HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-16 - Newport Harbor News PressSANT A CLAUS JUNIOR GRADE THIEVES IMBIBE HOLIDAY SPIRIT? Harbor area thieves <'On· t 1nucd se~klng to get Into lh1• hohd11y spirit that con- tn1 neu in botU"s In other p t>o- ple's hou~··s. Late>1t such b11rglnry unc1rr lnve~tigatlon by !'\«wport BeaC'h J>ohce de· partm cnt waR that.. In the hnme of ~l:tnuractUr<'r Ray- mond H. Ho,.mPI', 2019 E . Ot·e3n Blvd , 1·epo1·t l'<1 y1•!1ter· 11:.y artcr a four-day absence !Jy thi-~wnrr. Takl'n t 111i11 the kll<'hC'n liq111w , 11l11n\'I. r••ports show, W•'I'" thn••· f1flhs or eight· 1· .. .ir-old Srnl1·h whixkey. vai-- 11" I 111 $'.ll , llllll a fifth ot 1·u1u11Ll. valued 1<L $LO. The I h··1f a lsn 1•1npl!Nl 11 partia lly 11111 IJnllle of S('Olch . J~NGLE BELLS! Choral Groups to.-T.rail City Christmas Tree HAR BOD PRCSS i!il!!!E!!!~~ NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNIA, FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS FBI, Police· Seek Thin Burglar in Bank 'Haul' First Newport Beach Loss -in Memory Spurs Search Assisted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the county sheriff's office, Newport Beach police today were seeking a lal1, \hin burglar who pulled the first local bank job in memory of Chief John Upson and his aides. The c!Qring thief gni!Jed Pnlran<'e 'ing. Climbing through the hank'• lo lhc Newport Harbor Bank Bl attic, lht: burgla.r )<n•x·ked anolhrr 343~ E . C'<'o.st H1ghwuy Well111'S· hule into th~ '''Ill room. O!tl~ni llUJCI tlJI' l<lli<pPl'! U~t"I ~lOV<'ll. It's a merry Christmas this ycad for the GcnL' Burro family and dressed to portray the part is little Francois who is gn.-cting nPighbors all decked out in a Santa Claus suit. Mr. and ·Mrs. Boero We're m:irnC'd 111 Italy after Gene-sold his res- taurant and ba kery on the Coast Highway. L ittle Francois was born at Huai; Mort> C'hrlKlmas carolll ·a re pno1111~.-<J for the holidays uprom· 111g wllh th•' Nt•wport H arbor Jun111r ('harnth-r 11! l'om1t1Prcr Wl· nounrlng pln1114 for a d cn>raled I bual which wlll l'8rl'y local choral i;r11•ll'" m 1hc w11k1• or lhe Clty'a fam11u!I n o al mi: Chrl~lm1.111 t ree. day ntghl hy llnlllng tt f•1t1t·w r;l,• Opi!lllng tht'OUl{h UH! rl)Of and knork rng a11olh..r 1mmll hol1· in celling "'' " n•:ll re~1111. H r• p11111 h · •'<I lh11 c·co111bu1al1011 1'>< k of( the ban k's 111irht uep•11<1t vault nnd tuo k $8:1, I 0 m 1·11.•h a..lvni: w ith $29:5 In chi'•'ks f11r .Jf•('IORJI. llC· cording lu lnfo1111at11.in c1J1npi1.,u by 111v••11t1~r&ll ng off1l·er& Br1·au~ •• n( lhl' 811.<' <1f the holt'a anti hl'1i;ht of u n •t<l 1·u.rn1 t't'lhnf . .,1f1ci'r11 surmt"",J lhe man m11.1t hl\VP h1-<-n tall 111111 thin or bulld. \'AKHH'S Dt;J•01'tTl'4 Al bc'll 1t could ht-deter1111ned. th.-11mo1111l t ak1•n rrvm tht' night Ul'J'O.'Sllvry WllJ< 81'\ l\l $380 10 Jn • a:.h ttnd 1·h·•1·k~. I fBn1•11 Sp,.c11tl· tie,. n! Z~lf• E . l'ou11l H 1stiw11y tll'pngllPd S8f1 10 111 t•ash, \11w•at1- Hospital. Pictured with elf siz<> ~anta is his mother. Staff Photo City Trailer Park Bids Due Jan. 9 Council Approves Plans on Plush Bayside Project Plana and specifications for this city's plush new munic- ipal trailer park were approved unanimously at city coun· cil'a second adjourned meeting of the w<'ek )'l·Ktr rtlay afternoon. Councilman Sandy MacKay was absent. The counrll In lhe 11aml' breath I Pu T"r f'l J( ,. on 0111· Sl'll'•' 'I'" cllllNI r11r bl<U on the n ew pro· 4 ill $tr.no ri•nlal I" r 1•'11 ''' JN:l wh1t·h llu rou~hly bl'lW<'<'ll $.200 P• r 111onth f11111 J.I. 1 I 1 .. 16th an.1 18th Sl.11. Hl11I t he hlly !'~pl 3U 1t,nd S1:!r1 I" r rn •111 11 f1 n111 front. ElltlmBlt'd "j(lJC•;.ltmale'' Oll I !11 Api1 I J lj L.•11• I 1•11hl wa1 a c•,at or S6r>.oon '" 17!'1 nno applte~ un 111t~ '<:t And -.:1 ,,.,,,.,.,, Bldll l\r~ lO be op1•nrd 11t the Jan HO l!nn1111l lo1l 11• 1.v Will t • •I ~·,1111 9 rnun1 ii m cet1nic I tt11• h1<•flk111,; d•1w11 ''' $~·, I" r A IJoo granlf'<I approvol \\'II!< JI mnnlh M ·~ l l11 S•·pt ·111 11 11 ii propn~Pd rent11I rl\le ~·h .. it11il' $116i 0 11 1 In A1'11I :11 01 11,., which will bNng from S7:l 71•1 l•) 11nn1111l n•ntal• rHnl-'" "" <• t1111n $76,700 IUlOllAl 111com .. to th·· (II\· 1 .. 1. ir••m $11011 t .. $1110(1 •ltd $1:!011 The latter tl;:11re WC1t1ld 11pph· tttr h •l~J"'n 11111{ nn '"'"ii '"n m I h•· w hea Ulr rt(y mrludell llktl<>r ln·hf'·JTH<firrnt7." I 11 111!,,i p.uk •P•<'«'S on !Ols betni: pul! htt•Pol F or tho,. .. Rhl•• lo fJR.' 11nn11 div from lht' Snulht>m Count1e.• r;"" in t1d1·1in1·e thP 1•111ml'1l Ill •W•>ol ,, <'o. amt wh1c1l abut on th<' p>1rk ;1 fl'•r """' e11~n·unt re 01 • ,, • h site. wh11 h w11\1lrl knol'k $Tr• n(( 1 h•• R.fltes wlll be fairly 11lirt nn • mplll rx-penft1 v~ 101. $2.'.l f1 11111 llw MJmr llpACN. m o re modP!lt 1n nth· l,.3~( I HARBOR WEATHER Tf•n1prratt1r••'i thr'I pa"-l \\L'Pk in tht-' llarbur ar.-a 111•r1•: !';at111»f'ly, flf'I 111 :-;,~n 1 \', t ' J I 1\1•1n.f;;y, flPt', 1'.! 1'ut>:.d .1y lJ,, I :s \\ e+l•t1• t .y. & tt I 11 T ht11Mlny l •1'r ll'> Fridtty, I h••· lll 1"< n11111v .. ,... lw<h1l" will bt' Dec. :.'O tu 2:1 tr<un 7 10 10 p. m The ffoHtlll~ lr.·e 1., spon1101nl by Nl'w· r••rl ll•,e• h Clly l!:mJllOYN':; AllllO- r J.tt l•Jll, on DN'. 20 the St A ndrew'a 1•11·sh1•l••J ilill rhun h 1'11111r, tlirect- ... 1 hv· Mrs l.rwt:. l<o<ld1·r, will pro· vi.tu· nuuls whlh• th1• n••Jtl night w11i q,.,. N ew J'lu l ll11rbo1r Union Ht.:h :-;, hoot's Girl H Girt> C:lub, led by M1:,:1 Ml\rte f111·h.~ch l><'l\lmg out ( c 'un llnu.-J on f'lll:P II) ---- 1 JURY SA vs HERRMANN 'GUILTY' OF ARSON SANTA ANA. ICONS> -A Superior Court Dept. 4 jur~· ckh bl'r.t~r·d a! •111 ox1matc.:ly one hour yesterday morning m con\·llt111 ~ John LNShl' Hc·rrmann. 33. of Costa Mesa of a.rson. \\ 11~ 111 11nn1" when ho a llPgedly , 11 . 1, ,1 1,. .Jud ... H•itwt1 r11untl h111 ··~tr11n11:ed wlft• In bed • t ur<.r~ r l rr ~ '"1 h annl hf'i· man. a navy lleu- G11roln<'1 • • .... , 1 .. • '" .. 1 11 .11 nrid l•·11~ri1 Mrt! Hrrrmann llenit>d the 6; .. k1•il f• 11 .tit• t I ,, .. 1 (\JI 1,. f'4 "" • n hu1~hlf)1 , .. u11, .1~·1Jl1'"4t JJ,11· ;u.u~at1nn. .LIUlll!l Hrrrm&nn ·,. or rtlM1 t lnn agalruit Thi• JlldJ?•· "''llllf"•l lr ll'I" J11~.i .. ~\'all ~"nt!_Jn.!:'.!_ on a wire h•ld ,,.~" ,,, d a ,1 t1li t 1,n Ul• h , "ltttl '' 1 onllu~ 'nln.1t1ur~J anto { e e • 4J1.tt ).!' JI •'''"" 1111 1-,:1,,·il ttw\' 1l1•Ju "' h 1d QllJll I ------------- ~~AnJn~'F tl •'I• u1"1J\H l +'t ''""' .. Lu r1 tu1 tl t11 11, " tl<1d1111 d oi..: rh11 n1ht•t 1rid tu··ni.,: u1 n11 1tir1 1 • nl 1•rrd1rt 111 p.,. li11 •l1 J\ ol 1.0 Hugh A. Estus Passes; Rites HE CAME THROUGH HERE-Newport Police Offi· cer 'Emie Laurin takes a peek at the aOU1.ll hole in a rest room at tbe Newport Harbor Bank through which a burglar entered early yesterday. -Staff Photo MOVIE-STRUCK MAN ASKS NAN BROUGHTO~ IF SHE'S A STAR J"aabioD model Kn. .John I. (Na.a) Brol&l'ht.on. '29 U do Roud, compUtnecl to Newport police 791terday that llh.e had t>ttn followed by .. man l.n a car who tried to pick her up. The 81.Mlpect.. dHcribed a.a about 0-0 ye&n 01<1. clrcl~ the block thrH tlmc.s. •he ea.Id. and d~anded Lo kn.ow "if 8he wu .. movie •IJJr." The incident occurred n«'ar Newport School. polk e .a.Id • Bank ortlr1ala 1uucl a numb"r of blank c heck b<l()kJI wc•r1• al110 ta.kl'n, gRlors le11r nNI. Cherka knnw11 lo nt•ttGL.\.R\' UISf'O\'E RED h1we b<>"n In lhe dc:po><1 te1ry 1nl'lud· The burgh.ry WI\" ll1.11r11vt'reol by "" lhw"' 11( i'lura Ru!lll'l<!ll, S31 24, AssuH11J\l <:u1'hir r Will am U. $f'X· Mrs llarr11W11 IJowu .. 11. $134.28; ton o( 62~ l'oppy Ht 7 IJ a m l"urolyn 8< h11 .. nfll'ltl, $27 99: Chl\.8. Yelllt'rtlay wh1·n he OIJt'lllod lhv T ai urn. $:/6 67; Uoru1 .. Gn1w, $20; bank He f11unt1 the luck kn1wk1•d P1•1t:r U. Hill, '31 1r>, s ntl Mr9. oft U1\' ntghl Jt·po~llvry a nti Haro)ll C IL.."8, Slti.67 J>Bpt>rs l!<'llllt'rt'd about lhe n our.1 Jnrulor Jim \V<X)(J or i2:1 Monte Bank Teller Janice WtigTifl'r di,.. V l&tli., COllla Mutt, wu apparent· covered lhe holt> In tht> N.>(lf al ly the la11t b1U1k t·mployee 1n the approximal<'IY IS: 10 a. m. urr1<•ert1 bnnk W e<1ne11day n lli(ht Mtore thr 11a1d lhc 1u.11pccl a.pp1u-cnUy w.Uked • burgl&r went to work, H e told tJ<'twten the bank und th•· Co1 d•1z.a o rr1c1•r11 h e cleaned th~ bank N11n1ery build.Ing, worked hi9 -y bulldlnc between 8:4:1 p. m . and lo top of the nW"84.'ry •truclure and 10 1:1 p. m . pull~ h.lm11el1 onto the bA.nll root. Salon aa.t<l. thett of th• bank ua1111 .. l \4 lJl. drill, the Wet check boolu m .. y t.u.m out to b4' • ...---" bo6M ~ ta. l.IMI ~ ~ lllnc• they ••"' root to obt.aln .. foot wide ope· th• .. ,,_~.allied" I ype. SHORE CLIFFS PLANS WEEK ·LONG YULE f ETE Foster Held on Dope Coant; r1mes-BUU -0-ver oil-ClfeCks In ll "Plr1t or Chrllflmu nelgh-1 ants a re Se~rtta.ry M r11. W 1lltam borllneJ11, Shore-Cher n111t1enL11 1 Guley ; Mr11, M lldred Hooper. who w11l hllVl' ll w('~k-loni: C'Pltbrat1on. 3 Wlll cnllf'Ct homt'm ade rooklea -ilTu.flTriK 1'11nclll)' nlillt' Willi the I rrom -nrr ll1'll!1fOOT'lr. ltlWIOn Pnollmlna.ry bu.ring• we rt w111ved bv two defendants In Nrw- port Justice Cour t yeatndsy 81· t ernoon, one charxerl "''Ith p<)s· """~Ion or narcolle11 ancl the other wHh forgery. enrn<l Ave, chargell with ('h1•r k roritery. wall MlllO ordrr .. d h1•lit 10 an~wt'r at 9 JO a m . 11<'<' 2'.l Iii~ b111l waa t'Ontlnued at .}~•C){lll lil(hllog nt 10 ~·hlltlrf'l1 11 C'hn><tmu , 1-'unlr, r h.8irmt1n <>f pn:r.t-s. Har• lre>e at the w1 ~l entranr e l,, I.he I 01.1 C'Rldw!'ll with Youn1 blood. II\ llf'l'tlun o n C"oa,.l H12hw&y. rh&r,;" of punr h, Mr11 Harry, In MrM Rnh.-rt Gnrdn•·r ""'' Mr11 <'hari:e ur rutr ..... C M l'ltt1 i y 11rp Utt• •tlult1< 111 I ~:J11 I Rattlt'y W 1lt1am Gu .ley chRI ge bul lh" 1 hild11•n thrm-"-tl<I Mr" T D1111 .. an Stt'wart Ht I r 11lOhU ui fl'ta:I\: I • I )1p n t htHJ(\1jt \', ,. h t ••• I q II' I ; 1PilJ' li.n•t OU•' Ir h111 \ ... , \' \)np or 1h•· :ti ilf1 .dl,·~·1t tJ1•fl \\.,~ ,Jl,1Ul>'-~Pd \• "''' f ! t\' Ula fh 1llt•n Hf th· •. J •r-:~-, ;,, .. , I.," 11 t c •tn''• 1 't11 S t f M d a Louis C'harlea F o11ter Jr 24 e or on y oC 6811 S euhore Drive. b~Okt'd MarCJGr•t Robertson Dies of lniuries ~elv•'" will ronti 1h11H• ho111o mAc1l' h&V!! h,.• n hrlJllllJt M r• H11rry rJt>r11rRtl"ll! en<t l•lll•'" 11 ... m nn Wtl h lhl' ri~allf•fl <>( lhe many the t r•"' A l'll11J'l•• 1 • 11•muny n ( nr1i:lil~•1 h""" 1'1111111 C'l111111te 1',ghlln)!' the• tri·" will lflk•· ph11 <> All '""'uh·nt• .. r Shorf' Cliff• H<•rrnl q ul •ttl·1 • t.•d ~' ,,,,,; ,., 111• h<,n1e 1tf ln" '"''r.111,.:•d \\af•• P1rnltn~ I '111 ""• 11• I! l!tlllln. 1\.):0-\\' ll!lh St <•,.,11 ~l·..i1 111·1 I~ w1 <'rk1nj:' II••• (11rn1lllrl' 11nil fUr· nt:<hllljl~ an l l'<'llJll): '"Iii (ll•'< Ill th .. "''"' Ha ... d• r. n~•' '''1'41 that he lu~t ''"" , nll'-o,n•~ .. .., n·1•1 e tJq., 41n1Jd f ul h:-t\'t• fo1 i•w1I ·H "t ··1 1 tH '. 1111111t th!•• i 111.1· Th" d• f• n,ll\11! 1o11.t "" Der 7 for po11~~lon and trans- F1m• i 141 ""i ''11 ,.,. rur llui:h A. nrtallon or narcotics whPn off\. f:,111•. 611 11f 1110 E 1"•1h St· ~ .. rs allf'gcdly round 31\ m11r1ju11n11 :"\• "J"'' 1 t:. "h "111 lw lwl.J r.t I <'ll(flrtlle11 In hi• 11utomob1le, waft t t 11 rtl ~l .. nd>ll' In T'llrk•·:-·R1dlry I hel<I In answPr ln Su~rlor Ch url )f .. i 1111' ·" 1 ·11 'i" l ""~"1 Mt'!<ll 9 30 a m Dec 23. Stnce F08ler 1'111• ;-.;, "1"•11 II 11 ho1 •:1k-!Athir had no previous rtror•I. hi• ball I\ ell 1 "rtJll• 1 ~··n·11 ··~ a:<,i•lrfl by I"""" ordered reduced from '5000 tilt' R•·V H••i h••rt J .. )111~1111. pa~tor lo SIOOO. nr lh1> ~-11 .<l Hapt 1•t ('h1114 h nf I Wt'eley AUan Grlmt11. 718 Cold--""" I'"' t H":id1 Jnl• rr11~n1 will full• w 10 Fa.J1ha1···n c·,·m• 1 .. 1y en Sllnta Ana I DIDN'T LEARN )!J E~IU!' tf1Pd »arh· lh1• mnrn· 1 ____________ _ at AUil lo\\ II an·I lhl'll' Chrll'llmll.11 Wt>dl ht\UM A 20-yf'>&r-t•ld rl'\1'IA 1\11'.l'I\ WO-Th·· Sh .. rP 1·11cr~ A !ll'lll llJlll\O ,,;11 .. •l• hltV" b•· .. n tnv11 ... 1 lo IAk• m11n died thltt mo1-nlnl{ at Hua~ J1lltn1< 11 ,11111 1·~t 1,.r uulll•~•r ll••t,.1 t•·•tl In t hl' wr• k 1•r fr111tv11v Ho,.pttll.l ot in jur1t'lf rt-1•r1 ,·rd la11l 1tllur1• ••( hi.nu·~ R'1d hnp• • Ju Nov. 11 al H11nt1ngtc>n P.•11rh hKV•· .. vet\' !lw1·1l1JJi! in I h•· ch:~ Cummin91 Pair luvc Ba.Its M ortuary , co~ta Mt!~. IA In trwl .1.,.,;,81•d HallPlJI \\Ill .,... -r- charfe or s eno1cf"1 w hich 11rc f'<'n.J-1·1u11 u i 1fi p 111 fl··· z r m 1hr $90,000 Lido Horne Ing. h1Jn1" or Mi ' \\ E Fi~h"1 1 ~.;1 S ale nf 11nr "' Li<ln IJIJP s tln..-t The coroner's o(f1rP lllf"nllfll'll ~h••rr c·urr R•111 •I f •r t11 •t ''"''" """ t111nl h•1rnr• tn Mr snit Mre. thP VdPran~ day Vll'llm M Mi<r-•Cll•I tt ltd rt»• .. ~ ''"" J'fll•. \\ill :-:1 oai I A <'11111tnlOJr!1 "' 1~11• Aft- ir~t Rl.>~ru.on of H9 E FJ11w.•r h•• nw•i •h·.J 11h"1 tlv :tllll i:• lo• M 11 I ('.,ron11 d••l Mar wa.11 an- St. CoH•·" I'"" It J\rl•I • •••k1• • "ill ~ •lln•, •t l•"l11y t.1· \\·111ar<I I, K il· O..puty C"ornntr \.\'ally Pox •ll.l<J h1• """'''I d1111111: a n• io.;hl1 ·i h• 1 •I t111n Rr.111 .. r. wl"'"" (1rm 1Ppr,.1ent. the car the wo11111.n "'"t.A 1ln,•mg O<'· hr11u · 1o1 v1 .. 11m~ uld 111111 l{r .. cl .n,: , 1 '''"" 1 • 11nd ~.11,.r11 Th,. Jall"r NEWPORT TOLL-FREE SERVICE TO HUNTINGTON AND LAGUNA MAPPED •OJ: 111 H•"tg H'"P ·~1 11ll••r 1<n A Th ft •''II• nd•"I 11111•'"" ,\ i"'''''' 11( K il· uto e ·In•' '>kht J, •• r~nut Cn ~PWJ'Prl t:.,,h '" 1''~·, \\h•:~ t.•• t•Wn""d 11'l'I.1l•l 1!1•· Hmt!nrd <hi Gt y th . ...;,,,". ~,.1 .. ,,. .. , :!t~t ~t 80,, e s OU -""" l" i 1 l!f1 J H" 111•" "l'"r&tr<J 'h• ~t,,, l.11 I O lf p,Hl t'1•· "' rvtr t • " .. n "" 11 •• " Frnnl 111 1111Jb11a Ja·il Term ,..: 1ll•f11'1oi111._: 1ol p1 .. p<•rl I iO 1he ca me in1·nlvrd 1n B eoll J01•111 "'l h n"v: rr1 .. 1f••nt~ •"''" "'" ll111ry """"or I.Mo ble Bn automobile b1>onir <lnvt>n by lf,.11r\1nc ltu• "•I" mm.: "'"' >111 I X111 1 h Hflll )'"'D"'I who exf>"C\ H o ber l E l:l•'< k Hunt ff gl••n 11,1111•.. 1• I'•• """t L 1 n d ~"' 1., ""•Jnl>1 1n a ''"at <lnh apartment Bl'aCh, &l the ln1n11 .. 1 u .. n of JOlh \i•1111;;hl•" d I\"'"'" l 111 \'•"I•••· '"' lhr1r l••,.1drn11BI """'J" h"r" &nd M~oll& St.JO., Hunu11gt1rn -''"' nl l\1 1• n X 1•, ... ,,. "'"" nl~•· l'••t f'1·11:i11111 11n•I "l_.,flv" Mur- Dl'ACh. , I• n.t• rh•· •·111• 1•111111 •1 • •. "'"· • •Ii•· k n 1•n1l..-i• co( Kllhnn'• •ta.ff, ThP crash WIL'I lnVP!'llj!'llt'fl hy 1.... I h• \\0'1'0<. l•IH):J.<1•1 .. 1 8 I• r•r«"!!' nl•d huyn .. &.nd •eller•. the H untington 84'ach P 111J1·e lJp 1' '"' 11•·1Khh• 111' .,. I e 'J;r ••11 111• 1 ~ T tol 111' """~lllt>raUnn wa11 1n• tXC .. pl\rtmenL h··· Id•··· f)l 'l•'I l•I • .:1 "'" ,. ... ,,,. "' $!/If IMHI By MOLLV Bl"RREl.L 'Th", 1.i 1'"1111 h . flf f ~;,1 , 1• ' t n"• ri' I• 1l - 11 d1 ,,, .f,• ~··11 .ii . ., IH ( 1q1trd his lfllPI t~t~ II·· 1 ~'P'>l'"ii hi' lh••"' ~•·ter;o, An 18-ye a r-o lll unemploy.-d SANTA ANA, !OCNSI -Toll·frt'C' te!C'p one s.-rv1cc 1111,. , "· ' .. \1 • • I 1 .. r,•11 rt1r .. t..rkn•·• hi ,,( Btll-1 youth who i-ttme tn California In 1 .. , )l • \', 1. 1 It 111 ti•11 .. r ~an A up'"' l n gel a rreiih 11t11rl I\ fl er t throughout Orange County and inloo adJacc·nt arens of Los " .. f• 1 , , Angeli's County mo\'ed a step nearer today full1 1wing a 1•1•1•1' 111 i· hearing before t~ state publit ut1lltie~ com1111si;111n ye·s-'"' \. i : '11 II I.\ l< .. l"·1 ,.;11.l11 • 1111 )!1• \\ill~ )l.l111•rv1ni: a term In a.n llllno13 ff!· . 1 .. , 111-. ,,• H" •'1 "rt" 110.t thrre rurmBt11ry for a uto "J"V ridin11;", 1 1 •h"' .1 ''"' I{ ~:~·11~ .. r l'\l'\\'-Y•'•IM Inv ht>ard hlm~c-U 11t n lenc· " I , • 1 t.• " L 1·,1 ii~ ,.r 1.,1 in Newp11rt J uRUCe C1111rt to , • , '' t .I J l.1111· 1 ·-1u~ nf 1l'ontlnu .. d on f' .. I" 6) R h I I! r t I.II. I!,), It terday, l'o1C II •I• I' !<t'f \JI" 1" I . C11nh•n Grove re10hlt'nl•, 11nd1'l ll'rms n ( tlw P n• di!' N1•J•l111111 ·11. • n , 1•:11 k 1111111 111 1 11 1.. • t "" I \\ ,. t If" I 11 'I I rt • ! woultl i;!'t 11111-rn r .'1••11·1»1• 1111,, ,, \1111 '"· \.Ve.<1tm111~ter r,,r abo111l :1 • • n111 r.•lqlJt ... : 1 hi l ' I' I m or" a m"nlh nl1•1 :-;,.,<'I""' g, .. ,. h \\·ould i:et ""'VI'<' intn H 111111nr:· tnn 1tn·1 t..R~ttna lit'·''-h1 ~ u · 11" 1111!1llll'llRI I '"I (,11 i1"Hl1·11l11il J'hOnN< 'I 'l I I t lt I 1 ••••• 'ti ,\, n• 11 I\ HI' I. I o) 1 \\ d l t IH f . 1 ll.1 .,, ' II I . ' t !11h'1 I I•., t.'••'1.ll.• ti 1· ~·~tnt"~$P!it \\'h11 HJ'lh•Hr•1d h, ,,.,, l ht' i:roup 111 1h•• • · u,1, " It•'" bu tldin tit "'"'.,.. nlrno~t n u 111 11 ,, , , "' I In th<'1r a pp1m·111 ,,r I'' ;o •'-I 1. lhe P 11C'1(1c' 11 ii .i 1: •i" • d I t phone 1 t•mpant"" "111 h " · 11' '• )?1\'f' r r <'Jpr•'('At ''t•·n 1, I ... ,. \ to rf'JUdf'Ol,C Hl 'td.! )r.. , ... '"' ' I '\P' 1 I '' t ,, • fd I L• A th'(·lsfon ''''" I ht, u ppn• '. n 1 ~ 1 '' • \\,II he 11nn .. 1111c"d 111 •" '" · ' •" I• Wtt'ks. 11c1·01 Ill'\.; 111 1·, rr1.., ..-~.nn F.xllmlnr r ~I 1111<'\ \\' r: I· .11 The 1hanc-•-.•1·r r l"''"•h'1 \\11111 not hr ronqlt1l1•I h•·HI •· 1l,'1·\H•1 1 i .1 ·'' h i 'l .. 1111.i j I II f lo\ ! I I ,• I t ,. ''' 1P5 f Jtt t•nr :1nJ,: l_. • "··~' .• 1'!" ·•fl t ' I l I " J[IVfn t>v lttr Cnmrr.1~ 11•0 r .1 .. r-' I man, J 11SlUll F' l 'i R1•llo• r Drru11· c:11y Att .. rn·1· L·-h· ur• ,. I: ,I I 1 .. r I + • I '. ti· 11 i 11 ,. --:• . .. t \ ,. ' ,. Still, Loni.: Bl'111 h 1e•11t1··~1 .. o1 1 .. 11 1 • ,,. , 1 •I, I' • 1 f tlonaJ 11tudlt• on {C'BJ11b1hty M 1•al1~ IJ<•I" ,.,.n 1 h··~· 111 t'·''" b<' lv1. i 11i.1 f'IYine Ulte c:enlral pa.rt of Long tree, ht lo l1I lbe l(l ••up ' t ·I ' . ' i • 1 I , ;-':;;!. 1crdt Car Hit New Finance ... \ · :: , ... ; :·~·n::l .. · ·J·,~·~~~ 0·1rector for 11 l '" Ii I• I I llllt\r;::l'd ,. "', .r1 1 t.1d .. 1 1 .. 11 k.ns.;I .,: ::·: ::·y ,: .. ': .. :;·;:1Newport Told r -·--·~~;~ ~·;::·•~•i:Jl~.u:a 'll !-tP11lnir V Pfunnfr. Cll.x ac· ~ I "'lll1811l for U1e Cliy or Indio, Only 11 1t111:< iu11rn1ng 11c<-rpted th!! oft f r 1( ;,,il "' ,-,, 1• M AnagPr John Sa1lor1 to ;) 7 ~' hr• •ID•~ this c1l \'!I •llr rc-tor <1( fin· ·1 l't I ".,,.,. H.-1~ lo re1ollrl for w .,rk I{ ISi I I 1 "' '.If • fl II t t ,._,, .,..-... h .,~., !! Shopping lJI ~·f.,111 •1t>r 111u1 11<>r'·""1 st ln dio in 'I )! ~ tl11<t ru~t the p;;lll lhree )'C"llr8 Hf' I • It . i1 D ! I• II. grad1.1ete or C:ol11mb1a Cnt\'f'r-·a· ays lt .-11y, X Y . 111krnl{ a r(lurse In busl- '1 1, t ... , '"' f, '" r ,, II , ,,. ~ r• ..,~ Bdn11nil't ra t1on ~nd m11jore<I .. ~.7 1 I• i~ 't"il ~~ 1;i ac1·u11nlmg . , 11 '' I Pf11n\nn. 4.3. Ill marrtfd and the t! , , ., • falhrr o f t our r h lldrfn. Edwart1, t I I' I' I! Christmas Jll .lo>I n. Ann an<1 Elllher The family l-11J" 1. n 111:11 t ,. I..• ll 1l>1 • i I 1ntend11 to move here aa 1100n u \lonllfl'1•-.l on l'a11e 6) •"-----••••••..llpoeeible. GIVING THE ONCE O\'ER -Dcp. Sheriff D<in Nutt of the identification bureau, Orange County Shrriffs offke, chcckA night dl'pns1tory at lhi> Newport Harbor Bank from which $380 in mo111·y ant! rht·Ck:i waR st11len early Y"lltl'rday. Assi1>tin1 him in O!lice.r Bob Nelson of Newport Reach police. -Sta!! Phot.o ~ NEWPORT HARBOR l.ell«'JI f'ommlltf'f', Mra Ah•ln ' [)()RI'; ~C H AR Y H l'lh'\"nnd fnr th" ml'•t J'llrl " l'l!Ult r llttrlT. S~n<"er. cha11man. 1e M'n 'lnlf nit-movu l'tr1u11I • ~IPll•·n p1< tu11·~ 11nrompl1t 1'1' I '"'' 'x t ~' m I' I y tee durtnr the work euelona.. I an made tor th• ma.a aud1tncc-. mo1 a l ifroup:· •• LJDO ISLE CLUBWOM J:.:N had a not.able program of music by the famoua Mitchell Boys Choir. a rranged thl'ir table decoration as a chapel scene. Left to right are Mrs. Paul Rogcr.:i. recording secrE>tary; Mrs. Thomas F. Letto, president and Mrs. Frank Carleton, cnrresp9ntling secreta ry. -Staff Photo TO NAME OFFICERS LI Yacht Club Dinner Dance Lido Isle Yacht Club hoists the final social flag for '55 on Saturday night, signalltn~ all members to the annual banquet meNing at the Lido Clubhou8e. Top on the agenda is the election of nPw flag' offlcC'rs and b<•a rd of go,·emors fo r 1956. Prcsentatiun of thr Rutl('r an<t lie Marek 11eoman•h1p 1 the rommlll"I' whi• h inrluoh•• tre>phlf'!I will be mutle b)' Cornmo· Me>11trl' 11m1 Mmr• L M ttr•'tl. dore M. A. Antll'nl"n alon1o: "'Ith 1· (' Hl'mhnit Elrrwyn M.1rlr, th" "'"rlY t111hlng awarJ11. the 1-:us.rrne \'r.-••lund, n nnnlil ~l nc- Be.-ti.l 111111 nnn1rl~ ru1u•, I <~• •·j.?or, H•irnhl \\'"Ir ti l'l'n y 1111 \~T llt:t:F I C'la1 k \\'allt•r t'r1111z W1111am Th,. 1,,.,1111 .. nnl 1••R•I ht'"t rlln· S1 h1wk J nhn Car1t1on, \\'11l li<r ll<'r· n,.1 "''Ii bf' pr•·r11r"'I "nil "4.'rvl'd harill. .lr.-rf'll IHrhRr1L•. M11rtln hv """' r11rnth< 1 < nf t.IYC Mr 11.nrkn"v J.,..,m,. H rlf'rln 1'11111 an1t M1 • H111 lc.11 Hc•n1berl(•'r hN• t Elmq111 .. 1 ""d Mr:-Et111 h l111n1ph· -ffL Ed d F "] I Leon \\'are 11n I \\'1lllam J Co-War s am1 y Wlln "''" J\'<!llllllf' lh,.tr )<'Mrh· chi 11 ... , "" rh1c-r '" r ver11. "~"l•l• I b) Gathers Here J11hll r"'" n ""'' \\,di) c: .. 111 II II I 11(1~( Ill (lt-'FICt:t<S fo r H olidays ·ni .. ollnn('l'·•lnn·· IA llt hr ...... IEilmore Son Born Mr and Mr1. Alfred Ellmore. 6307 Seu hore Drive, are parenll or a baby boy, born Dec. 0 In St. J oseph Hoeplt.al. The lad weighed In at O Iba. 13 oz. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 I COSTA MESAN IS HONORED AT PRE-NUPTIAL EVENT M lsa M artha Welchel of Costa Men wu the honoree al a bridal shower last Frid11y evening given by Mr•. Elmer Clark and d1tughter Peggy of 2427 Ora.nge Ave. The Uvtnr room wu c.h>eoratPd tn the Chriatmaa moUt wllh a creche on the mantel nnd randlea on the piano. Miu Welchel end her mother, Mn. Jack Menden, were presented with lovely corsages. Game prl.U• were won by Miu Wekhel and Mra, Gertr\lde Edick, after which the 11hower of g1fli! wu presented to the honort f' In 1U1 OJ><'ned paruol. Singing Of Chrl~tmas carols preceded refresllmenta ser\'ecl by the hosteJ1S1•x. Others pr<'St.'11t al tho 11.ffalr were Mmu. George De Roulhac, Cheater Fisher, Chisholm Brown, Ruth Bernell and lhe Mlaee11 Virginia Compton and Ruth Hendenon. Sending glfUI but unable to 11ltend were Mmes. Robert Luck- hardt, H . B. McMurtry, Ruth Allt>n and Walter Compton. MIM Whrkhel ..,Ill become the bride of William B . Bear- den on Dec. 22 In lhe Flrat Baptist church ot Cosla Mesa . NEED MORE MEN Youth Center Work Rushed for Holidays Corona del Ma r folk are hope· tul the r ommunlly youlh centrr building will be a vailable tor holl· day featlv1t1rs ,Jnd men have been work ing each Saturday to lnatall door• and w1ndow11 llO the room11 will be enclosed. The heallnK plant la already ln1talle4. Gra.nt H owald l• chairman of the bulldlnl' comm1ltee, lnvlt.es anyone who can hold a hammer or putty knlle to come and help. Member1 of the Woman's Clv1c • Open e\·rnlnJt1t 'tll 9 p.m. UnW CbriStmu En • We are featuring ••• a beautiful selection of ''Don Loper" For the rest of her life -r>o.mef Gft.eelL~ J...t •• ... ,, . ''~ "6 • . u 8-2778 Mesa Center -Costa Mesa l\f>twl"t'n Alpha &ta and Thrif~· Dn.i.K • Community Crf'dit • I I Tilf' 1-'.vnc·t t C. Eel"'" t •111 Imm<' lit 2:'1') ~:Vl'llllli; ('an\'110 H"A I .... 111 b&. ovu:lluw~ wUh 1.h1Wl..n 11.ml i ·····J•1d t1v Jlf1\'-I .. •'''~ ~ li\'l pfU t Ir.• 1;.1th11 •n1: .11 thf h""'" of l'11111- nu1tf(,'{" .u~iJ ~, r,. A ,.,i.-,, , .• u n an 1 urwr 'r HPer ·,.n1111\~J1.11 c t.Dd Mt> Kt 11n•,1th K n11•1,..,· 11 n•I lhrir •"'"' tin.: • ·•nn,1tt•··· .. t' lt•" fHt~t \•Ill \\ 111 ~ ~t · ~~• • 11n•I M •11r• J good ( h•' I l hl' hi II 1°1\' •• ' "II with 1111thf'f 11111ly ~'1111• '"I ''""' tar M •I n4'ar Thi! T""' 1:.1 ... •r~ll r "' '·' " II bf' h• rr ''"'" !'1•J1k It• I • w •II ""I lhe J'1&ttlc k f \ \.,r•h~A•lff ft• f I I ~• Alamo,, =". ~t \\ t •; •· ( ·., •. rJ•• .iii 11 a nrn lr11r f h\ "1n•l 1; I tho I'' ,, lnJ "roun;I• /\I r 11n•I ,,,,. 1'1111 ~ A.ii I k..r W iii t'Jl!>tl t1 111!1 l.ll~ An \ 11• I 1 S<Jlm1'f' It. "rlhllf rtr•)• 111111, 1·1~.ir H1•111 \\ 11 J11ht• Ir M11111n 1,-H krin ll •lph 11 .. 1 ''•·11 ,..., • .,,. \\ n, 1· ••I :-;. •"'', r I! l1o 11 I"'' J•I• lt•ll J"'"'l'h 1\ 1 • • I I • r u ,., 1 ~, ., ttu.·~ ';,., 1, , ~' u hH111I I.• 1 t1 I ~· \\\ 1ltltl1 lt11r 1 \ lt••\.'1 I"" I F h:• Jl11, l t.,.•t1l1l l'•·Jtf1\1 1 ••U•1 , .. , ... M n T om F.•h\.lr·I~ w 11 h i""' H• lo1·i I I\• i'f'""· ~t"'"" ""I T1·rr v 1 .. • "' • lw1 • hn ,·1n~ :I "" •I ;,.n \tr I h 11 I t.11 dr&\10 .... 1ni; II I!• II • I• [k"'nvttr C'lft nu ... 1n1 • t11 r111 . t ullt lnit ht ro The Catlf'nl •·I\ I < t.1 !rl'n If" I' •t J r, She11 y t.u 1 11 .. , ... 11 r • my, tn1Hpf• t n~ 1 t ••• h L111ii,, • "1''1 M r . 11n1t ,\I,. ~: h\11t .t • New Members. State Chairrnen for Parlor Inlt111llnn "' m,.mNr .. 11n1I Ar ('01IO!'f'mf'nt • ( #II'"' "1'1"•101 m l'nlll """ 1r•r" >'tnn1 • n t h .. "lffO•I" !I t lh' Iii• .. ' n rr•rni:-of Conrhtll\ I'" 1 1 .. r ~··1 _s,n,.- Dauihtn• Clf I hr ( ;nf lrn \\ ,. ~ I \Vtlcnm,.it 1nt11 thr •·rd•·r \\rr•• 1'fmte. A I ~·,,, 1:11 11n1I J11h11 \\ 11- ann. l' .. rllfl<'"lr• \\rrr 1<'11'1\l"I fl• 11 Oranrl l '111l •r 11•·1·11 .n. 1!1' "I' polntm•nl , f , ... ., 1· .. n t 1111 mrn•· bf'r.1 nn "'"t•' .. \rut lt\•'• ~ ~'rv1n..: nn tta11 , •nu1 11 '•·~ t r A r1 r 11n lam I~ Mr' Hnbf'rt '-1 \\ l•un .. •hit .. Mr-\\'11llrr :-:nllar ""• 11p rolnt!'<1 tn lhr 'ta•.. r••mn11lll'• tor ('nn11"r"11 llon r 111ns fnr 11 Chnqt ma.o par I\ tnr ml'mbt-rro wt r " '"" 111<11r •I 11lonir; with flnnt .'rl•lll• f11r l hr < Htwr c ,, ... 1, 1·11 hJil"' ,,,._~, 1111 , ..... '"n 1 .1 .. l.111 \\11· hAr J hn 1.1 ... Jo1ln ,,,., .. , '" 1" 1' 1 "'" \\ 11 '"' ,;, ml\ I , , h u• "' I.I < ·I 11n•I \l1 • \I ~ 111 r .I \II • t• I"' 1 I h l'•I' -'11 .\!, .,:111 I \\hol" Kn! It• 1 .. rt II Israelson Da ughtc r I A l11t1.,· cul "" 1rh1 11 lh• I!\ •7. \\I• ht1ff\ f lt"1 •,Ill !'t J "'•lh II• ;•t11i '":th ,.,, I \Ir• E 111 I•· 'I• ~,'Q l.iJl• 1t1 f'l 1"' (\<!'! f .\!• • I C'hriAtn111s b1111k1·t r •r 11 n<'"il) 1 famlly In th111 Arf'R In rhHI;" nf the l>ukcl I.• ~1r• \\'tlham Mrl· cher who u1 !''d •II ntl'mhl'r• ''' have lh1•1r 1tron1\11••n• I<> hc-r h\' Dec. 2! nr rhnn,. H111 h<'r :l~:l!I· R to ma.ke ar1 a nlfl'nlrnt • t• r h11 \'IOI: Item• pirkf'<I 11r AlllO d ll!CWIM<I wu lhf' rum· m~e 1111le or °''" P"rl"r ""h" h will t.akt pl11Cf' ill • ll'll'f f'.1111• rurther d<'t•ll.8 will be a.nnnUll• "'l tt1 Jttrs. Jack Wu~•n, "")' "nd mtant ch11lrm1rn Followmg lhl'I mtrllni; rrfr,.~h· mf'nb w llh t t>,. h nl11IA\' lnwti 'lll'f'f(l l!('f\'Pll h)' ""'I I''-'' • f' r ti f l'Vtnlng. Mm,., Thr.,,i ••,. h:' , . .,, and l<tnllf'l h RrlC'kl'v, .z-~ l',.,. Our ('on\f'nif'nl LA\' -AWA\' Pl.A~ WITM IASY ·TO.SIT OIAl H>I ContJwtta.d. H a.o.t n'htl"i"J' Hl1A~·,~;~·~~~-:.:::n~~~ ft?1na rttulu. •1tho"t '"'~u•of\ or coo~ ti~~! C~~~~~i'f>.!t~:·t.~~·di •. 'V~~,~;~!ori~~ dubtt ttr mote d t l.t1001 btc"u' 1htir ft•hH•J, e .... orful JVl(C'• .,. tC'•I~ 1n Nt• tQUUe th1p.-. t:~P"rlally l'rlrf'CI t'rom s199s HOUSEWARES ---'HARDWARE 1802 S r1'port Rini., Co~t:i Me8a Uherty R·S"26 We Gi\1• .t: RrdE>f'm Crown Stamp!'4 • OPt :s t:Vt;R\' En·:~•~u 'TlL 9 TO 'xMAS • . ·J For your kind thouqhh For your friendly support .. For the many courtesies and hearty co-operation which you have g iven me-during the past year, I thank you sincerely. a Me rry Christmas Uld a Happy New Year .· Oscar Turnbull There wUI be no ~"SJ1em cin thf' 11ut "'r''l"r n>l'ettn1 n1iht d11I' to Ula b<lllda)'I Mu~i. Ltd. -198J2 Newport llvd.-Santa A ... nall'-"'Klmberfy S-.2462 I I I I You will be Delighted Priced from ... with our large selection of Lovely Gilt Ideas In .... APPAREL and ACCESSORTF:~ • • / • Gift v.Tar~d ao attractivdy Attention Men ''She" will appreclale your gift most if it is from .. MARILYN'S ' T h•• h n , nn,, ,,,,,.,,, . l1lnr-'-. Arla-p,,...,_/J, ...... ,,,,. ,,,,,, "'',.. •""'''" drrllf '' 1/h J 11rk1 t /l)r In ti H l1r1 ~ ,,,, 1 "'''' , ; '''"I "''" "FUR )'11/ R /llJL//1A )' l 'AHT/b:J: • !'ton! Hour1 Daily l ntil Chru1tmu 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. I 767A Newport Avenue Costa Mesa Liberty 8 -7~3 I 1---------------------------~------------------' I I I I I I I ( • Lindell-Janos FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. IJSS NEWPORT HARBOR ~JEWS-PRESS PART I • PAGE 3 .. Vows Spoken at Lagtilla Church Couple Will in State of Make Home Washington • Whit~ carnations and chrysanthemums decorated St. Catherine's Catholic Church, Laguna Beach. Dec. 10 for the early aftPrnoon ceremony which united Miss Dorothy Janos. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Janos. Corona del Mar, and Glenn Lindell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert P. Lin· dell, WenAtchee, Wash. The bride Wll.'I giv<'n in u ilnu-1 Mrs Ltn•lell in Roynl bht!' with hi" r:ing rile p1•rforr11ctl by the n .. v. navy at'<'•·ssonr! and ~·~llnw rost• l\ft·.\;ult ,., Shi· """'' a ballerina co1 sage Cocktail Dresses ours are Gorgeous! 1 and every "G-A·L" would love the Idea of owrting one. They a.re eo ex<:iting! Se~ral colors 81-It U1ru It 11·11.:th l(OWn t•f wl11t,. nylon tulle Th« h!l•h·'s table wa:< .-entf'rell w ith Joni; tursu h1t 11 bodu·e. s1•nop with red cai·irnllo n# and •tl""'"'"I nt'1•ke1I unll ><ho rt islceV•'d. A IRce whttt' (ir t.Hit11t'h"~ M rs Ellwiud 1·11p . h ,.Jd her bi a('f ve il and sh .. J Jani•R. si1<t•'• ·tn-law o r t he rarTled Rn orchid and carn11tton 1,. idt•, a~a>'lt'd l1Vt~ll~t' n11 tt. \\·h1l•1 pre.v~r tM1uk ('OllAl. \'ELVET AT l'.\1.1'1 ~PRISO~ F'•W ttw Palm Spnnl'" honey· M ass Clara Val1•nl'li, maid l)f hunor. w ore " coralberrv velvt'• ll1•10m th~ nrw Mrs. Linlle ll chose ballerm a lt>nji!'th dr<'Bll and cai·a·•l'd a b1•1i.rc wc•ol s111l with accl',,Sl.lriea white carnations bound with pale l "( r11nk and bruwn a11d thl' or,:had green ribbon. 1·111·s11gr 11 '''Ii her br1J11 I n uwl•rs. CliRIST~AS ~ROGRAM at the Marguerite Ave. tree tonight will feature the H~rbor View f~th gr_ade 1>.<>Y• robed cboi~, -1nging from 7 to 9 p. m. Santa Claua will be there t~. w1th gift.a for . the children and carolera will go through the town. Left to r1g~t are 'Mrs. Paul Holmee, in charge of P-T A mothers who made the veetn:ents; Miss Cl~ Ellen Spelman, director; Martin Johnson, Ricky Daw- son, David Snyder, Christopher Elns, Bill Nott, Richard Oliphant, Michael Pells, Johnny McCallum, Allan Gordon, Craig Sinclair, Teddy Barker and Michael Hen -Helen Horr Photo ry. .1<>-Lee SPORT SHOP 1823! Newport Ave. COST A M ESA We din s.tH ON"·f'R Stamp• MRS. GLENN LINDELL -Pete Fulmer Photo R obert Linde ll srrved 11,. She was i,111<11111\etl f1 ••111 Fre- groomsman t o his brother anll ' mont H igh School. .Los Angeles .,'Uests were 1Jsherc•tJ bv Bernard und hell bn·n employed at Lhe Burke &nd Michael Pal.\;lik. Bank l.lf Anwri<'a. Laguna Bt·nch. H ••r h111<b1111d is nn Agncultural maJnr from Washington S tate Bo th m others were In the r e- re1vin~ l111C' wht<'h formed 10 thc- La~na \Yo nu·n's l·1t1bhousP. M rs. J 11nN1 WE'Rnng 11n afternoon gown of mlver hlue w ith blal'.'k 11ri•f's!'lnr-1 ' , .. ~ and pink rose co rsage anrl Umverslty. The couple wlll home in \Venntl'liee. } establieh a White Elephant Was Real at Kappa Meet Christmas Aid PFISTER-CRAGG Plans Made TR~.T~(1 ~~v~~,~~D by Kamaainas Corona del Mar Pf1,.Le1 . i!1th ~l ~!1.•!I l.11< 11!1• Smith was hn~tr111< Cw1i&M ... i.11 11 ... .-11\1,\' tt11111111111 . nt the l'h11stma.s dinner for 1<11- A while• e!Pphant gift ext'h»ngP ed lhe <'lll:>•1:<•111cnt "' ttw1r 11111 .. 11111 C'liab nwmb,..rs 1111 Der, 7 WRa highlig ht of th•• t'h11H1u11~ d8U):hlvr. (°llJl'I Jo::lizabeth, 1,, <tl ht'r h!lme, ~d I Ah~o Ave party given bv the l<11pp11. Kappa Mr 11,.taoy D. <:ra1;g "'''° of C .. tht•11ni; 11bolll 1t bht2tnlC 111'<' Cammn Alumnae A!<sr.r111t1on of ~1 I nn<I with dec11111t1un.s kt>,\'ed 111 th" ~· " 1 R 1111 M 11<. R<iy S. C 1 ai;g. df\lllhern Orangr Cu11nty [le,· 8 11 .. 11111.y. IL Wll.S l'··~.v rnr 111t"lllh<'t':< I The lunrhf"on was ht>ltl 11t the i :i:ii E 1 "lita M,.,,,. St Uolh tu pl11n C'hn,.1111>•.s galls fi•I 111•• home o r M rs. George 1:.1,aaley, La-Y•lUng 1w1111I•• 1ir1• icrR1l111<11·" 111111\h,•1 nnd lh11•1• 1111ldrt"n who i:una B"ar h. w ith M r ~. Bu\r Bn· 11t ~··wp111 t H .. rb1Jr Hii:h 1111· ll11•1r '111l11pt1•1t (1<11111~·" :11 man, M r.'I. Galne11 H••n. anti M1~,. S<"h"ol :-;11 •ldan i1,. llat" 111, Pll'~"nt /\ lt•lt"r .,f lh1111 k" "'"" A nne BenJam In 1u• hm•lc·11~e" "'" i 11 0111 t lw 1.1111aly 111r 111011 1 E bE'•'11 ,.N f111 lh1• w "titian~ arh member· b1 011i;ht a 1;1fl l't1.11il<•tl\'lo i; ''" k l'y .i1111w r 1111.1 \l"'lll•'h !Ille pt>rAO'r1a1iy 111'1 11nt 11 .. x 1ir i; 1111·1·1 , •. , \\'ant, but w h11'h nth•·r" w .. 1-.• llkl'· l B . k Cl b I A 1·1•1111n1tl•·r wo~ 11 •lll•'<I 1 .. ,,. Iv to C'OV('t. Tn11ling bl\l'k An1I rea ers u '"' t I\ plt1•'P ""'' lltllk" 81 lllllt:•' forth Wt\.' splr1t<>tl with 11:1r11<j N 11111•11t" r .. r a ="'••w Yt•81 '" 1 .... ,,. 1ani;:lng from a !ltlVPf <'<•fft-e pc•l ames Officers. wh1t11 \o\111 1,.. "" 11•1 :111 Al 11 111 11nd & 111lv~r t ray to R hlR<'l< ••It•· hn 1 11 .. 11~.. :->1·"(1 1:1•111·1111 111•• .. t· phanl; and mo;t n ppr11prt1<te of l\!1•mh .. 1s of thr R11lt1ou ll11·11k -1 l111: ""'' 1•L111111·d 1111 J "' 11. 111:,i; I a ll. II t iny what,. t>h•ph11nt 1·18 C-lllb m..i 111 1h .. h11nw 111 M1 ill lhr 1111111~ "' Mt:-l-:dw11.il l( .. J. Thn11e 11ttr 11dini;r wert> Mme,. 111111 l\lr11 Allwrt H1l111111lt 11i•., 1-: I\' :11!1 •ln\'X A\• Ho.1 .. ~11 will tw l rlf'Oq~e 88mtoll. S11nta Ana. H111· Ralbos Blv•I . "" H111U1tl1<v "V"·1 •~•l1'' l'11••l"f>'h' I lt·y. Hon, C.."arJ F. Ba lzer. Marsh&ll nlni: tot 11l1111r1 nnd " L11b111••/ls \' l••ol 111 '"' 11 """ "'"111h"1 w11 • distinctive . mirrors . . . . . . . 'i I reflecting a lasting quality for the discriminating •••.• 2760 East Coast Highway Harbor 5403 Rr-11f'h, J TiinmBll !';w11r1:<on. an<I nH·1 l 1ni: M1» !\1,11f. lvn I'• '"I""" ol 1· .. 1111111 , Walt Pr R Sm I t h M Lit1:11na Mi • Hdu1111ll "'"" , 1,.,.,, .. 1 I'"' 11•1 ;11 11· I Be&<'h ; G. \ H111<111u1<111•n anti !\1 1~~ ~l•lt-llt !\I r ~ Ito\' l•,1111~' .. 1t h 1 · '--------------------------.....1 ll1'11Jllmln or S an Cl 1•mtn le, \1 1'11~11r<'I .11111 lloltl\' H•tlh 1'"''" for holiday dining M m ... •. G. A . Yahlnni<kv anti \\'RI· 1111" l1•r C . H ah·h o f <:uslll lltf'llR, ftqb· 1\t.•111b•'I'" whn "ll""""'' """'I "'' Str81l1 ff. Mar y L..crn TcmnP ... ·11. )11'·~••" '""' Mm·' l'w t ~I 11 .. 1 ~· l'aul 011 kt>r~on. 1 .. 1111~1· l i nlla· H1111 ' H .. th Ito\ ~:11 .. 11. I( 11 , i,:hrr. SlrOJIPr \\'h t t <'. Hum1111 F11111°w .. 111t, 1..n.i Alh••ll :-;, hn1 .. 11 Rul'>t'I t filit•'k l!llJ.r' It. T' Miih 111 l 't"'" w "' •' llllHt. t111 I t•r 1·btl1 \\' B. D11:lun110n . D ick Ora kt'. l(I 11111•1 tl!! n .. xt "''"'' 111.; .11 th1· 1----.::.J.::.a,me.s LRlnd~ 11nll Ma-i<•" h• "'" 11f Mi nn1t ~11.• I" I ~mat h llt"llle B. Lal')' 11ml Rulh r M1u .. : r.or;.rrn t h" mnnt lrwlTl"rr-n C'hn ...i·- "'rll 11111~ pllt ly h llM ht" 11 11' •·I~ •I ~HOUDaY ~ ~IJljti)ill/ Christmas Candy Canes Fruit Cake Hard Candies Ribbon Candy Many Beautiful C'hnstmas Boxl's of Delicious Candy 17th & Coast ••• Ice Cream I 3 delicious flavors hand-pack&d $1.bS the quart 8 European Water Ices hand-packed $1 .25 the quart Have you tried Wil W rig ht's hand-dipped chocolates 1 • Highway Newport Beach Birthday Supper A new twist to the celebration ot Christmas wlll be given at the Family Night •upper ot Balboa Island Comm u n It y :Methodist Church on Dec. 21. Following lhe 8:30 aupper, the congregaUon w1.ll light "a birth day cake tor Jesus." The ''Happy Birthday.. 110ng w0ill be •ung during the cake light- ing and cuttmg ceremony. After· warda lhe group wlll eee a new colored eound fUm.Btrip, "How We Got Our ChriBtmaK CarolJ1," Tha&e planning to a ttend the 11up· per a re asked to notify Mr•. P . "'· Bamea by Dec. 19. Home for Holidays I Lt. Donald McCallum Jr., .son o r Mr. and Mra. Don :t.tcc .. uum O :'l San Bema.rdino A ve., wlll ~ hom e Dec . 23 and rern&in over the holldaya. Jie hu been for eight months at Flonda. hu JU8t been tran8Cerr"rl to Bergstrom A Ir F orce BalM!. A u!!lln. Texa11. Give e TR IP for Christmas a trip II a l GIFT thaf lash a lifetime Corona del Mar Travel Service OrchJd ~ Cout H"·y, Harbor 1246 HotP1-~rt-R.a.U­ Al~ltlp a C'ru!IMI Mutual Tllratr" Tkkf'1• A.~lff-41•• I-l"'9 • , •• -......... .. .:::::---""""' -== .. -- d ' I ! \ I ' ' I I I I ' \ ' I ' I I ~ L_... ....... =:=..-:-. : l':I .. ....-................. ~ ............... ·-Ill .... ... ... t. ... . . . .. ., .•.. CIHtM • • • • ... You cu be_.,.... oldie .-lllr 811111 .. 1 .. of,_ du. ... d riq whee jf.,..,.. .. ·--·--"''""""·· [•ch rin1 i• nrl•mr.d aocl parant-' for color, cl•nty, cut and ur•t wai,ht, And. u further proof of ulue, the purcb ... p~1ce of JOlll' A,,_,,.J dJ9lDOfld rin1 ce.n alwo1 be applied towud a laran Artcarwd diunond-8' ataied · In your fUVHlee. la weddin1 rinp, too, the 6n..a ii "11~ara11e.d t. a liledme.. Com.e in tod•r· ·~ b! Brlde9 b n. lOO_l' _ _.. ______ -ll----_,j· ·w. D. Johnson Jeweler 218 Menne Ave. Harbor 2640 Balboa Island ,......,._. Artnrvtd,,,.,., · · Al110 ~·ine \\'e \t'hr11 ·.'; 14 Ci.rat an<I C'11st11m J tr1111n1 We G1vp S&H Gr""" Ste1nr• --1 ,1 .- If you want \omething really nice for smart little girls and active young guys you can probably find it at JERI'S of . LIDO H05 ~ewport Bh·d. Phone Harbor 4518 LIDO l'-119 Ntwp0rt Bh·d., Newport Betw-h Pb. Har. SGi 1 Why Not? we·ve IE'lttt~ hundred• t1f wonderful High-Fidelity recordlngg for you mUfic.lovera, everything from Brah~ to Brubeck -AND -"'it 'l1l you hear them reprochaced on our incomparable High-Fidelity players'. Wbat could be a "perfecter" Chriltmas Gift for the whole family? Viait Newport Harbor'• beautiful new ''STUDIO OF UVING SOUND!'' Hi-fi-RecorC:l1-Pleyer1-Ra'dioe-Mu1ic: Systems bushnell's HARBOR Ml•PI ~ .. Wf'Oll -•• .-_...a.,_ .... Harbor 4681 PAGE •· PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OEC~MIER 16, 1955 MRS. RICHARD CRUTCHER receives from Mrs. For- est Neal one of the many prizes awarded at the Candy Cane Ball in Balboa Bay Club, annual affair given by the Newport Beach Assistance League. Junior AWtiliary. At the rlticrophone is Roland Lagerlof as emcee. -Terry Boris Phot o Badge Work for Sunday Rites Girl Scouts at CdM Church Seventh gradert of Girl Scout Der . 18 lhe Rev. Edwin Gumkt Troop 7 are h1&vin1 a varied pro-wlU apeak on, "f.able. F act 1tnd g-ram worlunir tor badgu. Mo.t Faith" for lhe dupUrate, muming a re 1peciall.Ung a l pre.Miit In out wonihlp 11ervtceii at Coaona 111'1 ot door actlvltlu a.nd have part Mar church. The Carol Choir will of the work done tor campcra.tt 111nr for the ea.rly c 11:~ a .m I baden. hupe for g-Ck>d wt·atller 80 1ervtce u well a.s the Chaptl they may be completed. They ~ Choir or younir ~pie. Fo.r ~ ll Al80 workln~ on their Sood rroom· o'clock hour Chrl1tmu music wUl lnK badfea, tntereetlnr for thl1 be preHnle dby the King David, I •Ke P1l(fr1 m and Chancel cho1r1 Mni. Evf'ry Monday the troop ca.a J. LHUe Sleffen1m la dirf<'tot to the 1kat1nc rink lo learn to for au five cholr1. 11k11te properly for the ikat.eni The Church School department ba~se All attended a recent out· 11 having a Chr111tm.. worship 1ni:. ''nntram& Holiday''· hour followed by a Chrialmu party. SanlA Clau1 a.nd a ~auU -Mr• Kl'nnetb Harr11 11 troop lradf'r with Mn. M.aur1ce Staul- 1• t 11~ a...a11t&11t. Tr0tip memben ,,,.,. l's 111 Zander, Tltffy Adami. Therf!'Altl L o w"· Abbey Oqul1l. l:'n n1lr a Broc kman. Diane s1 ""''" l:t. 1'fl'llnda HoaK, Penny S1 l11n·lll'r. Gnt Buchert. Carol 1\11n Sl\lu•bury, Unda ).fcCook, <'11rol Stoll. 01a.ne Harr1a, Nancy Juhn11 .. n, J ill Stau!ftr, Nancy :"1< kl'r\.& •nd K•hy Wiicox. .Mothersingers on Two Programs ful, decor&ll'd lru u cenll'r of allr&c:llon, on Thur.day night . O.C. 22 A ll cl'llld~n·a c:taueii wUI par Uclpale In the pro11;ram. Does Samba on TV Show l\11ai. MarR"Ul'rlte \\'&\' 1 Mn E&t t Balboa Blvd., appt'e1e1I on a ,.., l'Dl Rum.I~ t\'aLlnj,(_ TV .i.how ~:Ith other '1.ance ~IU<lt'nts and demonatraled a 11&m1»1. pa""'"K Wllh honors. She h•• r """"<l h!'I ~ewporl Harbor Motbtniin(trll. bronze m •'liallAl t u t a nd 1~ now 1l1N'<'te1J by Mnt. J 1.A111ie Slf'f· prartl•ln~ for thf' 1llvf'r '"'' f"ru"n 11n(t 11pnnt1nre1I Jointly byl Aftr rw&rU M1tJ11 W M\', Mi~ r;la· Cout Collq: .. enJ H arbor P -TA 1!y,. Roui.:h and Cho•l >'armr "'"'" l{roup11. "PP""'"J lu l wttk at (Urlll& Rl a Holl\'W•~~I ,111dio U1sn .. ylRnil In a ('hrlJllmu prt>-"'her.-lht> 120 m~Jahllt • '"'"•"'I 11:ram. Thi• w eek they wlU bi al to mu•lt by lbt C'har1 .. , \'1•lnl nr· radln JO!llt1nn KWIZ whe.re a re· chulra c-nr<hng of • Rrola wlU ~ madr, with )llayback on Ch.r11t.mu day. I' Sings in Me ssiah 1' M1sa :0.!An 'f'lt'!i! Moody. yowig mt'U.O·ll<>prano. wu aololal In one of lh11 e.nnua.I pruentaUoru o! 1 I ·'The MtMl&h", lhl• yu r ln th" J>;A.g'le It.wk UP&. f.Mt ~'l"&r 11htt aa.nr tn the full\'al at Rt>llnowf'r I Calendar of Events II I l)Mo. l fl liOl..D STAR Molhf'ra d11nr " -9 p. m l.l'tion rf:~l~St'LA r 0 r "T c1Anrt --: I'· m ~llYC I boonl'fll , ,, H•ll I ' I dlnn"r 11 2108 Ocean Front l'hotte Harbor 5 C HILDREN ARE BAPTIZED -. AT EPISCOPAL MISS ION Following the baptl1m of five ch ildren by the Rev Robert OrleNer Dec. 11 at Co1ta >fe.w. EplMcqs-J MiMlon a butfet luncheon for children, their part'nlA a.nd codpannll wu h<>elulk!d by Mni. Wlllltun Johnaon, 20071 8. W . Orchid St., Coat& Meaa.. Chlldr.-n of M Sft and Mre. Rkha.rd J. Scrucp. 20101 Orchid S t. and thcur &odpareni.. wue Michael Patrick. 7, Chief a nd Mra. Georfe Bllrtok, Garden Grove &nd M/Sct. Edward W ln1low. Sa.nta. Ana. Heights; Ja.net Lee, ti, Chief tl.nd Mni. Bertok a.nd Mni. Wlnalow; R ichard Dewey, 9 m onth•, M 1Sgt. IU\d MFll. Miilon BeJwie of SIUlt& Ana Helshta end Chief lffrtok. Children of lilr1. John1lon and the lat.e Major John1ton were Kathleen, 10, Tech. 8&'L and Mn. J. 0 . Todd, Sa.nta Ana Helpt.. and Kn. H. M. Dorourh. Fort Worth, Ten.a; William McDow Johrulton III, Sgt. anct Mra. Wlnalow and Edward L Johnaton of Wllmln(ton. ~I. Corbins to Ha waii will enplan1 fo r Hawaii Saturday I Mr. and Mn. Wal~r A. Corbin nlsht for the Chri1tmu holidays. and their t0n. Condet' and daurh· They ex,,.ct to return a.rowid the I ter. Carol, of 1113 W . Bay Ave .. flnit of next month. ------ DID YOU KNOW that if you don't wait too dOCJCJOn• long, Lou (Santa Claus) RHd can still get a new CHRYSLER or PLYMOUTH under your Christmas Tree? I I Call Ubt>rty J\.-3486 I Now t ~==~!!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!!~1 I! }i~Fl-:JP ~~~ "' For The Whole Family For He r White Stag Jackels Catalina Sweatera Wondamcre Sweaters Ship 'N' Shore Blouses . Holeproof Lingene Berksh ire Hosiery FREE GlfT WRAPPING I For Him Hickok Jewelry Pendleton Shirts Sllpplcdraµe DenilTUI Catalina Sweaters Kurttman Slacks White Stag Jacket.I For Child ren Kaynee Boys' Wear Ship 'N' Shore Blouae1 Pandora Sweaters Lurrie Pizer Sport.swear Gutld Moccasirui WE OIVI<: S&H GRF.F.N ST AMPS Open Enry 8u.nday IO to 5 Do Your Christmas ShoppiftCJ at D Harhor 509 near Newport Pier-N•Wpot1 leach p m I \' f"\\' P()Tl~l 'l'K II Mr1111 l_..jpnn H11ll E\110 \\'BOAT \'ARIF.TIES p rn St Jiimf's Hall l"llRISTMAS OP!'.:RA -8 '1' I 1l1j TOYS I' m ( 'nB•l C"olll'~!' ·~· 11 R:O:I ~111 f'pcllnn r11rtv :;i;iu llriftw t'l<'d R n11d. .:Jli:I 8 1111 p m ~I Jnmr,. Hall I I,..._. Ill I 11' l'J-tltl:>T~!A S f'AGEA NT-; 30 1 I' " l'hn •t Church hy th• s~ I lk-r 19 ' 1 •1111 I~ f M A~ P AC:F.A :-.:T -7 .'lO 111 p 111 I 'h11~t Chun h hy l ht StL 111 .\ \l>:HI• l~r. !O I ':' LF.GIO':' i JO r 111 < 'hri11t m as P"rt'· flf:L TA GAMMA \'ult Wauail -H 1ll~rrn hnmt'. <'l\'ll' l.EAGt.:E Chr1•tmu r :trty Ill • m. Villa Martna. Jw . %1 BRICLL P ROGRESSOIU 2 -l r m rl11hhOUll' PA~HELLE.NJC p111 ty I p. m. OCC: s1111ll'nt Cl'n!fr. UM. ~s J.>l\\,\:0-:I~ rhllilr~n·1 r arty - l 2 II"• n \'ilia M.sr1na. ~I ii II lArK" (rrand Piano $5.95 Eectric Train $8.88 Doll House $2. 98 Cllt.lld Phonotraph $8.89 Special G ift Packa9es by C oty Charbert O ld Spice Tabu a nd Ciro Chur ch Women Pla n J uly Fete J oM ph JUg1, prf'aldent of Ulf' l H. R . Hendrie, Dont.ld ,..rrwon. I Hamid BHk, Arthur Au.. a.nc'I \\'oma.n'1 Auxlhary of Sl. Jl\mN• J . E. Plnkhaftf, Dan PatterllQn, Theodorr Johna<in. P:plsc,,r 11l Churrh ' Mn H1~)ZS .,:avr thf' hlst11ry 11! M llil.t D1a.na P1 inr e. ll)Wllker "l Louk ml(' uheud tu l ht1r b11Jg••l tc~lay·s nH~llni: of U1,. 011xt11111y t'\'t•nt of th•· «•ming Y<'~r. bm.1ril &lid i:rnn ltlt1t1i;hk1 of Blsli.ip S1'· I \•t•n11 11i.·111 lJeri1 b1'gan phrn111ni:: Lb•· J uly 1 · 'rtwt>nl at the seS11i11n "' 1e 11tr1I pa1 ly 11nd bauar "hen ~hl'y :O.tlllt'll. T H Frost. M. L . K t>vlf'r. 11!••1 lW 8 al the hom1· o! Mr:< J \\', llnnn• lly Y\·onn11 n 1 •llun. to that special ~non! . Th• rr'1t rrn/ r rnl1m111t 1111 r11n•l »11111 f11ori11 11•/ 11 /11 11 ,,hr , •. or 1111 •• , /1"d~ a 1rntch '""'' r '""' t111 ! • O mega e Elgin e Hamilton e G ruen Trade ln Your Old Watch on a New Guarantt't'd Watch ... Your Allowance Will Exceed Any Discount Offers That Tempt You. SpauldingS Shabara 307 Ma.rine An. J ewelers Balboa Island N~•'JK>rt Bea<-h Harbor MS8 Harbor 4598 3329 Nf'W(~rt Bl\'d. l.ldo Shor1pln~ C'..f'nt.-r Carvinq Tray l"taJnJns SIMI Rr mu\ahl" ""II l"pllif' ('opPf'r t. Smart ! ~ .... C'oppt'r Tu1bl&111t1i:k $22.95 f:t .. l'lrlr C'uppt-r C r •••• P•·r• 11lul ur ft)' I 'llh'l'n.a.I: $19.95-$32.95 BAR-8-Q ACCESSORIES BAlt-8-Cl TOOL. S~'T $4.9.~ Pila.lnl,._ 1'11 .... 1 l .onc-h&11dlMt rultlllK l'tpatula. •·url4 and "4r>nn11. PEPPt;R MILL lo SALT In •mart l:Sl,.,.k tL < t•pfl"'r C AL-DAK TRA \'S $"!.9.) lo "2.i .9:1 I or Indoor 4 (>utdocr 1 ·~ RAR-8-Q Al'RO~S ~1.9:; to $3.~1 hay im.. \ , ... , .. o .. r. llu1Jh3 & \\ u .. \htr hloc ~t•. 11JTG "lJITT .... RRJ\.zn:RS ST.96 f(1 $79.!16 'Pf'('lally 11rln"CI u "'" &io ~O · uft for ( h r1ttm&io. C'hrnm• \ 11J'ladlu_m TOfll-~l&-1 ''" ,,,,._. Onl ~ 29-Piece Drill Set Kr.:. ~2~ .. ,a11 ... l'rN·l•l<>n Urn11n1l I 18 In I l lno ti Urlll• C0 lflJ·I ...,f11I tor lh" F'unil)' s4so s1160 Orna Metal Mail Box .,. '"'••th 0.-rnral..,•I l\r:t" T rim "" Ml11rk \111mln11m WOODPECKER WOOD1WARE 6 STAl~l.t:.~"' sn:t:t. kl'f('ll t:~ TOOi#"' i .!L\ "it b tla nclni: fta.r&I ''A)tRASSAOOR" l't:l'rt:H )tll.l. t.l"lt'""' 1, t.trl< lrnt ' roPC'OR~ l"t:H\' f':R <TITISC, 80:\l<D 'Turi 1,." ' fhu~t rr' "Uarh• .. ll•t" HOR'\ not:t \ R 1-: SF:f<\'t:n \1111,.r. I •II•, f(1 i: 11 i.:.. ltr1h11 M1 r,....~"~"" Power Unit c om.,1r 1 .. \\urk•h .. ,; 11 • i t.\ \takf' "111-.R" ll11pp) "Ith. 11 Dishmaster ltl,.111 '"' th• l~o•t·IJ,11hr""IChl·Lom1'1M'I lh1ral1lr l'l.A-1.Tt.~ I< t: JU l ht.T ti. Wine Chiller H11Mc 60 11·•· ('ut-for 111 tl1"1r•' : •. u.\ 1 1.l)Ct ra. s39•s s49so 5995 I ,.1 .. ,,,.,1 '" \fatr h \'n11r f'll• h••n Dazey Can Opener s59s ... s9•s Throu1 hi ful-ff antty-l'rert Ir a I Dazey Ice Crushe r Park Free a t Rear Door ~895 ( Opposltt> City Hall ) D..M-o Treasure Chest i P'"".. inrludln~ han~ini.: rack r\ ulla hi•• in 1· f'llo" nr l(~I : $26.95 ~ aul IC'all)' i\ II ri••·I h • "'!9.1~, ~,.. ('•"''' lfoll 1.11..tlm l" 1t11nr11nll'4l 8 Custom Honed Steak Knives ''"""''"'th•' C:I""' ""'" .... , .. r r :.,\<rtl 111 1111n•"'"" I• alh"r ,,, ... "'"'· !': llt.l1;, /ff e Park Free ~t Re ar D o or "On Sf'wpor1 llarhor'i-~arinn'.., Mlh•" ------- 1· ' Ta~~ !.~~ ... ~~.:~ t!.,, E~.~!~~i!~~ ,.. "' Boyer family Th,. h. J; ·tb:ill 411.1.• ... ' { ~'Ill.-~:bt1h.1rA by ConnecllnJ ror c ame Asks .. $30.000 l• rt•m 011.i F:x• "'·""' 11.i.;h Sdw"t9 h gh llC(>r" with 18 markf'r11. 1 l1U1h at IS '"' ltwk t•H.lj'~H m r1nal>< Fuller lun defeated Huntington o r lht• :!71 11 "'''"l ii 111111(1 i;1 .. n H..-al'h 611·4!1 lo l'nteor Ule f1naJa. • D B<>.irh "'lllll l otun i Ill: n• 'I• ..i·n,: Al•·nJI: With :'\,.wport Harbor, the 1n amages In tt 11!1~11 t• f 11 l l d J<'ot 111 ti!<' fnd11tnll werr CO·fu.V<>t"ltea lo COp IOlltrh ')' ' ti I 11, II. II It <" ·h lh•;,1l·~~1~~"~1:!l~ll:ch1tt1I g_\'m ht're SA:-.'TA AN A, IOCNS) A Jttl• :t ': • .-{\ '-.: 'I''•' f! ti ir ~· r~\1.!ltn '-'le.so. c.ouple and their ~· t '1111111 11. , ~· ll1o1 I "11o! ll 1 1.1,._ '" stt•rui..v 11(l"1 nnon. Coach Jimmy h•"ts. ~l rll•·r·3 Tar H'e rrunped o veor th,. '"·ttr-old daughter yesterdiiy med I_, 1 1, . • Cl b A' 71 • 1 h 1 " $30,000-plua 1lamage a ct ion In Ar1.•1 1•·1. ~ "1' ·• ·1-;-:I ''"'" ~"1 11'r >••}S u . 3 .. ~ w 1 t> Superior Court here. IJllart"' J, .i•I .,,.,., r-:x • l•t"• l11st r <•adi Biii Stll~W 5 Tar C' • duwn· 1 L'lj""n"' the c-1 n1 l11int I 11 I '· \I I IJ • C l I 1 "' 0 ' P · WI' re nlt<ht . t Ii 1,." 1 •11 1•11 ... 1 ' • • ·11. q · ' · 11 1"11 ~ 0-"~ u > Ji>an Boyer. J ack Boyer and Ter- tll'f•·11 1 1,. :. " ·• H• l"'i'•' 1111•1 1 ~ • :!7 i·, ... ,11 n Lyn Boyer, They named Wll· stAn7.:1 b 111 11 Ii• 1 " " 111 l 'ild~ •p,,. i;a~e li:'u.v~ ~ hav" 11 ham E. Patterson. Santa Ana . a s Shea Continues Motion for New La Verne Trial SANTA ANA. DEC' 16 !OC:'\S) Bec-am1e h is attorney l.s tle<l up In a <'&J!I', Flohert H. I~ \'t•rn~ 33, con\'il'lf'J or man~h111gh1 "'" tod!ly ha d hll! 111ot111n fur a n,•w trial <'onllnued to 2 p 111. next Frltlay. Atty. W. W. Mcl.'1 uy r. present- ed the defendant In the u lls1•11C e ot hi.a regular <'o uns.<'1 Jam• s C1.1nl1l- lon. Supt•rior Court Judge J ohn Shea griult<!tl the ('onlln11anre. 1-~or\\ nr·I Ed It• 1 •1 J1 !>-11\ ••• I lfh~ J 1u1 .. '•; • ' "),·,·· E~-' l. ,,,:· d ( I I .,,, 0 ,... 30 e erh 11nt ii• r .it Ill th,.. lwBI ~) ' The JJlllinllfh t'harge P•tterson wlwn lhr 1'11 .. 1 ~ 111"•' tht> Tan! here drnvf' has p1t•k-up truck carelea.~ly In a r .. Rul111 ly M'!lf'illllf'rl prart.r" · nnd n <'glli;-enlly. causing 1t t u frny I Add1tw111tl Sports un 1'1lgc plow Into a c11r opPratf'd by J ean 1, Part II ' Boyer Sept 16 al Calve~l snd PHONE HEARING ('untlnurd from Flr11t Pia& .. fllrPA Rt ""' r ' 1•f .. , , u' 11 Utt1Jlth Harbor Blvd. La \'t'rne, fret• on t;>atl, w1u1 r<iund grnlly lly St1Jl•'1 ior l'11t1rt j111 ors here of b~ut mg Jrnng R 1d1s.-t1 P t.>rrell, 21. sun o! I\ 111on11nent advl'rti~lng exec utt\'1·. 111 .Jt"ath with a l111a1•r1 111 !\:e\\flcll't Bt>Ht'h. j11I t•• 1' n 11) 1'11 "t.tf'.'I 1 fl: • s F•I 1~1 .. ·1·· 1· ,., •• .i.,11." 11'" .:"' i:..p ~c ea 1 m u1 \'er11,. 1s a San f:alirit·I Jdll.'l· Jl'lin Boy .. r &lll'ges i<he Incurred lerlng i•ont 11,. tnr. s••rioua lnjuriea. _ _ __ ;~1;·11~>··;;·.::'>~·;:''..:<>'. ·~:·\i·h Due at Local CHOJIAL GROUPS AUTO THEFT :111 •• 111~ :1 I •11)1 ''"111 v chtsmcn Meet Contlnuf'd from Flnt Pa1tf' Conlln11n l from Flr1't l'•Jl'e 1·11•1 • ' >1 1• 1 •· ~ •' r ''"111.J lJ B. aong11. On Det-. 22, the Bar~rshop 90 •lily~ f .,1 a M1111lor 1•1·1111,.. i.:•1 1"11 r '1'" """ ,\11"111 ·1 TIH• \',il'ltt men's 1.11nrheon Croup Quartet of N ewport Hn.rbor. di-Ju1l~e l»111.1hl .I Oo.Ji:•· sus· l.11k"\\•11t•I I 'i I "! I.• 11 ~ 11 .. 11 11 w:iidi n..-ds eat·h T ue.,duy no•in I rt'<'lt«I by D11n \Vedman wlll pru· pen<11·J 60 0"'" "' lhe Jiiii 1l'rm .111.J \\', " ' t• t I I ,, '.·1~.111111111 at ;\e\\ Jl•llt Hallmr ''ll<'ht Cl ub ' video muaic t.na on Dec. 23 M'rs. i;rven Hay S q :f11 .. J .\t;i11tli\·. 18. '"' 1"' " " it, '· 11r JI•' ' "11111 . 111 . ,11 dd ti attr11ction 4 Leelle Steffensen will lead votc1:s o t San D1q.;u '•"' pn.b;it 1011 for \'f\ \'\ "f-'1'\l(t' \\I lol\t ,111<! II t' . ----_ ,.. · · · ' (1111-l··ni;t It reuUll'P t••«ture at the of Community Congregat1nnul :::1i11t.i "'111 ~1 11" 1h"1' "''.1111•1 ('ltrn•tlltfls Party nu>ettng on Dec. Church ot CorOl'lil del M ar choir gl'I l• dl·t 1 • ·• ~,.,\'I• •• 111 ' 11 \·\ 1 :-.t .,11 ln carols. 111111H••r R11d Hu11t1111.:1'!11 lkCJr ll '· Th .. lll•IVae uhtnlncd by Lhe per· The junior chamber rarol com- 1111• rm n•ltld11·111•l r1 ••'Ills fl" r t>Ollal efforts' CJ( l foward Murphy, mittee. headed by J am f'1tzger11ld, 111"111h 11' "'1 "1111: 1" 11"' ·'l'Jllll'1t· ti -,. ... 111 ·,. ire~ulent Is a B 1·1t1sh lncludea BIU McDowell a.nJ Bu<'k 111111 anll H1111ll11)!l11n llf·ll<'h wuUl•l le l: p 1 , 'tltl d .. 8 II Bean . . v.·, <;1111111•int pro111wu on ~ a • . ;:••l S• '"" ,. 1111 '.' s .in. 1 Ann. •~l· I ,,r of the Kang" 1UHI ts a screen Approximate route for the tre<' 111111~1 ,.r 111111 ~ 1'"'11111 t B,,·ay h_. /1tr ~ itltty hv·l • s. F tireMter. tamed mar· and carolers w ill be from a start nn ,.,.tlnrnled $1 ""''"' I'< I' m~111th lne n•;velisl. bued on the W orld near the Legion Hu.II. down bay l..uguna Ot•at·h • >111hl 1·1\ll !';ew-War epi,.ndt-of t he puniult and I along the peninsula. ahorl', then p11rt B•:ud1 lClll·fl 1'1' tur 1111 "htl· sinking of the German battleahip over to the Balboa Yacht Club !!Ide 111ftlf'd ,!) ~<>nls I" $1 IHJ u111 onal, Grat Spee Bealdea being ot the 1 of the bay and along the lalt.nd'a and thr \\ ~~tmln,.lcr aren would highest .. altbr.-. 88 a.n entertain· South Bay Front, pa.at Harbor Ja. • i:_r t toll-free 1:<1•1:1r.e Into Cypre:is. ment feature, the fllm 11 alao one kl.nd and up Lido Channel until 1.rtrclen GrcJ\'f', Santa Ana, and or the moat g raphic lllualratlona r eturn to the atartlng-plaee. Huntington Bl'a~h t or between 7llc or life and o~rltlion~ In the Brit· '""~ $1 25 odd1t111nnl each m onth uih Navy ever ptodlH'ed . Much of r r oposed bUJllneM phone rates the footage Is otrlnnl Brttlah Navy rqe sllghlly hl~her In some cues. combat tllm ahnt llll\Jl'r actual bat· DEATH NOTICE tie condition" a board the fighting' ship!! during th13 epic st-a ba.tUe. L I D G 71ladu ... ..... •'·" • ,. t' •C>nz ·Sc~ ... o WA1t"l(ltCCX.01t POWERS l :\TAST Uue to the length or the t'llm. the luncheon group wlll a.111emble al 11 30 a.m. a nd l'lpPc1al arrange· menta h8V•• llel'n m ade ror J'e/rHh· ments W ore lhe luncheon IUld dur- ing the fllm'1 lntermluu:in Newport Harbor Area y·, M t'n Club, announcea Its sixth year o! Christmas Tru Salea In Co1ta Meaa. T his adult service club I)( th e Or a.ngt> CoMt YMCA uaea thu proceeda from the 1<cnnual Christ· mu Tree Sales tn the aponsoreh1p antt 1upport o r YMCA youth r roupa, "Y " Scholarships. anti campership11 for 1le11ervtng kill;<. The C.:hri11t mu Tree lo t 111 located , on Newport Blvd .. ln Co1ta M""" Y'a Men and their wive. Wiii he on the lot 'from D a .m. t o 11 p 111, o~. 1& to 24. ·ST••• ••O JACI PAUICE . SHElllY wimas F'unt:'ral l!HVk<'s tor J .. s.,e Mon· r "" Puwer~. Infant eon or Mr. >1n•I Mrs Joseph S. P owt•r11 of kl10 W. 'Wilson St., Co11ta MeM, wall b<• hPhl Al 2 p.m. t Ctmorrow 111 Park<'s-ftldl<'Y Mo rtuary chap- ··1. ("011t.~ Mu a. The ttev. Cllvr \\'i11111nu1, pastor M Churr b ot I hi' X11z.&rt'nt>. S1u1la A nu, will 11ft1<'l"t~. Jntennenl will follow 111 Ha~ b»r it.At Memurla t Piirk . Survivors. bellltfr.11 the part>olJ'I, 1111 ltula u ,.111tu, Lillie. m11tcmal i.:11•n1lp11n·nta l\lr. h<I Mn1. A. M Arnold Cit Arvin. C11hr. and I' 1t~rnal l(rl\ndpanmls Mr 11nd M11• J . T . Poweorl'I. ahm or ArVln Be11ld• prMenUng a moat ln- tt"resl Ing .lhow, t hla meeting ot tht• ytt~hU!men promllM!e to be ont or the blgge11t a nd beat lltfa1ra ot the year. All mt'mbenr. cunt.a. and friend• are urged t o be "on deck" tor t h la event. Y Group Sponsors Yule Tree Sales Mel Me111ter, PTe.wldl'nt of the TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT XF:\\' YORK :\00~ <..:OM· 1 buying. The y1eltl available I• \IF::'\T -("ompllt'd by B. C. Gar· cl~ t o 8 ~r cent In the lndl· •••Ir. I '""11 W iller L'o. $11nl.a Ann. cated 12.40 peyout ~fl"' llllll,.,. r~J·m1i11Atr•J In the Carr1f'r Corporation la aubject loo Late lo Classlflecl CHRISTMAS mt:As MINK coat 3 4 or 7 8 length, size 14 . good condi lion $250 Har. 4645-R 45c47 WuUnghoU&e electric roulu U O M.Jxma11t.er U8. Toaatmaater "· Waring Blendor $17. netp fat fryer 512. Kenmore Con110le mew. Inc machine H ll. Slln~am &TUI It wame trim $!!'>, GE. rortable ,..d1o Sl2. B nat metal Bohm ayat~m clarinet A cue SM> - AU nearly new. Har. 4878 , 111\ moinm1t rra.linK an an lo continued quiet accumul•tlon. "' ""t w1'<e qua .. t 111arket A ft w Relative t.o l'armn~. grou po- •••le111n defc-nM> •a•uel arut dn111'1I~ ~ltlldill&-po&luon.-..J.11~~--..1'11"TTCllW',....T'""':=-"""nnr..,....,KA>ifrt 1.,.,,.1<11 1 b.-•t l('r••llp ~-;;t'l the lndWJl ry. Carr1!'r appfara at· :-;p1•rr\·. Glenn Mart in "nd R e· tr&<'liVl'ly priced u definite tum l·•·hlw Avt1tli11n tmdf'll "' t!vf'ly h&JO been tndlc1ted 1tw laltC'l' 11lt1l'•I l>v a r1n•nr1til Hov,.l' Sound 111 among the 1;.R7.1n" lr\'lf'W 1ttronger apeclalUe. In a steady 1<-ht11n..: 111.l\•11111 1•'1 l<f\11 rply fn. m,.t.al 11«tlon !'low Ulat th~ c~ • , r, w hr.:h 1<11111n•t nt.J1•1I 1n p1trt trtlt proct'All ha• l>Min t urned back 1 . •/\"' t r•H'l'rinii T1u11 fllt'l or will to t.h11 company by Amtr'ICAJ'I Cy· l•krl\ 11•nkr fflf (111 th,.r vulAlillty. anunld. there I• lncreulor a lien· '" ,, k Hl.ttn 111J1t11rt1,.•1 all><'k vtry Uon belnc directed towarda an 11 •·II 1111hr11!1 111< 11 !IUl"N•J111r11J test lmprov'l'd eamlnp potentJal '4T PACKARD, Cuatom Cllp~r •· dr. Radio. heater, O'dr fve-. A• <'ltan u It wu lhe day It 'wu orlJ lnaJly 1tOld. BHt orfer by Bundll_y accepted. 3710 w. Bal· boa B lvd. 45p4 7 .. 1 "'" rormn tu ,.11 mil v bt-llll· \\'!:EK.END \.'lt;W The weel<rnd ahead and the •Z--TraDers I qmlrtl IC~IL f;qnr~IE:"T It •11 "qulprn .. nta nrr t1m1 wtlh \11 • 11 "" Stt'tl fl• 1111•h '"" within ' (• "' '11"1 u r HA hlj.!h ~:. .. 111111:"11 1 I!• ,I) •h111il1l lw l'Ub!llAnllally It 11, 1 r,.tl,.f'linic lu.:e roll cu Free Port Show Due on Dec. 24 htKhly ll'J)eclallr:f'd naturt o r the _NE_w_· -2-000--1-b-. _c_a_p_._u_U_l-lt_y_IJteel_._ buyln11; 111 11.keoly In provr re· "trlC'linK We look for an lrr-eit· trailer wtUl o&k rack. Tlu'J>- ul&r p1ttlt>Ml ewer the ba lance ot Hitch a.nd it.and. eu Jum1ne, Lhr day Corona de.I Mar 46))48 Uow ,Jo,,_ p.m. Averac- 30 l ndu~lrl11la ~112 1\-3 up I 81 20 R11t1.1 161 a2 oft .1'12 1~ Utllltlea '" Si.at off .03 I p.m, \'olum!' l.St0-,800 CORONA DEL MAR Can't aJford ~ .. w Vork 1 p.m. Stoc-k Prt"""' to rtt\JAe any n•uonabll' orft r. UNUSUAL Amna:an T elt'phone lit! Well lncatf'<f att~r1tv11 homr. Anl\ront1a 711• litt Liv rocim With a IO\'f'ly ,J,.rtn Oltlnrd, "'""·•I:• r .. r I h,. f'hry•lt'r i:iw..,,, \'ltW. lndoor-outdoor Hnng Ltre. 1 · .. 1 ~ Thralrr t<Mh1Y 11nn11•1n1 .~11tt" fhlf'o•nt 22!'1 '• studio type bedroom. with bt'•m· • ~nu&I C:bn.,tn·1u ~,,.,,,. >tlllJ:,. ! '·' r.••nrnil F:IN·tnt :.• •, t'ol Cl'lllnit Ir tlreplare. ALSO ••.o th••Alre u111I 1·n111rn1 d1•I )J .. 1 1: .. n•rnl Motnu 4611 Altlllller 2nd bf>drr10m. blllh nnd I• ••rt·hr~I· Will h1• lit l•I .... A '""" M•y ,.,. 42... halt f" A ht'al. prh 111 .. r 1 11111fol1~ alt r"• 1••'11 Ir• n1 '! l Ill ."\ ,. Centrlll -1:1'2 COME A:'l:D SEE IT ~1worr !•<'• :ll 1·"" Amer AYl&llill'I 82'1, Harbor 3 -77. •hi 47 h 1ture a1tr111 l•"n "Ill b« 'An· :::l\ff'way Slnru :.3 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;-;;;--;;-;;;;;~-;.;;:;;;;-;..._..,. 1 tf·••ll.!1 liton " 'ii ,f 1hn Dtrck ,!;11, 1•aJ. Edl!IOn 62 • ,,, I Lluina l.y1 n. I•' •lud, AJmu· So l'actl 1c M .. in tn Ute I Ill• rna IJ< trf'f' "ilh Stlln•I t>tl nf I 'a fit ,. k••ti< now ••lilll111ahl1• r""'' 111"1· 1·n1,.n 011 ol <'11l1r • 1, 1ntt1 11roniwr1nir t lw 1111 r111 tltin l' S Sll'rl 91 WATER ff};ATt:R.li( Sl'LU SU lllCI ••cl U,..,,.S Jo e.,#:;[.6lofc/ IH I.IS 10 'El COIT OOW"I P"hon• H •r .,,., 1-330 "ILLEGAL" Kid's Mat Sut. 1: I.) "BANDITS OF COHSICA" STARTS Wt:D. ---- 1HE tourtI-lYUOOW. Of BlllYMITcHEU; GAiYCOOPER CINeMASc:oPE WARICERCOlOtt CHA.RlES BICKfORD ~ RAlPH BHDMY ·ROD STEIGER _.[UZABllH MONlGOMlRY·ms mu ALsO SHORT l'll"l~.U:CTs Every Night 1-'or tt'M'n·at.ion't -Ha.rhor 2726 DINNER ~ER\'ED. 5 p. m 'ul m1dn1&hl COCKTAILS -I p. m. 'til 2 :i m 12 Noon Saturday & ::;unrlay Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.rr C'lc'"'t'd W1•cln1•"'4la .\ Sc.iut h of I ..aKU 1u II\ at t -1.fi.'111>4 two yean on condition that MAlr. thy breal< no 1late laws dunnc that Ume. The Jwir • &lAlo p ve Manthy permlsslon to return t o bit parents' home ln n llnola It be wanted. The defendant al prucnl la living-With llt. &'l'&ndmother In S.ui Diego. Ql .ICK ARREST Manlhy was the 1ubjeet of one of the qulckrst arresta tn local polh:e annals. Twent y mlnutl'a after he •tote a car Dec. 8 In l'.'ewport Beach belonging to Mer- rill W. Meyer. 2626 Santa A n a Ave. Costa Mua. lllanlhy was arrested by police ln San c I e· mente. ManU1y told D t't. Sgt. A . L. J ohnson ~f Newport police that he was look ing for work In Los A11geles a nd was o n his wa y h ome when he spot led two parked ca1·a, both with keys an them. He 11e- lected the Meyer automobile, he sald. and set out fo r St.n Diego. H is arrest followed. J udge Dodge commented before 9uick Service FOR Roller Shades Standard Shade Clotha and Cuatom SpeclaJUea • Drapery Hardware • Venetian Blllldll CALI, HARBOR 88t THE SHADE SHOP tl!Z :Sl?od St., Newport lk>acla Betllde tbe P oat Otooe lane Ruuell , .Jeanne Crain "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" Alan Young Scott Brad)· Cio1>maSeope T1'<'hni<'olor untent'lng Manthy: "T w Is h thH e "''h .!Mne eort or penalty tor people who ~ave l"ya ln ·their Mesa-¥.V ~.,, NOW SHOWING His Pl WIS fir s* •Ills Hfl ~It! -·SAMUEL OOl.OWYN, JR. ::-..:: FARLEY GKA.'\'OER 1nurE11Eo oie THI -llAKED snEET ••i..-.4 11w. u.1..., At•lt•• STAltTS WED NESD.\ Y ALEC GUINNESS Kirk Doujt'IU "Indian Fighter" Every Saturday Night Billy Arthur's Orchestra Publlc lnvb.ed 50c ~r penoa Newport Barbor Lfogion Hall J."lt h St. at Ba~· Front NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PAGE 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 can ao we could preovent UU1 aort of thing." REDUOU OOU!\'T Judi'• Dod19 reduced Mantby'a charge to a miademeanor on ,... commendation of lb• d18t.rtct at- tomey, H e ~mlnJed the detenl'I· ant that be W'OUUI have been (Iv· en a prlllOft eentenee lnat.ead ot a jail le nn fr be had been cJ\&rpd wtt.h the more Hrlo ue crtme o f auto theft. JO IN US NE W YEAR S £VE VILLA MARINA Dinner -Dancing Fun -Party Favors * * * • Complete Dinner • Served 9 p. m. to Midnight Your choice of New York Cut Steak Prime Rib Bout Broiled Whole Lob8t.<ir -Plua- All Your Drinks $11.00 Jk'r Pt"non Call Harbor 3930 . .. Villa Marina New Year's Eve Party lnC" I Ddter Complete Dinner -Dancing Fun -Favon -Entertainment Plwa All Your Drinks \'Ula Marlu ( tltrftct ~omt 19tbtlopmtnt) • In 11 ... lttt'nl'. unh"'1i<'d """"ty """" h onlv • ramrw •!mnol'iw'rt on r<llrr. '·~., I l• ll • Jo.-:JT hoa>t' "'ti I ... Attt tlur1 nit thr )t'"" I.> •OITM! your "''-"" i;r.,J f,a<ll' No"hrr" d ><' c•o you li . .J wch •" kkal anhn~ "" tlW' tnu"lu1I JJr }not • ...,, few y<>t1nrU mJ )'O'lt faouly. 01 •1'""""-.n tamily needrt -• ~ ponl( <¥1111-r, t(~ ftt .u •i;e&. murcheo <ti aJ.J ~hoOl-•tt clew llul ,.. H ... u Cn..-~•KT tt'C'01tn1us !hat mud\ awx-r 11 lmdwJ In a full Uie than ~ .,..,.......,,tinna.I factbt~ f'or that t'f2tlPll. yoo11 fu>.J m IUuc:un C..Mr\'t E..tt•TO a Ltrr.r~ rnvat~ '1'CT'e11tcm ar..-.., Ha.I .. a~I l'.v\-<'flm~ '"1th dubboulf', Ut· t1r u-,.~ .. t-ba.U put. pta\K' ltJVU"'l ""'"1S anci hoindball c:ooru. Pd .... 1mm1011: pool-111 fOI' the ~<'lw1w fW"'"•"• ol -i.~ HALEcREsr Campus 4-ACBE UCIEITIOI Piii FOi WllUTS • 81.Atr.1'1'\lt. cxin~ lln4 ~ ............ --·-w.. 4---W ...... • 1-T...,.._-LAmt, 1-7• PAGE 6 ·PART r -NEWPORT~_. ~~OR NE'.415 nrESS ~oard j afety Approves Hiring "~·· '" 1 "' '"''"1 ".:. "1?' Bike Found ed ot on~ 1u~1nht·r l1 vn1 th,. bnar...I dt.•ru" ~·fl Ji'b:< titJJlun1,.,t hv ~·nuu· .\ b\H .... l.Hk·· ·i~!'Hl i h.\ft b v N<'\V~ Tho• ('<1mn11ll"•' \\i ll bf' rompo1< I".· H • ""' i 1•t•11.in.111ni: "" 1 ur sUpf'l\'IN•r1 lUl•l So"\'el\ .fop1t1t· Iv <'11111"'''•'• '1'11" 1 .... ti( 1 ..... ,. P••lt pull.-1• .. ~ 1tll bl11. h \1 1th two S A:'\TA AN<\. ror:-1~1 T h,. 111 .. nl hl'1t<ls. ~l'<'llnllng Lo h .'rsnn· · llan1I f!1'41N< lll1d hJ:ht~ l••lnl 111101 '<·unt.1· B""''' or Snp•rv1~ ... ~ 11rl lllr .. l'lor \\1111111\1 lf..rt. Lut.•r, d·llt• l!:lll IU•IJlll••d ol\ll!llj; lhl'l hl\<'k pnWf'N'd b~ II !:•""'lll\\I """ P«•: 6 set 11p a rr n1r11I 1 .. 111111111 .. r 111,• 111111 pn1b111Jly will b" ""fl!HHI· 1111~1 "'" \'t'll11' R.11 hi~v" ln>41tr11n<'e fourt<I <'n 11 1·11.11nl 1 .. 1 11! 16th ~l. 1111! llf•!'IH\l'.f !hi' hlllnj! Of 11 t •I l'lllt'I' In•! ()1'1'.11\ ~·1 .,lll .\11 rt.Ill\ - , Jo,. Scatter Pillowi; at Baker's FINAL EXAM -Long weeks of work and study were culminated for over 200 Piioting cour,:;e ~tudents of the Balboa Power Squadron when they r!'Ceived their examination papers at the Dec. 12 mi.'eting Despite the gay Christmas decorations which sur- roUI1ded them in Newport Harbor YC'ti main dining room, concentra tion was-the ordf'r nf the <'Vening as membership in the Squadron is. tn p;irt, dependf'nt upon a pasi;mg grade 1n thiR l'uursl· -BN·kner Phuto ,. Smart Sl'r<'t'ns 200 Take Power Squadron Rotary to Host Examinations in Piloting !Visa Students I grou11 nr h•·ll .. 1 tnf.11111 .. .t 'klJ'lflt'l.S lat Yule Dinner Ry I. C. PEA~F. A11 B ulbna l'ower Srt1J11d 111n wri t 111ak" 11:.1•1( l••ll 111 '"'"'' J\ 1·111·1.llt m t11< pn>i:rrr111 hr th" <'OmplelNI t he fall c11111111·:< 1n 1'1· h 1t1<I """111tw11 "'''''' • '""'"''" ,l1rn1nr ('.,Jl•·i:t' v1.<n Kllld•·nr~ 11r flr· ,,,Lin~ "''htch are f1···e hntl u11t.•n 1u1 ' l4Ht1~1 h" d ftl)r' •11 .111d hi 1111n11 .111\,\~· Cu11n1:v \\/lll he h,·Jd nt"Xt lo both n1en and \\'"on1eu. of(ltP0\1'''il t~u11Ji•1 T·• t•o1 h ,.,. 1111tn\ h .. T1w~duy cuJ:h1 t11td•1 "1'"11• .. "'"tup \0•1•r,. rc•p<>rll'tl to bt' ,•xlrl'rn .. J_v J10>11<1hl1• \\1lh 111 .. ••·v1111.11 , •d I•" of .'\'r>1 1u111 1l,1lli110 II .,,,,,. t'luh rnit tf lerl Wll I\ rP~Jlt.11 M•ll'I' I han I i:a I I "'llOlli<l hllal,\' 1111··· "' I.... "'''"'' "" 11 l \' 111.. ·''" 1\1111 Ht'!<llill· 200 lnok th,. final t'X1tminal1on!I 1 road. 111lt'.~ !fir > ''"' 1111··~ '''' 111t11, al w~s ann••lln• .. ,t tml~y b~' Dec. 12 111 Newport H arbor Yacht ' routl•·sv .l?'"''I 11 .. 11111 • ••·hq• .111.t U1 11n \\'r 11-:llt . rh•b p1 t'.~ld<'nt for the PXRmtnallon, Stitt\"" IJi•W•' :i-:.pl.t·l•itn Pl \\!1wh ltH-\ 1 l•JtJ tel the· <hnn('t"r ~e1'1uuu 1 Tht> •'<•llllrtPnt of A 11tlfrl1c•a 1• I P:'t1m.1tul In 11 .. An 11rea nf s ax m1lllon 11quur(" nul .. s -a ppl'1lx1· 11111t .. 1y th .. aoea ol l he UnllNI Sltdr·~ HtHI J.:u1 u11•• t·nnllJJnrd Bar i)tooli> Bars Tuffets Radios Snack Tables Card Tables Folding Chaira " SofaR Room Chair~ Lounge Chairs Marble Top Cockta il Ashtrays and OccaRionnl Candelabra Tabl<'s Contemporary Als0 Fin<' Walnut Bowls, Vases and Tables Sculptured Pieces Club.' and Tu<'Aday, o .. ,. 13 Ill S11n I b'111l 11pt'ral111n I• t.11• "hJ' • l "' Sunw :lu >111111<-nts 11 0111 foreign t!ern11nl1no Thl11 I>• a rel.'ord h1ghl lh1 11 1· .. 11111'"'' ~'""I' tla1 l'urt"d .,11111 1 1.,.~ \\Ill ,,,. ,,1,.111111-:<l"h .,1 HA lbua '" 1111•• I h 11 7 Tl -Tf'llC'h tn1t h11i<lc rrln1 lpl• II nt 14 ,.,. \\I Zillln Ill r Ill li'. prop~r m1trtne 1echn1que 1tnd In-1 A 11•'\\ '..,,, •' 111 l1t1 .. r 1111: will 1t111ni.: l:llP1>t Jo w ill 11tu1:1> J•Hrl o f lht< ltormllllon 13 th(' Squo<lron ·8 ""'"' h•·~ln ••t :'\',.,,I" 'I It tt 1 ... 1 \ .11 hi ··ntq1 t.111111w111 1ll•11<trn1tng Chr 1111- pui·pnlle MR ny whu ,.11naplr•tt> the 1•111b J n11 ::;1 111 7 !Ill I' '" 111wt ma~ "IU.t11111• ,,r lh••11 n11t1VI' lnn1ts P Uollng courM• w1~h onlv lhl' 111 · ••·qutt"" fl" "•fl.HI• "'1 ••11r,.1!111 .. n t • rormstlon. More lhnn 400 have ~ont H\\lh'I < """ 11"" ""''' """"'" Warehous-Perma"t 8t1d buth UI• JI nuit \\t•llH'tl Hff' w rnmj>l!'led the lwn •·••lll liN• i: l\'t•n h~rc and Ul Sa.rt R .. rn•HoflllO T" lllt,;"11 110 11llor1d II liH I' '"' f"'"l•I<' .\),JI \')! \111111i: Jl,, 1\ \\11>1 J~- hHVI' nu.1e th.An h>tlf of ltu• "111 01-who <'V•·r I:" 11h .. 1111! """'' "' an,\''"'"' " $1H:!IM'I \'n11to -"•~ "''" k h I l111lt's Ev• 11 th""'' wh., ,,,. 11•11 ol111 lt111J•ll11s; p .. 111111 '"" '"1n#lr11111un , .... WIHh lo lit .. I r <'JtHltllllHl h•n I • I 1~ •n duntivr of th<' 111,.1 lMt ll gy b"llltni: 11 111 hl'nt'lal. h v111i: '"' "! ." \\llf"ho~1• .. liy 1'ont111r tor f, lflJt n ,\• \VIII br1 001•• mt~tllht'f'I' OJ tho Squsdrrm nnd preparl' lo i:c1 011 w1lh th~ ll•IVllrtl'•"' roun. .. ~. Ill s.,11111111111hq1, \\' r 111h••1 ... :ns.:ine "'i Int• Oltnl '" Aolv1on1 •·tl P1l11l1n1:. J11rw1r :>:av1g11l•1r 1111d :'\'11\·1i:"lc1r fl'" nrt •W••r~ t•l J'l'•~~ thr ••irnm· lftlillJn lu b.-••hi;1111 .. fl•I o•l• 1 tt•lll tf n11 mher•htr ""'1 t" l t•k,. th,. 1 h••1• ·lo 1n .. noutw•d h•n1I" fo Zltm a l I , 18 f'la<'entla Avt'. · "flVl•nred ro11111~ I • Cclr, ( 'urlu• Orol'h I .I I 'fi r .Jl,,,,_,. Ed"'Jlrtb Jr 1U\J 1 ou11t•• f .~11•11n11n Elnu•r LA l.m11 .. , • ., -1t .... 11 th .. llJ•llllun II HI lh•~ hlll!" ~ ~eroo Booked 1 ~n Molesting r ) Rap by Police . . A %1 ·)'Mr-olrl 11r x fl'"'' h"J'l"' h • ~ relMM'd from A lAJ1CllCJe- rn State H•)flJ'lll"l w1u 1trr,.,.trtl by Nl"WpOC°t IJrarh JVlltce )'"lllf'r· dav momlntr nn ••JJop1r 1on n f mo- luttng " 10-yt'ar-otct N"""t!Qrt ••ch 1'Chool ,;-1rl. Booliled In <'tl,\' Jilli WAii \\'il11"m Oeorge Dfroo. 110 8th St . :-; .. w. port S.ach.. In a.Sd1t1on lo th,. duu·,._ of 11U11ptdnn ot r l.<lt1 m• .. l"Unlf, vice 1q11Ad ,.ffkrr M h"' • lrtdlcatf"d l h I< l A n Ad1lll 111111<1 i ctlarg-f' ot fa.ilur 1• lo r.-1n,.t••r u 11 I -.x o ft t' n d r r wn11hl 1... fal•·•l •S.Wt D"""' 1'1111•" •llld l l(·r••• ha. A«'rved t1m" on Ill """"'" t>f JTand theft, auto ,The compta1111t w111 11111.1 .. tn Jr •• d i poUcn th111 mnmmi; bv thr 'l'thrr of lhf! d 11ld who •ut1 '"' fl uiht.-r -·•11 \\Mlk1n,1e 1 .. ~· tH••I ~tn ~l"On """•"I 11 .. , "''" h1~ h t me &.Dd all,.mpt .. •I t.1 n10lr•l 1 htr. She ran hllnt•· l\l\ll t<>l•t hf'r f11lhf'1' who C3ll<'\! J"'llr• Annual Amigos Yielos Yule Fete Wetlnesday All mf'mb"I " "' 1\m11o?<" \'1"1"• fire ~l!J\f'f'lf'd '" ""' n<I thnl ur· ~aniulion 11f ii• "' thrni: 1 11•1r J,,.df"r11' a.n1111nl 1·h 1 ·lllllf• J'•ll\' I I v.hirh w ill h1 ti.JI fl·• ~I "'l nnon 1n 1'•'\\r'•''' ttt1th•'t y,,tt Ch1b J'1Ml<lf'l•I l!•h••I 1;11,ln•t '10UO<""d l Hit 1.~ti .1. 111 t pt1••1 1 l''l"<'ffl Ill!> lto11 I• 'II !'.I r '\ -"'' \\ 111 TIERNAN'S BARGAIN COUNTER A hvg• aele«1on of co1npletely rebvllt mochrnH , fvlly , gooronteed for 1 fvll year ond with o 30 doy full elC· chonge privilege. REMINGTON PORTABU CORONA PORTABLE ... REMINGTON OFFICE MODEL . REMINGTON OFFICE MODEL REMINGTON PORTABLE .. . REMINGTON PORTABLE ... . REMINGTON PORT. ~Wide Carriage) UNDERWOOD PORf ABLE ....... . UNDERWOOD DESK MODEL UNDERWOOD DESK MODEL UNDERWOOD NOISELESS ... SMITH CORONA OFFICE MODEL OPEN EVERY NIGHT Tll 9:00 P..M. Until Xmas BEGINNING TOMOHOW Tnm1 to 511il ~·our Brulgt>t .$18.1~ . $19.7.S .$24.SO . 526 • .SO .533 . .SO $34.50 .$38.SO .541.SO .$49.SO .$59.50 .$69.SO .$39.50 mmmm 902 North Main Santa Ana Kl 2-2365 -- ------------------~-------------------------------, with the State Far11 lnsur11ce Co11pa11ies C.1// ·~ LI 8-1011 ~ , i $1 r or n.o.. wtlo klve rttta wtt2j a dt.tr.Nnoe FURN{TURE W . L uodlo L E. Cain.a In the contem1><>rary mood • , . lhere'e 110meU\ln1 few the hoa>e ...,1 m.rnber ot lhe famU,y w111 •nJo,p. (',orona d~I Mar 2R.'".>4 t;. Cout ""'>'· HA :>13i 133 E. 17th St. ~~~C08taMeu~~~__.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------~~~ New '56 DODGE .. ·~·: ·-you've struck it rich I Th• Moo c T0vch ol To""'"owl Dodge Jiv.i.· buttCJl"t dn••"'Q Q'""*• 10 f•r .-.... MOt• ll"O"itft.t coMtof .. "'•• ftn.v •rt•p •o .. -. ' Here'• .... ••d l o"' v.t -'-11>ot ••-ot• .... _,,,,, .._. .... .... ...._ ... S..lt f\oft, WINI New Docl11 Ivery Year For Life! You'vfl 1lr1u k 1l rfrh lo thP afyle UJ.r 1 eautlfnr the mo.t tant. rrl'lll inst t li1> mo-t e1Crll1>mPnt .. Dod1tt1 Jet.-Fin 14ylinit for ·~ ii /r,,lr-not warmed o vt>r. You'l'e 1/11lr.J 11011r dai"' to the adrl'ftw,. ol ~ ..,.,,..JCJ'Uou rln\'1111. t lw /lflg1>rl1p t aft of l>nd!le fulklme poww .i.wlrl1o U,. r111dlril '"'" r,,,, of f)nfll{t.' Oritlow ride. Yn1J'w l•ll'JHt/ 1111 ll'Ork/'1 nrht~ rrr• ot llrMi'·OW!fl' JXW'f1r a.d 1-f11n11<1H"•. T liu• ~1·irit•-<l 'Fill I ln<lltf' 11h11t1~ e\'l'TY American record In the hook on t h•1 Hnnn1>villtt ~alt YIAt.!. pllJll a tloclc nt lnt1trnattnnal r•.,.nrrl~ hrlrl hy (11p·1~ !!port.I eat'!ll flnly D<Xlf e liri11).(s you ~ut'ft r 1r/1 '' 11•11rrf,.: The ltiolr, the /1¥4, the P"" ,.,. r1f 3t•u1·"· And it ran all h<> you rt1 m the "t'Mat1ona l Dodie C 1m111At fiif>ri•""-1 hi! J\ in£ S11A> hu.v In the l<W' prM. jv/tll > VAWf LMDll OI-rNl IOl?llK' loc. New CoRtest lech WHlcl Sttll Tintt to Wlltt INTll NOWI BEATTY MOTORS AL 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Liberty 8•7272 ·,. I \.... NEW IOAT Blue Water 38 'Hot Rod' for Ocean Reaches By }'li;"L\L BECKNER A tHI Ha l'Olng "hot rod" hu been produced here In N~rt Harbor by So uth Coa11t Co. a nd ho bttn offklally nemed tht Blue Wat.er 30. Dulrned by the loca l naval archltt.cl, na11 Long, thl1 trim aaft has b"'" carefully dnelo~d to combln" the beat quatltln of 11p~e<l 11nd aeaworthineaa wtth the maximum In comfort and ac:commo<lallon11. Thirty feet long with A IU·Cl bPllm, lhe eltek hull 1a d<lublt>· y>h•nked mahoj!'a11y w ith a a yer uf 1mprl'1t1111ted rlberghu ~tween Monel fut enlnga are u~ed thru· nut, and the •lrckhousl'. fl ying bndi;t , 1U1rt tnm a re of aelcC'I HonJ Ur'U mah01'&11y. The roomy cebtn conta lna a full·alud hf'ad compartment; a oom~ct but complete p lley wHh alnk. l('I· box. and alcohol 11tove, a ll of at alnle• •Itel; a mple lockf'r •pare: two a1nglf' 0.-rtht forwnrtl a nd a pullman tyJH! dtnf'll' which c-nnvert.a Into a do)lble bunk Tht b--rt ha ut equipped wllh foam rub~r uphobtery. tO M rH SP~EO r owen-a W1lh two (°"ry1l,.r lm· 1>"'t1&1 200 hp V ·8 marlnl' eng°1n"~ t he Blue Water 30 ahnw11 11ma:1.1n11: J>f>rlarmance rhanrtl'I t1tu 8-Th" ----rnrt t1 ••x·c"pltnnatty 11ry &nl'I 1h.blfl a t 11ny -t>""'' 111H'.I rr•l"• •m"<lt.hly and lC'\'fll l'Vf'n w h"n "flat ·oul", Stwr 111 )"'"""" o""r t hl' meawrf'<l mll• on hC'r tr111l run ta.t werk •h<>Wflcl a Inf\ •r...,d of 40 mil .. pH hnur with " n•lf· m"l payload of tour peraon• a tinard. Comfort.\ bit and eftlclfnt cnst.lllnr: 111 thu.11 lndlrllll' I al •JV""" In u ru11 ot 30 mrh W 11h h,.r brlrlJ:" df'<"lt con1ml11 a nti " larse 11flf·drlllntn1r I'()\ kplt, In a <1<l11111n tn hrr r11pi.rlly 8.• • cnmft>rl•bll' twr r·nll?htrr. th .. Bit•" "°"lf'r 30 •hnultl till 11 l"nc r .. 11 Jlf"rd ff\r a fUl 11n1I m 1nf'll\'"nthlr apr>tl·l!•h1nr;: crlll'IN "'T'• • l\ll' •lnt'C' t h11 r lw11ve alt>A•ort ~m to .1.-.,. f\Jrthf'r nut t'IH h """""" Th i' nrw craft I• ''"" •1111 ... t fflr a ('a t.alln& l11l11nJ e omn111t rt "r ·'Week-41ndf'r1• fnr l'OA11tw!J11> .)AUnlA. PC'r'l"n• who havt' 1n•p«'rlNI thr n •w bna l ha ve bffn 1mpr,.11.1rd h) hflr clta n llnu. C'IU r llrnt P"' fnr '" •nca. &1Yt IMm •PJ"t'!lrallC" ht>t1' ln1ide and out NEW KEELS LAJll Bob Enal,,.n. In C"tlaritr of Ma' •l\lu for lhf' South C<>u t l°" announced l'tirly Ou" "'t'l''k th• f1r•t Blue \\·atf'r 30 ,. • ..., fl<>ld bC' f ror e 1he had romplel••I h rr r~r fonnanc• tu(• Vlc•·prtith1•n' V<> lffnalnl aalel J>All.t IUf' nr..,. belnir fabnratfld 1U1'1 thl' k""I" tor two more at thl'H altek <10 rootan will be 1•111 r.n<t con•ltu1 l l<>n belflln lmmN'.lta tdy. Defender Adds Two Fall-Time Staff Members SANTA AN A 10\~S ! -rubllr 0.fendl'r Nick Mryt-r rPrrnll» announC'f'd the n11m•-l' of tw" dl'p· utl•• who w11l ~ lntn • full·tlml' dl'fendinr ~r,,ke f o r Or&ni;r C"unty on Jan. I. :"hey a re KenMth F. l~f'. :in. of Fulluton and R lcha1 d I... Sul· llvan, 28. now a prll~<"Ulf\r In th" l". S. Ilbtrlct Attorney'• l'fflct crlm1n1I dh·l~lon. Meyn wlll 1tt p out Of rrtvAl " practice to devote f\lll -tim .. t<> t he public c!tfendtr'a tuk11 H t hu bef!n actlnr an a part • tlml' ba .. 1 .. Hla t"·o am11tants ~Am tirf'I· u n an'1 Bruce Sumn"r •·Ill cnn· Unue In f\JU ·time pM\'1111' prar- llC'f', Public defender's C1ff1tl' will be :octll'd In the county rnurt tlOUM btr&. ,. •• , MAKE THIS A NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PA GE 7 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 Date F rld•y Dec. 16 Saturday Ot'c. 17 Sunday o~. 111 Monday Dec. 19 Tuud11.y Dre 20 Wrdnort11y Dec 21 Thur•d'ly Dec 22 Tl~E TABLE T·lme ffl¥b 9 2J It. m. 11 :IU r n1 II·:,.) A. m 0 ti\! II 111 JO 29 ll m (l.50 11. m 11.09 a. m l 33 1. m 11 .~>9 e m. 2 18 "· m. I 12 pm :1 03 a.. m 2 :,5 p m Ht. Time l..ow 11 7 3 19 " m. :1 6 4·:1 1 pm. t.1 • :L:lt1 tt m. :i 21 r rn 4.3!1 II. m. ~.!18 p. m. 5 ·32 I\., m. 6 .33 p. m 6 47 & m 7 13 pm. 8 24 " m 1 :\6 p. m ll :11' a m. 8 48 Jl m :11 5 0 3 1 4.:'> 39 4 0 4 I 3 . C 'I 3 l l 'ACIJl"JC STANDARD TU.IE J @ (f • ruc~T FU LL LA8T NEW QU A.KTICR MOU!'I 'llJAHTt:~ MOO!'il Dec 22 Drt. 23 Jan. ' ----------- Select A Gift ~·1th A Nautical Flair for JAn. 12 Any member of thf' family f rom Our Com11let<' Stork Ht. 2.:1 0 I 26 0 1 2-; 0 I 2 'I 0 ~. 2 7 0" 2 :\ I 2 2 ti l :\ NEWPORT MARINE SUPPLY CO. 2700 W. ('oa .. t ""~·. Sf'wport Rrarh "In lhr llt'art of )larinrr'11 ~ii<' nr~t t.l oor to )larim·r·,. Bank" For A Merry Marine Christmas Anchors, Watches, Compasses, Horns W histles , Logs & Registers , Lights Pulleys & Marine Hardware, Knive s Bells , Helmsmen Wheels, Binoculars, plus Countless additional Marine Needs Fittings and R1s:gmJ! fo r SniJIC'S Stllll'.'b1rol11 T.ightninJ?~ and A ll Small Craft includ111~ N a\'lgat1on ln~trum('nt~ and Pract ical Naul1~al Rooks. f'br1e..('raft Boat IUte Mesa· Boat 6. Hardware 220 26th St. Haroor tM~ r .... u · 810,..,": 0114'n Dally 8 ~m. to 10 p.m. Boat Bnlldef'I Kaul11u111 Matar twp&Jr Davis Cited for Spilling Fish on Public Highway soum COAST co. !llrd Ill !liewport 81 ·d. :-lewport polk<' l'ilt>!I Paul D:. is ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;~ Jr, 20 .. r 1 ~•76 l 'll111·nu" "'''" r l'n!!lK Mesi\, '"" "l'•lllO!f fish tlllll 1 (11<h wolt•r nn 11 publlt' t11i:hwriy at I 3:') p. m. \\"1 d rk.•da) Of(1,.l'r l'.'ltol fi1H'I•.' 1n1t k ""'""d h)' a Niow(l')rt Flrn1·h f1~11 <'AllnHy, llflf'lllro•ntly wa11 "' 1·1 l111•t!• d b••r.1U1«' I rt itplll•·<.I •111111.11t1• ~ .. r th·· ft,h on lht• 11lre,.t NHh ume LJ;i\',:; i.lt>J>pt>d lh<' "'hit It• H e• """ •1r<h'rt'IJ t u 11pr1·ar 111 c-•1u1 l u,.,. :.io 1.-------MAIU"°t: l"l'llC)L.sTt~ltl:<.U no,\ T c'o\·f':ftM IMl.UOA ('.\,'\'\'M ! ,.;110 1• ~il'DOf 107 * Ship's Bells * Compaue s * Clocks * Baromete rs 11• I lh• St "'£w,Oll llACH -Oth~r - l dt"al Xm&8 Glfts I MARINE INSURANCE l"moolh !"alllnir O•hnrnr·t'or1on Kl'•llY <'o. Ui!S W. <'nt1•I llli:hway UhrrH· 11-7.\flt iiiitllRY· MARK 30 /JO Ir p. TurbQ Four Promise of ;i ~t'W Yta.r or hmdy fun' Thirty . Mcrniry hor~powcr 1n a w mp.ict t IO·pollod !'<IC~ tJ,:C -~n 11l1t•rn.11c 1111ng four -.11h McrcEkc1nc \la1 ltr· generator! Su,,,,. r"mrf, u /91~ '°''" "" /in~ "''"', /•lfY I ''''71( ... th (hrotm iu 4,.,,,,.,...,_ • {J>-o•u• f ._....,. ~ _,.,,.,,_c,,,- '"" "~~-~.....-:· ~~r:P1:.}ir.1~(6.~~ ~:~:-J I ... I / '\II. • ROW • o t ·TBO.'!..!t ll 1\ll r 111 pnru• ~ t'l11,.tai;:t1" !'at11•t now 8 \'11dal.lt' tn kit 1•1111 t '11n bl' r11n1,.'1 11l>nnrr1 thr MnAIJ \'Ar ht ideel for yoi..ng ''salh" order now for Christmas W . D. SCHOCK CO. -Roat Rulldf'r-8 - ~ 29th ~t. H:..-hor 1.;;~ .. Harold I. Johnson Propdlar tupaln Colmnblan Uld Federal As«ae7 Phone Barbor no !811 \'Ula Way, Newpon Beada Your. Au t bor hed TU AL C 0 F1berglua Dealer in the Barbor area. Bring your tlber· gla88 problerm to aa. Pacific Fibef9la11 1801 W. Cou& HWJ. P1t. u e-ins Acrou from AU\A.rnerlcan Mltt.. •••• ~••r ..... ~ . ~ .. ah&#Wflfd~•! Wh.M ~be.._ «Ma a ,ill •bac mtam run cl.., far ..U u..e u.m.Jy> Now, wtch -~ ocw t'.n..n.dea "° cboc.e from - &om ! to :IO hoi ocpowo ---C'• ~ thMo tw1' llO 61 boltluliJ llO ,.,., budfet. I c'1 "*f 10 OWtt 11 -r •""""4< on our budirc.• per-'"*"-~ ..... ~ ............... Md , .. I.he,..., todaf.• I 1998 Harbor Bh·d. -COSTA MESA , Ubt'rty 8·2062 CLOSE o.uJ 1955 OUTBOARD MOTOU * BIG DISCOUNT * -OUVER OUTBOABDI Buy Now -law Now George J. Meachem ="I EWl'OBT B&AClll U39 \\'. Cout Hwy. - LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON ino w. ODMt BW7-ono-nt -a.. Christmas Gilt e IOATS e ,. , .. ,,._ $59.50 (17~) 8' Skiff $59.50 (lJnp&aaW) e SKIN DIVING EQUIPMENT e -----·#-1-Mii FfM $2.95 up Masks 99c up .. 100 FATHOM~ DIVING WATCH U.00 Do""ll 94.00 MoaU1 .. '54" "AQUA LUNGS" $99.50 up . 110.00 1>oW1I -15.00 Mntrth WATER SKIS $~9.95 up PADDLE BOARDS $54.95 .. §Iii»-~/ Olaf °' &.t.wudn .,.. ........ modcle .. juat rftht .. ,.. ~ ,.. (unl}y ... priced rip • .. ,.. tNcir'tt. s..u ..... ,.,... --ddfvery whai you ._, It. 0... .. ..ct pd .,_ .... a...... -· 1tZ TICIDU 10°/o D .. 11 110.,,._ .. ML.Ufm • Gifts For Every Yachts111an : ,,,. I I -'I ¥Jt&-HAR.c+N HOYT again heads the cast in the roll of.Mary when Corona del Mat Community Church present.a tti'" &l)llual story of the Nativity in living pictures, llQllga and the spoken word at the five o'clock vesper hour on Dec. 18 in the auditor ium of Harbor' View school. Mrs. R obert Horn will read the scriptures as t h e pictures portray t he story of the birth of the Christchild. The five church choirs will aing tinder direction of Mrs. J. Leslie ~teffensen, accompanied by Miss Margar et Scharle and Mrs. Walter Spicer. Church nwd aucb -4-nnouncemen IJ PAGE 8 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 ISLAND PASTOR RECEIVES · CEREMONIAL RED ROSEBUD La.Ill S u nday at t h e Balbt>a Island Co riHnurlly M ethod ist Chun:h the Rev. Donold . G. S11pp played 11 1rv<'r~e role in one of t he tradillc•nal c"rl'morucs of Lhe c-hur<'h. Sance he assum('d hl~ pastoral dutie11 he1" Ii 1m•nt hs n~Q he h i\.'! pres1·11t('d numrrnus rus .. buds In chy~l11I va~e11 to Uic parent; of newborn baht<>s 1n the pa 1lllh. The nppe1uun<'t1 Of l he l'OSC bUcl nn l hl' altar Of the d lUl"dl IS fl l,;t'll<'ral 8 0 · nounl'ep1ent lo l hf' cong1..-i;at1011 that a new baby htts bt•i>n born. On Sunt.lny lll r S;ipp fuOntl h imself t h<' rerip1<'nt l'lf n rosebud. 1'hc r11·i:sl'nwt11111 w:.is madi: Lo him w1.t l\!1s. Sapp's m oth.,r . Mrs. Alfl<'llJ :\1·\'1l t or Chumllt'r. A riz. P. Jo'. Ba.int':!, h1y leader, in mak111~ 1111· pr1·~<:nt11t1ron a t t he 11 O'(•lo1•k ,. .. r. vke, annuunt't·d t he h11 th (1f t:r.•gnry Lo rmllr S~pp 11n1I E'.Xpn·s.c;ed lite be~t Wt.~lh•s (I( t ht' <"t•ni:;t 1 g-at Hlll The tlowt•r wa.~ ~11·1·11 lo> ~I n< Supp in the hftl·rnoun Ill Hoog Memorial Huspllal. T h,. baby. their ftrst <"11llct, wa11 born Dec. 7. H•· w e1gh•·d 7 lbs . 11 ozs. CLOSE OF ADVENT Lt1thera11 Cl1ildren to G ive Vespe rs Program The Sun.Jay lk houl ~11wp11rl H arb n r cl1oltl1 en ,,( 1 C'huJC·h will pr1•1<enl lhl'tr annua l L11thn11n t:h11l!t111115 1•rn.:1:im tor p1tn•nl11 -------------------------------------------;inti fracuds al ~ I' 111. Sunday tn the -"<'Wf)'trt H ,•11-:hUJ (.'li111 t h. - ~ms. ROBERT HORS Will N arr~te N ativity Story Of lnti"re~t to lttlle lhl'a tPr ~o­ l'r~ 111 Oruni;e Count y will be the ap1war11nt·e or Mrs. Hobert tGer· t1·u11el Horn as nar rator tor the annual Ch111ilrnll8 pageant of thC' COJ una ti "I M n r Community Chui t h C on ..:regallo nal 11.l ti o'clock vespc1·s on Sunday. T he churd1 will g tve Its t roJ1tlonal dtory of the !'\auvtty at the Har- uur V1 .. w Schwl autlilon um. A p1war111g w ith M rs. HCJrn In lhe van ous p1clu1 es will be Mrs. H arlan H oyt aa Ma ry; J . K . Ha· 11111 as J<>seph; R olwrt Ball, t he lnnk 1:1•per ; H. D. Me redith, lhll man w1U1 lite 11CroU; W1Uiam lJavuh.on, John Van Dyke and Torn liaum as th" shepherds; J ames Van Dyke, W 1ll1am H uma- :.un anJ A . I<. P hclp11, W IHO M en. UCLA'S BOB DAVENPORT SLATED AT YOUTH NIGHT T lllt-J '"1'0111i;ht 111 Ht:lhh-hl'm", the fll (11p·111n 111111h1n""' l'hnstma" p•1t:l1y, 11111.11111 an1l n111111c into a lit•uutatul umJ 111ea11111gful l'hnlll· m as pr1'S••11t.H1on . Sunday Sl·ho<1l Supenntcndi'nl F1 "nklyn J-l r uza 1:1 In <'htu-ge of p•.,.:rurn arrun.:-c· tO Baptist Leader Speak Here Youth Crusade Program at Mesa First Baptist llll!nt11 8 .S>ilSlt•tl by M I H. Ed~ar Come and br111g y11u r Bltil!'8 an•I Mann and Mr s. Martin K ahre and D r . E lmer C. Adiums, e.xecullve Hl l1·a~l CJtlt' r. 11•1111 (•I' 111·.1:hb•1r. thP teachers (lj l h c Sum.lay ll<'Crd at y or the Uregon Ha.pti.sl Ft tduy fr11111 7 lo 9 I' 111. lh1• !)diool. tiUHl' Cu1went rn11, w a.JI be Lhe gue11l J 111wor F1•ll1>w~111p will rncl'l 111 I Tlw Carol. ('hrnr under th•· d1· SJJ«&k"r at the 1 l 11.111. mt11nJng t h · Yuuth t..'l.'ntl'• Saturilay f1"111I 1e1111111 ul ,\fr;. Holi..·rl t;1 1111lu111l won1h1 p llt-rvlc'l at t he ~'Int Uap- 8 l o IU p Ill. \'t•llllJ.: l'1·111'lt•:. F1 I· will p1·m ·idf' 'l"'"·d 11111.a "'rlh. tu1t Chur<h, 19th anJ Balboa Ulvd. Bob Davenport, UCLA's• All Am erican fullback. will ~~w,.111p ""'.11 111o·1·l at :!till E.ist .:11t11 .111d ,.,,11111· IMn,.: 111·u1•1.i.,,1 8 11 1 Lr. Ada11111 Jm11 111 the p1111l f ew be the main speaker Swiday at 7:30 p. m. rn Custa Mesa •111h ::.•. l ""t" ~''"" 11h .. d11l1l1"11 l"''"'•n t ln au1ht1nn months 11a11cl1"tl i.row1J ll1<· wodu -----t hi.' • h1ld11•11 llh'111"' l\'1•s w 1 l I anJ v1111lcd 11uu1y ot the Haplls t First Baptist Church, Magnolia and Santa Ana A Vl'S., when • Force, 1t))1ng i;it 1,. r111 d18l11tmuon tu I m isJ1111n 1wlJ11 u w ell as spending a group of college athletes and stut.lents, presents tht'ir 'At OffilC 111 .... 1.v )"u11pi,.,, 1111ud1 ume m the 11oty Lant.ls. Ur. "Campus Crua&de" IA a-OnJ and I tlun 18 i•xtcn•lii<l to all .1 olllll( p«11· 'I "' Adi <'Ill "'"'~"11 llo'11'8 Ill Adiuns Us lhu Juthl!r·in·l&w uf the lHtlmony. pie u( high K\hOOI 11nd 1•d11p• Senno11 ''f'he1ne 1111' .h111d1°\\1lh •ll•pht.ll•: Sun.!Jy IJllS(Ol of the t·hurth, the Rev.I ~ATIONAL HONORS age tu ull«'ntl th" but h•t t;lll';wl , ~"1 ''" •. i.t 11 a11d 11 1:1 "· in l'a,.. H t-rtwrt L:. J CJhnll-On • • Bob 1a lhe 80lld choice tor unan· 3erve<I s t ~. :w p n1 81111of.1,v 111i:ht · I• th1• I' 111v,•1 M', Jn• lu1l111h ~Ian. l•1r H11h1•1 1 H <:1111Jl1111.J "' 1 11 t'twrch Schwl will cc.nvene al I lmous national honors tor 111:'>!1.,A ap11rkhn1o: L'h11•tm1111 f''"t-111111 f:nvolVl'tl hy Atn1n1L 1'"11rn•'! 'Tl111j fll •U•h 1111 111 .. Atlv•·n1 ll•1'111•'. "H e 9 .40 u.m. w1 lh dtl.Bllcs fur all age .. H b" ... _.. h If t II t ''um ... • -...1th S.111•1tlt1•n" I e hu u t a .,, ..... for 1mee an la to o ow. Lhou~hl·llrl" 5 1,ng '1''"11111111 111 th<' The <.:l111~tma.' program, pre- iul.8LM'lding n cord on t.Ma year·~ I ;\IORSl~ti \\'0 1<!'11111' f ~ub cd ,,1 111,. Sund.i t ... ,..,.,.11 8"11te•I !Jy the mcmbl•r8 of t he ::>un-, RoH Bowl-bound football tea..m. Al the 11 a.111 •e1v.<.c ttw lt('v.1 J Y Yule Progr a m dt•Y School. w ill i..t<e IJla ce at 7 1n fact he Le comldered the gre&l· P. t:. Neumann w1ll hl\V<" ttl' '" L· 8••rmun 111 all Chi u;tuui S• "'"''" p nl, <luring the e vening service M l cround l'•lnlng full -l>at'k ln lmnn lhCllll' ··~fol ). l11e l '•r><1111111·•11111Hl1<'K 1 fu r Mesa Club 1111111 All departments of the •ruin hill.Ory Hia power runmng I cation of Ha pptneu". I TIW 1.:uhh·n T ... ,1 •~ rn11n l '1<11l11JJ• j chui c:h 1<tllool will pa rtictpnle. T he la.a nelt.-d b.bn 817 ya rd• In IWO T'ht•re Wtll be llfWl'litl 11\U~I<' Ill 11113 1111 . "lt1e Lo11J hath f•tr1111H·d '1'11.•enly • ft•·e in•lllll11!'nlll!tftt'll Klnth•rgarten Depllrlmenl UI un<lcr l ~ ~ '" " 1 • 1 1 . l'utl Hitit. 1 l niun HJ;h S(hool thodir.,cuon o!Mrs Jame Bl--'dK••r. -11~n• f or a •.2 a ver•"e. H«> wa~ both 11 .. 1 \'l<'P~ Su11d"v S1 h11••I 1 1111 111 • t hfl•fl<' 111 11w h 1·u1, ""• '""' 101 .. I llntl " "' "'"11l 1''. 11•11.!"r '1 "111 :'\i·w· named a t in t .trtng A ll A m e r1c;1111 \'••n•·!I .. t ll l!J "llh 1111'" • 1 .. 1 .tll 11111i.:.i00111 111i.·1 1 "'' 1 .ti 1 ' ' and Mtas Nanr y Calli; the P runar- ' \VI I Jll• ••·Ill llil' ( 'h11"lllHlll J'IO· tor 1966 by the F'oolbtdl \.\ rll~n ng1•K l;•rl • u111111p111t·110" 1• 11!1111111·>1 t th , l•·JI, unJ•·r .Mre. Et.I. Glaiigow, t hl' I \\ I 7 ( I ' ;.:•nm II (' "'1:11 .... lllf'•'llllJ.: lhl~ AsllOCl•Uon of A.merl<'ll. •!dnr"' 11y Ill 3 1 I' m " 1 ,.. 1n "I lllltl•• I '"'"'1 ... •• 11 .. 111 1 .•• 11~h ""'•'k "' tlh• < .,,.1,, "'''"' • , Junaur11 under Mr8. T. llern.-. nnd Tbe church extend• a n tnvll11· 11~11111 l '"•"r 11wl l11 ~h: .. Sn, I~ 1•l!J :,,. ll1. 'I '"" th•· J..,11, and \II C'I 1 11 1 1'i1tli•) li1L.,m ie<ha tei1 un<lt>r Rev. 11.11d '-lra. U of Coe ){ do H J t {4 'Ht tt \ " ''""••n tt1, tu -r\\10..: nn Jl Uon to a t & ea an t · uur nm 1< • l' 111 "' •" th· ... 41,. """'' ••lM . 11,1·1. •• 1111 •o1• I ,,.1,., k lill'ollH.i. t -" 11 II. H l!i•rb1>rt John.•on. 1 anr• County lo ht-a r Uua out · IOU~ l•l«\•'I j:lll(ll'~ "!II ... 11v1•f11 lit'lC'r.'lt> "" I ""''' 1111111•· u ... 111 .. -.1 ... ,. ft11l.11•1l \\1•nt1.. ll111m11 At both 11er\'1('ea C'llnnl'd gooc13 -·ndlnr football plaver a n ti l!ef' 1 An 1·xp .. s11tun 11! lhc r 11 st J:.111,,.l I , 1 1 • 'l 1 1 r• 1 r 11 " .... , I!"' i, >•ti• ', ,.,, • • i ·• • ' " I 111:.J 1.'l111ll 11 ~ .. wrn 1111 1•1• • -...111 111111 toy:i wall be r PC'el\'ell for the In t11a life. Another •pectaf lnvHa-• ff\Fme M f'IL'l'tlt't' ut l"1"H-t>+>11~ .. mtf-llfl' t1e111 r ti:• 111111 .111 tin 1r !'"1""r MITT 1 -J..- .1D.nL...ra411.W th• .119we r of hr let , ••f .l11hn " tw1ni; 'l Udl"•I th•• t t'<'ll 111)' h.t11d,•. Ii,; 1 .-'I I•'""'" 1111, d 11,.. '" ,.un Tlw !lilb 111 .. _ Hs.PJ.i~t Chtlclren·1 llome 1n Jnglej· llil\<' I '"111111 .. nol"d in~ \\I I '" 1 .. w thf' l""'n Jll"l:rl<tn wonJ. Christ111as Worship at Island Church "Let. E very Heart Preparr lltm Room.· n Chn~t maR worahip aervic._ wr itten by Mar y H. T rower. wul be prc- eented at 6 p. m. Dec, J,8, at the Balboa l!'lland Commu1uty ltfethodiat Church. It wlll fcatur~ mcmbc1 s uf lhe Church School and the church choirs. General director is ~I rs. P. F . Baines. M u•1cal du·rcl<Jr ·~ 1lr~n Thi' pvrm w ill b•• I:"• n b> 1-lle Van l>ykt, M r11. Non~ T ill· 11, .. .1111,. 8 1.rnt·tt. H.111•1\' :-1111111 >.111ry t;IAkf'r ~;dqy d••• 1111 ,., 111 111•· <:H11o1ll.t rt ~•u•h •' ''' 11111.k, ''~t ltfl~ C HJhl If; .141h \\ ilh I""\ \ t,1 th•· s, ll}ll .,. ~. 'II '" .. II' ,\II 1n-.. IJ. l•t' lh<' I II l\t•I JJ;!: b JllrllUlt) llr\1\1'l1'f 11:1 q t111,.., f 1t), th•·n ,~,~11.\lluu..: fHl1i hd l 1 1~ 4lo."'"'fh.tl11tt1 ""' lr tdh , .. t !".•1 ,i t•, IUH1't .,,. t Htl I'" . ' "~ .1 ~\I :. ·i~· ur u1HlehstKnd111.,: • r \ •'' J ,,,, 1 tu r . • ,lf\ b,~ ll1JH1111,.· ht ~·Jll•l tltl ar1Jt• t h\Ul1\\ tf~ J17 vu~ "''11 '''•l1t lttt1, v.1U1 lb• 1 1.n ~1e· ~bi111n ,,..n.,..n..: J. \ I•' ti \\ 1t1d f'ullll\\ 111~ thf > I\ I•• I 11 • l'hun h s, 111~11 , hd111. n .. 1 .i I h• 11 many Will H rve All 0rJ&nlal !'hr1.•lln• l '1t1k Stqhu"" ~1•\•r TIM caat Include. Oreldt«>n Mrlhf' A l••x nnd<'r .. nu Su~"" A l11lo(·· ,.,r.·1.t.• '"II I>"''· ·•· it I 111• Broertnr. Mary, Robert Gu .. nlhtr, ..... t ,·t.11,.111,, tr , 111 ,,, "'"''" 111111 J~·""". Tommy Gorton, 0.vld A n. I 'nt' t!11tth /If•"" I) 1· .. 1111 lu --.,., (1•t tlh 1,frt l4t1111 ti h•Jll~ -..•l\r•l der80ll, J ohn \'&Jlrl•', ahepht'rds. My llr11rt. 1....1111 .ft AllPI "111 pr•" 1 ,·t· ./ h~· t h •· \\ un,.u1 .. ~ • 41 :} ,, ' -. BLUy Scott. Stephen AndtrJll>n. jM•nt th" f1t1111h ~"'"!' 11n I ••If•" llUI s. I\ 1, ~ Kenn Sebra. W1ae m ... n. Gau 11entRll\f'J1 r r .. 111 .i ff, r1 nt "~" a".,.· Pamela P eople•. J oh.n I J,.'T!Jltf\4 Th~ I hnh·~ 111 ll ,. Jll I\ I•. a.a-e. PAmd a E l51'ltr, and T 11m wall li.-re.1uh1d "ht•n Ill·· 1111l ll1n Bren n an, candl«'hJ hlen prf'11<'nt ll1<•11 1:1n., "l 1101•11' ~ \" Olvtnr the f1Jlrr~t1on !or the hPlp pun hru11• A 'J'U•ll•• rm a , hil· ctr.ma will be Henry FetTy a nd: d~n·11 home an S••w1u1l, Alallkl\ Marilyn Shootu. Other clUt mem· I "Thy Worl<, 0 Goo, ;-.;,.,.,I,• Many bert are a junior boy. Peter 1 HAndJI ··will b•• ~ung all a rellJ><mAI· rlaherly, a y<.>Ulh, Dtck Brtdg -by the children·,. t'hotr The 1wr· BE SURE . INSU RE II 11 h :'If \I R ll I. ' r \ ='-I.I l11~11ran1 •· Onh l'hom· llnr h"r ·:1H 8:11,"1 t., ("'"I l l<j\l1\ID,\ ( •ir111i:• 11•·1 ~lar man: a11 a duJt. Mrs.. Robert --. _ Leln&u; a family. Mr. and Mn1. ·•••lllll•W.1111J••S11••~'El'llll;s:¥"5:$1<.::u~~i,s~u~:::n;::,., ::::;~ M&tt.hew V. W&lde llch and Mat· Ult'W V, Waidelich, J r. We Invite Yo u! ln lhe tlrwt AC"t'Tlf'. "O Come, Let tJa Adore H im." there w ill be muaic by the adult and 1 hlldren'1 cho&r. Sanr tuary t'&ndlr i>1 will be lll'hled M d "0 Lil llP Tn>A•n or •weh«>m" w ill be 11ung. Th~ ""' · <*id Kffi«', "\Ve G1f!el In 111- 0r&dle Our Savior 1U11I Kin~ \\Ill IJltrodur,. Mary and Jn,.t'ph Anti lpnderprten ch lldr!'n w h1• "111 •nr. "Away In the Ms.ngu.' l'ra rft&TY chlldn'n w ill 111n1e "In l.lltl,. Betble'hem." Junio r <'h1l.Jr,.n will p&rtlclpate In a vn~«> • ~fl~llktn~ citiolr. John St'(lll. W"ntly BIR ll . I lfld Mel f?a.Tjt will recall' R f\<'<'111, To View 'I.A Child's W111h." Featurtd In thl' third '"'"""· .. M With Ohdne.l!f M f'n or Oil!." 'Ifill be th«> w ll!" mt'n. thr rf'Stllng ••t The Nativity Jlatthew 2 l·l I. ~·ongre11a1111MI ll .m,1ng of "The> F'lr,.l :"'0 .. 1. · &n11 rn--••• ~-)-l~~~ ,~~ 6 -pot'm. "The BethlehPm C'hf:· I O ne of t he most rl'lebratcd mo nH'Ot!'l 1n th• h1:-t"1~· J! n:asT Cffl:Rnt o •· u 1Rl.·T I n 8CIE..'\1'18T I of mankind ts de}'tdeJ 111 the nala\ 1t~· M ••111· 1·rc·1 l•·J ;s. IJOJ .. ,. L•410• N••""" '"0'11• 11n lhf' lawn of I • A "'••< • ol I>• "".,. •• ~ • • ' . '• I • , ~=::1•1• k l•Ml••· 1 " ' 0 ···:·1;: .. ~· I Mottell 's and Peek Colonial Fu neral Home ! ..... , Mnlce II 00 • "' ! w ..... ..,, 1 ••• 1,.. ..... ti•• --'oo " "' • i XO I Bolsa ,\ \'f'nut• 11 ... cll"t ... ,,, i.cAl!td at ))IS Voa L•dO, iA .... ,.,, ••u •, 11 opo •••• ,,,. .. ''""' I ~lidway City, Califomln et:tt •-"'· .. ,. •~"'-""••"•• .. •• .,.,.. n llM ........ 1:41 •""~ ,., ... , .... r •• t. ~ Dlrtttly 801tth \\""~lm lMll'r \11111rii1<tl P RI k 1 ~ -Oottid Hot1d•n . • & ,.._,..~lie .. ~lllofty hm tH .. ....... J l1Jll W ut of High\\ .. ~-'.IP ·~ ....... ---.... ~ . •1 -••---••••-.c••••~•••••a•~ Lamps and \'1111r C'hoh,.. l.1u11p~ The Enchanted Shades MOUNTING a perfect m hrinK In your I.amp Cottage ....._1U.2-nes Wise Decision Those who have made funeral arrangements in adva nce of necesstty have made a wise I d ecision. If you would like some facts about advance arrangements -in strictest pro- fessional confidence and without obligation -~e invite you to visit the Parkes-Ridley Mortuary at your convenience. PARKES· RI OLEY M O R.lUA.A.V &t· 110 A•o .-..o w•'t' ~ ...... C 0 \. T 4 ., t \ & t '" l luiuy 8 ·3433 .-:· 1 <' ~~~ -Je -it'i'':-'l-.... -- r I A l lOA •UlllOA .ISl~NO • llOO IH f NfWl'OU t £J.c l1 • COt OtotA Ott ~ All-cl1.urcl1 Progran1 for Unive rsalis{ l;ell o\vs hip \ff •'f , l ~ ••'I\ I,,. t 1\1·1 (' \\ tlJ he '"' ,t t11· '·•·Ht: \\hhh \(°"'• fJ1'-hll111Ul1' ,,.11 be ~•'f\qt ""d ~I'·, t11l I t"f'Al~ 1 .. r thf' , h1hl11•n An A ll·Ch11rd 1 C'~rl•lnrn11 ,,.... 11111;. i.:1 ri ,.( t h•' rnnltl'<'!.: • t Inn I Wiii bf' dt>1tr1but ... 1. A U fl h'tltb ,,, lh •• F ('llow,.h1p 11rt' 111,·1t1'•I ll) ll'l shnr" In tl11• ('hr1,.tm"s st'l'Vll"'· ,.,, e w all h .. hf'l•I on n1•c. HI 111 lh .. 11· 1,"1'0w1n1t <-hun h. the t '111ver,;<1hs t c.1mm1111tly Fel· I T h t! l'navf'rt<alu•t F· 11 .. w~t·lp luwshap, ~1~ \\'. Balboa Bh·,J. T he meets Wf>1•k tr 111 tlH' Fl" II , 111h ~ 1t1nu:-..· tn l!u)l11•a Jtl t '\11 u .. 11ul Sf'rv1ce wall conalst of /iflf'r'llll mu-I 10 :w f s lllcal offerings ur out1•l11.n1hni:; wurs. .. ur • tllll 11· ,., hlti 11·1·1 11 II 111 lt\r o 11111. II :-•I \'ht merit.. I low.,,·er, 011 l'llnrt.11• lhti!-t-t.1kl11: Mr11. Fredr>r1ck R lnge 111111 M r~. p11rt in lht' 1•n1i;r1tn1 nre l'•'•fll•':.1,-.I I•> com,; 11l ll) II.. 111 ------- . I Harbor Rest Memorial Park :'II 1111 .. olr urn-I nt 1• nnNtt """rtlt•11,., ('rml'lr ry llarhor 111 t:i,.l••r CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 1':rnc·11t Holnw>1. f,u1nc1e•J'. Ruthnr n( "S<'l1•nee of Mln1I." S li'NDA \' SEH\'ICES 11 a.m. .Junior Church and Nurser:\' Caro 11 a.m. ltt•\". l rh. Turk , ~Jlnf,.t1•r -Kitty Orr el th1• pl111l!•s 1<11•1 M H Thompson on l ht< ''lf•l111 will play "A Chrl11tmai>1 P hantnl'y" a" pri."· lu1le 11nd AJolph A dam~· "Cantl· 4ue tle Noel" Iii! 11.n ufft'rtnry. Th e newly rob<>ct eholr w 111 11ing "Chrn•tmas C'h1mes " b v Allt•e Brandon Ca I J w • 11 or -Laguna Bt>ach. LAG~A UE AC'll AHl' t_,..\LLt:lt\' H\'at& 4·7'!8• S07 Cliff Or. BALTZ MORTUARIES Eve ryone will h11,.,. «n opportu- nity lo smg t h" 1•ltl Ch1•1st111as carols and th,, 1·111l '1'<'n or t ilt' Sumlay ~<'hcwl 11•111 • ,,,.,,~,·nl "A Survic-e of Llghl" closing with a cantll<• h,::huni.: 11111111 111 11111 h everyonll will Lake pat't. A ~peunl offering !or Lh" lmrld111K fund "I lie F ellowship wlll b<> the Chrl:<t· I COSTA UF:~A C'l!Af'F.L CllAl'~:L HY TH.E SEA I l i -1 1 Superaor Ave nue 3:1:!0 E. C01111l B lv(1. Costa MP!!ll, C'llll !. Co r,1na cir! Mar, Call!. I Phone Llbe1·Ly !!-:.: l :.! l l 'h01)8 Harbor 42 INTO THE DULL ROUTINE There was 11111• •xc1t•m•111 in • 1hepht rd's Ii I• Loni:. unt vern f ul dayt b"n•oth 1h• ho1 'un on a RfB)SY h11l)1dc Long, lontly 11111111,, •till and lhadowy a• 1hc moon rotlt •low ly among the cloud• All the mono1ony of a mlllinn livn IO•lny. l:!ut 1n10 1he d ull rou•in• o l • 1htpherd'1 h fe came th• v1s1un 1ha1 hu capt1va1ed the 1m,lg1na11011 ol man for two thousand y<at>. An •ngelic voice uy1n g. "Fur nul ... " A hu Hnly ho,u .. nginr,. "Gl111 y 10 God •nd pea<• .. "The •l•tlltn1: proclamation of 1he Sav1nr', li111l1 1 Tht men age •1111 com<> w11h brai:l11nus anJ 1oy to all wltou lut 11 " to labor, to endurr. to Wdtl. And the Church, prta•h111i; tile T ruth of the One born 1h"1 111rt11 1n Be1hlt hern. call1 m•n l1 om lhr drabnns of worldly pur~u•I• 10 '' c- 1h11 T hing w hich h3' come 10 I'·'"• which the Lo1d mat!• known 111110 ~ b<l nd of bo1•"1 •h•flht'rd• u n1u1 1<-. This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms ART C. KISTLER CO .• Realtors l~1•Y f r11n1 :-;pf•fllh.~t .. 2901 :\°('\,JHJrt Ul\d. :\°C'\.'110r1 Jk&1·h Jfarhor ;;·?21; Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashions l'••n.pl<>tl' til~l1nl{ l'nmonent \\ ,,, H•.£ 11n•I T1nl1:'1t 8107 t.:a. .. t Coa.. .. t II\\)._ llu rbor .i IO l NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 W. Coa.<1t llwy. UIX'rty 8-1113 Fred Or9eron Chevron Service ~r,,, .. s na1r ... 1w:4 A••'''" .. ''ri""' \'1111tpl.-11• L llhllt HlllOll 2100 W. Balhoa Hhtl., :\'c•\q 1orl Rt>a<·b llarhor 1:;1:1 UNIQUE CAFE 4 111 32dn St., ( Arr<l'<'4 from City Hall ) Ernie Church-THE ARCHES I IJll II I 111 llt:lil• r 8 100 W. ('oai;t II\\~. :\°t'"J)(•rt llf·~h LI X-9063 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT ! 'o!t"e l'>hvp-u;.en 2 4 h 111u ~ 89.J;) W. Coa..~t Hy. (at Balboa Con-!1) Harhor 3R'UI GEORG[ M. GRAHAM H111,,. 1rnd Caq1·1~ 12? Ai;:ate A\I'. Un lboa l1tland Harbor 32;'6 MAD MOORE NURSERY I Fl•" r1 • 111' l-11p1 ll"~ R11 lhoa Hl\11. at 21 .. t :'\1'\\f•ort IJ(>ach NEWPORT HARBOR BANK C-ltro11a tlrl ~Jar The Port Hole Breakfast House .\11d111i.l1 l In 1 I ,\ M. :Z:!l7 W. ('oa..-.l lliwa~. ~··\\port Beaeh ST AFFORD & SON JlO HiHr,itfo Aw. Xr"port Beach 1.llw rty 8-22ifi Vincent's Rexall DruCJ Stores 1'1111 :\'t·~\ 1•urt0 lk lt.1'h ('uro11a tlf'I )1ar B.alboa Laurie Woodworth Piano Co. < '•11t1pl~I •• L inc o r ;s,.w & l 3rrJ P1a.nut1 2GIO t:. C.:ou. ... l Jl"Y· Harbor 3382 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP 304 Mari.n,. A""· Hart.or 1827 DICK MACKER 1 •rnf>l'I ,, ~ · t..'1111w t~ l 'phnl•lery r •mpl..ari ~ 1ee l.J••tt1111l11'1g StirY1te Harhor 4328 .... HARBOR ~o~. BILL PmLLIPS, Sports Editor ~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -·PAGE I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 .J CAGE DATES SET FOR NEWPORT . BOYS DURING Y~LE VACATION Buketball for boya In the 6th, 7th and 8th gradea will be ."JppUed on fi ve Chrtatmaa vac&llon datee by lhe Ne\v- port Beach Recre&tlon Depart ment In cooperation with H orace Enslp School. Art Chrlatenaen, Horace Ensign phy11lca.l educa tion teacher, will aupervtee the progni.m. The program opena In Horjlce E nalrn gym Sa turday f rom 9 a. m. till noon with S tu l nma.n, Oranr;e Cou t College c.ag e c<>&ch, conducting e. court clinic &t 10 a. m . Basketball w111 also bt> played in the gym Tul'sday and Wl'<.lne!ilday ot next week. 9 a. m. till noon. and Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 28 Md 29, 9 a. m. till noon. Boy3 dttendfag the program w ere asked lo bring thrlr own towelll and gym ahoea. RAGGED BUT WINNING 1'1111•1 ll ~j'( ).,I/II. I\\ ... , .. ,.. 1 t '·' '111 I .... t us 11 11.I C-h i:ln · T a \·- .11111 Nl'•i\ 1. riv•· 1:1•a t... lh1.•1• 11,., 1 .... , I 1 Tar hlt.:I\ 1•1101 h1>no;a i:;11l111, 13 , Rl'x P .. n.lt>1·grllfl. a.>'Vt'll l>llh 17 l'&1 h. i:1fl5, 7: Thom11s F1Kueroa. <>n• F orwa rJ L.t.rktn of Lai:;iina wu !:'•ll, three l;lflh, :, tc•p sc·or\'r of the c<>nt•••t. et'ndln& Tar C's Lose to Laguna Hi Coa<·h Bill Strew'11 c·s ot New· port Harbor H igh Sc-hool auffered another cl0&e telbat'k al Lai;una Bt'll.'.h Tueaday afternoon. 49·16. nm., fit'ld i:oalit and fl\'1' t r ee t h1•1)WS fl>r 23 m11rker1 lhlrtlme s1•1•rl" favol't'd Nt'"-'p<•rl Harbor 17-1 •. Other Sl\lle>r N'Orl'ra wPrt' Mike HarN with 8 and Raymond San- t•hez with i The local lad11 dun~­ t'd thrnuic h 20 shota fr\lm t h e noor to 19 Cur Laguna. but fllhPr - t•<I on the folll hne. ainklnK 6 to l l t or Laguna . ARCAOIA , CALIFORNIA E.~SY TO R£.i CH -f.'.4SY TO PA RK 14 MILES FROM DOWNTOWN LOS A~GELE S W ORLD-WIDE W INT t:R RACISG OPENS HOLIDAY MONDAY, DEC. 26 RUNS 55 DAYS THROUGH MAR 10 WOl(IUNG JT IN -George Mabee hc·ads for the camera as Tom Houston (28> dribbles the other way outside the Californ ia High School d('fense in a recent Sailor prep cla:;h. Coach J ules Gage's Tars came from br hind with a thrilling rally to capture Sailor Quintet Gets by Orange · in Tourney Play $20,000 PALOS VERDES 'CAP OPENING DAY f irst of 32 Stakes -$1,055,000 Added th<' fray, 6·1-61. Staff Photo FOUR $100,000 RACING CLASSICS SANTA ANITA MATURITY -Jan. 28 SANTA ANITA HANDICAP -Feb. 2.S SANTA ANITA DERBY -March 3 TAR HARRIER SQUAD READY FOR RU NNING IMESA TR IO O N ALL-ST AR NINE I ' Bo<tsting a t eam which hns n<1l suffen•d tlu~I meet 1 defeat since 1952. Coach Ralph Reed's Nl'wport 1 ligh Sdt•Hil cross country squad will this seasnn consist of I:! l<•ntlwr· lungers. varsity and J V. ::-1aff•11<1. 0011~ 1 ·1111111 1: ·ll '""' ll•·n•llng thP S""llor runnf'rs I• "wkl1 ~:d \\',~I. !!1·11 I\ I 1l•·h1,.1.t. l..1\trv ('Mtro who hu-·t !'•·Jt""" 4:~uv f..u1!1 J.\,n 1:1 ··"·· J 1,1fu11 11111.l•·I 'tu a n.-w !'11n~<'l f,rii:u•• l'Ut I;"'· 1'""1: \\,dl •I C'I"'~ r1111nlry re1·nr•I 11v!'r th .. 1 .. 1·1.t I I! n11le ..... ur~·· In f'rn '/.-.:, llOWl'Vl'r. In t ho• c1~· Ill•• I , •. c· .. 1111\•. C:ut rn fln1~!11 I I II I I d 11111 .. ni: Sailor ha11 1"l 8 1»·11111.i \ 11 !<ii•• •l•Ll"Wl k l 1111<1 Hill 1'11• F• 11rlh \Vil~ Ra n11v I 11 •·f••• \\ r 1 J ••ll ll1llt:11<1 (!flh T 1•Jtt1l fllAf\R\;•,. ,._ 1111 k Ht• .. 11 Al\noun•,..f p ,,llj( ·1 h•• ~•1111vl l "•IN Al \l111nn.t P1111I /\•hby. A rulv Hnil•' I 111 ~ope Cnnnec~~ for 18 ro ~n ts S:;B ~r ~'i n ti:+11l.1• P 11J1f• fi r• I .•i '' n lo tit 1'.•t••' .11Ht tuH1 t J 11 1' i• ''"'"' tr •011;.:h tJu• h 11n11 fut t' , .. , .t '" J•111• th 1• ~\\ jl f' ll tih t lt1.f ~ hP 1J 'tl lthft•I ••! (' •Ut 1 ,Jti L -I '" )t ''" :1 lttllf1q1h tt' I ; Ii '; j I t• II lit 1'111 ,._, .. \ ,, , ,, I U•!1 t1' I ... I h 1• T h 11•r (\,\ tn .\11 ><a .\It •dl11nl>< \\ 111 h" In "1"•11111~ ltHl'll)' .,( 1111• ~1111tt: n1nr· u1 ~utnJ.tv t >t ... 1 n ,. ,.,111 n1 ,. \\ n' "' f! • ,,. t· 1'1 J 1 ll*\!• "' 1\11 ~~·~" l o· •' 'I h•1 I 1 :•\ 1~ "' h•·•!ut .. ,I 1 h11 l tz ;t1lL'1• ill'""td 1nt,.; ftt I JJ I U ~t1:1~: I\* 1;q.~ ,t. f Iv I: , .• ., 1111· 1,,. Id ·:, t •H1 "' " I' I' " I I I d i '" t 11- ,\' I 1• 1 I I\' 1 Ii., l l•I •I I I t ;. ii 1 .. , I ~ • ' ' • 1 , t\ I I I 'I n•Jc :. /'.O'..'.~ NC& C. ,, . . ._ ..., .. "' ... •• ~ •• ., 1 long Beach Bue · Foe· in Cage Annual Although handily entering semifinals of the annual Huntington Beach toumaroent Wednesday night with a 52-40 victory over the Orange quintet, the Newport Harbor I High School Sailors appeared off their game. Coach Jules Gage was far from sat.Uified with the local lads performance, anti 'the playera lhemselvea con· popping them In from ouUIJe, currt•d. both dunking four field goaJa ln \'et lhe aggreaalve, pre1111tng the first halt and adding thrl!e type 11f !{&me played by the Tara ea<'h In the second. • C't1R<'h St11 l r111111n'K Oran!(e !!Ol tht-m off lo " handy aevt:n Cage pl&c.ed a tJi;ht gullrd gn L"·•ll"l C•1llq:" p 1111 t .. ~ will l1tngle p111nt lt'llll In U1e ftrllt quar ter, Hermt.nn In the !Inst half and he with 1 mii: Bi•a•·h ·al 7 I'm open-1 i-10, which awelled to 30-21 at l!<:Of'ed nothlGg. ln t he 11ec-ond, h1&ltt1mc. with the comfortable lead, Cage 111i: m ht 11( thr l!l.1~ ~am Bnrr.v I fl ff I CAGE ODDITY e ennann a one and he allll I ~l· •n •11.ol llu.-1<• t ti111l T•iutn11nwnt, A bukelball oddity r~aulted tailed to connect. r 1''' ~7 II"• Imp 1wy la1't11 th1 u11gh from the• ch.uh between the Sun-POPE IDGll I•• 1 :111 111 111 .. II••\\ c.;1,•nJ11le Col-11Pl League teams. The comblntll P ope edg-ed LorPntzen fQT gs.me ,.!fort~ of pivot men on bolh high point honors. 16·1~. getUng I ~qundB found the centera. lradl· two gHl t011ses lo one for Lorr nt- l'!" 1' '11 m·.1 '" "rll•'" llr" l..Ol'l i t1un91ly lhP b1i;t (VIUI on cag-e Zt'n. Other Tar sr<Jrers: Tl'rry I 1 \11.:" • • t • 1;· c '' 111· i; •·. wrd,.h rr .. wM. 1Wnrlng a total of 1 polnt! HaJI. one goal, 2 ; Oi!orge Mabee, t.11.1 ·I· ,, 1·111•1•111 111 i.:•11111· winnmi;: Thal 1.llgll was recorded on a three (Oal.l!, lhn:e gift ahotl'I. 9: I 11 1k I ,, ''" ~1 111 •· .-11um1.11nn thud period fr11e throw a warded Harwood. one gift , l ; Da ve Ta- i.• t • ·~ 11 aud v ,·ntuia snJ lhl' S11llor1' o.-nny Harwood In mu~. two goa.l"· one gift, 6, Cary thml 11t11nu ut the fray. Orange Green, four gifts, 4./ •····1J• H \\••'1•1 n ~tut•1 JWtW~r· u I J pivots 'ferry Hermann and nze -n nabbing their fourth &lrlllfhl II• 11 • ,\ 1 .. 1.11 ul Ill JV 11u111teln m1tn recllrdi'd nary a ta.lly. They victory &fler 11 u t te r t n g lhrre "'ii l'·"t"'l'"I•• 111 lh·· l•JUlll<'~-wnc joined In the ehutou\ aitua-1tra1ght lo118e8 lhla &ea.on, Gag~·• Fl1nn for MVP tlnn bv Crntera Larry Harper 9'1d ~ya hit for 20 fleJder11 against 12 Tom tfouston who a.lao .-action for ·ora11,€ a nd for 12 of 20 fr~ for the Tan. Mlot. aga.i.rult 18 or 26 for the SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 'CAP -March 10 -To be run on Turf Course - WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY -HOLIDAY STAKES Two at $50)000 13 at $25 ,000 Seven at $20,000 Six at $15,000 ONLY RACIN G ON GRASS IN WESTERN AMERICA DISTINCTIVE TURF COURSE 1 3/4 MILES ON H ILLSIDE AND INFIEW FEATURE IACES STAIT OPINING DAY First of Seven Stak~1 over Turf $25,000 San Gabriel Handic.p . . H°'lday Monday, Jan. 2 BtthnJ: ltubfi>rt U1•t\\n , Latt v <'a .. t rr•. I •t"nnl,. ( ·1111• Hoh I •"l.."n•· J)11n 1<:t11~. Rich ~·,.,.1lw11111. II. I " I ,.~,,•tS••tlt'kJtOn. Ch1t11 c:a111it, ll;;.1;,~ Hi.II, Tum H >u 4', I 'h1111 .... lln1• ,..., P •1n•ll H t1 r1ftlw rn. J• r• l1 1tlh11.t f:c• tJ•' H<K>ll, 1:1 .. i: ll11cl1o . ~t ilt• J' hUMt1n , StPV~ L•·•"' ,Jiw l.lf'J1' tt !Hit• l.vun. H1111v Mll(1nnr\' J .. 11 ,,::.Hr11• '" Uk••il fJr ,I ol1tu1. fdt ttH" I• u .d h\d' JU ltlf• ~: n1 111ir11• .ti ll•111t1n1•1on H••ltt'h l11»k"1h11ll '" 11• h <"1111•• \'1111 "'"""t>..ke ot ZONE 8TllATr.OY Panlhera. l't tt1• A1111h•·1111 (',1lonl1Jl" 111 tiuomtng OranKe went Into a aone In the 8cortns tor Orang. w ere Ken IM".\\', In·•'". 11 '"' J ''"" ,,., lf11h h Pl( ~111·1\•V Flvnn II• CIF'• rirs t h&lt. 90 Cag-e employed Na 1'-it :":•·•'''~~. [)Prr~ Nnc1t, ut.,1;• 0 •• 1 nw k1. Ritnd~· l'••••I• • Hulo• 11 p,.,..i . n111 r 11a c. H11A• I'•'•,,., \ n 11rr H1•111. Elrn~r fkh11 rn11n, 111 n Fent Golf Resulh cit"' Irvine Coast \\+th I' f"' flflt•)! tftl' ll '1 t•' .... It I I I I I • t i ' ll ~ I• i1I' 1 ! tl • 11' I,( t 'htUI• \ 1111 ' I I•, ii -·· ,.. k••llt I I I•' t t 11• }:,.~ 1 I , 1 -c ., u'" 1" I '"', .•" ... , r1 P r I t 11 t qu.ti ''" l1·u I ,11 I .. , 1 •· , , 1 ..... 1 t. h1 1 h I l1.nUt1h11• In\ tt1 ~ 1; q • ffl 1It11 1,r I t 1 I "~""" ~! l I 'fl 4' '" 1 l)f"'otl lti ;l ,,II f.,\ le 1!1 •\ flttl ~' \t' J1 I 0 I ~ 1tfl I" Pit u HJ.to i t1 tl1•· t011 t I'' t11• I 71 "':'.! ~.tu l~, '' •L,11+1111 •· ,t 1 1.~1 I n 11, •. ,.,1• .. th.1 ''l• \\•111 t111&.,. w 11t1 p_, •t t, l•J,11•11 ti,1 .. , t.i1 74' 71 Sitt,, i\h\ i u .. ''r h11t "''' •• k .. r t1\• "'1,,,1 1 • 11•1.1 •:! ,, 1.r .,1 ; ' H ·'~ , ,,,.t 1 .. u,l•·•• •• b l1••1w t tl1 ln·~I thr111' h 1 , 11 :.:i :-. ,, \i 1r ;, "•·' 1n•f ~Htnt1• · I • 1 "' 1 .. •1 111. ll 11t.I\, r lh111 pivot man Ju•l to keep the Pt.n- .111 "'').'.ti J. ly11n 111 Hnly a Ulent h oneat. MelU\llme. Eddi• , !'ope and Paul L.orentun were ANOTHER "FIRST' •••• for VILLA MARINA 1~1tiry-11t-frvt,,..1~ ~1~ .l.J..lu• -u..ruw..i._~ ~.,,.._._!\t~ 1Tln1c '"" 1-:-;-,.,...1.~.~---­ t r:v C liih for fo11.1111n1• i: ·If• 1, 1 • t 11 111 h• 1 t .. 11 n• v <'·'I «Ill II\ 1 , .. 1,11 b1tn_tKhl lhe fnlnv.,na.: t ••'lltUi• .,, .. t1.1\1l 'I ft11• ft1tc: 1•11• 1q nl~nl rf'<1&Ull 1 th, "•···k _:, f'' , • ... •Ju1,·1..:; ttt, t\l.u ~ • \\h.!1 MONDA-YrlA~. 2nd All.YI\ mllon """""I. 1'111.-,, ' • I I\ d• , ''"~" •• ""' r "" ' 7 Service Bowl Go Lt'w J!toq , Afr•. El·u \l ll•·t ~' In 11 t ''H" S.nJ.111>. 1•~··! t\1 P Jn"'· .. ~n•·t. 1'1rJt.. 'Iona lt1•n1h1f"'''· t'.' f,0 l 1•·:• 111 qurd In t ': ?it I I ~l I 11 l \{I I t• •' "" UI f u"I. ;1 1-fl•" H.ti•l1 .. \""'-· "'' 1:, I r,.1 •• 1 .. n • .-11•· t , •• ,. hf'"J1I 0 1 •··· 1 ,t '",., , ti . 1 h an on11 .... f\1 1f't. Jrny fi,)51tfU) I ,1 I' I• I ,I 1 .. t"'''lflS.: K , .. lUd f , • ••••• llu\\. '.U"'d1• lhll <l. 76 II• I"' ·• Cl1111J1 U t.,.,w i:1t1·• 'I r.~ J .. hn I.-• 11 ~ • 1111• I", ... l" l · "' 11n :-0..tn f 1u·a..o f111t\11111 \ \\jH 1 .. 1.rt )f•I +I llfh 1 lif111l1 11 1 It \t f' 11.1·' I• Orren. Ill l1>W n• I. .\It•• 111 ~1 1111. I 11111 .I ~"111• I .o 1 '" ,• 11 t, I :"\ I\ ' • 1 • ... ~.. I ~ I ' ;-; '\ ti h11'l, 7:'l, ~trJ• H l, HI ''"'" .... &.. •• 1~· 1:. 'ii!'' ,, ... ,.. '' ht l• C)Otl. 76. h f u 11 J•d 11• !. ~1\d,_. 1.t1l l\ \ir :-.I ''''' CIA"" ('· Lo'v J:"f'lMJI ~tr~ W'tt\ll tl 1 1 • L. tl• I ._ i ' 1 ·~ '' '' ,. '•·'' .-··• n t !"":•. \1 I 1" n llantf'I-. Pi In\\' .. ~, Ml • \V•l\• r r I l! • "' z ~· I. I ·1 "'"" t ..... ' 11,j i1 .. ·' ,,, I•'" I'. II ~rhm1rl, ';!). ~tu Hulnn I V<1ll• \ • " ;o-1.111 ,.,, 11 11• I ~ 11 1-" •n • t I" ii t' 111 1•'l"tt I t' rt • fl.t'•nntt. ';'P, : •:·""' l .t111f1 t a. i4I \ r \ "°If t .i ~II '•11 1f\ tJll•n t ------- ,,.·1nttnfl 0 \(lJll•'l•tn'' Spot Light r•·~. prirr 11u1.-, \ 1.trt llr \\Ill 1'ur1 I~ \p1•r"' Int•• 1395 Car Radios from 3995 Car Heaters Sl't-:Cl.-\1. Safety Belts 7 95 1995. I 1111\ IWa'. Prl«> $9.9.'i -All 1•11!11r-i truuranf••• •t 1_1 ___ _ Come in anytime and register for a beaut iful new FREE BICYCLE l>ra\\ ini.: will he hl'ltl l·'ri. 0 1'1'. Iii o I X: ~fl r-rn. Open Eveninqs Until 9 P.M . Beginning Dec. 12 UM" Our l..ayawa~· Plan Mt>mbfor of Community Credit P1aa TV in COLOR v I L L A See! Hear! Rose Parade on Color TV M lw-glnnlng X:30 a. m. )londay, J an. 2nd Football In Color TV from lh1• ROSt~ BOWi. 1·.c .1 ... \. \ ... \tlrhl11an ~tatf' I :!10 J•.m. '.\fn111t11~" .t&n. !nd Spe ci a l Brenkfast-Brunch Ham -Sausage -Bacon -E gg8 Toa!!t -Ja m -J uice -· Coffee f:nJt>~ f\r1>ak fa.,f-Rr11nrh or f ,onrfl In th,. r .. r 11la r Aquarium ltoom at \ Illa ~ulna "hll" you -a.Mt hnr A R I N Th41 Roiw l'Ara•l" & Roy R-0"'1 Ot"'" In C"lor. Going to t he Debutanfe Ball7 Rent a Tux at -· . 12,000 FREE GRANDSTAND SEATS Infield and Paddock Benches also available limited number ReMrVed Seats on 111• dally Ticket1 sold at track one week in advanoe (At Main Grand1tand Booth) . I Mai or's Tux Shop Gates Open 11 a.m. -First Race 1 p.m. Cmnrlrt .. R,.ntal l"f>n ,,.,,. PllonP Klmlw>rly t-.\1~• 1cwi1, t:. •111 i't., S11nta Ana Los Angeles Tari Clalt Inc. SANTA ANITA PAIK, AICADIA, CAIJfOmtlA 01.tf'n t:\ rnl"lr" by Appolntm .. nt Tea.phones: IYan 1-7401 DOugln 7-2171 .., Open Bowling All Day Mon. thru Fri. S~rtinq at 9 :00 a .m. • Open All NiCJht Friday & Saturday • Day & Ni9ht BowUng ---Sundays--- Christmas • BowlinCJ Balls • lowlinq Baqs • BowllnCJ Shoes VAN'S BOWLING 811 ... L KLOTZ, Mgr. SANTA SAYS --MOCCASINS Indian CUAp Moes All Leather with Rub~r Composition Sole by B. F. Goodrich . Regularly nJUf"d-~luch. Much Mor e Specially Priced Now -S 3 49 Pf"' pair SI~ 6-12 I IJ~rt.\' 8~3292 ldf>.i GUhl for Oad -BrolhPr -8on -~wM'thflart I: all Mf'n ! THE ROD & REEL SHOP-ISLAND HARDWARE 210 Marine Ave. Balboa Island I I I Harbor 1124 ... PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1955 FOREIGN Local Clothes The~ CHAPMAN WAGS HANG COOK IN I Clolhtnr; takfn from a bamsm al the r.iar of lhf' hnme ot Mra EFFIGY• ASK 'GIVE US FOOD' J~ Van 1-:&)•. 1901 Clay St.. Lall' ' Tuuday Nl(hl, WU l'e<"c>Yered Ult! OR.ANOE, (OCNS)-Allhou(h the rl'gular footbaU wa-tollowlnc day by Ralph M. May- .on i. ewer, Chapma.n Colll'gl' yeatuday ~laledly joined In fr. 3:11 A vO<'ado Ave , Newpo1l the popular f&ll aport or ha.nctnc e!ClctH -J>ut '1111lh a dlt· polke "''Hi! 1nrormed. ferenee. Th• Chapman atudf'nla hunc a.n ettlr;y or the C'a!elerla cook. a C'ar In wh1rh hf' waa r1dln1t atallcd In thr nmt aouth or Hunt- ingto n Burh. Wavtnr on top of one of the clunoom buildings thia mornlns -unUI .omf<>ne hurriedly took It down -"'~ • dununy whJeb carried a aim a.round Ila nf'ck. Th• lien demanded: "Give u. food!" MESA'S ~ADAMS APPEARS AT FULLERTON TAX MEETING Bl~hop U~f'rll'dl;ot lt'l't In ttH• derf'ndAnl's r1t r t o 1o?n lo N-port Burh to C"t a tnw truC'k He t'l&ims tht-lrlo but him u r. rlp~d off hl8 rlolhu. mb~ him !'nd .!lhnvf'd him out In Cnronl\ dt>l Mar A Hu n l I n g l on Bea<'h poll<',. lleutenahl te~llfl•d Wednellda\' that. two or thnoe d•fendant~ r hargf'd with !ht' .,.,.ond dt&T•to robbf'ry of a IJ111 AnKelea mu1 Ojala. temporary chalrman o! thf' made ronf•11slona In his prMl'nr" Uao<"latlon: RI C'hard Cody, at· t.t. Johnny StolU.n wu on tht' lomf'y for a group ot lAX prolest-l'tand toclay In Supnlllr Court dP- ora In the Buena Plaza trarl; pllrtmrnt on!" aa a pro.af'cutl"n W1llla.m N. Morris, vice-president \\'llnts8. Dl\le Dean Britt, O.OrJ•' ot T. J. Bettea Mortgage Co · L ull vstn Shattf'r and J "hn Lfe An- Angelu; and D1wid Aron, C'Om-1IC'rl'nn, all 18 of Norwalk are c>n mondeor or Jhe F ullrrton Amerlt'&n lrllll Lfgion Post. T he trio la arru~rt or ~atlns:: Ha n·f'v ~layer Motors. Inc. this wc·ek is boasting a la1·~e 'assortmC'nl of new foreign cars which have ar hiC'\'<'d a considera ble dcg-ree of public acceptance in the Harbor a r<'a as we ll as the Southland. New modl'I:-include Mercedes · Benz, D. K. W. (Auto Uniun), Alfa Romeo. Jagua r, Hillman and Triumph. By presenting these makes and complete service, Roy Doidge, sales manager, feels the Mayer firm ia pro- viding the area with an important . imported car retail center in a convenient Costa Mesa location. FULLERTON ((>CNS) -De- for• a Ja.m·paC'ked crowd or 000 peraona ln the Wl1-hl1'9 Srhool Auditorium, u.1emblM to prolut an "unrea.onable hike In ta.'Cra", nrat •lep1 Wl'l'9 takfn Wfdnrsday nlcbt to ronn a Fullfrton Civic AJeoclallon to take lmm!'d1ate u ·- Uon In flshtin~ a boost In month· ly paymen!A on homr• ot ltAr t rulde.nta. A. Coeta Meun 11tldM Although an analysis brought anil 1 obblng Ral Bishop. a t,n.1 out only one posalble art lon Al Ans:i>lf'l! city •mployu. a nd d um p· hlll voice. r resent -to file payments und<'• mg him out of thl'lr cu In Comna Spellkera Included Mra. John protut. plly lhP deflC'lt'nC'y 11n'l dt•I t.tar. thfn 11et'k recour11I' through a tax- payer's •uit and hearin~ befon• 1 :\IAKE~ STATE:\C~NT UNE OF DUTY rounty 11upervll'Orll-the rqr matlon Seltur told lht' CIVfl•WOman. ot the committee brOURht hopr11 st'vt-n·n11•n J11ry lh11t he a11kt'd An· 1 REAL WlLDCA1Tt~R -W. R. Wells o f the Wells Drilling Co. look& over the equipment at the w<•ll being sunk o n th<> ~<'gcrstrom property on Adams St.. W<'Sl or Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The exploratory r..- \ \ \ \ \ \ . -.,..... - • .. ' • Wl'll is dQwn to 4900 feet in its first two week1 of n(1<'ration. Only two wells ha \le e\ler been drilled 1n th<' \'tcinity. one back in 1922. -Staff Photo \\'rt, .. 1h \' hnl"!I w1i11nhlr lnffl111rnll"n wn~ e>ht aln· eJ "'h1d1 11hvul.J h1'l1• 111 the pr f'· 8•n l nr r r11 llnn Segerstrom Site Wildcat Now at 4900-ft. Depth The r1 rl•I • C lhC'll' welM \\ a11 'unk In ?922 but thl' *lllln~ "1.-• • f r11rm '''"I I• ~~··•I """' lll "lhooa wrre 1n crut1 .. In lho,1• ll<lrnl1t Sf1l•'r~tn1m 111111 • ' -mp 1r.,d to motlrrn lf'< h· A wlldcal "•II h,.lnj;' •I• 111• I • n I h,. l'rgrr1&1.nlm I' r • 1•,. 1 I ,. • 11 A lltJ'llA ~· "o I o f lllll h •r Ill\ I II• roll!! from I JrAn1:1 ('", I I I .11 ...... h11~ rrl\• h1 .. 1 , l•·r'li •. r I""' f,.,., AC'C'OrdJnfr lo• \' ij \\ • ,J, • f Ur• \\ rll• •old hi" • "mr~nv pl11n' nt'l'•' • 11-. f 11h11to 1• l11r1o?rl)· thll· I•• J;n ti. "n brlweeh 6Jl\o nn•J r•• 1'1'• • ·11,,. M'I' ntl well \\:t!I fl"•t"I fort l•·•llOI: !Woo 7nnr' nn •Un k I l'h t ( lhl' CJP•eont .. xpl 18• th• \\I\. Ho ·~•·I th .. •lrl l.11.: 11.r lt•J\· "' I I" ~·an....l1t1 011 m 1!11 . \\ •• I 1-r I n i;rrotoc:-1 1 I r•'I"' '' M· lfl\\ h I•' f 1r l::A~ll Pl'll'r1' m. nf I\\" • lh• r "•'II' oh 1111 I In tlo• prr~ld .. nt of Orange Cout Col· Ir~•'. u1ct the C'loat'n<iH ot th,. op· rrot1on would pav• no effec t on pu•s1blr drilling on COut Collece pr .. r• rty MtnPral r1i;hts :\re l!llll owned by lhf' F"rrl!'ral gnv~rnment. h i' sal•I. thouJ(h the coUege .. a l· ll'll•J'tini: t•1 purcha11e lht'm T he -ch .. ul snme months af:O blocltrd 11n d tn1 l b}' the j!Ovt>mment In lr:4.•f' the minrral 11i:ht.t on col- lr1o:I' prrpfrty to pr1\•11t~ o il op- ._·rat"r". \\',.lls f111lllr•i; I nf t .. n • Ho .1 h 'I he \\I'll~ r111 11 \ .-"lk r t ht1 w1J.lr11t1rr '''' '\ '·' II 1ti \ 1• Ill I\" In r rl'\ .nUN \ f'Sr< J..oni;t Rrnrh 1111 t •r ""' 1 ~ •·n ,.,~1 fl lh ti""" ""l'•nPH••l\' \\I'll" Min Knocked From Automobile, Bruises .Sifters Only Minor Knork~l1 f1om lht •nr 111• \\I.Lo' m11rhlnrs "-.•re lr,l\'l'lln1r nnrth nn l1 r1\•l njt by ,. • ollll'illn 11 ;>; 1·1\ pnrl Srwport 81wt 1 'olicl' "·••·I lht Blvd nnd Jt>th St In • '<•st.1 !\ll'l'fl \\'1Hlhan1 '11r wal'I ~<'('king 1 ... w riltl Rt •. 3:1 r Ill ,.,,,.,.,""' H lr••ld oo•lli•tfln \\ I h llO IOI h• r 11111 .. ,, hf'n D. VIPIMI, :.o, n f fit\11 H•''l•h :0-1 thf' d1l\'C'r l.·-t t<>ntrnl 1111.t 1'!11111< Coal& ""Ml, 11111 fr1,.d 11111\ 111 111.01 , \ lO 11 1 s 1 11 cula anrt hruuw• Tho• t111 ffl• 111'\I \'10 tl R \\ll • kn,,«krd fr•1m th~ dent \"hltru J•l·11\<'l t1f•.tlt1f'nl n' •r\f uni 11 1•ntu.uP•I "'''~h \\Ith· Hot1~ Jl•»pll.•I 1•·11 111·· "' "' 1 kn·• kin.: "'''r " An""11t11 tlrl\'t•n h\' !\111rlr n" .l 1\ 1'v •1100 I -i:n .H l n.J11~110,ll ,\\'e \\'s dh.am, :?J, oC 0 3::?01 !\11111 o•l•I ="•"I':• 111\'•f, 11nllh ·l•I'· Newport Beach. "'"" k \ 1r1rn • 11ni: z,i,11 fl 1 '! 11 • f th1• 1'"1111 of ,.r<la n. police r C'pnl t• ,.111\t' Rnlh 111 l"lfl ... n • I ;-.-"" l'"I t Hna•I. / SOUTH GORST CDUSTRUETIDD CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUST P-IAL -COMMERCIAL NO JOB· TOO LARGE OR ~MALL 2SO SOth St., Newport ~b Harbor 2533 I'. ~. t. ratl4• ( '""d Beef Hind Quarter lb. 49c t:utf'rn -('.,m ,-,.,, Pork Loin lb. 46c Our O"n Sausage -Real Country Style lb. 29c t '. !ii. Gra1lr ('hnlr<' -1-"an Rump Roast bone out lb. 59c Attrd -Wf"81Tl"'ll -Froun for Locku or Frrr~f'r SPt:CIAL l..()('Kt:R SPAC'F. FREE t'OR LARGF: Pt"RCHA~F.S t'Rt.:F: DEU\'ER\' HA~OR MEAT CO. '18 SOt.b St.. Newport """h Harbor 0118 ._, Usual 'Nuts' for l!Ulblhzf'(1 lll'l'NU•mrnu 11ml •h•r ... •n 1' h .... , Ilk• In mak• II Fourth Jet luwrr t11x1•a In the fut111e 'l1tt 0·111P1l1 n 11 "h11t hApJH'nC'1l .. n•1 N 'Th k ' \\'Ollam C. Adalll!I, nkmllf'r of hi' 1 "l'hl'd, 'Y•·~' C ow an s th!' Cn111a Ml'M Taxp11yrr11 l~llglll' I 1'111' ltPllll'n~nl 111\lol lh• IJllf'fi· rashes •1n tolcl the nudlence thal "1hrn11)(h ll•·nini: w11.o dnnl' u thf' H11n1 1ni:-t M C unlll'd aruon ynu con CXl'ITf~<' 1 Inn U1•.;1'11 p11l1c" atullnn. ; 0 esa ops rolltlr11t pre.Mllfl'. Thu• land \\'H.S 11.. 1<111.J 1\1111<·1·'"" tc1l.t h1111 36 ho T• ownl'!rl previously by tarnwra "hn11e I "Y•·~. I ii Jll"l R' w.-11 1~11 vn11 • ur 1me Pollcil Chief Art McKenzie 11"~ 6.'!St'llllml'nlll hR\'e bef'n NI 1h1hzrd You l:ll) I know wh,11 happt'l:t'd ' hi• Costa MeM ortker11 now kno\\ for ye8 r8 and now H '11 ~011k lhl' !'\Pll?rr Air Id t h I I rl I lhla la the Chrlsl.maa 81'1Ulon. Thty I iww"onwr· Jt has tw••n 111 '"l''ll ~ •n1<1 An•lrr,nn 1111,.r ace tn,. ave ,...., a A1" ti• 1 d 'th k , • t · , ' · maolo 11 r1111!1 '"'"" 1111.i 11~ "101 .. their fourth vlctJm \lo1thln 36 rbve rece ve A A11 ~ou no e Aln<'•• a rounty Pquall:u.llun h&N 1t 111 lo1ni; 11.iri I Thf' clrfrndanl hours from an El T oro Marine ( ~. performing lhelr. duly llern mede Your l&Xl'8 art-ur nnol ''""'"'" r. woouloln't 111i:n 11 1111111 h•• B~l!Cf. ln th IU t d l ue~~';':~~~ta~~tl ~.~:lvr:owh~~: thry wtlt be W1•r~e ne'Ct year• Ullkt••I "llh ~h•1ffr1 S,.llur ulol .. ar e a u or f'S rtp o r e rl .. ~ K ltl hP Rnd AJ1•ir1'"" 111llcrol tn !lhi.t· Wl"dneeda y r.lghl th81 Another F-~ orm our duty. 1" t>n~!e 118 • B d• s frr 1ri Hnnllt••r ''"'"' anl1 "hr 9-F P11nther Jet cruhM Whllt' on Soch I• th!' hre of ll rr.p an 1t uspect ·•RT<'P.J lllt' ~1 .. 1 .. mrnl "'"" ,.,,~ .. n- A r outine training m ission from The 'the.nk Y"U' noll' <a111P from tialh· 1111., .. the b11~ Thia plane plungf'rl lnLQ Mrs. Rt>wlrll G. l'nhhlrr of HI Thr !hr•· .. ~ •111r Mllri:r1tlv p1,.kr I the ground near El Centro a l Coata Mt>~ St. ·I wouhl like tn T • f T • I I B1•h••I' up l\fl,.r th•• 11<1 lhr v11·· 2 .40 \Vedne.tday afternoon. I t.Jlke lhl11 "1fanll ln PXprPl<ll my r10 s r1a lllll W ii i< 111 J\'illJ; i.lllllro l m l it• An lnvutlgal1on mto t he cRUSt' appreC'iel1on to Y'•Ur drrartm,,nl rnnol ,,111111 ut lhm·in~lno llr•• h or lh~ cruh ha11 bfl'n h.unched ror the help giv<'o m,. whPn my N R •II ... 1•t l11rh, .• , The pllt)t wu ldenllfll'd as 2nd huaba.nd wa11 hurt f'Pr .. ntl\'," Mr:c ow ·1n ecess llY \T t I' Rl'<llOI' U . Donald Boyd, 22, Los Angt>lt's Scudder wrotf'. Th,. , • 11 I 111111 1111,-i:,.• lhr olr- Enrller, t he mAr1oe corp11 Iden-"Th• ortlC'Pr whn c:11111e In m\' f1·11d.1 r1• • 111 a1 up ••ll HIMhup a• llflt'd two ptlol11 k lllt>d whPn their hou11e. the offlC'tr11 a t the ho10plt 11l. ~A:'o<TA A NA t()C'::"\!'1 Th" lh• 1r , .•r "'" I 1m,,.1,1 :--~1,.1101 1 F -9·F '11 from El T oro t'nl11de1l a 11n1I tht' onf' whn ('l\.ffit' hf're llw ,..,,.,.n•I •lei;1.-1• r••llh0•1.\' 11111 1•f 11 .. ,11 11 1.1~1 •. p 11.1 I iuii')'l•"I lh•·•r trw mllt11 south of San Ch•111 .. ntf' I next day, were eicc1•ptlcm&Jly kind ,;, . .,, i:e T.. :-;1111Cfr1 Jolin I ... ·<' An-.. rrr1 "' 11 r ulr 111 01111" 1., l:"I ,. 1111 2nrl Lt. Thoma" 11 Rrf'Yf'I', 21. and consldenilt°:' I am vt'ry l'Orry 11t•111"n l'n<I rialr l1l"11n 111111 :tll 111w 11111 k 111 ,.,nllni; 111 t hr prn,.,.. San Antonio and 2nd LL John M I tlo not know l h!'lr ntlrnN•. but l 18. of Nu1 walk. ~'""" 111 1 • • • "" < 111,.,11 Sltlf'r, 22, P1ttJ1burgh dnl wnnl lht'm Ir> kn"w that J t•11l8\' until 10 11111. ~l11nd.l\, 1,1,)•op,. •lt•lhlni: w11,. 11pp!'I Tues<l.ay m orning, l11l. Lt. J ack aprreclated t heir h('lp." 111111 All\'. H "h• 11 r;.,,., l11n•I ""· 111• \\,rll••I \••krn nr111 hi' wu A. Mahnke, MllwaukeP, t1tayed The Mesa offlrl'rs to whnm Mr11 Aiwl h,. rXJl•'c-1,o. l11 wind up h1~ ~hm·o ol 1•111 .,f th•• oldrncl,.nu· 11..r with hi& crlpplf'<I akynlght j•l and Scudder rr frrrcd w"re !'lf:I . lln~1'r prPllPnt:.111•11 ,,, rv1drn• ,. l11tr in t •.,, .,11a .i .. r Mn r 01At, At t ,. rra11ht>d It Into I\ gunnf'ry range Neth and o rnrert1 Gl('nn •:. \\'1.tk-!\J'lndav nr eat I\' ·r11fls;la\' T1 1111 H11lill1 I Knr..Jun•I Hlll'J:NI In h1• to prevent the plane from pound-l'r Md Jamr11 8. Rioter. M<'K••nzl,. \\ll:t rl'rr~~ed 11t noun Y«•l<'1t111y ~1u1.•mr11t \1• tn1' JUI)' Apprnx1- lng Into oportmrntl! ond b11rrack s sa.ld. They found ftr urhlrr In 11 Th" Inn Is R• c·u~··•l .. r lwr1lini; nrnl••lv SI I w113 tnkrn In th• a11- near the bue. Mahnkr 13 reported MM& parking lo l after he hll<l An•I r<1bb1oi.: 11111 C' J11i.h11p ,11f srrtrtl '"bbe1, atlll In erltkal condition al Coro-been beaten up an1l took him 111 I~ Angt>lr• Th" rtPfrn htnl11 Al· Thf' JUr\' cnc-l11olr• Mr11 Mar1t•· n& Naval Ho11pllal. HO&&' H ospital tor lrnlmrnt l<'i:f'rll\• p11 kr<t up 8 1,.hnr oftf'r rf'l A \\ 1<lth1·1, Bklt>O" Here's Your as our thanks to you The hotter than ever '56 Chevrolet Special low Christmas Prices start at ... $ 00 Offer Good Until Christmas Eve Only 11 Plus A Special Christmas Trad•in DEAL We',·e had a J.:f"Mlt ye-ar, thank .. 10 ~ ou and thf' f'nthu'1&11tk way you • are N'('f'i\'lng C:h,.,·rolf'L To i.how our ttln<"'"rf' app~laUon we're ~h1n.: you this Chrl111tmaa Bonuit -'"harinJ: 0 ( 'R Kood fortunfl "ith you. DON'T DELAY le Sure You G•t ttte Model You Waftt ' MILLER CHEVROLET CO. . . 1000 Wnt Coast HiCJhway Newport IMch u 8-2261 • LEGAL NOTICE ( ·11~· uf ~ .... port Brad t Mal" uf ( alltoml.a :->OTl ('t: TO ('OSTJtA<'TOR~ S fo: \LF:D PROPURAI..S will be ret·elved At the ottu•e of thl' City r•t,.tk rltv Hall l'lly of !'.'ew p<lt t Beach. California. l'nlll 7 00 o'clork f' .\f 11n lht' !lth '1.t\' of Januarv 1956. "t which time they \0.•111 be publlr ly 01''"'"' anlt '"'"' fur rwrfotrnlng v.on< u follow• F u r the lmpro\'ernent of the <'11 v Tralll'r t'ark locoted lwlW<'Pn 161 h "nd 18lh St 1 Pt'l~ ••n l:lulhoa lllvJ :-,·,. h1tl "111 bt' 1 ,., "''"'I unlt'Sll 11 18 m1ulr on a prof)(Jl!l&I furna fur · n1slu.,1 hy the C"lly 1-;n~111e,.r F:11rh b1tl 11lUl!lt bt! a ccompanied by rca,.h. f'ert1 f1l'<I or r11~hl<'1 'll l'lt"('k, u1 llltlller'11 bontlt rnndt' payable 111 the City or :->ewporL Be111·h, f11r 1111 an1(11111l t'<JllRI l•~ al lea11t ten p1•rt·e11l I lil'. 1 nf t h!' amount h1.f 1111rll ieu11 ar1ly to be r.1rte1t&I 11hould lttl' bit.11.lf-1 lo \\hflm lhP contla<t 1~ 11w1uJ"d 11111 lo f'ntc-r into the cuntra~l. In ·'"'•l•t .. n• ~ "llh thP pro-•11!1l•vi11 "' Sections 17i0 anti 17~1 of l lw l..ahnr l '<"I" lhP 1·11y Crntn .. 11 or th .. <'r ty of Newport Ht'ach hWI "~' 1•11111111.,1 111 .. ~t·11t-ral pre\•u1llng rat" of wag .. 11 11pphr11l1le lu the wo1 k tu lw don•' u.s f1,1Jow1" Tile t'tl\' Council of lhf' C'llv or 1't>wport Bead1 hu aiwertlilned lhl' gt>nernl pr-e\'alling rate of wage11 11pplh sble t o the work to be <Joni' &.~ fOlltlWll LEGAL ~OTICE LEGAL NOTJCE Plen.s 11nd 1pe<:1f1catlon11. ~ Hou11t' to house aolkltlng forms of propoaal, bood11, and con · Junk• dPaler t r111·t m1ty hr t1blt1lnril at thl' ttb<1vr 1...,t~1n~ houH1• ad1fr<'as Lumb<•r yn r•I Nr1 br•J will be ron111denod unlel!lll l.un1•h counl1•r tt 11 mKrll' on 8 propoll&I for m ~l11rhtnr 8hop furn11lhhl by lhf' 0 1.,u·1ct E ng1nrf'r, ~t~rl')'·go·roun~ llntl Is m111lt• In &tTurrl>1ncl' with I Milk w11gnn the prov111lun11 Mt fcirlh un•ler Se!'· l'11rkin~ phH'" nr 11tatlon twn 2, "l'ropoiw.I R equirem<'nta Pawnbrok«'r or shop .. nd Cunlt1t1<ms," ur tho• Stu.ntlard r.,.1t.Jll'rft Spe\lfh:allullll Ekh b11I must tw 1•.-1ro t. um prO<luclA 11n om1>1•nl"•I by a prnpoaal guar· Ph11l(l):n111h gallery 1tnlv rn ••(11rrt1111t·., with the r.,. l'larntng 111111 4u,;..,"'. 11t• •• r s ... ·uon 2. ar11c1., I ,.,,.,, hall , ~ 1. ..c t 1,. Stu.nda1 J Spt'l'lfu-a -Pnnt•nlt' office lluns. Pl1hllr launrlry wherp wa11htn~ I:. Thi' l> .. p1u l11wut of Public 1letne for hire \\'ur k ,. r•""'1 v.-11 th., right to f't'Jecl I Rt'slaurant IUlY ur all bill&. I Sh .. 11t111g l("lleUf't")' Rhows Tht> quanllttu listed In thl' Statf' !'kal rng rink H ighway Engineer'!< F,.11timate Strt't't t'Xhlbrtlon h<'r .. mallPr ~llltt'd. lire u p11rox1· Throwing balls or rink' tlPvil'e H11111 ly P.-r D1etn , rnut,• only, bt.olng given 1111 ll bt1Sll f \VhuJ.•111111' clr munuta1·t11ring ('l.A!>SIFIC'ATIO :-J \\'hgt' Srlilt' \.\'ug.. I fur the <'Ulllp8rasu11 or tm J1<. tilllt I blll!tnt'Slj I ~il;ttrt·rs Gt'n"rhl ltr C"ur1~1r111·t 11)0 2 !10 23 2ti 111., lJ,•partm..-nl uf r ubllc Wurk s \\' Ak I ( u• I re~ IOJC ', ,, .. ~ I '1•111tint Flntshn' '.l.1121\ '.l2 611 Jud nut. expr .. i.sly or by tmph<:l1· or fur anv otht'r buiotnt'8il which I H .. inftlrr ang Iron Worker 2 8~ 22 /Ii• u .. n, 8~"'~ that the uctuttl amuunt 111 similar 'tht'reto. or which In the liot'1nforcmi:; Jron \\101 ker Fort'1u11n r 17 '' p .. r hr mure of work will <orrespo. nd ther .. w1th. opinion or Uu• City Coun1·1l hu.s aJ'l I I hun Ju11rn••ym1u1' but 1-..s.•rv1·1t the right t o im:rPase c>q111tl or greater f'rrl'l'l u pnn the Op1"1 ator s &: TPntler'.~ of P11111m1ut1r & F:1.,r t riC' T oot... or dec1·e1t.Se the all1ounL Cit any puhlit' health, l!afety or wdfllr<'. 1 Vtbmtm~ Marh!nell & 11im1lar tnet•hamral tools not 1.'111.1111 or portion ot the work, or to t'X<'•'lll 011 t h,. o rfier or the C"lty 11rpArtll<'ly l'lnsslrtl!d h .. re1n 2.41 19 2!1 ormt poruons of the w ork, a.'! may Ctium II. 8lld whene ver any pers on C'Pment Dumpl'r Ion J yf1. or larger m1x!'r11 ant1 hundllng bP dcem•d nE'rr1111ary or 8dvt11able •h'l'lrt·A tu opt'n or keep any !lt1t·h bulk rement) 2 41 19 28 by lhe Engrneer. business, h1• iihall pc11llon the Cribbers or Shorer11 . 2.66 20.48 Bids ar;i r1-qu1red for Lhe rntlre I City council tor 11 permit tht>refor. j A11phalt Raker a.nd lronr r .. 2 41 19 28 work J('scn twd herell\. I wh!rh petition shall srt forth lli'° C'nnr rrte Curer-l mpt>rv101111 J\1t'mbrAne 2.311 19.12 In e.ccordMc e with the provis-111) name or the &pphC'ent, 121 th•'! Fine Grader I Hlway & Street Pa\'lng Only) .• 2 31'1 18.40 Ions of Serllun li70 I)( lhe Labor rhoracter of the husmeM, 131 the F'lsgm&n · 2 211 17 60 I Code. the D1•partmenl of Public lnrut1on of thP prem1M1' where Sewer Pipe Layer !Excluding Caulkerr 2.61 20.08 Works hM ascertained the g 1m· the busineM •·' tr> he r11nd11cted. I Spwer Pipe Caulker ltJsing C11ulkmg tooh1 J :._ 2.3!1 19.12 era.I prevalll.ni; rate of wages ap-and on the h panng oC l'laid petition. T Rrman & Morlurman 2 2~ HUX> pllcable to the work to bf• done th" C'1ty Council may Arant the Apprentice Engineer, including Firema.n, Oiler. lo !>(. as rollowll. Hme In whole or In part. o r may Greu er • 2 2!1 18.00 Rate rl'Jer t the 11amP IUld no hcensP Arr CompreSllOr, Pump or Generator O rworator •. 2 37 18 96 h II b • I th xr apt un1 n ··-per hour Cl&..'51f1catlon 11 a e 168u1•c ereon e , ,..1 Concrete or A11phalt Spreading, Mech. Tamping Qr $" 110 it lh t b u Cit F l t... M h o at 2 68 21 •4 .. C1u·penler a pe rm <'r<' ore Y 1t• y n "''• ac · per or · 2 8~:i Cement finisher rounc1I. Where any buslnea11 sped· Concrete Mixer Oper ator-paving type and moblle I d hi s ti tn th I 2 9 1 23 28 2 6:1 Conl·rt•t.e mixer ope1.,.lor-f e m t a t'C on. e opinion m xer · "k•p type o f the City Council. m«y become 1 Concrete Mixer Operator-Skip Type . 2 :12 20.16 .a 1 ... I -•f l 2 Jo• Dnv••r or trucks t It gal .. ani;-erous o. or a.uver11r Y .... c..-Matenal Loader o r Conveyor Operator .. 2.37 18 96 .J h bl h I h 1 f t payload cap&c1ty less L e pu ll' ea I . mo ra •<. ea " '" Pavement BreaJ<er Operator .. . -................... 2.60 20.80 than 6 ton!IJ or w1.•lfore. or become dangerou11 Pump Ope.ralor ... ... .. ................. -.......... 2.62 20.16 :I :ir, l':lt'<·trn·iRn to llUrrountllng property. the ('1 ty LE¢AL NOTICE 1tntl 17. RI! 1le11r r1bed In the 1·0111 l tle<'re,. f'a;;ibh1herl by Su· f"•t lur 1'.111rt CMe r\o. 20436 of lhr S11p,.1tor Court In anrl wr lit" ('011nly oC Un.ngl', StHIP of <'allfnmla ; thence n111 thw .. ster ly along said 11011lh· ,.1ste1 ly pmlongatttln to an m - lf'r11o>1•11on with lht> n or·tht'rly lln~ 1.1f Flll•I State H 1ghw .. y (,I{ ·611·U 1.UIJ pollll oJso 11"1111: m lht' li<111ndary lino> ot l!le l.'tly of !'lt>wport Besr h . t h~·nr·,.. Aouth1'l•lll erly a long Miid 1101 lll"t I,\' lint' to so Ill· lt>r""''t1un with lhl' north.-a:it· ••tly p1ulong,1111•n uf l ht' 11tu11 II· "11.!il l't ly hne of Tral'l No I 711 I u11 11111! olll anil sh11w11 upon 8 11111p 1 e1'•J1"dt•cl 1n M 1st«•llr11wut18 .\lap~ Book M!, l'11x<•s !i and 10. HN11nl11 of O range C:c•llnty. (".tlafrn nu<' them··· i«)Ul h\\ t'lll • <'llY .. 1unl( s1111I northea:.tl't ly ~·1 01 .. n~utlon 11t1tl ulo ng 11u1<1 ~t111l 11 .. usl 1•1•ly 1111.. 1•f Tm rt :"o l illl tu u1 .. 1111111t .. uut1t<1dy tt11m•r th"••·uf. lh<'ll•e In " ~It IUKht hnl' t.J a pollll. itlthl prnnl 1'eLOF;' the llllt'l 81.'l'I hHI or tl line lytng nurl ht·aHll't ly uf. p11ru.t.·I 10 111111 111.'otant 2110 frt't t 1111r the l". ~. 1:11lkhe81.I lane 1,.-1"""n I' S Uulkh .. atl St11t 1u11s Xu~ I~•" anrt 2:16 aml 8 hrw IYlll):" 11urthr1U1lt•1 ly of, pnrul11•I It! anti t..11~lunt 2(/\1 lc"l fr"111 the l'. S. Hulkhesd llnt i,.,l\\t'l'll t' S H\llkht!tld Stat1v11s ="'"" 1:13 and lM : t h1'n1 <' uorthwesterly alone ,,,1111 IRst m.,nuuned par·allcl l111r to 1111 111l1'rsi:c t1un with a hnr ly111g n11rtheaste1 ly of, p11rlill.-I l o and l.l1:1tanL 200 fret 1 """ lhr l ' S. Bulkht>litl lln•• ""'\\••en 1 • S liulkht'lid St 11· launR :'<:ull. 102 anti l~:l. l ht:th:l' northWN~l<'l'ly l\IOnK 1<u1l.I 1.1st mcnuur.~tl puralld 11\w t11 an 1111 .. 1 s ... llun \\Ith Ii llllt' l)'lllg n•1llh• t I) uf, f'IU allPI tu 11t1•I •h6l11.11l l~U ft'~l fru o1 t ht• I' S 1!11lk h••1Hl lltW 111» l \I v c11 l' S ll ulkltcud Sl1Jlh1n11 /'\os 1~1 a 11t1 1ri:.!: 1hi-1u·1• wes t· Ro ller Operato r · .. .. ....•. -... -... 2 6<I 20 80 2.20 L~I ('ouncil sfiall reftuh· to gr 11nt 11uch Skrp Loader Operalor-Wheel Type . ... 2 62 l!O 16 r egm1tr_i 1•11y ulong M t•I 1 •• ~l 11tcnl1un1...t Trllctor H l-Ufl Shovel Opt•rator 291 21.'.l8 2 20 l.i.hurer f'lt'rmit pu1 a11.,1 hn,• to .1n m1eu e(t1Un 2 80 PIUrHer (bru11hl Any applr<ILllt fo r 11 lllenae a nti w1tlt u line lyrn•• i.vuthwt•flt<'I · Tractor Operator-Bulldozer ,T amper , Scraper or Ur11g b " Boo h 2 68 21 .. :.I or. P11.1nter 1Spray1 permit lu .... rry Vil any U~lll•'~ll Iv "'' uarall~I tu a nJ •holttlll T ype Shovf'! or m Atlac menlJI . .. . .., f ,, h h 11 " 0 2 7 22.u" Any d1i/lljlf1t·atlon onullt'd hel'"'" ,' llPC<'I ll'u ert•lna UV<', hr Rny 0 w r :$(111 '"•·l 1rnin lite l' .S li11lk· Trenc hing Machine perator . . . 6 o h 1 1 I 11 th t I llntveni&I E11u1p. Operator !Shovel. Dra.gllne D"r1ck. nut lt'fla tlt11.11 $'.l.00 ix-r hour. , bW1lnes1t w IC 1 11 11 111 or er~ 0 • ht 11tl hne ll1 t\1 <'•·n L' s Uulk· ov.,rllme not le1111 than one &nd or which, In th•• opinion or the <.:it Y 111•11..J Sla• 10118 :\us. :i~.6 and Dl'rr1ck -barge, Cl&m.ahell, Crane or Pile aJ 1 2 9 23 2ti one halt 1I 'v1 llrnt!!l Ule abov ... Coun,·il, hu an cqu or g r• 11 rr ~Ms. Iheme 111 '" ~11s1i;ht h 11!' Ortvert · · · I rtH"8. err.,1·t upon the public lw1tllh, hi 1111 1111.,1, .. dwn .,. ith lll!' Drlvn11 of Dump Trul'lui or leu than 4 yda. water If b 1 1 levrl . 2.300 18 44 S und11yA a11t.1 holitJliy not 111ss 1'8fcly or we !\re, may e rl'qu n •• I 11<11 lla·• Jy prvlUllRallon uf t hi.' th1u1 un .. ruiJ un<'·h~C 1 I •~) t1mt•11 to be fttl~rrprlnled by th" f'llllce '""t"r 1111.: of 11111 .Slrc .. 1 111111 Drivers or Oump T ruck11--'4 yds. but le118 than 8 yd11. • • r N water levr l . 2.336 18 till the above rt<tes. The holidays O;•parlmt'nl uf th" Citv " "w-,. h nl.' I) 111i; 11u11l11\\ ""l"1 ly ••I T k 8 I 2 I U ''"n w h1"h •Uch rut•11 ahall be port B .. ach and ~y slNi I)\' ,..,. '"""""' •u, •m.I ·11stam :100 Orlvera of Dump rur 1-,)'\It. but l'M than l y< 11 r -~ ~ hi • ~ 11 w&tH level 2.3110 1!l ns p111d 11hall 1M' ILll hr•llday11 recog · quirril to anawrr i.uch rtllllt•ll.I t' 1n•t 11 uni tltt' l' S liulkll~a1J k b n l"-'•t 111 th• ro11~t1ve b&ru-a.tnin"' qu. lltions "-' may be put 1" h im la Ill' b~•l v. "'''" I' " U11lkh1'IHI Drivers of Oump True -i:z yl.111, ut leee than 16 ytJs ~ • ~~ " " I ., water levl'I • , 2.4flfl 17.72 ui;r"•"fl••nl 1pphcsble lo Ul•' par-n>n•·••m tng 111" past htlltory ""' l::t11l1om1 Null. 172 a nd l i:J, DrlVl'MI ot Dump Ttuck..-16 yea. or more water I lluiar craft, clll&'!lf1oot10n or modi• uf <'nrryrng on bu:.ine.•~. 111 .. m c nu1 tll"' l'11lt•rly alvng lrvel .. 2.6111\ 2t 48 lYtw nt wo1kmen employed on lhe wh .. thf'r 11 bl' lhe llBm•· or a Jif· ~..11t.I last nu n11one0 pa1ullc•I ff'ro•nt hus rnt'l'.11 than the On•' 8 P-1111• to an 1nt•1.,~t1un "'1tl1 " Drlvri 11 of T rul'k1-Legal Payload Capaclly le!IS tha" pruJ••1 l. 1 ' ~ ~ ~ !I tons 2 30t> Iii 44 "TATt: ttHHI\\ A \' t:,,t1 1~ t ;t;R'S plll'tl fur SU• h 1spp t('aliun may hnc lyrn~ no1 thellltt•1 ly of. C I abn t>., Jl'ft>r~tl ln env Olh"r d,.-111.,u11 .. 1 tu 11 n1I Ollllflnl 31111 Drl\Otl'I of Trurk Legal Payload a paclty between t:sTUlATt:. l'artni .. nt of rhe ''ily 'tor tnv .. stl· 2 33:1 18 611 '" • " le"L fruan the I'. S Rulkh1•Ktl 6 a nd 10 tons .. . • 11.•m 1. I <Ub1c yard (;11\83 A <'on· I g11t11111 anti n'port. The rm pl11y1•r hne h••tWt'\'n l ' ~. Uulkl11·11•I nr1,·rr11 nt Truck-"-U-~aJ Payload Capacity brlwten ,.r .. 1.. 1 fnunt111t H•ll"J l~ and 20 ton •-·.. 2 411:1 19 i2 It ., F'I I h t y t \ or i-mpl"\'e•" o r \hP 11ppl1t·11n1 1'1 .. 1ion11 :"u11 l:.!4 a n1l Llf> nt11t k•m1ths • -.. ·----··-·-· ... :~· 3.12:1 26 oo "111o'EPAl:;;;~~T .. ~~11 " 11 "'", I ~0h,"1nr~11'"1h~·· b~~:~~': ~~ 111h.:;.11c1 ~~ u ... n .. e noru1we111e1ly along I k I h H I 2 "" 23 20 r \ 'O"KS '-' ~ Mid llLlll tnt'l1ll0nl'd pa ra11 .. 1 H "'° •m t " e per ... _ · .... ---· .. -·· --···-·"" 'U lll.IC' \ "-effrct the .satety. hea.lth or welfat e Bn ckl.ayer a.nd 8tonematon -·--......... -... -. 3.60 28.80 DIVISIO N Ofo' HIGH WAYS ,,f 11,. publi<' mt1y l\J"° be rrquir· line lo 11n lnruae<'llon wllh 8 I 2 all "ii OI) v lint' lying nurth,.n~terty or. 1Jr11.•klrn1 l'f' . ..-................ _.......... ,., ~ . ( ;, T McCny ,... t11 I-• fln"t'rnnnte•I bv lh•• 3 s4 :io 72 • .,, ~ .. .. ' '''"""'"! to a.ntt <1111tan~ ~o ft'Pt 11:11'• lrirta n .. ---·----·-·-····--· Slate H i1thwt1y Enir•n"<'r P oltce Depa1 t"1l'nt or the r•ity "' fll>lfl th" l' s l111lkhl'll•I IA'"" 1-~lrC'lrtcla.n Foreman ---··-·-" .. ~ -; ;~ ~~ ~~ Hy Newport Bt'M·h t<nd mey h·· '" IJl'lW!'r n l ' ~ 1!11lkh1•111I !4\11· l'hrmbr r .. -....... --·--··· ·--...... 4 P O. H11ro1ni;: qulrA" lo •n1<wrr ll\l"h rr1011111,.hl" " --, 1 3 9 2872 ,.,, """-II.. '"'"" .,,,llll 1.u An+I 1 • ..,. l WtU tfl P1t1m hn f'a rema.n -..... . r> A1<11111t11.nl Slule H1ghw11v qu••!llion• n11 mny bt Hl<k"•I n 111 I h 1 P C I .__ ~ w1••l11 ly 111 II 1<1 1 11 1~ I tnr '" l>r1vPr8 or TNCklO-Leg&l &yload apa(' ty on:lWt•fn F.111rn1 .. rr ('!'rnin"" h111 lllUtt hlAIOr) ,,( •'Ill • Hl and 10 tons .. . 2 380 Hl !l!I l,1 .11.,1 \II plnv111P"n1 " "I"""" ~.1111 p111nl •lt'.'lnl!' 111 .. "" 23 2 " Int• ,,.,., t 1m1 nf l lw 1t•nl• 1 hn•• Anv r l&1111lllcatlon omitted herein, not le.1111 than 2 "'-' 0 n 11t••rl !}rt· tr. 111:;.~ SF:C1'IO N 2 Th•~ 0111tn1tnr• All. b1d11 a re lo bf' compared on the bul1 or t he C'tty EnJ:lnl'tl 1 No l3&0 1<hall 1)1' pubh~h .. •I at 1 ... ru.t ''"',, '" c·f Stttlt• llii.;h" •Y UltA •3 A H t1m 11te of lhf' q uanllllf'JI or wo rk to be don~ 1 )11,•w •·l'r .. •• 12 16 2:l, lllft~• 11 bd ::-; 1, """ 11"' 11111' ,.f "r"n hixh lr It C h h , .__ 1 hP N•-"l'"rt l\r r • i-w. r•·,.l'! 1 d• 1<1i;:1·11_t•••1 :-;.,tlh l.111e · 1., No bid wlll ~ ll'CPpted tmm a onlra<'tor w o as no._ ,,..'i.IL!J!'.tl1 • • nl'w"""•P"' of "l'nPrlll <'ln ululll'in, ,... " ~ nr11Utll'1la nce Willi the provlii'onilof Chapter 9. D1vh•lon Ill of Bu11l· SOTH t. I'\ ITINO l\n )!' • "'" "' 1 Siii"-11111 c .. urt 1 Hllr •'" prilllNI an1I publl11h1>tl IUl•I i 11• II· ;.l:\l)l!tl. lh•·lh •• ll•lr lh .. tly ttl11ni: oesa nntt Profca11lon1 Codr. ~.·111"11 h11l1< w ill be rN'l'l\'f'rt by 1111,.d 111 the C'ilv nt N «'" p<•rt 111,. 1 ~nt..i hnt• of ,.._1t1 Sl1th' Plan• may he 8trn. 11nd form• of prof'Olllll, bond• c-ontr11cl. 11n1I th<' S• h•1 .. 1 T nu•t""" c•f the t-:••w· A.-at1 h. un d th• immr ,.h.,11 ,,.. 1n lli.:h""' OHA 41 A tn lhtr LEG AL NOTICE Mid Orange County. thence ge ntrally northw!'11lerly alt>ng said City b o undary line through It• varioua countH l o an lnter•ecllon with thr 80Ulh· PUlerly hnl' or ~U11Prtor A \Oe- n11r : thence 11<>uthwe1terly alonie 31\lof 11oulhtoaetl'IY line of S llpl'rior A \Ol'Olll! to the 111011t we~terly •·om .. r (tf that 1·rrtaln psr<'t'I of laml irranled t o thr Cit)' of N.-wporl Bearh IJy •leed dat~ Jftn11ary 22, 1ltl9 t1nlf l'E'l'Orrlt'<I In Book :1:111. l'a;:e 22. o f nrt'lls. RP· ror.ls of >'a id urungr C'ounty: lh•'nt f' I tllllUllltng genr1t1lly ~"uthe1ly ttluni; .ll8111 City Bot11111ltt1 ~· ltnt• I htiill~h IU vurl•>'I+'' l~•lUI'~..-:-: lo an anJi?lr p111nl Ill SUHI l 'lly fl<1Untl11r)' r .an.J ~f&ht_ ttn 'lt• •1nl b .. m '"" pulnt of 111t1•111 ... ·1w n or th,. 111rrth""'"'tl'tly 1111" nf Stall' H11: hway (Ill A-~:1. >\ and th<' n111 tlwrly 11111' uf SI ale lllAh · \\ti\' UHA-t)u ... A . lh•1fh1e ~u!"l· •'I h • tdHl1>! 'ht-•'h:4,,.t ly JllO• 1 .. ni.:al 1un of "tthl 1wrth1•rly 11111' t" It pulnl ttf 1nlt•r,.e.·t ion \\llh lh•• < f'lllt'I 11th• n ( lllJl1 I ~lRll' Hti:;hwov (IRA·4:l·A, lhl'lll'f' ....-1ulhr1I\' 11lo•n,1: Slth l • • nt"' line lo t h" f"lllll o f lw,.;111111n'! ~Et~r1tp: 2 Th111 the f<'r•rlory re("l 1 •"J to uit 1"11itl Adol11 1u11 lo 'l n •h•t• 'r.11r:u ·•· Annc•x h4 .. R•ldPd tn thi> R1•\'1·n1h ll•i<tri<'l. &rhJ th111 the SeVt•nth l llst1 lt·t •ll'lllJ:n8lr•I 111 ~.·r- 1 lum 101 :! of th<' C'hnr t('r nf thl' C1ly of :-..'ewpurt llt•Hl'h shell In· r l11d" 1111 the l por11on of the C'llY 1111·11111,,1 w1lh1 .• , 1,.. followlnR" ell'· ls1rlhf'•I IJ('aundat\ hn••. to w11 l~1·1;1nn1ni.: :tt th" 111t••rsr1 ll•tn "' I hr T\"' I hPt h· 11• nln11~a ll1•11 c1f l llC' nna lh\' <'"' ,., ly li11r 1;( A\'n1·a1lo Avl'nuu .. n.t lh1· n'n· I• r hilt' 01 thr Sl.tlt• lltJ:h""Y (>R1\·!lll·H, lht"llt I' l!Olltht'BNl· t tlv Hlo ni.: !I0.11 1<'nt1•r line u ( Stall' lltJ::h\\ 11)' I )l(J\-1;11-H ltt "" 111t"r 1·111 11 1:1 '1'1111 the tt•lll1·r l•n .. uf M111 K1tr 11lr Av"11111., 1h1•n• r ~··ulh\\ t'~l1•1 ly 111 .. n1: th!' •ltl l l'f'llt••r linr or J\1ar· J?Ut·11t•· .A\ ••nut .. tu .,n luletJO• •'· 11••11 w ill. th•• • • 11t1•r h nl' nl I IC'clln U o 11 I .. \' 11 r cl. Lh<'lll'I' ""11 lli<'lt,.l••1ly al11n.: th1• 1tl\ld • "lll t'r 11111> (>( 01 ran lloult'\'IHtl lto &n rnt•·ll!t•dlon "'llh lhl! 1«111th,.a1Jlt>1ly l111e of l'uppv A V<'nllt'. I hen1•e llCIUI hll't·~lt'I ly 11ton~ M ui 1«111tht'11alc-rlv lint' cir I 't!JlflV A' crtlll' lo an 111tPr· :c .. , 11on "'11 It t h" hilt' rot thf' 11r•l1mu \ h•i::b t1 le ''' the I 'n• lfll' Ott rm t hrn• ,. WPi>lc-1 • .,. l\lt111~ t lw •al•I l111r or or.II· 111iry hlKh t1ol~ In th,. lntt'r· ,.,,, tl•u1 \\ Jlh U•t· (f\11lt•r ltn,. •if 1 h .. """' ;1•11 v .. r 111.. Jiu 1111r f''ll rllllt'"• th• nr·., M>llthw1n1ll"t · •• Ill it"'' Kl i<ht lln1• It• a pcoHll, !0~111 1•11111 h1•111;: lilt• lnlrrl!t• • t 11111 hf I 11 ~ HttUl JIW\8\l'rly Jllt1• l••ni.:1111 .. 11 ''' th•• p11rthWC'fllc1 ly ltn1• nf 111• J\' 1•1111r ,, n'I 11 hn•· ly111c 11ur\hea .. te1 I)' uf, 111u1t11 .. 1 t n 11 nil flla\J\nt :\110 te .. t from thfl l' R HulkhNtrl line be· I" ,.,.n \' S Bulklwrt(I Sllltlon• S rnt 11111 "nil I 07 thf'nrf' rlb~lh· Wt'~I • rl.v "1111111 1,.,., n1t'nllnnt<I f'Kl 111lrl 1,n,. lu nn lnll'ttl'I· I loll "'llll lh•• 'ltlllfh"l'•ll'll)' r "•ln111o:ntllln "' 111 .. no1lh "'''""•Iv lin,. of A\'"' n•!n A', "'" ltwn•,. n••llh\11'41• dy ln 1t "' ri11r:hl hnt> In a polnl . ""''I 1w.1nt t1r1na:: I h•· int•· 1••t t111n uJ .. lln.o ly1n11 ...-.~1~v "' p.1r11lltol '" "'"I 111~1an1 r.ot1 frf'I tr•1r11 l lw t • ~ Bulkht>Aol lrnr hl'l \O.r"n I S B11lkhr11.S i-;11111 .. n11 No• 2:>41 an•I 2:1:'1 lln•I ---NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I I. PAGE'~ FRI DAY, DEC EMBER lb, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preu la guaranteed. Carrier boy& will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. If yoyr paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classiffed NE"'PORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\Vednesdays ('outal 4 Lln""' ShoppPr ~I• run l ln8t'rtloo la tb" \\'edtH>aclay Jlif'We·Pl"l!IMI 4 Lines 2 lniM·rtlooit ·4 Unt>11 3 ln8C'rtioo"' 4 Llnt'l' 4 ln!K'rtion"' $1.00 add'L llnt'il .25 ea. 1.50 add'L linrs .25 ea. 2.00 2.JO add'L Uoe. .25 ea. add'I. llne111 .25 ~ ... Situation \\ ant .. d Ad" will rM'<•h e ll" o t.llJwount. ('a~ ln Mh'tu1oe onh'. l\tl~l~l ll AU IS 4 l.ISl':S . All l'l»t1l!llfll'd Atl11 nm•t he paltl fur ('Hh lo a1h '&nrf' of rmhllc-aUoa. The publ111hers will nvl be rc,,1X>n«1bto r<.1r 11101 e lllan on& lncorre<"t insertion o! on 1<J. n '"•'r\'6 lhe rlJ:'ht t•~ l'orrl'l lly c h•S111fy any and all ads a nd lo reJccl any ••l not •·un101 ming to 1111•'!1 a nd ,.,.,ula Uona. OEAOU:'lrl::S for pluctni; or r&11rrlllng ada are: J<'ur J\lnmJny Publln n 11111 -F 11duy :I p.m. For \\'et1n .. 11day P 1tbhrnt1um1 -T11t'11<lav 1 p m. For Frhl1&y PubhuH1u11 -Thu1:«l1<y l I' 111. St:Wt'UKT HARBOit P l"BUl'HIS(; ('(). :?~ll &llw• Rh·d .. ~r"11ort "4-M'h, ('allfornla. Spedal Notices " Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. l767 J.teeta every Thurl!lday 8 p m. Via Oporto -Centr&l Ave 1'ewport Beach Albrrt H. M11tthewe. Exalted RuJc r l~Bu!ilnf'SS Gulde -----~---------CnA ~T Of'l•H'E 1'_;4t'l l'MJ-:NT T)'pt'Wrltt•l fl Ad•ll111: rnru hallt'JI I Oupl11·1t1or" S11pphr" SA I.ES lll-::-.'T A l..S I 9:1~1 llru bor Hl\••I j l°O~lll Mr111 l..J ll\'ll)' ~-7 71:4'4 i 12--RuUding Sen•ICf'!I I Gen er~1lcS~F:~trac+or New Work -Remodeling I J . M1LTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58tfc Cust om CA BINET WORK Oort<! rm prplnhof'S No Job l"" amaJI. Pho nt' KI :1·33 If! 33('1:)h I-Peint ing C ont ractor l,14 •'llP'" •I l n l'Ul t~•f "(.;omplt'll' Pamlmg &!rvice ltl n •aMJna blc-price~" 1 ,I~ ,\jl-;:S~ .J:ia.rbur U31L\I I :i11r •11 ASPHALT TILi-: LlNOLBl'M ~uJldlng ~"·~ CARPENTRY MINOR REPAlR WORK NO J OB TOO SMAW.. H. 0 . AnCneon 1\)U E Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24~0 83llo Pasnling, Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nolla r 512 :181h St .. Ne wport BMch l'h. Hor. 2•104 or JG67·R . 10lfO Pajnting, Decoratin~ Paper Bangtnc GEO. BURKHARDT. l..lCENSl:D CONTRA~lt 878 W. i'Blh St., Colla M.- Llberty ~8628 Elec . Tool Repair Ski! Saws, Drilla, Ban.den Q UICK 8£RV1CE LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. 4:wl No. Newport Bmt,. Npt. Bcll.. L.lberty 1·8383. pr CEMENT A BUILDING All k1Dda FREE ESTIMA ~ Llberty 8-6109 2ttl CARPENTE R Repair Wor k OOM.Jmu~ iic-s ~I or "-node1iDC T CaJJ P'ra.nk. Uberty e...~ All Worll CU&nUl\Md Htt1 1~1tu·11 t1on.9 may be obtatne<'l at the offl<'f' <it t he City En1nn<'t'r, l'lty l">rt 8 •111 h St h<l<ll 1>1111m·t fo r rull frnc·e anti pfff'<l Jr) dll)• ,1flt-• 1 1,,11111 "' l r·.:innrni: Hall. :'\pwporl 801·h. CaJtfornia 4PPJ'OitJ.tnlll•·lv I h 1 r I y 1ho11sand Lh aii;r I Thi' 11pec1&1 attrnllon of pr(t!lpt'Ctlv11 bld•lrr• I• r ailed to lhl' "Prn· t:lll,000 l!'oollnn• of (11111 a nrl Ael'ond ~r:-00,,; und fl•l•'l':t•lnl: urdr· 1 h"l Iii•• l•u1111 h 111•l 11ot l>1>111Kn· it lln" l\lng n11t1h•SAl l'rh• f\I pa111l1PI to Anti ollftl 1rnl 11111 l•"'l ''''"' lh,. l ' s 1t11lklw11.f ln•';1ll lh" '°"'" • 111'.l f"'r th•n 1111•1'l A 11<0 ,.ell Till• & Llnulrlllll I'\ ton IJlllhJI. i :o. V• 11' ( \f" r ll'llt'I' COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper H angLng Service .. _;1 I :1.N~: 0 :>A UN OERS poNJI Rt•qulremenllt a nti ContJttton•" &nnl'Xl!d to &.h• blank forin of "'"'I ,::mot.-1:11~"''"" fut tlrn rcrio.J F t'h· I n11nr .. WM lnll111hll't'll RI u I t't;u\ar ntf«I In s ... l 11111 111<19 or l ht' Ch1t1 let po•11I. for full t11r~rll<>nll u t o bldrJlnR. Pl<'. ur"ry 1 l!l:'IG l•• J11n11nrv :ll rn:.T. mf't'Unl{ ot the ('rt)' l'oun.il 01 uf 1lw < ''' "' ·"'•"1v11t u ... ,, h •hAll Th• Crly of Nl'wport Be11c h r"1er,·e11 the n ghl lo r"Jt<'l any or 1111 }fob "111 ll<' ••'<'l'l\'P•l llJI ''' 8 .00 t h .. Ctl \' "' NPwport H,..11, h h• Iii 111• h1-l1• 1111 1 hit I 111 •rl11•n 1•t 1ht Cit) blrl• r M . Jatnwn· 3. 19•,6"' th, 0 1"· .. n thf'. 2111h Llllv 1,r N,1,, mb<'r. '"' h••k 1 ""''"'" 111• t111l11\\1n1: 1re- C'tTV OF NE\\.T"'ORT BEAC H. CALIF'. trlrt S u p••rlt1lt•ntli•nt ~ Offu " 11t lllllr>. and wu finally J"Mllf'•I nn•I 311 lht•d h1>1111d1t1 ) lanr lo wrl )o!AHOERV SC'HROUDER. City Clerk ''."111" A\•1 n11r 1111.11 C"llf( flr'l\'"· j ll<IOl'ler1 on th" J2lh d«v n r U•. I Hr i:lnmni;: "' tl1 P lnt<-r11('('tlon Dated 12·1i'>-66 No. J3M Nl'ws·PTH• 12 16. 23. J9e>:5 Kempert looked on Theft Count Here "tat~ of c..!Jf1>mta 0.-partmlwt ol Pubbc-Work. l)JVISION OF HlGHWA\'8 1'1•wr••rt Jk 1tt h (',.llfnrn18. t•t•lllbt>r, lfl:l.'1 by U\1' tollowln1t \'Cll•• nf th", ~nt• 1 lltl• "' UHA·43·A T hi' 811 .. rd or Sr hnnl T ru"l"e" nf I<> v.'lt · •n•I 11 ... , enli•r t111e 11f llRA· the 1't"WJ'(•rt Brll<'h School llt1tnr l A\'l'!I Cound lm.,n· u11 A thrme ,.,,,.1,.tly "'""It r_.l'\'<'11 th" l1J?h! l<'I rejt'('.l M Y Rf:NNET'T. WILDE R. MAC' KAY Mt•I 1 t ntrr hne "f ~l.tl" ll11th· nr all bid" or W11tve any llllorm&I· !"TOUIMRD. HIGlilE, RI OOER· "'·•\' UHA·llll·A llntl &long the lty•1n tl bid. Hl)fo~ HILL (••ntrr hnr 11! S111tr l hi;th"'ll)' Ht'!• nt' r~rnar. rt~rk I :-to ..... : C'ounrllmf'n: Non.. 1 llCA ·fl'l·ll tn "" tnltl8N ltnn Nf'wport police boc\ked LAW'· N<>n<JT. TO C'OSTRACTOBS 8'>8rd flf Truat~.11 Ablornt Coun<'tlm Pn None "'1t h th,. 1'0UtheuterlY pro· rPn1·1' J . K"mp,.rt. 29. or 1809 P ia-• Newpor1. Beach Sc hool Drlllrlct Allr llt l<•ni:allon of the <'Ollr1 ""' rrr Ct'rt111 Aw•. Co11ta M"!Ul. for In· S EALED PROPOSALS W\ll be N l'Wpt•rt H &rbor Newft-rrf'8' MARr.ERY SC'H ROl:t1ER hnf' h"l""'en ~11111on~ 16·1i •n•I Vt1>t1g11t111n of petty th"tt Mond11y N!Cl'ivtd by the Deparlml'nl of I No J.l :i C'll y Clf'rk 17 ' "" dr 11r 11l1l'd in tllr r1111r1 n1e;hl 8flH II llf'rVlr e lllat lon op· Public 1'\lork11. Dlv1.•111n ot H l!rh· Pubhah d&lH December 16 . 23 O~ DORA 0 HILL d~t rt'" rllla llhahf'it hv ~upt•r l"r e1-1tor l'omplrtml'd Kemp"rt look Mil~'" r 11mt Ca•,. N1t :z1111.; "' thp 11 ,.1111 nf P"ll!<h and 11 nnllah cloth way11 .al the ort1ce nf lhr D1~lrt<'t OROIXASC"'E S O. '7fl'! '' • E R •""' 1 1 c I ._ N•l. 1381-!':ewa-Prese J2 16 :..'I Sup .. 110 . Court In a nd rn r th" f1 .. m h111 lllallnn without psvtng ngirfto<'r . oom ..,,..,, "" 1<tnn o fe>r 11 Hlghwa\•I Building l20 s nulh AS OROL~ASCE OP THE <TTT ----C'u11n1y n! Onrngr, S1111" nt Spnng ·Rtrrf'l, Loi Anirl'I"• ~l".ill· OY ~t:~'P O RT B~AC'H , OR~ISA.,(E :SO. 78ll ( 1hfom 1a. thf'nf l' n•Hth\O.,.~l T h,. lltal'mn &lltnd11nt, \\"1lliam fr•rnl>l. until 2 o'l'lni-k "' •m I 10ff:.Nlll:'<OO ~EC'TIO:'<O 6tM I \\ HE REAS. the City Ch11rtrr of l'rlv &Inn~ •••l•l 1111111 hr 1u1tr1 I\ H Hl11nd. H id ht' w111< walltOji: on Dr 2; 19:11) at whu h 1 ;111,. and Of' ARTl<'l.P: \I Of' TJIT. The t:lly or N t\\ port Hench p ro· 1 1•r1•l•an J?1'l1nn \o n r• 11nt "' tn n thPr l'u1lomer11 at Lhe llmr but c:. ' bl 1 ~f'!"l('IPALOODP:E;:\"Trrt.f:D v1tjes that when IU\V lf'lrllnry 111 t•l"•'•l1nn wltf\ th•• nnr'htrly t hat hce&w Kem~rl slip the Ob· plRce tht>y v.,u be I'll ir y o~ned "1'£RXJTI'I" e nnnffi to Lhl' ntv t•f XI'-.. pot ~ I lrnr nf ~.wl Stal ,. lt11:1 " " jr••l11 into hie pcxkel I &nd ""~· for llf'rlornrinir; wnrk as I The ~ty ~ouncll ol the City of &arh, the City Co11n11 I .. hRll. tiy (IF<'\ fill·H ~111.1 1'"1111 I i-11 i; In Bls n" "mnved lhP k"ys from foll<'"l'· rd A onllnAn<'~. atl1I thl' t vrr1to1y to lhf· lh•• hn11n1l:11\ li nr nt th1 1·11,· Krmrr rl'11 fllr llnll hl'ld him u ntil I Orani;:f' ('nunty. 111 I ntr&rh" to ~~~!:::': llforu h doee 0 Aln I oldJa rl'nt d111tr1l'l or rllatrl<'fll, and "' l'\l'wport u""' h, lhritrl' ttan· a rrt\0111 ot offlrfrs. Blanrl l h••n Fa M"11" 1-:1""" 111'"' ~ h•••I 1\11 I · . \VHERE1\S, 1ertllrn t•·rntor1e~ trnllm l't g rn,.11111\' n11r1hr"ic'1>1· m ane a r lltien·1 arN'~t ()f Kem·j ()r11 ·60·B I, fht.~hrng h1'1t•11n i<ys· SEC"TIO N I . Section 613• Of I ( ..AO 1 "t ' fl v AnnAv . r• •rr.-.1 o 11• nppr 't .-, I\' "l»n" •Ra•I C"1t V f111t111ol11 r\' nf'rL ll'ffi lO bf' furnt~hrtl 111\tl 1n,11tU .. u. I Art.J!'le \'I Cl! the Mun1clpA1 Code ~ £.. • • ,. I . 'T o .. ,. _ of the C-itv of Newport U.•&ch. b<> 111tl f ir.Ill A•lthl1t1n to r\ln1 t r· hnr llt1nu~h1U\ 1111•11•1n111tr• f"onnerly the Newport -&Jboa New1·Tlmu &nd the N t w port-Balboa PreM & -~pead&We Lc>clM lllllUtutloa for Ovu F ort)' \'ean Entered u SN:Ond·Ct,... M.atter a t the P<>1tottice lD Newport BMcb. ltll C&JHom1a under Ule Ac t of .Mu ch 3, 1879. Publt•lwd """ry Moaday , \\ l'Cl.-ctay and Friday by tllle St:WPORT H.-'RIWK t·1·01..1SHISO COMPA.'lii· Balboa Bh·d., ~IE" FORT Bt:A('tt, CALIF. Phone H1trbor Hll QualWed to PubU•h Lf'•al J\"ott~ and Ad.-ertt.em.te of All JU•d• By O.Cree of the ~ul"'r1or ('ou~ o r 0 1'11o1J&'e Co. 111 AcUoa No. A ·U '701 Jtlembel' CaJUonU& :Sf'••papn l'llbU•e" ~u­ lllembfor NatloaaJ EdtloriaJ A..oel&Uoa MPmbtt of o r-.e Couat)' Newe SerTkle B£N REOOJCK. PUBLISHER WlLLlAM A. MOSES. Editor ORMOND C HARLES A. tr;. ROt::"IITREE. Adv~·u.t.nc Dtrector AIUISTRONG, Mechanlnl 8upertntendent !ill'BSCRJPTIOS llATf;81 ;lo"" p<>rt Harbor ;:\ P\U·Pl'r"•· Tri-\\ ttkly la O raO(I' C'ount~. N .00 11'1'' ,,...: SS.00 •h: mO'.; II.SJ tllrH ll:IM. Our .. IJ.-uf Onu1cn l"cmnl) $l.OO I"'' )r ar d th aame '"hen-by a mended to l rrKe An n .. x" hll't' hc-t>n 11nn"''"J tn '" 11 r•i111t 11t tnl•·r-"< 11 .. n """ :id :. followai thr C1ly of Newport lll'll1.h. 11nd I 111 .. 1111rth"""ll'1ly lanv of l111wk \\'ll l!:RJ-:A~. lhe l••rt 1tory r,.· fl"I 11• iohnwn upon a. rt111f' of "i::f'<linn 61:14 PermlW!. NO rf'rr~ lo ft, "l'Jlpt>r H•w AnnPX . It\'""'" l->UIJ1ll\1•1110 1e1·or1ll'•I license 11h&ll ~ L'lll\ltrl for any of 111 ll•IJArPnt In the Th11d l>1•lrlt t 111 \1 1-c·,.ll11nro1111 H.-rnt•I ~lapit the foUowln,: bllAUl-"11 11.1111 Fourth ll11lnll. M •I I r: .... k I. l'lljtl' )\I( R.,. urd11 (If Airplane for hire \\'H F:R 1':A!';, th" 1 .. rrr111r" rrfrr (Jr11n1o:r <'111111ly. l'ahf<11n111, A.mUfllem~nt game rr1t to All "Firlit A<lol111m1 l•• ln ·tnf' 1 hl'll•'P r110\lnu111~ northPRlllf'r· A pArtmeot hOO!le fr1 rnrr A nn•'C" •• ll•IJ.t(t•nl to l hr I I~· 11ln11ii IO'll<I < '1ty 8'>11nd11rv AUl'tlon". 11ucUon h ou.. Se\'Pnth Ul11lrlct. l.1nr '" fin nni;lr r"1nt In ~llltl A utomolllla tCK hire l'\O\\', THEREFORE. tht" ('II,. 1,.,1111d nry lln" -11 1•1 ft Ill'; It> J"'lnl Automobile ~to• itt&Uoft Council o f thl' ('11 v nf ;\'""J'fn l '"''"~th" mfl•l """trrly r orner Ba.kery Bearh doP• 01dA1n 11.11 ft1Ur•w11. ..r t h~ !'nnlh nn• ·1Ju11rtrr 1 '• l Billiard room SP.CTlt lN I. Th.it lhtt tt'rrllOr)' nt Hlnrlc 61 of sri.1•1 Jrvln1"~ BIM'klll'Tlllh aha,> rnfrrTed to A.II "l 'prer B11y Anne"'" ~ulkh\'tMlon th"""" l'on11n111ng Bo&U Cor hlno bC' dlvldl'<I 111111 athlNI to lht' Th1nl 1t"n• rRll\' nnrthwP11te1ly 111,.ng Box b8U g1U11e Dlltrict and Fr1ur1 b lllllt 11c L •ru I ( ·11 y B o 11 n rJ 11 r '' llnr Bowltng Allay That lhf' T hlr<1 lJ111trlrl •IP••R'Tl· ti .111111th 111 \'B n ou<t r<>UI ~"fl lo Canning o r Ptt11emni plant &It'll rn S"ctlnn 1111111 of th!' <'hartrr 11n nni;:le p<11n 1 1n ~a1t1 h••Un· Captive balloori far h tr11 ;f thl' <.'lly of l'/('wport UPA<'h ~111111 .i111 \" llnt>, 111111'1 11nglr pt>rnl Card tabl .. eiotabllehmtnt anclurte all that portion nt 111" I l1<'1ng t hl' l'"lnt of ltll• r•r• llt•n Carnival Cll.V mrlutlf'd within lh• followrng ••I th,. ~<•lllh\\l'llf"rlv llnf' nf Chop hou111 lt!'rn~1 bounrlary llnr 10 "It Mt'•ll t 1r1,·r a nt1 thr ...outheal'l· C1n:-u11 Beglnnlnlf 11.t t h11 1nler1<!'< t11•n ,., I\' h n" of T 11.-11n > ""1111!': C'o ((H hl>u,.. nf thf' center ltnfl or State t hl'n<'•' gr nrr"llv 110<1thprlv Con~rt1 Highway OHA·43·A flnr1 the nl11111: ~'1t·I l'll" li1•unda.ry lln" O&lry r"nt er line ot ~late Hlrhway I•• A.fl flOJ.:11' l'"lnt In :111lt1 City l>ry clf'anlng ..UNl8hmfnt ORA-60-A : thence e'14lc-rly t •11111•1!11 y lrn• •111 I nnitl" pr.i nt Fartory a long said center line of 111ld J\tnl( north 21\ 21 11:1-l'llAl Fllrtun1 tell,.r. cl"-lrvoyano. a.nd l'llllle HtJ[h"''llY ORA~l'l·A and 11nd 1h•t 11nt 49 63 fo>t>l from k ln<lrM JJl'"3C~1cee lhf! center line or 8Catl' H111h· I ht• nanet r11•tl'r I)' l'nrner vr G!Wlle of 'klll ""Y ORA-611-B to an 1ntrr•M"· Lot1t lR "" •h""'n •m a map uf Cl\ragt• llrin with tht-roouth!'H l'rly Trar t Ntt tZlll r .. rnme-1 In <;.on1>n•I amt •11hro11trarton 1 rrolo nr1111nn nf the Court r.... \11•• r I ,~ • ~l~p IW•k 17 11 .. t• I er.-. line belwHn Stat1on1l6·U r nl>"* t 7, ti>. •9. Rerurtll of Jau,. t .. l\\ ··•·n l llutk hr t I ~tut 1untt ~uJ 1·1'4 Mrt1f ;.!~,·, t h• n1 • n111thv.,.•IP1h• nl.,n11 11 11•1 l11flf mrn11on• ii l''H"ll"I llfl,. t n 11n lnlrr""' tlun w ith 11 li nt' l.v1ni; nM lhr11,.frrlv 11( 1"""111'1 In l\n•I tlliolAf\I 21•1 ,,.,., fr um ! ltr t' I". Hui kl '"' I """ t .. I\\ I,.., I. I' 1!11lk h• ••• !'•1111""" '''" l!\:I a n•I f!\i th""'• ro<>rthrutnly 1n " •• 1 Atjth l llnr to the 01,,~1 J1t•11th,.rJy rnmn of Trar t "" 1 •flt IU <thm<'ll lll'Qn a 111a1• rN·nr•l"'l in 'f18rr1l&n"'11111 M•r H""k M P"iot"' ~ 11nt1 10 ,. ... ~ .... 1~ of llr11n1t" ('"untv <'111! ,,,, n1R, th,.nr" ll"n"r.tllv north· ""•'"'"riv ft lt •ni: lh" lll•lllhl'A411· ,.r ly hn11n•l11n• lrne-<1f AAhl Tr11fl ~ 1 lifl t •n•I 11 1 north · r R•l Prl)' rrolon~ll l Inn ln II jlllln t •1t Int •r411'('f Inn 14 it h lhP nn1 th• r11111,.rlv llnP ••f ~1111 .. HIR'.h · "'"" o ft A 1111 n ""'I rru nt ...,, ng In t hr Ill \I £<-•11n In ry { 11Jh J •''" u nit k• f\ Jill.I. \ ()h.F:I< llur PAINTING M. W. ROSS Lto"t'f\A••rl I.I 8 :n= 1 1oi•1u. 2M t\Vfl('•flo. c u .. 1a ~,...... I Mltc FOR RENT I S klll Saw~. Elt•I." L>rilla, l'"l .. hf'tl . I 11.U lYJ""• ot Sandro, WheelOAr• ruv.t•, rte BOYD'S HD\VE. 1 2630 W COAST HJGHWA Y I L~rty 8-343:. Newp<•rt Bch 2~\fc I I Painting & Pa p<'rhanging We tin lhe work oursf'l\'C'S. 30 )'"" -llpu 1,.nre L1r f'n "I'd t\ ln••1 rr •J Sal ll!flH lfrin i;11•1rn nt' "'' E1Jttm111e, ft•'" t 'R II Jt1hnnle. :o!HI :11•1 Sffrel . !':t .. ·port l!4'ar h Hart ... r :?076 ur H ar. 4H8. Ito I< I 1.111 ~1·r" "Jinx 11nveway1 PARKING LOTS l'11b tll\ lftl"n" Hllr 'I"" 1aJty. \\'11 flllm•h ""' "",. "" 111y,.ur•re.- • 1fl• .. t1nn l.111 ..:e Jo!M -email J .1,. I II' .. t"•l•lllllll'-Al!Wl ....... ,,.,. Rl'l"R•lln,i: .\fc~lt rn eqlitp· l llt'nl ) .~'~lnjl"lt"IM II 4fl0Ji, t:JJI• 111111t'I • 1•.1i.;• ll•mt1nglon Jit'h. 1-l-Prr"'<lnal" AJcohollLa Allonymoua Wnlo r . o. Boa 3'1 :\ "" Jl')rt Bead\, CaJlt, P hone Harbor t79~ &lfo ~~-.. ~~tlo_n ____ .., FLY I •( fl :'\I·=--sT rir :-.; y (' $1'11" linr •If lhl' ("11y of :"""J"'fl 11 .. 11•h. lhrn<r 11011tll,.n•l"l l~· 11lnf11l' ~Al<I n1>tlh,.n111 .. i1y lanr Hnd 11lnni. ~nt•I ("•t \• Hn11nol11 rv I LI -26 7 & Lt b-5:!i's!J lHLfc 1 llfl"M ·'' $•1!1 • 1t .. 1i1 I Tt Ip ()n lv ''"" tu A rn111t nf anlt'nu •I 1• n 1101 '-Jo: I'\ l'I; rt"'; \\1th"'" nnrthl'll"'l'rly J'ro 1,;""' , 111 l\lll• I .. ,._,. l.Jh(..tf)olhl' '"Au-port l11n21<t111n nr lhf' n<>rlhW•••l1•1 I\• lw1t ulV·lt fl h•f rf' I wtttt "'''' u .. , 1.1111• ""JI 1-1 t"t• T it k tt l>ellv1>r1 llnP .if A \'"nrnrfn A ,. f\ n 11 fl l h•iru t• "''•nt h\\'• .. ,,.rJv "'''nl? io 11tl nurthr11•lr1J\• pn"l"nl:A· .... ~ Alt (11 ft •1"if llU14 I, '4 :"t• l-.••ri ,,,. I '1111~1 llU\O I 1 l•·ll ,. , ,,11 1.1 I\ :ii;r.o than In t hr J""lnl <•f l1• 1t1nn111g B..rnt ;<.t .. n l• 11 I.I li M!ll I !'lE<'THl:-.' :J Th111 ••l•llnAn'"' ! •lll\ll lit• f11thl11th,.1I nt ll'll•I ont" In 1-- lhr Nt>wror\ II"' hnr :'\rws-Pr,.~11 I New~-Pre~s Clas111f1ed Adl'I 11 r ""'"l'Al'<'l of l:"ntr11I n rr 11IAl11111, HA RBOR 1616 rnnlrd 11nrt p ubhl'hf'tf 11.n•l rlrl'lllAI· ~tost Real EstHle Oa11s1f1cd Ads \\/\Slll:-.'1:'111:-.;, l>C'. 197 1'1411.AI ·~;t.l'lllA $88 I•/\ I ,l.1\."i 149 1.1.n1•wr ·····-·-.. -11e 1111'1;•11.1 ·1.I" -·--·--·-1 109 ..... I.\\' YI 11th ·-·-----1811 f'llWAC:11 . -M9 A II .. "'"~ f'lu• TaJ1. I 2•t w. Ocean Blvd., L. B. Ill'; 2·'H 1-. Nl':v. 6-4fl3.'\ S11n1 1t Art11. I Ii t: :lr1l Kl J-a.MMI "'' rn th" Ctt v of N"wpnrt R"Arh I ""'I lhf' '"'"'" l'h&ll 11 .. In full fo rt" Rn<1 ,ttt'ct :rn rlA v11 11.ller t hi~ I f'l\J<llflJ?~ Th,. N .. w11-1'r• 1111 p111111~hr" .... v. 1 ~84'1autr AJdA T hP aoov" a.nit torc-1roin11: tlrt11n-eral lllll"R '"' 1111.nv ''""! "•Ult" l nr,. """" m t rnt111r Prl II\ a rrir;•rl"r Ch1-..<11flrtl A•I• "" 1111 "lhrr ltJ('AI '"""tinie o f th•• C1tv ("runrtl r.f lh"' pap,.r8 1•1m 1'mr•I 1'11~· "' Nl'Wfl'lll A,Af h 11 .. 1.1 ''" HARBOR 1616 q,,. 2~1h d~" M :'\r""'fl1.,._1. tll':"> I ------------ '" 1 "'"" tinnily ,_...,,.rl 11n11 A•I• pl · PICABe ... , on th" ll <1,.v ot n ....... n,her. CALL ON t.'S Ill.!\~ hv lh" follnwrng vnt" 111 wit AVC'S, ('nunn lm,.11 \\'h• n "'" '~n 11"11' ~"'' 11.Jrh vour Superfluous Hair l'erma..nf'nlly removed from r... a m 111, l~ga. E yebrow• and Mir line fth11prd-Nu morel~. El.J..£N L.. BRYANT R. &. Udo'• Sslon of Beaot7 Bu. J87t u. Rf'N!'.'F:n'. WIJ.!lER, M Ari( A y 1 11dvert11'lng pr,.t>lr m11. A lrO\tnrd !=:T()ll11An D. HICl1ri.-:. Rll •r•ER-c•Jurlrn1111 l'flf'• lllll•I will irl••l ly 122--Lo.it and Found ,,. hrlp Y"U prt•p11r11 Irr ... I C\'f' d'"'"'r· --------------------H< 11-·. II ILL ltl<llll( !,OST l'•tnfl I\ "'' II h' Wl'#l 121 h Nol'tl. C(t1tnrrlm"n Non@ (h1r Atm 1~ tn pr'"'11" trntmrt a t!· Ill fh l!Ynl P.1..-.1 brown malf' Abl!l"nt <:011m 1ln•"n None Vtr'la•lnir ... un_ ... 1 lllJ<J h.tp )OU 11,.1 l lA"' tlltel•I 1'.,ll I.I 11-&088 ur IJORA 0 HU .. L uu t11t&nd111ic rr1t11ltA 11fl • 1 I) J H81 !t'olll'I 43041) M11~·nr Alt,.11t : MA Hf1F:R Y ~<'HROI ·of:~ C'ltv Cink :-.=o. 1382 New1-Pr•a J2 16 M NEWS-PRESS I Class1f1ed Ads KARBOR 1616 I A 18T 111 I ' I 1 .\1 lllo11•l8 t.ortolae ~h,.11 11111 t•" l1n1t ).'IKMf'D. J>r,._ "' 11rt I• ·n lrn~ S~ rtwar<l. retur-n tu 2ll Jumme. '6c:47 .. • i .. PAGE 4 . PART II -NEWPO!\T HARCO:'. ~!~Ws-r:;~ss ··~~~A~~~·~;".f\~~·~~~~~~~:a:A••~~· ::SO-l\-Ap1lli1n~ ;;io.H-A1•:•llanr1"1 ·:.:-l~tl:tl '· '1•1•J11it• ... -------~-. ------~· .., FRIDA~. DECEMBER 16, 1~55 I :~: ........... ' . --........ -~-...... :~ Z4-&hool5, ln'ltru«'tlun '.!:J-'ldp Wanted 1!: if;~~ =-1 SCHOOL, ---------------------•. :4 .. : ~ • iUM ;.~. Rc:i.I Es~~ t(' ~:i In .;rr ;: n 'Jl .,,, ''ROC~.~} OR NIGHT i. I "' S 'T 1 1 ., : 1·r· I;'·' .~ :~: ... v -"""', r u .1.< • und MP.:AT v.r111•11r· t .•rn $"' S111o1 p._1 '" .,. '"I 1 ~.·' \ , · •' :0.: """"k ,,. ~ .. ,, !»•"';\ •. ,. ..... • I ·~·1 I l'.. •• PJt Kl :.,:; 11 :1:,.1•, • 11 1r re, • J" ti' ",, it .• .\.~~~~~~~.,: ''.·\~~~:~~~:fi.~~~~Y.~~~"-.. ~~·:~: 1.1-· ' r. •: r ~1! • S 1 I II " Iv I' I ., I I I \ "· \'o ' ... " I 1;•1" I .. \ ... PRE )~MAS OFFER u •• l,, ' Hand Bra;dc d Wool Rugs ' ---------______ _, _____ ---.... ---- USED APPLIANCE BUYS r.AFFERS & SAT'fLER table top gat1 range $49.50 G AFFER~ & SA'M'LER white table top gu range with O\'l'll control $79.50 WESTERN HOLLY gas range with O\len control ''"l"Y t:IC'a n . . .. .. . $79.50 1.: Et .\"IN ATOR Refrigerator 6 cu. ft .................... $59.50 G IBSON 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator ....... . ................ $64.50 WE:-;TING HOU~E 7 cu. ft. Rt>frigerator ... . $99.50 ~Ef{\'EL Refrigerator 51:: cu. ft., left hand door $89.50 KEIXINATOR 8 cu. ft. deluxe Refrigerator .... $99.50 l\F.N~lOR F. wringer washer deluxe ....... -............. $45.00 E ASY :::PIN DRIER, deluxe model ................... $59.50 Year Around Ple asure GIVE LASTING· GIFTS -ALL NEW- SMARTEST TOO htL.•t' l'hhl1'' ut 11111 & ht·a•lll'>-l S59.50 \•aluc at Bay ~39.!l3 PLATFORM HCX'i-:1':11:3 All pl.1~­ I H' Sllll a rholrt' 11( rnlt,1 i< $69.50 value .. -at Bay S-19.r>O" Yacht Remodeli ng S e r vice f o\nrr '' '" h l(1•11n1 .. tu ..: l<rp~ 1• 111i: J.'" I' ~;,.11111u1 . 11 111\r 42#0. \\' ;t!k•:.1, ·AH\'~;J( t•r.ort 1•• t• ~1 t'•"l•lrr. l•'f)$1ltf'" 'I f. t \\) 1 1 1 t ;t f t t\U lt•R 11·1 A il tl•' I h• \\ $ t 'l' ~. ·• >• f t1•1 ti I' " l >11\t• Rt I• .tr <'a t d 11 ' 1'111.; Boat Repairs C hir.u I) cin~'i.~q Day """ 1•'\ "111•1;: t ·1. .. i.e• c11.i .. ,,. 1 io krn Nm\ Phun .. L lbHIY, 8·1'1Gl8 Ollie S f"vcn 1::!:1:i.:s r--:il:y ~ l n•1c :·r::c·-.: Co. ;.11:: :;::.1.t :· l":e". I' ·t 1 ·'1 C:-ltf t lf11 ili<.:11, uflci :; 1• 111 i :_. ~·!:1J .. J :;n . A ll n :?W WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model .... $99.50 L & H t•ledric range. dC'luxe model ........................ $99.50 ALL Cl.ARANTEED $3 per sq. ft. r.ia ~e r ia l pc:ittc rns or hit and rn1ss REC'Lf:"llER 1.0l':"c-;~n CllAIH l'lt11>ttr arm1. h t'todrrs l & f1,ol· rMt. S tt•'I tr11 me. Foam ('tl!lh· 1onlng. $109.50 valut' at Bay $i7.!i0 ROBERT \'Al 'GllAN & C'O. 16011 W. l't111i-t llwy, N1·w110 1·t tkal'll l'rl r 28--Sltuatlnn .. W :1 nt1•d -----------------· Roy 's t'v~ai;~t~iii'nce \'.\( llJ' I '•;• ·' ~.1: 1111r !'iC'k·:·t 11111 1if 11.111,,r tC'rl china, F.ng-lish blue, ~·l't'lH.'l'Y ~c11l v.1 .1: & wheat in bNwn. \\'M•HllNL: ~1 1).C'Hl~F.S, AUTOMATIC ANO WRJNOER TYPES S~\'ERAL TO Sl!:LECT FRO M .Al.I. REASONABLY PRJCED-BUDGET TERMS -FREE DELIV. l ~l t•• lt111l1!1 .,I) \Pfl\lt•b~ !-;r 1• Bt'N K 1u :ns. llARD\\'000 S AL· F:M l-'1:"11 1::,ill C'ompl.-11" wllh tad 11 1'1' l!l.A)o:!" II• IAT 111·11 ~:1·111. ,. t11d 1t,1, I l 0-1' \\1 •. t\ I o. 1., •. o Hous~ of Y es1·erday & Tomorrow KNOX HARDWARE CO. dt•r-. g uai·1t nut. :! 11pnn~~. ~ lnnt•repnnK mnl\ ...... , .• Co1111·n~ In twin:>. .. \•IUlll.!' r1I.!_ 'l'11-th St ~1•\\J~11 I 111·,1.\1 4 h (ti HOll~f' Clf'ROl<\t; ~·1 .... r wa xin~ W ult waahini: w1ml .. v. 1•l1•aM11•1: \'rn1•t 1an hl111 : ... I 'pho1l•lr ry ln11ur~d Frr.i i:--t1n1ntr" U brrt) o·l:t:1:; t .. t', l. i l • ' Ct ,,! ,, •• , k .r I th l> -,r.10 , ... . ~. II 1:: ~t I :.I()\' I.\•: ~l.\l.'.\I ST nn:u~A ('f Jf,('l!l:A 77A /\Ulll 'T JA~ litt 1:-ITO NE\\' Bt'ILOl:"il,; ·1:20 East 4th St. Santa Ana KI 2-2336 S129.50 \'alue at Bay $79.50 ._.,.. 1-·i· 1 ~ 1,.1 ·111 .~: ~·--p~:H ! ;,.,.i I ti,. I· 111. ! ,\ l ( I'! :·1 .'.'I. \. ~· BJ\ RY 1111 ln 1111< r 111 •' w1on•nn II~ hour tJ,1 v 111 v. 1•• k "n'-••• llu1 ,,74:, . ..J Experienc · d gn. rdenc r LAND!-;CAPINC: a nd CI .F.A N 1 IPS Liberty f\-16f>ll :io:fc CLEAN UP JOBS °.. I J ~ • I t It • l ; !•. t.. • ~ ; • I I h' 1. •'' .1 II• l .. 1a •• I,,,_. \t\I,• p fh I 1.::1·1:1.ll..'\C'F I I " ,, h•11ld I• \\ltlll<'1 ·'I ) :.; , ..... ._, ,~, 'lllrh ~·t :-0: ·'.' 1'"if 1;,. It II ttl \\ ( )a::-: ,.;,• ,.., . ltll I: n~ [, \) hi'f" ;\t i-:,' ~'1l~H1N ,. IHf <·h.'l 1·'41 t"lf"• lt••r'\·' & t·h1•u1,1i1 I : alt-:. &4 n· ,-. ,d ft.: IJt hPj S SOFA 111-:1 ), WE HANDLE FARt1t1 HOUSE FURNITl.JRE <'1t!llll••tlll 1'"n\'r11~ 111!11 full ~•" bl,.•) \\'Ith J:HUtf JUUt'I ~lH 10)..: llh \I' S2·H>.50 \'aluc .at Bay Sli7 . HOUO/\ y SPECIALS Attention LARGE F~E~E:EFRIG- Kn.lfferS-. COMBINATION ~ Pt' ~.\LE~t ~l.\l'J_f: lll:"l'TTI' New 1956 TV REG. SELLS FOR $579.95 :-;1-;T 42" roun•t tnhl·· ~ ""'"'"" I !)ftc•k • It ·u t:; tt.1.rl•lll' "':i t W A S II . Fl S I d D \\'l::LCO~tE l<> m y new shop. Come I LIKE NEW --NOW $1 85 $1 ?7 50 valut' at Bay Sl.(7 e re e 1ng oor amp es an e m onstrators 1 in 1111ol 11 .. tp tnl' build toward I -· I you1 net'c.111 for nee.tle<"rafl. DELUXE GAS DRYER & IllF.AI~ PRA<'TH't\I. <:tF'T FnH Wf<:f;TINGJ-:OUSE 21" Blonde Consok. Sit N' Knit AUTOMATIC WASHER TF;~:~ A1;1-:Rs 111 1·c T\\'t ~ flq;ula rly S2!J!l.93 With your old TV 31 3 E Balboa 0 1,.,,, Uatboa WOULD SELL NEWfor$600 m -:J1H11mt CROl 'f' t1u l11•J.·" ~ NOW ONI. Y $219.95 I firm 1nn1•1.,•prln' Jlllllt ro'll•t'I' 32lfc RE-BUILT, AS GOOD 11111rnrt•••I Bl"lg1an tll11111"k ttt11 ----PHILCO 21" Co1w ol" with Colden Grid T uner. MARQU1-:rn: A re W rl<ltr. t nt'wl AS NEW _ $189.95 ing1 2 inatrh hox "r1-1n~•. :: Yard Maintcnanre Thr•;«"' -yeu.fl4 exp1•11f'1t1 P 1h111 lc•ntltl)' I.I 11.:17~,9 Hrgular)v :-53~'.1.05 With ''UUr olu TV 3 hp Air compr4!e1<or . 220 Volt . tllt'ta l l111m•~. 2 l:ionkC'M •· hN1d- -' J 8111Jo:IC phat.~. Sl'e at PATCH'S ALSO SELECTI ON OF bo111·d,, '"l1l11ni; p10nf'l11 1 2 1 -dt HtCc )1 1\:-> \\'A~TE:.. Jo'.,1 H 1•\I• ,. II NOW ONLY $219.95 l ith St. al Pla<"fnl!A. Ll 8-7~08. GOOD ·USED REFRIG'S .. hr~lll J l 'Xt:: l'MUtAR ~~:111'1. ,\c:1·\ 411:1 1:-:l:llltl Xt .. U• lltS~ ll Hll 1 1·1 I Hull I I• lh 1>11~1111·.•,. in ;>;1·\\p1.11 1;,.,, ti All SETS FULLY GUARA'NTEED 21tf FROM S·t9.95 & UP. $319.50 \laluc at Briy $1!19 \\'ILL •I" b11by ,,1111nf: 111 111\' l11J1tl!' :'I •l.1y... $111 :111:1 •,, ·r:n.t s1 !'\rwporl flr8<"h H Hf. Rl::LI AB LE JAPAN£S E- AM ERIC AN WANTS ' GARDENING IN H A R- BOR ARE A BY WE£K OR MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 3 p!IO Swedish Massage Lathetl. by a pJlOlnl mrnl Ir yvur tiomt. Jo'urmerly m .. lil'UJ!I! at Arrowht?(ld Spnng1 Hotel P lea.so caU Harbor •i9:l or I la• bur i O. 3 1~44h B AliY 111tt1ni( 1n my hu111 .. 7 11 Jo'ernlt'8f Ha.r ~32:-i-J. 13d !'J 'Hulli .1 !'\•• • .,q1•·r1t•ll• ,. 1111•dn l '" 1.111 S..ile11 .;11J1v 111 11111k1· s T OVE. Courh, n a vrnporl & TERMS TO SUIT !l PC tw:nRnO.\I tillUIJI-• 1 11· 1111.t p1 11ftlM l<"'"I si.111 1111 1 AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE m atd ung 1htur. &i malt' 1tvm1<. tludl'll 11 •lia"''t'r d nubl,. ''"'l'i<t'I , 11w1JH1t•I\' \\'n 1 .. l~.iv.•1•.:11 • Ha1bor 661;). ~3c4'• JAKE'S 3\lx4•t 1111rrnr, b11t"lk1·R1<<' lwntl· lillj f: ll/lh :;1 I.•. An1,d·•11 DAVIS BROWN ----board. 2 111.i.;hl stunli~. ~1·•rr111ni-· ~.x l'Ot l2 .::1 -l:UMET 14 radt1<I 1aw on 2 APPLIANCES t,.r ln nl'n.prmg m1t11r,.,.io 1 111 vr I 5 H arbcir BlvJ., Cos ta Mesa I.I ~-3437 wherl tra.1lrr .Model J R nl'1tlly l 1937 Harbo r Olvtl. 1e11ur1rnl t•• •. ho\. :orm ni:-"'"'"I I \I ~I l:;IJI .\T E •• , ... ·11111; 1... nlj,.'11• 42c,15 Ot•W. , .... ,.,.. lhAl\ hatf 011gtn1<l I LI 8-!1!19~ CO.:tlft Mu& frllllll' ;:~~'.l"~·:~. ~:~ .. "' :::.~:) l';·~·.~~ ~::·: I .. ~1. Kl 2· j !J:l:! 4~H H c•6 1 $279.¥0 ,·a JU(' al Ray $17'i' m11 J-11101" Ill 1• Ill I • •• •• t•I I CH I s M 20· ROYS blllloun tire b1ke.-rcbu1lt I 1!1 1-'T. lJPRIC$H3~0. frLelt Zl':.1 .. ~B·3·r~•1!6l I Bay Furn·1ture M1o11 tl1111 '1hu1 I I "' '" Bicycle Specials R T AS I S thwlnn $2!'1. Un<lerw1>0d up· or condlllon ., o ., 1 lllniuln F it 1 , \ 1 ORGAN SPECIALS I 111;ht t)'fl''Wnll'r rc•·1ind1l1oned I II .. • •I l'I' I ''.' I '.. \\Jill~~: Tiii-:\· l.1\ST '"" ,1t B u><uw•,. ur111 • •tit 11111•g•• I • S'.l:t, or w ill Ll'\tdt' r .. r a ddlni: -------111 ,,, 11111 n,,,t:.i'i•ll 11 .,.: 1 ,,, :"ii.\\' 1-::-:1:1.1:-,tt lli;ht\H•i;;hh. LIJ\'CLY usC'J 1-fo rn,.HJthl S1'1• •· 1111uhtnl' or 1·11,~h rf'g 1st"r. B &l·1 Refngeralo r !UM Philco Deluxe "\\'twtt• l'lt••·ll /\rt• Hl'lol Al 1: •• \' 11 1 r,· $~1(1 11~1 :"I)\\' $t:t•1r1 II\ l'•'lle<l t u:td1t1u11 L1;; ·J\tnll~ hull Cy~I,• S h11p 102 Main St , large family StU. RepolOIU!Wld ~27 t: 17th c-..,,1 • .l )It•«• MEN--WOME N ~I .\• ~111. ',\Hl'll ~11.J•lh'11t·1i;o1t 1 F:\l< . R · I Balb1111. 4~ h1111 lnrge colored vt"gt'tnble rrl•· r·1tl' St1111•l111nt f>Rtkong T . 11 , C ROC'r:HY t:1>ol11t 1s ull•I ;111 \T \la.• S:H !Jl't XO\\' SH !J:, '·~ l~:-:.:T ,\TOH rn;,.~•I :\tin· • per, Shelvl'a In Ule door A 1111 Q E '·1 8 I 11• 11 ·.1'1111'l tJti;.tn I .. lli:•\ -N F:AHLY NEW lft\'OrlllOry, luge exlru . 6yr.guarantee--nothln" pen ves. t1 \1tnppera $'u sic ... 11 ,,.•1 A ..StJ putll l••<I "' '"'"nd11 1onrd S il\'t• $2110 I "' 3 1111 Spuii;:i"•n !".nti , 1111 1 • 11 :iu un•I '.H ' h•)~ 81111 ;;ttl" )' l"•M trr, new 1lnp (Mfre mt.ker. LO pay down If credit OK byl l\I :i.GJ(•ll :-..-e A•I 1•111,.~ .: 1 t,,1 ~,It•,. o~E OXLY f'l1•r11on1t oritan $69;, •·l,.r. \'l'll"table r o<ikPr, del'k Bank . lllt pllymenl of 18 83 due Ltbeial lta"1.,, ('on\••ni .. nt 1,.111111 l 1mr "' n11mf'rou11 klh1\l'n Hems. In 4:> daya. Hal. due la $16784. ~2-A-A_ntlqutt 1 A sw.d l ti• ''°"'t v. 111 ht•llJ 11,1~ l.1ultl'8 WC'1'nng nppar f'I 11\zr 14 See anytime Day or Eve. al 14.41 I BUY AND SELL I.AHi .i: { HUlt"f: 11( u11t" & l11k 1• l'Ll!:ANlNG .. 11\0NING by lhC ·''''=" t" ""'' "'"""11 "•I.• I 111 u11y. t:xpe rtt'n1:ed. Balboa lllanJ I •I• h\'I 1,V .. r =--··~~·I 'll , ... 11'1 (It I pt cfr rrcd. Kl 3·6000. lf 111111 ="• "'" """'' 1 I•·. llt ·• .\:1o11 ----11,.y. \\',.,j Bnd F1 u l111• tl••llr" 12 t:Xl'i':Rl l:::"CEU 14111 1tcs1rt><I 11,,.,11 ,111 c.dl ~11 1·,,1on:1t .. , , ,.~,_fj, 1t·r& t· tn.,nt •· J•IAn fn1 111111 ha~•" tn1<11mi: S:.!:\ l':t•11 1"•1 I l~1olli•1.1 J\ llu Supply l!lll!I ~,·11 I"'' I 1:11 •I :-;,.,, p111 l l,;(11 ~ ld 6 USED AUTOMATICS $39.50 to $99.50 p1a nu ur o tl(u n ro1 Cltrlitmu~ •• nrw perfume11. 770 \V 17th 'I/I/. Chapm&n. Orange J e hw •ryl ~l . C. M . 46c47 Call Colleet KE 8·6817. 8 1iAFEH8 tSlnrt' \~Ii i ---- H 1·42'.I :--; Sl'<'lltnCil\' Sitnt.i An.i SOl':"D MOVIE projf'clor SI2:l, l 'honr Klmbet ly 2·0G7:.! F;ll'Ctrlr l l('el guita r $"7.00. o r11ni;" c ount v's u 1 g u n Hd qlr/t l'ortablc 11ew1n~ m aC'h. S36, An· EAHLY A.MERlCA:"ll Ult, t ultotl" !, pnttt•m gl1&1<s -l 'rm11t1\'C" All llquo !11 rn1lure untl fin•· 111111 1 THE BIG OLD RED BARN PAINTING HOt:SEWORK or l::IAl:J Y HIT· HatO.ll 1616 T t:-:c. b.v h 11u1 or lltt}'. rrf I futn Ll IHl774 ~:lt•4!'1 l~lMF:DlATI': 111>••11111..: "' CJ111n,i.:" 11~:1.1. & lie 1\\'l-:l.t. lti111111 111"1:"· '-.. u a !t-l ( '1•Jl••Ji:t• t 111 U\\• t t11t·•liHl\ 7~nt· 11111\ ,,. ',t.1ta•r H \\ ulh•n-"U k ~l('ll1t·tl• rk 1'1.ttlona.: ~.ol.ot \' S:!'I:! Fl ft l 1•n~. nl " l''")l•it11r. q1Sl l"'r tl\11 !-lph t l'hlfl lll•'lt" '"'"' "'"' $3"11. ~·II .. 11 r11r $11'1!\ l'CJHTAULI·; 1-:~t1•y nq:an. 08K 11111,.,h .... , I••• I i,:111 In f•llt' 1•11n 1h l 1ton t•11st $14!:'1 ""II for $!1:1 JlarbtJr '47117. 43c4~ t \quo dor k $10. J\nuque guna I~ to chooae from Dellvrred, 1nat&lled. guara.nlC"t••l Term• available. F. FlflBA:"\K K l 3.3·~11 1:11.16 1 llnrbor Blvd . C11rdtn 1;rm •t• JS• •• 111 hull ._:u1• I 11u•ld l' !-=1·1· at lJ ~1l11 t.1it11 I'• 11 in,111 1 \\'t I Of'1b1•I• r ~ I '-' I 1 ·'"ti. l • r 1111 I h l\11 llt \\ h t1 )t I\ ti :,!••";t~ :,oo :u fill :--..· 1: .. I":' \\ II I. :-JI \I: 1-; t•ll I'• ll"t'~ t r. • , • '' 1 11 I •""we pr ··h 1.thh nu,11 It .. \ ~u1I \\ .. ,.. 1: .. ,. \\ !'" • .11 ,• lh1" >"'l"'I I •pt 7 d 'I: \:'II M • l 111p •Ill 111 1t•t11" 1 hi• ;c. 11 '• .. 1 •• , ~ .11o111 n., 11 IP'•:, LI ~ t, .• ~1 1 t~U'I '-. l'lit•, n l,.1 I' ~1 I .,. Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent A111-·•h·.1n L•» 1n 11 :?i •• 1·1:h ~I Ml·1·tini;;-; ~11d ·Ith \\\d. ~p m 1•1:01 84-Mu .. l<·al. lttulio, T \' ---------------~------· t 111: 1.~T \I ,\ -.: 'I I: I,. /\ 'I :-' l• 1 11"i ••lh1 ..... I .... , t. ·"' t \Ii , I 1 I h:r ,t,,, ~lo "'' • \I HU ., l , t I\' 11 " ill ~1'1 •• 11 ~.,, 11 •' 1r \ 1' :t i• I " tuv p 1 ~lll ~lll t1 ••.• 1\ I \ lu.,: I •• 11n '" t 1 • :-;t.u ~ \1 ... f\' attl l l,! I ~ • ~I ' I •; ~· r . I 'I ·.i I ).: 11 t\ I• I I 1 I It l It' :-0..t! ~I• II h • I 'I f I ~p .. t f I 111 'h\ I,,. ~ \I \1 I .. I 11 ' ; ... 11 ,, .. 1111r t tlttl. 'I \I \ I Ill 11 · I• I,, I .. h• \ I t i I ' I • 'I I • t 11 \\I I • I . ,_ ' I• tr"*'" 't1 ._ .. u v. I • 1 " t '•'I.. ~ 11,1 t I , \ .1. :-• ' "11 l " f'°hUll \f14 :.~o :-.. l 'tu rt•• M.1111 o\/ I I I ~otfl :i-;t,q ' ~ tl\\1t 1\11 1 TV ANTENNAS 1t 'I• 11 nY llOt 'll. StnaJI o r lt.rK• )Ob• ok Rca.onabl• rat.._ I 111 ~. p m .t II :Ill tu 111 :111 llfll'I ', F1•111h·.1r l '111ona .i .. 1 ~11lr I' Ill Mun 1h111 '111111• 14 Ito l-:11•111 rig • H 14h Bll'Yf'LI-~. 1at1r&J: K ul .. 111h vntnn from $1 0, TV 1et $20, old mu~lc llOJC S70. piano Hlool S6 ~o. Wood llOV"' S 12. old l<ll· l'h1·n eab S IO. org11n $12~. HlrdM!ye m a ple drc!aat"r $20, R t of 11lrt Victorian c ha.Ira. old ro.·k!!rR $:1 l!OCh W roughl Iron love aul $37 .!'>~ Brui<. Iron 8r y,OOtJ bt'<l• from $7, gol! t lube. ft'lh pnlu. music lnslr •• loaJ11 of uld china. old Jewelry. l1\tt1J)8 CIO<.k8 VlC'lUrl.'8, l'UrtOll, t Ill ~Ill"-•· ''l'lj.:h bf' Ill Pt C. \\'r buv. "'II & • 'r h1111gr anllqur~ Henderson's llA \'E lomll• rJ r urll'l l ... 1111'~-l '"~\'\I.It I •.' I .. ' rt I• m i-·ri.J" A 1'1'11 1n l"'I "Jlorl" Lik e new. H •r 1174 "''" ft l n u.11tn1•,A 11f111 .... , l .11.-i.;.-I{ ll 0 AK JWll\ 11·. Mtlhm••t"t i 3c l., Automnt1r \\'.u1her Sen·1r r :!IHJi :"C'Wport Olvd. C'o.11ta Mt'H LI 8·TllOIS tnrftr Colt Co t11J1r1 <!Otfr a-. WOI k ln~ ""''''('JAtr 1'1 h rP. t hlni;-<'"n< "rnmi; hn111' \\'rn" $9.C:S U~rly 8·2722. n1 111 I\' ttt•I\' s·•1 I :.111 S1u1111 111 Arlminl,.t lllllHti Bl I,,: 1•11 l1 An.1 A\<' I.I 'l·t121 '• ~Ir IC l'l\IH (_'htna l)Jol l'•tl l h l&mJlll L!n11 \.\'-!11t Care nC t h l• r •'I • • ···1 1; I.I 1'-•• 11 29-~~~---­ ARE YOU TIRED OF -YlCltTlNO TRAlf Jo'IC C ROSS • TOW"S -ROUTINE INS IDE WO RK Chapman's Custom D r4?periu I 0-day Dehv1•r y T oi' (,JURhty Wot krn111i.l1q1 l,;uartnlt'f'<I FHF:t-; f:STl ~l.\Tl'S l 11 Cl1tr Sh•11• • 1 \' 1 •I 1 lint!" -LOSS 0 1'' rAY FOR VA('A· m -:11s 1•1tf:\l•S !"I.II' ('l •\'l•:l!:-; TIONS l:"iSTAl.LATl11:-o;s -~O CHANCE !"O H J\li\'Al"C'E ·l z,1 ~ :>:0 v.1w11 t 1!11d 11 '''11:1 lilENT 1 ·o .. l u \f, -·• A p~ily 1030 F: F'lr~l Rt Slllll& Anll, Mun lu ~·1 1 , 8 30 ... m lo • lllJ r "' SOUTHERN COl'NTit:S GAS CO l'H \l'flC'Al.l.Y 11 1·" 1.d t1t• \Alhp ... 6.'.I ~hlhh·~ 1. ,,,t i <•"I 11 l'I 4 t67 111., t i 11 tu.; ll1d ( 011 n. I , KA'fEY f\OA!'o:E NC'ar l>• :'\ew A ppart'I -Hu 1ntere111111g out ·, f •lt~•r• jllbio for high llt l11t<•I ~1 .1Juo1l•' I• ' '"" "" ~not 'hll h r• 1114:1 w it h •Vnt•' 111•·• I ru , .. 11 \\ • I' oll ktr l• t "'"' "" aplllutle. :1·da), ~V 111 ~" ~ .'7 !I ~= '· ... .-1 1111 I h 1r ol l 'a'u • t\ ,.... t II t ,L,, tl,.l ;\t,, t .. • • • .: Beacon P ersonnel l 00 ';C employer rct:uncd agency !'o/O FEF: (ulll't tr ol 11 .. 111 "l'f'll<nnl U 3·3111l :"t'\\ f"•t l Ht'l <'M LOOK AT THIS A D Earn , · $14 1lall~· "'om• n rif 11111 11~· ll •••··1" t 't• Iv nt'ed eJ al unr r ,.:~r n \\ llil• 1 • 11 )C!Arn p t 1H th nl 1111~11 I! 1111;11 1.:hool t •hlt ftltl•ll I'"' 11• ,.oj, ol Call LAmbr rt !I i:1ZI "1 l\Tll•• CARE!';RS IN Nl·it~t:-11: I 11 pl l !'>, 4(116 \\' 1'11111rn •O"t•nlth. l'\111,.rttrn 3.11 r,• OJ.R.LS - EARN MORI:: THAN i:;n~;R HEFORE'. Our nf'v. 1t1~h1 1 .,1,u:wi; ""6(" IUld frequeonl Int rt?•~"" 1!1\ r• '1•U lhlAI OJIP"'(I un11 \ l•r .. •nan rc• no" for TELEPHONE Ol'EHATORS \\·e "'II l1.11n yc11 1111 I I • 111 r• ~<'"' n11ui\ 11tlt r t r n1•1'• A pph• tt U 't No Miu n !'l1f'•l H n ~It ~ftn tft Att" Fresh Hearing BArn:RIF:S Aid \\ e C tvr s•H Gr_tr n S• •mp• Gun derson Drug Co. Mfttn St Ill B•lboa Bh· I n a lb-II Harbor :it~• llblfC' BAMBOO DRAPES 1°11•, ... >l tll•ll,., >'-' .:1 .1 .. ,. II l '• ,111 1f I ;\;• \\ \\ p\ I 11 lr t ,., fl" f. "' \ H I •1·~ it "11 ~-I\ ~ .,,,' • ~· ·"' I l '·,. ' ••. I ~ .. , .. ~' ._~ 1 h••111 'lh I • l41•l1t \ In ' 1lir :'1 11, 1 8A!\'T,\ ANA TENT f.: ,\\\'l'\l:"t: t•I ) !' \ :XT \ \ '• \ ~F:LL n' 1 ~:rn1 :-; ll 1-l J•1':Lll 'i\ I~.-~~;'. M•· ~1 .. , ll'\~·i;11rd ''"' $•" ''="~: IHTRP-rlltldl1• I r.-rrt~ S7 I :-;1 ·\LE:.-Sil-, I t~ll:'-1 11 II \ s:·, l' ·' , \\ r . r Lt ~ .. a::1 nt r ru u,...... 1 \('• r ;, r m Plf• firewood I IHIS I .\I \S n :VA rs A 0•'·' llMl ll "'" I 1 'h• .. 1 \II I on , .. , lilt' \1 ltul•· fJ 11,,1• J-:' • t \ """ ~lllM llAP 111:0 1 111-.H :-0 1:-0tH< <tll 23 in l111o;h l'~rft't l fv1 (.;h11•I· lllttl' sz:; llur. •:.i3 1 43d:I l.Y.ll'A CAMERA lll·ll ml'l<ld f 2 l'tF:FR t r.ERATOR 0 -H' PL\'\\'(lfllJ bt•ttl IA ttli,, \\II I 11 '" .1>l11dtl .•I" rll Jo: "1'111 I f,.r.1.1 • I , 11at»d h n~ •a.~ $1 :.!!'I 01 r '>m · fl!PTI' "W'1tlt ~EtlTTl'IT""' teif1'hoh> r. F: Exv.,•url'Ml!l• 1 anti ~>1rry· 11 g '"'"' Sl7:._ l.l 11 3!'172 •!ipt 7 Uti.: Xm1t11 ~11le now u n. V11111 fl \\·r~ltn,:h .. u•t• <'X•"ll cunt!•· t onlr ,1, :!r• I.I' J• lt1"''" •I "' ~ .11.... !.L.1 24 I t'•' -> ..LL ~.LIU wr ~e-4WIL l 111n $6:,. 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I '•l ''II Hll'h 11"\ ~ ~:n~h~h ht!.~ $.l<I 111r11 1111 ~ .... 1, ".,., " 11., .. ir si.1 HllTu -Un.il 1!•11. l lllt •ll~· Ill" d $1:"1 w11~:a.:LBAHROW. r.•mPnl m1'<· 1•r wtlh el1•nr1c '""'"'· pulley & brll $M -60~ 1, Fnnl<'>\(, <.:u-I \1; I .,\ It f (I I I" I• I 1, 11111 '""'' f I 11 <'>111 C'o1l11•cl IO•; 15·~kl 7 A h u H1tX11ph• n•• j 1•.• z.;,1 nt":>••t\lfl H1u ""' 1.m11 1:11 Ii ' '"·' .Jd ~"" 44t 46 S2--FuMllture for Salf' 11113' 11111•t~t $~ ,.; H " :lllH ·lt 4.lil'I C'llJ..F!" rl1•\ll1 t1rHllt t ,( ~I l l --------------------~~- BEDROOM 1·11"''"'"" 1" \\\.t \ ..... ,, ........ s:iu 1111 1 2"":1 t!li·•;1 Movie Pro·1ectors Sla.o:I 11•1 ·~•t •'llHl:-!IM/\S IHEA'I ~ t FOR rtF.:"T \\111 li·IJ .\11~ 111 .. 111.111,.tr 'l hr S •H •I \ >1.\l ~I lll·.\IM J:\-~~I \\ It 1 !"d t d1t•n 11f :" 11 11· I!• an.t l'1 ""'·nt• 1111 111 1""'11 t"htt•llhl•• 1 llf)OBY ft ntl MOf'\EI. ;-.,.)1,11 • I\ n.., • 111 1, • \leit n l'oH•kh·" Mrtd hl{ht 111111 tAk1• \lttl'L,\:-;Jo: !>:\'!'PLIES ltOD;>;E Y ~It '~IC :-iTORE Al,.., • l•l I H ht•Ol\I" J :-Ot·V. 1-:n.:: 1 .• 1111 ol!tl I( 111111 I •k··" A \'U M e ars Ca mer a Shop !)J,;TS 11 " 11 l>RAWl!:R tlrl':<.llfr. m1nror t~>nkt "" h,.a•lltnu<1 tr"m S~P -.n T\\'J=" Mrq I" t,,. t v. u h n1 •lire•• II Mesa Wood craft I ·, , •. u nt• l &. J 1\ r-nal.· F-.r1utt11 • Christmas Specia l s ! ~1 11:1.\ 1::-; 'I .. I' I "' ·~ "'·' I l.11 bo •I •••• ' t' •• Uh t 1...1-: h -"; ,; .... I .... r ty .,f t>H\1111111 f;n6(lo.•h <\In 17•;! "'"f"ll l!hl t'nSla ~l"ll8 t111m·1 " lut '""'t '""kl•' 11.1 I l'hnn,. l~ll·l'rl)' k ·71l l] f'r lf t>nx 11pr1n ir. onlv Srlll ~O "" fl At !> I •P.A \\ Jo:H marl!' •Irr••• r T HF: ::;A \'t>f.iY HAKf: l'HOP I v.1th n.1rror frnm $7'• ·,u .. ~11 ~: 1 ·~1 lh" 1· .. 11·1 .1 M l ~1 111 !!_0-R;-APf ll&.nCf'1t --Living Room Sets 1 '" t • " • II I trn '.t II• R t.,_ I 1 Modern & ~taplc ..... ,.t oney s '' AS :"\ICE A Ll:"f: u )'Ull V.ttU• ! t tl• h ~ • Ju ... 1 • I ' I h 11,. i ti t I r n I an•~1 h~rt' \\ lll "I I •' 11 . t ... , ...... , .... 1: ... 1.1 ."l l•t, \\ \l.h ht ~·I· ""'I ... n1JI Small Applia nce I I ,. '11 I o~ "" ''"" S I.! '·'.. hi "ti ........ . \ l'fhf'A•I ~""I " aurprt .. t• l t1fl\4 t1 1 k •1 ~U11l 1\1 t'•ll4•lt ·h 1' t. I R . . 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Anft t;HEEN F1 r 171• • n 111 h, tWltl h 11• \\' I 11.1 rtJOr 21'\tsJ 1 ·,, Ii purnn11 11mlit1.:1111y 1111ln111. ----•m r<' 1nnp\.. bl"""" Al\•I I• n •n• h I'm· 1'1111.A.'() I:". r·u rt refn gera ll•r 87 1111tlnl • ~~· • l.1bt·111 I ''·'"''" lh 111 r11tt8 top frtf'U•1· ~:xchu11\'e 1',1:•1 ttll••'1t ln m~ 111 l'htlro two-\\ay <l•>Clr, 20 below sH,\1-l·:Hs 181 n11· 1'1117 1 f•e<'ilnc tl'mpera 1111e $:139 ~!1. t llltlS'I )II \:-' 1:1.•1:.:1 ;-.; ~~·11tn1"" ~anl 1o i\1111 ''' tln\1n p1t\t11f n t. 1 !16 pt!r ~It 111 F'' r ~· Tl l 'h•·r.I' Kl111l•1I~ 211117~ T1tttn~so:-:s l!!l!'I J'ew portJ\v1• .:1•111•·•', nl \ 11 \,\\~lt l'>I • r·l.l't ". t'n~t • .\t1·1rn tr a 1•1E:rE Sl':f"TIONAI., grttf'n wn•'>I 1 uph"l~tt>ry $110 :rn ' "'I m1'hn1t· I "'y r 11H • ,. tnbl<'. $30 2:w2 V1et11 V 1 , lli<)'•ho r.,.s. l~I ll·i ts16 t\f{(;\:'\ \\i• IH \• di t• ., .1.:_ \t t l \ ,\lt1p h•d1\ tn ~I•· ,• , 11u.!Hu 11 • 4•~· N. ,. if' I tittrl11l111n I f '" "' • 11' 1 l '1ou... t • h•" I H I "I lt HULi• 'I fl t1 \lF -.111t •Fl 'I · l 1.t' hnl.'~l !'\f ;'( 'loofl, I 11 I q, "\"' I' 1 •11 '' t ·111 ·1;1'll \lt ll•hl 4IJ h \ •' ,: 11 ·' I ~· \ h ' I I t • 1.11 .. .. S llt ~ llt• 11• h \1 I ti • J'•\tll•• t .. \\• •I •' I ~;:, I.I !<-6'.l'" l 'lt 1·. Christmas D inner TCl-U'-1:'.:YS ca~:r_::..;E DL'C1'S Cl-11<..'KE!'\S O'KF:F.1-£ &. MERRITT 1eni:r. ·:,:1 1111 .. l•'I l.1111 I' .~ dv;k w 1l h o\'l'n ttt11• 1 1 ""'"'" i;n ll br,.,1,r, an1I Hr.FHlt; & ::;To \·t:, !-;1·(' """ thul llll up t"P l '11,.d one 1n 1•pera ll1 n GUOtJ t 1on.!1tt1111 lll"llltl $ 11!1 'fl t"IJ!!h. 11r ray $8 ~ln·h•m l \Pf' llOoAll lo11Cff l iinol l"r ""' 1 111 \\' Chapma n. lu11p• llnr 24:!!'1 H c•6 Utttni:r KE t-·!'t&l 7 lf ~~;\\' F l >A M H\'RHJ-:R living rm ill \\ARI • $~•• ••• 1 .. r l\n v w1u•h!'r ... 1, "'""'" 11 lrm l"t. TV t hl lt .. 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' I.I··· tr. 1111 , TV REPAIR I \'I • t I l'I \ 11 ,\l:(I: 1• ~' .. f I • , ' •, .. ... • c·111 tn e• l '\~l (•·I • I 1 )1111 •. \1 .•U1 !'•H tn \· • '·'ht F n·:-h dr<'ss1·d -u,·t.>n rl'ail~· •11.l •l'.1! t:\ 1•1111:-.;1-: AUl11rr .. t h• \I M'-h• I J U'l I\ nfl'-'" 11 1\1 h lnf'" /, t)f't fl frft,.7t !"tat & •'"'" •lllVf'n tnkr ="n 1l1•v.n Xun fie< li lt ll'<lr•m l l "m 'l;n '"'""""' 111 111!11\ •·· :I r m 2:11 11111 ~I Cn11IR Furniture ••. !I ,~, ((l 4 f\tl I' Ill ,., .. PACIFIC TELEPHONE .! " ' t Jo\ I 7 '"""' 2:11 tC' I Attent io n A rtists F'cor nil Y 11111 .\rt '.'\c-C'rlic < tH llHI\ 1-: I~ Tt> rttRll:"l"O:"!>:l"l ~:-.·wp .. rtAw· ""~"off~""'" hahrl 11n•I 1·,.·t a ~~AA lf t1t1'lnJ:" U 14'1 \VOM.A:'\ f11t pa ll '""" •to 1 arem1nl1n~ """ • ~I 1 ' i OOJ l)'l•l~I nt'll\ ht<1lil I 11 I 11 Wllh p t t11X lq(ht I""• ){•ply 111 ill' n ht>n•I I'll I• Uo'C: K-~ 1 ,, 1111• i'"I" I '. I ( ti ftl~T)IAS ________________ # ___ ______ THE F::'-ITIRF: FAMILY " JTT7'1TI!r ·:-TM'• .t• .. , I., ' t 'I II , _ I 11:.: \\ ~ ~ 1· Newport City Poultry C ity Paint ~·1 ·• ·~:"1'(11:r 1:1,\'1• tlh \\ tllltl.l'1JlJI, """""•'"·gas t.11 )'1'1 111lt a 11t• 1111111• 1g n 1t il•n He~ 111 H " S:l~!· 'J:,, s .. 1 .. pt 1r ,, $111\.4 !;f~ 'l;l"f H<'ll llAH 3~2~1 4.1~4 ~1 l & Art Center 1 • P t>StJl?'nt•r s ~l"h :->tvl(' Fabrt('R F11•1• 1r.•t111lttt1 .. n. :-.;., rlf•\\n :.i 4(:1 .... .: ' .. :ianta Ana 1 . ·'" · ""' .... k :"., 1111) "'""' 11nt 11 111~1: : ,.,1, 4, & tmportt>tl WIJ('lf'nti at cosl. Tll RO:"i~ON'R 1111 ~ :'l:""'""fl"'T'1 /wr 1 1'1Aw:11·: wi-:HH , .... 1. "'~•• 11 l 11 ••• -''• 1•.l\l 1 ,,.l •. h l1tt'HI ... 1!1r111 :..; l 'oaHl Hlvd . ' IH-:"Ill>. lltlly IHtl" ~::~~~~9~~~·~~~ AT'T TRY CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Antique Owners Repair Call HA. 1616 oCx H> ,,,,1.,.nu11111 r. 1 1 .11 1 -·~· U!lh .. f \I •C'I \ h • ~\ul1VH fl t .. ndHn\. :tll~l Ji: 17th SI ' ........ , •• , .. , ..... 1111111\ ()flt.~· l'.o\lltj•llll l1l l \J 1 .•, h I , II" I \ I \ f• , •• ,,.Ht d 1\ 11• .... '''"f' I ·'•.! \ •1•t ;\1,_t ' "l'l+t ~l-r,_._, I.I ' ~l l~li 41t'•!I Lui; 11 na I kl11 h 3il fc I l+t"t-lfl "'" $ ltl ..._ •• m l • uhdHi"h• J \I ' H '". ;11l:1; · M 4 I• I tl I t.1U H1I \1 h••l u ,,,. k ....... 7-:i;7-; 1''1l'i \\'11lk• I l'I pr••1'M II ~====~=~-~--~------------------~ ).le-. 4)\._t I ~ • \r1' ------- .. 40-AatM and Troeb ------------c----~-----------------48-Apts . .t Houi.es tor Rf>nt 1 ~-Art". & Dou!IM for RMt_, NEWPOR'( HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART ... 11 • PAGE 5 "Season's .Best" Used Car Buys 1955 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Sedan-2 tone-Power Steering- Solex Power BrakH-Electric Seat- SaVe -Only-· $2595 SALE OF SALES YEAR END CLEAN UP USED TRUCKS New and Used TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recapping .. Service Complete Brake Service AN"D Cabanas Marinas / Lido Peninsula,.East 31st St., Npt. Bch . OFFERS DelightfuJ living. Apt.-C:ib:rn:is. l'tilitics paid. with Yacht slip a l'comodalions . Daily, weekly, mont Illy, ~·c-arly. For appt. or rcserv:iti,m. C:tll Har. W92. 34t!c I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 161 1955 * * • ENJO Y LIVl!l:O on the Or'M F r"nt. h:1tt·hpnclle 11pt11. & rma. with rrtvAt.-blllh M11id M'l Vll"t'. 1'\' 2:106 \\'eat Ocean 1'~ront. Harb''" 6(191. * * * !BALBOA l'~:Nt:\'Sl'LA R o v m With' rriVlltP bnth & l'ntl'llllC'I' Ap111 tnwnt built.ling, Har. 21~0 :l:lt fr 60A-Comlllf'fclai. laduairtal HOT SPOT COSTA MF.SA ARl'~A . nl'wer blrlK h•ftl!<'\I tu 6 goo.I lt'llllnta, Show• IW('r Ill•, on prk.-o( $80,000. G01u.I tPr1113 lo rlghi buyer. CaJI J,()(I llO Yl\"Tc''IN Wllh ll:ARJ. \Y STA~l.f:Y. R~AllM Un 1~1tlr l•r & Cntul Hwy. Hur J21li M J7i:.·I"\'<'-" Har. 211ill 61-IWal F.stat.-•~xrhanie --- 1955 New Y orker--4-dr. sed. 2 tone green , Radio, .Heeter-Power Steering-Low Mileage I Only $2995 i WE HAVE HAD THE BEST YEAR IN 25 YEARS OF SPECIAL- IZING IN THE SALES OF MOTOR TRUCKS. DURING THE BAL- ANCE OF DECEMBER WE WILL TAKE ANY DEAL ON A useo I TRUCK THAT IS REA SONABLE TO CLEAN OUR LOT OF OUR PRESENT STOCK OUR STOCK INCLUD ES PICKUPS, PANELS ST AKES AND DUMPS ALL MAKES AND SIZES. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF TRUCK EQUIPMENT Front End AlignmC'nl ROAD SERVll'I-: F1 rest one Budget P l11n Yours for the Ai;luni; l8A--Apts. for Rf'ot it8 ,\ A t r R t ·, R< •n~1 ro r workmi;''man. $6 1111..t "A GOOD TRADE IS BET-----------------· -_'!_!.:___~!--~-----H pt>r W\'t•k. Prinn,. t'ntranr~. TER THAN A POOR SALE'' 1~3 28th St . Nt•wporl pptrc Lovely New Studio Apts. NORTH ~HORE ARRO\\'HEAf' :-.; ll 'E •~•om for w nrkini: nrnn Hcaullfully furm~ht-11 6 y r. olt.l 1953 Chrysler Club Cpe.-Lt. Green Power Steering-Excellent Condition Now-$1495 1953 Oldsmobile--4-dr.-2 tone blue Fully Equipped -Radio, Heater, P-s-P-b Wonderful Buy at only-Sl 795 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon- Fordomatic-Radio & Heater-Excellent tires. Low Mileage-$1595 1953 Willys 4 door sedan-$745 O 'drive, Radio, Heater-New Paint Perfect Second Car 1949 Plymouth 4 door sedan-$345 light Green 1951 Mercury Club Sedan-$745 Radio & Heater, O 'dcive LOU REED and ASSOCIATES Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 1200 W. Coast Highway LI 8-3'486 ---------- * * SAVE * * at the $ $ $ Grand Opening $ s s of Mark Downing 's New $ $ $ Used Car Lot $ s s To be located at the intersection of - . - I . W. W. WOODS GMC DEALER 6111-111 E. 41.h S t., Santa Ana Open Sunday A .M. . - Trur k headquuter11 for Ora.nee Co Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR CENTER JAGUAR, M.G. AUSTlN-HEAl.EY MORRIS, A USTIN ALFA ROMEO RENA ULT New 'Car Salca It Service Clean t:sed Cars. All .Makea. lm porl~d and Dome11tJc. 2201 SO. MA1N ST. SANTA ANA KI 2-07~6 1932 HARBOR BLVD. C"OSTA MESA Ll 8·110!H II '41 Buick GOOD CONDITION $125 Set DOT • BOB. 310 Marine, B&lboa Llland- 43ct6 19:1:2 FORD Cuatom :2 dr. R 6 H OD, Must tell. $760. 212-' Mlra.rn1<r. Balboa. H 1&r. 4132-\V afler :I p. m. 46c<l7 F'OR 8AW!! J962 M. 0 . Private Party -Perf Pc t cont.llUon F'lbrl' itlua t op-radio heater $981) May bl! llt'en any •Inv llfll'r 4 30 p. m. 1310 Klng JW&o...=LJbnty 8-707• 4~p17 Ml'ST SELL. 1940 LL'llCOLN Fordor. Spare motor part.a. Cood w<irk car wllh lop c&rrler, bring battery lllld drive It away $36 IOI Highway 39 and t-----------~ Our in Huntin gton Beach Main Attraction Will Be Top Ouality Used Cars High Trade In l ;;::+·L;. ~~uZ~ Your Hudson Dealer SALES and SERVICE s A v A No Down Payment Huntington Beach I A•xtngton 6-2566 S 253 N. Los Angeles KE 5-7278 I Anllh,.lm 42tfc 411 FOt:R OR, tl:2 CAOU.l.AC . new paint, \VW tlru , uphol•lf'r- ln1t t'<Ccptlona lly clean, runs &ood. 1139:1 ca11h. Harbor 706 42tft 0:>2 FORD RA :'\CH \\'ll(On. rorJ- omau c. R It H Royal muter ww 2 tone gTl't'n" Orlg paml &: u ph.oli1tery -Imms rulat•• Have to •"ti to a ppreclatt. No tu or ltctnl'P by owner, \\'111 trade. •1r benk terms. Phonl' Ubnty 8·2604 38tfc H 801 - OWA RD RYAN -809 W. 1st ::it. SA:'l:TA A~A 1.;r 3-8363 41-Auto Mot or Overhaul You will likl' the hcatl'J swimming B l· glad r1uwt c•r.1wvi1il'1lt lnrat ion, the l'•H•I. lh1• f :·1 :1.!i~· :1\l11'>:S!Jhl'l"l'. tu ~how y11u an~·tmw. Ken Niles Vill a Marina 1021 Bayside DriH I l:t r. 1800 J'.?«45 1 •8-A11ts. & llou'ie'!'t --:-----~i-..~=,~~~-::-~~~:_ __ _ Rl<:NTA L .. 1 MONEY DOWN th this ad * NO * . WI SPECIA LISTS ·--··-··--·--··--·---S4 S.ss · See Me-Ta Nelson ········--··-·-····-·$58.88 I l "( lll• JS .\ 1 IE I, .\f ,\I{ both lnbor and p31 tll. C'llll ~:olrrn Craig hs. wrist pms. valve l 'H,\H.\1J:'\c:L\' l·T H:'\ -1"" 1'' Blanc h e Gates, ttlngs or main and roll •3 '10"' 1'"111 ""'""' ~l :::'I :11 1 ~tarine AvC' Ex"perl motor lllne up. I nuUll-'I, l••a,.c. Hn ""'" 1-•hllld, liar. 167 I r ~.ooo mile i;uarantee.lc u ,::;1·: I:"\ :\'l"l'IL\<T J\'r:1.r 111111 Rltr. 6 Cyls. 8 Cyls. I.nclud<'s N l'W rin Rt'ind. Ii bMringe. 1>0-day o 72ttc EY oov•x1. 1 t.•1n11. '"'"'i.111a t11111 l1n11g ·' 1d 1 Ch:irming H arbor Havl.'n UILT ENGINES . 1;1rq'.•i; ::·:•: s~m 1111~·. .\11:1 r tnw111s -Patios ~ MOXTHS TO PAY-l•I H:-; !"l l t•J<1. "1 1•:11alo h•"J>•' .'\F\'.° 1 l~tltl\l •11., •.• 1 lo\.,'I :--'i•ar r own !ilclory b~· skilh•rt nl'ar i•vc-1 v 1h111g $roll ,., ""·"'' ,•'1'I"1110: tli•'rn I Qu1•·l. 111. Don't contend with l'H•llCI·: IU·:S TAl.S, l illlll:"lt"" ~· J•I•' .,, .... ,.,, ... ,,.,. na1h.1 :•· ... ,,. (NO MON REB -UP to l Built In OU machinos the mrdd l'111·Ht•• •'lllrn1wt' S7 W~t'k. H\43 cyr. llt"\>\llltll C-usturn R111lt hnniP. 1 >1 .111,_ .. A,.,.. l'.,sl.1 Mesa. 4:il'I; 4 Bdrnls plUi< apl. & Floalln1t ---l >u,·](, St~.ooo \\'111 tnute fur ;)3-Storf'8 IQ O ffi<'M I home. t11r nn1t' or submit. V<IAST HIG HWAY. nl'W building. H ASTTNCS HANC'H, rASADENA.. r.1111 "'l ft. ort1ri-. S11lt&ble 6n· ":"'1' YMr nlct 2 Hdrm~. & 0.-" I slir.on•·i·. nttornC'y. ,.1.-. $!JO mo. < ;•stom -Bu11l. u •n•ly St'ctlon, Rt·ss Fu nn. u ll-6Ht. 2\llf $:.6,600. Small lo1&n, will trad" _ _ · __ 1·lo•1t1· or 11ss11111C' for rwar ~quill I S M \!.I. llFFll 'I•; for rcnL Sult-V\illJe ni•ar O<'!'Rn. 11bl" tt>a l t>8181P or lnsurnnc•p MONROVIA-F OOTHILLS 4 lfJ B11lhu11 Htv.t c .. 11 H nr. ~!:~.I l..O\'t>ly \'a ll1•y Vh'w homt . % ----D1~lr1d, $2i,MO !'k1u Sub-I lltln1lk. &. O;>n. ~ yrs. old, Bt-11t. • NEW OFFICES 11111 b•·111·h properly horn;• or in· FES I <'<•me, up or duwn, nm add caah, e IDEAL FOR PRO - ~IONAL or Bl S I NESS USE., WA."'TED Large Bu1<me11o1t 1•r inrome prop· uty th1<t will trade for Ban Gabriel V•llc>y. Located in - Ha rbnr Jn\'estment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Bl\'d. "LlS~_IT FOR TRADE NOW" lf I Har. 1600 FOH 1n::-:T ruultl m nllornev'H I Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. ~11111• T .. n11 .. nwy o r rmnpaublr Ll 8-~:127. evt's. Har. 1:173-J. 1•1 "r""'"ll 1-1111 bor 2:1!J~. H e-16 45c68 REBUlL s T and INSTALLED 1:111 ,.1 ,. ~J<! [,p ,,1• n., ,,1,1,.N 1·1\-53·A-B~ln!:ss Rt-ntaJ11 le man. lluy 1.hrt•t·t . I 11n1 llflllbh rd . 1,,., .i 1.1 11 11,. ><l"' '"'' n1t ••·•"· H OHT BLOCK .\ll-:T A ::..; ~:I.Sii:--' 1, •' 1 •, "1 1 : ... .,, "'ll"'r\l;<lt111 I B/B • ., , z•111~ I'. t "1o:1"t lh'" C'111 !!Ith & Plac·enlla C. M. ·· ;········-········-···· $1.!l.~O C'nron;t oi• I .\1 •• r fl 11 r .... ,;, 11. 11> .\l•·i 11' 11 1"''" 1 1 'lni" f.'l)H Hl~:'\"r two 1.><11 m. home -11:1 ·-····-.... ·-····-·· SH(l .10 I I· , ll ' I I I 1!11 :o;1·h1oul DODC"' ~ • J 111 • 1 'f 1 ;;t m· .. & rc>fr lg. I urn ) lnt'ludea , .• ··-···-········-$1:. ... NF:AHL\' 11• I 1111111111 d111•I·:-. :: ,\J .. '1 I I;:' .s •1' ,\'::; E h c I E SOTO ~ "'0 \ l 'l r ( ~t un· room &: two ntllce space•. xc .ange orner ) ··········-.,J, 1Jdr111 tr·,"I fl.1 I 1 I· 1t I''' \I'; l It IL \ 'J;l) ·•I I: u KEP $ 70 $111.1 1:11111t h Llll will rent >Jepa · " ··· ·················· I p1ttin, g.or•ag1" l'l •.\1 l 1•• • 11"' ONTIAC 6 ............ $1701 lluilt1ir 11;11 1_1, 1 ... 1,, t \\11 1.1.:.1:1,1 ,\l'I ru111 ,:11 1••tt•I\' l urfire ot $7~ and 1 at • 10 l 'nll nrluxe Apartment In -······-··-··········-······· $17:. \\.'l • , ... ,, :..1• .• 1t•1 lip 111 S!•1 n;mth.~lsut1mru'.al~rt!$!~1 \\'e1two1•'1 Villftge nettlng ············-······" ......... $J7:i 2 Dl •ll.\1J1l'J'J.r:.'..1111!111 '1 i:1 •11 1 I t I•:-S •l\l'"'t l~"''h ""'·L ill t•"ncr LJIJtrt) 8-G •• 3 $tt1.111111 yckr will excba.n&• fo r FORD """" CHEVROL PLYM.& CHRYS. &: STUDEBA OLDS & P HUICK ..... Ht;DSO:-i Loa:n Car CAR GUARANTE~: Mh.,••I. c· .. ,,.n.c •I• t M 11 ~ • HARHCIR HLVD. F'ftONTACE erty In Harbor Arl'&. S\ lllr c t our i<lunJan.lll A \'Jul J im l 11.rr. 1111:.: \\, 1 \I•"'" 1 1 1.111< •)If•;.\. <II'\ N EW Block mu Plus ta Frre Tvwlni; <11"1"''"" lll•J•I"'' /\•'"~I••"' 111 ( 111"111ong1< or afl<'r :'i:2lm._9t/cl 3 l~lnn. hrnn!' or Income prop· xcs, gllllkels and 0 1) H.ir. 511:i:i 1 , 1; , • I . 1, ,,11 II ""·" .1 .. ," 1\..., l.Jlffl'r••nt L<""·allnn11 • Xlnt. lnr(Jme propert1 on Ba.1- unday 10 a.m. t o 2 p m. ,, , ~,, ,, 11 111 1 11•1 < '"" "11 h < lfl ••"I'. one wtth Bung&· I llo" lAl&nd w JIJ exchange up or Choice \'\linter 1:eut:.1!:s ,111 ·'' 1 II II·• .11.\, , r 1.1 I••" ~hM1111w• l!J!i!J Hnrbor 1 clu1vn lur acrrage 1n Or&n1• CQ. Open S BELL ES ENGINE BUILDERS RE Opt>n D&lly 8 to 7 Stale Oondet! NEW LOCATION East 3rd St. 310 :S A:"TA A:\'.\ -SARVER ~ lil! BRAKES 1-,; • 1 1 '•• 17 L I 1!-33:J:i 45tfc Balboa lsla 11J & Llu11 b lc • 3 1.>ctrm. home ln cua Haven Small & cuzy ur luqze .i:. dctuJte w11J ext·lrnn.:e up tor • bdrm. $76 tu $:JOO 111onth LIDO ARMS APTS. ~,:;-~lonf"y to Loan horn• 1n Santa Ana or TuaUn. VOGEL CO. 208 Maline A vo,, lfalbva b lan•I l'h. Harbor 4 14 or ll:<rbnr '..II.ti Res. liar. l 7b0-R ur llor" J!> .11 !\I 6Hlc & Mari na \'~:1:\' :-:~:w \\ ,,11 , .. \'-oll • I: t•: I:" I ''"~ & tll nP•'"· ~t \'1 H L. • 11 \ ' li.1 I'•'·'' ~1u11~" • I j "'. ' I I ·. • I ~ ' I d I ''II' "l 11 ,,. 1 u • q ""• J • t " 111•'' .. '4'nl ... r MONEY! 1' Fast Action 1' low Rates loans 2nd and 1st • I~ 11r reo avo<"arto A lemon C'l'OVI', 2 bdrm. an!S den bomt Ill Fall· brook w1u excll&n&• tor a pt.a. or m ottl. We h&vt ma.ny m ore exch&nr•. LPt u11 •how you how you oi.n lmpro,·o y ou r tu po•IUon UU'OU'h CDtcbangea.. (l =" URAN l;J!: <.;OU.NT\' l i Y HS I ,rClkt'I< ~ Wlle<'I~ $1 I !16 un .. .99 B•JOUt'fJ I' ln• l.&JJ1l11 t\ TTli ;\!'Tl\'J.: I .111d :! lull"' '"'11 ,1 t.:ll1•t l~,,. p~ud l nr ~ t utld1 • 11 l,1\1111·11 v ''"'"' II L l' E T 11 J• Al"l'. MU'l't:l, •oa :-;.,Wfl<ll l Hllol Npl, U••nr h, JIU<t llbove t "" Ar<'h<'ll. 711 (•• ;; II '°' ) .: I•; " .'II \'I llp1•1 l•J l W e S•·r v•· All Ornng~ County W l 11 • 11"" 11"12 Service Jn Yo ur H ome •trl••r ~ f' 111 I.I b·:t l71 1• ·~II We Buy Trust Deeds Sea Shell Apt~~ j R ~;~Sr1rM~~:9~·;·;.'1°C!o. Bay & Beach R.lty Inc· 1875 Ha.rbor Blvd. Coata Mt>M, Calli. YOU PAY SAR Hit E. IST AT Aller T l11.o I ·' •• I I; •!'1 Id I I ~I I I ft:" ~t!U:.I .'l:t•wr"•rl Blvd :'\prl. lir h. Harbor 1549 .. , I I " • I I ·I I',, 1fll "I $ ':- ' , :~ I \\ I·'""'" ~' •1 . ,_,, ",, I '\ !'-'I •I ltt ! LOANS for Homes ~<x, -20 yr. Lo&na Ll 8·i714, l!:VQ. LI 8-3168 CAPITOL GAIN " CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL! t f, 11. ~. I t l "' 42--Trall ~r.J --~-~~-------~~~~~ . '' C onstruci.ion LoMU.- H ()W A RO I "T A TRA l>E, for m an· ager operated r lear income pror- t<rty "cbl end flt Loe A n t-les. *POR T ORANG E * l '(IHll' \ I ii'· \l \I( '") \'. AJLER SALES '''''· """'' 1•1 1•11· I"' twd1111 ~.11u ._. • 1 ' ll ,i I> t a7 TR an1 J ~l'PPLIES ,, ., 2200 \ Newport 'rl~·J!l 1.:11 ( ':lfl·4 I' 1' .. n • V. Coa~t H1w::ty. J• h 11 20 ~Ii'· .\10. \,., 1 s ~.\\ ,,,, 1 1111 ~i·:u • 1'1-l.J • .111111·, 2• . , 11 h :-• '' • .. , l•lfll '..!t r :.·n· $Jt iftl !~ •. 't. Urt'I '"•;,,.I n1 'int l h r 111.: dUh ·r•f\ 1 r, Tr" "'"'" ,\ bt 1111\' $ '1:1 l'~::'\l:\SI l.1\ 1'111:'\ I' :; 'rtll-\If l1l•Hh \\ t• u.-•f\•) l'A1 •llf .di ,...,,.,,, lftl d,!\(-1 .. y I Ill f1 4tJ ft II I ,,, dd ,. \ '., d 1•1rt H··t \t-n •,,I \,1 \ o 1 j ;,,. •'-' l t.-1 111 If, N AM J-:1-\ICAN :•-;.'• 1 11 ( .. l ' II 11111• I'll I\\ h ·~di , ·r1 1:1 \ \. ,. ,'P T1 'l,\' .. ~., 10 t I 'I:::-; 1:--1 ll I• \I "I~ J.. 1 I .. t u • 1 l J I I I I t I L: ~ t I " I• j~ '. , I I I• <• • Now 66Tlll '<;f• on Displ ay I '1' I 'I I'•, 1 , I !oo 1 : ,f '\; F. ll••lhl•t 1111 111•1 111 I ~I 1 \ .\tr£ '.J .!: I :!"~"> \\ I' II '" I .f I h•r 411 FT • 111.1n1 ft···\ 1 f'lt.•u r tt''' s,,, 1111t t ,,. 1\ 1111'' 'M n w:'\1> Ertnf:Ht~ f'Hf.~Tl.l'\F; Lll>U 1 . ...;u i: -~~--~1~-..tt;!t.-'• • ...,t> ......... !-.-i '"'''"'"~ii I '' \ l ,1\ 1.' ,, L 1• 1 • \\ 11 h '' I I ' I I "I I i I tf f I I ,, ' ,,.., \Adil <. l11t\ ~,•uth It j.1 • .,. I I ,,, I 11111 1 •I ' IXB--11 1u,1•s for rt~nt ·. ,\ \ I . '' I ' ' . \ 6 I f ' ' 11.1 I I• t1 I • I U. '' I I t ~ I I ''' J ' ~ ,_ 1 '\ Jr II l" I 1 1· I ' '.l ''I • • . r 1!1 't 'II l• t 1i11l •d /\ I ' • J1 \ I \.I 1 .. It I if.i. , s eE HUB SATTLER 2:,1:. EAST COAST ELVD. 1;1 ,,.,m U• I Mar Harbor 3888 I<• p. I citlllt:J>. MUflTGAt;E CO ,\lctro Ltl e In.. Fund1 KJ. 3-518:1 '8Uo • CASH ... J 11H THl'ST 1•1-: .. :P~ ilut'<f i>t $~.O<iOWllii over $ IO,IKHl a yt•1;r lnrorn~ A low C'\l'N\1tr Am rrllt lnli .\ am ln- tnr•trlJ In H"y J.'1m1t prn1,..rty, \.\ 01!1 lt1'de up 11r •h1w n. 0-...'ll~r. \\ s-:1, .. 1.,r. 41\!lllt nr write 2907 ~ >lllh ('1" h lo'11 Ave , Loa An- i;rlt-~ Ill UIW KERS lX\TIED 43ttc \\~I It llP l.T \\' .. ~ H .\ Vr: TWO h•V••lv hnmt• lll<•HTl;<\c:~· J{A:"IU:'\fl 111 p ,.1111 l'1•11 ni:• <Jnl' :I bl'dnn. ." 1-.:1 .,.; 111:111 "" ,. rnq lut fullv h nH"1. tr.-~a Mo•!<'\ 1:1 :-:11 S .\:"-"T A :o;A 111111 "'"'' '"· tur11111Jwll 1't $17.- 1.1\ll:t;HLY :1·711'1 '•'"'· lull 111 .. Th<1 uth•r " 2 -----h,..ch n1 a r1 I n1111pu~ ,..,""'"' fu r· LUA 'S ! u tlL I LtJ l~U'Kl>V~ I t 11•t1' ) "" 11r 1"'1 w ill ITA<1P up 111·v , JlllJl 1£::K;"l;fZE. OH '"' 11 .. r1o r •11••a, ,.,.,..,!cnllal or REFINAN<.;£ ""'"''" t< 11<1 W11 Buy l'rutt l>•tdli l J M MIU.EH CO, S E;\\ !•1 11:1' BALUU A SA \IJNCS .!02:, \\ •ulli011 Ulvtf . H.ar. 4()91 (; I .O AN AS~OClATIOJll 1 1 -.;,.,.r th" Srwporl l'lt-r) 3:166 Via Udo. Ph. Har. 000 --------- 45c47 .}5 I I l ~ !'II.\~ l t "" OLOSMOBJLES ~ .,,, l·T ,\I.I. 'l••f• "l''~· .~'"'' .,, "1, 1 .>·•I~ BJ\CllFl.t •!( 111 I.,.,,, t. 1.,, 1o .. '\ . I ' 111 Lfe 62--Rf'al F.flltat4" ---------~~, ~-~~~~--~~--~ A I<) " NO COMMISSION DOWN -GO -PRICES ~~~ag:::s I ~6 L. 2 : n M111 •Flt:'\ AIH~<~· .. 1~";:~ .. :':,; ;,~.~.'.'/.:~· iy ~ ,.,,.,; I Lit.le modclt, 1199:'> ni. Al.I pr1rt' ~6 TH A. \'F:L Fl.1"; ;!• FT T\\ IX Llf )() P.EAl.TY A .Ml t t.1h :< tnclurunr lrana. ca1'11. &.~ to MEI •s '"1 ' ' '• " .i 111u \'·'LI •·•, II •ii , 11 11 . chooae fro~ wi th. a.n OK Chev-1 60 "IT :•; l··r \I• •I •1 H:: • "•I · , • ., , 111•1 I I' h t ~t No A ppr~isal Fee SAIS~ -Rfo:!-l;";ANCE c;< l:'\STIU.'C.1111N rRll l11r f'rrl' 1 Income & Res . Loh J;>; RESTRJ<'TEO !illl!lll\llSION, Look 50 Cadillac 4-dr. Sedan rnl~t rua,n.ntrto. iOO Co a' t t 11tnall~ •I•"" H1ll;'hway Mlllt-r C'hev. Co. :l:t )11 •IHI.~: • Ht l~t:H 11 IT Yfo:i\ HI.\ I~· ,11 ti I 1 I• U 8-2Z~8 Joe Y-1l Noy .. v... 2 l• 11 '". ''"' ... 1 I • ••·II ~ ,,. 1 , .. 11 , 1, .... 1 1 LJ 8 -2604 44r~7 ~E\01-:HA I. 11TllHI 1,111111 f ~I I• ----TRAILER~ ALI. t t.'-: ~Pl .< t \l. 11147 FORD StaUon Wagon . G-Ood SALi!: AT Til l~ '1'1~1 1 condition 126:) cuh. 66 Beacon B&y. Har. 1~11:2-J Hp46 West Coast 1111 A II , 1 l" ' B \l.t:n .\ '"' ""' ... I: I 7 1 \ , Ir: \c 11\ L • ' I I I~· • 1 t· \I I II 1 I I lo I I \' t ' d l I .I) I'" I \\ ·•' ' I I j •• t':' lu I 1 I • !PJ 1 ,,_-1. ,,, 11 h11u• h .. , 1•l 1"' 1, 1 I I t i1 ,. ti I "I I' 1• Fast Comm1 tmf'nt8 on Hr~1 l~ncu and t;n1 l• only Don I. Huddleston 173 r.. 17th ~t. I "l ltl•H ltf' 1 t•1111 1 • lltt'r of <A.IA!• :'ti""' A"""" 111•1•1 park. All 11"1" ''''""'"I' 1u " l1e1ni: ln•l•ll- r•I .. ln111 $:11.,11 J'h, I.I 11.lik l •or I.I II 111)21 O t 4A W /W-Radio-Heater-Hydra. Immac ulate Courtecr..ta Newa-Preu Clulrtff~ 'l'•'J 11 I' • f1 t , I· 1. •I • I I .t·d I• 'I ' I \ 7t.·•· I I ""' Lf 1 l I ~o .. ,. • ;, -.. CUST A MY.SA u s.e;,52 1 l' ... :\l:\Sl0 l.\ I unP 1lf•t, 4 ~llr , :, n• •1hl '• l1l•u k to b1y. J 11 •,1.1 ~.•t •v t,.nnll All"• ~EW­ J'!Jlt I lll'.H·ll'I Ii :1 hllm. home. '.I YI•. • •l•j \\ I\' l'lll l"' I.ma; l1r ... J1l11•" 11111 p H 1 l·All $1tt ri{)() t·:.t •) t c i "•• uv. ,,. r. 411'6 KavcT· 111.i •• J11 1.1 11 ·i:n11 •1~ Ad-Taker• art trained tll write 2101 ~Ul ·T11 !\I \I ' Id • :n I~ J,. I:• i \' I I II If '""I '' , 1 r "lj•••·. S999 dfecUve ada. U \\ ;11~:1!. I ·1 ·1eT \ Through lonr experience and a lhoroutth undtratandinr of adver-47_Wanted to Rt>nt I I• Iii ~l :"•:J,. "I• I"' I 1 I " ' I II·•' I I I ' ! t '\ ,, , to-t'•• '' f I j ... will finanC'e u.uir .,..e can put your wanta Into __ _ word• Ui&t l'•l act.ion. A l" fl o1 1•11 ,1111 I 7 I ' \\ H ,, J• I Cadillac Village Let UI htlp you Mil: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUS~SES CARS le TRUCKS Rentals \·\'anted We oeed a pts llntl huu~ ... on all 11eeUon.a for ~·th ~·mt•·r ano 1ea.r'• lea.~c. F\1rn. <tr unf urn. l 1Jo:t.1"~.I. I· I l!, ,\l'I I I • I J, ' !':n1.:I··~ Iv •I ~ • 1 " · 1 111 ' ' Jn a E. 11~1\ A\• 1::111.,,,, H " , , 1'!~14 "t. 800 E. 1st S<1 nta Ana Lt you nave a vacaJH.y, phone loday iii 7-3867 11 ·n CREA TEST CHfUST~lA S TIU:A TS s1~1nwl\~' Grand "'"J!n lfl r ent condition. This won· d••• rul 1•1Ano almost hkP n••w, r An l•t• b<m~ ht <Ill 3 \'1'111'8 llllH' 1<1 .. 1be S pinet, ebony finish. 11«"1 \•1•1y llltle, s.&\·e tlVl."r $3VO l'"l"ll" ••f olho•r lllth~ ,.151n,.t11 ;\1 "" 1 111 '"'"'tlln•ly 11vl ll.i • Id 111 111 tit''•' ~-1u1..-uu tv S l~:. I\'\/ S•'H M ll •f l-1•1\ 1'1-tHv I I t"' ~I i!"-'h•I.. ~·2U ."-:~ ~tu an \ \'"I I,,,, t't •fll , ... Open Eveninga & Sun. -------- s.t-Muslcal, Radio, T V ~·1 vr. n o t.LARS per month rent. Jrood pni.clke piano. Enjoy your ChnsLnt&A with mualc. Good J'U 8 • II\•' P ll\OOl! M low 88 .97 .. S 1 ~:'>. 11p A II 1n u celhmt con- 1h\1vn. IJA:'\Z -SCKMIDT Big l 'lnno and Orpn Cn , 620 N. ~1a111 St , Sa.nla An&. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Cat. H w.\., l'\t'wpurt Br h Phonv Lib\'rty 8-:H8l 208 Mulnl', Balboa b land Phone Harb<1r •H Crown of the Sea Mot el In ~~~~1~~1,. dr~·~n.~ar I -'. l"''lV \\1 'k t1 HI tld\' 1.1 •i ,t l\olo J In• I ... "I''·' 'I \0 I 261111 F; t ·,,a t H~ \' l1o11 :. Jfl l hi(· T I "- 3.1. 1:, ~'.:!-=-~~1-''.! __ ;.1~a;~--- .26&7 E. C<iut Hy., Corona del M"~ I r•hone Harbor l i 1 I I • • • ~ TEN Lld•l orr1rr. 3•116 \01a Lido OR Gi:.J. A ANT H:irl"ir .... -.1 t , 1 \I " •' ~Tl 0l •IO Al1".' .~111l11tJt,. f .. r r.1° f FIND YOU A JOB 170:.1 NewpM l Hh·d <'nM a ~lt'U bu~ l'I""" I" r" ~ 1-. 11,.,, "''°' H t• 4 :111 f' '"· I"·• 1; I " ' I ~ I' \ • I .. ! '· ~l 1 f f(1. I• '1 I ti J•t I I• 1 • .-I I 1 ' 1:11°1 ~, I •• 411' I I GET YOU A HELPER I i.Jht>r ty 8-M1!l7 IA1k~p111 , < .. ,,,, .. ,t il•I :\1111 ftll•> Tht'M Ne\n·PTHI ClualMed A'3- Sf>-Dogs Cats Pf'til Ta.kere ar. uptru and lhtv an at J::M.,l.tr\'Eli l"•ll"l't.1-: ""'1 1" 1 19-t<oomi-for Kf•nt _______ _: ____ !___ your N rvlct . Juet phune ' r~nl he· ,,., or Af • w th ••• \r ,\ !\! .. r" an•! It r~ Ah· r' ·•~• ir•· ___ ----------------- :$J A.'>I~,;<~; k •lll'H! l'Ult' tn .. J Sill r .. rriir f'•un or ''"'' 1111 l'r r. r I (ln.t111i; ,I rr 1•ol· I' U-.· ;>.I·\\, I .\I •'1 ' I '' "' ''"" 11•·•1~ .. 111 .. k~n Llb<-11 ' ~· 7021 HARBOR 1616 w .. ~1 Sll.l~ l •1~t• :\1.-,A. l.lh,.1 Iv l'ltE:o;~ , '""'•l••• 1 n•I• j • 1 •. ,, , 11, • t 1, 1 I.I 4:°>; 17 ~-7!1~1 H i-Iii lo "I' 1">•~· ------------------------ \\ \' '. l • ll\ ... 11,.1,;. toll lll'll'l•!n ""'II 1 .. II ' I.'. •• J.'.• \\ ill l'") "'11 , 1"'t' fl•• ),, 11h1•r" \\' J ll•• LIDO R-3 I,.> 1 "~ II 1• l•Af•• I 1'.:)'I'. l :111 n 1 .. 1, ••n :; ... n .. y F'runt. $,I 1,MlO t IH h. C11 II T. I >. R<Jl(ttr ' 11 .. r lfii\:,.w , 1or K\"11J1 1·60"lli. J8llo ( '11;lT A '1 1·:~ ,\. (,., •.t l• nr l1•awr 10 Acre Grove 1 t <i'"' ~I'", ff r,f ~1 ftr rt 1q ~ "1r\\ I I 1·! •mi..~ \\r ll 11.'.I·'"•! ""•l•I• ""'II ~ll' /\\Jo: .. ~HJl\: 1t•f U1fl: H6.1>00 ft H r(•f1t.. •lf (t1M jn >I •J•n I I tO "'JI 1 , I f ' r~'rf'*'r1'C ,d Hf i1t'•'t '"'' fl A Ir t 1 • r '' ,. 1 f' r •.: Jil 11111. ' HA H :1,:i.7 1.1 1-;;:. f ,, • • 111 I 1•1111 ,\l \l~rlf1" f t\ M' t ' fJ~.!:. l.••l 1:u\.,ru:-: ll•tl~,, ;:., . ., ~.A 10, \\ ST A :"U-.;,, f{., .. 11 .. 1 l~P '"'"" t •r Rlld r·u1:1~1 ICW\, l•A" \ f\('1t1:~l·S. l(•Altor 11111 !oll\'1 ''' 1,11 .. rlV tl-6:1 17- Jun l I fl• It t t \, "' •• ,,...,, t,\t , .. h, .. J r rvfl'•)lffll h••tt.o Lllwll.V 11-tl,:1.I 1<ft"r :. p rn. 43r'4 1191 liw, l1uill- FH A lue.n. ,.,.... c.: .. 11 111•1m lnl(• !Jr 16Uo -------~-~------~~~------~-------------~~~~~~~~--~ ·- 1 6"'-Rn l r.-.tatf' PAGE 1-PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1 62-~.at E!itat" I 62-R,('aJ F..state 62-Rf.aJ fAtate • FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1955 -----------------------------------~------------------------------------ a BILI 'S BEST BUYS MOVE IN FOR CHRISTMAS Rrand IH'w 3 b<·d room 11._ balh. 1·um11lt•l "ly & b<'aut1full y furni!'he.!. Fenr!"I, ~ev:l'r,:. F:ne ".tll to wull t•:irpl·t ent1r<,> house. Exct•fl -..111 1·1• st' 1n !11c•a- l1<111. Full pr1t•1..• only ~13.7!l0. :S3000 d 1.wn. FOUR BEDROOMS-$11 ,9 50 Corrwr Int nic 1•1:; l:rndsrap!.'d. Crap1·stak" f1·11t'•'. palin. wa ll to wall l"\f!Wlmg . C wner lca \'111~ stall' $8300. FHA J11f\11 at 41:!'' 111ler est 11a~·ablc· Si'll per month 111d uJN; tuxc·:,i a 11d ins11ra11t"<·. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-4 Bedroom-$ I 4,875. Nearly rww F1·111·pd 2 l!:iths. f·'ir<'r•luc · \\'ulk- ing du.;tan<·l· tu H 1~h and J r. ~t·h1111l:-< P1 !l' I n •ht f1.;r rp11t·k :-i:ih·. Ouly ::;;3:~0(1 down. CHOIC E INCOME . B I B BALBOA ISLAND 60 FT. BAY FRONT A CE. OPEN HOUSE s .• 1 & ~11n 1-1 ·:o A (; ra cio11s Nrw ~!nd<·rn HP~Pncy 1• ., l-'uu •• .. \pr·1t~1t 111•·n1" :>11•1" 1 E nt 1 ,. l. .. llh,. f' 1' j41 ., lit·•.fH••I '" '.! B 1lh'4 NORD C'O!~Nl·:f{ I h1• ~f111tt •h"t'111nt1Ul l 1111; • :: H11d r11q111" :! t1;11 t1 ~ • />o II • I.alt t• l.1\ 11'1~ 'tuu lU • ~,.,, 11.1(,. J111'1fP.: H t111111 • I: 1t\llltlljl,\• ,\l•t•••llllo•d • ( ·.u I ll\ .. (. I H·•r••, ···~ e t:1111 "''' \I•'+\ tH U 1\ Sii'\ ,; ·•It [tu111 Ba',' 8: s~~ch Rlty fnc I 1110 1tl Fl• "E :1 t~ l..11.l\• 'I• ,,,• li;U ::t~I I On LJttle Island. prC'r, noat, formal 4 bdrm. home. T he la nd ,·alue 1~ l'lo~" to t h<.' a sking price. AITRACT1\'E 4 bcdrm .. 21: baths. 11r. So. Bay. Ownrr will take :-ma ll down. Asking $·t2 .!'l00. l.OOD FAMILY HO~n:. Nt'ar So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 br drrn. 11: baths. ~26.500 About 200 ft. from N11. Buy. Nt•ri t 3 btodrm. furn- isht-tl hon1~·. Submit down . $25,000 LIUO NORD BAY F'fiONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. ;}1: butlt h11t1XL' ph1R unusual 2 B. R. a pt. 11\'c-r :~ car g-ara~t·. llctlh units newly furnished. <WAI.IT\' :-;T f~Ef':T. \\0a t .. t'f1·11nt at its bt-st. F i.J1e 1•1l·r :rnd float L::l'. lawn 8.· palm. 3 fine BRs and :? bath~. rll'tid'1' "' ).:Ul·st rm & buth. Outsidl' !'>h11w .. 1· 1 1~. t " ht at ( .lt1 l'>s~J 11\ lanai: Asking SiJ.!:illll. I;,,..,/ l<'nrtx lo q11alrfll.•<l buyer. Ha r. 1115 B /B Outstanding! • 11, bath~ • :? bd rm ent:I den e H EA \'Y l'hllke nlOf • Jko&rnC'd <'t>11!11g • Bulll-in t a nge-o\•t.n • <.:1111tom Bu1ll • 2 f1r!'pl1H·e11 • Dbl. gtlr .• front A 1..ar entr&.n~e • Fireplact1 In den • 63° x 1211' Jot • F'orc'•'•I )ii r heat • 1 1~ y1•ar11 old • Carrlf.'teil Jlvlng roo111 • Garba.:e <tlsposal • Nr. Hrg h and Jr. H1~h 8< hool• • One wall ALL U!e<I bn··k • lire11kft11<l hu r llxl'<I brll'k e l-'\111 1•1 H'I' SI i ft!\CI • See l h1!1! ,.,.,. hllV<· th•' ·k ~,. • C'a ll now fur t1ppu 1nl111t'1tt • ll0s b4.'&Ul1fu l! VOGEL VALUES -Costa Mesa Office * • * • * LAKE FRONT HOME Be-autifuJ rustic home with !l8 foot frontagt nn C'herry Lake in Back Bay. Jrrevocable fishing a nd swimming rig-hts. Ln\'C'ly \'iew of Bac k Bay. 16x20 living room. Larg-<' f:tmily r oom. C'all us &nd lt>t u11 show you this 1 war old home in reatrictf'd 11n>a. S~6.500 Full Price High income ::-hoppin~ and DUPLEX unit in }<-;ru;t Cost.a M!'tla. Close to transportntion. Income $140 per mo. Only ~3000 Down NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 bellruom hnmc in a most lil'Kirablt• area. H. W. floors. 13x 15 living ronm with fireplnn'. Only ~ 1 :.! r •·ar:;, 111'10 sq11ar1· frl't of lh•ing nreu. ~ 13.500 F'ull Pr iee ~ $6:!.56 mo. ind . Taxes & Ins. L arge v1;:1·y \\'t•I! kq1t. 1w:irly 111·w d11pl1·>: c.:il\' 1111,• bl<wk frum town :.? Bd. ro11m,; 111 t.11 !i u1111 M'IJJ· ratc•d by a d1JUbl(• g<1r;1g1· C' 111 b1• ha1;d!('d ,.., \'1 ry DUPLEX E\'1·:;. Edith ~!aroon HYatt 4-6222 J11hn Ma"n.ib. Harbo1 5359. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1696 Nf'wp<ll1 Blv1 I, I c·n~111 .\lt>i<lt. C'111if low d•>Wn paymrnl F'ull 1•n<·.-only ~17 :ill A must 1111 your hst. W. A. TOBIAS anrl ASSOC'IATES, REALTOR You'll hke our friendly scrYll'e" 400 E. 17th ~1.. Costa Mcsli l.Ibt"rty CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL 3 B. R. HOUS E . I · 1 bath tected patio. Ext l. ltJcul1CJn. $:.!>l.750. · 1139 Pro- IRVINE TERRACE ... :iOO<J will handle. Almo~t new 2 B. R. conv. dl·n. :! baths, 111M1t.li: RBQ.' lJrap- cr1cs, stO\'e, fully la nJsc:apcJ. Luw pnc:1•. BAYSHORES ATIRACTIVE 3 bdrm. hom1•. l'n1- le<:teJ pntru. Owner a nxious for off~r. • Asking $2 '.000 SEE US for BEACON BAY aod BA Y!::iHORr:s propt·rt1 <.'s. Ha r. l 775 -E\·cs. Edith ~laroon , H Yatt ·l-62~2 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 535!) Lou Boynton. Bay1m.lc Or. office, Har 32fl7. ('\'e H:i r :!'-7'i EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Jsland THE VOGEL COMPANY takes pride ,f \\t1 Uh·• IUlt11~h•ti hfUl!( n to\\ ht 1u..:u1J.: S 1 ~l!'\ ,,,.. '"' '· .. , n•·• 1111 {)II I( l::i h11.• 11o11f11 111 1111111 .111111h1•r 11n1t ,.;,., 1•11..ill ,., n It· tton ti ) 1 :c ,,f.f ,.,,, ... , 111 L••tt,., 1 EARL w. STANLEY. Realtor :?:?5 Marine Arr .. 13;.ilboa Island •• •. lh1 .. ;\;()\\' ,. .. 1111 f'llO.• $111----- r.ou T1•r11i."' Save $3000 SPECIAL l~\\'••I 1· l"" ht••li f\11111 l,11t11t' 111'1 11 bltit·k I"''" I !.11 h1 t 1;1\ ol T lil' tint• Ptt\h \ u htlllt-t.' J•.n.. liH'J.;•' 111111113 ll<'tlllllhll ll111d\\t•ttd ilt• f1ll\llt hi tu" pltu·t•, t •·flwnl poalu• 111.· kit t ,,,.,. 1111rl »11th, ,.,, 'I\ YHl\t ),.:fU l.&J.:i• nnd l!i ,1u~e ln ... t huul lutn~p11t t.•t1t1fl KUtf ~h11p­ f•lllj.; 1•11t .-d 111 ~ 11 IH~• al s111:um '"'"'" ,, ,,.,, .... 1 s i-:F 1'111 s rwu Tl 11u:~: ,, '", Bl •lt:\1 1n:.'-'T \ l.S ~Ill It '.\t )\\' On a beaut1(ul \'i<'w home in Corona Highlands 3 bL·drm. and drn. bath and ;i 1. 2 firep laces, b uilt 111 \\'t·st t•rn Hl1lly rang-<' -hardwood floor s -lots of t ilc' and many other fine fra tures. ~lust 8t'<' to appreciate. OPEN ~AT l"HOAY AND SUND AY -!:?X Di! Sola l~I "· 116 I. ~:1·es I.I IS·311 \II L 1 oown to Earth VALUES 276 Magi1olta I arc :1 bNtr<111111 11Jot•·1 ti"""' in Ct•11l1< M •. ,,a lt1•11I ho111t•y 1111'1 tor not•·h 1·1111,lr111·1tun "1111 h 11rd 1\f11J1l fll'.><JI s nn1l ~•·J11u·11t1• rhnln!i 1oom !'111rn11"I 1111 :.! l••I:< WJI h II f in!' f H 1111)' llrt hit I tf ~lllJ• nut ofrers -ISaJe m tr1<11 ... Also 20381 Cypress l Bl!:ORUUM H11 kor ,. billll \\·rlh "h"kt! 1oot. har<l\\~I l h11 11·~ t ilt.' 1tnt! :.!'.!II v11lt11 in kilt h"n Truly " 1>1111111 t•nun11 v <'lllt1IP J11 ""'"1111• oltl A .JI< nu1n,. .~1 ... .r Ill $111,i~ With only $~~1J0 tlrt B. A. NERESON 1 ~~rge Family Needed in Corona del Mar t tu onul'y a la1gl· <ihll'f home. lot.'a ted south of the 1 Unsurpeue d I 1,,,.: -.;, "-l"~'tt ~~ .. ~~'."',. ''" ~I ·.,\ H ighway 1• bl111 k frum lhl' OC<'lln. \\11th minor ex-\'IF:\\' l.llT 11,,., .. ,.,k.r.i.: "1 .. r I.I ., 1,;7: 1-,, 1 1 'i·l l'.!u 1w nsl· r:111 bl· (<lfl\'l'ltt'd Hilu I bt'<.lrm., 3 baths, drn--"''"f"•tl 11,11 1J<11 an•I 11 1,,.1,.11 HACK UAY .! 111 •h·n .: 1t1t1h II\\ rti .. , ... ,l llt••I Jiu .tll•on Hl-"1 •I '1 't-.J1 1 .. <\'< o\1(1 111 :! h.tt 11 11 \\ llt• I 1(1 J11' • I 1 ,... tu l• it ll•·ttfH \ • $1 'i I ,,, ~.~unn $ ,~!\U t 11 ' \ ., \\ 11 I lu 1 ..,. ( 11 I 11t I! I ttlHfllt"' fl'\0111 ; '' '.!. ;:: ),.,!, ttlttl .11 •• ~ "' \ It \\ "' 11111 .. II ) 11 I l'l f !"i-,, ,, llhlt •• ,, ! I \ t .\ II~ 11/f ~ $ I l , "'" mg room and h11 gl· ph1yroom. 40 ft. lot and on a '''"" or C'atalum Uni\' J l4 !\1~1 niu· quiet stn •(•l. T a 1nis arc ve ry f1<.'x1ble and can ="ot " 1<'11i ... hol•l • be :u rani:l'li t u suit. Call us for any • mJu1l wnrtl information. Duncan Hardesty P.EAL1't 1K 26112 :'\pt 1111·11. Npt H11t 11~ i 71~ Building Sites T\•« ht a ulftul llutl<lm,: ••t··~ •Ill" ,,n .... ,,\1 f '" 111 .. 1·1111··· 14111· ' 1 Best Buys Corona del Mar offering for . '" the first t . _.f f(\111~ lf1 J"t ttl ... ,.,,,. ~., •.• tme , .. , ! r , ,, •• , .. ,, 1·•·, ,.,." I . SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES llr,.,. F.•uh 1n nr11.:llh111h11rnl 11! ""' y i:oo<l h1ttn1 • One nf t ht> mol'lt bc-aut 1f 11l hom"" 111 f-::\1'1.l '~I \'t-; SHORf,;CLIF'FS -El.LF:HBROF.K d!'M1gnrd an1 I <·Ul'l<lm brnlt to I hr l'\'1-ry rldatl - Br1t'flv Hi x :.?G' one· uf I I 11 •I " ,. t 11 i L II 1111 I h f h I\' .! J \11 .. .. ~l ,JtHI Claire Van Horn :; I \\ l' ,., \I ·1111 • ' 11 \; 1 J "l.!1 t l.1~t .. J l xdu111\ • l y w ith u11 See us for best buys w Lh1li art4 ~h11v. n hy appointment only and l tl l<'t d l.11 l.k low re 111:tn•m t•n l cost. Cull ua for f'llrtl<'Ulrtr,. and 1tppo1nlmenl to see. 2. SH ORECLJFFS LOT '" Orllni;,. i·nunt\' b<'I'"",. 1•11A\ll \!•·~., tu 11.1 !<11n1 .. An.. '" ,, ..... , thAl 1• '' '"IY l11r •h Yfl11111•1111• Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. I M 11ll 1pf,. J;1 r tn~· II• , •1 ..... I Hu in• Hr11k•·1 THE VOGEL COMPANY 17112 Newport Bh·d. Phon(' LlbC'11 \ R-:>!:i!l7 ..... Costa Mt'sll r;,·1·11111gi~ LlbC'rty 8-i 15i GOLDEN RULE VALUES BUY OF THE WEEK 3 Bdrm. JZ Ul't;t home, fir<•plil cC'. wood noon~. furnarr. lg. hous1'. Work tllw p a nd garngl', All rn1 beautiful hnlf a cTl' for nnly $ l :?.500 NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $500 Down Movc-s y1•u in bc-forp Xrm1i; ttt thrs n1n' 3 b<lrm. hnmt'. 1 ~·r r1l tl. Yard ft•nre<l -ANI> IT HAS AN OL'EAN \'IF:W ~1 11,1>0<1 wrth monthly pay, Ilk<• n ·nl 'NOW HEAR THI S Large busint't's z1111t"<l lot with ·I yr c1ld furnrshMI duplex all for .. J0.000 -1toum for l 2 units. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON I '>56 N • wpon Bl \'d. C'osta M l'Sll l llPro~s from l'osta Mt·sa Bankl f'hont· LI 8-nli.il En ·M liar 436u I.I k-2103 SEASON'S BEST ! From l)\lr llt'W mmh·r11 ofl In • 1111pOll l\(' tlw Cit.~· Hnll. we i;.·n ·e l hv 1•nt m · Hnrbor Art'a • LI DO !S I.I': --Cho1n lii;t111i;:li of h 11111,·:-1 ~ fot11 c 11m11kl r S(•kt'1111nt1. Sl lOHE (1.IFFS Oc !'.•II it s k md h I t t-:x,.t•ruo\'t' ' t Th. Iii 1·ath -t.1 k 111i: \ 11•W II' prll't h"t<ti I .Mo11t l'OHONA Jlll ;fll.A:'\ll:' 1.uw1 •o prrr,.tf hut 11n1 or th1· (1111·-.l 11 m.1111111~ 1.11,. ~!•.!!"10 I bo ·cl111011ls I li.it h ... Ir":>.. :!7' ll\·111 .. 1n1111'1 dt•11 -d1n111i.: r • •m Ii I• 11 .. 1 rl"t .,, JI 11,.: b~ lh1• (111 !'Ill •I'll 1•1 ofr,.~ll'll:tb ( '111 llN 1"1 :-\'l":'l r P1rl1~ ATtri ~ VTC'w LOTS 3. OC EAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Briot buy ''' 1 ho ~i...ar-l....:u:p! 2 bed rm. ho me. 2 bath!! pl 1~ .! ~··lrm i.;ara~e apt. plus furn. 11tudio apt Onl) a f1•w i;l•'J•>-to 1w can front & China Co\'c. :11 :n £ Cl'I Iii<\' l · .r •• na .r. I lt.ot• r 21 • .: \!!Mt 'DALHOA l'O \·p;;-; \\at1•1l11111t. p w1 /... "lrl' :S bd rmi;, \Ve w cJU Id a fll'rl'f ta l '' \ 1 ttir ta II f.,1 tll'l<t iii. .. nd .in al'J'Ulllt 1111 111 \11 l'ht1W The Vogel Co. II : \\ \ll I I 'j ht I • '•1 J.-1•1·• I! I l•11lk , ... ,,,,;.: 'J, •*'I ;\;I-.\\ l 'I 1'1 Ill • • •• .. I I ""' ti ·" . I I f i, • • '• •, f • ·~I I ••f ;""! , .. ,, .· ,, ,, ,., '1.,••1Jt I ' •t• '·. I I t ,-I • ;. I• " t • I , I •' ,, . II' f'. I I \ I"' t• I II I' ' 1:> ft f 111111.1);1' (Jualtty <'OnRt thru-out H1•ll• r huny -Only $38.500 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY co. l'IW 'Jo: 1' \k l"l 'J!"TION. H<'altor :~117 E. l'"·'~' l lw~. l'ur1111a d1•I MRr. Har. 47 HHlrt 1· l1t1 at1·d 1111-t tl11111 \n Corona rl,..I Mar Bank ) PENINSULA OPEN HPUSE l -!"1 Sl ':'\J)A \' :!1117 I·:. on ·:,\.'.': Ht,\"T1 . l '\f '"' ~--~· .. -4 '" • 11•11 ... ''·ltt.\fi l111'l flflt tllh1•"'h ir, '' •t'•·•l•l )' • J•rot •·• ,,.,t th q,:tio 111 .. 1 t•f ftn•• horHr " ,; ltt " l '• t tt h' 111~"""'" 1• 1t1,. r-.i ti I ' lir1ua: \'t1ur • ,,,..-kt.1t•t1k P t 't t•t B /B HO MERE. SHAFER LOTS LOTS LOTS "'II l'J(fo'\JI\\ I'\ :\II"/ '"II JUST LISTED! / :'\1 w 3 b• d1111•m A ol• 11 m"'lt·rn 11 .. 1111 H.1111• , I'• 111 )l\lla l'liKl"'I 11 ll\ml! 11•.1.I ·• h 11ill •,,t111 Int!( 11f t1I•· Int• 1'·• .. 11 ~ "'" l , di r ,. 1, ~ I pla~1s f111 11·l .111 ho.ti :-.und11k with ti•• ' \,.,. ='rul,\· land ... , ·11 • .J I ••ti•• .:~.!.:;1H1 11.11•1 ''"·II 11111141111 r ',,, :lnt prop• rty 11 .n hl•r \ '' .• .: BAY AND BEACH REALTY . INC. ... J 16(1 \\' H,tl bn,1 Hh 1 I . H.tl ht '•1 J l.11 Ii •I ., ----I !t1 f r.,.. ~ CLIFF HAVEN OCEAN FRON T . t,.. I'll It ~ I ti I •I t I I ,: I >t I. \ '\; ~ It• '\ , I " t I f fl 'kAtrTJFl 'J, t'I :-O l••\I Jtt'J11 ;:aVlF.\\ 1111\ll, "' 1"11" l 'I ; .. ._ '°' bfit'1IU!tf .: f 11J f f\ J ..,_ •-'Hf _. -)•" hu.:•• '''' ,., , • ., ,, ·•• •ti. --.. flAJt.ll •l•·0 '" 'I 1 'I a.. f11 t t •1 • t rpatto. r1111t 1u11 '" q ··~ ~~ , "' -_.,,,..11n~ I \ ' 111 " I"""' ., r"n u h 1 , 11•. , ,., ",' ... 2 }r• uld • ,,, \ \l 'lt l)t • Ct1 ° I •In ti\\ n~1 I JI ' ~•I •· I" ,; t'C1f{ 1,f<\t l<tl ·'I 1\1\, ="E\\' Al.I. I.I I I Ill•. 11• •\II' • ;l~l°l<l I'll 11 I• I I ORA :'\•.F l 'P I "" :< H ' I :"r !'!IHI\\:'\ 11\ \I !' <IX l"\11"'\.T ;\'F:\\' 1111 1~-..1, •I!•' 1 .·r '.1 .- Kl 2·M \I A FT~:H I•• \\I I I. lo BY '"' I> 'I' z..., .. ' ., 1 I ,, I \ .. ~. I I '\I I,• Ir J • • ~I ' ,, ''' I' I ' ~.' t ',, •111 ' : 11 ~ h<' ••• \ t ',,. . '. I ' \I I·' • \ f l : If 'I I \ I \ \ " , ,, ,,. tu • ,. I • I II'" ll"J I I''' I I' I tt I .... , I • ' t I 1 ~ ' I I I tn t "' \ I,, . r1 1t 11 I .f 1 .. t '' \ ', :, ... I •' \\I I ' Se ven Islands Re a lt y & lnvesiment Co. ·. _.. ..,, ·' ,, t I I[,•• •• Ill I I •I I " )~:I :.~.·:cl 0 ~~;· •• ;.~~ 111·1 -..; I I • t. ,, .. ••I •I " I • I ' II• Call Harbor 2042 Fr~nk Linwoo d \'ic ~< I I' I I~ \I , I I I I.' \ t OcJ l:,oa ,, •'•I' Ir it \I t " 1 II I" I ,., t ' .. t n ,, '' o ~ea n r.·on ·~ ,, I ' I +.;ti h. .. ... I' ' .. \. :uh II'-ft-:! h \t I 1111. N 111 hwv p<'l f1•1l lu<nt1on fvr h 1111w 1o1 1th J..•tl n pt ~:i ~'10 ;t,·, \ I 1-. J11-.1 "' 1 .1 hi ·• k (1 nrn I h• b; n1 h Jc•\•<·I 11andy .111 Ii•,,, "' I ·hi>• I "" I I.•\• I H-:! l•1l 'Ii !1;,11 O ur hu1t buy. C Wt-:A :'\ \ 11-;\\ I •I "' • 1l11"k11\i! L1lll<' C'orom1 &-;it h, 1111.1111 \' IH 1J,;llh1H) •t< .t 11111\' . 1 j ;)(Ml ,\II • ,, ""'" I v. Ith 11'1. RAY REALTY co. 3 111 t-: 1·,,,,,1 I I\\\ l'•t"llR dc·I Mar Har . '.!~i.. I"'"'"' f 111111 ll:i11k In Cl>~1 I HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! O t1• .. f 1111 r • 11··111 111· 1 h1111;.lt t 11 '1111111•. t h1 n h.1d a 1 Ii 11~• ••I 11 t1 1 '4'" l \I • ti 11111i-I H<'ll ti .! I :1: (. .,.. I 'l1l . I •• t kit . hll);I' "" 1111 \\II h fir r•l:t• • •·•\ ' J•.,1111 J f,.11~1· t .ll'f't'l•·d wall t11 \\.di. A 11 ,1 ~ •I•. lit, ol "'11 J'llllll .tll•I a~i-111~11· lilt all thlll~!o>I • 1 c; I I•· II \\ 111 l \'•"I Ill H1•. t 1·11 ;1t11111 R. r;i .!.111. li.·111·1 h111 1 ~· L. STR fCKLER, Realtor I: H llUJ•1;J.: Ai.~1.11all' <"1•. 1 J h' ~ t '111 .. na d tl ~1:1r lla r :!7'il l'C >H :-:A l.I-: OP. T HAT>!•: F'OI~ l:'\l '(1~1 1: f'l!Ol'l:l:T Y ()ft : !-.'.l"HI lJO\\'N "l 1'\I, \'IF Slt I I ., 1''-'ITS l l11l11t1 f1 I p)• f'ft,rl $1~ 'lt \\' II •\ T H A \. 1-; \' () l ' c 1 t,1 \irta.t to• 1.r ·''\.\,.,ti IH\ f Muriel M. Pinover Realtor ,, , 11. _1,114 ""'"l''I J I I ~ .~, ,.~, ,, c II • ' ••·: HARBOR Bl YD. I 00 x 375 f:'\T f'::'\l tS FH0\1 ST1n :1-:r TO STHl-.1-.r Thi~ 1~ Ji""d 1 l1·a•1 pr<•t" 11:- 1 with 1-b• d r111 ttn 11 .. 1 ....... ~1111- :iblr f11r nl (11 '" \\'1 ,.., I I h1~ propi. 1 ty 111 111· 11t1· t), ~1 1)11.\ 1111 IT 11 i., r· H 11t1l1 \•rirq .!II.''• f i.uh t 1 .1 ~1.111 !!I I . ' \!. \ 111 I •h Attention Investors! I ft!l I ll~lil t Fl• I-• t '•'" ti. It ~' '1 I fl tt1. h1~ .. "'• ... r, '" r: \ .: t• .. f, ,,, ,., ••• , ru.:" f n •-~ I ;-I t 't ,; ,, • r I I I I r .. f,.f;,I ': •• l·' I .f _ ·,., r I I f 11 I 1• • I; .... I ' ;r l 1 'J 111.. I 1\•l1•~fli t1 t•• K 11 ,: l .i11ti •• ,,,, If· lh• s I •• ' t! ,,, \ • 1: r ,, ' • , c • 1 , ''' • ' ... ' I ,., l •• t' I ' I I ' • ',,' t • A •t •J•IHt ..: • • nt• r \\ h•" '• .. , .. h I ('I 11, 4 f ,r I ;\ 1•1 • II( ~tJ uuo, .. ,..,, •t· ,, t••t•ur• 1 ,· .. u ..... rit r t.fh, ·v "'6..!:.• • r .1 '•' o I " 11 • LESS THAN O'.\ f: \ It 111.11 3 bl-tlrm • ~ ho\lh h<•m,. h1> •I (l()('IMI ~ I nr .. ~Ill):• Jt~ .'Htl 626 >\nf>\"'ll l'I , 1'.,•ll\ \l•'·I u 8·611 !1 41,:.4 Ba ck Ba y View Loh Coast Properties BL \l "T Jl·TL i\ ('HI·: E~T.\Tl: I~ \\'H ITT!f-:lt'~· I 1•11\ • ~ ,, I I l $~·.:·,., , \\ II L<JT ,,,,, 11\,., r I • !,. H'°l H•·" h ti•ttrtr n 1 11 '••Jlii t •(\ ~ tl"•• f ,,,~ ~'"" 111 I t11' 4•1:."t J! ..,,, I \HI~ I "" I >, 1·1·1'•1'\ \ l•I I. \1 \I: 1 .. 1.1n 2 EXt'l.("....;1n: F'HJ1-:.\;J 1LY Jl1 LL~. I.I '-· 7'.l 11 I k 16 ·---I 1 tr , .-~:. t111H • ' , 1 111 c 1 hof 11•• ~·i-;sT H\'Y ,· .. 111nn .i .. 1 M 111 d11plt•'( "·'1 "' .., ,, c ' '' 11• t 11 , f •1• •• 1 1t nu •,. • I \\ o IU "-:.~1 ~lo..lern :I 111 ' ''"'" h"111" ;J,t••~ • 1 •H,l 1 1 • • , 1 "" '" 11.1, t tli• \\ \\ , ·"I" 1111.: "'"' 11" ,, r 11••1 11 11 I\\',,' I .S.-.pa tra tt' I lu uthJ ttH \J; "f'l 1 l.1\f\• .\ -.1.i t• ,, ~ 1.: ttr••:t t u d1 ••• ," .11 .... • '' !''••'"-.. '* ,,,, l>nly $1 ... 600. l•tni:i-r .. •lflt11 t 'lll11t .. 1 11~ Si .!'"'Hw .. , .q11 1·,,11 •""' Sl.t ;;,.1 $"'\"11111 .tn HAIU!llft JN\'E~TMF.NT I.'() homo $!'1!'1••1 I.I ~ All.'I 11111 1•,.t11 .. •1t tu lt1u .1•~t11 \I fla r. 111(¥) Ev"'· H11r. 43t4·.I 4r-trH l"t 4 It H\ --------~---'"_'_'~---- II ,. I I• •II :I.II(• \t I ,,( C-1•t t \1, ,It 1·11 .. .,. l.lli<'fl \ ";1<11': f ,\I 11 l •#"•,.l•~t I• f fl•11r 17th ~t l !, 1n1·<11~ 1 •·tP ,' ••rllv S•.!·,,, N H. C. HEALTY CO. ~·, l ,\ ·''"'••utt Hh•I H .. t (14.q t'4 t•r• t 11\ It j1'.\ 1"1,1 t I 'I , t ,.. t ~I '11 ~IAl~I I'' \\It'~ fl\ !, ;~• Ill I J 11'1 , ·11,1,, ,,. 1\ \l:.\f '' ' r ~ H ~ H11 '-'r t ''·'ltl J t' l •I'• •I• I, ~l'J~\ 1 t 'I I .. I 11»1• ~: l.ll'T:-1 l 0 llF \I• I I J \I, I :1 I: J • \ .... 1 \If '"I ' 1 • u :MON I n .:JWfTS A f{ F:A 1·1 J • 1· I Id J 1)1\11 ,.(1•1 I ll ll 111 4 I• 41) 11 .. r. l •i••J ,,,... ., 4 :" 4 ,. • :! b.ith runal>nut bcout Hit ludr d :-Oparkl111,i: 1 nrrw r l\1111\1 11 •t •Ill>-.1 llt j t I• 11 JJ1.m1· ..... 1•111" N llH••nt•' KI LLION, re al estate Our Undet Cover Agent- ti., .. 1u •.•. 1~· I •1ir t ,1 I 11,, .: 1: 1: I ,, , (')!If H 1\1 ll" I IW"I .. 111•"' PR ICE ~16.750! l .. \P.l:J-: J.\11 1' ,\ Ii,,•~ ol I l .. \J:1;•· h I h• 11 l.\1:1.r: ·' I·. 11. v. 111 h111•r 111... r .. \1 :<;1 l••t lfl ' \' I l l.!, .-I I··· I 1111 l lfl ' ti II', , ), otJl I 1 I•. I lo 11::. , .. ,.. ltti-1\' \4 11 h TH E VOGEL co. :J.!11 I \\ I·,.,,-: flt )," " BALBOA ISLAND ,\l•,1 I I • ·' 1 .1111 h ~1 vi• ti 1111· 1\ p• I I 11 f l<tl •tot\ \\II h hull( . 1n I 'I tJ PlllllC II\ tll.!. I l•I ,If d lilt ,. /1,il loo ' ·, ·11\ ,.,, , , '1 ,. J," • rt • I ::-.: ... .,1111 tt• 11 "ttahl1· I• I 111:-1 I.I -3 1'-I lwdrm ll l'Jllllllll f"l W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELl Realtors .\I a 11111 .111d l'a rk Hnr~r :.!162 COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ~ lk h11m1· !!•yr-I an•I ~t11ra~·· rn•orn, lc1I 71 x l k!I v.ll h rnt•m ro r m 11n • bmlrlmg , . !o\~00 with ti-rml'I S A f'ountry C'l11h ar1·1t · R1 ·1tul1ful 2 Rr. hr1m1·. pl1111 IWll 1111' .. ~··paral1• I ••ntl\J!', :~ gHragNI, COrnf'r l11t an<l m nunt:iin ,.,,.w, SV<.750 w it h term11. Hume I nr w '.! br.1 11 nd uwom". Sev<'n u nih all furnr'h"<I. n111r Hh d & murket. mr111thly inr·nmP ~11:-1. 11111 1· ::m.0011 w1lh l<'rrnll. G. N. WELLS, Realtor I.I k ln<lt • I I I l G 62-RuJ Estate 62-Rul Esta~ 62-Rf'al E..tate ACT NOW, SPEND XMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME 324 SAPPHIBE, BALBOA ISLAND. Move right into \ p. a. palmer incorporated this lovely 4 8. R. home completely furn. Every- thing the heart desires -a big window for your Xma.s tree, a firepl. for Santy. forced air t o kPep you warm, patio for outdoor living & a mooring for your boat. Prired right with low down pymt. OPEN FOR INSPECTlON Sat . & Sun 1 · 4 or call us for key. SEE us for Bay front homes. we have some mighty nice ones ! BALBOA ISLAND INCOME. Attract. 4 B. R. home plus l B. R. apt. Top location. BALBOA l SLANO, 2 B. R.-sun room-din rm. home, nicely furn. Lovely patio, garage. Only $19.950, BUT HURRY ! NEWPORT BEACH, Income Minded ? Deluxe 2 B. R. home ~nd 2 story duplex (1 B.R. ea.) all most attractively furn. This is beautifully kept property and nearly r.ew. Xlnt renta l location. 1 blk. from ocean, l blk. from bay. Top Income. SZ7,500 WHAT A BtJY ! l ! BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 STOP!-STOP! Don 't Peu These by--'s. LIDO ISLE 11 blk. to clube & tennis courts. Large living rm. with fireplace. Bar kitchen, 3 bdrms. plus dreuing rm., 1 1 :.: baths only $23,500 NATERFRONT SPECIAL $18,950 2 bdrm., lg. patio, 64 ft. bulkhead With pier & n oat. B ACK BAY 482 Esther, shake roof. 3 bdrms. plus family rm. with BBQ, ash paneling thru out. This Is quality plus at $26,500 CLIFF HA VEN 406 St. Andrews. $11 ,i 50 ~65 mo. incl. tax. Three bdrms., fireplace, fenced yard. near iachoola. Open Sat. & Sun. G. 1. RESALE 3 bdrm. furn. modem. Only 9 month. old $14,950 -4 'lo -$73 inc. tax per mo. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES developer.s of Lido Isle If You Miss This The Living End you miss a real value. Very nice 4 year old 3 bedrm. 2 bath home .. m a 35 foot lot plus a 35•foot lot adjoining that is walled and may be used as it now is fo r a lovely patio, or may be se1,arated r---and sold. Phone Cor a ppt .. as you just can't do better at $34.000 See this exclusive home on Via Genoa, Lido's W1dl'sl street. 3 bedrm., 3 bath,, 40 by 20 patio, harJw'd nrs., 2 yrs. old, and in perfect condit ion. $34.501) Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstairs with decks. 2 bedrm-. 1 bath downstairs with enclosed patio. Both apts. have forced air furnace, fireplare. carpt't ing. draprs. refrigerator, s tove. Unbelievably prict'd at only $57.000. S12.000 down. p. a. palmer, inco rporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, ha rbor 1500 In BAYFRONT luxury la meen in tJm tmn.f8he4 4 bcdnn. 3 bath on Via Udo Nord. Almmt new, thiR home is lhe ultimate ln waterfront Uvtng. You just have to see this one to believe lt. Call Bill Farnsworth, then quit lookf.ni. Open House Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Magnificent Corona del Mar view home. Un111U&l floor plan includes 3 bedrma., 3 bat.ha. Lota of closets & storage space, and priced W&Y. below C!09t at $40,000. Come by or Call Dave Osburn f or det&l1t. Miste r Careful Buyer Do you demlllld plenty for your money? Then 8ee this 3 bedrm. 1!\1 bath home. Thia one UI deelgned for fine lh·ing and has a wealth of wonderful ap.. pointm('nts. Priced at $32':500. lntereeted T Then call Joe Kincaid for appt. to eee. p. a. pa I mer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-M73 4 Houston Values Hot-Spot Location BEFORE YOU BUY SEE FIND TllfE FROM YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TO CHECK THESE VAL- UES. $79~0 52950 !Jn, ~ICE LOOKJXG 3 bdrm. l•n rN1r of high level. drep l<il. .Su.nta Ana A ve . nr. 231d Sl Eve Pn LYTLE LI 8-2~•2 C-2 Special j NEWPO P.T BLVIJ., run half a r1 .. 111.1111 g o .. •I '4 1,.11 m h11111e Tlu11 1 .. a l;•><><l dc-111 tw Sl'Z.5011 ll'11lls Here 's a Cutie! NEAT 2 b<l1 n1, !1nplart'. on ll 60x Ill~ R·4 lol only $fl:>OO. w11 h S3001J tlown a n•I ~~,o nm nn I 1!11h111r t Sl'e lhi~' $7500 Full Price 1 COSTA MESA'S FINEST GROUP OF RANCH HOMES Three and four bcdnns., 2 baths. built-in gas rangt'!\ and o\·ens. the very bl'st of nat ural finished hwd. cabinN;-;, i:;lc•aming oak floors, large bedrooms. spacious ltnng rooms. dining r ooms and brl'akfasl arcas, US('d brick fm'places, l'lo£«>t space galore. heavy i-.hake roofs, large lots, ftncro and bnd- scapt·d. TIH'hL' homcR ha\'C many more features than an.' us ually found. SEE THE NEWLY OPENED FURNlSHED MOUF.L lJONt•; l='l FfiENCH PROVINCIAL BY UA N!t,;ER Fl HNITUHE Or"' COSTA MESA. HARBOR MF.SA RANCH HOMES I r\'ln(• A \'C' , 1 Block N. of 17th St." 4 Peninsula Homes! A nJcely tum.lah'd 2 bedroom home wi th dinetl~. paUo, fire- place lllld dnuble rar~. A·l tor $16,:io<>, term.1, A 2 1; bedroom. 11' b&th home ~I modem lRd lllld redt'C'Orated and cute u OW. dJcken• tor 117,600 and only $4600 down. A ~UUful 4 bedroom J bath home with wall lb wall carpet· Ing a.nd drapu .•. la.rge corner lot lncluded, b&dmlnlon court, patJo and 11>3c1o ua 1orround11 ILnd dC'luble i a r • g e tor '30,6()0, terma. 3320 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8· 7773 "At the Arches'' 2 BlJll~f . f •IYl••nl IJlk fl'fl\."1•, Unt • 1 1 H·Q. On ~1·\n•r, nnly i i, ~ e111.-I old, OWllt't \'t•ry un~11111~ Tl'1t11,. -EH• (•11 l'l':TITTE LI 11·{)4117 I EARL w. STANLEY, EXCLUSIVE AGENT Realtor A 2 bt'droom family home w1lh ht'avy f\.lmllure Included and ln nice condttJon tor $18,000. FHA with monthly paymenl..t on pre• enl l1>&n of $H per month. lido Isle • e Udo Nord ~yfront • • Exclwuve Liating <F int time offered) J5th & lr\'tne Liberty 8-2664 Or Liberty 8-3123 Business Income '-/\, l·U:AI. l\llJ·:;·:.:1 ,\l.~:H 1o ,.,,.1 a~nd. r •O•llt' b1i1o1 d11 It J rtntala I Ualbu"' 1 .. 1 .. 11.i 1· "'' '' '"nl 1 ln· romt' •WC'r ~ 10 011'1 ft>r •un1mr r 111•nsrin1 Tt11., 1~ 11 Rt.AL. Ul'Y £, r l:;E Y llll>l 0 ll, 11111 !'>~!IS \\' BA YSHORES 2662 Circle Drive OPEN SUNDAY 12:30 l o 4 :30 HERES ANOTHER GOOD VAL- UE ..• lN FACT TWO or THEM: BALBOA DUPLEX •• h-1t block from belt ~Y ew1m- m1nr beacll. a bedroom down a.nd 2 ~up. Fu.rn19bed. Situated OG two lot.. aw.at r._nt.er OI" a rood tam.Uy horn. Wllh Income. U0.000, term&. ~acb home on IJul Bay A venue. NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ., PASI 7 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 a a.a FMate a WMJ ....... "We' re Moving to Irvine Tetrace" Kore and mon llartlor uet. fuam. u. ....,..,., theM aquialte h<>IDe9 -notiq tWr oamfcll\ ._. ..menot and cmtnl \ocatioa.. Kore and m0!'9 fua.nt. who pnrf• ' JaCDI ta a s. stricted quality communitJ u. mot'bas bate tlMlr Imn. Ternce hom-. I>rtYe In today and .. tor J'OGIWllf the ..., oat- ·1t1Nttnc f•turea of this nmarbble ...,,._.,. Inspect the model hom•, built by: Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by: Martin & Von Hemert Irv1De Terrace la located on Q)ut HJrhway oppcllftit the new Irvine Cout Country Oab. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor i-HS J'or hrther Inform1tioe * For Recommendation, we refer you to a.n,.. who boJda a LeuehoJd ir.t&te 1n Irvine ~ Beacon Bay. &y Shores and OJlf Ha.,. DEFINITELY-THE FINEST AT BALBOA ISLAND Lovable. one story thick aha.ke root rucli lt"9 home. Large beam cellin1 living room 18s:Z- Complete electric kitchen. Thermador .,. a...& oven. Automatic diahwuher Ii diap<>Ml. K1tcb.a bu ,large dining area openlnc to pa.t.Jo. t.rp u.aed brick fireplace and forced air he&t. Two bedroom.a, one la king me with b!1 wardroM clo.eta and built in drawers. BeauWul full b&U.. room, prage & laundry room. Lovely drape9. _.. Wna, wall to wall cvpet. Price la $28,500 with L . C. SUS,000 at 5~" lat. Big value 6 well worth the money. Call aow to 11ee th• real dre&my home. It'• the fllM9t 1 THE VOGEL . CO. 208 Karine AYmae, IWboa lalu4 Nat door to t.ht P<Mrt Offtce Har. «4 S.. Har. f-068-M Bar. uu.& Exquisite year round completely furnished Bay Front home on large lot -Panoramic Bay Vi('w- Located neu eut end of Lido--'I'w.o master view bedrma. -Two family bedrooms -Servants quar- t.ena wi1.h bath -lwo muter bat.hroom&-pow~r room -Mr. and Mna. encloeed dreaaing rooms w ith abowen -View dining room -Butlers kitchen off main kitchen -33 ft. g18118 enclost>d. carpeted, '30,f>OO <~•M"l ·rr1 "'" I Houston Realty Co. In lh1R l'Xclus1 ve delighUul district we have a 3 B R. hom<'. comp. fu rn. on large lot -with spacC' for swimming pool. \•ery lovely new patio 22x86 r artly Cl)\'erctl with plastic glass. Va.cant and ,r you act re.s t , you can enjoy Xma.s in your new homc. Blui-e ~pie and hlc:.ly tur------------------------ BAY VIEW upstairs lanai. Pier and float. 3 car garage. SORRY, no telephone information -shown only by appointment to qualified buyer. Full price $89.500 terms HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1eoo Eves. LI 8·5386 The Main Road To A Sale IS VIA MULTIPLE LISTING G ood Values When You Buy, Or Wh en You Sell SEE YOUR REALTOR TODAY FOR THE FINEST PERSONAL SERVICF. Newpo[t Harbor Board of Realtors .. 401 N. Newport Blvd . Newport Brach BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We c&n build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bcdnn. home for $4.60 Squa re FooL 100 °/o Financing · _ . .. 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 J 20 garagea ···········-·-$295 We are building on Wallace. Bay, and Avocado St.s. Starting shortly on 18th & 20th Sta. Call or Phone for Information ... OPEN SUNDAYS le WEEK. DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove , Inc. 11041 Westminater Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9·0633 • AXSOClATl:.!-. nlabed.. A d&Ddy property tor lh• inonty. '12.600, $&()()() doW'1L !IOP l'tnltr SI , C•1ata M• "41 d LI 11·61111 or L I 8·7iF.4 . --Prict? ~24 .500 BALBOA ISlAND-__ 1 Balboa Realty Co. "C" THOMAS "C" THO~IA S Bay shores Water Front rIER A NIJ SLIP 4 llt'1toom11, 4 holtu•. li;r f11111lly r nom .... ·1th built-In ba1 bc<1ur. 1>ca 11tHul t11r1•h k ttt·hl'n 111.11/t 1111 1;11111 In'•· 2 flt r plit<"fll, lnvdy lge 1iv1n.i; m1 01 er looking btty rh·c:I nr11ll )' rnn- lrollNI gar111tt· •low. loa i111 ot U · lracllve !tat•11 ,; -$~!'i.OU.I. Ocean Front coon LOCAT1C1~ w11h ''"" !>C'l'l\n vlt'w t bedroom h<in1" 11nc.l j:ar· "~e a pt St'MJa ~mr f"m IJ•ll 11n f)tr"llt'nl «rJ••rl 11111y '"' hom,. .t: incnmr 1 .. r • niV $'\flt>ll •Sov.n l"11•c llH~U·~·~ nr \· Jtr,t p<•IOl ""lk , tlo~l1\\ it'!• I k •1•' J>Vlo.(\I V\\ nrr ,.mu .. u1' Lido Isle l~l-'f t=r •r "TJ-; f'us::-.1 ~:'It>'\: IJ•\ ely .1 hdt nl hun1r "II :.c r• l11l, "llr•• 11\·,. In· ,., .. m f I•• lj:e. l:tOl\t rnrl r •H Ill. f \ rr ::•11•1 "'I ff'l't of living "' "' \\11\ Jo: J:-o; F'C•R X~Al'i n ra !\!"111 "C" THOMAS, Rltr I 2Z• W 'nRl'l I l\I. y LI 11.~,~~7 "C" THOMAR "('" THO~fA ~ Bay Shores 2~,7 J C-111 ti' """' C)f't'n P 111lv l ·4 lot ::-;11\\ l'l~ll'I P '1'11 ~~:LL 3 hilt nt • I '• hn lh fl pl , F A he>c t aJI f'lrr lolr hrn. i<r 11c1n '• r 1llft1 h t11lt IM f:fl4 ll\ erSIT.•• J Ar&gt' .. ,nrr<1 111 •l•iragt- RALPH P. MASKEY m ·:Al.TOH 3411 ::-:e111.port Bh •l , ::-:r1 Drh R11.rbor 40 2 5 Acre Ranch COSTA MES A AREA. $3 1.~00- IC.uy terma. DAN A JACQDSEN', Re11.ltor - Har MP! or U berty 8~317- 43c46 F'OR S ALE OR RE:-.'T NEWLY rt'd~rat•d modt!m one b<-c.lnn. homf. GArage It 11tora11t room. N in location. aM I.A r ult', Newport Ht&. ttl•lr1C'l C M. Llbftrly &-1178 38Uc c L'TF. 2 B. H -Comp furn. in immaculate cond. on rrnr nf rxcelkntly locntl"'d corner lot. Build I\ homr 1n front ond hnvc an Income from this one, n f nrou1Hl ~2000 per year. Only S18,500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3116 \"ia L1cin. Nl'l. Bc h. Har. 4971 or Har. 49i2 E\'t•s Ha r. 219 I -~I llar. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 NON-VETS OR VETS S2!l5 1mpoun1!!\ mO\ rs ~·ou in new 3 b<.-d rm. l ': bnlh, B ;il k Htty a r~·n hnmt> bdor(' Chnstma . Ta \.\'S p.oJ to D<'c. 19:>6. -ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1 57 N"wport Blwi. Costa Me1Ja LI R-1632 Eves Ll 8-1400 St. Nick Says Op<'n Sunday 1 to 5 "~1·1• l l 0 Cordova, Lido J11le" Perfrct 2 bdrm & den. home, 2 bl\ths & patio . ... i 000 d ·1~·n. J·;;isy t r rms S~i.500 fuJ I pnce Osborne-Forton Realty Co. 23'.?3 \\', C11a.st Hwy ., Cnt. Port Orangt'I Nr wport B<"ach LI ·i562 · Bar. 5151 l'\'t'A. 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTlL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AJ'-:D NATION-WIDE MOVl~G Ph. Kl 3-9~2 1 f;\'<' LI S-296l Corner N<'wp<>rt Blvd, and So. Ma rn Sr. OrJ>Ol!\lj> Bank nf America K uq Greelt)' /\I C11rnrllut1 Ed Lee '"' k l'lnkha.m Jo11tphtne Webb 7110 1': Balb<>a Olvd . Da lboa J'hone J lArbor 3277 B/B Corona del Mar Shorecli!t • Quiet canyon \11'w lot • ~fl:\C' 2 tJrm & llt>n • 2 t.mlla, pt'rfN'l kllrhtn • l.11x11ry built t hroughout • $37 .:im run pnt t, tr • C1>me &<'& lhl1 wonderl"UI home Corona HJgblanda • A '"""' y home alle • !'l!l'rtaculAr ''ltw • U 3.6-00 tull prtc:e • Htarl\' fnr your cu1tom homt Coa!lt Highway • 1 °hu11•c C't1mmerc:l11I lncome • ;-.;.,, ) f'l 2 yean old • 2 "' l\ft'll -lt'All('t1 • • 11fll8. renlt>d e Hl"_.l lflCflttm • 1•1uk1ns: In 1r11r • E:itr11ll,.nt Inc oma • 1~r1.0l)U w ith good t r rm• • JI'~ Jo;N•d l'l\lllC a 0 0 D B ll y R Bay & Beach Rlty Inc C'nrnn11 fl~I ).far Ortlce A. 3'\:lO K C"tUl Hw y, I rarllor 6249 L See Me-Ta. Nelson rc11tci::-:A DP.L MAR LQ\'F:L \' iturl""'· 11h11k" roof. beam rt•1lln~. (·11rprlt tl 011,. ~lrtn, llf'l. ltt!~Nl (oOP Yl'llr $71\ 'J'\t.•('I i...1rm. apt. rt nl.ll 112~. $22,()00 \ATAI.r."A ISLAND \\ 11..J. EXCHANOE BEAl.'"Tfft'l. F t•tt:-:. T RlPl..EX. nnr 3 IJ<.lrm .. 2 b&tb•. on,. :l brm, hAI h & 1 bdrm. •Pl. With bath 1-,,., .. l~at Ion. aho-..·• l l'Miflc-r,.. 1t1rn" For bu~nue. Incom e o r 1 fn :;,..,. rort are&. :!''"' 1--:. Co&tll llwy, C'rorr n.\ •l••I :0-fAr, H Ar, GMlfl H r 4fl \.\"ATF:HFH(J~T OL"PU:X, l.,rrv.f'r -i L•r. 1 1~ hitlh L'rprr l br ""'' hAlh Hlln•" It lnrome OSLY Ji r1,rt1'111. llAHllf>P. l~\'f:!'T~ffl!J\'T CO IJnr 11\<r'l J-:1·,., Hu. 43H -J 4~c4 7 l. LIDO PROVINCIAL ••• CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Tb.la choice twobeclroom can bt youn few only $22,700. • Beamed cellin,p • Ueed brick fl.replace • In.side window 1hultera • QU&M')' tile kit.ch• • Largo two-car p.rap • Large walk-in cloeet We have lhe key to this 1.mmacula.te, near DIW Udo home. Come in and diKu.. tenDL LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPJ'ON ~H.GROIDl.A.N GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA. IU.NSOJf ~ Via Lido Harbor "" (Acroaa from RJc.hard's Market F..ntnnce) HAPPY HOLIDAYS 10 a.ere c:om.er. ){·I. . . . . .. . ···-··---HOOO a.e. lilr-. 3 acre Tr&ller park llltt', IOOed ok •s.a.ooo -. 80 a cre fa.rm, bldp • W.U 211" dn. --flOOI • i6 a.ere CoacileUa c:otton ra11c.Jl, well -· · •TIO M. ..... 2 a c:ni C-2 on Newport Blvd. Mo lt.I Ille, -··-·-•10,ooe .. 11, a.ere. Pla.cenU., Ave. M-1 --. -··-··-·-Get l'Old ....... M~• l'rhe Ba.ck Bsy water View llome lltte --·-"800 &--. 82 •., x 250, !fl blOl'k to Npt. 8 1.vd. i unit ati. --··~-pOQO -. 60 a 30() Harbor ntvc1. C·2, 8U8, locatlOcl --•11.000 t--. r.~ x 138 R--1 Sewef"8 6 11.L ln It p.J4 •tne 1-. 1 2 new tum. homu , gara,... ftl"el)lacel. mnaU ...., I Bay Ave. cor. 2 b r., dto, patio, Y1ew, Only -121.&00 '- Klnga P lace, ! br , 2 bath, 2 yn. old, Yltw. -t lt ,llO t--. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1M7 Newport Bf•d... Co.ta W.. LJ 8·1832-Evea. LJ a..uoo LIDO ISLE To our many !rienda who haw llbd t• • t.rpiD on Lido -here it. la -lta ao soo4 n ou't pt an exclusive and it. won't lut. I bedroama. 2 WM on a 55 ft. lot -7 yn. olicl--oftr 3000 tel& IA bouee would coBt over $38,000 to nplaoe u4 we ' can deliver it for under $30,000. Excellent Fi.nancing, RUSH J DUNCAN HAl{OESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST 2602 Newport Blvd., Npt. Be&cb Har. 4718 PAGE 8 ·• PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRID.A Y, DEC 16, 1955 1 ~~!1~f1·~· NEW JOHNSON FOR JOHNSQNS Ron Johnaon, left, and his famous father, E rskine Johnson, Hollywood columnist. look over snappy multi-colored Performer Playboy, the first new 1956 Johnson 30 outboard delivered in the Harbor area. The Jobnsons, 1610 Park Ave., accepted delivery Saturday from Paul Henderson of West Coast Fiberglass, 1595 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa. South Coast Co. la distributor. Staff Photo Rabies Quarantine Placed on Areas North of Mese dogs confined at all tlmu and show pr0<>f U1t'y have an t-scape- proof t'Unflnenwnt ore a for I he animal!!. The quarantine requires all!o U1al all dogs in lhc area be 1mmunl7.ed against rabies. The preaent quarantine s rea ln- cludPa a 2:S-square-mile aeetlon ex- t ending almost to the city Um!ta oC Coeta Mesa, SANTA ANA, IOCNS) -A Under the quarantine, dog own- lluge • t c t I o n of the city or era are reqUlred to keep their knt& Ana, lhe entire city or Tualin an<t a portion or county ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; territory near the two a reu are under rablN quarantine today. The q~ranllne wu lrapoeed by the Orange County Health Oe- p&rtment yeaterday tollowlnc a rabies 11eare In t hla areL Cou11ty laealth otclclals aay ala<> that the quarantine might be extended by "'e 1late department of public bealth t o Include the entire coun- ty of Orance. Meanwhile. aome 30 health and ftterln&ry officer• continue to 9::our the 26-aquare-mlle area tor a t leaat two doga who et1ca~ con- 4 nement and 11howed evidence of nbl81. E. L. Ru•ell. county health or- rtcer, aaJd the quvanUne WU lm· poat'd aftn one confirm~ cue ot ablea -11d t.h.ree "cllnJc&lly dl&«- no1ed" cue• were found In the areL One of the animal•·· a fawn oolored boxer, chewed b!a way out ,, • caae while under quarantine Ct a Santa Ana veterln&ry hoa- pll&J, reportedly bit a 7-year-old Clhlld w&lkrng home !rom IChool. 91lg-aged In a fight with four other dog• a.nd lhtn dlaappeared. M-.n- whlle. the chJld. lllll• Johnny Orah am of 1111 KllJIOn Dr1n. to- day began rrcrlvlng pa1nf\ll Pu - uur lretilmenla. The first cue or rableA, reveal- ed by OCNS IMt wt'ek, wu dis· cover ed at 124111 Ranch \'lew Dr .. T u1t1n. The a nlm&I •11e.I and 1tate \,Mt.a or the animal'• brain con- firmed the r·ablu 11usp1rton. H..aJlh and veterina ry offlcera rounded "1> two other dog11 believed to have en b7 t he Cleat -ho. Ln t he Nme gt'nt'ral area. The fourth a nimal wu dl11rovered YP•· terday while 8t'art'hrr11 ronductf!!d a hoWIC'-to-hou11e 11 .. arC'h In the b•av1ly popuhllf'rl 11011thea.st rdl- d•ntlal a ru of Santa AnL Orange County heAlth depart· ment IHuetl an 4'mf>rg-ency bullt'lln to all county tloctor11 today. The bullelin ala tea be<'3Ut!e Of the dt · flnltely dlagno1ed cu es. "obll· l'alU thr l!l&te dt p&rlment Of p11b- IJ1' henlth to rleclsre the county a 'rabies epidemic area'." The at11te thr n may quara.ntlne the en· tire county. Including 1111 cltlee .. Clothesline Thief A quantity ti( ~r8onal Item• worth about MO wu t a.ken from a clolbullne of Mrs. )flchael R. L&yle.r, 209 Amethyst Ave . prlor to TIJellday, Police reponed. I n· duded werf' a bedirprHd, llnirerlt 1 and other item• or women'tt clot.II· I ~· .P1d1-'t for your Yu~ tAbJe_~- for Christmas 9ivin9. 6S x 90 tnch1'1' ... ~ ..... -. _ ·-S 9.98 63 x 10~ lnche8 ........ 11.91' 70 lncbf-s Rouhd ( frin&:NI) . .... J 1t98 See OW' Beautiful ~ltttion of Table Unf!RA and Giff.It for tht homf' W fl a.re now open 't U a lnf" p. m. until l)t-<'. 23 WE on'E II mu;i:~ ST AM.PS einert's DEPARTMENT STORE 1816 Newport Blvd., Costa Meu SAVE up to 50% on all of your Christmas Gifts The largest Selection of Nationally Sold Dinnerware & Gifts on the Pacific Coast Santa Will Give Free Gifts -to Kids- Dec. 17 thru 24-1. t5 p. m. 1 ZJ.2 8oatll Cout Bh'<L IA«uDa &k-.b Open u,,til 9:00 every day of the year except Xmas e See Our Demonstration Factory e .· "' Second Sunset Heights Well for County Approved by Board SA:'\TA A:-JA DEC. H 1(.1L':0-:~1 .at ll1t'01Ult' .. r 31)l11) lii.irt>I~" d 11\' Th" I ;111J<·n \\'o•st Oil Curp .: 81 • "' ol111 c; t" hua Id ••I ~llP"' \'l~•ll > I'll)\\' opera\111.; •n u1J w. :i on ,·l,d1r111:H1 \\ ... 1~ \.',1r1111r. 1•u1111ty 11111pl'rty, TUbd..iy , ,., .. ,,._ j T h• J1,.·11t1un ., •1 11( Al~nn11uln ... 1 1wnu1 ... ,1on Crum the l'llUl\l \' ~-I and ... 11th 11( \\ 1111 ... •buq~ /\\•j>. planning 1·umm1s,,11.m to s 1 n k Slln•d Hi•ighls anotbt'r wl'll un l'CJUnty·o\\ "'"I , .,:;~1~~~1·~7 ~~··~c:.1'~.:.1~11 :~;.;1·t~~"tl:;; land. 11nl~r tu l!<'l th,. lt'aSt' o n C'ounty Culclen \Vest. lt.'aslng fmni the pr1111t't L)'. t•ounty, plans the nt>w well neljr . C uh!Pfl \\\•Jll 111~0 nhlRlnPrl ap· the f11-s~ une which ls pro1!11,•ing p111\'<il of the planm·r~ lo d1111 8 .... (, ~ o~ 'Atr; •011 NEWPOllT (f'Jf~~ Open aLYD.~ Eveory t ;\'1•11ln1t 'til 7 P. M. wf'll nn the non hwN1t rnrner, <1! IA"4 l'tt'i"" IJ lld t:h~·I•\ !°\t"4~ ~\HI­ • d Iii 11-hh Youth's B:~H! G ~nc ~I ,.l !l I 11!h . l . ! l .1.1111 1 t'h· I I •HliJ i !Ol'd tu 't_•\\ r1il. r Ui "h I' I l' ~!·111 Lt \' ~ t ,. \ I '1 t 1,lfH•I; b:, \ \ 11 , \ 1 I .t I , ~ ~ ,."1 f I ! 1't'l't1 l..Jt I\ 11 o I I" IJ Ji h• .I • City Car Damaged ..-\ .·,\'1' 1l Ur .• dt t 1t~ .ut''"h' I :,-\\ •• IJ \ 1 I\" .. I 111 t 1, I J •• ,, ut ..... , .. ,p ,, 1·1 •• Ut11I ,,~ 1.1!11 I J' If i 1lr I\ h\ • I 1 1 l•1 \\ t' !J ' I l•t\'1 II I t \ \. t• t . t. I I. ;.._ • I l1•r. ' ' I\:....... •lt \ ,·!1 :1 ,. I .t' •• =';t•',\1 , , t I i r.~ t '· ~ ~ • ': n \I I l l1 \ I I l f ' I f ': I J f'I~ tf t I 1 h MUST MOV E '6Y DECEMBER 3 I st < All Gift Items 20% to 50 % off ,..-... ,.,.., I' { .. I f I~ . • ti .... / I I .~ ...... J/ Cl 111 'j f /._~ /iowe~""s ' Col'nn:i dd ).tar 1 3.f03 E. Const Hwy. ll:11 bor 5071 . Y 11\l WI II bl' J•l,,a.-o·d wit h our lw:t 1111f ul Gift Wrapping It's Free 0 Jlf'D Stuula~'8 10 to ~ \\ t•f'k na~·,. 9 :15 to 6:46 On th•• <'k•1•1u1 F ront Ml 2'!nd ~tr.-.·t~ F111 liu' ftn<':<l 111 L'ommerclnl 1•1·mt1111: ndl l h1rl;or 1616. Job I 'rm\ 111g lwp11rrnwnt. Davis-Brown Co. INVITES vou TO A DEMONs-1,,,\TION OF RCA.ViCTO~ BIG COLOR TV C01\l.03:: nq - ENJOY "W'ONDERFUL COLOR SHOW'S ON :SIG-AS-I JFE 21-INCH RCA "VICTOR TV Big ·t<,..ef\ color TV i• here! 1;. • ! I, r\c111111:. hr• .1il111\..11. ... , ,, ... 1 1 I 1 ynu'v<' ..,...t ll'l ..,,. 11 f,.r Y'•'l"-rif' Y"u c~in havr 1111/ :1 1111 /1 1. (.' 1 .. 1'\' in )'<JUI IY>!ne r1,,.ht n<•v. in ri· 11-r "' r ·• , -i unnrm: °' w c:thinrt ~I\ !1 '" I« \ \ , • r01d url''\ arr ~lf'3<h. I I 11!1.mt ll ' ·l ·r lC'lf\ 1i-1rin a I 1t ~ hf·,t ! Jn ~ bot11 5ets arc cnrnp:it ;l,11•, • ..,..,_....,..., ... tc-V'ICtllr ,....., _..... c-oct (.,,..~. ••"'ol r"" o•• UK,-f.o.,., -· ,,._,. V°o<I"' 71 "''" -<•I& TV 11 eqvlpped w• o H.qll !,pod UHi VII I • .-~ l a stJ ...... _ .... _. ......... br ._., ......... d t~k- RCA PIONE ER ED AND DEVELOPED COMPATIBLE COLOR TElEVISION S.. MAI\' MAIT1H .. "~ ,._ .. '" ..._ _...,.. lhowtft9 ef t+ie er•"' 1te9e •"41 TV hit lft ltrltll•nf l 1 -ln(h ...... -N9C·TV In .._,_ t • -' Come in and SH the followin9 sltows in our -showroom • Saturday, Dec. 17 "Ford Star Jubilee" With Red Sktlton, Eddlr Fl"hf'r and fJla fi tzi:tr·ald "C'RS" 6:80 to 8:00 p. m. • Saturday. Dec. 24 "Babes in T oyland" With Jf>aft.ni1~ Car!4on. l>Pnni" f111). \\'ally ('ox and Tlwr-Uainl'I "NBC" 6:00 to i :311 I'· n'i. • '1onda~-thn1 f'rlda~·. De<-. 19 -28 "NBC" "MatinN' Th.-atrr" I '! to I I'· m. "Howdy Doody 2 :30 to 3 Jl· m. • Mondar thru f'ridal" Dec. 19 -23 "NBC" 1885 Harbor Blvd. .. Opt'n En•ninJ(!l until 9 'fil Xma" t:'" LllM' rty 8·8431 n .rv :ilcn hrint' \loll \1;\n•1ard tl'll'C':t~t! in I I I l.1( k ~nil '.•hr• l..11 p ll· If, lully :\S 1 ··I • .n r. l'•1l.1r I<(. \ \ ICt•I{ bl:t<k·a.nd· °" H. \ 1:n1i•1!r .(r~ :rnd l':J<:\" tn t in• '" .t•l.1lk :and v.h11r T\'. I 1 t I '""1m1•I• cnntrnl-11n1ck- h .Hl I (J~111 adJIJ l (• '••T In >Ill( 1.,>IJI l:J<tt' • ~ --·-....... • Mna