS , Rltr. 22' W. Cout Hiway U l ·M27 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS Apartment House THIB NEWPORT APARTMENT HOUSE Ideal tor year round or •wnmer r111taa. J u.t rl(ht tor a couple. 1lnce the upkeep u practically nil. The owner·• 2 larre BR apl. le unturnl1hed. Anolher large 2 BR a pt. la fur· nlahed. There a re II very big l BR ap u . t'umlahed and 1 balc h · t lor apL furnleh«'d. All apl• have w.w carpeting knd very nice turollure. 7 ra.r•reit. larre wub room, Iota of elo11111. THERJD 18 A 130.000 MTG. on th• property. now payable 1300 mo. IP)~. \\·11 ffldom have a pt• ot thle quality come on th• mkt. RALPH P. MASKEY REALTOR S.11 N9Wport Blvd .• Npl. Bch. Harbor •02 Balboa DUPLEX, tum l.ebed 11•.a~. Two l ·bdnn. a pt.a. AU on one floor. WalkJnc datance to downtown Balboa.. Showtnc 1 oo<1 lncome l ubmJt on i.nn.~ Nord Comer Open House Dally J to ' 30 H ER•:: JN Rf;AI. l l\'C'IJME nn larce comer l<ot Twn 1111 .. • 11n1t1 r.nlttl t•>r 1131'1 l'IU• 11~1111 to build mor,. BACK BAY Ocean Front 203 .Via 1'1c-e Exr~ll .. nt t'o11'111l•tn 11 "" ol•I Clo~,. In ~ .... ,,,,. nnw tnl 11 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST NO DOWN PAYMEN'f. lmpounda It eecrow chars-only. New 3 bdrm. 1 ~ b&tha. Ready for occupancy Dec. 15. RESERVE YOURS NOW, Only 7 left! EXCELLENT BAY A VE., fO tt. oorner dellghttul 2 bdrm., den home. Hwd. flra., flagstone t1replace. WaJJed patio. Dbl. garag. with pludlblnJ and atreued for upataira. Bay Yiew. $185 MO. INCOME from 3 furn. unlta on lot large ~nough t o add f more unit.a. $3500 down might make you owner. Full price only $11,000 unfurn. TWO BRAND NEW homes-Fully furnished. Both have fireplaces, garages. Property clear. Sellera wUl carry balance after small down payment. WONDERFUL KINGS PLACE view home -3 bdnna.. 2 baths. Natural wood cabinet.a, garb. disposal, 220 wireing, wt.11 to wall carpeting, forced heat. F ireplace -Sliding gla.68 doors to cement patio. Only $19,950. -terma. $60 MONTHLY PAYMENTS -includt» ta.xee. Ins .. interest & prin. $1000 down. Move into thia new 3 bedrm. home. Colored bath fixturea, carpeted t hru·out wall to wall. Front landsca pt'd. Bargain price of S9500 SMALL RANCH -Good improvement.a includes 2 bednn. home. 2 car garage & 1:: acre to putter around in. $500 might move you in. $75 mo. keeps you in. COACHELLA VALLE Y -level & piped 76 aorea cotton quota ranch. Good for alfalfa or citrus . 1600 fl. on main hwy. -asking $750 11cre with terms or consider some t rade. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. LI 8-1632 Costa Mesa Eves LI 8· U OO BALBOA PENINSULA V AUD URGENT NEED! Owner wanta quick actJon. BusineS& nrcessitatcs moving inland. Must seU thi11 3 B. R.. :? bath Cape Cod home on large comer lot. Many lge. clo!.'eta. Beautiful encl08ed patio with cabana, Sundeck -Ocean view. EYE APPEAL-PURSE APPEAL! Brand new 3 B. R., 2 bath home, 2 doora from ocean. Blt.·in etove & oven. inter-com. & radio lo all rooma, lge, attractive used br ick f1~plM:e, F. A. beat. Rooma all lge. Yt•ith apaciou11 cl08t'ta and blt-Ln features. Nice patio wa lled for privacy. $29,750 COZY BEACH con AGE Near library -neat u a pin. 2 8. R. !um. homtt. fireplace, nice dining area, lge. enclosed patio with BBQ. Extra :i , bath in panelled gang<'. Top re11ta.1 &l"K. $14 .~ -TeMna. ,, J bdrma., den. 2 bal.N l..Arf• llvtn1 room ~1th nice fl.,pl. A comlort&ble dlnln1r room. Permanent vi•• ot bay f rom aun deck (could be uMd u bedrooml. Ca.rpela and d,..p- ertu tnclud.d. ~u wtll con· elder tndU.. tor amalltr hoUM In NeWJ)Ort ArM. Bllown by a ppointment only. SMART FROM START TO f•tNlSH.. EnJoy the Holiday• In a brarul new 3 ~lr()(lm. 2 bath• R u1lt·ln k 1lchen Wall· wall carp.Ung LAr&• patlu. lon ly landaca ping flrtt o 110 "IOO to 1111• Vacant New horn«', nl'w f'Xclu1llve it.reel. High lot com· manding permanent view of lovely aurroundinp . 3 8 . R .. 2 full bnt hs, natural cedar kitchen. built in range & ovC'n. forc<'d 1Ur heat, k itch exhaust & circulator, C'l'11Jng fan. heaters in baths. Every· thing in !.>est o ( t tuste $26,500 115.000. 0000 TltflMS. I bfodrm older home, parUally tumlahed. C·1 110ne. Ht t.rt ot Balboa 2 ct r ,..,.. ... ltreued tor apt. abOve BAY AND BEACH REALTY , INC. OOIUO:I\ LOT, Btrfft·8trH t 111.000 I)() YOU WA~'T A PIF.lt .. t'U>A T AT YOl:"R F"RO~'T DOOR " '\\.E HA \'E IT :'llur U l".lo 2 bdrm• . on comer 40' lot All th ll &nd more tor $28.~00 Bay & Beach 3112 Wayette. Newport Realty, Inc. Harbor 3643 2 Lots (80 tL> CORONA DEL MAR 2 Lots 160 ft) OPEN HOUSE 714 Goldenrod Sat. and Sun. l · 5 MOllt attractively decorated 2 tx-drm . 11: bath. pr. <11-poK.1. mercury awitchee. covered patio. plus Jot. of extra featUTee and frontage to build another UIM or un lta. ,Aaking $18.500 . Good terma with 5 1 2 '< loan or aubmit cash of for. BEN J. WHITMAN , Harbor 1862 "Businea is Good" 3:>42 E. Cout HighwRy Realtor Harbor -1453 UTILE ISLAND CHAR1'11:-><; two h;••h m tu•rn" h11 rdw00<I tluoro I"\;" kllrh• n I v.-lth oo<lll'• or b111l1ln• fArl:" p11llm11n \y~ balh ..... ,h h111l11n 1 A MUST TO SEE 11rr,.•1ni: 111h1,. 1 hi• "'"'"" • Newly decorated inside and out 2 bedroom home th .. 1 IH"•I ,.., ha\'f' ..... n In .. ltins: 110,., 111700 ,.11 h '""" ,1,,., w11 h nH'<' hardwood flours. Fireplace, d!nfog room P•Ytn•·nt & brcakfa t an•n. Hear yard hu cement block wall. B. A. NERESON I I nderpriced at $9950 1u~At ,rn1t NEW 3 I '4 BEDROOMS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 198:1 ~"''T'"'t Hh .. 1 c .. 111 ,,,,.,1 10.245 t n $1 1 :!-1511s low a.a $495 down. Excellent LI 8·10-:2 ~: ... • I.I " 11.:111 «'n"t~tdt' lvc-at1nn. s1dl'walk11, fill with large double BA Y~ll(JKES I .,7,· 'l I• r pl11• hUl:f' l;lll 111111. kn I ,,.,. 1111, r IOI olrp •AVIOI( k 11t I , n & hkl•I ber,:.? J•klH111, IPl" tif t lt1~'' f N .. : ... ; 2~,1 ~ t•t,. l\•1t•¥i' l'\njt t tll for HI 11111111111 .. n t BA CK HA\' ti 1.,.1 II•••• ''I" f1>r •11br1t,1•1 .r1 II ~1 1,. ,,.•Ill • I'd l1111tt' 1 .. 1 f""'° 1t •••,. :-.t1n1J \•'"-l ti r huu • xlnt J'<1M1h1h•1t • 11 '~"' <.'OSTA M~;i-\ •I •f ••' fir .. r1 ...... II\\ t11• • l••n•r nt'\\ ~ .. ' "'" I I I \c' • .. : .. , ... <:t~I I t>r H-c r • n 1 ~ • 'H • $'\!' 10 Cla ire Van Horn llEA 1.1 •Ill 77:1 1 \\' 1 • .. ~~I II •1 • OPEN HOUSE l{arag1·ll. Rf'&erve nc>w W. A. TOBIAS 11nd A~SOCIATl-:S, REALTOR "ynu·11 like our fn<'ndly aervic~" 400 F, lith St . Costa Mt'11a Liberty 8·1139 CORONA 'DEL MAR \\'A;\I ~o·.11-:rm:-u; TO Bt:n.n ON" 30' level l<•t. 11 • hi rrom 01 ran i-outh of hwy. only $6,950 WA="T SO~l l-7fHl :"t.: TO FIX l"P " 3 b. r. home on <.orner Int ha11 R ,.,"w 1cf city and ocean, Iota of poio;i<1b1ht1f's TermA. ~16.500 WA N1' A VTE W H O~fF.:" Brand new quality home nn •hr Nll?C' of the rial1llade6 m Jr"mc Terrace, thua lo<'alton anti 'IC'W rannot be matrh("({ m the harbor 11n•a I :?.~. TERMS. RAY REALTY co. ~ 3·11 t 1-: ('oa!lt Hwy Cornmi d<'I Mar Har. 2288 t At"rt•Hl-1 fronl Hank in CUM> Situated on a. choice corner. this spacious home plan ned f or h ospitable Ji\·ing im•ttcs one to enter. The lh·ing TOOm. garden room. and dining room all adjoin an a ttractive pat.Jo.' Upstail"!I are 3 sunny bednna. -2 eJttra large -and wit h ample closet 30 I I Cliff Driv e Sunday o nly I 2 to 5 ' I I :n11:1 •II 1 I"\\ "' I I\ • 11n b11111 11 r 11n~" .\I •" ~ '" £:•foll :! l"lh Iii' 11 • I and atorage space! Do not delay seein~ th1A f111e property -mspf'ct1on I " I l 111 h 1 .. O• .._., At "f ~h""' ,, \*111 ,, h \ tf I "'' •t: ... '(, '11· nt r1n ,,,. t ;· You Can Stop Thumbing The Pages At la,;~~··111 tun-1• f114nd ~ood return plus opportun· 11~· r .. r 111<'rN1111'd ,.:tl11r nnd inrome. m thi8 21.: acre bl\'d bui;10rsii 1•r•1til'rty. Partially 1mprov<'d and will insl8ntly confinn it$ ,·a lue. I 1 "ART " ADAIR , Rltr. w w SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD 18t\fl "'"I··· I 111,·.1 I .. t 1 \I• Realtors Marint and Park Balboa )Aland Harbor 2{62 _, 'DON'T make a MOVE" Re p. UNTIL YOL' SF.E CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATIQN.WJDE MOVING Pb. Kl 3-9221 1 Eve LI 8·2961 Corner Newport Blvd. and So. Main St.· • Family Home o, .. II I 30 111 I :Jt) Jl.111.\· 2i6 ~l.l~lh •fl 1 \' L I \11•-..1 \, ,, .• •n ftt1 t •h'•· •I·"•, I 11 ·11 ·1" ... 1 n .. , •• .. ,. .. 1 11 'hN1 l'\ .. hll\ ,.. • •II •11•1 I' I• \' " Ute hll•ol I'll"' I• 1•••···1 ~11·1 \llll Duncan Hardesty Re-alt or H:i r. <ti!.~ 11 t •l'ITS ~~t·R ~ c•ornna rl~I M er A ll ltA,('11. Co0<I rl'tt1rn nn y our lnvutml'r\I $7.\ 000 Ownw, Har. MOt IWI 1r11io;rd lnrom(> S6000 a yr. now. l'nc'I' .. 6:?.;,M Ttrm~. RUSS FORD, Realtor H}(Hl \\' l '11.1~t llt):hway Liberty 8·6141 LO TS FOR SALE OR WI LL BUILD TO SU IT Le' t•l R.::?. Ori>an i-.idt• rtf h1j.:;hway. C. 0 , M. $5750 \"1tw loJt ()fl Ha.:t-1 L1nw. (k l'an Ride of highway, c D M srnr>4l 0 1·1•An front R·2 o n C. Jl ~I. rnain br At•h $14.750 CHARLES W. MASTERS, Ge n'I. Contractor Harbor 3502 or Harbor 3286 Coast Properties 101 E. Balboa Blvd , O.lboa Harbor 2848, 211117 and •eoo. Take A Look AT THE812 •OO SANTA ANA ~. Nli'WJ>Orl Hta. I bedrm. hou" 118,&00 tull price. Term• ~ .. E STHER St. COSTA ME;SA, I ~ 1 ~ balh. le•· room1. Nice 6 d ea.n. Owner "'r)' an· aloua. 122.~ Tum1 CHESTER F. SALISBURY REALTOR au Marin•. B&lb<Ml bland R IU'bor 5971 BEAUTIFUL BAY FRONT Spaclou.a and ertUr.ly modl'm 4. ~room, ' btalh hume on hnot M<"llon of bay. w1th flM\'Al~ b«'a.ch, knd 11tp fut lo\rce cnu ... r , ~IUe Other moonnc. Greenleaf·Sev<'rta Realty 1112 Nt wporl 8 1¥d., Newport Har. 2M2 Har. •Sl1·M Acreage CNDl'STRl.AL. bualneM A rtal· dt nllal acreat;e. A lllO ranchu and i rovu In Coala M eaa - Santa Ana area. DAN A. J ACOBSEN, R"altor Har. M91, Ene. LI W 317 3&c3tl OCE AN FRONT LOT. Can buthl 2 un1t1 P 7C>O t'ull price, terma J . M. MlLLER CO 202!! W Balboa Blvd. H1r •0t1 t near lh• Newport Piu ) LIDO R-3 2 -30 ft. lota on SO. Bay P'ront. 131 .:">00 each. Ca ll T. 0 . Roger1, Har. 1~86·W, or RTan l -t029. lltfc LOT 6-0xlM on 8unHt oft Mnn· rov1a.. Coat& Ml'~ 11&00 prl owner. Wr1t• Bo• L 7t thl• paper. ,.,.. H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har. 1264 BALBOA ISLAND ATTRACTIVE 4 bedrm .. 21 ~ batha, nr. So. Bay. Owner W LU take small down. A.Ming $"2,500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bedrm. 11 :i batba. $26,500 . About 200 ft. from No, Bay. Neat 3 bcdrm. furn· iahed home. Submit dowt1. $26,000 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little laland. pier, float) formal 4 bdrm. home. The land v.alue ia close to the uking price. LlDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME . Large lot. 5 bdrm. 31 :i bath house plua unuau&I 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both unit. newly furnlahed. Ha r. 177~ -Evea. Edith M&J"C?On HYatt 4-e222 John Macnab, Harbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 MarUle Ave., Ba.lboa laland Vogel Values BALBOA Channing 3 bedroom, 1 a , bath borne be9t Balboa location near Ocean & Bay. 8 yean old. UMd brk. fireplace. patio with BBQ. ,FA hut. tile kit.ch. & baths, aund!'Ck, brealcfu t nook, dlsp. 6 tan.. Now vacant -early occupancy. Submit low down paym't . Total price only $19,7~ CORONA DEL MAR 2 choice Iota. Contractor-owned will butld attrae· t i\·e 2 or 3 bedroom home or dupla. TheM u. large Jo(• & local~ aoulh of the highway. The Vogel Co. 2667 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Har. 1741 Har. 1'77 STEAL THIS , CHOICE LIDO lOT BUlLDERS AND ~RS! 521fa tt. on Via Yella at Nord goet t o the beat written cu b otter in next few day•! Owner want. action. CLYDE MEYER. 307 Marine, Balboa Ialanct. H&rbor 2950 88c40 • BACK BAY AREA OPEN FRlDAY. SATURDIY AND SUNDAY 482 Esther St. An architect's dream. this beautiful 3 bOrm .. 2 bath home. Custom built by Lloyd C. Howard. Hu everything including bu ilt-in sto\'e and oven. plank· ed hwd. flooring, Dobler brick fireplace coveri~g entire waU. brick BBQ in kitchen, fenced yard with several t.reea. "Sq; IT AND YOU'LL BUY IT" -Only $26,500. OPEN FRIDA y I SA TURD A y ANO SUND A y 406 St. Andrews, Newport Heights. $14. 750 -$65 mo. indl. taxes and insurance. Three bedrm., li vi ng room with fireplace. fenced yard with patio and sprinkler system. Close to schools and churches. ''Vacant'' -Owner has moved to San Francisco. Immediate poaaeaaion. SEE THESE WATERFRONTS 2 ~room home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage. P ier Ii float. Near-Lido center & City Hall. Only $18,950 -Submit on down payment. DUPLEX, 82 ft. bulkhead, oversized Coat, 2 car garage. Nicely furn. & in excellent condjtion. $26,500 Easy terms. ~ BEDROOMS extra lge. living room with fireplace. Pier & float will ~commodate up to 50 ft. boat. Priced to aell'quickly at $29,500. Finn. SELECT INCOME BUSINESS Bu1LDING NET INCOME 10% PLUS. Six top notch tenanta all on leue. Beat location on Coast. A·l conatruc· tJon. Owner living in Eut desires quick aale. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 8320 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-7773 "At the An:hea" · Balboa Island BA YFRONT HOME with pier and float. 3 bdrm.a. 2 bath. One of the beat. ~7,500 ROOM TO BLD. additional unit while you enjoy 2 bdrm. attnc. furniahed home. -COmpletely fenced $18,500 Bayshores 3th year old 3 bdrm. 3 bath beautiful bay view. Cpta. le drpa. incl. ln thia true Vogel value. Priced at $39,500 Corona del Mar View Home New -3 bdrm. It den, 2 flreplacea. Beautiful mahop.ny panelled living room. $-49.~ THE VOGEL CO. 208 Mann. Avaiue, Balboa bland Nest door to the Post Office Har. 444 Evee Har. JOO~M Har. 42.S·R KILLION , real eatate Parade of Home Value. . . LIDO JSLZ Exrluatve Ba,ytronl Pier &114 atl p ' bdmu. a luau.ry bat.M Cu.ttom t umJ.ehlns lntluded. CLIFF HAVEN ~v1-uom• Room tor pool ll~'lb&l'• "-"t t .. BALBOA COVES V. alertront, Pier It Slip a 1*frma .• 2 baUw "Boat lncludf'd'" A a.care• llem ' CORONA DEL M.AR Contemporary modem S..utlluJ b.ty vlf'W t •ndn co&t al 139,600. U 10\l.r home II NO'f iabown h•,.. .001"114 lo and uJt- We h••• on• for Y"U KILLION, real eatale 3341 New-po rt Blvd. Harbor ~ ' (Eveninp -Harbor 35M·R) Oppollit• Oty Hall __.n-__ ReaJ __ r...._ta_te~ ____ e-_11ea1 ___ FAt __ 1.a .... te~. ____ a.-ReaJ FAtate p. a. palmer incorporated · developers of Lido Isle . North Bayfront Home 3 bedrma., 2 bat.M and powder room-2 eervant '• rooma with bath -lovely large livins room -cov- ered patio with terrific barbecue -kitchen with · • I butler's pantry -3-car garage -PLUS beautiful 2 bedrm. 2 bath apartment -plua 2 utility rooms -less than 5 yrs. old and the price of $75,000 includel repalntlJ?g ! Billion Dollar View SP~AcµLAR best describe9 th.la ftne property situated hleh on tJie bluff with breathtaking view ot Harbor, ocean, coutline and city. 3 bednna. 3 baths, dining room, laundry, large baaement, beautiful living room with floor to ceiline glaaa wall commMding a 'fairyland vf~ of nlg'ht Ugh ta. Coet SM.000. now only $iO;'ooo.\ Hurry! Once In A Blue Moon NOT LEASEHOLD! a lucky buyer benefits from the many $$$$ an owner ha~ just spent for new features. Such is the case in this almost new home on Lido. Ther· mador oven and range, wall to wall carpeting, nicely furnished, sliding glus doora to patio, 3 OPEN SUNDAY 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. 22US Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar Come by or call Dave Osburn for det.ali.. ·interested In Money? bedrms. 1 & a.& baths, and only $32,950 Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upetaira with deck•. ·2 bednn.. l bath down.ataira with encloeed patio. Both apta. have forced air furnacea. fireplace, c~ting, drapea, refrigerator, 11tove. Unbelievably priced at Then by all means, read tht. and call ua. Some one will make money on thia 3-unit apartment house, and it might aa well be you. Each unit haa 2 bedfm•· and all are rented. The owner really wanta to eell, ao call and let's talk about this one. $21,500 See Joe Kincaid. only $57,000 $12,000 down. Beautiful Shorecliff Oceanfront We have one of the few remaining Iota in this outatanding 1ubdiviaion. Priced at only $15,300. The only lot left on Driftwood. 60 ft. corner, best PENINSULA location $17,000 Bill Farnsworth will give you detalla, p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6673 Peninsula Homes! SELECI'ED VALUES FOR YOUR PERUSAL. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar Houston Values I . OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME No. 1-2 bedroom bome nicely tur- nlahad. J'treplau. Dandy patio, doubi. 1ara1• . . . top condlUon and only llt.~. tuma. Be.t buy of the year. Large 2 bed.rm. home, 2 bat.ha plua 2 bed.rm. garage a pt. plua furn. •tudfo ayt. Only a few atepe to ocetn front .Ir China Cove. t5 !t. frontage. Quality con.1t thru-out - Better hurry -Only $38,500 No. 2-2 ~ bedroom, l \. bath tur- n lahed home. Two atory l or v1ew a11d ~ad•corated. Cute aa lhe dlcken1 . • • 1 17.~. 14000 down. 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH No. a-Doctor'• ~auUtul home. • bedroom• &11d 2 bQlh1. On Excellent condition, both unite have fireplace•, hwd. fire., laundry and garage. Priced at $22,500. Term• can be arranged. Excluaive with ua. 2 tare• com er lol•. B&d· mlnlon. court.. patio. dll"\I· fled horn• tor l&TJ• family. uo.~. t.rma. 3. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 H'ERl:S TWO l'IW!:L.l. VALUES • , • Juat a Jump lo the Bay In 4, Balboa.. Only lot ava..ilable of this kind, 40 x118. Choice rental cU.trlct. Priced at ,~,760. SHORECLrfFS LOT Only one at the low price of $H.7GO. ' . -8~ hr>nlt , , • nut and rl ... 11. A.· 1 l'Ondlllon, tur· niah•d and 1le"pa t ~le tor only ui.!>00, 16000 down. 5. VIEW OF ENTIRE 'HA~IOR AREA -Anolhu 2 bedroom f\lr· nl.aht:d horn• Ju•t 3 doo,.. 6, from bay. \\'tit ma.Ire ('OOd home or dandy rm t..r Wint.er or Summer I U .000, , terme. From thia choice lot bJch on' tb• hill in Corona Higbla.nd.. Best view lot av&llable. Priced at $13,600 terma. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES Liated exclua1vely with u.a. See ua for bHt buy• in this aru. Shown by appointment only and priced far below repla~t ~ Call ua for particulan and appoint to 1ee • fY YOU WA.NT JNCOMr; rROf'· EHT\' THAT PA Y~ OFF anrt rT'nl<'d """", u k l" ue lh,.~ VAIUrt CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. -On lht! rentn.ul11., 8 unlll. t 11'&"'1""· All well tur• nl11hetl Unit. IU• l~t In .. 1~ •nol Yt!I .Y •lit A<'llVr Oldt'r 1n'•fw-1tybul H~Cllll · ly w•ll built. r r1rr<1 •t 1~1.300 and ltrm• -IN !"!:\\T ORT . tlnae ln O<t an .tr D•y 3 ht">Uu.a on l '"'a Slurfn fOll· ~1 ruction a n rt (11rw.gu . lO'l A U rtnled. u e,,oo. 16600 dOWI\. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoall• Bank ot Amu1ca Rou <1r,.~ley A I CoMlellua • Ed t.- • J ark Plnllhllm JOMph.lne Webb PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Realtor 3447 E. "otlllt' Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (0Hice located next door to Corona del Mu Ba.n.k) LIDO PR .OVINCIAL .. CLOSE TO THE CLUBPOUSE Thie choke two bedroom tt!l be yourt for on.I/ $22, 700. • Beamed ce1hng1 • Uled bnck fireplace • In.side window abuttera • Quarry tale kitchen • Large two-c•r garage 0000 ~~.1rno~~tntrrlor. on 60xl27 loL Can buJld another unJt. Exe. E . aide locauon. Only t 1TL old. A. real buy. Close-in $7500 OLDER HOME, nice condition - w1Lllc to atorH, nr. center or town-r ood ltrmA. Bargain-$7500 EXCL. 2 bdr m., 1ewer. cement blk.. fence. bar·l>·q, pauo. 6b128 lot, only 2'ii, yn. 01<1. It't & cood deal I Nice 3 br. on 1/2 ac. SACIUFlCE 12960 dan. 6 f&O mo. R.ed~. vac. Ready to move ln. S.. 2331 Santa Ana Avenue.- Lots R.-4 70.UJO, 8 .A. Ave. --•2260 R_. &Oll200, 8 .A.. A. ve. -·-$3~ R ·l Irrer;., Back Bay -·--Jb:Z.00 M-1 i0lll27. rom er --··--·· 11~ M·l Ms•7&, Level -·-U UOO Gold Mine Income BALBOA ISLA:.'D waterlront, nr. Ferry. H&mburfe:r • malt eland. ptaddle boards A 3 , .. ntal~. !'\el· '"'' ov&r I JO Mo l<1r 11ummt'r aeuon. $311.COO \\Ith low down 6 lerm•. Houston Realtv Co. A .ASSOClA TF.£f &Oii Cenle:r SL Coit& Nu& L.1 8·1191 l LJ 11·1787 Eve. ph. Pt lllte LI 11·64~7 Lytle I.I 8·~42 geyrnnur. Hu. 1'11?9 .w B/B Back Bay! $11.750 • 2 bedroom pl1.18 e.iitra lot • Fruit lreu • Pantled hvl~ room ---------------------, TOO I: Balboa Blvd , B&Jboa COST A MESA The Best Town on Earih . . Phan• Harbor 327 - 1 -1 • Large walk·ln cloeet We have the key lo thia immaculal'!, nea.r new Lido homr . Come in and d1scW11 tenn&. • Ranch tyre • r.ural hou gu It r l .. rl rlrlty • Pltnty or room • :'\car TuaUn At 2._lrd Strett BAOt BAY RANCHO -l fuU sere -5 bedroom home with many e:rtraa -room for that h<1~ or more homea. NICE VlEW -Oppoeite S. A. Country Club. A real home (2 Br.) plu.a two Beparate r entala lprlnte entranceti & garage.) comer l<><:atlon. beauu!ul l&nd11eapmg. &pr inkling 1y1tem, all A·l condition. $28,750 with $R700 down. INCOME PROPERTY: New 2 Br. home end fllX nke fumlahed renlalfl, near Blvd. and market. Monthly income $43..'5. Price $39.000 w1tb tennt.. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport BJ\·d., Coeta Mesa LI 8-1601 ,. SEASHORE DRIVE F:XCELLEJ\o"T BEACH ~ thla a ttrartlve OCEAN FRONT home-deaign· ed for yr. round living. K notty prn(' Uv. room with dining area. Formica kitchen. Downatair1 hu 1 bcdrm. & 1 :l bath. 3 bdrms. 1117 bathe up. Solid conat., concrete .Ir piling foundat ion. Encloeed yard, 2 car garagr. ~22,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 8113 Newport Bh•d., Newport Beach Har. 1013 One of the best In Corona Ml Mar -• b<lrm hou~• on 81).ft lot The llou..- fnr ll )llfJ:I' fAll'lil\• r rl('t! f l!A• "'"""'It' \\,. hll' I' ~Ml'lf't rl'lnlr,. Al'r"•ll" !nr I 1a111 .. 1n \',.ntu111 ~·t11mt\• llnrt m ~11n Rf'm11rrtlnn ('n11n1 ,. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multiple 1.111tln1 Rn ltnr11 Bu11neH Broker 3 1~ E c.i Hwy , Corona "'' ~Or Harbor 2U2 4.2 FT. LOT ON WATERPRO!ITT. Can have pier 6 11lp, 117.000 hill pnr". tcm11 J M. Ml.1..LER CO. 2020 W. B&Jboa Blvd. Har 4091 tnear u"' N-port P1trl KINGS ROAD CORNER VIEW LOT 70 ll 11& fL C • 2 Lot l QO s 300 on i a11 St.. Coat•,. .. CALL OW~ER. UbWt.J 1-l&U. Moll LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPTON J.H.GROHMAN GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON MOO Via Lido Harbor «44 ( Acroaa from Richard's Market Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the Top I 81/2 Million Dollars • PROPERTY ~O LD IN 1950 WITH MONTIIS TO SPARE USE MULTlPLE LISTING. IT'S THE SUCCESSFu1.. WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. / Newport Beach • P':Xtr1' lot i:\" ll Intl' • Ma.lie 1>ffer on l'lown Ocean View! GOOD 01·11 .fll:'\'G 1..oT ·~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc llitl6 ;\"rwport Blw'I ("n11l" Mr,.., < 'nllr l.O•rrty 11-11111 ~:'""· 1,1 ~·30t() 3 BEDROOM HOME On 65 x 350 lot EXCEu..E:-."T conl'llllon In and 11ut You ran be a ~enlleman farmer or build 3 more houau on thl• R-4 lot. $9000 . . • term1 - EXCLl:SIVE WITH CS . Seven Islands Reelty & Investment Co. ~3 32nd St • Newport Beach, l·1111t H&r. 61188, &!ter O pm. Har. 22113-J WA TERnto:-.T LOT, complete with bulkhead -\'cry cloM lo 1 .• ltlo •hoppln«. Ml«ht oonaldar tru11t deM f1>r equity. HOMER E. SJ~ £fl. Reallor lOtl McFeclden Pl., Ha.r. l~ Evu. Har. 112flll·W.-ffar. 2829·M. NEW., l BR. !fOME, on l~ ft. duplex loL Only S3600 down. OON'·T W .+.rr.- J . )(. JCILLEJ\ co. 2016 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. totl (ne&r the N"'))Ort Ft•> NEWPORT HARBGR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area fam1Ue1 are lnapectlns these exqulalte homes -notine their cornlort, con- veruence and central location. More and more famUlee who prefer a home in a re- 1tricted quality community are moving Into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive In today and see for yourself the many out- 1tanding features of this remarkable community. Inspect the model honies, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leuehold Estat.,. In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven NEWPORT WATERFRONT HOME NEWLY REMODELED inside and out. 13 x 20 living room, tile kitchen with breakfast bar. Inter- ior plastered and decorated most a llratt1,·ely ••ith wall paper. Bulkhead and anchor piling for slip and float all ready. Permit issued for Blip. R-2 lot and room to build. Sl7.500 full prK't'. CHARM IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bedroom and den, 2 beautl!ul brick f1replacea. :.. W W c&rpet and drapes, large laving room, l 1<i bathe. Heavy ahake shingle roof. Only 1 yr. old. $18,500 full price. IT'S EASY TO OWN A HOME THREE BEDROOM home in Eut Costa Me.a - blrch cablneta tn kltcb~n. 1' x 20 livin& room, patio. w W ca.rpeta. $1500 down. 4 1 2 ~o 1st TD at $64.45 per month. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-5597 Coeta Meea E,·enlnga LTberty 8-1.:S1 CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY U-295 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SO. FT. et $4.60 sq. ft. $5295 Three· Bro.room Loch Lomond I 155 SO. FT. at $4.60 sq. ft. Car Ports 14 x 20 $295 I OO o/ti FINANCING GUARANTEED thr<>ugh $250,000 &-condary Fmancing Fund, on your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO • OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Century .Ir Dorothy. Garden Grove LE 9--0e.33 27t!o LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Lido No1'! corner with per- manent view of Bay. Near beat beach for 11rim· ming. Three bedrma., bobby room &. den. Charm· ing king 11ize muter bedroom with ilcovo and connecting private bath openlllg ·onto l&rp IUD deck. The unusually ettracUve living room bu ~lading glau doors 0~11lng to the patio, while uie modem kitcben•has built-In <lisltwuher , d iapoeal, copper" hood, ceramic tile and numeroua o~r feature• to please the mo1t futid.ioua. Truly ona of the fineet or homes, and prited to sell. : SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two hoUIH, l ·lot, flreplaca -·-· $21,600 Two B. R. Houae, 1 B. R. apt ., und~l' -$19,000 Two B. R. Houae, oak !loon , clun $13,GOO Ten acru near Tuatin. Per acre ···-··-~'e,000 R-2 Lot, Corona Highland., Choice -malio ott• ALSO MEMBER OF MUL'l1PL.E LLSTING BOARD G. JL LATHROP, MM E. Cout Hwy. O:>rona del Mar Har. 5«2 Evel. Hu. M80 3ec38 ' .. · :' • • • PAGE I· PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEM86R 30, 1955 Treat One Man After Marina Boat Fire ~ -I Open I Evenings ,. A Newport Buch man wu f1ven OllYit"n from " fire depart· 1 mient Inhalator at 9 30 a m Sal· •rday whC'O he 11ccld•nlally lnh&l· I ltd pynnr fum,.,. •111rlnir; a g11110· , Jin• nre on a boat dockeJ al the I VIiia Marina. Stan Smith ot 018 Avcx:arl11 Ave yu not 1erlouely effected by the fumn and wu rtleued following "• trl'almf'nt. Haroll1 S tamps. 3442 Via Lido 'til Nine -In Licio Shopping Area 'Loa Anjl'r lP11. owner of the boat !>ream, H id he WU llrllng a fl&n of ra11<>llne when ll 11tlppt'd and tM ruollne hit a hot t"hlrger u d exploded. He managl'd to ntlnqulah the flamu before the urival or flremtn. Smith waa worklnit on thf' 1ren· erator of the boat at the time of the accident. ·van cle Camp Yule lonus $125,000 Approximately $12~.000 wlll ~ .d1atrlbute<t to f"O-work,.r11 of Van Cl• Kamp'a Ba.kerte1 and Cottee tlhope In the form of a Chrtatmaa l>onu., It waa announced by Law· nnce L. Frank, pN>aldrnt, and Theodore J . Van de Kamp, encu· 'tin vice praldenl. In the Thanluf!vlnf meq&g'e, the co-founder• of thJa pioneer kklnl' concern ye11terd11y Hiii that lhla repreMnta a rll<'ord (:hrlatmu bonua, and they Ula.nk· ed UMlr co-worker. tor their part la ~ yMr Sonr •Olli Ann1veraary uaebraUoL nu. wt1J be the lttli Van de Kamp Ou1atmu bonU. ln 20 1een. tn add!Uon to a V ictory llonua W1l.lcb wu ,.tv.n co-work· en ta 1MI. ..., CoL Harding on Cowl He•lncj Collc6oratlon Rap • FORT lJCWIS, W ASHINOTON. !fOV. »-Col. Jamee 0 . Hal"dln.1" el Banta .Ana. la a member of A• court which convened here &Qday to llear evidence on K or•an p,laoner of war charl'e• of collab- ~tloa flied by the tronmm~nt A;alntit Lt. Col. Paw V. Ulea ol Srmln~lwn. AIL .~Col, Bard1nr. wbo will become dlputy ,..i commander Dec. 1 la a 1929 (Taduate of Weet Potnt. Iii• realdee a t Fort Lew11 with hi. wtfe, F9nl. Kla mot.her, Mn. nancea Eleanor Hardin&. Uvee ~ 101 ICdpwater St.. Balboa. (\:7. I . AftXT PKOTO) Trudler lnlurecl In Minor Wredl 1<*n Allan Graver, \1, of 317 Orchid AH., NewpoT'\ Beach. auf· fend a1nor tajur1 .. a t 11 ·:1<1 pm Fl'Ma, ~-h1a urht pickup truck plowed Into the .ide of &ft· .U.. c&r at Cou t Hlfhway and A.....a. AYe., accordlnr to New· ~police. Drt9W of the otheT auto, who WU ahurt. wu Jackie Earl Qnss. 11. ot 2029 Harbor Blvd., QMta Kea. Polle• e&Jd Oren .,.. att..npUns to m ake a left tUr. whln th• colll1lon occurred. & l*l'M Rl&lc:Mr who manac- .. to p t ·-1 with hiA loot ~ U,e owner r.ltzlnr It _.. rwported to Newport lffach pollM n14•7. Jin. W. L. 8"mu, 211 Mom · ... ~ R4.. told omcer1 ah• ..t tnto a to7 ehop on Via U do .... ~ U :30 p. m. and when ah~ I r--.. tor her purM to ma.lie a ,. bett ah• found It wae mi.it· lQf. lb9 Nld llh• bellev.. It wu tUaa from unde.r htr arm aa -. wu ftllunl' a1on1r U,e 1treet. ~ pune oonteJned UO In caah, .. _,.. eye ,t.-&11d mlace.I· ....... papen. .... eel For Drlnklnt Ahr Near Wreck no,.I A. CllU'tt of 871 Victoria .&..-. Oaeta Meaa. wu Nov. 14 • by Mua polloe on 11 of drtvlng while drunk. Of· NJIOl1"4 Clark'• club C'OUpe .....S o••r UI• double line on Har· 1 bor Blvd. and almost h it an on- aomtnc vmlcl•. They H id Clark admitted drtnJdnl' bHr prior to Ma &tTeet a t Harbor Blvd. and Runllton St. He wu ar~•l.c'd at 1 :20 a.m. and book«! Into Or~e County JaU at tl:40 • m. loat Stolen llart W. Brown. 23 Balboa Co.,. told Newport poUC'e S•tur· -l)at bl• homemade boat had ..._ atolen from h1a dock 11ome· am. durtnr th• put 11•ffk. He ~ It &e 12 f~1. lonr:. un· I ... ted wtlh a flbre«l&a bottom Md ftlued It at SIM. ~enc• Is Costly ODl'lllne Pehnon. 70~ N. Bay ,,_t, nturMd l\ome Item a trip ... Jett her weekend ca.M and a tJ?9WTit•r on a curb about 9:3-0 ,.. a Bahl~ whlle ah• went to ... lier bou.a_ key nut door. W... lbe retumed moment.I later . • told pe>Uce. the lteme. nbaoad ................. AERIAL 8A.'\D LOADER SET A d•t•ll•d. workable n pllca ol the hus• loeden found 1n port• and c:h .. mlc.al planttl h1 •tu rdy a luminurn rubb•r looted h am• lo l\ 1" Iona and I'> 1" ht1h a nd <On"lt>I with· ~c:ffu'· <~~· !~~P ,•;."'~: ::~ •;,';1rn •hovel Ch••n contaoh S\lldt unit• lot loadl.n1 a.l\d 0 1,1nload1n1 Ma4e ~~un4 Metalctaft, I•<. PRICE $15.95 El~CTROSIC MOBILE LOl'DSPEAK.ER ~ 810SAL :nsTt:M Tlllt bt1 2 loot mobll• unit "' h1wh imr•<t pl••••c h•• an •mpl1t1Mt •• ., n• •)'•t"" and rcvolvtn, •••,chUwh• b••m. cont rolled from thr t-•b patt•I by •lectromc. ew1tt hta ;\ fio wf'tful :•~ror~:; ~·~·:~:':'·~~.~::':y.~;!"d•d Ma~• •.-llt•..co lrulu•t,.I••. lee. PRICE S9.95 PORTl:R C'OLU:OIA TF. MJCROSCOPE Ol'TYIT ra~p~o·~V!~i: .r:~~ 1t~;;?~.C ~u·.i"!'.~~: 11 ' h11h. Qf f'Qf'ta1. wUh ptt)f.-•11t•n•I f••ture• )P1'1 mu·ru , 1l+Jee. t11•n\i•l. •\c Incl..<!..! PRICE $9.95 (llote ll.,. .S.1, ,7 .. 1•1 8TROM8F.C'K&R lff.SK Bt:~ Aleo •V•l1a hl• 1" u bt• • ch•tr ,,.., e nd •tn1l• h rd • Price $2.r>t• OOLL-E·LA \"ETfE '""'• •ll r-.ChV• 1 '"•" O\'ttnl•ht b.• lit.•t ,. •IOC~~ wuh CH\U1n• Lvr nllo nut••n• unite &n mhualute, d i•P""· b•bv powdrr, ...._,,.,.n,._. d h h, •~n .. r h ~\'H 10 •rr•••Orl,.• l"d ur1 nc f•mou• hrand pt,.-dt.u t" -nd • bttol.l~f '"' ()oll E l-ar• •• Molrt.-d of p t•-ttf.1 It h•• ,.,,.1e l h•ndJ,, •nd • h1n1"'d r ..... ,....i hd M•4• lir A."'eri<u Mtl•I S.,.. lalll•• Co•p. PRICE $3.98 I JET FL\'ER \'ELOCIPEOIE Thti •m•rtf"tl of 1tyl1n1. phu "qual· It)'• cotu trur uonl Jtf aturdv tub ular el,.,.1 lr•rn• U f111rd with •dJu•t•bl• rntl J!Jlflrttl ••ddl,., J,.nder 1h1rld, knut kl11 •u•1A1 •nrf 1trc"meot 1 rt1u R''"~trd 1po ke wheel• t b _f.Jont, Q .. ,,..,I h•v• Chrvt ler OUtt• round b"ll b~•f"ln11. ••mt pneum•t1c puncb.ir•· proor lit••· Ma4• ~P J1,1nler Tet Cof'l'. PRICE $26.95 l'ARDRIRD Th• l•t••t t h lfti(' In barlpl ard lurd l hh •tutdy, •t rrAf111in .. rt '"' wh11 '"'' •IOnif an It• nwn '"'lroatf ''•'k• chaln dnv_,,n •nU pn1p•lft>d b)' t t•nli.• It •• J4 •' • I l "-l1tjt "'nc>u1,J\ ro ;~:.y • .' It\ b~~1~:1 '.',•u' .1t1 :' n~u.! •,';!11'(,, ~~·nvy w.!'4!· .. ~~ .. n:11):"~t .. ~1 n~"· z ~, ~~~:. Al\d t-Omt>t wut. <th ' :J .... -.urvf'd ltacl.. M .... '-M,~,.·c •.• ":; D••P"• PRIC:t~ ($31.15)• 8 l 'PER .IET co~n:kTIRl.E Th• uhtm•t" In 1th•rt •tylu1" •1"Hi q:v•h ty con •t rw1 uont h hiu l •P•""<l • .ll)pr,.•lo ro•flf p,.-h ., .. ,,.c • hMn Ht,,,.. With 91f"a t •t\tl t I,.\,., b411JI •n•t vii It>•• '''''"'~ i,,.fttlnv• •nd IJ rut, hrr '""d .,,,,..J. •• lun,. 11 •ti''~' •topl• lrw tv<nn lnr romfort Me4• .. .,, BMC M•nuh ctwd"• Co..-p. 1Swh ol AMFl PRICE $26.9.i ... l.OOR \fOnt:f, POOi. TAou: I tu• rn,,~..-.. '"""",. •t\ lffl pnnl t•hl~ ,.,,"',rf• ..-" . .,, •• r .... ,., .. ,..hit, ti•',. ~t}ltnlf • f):I~•" I•;\,,,' ~1,11; •• J·~~•~'':: .. ,:~tlh~• ..jot\h I ,I\ llf 'tl "l''i '"' Jr1n Utff ,.1j ttl•\ •nw •urt•• • "11 0111._,, h .. h ,..-111'"· t••thrnt 1 u •h1n1111i,. "'•n•,.t• •tit) t .. d rh..-d••I• I •,lit• 01'1 I' u ''' l ""'" " nu.pl,. 'U""• I f\f" h"I'• I n •n wlr .,.,f rwle ..,,..,, •• lf'I 1uti••I M•4• .,, Ou•rown Co1p, PRJ('t: $3;;.IH)• :o.l'IT'l .m. l 'l..A.St:T ARI\ .M \ ntnut• lhtt wonrl~·-"' th t h••vrn• ~ho"'• m•Jnt <ffn•tr llat1nt"I• •••<fJv •• lhf'\ tllJ'p,..r 1n •n, rru,nth nt th~ ~;~:~" ,! tu•h:u':':~~J,f ',":n,.~n7' kt-~~ rllt>tul•t 111nrl h111nd ~'lnh oh fnr l't•tlv 'l\l'ltmn •nft IA tt'uri_. I • t.1.h, tl h•• pl••llr •ph.-r• •ntt rwi~nt"f ft••h· loa~I lnlorm•llt>n 1><>00 1ncl...:t.d Mo4• hp Her..,aai<' It"" Co•p. PRICE $14.95 A SMALL DEPOSIT .. HARBOR 2954 PHONOO~APH, REOORD a !oiTAXO CO~BlNATION Th11 b~autiful Portabl• •lt<'tnc phono· 1••s>h tOmre weth • iz· luah wrolilsht u on 1l&nd. re• ord rdck, .. nd 6 i..n• bre•k•bl~ p l40 U 1.-c-tuldun • tt'<"orda. It h•• an UH~11r-•l lone chamb.t. mrt•I p ane-I c.onatru(Uon. and • wood c••f', c:ovc-red Ln aC'uU~re11•l•nl Py1oa1hn• Pla,.t all 71 RPM record• up lo ll '. Ma"• "r 5 .. ar ....... <KU , lee. PRICE $18.95 IU"RP GUN Thie 2)1 ,·· a .. n fir•• I to 'O •hot1 •t cr111e-,. touc h, with lo\&d no11• end amok~ tt uu1 t-..1l~or• perlorat•d c1tp• •nd h•• nu:l•I pert•. pl••Uo , •••. mov•bl• wu• •tock, •nd ••ht1 '1n1 m •th•nu m. M•"• i., a.c.uel, I•<, PRICE SS.98 TAD APART TRUCK Hete ere ' epl....tld pla,.t-le I• I: •n ..i .. ce•lonal nice.apart toy, • p1,1ll t oy and a rid•·-truck, e1ron1 en0\l1h lo •uPt>Ort a child. h '• 19" lon1. with a toOm)' I I" • 6" • 6°/)" bed. Ra ck at , .. , holdo opere wi.-1 end tool• for dl•••ntlln1 and ,... uMmbl1<11 th• ••ti,. tr•~. Ma4a ~,. rtarar...I ........ "' .. ••. c .. PRICE $8.00 EUCTO& 1'111• faadMtln1 Eleclrlc Ea•lM Set b .. llde th• thnlllnr Alrpl••• fl•d • end oth•r w·ork6nc model•. It con• taint •~• JU metal parle, plue M•1•0 T•l•I lluihl• eowplln• •"d tnetr\lcU•n• -coepl••• la •n ti'' etffl ch.,..al. Ma4a "' TM A. C. ca""1 C.. PRICE $14.95 r .. :...~••••·-·-·.-:_~tu~~ '· . --... ~ - -- 10LIONEL TRAINS IN ACTION---- wlth MAGN~TRACTION PRICED FROM $19.95 KA\' !4T A:\'LE\''8 Ut:L"'Z KITCHF.S Thi• 11tU ••(th~ kttdt•n u 1btn•t h•• ~~f:lh,r~m:.:;~·~;n::l 1 ind h::~··.d~d"~: t.Ur-tl "'"h a tomplrl• •Inf"\!. of •tum lr'l••m a rui p l""" .. ut,.n-.al•, hol p.a.d. rl• •t Ii. •pton. ch Pf e hat. <OOk book. •nti "W' HU nf ••IOflf'"d lf'n\llft• lff'tnt ff"l(\tf p rotluth' Med.• lir Kar 5tH l•r'• Modrl·C•ell, Int . PRICE J &.98 l!:LECl'ROSIO RADIO 8T A TIOS S•ed• anti t-.<91••• vole.• el'Wfo4:od• m ....... w,. to ' , rnlle. H•• ewllct.· boerd ty~ ••lritctor p•n•I for bUMr. c:lld1 •• ••tc"'H•ht lre•eml••kt"-1 mlrroithOtJ~ dee...& .... 1..a book, •tc. lnclud...i. PRICE $6.95• t LIDO ~.~!!.a~! IN UDQ SHOPPING AU& WILL HOLD ANY / DIJLUXE PALOIONO WONDI!:& HORSE Thi• llf•W.• l'eloml-hH •II the eaciti•• ac-of • ,..I horH , It i. J9'/}" '"'•• ••Idec! of utr•·'°"'" pl.etl• • pld .. Paa-.i.o tolor. aM ...... Jted hr h lfh•tAHt tpflAI• -e at..nlr ..._ ..... 11a1ebed meul k••· .... ~ ............... tac.. PRICE $29.95 LOOK UP OAAAOE Tllto f••d M tl•• 12'/)" wo.d 1•r••• ha• • wlndow end a ver1et~ ol d oor• on all aldu lli•t children love to ope• ead I ... upl <hie "" bolt• and bar: eoot.h•r. • turnina k nob; • t .. hd, • hook c.atc.h . A m •nlehtH tn.C-11. c.erTt•• • ~d of ) ••tt•h•J>~ blo~ko which flt '"'• <ort .. polMllnr ' •Iott I• the .. ,..,. Mot. ..... '" Plarelaael .... 11la&t11r1a• C.. PRICE '8.00 T'hl• •n••rtalnlne •nd ad\l<•t1orie1 1•m• 'nvo1¥ .. • ¥•r••l7 of re•lt•tlc mJn&.hH•• -• d••ry, t hou•ti•. • r.1::J•cb•~7,~~~ ·:~ ... :n·;"~.:'. ·1:. :~~~:t ,!: ;:m~=~ll::r d\~:tl~lr~1 p1r~; pleeUo •Ptn.t'M'r Ma4a lip HM•••lel4 ...... IM. PRICE $1.98 DEi.GU TJLAOTOK H•re I• • l"""t,.. c.h•ta·drt••· J. ...... trader, coauoU..t by • ... , el.tit i. ... r h It 44" l'>n1. hnlth-.1 In red .na mel •llh while a rtd 11lv•r trim. a nd h•• a·· heftt arul 10'1 , .. , whH_le, h ••7°dvt)'. t41fftl•Pftei\lm•Uc Utt._ N II bMr••••· k.ft .. ~artton tro"t lork. •df\t•t•bt• •pr1"• ... •vattid , .. ,. r••r .... tralln Jtltc..h. •o. ...... .., 8MC Maeulactvml• c .... cs .. 1i el AMF) PRICE JS2.95 .. ROBERT THE ROBOT" I T'Mt mechaa lcal .. m•n of tomorrow .. •9Yt• 'orw•rd or bai:.l&ward. to left et 11,h,, 1wln1t.na hi• a rm •. c-a u y. l•I objocll In hit hand.-.11 by bat. •'ry-o pe•ted r-wnote cont rol I \\'and lM crank la hit b•<k and heat lum ...... k" ••Ytta l ee.nten <c• I An •d · 4thenal batl•r,. and bulb h•h• "r. h•• •Y•• ea4 antel'\aa. H • •• 14" ta1 , ol ••••Ille plae1lc. Me.4• lty l._al Ter C..-p. PIUCE $6.95 WOIUUlL~CR l:ntln 11~/i" "-•h can b. diome ntled •nd ,,._••••mbt.d wuh ,,. •• ol b••'c w-ore4ieft 0010011.. -tl•w hammer. ee,..,..drJver, wr .. n ch, •'•• . .tc., PRICE $2.50 ot:CK HHOOT WJTB PLAt!TICl DART RIFLE ~~~.r·.1~,' .. on •,1!~ '.h':o1"1n'i1h: ... "',7.~ t•UOAUy htho1r•t.!\;'~ duck•. m ounte-d on • r•volv1n~ m.eal lloor •t•nrl, ~!';':,':':.;::~ d::,•.~ ,•:.:uf.~:·.,~ ~;: •rt'ft• to wh1t h lh#y ar• clapp.d. Me4a lip T. Cefli•, 1-. PRICE M.98 A red Heht fl••h .. • •• '"''" m,..••• al•"I' 1'h" "'•rl\1nf r.'••U< and m•••I fo~~ 'a~~' 11t~n11 ;:ottt~."•,, 1~--~~~!~•o: •,•c•o'u '"°I ,..,,.,l, •n "o•l'•"n·· tank.. ladden. 1o•d blnd 1.. al'\d • ton- trot bo• woh • mlcrophoft•·'" M.a4a ~r 1" .. 1 T ar c ..... PRICf; SS.98 TOOL BELT Prb ss.oo ... A.I• a"llal>'-.. ,...._ ..... ,,_ tl.N•_,._..,,_ IJ .... u o to. ''THIRD DIMt:SSIOSAI." ANTIQl'E c<OLO SF.It\ u ·r. t'OK l'llX Adorned ...,Ith t d11nfln•1nnal R"'n•h · ••I'\' e ••yl1 boerl•• • •uJ l••h1nn•d •Iler lh• lin.-el ••hi••••"· ttu • ••t ~el::t.~"~ .• ~:~,:~~~ 1hnirl '• ,,:,1:~•n•r.: • 1 r•• .. •• 1n 1 lutllf' "''" d u h, •UI•' how •nd '•~•m•t· •h •nd P"P:-'•' ~~~~-:::; err-:· :::;,:,::· ~~~~·o·t ·r'!.~ , ..... liqYld "'°' ~-n ,)I ,.••,.fl Ma4• b1 11 • •" Ce• It· PRICF. $5.9.\ MAK\'f:l.Ol"I• MUO: W h•n l•vu le ou•h'fd , robot · d th••• • t1 IH.lo,.._.•nd -hr n tt 1\11• •o ub •t at Ir, m•• Mn" •UIOtt1•I 11 •llv •h>J.••. b-•t k• u p. 1u1n • a nd """'• IOl""'•"t "111•1n In • d1U.,Pnt •h••t tmn l ,., lnr' te 14" 1001, ot hra\ Y w•VC• •lf'f't wttb r\&bbf'.f lr•\IOf 11 .. ad • PRICE $9.9~ Now ••• for all little cooks ••• i(EVE~E WA~E /\f iAUrilwlt ~& ~ w .4, . -'~ I '"Cl MINIATUH sn I Sur• Co••r .. d ~•IKa r.11 •. 0fV1' ~ilt.t. Cn•~ ~U('O' l't>t, \\lm1l1nc TH l.:•ttle 'w11b Tt11l 1u-Coetrol J'u~..t 1• ~··ltWfQI p!.y•lo•e H l1Mt. $9.95 , .L...., .. 11- 9'-. ,,_ Pl., 5r1a -fv•I ltk• ,..,,,,,., Re-o"" ..-.,.., ~h• Yorld'e f 111rol!" MM!. ef ..,P- JMW-Cl.td or11nl .... M•I, tt.., lonk H lf c.,.,,. like R"tr• W a~. lie., Bahl1tr knnba Hd ha..!t ... v1rb riar Ill them , , , -II hne •l1t '" Re•tN Tr'.,.. wtlMifl1111 •• Ii~ orith u.. tri19" .,..1 P\AT-ITOW, TOOi T-th• --.,..ct. ·--ii ..... -I MJOf'f\11 p19T-et-for ,_ -._,..., lo -"' Oii I« lier 4oll&. Co-lat and -tJ,.rnl T.lta -II-.. T<"'' little tlrll IM'll '-•• M••c 1 lte••H Tl ue 5-1 I. ._ ...., OYft J TWO OTMll SIIH1 J ,i.e.... 7 Pied ... OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE 'TIL DECEMBER 20th • wlffRed Label Fully.Coolied. Eastern SMOKED 'HAMS et • wonderful trNt for your t1ble thl1 isl WHOU OI SHANK HALF All-American's Famous Fresh, Lean Ground BEEF lowest price In •t least 2 y••nl Erhardt or Val-Chris JUNIOR TURKEYS Oven-Reidy! Porfoctly clrested inside and out 5 to 7-lb. Average I .I· RATH'S READY·TO·EAT FANCY GRADE U.S. CHOICE ONLY EASTERN. ST ALL-FED STEER • ,. . COTETAGE BEST CUTS-7-BONE & CHUCK t I BEEF •1 U.S. Grade "Choice" Beef ROUND STEAK U.S. Grade '.'Choice" Beef · SWISS STEAK U.S. Grade "Choice" Beef-Bone In RUMP ROAST --------- U.S. Grade "Cltolce" _ Only I I I $3.95 VALUE! · k DOWNEY* NORWALK* GARDEN GROVE* IEWPORT BEACH*' CORONA DEL MAR .. * SAN~CllMEITE 1 . . ' . . -. ' ' .. • I . NTS ... ... .. ----.... - :·• ... .. ... .... .... .. .. , .. r .,. ,. .. ~ • • ~ • • • " ~ • • • • • • I • , • . • I . I ' ' ' ' .. I I • ... i I .................. -------. .. - ALL·AMIRICAN -COLORED PRIMIUM BRAND SLICED OR HALVES WILSON'S NEW SHORTENING-J..LI. CAN II No. 21 Can r • • • • • -• - - -• .. All-American Real Cream, t-Gal. : s::·:~; ;',~~c:::.:· : I c E c REA. : .T u N A ... : Velvety 1moothl e Choe. e Ven. e Straw. • Neapolitan! I I Lady Ellen Low Calorie ~ ~~;~!· • : ICE MILK I No. t I I ~ans I All-American Sandwich ··----------· 3-Flivors 'h-GAL. 24-0Z. FREEZER JAi .. ____________ .. SPREAD OHIO i.ARLOAD I : MATCH SALE! ; 'Cal-Top Whole, ~-le-d __ _ ! ~~~;~M2E;;: 29c: APRICOTS N~.~~ : OHIO LARGE IOX -7c EACH : Fannl!MJ'S lread & lufhr .. i ~t~~~ _@:~~~-cl PICKLES -· . l.AIGI JAR • THE BIGGEST SALE Of FROZEN . ............ • Plmwat -Year CMice! e CUT CORN . e PEAS & CARROTS · 0o\ r • FRENCH FRIIS 0-.,1'4 tO • CUT GREEN IEANS t~ e CHOPPED SPINACH 9 FRENCH CUT IEANS • MIX. VEG • • BROCCOLI CUTS e LrAF SPINACH PICTSWEET .. ... .. .... "" ... ... .... .. .... .. '#« e PEAS :: -'ictsWMt Cut Spear1 3 . Asparagus "'••· e SUCCOTAS: e lutter Bea1"':9 ------------ lllDS EYE -t ••r Ckolce! •> • IROCCOLI SPEARS ~ ~ , • BRUSSELS SPROUTS e CauUflower e Fordhook Limas ·~ e Sllced Str~wberries e laby Limas f ------------------. •••• * MINUTE MAID SALE * :~ • Grapefruit Sections 4 ... 6'f, • Orange Juice ..-CA ..... 6 ... $ l:: ., ~ :,. e Oran&a Juice 3 ... 51 : ~ -,-: ~ • -~llf... MIHUTI MAit : ~ ...,;.. ~ • Lemonade A 0,. C 1 e Grapefruit 8 •·OI. W ( r / '1 ~,.,, ) ... ~·:... ~-. ; ~ 10• • $ ' • T1n9erin• 6•·oi.s11: ti 0 !1. ,,. e Grepe Jee. : ~ If * WONG'S * '-., e Egg Foo Young ~ e Pork or Chicken : Chop Suey ~ e Fried Rice : . ct:.! 2 ~r age . Knott'• lerry Ferm ·Boysenberries \3 , .. ,. asc .... iH Pk gs. 11 -------- Pkgs. · ··---- -- - ' -... ~ \~~ ~ KOLD·KIST SALE! .__, / 8 s100 BEEF STEAKS .,.... . ... · oo: CHILI & BEANS .... 4 ... s1oo lliO . ---3 s100 BEEF STEW ··~ ,.. . . . . "°' Creamed Chicken .... 2 ... s1 JO-, Sirloin Tips ,,. ,. •....... 2 ... SJ Roast Beef Dinner·•••· 75c ~-::::::::::=-~=-~ --* RUPERT BRAND SALE * PERCH FILLETS . . . . . . . . ... 3 ... s1 . . PACIFIC COD ............... 3 ... s1 HADDOCK · •• ,.. . 3CJc ·HALIBUT FILLETS .. . . .. . .. 4CJc CATFISH FILLETS . . . .. . ... -.. ·. 4CJc SOLE FILLETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4CJc LAKE TROUT . . ..... .. 6CJc POTATOG.PATIIES -&·~sl 4-Flshernten FISHSTICKS 8-0Z. PACKAGES 3 For $1 "4-Fiahermen 10-01. 49 s0HillMr c toll'I ,IOllN CHUN-3 POI 69C PINEAPPLf: . . . . . · IOIAllT.l MIX1CA,M 59c DINNER .... ,. ,. •............ M~lllllll'r'"I 49c IEEF STICKS ......... . ' . • • • • I • • I BETTY,..,...~ • -"'-KQ -~.. •' Pk C ••-or Cl<>ocu Plf •• ~ICE MIX Liio. 23 . ,.._ • "-LO• • •IYrt'I ~-CRU -... , .... • IETTY C•OCJc ST -' ... 25C • ANGEL EF lk OFF DEAL IETTY -.,.;; ... 8 000 39r: CIOCJcfltMALT . • 8 • 8 •• 8 8 . • CAfCt & F,..1Hn9! 53r: ·•··· ..... • •••••••• -. . ' ALL-AMERICAN FIRST QUALITY REAL EGG MAYONNAISE 24-0z. Freezer Jar CAMPBELL'S • TOMATO SOUP · GOLD TOP TOMATOES LlllY'S FANCY -46-0Z. CAN No. 2i Can TOMATO JUICE Tall Cans • • I c• .J •• • •• ' ' WILSON'S LUNCHEON MEAT • 11 'TROPICAL' SA.LE! 11 ~ C : IN :IO-OZ. Rf.USABLE FRUZER JARS . : i PRESERVES 29 . i 'MOR' 1~~~- l .E.D. RED c iPRESEavEs35 ·i SOCKEYE -NO. l'1 CAN SALMON • NllLET'S WHOLE KERNEL CORN WITH SWEET PEPPER$ 'MEXICORN' c :JEiiv 29 ·5 - MARCAL PAPER-WRAP WHITE PAPER NAPKINS KITCHEN CHARM WAX ·2 SO.Ct .. 19· Pkg1. c I You'll .;.•nl to 1tock-up •I THESE pricMI • •••••••••••••••• LIFE SODA POP e COLA e O~ANGE e CHEIRY • OllAl'I e LEMON·LIM.E e STRAWBERRY WAFFLES ...... 6 ""' 59c PAPER 100-FT. ROLL NO-RETURN 12-9UNCE STUBBY aonus (9c EACHO 6 '°' 59c • e NORWALK COINll PllHTONI I PK>N• Ol'lll IA9'.T 'TIL MIONfTI • NEWPORT llACH 1 ... COAST H....WAY AT 1Vl1WI ortN f:IO A.Iii. TO f ;OI ,.M. DALY • GARDEN iiROVE • CORONA DEL MAR • SAN CLEMENTI tlll ........ ..._ I .... lilt-> IMt COAS1' MlelfWAT AT MIHH• ta & CAMINO JUL e.&a.T "91 A.M. TO 1t:tl P.M. DAILY •:te A.Ill. TO lt:tl P.M. 'Liil. tO t P.N •. "'•tAY t tel P,1111. .. lllo .. ..... ..... ----.... -.::. ... .. .. .. , - ... ... ... ,,,. ,, . .... : • .. .. •• .. ... .. .. ·~ .. .. .. ·-.. .. .. .. .. • • ' • • • • • • • J I B ll• '" w •P "' RI c E t Th. f I•' l fl•tf , .... I h "''' "'· VI "' trnc thu a ur ~"r ··-., "'ll t he A b' C."01. .. , , of c; Ru1 th11: C'On .A bl •h<>· Its\ The the Dec. 1, 1fH -•. ALL-AMERICAN CARRIES ONLY • THE FANCllST, MORNING·FIESH- 9UALl1Y PRODUCE, ALWAYS I . FINEST 9UALITY NEW CROP CALIFO~NIA NATURAL 2l·LI. HOLIDA l GIFT SHIPPING BOX! Now'1 the time to m•il '•m -ind will tf\ev ever be •ooreciatecJ bv the folks back Hltl It's Price· MUIDD! - LARGE, RIPE, SWEET NEW CROP ARIZ. SUNKIST EACH • • • SELECTED -MEDIUM-LARGE RED v·ELV!:r BAKING SIZE THm • pu:-chase of these buutiM up with our h•m special on the front p~e -WHAT A MEALI Finest QuaRty U.S. No. 1 LarCJ• Washington RUSSETS For Chri1tmH Buying -Save 10% on Most .Case liquor PurchHesl : . ---VIN ROSE WINES! ---- Considered by many to be the ideal table winel New shipment just in from the Ea1tl All-American Pale Eastent BEER CASE of 24, I 2-0Z. CANS ~329 • ROYAL CREST RUM & BRANDY OLD ENGLISH TOM & JERRY BATTER ~J~01· ... ;_-___ ... ~-..... ..,.... -~ .... Chocolate luttercrMm SPONOI CAKI 19' ... ........ , ..... ...... ,, . MumNS .... 4._17' ...... .., • RHdy for your Tom & Jerrys! All-AMERICAN 4-YR. OLD BOURBON ~u11ity Gu1r1nteedl Fifth s399 luy a CH• & HY• 10%1 WRIETYBARGAJNS DE UDO ORtGtNALSI MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUT! HANDBAGS REG. $9.9S VALUE Choice of colorsl CHi1SiMiES CARDS Fiflh s4 59 Not Effective At All-American In Downey! ·299 25' BUY PAMPER SHAMPOO At All-American & S.nd In For Your P•mper TV lambl • DOWIEY * IORWALK *GARDEN GROVE *NEWPORT IEACli * SAi CLEMENTE *CORONA DEL MA~ • ... . . . . . . ·' ,· ... : , .. •. . . ·~ • • • I • :iiJ: :"#~. lf.iew.-ai.'MrBI'-. 1111 V~&-N ..... New Charges ,,..... of W11 1 ...... . : .· . Asbcl b WlcliN • I ' .. Le'eled I IAN1'A ANA C0CN8 )--Pio-n bale Of the w!U of Natheidat lea!, wbo died Aur. 2 tn •Newport A ult Case Beacll, WU uked ln BUperlor l .. .111 Court btte rrtday by hl8 wtdow ~ Zelda A. Beal Of eu Via Udo Nord, Newport Beach. LUf'l'A AB (OCMI) -N-a.al ten all bia bolcllnp to hi. MOU ROOM Post Office Needs Y• Quarters ...,._ ~rUay .... levied wife. P l'l"IOnal pro]>erty In the u· qa1iut a 11-year-old l&nta A.M ta\e wu !lated at wort.JI ln "U• ~ tn CCllUMCtioD wtt.1t U.. u-Cftl ot 110,000." U..,.nt need tor a bu1ldtnc t.o malt of • pncnut ......, ber -----------bou.M the worken on Uncle Sam'• ~IMS and • tn.d. Banta Claue dflall bu t..n vole· Ru.wu w. earpmw, 11. ot ne Lagnaa Wll Placecl ed by H. Payne nia,yer, poat· 8. Bl rcll at., ... Illa titMr JOUU.. ..__ C Pr ortctnaD;y wen ell&rled w1lb u-rvl" om"t ~II-muter of Newport Beach. Al Pntr hi• nu"-* ...... ...._, Nwrwt ....._ o.m. BUCS 3RD BEST IN CONFERENCE record ln J:utena Conference p1d competition proved rood mO\ll'b to s1YI the Pirate. undllpUled ~ ot third plate In Ua.!e ttaaJ tooU.U •·¥tn... run.n.ae l'CllDpecl tluwctl tlM loop WllW•t· ed tor ant .plaee wttll Mt. ... .A.Dtcmlo ID 9ICOllCl place -...... al • 6-1 mu1L JU....d. upeet Baa Ber· DU'dlDo il·J1 'n.unda7 t 0 le&w Berdoo lmott.d wtlll Banta Alla and Cbaftey wtUa W recorda. Rlvenkle wound lo11 · 1111~' Yo1t~ Hirt as Car lams i1to le1r of lewporter's I A. 11-yt&M>ld Lone a..cb bo,-OU.r lnjurt. Re wu a pulllft· IUffered Mrloua lnjul'Me ear17 Mon· SU' ln • car dJ1ven by Duatel C. day ln a two-car l"MI' 1911 crub 8Uven, 11, alllO Lane BMch. WU-•--• ,.,.. N__. ___ ...111.. IOD wu bwW lnto the wtndllhie&d ....... v_ a v-...-• -womu by the coW8lca Impact. drtftf' on Cout Btsh'&J aortb ot Patrol npon.e ~ Alferetta ~ llMp. Jil.u7 Bell, '6, ol IM C.altM It., Callfonai& ll!Pw&J Patrol .,._ ... c1rt9W ol UM otbw car -a port6 laid Dauslu l:ut WU-DUaa ....,.aa. Oimeen aid 1b1 wu tall-. to Lone Beacll Oom· llklwed ia.. oar dowa Lia a patch of munlty a.a.ptt.al tor tnat.mmt. Be toe and tlM au,,... auto l"UIUMd had llVW. bead laceraU.. ...._. Utto tlae r-.r ol tl al J :IO L m.. . . Clrarlatloa 16.000 Dlltribated .. ........ -8tud "1 1'0llr local M1Hpapen -Call Hubor Hit to place JOUr tlM)' .,.. UM --trl.CS.. .., Ad Oil lhi• .,.... ~ commun.lt1 can have. 1 .-_________ _ DO YOU NHD MOlllNCOMI? WE DP'P'l:R 8ELl:CTl:D 18T MOWJllADI: LOAN• WITH •l:RVICE .,. ..._ .... NFID ...,_ 90LICrT&TIONe TttUWT R'CDe llOUeHT AMD -1..D II. I. 11(1 MCHtTaAal .... I( .... ··-··-ltOf N. llU1H Slttn • IANl A II.NA. CAllf. ICIMNILY J.1111 Harbor Rest Memorial Parle M•-·~-lat.e..-& GardHa,(~f'J Harbor at Ollller ..Wt by --ol fore. llke'7 to IANTA. A.NA. (OC'NB) _The leut UOO 1quan feet of 1pece «Mte l"&l boCJy 1aanD. • t• will of a IA(W\a Beach W'Om&n. I.a needed, p&rticularly for the -~ • who died aboard a ahlp enroute ~riod from December 12 to 28 llur::::'"~ta J~";.-~ to Buratt Nov. 12, wu Jl.!ICICI up but Immediate UM could be made c...ro. didn't 1'old C&rpente for lupenor Court prob&te here ot . ..,.ce. Tbayer .. Y•· up In u.. cellar wtlb a 1-1 1.--.rd A. Beat)'. ll. of 1~ rrtday by a Loe Anplu man. Whal'• more, Santa Claua' loca mark. DANIEL GREEN'S '~ Oramerey Dr., l&nta .AD&. to•· Up for prooeuin1 wu•Ute will belpera lD lb• rulll of po1tom ce __________ _ llWW. The other flft ..,.. llouad ~ Edna A. IC&ne. Fr1aAk Kane workera will pey for th• lpe« over to IUper1or Court Dec. I. .All wu the peUUoner. The lllt;at• they Mfd· Pr01pectlve landlord9 are t r.. on S800 llUI CClftt.ained1 P • r • o 11 • L property are ullld lo aubmlt blda to pro· Dep. Dl.t.. A.tty. KenaeU. WU· valued at 12.,000, plua an "40 Yid• 11pace, complet~~ltb necn · llama today lodpd •tw, and annµal Income. -.ry bealln('. ll('htlnf and aanl· dlaturblDs th 1 .,..ce dlara'M tary faclllUe1 to t.he poatmuter aplmt Carpenter. A. wa.rnat wu AWOL Servlc....a. before 2 p. m. December 1. r ~/O••rl luUed for ht. al1'lllL No ..., &I· · Ot COW"M It there la 10me one / • lesatlom lilaft .._ IDAda aplut IEllf9rl Clleck Plea with a vacant Ill.Ore which c<IWd ";-'WIN , Beaty. . be UMd and Who doel DOt wtall r.rtJ ..... -UllllCAllOM -CAI POUSHINe The 1'0utll8 ..,. claarpd wtUl IANTA. A.NA. NOV. 21, (OC· to be bothered 'With llQCJl a lbort l+H. 0..., B O .a.I. Ml8l.Mla PllOM HAU .... uiunc Mr. ud Kn. Davtd NS)-Jlmmle ~•YD• 11etert. 11. rmt.al u.. pt"Ol"rty oo6I probab-• 8 ....!; ~ ._ aA.NTA ANA ~~~~a~.··~~~~~~~~~to~~-.,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all of Santa .AD&, &a a k1ca1 c1rtw. •tend (Uilt7 pleu ln Superior poMottlce. • ID i.t&W'lllat. Court here oa two bad dlec:k iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-=;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_. Bound ~ to ........ 0Dmt COWIU and reciu-ted a prob&UoD are Jaw &. aw-=-· 11, of MutAi'· IUT'""lrl ..... ----~ .,....... ...... 10711 Newport i....., °'* ..._; Bearinl' and pronouncement of Ru.ell A.. Tim. IO. et JrvtM; jQdcme.nl were 1et-"for t :SO L m. rranci. D. DW. IO, IOUI ..,.,._ Dae. 1' by Superior -.court Juqe 1.n.t7 ..... Colt& KM&; ._. 3 • ....._, 11. John 8IML The cbeclll. tor 123 OOll'IA Jl8A llA~ 00. ot 7M W. tu. It.. 8Uta Am&; and a.di. _,. 1-.ied at a Santa A.M .......... 919'. 5-P·E·C·l·A·L J PIECE ''lel-Alr'' ......... AIRPLANE WGGAGE SET ---...... J. the tcuff ,-~, of the season 1' ' , ......... "-"""" ...,. ' ' ,...,.. -INd ......... ..., , ......... _ _,., .. ,....... ' ~ ,... ~ ....... '"" flippety· • - • ... Weiilll'M felt CU.WO. • • ... ...... yow ..... . I ,,.. ... ...._. ..... . • • I 0wy ft. 8Mpl. • IJlll a.em, ........ ~~Oct.~~li~O~&Dd~~Oc~t.~U.;::=~===5!=:5==~5~ T\19Un. ;;; Vlm¥I o.&M &.-. .............. BE SURE -INSURE .... IUC-... ft..un' I ti 1Gmb' ..._..._MM Ill.I .. o....a -:&:' 4! ~ .... For Complete MARINE NEWS SUPPLIES c ••• MARINE SECTION n FTlclay Edition NEWPORT HAUOR , .. 'NEWS . . . PRESS RESlDENTlAL..INDUSTllAL-COMMERCIAL • NO JOB TOO LAROE O& 100 SMAU. •IO&la·k.N..,.n._. 11.uWUll 9th Annual Preview Rendezvous Ballroom (Balboa) 7:00 p. m. • Merchant's Display • Fashion Show • Bazaar e Prizes DANCING Music by "THE RIFFS" ~~ -~ At I ........ 'l'ldM-t 0.-for M• JI(.,.... Pru•W~N...,......,._ • • ... ..... •• ... ._.. <11111- ... Fri. & Sat. Dec. 2nd&3rd \ • 12" Trala c.. ..... -'"-• plMdo ba7 e 21" O'Nlte C.. hll7 ........ ..,.,. ...... ...... ., ... .. • 2'" , •• C-. ........... __ O"N .. O... •• '04 l""" ....... =·~- Ou-. lrte Set .u.,..,. •• ·# ·-----. I .. ,._, ................ . ::!.! :.!.;' .:. ..... .= I 702i Newport llvct.-U 1-411 I Coda Meaa ........ : • .,. ow O.k? a..rp..A,..W.,..... • .. w ..... saH f.re• Sr ;a • • lt9s a FUR FACT! • Each )'9Gf, during tt-. fw ... Mn, conee .. alonorl" end ao coll.cl "Wholeeolen" offer apeciol P'lces to the fllr bu,-.r. G.nerolly. aa aoon oa th Mlllng MOion la over, they conclude their bu1lneu, ond the buyer ef their furt hoe no recourae a. to vpkffp·guoronty-or frff Mrvlce. lt"s a FUR FACT! e That many many yean of training ore re- quired to ~ on upert fur.rler. Thia know· i.dge 11 necff1ory 10 Mlect, deaign a nd 1tyl• fun In the beat po11ible manner. Thl1 e..11per· lence olao i1 ready to Mrve you In maintaining th beauty a nd oppearance of your fu,. ofMr you hove purchated It, lt"s a FUR FACT! • That oll re lioble furrlera llond bock of their merchondi ... Their reputolion, built thro11gh the years, dependa unon g iving a guarantee that 11 Iron clod. A etable, time tffted bualne11 bock• ground ia 0 110 another pre-requl1ii.. lt!'s a FUR FACT! • Tltot Sonia Ano f ur. Co. hoe been In the fur lu1inff1 exclualvely In Sonto Ano for 1.5 yeoni. Chorle1 CoMn, owner, MASTER f UIUtlU a nd Of· SIGNER-la a 2nd genero1lon fur crofttmon. k n o w n throughout Orange • County for offering the bett In fur volu11, ond for rwver know· lngly belno u ndertold Oft top quality hire. The prlcelett Ingredient of any fur go""'"' 11 tt\e abili ty of 111 d"lon•r end the quality of lte 1kln1. SAITA Alli FUR co. 0,... ...., .._ ... """' ' -N. ~••r ~ 2.0U2 ., E Yer yf Im· p ·o·r t a·Dt .LITTLE rua· Fa.shion ... (J)f?\STICAlLY f{(oucrv! LAY-AWAY NOF For ChrisJauis Gifli.g MINK STOUS R.ncle, Jf'Ud, Royfll Pulfl. C•rul8'1. S•ppltir~, Silr:"" Bl• .... e.ty 1-.luc.4 ,.,.. -a1mL£s .......... MU "" 1•1 STILES .. .. .. .. . . .. '1• 1111 STOLES .......... St• ~. 1158.M. Now ~ 1179.JM). Now StlERIAN SQUIRREL I NOITHERN MUSKRAT STOLE .. ~ ... $129.50 STOLE ...... $139J50 FOX STOLES I Kofin1ky1. Meri.na, Soble•, fro'" $55 t. $J9S pu ... NECK PIECES White, Blue, Black, Sliver from $99.50 .. $495 SllTlllA FUR COMPAIY -. SANTA ANA , .... , .. ' ,.., .. ,., W,-.••r New While ..... Are C....,a.N 308 NORTII BROADWAY ltJ 2"°"2 • • lAii 2 COAST Al SHOPP~R D w·tt . , WEONESOAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1955 ean 1 er 1n !non W tllu .ti Co opened their flrtl br&.ndl oWce ta Laruna Beach tn October, ltU, located i1l the V18ta Apartmut. Buildblc on Cout Boulevard. t&k1nc tempor- ary quartera for a fnt' moot.ha at 1023 8. Cout Blvd. whil• the new &nlt of lAl'IJI& Bu.ch buUdlnf WO.II being completrd. In the btokenre busineu. He u a ----------- Crad~t.e °' Orcreoa aui. Collef"e ANOTHER SKUNK and tint went to WOl'k for a llGHT TICKET! Uon Bul tht-c1tat1on wu for u re ruwtnJ. Moody \'&1 the fll'9t moto1 . lat to recf'1v1 one of th,. prinl••I forma betnc dl1lrlbutf'd by C'a.11a Mf'ta police prior to Sate Cln\'lnr O.y ~. l. He will be Ktvrn a 1pe<>lal cerUf\Mlte dunn1 an a w1ar1tl ~talion durl~ S·D day. MARINE TRIO PLEADS GUILTY JN LOCAL STRONG-ARM 'ROLL' E.~'-:TA ANA IOCNS I -Thn·P you'tlltuJ Camp Pe11dle· ton llar1nu 1-'n rfay plnoJ~·d i:u1lly lo rubb1n1 a lA Jolla mall ln ~. Wf'"'' }; ·a1 h ="·•\'. IS UJ\n uskt>ll for probation hearing :-• • 1 1 1· ·"rt J 111l ,t-~·1 .. .,, '"' ON· 16 Ill! lht' he&rlng an<t ..-~tf'f'r• rr,.un11r<'• mrnl rlall' fur Jrrry Lynn Bowmon, :io. )Ii• hn .. I t>""'' Milt•,. IP 11 n,t r>avttl Oellh Brow. 20. Th,. 11'1 • .,1Jru Ill d ··r.,ll.n~" J<•hn C. Btlcllan. T'hey •Ill· ~rt· !Iv i: t 1only $1 in tht> -ironl(·orm holdup. 1 Th. •1,.f•nd .. ntll 1n t"Ulllhd y uked to be ~let.Md t o t he Jifar1n .. 8 1 i: pt'ntllni: thf' proh&tlon ht!!8rlng. Judge Shtoa de· Dad lhe n qu,.lil. South Coast GI In Cold Weather Survival Test !Conduct Cattle Grading al OC A beer <'llllle grartinir <lemon· At:C~BtJRC. GERl\tA:->V "tr11t1on "'•~ 1·onducled at Orange .Army rFC J ohn S Ck• .1. 23. Crmst CoUt&'t last week as a enn of M.ra. Paul Ji. J uhnl!<>n, bl I flJ t L • f the collr~c acr1('ullure I v.·nidt Tt-rrace. Laguna CPrH·h, 1 l''"I:' nm. ~ntly lOt>lc rart In 8 ruld H(ltat ,, Sl HlllJr, llve.stO<"l< sp('l llll· lSt It om lh" Unlvcrfttty of l';1I· •~Uier lndocl nn •lion ex••1d~t' in 1fom1a at Davis and Max Cor,\'. j Germany. 11l11111s.:.. t•ounly Farm AllVlq<Jr, "nte nerriM-. hPl.t! b\• th,. ~th «•ndut·t.-d lht' demon11t ratlon in Infantry 0 1vis1on·,. :?•I ftt'g11n1 n t tlw • 11l:f'i;a l$rcf c•>rtals. trained Prlnte F1rsl Class Cle•·J I Tho bi elldtnr hf'rd of Hl'rf'ford In tbe met.hods ot 11urv1val In t'alll,. Wt!!l'C gn~ by Strong. Mlb-zero tt-mprntturu. Th111 will br a n annual program, Glef'd. &n enh$ted recor<lll l!Jlc· »<C••Hlrn.i: to Rlcha~d Burrptl, OC· dalLrt in Se.n ice Compan}', •n· C &~rlculture l11.1tructor. The b<>et t.red tl\41 A nny tn September. grau1ng has a<f\oanta1u bOth tor J~ and f tt'tl\•rd bu!(' tralntn~ cl11&1, lrulrucl1on and tor develop· ~ 1'brt Ord. H t' arrived in E urupe ini::-npproprla te record )(<-epi.n1' Iii Pdliuary. 1955. , pn><'eJures. l'rtYate .First Clas. Glttd Is 1. ----------- lll5l snduat.e ot Or&ns:o Coa11t -For the finest In Com111ercla1 OoU.S-and a 1954 ~radunte <Jf Printing <'1111 Harbor 1818, Job tllle Ua!~ty ot Ca.J.llornla.. Prlntinc Department. BE THRlm C111d Your Attic or Your lasement -for Unw•lecl Items. , ... n...n lftto CASH! for Christmas H_.ecfs of Folks Want Those Items Y ot1 No Lon9•r Ne•d. Li t Them in th Classified Columns for Quick Sale. 11le Cost is Low So It's Easy to Get CASH! for •• ! I I I I brolmqe tlrm ba Loe .UgrlM .. TELLS PRESENCE a ~ Kuitu . Re wu wtUa the DMn Wltt.r ftraa ta Loa AD· a.coM nport el a tlnank- gelelr Mtore morinl' to Lal\LD& tbe aa1ma1 vuiet7, tMt t. _ ~ch. Mn. Rippey, who atut.d ln H--.. 8-rJa wtUlin with the flnn when It opened Ila ·--· • Larger Office Now at Laguna The original branch office wa. opened under the managrrahlp ot lA,una 8-ch branch ln 1941, week wu ~va to loc.l police worked u CUhler and Secretary. Sunday mornine by Dorothy lriver H11py 01 leceivi1g Mesa Citatio1 'Innocent' Plea The optnlng of rnlarged new Rippey, with hla Wife, Ade~. U· quartn11 and utcnalve remodeling el•Unc u CUl\1er and Secret.al')'. "~ <' e I e b r 8 t e d \'t'sterday b , The enlargrd nrw quartel"8 tn n w t · ) I the Bank of Laguna BNch Bull.:!· .. nn I ter & Co. at an "open In~ have b1•en completely remodel· house" In the lnveMt ment f1rm'1 ed with dt'slf,lng' and arrange. new offices. 381 Forest Ave., 4-1 mtnl handled by uJ>t"rta. More guna Beach. space hu bun leued to "11ow for T. A. Rippey Jr .. Branch ' Man· an enlargt:'d quatatlon board room, Rgn of the nation-wide lnvutmrnt private contrrcnce room1, com· fl rm, In tnvlllnr the public to at· 1 plete atat11tlc&l ~putment, larler \('nt.I, l!llld "Trcmendoua growth q.uarter1 for <'ashlf'1"11 drp11 rtment, ot Laguna Beac h and the aur· direct, private leued tt-letype mu.ndtnr area made pollllble thle I wire. and reconS departmllnt. expansion ot our .ervlcu to In-Rippey, who mov~ to Laguna veatonr." Brach In 1933, hu ~d 28 yra,.. Al the firm crew, Mra. Rlp~y Bodlne, fl9 ~eUotrope A\ ... puled the neCMllary ~qulremrnts She uked city help tn 1'etUn1 A 9\1~ man YU 'l'bmnM J*rtf'nton >JooJy o r LoQc 8-<'b Oft Check CharftA •-h"1 S«t. LH M.. Luter of the ~ and atUdy lo bt-come a Regiatered Reprctent&Uve ot the Nrw York Stock Exchance, the only aaJe1 repre.ent.aUve of her MX ln Dun Witter'• aouthem dlv111on o!Clcea. Personnel n ow con.i.t11 ot Rip- pl'y, Manager, M 111. Rippey &lid Gil Schubert aa the l&lN force, wilb another aall'1m an to atart the tlr1t o.t lht' year. Ml .. Doro- th;• Haynea, Caahler, Mrs. Fem Corriveau, Aaat. Cuhler e.nd Mn. Arme Oranglrr u Board ){1.rker complete the 1tatt. rid .ot tho cnttu which wu etrateg1<lil11¥ altu&U4 MDeati. bu homa. MwrayCaps .._ eo.tA M-. polln IM>pertment or-8A1'"'TA ANA, IOCNS) -.. In• d9r'9CI ~y·a <"&r to lhe a1cle ot nOl't'nl" waa the plea Friday hy ~ road Jilonday morning. Wllll\rd Duane IAM h nf ~ .. wriort uWhat have 1 done now!" ukec:t ~arh, whl) Is a <'Cuard nt pMalnf J.foody. llomf'ftt.1 hf.fore the Long an I ll bo(UI d1eck e t t be Hane· Beach mol.Ol1.&t bad made a pe-rt~t out, Cosi. Meaa. Tom I!!. Murray of 9M Concrna boulf'\'&rd atap at 18th St. &n•t I Supr rinr Court J utli;e J,1hn ShfA St., eo.t& W-. ~ Uldt ol X..-port Blvd... •'aitrd !or a ITOUP 1 IJ('C'rpt ... t the pl• and art a Jt1ry tour auto laubcap9 trom hta ot ~t.nana to go by ~or .. pro-' trial tor the d#fendant Jan. 9. car wbUe lt wu parked at 2101 ceedin( on. and bad tnp~ It off I i....a~h .,.~l'rle<11y itave thl' chfck Harbor BIYd. OY~t Monday. by makl~ anolher J>ttfect 1top a to Barm11ld Porothv Hollrn111· PolJca aid Murra)' Mt ftlue ot ,_ b locks ta rtbf'r. I worth. Oo!!ta M ... a . ·Oct. 18. lt the hub9 a t St& · Sc'-Luttt LUUffl J.toody a clta· wu tor $20. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat Nov. 30, Dec-. 2llcl. ·.'I 'PAY LESS . ,,.,,. u .. ~ .. r .... f'~'~ 2 I I Use Mr Xmas Lay-Away I 9#<~ ... ,,,,,,,,,.,,l LIDO DRUGS 24 Hour Service HAUOR DRUGS Xmas Card ••One of the Udo Shope" Mel Via Lido. Newport Beach SSOl E. C.O..t By., Oorou del ll&r MollOC)rams ______ .;.:;~;..;;,.;;;.;;;.;:.;..;;.;...;~.;.;.;;.;.;..;.;.;.. ________ ~ __ ..;...;.... ______________ ...... __________________ ~--------------------~ ----- Boya Mid rt"-Wider HI y,._.,.. of ace. Don't tors•• to ••ter our al1t Boye and Girl• cont.,.& w h I c II enda X.rue r.w" Dec-. %4th. •-••••• Come la today aad - th" man)' u lu&b&e prtae-. Do•'& ml .. UU. opportunUy to win -of the prh.M. GIFT SUGGESTIOMS Put on Your Xmas Lay-a·way Bulls Eye Flash Outfit $18.60 CoeLaJ .. : "'°" nlt1 nuu .... ,.e C"aml'ra, llf'W Kocblllt" Mtdirt ~ ltokt4-r y,IUI cua.N. II M·t flMla bulb., ~ roll• 11'.?0 film, ! battul..,., ln•trurllon bnok. ....... ~~'r. '7 ·Q--~ 11 •· ~ ' ' .· I . • KODAK Stero Comere Amazing lifelike pictures in 30 r'llnlf' In Pd ... , "" •h•"' ·' uu '"" nMnl'ra and •ll•I~ $84.50 K()(l&k 1'01p• 135 Camera with f'a•I F 31~ Lrn• 1 HO ~h1tllrr K.apkl a ... AJllnr $33.75 Yt'VPAY LESS A f 11. .... :t, .\II 111,. .,h.ntarf'• nf ~·r) lnr an•I ( uni.IT\( al th" MF'T"'('t, 'o•lrollfod h"•t l'\rry llm,.. Sunbeam FRY PAN $19.95 SANTA ANITA WARE 16 Piece Starter Set . . . $6. 95 4 CUPS-4 SAUCERS--4 PLATES '4 SALAD PLATE S-In Yellow, Blue, Pink, Gray, Charcial and Green. AUTOMATIC TOASTER AJAX Cleanser Re9. Size 9c • TIDE Gia11t • 65c R~ •• Zic Reynolds Allllftin ... Fol 23c PAYLESS For Toys Toy Kitchen Utensil Set Al.VM. TOn TllAT ftACR ~98 •• REX 10" WAGON Official Football A "Prftltllll" footbCllJ f&f a recal cbclmptoa. 1 bloc:lr bcacb. Aft 'f ,.ara -d 11p Reg. 2.98 $2.49 - llG TYPE noxr:o Jllc. i s.M $2.6t louncilM) Sf*ilMJ Hone ,,_ ..... .. .. 0-twtMM ... raaf,., tttUnlT "'°"' rlaAI I<' h<>r- ...,....,tl'd 0 9 ,,_ ....... •prtac•. $7.99 l'a•e ••·" llU..... ~~ •Lop. c.. bul.Jd ptOIMef C • b t 8 t fof'1. b&«lr a...._ ek. All 8q1ION ...,_ latwlodt. Aft I year, aDd ... $1.98 Grand Prize Girl's and Boy's· BICYCLE by COLU~iBIA plus many other Prins .•• Special Prize $185.00 YM Tape Recorder Girl's and !Joys Contest CARON Nult de Noel •• pervading •• the spirit of Christmas night Dn.ACT-Sl 6.50-$25.00 L0110"-S 10.50 CARON BELLODGIA a ca rnation blend-, a delightful boquet Ul!~'-" htract-$10.00 15.75 27.50 Lotion -$8.00 NEW CHANEL PERFUME for the purse SS.GO YARDLEY SPRAY MIST Bond . Street, Lotus, Lavender $2.25 ea. l>ANA SETS-AMBUSH Spray Cologne & Dusting Powder Tobu, Emir, 20 Carats end the new $4.50 ea. Spec ial ILUE CARNATION COLOGNE $4.50 walue for $2.75 GOURIELLI COLOGNES Five O'Clock-$3.50 Fourth Oimension-$2.25 & $3.50 ("'nmpl"t" lllll' "' flnrt• C'•nl111n G r-I.Ills; Card• Orht-( la-~C' ..,_t. 18 1ll•ll11rlh,. rarda It f8\'l'loJ18 11.0fl <llrh.tmaa Pr"UCfl A.-nr1nwnt-'.?~ ran l• prinll"d on 1t ln•"'" Kn.o~o•t' tt.•9 "'T' I.I. lfll,lt A"'-flHT'IT.!''T io X.mM <'anh -tit!' ,,...,. 1 .... 11 10 ,,,, .. Card• 11.no IQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS VINCENTS ICE CREAM SILVER Drobney Beautiful RIPPLE VODKA Xfnas Decanters GIN * OUl FOllEST£R L W. RAaPICa ",,,. OLD TA 1'1.0ll sr1 ft £A M f' AllX ll TtLFO•D OLD K''· T.u-r..a.-. OU> FTT'ZGEILA LO l Gallon J 5c LA1'CE Cone •• DOOILS 1~ Cone.. u- Hand Packed Pints 3Qc Qucrts Ste • • • • • 79c r , ~ r hlte Notary Now T ... H I rti a ... . K.t Kitts Now Thi' Ruo~ck condurt~ • to•· 1 t lo11m1 I heir tint l"ppurtunlty to COASTAL: SHOPPER UCRAC:.ENTO, ICNI) -TM I r1 .• er or• ,. 11 00•1 ·~ -Sa• Dleto Dllty ~:ekM~~~n ~ ... ~~~.<>;::)~~OU~~ "~1: =~~~11.~d2~~·11.!'"un11 or ! WEDNESDAY, i'A6& J NOVEMBER 30, 1955 Met•tary ot 1tate ... ........ced • M I II I IL.a.a L ti UHDlmQO, (J"HTNC) _ Karl ot Acapuko. Submnrtn<" Flot1lla I, Squadron 3. --------------------- wance ot a notary ;~ .,_. Ill 0 nlW I -Oii 01 Q. KiU.. i8t..lw oommunlcaUOM T be vUllt a/fordeJ m&ny ,,.t"a-I 11o1 &in Dll"£11. --------------------- rnlalton lo F . Marie Pulte, IOI Tnder Rona 1~ OooM Aq.Ullf Clult. IAclJ .....,..., ..._ electridaa I Ir•• a n appre'lt..lce. ----CONYERTIIL! L& Jolla Drive, N.wport BMcla. wW celeaw&te...,... lA 8 MW .._ bllpco;m •l Auod•tklll, ud ~Kt=:~~ ::nra~ ~:; &Ppi'lra • lllaln1 .. ruuu•e1 • laalalJatlon aoe.Uon. IOO Ma1A at.. • .. _.. U.. JfMrPOrt Be.nor ,, •• ,_ ot I&.. eo.ta Ii.. i. Mrvinr abou'd IT AFFORD 6. ION~ da7, Dee. I . eanm.o.. ft97 U\l'I ..._ID U.. U1e 1UPf7-lJpe .Obmarint UBS "NELS and DU(•• A -.ala ewat I.I plaDMd wtU. .-u.. ... ud tackle .... ~k al ... Dlero .:u ;<-rIUC'AI. COSTftA('TOR!'I AuttNoWJe1' ... l*ri•f man7 ya)uable awarda belJI( of· .... IDC' tbe put ftft ,...n Ill · fered. All are ln.U..S to It 0 p Jl&lM&, ln moYlaS t.o th* MW l'ltour LI bt-rty 8-:?'!li 110 KlnnJde AHDUI' ::\"""°rt &ac-b TRIM SHOP \fonclt~ 4J'f.,1f.»u ""' SPIClll.S Dee·,, 2, 3 • =;,.NS .... 4 i.171 , ... 4 .. 20cl • Swedish Twist COfHI CAKI ••• 29' aa. llle-171-.I ~~·····••t• ~~,~~!~~ OOSTA MESA noo Ne"·pon Bhd. OOKONA DEL llllAA fOI Oou\ Hwy. &CORD'S LAGUNA BEACH W BrMd"'•1 BALBOA 181.A..''D %00 MarlGe A \'e. l\EWPO&T BEAC H no eoua Hwy. Trader Horn anyUma MfOh CM loc&Uoa, no espeue · bu ..._ openllls date and re,Uttt lA or-.,ared to makt u..&r ll&on one der to partlclpat.e la t.be • ..,..., of ta.a· flaelt Of 1ta ada4 hi CM Fnd and lldiUt JOMpla. UM mt.an couat7. New fist--. wt~ popular proprlet.ore, are well all mtr0.,1d• tut•H7 a• d lulown thl'O\l(boUt tM •Ure H&r· attracttwl7 dilpl&JM. make UM bor are&. Tbey an meiqben ot new at.on a CU.U.ct emit to UM NVeral (rOUpl, lnclUdlnl Balboa community, tbeJ Milne. FACTORY CLOSE OUTS ~moke "N" Sip It" Round Ce,..... Smoklng Stanch Tripod ~plar Xeta.11 CHAIR SIDE TAN.IS 9.95 Sped.al 4.96 ..... t .H Spedal fUI Dl9coattnaed ud factory eecoada Wire Ii, Wroupt I.roe cbaln -TablM -Deeb Be.r Stools, etc. at leee tbu whoae.Je THINLINE MANUFACTURING CO • 512 • SOth St, Newport Beach HON PERSONNE( , ... , Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 Mary Loui~ Mattingly Mary .lane Baaprt 413 Sbt Strttt. N~"'JM>rt &-acb ' - For mo11 ndurin& lifts for everyone-shop yoar IRHA ~tni.t\!,Gi-ft Cente .. TOASTMASTER I PllEllATIC TllfTEI ••• 2·SLICI ••• M • • '••• ,. Act••• ••' .. •••. ,.11, ...... . , ... , .. '· ... ,,. ,, ....... .... . . . ... ,. , •.... " -... ~, ''••" ...... 11111•''•" - MIYI 15.•1 I lhlci & 0Hhr flXKlf O.t ...... )I 9"••• \' "nd\ clt1U, chu<-k •rwf k•Y ~ blh . i.on-&al .Und lNoC~l"f P"d 1 Mndu:il d- p<'ll9h1n1 P"d 1ruld1n1 w......,.i,....,. b<W>h arbor pe1nl mu ff a nd .. ..a bo•. M•IL ... 1001 homc ,IObe •• .,.1 ......... --~· ··-·· ., .. ---·..... ... ........ ... ... . °'"' • w ...... ~,,_..,.. _. 139 • -·--·-..... _........ . NO-SHOCK I TOOLS e o r••l •••· Telt•lar 1tnl tluft, ao tUlip c..wo.-.. ~~,,., ... 1Anoa-. -... =··--·....., ..... ...... _ ..... _ "---·'" ... . .. ..., ...... _.. , ........... .. ··-.. ... ,, .. ,, _,.,.._, . ,_ .... ..... .. ...... , .. . ....,..,._ .... . th o., ...... . ... -. -""" ., ........... .. -.............. , ........... u • ...... •• s ...... . -o. ...... ... '8FICT CMFT1 ,_, .... ~ t1e.1t11,.,,, •• 1•oH I <"•"•-• •'" "'' .... , ..... ,.1 •••• ....,_ ... .--, ........... c-... ...,.---..... WWW ......... . ...~_.... __ ........... -'-"' "'6ib!mt:.l!ll" .... $11' " $fll UNIVI A~IU ._oe --WISTCLOX KENDALL IUC19C MMM •-z• ---......... ................... ,... .... ..... a.--........ .. ....., __ .....,. .......... .. ........ $1.71 """'... .. *2.21 Ta~e advantage of Our Xmas Lay-Away Plan-A Small Deposit will hold your selection 'til later. Hundreda of additional gifta for men -women and for the home We offer attractive gift wrapping TAYLOR'S Priv1te Police •• MERCHANT PATROL Pia110 .!},,~/rttclio11 High Quality Printing -Phone Harbor 1616 TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) and HARBOR BOAT PATROL AC'ttpll•it a llmltPd oumb.•r of p11pll11 for 11l!l110 Coacert Plahlat of Thr•'f' l 'ontlnl'oU Oraduate l!Jtud .. at of U..ta J\llrtok Lamps and Shades 486 Serra Drh•e Ph. llUJ'. 2039 Corona Hl~blands -Corona d1•l Mar •••• ···-----.;;;;·-··· ---:= •.. ;·--····---... _.. _____ _ ----"' LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS \'our Cboll'e .,, O\·er tooo Lampe Ii Shade. For a pert.at "' brtn1 .. ,.. CALL COMMBCIAL SICUlrrY PAftOL ., ...... T lie LAMP •All ...., MOUMnNO Kl 2-7027 DAN'S BARBER SHOP R:\LBOA TUEATBI'.: BLDO. Enchanted Cottage RAl..BOA Open TueM.lay thru Saturday ................ -. .._IU.._I ... USDA SEYBI IONl QtOtCl -MAfll Sofewoy oged ond lb. sPAilalls ttim=:;:?.:7.r~~ ~3~ sucm BACON EE~;~ •. 3~ BOIUNG BE£F • ..=r..!! ~ .... •· ~ VIORAllL Atp0109"' • .._, V- of Celery, P'ea, V~oble. V ... towlot.- Vegetoble. MIAT, CHICK .. , w MUll•OC. hef, hef Noodle, loulllon, Creom of Chl<lcet', Chidten °"""bca,, Chlcl1en with ltlce, Clom 0.0-4-, Co,,aomm., Cream of Muw-., S<otch l roth, 0, 'legetolil• a..f. 2~19'· 2-=..--23•' 2"".!.--29'~ g -1lfAf .. wml IAllll Mm BEEF SHORT RIB~== •. 2~ GROUND BEEF =~ .. 3~ ~o~ •• 25' DRY SALT PGIK •· 35' ,,_ lo• MO•Ol\1n9 . !!.~~ritk>v~ •. 39' PAITY ANGEi. FOOD RING PUREX LIQUID IUACH Son 1h re1 o • II w+iltentf ....t17c ~~2~ 6c sure 10 ~ "'" loic "O" ~9 110,., ,,. '"" ........ ~ ~ Of IA•TA CLAUI • A,,;cot·P-.,p1e, Gr.,., or Pim Wonderfvl PfeMrve1 bocked by over three generotio"' of ~•perienct in fine pru~~I Try them olll -:25' ~I llitA" I'll] ltjl ....... ..., II• Im Ctd ASPARAGUS SPEARS •::; 39t IAIY LIMA lfAllS "::; 19c Smoll, young, ,.l\defl WO"dt:rful but ,.,beon flovorl NIQS lftrnft ..._ ~ UT4 DK1M1E1 t, 2, J, t9SS. Al WIWAY Rtlll • • MU. (Tll" ~ .. Storti .. s-ily) ............ ~ .... -...... i.. ... i..i. ............ , .. -""'-..._ CANllED PEACHES 11· IDAHO •USHn U.S. NO. 1 ·A 1("'0 of the bokertl To~•~. o boo or tl\ue quol1ty p<>l oloe1 MARSHAW IOWS fWfiN.eT IUll9 •• fenq ~llty. -.... wt.ltet for toctltlftO> ...., 25c _.,...,.... ......... ·~"hi law._ "'41SHMA1l0 WS, ""'"-poclr.. ... CANTERBURY TEA Newt Gfartl 1.tU beet ,,.... .. f.,11 quort of roch, lnvl~ otot•"9 ""oe or-' o........ 7ftr P'el oe 1..i fc-.c~ fOf 7- fom1l1ftl ~ ... NONFAT MILK ~C-MIX ::;~'=. •• 36• ~•AGL, 71c .--, TOKAY Ci RAPES f;~o:· ;:. 2 •1 15 c FRESH DATES fon<y De9'·'NOOt 2'1J•S&c "oc~ed -r .. dy 10 mo•I .... T STOll ROrR!il 0.11.1 t a.m. to 8 p.,.. (Frlda7 UI t p.m.) ..... , .......... , ... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PAJUUXO ON IAJIOE PA \'ED LOT ' PA .. ' COASTAL SHOPPER Ida Mae McVay.Weq in H9nie Ceremony, WEDNESDAY, N9VEMIER JO, 1955 CLASSIFllD DllECTOIY Lido Gourmets Sample British Beef & Pudding The Udo Ia1e Food and Wine loclet)' Mrved a tre.dlllonal Brit· R~ception ~ollows \ APPLIANOE!I -Bomebold lab dinner at Ila monthly m~ Mr. & Mrs. Frans Hanson .Pan. _ Dealer _ Servt~ on Nov. 11. Chet• or the evenl.nr. LIDO IELEQTIUO Redlleld Dinwiddie &nd Jam .. Honeymoon in Las Vegas MK Via Ude -llartlor 6Tt1 Holiday, with their umtanta Georre Hoas. Laurence LeBaron, AtJ'l'OllOBILE DEAi .11;88 Henry Lunney, Burr Maple &nd A home wedding waa followed by a reception for 300 New and uaecl C.111 JHCU&TZ STVDEBAJL.EA ..... ~Parta 1&16 !lf_...n mff. -Bar. 111 Hal Dike. IU~l'YIHd the prepare.· gue.ts at Kennedy'• Restaurant when Miu Ida Mae, Mc Vay tlon or the rout beef·Yorkahlre puddlnr meal, topplnr It off with became the bride of Frans Richard Hanaon, son of Mns . a apiendld plum pudd1nr covered Helen H&D.BOn of Hawaii The Rev. Charles Hand officiated with a pomel'ran&t.e aauce from an at tbe eight o'clock ceremony Lu Ve~ with• the bride chaa.- old family recipe by chef de held at the home of Mr1. Loulae Ing a woql enae111ble ot pi~k and -..II et 4-rlea NT A 8A cul1lne, Ralph Tl.ndowaky. Scherer, Coata Mee&. The bride l1 rray and' a roaebud corsal(e. She NU Via I.We -ea.no. 1616 Strictly limited to 80 memben, the daurhter or Mr. and Mr1. C.H waa vaduated , rrom Newport MRUB.8BOP8 UDO SBA VINO fll'UO .................. , .... Mii Via U.. -_._ ltM BEAtJTY PARLOU UDO ULOJf or BEAUTY NU llf~ ..._ -Bu .. llH the organization featuree the cul· MeVay, 189:1 Irvine Ave., CoHlll Harbor Union High School and alne of varlou• countrtee and Mua. 1.ttended Orange Cou t Collece. cloeM the monthly meetlnp with (N GRAY WOOL Her husband WBll graduated from a form of entertainment In keep-Mr. McVay pve hi• d1.ughter Harbor High Sf hOOI and Santa lllr with the nationality of tbe In keepln(. For the vow exchange Ana College. , m.U. The December mMltnr will ahe wore a aleeveleU rr•Y wool 1"he couple la ·now at home at be devoted .to a cocktail party at dreu w1lh matching acceHoriu, 378 18th St., ~ta Meaa. which U.e wl•• will ,et an op-pll\4 hat and pink ro•ebud cor· portWlJQ' to aample their hua-...,.e. She wu attended by her L · h F '} b&nd'a hon d' oeuvr• for the tlm ai.t.er, Mre. Wllllam de LOge, wbo azarlC . aml Y time. wu rowned 1n brown taut•. Back Frodi. Mexico Delegates Attend Girl Scout Confab Chari.. Hanaon 1tood with hi• l brother u best man. Joe Luarlch. formerly of New· ror the ce1'911lony and reception port Beach , bu', returned tc the Mn. XcVay wore bel(e wool wlt.h United State. w\th hla wife and (ardeni. corar•· Home from th• National Girl Mr. and Mra. J ack Kennedy and 10n Caesar a.ttef •even Y •a r ti llclout con•enUon, Mn. Ted Ham· Mr. and M111. J. H. McVay &111it1l· reaidence In Sa.qi& Roaalla, Baja brook. pr.aldmt, M r a. 8Ulney ed at the HeepUon. held In a Calllomla, wher6 he wu uaocl· 8andera, Mra. ICVerett Nunan and floral Mttlnr of bJnt1 of par&dlM. ated with the lahrimp f laherlea In· lira. W. P. Thomu, executive di· chryaanthemuma. rladlol&I and duatry. 'Ille LUartch family I.I nc:tor. brourbt to tll• reoent e&m&Uon.a. Helen Ter ry wu at vtaltlnr relativeailn the area.. Mn . ... \'la IMit _ _._ -N.wport Council boU'd meet.In&' the piano &nd rroup atngtnr wu Edward MJrcovlcb of Coata Mua mtbllliUm for the Jo~ to be done led by Dave PatterllOft and Dick and Mn. John J1a0Donald of Cor~ ~ 6 r.taata IA Glri lcoutlq. Smouae. ona del Mar. T118Y ~xped to lo- lal'a o;, LIDO Held No\'. 1"" In San J'ranclaco, The b-ymooa wu a~nt at cate In San Ped~o. .... _,...... ~ 8000 adult.a and teen·arera atten· ded U.. pner&I uaembly which ~G -..... lletall Introduced national otncen and ~ li90I' .l'O& llmN peat.a tnclud1nr Lady Baden-Po- Mii \'la 1Mit -_._ -w.U. CLOl'BDfG-W--'a ..... .... ..,.. Dinner Honors ... \'la " b.. ---· uoo r•amon Grow S. Browns KU lfJI'. ...._ -_._ llft ••rmoal'a MU Yla ue.-_._ _, YAA• ... ..,.,.. ~---w Mfl ftl U6t -_._ llM oauonma YDfmlf'l"'S UDO Dim .. Mil \'la IMit -_._ - ELlllODIO OO!ftl&AOIC)U UDO llUIODIO NH \'la IMit -_.,_ •"1 nowma RKWAUll'a UllO •aam 0o,...~~ ..... \'la IMit -_._ - l'OUNTAIN, GWll'· VDICDITa LIDO •VGa Mil u. u.. -_._ - n•MDAALBVMS l'UaNll'OU Dim~ ............ _ ........ ODT lllOP U<l&&.W8 UllO •• ..... .... n. JMit -_._ - INSVUMOIC AOl:ND •. 0. 8t1<S, Df(J. ....... u.. _ _.. .... IN I +•M)B DWIOOILU'Oa • ·--rm..-emr A.LD. \ KllftalMit-_.. .. ·£·~ fttlMit-_._ ... camGm'O!f A. L D. ~=--..,._ ... , U:SVIOS 8T.&DON8 a.mo ....u.LD MU._,_. ..... ......._ . .an lllOD---·· aww&ule llTO&& roa llD ... Viau..-......... 81101Jl, WOllEN · aULra OF CALD'O&NU ron UDO TOTI.AND MOVlalMe---rnN r:aAVEL ACENOllB •a..-. n.AV&L AOUCT MU 1'_.,.,. BtM-llar. MU UPBourrEIUNG DKa KACIU:& MllfttU..-..,..rUtl WDW D.:P.ua ftllmM'l' 8 W ATOii aSPADI UDO DAU09 Mil Via I.Me WINDOW OOVl'&ING '1Da&A.DIS880P ._. ..... om -.. .• A. family dinner celeb"Unr the Utb weddlnr annlvenary of the Ae•. and Mra. Grow S. Bl"OWll. parent. of Chlaholm Brown, Ht Ptwnar 8L, ea.ta Mua, wu held at the B:rowu home on 8undl.y. Tbankart"1n1 day dll\Qlr ru..u at the Browra' we... Mr. an d Mr•. Burl\ Davta and chlldttn ~n•. Richard and Robert; Mn. Xaud D&vta. Mra. Walter D . Cluk and lilt• Nanc1 Huch• of ftl11er· atde and the hoeta Mr. and Mr•. Crtlthol.m Brown, Barbe.ra and atan.1.,. M..W.1 Swt Bo•t ~t. Nlne-tnch woodtn bowl hold• large 1Upply of nut.a. Crar k· er &nd 1111 ptrk1 att aJway• ready for u" In center. ~ ... ,. lM.-11 ILalle llft. We !Mhn• JOU wUI er-with ua that Ulia aet looka u If It 11\ould coat twice u much' H.avy- rau .. e. bollOW·S'N>Und, 1talnt~ .. MAdea aet 111 tYOry 1tyr1ne ron- t.oure.a MNta. Set of "" at ...... BALTZ MORTUARIES I COSTA. MJC8A CHA.PEL CHA.PEL BY TH!l BJ:A. l TU Superior Avenue ll620 E . Cout Blvd. Coeta Mea, Calif. Coron& del Mar, Ca.Ht . Pbona Liberty 8·21.21 Phone Harbor '2 BIGGEST BUY EVER! Cioni Sia• (JJoa.) Dorothy Gray SPECIAL ORV SKIN LOTION ONLY$, QQ mwllY .l •222 fens ..-1 or bwry. Spedal Dry !11:18 Lodee • .. yov ekin lnatantly, lea"' it llDOOlh. ..pple. hea• tiflll. Try a little before wuhlng di.__ the wal« alicl. npt .t your bandt! Buy aneral bottl8 to la•· Uh Oil younelf all winter loatl The price it 10 low- lhe lodoo ill 10 wood.tfull f or ulr•''7· tdl4elt 1l.U.- D11rocli1 Ctr/ HormoM H~ ,,,_, • OUN(P $12s ltlOU~yt2J2 n,_. ~ •~ue ~t. Brl&'ht, 1talnlea 1tet1 bladH wllb polblhtod roaewood h&nd· ... wt hne h•nr ·up lt •thn thonp. HandlNI 11r. e•tnt. lonr le prev•nt bum•. A.H Dolnl•lo• t:t~rtr1c Con Popswr Aluminum bu<' and lmert with Jl&H <'ovn so you hu•e th• run ot walc.hJnr com popl ComN eomplete With tour plu llc Mrvlne bewl8 and UL 1ppro11ed cord. Jdf!&I for a fl!t tor your oW'ft homt. too N . 75 Uw Our C-0nvealent LAY· AWAY PLAN DAY • J ;'t.' :1' • SAFETY CHECK-UP \ v Checll ..... v Check nres v Check Steering v Check Lights v Check HOnl v Check Windshield Wipen Stop at OM of ,._ Local Aldo D•l•n L(stecl lelow and Get Your FrH Check-up D•lllCJ tlle periocl from Nov. 26111 throtHJh Dec. 3rd. DRIVE SAFELY EVERY DAY! I Tlll!lODOBE ROBINS -l'OBD Yoar Ford n.ler 8bloa 1111 llM W. 0.... BW7~ 1-Mfl .IOHNSON a SON -LINOOLN-MERCI OollU..t.a tee W, ee-t BWJ-~ a-IMI ROY OABVEB PONTIAC 1"9 W. CoMl Bwy-l.Deft7 l4lM UNANIMOUS VERDICT: )111.1.f:R CHEVROLET CO. Ollevrolet -Oldemoblle tooe w. Cout Hw')'-uberty 1-!Ht LOU BEED a A880<JIATE8 lmpertal-Cbry•l•r-PlymouUt-la~mat lonal ·noo w. o-t Hwy....!..~riy 8-1'81 <X>'n'ON GOFF Volkawace.-Porw.M tl lt N-port Blvd-Hamor 8 "Great Experience DoMldO.... 8oa of llr. A Mn. DoMld Oordoll 800 r...t 15th St. Newport Height. llaacer ..ct carrier of &out.ee N B S aad 6 Newport .. bt. 9tlt pade Newport Bl1b i I 11 Busy Boys Are a.++tr Boyt U you thin year ... • • tome other younpwr ml&ht pront by MIDll&r Newwpeper· boy expertMlee, why •ot -i· (Mt that IHI (!OID8 .. Md t.&lk to ... f of A any boy!" Prnldent Eisenhower, Henry Ford, Thomes Edison, Herbert Hoover, Ford Frid, Benje~in Feirleu, Welt Disney, G.or9• C . Mershell, Bob Hope end Joe OiMe99io ere emon9 the m.ny aucceuful men who wtr• et one t ime newspeperboys. '!'be boy who clelven roar ...,aper "7', Jaat mi. theee world·famoa. men -le gettt.c u e&l'lJ' IMlll· lleee tralalng. ..___ lie bayw at wboleMJe, Miiis at ntal aad epena.. Ide owa buebteM. He a.creue. hie proftta • be b9Ddll hh rout.e tbroqh ~ood eenioe aad aalea mhlp. A ~ route ht a peat es,..._. f• uy boyl No ether part.time Job wtll do _.. to teeeb lalm prom~ aed develop ,.... ud 11elf 11•fldeeoe. YOW' MWapaperboy w1IJ be reU)' for tile Mc Jolt opportualtlea of tomorrow. Be la......., tile_. tw. of bat•• w t.ia,J. · .... ,. ............... :..._ ..... ,........,. ....... ,... ......... ...... * ••••« 1, ....................... Ml9.._ >a k 11e1...-.. .. ~Jgh Quality Printing-Ph. Har. ·1616 High ~ality Printing-Ph. Har. 161' / - iMission Rites '!1 .. . tFollowed by ~ ~ome Recept~on Mexico City Trip for ~ - Mr. & Mrs. William Opelle LIBRARY SERVF.S WIDE AREA, EYEN EAST <;QAST Do You Know Tour Pu!>Uc UbrarJ," a display of the tt110Urces and Hn'icN that. the Public UbN.ry otfera bu been on exhibit thl• month at the main library In Balboa, according to Mni. Lin Sheely, librarian. Member• of the library board which aervea the ar~a are: Mra. C. M. Deakin•, chairman, Dick Richard, Mra. C. B. Rarey and Leon Ware. An Incident that provea library booka have a way 9f re- turning after being c1ua1fled u ''mlNing" for 11 year1 rec~ntly oc<'urred. Six books were malled Crom }{olyolce, Maaa., u comp&n1ed by a letter of apolog-y roe not retun1lnc the five love atones 11.11d The Story ot Orient.al Phlloaophy, by L. Ada.ma Beck. The year w.-a 1944, and World War IJ was in progreae. '111e books were hurriedly packed away. and were di.covered alf&ln 11 yeanr later. SATURDAY Philharmonic Concert to be Held in Anaheim · Santa Ana &114 lt l• now nortbem Oranp County'a tum. Tbft'W "ere two northern area cone.rt. laat ...-but both ol thoM ..... la Fullerton. Thi.I will be ~ tint Umu that the group wtU have played In Anaheim." P uck for Mesa Moose Lodge PAIKES·llD•nf A pot lurk dinner will be b~ld -, Nov. 30 a t 6 :30 p. m. tor all MORTUARY .,. membera ot lhe Coeta M.eaa ,,___,, °"' Fonae"7 O.....a ...-.-Moose Lodge H :l7 anJ their tam· Illes at the Americ'an Legion Hall In Costa Meaa. N ew members, recently initiated, will ba wel-111 11rNdwa7 -Ooeta l(.fU oomed. Ul-HM Anaheim will be the locale tor the Ora.nge County Philhumonlc Society'• next concert, whicn wlll be on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 8:30 p. m. la the Anaheim Ui1b School auditorium. It wu announced by Mr•. Karen MIU'lftta Brunlng, e&ecuUve direct.or of lhl 10Cl4'ty. '"The aoc:lely h.u a detlnit• po- licy ot tryln&' to divide the play- The Brahms Fou.rth Symphony and Rlmsky-Konakov'• Schehera-i-lr:t:pa:.y:•:to:rea:4~Ul==·~w~an=t=~~~=~~=~=~~~=~=-zade Suite w1Jl be the numbara LlbertJ I-MU ~ Held in historic Mission San Luje Rey near Oceanside jwu the 10 a. m. Nuptial Mase which united Misa Frances }!:mily Kneubuhl, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. ~eubuhl of 311 S~pphire Ave. arfd William RQbert Ope!Je, --------------------------Ing fairly between th• Northern a11d Soul.hem partJI of the coun- feJ\tured thla Um• by J'rtada &I· Infant~. the eoclety'• permlfnent conductor, and the eoclety"a pro- feMlonal orcheatra. · ~n of Mrs. William Opelle, 187 Shorecliff Road, and the )ate Mr. Opelle. The Rev Geo11ge or HoMlulu, John of Hollywood J>arnuaua wu officiant, and the I and Douglas c. of BtU"llngame. ~eremony was held ln a aettlng I F or her daughtera weddlnc )>t while etncks, gladiola.a and i Mrs. Kneubuhl wore Dior blue ~mpon chrysanthemums and tall lace In Mcktn1L length with blue ~andelabra. I sequinned hat and pink rosebud ; LACE AXD Tl'LLF. corJU1ge. Mr11. Opelle wore a small ~ white hat and accented h er cocoa .( J"J'ancea walked t o meet her faille sheath with a green orchid »rldeg-room down a .white carpel· coraag~. Id alale with 1111t1n ribbons at pew Immediately r.ollowlns the ce· nd.8. She wore white lace with remony a wedding breakfut wu hort' aleeved bodlc-e and nanng aerved the 1~ ruoat.a tn the klrt In waltz length, edged with Kneubuhl home and garden; the _ pleated tulle n ounre. A pearl bride and (.'TOOm Jeavl"K after· ~mbroldered crown held her short I ward for a honeymoon In Mexico f3vell and her flowHs were orchid.s City. d white carnations. . The new Mrs. Opelle wu grad- Hlaa Patricia Kraemer ot Pia-uated In June trom Mills College. ~entla was maid of .honor, wear-Her huabe.nd attended the Sor· )ng green velvet with 81nall hat bonne In Paris and wu graduated }>r green Vl'lvel luves and carry-rrom the Univeraity of California, }llfi yellow tfowera. Los Angf'le!I campu3. He ti con- ~ BROTHERS AJD nected with Lhe .American Ex· PO PU LA TION JNCREASE Toastmaster Outlines the 'Race for Survival' "It 11 conceivable Ulat In 1987 the earth'• population will have 110 conl'lumed the arable area t>f the earth that reeding the popu· lallon wlll ba one of our major concema," IO nla.ted Toutmuter Elton Barnett In bla prepared speech before the Harbor Tout· muter Club Tuesday evenlng. public utllllles 11erv1cca In this area. • A feature night proii:ram Is be· Ing planned ror Dec. 6 in which se\Jflral ot the loC'al civic leaders will ba lnvlted to a symposium dealftled around the S-D lSaJe Driving-) campa1g-n. Gue1t.t are welcome at these Tuesday evening p rograms held al the Newport Harbor YacPlt Club. Will Entertain Drama Group ty.." stated Mrs~ Brunnlnc. "Tb. beach area was served with the Ai1gu11t concert at th1 Irvine Bowl. the central are& of the county with the recent one 1n Starbright to Elect Officers Harbor Starbright Club met Nov. 16 In the IOOF hall, Coeta Mesa, luncheon betng served by M:mea. Young, Havice, Knies, :Mlu Lola Geddea and Mra. Martha Strolse. Holt.a, Blanche Lytle, J, K. Arthur CLOSED MONDA'JS-\\'ll\'TI:& 81:A80N ONLY Fll.%morrta, El. V. Racan. Max~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ Owen, Phillp Orth. Slyvla Place, ~ Anni• Walker, El. L Moore. Frank Keeler, A. A. Voorheea and the boat.euea. Varloua memban wtll help with the lnatallatloa of new otflcen of Harbor Star Chapt•r, O.E.8., .:in Dec. 3, 8 p.m. l1\ Friday A!temoon clubhou.ae. Kn. Max Owen la to be -tad u worthy matron and Mr. Owen u worthy patron. The next eeaalon of 8t.&rbrtght. Dec. 21, wtll ba a Cbrlatmu gt.ft exch&nce and new otftcen 'lll"IU be elttted that evening-. The president. Mra. Melwood Berry, ne.n1ed aa a nomlnaUnc committee Mme11. Trader Hom, ------------- Thomu Allen and Richard Nlcb· ols. Out of town guests were Mn. Loulae Myers of Wlilhington .Mra. H. E, Hatch or Waahlngton and Mra. Ethel Smith ot Lo11 Angeles. Member• were Mmes. Edith CdM Matr.on Home Mrs. H. O. Butterfield, 408 Fernleaf Ave., Coro~ del ltar. is home from a lenfthy 11lay ln Lo• A.ngele11. Sha la recuperating from a tractuttd arm and l~g. Lout. Galindo of Los Angelrs press 1'rilVcl Agenc)C.. Los Anp· 'aerved as bt'st man and gueall lea. H11 father-in-law, Mr. Kntu· :Were uabl'red by the bride's rour 1 buhJ. Ill a former repreaent.aUve ~rothen. Jame11 Kneubuhl of Pa-of the Mallon Navigation Com· Barnett, • local Realtor, cited th• population. Iner-of the world from 11415.000.000 In 16!50 t o Ila present 2.8 billion. JUlll 30!5 yeara later. At this rate, In just 3Z year11 thl1 lncreue will bC' up to 6.6 billion, and the 3. 7 billion acres or available land will not ~ su.rtlclent to both houae and feed thla population. Science Ls ~ear· lnc for lhUI tlm' by present de- velopment• tn 1ynthesl1lng rood from the NAJI 1U16' water areu of the world eald Toutmutc>r Bar- nett In hia t.&lk on "A Race tor Mr1. Robert Hom. 368 Dahlia p;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;..,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, radena, Benj&mln F . Kneubuhl J r. pa.ny on American Samoa. Place will entertain the drama aecUon ot 'the American Associa - tion ot 1Jnlve111lty Women. San' 1 Ana br&11cb. Dec. 13. al 7 :~ 6 r -n. Survh'll.I." ·z d R 1 al tier home. Conllnulng he . an ers eve a Toutma11ter Bill G ood a c re year's atudy or the UvinJ;" T he· • llpOke on the aubject ··Monopoly", atcr, the group will discul'!s mui;l- wlth reference to the mi1eonatru-cal comedy rO'mance. comparing _ ed J)?&ltlon of the tekphonc-/\nd th · .M t II 1 " f Pl t Ith iL1.nda's T ·roth Jackson's in Hawaii ~~~ir~2;~;y 0 R 0 d;:r.us :nd ~ Ml1111 Ruth Rowland and Mrs. ; Mr. an~ Mrs. V. M. J ackaon or Geraldine Doui:laa will lead the ,. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Justin Zander 500 Poinsettia Ave. 612 Tustin Avt., have flown to diacueaton. whtch will be followed 1 ' ' 1 Honolulu tor a mid-winter va<'a-by traditional Chrt.ltmaa reCreah- are announcing the marriage or their daughter, Linda Rae, tlon u iruut .. ot a radio ftta uon. n-.e11t.a of wuaail. ReaervaUon• o Robert Mouon Russell, son of Mrs. John Milton Durand 1 ln return tor winning Lhe atatton·1 may be mllde by call~r ~ r Pasadena and Laguna Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Zander will November audience conte.aL 161-W. __,J i'n..t a r"<'eptlon ror tho ntwly· awl Mffll•> College. 111 prt~ntly ;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~«'ds on nee. 30 In Irvin<! Country wtlh the Loa Angel.ea Stock Ell· NEWPORT DORY FLEE' T ..(:tub. 'rhf! roUple Wll" married rhangf!. :i'Jov. U In K1ngmM • .A rtz. The c-ouple la llvtnr In Pua· 1 Tht bride wu graduated from d ~ewl)Oi't Aarbor Union H 1 g h ena. F b Fe b D ·1 School where 1h• W'fLI! Prom ~~~{;ff:g:g~~~~ ~-res __ ... ~~ .. Y-a1 y 111 the ~randdauithtu of MNI. rrwnl .._ - Raymond C'hsrlu Norton and tll•' NOW SHOWING 25¢ po•cl-Cleaned FrH late M.... Norton of us11and 11nd waa a Newpor~ Harbor ~bu\anl Al.DO "" y Sold Only the Day c-...a.a of 19~t. Phll Dtek .....yn Th4 brtde(TOOl'ft la the .rra.ndllOn {,'atty Von or .Mr. and Mn. Dav1d Torrance NEVER HEID OVER Prentu or Dani\ Po1n He attend· In I ed Flintridge Preparato School \ Sfrlpes Holiday Feast For R.S. Church Over 100 m•mbt'r~ llltel'lded tht' 'Mla.nkefivlng dinner glvtn by Ua Servlca Guild or Church or He· ll(toua Scltnc:-1) &l the Woman'11 Club In L41t1Jna Bo e.II. A mW11ca1 J>rogn.m of ctu "1rll..I and H1ht opera Mlt'i:tlona wu prt!Mnlad by Mlaa Virgin•& Tomllneon. &<'com· pa.nled by lolra. Brnce Newland11. rna annulll bullneaa meetln1 'l"U t-onducted by the Rev. Irta In the1 Sun" Int rodUt'lDC MltaW!o IUmura -plaa - "Creature with The Atom Brain" Turk who J:ave a reaume ot ------------- f'hurcb actlvlllea dunnc the pa.at year. 0 1uOtld Randal}. new\y elected t rc>uur·er, preaented a tin· andtJ l'llport t0C'9ther wttb r.- commendat1on1 f o r lnc~ll\C chureh tuntla. Twenty-thrH nrw members. wtio were formally tteelved lnlo the church Ule tollow1ng Sunday, wen Introduced by Mn Turk. M.oll ot the mlljor Inland arau of tlle Ant.arctJc continent are n"1tled ror ttmalea. whUe mo.t mounlaJn r&nlU and pe&lt8. rla.· eien. t>«va and lalanda are n.amed tor malea. THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOUR AD in the Cluaified Columns of the N~a-Preu. Thouaanda ot peopl1° •ft!")' day t•1m to N~·Pna Clualtled Ade to aatlafy their wanta and th~lr needa. ,.,,.,. want to buy or r•nt or ~II. They want to hln " )l~per. or find a .)ob. And Uley t llm to U11 cia.ttlcatton that ad'Al't&.le1 thr!r "·ant. :NEWS-P~ QaMlfled Ada Phone Harbor Hll e Mesa~ ·=----.,, STARTS FRIDAY LOVE AID Yll.EICEI H. fought to win tt. love ef o beoutlfvl girl -fot a,..__, ....... _ ..... •w......-. .Quentin Dll•ward •0 0 ·-·-..... ROBERT TAYLOR Fraak Lo'l'f'jn7 T•ny Moo'1' "Sllack out On 1 01 " STARTS NEXT WED. A._ 11Fort Y ..... " at the foot of the Newport Pier 1 L I D 0 7 1ta .. t-:r NOW SHOWING ENDS TUES. . . .. ~ ( ~· I ~ ~ J '-·--~! ~* FABULOUSLY YOURS! r\ • MUSICALLY YOURS! • ~~ DRAMATICALLY YOURS! SINCERELYYOVllS" _____ _,,.:.::."!'!,."'~·,. a.-a ..... WARNe.RCOLOR I JOONE DRU • OOROTlfY MALONE • ALEX NtcOl Alea f"ftASK LO\ &IOV la "TIO!: ntOOtcZD \\T.B~ Kld'• Mat. Sat. 1 :46 "PRAXTOM FROM 1'4PAn:·· STARTS NEXT WEDNF.SDAY IU n8m --·---.. -..... CU"'FWWW _ _,, ... ,,_ ...... _. .... ...,. __ _ Alto .. BOBBY WAD 18 MIMI.NG" BEWARE of Misleading Advertising e OUR POLICY CONTINUES AS FOLLOWS 1 1. New Cara Sold at Nationally Advertised fricee No "Trading Pack'' added 2. Service after sale, we do not "sell 'em and forget 'em." 3. A fair price for your trade -No false over allow- ances. 4. No high preuure selling, we don't need it, don't believe in it, don't want it. If l' ou Wut to Bu.y a NEW OR USED IMPORTED CAR We Ara AJway1 al \"our 8en1oe. Don'\ -ua Flnt.- tw(e Ce '-ti • HAUSKEN-WATSON S PORT CA& CENTEll -.AV'l'llOIUZED or •• u.za YOB J.,,aar, (S-ta AA. 8ruClla Ollly) Amtla Heale7, M.O .. Morrla. ._....,, a Alfa Romeo, I 1.«'9tloea to aen·e you IHZ Harbor lllYd.. , •• So. Ma.In ~t. 0-te M~ LI 1·5081 SaJ1tallaa. Ill t -O'JMI ()pea ~ ... & 8unclaya for 7our ooavenlence fry and cook ,,..jtb ~correct Co,,1,.o/11J llru every ti1111. No ,ueuwork -No COIUl8Dt 1IO'atcbiog. Seab in the oacural iuica -Your f1vou• di.bee att more deliciO\ls. Plq iDio anr O\ltln. U!ie Om Coa\reoJe.nt LAY-AWAY PIAN Only $19.95 {r-=1!~,~.~.-,,-,,n 4 HOUSEWARIS 1; .. -~-- ' 1802 Newport Blvd., Volt. Me.a I..lbtrty 8·1426 I We Give & Redeem Crown Stamps ....,mT'rf fll . ~ foteveN•el I to warm their toes .•. and warm their hear ts I 11 I Moccasins-- , Smart Comfortable I' i Whltl', ~ blu. Md )'elJU"'· $ 2 99 I II 11 Slipper Sox Grand for LounginCJ . • • warm wool soft leather ol •1)1 ... 1 ... s es ...• Romeos ••• Soft leather upper, elastic on side for comfort and 1MMJ flt .•• ' I 7 I 4J Newport Blvd. 59 • at the head of your Christmas list . , . ot the foot of the Christmas tre~ ... gift slippers. Come choose from our huge selection KA/ll'S KUSTOM . -~ SHO"S "1-"0E .-. I N ' s2•• Moccasin Type Slippers , j trim, smart lookin9, 1 11 comfortabl• ... fn black and brown. Gift NJfMI ""~ 61 0-111 1$ Df'tll~r 3 poir for next to Safeway in Costa Mesa ' --~ - I .. ~ -~ --·· -,.... . •t•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE r December 1, 19M Newport Harbor "'Mea and WOID¥ ale both Md d.rtven, IAat the W01111111 get all the blame" • • • bebl1 pueed around t.be 8 • D (Safe J>rl~ Day OlrclM • • • .. h all over the nation are put topt.her to make tbf! pubUc n.lbe . . • "aaybody who .... aa 81DC1d•t OD 8-D Day, Tl111J"lday, ~lber 1, .. • Dirty Blrdle" • . • Bey yoa there, you. behind tlla& wlleel, you're the one tllat ..... aeddeat.. ato. Wy elle •.. First of all. ...._ a badred or 10 of ..._ ....... from uader .W llood ud pat 'em out tie j4Cl&e ••• Remember ......,, ot.ben oat the"' on OM ldpway and ta tlaoee flltr .....,. beeldee you •.• "Do Unto OtheN aa you would have them do unto you" • • . let the other guy 10 b7, don't puab, don't above ••• you'll live longer ... "Tia betts to gtTe than to receive" ••• When 90mebody'a gotta sift. you try doing the giving. tie better than broken bonea and murJed bodies ... Be Ill courteoua • • . You are not lhtnldar of othen when you .. have on• f or the road'' . . . ,I( you are not thinking or others ( when you drtv• too rut ... you are not thinking of oth .. wben you drive when you are too tired . . . Some- one in th• Nation diea every five mlnutee in an automobile l ~iiij accident ••• What can be done to lltop th1-horrible tolJ of n~ death ! Not re- IUl'cll ! . . . not d.ruga ! . . . contrtbuttnr money w o n't help! ••• 'nMt cau.e ia already known .•• eo ii the cure • • . ':JR~• You're the doctor ... •'J>rhte earehlly wheat yoa Mt.II the free eonoert live~ ()nap Coaa· ~ .......... Ric~ a& 8:90 tla.ll aaa.nlay al1ht. De£ ........ . ''Drln caretully" ... when you attend the B ualneee and Prof...ma! Womena' Ninth Annual ChrtlltJnaa Preview at the Rendenowl Ballroom, Friday and Saturday, J)e.. cember 2 and 3 . • . AA pre- viouly, l'riday night la for the mW1 try ... with a pro- ~ eonalstlng of dancing, baJllt. a1nclnc. baton twirling and mUlllc ••. Saturday night a "'Fubkna Show of Y eeter- year'' ••• &180 dancing to the JUtta from Orange Cout Col· ........ '100 caah gnnd prir.e t.hll-,.r. plua 100 door prizee • . • 'ncketa $1.20 for both Di* ..• The theme thia ,_.. t. the Harbor'• Golden ;r..,. ... Believe me, Christ· mu 8boppen. thar'• gold'n bounty in them thar booth• baried ba the cavern. of the R.endienoua t.llroom ... Pan ,....at a little ... ye'll have time to whittle lt ye ahop at home. "Dltn euehll1" t b ' • 1 ' I Tbnda)', Friday ... .,_.,, December L- I a I ..• wbea yoe attend t • e premier Udo Daya ..... all of «*r Lido ...._ 1'tt1a all the ahop1 Jolalq la to opee up a big •1111p aeeout ~ly ,_ JOG • • . Cuhmt"re &w.tllln aad lhlJf'rle ••• % oft. IAuoll Raad ~ ... 1:oo.!!, Kapok ruled tlarow ••• 503 off, N"" 1 G. E. AutomaUa ........ """ a.de P69.95 11!1 . low .. 9!.98 r' mo., IDll'• eat, boat tralhor lie: allo lar«e HOl"lftn&D doll a wardrobe • • • $'1.95 • • • U.therette Photo, 8enp. 0-.t. f' • boob !O~ dl8aoaat ••. Color matehed nio.ldn bloutw-8. JMketa. M:Jrta and f&My paata 1&60-SIS.50 Du P o a t o r I o n allp • ODtt ... CarcUpaa ••• $3.95-· U .95, Glrle and Boy" shlrta a bloaM ... ~ off, M,.'t 8llk rlbboll IOI.It aport sh1rta. "'' 113.50 DOW 110~ . , . LMlel ....-e,.. ,..,;.Sl't.95 MW 111.95 .•• Ash tnys.. ......... crystal tl1M't ... .. ......... glftab ..... ~ pib ... S apeecl Spellman ~ reco"' _.playen, ...,. .. ue for ~90 ..• ..a Mt or locir t.elf'\rWoll ..,. wtt.11 nek lat f'boa)• a ........ $'7.96. Look for a.JMoDAY8...,..m .......... •f the ... ••w•-•JMoW..· . . OOASTAL SHOPPER l"Altloa of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE.SS -MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1955 \ .. -· .. ... ' :·.·~·-..... . ... ... ' ...... ' ' ' Doae 8Uced PINEAPPLE Olorietta aAJLTl.ETT 37 PEARS . ~°' 1,, .... c Greell Giant 3nc ASPARAGUS ......... 1t-0L 1- •i~L ltc •ra.w~ SPAGHETI'INI Bor91el'• CBILI 25C CON CARNE !'lo. 100 c- aena·· 8T&A wat:aa v ')Ge PRESERVES ··-· tka. '11-cu; CUSTARD ... OL 2fc .., o.Moru• 2 23c TOILET SOAP .... ;. for For ~wi-lle W..tlien 229 ALL DETERGENT IO·lb. ~FACIAL 2 29c TISSUE ·····-····-······'"'• for As complete u we can mak4! It . , • Tbe beat (Nt.~ monry <'&n buy, our own H IKted t:.8. Chott'• ~r. •n ajfing room, our pr1\•a le ba.kuy, a nd a dt.Ucalffffn kitchen for hot and prepa~ food• Th~e a~ Ole t.h1ng11 l.hal mLke Richard'• dlfCrrtnl. 11.11d can m ake e&Unr; pl .... ure what lt ahould bf.. for you. Fresh Baked T1Jl." R8DA V . 2 doun 39f R OM )' FRUIT IARS & f(lr 15t Potato DINNER ROLLS FRIDA\. 100~ WHOLE 23' WHEAT IREAD loaf ~AT1 1RDAV l'iiAKFAST ROLLS & for 21 t Laree 1 lnt"t1 ! la:r" !'CAR"Lf: 87' LA YER CAKE . . PIM'h Sonbeun df'mollAtration thti. wHkf'nd. Gwr Sunbu.m 1r.nd you gn • tht flnut ' Here'• • Aloran you II agrf'f' With .,.·hr n you aee snd hear all 11bo11l the be1uu ru1 new Sunbeam appllanc:-. e-•. al R1rh1rd'11 t hl• w~ktnd Be aure you g-tvn the rtnr11t, With Sunbeam, from our Glfl Sbop Meuarun .. .. p~ • S. tu,.. .en<f ettenCI tlie C~ristmas Preview, Friday and Saturday. Dec . 2 & 3, 7:0f) P.M. at the R.endez.vous S,llroom, Balboa. Frlday will be Family Night .• , an evening of ent1rtainment, under the direction of Dorothy Jo Swanson and Art McK•nzie, Police Chief of Costa Mesa. Saturday is Fashion Nite -for Moms end Dads -commentated by Katie Quin n and Ken Niles. Dancin9 both nites by the Riffs . s-ta's all Eyes for the • • • •2500.00 Discount • • • on our Gift Shop Mezzanine ~ust one way of wying • grHt big "TMnb .. for your patronage end friendship over the past year. Sev• $25.00 inf~ rec•ipts for your discount card. W•'.11 t•ll you how it worh. Here's a sample: I 15.00 J'oocl Beeefptll Glvee 10% Ott ap to Sl0.00 _pUJ!(lhw on Meu:anlne . . • ti0.00 Foot Bud,Pta Ol'ft9 ~ ott ap to $20.00 purchw on Meuanlne S '75.00 Food Beollpta Otv• 80% Ott ap to $30.00 purchase on Meu.anJne Sl00.00 Food Beeelpta Otne f0% Ott ap to $4-0.00 purchaae on Meuanln~ S.vin91 incrHs• Heh time you wve $25.tp m food receipts. Discount cards valid until we 9ive away $2500.00 or Dec. 24, 1955. Start s.vin right _•"!._•Y· Ley-away Christmas Supplies at Richard's Froien DA rs Dec. 1-2·3 are IARGAIN DAYS ...... Lido Shops Starts TocMy for l lit Deysl Choice Quatrty Meats • Alukaa Br'Mded 2/'Mf VEAL cunm. HL • . lndlaa Tl'aif Oran•re 23• tJ. L Cd POlll'Sll80tlll&-T~ STE AK S ···-·-··-· .. -··· ........ :.~tr GiiiJND BEEF .. 2f«= SPARERIBS ~4~ CRAN'IRY. HUSH u -os. Mlnu~ Maid 2/35' ORANGE JUICE . ks. Ru.n~ 59• MEXICAN DINNER u-oa. SilfEiBACON ........... 55c TAMALE PIE --··-···· JkL 29' Clark'• Cllf('k4".n aad . iifAiFAST SAUSAGE ~ ... 3~ TURl<EY PIES S-0 Fresh Produce means Sef e Driving. Be iiOM!wiiAUTY APPLES _____ 2 k 25c Sure You Do • SNO:WH.T! CAULIFLOWER -··-................. -...... 15c ilussEt POTATOES ____ 1ok35c Delicatessen • -----··-··--..... iiiiMOOK CHEESE __ ._ ....... __ ..... SF CHRISTMAS TRIES ,,.... "°"' ... ....... . . . Welian11t ... t 3F L U T E F I S K --~--· ...... __ __... FRENCH DRESSING • 23c , ... arrh'ed wtUI ...... ... ,..... a..aUtal """" ... wl 8lhw 'l'tpe fOI' tM MllillaJ I! I- P'-..,,, for r--.nice, Mow- ..._ or lobby. ~ .. _. .-, .. fw .1-..,, tM Olrta' e .. TNI ..... .000 11An OI' DE UDO •OPll .. • \ PAGE I· PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PWS WEDNESDAY, ;NOV~BER 30, 1955 Treat 011e M11 After Marina 1011 Fire A Newport ~arh man wu ftven oxy~f'n from • fire depart· rnent lnh11l11tor at 9·30 a. m. 8at· urday when he accldent•lly Inhal- ed pyffne fumrs" during " it•M· Uni' tire on a boat docked at the I VIila Marina. Stan Smith of 518 Avoclldo Ave. WU not 11ertou11ly effected by the tumu and waa released following the tn!atment. Harold Stamps. Loe Angelu. owner ot the boat J>ream. aald he wu titting a pan of raeollne when It •lipped and the suollne hJt a hot charger and exploded. He managed to extlnquiah the flamee before the arrival of firemen. Smllh wu working on l.he gen- erator of tne boat at the lime of the accident. Yan de Camp Yule Bonus $125,000 Approximately 1125.000 will be dlatrlbuted lo co-worker• of Van de Kamp'• Bakerlea and Coffee Shopa ln the form of a Chr11tmu bonua, It wu announced by Law- rence L. Frank. pn!llldent, and Theodore .1. Van de Kamp,r8"ecu- tlv. vice prealdenl In th• Thanugivtnr meae&«e. the eo-foW1der1 Of th.la pioneer baklnr concem yeaterday w d that lhla repruenta a record Chrialmu bonua, and they thank- ed t.beir co-worken for their part In the year Jonr 40lh Annlveraary celebraUOn. Tblll wtll be the 19th Van de Kamp Chrlatma. bonWI ln 20 yeua, ln addJUon to a Victory bonua whk h wu stven co-work- era ln 1M5. Col. Hmcllng on Court He•lng Collaboration Rap Jl'ORT LEWIS, WASHINGTON. NOV. »-Col. Jama 0. Harding. ot Banta Ana, la a member of the court Which convened here today to hear evtdence on Korean prl111>ner of war currta of collab- oraUon filed by the rovemment ••&Jn.t Lt. Col. Paul V. Ulea of Blnnl~b&m, AJL Col. Hardin(, wbo will become deputy potil commander Dec. 1 I• a 192t ...-,duat.e of WHl Point. He ,....._ at J"ort i-t. _ with Na wife, r.m. Ria mot.bu, Mra. ,.,._"99 lllee.nor Bardtnr. llvH al IOI JCdpwater St., Balboa. ( U. 8. A.IUIT PHOl'O) Trucker lnlurecl 111 Minor Wreck John Allen Oranr. 17, ot 317 Orchid Ave.., Newpon Beach, aur- fer:ed minor lnJunea at 11 :~ p m rrtday den bJ8 Ug1\t pickup lNck plowed Into the •de or an- oUler u.r at Cout Hlrhway and A.YOCado .Aff., accordlnr lo N~w­ port polJce. Drtwr of the other auto. wbo wu unJiurt. wu Jackie Earl °"le• 11. or lent Hart>or Blvd .. ~ Mea. Poll<'• Mid Gl'l'Kr WM altempllnr to make a lttl lllnl when the eolllaton occurred. A. pur-. anatcber who man-..· ed lo pt a-1 W1lh hi• loot wtt.bout t.be owner rea.11.alnr tt -nrpo~ to Newport Beacll pollee J'r1day. Mn. W. ~ Bnmv. 218 Mom - lr\I Canyon Rd., told otncera ahe -.t Into a toy lbop on Via U do I about U :SO p. m. and when ahe readied for ber pW'M to make a JNl'Cbue abe found It WM mlM· ln1. She eald ahe belJevu It wu taka from under her ann u u. .u wantlnr alonr th• st.reel 11'e purae contained 120 ln cuh. car lleya. •79 rtu.• and mJecel- ~ S"l~ looked For DrWdwt Ahr Near Wreck '1o;rd A. Clark of 171 Vk:torta A .... Col'la Meea, WU NOY. 14 boolled by Mu a police on a cbar&'e of drfV1n• while drunk. ot-nc.n reported Clark'• club coupe 'YMl"9d over the double IJne on Har· bor Blvd. and a.lmo.i hJt an on· commr Yahlcle. They aid Clark admltlf!d dr1nktn1 beer prior to hi. arn"ll at Harbor Blvd. and 1 :20 Lm. and booked Into Ora.np Count,y JaU al 6:•6 a .m. loat Stoln ICatt W. Brown, 23 B&lboa Con.. told Newport police Satur· ct&,1 thllt hl1 homemade boat had .,.,.. •lolen from hi• dock .ame- ume durtnr the put Wffk . He 41eecribed It aa 12 t••t long. un- p&!at..d "'1th • n bre1r1.. bottom Uld Y&Jued It at St~. Alll1•ce II Costly OMtnne Pehnon, i M N. Bay rr.t. retllnMd home from a trip And left l\v weekend C8M and a I t.niewrttet on a curb about t :30 I p. Ill. 8aturday whUe ahe went to pt bttr ~ key nut door. W1Ma ltl• returned mom•ta lat•. lllle told polJoa. UM I~ ~ a& Slll 111114 ••HIUld. ' .U:RJAL SAND LOADER err A delalled, workable repl1c:. of Iha hwa• 104ldue found 'tn porte •nd c.h•mtc.I pl.nt•I IU •hndy •fumlnura rubber looted frame I• l S ·,·· lon1 aod 191/," hl1h aod cOmH with ~o:"/.~'· c~~· !~:hp ,';::! :~ •;i:!; •ho•,.I Chetn cont1oh pwle unHe lor loed1n1 and 11nloedtn1 ...... ~,. .................... IM. PRICE $16.95 £1.T.C'TRO?l>IC MOBILE l.Ol1D:-4PEAIU':K a SIGSAJ.. S\'STEM Thlo ht1 l foot 1nobll• 11nll of hlth lrnr•c.t pl••uc h•• •n •mphf .. d .,., rut •J'•t•-m and rrvolvln• ••archh1i\t b.-am. c.onttoll•d ho"' &ft• ca b 9Hn•I by ._1eu ron1t ••Hc.het A pow•rtul m•crof han• tr•nemlh vole ... lndvdad ti • ••y bu.u :u •lt n•1 •t•Um Malle .. ,. "-•--<• '"'"•"'••. hie. PRICE $9.95 PORTF.R <'OLLE~ATI: MICROSCOPE Ol.. "ThT .. PRICE S9.1f>. CS••l!.r Set, t 1.M·> . ' . 8T1lOM BECllf R Bt'NK Bl:D8 Al•• •v•tl•blo te t•hl• • ch•u ••U and. •ln•I• bftt• Pritie 12.50 . Thi• •Uroctl•• It~ --o._. ...... L-bat k•t t• etodt.-d with '••"ui"• L••nllo nr.au1.,1 unat.e 1n mtn atu tf d._., .. , •• haby pewd.,. 11.l•~n ... di•~. tpqon. •IC-..-.oy•r ti) •f'c•unrlf,,. lnd"tfl"• ••move br•Nf prfMtuch •~ • ~1.-t OI\ .. Doll £. l •r• Mnld4 "' •l••ll<. 11 Ii•• metal handlu and • h lftl ..i f.lr.w<>od ltd • • • ....... • ,. A••ri<H M.lt.t ,_ ....... c.. •. PRICE SS.98 A • f I Open Evenings --3442 Yla Lido -In Lido Shopping A...C. 'Ht-- Nine ... n:t FLYER VELOCIPEDE The unarteet of ety llna. phH .. qwel· ~,, .. con•tNcUonl It. eturdy euh vlar •t-1 fr•rn• u fu t.d whh ed1veta ble coJt •p rin.a •eddl.. tend•r ahi•ld, knuellla suard• end alr••mer 1r1p•~ RIVet.d •poke .,he«h f6" front. q .. rur) have l.hr-yelu 01lue round bflll be.rln••· ..-ml pneumatic punctur•· proof th••· M•"• ~,. J1<AI .. Ter Corp. PRICE m .95 l'ARDBIRD l'l\e tat•9l thine In b•ck yerd fWnl Thi• el\udy. Un-•mllfHd <•r whu '" •lone o n &h own n lr,_,.d tr•c ... «"ha 1o·dnv•n •nd p tCff)411..-d by cr•nk• •It •• J •I 1" I 11 *' h1. f"f\O\,;•h f0 carry l )nvnw•••r• nn • 1hrllH~1 ,~ •• •• II tnuld• •lurti) ftlU•cl•• Of hMvy .-a'•I• u .. 1. It ha• t <••l· froft wh .. •I•. m,,unt•d on 2 tn..c-~•. •nJ f't'UlU:t wuh 40' ol <ur,.d ,,., ... ,,. ••• "'4.~h·c~ ~.::. °"'"" PRICE ($87.75)• !ff PER lt:T C'OS\ t~RTlftU: ,.. lh• w1Um••• in •m•n ·~yllnf •nd qv•lny ron•ltV4 hon I h h•• l •p•"' !lp••do n1•U• • p\.uti ~·I 'h•ln dt1\• .,.,.~ ,.,,., •tufl '•"'"'· b•ll •nd 01) I••• hrttru• b••nnw•. •"4 8 ntb b .. r 1u4"tt wh..-i"'h •• 1~"1• It eUo•• •fY•f•I• le• toom for ',,mfon Mo•• "' 8MC M.,. .. 1 .. '"""' Ce.,.. lS111> of AM n PRICE $26.95 n.OOR r!:EL POOL TAftLE I hte /.'"'•~•" •• •l•d pool le bl• •llnr • •ndl••• p,,._.'"'"" while d •..,,. ~p1n1 pot•., •n a coordt~lton h '' :J:th r•n;!,,.11' ~~rd•~ ·:~tn~:~t::;r:;::: 1n a •or/•t • •\f•om•Ht bell r•IWfn. r•••l••"t cw•h on•. • uun~ .. ,. And 1a1t rn,.,,.,. I old• c.o ...... r1u 1rv lwo '~ "'•Pl• «Hf'• t • b-a lh, tff•n•I• •ftd ru1• ~'~ uu ""'f•d 'M•4• ht Bune••• Corp. PRICE $35.00• ' !'WITZ IR. Pl.ASt:T ARll M l f\ff'lol'f• thf' _.ond•r• nf th@ h*•' '"' .s .. nwt m•1nr • an•t,.I •I f"ne •••t:llv •• th•Y •PP~•• "' •"\ month "' ttii• ~;::~.,~>-1\o~':':h!~J ',0:,,.~~r"-• .1~~ ,,._..,, .. ,,., .~ h•f'ii ~('nl rnh frtf dotlv mouo" a f\d l•thud• 1 • 1 ha,h. •t hae pl•tttt •Ph•,-• •nd pthftl•r l•th hei.. lt>tbrmehon bo<>k 1nrluded Ma• i.r H•-••lc ·-CIH?. PRICE $14.95 DEPOSIT HARBOR 2954 PHONOGRAPH, REOORD & STAND COMBINATION Thta b•evtlhal portable el.-c-tuc phono· 1repb come• wu h • l 2"·h11h wro"•"' Iro n •tend, re(.ord r•ck. and ' Mn· breakable pla•t•c c-hlldn·n·• record•. It hae an 1ntearal ton• ch•mb.r. :';!d! ca':~~1ov:~~·\'n"~·~:f/ ,.~:!an: f'yToatlln•. P layo •II 71 RPM record• 11p to 1 l ... ...... l>r s .. ar P'rM•ch , hw. PRICE $18.95 Bl'RP Gl·~ Th'• l J1 1 • 1un u,., I tn \0 •hoh at trl11•r tOU('h, wh h lowd ftOi•• •nd 1mokit h ...JI-~• ~U.or• .,.-,forat•d cap e end h.ae m•t•I p•rh , plaet10 <.•••, rnov•bl<e wu • tfoc: ... and ••lety r1n1 ml'rth•n&•m Mo"• loy Mett•l I"<· PRICE $!.93 --. TAKE APART TRUCK lf•r• ere ) •plenclld' playt-i. In I; an .tucatlon•1 teke .,,.,t toy. • pull toy •nd a r-•dc em true.II. e lf'OftC •nouah to oupport • chtld. h '• 18 .. lon1, with • roonly 11 " a 6'" • 6111 •• t>.d Rec.II. et , •• , hold• ·~·· •heel •nd tool• for d t•m•nt llns •"d t•· ••••mbUn1 lh• entire trvcll.. ...... l>r Pier•"•' w..,.,1 .. 111rt.a Ca, PRICE "$8.00 EKr.croa Tht• lucln•ttn1 £.l•ctrlc £.nrlrw Set ~~~td~th~~· •'oh.'~!~~· m~~f!•"it ~!!~ t11111ne o•«r )l) m.-ta.J p.n.1. )'lwa M•••< T•ht fle--.1bte cowpllna •rwt 'n•••UC"Uon• -compl•t• 1__n aa ,, •. •lc-t!t' C.b••t. Ill••• i.r T .. • A. C. Cll"-1 C.. PRICE $1'.95 r ·-~~1c:a1 •1•1~1a1 ........:.. , . t.. -· . . .. . ~ . --.=. 10LIONEL TRAINS IN ACTION- with MAGN~RACTION PRICED FROM $19.95 llt:l:'\Z KIT<.'lll.:" Thi• •tln •tiv• ., t h•n rA 1n•t h~t lhf' ••m .. ~ttv1µm,.nt a n..J •ntitr ,.cl1f'nt • Muth•• u•••' It 1• 11 l.1wh • .,,J It ltllPd •tll\ • tO"l?l•t• "' >•"' of e 1u'n tnum • .,,. pl••• f' '-'I nHI• h •I p•1J pla•ttc •Jtr<.fr\. ch ... • h .. 1. 1 "CJ'-. t1"ft • •nd ~ c•n• ot •••Ortf'd .~nufl"lf t f_.tn1 t&Od pro1J11r t • Me4• ,,. K•r Stanl,r '• Mo4•1 (••''· le• PRICt: S.I.~ RADIO ST.\T IO:\' !\•n1h •nrt flt ,. ..... , '01 .. •f'\"'.I ,~l'f• M•••Aar• Up In , ll\ol• I I•• •·,..1l'h M • rd t \ p-.-••If hu p•n•I for buu•1. rlu k f\t •••r1hl11ht tra nam l••IOt'I l ffi•r raphQnt e, d •todll)f, IG I booll. th 1n lud...i tL•oof!~~~ IN UDO SHOPPING AR&A WILL HOLD ANY om.ma: PALOIONO WONDEA BOBSE Thi• llfelll•• P&loMI.. hae •II the •ac.ittea •cUon •f • nel hon •. h •• J9'/J" lo••· -ldad of aatra·tovrt. plaellc lft rold-Palomi-color. a..S """"°rtad by hl1h·tHl •prln1• on • ot11rdy c.hromlom·llnlebad metAll beee. ...... ~,. w-• .. ,.....,. c •. PRICE '29.95 LOOK UP OAILAOE Thie faecl.,.t"'r 1 l'/," wood .... ,. ha• • •tndow and a va net1 of d oor• on a ll 1td•• th.el ch.Ud ren love 10 opon and l<><lr. 11pl O..o hae bolt• '""d b•r. anoth•r. • t unUna kaob . • third, • hook. catch A muuat\n• trvcll: cant••. • load ol l varuh•p-4 block• whlC'h ht lnlo con .. ...-cf1Ae t lou •• th• pre•• roof. ...... •r r1.,..11..a ...... 1 .. tt .. ·a1 c.. P RICE 16.00 MERRY Mll.JlMAN nt• •nlutatn•n• and M t1<-•Uo"•1 1•m• lnvl)'"'"• • v•tN>ty ot r••l1•l1c m1nl.91v1e• -• d•lry. t hott .. •. • r~;~h b'v":c'.~~ :,,":{\. :n::h~.:~ '";h. ,,hi" t •• "' t4•h' •t th• d•u7 pro rh•Ch tn hnttH•, •• du~e-t.-d b1 the ple t ttC •Ut"ft.-f Ma4.a ltp H•••••hl4 Sr.• .. lac. PRICE Sl.98 DELUXE Tic.ACTOR tff're i• • p -nutne dt.•tn ·drlven •JW"~ tr·ettor. c.oatroUed b,. • .... , •Mh l•v•r tt t• ••·• lone. h"t•hed 1n rf!d tmetnf'I with whit"' i nd ••'"•r trim. •nd h•• a hont •nd I O" r••r •h.-•h. h...,," tivty ... m, pn.-.um•Hc tr••. lt•ll b, u1na~. "" ... 1tUnn front !::~· -~~~~·:~:.~~ ·~:.1:~. ':t"t""'"' ..... M•"• ~, 8MC Ma .... l-.tlor1•1 Ce.,.. 1s .. ~ el AMFI PRICE $82.95 TWA EU:Ol'KO?\,O ro::oinoa PILOT TILAJ!\"l:ll A "rad•r" •er ... etwl r•I ••rkl•I &Oftttol• fer pOot1ne • M•nlah·•-• •'••• •...t.t etrn11la1od lllrh• ._.,...,. lteittel i .. e It '• Se,. .... ceM ce.· ...... . .,..... ..~ .... , ..... . ...... alut... ,.. ... ,, ,,... ...,., ~t..i ·-1. .."',.... -st-........ ... th-lk -..... -.. .,,.., ... ,.... ... '°"" ·-·-· ..... .....nlkE"'M-.&-- Th.le eaechieak.e.J 0 1aen of tomorrow .. snovee forweNI or M ck•ard. to 1-h or rtf ht. ewta1\a\ ht• •nn•. e;.arry-lna obJ•<t• la hi• •D<l•-11 by i..1. tery·operated ,.._mote cofttrol I Wind th• crou bi .... becli •nd h•"9r him •·•pee..... •••er•l eentenc.•al An ad dluo ... I b6tt•~Y aad b11lb 11,hl "r. hi• •Y•• end antenne. H e ie 14·• tel • ot meta llic plutlc, M-'e i.r w-1 T.,. c.,.. . PRICE $6.96 £.ntlr• I l't,·· bench ea11 t.. dlam•Mled and , .. aannbl.-d •Uh v•• al b.•1c: woodeft ··1001•'" -claw h•mm.,. ec.f'9wd t tver, wr••ch. Y1M, etc-. PIUCE $!.50 DlT ll !llHOOT Wrnt PLA8TI(' DART IUFLI: Fun r•lbre •Ith •hh un1qu• m.ch· •n•<• •cttoft ••r•"' •or I 1 hte• , ... t ht•c-•111 lttho1r•phf"d d .. , "• mo"nt--d on • r••olvtn1 m-t•I rln-nr •l•nd, tim ul•t• ... ~ thuk• 1n l llf,hl \\I h•n ht' hy ••f•l1 d•f'h , 1h•7 all off th• •t"'• to"whlf'1' th,.r •r• t.Opp<ed Me4• ~, T. C-•· IM . PRICE S(.98 DANOEK PATROL TRtl('l( A r..d 1aeht tl••hu • • t ,.,.,.k rno•"• elon•I "Fhle U Cltt"f pJetU •nd mrt•I mottlt toy ta I J,-. lone tn add1t1or. to U• ftltlt0f\ motot. 1t fMtwir•• • •p.ftrtO•• IOf>l chr•t. •" f'U.V•'f'l00 tank. t.ddrtt, roed b~rll., eM • c.o., tv=tl boa w10. • mlc rophon• M•'-i.r l"••I Te, C•••· PRICE $3.98 TOOL BELT Price sa.oo .,.. ............... _.. ,_ 11.M te -a -'• 1- U M .. -neM . ~ i "THIRD DIMEN~IONAI." ANTIQl'F. Ci-OLD St:R\'l<'t: FOR HIX Adornf'"d wllh ' d1m•n•IOn•I R"n•l•- ••nC•·•t)'I• bortic,~ •nil f••h1on•d •h •r thtt t•nf'•\ t•blrwar•. thh u t of et ton. pl•al I haa • s lr•mtna mf't•lhc. ··anctquit •old.. h •u•h It• 41 r••c•• lndud• '-•k• dl•h. • ... ., bn w and c '~mu. ••It e nd p•pp•t ~I~~~::,•~ '°f ~:· ::. .. ;;::.'.· ~~~~::, •,~~ leet .. hqu~d wh•n prf"••Hi Mell• It~ lrwi• Cor~. PRICt~ $.5.95 MAR\'F.L()l '!il MIKE \l.'h•n lev•r It P\U hf'd tOhf\C . dtl•••" t re ctor .. nd wh'" n htl • •" ob •l•t l•. m .. " hlM •'-•ton1•t h.a Ur •lop•. b•tlu up, hllftU end •Oilr• ff)nwt1td •••In tn • d1lhrrnl dlff'C'la<-.n 1 ,.., '"'' It & 4•• Iona. of h..-avv 1•w1• •\••I with Nbb•r tr•• lOI t1.-afl • PRICE S9.95 Now ••• for all little cooks ••• llEVEllE WAllE /lf iAUa1wrt ~!& w,n. -\:• ----· S PllCI MINIATUH Sn •.. 2 S11•• f_.,,..,..J ·'•IK'• Pa"'• Orrn 'l1ll~1. (;n.-.,,.d s.-Poc. \\ h1•tl1n1 Tu K•ul .. w11h T rtf •• , (,1>111101. r •• L~ In rnlMlul play •In•• car1 .. n $9.tS L-4ttftal N•w R"Wf' Yw~ Pla1 ~a.,. JU•I l1h M""''" It~• w.,.._ "Th• Worltl't r .. 1 .. a1!M Made of cor 11t:r~lad oh1nl••• •l••I. thry look a11d f"<'k lok• ..... ,. w .. ~. h••• ll•k•l11, ~nnb. ond h•n•ll•t with rina• 1n tlwm ••• t"•n ht•• lb• •••I R"''"' W•t •h1•Cl1n1 Ma licttl~ •11111 die tt111•r ar•p l PlAY-ITOVI, TOO I y,.,,. th• CVIOll •pa1tle tln.011 and II 1,.. -. • ~1011~1 pl•r·ot• .. '"' 7"f 4au•h•u to -i. "" l"r ~r doli... c.-la .,., _. •h•"' • Tue -~ ... ye1u 11111• TWO OTHO SJZES: 2 ,, .. Mt 1 "•H Mt OPEN IYININGI 'TIL NINE TOY 'TIL DECEMBER 20th I I , I .. ) • PAGE I COAST Al SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 Honors Parents· Nt:WPORT ISLAND WOMEN HAVE'LUNCHEON PROGRAM .. 1: You Will Find The Best • In Every Thing You Need In • 111e WANT AD PAGES WHAT A MAN! Driver Runs Down Newsboy, Laughs, Leaves and Kin at Cocktail Party Mlsii Geneva Bostwick, ~02 Poin· ntll& A\'f',, enterta.lned at cock· taU.1 at Balboa Bay Club Nov. 19 honoring her_..P&rents. Mr . and Mrs. Willis R. &nnett o! Tampa. Fla. :ind her brother-In-law and llistE'r, Cmdr. and Mrs. W1lllam S. Ral· st on. Members .ol the Woman·a Auxlllary ot Neowport Island, I nc. held a potluck luncheon recently at the home of Mrs. Jamea Edwarda, 3900 Channel Place. Mam '-.ntertainment wu the 9howtn1 of color tum taken by Mr•. Georse ShelTlll, a m ember, on hu t rip to the East Cout this fall. Sc,nu Included p lcturea ot lhe Grand Canyon. Bryce and Zion National Park and ea!'tem cltle11. Pr!Jle winnen at the luncheon were lltn. Sylvia Place and Mra. Bert Turner. An 11 ·,\'Paf-nld neWJJ>apf'r car- 11 .. r \I"ll>! tllt• VL('tlm Jl'rld~)' Of a h1t -onil·l'Un 11rtver who l1111i;:hed and oln•\'C' 11w;1y without st11pping a lt"r has car knocked the boy 11n11 his bicycle to lb• ground. Next meeUng of the auxiliary wilJ be held at the home ot :Mrs. Keith Rima, 3911 Marcu.s Ave. on Dec .. 1:1 at 8 p. m. Vcrnnn E'11t•r ot 120 Via Yells tnld pol11•e he wnit riding ca~t nn y,,. Lidn s .. utl at !I I" m. whl:''l a u;r s111h!eJ1l:v turned in front ot hllll rmto Via Ju('11r. Young \'t<rraun liltlrl lie we~ un11bl1> to ~tnr Rnrl his bikP ran mtn th<' tr11nt fen•lt·r or the C'ar. \\'hen ht' r .. 11 tn tho> i:roumt h•· 1rnst11inl'd " rhq J•<'ll lli••t h IU H'I hl'Dfl brUIS(':I. 'l'he Dennett.s are tortllt'r South· land resident.., Crndr. and Ml"ll. 'talaton have juet retumed from a tour of d11ty in r anamn, are now at $1.'fll 8 1'a t'h where the ('Oll1lllRn1IE'r 1s public wo1·k11 of(k er Ill the Ammunition 1wd Net lJt'pot, Local guests lnt'lurlrll L L and Mrs. Jack C"rpeonter, Mrs. Willlsm Busl!<, Messrs. and Mmes Ellis Zander, L. S. Y11ungl>looil. RollNt HtilhWt-11. CRAFT DISPLAY America Studied by Cub Pack 105 T h" 1;,,,. Nlllfl he c&'l••rt '"ll tn lt11• dnvr r hut he just IRUJ<hl'd 11nol llrnv•· ''" without 11topping to :w t him "America the Beautiful" was the November program From out of town were Lcrlr . theme of Cub Scout l"'ack 105. The beauty and points of in- anrt Mrs. H. S. P arkar<I. Coronado: • terest in this country and thankfulness for its bounty were l.N ir. and M rs. A. D. Littleton. !'1•n Diego: Capt. a nd M rs. Thom-demonstrated in many ways by the six dens in their hand· "'" Flynn, Seal Beach ; Messrs. sncl craft dil.lplays. Burglary Fails )Imes. C. T . Bcnll, Houston, Trx-Thclle displays t~at1ired map~ Sil : F runk F\1xon, Sherman Oaks; llUC'h ll!l Den 1 ·,. rdie( maps <11 \\'tlllam Carpenter, Van Nuy11; lhe United stales. Euch boy in Emery Ridel\ Tanana ; A. L . Rog-Den 2 showed on his niap the A loC'ked up object alW1l ys ap· eors and M~. L. H. Cameron, Norlh lai·gesl <'&ties, the capitals. or n11.· pear" attrarllv•~ to a thief. Ori Hollyv.•ood: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lional parks. Thill den 11.tso ahow<'•J llO 1l seemed to the burrlar who AndreNa and Mrs. J. H. Hu!rmun, Thanksgiving table decorations of ht11l1e Into the Newport Harbor Arcadia; Mr. 11nll Mrs, E . A little turkeys maae rrom pine Ch11.111b"r •if<"11n11wrce offiN'. 1800 Rohan, Belmont. Shores. rnn<•s amt "doodle strings" modr W l'ol\11l 111 .. hway. during the wePkrnr1 1111,1 trlrll to pry o pen 11 or leather. copper and wood. T 6 B . PE~SASTS tllUlg cabinet while 1g-norlng 5t roop rown1es in cash on top of a del!k. v· 't t z Den ::·s rontrlbut1on WU Jlen- Mrs. Wlllla.m Saunders. office On lSl 0 00 nants of tell In t'uh color1 to i<e<·retary. dl11cqvert'll lhe alt•m11t · The newly nrganlied Brownle mark tht rows or Milting for "ti burglnry when she optnl!'d the thrlr families at Pack meeting uffir,. lhls mol'nlng-Nothing ot Troor fl rt c,.ntl:v weont b.v trl!ln to anu poster" used In <'lnslni; C'err· ,,1,J11e w11s t nken 11s Car aa l!hc vl.s1l the Sl\l\ Diego Zov. Twenty monit•t<, Den • 11howed pennant.•, c-<JUhl tl"term111r. The lnckrd tile I girls were acC'ompanied by lcud<'r, as well. and maps. and 11evernl ronlulnf•d nr1ly bl8nk chrrk11. no Mrs. J . T. Rl)binaon an<I hrr co· (lhlne and boat model11. Wall plaq- C"AKh. i;hP loli.l police. A window 1"1tJ"r~. Mrs. BaFne McCn v and ue~ <it wood and mi.c11ronl letter.s or 1111· o(f11·e 'i\08!1 hrOkl'n lo gain ' . y . . • r.-pelltllllj the IAw of the Cub f'a<'k admll tnnce. Mrs. J . R. L<>n~lt\V. 1 hi• t rno p l wui; th>' fl'Rl Url' of Den !i's di.a· nl"•'l" 111 th" c.111111111n1t \' l't111rd1 play, ""'' 8 colorluJ ..erlcs ehow- Plea.se In C11n1na do'i Mar. 0111 Ing the ini: the 1lcvclopm~nt r•t the Am- T11eo11dey me,llnl{ an Investiture el'tran fl&' d11linruillhed t heir CALL ON US l'••r .. mony 1u1mllted thrt"e new work. Wheon we cAn nelp you wit h ynur ~arts, Pt n n Y MC'Cay. Bonni<' The winner of the crattA 11wan1 ndvertu1lng problems. A t rained \\'lrlh &nd Christi J\h'L••un, who (lt'nnanl was Mu . Bradbury's Den courteous 1peoctsh11t w11J glauly nwt 1111 requlrementll, 6. and their exhibit 11howed an un- h<'lp you p1 epa.re t'tfecttve advcr -1111uaJ amount 0 (1 accompllahment tt.ing I G · 1 • 'Cl b G 'ft 1n wall plaquea or the Cub Scout · · lf S U 1 S PromlM. a nd small planters con- Ollr aim Is to provtdt' sountl lid· Two g1fts for the Cham' Room talnlng natrve plnnl.<!. Tht'lr ta bll' v1·1 l18tn~ coun11el llnd htlp you (:l'l rof the Cll'la' Club ot th!!' Harbor rarried a \'ery complete selection OUlJltlllldtnic reaulla. f\r~A w••rr rrr>nrtrd "t thr exrru-or tlh111trrittnns nf the b"!lutltul NEWS-PRESS i ''\'•' 111111111 r11r .. 1.11i; Munduy n1i:ht ~r"n"" or 111·11·•11 th 11 t.;n1tt'<2 111 th" , luhho11.Mr A mon1>y dona-~l11tt•11 Classified Ads lt '"I tr;im ('nn .. hlt11 P arlor 29• or Chlllrmfln WAii c-11mmltll'rm1n HARBOR 1616 the :-..'alive Oaughlu:< of thf' Cttld· Bud Simmon:< and ht" as~1Slant1 Cl':T RE:Sl LTS' Call llnrl><•r lflld, Ill)' "l wa.nt tll pl~·,. LI ( ·1uiuof1NI A•I .. rtntl 't11rl A•l\'••n 1,;111g rt sulta cCimtni; your w11y. 1•11 West •nd t .. n blllh t11w~i1.1 from 111 the JU•IK'rng werr Frank Mar- Mr~. Arthur Fllzm••t r 111 wrr e re!· .Mhall IJ ant1 J am!'it \ValdeUch. r1 .. ve<1. 1wo new »1,.~ll ll' lwa trr"' Jut.lge.1 award('(! thr lrulpection ''·"'" b""" ln~tl'lh"I 111 thr rh11) 1•11p 10 Dt'n 2. \\'nldt-!lch Also di•· rw1rn1 1'111· b<mr.J 111110 •l"1·ua11e•l 1 •r1but,.1I the l'a c k now•lttter pl 1.1~ '"' 11 <;h11wt11q)11 l'""Y tw "(•11b Cnpera" which contaln•"l a th" > 111• ''~um,. from thr rt1port .. r of each PU ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS len of t,helr month's activities, u .\'ell as the evenings' 11rograrn and a n announcement of plans tor the _hriatmu party. This Christmae party. which la 1ponanred by lhe Elke Lodge 1767, \\'Ill feature gift.I to the Cuba i rom the Elks, glfla the boys hnve made t or their parents and tnys and food that the Cubs bring ur the Elk.a to distribute to needy ram ill ea. FOR ACHIEVEMENTS Den 1 Jed the opening ceremony Rnbert Swigart conducting t he c•Jlor &"J&rd and leadJnr the flag .o.&lute. Auletant Cubmuter Ted Wltm,.r conducted lhe first part Of the meeting and dl•trtbutlng the award.I f or achlevemt>nls, ln· dut·tlng the new Bobcat f rom Den J, Dwllln Murphy. Den l was tht Winner Of thP &Chtt'Ve>ment pen• nanl with badge• ~olng to: J . J, Swigart, wolf badge; Shep McCook, bear1iward; Butch M arx und Fritz K ott.. hlghe.'lt achlrvt'· ment In Cubbing. t he lion badi::t> Other a wa.rds included bear bad.:<' and service star, GaylorJ Tohill; wolf aUver arrow•. Rob MacKay, Hank TI1ayer, Stephen • Adam, J Qel Bradbury, Frank Marshall and J im Wlt1dellch: John Bol111wr· anc and PhU Oertleoy, &l'r\'tcr 11turs. Th11 att,endance v.inner wu Oen 3 with 97 percent of parent.I ln a t tenda.nce a.nd l 00 of U\e boy.1. Oen 2 presented &J\ orl~nal son.:. "We Are 11 Cub Scout Pac k", by Robin P'l•ld. They wf're a ccompanlr-d on the guJtar by Charles Cordray, Robln'e grand· father. who aleo amuMd the p11ck w1tb clever aonp and lNdlng ot in-oup •lnl('tng. Oen t 'A aklt wu moat UJIW!Ual, With 1'8 Ch btl7 llCt· Inf: a charade ot lh1• Amerlc-an acene which wu by the others. TO ADl BASE Cubmuter Robert S. Gardner led the peck In a vote or a ppre· d a Uoo to H. Payne Thayl"r, who arranged Ui. tleld trip to th" Ucbter ·Than· Alr Bue. Den 6 preH.Dted an lntu~tlng • k I t which e&.nl~ the Skit Award peon- na.nt. They depicted lhe N11 llonal Parka With uch boy plnnln1t ont.o a hu,.e map a aketch of lh• par· Ucular park a.nd telling a littl11 of It. backgTound. Den • wu a warJ· ed the Good Conduct nag A• a cllin&Jt. Den 6 Pf'rtom1t'l1 t. d.rUl ~v'I~ tor whlc-h thf'y 1111.<l been tralnt'd by Prn Chl .. f Ro)' S()()ut. M.lk• Bradbury and J\ttke Tan<ty. The clo.ing C(>rcm1>n7 w111 led by Den 3. emph-.J&lng lhf Thank•f1vt.ng theme !Uld eu h boy dlapla.ytnc colorful po•leF11 n t thtng11 tor "'"hlC'h hr wu t lls nk· ful. the me.oung ,.n.J111r with 'America The Be11ut1t11l''. DEATH NOTICE D"' \'10 CTllE Pn,·11 te !unernl 14'rvl<'.-• w•re ~ht>dlll,.d for Davf'1 Curle, 29, ot 2200 ~. Parks. Sllnta An&. cnn- du<'led by Park~·Rlt114'y Mnrtu· &r\' nl grn''«'•t.le J) H11rtx>r R~st· Memorial Park .-t 2 30 p. m . to- dey ltt r Cud11 wu klllf'd In a trarflc acci<l•nt In C:o•ta Mua 1·1111r9'l11y. Tbe J«v. Artlrnr P ldenen of Santa Ana wu to ornclAte. SurvtvorJJ Include Ute p•rent.e. Mr. a.nd Mn . Brit Cude of the hr me addru•. and two al•ters. Mrio. Loi3 Hr'nrlrh of Santa Ana •lid Mr11. Jofa.rprete Anton ot l.a. Angeles. LOUIS BODMAN Holy rosary wu Kheduled to bt1 reclt,rl a t 7 p. m yf'slerday In '11'1lh m&SJO C't'lehratPd In F;t J oa- rh1m Catholic Church at 8 a. m . tooav tor Louis Bodman. 8:1. of 211!1 ·a ... lllrtC'I' St. ro~lA Ml'M. T hi' R ev Thnmu J . Ntvln otnclatl'd. lnleormeont wa.s 11rhl'dulr-d for Ho- ly Sepulrhr r Cemet•ry. Mr. Bo·lman dlPd Friday mom- lnR In Orange Cnunty Hnflpltal 11ft,.r a.n e~lenri"<I lllne~s. He ""'"' a r"lired buildinK cont r11rtnr 11nd rhArtrr m•mlw'r ot Amhtr!lt Arlr. F r11 teme I Order o! Eaglu l'\o IHZ o! Amht'rst. Ohio A nat1v,. r>( Ehjr111 , Ohl'l. Mr 8 rwlm11n c-sme tn f'11Utorn1a ln moo. H,. had Jl\',.d htl"t! t h,. put f1•ur yt11ra Survlvore Include hll Wit.low. Mr111. Augu11t.A Bndman. an11 dau~ht,.r Mr!<. EU'ltl K 1rkpa.t- n ck ot the hnmf! addru11. anrt two brotht1•. \\'1Ulam and Carl Bod· man or Ohio. 328 AMERICAN AYL For gnnd 1-Wllllh we your C'hl· roprarti,r R, E. Hl'ndr1ck11, DC. Call Harbor 6-471 or 4&14 For Ap· polntment. iOO Camellon St . Co- RU del Mar. , • 1 WANT AD will cost you only 5250 and it will run in all 4 issues A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor News·Preu Monday, WeCtn'Way and Friday editions, Plus the Coastal Shopper, Wednesdays DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport Harbor News-Press le guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers be· fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wednesday and Friday. U your paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your pnper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wedn~sdays Coutal Shopper A4-run IJI the \\'ed.nl'.d•! l\ewe-rrl'n 4 Llnea 1 lnMJ'tlon $1.00 add'I. llnl"!I .2.3 ra. 4 Unett 2 luertiona 1.50 add'I. Unes .2;; ea. 4 UnM 3 lnaertiooa 2.00 add'l llncs .2.> ea. 4 Uae9 4 IUutlou 2.50 add'l. llne8 .26 ea. Sltuadoa Wueect Ad.I wW recrlve l0'7e dlacount. OaaJI lD lldvanff on.17. 111IND1UK AD 18 & U~'l:S AU CJlutllleCl Adm aaua& be paid for O&ah lD ad\'a.nc-e of publlcallun. Tbe pubUJhera wm not be reaponelble ror more than one Incur 1 t-ct UulutJon of an ad, r-rve the tigbl lo curr~tly claulty any an•l lllJ ad.I and to reject any ad not contonninr lo nile11 and re.irula llolUI DEADLINES for placing or can"elllng ••IA 1u t'. For Monday P ubllca uon -Frida y 6 pm. F or Wedneaday P ubllcauon1 -Tuuuay l fl m. Ji"or F'rtday Publication -Tbur1Jay 1 pm. NEWPORT llARBOR rnlLISm~o c·o . Hll llaJboa Blvd .. , Newport Bt'M'b, C'allfomla. Classified Index 1 F'lmenl NoU.-ea S Card of TbaD.ka • 8ped&I AJIJMl-.t ' ~ l>tNt-ton JOB-a-Ou:lde J' RuUdlnc MAtl'r1&1• 11 Da04Ja.c Servt<'H It Pt>noona.19 16 Share )'OU Ow JI Traaaportatlotl n Root111r JI lkaut1 AJde 20 R•Jlb A.Id. 2l IAet aed Food 2• 8dioola. lutrucdOll H 81tue0-\\'aated ,It Hetp \\'aated 10 MhffU-ua IO·A 8wape CEMENT It BUILDING All K inda FREE ESTlMA TES Llberty 8-6109 CARPENTER Repair Work eo. Your Home Nud R4p&lrtnr or Rcmoddi.nl ! Call F'ra.n1c. Uberty s-e11~• All Work Ouaranteed 7'trc Rd.. °" Sprt"aotng Or1veway• PARKING LOTS Bub dlvU•lon11 our 11~t•lty. \\'r ~'!-nu~dln:.~~-­ Pa inting Controdor Lkf'n~<'<l -11111111"' I "Complete Painting Service at reasonable prici'.'s" IAMF.S, Harbor 1239~1 311p•S COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE o. SA u:-.;om:RS MO 3lat Strt'l'l, Newport BeaC'h Harbor 2976 or HAr. uu. tfo PAINTING M. W. ROSS Lic-ensed LI 8·3321 280 Avocado, Co.ia MesA l!tltto Custo~ CA, ET WORK D1•nf! on 1n·cm1s1•s No JOb too 11niall. f'ltone l<l 3-3348 33c4:it, Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging J EO. BURKHARDT L.1<.."llZNBED CONTRAL'TUH 878 W. 18th S t., Co3ta Ml"~• LlbMty 8-81128 Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a Rpt>cialty \\'11ter hcater1 f>n t1111I' JH1)nwnt11 2i.J9 N • wport BJ \'.t . :"«wport Bd1 Har. :.300. H1•a. liar. ~:i67-J 27..tt 14-Penoniua ---------- AJcoho!Jca Anony:nuua Write P U 8 11;11 :Sill Nrwpurt llr110 •I. l'11llf. Phont llfll brn 4711!) 15--."hn"" \'1111r Car U'o -----~----------·~~--- i,;1 <11,0<;J~T ""tll olli; ""'\"\""''' l..A. \\alll• to •llll n1 JOln ra r f>OOI i1 om N"" po1 1-r ••I" M'"'" ;iri•e lla.r :.:wi. ;,;-r.W I X-llf'au ly Aldll Superfluous Hair f'trm&J•l'nlly 1·.-mu\·c1.1 lruni ta~• arma, lti•· Ey~brov. 1 11nu hl'lf un .. ahll(Wd-No mvr~ twt•n.1• a Y.1.1.l::N l.. BflY AN1 ft ~. Udo'a SI.Ion of lkauty Hu . ;t:,,d Vo SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT l;flCY'~H \" C'IUlhll'I .11 anil MEAT wra1•r l'u f'11rn S'-IJ Sltlll 11<1r '"'""k :108 tsrur1ron. ~anta An• l'h l\l 3-C~oHI 3::< 4tl l.l'~A lt;'ll l 'n1• ll~11l ll:u111IJ11t •:.1'1\ JS -$14 1'1111lv whit" tnll'\lnc LA.ntli•1 t ri.;:.=1 :11:cc China Painting Da1 and l:vl'nln1 CIU•• On1u• ·raktHI Now Phone Llberty S-M•S 9Hle 30-B Appllan~• 3 I \\"lul11'<1 to Ruf a? Yumltur.-for Sale at -A Antlq.we t uml•h any t )•pe 011 to your ~1·~ ?S--Sltuatton" \\ 1trl1,d «lrlcattnn. Cnrit• Jut .. --ariu;IJ ------------·--~ joh• t rflf' t •1tu11t••1 J\L~o \\&~ \\'ttftKf~t ~ u 1 fl1t 1 •h''' •tu' 1n 33 6oah, !!up11li.. H Musk al, Ra.ti<>, T V IA Dote. <:ata. P~t• M l'ou.ltry IT U\'Mtock st A uhMI \\' 1111 I I'd tn Autot1 for "1tJt1 tO·A Tittt1 A l'art. 41 Autn !Wn>1~ U TraJlt 1'11 U Alrplan8 0 WMted \o ~•l '8 Apt.a. a Ho-for R,.nt 68-A Apt&. for ~nt U-8 11-for Rftit &&.() Trailer s,- .. ...,. fo~ ~at U.A Jree& H- U.Ba-a 8-rd at Relit.. M1-c-. 6S 8ta"'9 a Off'lff'e 61-A ~ Retltalll • M Bmlal' .. ofiponunWN M Mon,.y to I.nil.ft M Mont'T WlllllNI 6 '7 .Re&! Y AtJI te \\'Ml I fo(I M R-.1 FAtAte ~n'l<-e to lDrnnle Prn!>f'rt:r M-A Commul<'al. lndo•tria.1 ti Rf'-..1 r,,.t at f' ~ :n ttan • e ti 8-.1 E•tatt1 Specla.I Notkett V' Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 Meet.I every Newport ~h Albert H. Matt.hews, l'lxaltt'd R uleT l 0-BmlnHS Go.Ide HAULING tru11 or~ Anything. Anywhere Liberty 8·21'0 Uttcpp 12-Bolldlng Senice!I CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO BM ALL R . o. AJlderaoo 10 1' 111. Balboa. mvd~ Balboa Harbor 2450 !13t.IC w.ALT8 HOME 'RICPA rR S"rvlee Carpentry, pa.lnt1nr. p11~r hanr· lnC'. upholstery • mo•t minor ,..,..,... Ll W02ft 181>'0 ttlf epr•·••llnJC M110l1>m "'l"'ll-I mv h•1111.. '°'"" l••tt ""'"'", • tut'nl l.J.:i.lni;tun fl.,1)4)11. tM· •H•·~ l.t Ii ilH I ,ffr1'1 mure & PU)\'<', II 1ntl11i;\un fl• ll Otrr m o :-:1 :-;t:. v.111 ,,,,, h tittlf' I.I II ; . 6.:. General Contractor . . 1}r" \'flUf tfOfllf\I( tn )o:S• ('ll•ttl " •t k Ji11.11 J•\ltH ,,.,,,~,,. ~ll•Jl•i 1r• <'Ar . LJCE~S&n I 1• I• tung ""•h1nfl' h1l0r1 .. a11r.n, New "'Ork -R<'modC'hn;t ... 111 'I•., lni: It \ln•I• r•• "' J . MILTON ~k 1'r.xzn-: I K1 :i.111s.s 3M o Ha rbor 63!1~•·W !).'(lfc 1,,~:'\r:lc At. llUlM. •t•"""• -----1 h• 11r ''' d•\ "" •In •t •ll 1.: Painlm~. f'apcrbangin~ t)C>ltt r H •r 111102 ;;r,. 11.1 "The Finci;t Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar :Ill 38U\ Rt . :-:~wpo!'t U<nr h Ph. Har 2l0 1 ut IMi K 1·:tc ' FOR RENT S kfll A11w1, £1tc. Unll1, t'nlt.h•re, 11u t YP"'• 1.1r Sa.ndtr', \\'l1Hlbu· row,, elC" BOYD'S HD\VE . 2630 W, COAST H IGHWAY W~rt1 8-3433. Nt'wport Bch 28,tc ASPHALT TILE LlNOLE ~f Roy1s Mainte.nance Hou.te ct,..n1ng-t"lour '11•alng \\'all ~ ~·11111~ wind• w C'l••mnc \'rneollan bHn IA l'f•hllJ,trry ln•11red. .,.,..,. En1mu ... f.lbt'rty d· 1 :137 ltJO Swedish Massage 1Al111'1, yvur hnlT'• J.·,,rrnq Iv "''"' """• Rt Arrowhr ad ~,1,.1nic• )1,,,,., l'J"·'A" r a ll 11111 l1<1r • ;w, t•r Hiu hur 70. 31r 4•h ln«tall tho a hnv(' cllrni"'r thlltl ----- mo.t. AlJ!o lllvll Tile .to Lfnnlr·im l'l,1':Al'flNO A IRONlNO by t.he Xnn union, 2~ \'"'"" <'xprrl,.nr.• d11y. •:xp""""' ,.,t, fl11lboa lalan·I C'nmpare nnrl ~,.e rrern rM.. J<l 3-6~ ll BILL COKER Ha.r. C 'O:'i or l ;inc Beach 7-61173. btrc Paintlog & Pa perhanglng 30 ytart expt'rl,.nce U cenMd A lll.1ured.. ~au.racuon i\l&rAllleed. Elltlmatu free. Call Johnnie. Ll 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 Bu te H.H.HOLBROOK Experienc 'dJardener LANDSC TNG SOtfo MA R fll,'11; n ni:iu r; L E'!I( 0 TNl!Jl!l\. unltmlt""· H r llc•n~" Will co 11nvwh11r,., Jl:OW A\' A lL.ABt.Y, ::l11Jnry llJ"'n lJ ~-7P:l3 3flr,:l~ DEPENDABLE PLUMBTNO nMIY altter, m ature wom1111, n y A Prompt I hnur. d11v or Wf'!>k. Oond ,.,,.,. Repair 8ervlr• M&llltatn.w! "nru. Har. 074';..J . 391'41 PbOfle: Rarbor '82• ;_::-Xl'~RlEXC''"'' h -1 2801 Balboa Blvd. Ne"" rt 81'11 rb ""' • • .,.,,., w I t • t-oup 11 ' po 1 wutl 6 bra. clunln1t a d•y. ____________ P'rP Allio Moklzlf • 11f'r11lnr . .E•· "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE l'f):'W m11chlne pr'O(;ua m,.th. o<1.yll'euona ble prlr"•· AVt'Mli'• 2 Lipe ruldenUaJ blln1! Only $1.00 Blind.I rt!pair .. <t 1111•! r~bullt. F ree P1clc up and dt l1\ cry c41llent cook. U !1-M~ •11ent111-., 37c39 RELi ABLE JAPANESE- A ME RIC AN WANTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYAIT 4·54 i l GARDENING Work done by 11ppolnlm~nt I Tllrd PhoO'l Ub,.rtv !l·::i701 ht. d ean up. • J ohnriv or Klml>erly a-&27'. ppuc I NAJOI T 4.ICIDJ\8 for Laguna .... h A aoulh LA(Utla Clly Directory. Oood hand w riting -ntlal. Write 104 P:. 4th room 7, Santa Ana or call Kl Sheffer Tool Works 1 HI N . Pomona Aw.-. BREA , CALIF. JAsper 9-2134 I-Mat. 13--].,.c...-------- 381'(0 fteal Estate Salesman .,... eur tu1W1l•t office -a fin' p9'1111t·noor opportunity. Our t.ncenUve eommlaeion 11ehedul• 1 tavora thOM who 11lay with u•, tboee who produce. and lho11e ..U~• la li..tlnf. We Int trlend- 1, 1111d coopera\lve and we want th• same horn you. Bay A Beach Realty, Inc. WO Eut Cout Hwy. Cofell& de1 Mt.r Harbor 11249 ADVERTISING nrm want• houae- wtve11 wtlh cJur handwriting. Make good m onf"y spare Ume. Wrtte SHlRLEY MITCHELL. 1211 Belmont •trMt, ~lmont. XU.. 311pt3 CBILt> CA.Rm wanted for 8 yr. old ,tr1 attemoone after 1chool. Belo w Hwy .. COM. My home o r youn. C&l.l Har. 11'9 days or Har. 11303 evea. 37c39 ARE YOU TIRED OF -FIOFl'rn(O TR.AF11'10 Cl'.08! • TOWN -ROUTDQl llfUDID WORK -~ OF PAY Jo~OR VACA· 'rlONS -NO CHANCE F OR ADVANCE · MENT Apply 1030 I:. ,,rat St. Santa Ana, Mon. to ,.rl • 8 .30 e. m. to 4 :00 p m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. :JO-Mlscellaneous Fresh Hearing Aid BA'I'TERIES \V'e Olvt SAH Green l'tamp1 Gunderson Dru~ Co. Main S t a t Balboa Blvd., Flalbo• Harbor 616. 98lfc HOUSE FT LL OF Ft.:RN Stov(', lnrg, r<'frlg' .. lamps. dlshl'll, tin· en11. m1rro~s brir·•·br11c f'tr.. 908 S. B;n Front. 81.tboa •~· lam.I -:J6l·38 Dt:NCA;I; PHYlo'E 9 pli'('l' l11nmg 1-et like nf"W, 11 I'll. ft Ph1icu retrlK. with fret>Eer. 5 piece chrome b1 eakfast set. 2 Wiiton velvet rose lw1ge rugs One 9 x 12 & 12 x 15 Mok!' offrr nr wall lrade for N H . Har. 3816-R. 36c38 ----------- MARQUETTE Are \\'f'lder. Cnew l l! hp Air Compressor. 220 Voll aln1Jle ph!\.Sf', See Rl PATC H'S J7th Sl. a l Placentia. LI 8·7008. BAMBOO DRAPES 2Jtf C'l'STO~ MA DE A:-.IY SIZ~ Prlcu Stlirting at 21c a sq. )'•I Heauuful :-\1'\V \\'ovrn P lillerna F or All l1('(•u111 Kln1ch Curtain It Tld\'l'rsl' RoJ11 See Them On Ul~pluy In Our Store SANTA ANA TENT & A WNl 1'<.; CO. SA:-.IA ANA Milin Kl 2·3M :I :1ir39 Hand Braided Wool Rugs I $3 per sq. ft. All new materiel patterns or hit end miss See our aelection of imported china. English blue, scenery and vine '& wheat in brown . The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 11111 SO. MAIN ST .. CORO NA CORONA 778 MOVlNO ABOUT JAN. Isl 1.:-:To '.'iEW BUILDING WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE Order Now! Personalized Christmas C3rds ALL SJZEJB. ALL PRIC ES Repre11entaUve wlll call at your home. PHONE Har. Ull6 or Har. 2263W 22pd CHRISTMAS SPECIALS BJG S A VlNCS on several Spine~ planoa mahogany, waln11t, maple. blcmdo and Frenrh Pro· vtnrlel c11se.11. Llbcrnl trades. Convenient terma at SHAl'"ERS \Since 111071 421-423 N. Sycamore. Snntn Ana Phone Klmbl'rly 2-01172 WESTlr.RN mrrs -School " W utem W.-ar for Boye 11nd Girls 2· 18 yn1. JUNIOR WESTERN SHOP 1810<.' Ntwporl Blvd. t In ArcHdt'I Co.11ta t.!1'11•. C alif. 38c(0 CHRISTMAS I 1~<?~~~~~ ~~;~~~~~I~('' in perfect condition 81g lfU\ 1ng11 lJEMO:\'STRA T OR m"'1<'1, M 10 · SPECIAL THIS WEEK C HA MOlS fUll skin. 011 Utnn(:tl Only $3.1\U I SAFETY bells. usst. l'olors $7 9!1 SA\ f; ON Q UALITY T OOLS, Sets & ind1\'1Ju..1I plt'res. Nt'v.·po rl flaltJo& Auto Supply 2JUI! Newp.>rt Blvll .. Npl. 1.Jch. 3!!c40 SINGLE STRAND REAL penrl1 1331 g1artuatt'd size. Valued at $1300. ~fake M!er. Write Box Jlt-80 this paper. 36r38 Designers High Style Fabrics & imported woolens at cost. MARGIE WEBB 1956 S. Coast Blvd., Laguna Beach BICYCLES 37t!c OlRLS 26'', Good c<•no1 $15 NEW, 24"' Boy11 $H ill'> UBI': OUR LAY·A·\\'A\" for bll'Y· clt>s & a rrf"!IS<'rlr s Sl'hwlnn !'ah s & Srrvlre l'\ewporl Bolboa Auto S11pply 2108 Newport IJlvtl. Npt. d r h. :1111 i O Tbette and a lhou.aa.nd other houeebold bargalna. Everything for the House-Fumlshings, Toya, Radloa, Clothing and Shoes !or the entire !a.mily Recent additions of aeveral diaabled Yeteran penon- ne.1-who have completely refurblllbed, r ejuvenated ancf'Pfaced' in top condition everything in our at.ore make us say ''BUY WHAT THE BOYS REB~" ·VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E. 4th, SANTA ANA Open Friday a nd Saturday unW 9 P. M. 32-Fnrnltun for Salt" EVERY DAY 'til Chr'tstmas Day BETTER BUYS at Bay ALL NEW CHEER l 'P TJIE Ll\'JXC ROOM FOR THE liOLlDA YS. 8 P1e c o m at ched gro up complele. I n c 1 u d e a l u x u r- loU.11ly comforta ble aora & chair. 2 stependa, l coffee table, (~eva­ mar tops) 2 3-way mod. table l11mp11. l 3·w11y Cloor lamp - Cho1co or aeu. $289.50 VALl'E, AT BAV .... $199 6 PC. PROVINCIAL BEDROOM plrp S2-F'umlture for Sale FULL SIZE Hlfle a bed. red plu11h special covering. Yoam rubber cushion" & matlrNs, like new. Pr1co $159 -448 Rivera Ter- race. Corona Highlanda, C.D.M 31k39 32-A-Anti9oee I BUY ANO SELL EARLY AMERICAN cut, colored, pattern gla-Pr1mit1vea-A11· Uque furniture and (Joe china. THE BIG OLD RED BARN E . FlRBAN'K KI 3·3241 13861 Harbor Blvd., Garden Gro,·e 38c61h FTNE OLD DRUM TABLE. com· plettly tnlaid floral design. Pt>r- feat cnndltlon 1,.60. 108~~ 28th St., Newport Bea.ch. H&r. 0440 37c39 CROUP. 3:!-Boats. Suttlles l n c I 11 d e 11 ti drawer double 1lrc!ist>r -p,·wkr pulls lur~c framed plalu ml 1 ror-U..nk n uso h eatlboal"'I. Hookon metal frrm10. "' t.' 8 . J<oylon 2-way foam rubht>r matlreu, lplatlum lahcll top quality hanJ tied box spring 1339.50 \' ALL'1';, AT BAY $:411150 6 PC. OINETTE SF:T-- 30'<40 mire top exteni11on tablr . 4 fosm rubber •<'at r halra. $66.t>O VALL'~, AT BAY .... H~88 DUNCAN P HYFE DROP LEAF TABU: Last Day SALE Ends Nov. 30 20 °/0 off on all 1955 bolll• a, Johnson 0 . B. Motor• 46--Aafo• f M •alt' -----------~---·--- END OF YEAR WIND UP J See These 1953 For~ Rench Vlagon Light blue, radio, heater, fordomatJc, new Urea -------7 ........ Only $164~ 1955 Plymouth Savoy V-8 Club cpe., automatic tranamiaalon, R A H WSW, cu.tom group ·······;: .... ·-····-······ ............. $2095 1955 International Pickup Truck ~':! ton, light green. Save "Hundreds" 1952aro~o~~!e!w~Re:e~.~ ........... . .... ~64;> 1950 Chrysler Windsors 4 dr. eedana, Thousanca of trouble fret' mill'B left -three to c hoose from .. $645 We at.ill have two factory fresh 1955 Cbryalerff t.hat must go! You can sa,·e hundreds or do11al"ll on one ot these. 25 WEEK VI ARRANTY ON ALL GARS LOU REED and ASSOCIATES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coest Hicjhwey LI 8-3486 (0-Autoe for Sale Owner Goina East AND M UST SELL! 19!3 Cadllla.o 62 coupe, tully equipped, poWC'r ateering etc. Hu been rtriv1·n only 16000 mllee. Th11 Is a rue buy. $2550. be ae('n al JOE NICK.ERTZ, Studebaktr dea.Jrr 31538 Newport Blvd .. Npt. Bl'llrh I Harbor 510 381'39 '46 P LYMOt.rrfl 1 ood com11l1on 43-Autota and Tnu•k.8 - GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ''9 OMC \.., l pickup '60 STI 'llEBA I\ ~:H 1: I plrk11p '!)0 f 1(1J1CI:: 1, I )1111wl '!)l Cllf.lVR(llJ';·r 1, I pll kuf1 '62 c 1n:vll111..Ji:l' '• 1. prrnrl '53 p (IJ>C J-: I ~ I pit kur '54 l::O.h' •, t l'"k "l'· llv•ll Go- mallr tnuia '60 CHEVROl..F.T ... I (\It kur 'II:? l>OnGP: '• I l'l"kup -Hu lnlerHtlnlJ out · of · door11 I Hl2fl I' Jobe fo r hllh Khool 1 r1U1ua le1 1-- J 8-4!1 with llDmf' mKh&nlcaJ aplllUdf'. :i-day, 40 hr Wffk. 3ic42 Attention Knitters I 1hall Splnf"t orsan hke nl'W Sll\'e $200 ON!-~ ONL \' ell't'lronlr organ S6!l~ J.lhr1nl tta1le1 t"on\'tlllPnt terms ACCOROIAN llolaan while 120 27 1t 36 x 66 extendf'•l Mnho- b&All. 5 11w1tchl'ir h kr n~w $100 !(any or YI ht'at lOnl'. 313 A meth)'8l, Balboa J:!lan I $9:160 VALL'f:. AT UAY $67 1\0 HArl)or 63~:\. 3sc LYIU: BACK nt:'lilNO C'HAmS So. Coast Co. I R A H. LI 8-2792-2'4 Broall· -y C. M. after 6.30 p m. Ncwpo11. Bl\'lt at 23rd St 38c40 '!)4 C:MC '. l f hkllp. lh olr&• maltr tr;oruo '6 t CHF.\'ROLr.t' l I f' & C '47 O MC 1 1~ t 12' \IHI '4!) lNTt:ltNATl\1;l;AI. .-11. R·L t ran.11 Ii Zf> llt<•Jll STANDARD STATIONS 11., OJWnlnr.: for Station Snit'""'"" Afe. 18·1~; Ora.ntf' rounty ~-Day -40-Hour Week Htah •la.rllnlf p11y Exctllf'nl 8 1'net1t.a Good opporlWllly fur Advanr ement A pply STANDARU STATIONS 0.hlla a.n<S Cuut H lshway Corolla deJ )<1•1 Chapma.n and 8p•<lna F'Ullutun I 10 tn 8 JO a m Monday • Thu1Mt .. )' 37, 12 WELCOME lo my n~w 11lop ('nmr In an1I h rlp Ill<' bllll<I t n\\ nrd ycrnr nee.la tor ""f"<tl!'< '11tl Sit N' Knit 313 t:; Baltxia BlvJ, ll11ll1ot1 32tfc 81:1..L ON Tl')Rt.IS Irr OEWCAT~SSl!lN cue.Sll~O. ONE 6 Ct. refrlgeralo r '00 O!"E l•ri;e Mmm• r r rt'frlg S7ri l 8CAL£S. ~"I l CONDOL.A S2ri Call ownf'r LI 8·6223 mornlni;~ "' I afll'r 5 pm lltfc I firewood Phun<· •Ill\' nr nli;h1 2Jlfl' MEN-WOMEN I K~Hti9U t.iROCICRY r lllh1rra and Mf:A T KF:l\'M CJRC Aut .. \\'uh,.1 ~u1k • wrappen. 1110 • 1110 wr. le i: ... • s.1f• ., I .1 1 \\' HJ I>-I JOI S purir ... •n. ""nta Ana l'h u i..1 1: 11~··• Kl l-t300 • ~• AJ r111u ?4 !12< 4(1 .!ti l "I' 1-·r l •l-.f:I' l1 •1•;t• ~IHI -I pill) rr J•lllJlu 1( .. 11-1 htlih I'll• Beacon Personnel ,. .... 1 l><lll. hl'n\·~· real ,.1 ... I I(\ Ill l OO~o ~mployt•r retained •l'l 1111r 13o3·M :1k• 10 1 agency ttoo M 1hv1 •r1 b~ W 111t111 .. 111ll ~··r NO P'El'.: collec:tt• ftom •Pl~la.nnt 11•1 t1n1Mh '""t $61 0 .. 11 S11MJ "1l·3llt Newpt11 t ill'1tt'h A11th,.hl•• ,.111 • .,p111•1 I"' ~•. :-, .. ,,.. ~lllllllUtlJI 1111 \ I;; I I '.•II Hilt H OtJ811.lKll.lll:PF:R l.lvr 111 nr nut 311:16 ll ~ 111 thru 11 noun .1111• Jtar M!l:'J artn_r. I' "' h38 r o H !:'A l.I': Avlnl\ \<."II built I REAi. ~TATE l'IAl.ES\l 4\;>i l.ll••tl\ " .2. Ill\ HAVE oprnlnr: for l••titlly r1t- ,_, .. ced S111IHman JACK BRENNAN, RHllor auo w . ("(lu l lhl')' l'o.J•l li· h Ubl'rt1 8-1773 :a:ncc I ~A-:~-~~~---------- rTHAc' \ 12 K'I F" ~I puml' i:un ~lychok~ a "•ll• ••II • umt'l ur 0.Wa.ll ~w l.I 8-:\-.&.l 37p311 OIN..8 -SO.B-A ~ MAN MORE J!e -----TRAN EVER BEroRE: l WHIRt..PUOL 1u•nn a tw ,., nrvn Wllh AIJlf'mUl1t .~111t1un H• 1 Q\&r -· hlaflu l tllrUntr wait• pnr .. 1211p \'II !:: , 1 .. r• 11 , SI PP ,,., -4 "'9qllenl lncntUH I I\'• you ... , .. ,. 1n 14111 11 ,,. l'n 110~n J l'I t.h1e opportunity. Uptnlnp now tor - rm.mPHONE OPERA TORS 1Ve wW tnl.ln you and you'll re-..... •.ant oOler bflltnte. -A pply - llt~ Mo. Main Alrttl, Rm. 211. Banta Ana. t .00 to 41)() p. m PACIFIC TELEPHONE JW'r , ... k :>:u s1ny1 r ,1 1 ... I I 1•1•,11 THRONSON S Jlil:\ ;-.. .. ~p•lll Av• C ·n,tr• M f''IA It Washing Machine <I ERVICr' 3 7r38 ll•tO HlJOSON ti cyl. aedan. Motor I A 11mllll rl .. po•1l Wiii hold llll)' SERVI<"!-: for s. :;po.it-rhll'll' & IO rnat• h obove tablt s. piano or organ tor ChrltllmllJ! Hav.k··~ l'l )'lllltl HEA~CI:">· $19!1:i \'Al,l'F:. AT BAY Sii 1\0 lltllvr ryl. AHLE Ha rbor ~t68·H :181 10 RHAFF.RS ISlnr" 1007 ! C AS RANGF. 311" n TVJl'F.O T OP i 21·423 N fi\·1·11ni .. 1r l\11nl'l Ana CHILDS SIUEWAl,K HIKE good Auto 0\'('11 hf'l\l rontrol non PM n.-Klmbcrly 2·1W1'72 I t•1111dlllun $12.~>ll l111r 3007 I 11uwk" brn1ler pnn, e hrorne Orllnjtt' Count,v'11 Orglln Htl•1t111. 371'38 h11n•llt•11, l Sl 30 riQ VAl.1'1':, AT RAY . S8!$ 3().8-Al!P_~_C!* 30·B;-A~p)~8:."~----- USED APPLIANCE BUYS $49.5-0 O'KEEFE & Y ERRITT gaR range GAFFERS If SATTLER, white table top ga11 rmc~~D F'OR QlJICK SAU: lood conJlllon $[10 -Z078 SaJ1lA J,;nllli; n\"t'r~•'A><, I 6 n.. J"" p. Ana Ave.. COl!la M f".U aftrr 4 p ru 38c3U :>Tln:AJ< IJJNCHY \'.'Ith "i'v hp _ "utboll.nl lt!t·a.1 fur tJr1y or orr TE:An DROP Cllmp trll.lll'r, r u•· "hort• f ishing Klil.8 c11n't cap-tc:1111 butll. all met.al lnt'lwllng 111r.P tht~ nno $12!\. 1:112 rt. C'AT· w ired cabin Excellent tlru. R.I(; S A.IL liOAT With eall_.,, \'rrv 1harp $179 -448 R1vt'r& !tbcrglw<~ hull 111n11lor t•> T1 1 r111·e. Coro na H lgld11nWI Sn11wb1r<1 $1 00 NF. €I) A cu M. J!lc39 :O.WOR.INO IJ ll. J' A U lJ LE BOAJU.I:' \\'e'va JrOl t.hat t oo. '4P )<"ORO c-lub coupe. WSW tlree, J 11 Via UIJotrt, L allo. H ar. •1170-l't I hf"all'r, $29tl. LI 8·610'-31't•40 3 71::H1 I ----- -----------'!i:Z FORD RA :--:CH \Va.con. ford• Bay Furniture range. Very clean i9.50 WHITE TABLE: 1'01', gu rang,., griddl~. ovrn rontrol '74.50 "Whl're f'rlc-<'• A 1 • ll1•ld At f!.'\y' 427 1-; I ii h t'l>Slll :'-1<>1' f.'rrf" ~lor"fl onl P ill k ing T• n11• Open :lltJlllU~<:. f.,r 311 to 3~ rt 1 omh Eves. •+ii 8 I boat for ule. <'all II arbor J\111~· t~r "r J .. •nl( IS. arh, llt-:1111111 k 4· l 1.,fl lllfl• r 7 pm 3•lp3>t (>lalllll<', H It H Royal mutl'r v. 2 l••n~ 4"Tttn. Or1~ plllnt Ir uphul•tery l mmaculal•. H ll\'t' l•> l!"e t<> a pprttlale :No 1r111 or Ill'• n.~" bv .. ~ nf"r \\'tll l111•ll". or twuik tenna. P honl" LI b<>tly 8·2604. 38l!c WF:STJNGHOUSE elc-ctn<' range, late modt'l PHILCO R E>fr1gPrator . 6 cu. ft. . WESTtNGHOURE Refng. i <'U. fl , vPry clean SF.:RVf:l. Rt'fnp; . left hand door GIBSON 6 cu. ft. Kl-:LVINATOR fkfr1geralor 8 ru. fl. IJ<'luxc . IJEXTEH Automat1t· washer KENMORE \Vringt>r w:u1her $t>U.50 .• t>9.50 SW.50 ' 9.50 $i9.fl0 ,.119.50 $89.50 rn.5t1 E ASY ~l'INDH.YER Spwwl Only ~9.50 Al,f , 1:t'ARA ~TEEl1 WA!UllNll MAC'Hl!lll"!', At'TOMATH' ANl1 \VH INt:fi:tt T\'PF:l't ~~.\'F.H I, TO SELECT FRflM Al.I. REA~ONARl,Y l'HWEO BUDGET TEJHI~ FtH".F; IJF.1.1\' KNOX HARDWARE co. D\' ~I{ HEDS complt'to 1 S1 m- inun' I $6~ Xf'nr nr"" ,1.,,· .. n~·1 t mak("• 1!11 u l>f'•I $~.n. c ·111 c.111.-L11r 1 atnul~. $!1 ~.o 1 "'II. I 'Ilona Jl.1r 411!11 for ""l'l 111 "", •·r 1 all II" linr 3!•\4 all< r 6 I 1n :t•;• i'> H Ht SA 1.1': Uh.man-Ill' ur~l- l• r.t 1 vnol • h•n n1JmU. r :Ill) t 'll1on. · l •ll•n._11 l •111t1n 11.111 - tnrp111I n ''"'I, T• I Jl,1r ... 1):\0 301·38 -------l"EA T. two· tone '63 P1ymouth ""' llln. Hlldlo a nd hl'a.t,.r. OVf•r· 1lrl\'r, \'<'I y KO<>d l ll"l'll. liy own· ,..r Ml':'~T ~EIJ. CAii t.Jbert)' m ·:No1x WASH1<-:n i:.n ...... 1 TRADE 8-11 :111 ,.;..,..,. Lll><>ny 11-1021 TIHF.XF:T, 111nh .. ~· •1111 t11blo· .i, •choont'r.1 J k 40 6 d1111t. ~ .. ~ •• ''"' I 111nho·· I Sl'OUt1rul 70·fl Allll " 1:>e• 111• nl (111 • h n l l!'r. \\'.int I-11H ~;\I.I-: ti• P""l ••n 66 Thun· 1u••l••1 ~I"'"' lwJ SI • l•1···vl 111111111.: 111 11•1\' 1:1. 1$i• n 1·· dr .. p Ir t tlln. l,..bl•• & I mnl• t, I t'hfllr• S 1<1. 1 :, ,., n " .... 1 1iai.; ~ p11tl 1·,x18, $1111 :.; .. w ••hi 1111\t· I II .. •~ 1\t b<Pt afrtlll~a. $1:1 II 11 t ~ l!•i J :11;1 I'! 1 1• , .. 11\' ''' ,.111.1llr r bcllil. l .'llO 1l11l11r•l l 1t11vr1y 1n 11boul 2 \\ Hnlt••a Jll\d, :'\rv.porl Jfnr l ""•·k• l.lbl'rty b·it.12 3kl 10 311::~ :JOlfc --- 3 l-MwikaJ. Radio, T V Yacht Remodelin 1 -------~----~-g 1.ltANU PfA:-JO C"hrUlmM Salt'.. I FIVI-: HUOMS ••t ,,r.111'· I•" hi ?.'>'>3" • -..,.,) u ~1 •I•• f1un111,•~ '\1"'1 f•'f1 , 420 East 4th ~t Santa Ana Service I Mtrny wondrrf\11 bftl'Jt•ln•. tam-I Jwnt'f •\, , k I<. 11111.•lim g 1111• mnkt'll, fll~lnway, )tfu .. n K"fl" 1 1n~ 11.tmhn Knatll', rt1 . 11t'hv1•1111 >·1,.~ F, l l11Kll• 11. lllllf 42f\I w In r. Wn1h lnd uJ"d Crom $38i '!II JJl.'Tl'lltl'\A'rlo NAt. x xx L- 160, 2 l llfl"d ~ ::·, I I"• '6:1 <::O.W ('I ••:. 'l l J 71•" \.\ 8, 2 ll(lt'<•l, ,I\ ~:. lll • ~ V•• h11v41 lh,. 1111 );•'HI tlll•I t l<'RRf'lt IClf"l'tlOtl "' llHt I 11 lh k~ lo Clr- 11n1:·· C'n11111 v '011 wall M•\'f· Um • am l lll!IO<'Y h)' l1Wtnjt \ill tlrtL W.W. WOODS 1;,\11 · l >l·:AU-;H 615-lfl 1;; 4th :-t1 ~anlA A na (lfH'n "un1l11Y A M. Tru, k 11 .. ,.114111u I< 1 • f01r t>r11nge Co. 38c39 HAUS KF.N-WATSON SPORTS CAR CENTER J A (.; l' A tt_ JI! t; .AL'l:iTl~·JIJ·:AU:Y M ORRl8 Al.FA RU\U·!O Al'S'ri-.: ltl-;1,11l'IT :O:rw I '11r ~. 1lr• At l\~rvlr• Cle"n 1 ••·•I 1•11,.. All i\Lall~•. lm- l'"tl• •I nn•l l'lt•nw•lll' Z211l :-;o MA l ~ST, A~TAASA. Ii i ~ "• . .; l't':~ II \HI.• •It 1:1,\ Jl 1 't •HT A \ti ,:-; A 1.1 i.. ~., • I ~'~ • ·111-:v 1to1.1'. r 111 111x.• 11 , yL, ' dr. Bt l All • J •\" r rl• • 1,nir • br•kn IC""•r ~ \ .. i;l""•N 11Jtnl\l Ihm• t 1•1t" .. ir 1 "' "' .,,, r UnJ.1 n,;10<1 m.1. "· I '11\ .,.. own~r. H""r !',Ot<i Jir3t l A• 1., •\11~1·,.r !< I'. \ tllltl•·r ~AJ!PIWI~------32-!~'!1~'~~0!_§-~-__ I. r.181; I' 311"10 3 l• t :ih t1~~7.-8C'llMWT. ri20 ~o Mnln Sl-Mu .. iral, Radio. &; TV !'lt-~lmiira l. Radio, TV I S l\nt" Ana. 4.0-A-1]!':"_!._':~~!--- ----------------------------f>A~IA<:EP In 11hlppln1t 2 S plnf'll .1 CLEARAN,CE SALE BEDROO M Bnrnd nc.w 195!> appll:u~<'ll 11 A< !! T •R A w,.:H .1 ...... , '"'" .. 1 Fl.0111{ \lt.l\l")l \ '-'111!-I-. h•• K• '" hf' I II tit! !1,.111 ~~1!• ju I T\\'I~ :111111 .. b•"I \\l'h I •Ill .. ••. Nor~r Easy. A 81 •. \.\. h1rlp()(ll ""' •1•• •I I? • ,,. "" ~ ... , , Automaltl \\1:1sh1·f1' 6 & 11 l•lt\\\t;r: '"1'1" I•·:·• V.llh 1111111•1 fr '"' $,.1 •ll ~t\\'t' up l11 100 L I\ 1ng Rottm ~t·l!4 .,t Mo<lC'rn • M;iph· :"or~·· R1•f nl(t·ral11r .. Sil Vt' up l n $1 2.'l 0'1'E'<'fe & Merritt. Norg<' Tapp1rn. W1·<lgl•wnod Rangr!I Saw· u )' t11 $ti0 l\'urgt> & Whirlpool Dryers Sa"'• 11 fl l u S50 AS :>.'l1'f: A l.l't Jo~ > '" YI • 111 lmtl nn'""' """ \\a• Ir • ,,., I "\ -f\\t·f hf·tt•t \Ill II ..... ,.,,.,, .... ti h11\\ rn1u-h 'Ar t>tll lht\• \ott f'I••,..,., lllkl' ti lr••k ll \I Ill J'~V \"II tlPOI • Tf':H~t<; I R l-;TA 11. 1-1·n.-.;rri 1H nlmhf:Hs OrM'll "''"'"\" I ,.,. Kl 1-n.u\ :lt ~J tl :---,1.,,~, ''fl ~n t 11' \flit :: l• .lfl PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIALS u~~~-!~-~MtlJT, ~.2n X o. lol11ln, NEW 1956 TV \\'F: ARF: SELU:w: m·R FLOOR !-'A~1Pl.F:~ A :\"n DE\fO:'\s TJL\ TOil:-> WESTJNC:llOl"Sf-: :!1" D' 111.J,. (', ns••lt J:r.: ""riv .. ::!•'.I !1-) h \ .r , 1 \ WE~1'1 NI :HOl'~E ~r· ~I rlwg:111\ 1 '111l!~t1l•· H··~ul:i rly ~:?:l!1 !,~. 1 ', \ 11 r r1 I ·1 \ PHILCO :?!" t 'nMult• w1lh l:old.11 <:11d Tllnl'r . A l11ni1n11.1·d I '11t11n· T ub" t •ltts T11t t<'d < :la>i" R1•).{11 l:i rl~· ~~1:J!1.!1~1 '·' '" \ .. 111 .. 1.1 ·1 \ Sant ... A nt\ Knowlton Electroo1cs TV REPAIR 1-'A~T ~F,RVJCE. REA~ONAIJl.X i-:~rv1r,. r•lll \Ill II p m. 1,1 8·tl2fl5 HF:NT 6 pltlllO ror Chrlatmu. All tr rm N'l•l allowt>d GOOd p rllr· I h,. p1ar1011 rrnm lrt P"T month I• l the ktdt.11"' lf'am IJANZ·RC'HMir.IT, ."'t2() No ~11\ln, I Rtu1ta Ana. TR (1( AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recapping Service Compkte Brake Servi!'• ANP .-ront End A hgnmmt A Pl•nned Future 1-year guaranler o n )Oh~ donf &11d o n ullf'd v. ashl'rll ~ 18814 t r~I Newport Bl .. C<Htla Mt&& ' Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4.327. 64 tf c -l NUTll.ll'\\: r111\\'!11 & ~· >.te ls Tl\ Mesa Woodcraft PH I L('O :.H " I >t'luxl' C-1111~ .. 1,._ A lunrn11:rA•d J>11•t url' Tube. N"W ,u ll'r 11•(,'n1), ~??fl rv;. I ~ nowllc:>n Electronics ROAl' RltRVJrll FlrMton• 1t11r111 .. 1 l'la.n )'<1111 • lot ti"' Aak1n1 PHILCO 13 1·11 It ro'frlJo:PrRl1t1 Iii l'AY UN Tllf! AR11\f,; 1-~l,/l'll'MT ~ON w ith oltl taUlb. Co 8lll1d. a bOlllnt11a of 1our own. lb uroio1 tor frM"r"' "'" l11Jtl\'e ~OM "; !llTll.I. 1~ rn,, TF:S J'hlh u two "llY d•••r 20 hl'lm•, ~ ~m• brac ktL Bub· Nu .toY1n pt \lllt'nl 2!Wl I'"' v.k -.....al nllremtnl plan 1\o 111.•. LI ··~HO atc-n THRONSON s lf\l!t :">~v.p<>rt A\'1' l'nitta Ml'H lf APPLIANCES l'\:17 H;ntt<1r l lt"I l'lNlSB cabinet ma.ker Wllh u · O'KE!:f'"!: A MERRITT rnng<'. !>6 LI I< ~MH (' .. •I• M"'" I ..,ienc. In aenrraJ w()(ldwor\4 mo<ll'l La.mp • rl&k with n\'tn "erk ln It out of 1hop. tim,.r C'hromf" a n ll hro•lll'r 111nd lftetn ... -!Pffd A Ar<"unary that llCl up 1np l',.•11 one I wnt qua.llfV ynu for a f't'rTn•n· month. SH9 80 <'1tith or Jlil} SS •t J>Ofllllnn ~,th 1t00tl ra\' P"r mo. 1441 W ("h1rm11n. IUU:Nli:M.AN 8 CUSTO M Orange. K!: 1!-Mt7 U WOODWOkK ----- llO W. 17UI 8t. Bldtr 110 21 R~:w ARD IOO 00 for any wuh.-r I O.t& Meea. C-11111(. LI l-t04 I on purchue d a n~ Hamill• n I :llp40 a ul• m11ur wuhcr, pl111 a "'""" • hllm tlrl\'l'n t 1 tk<' :O:n •lnwn mPEIUl:NCED W 1Utl"PS$ wanted. I ~o pnymtnt Ill l!l:'tfi App(y at 8NA<:K 8HOP. 2ao6 TllHONSO:-l S l8l ~l :\t'wport Av~ & 0oaet Rwy., Ootona d~l Mar. l 'o~tl Ml"IA It 18tf ---- ~D .. v.·ln« m11rhlne openaton A tr1111m .. r11. Chnp- rnan Wat1r l port.11 F;qulp. Co .. *7" It. Ctlut HIJhv.-.y. Co- POD& 4111 Mar. a6c3'7 WKE Nit\\' 111:'>4 Uarfef'9·811tlflt l>ehl'<c> 40 In g s1 ran1~. chrun1E' top, i;:t ltlolli-h1i;h hr111lr1 All •"JO Co.I 53119. l:Jar8•1n s 179 U8 Rlnra Ternce. Corona Hl1h· lande. C.0 .)('1 38r 39 lfl -\ha~ t o Ru)' ------------------· \\ t: IU'\ ANYTHING New-Used or Abused 1lKANTfl WAR SURPLUS I H1H N'wport Blvd . <..'01!1 • LI 8·4241 f l I Unt'" 111l<''1 & .J 1H·r111 I,. F11n111l11 " ~ •Y• '• --·• v Christmas Specials! H••cularly ~3 rn.n;, TV ANTENNAS HOWARD r.tn~ rt1• k•. II ltr1n 11 1tdlo • hut.,.h • 'hrMt• • • ,1Jd1 • n • t ,h,•' A 'h"tt ,,.,.., •htlrl• t-t"•'•'n t"• k• t • lltO·I k f'H'• I I• dr•k " I .\' rh,.•t• r.--• ntil -,,.t 1· •·I 1·,.,~ rur I.A\. •'4H\ f h•n 2121 H1t1h"r I'\\ l,.ll ,.11\ II l•d Somebody Wants ,, t l "11 tr "'I T\ ALL :-;r.Ts rTLLY Ct'.\P.A~TF:EP ANP l~~TA LLEI> FREI-: OF CHAHt ;f': DAVIS-BROWN LI ..,.:y137 3~10 ••'ltar ~nm -H1 GRln1 $9.95 3!11 fc I HAMMOND OHGAl'S , all m odell, .... 1 l l1llJ•\•1 ·~ #lll«k nnw COIT1IO( in, $11100 •lrpoell w !ll ro•ne "·"· nu"Jt l v. h~l,. t hey Ju t T n1tl• '' """ r oltl p lllnO. I t.A SZ-IK'IU.UDT. H ome of th" hf)) - ISA~TA ANA J\ I 3 -18111 41-Auto N-rvk-e U t fo ------~~~-------SARVER "'urlJ f11 naou.• Hommnnd, 62Q [ > (JH :"o Main. 8e.nta Ant\. nnli. BRAKES !'IJ•ln••l M•kl. ••nfl Ha.mmnn•I l'hc.n.I OrJC&n u.MJ but like new. I llN ORANGE C0 4NT\' 1Z YRS• w r;nJrrlui barirllln11. I Bonded Bra.ke--.t!Mla I ll M -----ln•l..&~11.aUon -------.. .119 16 1 '-' It f '. A. VJC.,-OR TV I L'"""''I" with dOOI" COOlJ ron· 1 $12.115 ~l'l:">ET 1'1 ,,,,,,. Ht nl'll rl'tUrn11. d1llvn sr.o, H r. 3816-R. 311c38 Tu .4S Trntl'· uui 11n r,r~nir. lak" n• w --VOU PAY NO MORlil ...... 1 13.U ~:·"'" 1111 pl .. , 1111111•1 u1k, Fat"nr h I s.--Doit!t, Cat3, Pt>ls I SARVJ<";R MOTORS I lo\ 11 • 11 1 111,. 111 " t1hflll• I' f••r ----------------· BRAKF. 81'":'RVIC1'-: l•llC 11 .. \1r.i.; llpc n 1"rt•l11V nl1<hl. P l'RI': BRED m1nlt1t11rol' poodlfl F: J~TAT GHANI> fo!AN"T'A .Al'A. PA:->7. ~l'llMrl ll :,211 N'<1. M11in, pup, BM'W'n m111le 17:"1 Kl 7-JU6 I Arter The t.:1uh It'• Too 1..ats Rt111ta Ana. I 11cH 29tro l . 11 11 Ii •~· : ,, I (--.;& ....... Ti .... ,.._.... ... t'neb • . Johnson , and Son Have For You Wide Selection "' . . . Fine Cars Priced Right Brand New Bank Terms No Money Down '55 Merc's. ~ 2 Montereys 'Save S900 Save S900 4 Doors -Choice ·$2598 '55 Lincoln Capri, Convertible ................... $3698 Fully powered -6000 milea, original throughout J •54 Mere. Monterey Coupe _ ......................... $1998 ltadlo, H•t., Overdrive .•• Black Finwh '14 Mere. Convertible ....................................... $1898 Radio, S.ter, Mercomatic, Power Windowa 'M floret 4'-Cloor Custline ........................ -......... $I 496 Jtadlo. 8-t., Fordomatic, Like new '14 llncoln Capri Coupe ................................. $2698 J'uJ)p Pow;nd, AU Leather, Hydn.matic '52 Mere. Station Wagon ............................ $1598 K1n D1Mtle &adio, Heater 29,000 Milea, Extra aean •54 C.cHUac "62" 4f .. door ........... ~ ................ $3498 Poww lhutur and Brake., clean, ooe owner •13 l'orCI 2-Cloor Custom ................ .... . .. ..... . $I 096 ltadia. 8-ta-, Fordomatic, original bl&ck '53 Uncoln Capri Coupe ............... ···-· ........ $2098 NI ,oww, all leather interior '51 ForC. TuClor ·····-.. -............................................. $ 798 Radio. Beater, Foroomatic 'SO Cadillac Coupe -............................... . O.neet in Town. Locally owned $1698 'SO Mere. Club Coupe ....................................... $ 695 'SO Nash 2-door ........ -............................................ $ 195 '46 Oo~ge ____ ................................ _ ............................ $ 9 5 '51 Mere. Convertible, Body Man's Specie I $ 295 ----- Rentala Wanted We •Md apta -d llOU8H ln aJI eecu-tor bot.b wtllt. and ,_,... ...... f\ana. or unfum. U JOU ba•• \fl •acanc,, pa-tod&J The Vogel Co. IJOl W. c.t. Rwy.. Newport ltdl., PboDe UbertJ a.Mil JOI Marine, 8-iboa I.ala.Ad Phone Rubor •44 2M7 11:. Cout Ry~ Corona del _,ar Phone Harbor 1741 Lido Office. 301 Via Udo Harbor •911 ' 1702 Newport Blvd., Coala Mua I Cabanas Marinas ,Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utlli~e. paid. with Yacht slip accomodation.a. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. ,. For apJ't. or reservation, Ca!I Har. 2992. Mtfo -. CASH ••• 1'0ft TRUft' nmm>e WK B. BOLT I llORTO.A<m BANXJNd UNca lNO. llOt M. BUSB SANT.A .AN.A KIXBl!ftLY 1·'1111 LOANS for Homes ··-· ,.,. i... Construction Loans ..... a.u•n.- 1111 aAft' OOAft' m.w. Liberty 8·6697 Ile 18A-Apt.e. for Rent 48-A-Apta.. for Beat ~delMM ~­Rep. PODUa llOltTQAQll 00. ....... Ulle ~ .... a. Ml• WANTED 3 bdrm. home Coala MeM, must have dbl. gar. Pre· fer la rge 0 lot. Will giv<' good care 4k be permanent. Have 2 chlldrl'n 4k dog-. Ll 8· 7935. 37c42 48-Apt&. II Routlflll Cnoice Winter F.entals on Balboa Island & Lido lsle SmaJJ 4k cosy ur larae It deluxe •76 to saoo moot.la VOGEL CO. Lovely New Studio Apts. You will ,like the quiet convenient location, the heated swimming pool, the friendly atmosphere. Be glad to show you anytime. • K.en Niles 1021 Bayside Drive Villa Marina Har. 1800 32d:S ...,. NO COMMISSION No~J'ee a.ALllB -lllll'IN A.NOii OON8TJWOTION Ot.ll ,_ l'ree Fut Commitments oa RelidacN ud Unite onl7 Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. 008TA.KllS.A IOI Kartn• Ave., ea1aio. laluJ 48-A-Apttl. for Rent t9-Rooma for 8-t LI 1-5641 LI~ Ph. Rubor ••• or Harbor 2161 Rea> Bar. 178e·R or Har. 3059-M 94ttc ATTRACTIVE 1 and 2 bdrm. turn. UUlltlu paid. l or 2 ~dren. 1.Aundry room. B L u E T OP A.Pr. MOTEL 103 Newport Blvd. Npt. beach, Ju1t above the A..rehes. Httc '80 2 BDRM. UNFURNISHED triplex, Clreplace, garbage dl1p. Water pd. yard maint.&lned Owner 272 Broadw1y, U 8·27711 31tfc BllAUTJFUL unturn. 2 bedrm. duplex. Fmcl'd In patio -192 Santa laabel. C. M Key al 2tl7 Orange. Har. 2336· W 31k40 TWO BEDROOM Coltare -·~ block center or Collta Me1111. - f80. µt>erly 8-7714. 3&40 ----- NEARLY NEW unrurn. duplu 2 bdrm.-hwd. flrs.-f a heat -prl. pa tlo-c-arage. c; 0 M . SlOO mo. Call Ha rbor 6:'>-tl ·R alter e p. m. or Har. 168i ·R. 35ttc YOUR H 0 M E In Aml'rlca·1 Vac.tlon 1pot. REDOCORAT· ED 2 bedroom. Ult. Lhermoat. heal, patio. gua~e $80 yearly unturn. 307 33r<I, Sl . Harbor 4308-J . 36c38 "8A-Apta. for Rent RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cra.11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. Ill M.arlne Ave. tM!boe l111&nd, Hu. 1871 7htC! Crown of the Sea Motel In Corona del Mar t:omtortabl4' room• 6 k1lchenelll' 11p,• TV Day Wl'rk monlhly ralf'. 2900 £. Co1U<l Hwy. Jiu 3194 !3«:4:1 DELUXE modem turn studio apt. * * * Utilities paid $76 mo. Corona del Mar. Har. 08fl3·R. 14tfc ENJOY LIVING on the Ocean --------Front. Kitchenette a.pie. It rm.. CHANNEL FRONT garage apt. with private b&th. Ma.Id Mrvlce. tuml11hed $5-0 mo. yrly. Dock TV. 2308 Wut Ocea.n Front. avall Owner ·apt. 1. 611l·36lh. Ha.rbor 8091. Newport. 37p39 * * * SEE THIS SHARP CORONA DEL MAR I br. Rnd C'Onv,•rtlble den apt. LAD Y alone hu room In nice home ror employ,ci lady. LI. 8-0848. 29tfc Luxuriously furnished. Fully BALBOA PICNlNSULA R 0 0 m carpeled 1111 new BellJtl clg. with prtvale bath It entrance. Bar, !lleo kltch. and bath. Gar. Aparlmenl buildln&'. Ha.r. 2t60. utlllUe11 paid.• $130 mo. (ALL 33tlc Mre. Hallberg Har. 11116, or EVES. Har. 36!'>4 -R. ~J8p40 ONE OR TWO bdrm•. With home privllegee. 930 Arbor. LI 8·3606. a!ler 6 p. m. 3flt.tc ROOM tor work.in&' man. '8 and $1 per wMk. Private entrance. 123 28th St .. Newport ppt.tc 49-B--Room .t Board 2ND TRUST DEED, ti yn., 1% intereat $2~ mo. -10"" dt8count. Newport Heipta - LI 8-2829 &ft.er 6. Mc38 5'7-8-1 &fate w .. w W ANTllD by prtva.t.e party direct from owner I bdrm. or 2 bdrm. A den home. Wrtt.e tWI det&ta to Box No. N 11 tlli. paper. lllpS8 80A-CiOllUDerdal, laduatrial FACTORY BtJILDINO, Cloee la M·l son.. 70x.a60 ft. lot fa.cu two 1t.1. 3200 eq. ft. bid&'. on front port!oa.. Leued. .ulcJJ\&' $28.600-low terme. Call LOU B OYNTON with EARL W. STA.NL.ET, Realter Bay1!de Dr. It Cout Hwy. Har. 3297 or 1776-evea. Har. 2878 PLEASANT knolly pine, aludlo apl. Ta.steofully furn. tor every comfort -nlct' ne1ghb<>rhood 17th St. It Ocelln Fronl 2nd houN on rlghl Ideal tor coupk $40 Incl. ulll., Harbor 4173-W . 1704 W. Oce1rn F ront, Newport Beach. 38p40 FURNISHED APT , 1 bedrm. near Bus a nd Bustneu Center. AlllO two 1 bedroom apt•. on Wa· tufrol\l. 3706 Chaneol Phlac, Harbor 1217-J. 21ittc ROOM Ir 1><1atd for elderly people 81-Beal Estate Excballf! In pr!va tl' home. 2• hour care. NEWPORT HTS. l bf'drm a pl unru1 n. t>xceopt ,.l<•vl" A r~rlg GARAGE Yrly only $70. 466 Wutmlnl11lttt Ll 8·0798. 3Mtc LIOU LSLE BAC HELOR and one It two bdrm. a pt.I. Shi.rt term and yearly. ALSO, Lido Humu a.111.1 Bay Fronl Hom,.• and aplt.rtmttnla. LIDO REALTY Auociatea Kimberly b·l708. 38c40 CAPITOL GAIN VOAST H.JOHWA Y, n-buUdln&', f>OO •q. rt. offlo. Suite.bl• In· 1rurance, •llomey, etc. S90 mo. RUSS FORD, L.l 8-1141. 20tf SMALL 0Ffo'1CE for rent. Bult· able real utate or ln1urance. 09 Balboa Blvd. CaU Har. 018. 34Uc CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL! ROW ABOUT A TR.ADE, for man· acer operated clear lnoome prop- erty weet end of Loe A.~elee. Valued at '36,000 with over $10.000 a y•r lnoome • low expen.e. A..m m~ It am ln· t6'•ted la a.., Fronl property. wm trade up or down. Owner, WEt>eUr. '6911 or wTlt.e 2907 South CoCihn.D Ave., Loa A.n· • New Offices ..-.i .. 11. 34-00 \'I a l.Jl1o, Available. BROKER.a INVlTJ!:O Harbor uu 30ct2 891.tc: • Ideally auit.ed tor profee.------------- ------------aional or bu.aintMMI uae. llXCHANOli CHICAGO SUBURB BACHELOR apt nicely rum. very dulru .ble, completely prlnlf', itar•Je $40 mo 31 1 M1ngold C'ororlll (tel M&r. 36<:.38 Located in -home for local or Bo. CalJf, Co Bid land or property. Harbor Investment . g. Rec~t T • room rnuH t.r1i.v.,1. 30th &t Newport Blvd. modC'm. at Aurora, 111 , price WANT COLOR, wannlh. su n ! Har. 1600 tf 11'1.~. Low t.&Jtu. Clear. tn· R.... I-AR.GE 1 bedroom apL -------------aur1'<1 title poUc:y. Trade evm or down for c~ar C&llf. pro~r· ty. Boa K ·71 Ulla ~~r. '36p41 furn ('Alpetcd, clo~u aplenty, pallo, 1t•r'8.1tt'. Yeuly 176 utll Int-I 214 33rd. 8l H.ar. f 301·J 36<'311 Cor. l tl.h A Placl'lltla, C. M.. FOR RE.VI' l•'O bdrm. home _a-·--Beal __ FAtate _______ _ • *' ---- \NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRUS'-PART II. PA6E WEDNESDAY, N09EMllER 30, 1955 ( Unsurpassed JView of Ocean & Harbor NEWS BDRll. home with ezcluatw MC'bwlnn plua larse rumpua -atra ftreplaee.. Many bit. ID f-.. tw. -priced rtpt at M9,7BO -r.., --... ' BAYSHORE ~bt.tul Redwood home -a bdnu.. eomp. tun. On extra larp lot. 38 ft. a.. brick patio. Put.tr covered - a nry comf9rtable hom9 -°" ...n.t lnc!ome proper"tJ toy JM,800 THE VOGEL. CO.-LIDO OR=ICE S.18 Via LWo. Npt. Bah. Bar. •m ...... 'm EvM Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-Jt. LI s.ll29T • U 8-llNO . TALK ABOUT VIEWI From the BIG Uvtnr r'OOID (19de)', f.am a. dlDo Ing room and 2 bedroolml. Yee_ Mlltlta ..... .W of the•ocea.n. hilla and mEN llOJDe. from aD theme rooma -A1ao a den with ftreplaoe (on• fa Uirtq room, too) 2 full batha. Many atru. ' ,_.. old. , Corona del Mari fin-. Only $25,000 -Tenna to ~ R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 2'71' LIDO BA YFRONT THIS IS HOT! 35 ft. Pier and .Up prtvtlep. $29,MO. CLYDE MEYER, 307 Marine, Balboa Ialand Harbor 29C50 38c40 TWO WAY MAGIC! The out.at&nding duplex buy in Newport Height.. Two bdl'DllJ. u ch, lovely living room. dbl. pragee, carpeted floors, stucco, redwood Ir brick exterior. What a location! A view of Catalina from your up· per home AND what a price at $22,000! No Joke, Better Hurry! THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3'81 PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE l ·5 SUNDAY 2017 E. OCEAN BLVD. SPACJOUSNE88 lnalda and out marlca Ulla f in• orterln&' ln • quality. prote«..S n-'Pbotbood ot nn• homH . 3 br'• .. l 'lo b&th1. lUJ1:ur1ou1 pa tlo &2 n. lol - Brin( your checkbook. Priced lo M il Muriel M. Pinover Realtor ~( N'ttwport Blvd .• ltUJ Parking 8/ B This Ranchy two be<'Sroom a nd den home wrn iteip you IUn:nowll t.be laeur- mM111table. IIA work ... ver e.lec:• tnc kit.ch~ with all the fMf1«a. plu• upholatertld brMkfut noolc will facilitate your hOUMk"PUall In many way• ... And thu. .. a hall acre ot land wttb borM rorr•I• and dor ktlt'lll•'-1!'\111 prlrti Sl&.800 wilh fWlt $2300 dn. ,~~u.'! ~.e~~~' ~r For The BALBOA 151..E, ynrly. lovely clu.n •tudlo •Pl. llll"C!I)' lur-n respon•lble •mpl ,,_t11<11'I, S~6 utll pd Atl1u1t11 l·O:i6:1 or wrlle 1128 Lt11111n Rd , San Marino 38p•O Nlo:WPORT BEACH on41 BC"drm. furn 11.pt $60 mo y rly. tndudu ulllll1n It. gll.ragc. Hu . 0 9-K Mc38 (1tove k refrll(;. furn.) lnciudet 11ore room • two oftice 1pa1iea.. J IOO month. OR wlll relll .. ,,.. rately l otr1c41 at $76 a.nd l al 160 monl..h. AIAO •mall •tore 1100 mo. CaJI owner Uberty 11-8223 morning• or a.tter 6 p .m. lltlc Bl OWMCR SCARCE AS HENS TEETit CORON A DEL MAR, modem 2 We C'l\allM•e )'Oii ll> t-L the value on thl• 1 year old a bed· room, all el.,C'triC' klt rhen home <"Ompletl'ly cat<petf'd and n•t •• • pl". J IO,i!IO and 7ou wbm" t he Clown payment'. lest Cera -Best PricH -Best Terms Johnson and Son Uncoln -Mercury IGO W.t Oout Hwy. Continental LI 8·5545 NMrpOrt BMeb -Open evenmga Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN ~ with this ad * • c,ta. • $41.88 • CJla. -$58.88 ........ ~ labor-u d paru, JftlW rln11. -in pln1, Yal-n srtDd, IJttinp ol main a.ad rod ......,.. llapert motor tune up. ..._ or 4,000 mu. iuan.ntee. .(MO MONST DOWN>. u:BUILT ENGINES -171' CID 11 KONTHa TO PA.T- Jlu.llt la eur owa factory-b1 .atllled 19acllit•leta, Don't cont.nd WI~ * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPL!~ 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newpt>rt Buch LI 8·4420 '62·U ' Happy home ~ 'M ·36' Traveleu. Spec . J2396 '64-t!I' Roadma.atn 2 8 . R. SpeclaJ 'M·U ' Para.mount Big dlac<ounl '66·24' T .. rry, Wiii deal on tht~ PAN AMERICAN Paramount ·Kenak Ill Travelue--Terry P'OR R !:N't )'Hrly. llJlj)f'r apt 2 bdm1•. 1 balh unfu t n JI 2~ mo. Lower •11l 2 bdrm I bll.th furn $160 mn LOUIS W BRIG~R ~88-Bouan ror Keet S7b MO. 1Wv bdrm houn t urn 2009 M11 l.lY\ar fir. r .. n1n11ula Pr,tnl \\ lnlf'r nont11l C c; BF;ARUSl.•;F; 724 Luton Or filcndale 6 Ph Cllru• 3 •b3UI 32tCI' ONE BDRM F'VR 1' A PT near Library 11'1 Bnll>oA 11'17 ~ p..r mo. Yearly Ulll f'd Adult• COROl'A M •:L MAil. unrurn. 3 only. LI 8·6607 31k40 brlm1 . '1 bath. """''ly dC'<"nn1ll"d BACHELOR APT. luntum 1. over ~=~'!!r ":: OHl SIZ!I mo. C•:; ruagf'. Clea.n Oo<>d vlew U O - mo.-llZO Poppy. Corona drl Mar MALBOA 1$LA!ll0, rum ht1mt, 38r 2 b<'lrm 2 b•lh•. """' 11hf>µfltn1r -Reuonahlr tn 11>11111~ ="r• flf'l~ LIDO ARMS APTS. w "-is.i• -36"38 I P F:;l.'T="!ll'l.A r oint 2 Mrm I & Marina hunk fllmll\' rr;um I •• hath11 rtrl'plll""' dhl g11r , ~n• In-I 1()(12 •fti>r ~ fl "' I.I 1-·?l il p•t10 ~und,.,k Sl flO mo lo Junr 1:t vrl)' SJ .'11 "'" ,..,.,,., f"I 2101> ()("r.rn fllvd l'l1111l'lllll U ·4988 1•11llro t :16p;lb 1 F'OR RF.NT :I rnnm furn1.ohl"d ' lluU-f' J.1·, 00 f'H month IA'lth TV 10'!1, 2!1th ~tr"d Npl Deurh. I HlH IP! I 361 38 ! ,ltit fC' OCEAN F'RONT :l ~lriou< Cum CORONA DF.I. MAH duplu. 2 bdrm. furn Hu :'14011. JOHr ('},armina H!lrbor Haven $1 00 m•• ""l1I J unr 11 IJtll .t •ulr• w11•he1 11'• I ll1<r 1164-M MllO Sr11 .. hurr h1 Iv•· :161':lfl ... -...-. -"'1 ............ BARGAINS Apartment$ -P 11t1os . Jlll::BUILT and INSTATJ.ED NEW 4 RUUM. ~lr('l'l level Nr:lt llfltnll• •l•·n "' 1(111 ,.,.,,, nmKP • 1lrAp<'-furn 6'IM1 !-!l'&Ahorr 1)1 Ive N.-wport Ull'nrh 36<·:111 8BOllT BLOCK IN NEW TRA.Ll..ERS erhooll', ehnppln,:: dt~l rlrt. QUtl't , l'ORD -·····-'-·---··-· .. $129.~ '&t SHASTA 22~ rt. all modl'm plf'n~snl. rx• l11 .• 1vt' On1bn-:r di~· CORONA OEI, MAH i ltl Nar c:HmVftOLZT , IHt,llO twin "-I•. poiot.1. '"""dry, 11t .. n1ge room11 PLYll. A 000011: SIM 'M TRA VJ:U!:ZJC 19 n . modem i u111te. 182.fiO up <><-111p1r" en· C11Jt1'8. It DI: 801'0 -·--SlTO 'M BEACON ~ rt . 2 bfo<trrn llrf' ~ti ('tt c:ou(I 1111pcrv1iwm llTUDDA.KICJ\ ........ -·--J l TO 'M ROLl..AWAY 33 tt , 2 bedrm Mi-r 1001 H•w•n Pl11ce OLDS • PONTI.A.C t -S170 '52 STAR )II ft . modern l Block Soulh nf H lg11 Srhool Cl.011\U 2 b<lt 111 unfurn 1111ui<r wllh ~11111,:1• Yri.rll• rC'Mlod StOO mn \\'atl'r f"I l!ttt 360!1·\\' I 37e39 BUICK -··-·--· $176 BARGAINS IN USEC> TRAILERS Al.SO Fl'RN•SllEl• Af>TS I 'I.JD() 181.1':. a bl'<lt<'r<>ml' 2·~ lfUDllON ..... _, .... ___ ..... ----Sin '&I MOBIL CRUISER •t tt . 2 WINTEf< RATl-~S :)tfc b•lh homl". ''" •nnu"I bR-8•~ LMa Car Free Towlna bednna.. c-... -...,.-S-E_IN_'_. BA-1...BOA.-F\1rnlP1hed Slip fnr •O n l),okl """ nf 18 .,._, CAR OUA.RANTJ:'I: '&l ALL AMl:RJCAN 2i ft mod. '"'°' r v k t t bo l ~ ,........ l beclnn apt yearly $60 mo l 1 m..: rul\1< '1<>11 l>O"""' " r,. llocll mutt mMl our at&nda.rd1 '48 SCH'ULTZ 28 ft u rm·mod. Gu 6 w•teor pa1i<I 403 E. Bal· 2 l'Rr gsr tw111111ru11y fui n11h· -..-t.aaea aullet. and o4J 't8 VAOA 801"0 tT ft .eml· --' h b •• ,.., th ... ,_ ' boa Blvd. Har, 207(1 J8lf • .,, " ni " •""' I~' mnn bdrm. home. fl.replace., rumace, hdwd. nni.. WW carpellnr and dnt.pe1. dble. jta.r. St....-..d for •Pl. F\111 prll'e $13.711-0, $.3600 lln 603 PolnfftU .. Ha.r. 39()().M 241'3ih !''OP. LEASE, new bldf. on Eut ----------__ ;7th Sl. We nttd BARBER FOR 8AL& BT OWNER--• bed- SHOP. BEA :TY PARLOR. TV room hom«, l~ batn.. llllld· SALE~ A SERVICE, R.l;AL tcaped It tt111ced. f'ffA Joan. EST A TE OfTJCE. OlF"T SHOP Frffdom bome area. Call f'lC. GC't your bu11lnelll st..rtf'd in J..Jberty 8·8223 momlnl" or the but locauon In C'nl!'ta Meaa. afll'J' 6 p, m. lit.le Por Information 432 ltq[ lit.h ------------- or Wbe.rty 8-6294 28c41 54--B~ !>1£.?~Ue. lNV&ST $1600 In 1toln1t buslneu u working a11AO<'llltl' Hone.rt, white, N!llt.ble. Writ" O\lJI paper PENlNSUt...A LOT. One or the Ju t In the aru. Pr. to ull 110,600 HOltER E . SHAFER, Realtor t06 McFa.ddcn P l. at the NC'wport Pier. Har. H O F.\•f'IJ. Har. &2&8-W Ha.rbor 26:$-M Box J · 77 ~p38 ' PRJCE REDUCED -•hould iteU -UU. w ttk. l..Ara'• ht)mr fanuty PARTNER Wanted \11 Of)"r•IP llC'rnRd llllh'A(f' •tore. ICK'Al"•1 n,.ar r.'11y H&ll. Sma.11 l~r•tmPnl 11nel br•nd rtqulred. Hatbclr ~05 1 b4'tw"en :'J • 7 p m. or "''~kl'nda. 33d6 POR LEASE fine payinic sm11JI n tf" l n exrerieon••ed c-uuµle c·l\p· ore.ha.rd. oo dl'Jllrllble lllrttl In C09la Me1&&. CaU Hllr 4718 38ll NEW 2 bedrm., All modPrn. Blrrh k1IC:hfn·l1inettt. 2 car •IH !tJtl' t..&e. tot, la.nd81'aptd Walk l11 "hopA. 22!'1-161h P IAl'I', t•MtA MflM 31k':l9 at)lt> of "'""II 1111"1rY • hom<' WATERFRONT HOME Cute l o:nok1n1i: \\'111e 8 01< 0-82 url' bdrm. puUy furn. NNlr :..Jrln Of thlll f\:<Jlf'I 38<' ~oney to Lou RE.AL ESTATE LOANS rnicr~l tulle ~ ~ 'Jb f...nal'llll quk kly n~olle ln lhe Harbnr .\rt!& L.ainma a.n11 Co•ta Mesa. Sin.:••• or niuluple unlta. New or ohl 13e wh•P and 1av .. by re· r.n1.nt1n" your pn'.Mlnl loan. Minimum CXpl'n.e. 20 year tl'nn If tle111rw ="o chug11 tor pre· llm1nary tlppra11•I. Kl 3·81133 ARTHUR A. MAY Mor tgaae Loan t:orrupono.nt uccldental Ute trurura.nce Co. 1133 South Mt.Jn &ant& Ana pp Shopp In ir. J u•l r·M vrC'd to $1 7,600. ternu. HOMER E. SHAFER. Realtor t06 M<"Fadden Pl. at the New· port Pier. Harbor U -0. -r:vs ._.__ .,. • ., u · ... __ ...... .. .... o..u Attention Investors! PR.ICE REOUCJ:O /-.) OpellBEL8unLEdaSy 10EL.m.NGlol2Np..m.E modern. lnqu1rf' RI 41 R11lhoa C'ovt-•. Alwa;r. a l•rr• •election ot ll'ood OELt:XE ruRJI.. APTS. :"\1.'Wport .. 36lf< WAJllS 1U tJUU.O. IXPROVI: UHd Tr11tlttra Al11<> Nf'w vaca· 8tnglu .ft dbla. f 30 mo 11.nd up. --------BUY, MODERNIZE, OR For quick a ction oo Ulla bullineas property. 2 modem building• on 63' x 137' Jot lh•I tlhm1ld le111111~ or r-Tnl tor a tolAI of at lean 12~ p<"r monlh. Pll'nty or room for up&11.1lon.. Adequate pa.rk· tn( Loceted In th,. Cuteat 1 rowln1 part of Coela Mua, MJl'ht In the bfll.rt ot a larre. """" 1hoppl.nc cmter. When Ulla Ill rone ... lhet'1 It' Appn:>a 111.000 cNh •own reqlll~. Call o"'-ner Liberty Mm momlnp or after t p. m. tic NEWPORT H E10HT8. $11.700 Completely rumlehN:l 2 i-Jnn home. newly p.lnleod 6 dttorat· f'd Cll>N t? i ramm•r and hl&h IK'hool.11. Churrh • •ht>ppl!l.f Ju..l brlnt your ••llltu~ and kid• and niove ln 'l'htr" l• RU.0 a 2 car gerace anl1 th" lt>t IJI entlrt'ly •nd Olled w ith a All'tl fence . Good te"1"1•, EXC:l,U!UVfC WITH t '!). Seven Island' Re•lty & Investment Co. 603 32nl1 Sl . New·port Bu<ih. Callf Har. t>MS. after ~ pm. Har. 229:t~J 80 ACRES OU> WELL " POn•.;OAT'ION on prorw-rty V1rw or ~a1111tu1 val· 1 .. ,. Only 2 hour• fr·om s -por1 M ak .... rr .. r 10 F'ROST FREE ACRES planlf'd with ov .. r !Ml 3 VMJ' old AvOC'ado tr""•· 2 re11~rv 1lr1, ,.very I rt,. Jlll>f"CI ino1Jvldu111ly Good wtll. 2 room houllf'. elf'<'lrtclly. f•n11ly or.-har<I. Nl'llr P11llbrnok C>wn"r muiot llf'll ${1~. $26411) llnwn SAM EMMES R.e11.I Y.•t.At11 Rmkf'r H11rbor 1044·R 211111 VIII• Way, N l'wport 3&c3T RUSTIC HAVEN Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1117~ Harbor Blvd. l'OAA .M8a, (:aJlf, l,.J~rty 11.7714 l!:v•. U 341&8 Tradln' SMOO for ~AN'[) O<>ln' bark to TEXA8 ('J,IF'P HA VEN Ol R-.le, I bdrm., dbl iar . L'.caf)M tnt'd. )'rd., Pa.llo, ruy flnancf', Sl'-• s~. $2,9')() dn • will IOt'll tun. 411\ f>irlltfl R.il HARBOR KJGHt...A ND n•w • bdnn I 3 b111 . YA hl4 nr.i-. tl1111J1'1, H<Jwd flra . overet.M I cu i•r. T~'lll(apP1'f fnrd )'rd .. l mm,.d p ,,,.,.. fl71 Terutt.a L&N. $111.9!'1-0, 12700 dn. A#Vme o& I01U1. 221~ l...AOIJNA CANTON llD. Xln't l11com• prop.. 1·1 l»dnn. flll'lJ. a pt. newly ~ 1• Rt11d10 furn. apt .. • tum. root'llJJ. t!hl. r•r .. 2\; lot.t t.n W ild -. Hwy. rronLa(t, outal•• repatnt- "d Sl3.2~..0. U .600 drl. Woullt conllldftr lal• mottet ear, M T BY OW:-.."'rf\, "TEX" U l ·l TOIJ. Up4~ -BY OWNER I bdrm. home, yr. old. I.Awn., partly fenef'd 6 m.&.ny featunoa. Ooior.d bath t\xtUNlll. M0.6t mo. t&a• .Ii rna. ancJUO. ·~~ '" H A. Down ,.,..,er1t to b4t &rft npd, u low u SI .000 P"laJl Prtl'• RealfUJ privacy. lovely view, de-1921W>. .. eoa,,.._ llt .. Coat.a hirhtlul oottap, supetbl7 local· ....._ u,, ed In Corona del M.ar. Larre ------------. 18xl l bedroom ... -1th rtrepl&ce, 11naJI bed.rm. pel'fect for bab7, 1 ~ bat.ha. Larae picture wtndow In UV'lng rdom w1tb unolNltroct- ed canyon view, op«n• to 1111 _. tertalnin&' d~lit. ForcM air fllr· COSTA MDA ta..mJty ....... 100. J2!1 n. l.ot tMt .... -dlY1deo1. Patio, •Ottuwom. ~ut. noolc :t'71 NepoUa.. OtJl Har. '711 Mlt nace, Iota of .io,..-.. .eittlO ft. ------------lol. Truly a little paradl.M -TWO·BDIUC. HOUllll. ~ 11a,&00-e-.out Se&OO dcnrn.. By f1oora. , .. ~ tiDlilde ud •ppolntment. ~ Har. t26!. ..._ •10.no. Evu. J'77. lftf9 .. n.wn -8tl; ~ M-. ,.,._. IAilftp .. ,..., NU• LOOK New~rt Hts. Area ™' ... ,.e 1• .. ~ .,, • Cleu HO 1 c-bf.tween boomln• l'O:AA 2 ....._ home w w ~ ._., 0....,.. 6 ««•I'• • ~ " ' ,_..., Nice .... Ct.IL 134 La REBUILDERS uon fl'nt•I• 104 E. D«y Ave .. Balboa Harbor BALBOA ISLAND REn:N.A...NC& Wf'•t Coa•t TrallH Ssl... 634<1, 8ltt \\'l ;l.'iE':R l<'ntal Attr•l'llVll 3 We BUJ' Trull OMda • _ .. .-A 2101 South Main Kl 2·3U7 • JN08 ()pea D&UJ I to 1 State_.. • bf•Jrm houu. la lit" hv1n.ic 1110111 NltWPURT BAL.BOA SA V TION Ownf'r, Burl A LeRoy • u *'""""' ·noN NEW 1'0CA -For a depttndable uM'd car. RH with llrepla<'" P•lto an•I ll'" It LO"'-. A~u. J011hua n-It 29 Pa.Im• °" carpel. ft~ <>on. Mt. p.w, H ..... 1fta. '111lr1ct' c. m&ln hl(tlway adj. to MW Pan~ $tOIM rood terma. K. ~ a.uTt. u uo r-amlc Hf'l"'t.a' 1Nbdlvlailon. Onl7 ._ .1. I saoo J>"r acr. or wlU trad" equa.I Newport-mesa R .. ty TWO ........_ P'. P , L«• f'n1·1. vlllu" tor r-.. land or lncom•. 17'9 NtwpOrt Blvd., Oorrta Mc-ea patio. MUllT .-11 thl11 wt'f'll tJua v1c1nlty. Owner 308Ramona 11..l 1-M>OI l)nia. L1 1-7%37 116.000 wtUI t•rm• Hu 3011 Sl'.l:'I munlh. C.:sll _v,.uanic H"r n• Via Lido. Ph. BAI'. tlOO 310 East 3rd St. -Whflhn you a ,... in bu1IM• for rour !«al dealer who ""111 be her• 2308-R. 3ik40 lie l.A.NTA. ANA. youralf or work for 110n1eonP elM, TOMORROW to back up what hr I I aal'· TODA T • C.:hf'('k the ul'NJ \\'A :>:TED < 'Ot 'F'LF. 111 •hllrl.' 3 JOU can UM lhtt < u 1111tled ada to '"' .., I -o.t UM "ln·Ole-waym" out of ,. lace 1 11 w.u Hr ~--In \h• claMlflf'd ff<llOn tO· bf'd room hou,... s:i:, mu. I! More and more adv1trUMr• a" 1 --n your ayva.n ~ 11 II' ,,-r • ' •P 1 half \1l1 l111,. .. PhM~ !Jl 11·6169! t1na1ng ll profllabl~ lo u .. NEWS· .... -· ...... w-t &d w•J, ..-_._ _.,..., .. or m·-•-· ... •w ... ., PR•"' , ___ , .. ... -ltll.... .. .... -... -~ ~·~.._.... . _,. 'JO • m to e p m. 38p .... s .c_..led adl. Pla.c.. U l-7t7t 17c3t UdO '1~•11 t1 ::=.:...:::=----~~~~~~------------;__ ________________ --t. ,, .~ I • . --~-- PAGE 6 • PA RT 11 - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 62--Real !'At.at.e WEDNESOA Y, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 HOLIDAY VALUES BALBOA ISLAND PRIDE OF OWNE RSHIP. Charming • bedroom 3 bath home plus unuauaHy attractive 1 bedroom apt. and guest room & bath. A wonderful home plus a sure fire rental. DON'T let this deal GET AWAY rrom you. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Sat. & Sun. 1·5 al 324 Sapphire A ve. A beautiful 4 bedroom home com· pletely ready tor you and your family. Newly decorated with provincial maple furniture. A patio and lanai for easy entertaining. Top location. Bay mooring for that larger boat· is included in the price of $32,500 NEWPORT BEACH THE RIGHT INVESTMENT. Charming modem P rovincial 2 bedroom home and 3 yr. old duplex, 1 bedroom each unit. A S4,400 potential in<;ome in this t op notch location. This is a buy at $27,500 CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TTP OFF. Owner is out of the city. Im· mediate posaession. Here is a good buy at $13,500. A two bedrm. home only 4 yrs. old and like new. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa !Jlland Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 • CORONA DEL MAR PANOR.A)(IC Barbor and ocean view, "quality atreet." 4 B . R., den, 2 baths. Low ternu. Bar· gain $•5,000 BAYSHORF.S A'ITRACl'IVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· tected patio. Owner anxious !or offer. A.airing $28,000 BA YSHORES ' Bed rm. 2 bat ha, 1/2 blk. from bathing beach. SubmJt ternu. Asking $29, 750 .. m VINE TERRACE, $5000 will handle. Almoet new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 bat.ha, inside BBQ. Drap· eries, atove, fully lancacaped. Low pr ice. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertiet. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 J om; Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayaide Or. offlce, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 BUSINESS PROPERTY SPEC ULA TORS HERE'S A GOOD BUY ON XL.NT. M·l bualneu property, 63x290 ft . located on Pl&cenUa Ave .. Coata Meaa. Hu a 2 br. house on It too. Al.o rear alley. Suitable tor office or rental and plenty ot property left tor mrc .. ahopa. etc. Only J l0,500 t. p. Better hurry on thl.a ona! a C·I BU8JNE8S PROPERTY, 60 x 200 tlrttt Uma offered - &rratn al 18950. OPEN HOUSE 3• I Hiu:rl Drive, CD~f Bnut1ful Vlew home of 3 bdrms., 1 "• balh1, walklnr diat.ance to bathing beach. T hia horn!' and outi!lanclln& loca tion could nol be dupllcatr<I today tor the ask· Ing price ot $32,500 -terms. o r EN SAT. & SUN. 1·6 ~I.JI now for pr&·•howlnr Can Harbor 2042 Frank James & 'Linwood Vick REALTORS R. Raylc, C'. Trt.vl.tl, C. Ruu . .AMOr 312 :Marine Ave. -Ballioa llll11nd Corona del Mar Do It Yourself! W~ KNOW how ha.rd It la to find just what you nffd In CL>M- We apend our lime helping peo· pie do It. One anawer 111 to bullrt &nd lhe current phue ot the Jot p rice • home prk e cycle do4'JI ravor dolnr .o. We nave aome t ine lot.a ll.lltd. Moel reu on&ble I.a an R-2 be&uty 30llll8 lt'\el A weJJ-located for about s~.-­ Howevr r t he pufecl two unll lot 11 In Corona lUghlanda tor Juat about twice u much but worth ll; bag, wllh a nice vie.., and nothing Uke It. We have 11.11 unuauall y nice equare corntr lot to deliver Jwit under 16()()() anCI what a wonderl\JI alte ror your tunt1y'1 new home. Again tor eomethlnJ more than doubla tlat price wa have U1led a amuhlnJf «ood buy In Corona H IJ hlu.nd1, a bl& hometllA w ith brealhlA.lllnc "'I"' l"Mlly .oms· thins u:tra. Coma In and l•t ua lnC11cate what you ca.n do with one CJ( tlll'lt on your own bud· cet you'll •t>~ what we mt'an. Save sm On a beautiful view h ome In Corona Highlands - 3 bedrm. and den, bath and ~~, 2 fireplaces, built In Wes tern Holly range -hardwood tloors -lots of tile and many other fine features. Must see to appreciate. OP EN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sol& • CORONA HIGHLANDS 540 De Anza Ocean view a nd swimming pool. Ranch et yle home, nicel,y landscaped and many fine foatures. w to w carpC'ting. Priced to sell. OPEN DAILY l · 5 P . M. Large Family Ne eded in Corona del Mar lo occupy a la rge older home, localed south of the Highway 1 ~ block from t he ocean. With mJnor ex- pense can be converted into 4 bedrm., 3 baths, din· ing room and large playroom. 40 ft. lot ana on a nice quiet street. Terms a re very flexible and can w. be arranged to suit. Call us fo r any additional information, E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Const Hwy .. Corona del Ma r HAR. 5032 GOLDEN RULE VALUES ASTOUNDthl G BUY . \.-- You can't beat this -Large C2 lot with a real good furn. duplex only four yura old. 1:.: block from large market. All for $10,000 tuU price. Also The Best House Buy 3 bdrm. and dining room hdwd. floors -2 ba thll. F. A. heat -1 yr. old. Obi. garage. Corner ~ot. And only Sl l ,950 Submit your terms. Older 3 Bdrm. A real deal in a large older farmhouse now in town -Hui;c room11 and basement -Lg. land· iM:aped lot. $89:W -$1500 down.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realto r 225 Marine Ave., Balboa }Aland Bay & Beach Rlty Inc l P~~ ;~~!VB~~ & GEO. T. ~~~~~N Corona dal Aiar Offlc• (ncrou from Co•la Mc•a &nk) 3630 E. Coaat Hwy, Harbor 62d 36c•O Phone LI 8-6761 E ve. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 LIDO ISLE Nord Comer I bdmu1.. den, I b&U\a. Lars• ltvlnr room wtlh nle• rirepl A comtorlabt. dlnlnl' room. rnman~nt view ot bay trom e1m deck IC'ould tMt uaed u bt-droom l. Car1>9la and dn1p- ~r1n lnclud"'1 Own~r •••tll con· 11ld~r trad1nr tnr 1m•llu ho~ In Nl'wpol1 A rf L Shown by appointment only CORNER UJT. Atrt-et·8tr••t 113.000 Bay & Beech 3112 L&f'a yctte. Newport Open House haHy 1 to •.30 203 \'la N tee SMART VROM ATA'RT TO f'"l!li18H E njoy Ole Holida y• In a br&nd new I bedroom, 2 bath& Uullt.-ln kitchen WIJJ· wall carpeUnf Lars• ~Uo. lovely landacaplor . 00 YOU WANT A PUtR A Jo'"LOA T AT YOUR J"R('j!l."T UOOlt ! WE HA \'F. rr NHr Lhlo. 2 bc:lnna., <ln Nll'Tlf'f •O' Jot All Ult• al\d rnor• t or •I M ,IWlO Realty , Inc . Harbor 3643 2 Lots CORONA DEL MAR 2 Lots 160 ft.) OPEN HOUSE 71' Goldenrod SaL and Sun. 1 · 5 f60 fl ) M08t attractively decorated 2 bcdnn., 1 1 : bath. ga.r. diApoN.J, mercury switches. co,·ered patio, plus lot.8 of extrn f<'atu~ LDd frontage to build another hou.ae or unaltl. Atlk lng $18.!'lOO Good lt'rm.a with 51 ~ rr. Joan or 1ubm1t cuh orr er. BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor Harbor 1862 "B uslneq ia Good" 3542 E. Gout Highway LITTLE ISLAND Harbor 4453 Sltua~ on a choice com er. thu• spacloU8 home Furnished Duplex KEJUt; JS JUl!AL JNcbMI: o" Jara• Comer lol. Two nice unJ ta ,..nt.O for I 133. PllW room to bUlld morf' ~t'"ll•nt concltUOll, 41 >'" old Cloe" In. ~.. 1111-now to~I price 110.~ tu m1 Vacant CJIARMl:'l:O lwo 1>4'<Jrm hf•mf' hardwUO(l n<11lrl~. la rce k itchen WlUI oodlf'• ttt bUilltn• Lar1t• pulJman l YJH ball\ w1tn bu11u n drua1111t Uble Thia hO\l.U I' th11 ('UtUI Wt havt -n In " I kin« time '8700 wu h lllW .,,,,,,.n pa}mf'nl B. A. NERESON flW:A t.TOR 1982 ·°'f"IVPO'\ Blvd l•otla Mr11a U I 1672 f:vo U 8·1 U O DA YSHOllES Co.y 2 b r I'll•• hui:e car uni t. kn pltt• 1111 n lnr et'J) .. vtnr k1trt"~n It bkt11 bar 2 I' l tc •. ll'IU oC 1 lt•I04'U • ~F:f: 2~1 6 <T•1t•1-an.I ~"ti f'lr "rrolnl rr>t-nt. BACK BA'\" 6 ,,.., ~s 11rrf'•. , ,,... tnr aut>-11\'bl '" llti;hh 1r •trl<,._· t1d lu1t1 lul.t 11\flllO •., art,. 110m .. \')nor. I b r hr.u r l.Sn t poalblllli,.a JI I 000 COSTA t f'~q" •l11rlf'X l b r •a trr,.r l•f"' 11\\ rr,. nr mkl• A lr•n•r nf'w s 17 :i.ou ~I I b r . R_. !'Mm rttr 11n11a • ·~7~ Cla ire Van Horn RE.A I TOR 2731 w <.:c1H t u .. y U 8 U ii OPEN HOUSE planned for hoapltable Uving inv1te1 one to enter. 30 11 Cliff Drive The living room. garden room. and dinln~ room Sunday only 12 to 5 aU adjoin an attractive patio. U(>6tain; are 3 8tmny Col JfflU-\ 11'1.\ n( bay ,, "'tan. bedrma. -2 extra lA.ree -and with am ole clo~t bulll In rangt 41 ovrn. 2 bd1ma and ltorage l p8'e! • "' ~ iPnmr '" ., .... , ....... I tn b1111n""" A """r f'lnr c-,,n ti.- Do not delay teeing thia fine property -Inspect ion iahn'" n anytlmr b\' "N"<>ln•m,.nt , . F.Jt.rrH•nl fln11n• I'll: will instantly C<'nhrm 1\JI value. "ART" ADAIR Rlt I W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD 18&5 :-."r"''f>nll Blvd, c-o!ta M!: Realtors -Lt 8-37112 or LI 8·5684 __ I Marine llnd Park B&lboa Laland Harbor 2462 F f H amiy ome • 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE Opttn l .30 t o 4 :30 Dally 276 Magnolia, Costa Me8a Vn-y romrort.ab\;t olner hOm4' - hantw0<~ floor11, m0<1ern kl\· ctw-n. hnbby rronm M d a lovf ly on:h•rd Prlc4' r"Mfuct'd &nd "'111 t'onaldt"r trad• or lerm1. CHARLEY DRAKE - T reffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep. Duncan Hardesty St Rultor orage · Har. 471 8 LOCAL ANO NATION-WIDE MOVING Pb. KI 3-9221 Eve LT 8-2961 Comer Newport Bin i. and So. Main St. 8 Ur-nTS l"URN. Corona ~1 M•r All 1..-1 Good retuna on your ln veam..-it. li~.000. o.r... llu. .... lloll -·--~ -. ----J_ . .... -··- Bill's Best Buys BACK BAY New home, new exclusive atreet. High lot com- manding ~rmanent view of lovely aurroundlngs. 3 8 . R.. 2 full bat hs, natunu cedar kitchen, built In range It oven, forced aJr heat, kit.ch e.xbau..t & cu'Culat or, ceiling fan, beaters in batha. Every· thing in best of t.ut.e $26,500 A MUST TO SEE Newly dtttlriltC"d Inside a.nd out 2 bedroom home with nice hn rdwood floors. Fireplace. dining room Ir brnkfut area. Heu yard bu cement bloc k wa.11. U nderpriced a t $9950 NEW 3 & ai BEDROOMS UNDER CONSTRUCTION $10.2-&5 lo $11.24!i u low a.a $495 down. Excellent . t-MlJl1de location, sidewalks, all wiU1 large double garag('tl. Reserve now W. A. TOBIAS anti ASSOC1.A TES. REAi .'!'QR "you'll bke our fnendly aervi«" ~00 E. I it h ~t.. Costa Mcq Liberty 8-1139 ------------- CORONA DEL MAR WANT SOMETHING TO BUTLD ON? 30' lev,..l lnl. l 1 _ bl from O~ean 80Uth of h-."')'. only S6Jl;)() WANT goM 1'~1NG TO F'IX UP ? 3 b. r. home on comer lot, hu a \-l<'w C1( city and ocean. loL<t of poMlbllltiel!I. Terms. $16.500 W ANT A VlF.W HOMB? BMlnd new quality home Otl th<' ed~(' or the paJ.iftadcR in Irvine T<'rrace, this location and ''ttW cannot be mRtched in the harbor nrea. $42.500. TERMS. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Cout Hwy. Coron11 del Mar Ha r. 2288 (Across from Dank in COM) --,.. • "r'l L • _ Tl. ft I VU ._gTI vl...,~ "l'llWltll•'"'!' lJIQ f u ,..-~ • At lal'll you ba..-c found good return plus opportun- ity fo r incN'ued ,-aJue and income, In this 21 ~ arrc blvd. buR1nc11t1 property. Partially improved and lrased. Income S6000 a yr. now. Price $62.500 Terms. RUSS FORD, Realtor 1600 W. Coaat Highway Liberty 8-61 41 LOTS FOR SALE OR W ILL BUILD TO SUIT Level R-2. O«an 11idc of highway , C. D. M. ~150 \i ew lot on HILU'l Drive. Ocean Btde or highway. C. D. M. Sl950 Oc~ froot R-2 on C. D. M. main beach $14.750 CHARLES W . MASTERS, Gen'J. Contractor Harbor 3502 or Harbor 3286 "a• THOJ.lAS "C" THOM.AS BAY FRONT O~ OF THI!! NICE OLDER HOMES, a bedrooma. 2 mod- emlz.d balha, tile kitchen. fire- place, good heal . Pa rUy /uml•h· ed. S11Je beacn for children. PRlCED 129,600, maU down It ownl'r will carry. OPEN DAILY 1 to a 1021 Cliff Drive CHARMING new ranch atyle home with panoramic view ot harbor trom aun deck-room for awlm· m ing pool-~ lge. bedroomio, 21, bath•. hdwd. floors, touC'hplate wiring, dellghttul nat ural kH· chfl\ "''IOI bullt-ln n.nge an(l oven, alldlnc • l'laaa doora onto )>allo trom Uv. rl'Jl. Ac maat4'r bedroom, t lreplaC'a PLUS m "n)' attractive teaturu -P R!CED AT $26,000. Bayshores \'TEW OF BAY from thlti nice 3 bedroom, l ~ ba th home, li.te II\'. rm. with tl&l'8lone f lreplll<'t. din room, brN1kfa.st r oom, hdwll. rloora, abundani-e o f C't1ptl-0Ard11, overalu dbl. garatft, tu wrd - EXCELLENT V ALt;E nl $23,t>OO T~nna. "C" THOMAS , Rltr. 22• W, Cou t Hlwa y LI 8-a~27 "C'' THOM.AS "C" THOMAS Apartment House TJflS NY.WPORT APARn f E:ST HOCSE ldul ror Y<·ar roun•I or aummtr r entala. Jmll rlithl tor a cu11plr. 11IIHe the upkt l'p 111 p nicllC'a lly nil. T he ownrr'11 :? lari;o UR a pt. Ill unf11rnl1hN1. Another larl{• 2 BR a pL 1-f11r - nl11hrd. There lll't! I'> l't'l'Y b11e l BR apt.a. rumllihrd and l bo1t·h· "lor a pt. furnished A ll 1 pl• hl\\"11 W -W Clljl<'ll ni; a nol ,,.,)' fll<'I rurnlturc 7 g aragea, larce '"uh room, lot• ot au .. 1 .. g .. TIIERll TS A l !l0.000 MTO. nn t ho pru1>trty, now pnyahle $:lfl0 Ill<> '•'1'< \\'e 11elr!o1n ha''" l'l•ll• of lhl• Q11a1l1y cmne on the m kt RALPH P. MASKEY REAi.TOR 3411 N~"'J>nrt Blvd . ~pt ll<-h Uarbor •o:: • Balboa Dl 'PU:X, f\lmtahtd 11 U~-0 T'wo 2·bdnn. apta. AU on <>na tloor. Walklnc dUita1tre to downtovm Ralboa ~howlnt; cood Income Submit on terma Ocean Front $13,0M COOD Tf:1U f8. 3 b"'1rm Oldt'r hnm,., f'UllAll)' f\lm1•h1'•1. I C' I rt1n!' ll1•11rt (I( Bl\ Ilona 2 r H 1a r•1• alrt&Rd for apt """''e THE GREAT ORANGE COAST NO DOWN PAYME NT. Impounds & Herow charge. onJy. New 3 bdrm. l '~ baths. Ready for occupancy Dec. 15. RESERVE YOURS NOW, Only 7 left! EXCELLENT BAY A VE., 40 ft. com er delightful 2 bdrm.., den home. Hwd. fl re., flagstone fireplace. Walled patio. Dbl. garage with plumbing and stressed for upstairs. Bay view. $185 MO. INCOME from 3 furn. units on lot lRrgt> enough to add 4 mor<> unlta. $~ down might make you owner. Full price only $11.000 unturn. TWO BRAND NE W homl'S~Fully f urnished. Both have fih.'placl'S, garngciJ. PrOJ><'r1y clear. &llers will carry balance after Pma ll down payment. WONDERFUL KJ NC:S PLACE \'iew hom{' -3 bdrms., 2 baths. Natura l wood cabineh1. garb. disposal. 220 wireing. wall to wall carpeting, forced heJtt. Fireplace -Sliding ~lass doors to cement patio. Only Slfl.950 -t erm11. S60 MONTHLY PA YM El\"T8o-inr ludrs ture. Ins . interest & prin. $1000 down. Move Ullo this new 3 bedrm. home. Colore1t bath fixturt's. carp<'lcd thru-011t wnll to wnll. Fron t lan<lscapcJ . , BnrgRin priN• of S0500 SMALL RANCH -Cood improvements includes 2 bedrm. homr. :? car )!•tragc & 1 ..: ac-rc t o putter around in. $500 might move you 111. Si :l mo. kc-epR you in. COACHELLA \'ALLEY -Je,·eJ & piped 76 acres cotton quot a ranch. Good for alfalfa or citrus . 1600 f t. on main hwy . -asking $750 &C't tt with terms or considt:r some trade. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. LI -1632 C 1.)8 ta. M eu E ves LI 8-1400 BALBOA PENINSULA VALID URGENT NEED! OwnC'r wants quick 1tl·t1on. Bu:>mcsa necessit ates moving inland. Mu11t 8('(f this 3 B. R.. 2 bath Cape Co<l home on large tom C'r lot. .Many li;:C'. closets. Ik autuul endl"ls•·d patio wit h tabana. Sund<'<'k -Ocean \'tcw. EYE APPEAL-PURSE APPEAL! Br and new 3 B. R., 2 bath bome. 2 di.ors from ocean. Bit -in slO\'C & O\ l'n, inter-co m. & radio to nll rooms, lgt', a tlract1\'c WIC'u brick !in'pl:u:e. F. A. hl':tl. Rooms all lge. with spaciouM d o111·ts and bi t -in features. Nice patio walled for pn\'ucy. $29,7~0 COZY BEACH COTT AGE NelU' lib~ry -nent as 11 pin. 2 B. R. furn. homf', fll'eplacc, nice dm111g area, lgc. C'nclotwd patio with BBQ. Extra :1 1 bath In p1uwlled gara,;r. Tnp rental ar ea. H ,500 -Terms. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 1450 W. Balbc>8 Bl..-d., Bnl bo1t. Har. 12&4 Coast Properties BALBOA ISLAND 301 P. J\11lboa Alvd , 011llloll Harbor 2~!1. 2MIT •nit •110t:1 AITRACTIVE 4 bednn .. 2': bath11J, nr. So. Bay. Ownc'r will take small down. Asking $42,500. GOOD FAMILY HOME . N<'ar ~-Bay. Lee. yard. I/ 3 be<l nn. 11: btnha. S26.500 Take A Look AT 'MiE!Ul .on 8A'IA A~A •l. :--; .. vi;-pt'rl H I• 2 b4'11nn. hv1i..e SHI MIO tull pn r,. Terrn.11 488 F'.STifER flt COST A M F;~A. a ~tnn. 1 1\ bllll\. !..«•. mom, l'lr• A cl"n. Own"t' ""ry a.n- 11101a . '27 !;t\O T "ritu CHESTER F. SALI SBU RY RF.Al.TOR 31~ Man ntt. Bal'-' J•la.nd Hu bor 6i71. BEAUTI FUL BAY FRONT About 200 f t. from No. B11y. l"C'&l 3 bcdnn. !um· 1sh\-tl home. Submit down. $2:S,OOO 60 FT. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little bland, pier, flM t , formal 4 bdrm. home. The lancl \'aluE' lS d ol'e ro t he asking pnce, LIDO ~ono BA y FROl\'T INCOME. Large Jot. !'1 bdrm. 31 ~ bath howie plua uou11unl 2 B. R . apt. O\'r r 3 car garage. Both unHs newly furnished. Hnr . l ii!) -£,·cs. Ed1lh lforoon HYatt.4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W . STANLEY. Realtor 22J Mar ine Avl'., Ualboa laland Vogel Values ~l'ill 1nua Anti f'flltrt'ly mnd•·an I. ~droom, • bAth h•1mu on rtnt •I l("Cllfln CJC b"Y "'llh p111·At• brA< h, anti aol J• f •r lo1ri:" Hi.11111 r J'IUI Vl..hfr m•-•nl1j; BALBOA Gre<>nlt>af-~1•vc-rt11J Realty 3117 N"wrnrt Dh·•I . 1'J,....,..pt'>rt liar 7,3!12 Hu 461 i -M Charming 3 bedroom, 1 , bath home-betrt Balboa location ncitr Ocean & Bay. 3 year• old. Uaed brk. f1rcplltC<', patio with BHQ. ,FA heat, tile kit.ch. & balhfl. 11undrck. brcskfast nook, d~p. & fan. :\uw 'an wt -early O<'t'Upanr y. Submit low down naym't. Total pncc onJy Sl9,i 50 Acreage CORONA DF:L MAR C\"Dt"STRIAL. b1111l11r-1t1 A rl'•l· dt nllal ar re11ie All'IO ranr he-1 11 n•1 1tro\·r1 In COii!" ~lio~11 - Santa An• ftrt'a. f)A:-\ A JA\OBSE~. R"lllltlr 1 Har Miii, Ev4'A. L I 8·6:11': 38<11! OCEAN F'RO:-.'T LOT. Can build l un1111 l llH10 rull prll"•, te11"011 J M MlLl.Ell CO 20:1!\ \\' R11ll10I\ Blvd. Ha r •n111 1 n~•r th" Nev.'f'Orl 1'14'T I LIDO R-3 • 2 -:io fl. lot• on 81>. Bay F'm nt $31.:1<..0 t'arh. Call T. U, HOJ:""'· Hu . 16's:)·W. or .kY&n l·M 2tl J8tfc LOT f\11, l ~ on RunH t ort ~fon· rov1&. Co.el& Mt'M. lfGl)I) prl OWT\t'r. Writ• 8'111 L j9 thl• p&J*'. H p41 2 rhoicA lotH. Contractor-owned Will busld a ttrac· t iw 2 or 3 bedroom h'lme or duplex. Tbeee a re la rge Jots & located l!IOUlh of tho highway. The Vogel Co. 2667 EaRt Coast Highway,. Corona del Mar Har. 1 itt Ha r. H 77 STEAL THIS CHOICE LIDO LOT BUILDER.<:; AND INVESTORS! 52~ ft. on V1a Yella at Nord gocA t'l tho best written ca.ab otftt In next few daya ! Owner wa.nta actJon.. CL YOE MEYER, 307 Marine. &lboe. Ialand. Harbor 2950 38c40 -. .......... BACK BAY AREA OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 482 Esther St. An architect'• dream, this beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Cu.tom built by Lloyd C. Howard. Has everything including ~uilt-in stove and oven, plank- ed hwd. "flooring, DoBler brick fireplace covering entire wall, brick BBQ in kitchen, fenced yard with several trees. •·sEE IT AND YOU'LL BUY IT'' -Only $26.500. OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 406 St;1Andrews, Newport Heights. $14,750 -$M mo. incl. taxes and insurance. Three bedrm., living room with fireplace, fenced yard with patio and sprinkler system. Cloee to school• and churches. "Vacant" -Owner baa moved to San Franciaco. Immediate po88e8aion. SEE THESi WATERFRONTS 2 Bedroom home on 6\ ft. -bulkhead frontage. Pier ·Ir float. Near Lido center & City Hall. OnJy $18,950 -Submit on down payment. DUPLEX, 82 ft. bulkhead, oversized float, 2 car garage. Nicely furn. & in excellent condition. $26,500 Easy tenna. 5 BEDROOMS extra lge. living room with fireplace. Pier Ir float will accommodate up to 50 ft. boat. Priced to sell quickly at $29,500. Firm. SELECT INCOME BUSINESS BUILDING NJ:T INOOME 10% PLUS. Six top not.ch tenants all on Jeue. Belt location on Coast. A-1 construc- tion. Owner Uvinr in Eut deeiree quick a&le. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES ID) W. 0out Hwy. Liberty 8-7773 •At the Arcbee" Balboa Island , MYl'RONT HOKE with pier and float. 3 bdrm.a. • 2 bath. One of the beeL $57,500 ao<>K TO BLD. additional unit while you enjoy I bdrm. attnc. furn.iahed home. Completely fenced. $18,500 Bayshores I~ ,_r old 3 bdrm. 3 bath beautiful bay view, Cpta. 6 dJ1l9. lnct in thia true Vogel value. Priced at $39,:>00 Corona del Mar View Home New -8 bdrm. A den, 2 fireplaces. Beautiful maboplly pueOed llvinc room. UU.500 THE VOGEL CO. :I08 Karine A venue, Balboa I.eland Nat door to the Poat Of!ice Bar. "4 Ev• Har. 3069-M Har. tU8-R KllLION, reel est•te Parade of Home V alum UDO ISLE -hltff a.,trc-.t ftlrMd8Up ' ........ l\IZ\U7 bat.b9 -,._ ..... laclucs.d.. a.IJ'J' BA VEN Otsncta1 Vt-Home ._,.,pool ~·•nptl BALBOA COVES Wat•rfronl, P1er 6: SIJp I bec11'TN., 2 bath.a ··eo.t Included"" Jl K&rU lttm! CORONA DEL MAR Contemporuy modtm ReauUt\JJ bt,y vltw Und• coet at 139.~. •,.... bo1M la NOT ahown bere Ool'M ID and Mk- We ban -for you. KILLION, re•I est•te SM1 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 (E9minp -Harbor a:>M-R) Oppoeite aty Hall p. a. palmer incorporffid de~elopen of Udo Isle • North Bayfront Home 3 bedrma., 2 baths and powder room-2 1ervant'a rooms with bath -lovely large living room -cov- ered patio with terrific barbecue -kitchen with butler's pantry -3-car garage -PLUS beautiful 2 bedrm. 2 bath apartment -f)f us 2 utility rooma -lesa than 5 yrs. old and the price of $75,000 1 includes repainting ! Billion D9llar View SPECTACULAR beet dMCribe. thJa fine property situated high on the bluff with brathtaking 't'iew of Harbor, ocean, coutline and city. 3 bedrma. 3 bat.4 dininc room, l&undr:y, large buement. beautiful living room-with floor to ceWnc pu. wall commanding a' fairyland view of mpt llchta. Coet $M,000, now only $'(),000. Hurry! Once In A Blue Moon NOT LEASEHOLD! a lucky buyer benefits from the many_ $$$$ an owner baa just spent for new features. Such ia the case in this almost new home on Lido. Tber- mador oven and range, wall to wall carpeting, nicely furnished, sliding glass doors to patio, 3 OPEN ~UNDAY 1 P.11. to 5 P. ll. 2215 Paclflc Drive, Corona cle1 Kar Come by or all Dave OAa.rn for detaLla. Interested In Money? bedrms. 1 & a4 baths, and only $32,950 Udo Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstairs with decks. 2 bedrm., 1 bath downstairs wi th enclosed patio. Both apta. have forced air furnaces, fireplace, carpeting, drapes, refrigerator, stove. Unbelievably priced at Then by all meana, read th1I and call ua. Some one will ma.ke money on thia 3-unlt apartment bou.e, and it might u well be you. Each unit bu 2 bedrma. and all are rented. The owner really wants to lell,.ao call and let'a talk about thJa one. $21,500 See Joe Kincaid. only $57,000 $12,000 down. Beautiful Shoreclif{ . We have one of the few l"""•lntn1 Iota in UU. Oceanfront out.It.anding aubdiviaion. Priced at only $15,300. The only lot left on Driftwood. 60 ft. corner, beat PENINSULA location $17,000 BUI Farmworth will pve you detaila. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co .. sales management 3333 via lido, !iUbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. c:out hi&hW&J, -liberty ~73 Peninsula Homes! SELECTED VALUES FOR YOUR PERUSAL. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar Houston Values No. 1-2 bedroom home nicely tur- nl11hed . Flreplact. Dandy patio, doub~ carage . . tof> condition and only 516.600. •term•. No. 2-21\ bedroom. H, bath fur- nlahed home Two 1tory for vltw a.nd redeconu ed. CUlt IJJ the dlckena . , , 517,600. 54000 down. No. 3-Doctor'• bet1uUful home. • bed fOOllUI lln J 2 bu tllA. Q n 2 larg" <·omtr lot.A. Bad· m1nton c<>urt. pRllO, <11gn l· fled home fur lac ge-tsmll)'. $30,000. ttrnui. I. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Best buy of the year. Large 2 bedrm. home, 2 baths plus 2 bedrm. garage apt.. plua furn. studio apt. Only a few atepa to ocean front A China O>ve. 45 ft. frontage. Quality con.at thru-out - Better hurry -Only $38,500 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH ExcelJent condition, boti't unlta have fi.replaeee, hwd. flra., laundry and garare. Priced at $22,500. Terms can be arranged. Ex.cluaive with ua. 3. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Only lot a vaUable of thla kind. 40 x 118. Choice rental diatrict. Priced at $16, 7~. HERD TWO SWELL VALUES ... Jual a Jwnp to tht Bay in 4 . B&lboL I SHORECLIFFS LOT -BM<:h h<>m• ..• nl"at and S clean. A ·l condition. fur-• rushed lllld l!l""P" II J>"Oplr for only $12.~. $:,000 down. Only one at the J.ow price of $H.7lW>. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA From thia choice lot high on the hill in Corona Hlgbland.a. ee.t view lot available. Priced at $13,500 terma. -AnoUlrr 2 bfodroom fur· nuihed homl' Jual :l doon1 frum b1y. W ill mikt l OOd home or d11ndy r-cnttr Winter or Summer SI G.000. terma. 6. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES IF YOU WA:-OT INCOME PROT'· ERTY THAT PAYS OFF •n•I ,.nt••d ,,ow. IU<k tn lll"t tJ1r•Jle Yll I U,.,. -On th• l'rntn1ula, II trnll• II «i'o'""CI'• A ll ""II for· nllihC'd Unit" •t• h1r-j!e 1n Ml%•' llnd V<'I)' 11\lllll 1\'r oldt'r p1i)f)('1tybut r•pHlill· ly w,.11 bullt f>-rlcl!d at H 7,l'>OO ILl1d ttm1a. -IN NEWl'<lRT , .• rlc..- to O ce11n A Bay 3 hou ... a on 2 1e11 ,_ Stucco con· 11lnlcllon u >11 K•n•c•'· tO<• AU nnte-1. J IG,:100 SG~~ dO'Arn. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo•tte Bank nf Amen c11 RNta ~rf""lty Al Com~lhta E<l lA'e Jack Pinkham Jm1i>ph1n~ Webb Llated excluaively with ua. See ua for best bu)'ll in tbia area. Shown by appolntment only and priced far below replacement c09t. Call ua for particulars and appoint to .ee. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Ha.r . 47 . (Office located next d oor to Corona del Kar Bank) LIDO PROVINCIAL ... CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia choice two bedroom can be yours for only $22,700. • Beamed ceiling-a • Used brick fireplace • 1 ns1de window ahutte.ra • Quarry tile kitchen • Large two-car garage GOOD ~~,L~tnunor. oa llOx121 k>l. Can buUd another unit. Exe. E . .Sde locaUon. Only I Jr8. old. Jl real buy. Close-in $7500 OLDER HONS, ntca condition - walk to •lor•. nr. center of town--irooct lerma. uc~~r3!~e~?~ bllt. fence, bar-~. patio, ~xl20 lot, only 2~ yn. old. Jl'• a &'ood de&JI Nice 3 br. on l/2 ac. 8JlCRIFJCll PteO d&n.. • NO mo.. Redee. vac:. ~d>' to move ln. ... W l 8ant. Ana A. vmue.- Lots ""°' T0.150, l!l.A. Ava. .. -. 12250 R.-4 00ll200, 8 .A.. Ave. ···-_ Jm<l R-1 Un&'. Back Bay -···· .... 1:>26-0 M·l 70xll7, comer -·-······· 17500 M·l Mx•TO. lAveJ . -·---an.ooo Gold Mine Income BALBOA 181.A.ND waterfront. nr. FerT)'. H&mburs.,. A malt •t•m1, paddle boe.rda • S rental• Net• led over 110.000 for aummf'r ...-on. IJl.000 wllb low do••n 6 tuma. Houston Realtv Co. .. A880ClA.TEI Goe <Ant.r 8l. Co•l• Meaa ' u 8~011 LJ 8-7787 Eve. ph. Petitte LJ 8--6487 Lytle u a-i&o 8.,-moar. Har. 0291-W B/B Back Bay! $11,700 • 2 bedroom plua utra lot e FruJt tree. • Paneled uv1n1 room ---------------------i'OO E Bsll'los Blvol B11lboa • Large walk-in cloeet • R.anch t YJ>f' COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. __ Pho_n"-1-"'1 -..,. _r :i_z;_7 - at.Oil BAY RANCHO -1 full acre -:S bedroom home with many utru -room for that horse • or more homes. ftJCZ VIEW -Oppoeite S. A. Country Club. A rtal home (2 Br.) plua two separate rentala I private entrance. Ii garagee) comer lo<'ation. beautiful landacaping, sprinkling system, aJI A-1 condition. $28,7~ with $8750 d OWTI. ., n«X>ME PROPERTY: New 2 Br. home and &•'f nice ~.. •' '--•-•• -n•-D t •• ..I ,,_ .. ..,,.-t.-• U·---•LL Income $435. Price $39.000 with tennB. G . N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Bh•d ., Costa Mesa LI 8-16<11 SEASHORE DRIVE EXCELLENT BEACH See lhit attractive OCEAN FRONT home-design- ed for yr. round living. Knotty pine liv. room with dinlng area. Formica kitchen. Down.stairs hu 1 bed.rm. Ii 1:: bath. 3 bdrms. 11 :l bathe up. Solid eonaL, concrete & piling foundation. Enclo.ed 7ard, 2 car g-arage. $22,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 . One of the best In Cornn11 Ml M•r 4 Mnn ho11~!' ron 110 fl I• I Th" hnutr fnr ll liHl:I' f11m!I\ T'• I<'" ir11 · l'nnahll' \\ 01' h llVf' llUnll' I hfllt f' 141 r•llJ;l' (.,I 11111,. In \0 Pnt111• l 01111nt} and 1n !'an 81'1n .. r•llnn <"nun!\• Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. BU~ln"~' Rrnkn 313!\ E.C~t ll"l' Cornnn 111'1 Mar H:trbor 21 'o.l 4.2 FT LOT ltN WA TERFRU="T Can hsv~ pleor cl ahp, U 7,0<l<l Cull p1 I('~. l t'I m11 - J M MU.l..ER Co. 202~. W B11lhl>& Ulvd liar 4rul 1 1 n•ar lht' :0-:t'" port J'IM' 1 ------KINGS ROAD CORNER VI EW LOT 70 ll 116 fL C -2 Lot 100 x 300 on I llh St .. Cotta Mt,. CAU. OW:-<ER. Wberty 8·1642 Hc3A We have the l<ey to thla immaculate, near new Udo home. Come in and diacuaa terma. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIA~ W. KEMPTON -J. H. OROHJIAN GENE VREELAND -VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4-it-4 C Acro88 from Richard's Market Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars • PROPERTY SOLD TN 1955 WITH MON'11iS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, IT'S ntE SUOCESSFUL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Bea.ch • • ou .. l ho~u • eltctrl('lty • Plenty of room • Near 'l'\atln 6 23rd Slref't • Extn lot 70" JI 100' • Malle offer on down Ocean View! GOOD BUil.DING LOT ~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 109' Ntwport Blvd. Coeta .Meaa. C&IJJ. Llt>.rty &-1101 Evea U S..3010 .J ~=-.. •• ~ ... ..Jiii 11UM"E On M x 350 lot' EXCELLENT l'Ondlllon In and out. You can .,_ a rmllema,, farmer or bulid a more hou.. on thS. R-4 lol. 19000 • • . ttrmt - E:XCLUSIVIC WlTB US. Seven l1l•nd1 Re•lty & Investment Co. &OS 12nd at .. Newport BM.ch. C&Jlt. Har. OM8, alter 0 p.m. "¥· i?H-J WATER.FRONT LOT, complete with bulltt\M.d -v.r, cloee to Udo ahopp1n1. Jtllpt conelder UWl dMCS tor equity. HOMEft E SHAFER.. Realtor lot McF&dda Pl., Har. ltO llne. Har. 1 ... W......&ar. Ja»-M. NEW 2 BR. HOM& on 160 At duplut loL Only l3aOO down. DON'T W Arr.- '· )(. MILLEJt 00. 2029 .... B&lt>o. Blvd. Hu. 60tl 1 near tM !'ewport Pter I 7 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Kore and more Harbor area families are tn.apecting thMe exquisite homes -noting their comfort. con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home ln a re.. strfcted quality communJty are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today and eee for younelf the many out- standing feature. of tbia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely f .rnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvtne Terrace ta located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lotormation * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who bold.a a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven NEWPORT WATERFRONT HOME NEWLY REMODELED insi<le and out, 13 v 20 living room, tile kitchen with breakfast bar. Juter- ior plutered and decorated most attracl1vdy with wall paper. Bulkhead and anchor piling for 11lip an<l float all ready. Permit i.saucd for slip. R·2 lol and room to build. $17.500 full price. CHARM IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bedroom and den, 2 beautiful bric:k fireplaces. W W carpet and dra~s. large living room, 11-: baths. Heavy shake shingle roof. Only 1 yr. c11d $18.500 full price. IT'S EASY TO OWN A HOME TIIREE BEDROOM home in East C.Osta Mt'fta - birch cabinets ln kitchen, H x 20 hvang room. 11at111, W W carpet&. $1500 down. 4 1.: '< Jat TD at $64.45 per month.., THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-~97 Coata Mesa Evening11 l.Jb<-rty 8-7457 CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY $4295 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 1 937 SQ. FT. et $4.60 sq. ft. ~295 Th rce Bedroom LO<'h Lomond 1155 SQ. FT. et $4.60 sq. ft. C...ar Porta 14 x 20 S295 I 00 <7<> FINANCING GUARANTEED through $2!SO,OOO Secondary Financing Fund, on your lot paid for or not WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNlTS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN S NDAYS Cor. C<'ntury & Dorothy, Garden <..iro\'e LE 9-0633 27lfc LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Lido Nord corner with per· manent view of Bay. Nur be.it beach for 1w1m- mmg. Thr~ ~rms., hobby room & d~n. Chann- ing king size muter bedroom with alcove and connecting private b&lh opening onto large 11un deck. The unuriuaJly attracuvc hvmg room hu 11liding glaM doors opening to the patio, while the modern kitchen hRs built-an dishwa.aher. dispoul, copper hood, ceramic tile a.nd numerous other features to pleue the most fut1diou11. Truly one "' . .. .. ,. . ~ T SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two hou.f•. 1 lot. fireplacea . .... .. ····--····$21 .~ Two B. R, Houae, l B. R. apt., under ·--· _.$16,000 Two B. R. Howie. oak fl oors, clean --···-· $13,WO Ten urea near Tustin. Per acre -·----·--$ 6.000 R-2 Lot, Corona Hlghla.Dda, Choice -ma.ke offer ALSO MEMBER OF llULTTPU LISTING BOARD G. H. LAnlROP, ~ E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 544.2 Eves, Har. 5680 36c38 J ; ' ' wlft Reel Label Fuly.Cookecl iasten I wonderful fl'Mt fer yeur t.W. ~ ..... WHOU OI . SHAN< lw,f Al-America11'1 Famous Fresll, LMll Grou11cl BEEF lowett price '" It leaat 2 yeanl Erhardt or Val-Chris JUNIOR c .. TURKEYS Petfectty .. ,...... lftticle IM evt s .. , ... Avw ... FANCY GRADE U.S. CHOICE ONLY IASTIRN STALL-FED STIER ---- U.S. Gracie "Choice" lfff ROUND STEAK . , -- U.S. Gracie "Choice" lfff SWISS STEA-K U.S. Gracie "Choice" lfff-lone 111 RUMP ROAST ------- IONELESS, DEFAmD IOLLED BEEF U.S. wa• "Choice" ORiy I RATH'S READY-TO-EAT SMOKED PORK COTTAGE BU .TS MODERN WROUGHT IRON e .. $3.95 VALUEI ·TABLE LAMPS An idNI T. V. or acunt lamp for u .. in any room in the hou .. -ancl LOOK It All-American'• 1pecial ,.tCEI ' DOWNEY* NORWALK* GARDEN GROVE* NEWPORT BEACH* CORONA DEL MAR* SAi CLEMENTE .. ' I _J • • • • .. "* •• • • ALL-AMERICAN -COLORED - PREMIUM IRAND SLiCED OR HAL YES · L••••••••·---.1 OHIO CARLOAD I No. 2i- Can 2«lZ. : MATCH SALE! : Cal-Top Whole, U11peeled : i::M RoW1•2DE:GN 29c: APRICOTS NOu~y,~ I MATCHES c~~. · 1 I -• 1 · 1 FannlncJ'1 lreacl & lutter I OHIO LARGE IOX -7c EACH ' i ~~~E~ _@2: ~.!t l PICKLES '· d LARGE JAi • PICTSIEH -T11r a.ktr01 9 CUT CORN = -9 PIAS & CARROTS ~ -9 FRINCH FRIIS ~ --9 CUT GREIN llANS _:;: .. --• CHOPPID SPINACH ~ 9 FRENCH CUT IEANS 9 MIX. VIG. f e IROCCOLI CUTS e LEAF SPINACH - PICTSWEET 9 PIAS PEACHEs 4 ""'· s 'ictsweet Cut Spears 3 Asparatus "'1•· 9 SUCCOT • lutter .... --- ----- ---_, 11111 EYE -Tnr ~ice! 9 IROCCOLI SPEARS ~ e IRUSSELS SPROUTS_ e Caullflower · e Forcllook U1119 e Sllcecl Strawt.errles e llaby Umcn --------~--------~ . . *WONG'S* e Ett Foo Y OU11CJ e Pork or Chicken Chop S~y e Fried Rice Your 2 for age Choice! . Pkgs. . 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PINIAPPLE . . . . . llOI 7 ~ IOSAllfA MIXICAN 59c DINNER u .o;.. "··· ......... . IEEF STICKS , .. 01. ..... . R.E.D. RED c iPiiEiERvEs35 'i SOCKEYE -NO. Yi CAN ·SALMON • • NlllU'S WHOL! KUNEL • l'UH OUPI 2 9 t • ~MEiiCOi'im C : I ~J.w~ ! ~~P 11 lHESE pri<fll : MAICAL 'APll-WIA' 19· •.•••••••••••••• iiPiiis 2 ~:: LIFE SODA POP e COLA e OIANGI e CHERRY e GRAPE e LEMOM-llMI e STIA WllllY C NO-IRUIN WAFFi.1s ...... 6 .... Ste PAPER 100-FT. IOLL 12.0UNCI STUUY IOmJS (9c EACHO I •• ~ ._ e DOWNIY e NOIWALI . 9 NIWPOIT IEACH r:::::~r!!!!¥~¥~li~U1~·i-~-·;;:~;;; .~;;D~:AI ~:N::~;::~,j tlll ......... IM. ,._.. S..J IMt COAST ... llWAT AT M1t•• ta &' CAM*O HAL IAILT fitl A.Ill. TO 1f:tl P.M. IAILT ... A.Ill. TO 11:11 PJll. t La wt t •.111~ MllHT • '° 1 •.Ill. 7 f 5 5 75 s IT =PG~ ~~~ • ' f .. ' -- = ALL-AMERICAN CARRIES ONLY THI FANCIEST, MORNING-FllSH 9UALITY PRODUCL ALWAYS NEST 9UALITY NIW CROP ALIFORNIA NATURAL 1 the time te mill 'Ml -ind 11 they ever lte ............ lty the folks INck Natl It's Pric• MURDER! NEWPORT HAllOI NEWS.PRESS FRESH PRODUCE LARGE, RIPE, SWEET NEW CROP ARIZ. SUNKIST . EACH ••• SILICTED -MEDIUM-LARGI RED VELVET BAKING SIZE T"'91 1 pvrch1M of thete be1utiet up .with eur ham apeci•I on the front .,... ~WHAT A MEAL! FIMSt qu.tlty U.S. No.1 a..te Y!cuhlntt• I New thlpmeftt '"" "' from the l•ltf Al-American ' RUSSETS , ........... ~ BEER CASI .A2A, 1i-OZ. CANS •329 : . ---VII ROSE WINES! ---- I Consicler-1 by m1ny to be the W..1 t.W. winel I ~~"": : Paul 125 Alm~ 135 'r;:.':' g gc . 10%.,. Mo.I Maaon -Fifth or Chile 1 C... Uquof I -Fifth -Fifth , PurchaMll I ..--______ __......_ ___________________________ .J °"aDAEnNGUESHRTOM & JERRY 59c RUMIOriANov 16-0z. IMCly for your T °"' & Jerryll Fifth s4s1 AU-AMOICAN 4-YI. OLD BOURBON Quality Gu1r1nteedl Fifth s399 luy I CIM I UVe 10%1 l'WMl:!N!Nlt Df UDO OllGINALSI MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUTI HAND~BAGS REG. $9.95 VALUE Choice of colonl CHiliiMAS CA.RDS Not lffedfve At AIJ.Ameriaft '" Downeyl ·299 c BUY . PAMPER SHAMPOO At All·Anterlcan I Sencl In For Your Pamper TV Lambl ~ DOWNEY* NORWALK* GARDEN GROVE * NEWPORT BEACH *_ SAN CLEMENTE* CORONA DEL MA. . . • --