HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-09 - Newport Harbor News Press·~ .. 'l . - HARBOR WEATHD Tl"mpt'ra t11,...11 lhf' p..,.I \U"l"k i. Ille Harbor 1or..-"""': :JI.I ... ~ 62 .M . SJ . 68 dth YEAR -NUMBER lCK NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, F RIDAY, DS:C. 9, l~· PHONE HARBOR 161G FIVE CJINTS Saturday Dt>r 3 S11n•"' )', l>··~ 4 Monday. l •M 3 TutJ<dl '" 11,.,.. 6 \\'t>1!n('••l1<)'. l•~· 7 Th11rsdn)', u .. 1· 8 Friday, 11tc:. 9 61 ., DOES HE TALK, TOO? "Ru8ty," the talented pet collie of Newton I. Smith , caretaker ot Lhe Roy Or~nlut ranch, atopa tr&tflc when he beghui to perform hla a nuca. Smith began training the 13·montha-old canine aoon after obtaining him u a pup from the d~ pound. On command Ru.sty wm pu&h the market t>utcet u teen In one ot the picture. abovf'. He will alao "amoke" a pipe or do other trtcka unueuat for a dog eo young. -Staff Photo > ' Police Find Marijuana in -Residence of L c: Fostef A M'f'ltf'<I TIJeAda y nlirht on • tf•trlr werrent, Louie Cherlu Po•'"' Jr . 24, of 8811 Stuhorr n 11v" w1u1 boOked Wffinnday on po,..,. ..... ,,,,. 11m1 tr1u\J1portat1on or "'"""l",. r har11 u al Newport e .. ~"· rnllt f' .1 .. 11on Whf'n ~lorprd n e 11 r a.Ibo• Rh"I .. n.I ('cu1,111 H1irhway lntt'r· •t'• I ••·n l•tr Jl"r\'lt'f' or lhe traffic """'""'' t"' Captain V I Mr Man· IJ•I """ l"tcr ltvf' Ju&tln Epat•1n. f'ost .. 1 , 'ar wa• .!ha ken down Th-l'"I"" orflff'r• f(lunll l lUffl'd In lhP ~· •t on tnf' dnvt>r'a aide a r1~nr1 II•• p111 lc3Jtt with 36 rl· 11a11'1\h •UP.Pf'<'\l'd of containing hr h&a u.ed marijuana 1l~e he wu in the a rmf'd force• In 19fll . Hr dtnltt MIUnf narcollca, RO" lice Mid. Raymond Carter Sparllnf . 43. manufar turtr or 8J61 Btverly Onvt , San Oabrltl, wu anuled by N twpc>rt Btar h police at 9 30 p m yeatuday on a char1e of •lrunk dnv\nr; after lht auto h• wiu1 in Wtlnt O\'f!r an f'mb•nkment ..il 8'1y11de Rn&d and Ca malton m11r11u•n·• Av«' ThP flriw•r wu appartntly ,..,.,., .. r lhf'n tonk McMenl•al 1 1'11ur("(J alh1 F.p•\••1n '" hlll hnmr whert Offlcen a\lege<ily N W Spatlll\f;'I 1pprox1 ""'"!\' •, Jh nf marijU· car ''""~111111; ... a n ·•klea1 manner ana \n " 1ar ...,,.,. foul'd In a aull· on J1u m1n,. A''". ch11st'd It alnnr """"' m h•• bMl"C)Om. Fllatrr, po· Second A,.,. lru Ave. an(f' lower llrC' ••111 I• Ullf'mploytlt lln•:I hu Bay•l•lt Ro11d whf'rP lhf' patrol car llvttl ""'" nn and off elnre t!H9 wu rtportf'Cfly tra••tllnr a t 70 •·1••ti-r l'lflll'"'" ioaHI. told thf'm mph. Mesa Takes : Irvine Co. ... . Site Offer $2000 Per Acre Price on Back Bay .Parcel Accepted Faced with what may be a atartling increue in Costa Mesa'1 population within the next few ye&n, Costa Mesa Union School Diltrict Boud of Truateea Wedneaday night eagerly accepted a low price .et by Irvine Co. on a &ck Bay achoo! aite, named the new school on Wililon St. at Placentia Ave., and gave approval to planning on another 15-room school near Orange Cout College . A Jetter from th• Irvine Co. of· Blvd. we certalnly· wouldn't call rered the Back Bay ac"ool 1lte to It Newport School!" tha dltU1ct a t PallaadM Road and IT8 WJL80N SCHOOL MN& Drtve for 12000 -pei ·acre, rio Dul Wllaon Bcnool wu the name -per cent below current value for approved by the board. Cordon \he approxima tely 11 acrw of land. lmler, Main School principal, wu The boa.rd quickly accepted the named WIUlon School prtnrlpal on flrure and Supt. .Everett Jka .aid recommendation of Rea. Wiiiard Ille procurlns of th• land would Reece, who hu been 1eCOnd prtn· •tart right a way. clpal at Main School lhls year, be· Tru.lM Al o,den augs•ted Wit· comff lone Maln School prtnclpal. eon St. School u name tor the Rea told th• tnnteea he and new 9Chool now under construe-Bu.lne• Manaa-er Merton Ca me- tlon. Board Pf'Uldent Bradley ron r.cenU.r traveled 76 mllea Scbwara 1ugs .. ted the atr"t be without leaving Coat• Meaa while dropped. Trustee Hush Jenu 1ug-tabulating lU6 new houau under guted lhat W ll.eon wu a common conatNCtlon ln the dlalr1ct. "I name and SchwM• noted: "If we thlrlk we1 can &'Ill one m ore ac:bool had another 9Chool on Newport (0-tlaaed .. •-ce 6) MESA . POST OFFICE HOLIDAY MAIL HOUIJS NOW EXTENDED eo.ta M._ ro.t Offtce wtD be ~ fr.ft T &. a to' I p. In. klurd&y and ftolll lt ., .. .. • p. ..... --.r and from T L m. to T p. m. troal DIG. 12 Lo lt, Pc:wtmuter H&8el cm announced today, The foUowtnK Saturday , Dec. 17, w1ll -the houra nr T L m. to II p. m. In operaUon .,..in •t the poet office, ahe 11&.id. "We are find.Inf the volume ot mail mucb IJT'ffter than evtr .,.ro~ a t th.la t1roe ot year and we a.nUclpa\.e evesa more nellt -ll:." Mrs. 0111 aa1d. Rich Pa~r~~~~h ~~rl~'(!~!Seof~~b ~~~~Miller'• Ntwporl Harbor High S<"hool li Ton. hlll t'IN\r going for a lay up In yutl'rday afterno<1n'R gl'me hue wllh Torran<'• Th• local tlghlwe1ght11 dt'fea lf'd the rJ\'&la SJ-3 1 -Sta{/ Photo TOLL ·FREE SERVICE HEARINGS WEDNfSDAY Harbor May G,+ Extensions To Huntington. '1.acjuna leach Propo .. 18 whk h may Ktvt> !'\!'w· 1 loll·lr" .. •n vlr" to Art•~I• part r •• l Harbor rl'~lflent• toll • fl"" 1 f I Am)( Bf"rh. \\'t"•lmmlltr and lelt•phont l!t'rv11·t' to Hunt1n.it11n l.ak1•W••11I 11r••1 If pl11n1 i re •P· 11.nlt LA~una Ur,11 hr• 111 " •1111111 1111\t••I b) th,. Pl'C: lnrre1111f' In nwntMv hill' 1·1111 r Tht' i hAni.eovf'r mlKhl ta k t up f•Jr henrlni.:" in l'~nlR A n11 1c:n111 tl! to :io month.t< 10 rom· ntt """"k 1•1••1" .1ft1·1 tht l'l'C 1'11111 glvf'n Appllrntao.n.o 111 ... 1 "11t1 t h ,. 1 '' •l np1 l tt\al, "' <"llnllni;: ln Com· St.111 .. l'ubhc l '111111 .. 11 t• .. mm1,~11111 !'''"''' "rc1t11\l• by C•nf't"lll 11011 l '1'1'1(k Tl'l••ph,.n•· T lw )'""' •11rll<'Rl1on11 llrt lh,. Comp11n1<'11 ~rr tn,. ba,111 nf '"" 1f'•11h • t '"'Jl"r111 .. 111utJ1..,, m1ul11 tWQ-tlav ,.,.-•1r.n ~hlt h uprn• "' 11\ •·t•h r11n1p&O\' rw r r nl'Arly " 10 " m Ot•r 1~1 111 lhl' Count\' 1r,11 S111v1•1•, 1ncllrl\lf'11 that bt- Welt11r" B111l.llng 601 N. fl n •s ... i~··~" _nn~·thm1 11 ncl O!!'°h11!f_or SY. lh,. '"'•I volump of .-a"\lio wn,. Christm11 Hospitality Program Sltlff-Sil1rd1y Night itt-C-dM F'ulll'rl<•n nn•I R11 11 ,,.•111-'nl" l1•:1 1 1tll:< lnh• "rt'a11 whl<'h a r t tlOftl; Mra. Buu BN1g. Marru•· "''"' fi" ,. a '''" • , c·n\ 1n• 1 r1111e 11 ... 1,~,, for toll • ,,.,.,. .... rv1ce In Ml• A.Vt'. 11«Uon; M r1. Swanaon. in lhl'1r rnnnthl\ bill• fti r toll ''"'' lh f1A"'· '''"I"""''" "Chrtatmu Hoeplt&llty" rett unde:r way !la t.urd&y at Corona del Mu with Clu1.ltmu t.rM pro- Jnme al two 1u-t comera. Flrat will be a t 7 p.m. w1lh U&hUnr ot the l,... at Ma.c:Arthur and Cout Blvd&. Nut will be al 8 p.m., romer of Maf"l'Utrlta Ave. and CoU\ BIYd. program; Elwood Murphy, broad· aen ·11 t' 1nlu it1t• l.11 l111hra·fo: t '1 1t1~•'' 1111tlrnP1I In thf' l'11r 1fll" cutlnf. Alao a ldinlt' are Jarn•• 1 \Vh1111r r 10:<· i 1111rnh• r. 1 H11~1· r·,., •I'""' • 11ppl1('11l1(>n ,.1,.,, In· Ray, J amee Va.n Oy kt, Bob Pal· n""" Jlh"n" tlll• .. 111 q · h. ,.Jighll)' <'l11.t1• lolt·frt•" ~"rv1r• 1nio \\'UI· Stud•nt. and Bo7 Scout. wtU pa rticipate in the proJT&m a r · ran,-ed by Mra. Harold 8,.anaon. u will her dance 1tudent.1. J . Lull• Stdfenatti ...nu lea.d In community atnr1n1 and Mr.. St•f· fen.,.n ••tll lead the H&lbor Mothe~n~ra at the Marguerite Ave. tru. All ·~ore. will be In holiday dreu and wtll kttp open each rvemn1. offtrlnc ·~1al Item• tor Chrlatmu &hoppn•. Each nlrht lhtre w111 t>. l>r<>Mcu tl.11.c of c1rol1 '"'\ mu.e1c. Mnt. Karen Kargnl• Bninlnc II Chtlnne.n of Ult' romml\IM .,, h I c h lnclUdu subch&lrm•n Prank Jordan, tree. and decOta· ton a.nd mlllly Olllt'ra. l111th••• """'' • r fn1 C';Ardl'll C:rtl\'" ,.,., vtrf' l ~l.\'0 l\;<'RF.r\S l::-. 110 llunlln11t<>n llnfl l,11guna YULE CHEER Liquor Part Of Big Haul In Robbery Burglar• 11truck the jackpot In Chriatmu food cheer lhll WfdC wtlen tht'y raided the homf' or Mr .. Leo Orold, 1388 W . Bay A ve. Acrordlnc to Newport ~aC'h poll«. IS bolll•~ Of hqUM. 12 c~ of bttr and '200 tn canned r;·OOIJ& werr ll11ted 11mon1t th" ll· •ma l•k•n from the hom" whlle Mr1 Grold """ •b"4lnl bf'tween Nov. 30 and Dec. 7, Total IOIOll, 1he H id. ....... S:>89 Aleo Cllflf'I 11way, offlcua NJd, w•re a ban}o. ukelf'lr. f'lt'Ctric juicer. t o •~ t • r, i nd f'le!'trlc broiler. Police 1a1d the buqrlar wen t through lhe hou1e vtry methodl· rally, openmit evl'ry drawer H ow ever. the BU~pec\ did not '"el away wllhoul aom• palnA. O!fl· ('era M id in brf'llklnR ll window to entl!r thl' nouw. th,. burgla r rut hi• h1111d i nd cons1der11bl,. blood WH tounfl on thf' window lrema and noor. ----------· Only B1:<'nl\ l'1uk 11 •lll1•n1• m,11' ..:rt He· •hr• frnn1 l\'l'wpor\ Plmnl'll, u nt\11 h ''" " :10 '••n\ inn ••A•,. 1n 1\11•1 fr"m S11nta Ana lntn \Vr~t· lh<' 1111 nt hh· hill "hu h "''111 1 ul· mm•lrr 11nrl ll1mt1n~lort RN1ch. l •w lhrm to 1•111 "''""'" ~11r·1 :-.o t:XTRA CHAJlOt: wnll<. "<11>\h"•1.8t \\'h11l1>•1 11111\ u 1 1;11 Hl(bra. Southt11~l Whtllltr. l~bra L11 M1ra1I•. Norwa lk, anr1 Arlt'11ta An11h,.1m r,.111dent .o wnuM ~!'l (l'o•llnueci on Par;e I ) 'CATCH UP WITH PROGRESS IN BALBOA 13 Shopping Drugs Found on Hospital Attendant Cops Book C .. R. Ple•nt After Medicine Missing A Hoag HOt1Pital attendant wu aenten* Wed.._,.,, afternoon in Newport Justice Court to 90 day. ld the county jail with 30 days auspended for violation of U.. busineaa and professional code after Newport Beach nar- cotic1 officers arreated bim allegedly with l~ ampulee of Benudr lne 11ul11le and four am-hlll tlory about not knowtac lloW pulu melhdrlne 1n hi• po111euton Ute druc were placed la llil taken from the t>merrency room pocket. ot the hoapttal. He told offlcen at t1111l a ...U Offlcera Robt'rt Davenport and amount of money had been ~ J ustin Epstein reported they 1lak-rrorn hiJI coat on a prevloua ~ f'<I out al lllf' hospital after they 1lon and tl\ne wu evldenff t.b.a& recelvl'd a ' cornpl&int th11t a quan-hi• roal had been tampered wtt.b lily or dru,11 had bttn ta.ken from qaln. the ho11p1tul emergency room •lor-GA\'E TO 11UJ:ND8 •re cabinet. Pleu&nl a lao told otftcen at nso DRl'G!ol flrtl, they aaJd. lh•t be had no They 11lopped Charlu R. Pit•· tnt•nUon or u11nr the drup they aanl, 2~. of 7962 12th Bl .. West• found In hi• poueer1lon, but that mlnatrr, atl•ndanl at the boapltal he gave them away to frttond1. alnce Augwit. a_fl<l alltcedly found He explained he worked ntghl the drug1 roncf'aled In hl8 pocket.a. houra at the h<>11plt&I and oflf'n They eald Plruant at flral d~ wu &a1i&'"t'd t he duty of . taklnl{ nled knowledfe o r how the dnip aome of lh• druaa to phy1\clana l o.1 ..on bit R{rton, thtn CS!nft~ The t •b.intl. wu kept unlocked a t and led otflc•111 to hla home where &II tlmu, h• .. id. he aurrende~ four •yrln('U, .even Pl--.nl wu booktd a t 3 p m, hypodtrmlc n~lttt and other Wednf'llday and wu arraigned bl'· quantlllH ot drura. to,.. JudJe Donald J , Dodie th" Otflcera Mid tbey trapped Plea· same altemooo. tie pleachd ru11t y .at wbea u..,r ....... Ute ~ te tM .tolaUon ot tb• buelnflaa and w1Ul a 90lutlon oC n oureacenl profe•lonal ~ and bad 30 day.e ch-1Titcal which Oley la ter found ot hi& 90-day aentl'n<'e •iap.ndM on Ple&aant'a hM1d11. Jt wu only with two year.a probat.lon on tOn· when confronted with thl• evld· dlUon l.hal he not v1olal• any ata te tnce. they l&ld. lhal he chan1~ law durtnc lhal time. , MURDY HEADS BOARD OF HOAG HOSPITAL John A Mtmly Jr. or Hun\lntt· ton lil'INI hiu bN'n Tl'~lt('ltcl 11.ell· ldl!nt r•r ~Alil M <llftl'lou o Hoag Mtmor1111 Hoap1taJ. Prnby- lf'rlan. 11tror..t1n$: lo An 11nno11nc~ nrf'nt r"le1Ut~J lodu.y Thf' "lf<'lora of lhe Orangt Coun- ty Pr .... l>yl•n11n AM<X1a11on. m<'t'l· 1nr; In a <'RllC'll8 al ~I. An<lrtWll l'hur..cn. hl'•rd a rf'pnr t rrnm Mr11. Robf'rt L. Bacon. a.dm1nt•tret(lr, tn which ahe rrvt11lf'd lhf' m!"fllr11l elaJI ot the h(lllpll1I hu ln<'rl'U· e<I by U memt>oo..-to a tol&I mtm· berahlp of 232 C.ROWTH !'TA T l"Tl('S A• an Indication or tht' irroWlnf nftod for addlt1nnal rarllltlra, the report ehowed for the YKJ' end• Ing Srpl. 30 a tota l of 4117 ad- m NI ol\JI, 2lr.'flriii.patlent di'Y1, 9tl nt>Wbom bablu, 7518' outpal• lenta. 217l em•rienciee and • pel'" centage ot occupam:y of 96.4.. A 11r1Vt for fund• Lo build a new 80-tiffl addltton to the hoepftaJ to cou 1600,000 la currenUy under- way, Thf' <'ommunlly'a dtorta "1U ~ m a tcht'd oo a "dollar tor ~ lar" bu13 by the H~ J'ounda.- llon. T he rt'port •~tM Ui&t the - men 1 a uxlllary of the hoepJt.al with 606 membera repr-.nUns five ctiapte,... produced a ~)' (C-U...• ..... •> Events were chronicled up to date today when a new 1ign, "New Home of the Balboa Minkel," went on the facade of Bob's Village Market, Balboa. ThitJ sig- nalled tact that Homer Smith, many yeanl owner of Balboa Market. Main St., 1''a8 moderni•ing, expanding, prognssing. He will vacate building wied for 42 ye-art! a.e complete food emporium. Bob Mayfield, right, 1old m~ and will jow- nf'y to Texu with ht. wife on family vaait before mapping new plana. Smith. It-ft, plans to r£'·do whole markt>t on Balboa Blvd. for cuatomer convenience. Known in C'llrly dars u Way and Gr1g~rs Markt>l. the Balboa Market for aevtn.l decades wu onl)' food center in community. -Staff Photo Days 'tll BALBOA ISLAND CHRISTMAS iREE ARRIVES I Chrishnas 1 J&----------..1 J .. Dick Park. arms upstretchrd at righl, b'Wes Cub Scouta or Pack l, and Boy Scout.a, Troop 81, Bal· boa Island, a hand unloading huge Christmas troe wtrn h iR now standing Jn its traditional spot at Park an1l Manne A n:!-1. The same :Scouts will benefit ' through sale of f'hru11maR t r('('S at Lhc1r lol on Coast Hlghway and Bayside Urive. ll will be opened tomorrow afternoon by Mayor Dora HiU. -St&ff Photo ,. ,.. • _.,. \ ,, _ .. GIANT CANDYCANE is symbolic of tonight's Candy Cane Ball at Balboa Bay Cub and &mong members of the Assistance League's Junior Auxiliary wel<;om· tnc eueets will be this grou p. It includes (I to r ) Mmes. Peter Barrett, Hugh J. Plumb 1 Jr., Charlea Sparkuhl and Hugh HutBon. -Staff Photo • .· , YOUTH CONCERT PLANS were outlined when thia group met 'N'esday at the home ot Mra. Walter R Schoenfeld, 1034 West Bay Ave. Orange County Philhar· monic orchestra will give two performancea on the ume day of next month.· Left to right are MrB. Morris S. Slack of Fullerton, county chairman; Ml"ll. John V. Neff, Harbor area chairman ; Miss Frieda Belfnfante. orchestra conductor : Mrs. Schoenfeld and Mra. Moreland Leithold. whose hw;batid is president of the Phil· harmonic Society. -Starr Photo Philharmonic Plans Concerts Exclusively for Young People Christmas Program f O'r Baptist \V omen 1 Uuuci' c-urgrry F1 1~n'11 n( (' 1-: flh kf'l\I ti( 30 1 I Llnd• A \'f' ttl'l<ll I thf' 14'111 f'C1 I f'A Tlle W omen'• M luronsry Sod· lau r.int OfWrat\Jr u nd""'"l\I •ut· etv of Ute f"trat "JJepllst Chutl.·h 11' 1 Y 111 l{l>ll• Ht,.1'11111 ~Oll•I•~ an.S Is now dolJ11t n "'"'Y Oltklln" Newpor t Beach wlU be held !\Ion· 1iper11tl'<I th11 &Ibo& lnn Cafo day, Dec. 12 at 7 30 p. m. In lh<l ttnm 193!> to lHll. h ome of M r a. · Eulata Eatf'•. ---- 11111; \\'. Balboa Blvd. A apt'C~I Chn1tmu prorram Lii being plan· ned to which all women Mnl In· vlled. For l ranavm talion r11 ll M 1'4! S l'Oll H unsalcu. Hl\rb<.1r 4~·W, :\'utr!Uonlat.s uy we shftulcJ eat. for l\ood hl'allh an•I min.i , one fourth ot the day's total food II 1 breakfut. But a r he("k of 1600 ofrlce employtNI In Minne11poll11 I rl'vealed th at ~~ per cl'nl of wo· men under 2~ habltually f'll lltllr or nothlnr ~rore going to work 9•1ck Senlce t'OR Roller Shades Sta.ndal"\.I Shade CloUU and Cuatom SJ>f".'llllle. • Orapuy Hardware • \·~nellan BU.Oda CALL llARBOa IU THE SHADE SHOP ui St aci Mt .. .s ""'POr1 84-acll 8"1da "'"' Poa\ ..OJnH GIVE HER A LOVEL V MINK STOLE I 'Ht1 :r ... ~:.~.~~, ( think of will pleose het • • mote t h a n o F U R • ' STOLE or a CAPElET. Why not mo~e your selection now from a beau11ful collectioo of Dyed Squirrel, Mu1~ra1 or Mink. All reosonobl>' priced. Conductor Will Explain Instrument~ and Scores hllrmonlc Society affiliate, whl<'h will M dulgnated u the Orange County Phllbam1ontc !or Young ' People. Mr&. John V. N e!t ts Har· bor area. chalrm&n, The group wtll direct It• ener1th~11 to a \!rive among P ·T A and youth Or&&nla tloM to provide tunda tor tho concert. "9pen "'·enlnK& From Dec. lS to Dec. 2S." The Olive M. Duling label exp1enol the f1t1ut ;" quality and wor~moMh•p. A Small Depoiit Re111rvc1 Your Seleciioo Oreron ha.a m ort 1l11ndlng tlm· her than any olhtr atate In the Union, reporlll the National Auto· mobile Club. SEALAR~ING Two Philharmonic Society concerts were planned par~ ticularly for young people of Orange County when Mrs. Walter R. Schoenfeld was hosteBR Wednesday morning at a coffee hour in her home, 1034 West Bay Ave. lf:A('H SECTlOS 1trucllon ar.d muatc a ppreciation, Miss F rlc1la. 81.'Untanle, conduC'l· or of the Phllh&rmOlllr, outlined alma of lhe new concert program . wh1C'h will be preaented by the pro· d e • I r n a I e d to allmulate lhe ldu ot "live" mW1lr tn young peo· pie. A dult.a may attend the con· cerla, ll wu expl&1nclll1. but muat be acrompa.med by younc people or clllldren PrMent were .M rs. Slack, Miu Betlnfa.nte. Mme.. M . R. Le1thold, Don Fuller, Ja.met Nt•wUn, J ohn V. Ntft, William B. Clarll, Bar· bara Mac Nellledge, Oertrudl' V Mc-Call, B. N. Ouenbtorg, A. J MIC'kle. David Balll'nt1nt . Harry Strickler , Robert Macki')', Robert Sallabury, W. R Schotnf,.ld, Thom· u W. Froat. l!:morx S. Moore, J nhn W. Oertly, Durnell C . F orgey, Ka· ren Marrreta Brul'llng, t x11r11t1ve dJro.ctor and the ho.leaa, M rt Sch0tnfeld. OLIV.E M. DUL,M9 t" U II S I~ I· 11 ,I II· 11' I " I I for di1criminetin9 petrons with a flair-- for distinctive acceuories and decor ant1qu<> appl111uc mirrors conno1s.seur llrms floral wreaths for mirror frames cry11tal & wrought tron wa.11 d('<"Or unusual coffrc tabk a and pedetttal1 custom mirrored lnst&llationa Many one of a ' k ind. exclU11lvt <'lecor ator'• "drl'Rm" Chrtirt.ma.a mot1r11 too! mona talbot 11 1L760 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Hnrbor 5403 u -.., - ' I I By GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LESTER ) SMITH tus1on11l aymphony orcheat ra on ABOARD TYPEE: Caal off from our Lido dock the 11aml' Saturday 1h Ute lltttr r h d I. h ful S . part of Janu1<ry. one 1n the morn· yesterday for OnC 0 t OS(' (' 1g t fa)) • Unday Sal)R • . • Ing tuid another in lhc aftemoon. and first thing came upon another reminder that Christ·' ll ll l'xp(•• ttd on11 will be Kl Yen mM was fast approaching ... the Lvman Farewell's in Am•helm tor the northrm llOC· Each acore w ill be ex pla ined and cerl&ln lna trumenla will be tAken out and ducrlbed u tQ their uae In the acore. CH4J.JUO:N · S d · · · 1 hon of the county . the other a t spacious schooner ea nft at their Balboa bayfronl home Oranite Coan l:l'llllo'g~ Mra. Morrie S lack ot Fullerton with S11nla 11 n ii h11 re1n1ieera , mlriutr relea~e" Th., h 11 11 1 Thi,, la to bl' a venture In ht· la county ch&Jrm.an of Ulla PhU· g•ll:.r pranrln1r alone lht buom . · 1 ru·omtl<l'a to hf' th1• m nlll bl'l1 11tllul. f'Al ~T CHRl?. 8 anappy rrnl· 1<nr1 •" entful pllrtl' 11( thr \'NH I scr. m11to1 r d d<i\'n lhl' Bay ~· APAF:T~fE.~T \\'Jl'f: tr1r 101111t '"rt 11.,. w mvler it i he I• hC"nut1tul un111uc• 11nt1 c· .. 1111 rul h•·· 1 AAmellne'a Chr la\m1<A reatnl . Ion.:• tn B IJI a nd T 11by \\ 1h ox p 1 whn llvt' Otl l,hln h ll' but n18 ln· whl\t 11 unique 11 n ll rlrver n11m P t11in a town Clp1trtm1'nl on Or· for. bnal Joln11 Darl'" C'nd.,an,.;I' Grnvr A\'\', 1n r iuu1drnn I I Mama'• Mink •nd Aft rr Tuu In with BIJ•:• flftlr fn r drrorilltni: , hArfti trr anrt T oby a flair 1111 f'lCOtw 1111111111.1 how rn11ld t h<'\' 1111•" 1·ei f'<·l· ~A l l.f:fl BY K 1tl1h11wk. IJ11nn rn.tt lhr<mJ;hOul lh<' 114 11 • 1 i• r \' m 1o 1 unol .1 H• 11•\••n ,., ht 4111,. • 11nt,.m1••• ,. •tu 111 ,, kprnlMf'nl •f'ttr [l11n11011ra wn11 taklnlC Wllh 111 ·~ F1t•11d1 111 "''"" ,. tlnm .. oft (rum h•, Lldn f't'nn ~hr fni 'h••rclll" l 'tnl< 111-".hlmJo: rct• • l~ NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINTFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor h"th 111•111,. 1111•1 in lhr tw11 w11l1. 11 !Ul ll 1111ll •t•<' """-. a O!'AIJl\ 1" "'' l'lllJll• 11.Jol l" 111•· ••1111 •h• ltltl\ PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 · 11 t1cf111l1I •, 'ftnt \ 'Ill fl I .1111p1'111r I I "t CA I A l ,!:>: A ll'l,A:--'ft RI I h " '"""' """' 111• •i.:h Ith I \Ill~ <'l"I\' a Y'lUlh PmJtTllm aoundal I-..,_.. ,.,... ...._ lille ... ,,,,. I 1m1 "'.i • lh,. nu"• • f " r 1<1<·111 t'll! l o 1h .. 11 '" " I •' 11 \ tnr1hr piton" V.l'r!' d1114:u11aed did ... t of bi. ,~-. but llLt~-, .,.,.,.111 1 Nt'wpo•t ""ht• 11mnn~ 1 .. ,, t•r l ~"' "h' h ti 111.• th,. l•~l \\'f''1n,.,.111v mnmmg at lht 1 ,.. 10,ecl l~b.---Of'a. U :U. _ 1 .11 lht'm Ulll Stl'WMll 11 111111~·1 l)j f(ftllrrv \\llh It~ '"''1"'"'" 1''1 • 11rh n11lboa Ba\ I runt hom!' of Mn. I I tn6t \'II w I CJ\uli&.o• 11 fta1n11111 f'8lnl1ni:' Wlllll!r s, hnl'nfrtd , , Carolyn A father mtcht 111fmlre lhl' akUI .Uu.11.1JU1 ll wu !"huh""'''" 11111· LL'.~c.·u,.;n:---•nr1 .. ,.,.1 '"''.l'. n.11)('ork ~tAlk rt1•wn f1 11111 M11hbu of • eon, but a mothl'r la apt t.o l '"R met~t'rl' ""Y •n•T Wiim r:h'l"n bv lk>lllv cMu E ... ,n1-mmn.: \1iTh V1T}1lmr Hatrtr Titlue ot~ -.ptnhttl <JU1l~. It II Jill\tf' \dhw •lc-.k \\hf'C• RHb <'•trl· 1.111111, 1-'l•·Jrni r '~"' I( 1 tl h i d t"' I <I If '' J• t !h THl'''"R TO ro~fE · A11~l•t11nr!' an mo .. n to brtng out t11r tt· . . 211 N. Broadway, Santa Ana K_I_ 2-1 2:~ 0Rt4NCE COV,\iTl"S FORf:t10.ti;T JTRU/f.'U for bO/iJay Jining • • • Ice Cream 13 delicious flavors hand-pack6d $1 .65 tho quart 8 European Water Ices hand-pocked $1 .25 the quart Have you tried W il Wright 's hand-dipped chocolates 7 - ... _ 17ttl & Coast Hic)hway Newport l"ch .:at11 .. rt.I nb.t11t thr \ll•ht'• flrl'· \\11r,. !-ri1mt .. 1 \Ir• f"h:trl<'•t Krllr) ThMf' · l&ku the tralnlnt ot both father I Min r 11••f'nl" •nr\' u .. n "1 ('or•lrr\' IU \ll ~1 .. 1nn1 11-;1111 r.1 ·"" • • lf'ntlal a ood qualtllr• of Ill 11 m 1•111m,.nto lo l\1hl l•• h111 rm"frl s,..,. 1 ,.1 1 ... , \\'•"'"""'"'' Ht 1 h I' l.ri11t11r J1111111rt1 C&nd.v Cant Ball I ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;";;;;;80~"~~::;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;,;;::~;;::;;:==:;;:;;;==~========================~ lill c "''"" ''"llt'c'llun J 1°1r•11111 llolJ 1.rln 1~1,. ClubhuU.tJI' """ 11111 .-h tun111h1 nt !hi' Oalbl>R flR)' Club ; I ... 1111 thl' Jii i' l'lllAll1111 \\'Pft f•I· tun rn, .. , .. ,, loJnr h1n.i: \\'Ith (".,t1t11 .. n C-h1l~tm10 r•rtlf'a Rt 1 h1• <r«'W n1 .. rntn·1• ••( H""" • Huth ,~11 1, M 1 llummrl 1,11,.1 • .:->""'l'"rt llai bot Yarht Club fJn· ' r'l.'C ('111n" \\1'11 I"" I tnl;l'lhf'r l''"""l"nl "( lh,. A'"'""" nf 14 .,.11h thr J 1101nr ('at11l1nn r .. ,.. :I: 1'1 ~ 1'""1 iummn in Englan•I lln•I Huftlr ~l!'m<•nal lfc.-f'IU I An I thAI 11111n-' a Jan~lf' Brll ll11ll '1~'""'1..,· And'' K lik. •n•t Kf'n· 1:1vf'r Luh1 .\111y •Mr• ll1rrv1 ,,,11.11,,,1" Tn e BRIJ Ot<' 1•, at ' • ' d .. \' l1 t" "'. t 1r1mt 1•1 ,. '" r ll ' n\' \\'ft!\• l't11n :'\°1Jtrl1'·1 !hr .. 1 ff II unh• tb~,.11t nwmh••r """ "" th .. llnl' l'luh Jlalbn11 ,.nln · cho1rmnn n ( lh<' 11 .. ag l'l.11x1h1u\' ih' 1.:1 .. 11\\ II \IO'"l'•\ \hRl \ht• l'huhfl• liJJ1 tl •!Hin I •hf' l•H>k hf'llllll •II' p~rl\' n,., l'I . 1,h1o l•lt <o • •:t"•J 111111 10 (...,,,.1 .. 11 of111m tul Rll in bl,.dc 1 ,.11,.., \'•,. 'i.ol1t l 'luh \'h11•t1111" p•rt" an l I l"htll\ t'••ll' llh-1111 r11n" T' m I .~frA I I I ~, ....... " ·•-thn~ "' l'lf'.!1nn '" fl><lt .. rr1('ffol! n .... 17 S 11t111 In; n1gH And 1:11t him • ut ra1 .y dll) ll "n LI Ju r, <;la•h ~ I ~lric al lhl!' Club Huu..e . . • 0 \'ER of brrl at ~ 11 m to Join l.hl'tr I Philip 1 Stambauxh Brit v 1 Mr1 rr11n1nn via their !lhip to Shor• Oror1tPI Hos1t JI D<:lio thy 1 ~fr!I A_N_'o __ o_i.;_:-r _________ _ rad lO I Dnnal1J 1 H11rt. Llll'llr •Mr• Nl'll 1 j LA VOL.PF: aalll'I\ to AvRlnn Ctrnl'rnn F.nllly 1 &h,. Jam t • tor th~ Wt't'k . r n.1 a lao ••h f'n 0f'11llll'. s .. uv 1Mr11 P11ul1 Elm· Chnrlt Llimb lnv1ll'rt hu tell••l4 qul1t. Pollv • l>' ·~ M 1111 0 b,. r. bn11rct rrf'mb4-n1 ot lht' L1•lo i..1~ Mu1ne I Mn J r e 1 r r .. 101n.ttl'r In Yacht Club fnr a "'"J 14 f'Pk·"n•I a tlunoln.tt rn) al r 11rpl,. {). rnthy ... from all rt'(l<lrl•. txith •Iii? O"Hara, Ka t1 t •Mr • B11rtnn1 ~ n 11 -r• w e.1 ,. h ighly Jmr~""'"'"' Rombur1ter. l ><irnth\' 1 Mi• Hn"'·· honw•vn both rf'p'>lll'tl th11l C'ht'r· ardl Lewi• E•lllh •M r~ ll.lllroh1 ry Covr an<1 Av11lnn "'"'f' nnl up A.h.-.n•. J,.11n 1M 1• H~lph l T,n. l o thtlr warm 1t11mmt'r 11J'll'ndor dowaky Mar111n 1 Mr11 Burr 1 MA· OE:B llA;-;Tf; 8 A I.. I. IM'llA· pit Bll'tty I M" Jl0-1'•• Hnlhrill\ Pinkie I MT' A llt'nl c r I A' 11 Trav111 c JI.fr• Aur nrll 1 F'oqcrv a nd many, mnny mur.- lion~ hll\'1' JUAI bun Tff'f'•Vf'<I trnm th~ Nr-.. port Harbor Aull.I · li11ry ul the Chlhlr,.n'11 lfomr Sn· C'll'tV or C11\lfornln (M lhtlr M r· nnd • 11nn11RI bf'nl'flt 111 thl' Blllb<'R Day C"iub Wt'•lneac111y ~c 2 C.:OCKPIT ~<'l "fTL£81 'TI: Or~nlfl' County l'h1lh11rmon1r ~O· T h1•\ttn OUIAl•n<'lln l{ :-o;,.wport Hor bl r ~ub·.,,.bs will ~ pru,.nt· t •I b y My!Md lrVlnl' . fl.f''' 1 M rs. Roberl l BarnNt. p11bllcll) C'hatrmnll. <'lllled 11 mf'rllntt n( h!'r r nmmltl<'e l11~l w,..,k 111 her B11y Shn1 r s home \n t orm11l111, I 11 11 l GET SET FOR THE HOLIDAYS v Mey We Suggest an Appointment for a Brl!ct Bl!auli/uf Wave rrnm 11~ ALICE FRANCES ' ANNOUNCING • The Harbor Area's First AUDIO HEADQUARTERS featurinq HIGH FIDELITY RECORDINGS-CUSTOM MUSIC SYSTEMS TAPE RECORDERS-HI-Fl RECORD PLAYERS You ·are invited to visit our beautiful "Studio Jlving Sound " for an unfor9et•ble emotional experience in Fine Mus ic Reproductio n! Opening Saturday, Dec. 10th bu.shndl's HARBOR Hl·FI A remmder that an early ordrr a~ures Holiday Delivery of &lected Pie<:•·a or Fine Furniture Al/CE OF LIDO Corona del Mer Balboa Island 408 32nd St. Newport Beach (Post Off kt St.) Harbor 2844 <Conveniently locatcri opposite City Ham I I '' SNOW WHITE I Sonnee Stallman I, aided by three mice, works th" Hpell that brings to i1fe storybook charact ers of "The Magic Toy Shop." Harbor P.layers- Concert Shows Capacity of PhilhUrmonic B'.\' MARV LEt; RICHMOND P-TA benefit performance at Harbor View School.' Given la.st night fo r auults. 1t will bt> repeated Satur- day afternoon for chiltl r('n. -Staff Photo DISPLAY OF RARE BIBLES BY NEWPORT BAP'TISTS "The B1hlc" w111 ''" s"' 1111>11 till•• for lhe 11 11 111. worshlr strvu:e 111 lh1• f.'1r ... 1 l:S111•t1 .. 1 Churd 1. l9lh Ant1 Balboa Blvd. With the R t'\' Ht1 '"''I t; Jcohnson fl• earhlng Rare 11 11•1 oltl Bible' \\ 111 he dl11playtd during l hf' eventng ~er vke 111 7 Ito I' m l-:\' .. 1 ~ ••n•• 1~ Wt'lo'ome to b1111g hut fa vnfllt' ultl anti rttl t' Billi•' '"' tllr. tll!!ph1.v wt11c-h 1s being hll'IJ 111 ubsf'1 vri11r·c• 11r l '1111'Cl4 ~111 U1l1lt• S11n1lay Thc-mesKag1> for lhl' t-vrn1ng w1JJ tw "l;ud:.. J.,u\ •' .. Suntltty S• h•~,1. \\Ith 'l.1s~s for a ll Bge~. rnnvenel! a\ An Impressive quality of the Orange County Sym phony !f -1:. 8 Ill T he llll'l•V.f't k ll11ur or P18\ l'r Wiii be held Ill 1 Orchestra has alway11 been its capacity for exubf'runc<'. for , __ r_n_1_'-"-'_11_11_1 i>_t_ 18_\_. -------------------- reaching the heighlil an propulP1ve, Jynam1c works full of climax.es and surging melody. The pro~ram g1\'cn SalUr· day night at Anaheiin offering Hehoz. Hra hams and Rlmsky·Kor8akov gavC' opportun1l1es for t his exubcrancC' lo be stunningls displayc•d. ARMY KETTLES Salvation Army Fills Thu UJWtl ot Ille onh<·stra·111r11111l1ty "'Ion~ Th<' Sdwrt•• 11g111n · u • N f t >t<'t!llenrt , hOWt'\'fr. " linly flirt •Xhlltltf'<I tht• b .. .cu\y uf lhe hrorrut n1que eed 0 Many of the toll\I pwl ure S1lurdey11 .\hilt' t1111u1ttl t1 anti t1H111IA>nP• 1 l'~nCt>rf llltt•le ll obv1011s th .. t .M1M lo(ll'~ 1111111•! llf ll'n•lllr lo lhlJI 1·11t<1· T rll.Jlliunft l rl'lf en•l·~li·.-u :-:""·•· form of huilgrt l!Ubeic:Jv <'hf'<'klll to t' 1 tida Bellrihr.nl" hu huilt en <-n· t "'"" 111"' t•tel<'1<t \ 1•in A 1-m\' \rlp<)(ll• with tlw '"""· ti•'•" Iv n10lh~r~ "11unshlnl'" girt.a ~mble1ot lr ue bnllianc·..-'11\d d ltr· Thl' fu111111111 pn1U11Hnl(lla lf't'l!'I'" 'l1ur "IJ011ln1t l'<•l11· 1111tkt' lhPlr 111.•I lur ht1Ap1l111izrd fllH1,.nt11 r,.mem· Iv ba a nl'M In all .eruone. with l'•I " rf·u•IJni;: \hat ••mph11101z,..41 lh,.1 111'1~1tJtJ>N11 ~nc·,. 1111 S<nllh..rn l'nh· l1ranrt• for pnK<ml'rt' ~nd lhelr ni•ny aolo 1~rfu1 mtrs < .. pabl.-uf I' 1 ''''" 1111111 .. nt .. 1111 "I'll u lh r fornlQ .. 11rt•l11 "'' l•t•• I f111111hr• e nd tutk•·Y 1rnd·tr1111m11111• Vlr luoi.lly (tf the hll(hel!l .. ,.,,.,, "•'ll'lt Tio .. ""'~"11• '"' 11( OIClllf w·iu • T t I I f I I I II '"' "kloltuW hab1lU!'8 &Ill! lx•ntflC· ·1•t '('IAL Glt''T I \t 1.11 "'' ... 1111.,. lln• ... ,,. N • ~ofl••nt·rl liV lhl' •ilk"""" 11( vrnltn11, f 1 1 1 1 t ''~'"" uf s.11\•a t1on Army rnslllu· The Hun11a1lnn M111d t from i:luw col ,11.i,,. 1411.J tht' phu,Jlni'•ll "'111 '"01111~1 Y"'11"1 ~"11 '1 ""t" l iiun• "The U11mnlllh•n nf ~\tll"I" v. 1111 h '111 t tw ', 11111• 1 1" J•Nt\'ld•· ~ tu i1<l nu•~ t'h'" 1 111 t 11'' !11 111,. than I 011 llClll 1ndl 1•1rtu11l1 Ofll'ned lh .. program (!'<. ('l\'t<I •n I . I t I. mu 'flt: ... TrtA I I\ Ill ha\' .. a bnghw1 Chrl•llTIU bt· lnlerproela t1on \\hlch poinl..U llJl Thr 4,,1., rtul,. in thr l:!lh i·arin· 1n1t tont-1,.,,,.,,. 111 th .. lh11tl 011•\'f' 1 au~.-of tn .. Sah•a\iun Arrny nlln· the driving rhythm ant.I g leam ing I llul1 .,. •• ,.,.,11111111,.11 rrndPJf'<I. llnd "" nl whtll' ll" r11111l1• lft l.llf ting ialr y whrf'h ,,. n1tt ellbl'idt.ed or r h4'11t rallOT1 .1r lhe flf'rllot. atyle '"" lw ni mollt in u,,. H lh varta-1 ,,..,. Cl11y "' ll"'4'11ni; '''" """"''"'" lh1uugh u1mJ)1unlty <'heat.I or Miu Stolinfantc-a •JX'\'tlll g lCt In 111,n wu nirtlt•irl•J1t•ly ""' h aunt· nillr•l rorlh "II tllr lf'Jl<tUH•·" M ot her normal blldlf~l f11ndl, Lt. Uu e tyre or t ompo111twn 1., lo tu.re inylv ph• "'"J Trnml.K>nP!I a mt 1 rum· full '" c hrall a. por\lt llll\l ly tn 111 """ c •,,1t,n .. 1 l"'rlUlk V.'llmer, 9011th~m tit •Y Vlt(tt r -..1111 t11)•lrrly1n.: •1111-1,.to· "' ,.. 111 lfl .. ut 111 111,. 11,.•lnC1 •n•I ''•11r>•r1:v lr1 1h" 11'•1 ""'" llu• <'allftornta dlvlaiooAl .-ornm&Jlder c1pltn" amJ lh!' r rfr11 In \he 84-r· •11r1t•111 .. • an•I h,.r,. lh,. lull"'' h •·• • ttn11·1t rn••l• '. in " h• 101 ''"I' 11nnoun•f'<I l\11t. wu un111111nllv thnlllnit 111 "' lh-111,,.1n\tn1t """''"" "' '111¥ 1''"1110111111, 1u111 ""' 1 .. ., tu 1ulrllt1on to t hl' "bolling pot.a" Th 1:1 h . .. I u h l ~· hf'hf'I A7.A•IC' \ht , .... Ill ''" 'II· I e ra nr" •nrrl ' ''""I' on\' 1 It w .J 1111u'""", )t1111t. 11.,.1,.,011. 1111 tic .. "lft't'll' ll'l\tl1f of &!Jpta 011.-or lh .. 111• ... l 111nr .... "'' '""I .,.r. 1 ... 11 .... , ..... h , .. ,,I ..... 11.111 .... r·11 1""tl:•n.ihly ,,,.K11•• 1""'1"' "'"""'d h·'" t, ... n tll •O!C\C'il '" 111tert'•led th ull of 1111 •) n1phm111 "'"' k11 tol· lu1•• n 1 ""11 thl' v.uu.tri ful • 1 t'll•rtl( "•t.• fr 1<'11''~ uf I ht> or1t1niz.a\Jon. 1 e· l<rv. I'd lht' H1!1 lluz. T iie bt ""'' f'· A llluiuc h "1 leh •lltrc 1,,111 " fl\'• r •tll• •I lllli: • un111tlt•1 l\l1t•n of t ht' nte<Jy mrnl h&A 11 .. 111k111i;c l"'o 111>1<' • r~·h ~t\I" '"'I _, "f" !'Ii h"' ""~"' h\ \ ""'"' '4 loll1 h ldt 11111 I''"' 111 I '111 l'llilaJI bud~tl t·\pentUturea Ing thl'fllt' .. r <l1•a;.nollni: ;11o111 un•l t f<llllAkV·K .. i .. ktl\' 111 111111.,.1 ,.,, lun,: .. 1 "'"'•"11 ''""'''"' 11 .. ~·· 1 ~1· ~.1l\1<\111111~l o!C1t\11l11 hopf! Lhat •"4:f'ndtn(t 6t ha tn th~ ,·1••lln" v. lutr •ht tu nlC t \• ,.,.., hu It\ """th• Ht "h'n " 1 •hu• •1t lhr I'•• k•"'I ht•""-•• ••f 1 1;Nl• tt•f•·••uut •• tu nil-fur t hr (,hrhllrnu.a v tnlu a nd (t~IJo. provJde '"' ••ve~· Tht• (Ainou.a "''''" hit" lun.: ti.,f'n 1•1\'t'r• f11t tt11 • ,,.,u " u 111it ',,,,,··r t pr"~''"" nu1\' h .. n •Hh'l.tid from \he Sl•led accompa.nlmcnl w t\h .. ,OtMt lovrd 10,.. "" Ut'hly f'\U<'aU,~& uf ICrf ·•' '"""'' Jt'1 l• r ""•' •t 1rt l • ,,11 ... Uon MJlpeOI. wantla fllllnit In on the 2nd a.nd niu•ir 1n which th• "l•mtnt M t th bl-al.a. atory trlllnit ma~Lftn thei...bauty fo'rom the tl,..t notn or thl• rom· of till' thl!'mea. p lt".c< work. H wna clear lhlll con· l"nr o a mrlt. the Sr her1u ad<' ta , f'tUOAY, DECEMBER '· 1'55 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART1 ·PAGE l -rw tbe nn..t ill OommerdaJ Prinl1ll& caU ' HarOoc 1111. Job PrtlltJac~L CHRISTMAS NEW~ our New lWec:Uon of Jet !led Orlon f weaten for the Holidaya are The Greatest Ever! Now la the Ume to be lntelllcenllf happy not alap-happy NEWPORT BEACH SOROPTDCISTS have cha.en u their pro~ for the coming year to aid the Harbor Area Glrla' Club with ita building fund. The club ii striving to raise $5000 with a. matching amount expected to be ·riven by Myford Irvine. Left to right are Mn. Harvey Mayer and Mra. Farel Walker; Soropti· mists; Mn. Earl Piper, director and Mra Bruce Martin, prellident, of the Girls' Club. -Staff Photo BE SMART Get rove tor Uae Xmu partJ• .Jt)-IAl\l\ SPORT SHOP Adult & Children's Books New at Public Library One hunrtred and thirty n • w New Year: Ile Hlatory. Custom• r:h1ldrf'n'1 books were added to I and 8upenlltlon1; Gelatt. The the library durlnc November I.II FabuJou. Phonorraph from Tin· anticipation of National Bo ok foll to H igh Fidelity; Keleey. W«k which wu celebrated dur-Jl'our Key1 to Guatemala; Kohr, 1ni; that month. Adult booka In· The New M.Uton CrOll' Complf'ft eluded: Sloriff of the Great Operu; Phll· F iction: Ehrlich, Fir•t Train Lu Rubylon ; Grey, Black Meaa1 HM.wley, Ca.sh McCall: Kaufman. An Apple a Day : Kennelly, Up Hom~: Muon, Silver Leep.rd; M1lltr. Speak to the urth. My•lery atone. art: ,.Sr and. Tour <fr Force ; Graham , The Lil· Ile Walle; Knight. They're Goin& lo Kill Mt ; Lowe. No Tean for Shirley Minton ; N lcholll, Tb t Moonflower Murder. Younit people'11 bookt an: Bald· rtuge. 0 pe r al l o n Knapaacka: C::oomba.. The 0.M df the Purplt' Mark H iil. Hu.11tr111 tn the Sky : Kent. The Coru 1r, Lovelace. Bl'Uy'• W r d d I n (: Recllnlt&er: Mld1111hl Alarm; Uhl . Treuuru In the Depth•: Wibberley, Th• Wound or Peter Wayne. In apeC'1alll.t'd lntormat.lon are. Ups, Mora Than Pregnancy; P o· pular Mechanica. Home Rt1palM1 ; Popular Mechanlce. w h a t to Ma.Ile and How to Ma.Ile It; Ron· ey. The C&Jlfomta Citi&en. For humor, Armour. It All 1tart: ed wtl11 Europa; Funk. Heaven'• to Sf!t.1y!1 Howard. Humorous Monoloru•: MeOehH. Sa I Io r • Klu Everybody. BiO(TaphJu are: Aequtlh. Por· IJaa ..... Waffle lalcer & Grfll trait of Barric-: Hott. WUdemua P1oo~r; Keller. Teacher. Anne Aulllvan Macy: Ma&tdoff. Yehudi Meauhin: Maynard, Bloody Mary and Welner, Let'• Go To PT-. ... I 823i Newport Ave. 008TA JIUSA We Give UH Ol'ft'a .....,._ ~11ou..,.v~ ~JfM1Jtl Christmas Candy Canes • Hard Candies Many Beautiful Cbriatmaa Delicioua Candy ·~Ullltk "'I • .11~ lllDMw ............... --..., Po__. Ullit .... "'-M ......... . '3770 lr.V........ Sa•tler ................ .. Bley, Uiunr:tunc-your Preachool· er; 8 11wman, The Encyclopedia of Outbo8r1I Mol orbOatlng; Boytell. The Hl'me Fr~ier Book for St't· tf'r Living. Cerami. Succeutul L..ortc-r•hlp In Bu.tine.ea: Chidaml· en. BonS&J Miniature· Ttee1; Cy· phen. l"'nltt and Veptable Ar· nui1t~menl•: Derl)y, Popular Mc-· chanlr11 F IJc·lt·yourNlf Teoltvlalon Kanual: I I g. Chlld lkhavtor. JackJ10n, Spanllh Made 8 1mp1,, Popular Meclianlca. 23 Bo&la You Can liulld: Sullivan. How to Sell Your Way Into the Big Money. U1kall. How to J't.utore Antique a nd Clu 11c Care, 8uabetlnl C-l...tled ....-. H Y. ~11~15 General lnfonna Uon '90lum .. includ•; Buller, liHl Sumona; E•ld, Thf Story of Our Ancutora. Pehl, My Aunt Lur 1enne, Gu ler Electric Fry Paa .... 8uai...m Mixrnaster Jr .. C'-opP"r T-. • !-ewp Oaratetc-, 4 M06fr11 C'off~ w.,_,., comp.lete •1Llll ~ '1100 Coffee Wtll"IMr Set ........... ~ .. . 190 Slcotch Kad4J 14•11 •p a-_......,.ct.oc a.n.d m111 lci•na wara Ja coni-!)Of1N ,..-d b:r sn'"1Tr1iTn11a tln1 eoTo pll'tf' N>nl m l of lht m olt lnlrlcalf 1 lo fin 1n lhf' l•,,.ntnr mnvem,.nl. ~gea.. Beautiful pl\ra.11.nlt and whilf' the Sul111n I& dPJ'I< 1"'1 hy " Hlntnuta of tone color u well •• \lllrtlJ'f'l ruuie Thi' T"'" or lhf' tlawl .... C'nlrancea Wertt 8C'b.l!'Ved, Kah>n•t&r Pnnce ta reprr11•nltd by The vlollna performf!d With &low-a ll•AIWlOn lhfomf' 1 lh,. b•YOOn'" Jn1Huturt'd lOn• and •llky tran•· t.onf'• l><'Jll lnvnkfod the tf plr11.I 'filrell<'y: a11d t.be cell()jl, rupon1. c.nrnla l lelt teller • way of lnton· I e tor lh• OrTan·l1ke ton ea tnit lhrou1th lh• ftOlll' • 1 ant1 latrr Hra.hma loved, were et fill limn In lhl' Prnr •uHe thP b""'• s1tain cli-es ses·:ti ~ shine alter .five~ l'opPf'r A Cit,_ Si11911HJ Tea K.m. f'an·•I Hall 'ft of t 1149~ Steak l<•fvn ~· nr a '1911 :1 ,~to '1990 fllac-ldMI l•r kttC'hN w.e Hol•ter Set Sidi 1 4 ••, for alltope or ....W.ra · Drill lnMlaCNI Nack• nm- Ice lucket A .... y: Tool loxes ... 1: '1990 196 . 'r. l'llflgnlrtctnt. 11lni~ put tilt iiu1t•n'11 th,.mt"-t Jn WOOD \\'fNDf' lll"~• U\t'mo , lha 1rnml"'t'll brll· Jn •II t he mo,·emenlJI of lhle lla.nrp and n1bt1 .. 1y of .tyn•mll'" eympbony ~rahm• made e•lra de-And lhl' b1tAJ11oon • \on., <'nlnr ia_nd manc:t. on lht wood w!nda. uaing rontn-11 Wt'r" ""rpunna lly tin,. !hem u enlo ltl• throug'hout. ni.. IX MO~Alr 1¥oochvlnd ~tttll:>n Sa turday nlJhl Throui:hout file mo•t'mt nt• or Md «'hi• r halll'nfe to lhe Jut lilt SrK~hrraurle tht'mt'• and blta plaJW, wllh nut.e. oboe and cla r1· or lh«<ITI"" •rfJl!'ar 11ntl "•nt•h In • nH In pa rtlculer dl•r>l•VUIJ eit· lllOC!tar·ltke "'"'Y awl th" m•lfh ceptLona.J uU.t ry. oC thi. ron•lllnl m1 lft<IV. l <'gf'tht r The br&M aJM> K•ve •J>ttlacular wtth the orient al 1u,.hnN1111 a nd Rill · ~rlonnan1·,..._ In lha 2ml mQve-t"' nr oTl'hNllr•tlon •rrertf'd 11 C'On· ment wht•l'f' lhe honu nP"n with trruot to th,. Br•hnu lh•l wu , • hauntlnir. f'lfg"lac lht mt', t h• four rtttply rtlu lna h"m r l•Y"rl pe~rme<t u on11 Th" .Ptin"" 1111•f Pnnren lhl'mf'a m11n.. .,., fin,. wu t hl!' uni.on anl1 wcrl' rl'ntll're<I by ~t r1n1u1 tn nivuili· Ci11f' lt,rJiemnrttth ... tit., 1vmbnl o/ ""· """"~. '°"" ! * * Diamonds Watch Bracelets Weddin9 Rings Watches Ring' SpauldingS 30"; '.\ln rlnt· h t'. Jewele rs Balb oa Island Just Arrived for Christmas Lady Man hattan Shirts Cocktail Dresses by Don Loper Dorothy O 'Hara and Peggy Hunt * G itt Suggestions Lingerie .. . . . !"o t in :rnd Nylon Rolx's ... Costume J t•wf·lry .. Ha neR Sea mless H ns1ery •.. l111p11rt<'d Cashmere Sweater Sets Open Evenings 'til 9 p .m. LIDO .FASHIONS 3419 Newport loutevard, N•wP.ort leach . . . Phone Harbor 3671 • WOODPECKER WOODWEAR In a Wide n riny or lneaJ>C'n•tve Prartlcal Hom .. ma.klnr C lfta PVREXWARlt-REVERE WARE-BlSSEL.L 8\.\'P.:l':PER8 -KJTPHEN STEP STOOl....8 "Ill( ""Y" s OW r.-chH'f'd for x.m .. Charcoal lrazien " '4CN>amllnf'd Modern Desk Lamp AdJ1111t.able·Ufrtlm" TrM Holden 1110 co 15e~ n · Jrayette Sets Att1'1M'Cln IOOU pl.,.tl<' Waste Paper Baskets l'J>""'tal /or X-&C Anln Autnmatlr Electric Heaters Home larware 21:, NL 98:, Kan111burr : Waste Paper lcnkets F.IHtriC' u4 Wtlld-up Clocks ....... ---·· .11 Aa..,._ "'Jlfl Cllllll,._ wtu. ,.... .. we .. ttl ........... -.. ·-.. -···-·--·-.. -·-·- Fireplace~ Ir Accenories lealltfhl ClwhlllMll Tree LJt11ts Christmas lay Away Available -We Gift Wrap • 5 2 • s I I l I • , r I • ' • .. ' .. PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPO~T HAUOl NIWS-PflESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER '· "55 Cub Patk 106 Gets Bobcats and Awards The mMUn1 of Co.u Meaa Cub Scout Pack lot wu held In tM I F1r•t B•pll1t Cb~rch ot Ooata w .. Nov. 16. Cubmaat.ir Ken Dart conducted lht> meeUnf and Mn. John Oeyer'1 O.n 3 led the nas I ceremony. Thanksr1vtn1 • k I l • wcrt preeenled by Mr•. Boldlnf'• ~n l anc1 Mn. Purcell'• O.n .. Four Bobcat. were Inducted In- to th• pack In a candlelll'hl Bob· rill Ceremony. They were, Marc More•wc. Kevin F orderbrupn, Mike c .. atdy and Bobby Hoaler. Thrlr parenta were Introduced to the pack by Cubmaater DarL I The tollowlng boy11 received award•; Lion badce lo Mlkt Wtl· llama. wolf arrow polnta lo Gor- don Coo,,.r, Mark Bolding, Tim· mv C•rmak. Kenneth Schwara; I bt;ar arrow polnt.8 lo Richard Put· el'll, Tren 8che,,.: Denner •tr1,,.• l to Blll Brockman and Kenneth Schwara; ... 1atant denMr •trlpee to Lynn Relalnger and Timmy Cer- 1 mak; .. rvlce •t&l'9 to Jimmy WaJU, Jimmy Kaeler. Oeor1te Metcalf. 1'11u? Shaver, Larry Dart, Mike Williama and Arthur Heller. PLAN SPRINGS CONVENTION. of Southern District Federation of Women'• CJube, junior membenhip, found these Harborita important on the proiram at b~dquarten in El Mirador Hotel Left to right are Mrs. Freeman Fiaher, president of the local Junior ebell; Mra. Norman Wat.aon, Southern Diatrict pNJe- ldent and Mn. Fonwt Allinder, diatrict corresponding secretary. -West Coast Photo ll wu announced thal Billy Palmer-. Lari·y Dart. Tren Schepe and A rlh11r Ht lier had t>t>en ad· vanced to the Webeloa Den which will be conducted by Tom Shel- Las Amigas to Hold Christmas Party Instruction Study Made by Costa Mesa Teachers A "vertical committee" of representative teachers and admlniatraton of the Costa MH& schools met at Rea school library Tueeday evening to di.M:uu queationa relatinc to the lutructlonal procram. E. A. Rea, diatrict superintendent and .MJu Anne Hosper•, <'Urrlcu· lam coordl.nator, dlrecl.ed th• m"Unf. Purpoee or the meellnr. •l•led b7 Kia.ti Hosperw. wu an.ty.U of u.. a1t1111. rudtnr. wnun1 and anlhmcUl'. The aubjecUve point ol view u the actual id•tltlca· lion of th• problema trom obMr- vatlon by the teacherm, It ~ bn>ufhl out. wblle the obJec:Un we1ence la tll• a cluaJ r..Wt. of Mlaa V I o I a Tummond. aecond Jf&de; Mra. Marte Pone, third a-rade; Wiiliam Purdy. r o u r l h JT•de; R ichard Sinclair. r I r l h gnde; Mr•. Della Frazl•r. alxth (T1lde; Allrn Paul, •evenlh gradt: Mr•. Mulelalne Zl•l(tr. eighth ,nde. Camp Fire Girls Hold , First Grand Council Ovtr :100 Ca mp Fire Girl•, Blue Rumulffn or Weatmlnmter City. Bml11 a.nd Hon~on Girl• galhered Hl1hllfht of the evening wH w)th their l'J&rdl•n• and leaden. llle mu111cal portion or the pro- &T•m which wu prut.nled by lh• parent11. ~ponaors and 11ueel.t! al Wawoyaka Tribal Dllllctr• of th• recent Orand CoWlcll Fir• Qarden Grove. Laa Amlcu Circle ot W.S.C.I . Chrl1l Church by the Su.. wm have a Cllrtatmu party Dec. 13 at 8 p.m. at th• horoe of Mn. Al<Mn Doubury. 908 Wut Oc..n Front. Co·hoat-e• will be Mr•. Wlldan Thorn&a 'nd Mu. Calvln Stllwell. Mr Thomu wllJ •ln1, and wlll lead In carol•. Tho.e attcndlnc 1hould bring git.ta to exchange. Newpart Island Women to Meet held In Garden Orove and en-Repr~ntln' the Harbor are• · '" Newpoll S...llUld lnc. Womer. 1 JUYl!d an 1111pre111lve ceremony ware Mr1. Paul Rodtt'• Wu wna AuKlllary will mtel Dec. 16 at. 8 thal opened w1lh th• Wholo ca ll group of Balboll, Mn. l:rn .. t A. p.m. In the home of Mra. Ktllh l.aurfn'• Toahkota VOUp Of New· A -. will by lhe Noweklya Camp Fire Rima. 3911 Marcua ve. u1ere porl Helrbu. Mra. Howard Daw-~ w I 11rou1i uf OarJ.-n Grove and closed b4.! &n organ program by -n. a • ,. 111.>n'• Odlt.Xonya.•he ttroup. Mr9. ler Nollar and Mr9. Rima will w1Lh th~ firr ... xungu1.~nng ... ~re· l.. E. Clt .. nka.mp'a Suay Beta •how color plcturH of Mexico, mony by lh,. Wakonyahe C1tmp l(l"OUp, Mra. John 6tiur'1 Cholen• Er.ch member I• lo bring her ravo- Fir• 1rroup of Costa Mua. ..:roup and Mra. Bradley K . rll.e re-::Jptt, which will be •old tor Sc.hwara·1 White Swan.t &roup, all l -' 1011 on 1'1'1urt<tll.y. rvtn111&11 He v.·IU 1 ltr a.a •aailllanl J-11• Robert conduct 1_,na on I"" •tety. k.ht,. wu named tn ct1ar1• ol Jotra. P'ol'CMrDrurf'I\ 11 to M O.n aubllclt)' and Mr. ~II ln ch&r1e Muther for Den 4 wtUI Mre. Cat• or mlmqr•plltn1 . "" O.vtd ~·1 Dea I MW the cloelftl ceremony, 0.0. ll. hu bMn •t u dale el UM OuUunu Paca MMuq. 4dowtm4 ;,. }IEW TORKER "Spanish Combing Coat" N'&lhtdre. a A''* mtemble ltyled by Muminpare All the drama and beauty o( old Mad~ i• C8p0Dt.d in this nylon tric.ot "combing ooet" and nigb&dre9 In a new, dramatic color Khcmc for linaerie ••• midnight-black lace on pale paatdl or 6t.me red. Gorgeoua Gift Wrapplng J'rM !'JS'J £. Cout. llichway Coron dfll Mar Ph. Barbor ll08 Hoan t to 4:SO atandardlud teal•. IS COOPEILATIV,B M iu Ho•pera brourllt ciut U.. facl lh•t tMChen IJlend man y houra of etfort to produce Ule be•t ln11truct.1o11al Protnm poeal· Prtnrl~ In atttndanr e were Wiiiard ft.eec:e and Gordon JmJ.,, Main lchool; Robert Bruni, l.lnd· beri: Mr11. Minnie Crain, Won!t' Vlata; Hubert Ward, Harper. Al· llO prement were Mr11. H ilda Mr· eut.ney. dlatncl llbrarl11n ; Lt'A- Ue Ferru11>n. COUDMIOr and Mr11. rtlle Dffll'r, C M.T A prn ldent. Camp Fire Cui.. wert pruented of Coe la Mesa. a •mall •Um u fund ralaln.r even . wll h 1 ILi\ ka, honor• r.nd 11pecl a I ;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1(~Sa~m~p~l•;.wt;;l~I ~be~w;e~l~co~m~• '~);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=::=::;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;=; honor11 by Mr 11 Jam"" Worrell ot ;; An1th1"1m with h1$;h honora for th~ cvt'nlnic rtte1ved by J udy Whtlf of Oard•{I C1ovt a.nd c-t11n ble. Sbe lndlO&ted that no l'ra4e • I• an enUly bl lUelf, ~t ~ ptOC't'N of educaUn1 childnA I• a coofM'ratlve and oontlnuou1 pro.. oeN from kindergarten to the up- per (f'Mlu . .Each ST•d• UI dep.n- dent Of\ Utt olJlerw: tech mull ronlrlbute equaJly to tAe ectuoe· tlc-nal pro,-ram . .Rt'a commented on the r I c b ttadlng ptOfT•m of the Co1ta Me- aa rchool• ffla opinion i. that achr .. vemmt on it.ale tuu liven pupll11 can challen«• leacheNI to morr con~nlntlfd •ft or ta ln •treurn.1 ln1trucllonaJ methoda provlnf mo•t efrectivt. l'f -ak· neuo exlJll In lhe achlrvemeJlta of •peel fie p u p I I •· dlfflcuJtles llho.1,1ld be ld•nUfled a nd rtmedled. lfe t'Kp~Ht'd O\'e bel\I!( l h a l th,. r 1ned chlM 1hou10 be cllal· t•n!;"W to work up to hi• cap•· -city. f1f ~r rommur\l\y f-.4er• comf. trom thle irroup. J!!xp~n· hi~ appreclat1on or the i-cher•' work. R• emphaJ!IM'd that ef. torta •hould bt contlnuou1 a n d thM Ille be~t poH1bl~ methodlt 8hould alw•n be lht' quHt ot a l ood lHCbPt AT ORAD£ u ;\'F.L Pi ""•ntallon of pr oblema by dl•trlrt -Wide <'h•1rmen at U1,. 1r•dt' ltvtl wtr' jtlven by the fQllf'lw1n' tearht r•. Mrs S 11 r a 8laltnm111. k1ndtrjtllrltn. M r • Y1r~lnla Oltberx. flrr.t & r • d •: Calendar of Events Ot:C. t C ANOY CANE BALL -I p.m. a.1. Blly Club DEC. It HARBOR VIEW PT·A drama - 2:30 p.m. al 1r hool. JOB'S QA UCHTJ;llU -pubUc lr11taJlal1o'l'r. II p.m. F'r1day Atter- •oon clubho1111t • om. 11 CHRlSTMAS CONCERT --4 J m. HIU'bor L\Jthtrwi C21\ln:b. l>F.('. t1 Al.PH.A PHI luncheon -02 Vta ..-... Udo blt. • r lank -! America hn pctld 2<f. intet· .., .. eavl"I' ahtc• '-'"*' 1, lt11. THI FINUT • • • YET LOWEST PRICED ~ Americaa MAPLE FURNITURE • • e • cu111w,•r• .o;... ........... , ' • You wiU be pleued with our beautiful G ift Wrapping It's Free Opn Sundays 10 to ~ \\'H'k Day• t :UI to 6:45 On ttt.o ()(it'a.a Front at tt1ul St~t. w .. (lh·" sau Ul'ff11 !'tam,,. -1 You are invited I to tht> "Christmas Hospitality" Festivities tn Corona del Mar be9innin9 Saturday night December I 0th if ' Specially Priced Monogram Glasses s59s ""% < 4 day sen· ice I mar'}'ela IMPORTS 28:S3 E co&.t H,.., Harbor 1373 Open £..-,. 4 Sunday .. a. Rhl-tollf' rarrtn1t~ h. Rhln,.•tone rlra,.,.tt,. CMe \ Startmg Mond8y ... December t 2th STORE HOURS will be 9 a. m to 9 p. m Oally until Chmctmu "H " er .... at Marilyn's ---,*=· ~. '.~ " ... •. ·. r . ('lllffon !tltrlll«O.,. wt e. BIM'k luf'ltf' ba« c Pf'arl M iiar d. IUlln.-.loftf' llfM'tl<'k f. !'&tin •llPI"'"· II. Khln""'""" • ""1fllW t Pf'llll I rtmnHICI . Fashion Apparel 17 b 7 -A Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa UbPrty 8-i1t:u Dixon Home Burglarized of S347 Loot Area Quintets lecor~ Not~i11 lat Victories • Harbor ar.. b&aktb&ll .tMIM recorded nothl111 but vktorWil NEWPORT H~~BOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Burbank Manufacturer Kenntth yeeterday. Tb• Oraqe Oout eou.,. .wn-w. DIJtoft yeetud&y noutled New· tel aped to lta rlfUI lltralPt JmW YOIUt NOQ,l'f OC>l'"'IWNT Dw ,_ l ,.._ • ..,.... port &ach Police Department of .. ~_.. ,... ............ .......,._ IO ~---·- f tu hln J ed t trtwnpll. downlnl LoQI _.... -ComJllled l>J 8. C. --------·-6'1.U up .SJ burglary 0 !"naa r• va u a Ctty Coller-90-6e Jut nl&'bt ID ..,tt•• Co. _ •-•-•--la IO llaUI -·-·-······-·-JM.It ott .M J347 from hi• home at 1440 W. "• ---.. ... ---Bay Ave. eometlme bttween Dec. th• M... Gym. l:x ·Newport tile .tMla a~ ..._ .... 11 'U'Ulttlea .. -... ·-··· II.I T ott .u ·sand Dec. e,. :::~~ ::" ~ubeco~u."~ and oUa 1 ott.t in'tp.larltJ aa I,... V.._., uae.:_. · Al the tlmt of tntry, the two-In tha hip .:bool l)'Dl y•ter-Gt.Mr ..ctlclu ol U.. u.t. llfelQ JfMr '1'.tl l ,.._ ...... story. seven-room house was un· d&y •an..m ooa. Coae)I Bill 'Btrsw'a AJnencan AYi&Uoa pl'O'ftdld ..,.. occupltd, Wlder(olng alteratlona, Tar C'I came thl'oup w\th a 1.y leadenlUp to u.e alrClraftl aad A·u•da ---.-...... 101• Dixon .. Id. The fumlahlnca and thrtlllnr vtctoey lft lut eecond w beequeatlJ MtUed llack to 1119' a.r,.a_. -··----···· .. -·-ti ~ btlonrlnp were all •tacked In lhe of the overtime pertod, edrtns nt t.&i.tnc· o.Poat ·-·--.. ----····-······· 23 t Uvlnc room. Torranc. IT-~. Coach .Jlmnl¥ Int...t f'Otahd to u.e ~ a...1 m.ctno -····-............ &4 1,. Dixon a&ldA carpenter noUoed MJll•r'• Tar B'1 romped onr eecUoe wWa Zenith adftDdaC la· a...1 KMGl9 --~--.......... 41 •., one of the windows broktn Mon· Torrance t l .Sl. to MW bSStl l1"CJ'IDd. J1bUoo Im-X., Cea. --·········---····-.... U '4 day and rtpalr«I ll without re-1'onlpt In t.be hl1h school am. proYed aloel.y and la ID •poatU. H.., T..-C-lral .............. .. . 4!) porting to police. When Dixon WU Coach J ulee o.,e·a n.nlty W I· to •tend Ila f&ln. ~ortll ~cua A.Y't&Uon ••• T9 •, able to lnveallg-ale, he found two on Up oft va.1.nat C.llfo.mla WUT OOA.IT OD.8 ~ 8tor. .• -................... 7~ 19 lamp1. a clguette llghler. an elec· Ht(tl at 8:1!! JI. m . So. Cal. l>dllon .. ... . ....... 111 i, trtc drill, radio, alarm clock and -------------WMt Coast 0111 are -.11 au~ 8o. Pacltlc RR .. ... .. ... 117 •, vacuum cleaner mlu lng. G rorttd under lhe leadenthlp of 8l.Uldard 011 ot Callf. . 113 One lamp wu valued at $160, DA YU HT THEFT Rlchtleld. lta brukout Into new Union Oil of Ca.lit. . . 681' Dlxon reported. h!&'f\ grounda ahould allow tor U.8 . 8lttl ..... _.. .. 119, Cd M Me re ha n ts' rurther warthwhlle galna. Union p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;; Scllmldt, Franklin Win Scholanhlps Two Newport Harbor mo al· tendlnc Stanford Unlvenlty u 1~uate atudent.t today were an· nounced u wtnneni of acbolarah.lpa by Prealdent Wallace BterllnJ'. · 011 and Standard 011 of California 1k 1 BE SURE -INSURE Christmas Tree ~~~cl:!::. and appear I t y lo wttll Selected chemical 1tocka maln· llAUIUCI: 8TAN'LICY Taken from Lot taln a firm tone. Union Carbide, ~~Tt Stauffer Chemical., Dow Chemical 1111 z. c-t Kia•__, • 1 and American Cyanamid curttnlly ()o,_. •I MU- H.arbor area realdt>nUI who are a ppear amon1 Ui. more attractive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lnslalllng towerlnr Chrtelmaa treM In the group. American Cyanamid - for• the Yuletide acuU10n had bet· advanced brteny Into new hl(b ••••••••••••- TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY, COPS SAY They wer. William Vick Sch· hldl, 252t Creatvtew Drtve, a Unl· Yenity Law 8cbolanhlp and Seltm Sllrratt Franklin, 1928 Santa Ana Ave., Colt& Meea. a Law 8cbool ~neral Scholanhlp. ter be on guard. Even thieve.a are rrounnd. In due courae we feel that getting the season's aplrlt. uua tuue wtll work through n· And It wu quJte a rrpldtlng job fleeting a very rf'&aonable valua · lhle lhltf did Thurl!day when an lion of thla year'• umlnr• eeU· 28 ft. C'hrfstmu tree valued at mated at better than U per ahar.. APO RT ;? .. /. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Chace of 400 E. Balboa have been serving Newport Beach policemen an Euter Week lunch at th&ir Balboa yellow hou.ea for the paat 10 years. Wednesday night, the Newport. Beach Police Officers Aaeociatlon honored the pair at a dinner in Kennedy's, Costa Meaa. Above, from left. ar. Ernie Walt.a, chairman of the entertainment committee; Everett Chace; John Regan, entertain· ment committeeman; M.ra. Chace, and William Trulty, IM!Cretary-trea.aurer. -Statt Photo $60 dllappeared wtt.hln a half hour period trom Merle's Drive-In park· DUll:GUl.Aa CLOSE! lnr and the m.t&llaUon ot .au Lng lot a~. Cout Hlfhway. ln the 100.e room lt.Mlf. Frank Jocd&n req_pned he and Located acroaa the 1tnet on Jamee Ray, both membeni o.f the l.lltll St. from I.he Newport Har· Corona del Mar Bualn-man·a A.- bor Union Hlfh School, the new llOClatJon, mov~ the tne to the temple baa been under conatruc· parkln&' lot al 8:30 a .m. At 9 lion ror approximately 16 montti. a .m., when the carpenter• arrived WU.ll the weekend ahead, the IU.l'ke t I.a likely to .aoowa&er pro- nt·t aldrl&' u lhe day procn•ea. We look for an llTecuJar c10M with 1pec1altlee provtdlnC aome offHL MURDY HEADS Ooattnllf'd from t'1nt P8c" a111 <"t'8~ful "Fund Fair'" In which thc>y 1a1111'd approximately 110.000 to apply toward their bulldlnf fund pledge of $26.000. Dunng th• year, Mra. Bacon'• rrporl C"Ontlnued. the 1ur,lcal de· I'" rlni.•nt 11.<ltlcd a new Pacemaker 1111<1 Mnrrl• Def1brlllator and eye f'll'ctr.,nu1JC"nt t and one 1Aff1·ret.a· •• 11pe to 1t11 f'<!Ulpmtnt. f'tU .:!4!(1'U : MA('IU~"ES FLOOD CONTROL BOND ISSUE DOOMED, SAYS CITIES GROUP SANTA ANA (OCNS) -A delep tlon f rom the Orangt County division or the California 1-cue of CtUea lftfonned the board ot 1upervlaora TuNday that the cowity'a propoeed 142,000,000 nood control bond luue II doomed.to failure. The V OUp W U headed b)' fOM!Mr lA,una Beach Mayor Frank Wharton. The clllq fr'OUP 1urrut.d a epeclaJ enf1neerlnr 1urvt1y be made. SCHOOL SITE New Masonic Temple Open House Dec. 18 and the maJor1ly of la bor on the to rret the tree up, It waa gone. s~~.1:.~1~1:,'!ra, proJtcl hu been obla.lned from Jordan atated lh&t U the per-IJ. volunteer. workers or tteafarlnc aona who "lifted" the blc trN J.'OIJPLU~/01.0 I / MuonJc Jodee. were d.IMlovered they could expect cht1 ld Muon1c octloi&U of the South· to bt.' protteuled. In the mun time em CallComla area 11lready ant he h&a replaced It wlUt an 18-ft. lll~ ~IH~WN the rlneat to have bffn erected ln pralalnr tbe bulldlng .. one or llrr.e~e=. ====~======~=:::::::::::~ The first publlc showine-of Ula recent ytar1 a ccordlnc to Mu· new Masonic ttmple at !~th St. by. When It ta compltled It la and St. Andrewa Piao w ill be ..xpected t o have a valuation of held Sunday, Dec. 18 when the at leut .76,000 he •Lated. InVltaUon t o attend the open dooni will be opened for an "optn holla4' Dec. 18 hu been extended CORONA 0£1. !WAR 11A~P1'111dl9 NOW SHOWING Joa• Crawford U'ld Barry Sullivan •• "The 9ueen ..... "Port of HeU" The • rnt 1 al •upply room added t\\'1) pcr~IUve 11reuure maC'hlnes .. nil h.u lnne1111e<.I purchaJws In ex· I 1••·ntlabJ1> lltms 11uch a• 1pong .. 1. hanr1a.i:;t11 r1ue to the lncreul'd l'llllf'nt lu111I. rhe •Id 19 MINUTES Quick Action 01 Cop Here Nets Suspect hollff" celebration. to cit)' and county ortlclala, all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~ OoeU•llM from Flnt Pep Ralph P. Mukey pre•ldenl of mtmbera ot Seafaring MuonJc ij; ····------·--,f 16 room• put out by Oranc-e the Seorarln& M 1w n1t· building lodge, the Order of the !:utern --------~---- The !IUrJ:lr&I 11Cht;IUle AhOWs an ln1 r<'AAt' '" ~urc1cal !unction of 10 1u·1 r f'nl nver Uie prev1ou• year ~out College on the bula on the auoctau on, 11 a I J the temple Star. Job• Oaughtrr1, the Ordu number of children lhe new homl'e ahould be a \•11lable for r'fular of l ht O.Molay and other tnte.r- ·111 provide." he Mid lodse mtttlnga about Ftib. I Con· ealed. or(&.nlullona who may w11h CJlhf'r nl!'w nffl<'Prt t'lccted dur· 111~ the mfftlnr w erf' Ralph Prln· ~I•·. Lagunll Beach, v1ce-pruldtnl. c • E Hawk. Sanla Ana eerrelary, Mnd M B \"ou•I. Banta An1 tr .... SEW Btlll.l>INO ~ attuotlon ha11 now reac11 .. <1 the to l111pect the new bUlldlnf. The point whtire \'ery llllle 1A•ork r@-ff'neral public atao 11 cof'Cllally tn· R•• added It ml1tht alao be pou · maJna to be done to flolsh the Vited to attend, Mukty elated. F'ot action by a Newport Ible lo ret Ult dlatrlct a new ad· temple exrept for carpeting, heal· R.efreshmenta wtll be eerv~ .. Bt11 h dHk Mraea nt and t h e mt.nlatrauon bulldlnr; through •late -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ r111lt-·"Vn or Sao Clemente po· tld. Rooma for tht mtntally retard· • lice yl"11lerday rMu.lled .n prob· Pd children. which Cc»lla Mua wtll ably one of the qulckeat a u t 0 hllY• to provide tor next year, ma.y 111.,n ,.rrHt• In local pollce an-bl' obtained through cooperation n1al• with the Newport Buch l:lemtn• ur"r f'rr•l•lin1 ortlcera ol the medical •I llff arr John Poyu, pre11tft-nt ; ll11J h P lum b. •1ce-pruldrnt. anrl f(l'mard MalWln, 1ecrt tarv·lreu· Arllnic Sgt. E rnie Laurin rt'· lery Dtatrfrt. Rea lnforml'd the Ct'lved a c.'ompla lnl al I 31 a m. 11111teee. t11nl a la te model ca r btlonc-lnc RH ll&ld Archltttt Wiiiiam Dav. lo Mtrrlll w Meyer. 2e2e Santa la would lta rt work to set the pro-PHON E HEARING Ann An . Coala Mua, had been •11 KllOOI on the 200-acre •ub· t&kl'n only mlnute1 t>t-fore from ,;1vtJ11>n llOUlh of Oranc-e Coaat C<NitlnUl'd from • .,,,.t Par " 1•arktn1~ plan on Cou t H1ch· l:ollt'le Into thf' allocauon board way 11e:1r RJver11dr A v" "Thi' plant wlll be an nart dupll· rr•l•len\A 11111 al.!IO dut1 for l ull· lie 1uutd VI all • pointt bul· rate of th• Back ~y Kllool w ith fl r e HrVh'I' into put .. of Oran1• let"' 1mmedlately, clvlng rolor ba<11·lo-back conalOlCtlon whlrh • oun ty. pre>bllblv without elltra a n llhCrlpllon or the ··•r whlltt "''111 be a .. vine-on money P.I<\ thl' • hllt'lf'. •<-r ordlnfi' to thl' a ppllca-w11,1t1n1: for the owner to obt.Aln archlt~t," Ru rtporttd 11~0 Ll.ltJJ...la ~-iiencraJ .l"eJe· "1~ ~ 1:tcai .. "'2mtltt: Wt!flt ------------- phon,. C'n. he oblainf'CI It. ht quickly brotid· La Hab1 a. area I OX· 7 1 would cut II Lo aU etat'°n• bf' abl,. to c11ll . Brta Fullei ton, Ran C'fementf' patrol ottu:f'rt 11nd Burna Park toll·frte whlle si:t cr .. iro and Ot r1cer car ... thl" ll()UtheHt Whllller area !OX· 8poltf'd the l'U U 8·~ a. m 4 l would h11ve loll-frtf' •trvic,. ln· 19 n11nulM! latl'I· 11nd pulled It 111 Rurna Park. 1'orwelk .•rl'A lo thl' •Ide nf tht ro11d. n11ml>f'r11 1'18rtlni: w 1 t. h fO·• Booke<l on auapiclon or ~•nd ""uhl h•v" toll· fret ""rvlre to lhf'f t 111.t11 w a• R•y Sl'gfrtt'd ... nl'na P 11 r k ;"''" an•t /\rre· )f1rn1hy, 18. LA w..... ~·antby .. 1. ,la phonf'll 'TO·.•• '"'11hl be •b k' le1;f'dly told otflcer11 he wu hlll'h· lot • 1111 both Buenll f'11 rk an1.. l'!J, ~lk1n1: thrnuith l'l:"Wf>OI t Rr .. 1 h 1 '11' ""' A.rt"&. "hrn hr 1111w th• 11n11ttl'ndf'tf r 11r 1'1 r f1 x r hangel' 111 ttw IA'!. Ha· lu 1 •n•I i:tnuth \Vhllllt'r 11rr&. in Artr .. u• :"lorwit.lk. Lllk~Wl."Od a nd 1•11 ,.f I.he L.onr Beach ar ea 1rt , ,,. l"fT'Pl"te<1. ll waa 1n<Uc11ted 9 Docton Hired S A ~TA. ANA, 10CNSI T h ,. ro11nty 'hoBrd of f\lf"'.-Vh1on T u r • d • ' a fternoon 11ulhorue<J , •llmly hr011lt h off1C'<"r E L Rus· .. eoll to empU>y nJne ph\'l!ICIANI to 11..s1e\ Ill lh• Jl(ll10 1nocula uon pro- ,::rA:n :"llll•"" of the <IO< tors weN' m•t 111 aled. HI' 11111<1 hi' l(nl 1n >1nr1 rlrovt 1l t1• San <'lni.,nl" at a high ,..le of P""•1 He "'"" not qull'k .. nouch lo bf'llt 1 "" =-:l'Wporl poltct radio Manrhy wu '" bf' arralgntd In ~twport Juat1re C"ourt to..l11v 6120-ft. Depth on Newport 12. No Oil Sand Yet Aa ot D« e. tht rrogreu on N1•wporl No 12 bt1ng Jnll«-d by MonttrtY 011 Co tnlo lht rll.Y· vwntd I 1dt hrn•tii, 1how11 a '1rllled dtplh of tl20 fttt, Ac:-UO$: City ~hnagtr Bfft Wtbb anno11nrtd to- da y. Monlflf'\" hu not reportrl1 10 lhe city. h.t said. wtiet11tr tht nl'W Wf'll hU ~ttratl"<I lntf\ 011 u nd E very Saturday Night Too Late to Be Claulflecl Billy Arthur's Orchestra Public ln,itf'd r.c>c ~r ~!'Min St"wport Harhor w1ioe HaU 15th St. at Bay Front ('HIU~AS 01~ ~~~~~~~~~ ;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;m;,;-;;-;-;;--.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,, ______ ~ t..ARC:E ~17.t-: ORUl N Rwo leni CM w.imf'n . .i:u 4U t11 •G SO ~. rx>:-: A LP~lcl:-0:~. :mo \foln B&I· boa 42r44 6 '~s OLD 8PANfr:t puppl-;, 11111 .. < hpp<'tl. frt'" 111 11·11~1 hotne LI "· 711;1i-42c ~;F:RMA'° \::-.ltQl'J-: ~tl'!-llC' ROX with :H •It" • t."l'<>nl1 t ·1111 Har. 3043. •2c•4 '.!9--Help Waat.ed :-; \ L.ES l'E.;R~O:\":-O:P.I. 11• work full or r M t I 111 I' I "1 h-Cll I •11r h11nrl' "'''" ~"'"' '">tp•r1l'n1,. rr,.fl'rTM! Wrt• .. <1r 1 .. 1111 "' 1(1\'P rhone No I tf\ 11 •• , :-; ~fi lhl8 Ol'\••r11p•r I '2('44 I 1.>:Hh· n l'll-T •l'Vlr 1;.'lly Ha.11, j '\C'"J•t l l l•tt h ll ir .1 t:ll •Zl'H --1 S2-Fn,..,ltorf' for ~If-------------·----I l.C"X\R 8A~IPl.E ~II If •l 'I•,' 1 I ·~Tt 1;11 ti 1•1 · 1.1 .. arh· • .1 "'""'''t tJ11.1na ._, l,juH•l. ' 1 lll • " I • I I II I f lu• I• II 11111•\ •'" ,. •• 11 Rl':AI. hu\ 'H211 \"la I I II •' P J 42<-H Every Night Old Fe1hioned Chuc~ W egon Dinner Thursdays All you can eat 11.95 Special Sunday Buffet Cl~ WedlM'!eday South of Lapm lll'att 4.e50I Opea c,·ery t.\r nlni: 'til i P. M. For tt~n·aUons Harbor Z726 REAL MEXICAN FO 0 D U you pftfl'r to ••1 at home to -. yov faYOl'lte televWo• pro~ try our bond Mdtcaa dJnaen or aped&I ol'deril to take ouL They're ready to sen·e. P&l\'ATI! PARTl' &OOM roa LAaOE PAJITIE~ 1111 Newport BIYd. COSTA MESA l IMoc* Setnb ot S..ta A8a CoGDtf)' CIM HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Now Available et the NEW HUNTINGTON INN . I ROOM .. BOARD -wL . $2SJIO I 906 Oae.11 A ... L I D (l ,"Y,r . -.,~, P'.-IVAT• NOW 8BOWING END9 rum ~'"'~--.. ~~~-== 0_.0N• Mov1• STA~ au nom u;.. Mm I CV -OM·aa. .. ~~I ·IMllll·BSIEll ··-·-:-.:."...----..... curf'OllOCKJ(1$ ____ _. _____ _ Also "BOBBY WARE 18 Ml8SlNG" ST ARTS WED. TWO FEATURE8 ., Pl• C.,-toon • New. Eventni 8laow Start. at 1:'5 Coattnuous 8u. from Z :30 p. m.• NOW SHOWING PJ.:TER UllA \'1:8 "FORT ~MA" .. TKllaleeiw Pre-Chridme 1 Pric e Special We are anxiou. for you to enjoy t.he heart • wanning 1tory of "Good Morning M1m Dove.'' A& a apecla.1 induc.- ment we arc offer ing wttb thia ad, a two adult for om price apecial all day S....day D.c.11 2 Achllts for OM Replar Priof. of 8So P"'*!tlt UlM ad at Boir Offtce STARTS WED. -.MB.UNYN. JR.::-.: r...e.1 0....,,., n um110o.111 \ II.DD srun I j .. Lutherari··Choirs to Present God is Seen as Preserver ..n .. to nu h-orn tu ""' eon· VIC'Uon• and •Hlt aafel)' ID dl.tn• SC'tl'n1•e' t p 49• I. Tho 0111<1c-11 Tc-Kl 11 h-om l:xO· tl1111 1J:) 21 "Tli4! Lord II mv "t 1 •·n~1h 11nd "°"ti· "'1d he ... be• r •m<' 111~· 11al\·1tton:· Annual Christmas Concert Blbhc111l 11 • • 11 1 A n <' f' 1·f OoJ'• f!U!dant'e "·'I proltda .. n 111 it>pltlf' tn the Ltunn·St'rm1>n on "God NE.W MUSIC DIRECI'ORS at Harbor Lutl1eran ~urcb are (l to r ) Fred .Martin, Chancel Choir; M~. Robert Gronlund, Carol Choir and Dale Young, organiat. The trio will lead the choirs in the annual Chrjstmu concert Sunday at 4 p. m.-Bemie Alden photo DL E. L. RILEY Speaker at CdM Church Th,. annual Chrtalmu lltnnu .-1ven at Corona del Mar C.:om- munlty Church. Ott. 13. '" b,.mg •aponllOrcd by lhc mtn oC thr •church. They are cooking 1.nd · Mrvlng tht turkey dinner. Cunt ·apeaker for lh<' evening will be ·Dr. Earl L. RlltY. i:raduate or ~edland1 Univtrafty. f orm" r .pr•ldenl of Bacone COiiege I n Oklahoma and. for tht p&•l five 1year1, putor of Ftrwt Baptu1l Churct\ of Ontario. The Molhtr· aln1t rw, un der t ht ilirt<'Uun of Mn. J. Lealle Slt!fen~n. w 111 glvt a mu111cal pro~m. Costa.Mesa First Baptist Tho ltn. P. O. N.wnaNI ot ~ral Bapt.iel Cbuttll or ea.ta ;Mu.a. Macnolta and Santa Ana ;Av•. wlll have aa hi.I eermon ·topic at 11 a m. "Pictures of '.Hupplnua", At lht 7:30 p. m. .aervtt'" the putor wlll have aJI lil1 1ubjc<'t, "00<1'1 Happy Man" 1'tltn w1ll be RpeclaJ mu11lc at ·boUI ffrvt<'ea. Sund11y School <'On· :wnu 11t 9:4!) a. m. • At 8:3!) p m. tht Bapt111t "Tralnlnr Union mHla •<'cording -to ai:f' jtl'OUps. Alan at 6·:ro p m the Paat11r·• 11U1trucu1m CI 11•11 ·wlll mffl w .. •IMt!Oay a t 7 :to fl m '" ·J>1i.111" 11 nd Blblt Sl11dv Hour aml al 8 30 p m thl' vntou .. praytr r:roupa will t>--1pn the "llpo111llon nf I h,. Plr:rt Epl11llf' of J ohn Thi' I htm• for I hf' ~l•tfly '" "l'lr111111rl' at fo'l'llow11hlp .. F'rld11y at 7 p "' 1 hi' Jun Im f'l'llOWlhlp w ' I I mrl'l In Ul" You th CenlPr Saturflay t1 11m II to 10 p m Vn1111i: Pffipt,.·1 F'i>I· low"'11Jl will mtf'\ At 26!1 Eul 20\h S\ CoJtl\ l\lr~& with 11 11 youni folks lnvtlt<1 PAGE 6 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 CdM CHURCH GROUP WILL ENACT NATIVITY SCENES On Dec. 18, at five o'clock VHJ>«I, the Community C"hurch, Congttra t1ona1 of Corona dtl Mar will preaenl for the lhlrd yHr the traditional Chrlatmu 111ory In llOn( and plctur" In the nudttortum of the Harbor View School. Rich U1lerprl'l.aUons or M:enea from the N.Uvlly wtll bl' en&ctf'tl in living pll'turu with choral ba(')cg-round by the ftvt cho1ra of the church. Rtaidl!nUI of the area lend their wide expert<'nce -to make the production a tnte Chrlatmu f1ft to the community. Mni. Robl'rt a. Horn will brinr the t raditional alory In the 1poken word. Colllumu and backg'l"OUnda •re being planned and ue- C'Ull'd by M ra W . L. Bakltela, while MMI. Robert E F lanegln II In ch•rte of the t e1'1ul1ca.l and dramatic phaaea of the produr llon. M r• J. 1...Hlie Sldf1msen. minlaler or mualc, will d1rttt the chotra and la &Alllllll!d by Ml11s Marpret L . SCharl•, Orf('llfl.IJIL and Mr1. Walter S. Sqlctr, vlollnh1t. M n . Hulan Ruyt huda the ca11t again th1a year, portray1nr Mary, lht mother of tbe Chr11t Child. Christmas Activities . Varied at Island Church A nrt~)' of Chrtnmu Mrvl«• and a ctlvtt1e1 haa been planned tor De<"embt'r by the Balboa 1•· land Com mu n 1 t y Mdhod llll Churt<h . acconllng to Ill pu tor, th• ffpv. Donald C ..Sapp. Tht Ch11r<'h 81:hool and the adult and ch1l•lnn'11 cholni an• r,.. htsr111ng for • ltolhJay program, "Let l:vt_ry Heart P-re~n lllm Room," to be pruenlf'd at :I pm., Sunday. Oec. 18 ll I• btln1t dl- rec-ted by M r• P f' Batnu &nd Le1111,. Va n Dyke. Church School chlldrtn Wiii bring to tht pro· g ram lhe money whtC'h thry have coll~ttd for the purchaM or a plllnn In a Sl:'Wllr<I. Aluka chll· drt'n·~ home F'ullow•nr the pro- irr•m n frf'&hmenta will be aerved til\n !'ltlVl('f' On W~nl'~Y t'vtnln&'. Dec. bv th .. Woman·• SO<'f('\)' of Chrla- 2\ thf' rrgular n1onthly F&rnlly ~llht ~111-per will fl'aturt' A pro- snm on "How We Oot OUr Chrutma1 Carola." Youth• of thl! churt'h wlll r;ath- er on F riday evtnlng. Dec. 23, ~ f11re golnr to 11ln1 carol• In the community. ·r he LradlUona l Chrlatmu Eve !'ltrvlct of Carol.I and Ca.ndle- llghllnr will be held In lht churr h aaoctu111 y at II :30 p m .. Saturday, ~('. 2• CTlffsCmH o.,. Hr'V'CU or WOl'- •hlp are )>lanned tor t .30 and 11 a m. Church School Will be htld n usual at ll.30 a. m. . The Chancel and Carol Choi~ of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church will present their third annual Chrj.atmas concert Sunday at 4 p. m. in the Newport Height.a Church. With the concert. lhe rhull h ai.o announced the rtcrnt em· ploymcnl of new rnu•lc p•r!IOnnf'I who now he&d lhe mua1c pro· cram. NEW OROA.N l~T New churl'h organist Is Dalt Young of Cost& Mesa. Young 111 a concert ori~anial llnll hnl•la the master of ntu11ic degne. Aflt'r hlt1 graduation ht a tlende<l the grad- uate achoola or Cincinnati C o n- 11eniatory a n d London Uniwr- 11lty'1 T 1·lnlty Collf'ge of Music, London. England. Hlt1 redial ap- pearancea include m~ny c1l11'11 In RE\'. I OHN BLACK Supt. Bla~k Speaker at B. I. Church Oueat apealt;r al the 9 :30 and 11 a. m. 1t'rv1oe1 of weir11hlp Sun· day at the Balboa bland Com· mun1ty Method!at Church wtu bl' the Rev John W . Black, auper- lntmdent of the Whittler DI 1- trlct of lhe Methodlat Church. Hla 11ermon topic la .. Neighbor- hood la Not Enou(h " Blaclt la ruporut1b1t to l he Soul.bur caJllornl• • Arillona Conference for 47 churchu ln th.la area. J>Nor to hi• a ppoint· m•nt u auperintend~t lut June, he htld a n tlfht -year putor al• at Trinity MethOdlal Church. Po- mona. Other churchea have bf'f!n .. rv~ In Ariaona and Pennayl· van la. Black la • ~aduate of Gent•• C<.Ueca In Pennaylvanla and Boa· ton UnJ•enlly. HLI aoo, J ohn.. I• a aenlor et Redlande Unlveralt)' where he LI enrolled u a pre· mlnJ11terlal 1tudent. A d1wghter, J.tary Ann. who llvu w ith her parenta In Fullerton, i• a t\lgh IChool freahman .. the United St111es. the 8 1 lt11sh u·o . Eutope. Mo!xlco An'1 Cub11. F or 13 yeua he , w•11 head of tht organ department at Butt.·r Unlventty and was lt<'turer In 11\urgica and church mu11lc In the gTaduate 11chool of religion. 111lso 11erv1ng as organl11t -r holrmaster of Zton Evangelical C"hurch. lo- dlanapolla. He wa.a an offlct?r In lhc Amerian Guild of Organial11 an'1 i)ut· prealdent of the lndlll· n111iolls Choir Dlre<:lora AliaOci•· lion. Other former orr~ po11t11 in· elude F lrat Prubylt1i1m a n d Christ Eplacopal Churcht1, Pen· sacola. Fla.; Second Bapti1tt snd Roberts Park Methodf~t. lndla.n- apolia and for the paat four year11, the C.o mm u n It y Prf!9byterlun church of Laruna Beach. 18 OOU:CTOR Director ot Ute adult c h o I r. Fred Martin, received hl1 bacht· lor of music detree trom Dt Pauw Unlver1ily and la a mem· ~' of Phi Mu Alpha and Pl Kap- pa IAmbda, proftMlonal and h on· ora ry music traternltlu and the Amerlc.IUl Guild of Organu1ta. Hr i11 widely known u a rhoral conductor and lta<'her of voi('t and piano. Jn rt<'enl year111 he wu lht choir director ~t eeveral In· dtanapolla c I\ u r c h e 1 includln11 Woodn1ff Pl111ce Bapllet. Mutln formerly directed the lndlanapol- la A Capella Cl-olr and the La- guna Beach Choral Club. YOl'TH CHOIR Third leader i• Mn1. Robl'rt Gronlund, wife of the putor, who formerly u rvtd u orranlal-cholr director of the church. Mrs. Gron -I For Air Travel For a round-the-world trip by •Ir. take an expandable wardrobe which worka lhlJI w11y -atar\ with a bB!!lc •heath In jer11ey. tweed, or rotton, add & !lf'Jlarate ma tching or contrullng Jack el, have a ••par.ale 1klrl u 1 "plua", and a topper lo Wl'&r ovt'r-all Thia l akes you from 'dawn to dusk, w ith minimum weirhl when al.r-bom e. S.t U.)' b~ la ordt'r tor thou ••••It die Mid a ot llve.-2 JUnp !O:l . -Yet every day men die before thf'y have lll't their house U\ order. It la never t oo earl): to provide for l he future. Som• accumulate m ater I a I treaJ1u~ lhry must leave behind, a nd of· i.n to Ute hurt of the 1urv1vm 1 onu. Harbor Rest Memorial Parle fllaotlolt!um-1Dl~l'1Jl('9t Gant.ea, Cfl1Wtu7 Han>or at Gh•ler CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Ernut Holmu . founder, author of "SClence of Mind," UP.t V SE&'VJCES I I JL.JJL __ 1unlor CLurcb ud Ntll'lery (&re.11 Lm. 8". lri9 Tvrtl. flllal.~r 1.A.OVNA BEACH ilT GALI.EBY IO'aU ... ult acn Clltf Dr, Californians Will Hear Far East Church Leaders At A Dhtance The outgmni;: mlMhm111' rn•· a1111n 1n1lu1tMI hv lh.. flt>1.,"Jl"I Chu" h Ill 1\11 l,;••11r111I l .""'""'"'n In Hnnolulu liu•I Sl.'ptrmh"r "'111 !>« h11111,:hl 111 th,. C>1t• •"I' yf 1 .. ,,. AnC"l"ir In f•nu ()v~r"""" M I •· e1ona RJl llie" "'hr•IUl ... I for Pf'\ 8 9. 11 and 12 1n ''""" "' 11r .. •~ n/ .S1111thtrn C'nOfnm1a A rAlly llll St l'11ul ~ C11th"<lrfll • 1,011 Anc-elv11, Ill 7 .30 p ni De< 11. will brinit tnir tlhn nnl f1nlv •II Epl8C<l1>3 han11 In Oran11r an•I Loa Ancl'lel! C•iunlll.'11. but pt'll· rhi <>C all fAIUi11. lo hur lht 11tory ot wldt11pread Chrl11U&I\ mLulon· an• work In lht PaC'ltlc art'& The tt;• Wrelry A. H avermalt "' f\11nta Ana. dean of the L n n I ft"•<'ti Convocation. la In ch•rge uf the rAlly for the l'hurchu In 0111nce and l'Outhern Loll Ancelu Counllu. T hrte ouutandlnc church l.a'1· tU from the Far EaaL ~pre .. nt· Jna th• advance ot Chr11llanlty 'In the Pacific arf!9. wlll 1peelc a t H ch or the four calUea. SOC!laJ cha nru brourttt a bout by the J rowtns 1nnu~c• of Chrllllanll)' '·Ill be d•ecrlbefl. Speakrn will t>. the Rt. Rev. IJ'tmolhy Shlnao Nakamura, bl1h- ; C.p ot the Dloce11 of Tohoku, on • nasT CBUlllCll OP ClllU.8T • 8CJIKl'li'Tl9T : llQ ~. LIN . ..__. k.clo A _,,..~cl\ ol n~. Mo•"'•' C"-t.1"(.P'I, n.. fl~•,• 0...... .. Qriot, s.i...111, •• ..-. .. _ t:r::......... t :ll .. .... ~ ...... ..... w ...... .,. .......... ~ -... ,., ... : a.Hi.,. •-leafM at Pia Yle U•, .... ,..,. tMcll It ..... ...... ...,. ....... ., .......... ,_ ''"" w.--.,. ....... , ........ ,,. , ..... ""'~ ·-, .. t. -Clocod Mol .,.,.. • Tk ,.~lie It ~ ...... , .. ,,....... .. - .... ~... ~." •"4 ... "'• tH41 .. -\ ' thf' nor1 ht'1 nmo.ot par\ nC Hon11hu J np11n·~ m111n lllll\nd. Mn Maa11- ln•ht M11t~u11h1ta. \•l<'t prnldtnl •II th .. \\'nm•n • Am11h11rv of the 1"11 "'"' nf TokH1 11nd a j,.llr1tr In lhl' 'nrw woma n' nio,· .. menl In J81111n And lht Rc-v EdwanJ C Lvnimt, who will t11lk e ~ul hi• WOI k With \hf! W llil mC1unlaU1 lf1~11 1n t he P h1llppinu ..... ~ .. ,...I Ill 2 I ~ 1C u.r'A US-1011 ~ a . W, J.. La .. le 153 E. 11th St. CO!flta Mee.a . '· ~""' A local funeral director is best abfe to make complete funeral arrangements at a dis- tance, and can do 10 at a saving ol time as well as money for the family. If you are evu faced with the responsibility of making fu'neral arren9emenh in a com- munity hundreds or thousands of miles from Costa Mesa, we ask that you call us, so that we may place at your disposal our experi· ence and our connections with other de- pendable funeral directors from coast to coast. PARKES· RI OLEY MOR..TUAR..Y II 0 • llO"'DWAY COITA MaSA LI 8lllTY 8-3433 IAllOA•~ ISt.AHD•UDO 1$U NIWIOIJ lfAOt • COIOHA Ofl MAR ,, ., lund la director of the 41) -voice <'hlldren's choir. A (r&<lu•le ot \\'art.bur~ Collei;<'. ah e I-old~ a b&che!or'a decree In mul'tc " n d toured four )'NI I With the (11med \V1u~burg Choir. S h«' tau~ht public a<'hool music for rour yt'111'1 lht Prf'Sl'f\'ff< or MM" t fl hi> "''"'I Rite of Baptism In all Chri1t1An Scl•nce ul·ur1 hl'I• sundiy. T!1,. P"I ""'I' or Chrlatlan bap- Luk,.~ .. Cn11rct 1,.1atu thnt "Si· n ... 111 "Hlf t l'cent Ir held In lh• Bal· mon 11 \\·trt'•s mothtr wu 111kf'n bo" i.1 .. 11.1 c,1111m11mty M•lhodlat with " r• fRI (C'\'('f," ttrlll JUll" C"hrn l'h flo1 ('h1 •~lml' LoulM Mc· .... too1I O'"'l .,J/l'r. 11n1I 1.•t1111c, .. 1 Lhc I l't111C' 1111 I l.11111 <'tu'r Michael Mr• f•vt-'r; •nd ll lt'(L h••r 11ml Ina· ('11111• , hlldr"n nf Mr and Mr11. In Iowa before coming lo Cah· me1lllltl'ly >'ht' 11 11Me ttnd mtm,.....r· Rlll'llt·ll A Mteunt, 110 Gamt't fnmia. ~·I unto th<'m" 1~ JS. 301. I"'"', E1'lb<111 l11land. Comb1nlnf lbt>lr hllt'nt11 t h • ~lai ,. Ba kn ~dJy 1111 n; in • St't· ------- lh:•e leadera w 111 p1 t sent an I · ·. I htlllr • long program of lrHdt· rn1·e and Hl'ttlth wllh Kc•y 111 th" Hun1•r thy r11thrr and muttwr. tlonal Cb:rl&tmaa mullic. S1'rlptuic3,' "Jt•1111s 1lf'l1h)ll~ll'l\l1»! -t:,. %0:1'!. IL 111 ll()met1mf'11 lhl' lnnbllll\ 11! 1:.,rporeatlty, 11,, ,1,.,.prrutrh· hK11I ll> du th.la Pai· lncludt'd will be b<tt h ••horal \'.Pll 8~ th.. mr1111te 11btllly ut ents 11ho~IJ ,11hi;l'ntty 1tr1ve l~ llln~lng and ori;an numbt'is Jn Sp111t. thu.s t .. 1p1ni; ernng hun11111 be worth\' llf that honor addlUon lhe '"'ngrei:;ntlon l\nd · · «hotrll wlU unit' In 1<1ngln l\ 1u•ver· 1 •I f11vorlt~ Christmas <'lln~ls I BA~TZ ll .. QRTUARIES A epeclaJ ff'Rt11re of lhP .:on· I fVI cert will be Ute •t&ppPu:lnce or ! COSTA MF.SA CH.APEL CHAPEL BY THE $EA both choit.. in thclt nl'w rob,'.s 11 .. 1 :,.11.ll'i 1o1r A \•enut1 3620 I!:. CO&al Blvd. pur.:hued tor the 1ectnt 10th an- 1 Cull'# lttes~. Calll. Corona dpt Mar, Calll. nlverasry C't'lfbraiUon or l h "I Phone Liberty R-2121 Phone H&rbur t 2 churc;h. · I~~===-:==~=~====================== . -·---..~ ---·~r 0 • The sure and nimble touch of \he hands of a great pianist is the result of ho ura of daily practics over • period o f years. The great and thrilling music which he creates is the product of daily de: votion to h is art. Every fine accompli1hment in life requi res the same daily devo· tion. If your h o u1e is neat as a pin, i( you have a love ly garden, if your office is well-run and efficient, you know that it uku houn of daily care and devotion. ~ :::}·,.·~ .. .."'t: ,·.: So w ith prayer. Prayu i1 one o f the hig htst gifts a man haa. But if it i1 to become more than a spasmodic and superstitious cry /or help. it too requires daily cart and devot ion . It takes practtce ! The Church s uind1 ready to help :_·~, .. ::!.. ~ ,.._ y ou and your ch ildren know tht' :°"d•r p .. 1..,, .s , .. great joy which comes to a man ue..s., Poot •S 16-n ~·d>t~..,.,,. •.• r:· 141 •••• ~---throuch dai!_r pru~ l\od thc~•J ,. .. ~~":·" ..... : ,..,, part o •t is. tht more. you p ractice ''"'•d•I'··~~' •• .:.::, ·-1 prayer. the greater the joy and hap--------.-.... 1 "• pinna you will derive from it. -, . ::J .. This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms GEORGE M. GRAHAM DICK MACKD Rugs and Carpel• 122 Agate Ave. Balboa bland nra~nu -Carpel• -Uphoi..l•'J Complele 1-·ne o.coraunc hmc• .. Harbor 3256 sno Via Udo llAl'bor au ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors Bay Front Speclallat.8 2901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226 Mario"s Smart Set Hair Fashions Complete Styling Permanent Waving and T inting 540'7 Eut Cout Hwy. Harbor 51()4 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Fuml11hlng1 2620 w. Coast 11'4'). Uberty8-111S Fred Orgeron Chevron Senice TlrM -Balterltll -Acce11«>rl" Complete Lubr1r allon %100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 15 15 UNIQUE CAFE Bre11kfut -Lunch -l >tnntr '10 32dJI St., ( A cl'OM from City Hall) Ernie Church-THE ARCHES t;nion 011 Dealt'r NOO W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beath IJ 8-9063 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Cott• Shop-Open 2• h our. SN5 tit'. C... Hy. (at ....,_ Co''") ~ l820 MAD MOORE NUISllY. Cut f1ower1 -PM 8uppU.. BaJ~ Bh·d. at 21st· NEWPORT HAUOR IANK An lndependen' Hom• s.aJs Corona del Hu The Port Hole lrealdast H11 .. Mldntr ht to 11 A. M . 221'7 W. Cout llhny, Newport &-* STAFFORD & SON EJ!'c lrt<'11l C.:onlractorw 110 Rlver.ide "'~· Newport .__ L.IMrty 8·2276 Vilicnt's Rexall Dn1t ltorel Thl'f'f' lorRt1on1 to Serve ~t'Wport Beach CJ Corona dt l Mar Lasie Woodworth PialtO Co. c ·umplete Lin,. or :-.i~w II l!~d Planoe 2610 IE. eoa .. t II.-'} . Harbor 3381 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP l 'n.ttr the i-;, w Mi.111tl(N\111~nt of Mr. P .. • 4 4ffo~,/ 1 • · "•~~. to -~,. •• , MAKE THIS A Perren N~w . :.MARINE N.EWS Commodore of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PREss _ PART , • PAGE 1 Voyagers YC FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1955 TIDE TAILI l':lt'Ctaon and Induction o! new off11:er1 a nd awarding llf a new pl'rrt'tual lropll)' wtre fl'aturea u( the annual L'ommodore • Ball of lht> Voy&gt'rl Yacht Club, hrld l>l'c. 3 kl lialboa Bay Club. Rl'll• •hJt off1,.e ra Wf're rnm· nat'nded by reUrfng Comm<><lor t' All11n t'arnpbt'll. who thrn t urn · •· t lhP i,:avel over to hi• 11ucc"~"or r· .. mn11 .. lurt• Ht'nry f'Prren. Olht'r u(f1C't'n1 !Ir,.: t<1<·hn1•l LA'~lrr VV'<' r<ommo· •Ion•. ~leve CrO•bY, rur com mo- o!• •r ": nJrhanJ ,Jjr1Kgll. l'C'C'I N:,'ry; B"h MrGw1rt', treaaurer; H o b c;111r!110n, port copU•ln. Wilbur :>11rg .. n1, t lccL cap~Jn: Hal Holu, JllllJ:" IHlVOClllr. lli• "<'l<>r~ 11r,. Allan ('alnpbell L .. un11nJ Ho,.tl'll.-r. Clay Camp- IJPll And Fred Stewart, with Paul \'11n Dri;11fl, 11s honorary dlrtctor )"rlday Dec. 9 S aturday Inc 10 Sund11 y Dec. JI Monday Orr 12 Tunday 0('('. 13 Wrdne8duy Dtc. l1 Thurlld11y Dec. (6 nme BL HJslll :>:41 • m. 5 :I 6:68 p. m. 3.5 6 :17 a. m. r .. s '7:ot8 p m 36 6.i9 a. m 5.9 8:30 p m 3 8 7 21 a. m 6.0 9:08 p m 3.8 i ·:>2 a m 6.0 9 42 p rn 3 6 8.22 a m. 6.0 10·18p.m 3.8 8::'>2 a. rn. ft.9 t 0 :62 p. m. 3.8 '1'1.- Low 12.62 p. m. 11 :63 p.m. 1:33 p.m. 0 :31 a. m. 2 :10 p. m. l :M a. m. 2 :H p.m. l 39 a. m. 3·15 p. m . 2 12 a. m . 3 .46 p.m . 2:4:\ a. m . 4:19 p.m . J•AClFlC S TANDARD Tl)fP.: FIJ&8T QU AkTl:B Dcc 22 FVLL MOON 0f'l' 21 (f lA8T QUAKTU JAi\. • • MOON 04ic 11 B\. 0.3 1.9 -0 1 0.0 2.1 -0 4 2.2 -011 2.3 -06 2.3 -0.8 2.4 --0.:1 F:11L11 hlu1'1N1 wu lhe pupt>tual Rill Cro11bv Mtrnorlal trophy, a l1111o:c 11tC'rlln1t 111lvn bowl on 11n l'hony but> and <'•rryln1t a r111que rur nanie11 of wlnnna. ll will be 11w.tnl<''1 le• tlr"t Vnya1o:rr 0011\ flna .. hmJr 1n thP Tian11 . Pnnllc <'LARE="CE HARMS. Sacto HOWARD P\"LE, CX>p. AMI'\ to ,., ..... I•> lluntolulu bu11 drtver w ith mrllton -mUf' Pr .. a E111enhnwf'r, in C'ahf. "Jt F1r11t "rnn•·r "'II~ B1tll I for t hr ~ar,.ty rt'('otd "C'hllllrcn are the Prf'1ldl'nl F:l11rnhower dou not 1w.:. T 1nn11 • l'arafic rarl' 11 11 ,1 b<'~l ptu111eongt'ra. Jrll lhrm M>me-run I bellrvl' It will bt a wldt 111\11 pt,..l'ntt><l to ikippf'r Jiu:k thing oner and th,.y undl'1 ~Lllnd I o~n r11ce -lhe Pr u 1dt'nl """ H"ln1 h\' \'11n f><'it• 1fl Jon1ttimr \\'llh £ rownup11 ''OU have tCt re-11'11''" lht rhokc ot cant11dal u lo KJt Caraon'1 former employer offered a one-cent reward for Ute return of alllteen-year·old KI t when. according to the Na Ilona! Automoblle Club. he ran aw&y from MINOurt to become a 1 .. r trader and guide In New .Mei ·o. MARINE INSURANCE 8mootll 8Ul1q Olbo..-.Fortoa ae.ltJ Co. JSIJ W. Coaat HIJ"hWllf Ubert 8-1Hi For A Merry Marine Chrishnas Anchors, Watches, Compasses, Horns Whidles, Logs & Registers, Lighh Pulleys & Marine Hardware, Knives Bells, Helmsman Wheels, plus Countleu additional Marine N19eds -also - Fittings and Rigging for Snipe1, Snowbird.I, Lightning• and All SmaJI Craft including ,Navigation Instruments and Practical Nautical Booka. aan.-cran ._. IUta We Gtve Orown Stampe Mesa Boat & Hardware tic> Z8tb St. :::..u:' 0,.. 0.07 I a..-. .. It ,._, rrr• n I ,,, Bill CrnJOhy &n\l with I prat 11 1wo C>r thrt>e llmu " lhl' Ftepubllcans them1elvee " I wln•m hr hail 11allr<1 In Tl'IOn fur l--~ ~~~~~-~-~~~~Ji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t r,...-ll•innlulu rau·.-~ = --......... ----------- Dismiss Charge Against Mesans !<IANTA ANA, 10<'="1'11 --Con· lrlbullng r ha.rr u 11ii:111net two 1111ti-r1f'd Coatu Mc!!/\ men. JtrnH'" I• F m<"hcr, h, a n•I Norma.n 1 hrll1tlc. 29, were• tt1111nuu•e l1 tn I lunttn.1:1on Be&ch Just,.... ('1111rt 1 111 "'!".' &!lcrnoon . Thf' .1 .. renda.nta allt'J:•·l1ly h111t I A ken t"' o Ganltn Gro\',. Al~l,.rs. J ·, 11n11 16 yr11r11. on " "''l'ek·f'n•f Jllnk<'l t 1 Mexico. Tht l"•rtnt.s nf t h• l"• n11f:1•ra dtcllnf'd 10 prtNi t h11rJ:t" ~·incl • r 11nd f'hrt•l•I' nn r an&lly I 11.i h<-• r 11• CW!l'll ot cha Ill ~• e11 hnit 'n\,.n ti•~ < ••nt n lrnt 1nii: ·I n-the·d• hn- ''""n<') ... r.m1no111 rhar.i:e w a' lnoti;rM1. T'hf' J;IFll' M t1I thf'V W('rtn't n ••h ~lP•I ••r h An r ••I In·· the Ct'Mltl 1'1r '4n• G\¥£ lHEll l ~\fl f OR THEIR BOll e BOOKS e Nautical and Marine Subjech are Always Suitable Xmas Gifh We ha\•e the largest selection in the area See Our Many Nautical Gift Suggestions Appropriate tor boat owners NEWPORT MARINE SUPPLY CO. ?'100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beech "ln the Hes.rt of MariD~r'• Milf. nt•xt door to Marin~r·11 Bank" Davis Purse Lost 1-----------------.-J A {'"''I' runta lnlntt r-•rrr-• Hn•I S~O '" • n!lh \' 8.1 Inst or llt11fr n fr11111 ~I r&. Ruth K '""''~· 49011 ~ .. ,.. l'hnrt llrn ~ ah .. 11t l r n1 Tu·•11- ''"'" poll•,. •mid, f:ht 1111111 llht mAv h11 \'C ln~t tl In A ll'>C'lll 111 ort' whll~· 11taopplnir ! ~Hers Have Girt --1 Mr, ""'' Mr1t ·'"'""" F11Urr, l!lJ!l llrpublH St . (\IH• ~fl'llJI, IHI' th .. f'Ar~nt• nf 11 hAhy ~hi ho1n l •r• ~ In )I,.,,~ ll(l.~p1t11l 'four Authorized T II A LC 0 flbe.r~laas 0.-aler in the Barbor &rra. Brbag your ftber· gla111" problems to us. Pac Ifie Flbercjlcn1 · !601 \\'. C'out ll"Y· rh. U l ·U'71 Ac::ro'lS from All-~merlcan Mlct. ijjjtllRY MARK 30 /JO lt.p. Turbo Four Prombe of a Ntw Year of ramily fun! Thir1y Mercury horsepower in a compact J I ().pound package-an allcmalc firin1 four Wllb McrcE.lcdric Slarttt· 1enera1or! CLOSE OUT 1955 OUTIO~ID MOTORS * BIG DISCOUNT * nn OUl'f::R OUTBOARDS Buy Now -S.\·e Now George J. Meachem xt:WJ'OftT BEACH LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON Christmas Gilt Suggestions e IOATS e 6' 6" Pram $59;50 (\'np.tntf'CI) 8' Skiff $59 .SO r t·npaJnlrdl e SKIN DIVING E9UIPMENT e Fi11s $2.95 up Masks 99c up "100 YATHO~" DIV1NG WATCH ts.to Do"-" ~.00 Month "A9UA LUNGS" $99.50 up Slt.00 Dow• -~-00 Monti! WATER SKIS $39.95 .. 'ADDU IOARDS $54.95 ., §ti-67FI OM of £.u.n.de'• OiM ad•inc ·~ modi-II ii jua1 n~bl bt you and your family ••• priced ri,b1 10 lit your budJct. Small claW1I peraimt -.rft ck!•"")' wltca you want 11. Come 1.n aod pick your oew l:ttiarudt now. EZ nltM~ 10°/o D11. It MOSTRS on BALA~CE • * Ship'• Bells *Compasses * Clocks * Barometers -Other - Ideal Xmae GUts ' Stricker Marine : ~ IOAT KITS AWOMDllPUL GI" Pot THI WHOU IAMILY TO IMJOY AlfD~O JfWW 1llt UJfJ: ~ nlOll I ft. TO ft n-:-- PltCD STA.IT AT u1.oo DIUVlllD Hiii OOID 11' A!fD RE A a .. n. JUT UM>U OON8T1lOOl10N annunw 1Nt -IVINIUDIS - 1"8 HAllOl ILVD. COSTA MIS.A Lt 2062 JOHNSON OUT~OARD MOTORS • PERFORMER BOATS • DYER DINGHIES Harold I. Johnson Pl'opell&r aep.!n Cotmalllaa Pd Fe6eral 4e9C'J ftODll Hal'bor no 1111 vma Wa1. NewPort a-ca. ~· SOUTH 00.uT 00. llrd a N.-pon Blvd. lHE NEWEST FllERGLAS SNOWllRD All Molded Hull Wlth lnt#gnl flotation Compa~at Clean lnterfor Smooth ~rtor Minimum Malnt#ft&D('~ Noa -Slnkable lupect this ~k ll«'W t'raft now at - W. D. SCHOCK CO. -Bo.t BuUden - Harbor 1678 , MARINE HARDWARE • NAVIGATION INSTRUMENTS • GADGETS end GILHICKEYS Gifts Fo.r Ewery Y aclltsman . . . t • . . -· • --. 'PA~GE-1-:-PART I .Z NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS r FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 PRIZE WINNING WOODS -Although not related, V~mmodore Frank Wood, Jr. (left) and Harry Wood have one thing in common -they both sail PC aloops, and they both do a very good job of it. At Balboa Yacht Club's annual Trophy Dinner Vice- Comm •. Frank received the Higgins. Handicap Per- petual for hia season's performance, while Harry won the George Strom Perpetual plaque· for first In the annual clua race t o Avalon and return. - Beckner Photo t GOOD SPORT -Each year the Race Committee and flag officers of Balboa Yacht Club present a special award to the mem~r who haa displayed t he most conaiatent good aportamanship throughout the sea- son. Thia year's honora went to Milt St oughton (left) who wu presented the fine perpetual trophy by race committee chairman Bill Campbell. BesidN> J:>eing a good sport, Mil t a lso proved to be a J!OOd alUpper by winning the Mercury Class championship trophy aa well. -Beclcner Photo• Cruise Ship T alles Census . Of Coast Rsh Population M.-ben Obsen• SardiMS, AnchoYies FnMll Cweprioft' to Mexican lorder A rep0rt hu ~en received I" mi.x1mum 10 •, 1rfh 10111.I lrn~h f f'Om Y!• .Kl.dn& .FiabUi.. llr!MWIA ~. --otHA1m11m ~ 8 ttwit "f'tmm"J:11· tile rec.nt crul~ of thf' M V i.111 thr "''" ""'""''" 1t11 d1n,..o Trllowfln which lllllled frfm\ t.1n I"""' P mu,.\ at>11n1lnn l a1111m1I nw A.nselea Harbor Oct. ~ anrl re· nurth~m C"h11 n111 I 1.1 .. 1111· 1111tl Ulrn-S OCl. 24. I P 111nl lluf'n• nir l'Ar1f11 n1111 k· ,.,, 1'1141 pu~ of trlr cn1l11e WIUI JHCk m11<'kcr .. 1 nnrlh•·I n ''" """'''' \e 1na.kf' a ren11U11 of the porul11· I w"'" 1trt'11 111 "' "'" . .it 1h1· nt"'''" Uona of •rdlnf'I. norlhf'm "'" h•,. .011"''")'t-•I II "l'l'"'"" 111 .t •A•ol111(• '1•. jack mark"r"I 11n1l 1·r ... ·1t1t" <l1111ribut1on "''" 1<lu111•l 1T11 ,. mackerel off the $mllhrrn CAh· tun11lo1 t u lh14t .. r t '<;,I fom la cout&l aro. a nd lo m ruk I \ \IHot·!'> :--1•t.< II.I' &lld hold for ob~trvallon VAi 11•U• In '""'''""' th• 1 .. 11 .. w 111i: ~r• .. lK>ok and llnr "J'f'Clm•ll~ with t'll· , ••. ",,.. 1 •1•t ·11 ···I m hl •nl\• 1 n rl perlmrnl&l tag•. I"' ub..,•rvr d .. 1 11,:111 -I 111 .. n• 8()1'THLASO C'OA T l'lq1111I 'Ji 111.1t1..r1• ·"•II•· lfl Thr crulw rovrr,.11 lhf' rn1 .. l of loulhf'm Califom1a from P l 1·on- •11t1011 to \hf' Callf<1m la-Mu1l'o ~undllry lnrl11d1n1e r orllon11 11f •n Clemf'nlr S11nl1t l'11la l111a 8a.n N icola... Sa Ill• U.u blH" A nl\• capa. S anta Cruz. !'lanli. Rt\/111 11n I ean M true1 1~1•11d" A t.olllJ o f 130 light a11 11n11• w eor. occup1t"I. 11f 'A h irh thr•'" yleld•d aar<hnl'•. H 1"111 1f11 m a• k erel. 12 Jark m11 •kl'r<'I '"' 17 northe rn ancho v1•11 O f the thrf'.. Hrdllll' u mpl•' lakfll. lhl! llL• 11nrr v1n ... 1 frnm Jiit ~ ""'~)t l~ .:1 un 111n •, Mn·1 h11l'1111 .. 111, b11\· •111• 1 flqll I h IHhJ ,!f ' ptl'U'liV ttnt h 11\ t· 'It •lii• II• ll 111.ch l-1\'t •1,...m1rn<o t•I "4 tn1t ·Ilk· f'r k,.J p .,,._ ~ntl !' 1<1 1 I II H k< I ti .,..,,, t.1 kl'n h\ h• IC • l11r• \iHr r~ \l\\\.n f' ""' t-ur•..:• .. Y,. l11wf1n "'111111 I• t h iv htw: bi • lc:>t"I • r '•'~ "'', !' j\ 1 t•I nr ~,, ~,, ....... \\1f1• ,, I \4 I \1• ill\ Ant ••r' , ... • '''"' t ( \\h••ll ,, v. •• ~' , •'·· l ~c ,, r1- 11111NI 'L1rdln<'• l\i m .. k,.r•I II ""' h ,v1v..-27' """""" to t un• kn••'All DID YOU KNOW .. that the man who plac•s a new Chrtsler or Plymouth unHr th• Christft'Nls tree th is year, will SH stan in his sweetheart's eyes that he hasn't seen since that •Yentful day that s"9 said, "I DO"? RESIDENTIAL. INDUSTRIAL . COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR !30 SOth 8t.. Newport BeMh ' SMALL Harbor 2533 J \ A14WAYS ACTIVE -The sleek Star Class sloops arc always ready (or a race and even the light and fluky winds and fog which plagued all contestants failed to de· ter nine entries in the Fall Gold Cup Series of the Newport Ha rbor Ya~t Club. George Fleitz a nd Dick Hahn, both of NHYC, took fir.>t and second bonora re- spectively in this class. -Beckner Photo ------------------- SKIPPERS GET YACHT AWARDS AT BANQUET A nnual trophy p1e11Pn t11 lion C"l11!1~ \\'tnllNOl 1n t..111><1r Ony Rt'- laat Saturday night 111 11 lJ11t1· !'lilt« H. F. Ur11nt~1t·e 111 S ra quet In Balboa Y1<1 hl Clu h ~ '"" H•'" J•1h n l~•'\Hli rn f"irt>fly. J o hn many award" prt>xenl •11 b'•~ 111111 P t>;t r<'y 1n \\'h1111 · oce11n 11kipp<'r11 Th<' 1olluw111i.. ll J· I IO:lnl!'r P mnr1 f' l' r pet 11 a I - ph1c:1 wete aw11r1ll'<I I Lli,:htn111~ \\"rnn•·r 1n the J::a:1ter Sir ThnmR~ Lipton Pt•rret11n l l~1'g<llta. \\"1llr<tlll 1'1r10 In Atllo11. Annual l 'rN ll•'l1'11 l,11~ H 111·1• f1111n J f1ggrn" · 11an1Hi:op P C Clo11s 811lll111\ In l'a11 l1""1'"· l'll111s A ht\\0111i; ,.,lu1;i,;\!1t"d i>larts hu11N l on Robct'l Tlleutrnhl 111 \\"hll» l h:run . a 1hltr111·y t1111e hand1t•11p uepe1111lng Jo~llwood I,, S hultz 111 F lnrr J1c•11t . up<in 1 C'ley pt'rfurmanc·r nf rnch NovlCP ClnK~-W. R Nance in ~k1ppl'r during s ea son 1941-1, 19~0 Rela xan: M. N . Ander~on in und 1!!51 tnkt' hDme t'Ul>ll 1111 1-'rl'!I HOST CLUB SKIPPER WINS AW ARD Fred G~hill of Newport H arbor Yacht Club, h ost s for the popular annual Fall Gold Cup regatta was really out to retain top honors for NHYC in the Luder& fleet. Fred chalked up two daily firsts to win an undisputed series victory. Daily seconds went to Ed Eiscnbeiss oC Balboa YC a nd Bud Gage of Win'ward YC. Beckner Photo ' p111•rn~ l h,• w r1tl•'l1 1ttllho11zalion 1111 .. l'>\'r~U~•· h>Ok!'r11 w ho t>pr rnl,. h.1a l l11n1lrll1C'4 w .. 1 <' 1l1•pr1 v1nic bnHI I 11w11t n ot 1lw1r flnl'hu r ai:f':c 11nll'st1 th· l-.•nl ••Wn1·1 s \l•ll'•I th,.1r btuu.- 1•11 ;..,I, w11h th1• l1111thn.: <•f't'1Hlo r. .\1 11 •hrtJI hMlll hl' IOlbllllllt'O hllt p1 tlJ1ct~•·d I Ul••,.. l U l ht~ I t hl f tlP\* ,.;(•Ju.•1 .. 1{ 1Ht1l 'W.~c Utl\'lf'~<t ht!' l}tU• 1·11~n1: \\111• within h11J 11uthorltv 1111111'1 lhl' '""" . S tc•v•·n" ~""' h<•lll brokf'rl.' In C Rhtur 11111 "" $:'10,000 noo 1n bu111· Hlt1111RlfV <'hf'rl~ht'CI ltt'lrlnonu1 are "WIRTH" HaYing & Giving • Pubby J t'Bll. I S11111fl'S, Frnnk w ..... 1. Jr·. in S how · Ruth MyPrll Perpetual Rhodf't. I bont: 11l11 ~lt11 n 1y 111 C:11titpaw. ClaM In E1uttr Rei:11lt.a. Merl· Tht'0tlore Ruusevi>lt ~lr11111r111l-MIDSHlP TAKES RHODES HONORS ~(., \.:#:.t s·tL.. ~-n•er r~~:· 1111nt' Pearc·y 111 Whim. \\'inner 1n t'IMs wrlh la1)('1'$l num· T. G J\ly1•1 i. P1•11w111al Rhod1'11 brr u f hnnh !.,11h••I tn tla• T hM'klo rf' Clu11s R,.,.,. to A v.ii• n itnol ,. .. 1<<11•~•·\-. II t:q ; .. ltit. A1 t 1;1,1~1er Ill t ur 11, J ohn Kt·Wt•ll 111 F lr1•1 I\· I •1 «1•111 U Jill Hl'olv i',·q1 .. 1u ii It! .-!1·• 1·111,._., P.irheril VPntnn Pl'lrrtunl - H1i:h 1'111nl Unfi t 111 ull 1!\"C' Ht>· 111;..h l'nu« Huul If\ 1111 H 1°1:\'' gallR•. IA'' 1 .ti r in V"llv ll n 1-:n .. ln-.\!1•111,.rlul l••\0 1<1·1:111111. Up to his old tricks wal "Connie'' Wurdemann. staff-commodore of Balboa YC. as he Jed the 14-boat Rhodes fleet in Newport Harbor Yacht Club's F'a ll Golri Cup regatta and took a series win award home with him. Not too far bc-hmd, but far enough, was NHYC"s Hook Beardslee who accounted for a couple of the daily trophies. -Beckner Photo , ...... ,,/ .c.= __.,,_ ...... SILVERSMITHS Gl'tlli;'I" Strvm l'<'fldlllil P C f •,·r~r Gal~ 111 l°lrriusf'I I C"l11~" 1<1w t• lo ,\,·.don "1"1 "111111 ="•"\\"f'url l l.11lon1 t "hari tw r of Eru1•nad11 R are by a BYC member. 1l1111v \\·u ... t 1n '''""'\\m l . J .. h 11 1· .. 111111 .. :•I' PPfl"'"" Inl 14 Cl11..'l.1 Alfrl'<I L. Slunn 111 ~henanrgan. Htb\• .l s 111 HI,, C"hll' Utll l '••I· ol111w;: ,., ,1,., "•t h !:"•I•' t111n· I ll11n•lw 11r l11r l<ePI and Cf'nler· k 1n1.h11111 111 ~11r~•11 k VIII. l 'df'J" ~. rl• II Ill 1:1«1'n L•H'Alll board liolllll. K.-.el Ill -G~rge ll1ll11111n I'• •I" 111111 1• 1· , I , .. ~ Lm•J-ay I'. lf•• t11al llti:h 1'111nt Sr h1111d1 . Ht>lux 11 ; 2ni1 Jdf Ut a· ""''' """1 H11lho.1 t11 s11n l'••lro, fl1•1t in 1111· ~111 p" L'I.",; rn ell 1,•er,t:hallenge;3rtJ-J ohn81by.Jr., l(1>nn~· \\"ult• rn l'ufr H11h I.II• ••tr·i< .1n.t l«·i:u tr.111 •ont11111 ,•d hv Blue\."hlp.t:cn t .. rbo11rd -l at - mnr 111 1'111h>ttl 1.111 l>o1lk111).'.h111n BYI'. 1,.·e Thvrnp~11n J1 111 Le\!· l'el.-r Gi;le ... t:aiuusd: 2nd -Dick 111 ~l•p•t11 k I"\'· J r j Des \•rr, C"rt·Canny; 3rd-Lloyd (:1ott11111'• 1•,.11 .. •111nl r• 1· 1.nol1<'• .\1:1" S l11•n .\t .. 111 .. 11111 Int H 1J uhn11<m. Taro. llr"'• l\1111v An11 l .. t111.11 Ill S•n-:1·1.""" l 0lt1 1, •• 1s l<1")'l1\1·1 C:arl lth.-h•s Kant tu Sa ll Pedro - btt.u • t ;h h'·nl.t1 h Hl t \•l'•I • c• ~ lfit n,11 !"\rvcrHnl·r. ltunahuli: 2nd lo0rt>1I $rno l1 • ""'I'" 111.ol I' (' J.11·11 .. 111 k l<1t•w1•r ,\ll'Jl)•Hlul Hlritl t;nrighl. \\1lC'h. Hhotlel l'IHM S1111.l1•·l I .111t1 .. i1 !{.,, ,. 1 •11\'i I '"'ni.:11111 1:, ga t t.1. \\>'II 1'1111lJ11°)' in Rae C' lCJ S!1n 111t•go.-l11t -Stral En· l t.·111ni.:1n 11 111 \"1v.11 • .1 .. 1111 (,111 -,~1~ ... 1;. 11i;:ht. \\'itch: ::11ol -H11flell Thorne, 11th 111 !h'•' Anx'""' II \\rl l•111n P un •npn rt J\11·111u111tl -M"11anR: J rtJ -Co n verse Wurde- l.Al1• l '1 111..,1111t1<•n 'J 11ko• H1111w H\"C" Sk l'I" 1 \\ 111111111> tht srmw · mann. Mld~h1p r C t:ruw Race- T1 nph\' !•11 111 •I II• 1, l.;1111111 1n '111 •I S 11111n•er :::'<-11""· .luhn lfat1kl'll l "l t:M ri;e ~khm1dt. Relax 11; S111h1tol. I H l, I~••) d .\l1•m.,11nl Frr !II Uunl l!n ll lJa\•J•I H<'rrln~lt>ll, Vivace; M1uk lie!nl\' Pupe111 d llhr;ih" {I " ~·1nuoh Am CorrN trtl 'fllll" tn 3rd M ike [)1l11k .. I, Pat.ay Ann. 11/\~0SOM I': 11.\IW\\"ARt; -.\Ian~· nf Halboa Yacht Club"s b<'nutiful prrpetual t rnphtf'!l :11 •' hr ld m1ttl the end of the season an1I l'rl'Sl'llt<'d a l the1r 0 annual award dinn<'r. "h11·h wa~ hdd nt t ht• dubhous(' last Saturday evC'ning. Some of the lurky w1nm·n\ shown ht>rt· art" ( L. to R. I Ll'S T:i rr whn won t he Healy PrrJfl>lual for l hC' h1gh-po111t H:1ndN1 das.~ boa t 111 all R\'C rr~a tt.J:". John Kl•well, wmnmi:: of the T G ~l~r·r~ prrrwtual for tlw w 111 n111g Rhndt"S Rlt•op 111 tht• rac<' to A\"alon and r< tuni (', 111nir1 11111• ~l :1 r:<hall 1.-1·nn••dy "h11 11f(tc 1ated a l the pr«HC'nlallon: and H. V. ··11 1111. · H•; rd-.lr· · "111 n1·r of the ~Jar , i;, .1! \ J ·1 p1•t ual plaque for top Rhodes 111 the· Lah"r f>..y l.•~a lla -BN.kn1r l'hol11 Make ;~ a \'} :mchlrful Christmas with thes• Bargains! Bike s ... , 'h·· h .... Ft'Om G ive "Mom" "Sunbeam" Appliances Make "Her'' Life Easier! The Big ''Buy" Genuine "G.E." ELECTRIC IRON only Our Plan Use Easy Pay 9 95 GI\"(' Dad a New Electric Razor! "Schick"' ''Sunb am"'; Rt>mingto11 Lateflt Models Courtney & Lester IS!Wl :"r"1><1rt nhJ .. Ct"I• :\I,.,. r 11o of' LI 8· 1197 .. Boat Industry- Asks State Man Be Disciplined woulJ · require brok<'~ t o have '"'11lle11 11uth1•rlza11"11 frnm bolll uw ners berort 11 boal t'OUld be .11ultl on bl'hrtlt or ttn uwnt t. H e lltt1•I lht11 rul<' w <>uld b<• too rtstrwll\"t' bl'l aU!lt' of lhe nRLUl'e or the bu,.1· ne1111 wh11·h 110me tlml'l1 rin·..si. t h" brn1t In on e part of thr w orld 11ntl l ht! owner rn 11noU1tr. n..:1-·t::\"u"' •~Aw~ M11nh11ll 1Jt•f, nJ• .1 hi~ 111Jm1nl· 1\lf11llon or th~ y11<"ht 1rnJ 11h1p- brok.:u law. Ht' ><HI I h e wu prll· l"ih n -Coppo-r-nraaa a f'Pwtr r Poll-h1'{J-f\11ff Nl-! .. rqllf'rf'd t-'lnN t Q ua Ill). 1-"a •lr"t Storvlre ,..a.l,.....l l'rll',... \"l111l our AntlqUf' Hhop I ou-ual \0al.- IC4'.,.01ta Mf' f'rtc'H e WIRTH'S e Bayside Plating Co. 191 • Harb<lr "'"ct· ("U1ila Mf',... -I.I 11·1 &At SAC'RAMF.NTO. 1C:-:-:S 1 -A repre8t'nlallve ot lhe bollt lmhrH· lry 111 C111tf11rnh1 tl1(,jo y 1lt•mantJ1•d thal K ennt>th E. MlH~hllll. allllt' commlM 1011er uf y achl 11nu "hip bro k er11, be d i ~l'I pJ111 cd for ., nl(& it· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;.._...;:::::::::::::::::::::::::==:· ing in nrganlulion of p11vate boat bus!n e!lll i:roUp!I. H . G. S leveiu1. 11pokr•man Cot two bOa llnf and ya<'hl 11nd 1h1p brOk f'tl or~11.11!za llullll. m od11 lh• demand beCure thf' 11t.ate 1u•n11l<' llll<'rtm commlllt>., 1m bu•lll•11.t! and p ror"Hton-. The co mmlttu 111 headed by Senrttor Lutlln E. 01b80n o f Val le Jo. I Newport Harbor Veterinary Hospital 125 Me1a Drive-Costa Mesa HARO R\"LF.~! .~ S lf'\"l!'llll 11l110 r•1mpli11nl'tl that Mi.ri.holl w11 ~ fll lJIJ«~""ll l<'l:'llh•· 1 l10111 ot the in•hu•lr \" "hll h mem· announces the addit ion of Richard Shea-0. V. M. I tK!r• of tht' 1n1111~1ry !><oh .. , ... wrn11u be oppre111uvr. H,• ..a11I "11111 1)111k 1 1'1 • do ntrt ff'"I t hl'll r 1'1:,11111 tlun l?,y thtLIJAk J!.b.ould.J>L lt.1L lD .Lb.e., to it's staff ··whim •od Jutlgml'nl f1f Ollf' mkn." J Horace P arl<er, D. V. M. -Paul O Butcher, D. V. M. Stev"IUI aprclfir ally referred to a propoll#•I rl'~11 lot1"11 "' h Ir h-'~~~ ...... -~~----~-~---------------.-' FOR YOUR· CHRISTMAS GIFT Reliance Proudly Presents THE NEW SENSATIONAL Motorola TV RIGHT UP FRONT CONTROLS WITH OVERSIZED PICTURE MOOR 21T2SCH loN •lrfro 17995 • Sen1ational Performance • Picture Perfect • High Fidelity Sound • Right up front tun· ing and h:clu1ive Push Button on-off Switch • Aluminized Tube • Tinted lens • Lighted Selector Di•I • Beautiful Styling • Gorgeous Cabinetry RELIANCE Home Appliance • T.-.-.. 0.. ...... a.. ..... At~ Ae s11.•. Cl 0(Jf'n 5 uridllye anti E1·f'ry £rPnin, Vntil 9 :30 Service Co. 2102 I. IAIN ST. SANTA IJIA • J 1 I OONOllATULATIONS CRUii -That'a reaction of ~back .Mike Hua (center) and End Jack Kenned; u they clasp hands during Wedneeday night'• annual Orange Coast College sport.a banquet.-The pair had juat reeeived OCNS atbletic achievement certHicatea for being named to the AJl-Eutem Conference football eleven. Haaa waa firat atring. Kennedy second. Looking on, left, ia Coach Ray R0880. -Staff Photo KENNY WOODS HEADS COLLECTORS OF LOOT AT OC SPORTS BANQUET Center Kennedy Woode, tabbed by Coach Ray Rosao u ''the beat footb&ll player Ln the Eastern Conference," col· Jected a goodly share of the loot at Wednesday night's Orange Coa.at College annual sports banquet when lett.ers and award• wne handrd out In are on the upgrade "'We have the f<>glball. water polo and croH but football stadium and llWl;n· ming pool ot &ny Junior colle1t," Prterson reminded. R na30 added: "l w ould like to aee ua win the onea we're not tup. ro•ed to wln next year. I wu not heppy lhl1 year even though we won a ftw pmu. I wUI bt' happy when we knock the tough onu otr." country. Wood• wu named Bue• molt ---------------------------- vifuable player. ncelved U on1 Award a1 outatandlng player and WU designa ted tootbalJ CO·UP· taln with Ron Sewell. QTHf;Jl AWARDS BRUIN. TROJAN CAGERS IN LONG BEACH GOES TONIGHT Othtr Pirate plK•kln award• w l.'re ~11towed on J&ck A1hb~h. moat Improved; ~rge int. UC' • 1•-19"'" 5a "home" ·•tnt•r, wu lh• bl• atar agalnat IT'O•t minulea played; Mike Haas, UI' open" "" ....,. . ~ ~ ' .. moat uupiratlonal; Jack Knne· bu kelba ll 1eu on by .combtnine BYU. He led the Brulna In 11Cor· with SC to play Denver a P!onttra lnr both night., w ith 19 Utt tlrat dy. U on1 mo1t n luable. and to d f'urd • Boll k 1 • Hau and Kennedy, OCNS All· an ue • errn~ er• n a n1rht ana 2~ the w c:ond. Wee l:a•tern Conte. ~nc• aelectlona. I big two-night lnteri1tct.on&J aerlta W1llJe, who kept the Bruin• ln both Famed Olympic dlvt'r Pat Mc· at Long Beach City Collt'ge Gym-ball -g.me1, wu ao outatandln( Cormlck. who attendf'd the fete nu lum tonight a n d tomorrow tl'Kll the f'rovo crowda cave him with her husband-trainer. 11pol<e night. ovallon1 HARIOR ,o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sporta Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 TARS., SEEK VICTORY NO. 2 HERE TONIGHT Eclclie Pope Torrance, 51-42. Paces Win Tuesday Against Aft Aiming at· their second straight win of the court sea- son, the Newport Harbor High School Sailors of Coach Jule• ·Gage tangle with California High's quintet in the Tar gym starting at B :15 tonight. First triumph for the local Sunset League entry came at Torrance Tuesday afternoon, at -42. f oUov.'\ng l;hree Initial lo .. au. Paced by Forward Eddlt P ope. Cage's guys had to come through with a big tlnal quarter lo pull away from the rlvalll. Tht Sallor11 jumped Int o a 14-6 f1nt atM:ta lead. but fadtd lo a mert 16·1~ halCllme margin when Forward Paul Lorentien·s two !ree throw1 weroe lhe only connectlona made by Ule Tars In the second canto BAT'l'l..E EVEN The t eam• battled all •ven In the third period, tilt h quintet 1lnklnc t 7 points. Then Guard Dave Tamura , Lorenuen and P ope combined 1harp1hoollng tal· Tar Harriers in CIF Meet Finals Today Co•<'h Ralph R~d'• fatmlou11 croaa·country team from Newport Harbor High School th•~ after- noon went Into compet1t1on Wllh entR lo reC'ord 18 p<ilnls agalnst 10 !or Torrance. Drµo~ltlng four r I e I d goab throu~h the hoop In a big third quarl\'r 11eorlng 15plurge. P ope. wrapp!'d up high point honor11 for the frny 'with 17. 111 all, Eddie whlppNl the «ord11 w lth eight goal11 nnct l\ single girt tOS4. Rich Ruff Pl of Torrance was runntr-up with 16 po1nlK on ~'ven RO&hl anti l WO fl el' t Olll!('!\, Ruffel equ1'11ed r vpe's rour goal thlrU perl('<J. f"l.OOK OAM£ r opt a lso 11Jlurked the Sailor floor Rflme. hamlllng eight of· ftni11v.. i1nJ 111 x ll .. ren.<11ve 1 e· bound,. H .-r•·• 1·1v«'d ample 111d from C uarJ C11.ry Green and Lor· 'lll?.t'n Nimble Tamura came through In thl' vital (ourth nanu. wtlh a run (\( three fiel•l goala lO rnatch hl11 tusl penod nutb;•ea.k. He lnult'<I Pop<' tor the local lads wl lh 12 mr• rko•nc. Totals of lh<• Kame •how the 'J't<r11 nt'l ltol 22 go• 111 to 1:1 for the r·1val11 Torrence topped l ht Co bJ1 in g.tll l!Cllres, 12-7. Local ~roring · Popt-elithl brleOy &bout the coming Olympic Tontrht the Bruln11 play Otnvtr Woodt'n will probably 1tart Cl\met In Auatralla. Mra. McCor· In the fu'llt gume at 7 followed at Allt'n Herring, wh11 lookt d m1rhty 18 oth!'r prep harrlt'r 11quade In mlck noted: "We of tht' Olympic ll by SC and Purdut. Thi• two atronA on tht backboard•. a.nd Ben 1 lht CIF flnal11 a t Mt. Sa n An· teams IU't very proud lht J!Ovem-locitl teams A'Wlt<'h opponenl.11 and Roi;rr11 at forward•, Naull1 a t ctn· lo~~t vet rea~y for top Mrnpell· ment Le not •ending u1 ovtr. Oun tlmu tomorrow night. 1 ter And Dick Banton anrl t'llhl'r lion •'nd without prl'lence of goal" on,. fr<'f' throw , J 7, Lorent· :&Pn. two ji?Oa).s. :'.I gift.I, 9; Mllbet', t hr•·c 1:11111~. 6, Harwood. thrtt go111... oM girt. 7; Tamura, 11Jc gc»olJ!, 12 Anaheim May Not .. Favored lut Mickey Flynn Is 111 the only r o vernment tha t does BOTH t 'NDER0008 ~ Cu.rn>ll Adilm11 or Art Hutchins at Sunaet va1we Cha mpion Larry not 11Upply financial aid to aend Both lht• Bruin11 and TroJ•n• iruard. Hutrhlna, 1 diminutive c .. tro, Reed'• ramble•• neverlht• teama to the Olympic•. Thie will be underdoc• 'l.g&i1U1l Purdue, I IOphomore l'\Jlrd, lmpr-d with lee• lied tor aeeond In total elape· ahowa U11 people .,,, ,,,ally be-which m ight be lhe 11urpn~ lt'llln hla drive and hu•tle &«•Jnet BYU. ed Ume w1lh Long Beach Wlt..on h.lnd 1111 wh1n lhty contribute of lhe coming Big Ten hoop race, I -----In the {;IF aemlflnals at HunUng· u 1elr support. There a rt! no poll-and no better lhan t'V«'n rholcu An·-"teim five ton Buch 1ut w ttk. t1c1 Involved.'' 11.ira.lnal Denver, on" or th.-Skylln,. IW1 ~llOower nabMd flrat II\ 47 .- BIO CRA~~OE Contt'rence'• top lNma. i I!!.. ids ~ .while !l:ewporttKaibOr v ul Croaa-country Coe.ch Wendell The Bollermakera opent'd their Awa h wr Wllaon took 00tt0nd 48 28 Ex· P1cken11. b,. f o re handlnl' out a('aM>n lut wetk wllh " 82-:;8 vie· cel•lor we.a four lh la« a ward• to hl11 J)f'rform •l"ll. decla.r· lury over Mlll!OO\lrl Th., l't"n""r• Before Coach Biii Hun1tock For lhl" Tar 1 .. alher lunir;tra el1 "C'ra.11-country otfer11 • blJ?· alA<> lmprell<'d 1n lht>lr uJ>"ners mekt'• final 1lec1111on on flut atrlng 8111 Pigg cam " In rourlh In 9 23 ger challenite th&.n llny olhtr lut Wt'tk 1>4'atlng f'olonuSo M1nu, lineup for hlic An•he1m Colonul.JI Augle O•trowakl Hth in ll 3~ •nd 11port for lhe amount of lralnlnit 81-~6. and Rt'i;t la Colleitt' or C:olo· bukctball quintet Ihle l«'UOn ht Ota Boknc 16th In ll 31l Othtra necu aary to f t't In llh•p~ Tht r,. raoo, :,i-~ 11.u w "•It on r->m ple.lon or Ana-plAclng ror Rttll w"'" R.and> a re no ahort cute In thl• rupect "I UCLA a1111 Sf' dldn t fart "Cl heirn'a rnlf' In lh• l0IF" grid play · Peeler. 28lh. Jeri tfllluu d J 2, Coach J M Kroll handed out wa· wrll Ill th,.1t op• 11,.1• \\llh th,. •orr11 now In p1,,grua Char lea H an...on. 37 and lla rry ter polo award11, but u 11 nor· 1 eni1n• lo.t<lnr; 11 p&lr to Brlirnum I Nunato<'k rrr<irU fl)ur of hi• t'>P McKlnnf'y, Jll mnl, football dominated the a.n· Younr;. 76-!)!I and 67·~ at Pr<1vo, pr(lllJ>e< ta arr •1111 pl11J•1.n& loo.l· ~~u-l.Hff'H duill M"!'1u•· nual arta\r with both Dr. Bull Ylll:h, wttll~ ttrr"'r'Mlflla f'i'TI ~:i 'ball 'rhf'v Art 11·2 Ca n· J?rf"<11'• l<'k, M Untry meet ,,..,on upene rnr Pwtt'I 10n. OC'C 1'.lrtelat'nl. an ol fort San Jo·randtco Unlver11ly'11 • rf'lurnlng let 1..rman. Mlrkf'y the Tua n"xl FTlday a t S•nta Coacb RoMO •peaking on lhe 11ub-dt'f,.n•llnK NCAA ch1m plon1, !)8· ,.,ynn 11n<I Alsn 8rory up lrom tht Ana RemaJndrr of Ule allllf'. J 11n J~l. I 42, Ill San Ji'ninrl11C'O J\'11, and To m F't Ank, up fl om 11. fo~ulltrton hHt: J an. 12, ut Oar· Peterwon n ld : "I leamed lonr;I TAFT R.EAnl·~ thr B• dt!n Grove. JIU!. 16, al Oranitt. a10 It 11 • ml1l.ake to Jump to Coa<'h John Wooden'• Bru1n11 I ----Jan. 19. Ahahelm herr , Ji'". :lO. ANAHEIM (0CNSI -T h«' Sun"t'l t.. agur t 1 u"'" · b4'11r1n1: C11l1111u•t .. lt'Vt'n battl,.11 S11n Oteiru lrl 1A1111 JHal'h Ml'm•mal Stadl· um Ill 8 ll Ill t c•nlithl In 11rml· rina I r <111nf1 of 1 ht' n F' f0(1t bll 11 pl11yQf!a. St A nthony'~ nf Lona' Bnrh tang If'• wllh A lh&mbra In l h e othl'r C-1 F' 11emlt1nal Sllll 1J1rr o h•" 1>< "" e~t11bll~h,. 1 a 11.-vtn p<1111l ft1 vo11l<' and Ana- hl"lm"K C"l78t 11 rn,,. Van HQf)re· bekt' 11~ref'a w ith U\111 Howevi•r. ft>ll•Jwt'rt ot the Colonl~l• t h I • ~flllJn fll('Url' thf' Sun1tt !All· l(Ul'r" r&tt> 11 'rO 1•r two bl'ttrr thin lh,. r1v11lio. m•1nly on baal11 of H11ltbark M1rkty Flynn'• •tn· cunchalone. lt would be Jumptnit may 9 irain have th" 11e.-icu or T T foe Huntington Beach h.-u to • conclualon to l&Y lhla l'ea.tOn 1 ap<'<'lllcu)u J.lorria Tart, th• Vfl· ar ourney ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;... ______________________ , haa not Men a •uccu1. 1 M t "'" f'rl n jt'Uard who m 1SJ1l'd two week• ("nar h Julu C•llf' today wn- ""''"nll) br,.11k -11w11v nm• have been conild4'rably •U<'<'eMful I <1t pntC'll!',. rer-tontly b«11u11e of 11.J\ nounred hi• Nrwport H11 rb<11 H tJi:h thlt ytar. 'Mia year ~fore we won 1 lnJured bar k And didn't f'Vtn make ~rhool 8111lnr quinlf't will tllkt on no gamu. Thi• year we won tlw'ee l thr BYU trip H1> 1lf'Clnltt'I)' 14•11n'1 lffll G11rilrn11 t lvf' at • p m TuH · and lo11t lhrtt " . ~PfRIT 1"P9UR.Cll: atart but lhrl'f' 11 ll C'henl't hf' may day In !he lural l1111A tnlllal llunt· · H:I' u ·t1on lh111 weektnd ini;:l on Btarh toumam f'nl 11ppe11r-Tha prHldent point~ out tht w 1111 .. N1ul111 L'Ct.A ·,. taltnled anCf' moil Important lhlnr; hu not • ~n the wlna and l<llMlt'I of Ul,.',,----------------------------------., ,-rid team. ''but the upl'\Jrjtf' In a tudt-nt body and team llJ>IMt It la the tH-.at It hu ever bffn. The rooUnr aecUon did a t~mflc Job VII• tall '' Pf'teraon uh1 aport.o at OCC Bue Hoopsters Bir 4th in low All 10 pl&yera employed bv Coach Stu Jnman·a Orallite f'oaet CoUec• Plrat,. qulnltt put po1nta on the M"Ortboard u th" B ur 11 , /'aced to lhf'lr fourth fltral,hl 1 tl'1umph here 1\1uday nlirht. 86· 44. P•c•nK the ()('C pnll1n1t wo P&ve Oldnlrk fmm D<twni-y with I 20 marktra. .I Blltnlrk po u r r d 12 pf\lnl • tllrou11ta lht h""P in lhr e••conJ •t•raa to ""'"II lhf' Mr1111m .. n 11 lead lr •0-20 at h111ft1me Th ot B11c1 wart ntvf'r h1>11d,.1I afltr the tlMlt lhr,..,. m inut,.• or pl11 y Centrr E.g V11n Hor n ,. ... •111hf'f1 In 19 polnll, mo11tly on rf'~1111d11 and lip -Ina undn I ht' bul"k"I Hunllnitton B n <"h·11 Jf'<l•ly Younir connl!('lfd for 18 1ll1tlU C-hAp· T td 8 1 II Of'nny Otber IOCOl't'U Wf'rt' B"b rnan 4, Don Mlnl'On \0 Coutu 2. Lefo l'oui.ihty 2. Wetul ti Bill Jnlnu 2 Fltspatrirk 4. l'o11•1tht lhr r .,..l,.. joum .. y lo I El Ca mlnn's homt C'Ourt for a 1 fray. Fr"m 0"' 14 -ti the 8 11C'll W11l .,. r nlt'rtd In l ht l nnuAl I Chaffty tournamtnl at Ontulo ·~~~nt~t:"!~~I bU· lletb&ll triun C'J'fnt'd 1\11 •f'llllOn by bMtlnr; lA Habra 72-l\2. Tht I et.artlnc Indian quintet found Kt nt Pembrnk• and Mu1h11ll Stenlon. for.'Arda. Hank A.ahti.ui:b, cent tr, ;::,.::t• i.onr &nd J errJ Cboe.U. I , • Basketball $800 with Goal and Net F.-~2 "\'011 • 4 95. --Footballs f'rom """"" 490 Helmets Little League Headquarters A Mitts -Balls -Bats GUNS Ammunition -Decoys Everythin9 for the Hunter BOB'S Sporting Goods 1807 NEWPORT AYE. V08TA MESA e Bonemeal Uld Pd SappUee • -------=-=-:...--=-==-----_---=_ ·- Clothes . ESPECIA'll Y FOR ~'HIM" AT CHRISTMAS SPORT SHIRTS A La rge Selection of t ht' La te11t Styles & Fa brica VALUES TO M .9:5 to 399 r:11ti&r1llnt 10 lilPnll 995 $12.95 up All Wool F11nn,.1~ Sweaters by ''Catalina'' Belgimere 100' • 995 lmported A ustnlian . · Wool, Long Slec?\'e -V NC'ck 1 Nylon Jackets M11chlnf ...-a11h11bl~. '"·H h.-1 l1gh1 tou t "'"rm Savy brim n • h111 coal. r~ whltf'. ,.,,. 14.95 to 16.95 It Costa u88 to Sho11 for \'Ot 'R ~Ian •I The Man 1831 Newport llvd., Costa Mesa WE tH\'F. ~~II ORt:t:s llTAMl'S Oar1" '1 Rmla,.t Arronnl "Ith Communlt~· ('rr1lll I l:in-'" ('ur~ lntr < har i:,. • Store ffoun~· a,. m. tt> 9 p. m. ~o"· 'TIJ Xma11 • I -· SUNSET LOOP. ADO~TS GRIDIRON SllTE; l\NAHEIM OHEHER HERE AW.. &NotcN Mod ......... Ills • ,....,. ..... , ~ "' tendenta of ~ 8\IUe\ LMcu• ...,.,..t. tbl two. Kununcton m9' ta OudeD Oro~ w~,. 8-cb and ~ ~a. k. d and altopted a loop footllU.l eobld-a..fa propMal. but Ule -.ate 1111U ule cd """ SU\ .. ~ 1161 t.o '·' ecalas\ the meuure. ac:oornod&t. ...,.. ~ t.. II&• Water polo bec:&me a le&f\le bra. "'°" '° be played ln th• ~d The !f.wport BMtlo9 llt11' quarter Of UMi 9Gbool year. Only School Bailor eleftl\ WUI open by flv. ot tha •l(ht otChoola In tM ho1t1nr cbampton Anaheim her• loop wUl ~rttc:lpale. The Sallor• wt1I .at •ter & teun bee.au. tM hlCh achool pool I• 110t dee' enouctl for the came. ln oth., bultn-. the athletic dtr.cton ¥Olt'd crou·cnuntry aa a aecond qua rter aport only, vot<'d not to \IH rubbt'r l>A•ketbal\8. and rult d there would be oo mnrl' re· aerve aeata In the laltll•'hti 1' for extra chargr. Oct. l\. Remainder ot the 'h.r --------------------------- achtdule tlndt Garden Grove there Oct. 12; ljU11ttacton Bach here Oct. 191 La Habra here Oct.. 28; Fullerton there Nov. I; Santa Ana here Nbv. t, and Orange there Nov. 18. Ralph Reed of Mewport Harbor pn:>poeed Ulat playera performing tbr vueity league teama autom•· tlcally be ellmfnated from play- BUSY DOES IT: SEE FIGHT, TAR CAGE GO, TOO Harbor sporu fans who nre tom between atltmhni: le•· night 'a Ntwport Harbui-High School v • r a 1 t y ba:<ketb~ll ~amt' with C11lifot'n1.1 ttnd seelng tht teltvised c:llam · p1onshlp fight between Hobo Olson and Su~ar Ray Robin· ~on can relax. Thry can do both . The Olaon-Roblnaon tic rap sta.rts ~bout 7 p. m. Coar h Jules Gage announced the varsity prep irame would get underway a t approximately S ·t~ p. m. The Junior varalty prep ca ge cluh teads otf at 7 p. m, In the high achoo! gym. G~e look• for a to\1gh tilt In thto va.ratty fO· Califor- nia's qumtet ttcenlly ddeal· ed la.at year'• C IF court rhampa, Alhambra. FIRST LOSS Kemper High Scorer,· Bit JVs Downed Although Tu Forward Jenoy Kempe1· aluhed away 16 polnta for game high acor11 honora. the Newj>Orl Harbor High School Jun· lor vanlly quintet dropped a nar· row 3'1·31 !ra:!J to TorTance JV on the rlv~l court 1'.leaday. It mark'd flnit 11elback of the aea· 110n for th• local tada. To rTance h1ld a lltmllar t.h.Ne- pol.nt margin at half1Jm1, H ·ll. CAL TO:O.'lOKT TonlJtht , lhe Sallor junlora tip off hue 1galn1l lhe Callfomla JV• at 1 p. m. F or " time, tt appearf'd Coa.ch J ult'a Caire 1 rager11 would rac k up th~•r fo urth 11tr111cht tr1umph or the 11«'1M>n Thev u.nltuhtd a 101 rlcl third quarter pa<'l'<I by Kem· J'lt'r·,. field f Olll and l lX .UCC'tNfUI frt,. throw1<. outehOollng the fM I~· I I to pull a point ahe&d, 26·2~ Hul. .a !JAllJ JH'nod ..ttrlt<fJft foan!T T••1 rHtl<'e <lunkinit 9 marktn to Ult T1111 6 d1JrllA ' TOO Fl:W GOA~ Th" rl\'ld r;oal• provf'd to be the ell! ftorrnce. Whllt' hit llnr; on 17 g1r• · •holll to • for the opp<>· I l!ltlun. lh" Junior Sallor11 l'OllfOftr•I nnlv 7 nour 11hot.a to 16 for 'Tor -1 1Ant ,. • I JV llC'ur 1ng K"mP"r lhrt" gfol1l11. 11l11r i;:1rt 'hnl;t l!l, U •J b I V•llll)ol13118 , t wo g(lWI•. tW(\ 11:1ft1. 6; J im B,.nto, ont' c oal, thrt'r S:lfl1t. t1· Sl"11 Srh<•n!'M one jtlfl 1 1 1;""" Hubbt nl. ont goal, t wo I i: ""'· 4 l---~-----'---- 1 Horn•h Rate 12tll F'ulltrton'a Horntt.A \li•ound up 12th an•J Mt. San Antfln1n wa• 11'111 in Ulr final All·Am f'ncan JC t. r Hhron ln<ltx. Udo Store &Jboa 1"1aad ~tor(• S4%8 Via Udo 21R Marlnt-A\'<". SEE MILLER CHEVROLET and , Check All These Aclclitional Advantac)9s Our Our Our Our Our Our Lower Prices Lower Payments Lower GMAC Interest Higher Trade-ins Better Service ~ - More Friendly Interest in You and Your S~tisf action A~er the Sale We will be looking for you soon MILLER CHEVROLET Ntwport ~h 1000 w. Coast ""'>'· l.llwrt y R-U6 I "The HMrt of AutomobRe low" His Wife Told Him to Pick out Something for Himself at BIDWELL'S • Lido Shop -3428 Via Lido Balboa lslend Shop -218 Marine Ave. Harbor 0648 and Harbor 2090 .. • JI I (}overnmenl Gxcepl PAGE. 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE$S FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 .. BRUSH COUNTRY ''God gront us t~tf serenity to eccept the thirigs we cannot change; the courege to chenge the t hings we can end the "W ;sdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) JOURNAL By EDITORIALS HORACE PARKER I We Cannot Excuse Oil Refineries in Smog Claim Printed on this page today is a letter from Felix Chappellet, vice-president and general manager of the Western Oil and Gas Association, protesting the Nov. 28 editorial published in these columns blaming the oil refineries as the principal source of bad smog. As might be expected of an assodation dedicated t o the interests of the oil firm!:! it serves, Mr. Chappellet gives us a wigging for printing ·•wrong" information on the ohe hand, issues a cordial invitation to study the oiJ industry's refinen es and other production or distribution units on the other. In his letter's third paragraph he claims the "re· action in the atmosphere which causes Los Angeles s mog does not involve sulphuric acid. It iavolves or- ganic material and oxidants. These produce ozone, which in turn enters into a subsequent reaction to produce smog." Well, Mr. Chappellet, although you assumed pos- sibly we went into our sulphuric acid fumes emission claim blindly, we did not. We still stand on that charge and amplify it by saying we understand the white, visible smoke pluml's rising from refineries· stacks in· clude sulphuric acid and or sulphuric dioxide. This emission 1s not the only contribution of refin· eries, gasoline storage t anks, gas tank trucks, filling stations and motor vehicles. We maintain the gaso- line manufsctured in the Southland refineries gives off several gases, acids and other air pollutants from the refining methods of the catalytic cracki.ng process. Any unsaturated.hydrocarbons which hang in the atmos· phere through the production. distribution or use of gasoline by t he very nature of their chemical forma· tlon neceJU1a rily become part of the fmog which covens the Los Angeles Basin in ita all-perva.sive brown blanket. These unsaturated hydrocarbonR are natural enemies of the respiratory tracts and lungs of those who brea the t hem and arc. in our opinion a prime cause of 1 eye irritation. • Jn Mr. Chappellet's fourth paragraph , he 8ays: "You are correct in yollr idenUfic&tion of the &utomobile as the principal &0urce of significant pollu· tant.a in Loe Ang~les County. But lhJ.e bu nothin1 to do with the u t.aJytic cracking proceu u you lmpJy. The harmful nature of automobUe exhaust where emog is concernl.'d is independent of the type of proceaa UNd in rt'fincrac-s to manufacture gasoline." Mr. ChappeUera last ~nt~nce or two we think i1 manifestly abltun:I. How can guollne burned in your and m y cars be "independent" o! thr type or procC88 used in re- fmerieti t o makr gaROhne ? Dependent without alterna- 1------t.t~ ~itt-Hl-thc l>~logy, we t>eneve. We 11:n not · burning coal nor using atomic j)OWer -it'1 gasoline our en~inc!I burn and they are only nbout 40 per cent effi cient at that. Which t~ why the cart and trucks itnd buses usinpi; gasoline are discharging the balance or the unburnt'tl ~asohne as unsaturated hydrocarbons and other air pollulant11 for the population under the smo~ blankN to bn'alhc. We ar<> cogniunt of the fact the oil induatry bu taken som<> st l.'ps to try and control the nox.lous fumes. poUutnnt~. <'<iors and olhc:-r non-breathablcs it.8 refined product r xudcs Crom plant to user. We know tJao a conalderable sum of money ha.s ~n allocated by the industry r('('(•nlly t o rri;rnrch the industry's connec- t ion with smog. A!'. statc-d in thr <'d 1lorla l to which Mr. Chappellet ta.kcs f'X ception. we arc of the opinion the pre-war (ThcrmAl 1 crarkin~ pro('css yielded nothing like air pollutant~ in its production to what the catalytic crnckinJ: proces!l 1s rloing. R<'IU!O n for the "cat" procesa' popularity ",th the otl refining industry is that it produces somcthing hl<f' twice the gasoline the Therm&l cracking pr<X'f'it.!'. did ~fore the war l\t moRt .-conomi- cal co11t «nmparcd with the amount manufactured. It mu11t ti<-ob\'iou!4 t o all that if refinerit's con- tinue to .bum 011 m \,be "cal " cracking process lhe , emiSA1on of i:<ulphur dioxide a.rid the other air pollutant.8 mcnt1onro <'arhrr will continue to mount m density, Fonnerly the Newport-Balbo& Nrws-Tlmu and the Newport-Balboa Pru~ En~red u Second-cia,.. Mattu a't the Poetof!lc:e tn N~rt &6Ch, C&lltornla undt.r Ule Ac:l di M&rcl'I 3, 1879. l'ubbbed "'"' MOIHla7, \\'4'dllffday and Friday by tJM Jlo~WPOltT HARBOR l''l 01lLl8HL'\G COMP.Un Ull B&lbo9 lll•d.., l\~\l'POBY BEACH, CALIF. Pirone Harbor 1111 Qaa1tned t.e ....... Letral N otice9 aod Ad•ertl-b of All IUIMh 117 Deerw of ... 8'1perlo~ Coan of Orance Co. ta AcUoa No. A-Inn llftDber Calllonal• ~~r PubltalleN ~ lbmbu XatlOll&I IWltortal AModaU.a lltabu of Of'Ml&e OCMmty Ne-Sentee BE."i REDDJCK. PUBUSHER \\'lLLIAM A. MOSES, Edltor ORMOND E. ROUNTREE, Advertllt~ Dlrector OILUU.l:S A. ARllSTRONG, Mech&.n.lcal 8apertnt.tDdent 8111SSCIU'.Fl'IOM u.mr Newport Hart.or :J\"p-..~ Tri-Weekly la °'91• C..t:J, ..... ~ 1.az: ........ --.; ··~ u..r-..... o.taWe of Oraace Coaaq ll.00 pe.r ,....,. giving the refinerle1 producing these noxJoua by· product.a a real problem to prevent them reaching nostril.a, lungs and eyes of the public. We concede some effort.t have been made to recapture the refineries' sulphur by-product.a which are a natural outgrowth of refining California crude oil which has a relatively high au.lphur content. But the <Jil refining process and the alleged "con· trol'' of air pollutants must not be aa satisfactory as desired or the irritating smog would not be ao pre,- v&lent. Mr. Chappellet mentions we should read and study what the experts who have dealt with smog in Los Angeles find as culprits causing the brown haze. We will cite the record to him. We are happy t o reprint the opinion of Dr. Louis C. McCabe, Loa Angeles' first smog chief, as he gave it in the Oct. 15, 1954 issue of the Los Angeles Daily News via telephonic inter- view from his post as head of the fuel and explosives division, Bureau of Mines, Wuhlngton, D. C. Said Dr. McCabe: "You have a hydrocarbon vapor problem out the~ (Lo1 Angeles). This le known by everyone connected with the problem." He named t he petrole.um indY&try u the worst offender -from producer to con.sumer, the gamut being the chief contributor to Los Angeles Basin's afr pollution. This wa.a bis conclusion eight years ago when he launched the metropolitan fight against smog. The article continued McCabe thought hydrocarbons are compounds containing hydrogen and carbon, their pritlcipal source being petroleum. When released to the air in gueous form they react wit h certain element.a in the atmosphere to produce eye irritation and crop damage. Now get this McCabe statement: "Refioeries, automobiles, service stations and pe· troleum etorage facilities are the chief producers of hydrocarbons in thia area-You know what your problem ia. What it take& now ui a lot of hard work to lick it." We would not . extend this editorial against Los Angeles amog to auch length were it not for the fact of Orange County'• and N ewport Harbor'• proximity -a relalionahip geographically which is teeing this county's a.ir polluted daily in ever-increasing, density. We atUl betleve the oil refineries are the ones reapon1ible in that they tum out the product, which burned in motor vehlcl~. provldea •ueh grea.t atmoe- pberic trouble. We are glad to hear from Mr. Chappe.11~ thla county bae no "cat" cracking process refineries. But autoa run from here lo Lott Angelea and back, using Lo1 Angele• County-cracked gas. The auto engine. burning gasoline are about aa ''independent" of the refinery process hereabouts as milk is independent o! Just A ~iddleman READERS WRITE (Ed. Not. -Tia.la eolumn by HoraM Park"' will d"•' "1th the Uttle>-lutcn'l'11 illl1tort<'al fat't• he hae dr.-dired up 111 hi• m-1 tripe IJlto the. bM!k eouatry 111 rfJC'f'Dt )'Hni.1 (On Good Friday in the mountain \•illages and ranch· eriu of New Mexico and Colorado ill enacted u ch year the world's most primitiv<' P&!lsion Play. It is the cruci· fixion procession of the "Peniteott's." With yucca or milk• weed fiber whips tht>y slash their bare shoulders and back• u ntil they becomf' a bloody meas. I •')'•"I. In 1h,.1r hand~ Wt'•e l<mvea Tho ntw mPmb~r eel«te-d to f'll· 111n •. I tn .. v ll<'i;rrn rtrTllng <'a c ll a ct the part . or Cristo I C"hri11l I lllhrr n nil 1·11rslng. Y.lcr1.sto 11lr p• 11trugitlt11 u n<ll'r th~ k illln.R bur-!'"I "l' 11n1t 111 11 low 11111101tt r h11nl• den 111 rt h1•1t\'\'. \\"(1.,tJc-11 1·1n N1 Al 1ng '''"' \\;Ill< .. I r1•:trl,••,.h· I n uu' ~.1J•••'l•·d ·\··1 1~11h•n1.t1 t;tt•un•t •·1•• h n1.1n tt1i+l( th• lt1i1r,.' fin1l I lle rm~-<,,. ..... ,., .... \\llh tll" lhl'tW II 111lt1 '"" ........ ,, I kllf'\V C11~l t) l1t.•d In st .. 'nt'0\~11)' •··" J•;k11Mt" wn~ ··uu ).:IHll h•>ttthn\'' t'J\1{'1(1x1un \\lh. p1u.,l1t1'•J t,ut \\1U1 th• 1 1 .tl~:q._.t,11 •~ hut l llt·V~t 11p\\' ht• 1s h11un ! "' '•Hd" lq \h•· ,,.,,1171 ,, hi" full 1•11\\• t c·110~"'· J h•At.hoe '' ~• l• t·unl nh1h If\ t >n•• •'t th'• M•'Xl1 1n fa rn1iH19 pnr.1 Y•'·'"~ h11 l H r •' un"••1111unn hod u n ••t>ilPJdu· datt.:htt•1 \\'h•'I\ 11,.W h •· 11 .-111 111t .. •till" "I lwi-ltllllt II ~ l'r irrr 111 l hl' 1'rll(•ll1x1•>11 in rl 1•e t••t1H,f\)" h, ... hl Ul l th• Hl!!IJhhl , ll 1\l"f"" 1~ 1·ut u1ln I hi' IJ111 k s ol Ult" "f'r11th<'r~ 11 f J111rknr "'' \\llh 1•1ther 11 I'll'<" t•f ):1.,,.,. tot' 1·lJ~•dlfl11 1'hl~ l"ert'm111i1!;}" I\:< 1111 rnd u• ••11 rn· to lh<> S•>ttthwelll tn 1:111!! h\• f"•n J ul\n de Onal!' 1111'.I t hr l''r a ncls· n tns •of ht~ part1· !;Et;J( ~II l'I IU.ll'IT \0 "( th •' > 11111 111111, II ~:lo f1S\fl Wt'I'• •ti 0111111 h• •I 111~11 ttlltl ho i•I lwr tlr11111µI 111.. l1•rill1l" 11\1uµi;le. lf1}\ :-• otlou~ \'t 1!4'1' ltt'r1n.-tt to •1U1111 l h" 11111 um" !011• 1(111 The 1'1·n1tt'nl•'" HP' '" M• xir1tn nr lntllan url1;111 11111 l":tlhnlu:" 'fh~y tlt'•~ 11 ~Ot'HJ UfHI 1 t'll).!1Ull~ December 2. J95t> 3 The conlrrbutton of org11nl•' peoplt• lhc-y ,.,.,.k 11., 1•111i111 11 ~ kn.I T he E tl1lo r m111erla l tu the a t mosph er<' frnm onl.v n~k l•• b" lrft 1111,nr Lunlon~· httt'I< n "w. I 1rnllxe t ht l ~ \\•'Ii"' fl• +ti C'~ 11( >:'Otl•t lh \nJ:t ~:h·rlFlr. .11d l.tk•• l hr' t 1111•· I 11tole n b or • t • .111·!\· '""' 11t l l\1• 11111• "'"r" \\"!' k .. t,. h rt1I II frl<At Jllr. ll1111rni.:11111 th" :..lt1 r~k ••1'p 1•r t'fllij:hl II~ 1111 I lhl'l'IJl"11'"•1 to ll'll niv f• ilte uni" •II l pt<t•1 (t1r lh,. ,anJ). l';\t111t-how Eh ri•I•• X• \\Iv(! lh" l""l>'""'' "1th ~11 ll11rrini:ton 1111.t l lu~ !olk10 "'"''•'I fci11n•1 11111. N~wport Harbor i-;,.wll--Pre• th .. OJX'r&lions of t hf' "" hulu•try A ~ 1,111' lllllllur bt:i t•·•I. "Th" >in · Newport B ea ch, C11hfo rn111 h11,. been AUbje<'l to rnntrol b11l h lgle tart that lhP 1•, nit<'lll•· ll1<1\h· Dear S ir: thlOlll(h !Ult·~ adoptt•'1 by \ll-(o l.m• l'l·httut'll lit'l'Jl ftrllh In il~ t"u1h· · • A 1 c A ,., 11 ti .l11•L ll<'I"''' vur lrttlc ratlr o1111 Your editorial on Monday. N o· n g" f':S uunly Ir ,.,, 11 on ing~ h ·•-< •11111"''~1.t ""' t• .:1 ot c: I D I d b I • ' ~dll«i lllt'lll lrlSl•h• tl:t> right • u l· vember 28lh. has be.·n l>rouithl to ontro 1slr cl an Y v" uuuiry l·en1ur1t•11 111t~IH Ii~ \0uh11l•!t>rl'<I I d ,, b •. A • J j \\llY \\lJ• thl' 1·rvMl!l).: lu lhr Mu f· m y 11t1enllon 1 lllll aure that In proi:;ra ma 11 opte.... Y '-"'" ni;<' t'S h radltne 01111•·11111 111 a 11111r whrn • . I ·• (l · "' ti I f»I 1(11111 h 1'1•111 II wua l ilt• 'J•llll t he tnlt>r ul of falrnets lhat you Klfll re nrra . .,,vapors on "''~"'' telth tn 1t11\lh1n1: 1, nl 11. prt•m-.. will Ii w m~ on b#helf of th" 1 from lhl' sturai:t' ut i:u:<v~ln<• trt •• I "111 1•' thi· ~··1 u,.n r ur whc11• ll ll o • • 111111• 1•uul.t lw 11u1 k.-•I urf Ute l 111rk,. 011 lndu~lry, lo correct th~ m1H .. large ta n ka h&8 bern lli\ lo " W rlh thu burki:r••11n11 1•lt.J1< 1111mr 1 1 ... • WllJI\' t h• tl Ulll/I W .. lll !\' .-11111• cur Ate conc lus1on 11 ll c:on tnrn1 minim um . A vnlu111111 v. r1oi:;ium fart 111HI fit 11 .. 11 1mx,..f '""''\hf>r l · h t I , , , ,. l.Jcr :.!. th" l11111lr• . was Jue 111111 I Your opin ion a bout th•· place fnr 1 t r n n rt• or napnr&tiun "'" "flll1 1111• th1•1 ··r .. 1 .... r '"" of ~he c11tttl)•trc tr "''krn" prm·e"~ l<J»!f'" !ronr t hl' lul\•ltni: ••f truth U t """ I '11111111 \ 1 . lhe ""' 1 11 1 "11 ''~1· "1 1u rr1<llni: (Ill '" . k t (' , • d k •t llw 'p11 11111 . wit 1 the Mextrrrn-rn 011 rt'flninv In the to tal amog t rllr 10 11 rt' onr i rr 11 lln n.nr ' • \\-.• 111111 d 111111 "f-'ll'r l~tv" llW T " t 1 I . s 1ont~ 1 bv • ' 111d1t11i: 1truu11tl 11. he tr &ckh<'u p1clure Is wronc. Catalytic ('rack· 1ni,; ~rm.nil .!I \\3~ I ,. I 111111• nHHl .. tn1 l.«d :'II· .\l<llfl ll•'t lhtll I I I l"h I 1111• point Ill" unit.a emll no m ore of !h" mt'n1ber11 ot our A~soruitton l I h .111.r 111• lrttlt· • •1lm '" 111 l h" '',"1 . 1" " · • ,. h " 11 8 d this t'lui ,. r I ,, 1 •· :'11•1ff•·L 1u111 11• r .. a 11i: ...,.r p11llutanta ~lgn1!lcanl in l hl' 1..1~ r11•m 111 g o "n ~ ' " r1t1ll uad ''" '"" t"'" 111111" wa" " 11r 1•· '"" h••t1 rn lth'lr Jllo.11'1·'1' l!I'· Anrel·• -~og ph•nom-n 1 h Ii n hy<hC1<·11rb<'ln em1~e111n IA v1rt1111lly hll'l:i•ri .,( •lt·J1.:hl '"' nw 1111 1 111.. , . 1 h 1 ~ _,, ~ ~" 1 f dun. l lr••••••lr .. n 111r111,. wuh·rr do any other combw1t1on procl'n ,..,11 .. , conlro Orw " our fllf'm· h111r .'11~•·11 ~1··~11 '"' lwl• 111 1111 lo • All ,·atalyttc c:rar k mg unit.a In hi"~ I ornp11n1cs t!I 'oop,.r11 Uni.: with' on t .,;. ·,.,, ,:, '"' J .,.,,rt ,\ • l lr.ok I ~'.'.'· ~ ~.,,.,., 111i.:t ht•lr \11 1-~111kp N 11111· th I 11 A ll" I • A1r P 1>lhrtlon • "'I • "H!I n l '" •h' ~ towrr otl ret1nertu In lh111 ar.-a a r e " ""' "0 '" ,bn•k ""''' ,,..,,, ..... 1•·111 • """with ••m11• :,111) 1c>:u •lJ1 l'llJOt O bll\'101111 rll:'ldly controlled whert' air pol· I Control Dll'lrtrt 111 .'II'" •l'.·:tlc•1:· El•"~'" •·•~11<111,.; '' •ll11pl" '"•·111 c1f I tr. llw •lt•n~•' lll r. Mr.rfr l 11l111 t· lu Ut>n 11 conc,.mt d. Thtr~ 11re no 1 mt nl or pn i<"tlra l tee hritqur f< r ,.,,,,,. Jo•" ' ,. ri q .. i.-~ "" t hr b·•l· o•ol 11)• llh' u u~,1ni; wllh t h e but:k· t"l\{1\lyl11: ere.ck.Ing plant1 in Or· thf' rontrol '1' other lruu'"" from trr ... 1 wu•ul >l"I'• I In._ .. •I "itlr 11111: ·"r , 011 11°1•• tru1 k• II t<lt1lll"J. ance Co11n1 y I I.hf' rtl&l.rlbu. lion ttf jt8!itolin.. I \\ hit•· l••fl Jll11• I '"'I ~ h11nd1l.-I Tl l I II ' "") • Thi t1o " not m,.nn th111 tht.'"" . I II' tru i11Jr11 ur"M Y" <'• ' "'Cl I•· 2. The reac tion In lhe nlmo•· 9 ~ • 11 1 ,•rrl•t' "1 ,.;uilt A l 1 '·'1 1'1"" 1 111 1.1n. 11 .. rnn bl•h1nd the our , lou'a 11hould l!:'•) 11n•••nl10 '" h•ll wit• 1,1,.,11 , ;i ,,..,.,~ "' ,.i:•• 11111 \\'Ith • phtr• which <'auu a U:>a Allgtlea . Wlll 8 ·r•A th•l th,. uril v 11,111 , 111111 11t1Hlt•d pus hing. )';.11111hr r 2 I I u I )flU ~ c~ trll' ~l •"<l•·a11 kid .. .,, Rlt .. 111 n•\ ~mog Goea nut u vo v• au ur <' M>luuon to thl' entire p rtlhll'Ol 1,. .. • , , • . lJl••w lwr \\ hl•ll" a n1I '1111 coul1I acid. l l tnvolvu 11r&•nlc: ma terlal 11, iontrollln& ,111 aoirrr•·• of •iiini· I "Ar;1 ., """ .~'1 "'0111,~1 ~:~.~ for F.I llC'nr 111" ~• l"ltrn "' brnkea 1u the and ox lt1anlJI T h e 1 e pr0<1url' , cr l 1 lv 1 1111 n tr m 1 ~ ;111 watt "Pt>llttJ E krll'lo wlll'I a oz.on.. which In tu n 1 entera Into flc:-~iny w•l~ut .. ntll t 11 your 1 Jen \\ """ t h" '"''111111 1"1 f>IJ t'd·ur .. up••• hun11111 f'ftor I µu .. h11<1 th ri • au"~uent react.Ion to pro<lucr ou '" c.orrct 1 ' • an.i t h<' l rt•bllJl<lur<>• 1 tl.u 1"'f•••I r •ltown 111 .. hl0 h I nd bcd to ~.. tUlentlon or the automo bile u down n<I h d 11 int 11 t I ' ' " 0 amor . Thue reacUona b&vt b<'~n ll ru• ~ 0 • "1'"' aufr tv Uot lh.-bnok rd tr•ln hurl· ntf'nalvely report~ ln both tech· lh~r:i:~":'~ ~~t'::n °~1:!~~~1~~nt we-.J CH l'1" l<:lrro"1" 11" w 11 o I 11 I0tl t-_;'k• 11•t11 lnlt• the )'11u<1 • 11 n •1 nlral and popular llte,..tu re. N o IX' 1 y •mllr tn hlA 111"1 11111 .. w1tv 11"'1 "'"''Jo: th .. •l,..·p bank o f the 1o•d· Cillt""· and p•rlieol&rly no editor I But th1• h•~ nolhlntt l n . tin with pu\ hlll twn M'ttrrr•I htn•I• nw•r I·• I need rvrr I>,. v.'ithoul •ufflclenl j th ll' liolAlyUc-rt11rktn~ pr•l(f'"" 11• \wt> "' "'" 1<hnuhl"1" "' 1 "' "I I ( ti thl b) l A you lnoply Th<t harmful uA\Ul"•l t<>ttf' l., 11,, d rl . llll<'"''I ,.,,.n1 Ot:ATllOYllF.KO n o rma on on • llU t c . t to bll h I \\ h re Ill' Wll.\ •IO•l•I whrn t h"Y rf'IH h· lt'lt>phon" C'all to I.he Loe An1;rf,,,1 I o a u mo ,. "ll """ •· in I h" ,.,., t111n l\ou•,. °'"" I k l' •WI ., A ir rollutlon Con trol Ol•t.rlCt ~mot IA r•mcrrnt•I l& ln<lrpt•n«ilrnl ht' \\l\JI llr•··I 11 ,.111y ltn\r II to lh" •I llirn t'p1r1<1J -t>li g h•\l hi' l11\' Information De artmenl (MA di· "' lht• l )'P" or ~IHll ""-" ""''" Ill r'" \ 11! PSh tll t ·"" hill 111 .. mror•· 11n. ht• f "" I'll, •htrt flJ'J'f'•I Ufl .. ~711 w1ll pb 1 1• 111fl n .. r1~• lo m •r11t11uttr1•• t;llM1 IW•· ,,1,. wuul 1 1, 11 ,,.,,. lliui:h 1th• ""' k nnd ht~ 11hnc~ l"rn off son"~ I r nit you amp. Jin• l lh t h 1 t ... c1n h,. t~ .. 11ull'lri t1 h•1l flllrt•I• lltara.t th bJ l ' ' '•mi; .. r • • ~,., m " .,,. urt on • •u N:, We c-i>•t.U~ ..unite. and "ll· coi ~,.11· 1,,,1<rr1nr 111111~ 1111.h .. n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ roura 1• your lnt•rP~ 1n lhe q u,.• J ~' •nKh nll .~ 11, hll 1 firlt .,,1~ifi~~1•1'•ll'r~ lh,. ~1 1r ~ • ~ lion of llck1n1r snl<•~· \\'1• f1rmh I"" Kl r .. n1r llt•• ht I IC' "l'I'' r 1 ...... r ,,,, h1• t,nr k •1••1•• ,, ,. "I' ~llrv• th•t lh• 11lt1mn.l~ 11oh11 .. ~n 111 .. k Hl r:r ... 1 ... '"' n"-'" l\\ ,''"';' 1 ••.• , ... , 1tll ll nj,l•\ ... 1 Anl & COWr I ........... 1"D. llllll. ilJMl '. tmlml c...-... -.... i.-.. _. ..... ..,...,.._.,..,, .......... ~ ........ ._ Le-........ ....... .... ......_.,,_ ..... .. .... _ ..... .,.... .. .... ........ ~ .. -w.. .... ............... 0. .. -.. ........... __ 2 ·--~~ ........ _ .. ...., ...... -"'"' .,, . .... ,._ ..... ..,. ...... _ ...... l-,_i...._ .... .. _ ................. _____________ * ___________ _ Ill 1 :1 ... i.........._ ... ._.,, ,.... .. ....... "' ""Y ..___ ............ _.,, ... 0.-.-... --.... ........ _ ..... _ -"- 1 11 11n••~•1111a1•1••1•11•11•-••••• tr ••••••c••"' .,,., ........... , •• "••••11•u1t1.-c •1 •11•1"11111•11.rr a "==-:.= 6 ...................... _ ........... ..... ...... ..._.... .... , ..... .. eps lee,_. ............ .. .0. .... .,,., ......... -°"""' .. .... ,.... -..... .. ... _ .................... .. -.. -•. -.-.Aw ... ~.__ ..... ..., ...................... _ ............ -~ .. ........, ...... ....,_ ........ ~ .. ..., ....... ·-...... ...._ ..-i-.._.., -.......... .; ..... .....,.,._.. ............. ,,_.,i. ... -..... _ ... _,,, ... ..._ ... ,..._ .............. p .. ..... tunW!lll1MI ACCllll • (Ill •••••~••n•1•11 .... 1•••11•n•••••••,...• .. a ... •11•1•u•••••u•1•1•1•n•n•r•n•1ar .. r .. 1 -tf ............ " .... c~r•u•c•c,,.. ... •1.,..a•1"11 ... •aa1R112" .. C••~••1•a•~' 7 ... INI.,_, ......... _ .... ...... ........... _.. ... ... _...__.,......_ .... ..... ., ...... ..., ,....,. ........ -............ _, ....... ~,. ............ ......__. ~ .. ...,c-., .... ""'-' ............ _....,.. .. ......... .,, ... _ .... . 8 .. ............... -.. .. ~.-..-.. .... .... ~_ ...... .,,.,....__. _....__ ......... ,., .................... 11•11•1•11••••••11191 .. 1 ..................... ~ ..... "(:( ....................................... . 9 ""'·-............ ~ ........ .,,_..... ............. _ .__ ..... , .. -................. " .. ,..... 10 ...... ". SWISAa•'""1 n.,.... ............ .. ... ~ ............. '-"" .....__.,..........., ... ,...,,_, _ __. .. .... ...... .... ul;, .... .. ...,..., Bll.L OF RIGHTS -The above illustration commemon.te8 thia nation '11 Bill of • Rights beinJ obaened ~·'reek from Dec. 9 to 1~ throqhout the country. lo th" •mog p robh·m 1$ •lrJ1r11tl· -. " '"'" 1111 , 1 .,11111 ,.11 .ii 11, 'rr I ' f .. I ,,,.,,. 111,. f"l<kr ,,..,, ~nl upon unJ~r•ta.nd'n~ "' nn•t •• • h 1.t ,, 1•t\11n11.:iHt•h 1.r • t u h• •' h h·~1 .t .. (tnn Uy"" lnforrn,..J p11lih1 <lul1 1•1 I J••••fl •"I l•1• l'''' \f,, l '"'·llrh•r lh• 1'~tluu1 h••11ol• I\ ff'-"J'M'Jnl•bl~ p rfl'8 f'Arl HHtU.itlt" Hitl\ r'l\•,ttlt<t \\ H l'tht•' J'nn 1 1t,, 11 th•llil'l,.l\••4 °"" l Ji fl y ly tn!otn1 thr r11hl11 ''" ,~ .. """ lt ... .t ... 1:11nol·· .... .,, ·'' "" •• , ... """ lht>lf ••1:· Hut. I!• An 1'111tur, ) nu hl\Vr " 111• • '"' l-:11i,tl ·h r'' ,, I tu "h '11j11,r itr•• • 1 ·11 ( '11.10 •I•· I" 1111•'11· fft-AJlOn•thtlHy to tht(k twf1111 ·\'1u1 h.-~urt~ t.t1 u1 •fl f"ttt t ilt .\..t I• ti • t11il'l••f1 •l ''' IH\• l\CCU-""; lo lnfonn hut 11Pl l•i n''" ·'•' I••"" '• '' t•• 1: ... ~·'"' tt • =""'" I hrl"\"' ttu•l fi'I• ri•tn Aft. I tn fl'\rJTI Uoi.il ~ft 1 1 t, • ._. ,, ~ t k 11•v. ''' ~.-.~ " .. , r.~to n r \\•p ~'arnf'•tl~v rntrrnt ~·oHr t•• l h1'\\q 1u 1llf1tu11 1 1111\""' ,,, C'1,r t \\hn •11 1 "UtVl\t•+t tlt('I •u· ll''l)tn a Cllll tlmf' r>•J:"illH Ill• tlf!I lh•· t• I lll ii ' 11' I " '' "' ll f••nll<'n\I' •• mrmll('r O( your .. !1tnr1-1 •tAff In TuUh Ill ... I """ • ' II •' ""' 1r 11l I 'ht l•l lll n I 1111 "' t t th bl t • I i I '' ,,. ~l• "'' •1 An1I hk f' I\ ~ .:;,; 1 ~~~ ah~u~;1~:v:r~· 1:~n~'., I 1 ~',:::. t ,.',',: / ,\' :.: n,' .~ 11: 1 1''1 ','',: 1 Iott l I• I I 11\• .. 11 .an J <11,.•I r#port tr che(k ,.v..,ry •lAl,.m,.nl t , ,., 1ol I.,, fl,, h ,. 1,. , 1 hrt ,i 1111•· -·JH ••• nta l1 ... , nt h1• .. tnuqc•1 (. that Wiil! given Y"U hy whet,..•···r .,1 I ,.. ,,, , , • • 111 , 1 t 1 r " I 1 '' '"I' j •Oltr<'" you con.11ultM bt forl' w rll·1 t1ll•" Mm• 11f1,71 tlrlfl '"' ,,,,,.• '''" "1 11 nt ''' 1h" l••w ~unh· 1 1ng your t d ltorllll. Then your r l'· 1 ",., 11"' •II\ 11 .,. , r 11 I• ti t r t ,, Jin ' '" t1 1111''"" "h 'h I "1"''""' porter 11tinuld iro lo lhe rt• oi.;n1z. ... 1 on " • n ,. 1 .. 11 Hn 11"• • •• 1 •r I If" ' h • t "·" " " 1•'1"" 11 n·I •rl,.n llflr expert. on lht~ 11ub)t'd 1•111•, "'' rk \\·,. 1tt•J,. '"11 •, 1 '1 1 t ·" "' An•I "" lllr" Rntl tn t he conl tt'I r111thnr111ra In , 111' J n• ". r.-H i •' " '" 11'1 111: l.u•. 1•1 '"' l 1ltn• '" lh• 1tr"'' f.118 AJJll'll'll l 'nunt y ""'"' h I\ v 1 ho• 1 .... 1 • 1 I I 1 • ,,.,. · "1" '"'' '"' "'4 t>IJChl )'"•n• e11pent'I1C't' on v.l'lirh 1 ,,.,.,,.,,,,.,. r """ I iol ••\ 1, .. 1, "• ' ". 1 11>· r .r1ol I """l•I th~)' Cll.n ''rf,W In a nll'\\0 l'lln1l thr tl t • In ttt••lh• I ,Jl•·r If,. \• i'I br· otlo•·r t"·l8V' qut•tlon yo11 h A\'P rn1~r•l , I'' .a" I ti.i t I• r , "', " II\ Pf'\ \\ fTll Kfll"' A'll for 111 .. oil 1n1111~111 w ~ 11t-1 , .ti • , , 1 r; 1 •I•· 11.. 1.-.. I .1t\'lr111 " v.·1 11 .:'vr yuur r•pt'lrt•·r ,.,~.1rV 10 'l·f· •t' t '._!)f...t'f u r~ 'hr hd 1r•n 1 1\HI~ 1H1\.U\'t 'h..-c1-.v• "P~r11t111n tn ht• 111v11•lll:Altnn11 r• ' '" ''t 11 fh• II• i. 11" "'"' n 'r 1 rrr • ,,,. '•' lh~ •t 1r•I V \\'.,\Anllar-ranac t~r tumtu1n1f"r•,< n1J1A"' ,,,,w 1nr1 f,,. · " •i".,' 1• ,,1 \•", .::1 .... Vt'W the •enl11r m11nutnrl11rln1t 1 "'""'. !11" •.i 1 I \tr"'' 111~1 t~l· .. ~. otf1<'1aJ,. of 11 ny c•f nur n1 .. noh••1 T \Kt'.' """•:" \\\\\ !·· • • t·q•1 \ u1th l t•r lt·•1rv c:omp:tni•11. lo ''l•fT lln\• rflflnrrv I n, .. ~"" j t\ I ,, ·~ 1•111.,tn~ ",,,, I; .:.i ... ~ 'h•·•· ...... , "' IMLhl 1 .... urtrllll'•I bv nur 11tfll1h•rq ... ,,, 11 .. lwn ""' 1•1' ii •• I\ ... 11 1hr1 ·· I ti •""''\' f'"''"' ••. ,,. 10· rul01f'-!lt, '" 1nt~'"'"''" th.-n1m v.h•• " .• ," t ""' (\.\.•• n• th• \11 'I ... t , " .,,, f f. I t h 1i q(f; f tH· llutl•I •nit op~nlt•• r~f1nf"'ru••, un•t , •n r-r ft h1tr1•I" hu1 1 "01 'f ',.,. t t~ • l I h 1 •1 t11 • 1 rto• urtlt• rn~ pP rt1·11hu lv cn111ly l1r • r11d111'1t .. r· 11 ••. 1 .... ,. • ' 11, .. ,. "'•I ' ·I , ' 1 ! • ~" pla n111. ltntl rt nAllv. t•• tnt rrv1•" th" , ... ;m,.rv .-xp~rl~ 111 an p•0ll11· lion r ontrnl Uur 1Ct1•11I rtr 11 11 1 "'I r<•ll\lllon r"nlrol I~ An 111wn 1;., .. k .... l..) to whlrh you h11vr full ii•'•·•• \\'e look rorwar<I to 11 .-all rrnm you r reporter. · Cor<11,.11 v .-.. u. l°htlftf"'ll• I, \'t•'<' P r...,.,hli-nt 11nr1 !;rnrr~I MllnB~"r w .. 11lrrn IJll Rnd I ______ u_·"_"_A ~-o~ lln_n __ -- ..,~ .-• I , ~ ~ --, .... ISOLATt:O A:\O LO:\ t·:I.\' (,l(A \'t :.'i -Bunni ffpotft s1wh !IR thill a rti11t"11 ri·nd1t10'' a rr• fuuhd in ba.clc cr>un t ry ,,f :"Vew ~tn:11 r) nnd •Cnl<1ra~p. finnl re-11lmg plncefl nf "Brr1thrr~ .. f J iarknrl$R .. who diN:I during r1gnrous r ru«1 r urnm 'er•·m<m y of the Pcnitentes. -Imaginative (Jrawing hy Pat Parker. daughter of writer '// , PLANNING HOLIOA Y DECOR IN COM These chairmen met Wednesday to discuss details of the Christmas hospitality plans f or Corpna del Mar. From lett. E. R. Murphy. musk; Marjorie Bragg. drcorations and Velma O'Brien, co-chairman; Karen l\l argreta Bruning. general chairman : Dorothy J o Swanson. entertainment ; Frank Jordan. Christm.as trees.-Staff Photo LUillT A~O \'AJCIAUl.t: -The Ocean Racin~ t lass round the extrc·mcly light airR not at all ~o thc•ar hkan~. but managed t o Hail twu races out of the M:hcduled three an Nt•wport Hur bor l'alhl Club's annual Fall t;11ld Cup series. Joe Grant 10 Sweep lK-JH No. 12 at lt•ft l. of NH YC wai, 11\l'r:itl wtnncr in this di\'ision.-lk ck- ner Phnto m 328 AMERICAN A YE. ...,,,._,(...._ ' -.. ·I/ I •I __. ...... - ,/ I • · J 1f!lllR. .-~VII .} ~f.'""1 _. - . •'t~ I ~ . ·3-Car Pileup In FOCJ Hurts Newport Man . P o1111lble rnajor Injuries were 1Uf· rered by a Nt>wport l:lear h man and lt'uer in Jut h'JI by l wo other ptrson.11 IUI .. re1ult ot a heavy fog \\'f!(lnesday night, Calttornla H ighway Patn>I reported. T rf'utt'<I at S11nta An11 Commun· lty Hoiopital W•'rf' Stanle)' G. H e· wll l. 38. of 114 \'la Q111lo. major lnjurlf'.11; Beverly llewtll. 38. aame ll<l•lreit.11, ant1 \\'llltam T. Dlanken ahlp. :.?1, or 13872 C'herT)' St . Wut minslt'r, bolt. wilh IMser Injuries 1 Thev wen! hurt 1n a three-car I pttr up· 1n thf' foJ: 1110 feet 11 ... uth ot Marlison A \'C. on Highway 39 I A car drt\'en hy Glenn L . Up d\'kt' J :.? of Bu I boa ~fol el. w11~ ~11lhho11n.i on Highway J!l and rep•Jrtl'llly "l<•Wf'll for a p11tr h or I roi: H l11 rar wn~ hil in the l'l'Rr by I Bhnken ... hlfl'P. 11r•1•or,11ng I 11 the fllll111! T lten llt>wllt's ma<'l11nr al- 1 .. e r1lly ramnwcl intn lhf' Blsnkf'n· .. 111p mar hrne whi1·h h9d "pun· into I " tu 0111l1111lr po111t ton. All involved \'1•l11rl .. s "'"' !' so11t hlxrnn<I Refus•s Fine, Gets Two Days in Jail I Rer11~lng In pnv 11 S 10 fine M 111 v Ellen c ·no1wr. 311. of t 7G9 T11,.Un Avt!. r 11111n Mt>1<8, TurMay ''"" nrde1·pl1 In j111l frw two days <•n 11 m1nnr lr8((1r v1ol111tr>n ~11nt1t Anll · Or ,on~r M11nlrlp1tl ("n11rt Jt11ll!l' Hnw&rd Camfron ~"V" lhe trlppbnnr <'<'mpany work· i>r h••r chn1ce of R SIO ftne or ,,,.,. da\·11 111 JRll !'he h:HI plea<led 1:11llfy 1•n 11 "h111·1:" or falling to •'"lllfllt•\PI\· h11Jt at 11 B1slulp- Rroadw1w Blvtl. SIOJ>. DEATH NOTICE RAR'•' ('IU)('Kt:R I P11ne1.tl l'l'l'VI<'<·~ rr1r t hc> inrant 1lft.111:htt•r "' Mr lllHI M rs J IUtl('I! 1 C'1111 krt 21111 1'"11111na Ave . Co- "tu t.le'<•. Wo•r" h1•ltl ot 10 " m I hlft m 111 mn1: 11 t 11 ·11 h<•r Rt':sl Mr 111rn111I Park Th" h•bv t11,.r1 ~hort -1 Iv 11ft"r b111h Ill li1111,:: H o•pital. H"•i>I••• h•·I p:11 t·nt~ "he •• llllr I VI\'"'' by unr Hllllt'r. P11lnc11 1 Mnr1t· h•·r pc1lrinrtl 1:rnn<1par<'nll!. M • "'"I Mis l-'1ank \\' CN)('ker. n ulbua 11ncl mnt1•111nl graotlp1tr· "Ill• Mi. k n.t M111 <: L Kllllt· I I "' t 'n-"ln ~le110 llt1llz M111111ury l'11~t" M1•11a f"hllfll'I. w1111 In r hurge u( UI I lUl.:•·•nPnl~ lni.un111c· .. Brokf'f'll ~~; fta),.ltl~ Urh,. llarhur ~'l'l'\ :'\"" 1><•rl lk·1M·h. Calif. PU ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS - . I Roy. Carver PONTIAC NEWPORT BEACH * A NEW~~ ~. 1956 POllTIAC Only ••••• • •1988 * HIGHEST TRADE-IMS EVER * You Save The Most at Roy Carver Pontiac a.ca ... : I. No Overhead O~n Lot SelHn1t Save• you Hundreds of Dollars wblW our bullcllnit IA beln1t comtrut'fed. 2. Our deflnitr Policy of not beiln.: Undf'l"M>ld Assure. you of the BE.ST DEAL * No ·one Yes, No One Can Equal A 'Roy Carver Deal on the 1956 Pontiac * Roy Carver PONTIAC - 1400 W. Coast Hwy. Newport leach Uberty 8-3466 -~t th• "ln·the-w&ya" out or th~ way, the wa nt ad way, c&ll Har. 1616 NEWPORT HAR'BOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l %8-SltoaUou Wuted FRIDAY,_ OECE~BER 9, 1955 DELI YI RY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Pnu la guaranteed. Carrier boya. will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond,y, Wednesday aM Frtday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and !·our carrier will bring your paper. . Classified • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PB~ Every· Monday, w.-.sclay and ~ COASTAL SHOPPEJ.' -Wednesdays bou..a !bopper Adll nut la ..... WedaMday Ne-·P,_. 4 LlDea 1 hatertloa $1.00 add'L Unee .25 ea. 4 LlDM 2 IJuertioD8 1..50 add'L liDf!e .25 e&. 4 Uaee 3 luertlou 2.00 · add'L Unea .25 ea. 4 LlDee 4 lmertlo'b8 2.50 add'l. II.nee .25 ea. 8ltuadoa W-ted Ada will receive U % dlllCOunt. Caah In ad\iance oaJy. MINIMUM AD 18 ' U NES AU CIM&ltled Ads maat be paid for Caah la ad\•ance of pubUcat:Joa. Tb• publ.Llhera will not be reapona1ble ror more than one incorrect m.ertion.of an ad, ruerve the right to correctly claaalty any and all &da and lo reject any &d not conforming to rule.a and reeulaUona. DEADLINES for placing or cancelling ada are : For Monday PubUcaUon -Friday ~ p.m. For Wednuday Publicatlona -Tueaday l p .m For Friday Publle&Uon -Thursday 1 p.m. NEWPORT 11.A.&BOR Pl'BLISHL~G 00. nu llMboa Bh·d., N-pon Beacll, California. Sped&I Notieel y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 K eet.I every Thureday I p.m. Vla Oporto -Central Ave. Newport Beacb Albert H. Matthews, l:xalted Ruler CEMENT 4 BUILDING A.I I Kinda FREE ESTW.ATES Liberty 8-6109 12--Bulldlng 8e1vloes Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRAl."l'UR • 178 W. 18th St., Coal& Mes& Liberty 8-11628 ~~~~--~~~- Visit Our Alt~ration Dept. WE COVER BUTTONS. make bul· ton holes and do AltuaUona - PLUS Dreaa M&ktng. ALSO' ABk about our '.'LEARN TO SEW" Sewing Course Sewing Machin·· Mtn Since 1914 STRAW BROS. Roy's Maintenance a-cleaatJIC-1'\oor WU1n& W&U WUhlJl1-w1ndow cleantn1 Venets&D bllnde. Upllol.t•"J luund. "'-ll9t.l.mat .. Ube~ 1-UU. . Ulo WILL addreaa your Chrlalmaa carda. NI<'• h.andwrtUnr. Alao baby altttn1. Call Har. 3"9-W. 4tc•ll OEN. HoUMOleantn1. ll younr women workln1 u t..m. 11.r.o pu hi'. H-. OIOS. Aner ala. U pU IRONING. I wt.II do your troniJIC In my home. Excell. work. Call LI 8-73M. 40p41 B ABY altter, mature woman. By bovr. day or -k. Qood refer• enc.. Hu. 01'6-J. 42c44 Experienc' d prdener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30lfo EXPERIENCED It REl.IAHLF. - woman w lKhte b1tby :ottlnl( cll\yit or evening11. Oood rl'ftn-nrts. LI s.:noo 42cH ---------- RELIABLE JAPANFSE - A MER I C A N WAN T S GARDENING IN HAR: BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYA'IT 4-5471 38p&O I W iii On YOUR IRONING ln my hnnw B1 Ing han1te1'8 Will pick 11p A dfollver LI 11-26113 pr %9-fff'lp Wan~~----­ Rea l E state Salesman WHY S IT UK•-: A F H()G on a 101 ! \Ve arl' snowt<I 11n•lf'r with proa· f)4'('lll SC'•' uur utrrt·I' and rea d our rom1111"'"'" 1ontr••·t You'll be glad you did. ThPrr la no- thing-ltko ullr Ortt'r \n)'Wh«!tt' . , po1<il1Vl'I)• I nl .-1·v1rw11 •lrlctly conflden11111 \\ f' 11rl' a m.-m~r or M11lt1plC' L IAllOJ! Seven Islands Reelty & Investment Co. CARPENTER Repair Work 1609 N. Main Kl 2-67M. Santa An& 603 32nd Sl , Ntwporl Bea.C'h, C&Jlt. •Oc42 Har. 611e8, alt tr 6 pm Har 22tS·J Delee Your Home Need ~palrlnl or Remodelill& T Call Fn.n.lt. Llbert7 .... ~ All Work Guaranteed 74Ue CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO aKALL a o. A.1U1- 1ou m. Balboa Bl•d~ Balboa Barbor 24~ 83tfc Custom CABINET WORK Done on premfiw• No job too .-mall. -------------Ht.to Elec. Tool Repair SkU Bawa. Drllla, 8ander11 QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 46e No. Newport Blvd~ Npt. Bcb. U'berty 8-8383. pr COMPLETE PAINTING Ii: Paper Ban&1ne Service IC1JOEN1D 0 . 8AUND .... 600 lllat Street, Newport Beach Barbor 2978 or Har. 4448. tic 14-Peno&&ltl STANDARD STATIONS H ... optnlnr for 8t.allon Saleemf'n Aleo 11 ·&6 Orw.nce County 5-Day -40-Hour W~k Hla'b 8ta.rt.lril' pay Du!ellent Benefit.. Oood opportunity t or Ad•R11cement Phona Kl 3-3348 33c4!1h ------------- Appl," STANDARD STATIONS DahU& and Cout Hl(hway Corona dtl .M.r Chapman and Spad,.. Painting, Paperhanging 'The Fineel Money Can Buy" ~rz~es~~ N~~~~ AJcobolica Anooymoua Wrtte I". 0 . Boa Ill Newport 8e&cb, Calif. Pboao HarbM •TM ... Fullerton 8:30 tO 9.30 1 m. M<111de,y • ThunM1ay1 . _P_h"' .... H_a_r_ .... 2_4_04_o_r_1_6e_7 ·_R. __ i_o_tt_c'"' ~l!::~..U!L:''Jda __ M.EN-WOMEN General Contractor · Superfluous Hair LJCENSED PermanmUy ,.muved from f&ce GROCERY ,.,.,.hi""' and ME.A'!' w rapptra. '80 -1100 WHlt. 308 Spul'fte<>n. Sant& Ana.. Ph. KJ 3..c!JOO Sf'' Ad Clua 24. -New Work -Remodeling a rm., leca. Eyebrow• an<l hal.r J. MILTON McKENZIE Un~~~~oR~~TtwR.~C· 32c.a Harbor 6399-W 58tfc Lldo'a Salon of Beauty Kar. ~7t ARE YOU TIRED OF Jennen Plumbing RepaJr work. a specialty Water heatera on time paymt'ntl 2819 Newport Blvd., Nrwport Bch. Har.~~-Ru. Har. 4387 -J 2ic41 Rd. 011 Spre&enng-Or1vewaya PARKING LOTS Sub-dlvulona our 1pec1&.11y. We tumlah any type 011 to yuur ·~ ctt lcaUon. Large Jo~ -am&ll Job a. Free eaUmetu. AlllO w a · ter 1preading. Modem equip- ment. l..EJl.in(ton 8-4008. Cll· more A Page, HunUniton Bch. 6Uc Painting Contractor Urrniu~<I -JnAUtt"l1 "Complete Painting Service at reuonable prices" JAKES, Hubor J239M AS PHALT TILE LINOLEUM 36p'8 l lnat.&11 the above chea~r Ulan moet. A IM> aeU Tlle la U noleum. Non-union, 26 year• e~rience. Compare and -- BILL COKl:R Har. 479~ or Lone Beach 7-6973. 8Nc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucenlled LI 8-3321 280 A •ocado, Coeta Mee& Bette FOR RENT 8Jtill 8&w1, Elec. OrlU., Pollaben, &1J typea of Bander11, W hMlb&r- rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2e30 W. COAST HJOBWAT UMrty WO~. N.wport Bch :lltfc Painting Ii: Paperha.qing We do the work ou.nelvea. 30 ye&r1 experience Uceneed • llmlred. SaUtfa cUon cuarantffd. Eft.lm&lee f re.e. eau J oluullt. Ll 8-2687 Ir LI ~-8ltlc: Ue 22-Lo!lt and Found LOST UOXER. male fawn rolnr ·--.. -1-~IC:HTINO THAF ... IC t'ROSS · TOWN ' r. llOl'TINE INSIUE WORK ' .., Jll'Wlld 1f rl'turnt<I to J L l,,OSS 0 1" l'AY t'OR VACA- l>utry. 427 Hellotropr Avf'nur TIOl"S Coron& <1el Mar 4lr 4:1 1-NO \llA:.WE ""UK A DV ANCE- UJST Long wallf't rontalnlnK 'iJ.:NT p3p<'U REWARIJ offnNl for rr · A rply 1030 E F'lrl't St tum Conlart F'nnk B Smith S"nla An" Mon to F r1, 4 18 So. Mllln llunllngton n .. 1rh 8 JO u m lo 4 00 p m. or nll th111 pa pt'r. 42p44 ------ SCHOOL, . DAY OR NIGHT GROCERY cunlf'rs and MEAT wrapper-u rn lllO 1100 J>"r "'"l'k 308 Spurgton, SRJ1ta A n11 Ph. Kl 3·6300 :t2r40 SOUTHERN COvNTlES GA S CO. -H u 1ntnut1nc out· or · doorw JUl>.<I {Qr hltt:h KhOOI cra.cfuat.l'e 18-46 v.•1lh -am,. mechanlc&i 11plllUdl' ~·dAy, 40 hr. WMk. J7c4J WOMEN, a!'vtral oftlce po91tl0fl-.. LEARN Pr11cllc1.1.I N11r1ong. Earn ME:'ll, ~nrlnt.-r• me<:hanlca.J, elec• 18 ·114 da lly whll" tr&lnln1t tronlc a nd chemle&.I. aemce ala• l...A m~rt 6·7:'121 33ltc lion. llalea a nti olhera. JUNPJ China Painting 1--ARRAR Em ployment, •02"' •. 32na lilt .. at'roN from City Hell. 41c4:t Mlle HAM&: TAKERS ror I.Acuna Beach A Soulb lAguna Ctty Directory. Oood hand wrtUnc euenlla L Write 204 E . 6.t.h room 7, lant& An& or call KI Day and l:nnlJ\1 ClMooo Ordera Taken Now Phone 1..Ibe.rty a.6etl 18-Sltaattou Wanted Swedish Massage _3·_*_1_. _____ ,_Ju~ L&<llu . -by a ppolnlmenl LD A.OVER~O nnn want.a hou.a~ yuur home. wi•M wtt.b ~ 11.aoctwrtlln&'. Formerly mu11euae l t Arrowbeed Make ,-ood ~1 •pan Ume. Sprtn11 Hotel Wrlw 8KIRLST K1TCBELL. Pleaae call Hubor .rea or Harbor in ~' ....... Belmonl, 10 a1ouh x--. A6po PAINTING BY H OUR. Small or larte jot. oliL ReM!Onabl• rat.ee. L iberty 8·1722. EXPERIENCED QOlored lady, de· ~ndable. W ork by day or we~k. Kimberly 3·1486, 42J)M BEAUT U'U L launden.ns. •hlrta • llp<'Clalty, pick up A dellvf'ry, L .. c:al rtf. Kl 3-69113. •l cU CLEANlNO A IRO!lllNO by Ule day. E:apu1~nced. Balboa laland preferred. Kl l-6098. U , WAH'l'l:t> -·~ Vaed cu Jot ~ Ku.t be ablo to de- l&.11 --~ -i.. it.!---t'I'• quil'ed. CaalAot Dtctl lolluon, LI ~ UMOID • Mett\Jry o-ler, too W, Oout a.,.. •t c.S OHILD C AR.II 411 troe1nC 1 day a week. R.ef....,ooe roq. 11 per hr. Jmnt '!'~Har. 111oe. 4t cU )(AN WANTED-Fol' R.&wlelrh bualneae -1.o Newport S-ch• Balboa. No uper1ence nMdM to ala.rt. Salee euy lo mako and prunu icood. St.art Im· m~lat .. ly. \\'111.. Rawleista'a. 4707 E . 41>1 h ~' l..oA Anl{f l"• {JS.. J'Rl2/21 • 5 - • PAGE -4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS w-n .. 111 \\'nnl!~'·---- FRIDAY, DECE~IER 9, 1955 ~ A Plonned Future 7 Mt n. pu .unallty phla tor l&'Tt •lt'"I Co Unu.uaJ opportunity 1f quallr1M 'for ~ltloo. 8aJu uper1ance helptul but n ot nace1- a&ry Complete tralnlns pro- ~ai&m. Apply Bat., Dae 10, at Sa.nta An,1 Hottl a t 10 a. m. Ste Mr. Eaat. U c HOUSEKWY.PER COOK with own l ran&por tatlqii. U ve out- Ll 11 ·1'>31'>7 42c44 5-Belp Wuted PART OR FULL TIME POSITrO:'\ wttn ulol rt.ti.b Co Bull11 a bn1lnt'lll' or your own Rtptat 11>1ll'l' · t c\0<1 produl"t H1J(hut l11come brao·ket. Sul>· st11ntlal ret1remtnl phrn :>:o Jn\• I.I 8 -!>i 10 29c t2 Part time men um 168 a wf'f'k .tr up. l:d11caUonal. entertaanina. · .tr profitable. 1ntemew1nr 10 Beacon P ersonnel a m Sa t. L'tc. 10. al 111e I . Sant.a Ana Hotel, Set tot r. 100'~ emp loyer r etained Howard. 42c agency -:-.10 FEE rollt-ctoo rrom applicant RELIEF TRA:-.18CRJPT MA.N, ex-413.:1 1111 S ewport Beach pulenced with food a nd har check• wanted Call HVatl 4·61'>(11\ Mrs. Swill. Seafare Lodge 40c42 L OOK AT T HIS AD Earn $~ . $14 daily Worm•n of all 11i;r1 deeperately n••eded at once. Earn while you 1 .. am p1 actlcal 1TUrtlnr . Hlfh •l"hool Mu~• lion not needed. Call LAmbHl !:>·7:121 or write C AKEEHS IN NURSING, De,~. -- 3~Fuml!f~ for Sa~ AttentiOn . BEDROOM Sr.TS S It g ORA \\'ER dresur. mirror, bookcu e headOO.n:I, fn>m '69.60 WELCOME to my new shop. Come TWIN Mllple bed with mallrtaa It In and help ma build toward 1 box sprlnJt. ?nly $69.Ml ea. your nH<Ja for nHdlKrart. 8 A 9 ORA V. E R murlt' dreaur. Knitters S• N' K • with• minor, from $79 ~ it nit Living R oom Seta 313 £. Balboa Blvd, BalOO. Modern & Maple 3]ttc A$ NICE A LINE u you would -----------A- 1 .-d-find anywhere. W ith our low Fresh Hearing ovi:rhe•d you·11 ~ aurprlaed tiow BATTEJUJCS mur h we ran H\•e you. Plea¥e We Give S.trH Green Stamp• take a look. IL will pay you. G d D C GOOD TERMS. un erson ru2' o. RETAIL F URNITURE BROKERS Ma.Jn St. al Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Oiwn F riday E ve. rel 3.z.3e Harbor 515. 98tfc 3roJ 11t Spurgeon Sanla Ann Movie Projectors 40lfc FOR RENT Ctf'IUSTMA8 TR If: AT S IHI'>. buy1 lovely Baby Grand. Euy tamu Another i.eo. Many other.t _ Knabf'. Steinway. Kim · ball. Monarch · Baldwin. Starr, Maeon .tr Hamlin. WurlllMr, 100 planoa •lway1. DANZ · SCHMJOT Bir Piano and Oraan 8tON, l)20 N Main St • Santa Ana. FIVE DOLLARS per month rent.A Sood practice piano. Enjoy your ChrlAltmu with mu•lc. Good practice pian<MI u low u $91 .. SUtl., up. All In u cellent con· dltlon. DANZ • SCHMIDT BIR Plano and Orran Co.. 520 N. Main St.. Sa nta An11. Knowlton Electronics TV REPAIR CO-AutM aad Truck• Wekh for the Grand Opening ' of Mark Downing's New Used Car Lot To be located at the intenectlon of Highway 39 end IOI in Huntington Beech tr>. 4016 W Cornmonwe11lth, F'ullHton. 33tfc 8·~nt 16·MM :\:'>·MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANE SUl'PU ES ~1A l 'l~r; ch11 11 noa ph• \•a nll\" with 11111•1 or, 11111.hog. low kcuse, red· \\ ou•I h11ml pu1nt~oJ (lflllu llllJltl. C:hllt.'8 to111t:y 1·hu1r. 1:180 '~ E. FAST SERVICE. RJ:ASONABL.E. Our Service call11 llll 9 p.m. Main Attraction Will Be Top Quality Used Ce rs Mear5 Camera Shop 17~ !'\ewport Blvd., Costa M,•11a \.IRLS E ARN MORE T H AN E V ER BEFOR E ! Phone U berty 8-7042. pr If Our nf'W hlghf'r 11t11rtln1t wnge )!ARQUETTE Are Wt'lder (newl o11ul frequent lnrreu~u gives ~·ou 3 hp Air Compruaor, 220 Volt New 1956 TV thu1 oppo1 tun1ty 011c111ng11 now single phaat'. sec at PATCH'S I fur J7th SL al Plac·t•ntht. LI 8· 7:108. TELEPH O N E O P ERA TORS __________ 2_1_u We Are S e lling Floor Sample1 ond Demondrator5 We w111 u i.an yuu and you·ll re· l n•1,·e many otl\cr bene!ll8. Jo'OR SAL.E Roval portable type· writer. like new $i:I. CaJl even· lng1 Har. lll&l·J. 42cU W ESTJNf;HOUSE 21" Blo nde Console. Apply - R e gular ly $299.95 W1l h your o ld TV :\1411 Nu ~1¥1n Street. Rm. 211. 0 ONLY c-? u 95 ~llnll\ An:i, TWIN BED 'Sl!:T, Spinet consol· eltft pia no. v.•rought lr<>n table & 4 ('ha1r11, rnmer book Cllll""· a ntique brat a brar , apt. 1lze 111ove grklttle lop, 4 chrome bu stools. chr3t of rh·11wcr~. C.:Hll evenanga Har 2327-W. •21'44 N W .,_1.,. 11·00 tn 4 (lo r m P HILC O 21" Con sole with Golden Grid T u n e r . PACIFIC TEL EPHONE R e gularly S339.93 With your old T V NOW O NLY $219.95 ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DA VIS-BROWN 1885 H arbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa LI 8-3437 42c45 PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs All new moterial potterns or hitf end m1u Stt ou r s elecl1on o f imported china, E ng lish blue, scenery and vllle & wheat in brow n. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. MAIN ST . CORONA CORONA 778 MOVINO ABOUT JA=--. Ill INTO N E W Bt:ILOINU \\'()MA N fnr pArt l1111P )"h 111 8l'tn11nl1n,: nr11.-~ M ll~l be i;onrt tvpl ~I Mill hl\tlfl. r11mlhBr \\'Ith JI r lltX. hght bkkg flcf'I)' 111 11wn hu11<1 wdtlng to Bux It-~ r u lhll4 p11p1·1 421ft• 1 ;~::-:~~HAL H<JU~~:\\'ORK O day w1•1•k Hd !'1 t>nN•s, :I 11dulls. Mw11 11111· .. uw11 11 .rn11pu1tol1on. Har. :l~MO 42c44 -\\'A!'\T !:'""I rxpcrlt'nrtd 111111 man r1lr turnll11rl' pl11nt Stt'ady W t•I k '""'"I aun & ln~urance l,t•ll ,, I Lr 11-6332. • I c43 \\A NT!-;l 1 .\18J,. M1n11u ••njtll' lo 111111 11 lu M1111l be 11ble lo •an.: 1111 parts harmony Llbtrty >< M:ll II II Ill lo 4 pm 42t"H I ~Ml'K'dlanrou1t FIVE COL.F ('1.UllS It bug UH d, h<'glnn .. n . • hu p Har ll Hll·J - • 4lk'42 K ATEY DOA N E Nea rly N e w Appa rel for ""m~n 11n1I ch1l1lrrn \\,.du 1111 klrool3 (Jr flllftul10n11 BAMBOO DRAPES C't'STOM MADI!:: ANY SIZE Po lees 11tarllng al 21c 'IKl fl. Baaut1ru1 New Woven Pattern• i'"or All Dtl't>n K1r11ch Curtain .tr Travrree Rod.I See Tht an On Du1ph•Y In Our-Stor e S ANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. SANTA ANA 1626 S ~faon, KT 2·~1& SELL. ON TERMS II F'T •DELICATESSEN cu e. $150 ONE 8 tt. refrtrerator . ....... $50 ONE Saree oommerc. rdrlg . $75. l SCALES, $8~. 1 GONDOLA '21\ Call owner Lt 1-6223 mornln&11 or after O p.m. 9t!c Firewood l'hOnt' dl\y or night KJ 7-4890 23l!c W ..: HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE 2l21 ~; ColUlt Blvd . Kindell• l'atlo. B• I t.CUSIClAN8 RECORD COLLP.:C· 1cyc ea I TION ai1 1a. 10 • 12 1nc.h. ~ l'll!:W • l 'SECJ I .7~ 11 A ma ny rar,. A 1m portf'<l L.A'f AWAY yu1.11 new buy•ll'I ORC H E S TRA S. VOCAL8, while lhare i. a chOIC• or color• CAJCU80 . 8COTTI. .WcCO R- A •lyln . MACIC MELBA. OULLI-CUR<1 LARGE rbolce of blcy1 le " auto etc. Har 21112-J . 31k:~ I 11crr•5<>(l"ll '• .. £LJ!;CTRJC ORJLI. SET Wllh bu!frr · SI 9 II!:> SA F F.:TY Bt:l.. TS $1 9& • uµ T OOL Sr.T'S I t 62 6 Hp ... t.ASHl.IOHTS 9flc A llll Order Now! Penonalized Chr'Utma.s Carda t'l:'.l>A~CE P l"'A!"ol tor pur• ha•"ll ALL S1Z!:S. A LL. PRlC'F.:S tol•h"lt 12!) Repru,.ntallve will call i;t yu111 N,wrmt • Aalb<•I' Auto ~11pply l h<1me i 'lJ08 :"cv.wrl tJIYd , l'\p t Ilf'•• h PlivNE Har 1518 or Har 2263\\' 41t 43 -.,2p•2 --- CHRIST M AS P UPP IE S Blark C:-Mkert l..oveal>I,., ruddl~y ltolly p0l1v J'llaytul Uu ull· I ful -1u1k Kl .,,,,~:,· "11~1 ~ 4 lp.46 De 11ign<'r8 H1~h Style F'&br ica & 1mpo rtN I wool"M a t cost . MARG IE WF,BB 1956 ~ C'Msl Blvd . Leguna 8<-ar h 3irfc BF:A UTU-"t: l.. ~anla ('la11A c• ·- lume l.ur r• 111 H•1 43Ml 4 h 13 Bf;AUTlYl;L FUR J ACKET fr<1111 Saka F'lflh Avr Cull $MX>. worn t w11·,. S1101f11 f' SM H n !:>1!14W &27 Rr'llwar;,J Roa<I Cnro1111 llll(h· Ian•!• 401·42 Me10 Woodcraft Unralnt,.11 6 J11\•t>ntlt Jl"umllure Chri1tmo5 Specials! SHEl.VES, •ph ,. (Kb1ntu m1q:a· ''"' r11rk•. ''"11 rur-n l( "''11. "·I hutlh • l ht>•l• 1 d11l\11 • n .o t.llbl,. • r h•1 r , .. ~. 'h1ld 1 0.>•llln '"' k .. r, and knttholl' dt'llk•. loy t'hf'•l•, record • a banet 1< lJAt' ,,ur La)' .. w•v J'llan 2121 Harbor, <.:M Wber1,> &-160 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS l ·.,. ona 11"1 Mn r 4()c63 _ RF.FRIG elderly but ht'althy $10 l'OHTAUL1': MA NULK, THOR glu • rront 3 lier oak book h1thtwnl1tht Ul•lllron Xlnt con· '"""" '2~ ensa~menl r 1nic 'Ii 01t1un, $211 lt11r 212 or LI 11·14112 o n t, 4 •Ide 5160. L1 8 -116i2 42ct 4 41c43 3().8-AppUuoee S0.8-Apt".!!~---- USED APPLIANCE BUYS G AFFERS & S ATI'L E R table to p ga.~ range $49.50 G AFFERS & S ATI'LER w hite table top gas range wit h ove n cont ro l $79.50 W EST E RN llOLLY p 11 range w ith ovt'n control ''«'ry clean S79.50 KELVI NATOR Refrigerator 6 cu ft.. $59.50 OIBSON 6 cu. ft. Refrigttator $64.5(} W E STlNC H OUSE 7 cu . f t. Refrigerato r $99.50 SERV EL Refrigerato r 51:: cu. fl .. left hand door S.~9.50 1\Eo:L VINA'T'O R 8 cu ft. deluxe Refrigerato r $99.50 K ENM OR E wringer w u her clrluxe $45.00 EAS Y SPf N D RI ER , d eluxe m odel $59,:;o WF:~TINGHOUSE e lectric r ange. la t~ mo<le l S99.50 L & H clcctn c r an ge. deluxe m odel $99.50 ALL C:l'ARA:"ITE£1J WASHING MACHI!':ES. Al'TOMATlC Al"D \\'RIS GER TYPES SEVltRAL TO SELECT F'ROM ALL RCASONABLY PRICED BUDGET TERMS-F.REE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 East 4th St. Sanla A na Kl 2-2336 WHIRLJ'OOL. a utomatic fU dryt'r UH: SA \'l:-;<;R on SC'HrKl ,qr•n .. · v.1th ll11tom11l1r 11rn1tlon Reit CLEARANCE SALE 01 .. 1111. U.ill><;a I ups t1111 ai. 'Up42 TURQUOISE mutlern 111ble lamps i 1.&0 vad1, Rullan rutfee lllble $1> :SO; E bony glasi< t op t'of!re t abl·• Sl2 00; Mahog nile alanJ S8 f111, 51111111 w11ln111 •trop 1 .. ar tnble Sil 00 ; 6 rt o·ork top tnHee t nl>le $36; Harbor 4233-M. WC42 ROLL TOP DESK fO or make ()(f('f, Llbl'I ty 8·4276 4 l p43 CHll..O'S B F:D or llllldlo cout'h, 30x72". matt rt.u ci box aprln11a. peg lt'~a. Uke new 520. LI 8·48:1• 42p ----------- I BUY AND SELL EARLY AMERlCAN cut. colored, pattern glu8-Prlmlltvu-An· llque furniture a nd t ine china. T H E B IG O L D R ED BA R N LI 8·&200 lt CHRISTMAS TREAT S. Ha mmond Orran u'llt!d. nne only. ~autlful Hnmmon•I ~p1n"t. j:lnr lo1111 fnr the hOlll<'. pt'I fr< t tOnd1ll11n hkt n..... i,:t>nt'rou11 1U1Vln1t on this """· All!O ont only ''"" Hl\m· mono.I ChnrJ Oq;an Th11I ·~ "" Surh lmy11 Rrt' 11hno111 ln11"'11· 1oble to find DA NZ·SCH!lllDT P11mo ultl Oreun Cu.. OlO N . Main St . Sanla AnH 40-Auto. for Sale ·47 STUDEBAKE R '• t plck11p '48 GMC 1,, t. p\ckup '60 FORD V-8 V, t. pickup '00 CHEVROLJCT ~ l. ptckup F: f'JRBANK Kl 3-32"1 '61 GMC '-t t. pickup 13861 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove ·:12 DODGE ~It t. pickup 3&.0lh '52 CHEVROLET 141 t. panel ----------- -·rio CHEVROLET "' t. pickup HEPPLEWHIT E prlV OWnt'r o:llA· ':12 DODGE '\ t. plckUJ'I pc,.1ne 2 antique m•hoi any '64 OMC '14 t pickup. rhrsu C<11t 5600 Wiil ,ell tor Hydra-mallc t ranm Sl66 e11ch Al•n 7 •ntaque Pt'1· 1·:11 CHEVROLET 1 t. C Ir C •Ian scatter rugs. Pl'SHMA:N S. ~ DODGE 1 L •take 27~ f:, Cout Highway, Corona 46 JNTERNATIONAL 1<9 B·L oJ1•l Mu Har 12•2. 41)<'4l Tran•. 8 :2& u ru ..-!>1 INTERNATIONAL l. 180, 2 Yacht Remodeling Service •Pffd. 8 ·26 llrl'll '!)3 GMC COE. 2 I 179" w e 2· •pet'<!. II 2C> llrH We h11ve A •lork or over :16 11-1 I nJC'kll tll chOOlle rrom prlctd rrom $1:10 00 up. IC you er~ In Joinerwork --Herinuihanr neP<I of 11 truck now u1 lhf' llmt' Rl'palrlng 1 I _F_re_e_Ef_1'_"_1•_t_ea_._ Har 4;::~~ 10 ;~ ;," ;~~;S 14 1-"T HOAT 6 'T'RAILll:R In· Mar d V-8 80 Needa rPp•lr SPll or l rarte for gima or "! Liberty )j.JJ91! Wc42 PIER & SLIP REASONABLE R£NT In Balboa C11••0 Call Har 4831·MK 40p42 t'OR SALE -18 ft. 'slrt'hcraft 816·19 E. 4\h St. Santa Ana Open Sun!l•y a m Truck hudquarttrs !or Orange Co Housken-Wahon Used CanJ boat. r'" ""\ly 1e la•1te.I. rompl.-lt' '49 F o rd c ustom $245 With two 7'~ hp. Mercuryl RADIO H8ATf:R O'ORIVE motnra and Comboal tra.Jlu .tr nff·11hor.. rnoo4'tnic "°°· 0.11 '50 C hevro let Conv, $345 ... Hi9h Trade In -) No Down Payment I on a pp roved credit) Mark Downing Ford 22l> F ift h St. H untington Beach L exington 6-~ See Come and Drive . '" Our 19'j6 Buick The Special It's Really Something The Century It's the Drive of a The Super It's Sensational The Roadmaster New Special Century Custom Built By Buick Take Off is Terrific The We Take Pride in Selling the Best Buick Yet Terry Buick 5TH A ND WALNUT, HUNTINGTON BEACH LEXINGTON M.588 H•H 4024 W •flrr ~ p m orl &0--A and Tnlcka Rat · Sun 40<'42 '•19 De So to Con\'. $295 ___ uio. ________ _ 12 1--r RAIL.rUUI paddlr board,l· .. 9 Fo rd 2 d r. S145 with cent"r boud • ruddt r, Vt'ry ah1rp $40 r bh pot .. , u '50 ~tudcbakcr Champ $295 !'&Ch 4()()8 R1vu Ave . Npl I B~h Har 1806-\o\' 4lcU 2·DK 11 11tll\E l'ltTCJm-VOlt QUICK sxr.P:, til·1~..l. Chev-Club Cpc.-1295 I In,,: ovrratu 18 ,.,. 1..AP· •50 Nash 600 $195 STREAK U0 A1' with 7 1~ hp i.11lb<111rrl motor alllO ba ll •le() • l>OOH U'ORIVt; 111 .... 1 tor bey 11r orratiure ,,,h· "'IC K11I• •1tll I l'Afl8lt.r lhl• ont> 22UI S MAIN. SANTA ANA J 12:1 I I I \'ii\ 1 •ljhn, l.hlo IAll' II Arbor tflil(·R 4 1<'43 lfl3Z llAR80 1l Rt .• Vt1 C'O!-ITA MERA New 1955 SPORTS CAR Big Xmas Qiscount A REAi. F AMILY G IFT THE ONl.Y !WO RTS CAR com· fort.able t or 6 American cr aft.I• ma nahtp an•I qu1111ty by the old· ,.,, manufaclllrer oC v•hlclu. t:rM omy and JonK ur eo 11 • known fact OWTicr11 rl•lm up to 2& to 30 mlll'll to a i allon of fl'f 1(11• 'l)2 F'ORD RANCH Wacon.'/ford· omaUc. R A H Royal mu ln - 2 tone r rHn. Ona p•lnt .tr upholatery l mmacul•t• Kave to Me to a ppreclatt :N'n Lall or llCt'n"' by ownt'r \\ 11t t.rtHM. or blmk term.I Pb~ Wbtrty 8·2804. 33ttc WTSH TO SELL equ1ty In ·r.~ I.. In c o I n C&prl <.:onv•rtlblt Har )448-J a!t•r 4 .lO p. m 40t"U il-Aato 8ervlee Boat Repairs R O BERT \'AUCH AN & CO. 1600 W. Coa11t H wy . - --j A C'lli\MPION I" evt ry r .. pect ·~ MERCl'RY Montclair. 4 dr Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN NC'wport Beac h Mercomatlc. RAH, ~wer IJraku S EE IT w w·, 3000 m11, •. nno CQlll AND YOU'LL DRIVE IT! U<>•e -LJ 8-MM o cu * with this ad * e ey1a. $48.88 ____________ P_rt_f 11147 F'ORO Sporuman convert· Bl.JT HURRYf and .. ~ ~a" luclt}' 8 Cyla. _ $58.88 Ible. Xlnl m"'h oon.Jltlun Call purch ... r 0 Ule ...... t u,, ever. lncludu bolll la!lor u d puta Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent ""··nl'r. ll•r 3498-M 4lcU Tt'rm• to yuur lllclnr v w New rtn1a. wrut ~ Ya.In -49 f"OL'R DR 82 C:-AOfLJ..A.C n~w paint. W W taro upholllttr· Inf ~11cept1onell\• • '""n n.11\8 rood. J lleG cu h llarh<lr 71'1t Joe Nickertz STUDEBAKER DEA LER JT1n4. nt~• of ma.la and rod beartnp . J::rpert motor tunt up. 9<>-day or 4,000 mUe auar&ntc.. 38.38 Newport Ulvd , Npt ~acb (l'O MONET 00~1. ~1 H\\ l:-0::'\ r . .nitwr "1111 •rnni: roa k M ~""' l •f'p111turt l apr .. 1 -,1. l!°'""I "'ndlt 11111 r,,, rl hll(f' '" 11•r wt• II mntor •ll •rhmt'nl 11.\ 211211 lk't'&n lll•d t:nrvn• oell Mar, C::oa of ~ t'rn1u t r 1 <.noa mahotta ny, walnut prlr , $2 p (I . SAit' prtCt' i 199 ~- lflllJ'I" blt)fldt •ml f'rcnrll P io· Jo rt',. ln•lallatlon, S o down 2 49 \"lntl11l c~ 1.J~ral tr" It• I Pf"r wk :-:n PJ\\"Tnenl 11ntll IP~ l"<m•ement term~ At American Lt'rlon ll~ llth St Meetings 2nd · 4th Wed. 8 p.m '13rand new 1955 appll~nce1 PRtt 42lfr Hart>or 010 REBUILT ENGINES -v'P to J& MONTHa TO PAT- l!tullt tn our own factory by ak1Dt'lf 1n&Chlnut.1. Don'l contend wltb the middle mu. Buy direct. Harbor 4107 42• u SHA f'P:RS rSln<t 1007 , T llR(1:'\SO!'\S 18t~ :-0.l'V.ll(lrtAv,. 1 •• ,., .\Ir•, tf E L&t1'Rll' TRAI:"\; v.llh .. ,,...1111na 1 421 ·4'3 ~ Syt'amnr ... ~an:: Ana milk ,,., 110111. "" Ar olrctric Phnnt Klmb<'rl\ 2·0fl •• ""II• hi"• 1111•11n1 .. .i un l'lyv. f)(•CI I IOI IC Ball><1A Hlvl'I. Har 07!\2 CHRISJMAS _ _ n ee. I ORGAN ~PECIALS! NA VY Sl'RPl.t'S FR 0 G M I': N ~\'El.Y U•f'•I H1 mmond Splr• l SUITS. !roni $10 to $2&. 1on1e I In perr~t conrtlllon Hlr '"" '"~~ nut1 rt1p11tr MARINPl S\IRPLl'S C'tl . 264 ! fin Mnln Sonia Ana, DEMONSTRATOR mo<lt l, M111 · 42l'H llhaU Spinet orttKn like nt" Sa ve '200. UJRL.8 24-lN liSEO BICYCLE. Oood condll1on. w1111 or Without hf'lplng wh,,.I• W 8·liH . •2t"H C HRISTMAS T R 1;A T S. 'nle rrr•ll"l!t or •II A HAMMOND ORGAN. We bave aJJ model1 Hammond• for Sanla Cla u1 to chnoee from . The bHutlful H 0 N J; MODJ:L. lhe lovely little ~P!Nl:T MODEL. 111d the anr ~pulu CH lJRCH MODEL. all have 2 manual keyboardt and fool · peda11; u Utue u U O. a month 11rill m&lce the p&yrnante. We d e 11 "e r for Olrtllmu . DANZ • SCJPUDT. 1120 N. M&Ul. 8an l& Ana.. Ca lat ONE ONLY t'lrctron1c orgnn SG9:1 L1bt'raJ trule' ( 'on,·t nal'nl ll'rn11 I A ama,11 dtpoell will hold any piano or Of¥11n for Chrl•lmu d.&lYtrJ ). SHAFERS tSlnt t l90i 1 421·t23 N Sycamore. Santa Anoi Phone IHmlterly 2·0672 Oranre County'• Orr 11n HoJqtu ANTTQurs. lo&dll of lovrlv nhi Chlna. oloJ Jl'Wtlr\·. J?,IL•swarl'. runll. curto•. old t lOCk!I. lamJ"'. plclul"M. movie equlpm,.nt fl"h· lnit equip coppt'r b~ Ac lrc•n p1ect'a, etc. BIC: XMAS BALI: now on tn :10'; nrf. DtaltrA v.•elcome Vll\ll our large 11tor. AlatO buy A. t n1d# antlqut'11 or v.·hat havl' ~ CH t4 RLll!: DA VIS 18()!1 E Anaht lm, L B Hit •·1'>039. -----Pl'UC CHRJSTt.lAS SAL.It ' lone 1lttvee1 •h~ntun1 USF.:D AUTOMATICS S39.50 to S99.50 l !'I tn rhMAe trnm I 11•11\"erf'd. 1n1t .. lled, 1t11u an1ee.I Ttrma rwalla l>lt . Henderson's Autcamallr \\'•~11,.r Ser\•h:e 26UI :-:1'\\'PMI Rh· , Co1t11 M'eu J,I ,.. il'!OI\ I n .. nr n olt Cour-u\ 40lfc Smell Roney's Applianc e Repa iring Irons 1oa.111tr11. rorff'" me.ker•. I'll. 2232 :'\t" Vo• l Hl\'li . t ·osta Meaa I M r nf Vic-torte. • N J>I Hlvd I W 8·80711 4 lc:l4h PHTLCO 1:'1 '11 rt rrtrlr trator. 87 II>. aca nu tup n er&cr. Exclu•lve Philco two-v. ny otoor, 20 IH!low rrre:r.lnlf t ~mperature '3311 95. Nu down pa\•mrnt. 2 96 ptr wk. THRONSO!'l'S 181:. NC'v.·port Avt 1•/\Alta Mr MI lf CH1UBTMA8 Tft.£AT8 -A n- Hammond Chord Orpn tor tht whole tamlly. ll:veryane MO M. D,AD, BR01'HlllJ\. SISTER <'•n play It, It'• ao ... y. If )'OU <'IUl rlnc a doorti.U you un play t he Hammon.a Chord v 1· 1•n $29. a month pay1 for It \\'e \ltllver for <'l'lrl•tmu l•A:-:Z-:,<CHMJUT &20 N. Main. lt11nh An11 11\lrt1 l2 e, rtduc tJ tu I 1QN A LDSI 1N' S !lW Main. llall>ua M11r. and mort 1dvtrll•er1 are fir.oho& ll ~rulatabl~ ti) UH NEWS· 111 1 J 1 ·>u;~~ 1 111ru11n. 11 11114 .. • .. FLOOR MERCHANL>f8 P, Norge. Easy. A BC. W hir lpool A utomatic W u heni Sa\'e up to S l 00 Norge R efngerato rR S a ve up to S125 O 'Keefe & Me rntt . N orge Tappan. W edgewood R a ngu Sa\"e up to $60 N o rge & Whirlpool Oryf'rs • Save up lo $50 NOT HISC DO\\':-' & 24 MOS TO P A\' O:-: TfiE ABO\'E EQl"JPM'T SOME STILL JN CRATES ' JAKE'S APPLIANCES 11137 Barbor Blvd. O'KEEll'E • JICE IUUTI' ranee. ·~ mlldel I.Amp 4 clot k wtth oven tim,.r. Chrome l"Jill broHer. and lhs l IJCt up tnr llflt'd one mOJoLh. 1149.80 ~uh. or pay II r "r mo 144\ w Cll•pman, Ora.ne t. KF. 8·0817 ll KE\\'ARU U u rio rur any wuher un purchue of a new Hamlllon aulo.1mat1c wuher. plua a new ch&J.n dnven trike. No down. ~o l'&Y"ltnl tll I llM TitR0:-180N'8 l8U Newport AY•. , .. ,,,,.l-. MCJU" tf S4-Muk aJ. Radio, TV S P I •. ET S SPINETS 11nn a l lit""" t rf'nl11I rtlurna Ilk,. new, "''mr !:lalt>m Mapl~. UlonJ Oak. I-rrnrh f'ruvan1 1111 ~llVI' S9t\ I 11 S 111:. l rr n1~ Ju•l J>k.. tf'nt on blll11n1'" {)ANZ · S<'H MICYT f'l20 :-.; M1tln, S11n1a Ana Mlll•l-:R:"l SPJNf:T. f'OOnY I"'' rl'cl r ontllllon. al\Vf' lhnn halt fnr quh'~ ult 21127-J caae. mo rt Har 42tf(' 0 1:r CH RISTMAS TREAT F.lect - t ronlc Orr 1m wrll known mak~. l'A\'~ 5480 DANZ · SCHMIOT. l-'11mn11(1 Plano A Orga.n Stort' :'>20 :>;, Matn. Santa Ana Kno wlto n Eiectron ics TV ANTENNAS ICltar Bt.am -HI Oaln) INSTALLED complete to your 1et. $9.95 S9lfc OVR OREATll!ST CHRJI TM.A S TREATS Sltln••Y Oranl'I. marn1t1cenl condition. ThlJi won· dartul piano almo1l llkr ntw. can be bouaht on 3 )'tar• tlmt 'Knabe Bpi.net, ebony nntah, ulltd Y91"f little. 11ve oYtr U OO. Oouru ot other little •prl•. M&11 y can po11Unly no ti. told trom new 89me onl)' 13~:; OAl'lZ •. SCHM.ll>T 8 11 Plano 11n1I Ot11tlln Stnr~ ~.20 N M11 1n l'-11n t11 Ah~ 100 I'"""~ 19~ CADrLLAC t;:'\<:JNP. Slf'lll 1963 :»ASH He•ly 1-:11i:1n< $17."> F'OR1> V-8 80 F:XntX t-: $!'In M A: M MO'T'OR.8, ?l"I \\ I '1111,111 Hwy , Newport Ho• 11 11 I.I M-:1:1~ I 512!\ 11140 FORD :"Jf'W Motor whit• lea lhtr ant ll 2~ 111:,0 f"ORn 4·tlr. R .. H A 0 l>. '"Ira LI 8·3040 42cH 42• H HV u RlOrNAl. OWNER In 11lnt -------:---' "'"< h rondltlon 1948 CHE V. 4, CHAMPIO;o.; 1 <111\·@rllblt' <1 olr l ' ho•l\lt'f, KOfkl llrt'.11 n ~"I-lll'W' 1 'lutl Coll~ With lol8 of p•p lOJl Sl:'>H nr m11kt afrrr Llbt rty It 1111 ,.., lu go RetuM>n•bll' ll-X3t>3 11rtrr 6 pm U r H Grant w. Musick Your Hud1on Dealer S ALES nnd S ERV ICE 253 N. Los A ngele8 KE 5-7278 4ltrr 46 Bl'ICK Rf'ollln JIOOl'I Ur•• R11Hl111 S J~.n private owntr 221 3Hh St . :"rv.·por l 4 1 ~3 HAUSKEN-WATSON S PORTS C A R CENTER J ACH.!AA, M C A l;STIN·H F:A l.ltY MORRJS •Al.FA ROM:EO AliSTIN REl..DUFI New Ca.r Sal~• A 8@n•lrt Clean U11cd C111"1, All Makee Im· rortr'1 llnd Oomt11Uc 2201 80 MAI!'\ ST SAl'T A A NA Kl 2-0T&e 1932 HARBOR Bl.VO. COITA MESA LJ 1·6061 tt Hu bur 4117 u cO New and U&ed TRUCK AND Pauen9er TIRES 8 -Hour Recapping Service Com plete B r a k e Sen •1cf' AND Front E nd A lignm en t ftOAD 8F.R\. J<;E ••t: ~•t(>n~ Rurl(f'l P la n Youn ror the A~klnr HOWARD RYAN 801 . 809 W. lit St. 8A:'<"'TA ANA REBUILT and INSTALLED SKORT BLOCK FORD .. . .. ·-·-·-··-·-SI 2t.{lt CHEVROLET -··--sue ~ PLYM . .tr OOOOE ····--·-l l r;.'1 CHRYS . .tr IJE SOTO --517C 8TUOICBAKER ........ ·--···· l l 7f OLDS A PONTIAC e -·-' JI 7' BUICK ... -.... -... -··-· ---$17r lfUDSON ... ·-···· .. --······"-"' $17! Ulan Car Free Towln& NEW CAR GUAR.ANTElt Block mu•t mMl our 1tandanl1 Plua l&Jlea, 1 aaket.a and oil Opvl Sunday l 0 a .. m. to 2 p m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally I to 7 State Bond~ NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd ~. S ANTA ANA SARVER "'OR BRAKES 1JN ORA ~(;t:; r:o t::-.'TY J7 YRS Bondt'd Braltea-4 whetl• $11 9fl lnAl.t.llaUun .... 9ll . $12 ~Ci Taa 48 YOU PA y NO MORE . ·-. au . .:i S ARVER MOTORS BRAKE I ERVlCI: lsl:LL SUOO equity 6& 8tud,.. h1tk•·r •eda.n for '3u<l Hat bor 1177 41r43 J< I 3·8883 IC l8T AT OIUND SANTA ANA :t:\itr Aft.., Th~ C'ru h Jt'1 T oo L•t" 211tf ,. •!-Tralln. GENE'S Prt>-ChriHt ma8 Specials Don't buy Any \':H·awin "Trailer until y11u ~E E the new and \'1•r:;. :-.C'11Kat 1unal ~ERCt:RY 15' Chm;tma!' SpN·ial $798 AAk 1t0<1u• l.ny·H·'-'"·•" A I.SU $2220 ':'16 <'1111llnal H .. 1utv S2 .. bi ·:12 Sur11 •·r111• :r. 1 k·· 111" J'1:1!•~ '.'i2 C'nlurnt1111 :i:r I hill 111 S 111!19 St:()ltE U fo' 8 l'r:1·1AJ.S Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsuia, East 31st St., Npt. Bch OFFERS IM1ghlful li\'tng. Apt.-Cabanu. UtilitJee with Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, wecltly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or resen ·ation, Call Har. m2. paid. 34tfc IKA-Apl• for Rent 48-A-AeL~. for Rent 1 61-IWal f:sta~ F.x<'hanJ:f' M1rn o r W omen I ow:-: YOl 'R O\\'N BUSLNESS "A GOOD TRADE lS BET- A new 1ltm . F'lr,t t ime o fftred I TER THAN A POOR SALE" I Start in 11part t lmt. 1f PU.fled. , lhtn wo rk full lime I NOR'M{ S HORE ARROWHEAD Refilhng a nd collecting m onty I &autlfully tumlllhtd 6 y r. old fro m our ma chines In lhl11 111"f'a tyr. a round) CU.tom Bum hnmf', To qua lify you muat have a 4 B'1rmL plua a pt. A: Floating r.u. rtfe,...nce. $360 caah to •t>· 1 Dock . S•~.OOV. \\'111 trade !or cure teri 1tory end mvrntor)' ho mt', ln cOmt> or 11ubmlt. Devo ting 4 · hours • week to busines s \'ullr rnd on perct nt· HASTINGS RA!l:CH. PASADENA I •gts of ~c.llertion11 ishn11l1I nrt 1 !-~l\·t' year olJ 2 Bd rm•. &: Dim a pproximately $1 i~ mo n t n I y <..'wit.om -Ru1lt, Lov.-ly SN'tion. COSTA MESA Open 1:30 to 4:30 Daily 2i6 Magnolia IS A REAL comfortablf' '~EWPORT HARBOR NFWS-PRfS<; -PART 11 -PAGE 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 ft-__ ReaJ __ Ea_taie _____ ._..::8!;;:.-_;Real FAt&te Lido Isle .r • • Lido Nord Bayfront • • Exclu11ive Liat ing (First time offered) with vt>ry ~nod ,,.,N,.1b1hly • 11f $26 ~00. Small loen, v.,11 trade H£ftE t11klng over 11111 11111E' l nrome d ea r or assume fo r n<!&r equal "hkr 11 .. m•·. H&11 2 bedrooma and I mcrea.~ing 1t<'l'1.ll•J1n ;:ly Jr appll· \'l.&lue nt·ar oro.'8.11. I " large• .Jrf'11stng rnom. L iving cttnl rnn quality f11111n<'111I M · MO NROVIA·F OOTHILLS room Hx30 w1th a St'parlllt' din· su1t.anu• will be g1\'cn by Cu in~ ro.>m. M ndern kitchen, w 1rt'd Lovely Valley V il'W home 2 fur r xpanslnn tll full tllnl' po1'1· 1 !ur :!20 volL.i. h fldrm>1. & l >~n. 3 y rs. old. Bei1t l1un wn hbo.JVC 8\'1·r~1:·· i11t·11nw. Dl11t11t t S'.!7.50-0 Cltoar. Sub-I lncluJ o: phortl' 111 1ipplic1111u11 I mil be11ch property home or in-EXTllA LARC8 GARAGE with Box Q 84. Newii·f'rrll~ ----1 .:111110:, up or duwn, can a dd cash. · work room, p lnyroom und spact , ••n T~ttr,Jrnp!C 1·1,111p."il• IJ111 ;111•1 U"•tl vac11lll•n .. r11 tnint ~lir. up EAl:;Y B ANK Tl!:IH I S GENE'!-\ TRA ii.i':!< S,\t S~ 11:.!\•'.l l l.11 ""' l!l\d Santa A11u 1 111 I i 1 Kl '.l·flll!•u Lovely New Studio Apts. Y11u will like the quiet convenient location, the hc>ated swimming pool. tht: friendly atmosphere. lie glad lo show you anytimr. I for 2 b1g can. I a5-Money to Loan 1 \\'ANTED . 1 I U&rg ,. BuslneM 11r Income prop-THI~ JIOJ\18 1 1 , o-hl\rd •rtv thrtl w II trail<! fo r San · • ins till:" " LOANS f H . . I IUlll lit l!llU.a led 30 thal I\ ~0-ft Exq uisite yrar round completdy furnishro Ba, Front home on large lot -Panoramic Bny \'1cw · Locntrd near east end of Lido-Two ma11lc-r \'u•w bedrms. -Two family bedrooms -Servant ~ C'f\11\r- t ers with bath -two master bathroomR-powd1•r room -Mr. and Mrs. enclosed d N.'ssing moms with showers -View dining room -BuUers kitchen off main kitchen -33 ft. glass enclos<'d. ca rpel\'d, BAY VIEW upstairs lanai. Pi('r and float. 3 car garng<'. *PORT ORANGE * TRAlLEll ~ALES Or Omes Uabrlrl \'a lfry. I 1 loJt can Ile S()hl off, I 11% -20 yr. Lo&1111 "LIST IT F OR T RA DF: N OW " O\\"!l:En WILL TAKF: LOTS. or I SOR~Y. no t elephone information -Rhown ont~· by appointment to qualif1C'J buyr r. anti !:>uPl'LI ES :noo w. Coast H1way. Ken Niles 1021 Bayside Dri\'e Newport Beach LI 8-4-120 Villa Marina Ha r. 1800 32c45 I Construction Loans ~ G d SEE BOB S ATTLER or on 251:; EAST COAST BLVD, I t.:oruna e el Mar Har bor 3881 I L A d RI I "hut htl\'e you lor his equity of . n rew 1 tr. s-;ooo. L I 8·~!'>27 Full price $89.500 tl'nns R"P POfRIEP. MORTGAGE CO. HARBOR 1:'°).:-.-:t~1 J\"ll t '11:.t u111 !! t11 H1I t• .SI ttUff ·:.:-,.41 • l'uri11n1111n t I 111 111g •h>-• ·~,e,. 1:1 Tra,·tleu . A IJ.:auty $1\b!I '!'l6·All 1111~ll'b 1111 ,.,,,.IS ull •h:<pl••Y ~-A-Apls. for ~nt 48-B--Hou8fos for Rent Metro Ute Ina. f'Un<lll Kl. ll-518~ I •suo CAPITOL GAIN 1 Duncan Hardesty Harbor 1600 INVESTMENT CO. F.\'C'S. ).) S-53~6 CAN YOU rtr.ALTOR \\' r1~"d • lt•an IUrii•••t 1 r h1h•·ul' PAN A.M l:::RICAN J'1t1 hmo11nt-lo(rn11k1ll Trnvclrt.e·Te11 y LIDO ARMS APTS. $75 ~· Twu l>Jrm hous e f urn. 2oo9' .Miramar Or., Prnm1ula C SH Polnl -W inter renta l -A C. C . BEARDSLEE, 724 Luton Or. • • • AFFORD TO SELL? I H OW ABOUT A TRADE, !or man· j ag er o peraLed c!ear lncom f' prop· erty west end of Lo~ /.ngt lel'I. Vel,1e<1 al ~~.ooo with over $10,000 a year income & low expeni<e. Am r i>tinni: & Rm m- ln e.L•'d In Blly F ron t pro perty. W ill lrudc ur 11r down. O wner, \.\"Ehate r . .W!l61 or wnle 2907 Soulh Cochran A ve., Los An- ~eles 16. :!6(1'.! :'\ewpon lll\'.J !'>pl LlC'llCh Glcnd&la 6-P h. CJLrua 3·~316 .FOR TR L"ST lJJ·:EDS 32tfc \\'l\l. B. 1 llJL T & Marina J11u bor t -:"18 The Main Road To A Sale sr.uc 1 MOR TGAGF: RA:-;Kl'NU ':1:'1·3:1 rr. KIT cu~tOll\ 2 b-h 111 ; 1nq1r1~ t11~r11>-111 , ... "''~' "'"" ,. Wllh p11. t1111h AllSH l 'Rlk t..ai:11na Worth $iHllO l>111r1f1ce $•!:1U(I. Phnnf' 11\'Hll t-:107!1 I A pl!! Lo le&.'le. Sh pg 11\'lltlrlblf' 1, ACRE ra nC'h h ome, fenced. lM 1'1NC.:l:.: 1930. fl. frontage. play rm. 20 x 20. 1609 :'\. B t:SH S ANTA ANA ln t euanls. Jtlf'al for chll<lrt>n &nrt 11nima l11, I l<l~lllF.RLY 3·7111! f>8rtly fu rn . S 12:1, ICM f'. 811ck Corona del Choice Mar Income IS VIA MUL TIPl.!E LISTING !:;,~h· 11 41-Wantt"d to l~nt ~~-----~~~~ 3 ~08 Vhl Opoo to Mllnagl'r Hu. 1002 1ttt1•r 5 p m. Ll 8 ·2171 38tfc Rentals Wanted I We need apt:. und huUll<.'» In all Crown of the Sea Motel section.a for both w 1n1cr 1U1<1 In Corona del Mer y r ar'• 1u 11c •'\.lrn. or unfum. U you nave 11 ''acanl'Y, phon e today The Vogel Co. 2201 W L'~l. H wy , Newpo rt Br.h l'l11111c Liberty 8-3481 t'11111Cort 11blP rooms &o. k 1to henette a p ll! T\' fh•y w•·"k monthly r11tt>. 2600 !:: L'ua.:.l H wy. H11r 3 19( 3:11'4~ _Bay. Ll 8-76911. 40tf~ J <.;ORONA DEL J.fAR . 2 BEDRM. partially (Um . houae With (Iii, 60t HeUolrope. Jl:vea. Ll 8· l 7i6. t 2r U WINTER R!:Nl'AL-N icely tum . hom t', 2 bdrm .. 1tarb11ge !llsposat 1h11hm11.11ler, la undry f11rlllt1t•s, f•'n<'ed y11rd 328 Sapphire , 8 111- 1 !Jou llllan<I 421 H TWU R OOM fum1,,hl'cl DOLL llOUSE , 1111rrounctrd by yard & flo.,..ns. $~0 mo Caragr :'\tW· port Blvd, near 19th, Collta M t H WANS '!U tjU ILU, IMPRO VE: BUY, MODERNIZE, OR R.UI.NA.NCE We Buy Truat Dre<t. N'EWPURT BALBOA SA vrNGS le LOAN ASSOCIATION 33&8· Via Lido. Ph. Hu. '200 Ue NO COMMISSION No Appraisal F ee SALES -REJo'INA NCE C-0:-\STRt;CTION Call 1or •,ree Fast· Comm.Jlm('nts on Realdencea amJ U111t.t on ly BRO KERS INVITED 431 fC • I --------------1 HF.RE IS A ?\ICE CLE AN com· Heights Lot LARGE WAL.l.ED-1::-.1 LOT , rarll· ally lm provcJ . O cean \'lew -- CloJt-to markel$, .:Mellen! lc.wa· lion for ntre honrt. 'rr;r few tell, q uick ac.·11011 fur good buy 111e111tll pr .. proty in"" 11ttr!lr 11vt 11nd busy cm1111111n1ty. Jt's 1111110111 new Bntl r• vlJlcm·I rec. Un the i.:1uund Cliwr .1r1.' t wo sto1 t!frnnt11. IJ<•lh 111C><.1to1 n 1tr11I 11tlrlll't11·e; hoth 1.re lo·11•l'•I ulthuugh loll" will Good Values When You Buy , Or When You Sell SEE YOUR REAL TOR TOI >A ~- 'FOR THE FINEST PERSONAL SEH\'l(.'l'.; Newport Harbor Board .of Realtors 208 :.tanne, Balboa h land rhone Harl)or 444 :Zti6i ~: <.:va.!ll lly., i.:uronA <lcl \fo r Phone Harbo r 17 11 T\\'0-BEIJR~1 Al'T furn ):Kl. \\'int.·r rt'nlMI g, . .,. a flt'r 6 r m I :SI I llh St, !'/l'Wl'Or t H"1tth 4 ltfc I _ .... L',\\ L\' I t I Har bor 61:'>«1. 42<-H JAN 1 to Aug 3 1-2 bdrm. un~ Don I Huddleston fu rn. horn,. 22 ft. 11vinr room • $1500 Down :'l:F.A T HOl\tF:, nf'a r Octan and I • .. me 11µ to r 1 rru•v. al ne\ t yea r If your plans 1n cl111le • bus111r11a of y o11r o" n Your n ... 1ghhor1> ere lh•· hrst st1111 11 and 8hup~ In Cll~I l'arkong 111 t h•· 11'11r L"r· ~larr:. JI ,. l<•lll 011,.h r n fu rn1shr1I :.mi;lt> lllklrlmt'ntil ton.: 1111w B\1Ula1Jfr I. T hi· lc..-utinn a n•I r1•ln t1vely lom n •ntnlio \1 111 f<rc-p t h1• hml<llnl;' 11c-c11pl••ol yl:'t t he rt· t urn 1" a1l"IJll1<t r on t he 1111k1nic pnco of $M 0110 efl1I w e <'lln wurk out ll't 111te tcn r111 Cell 1.111 a.nt1 ..-nnt" In llnol l!t'f' IL -- It'• g ood \'ti htf•. 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach LloJo Offlo·r, 3 416 Via l..ldo lli.rbol o\!171 ·' r 1 ,., ur 1t!1•1 nwo.• y rur n It. flrt plnrr. modern. $110 mo. 110!1 F'em lt'a f H a r 2239. 42C'H till:.! ~ewpnrl lllwl <"•u1ta Mc-1111 1 l .J li«"rt y 8·:i:ill7 tfr I bd1 n1 a pt. y rly r enl11I S611 n1t1 ono.;I Uttl Adult.I 18:t:. W . 1 B-AYSHORES IJ1tllJ1111 Blv•I Hil r 1731•· \V 111·•3 $110 MO. VF.AR I.EAS E. exc hnl· \\ ,\ :-.:TF.rt '\ 11111111 h"fll" l'•••la 1\1"• • 11111•1 ""'"' •IOI lo! •t l'rt· J.'l'll~ STUl llO 1.<pt 11311\ fount (••I 1.11,.• l• I \\ill f.:I\• I:'""' l\"1111•1 I adult p11 n1·l hr111, llllll· 1•1tt'r IK h1• 111·111)11n• nt H ll\'P 2 ' 11r.11 l'"'d 1•:1 11111. •OOtl Hl\t'r l hil1h1 11 lit. J•111. I.I 8-iV"l~o ,\\.-;>; .. w1><nl lliu 1606-V. 37rl:.! I 41" 12 ma A uau~t 2 b edrm Ir Jl'n flrfpht<'e, furn <1r unfurn LI 8-o&/!34 --421 H I '8C-Traller ~pM-e , 1 .. a :-r inlo >••t;r o~·;o.; H OMJo: 1,..., l.Ar.L:Jo: SPAC~:s 251166 :-\0 C HG. ~AP~;.~~~ou~-----torr Hc.llJ•Y• 2 l>Jrm . l:Ul..<.H<· for !'hllelrtn on y>eTrn bula 1&0 Fl'L, th•·• m h~111. t1h·J , unru1" ft rm m l'toN>•, Blv!l., En•I •Pllrt• C'iotcc Wmter P.enta l.s vii I "l't \'1t rrt, 1,,,1111 ~nr"IC'" utilr a v1t1. LJ 8-7696. 40ttc Balbua lsl~wd & L 1du Isle "''I """• IY $1;11 w~ :1.1111 ~1 -1 smau A cozy ur 1.arr• • delua• :s i-u Hnr 4:111H-,I ~i. 11 49--HoomM fo r ft4ont 11:i to $300 111011tb ------------·~,\\ l.Y' t>l::L'OltATl;11 A l'Th. VOGEL CO·. 208 Martne A Vf'. Balboa l •lanJ I'll. Harbor 444 ur Ha rb<>r 2 151 Hr~. 11.ir. l7&6·R or H ar 30'1ll·M eutc f111 m1>hl'•I \'~Br 11111n•t 111 "'lntt'r 1101\ ltrll"'•MHhlr I tol l1H l111lr1! Jlltl.ll•A'' Al'Th (IH17 ~; B111t ... 11 lllvcl H pH T\\11 l:El >l<~t Fl'K~ A l ~r (;111 f a,;• t. \\olll'r :-;u p•t• i"ll f'"r -~I z:i \\*A1nut 1·1 ... t ,.'"'" * • * l!':NJOY l .J\'TNC on the Oc"IUl F ront Kllch,.nt t l" a pt' • rma. v.•ll h p r1valr bath Maltl al'rvlre T V 23C>e Weal Ocean F runl . Hubor 6091 * * * ,\ llP. \111\ t I .11 I! bohrn furn I 'llhlll'~ J'>U.I I 111 "i t l11lol1 rn l..a11r .. to \ t• '"" 111. 1 · 1-: T <>I' /. l'T MllTFL i U3 ;\t'\\f"ll t llh••l ="Pl II• O• h, J•1al llWl'I! thr A1d~a.. ~U .. \I• •I I .I i. '114 i:!1 11 BAI.BUA PENl l'SUL A R o um l'F ':t:"SL'l.A l'1o1nt 1111n 111·1 2 1 v.•1111 priva tl! bath • f'ntrl n•,. Ap11rtmtnl bulld1n1 H•r 24~·0 ~1 h 1•n s;:, ••O• h•JrTTI Sfl•• A+.~ 'Jt"I 11 II ln11ll fr•I 1TA1 :u•, J H • l'I ():'\to; Ott T\\'0 h•llm~llhhomr Fl It:>: , xrr11 rt .. An J 1n1 I l'rl' •ll'«it" 930 Arb.•1 l.J ·3:1:'1 • 11ft"r j p m 31\\f• !•l '1\HKl.l~1; 1•1>111111111•11· furn "I II•"' 11.tlv , •rl'• l• I :: 111 .t 1 •·11 H'rl1bl" •lr n 11,11111 •Ii.;• 11111 1~1 •·I,.•' lt'ltl", 1-1anr-t r'ft\ '4~• 1 ••r "'" '" Jun,. l!\lh r•·I 11 n IM•ll·J 3n1 E: ""' h ... 1\ ' ----- utol LAli\' •Ion• hu ru<•lll '" "''I' ( :" f ltfri:• (',,r • •f1~\ 1t1 t \1,e f ( 1111 "'" "' lrn~,. ti or 111111 \11 ~ tt111lb••rc, ••vrR 11 ... 1·.~o1 I! 1111'1 \I A \ 1• ll.1 lb<1n Htt\' humt IUI t'nlpluV<'•I llH11' I .I llr l.l 8-.16'8 • 29lf<' -.: unHl\of , .11nr11rn nl\' '"nlnl 1 1>111111 rui n. "I'' toll Junl' 1 S•i:'I :-.. .tulolrl'n "' pd• :-;,..,, \"Ill Hu ll ;1 111:.t .,11il1·\ 11 .. 1 i:.:v \I ~F:AHLY """ 11nt111n bol1111 h\\ I Cir. r 1 I'""" l;IH"ll" ,.,,~, llarbo•r ltl l·lt 111 '43 ...... 1 .. -c 'l hl'R' l•fl S lot:\ 111•1 •I< 4!\ R\l.rtll\ l ~l.A :'\P 't'r v rh"• rf1ol I hr ru1 n •rl s1;n J'' • n ,1 In• llhl1! ..-, 111! 11 JUllt' 1:1•h Sea Shell Apts. I' I\ IV A. T 1''. n11"ll furn $37 !'IQ Jl"r 11 11 Y"arl) M 1 ri~11lot l"ul 11n11 1lfl M•1 3011< H l •oOOI 110tl 1\ II 11 l h l:I ~ '2 HF:PK M PF:Ll'XF; ~TR~ , A I 'T~ Tn prl'frrrrol l "Ol\nl.o Slo!'l Iv llJl. Ill II lnrl I :l:lH \\ H 111• "' ltb•I. :'\1'"1'"'' Jlriu h .1s.~!'l'Jh j()..-Rent~ Ml!K'.. I-------------LHX> IS LE liA<."llEUJR &nJ C1nt la '""" bdrm a1 •1.& Sh1.rl 1erm 11nJ yr11 rly A l~"'U. Lido Home'I an•I R>t) f'runt llom ea M d llp&rt.menl.11. LI DO REALTY Asaoctalt'~ Harhor 1H4 •llttr (.):'\F: BtJR~l. Cum apt 61•!. '1111 l.Al{lj~: C AR.111; .. ; t-llR J:~'"\'T 4114l ~: Hav A,.,. rta llw 1 11 .. 1 lil\:O.. \\' 411 '3 M-Sto""' IJ om<"t''4 -------------c•A ~T 111r.H\\ ,\ y nl'Y. t Ill ling ~"" .. ,, f t otf!CI'. S111t1tlllr 1r '''ritn• ~ at tnrn,.y flit $1tt1 u o Rl'S.S F URU I.l 8·6141 2Qlf ;>;F:\\ l'UH f II r:-; A ttl l hr furn h111nt . p U• 1Uf1 J'U~ I ~·m l.l•Yt'• )\· t'l•lu'"' J 1·~l1t 1111 1•r r "' .) • '\rl~ Hl.A :'\C'llF. 1;.11 T F:lo-ltll1 3 I I M"nnf' Riii l•l- i;11M \'nrt>n11 '1"1 M"r H '1r i :1;"1 ~ S )t,\l,I, l>Ft"ll'!: 1.,, ll'nt Suit ,_hlr r~ ... 1 r s t •'"" ur lfl""U*&n• •• 41'' 111111..,., Ill\ I I nil ll.11 ~71~ ll 11 lfl71 I I Jfi7.! tiB--HoU!lf'1t for Rfont l114Z ----------- 43A-Apts. for Rt'nl RENTAL r SPECIALISTS C11JI r..dn a C'ralg Bla nche Gates, Rltr. B.\t.Rll ~1n1~1 'µ"'"I •1111 ! 1 .. 11 m hou~ nc-"' r.c., \\ nl 1 I f'o.I $1,j "'" H >11 h. r 111111 . \I l lo I I T\1.0 Of\R:\t unr111 n t1 .. 1, ... ,no 1ln1111:,. l11 i"hn1•pln£ "'"" (.,fh••1I\ /\·1668 H16ll T11,.1111 I I• I.I 311 Ma.rlnt Ave ij&lboa l.illanJ, Ha.r. 1671 72llo I ~J.,\\ l •uHT H .. ,Al:ll lt11 n1 •h•"I ~\t••1rrn :? ht••h1.,.,n h• u,.,. n•• t i hu•tu"~" .t btoai·h t.v \ "·" "' Charmin~ Ha rbor Hnwn 111nn 111 SY 7-01)» 1 lo lh Apn rlnH'nt~ -PAt 11111 ,·11Ko:->.11 11r.1. ~tAH 11rr111n 1 NE\\' 4 Ht1• J)I •llrrt I• 1.-1. :"N\f I !r11 ~ l•nth. n~ 'h .tr•"' 1ll'ol ach1,.1l• ~h .. 1•1unic d14trt• 1 <.1111.i, I ir.•f.I,.. 11nd 0 11· ~·~·. 1111• 1·111 pl~1\.-.111t. , '' 11,.1," 1 ;nr h.1i.:•• •II•· i 11 uh· r 17 ti J"'8al, 1111111.tlr~ •l••rns:I' ••oU1111 r ti •u lSl.f: 3 hr<ll'"""'• :• 111rl\i.:r $". •111 •·I' lJ. .p1r• •II· 1 ba th hot1nt:, "n """""I hn-.. ur.-"''•"' ''f\"t "'·r•t'·'~i'r , MtrT t!\11 1 II "•" '" ,, " :-: ,,. ' ' ,,1 n h ... 1• u•· . : 1' 1 U1u1 k ~1111lh • ( II _h ~ 1,1,. I :· \ " o: 11111 11""11 l '" r ,,., •' Al.50 J-TH'"l3lll I Al"TS • r u gi11 • II• 1111' fully f\11 1 ·h \\'I :"1 I H I! \ I ~ ..: •• !\. lH"l.I", .. '. I"" 1°•111 '11111 °!11 l .11 t l 11h'••1 J 11 J;", I ,·1 r+fUt •kl ~1111 11111 "" 1J•K 111 1.- l I Kl I' \ I ~.I. \I I I\ \ I t l\ '" ,. t" If p j. lt l •>o l 1 ,, ll1«hl•r 1: th t". \ ' '"" ,, ' t • j I ,.,., '!'\11th• s-;ut1 ,,,.., fll! n~h lrif11JC Mt •1 H8lbt•" \9t•\t4I: """l'•'ll ,11\tfl I II 1 '-'1 l I. ltl .. '-'T<\I. rwn •)••• 11,, 4 ~HI ' •• 111• 1~111._,, I \tl I \I h• .,· S7u 4.' 11 I ,, ~11 .. 1.:-1 l IJolll1 : I ,,11, II I t f I Ii .,I .. ., f .. 1 .. I\ : JI 4, I 11 I 'Vl •1l1H 1.1 , .... ~1 .•.·, 42• 44 :i1r1. e NEW OFFICES e Jl)f:AI. F'OR PROrF:~­ S IONAI. or BU.\I NES~ l'SE. l,<1t'R ti·\) i 11 llarbnr Investment Co Rldg. 30t h & N1•wpnrt Bll·d Har. 1600 ~-A-Bu!Unl'M twnlalt1 l"m l!•th & J'l.irl'llll 1 1· ~I F• •H in::-. r t , " 11°11111 hn11·•· ·~'"''" t\ 1cr11g furn • in• l•ulr.11 81\lrl' r•oOOI ~ t \\ 0 n!CIC• ap11Lt'8 $111ol lll"nlh UH \\Ill irnl ll!!J•ll· r11 lo:h I otf11 e at $;6 a n.I I al $.)(I n onth Ao8U •mall sture $1•"' r ... I '11 II 11\\ n • r l.t i-efl ~ >--ll2:.;J 11 111onj:"4 or Aft£ r :, f 111 !•t f1 ~-oR l.EASI!:. "'"' hi-IC 1>n J-;;,•t 17th ~I \\r nt<'d U1Htt;l:H s 110 r R F:Al 'TY r b r.l.uP. T\' ~A l ..J-:1' ,\, !'=Ennr~:. RF:AI. ESTATF; ll~~ll;F:. t,;IFT SllOP t ic C'<f'l your bu•1n11A11 11 U l "d tn tnr ll<'At ''" t11 1nn in l .. ~Ill Mc.•11 •·vr 1nfnr m atlon 432 Eut 17th or I.I htrt y ll-:'1214t , :!II<'~ I r\\11 ttk Hu.\H. PLl'S • i mooll 1,..r,1 .. r11o •• t'ar .. 111r LJtial fut ;in \(.d I~• I Utal e1 lB1Uraih .. t "I• VII :\'ewpvr t l.ilvJ no l\ltlo St C04lt11 Mua Har &IM 42c 44 173 E . 17th St. COSTA M ESA Ll 8-55" l LI 8-&j62 NEED MONEY? C.:hannel, only $11 500. N.B.C. Realty 32nd A X ewport Boulenml ?\'rWJ'IOrt B<'a.r h Harbor H ll5 Fast Action Low Rates Loan s n~RY uEs11-1A BLE 2 wrm. cape I Bay & Beach Rlty Inc C'1>1l h nme In Cl1rf llro\•1·n on 1lt't."ll- "" lot All I VlllTI8 t'l>lr<1 largr, C 'ornn11 dt•l Mllr Ofrrre 2nd and 1st h1h1d floor/I, flro.'fllll< e, na tural 135311 E Cvul Hwy, ll!lrbor ~>219 wu<i1l kltchl'n, 11er\'1u poreh with laundry. Uutc h 1loor leads fr1-1m • I • T \\t S;•rv1· All Ornnl(e (",,1111ly lvg. rm. to 30 by 12 g l&Mt>d 8t , rYlne errace Service In Your i"Iomo cuvered patio. Lot Ill 75 by 135 We Buy Trust OccJs well l&11dac11pe<.1, !enrw .tr. rear Magnificent CuRtom Built Home T11p 1., 1, • pni.f 1 ·,i.h iwii ! yarrl cro!!s ff'nn•<1 Two rar g11r· ROYAL MTGE. Co. agf, lath hou~c I< fUM:hin g ar· • ;ll'n Rt•(ir of lol haA IS be~rlng e 2602 r-; .. wpo1 l Hlvll !'fH I Hl'h I frull lreu A mll.ny rarto p l1mts Two b\Jrm11 a nti Ji>n P nml' 11.J('l\tlun 111( lJolphln T• rrun• Harbor 1549 t•ropt>rty tio Ol'lll . 1•ltan & wrll . 4 h.~ H lo<.aled, nl'a.r 11r hool11 & <'hUr< hu I Sro. owntra :\11 or l\!111 Ftt"I J Croz:1<•r, 3011 Signal R oa•I . ;G-)Joopy \\'an~ u tH~7. 4l c~3 riu ·~T r•EFI 1 'i•''"' "111 •rll 11 d1!'!1• mt 1•11• .111111• I 1nl t 'o;ll It 11 llfl13·~1 $SOOO Wanted \\ I I.I , nl·'.I 'A\' ,\II pt•' '''' II 11 \ 1•-.l1d Ii h• ·I h ,;i.. IU•'UI I U, I •111 1:-; .1 n: \H~ .. •r ..... t 11· "'II 1 "'" 't 111~ •'''' P· 11 •I• I ~l"I \\Ill Attention Investors! l'Hl<'E Rf':Ut:<"EI> P ••r 11u1c k action on tl111' b11,.m•"'ll f>r< I rrt '" 2 m1Hlrm buitt1.nJ.!" • n GT x 11':""!111 tn111 ,1,. 1r.ll ... 1;;; 1 r r•·nt f•1r i< tut.ii "' Ill lt·ii.•l l:!·,n l'"r 11111nth l'hntv .. 1 ''"•nl fnr 1•xp.1n•l"n Aolf'ftU 1l1· p11 1k· • Hl'o111l1t11I 1 Aopt'I~ and 1haprs • Jo:>.pr1111' ely lo1111J111 lll't'•I • M1~ll'r fl 1n r \ rl\ 1h't u1l • 1-:1., tr 11 k1t1 hon • T wn • •lllf I• I•• l1 1th~ • Uwnc-r " cnr • In nl• 1111\t r ~1111' '1110" •I I' Ii·· ,, .. •u• t' I ·,, J ll:I••• ti-11111• HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbnr 1600 JI 111•"1 l••I<' PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE NON-VETS OR VETS $295 impounds moves you in new 3 bedrm. 11 _ bath. Back Bay area home before ChnstmnR. Taxes paid t.o Dec. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18:)7 Newport Blvd. CoslA Mesn Ll 8-1632 Eves L1 ·1400 BRAEBURN FOREST Ll'Xt;R Y HO MES Jtl )h 'IA' (Uflit • \'CU--.No Dowo rxl'1·pt 1mpound3 & ctw11,. I • udo ~ rnc~~~.~ 1 .. rB~~1~f~~~~R R. • Non \'1.'tR F'rum $195 down Y1•U 'ftl\ q111{11ry l<l Hn ... burn t°OI t•>tl ~" •,,mt' out Look 11111• ''" bmni:1· Cmint V'• l'Rlllf'•I • r• 1J11 qu1tlolual1t'ln . IH '. 1:-: 'U l"fl :'\~W HO~lE BY I HH l!':TMAS MU\'!Jo~ IN IMM~:l >IA TELY -°'2" ~ l'°ff"T' .... ..nr 4-~"-~---.a A JH :A I. hll\' $~'11' '11)(1 r S 11 •,11() tin 1 1'111 " 10• IHtlf'• "' ,, .. 1 1111r m at h •Ir'" r •ll~h"'""''' r ""oJ I '1fJt~f 41 • Irvine Terrace l'ltW~: R F l1t'1 'F:J 1 A m o<1"1ri '"''I\ 11 "" 'J ft H. & •t• 11 1:. t11'1toll\ 1''1''1. it & •" 111111 1111•"\ fl):l•I I 1 NII' 111\'f'~l 1 .,:..tuin. (.,i 1U.h f I n1• I fill !,,...,. h) ;\f\At11·1t l lP••il t'11I t llf •t,HI olrl ~h r h111n h ~"'''~' ,,.IJ lf.u· lonr 41'111 f,.r II !111111111111•1 471 H 1ni Lo111t···1 1n I h• f,1•lt l j(l1l\lll11(" JHlll llf '"'"l•I M•"ll 11 .rhl 1n th•· h1o111 .. r 1 I.or~· 11rw ~. vfllJlllJ: • "lll••r \\'h• rt 1111• " i:••n" thul ~ 1l' A11pr1tX JI u wo , Mh down rrrp11r.·11 ('nil own••r WU. rty b·Ei22:1 11l'>rllll11t,. 111 Rtl• r G I' 111 tic I l -;o, !-WN OA Y e LC XURY FEATURES :?017 1-:. OCt:A~ BL \'D. I !'-ha ke ruofa S I'\• 11 •I ·' '-'FSS 111•1 II· nn•I .. 111 ~r111 1.iu" roumA olrnp•••. 1 ... 11ol"< ~•I. Id• •clly 111~ ..; tr-. I '. r 1 I ' ,, , , h r 'l • 1 , 1 • llWl1•'1 W!\l\I' ~\Ill I( •fto FKI •M °"I "'. "' I h 0 \\ I If' 1-. \\.,ti f •I 1.11.,1, ~:!1•n .. 1 ... ,. • r <..:u·111 .tn I 111 I It I • ftllA-Commt'rrnu. ln11u't rial ---------------------llOT ~POT 1\ll~H t••ll'\ht' h•\•1Y \u\\ St\\ I \ •"J.. ''""" 11,~ Jt; 1 ""t' r lit "11lo f1repla1 !' S11 1111 "intl I· •I 1 • 1 1 tin It•" 1 '" t ' 1 ,, "' 1 .. l•I rt 1•1• I 'r I\ ar V '-' 1! h• 111 llJ' krt'JI Sl,!\OIJ T111 1• I•""'' \1111:11( tllkf' 1a 't' ' IO•lrf • II I' J•,•r• •ln\\n f'ri\Ul •\nt >-II ttTn "'•"11n t• lJ1tJk•r,. ••\1.•r IJ,,r :\4-;-;. ,f "" 1tn•v. • r ~"It J l11r1o111 1.h ,, ~I• II i '''•' tt' ';t" ~·fl•Hr..:-1n •\ l..1u..:.•· itoubl~ clufl~l' tp.•ld\ 1r•1:1•1• I fl•1,:ld1•1thtM1•I t-1 ..... ,• 1t.1i ,,1J1nR bru k r11 •J,JA1 1 "" • ~ ru. h1 I • I' ' I'• t,._ath ""1lh I •J;: hlt r I·' 1f •J' I ,. I '1:. r· I•. F h,,J\ h1r1 h k 1\( hrn CAhlfie'l• H1 rt~ q r ·•··'"'lt k l1r 11t l tu 4•\•r,,z,. 2lAr i RntK ... .. " l'l'I \I~.\\ 1:,· \l'l'T ~"'' • I 111r hut ta~ l .. \h1J,. rtJ U g Muriel M. Pinover Realtor Built in tlrr•:...ng tllbl" •n•J w nling •lrl'k • l1f H •• 1 S:l~t ••• ,, Waterfront Duplex 2 t~,..lrht\ff1 un11 111 I I• d until"'" J-.,1•1""''"''"''', , I• 'It I\ , .. I~ t. I I• 1 ~ n hi<\ r " t • • A I "" • \\"II J1,, ,,,,.,j .,, H1\ I Alt· • f 1 \ ~11.:-A \IH \ ,,.,.._, t 1 I I' i:' """ ••r 11 ht ' '" ... h\cr l tt "" J , ~· , f )~• ••h•I !(.Ill ~· ,,, .. 11 I ' 111 :-;1-.:~.ss 1.;1T l".! 11•1 " .i···· "" 1;,,y 1.,.k11 i; ll'•on m i: l~th l-l 1n ,.,..,,. ''•'3 1·11\IE l>l'T Harbor ltt Sa.nta A 1.1 .. ,. ,. '•\ 'X •1th 'u F rN'\\.1\* •, ~'"'"•loft ~h~IJl right l111n h• ·•J• I •n Jf u'"'H r 1,.,, k f1•r \t11 ~,,•a < l11ou, su:1 S2' 01~1 .,.., I lf'tU Iii #> t ·'" l""ll ~;'(1 o•lh ltl fHr t BJ'llPI j..11111 II'\ "'t ' t trAIJtT tntUI t•U ltJf""i<" LOOK ttl ~c 111 '" 1'-t n ·ntuJ 11n ·~ 1•t I 1 ot Hr t\' '>Tr'" r 1 , .\I.I.\\ :o.TA:>: • ..J-Y l{l'ulh•r LOOK! Built l:ktter by r;F:Ol\GE D. HCCCOLA J)('\'C'lop1.•r of Sherwood Fon·st. lo\eystunc'5-:.!15 1 • Corona Highlands I I I ,, ,\ ' I • 11 \ ~ 11, to I ,,, ""''"'' I.I " l•ll:! 11 . • .... ''' ' I I ; : • H '' I.!• 4 I lil-ReaJ Esta ll' t:.u·han~f' I . 1:\ '1" :-;1 :1: ----------------------~--C()R(1~A-llEL ~t AI !, uu1 t, rn •• Bus.1ne ss Property 1 1J•l1t•1. honw. f111•p'.11·,. t11r11"''" h·l'"I. f1 111 \\ \\' 1 .111,..111.i.: nr1<1 PASADENA 111.q •t-. tlt•l•· .:11r ~tt• ,._ •. iJ f,,, \ l ''l l>-I'\ •I· hf•I hill 1•11•" Sl:17:,11 ( ,;,1u1 •In 1\11;1 l 'urllM'tlHI tla1 3:11111-'.\f 11!1 (1 J"' 1 .. , 11111"11 I'"' I 1rr 1qf' C••o tt I~ ..... hol. I ,, 'I p 111 11 .. , I~ I l.1\TllHlll' I , ....... t LIDO R-3 I 111T 10"" n.i I• 1 '"" 11 '1 ~. 11: :z -:10 Cl. lull! "" l'•• Bay F'rnn ~ •t'A H 1t1 :olj/l!t •l• H $11 ".1~1 "'" h C'All T D P.• ~"r•, TK \I~: H.,l'ITY '1 ~ I• <tr'l h"'"" '-'.Ch L f,,,·t • I ' • 111• t I '"'' t''lllll )' n All n•·'-' f •If II Urr 'l't·L" I ' I '" " • J SI• I • 1, I lo.in In 1 ""'" \I,·~ f r l.'Tf;~1l11~;1. l.o :1r ll!All •• F .• l ,,JI 1 ... 1 "..:1i:1• 411 I.! TH \l•I-' f' .. 11• l• 11•·" I "" rr ~r I I•., int., .,,1 II~ · '" •lf'r l '1t .ti'• I' • rr• '" t 11 .. 1• • s ',, nni rt• 1•t 'I\ <"tiu•• h ~r \ · ·"'', ~1· 1 U111 l!'>b:.·\\, ur HY.Lil J ·6tt~!• l "' fc llCF:,\~ I-f..v :>:T L<>T $7"""' - H \\\IE\\ :?.l11j \\ 1:.1 •11 H \ I 11 1 r ~;'!: I II I 'I " \ • 11 I 11no! •pl hi .. I S:·'' t I• t l ,,lf., J '"' '• r"'".1ro .\ ...... 1 'F\\ l'ClllT lll-:1•.HTS .1 h •r-1 r n• 3 11• 111 \\'\\. ••1rr unr 1 JI 1•" •11>1 j.Rr J•I• • q . ,.,, , •• ,.~ tl\\t"1 ••'4l t: ,~ a· '111 1 '\; \I 'Id· <t .... ,,,,,,,, ,, I\ I 1\11 1 '"' • .'lo llJ11 fut .. 1 .:. I .1·1 .: • t \ f11 1 I "" 1 t;11 111 t f1V It t• \f l t If' J1 •1\I )•;1 1'1 '' tor '110.t Hlfh "")_\ ~ 111111\ il11. fl ( 1111 , , ii' '" J •H \II ' 1 .. :r1111~ \ '111f ,.v_ 11 "'""'' Art C. Kistler Co. I I \ 1.·11 ilt :.!'•"I "' .... .., I I Ill\ I "'t I 1 C • hur ~.,:~''• OPEN HOUSE 30 I I Cliff Dr ive Sunday only 12 to 5 ' ' \\ I I I • 11. I i\' •I ., ~ -.. I , .. r ~taU.\ h I ~ • ) '''I f'1 1 t , \ A. , , ,.,_n ' I I ~ •• tr It"' t 1 ..... • .. , ffl l·· 111r •1n·n • nt "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. -I B & B ~ Weighing Values 7 : '" ,, '" 1 ;-.-t; F1>H YO t ·n ~u:-;EY s I \\ !>HTll ~ Th•·n ltt k" 11 Jlf'Pk A I 1111• 111111.111 la''" :l ti-!m1 i yr t 1I l tinl •• '.\ llh \\dll l•• 'A.dJ •ht• f"' ll1t"•llJ1hni11 all ••l,.1•t rl• k it· A 11111•1 11n11•1111 l h 1 • "1 11.rr 11 •. I l'fll• 1'>111'1 ~ '"' n I :\ fl.11 h,, Ltivtl\' 1•1•) r"'·111 ""h fn•1•l,11 1t !llWI f11nl l•1I 1 \ t"' Hiii (1 I \\ d h 11flHh .... t I Ut itlfl \'I•'\-\ f U •1~n• ,j I r i!""d ll\lrij 1'111111 lu ~111 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. HEAl.1 1•1(S ---\"AC: A NT l.CJT~ t, I ,, .r.• .. ft f d••d \j&)Uf' Jt t '1117:.11 "llh $1:11111 d"v.n F HA 30 x1"4 H l I ,,,, I 30'it8:•, It 4 _ Jltx\>:,, H "J OCE AN .. RO:-OT, H-l Trust our Judgment \\'A T~:n1-1<ll~T i:: I M M il.I.~ H <'• 1 s v;•,.fl S Ii •t1•1 T(ll \ Y '-'t II ha ve yo11r tonf1d· 1202:. \\'. Ull.llHJ" Hl\11 ll.11 111'•1 rr • •· '"" o rrov.' f'111l v1.>11n1elf 1 nf'Hr the N evqX1rt. l'u r • '""1y rrnrn "'ork &nd ate tl\111 re· --- -•I•, ,.r11t ,.•1 11n'1 r•palntrtl 3 Mrm TWO-RDR M JIOt;Rll: hartlw,,<"1 11 .. m,. w ith hdwd. floor•. '1re pl floor11. r'll!,.cnralrtl lna1d,. a nrt .oh• II "'"'1 Ian a 1 etc tl<' , rlo1e I '1111. $1 () ;:~. 1111,1) ;..· ,., ,, ' l!I\ I I 'o,•l.1 !'-Ir.Ok I In ,..iu•t•l•lt •. w~ lllY 1L'• • 3MI f"l••Wtr ~· (' ~II\ Mr~L l lpll ''"'''' 11 Ll''t:·1~·1 ll~011"6 1 1 l Sl i~ I l'h11ne l.lt.rrh·l'l·il\117 The N t'Wl·l-'101 pulill lu ~ Inure .-oR S Al.F: ~y P\>\':-;EH--4 I" l· i HI~ ll'1\ll 1 111, 1,., •1,,.11 ()nl) 8't"• ,&.~ U8" 1 h R. lty I :l'ltfa l 'las11.1C11'J ,\ 1 tl.111 1t111' O'llPf 1 IWl1I h ,r.,,. 1 • l.1.1111• ln11d ay eac nc (J:-;f; • 1211 ft • 114 11 illl rt t.11 I .I ti .\.I Ill l I ',Ull ,I A I, ''"'l'I d J.lrl " II,. ,, . I ·n1.• i. .. 1r. l .!> r~· I .. t r II\ 1 .. rn t.d)vlflll•l ea.. I< H11; ,,,t'.. I .111 1 1.,,..IP1 ~l11~· ""~ •llt1t1~ J., .1111••1 ~1 ~e,1.1 1 J.,,1,,,. "''"' 1·.,1 .I \I .\Ill.I J..P. l "IJ 1 ~75 Ha1Vc..r Bini tJ,. f.,1.11 lt,t• :-;1•11 1tll ., ••;•· :-Ot!\'9·1'tN•~ \'lu11f.• I A I'< ic••t I.IL• l!V ft 1,~1:~ 11 11111 .;~ ,,, l'I., \\ h 111.;;,., 1•1\ 1 H1<1 lu"I Cu~t • Me ... <'r.11C J rat•· c: .... n "' ltrll " "·"" r ruullll! Mrtl'r II I' 111 l!l!C• i11o., '"" ~·'"'l"•rt 1'111 1 l.lti"ll: 11-iill F,, .. ,., LI Ii :'11511 '-'&Id" •1\11•11 11111 ! .l;i .1 .. 11 ~-~---~~--~--~---~~----~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~ ~~~~- • I I \ ll'AGE 6 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 6Z-ll#al YAtat# ~-~·~~~~~~~~----------------------------FRI DAY. DECEMBER 9, 1955 "We' re Moving to Irvine T " err ace More and more Harbor ar<'a famih,..s <irP ttl!'lnec·trng these exquisil(' homei; -nc1ting their comfort, con- venience and rcntral location. More and more families who rirefer a home in a re- stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in tollay and seC' for yourself the many out- atanding fenturc·~ of this r{"mn rka ble community. Inspect t he model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquis itely furnished by Ma rtin & Von Hemert • Irvine Terrace is locat ed on Const Highway opposite the new Jn ·ine Coast Co untry Club. EARL W . STANLEY , Realtor EXCLUSTVE AGF.NTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estnte in Irvine TC'rracc, Beacon Bay, Bay ~horc-s and Chff Hiwen B & B BALBOA VALUE PACKED FEATURES are abundant 1n this BAY A \.'ENl.!E 4 B. R .. 2 bath home. Ni cely decorated throu;::hout. Lgt'. living room. full dining mom. handy Y.1t<'hl'n. lots of ttll.'. Forced ntr heat. patto, dbl. garage. close to Catholic Churrh. gra mmar school. beachPs irnd .. transportation. Own<'r must mow mlanrl $23.950-Liberal terms t o qualifC'd buyu. BALBOA OCEANFRONT 3 Units -Show e xcellent inromr Completely furnishc-d $22.500 -Terms 2 CHEAPIES! Th~y ain\ new a nd they ain't purty but thr~· ;.in• close to good b4>arhC's, stores and transport at wn and can b{' bought for S 1.500 down. No telephone' information will be gi\•en : BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. 1450 W. Balboa Bh·d .. Balboa Harbor 1261 -------------· --- Balboa Island BA YFRONT HOME with pier and n oat. 3 bdrms. 2 bath. Ont> of the-b<'st S57.500 ROOM TO BLD. additional unit while you ('n,IO\" 2 bdrm. atlrac Turn1sh<'d horn£'. Complctt•ly kneed . $1 .500 Bayshores 3~z year old 3 bd rm. 3 bath b<'autiful bay ,·1cw. CptB. & drps. incl. tn thtR true \'o~cl \'aluc· PriceJ at S3H.500 Corona del Mar View Home New -3 bdrm. & dC'n. 2 f1n·places &nutaful mahogany panellt"d lt\'lng room. S4U.500 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A\·enur. R;ilboa J::llrnd Next J oor to th<' Post Offill' Har 444 E"cs Har. 305!1-~I Har 121 -R CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL COTTA(;f: 3 br 1 1 bath Pro· tectC'd patio Exel l<w11 t1011 $:!)>.,7fl0. B & B OPEN HOUSE Sal .rr Sun I -• 30 I 20:1 Via .Nieto 1-:\'f:R\' l.:'\CH IS SMA RT t ftnd \nu ~h<1ul.I t'njuy lht Holl· •Ill'' 111 th•~ B1ant1 ;-: .. w :l b111m.1 '! liitlh h11n1t• Ext»1 "'' 1-whtll' "''h 111..ck tr.rn t-:1 .. ~ Bu1ll-1n I k 11 h .. n (;,.,, . .a1pt110ir tht u· 1 utll I. 1t .:~ l'R\lu ::;IH'• ,,11' I" It 1•d·t';\:o-h tu k•an c:u1 • I n1•1 1 .. 1 .. 11 1·..t '" •l r ,.,., I 1111 1 \'Ill ' \\'\.NT t1 l'I EH &1 1·"1.11,>\ I' ;\'I' \'Ul 'H FKONT I 1 )()I~·• \\'E l-IAV~-: IT near I 1.i.lu '! hd 111.• •111 If)' 1·r1111ei 1 .. -11111tf1il p'11nt1111:.~ ~u1 rounJ lh•· p l ••I" 1 I' I ·i. 11 n & "'"'' n~ a pin Nord Corner l ~J iJ:.\t!-: .: h th' I n ~t· l1\•1rtg "'''' 1 ' Hh Jh ··pl.H ,. s, pu1 ~· ,, 1llJ1l l" '' ttl l'1'1 lliol•t11•nl \'h'\\ uf b 1\ 11 ' ' 1. t. • k •\\hwt1 1·u11l1.! t t• U1 ttl~ t11t11 a ht••h lll I (' U • Ji••I,. !l(hl t!1 ._tf•t f 11' 0\\ 111 I \\Ill 11.1 ,. 1c11 ~1U1tlht ho1u .. tn :-.;,,, t 1~11 I At ••If Sh11\\ 11 liy "I I' I •lllfy Bay & Beach Rlty Inc u no OF'FI CE I 3112 l.Af1ty4'll<' ="111 Har 364:1 . . FISHER'S BEST BUYS~ COSTA MESA I I I 1 J. LGE. 3 B.R .. only I yr. old. I I 1. .. 1 66 x 1 1 n· it ' J ', Jnen S!l:l~10 Try Jl!)ll(I 1lown 2. LARGE FAMILY? St"f th1~ 4-BOR:\I n1>ar n••w homC" 2 bKthl' low clown. I Inly SI 1.:.c11J 3. SMALL HOME '"FIX-ER·UPER" l..if' lut fur 1t•ldn I unll Yo11 I • 1u1 ntMkr m1mf'y nn lhi• nnt' Univ SS:11\0 Tt"rll•M _.-CORONA DEL MAR N ,c., z. b1111 nr 1111u~t"I ("Pnl .. r. 1 • .... \'VIII I; I Lo11n ttnd buy lh•~ '"' $12!!0 ,,., Full l'me s12.:1<10 Fisher & Co. .· Save Sml On a beautiful view home in Corona Highlands - 3 bedrm. and den. bath and ·11 • 2 fireplaces, built in Western Holly range -hardwood fleors -lots of tile and m any other fine feature•. Must see to appreciate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS 5'10 De Anza Orean viE'w and swimming pool. Ranch s tyle home, nicely landscaped and many fme features. w t o w carpeting. Priced to sell. OPEN DAILY 1 -5 P. M. Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar tu occupy a l:lrg"' olllC'r hClmt'. locate.I south of the Highway 1 : blol•k from th<' ocean. With minor ex- pense can be converted in~ J bedrm .. 3 baths. din- mg room and large pla yroom. 40 ft. lot and on a nice quid street. Terms are very flexible and can be a rranged tp suit. Call us for any additional intormation. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 Bill 'S BEST BUYS RESTAURANT-GOOD BUY Going business on Coasl li1ghway with 5 yr. lease and re·oewa l option. 'Fully equipped -seats 35. Full Price $5.000 with 1 : down. Good terma on Balance. Owner ill, must sell. STOP LOOKING-WE JUST FOUND IT Nea rly new thrPe bedroom. l ':: bath home. Choice H. W. floors. Wall to wall car~ts. drapes inc .. fire- place, covered patio and la rge double garage. Full Pme $13.750 with $3.750 dow_n. NEWPORT HEIGHTS--4 Bedroom-$1 ... 875. Nearly new-Fc-nced-2 Baths. F ireplace. Walk- ing distance to High and Jr. S<:hools. Priced right for quack sale. Only $3200 down. CHOICE INCOME Large \'ery well kept. n<'arly new duplex only one bloc k from town. 2 Bel. rooms m each unit sepa- rat<'d by a double garage. Can be handled on very low down payment. Full price only $17,500 A mu11l ¢n your list. W . A. TOBIAS an1l A S~OCI ATES, R EALTOR 26•~1 ~l'Wl''ll lllv1I llttt U :?ll I You'll ltke our friendly service" I 1:-. 1•11H<1.NA l •F:1. MAii t 400 E. 17th St .. Costa Me8a Liberty 8-1139 / n ooo 11 .. h will h1111•ll,. 111.0.I bualJ J---------- ini; ~., .. llO lert "hlf'h flllW I GOLDEN RULE VALUES hH ~ u11• \I01l on •I In 111~ Tu•lin ~,h.,ol nsxtrnl A BUY OF THE WEEK t;• n11in .. '''"''"' h'"""· 'J b.J1111 "''" , .. 11 11"'1 , .... 1111 .. .., i: 1.,.,1 3 Bdrm. home. f ireplace. wood floors. furnace. lg. •ntl "'"'~' hnu • M""' ,,,,1,gh1·' guest houst. Wor k shop and guage. All on 1"1 """" bf>aut1ful half acre for only Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Mull q 1.. L•~l 111,. H""l\111 ~ L hJ1t111• ""' U1, 1k••r ·11·,.•, ..-: c ... , H''' ,.,.,,.n,. •S••I MA r U RJ hut :.!1~1:! TWO OlJTST ANDING BAY FRONT HOME5 ll.' llAl.l:tJA ISl.A ;-.;1i •I ,..,.If h1ull 1 )1.111111111( 1 hr h"lll• \\II h fllr• I "f11 I fh•l•l lllU•l•hll\ ..... ,.,1 At ~~ 7 ~"" 1111(111 hf'h•"' 11.:'\ Tll~: \It I.NIT\' •·! .NII\'-( &"l ... : •••• '"' ' 1>11'1 hf•\I,. ~ ,.,, .11 ''"" r•· 1 ""'' .,,,. tJt ... 1 ..... fu rn 1n• I •J•Plt1•1\• •A i 7:. '"IU Louis W. Briggs 1< .. 1111111 -1 1 r: B 1 lh-1~ lih I 11.,ft,..,, l'h l!.11 l•11 .... .JP• I? O?EN HOUSE z' I \I "•''' \ ,,, 1 '•'"" 1:1· \t'Tl1-·1·1. \I." t1r1,\t1: n. ~• ru•" lul $12.500 NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $500 Down Mov(•s you in before Xmas to this nict' 3 bdrm. ho me. 1 y r. old. Yard f<'nced -AND JT HAS AN OCEAN VIEW $10.000 with. monthly pay, hke r<'nl. NOW HEAR THIS Large bustnC'RS zoned lot with '4 yr. old furnished dupl<'X all for SI0.000 -Room for 12 units. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa I aC'ross from Costa Mesa Bank I Phone LI -6i61 I::vc11 Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 BALBOA ISLAND L'NL"~CALLY 1'1CE 4 bednn. homt with timing room. up to the minute lotchen. fireplace and forced air heat. PLl"!' att ract ive 2 B. R. apart~nt with fire- place and p1C'tt1rf' windows. large garage. For a 11·al h11m<' plus income. W (' rC'rommend th111. • • • Houston Values Gold Mine Income i. BALBOA lS LA:-0:0 \\"att's fro nt I ::-:r ft-rry Hamburgt-r an,1 malt Alan<!. paddlt b<\ard1 Ir 3 rtnl11la 2 I NC"OM E O\" ER SI 0 000 Jo"OR · Sl MMER SEASON. $39.600 with low down and terms Full Price $6850 3. GOOD 2 BDRM . tlllil&h1t. k nolly pmt lntt-rlor. room for 11not he1 unit and expand to 3 bdrm . 6 -l. yrs old. :10x1 27 on a11 .. y . . SPEND CHRISTMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME! CO!'T A ~1 E:"A S7000 -Low dnwn. I H R fram•\ i~:? \\' \\'il l'on .. I .ot :!50 x :'10 Si50(l -Cash 0111 2 RR . d1•n. 222 W. \V1lsnn OPEN HOl':"E FRIDAY. SATl'RDAY. ~WNnA\'. 1 to ~ r . M S12.000 -Lo w dnwn 121 (\~:ti Pl. Can be boui:ht on t•o ntrart. Wr ll bu tit . Exc·t•ll,•nt ronc11tinn. $13.600. $2100 down N1'\\I 3 R. ll.. 2 bath sturt• T rade fur llldrr 3 · I R. H. 50!'> l<\nrtwell Pl. Close-In .. 57500 5. Ideal Business -nffll'C', storagr. pnrk1ni:; and room OLDER. N ICE CONDITION ('f'O· for expan8ion on N1•wpo11 Rl\'tl. Will lt>aM' spar('. ttr ot town. I bdrm .. good 11!111u1 $1000 Down 3 BDRM . 7 111011 Ohl. <Ill lit'\\ tr'•, I. n .. w i-angl' It rt'frtg 10..J 4 1, •. loan. at $60.:10 mo. 1-·1111 pr11·t' S97tkJ. Asking $8500 3 BR :-:~wly dt•coraltd on ~Ox31\0 2 lol. Room for acid. until' Goocl E 11dt-rt nlal location. Submit Houston Realty Co. 6 ASSOCIATES :I09 Ctnlt'r SI.. C'ttlllA :\ir~11 J,I 8-6911 LI fl. 77~4 }. Eve. ph P*liltt-W 8·111117 Lytle LI 8·2:142 St-ymour. HAr. 11298·\\' "C" THOMAS "C'" THOMAS OCEAN FRONT 4 BDRM. H OMg anrt gar11g<" 1tpt Nee<J11 BOmf' fl x1n' bill BO t'>.Ct'p· NEWPORT HEIGHT!' LO\'F.l .Y 3 B IL. 1 '1 b11th11. 3 car Rllf'llR<'. EnC'l. putio, shrubs. plants. tn·l's 1rnd frnt·\•J . Excellent nr 1ghborhood lntml'<ltat1· pos!«'ss1011. hlenl fana n- rm~. ·ttl!'l Hnlmwuod. OPEN HOl'SE ~ATl HOAY-~l Nl1AY I -!\ P.M. NEAR HIGH ~CHOOL. I H. IL :-.mglr RRraRe. 2 baths with We~tmghousr mfra·rl·~I ray heat SH .500 Good t C'rms. NEWPORT REACH 6805 Seashore Drive'. :? B. R.-d<'n, I lot from or<'ftn. Fireplace. Good cond1t1011. $11.500 Small down. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 2216 Newport. Bini. Liberty 8·5101 3·1 :W W. na I boa Rlwl. Harbor 1 ·121' tlonally (101.' 11ppor1ur11ty r.ir -------------------------honu. Ir ln<"ome with only $~•MIO down. Pric:e 1ni•ludu nt'W Hol · point ~Ink <!t11hwuh1·1 Ir 1!11•- posal. G<><"1 locauon Ctnf' °'"'t•n BALBOA ISLAND EXCE~~ le~~~~ bf'•l·I room•. 2 balha. Liit' k11chen, fir .. plact . good hl'at. partly furnlAll· I'd, uft btat'h for t•hal•ll ,.n PRlCED AT $29.600 Yillh luw down payment. BAYSHORES LOCA TEO O N BA YSJIORF: IJm ,. w ith VIEW vt blly N"'" 1•urr1 fort.i blC' 3 bt1hoo111. 2 hath hnm,. lg•' hv. N>Orn with f111i.:11111n" firt-pll11'"f', full clln 1nn111 plltft brt-a kf1u l room. htlw•I. ll•><1r11 tlh•poaal. <'Omer IOC1tllOn (C'"Ml'll $2J,:,<IO -Gooc1 te1·m•. "C" THOMAS, Rltr 22• w Coast Hlw11y "C" THOMAS "C'" THOMAS Apartment House 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Island. p1C'r, n oat, formal 4 b<lrm . home The land \•alue 1s close to the ask1n~ price. A TTR. furn . 3 bdrm. 1 · 1 bath. thmnJ: room. li;r<' patw, lots of glass with 2 fJH apt NC'er No Ru~ Not a givl··away but 11n1· 11f thl' bt·~t huu:-.c•i- on the Island. -ti.!)00 ATTRACTIVE '4 bt•d rm., 2'.: b11 thfl, nr. l-;o. Bay Owncr W111 tah :-.mall down. Asktn~ .. 41.500 COOD FAMILY HO~tE. NC'ar So. B11y. Ls;e. yl\rd. 3 bedrm, 11.: bat hi;. $26.500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Nrat 3 bedrm. furn- ished home. Submit down. $25.000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT JNCO~H.;. La rge lot. 5 bdrm. 3 1.: bath h"ur.1· plus unusu:il 2 B. R. npt ovt'r 3 car garagt>. Roth unit~ 11('w!y furntRhC'd. Ha r. 1775 -E\'C'll. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Marnnb, Harbor 535~1. THIS NEWPORT Al'MlTMF::'<o' l' HOt."SE Ideal for )'tar n•un•I "' aummf'r ~ntal• J 11Al rti;:hl fur EARL W . STANLEY. Realtor a couple a1nc-" th" urk...-r 1 I practlcally nil Thi' "" nl'1 • '! largt BK apt ,.., 11111111 nt,.h• •I A nlhf'r IRr~e 2 (IR ·•l'I 111 lllr nuohf'(I Thrrt-ar" 6 \ ,., v h1a: I liR apt.It furnl!lhf'<I and I tJ ... h !'lor apt turnl•h,.,I A ll 11111• AAH \\ \\' CIJ,~l~ 11n.J \I I )~ nw,. furnllllrt i i:~rai:"• 1"1 ~· I w1 •h r•l(>m. lut~ uf "'''''''fotl' I THERE JS A $:\11.0<11'1 .\IT<: nn lht-pn>Jlt'tl\', nuw 11.1y111i1~ $:1•~1 I rnn :\ •1 •, \.\,. ",.Jduru tun r 'JI l .. Of th"' q11~!11y 1nml' un llsr 111ki I 3 RALPH P. MASKEY -'· 225 Marine Aw·. Ralbna Isla nJ HAPPY HOLIDAYS R·1 Lnrp:n~-i<tr~rt &: !H'~"'<'Tll \\';:ih"r \'1rw 1, .. 1 ~!1•)111 I lrl\'t• <"·:l Harbor Bl\'d (}II x ~mo lo.'.!' _ x :!GO ft. ( Off N1 ·wpm1 Bl\ d 1 ltn '( '.!IHI A II ti I 1 It I IC')>. ~' I l~)!l .x ;jl 1 M-1 Hll l'lll('f'llll:t ~ AC'r1•!< MI T1 11tl1 r l'.11k !"111· S1 nM n n , 1,;;-,.1 fin ~l 0011 I )t I C :!,Ollll I lrt Iii 11 ,itl (I 1fl'. ''"· ~1;-1,IHM I l>n k . 17-A1·r1• (·01tw1 Fi11lll, I 011f1t lit•ll,1 :!!t' · I >n 3411 Nf'WJltt11 lll\•11 :'\rt H1uhor 4112 HOMEY U•h HERE l!l. A St>Llll l.IT'Tl.F" t" ,, l>f't1r'»111 ho m• t hMl 1 • n l•r t 1 I l<>r f'l'I) $~WIO ::-:11 .. 1111 f , ..... In only 6 Y"""' nltl '"" 1ln ,., rr l , DUPLEX rl::-:F: C"OR:->ER I •l"l'I.~:' """ room rnr ft nnthM unit •n lti"~I f'Ul 111111' l•w Allun •:\• • 11,.nl r nr. dr\1nn. I\ \ 1• olol lnr<•fl ,. $1 1:• rrl• I' s Ill !'l(HI, ll"l ll • B. A. NERESON ru:Al.TOR !1 A B ( ·. I> ..: F 1; "ll·At rt• B1•l ~n11tn Aua ll.· ( '11 ... l.1 M1· ... 1 2\1' I >n 1 _ At· 2 Hrm llbl c:11a~ .. A-l '\ !l!"lltPn L°RrJWI!< w w 3 Ht m FHA F11la1t 1 t' ' I Ol lO I In Lo\'t>ly :? br I >bl I ;ar nr Alpha B••t.1 :tooo I •11 ::? n1·w fum honv·!' g.1r:igt'1< F I' ..., :t~llM I I In \'11w l'mg~ Pl :{ hr .! hath b.·auly:.. iUOO Pn B:iy A\'t'. ('or "!. h1 11,.n \ ll " l'Jl111;-;1~1000 l>n )., Unllt-lllt·11m1· ::1111 m 1111th lft 0011 f In ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES I 5 j :'\r·w110rt Bh d I.I '-· 163"!. ( 't1i.t11 ~ll'!<l\ ";\"I'll I .I "i-1100 CORONA DEL MAR IRVINE TERRAC'F:. $:lOOO will handh'. Almoi:;t new 2 R.R. COil\' tlcn. :! bathi;, 1ns1dc· BR<.~. l>i>-p· erie11, t1tov<'. fully h1ntbtt•11pt~I. Luw ftr11·t· , . .,, 1 hf• f'" b, f • •IH • ,:lh I.,:~ \luAI .. , • f tu~ to fol• you ~ 19112 :"twpo1t Bl\"I 1·0,111 :\I""" Ll 8·111i2 1-N~• I.I 11-41 :.:11 \\"ANT :->0~11-::TIH N<; TO IH"ll.11 01"" :10' lf'\\'I 1111 11 bl f1 1110 (l11·:i11 ~111111t .. r hwy 11nlv ~t> 1mo BAYSHORF.S A TTRAl'll\'f: 3 bdrm honw l'r11· te<:tcd pnt111 Own<'r :inxtl•ll~ for offrr. Aslung :?8.000 SEE US for Ul':ACON HAY :ind BA Y:'HO!{f·:~ l''"Jlt·rt11.•!'I Har. lii5 t-:\'rs. t-:.J1th ~lu1 1 111n. H\'att 4-u..:..::! JC1hn M:H'n<1b, H.Hbor 5:J:>!I Lou Boyn tun, Bay1mlC' Dr nffwr. Har 3:!!17, \ \'c I l.1 r 2~ i'I EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Mnrmf' 1\\'t". Balboa l:<lantl $15,COO OCEAN FRONT 3 &drm , 2 l>:Hh . fu1111:-h1•d c:irptllllJ: and drAJ'<'" too. \\'p will f'rl'~•·nt ~ 11u 1 i.ka:-. ••ri 1':tynw111,.. :'EE lh11t bl'f,,,,. it's l'nld M-1 ZONE DUPLEX Aft klng SH .500 -Owrwr \\Ill trade for ~ T..h1N pro('t't'ty ha:-; :i. fut ur. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. BalbQa Bl\'d, Har. 51~.':I nr JI J I l:!lti-J ( ART c. KISTLER co. I I 1 .1 ,1 •"• I • 11• h 5 Income Units 11,, • I,.. l ,.11. •,I I f;J: 11 I I ••• I \11 .......... 1 •• I' ~l .n it••\ ••\•W *'-'UH'.!• \ l t ~ ' th • \ • I·: .t \·I !\•• ,, I f.t t e • 1 if I .: ft•I ~ .'., ) : I I ment. Immaculate 2 B. R. home anc1 guest apart.- nicely Cum u~hc<l. l11rg<' pa tio and BBQ. rfbL C'l\r garagr. \\•ry nenr No Bay. S23.7~<1 t c1 ms. W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors ~l aruw and Pu k Jll\lbna Island Harbor 2462 HOMER t . SHAFER COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ... INCO~t r. l'ROPP.HTY -New 2 Br. home and •• 1 \l •' .. ,, .. , ,. • I' It i ••• I \ -. ' 'l BY O\A/NER Ll':SS Tl{,\:-; l1~F: YP. OL[) • bl'•lll! ~ J1M lh h'"ll1" 11"'' II .. ,,. 2 • II .C ·""i:' $12 ~.no I\:! I l<n"'"•ll l'I l."ui<la M tAH l,I II tl I I!• 111 '14 IAIT tlH,tl11't .,, ~,,., ..... ,tiff ~11•r\ '"' P• ' ·•111 M· "·' '""" ,,, fl\\Utl \\1 1l r1 H •• ,. L :t• \hi~ JI~ I'• I Jl\p1 ~ :<IX n1c·t' I flr rt'ntal11 -all furn1shl'd-ncar Bh'd. and marhti; ~l11nthly mrnmr $-135. Pr ice S39.000 3 Br. h<?ml". p8rl1Rlly f11rnr!<hC'd. hArdwood noors. i;:ood Ea.'<lt1td<' focRttnn. home tn A-1 Cl)nd1t1on. Bt'aut1ful lawn and ~hrubs $13.500 NEWPORT \'J~T A :l Br homf' -N1r f' lawns & t ree11. good lcwa t 1on nt>ar I 9th St .. 11hoprun g center. S 10.5'>0 with tt'rm11. G. N. WELLS, Realtor LI -1601 Balboa Ot"Pl,li:X. fl1rni~hf'tl SI I '"•'' T"" 2·bolrn1 apt11 All "" • 1 •• ''""' \\",.lk1nir ol1~1a111 •• '" •I•• •nt ""' R1tlhon Shnwrnli( Jt•1<1ol In•""'" Submit un tl"t "'~ Ocean Front SI ~ MO GOOlJ TF:RM~ :l t .. •lrr1 ol<!"r hnn11• r" 1l 111 llv t 1• "' I • I <"·I znne 11 .. 1111 111 H •If"" J • 1 arar81C" 111r .. ,.it~d Im 1111 11t•1"" Coast Properties :1111 t: H1tllJ<'1& Ah•! fs,.:1 .... Harhnr 26!'.>1'. 2:1"7 11n I l •1tl11 * 2 BR. home PLUS :! BR <:ARAr:~: Al"T 1·1.1 ·s 2 Afll• I. llFl•ltfll1M!-l l'l.l I.I NEARl~Y :'\Jo:\\" '• t•f'" k I•• •H .... n tinly $~1IM)11 1111" II 1-:Xl"l.l'SI\ ~; "tit• J :\1 Mll ,l..t:K I •• i••'.l:I '' tt .. u~ ... 111,.i 11 .. 40111 ·n~"' thr --.:"""f"'Hl p , .. , 1 WA NT ~0~11-:TJ 11 :"<; TO 1-·1 X I' I' "I :1 h t hnrnc• 11n l'nn wr lc•l . )rni,; ,·11·w 111 '11 v nn•f •w••nn lntl4 11f f•O};!'.lbtl1ttr·s T•·llll!<. ·'-lfi :11111 \VANT A \'ll·:W 1tp~IF:' B1 .111d w·w qualtt)' hromr un tlw r-<I~· 11! I h1· p:sl1>1a•k it 111 l r\'Hl" Ti'! n1• •'. I h111 l11f'at11111 aud \'11·w 1 ;inu .. 1 Ill' lll '•\• 111•.t Ill th1 • hurl>l rr "''·'· !'-1:!.~>IHI Tl·.lt.\IS RAY REALTY CO. J 111 I:: C'oo 'l Jiw\ I ·.,, .. ,111 df'I ~l:ir Har :!21.\ 11\rr1•!.1-I rum H.111k 1r1 ( ·11~! I ----. GIVE YOURSELF THE BUSINESS f'HOT'ERTY that 1:-; llr•r• " an "l 'f"•rtUntty to 11wn 11rw of• th .. ht 1t1 1 pi• ct·~ , ,f bui-1 nt-:-" prr1prrt v tn (°(}rrina drl M;i r Fc111 r f1nr· l1•;LJ<1•11 br 1ng y n11 • minimum nf ~k 711(} fH r yrar, 1•111" P"f<'Pnt a~'" Thf' lv1·at1<1n 11'1 tdf'al 110 \'AC an1 y f'nr~t rl'l1IH1tll'ally nnrl with t•·rm-.. H,\· a J 'f"''"t m('nt. 1 •lt•a111·. R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor H H llOI ><: 1-:. A"'.,,.,., 1a 1 •• 3fl:!2 E ( 'na~t HW,\ , I '.1111n:1 clr•I Mat ll.11 :_!jj I .. G"Z-lllJa,1 l'Atate •t:t-Kf"•t r,!litat" -------------~Hui Eata.. r-Re•I Eatate <tt-ReaJ. Estate -------------~---------'--~------>=--.L...-OC-=-=="-----NEWPORT HARBO R NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 7 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1955 BALBOA ISLAND XTRA X,\t AS S PECIAL<; I • DEl.UXF; HO~I E & INCO~IJ.--:. Our t.xclusiv e brand new listinA'. 1 B. R, dining room. 2 bath home, nicely ftu·niflh('d.: f11rl'C'(I a ir hl'at. beaut . patio. All th ls A;\"I) ;t mn~t a ttr. nne Jx>droom ay1t. and bath. F:xtra bath an I drl''istn-.: room in g:ira;e, n1rnn1it built. 11nd a hnnt'1· :-lr'lr \'1lla"l' rc·n!"r i1nd Nn. £~ay. Pr1t·t:d $.1 1.!Jtlt 80 J·JL'H.HY~ 'TC"r 1ns. $10.951) A'PTR. Fl 'HN. h()nlf'. Li;:c. !iv. rm . sun room. dintnK rnci m. :? bNl-r ooms. cnn\'t>n ient kitch<'n and lo\"f'ly palin, ~ara gf', \\'ill sh111.1,· anytim~. LET t•s SHO\\' vn11 son1<' beautiful Bay Front home!!, that arc PRJ CF.J) RIGHT. CORONA OF:I. ~fAR SF:1'"";1:'\'G JS BJ---:J.IE\"l!S'G ~ Sl3, lmmrdiate pn~sesinn. A mil;"ht v nice 2 B. R. home. Cho ice location. Db!. g:i r. A real good \'alue. BLANCHE A. GATES , Re ~ltor ~I F:~I Rl-"'.:RS OF ~TUl.TI PJ.1-: !.!STING 3 11 ~1 arin C" A\'e .• Ralboa fshuid Phnne J-larbor 1671 or 1672 • p. a. pa 1-m er developers North Bayfront ho me on ~O feet frontagf'. 5 bedrm11 ., ext ra la rgl"' liv. rm .. IO\'Cly v.·allf'd ;.·ard, pier & s lip-there isn't a bettt<r location on l .ido Isle. \Ve have thl' key a nd will be pleased to •ho'A' you t his home. North Bayfront Home 3 be-trms. 2 baths and pOY>'der room -2 !!e n ·anl'li rooms v.·ith bath -large Ii\'. rm. -('0\'ered pat io v.·ith terrific barbt.'cue-mndern kit<'hcn 1.1,·ilh but- lf"r's pa nlry -3 Cl!.r g:irage-PLL'S be:iutifu! 2 bedrm. 2 ba th apt-plus 2 utility rooms-lei;~ th;in 5 yrs. old , & the price of S75.0QO includes r epainting. 204 V1a On·ieto is th<' addrei;s of t he brand nC''-'' \"isschcr-built home th!!-t ~·e think r ou v.·ill likC'. 3 bedrms. 2 b<i:th~ .. papered din.in g area. steak grill in fireplaeC', extra good i>to rage. Be finishctl in t~'l.l incorporated of Lido Isle Back Bay Beauty! ..Artistic e11rl.Y Amrriean -brand n<'w-2 bedrooms plus den-2 ·baths-full prict' $20,500 with terms, Cn!I Dave. Osbun1 for dt•tail11. Lemon Heights Estate Ov.·ner of a b<'11.utiful home on ov('r 11.n a cre of the finest \'ie'A' propeny s:i.yg "Bring me an offer or trade." If you are intc rC'Stf'd In a large home, cal! Bill r·arnsOA·onh A Home for Xmas? Buy thill 2 bedrm, home for a Xmu present. It is ,·ery well located and could have an apa rtment added for future income. Let J oe Kincaid show you this cute house and tell you of. the poasibilities it presente-. FuU price $27 ,500 / v v Best Buys Corona del Mar I. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME B<'st buy of lhl"' r ear, l .... 1rgC' 2 bc>drn1 . homf', 2 baths pluR ~ lx-dr1n. i:arni;.:e a11t. plui. furn. etudio apt. Only n f,'\\" i;\(')li> to 1'>l"'t':lll front & China Cove. 45 ft. !rontni:l'. Quality const thn1-out £i,'tt~·r hurry -Only ~38.500 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR . EACH Excl'llC'nt condition. both units hll\'l"' fittplace11, h1.1,•ll. f lrl! .. laundry an<t i::a-r:lg<'. Pricl"d Rt $22,500. Ternl11 ean b(• arran~ed . F:xcltu;ive v.·ith us. 3. DUPLEX CORNER I BR . EA. Furnit~re ineludt'd in one unit .' F. P. $17 .~ with St>OOO d o.,.,'tl . -4. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Only lot a \'ailablf' of thi11 kind, ,-10 x 118. Choice rental d istricJ. Pr iced Rt. $15,750. 5. SHORECLIFfS LOT ----------Spectacular! Only one at thl"' lov.· prire of $1 -1 ,750. OPEN SUNDAY ·llS2 f~sth er !-it .. BACh'. BA\' ARf:A . 3 Bcdrnt., 2 batlu1. plus family room with BBQ. extra lge. li\·ing rn1 . with niassive brick firepL. bar ldtC'hen v.•ith built-in i;\1\ve & O\"('ll, as h panclin~. i;;hake roof, sliding glass Uoori;; t o patio. Thia is rl'al quality at S26.500 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 406 St, Andrev.·s, Cliff Haven $14,75f) -$65 mn. includl's taxes & insurancC' THREE bt•cl rm.. fiN'placC'. f('nced yard, brick patio, Close to grade and high school. Immediate Possession. GI RESALE S14 .950 -4" -S73 ,\1o. One year ol<l 3 bcdrn1 modem, completely furnished incl. carpctini::. drapes. built-in stove and O\"e n and rf'frig. F"A heat, i;lirl ing g!asi; doo rs. tile bnth, larg<' ::! ca r ga rage. C:ood Cof!ta Mei;a tocat1011. J..ow down payment. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and AS~OCI ATES 3320 \\'.Coast 1-t~·y. Liberty 8-i773 "At the Arches" Wl'C'k~. $32,500 including landscaping. OCEANI-,RONT 60 foot eornl'r, P~NIN SULA loc;ll lon. b~·>tt Sl7.000 po!:!sible ' p. a. · palmer, incorporated ole ha nson co., sales management 3333 \'la lido, harb.J r i;,oo View of e ntire Harbor , ocean. city and coast line. 3 bedrms., 3 baths. Coat $54,000 -now $40,000 H urry ! Not Leasehold. p. a. •palmer, incorporated ale hanson co., sales mana gement 1700 w. coast bighwa.y -liberty 8-~73 B & B WAKE UP YOU SLOW POKE BUYERS ! ! ! Peninsula Homes! NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING! So 1-RM t!Qratt <'l 2 b~droo1n. ni.·e- !y furnia/1td hon1e. F1rl'placl!'. D11nt1y p11.1.n. J oubte i •tn,l:f' 'fop cond1t1on , •. S l6.~00. 6. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA From thii. r h uil't' lot high on the hill High!a11llis. liest \'i<·w lot a\'ailab!e. nt $13,[,()0 ternui. in Corona Priced 7; SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES Listed t'xclusivl"'ly 'A'ilh ua. See ua f or best buy11 in thia area. S hown by appointment only a nd priced far below replacement cost. Call u11 for particulars and ap)lOint t o see. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. ~lcCUJ 8TION . Rl'altvr 3-i •I"; E. Coast ll'A'Y., Corona d1•l ?-l ar. Ha r. 47 \Officl' lotated next door t u Corona de! ~l ar BanJcJ IT)l.i,:::-; PQ\\": Thl11 """'" hsl1ni.: will •tally &ll r lhlng• u1i· Tvi·o l11 t- r1•<'t• for :S•nl•. \uo' 3 bdrrn1 .. plu.11 :Zll'.11~ff r u111pn11 roon1 with Here is what you ha,·e been looking for. A gi,·c- a way. Never again will you have a chance to buy a 3 bedroom home OA·ith brick fireplace and large separate run1pus room that can be easily t urned into a J::Uest house for ?.tom & Dad. In l he Back Bay area. The lot is 150 x 105 and is fenced. $12,500 -Tenn!-1. te1·1118. ~ I -- bar. l l<h.-d 110011 Cwolom bu1ll ""Xl<1 11hingle r oof. U.q;;e lot - Fine Eutald"t l\lC:aUon. l.i t O &q ft .• not lncludtng 1t1.ra1e. Corne DONNER It ULITZEN~ Only J:'l9YI down: F'uU prlrf' 513 llt.O Pa" 1 -ur ~!n.IOOIJI. CQ~tE D"~S H l::R ' NO-THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT A 2 bedroom home and separate income unit plus a. 2-car garage. Each fan1ily has complete pri,·acy, In Newport BeaC'h ''ery closl' to the Chann<"I & &ach. Six years old -$11 ,250 -Terms. • EVER Y DOLLAR HAS TWO SIDES :"o 2-2•; be<troorn, 1 ~. b11th rur n-1 ~$hed ho1nt', 1\,·o lilury for I View 'lllll l"trltCO!il ll'd, A \"ery CUlt hOlllf' ••• lllr'llC• tlve. loo. $17,:iOo, 1~500 dn. :-;o. 3-Doclor·~ bf'auuru! 1lf11ne, 4 bfdroornt a.nd 2 Lalli~. Li•· "''ailed rornl!'r lot 1 ndud~. BadmlntQn c-our1. ,,auo, lse. gar11i;e •uo.1 ~rle<:t lor l&e. r11nlll)'. 130 . .)00, tO:rn'IJ!. LIDO PROVINCIAL ••• CLOSE TO THE CLUBliOUSE ' This choicc t~,·o bcdroon1 ('un be yours for only S22,70U. • B<'amM Ct>ilings • U&·d brick firC'place • ln i;it.Je 'A'indow ahuttera • QuarTy t ile kitc h('n VOGEL VALUES -Costa Mesa I• lt ~11•I •lO"'"" >'.~.II)" 1~ru1a Office • 2 Y'•ra.. t:111ton1 bu1 ll • (k(',1'1 \ 1 ...... Come on in and wl''ll show you how to make both 11ldet> pay you dividC"nds -For instance -a Tri· ple.x in &lboa so close t o the waterfront thal yoil can ca11 to your k1Js to "Sto p throwing sand a t each other.'' Summe r rentala e&n give you free rent and pay the place off. It ii fully rented month lo month no .... ·. Price completely furniahed. S o '·In l.it'h·ue l.Ane , , . 2 bt1!· I roon1 !•nilly homt. Hta \"Y lurl\Clllre lnChH!t<d, S(lllt:•uua J011ll\• !<IHI lfl Ol"f' <"111l<Jl\1nn . 4<1ll.lOU It. 1 ... 1. J.".H.A. 101111 J lll.ou.J, ntufllhly "Jlll)'mt'nl• on preunt lOllil 574 f't"f tno. • Large l\li'Cl·t ar garage ..... Large wnlk-in closet • • • '* ~ Duplex Sm111t dup!C'x v.·1th i;::ood income. Sn1111J Jot ltttll• upkf't.'p. P rice $12.000 with lxlrm. &. den, 1.1 1 bath, large li\'ing fully gla;;11ecl rear \'icw and one. full of ~round. S2•1.000 ..oom 11.cre C ole Good and ilOPt.llar rf'Hlll.u rant '.''1th monthly 1111·ome of $4500 a t a ~t t;ST S !---:l~L. l'rll'C'! THE VOGEL COMPANY 1 i(l2 !"cv.'/1'lrt Rh·d. Phone Ll\)(>rty 8·5..'>97 Costa ~lt>tUt J-:\'<'r11nG't. 1.lberty 8-745i ·-L ON "UTILE" BALBOA ISLAND ,\ n1l1llt D l!-;TJXCTl\"f-: and C'H 1\R ~ll NG 3 bedrn1 , 3 bat h homf' S l .. ;\l'IOl"S '.:! fl trory h\·1 ni: rti"m l'an- C'h,d 111 v.·00.11 1 v.·ith hu~<' stnri{' f1replarr , rllrji.etrd ,,..-all to 1.1,·al!, f<1rl'l'd a ir hcRt , lot!I f\f t1l•• 1:-; Bf-:AUTl!-,l"I .• (.'O X DITION. An IOF:AJ . _\"('S r rounrl h11me for C"asy ho.!!pita hty. OffcrN il l S36.(ill)_ c;~1 tC'rml'. FOR SUMMER FUN AND WINTER WEE KEND S r-.~EAT :! bc-d nn. cntt a~r . clns,. t () Ray. F1rrpl11,.r, 811{\ f1111•r (t11,111t·e . full !QI , 1l11uh)(• i;.:ar<1j:t· :..'.~!AS ~J'f:('IAL ~19.000. l.t'l'A" d"v.·n p:i~·n1<"tH MARINERS ISLE REALTY 31 ~ ~lartnC' ,\\'t'., Rnl boa l:<la1'd l·l:irbrir ·li~l 'DON'T make a MOVE" CHARLE Y DRA KE -T roffic Re p. O'NEIL 'S HASTY Mo ving & Storage l.Ot"AL A:"'I' NATIO'.'l -\\'IDI:-: ~1 0\'ING l'h. l\ [ 3.f1::::1 Builders & Speculators 2S XF:T RE::-il!)f-:XTIAI. I.OT:;. rl,•sl" 1 1~ Hnrbor .~ \\1ls••ll. :-;1'\\"t'f s , v.·a\rr A\'a tlabl<'. l ';ish il lll pr11·e- S1 ::Jp pC1· ll1t. T\\'O l.A J~t;r: r ,\RL"f:t .~. f\l\'d,. ... %<11\t' l'!'"l'<'rty !:kith ;ire 1·i:::t!l{IFJL' Bl '\"~ f11r lt1r)!t' J~•\'t.:l"t•rnt'n t. Nl'.l l'h11Til' 111(.,rnl:\tlo.1!1. \dl'ai'IC'. RUSS FORD, Realtor Ll tx-rty s:s 111 a Ha r~l"'(l(>(I flOcu·• -Jge, fl•·eplace • \'f'ry lg, k1l ch tn ll1J V, • F'1.1U 1lln1nc 1c.c;rn • 3 larrt bt'llroon•• 2 h•lh• • Dbl J(nr•gt A llf')' • \\·0t-..1 •h>tlll:lr t <>Of 1 • !;~e I h i• nt•l ~lut tlfiW' OCEAN VIEW LOT ! tJUt or ll>l'ln "~F,J,J, '. Jll:'>!o\l Bay & Beach Rlty Inc SlS,500 -te rms. ' FOR AN INDUSTRIOUS COUPLE A Super Du1wr location in Newport Beach on the Coast High~·ay. Building ill suitable for a Snack !\hop or sin111ar bu11incsa. S5.000 d o1.1,·n. monthly p•yment S I05. Seven Island~ Realty & Investment Co. 503 32nd S1 .. Newport Beach, CaHf. I lt>96 :--.... , ...... 1 Bh-r1 I c·r.•ln .\lc1111, c:al!f 1.1n"nY ,.. 11~1 1-:,e• LI s .:in1~•0---Har . .5868 aJtrr 5 I?_. m. J.lt1.r, 2293-J I _~--~-~~--~-------~- I OPEN HOUSE ljf'$ IArk~pur c·.,,.101. d,.I ~1>11· ~·uu l'ttr• l~t.-..1 \'F.R\" KAHJ.:LY ,\., ~'"' x~\ •n vrr••rt11n11y Jn '"·~· • •111•11 f'llrtl.1• fl"n h"'"" l•U II !fill ni.-e l•\•el \ut l"r >< I''"'' 1111~·­ lll'htr,. neltOI U I• A< I '.\"0111 - 1.1<.ln 1 Hr D1•"l'l''''n1~·1 · !\,.,. •!"" hllv~ •nnr h~• .l:"C!'IL" II! • • h~'I''~ I'll•·~ thrH yuu 111u~1 •• 13 4 1 Hotel Drive, C OM Ol'EN HOUSE flt~"t .rul \'I•" H· 1nr ••f :I n.1111111 I'. tlHll!• "•!,,n._ ,j .• ;,,n,,.. 10 ti~·h1n c 1,...,., h fh•• """'" ""'' ,.,\,.f.,n,1111~ 1 ... 111 i.ou iuul•I ""' "" IJ•!pll•l\\> J !"dM\ l••r th~ "~k· 1n.:-r'!l'' "' J:IZ ::i·~· l•••u~. lll'l':S ;;;,\1 .'II "=" 1-:-. ('1!1 "''" !•: fil "·"h""''n;: C oll Ho rbor 204 2 Fran k James & Linwooq . Vick I{ Flin !<' t ' 1 t.",. j.\l~ M M•IU" A\!' 4' 1:11~· ,\-.. ~ tl~~h· .• 1 1.hll>.i Bay Shores . •·' ,-. ·" p,,,, n1•r11 l•-11>· 1-t :in :-.: 11 . t· .. -. r• T•• st:1-1. I I I I I I ~ h1t1,,1. 1, t.nth. rip!. VA I lir •. 1111 , • i.11•1•.·U :O:J""H'U~I i•ftli" l•oiill Hl l!!:t,J ~J\.fl"!"" RALPH P. MASKEY IU:Al..Tt)R .~t°ll Nt"''f"''·t n 1,•d. !'pt Bfh. ll•t.i tN't t 1>2 NEWPORT HTS. J="'LY Sl6:)"\I .. ·1:11 .. oout $tYI<"\ •l""'l'I 1'11 !I 'YF.3, ntnf'I)' t .. e1 '· !11.n·.,~lll"''I "•ll r •t 1111 1 ~l­ roon1•. 1 .. n~ ... 1~n. 11lt1 bath. vie .. · ,,, th• H1ut,.1r \'try hale w()rio; "111 nu1ke "'"1th $\!f . .)(l(J, f'(Ja· ~ ..... ,..-.n t""f''''" -l.:hr111 n11u1. ~X­ <'l.l"SI\" .. : AVJe::'\"""T, F"0 Rll \'ER- Hl:>;l"\Elt, liar t 2113, t \'t:•. 3477 i \c~J VISIT COSTA ~tESA 'S Fl ~EST GROUP OF RANCH HO ~fES ThT'ff 11.nd four b<>d rms .. 2 ba'ths. bui!t-1n gas rangea and Cl\'f'nll. thl' \'l'ry brst of natural f 1n 111hc>d h\\·d. ·cabinrt.11, gleaming o:i k floors. large bt-droom,:, KpilCH')U~ li,·1nr; ro~·ms. dining rooms and brC'a kfasl 11.reaR. used brick firrpla c('s. rlosct space galore. hra'')' i::ha ke roofi;, la rge lots. frnc('(i and lancl- lll'ape~t Thl"'S<.' homes ha\'(' many more fralurcs t han ar<' u11u11l!y found. SF.E THF: l'OF:\\'J.,\" OPENED FUR:'\'lf:.H En ~f ODE L DONE ll\' 1-'RENCH PH.0 \11NCIA1 . B\' DANl(;ER FL'RX/Tl'RF.: OF (.."()~T,\ ~I ESA. 1-fAR BOH. ~1 1-:.SA RAKCH 1-f O~!ES ln ·inc 1\\"f'., I Bl lX k N. of 17th !:i l. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLt'Sl\'J·: Ac:r.:NT 15th & Jr\'Jne Llbcrty ~-2G61 Or Liberty 8-3123 VOGEL VALUE-MAIN OFFICE * * '* • • Will Trade One of the \'ery few lE'V('] cornf'r lot11 1n Corona li1ghlantls for 3 bJrm. or 3 & d<'n hon1(' 111 llack Uay or Ha rbo r area. THE •VOGEL CO. 3201 \\'. Coa111 H1i;h~·Hy, Xev.·1-o rt llcach SEE THIS! Sl'arkhng :l bdrm11. & Jen at .$16.500. Beautiful country SC'ltin g -01.1,·ner l('a,·1ng stat('~~f ust i;~·IJ. Waterfront 3 Bdnn~ .. 2 ba th~ -p1(•r and .;lip. &at 1nt'lt1<.led. ~t lln}" g1Ml hst1nglj 1n Harbor arru. KILLION. real ulole 3341 Ne .... ·port Bl\'d. }farbnr 5;)1'(1 ' DUPLJ.;XES ArtE H AIU) TU J."J:-01.J l.ll 'T 111':1'.I~ Al~.i,:: "f\\"U, AND PR.ICED TO BF.LL. No, l ·Oct«n J."1ont l'o•ninaula t'lu- p lt>t, A .. llttl'"'' ' J( )'Oll Knuw \·•lu"a. 1""''0 •tory , _ 1r rrillc Oct an \'It"" \\".ill rurnlahed. Corner pro~rty Wllh l•r1e w•lle-d tt•r Y"rt.1 .Swtll tor ht)me v.·itn Income \Ve have .the key to this im.maeutate, nC'ar new Lido home. Con1e In and discuSA terms, LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES \V. KE~fPTON GENE \'ll.r::r;LA!\'Cl 3400 \'ia LiJo J . II. GROH&1AN \.IRG INJA ~1 AN SON Harbo r -1 •11-1 (Acr0&8 from Richard's Market Entrance I or tor renl•l lncomf. !.22.~00. I-------------------------- :-;o. 2·Juat • •(ep to Ult b11.y In llalbQL 3 ~room. down. 2 In upper. Situated on i l1>ta. f-'urnl1he<1. ot cour1e. •~.dlt.a Yidl..OCllle. to ~M.1- h11y bt':"h \\111 11111K~ •l\t.111 t)~"dt """'" l"r lllt!.:IT /~lol• 1Jy 1u1o l y.,u '"" r,.nr rhr ur· }H"r. s-.:v '"~'. tfn11~ Balboa Realty Co. Or1~ .... 1 .. H11n k •• , Alllf'll' A H<>~.• 1;11·· !1•y Al C'lrn~liu• I·:•! z,,.., la• k l '1nl<h1u11 J•>al"f'hln~ \\ rhlJ I ~n1 1 F: Halh-•R nl\-.1 nRlh<!" Phone 111.rbut 3277 I BACK 8 1\ ,- ~ hr t. ·h·n. -.: 1,11 1h ll\\' nr~ j •11111• r l<of'''"" ,\•)uni:; $11'.~I>() 1 :1 t:or :: n~th Ii\\" '11 .-, tw11 11t1·1 SI :,;:,Q LIDO ISLE BEAl;T-IFUb hon'le mt -bidn-Nord comtr with-per"' mllllt"llt \"iC'W of Blly. Ne11r bt·!'t tx>a ~·h for 11wim- n1u1,::. 1'hr~' l,.:drn11' .. h11bbv r(1•llll & <lf'n. Chll rm· lllJ: kint.: fl\1.~· m;u;tC'r b<•Jr(~\n1 w ith alCO\'C and <.:ulln<·ct1ng JJfl\·ate bath VJ>t'ninJ: IJ!l\O ls r~e s un d('1'k. Thr unusunll_v Rll rllCti'\'f' h\'111;: rt>om ha11 1"!iJ 1n~ >:lai.11 J0<1r~ 1•p1·n1n~ t t• the p11!1n, ,,..·hile t he n111df'rn k1t1·h1·n ha ~ bu1lt-1n J1 ~h1A'ash<•r, d is1)(laa!, co1•pcr howd . l,'cra rruc· t1]t" and nu1ncrous othC'r features lo llleasc The most !ast1d1nus. Truly one or th(' f1111·~t u[ IH.1lll<'S, iil\d pr1 ~·1·d to 8<'11. Sl-10 \\'N BY APPOINT ~l l::NT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Harbor 1013 I 2 b r .. '1rn. chatml!Hj J<'A QI)() )------~~---~-------~ M•I" .. ,i.. r1 r t s:.~.~1 I I (i !• \1. "~t r '' !•"I I • '<'t nrt h l Vogel Values ;, "r r r._ :1;0 .A~k1n.: 1< ?itn fflr •·:b'I•" NE\\'PORT H EIGHTS J '~ hill" 8 AYSJ·IOR J-:;; ) 1-'1 ~1n 11111: ;: h 1 1·1.1 ;.; i: • r 11n,1 kn l 1 • 1:\l• 11• 1, •••Ill d• t k!I hkf~! u-r ~ rnllt"'ll '"*'"J: '~~ """ 1~2·. 11,..-~. t, B11 ', rr1r l••a .... , "111 hull•! !u 1•11L 1"ri1tn\-h1-rl111..• !,.~\H\lfRI ' l~rn !o .. n I THAIJF: 1·1• l".1hn Sl'HOI;• ~l"n ,, .. :! ht tl·ll-·• ,,, ' ,, .... ''' Ill' ••Iii' Claire Van Horn l~•:Al.l tll'. I '!::11 \\' l o.1~L It"~ 1.1 l!· 12;; O pen f or Inspect ion BA LBOA ~ F 1'H'.':l};ll.f:O I ~IT!< 1 ay ''1t " rr .,·. '"rn~r "" ,u ! 1:,:1,.,,. Jl!1,J \\111 111\l e ~\•><r h"H ~ tn I "'"n ... ''""''\ ! "''". · ART C . KI ST LER CO . l :i" \I "f• 1H' Zi"'I ;-.·~"!~•· 1111•1 :0..]'I l!"'"h ,_ :'\"t:\\'I.\. I• •IP• '>llllP•l "\l~lPll\ '! •' 1,..,1,n1 h••ri.-1:,1n1-.•"' •' •r,11..• r""m. '-'1r .. 1.....-~111111. ::~1 J_., ""'·"• X•"'r~·tt It •• i.11•lrt• • r ~t. l.Sb<'1:y &-1 1~6 3Flt f~ J,n\·c.ly .1 bfdr()on1 hnmC' \l.'1! h 1 1: bathl'I, FA be&t , rh~p. c<1th~1u~t f11 n. 1'~1·amC'd ceiltng11 that exUnd on n1·1·r l_.;. pat1r•. \\'1dt· HO' lot beautifully landlC'.aped with d1C',.lld ra lt1'A'll . !Jbl, g&r. Low, priCI' of $15,760 :ORO'.'\i\ DEL ,\lAR ?.f nd••rn 2 bl'droorn hom<', nice fireplace, clOBe to m11rk~t 11 ... tr· Db!. ~ar;it:"· 1~nce includes stove, rcfr11;l'rstor nnd H.UtomAtic waahcr at nnly $13.5041 l furry ! The Vogel Co . 2667 !-;, Cl'it . l·l"·y., t"nrt)n:t. rl r\ ~far Har. 1741 H11.r 14 77 PENINSULA POINT Cha rming IR t h,.. word fnr thi.I h nroe & rtasonab\y pr1c1•d for tht> Qii:1cr1m1nating buyer . See the ocean frr.m h1rgr !"Un d•·ek, 1tdm1 rc t he $3.000 d rape. &. rar1.f·t 111~. r:nJ1JY tile tv.·n f1rcplarc11 & F. A. beat. :-;;if1'\Y l!•n, fur th,. chi!d r1·n in t ll•• large encloM!d p11 t111. All nr••un rl comfort 111 17 ~1 aq. f t. of l!\·1n~ spacC' 1.1,·1th 3 hilnn., 2 bath, 3 year11 old. Only ~:.!'-:,7:,o "·ith tt·nn,..-rc;r the .qualified buyer. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES JtM1.') \V. Balboa JU\'d. i'Ja.r. 1588 or li ar. 1216·J • ' . • ( ,. -' ;PAGE 8 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS I . FRIDA y I DECEMBER 9. 1955 • ,. Buy at Home From Your local New Car Dealer BIG SURPRISE Buy The ''BIG M''-BRAND NEW '56 MERCURY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY'S MERRY CHRISTMAS ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BONUS To all who pur<'hase thPir ca ~ for Christmas Prt•.,..•nt .. ! * Bank Terms -With payrn~ot fin.t tlut• in •·f'bnm r~ * Payments as Low as 54687 lest Deal Anywhere! lnl'I. Ta\ A Uc·rn~" ~ti.nth Buy Mercury for Far Less Than You Dreamed of at- JOHN SON & SON Lincoln· Mercury., ContineMcll Sales & Service 900 W. Coast Highway -Newport Beach-across from Bay Club-Liberty 8-5545 OPf'D t:\rnlnit" "1111 8 :SO p.m. ll l\111 l'ay \'nu To ~ .. ,. J 11hn.,1n A ~""Hi-furl'\ 011 Ru.' Thul :'\'1•\\ ('ur it's America's most smartly different gift ..• H ('r(''g a perfl'<'l opportunity to Jn\'t' your ramily a truly distinC'tl\"(' \hn+ ma" JC!fl ' Our i:pe<'ial C'hri:-1 ma-I 'ur· chase Plan lets you buy your n .. w THE NEW "'l'owc·r!'tyJ,.." C"hn·<.J"r 1101r ••• in time ftJr rm'-lhn .. tm:t... d1 I" ··ry ... and wart unt ii ri11r urry to tn:lh•' \ n11r fir-1 pay - mo nt '. ~top in :ind t:• t f1.ll d· I '111 I .Illy! "PowerSty/e" CHRYSLER .... also Many Fine Used Cars That Will Make Wonde rful Christmas G ifts for Me mbers of Your Family -at .•••• LOU REED & ASSOCIATES Imperial· Chrysler· Plymouth Sales & Service-International Trucks 1200 W. Coast Hi9hway Liberty 8-3486 #SlOO Tht'Odore Robin• Ford • I I I N*'"'-rc>rt Harbor Cham~r of Commt rce '54 '54 '54 '53 '52 NO DOWN PAYMENT at Mil.ler's Kar Korral Try That "Lucky 700" for Bargains Galore- Mercury ~onterey $1795 '53 Chev. 2 Door R·ll-:\ll•rN1ma tir Pwr. Brk. WSW Tirt•,.. l{-11 WSW Tirf'-. Chevrolet Sta. Wag. $1595 '54 Ford Custom Fordor 1(.11 9,tH)ll a<·tu<tl mil..-. H-11 -OU WSW Tir<'s Plymouth Plaza Sta. Wag. $1495 '52 Ford V -8 Victoria _ .. All l'l~·mout h acc·r .... ori1•" l<-11 Fordonm tit· Ford V-8 Reh. Wag ......... $1595 'SO Pontiac Sedanette _ n.u ()I) WSW Tirt•s ({.If SWS Tirt•, Bu ick Riviera 4-dr. Sed .. s 79S ·so Plymouth Surburban IMI l>ynaflow H-11 -l.11~i.:-a~1· l<1u:k on 1t111 '50 Olds. 88 4-dr. Se d .............. . $ 595 R-11 ll~·tlrumatic· 2 to r hoo .. 1· from ! • Trucks • .... s 965 .. $1345 s 995 s 495 s 665 '53 GMC 1 ton .................................. S 995 '54 International ~ t. pickup ......... $1()95 llt'lil -Hydra Dr. 111,IHHI milt>" '47 Chevrolet 2-ton Flat Rack .. $ 695 :! S(M't'tl Axl" Good J<ubht·r ~lt-eha.nkall~· Pt•rfed ! Many Many More to Choose from at- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Liberty 8-2261 Oldsmobile Chevrolet MILLER'S KAR KORRAL 700 W. Coast Hi9hway Liberty 8-2258 Newport leach Be A I I Give Her A Real ~--~ Car of Her _ __. ·. Santa ~~ Own at a This Price that's Christmas "easy to take" 55 FORD 52 CHRYSLER . 51 FORD Thundt•rhird Wintl,or ('on'. \"idorla $2980 $995 $795 52 FORD so FORD 49 PLYMOUTH \'irtoria. OD '! llr. Sl'd. 4 Or. $1095 $395 $395 52 FORD 51 FORD 53 PONTIAC cu .. t. 2 dr. 4 Dr., F'ortlo '.! llr .• ll~·dra $895 $695 $1095 THEODORE ROBINS "Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 " 3100 W. Coast Hi9hway on Mariner's Mile Llbe 8-3471 •"••rt1 f°Rf"' Thunr1rrl\lrd l"nrd Trurll" WEST coAsr~----l...._L-----1'\-.G:~:;,~~Y-;-------"=~ ·-L -- BeJbCMl Bay Club