HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-02 - Newport Harbor News Press--- ' BALBOA BLAZE BEFORE FIREMEN ARRIVE A bucket of hot tar was responsible for igpiting this flash fire on the roof of a house being constructed at l 757 Plaza del Sur. Despite high winds at noon today, the fire waa quickly controlled with loss of several rolls of roofing paper. The house is owned by Charles E. Duggan. Damage was estimated as $15, according to the Newport Beach Fire Department. -Kent Hitchcock Photo UP SHE GOES -M rs. Lars Lavagnino, captain for Community Cheat in Lido Isle business district, accepls check for almost $500 from Dick Ricbard. right. of Lido Market. The money represents the 100 per cent contribution of the market and it.a employees headed by Milo Lacy, right center. Harold D. Leddy, captain of the Mariners Mile which contributed heavily towards Newport Height. goal attained 100 per cent, puts a new marker on the Community Cheat thermometer boosting it to $25.500. -Staff Photo --------~ New P. 0. Parking Plan Gets Endorsement of City Council Thlnlo?~ lookt'll 11r fnr :-.:e,.·porl ' 1-f. Payne "nlayer. Newport Rrach p 011t OHJl't-s lll'W 1<ti·uc· Bench poatmt1sler, a ppeareJ be· r11re l he r(luncll to urge the park· t11ct' Mon.lay n1i;hl 11..~ 1 lty ruun•·1l tnlf 111tu1111on, whlch has been de· lanally 11ppru\'rol " J"'llll \\hhh IR\lnl( start or con1trucllon, be will authonu 19 pul1l11 pai\<111,: lla11l1t41: thus allowtng tht build· 11p11<'4'~ The new l'"'l """I' r•ll· <'r 111 l:l't his t 1ty J>"r1lllt 11rpro\'· r11·•· "'" 11s" Ill ''"'" ~t .11111 •'I lhP r11"t of thl" wet'k, allowing Ill\"' ·hi•· Aw• noll'<lttlt lllln tu 1<L1rl. CHILD'S DEATH FIHALL Y EXPLAINED BY OFFICIALS Chest Drive Hits 88% of $28.500 Xtwport Harbo r Community Che~t hu rea.chrd 88 per cent of lli< ~""I. laritely through etrorui thl" "t>l'k f1f l'\rwJ>"rt Helithl.I Arca 0 fir~\ to r i'llch Ila quot.& 1 O(I prr t'l'nl -H nd bi>cau!!e of a 1'hN•k fnr 11l111(18l $1100 ftlven by Hlrh11nl 11 L1uo Marktt &nd lt,1 t'ntploy1•e11. Th.-CommunUy Cltut lhermo- mttl'r JUmpf'd to the $25.500 fig· urr. llnlv $300() undrr lh~ Chest·a quota "' S28 !iOO, a<"C'Ordtnit to Rt u .t;Tt:-0 h ulh C'l'1 t1!1cate wrui tht' fact t hat Mrs. K rnnrlh c. Coolin(, earn· :-IA :-;T ;\ A:'\A. l.Jl·:l' 2 1Q(':-.;S 1 the t tuld" phy~1c1an, Gcr&J.I lJobtl, paJi,,"T\ <'hlt1rman. TIJP I )1 tlfll;I' 1 ·.,11my <..'< 111rw1 '1< of-hdil tlw hrnly ,.mbalmell 1mmw1ntt'· 1 Ont> <If l h11 rtallOM why N40w. 111 r 1 .. 1'"""' :i •kslh, l'l\1(111111• 11n Ir lifter lhl' chilll expire<!. p11rt He1i:ht11. h1•arJed by Major lrt11 ....... "''" '-la1blr ~IH11tly lwfotl' ny l'.\T ~ICll.\t:L."I ~11:1 L,rf' !'IC'hOnl'k, Willi able to at· "''"" l••l.11 The ,1 .. u1h • <'•t1l11 ,.,.. ~A:'\TA A 'SA iOC:-<Sr A frnn· t.1111 II\() rwr cenl 11tatua, II be· 11•1 ... 1 1.111,_t> 1•f 11,.ath ttio ''' 111.. ~ int•I Ana "'"thrr mRtl•' 11 tear· 111111-1· of th,. goud work done In I h 11) r i: 1-. 1>yoloj:\' 11n.t1•! 1•1111n· th,. ;\lstnnPf 11 J\l tlf', hl"adt d by ll hlr "1'h p111111Hfrnr\' t .. 11,.. .. •t1u'1 1111 rlt•IL filr ~upporl lf>dllY lfl an f"l!r llarultl u. Leddy, Mra. Scho· "" h t•tft•lll" 11 •• , t '" llr11nt 1lnr ''"' 1 \" . '1' 1''1 mtnl' the CllUI!(' o( n• k eicpla1n<'1I. lli<lhmll 1·1 • h1lol 11 df11th wh11 h rounty I hr,.l:h omd8lio '"'"'tPrlley wcr40 un· R11 hat d·i. Ma r kel employ,.ea WORKt.n I .. \ Tt : ,1111,, 1,1 .. -c plaui. from 1.,~111 mad,. cont 11b11trd 100 rer C"ent to tht 1-.11unt'T E11tl Ahl'"Y •111•1 11 111111 Mrll Jf'-llHlc :'llarble, !423 5011111 l,11!0 lslt• hullln•M di1trlct , part of o< mi.ru111-.1pk 11n.1ly:<1:< "' l h· 1(1tl l.11,r11,,, S i•nta Ana. t'll<I oc:-:8 :"l:'""P<Jrt Beach A~a B. accord· h111I hrNI plrur•l un hl'I t11~k l.1l•'J• r "' ,,,111 .,.i.s J~r. LA-anne> rn;: lu :\Ir~. Lan Lavagnino. rap· thrs n urning br 1 ·.,1111' ,. '"'"''"" ,11 1,. ",,,. r .. inti <lea•t In h• r t 1111 '"'" r"r l.ltlo J"l" Dick Richard •111.ll""" I •1 Rin n "" I 111 1ntll 111' ,1 :! ~ 111 "" 1 hr morning of =""" n1lttl'd 11 rh"• k fr1>m the <'Ompsny f1'J'hu11•·tlth1•t11•oll•"l l.11·~11'-""~ 11 , 1,.\\ hnl\lq Rflrr rri•IVll\lt fur $:l"••I Art ll HI~ headed by . ""'" 1h1u .. 1. 'Alll'•' ""lo,,,, "'' I '" '"""""''"n IHHI rrr•( rlr t1"n ~1 1)"' I: M111 k J::ni.;f'lke. HAR BOD PRCSS ii!I!~~~ 48tb YEAR -NUMBER 101 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DEC. 2t 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS --~---~~-~~--~-~ PAHDON MAH SOUTHERN ACCENT BUT BUNCO SUSPECT'S LOOSE Newport Buch police wtrt' t04.tay 111 l'klnR Ii wuman with a Southern accent u a po11B1ble bunco susrlt'•·t &rt"r 8ht- alltgt'dly rtmovrd merch.i.nd1se from a ,,h,•lf a nd i«>IJ 1t to Ii clerk In Udo Drue Store yest• rday stl1'1110011. Mesa's , Drainage Humphr'l'y Murphy ot U do Uru~ Shih ' r:o11f1t>1I pvllr\ . the •Wlpe<:t came In lor a refund 011 a pair of slue kllll>(ll. Although t)lt're wu no 11a.IN1 ~lip, 1111• r1•fu11d w;111 1111111,. Aiter llhe IPtl, & call wu recel\•ed from Gundcr:'un lJnt~K warn.int hlrn that tt. w oman had tncd to grl -a r<'fund o n n bottle or vitamin pllla and wu refUMd Solution at Hand The 1wif>ect wu dtscrlb<'<l u 2!;-29. 11·10. tall, dark, wearing a brown arult and coat. P ollr t• rnvcstlKatetl 8n addr-llhe pve but uld t.hr houst nppt>at <'•I ufl()('CUJ'llt>d. MURPHY MEMORIAL TREE DECORATED IN BALBOA Mrs. Bob Murphy ye11l,.rday et-ll11:hted Yulr tirroratlon~ for lhr tachf'd the tlrat ChrlAlmllll tight lo r1r1<t llmt t h111 :V•'M. Tl11u11wu111 the Bob Murphy Memon&I · tr4'e l\nnn11n1·,..i. Anti will b•• ht f Vt't y on Balboa Blvd. near the city l'hr1stn111s In lhio rutun· library, aided by Bill Thompson. Murphy ootr~hl llJ'l(I pl11.n1rd tht' prealdent of the Balboa lmprove· j tl"C'e 81'\'• r11I yea1s 1tg11 ment Aaaoc:latlon. Thompl!On aald the u i10<:h1tlnn The t~. dedlcnlf'd to the mtrn· Is stlll "' t•<'plln~ \Jonatlon" (fir ory ot th• beloved plonttr Balb<>a l·ommur1ty t'hri11tm11s h,::htu1g. 1n· booater, will be covered with eluding tJ11' Bob Murphy M!'nrurl&l ll'<'C and 'th.i U&lbo& b11s1ne~s t.11s- Ci. t p It trk l. HARIOR WEATHER TemptraturtA th" p&&t wetk le t~ Harbor •r•·& w .. ,..: Hl1h Low SsturJay, No v. 26 ... •65 41 Sunday. Nov. 27 . 61 46 Monday, =-:ov. 28 .. 09 47 Tue1day. l'\o,·. 29 a8 •II Wednod11y, No". 30 118 113 Thuniday. Orr. 1 . 118 113 f rltlay, Dec. 2 !'>8 ~ Rainfall Kf•&aon I.Mt year Dec. I .12 I 03 1.8-0 S-D DAY SCOR! Newport, Mesa Have No Injury Accidents I Y erm S "Thn•ugh lhe community t•f<ort ot Jn•·al bu,;1nel>llmt'n 11nd C'lvtc· j N R d mmdl'd ln1lrv1du11ls." Thomp11un Harbor srea JlOltcr dl"partmPnla ear ecor 1•1d, "our hj!'hl&ng Will be bl~li(•'T to.lny reJlOrleU =-:ewport Beach and . anti b•·tter this y&tr than ev.-r t 'nstll Ml'flll cumplt·le<l Safe·Drl\'· bt>fore." 1ng U;.y without an injury accident With $809,923 W.- 1 L yesltrday. i-:111"11 community. how · .. ver, reported 1. minor traffic ac: Bulldlnr in Newport Beach for I son oses Cid;;:~ Newport Beach accident Nlholaveym•~: uwaafo~v~hret:!~e umohnl~ $16 000 su•1t canw a t aprroxlmately 9 a 111. yee· n·• t•·rday whl'n Ctor~e Sorter of 2079 &alt. year with 108 permlls total· I Pre~1drnt. co .. ta Ml'~ll. not1f1t'4J po· Unr '809.923 comparl'\I to 195-1'• IJ<'t' a woman h:irkrd the auto 11he »Tt.686. Bulldlng wu alto hrght>r f I • e w11,,. <lnv1ng Into hr" p.Arkt<l car. lb&n October ot th l• Y<'llr "hlch or n1ur1es Jlf1rkt<I ht-r own velucle a nd entl:'r· totalled 1:>60.212, according to the t,>d ''""of the bulldmgs on 3'2ncl St. city bUildlng depa rtment. At 11 ·02 p m. ye8t,.rday, !';tw· Subdivisions Progress Helped as Council Acts 'By LEONARD SAROEA?ft Costa Men drt.inage problema which haft hrll4 ... progress on two or three big aubdivlaiooa air.d1 ID a. city may be partially solved by the !int of the 1Ml' • .. result of dty council action on Monday on the •It """' dralnap ditch &11d an encourag1ng •ce cha.Mt! to be ~ '11161 rtport ye11trrd1y by one ot the would b<e ch .. ~ In U-. llllC ._. aubdlvlder11. he polnta out. atnce lt ,._.. ... At lht rt>qur11t ot City Engineer du<"e the rlty'• ll&MIS&,, elld .._.. Don S outhworth. City Manager tnvolve UtU• er -11me.at•n ••• George Cotrey was aulhorlud by coat. the .:OunC'il to f'<!QUPllt aJlocatlon Jl'UNl>8 07' ..... ot chapter 20 fund• from t he Coffey l&ld th• f\aad9 alDtlllmr&•te State Allocatlon Boa.rd t or con· & little over MltOOO. "tructlon of &n e&&l-weat dralnage YHterd.ay, .Jack 8wuta .i Ille ditch. Murray• Sanden eo.,.. ,.,. et ·offey o ld the council will d~-Banta An& aa1d tM 1a.9' .We*° <"Ulll in a ff'w weeks whether lo a.re about t.o be deaNd e.r Ulm have an open type ditch or to con.etrur uon of a ~ ..... irp...nd extra. moflt'y tor conduit I acrota Orange C.O... Oo&Mi'•,...... pipe which will f'n&ble the dra.Jn· (Coau...d -.... I) Hopkins. Haas Receive Elks Trophies as Tar, Bue i'ids Tot.al for the yur S-0 far wu SANTA A't\A (OCNSl-A Su· port Jlf•l1re 1micl & blark COUJ'f' U .U0.657 which allO compared pertor L:ourt Uepartmenl <our Jury xno<"k"<J tlown the stor 11ign a t favora.bly wtth 1964'• tot.a.I tor 11 ckllbtrated only 4.3 mlnu\u . Wed· Balboa Blvd. and MJlrtne An.. Haltb&cll John H opkine of \ha Wa\Ul-.. lnt.roduced aech uf '"" montlLI of f T,4 17,233. neaday In denyinc e1am&1tH to while an a.llesed lnj1try a.cckl~t Newport HM't1er Hip lklileol ...,..... Be _... .__ "lb• aa.a.a. • tamily dwelllnp &a Oary W IS.On, 20, ot 3Cl8 Vrclorl.a reported at M.anrold •n•t C'out Salloni &ftd hllback Mlll• Hau no.et. STOUP or WJ"I J U•e coach· -a ~ tor th• buJJr of St., Coata Mesa. Highway al 1 ~28 p.m. prowrl 11n· ot th• Oranp Coiut Colle1e Pl· ed 1n ~ Wt 11 yaen." He adtl· constr\ICUOft. 34 ,-rmlta bei._l.8-roundl!<l. A ~•n h•<l ,.1111ply jJ.Al4:a. were lut nlgbt. awarc»d ed: "Th•Y.,.. COD8Clet1UOu1 t ra in· wed for MSG.602. ThrM s:uii'Jt Wllaon 10ugll'f"Sl8,"89-pTuw dam-fallen on the a1Je,,.,.alk trophlea .. uUie mOft inaplrallon• era, hard work.«re. .,ootl pl&yt1111 ,.,.ai.. ,,_.. la\Md tor Ma.900 •CH •Kaln&t Thf'Odore 1• BllXlt'r Co.11ta MHn <'Olllplet~ fl• •""' el" playen ot their .....,ecuve and •tud•ta." lrwta ffn•l••I t ha t and twp eommirctal alructuru or S1<ntt\ Ana. Keith B. C'olllmi and on<1 lllrolo;hl S-LJ lJllY w ithout a n lt'&mll ln N-port Harbor Jl:ur.s Jl'UllbaeJl ~ Berry and ll"d .._.. rt"" permit.a tor f13.700. Keith Ii. C0Jlln11, J.nc. ut Co11ta Injury ar •• trnt uhhct1:i;h 1 .. r ni d lHJ: LotlKt. Paul Lorent:Mh Jtad Yft&cM bl• p.• • JUpa1n to commercl&l 1trucluru Met1a. their flr11t s u 11 .. y lolliMhll cl\111111: f'lt1.yer1 and coache• ot the two aonal &U·tl.rri• Newpc>rl Hai bnr au1ou.nted to Sl800. T he plnlntlff 11.~krl'f !hi' Jtuli::· h•n,·y rain 111 4 o.! l'lll vl>•trr•IN\. (llulball trams Wl"re .-nterlalned H lch •lenn. H ome ttpalra under U OOO werr m<'nl fur tn)11t1•'" he-sllt•i:rlh "I•·· Autq ,1 .. rnt·1· ... 1.i .. 1<n' '" "'a don11t>r·n~ct1ng w hich Exalt· •~rank Unntll. flr1t e1<•l11·I tmued tor 33 Jobe at $10.7114 and""'"' \1h .. n 11 <8r In \\lo.•h II<' r•nnl•'"· z;, ,r 4 1 11.111,o.i Jll\•I l'I R11lrr Al Malthtw11 annou nt'f!d rulrr of th• local Elka. lntro<l1tt1·1I 211 npair Jobe over $1000 •dde<I wa 11 1 1.fm~ c11lh•ll'1I "tth a t ru. k '°""I", 1 u. 1 , • 1,.1 \1 11:1,.1 \\ ,, 111 • xp. ctM to h• 1nm~ 1. yearly Dr. Blu ll PtterllOfl a nd 111 "ti up t.o JM.821. '111\•·n hy J;.1itt,.1 Anti u\\n .. .i br 1 1 .. 1 v 11111,. , ., " ~,t 111 .\IR•h•· .,.,.·11l 11r the Elk:i Ln<.li;t' Coach Ray Rouo ot Crans: .. Other Nov.m~ permlla Wf!re· Collin~. , .1 .. 1u.1 ut 11 .. · ,1,.t 1 ,,., t ,,,.11,r °"', ('OJ\<. 11 i.t•t:AKS Coa11t C'.ollri;t. R OlllO terml'(l tl\4l one cabana.. 11200: on• awo mnuni:: T h(' "Hlbh Ot\\IUN OcL 2n on ""'' Hhd 111•1 t-' 1"'11 :-;r 1· .. ,,1 , 1·n1•rr"1tv or Snuthrrn C:thfor· K,.t·t<>lrfllMr ot U!e .JC &nd hl&h pool, 13000. and four 11lgn" Sli~ lli~l"H'Y 1111 rn-.11· (Jiihul '''" 1 .\\, , l',.lh \t ,,, , ~ "''''' '""" 1 ... 1 "'·' '·"'" c0;,r h llnn ("l&ik wu11 11rh1o<1I pl•Ytr• at lh• Elk11 Lod1t• Tl. 11,111;11 A 11 y Mr11 • I' \\'t 111t .. •rs: t" 1 .11 ••. , I 1 • 11• 111 .. r 111 '"'' 1 • 1:1h l t l•<'llkl'I. 11.. 1ela14"1 &Ol't.. · lht• flnt'•t thing that hu happen· MINORS EJECTED lht' 1,111,ntiff 1 hnr I;• ·I th,. cl· It 11• I · 1 111J1 ''"" ''"''" f•f hi11 pl:n mi;: tfD)• "" a I r<I to U8 1lnt fl we have ~ll at •lllnl "·'"puny ti! nri:hi;,.nt "'"" l11 111i::r 1· .. 1111y-mntno:~t. ,. .• l'l••J•n ta•kll' an1i ft ltl6·1b ~unr1.1 I 01 11ni: .. Cout Colleitr " I d H rt ,111: Att ••l •llnt: tn tltl• •I'''"~" 11.,. l•t 11\ 1.l1•1'1\11I io.1fr •h1,·1111: "'" f,.r !I<' p:u1ti1w10n~I !>Ill 1'11<nr1~· MO~ IS8PlllA110NA.L a rlen ers u 1•!1.1111 rr \\'11 i;1;il•.) ,,, '11111111111-1n 11 .. ar . f)'•r( ... t f.l•h•on 1·1 .. , ... 0 Ill• I !I. ft'Vll'Wt'tl thl' pl\-t ~l'ttl· I 11"' Ill 88\d Hopkin•. co-capt.alR ul y II•·:.; hi;• llH' "•., .. 111y 1'11tht traJfh i;1111l~ti111•" 11un ll"ll'f(>fl al Sc.11lhr1 n I ·1111f .. mu1 or lht' 8a1lora "'1Ui S.ITy, bad • f• ht •th \\ 11 ,,., ,, 11 11 lo"!: "ith .lnhn f; ''' •I\ 1ni: lnJllroe•. f .I\.,. 111 111<• An I tnlJ lht ICJClll prt'J" Rn.f )llll1Qr b"n \'Olf'S t~ Tara ll'lo.t t.n8plra• IR lg ,. l'ttmr 1, 11. """,,.I, \\ht n th,. 8 " n to .. \111• • rn ruuntv t• 111 ''"' n•llt .·•• perform,..,. "hnt 1·sc.· t111nnl pl•yer by the coactie. ucl l'lllcnl 1,,, 1:rrd I T1 • h11.h•\llY rntrul hi"'·• lhl' t •"" ""' lotJk ft.Ir 111 11n 11lhlc-ll". l pl&y<'rt1 •llkt. Recownnr frolft 3 local Youths 'r•I· .. tlnWn this way SRI In ".\• .. dt•ll\I(' b!11.'k,.:1u11nt1 I• l'\n ltl\<'4) ln Juric;>• which •ldeUned him 1~.i.~~ I";\:.~~~·:~ l t ll'd hf'fOr(' J 1l•li;:I' I J\ II 1 0111.' l'ra ~h~ ca 11•1111; 111 ,,,, \ '" I .. l0 ltl rk I rporll'•I "If R pll1yer 1811\ l!t'al!On, H opkin• played tull Two Villa J.farlna b&rtenrlen1 re· ctlved trutmenl for m inor lnJur· lta at Hoag Ho1pttBI l"arly this morning follow ing an altercat1nn with three local youths, allei:edly drinking at the b•r Kews>ort &ach polJce relu.1u~J t he youth11. 19. 18 and l7 with the wammg lha.l Woody Holder of 2323 E . B&y- aJde Drive. m11nagrr ot the Villa Manna. might iuue a comptamt :tjtlllnJt them. Kewport Jwitk e Court reported lhlJ! morning t hat 11u~h a com• .,Jaunt had not yet bf'tn Ill.sued. Holder told Investigating off\· Ct'ra the three youths w ere drink· lnit a t the \'11la Marina bar. The bart,.nder did not bfolle\'e they '-''fire of a1tt. Holder j<&lil, and took their dnnk11 11w11y. Tht-bo~·s <le· m antled their m'!nl'v b,, k Hold· er aald \.hey ha<ln'l p11111 for their I lrlnke. '",, l"'Nun~ On:rni:.. t 111. , .J Im, p1obl,.mtt tn th,. 1 ls~-10Nn trmp on offenae and deftr\M UIJ• "'' 11 w11 h onr hurl. A"""""" I' nl' will havr r1 ul1lt'm~ on t.br y• &r. ']".,,. r1n,.h··-11n<t t\i 1 hurt A'ntl 11tltl ;"l:n 2 I~ rh :11a<lrr d the H11&J1 "''" de•lgnat.ed by 1\099& t.ni..;u1a H111.d1 One 11\JUl<'d rn 111iJ1'4it<J11al 114' n111't hll\(' dl'~1re.•a1 'Uie boy who ~ .. tM r A rt o~mllh ;'>:o\' ~!I 111 le folll , n• nullh.AJ' be w1lhn~ to Mii rrlu " for th,. OCC mol!t 1ruop1ra llonal cltaUon. C(l11trt Jlot,,a rily buolthr11: pt•inuts Tu,. ro •nr•I was llhtlllt the lll\ml' ll'Alll en.1 1o1111k h,1.i Anrl hu t .. H111 101111." ROIUIO a.d<Sed. ~1.,,.. I l r rom4':o Hthll't1r 11b1hl\' Hl't" ill··la blJr hole In 04Jr Mc.kti.ld, a.n4 11mo11nt1nj( IO $21 .7:.!0 r .. r """" n th•' 'n11nty nn R'<t year II ... 1 !'· I~ th,. kl'Y fer tor. I a b11t1:t>r hole In tum detenn~ 11trur t111n "' re~1denrl'11 Ill l":!fl rlr ''"I:' ''"Y 01•r. 1~ •. No f,1111111 tl'rmln:1t 11in .,..,.,, ""'''" The-re ,.er" thrN' llC· follnwerl bv 1vorolln11tton. ~pE'rcl 11111n ' The Plrl ll' mentor nlated 1831, l\JJ end Jl}:\r, \\'111111,,. ~t ,1.11,111,. rnvulnni:: injury 10 thf' 11t1t'n~th a nd lllT.t'" IH""-11urfer1>d ILi\ Injury lft UI• Co11t.'\ McM. Ja1 k Cnn1111r w a~ unm• orro•Rlt•<l area. .S•·Wn ""r' "f'l~r.!"T c;no1·p " <1r•t i:nmt' of lhe ae&*>fl but ntml'<I contractor. 1 hurt. Hrad Coach thr bounrN\ btllck to •park the Blaca after by 1o1hen lhty needed It. Arrasmith Homes "'•lh 111ni;: «"nit•'"ll"n 1111.i 1111 .. 1 in 11,.111 " :-;11n13 Ant1 ,1,.,,.,1 111" h111: .. \1•111•111<-ter ~.-hlch .. . Th• boys wr r!' ""rortr•1 out!ltde thr l11ni;• 1111•1 1"11111111 < "1"""' :'Iii~ ~li11hll' 1,.~,,. thP <hll•I 111~." " •J -pl."'•"1 • th•· lnhby ot th" here blo\o\ll "ere RllPl:<'rlly ex· Ahhry Miid l lrnnilt 1111•1 11n111.:"•hn\'I' tlri•d of ~nnirlhonir rorllllill•ll~ L1du i.1011,h .. r Hnnk of ,A mer1ra nacnred by bOth ,.111.,11, l't•!ll'f' set· I t'.mnty llt.••rllal palhoh s.:••,I• w111k· 1 ihnl lll••Y llff•'"' tht' '"'" !lllttrr nf wu~ • ••n11tru• '"" hy Hugh MyniHt o8ed Hojder to ae1• th!' city al· 1 lf•I lfttl' u\n1~ht ~" lln•I; ,,. <l\l~~,. th4' ~lrl \\ho 11urcumbed ... J dnn't Ru h111J ~ ••I''''' 11.,ng mana~tr. ut'Tlf'Y reprdlng a rompl&lnt. or rlr&th o thf' d tnla "" ty e. l wsnl tht' llJ\mP th1n1t to h!lJll" n a.nd h .. Mt'n kf'pl up t.o dat• by lnJu~ wtre barten<le111 Robert Q11t'!ltlonrd N'S,:lll'•hng fir. E L ,1 ~ur..111nr " !hi' molht'r 11111<1 or J 11mrs f'uwl\'r, chJl'f clerk of lht' 0 ~arh of 411 .I u m In" Ave . who Ruu,•11 s 11111t r mrnl11 hf Yl'8lt>r<l11y I !Jr 1!1111\onni: lrll'nl\ral \\\In. tba n._..... iuffe.red a brokt'n h11.nil bone, that thl"t!' WM no rnll'nc I'"' luns.: CAl.l.P:O OO("l'OR which had ~en fr11<'1111e<t• atvnal <"t1ngr~t1ton or r 11l111nnn1 Y 1nll"rt1on, Arrnrtl1n11t 10 Mr.11. Marble. !.>· w B It 'tck• sgn, a nd R jch11rd C. Slark· Abbt'y M id .. Uu•y probll.blv dloln·t 1&nn<' M11tll' hrn 1111e 11l ant1 rl'\'l"rlsh arner e er ·: t>( 1'.:l ~2nd St . who .1111frertd a •h<>" 111' In thl" hi·ottlJ d••J»HtlllPnt n n Nm•. I ~ Phe l"ald 11hr C'allt'd "'t ovtr one tYt a.nd a blac k eye. I tut• It , .... ,. 8 hnr.f('tlinl' r a•t. 1,, .. Cerahl 1:1otx'I oC Sant11 Ana to After Recent accordlng to Hoag Hospital re- The mlr~.~coplc lelll-' drtermlne<l I nl ten1I the <'hlld The d()('tor ~11,·1 port.I to Ntwport Buch Pollce. l the rt11111t ihr ,ll'IM en ln)ertlon or "''Tlhro H A k --- • l.F.SOTH\' ot:l .A ,. \\ rln lln•I Jlff'Sr ribf"I • qu.11nllty ea rt Hae . Ahhl"y l"ald the-rrnaon for '"' tl"lt..-.ryn In (lr111 811JJW'n•lon. The Book Almquist on leni thy '1tlay ln rt'Cl"IJ'lt or th• I bstw t'1r1I II•"( hours latc-r. I SA:"TA A:'\A Dl!:C. 2 10<':"\S) ----------·' .. j.,.f' ~rn t r:nnK to tlM nut -Hnut1ngton Burl\ phys11"1an. L Drunk Drive Rap I wh,.... :\Ir• Marble told OC:'\S, S. Wh1tU1ker BrmJ toJ1w u rdlo-, Only 1 'IH;l nlnin•l f\·l'r·yonl" br11aht11 us , l!Ta.m tt .. t.. on l.oJud of.•uperv111· B UENA PARK. I O<'~S l -Ct1rl otr lt ml,:ht be 11om•thln1t t hat nrs ChRlrn111n Will!• Waml"r Almqul1't, !'>~), of 2&82 c,11 11! Ori~. 19 w1>11ld h111t tht' olht'r h11hy or hrr l "showrd in1p1 cwem,,nt •• Newport Beach, la re111,1tn1t tem • • il bt<'r ·• i\1 ~. :.t11rblt' I• .11lM1 moth· OC NS revo lt'<! Wtdnullay th11t poranly In th• Oranu count y I I "r nf 11n E-·Yt•ar-old dllughltr. Lin· W11rntr had au<Ctrt<I a heart •l· J&.11 be<'au!MI he rl'J>"t lrdly waa Shopp.• I 1!11 ~I' lark. drl••lnir while und4'r th1 1ntlutnce nCJ I A«Kt:ll Al'TOPSV I \\'httlllkn 1tated tl4·o car'1to· of aknhol. I Thf' 11 "'htr H I I 11he l't'qtlt~tM gT&ITl t ut• h11•·r M4.'n rtiven War-Police M-ld Almqul1l wu abus-DayS I 11n " '• l'"V l'n th,. oocly of hf'r flt!'. "l think hP s bdter." lhl' 1ve and aggTt1111lvt 11r.1 W!\11 tor- 1 1·h1l.J t11 <1rt r 1m1n<' tht' 1 1111io,. or 1111 r ersnn11I php11111n 1t11tei1. "but I clbl.y pl&eed lnto th. e patrol ,car 'fi•I dtalh. Dr. Dobl"l !Ater t old OCNS haven't checkc-d h lm tod11y." I and taken t-0 lh• al.lit Ion. Com· t hat he uked tilt a u1op11y be hlln· M "do 110m• ll~hl work-<>pen plalnant.. Dayton Fnrm&n, ca.me 1llt"I hy the County Comnrr·11 nf. hi• m111I, · not wHk H e atatl'd 1111011r and •litned a 11u xen'1 ar· I , ,. 1n 1>111< r 111111 11n "Ir of <'<l11 l "' 1 int: 1,, rr·f'Xlln\1n .. hrn1 1n rt A •1taln11t the m an who 111•u • 1 I"" "~" ,. r .,,,.1111 Ult nut ff'w day11 &JlJ ma) "1'h booktd on a· drunk <ln•·inr . I ---------~' (Coallne4 o•·P-.. I) 1 (C.o•U•IH'd oe Pac• I) c&arp. Christmas MOST INSPIRATIONAL -With Newport H~r Elks Exalted Ruler Al M~tthrwt1. USC Line Coach Don Clnrk and F rank Linnell, !inst Elks Exaltfd Ruler, here, 100Jun1 on from left, Halfback · J ohn Hopkin.a of the Sailor11 and Coach Al Irwin. rlg!lt. admire trophy pre!K'nted Hopkin• in EUca Lodge Jut night. -Staff Photo ' GOING UP FOR LAY IN Forward Eddi<.' P upe of Uw !'\l wporl H:irbur H1glt ~d1ool Sailors w1um·t ubouL 1~ lw :.t .1ppnl by a11yt h111i:; but a 1.tnh·ra wh1·11 h<' tlrnw: 1n fpr t his ::;hot. The ~cl~on '" :, p!:1ee in 1 h<' Tar-Alumni g-H nlt'. 1'1111(' nnbbed h tgh seor(' hc•nnrs by wh1ppt11g :! ' p1 1111t ~ th rn11;.;h t ht: huop.-::5laff l'hutu Stamp Nabs Top Lawn Roll Spot NEXT HOME FRAY FOR TARS IS WEEK AWAY 9uick Service FOil Roller Shades 8t&ndan1 Shade Clot.M alliJ Cuatom S~!altl• • Draper)' H&rdtra" • VeneUaa BUaC. With the Newport Harbor High School cagers of Cot.ch Jules Gage tipping off againat Riverside on the riv&l court ./.. BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor , th,ia a!ternoon, local prep buketball fans will have to wait OAU. BAAllO& Ill THE SHADE SHOP ~til ·next Friday night at 7 p. Jll. t o see the Sailor vanity I U I l h4 8t .. s-pwt "-II PART I -NEWPORT HAR BOR NEWS-PRESS in action. wertul California will furni.ah the opposition nc-.w. u.. Poet otnN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1955 at that time. . J _tt paya lo ruo th• wa nt ,., ... Tueaday Tara travel to MESA PAIR GRID Sammy Lee to To:~;=.~ ~m~~:~ach Jimmy Miller an C , Mentor Bill IN 1935 G• R t Straw are 1ehedu ed to perfo rm Two Co11ta MPio11n11 rm 1ve 0 • ary :~m~he ~=~y IYa!t ~~~~·a~~:~ mtmber11 or lht 193~ 9o nta th• T llrranc• llrht elghu. Both Ana Colltgt Don footb111l T lk T d outflta dropped the flr1t out· 21!.tlh annlvrri;11ry 111 I ,. t!l:i~ W ilson laat week. the promising tllPm v.·hlch will <1b11r:·,. Its a ues ay Inga of the aeaaon at Long 8 f't.Ch Don varl!llY footb11ll anqutt e·, by a M-49 nlpplnr and the c·· 1 Tutioflay n1~ht. Thr\ ll re Famed Olympic divl'r Sammy 34-23. w ll It Hk km11n. wholt~le L<'e will be Jrnntr meetrng llprllk· A trio ot out11tandlnr future prn-1111·~ <ltlllf'r or 26R7 Rwt r· t r for thP N"wpflrl-Balboa R<1· nralty proapect11 wilt be on tx· I s1fle Dnve And Vrinon l<of'p· tarv Club rn Villa M&riml a t 6 .30 hlb1tlon whenevtr the lorAI llitht· ~rl. ?\'ewpon Be&d1 optom f'· p. in. Tuud ay. Gursu &rl' lnnted 1 weight C'agere . perform lh111 aea-1 tn~t of 336 F lower St . Coata to Alttnd, It wa.., 8n'nouncet! by l!On In the J>('raone of RI h r11111- :0.t~ Pruident Orr1n Wright. Ctrrl and John Hl'nroUn nt thl' B'a 'and J ohn F nntlus of t he C's J oe :P.fa rgu ccl. fine or the Dons' a ll-llml' gntllrnn greats and now aMistnnt coaC'h of the use TroJlln:", Wiii br speaker 11 t U11• rete ho noring th111 se.t v •n'11 Santa Ana Col- IC'J!e \•ar11ity. SPEED TO SPA Harbor Area Racers Go to Palm Springs llorlJor 11ren i;pnrt-4 r11r d11vers. lnchuhni.: l'\t>Wport 13C'ar h·ic J<>hn· ny J>nrll'r with his P r1wh!' Spy· drr. \\Ill con''"l'lo!•' on th•• 1le11c-rl arl'a this weekl'n<I Cnr ninth 1"11n· nlng or tht Palm Srnn~io roa•! racl'.J tomorrow aTI•I Suntl1ty. Tiie ~pon«o r lnJ:; CahCnrnla Sr->• t!I ("11r Club hs" rnrded 12 ru' ,.,. tor the 11p11 :-put t(•r-buiri.rlts Seven tumo1 row. ru11I (!\'I' Sun· rlay. Thr und•·r rin•I 11\·1•1-l::>OOcc main event.a will hf' Sunday. Lef', who wAa reru~ purchAl!I' of a home in Osrden Grove a few :SOT fi!H ARP monlha As;o due to his Korean an-LMerll to the alumni 8 1-li~ 11nr1 reatry. h• a personal f riend ot \\'1l11on ::>2·41 In lnrtral gut's. lhP Ba1lty Abbott or Costa Men. R;o-1 G&ge guys ha\·e yPl to 11harptn 11p tary member They went lo l!C'hool their 11hootlng f')'tll Some or lht11 togf.'Uter at Occidental. Lee taku C'an b" attribUtl'd lo thf' 1<hH~f delight In referring lo hlm11elf u suc:h bucktlPer11 111'1 Paul Lore • 1 "an Orlent lll from Occidental." zen, Dave Tamur" 11nl1 Larry Ha . . per from football toga to gym A'bbolt reporled ,hl'me ot L<-e 11 l!horta. but lllnkv Tom Hnu~1nn Informal talk Tuellday night will a nd towering ·Denny Harwood bP. "What America M eans T o have not yet dt>mnnttlJ·"ted the Me." Lee will 11how plrture~ on form nece.1111ary for Gage'• plans I hia reC'ent goodwill tour ~t the for a double pivot. Orient for the U.S. govnn mt>nt. In fact, In the Wllion g1Une Lee and hrs wife received a the ll(Orlnf load ff'll f'ntlrt'ly on h111:e public w elcome a.a 1new resl-Eddie P ope. P ope hlll been pop· I d~nLa of A naheim \\ edneaday ping the pelota In nobly, nabbtni: n.i;:hl when a pproxim ately 300 hlfh point honors with 28 air:111n11t r.-r11on1, lnclur11l'g U.S. Senator the alumni and 18 against W ll11on I Tt>11mas Kmhel or Anaheim. Con-Dut If the Tan are to Jell Into i.:rc"1'man Jomes B. Utt and State ch.amplonahip form Edtlie w 11 11 ~rnRtor John A. Murdy, handed need Mlp from fo~r other guya. lh .. Olympic ace a mai<11 iu-colade PIVOT PROBL.l:MS I Lee wu Ttcalle<I from World Wa r 11 mllllary Hrvit'e In l9H. Oeorfe Mebee la currently ham· Until Nov. 19:.4 he waa eporta pered by a bad back. but ahould ond demO<'r.a cy amb&aaador fur round Into quk k ahape u l he the United Stales in t he Far practice .ea.on progrf'A&ea. Btart- Eut. Stparated w ith the rank of I~ lineup apJnat RJverllde thl11 ma jor tut S<'pttmber Lee came a fternoon con1l11ted ot Tamura to Orange county to make a and Gary Grten at ruarda. Lnr-1 home for hla wire and s mall enlzen and Pope at forward• a nd J soo ESTRI Y.l'I dlluJ!hlt>r. Houato n at center. s o ie :ioo l ' s. ond CMet(ll <Age reported thl• week. •·1 ~p .. rt 1 t a rs. a n•I f'\'l'n mon• dn v· ha vl.'n't irtven up on the double , '"· Art-expe<"t .. J for t ht races on Top Tar flanker pivot, but agal.rut W llaon the tlw :.? 3 nul<' pavi•ol 111rport rn11r11e. boya ju1t 1:ot In each other·11 TLP ;:•e<'n !tog fluttrra 111 nooif' Paul Lorent un, named by Coach way." Once 8-4 Harptr, 6-::> Hou· h"th 11 •VI'. C'ooprrnuni.: ,.n .. pon· Al Jrwln of t he Newport H11rbor 11ton and 41--4 Ha rwood gt t the "'''"'"r bv thP c:scc; 111 the Lonx Hlith School Sa.llor1 u "the but two-pivot Idea and 11tart 11wll1hJng Bt•o•h r.1(; t'ltilJ. Nlll l'Vt' ever coached." wu •elect· the cord•, Gaie wlll be 11ble to Clothes ESPECIALLY FOR "HIM" AT CHRISTMAS e SPORT SHIRTS A h1r1t" M'l1•rtl11n or th,. latf''t ·•~·1,,... d. fa brh.,. ~~alUl'a ~69~ e SLACKS Gabardine Rl1•nd A ll Wool Fla.nnPI• e 4NGELLIS PEGGERS \\'hltl', HlaC'k , ('harroal, Turquohw, Tan aqd 81011 e SWEATERS by "Catalina" Belclm,.n--IOI.I''" lmportl'd Au,.trMJl&n Wool, Looi' •'"''e--\' nnk and $J99 $995 f rotn S129S $450 $995 It C08te l,ess to Shop for \·0 1·n Man at The Man 1831 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa \\'F. 01\'f; ~A' It CllCt:t:s ~TA~f'I" ('har1:,. Ii BudJPt Art·•111nt "Ith Communlly ('l'f'dlt l'lan-:'\n ('arr) lnfl C.'harfl" I . I'd fln the Garde n Grove Argo· reallu full benefit trom all tha t Drlt11i n 11 nf'W('Nt thrNtt In th~ n11ut1t' all-opponl'nl football team. height. I rntP!'ll It l••nlll flJ 1<1rl11 l'llr f I PI d :.:.::.:.:.:::_.:.:.:~::::::.:.:..:.:.::_:.=.::::_:=.:.:.:.~::.'.:=.:_-----------~~======~r-~~-~-~-=:="'!:""''="'~=~""':~~~-------"! msk,,.~ Its Amert• t n 1lr•hut 1n th" Pa.Im ~prtng• rompet It Ion In Ille I lhlrol rlH'f' "RlUldHV 1'1111\\0 8 A tlw /4 C A"' lh" m11r '1111f' v.111 b" 111 rve11 by R.iltert 1•1.,rcy uf Loa An1elu. NEW RACER -A t~1\HEIM BATTLES IN ROSE BOWL TONIGHT .r .. r l'tn11111 p.u '"'t " fwlol n( :,>I) Tnnv P11rravllno, wl'111lhv l nll· 11 •\•'t 1•nttl• 11111n1: 111 th·· All.!l· l l"wo<,t1 1·ontr>u lor, ha11 annou11<·td 11 1.1111111 "" I•. lfllll llMll. nt , n 111 .. 'lllt y or uno ••• his new ILal111n 11 1• \1 I I • ..... ~u • '"'" l"1• \ 11 t• '"\JI l1u111 ~ 1 \I , •I 11 I 1 pw 1~lr1 • 111 lhr IOJlS cl1111io1c The ,,,,,.,1, ••'·•·'I it '·' h 1'11"'•''1 , . .,. · po1•,.1 b1htv ""'"Ii that Stirling 1•1i: 1 1•.,•n• T11 • • ~·•up ~·111 ~111.,..., the i;r,.i.t E nl:'IU1h dn\·er I • I '•'·II t':4 \ 1lh td '''"" ''~ t.i I\ n at11l th,•·•' h· • !t 11.f It "t I ". \I I ' , ,. • I t1r t \\Ith I~• p 1 t 111111 m rmh,.r u( the v.n1lot rhAm· l•' I lo It n I, .,. ,, "" 1'1 , ,, .. \11 1 .111 " , , • ,. 1 "11 h JI•• n ''•·ro·NI•·-tri.m v.111 b-• fin t}t U \ ( tflt.t.hl t I ft • . . \ , I' ,. \\ ,I!.: h IJ,ol f11r lhd d1·'1.'ll 11\tl'I lhta \\ f I kt'l,d I. I II 11 I"' t " I \' \.' .• t ' r. I I ~· 1 .,, 1 a, n :u tt • l• • , ,, . ' ' uni\• ""~ t1r llh•t t \ I 1 Ot•I" l·.s n lh•1\\I" J• 11 1 i; .t '" J f·1 •f f J 1tr \f \ ,. I t •• I.. \! I I ' I I' tit J• '1 I J ' 1 t ~I 1 ft I , ' \\ '.. '· \ lrt·1nt-n11uu• tr.r•m,. II• 1'11 }.r1 • 1 I I !t I• h t aht At1•l • 11 ttnr•· • • • • • ·, ,. '"' 11 .. I•,, • ( 11 • J>*1 t .. 1I 10 1 1111• ti I' trll' I·• 11 11 •••• J t •I t l••t ,.,, l he r\l1n,..,t l 1,, ,._t,•• ,, • , 111t.t'''', , 1 •J 1 1 •• I 1 · ••· •' .! , , 1·• A , H. liJr y ., .• , r •ii• \dill· i 11. ,, " I • ·, u r,w \\fl•~• tth J ~' \\ \\ tl t, 1.: ,, I I "I In th.-J'I"'"'' \\'"' I ft11...i1,..I 11111 I •tll I ,\I • I'• 11 '" I• Ill h Socond High Score r I ~ 1 II 1111• k 1·hAr lir ltf'JI\' "' lhr e rrc a.d 111f'l11lHt.: \1• q , .• ,.I )1,f 01 ~1 • \A1hf»fP1f\f•f111t 'l 'l)lt tJ•t~ttf Jt l•ttt141t1l1• )a_Al Y""'' Ill ',,, I ' t ' • t'J ''!1 i ,, •• ...... \\ 1·111 I H nhnr 11.i;h !'-1 "'"'I ~ •. 1 I • ... ~ 1 ic,-•ml h lJ.:I 1 _1, ••·r "' I " \\Ill I "' ,, '"" Jt \\ I I I l ' tf'nnt. I I•' • r J 111·•1 t •' \, h"1l\\'"* ''' h1 h \•I •' .11 nrJ\hl" ,., 1 '" \\ ,, , ,. I Vll hl", I·'• I fll~I I t i! (,' ' • •' r r ~·r(frt • I 1 1 t"'nJnn 1"-1 11 T h .. rt It \\ I )ff-t\\ I r" II T h• L'rr·•~'" •, 1 I . ' I \ t •• I •I " I J t .. , • .,.,IA' " ·~ '"' ' .. ,. • I ' h. • ,.. 1 kln~ ~'" r , ., 1 f•. ·· ,. I • h lit nrrr n. h f..., 'I 1U T\\I '' Th1t t •l\lf1t"111f1'1 ti 11tr ught g11n .. I \\Ill countrr \\l'h • r • 1 .. , n11 \11 • 1 • ' I I · ·· .• t \ \\'II Ii 11 ·• 11 J rim nlni;: .. r I ,,,, I' P HI• V.111 IHll t h• 1r 11111' . " I ' I ' II l 'I '' -J• 11 I f ,1. ~ii • I I' ''$i(ilt• 'hi, ....... ,HH ., •• , 1111 ,,, r-•·Ul~ ,,, Ao •l1•1rt1 Halt· , I I I ~ ~h• k• \'I l\tr • 1,11 1;11.t 1'1111 . , ' l' I 1• •f \\, 1 \ \ '·' • " I l \111 • ~( It t I I \oi .,,,. '· , .. • I I 'I T 4 11 "' '•'r\ , ••tt I .:1 n \1 h1,.:h '"' • • • f j I ,. 'I ,,. Benga's _Look for Better · finish in EC This Season I ' 111 •• ,., I I .J,., t \' J' H h,..r rt fnrnr.A Jr3 hri: , f I \ I I \ I " ,, .. r I 1 • .· I• n r· I .... t~· .n .\t11 flnn '• r J~rr'1 f?,. ~n : • Jh 11 f?1 • r .. ,, •• nt 1' 'l Jo\r l \1' r ... 1< '"'I J,,,,," !>-t-· fr•" I :.:,,, ... n.•r" Hrt1 •• r •n f'"•r rsih. 1H ',,.,,rt . 11 \I' r"" .U!U•• , ... ,.,,.Arel 1 ' '' ',. 111 nn f' Sh11n "' -t •. f11\111 '1 1 •t\l•" 1 •11tt'-Ud l :-;•·hi•"'' l'• ~·, 11 ,,, th1• .J\'• Jth(t" A nitrrw \\."\11 fi ' 1 : n• 1 1.J 1h· I 1 • O"),,,, d t .. r t h1 .. JV urr K.•nJa •:n· I H ( ·H! • ' 11 ···•:ri-1 n ,, c 'l t\ •, 11 C1t1.•tl1 " lln 111u.: c:t t111 4'1r· I • f• ! 't ' • 11 ;, ,,. f!1\'' 1 I·· :'''tl/u• ll:u ,, l l\lt f\n1,.:rt n n ~1 I! • 11 ,11 1 ; , ~ , ,,1, t, ·I 1 n i I 1, t ~ •• ~, :1 .• 11 '., ' •• \ ' ,,. ' • ,,. f lf'1 I' lh I, I l·t· '.. •• t11 ''''" fhf" "'l''·•·I ''' 1: r 1 "' r I t 11 J1•• 1•11•' 11111\\""'' llrown. 1·"r l \I " di 1 f I • I • ,..11.-ill 111 I I 11•• 11 Mrkr Ynnktnn Ju<> T ••• r ' ol ill " ,. 1 1·1. \ "· Jt1111q '"'"' AmPdl'n, ~II'\'' I! "'If'\. f, ., I H• I II• Jq Jr "·~ ,,. ll I an J '"" Yon1't OPEN BOWLING All day Monday Thru Friday Startfng at 9:00 a. m. Open All Night Friday & Saturday . Day & Night Bowling Su.ndays VAN'S BOWLING BD...L KLOTZ, :\l~r. Ubtrty 8-3292 • . . ,.,,,, ~nu hi tn•J 1trl\rrio l0<11lni: 1111t••r mrlu•IP r'h tl Hill ... :rn1f' enll Jou k >Jr Af"" l<r n M•I~• Rill .\lurrhy, Brur-r K'l""ll'r, J 1'. K un- •t P J(11•h· l'I••\ r . ''"'"' Orr llev· In l'>tt1h>11 •I n"ld \\' R T11rn,r . ~ The car that'~ $!nin$7 pl11rl"'! w it h th" y ,,11nst i11 IJl':irt t h1• '"" J'rll l' 3 JET STYLING ••• JET ACTION r AND ... th is new Plymouth is easier to bu y than almost any oth er car! "io u 11 h,. 11m 111rn at hnw ra•y it i• tn louv a hrilliant nr w Plvmfluth. 1 ogrthrr "'ith Plymo uth·, low prtr f'. ) our rl,.111,.r r1flrf" a motl,.m financ· ing plan Jhat can ~ IAilorrd t o ht )our burlgrt "11hnut p inching. A~k him Ahout it to<fAx! And "'hilt yo u'r,. thrr,., ht' •ur,. lo try the ntw H y.f ire V-8-with up to 200 hp-from Ph m outh·, nr w $50.000.000 en~ioe plant. It gins you Top Thru~t Al Take-Off 11nd in~tant "Mfety-sprint " a cceleration. ~RS_! l OW-,ltlCE CAil WIT H MAGIC 'USH-IUTTON DRIVING \\ 11h A fmr•r "'' '""' IJ ,.n 1 '""''•n. '"" •rlr1 I"' H t!rH in .. ·'"'"''" ) 1•' 1• fl1rl · i111: • l1~l11 '"'"Ii· '! lir11 l'l1mr111tt1·• f11lh 11111.malor 1·,,,.~1 I !11,. -•orlrf 1 f1H••I 1t1l~1r',. I frAr ... u11••1nn 11k,.1 o~~r It• 111~ "''''"""' "' d r1•1n1 U M. 100 y.a hp 1v1H1blt With PowuPa• In all • llnet -Belwdef•. S..O,. f'lm 11111 ,_.__ Or dloott 187 ho "' ~. lfld s~ """ '" Snoy Ind Pim Unei 70" &et llO Y·I hp. II 70" pttftl Ute MIPlf«ollOmJ of PIJl'llOlllll'a "'-flow I -1110 l >'lllll>le 111 111 4 llnea -you &II 12S hp, 01 IJI hp with Power Pl '- LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH LIBERTY 8-3486 ' ,., ' ,-- READY FOR HOLIDAY FASHION SHOW Mrs J ohn 0 . Pe11 r11ol. r nsla Ml'Ba. model11 fa.,h1on rljt'ht d olhn for th" Hollf\&y FA1<h1nn Show 11laled for Harbor Hou11I' U1la Sund&y at 6 p. rn. -l>on H11.•h Photo Mesa Bus Line Proposal GARDEN GROVE INCORPORATION P~BLIC HEARING SET DEC. 20 SANTA ANA, (OCNS) ·-The county bo&rd ot llUpl'r· viaor1 will Mid a public hearln&' at 2:30 p. m. Dec. 20 Oii a propo1al to tonn I.he 11xlh da.u clty ot Garden Grow. Purpoee of the hearln( I.I t.o allow lhoee who w!ah to be txcludf<tt from th• approllimately 12-.qu&N mile clt,y to voice obJ~tlon.a to lnclu.1I01t. The <'lty w ould have appr<>xim&UIJ I0,000 tnh&bitant.a. A move to Incorporate Garden a,_. -.. y-.. t..u.cs S>y nearly 400 ballot.a. Can She Bake ChetTJ Pie? Local Girls to Rnd Out There are many path• that rotlly Paulaon, l:dlaon Company lead to rame. but local young-Home Economlat. Contelrt.Ulta 11lt>n will be rtven an opportunl· muat be unmurled and between ty lo take a "ple-wey" to fame the area of 14 and 21, and a rnern- by entulng th,. cherry pie bak· bcr of a local echool or youth In~ <'Onte11t bf>ing 11p0naored by group. Each 11chool or l"'oUP ll the ~allonal Red CherTy lnatl· limited to one entry. lUll', Chicago. MrL Dorothy Paulaon e.rp1-lnad MEWPORT HAr.co~ r1EWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE l FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 2, 1955 After December I st JOE ROUDOT Formerly of Tliie Arcl;ea New· Owner-Manager ROSSI'S CAFE 2325 South Coast Hwy. Corona del Mer I Wlnnl'r of lhe loc11I ronteat w\11 lh• local conteat wm be held at repreaent her home· town In a Newport ~rbor U a Ion Hlfh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5~5~~~~~55~• St11te • wldt> baking !'Onlest lo be School on Dec. 9, 19~. ContMt· r LEA VE rr TO MARINES ~ Sailor Wilbur G. Ma- guire, Storekeeper First Class. El Toro Marine Corps 'Air Station. practicee with a speedreading device. Maguire recently completed a two-hours a day, two weeks apeedreading course under the tutelage of Will&rd A. Long (above), Rtation Industrial Relations training superintendent. His reading speed was 430 word.e per mlnte before taking the course. Now he can read 5786 words per minute with an 87 per cent retention average. -Official USMC Photo FUP PAGE, HE'S THROUGH! hl'lrt al the General Electric Com anla from Lacuna Beach Union rany'11 Loa Angele. Tttl Kitchen. High School, Everett A. Rea in Janu11ry. 19!'16. Slate w111ner School, Coeta Mea., and N9Wl'0rt will reprrunt Callfom la at the Harbor Union Hlrh School ha•· National Conte&t m Chicago, Feb. Ing won the ript to reprdf>nt 21, J 9~S. their own ecbool wilJ partl.clpate. C'O:OO."TEST 8llrl:llVl 80R .. W inner of thl1 contut. ln addl· CharlP1 D. ShtM!enhelm Dia:rlct Uon to repreaentJnr her home· Man11sl'r. Mid the conteet will be town In the State -. wide ba'klnl' under the aupervi1lon of Mrs. Do· contest, will receive a prlu of a ~neral Electric portable mixer, None or M•l'\Jlrt'• cl&a11ma te• donated by Lldo Electric Com- came close to his a ccomplish· pany. Equtpment for b&Jllng the mente, but all lhowed df'flnlte Im· plea, and aU lnrr-cilenta to be provement In reading apeed. The uted by oont.Ntanta wm be t um - next hlghut apeed lncreaae wu lahed free ot charge, howevet, by a woman w ho jum~d from conte•tanta may, brine 1pecial or 3~0 word• p1>r minute to 93~. favorite worldnr equipment, iuch Lowe•l IJM'td lncreue In the claall u pie -pana, lf dealred. w111 •O per cent. LOCAL J UDGES Thl11 wu the flnl tJme the Ma)'W Dora Hill, Marian Pren· two-Mura a day 11peedr eadlng tlaa, <>ranee County Hom e Advt- MARINE AIR STA TJON. EL officer. ""11rse was conducted llt El Toro. aor, Aplcultural Exten1Jon 8er- TORO, C•n you rt'lld four Maguire went Into thr roursf' but according to lndualr1al !«la-vice of CallfornJa, and Pauline novele-about 320.000 words ln wllh the reuhng ~pee<I of ~30 I tlOM training iuperlnlendl'nt WU-ltllker. Director ot Horne Econo-words pf'r minut1> and boostetl It llam A. Long, who t'ondU<'led the mlc1 ot the Southern Calitomla Sailor at Air Station Really Rockets Through His Reading lea• than an hour? lo ~78~ word11 for an lnere1111e of ('nunw. future claa1e1 are belnf Edi80P Co1 will Judge the conlut. Sailor W I I b u r G. Ma.:u1re 1123 pt>r <'t>nL An 87 pt>r Cf'nt re· j planned. The next IM! .. lon 11 •lat· 8oUV9111P "!Uddy Kiiowatt" ap 8 k Fl l Cl lh ;,>\! to be(ln Jan. II. • tc re eeper n1 ass. Ill I' tenllon rate w.ts al!IO r e,·mokd on ... ,. rona wm be given tach contut· afar LODel A.MD llSTA.UIAMT SBOWPIACE OF TIU: 0048T Every Night Old Fashioned Chuck Wagon Dinner Thwsclays AU you cu eat $1.95 Special Sunday Buffet Cloeed WednHday .lut Soatb of Lap..na HYatt Navy Supply unit of the Merine M I • e think lhll la a gnat thJnc Corp• Air Station. El Toro l'an aguire. Thi' avera~e peMJon and we pl&n to enluge our p~ 'Ult. ~ll. ~~~ul~~~s am1~~.pam:·~,~~. ~;~~;~~;~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ 10-"'Et:K ('ot'Rl'4E ·=====~~~~==~~~=~!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!ii f M Bf'llrt"ll teat 1~ the ru11ll of a 1 .. n.week 11peedre1dinlt' 1'0"~ offf'retl by F.I Toro lnd118ln1tl RC?· latlonl< tor r1v1h11n f mp:uyf'•>11 And aerv1t:f'mtn. <.'erl1f1c:atea of t·uurM <'Ompltllun "'"'e rt'l't'ntlv prl'A"nt· "" to Marulr~ 11nt1 I~ othrr 111<•m· bt>rs o.t the rlt1u by MaJor· H E. Nel!IOn, lndu1tr1al •Rcl11tion• For 11111'1 ~rilltlfts f9r •••ra111 slllp,... lllA ~~lt~Gl-ft ~te .. NOW SHOWING AL.DO RAV Now Under Council Study .._11 Dk'k \ ork TOASTMASIER PllEllATIC THSTEI -.... ..... In A pro~\ hy two Loll AnR"lu I The t'ouncil 11eem"'1 more In c...,.,.1 County men to e .. tAbll"h a r ""'" r11vr1 r nf lllf' bus hn" lllll?lt"•tlon I Mua bus lin" w ith r1111tr11 '" R.,1-0111 a1<i.I th,.v w11nt,.<1 to welt tnr boa llll11nd. H11n\1ri1o:ton R••1u h t1n•I , lo i.:111 np1n1 l'ln H utchinr•nn ionrt "Tllree Stripes in the Sun" lA4I An..:el<'•, w1111 rrl''""nt•·•I '" ~1111th w .. re M llll!ied wllh lhi~ I the ro,.1.11 MrM rllV l'l•Unf'll ""'' H11l1 hlllfOn 11g1un llllkf'ol f11r 21 Thi' Cit)' fKlhtr• rf'fl'fTl'•I th .. p roJl<'a&I to C1l\' Allor nl'y lJ1111 ml'11 h.1nt •ubaul}' "•"•n.r: , Y1111 "111 lll'\'l'r Kt'l a l'Arnf'r IP rnml' Dungan fur atudy, 111 .... ,., with s:io 000 10 '"""'l In I Th& bua o~ratnu, l>t\\'trl K t h" tint ~tmr w1lhoul th,. m• • · Hutr htn:<un of Wh11t1".'" And U J , hllr•I~ h.-lp · Smith of South Rl\.ll v tJbllrl, t•rf'· Thi• a ppt11·ant11 sa id tltry h•f1 vloualy h11d pre«••ntl'fl th1·1r 1ol1•n I Nllf\"'''"'' lh,. coata .Me•& arl'a ••I bfo.fnre lhl' frn·RI ~h11mh• r "' "'•Ill· 11111~ ,,. 11,.,. \'PA r~ """ 1111,1 hn., rntrce. Jl w11" not ¥>h••lt·he,.•t• II\' orm•1•I"'"'' ~1 1111111~" lln,. t w o &<'<'ept:':J b,1• lhal .r:r1111p \\huh ,11o1 "·~ic ".I!" until 11n•llht'I ,.,.,,1.-r • not di pprove 11 .,,..,, lh"m tn lh• I'""' I\ · Tl\1.11 1 11111 .. hll N 111nr .. ~nnf' Olli nr "P"lll I tQii\1 STARTS t~IDAl. LOVE OD VIOLENCE! He fougM to -in ~ love of a beovtifvl girl -f~ onolher man! I 111111 lntrodu<'lnr Mlhuk& Kimura "Ctee1ture with The Atom Brain" !'>tarrlnc IUl'hard 0.-nnlni E n ·ry Saturday Night Billy Arthur'1 Orchestra .................. ~WdfwSaift'a Quentin Durward ••0..-111 .. w••- ,._ROBERJ TAYLOR UY IOIUT IEIOALL • ttO_llEt f'rank I-''' r ju' T,.rr,· \lnnr.- "Shaclc oul On 101" START~ St:XT w1m. ''"' "Fort Yuma'' Puhlic ln,·it<'<I .)4)(-IH"r [H'r!On :'\('n port Harhor lRRion Hall l."h St. at Ra~ t'ront HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Now Available at the NEW HUNTINGTON INN I ROOM & BOARD , ....... , $25.~l l.t:~tncton fl. l'!llll NOW SHOWING ENDS TUES. JOANN£ ORu . DOROTHY ~ • ALEX Nm Al.t• t 'R \' k I.Cl\ .... l<ff In "THY. {"ROOKED WJ.:ft" Kid'• 'tat. !'>IOI. I :•I.\ ""rHA:oo;TOM noM ~PA<"T." STARTI' NEXT WEDNESDAY PR I VAT• -..JUNC!U .. • o~ ON• Move• ~TAR ..... ~ .... -:-..:.-:.- -----~()(l('IS __ ..__....,.....,. __ _ Amo "8088\' WARE 18 111881NG" ••• 2.1uc1 ........... ···'-...... -··"' ..... ., ...... . -·-.......... ,ret ... tt-eU J .. , ...... . ............. -. ..... _ .... _ --~ .... .__ ..... 0 ..... ..__ ......... (_ .. .,......, ...... e•-... ,.,_,.... .............. ----.... ---..... 1 1 .. , .... , ......... ...... ...._ __.._ ..... I ON\Y I!: ....... ...., J s29.ts -TOICI sn .. IAYI ., ... ,,_ & Oeder flXKIT .......... 11 ...._, l(·lnd> *ID, ._. llJld uy, 7 bl.._ ~ -....cl. t-li.lnc '*'· 3 -.d\Af dlta, poiw.., ped ............. •t-1. ..... ...,,,.,.,, arbor, pa.int _,_. a.ad ....i ...._ Maka 1001 b-;obe .-,1 ""' ......... __ ... ,, ..... .. -·· ... --....... , .. '· ....... '" ....... .l'....-...-.. ~39 .. _ . ..._._. ,......,___._. . .. NO-SHOCK TOOLS Peff.ct ..... * "' .. saaodi~ aoc&IT t-h, ind n.aiMe .. a ora1l •11 . T alt•llf .ced tbah, ao .. u, c.w-.,.. --i.... •mter GtFTI ,,... ,,,., , . ..,. fl• ....... •-f•W CJwf-.... .... ••4 , ..... ,.1_ .. _,_ ... ....... ............ c-.. .....,..---1 :-4..:!. '"=:-'..;.;; KEN D~ l L . ......... ...._ ~.!.m!::~ ......... ·-1 :me ~-•'Z!!. llllYIAll ~ ... . . ................. , .... .. ..... a,-. ....... .. ...,._ ........... .. ::..~ .. ,. .. .. T eke edvente9• of Our Xme1 Lay-Away Plan--A Smell Depotft will hold your 1election 1til leter,. Hundredl of additional gift. for men -womc aD4 b ltae home We offer attncti'fe gift wrapptnc · \ .. PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1955 I SUIT AGAINST SUNSET OIL FILED BY PROPERTY OWNERS SA~TA A ~A . 10C':'\S1 Charging brta<'h of contract. Wlnifl'\"d M. Bra.m11 uno\ C'orlnn1• \' raup N ov 2::> fl\ed au1l 10 Superior Court ho•rf' agu1nst tlw su naet 0 11 co. Morton Ster· hnf .' M. L. F rifdmlll'I. Ji.111~:< \\hit .. and Lhe Jamu White 0 11 Co. Th• pl1111L1ft11 d1u m t h• d~I• ndunta agrt'ed to give Ult m one-fifth ot t he profit i.:1rn1<'<I from oil product.Jon on thr1r land. 21~ 9th St , Hunt1ngt11n Btllt'h, Howt\'~r. art'e>rd1ng t o th,. phunt1ff•. lht defendanta have failed to lt\'t up lo th1•1r •'nd •If the ba rgain. They cl&Jm no- t hlnc has been paid by the 1lt fl'ndant1, a lthou&h they auert- edly are operating & produ<'lng well. J' Army Training Program for High School Seniors Told hnnt)'. °" ''bctMI.,. .,,..... AU lnlel"Mted .,.,_. are .,.._ com• to alttnd. Moftroe Girt La~ Enforcement Officers to Join Toastmasters Meet Mr. an<t Ml'9. l:Vl'l'ftt Mon-ro•. 718 Jumlne Ave., Corona Hubbard Rk htn. pre•1dent of Beach Pollot' departmtnt. L ,.,. dtl Mar, are the parenta of a tl)e Harbor Toutmu tn Club. an·' La•tu . chairman C1f 8 ·0 Day in clrl baby, bom Nov. 24 ln Hoac nounced that at 7 p. m on Dec. j COlll& Mua: Arthur McKenz1r. Hoepll4J. chicC o< police, Coit& Mea and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I , at Newport Harbor Yacht Club n esn Pollom. lnveetliator, Cocta " lbt Toartmuten would prue~nt a M•aa Poll~ dtpartmenL BE SURE • INSURE future pro&TAm ~fOl'f 1evera1 j Future 1~ra tor lb.at even· I .,. .. iuuta from t1w enforcement me will be RJcll Cochran. on MAUlU<'E KTANL&l' agencllts In th1~ atM. · "0 1 lnkllll and Drl'Qnl'': Bob 1 IDMraacoe o.lJ' R1C'ht,.r rornmtnted that whllP Johnicn, on "Safety O&y Pro· 1 aarr:-c'!::°ft.!t~ Toutmaattr11 IA p r I m a r 11 y • gnmmlnc": P"?'fd Elli•. on "Dey Coroaa de& l(it.r speech and alimln11trallve t ra in·, :a;n~d~N~l«~h~t~A~c;cl~d~•;nll;;;;"~and~~J~ac~k~t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ '"' or,anlu tlon. there al'f many r lJmfl when the collec ted vitw · pomll or their peoplt can be uaeJ towarJ ad v an c I n c community proJecll. FACTORY CLOSE OUTS s..o11e "N" stp H " Bouct ee..-a. . Smoldllg Standa Tripod tt.irulat wwtat1 CRAIB SIDE TABLES 9.95 Spedal 4.95 a.a-. U6 8,.,eW tu1 Dbcontbauecl aad factory eeconde S·D Day and the aafe drivlns theme 11 very ptrt1nent to tblll community and tht 1peaker1 tor that evening have c11rt'rled much rl'sea r('h an c1 preparation Into An mttnslve cam pa ign l<P ll<'· to dU!rharge an lmpos!'<I o bligation con.st ructin 1u1gu tlon1 to t.ht quaint high schoul senlurs 111 Or· I of eight ye11n1 of se rvice m the guP~lA toward makln,-t he Mfr ange County w1th opportumt1es Army. New p eovlalon• ptrm1t the 11· l".'tnc campaign a 1ucceutul contained 111 lhe na tion's new Ann· young-man t o train with a Ready one. I WI.re Ii Wrought lroa eha1n -Tablee -DMka Bar Stoola, etc. at.._ thu wbolMUe THINLINE MANUFACTURING CO. ed l'"orc:H R<>Berve Ad 1s being l\t>serve unit In the count y t.nd I m·inl\ the l(U•t.s Invited a.re 51% • SOtb St.., Newport BMcb ~·~~by Sixth Anny ottlce~ 111 latu -aRer ~aduatlon-~ke ~x ~H~~~~~~c~e~.~u~p~t&~~~o~f~N~~~~~rt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Santa Ana, ll wu announced t<)· months ot tu·t1 \'f training. The - -- day. f1r11t eig ht ""'eka or aNlvt training A progra m of lnfor mallon will will be Bl Fort Ord, to bt followtd be brought to each high school 111 by two wel'kll IO \'f'. the communit y Through It, boys Following tht six months duly he l i to 18•1 yt>ars or age will learn can return to his "home t own" unit how they c111 fult11l their nulltan · fl)r th!' balance ot resen·e training obligation under th• new law with' fnr which ht 11 obligated. a 1mn1mum d111ruptlo1\ to colltg f' or c1v11ia.n plarut. ' SATIOSAL !'\COl't: MaJor George B Hafeman. Army Advlaor tor Ora.nge County Re· een 'e organizations. 8llid q1ts week that a 111mllar can1pa1Jrn to lntrre8t the nation's yootn 111 1111lltsry 1er· vice \\111 be l'onducled throughout the nullon. I ~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;~~ Llt<·ally 1l nwans that Army If· presrnU.ll Ve& Will a ppcur bdorl' I t!:========~====::1 high •chool Mst rnbllf'• <it 17·18 12 I which a 1tuJenL C"an fimah htS high H'i l•nd" Say Merry X01as with Gilts lrom Santa Ana Tent & Awning Gilts lor the Home ... Gitt.a that offer l.&lting beauty • • • Lutinc pleuure and years of Hlllrice. year old• to detail the· plan umh•r I • ~orona school al Lhe same t ime he 111art11 I u • I A mo•t unu11u4l home through thf' •hops t or nat1v•· J 1>1.11 ma. tplwi maid'• DIGNITARIES WELCOME SAMMY ~EE AT ANAHEIM Senator Thomas Kuchel, left.. W)ltches a.s Congresamt.n James B. Ut t, right, g~ta Olympic dtving champion Samfny Lee u Mrs. Lee and Herbert Perry, Anaheim Chambt>r of Commerce preeldent, look on. With Superior Judge John Shea as master of ceremonies, Lee received a royal welcome from Anaheim and county ('t\'ll' lt·aders. The wellknown Lee ·will apeak at Newport-Balboa Rotary Club meet- ing 111 \'ilia Marina Restaurant Tuesday at 6 :30 p. m. -OCNS Photo madt lealhel' or 111lvu arl1cln room 1 3 btltha. Lov•- and lmporll'd llOUVl'nlrll. I ly play room w ith They a11tO haJ opportunity to h r•pla• 11 3QQ fl' lot Vllll lhe "Plymouth Rock or the 1 .>'"8· 300' I with un- Wpat Cout." or Point Loma. obstructed YI~. Ut · IOµUlweatemmoat polnl ot the llgned tor good 11v1n1 United Stat.u. where Ule U. s. Prlcrd to H ll Deputmenl of \ h • lnlerior'1 ..... C•al•l-lla•rf>t>-.r-ltoO••ilillili .unan..t natJonal monument 11 &o-;::======;;:;;===;;=. ------ Harbor Boosts T oW by Miller at Convention SAN DIF.00 (SPECIAl.1 Tht Nl'wpor t Bcu·h area I• at t1.11 t· tnc naU01tal attention u t l1«' rr· •ult at Ill potential• 1u 1 " y1u hi ba~ln a nt\ ""'8Pfl. Al'Nml11ig to Kvyotl C' Miller A lll"m l;.•r uf lilt boarJ ot KOVtrnut1, 81\lh<>A U11y Club, and owner ot \JI• Town Hou•I', OA.llu , a mot•l·bOlf'I "l h•ve hr artl mllny f1nf' re· por I~ t rom var 1m11' r• rt JI nf t hi' ' n•llun , a nti al~u rrom people "'ho j re~larly v I• I l th,. ~t"' p<irt ca ted. Thia Is the Cabrillo NallonaJ Monuml'nt, only 14 ar re In al%t an d nllmtd tor J uan Rodniuu I C~brlllo, P or\ugutae explortr In lhe ••rvlce ot Spa ll\ who b4"ratn• the flrat whit e man to ael toot I on whl\l nnw t11 Calttnrnla -1 F• fast pain nief . -I 25c Bea ,h 911'1 t•·.,111 •llni; thlJ1 la• l' ~ M1ll~r a 111Pnlbf'r ut lltl' bo41,N Of ~ tllr .. • lu1a ut M .. I• r H ,,,,. Mid BUFF 11urin~ th .. ''' ._,,,,,~ •tlttn • 11 .. tlunal Ell II, c11nv,.ntll•n In !ia n DI• gu, Nov. 27· 30 Y1u·ht1mtn "v"r''Wh .. re •V tt • t hllt thll ar"A utf~I • the Ullllllall' twice as fast 111 llHlll • .. \ t .. lht t01HI anJ •Ufl\1·r11t01•· tu It " '••hb an " 1h1 11o11H nt1un 11ttr.11tf'J Mlll"ul • • I llKI uf 11,,. nalwn 1 tor hol"t 1110 as asp1nn. t••I and 1.11\omubll• ... .,. ltilt . '" tll fl• Ul t\'•._ •n'I lttf:'ll ¥.. aVf'• ~ I •1 I• 1Cl<tf• l"Ull'•I 1'1J1JaJlll Rll)I - • ..... ,.. ·-·-· l'11hfu1 n1a. M"it~"<I, wtlf'r~ t h")' LEE'S PHARMACY Wee~ra J1yu BICYCLES 01 .... r Modi-I• rrum TOYS at''°"· I n" f'rl,..... West9m Auto Stlppfy J "-'6 S f'Wport Blvd. I FIR!PLACE 5m Screens Andirons fireaeh . Lo9 GratH Wood Baskets Bellows Brooms Swedish Imported Matches Fireplace Crystals Dinette Teble & Chairs Ice Creem Table & Chain Ban and B•r Stools Tea Wagons Serving Carts Desks Card Tables and Chairs TV Trey• Petio L.mp• Magazine Racki Waste Beskeh Telephone Stand a Cendelebre Bird CegH Lemp a Trivets Meil BoxH Butter Wermers MISCELLANEOUS GIFTS Onion Poh ..... Garlic Poh Seit & Pepper& Napkin Holder& Ash Tray' Well Planters .Candles -Bud Vases Coasters Pepper Mills Nut DishH Canister Sets . Jam Sets Craclcer Dishes Baskets W ind Chime& lanterns tOecoraUve1 Piece Mah {lm pon.dJ Folding Fans -Ta bis Food Covert Cups & Saucers SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING 1626 So. Maht St., Saitta A11a PllOH Kl 2·3545 t•~t: OEf.f\'F.Kt' Ol'f::IO F.\'P:W\' l'\IOHT "fl L t 'Tll. lOfA~ ~l't. \hHW Ot' ~t:w1•0RT -Royal C. Miller. ri ght. m"mbt•r. board uf gun'rttO rs, Ba lboa Bay Club, am! II\\ llPI" or t ht> Tuwn Houl'C motor Hotel, OnJlu. hfl'I ~ rnl k with Edwm lJ. IJt>lanry. owner of We11tem \'11· lll~t' m<1\nr h oltl. PhO<'mX . durmg break in nat1nnsl l'unventwn prucct.odtngs of the Master Hoel11 in San Uiego. -FranclJll News It Photo Bureau h••I a rh11nr l' In '"" dor; 1•r h"r"4' BaJboa Island 1 "' 11 ic b--t on thl' an1•lt nt B11JW)11" ~1..,.,. ,.f _J••_1 ~i.11 _ 1~tJ 11~t:ro:•'''.'._~~~2~Ma~ri~D~e~~l~la.~r~l~)()~r~3~1~6X~J:===========~hl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ta Mt'"'A LI R-?il 1 ~; =-==· . m~e ---~--... _, t Cai tmmtn Visit Our Piaho Lounge Closed Mondays (during December) NOW! ~-'B~n: ••&-ninR Orup Ooa.nty 8'Doe 1918" 11 opt"raHar lht1 fontlf'r c-Pura ~ a DTY C1Mnn • llOO Wnt C"OMC HJrb .. -a7 1Acroae trvm•nw Be7 C1•bl ~--port~ NOW OPEN Drive In \ For Convenient end Complete Dry Cleanin9 and laundering Service I I 00 W,. COAST HIG~WA Y. ------------_____ ... .. Presenting -. t-he Continental 0 I 600 A TIEHD CD MEETING AT HARBOR HIGH AUDITORIUM GIRl. SHE BEFRIENOS TAKES WATCH, CASH TODA Y'S N. Ye STOCK REPORT .& COMMENT NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1955 Approiclm11tf'h' GOO I'"'· 1111, "t-1·1111•'"' • "" r1 om :"cw port Bearh tendtd a ,,_..1 ""'~" , 1w, 11111: '" I 1 .. !II" M• "11 r1v11 d"'""'" of· In l'l'Wp<orl It 11h• 1 l'lll••n 1111 h r1111sl~ lno n1bt'ri1 uf th~ C.r<>u nd School 11ud1\111 111to :.loond11\ 111 111 J (JI'"' rv,.rs C'"ll"· 1'-TA anJ Other The pro111>1n\ 111 d1.11~"' "1 I: J ] '"'' 11·~l·"I 1'"1"un::<. Morris. 11 ~u.lJ11t •111 • • ', 1 • r • .1 1J I · J •I" I ell•l•·s ur tho· N1•w M~lll· dtfen~e 1n f >t•\1\).•· < .u.H' \\ >-ft, i,. :~i t11t< '•"·h• \\•'t•• ~hn"u C11un· the poq"''' , t a•" -111 ~ 111 • ·I 1' S111u 111l.r1ol nt vi Sch11ola l..Jn· In CIVIi olrf1•11~,. 11 .. 111 lhf' •r hoool '"" ~inmv.n• Al~11 "J"'kP High •lancfr,,1111 ,. h• I 111 •n• 1p 1 I J11• H 1mblo't pre· COUNTY STARTS NEW VACCINE INOCULATIONS Be.tnendlnf a younr rtrl, .eemlnc ln dl1tre1111, proved to be a ca1Uy cuture tor Mra. France.. We.terdahJ, 223 E. Bay Front, Monday Lflernoon. She told Newport Beach police ahe picked up th• 17· yur·old firl known to hrr only u Nelda, took br r horn" 1tnd fed her. [Ater 1he left the girl alone In Ute hOUM and conlaC'ted police to IN'e It •he wu a runaway. However wht-n ahe returned lo her home, ahe told ot fl· Ct'rl. lhe found the &lrl WU gone. M.ieatnf &t the l&me UJne Wt re a 17 •jewel lady' a Wrll l W&lCh VaJUed al 170 &nd $2• in cuh. Mrs. We11ttrdahl dl11covertd the teenager h.a.d alM> made two lonr dletance telephone calla on her phone to Oakla.nd. Orange CHP Division Favorable Inspection Gets by Brass ORANGE. iOC:-ISI -Th .. 43· service revolver •nd ronclltfon or h nurn Ora njl'e D1vis1on of Califor· j equipment. The Oronge D1v1111on Allhou<>h 011in1:" ('01111tv will r 1111 1•··1 11111 lid" month lhroug l ( " · I n1R Hh•hw8.V lHttrol unrlerwent an recelvrd a sat s iH'lnr.v rating. cm· n1r1ve bac k 1n111 ». tull ol" 11• ,t Sp1·111~• 1\u 1111111• U a\10111s ,. an11111tl inspecttun .Monday a t Or· ly rating. olhtr than unsat1sf:Jc· Sulk v11<·r111e 111ui:1arn """'' " ., k. ,,,,. ,, h••tlu!.ot hl'n' until .11111 I h 1 l SI nn;''' city ball p111 k , cunductt'J by tory, given. . )Jllncipallv '' 1 flt'"' "1'"" ul -.,, • 111'" "1" <' P" "1"' 011 Oi\'l::o11111 Inspector R A. Schmoke Aiding In tht' ln~rect1on wt>tt C'••ttilni;: to 1-; L Hu:<ll• II, h• .. 1 "' Jnu .. " So h"ul \\ill • ''' hllv(• ~huts H be \\' :-.; 11 d 'ho C1111ntv lfr •. llU1 11o 11,1. '"'nl.,1111 J.m . I. l ••u11ty utr11:1al1 un· or 81111 Olegc,, Capt. ~r rl .. It . romman . ' Sr hmoke l'Olllfllllnds Olsll'ir t 13, C'r of th<' Oruni:.. D1vlslon. and 1't>wpol'l Ha1b11r 11r··11 ~"'1''"1 ' 11 111 '1"11'1''" whuh 111cludt1s Ornngf', San Diego Sgt. J11y Hokomb. nr•~ b•• .. 1r .. , It'd uni I .1.11111111' 111 11 ..... cr .... ~ 11( F:veretl A R1•11, 81111 Imperial Cuuntif•ll. F ,.hn1><1" 111 n. xl ) •• 11 111•• 11111• l'•lf'nt or Costa Me 11 a Th•• local aquad was ln!'pl'rted · Sllf'I I( .. •• ,, I"' 1 •• II .. , '· "' .~. hH•tb sal•I f ll lll <)( thl' CUrtf'nt ror appearance, condltton or the Morton Asks Jury P"l l 11 ... 1. h lo,lt·u ... 11• 'I\ !'i• 1i .... 1 >I r II'• or polio "hota will bt' glvl'n ...... loat , ... llllre Lut-. 110 Htll 8t.. told polJce that about 1:10 p. m.. Bun· ~be dlaco;aed Im lJ.ft.. tiome-NEW YORK NOON COMMENT ava.ltable la a cenerou. I .I per made Ail Doat wu mJalnc trom COMPILED BY B. C. OARSlDIC. cent. M&na.Cfmmt la qUlte conn. It. dOC'k a t Utll St. and River DEAN WITTER CO -The pattern dent of rood eamfJIC-satn. .!':_ AW. It WU nlued at ITS. · 1960. All confidence retuni.e to .... ot highly •s>eclallaed bu)'inc con· ft'OUP we feel that yield.I aY&Uable tlnuea u protlt t.&JtJnc In the pre-wm a ttra.ct conUa\1*1 tn,,.tment vlowi leaden la abeorbed. tund& Drop provided the main Inter-4 CODUm.194 lnte....t b ntct.nt ut with vlrtut.Ily all unite partt. In Kop1*'9, whJch bu recovered clpattnc. Merck wu the volume to within euy •trUdnc dle.t.ance o.f leader although good Saine were Ile former hlch. In view or th• 4.1--Trallen 1cored by Scherlng. Charlee Pfl&· &TO~ Importance ol chemJcaJ --------------Abbott Laboratorlea and Nor-producUone to total ee.rntnp. we 19M-Thlrty·nye tt. 2 bdnn. Of>. :;·cb Phumacal Company, among feel tbl• l•u• bu a further trotter, awninl'. auto. heat, a.Ir others. The latter rerlected new potential and le N!uon&bly priced conditioner. Other utru. P rice drug development potent.llW. at curttnt levrle. S2.9110 LI 8-0UT 39c41 On the reactJonary •Ide Katy prdl'rred aold off following nl!WI ot the e1<c1tange offer while Na· llonal Supply declined on the de· clarallon ot the usual dlvtdend. TOBACCO Rl~ES R.J. R eynoldll and American To- bat<'O broke through Into new high i; round rl'flecl Ing comments In the Wall Street J ournal to the ettect I hat bnth are rri;"ardrcJ 11.11 good t•andld&t<'SI f11r a un·11lend lnno>BSI\' Phillip Morris r~spondl'd "ilh thl' group Md offerR an Interesting rerovery pott'nllal 11lnce t he yield PROFIT·TA.IUNO The drag or profit t&Xlng t. not •3-A-Apta. for Beat likely to allow the market to break uut or It• coneolidaUon phaae to. day. Meanwhile we feel that lndlvl· Julll trpeclaJI lei WlU provide the main lntt'THL FURN. 1 bedroom up•talrs, gar· age, TV, P.rbafe dh1p0saJ. Win· ter rental $40-CU, Wale"!' pllld~ Balboa. nl'&r bua and •tt•r•'A. Har. 3t21 3\k~2 Dow lmaH 1 p.m. Avr racee ~7-Real Estate Wanted JO In dust rial• ............ 480.41 oft .98 20 Rail• .. ............. 164.94 off .34 1!) t:t llltlca ...... .'.... 65 77 off .07 Uo"' J one-a 1 p.m. \'nlumf' 1.160,000 I Need Listings Xf'w Voric I p.m. ~tock Pri~ Many buyers coming hf'r·r !rum American Telephone ........... J8t% rny office In San .Man no l<l Anaconda ........... _. __ ............... 1oa_. escape the smog. W1< will ~i\·e Chrysler .................................... 93~ your llstlni; personal 111 I <'1\1 "'" DuPont ..................... _ ...... -....... 224 und IM'rvictt you h&VI' a r1f:111 to 1~eneral El~<'trlc ......... _ .... -......... :55 PX!:w>CL Alao mC'mber oC l ht' Gi!ner&J Molora ···-·· ................. 47 I !lfulllple Ll1Ung Board. I J.J1Htr1u :oa1t1 ttw !',. .. .._, •111 1" " '" 1.·ostA ~fr~ at the H arper M B •id• Trial for Checks ltJflg' • r8n~1• a((llll wl,10 h "'Iii h1• ·"' l•ool Ult Feb 2-4 e ng B<><·~hl llh"t~ will also bt' l(W• sa UI I SA~TA A~A . (('\C~SI A N'll"· MESA DRAINAGE CHILD'S DEATH lf'n nt that ttmt-. cOmblnl'<I w ith C'<I oC p11Mm~ a ""rthless $21 H lh' rl'gul11r inn11c11lat1on program p •t T rht'd< 1n ~e" pt.•t t B1·al'l1, Holland for whnopini: C'rmi;h. •hpthl·ria and erm1 s op c'arl Mct1 lnn. ;14 l2tl', l:?nd !it.. Coattnued from rin& Pare C11ntlnu1·tl rrom rl"'I r•ar" 11111allpux CoNta l\I c e 11 s1·hools .:"ewport Bt•itr h. !\'.ov :l:'i plca•led erty. Thie \nil enable roni1truc· The '''~ w ..... llll'n 1u1 nc-d O\'er hliY<' atlrt>afly g1Vl'n two P n Ii 0 $9 M•tt• 1nnoct'nl 11nrl 8.llk"d tor a jury lion work to start about the r1rst t1o Ur Ray111onrl Ur.milt. lf)Unty shOtll earlier tlllll year. I ion trilll or thf' yC'ar on the 315-home Col· 11 "•Pl<Y 11uri;ron I Th,.. count\' h1 .. d1h ortirt'r Mid Su11,rior r ourt J udge J ohn Shi'& lege Pa.rk tract on 70 anes llOuth The autop!IY "'l\S 1, ""' 1 !'ol hl'lf1 mori> lh1111 :l!l tlOU 11"1"'" of t h ' "latPd Mortnn'i. trial for 9.30 a.m. ot the college betwt'f'n Harbor on the aftl.'rn•lon ut th .. it1sy tllr Snlk '111"1 1111· will '"' 11..Smrnl•ll'red Evrtluat1on or ctty bulldini:; per-Deoi· lfl Blvd. and Fa.!rhaven Rd. C'hll•I <lied. 111 E L ltll,.;oi•ll, 1111rn. to k11111 .. 1p11 l"ll 111iot flr,l i;rnd('rs mlt14 1111ued In Coat.a MN& !u1 the Jn 1 ustndL tht> d~fer1dant ls Swartz aa.ld Uli• wiU a leo auto- h l"h (fi. . 1 111 !Arin I over lhf' l lt'l• lflber-June "r>an. year lo datR topp1'<1 thf' $9 n11lhon charJ:ell with pr1i:.,111g lhe bad matically clear up dralnatge pro· l y l'&. • CJ < f'r. "·"' ' ' • • th N 1 .. i;iuil testi1 wt>rP matll' nn the Hl' 11a1d bt'I w1·1•n ) i 000 Rn.I 18.-mark with 1nclusion oC l' • ~°" check In Hl'nhnc"i< sportsw<'ar blems which beset the 200·acre 1,,, Iv hv hlll otriu• The hr!lllh 1 h1.,t 000 11t11•t .. n1~ 1110• 1•xp<'lll'•I tu take vember construC'tion t otal of $4\I • • ~hop, Balboa. OC't. '.!:! The ddf'n· trnct or the Roven·Splrtrel Con· 8111ic-a "Our tt'Slll ahu...,.,J IHl rvi· hhOtN Thi• 1111101<ul11t1on 11rui;ranr 1103. Building O(flclal A. J . Voltz d11nt wu repre11rn1t·ol ll)day by strul'llon Co. located jul!t south o r "' 111 tl or pnt'lllTlun18 ur ni;l'htxra. 1,n t h•• rto11nty "1trlll'r llm• ·''""r rr porte<J the Yf'llr 1J tnla.l al $0.· Public Der1·ntler l'\1 r k 1'1<'\'l'r. the Colli'ge Park 11ubdlvl11lon. This Tlc"f""1111 nnno•g1Nt nr ..:r o~s•·un·l "ow 11p11iux1111111«'IV 111u011 dul· 3l~fl4I <·omparl'~ to !~e iuunurn 1 D.C'rl'age lllllO must drutn 11\lrth :'>!My Co. . . . . 4 11~ C H. LATHROP. 3630" E. t'tiru.t :'\t'w York Centr&l .... .. ...... t :5'6 Hwy., C'oronl\ d"I J.lar. Her !IH2 I :\'orlh American Aviation ...... 7:Si., Eves Har. 5680 3!1<'11 ~llfeway .. . ..... -.... -............. 6312 So. CaJ. E lli.son ................... -:11 "• 62-Real Estate So. Pacific . . .................... 68 ~ :-;tandard Oil ot Calif. _ ..... __ 88·\ NEWPORT HTS. 1 ·111on Oil ot Callt. -.... _ ............ :16 Jual listed attractive 2 B R. 1' S Slt'el . .. ....... .... ... ~8 home. Lgr. Uv. rm .. lg-to fARlll- DEATH NOTICE t.len. 2 rlreplacea. Beaut \\' 1dc- lc.t. Even aoine view or lhl' Bay. Only $16,600. Euy term. l!!X· CL USIVE Agent. Ford Verrtn- dcr. Har. 4263 Eve• Har. 3477 •hllon. A 11 bBC'trnologtn1I t""ts drPn v11u 11111t•'<l twu·e An.,lhrr, lt11't LJ•·1 t ·c,( J3.808,8J '· • LA y ths I • d through Coaat Collei;e, he l'X· "1'11' nr)t&ll\'f' .. As yN I"" tj ... l11r uppr .. x11111<t. Iv :l~IHI )(Ill thr first 1'ahul.tllun o~ la.n. mvnth. rii;· OU n1ure plained. ~tl'8. Jrene LaRue Johneon. 73, 1'11111'11 no rf'sult.!1 h11vt' b<'t'n re· .,hot lllhl ll"'n •h11pped out Hftl'r ure inclullr:f 1.1 11111gle ru1denl• •. • Bay •d C sh .. r 806 West Bay Ave., died N ov. 301·40H ONJr; -120 I t..• two--eo n. all adjoining Back Bay are Coul<I be tour Jolt Si:'ll au ur ffp&· rule -CW!h or terni11. Own"r wa.nlt acuon. Har 3361 :rntri· llllll••j lu hi~ ••fCll'l' by !Jr IJ1 1rn1lt jlleverHI 11111111·11ll1tr•I 1h1l<11111 IHITlt'l $113,642, 11 mulllplt' dwt>lltn~"· 1n SI e ra SA.SP, ORA\'EL STRUU: ,l\) tit Hoag Hosplt.81 a.tter a •hort l tri;ttro•tng lho mlrro11rn1111• l1',.t11 lol11w11 \\.th Ill•• tl11'1tol ~ll-"•·&M' '!~0,1 36 , •four t•om~1~er ctal, ISll•j· But a. big fly In thC' omtnw11t illne.,s. She waa fl natlVt' or Rlvr·r· wh1oh undoubtN11y ahuw lh•' 11111,.., Th<' h('111lh 11fr1r1111 AA1ol \he ln-l lS'''· M d o.~ 1n~u11lr\11.1 antl rn 8••· • Two 1/11< Ani;•I•·~ ruunty youth!! for llny ('unatructwn present ur ~Ide a.nd hud llvc<l In this itrea !or "' •lrath ''\\'e ha\'l' about "'x llll(h ncx11lut1un• "111 b" 1·11111!''1 on lantous, JI~ 460. rt'ce1vt'1I 1111no1 11:JU!lt'J1 \\ht'n lhtlr future 111 the sand 1tnd Kt"avel s\Jt YC!f.". She W9.I a member of ,.1111('~ 1 hill wr·1 .. wa.Jling tn h"rtr 1h1~ turto-b\' ph\ 111r .. •1h h1r .. •I by M>lJor "'"~ln11:t1on pennlta 1n· ('OllV• rllblt> r.u lt'•I lu 11111kt' a atnke which conUnue• unabated RlVt'r8fde Chapter, D. A. R She Adnr1\lemenl AllOdillng Protects TY Attten11a1 AgafMt Salt Air, Dampness c..e.I ..... rMMMt. wtll '"' MppJ to ._,,. Uaat tltf'y " .. -tMa7 a T\' utenaa •Jlffl· lie.lb' ~f'd to romhat tbelr dtmaUo aDd atmo11rh"~ le oo.d!Uoaa. Wlllf'Cf'J"d <'nm· pall,)', maalllllol'turpra or fam· oue lnt~plor Antl'nna•. have latroda<'f'd anodldn1t .,. a pe~at Pl'rl of lhto au- lelaa&. n .. artodb.lnir prflf'•'"" protM.ts Jhe al11mln11m r1,.. 11H'bta of the 1U1tf'nu aralno AA.It air, dampnl'""· 1mot. 1!11•1 aad other C'Orr•,.frl' ...-"'"'" that are kno""' to clf-lf!r1orrttl' hy o~ldallon ordln.ery alurnl- num IUltJ·nna11. In ftM'I, 1u10· 11ldn1t m11rk11 tho• \\ lnf'l,'&rol 1nll'tc·f'pl<or a" lhP fl 1,1 • 11111· rll'l•·ly non~orr11•h ,. T \ 1111· tf'nna oa lh1· rn11ri.. .. 1 In athllllon 111 ptt•r n 1n1: lhl' llff' •If lht' ant•·1111a. u u .. ,1111111: Ith"' th,. Allll'lllln It .. {'art.ll1q,:. o·uloo rful app,.arl\01'1• 11111 I • 0111 pllrn1•11h tlw l'\ll'tloor of 1111~ hum1•. \\·1111•1,,-arll llllf'r•"'l'l"r n •· f1•1111ff,''" " ,·.,·II knu1•n fur brht1t I( In I ho• •hol l'l'"• I. c•lt•M '"'t T \ pl, fttr•·, trll ull •'l1un ••I•. C ''"'uh ·'our f1t•ar "'' \\ lnrl(1or.1 tl"nl , ··• 11 141•· \\ I 11 ,. l_ 11 r •I ( "'"l"'"~, 11.1 ! "''"' llOt~ ~.tr•-.•!. 1 .. ,. \11 1;1•\!•11 t a, ('~lllornl11. Ill•• ·' I •r l~IUIJfdl l!Bld. lh .. ···•unt \" \'<oht111<·,·1 ~ y,·.,1 f ll:<l'd CIUIJCI two 188U~d lu T F . Th11I , .. r $harp •'U I \I' on flll \'•ltlP n 11ve corccy d id (·ontrar ts have be< n 111 11urv1ved by her hu.sband, WU-. . I larr:ely 111 1111• 111111r ~hn1i:1,·1ng l'Rt•1flc Llunlrates work11hoJ'l1 a nd near l'nc ni.tlun Avl' a t 10.1r, p ni. let ror three city 1lreet proJeClll J O< :-;s talkf'•I to a 1pol<crmu1n proitrams her" fl\1·\ory al 1937 l'Lnd 193:1 P l1u.:••n· 1 t-:ov. 2:.. and aU t..rC' beln~ helcl up becau~I' liam A. and two daugh~ra. Mni. 111 On1nge County H oapllRI Tht I --------tla Ave .. amounUnr to $97.100; The 1Hr wtnt out nf control, ot the 11tr1ke. The projl'Ct• e n·: Fru.nl'<>• J. FuUer of s ... .n Marino ufflriat H id, "thl' mlrrt•ACopir nne for $47.000 Cor ldd1hon1 to demoll11hed a 1terl gllar.trall 11nd lowulng the atreet ('t&dc to Im· ind .Mrs Margaret J C'orki•t t or I BEWARE tl'~ts wrre flnl10ht1I lhe 1>Anu• ""' tk WARNER OK Van's Bowline. 1703 Supc•rtor 1everPly dalllllft'd lht automobllt, prove dra.!naie at Maple Avt-. and Balboa: rive grandchildren &11d onr thr chih1 •h,.1"1' HI' l'\alt•I lM Avt : Md otht>ra t o H W \\'right police salrl. Hamilton St Y..1drnlng a 11ecllt>n t1later, M.IAa Salroni. L&Rue. I 1"'11YI wtrc •le-livl'rf'd to Or Brt1ndl I Contlnul'd frnm f"lr11t Pal'e c·o for $3 1,81~. • 1tore a t 126-128 Thr \'nllths Don11ld G. l..&Roc· or lh• 11tre.et nc-ar the !'>t'""f!Or l Private aenrlrea were held today 11 n•I """'" 00 hi~ i!rirk rl'Ady tu .. Rrx·hester Sl . 1Juugla.s R. 1111d que n Ccwtnn drav, r or lhl' c·ar. Juatk e Courl bulldllllt to et1m1· l\l 11 &. m. In lhe R.olMI Chapel at h,. r1ehveud to tht ho Ith 1lr11111t·1 onze h.lm to. rto tt0me ll11:ht woo k M &r'v E Wart1 ror $JS 280. multt· 1tn•I Ellwiitd Giant To.1u t11&11. 13, 1 na te a dangrrout1 bott.ltneck, ano KON HJUa Memorial Park, Whtt· m,.nt in<! t h,. rn11nl)' roron<'r • H1• 11a1d \.\a rnl'1 may ~ allo':"ed plf' dw1•lltng at 1921 Mapk-St• •nd Duarte, wt>re t .. ktn to Jtuag Ha.· U1e repavmr of Superior Ave lier with the R.ev. J nmu Sl,.wart IRIUTATIO S 'fOl.U I Hr addt'd. howevn. that \\ ar.·1 H. C. Kl&MI for '22 400. tor rtnlal pit.al fo r treatment from shock Crom 17th St. to Lhe aouth <"ll~ o!!ld&Ung Ball~ J.fortuary in Th 'f 1 . nt'r might not .,.. "blf' tr. •lll'n I -" C -... •-e cornnr1 11 "' l<'f', a .,.,, ~x 1tpartmtntJJ 111 130 F.: 20th St. and minor cut11 11nt1 bruliM".f. limit•. ''"arre o arran,._ .. en._ rr"u~rt ln1tatlon nvrr tho ~n· A tull·dRy mrM1nt or lhf' ~~1d _ ~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I l'rl'lpt o! th,. r1tu,.,. n( •li•111 h n f ""P''rvlMirll 111 1111 T<'JC'ltlarl\' j ., • \\,. ,.11 l(Ol 11 lrw ot ttm~·· ,.1111' •<•hrrtu1 ... 1 tnt•rtm.: n,.xt T11eadsy. 1 StHI City Boat rl'n•hn~,' I hi! ('ur(ltll'I 11 Orf I Ct' WA rtu r Who IJVl'A 1~1 lflUlttng· N rt S-ch IJl'e __..rt a "l"l"'f "\Vt '\'" l>l>l'n lry1nic lo 11rr Ion B!'arh. hJll bun r~onrUIJ ewpo bo t ~ tn·-"t;; UI """1,.lhln11: out nr I h • 111 r Pr rrom the heart •llmrnl --dekrolwtd I 12 foot rg: 11t onr • tole• llr•nrJt '11 orfi<'f' I (•or 11twul tt1 rl"r by Whltta kr r u 'minor" et hi• 1 HS a.rbor r parhmeUnt wu9 • 0 tn I 11n1fa y rnm I e pper ay u • "1'1'k"· nr. Urar1t.Jl 111 In P"""l~ home. bo rd p•A•llC'l'I RI~. 1 n.J ... ,. , ....... l(I ------=---•-rllJTlp. wait until h~ t•t• Aroun I tu our "nrl( !><'tore Wf' c a.n do l\ny\h111c " nr Bnmill wa11 11nAv1<1\ ,h\,. Cnr ""mmf'nt on th1 m atlrr "T 1wl1\V'• h 1• •l11y of f." hi• .. rt1o.. """''''· • """ w>to <'llUl 't ('ontal'l h1m " f h• trnnllc mothn aa1d •ht ha.J • 11lle<1 ''" ANlndr nr H1111l!<"ll nn I l lr [)"brl rrp,.atl"<JI\' In 1111 , 11.01 t In find out """' 1<.111 ... 1 l\"r l hlld "It'll ""111"'1 tlP " tihl' t •\.I O('NS 0 !'1obQdy l'An •~ 11nv- 1 t n 1r to pmtHt 1'11z11nn" 11nr 11 '1 .... know what h"l'P"""'' t11 J f ~· llftf' ~fa.fl, II Tt.14Tl4 S OT kt:< t!I \ t:U ~11.-M1rblo1 11a1o1 •h•• al*'> had r,.,,.,,"",J "'"iu•n••· fr•un <'<Jtanty I ' "''II UIJllo !he mlcre>•• • p•r '"'I h~ 1 h,.,.n compll"t"'I Hut l •r llr .. r11lt kfff\1' trlllf\tt 11~ hll hu.n t , ,., • I Vl'd them." 1ht •Dirt \\'h11t <'an I cln • •hr < n ,.<I 'w h< re ca n l '" In it"t hl'IJ'l ~ .. Opro .. ,.,,.,.,. '·' r nloit 't1l 7 P. M. ---MarkD .,... 5-P·E-C ·I· A. L 3 PIECE "lel·Alr" Matching LUGGAGE SET e 12" Train Case • ruQ mlrror A pleatlr I ntJ 21" O'Nlte Case •'ully 11ne4 111llh WJtt' po.OC"ket ta.we of tbe Ud e 26" Pullmaa Case Oomplete Set All s plecn 95 S ,....11tlf11I f'ol •r• -"'11nt&ll, ...... "'. 11400', ,........ ,,....." 14tunl)' 3 pl)' m1111ldf'tl '""""' f ram.-t:' ,. a pr"' aJ. I' l.aln A lt('Urf ,...,.1111Ant. Wat.-rproof, ,..._.,.. -iay ,.. Ith •pt.>a(" U d _., •Ud11! /tiEWP ONT JEWELERS I 702i Newport Blvd.-LI 8·'4511-Costa Mesa • 1·.,. Our C1trt.tm&11 '"'> -A·Wa~·-rlu • ' We 1iocel"ftly belie"• the Cont.inent.a.1 Mark 11 to be the finMt motor CU' in the world. Naturally, "° r\ist.1oguisbed •car can be produced only in 11ome- whe.t limi~d nnmbel"I. It is now on di11play. Wo cordit.lly invite you to drop in and eee it. t.oday. Continertal Division Ford Motor Company See it tod~y •t our showroom JOHNSON & SON, LINCOLN MERCURY 900 w. Cout HhtbM"&)' N~trport Be&r.b r of Misleading Advertising • OUR POUCY CON11.Nl~t:s AS ... ou~o" s 1. New Can Sold at Nationally Ad\'ert1.,.cc.J Pnet'l'I No "Trading Pa.ck" added 2. Service after w e, we do not "sell '('trt and forget 'em." 3. A fair price for your trade -No fal11e over allow. anc:.. 4. No hJgb preaeure 11elling, we don't DC<'d it, don't believe in it, don't want it. ff Yoo WMt .. Be7• NEW OI USID IMPORTID CAR We Are Ahn.1s a& Your ~1~ O..'t -ue .f'lra&-- 114'9 IJe a.-u • .., , HAUSKEN-WATSON ~PORT CAR CE~TER -At'TllOBIZED Ut:AUI\ t"OR ol~. (!Mllta A• BrancJa OllJJ) AwtllD Ht•IMf'J', M.o .. Morna. NM&Glt & AJta ~ 2 Locadolla to M!l'Ve you fut Flarbor Bh-d. tto 1 !ilo. Mal• tu. < 'O!O I a M eu., LI &-!506 1 Santa A ru... IU J-07&e Opea Enalnc--.t 811Dd&T• for rour f'Oll\"'n ... n<-e fry and cook with tht corrKI C011t,olleJ H"" ntry tlmc. No l\ltuworl.. -No constant )'•tth1n1 Snls in the na~raJ 1ui<es -Your hYortta dtlh" are mort cklicT1. Plu1 into •or outlet._ _ t'&e Our Coannlent 1_.Al' ·AWAY PLAN ORiy s 19.95 HOUSEWARES 1802 N"1t'p0rt Blvd., C.0.-ta MNa We Gin a Bdttm Crowa 8tampl ' , Loeal Residents' Dividends Due PAGE 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY. DEC EMBER 2, 1955 Special Plane to Talk with Two Newport. Harbor ruldenta &re ll•ted u lnveaton In the de- ftmct Pacific State• Savlnp and Lou! Compa ny by Robert C. ICJrkwood, atete controller. who today urf td lnvutora or their helra who hav4' not yet rt'<:f'lved Uquldatmg d1v1.tendil of the fur- meyo com;>an)' tu fllf' dalm 11 1n 1 .. cramt'nlo U 1ted as lnveJ1lon from tht. area are Mr1< Mariam S. P orter. 107 ~ 30th St, =-:ewport 8e11ch. and L. V Wnvt>r. Gl!nera l De· livery, Costa Mt>:ta. The t.ompany wu llqullfRtPd fn I 1146 and lnvutor11 who could bt' Jocate<l through 19M wpre paid their llqu1datln1t dlvu.lends by the 8av1ng1 and Loan Comml11s11inn5. Jn April or thl• year, however, there remained $189,929.33 In un- elalmed liquidating dlvulends. • • Ngw • DOM not drip • weodwork. walu and floors .. ~ liquid cloners. Mak•• no dust • window sills, dra~s and .. rpeta as do p o w d ers and Wa:1 pNpU"•tiom. Leave• no atreak• M happens with w a te r . which can't cut~~ and film. ~times ea.Wr, too! For roAMt!'IC CM"P actually 11/11 dirt oft the ........ boJdl 1t In susrens1on to Ga& 7oe caa w ipe 1t off... but ~( Scooomk al ! One un 1s ....... 9 clHn all th. ••1ndow1 ............. bom •. 16o...-1aW"et ICr•P w indows .... CUT7 ~.-DIC Cl.&Allflt '" .... 06. No denlft ol breebRr .......... THE "GOLD-CUPPERS" -Series winners of New· port Harbor Yacht Club'• Fall Gold Cup regatta are not about to let their coveted t rophies get away. Shown at the presentation following Sunday's races are. from left: Peter Gales, BYC. Inl. 14: John Griffith Jr .. NHYC. PC; Leigh Brite, BYC, Thistle; Fred Schenck. NHYC, Lehman dinghy; J im Warm- ington, NHYC, Snowbird; (partially hidden) NHY C vice-commodore and race committee chainnan Harold Pearcy; Joe Grant. NHYC, ocean racing: P ete Frost, NHYC, Metcalf: Connie Wurdemann, BYC. Rhodes; NHYC Commodore Harry Mann, who made the presentations; and Fred Gledhill, NHYC, Luders-16. -Beckner Photo FALL GOLD CUP SERIES • SEES 128 BOATS RACE New Snowbird Type Takes Fint in Class: Griffith Wins PC Go By J Af'Ql.IE BE<-'KSt:R Ntwporl Harbor Yac-hl Club01 annual Fall Gold Cup Hrie1 aga in proved lo be one of lhe moal popu· lu event• oC lht racln( uaaon a1 121 boat• In J3 clane• turnew out for lhe two-day regatta Leading Ute fleet In oum ber of entrta wer. t.he 17 PC 1loope which bowrd to J ohn Griffith Jr of NHYC u eer- T ROPH\0 AWARDM Aa 111 tr1rt1llonaJ in th1a evf'nl. there 11 one award fo r the nnrs winner wllh rta1ly ttr11t sn1i 111:-cond troph1u 1nate•d of lhr .-ustomary teconrt 1nd llltrd 11e11u place awards. 'nie btaullt11I gnld c-11pa pruentt•d by Commodore Harry Mann a l the conclu11on ot t.he re- gatta w ill ~ a treuurrd addition to the lucky wlnnenl° collecllon11. H OW Tiit;\• t~ARED Complete tally of lhe •erlea wll\· Anothe r aertea w in wu chalked nera wu •• Collowa. up by Jim W armlnf ton. with Oi:f'an r11c1n1t Swef'p. Joe Grant. Tommy Schock u crew, 1&lllnr SH\·c. Star• WenC'h V. George tti. new flbn«laa Snowbird in ht'r F h•llz. NHYC; Rh()(11'e Mldehlp, Connie W urdemann, BYC; P C -llrwt appearanc, Jn competlUon. Ovt>r Anxlou.. II. John Griffith Jr .• AU >iandl we" Wtll plKAed wtth NliYC: l,uder" -Loil F'ortune. the boat·• J>t!rlorrnancf' In the ex- tremtly llr;ht going " t:A TKt:R l'OOR Fred C l.,dhlll. NHYC, Alb11tro11 Kelea RobHL Oo r;an. LJYC M,.rc-ury Mn1a.. E 11rl M1>rr111 evr . Th111t1 .. Faru. Le11tht Btllf' The 191\11 f'all Gold Cvp wu not BYC. Int 14 Csrrn•"•·I Pt'lt'r bleued wllh partlC'Ularly f:lX><I Oftlf'•. rtYC. IA"hntan 12 t 11pper Wl'l ther S at urday'• 1lmo1t Spring-JV. Phil Gre•nr. :'\°HYC • .Mrl•"'" !Ike afttrnQOn WU pleu1nt (Or Old l'IAllll<' Slllt'fl, l'l'lf' rl n~l the 1~ct&\on but lil(hl w1n<lll tn&dl' NH\'('. Snowt11rd.11 Nn N11mr, Jim it 1K>mewhal harrowing for thf' Warminitt'ln. !'H YC IA>hlllan l n- a&llora Thia wu rollowe<I hy Sun· terr luh Q u 1,. n S • b t F r f'<l day·s pea-soup folt' and no wlnrl •l I Schenck, NHYC all worth mtntl'lnlnK Airaln. how· -- ever. tl prow•rl lntHH ltni <or thnt1f' Ir-ks Into Trunk on lhl' de<-ll at NHYC to whom the wv rat ee In the lurnint ba11ln were a Theft oC 11 whel"I an(I 11 t1rr complete my11tery a nd who were frnm hi' c-11r trunk lfttl' Nnv 2!'1 fllM."lnatrd "llh thf' gho11tly AP-I "."I' rrrnr ted tw Ralph IJ L1nr;Pn· 1 ~AMiil<'" nr lhf' cllni;:hy ctu111"10 off tit'11t 219 J11~nil11,. ,,, .. Hr tolt1 the Non-c-11lm dock u they _.lldl't1 I pollt'f' lhf' thlr f rrl"d up h1• f'llf I In •nd our of thf v•1 blankrt I lrnnk with 1 rrnw h11r to r;tl at rovtrlng \hr ba.y. 1 tht wht'"I I Yacht Masters Plan D~n~er. Dance. Incorporation t~~ove P1-nll havf bf'fon announte.t fnt p<11 e1Jun 111 .. 1 • 1111 111 rni: .• " .. ,. the annuel blrthJny dinnn·<l•n"r 111n .,1 II » 1 •1t•t1t1111 .. 11 """ ,,, •• In\\,• 1 •,. •l<•I· lu111p•1h knnWl'I a' th .. \ "hi ~la.,.tr1 • ""'I En..:1 nf'Prll l 'lt1h • ( ~mllhrt n ('111.(1 fM l0\ 111 acrrroJ11• .. J ""h 1.1,,,,1~ nl 1 ... 1n ·1 •l"n nn•I •~ 1n 1.lro,·iJ• H"l(•~t rr n( Amr"' an Yarhh or thf' Y•<"hl M1011tn" an<I F;ng1- nttn Club of CRhfnrn11 Final arrangrm,.nhl wlll ~ m e•lt' dur- ing • bualnf'M l'lttttil\r; nr th• J ro11p Dec 7 In thtlr hl\tl In W1I m1nr;-ton. 0((1 .... ,,, lltr "' c11n11.i11nn Ill" F\nRI ac-llon hl\s hf'<'n l11krn h\' H111n rt Hi tl"I t "•vlrnl '"I'· tht t:rnup In lnrni p<'rll l,. 111\'1"1 v11n ,.f lh,. vi" ht ~111k• 1 l .A•h the ltw~ Of tht ~llllr nf <'11 ltt nr· f'ouc I'. R r , \-'Ct \ I r r' ,.~'""'" nla MttllOj? l'\nv 16 tn l"rwf><lrl r"ll rt" 111 .,j 1 hr , nr hi Ehh Tl ,,. ' 8f'Bl'h Amtrk11n 1 ... ~,,,,, hAll ,l\n•I r .. r1 J JnlH•llfll'••rn .. r lhl'• mtm~r" paJl-~·I th,. 1r• .. l11th•n b\' r.1 .. nr '\: 11,,,, 1 tn,•1111, ""'' 1 • a un11nlm ou11 1·01r ~"n Prdr• ,,., rn.11 , • ,,,.8 .,11 ,r C'Ap l. Y.01llt11m I' Cl'"" rn1 <I l'f RnArt1 1•f o111 r1 ''"' r .. 1111"1 h· 1111• San Pro111 H<hl'lllAll\ •ll•l' fir\ tr~• 1• hPllol"•I ,.,, N 1 RHhl H• h· handlfd ltJ•I drta ll!I 'I( th' incor• t1 l:o Judge Dodge Returns to Bench After Month's Trip, Vac2tion Oona.ttt J D<>.ti:r. Jlll'lll" nf I ht' I fl l hr' ? 1 • 1 • • n••," 1n I :-.:.rwpnrt Ju,tlre C'nurl. rf'IUrn"'' rh .. r11 ' hill 1,.111 •111 In S11 lrn• \f• t hlio Wttk !11 !hi' bPnt•h ,,,. hll• Al I I 1 .' 11 I n('<'1t 0ptl'd fo1 26 1·e11r11 An•I tu th" "h , ,. J ••·If' 11 ... 1._, • t 1t1.,A11\ hou10e ht h11t llvf'(t In for 44 1r11110 h.111~.i Thf vl'lf'rtlll court nff1t•11I hRt In lh,. <•x111I• :h .. , 1 .. 1111.t l~r 1 ~rn i.:ont' t hi' r11~1 munl h nn • izr.11111.i 11 " "" I t• uuh r. , o1 1r .. 1ii1"·". \1111111111 111r 111 1 h ,. 11 .. 1-1 17.111 .. ""'' ,,, l•'M', ''"' 1 l"""'U•tn R\lltt'" [J\u tne, h1:it t1avPt• t••( l•t• 1 ,, 1 .... 11 '"" fiw 4,11 1hr .-xp,.ntnt,,I •n••"·lli\t-.nn• 1n T , 'H\ P ,-J-. ,. 11 .. 1 ,+ , ... ,, 1·-..xA.w 4'0tf 10 ""Ill"""'-'~ •b-1\fll i.eru IC. U•'""·I •'"' )I J 1 ,, • ,., t ... tR \1 · v. t-fll\hf"r ln 1"1•\\· ~h·xh u ... l '' • qf I ti.. 1t11 ••11 t•1 •I d,.11H•n t Ju1l1Cf' llod~f''11 111111 "• w,. r ,. \\011•''1 h,. , •II·•· 1 .,. 111 J on11.11, han.JlrJ dunn1t hi• ab11~r1<,. II~ 1 11>12 II••·· "• • •" 111 7, I'"' , • • Ju!lirrt (' C l.:rtl\'IOlh of IA1t\JOll ll\·1ni.: "I 1 h .. 1 .. 11 r It• '"'I 111• 8f'ar h •nil C'"tlla Yo11n1: nf llunt 11J111 1 .. 1 .i11• t• ..... "' • 11•u• 1nr;t nn 8f'11rh l11tf'r 11 111l lht>\ h,.,,. 111"•1 1•1 lh• Ac-rompanyinir J ud I e J'lodr;r u mr h"ll~r 111 62~ Crntr 1 SI f'VH . · Acapulco · Fleet A ept'<'11 II~· charlrrf'<l p I a n f' flli.:hl hll& beffl 1rr1U1ge•t fur 1<1· .-al marint'rs to !ly to Acapulco and l<et>p in c-onBlant touch w1lh J the-ni.rmr nel'l on Ile 11nnu11I • J JUnket to the Mtxk an 1·11y. ac· cordmg to Collne Gibbon11 oC Cur· ona de! Mar Travel Buruu. Mra. Clbb<>n11 announctd av11ll· ability of reaerv1Uon1 for the t hartf'red night le&Vlng Tijuana at 9 a. m. on J an. 2!'1. Conta1·1 with t he raclna-pa rtil'lpants will be maintained by mean• of alr- to-1h1p redlo communlcatlon.s. JERY LEWIS. movie a c-tor- "People .. id there was no pltt.c<> tor emotion or 11lncertty In Holl~ .. wood. Well, I dlacoverPd thry were a II wrong." --------·------ GRAND JURORS IN ANNUAL MEET WITH BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SANTA ANA fOCNSJ -Thi' Orani;e County Grand Jury nH't with the bosrt.I of supt>t v1>1<1rs here Wednesday 1n whAl The mt>e-tlng, !'lost•d t o the publk. wa." hell! In the pl8Jl- ning-comm111s1un chamb1•r st 6th fl/Id Birch St11. The aess1on got uml~r way shortly ltflcr JO a. m. Jurors BrlnU&ily lllet'l With Ult board OOfore lo 15repAr• ing their ye..r·end rc!port. NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily From the Sea to You 25r pound -Cleaned FrH Sold Only the Day Caught NEVER HELD OVER at th• foot of the Newport Pier Chcirter Plane "1th Air-to-Ship Radio OD Aeronaves de Mexico Leave Tiiuana 9:00 a.m. Jan 25th FoUow thti annual R&CM by Alr Coroaa del Mar Travel Service .f1~r 1~ Orcldd A Cout Hwy. ,1to,ta•,.\ t•tl \t,. "' \\ ,:\ t\\ '' 11 11 t.:1°:'19 bAl·k,.1 h11ll \', \nr.v rwn ~111r-aludtll"d ~lu111n1 <J111ntrt '11 \ I, /1tb,. . ..1118 \·1,. 1.1111' I"· "' f'•tl '"'' '" .... 111·1' :..; ,, 1· 9 h• I\ !11111 11•111111 " hll 1:1' white rat 111 lltf' Vll"1n11 ,. ••f hi• hcmt• He br· New Lou9hrid9e I 1":.'.:"' "-1~ ~··•iu· • 1111 .1·,. rri Mr and Mrs. P 11111 l.A'lll$!ht 11lj?I' Potato Bowl Duo ---- 2691 Buy ~hM•• [\1·. ~ewp<•rl l H11kc.1,rw1i1 J11111•.tr t'ullr,,::11' "di BNt<"h a rt" the-par.•11111 of a b<'iy ""'" \\ .. n,.t,.hrt' JI in th" l\t1111111I baby born t'0°\'. 2t In Hnag Hos· I r • q -l't'1t1mn l"•lllt(l Jlo>\\'I r .... t- plllll. IH.11 ,1:r11111• 111 ll.1k,•1>.ftt'hl 1Jondshire ..., c,,'(;dA/tyjmtJ- 1098 b y I RfNN (lt • Pu1 vour4t>lf in our shot>~ and '<'C-horn 111• L h you can Jtl/I l(<'I 1od.1y, at yeMerd.1y', pri~.:. cvlc:? Boru:hhir<'J art dt'iJ:nt-d for 1omorro\\ -Mid-lo·~. brogAns. mocca~in,-wh.ut'H'r vour ,_.,.. '""1·11 6nd it in the Aomhhin: line. ( omlurt? \\ 1:0\l· brtn buildinj.t it in for <HE'r half 3 nn1ur~. \.dllte? W <'II, we alrudy told you-)<"'1.-rd.t~ ·~ pri, t'. Lt't us ftt you sonn in ll pair 11f lli>nd,hire'- you·ll see for yourwH .. ,h<' lw 'I 1-u" .ir•·n·1 •1t\.•\) the h ighest pri<:t>d ... A l.lfe Tlmt' of Sht>f' Fittin~ t :x1M·th•nt•1• Wasemiller' s Workin1tme>n',. Sturt• COSTA Mt:.'SA 1894% H arbor Bh-d. See how much more you get with TME BIG M · OUmte:nVI lOW SllHOUITTI. NIW "O.TONI CO&OI IT'NN9 hip1l~bt the bfauty of tlm e1• 1t111j! 1\l .. n1du1r liar.hop. AoJ nuw th1J1 NIU<' letl.: hardtop beauty ia 1-rail&bM io Mettury'• Moottr~y aod <.u-tom .,.rrr•-1(1 lit ony hutlgn OH.t.n• HANDUNO IASl-Mrrrurv·~ famnus ball- 1•·1nl "l.J""''"nn. an r'rlu•ivl' 1n it~ fit.Id. 1111 .. , TR£ 1111. ,,/ 1Hn<11111iz .. rn..1ti ,.,,,,,.··-ttlrJl rnarl h11i.-al>il1tv. ),.,,I~~,. tlu• ·h~rf""•t r11rv~. p.irl, p1( .. 1 1hrn1111.h t• 111 ",tJ, dl .. rtlr .. n•·,. ,.JI.,. IXQutlVI IAPIT't "AfUll-Only Mn"ury in it8 &eld off'rM an imperl·•h•'lrl>ins: •IM'r· ina whHI with dl'f'J>IY "'<""-I hut>. Tho• 1. apnke d«p tenttr con~trur11nn provu:lr• 8""11ler proteotloci iD cue oI aocident. NIW IHUIC-ACTtON POWH-nu; Ill; .... new it\rm ·.c1 A•.r \I R f'nirinc F:'""J ynu perfnrma11r.e ynu ran mi-a•urt 1n a.rt1m1-ont j11•I in b1gh hn,,.,.. powrr numhrr•. Rr•poDte lo )'!Ur every oommaod ia qu1c&, rellea.fa•t. BIG M PRICES ST ART BELOW MANY MODELS IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD• l.n1• pn• ... ,11,. IJllj'"rt.inl an.f 'lrrr11r:i• i;r:ivrr. thrfn I• '"" H 11 11 -v.h.11 '''" ~1·t f .. r ~011r mnnry that r•'.ilh '"11111-. -\11.t 1ii,1t'· 1dwrr n1r 811'.: M will a111.11e )t•11. Th••rl'·· a ma•-1\1' nrw ,::rart' to the ~•"'"!?· 1ltrrr·· a nrw 11111'1 in hnr~l'p<>Wr'r-the m n•t r\l•r nff1 rrol in M rrr11ry liiqtory. Tht're't .,allnplnF nf"w rnmpr<"~~inn 11nrl tnr<JIH'. Thrrt' are &tunning new intrrior fabrir--rxrlu~i'·"IY rlr- l!iflTled fo r Mercury. And you arl' nffrmi th<: widf'8f 11clection of both Mfcty and Jl'>Wl'f fralurr' in t.l1"rcury"1 6tld. We invitt you to t-om e in thia lll'ee.k lo &t'e and drive and price TH& 111c 11. 'I-' .. ·--,,,-ec.....,· --""• ..._, -~ .-.. ... ~ "'"-.. ---..._ For 1956-the big move is to THE BIG :&iERCURY I• '"'• to ••• ·~• tt10 ••l••~,,9i11 1'1'tt, 'l'"4f 10 SU\.LIYAN SMOW", l""dti'f • .,...-." .. I 00 te t• Sh~io~ .,_,tr. ' JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln • w11a hi• wtft. FT·anrr~ Atti-r ,.,. alnl'" 900 W C t H•.-a. •1lln1 a d au,tltn, Mr11. B~·rnn 8 1 u.. r"'' t d I h1 ~,. 1 hlldrtl\ fn • 0GS ·~·way NEWPORT BEACH ACNM from lay Cl• Mercury Liberty 8-5545 -? T J otlnaon 1n W11ukt t'J'llll. Ill "h' lhiH hou,e •nrt now h11 n I n e I aeecmpanled them on lht retum f'r&ndchUd.rtn u w ell. . . ___ ,,,_... r. -. ..., -.- .. • 111 '11.T 1'°· MAJ~J; Thr t><;>llt 11,. .. u ·~th .. moat rltlllllf' v 11r•!"l1 of \ht "'ll!l k ilo""'" o ...... n. <"u11 Pr ""'l w111 built for tht f'Ad}·• * Sh;p 's Bells * Compasses *,;Clocks· * Barometers -Olhf'r - ldl'al Xmai. (ilfll'I ~ &~~ \\" ('•••I ,., ' ' • ~. ro · MAKE THIS A • • • ' MARINE NEWS !'tlAKJ SE \;f'tlOLSTt'.lllXG ROAT CO\"t:RS ,BALBOA. ('.\;\"V AS SllOI' . n~~1Pj;,,N1~1. SOUTH COAST CO. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE 71';:=:::;::::::=:":'•:':0 :':' :":':'"::~~=':':''=•:':.':":·po="="':'.:'·=::z FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1955 11 ...... f'nd11.y Dtor. 2 S1uur<tt1y 1)1'{', J Sund .. y Ji.l.,n1l1ty Dr<". !I Th~•dH}' \\'e<lru••d"Y u ... r. l'I Th11r.Mh1.y ~ ..... ti TIDE TABLE nmo n11h 10.17 "· n1 • 0 22 t1 m. 11 II " rn. \ 2.J IL. Ill. 12 I~ a. n1, 2 27 a.111, l .'.JO P• '"· :: 2 1 II r,1 :i 01 p, "' ' ffL " " :. " " " < ' ... n :I.II ~ l6 .. "'· :. I) ~. :.i J1. '"· :1.:. :10] 11 Ill ~J !1 :5~ I'· m. J.:. l'ACI FIC STANDA.HD t"IK8T ...... ...... T""" IA W 4 •(16 s '"· !) I~ 11. ru. ~.O!l ,, 111. 6 .J ii p. Ill. ti 2'!i U JU. •. :12 fl '"· s oz " '"· Ii.JI p. 111. 11.10 JI Ill. !•.2D I'· HI. 11 ·02 11-. n• l 1: I 0 JI• Ill. 12 03 p.n1 11 LO I'· m. Tl ~tE • llL " " " °' ,. . .. -Ill 2.1 0 < 09 '., " o.• ... QllAKTER 1100~ r~. 211 ~<". 2e QU AKTEll °'"'· ' NEW MOUN °"""· 13 a rr.a. Bring ~ou r n hf'r· glu !i problr rn" to us. Pacific Fiber9lass CLOSE OUT 1955 OUTBOARD MOTORS * BIG DISCOUNT* •• 01.1\"t:R OU TBOARDS Ruy !\o"' -Sa,·e Nou· \George J. Meachem :-.·t:\\'l"OllT UY...\C'll Srt 1ltt ,.,,,.,pf,,, J9J(> ~''" "'Y ,,,,, .,,> .. ' 1_.,rv ,,.,,,., ~ ,,11 CJr .. i/MIU rlc /1•try- • /11)1..,,•Q)I pla" -Gift LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON ~moo!h ~al11nt: ·''' 0 '' " '"•·a..·':,.. .• -. ' .. Accessories for Boats Books -Na uti c:~I Cloc~s & Barometers Galleyware Wi nd lndica.tors Portable Radio Direct ion Finder Power Megaphone Power Tools NEWPORT MARINE SUPPLY CO. 2i00 \\". Coa.-.t JIM)"· '.'ir\\·port Rt-a.~h "In ttH, lfeart of M•lnPr'" Mi11· nl'Xl door to Ma.rUu•r':i1 Rank" ideal for young "salts" orde r now for Chri ~tmas '(i. D. SCHOCK -811ihil'N - O-bnrn .. -l'ort"o l(<'aU~· C<1. ?.•2S '-''· l·,,.,., H ls:h.,·•1 '·'""''~',. ••. \fl? Christmas Gift £6«~ tdru-ft: ,,~? tfr Suggestions For A Merry Marine Christmas Anchors, Watches, Whistle s, Logs & Compasses, Horns Reg isters, Lights Pulleys & Marine Hardware, Kn ive s Bells, He lmsman Wheels , plus t ountle ss add itional Mo rine Ne e ds ' ' -11.l!!<l - F ittinJ:s and 'flLf:,i:lng fo r Snipe.!!. :--11nY.'b 1rd~. l .1g htn1n~s and A ll ~mitll Craft i ncluding N a\'1ga11"11 lnfllrumcnl!! and Practical :-;'auta·a! Books. ' Boat Mesa 6. Hardware e BOATS e 6' 6" Pram $59.50 (I np11ln1•·1I \ 8' Skiff $59.50 ~I n1•-•lnt•·1l1 e SKIN DIVING EQUIPMENT e Fins S2.95 up Masks 99c up .. lllfl t '.\'fllfl\I" DIVING WATCH J,,,00 II"" n J.l.lltl .\lo•nll• "AQUA LUNGS" $99.50 up JI0,00 Dn"'" -~.00 M:onU:1 fln• nf r,,nrurl•'t n1n• •Vol.ti~ ''"6 mo-l•!J •I J~.•T rod\! fn• ~"''""'I "'"t IAmoJy .. P"'''r .. ,tu "' 1.1 )°"' bU'!I.'•• Sm~l1 tlo,..·n pa,·m•nt 4<llJ••• <l•l,.·•rv "~·n lOU "'1n1 oT I ·•m• 111 i nd p1,l ,.,...,, "''" '-'mrud• """'• •i•rilcl• I ' ' ' ' = ({f (;/~~;:..,"'~~·~·e!!'!·s·· -~~"""""'""""-"':.>""-;;;;·iii'I:=~~ Yi)--:-- ""'-~ 1\ JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS • PERFORMER BOATS • • • MARINE HARDWARE • NAVIGATION INSTRUMENTS • - • 220 261h St. WATER SKIS $39.95 up t:7, Tt:k~t"I 10°/o Dn. I'.! ;\10'.\"Tll'-' "" 8 ,\1.A:"f'P: DYER DINGHIES GADGETS o nd GILHICKEYS ,• ("hri~-f'~llft &at Hiio l'•lrollnc 8110....-• Harbar 23·l5 Rn•f ftullr!,.,.. H•ulo11I• Mot.or""''*'' -·--· PADDLE BOARDS $54.95 up Gifts For Every Yachtsman • " - .. ·- . ' ·~T H E S P 0 R T S Metropolitan sport.9 reporter Braven Dyer related an lnterestlng yam involving all-time great Illinois football Coach Bob Zuppke and equally fa.med sports reporter Qn.ntland Rice durin~ the recent Newport Harbor High School grid banquet. , <REMEMBER! .. NOBODY! But, NOBODY. can FEBRUARY 1956 SMTWTfS • • • 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 1' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 .. 25 26 27 28 29 • • • MAR.CH 1956 l w l s • • • • 1 2 3 .. s 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 ts t6 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1956 SMTWlf-S -----12 3 4 s 6 1 8 9 to n 12 13 14 t5 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 1956 SM TW TfS 1 2 3 .. s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1' ts t6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • • • - APltll 1956 I/ AUGUST 1956 i--s~-M~-,~w~-,~-,~-s-r1 ~-s~-M~.-l~W~-,~-,~-s_. ~1 2 3 .. s 6 1 • --1 2 3 4 • 9 to 11 12 13 14 s 6 1 8 9 lo n lS 16 17 18 19 20 2t 12 13 14 15 16 17 t8 22 23 2" 2s 26 21 28 I J9 20 21 22 23 2.-2s 29 30 • -• • • ·~6 27 21 29 30 3t • OCTOBER 1956 s M T w T f s • 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 to 11 12 t3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2.C 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -• • : NOVEMBER 1956 S~TWtfS --··t23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.c ts t6 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - DECEMBER 1956 SMTWJ fS • • • • -• 1 2 3 ' .s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 s 16 17 18 19 20 2J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Jl J • -• • Clip this ad today-Drive Safely Daily Brake Specialists-Complete Hydramatic Service R L AUTO . " c ENTER 20 BATILES KID CASABA LEAGUE Harbor ~js' ~l~b Fives Enter County Loo·p Play OCBBA t>nlrlU are Bu .. na Parle, !-'ulltrlon, Santa Ana. Hunttnrton Beac:h &nd ~una Bt'ach_ Sportt Revenue Up 8.A.Cl\.AMENTO, !CNSI -The I Pro Cage Sqaad Sought for LA f'rnf<'MlnnAI b A ~ k I' t b a I 1 (1\1 I Sm11 h1•1-11 ('111trornl11 •~ lhl' 11""1 l.l1ln 1,.1,. 1 r~1dr.nt fi'nrl'lll Smith ha11 ~"' 111r h1111utr H" la nti:•'· lhilllll: !Or A r 1 <) CllJ:I' quint I'\ fnr 1A>11 An1t"''""' \1·11h Maun •·" r .-.a,,. 1\\f( l'r l'><IJ,•nt M th• Nalh•nal Ra1<k1•tb111l Ai<,..111111w n r lt1yllljt ~., .. wo111.1 "" 1to11bl ~ th" $11 1111lh•ln F.XJ'>l>alllnn P11rk 1'1tv11inn whwlt will IH!'&l 21.00l.l wheon c·•trtst ru•·ll'•I ~n1tth ioAlol f'•1d ololf w1111 ln t .. r- l'~lrd In 1•t1111lni;-In 1..-111 An)ll'l .. 11, bul nolhllll:' lfpftnll+' """''' bl' .Jr · <'llll'd llllltl thr lt"a~1r ml'fllllll{ n4'xt o<prrni;:. "Al t h lll ttml'." ~m1th """'· ''.,11r r<'QUl'~I will M J:iVf'n "' rong f'•>nslolt'r& I 1N1." l'mlth '" nwnl'r ti( the C\()('\( ("oun trv Club In Whit llf'r. f'l'f'""' • ly 11pn~11<>rln11: I hi' flr11t •om f'n'• rrnfr11,.1on11 I i;nlt toumamPnt on thl' Wl'11l COut. Sterling Sam ·. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ACCORDl<?N QUARTET -Francis Nagle, Lor:na liein, Shirley Heath and Rob- . ert Mathews above will pump out plenty of music on Family Night, Dec. 2 at annual Bu.sines• and Professional Women's Christmaa Preview in Rendezvous Ballroom. ' ..• FRIDAY, DEC.EMBER 2, 1955 POSE FOR SllOW -These are some of the modela of yesteryear's styles who will appear Dec. 3 t.o intlo- • PART TWO, PAGE ONE duce faahiona of today at the BPW's Faabion Show utravqan.ia.. -All-DontBuah Photoa REAR THAT BRASS! -From left, E\'erett R<'a School students Daniel Gray, Edward 1Leon and Geoq~e King, blow some blue notes. They will turn out trumpet 1 trio numbers at Christmas Preview Dec. 2. TO THE LIFE! -Garry Lineberry and Dick Berry- man, above. are seen in pantomime of Liberace and brother, "George, as they will appear Dec. 2. -Linda Fansler and ChriaU Dentter~.OOve will be .teen Dec. 2 in their umbrella dance. ' AU.. ABOARD FOR PRE\lEW -Mrs. Earl Brwih. Mrs. C. E. Chapman. Mrs. Ed Shell. Mrs. Orville Schleuter, Mni. 'Charles Lanning and Earl Bruah board their . ~ 41UTia&e for Chriatmaa.P.review Fa.sbion Show of ~3. '-- --------.-· .. ___________________ -·-----·-- CORPS Df: BAU.t:T -These young cla.ssic-go~ed . ballerinas will pn•Rent danc<'s at the FamiJy Night show. Front r11w. Julie Steiner, Katia lfope. Nancy Johnson, Helen Johnson and Diane Herring. ln rear • •. ' • I row,.Ju~y Hagan, Karen Kenney, Patty Collins, Sua,.n Harshbarg'er, Sharon Perkins, Tima Hope and Sol?nee, Statesman. ··----------.. .;··-----·-···----·--------·---------------··------! .. '. G • } S t 1Fredrikscns at lr CO U S F a mily Dinner Ir I' \ f '1 h '1"11'' I ~·,,. ...... tr Officers Named llr.111•11 thl' 1111 th lft\ ,,f M • > 1:thl'I l\lcl\n\ 11·11tti., ,,( ~tr~ F1, 11 ,. ·n .•· \\ ""'~"·' A11111'la ry In Or· '•"Ht lh··• 1 •'4 J.~,!l h 11 l ft'"' .. • l"UU'\ l't"•l1tt1•ltl 1t.11 ,.,,: Sleep on Goodwill T\\O (uUUl\' ~··,thtrH1 '& \\t f•"' t'I\· "'Vlll b1 thr Lii\', I I'll•,. Jo't•t .tril,. •t'n fam1'y I •~t w..-rk \\'1lh th• 1r • h1lllrrn 1 •1u-n .. la Donni~ an,! BuJ the F'n nk.t'l\S ~pent Th:snk~):I\'· 111~ IH tr ... h1m11• of l\11 Frwnk- ""' ,\ • I\ t'\11 t1•1' \ lol\t l<" t\.\ " Mft. AND .MRS. HENRY SCHAEFER JR., of this city and their family have a desert sun.tan acquired last week at Palm Springs. They spend each Thanks· gi\ling and Easler at fashionable Oasis H otel, which this year has added new luxury accommodatio·ns. Left to right in picture are Henry Ill, student at USC; Mrs. Schaefer, Mr. Schae~er and Dardie. -Jack Tague Photo SEALARKING D~· GI~~\· (~IRS. EDWAIUl LESTER) SMITH A DOARD TYPEt:: 1t is frighl<'ning to go by George Hon~·11 Oa!>iS nnd s<'c the Dcccmb<'r calC"ndar in the window with till' numhc·r of 1hopping days left be-fore Christmas NEWPORT HA R BOR spelkd out 1n huge letters before our VC'ry t')'CS! MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor ('A ·.1 •Y 1 • \ -.;1; II.\ 1.1. '"II ~011n !':nlrC' name I! 1111<' and it w;is WE"ii l1•• h1 • k II (I; 1'-. II r•' \rlhlO Op· W• t I h ll I\!< l hc .fll·20 l'C"Ore llloO"'· '""' \\l.111 ll•I\.\ l-'11<11\V ""''• u~c. cl.I. \\'hst & $;1\mct Spoll~d N~w-1 PAGE 2 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRES 11 H "dl I k·· tlw t:all1o ll n II y pnrl'ic AIAn r.1ny (who l~kv1I FRIDAY DECEMBER 2 1955 c Juh II\' "''"1'111 ••• ~pn111<ht 1': f1l 11" A 11•1 '11• n111·c nll(aln nfler ' ' llWl t:' 11•""' Aiu•l•lnnce l.A'AJ:Ue hi• 1l<r1rl•·nll, 1"1•wporl Jla1bor j ~'.'.~!' ~ .. .'~"h, .~:1~~1\1:'~ .. ',~.~(' n~:~:j :·:.;11~ .. ~~·~·;~ ,'~:~7n~lc~~~ .. n; ~~:,~ GOLD ST AR WIVES SLATE 111 th• tr :\.• \\ J• rt 111111• ~ • • · r,.lnnd• r •. llolrn nn I JuJJ;I' 1.10~·11 utnnn)! th•111, '.\t•·. nn.t l\!1~ \\'11-:-:ix \\h'I n "'' ll\'P in Ftl·mnnt 1955 CHRIST MAS DANCE Ir 1m IA'•ll•r• '' 11•1 \\Ill l•ll''" ni< 1•:1111' tn l.11~ A n~··I•'~ Artrr th•• t h <'lr ~'"•I• J11 i.·r 1m0 I Mr:4 H·•· lo'.11111•' 'di I" tltt' Uc\11ly lllllun I h.rl G" tr-I••'' nn•I '.\1 11 • • \\'h.1t 11 t11•.ll1t1n' I<<">\' l.\•.11'1 \ '" 11.i\< \l.ll<11\"1 l :l·~l!A .1\:0-:f) Al. Tll'l'~1'·11 )\Oii•"· Culd S tt\r W ivu (lre planning their annulll Chrtatmu rllln1 e for !Jee. 16 at 9 p m . In American Legion Hall. New- porl Beach w1lh music by B illy Arthur and h1a orchutra. s H1''4 llH)\ It\ ~.141 lt•U t .111\1 :\,ttt\t•tt "'''' ~1 111,-~ ~I to' \\'11rlll 1'1•'" At Pa!m ~rringR F l<'>I A \II• 'l • n\ \h Th~ n~·~ ~'l't,1 ''"" ,,• .:.1.:tt c n "I , .,, rnmily. Mi and Mrs t1n1•11t.il A\'1• 1111 I 1111' ~I I ~ Girl Scout Troop 19 "IL~ thnlt,.<1 when Mn1. Ralph Lftrrah<'f' 1::111> Weal B&y Ave otfe1('J lh•· yuchl Goodwill tor an over-night "la)' ,., cottec-ran 11tew "'"·' prl'p:H•'" by cad\ Individua l a t the Srnut Kouae tor dinner. Aflrr this llktl.'1 were rnJO)'ed and thrn thr truop with their 11lttpln(:·bt\(:ll. wPn\ aboard Goodwill (o1· the 111&ht 8 rf'&kf•ut wu 1ervffi ut thl! Sruut Houae the next mornin,i:. Ponalc! Gt .... n. P1rn1t'IR !UHi p.Mty Arm. Jn A1 ~1ul1a. AlllO Pll'Mnl "'•'rt' F rC'1l Hlranl a nd F A. P1r: Tl.ant.•~!\ I'~ ul llUl 1111111 '•ttttt I'' 1'11,,t, Fr • .J H<'hll I• pltll 0•1•-..lll Mt • )'I•'"' 'lh•ll· Ent.bu1l&atfc girl• wenl horn" tn tell their ta.miliea ot the t ri'asur<'<I experience. Chaperone11 "ho 111 • companied Troop 19 werl' the lead· er, Mr1. Samuel H tll. M rs. Arthur RemJey, Mu. Wlldan 'l'homa.s. A short lime ag-o g11 l11 mrl at the Balboa Pier to r lllr blC')'l'IE's rn the Newport Pier for Jum·h anti Ill learn a few fundament11ls In ramp· Ing on U1e ocean front• This t11p wlll help the girl11 earn th1•1r "<'ye·· Ital" badge. Chr l.stmas gtfta arl'-bt'ing madt' now, wllh much 11e<T<'C'y. Thi' Chrl11tma11 party l.'1 look!'•f forward lo by lhla group of ~1xt h )!I a1irri; Mr11. Samuel Hill 111 IP'tr!Pr 1rn•1 :,frs. Emmy Lou Bn.ib nk1 r c n·lPa•f· l'J of Troop 19. ,Glrlt< whn tirlnn,i: lite Hell'n Hill. Je11nn1t' Bruh;ik,.r, Jo-Anne Remley, C'~·ndy Fam~· worth, Sandy Walfl11'1', r 111r1118 Aldridge. SU!!an Malltl'n. Patn• 1a MacDon11 Id. Darothy H11,h Flor· ence Stolllem\·re. N1kk1 Mrn 1am. Linda Rygrl, i tary Elmllc Thnme11. Olt'dre Cor n, Br1dg"1 H 11n11aker. Ren'!e C&r1well and Muma norr)'.1 Fetes Membe rs of G irls Club Mf)re lh11n 60 membf'no of thf' Girls' Club, 10 to 13 ytar.s of 8gr. rtce:vert inv1talton11 !or \hr party given for them Bl the Debi!' Den o r lhe Brat Shop Friday 11nrl Sa turday of ll\.'ll wef'k, ort"()rilani; lo Mrs. E&rl Po~r. "xrC'Ull\'C .111- ector or tht' club. J\tPmber11 or Mrs. B<>n l<in(:'11 modt'lllng clus al the club a ctPd 11.a ho11tea11e1. Two pain or crazy pant. were won by Pamela Brown IUld Judy F ortune, who h11d the gold botUe1 or Coca Col11, acr- ved u refrahments. B ro wnie Troop 17 kes Train R ide Ta Thi rd (T&de Brownle Troop 17 1 an out or town trip rrcenlly, had when 15 girls look the train from Ana lnto the Loa Angele• I for a tour of ln11pecllon. under the 11Uperv111ton of Sa.Illa. depot Lunch the I and h elld,r, Mr8. N C. Slurgron er co·lellders M r•. J . G. JI. I Orth and F'rPd Loelku . WU ot t he exciting expulencr he young B rownies. During ay mr~t1ng11 al lhf' Scout llngw part fo r l Mond House rnr th t ht11 troop I• 11tnrtlng pl&n11 e Chrl1tmas rrojt't'l. Sto ry of Indians Clln ton F:mmnllOn nr Cnrnn" ~11\,~XJ VfllV~~l4/N·~ .. ,ff!l~'11 ~(~~~~~'tl~ give 1nalching Clu·is hnas g ifts t o Fathe r and So11 •.• '1\1unsinMWL Pr • ''Look-Alike'' Balbriggan Pajama s -~ -c::: I Llke fat htr ... lile 8on ••. in Mun~ingwear's warm BAl 8RICCA~ p11jamas. -They're knit and finished to re~i!t t :.:1Jl1a.. 1hrinking, &&Mini-(, strctchin~. Soft anJ comfortable for sleeping anJ lounging. (foth('r) '495 , (son) •3 so fer father -1ir1 A·D , In gro• "11111. ~tl brou-n, u,111 f.rt>tn dark f,rl'f'fl. /1~ blur nni:--. all rttl. fi.fooun anti 1i~ I:: $5.50 ,., .. ,._,;_ 4.JR...,.,,,.. I p/d broom. /1,ht '-r""11 dnrlc 11rtt11, blur11141). gra;r 1('f/, all 1rJ. ,. . . " -· ~ . ..... -....--. '.· I 'l \ We Give 11 .. ,,.,., ""' 1'"11 !;) '-""~ tr ""'""!: ln 't i-;-itu!flRV n 1i:h l l 1• ul ~Ir . I'd" 111 .1 J.ir1" .tr 1111 1 11J1 1 .,1 ,. I 11 l'I'"' klin.: i-un.l'lll4 "" ~'r ind ~1 ~• Ja•k ftr"1 ""1• \\ 1 \' \ nt• :1dn.i1•il tllrlr tH"'\V Jr. , . .} '-1 ",,,,,, ,, 11 l tni•u· \i''• '1 tfl llft' )1,n•--•• rn11v t (" c:.!:.;..!!~ I ~it.tri,.., ~ •11" '~ 't-L•"'"'s I ~ h• u ·~•tNll~ -M ,r,,.1J', •. ,ir .. ,. 1; di . : • II T· 1111 I :Ill' )',, 11 11 ... 11 (I l ,., l~tk•' Th111 ts a bt>n <'fll for t he chlldrf!n'1 Chratmu party and tlr kcls are a\\illable from Mr9. Wllll&m DeVlnnty, 25111 Cre11\ vh-w Drivf , gcner11I chalnl\aJl, or member• a r her com- 1>11«-. Jottnf"tt. W . P.--i!T0'-'1'11, T • ...-C6TT1na~ JC""R""''"·~t:. Snit l ••r lJ. C'. Bamclt. dPI M -· ur will be the ~'1J•'st "P<'llk· ltw--munthly book-ltf'( tllffrl---~ g of lhe F'rldlly A flf'rn(l(>n .nePlln 5&11 Green Stamps ,',nt\ bl .. ~ tlv• l li!'i•ll h llltL.?ti i.th•·•" t"1• .. •nt !~"" ... chat· r•11•I lhl' ""'" 11 .t ''"'11'' 1 • I 1111i.: ~''" 1;""'1!" 1111111: Sr. "11h 1'111·: H\'1 ;11 l ll 'Ti:;ll'\:~ nf I.I· I• '"thy .int <:r.11~1· Y Ar 1\\1•\', d• l•I•· \\Ill h• t A"''•' r·ro-h1tl 1-:1 ... ·1 llTltl ll•rl1 Thnm •-. ~Ir The group rcct'nlly elec~d office,.., will JiatalJ on Dec. 8 11 L 6:1 To ro Marine Balfe. • rl<' •I I lfl\' t II• 11 ,. ' ii•• 111 "'I '.\!• • .lill'T"<'-I' K· ll•v 11f ft'AlltNI "'lh Jane'11 mother, Mr1. the l<enrlAll.s ••• will fly bac k rlub I hi-F'mlay Hl1 talk nf t ht' Indian " or th,. 11nuthwf•l will ~ illus t r atf'<1 with the m11ny plrturr11 1 nn hls numerou1 t1 Ip!! to re11. la.ken lhr a I •1"1• '' 1• t',. \I r I I •111 • • 1•.11 11n I \\'nltf'r M•·I-~·r11nk ti.11lry nf Cornna d<'I M11r, next week. '"'" ~1 11 .I I • r • ''' I· 'I 1111• ·' 11 .... r \\ a,;:i::,,n<'1 ~. th<' when thry rnntorerl up for lh,. 'r cl' I Mrit. Keith 1 Cnr.tr"'" ll l l •l>' :'l\1 11• 1 "' II•" 1~111..•11• i-;t1111 1111 k1•111 nr 1.111::1111n. •lny rrom thrlr home Ill P olnl Hl:-:Cs T O COMF:: Caplatra 1Mr8. L"on 1 W11rt. Fr•n· rlorer. -Bcl~y I"•., · 1, , t 't' I \Ir . I •11th' Hc-1 k••rirh from l-\hrr· I.Aimil •.. Donna nnt.I Dir k Mar· no Bellrhromber's Club's fuhio Mr" C'harlt'sl t..11 mh, "n r1 '° "1 " t..-. u1 I th,. T .. 111 TI • n<1 • ,, 1111-< w ith thl'tr t hr,.,. dlll·lt rn party trinlghl. I n .. .-. 21 w ith II F.leannr t MrR. Jam,.~ I ~11w~·rr r • • • • I 'I•,. I '• ••nr ,,.,, I\ fllmil\' dtnnf'r Ill l hr ~nowburkPt Of pru:P-. fun. clan<'· Th11riat111\', Per 8. f..ftrt•f'~ of thr •'' ; ·1 11 1\:"l\l'r.l\'l"\G f•)llnd lh" U1olh .. aU.iyClu\J.. l'"g and m11•1r .• f"11ur L1tlo lslr Prr·1111 lunr hcon Jtlvrn by th• 11 \\ c 1 1:., • ·'' t h,. (',,1.,n11.tu <'O·ho~t<'ll~r" !I lunl'hron nnrl c-3r1l boarrl or <11rtt tnr·11 of th,. A11xlh· n 1·f's ' .. ,..... Olft nn Purrh-. or Ow•r On11 Oollar FrH ParttinCJ In The BiCJ, einert's DEPA RTMENT STORE IXHi :\'1•\\pnrt llhd., Costa Mesa • O~n f'rl. r;,,.., l'nlll 11 • ('nmmunlly ( 'r<'dlt A rrnunr• New Parkin9 Lot at Our Rear Door 1 ' J 1• • 1 ,, "··r nn•I ,.1,tn-1 tn ::-.; KE :-; D" I. lJ left hlll party, fire 7 11t Ulr Ltdo C lub-nry of Hn11g Hn11p1111J "' Jr\'tnr I 11 11 l ~n 1 c· 11 J •irin.. 1h111n1n~ \~I~· Ail In l••11n~~ h<'· h•"111r: pi1n1n~ hnnr1• In rt>rr1v1n~. Cna~l Cl11b ... OV~K ASO 01·T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1· I: 1:•1 • 1!~8 h lint~ 1n attx·1~de the Honn~lu 11urf at \h~r l f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 t. 1 " . \\ I ~\I~ F:.~ ;:y 1 ' ," . .1,,, ' 11 1 1, .,. 1° ,',.'~.': ~h~~ ~!~ll~la~~~,~";1 • h .. ~,~~-~ t~;~~;,~ t~;;~ov~l~e~1'.'°:~~~ , 1 ,. 1 ""., 11 ,1 1. r:.1111 t. , ,. ' 11 1 h•• F Jinn "Y~ whn ,,.,re h•• r-.1me bar k to Nrwpnrt nn bu~I- ' : 1 , . 1• , I "'"~ 11 r f't1n1nn with ,\f•·xtrn neu .•• h:is b<'<'n 111ayln~ wllh 1 , 11, 1 1, , • ·" 11 ,. .• , !~ formtr :-:l'w- 1 1 the W11ltl'r ~fpllnl111 wh11 had Ju~l 1 , 1 I• 11r1 • J 1nr llnd Skip Calkin!! returned f rom a n Island 11.ay with r I , • r.- a..·i f, ... I II lln \ IJ •I ,\I I ' t~£: If\ ' • r I .. f • t 1"'1 tf,. ( t f "'" ~ .,. •ti I I • I I 'I( I I •1 •'t .. '1 I '. 1 ~'' \ f t t t l 'l I I 1 t· I i 1 I I \\ 'h ,\ I• I '.! ' ni l" •·I .. ,.. fl · n,~ \\ ·~: '' •~ I \\ tndfnl "11 1 :-; , ,. J\ul<rl ll 1n ~· ""'' I 1. .... ::•I \'I • t t \" \\ I Ph • TYPEF.'S t·nr.w nm•• n l';;H- urday Mtl ln l111<r 111 th,. ~ l'· DID YOU KNOW that the man who placn a new Chrysler or Plymouth under the Christmas trff this year, will see stars in his sweetheart's eyes that he hasn't seen since that eventful day that she said, "I DO"? for holicla y clining ••• IM1l Ice Cream I 3 delicious flavors hand-packed $1 .65 th'e quart 8 European Water Ices hand-packed $I .25 the quart Have you tried W il W ri9ht'1 hand-dippe d chocolates 7 17th & Coast Highway Newport leach .. 11 I' I The Giff That She'll Cherish Most of All at Special Reduced Pre-Christmas Prices! • The Santa Ana Fur Co. ha.,. bffn In tht" •~ur BusinNOS ucluslnly In Santa Ana for l :l ~-.-an. Charles, MA TER F l'R RIER a nd DESIGN- E R -ls a 2nd gf'nt'ratloo fu r craft&- man. Tht lr guarantf'M arf' respttted throughout thf' fur hu~·iog world. &nt& Ana Fur C'o. i'I known throughout Orangf' ('ount~· for offu. Ing the l>Ht In fur 'alu", and for ncnr ' knowing!~· 1:>4-ing undenold on top qoallty fun. • "''"' • 795. MINK STOLES ........ .. $1,095 MINK STOLES • llfl~ .. POCKET STOLE regularly $595. Now Only $450. -------· ------- • • • I For the Best D.al in Mink See SANTA .ANA FUR co . Tf'nnti, 1>f ronr. -10~ down -up tn a fuU ~ .-ar to p•). Orw·n t"rlch~ t-:,,.nln~"' l "ntll !l • \ MR. & MRS. PAUL PALMER of Cliff Haven, pictured at Tower h le Hotel, Ja.mica, Britis h West Indies, where they 1topped while on their Caribbet.n cruiae. -Pierre Chong Photo O.C.A.L. W om.en to Aid at Confab MR. & MRS. JOHN A. REGAN JR. -Don Small Photo John Regan Jr. & Donna Small Wed at Capilla San Antonio clt'<'OrlllNJ with nreh11l11. T he flor11I rolur lh•lllf' "<I',,. P""t"'I in Jo'11Wna nf II» lond"" nt· t f'n1lllnt11. M1s11 I lionn.. F 1•111 hn1· t on. m nul of h onor ""'t' .1 l1vo ·1· <1f'r d1r1u• With <'rm•n of 111\•'n•l"I <'hry~1mth1>m11111• •trl•I r1crr 1t·d 11 no"f'IC"Y (lf 1<1nul11r flowf'r• rombln· I ,.,, \\1111 Y<'llmv 11111m11 Th,. b11.t~• 111&ill11. ,\I ll•J<Pll Tnr.-.'a Hny .... Nanrl 1·11mpb• II 11n•I f'11tty T uu1 ... ""'" !-"llOW fn>1:k11 Wl'h l&Vl'n<Ji'r "°""" •r~ 1 ;l!lle \\' " St IC o n ,. r llf'f\'f'" "'" S. A. Doll Club Is Entertained ~Ir". F M Ho.l.,;olo·n '"'' 111un • ... 1 thr ~;111111 An,. 11 .. 11 «lull 11 h r r h••IJH'. llW :'\'Prlh ff•I\ f-'rnn• Th,.. hU"'tn"''" llh'"~1 nt,: '"'"""' rnn '111Clf''I h\• Ill" rr• •o•I• h t !lit• .f .. h11 \Va,:h1n1nn. F'o11r n•'\\' rnt1n1h••r111 Jnrn!'r:I I hr c I I h .\11'" '·n 1 I J A". 1011mh or n11111~·· !llro F: J K• 1 l1tr IU'HI M1 • Chllil••I' H. 1)11\\ll; ('f !'AntA J\n11 nnd M r-\\ ll1Rm S All11m•ton ,,f l.11pm.1 ""'"'h Th~ nrxt m1•r11n11 will ti,• Prr 19 In the hnn1" ,,r !\lr11. 'Clari• <"itmphrll itn•I \Ir• J !\!-. C-1111p bl'll. •M !'nuth B1rr h ~I . R11nU1 A n&. Yule Musicale for A A U \Vomen Svt>n 8 nd Ann~ R"hrr \\II~ rr" •l'nt · Chr 1:H11111~ \' uol!' 111111 1 ·11•· t om1!'' At. t hP l''"O:IA1H m r.·t11:.: 'f t he Amf'rir11n 1\~,0111H1nn 11( 1·111 Vf'r~lly \\'unu n I •t'o ' 81 1' I' n a l lhl' f:tw-11 1·h1b l tr•ll~P an S1rn·11 Ana.. H 1·,..,p1l11•d n~ •• <';!"'' 1•f tit" lf'&dlng \'h•l••l.11 ••t J\m f'r1<·"· Mr R l'hf'r wn; R mrn lwr .. ( II,. l..<•11 ~Ir~ P h1lhl\rm .. n11 011hf'~t 1 11 ; t~ f'l1tht :<I''"''""· d1111ni.r whrr h t hne ht' 11l11t• p rlu 'l'"l··•I 1n lhP Hnllyw1\0<l l:IO\\ I Con• o'l l• Artist Celebrat es--j lOOth Birthday World fa m "" R111't :"\rlh<' _Eor Men _.Only ~- ;. Men: this is a special showin9 by models furs . lounge wear . . . gowns . costume jewelry and accessories. Trained personnel will be on hand to help you select the perfect 9ifts for the lady in your life. Gowns sketc'hed, designed by Don Loper, Dorothy O'Har• end Perlber9. M•ny more gor9eous things by leading designers such a s Tina Leuer will be shown. ._ RhhtM•torlf' f'arrinr • h. IU1lnl'•tonr rl1tart'f 11' "" .... d Rlll-tnn!' U1>4tl<'k r. Rlat'k lndlr h"C f. 1'at1n •lip,..,.... r. f'llltfo11 nlrhtc:n"~ •rt ~arl trllftmf'd I · r .. arl <'Ollar II. KhlnMloe~ <'omrarl TuesJay, December 6th 4:10 to 7:00 P. S. ladies, Does S•n+• •now your-1iie7 , Remember the day, Dec. 6th. Men Only ... 4: 30 to 7:0p p.m. 1767-a Newport Blv d. Costa Mesa ·uberty 8-7431 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE l FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1955 T be continent of AnlaN'tlca la Us. but unu plored t rontlf'r. Al- thoush dlkOvered ln 1820. no '11>UDl l')' hu .ucceutull,y a ll•mpt· ~ to colonl .. It. ~nty )'•llrl from now th• Amertc111 con•umer wlll be ulllnr JSO ~r cent more oll"tha n he uaH today, a ccord1nr to the National Automob.11• Club. MUSIC UKE THIS llFORI OPENING SOONI HARBOR HI-Fl Oppoeite City H Latnps and Shades \'our Choice of 0vf'r .000 1....npe a Shadf'• For • perfH't flt brtD( In your LMllp -at MarJlyn' s Hopp8 ( M1.~ R. l'h1111·tl• r How Anll <'tlrhn<lr•I hrr• l"•Hh hltth rlav &L !hf' H 1• 1 1.'1.,:11n& I h 1" Wf'ek whtre llHUlllj:•·r J •11n Krl'l· 11111C'tr h011t r <1 • r 11rt\' m h1•r hnn· or. Mae Hoppa 11• fu11a1un, a w•· 1 ~ 1111 ~ I.AL , __________________________________________________ ,:_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _._ --'\- --PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT 1>HARBOR NEWS.PRES$ ( Dance Program for Fuchsia · Society l.·.·:··" ('\ •"'·l'l'' , ..... ,.,,~nr ,.~, "·"'"' ... ,,h,, '"'"''" ,,. , ... . '· ~rl\eley, u.i...: too\ bl\ II N fl<' "11. \ . r • 'R ,, .. 11\\lf ' 118 I' •ulblt • I • hav• never w o1 kfld w.lh mm whn 01 ""~l lhty lua•I 1n lht>m ·· CHARMING RHYTHMETTES -This gTOllp of girls will s tage t h<'ir prettiest dance arrangements when the Fuchx1a Society holds 1l.8 special Christmas pro- gram for both pat'<'nl.8 and childrc·n. Standing I I to r I arc Ma rilyn Koontz. Barbara Meserve, Phyllis Knight, Jacqui Rumsey and Roaalie Ridge with BonniJean Alder seat<.-d in front. - Sterling Ditchcy Photo JOB'S DAUGHTERS ELECT, Calendar TELL CONVENTIO·N STORY ,of Events . . Girls Meet Obstacles 1 h11 1 '~'" "'~""" nt Gr .. n<1 k ••lhtl llt:c , l: "'~ IC•>. .\1'111d1I ra•t ,:1Md !'F.;\l()R rt.A V Hl~h ~·h•>OI on Way to Grand Bethel "''I"'\ ,,,..1 I'• · ~!• nt• t 1on1•'1 • u~· All• ss Jl m I• •I "II tu<il\ lh• >:Ill• lht"U"h lht'I I, "I 1 .. 1 bu11t1111,. ·1 .... , ..,,.,,1 •ltnp· l'llHISTMAS l'HJ':VIY.\\I '1 11 .... , 11 ... I t.• 111 11 ti 1<1UltN1 r m ftl'nllrzvuu~ li11llrom11. 8 Election or officers and N'ports (l( the Sacramento l•I ' ti ~ hu It ~ ... h ' 1rrlf'~ nn '"I n.x·. s con\·entlon and Grand Bethel highlighted the late Novem-111111 "' c,,,.,.,, a ui<1 lhrn at trnd-,.,, l'Mlll'fU"l an•I • 1,,1,.nt 11how, PHILHARMONIC Conc-nt -ber meeting of J ob'8 Daug-hten . C08t8 MC'u Bethel. The nrll't t1sy· Mw ti,.th•I 1n11tAll•••on 8;1SO ,.. m Anahttm >f11h 8chool installation will be held at 8 p. m. Dec. 10 in Friday After· 11n.1 ~ 11 1111.~1 t h r drill 1 .... m11, j A ud1 lorlum. noon clubhouse. Taking office will be : ... htrh thl'I lhUUj;hl m ulll f.'XC-ltln( i::E:->JQR f'LA y a Jl n1 Hlf h p111l.. uf 1hf' t·onv• nlum . Srhnol Aud. C'.1rol C'retn. h•Jfln1 f.'d Q u",. n Inn• r I?'''""· ~:'ln•ll D 1•h1rn1l,..1 OH\' u 111 " llH MtttJntU! KnnJ1, !'4'ntt1r pilnrt'• L11 1n IUl"t•lanl l,1 •hr At\ 11111.. A 1,.,., 1 11 , 11 1 ... 1 "' V• •I > M•" CH RISTMAS PtH :\'11·:\\' 8 r rn til'n•l"~'"u•. I ' Christmas Fete Planned for Parents and Children Keyed to festive hospitality will be the annual ChrUt- mas party with which the Cos(a Meaa-Bay Citle. Branch of the Califomia National Fuchsia Society ia to uaher in the yuletide seuoo Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7 :30 p. m., in the l!:ven!t t A. Rea S<'hOOI a uditor· 1 Claua ta upeeted to apJ>41&r. Ke ium. H l\n11lton and Mt'yer St• .. ! w!U bav. candy for all the chll· Costa ~1"118. dren. Ewryone attending 11 re· Program of thl' evenlnr will quuted to brlll( a stft. not to ex· r,•alUre a ditn<'e gy-oup whk h In-I Cefd 00 cent., for the exchange to till Santa'• peck and parent.a eludes Jae-qui Rums•'Y of lhla cl· are reminded to brtnr a emaJI t)~ BonniJ<-n n Akler and Barbara rift tor each of their children. Meservt' of Santa Ana, M1trllyn PLANT PRIZES Koontz: er P' u 11 er ton, Roaalie Door prtsee will be awarded a nd Ridge of Tuslln an d Phylis lh<'N will be lot• of plut.a for Knlgtitl or San Clementi'. a STOUP lhe plant table. Refruhment.a will be Mrved. known as the Rhythrnettce. Ab o owen KJdman, pre1ldent. will futurtd will be Dolleoe Hoke and extend to everyone beet wlehu Mary H elen F lores of Santa An11 for t.he .euon tn behalf of th• and Trione F olkner, J udy MIJJer f'Ucbela Sodety. He aao lnvttu and Cathy M I I I e r of Tustin. all lh<>H who are new In lhl• a r- known u the J unior R.hythmettea. u. to feel t.hey .,.. wt'lcome to ARI: l'OPt·L.AR attend t.he part)' u well u fU· Thi• year the Rhylb.mettes att 11ch<'<lult-d for many Christmas proj(rams, Including-appta.rancu on T V &hows, Lo• Angele• and H ollywood orph11n11g1>s. the Flor- ence Crlllon Home In Loa Anl(e· lea and lhl' Veterans' HOlpltaJ and JnJoor Sports of Loa AnKelu The J unior Rhythmettes are &190 bookc•d for m any C hr111lma.t pro- gnn111. All the Rhylhmettes have prl'vlc>usly 8 ppear<'d on TV lihowa. The sorlely tnvllu m t>m bel"ll and friends to bring lhr\r l'ntlrl' famlllu t n thl1' me<'tlng as Santa Hostess Cruise ·and Luncheon Mr• \\'allt'r L Roche J r . a nd deui;hter Ctr e I I a enleort.aln~ aboard thrlr schooner R.eJ<ilce on • Salurday harbor lllld ocun CI Ulff. Lunrheon wu n rved a board, an<t after t hr cru1Seo lhe party en· JO)'c•d cockt.ail1 a.t Ne~l'J>Ort Har· bor Yacht Club Pr~nl were Mr. amt Mr• Marion Ar cher Rlde.r amJ nl~e ~eOee of Beverly H tllll. Mr and Mn . Frank Cham· ~ra ot San P'ranc1&('0, t he Sal· v&t Qr' Monacos 11od 110n f«'nalo, M n \'1nrrnl HuJy and lhe host· cu 1luo. Dresses Nothing Short of Amu.ing is the way these Cla.saic• from • ture mffUnp. Name President at National U.D.C. Confab Durin1 lb• recent naUonal COD· ven\icm ot Daqht.rw ot t.M Con· federacy, ti.Id at San AntoGio, Tex.u. a tele~ wu received by MIM Gertrude Montromery. 2117 Jtut Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Ulat MlM Edna H . J'ow\er of Lo• Anfa1e1 had been elected pl"Midenl. Th.le t1 lha tlr.t. Ume a Callfomla wo- man l'lu 'be«l elected to Ule of· flee. Miu Fowler I• a member of lhe H ollywood chapter, U. O. C and fU\ honorary member o f Em· ma . 'Sanaom chapter of Orange County. Latter waa r epreae,nted at the convention by M". Robert J:., Locu•. chal>ter lre&lu~r. Miu Monl&omery I• put et.ate pralden t of l1. D. C. and Ml• I Fowler ha. been a fr.qUeflt fUMl lo her borne. 11• '"'"V Hl'<'br )llntrir Jttln<t'" Ir'""'' A nti'"" 1"•1·•n• '11 ·• 1111 "" I'• •h• I "·i Ji.'"'" 1 I'• l• n •on "t ·A ''\ ' d d J• ri \\'" rnn 11n1l • ,., 11"111n ~:• ..J (.;tlUw ~ .,..,. .,.A4•U.... -,. tt.rv nn , X>~r. gu1 " a n ~ w ~ t • • 1 ··.. ln"d%Tr1r ~" • n •0n • • •r 1 1 qr "t.11tl\ ~ tr• :'lt1n1t o be J'a.n•t Ar~'. ma f"'hal. Ml.a• Crain mlllf.'t"• wr-rr B"""' 1, Hr"~ 1111n· ~1 I' I , \I r I lh · 1 h -Et Ii!~ 1"~ Al .1..A TTUN" l ~ p m F nrl•y Af\rrnoon clubhout•' ''Charellas '' Hit 10 ma.ny Cw ttqoart'ty-mr nnr Htad lht'fle day• Our New COCKTAILS and FORMALS > I " ,,.r I f'• I r"IJ "n • fJt:('. ~ namM h r-r apPQin\lvc> orflct'n and •h•nt : Mary Ann 1 ·, .. ·r• r r~frt"'t · , , 1 ,1,,. .. 11 ,., 11. t> "' 1 ·;;-.. "" tn· l hf.'lr u11111t11nt11· l'hApl""· J f.'rry 1m•nt Tllan•• JR1k••n Juh• Al ,,. '"" 1 Sh• 1ti.n·l• 1 wl\J\ t1e1 ("Hll.11 (.'H AT V a m llarbor 8"11~rr. a•~llllllnl, r•omlhy )114lr) r n1n lln•t 1· .. nn\ ~, .. ,h "''' 11'11:. II ..... r ,,,. A h •lt 1:unn Olh<'r I vi ...... RA'cnrtlfr, Kii\' l111m• 1<"91•lllnl t"•rol H rrr. ~l llrttn H•<'•. l.•·•hf' , I""' ""' n 11111 "• r •· MmP• l '\onna Alhrtghl , lt,.llJ'\trf'r. T t'r n An l •<>nnl\ C hiurh l\nd B11rh'\rt1 ~u111h A\111 11..ht oinl Mill,,, :--1 .. 1 Ot.c'. I Jlnio•. DlUll"lanL RQ11&hc Fi•rhri l'""l'"r r11lhn): 1.11 TOA~1'\IASTt:ll I< I• d11\ prn· h l'arnrtlll\, Unda 8lrlla1". a.Mlllanl. Mr• 0 8 n l'll'llth (1111r<l111 n <'· 1 11,rvrrly H• ,.t,,. hrq,, I ~111tl~ ti:•'"' 7 P 111 ~:tn 1 H· v<rly Rtf'•I': mUAll ta n, l.\n•~ I rnrl .. <I 1•n hulll11r .. of 1hr io; ......... llr lt'\I II• '""'"r rnnf .. tl• al th• <"llRl!-'T\\1\t' '">" ""'" '" • "' M l\1111 An•lf'rM1n 11•.11111\Anl, J< 11 y m,.ntn 'nnvrnltnn ""'l 11tn1v nf lht brP1r.kt11al h"nc>rlnic 11"1r 1 .. 111 tn1t """l:llf' ,.,.,., .. , )llll•·r. '(•th .. r 1\llll<l•ltMI ..... ,."" tri p l fl nran'1 Rf'lhl'I W•• ~(tl•l by gran•t cu11r.f111 11 a n1 I A"''" 1Alf'I ' ... A re DREAMS! $14.95 to $39.95 SIZ<'I J().18 .J ( > -I "ee a gift suggestion • • • • Tit. _., '•1'4111/"1 CfHJU)fl 1'* ~ t11er ownH ... TllU Mt«1 1110,,u •I ,.,,.,. 1ric0f Miit Offlft ,,.., Ml J1ol' •WUI· ettilt1 111# AeffllW. A ,,_,, 6ow le At el /roffl M l>eclc MClcliM ~.•I co1t1 te. m.1cAU.1 pal it• le C9Mrlt1• • P'"" pUfMlf. L-Apple /t-4, T1t19!UIU,, ltoa• PW, l'iNc YiMtt l/1Jf4, ""'~-".Me"-"'• 7.95 tin E. Cout llllbway Coroaa del Mar Gorg('()ut. I ;1ft Wrapping Free Ph. Hubor I SOR Houn 9 to 5:SO , • We're piaying Santa to all the family ... We've the pre1enh perfect for Ded, Mom, bi9 end little 1i1ter1 and brothers. '<trl\ t1•"t.t>1nl Gllll M•lllll J"" IJ11n•l ~rv, OQnna A lbrlihl Mnry l fllUH•lla n lit~\ :<• 111.r. H···n~11t11nn 1ltn·I In• "'"'"•han J1111n \\'Rll'· 11M1Al• Ann 1 ""l"'r "'"' Rfvrrl\' Af'd >f' j F't1ltiN11, hi"''"' lrttrnrtf nf l hl' nc>r ' I' 111 <>< ( a nt , f\liinl' Jl\1 k"'•n TP:l.I. 1'41'tltc1' bu• d1ff1..i1ll\' """' •flt t tt>,., ~'.BFl.I. Tlti\\'t:t. :--"• lwn • 1 \O:l°'l"t::-.c .r.H:oc 11 "·'-11.n hll11r11111• 1111• r1 11112hl 1 fl!tlb .. 11 "' -..h• '" ..,,. ''"'1c1n1t i' 1• , ,,,1,11• .... 'Fn•l n """""trf'r L•n•ls R11hl'· ,,.,lh tht 11nrl<'.J_.l,.•I f11t\\ftr•I 111 thr 10·11 '""'"nllon l 'lilU~TM A~ TEA '"''n" :\!I ar•n; 1'<1'1,lRnl C'a rfl\ H• 11 ,...<-t1n•l I \\ hl'n "" ""in" J .. h l• • "'"' "l "h11 h '" 11 b< t" 1 '" r..nni:: H• •ch r m ~' J111nt1 «hunh I'll"~'""!;"' ~l\T~r& ('t>UJ"t"f . ·~-An,hf'tm t h,. '""' l• ',.I h" II (,f \ t.~ .... c llftT SPORT SHOP 1823! Newport Ave. COST A MJ:!(A Now to Mak• Chrishnas for All the Family Stcri Merrier <Arol \\,. C,h'fl ~H {•~ft l'tMD1'9 '"•!Rnt . f:l.llnf' H•'>t"l lhtr•I mH· ""'"I ht6: • ~1ui;:h II "" "',, fl, nn11 11•11111101 hun .. rc •I qu,.rn .... n&• r, KlllhY H11r\111nll ••1•l11nt 1•~> murh bllCl>!l411f' RIHI l<kl mi n\· rr"•l•l••I •l th,. ..... , .. n F'.c<'<<.1 t ... 1 rr• gram I;! 111 I'm Bl " ' J n Ann \\ 111.Mtn fu11rth nwll!Wn· l'""rlt-~ .. lh"' '"""' '" i.)·n· •n·I '' 11• lt111'<I ,,.,.,,, J 11 n H t" Jtf'f ~hn" n ~Jlcin' 11 ""'"\"'\\ "•••I tu ' argul!' ,. II h I h• ht,. ,.,.,.. \\ h ,,. JUr u•r """' ''"n' , ,.d riueen l.."h•rlo ..,,. :-;.1-.m t flh ,.,,.,...,nl(t'r I lo-ftnd Wc>rt' ~•\'• n 1 .. ,, •l•lu'C,. .. ltrt ~1111th 1,ue nJ,an inti RalJ"h JAnrt H ru-1 1 ,,l•lllnl Ti·rry Ja· bll•• • "Irr~ ll!IH llrir .... ,. 11\lf' i:11wr•lu1n M r. f'I· r ·h• Gd""' .. rr In a 1111" ''"'' .111 IJ11~hl n I 111•1 1ta r1 • •Unnl ,,,,.m· -----..-.. n1 ""II until ,..,,llh of 11 .. 1c r• bo r• Mmr• RA•li<•rl ~r· th. \\ 1llls Ca rd Section Play at Mesa ,,,.1.1 tllt h"H•I bu~ h11 I "'' r I II ,. ~1111.::~r J >hn M<1:ann an.J R• ~rt •I ""r h• l br"k"n •l••l< n An·I lh• ,,. ,. ll"P ana ,.11, a wail 11nl1 I" rf'J"ll""'"' T r • 1 ... 11,..1 ,.,,,.,J t • rl\nn1t" h1i • ram r lr1•ni l.\m•nr•I Th•n 1.1t•1 C "'"'"' ''' 111 .. ,,...,nnl l!l•ro• ""-" 11111 hr.-B " f'\f'r\· ~··n 1a\ 7 to I' "' 11n•I r"'1rth 1 "" '""E '"'' 111 F'f"'"'' fur br .... k. S 1l111 '' 10 111 ,,... ,.,,,., h•'I' Jan ~ r 1 ~ t• r l n· fl Thi' • i nc •ttltnn n ( lhl' f'Tid11y ,, •• '" • :\rr•mrnt .. '\ r ... Aft.,rn•u n I 'luh "'"' st "'" club· ----------------------------.. ti•'"''" hht weeok \l llh ntnr lAblfa of h1 ••Ii:•· 11n•I r11n11•tll. Thrrr-,..,.,,. •& ffi"ffi""1 • llll•I I\ £11f'.01.t1 I"""· ~t . Tnltll' rr11,. w111n"r~ ",.,,. 1'1rn"• J.:rr•I f11x"n I • P Rmlth I w .. 11 .. , It f.l•hl. t..n ~lr"ur. f>o•· Jn rr• M111 t1~11n. 1-t'lll I' \\'1)111111111 I t: r. 'I"''''. H111\tn1>nlf Brrir 11n1I )111'!1 J.~dllh f'O ntlnl p ... ,,., 1 111n1I r nft• 1' ,..,.,. ""'"'"" 1 br (11rl' plll \IOtr 1'Ar1I• """l"•~"1 "'"r" :'111·• EllM' Ll'r•r r Mm,.• f:hf't n• in !'n ltrr l.lu• •I F'•tnend,.111 a n•I l ; T \ ~llfi.'.hn Thrrr will Of' nt• ~ff''"" 111rrt1n~ • p.-trmr.,.r e nnnunrr• \lr11 >: 1 ;\I ,,. rha1r· n "" 1h1• n •. ,l onf' b• 1111r Jan 27 Bel Vue Lane Yuletide Plans C"hrt•llnaa JHOI tllll' • '•If Jt,.I \'u,. l..11,,,. ",.,,, planrw.i \\ l">••n • • • Tl-.o!"I yru for c. Ort "II . () our Ope1 H ou e 0 <;oturdoy. We ore 0 Cid you I f' cur "'""" ll"d e"1e1rr1ed s'o•e O"d Our CJ . ,, ; . .. ,,, p J"J ,. l-.. 'c C"l \i P. " "',, l<>• ... ... d y c ... \ ' ' 111 .... 0 ... o~n v.e ' 'I 1-,~ . be • . :) .... 1 Piano ~11j/,.,"'fc.Uon TERESA RENNER l Mrs . A. Renner) AM'f'ptlnir a Umllf'd numllf>r of pvpU. for p&aa. ( 111\('f'rt P l&11hl of TbfN" < o•llJlt<•I• t.radoat• ~tu.1,.nt of Bo-la 8'.:tok St>rn Orin Pb. Har. ZOS9 Corona lliithland-. -Co10u del Mar _.'t. ••••• --..... --~~ 0 SoppJ.,,,, .... ,.. •lrh•• ,.M ..... •• , tt .. ,., .. ~4 t , I ,4 .,..,,. • -1 • Munslngwear lin9erie and Men's Underwear * flt.,..... Koret Sw•aten ~J!!'- Sweaten * Esquire Sox Hickock Belts, Wallets and Jewelry w. I "" and Moiud Ho1iery Gln P~ rnna '1v ,_ S 7lo• Bath Mah and Seat Covers ftellll T OWPl·WMh (10th !WI.a.. FREE Deluxe Gift Wrapping Furry Animals Baby Blankets G R A F F Skirt1 end Blouses Pedal Pushers Slack1 Mary Jane DreuH * House Coah DrHsH • Robu Pu nu Dacron ·.Pillows Costume Jewelry Handkerehi~fa * Carter'• lnfenh Weer and Sleep Wear • c.\1\te\e• PV1itiVt19~ * Supple Drape Blue Denim • T rouHra & Jacltah " . 0,.. S••Y 10 to 5 J',•n1n•ul" Point i\•••>t tall n n • ll1 b• r~ frnrn ti 11 utr~ "•rt' h "I•·••· f'd h\ ;\It• r•lt•" l~·llm•n LA•l ye11r H1 I \ 11•• I • , "'"' a w11r.l•"I tlhtrd plar r '"' th,.1r lft n~ nf h11hll'd Chi t•l m~· · · .. ,.~ Ln<-nl nirr1h 11 nl• "''' thP P"'Jrrt Oe~ervP SpauldingS Jewelers Give S&H ...... s1-.. .... ._.._ ...... i . :1 ti NIWPOIT llACH w ... Days j O.. _. ... .,_ ••" ut l'W 9:15 to 5:45 O....t C),,,,._. HarL-r J.'>9R I 1 ~~ A;i lboa IAl1rnrl '" "' nn l hi' "ll rn.t" "'"" l'l"n~ f• 1 lhf' th11nl'r •l"nr" v. h • ~ • '-- r r.int J\•l"•'<'l•l1nn \•di h•11.t I •" 111 a~ :-;,\..,,or\ HArb<lr \'"ht C&a. 11t1afv ·•·•••• • coau MUA. CAU•. ~Ii Marinf' "'"· , nu l .._ ________________________________ __.._ __________________________________ ~, '''---------------------------------------------------....... -----~----- J .. , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1955 "'t:WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGES ~ ........,,..-·-. ...._._._ ... I Woman lniured As Car Strikes Pole I M1no•r 1n t11rt••!1 II not ""'"'k "'l'I • ~"''"'' I h\ \·11._'1lll I ,\j, A l~. 11', ( l.1, llll 1 H\'!ll't\ T urfh \11\' whl'n h··r P1 r \\•T!I ··ut ••f ,~ .. n\rt"l ('ltt I c·,111.•l llri;rn,1•\' a nd Ila• Jtumbolrlt' dnlh1 J:. 1·i:HP \""" :h ••.. ~ r•''"' an I :-.t t1h '-' fin t-",t t-••1\ l '1• 1'l 1l1· 1 Th,• 11111 • r "ho "1•s l.lkf'n t , II ·1•1• II • ' 1! •I I or 11 • 1111 • Ill I••' I ufCai,•r,_ Slh• J.ii.t '"ntrtil n( tht• c.-r \\lWll "'"' l1 I.· 11 .. "' 11l 11n 1llll'Olll• j "•i: F•ll\,,m11h1J.•. \\ .\Tt:K llt-:ATt:n-. lAlli SllYICE ••~ U,AIU Jo e Bt>c!.!oft/ l'l.f MUll\li TUMS 10 'fl COH DOWN t-'hon• .ttarbot &JlO THIS IS THE THUNDERBIRD '56 Hauslcen-Watson SPORTS CAR Ct:NTER The most succe~sftll "pemonal t·ar" in Amt'rican automt1tivl' history has a nt'w "continental" s0porc tire carril•r, flippi.'r wrndows anti cowl vents. Besides retaining its classic designs, the new Thunderbird has three power train options -a 225 horsepower engine with Forllomatic trMs mission. a 215 hp engine with overdrive and a 202 hp engine with standard transmission. Standard safety equipment In· cluoes. a concave safety steering wheel, saf<'lY door latches and a shatter resistant rear view mirror. Optional safrty equipment includes seat belts and shock absorb· ent cushioning for the instrwnent panel and sun \'isors. New model ia on display • .lacua r, MG, Alta RamH Austin Ht..iy, Au,.tta, !llonU AuaUD ~t !1.T.W CAil ~AIL~. sanci: • Cl.EA N USED CA.RB 1mporlN1 A Dom•tlo Ub«ty 8-6031 Kl 1~'161 OOST..t Mr;M I SA.VfA ANA WELCOME TO COUNTY -Membera of Newport Har~r Area Democratic Club greet National Demo· cratic Chairman Paul Butler as he arrived in Santa Ana for talk Tuesday night. Front row from left, Mrs. Dale Bott, Butler. Mrs. Frank Downes. Second row, from left, Belle Loeser, Ralph Watts and Downea. -OCNS Photo at Theo Robins, 3100 West Coast Highway r--~--~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~-;;;~~~ ltS! HaT. nL HOl A. Malm There 11 only one dlr<'clion from the gt ograph1C'ai South Po!e· North. BUTLER CLAIMS COUNTY DEMOCRATS 'WHITE HOPE' FOR '56 ELECTION t PULITH'AL A D\'ERTISE~H;:-.T1 VOTE "YES" DEC. 6 Amend the Cit)' Cha~r to Give Youn;etr the Right to CHOOSE YOUR OWN COUNCILMAN IN YOUR OWN DISTRICT SA!'ITA A':\ A 1 O<'N S) -Na· 1 but "lhe while ho~ for the Demo· Democrat&. alllo bluttd tht' pre11· 1 I. \'our "11Y r;onnun .. nt "an oow bf. oootrolll"d by • cJl y ma· 11nnnl l lPnw.-n.t11' ("h111nn11n Paul t·r&t" In 19116 " ent admlnl11tratlon. dalmlng tl <'hlne voUgic M • llOlld blOC'k .\1 Bu11' .. 1 at ll m1•euni: nr [>00 01· "Although you In Orange Coun· has eupported only the rich ranch· ?. l "ndtr the prrMnt la\I, .)our c.-hok" for l'ou11dlman f'&n RM' t I h di f , Yflt~ by tiw-\'ol.-r11 In th .. olbf'r dl1trlrt10. In tbr,., out Of th11 '"'I<' ('<Hin\ v llt'n11>1·r1tl8 Tuesday y llVt' l " unu11ual aUnctlon o 11rs 11nd farmPra. He claimed the 1 111, 111 .-AJli•d fm• 11 11, mr1< rt<llC' VIC'· h1w111g l o ~o lo court to get full Rcpubllcan11 h 8 v c allowtd the M'Vtn llll•tTlrtta In thf' l1111l city tlt'<'llon, the rouncllnuut r.bowo " t1 I •-·• h ov,.rwbt'lmlog ly by thr \Olen In hi• bome tlU.trll'I wu """""" 1..,, in l!•~_.i 1111 t•omp ete rt'prtaen""::uon ert> 1 raim pricn to drop all hough the In the atale lt~t8laLure. be aa_ltl, pr1C'e to the C'Onsumer n>ma ina tllf'lf'l>" df'ftall'd by th" rlty machlo•· \'ullnK &!I A 110lld blo<'lll. Hut Irr 11 tall (or1t'fu1 1tpeaker, "you have toughL iplt>ndidJy " the aamt. I S. 11wl \'OW1"9 ot eM'h dlstrkt 9boold bf' abl .. to r h&tw tb11 c.-oun· l • llH•"I llrnni:•· <'111mtv n<tl bll\C'k, Bulltr, In an attempt lo rally Butler. pll'dged Democrat. to rllmao to r?l>r_.nt t~m. •1tbout lntf'r'frl"f'nc.'f> In that ~bolN" rei;real'r.l all the people and tu I by \'Olf'MI from outald4-dl•lrtr ta. EIPf'tlun •ho••kt drpt•tld urwin J work together to evolve a truly tbe fa\•orable \'oU! of lbt n1,."bbo,,. of rM'h randldalr. lbl' effrey Promoted Hendricks Held bl-partisan fOn!lfn polky. '· =~o:!:.~0.~7 .. ~::.~~·: .. Do you want to tl.>('t your O\\ft to SerCje'Clnt Ran• G d Th ft COCllM:tlmaa la your oWll dl•trtr t '!"' } OU do! CLAREMONT-\\'llllnm M Jl'f· on ran e Sullivan Son Theft Vote "YES" Dec. 6 Yes ~ t rr y "0 " "' M rs l'hylli .. J••trr<'y, y·11 D 9 . lorn as Assault STOP TAXATJON WITHOUT REPRESENTATION-:11:1 :-.=o11 1·1MU!'I A''('. ('oron<L dt"l l I ec. :'11 111 n11• hP•·n proninti-it tv i<rr-Trial Pending AMEND THE CHARTER SO YOU CAN CHOOSE "F"Ant 111~1 ri .. ,.,. 1n lh~ l tOTC FULLERTON, DEC. 2• tOCNS) YOUR OWN COl'NCILMA.~ R&tta llon nf 1•11111nnt1 C'oll•'lil" and Juh.n ttaybum Hendnck•, 34. SANTA A :-.A tOCNS)-1'1 r l. V T da 1 •1 !\I • 11 Lt ,._1 ~l'wport S..ach. wu htld for Su· ON HS y V_...._ Yes l8J .. rr1 '""L • tn " ~., "'1'· ....., · C 8 0 9 David N. SulllVl\n -who wu r t· "···-··-··-·-··-··-···· ,.,... lltol•r I ~ (, ..... , .... r ....... , (If rtrfnr ourt In a.nta Ana ec. d i h 11te when he Appeared for pltltmlnary portt' y t rown lo the ITOWld Harbor ca·t:.ans I --1111l11A1 ~ ••I• n1,. a nrt t1w1 rc s a n. h,.11.rlng in An!Lhelm • Fullerton , tour wuk• •Ko by 9 illlltr of 16'1111' ~Ue n«llCI• .-.1 t<'dAy ttt 1 •" h·"· .. lum u d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~· ;\fu11l..tpal r-,,urt t o<l1y on Cfllntl, 1 • .,t' vvu • -... on ay _ "" •'• • •' • ""' \ •• ri,: 11.t nn1t lh•fL ~h•rv•a. Jt&Vt' blrUl lo a 7.·lb , 9-o~ baby p T C • • ,, • 111111 r .,, l ! ,. """ .i, .. ,, ('ulu r ~lt'n~n7k.:' w h 0 i urruidenod boy at St. J oaeph • HospiUtJ. r------•-O_L_1_1 .·r_A_r,_A_o_v_F._R.;.T.I S.;;..E.;;..M..;.;K.;;..N.;.T.;.l _____ _ ' ·I ,.,111,11•nly '10 poh,r lut wel'k, I The hoepttal ottklala ttpo~ I fl• ,11 r u""d of lh .. tl nt $3l3 fl"Om the baby W&41 nonn&I at birth. Col. Andy Smith is not the Issue in the eleciion December 6th-the issue is : horse Me•t Opens . . The woman. &Jone wHh her Sellon Service Slatton. Fullt rton, h\aba.nd and Robert M. Brokaw '1 ,, , 1 11114• 1 , l·"lllnlt M the 1 where hr futmrrly wu tmployed. a.uertedly wert alla.c:ked b laf'~en I •• Al111,11 ... it ..... 1 ,,,._,... Q•Utt·1H• h».d ~I'\ llQuahl on b&d check lt'tn. -.eu out.Ide • s..!ta A na 1 • '" 1 •• 1 • • "' 1 1' '"1 1 h" t icra al.&o. Orlve·ln rf'lt.auranl la.IL Nov. t . ·s Holiday Fashions Durin9 Coclctail1 Two youtha are Coat.a Mt' .. rt'lll· dt nUI The prtf1'&Jll woman w u I hurlN! lo the lfl"O\>nd by one of thf' youth• and bad heT' a rm I tw111ed behind hv-. M"Cordlnr to I tut1mony In a preliminary ht'&r· Ing __ • "FfveOf the 1evtn youth.I w t N! I bound over to Superior Oourt t or lt1al on felony u 1&.-lt c~• Ru-11 E. Ca.rpenttr, • 7. of San· 1 ta Ana a.nd another youth -• I treed on the charce. HoweVl'T. UN nl1tr1ct Attomty'e otnc• f"rlday. flleit m I 1 d •m ean or C'harg-ff --,_a~nsr-earpentt>r. SHAU EACH DISTRICT ELECT ITS OWN COUNCILMAN? Col. Smith's stat~mf'nt folio"·• . • , • .. , 1'1lrno f'\"f'r run for, or a<'cept offt<'e u Councilman of Nf'wport 84-M'h." SIRJ1ed, Col. And""w "" Smith Harbor Citizen's League p. m. Sunday-December 4th I I II • II II Presented by II JO-ENS ~ Newport Beach Ii ~ .MARILYN'S-Costa Mesa JOLON'S BEAUTY SALON Newport Beach Coordinate'd t;y MARJORIE HALE STUDIO Corona del Mar FOR EVERY HOME l(t Datt and wonderfully prankal, top Jihs -.wi&b a toptUmcm J couch! for dit firttidt : conctm pon ry or ll'I• 4iciooal finplMt fu:curtt, firtutt, 1ndiroc». t.llowt., leod~ ... ood buktts. firf. liafittn. p lop i nd • uritey of othct aperldiog gilt imns. For outdoor tnunainina: cfutinctivc Lucufc porublt Bu-8-V110t·Bruit"· "'as<>nt, "NNll berb.aael, chdt•·u r, uble ,ttlin~, tlulltt doda1, uttntih, ublt n0Hh1tt. 0..0..dve pita: Old·•orld-charm 1n icnporttd bnat wall plKquU, plancn-1, criveu. Q.i1ot t.ou.-cn.acbn, wuclluvants, bra11 '°""td wood cbtta.. i nd many roort gifr ... , iont • • • ptked ro fir your budgt<. CQmt m aod bto"'Ml Thru Jtorn .,,irh ""' lot tvtl')' S.ntA ! + + .. .. - ~-----.. --,.,.._ --~ ..... 'L--._ ._ ~----- Main St. 2260 ff.Le. Bcnalu a ud • Ca.ta M.., c.t'-.• ~n Mon. I.: Fri. f:,·~. Open Sun. '.! to 6 p. m. Santa Ana Kt. 5·2789 Fragrance Prince Matchabelli Duchess of York Perfume 1 1 oz. G1fl Bottle $295 Regularly Priced ~.50 ... "Wind Song" Perfume 6 1h oz. Gift Bottle S 50 Regular $8.50 - "Holly Berry'' Ooioine 4 oz. Gift Bottle Regular $2.00 -···-- ' •119 Boxed by LENTH ~iUC SA VE $1 ON REVLON'S Four Keeps Tweed -Muguet -Red L1lac -Mlr~le. A ttrac- ''3 ACCENTS ON BEAUTY'' only Nail Poli.eh -Lipatick - tively Packaged. Regular •1 tt Sl.80 value Liquid Rouce. Gitt Pa.ell-•1 60 aged. Reg. $2.60 nlue CAMERAS CLICK FOR ,CHRISTMAS 8RO\\~lt: •7•0 Kodak Ouatlex lll HA\OU~\ t;. f"t.A.'iH Ol'TYIT -~:, c·ame ..... n1m. '217!'; Rat 1 .. r1r11·t)Mh. 4!\i-.,_C~Wl,t.rX. Kn•J.&Jc "Pon)" '331!'; Hro~nlc-lfollJay 1326 13~. t 'l.Al'IH c.ou:RA . l'hnto-I AI> '97!'; ARLt S 7!'i. complf't" '2r OutflL n.A1'11 ~T. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON JEWELRY Ear Rings -re9ular $I per peir .......... -... -···-··--· .. 2 pain for $1.69 NYLON HOSE 99 , • Gf't t:.xtra PaJr Frt'i' with ptln'hMe of 2 pa.Lr at _ .... _... c l I ArlstO<'rat -100 Sbt>et. -50 Eavelope9 STATIONERY -I Schick "25" Electric Shaver rwttb '~'11 > •22 00 \'our old elfoc-tric-8hanr worth $7.50 iD trade Oii the SdUck ~·· CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS e WRAPPINGS e GRlmNGS Royalites II ll1ht" t o tbf, vi 79 l o t rim your trl'f'. C f;1•11;. 91\c.· Imported German Ornaments I .arse or Small o-..,-DHooratln DON'T MISS THE HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS 25 r;-,: OFF HALLMARK RlllON REEL 220 FEET ONLY S 1.00 Collection of Hallmartc Cards for Everday Use, Only ······~··--· .... $3.75 CANDY FOR THE "SWEET' Wh·t • S I $2.00 box Saylor'1 Craftmade 1 men ' amp er Chocolates . $1.50 box Other Famou1 Candies Di1tinctively Boxed for Savory G iHin9 TOYS TOYS TOYS For Girls & Boys of All A9e• Special * I 00-1 . '.V.A. ~ r r 11" P Ol'k,.t AHPlf( I '1 • . ( OMRIC, rM'h .• 3" * Special ~:00 a. m. t o 9 :00 p. m. TURNER DRUG Park F rN> ia &t&r 2542 W. Coa1t Hwy. Uberty I· 11 SJ --·--.-~----_,..._._ --· -------..-..- " ( (}overnmenl PAGE 6 • PAR!_4 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19ssl CAN HE MAKE IT? ''God gront us th~ serenity to accept the things we cannot chonge: the coureg e to cnenge the th!ngs we con ond the wisdollJ to know the d ifference ." (A. Anon.) <;::, EDITORIALS What Price Horse Racing ~at County Fair Grounds? Costa Mesa and Newport Beach residents and merchants within the forseeable future probably will have to make a choice as lo whether they desire t o have thorou1hbred hone race track and grandstand at Orange County Fair Grounds. We say they will make the choice, using the word rather loosely. Off· Jland, we don't know h ow it can be prevented right now if the fair board of directors decides to go ahead with track plans . The way we hear it the fa ir board directoni have been appri~ if they don't plan a horse race track on county fair grounds there is likelihood a Los Angeles ayndicate will push for a track somewhere in the county. It out.aiden bring the track in, put it where they want it, o r can get it, that will leave the county fair ground.a devoid of the p arimut uel bangtaila. Is ·that bad! We'U leave that question to you. However. we are ·wondering if Newport Harbor resident& want the ques· tionable track followers which attend the quote, Sport ol King•, unquote. We wonder also if Harbor area merchant.a will be delighted at the thought of about two weeks of races. In some areaa which adjoin horse race trackll"'the merchante and business men find busi- . neu a.nd collections slow . when the bangtaHa are run- . ning. The &llswer to that argument is put out by thoee favoring race tracka that people who wab t o gamble wiU dq ao whether t hey have a hometown track or not. From what little mConnation haa been put out on the tratk by fair direetora the fair would realize a percent.age of the take after leuing fair ground& land for the track and ita gnndatand and tote board. The directors ao far have not takt>n the 1tump vigorously for the project u they are n ot a pparently convinced they want the tracJc. What bothers them ia the thought the track wiJI be put 90mewhere in Or&nge County by pnvate capital, ao why not at the county fair grounds? Then thetf' will be advanced the argument that the race trac.k revenue could help tupayera In Costa Me.ea as Santa Amta'a operation hu done in the City ot Arcadia. The usual chant.a about how the horse trac k wilJ bendit eweet charity wilJ be dinned into our ea~. So far we are not reciting that limerick aa though Wt> believed at. It the people here&bouta want t he track, no doubt it ca n be had. Ir they don't want it they will have to m ake the county fair board of directors realize it very thoroug hly should that body vote t o b ring ua the t ote· board and ho~ track. the tout.Al and other hangen1-on. It would a_e.peu to many of ua that o ne honie racing track an the county-the quaffer Oree vernure at Alamatoe -ia enou gh at thia time. United Charity Campaign for City Very Worthy Idea Holding forth in the council chamb(-nt of the New- port Beach City Hall o n W~nf'fiday night wu a group of three dozen persons upo n who m have f&llen the c haritable drive• of thia community for the past sev- eral years. Repn>~ntcd well among them wu the merchant.Al' div i111on of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and s crot111 seclJon of housewives. Conll(!nl!UA or the group WU that the Newport Buch Community Che11t ahould expand tltl scope t o include all the l"l'putable and worthwhile dn,·ea now conducting individual campar.gna m the city. Out.Atand1ng wu the ,.tatement of some. the bead of the Chamber of Commel"'Ce. and others. that the city o rdinance aga1n11t all forms of ho uae-to-hou11e 11olic1- tat1on 11hould be enforctd to stop the mult1tudinou1 dnves, both good and bad a.nd some d ownnght fraud1. The grut hearts M the Amencan people, supported by gifts from their bountiful economy bu whipped one dread killer and crippler, poho. In just a few years it will probably be as well controlltd AS tuberculosis 18 now. T. B. ha.a been Jar1ely whipped by charitable gifta from the w allets of American citizens. In the same manner cerebral palsy. muscular dystr ophy. can- cer, and even heart dist"ase may hope to be largely controlled -provided . the hearts and wallets and tempers are not exhausted first. The most miserable frauds perpetratt'd by h eartleHs campaigners are those being pushed for so· called "worthy causes." It is a physical impossibility for homeowners and merchantl; to check each dn,·<' and campaigner calling in search of "donations ." This l'an be done, however. by the Community Chest , or thC' Chambt>r or Commerce. o r a United Crusade. or any of ma ny forms of united gift efforts. Then it will be necessary for merchants and homeownC'rs to bow rht"ir necks a nd refuse to "cooperate" in any campaign for funds aside from the "one gift-one camµaign" method. This is a no ble aim for a worthy series of cause's. People o f this community will be deeply indebted to Mrs. Harvey Some rs of the Community Chest : and to Maurie S tanlty, president of the Chamber of Com - mer ce, if these efforts are successful. Calculated Risk? Recently the Cali.fomia Adult Aut hority took what it called a "calculated n s k." Ignoring the pro tesl8 of the district attorneys of two counties, the J\uthority releaJ:ted Floyd Hall from priaon. The notorious murder. robber and kidnapper, wh08e eacapades terrorized ae~ral Ca lifornia com- munities in the 1920's. has served more than 30 years in pneon. In the judgment of the Adult Authority, he has been rehab1htated to a degree that makes at worth· while to take the r i&k of turning h im loose. Also Jut week. the mystery of the brutal slaying last aummer of the Karau City ma tron Mrs. Wilma A llen wu solved when Arthur R. Brown. a San Jose desperado, confe88ed t o the c nme. Brown. with a Ion~ tecord of burglary, attack &nd kidnaping, was parol<'d from San Quentin in 1952 after .erving five years o n art anon convtcUon. Brown'• J elease, thtff years ago, was a ca lculatf'fi ruk too. It failed, although the person who paid for the risk had no responsibility for its having ht-en taken. If it had not been taken , Mrs. Allen would be ahve today. Defendtni of t he parole system will pro<luce sl»· tistica t o prove that the disastrous results of the Urow n parole are not typical. Perhap• they are rig ht Pt>r- haps the Floyd Hall relea.se wall be a b4•ttcr nsk. But t hat will be sma ll comfort t o v1ct1ma of crimes com- rrtitttd by other paroled crimmaJs. The HaJI release has prompttd the San Fnnril'lro Call-Rullttm to call for a full-scale leg1slal1\'e mve11t1- gal1on on the parole aytft.em . The proposal will be 1econded by many tho~ghtfuJ ciltiens. What Makes America Tick? What makes America tick ? Why is it that a natio n with 6 per cent oC the world population an d leM than 7 per cent o r the lanct area create& and use& mor<' thl\n one-third of all the world'& g ood11 and S('l"'\'l("PS .. Jn discussing these qut"st ion11 at the re<'ent mr1•tm~ of the Amt>ricnn P etroleum J n11titut~ in San Francisco. S. Clark Seise, Preiudent or Bank of Amerka. empha- &1zt'd th<> w11lmgncS11 of Ame rican pri,·ate ent<'rpn11e ronstantly to 1trlve for greater a.nd more efficient pro· ductavity. Coupled with thus attit ude, ht> Raid , 111 the lnu~iable demand ot the Ame n can pe<iple for more and bf>tter producta at lower prices. &u1e point~ out that the increasing size anii com- pltx1ty of the American economy haa t hrust upon management veater reapon111biht1e8 t han ('\'('r bf>fon' But he c1W the \'lgomu11 sc1ent1 f1c and industrial rt'· March, along with 1mprond mt'thnds in produrl1•m, marketing. management and employer · employtt r"lll· t1ona as mdicationa tha t management bath re<:ogn1t<'s and la fulf1Jhng 1t. ~pona1buit1es. The bankt>r &1M> 11tr<'88ed the need to Rllmulalr 3 g-Teater dcei" for more and better educat ion amonJt Amenca.n y outh. If A.mr n ca 111 t n maintain 111 pr1 .. eminent wo rld po11it1on then we mu8t train mnrt' sr1l'n· t11ta, physlci11tJJ, malh<'maticians and enginPel"f\, he said. Quoting from a report of the TwentiC'th Century Fund. Beiae deelared : "In the la.st analysis it u1 the attribute8 and altitude. and ideals of the Ameriran people which account for the dyna mic charact rr of t hf' American ~conom1c system." In othe r wo""t1; that'• what makes Am<'rn'a t 11·'k. BRUSH COlJNTRY JOURNAL R~· llO!(A('t : l'AMtu:n ( t:d. '"'" -Thi" c-oh1mn h1· """'"" l'nrk .. r "Ill ct,.•I "'Ifill th• llllh•-kru\\\n ht .. 1orlc·1>I ,,.,., .. ti" hi\ .. 1lr•·•li:•-.I 111• '" hill mMJ lrl1•• Int o lh f' tta.-k r111111tq ht r"•'••nt 1 •·11t ... ~ '~ . Thr dl'lfl'r t is a lwa~·~ n ·ad\' Wll h n 1ww ;;11rpnsf' Two years 111!0 11 bou1 Chrintmas 111 1w. 011 a t·:1111 n:11~ I ri p n11 the desert the k ids d 1Ht'O\'l'l'1•d ;\;;11111·1•'s own "IJ1rdrngr." "Ian· tern," nr "baHkt'L" Rl'l1.r·n111i.: fn •m a hil<I' 1t1 llh• sand dunes they t·a<"h had a bull;~· handfttl of wha t l11nk1•d liJrn hu1t c·n, , .... n11 t i-.~;i •• , \Uln11H1nn ,., ,,,,J,•t '" .d~ ,, h "'1' \htn~ t.'Onl· NI<' • ttll~I '• (' I 11111 111•'\ \\"I' th<' II': ""I I""''' \ '"' I """'I \() llll ff1 IPif ,..k,•"1·IPU ~ ( t dt•..,t It 1 ''"tllf'l'I ti 1<•11 llHI I .ltllfllHll I hP1 ft' \,.,., t ""'or•• .,f ptu 1t 11 I'•\, I ,. ... ,, ''"' "''"'''' t ti\\ 1·U··r 1111• I \\ 1111·1 ii• 1 I f,, 111 d1•1,11t I hr h"t • ,, 1, tf• t'h • , t 111t1 n '..-:t lUl&.:. ... ~·fl1r• unf•11 tuu1U8 lo\ l f1t• l ll11Jnl11l11 1.a;:r 1 •• , lrlJ.: l•IHllntl t .UllJ1 IU I \'ftry•nJ,; ff\tJn·• ~' U l\ ,l hl P\\U h.tlt\ ., ... , •• ,.,. h A\'A Onrr\"n•nJ,; .. , "" rt ... , ... t ft,, ,,,, .• , ... 1,1h t1nil~t "IU1'8 ll fl\Ol~I lti• ··ntu• fr ••lll \\u ... ,, ... ~ ''" k' 11111 ta ol 1tl••tu•, lhto'4n •l l•H'lflC"'tt wtth t h••1l•• •Hl:t'S p.1111lt.t a ·~f·· •'1 L•n••' in i:a v roln r11 111111 "II h a ltc.'hl" t 1 t'UIUTf'•I h11lh Ill •'.II h A l HI 111;.: I ta 1blll P to Y ut .. 11•1" "" I hP •I• .. ,., 1 \\I t.,_ , •• ,tur~"' h\\U Vh1t:-.l 1ttk' , 1 rrn11,4•n1 ~ t:l.11X l'ORt.ST Jlhl 1t f •\\ itu, ... H "I \\•tt" tun· n111:.: tn It•\\ J.,:t• 11 tn t hr• 1••1•p ,,J.,n-.: lht .. t t f&.;t or H lilf J.:•' ~l llltf\ pf ,..hn I 1 ttu1tt'~ "'h•·u I inn 11ul11 it \t·r• AFFAIRS OF STATE B~· HENRY C. MIM'ARTHVR ~Ar 'HAM E:\'TO. 1<':\'SI -ThP maiJ,. \lo'llh lh" r on11trul'lll>n l"11n · s 1 .. t1• Stll•f•'nl• 1 ·11111 1 ""~ Bt l"•I 'r1nll r11n1 .. n 1HnJ; lhttl lh<' Kltll,.11•· I "P• n It ""I h'~ of (uur lllx ,.,u1111 '1'111:',ll" .. ,",·.~1,.rntt111"1't·•lhl11:,,ha. ',',."1'111r1t11t1111fl I I '"' "l\'1111: 1 h• f"'' rltt>lll of ""uot v , ~ l>oXl'lt '·I"'" h1t11~1n~ fll llJ"''b ('HO• lhf> lllX•·" f'Rt11 ltlldl'r pr11lf>"l lo ..111h \•·•I 111 01 n1>•r n11l1lary 1••· ltl•· r .. 11 nt11 •. ur 111 II' •~l th1'l pnr· ,t'r vutwna, liun n( lhl' 111xr.t0 whu It \\l'r<' p111tl 1 1 ·p,.h11t nf lh,...,.. rtl'cl~t11n19 h "" th ,. a..•llt',...mPnl• for "'"rti:ai;:e I th.II 1hi• '""' f'rni1 whit h rorutt!IH 11 •lo-ht nr a mor11z1111nn ••t lht' an· lh f h1111•101; I"")"''" uno111 Slf•V· l•'>•lmrnl fund I r111n11 nt I.ind 11 111 be rt•<1ut1t'J 1111 \ A l.l'.\TIOS' H>R~ffl.A I'"' '"lln\\' \l''I'" T h• c "11rt rn nn1• nf th,. ""'"• In •II .. r th .. fu ur <'&iwa wh11 h 1,., 1•111, d • for 11111111 '"' ,.,.,.111,.1111n 1n vulv• ... \• n A• p8rat•• hou~1n~ uf \h,. fNtJUt''""t'lr\' tUfl"t ••,.1 of lhit- ptuJ•·' /4 .,, ~ .. 1uu11 Orttn.:e. S•u ttf\J11\1 ut•1un titt••U n.-& \n \hP pt up· U• 1111u •11n"' 11not 1'1rn 111<·1;11 trnrn I , n , .. ,. ,.,141 rn .. anatl~•I .,.,,,..~,,1 " tn \•f'•, lh1• •l>1l1•" h1~·hr111 1 otlJI l 1 11 1 t I ft•tluw 111 .. 11~ 11n 1h11t 11 .... ,, 1n rnnk 1• ' n """' ••f t iu: paym,.nt ~ 1n.i;: ,,,., .• ,.111 .. nt~ t•f th1• tvrw ''' UJ\t'O \JH-.. p tt.ipt•I\\ tn "'11\\\-. H( pro p• rt\' ~11t.•"\ ti( th1 (fOW·"l \\t .,,.• 11, .. (111 l lhllt 11 1~ •1.,.ntrl hv lh,. "'"'"'"1,.,1 In lh,. l lln l 111111 1: "Ith lJn1t•·•t Rt•l•·"f ~,,, .• ,,u,tt•nl 1n•\1\H\.\1tn-. ,., p.•10 lh•u• htuk \<• "' I ~"" ... I· I """ ""i:Kll lllk· tn,.,; , ""' ..... In ,.,.,, ... , .. , .. ,.:~' Al'Ullflt • ·t I h1 n \ • J, u • llh-. ,f 1njtf'li•u• •uruutul • \\.o •IJf'Pllf',f tfn"""\•f'r, -·· .. , ..... 111111111-.f """I R ~ ··htlil '" lh• 11 '""'J!•'I I d1oln 1 ··nt 1r,.lv bl"· 1,,.,,: """' th,. i;1•011 protNu111r •1111 .... 11 .. 1•11111 I hAl'i' t A k,." 111111" 1111 rnl••1t•111 1n lh.-t11r11n1uta •·•.11r.1<"'· l,<\,f) "11't:!4 111 .. C''llln\\' •·<111111"·'''"" ltrnqda I In•'~" It '"M' lhor f'IO)"l" ""llHt l In 1111· !i••l"l1•l •II~" v.t11ol1 lrl 1 GORl.l:\'.-Califon 11a t.A rantula, n otor- 11t1ud•1J• t•'il ''P'•n 1.,n1l r1\\rtt1d .,, \~,,f\,...i ,,.,,,.,.. 0'-'0 d''' lh n.: u111t• ,., lU•t ,, d11 ul ~.,, .• tHllo•'flf ntHJ i•''' I l 1 t\l~ ,.., f••t•,. t;., ..... Ch·· l •\•. .un•lrultHh fl • t1t1ttH\••rtttnt1t '"'•ul\·,,J Ut1'lllf,~••I l•• ,.«•Ill• I Ht 111us :->011t hl11ncl 111hab1t:an t post·s nun1:halantly for hi• J1t•1 tr.11t -H(lran· P arkl'r l'hoto11 tuc,unr lh.-,., .. 1 .. ,1, ,11 ,,, •• f• fj, t.MtO 1111utrnlh )n ..,,..,,~,. • ""''\ tihl.-• ir ,, f• ,. t ,,, •h~ ,. 'l i.·•-r .,l "''' t t '"'. t u ... '"~ """'' "' \hr t •"\li;hl>t'\hrn,.I J I.,,, "-k• I h fl" \ 11•1 1 • •ti) In t 11n•f 1t fin,. 11 1 Ii• Ir "" 111,. 11pltlrr UI it bf\• k ll>tN1h• ••f I ·~·•rl l ~t llg,. .. t111.. ha" •ll-1w11. •I "ny r~111•h11ns •ll•llbl• I l>U j,thl I '"'t lltt\-\l \t 1 Ill'• I,., •..:r•f'• Hf l t1 00U 1 't11· \\\t ~-1n lt1•rf1flli r t •·~I'\. \J~~\tt HOt JUC.•\Ul•'lllo ul rn• n\ J'tt, ,,, 1 ", ,,. "''"' \h• ··""• • '"""\ h i an,.: f''")'' t111 111 lh· H ,, 1tti th• .,,.n \'• tt1,., , • , \ttli lfll• It I '' • t1••k to th• '' n• \' 1f\1 I (JtX•'" hf au11 1 S1100U flUt•f o n lhl"' •11ftu1~ ••oOil" •I th,. tlUlt•- 1111 •• "" ft\J) J,ftJt It •n .. ,,,,. .., " ~u ·r· ' ,.,, ft f , ..... '" ~ '" nu ~·t J• '" lut I '· ,, I /11 "' , •• , ' IUUnunt ut u ''I"'\ ,...,, \-f"ltf 1tn•f ·~•\Jnt\· 11 u1uurll1 'In 1tl••lll $ • tUOU ._JHM,.\ '•;:"• \f1t1I ,. •Ir" '11a ' 1'J1t:• 11 rf' "'1t11•l1"1ro;" 1•• th,. f>X• tfl 1t 1h, "' • \lt..ehUl ,.,,,.,.,",. , •. ,.,..,,) .. r•n-= thtl th•,... •1uu\1nt• •w,.•a'•"•l • hf "' •l• .. rJl ""tS•I ,,.,,~ "t" t ,,,, tW'•n h1ttrn" nt•l ....~ o.. ·~-.1.. 1 .. , ,.,.... 11• 1111 .in am u...11 t1 .. -1 .. •1111 1ha1 n ...... •~ • t 111 .. ~:, 1111.l!i 1·111 1•"• _,.... .iw.1 -... • .._ ~'"1r ~· fnT m" t·•··rMt ,. ~lhl r·· I ,,,,,n hf th• tftl' •• ~ ...... tt~n ,.,, .,. tn•u h .,. .......... , •h k• I· t ,,. ..... 1'11 .. I r'\,:. •• , ~. ••C " ff"\.\. '"' hr41 hfluJllfl• ''' 1... '''Kr"' U'h '"' fttr "'I 111•• 1 a.I• r lh"tt I fl • f 0 •• f 11 "' J••1t• '' •H I • I .. t•,.. hul 1t ~ tl1niht· Al ,,1,. ••II• lin i lh,. l•e,.ins:: 14hl ... ltl:u'r")nlhf',.,...,ntth,.•nUu '''""' "' ,,. Ii• ,,,.,. '•• T t /ii i'''·~',~, ,,,1,,. f••t t1Ml~41 "'" 11,.,,.. • "'"111 ,... It• 1 1,, t ''" tv ,,..,t thr ... ,,.,., ,111 •ur1u1111lh -t • t 'k \\ t ,, •• • ( I h • , ,. 1 ''' t b' ,. tin ,,,.. ,, .. k , r I""'* un1•1tt11,. th••r 1n, .. Pltu•·n1t11i T1'k1n1e •nto •r 1ount t hr r qul· l'1111"' ••1"11"• 11 1\•I •'•a.:'''~ t•• t 1f1 \Allh " ,.l11k •n lh • 1,, l}u ti1tn•ir~" pt• ,. '"' 0,.,.., ,_ ''"" \ft th,. 1tl\h11\'"" 1h• ,,. "J> • 11 'l ,., '•I 4lo1 •' •lia•k "h • n l ~" I"• t a ti 1n •n I "r l • It • uhv ti th••\' tftJ I' r t-.11• ul ••1tl h l1o11i: I"''" I ... ',,.,' ... " " .,. .. ft'ftNlll -• "'''.II ~J Ill , f Ui,. ,.Ar\nu" I u\lfl I Ji •ltlff1r• ''' rf"f'•p,.rtV hn ft rrifftrltf ,,,.. h \'tt•t ".,.,.,n .. rH• Kn•t ,,_ hiut,. gtt\'ttnl'h•nt f>nlf'I'",.•-" ,,f II 1 h • '"' .... "'''"'''' ""' r"' "'-'. 111 , .. , .. , '". ,. 'fit ~·-•10 t. . '"'" tt••I nt ln•• i u1tq-.no•• in lh~ thf' •u1fl1,. rat1,, thAt c•Ch"'t ~tiYrtn ,..,, _.• ' 1 h· i.q .. u111•' t •it nu "v"'' t n1• nt "'"f"l(•\rfl"• ''""run.: prl'"'' lhr 1t1111111nt 111 lh1• """•,...ltlt'nl_. I r1 I" rly I'"'" Sacramento Sidelight fl h I f I If ' 1 ". •Ii\ ... ( f ti ft •I l.l'k " 111 I II" .,,. J' ,., .. f I\' • ,, I I •. ,, •• •t 11 . ,, , .. r• I JI\ Hp \fl'-, f t 1111 f 't lft L I. ,t f I t. • • Ii f t1• I " rt .. "· ' .. 'I I I I ,. t . '. ,, ' II i. f '11 \.' . ' ' ' " ... .t I It ti !"Al nA \n '-'T" I, '\:SI Thi' h t•V Thll~ 1t1 .. ~· mu• •'1• '" ,... \\ lt'I l't t <1r • h•• lw fl lt'"-'1 I'\ \·f"• n'' ltrit,h'• "tUff"' WAll1r1i f11r th~ lffijtlt . '''Hlr"t.t :~•,.t1 li>"n' r P ,Jt1lfl"J f ttpfftf" .... lChllf' n ,flo\ ( 1ht t •' th f t1Lhi\ 1t1•• ti ••"' I h1,,. pl• n1' ,,, ''1nr '" if u '"' t .. qt..•• ,n '"' r~•' ,, .. ,,, trr •H itn1 ·~ r-" up"''" lln•S n• \r' •t t"f 'h• t1 l• t n •h· pAt "' I "'R 1n 1 ... nlf',flt"M'I,. l•' h•' f'"' 1•t. 1n t 111 .. 1" "" 11 t• lhr ·•h • t!l•" <I .,f lr\10( In k ,., I 1, r ..... r111I, l•r ,• • ... ~ 1 an •. ''"'' "r11r1"1 m•rf'I\ rt\,1!111 .. (1 I d •a• h1~ .\ti t~r h\" C \1'1(" lhr"" 1ul•'1tn t r .., -. h'·•~I .. ,.,,,.. 1r t, tht-i 11trc1t11 on .... •. r• ,, v.. "'"' M;111 1n '• 1t .,,,t 1 '"" f•l\rt ,., ~ '''"" ""' t h At 11 ,. 1 "t ,,. 1 h .. acr• .,., " it.•u 1 •f •\ •••t t" r n·1t1n ,.1 " h1i:h In d 1"1 h"'hl\' t h'" 11n'h .. •t f'""'"n r f t tt , .... tt1~ • 1• 1 ' 1t " 1 fl ,. •• h1"'I I• I\• ):'I Ill~ II.· h .. r" I .. nun t• J f r t 1n It • • u J 1 h n ( ff • , .. "1 t, t,. 11 tt \t 1• f"" JI•' "'"' -.u., h ' "' "''' t 1u ··~· ,., , n " Nllll •r "' f"" • •!•11 •• 1 h1t11 I"· •Ir rio1U 11 • f't f• .. ,, n•I "'•11,1 "'''' 111111 1~ 111111 "' 1 .. h111l•I up """" , .,,,,.,.. . .., f, rn •kt rTin f•' tNu t11nc 1nh .. 11 r ,,,,If' f, ,, htt 11 h~•~ ••\'rf ~ 1" It ·~i Hf l_• l'l' .;I llf.Ul1)•~t\" t'U1'• I•~ I , t H1r t ·f•i• ''"'''M.I "'"'1~1-n t\f\l\ .. frv.· r.,."rt1 ,,,,,,... rur , I*· ti ~' " f·'thli• .. t~.-,l ., • ., ,, J q · •It r 't1I• 1 ,,_. •\ •t. rn n 1 ti I 11sr.•' \ \4 ... f1UI"'''' I h\ r h""" •• f1•ff1t<1111t1n "t-Ht.ltl lflfTI \\I\• 11 ' ~I\• •• t f\. \•111ntt••,.r lh,.. nrp,·rtnutl\ ·•( I• "n•ni.: l" r .. 111 ""'" 1 • n . 1"11" .111r1 un•t .. r•tll"lt th• .npti •1 t Inn '•f J:'fl''"M"lrllf'nt 11•1 th~ ( 111 ll•llill • h'""l Ill" \'Otlnl( r• 1• n '"•Ul<I hi' .-11p11blr nf • •rrvin•· "" II• r 11n• 1plr11 "' •Irmo• r 111 y 11 ht1 h J• !t, """ "'' 11,.,·nuttv "'J''lH""'' t.. I I " "' , . . ' I •t • ,. It ·•, 1111 1111 .11 JI \ll'I ll'""' II \\ 11 \\ h ,,. .. ,.UU h U&.: MUlH" l flth tfl I \•. •' 'I Ill II ft ~'l•h "'""I( U lit t j I ft I \\1fl' AJI I ' I ,..,, .. r , ..... , ,,,.,,., ''"'·)ur1~ '1 • • 1 •" , .... \\llln h•• f-t,.,., I ,,, q I, • 111 • t1o h h• Ir t I t • • 10 t, '" ... •.: "1 1~ A• I I" int•ol ''· I .,,.,' 11 \\UI f h'"' "'·•h•IV th••'• I• • ''"' •\ ti,. tr 1711 l\U I I t I ,. I H tt J It.,., f .. ,., t '°'I r' •II J a ltt r'411,11I.• t• " t' n,. ~: , •u I 1 11, J ••J lfl dt f "'' 1,1 t Jl ,,,,~ •' ~··»·" \,\#~. • .. , ,..,,, r '" r ,.,,. '', r t q, ff tf 1' tf "'f•Hltr '.' \I Ill \I 111 \ , I • ,, I I ,,.., ,,, "' "'" ' •I I\. •, I I ., . '·,, , "" ir "II \t L ' I ti 9 t "' I I r '1 rr "" :--." ,,., .. t , • ~ l I ,, • • I 1 --'trQ t I 1f\k' t I Ii' i I ,, ''I I hi •I • Ill• • , ln1 I~' th nrL•• F onntrly the N~rt-Balboa N-..Tlm• a.nd the Newport-Ba lboa ~ I \\ ,,,, t r, dt" 1n • .,, ,..,.,,' 1 stu t ------------------------------''""I""" r h• 111~ 1 .... 1<1' I "I'"" 11• TOO I.AZ\' T O Tf:AC II \ J:llt•red u Sec0nd-Clue Matt.er at th• Poetofttce In Nt"wport Beach. Ca.llfomaa undu th• Act of M&rcJi 3. 1879. f'ub!l•hM eT"'J ..... ,., 1'° ...... J' ... F'l149'J Ill~ U.. SEWPOWT RAJLBO& Pt'BU8KL""i0 OOJIPA>iY llll llUho& BITL. Nl:WPOaT BEACH, CALIF. ~ llM1119r 1111 11-W CalltMal9 N .. IJlfeT hWIMen Amll°IU.. 11-kr Nau-.1 llWMerW A••• .... .,_.,., ., 0r...-. c-•1 x.-8ert1ee Bll:Jt R&DDICX. PUBt.lSREI\ WII..I 10( A. 11088. l:dttor ORMOND I:. l'tOtnn'RH. Advert.tatnc Otr.ctor C'H.AJUZ8 A.. A.RXSTRONO. Mecharue&l,...IUpertntend•nl •U880IUPTION KA 1'1'.81 11f_,..n ...,._ N_..Pl'?M, Tri-Weekly la an.,-. c.ua1, ..... ,... ,.ar: aa.oo •~ m-.: •1..w t1t. .... -~ of ~p 0.-!l "1·00 ~r 7f/A1 ·-- Grass Roots Opinion SALEM. 0., FARM ANO OATRY; "Fim nrng i~ no lonier a matter of getting up with the chickens and colnc to bed with the aun. It ia papt>r-work. pt>nnl- work. uaiJlc long word& It.Jee blend-pnce and a ureom ycm correctly a nd effectively. You have to be a com bina- tion of E in11tein, Shake11peare and Diamond J rm Br.id~· to be a succe .. u a farmer any mort". and it d<X'im·t hurt lf you throw in a little P. T. &mum. e1th<'r. Tbat'a an exa.gpration. But it i111 fa r harder to be a cood tanner nowadays than it used to be." KINGMAN. ARJZ .. MOHA\'E MINER: "Nothing eervea &a a better baromet<'r of the condition oC a Mm· mun1ty or a alate than its newspaper. Many f trlit 1mpn>Ml<)ng a re made by the rommumt y n<'w~pRpcr and it can. ut.ber prol™)te OT detrs-ct Crotn 1ta arc-a " ,,,,,. UfH1\• ·IJ111l1tr '"''''""'''"-•n• fl 11•11•.-It.•'-'••(•' thA] I o •tap - l •rt '~' ,,. ,, 'n '"~" ) 11 CIJ\I'' 11 \ ".> 11 T fl ' \ Tiil' Jr '''° ~1: "'"'t•~ "41nc I UI \/'I \ ' ' ,, '' • '' • ~ \' ,,, t .... ,", t lltt 1 "'1 .... •n•hat .... t •" h\' It •n ,. • f q. ,. I n•t• .... •11nal • I,, .11•11t't It ur t. ttl•l·· !I\ \\OUld .. ,.. ti I! , .. , .. 11.. I I"" M •p- J i•trf1Rhlv lh" ,.d11r11l1 .. n11I ~\'· ~l"rn ha,. r;:nn•• f1'r lxoy<intl I /1" •""'.,'I''' nf I hi• ... .r)\ 1111 V foun•I t fll: t ., Ill' I H •• , • •• ,1.,11htft1I 1f .J. ((rr "''" "\ "'' h' t ltn\" f''"' •pl 1111.1 lh• '"'""'''''""' •y~t"m w•11111 "" 1 .. kf'n """r by a g r••up of I 1 • • f .. .t0iwon11I l"tU<"lllor• Wh'"'" thr1or · 1<>11 ( rint .. mrl .. le Drmn• ' •• y .... " ahaetd lo lhf'1r own lnt'ff1l'lcm 1 '"' Jo'tJr 10 bf' pf'rlHlly blunt ,.vrn I 1llin1t tJIH II ..... "•na.:"'""~ II> Mm .. nf UI .. 111Ut1f>nl.t A&V M>ml' '" lt1• llllllf" "f Ill•• r •' n lh• 11 l"lllh"r" a re lnu laT\' •·· \l 11 v l1mr• ·>.· ,,11,mn tr 11i l"""h ' 110 n vnl1 t '\J"'" ''l•• \f ~, •·•1U.\Cltl "f I hf' pt1hlt1 ~· h.,,,1 •\•I• m In 11 111n1ng ••11•1• r ·~ 11 f r.111•111ndlnir Jn 1h~ fina l 11n•lr 11i ... of C'our•r par«'nl .. a nd llUIJ>llVf'nl •rt' pnm· H nlY tri hl1m • for l h "' \ln•l,.~•ra•· 1 t'11/1 I\ (•ir I 11! II" lt•111:rr •hlp A I· 1 hf1ti1:h lhi• 1r "t 1,.,. , .... ,... ... ,11niz,.<J 1.,1111• • 1n I h• ... 1ur1 1to nlll "Ylll• 111 I hV •• lltl' 'f lh" r lta nlrir!I 11 a\111 i f1,.,r.t ,. It f' f11r I t hal lhf'y r nn· ' tnbtll<' 11ti<•ui tlfl t'i'tlt.f of "''"''" ft•r~u'"'" 1111" f , h,· tH'l"'\ p.•r,nu• t t HI"''"'~ art ~• tin .. lt•t ... hoot ~) 'IA)( f •·ll •r In ,.. ll<'llltnn an ., II t I fr rm nr annt h,.,. m,,.t or thrm ~l"m 11 r,. c nn\,.nl to 1111 in PArf'nl• TO o\:-'\O\' ..._ IT,.1'r h •r· A M0<'1a11on mrl'lln,11. ll I• " 1,,.,,, '" 1.i. l 1t.11l !'Ill· wsilch 11 ~mall •rou p d<'l,.rmtn• "'a.1.JU:u: "" .......... .,.,.......... -,,,""T'l-f""•~·· "•. "".,..1'Tf'" nnr....-.m11 l'l'irr"- tr" 'h 1• 1 I/\ to • ,.,., •hrtr n.in•ls alltrw .. 1<1. The 1.a.ke 11 ex~n111''t 1 , ----~A ~·1o4-_ BIRD--<: Ii 11hadows on shifting sand11 1n the ciune1. ·- "'· Asnr.RSOS ( rl<'nlf'• Allf'ir;atlon) Suit. Seeks Payment of Balboa Note !';A~TA /I '\A 1n<·~g1 Ar· J!ll1111•nh "' I r .. un1r1 nri:umi'nl!I \\ fl'l t' ''" TtH'4h!:1 v bf'ftlrt' ~UJl{\I'• 1 .. r < '11t11 l Jud~" Hny111o ntl Thr11nr· ,.., n hr1, R\I. '~U\" ': J~u hnrrt"' antt TIRl'V \' R t• hHr•I" w111cht (orrrcl f'A\'111Pnt nn 11 prnrnlR.•o n· nnt r 11l- l,.1:N11v PXN 1111 .. 1 b,. Al Rn•! Ell· n n r Ant1r·r"m nf RR lh<>A The romrl111nt rharg .. <1 th!' nol" \.\1111 l'XPt11 ll'd In H11lhn11 T h r f•llllntlf(,. "'Y lhl' lll'fl'n IHnt11 jtl\Vf' lhl'•r s-;-;,no notf', 11111'1 6 rrr 1·rnr !11IPrnt. (o 1"11.V l )lP bR)a nl'I' nn A ~ l :'l 000 nrol " !ll'rurr•I hv 200 11hllrl'!I M Yurra \"all".\' \\"111 .. r g1 nrk Th,. plamttrrs dutm only $22:1 lo~• bern I""'" on l hr $7."10. 1'h" tl!'ff'nrlants rtcny t h!' 11111'· g.t I 1111111 11ri.t h1we ltollgtd a r ro:.11· • ••mplRmt. Thrv &A!!C'rl the pla1n- t 1tf11 wrrrn'l the-hl\vful ow ne rs nr holdcr11 of "uC'h a not!' They 1! .. 11v 11ny :imount h due to thl' pli11nl 1((11 ft<1m lht'm. l-'urth,.r11111rl', the dPf Pnda nt11 Alt<'.t.:l' th" rlalnltr(s 1111' l(Ullty n( •I·• •'It &nd !1111111 In r111ltnl( to dis· • lwu• the l r\11' faC'ts In lh• Yurca \\Hlrr trnn~Rrtlt>n. T hi' A n•ll'r!IOn!I C'Onlt'nd l hl'rP wus 11 nm1ph•te lur k o r .-1Jn10111 ... ra- t11111 111 tho• d1 Bl 1111•J. tht>rl'fort', thP nntr 111 Jnvall.t Officers Nab Runaway Boys, Charge Theft r r tl\• th"rt 11nr1 r11n&w11y rba rt:· f'1' \Yt•r e ,., .... •l!OIOl<l t "'" JUVPn· il•11. I ~· 11n'1 Jfl, whrn N• wro rt flrl\rh l"•)Jh ti t1ffll'<'I !I fuUn•l lhrm w .. lluni; i.h1n g ( • .. a 11l ll1ghway n.·1.r f\11v•1<1,. Orlv,. 'rnr11<h1v nlj!llt tlff1rrr!I P on "'911J~llll lln•I l'nn 1'11111•••11 Wl'tf' on p11l1nl th• v •111•1 v. h.-.1 I twv •·liiscrv11t 111.. > rtuni: • rt• 1 • J'll~htn,.: 11 bln«•lr II lnni: I h•• l •t..h"'" \\/11 n the 1i .. v1 w•••t' ,., .. ,,,.,.,, 11n I hr•·llt:hl '" lh,. 1111< 1 "•11 I'"'" P fnun.J I 111 \' "• t' r11n - n\' "r" It ,,111 Han c; dir l• 1 "I hf'V llll~i:f'•lly I "llft•••<t•tl •lrlll· In. lhl' b11•\dr from th' r f'nr • ( :-.1 •1 ""' 10 U1111~ :->1111·, orrir,. :!71'• \.L-~at M1~.v. A~ lft - r'lf't'r b·l>' llo••V \\ • r<' I l\rr\ 1ni:; ""r" "" .. 1,., tnr r1111•r the h<>\ 1 ~11oJ lhr\' '"••k from 11 p11rk,.'1 <'IH In !'11n11ct ll<'ach an<t uvt'r&J p11r k lil;('JI • r CIJ.;l\tt'lle .. t hr\• ""'I t hr\ t ·••k (1<•m ll rn11rkrl r n l.Al<rwc>n.t lttl'tl • nr tr 1.nni;: Urnrh. 1wrnnl· tni: tol r<>Uc,. r .. llrt' tonk !hi' ynung1tl'r8 t n nr~ni:r County juvtntlt hl\IJ a n<i 1 nPllllrtl l hl'lr r 11rrnl.JI I Book Pair Thefts Police For Cap !': rWJ'<'rt B1"11ch pollr l! 11rrtattd I ·' • ) "11th.!! 111 10 :,~ J' m T'lltP.· •'" < n r ha11:e11 n ( 1•et Iv I hi' ft 11fl f r t hry were rtport""I l'll'&lln.R hub c:-11rs from a •llr n•gutrrrd ln H t• h11rd F M t1 r, 13 W . Biilb<M Hh 11 nmc<'r• r h1br 111111 &nd R.ob<'rt Tnvoty MJJ thry •topped a C'ar •t Balboa Bh·ll. and Ma.n St. \\ h1c h M !r\\'frl'd lhl' clesrrlp t Ion 0( nn" l f'fl\ In the \ IC'lnlly nr t hl' J.'n•lf'r 11utn Th"' 11.1111 lh"Y 11r- 1 ,.,.,,.J DooitlR• Clay lllurphy, t • n( 7;,~9 E lc1r11 An . C'o~t11 ~!"""· 11n 1 a t 6·y l'11r-nl•l ,11,·rnu.. whl'n I ti" ynutha Allri;M!h• 11t1mllt1''1 the 1hr ft8. Billfold Stolen Tl\t'ft ot A ~rten ll'a lh• r hill· fnld f rom hf'r lo• k<'d car u 1l wa s p1rktll tn hi' \nrnna df'l l1111r 11rrA '"'" f<'Jmrlt•I In ~l'W· rnr t B• 8('h r·'"' ,. \\"r.Jn1>sil11v h\' Alm11 ~ Ll!r r1• of I .nnir H,.11rh ~he 11111 I th,. lnltf. I I 1 • nt11tn<'ll St:> In 1·:1~h Al•n m111~mi: "11• SHI frl'm a cnm r unt DEATH NOTICE WALlT.R J . Ctl Af'~IA;\' l\'altf'r J >lnlf'• C hnJ'1>\1<11. •,7, "' ~20 S. 1::1 L0.111o1n u I~• .ti, ~an L"lt · mentl', d 1..,t 11l It .• ., II •1·t'nl 1\oY. !J(I af\A'r 11 11h<ll t 1Jh1o·,~ II• w&.~ bo t n In l rf'l&nJ h11 I '"•'I m t tiu1 11tut,, s •r ::. \t':'\1' 11t :'tn Cl<'mf'nl~ ,,,r year• "" •~ ~"• v1vN1 °l1v 11, .. wJf<'. Ann,r t.C th,. hom•. I\ .ta .1..,trr. Mr• l •1•1.• Ill· Iver n ( Okh•hnma . a bnilht'r, T.1m ot E:n1tll\11<t. t1H1 i<1st1•1,. :-.1r~ M11 · ry MCX're •• r Fn1:lan·t am t M r! L ydia It• m11n v f :->l'w York Servin •.• "Ill br hrl I g&tun1ay 111 11 11.. 111. In ~t!'ll"'(lllf' A bh!'y w ith t h!'' Rf'\' "'"'I''" HAn I ntr1r111 tln~ t>nl('lmbn1"nl t • fnll• \\ w1th Baltz ).lor tuu1, 4lrec~ __ ... _ I AF.RIAi. ~ASD 1.-0ADt:R Sf:T A d4tAIJ~d. wo,k•ble rf'pltca of 1he hu•e 1,...n..... fnund 1n pcu l• a nd <hr mu •I rl,.nt.• h • •turd' •lum1num rubb•t IOO\ed ff•m• t• l\ t • lane •nrt •" l h11h •nd COM•• ""'Ith hn.,pfl'r, 11'' dump f\ut k •nrJ ••nd l"•tJ .. , '"h ~uh • r•n• '"d (Jam •h•H\'I • h•1n ff'tn(tOI• c 1.ufie un1t1 fo r lua du"ll and unlo•dina Mui• br Mound Mtt•l~r•h, Inc. PRICE $1.'l.95 t:l.t:C'TROSIC MOBILE LOl"OKl't:AKl':R lo SW~AL S\ "TE~I Th1t ht• : fo,,1 ~otulf' Ul'lll of hi•h 1mt•"' 1 ple11t11 h•• •n 1111mpllr1•ri 1111 n •I •'t •lr rtt •nrt trvoh Ink •r•'lhh1h1 hf'•n1 ···n•t•ttle.ii ltUNI It, .. <•b p•n•I h\ ,.J,.,,' tonu aw1t1 h•• A f:'.""f'th1J ~~U"tt r :n,.n; :.rli•/~:':''::,~:;r:\'.~r(r~Ud•d M•d• h,r ''-"'<• l nthntri•a. I•<. PRICE 19.95 roRTt:R f'OLU:OIATF. Ml< R(h( on ; Ot"TYIT T~lp~:,~\f~~·} .'::~'ft~~:,"!'"., ":'v9ft,n~fl~",.• It h•a h. ttf rt'l•1-1 with 11ro••••1nn.-I t••h1t"'" 'P• 1m,.n• •• 1,.J,. •• m11n'6•I •It. 1nd .,_d,.,-d PRICE $0.0:\ 15..,.11 .. S•t. a1.tos·1 8TROXBECKT.R Bn•K Bt:01\ Prke $2.50 1~1t •l1 r•1'1"'" 1 •1• "'"'nisht b••- \.•t I• 1tnc\•"<1 w lh e•nutn" f ',.nf1o n"u u nc uri1t• '" ft'IJn1ehu,. d •r"'•· t••b'I vn~ttr1 t-.,,,,.,, ... , d1•h. •5""0n. .,,,. f"ll\"f ''' •r ... ,,,,I•• fnf'l•uhrta l •m11u• hf•f\11 t•,odu • t• a nd • bo.,.1,., r n tJ.,U L l iltl " \l lcf,. i ol p'•tfir. it .... mPhl ~Andl~• •nd • h 1n.r,.d l •t. w...-o-J lid Ma4f' t.1 AmH1< .,, M•t et Sp" l•ht•• Co' p PRICE $3.0K I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, PART 11-PAGE 7 1955 - ~ I I Open I I Evenings 3442 Via Lido -In Lido Shopping Area 'til Nine JET FL \'ER ,.ELOC'lrf:DE Th• amarte•t of 1tyljna. plu1 ·•qu•I 11 v ·· con1ttue-t•onf ft1 aturdv tuhuJar t ier) fr•'"• I• fitted wuh •d1u•'•bl1 t"n1I •pnns u1ddl,. t~nd1"'r •ht,.lrl .._n111clde 1ua rd• a nd 11r,.a1n.-r s 1•p• RH••tfJd •P"'lc• whefl'I• l & • t rnnl, 'I ' , ... ,, h•\tt ltu1•ler 01hte round ~•II b•auna•. ••m t pneuma tto punc&urir proof tt••• PRICE $25.95 VARDRIRO Th,. l.•t••l ij\in1 tn h•t kyard funl l hie •turd~ •t n•mlln..cS ca r ~hu· I"• alnn• on h • n-.n u~lhrted tr•r'-. "h•1n d r1\"" •n.J P"'P"ll"d b., t r.an\..• " I• h : ' f I h11r f"MOu1k '" C•tfy l )'nun~•'"" c;in • 1hflll1nc rlrl• •• tt hu1ld • •turtly rnu•d •• Of h••vy •""'•• .u .a. u h•• 1 ca •t u o n whf'el•. mount•d on 1 truclt.•. •nd com•• with 4() nl 1.ur ved fr•d • M•d• bt.f;~·c~ .. Wt':c . Oo~p .. • PRICE ($87.i5)• IH"f't:R Jl':T ('0~\"J:RTIBli 1 h, uh1m•t• 1n •rn•rt •t)'lu\1 a n..f Q•t•fU) H"n•ltU• ••on It h•• 1 •f' ... ,.1 ,,,,,,..,J,. Jn•h it s1v•h p.-d•I thA fn ,.,.,,. "'-'llh •••t' •tuft ,,.. .. ,.,, hflll a nd f"'fd I••• t.rnnr,.. ...... ,,"""' •n•J " ~ut-w .,.,., '''"'"' ""h"'•I• '"' l"n~ H • !r••t •m pJ" Ir e eoom lor t()mfott Matl• ttr BMC Ma,.vf•r tur\n1 Corp. fSult el AMr1 PRICE S26.95 Fl.OOR MODt;L POOL T A Pll.F. Thu prof•,..•on•lt,. •tV'"'d pc>ol h ble •ffnuf• •ntfl••• plf'••\I '"' ""tule dn,. '"''"'"• pnu ,. •nti c:nnuhn•tletn It U :l~t~ :,.::,,.fi• ~~rtJe~1::1n~:~,::r:;;~ In• eur-t-.1 • •ulnm •ttr t'-• II r"'hlt n, r••1lt .. nt cu•htnn• rnunh r• a nti r•ll ma tko a f oJd .. comp•c•lv 1"wo Jb'' m•pl" '"•• It\ balh. tri•nal• •nd ru1• brH'k tl'\r1url"'Cf Ma4• h)' l ur,.o••• Cet It• PRICE $SS.oo• !'WITZ JR. rLASf:TAJtlt"M \ nft\l~:h the wond.,.rt .-.t th• h••••n• .Sho,.,. • "1• I"'' con at .. u.unn• •••«" tlv •• lht• •pp .. r an e n y mo n th of ti\• )"""'' f h1• •m•t1nt1 ,.,v ",.,, ... on f"rd1ft•r) h''uo hold t urunc. w;11h rh9'4let•t e ftd ~~nlrol1 fur d••lv r .. :"~~ .. :."d .~:~·:: :rw1 '.!a:~ ... ~.,~ •• :· h i t' lr\lorn1•Uon boofl tntlud•d Ma4• 11, H.a"f•:'• ll .... C••I'· PRJ('F. $14.9.-S HARBOR 2954 PHOSOGRAPH, Rt:('ORD &: l'TASD CO:ll.BISATIO~ .. T~u h ,.autlful pnrtable •1•"rtc phnnn •••Ph • rtm~• with • l l h'sh "Wrou.,>'t u !l •l.1rvi rr l fd r• ;.,, l\nrl O u n Ltrfllk"hle pl••ll< rhs1ri trn a r~toflh. h h1u "" JMfl'trraI Inn• t-h•rnb"'· m'llil p.tn~I • f)rutn.~cunn. a nri ,. wood 1••"• cov"r«>d 1n •C\IH re11•lanl r ) rr.11hn"' Pia) a alt 76 RP~1 r•c.:ord • up 10 t l ·• M•4• lty S~ar Pro4u< II, Inc. PRICE $18.95 Bl"RP Gt'.S T1'l1 l J • •• 8\ln ,.,,.. I In \0 •hot a •t '"••"' tou1 h. ""llh lnud nru u 1 and emolu It u .. 1 .._,dtror• puln1eu d c•p• a nd h•• met•I p•rta, pl••Uo <A•ir. mo'\•bl• •u• ''"' k, •"nd ••'"'Y r-ina m•t hanutn Ma4• 1o, M•llol, l~c. PRICE $3.98 TAKE APART TRl CK 1 lrre a re l •p!f"ndld pl•)·t.ool• In e n r h.u •t•"'""' 1 • ..,,,. •P•"'l to\. • r oU tny a nl'i • n<i.,. ,m ''" ~ .-.trnna ,._,,.u 11h t o aupport • r h1ld h • I#\ ' lonw. with • roomy I J" • h'' • t1 ·• br J Redt a t Hbr-hftld• •P•'"" \o\t1r t>I anrf toolt fn r dununttane: •n·I r•· au .. mbhna the entue uuc!l. Med• by Pl•y•lsool Menufecturlnr Co. PRICE $8.00 t:RECTOR Thi• f1u d""' '"" I 1 .. ''le [nc•n• ~,.t t,u,hS.1 tt.,., 1f11 ll1nac ,\1rrl•11" H 11i~ .-n•i oth,., "'"'""'"" mod"I" h • nn '"'"" ovrt Jl\ nl•tel p•rh r\tU e ,,,..,c T""i•\ tlt1.1lll,. C'<Haplu\.r • I 1n•t1uctt•'"" -t.otn,,l .. t• '" a n I& ,, ... ,., ch""'· Mod• b, Th• A. C. GJlb.,t Co. PRICE $14.95 . -' ·-~···-·~·· --I . ··~ --a • .& a ~ • a ._ ~ 10LIONEL TRAINS IN ACTION---- wlth MAGNE--TRACTION PRICED FROM $19.95 KA\" l'!T.\XLf,\"S Kr.:ISZ KITntt~~ Tht• •ltt•r-ttY• \. • h,n t•tun,.1 h•• ~~;. ,.;,.•,m:.:~,IJ1 r;n·: I 2 indh::~tf'.'1~d"',: ftll•d -.·1th • <-um1 ,,.._,e •I••• k uf •lum tnl.lm •n'1 r Lu t u 'l1,.n•1h h,,,t r• t pl••tt,. •prr.n. t-h• • h•t HVtlii. • • i.. An-t & r •n• <'If "••urlf' t •'"n\un• I te1n1 food rr('f'i" ~ • Mad-br 1<.,. !t•nhr'• Mothl·(,•h, Int PRICt: $-1.98 El.ECTROSl(1 R.\ 010 ~T \ T IOX _!t,.nd• arvt ff't'f'l\.t:• '"',. ... "'"" c:tHh rfl•••Aa-~• \JJ') l O 1 rT ii' 11'4• l~J' h. ••01tr I l )p• ,,.1 ... 11 •t J'"',,"' I r J,,,,, ... , c k ot •••rchlls h• ln ntmlu 1on l. n 1 tophon••· dacode-r, los hoo'k. f'lC In• iUdR'd. PRICE gG.95• 3 4 4 2 IS UOO VIA l,JDO SHOPPING AREA nt:1.1·xr. PA r.o:mso \\ O:'\"Dt:R llOR1'E Thu hhhl • r a'on,•n.o •••• aU the ,.,.,,t1nir fhtlnn nl • ,,..1 hi'""" II I• "' .'' Jun •• 11101.lr t of r \lto. Louwh r t""'' In ~to)drn I al~,1111nn 1 n1~·r IHI I •11pr• ,,,. t hv ht~l1 lt'$l •riun.:• t n • atu1dy ._tunrrnun1 flnu he.tJ t11d•I htu.- Mad• br Wondn Producu Co. PRIC't: $29.95 UK"K t·r OAHA1:t: l )d• f,.• tn""'t '"• I! • ·• wnocJ at•l•i'• l1A1111 A ""''lnd1tW ot'n·t a \ __ ti,.IY uf .f•H"ll • t'H aU "'''"'' tl1 AI • t.,l,f1rn lo\.,.. lo u~•n en i 1 ... \,.up' fln~ I·""''""• .-,..rt t ••. a r.ncl "' a t u rn1n.c J...f\nh • tt.u .J " ).,..._,,k • "' t1 \ n11n1AIUt• 1ru•' ... .,, .... • l•n't ''' ' ,,.,,.t,""r"rt JdtH •• .... ...... h IH IR11't , •1l tf"•fh1nU1n11 t l1Hll' 1n tl.e 1t1tt ,.,,., rn"f M•d• hp Playa"aot Manufac: turin1 Co rRICE $6.00 Tt1 , •t 'rr• ut'ltri.t 8r\l':I .,..fuf'"''''"'"'' )t ••,fl" I~\ \ .,,,,.., y ,-.f f"'"'Htl1t I t1 1lu1"" tt .f,11J\ ~ t11tH•f'• 4 l /,.'1 11 ~."• ,., t111 • :·71'~\,.~~. T,u. I -I • t I I • •111 f V f"'' ., • I I ..... 1t11 ... ,,.d l1y tt1• I ,,. I ., ''''"I PRICt; SI.!)~ Df:l.t-XF. TR.\C'TOR H r r111t t• " "'"'Jlf,• ,._,,. t1 11vfl',, =~~,...td 1;~:, "'I; i:•"!~,,,l,.1 1 ~: Y 111 wr:~ 1n rrd ,.n,. •• ,,., ..,,,., .. • •· " ,., 1'"1n1, 11anf t1"•" l~;t I I t H ""'I r~l• h""'\ \° '1 • •• ,, • ""'' t ,,, I ,. • j,.,!J I,. ii ,,,_-. n.,.,. ,. 11.•n l t1•,,l ••-H~ • l 1.ut'll "' ·~·t t 1•1t1n lrd u••t. '" •1 •'"I• ''' "' t1H ., rl Ma d,.. by 8Ml M•nul111rtur lna Corp . l!>ub o l .AM I I 1•n1ct.: s32,9:; --~ TWA r.1.r.rrno"111 Jt":'\IOH l'ILOT ·11c \l:'\t:R A r1111•iu • '""" •~t , .. "'' '"" . "• <nn\P•h for t11lnt ~,. " ' '"'"' H• pl•f,,. \Jf-1 !,, • ''\t "ff r1 fllt1,it I"'" H t 1nr • t I I ,.. t • ' '-' '"' ..,,. ••• 1 n :;.·~: ~: ,,: .. ~ .• , ,.) ... ,";~..,;: • '~"~~~i "',.,,... • ,, .. ". ~.,a ""'· """" • P t .,rrt'I•. "'•HIP'"'· map. oft1"•I Jun •o r p1l,,i I"• t form•. •t t M•-'• ._, M--.n .. -tt•. IM, J•RICF. $6.93 ··nom.nT Tiii. 1w1101"· l t-.14 n1,.. hA1'1 Al '""" •I t 'OI t f ¥ "''"' r• *•H• ,.,ti u • l 1 'Irr.~_, 1 I 1 1rlt :·,: .. ·:.r~.-:· .:~~"t:':·t ~,,·,."''it'·,',',, t• t \ ••fl ... t•t ... I rf'r• ••Ir '"' H 11• \\ '"" t ,. ' '''l~ Ill ... ! • I.. ""I I • I I I ••• •J ... •loii;.' •f'· ... 111 •'•\frt• '"'' \n •• 1.:•·:,:'. ,..:~110 11n•,.~;,~ i Ir '~,. 1i•; 1 1~J Ht li1,.ld ilh 1d 11ul1 M•d• b' Id.al Toy (orp. \\ ortKnt:sn1 r n11r .. 11 • h,.n h t ... n h f' ti1<in1'\l1tlfl#t anti ,,..,..,,.,.,ht•ii ~l\h h•,. "' ji,.,,, WfMt•f,.n • t• "'• 1 • fl•w ••f'o1n1"'• •<cewJrhf'r, ""'"" h. \i'"", •Ir J>JUCE $2.50 nt CK :o-llOOT \\'ITU J'l .. \-.rW 11\llr IITT'Lt: f ,,n k•l .. 1• "'11h 11.i• ""'P " m"<h· .,,, "' • ' •• " '"'' •• I ' \. I ~ , .... , __ , '"'u,. Iv t 11 , 111,. • I , , ~. •• ., t I I • f " .... • ' 1hl .. t • ,. •I 'Y • " ,, I • I u ~ .• rl f11I l1y •1'l "'' 11 111• 11 ... , •~I• II ti.~ "''m• tn ..,., 1 t 11, ... ""' 1 lit 1'" l. M•d" f )' I ( uhn Inf 0 \~4.t,R PATROi, TRtT K -'\ ,, I t • 1 fl••h,.• .it1 t n1d1. ""*"""• 1 : '.:• .·: n• t~~;tl ,:n.~1 ',,;,•.·~ f•I I • I Ii " t t\f •f, ft f f"tltf\lf,. • •l•JI\ i"''" 1 ii , ...... ,, "'n "tt•Yet"n .. t11111~ J. J ,,. '"'"I t.:o,\:. •f'\.rl • t ••n '' .1 •· • .. '• • ,.,. h 1r• .onf' · TOOL nr.1.T Prke g:}.00 t 1 00 10 m•t•I tonl• ,,,,... u 00 .. u o 00. --- "Tllll:ll lll'1t.'\:--IOX \I." ,\.'\ l'llll t. c.ttl II :--I.It\ l('t: ..-cm .... ~ \ 1 f' f I I ,, r •,\11111" , \ 1,. ,,, • 1-. tt11 l I".; ,,111,.<f 111 011 I j 1 I I II o • t •I• "1 I t • • r •iit. "'t f •1 ' tt\I 1 •h It• : t ~It •II~; ,, '""''' ,, .. J111\ ti• .... ..... .-... ... ,. •'' "' I f'~I','"' • ,, ~' 1111 t 1, I • •t • •t j I' I I M .it .. •·r ft•tn Cop ·1•mc t: ~:1.!l!l \l h,.n '""'"' I• l"U•t'\t'il '"""' dtiYf't'" t 1 , I I 111 l \;.ltn +t f ,,. aft t')h •'" ;.. h11 h "" •'-'t 'h•I• ,.lh •lope. .... ,. '--I I 1 " ' Jf''"'" fn1 .... e tlJ ft~··n If\ "I fl1tl r 1r1.t ~ ... I •f'\ l t fll \n f h te l<-nl(, 1tl l1r •• V W'h•tc• alfl'•I ~H·I tU\•li•f It• IUI l t,..A•f• l'RICE $9.9.'l Now ••• for all little cooks a •• llEVEllE WAllE \ Y-iMi£itulrt !& i / v ·---...:..~:/; '/ s PJ(CI MINIAfUU sn ~'ti · f h\fl"'I ~hl'"CI r1n1. r 'r • '' "\,, ,~ '· C n\'r~ ~auc,.. Po~ \\I 1 r~ I·' ~.111~ w11h Tt•r· t• r • n•1i,I. l'•d•~il ln «•lorluJ J 1•1 •I••• • 111 .. n. $9.9$ J,,,..,. wnnckrfnl Nr• Rf'lt'T'! War~ l'l•r ~o .,.. Ju•t lile \lnm·• R.-rr• Wa"· •i h• "-nrld"• f 1n .. 1 I" Matll' of cnp-r~r cla·f >l11nJr .... .,..1. lh'"f look i nti cn11k Iii..• ICr>rre War•, ban l\1lrrl11~ lnnt.. a.nif ba...tJ,.. witb r•ni:• '" lbrm.,. "'"" bu• tM rul R~••r• 1''tre wb1.il111a IQ krttlu with the u1qer p lpl PlAY·UOVI, TOOi T11111 tM O tto• •po1rl1 dnwl\ u d le be- tom~• • rl!Jurflll Ql•r-elO"e for your doua.bttr '° an<>lr ea IM btt dolla. <Arn" In ud -tivml T alre ooe i.,.,,.. lo r-lmlo 1irll She'll to ...... ...._ al-. Ware S.. few.,_ .wy -1 TWO OTHB llllS. .,...... 7,.., .... OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY TOY 'TIL DECEMBER 20th ---· ·----------i ---~ ------... --------- PA• I · PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1955 l SNUG HARBOR BONBON TAKES HONORS Debby J orda.n proudly hnlds illanwnd "rown over hc-11d o! Snug Harbor Bonbon, 4·month·old pup who won b"Kt toy JlO<'<lh• and M<'ond In poodle group al r.-"ent AU Age Sanction Mal<'h, Upland•. Bonbon Ill owned by Mr. and Mr11. l'lare1H:r Hanlin, Newport Bea<'h. Shi' lft b,V L1\'inJt.~lnn'11 r ride out ot Montt"rey's Cherubim, ownt'dd Md brl'd by !'rank J vnlana, Cori.ma d~I Mttr. -Maf(lll PnC'e Photo Mesa Street Abandoning For .Subdivision Sidetracked LEGAL NOTICE fomla Corpora lion, fC en er a 1 Partner) EUZABE'TH F. PAGE, aa Tru11tte for the Eatate of DAN R. CL.A Y, t Llmllell Part· nerJ, 1809 Nt'wport Avenue. Coata ~ff'U, C&htumla : BERT· REN J. SMITH tLlmtted Part· ner J, :>64 1'11rk P lat•e, Coslll Mtaa. t:allturnht. • WltnNlll our hand• th111 T day of Now•mlwr, 19:\:\. ORANGE COAST ACRES, INC .. a California Corpora I Inn, By: I.EST1':R A. SMIT ll, Secret1try fl!J,.lZAHETH F PACE UEHTRJ!:N I. SMITH STA1•E OF CALIFORNIA ) t:Ot'NTY OF' ORANGE )IUI. Un this 7 d11y of Novrmbt'r, A IJ 1110~. hcfure me, the undl'r· 111j!'nt'd. u ~<•tury l'uhllr In and for :mid l 'ollnt \' untl St alt, re~ldtng llU>ro·ln, ,1111y comm111:1lonc-d ancl ""'C•rn, 1wr1111111tll)• a p1>ean'tl LES· Tt-:n A ~!It !T l I, Sf'l'rt't&ry of UHA:"l:<:t-: l'OAST Al'IUi:S, l~C I\ l 'allr C°OI p. El.IZABETH F . l'AI;~; 1tnJ Hf,;RTRJo::-1 I. S~flTll knnwn to nie tu l)e th•• f't"l'llOn~ "h•l<lt' n11me11 81 r 1111bJ01r11~c.l to the within lfl8t111111ent, sml Rrknnw· INll;•"' lv me that lh•'Y t'Xl'<'Ull'1I lhi' llttnlt'. Jn wllnt'Llll wht'rtnf. t hflve hert'· 11nt11 Htt my h1rnd and affix~ my 0Hh•ll1I sral the~y a n1l ve1tr ln th1e Crrt1rtrati-t'll·st a bove written . HOlll<;RT R H URWITZ M y l'o111ml11J01ltin Explrt• Muy 3 1, 1911ll ~o. 1376 ~f'Wl!·Prt>llJ'I 11 11. 18, 20, 12 2, 19:111 SOTIC'I': OF ISTE!\'TIOS TO SF.I.I, Kt':AI. l'KOPt:RTV NOTIL'i': IS Jlfo~Rfl:AY G IVEN 1 h& t I h1• Hnar.t nt Auperv111or·11 of tltl' rounty o( Orani;.-intend to ~ .. 11 to th<' R111te ot ( '11llfor111a 11U 1h1.t c••rl1<ln real p1·n1H•1 ty nwnl'd hy the C111mty ur Orange de11erib· .. ,1 a• follows· Lot 12 '" Blork A or Tra<"t No. 616, 11s shown on map n•1·11r<t••fl In O<w•k ti). Pagl' 9 l:ttoru ol Harley 8 1'nl'dlrt of rhcl rnme bl'f<>rf' the group again ••f M11<1 Plla11;o;111" Mur• an the IOt 8nur H&rbe>r Road, tn ~tt 11 with the n~t'SS8f)' rt'v1s1ons orrr..-r ut the l'uuntv It• ;·oai.IC'r Coata Meaa 1tl'l'el 1ban1lt•nl'd so orf the Count ~· 1•f thllnf(•'. JM eould compltle plal\ll for a 8Ub· That ""Id 1u1h• 1,. l)t'lnic maflf' d M1lon were aldt'trat·kt'd, to·nlpo· LEGAL NOTICE ''" lht ~uni 11( 0 11< Thou,,Bn•I rar11y at leul, by the ~les& plan· rl\t' H11n1lr•'•I T\\<'nty 11n.i 6~ 100 auw commlulon Monday. C'ERTlf"l(.ATE Ot' Rt":o•ISESS I 0 1'11111 !I I SI :.10 60 I. th1· Slut .. to Th• 30-tl, w ide ''U\orou~hf&re", t •k t11l11Uo• t"lrm Sam,. , •• ,. ttll C'~• row Hn1I lf'('Ol<ilnic rt' .. ~ 4edlcated u a 1treel but nevt'r 1muri .. 1I an tt.r t11<111tiu·t1"n lllltl \&Md M auch. 11 located l)n map~ The undt'Nllgnt'<l do ht't t>by l't'r· tn p11y f11r tltl•• 1nsuran1·e 1r de· a belnr bl'lwetn 18th St 11n'1 tlty that th<'v •tt •onil h trng A 111rN1 b\' th" Stilt•• Hth Plact' and Mlwffn Sant& I L1m1tl"<l Pa1 tne111h1p b11~1nl'1111 ttl RY Oltl •En OF T llF: BOARD A.a& and T\Jelln AVH . 31l:l :"l:C'\\~lrt Boul~\lll•I ='•'"l'"•l O F St'l'r:HVJS(1HK ()~' UllAl\:0£ PlaMera gave &11 tht rUllOn Brsr·h, f'a lltvin111. wider lht' !11 .1· C'Ol':"l:TY t'Al.IFl>Jl:"IA for the denial of th,. abandonment I t~ous firm naa~lt' "r <H.tASCr: lJ1tl•"I Srn,•111h• r :l2. 111:•!'1. tbe fact that the 11treet 111 ehvwn (VAST ACRES. LlMJTr.I• 111111 1l'i•·6I • H J !'MITH oa the 1tlll·to·~·•pproved maaler that llatd firm Is ron•1>0s1•.t "' lhe L'1111nl\' r 1 ... k a11.t rx "fl "'" i'ltrk ~n ot th• C'lty. fullowmg pPrsnns, "'h••St' lll\111•·~ In "' tll•· Bo11r<I ,,, S111u r \'lsnrll or The eommlllllon'a action aleo full anti plact'll of 1 c111<ler1u • u1 .. , (Jr ani;,. < ·oiuart \ 1 •1t11 r.,1 Olh. knockel) out Benedict'• 1ubdlv1-s s foll<iws tv Wit · I Publ1~11 !\'•·Wp111 t Hua t111r mo. applJeatlon 11lnoe ~ did not ORANGE COAST ArRF:S l='=r . :>;ew~ r 1 .. ~~ Include the atrHt on hl1 plot plan. 3112 Newport Bnu1 .. 1·ar.1 ':',.w. I ON'!·n1ti••r :.! H•'•~• The eommllalon 11UKCt1ted Bene· port Beuch, <..'allfo1 nru. A I 'uh· :"\:rJ I :1711 ~------ DELIVERY GUAUNTEID Delivery ot the Newpoit Barbor N ... PNM S. guarant~. Carrier bo)"8 Wnf deliftr their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneeday aDd Friday. It your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Butxlr 1616 and your carrier wW brinr your paper. Classified NEWPORT HA.BBOB NEWS-PBESS Every Monday, Weclwclay •d ,.,.., COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Cou&aa Shopper Adana &a 0. W........, N-.. ..... 4 Uaes 1 luertioa f}.00 ... 'L llMe .16-. 4 UnM 2 luertloU J .60 add'L ..... .JS ... 4 Unes S lnaertlou 2.00 add'L ID• .25 -.. 4 Unrs 4 l.aaertlou 2.60 add'L U... .%6 ea. Sitll&Uoa \\'aated Ada w1ll ..-1•• 1111<> ~ OM1a &a ....._ .-17, llDo"DIUll AD IS ' UNU All Olaaaltled Ada muet be pei4 for CAM la MYuoe et ' UnMm The publi.ahera will not be reaponaible tor more tAan one lnoorrec:t 1n11erllon ct an ad, r~• lb• rtsht to oornot17 elumlty &ft)' and all a ds and to r ejt'C't any ad not oonfonnlnr to rui. aad resul&Uoaa. D EADLINES for pl&ClftS or can.:eWnc &di an: For Monday Publication -J'rtda7 I p .. m. For Wednuday PubllcaUona -Tueeday l p.m. For Friday PubllcaUon -TllllNdaJ l p.m. NEWPORT RARllOR PUBUSlllNO 00. Hll ~boa Blvd .. Newport BMcll. Oeltton& Classified Index I Funf'ral N otlN'e l! Card of TllAnld ll l'!pt"<·lal Aanouncemee' t t'unf'ral DlrMtora 10 Bmlot'M Gulde I l Bulldln&' Maurlala I 2 Bull<llD&' ServlON U Per11-0nala 16 Share \'our Cu 18 Tranaportatloa 11 R-0oflD&' 18 Bt-auty Aid• 20· Health Alda :!t Loat and t'ound •1 w ..... to .... '8 Apt&. A a-........ f.l.A Apt&. for a-1 f.l.B a._ for a.t '8-0 TnUer Bpue '9 a-. for ._, U·A a.& H- '9-B ao.m A..,.. ao ._t, 111ao. II 8toPM 6 0tnc.e ll·A ltas' 11 ... tal. M Bm'm .. 0,,,.,._.U.. 66 ..... ,. .. .__ ....... ,. w ..... 11 ..... S.....W_... .................... eo ..._ Preperty IO-A Cr ra.1, WrW P•inttn9 Contr•ctor U-..ed -~ -0-plet.e Pa!ntin&' &a tlee at i.uonable pnc.n J A.KU. Ba.nor llllJC .. ,.. COMPLETE P AlN'1'ING 6 Paper Huctnc Stnb lroOENZ 0. U.UND .. IOO lbt Btnet. M.wpoft 9e&ch Butler 1971 -Bar. ..... tie ASPHALT TIL& LINOLl:Ull I IMtaD tbe •-,.. c:b•,_ -lllCl9t. ... Mil 'nle ,. ,,. ...... Non-unSoa, J6 ,,..,.. ~. Compare and ... - BILL COKll!R Har. •Tt5 • !.-, s..cJa 7-697S. lttfc P~6Pa~ We do the W'Ol'k ourMI.... IO,_,. ......... Uceuect 6 IUUN4. Bau.tacuoa IUU'Ui.tid. z.t!mat.N tr.. Call J._M. LI S.2e87 6 LI 8-6289 ltttc Rd. Oil Bpn&cnnc Drl"""1• PARKING LO'r8 , Bub-dt...s.tOM our 1peelalt7, We t\amiU any type oil to )'OW epe- clncauon. !.arr• Jobi -email Jobe. FrM •Umat... Ai.o ••. ter 9Pl"Mdinr. Modem equip. met. Ll:xln(ton e-•ooa. Oil· more 6 Paa'•. Hunlln&'toft Bell. 5tfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Lle--S LI 1·3321 1IO A 1"0C&do, Cwt.a MM& •uc FOR RENT DUI laws. m.c. DrtUa, PollllMr9. all ~CIC ~ WheelM.r· ...... etc. BOYD'S HDWE. IUO W. oo.uT IUOllW4T LoD.t.7 I-Mii. H.wport Bee •tte ~ Oarare attendant. Car ~. wuhlftS, lubrication. ~ t'le&nlns It underauJ. m ..... 37c3t Real Eat.ate Salt'eD'lan WHY SlT LlKE A Jo'ROO on a Ins ~ ·w • .,.. IOOWC'<I unil('r -.·11h f'MJI• Ii -• l ~ •nt JNl<'ta. 8H our otftc-• and rf'ld rwy I mal enance our eomml•lon rontrac-t, You'U ..... • I tar-noor wax1n1 b. g la..t you did Th,.1 t I• no· -.r ~dow de&11m1 thin( like our o ftt-r anywhe!"l' . , ... .._ bllada. Uplloi9te.ry f'Ollllvtly. Jntl'n 'lt>W• •trlc:tly luurM. ~ &.timatea ronfld~ntl•I \\'" are a m•llll>c'r ~ ,_llll. ltfc or MulUpl• L1•11n~ • i1iiADi ecbool teacher wanta Sev I I d R It JIMSUoa• with children. Uve In en I an I ea y ,.,. uehanced. u 8·7138 :\9c & Investment Co. --=rL:: 603 32nd SI , J'\t'"'J'nrt Hu1•h, C 11l1t . ~llMOllD W A I T R ES S Har 6868 aft • I\ H 2 #aftu Ja&lt time oYeDln.1 wnrk . 1 · · tr P m ar :ltlll-.7 U 1·2UT 39<"•0 3Ptec that Informal .Jlnner or pl\rty EARN MORE Hcn.tDAT TIME! plan now tor I GLRLS - COa1ult me! Baby 11t11nr; or THAN EVER BECV'\RE' wetkenda. !:x<'ellent rt'f Ct'r · r v · tnlde Jbo&dtord. Ll 8-11()96. Our' """'· h1i;hr r 1tu\ln11 "'""~ · 39pt 1 8n11 frNJllC'nt 1n .. rn,.t~ ltl\'u 11111 ------------this O(lf'llr111n11y. llp.-mni• ~''"' WANT envelopea to ad<lrus by for - ~writer In my hnmt". 1914 Court St .. Newport Beach H 11r I TELEPHONE OPERA TORS 1719-J . 3~p I We Wiii t1111n yttu 111111 yu11'll re· <'C'l\'e many othrr bt'neflla. UP!:RENCED cook, house kt't'p· A pph· • Uv~ In. Good rerer t'ncu ~H '• No. 1'<111111 RtrttC. Rm 21 1, Write P . 0 . Box 183 Coront1 l'¥nt11 Ana "1 Mar. 39ct 1 9 Oo.1 to 4 110 p ni BA.BT altltr, ma ture woma.n By PACIFIC TELF.PHONt-~ hour. day or wtek. Good rf'ft'r· 1-- 1noee. Har. OH6-J. 39d 1 A Pl d --------------anne Future RELIABLE JAPANESE-AM ERICA N WANTS P OSITIO:"I: \\'llh 11•1 1·•t.1h ('11 Ru1i.1 • 1111~1111••1< , f y11111 ''" 11. GARDENING IN HAR· Rt'f'""1 .. 111··~ 1 •• 1.i pt·1111t1o t OOR AREA BY WEEK OR llli:hr~1 1111·11111•· t.1111 IM :-;.,11. , 8t11nt1i;l 1C'ltrr1111•11t pl an · 1 MONTH. HYATT 4·5471 Inv, u 8·:'17111 ' z11:;~ 38p:IO ~--_...._ ___________ I Fl:"l~H 1'ahl11rl flllillt'I I It h 1 .• ~G1·aJA"ohnnRu~.YENINuG s-106~I p('1 1t>n•'P i11 ,,.11•riol" "'"". TArd ~ ~ ,. \\'.,rk 111 & .. 111 ••f •h"I' Pei. !\'t8ln"•" :.:p'·".t & 1\1·1 u11" ,. Will C6\'"lify ) ''" fill " I"'"'"''" ____________ 3_8_P_4o enl p11~1111111 "llh t•"'" p 111 I Will Do YOUR IRONING In my home. Brin( hangera. Will pick up It deliver. u 1·2883. pt HRE:"l:lo:MA:"\ ~ n·sr\IM \\'Ovll\\ UHK MO \\' 17th ~t u i.111 :"o 21 Coals M •sw. I 'Hiit LI 8 6041 .thJl lO 2.& l'cbool•, lutrut'tloa 211 !Situation• \\'aated 29 Ht'lp Waott'd tl R..a ..... lb'•••• a ._, ......_ • ~elp Waated Painting, Decorating LOOK AT THIS AD Beacon Personnel I 100' t ,t'mployo•r rctatned_...1 llJr:1:0cy SO Ml!M't'llalleoue !O·A !!iwap• 30-B AppUaoCf'll 31 Wantf'd to Buy 32 Fumltun1 tor ljaJe S'l·A Anllq~• !Ill Boat., 1'upplles S4 Mu•k al. Radio, T \' S.l Do11:•. ('ab, l'ela S6 Poullry 87 u, ... ,.,.,..k 89 Autooo Want11d 40 ""''"' for Nal" 411·1\ Tlrt'• 4t l'IU'te 41 Auto !'Wn ... e 4't Trail""' 411 Alrplanu PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS NO F F:t: l'Ollt'f't«'d from a pplli-ant 4 IJ·J I at N .. 1, rv11 Ur8i'll 65--"-.~ to I.Au . hi*' 8 MPC Earn SB -$H daily LOANS for Homes G!X>. BURKHARDT Women of all -.u duperately MU.T Hl'..:Rs Ht-~Ll'F:lt, I r l\1i.t l.h " LlClli'llM&b OONT'ftA<.."TOft affded at once. Earn while you In HRrhor 11:\IA·fl :11~1 •t 1" -IO yr . ...._ ITI W. llUl St., eo.t.a x... l~am prac:Ucal nursinr. Hl&h , C onstruct1·on Lo•ns LIMrty 1-1121 ad\ool education not nH<lC'd, v. n MAN fut l11;hl hn111•. """le u Oall LAmbul 6·7621 or w r11.-6·311 • "' t .. 11 !IO 11 111 •I dn,·1 Hiii BO• U'ftl.a J Pl b• CAJ\ltERS IN NURSING, Dept . I ,,..,. "'"'"k M11~1 tu" t• ""' n t1 1tn~· 1616 &UT C0AaT BLVD. enneft Qm tng US, 4018 w. CommomHallh, 1w11l.d1on Hat hor lftlli ;11),11 c.ooa de&..., aanw aau · ruu Rep. PODUD JCOATOAOll 00. Repa.lr work, a apeclalty erton. 33ttc. MA!'l w ANTE[' ...... rt1rn ltai:h ,..U. Ute 1-. ,__la. M tU Water heatera on time payment.I NAME TAKERS fnr Laguna I bualnt'h 111 l\'1•w1'"'' HrA1ll· "UI 2118 Newport Blvd., Newport B•ach • Soulh Laguna Clly BalbvM. Nu ''"l'"rlf'llC" nrr1h"I -------------Bea. llar. 6116. R ... Har. 0417-J Dtrt'ctory. Good hand writing t<> •tart Salt .. • ""•Y tn 11111k~ 27cU MMntla l. W rlte 204 E. 4th ""'' profile IC~"' ~tert Im• NO COMMISSION No Apsnt-J I'• M.La -R.llrDfA.Jfc:8 CX>lfaftUC"nOK OIU tor rr.e rut Ccmmatmlata • Rnltt••• ... uatta ea1)' H P9111""" Aleobolica ADooJIDOue ""'-•• 0. .. Ill !f...-pcll't ..._ OMIL ......... ,,.. Don I. Huddleston " s11are Toaro.r ~~~~!__-173 E. 17th St. 008TAM:m.A. Ll~l LI..._ CEMENT a BUILDING All ICJnda J'RU ESTDUTES Liberty 8.e109 G~LOOlST workinr downtown LA. want. to at.art or joln ear pool from N-port-CO.t.a Me.a &ro&. Bu. 638G. 17cJ9 ft-Loet and Found R.EW.uu> Loet· paJr BltocaJ.a w1th blue pl .. Uc tram-t0mewhere Mtw, a.alt ot America. Npl. 6 C.CU ptac., Co.ta MelL Ll a.-1820. 39c41 lttf -------------~ CARPENTER Repa.ir Work o... r-. aome Z.Md ~ or lt4md • ..,., LOST cbul1• pW"M, key1 and papera a t B&lboa &y club P'1ndu call H&r. 3997 or maJI ... Y!-to Bay Club. Rew&rd. 3k Call rr.u. 1.n.t1 ,...... It 8aboola, 1utract1o11 .A.JI Wortr Oun.~ 1'Ue ------------- CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO EULL B.O.Aad- 101' II. Balbo9 Blvd,. Barbor HllO Balboa lltlc WALT'S HOM1C REPAII\ Ben-tee. Carpentry, paJnt1n1, paper h..,.,.. lnr. upholltery • moat minor npalra. LI ~22. 38J>f0 Elec. Tool Repair 8k11 Saw1, Drtlla. ll&lldera QutCX Sl!:RVI<:m LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 458 No. N1wport Bly~ NpL 8cll. Wbuly 8-83&1. pr Custom CABINET WORK Done on premi.1 No job too lll'l&l1. Phone JU l ·llHI Pt.inting, Paperbanctnr "The Fineet Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 5r2 HUI St~ N.wport S..Cb l'h. Har. H°' or lM'l·R. 16lfe SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT OllOCICR T ea.rhlere and MEAT wrappe,.._..m liO -$1 00 per week. SOS Spur1eon, Sant.a Ana. Ph. Kl 3~&300. 32r 46 Lr.ARN Pr11ctlcal Nunln1. JCa m 18 · llt daJly while training. LAmbert G-7~21. Ulfc China Painting D&J uc1 11:\191aa a ..... Ordol'9 Tall4a ,._ PbOM Ubut7 ....... Swedish Massage t..d1-. -by appointment w your home. ForT'MrlJ' m---. at Arrowhead 8prtnp Hole.I. Pl .... call Hubor • 790 or Hubor 70. ( lleHJl CLEA.JfJNO 6 U\OHINO by UM day. l:lrper1noed. Balboa lal&nd preferred. Kl a..ote. U Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1869 General Contractor IOtt• room 7, Santa An.a or c&ll Kl m .. 111a1 .. 1v \\ rit,. R11wlr\1eh· ... J.Jell. 23tfc 4707 E Hllh St , f,.1,. Anl!'C'I"" Real Eatate Salesman ,._. our Mweet office -a t ine ~d·floor opportwuty. Our &acenti'we commlMlon ICbe<lule f&Ton tboae wtlo 1uy with u., th-who produce. and lho11e active In lUtlnJ. We •~ friend· 11 and cooperative and we wa.nt UM a&nM from you. Bay le Beach Realty, Inc. WO Eall Cout Hwy. COfOn& del Mar lia.rbor 6249 ~& J'Rt~ :l3 J ourneyman Machtn18t MUllnc Machme Op~rator Turret and Engine Lathe Opt'rttorK Boring Mill ~haper APPLY Shaffer Tool Works llll N. Pumona A\•e. BREA, CALIF . JA1per 9-2 I 3~ 38c•o .A.DVSRTlBING firm wa.nr.. houe;. wt•ea with clear handwrlung. Malce rood mnnl')' 1pare ume. Write SITTRl.EY Mlrt'R£LL.r-----~-"------- 1tt Belmont StrHt, Bt'lmont. M.... J:ip43 C HILD CARE w11.nt.-'1 tor 8 yr. old rtrl a ft!'rnr>0n• 11fln IK'h(.)Ol. Below Hwy. COM My hnme 11r youni. CaJI Har. 6i49 day11 or Har. G303 tvea. 37r39 ARE YOU TIRED OF -P10KTINO TIVJTJC Cf\OSS • TOWN -ROUTINI: INSJOE W ORK -LOIS OF PAT FOR VAC A· 'MONS -MO CHANCE F OR ADV ANCJ:.. MXNT Apply 103-0 E. F'trat St. &uita Ana. Mon. to P'ri . 8.30 &.. m. lo 4.00 p m . SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -Hu lnterutlnr out· of · doora Jobe ror hlrh Khoo! «r&<1ua~• 18·45 wllh llOmf! mech11.111ca.J apUtud.. 6-day, 40 hr. wM'k. STANDARD STATIONS H .. openlnir tor Station S.Ue11mrn AIU J8 • 3~ 01"'1&1\ge Cnunty 37c42 5·Day -40-Hour Week Hlrh ltvtinr pay l!llct llent Bt'ntfllJI Oood opportunity t or Adv&ncemtnl Apply STANDARD STATIONS DahU. and Co&at Hlc hway Corona drl Mar Cba.pman IUld Spadra Fullerton l :IO to 9:30 L m. Monday • Thuradaya. I MEN-WOMEN QROCERY ca•blera a nd Ml!:A T wnppen, '90 -11001 week 308 8puflreon, Santa Ana.. Ph, Kl J-6300. See Ad Clua 24. • .::. 32ct0 SO-Ml8Cflllaaeou. Fresh Hearing Aid BAlTEJUES Wa Otve SltH Green 8ta.mp1 Gunderson Dru2' Co. Main St. al Ball>O&)llvd: Balbn& H&rbor 61~. titre MARQUETTE Arc \\'f'lder. f new I 3 hp A ir Comprusor, 220 Volt 1lngle phu f' ~,.e a.t PA TC'H A 17th St. at P lu•.-ntla.. W 8· 711-0ft BAMBOO DRAPES 21 tf Ct"STOM MAOE ANY S17.E Prtcn 81.Arl I nr • t 21 (' a Ml yoJ Beautiful :oitw Wm·!'n Paltl'm 11 F or All Dl'rnr• Klrach Curtain • Tr""''' .. " ROfl• Sr• Tht"m On Ot11pl1v In l)ur 8tt1r" SANTA ANA TENT & A WNJNG CO. SANTA ANA 1&2& !'\, Ma.In J<I 2·JM'\ .Hr:tll Attention Knitters WP.LCOME II) my n"w Jh'lf' 1·,,m In llnd h"lf' 111t' t>u1ll:I II•"'••• your ""!!<lt f"r nr,.•llC"'r11ft Sit N' Knit 31:1 I:: U.lhull. Rlvrl, Ballin" :121 ,,. St:Ll. O:"I: TEltM9 err. DBW< 'A TP.s1H:=--callC'. 11 ·,o. O;>;F. & ti.. rrtrt11:rrator 1:.n, ONE l•rJt"' <'nmm.,1r r"ffltr 17'1. I SCALES. $8~• I O(J!'IJQLA ll!\ (·au ownf'r 'LI 8·6223 m<1rn1ni11 "' aft tr :. p In. 9t ta firewood I'h<Jn" rl11v nr KJ 7-48~ 23Uo 20 CU. r r PF:Ef' frf'fl" 2<•() player p ilUll'l flr1ll11, rhllll~•n" Mnd bMl , h"•VY Jiii llf'tl jt\ Ill, IMll. Har 1303·M. 311< 40 328 AMERICAN A YE. , Ph. HEmlock 7-1203 LI,...,_,.__ ~-----~----....... --.--~--------~ .........,__, --..--..zw .. "Cl:D w b It • ooupa. New W~k -Remodelinr want • !Ira. cl•nlnr a d11y. ~AL EST ATE SALESMAN l:IA Vtt openlnr for loc.ally ex· pen.need 8aleaman. JACK BlUtNNA N, Rl'altnr J.120 W. Cout Hwy. !'\pt. Sch LIMrty t-777a Mor• Classified In Sectloll Ill J, MILTON KcKB:NZIE At.o ~k•ns • Mrvtni. E1· Barbor' ... W. .,. ..U.l -IL Ua....to "~;1a. ULfe L i -------~ -·----