HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-21 - Newport Harbor News PressMesa Firm's Safe Cracked by Ye-ggs ilTHVR U. HJ:\'ER8 Name Meyers to Council · in Costa Mesa Tuck Pleads Guilty FULl.ERTON, IOC='Sl Do111t· 1..,. \\'a vne Tuek. 21 c· .. .11la Mf'"ll. pl .. adtd • .-ullly In Anahtim-f'ullt'r· ton Munlelpal Cnurt Mnnt111y to a rha rire of ~ll v th,.fl 11n1l Wll• j allf'd In hf'U of a s:?~ tint' H" -· ACCUl•fl of 111 .. allnj[ lhl"" bub npa Ott. 17. $700 Taken. from Courtney & Lester. 14 'Jobs' Now fh•ll1tncl• v. &• "hi,. \u n 1 I-•• nl\ 11 b11•kl"I• 1'1 II r l ~, 111ul ('f1Untr 1l lhr ,,..,, 'f tt'°:•" ; 1 P• inf ... ••n •h•ol • frnm th.. rrr,. tilt""' !Ill'• J r1 th,. N"'•m1n111\ j?An. tt>r Lu\ ol" Jo•rn~h out rl , •••·d ., n I 011· 1 I ''"' th" F111hl 1n1? I''•"'" ""''' \\hill"'' 111 -11 48th YEAR -NUMBER 109 .,,, n ht .. pr "f't'rl v \lthOUl;h P111klry N ici ht> did n• t kn w Psr•nn• ""'I •llt'ln'l ,,. "l' t> rn tn thf! m .. ,11ni: h~ r 1 ht wrll h~"" h<'< 11u_.,. Parl'l')n'e ... IPJ!ol "'"" " pNfP<l "JU1mplf' of '''hlll P tnkl"V h11• b"r n fljthtln&'. c ur..< K 0' t'IH>Tr.~T n1t' ~111•,•1 o1rr11rtmeont and Anti-Rabies Ordinance for Dogs -under Preparation SA:\'TA A':'A 1(')('-.:i:t1 -T hf'l tlnn of 1111 tlnr• eountv bn11 r•I nf l'"P""''"°n vt!•· Rw1~rll "3ld "''" nnr 111 ROY ttrfl11v att .. rnoon 0111• 1• .. 1 Co11n•t'l rornhln11Un n o r An\' tv.1• ''' lh" •• J Of'I "oi:lr tn l''"'P"'" "n or1l1· rprtrf'rn,.nt• 1. lnertt'cllvr H,. ,.,,. na.111'" noqulrln1t c11m1111l11ory 11n· 1•laln"•I. "p1 ,.v1011~lv wt h,.,.,. h.1°1 ll·r11 blr10 v11N·ln11t11111 .,( 1111 do11• tn •lf'p•·n1I on 11 \';il'c '"" \\hi• h I Bur9lary Suspect Pair Held by Me~~ Co:='~ -t ·11 \' En1:1n1••·1 lion 1'1111\hwortb ""tr orrtt'n'•I bv t hr cnunrll to • 111, k •)II I h" prl'll~•l and ntport ht~• k "' th" """'' ''''"'ling. City A tt,,rn• I' ''"" T111n11nn In the Costa w ithin tht •0\lllt\'" h0111l,.r• 1·11nfrt1r·I II ~hnrl 111111111111 •1 •"'"n Tw .. "'l•f''" ,, \\" • " .. lu· t !hi Aotirol Ch11111n1u1 \\'1111• \\'a rn,.1 1,.•• thun " \'1'11 1 :-.;,." th• ~''" "'''"k lo\ 1 · ~t' "" ' I'• h" ~c' cllllt tl (qr lh,. 11r,'•f"nlt1 t11•n 11nd Ill 11vn1lahlr whr.-h rnntrr • lll"f" 1, .. .,1 1.,,11,.m ,.11 •11 I'·•1.,11 "' hur- .nrnhi•bl• ll•l••rt 1011 r•f thf' ordf. 1 1111•1111" 1mmun11 1• '""1 """ • • r ~r c " ''" rtrv "'l' lln1 •oll \\1lht1" n•ncf' At 2 p m nrxt T11t11d11v n1or"' 11,., h J r """ \nil" 111 I.• R • mr :inllm,. will llrnw up P1nklty'1 i '''f'· .... I 't••tnrtnr-.. I 11 f''"h1111: lhr • o11~h his ordt- lli<nrr 1•rv1pr>AAI. J'lnklf'y d~l&M!d th•·I ·• "''' 11u 1f>t~•,n whv th~ Uf@ ~11v1n i • nl re~ich "'" \\ho have l • • n 1n I · "'ta ~l,.~IL for 11 dozen Mrirnv.h tll', \\',1rnr1 •111•1 lhl' "A' 11 •·on•rqu"""" "' 1111• lllf'lr 1, I•·· t.·1th ,,( :.:1111 I' ,,,.,, bo11rd or ""P'"'1,..•u v.ill ml'l't l11•lini: 1mm11n•11 """' '" ,., ,, .. 1· ,.,,. \:··-r• Pic:k•Up Day ChartCJ• with rt'prC'~l'n\.1 11\'C'O 01 1·nun1y bltll lmm11nl714t ... n 1 .. Jl••W rr11• II· I'· 11 ·•1 ..... , '"" " ... I •• ,. ""'" lncorpnralt1I rlttf'• It• '11•<11•' lhf' r 11bl,. hr 1 "11h .. 111 I 1 I n • •1 11 "" 1· •1111 •ll u allon ~tch h1111 jll'rn lhf' VI· 1 f:ICoHT 00(.~ R '"'" II I 1 I 'II •• ,,, ... II •·l '"" ttrt rounly pl••f"•I in 4111u11 nlln1'. l'ln•,. :-;,,, IP 11-.•1 f' hH'" '"'" l•r.' ' • '"'" ~·' I I •rn I• canin"·"llll" f'l~ht rlni:• prl'"''nl n,: "'"'I'' "• :1111 I''' "llltr A \f• II .. I ••"" '('l,l:Wt:~TF. ORIH' .\SC'T. I• ( !Ahl"• in '"lllhrn,l ~" 111 ,\, ~ "I '•' n' "l'l'"'"'""·•l• ' S I~~ • ITuJ11ttn antt ~urrouJhhnl.! Un\n ,,t· (r"n , ,,1 •• 11 ,, '" ,.,, 1 , .. •• Onll· "n" <"II ' ~1111 1 '1'"111"1111' pt•rttlf'rl 811'""· Arrorohni: I<' H 1•· now hruo a m rtnolAt .. 1\ 11n11111h1r 1 •All rl'" """ .. I A"' I lh• I'' t 1: ubr1r:" e • I I rA"h rollttUOft I • llllt>d ( .. r 01'(' :?6 find J l\ft, J "•11 ~ m11.de hv :-><>w riort Beach , •" ,. (11 ,. , "llo·rlur' l'ln lhl' day I I'" 11 ~ ll 1' 1 l'~lll~r f11ek • up ',, • 11• •I l1t0« tn Brll COverl, 'I"•'' q ~lll'•'nntrnclrnt I h h I ' ,, I .. I t l ~ {" ''" I " I~~ .. hh t Y11crln1ttlnn P'"'l!fllll ' 11 • "' nr lh,. ril"IR" !llTI• krF' t~"' r ~J:S'i..aJllFlJ:AlliS_.MMM•• this prnr111m ~'"'"\II •: "'''" cunflrml'1 b» l,hnr11tn11r"• "' "'' nn "" ~'"" 1 I.ill 1 I 'R •• th lthM ·.'.','1'1·."· ""' ..... t111 ''"""' ,.,. Only E . ... 118~ • "un " "" '111'11 h" I rlln1r-.1 '' n J l "'' h •I t , •••• t•un t•r11°11r ;\l ,,h1 flr !!r. rPrnmmf'n•I"•' 1 "' '"JW'' "1 , '4l'SPt"I ""'I lhP"l' "r" 111111 111 ,.,. ors lmm"'1llll'ly put "''" r tfr• 1 """ !11111 •.• rab .-• '"''. • • I 3 the m11nd11tor v , .• 1, • 1n1111°1•n r •h· '"""'" 10 1 ; , 1 ' 1 '1'.\11 .... 01;! .~:~,.·~ .. ~~.:;1.'11~',~· ::· I &'rllm llf' lift Id • """ • l'I I I• -..... .. ,, h "'~ b •I n '" ~r1mn• ll"t' .,,.,.n 1 r 1:: 1·, 11111 J',.lum ani.I ll<'1th1 • Sho • an em,rg,.ncy." h h 1 1 .... pplnCJ \' r~ ,, 'nj{ll .... f• ftllllO ,, l<•tllrt'•' m 11·1 I .. 11 11.in 1•t· ,, rnrti. 1plllrr . I Ra11.,.ll, J nhn Bn" "' • Ollrll '' of I ht> r"'"~ hAI! IW'l'n f(lun•I ;-.; ""P .n 11 trun;leri . all hnui.rh 11neo pri.o• Telf'rinarl11n, llQd f '11111 T \\'1~,. ,.,, lh•• iloit• w1111 k11nwn tu hAvt> "1 ,,11 inr .. rm• llctn ,. hH h irwul\·•"' •' Days prl'~1Jf'nl ti( lh• ('1111nt\' \'rlrrtnN· "''"'1 hlttrn by a fll~JWl'l Alllm11l thr utht'r. rt~n 111<110c-ta llo n. ni~t v.11h thr 111111< thf' pru umpll<'n hv Rus-1 I trupen·t~nn )'l'~l,.rdA)' lu th••"°' •I'll thlll t!l'lly We're fXl'Ol t'tl IO Ult! rabtl'I ptCll.lft' 1 .thl l'~ '" "11.i lif t. I Lokan DauCJhter I Thl' r 11rdlnal rl"qu111ll•'" "' rA · 'l'tl.-public hnllll deperlm~nt ~Ir ""'' ,..,.,. lllln•M l.<1lc11n I blu eontrl>I, RutMll '111 I 111r It· rl,.c-l1urol lhl' "t11ta l l rl"A of Or· :t~'I i'lrll\\l'H•I Ro1c1. ar,. lhr p111 I I eenalng of dop. eHl!<'llVl' pt•unri s ni;t' Cuu111y to be rablta endem·l""'' nf 11 ba by i 1rJ born Utt. 16 I 'til Chrislntc11 ............. u4 YU~ Ml." I.A Ii-. Jtl.mpdAA, l••·----19-llli ___ .. ,, • HARBOP ~PRC SS P lnklt y 111:hlf'd that be would llk11 to ae11 the •Ubdh1d,r• p.y at lf'ul a porUon ot the c-ost o f dralnagt . "Thl'lr tracll a re c-au.- 1ng u much u eo per cant more runotf onto olhtr per.on•' p rop- 'rly bec•UM thl' natur.; d~~ is cove~ by hou.ea, drlvcwaya and patloa" HARIOR WEATHER r-perataree tlMJ .,.., -" ta tlM llartler aft9 were: RIP Tbured&)'. Dec. 15 •• G6 rriday, ·0ec. 18 ........ 5S Saturday, Dec. 17 -. N Bunday, Dec. 18 ·---u Monday, Dec. 19 -··-~ Tueeday, Dec. 20 -··-85 WednNday, Dec. 21 .... 119 Low .. 8 48 48 48 44 43 63 ANNEXATION Seaquist in City · by 146 to 6 Votes F1..rLERTON, COCNSI -C'ounlM'I for Herman Wayne Shook. 124 E. Cabr11lo. Colll& Mna, f'nl f'rf'd a plea of lnnoctn l tor Sh onk Whl) did not appt>ar In cou1 t Mund11y o n a drun.k driving charit" Trial WU Rt for May 29 8h0<\lc WLI pk ked up Ott. 7 on E l°f'nlral An~ L& Babr&. L.UIPLIORtER8 OF OLD -Jim Lewi•. or 336 Snug Harbor Road, torch in hand. Light.a one of the 44 lamps in front of reeidentJI along ~n ug Harbor Road. The home ot W. H. Spurgeon, 436 Snug Har- bor, ia in ~ bacqreu.n.d. Two loc&l boy.. Pat PHONE HARBOR 1618 Harry HOme Gets Prize . on Lighting Ii .. Chamber Announces Top Home. Business Awards AS RED CROSS HEAD Thtt reitlg-nat IOn or M r' V "' • 11< ult non Ma lhewa &11 cha1nrn•11 o( 111 .. 1 Thi" board llttld..i to h o I c1 Nt'wport -C'o.'l.ll M"i<a 111 ll•ll'h .. r I ""'nthly mf'f'tlna• until J un11 &11•1 lhe A mt'r1('11n Rf'd Cro••. :"111111 h I~ nat h of tt'1 ma ot otfleerw wu t m Oran1tf' rnunly rhaptrr • r.nw .i .. 1 .. 1mlnf'd F.-rl l't!lf'1ann, r ha lr aa a aurprlllf' at thl" bttl\111 l•rnch· ni•n or AAff'l,V rqulpmf'nl, uked t'On at Harbor H ou1c-( 'h11n1o:" 111 th .. bnllrd tu lo<11l" 11 plart It> heir l'C'~luh• u "'h•ll•I bll" '"'l'"r· v1110r f~r Cotta M'f''I "' '" t h " rtaM>n ' M r• Mathtw• .. rr. r ... 1 whtn re'IKl!l'fnic wt'''" tht! Wllt"r N(l'ly ,.qulpmm l ~ .. J•I !'M'nl quut'n wall ll()nfl b« 11n1t•.1ul. .. bl" Mr• I.Aura \\'arrf'n nf I h,. C"hllplf'r uftlrt In Santa Cltlla n K PMt 11l. man. will ~ u ked '1"" t hAI r· Ana 1 rporH'<I on tt1.. rP<"f'nl c'ha· to till lh• tutttr mttunr 111 San t;11britl Helmholz of 339 Snug Harbor, and Lewia, each night during the Christmu Rell80n don their top hat1 and black coats and light the ornamental light. -juat like the lamplightt'rs 11f old. -Staff Photo PAGE 2 ·PART I -,NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEONESOA Y, OECEM.BER 21, 1955 GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS There is ne\·er enough time during the Christmaa aea· son t o do the things one wants to do. At least that's t he way we find 1t at our house. We started addressing our Christmas cards 10 daye ago. but they're etill in a drawer withe>ut stamps. Whenever we're out in the car and paaa a Cbriatmaa tree lot we make a me>'ntal note to pick up a ailver-tip- t omorrow for sure. But the next day brings its own built-in ct>mplicaliona. Al the rate we're going we'll be lucky if the halls are dt'cked by New Year's eve. But there's at lea.at one bright spot in aJI o! thia. Christmas day we won't have to cook. Chef Gabriel i8 putting on a holiday feast at t he BBC, and we've decided t o let him do our work for us this year. The several hours I we'll 11a\'<' as a result appears to be a mighty attractive Christmas gi ft at this stage of the game. Time fQT an unhurried gifl-o pcning, lime for church. Joyeux Noel to you, Gabriel. * * * And to you. mtrC'pid r('ader, our special greetings and bf'st wisht>s. * * * For 13 young Newport ladies. Chr istmas will be a little late this year. Not that they're going to be overlooked when the bows come off the boxes December 25. But undoubtedly they're looking forward with t he gtt.ateat antici pation t o a presC'nt-or more correctly, presentation-:- which will come to thf'm c:n masse December~28. For lh1e is the evening the lucky 13 will be introduced to society at the 2nd Annual Debutante Ball to be held at the Balboa Bay Club, and it is the highlight of their holiday aeaeon. The time-honor<"d custom of presenting debutantea originated in the Old Sout h during the most graceful social ~riod in the nation's history. It 1s appropriate. then, that a Southern theme be employed in the staging of the New- port Ball by 1L!I i,;ponsors, the Newport Auxiliary of the Children's Home Society. The debutantes will be presented by Myford Irvine from a replira of a Southern mansion veranda. The pillar-a of the main dining room will be cov('red with moss and flowers. and there will be other touches reminiscent of that charm· ing era. 32 prominen t Newport couples will serve as patrons of the BalJ according to Mrs. William Curlett, churman. * * * Christmas came early to Hoag Memorial Hospital with the announcem('nt that two large grants of money have tx>cn made to further the institution's progreu. The firat came from the Ford Foundation, and the ae-cond from t he etttate of the late Glenn L. Martin. wealthy airplane manu· facturcr and a ngt1ve or Orange County. No more worthy recipient could be found for these f ine gifts. Thia 18 a splendid Christmas mdeed for all of the Harbor area. LOCAL TRIO IN HIGH-SCORING GROUP N~wport AarbOr l'ni<>n High Scttonl lltudent., from leCl abovt. Bob Walkn. Larry H1t~r 1tnd Mu jnrlf! Stoval. havt plactd a mong th!' hlghrst·s1 ortn1t lllutlrnls on ll prtllmlnary ecrttnlng tNt tor mtrlt 11r hol11ri1h1p11 1tn<I. lherdort. a r t aemlflnall•l•. Thry now will l11kt' M"hnlMtlc 11ptlllll1t tut or t'Ollt'ltt PX&mln•- tlnn t ntrnnt'f' bo1trd. dut-J 1t n 14 Th")' sre ln lhe 4000 11tudtnl• t.hrot1#h1•ut nation who rt'ma lnl'tJ 11 fltr 60 000 puptl• took o me tuta Thr)' 1trt' rnm(l<'tlnit f••r ~:10 echolanhlpe an Jlablt. -Zlmm"r f'hoto ------------------------- Warrant Issued for Wiman as One Accident Follows Another A t r11rr1<-w1arr1111l wu IH11ed lo Mr11 C>'C'nnnor f&lled t'O appear ln a 66·yt'ar-ohl N•·\\ port Btarh n mrt lo 11n11wtr !he rharg•. motorht fnr llrl' 1ni;t without a I Jn the Marcfi I accldtnt. M111. llct'nst' fnllnwini: " t" o·injury ra r I 0 t'nnnor " t ar at ruck a concr•te accldrnl !'l11n•l•n· noon Ill 32nd Sl. hll>< k "sll on U do SOud neu Via and Xrwpon Ulv•I. I Mt>nl onr l':o one wu Injured. Pollcf! M id lht')' INIUl'd tht' Wllr· rant to MT'I!. Xnra M11ry o ·cnnnor Girt Trouble ot lot 28th St artu her car al· Mc'edly 1mu h!'<i Into the rt'Ar of anothf'r Vt'hlt'lr 11topped at ll elop l1p. Hvrt in th11t rar wt're lht' drlver. £dna A ll rr ta Penn. 61 , and a paaaf'ngt'r M11 r~·lyn Pt'nn, 24, both of Z~8 P1tlnt('r St . Costa Men. Thty refu.tf\l mtdlcaJ aJd. Mn . O c'onnor hArl 11 11'111 n.-r·11 ~rmtt but nn !'f'~11l11r nprrnl nr~ r"rm1t, f'Ollt't 11a lcl Thl'y wr<>tt 0111 lhe warrant \\htn tht'Y d1~ovrrf'd 11.hr hll•I ti.-rn ln\'nhrd In a n<>lht'r art'ldrnt nn M11N'h 1. Thl'y 111.~11"1 a r1 tal1on a t th11t tlm!" for driving "1t.J\ol'; a linn11t but lht y H~ld , Dt lf' L Harutead, Jt. of 788 W. Thartn Road, Coat& M.a romrla lnl'tl to polJce that an Un• ldtnttfle-d man came lnto Hae•· 1tl'•d'11 plate or tmployment. a eervlce 1t11tlon at 2300 CO&at Hl,hway. at 2 a m Sunday, and ~luggt<l ·turn t1111111ng a brul~ 11hm1t tht lrrt "''" 11nd lht lrft side of hl11 mnulh Polk e 111111 that HaK<'ftt'1t1l f1na lh, admit ttd tht' lroublt 11ta11 .. ,1 nv~r a mutual 1[1 rl fr1fnd. He n ltl hi' 11111 not I knnw thf! man whn hll him, how· "'~ I Student BodL Presidents ANXIOUS MOMENTS WHEN EYE, HEART FOUND IN BAY HERE of Conference Meet Jan. 4 Tbe" were a tew an:adoua momenta when B&rT)' Berbat. 3331 VI& L,do. found a bottle In the Bay Saturday morn!J\r and dl1COvPrt'd It ronta1ntd • heart. f!Y• and wha t looked Ilk• • •plet>r or k ldnty. CoUegf! 1tudent body preal· dent.a f rom a u Eut.ern Confer- Pnce echoole will con\lene a t Or· ang-e co .. t Coll•I'• on Jan. 4. Purpoee Of th• mMttn1-. •C· t'O rdmf to Ron Armatrong. OCC student prexy, la lo promote ln· ltrcollegillte harmony. -One of U\e 8Ubjeclll to be dl11cu1111M wlll be lhe annual all-conference dance to be held ln the P&ll&dJwn March 9. wW partlctpate are Rua Beb- re111, Santa Ana College; 1Ray Nelson, S&n Bemardlno V&lley Co1Jese; Bill Noble, Rlvel"lllde CoUer•: Dave Flockf!r, C'haffty Collere; Norri11 Hunley, Mt. San Antonio; and Bob Wilke, Fuller· ton. A phy1iclan, calltd by police, uaml™"<S the find and n.iltd thty could not have bee n from a human beln(. Thty are •tentatively ldtntlntd u beln&' from a l&rr• eea1 ot whalf!. Advteou who will attend the Student body pre•ldentl who meeUnr an Dr. John JohNon. -------------------------Santa A.Ila; Ivan Malm, Jl'Uli.... Robert Troutman. San lkmardl-,-For t.be ftn•t In Commettlal ton; <hrald o.a.i, Jilt. Sa.n Anton-no; R. H . Bradahaw, Rlveralde ; Printing' call Harbor 18HI, Job lo; lAclnard Mather, Chattey; uid Dr. J'red Hl&W. OCC. Prlnllnr Df!partment. LIDO DRUGS --<>De or t he Ude a.,." HARBOR DRUGS M-01 Via Udo, N n Beach 8301 E. Cout Ooroaa del Mar Coffee111a1tw AutomatJo =atree 1 to I cape pric-e ••• $26.95 Ba0"'Jlo'U.: HOLIDAY FLASH OUTFIT ......... ·-······ .. BBOWNUJ BULL'S lt'fl: FLASH OUTFIT .............. . a&OWNIE llAWJU:l'E COMPLETE KIT . SPECIALS for December 22,23,24 .......... -5915 ...... ~8'° .......... ~435 Frypan AulomaU~perfM& c<>oklnf reeult• every Ume ... S alu., prtc.e l tt .tll-S!l .H-Stl.15 Double \'otn Oil all TDl£X duet proor-.-at.erproor $695 s-m 295 WATCHES ........................................................ . L. P. A lbum Mentova ni Chridmas Carols Roger W illiams includ ing Autumn Leaves 5 Albums Oklaho ma Sound Trac k Christ mas in Hi Fidelity MeTa cnrino Orchestra TOM THl'!IUI Casll R .. fstw Reg. 2.98-2.49 UOLDEN 01..0W TEA SET $1 .91 Dt-ha.ae ''· Fencing Set $298 Huad7 Andy Tool Set s-m" Wrist Radio $295 Oillllll...- Plush Toy MECiiAN1CAL "joys .... 88c PERFUMES CRASTILLY Perfume • with rtrt cud....,,...,. to mall u d ftertn t • Daye s-m15 FREE TRIAL Momlq of Dee. U . A.DAM8 ll1B IE\\'l;L Pt:R8E Perfume s300 g11awn. PEKFl'ME 80Tl'LE8 and Atomizers r.1t•ut.tte lmporb rrom sr--sir Ta.M -F.mlr -PlaUM -%0 (.&rat -Ambuah lntodC"atlon Coloc~ ud PERFUME SET Sptt~ --- COLOGNE SET Roir"r .a Clalld Blue CARNATION SOAP FABERGE COLOGNE PAa·T·LOO, to •tart Jmt lll'ht w ick FIRE LOG "'I'· I t.II ......... .. Beautiful Xmas Decanters * 01,D FORF.41Tr.R I , W. HARPt:R OLD TA\'1.0R DISCOUNT ON MOST u9uo1s IY THI CASI 8 E A M PAD A TILFORD OLD Jn'. TA\"EllS OLD FrrLOEILALD • ,. Thieves Brea Into Two Cabin Cruisers Two Newport Bnr h cabin crul· -• were brok"' Into .ometln1t' "111•\\"' In lhf' rabln "a11 r ·un.1 half t'unaume.S. oft1t'e1 A ;,11i.t. Thf! boat •~ ownN by C:('(111;t M. Raymond. MoaleMllo. du.rlnK tbe WHlcend and valuabl.-Saa...n.. LJceftleCI lnetrumenta taken, M"cord1nr to police. SACRA.MENTO, {CNS)-0 D. Ctrald S11mur ls of Norlh lfol· \\'Atllnn, •late f't'al Htate ('Om· lywood 1111ld 11 S 12~ direction fan.I· tr w1t1 t.akrn from hi.!! boa t ~um m111~1ontr, llnnoum·NI 1uuanc:. of T'ly moored 11t Balboa J.t1ut11R thrN' ~al f'l!tat .. 1&ll'11men llt'- He aald th• cabin was unlockPd 'in Ntwport Beach . Tb• llr•nM• Lyle Ellla, 1302 Eut Bay wt1r" lllllUt'd t.o OIUeltt H . &lk1. Front, car.-talter 11f th• yar hl 14~10 Balboa Blvd. Albffl R .... Ii:. Fl)·lng Bridge, moorl'd nNr hl11 ' homt. 11aid a bur.:lsr hail rhi,. .. 1..,1 rl\m, 3341 Ntwp<>rl Blvd .• •n•I the CAbtn door open and tl\k<'n 11 M111 JMll' R. Wa r ror.I. 2603 NI'"· valuabll' baromrll'r. A bottle of port Bh·d. /' J NOTE! loys & G irls Prisa will be awarded 6 p.m. Christmas Eve. Watch for Double Vote Items. * Free Gift WrappiftCJ * wer1 MOftOCJram While You Wait * Store Hours Xmas Day 9 to 2 P·"'· ·~ ... Hows Monday Dec. 26 YOUNG ESCAPEE PAIR Turnl'1I fl\'rr to Vuuth Authorit y offlc1al" bv Newp<Jrl Beach r'oh<"I' C>f-111.rlm• nl "t"r e St11nley Na11tn, 18. ltft, end Dewayne lmnlar. 17 They were l'·11 ptur••d her.• Fnctay In 11 car 11lolt'n !1om Slor kl•m Rftl'r eiorapl.lllt from Pretilon School for Boys N11b!r1 "'"' oriirlnallv r<enl to r!'form achool on a burgl9ry <'h11rg" lly IO<'RI police. St.ff Photo County Bond Sales Total $477,406 5,.1r:; nr l'nlled States Savinge Buuols In urnnge County hut ll\IHllh 11111011nt .. .i to SH 7,406, Har-1 ry I, lt11n1mn • l1111r111an of 1·111111ty bl1rt1I arl l\'lllt'-< 1, ptirt,.•I today I .. 'rhl" :'l:tl\'l'llllJ ... r r1,::uro· b1 ought ••t he tuta l (cor l11r Vdlr tu S!\,662,- '11 111 >1 l(luo "' 41i 7 fk•r • t"nl O\'l'r J unuruy .':!1\' .. mb.-r Mlcll In 19:,4 1 Ho 111 •'l><'Ollr\J:' con1b111t'll St>rtt'!I E a ml :,;t'rlt'!< H pure ha11,.,. th" <'•J11n· t v 19!)!) l nlal 1~ lht' hll(hl'llt re..·t>r•I· et1 in a ny Plt•vt>n-month prnn<l 1 atnrP 11'4~ .':m'<•nlbt'r, 19!1!) H u ft11 of $16'.l.llOO brou1eht thl' 11· month total to Sl,8611,000, u com· pa1 ed to $9!1~ Ml() of the corrt"ll· ponl11ng p1'1 lml or a year ago, Han· eon 11a1r1t At Novell'lber-end, arcordlnl' to a n arra 1umma1 y by J 8 . Mee- alt•k, •l1tte Ult>a d1r<'clor, Southern Callfornl11 purl'hllll!'ll of ScntJI E a n1I SerlM H. In tolal, reachef1 I Hllt,118 741 whll't1 alAO mark• a 10 ye11r hlah anrt r«'flf'<'la tJ.n 18.l p .. r r•nt 1mprovtrnrnt (IVf'r 196~ Costa Mesa Trucker Sliqhtty lnl••d f'.1•kur Ir lwk •lrh·rr F.rtwAnl 0 A tk1nr1 21 nt 86!1 B«'eCh St . Coa· h Mr..n, rl\Jtfl'rl't1 mln"r lnjur1o l•t~ 0.c. 8 Wh('ll h1a Vfhll'I«' w1u hruahe<I hy a r ar on Harbor ~lvt1 820 '""t ~"uth or Truk A,., . C11llfnrTI11t H1iebway Palrnl t "l"•rt.-d llrt fl A lk1n11 wun'l )i,.,.flllAllU•I 111 1 urcllni: In otf1ren1 A•lnlph J ""n 1..i•-ia 17 Santa A"" w•• th,. •lrlV"• of the «"Ill ~·lh "'""••IN war& U&velin """'h nn H><1b<1r "h"n th" r ra11h ttt t nr r fll'CI Poultry DalSSING ••• 4J' t ..... ... .,, ...... , • lutterffy COffU CAICD 6w 2f' ... 6wll&) 1•.uc Sot .. ONl Y, Dec. 24 =...,.,.. 57· .. .... .., =. ...... 57'-... .., it)~ ........ . ~~~(~~~~ 008T& 110:8A 1100 Newport Bhd. OOKONA DEL MA.a "' c...t a.,,.,. AOOaD'S LAGffNA ll&ACB UI Broedway BALBOA 181.A..'TJ> tOO M.ariDe A,... ~l'U·~ 81:.4Gll IM 0-t Hwy. JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Here you II f,,,d one of the lon;ie1I 1electiont of portables •n Sovih"'" Colifornio , ond right now we hove o r~lly w 1dt' ror-7t' of prtce1. for e veryone on yo..r gift 1111. And rf'ml'l"'b4-• 1f you prefer o ,,o,,dord office model, we hove jvtl o' mony 10 choo't from Every Machine Is Unconditionally Guaranteed for 1 Full Year 30 DAY FULL EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE REMINGTON, Portable . . . . . · ....... 29'.50 UNDERWOOD, Office Model . . . . . 36.50 REMINGTON , Portable . . ..... , .... 37.50 L. C. SMITH, Office Model . . ........ 37.SO UNDERWOOD, Office Model ........ 41.00 L. C. SMITH, Office Model . . . . ..... 49.50 REMINGTON, NoiMI ... , Portable ..... 59.50 REMINGTON, NoiMa..., Office Model . 59.SO REMINGTON, rortaW. ............... 61.00 kl 2-2365 YEARLY COST TO RUN A CAR SET AT $952 HIGH SCHOOL GRADS INVITED NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 , 1955 TO MEET EACH OTHER MONDAY urban and rural dwellers. For lht drivtr who rerlat.r• Harbor Hlrh 1Chool will wel<'ome all sraduatee Monday at 7 ·30 p. m. In the aoclal hall. urordtnc l4 Principal J~rh Hamblet. It will (Ive coUt'(t' atudent.a home on vaca· t 1on 11 rh&JH'«' to llff each olhu and t'Xr hanc• newa. Thty will &180 I>«" uked' lo till out a que.tloMaJre 4U to whether lhPY found thl'lr hif h 1<:hool tralnln( what lhf'Y needed u rollege prPpar&tory work. Thia la to a id lht achoo! tlatf In ('OmpHlng lhe cumculum. Retrunment.a wlll be aerved. I F.vt"ry day (>f lhe yt'&r. wbt'lhf'r 10.000 mllu a year ll boll• 11<1wn lht' r11r la uae-d or not. ltA o~·nt"r lo ,11n overall coal of II & ct'nla a hu a bill of $1.6:1 T hi• f1xf'd mllt' 1 rh11r1e I• for dl'pre<·1allon. by tar I The :lOOO mile rlriv•f fa r " • tht' largeat, properly damage 11nfl wor11e on a m 1lf'•t:e b&alll Hi• Oran«Je County Has . 125,700 Autos, Experts Estimate liability lnaUr&J\ct' ($1!).000 and fixed rnata art' the aanH! a nd h111 $30,0001. and fir• and theft l'O\'· var1ablf' roal11 rome lo $17~. a f'rllll' No allowance ia made for total of $777 TMa amounla to dt<luctlble colll1lon lnaurance. 15.11 l'•nt1 a mite which many r arTy. The f 1 x I'd On tht olht'r hand . .,ca r11 driven 1Speclal to t he Nt'wp<crt H11r-oflen, npec1ally wht>n lhtlr In· 000' mllE'~ a yc-ar, coat.a $602 in senger c11ra 11'1 Ulle, ~vu $119.· da4)y coat var1e1 llflmewhat for 20.ooO mil•• rf'qulr• $1324 a y .. r. bor New11-Pr·e1:< 1 1 surance b1ll1 come due. Few or fixed t>hArgt"s and 3 :I cenla addl· ~.000 a.. the a nnual operallnit I different anta•. or on lv t .e cenlll a mile, NEW VOrtK, Dec 21 How them really know. tlnnal for t'Vtry mile driven. expenditure. Per car, It. le $962. OOVER8 MAISTENANCF. Ora~iee County'• filling 1tatlona mu<'h doe11 It ro11t re111dent.i of Figurei1 produced by tht' A111er· 1911! l'EK CAR Thia le bued on local drivtra A• to the (5 cent• a mile tlg· and garages have bencfltf'd by Or•n1te County per yeiir tu opt'1'· lean Aut o m o b 11 e Assoc1atlun Apply111g th1H aver&J(<i' 10 Or· travelling 10.000 miles a year, ure, It cover• gu, oil. tlru and th• a uto boom. Their bu.alnu• ate lht'ir t•11r11 ? ll 1s a question ~h11w that a car In the popul11r , 1111~·· Count)•, where lut year's w hich Is averrti:e. 1'herf" 111 lilt It malnl•nanct'. including $211 a last year, rev<>rt• Cnnaumtr Ma~ that o wne r • a11k themselvt'll pl'll·e r&n1re, dnven lua than rB.· 1 reg1-ll'Bt1on 11howe<J 126.700 p&a· variation In lhl11 re11pecl belwffn year tor repalra. kelll, climbed to $29,368,000. ~~~~....:_~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Eve~ything you want Jor grand Christmas e~ting ••• at Safeway! ALL STORES CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY AND MONDAY, DICEMllR 26 LUCEINI EGGNOG Rich, mollow fto•0< hom JC ly baended fvl s Your turkey, so 9olden·brown, juicy, tender and flavorful •.. a Safeway tvrby ... goes• IMg ..., • • n. Chri1tmo1 memorable! Sofewoy turkey1 ore USDA MADI A, prepared uftder "9DA tNp1dl • a' a 1 .... ,._ r ore 1ure of the fine1t ... when it'1 a Sot.woy turifeyl h'1 9uat0ntMd IOf fnoredlental qv.t WH"•CIEAM TOMS:!:CElb.43' ·HENS::=~4CJc HOLIDAY PAltTY Ml twby1 ot Safwway are USOA GRADE .,Au-fvlMIWOted, ready lo atvff & rwtt BEVUAGES caAOMONr ..... SODA a MIX .. Sporklin9 Wat« 2 fvll 33c or °'"9er A6e .,_,. BELTSVIW MIDGET TURKEYS FRESH OYSTERS 12 -; 53c utDA,,.A.MK91219 '-1 ...... WILSON'S HAM .. sr. 6!;5.19 (Other ...... ~ 2 .... Uc) Pacific Horthw.at fancy. SWIFTS BACON Premium lrand, Sliced. RATH'S BACON ;..--:: 43c ~43c Tudt Mada......_ DUBUQUE HAM '°:!6~79 PORK SAUSAGE ~3• HOLIDAY WINE LIST MONTE CRISTO WINE Slleny, .... , .... "" ---=.!Z-6 c 8'ock Hawk. Top Quality, SI~. 'vre ,ortc, o.t~ Spad. .. .. ., • s.e.r.. Sit ................. ___ . 67c msama lllSl9I • ma mams; •a• -m-m llB ... , ,... a a • ,. SMny, SI ................... ·-·-·--·79c GALLO WINE hrt. SMny, • .._..., sth 63c .... Wlttet Uttecl ... ·~ .... by .... c... wi...,, .... , A•olMM. et UC>9n....i $of__,.. CREAM CHEESE KllAPT'S 'HILADILPHIA Creamy white, delicately ftavore6- 9uarantMd 2 J.ea. 25c FRESH I ,Ir ... lATE HOWE VAdlY W£ COD1 FllST ·19' Bright red, firm b«r~ f<K zippy tasting h~-mode 1aucef G.t Mveraf pounds ol thew Holidoy good eot- lng b«r.._ rif;Jht owoyf , .•. pk •• .-.-.-ffCluoAY SNACK----.... Riii CRAClllRI 1.!:2~ TIATIMm QM;kMS Newt "'Stay.fNeh 1~ 2Ac lwt. ,..... -... 25c •. sc ,,_._. o..lty ...... '"" c .... BROCCOll SPURS '~ 19c Quick, eo1y, toity for Holiday ,...-nu. SUCED PEACHES ~ 19c ~ flavor for ealoda, cletaertll CIGARmES :1.88 :1.78 PILTR ~ CIGAllTTIS_::l .91 mtll 10-.. 10 IMb '°"" ........ .., ....al car--. at •Jl'lrO ....... for )'CM ..... .. gifts,, and few Git appredoted '"Thank "°""' Cite• .................. .... CHERRIES aox .. ,_....._.'°'~ a ~ 1 ... 57' · cOClled ..... lglllf OI da.et i:ha ~ .. Sllll 111 u Ill. CRANBERRY SAUCE o....s,..., ............ 1:•• . .w. Excellent 1wa.17c whh turlcey - HOUDAY llANO RIUIT CAKI 0¥9f t.atf Mftl and frvttsl 21 :: 79' . = 1.49 FRUIT CAif IAR '': 7k cuaTIY Mehnt quality baked. PIHM Am.Am( IOUJ 111111 .. llW ,..... "'. 22c Hllll -.a.ts,......"' n 2Sc FRESH EGGS . CIUM O' c:aOP LAIOI __ .,6 'AA' _..._ Anett local .......... .. COTILLIOI ICE CREAM for Oft ...... Ml ....... ··~ smooth, er~ act Coetl!Olll Spec1ol fto¥or .... /.24 tWidoy frvif ---• (2,... m1 a '1o) Pll IED OllYES ":1't &ONT laA ... Loo·~ ..... STUFFED OUYES ~* CAUfOll .. A OWT ............. a.. DR MOIRE PICIW -: SJc SWllT VAltllTY. "1tl' .. '°4o;lta. swm P1C1W --: 0c dfty IUND. Foney.......,_ SOUTHEll S111F• ,._ S9c MU. CUl8llOWI eorft ~ipe. POllTIY mlfll& '6;:: 59c CUUISOWI reody-to-vte ltuftlnt. READY -Mii Sltlfll& ~ 1 k aa&. "I. Qvkti eftd ea1y to UMf Nm lllHIM lml. IL SAT .. 1KD911 l2, n. 2., ttss. " wnrn SflllS 1 • m&. (Stores Closed ChristNs Oty lld '4oldly, O'et 26) ....... _.... .............. ~ .... ~ ................. 9TOIUC aoou Dally I a.a t.e I p.a. (f'rlday w. p.m.) 1'1mda)' I~"'· .. I,_-. 1722 Newport Jtt,d., Costa Mesa FIGURE ON THAT CHECK is Sl0,451.79. presented Mrs. R. L. Bacon. Hoag Hospit.al administrator. by t he auxiliary. prOCl'<'ds from the Oct. Fund Fair. At left 1s Mni. Donald Colgrn\'<', vice president in charge or wayl!l and means and at right. Mrs. Edgar R. Hill, t reaaurcr of the auxiliary. Presentation wu mad<' at the recent "Ladieg uf the Press" luncheon in lr\'tnc Cout Club. -Maggie Price Photo Press Women Feted by Hoag Auxiliary By MRS. EDWARD SMITH At a beaulifuUy appointed Christmas motif lunchf'on 8t Irvine Country O ub, the board of directors o f the Aux- iliary of the Hoag Mf'morial Hospital honored women of DESIGNERS COMPARE NOTES -Joan of Jo -Ena shows Dorothy O'Hara (M rs. Howard Lunney) one of h er original lounging outfits in velvet wilh over- skirt which doubles as a cape, in a recent fashion ,show at Capistrano Beach- combers Club. From left lo right are Mr. and Mrs. Noel Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Lunney. -Terry Boris Photo NEWPORT HARB OR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Wome,n's Editor PAGE '4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEONESDA Y, DECEMBER 21, 1955 MESA MOTHERSINGERS UNDER COAST COLLEGE Bt'i.111111ng with Lhe Ja11uary tenn lhe COlllQ M,.u Molhrr- elnger" will he Included m t.he curriculum of Orlll1ge Cu..,.l C.:oll~ge. Cullegc c~l may be obtalJ\l'd If <le>Hred. N"w dirt'< tur uf the group 1s 3amea Kinllrt>rt of Evercll ffri. "'h1111I, who w ill condul'l wef'kly rt>hrarsala al Rea HChvol , "' h Jo't11l1y "I 0 n m , In Room 2. Wo~n intereat.ed In JOln1ni;: the l(ro>up &re uked lo a ttend. lo1MI. Harri.on Sa.n- ""' n 1r pr,.~1dent . MN! Loui. Slodd, 31•cn tary-tre&J1Urer a11d l\11 11 W. E. ("urt111an, l""nl:il Mt.I pubUclly chalrm..n. To 1111\f L their m·w M>uon of lllng1nr . Ole Molht>rtlngera 11pf'l'11rrd 111 a "'' • nt M•onll.' V ll1ta echool P ·TA met'tlnf . Ttwv mudr lh1•1r l\I «unrt app.-a runce ot the C'ol!ll\ Mella ·1 ... 11 heni rlub 01nn1•r at RPI\ ~rhnol. 11harlnl{ the program w11 h U1e Hell·<'tl• 11 &nJ Rea·teera. l:>e\•eral luluro ap1wu· u 114 ,.,. ar•• ,.., ht•duletJ. Local Artists Show at Laguna Mary Pollf'nre1"3 1 Mrll. Nnr- 111on C'httf1bel lain 1 oll. "Rev<'ne". h1·1itlM 1 he hlll nr honorable men- tion f11r nllH In the Oecember- Januitr'y show at Legun11. Beach Ari Galiery. 0th er honorable IOl'lltinns wrnl ln Edwa rrt L F1·1 11Rtr11 ant:J J . Barry Green. Jn WRler tolurs honorablr men· t111nh Wt'nl to Claurte Taylor. Rich· ·•1"11 JI. \\'111:hl 1md Prlacllla Yr •· zrr In ~· UIJllllr l'. lo Leo Kr.HIS 1in•I f:mRht' Srhnrr ber&u. Otht'r Ho1 b<>r a rl11l.4 rt'pre.tJtnt· • 1! in thl' m ain itallery &how are Rl'A 81 antll, wllh "Caplalr&no V•llt'y"; M f' I v ll Rue. ''The Wh&r f". J rvang Ma nolr, "St. T ro· 1wze, ~~r.rnc•". W1.nlfred Smith. "Loi:al Culor ". In lhe lower ,.at· 1 .. , y :o.'ormao Cham~rlarn h1111 a plllll t'I, · IJt Ue Harb<ir '. Thr Ju r y of ulrcl1on and awarlls included J oa.n .. Cromwell. F:urene tnnd&en "nll Burt Proc- l l'r. In lh'1 foyer ga llery la th• per· mantnt memorial collection In· cludln~ paanlln~s by Anna Hlll11. W1lllarn Griffith. J O!!t'flh KleltM'h. W11llarn Wrndl. 11nll Karl Yens. u monic ma.ny othera. ---" H l•d W I favor• a re enjoyed b\" th f' 0 1 ay ork petlenta. I Mr• Herman J ohn.on t• ch&lr· of ALA Juniors ma.n In rharr• or the Junlora. When u11· JUntor dlvu1on or Sons for Marines Ameriran Le1?tOn AUxlllary Unit I A aon waa bam Ott. lf In t.he 291 , held a C"hrlatmu party at U. S ?"aval H011p1tal at Corona h Le H 11 De<' 13 t o Marine S Set and Mn. David l t g-wn • · mem· Jva.n Grtc1 of Coata Meea. AltlO beu drfw namu of chlldrm 111 on Det' 16 at lht aame h<>11pltal the tuberculo1111 ""'"'d 11t Oranl(e Man ne T S&t and Mra. John Co~ty Hospital and w lll pnw1lle I Howard Forward. C<>11ta Meaa. Christmau glt h for thtm. Anolhl'r proJt'CI of t he Junior• 1s tht' mukmi: or culorful l ray mats 11nll Ca vora ror hohday trays &l the 11011p1 ta) f'flr Lh11 lht)' have rt1·elv•d a note o r thank• from Mr1. Pa111e or the hoeplta.1 al.atr lPlhnll' of h<Jw much l h • welcomed a boy. Grange Party A prol"T&m by lhe young peo- ple of lhe eo.ta Meaa Gran1e directed by Stepht'n Tait wlll hl1hll1hl lhe • n n u a I Orans" Chrl1tm.. parly at the hall ?II Dec. 22. at 7 :30 p. m. Gives Program for Players <krtMldf' •Mr. Robert l Hom of Corona d•I Mar preaented th• O.C. 12 proaram !or Santa Ana Community Playtra at Lhe pariah hall or th• Eplaropal Church of lh• .M ... lah IL Included "Puce on E&.rlh" by Florence Ryn90n and Colin Cle· menta: "Th" P'eul-.•lr Ball" from Dlcken11' Chr111tmu Cal"('IJ: "A Lett•r to Vlr1tln1a ' by Fr11ncea I' Ch11r<'h and "The Slory of Sllrnl Nlfhl" by Ueorl"e Garllan. thr latter with piano ercompllnlmPnl by Mra. Harry Bracltrtt. WE'RE LOAqED! .BIG PRE-CHRISTMAS. SALE Come In For Big Selection -Big Savings Clothes For Girl, and Boy1 81.&ee In II • JERI'S We GJve ~&H o-!Jt.nlpe ) Toys For Girls and Boys • HADLEYS th<' press recently. Mrs. D. M . Hummel, president of thl' ------------------------- 11u1111t ary prr•lded, whll<' Mrs. Harbor Rest Memorial Park Mau-owwn-lnt.~t <.i•~•a. C-et..,,. Clothes for Little Folk Toya Ph. u 9. 7061 C"harl• Lamb -. In ch&rse of arrRllJ • m,.nla. ~ ... lrty r1l1tor11 and coJumni-111 rr .. 111 Onuii; .. I '1111nl \' lltld 1..Altl An· .:• 11·• r ap•·• 11 "'•·re pr 1•acnl 1<n1I "'• rr "'Tft•lc>d by the execuuw 1 ... ., .1 anol 1tant1101r comm.ill~ 1 h• 1•1• WhO ~ti\ t' H l'h"rt ormlnitr o( th•• \VOrk ,,r th.-, .. ,.,,.,~ nunm1l· '"'ll .. , ... \I ftEJl.'0111' l hi:hh l hl• .. r 1111 1nl• r"•l 1111: ""'' Int •llnAll\•' I 11> • '" r•· lh" 11n 1 """' •m~ tru!I thr flf't t f"ond - •·.11r 11rll• •I I h• "1"1h11ry ,., "'" SHI Ot)O th" aualllarv now hu 1184 "" 11 ~r.. 1111•1 1:! <:1rra.n1ut11•nAJ tll• 111hfi 1 ~t,1p~ Sonrr 111 .. lr 1.,,.1 • • pc;rt I hf' rll;'ht t• '' tAr lhf' 'l••n l1u'ttr l ••H' f• r ' 1 '"'"' • IA 1rk "I t ' • h•••rlt•I Im• M • 11 ""rnf'rt hv '4mf'• Al· h1" ht, 11.,tl"FI l\1•h ('1111 , li<>WtlA. llf1\111r l •11 ktn~1:. l l;ul>t·.~un. :"ut I •n R " l•ll 1 .. ,1 1 Th .. 111µ .. 111, \ 1n• •~n1 \ nn 1 •, 1 \\ .H '\ • ·npl•'I\ 11 .. 1 Otk• 11 • .,, '"' l"""''~ Mn11l t r ''I' J..-• "' 1'• '' , 4.;.r1 ~"-~'" frihn \\ '""" r An•I l"I•• kl on s ", ' 1 1at Ii t'\f11 ha\•f' f'\'"fl ft l)f ~I \ lh• ;.110 llnol 700 hour hn• k• I 111 TU.SEl4 "OKk \11 • I. I.. B11111n Hn•i. II ••!•Ila A1tn nt-.11 tl ., \.\• I ••• nt I D(\ t.:,t\t .,, n f tfl t I t\I'\ .t .. 11 !ht\ nnrr" rktr '! ... f '!•· t 'I '•I 11 '•l1n• rt,. 1•r"'• ,,, m •k• " tt,ur f, • d•I tiun••I 1 ' • "'a ttrln 1 ha1 t•r J ''-'"'' • ~ ",,., r , ,, hac• ·I '"' IU·l"'1 M~ H Ji. 1-'.ni:ltah •t..Ai.:111 \I •~ 11•1 \\ Slsui lt \ 1C 1 I ' ., rlhur I l:ru1.-• II 11n.\ Mr• II trnl I \I Anil l. Or"• ~1'"" • '11.h\1hlot1Alt I nr r )t ' S•' , I t l I HariHlr al Gl.iPr 1881 Harbor llYd. Costtl Mesa Sorry We Didn't Make it for Christmas BUT ~ w A TCH FOtUR OPENING IN JANUARY We Wi 11 Have Specials for Y a r d a g e-L i n e n s-1 n fan t s Special . 1n- Some You and Childrens Wear ( F~b I ·-N-• ... N .. ., ' ., ·~ f S...tt.119 ~~I It t •'"' If ... .,. no seon!i to wo rry oboutf A Merry Christmas to You All ~ Awe. 1114 H1rMr Blvd. ' \i. Cott• Mat -..... 1 : ·v~ ·. ..,, '" I I've (c 1 1c~ for ~comfc5s stockings by • So Lo,·ply tn r.J\"1-: : ~0 ].A\'C'i~· !ti RECEl \'F:' • LTberty R-7431 17 6 7 -a Newpoft Blvd. Costa Mesa 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT IN THE LIDO SHOPPING CENTER . . AT MARILYN'S dreas shop, Costa Mesa , Mrs. John Rroughton models a Ht rikmg pink Kay Sehg drHll with mmk stole at a cocl<tail party for men ehoppe111. -Staff Photo Nativity Drama Presented for 1Harbor P-T A ''A Child le Born," lhe age old ChrialmaR story. wu l'r• i<• 11l<'d at t he meeting of the Newport Harbor Union H1~h :-\ch(Jo l Parent-Teach<'r Association. De<-. 15. Written I.\' St<•phen \"uicenl Benet, this drama of the nativity wu • "n 111 r h•' '"'"' ot 11 play re all· 11 1' "1tht1lH ..i. ~n-·ry snrt 1n mod· t f I •II •'.flt~ MRS. WAYNE BROWN IRELAND -Maggie Price Portrait Sandra Thaderi Recites Vows at Saint James Columbus, Ohio Home for Wayne Ireland and Bride In a beautifully detailed four o'clock c<'remony in St. J amea Episcopal Churcb on Dee. 18, Miss Sandra Kay Thaden recited nuptial vows with Wayne Brown Ireland. The Rev. John Parke officiated at t he double ring service for the daughter of the Laune E . Woodworths of 447 Via Lido Soud and the aon or Mr. A fter a honeymoon "t Lftke and Mra. William 1'. Irela nd "' 1 Colum bwi, OhJo. 1 Arrowhead the C'CllJph· will lrave S andra WU lovely In her Cahill ror ColumbW!, Oh111 wh .. rts lhl' f OWl\ of Alencon lace onr Ivory brHl<'Rroom w1U • onllnue h I 11 aalln. A tiara or eeed pearl• l Ufl · 11tudll'1 al Oh10 St.ate l:nivl'rs1ty. tlJled tullntu ot her flnr er lip \'t•ll H" i. a member or Ph i K•ppa and ah• ca.rrled a bouquet or ro•H P al fraternity Ol.nd 111 re.'!um1nr ht• and UlJu ot Ule v.tley. She wu 1tud1u arter hu1 dl•charC"e from ~vui ln keeptnc by htr l lepfa lher. Uie 0 . S. M ar me Cori>•· NEW BOOK HAS M~ TERIAL BY M~A PSYCHOLOGIST Due to be dialribut.ed nationally u tbe flnt ~ trutment ot it. kind. "The l cbool ~" p•b"$1S by th• Calltornla l!lt.a.te -0.parUUnt dr l*aae1taD omrt•w mat.rial contrtbu!Ad by Rod BecJ&.,m•n, ~ tw th• eo.t& Me1& ecboola. 1beN ..,.. 11 IObool PQ"abo...._ tn OrallC'• C-0unty and more t.h&a '°° la tbl lla&e. ...,.. man 11 ln hJa MCODd year wttJa th9 loml ....... Tb• UM of projeoUn tedmlciu-ID Mllool ..._. • typical cuee referred to the P'YcholoPt. .._., "'DI Ill maldnr cue 1tudl-. ....-anent of eam• t1P9I ol w.,U.. al children, and the role ot tbe ~ u medlet• betwMn parent &11d the llCboot. are &mOlll tile toplcl ~ culled. Dllpol'&l of cuu of retUTed chlldND ud the ftlae ot cue conterencet and the worklnl' out ot tndl.tdlaal l&tu.o lion1. point th• way the achool ~lo,u& la ~ leadenhJp In mental hff.lth educ:aUon ln the Dool. TH• GI PT' OP GLAMOUR a wardrobe of COIO<s In Theme Nylona wlU deUght h« Gorgeous Gift Wrapping Free 2i37 E . CoHt Highway Corona del Mar Ph. Harbor U08 Hours 9 to 5:SO 1!1htn1I H 1u11.11n un th.-l!l&gf' I 11. I~ t itt , hnral ~oup provided It hlll m nn1m110 l>a<"k fCTIJUnd of 1 "" ca, wldlc from the balcony 11 ,,. hN 1"<1 1 l<t• "'nJ:"lni;:-i'lf l h e l.11 k.tt••• """ thf· M··lo•lt•ls un· be ht<ld 11t Orani:•· <"out Coller e and lht otht r In th• norl hfrn part o f the cou nty. da lr• t o bt an· nounced later Shi' aaked for UI• COOJ)f',..tlon and aupport of lh• parf'nla uid lf'llCht>ra, u well u l lUdent. Of lhe hll'h ec:hool, N the cuncerta haw no 1c:tm1a to n rharct Mr. Woodworth. :--.............................. ..;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;~ Klal DL&t Tila4en att.to<led bar , 1 111 .. ''"••lion of J\tu1., Marie II" b"• h l'rrludf' mW!iC waa by I h" '" h""I 111 1 hl'lllr&. lt d by Clln· r .. n Sawin. IS l 'Ai;;T 'I h,. 1 ... 1 111< 111 lr\I Pa''" J .. hn· ·I• 111111111•11 HtPvr \\l\l<'hf't , inn I • p• 1 :ll •lq t•" .St ovall. lnnknp· • 1 • "1f,., l'l't<' Schtllberg, aol· ""';Aun Atn111rn11t and Sue OW. .JI''!" ~rtt:mrr f"llTT'\!tt 1'ta 1 t 1•h .. r :-;,,7 11• th, J im Ander· 11, l •·,11111~ 11 thl"f 1nol J ohn 1 l11 1)r1 ~""' J ,11' 1• 11nd H"b fll!'· I •r\J: 1•rf~.i1a,:t \,,,,p,,. ,..,.,ult\ dtr•'' thr11 ""''rtt Ztttha ·r .dlmlln """hni: Ano I ll<ti.ttng: \1111< ·lr•r fl11r han 1n llJ h l dM lgn· Lr\\ 1'1lm1 r. rf'.idtn~ of pray· " Ah,.. K1..-h. rrogr1m.1 and \l11ry l.1111 l'lftl. rubllrHy Com- 1·•••tn1: thr •ltl<ltnL produrtlon a nd '"' hn1r11I ~· 1rr wf'rf' ~h .. rrv In· • R• n !'! CJ"" RnbNt 1'11r· 11.11 .. 1.1 7.""'"r•. Jl1o ha rd Hr· I• •Ir J,,,. T11n~t11ll J 1111 T•yll')r. '11n1trr1 V.'1l111u11• 11n•I Jn)·r ,. Vlltf' \fl 'llC ' t 'U R \'O lTH \11 • J11 '•"n ~utherlluld, P ·T A 11••1·lf'nt 111tr1whlC• j !hf' ~'ll1'8l f'• 11k,.1 Mmr Fne<ta Bellnfant,., ""''"' 1 .. r .. r th,. Or1tng,. (•n11n ty 1•t.1l11111111"nl• ~ ''" '" Orchest ra, \I •l• u. h nl11n1,. 11nn<ount f'•I hf'r t 1 1 n t 11 hn 1 ,. 1 wo ceoncert.t f o r '•uni: r"rl«' 1n January. on., rn c: :c: :c: :c: :c :c :c: :c: :c: .. :c: :c; :c: :c: :« :c: :.: :.: :• :• :c Open Ev ery Night Unt il 9 :00 Th.anka wu e t lllended to Mn. Otorr• Mabee and her C'Omml\· lf'e for provt\llng food fo r t b • football team anti \o orranl&a.· lion• which don11tttl mon,.y to m ilk,. this proJ,...l poAlble, Bual• nu11 and P roff'&slon&l Womt'n'1 Club Aaalstanc• Learu" • J unio r AuJullary, Rotary f"lub. AMl11t· ance Leacur. Llorut' Club. Beta rm-. ?M--.~o th• ~ SINOINO OJtOn~ Th,. Mf'l<>tll"l" 1ndu1led Hrlf'na Bm•t ,.r Sharon Crowl. M a r y Dutllry. Uarbu• Hamm,.,ntl. Tac- coa Hayf's, 11nt1 F.JUOI• LHlt r, wllh U nda Wlckf'y u u c-ompanlat . Slnflng tn t hf' m11I• quartf'tlt' Wf'Tf' O<ln 'R•dln~lnn, r.1wain Maur rr, Oene MrC11nl1111•h a n d John Seeley. Larkeltu lncludf'<I Anlla Allf'n, Gav Armatronr . Robt'rtll &lt on. H,.l,.na Boatn !'lharon Crow l. tin y Dudl•Y• Bar hara H 11mmnnd, Lo111M H•l'J'•r. F'ran('f'• Hf'lltf'rly T11r'"'• Haye.w. Lnr rarn• Kemp Linda Kiddle. EHie Luter. Lon- na Llnyd. RobrrL& Ollph1t.nl. San· <lr11 P!lff'r, Rev..rly Pf1rrman C len tla Pr1c,., T erry R,.11 h Ru11an Jlr nllkf'r JU<l\' Rllnd•. Andrf'I To· b1u and Lln<I" W •ckf'y mt.er, weartnc a wall& len~ r own of pa.I• blue velvetee n and carrytns a m\&ff of pai. blue •plder dlty-.aUMmwn. and f09e•. Byron lrt1land of . ArllnJ'lOn, Mua. wu ,(TOOm•m.w tor his brother and iuu ta wt'rf" uahered by Patrick Kf'nnedy and Charlt 1 Her-p6c!k ot Lacuna 8 .. <'h. F or ti.er d&Ufhl•r'• wedding Mr11 Woodworth wu r owned in a 1nlver lame llhealh , allvu lame h&J &n<1 I j1ovee ana a r'OM and S&Tdtnla core&(«'. Mn. lrelalld wore Dior blue lu• and a whil e orchid cor - magf'. Thf' rec-.,pllon wu heJd a l Jrvln• Cout C'lub. MN. William ru.ly of Santa Barbara and Mf'9, IC. W. SpenC'f'. aunt. of Ule br1<S., &MUI· lf'd . The bnde attended MIH CatUln 1 School for Olrla, Portland. 0 "1 ; Newport Harbor Hiib and Oranfr Cout Coll~•" httnett Da119hter Mr. a nd Mnt. N t vill11 &nn11tt . 221 Via Eb<tll. Ntwport Buch, ani lhe parenl11 or a 11rl baby bom Dec. 14 In Hoec Hoa-ptl&l Jellison laby lirtfl Mr and Mn, Calvin Jelllaon. Thti n f'•l m r,.tlni: n·f thf' Wiii be P'tb 14 lf,')6, Al r m 1n lha .tMXl&J hall P · TA 2070 Maplr St., Coal• Mee&. a re 7 30 thf' p•r•nt1 of a f1rl btlby born I Ot't" 14 In R oar HosptlaJ IMPORTED CASHMERE SWEATERS \"alut11 t o $2.'i.OO Now 12.95 to 18.95 Cardigans 25.00-Now 18.95 Slipover1 17 .95-Now 12.95 * :• • .. :c: :« Lido Fashions ~= 3419 Newport Blvd. Phone Harbor 3674 :. ., ·~ • . . . ... + • 'for Chrletmee . ... Reduced in Time to Save Your Xmas Budget! 0 '1Shorti ~" Robes in lo\'cly metaLic 'Cottons -Oriental ~~~~ 811 over pa ttems W ('f'E' S 650 !UJ5 N~>W Quilled Cotton Fitted Robes Shorties -So smart so easy to Jt,·e with Wrre • $ 650 J 0.95 Now -· Qu iJted P ia Id Shortie Robes Were 22.95 re<luced to Only Wool Plaid Shortic Robes W<'r<' 24.95 ReduC'cd to F ull Length Corduroy RobC'11 Open E'·<'ninr,s . 'TIL 9 \ until Chri.<itmas Plain or Fancy Were 22.95 Reduced To ... 17b7a Newport Bl vd. Costa Mesa LI ~-7431 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART f • 'A&E I WEDNESDAY, D£CEMIER 21, 1955 Son for Sloana Attend C•t• Clash Kr .... -. ..... -. v=:a• "' • ..,._ a.,# 1116 .............. a.ea Kw. a. ....... ,_ cw .... ". .,.. ,...... "' ....... D-. ONllp a..& ~ .... o.a u ta a ~ R unal Tll• ...,. a. •• llMle. ._ wm lad .............. , .......... ..,..a.a&•:• .... 1J.. • ... ..... •:• ..... .. I • -~I :lhe ma,tet Spat Ba&oa .!)6/anJ ~ .. ~Y.MY.~MY.••···························•· ..... ------------------------------------~~------------------------- I PAGE 6 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 ' ST. A NDREW'S WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP is bead- ed b y new o fficers. whose te rm.1 began tbi.8 month. Left to right are Mrs . John MacMillen , vice p r esi- dent ; Mrs. Nadene Coplen, treasurer: Mrs. H arley Burnett, pretiident; Mrs. Glenn Bailey, outgoing president: Mra. Donald Anderson. secretary .-H e len Horr Pho to 'Balboa Bay Lions Enjoy Christmas Fete Jrvinl' C-01"'1 C1111nlly 1·111b ""~ t he 11r1 ting for t hr .. nniull H1<I· bua fh y Lhina Cha 1~1 mu I'"''' Dlnnl'r "'II" 11r1 \'l'•I Io I hr 111rm · bf'r11 ftnd tht•1r Wl\'r" •~ "''II ft• 11e\' .. r11 I g11f"11t rtlllJ'll"~ C'ha 1~1111", gltt11 "'•'r<' .:lvl'n to 1111 M lh,. wome>rl an1I aflf'r dlnnl'a tht'1t• wa• Jannng to n1u111(" 11f I ht> 1111111•\ H\l,.11. "f"hl' Hllll:><la B11y l.l•lll~ ""'"' 111 1•11111pll~h1'1l 1111111)' Jll'CIJl't'lll IOI tl1t• l'Um111un1ly 11nd IU I' &IWH)'ll I f'Hil) tu help whl'n a nN'll '" knuwn Th,.1r 1•,.1hn~ Vlt'W"r fu1 th•• bo-11· r1J1l1•n hll:< proved tu bt' 11 (Int' Uun1: ~huuhl I h••r.. h.. 1t11y11n•· II" 111, .. ul l!Ollll'Olll' who w •HI I ·I like lo UM' I hi" vlew .. r , call 1111\ Lum 111emtw1 l' A. Hlgb1t'. I''""' dent ••f lhe Httlboa Buy Ch1qH1·1 j~wefr'J by george H a ndmade Contemporary Originals In 1ollc:t Gold and S1l\'<'1 'Collectivism on the Campus' !'ommended for all reader11 .,. a timely Yll'W or Am,.11c1tn edu<'•- t1on. 23·:l9lh Plft<'e 1&l Belmo nt P ier Long &:ach . Calif. CIOJl('d Moml11y1 MR. Ir MRS. GENE FRANKLIN PATTERSON -Rob Decker Pho to PATIERSON-NUNAN RITE HELD AT ST. ANDREW'S Factual on Subversive Work W illiam H aarstad, Orange Coast College librarian. re- viewing "Collectivi11m o n the Campus" by E. Me rrill R oot . points out that Ame rican education at the p r esent time is unde rgo ing attack from many quarte rs. The autho r of this w ork. Merrill R oot. attempts to p robe the educational 1een" throu(Ch coll••C:ll\'llltll prn1·· 1 t1ce11 nol"d in 111a11v <'Ollt'l(t'" 11nd lhroutthoul lhf' .:nun· New OCC Class Nursing Plans for " ne" • IK.81' In vot'&· uonal nuri11ng w e• I' rormul&lf'd ftl an advisory cnmn11lll't' mel"t· 1ni: held at Orange CoilMI Colle!(!' lh11< """k. Apphcatlon1.1 are now bl'1ng ta ken for a tr11nlni; <'111111 lo atllrt J 1tn. 30, ftt'COrtllng to M rs. Que1.,neo Anden111n. n11r11lng lrlht'clor "Early rel(llltr11t1on 111 r1>commended." Mr ~ Andl'r!Kln ~ttlrl. "In order lo 1n111r,. admit · 11nn to th" program Emphasized al the meet1nc UO~USATt: It '" lht-uulho1 ·, eonten11on lh1&l 1 .. 11 .. cuv1111a hav., dominated Ille A111<:11c&n collel(l"te f1elJ ror ""verul y1•ar11 In d<'tatl Uw 11lory 1.. told or how this amazing ~1l· ual1<m hu tome about Coo1mu· mlll, Soc1allsl, And tot1&hlarla.n "liberal" lt'a<"hrrs 1&re named. ll11d lhr1r mudua operandi d1aclosed. Proreasor Root •tales lhsl this elabor1He collecttvl11t1c machinf'ry Is kept runntnc-by C'ollege presi- Jl'nl11, 11dmlnl11trator11. &nd 11 u1- tet'1t. The fuel la the ll"xtbook. e1pt"clally In the aoc1a1 ac1rnce, history and CIYICI ftrt'U . PRr:ss•·Rr.: t:SF.O Continua! prHl!Uru upori the "radlclll conservall ve" t e a r h e r who refullf'a l o a.t:Ct'Pl the rollK· uvlsl1c drJc:trlne 11 toltl In erudlh• Jets ii. Tho: mo1<t 1&m1Lzln~ 11111 L or lhl11 wurk Is t he lleUlill'd ll:1ung of SUJ!J}('!l name1 a nd or1:1•n1z;1llon11 such "" H111 v111 \l's l 'oll,.lll\'111l Club:<, 11ml >1ClUHI A111r11l'11n ""Ill· 1 muni•t t cacht'rs. A llt'1·t11Jn .. tsu Jests "''th fellow IHt\t"ll'r" i.n1I 11l1ll anoth•·r area 111 con< t't nt••l wllh "lirnor11nce In h1,,:'h pl.t<'rll · So«·11lled ''hbrrals" a r,. 11180 dealt with a t length bv th .. 11u· Ulor. ag111n "'ilh n11m1'1 b .. 1ng mtntlOnt>d along w I t h lll'lu11I quot<'s by t hese lntllv1tlual1. The hn&J part o! the book la a 11tudy ot various con11!'rva11v1i profell· •Ora throughout the t"ountry. )IARX l'IAID fT A llmc•ly quotation from Karl Marx open• l he book. It would 11eem thla quote la apt Indeed, "Before l he pr·nl~tarlat flghta out. ll11 blltllea on the batTlca<.lea, It announce& lh" t"omlng or IL111 role wHh a aerlea ot lntell.-ctullLl vlt'· torlt>11." Ttua book 11 hl(hly n · from R OBERTS j EW ELERS of Balboa Island S11\·,.,.,. J .-., Earring" lnch,·1r1uiilly I ,,.,..,,:nf'<I 0 1an1"n•I• • J E\\"EU<'' ~'HUM ~:RTAT~;s e R111ira :'ll<'rkll .. ·ra M arin e An'. Harbor 2321 THORPE'S Chine, Glau, Silver, Linens, and Decorative Accessories Open ~ndaya & Eveninga 'til 9 :30 · 1:101 Weal Ba lboa Boulevard Newport Beach, CallCom la Tt lephone: Hubor 4:10 1 Bridal Setting Echoes Christmastide Colors W8J< the l{rOWlnjt need (Or Voe&· Ilona.I nu nf'R. The demand f o r w~ll-lratnNS nurM~ on lhl' part 1wh1lP <Arn111111n '"'""K" anti Mr• 1 ,. llahi <10<'.'l.Or" anti rivale f'all""'"n 1n ""'" 1 ...... w1lh •11111lar r 1 1 ho tip 1 f l pt h a n l'Orlll#(<' '"' IVI ua s II ar ~l'll l'T I.LSD A IU I th,. pre1ent aupply. It wu re-Chrisi1nas Drea111s '1 B I' r h vealed. ,. ra run a1,..,n11. aun1 o l ,. The Orange Coaat Collelfe pro- St. A ndrew's P r eabytenan Churc h was 11rtting for the hrvi.. •11•-•l't•·•l "" <11<1 Mrll Ri.y· r ram hu been approved by the Jan" ml'ln•I 1• .. 1"r"l'n •n:I M 111 Wilha m sta le board of nun11nr; examtnera rec ent late afte rnoon ceremony which umt C'd ~llss • T111•t) R"n""' J,;ll1t•t1 "n<I Jan i nd bv t he Nat1oo&J AaaoclaUon N unan. daughte r o r Mr. a nd Mrs. Everett D. ~unan. 20 Uul\t ut lh J'f>Ur.-•I punfh. II n d or -P-r~ ~ E.du.callon. ~6th St.. and Gene FranKlin P&fferson, 800· or the F rank O. l Y"\"T1TITII' Tllytnr O:ll.11 Ill f h.m:r or It I.A upen to ll)rn a nd Wf')men ~-lh~ 1e 11,.•l t><,.:ik h r 17 11 ~o our Palt('rso n11 o f H untington Beach. The do uble ring r ite w a11 Th,. , 011111,. "'"nl 10 th•· m••un. tw .... n t e 8 R0 0 "n • m2 lhe <"llnlral lra ln1n1t period. rerCormed by the Rev J&mea ~ , aid lo hla broth• 1 •ind t1J1hri • ,..,.,,. 11111111 to r •k11ni: ""llh th• bride student nurJ1f"a rt-t l'l\'l' 11 Allrend Stl'W&rt, with the' hnde 11ven in I Donald rr.-slon Buh F.111.. and • two"tn1t ror lhr tr ip" h• 11:«' J .. r~• v .. r s,~~. P"r m"nth ror lhr fi rst kerplng hy her fathrr. Jamtft Axtnn •It""" "1111 mttl• hin1t •••nl bi.,wn two m11nlh11 11nd l 80 per month Ja ne• bnl1a.J gown .... u Cloor The holiday 11111• WIUI r 11rr1etl oul ·" l'll<llOl 11'11 211rnq izlm·eos •ln•l nn f<1r lhP lut h ve mnnlhll ll'ngth. the bodice o r Chant lily tare in ch•n·h df'rm at 11111" nr Enich~h 11r• hut Ir""' h• r w1•dtl1n1t 1)11111111"1 w1lh alm1lar lace a pphqued on the holly, r<•!J und wh•ll' 1tlftdiol ... • a n<! 11• t ,., houl• ft r<' N,.wporl lhlrho1r nylon tulle 11klrt A llltle pan· High ""'' Ornni;t> c,.1111t l '"ll"i:' r a.ke ha t o( tulle held the ahoul<ler whll" tApers In tsll t'Anilt'h•hra. uh .. ,,. """ I• 1llr•'I lur nr 11111111 Ill l'"nRth Vf'll &nd Ahl' r>irrted tiny Mra Klllph Uenar w1ttt 111 i:nni.•t 111•11v11 "' Rhr """ 8 1 1•~,4 11"h11l11nl. rortM w1lh phalaen1lp11la or<"h1da a nd Jiu k Krnnrdy Wiii! iwrlrnot ill lhr C"h11olr••11 • H•111w 8•1< 11•t\' PREC"F.llE ftRIOt: Gut&lll "tre rt't•·IVC'•l in lhr bllll Mra. Donald l'rr•lon iJoan chunh ,.,11·1111 hRll In lh• w.,kom· Thi· hr11J,.11r••"lll 11t11•n11 ... r1 Hunr· :sunan 1 at"rv('(J hrr II SI tr u ma., Ing lino "'"rr buth n.wlhe1" Mii 1n11t11 , H•"rh '" hM•I~ ( 'n11~1 I "«I· iron o! honor a.nd bridtam&tda N un.in Wl"nr1n,,: 11 pRl'l"l mnuvt' lt£r 11nd ... n 'f'd "1th thr l :; ,\11 were M ra. Rol>l'rt Scha mel! t8ftr· Jtn!"Y anrJ bh" k u q-1111ur1,.• 11n<1 F 1111 f' bare TTuety1, Mr•. John Plllll'r· - l'OD and .M IM Nanry Tnt l. Thty wore !rocka or u •d er )'ttaUn... in ballerina lf'ngth lll\d (a1 n"tl white M Un mu!!11 covtr~ w1lh apra\'s William Whittn1an to W ed Miss Ruth W ()O d , Seattle of r..cS r amftl1on11 an•I E n1rh11h holly. Tuesday Evening Club Dinner Memb¥rg or lhf' Tul'11d1w Evt· ning C'lnb sntl lhl'lr h1111b11nrl11 l'n· JO)'t'•I II lltt'llk •hnn .. r !'lMlUrdll\' n1.::hl et Ille '"'"'"''""" rllnm at Knot I • s .. , ry t'srm Pr"""nl "!'rt' Mt'""""' and M me~ \\'1\\'nf' Jnhn· ~on Je1 k Btf'm"n. A112u~lln" Oi<· t t o•kr A n•h r.sllUZf1 I •h1trlf'8 ~t1l'n Aml.1n.1 P11p1111•;i11 Hn"· ,, 1 l'tl'llw111: .. n ''' \\'11l111m11 1 \\ 1lf1.11n \\ a11 rn 11n11 Mr• M11,·· 11 ... 11.. 1'11p1n .. a11 On \\'•.,tnr,.tla) "' »r.mi: thl' •tub w ill hnl<l II l ·h11•I n1Rll pru I ) HI th,. n1" h"nl" J ohn Pallt"rl'On lrnl bo t mlUI Plannf"•t ror '"" ; P.•'\fi 1n lh .. ~ u~t~ ~1 · ...... -tnd \\ 1fH , .. \\rll• .. n ur ll" ArmanJ P1<r1nr11u• on Is Hostess to Wanikis Mra. M.1u "'"I'" r• .. ~111,nt or Wa nlkl11. honot ,.•I 111rn1h,.1 • when 111he w11..1 ho•ll'Jlll on IJ1•1 14 al a lM In htr homt I ~3\) TuAlln A vt Servlnir 11• 9.111111111lnir hosle11u11 were M.me11 Jat'k ="'tll'On 11nd Gunn11r \\'atimn. l-'nu11n1: •t the hoUday tea lablr Wf're Mu. Ken Bone ftnd R,.rt Wrbb Other11 prr~!'nl wt-r r Mmr11 Ed· trill' R. Hiii, ( ·1) II!' Jnhn"°n~ Wal· ter BJotnrh' JAn R 1111coe. Ro· bert Rf'll, ~h ( h1lrl•. Dav Id Smll•y. Gf'(lr ~,. SI rirkl'r. Roy An· derMn. J""'"" \'1111 11) kf', C"arl Bo11well. Bunlf'ltl' Hn11 111on. Vin· cent S11 lm11r 1H. J nhn All>Artan, Roy Youutonf'. Hftrry A11hton and Frank O'Brtf'n. ConKr,.a,:•tu1111tl • h1111 h tl ~. stlltt :-,1 ol S u11tt1 •; . .t. 1a lhtt 't\ f'\t•hn~ ••t ~h .. "' k u1 h Ann Th'" t11 1 • • h • • "' t • o i. ~ ~· 111·1•!1 \~·, .. ,., eJ1lt1a.;,ht• r •.f \ht" ~11rnt1n C ••th.:.. • ·1, • t11ut 1 'lf t" \\"o'"'" hf th&t •II\· lt fltl \\1111 ... , \ ... t l •• 1 •r·• .... lt1fHtl A . \\"1tl1osn 1r -uit\ .. f ~1 1' At "''·",., ' it 1~1 J1u111 '"\\I~'• 11 ef- lhlll T,..17. t••··~ :-;~,I \ An .. "'" I'"" 111.:h :-;, l111ul ""' • Ito ••I'"' 11 ... ..;tu'' 1 I H•""'' Jlf• ~•d••11t Hn·I .... ) ,, .... , l1ufh11tl ' ... 1i. l(P 11 IH .'If ,., .:>eatt e Couple I ...... ""'''' "'' " .• 1., .. ~"1.·11• .. , H f H I 'd Ill• (r"l•tll•I \' l\tjtJ•lt lt"l • .ti"" ere or o 1 ays 1 ....... """""' ... 111·· ""1""'"". rnpl ftll•l ~"" 1-:.t11\Und .I t...Htn-' •d1111 l lf<tl h.•11 ''""'' 1ht h ·\U Yt•Ar~ bell c•f Se,Hlll•• a111vl'tl ~atutilQ\'IJ f•• !Hdl~ lh1 t111l:TH1'V'l•tt of ~n-, · •nit l.1•'Ut• nH11t t :-; "' 111v1 nn•l llnd ,.,. .. hflhlill\" h .... ~, i:11• •!1 "' l"I""~ In 1111 ... J.1;111:11\ r• r In '1110· lhf' \\. ~: Hit lilt. I~ .111 I I •11lrlr1t fll'"ll• 111 jttl'1 lhr /»IJlll i n• I;,.,,.' ftARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY I IO Rroadway -(.'011la Mr• l'horw11 A v.-. L.s-HHbrtt • " 1o fHtAft10 ft nd 1• pr .. 011n<'111 111 '·" l1r1rii; <It· cl'~ nt lhl' N Htth\\1 .. •t At-nnnt part1rc plann1••I 1n honnr .. r lhr t'Ol!plr 111> I ho•'" I ti.. h!'ld p I N""P"', thrbo•r y,.,·M t'hth 11· vln,. Count rv l"h1b an•I 1n U.~un11 B•a•h ' 11~1 ~·~· ~·~11~1·~·----------===~:;;;;~~;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;~ Beginning New January 3 Year Look Better- Feel Better Howard Steam Cabinet &1ent 1f1(' SweJ i~h Massage th•re will be some vacanc:ies in the primary and elementary 9rades of St. James Day School • ' J Po~t u re l \1rrf'cl io n Hust D C'\'t'l11ping A pl•:i11an1 """' 1'11n~ nwth.-1 l'"I'"" llH w ith acl l\'e " .. mrn whu "1~11 I•• remove unwanted 111r ht>.tt Rnll H1 holll the ~1lhv111•U r l•• 1'11111111"1 llnu lAt .. ~t l!11111p111ent lo do """' l''l'r<"l.tttnl? for '"" ("Al.L Llhrrt\ ~-7 • 72 t.tr •Pl"''"' r11,.n1 HUGH A. MclNTYRE , L. P. T. Ml .?Ii~ .,_,..,.a, ~""" pnrt 1\.-arh, C:aUf1>rt1l11 ' ApplW-.tionl" will bf. l'tt'f'h1r d at th.-Church School Offi<'r Phonf' Harbor S9K9 ~,.. Rollo M. Bou, dlrN'tor St. James Day School "t:Pll'IC'OPAI," ~t;WPORT Bt:AC1t . ---· ere Loy-Away Terms of Covno, lo-4 ~"· SANTA-ANA 308 North Broadway made \ • l:>tMiouata "" Our P,_lom Mink: of FURS This Oirlstmas put atan In her eyes with a gift of fur. Wonderful capes, s t o I es or nt'<" k pi('('<'!I t h a t will m 11 k e this h t-r Christmas lo be re- memberro. )!Jr\K STOl.ES Reg . Reg . Reg. $595 .... $795 $1 ,095 Now $475 Now 5595 .Now-$795 FOX STOLF.~ NATURAL WHITE. NORWEGIAN BLUE. Bl ACI<, Sil VER from ...- ~ORTH ER'° )f(;~K R \ T STOl.F. Reg. $179.50 Now $139.50 :'i lnf.Rf.\ 'V SQl"IRR F.I. !'TOLi-: Reg. $159.50 . . . .Now $129.SO 'f.CK PIFA.f.S Kolinskys, Martens, Sables from SSS to $395 .per Mt Thurldoy night, Decemb.r 22nd le MEN'S Night Fur piec11 modeled by profe11ionol l'T'lodele 7:30 p.m. MEN ONLY. u, ... 'vft y~ .. ,.,, COMPANY Kimberly 2-0652 OPEN EVEN.INGS TrLL&9 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Mesa Girls Name Deroo Np;w YORK NOO!'l COMMENT1Chry11ltr . 89 as Molester COMP ll.EIJ BY U C. GARSIDE. DuPont 226 H rld to a ruwer In ?'\ewporl OF.AN WITTER ·o. SA.'.\"TA i General Electric 66 ANA -Th,. m111kH 18 beginning , M • •ti '• Beach J111t1r e Court yealtrday on to irtve more fl01Utl\'•• in•ltc11tlon11 General • ol<Jrll thlt tax nlllng lnflut'nr e la on May Co. .. 42'ii a charre of m olntlllg a 10-year· t he wane. rnr,.11 rmprovf'cl in the :-: y Central . t,4 old Newport Beach girl, WIUlam early trading follr1wing whlrh ab-No. American Aviation .. 88 GKJrge Deroo ot 110 8th St. has l!Orpllon power Will! •·on11tructlve. Ssfeway Stnr<'a .. l'.3% been Identified by two Coat& Me· Droadenlng <lemonil wa.11 reflrcted 11a gl1 l.1 !Jlvolved tn· recent mo In buyln1 ot the motor11, rhl!rnl-So. Cal. Edison . Ill 14 • cala. 0111. 11tf'f'l11 11nd a vl1t.l1008. :'lo. Pacl/lc . .. 1111 '• ICNllJlg caaea, police reported. A rtpreaent11llvf' llel or tax tar· SL&nda r-d Oii of Calif. . .. ... 90'6 Deroo waived preliminary hear· geta alllO p11rt1~1paled along wilh l'nlon 011 of Calif. 112 ,4 Ing II.lid """ll ordtred t o appear In 11everal dtfen11e,.a.~ue11 which would Suprrior Court. S&nla Ana, al be In poelllon'to ben .. rtt from t:. S. Strei · 68 9:30 a. m. Dec. 30. Ball wu 11et plan• for a tomir-powered 11hlp11. --------------at $6000. T he aircrafts hao1 lt\'eral proml· LIGHTING ldenllrted u a 21-yPar·Old 11ex nent IN UH in rMponae to Sf'r re-P•Ychopath. Oeroo wa.s releHed tary Wiison'• romment.a regudlng trom A t.a.scadero St.ate Hospllal. CoeUallfld from Flntt Pap d~fenH expeN!llturt-11 Loc&I police H id he tailed to rt" Sl'PPLY LF.AOf;R!iJOr Tool, community project; Ntwport gt11ttr a11 a sex offt>ndt"r and nad &ach city hall. d o r ·' Boelnl' anct North Amrrlca.n , 1er ve lime on I counta o 1111mu aupplled lt'adershlp with moil Also l <> 1200 Klni:s Road, Cliff theft, auto. other unltr1 rarllrlpatlng. noui:llL'I Haven, Donald W ell . S1gn•I Road, Police Chief Art McKen:r.le said hu bffn abll! to ahaorb profit tak-C'l.Jft Havtn. Strut of Giant Can-Drroo had 1been lJent1ned by a 6- lng rf'l&ltvely Wl!ll tollowlng prt·' dies: City ot N('w~nrt Bl'a.ch t'm· year-old girl a.a the man who vloua .rains rtntl 19 ln 11n 11ttr11rtlve ployees. floating Ch ri~tmu tree; molnled her in hla auto De.:. 7 technfral poslll•m Cenrral Dyna· :-lewport Harbor Luthernn Church, and by an I I-year-old girl u the mfra hu b"n laggard a nd u lax I r::rw~rt Height.a, 11 n d Christ man who a lltmpled to &"Ive her ·& aelllng 1nrho,.n('~l! imblllde we reel Church by the Sea. ~ft>thod1"'t. ride ln hi• uuto thl' eame alll!f· thla laaue llhoulo1 enJOY a worth· OTRF.R Wl:\':\'t:HS noon. Both chlh.lren Identified Dt· while lift. Other wrnners In the Merchant• roo while he waa among se\·eral Amrrtcan Cy11n&mtd adv11nred dlvlaton contest were Corona del other men thry did not know. MC· to tur high In re11r<1n11e to m11n-Mar-Nona Talbot ~11rrors, Doro-Kenzie aaJd. agemenl'• for,.rtut of recorrt eale11 thy J o swaJUOns, 13akta·~ Furnt-"lt Deroo Is not tound (\lilly on next year and <'llmrnr• or bt'lter tul'e, and Ensign Publishing ; BIU· the Newport Bearh charre," Mc- than U tor 1960. bfl& lllland-Boardnuin's Market, Kende 11111t1, "we will proeN•lJte Montr omuy Ward hu had a ~:arl Sl..llnl~y Realtor. Bnlboa hi· him on our d1arge1." fairly 11harp rorrer llon and at cur-land Variety, Elite Beauty Salon, rent levdll woulr1 appl!ar to entail 1· s. l'oRl CJftlt·~·. TloP l~landcni, relallvely minor rtsk1. t •ons Uray Realtor. >111ol •••m or ~AM MORt: HAl~S J>l t: Catiro m1a; M1tr1Mr0.1 Mile Tht'O. Lifting nf preMur•e from t he Kob1na; O ld N rwport Lo•\'11llcy'11 motor .1ectlon 111 ha\'lnf a.n t'xpro·t-Market; 1Jdo--Jerf11 of L1tl1>, Y. ti· ed benf'tlC'11tl rrtf'r l 11ron th,. mAr· ll11ms Statlonrr"· Bhll\'o'll IO, Hui· kf't \\'e look f111 further 11t'IC'rt~I b<>a Srn1t 11e·a Balboa Markt! ~ow SHOWING gama ovf'r the balnnr e of the day with 11pt'<'l111ty buylng or laggard and dtprl'Mt'tl 111•11"" a blr t o off. •el a ny In eicularlt It •. Dow-.lon,.,. I p.m. A''""«P~ 30 l ndu11triol11 4M ~ u p 3 21 20 R&Jt. 162 20 up I H 15 Ut1lltli-11 6 4 6() up .29 1 p.m. \ ulum .. 1,,to,000 :'\P-.' \ ork I p.m. l'\IOC'k l'rttt>a 1 A merlran Tt'IPphone I i lP, Anaconda 71 ~ DEA TH NC\TICE MRl-4. MAtc\' Bl'RO• I 1-~11ntraJ r1t•n•11·,.11 for M 111. ~•.U')' I p;. Bur gt", nH>thrr of M r11. J Ar· thur Cllnl, 11 11 Wt11t BAy AVf' .. , w11r" hrld Mon1l11y 11t J pm tn th11 W . A Brown Mortuarv. Loa Anitf'INI M 111 flUrjt .. WU ll n11ll\'!' of Ohio. had llYf'<I 1n Loa Anit"I"• and vlclnll 1· ft1r !hf' put 63 y rara. Other •ur' 1 w•r• lnrl11d4' M l"lt. Pio· renr t Hut rhln•nn nf Los Anitrl~. Mno F lor" lfc-••lrlr k of A lh11mbra anti F:ln.f'r I•' flu1 li:r or 11unt1n1t· ton r11r k El..."lf:R < lllllMTF.N1'40S Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 C'Aft\' GRA:\'T In "NOTORIOUS" PLl'S l.ORt:TTA l'Ol'~G .. .JO~t:Pll C'O'n'Jl:X la ''The Farmer's D•UCJht•r" Merch•nt'1 Free Christmas Show ~&t. [)fo(', U , 'Z p.m. on "The AnM9<1lla ~tory" Com~• Too: "TARTS CH.RIMTMA8 Mar11o a '"'"I• la "ARTIMTS & MODEL.._ .. l!:lmf'r ,,.,,.,ltrh k C'hriatf'n"'ln, 1 ·~-=-=_-._-._-..=3:•_=_======~ t2. 202t ).t or•rn•r t 111v ... 1ltf'o1 Utt .-______________ ..... ._ __ ..;;..;...;;.;;;;. __ .;.. __ ..... 20 at t h" llr '"'"' Sa111t1u 1um ""' r " l"ni:-th)' 11111• u Ht "•• t>"m In C'h1 ,,,. Ill 11n1I •llmf' 111 1ht11 •late 111 I"::" 11 .. man .. h1 ... """'" tTr11 11. IJ,. A 1111..Jr• li11s bt',.n 11 "~"" n1 • • l•l\h,.•\ fnr l'°I" pA.i 12 """' I I• "·•~ 11n arch1t• I\ 1tn1t bu1hlrr II• "" .. •I mtrnbn oC >:lkl\ l.n<l ,. I ~I.~ "' th,. Mn,nn11 t..o.1i r flt • •~i. I .rk Ill 11n I 1•f Writ Rn11P1 '"' t Arn>•lll'llO IA· J l1•n. '"'" i\r •I•' !411r•1H>r• "''' r11• "'"" J"Nnnr '""'a •l1tf!J:I•'•• Mr~ J11n•·H11• H ill h-•th 11 Il l l~rl\'11• '·'""· D ilb••" 111 •I 11 1\111ndo11111i;:lil"I . !<rr llPt H ill hi~ "'"'"I nnl a11nl M r • Oenr~r B 1111111111 1•f '·" J11llt1 Sf'l"\Hr• ~'" p•n1lon1< 111 1''urtAI 1,,." n Mrrn .. 11111 l'Mtk TI1 .. Rr\' ~·,,..,wnc k lillllC• •f lhr l 'nl\'l'rlllll- IAt Ji"#llt1v. •hip "ill utr1c1"te. 01<1 a!:tt"lll1• ""l ln1uran~e l\~tn• y I\ II lino' "r lllr n HO\\'ARD \\'. Gt:RRL~ll l~ol! :"'tlo pull Hh·I l:o11a ~le.ta 1·11u~t. 1.mu:T\ ~•.l 1 :: JOll:'\STOSF.'N Mesa Auto Wreckers I ""'I \111n Part' a nol \ ,.,... .. ,o rlf'• zoo;;; Pl:w-t•nHa A\f'. LJIM>rl 11-~0l:l <n•IO\ M""' MARINE INSURANCE l'lmtH>lh !'lalllq O.t>orn,.·t'o1tnn R,.a_lh• c:o. UU \\. C'n:1•I Hlth;•ay 1.lt...r1\ R-~.lll'Z l!WY•r-<'opP"'r·BrsH a p..,.-i,.r PoUallf'Cl-fturtf'Cl-.1..-quf'n'd ,,_, Quality, YaafHI !lfon·lc-e f'atn-111 rnc- \. Vht& nu r AntlqUf' ~tlnp 1 · nm•ual \'ah-•-..w. f'rk8 e WllTH'S e laysl• P1at11MJ Co. 1 ti • ff art.or fth·d. c .. ta )I--U I-Ult ' I _lLaram~s fi, G Ba1boa invites you ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Christmas Party Friday December 23rd ~ p.m. 'til Midnight leciinnlncJ January 1. 1956 Newport Hm bor lank Corona del Mar «ro on savings Ctlu(Pd t'nndJtlon• thmuchont ttw-POaalrJ have ""9ullfld Jn • r en,.ral nrmlnl' of lnlrrr•I nlft oa loe.aa Mid ln" .. tm"'t" "hll'h now "arrant lh,. In"~ lo !.... on .. ,'t.Jll. Plan now to pluf' your U\ingt la this banlc WMN' they will ~ 2':'r lnt4'""'t afff'r January 1, 1956. ~pe>1U.1 m~ on Ol' ht-fore Januuy 10th wt.II Nnt lntere.t from January lst. Our 1956 Christmu Club ht aow open. \'ou &rf' ln\'lted to join. Newport Harbor Bank Corw del Mar Member Federal Depoalt Inaurance Corporation Member Federal Reierve System J" WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 7 TOOLS Orant'• Wu Surpl• luui lllf'rally tho-4& of toola of Hf'rJ de9crtptlon. for f'nry era.ft. Many workn11 cd all tbrlr tool• 11t \\'ar Mur- plu. bt-ra!IMI Ibey .. .,., 90 mlK'h moDf'J. l'ou lll'f' ln,1tl'd to atop ID-k><>k ueuncl. you'U - .pfflal eoUJ1tr ,.._ llpffial blaa. aad oae whole wall arM ltnf'd wtttl too la. There ue ftle .eta, roplaf "'"''· lbaad ""'"' atMI a.,.. tmtlon tape, h11C'kM""' pllrn. inalleta. Mt bracH ud~~n! • VISE VALUES f.:~1r• '-'•'1 J•.1·l•r~ ••l•f'l ~1•. at•• ~rand ~~~~~~~ "*• • ,., ••• , ••.• \ ' ~~C'· .. ::•,,.onl1 C.95 SMa..JI tiiot;t., ''•'· "41t • ••>:-\•1 • na.I. Mftnt ht •oodnn• t.ul• •U• Ro• •n •pttta.I fer •nl1 l et. 4-lnl'h 81\IHI ,.,.,., •••••••••••••• sto.9.\ ~-lnC'h al\ l\'C'I \1v ........•...•. I 16.U . SCREWDRIVERS 19~ AU with plaallr ha•dln. lnrlud· Int Phllllpa ,H l'll\")' Dul)'. Elrr·- lrlc-al, !Utrhanlc-.., Jfornl' t"lllll'" C11blnf't ~u·ylr, Xuf'w llotdlnir and Clollfl Qul\rtr r Drhf'r. EACH BARGAIN TABLE Jt11eht l011hlr the front 111111r 'ou'll flnll • t tk bnri:aln tuhl•· thl\I la • 1 "r k f' d \\lll1 loola, llm•hlli.:hta, h"mrntra, 11ll••ri1 11nd 11 l""I of • ,...,.11.11 .. 011' 11 r 111 a ''lat ,., ... ,. hornr nl'f'd• 11 onr t lmr or 1rnolhrr. Thia I• your op1><.1rt un· lly lo ""'" -Th•'' m11k,. w o n llr rf u l f'hr1atmu Gllh . 1 1 /2 H.P. AIR COOLED POWER SAW r:rt ra Hl•dl'I A "'~I la Ille tt.'!~ (umple&e ,,.1n1 $11 lach A n1u,.d •~1ataW., aaw th11t Nta al any •""''" frum 0 tn 46. II•• •dJual11lll~ l"lfl '""'"" 11lr lol•k,. •nd rdlau11 .,,,.ntA. l.IOO r ll.m. t nhn ... 1 motor. '"''• thmuslt • t• • llli,. • knlf,. _UJr.11.llP buUtl! BOY SCOUT BARGAINS 1r ow .... n., ~., '" ... , ••••h. •• • ._.,.,, j fl4f f"IHhhiue lht th•• , •• If •eftl I• HM• I~ f,futl • W.A M ... tU'I I 4 -Tt.•t• •r• h•"At ... • eJ .,."'. tt11111t ~ ...... ,., '" • .,, .... , t ( ...... - '""'' ttw"' •••• • New SIHph•t 109 Speclel fer Chrhtmo1 GiYifttl ,,.,., Jt,,,,, ... tft•t ...... 11it"°"'f" " ....... ftlh·4 .... ,. ,._ .. ,.,, ...... •"-ttht •••1 ta f•l f1 •• , tif•"H U '1f11•tH •rtU ,...,., . "· I,.,...,,, I tit Uh wer• n.f'fllthU• Onl"'I '4•flt ,, • f•.,... ,...~., •M ... 14 ftl'tl ~ M .. k•it_. •f •ft• Hllttw ... •t Uw te• .,w • • ••.-• • ,._ .• -s711 """'1., ..... s aac! '"'' t: M n1 ~ow RUCK-SACK , BACK • PACK $1 .95 -.__,.,....::·~ 1'•4 •f\lf '°'""'•''· th•I t••t• f ti"'pu •PPtf'f'1•tH llti• r•tt• 't11t•Ott ft••~ P •-d•. IAtt •f .. ,.,. •""'""'• ,,., lih41 ••"''"•• ..,,.19 ..... ,,..4. Uthl .,. ..... ..-t•I ,,.,...,.~ lht H.,._., rift .. ..... ,.. .. , '°"'"WI .. l ftfH ftf'I , .. ,.., f'•M1thtl tt1f)• l COTS Ru•'• ,,.,.,,.,h\ftt 10• ,..,., ...... .. .. , .. , .,,. ... , ( ........ ,. ( fih 1'h., '·"" "' ....... lrl••t ............... tti.t•• that Ow n ... .e f•r •" •-t·• ""'" ,., f•ll" rr•at••. A tut 1t ,.,. ff' '""'• • 1••ti"f s~k: .r~·. !~· .. ~= $4.aa ......... , \\arm,.,.. Sl.'9 Soy Scout C-.ntecl\I ' ~ • I\• .. •hi t ..... ,.. t••t '" •" ttuo At I r•~~l!'t• 'nil l~•·I $1.69 ... ir.1.tll Tl!Rl Pal«'lllnc n:\ft:~T 41¢1)1. P11tr h •nr- 1 h In r In '1111'8•. "Ill 8 all d any- lhlnc: Try Tbe ..,__. at.ode of Oeaulnf' AmlJ', Nny, Mari.no a.nd Air t'or<'f' Surplaa lJS thfl Harbo~ A~a.. l'ou M\'o -ney on l'\l'ry Item at ORA.Jli"T'S WAR Sl'1U'Ll"8 -... ,.. l'I' mh•r n r:~·t11lrr,-nlw::r • ~old with :1n UNCONDITIONAL ~~~~GUARANTEE Is the Word for Thi1 31-Piecc CHRISTMAS IAllGAINI ELECTRIC . DRILL SET with Gent1ine Jocob1 Chuck t:H ry man \\111 "" h•PPY on Chrl~tm.. mornJnc whf'n hf' tint!' on,. nf th,..,. ml\n 'l'loua rlPl't rlr D rlll l'rb n noll'r hi' .. Chrl~tmu Trl'f': 1' o u <' 11 n DK Ir. J,, 1' 0 I. r !'I"· Rt ··v. l,OIH:"'D, ~1L'\': r .\IST 11nd do • I'll of othn )Ciba •Ith lhl• 0 I' nu In,. BLt'F. DIAMOND t:lrC'lrir DriU !"f'I, romplr te wllh •l••rl ('arrytnr nae! Thl• I• • labulou• offf'r -If you'n bef'n lookln!I' 111 th,..,. )OU lulow: ll .. ulor 27 .95 Vel111 NOW ONLY· •14aa Fobulou1, All-Hew, 100-200-300 MICROSCOPE WITH REVOLVING TURRET ! All metal .•. NOT A TOY, but • precision ift1trum1ftt with • beouti· ft1I bleclr. Mtift fiftl1h! Hoftd fene- l"t• edjt11teble Mirror, c1me1 com- plote with •oml1hed hardwood coN ond 1id11. Aft ucellent 9ift -ideel fer the 1tud11tt oftd hoa.byllf of ... , ... , Here's o lrond Hew War Surplu1 Speciol NATIONALLY KNOWN BOY' JEANS DOUILE-KNEED If we mentiofted the ftO"'e WI ...... Id heYI to 9et $2.91. •1'! ... ftJ-9 Army Air Force Style PARKAS With Mouton f'o r Collar Collar FoMD8 A Hood WMlr It elthf'r 1'·ay! f'lAier tip len~th I s19.95 Ma&, ...., • llarpt•' Elaatk aMrrlnc b.,.11 : Walfor·t"Ppe),.at orlord Wool qult!'d llAlftC : A 149 .. ">fl \'alur: 11 ,... n.Ulr wu1 a .... _, i.ow -Quio1-T.,o, COMIC IS I o.-4 k7o .. .._ wH4orfel ..-1i.a 0114 ................ , ..... ,., ., .... PILLOWS l}l,.t.:t:PL"IO BEA\J'O' s3~9s ;"' IT.N •"1•• ., -l I I 'lo I /, .,._, 01· "" 11111. N•"· .... ..., ........... _. .... 1 will rtet mtt4nr I Al••,• ,....,., .. .i.1 w .... ~1o1 & .... 1..,,. "'"''""' la t*~ltu· ,,. •• ~ .... r •• ,, " .. ,... tau "''' ..... 1 SNOW CLOTHES Gl.,n•I <•P•· )ac'l.tt•. .-t\.e •n4 •'"~' '""• cl.La.. •" J••• ••ll1n• f•r r•• t• ta.kt lht n\ I• thr •M• wltll )"M ! And •h-..1 '•r1al .. 1 c..-. )O• re"'t 1tf•r• \e ..... lh-•m hf'nlf" ...,.., ,... &n ....... , "•"'' .. ,...., "" 1ncuntn1• tw• BALBOA BLUE P~NTS $3.49 fh•tA<'k TCt•f ._._,,,, el 18'.U ._, • .,, 4 ' " I • fi"e laafl4 Uitrll.d tlaftlt f•r 4r .... pla7 an.4 •01 fll ne• I ta te.. ,.,.. "'" lh.,·ro H .U. Tlolo h tk 1hM •• ••" • k&--ee WORK 'CLOTHES WerA.1p•_., ................ (H ta•• e I ........... l"l•\.l•o . "•mf't I*• LkVl'll DICK! .. ~'· llANU. 8 0 I I ll\'t:KA I.I.•, ti..M ,,. Jaol • f,. •• &..-,..~ .............. Lew •''"'· AH •U._ Quiet ... •• rt•.,. ... ·11 •P•reotla .. •• ••• ,,.,, r C.P.O. SHIRTS for Only $7.95 Fnrr •Mt4 .. t ... ~ .... ...... .. , , ..... ,. ,......, • t. ,, • •••• • .. fr... ,, • .,. ~1.,. •II •Mt, an~ ... ,c> '"'"· l•n11 ,,,..,.. ..... f'lMt U\-6 te 11. 4•'°'4 fH aa,_ .... • ... u II\ kct• •er-•• kal .. ......... ~. 1Nt.•·-·· , ... :'.:::1 ,,.,...... • •• ',. SWEAT SOCKS NYLON S-T·ll·l·T-C-H SOCKS srr:clAL Thi1WMk 3 pr. for $1 .00 EluUcTnpo! R .. t1ler Ste 'lpt'<'lal for Roya: rtald .,._ 1'°" w .. 1 FUEL TAl'IU:r8 F or ,i1ardll1 f1r,.•: l for 10c WITOll CAPS NaucJClllte JACKO! ,..... ................. .... ..... -.. ...... .. -...,,....,1 w"' .. ,.,_,, .,...., • .-.~r-T _ _, . .... --.............. ...... _ .... .-1 ..... ,..., .. 11 ... ...atua.. ..... ... .......... .__. ..... i. ,._ J-.e n.M ... YI .......... ···-.. .............. SleM....-1 ....... u--.. T,...._ roweJ .. f lye E!,.. ............ '" ...... ••• of 11 .. ......, -~ 2tc ,... ., ....... ...__ .. '" .... f ...... . ·~ ... ... 79c Troift in9 lliflet. '"" like eoldiers MN SJ.tS hJ ,,, U1Wltrtll1 THt ..... .._ ............ _. ... -· ~'-' -•wy ., -• ...... -.. C•••• --........... ,rt.a ._.... ..... .....-.. "I"· .-..194 _.. '·" ...... ~ -8'5..... -=-L' I A I PllC. f i..t ._ ~-• • •,. 4" 95 ..... ,.... --.:;· .~ ""'' I tr I kl41 ~••1•· c-. llUL '" NIC Tiii = ,,,_~ '•I• 1 7 't•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE December 21. 19M Orchlda ln the MooalJ~bt ! Better yet . • . 8en'e them under your Christ.mu tree In all their blooming glory u a beautUully gift wnp- ped plant . • . OrchWA! Queea bee of all plant Ufe • • • Ablue with llvlng, their petals vibrant a n d crisp • • • Wann and glow- ing • • • Bloom••,; orchid plant. • . • your cbolce of either orchid or whl~ . • • Aceordlng t o R ob e r t 8chroeder of oo.r F1ower Shop, theee orchid plants ' wUI lulep their bloomA for at -.t a month ••• Ttwiy are ltrtetly house plants & U OTeD a minimum of care wtll bloom twtce a yf'ar ••• Bob will give explicit ln- 8t:raetione with each plant • • • See tbeee plants! and dcla't let the nttae price of •10.00 and up 9C&n) you ln- to thlnkln~ them to be poor little country cousins of la v-de madam • • • Each oae of these plants 18 large, eriap aDd beauWul . . • Vibrant M•lth glowing Ufe ud loadfld.,.Jrith large "'ax- ea blooms • . • Take your pick ••• five blootn8. M'\'f'D bloom. ••• blooms . . . An extra apecial putthue for erln speclal Christ.mu ctvtac ... Now let'• set the Orchid Plant on the coffee table and aerve eome via.nda fitting for a.n Orcb.Jd Plant to behold ... Blue Point.a on the half shell in a bed of cracked ice or per· hape b.&lt a freah lobster .. . And don't aay to yourself .. . raw oyatera ! ..• Blue Point.a on the h&lf ahell are not raw oyaten ... they do not ta.ate like a.ny raw oyatera you've ever tasted before . . . They are Blue Point.8 ! Supremely defiant i.n their own exotic flavor! B oDettt.ly ldds! rd admit thla onl)' to you • • • UaUJ laat year I he.cl Mver tutifld Blae J'olnte oa tbe half aheU • • • I ttM clefinJtely one of thoee who fall la the "I doa't eat raw oyaten" cate~ory • . • When we re- C'.lf'h•fld our flnt barttl from the EMt. la time for Chrlttlr mu and New l:'ear'a I wae dfotermlafld to try them ..• ( W1t&t one mat ir;o tbrouir;h 1M>meel:niiea ti& IMW ..ie oae'a Job) •.• My hOJ11baad and • .x.= the abelht Ol>f'D and them 8WUIY· aide-up oa a platter of t'rackfld ~ and left tbera ta tbe rdrl~erator until they were thorour;hly chill- ed • • . The ftnt hlte I doa8fJCl tt•lth chW l'&Utte ••• coolda't taste a Utlog • . • The att0ad just a Uttle ..ace. but I 8\\'alloWf'CI ttal fut ... Third bite DO C'hlll •uce ..• Ummm ••. From thea oa I ate Blue Points and thoroaa:hly " n j o y f' d each bite .•. Now I'm a fan Plaa oe IN'niar; tht'm thitt New \'n.r'iJ ... Th«"y make p e r f " c t harmony "ith c ham&>&«ne and Should Old Aeqouta.nce b4' forxotten. Prepared cake mixes - cookies and puddings ... How c:ouJd we get along v.'lthout ill them! But pep them up a I little ... Add a little eome- tbU'lg .. , Flavormill flavor- 1 inp will make each 'more dreamy with the swish of a ~~i tea.spoon . . . Use apeci al "' P ound Cake F1avoring ar.d Rum and Butter flavoring in Dromedary's pound cake mix • . . About ' i teaspoon each •.. Put a little almond in bran muffina . . . Napfkuchen make. any pla.in cooky, cof· fee or cwatard sing Jingle Bella . . . A teaspoon of Liquid coc:oanul to ginger bread mix ... A teaspoon of Rum to Ucvil's food cake mix •.. Add Pec&n Nut navoring along with chopped maraa- c:hino &herries t o a white cake mix. All Fla\·ormW fla\•Oriop are noa-ak-obolic . . . Any of the forty·fow flavors will DOt '-Ile, boll or f~t.e out . . . Before the apple pie tlleUOD wind.a up.. Md a UtUe Pound Cake fla\•orlng to aa)"thlag made wtUa applee •.• ,P~. uuce or bUed • • • ~ ! What a teupooa1la.I d°" to ~ ws.g whle • • , lf>t atand O\'ef nl1tht •.. Pf'ach, \'lo- le~ Tutti Frutti. W 11 d , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, '1955 And to You All-A Merry. Merry From everyone at Richard's Gnlree ~ugge~lion~ /,.om Richard~ Young's Ranch Fresh Hen Turkeys Young's Ran ch Fresh Tom Tur keys _ ' Poppy Brand Frozen Hen. Turkeys Poppy Brand Frozen Tom Turkeys Pa cific Brand Frozen Hen Turkeys Pa cific Brand Frozen Tom Turkeys Ma nhattan Whole Hickory Smoked Rath's Bla ckhawk Sl ice d Bacon • . lb. 69c lb. 59c . lb. 63c . lb . 53c lb . 49c . lb. 43c Ham s . . lb. 49c lb. 49c DUCKS -GEESE -ROASTING & FRYING CHlCKENS EXCELLENT FOR HOLIDAY FEASTING Fresh. <Jape Cod CRANBERRIESm. Pkc· 19c LETTUCE 2for15c 2 1b•.25c Fa.Dey. L&rse Sbe, Sweet, Navel ORANGES Darigold Pure Doable" Quality FRESH BUTTER lb. 59c ... --------------------- The perfect bever91e YUBAN COFFEE lb. 89c 2·1b. cu . . . L 78 Richard'• Raacb Fresh Doable A Zee_Cello -wrapped Embo88Mt DINNER NAPKINS 40 per pk1. do•. 63c. 2f0•23c Rath or Honnel -AD M«>at CANNED H"~·~6~_ .. -lb. _u. 5_9_5 8omet.blag Newt WHOLE SMOKED f'RESB 1so CHICKEN ___ 1 ~_:.~ Pbn.delpbla CRU'I CHEES~E ____ ._a--._3..;;;..._3~1 Rkhard'a BOllM!lmde -FrW CB.\NJSEBB1' SAUCE ()pm Dally till 7:00 p. m.• Chrt•tmu Day u.ten to Radio KVvlZ 1480 for Chrl1tmu C&rola trom Rlchu'd'a. Cherry, BllM-k Walnut •.• Here at H1<.'harcr. one of the Lido Shops at lhe en· '1 trance to Lido Isle . . • SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER %2, 23 and U. 195:5 .. Closed Sunday & Monday December 25 & 26 GROCERY DEPT. ONIONS·Datdl St-eel 23' • . ...... -... S o. 103 Irle Brand ')')' TINY PEAS ...... .No. sos "'1 • Toclda WHTPPING 35; CREAM .. • , pt. Todd• AJ,L Pl'RPOSE 32' CREAM ·····-·.. . 11 pt. lu.t p,_. tb,. buttoa! 52' REDDl·WHIP -····· ca11 • Cubbboa 57; STUFFING MIX .. pkc. l'\NtlN 86' INST. COFFEE ........ t'lwlfl'• Strahll'd 19; IAIY MEATS ·-···u. IW-ynold'1 25' ALUM. WRAP .. n -tt. • CRACRKERS 32' ............... Jb. l'i ... u~. 19; CHOC. CHIPS e-oL DR~S~INGU CHEESE 29' _ ......... a-os. It ~ \\' Brand 53' MINCE MEAT .... iS-os. Plaakr'I S&l~d 35; PEANUTS -···-·-·-.. 1-oa. 8pell(ler lttufff'd 39; 9UEEN OLIVES'%.. · UadM1' Col--.! 33; llPE OUYES ·-·.N•. I . ffYia'A1GES n-o.. 2157;. f"ROZ£N F"CODS STRAW'IR'IEsO-o .. ~ 2145• W.by a RED J.._ • 1451 RASPIERRllS _ £ . Ubll)''• l ... s. 2135' GREEN PEAS _ . UbbJ'• 1..__ 2145; IR. SPROUTS _ . Ubby•1 2i29; OR. JUICE __ .___ 1'odd1 l!ib"'°"t or 79' ICE CREAM ~ p11oa liol~ l'itat. HI SNOWBALLS, per pq--R . DELICATESSEN C'ocktaU Me.t Ba&Aa 55' YAK YAKS . ...,.. ' t:I ( amino ~ ~ a,_, !'\" _.., PICIU...t!D PEARS .. 17-.s. wmbt• 91• kaftt09 l 'oc:-lct&U OHf:F.!fE 98' SPREAD . _ ,., ....... b<JW' l ',_.. f'avor1tel K~·1 47' DRESSING --· -.... · "~··· 33¢ TACO SNAX ... ,0 ut1 • Norwqia. T . P. C. 59' FISHIAW .... 14-oa, • MEZZANINE: SHOPPE For Putect RoMU.c Kt;AT 91; 37(1 THERMOM'S to R.ew"' War~-bln&Uoe (Uf~t SAUCTE .PAN 399 •-• MinuM! t.llt I~ -AltnM'the c·opper a AM"t.. Colore srooN"sm 98° BAKERY \ T H t:&8DAY R1iN6 ·c:•0.<£' .'u-:~, 56' RrnWll .t ~n•o l>INSF.fl 15¢ ROW pkr. of I f""RIOA\" l!k-rve 1"11b l tl-: 54~ APPLE PIE ..... -o STUFRN BREAD loaf 23' MATl"KDAV ('brt.tma. T,.... 33' COFFEE CAKES ~IM'" Butt.for Fla.le,. 6 18¢ Dl~NEI ROLLS f or •ChrWmu E\•e tlD 6 :00 p. m. s.lea tu. collected oa teyebh ..... , I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE 0NE ·~ -t. ~ VOCATIONAL CATERING -Orange Cout College adult clasa directed by Mrs. Sibyl Mauerhan, one oC five which ahe Leachea for OCC in varioua localiUea, above Iii busy making pre parations for class project of day. -All Ph otoi-s by Gary GleWl . . HOW TO DECORATE CAKE -Mrs, Mauerhan, -led. appLiea icing decoration lo clua cake, usini pastry tube. as stu1knt M abo\'C watch operation. Her class m catcrin& wllJ bei in again J~. g at OCC. ... -... nBST \'OU BAKE A CAKE -F1owen and fancy decoration• are part of the basic preparation for adult.s in thi.8 OCC clus. Shown re<:eiving inatruction from Mn. Mauerhan. teated, are, f rom left, J4ra. .. l • Clyde Hartw1gsrn and Mr11. Roy ~cArdle. both Cost.A Mesa ; Mrs. R. F. Haz11rd, M 1dwa~· Cily; MrR. \'ict or Echol8, Santa Ana and Mrs. H<'lcn Collini1. Cost a ~fe-. • w... -• -:J WORKING ON THEIR OWN -Students in 0CC vocational catering class put finis hing tonchea oD their own pa.striee which they have baked in college kitchen.a. F rom left, Mrs. J ames Sha.fer a.nd Mrs. Lowell Osborn, both Newport Beach ; Mrs. Geoffrey Reed and Mrs. John W. Donnelly, both Coata Mesa. , POl;Rl~O BA1Tt~R -Mni. Raymond Dosta and Mrs. Jolin W. Donnelly. both Coeta Mesa, a bove eel their cake ready for the oven at OCC vocaUonaJ caterin& c:U... l:STO THE OVEN -The cake prepared. two Rtudcnt11. Mn1 R C. Vaught . Sitnla Ana 1rnd MNl. H. L. Mynatt, Newport B<'ach. !lhp their well·m1xcd pastry Into the oven for baking. n .NISHED PRODUCT -This i8 how ont> of Mrs. Mauerhan't1 d a.sa prepared highly decorated holiday cake• appeani when completr d, ready for ca ke devote.9 to devour. ' PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 , 1955 ' TRACTS TO PROTEST AGAINST HIGH TAXES nhi.I ut u s 1ttt 1trappert," home own.-r claimed. FIRST l'ROTl:l'IT Mort f d ' h ·11 • l11·11~rtr Rn•I """ h""rlb 1· On Oun ~.-.1 1-ef<'lrr lhe <'hf'<)( ~ 11ld be "'""~ 1:0.><I, I 1 n n oc en t in ------~--------MESA UPHOLSTERING Formation or th.-taxpayu '1 l'fOUp fOllO'tn by IMI than two wffka the tlr1t prot .. t mff~ h•~r1: ~181\u: ~u~:=·l'fOUP Check Trial ·~=~·~ :;: .. Reslclenh of 19 Subdivisions Orcjanlze for Giant Protest of new bom• ownera ln Buena ~ 1-6'11 Park orpn!Md a prot..t mo"· BANTA. ANA ( (OCNSI-De· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;:;;;;;; in•t under Ul• urta ol the Bu· Ir en• Park pYio .A.uoclaUon. Uberatln&' only OT m lnut• Monday Plana of botll rroupe are to attemoon a Superior Court de· pay their tncl'MMd iu.. under partment two Jury found Rolland proteat, th•n nt• for a )\_eutnr C. Morton. 3,, ot 128 '1' 42nd St., befora Ula ltate Board of llqual· Newport Beacti, Innocent or a N•wport Variety FULJ..ERTON. (OCNS) -"Tu· wntatlve: and attom•y• William l 'OUR a ud lO ITOR!; We Give Crowa ltunpe 0-. t•ront Neu rter payer. of Ora.nse County". repre.- payer1 or Oran re County", rep re· 1e11tln1 reeldenll In 19 northern Oranre County hou1lnr tracui plan to launch a tull-aca.Je lnvutl· gallon Into reason• tor audden In· creuea In taxu and delinquent c. Ada.me and Vernan w. Hunt Jr. lllaUon. 121.Tll bad chacl< chars•. NEWPORT HACH WOULD hLP Plumb told lhe ~oup hi• of· Other ottlcari ot th• ''Tupa.y· Morton wu accuaed of paulns flee •·would be heppy to help In era of Oranie County", tnc\lld• th• borua check ln H~ltne'• ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ any way It can," and that tax· Vernon I:. SUlu, vice-chairman. Sportawear Store, Balboa. payer1 are welcome to eeek u -and Rene llarcQUX, MCret.ary· The defendant teaUth•d I.hat he BE SURE -INSURE 1l1tanc1 there. treuu1'91'. lhourht he had the money In hi• •·1111 McP'adden referred que.UoM bank to cover the check. He nld MAttRICP: HTANl.t:\' peymenta. They have the iupport on 111eament. to Plumb, and he wrote t.he C'heck to buy a pre· 1 luuranee O.ly ot Coat.a Meaa'1 Freedom Tax-Llebuman told the iroup 1.everal Ncnne Sfructures aent for hla wife. He waa attempt· 1 Pit-llart>or U H pa~ra ·League, Inc .. whole oftl· veterant orranLzat1on1 have tried lnC a reconclllatlon. UUc!~ H~"ay cla.11 have al'feed to help. to find the aiwwer1 to almllar The Banta Ana Coll•p 8000-Morton aald ha fell and eeriou•· , ~=====~==-~=~ problem• 1l11where In th a -t (Ym bu been named Biii --------.----------- The croup. formed at a mett· C4>Unty. Cook Oymnu lum In honor of the ..------------------------. lnr ln Fullerton Monday nlsht. Mu. Ojala., pruldent of the athleUc dlrect.or who took the will continue to orrantze home newly-formed group, said Imme· Dona to naUonal football tame ownera ln new tract• and w 111 dlate plan• are to lnvutlpte ' eeek relief from tax peymenui po1111ble mlarepreaentaUon by lncludtnr the Weetem bid to lbe which are due th11 month. accord· aellers about eetlmated .taxes and Little Ro11 Bowl ln lli.9. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17'1 Superior Avenue C01ta Meaa. Calif. Phone Uberty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY THI: SEA lt>20 I!: Coul Blvd Corona del Mar. Callf. Phone Harbor 0 Ing to the spokesman. Mr1. John to determine If lnequlUee ext.it Two other new Santa Ana Col· CLUB CHARTER PRESENTED OJala, e:>• W. Houston. In county tax uaeumenfa. leg• building• bava been rtven On hand to answer quutlona A duty of the newly • appolnted na.mea. The new Science building Circle It preeident Ken Wood, Garden Grove, receives the charter !o r Orange Coast trom 1ome 30 home ownH• were executive committee of the t&Jt. w111 be Dana Klnr Hammond Con-• · I b t th · · t b t h Id ti p tin th County Assusor Hugh J. Plumb, payer• ~oup will be to conta ct Hall, tn honor ot the tin t achoo! .._. .. I newest service c U a e JOlll anq ue e rtten Y· reeen · g e his aaiiatant Edward • Jonu; vartoua Jendlns arenclea to 11H pru ldent. The other, delayed ln charter &re representatives of the co-sponsoring clubs, J oe Guerin (center), p~i-county Supervisor Ralph' McFad· If delinquent blll1 can be paid conatructlon by the gTavel Rtrlke, dint-elect of the N ewport H arbo r Kiwanis Club, an d To m DeForeet (right), presi· den; Ben Lieberman. a veterane oft In lnatallrnenta. wlll be Eme11t Crozier Phllllp• dent of the Cocta Meea Kiwania. _ Photo by Gary G len 11ervll'e officer from Senta Ana; I "What with lbe jump In our Hall, for mualc, 1peech and dra· -------------------Homer Edwardl, a VF'W r1pr1· I !nonthly paymente plua 9ur bill• matlc• arta. NEWPORT itM f (LOCK FIRST ONES TO ARRIVE IN CITY Over ~ cars belo nging t o youths from high ach oola in M~hattan and Redondo Beach conve r ged on Newport Beach city hall Sun day on the lut leg of a student car c lub 11&fety nm. Left t o right. are Newport Patrol officer Ric hard H t'inecke. drivers H e nry Saenz and J ohnny Pete rson, Manhattan Buch police officer Chet Hans<'n and Chuck Oav11¥)n, assist a nt ins tructor w ith the Manhattan Fk'11ch J unior l'ollcc Club. -S t:ift Photo Offlrrr C"hl'l I h1n•• 11 "' 111.-M 1nh1t! t11n B"n•·h 1'"11"• <lrp111 t mtnl punC'h•'8 l hf' 1111 !' <111.f 11f .l11n l.J1wrrnc!'. on•' ur l/11' t'llll\ 11 r· r lni-la In lhr 11a r .. 1y 1r l1111J11lly run r'l M1r1t t 'o11t 11 ll1gh Sc.:h<X•I which en•led 1n NrwpOrl Buch Sunday. Jn the hal'kground a re Ch11rk llll\'l~"n, u sist11nt lnslructor of the Manh11ttan Junior poliC'e < l11b which maintained the checkpolnlJ!. Newport polrce offlC'U RJrh11rd Htlnecke. anti Lawrence. · Staff Photo See and Drive the New 1956 JAGUAR A I --.t ...,.,,: ...i., -~ ....... -'- World'• ftUt••• -"" •o/11t prodi.ctio11 tor HARVIY MAYIR MOTORI 2137 Harbor llYd., Costa Mesa (Corner Vktorta St.> Woman Reports 3rd Une Lootin9 The~ Mn C 8 Cro•h•r 1>f 21 1 N 8 11 y no ti ft rd N !"W port Beach _po· ttce P"T1<fay or tfif' 011m lfirrt .. r unl1ergannenta rrom htr .101he11· line At Oren9e County's Institution lHdin9 Home Lending CONTINUING All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Eern From the I st LAGUNA I FEDERA~ SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIA TlON Ht~ A"999 ftoeat BY 6--UTT l - \ CONGRESSMAN JAMES B. UTT VISITS OCC Congressman James B. Utt. representative from the 28th Congressional district. spoke to students al Orange Coaat ColleJe recently as the guest of the International Relations Club. Following the address, a panel of students questioned Congr~man Utt on Federal affairs. Shown in the Student Center fol- -lowing the talk are: Dr. Basil H. Peterson, president Upholstery. Furniture Refinishing Courses Due s .. vtn new clanea In uphol· •tery a nd two In furniture refln· h1bLng will ~ &mong a hOlll of a dult tducat 1on courAf'll availa ble are tauitht by Alfrffl raynP Ont> c la.-a w ill be gw en lltnn•la' s Hntl \\ edne'iday" from 9·1 :! an;I nn· other Mondays and w ... 111r8dev1t 1 from 1-4. • I in h umt a nd famlly hvmg a t Or· a nt;e C: o a 11 t C:ollf'l:e. 11ta rting OthPr • lat18•'" "''II bf' m 1:1tr· J an. 3 d rnm l( \\'•••lntit«lay" h orn 7 30· Am ong the m o at populRr lU. \\llh F:licin Hall in11trur trng rl&Nf'a o ffl'rP•I al OC"C, the up-1n tP11or 1h•t•nrll t1on, Chrl1't rnf' h ol•lt"ry t111811p8 will agstn be F1f.'•lt'11«k. M 1°n Ill)'• and W.-.ln!'s· tauicrit by <.;, J . Shaw anil F.<I ''")" 7 :1u-!l :w 1 .. mp-t1111J .. 11111k- n8nt <'s C llul.!•l'll will bf' J.: 1v,.11 In)( \;I ioh·~ Aldo•n \t.onol.I\ •. I ·~ J\lunday11 11nd V.'f'dnesc111y• rrom I •rnd F1 ad.t~~ I ·~ 11.111•111 "'""'"" 7-10, Mondaya from 9 ·12 a 11 (f , t oun W<n k11hop Alm a 1:rnn Mr.,n· l -4; Wcdnf!l<lay• from 11·12 11nd dtt~'"· 111·2 11n I Tuuotu yl\, Hl-2, 1·4 . T•1,.11.Jay11 and Thur1tt111y• I Rugm1tk lnJ?. M111 Ion Hs 11 J111r1n frnm 11·12, T11r,.da y1 an•t Thur"'" M11n.ta.1 •. 11·12 1tl\1I Thu1.,:IA\11. ''"""' '"'"' l ·I , 'l'\INlllH\'A .. nd !1-12, s ,•w lnl(. H1•lrn l\llltlhl'\\'" Th11r .. ot1t )'• fr nm 7·10, linti Jo' r 1-11nd ~:1t7.11h1•lh MIJl,.1 ,\l••n!ln\'.• davs frum 0·12 enl1 1·4 First Vaccine Shots Set For Jan. 4 F u •I f"•h•' \ 11n Inf' innn1ll\ltnn1 nt rh1hlrf'n •If ;-.:, "JV•t l Hl'111 h f'le· mf'nt11ry "'hoots "'ho wf'rt' ur K in· , dl'rgarlt'n nr t1r11t icra tlt' "II" •~ nf ~ J, ~I ~ 11•~.n J,.I\ • th .. l\:l'WJ)Ort ~('hi;ol ( 'lanlfA will 1,. cn ml10 l1•1! h\ I It• 0 1 crnge C:1111n1y llr 11llh I •••111111 mf'n l rn f't1rh "' lh" lh ll'f' l•Hhl 1 1 adt Al'hOOI• In lht' "lll1'01 ~w•. Tuu 11.,ya and Th111 -011ya, 7·10, Hnol vou rtlunAI 1 .1tr11nJ: I NEED ALL CARS, BOY NEED S HELP :-.:~..,.. J'>'•I t l':S• "h '" t 4 ·cu•t1• \1' i.a pnh•" tn t ... n \ :t 1n1l\ •ti ltil ll !-I ot l. I '-""1"'11 H ',, ""': 1 , n tt-f' ,,,,...,l ,.., j 111 IJ It\ :-> ltl,1\ \,\ hl'n H p .. rlll Of II IHI)' t 11llln11' fnr h<'lp lhO'll' Ylf'lf' n·, 1•IVC't1 T-"• ,..,._._ "''' " __..."' -,.,. t trouhl". All rli:ht \n nrtrn. •l n t nt •• n• ,.,h, I Uu ~ ,.,,, l HUl "·' f.. •'•IM_. f , •~"-h • 1r v..h •u 1t r1dl•1I 11ntn ''"" 111 hi~ lcrl Polit•· ,.,. ·I n•• hnnr• \4 f'f /\ hr••k"n of Orange Coast Colleg-e: Mrs. Mabell Bailey, secre- tary of I. R. C.; Congressman Utt: Dwain Gatterdam, president of I. R. C.; Dr. Giles T. Brown, chairman of the Social SciC'nce Division: Rou Armstrong. stu- dent body president; and John C. Mason, a student panC'I member. -Photo by Gene Tyler ar11t ptullry maktnl(. S1hyl MnU<'I • Regu1tra1.1on f or all c lasstl han. ~·r1day1. 9·12, \\ c•tne .. J ll) "· w ill take p lact In the !1r:!l meet· 0-12. Thur11<tHy11, 11·12 : Momloya. mg of "'" h liallf! 111a1ting the 9-12. 1tnd Tltu r•c.lliyll, 7-lU. w t•e k at J .tn. :l. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 l'l ~l-HLO('K CO)ll'.'\ .. "\\' -U?O s. ~1illn !!-1 .. SKllta Ana Pl :Ill( t : -u~ut:R A~l> (;0:\t:IU::TE Bl.OCKS HU~t"OIU. l :\u :o-Tt:t;L and S l l'Pl.lt:!'< .... ____________________________________________ .. r DID -YOU -KNow ~1 ''I that if you don't wait too dOCJCJOne long, Lou (Santa Claus) RHd can still CJ•t a 11'1 ~ehw. ~HR 'l~LER 7 or PLYMOUTH under your 1 , l lllL1 r1s ma~ ree. 11 ('all l.llwrt~· X-!HX(i ! ~'<IW ! ==--==-==-= ---- --=:::::=-====:=_;~IJ . '[ .~ ... ~·_,. • I :., -•;', A ;.~····_· /I / ' _ ... _.o . .,...,_, ·-.. ~. 'l!J!?1' .... ~ . 1(/r •• ( J)( i.hu !IOU tltt fto ppitst of ft o l ido~• on d smo oth soiling 'hr ou9ho11t tht co mi ng ytorl S t'<"On <I l1111('uf11tltrn "i ll b<-1(1\ "11 Newport Sr hnol 111111trnt11 Fl'b I Chllttren 11t HKr hnr \'il'W S• hnol llrP 11chrll11l<"<I ln •~•'""'" th• 1r l 1 r~I ann«11lru l1•n M111 r h 21l 11n1l lh•• M•1 ·I n nd April 26 t ~n•rnR 11,.1 llt11r ~----------------------------~------~~--------~--~~~------------~ fk hnol rlall'_. h rw,. '"'"n APL for t .April 27 11n1J M&v 2!'> Thf' ch lhlrf'n "111 r('<'t'I\,. l h,. •ac<"ine It pertnt.o or 10tU11rd1a n11 ha ve 111gn""1 c1msf'nl cc.rd• TI1" two &n)f'<'llnn.11 nf lh,. ,.,.1 r tn,. "111 ti-11vpn 11t 11pr1rooe1m1<1 rly ''"" monlh anll'rvala Pattnl.11 or chtld rf'n In th" ~rw­ porL Srhnol have a lru <ty r,.. ""'"'' ('nm m unh atu,na from th" "' hnnl rr1tt1r<t1nir tht' JKn 4 .t111r 1'11r,.n111 of r hll<lrl'n 1n lh" ollln I"'"•• 11 .... 1~ "'II hf' ronla•tr.J 111 11 l11l"r 1!11" <..'hlld r,.n "hn Ill " nl"l f'Olollf'<l In 111'h1V1I h•ll "hn llrf' nf I h f' pro· r Pt Rlo!f !lHIV tt'l"l'l\'f' !hf' Vlll"'lnll· Iron a l nnr nf lhl' 1<><111 ~ h1.,1I • hnl<'I P11rf'nl11 nf •Urh r hrl<lr < n ll lf' a11kl"ll In rnnt1<r l l h,. nrf1t r ot lhe 11r hnnl nrl\tf'J'1 I" l h,.rn tn atf\'llnl'f' nf th r I ltnlt" ollHf'll ChrisfmdS J{ea~quarters fOI aiATUIG ' FAMllliS South Coast Co. N twport Bh'd. at 23rd St. Harhor ?600 • IOMNION llA·MCMllU t ellAf 'M MOMLI reo. i fO H MP • IOAfl •A COMl•UH UNI Of MAllNI ICWIP•INT ·············:: ··········::: .. ::::::::::::::: ==··::::::::::: •••• •••••o•••• •••ci:v e•••o ••$• .... . ...... . ••••e:::e•••••" ••_!•:eo ee11 e e e c>O --•::::::::;:: • I .~:,s••••••.,,. \~ f ~ ·4 li the amazing TU a E L I S S I AD I 0 ri 0 /~~J J (.~J ~ ~-fk ---~ "..- DAV 1885 Harbor llvd. that haa "BIG-SET " tone a nd clarityl f'nlv 1° ' <" \ II'.• ''I '11 '"",Ao'''" 1l 1n )l'Ur J'('Cl.CI a11d rl.~ 11 .. hcrncr '''' ~ ' I '('\I I'\ 11.t" \!ti" 1n\IU\I or lubn, \\ h41 4 scn .... 1 n ol ~ 11 o.lr 1' R••·'" • '' 1~ rcrf«t r•rt fcYr the rcn ••n "hi' • '1," C•rr,lh•n~ · RrGr-...0 is '"°"dcrful (.-r 11\c, I.I r. II< ;an,l l1•r •huHn• I And of count Costa MftCI °'"'" EH•t1lnc• nnttl • 'fll xm .. Liberty 8-3437 WEDNESOA Y. DECEMBER 21 , 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE l San 1""-on Most Ful Case Liquors! ~~ --An.er· ~ -..... ~ ...,.Oe» •can label -- ILINiii WHrskrr s3s9 iOl11i'OH'--!-...... ....... -::00. $~99 ' :.:.:.. -..... 0'9 -···· ····-· ··••• ~ ~ION .. '90otlt ............ SA39 -· .. .. ......... ., SCorcH .. -."l)Q••-... . -• -.... -............ s5n VOOtCA •'llOW ._ .. _ ........ $~99 ,.., ······-· ~ DIY .. """" GIN """·-......... $~59 Ha12z'-~ SAYE J0% -··--°" ..-.cta -.., c-~ Ready-Mixed Fresh ECJCJ NoCJ 59c Full Qu.,t Old English TOM & JERRY BAnER 69c Royal Crest Rum&lrandy Fifth s4s' In Lovely lud Vase 4-ROSES Fifth $623 e4Pr _....,. -WALlll'I s42s s4" -IMPERIAL""" tcM'IOO.....,.. GIN~ .......... -s4" RYE ----:: '5 25 ............ MOil 7-CROWN .... ,......... sz4' IRISH .......... , ~ .... _ ....... A .. ·-.. -..__ ,tr •• CRAMPA61E• ....... '\ . •t"·WUlf'l9 ...eMtA• $629' CWI .................. . =~AAIPAGNE -SJ• ScoicH WHISKEY """· .. $629 CHAMPAGNE ~ .... .............. _ CHAMPAGNE - MilMM·S:: ....... HAte IM ... PINCH IOTTLE IMf'OITIO CMIUM TAIU 99c WINES , , .. ,m•1..~ ............... . PAUL MAllOll ,_ ROSE WINE ""'" ...... . MTN1sC'HEWiiz ..,,,. ........ s11• •• " ........ •.u•, s5u DE-LUXE ~~~. ~ ........... . HllAM WALlll'I CREME de MENTHE """ s3" IPAl•U ... Wl•I llllOM f'OITUeaM s211 LANCERS ROSE'"''······ HllAM WAUll'S s41s BRANDY ~'::.:: ............... . ...... .,.. .... oo. s424 VODKA ..nt.-... ·······-- -· .. RATH BLACKHAWK, WILSON'S, or HOFFMAN'S EASTERN SHORT -SHANK n..t.'• • · cwi ef llldl•ry· ..... tede4 Ill nery ,_. -Cllletlt alice ef ..... flee HI• QN4 i..al Yew cltelce ef ,..._ I ...._ ,. ... lty _, ~ Whole, or .. ~ Full Shank ALL-AMERICAN IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ROASTING CAPONETTES & THOSE HEAVENLY ALREAO~ STUFFED TURKEYS, TOOi Nottti119--'fH) NOTHING cct11 COfftpate witft ttt.w ..,,.,. quality Utali turkey• ot All· Alfterica11! Clow YOW' eyn 011d vbuaUae tfte plum,.1t, cleClll· Ht, """' MOUTH-WATHING turkey• yN'H ewer MH tt.«• talle a looli la ow caw1I We cat1't raH about thew U.S.D.A. l1t.,..c:t.4 birth toa ""'°· be- cause they're ttte filMlt we've EYH se ... ! 'PRIDE of UT AH' or All-AMERICAN GRADE A OVEN-READY OVEN-READY -TOMS 18 to 20.lb. Average c .. Half I OVEN-READY HENS 11 to 13-lb. Average e-... VAL-CHRIS OR ERHARDT'S OVEN-READY 53•. JUNIOR TURKEYS S to 7-lb. Average ARMOUR STAR-6 to 7-lb. Average JR. GEESE OCOMA GENUINE LONG ISLAND DUCKLING ALL-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF 25~ ..------------, .-------------.• ' ALL-AMERICAN 'TIP-TOP' PORK I I FINEST EASTERN SELECT : SAUSAGE I I OYSTERS : '" .. , ... ,_ 2 gc: : ,., ......... ,.. 5 g, c ,OHi ,... .. , I I ~ ,.. .._, I _.,.. .,.... .. , I I I 1-LB. CELLO ROLL 1 I Yi-PINT CTN. L----------~L------------ 'f.. , WE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY & All-American is brimful of exciting ChristmH Feast foods this Yuletide -all laid out sparkling row-on· row for your Mlectionl We wish you all the Joy and Gladne11 to you and yours this ChristmH Dayl -The All-Americans PRINCELLA YAMS N0.2Y2 230 CAN -t M..J-1 -All Grinds ~ Laura Scudcler's Farm-Fres AH-American Colored Betty Crocker's MINCEMEAT S&W FAMOUS QUAUTY 21-0L JAi CRAiBEiii"~ SAUCE A;~::.~ 19c GRADE AA BUTTER ::~ 59c CAKE MIX DUNCA~:N~~AY 29°. P -HE1-Nf-H-TCHUP = ·19c & Coolungl QT. IOnu PE AC H ES HEART'S DELIGHT -25C su~g. ~~ ~L~ES, ASPARAGUS GREEN GIANT GREEN 45C SPEARS! NO. 300 CAN CORNBREAD ~~:~H,:~;AGE 23c APRICOTS CAL-TOP WHOLE 190 ~ UNPEELED -NO. 2Y2 CAN ~1 HI-HO WAFERS ~K~: 29c ~} i*: ~ CHERRIES M;;;:.·~~0 27C OPEN MONDAY 9.A.M. to 6 P.M. ~~~-4 I 1-Lb. Can - - . 1-Lb. Ctns. LINDSAY LA«GE llPI OLIVES p .. , ... 7 I a ..... .._ ........... I .. • a: C1Uih2" ............. ') I O Nl y 0 f'C '2 -1 rt sms,. SI'. .... -> I • c C&H CANE llOWN & POWDERED SUGAR 2 1-lr 21c PKGS. , iEYiOLDS '°WiiP1 MeMc»w Gold Mornint ''"" EGG IOG Full Quart Controll.d Such Detergent 10-lb. $209 'ALL' z;:~ 35c Pail ........ ,......,.. c..e..-...., ....... , ..... '911! ~ ......... RED VELVET S & W -Extra-Fancy New Crop Extra-Fancy Oregon State • .. • .. D'ANJOU PEARS GIVE A GIFT OF FOOD! Delicatessen _ GIVE (or Gm) A __ , CANNED 1 I HAM 1·· I f iiiiKS." All~;~ 3 Lbs. s1 • : ~'=°-S411 : I 5 I... . . . . I HOFFMAN AUAEEF 49c I I SALAMI 1-ll. I a.th .. ,...,._. '5" , PKG. I ,,.,..,,,.a••••• I _ • Holiday Cheese Sale! • : 61 '.._ • •· • 1 JACK CHEE _ 8;= 43:. I ~yt. • 69:. : BLEU CHEESE s:~.1 69t. L ~.;:q:.,:,-- 5 -5·-J CHEDDAR ~~"~~ &9:. ~.!!!-.~. c GRAND TASTE SLICED BOLOGNA or SALAMI 14-()z. 45c Pkg. r--------- 1 Simple Simon HORMEL'S SMOKIES 10-0z. 39c Plcg. F R U I T I Birds Eye, Your Choice! I p I E s I • BIOCCOLI SPEARS! : I e BRUSSEL SPROUTSI I All the holid•y vuietiesl '• e FORDHOOK 5 LIMASI I I BABY LIMA I locl'1 Sour CNlm 49 ~:--~... c Imported 39 L;t;ii:k ~ ~ I Jumbo 5 5 1 • CAULIFLOWERI I 2-lb., 2-oz. ~ I GUS S .. .a•• Jtc 1 Size I BIRDS EYE ASPARA ..-~ ......... . L __________ 1 BIRDS EYE STRAWIERRllS .................... 23c 2 Christmas Suggestions for Lonely Bachelors ( .... ':: •"' :':: w ) ' ............ ,. Ulllf ........ , ......... TURKEY BANQUET FRADILIS ROAST 75 59 c l CHICKEN C DINNER ,/,~~'i11~•. DINNER .~:-.... • DOWNEY • NORWALIC COINH PflUTONI I DOUN COINH PfllSTONI I PIO-. IM f "TtL Mtotem. t A.M. fO I I P.N. IH. OPIN DAI. Y "Tl. ~ 9 GARDEN CiROYE e CORONA DEL MAR ·" tlll ..... ....._ ltM. ,._.. '41-> IMt COAST HlatlWAY AT -IAIH•• DAILY t:te A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. DAILY t:ll A.M. TO flttl P.M. ~ ----------- (}overnmeni f:xcepi ~r01n PAGE 6 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 ''God gront us the serenity fo accept the things we connot chonge; the couroge to chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." IA Anon.) THE CAPITOL· WEEK R~· ,JA~IE .• I\ C. ASlll'~R.~N EDITORIALS l 'nttt>d P r l"ss ~laff C'orrt'11po nclr nt Time to ·see Annual Harbor Floating Christmas ·Tree N ew resid ent.. of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa w ho a re spending their first Christmas h ere sh ould take som e n ight this week to see N ew port H a r bor 's lig hted. floa ting Chrifl.mu tree. Drawn by a barge a roun d the beautiful Harbor the t r ee ia sponsored b y t he New po rt Be&eb City Emplo y ees A ssociation whic h p r o\'ides t his beautiful decoration e a c h year. The current Yuletide o bservance is more n ot a ble insofar as pub lic apirit is con cerned t hanks to t he appear a nce of ch oral and c arol ainging g roups. Some. s ponsor ed b y the N ewport Beac h Junior C hamber o f Commerce, h a ve followed the floating Chriatnuui t ree in a boat. sending their carols into the n ight s kies. A boat loan ed t h e junior c ha mber by Dal Grettenberg provides w ater transport for the caro lers. They will sing fro m 7 to 10 o'cloclc tonight t hrough Friday night. Jn addit ion to the "live" voices heraldl ng Chrillt· mas. the city hae obtained new records which promise bette r r endition of the favorite Yuletide songs. If you h ave n e ver aeen the flo ating tree a nd list e ned t o the caro ls accompanying ita pa.uage around N ew · port H arbor. yo u are miaaing a never-t o-be-forg o tten sight-o ne w h ich N e w port Harbor res ident.a anticipate this trme each year. We reco mmend s t rongly that you and yo ur family plan on aeeing thi.a unique floa t some- t im e b<tfore Chriat mae. You'll be glad you did. T he Junior c hamber'11 caroling gr oups are sched· uled 11> 11mg their s ongs t o night an d t om orrow night. ~ you nn l he sea wall. Mesa Council Commended on Arthur Meyers Appointment The City o f Costa Mesa ia fortunate this week in the appointment of Arthur H. MeyeMJ, veteran p ublic o(ficc h older h e rea bouts. t o the Mesa city council, re· placing form e r Mayo r C harles TeWinkle who resigned. Meyeni. a local man u fact ure r , hae served the Mesa area in IK'Veral capacities a nd h as wo rked in th~ posts w ith d1st1nct1on . T o n a m e a few job11 he h as held 1111 to cover th t c ivic field rather well. The new councilman presently ia president of t he Co11ta Mesa Park boa rd o f d irttt o ra. president or t he C08ta M<'88 Sanitary District. ch arnnan of Dist nct 6 count y sanitation district and a member o r t he Costa. Mesa O ty Planning Com m1ss1on . L 1k ew 1se, h e is chair· man of th<' Ranita t1o n co mmittee of the A ssociated Chamb<tni o f Commerce of Orange County. a third v1ce- tirntKif'11t of CnM:a Men ttOns ClUb and a aJrtt"lor of the Ralbo a Bay Club. Wtth it J111t nf aC'lt\'ttt~ suc h u that you can un1frr11tnnll why thr Mc11n counC'1lmen wanted to a dd M<'Y"Nt to t h«-ir group H e '11 a man who ta k es t he time t•' 11l"rw h111 city And communit y . W e in New port Har- bn r arc· rnrtunate t o hav" m<'n such a.a M eyers w ho w iU J,!I\'(' nr 1 h• lllfll'l\'('11 t o un1frrtake the \•&riou'a public posi· t1nn11 wh ll'h mu14l bf' ftllrd. m oRlly witho ut recompense. tn 11rdf'r thl\t our C'Omm11ntl1cs may expand w isely. \\'r 1t11lut e t he Me1111 council for having c hosen ~tr~ t•r i-l\ml w is h h im l'\'l'ry MICC('8.8 in h ill n e w us1gn- mC'nl Headache Remedy Due J c,h n 11 ~orria of tht' Ntw York T im es reports "Cong rt>). ... q 11 !('an• like ly to pf"f'Scnbt-remC\.hes fu r immv ,.f th.· tax pa\'('r h m ost annoy1n~ h Pad acbes n e x t ~·, lH b\ 11\·1 rh;iultn~ the long-neglectPd e xC'1se-tu s ys· tern ~I r ~lorn~ llNl<'rtbt>R a few of thl' absurdities that 11rr n11w !•Art of lh<' l'XC'tl'e-t ax S<"t-up. One l'xample Ill a bnwllngj>Rll b ag -w hic h -'" taxable u )ugga.ge 11l Jtl l"'r •"rot 1f ttpace i11 prondcd for carryin g bowling 1<hnl'f;, b ut isn 't taxed oth e rwise. T o take anothC'r , l\flC'r-~h:n·r lotlon11 are taxa ble as toilet art1cl~ - whrlC' tx-fnrr·s ha\'tng lot ions and oils are tax-frC'e unlr~ r<'rommc•ndNi for afte r -ahav«-URf . T o tak e a third, an 11u to m o btll' windahield ia taxable 1f the installer buys 1t F ormerly t he Se-"1Xlrt·8'alboa Nf'wa·Tlmee and lhe :St"' pOrt·B•lboa Pre1111 A Drpeadaw. tee.I l•Utatlo. for ~ .. r Fort7 fMn re a dy-made-but it's tax-free If he c ut.a the gla811 in h is own shop. • As revenue producers. the excise t a.xes d on't a m ount to muc h . But they c an be a significant item t o th e consumer who needs the m a ny items in daily uae which are aubject to the tax. They undo ubtedly discourage cons umption -at the ex pense of p roduction and em · p loyment in t h e affect ed enterpries. They are s. real and expensive burden on the n atio n's ret a ilers. w ho must t ry to cope with endleea red-tape. and conflicting ruJings and opinions. Tha t e x pense. like all others, must ultim a tely be pa.id for b y the buying public. Finally . m ost o f these taxes were emergency wa r m easur<'s . just as w e re transportation discou raging taxes. I t w as generally believed t hat t hey w ould dis· appear w hen the war ended . The overhauling which • Mr. M orria f o r casts ia ce rtainly due . How Are You Fixed for ' Dimes to Send Abroad? The U nited S tates has give n awa y S51 billio n t o the ret1t of the w orld in the past ten y ears, the Com - m erce Departme nt recently r eported. T his is q uite a sum. It is m or e t han t('n per c rnt o f a ll f ede r al receipt.a from taxes and other i;ourceii d urin g t hose te n years. Whe n a m ou nt.a g el so huge, individuals . you and I, o f ten regard t hem fuzzily. They're too b ig t o seem real. But m o st o f us k,now that foreign a id expenditures s h ouldn't be regarded fuzzily, b ut carefully. I n t he complicated w orld o f international politics, unwu>e ex· pen d1tures can backfire. One w ay t o m ake t h ese h uge s ums seem m o r e real 1s to realize tha t the federal taxes w e aa individuals h ave paid dunng t he past ten years, one dim e o f e very dollar haa g one to oth er countriea . 'ANOTHER WEEK' An Ei ·er-U'i!lcome Visitor AFFAIRS OF STATE 8)' HENRY C. MacARTHlJR SACRA M ~-::->TO. (("NS I • The a lf'A>tl'holdt•r. lml 111 !111:< lnllltlllC't!, C11hforn1u Stlllt• Park t. 0 m-lht' lf'8J<Pholol· ,. ·~ !ht I 11 v or P•· mlll.'llon, wh" h •~ ht••l"d by J R. ~r fu.: Cr'"'" SACRA MENTO. t U P)-l'altfo rnia will ht> thf' battle grri uncl for a clash bC'tween th<' t w o rank ing Dernocratio prl'sidt'nlial cn11d idates nt'Xt y1•a r and may tx>com e the maJ''" h's t for R1'publican party h 111•t•fuh; as wt>ll tr Mr. E is1't1lwwer retires. Th•~ HUrh1unt•,.ntt-•nt "'' !'en. E ... - lt'' l\1·t.•U\'t•r thAl h•1 •l1•f1n1l1•I\ '"" •lll •r 1111• t'Rhfr1 1 .t prt'SI dt•J.lt.11 pl fl "' t I,, .IUt •• ,\lh li.-t:c HJI ·• t ~ "t 11n It ""l \\at h A1tl t1 ~t I'•\ Ml:w 'I \\ hu H ll t•Ho,I\ I~ \\ ,.IJ ""'fh. 11·1• \\'1'\' tu for1111n.z up u 1IPl1•.:al "" I 1 lhl• (',.h(mn1" r l•·• llnn I ' 11 I 1 I Pre1111IPnl I l!•<'t1 h1ow('r I t••Hk• .. kntt\''" ht' ., ...... ,. n C\n 1 '"''" 11111r.: 1 .. 1 .1 li<'•·nn t t<'rm rt 11• rm· 11" '-!hi" I" (lr!"fi!l I WhHI W iii ha('I• I "II "'I I ht1 GOI' ><l•I•· "' 1111• lt•1h•1\1 I ltrrl rr I hr I 'r•'"''''"" "'"'' ""' t~u\; t;mut"''H\ J l'lllj...h l h.,~ J•l •· 11ors•d hr wrll ftelcl 11 "t.t\·11111 1• .aon" t1rlett8 •n an"I httN pr .. -. 11~ l 1·11 lt1' roulll ""'''"L M l\' ••tl ... r I''""' .df'nl!RI hopt'flll, llll'lwt1ni:; \'11·" Prt'i<hl,.nl R11h11r.i !\f :-.:rx••n 111 a >tlBI P prt!Tllll) "~"~ tu:u·~ (lt'lt:T :>:1x11n. thu11 fpr 11M 11 .. 1 '"'""'1· •li.1111111<11 .. r 111 .. Pl'muc>r•tlo ,.t.at• ••·1111111 1\1n11111ttr .. : Alan Crari· ,1 .. 11 I" 1'''"''"' .. r 1 hf' C'allfom la !1•·111 ... 111111 "''"'''" "nJ Con«Te• .. "'"" ,., II •:n;:IP J 11hn I:. M!Wl• "'"' .l••hll Ii'. ~hl'll1•\ 11111 i.;,.,""'"'r h1111 w11n ln C'all· f•trll 1 h r f n r I' RRllln1t aome •t1 """ ••t•f'"81 tton wtlhU\ hi• ewa 1•1111 \' . 111 111...,: thf' .,_,.,., <'•m• lntn c.1111 .. 1111., a n 1t r aptured t he 111111·, 11,.111nC'r a ll <' lklep · I '"' 11)!Hll1~1 • "favnr1ta Mn'' 11<1 .. t t11•11ttf''1 by Allorwey ~"•r· "I 1111 •\\ n Rn•1 mRrle up or many ~I •'"'""'" hn•I Trum•n 11ur porl· ,.,,. Al' a hlRllP~ or tact. tl WU • I\ .c lkliWK)' K«flluvn 'a 1latt1 p1lr'1 ''I' l ,JM1,83P vole,., whlle th• 111 own ttrkl't wu nnly e blt1 to nurt<tt'r 4M .... 78 Of 1 nurlle, the •ltuatl!lh w•io Jlfferl'nt tn ·r12 than ll will .,. '"' hr~ pl11n,. 111 "''•'nl ofi Ith· p 1,.. utxl YtlH . 1<1\knl ,. 1et111•111Pnl. B11l 111 111,.~t NO CA!liUIUAft pub1w op1111on iJ"ll~ h" Is li•tt·•I Th" Bru~n tlrkl'l hart no "al a11 lh<1 J,.ad1ng Ht•11uhhrun ['"''· C'.tttilr.1111 •• 111 19!'12 anrt \I'll" lhr111 d1 nit.I) • un.t11li;lt' to ~U• 1't'"1I J\1r w•11 nu ont• tu c·ounterar t th• r:•~··nhu\\ ,., 1118t-'nl'll!lm "' lhf' 110fl·11pokl'n L". S l:h-n. \\ 111111111 ~· K11•1"'· ... nat1>r from Tennf'111tt'i! who ll<'nr· t.1nlf. 11nnthc·r 1 · .. 111.,1111111, 1,.,. t •I li.·11v1ly b11th In p•r•onl\I ap· hllll•·•I hr .. aill,v 111,11 1r lk" ""\'" l"'11111nn a anti on 1.-1 .. vu 1nn a nti Knuwlantl, Oakllfnd rubhsh .. r. fan· ('O :\('t:-.. ... 10~ R , .... ~ 11111 h .. Wiii BllllllUn('l' , ,,. I .tilth rarlro ally hv founll 11 W.t\' tu w1i;:glf' 11 111 N1nl1 r111·h•ti .i lhltl in•IP11•I •Ill•, """ m .... t'ntrr t h~ 1-,111,,, But n .. xt yt'ar. un1t11ubt<'llh· "''" arounJ th .. dt•ll'lllll ur lhr M8ll' nf lht' 111 .• 1 .. "" 1 •I\' tr( l'11o ''" n111 ''"'"'"' "f' .. Slf'Vf'hl\()ll tl f'\'IJll' a "",,.'""' '" d"r•utnwnl nf rrnanr" ('on th• ac· Grov• will h 10,11,. 11,,. 1,1.,1,,.11y on j Thu" th .. r .. , .. " i~•"••hrhl\ 111 ,1 able r11rl of his etror111 to at trtl•'I• qu1111ttnn nf A~1l11111\I · b<·arh r10-a ··r0111., .. ,,.1n IJ,1,.,, h 11 1111 "'"l•• th" thl•·• hri:lw .. t rallkm .. H• l·llh-•nit C.tllfomrA votf'l'll A n•t .,.vrn Jl<"tty 11l l'.rl'lfh· G ru\t' rn Uon· woulrl ""11 lhr 1,. .. 1 ... ,1, 111 00, Ill th•· ~t at.• w ill t.in~ro· 111 lh•· nio•t Arlll'nl K .. tauv1•r 111111. tt•rl'Y rountv, .Uhl 1<<111111<' thr pro· Thu' 1r th"t~ ~ '""' ol·•lltrl th" Junr in IUl rfrwt 1., cllpl•ll<· !'ill. l""I"'" '"""'''"that Stt'V••n1111n 1• p1>rty for th•• ~tnlt', ut it , • ., .. 1 of rttrzrn~ .. r 1-..,1111 '·""" """l'l 't<1rnla~ ill runvt•n•rnn ,,.1,., n .. Klftll h-llr "h"n ll f'\1111''• tn llO!llt' l :J"\(I 000 h•· >Ill• k '"' th. •lilf• '"111 1• In· SI•'\'"""('" has th" J11111p .,,,., "1""'1 h • m11k1nic ur attra<lrng Th,. p111k 1·u111m1 •"'"" <ll l)tlnnl-•I• ••I • f ·111 th•· p ... 111•1.: ••f tht' Kf'fll tr\'~t Ill t hf' ll•·m1>riHl1t' 1 1.,. '"1"~ IV pro•J>"'"'" h11\'trllt t'hf' pr111><"rl\' •I.ti" of (°ill1(0111111. b\' Yll \H" .,( II ,, (,.,I thhl 1.,,,~1 A tlflf"lll (11r f'lthf'r m•n In C::a • 111r $:!Ml (){1(1 11r1 •·r 11 v., 11111ttnn 11f ·n... 111 nt c· .. lt1u t ""' ··mrl11te1 .,1 r.o1 I'!• ,11111, 11 P<'n"" 1~11, ,111 t" hf1om1.. nrl.:hl nol knoc-1< tum $i00fl00 """ '"""' put 11pon ttw 11111 th•• mnlntl!'nHnl'•' ••I th•• pr ... '''"" ''· irwlu"tn..: Atl••r1ti•\ 11;,.11_ t '"mplrl••lv oul of lhr prtwlrtf'nll&I 1111111 1111.f 1,u1ld111~ "huh"'" 111.t f"'l\y would "" 111 11111q1ft ,1,..1 tw 1,.1,11 •·111,1111,1 l; Ur"""· ·"~ nn 1•11\111 •· but ll ceo rll\lnly will b" 1nol "'""I 11•1•t1111•11wnl. Th" !':11· tl11· 11•11rt•11•t"l11111• ""t ••I 11111..,11l Hu~ "'"" ll •'lll'fllrnl( bl11w to th• lo11c·t l1on:1I Y \\' r ·A . "htt h own,. th•' nr 11•·• 1111111111•· l Ill• 111111• 111 11\'11t•I I 1111 th•• H<'p11hll1·Kn 1ldf', If Nrx· p101w1t\' Il l th•· I"""''"' um ... hll •I ""P''"~·· 111 tll" lilt•· r ... 11•l11 l11 l1 :--Tt:\ t:~:--o' \\ORK ""· •<11owl11n.1 Ancl Kntr:hl •II t n• lj(rPl'd Ill 1·1111tt1lit1lr !hf' sa~.n 000 t11t111n Jllll flll•I A ~t··1·• ""''" I• I • l'rf'Kl• ... rrl ,,,, lht' l11<t .... (jpf,.ot lu r any .. , SA l'RAM E~TO. 1 CN~1 It ltlf' rl'\'<'nue from t he Lon1t Beach txtra v 11I11 11t Iu11 "" "1m1tch1n1: Uf 1·111111 .. • 11 1• ""' •lnl•"' 11• '""'' 111.: 111111111111• • """"''' •~ 1 th<•m w1111l1J h,. <'atutrophlr J\c r h118 tak1•11 Atturn<'V r: .. nrral E1I· t1•lrlanrt11 bclong11 to the lllalf', and runtlll .. tn wh.1 "'"'Id tri• tlh' , ,.,, ... ,. h il•I nt ""'k r1111n.t1nr.: 11p ""I'· tl Is llw 111•>1t lhtn1t to 1mpn11111hl" rnttnd (~ Brown ~Omf' ttmr tn "" O( the N!Yl'llUf' rrom lhf' 11alt' l'lnn111ri> Ill th. iltll1• "' ·" "11 l I'"" r .. r 111 .. '""""' llhtll•I• jCH\'• rur R I 11nol111111 .. ~ win • pllrlv fllllkl' U(l hi~ mtntl to proctN1 nf dry lt"~ prn pt'rly 11hu11IJ l>f' In t<f'..JfX1't :U o••t•t :tt 11nol1o11bl••1lh Iii" -..: •liu111t1 y \\' 11 '1••1 I ll• IU•lt·d 11n lhKI r11n1m1l• l\hll11n .. t11111 Without lhf' 1upro1t &ft•tn~t 111 .. l'l\y or l..nnc lJf'flC'h the 11tat .. tr .. aaury. Th" d•1•11 1t11wnt 11f f1n1nc•c-l'A '''"'" ""''• 1.1 1 .. t ,.11 , 'I•·• urt' •11th lJ•rn•1•rllll<' "ht'•''""' th<' <"ll'<'lorata In h1a h ome In a 111111 whir h woulcl lrt up 11p-The i·rt,v ot LcnK Be.ach. how-turn"'' ''"'' n 1 h., .,,,,., ttn Ill 1ounof" ''""' 1111.r. r ... '"'" 11 11,11 • ,.y..r .1• H1 0"'" H.1111er J(.·nt nur thern ~lAIP prox1m11trly J l(i()fM)()O()O rn rev•" f'Vf'r. "'h1<·h haJI eapani tve plan• lh•l lhr •lt·11I wa~ «•nl111n tu tlw 1 ,,, 1 ••11v k , 11• th ,, •r•to f;110. OUI' frnm ll<ft'l nnol <Ill clrrllln1t 11ff l tn uae Ille mont y for C:IVI< tm· lnl .. n'•l• ••I •Int,. 11n11nrtn.,: It' t~H) 111 th" lot" f .r j ,,1111110 that C'Ommuntt v prov,.ml'nt.1, tn•lea <1 of rTVl'rtlntr orltc 1n111 ""'' • t111n• w,.1 !' brHf'•I <m mt~ht to" 11 1 '" h , ,, t~.tnt• Th,. •le-Ill\'. •rri\r,.ntlv ha~ not lht' 1tatl''" •hart In the ~·neorRI lht ''111 lhtlt th,. "'"'" rw1k r••ltl j N .. 11h"r 1a 11 I k I\ •h •I 1\11• 1ttmml'd fr11m anv lioxtty un tht 1 tund, hu d~tdl'd 111 try th .. <'••" n11•1111in • 1'1 "1"~"1 tu 11c·q11ile ttw t·•·••r hur•f)l'n• '" t.. 11,. 1 "n (lllTl Of lht atlom"\' ll:e'Of'ral'JI Of· further. ILhd rndtt'lllf'a It Wiii ~ll l'"f "fl\' "'" thil th• fl'rll•~ ,,( ' "lf'hllll• "Ill 1 •n•I "nll m• n,.\ flt'f' 1n ti• lnl"r""' In thf' •tall'. to lhl' l'nlt ... I l'lalt'l' surr,.ml', lhl" 11"1" 11111"•1 , .. , 1• ••In~ •l •n ,.,,. 1•r • 111 II\ .. , .. , 11HI"'"'"' 1ha!'f' 11f 111• hug,. r"vt'nue. buqCourt 1t nt<"'t',.•aty to \<llhhol•I 1'"'k 1"" 11 •n"t.:"'.""1 i:r •up "' li1d l1111:•. ""'''flt•,,,,.,. ""IC'" 1 COURTHOUSE BEAT Ry JA('K BOE'M'N.t:R preaun1Kblv l1 nrn a bt,.ak-dnwn rn I lh111 r wh rf'vf'nUf' frnm all thf' l>t' ""·'1' I '" th,. ~ .. 1 •,,ti Y \\ · "'" 111 t. •I• I .,ouhl ha"· t 1·1 ='A:'\TA A:'\A. tOCKSI -Orang(' Countian" ""aitNI n"rot1•tr•11•• w11h th,. citv "' ~rte or Cahrnrnll'.. tbf'r"b" flt'~ c· A 11" l'l"" •h•htv that tti '' 1• 1 111 • ' tn th,. "' 'I• '1 •1• almr .. 1 brt>a lhlPi;;~ly t h1!:1 W{>t·k fo r th<> naming o f t w o nf'w ~ .B.uu.ll <>n L volun.t.a.ry .Jut· µn1tt1n1'° "" own c 11tune to bt-n,. woulol h. I 1 ""'111• I• r 11 P" '" i: aMllm•"I • ''"'' •I or I "11• 1 ''"'' pouncJm,.nt ••f 1h .. run•I•, I tit trnm rf'vf=nu .. ~ whlrh thr ,.t•t" 'th,-lf'T"'f "1 ~ r ........ ttt...t-iw.~ 1 mun-~11o,t.I eour-t. ~~ -f1ftt:>-fo.r A l\flht'!m-FuHeM.on eourt ( h f I h I II" t O'T \\llllTll I T' • . 11uprl"ml" rourt h•u 11al'1 bf-long• 10 1 WM'l'!I " 1 " "11 11' " " 1 rn l h" o t h<'r f or S t A O c.-( c.or,~ AHE AO •II o< the llt.alf' tum r• 1111 h·11•I '" •lt11o it r1ni;n. Au I "h''" tt. ,, ,,, "''"" 'J"'nl " . an "-na . rang t'. .-x1me W<'re c:>ut o Brvwr• an1111un<,.d r,.cently 1h11t • 111n1t tw 111 .. •t•t• •m l thr i•·~•t· 11 ,. l''"I''" ', J 1 .1•1•~1 11 '" io 1 tm:alh. ho~<'\1•r They w <'re thc· taxpayers t he g overnor hf' will fl.II ah,.•d with hh1ttt11n, I STATE ("OST ESTlllS bllrt• ti,, tt,. ,.titl,. \\11\lfol "" I q11 "ttnr 11 1 1 th It hi h k I ~"''' ' • """' '' " .. ~.I 111• "l •n It "'"'"" 111 11• JI• rlarm-l a .,•nta •na w (' """ " ftn lnJllhf'I '"' agarn•l Th, "'"I• .. ('rmt .. nl 111n In tl1f' I """'' """" 1.. rm I n11• n , "•II\' I\' 11/1 s .1~ I"'"' ... II t I h• II' ",.. ~· ~ft ,. Lonit li•111 h ft um llf)f'nfilnJ( llny ,..,... I" lh11l lhf' 1Hlf'la.nt1Jt whu h (ltOJ:llllH ••f 11•h•hrl!t"1 "" f "\rl 1·•'·"' I•• ht II• " 111 111 • th.111 th•• 11 '~"~ 1"'"' lh••or ti 1 ''1" 1 ":"" '111 J•&rol • "f"'t'l'l!nc llrk,.l of I hf' m"""Y pl"nrllng thl" out-, latf'r f)l''f•vw 1., ht a fllhult1u' otl in.: thr 1,., •· nt butf.llni;' , I II "" , '"'"' h 11111" """'' nr ..,, "1lh 11 1••111111 11 "I 1 hM'k T'Ul,.11• f()mf' or Nhl'r ltt111:at1on M 1W4'1'n t rttld. Wf're j('Tllhl .. rt to lhP ('II)' n ( H11Wq•1 1l1r .. Alf' l""k rtHll• l•llhlr· II• 11111h ""· '""'' •l'P••r'un· ,. ..... II lh• l.'.""'n"' .. ,., .... , ••.:!""' .. " "" tnw•Alljtitlttrn, hn"'"Yt'I, lhf' rltv Anol !hf' ~lfllp ov .. r !hf' T -n 8 h ( , di to ..... 11 I• r ,, '"' '''""' lll " "'" I .. ·trr1n '"' twt'I n• VI' I'''"'· 1 ""'' 1111111•1 lhl' jtlll h•cl Jl•d <I nrr I ...,, ~ """ o r fl\Hf"'O""" n r nrn· m1~11l••n ~" tt\h• h \\.1n\" In Ai 4uur "' vwntt.ohlp of lhl" run•h , mnr ... n1tv1~11lion llncl h11rh<ir d,.·l th" ll'"l'"'h 1 .. r lhr •tilt" th1<t "11111• M··nn\\l11lc• f'"'I"''"• thl' ~"'' I.·•·' I '''" .Ir "''"*''' J\11.r In the ll•ffl< ""P"rt m,.nl Hr""'" •r>flnrrntlv fttl• 1 h111 vtlnpm!'nt ll!t clf'fm•·•I In I A w • Know! •II I ll•fl"" '111 t1··r 11rlJlwnl 1•11t.t 11 • n1rld " ' "'"tr •• Ill • i\ ,. '" 11 "' Ill• r1n1' h"rn "'"I 11•1• t•f ... r '' """ ip•I rnurl ht re, lttf' It'll I" lhr mAJnr l~W•llll Wiii 11\kt Jll'V• lldOpll'<l b\' th" ltjtl!OIAltlll' 11n<l lcr( flnllUI'" "llofll<'I f'IOptt~llll•ll Hrt"lh•I nv\\I\ 11t•11to'o l lt•kf'> "'' I'•' r• 1on•1 \\,I• Ill "n Iii• hill Ill• i.;ol 11 lilj( l'luukl" Whl'n ann1ti "'"' ,Yf'llr• l•1 rom(lll'l", llA hf' thRI rf'\'PnUf' ovl'r 11.n t t th 10 •Ill• I ''' lie bH• k•"I rt on •1 11,., J:"nr llllltl•"1 In ht• nvrr·Urn" I a 'll•l'P "I Thro •l rl l 1n1 ""''' h'1tM1ni: ti'•• h•lhj( fttflUrr· I II\ 1'1'' """"'''•I tho 1 .. 1 thnl lht• O!Kll;'" ('•••rn· r·11rk1n11 flflr In"'~"" alnmr•. •ays: nmounr..-"(l"nl for IAntr 8!'11r h In A•rlomMI ' .. .,1 .. r.•n•,. j(l"U"''' 111 ...... lrrl •''""'" r .. , ,,,., ... , •• fllll• Ill. •Although J rf'grPl the Ofl'I'•· th,.•f' t Aff'1tnr1,.• prnp,.rly rl'vrrta !\ It "I uf :4uprl\·t•• •" • 1I"""1 1 i"llKl~J:R PART\. lily or taking thrA llClrun &jt'llln•t In t he 1talf' l~ILJlury .. • , "' II . , r H ' 11•·\• I Ii.:•. .1 "rn1t.• hllll tnnuu ... Wiii h'I " m"J"r t•11 11rom1a munlrr p•ht~· JI ~ •. m .. '"trll•lll lt•I'• irn ., ... n rur 1' r 11 ' I " 1" q • 1'""' I to • hll? cjlnn .. r and rr• .. wr1ulot bt rf'm1u In mv nbhtrallnn• I thPr lh11n \ht •1111 r ~11pr """I s s • d I ' I ;\' r ""' •' • • • ••I !Iv narr1<'• nf "'"'" b\• th,. ~hrintnl al noon It) lh,. rut nt lht' •ta tf' If l lrfl l"QUrt, Whl<h ,..,,. onh hRIC •• r lh,. a cram en t 0 I e I g ht II• •U ti: .. , ........... t ·''"' ""'' I hlll• "'" If,,.,. J?r •l \hf' ht<ll. :hjtt hugf' l\llnl .. , mnnr y hrn.: rrVf'OU" t>-lnn1t• l<t lhf' llRI .. ,... "'" \l,.an\\hrl• tlo. 1: .... I " I hot• II"" r"1l''"'ll hall• "'"''V lo'IO•t 1h1rtntt o,.v,.r11l yP11ra of l1t1-1 •f'mhl\'man Brut't All"n l'an Jtt•• Su1 1\·1• .. r• 11r I ,.q,,. • h•\• t·"n •"I • t urk'\ "•th "" lhP 111111• tc•tron m1••l'ct r11u1nrr a bill nt th .. 1 t•I I \ ''"• I I I II• •• l • ti. I . ' ' 'II• , I• '""'' 111•11orlfy .. , jllY• "Th" llltnrnf'\' ,_.,0,.1111 ._ """" ..... 11,n t>i· univ '"", . .,,. "hll h !-ACRA~IF::\10 1 ('~!"· !'1 •r 'l '"''"n•I •""1 th•• 1 ,,, "' 1 '•• l't •• r"' :-11,,tl\ •1111• h11ll••• "*II 'I""' C-t rul· "111 •I" ,.vtnlhrnr.: w1tt1n 1t,. r<•"· woulol h•'" turur.l •""r 11111 ,. ,, 111 .. 1n h"" 1mrnwl'nl'n•• • •11 h• "••rnbl\111 1 'I·• ll·Ll1• 1 '' '''' •'•' rt.:• "11 l•k· "''' 11 • "lh thf'lr r111111h"• tr lo -t't lhlll lhll m11ttl"r Ill I'll• """II" lo lh .. Jll olr .... II r• ••tit tr .. 11 ... II' I •ll r.1.· 11n111 • "'""ti • ,. '" J llf•.: .. ' ,, ., ., .,., 1111111 ni: Il l 11... Tl . le t!· "Ill hf' r"le•-I I I f'""ltlt'<I to th .. "ht.I lhBI II flni.t tlf'· the Alh 11 hill lln .. ~ .. ·mh \' t t .,, lo\'•l•1n "' l•tt ,, to: ,, rnn ""l ,,. \1" r .. 111:1\ I '•I Ir I II•' '"' n tl h .• • I ... • • :'1x1h •n 11 thrtr f Krt I I• , ... , ... ,) ~•I l•Y t,.nn1n11t1on will bf' had a t lh,. mtllf'<" h,.artNI bi A••,.mbh mRn I"" ,,,., .. 111,. 11nl tl io " "'Cll "f '''""" bfo'•'"'l I •I ~ \•1 1 I'•' "' I•· 1•1• • •Y•·r i:11-n1rl• 11· "'" l•• "" r"l•rm,.I ,arhf'llt p<>s••bl,. mom~nt. and th&t ,J ohn J ~t•FAll "' )f•nlP•lll 1._ J rc ~rfl"'""' ,., ,. .... ''"~ A •~··•lhtv P "• t._ 1 ,,, t • .,,. '' •t• •·} t I • '1 ''•r:i-· •1 ' \1 ,,, tunrntnL ·rn,.,,. "'" lhlw monf'y w•rll bf' unfrnz:,.n rnr mal<tnl( a thnrnugh atu Iv of 1'11' tor11n • ntrr 11 "' ..... n~ 1111 .. ti• '" •' "t "' '' • '' "''' '"'' '1 " 11 ,., •• 'I• I 1 " 1 '" • •l•11' ,.. • \ 1111r~t"r' 1n lh" hllll th .. l>f'ntflt or lhf'<lllvn• ,,, lhf' llUbjUt IJNbJNI lh1'11 I•1f ". ,.,,. t .. h \l •I\. 11.1~ "" ''"' •• lrllll " "'rkl\ r .. 1 \tf' l •1h l•H ~1111 .. or C"•llfornla I In 11•l hltl\n Rt11t .. C"tontr<ollf'r Tho•'''"""'"" .. 1 ... h I•" ....... ,,,.., •. '""" <111 .. •II\,,,,, .. ,. ll•· m• .. llrz plA.. I "I 11 .. I ' I 11111' 1n l•••I Ill· :(( l1 f II l l·~I ""' 1•11 '1n•nl "' "t 1• •' '"11'1 l•l't I '\ f.t,1.(0~ 11\11 t''r I• I ill ht•lr11\ ti,• k1•I" hll\'I n ' Rt:. >RU R ob.-rt C Ktrk"'O.O.I h•41 plan~''" .. '';111t111 .... ' ,,. rn' l t •1 U I \'' q ,.n ttt• P,..-• t " l ~~, I "• 'l '' ~ f ' -' , o •I '·•a•·th•·r Co t>uitd " .~111it1· Th•~ -lllttm•nl puta lhf' attnr-l dl'r "'"v fhr 11 full 11nd rnmiil•t" cuUnl\' l:"'''""'"nl • ,, ,,11 1 ... ,11,,1. 1 ~· •1,,,11, , 1 tr . \r 171,7 ""' ll;l'nl'rJ•I on rl'rnrt1 r•'lh,.r fnt· "urtlt of th,. l.11rv; At'A('h f1nnr1t 1111 h,.,. ,,. t ''' "'"'mhlvtr '" I'' i1 k .. • ,1 ' ~ oi, '' '•• ' I ' h ~. M • rn It ,. t r,,nt '"'·I I I ( 1 t t 1 t1t1 ·~ I• • ''•'' "•I '•th in p, F f t o1• ..,.. "J }1"' fl~•at•~ "''8 • 1bly on tht que,.tlnn nf r arr \'rni: p11 tur,. An.I t hu• WPf'k rxp<"• 1~ In .rin ,., n 1"1 1' •1 " 1' 11 • • \ 1 1 1 1 11 '•·•'• •I•.• 11 111 11 A 1111 "' "'•ti •I t·lnr, ..... , !111• of t h• •1111 lhl' O('lllllll n n( th,. 811111' '"11 • A~k l"r l>ffi('ftf'l\r')' (Un•I• In l'IAll J nt" "~ "'1111 \, y. 11' 1 1 '~ 'n \ \f'\'-'\ I ' t.l 'l 't ,("T prt'mt tOUrl. which ht'M th111 hslr ,th,. Jf'lb. hl'ld 11 .. .u111~' 1n 1'1 .. 111111 .. 111 .. It 11,. "1 • '' •·• • 11111 ~.t '"", 1 .. l••I 1"''1''"·"" l'"'"l Wllh t he •" kn•1v.r1 """ rh.-"'"h'""'''ll•'•' "H "'" p11nt,..t ''"' th1-.1 A',,,, ,.,,,. • ll •t _,,, ltq '''' I " ti ••i ''' ... ' J th" ,.,.,nt 1t1J.; ••f fun11'11r1tl 11 n111t1lttl1lt u~n' f,o .. t 1~110 lfl"'' in••"' r"n•ll•nd f q• 111, • t I ' 11 . ''~"'''"" 1h,, ••t,f'\ '~'' h• 1U"•l1•1>'11 ''' ;•'1 tt ••tf•1 ' in f'Jl ,,,,,, "' 1q ttp-H•h:t t-,.1th1uuf .. r ~•••~ •l•1"r\-tr nfY'I t h,. Jlf ff"l""f It I•" f•r•.:110ft n1ntlu 11•n th•' t1f .. r nu~ ;•l lh11 fl•-•11f t1ntP. "~'h f,tUttloJ J"'' ''•1'' f 'lvtl,. e:.,.thr1tth1 """ '"'' ll•U h I .• 4il ..:•"''11nrn • fl, \\tth ·~ .• r" I I ' I I • • 0 HHh• 'II• HH •• I r1tn1\.ftnr f' f hr )U·J(!f"J' ''° ''"'" 'J I-. hOftt ' IJ.. ' I " t ,, I '"''"'' rtlnnn• ,, READERS WRITE dup 11Ml 11.:_ tu~·~'"" uhrrP• t Ill I I ' I . ,., '~·t\·u·. ""' ""• trn''''"1KI,. \'' r v.tll hr unt\ """'""ll Ji.Htl f q tth1 t•n •r' .-b .. H t :t:"'' Thi111 "" IJ •• luu I• '' n f \t t n' l'-' \rt ,.._ ......... "'' nt ltt. \I•/\• 1\( tt1" l t I "•' t "'I ••• , "111 t ,, t.111 I r , •••• ,, t'hrrt11l ft "._ •IKV '" r,1:1 ,,.,1denr0<I lrome to nur hnu~,. f11r ... ~ '"' ~·'''""''' 1 .... k111 ,. l1•i.;1•lat••I· Corona "'' MA r rom~ f,..r T nmn1v H,. ••nlv w"nt" th,.,.., ,. ,., •. ••'l••ll1r,t1n~ t11 \\111 k It , ... \\••·•'' I' t .. ti •· 110'\• ,,., 1 ~'' ' 1 ••1 ' ' "'' '' •I '' ••t I• '11 tu rk,.v. ~ "·" lh• /u1tt11 tt1•' , ...... "'"' ''"'"t r ,~hff' '"' r . -~., ,,,.,,II ·•h• .,. 1n~ ~· ,,,., nr•v\• rAn• D"rrmhl'r 12 196fl a puppy rtn1t anrl " "•.:"" 11 .. ""' "" • 1111<1 111"111" "' •lthcr d • ., .• , tn.~I) l.,:h\• "th•, 1 ..... •1 • L • l t\V l1hr ~• \ t ,.,. h J., \ ,f n • •H• lftfH lllh "'"'""' Tht Etlt lor :'\f"'JlOrl Harbor Ntwt ·Prf'M O"ar Edllnr. nnly h1111 my rtt'lll• tn r lr•\' w1th ;l••IHll: • n~•hl1!11tn .,h11 l1 w rit ti'<' h 1 l th~'>n~•l n11•k,.nulhft111h k ._,.ntl '""'• ,.,,. ,.i..-r •r il1t1rn,u1•• U1f1• "'' ,..., '''Cl•\"'' •t •I r11t r•h'1lt' '·•1ltft ''"'1'"''' ,,,,,,. ,,.,,_,,.V "'"'k' I '"'' 11J:-n1z .. lht• , •• t "' ,, "''' ('It , •• I I • ru1n1•h ''· ,., t k '.I ' , ' • ..... t·f'f'.-n flnt"n"· l'lllf"•· Tommy plav• [!,.,tor ""'"" \I hrtllrr th•"' 111 1 • ""'l•I• I•• " tint"• a.nrt h~ '"!'fl 1110! t11 In" •h"'"·" n•·· t••l tn th• '"''"' th tt tr1t n A :tt•'\~, ~ • ••u tl,.t 'r ~ • ···~1 i' .• d • 1 I u•ri• r I' tu•>t•t huttrr -.nit H"rf' 111 • -OJ'IY nf a lr tt•r tn ~., h•I• n • f '\ An I ""' ~·' 1 , 1. r•. t 1l•I• , , 1 •• 111,. \\ ,.,,,,. " ' • and my 11.,111"" l r N•ll\' ol• nt n .... 11 pr .. , 1•1,. I r •rt ' •n•I • • l'I \ r • \· " -Santa r-lau• that ,,. v,.ry dlfr .. rent anyth1n,C" m' !lf'lf fnr Chn•trn",~ .-rnn1r11' • I .. r \\'ht, h ', n,. unil,·r . 'nm .. nl. ..• , ',. l 'I ' • • • • •• .... rrom tht' '"ual l'ht1'h1h lf'lll'Tll l M ~-·-' lhr '"'"'' ... , 'r th,. ~IRI .. ,,........ 1· •• ,, hut ti-.. I • lu •••. '"' •\•, I: .,_ ommv t f' 11,. UJI .. "''""""''' ~ If'!• • • ·• • 1 1 r ntel"9d u ~Cro1n1d-Clu.t M1attehr atAlht' P~tofrtc:I!' ln N~"'JIOrt Bucb.. I thal are l!f'nl In lh,. C"hrulmu• lov,.8 Je•ul! l>l'<"•UH He ftr~t lovMJ turf' 11 1 1 fr•1m thr 1 ... 1.1 .. 1 .. , '"" ll""' ·~ ,., ,., "1. 1 th I-"' 1 '" • '" ·• • · It ,_ .. ' ' " hn• h'""" r lan· •h• "'"n althuurh 1.,. n I•''"""' r • will hHvt a 11 • 1' 11 •I K11 pt1•t rhurrh rif .J • 1111 "111 h""ll P"' k11 tc"" tnr I• ,1,.. t I ltll •1 om 1a unceor t l' c:t of ... an:b 3, 1879. Sunt. Thi' lf'ltt'r WILJI -.rHtl'n bv 1 1 . . ~,.,,,. lht .,111h thfll ,.,.n,1111111.,11 ,, ., ",1 ""' 'I• 1 ,1 H• '" t ,.,. · 1· ''·""'"' Ehu~lh J1tne P f'"'on. a•e !> a nd Ht e chtldr•n •n•l ga'" hun111') C11l1f••t r ' ~ ' '' '"" 111 ·~· I:•,,' h blf•"'-d "'"''>' ~•ltda1. Wf'dn"..ia." a.nd ~t:WPOllT HAJU,OR Pl'Bl.IS HINO Ba.lbna IJl,·d., NJ:WPOllT ftf:A(.'H , (.'ALU', .lf'nt to lht ~unday School of mv · ' ' , rhurC'h In Brld rt. Ohio It ~ lllld healf'd lh,. 9 11 k anrl !:lllnty f II' "'01.IOA TIO~~ 11'1 I ' '1 ' '1 ' "" •il t 11"'' ' , , , •" '•' . &. I W. I•• .. J' " pt'Op1P fi•h an I brrA S •od '-''In~ I • ·• 1 11 1. • • • t t 1 • 11 n J•I '"'' ,,.,. flttlJI the 11n!lt'fr',1;: lovt ot child· ~n1"1':-. nl"vet Ill'"'" Hrm anv ri ,.,. Thi' , ••trnt ,. •11n.>rv1•11r• """'II'• 1 '1' • 1 ·' 1 '••' ' 1 ' '''' n• ' It Pbone Harbor lilt r r r · II I ""'I . f t' .. I .. ti • "" .. ,.I n••llll• hOOll an1l th .. lntf' C"hrl11tma .. 11plr· So. plf'tlM' Santy, If ,·ou "111 •tun 1• 111""''n'• 1 h\· \\ 1111 .. 111 H 1 1,. , , 11 , 1 , • , , ., , .1 1 • • J1htnk1111C "• I)• t• • f'r1da7 b7 tll1e <'O~PAJO' " f I· r , .. .. .. If l• If t I '•. ll lhlll H •m• rlrat'ounlfkl In value r r d d ....... I Macl>i•lll(Rll. ha• • nml" up w1tl1 •••••• II .... ,, I • •··•·t1nn ""' • ··<11111••·h t ,, .. ,, •. I Quah.11~ to ......,. ..... Notlc!ee ... .tdnru..... .. of .&JI &1llde l 1•1 r wf' u1 1 wr 1 nt ..,.. 110\>' " ll70.CN>e ofdlettaperfor OouttofOl'aQce Co.l8Ac.tlo•So.A·tl'19I tn our edult 11"· l'n<>utih. enJ jn•t th•• on•e t11n1 .. 1 pldl\• 1"r 111111 11"11"1 '""""htll1·" '"" 1 I ·" t ,,,vint• •I• 1 ... '' lf•·nolu i "' .. ,. 1" I I II f\t ~I I I 'tMl•I t tlft fr.t>tJ t t t t J - "' '"·II h~ ! IJ""n ltflM !•1 .. t·> '"''' •h111111.t th .. hol111Jty•. 1 ,. I •11 li.t1A• '•• llr•1utrhl tn IJf'ar Sa.nta Clau1: lo our howot anJ br1nlf Tommy a l1••n11 'lt11 ~ tn•, .. 1t v~ro th .. l'••11tr,.1t·, .t.1.•\'''"''''ll .,1,.,.,11,,.,, 11 •l•I •I'"'''"'''''' , .. .,,' Mf'mber.=.~ •• =~~A-:::.::-uo. ke~~t!Ay<;~ :"~:; f":,~~ o~rd~:: ... t~ pu~~Y and wa1e 11n, 111~11 b•• .:~ ~~~l~~1:·1 ~h~··.~~ni1';,:·,'."':';1;:~.rw;~.''. UH.l ' KO••T t:H 1'.',11 .. /"~'1.,~~":111 •,·;·~~" r .1 lll~r of Oraqe Coea'1 Se-~rricle I ltan trlf'\.I ,.,, h111.I to ~ a I Olid ~" f' ruppy -;•l pu ''~t~· ·~;t I 1"1'1 n • '"''" """ • .. irnt11••, 1·U1n' Th,. I""' 1i1111• nl• "to:""'' ~11 h ~I.I. '' Hl'lll 'I If fl u ' tu f •r f t"" ,.,,,,,_. pn..on .. r •' •I' I .,1 jlt•I 11\lll\1l•l1111h •. •' t 1 ._ t,, \ 1!' d ll1•• t 'h"'}'Pnne , J r•·••f't l\' ••u•l h" 11m11~ BEN REDDICK. PUBUSHER Wlt..LJA.M A. MOSES, E<lltor ORMOND It. ROUNTRl!I:. Advel'UaUlf Dlrector CHARLES A. A.R.M8TRONO, Meoban.lcal Superintendent "Ull8CIUP'l'ION &ATES I ~••port 116'-.0r Se.,._l"Pfea. Trl·\\'Mk.17 h ~· C.wi.,., ..... ,., ,._,, ..... lib moe.: t\A) tlilrM - tm1.W. of Oraa~• Cout1 tl,00 Pt'' 7~r k ... ~4 rpuppy tn hl e '"''llllon. ia "" ·~.1 ·'1•1 11• ••. ' .un11b• ••n'I <Ir--I h ·r hllle ic1rl 11nll ma t' mv 8Wl'fl .,,.. un CllOUf/.' tnr 01,. •u • u ·~ v• • rt•fl"' l•f,ct1"'"'· "''" '"r, art' <)""!' h• •Uf'• t\1 00 • I M t•lllnl,\' h•Pll'' I 11m :1 ~·ear11 ulol Th .. nkll l'rrnl\' 1 lo\'I! \'OU '""I tral~ • r .1ny otht>r •ut1·clln -1un '"''"'"''· 11nt1 th""" "h" ••Pt" , • •.I• •al. 11 , 1 1tnd nt'ver h•d 11 f>adtly I iue111 wnh J.-"u" •nd Mnm~v &nil lhnl "'"' hr tnvolvNI. th .. m n·ir1n""" '" ''' 1 •' th , .• •. 1 •r t lh11t'11 '"''hy l ha v.-"'""">'" hkt<! w hf'n 1 ""'.>'my prllY"'" 1 wlll 1,.11 M11t1 .. 11tKll (l!)tnlll out that In rn•lt"'" ,.,P ••" "'' · • ~'"''''" " " , " '' ,,. f• .. •I ~·nu Yf'rV much aa l lllce Tnmmy 1J ... 101111 how \'Oil l11v11 lltlle r htlrlr.-n ln•t•n•,.• Whff" nnfl li?f•\'rrnm1>nl Ata r •t " .... ,~, r ,., ... ,\ ... , \ ",.. " , • ··1•111•1 r•q.1 ... n .. lh•l•llf'r• my lltUI' brnlh .. r 8&nl\'. Tommy JllH Ilk .. H~ tint>~ 1 •nn r rrr .. rm " M'l"V11'f' bt"t"r Rn" If .. \\• \fl lj. f"l(I• r• r r r• \ \\ I• '• I • r ... t • I " .... 'rtlc•. (II ( hrl.'ltmu i. only IJ " irnn<t ht\11' bnv Inn M11yb.-r~. \\' .. ll\ .. In l h• aTWn ttf)Ulll' """" .... nnm1r11.lly .• 'fllnclrnnnl 11r ... 1 ""ll. <11 ... 1,, I """ •l•rk .,..,.,., •• , ...... r•n11tve lh•n i nort"r lhan l 11m . bt'f1111" h• ti' neJi l 1,1 H-•l•t. • 11.,1..,. rnn•11l1•l•ll'·n' r11n hi' ,.f!,.•tf'I\ 111"1· .. •n•I ''"tii-wh nf ''P"rllllnn In,,.,. i.t"l " l,.rttr l rnM ,I 1•' ,,. ,f hf'•t II" "~'" 'lfit ,. .. nlJI for a n1r,. tn m,. w1•'1• • .... ,1,.nt'""'''""'~"'"·" ""1"nrn•t1r '"""'"'"""~ \Mkf' '"'I'••·•~ F.-1 \\h1•• "' l•·•11n· l ''""tl nl h.,,., 47 cen\41 fw lur• rl•A•~. f:IU\t ~. 11 ) ·•i rhi n•\1 Y'l «m Jantlnin) d jj;;1"nn.•r.t.. lit "u ma r._. :•at. lv" tk t~· ~r ... ~lei. lht ~~~.er a ~ 1k•) •11• \\<"v" r"rt11l"llV , ,t11 'L ,., ti~ H.JlhJtnv•d or tn I • _/ JEDDY YOUNG PROVES OLD HAND BVC BAU HA\\'K -Ted Coutts of C-Osta ?o.fcsa has been an important cog in Orange Coasl College's pre· 6f'ason victories. From ?o.fontcbello High, the Pirate guard haa proven an cfficiC'lll floor man. \Vhile he doesn't shoot much, he's an artist from the foul line. -Gene Tyler Photo The former All -Sun~t League court star , now performing ror Orange Coast Col· lege, is all alone under the buket for a score against the Oecidental io'rosh. Currently engaged in its own four team buketball tournament at the Bue gym tomorrow night, Coach Stu Inman next week leads his quintet in to the Sam Barry Memorial t ourney at Glendale, Dec. 27-31. -Gene Tyler Photo SUCCESSFUL SEASON SEEN FOR PIRATE HOOP QUINTET ENSIGN ALL-STAR GO WON BY PE FAVORITE The nf'w ~yin ~,.,.l,. lfl"" \alnr'll, Pte·t rtll m•y '"'-orlt •" 11ro• l.,r>ll .Anp lta City Cnll•ll"· "·u h 11 rur· 1 rent 10 · 11:11m e "'11\n1n11: ~t t•11k : Frl':l no. 11t11tr rh11mp 111.•t ... 11 ,.nl\: and Ventur11 and C••n1p!on. \\'1-"l· •m St.ti': pol''f't hou""" cnd1 lalr r, Denny l'f'•rin r11.n fiJ y•rda ft1r lfln1te11t gn1n of lh• 1 11.me a.nd • '-l0rnln1t l'E "•'<'t r Denny C!llT'"n!•t ran berk lh" kickoff GI yant11 1n(I ron""rtf'<l t he Tn, F'lnlll llCOt f' fll\'Qt,.•I Af· SOlJTH COAST CO. '!!!rd .1: s""'°" n1 .. d. =======i·I \\·ATt:R lft:ATt;Rs \Alli ll ~>tCf •·~ If'"''~ Joe /Jecl.!ofc/ 1'1.1 )tfflS 1; n• ... ~ 10 ,,. CI NI OQWN r~ ••• ti••~•'ll'l:IJO SAC Co-Captains MU Moor~. Oanker from T \U • MAlTJlt:i'~l:~ l ln, end Oil RQdrlqur a. ha lfbllr k ""'-1• -"""'"' -Trail"" from Sant • Ana, will co-c•pl•tn lrr!':l'daf 8Mppe lh• 81.nfa Anll ('t11trJ:"~ v llrSH}' l.IJOf'rtJ ll·IS03 neillt fll ll. Rnd rlquf'l v.•111 VC>lf'd by f'O!"T.t Jlil.E8 A MA.lTRJ:S!t 00. STAFFORD 6. SON 110 ":-0.E LS entt DOC' f:l.ECTRlt:Al. (·1J:\'TKACTOR~ l'll•>rlf' l,lbertf 1·2'?711 Rh·1-"'6d11 "'."""" :-,-,."·port RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTlllAL ·COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR ZIO -St .• N..,... -h S~IAt-L lfafhor '!.).t., ' --------------------------------u(ll)r ~n .. nil. pu111pt"d 111 16 o.· HARBOR ~o~ '"·,. fnuhni:: •'Ut f'•rly In th• tourll'I ~lod. C.Ule.r Boll Hund• ... clcmt Mhlnd wtUt. 12. BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.I Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 REBELS ROOT NORTH AS MESANS SPARKLE HurllnCJ Pierce, of Rice, Raps of Bud Wetzel Prove MarCJln Member. ot the Coata Mesa Merchant.I bueball nine proved the atars of Sunday's 5.3 t riumph by the South in the Orange County Winter Baaeball League AU-Sta.r game played on the Orange City Park dia.mond. WJth lllc Jerry R ice hurUnc thrM tr&ll'IU or abutout ball. Out· ttelller Bucllly P iette opened I.be Rebel cau.11 with a reaoundtnc U'lpl' and w e• de!ven home on & two-bagger by Meu. :t.lercbant )(an&&er Bob \\'eUel. who later acored. RI<'• allowed the North but on• blnJ'I• c1urln1 hl• tenurm on t he m ound. 'l'be Mesarni blull prov&d the only extra -br.&e in the go. IS FOR DURATIOS blowt \VeUel wa a one ot thr rew pl':r· t~me111 who playr(\ the r nllre I J'a.ffie. ).feU.'I Bob J.A rlrf'rO WI& orl(inahy 1elected tor third baae dt1Ue1. but wu una ble to pl11~· due t o 1.n l11jured 11nklt1. \Vettel rt1placed L&clcero e t t h!rd. then moved Into the outtteld li ter ln t he .::ontut. TARS VACATION ; BUCS SET CAGE TOURNEY FINALS Th1.1 Nor th'• •lartln1 Chll('kf'I I Don Herph'k w1111 b11 ttf're.1 l•H' thrf'e runs , thllnk11 t n the ....,•hini: 1 ot the H a.rbor a rea boY•· 111-r11':· part~ th!.' itnlhlU in ~he Lh 1rJ inning v,.!lll \he 6t'Orl: J.Q 1.1 ~·111n~I 1 the northr r n 1·au,,,. - Bl:Br:.LS RALLY _I Rice'• replacemen t. D<:in Ha,t· j man. fell!d to ft.Ir u w t-IL. Tht1 North ba tlrred H•rrm en tor three hit.a a n1! an error In I.hr fifth. to de•dloek the tu~•lt. B ut thr R"bel.I cam e bu~flnr h•r k qu1clt Uke. Art Boc:lt. the !"orth'• plkhtr at tht. at1c11 of I.he b1 l· tie. waa bombardtd from the rub· ber With the ¥11nn1nl' pair ot U l· I Ur•. Bob Bl•)'IO<'k of t he Sn11th and Ted Herrera of the Nnrlh lo~R"d ecoreleM be.II rrm•!ndfr of the fray , BUl!neu Menarer f:d Lane of th11 Ml':• nine reported the rt I would be. no more bueball at Stop Wishing f PLANT YOUR OWN MONIY TRll I • .All you nrtd 11 t 1mtll ckPoJit u "1ttd0 ' lo aa in-- suted U.S. National u: .. inp O«OUOL 2. Nourith ir c1ttfully wi11'1 regular dtf'O'ill (plu1 270 bank Uurre11) . '· W1rcl'I it 1row, br1ring tuch rxcifing "(rui1 ..... ready for your piddng. 10 1 JO many wondtrf\l.I utn I 211. ""~''' '-' f•e• ,,,. , ,, .. ,,,.,;,, ... .J, 11,.11 .. ,i. , ••••• , 10. 1867 Newport llvd. COSTA MESA Now at •oy Carver PONTIAC In Time for CHRISTMAS 25 1956 Pontiacs Catalina Hardtops Only •295 down * Fully Equipped e Hydramatlc e Radio & H- e TilHlnr-Whlte Wall Tires e lack-up Llthts • Many Ott.en * Pay Only •76'~··"' lnclude1 All Fin ancing, Saleo Tex end Your 1956 License * No Pa.,_llt 'tll February * HUITY to Roy .. Carver PONTIAC ltoo W. <.:Gut Hwy. lo.is t•ammall':-' 11..t !hit H a.-on ~, •i-,. • ...,, • PV.'Pf'J1 l'lh'd. moet Y&hable player. '--------------' '-----------------------------· .. ...... •I Ol l4 l 01•os 1t IN \UI AN CI C 0 I', '"f ... 111 'I OC•At llJll YI Sf'"P'Ort lliNc.h l..1Jw.r1y 1-U66 PA'GE 8 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 'SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT, ALL IS CALM' Harbor View School Boys' Choir, shown in action above, lent their voices Saturday night to annual Bal- boa Island Christmas party for the children. They sang from truck bed platform and were part of eve· ning's entertainment. -Staff Photo GAS CO. CHECK 'ONLY THE BEGINNING' County Tax Collect or Don S. Mozley, left, receives chrck for S219.i32.17 from J ustin M. Kt'nnC'dy, 8outhrm Counties Gas Co. divi11ion m1rnni;:er. The slip (lf paper represents fir"ll!t installment of utility flrm's 1955·56 real and property taxes. Next installmrnt 1s expected to be greater. LES MARQUIS Hl-Y CLUB INDUCTION Recl'iving inetructlon at a nnual Orange Cout YMCA Hi-Y. Tri-Hi-Y induction· inslaJlation eervice held [}(>c. 11 at First Methodist Church nf HWltmgton Beach wtrc above memben1 of Les Marquis. Newport Harbor. Esqull'('S Hi·Y Club members, host rity, performed ntes. &hind cross to ~bl art:' D<-rek McWhin· n<'y. Duke Cox. YMCA aecrrtary. MU<e Ota and Jack M1lll'r. E~quir<'S president. - Don Butli Photo Mesa Building Co111 ractors 01kt' and ('olgTOve ThursdR:V look out Sl38.t>OO In ('ostA ~f~Sll c-1ly building prrmlLI fo r rnn,trurtlOn Qf 17 ru1d~nCf'• nn Rn•r )Al nr A 1ln1.<•11 fl( the ho111r11 "Ith gar11gt'I! wrrr valu~ 81 8 h111l11lng f lll'l n( $8000. f'IVf wrrt' \08 lurd 8 l $8.'>!lO C'11l<l11 r.t.>~s c-1ty bulh11nit pt'r· nut~ 11mounllnrc t i) Rlmo111 $40 ,000 Wt're l1tkf'n n11l rt'(' r n t I y by Pu lkan1ehorn Co11slrur t1on c•n. for ru1denr, .• ,. al 2~8. 234. 2~2 anti 238 l'Rlm••r SI Thre!' of th,. homo ,, ... , .. t'V8IUllll'tl Rl $98:>2 l'srh. th' rnu1th a t $10368 LEGAL NOTICE No. A ·tUH ~OTl<T. TO C'Rf:OITOR!il F.t11111 .. uf LE01' E. S ANBO RN. OeC,•lN'•I NOTICE IS llEREBY GI VES to lht> 1 rr•hlors of a 11•I all ~naon11 hR\'lllJ( 1"l1111ns A(;lllO!ll t he •Aid llf'l'•edrnt nr l'a ltl 1'8l8te In tile th rm ... II h I h.f' nf'l' .. llM\ ry VOUl'hHA 1n 1 h" 11fl11 ,,. of th., C"ll rk or tht ~11rn111r <'nurt or lhe Stlllt' of 1·~11t1>rn111. rn 11011 trir th,. County of Orani:" o r In preMnl thp JO&mf', 'l\'llh lhl· Of'Ct'SMry vnur hl"rJO. to th,. undl'rlllll:ll"ti 11t hlA or hl'r place v! bu~1n1·1'J' to-wll Snydrr 11.ll•I F1f'tr h"r 11 '.H l'"lllr O&kl' A v .. nUI' S1111th Pu11dt'n11... Clt.lttom~ wit htn •Ix mo nt hJ &!tn the t i rat 1'Ubhrat 11•n nf l hl8 nnll<"e l>alt'<I Nn v,.m twor 2."I. 19~­ J(}RCIAN L.. JUNES £,., 1 utot 11r lhe Estatt or "Al•I d• C •·1h•nt :"n &:i No w~·l'r"ll.." 11 :rn. 12 7. 14, 21. 'M t:u .t T IO,. 01-nn:R~ A~D 1·01.1..1:0.1. l'l.AC't .... ;'l:nt 1t " Ill hl'Tf'b\ J1H"f'O lhAI a I th,. Sp<>< 11\l Anna 1'atlon F:lt'c:-llon J•• rta1n1nl' l" II,. ann,.x11tton of 11'1•0.•r H11thlA111b Ann "X tn lhf' C11y nf :0.-r\\ purl lif'n.r h to b" heltl "" T ul'll1•h11 , 111 .. H th rluy or ,. rhru,. r ,. I '•!\6 fnr UH• q 11allf1t'rl rl•·• l•-r" \\ ·ttun ~••<I lf'rrl\Or) lh"r" "111 lw ""f' votlne; prl"<lnt'I fnr the ptll I'"~" • ( hold1111t I he 4'11'< lion <'nnJ11•tani;-"f th~ Hll;llla r l'll't'tlon flrl'rln• t • ''"h1 .. i.. .. o1 rn r hnltl1n~ "'"'" 11111•1 rnunty "'tttlon11. u ft•llrow~ \'otlng-r rrranrt I. cnmpn .. 1n1t .. tAtl' An•I I 1111n1 ,. rrt'n nrt numbtor £1AVV{f'W :? Thi' p11ll11111; rtAr ,. JOhllll h,. itl H"!llol•nc:-f' locatf"'l 111 r.7ri fl1Ana l.AnP 1 · .... 1" M"'"'· r a taf,,rna" J;'l:SPF.C-T C IR· M•~ '-hrtAnn,. :-; r·h•rlf'• JI ·r1Gf: \Ir• F:llt'n N W1lrox , 1·nw·: .\II" MAry F:~trlle ~math Tht' J'Oll!! Wiii h" OJ""O"'I h"IWPl'n lht• hf111f II "' 7 IHI o"rtnrk " M Anol 7 1111 .,·, l«<'k r M MA RI; ,.:R \' !'l\HRnl 'r1ER r 11 v Clerk <'11)' n ( =""""J"OTl R"Ar h ;'l:o 7:1 :"•'W~·Pr~M IZ 21 !\!\ 'l;l)Tlf t: ot· Dl!"l"Ol.l"TlO"" P.AY II Ull'\'IER doe's hneby ('Prllf)' '"' fnll11w11 Thr l'artnP1"thlfl known A.II HAR· OU1 f: RR I STER A.nl1 RAY H Wt:\' 11-:n . h,.r.,tofote ""ll'A1r"'1 In a i:-enernl c•nntrertlnit" b11,.1ne11" at 11<!1 23rd Sttf'f'I . Cosla M f'IA Call· f•tm i11 ha.8 t>r~n •lla&<llVe<I ,.(ft'rtrv,. l •"r"mh,.r I !I 19!\!\ Thi' 11ntl,.rAtlrn"1I "-'tll hnea!ter ronl 1nue In lhl' bulld1nJ1 lr11.de11. ~pn··ni:-hr ~ ellentt'IP natC'<l nrc.-embrr 19. 19!'>:\ ~ RAY H. LOt.:YIER S11b11r rthf'd Rnl1 11wom 10 beforl' m p lhl8 19th dA)' nt f)f'<',mti..r. i "" ~' ROBERT r. WJLL.'\f&S :-:ntAry P 11hltr an 11nrt for tht C"nunty nC O rAn.1:'" Stat e of Cahromla 1 :'\o. i3 Xew>P'r'91 U/11/N , TREMENDOUS ALDON SUBDIVISION . . PLANNED FOR FULLERTON AREA 1n "''""'•l.1nr t' wlll1 thf' ~late ~uh·• .II\'"'"" ~h•I' A1 1 Uuena Par k w11111t1 sttlr l "''"""•\Ion pl"O«ff'd· IOI!• following 11p1•roval or lhe ttnll\llvtt niap. Gail \\"ti~"" l\MU•l •utl I n Hllf'na Pn1k t'11\· Mt1n11i.;f'r Arthur Brt'w· I,,,. "'"" 0 :t111"1 hn11w11 1ur plonrlt'•I l"r tht' 1111•-. in th,. .-ounl ,. 1\11•1 a n ·New 900-acre Tract Will Dwarf u11"111 Park l t'OOlpa ny tn lhl' Mllllht'rn r11rl of ... 1 l•l •••n1!1 .•••• """" • '"" ht hu1lt • Thf' pl11nn1ng t•om111ti<.<11rn 111 ex · 'Hu,... Buena Plaza Homes Nearby Pf't'lf'tl Ill ttl'l on the map Ja n • .,_ Th•' n11.tJnr11y or lhf' ram h 11lal· BUENA PARK (OCNSI -A l nrret1 of tht' Emery Ram•h by Al· tentative map hu been •ubrnltted I Jon Construct wn Co Tht• .i. \"l'lt•p· to the Buena Park P la.nnln&' Com-m'nl will ovt'r~hadow t ht' hll)..1' mluion for the 11ubd1vi1ion of 900 Uuena Plaza traet by the 11a111e Pd f11r 11111><1111~111n App11•"111t1tt'ly 70(1 llC'l"t'll, 111 an 1·uunt.v 1t•rrlln1~· nor th or li11Pn11 Paik Thr r1•111aln· lnl: J!°);l ftl'IC'~ IS Ill r'tllll'r\1111 Arrord1ng to r eporls ht'l t', ancl TREE FOR LOCAL FAMILY Decorating a Christmas tree in Custa MC'8a's First fiapt1~t C'hurch at Magnolia St. and Santa Ana Ave. are th(' Cub Scoutli in Cub nrnst1•r 1.-l'n"leth Darrs d<'n Looking 011 in approval is Santa Claus I Jim J.\cr!1 rl. bt't'a\!!<' t hl· C11bH 1.J:i11 to ~l\"l· the fully decorated t ree lo a needy family Fnatn lcoft. Mark B.ild1ni;. J immy Waltze, Mike Dinger, Gordon Cuopl'r, Paul ~han•r. ~11ki.' CaASady and Ant.ly Barr. -Staff Photo 328 AMERICAN A YE. lrt 1-'11llp1 I• •ti '"l'ltrn~ 1 1dl f1•r I hi-b111l1l1ni: 11f •111.dt •'•Hulo· IY!illi hunu~~. 1111111111i; frulll :..>•,to :I lo'!• per lh're In· ~t.-Ril of lho• 111t11RI ~11h.hns1o•n 11( 4 1, l" ~ l••I:< P<'r A1·1r:· hf' 81t1tl t Ir 11:111111 1•11111~ ··1111.-.1 for ""rk .. n "'\ \ t l :i-11n1,. t lntt• In J 1,•("r1nhrr ltrht th#\"\ \\•'tt' t htlUJ:t'il (1t J\ lPn• 11411\"I' l-°1•ll1't111ry ol,11 .. I' Ill 'Tit\ ~ITt:"' A t't. HJ hnl.: lu 111 4•\ H•\I~ Ulf•tr 1111 t111n, p;ll I• 01( 1111 a.•111111111n.: :!1MI Ill I t'tl 11 l111lj.; I ht• 1111 lr.11111 11 R1'k11 11u1lh 11f th .. I-ullo 1·1o111 All'j'•lll s rl' tt• ,.,.,. •h~\1•l11p, .. d h•t 1n.tu11tt \ Tt,1• 11\111·11. "1111 h 1r .. io 01111 h of Ailt>lllt l'Hlk h!'l111•1•11 H1i;thw11y :111 111111 lhl" SRlll8 Ft• 111llwuy lrt1<'k1t lhlllh ur A1 t1·!'1ll llll-.1 . llUtkt'tt lll' " lru ~.. f'<irl 111n of tht' 01 11:tne I Sp1tr11~h l1111ol gra111 k110\\ 11 au Loll I '"Y<•I~ H1.t111·h11 a11<1 lrnl' hf'1'n own·- "" tty lh·· 1--:mr1 v fam1lv aln1•e 1M1n Jan Briscoe Named to New Fire Post ORANn ~:. 10<'!'\SI r.1•0'1t" Ho rto n ' h I ~ r of th,. 011tnJ:" F iii' u .. r111tm .. nt, Wllll t'le.-t~·I pre111llNtl <1f 111 .. Orangt' (\11101 v Fll"t' C'"h1,.r~ A11lll>rlatton Df'I". 1 ~"I in Santa An" a t a ntef'llng h•>•~·I • h>• John <:arthl'. Santa Ana fir o Chi I'( Horton. who movf'11 ttp frnm 11rc-r.-1ar} ·ln•a>!urr r. 1111cC'rc..:1A Mar- 10'\ H umphrlt'I!. Gud@n Cn.IVt', In the pr .. 111olt'11l '11 c h Al r. Ne w 1tl"'f'l't't11ry·lrl'UUrl'r 18 Jan D1111rllt' nf Newport Be11<'h. Vlrt'- prr11ltlPnt for t he nt'w year wlll be R1rh11.nl F:hll"n of RHI H ill Mrs. Gardi"v Home M,,. l .. ·11 '" t~11roll11rr ~r, 11 \"ull\ 01 11·1· 111 1 11 "'' hon"' I ,,., II fr .. m a t••'.t ••f t •1v U111·nt a n~I AfH• tt.. Y.hri'«-,.h• h11nl••·I h1~ J:te '1l,. H.,. l 1..i111 n 11•••rol1·d lwr final lrll .. r 111 I thr ;-.:,"",.-1'11·1<.~ \\1111"11 1111111 T8n· IZ·tfl\il •• t I• ttll• 1\ 1u "hu h ,.t ••litl.J or" hnn '"1ttU\\nK thr1111a;:h th,. trrtl I Ill lllf.!hl lllftk lOI! to!f \l"llh 1111 hut llw11 Th.1nk•~1 1111i.: 01nn1•1 --- 1 D=~;::nA~~ A~c~::~s 1 h• •"111111 I "• 13 iti.:1~ .. 11 '" «1nt1n· "'" ttt tt11 n\11ilt ,.,., '11 • • l o th,. C"HY ,,f I•"',\, '"'I flfl " Cf+l\U 'H l tl.,, .. \ll1ttl .) •n t f'h• AJ:,r•·•·111• nt h 1t"'' r\ ··1 •h•I n u l U1• IU·I~ h"'"'' h Mu I l·.14 1 •t•ft•lft•Ula A Jllll•·i•l\fl\,. I .... 1 .... I nltll>I hi' m Atle 11n I 11 .. ~ .. '"•• 11r1n" 3( 2 Yo 'U UNUM CURRENT EARNINGS I I .. .... 1 ----------------'"--, 1-1-Po,..naia •• Iii Iii llilli llillillilli ltilti ltiltiltillillilliltillillilti ~ ;,! NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE I ~.,,.---,... l-'"-AJ"'"',0-b-ou-'-· .. ~. -..... -0-.-ym-... --I ~ ---= WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 PEA.AL KA.llBOR 1 FHTNCI -'Marine T/Sg1.. Gene W. L&y reee1ved an 1nlr&n1urs..l rlfi• trophy Nov. 21 for being a tnembe'r or the .econd pla.c• t~am in l•land cOl"n~tttton. lif la the hu1b&lld of Ur.e for· n•<'r Ml,.. Marcar~t A. D11>hl 111 ~8 CoJd .. l'lrod A~·e .. Corona dd Mar. H ' 1a Mrvlnr with Ur.II! Marine Barrack11 B&lld at 1h,. U.S. Naval 8&&11! at rearl Harbor. S..IOl'e entfr11lJ the 1ervice In Fr.bruary, 1948. h" ,.... CTadUMlt'd f rom Park County Hilb School in Llvin1· 1ton. MonL Stephenson Named to Dean List at Point ""EST P OINT, N.Y. -Cadft Ra lph Y..'. Sttphem1on. 23, .on of )Ir and Mr1. L aw re nc .. E . S1,.phen1on. 4i l Cooita Mru S t.. l . ."0•111 1>ten. r~fnlly ...., ... ,. nam .. d 111 the l.Jea.n"a h•l a t th" t·. S. ~t llltary A(•d•mY a t "'t i t P oint tc.r the month o! October. The lL1t lnr ludr• r ed,111 """hO an• &C!Hle111Je11Jy Jn the upper <10 p'r cent ot their elu 11. l'ar!,.t !iltph,neon !1 In hi• lhlnl )"f'•or I.\ !he &t adtnoy. u, r .. ce1Y<!d a Con1r....,1onal &pf>Olntm,.nt 1n l h,. 11r1.tlen1y from RrpreHntAtlYe NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Moaday, Wednesday aad Friday COASTAL SH.OPPER -Wednesdays Coutal Sllo pper Adll ,... a. 1tie "·~•7 !'o"ewa·PreN ' IJDM 1 ln11ertloa $1.00 · add1. llnea .25 ea. ' Une11 2 tmertloa• 1.50 Md1. llDM .25 ea. " LIAM S b tiert.loas 2.00 add'L linM .25 e&. ' Unem " lnaertiou 2.00 Mld1. llnflll .25 ea. IM~ w-""' Ad• will ~·-IZ'}'. dlM:outlt. c..... la Mlt"&Q06 only. Ml:SIMl:M AD IS t. USES Speclal Notices Sptt.lal Noticetl PUBLIC NOTICE YOU DON'T HA VE TO BELONG t o a Ul\'JON, work for the CITY or the GOVERN~t ENT to participate in the NEW COMMUNITY DEPART?.tENT STORE MONEY SA YING CLUB. Everyone is eligible to belong to thi11 new and daringly different store if you wish to aave hundreds, even thousand.a of dollan1 on your annu11.I everyday purchases of t".lp quality CLOTHING, TQ)'S, LUGGAGE, APPLIANCES, I .. A?.1PR, RADIOS, TV"a. FURNITURE, CARPETING. BEDDING. COST U?.t E JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS. CA?.t ERAS. GIF"T COSMETICS-and just about anything you wish. The at.ore haB bttn completely remodelt'd , restocked and redecorated to make your shopping a pleasure instead of a chore. Drive out and let ua tell you about this new and senaational money-saving Club 1~1an -over 7000 aq . ft. of Free Parking on our own lot. We'll be open every evening from now until Ch ri11tmaa. Daily 9 :30 A.M. to 8 :30 P.M. Closed Sundays. Free Gifts to the ladiea -Free Gift• to new members. OTRECTIONS -From beach areas, Lake Harbor Blvd. north to Bol.sa. tum right and go 2 blocka Eut for Harbor Blvd .. Community Department Store 12131 E. BOLSA SANTA ANA KI 2·6015 46c48 John Ph11!1p. 1R·C•l11 • 1----------------------------- A m "mb.-r of IJr!lt Thrl• P l Mpecl&I Nodcea t rat .. rnity. !'llt'ph .. n&<1n 1.\1 ,.n<le<l \\ lllamt l\a Un!Yt'rl lty !n s .. 1,.,m.1-------------- 0 \MJ Newport Harbor -~-· _C_to __ H_os_t _T_a-lk-1 • e. ~:,~· E. Meet1 1.•117 Tbw-.da)" I p.m.. Tourney Jan. 10 vta 0~:~ ~ Ava. 01a n11:• C'J••t f'nll'"ll" will h0111 1 _A_lb<_n_H. __ .. _•_'_°'_•_•_•_._ .. __ &1_<_od_R_w_u th" Ea.etern C'nnrert'nr, ~~h T r"irn•nH•nt to tH> hrhl Tu,.1>cl1.y. &--Funeral Dlft!CtoF'lll J •n 10, II w11 dl1Ch>l.l!d l~•Y 1-------------- f'nn1pt>\lt1on w 1!1 ~ h,.111 in .... MOTTELL'S 1'""'"'"""ft"''"' ~JI ... k . n «. l m· ANO PEEK p1qn1p!u •1ll'10k1n.1r. •1!KU••H>n, It!• 1 .. rpr .. 1et1nn. o••IQty, 1.n,1 •t1 .. r Colonial Mortuary d lnnrr 1 p " •kt n I Re1 l•lratlon 7801 Bolaa~Juat wut or \\'Ml· w tll •t"rl a l t2 noon on Jan, ID. mlft.&l •r .M•n•ortal ra.rk. &l'1<l • " )0 b&nqu•t In th• Stu<l•nt An Orot.n1• County U.1.Ututl()ft r .. nl~t w1U brine lhr t v•n\ to • SeTYlnl tamlLL•• of all !alt.II.a cl<>,... Ttlfph<'Kll" tToll Y'rllJ An>nnir orhr1n l• whirh wlll fl&•· Z£rulh ~131 t •r11••I• ar .. l"UU•rto'n J r L'oll•t•, f'h11Hrv ,.,,UP.,;,.. M1 t\r.n An· l •1n1" AIY Pt•!<l'" H~•n•r•l•n .. Venrv An• 1·011 .. 1:~ and I '"II"~" (."(•11 .. ~ .. . ('<•llr1; .. . Or1.n1te lad Check Suspff t Returned to Jan flan u .. 111. \\·.111 .. ,. who ,,_. !he 1.l1•• o f l'•n ,l.l1<'h•~1 O"!torlfl l•Y "l•~ no..tk,.tl lnln :0-: ...... Po•rl l\r1r h r<>ltr• •lllT lt1n 11.! i I'm • T hut••l•y ll>· O•I 1..·1 111 \' I lolc~la n1 ~1.r Thr 2:..,.,., ..... ,1.1 bi d rll•rl• •u•l)"!'t 1t•v• hi• •dc!H••• •• .,14 ll•lh11.,.·a •· S•n ,....,,,.na" ,\11•M•n111•I rrturn,.•I t i'!" ~LJ•· J"'d trr-m Al1m .. .i1. l'nun1v whl"r• No ona "¥~r tum•d away becau.e .. r l&ck or tunda. COAST 9 t:FlCE J::,Qt;l".Jl£.."i'J' Ty p1wrl\"1·• Alld1nii: rn a< hln,.• D1,1pl1c•to r.-· Suppl1f• SA U::8 RF.:S'TALS LllJ.~ H•rbot B!v!'I . C011!1. >1 t'sa Llbl'rty 8·7T9t. HAULING traah or ":' Anything. A ny,.·h,r• U~rty 8·21 4 ~ 815ttcpp h .. w11.o. ruc-k,.d ur <>n • watr•nl l'Z--Bulldln1t Sen·kn tr nm :"'•,.·rort B•1.1h \ Th" •u•~·t I• 1·h•r1t•d wllh G I c t t .. t l\lrtlt •rYt'tllJ hUndr .. d dOlll.t l enera on rac or or n,-. arco11nl r hlM'k:> <IUrl!'L jl Str· W CENSED t•n•l>.-r A l! wrr .. pa .. e.J on 1ro· New Work -Remodeling "••v •lo~• In tht. s e .. •port a .. ach J, MILTON McK.E.:'IJZl.E 1 ... 11 .. Arrm<'hPad br•nk ,-,f &nk .. i Am r nra, ~farM•nlJ:"&l ••ir!. Harbor 6399·\'V 58tfc """ 1'1• n1.n1• 'Eli ll!Ab .. th Slf W· •rt 0 R•.11")' .. for11f'd. HURRAH! TWINS FOR LUNDQUISTS Mr 1nl1 M'r11o N nrman l.11nrlq1n•I. 11'111 A'l•m• St . h••·r lw\r,. th .. rc&JIOT\ nr m<'ll n•w r •r,.nt• f.,r tw111g happy too l••• _ .. 1'h .. y •l'f' the )Jl.f!lnl• nr lw1n• • boy i nti 1. r lrl - tiorn ""'° ltl In Hoa,; llc>~r•· '~ Whit.neck Atteads Ed11eation COllClaYe K. F.. '\"hH .. ntth, 1rl•nce t••~h· "r 1.t St"'l'Orl Harbor Union H11tl"t e<:h("><ll, l ttt'ndO!d a •,.ml • •nnua! ('nnttr"f"n'• or !he Sta~ Cowl(ll or £.luc•ll011. polity • m&k in1t body for th• 80,000 • ml'mbtr Call!Or· n1• Teach•n A1110Cl1Uon. In Loi A n r L1e rec.nu y. Th .. l(T'O'llp ouUinfd ror !hf-fir•\ !Im• their ldtu c0t'leern1nc thr bu1& pruictplt'& Ot pub UC O!'dU~I· lion and Hl forth !heir <'Ot!VlC · l lbfl• thal tnatro.::\lon tn moral a nd llJllMtual ,.....luu 11 , function ot th" ptibllc 11o:hoool tea.t.ll•r . Cu1tom CABINET WORK Dont "" pren"""" No :ob ,...., •m•ll. rhon! KI l ·l l •ll 1-------------CEMENT &i: BUILDING AH K ind• FREE ESTl~!ATES Liberty 8·6109 ASPHALT TILE L[NOLEIDtl ln•l&J.I the 1.bo,·111 Ctlta per lhan mo1t. Al.ta -ell T tl e 4 l.JnoJt um. Non·union, ~:. 1~•r• t11pcrl1"nce. Compare and 11<:-e - Bl.LL COKER H&r. 4711!1 OT l..<il\f BHt::h ~·!111~3. lllllft Painting. Paperhanging '-r'he Finest Money Can Buy" ~x~es~-~ N~~~~~hr l'h. Har. 2404 or l~~·ft.. l ~l!c COMPLETE P AlNTING &: Paper Hanginc Service E UGENE O. ~AUNDl:RS l).00 l l1t Street. "'•wpon. B.ach Ht.nor 2171 or Har. 444t. ttc LZ-BuUdinc Se1"\ioel H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUl<BJNG A Prompt Repair SvYloe M.alnt a.lnN P1'1<1111: H.a.tllof t.IM U01 B&!boa B!Yd., Ntwp0rt 8Meb ... ''A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TH£ N EW maehinl proce&1 mf-th• od. Jtea.IOnllble pncn . An~a 2 t•p. rl'.11denua.1 blind. Only $1 .00 Bllnda re~ntd and r1tKlllL ••tie• Pick >.1p and d"'lll•ery Work done by •ppolnUnant • l'hon1 Llbe'rty A-!1701 or J<.Jmber ly 3·1274. JfPllc CARPENTRY MINOR REPA1R WORK ,.,0 J OB TOO SMAU.. ... Painting, Decorating Paper Ha.aging GEO. BURKHARDT LIC £!\"SEU L'UN"TRAL"'l'Uft 178 \\'. 18th St., (:Olla Me .. LIMrty 1·6818 Pa intin 9 Contractor Lic rn•"d ·-ln•1111t.1 "Cofn plete Painting Servi<'e Al rcASOnable prict"H·· J AMES , l111rbor ;2~9).1 I 315J>4~ PAINTING M. W. ROSS Lireniled Ll 8 ·3321 230 Avoe11Jo, Co•\• 1>1"aa 8elft CARPENTER Repair Work OOl'.I Your Home Nerd Rrpa.lt1n&" or RlmodelUlf? Call Frank. Wbt?1)' 8.CiM All Wo rk Ou&n.11 teed 7t tIG Punting & Paperha.Dglng \\'e do the work ounelvea. 30 yr•~• l'.ptlnenc• U (anMd Ii 1n1url'd.. 8•U1f1.ct1on (tl1.t11.ntttd. E.t1m a111 free. C.!I J ohnnie. W 8-2687 & U 8-5289 Sltfc Rd. 011 3prea.d1n1 Dt1vrw1y• PARKING LOTS ' S11b-dl~Uilor. our •ptela lty. \\., rurn1M any type oil to you r ape- t lf1c1.tlon. t.rge Jobi! -1.mall wn" •· o . .., ,., ~ g ~ >. 3().8-Ap•"~..,; >O-B-App._ "==·~;:'-.... a ~· ~--· ;.,1 · USED APPLIANCE --BUYS ANYONE KNO\\'JNO a lktr-. • arm ;., GAFFF.RS & SA'ITl.E:R tablf' top ga.s range .... $49.50 where&boull, Le<lnard Sattl'r· : ... GAFl-~ERS & SA TTL EH. whitf' tablC' top i;u rangf' t!lid. contact dirughttr, Joyce .. ._,.: vdth O\'C'n C'Ontrol • S19 50 r_:~·.'!':,:.~~dd~~~~1!:h~~~: , ........................................ 9-~ WESTERN HOLI~\· .:as range "'ith ovC'n control . '"""'· l<•wpon 0-<0.'' HOLIDA y SPECIALS ,..,,. cl .. n ... . ... "$?0.50 •ept8 KEL\'INATOR Rf'rrigerator 6 l'U. rt. $5fl .50 15--Sha.re \'our Car New 1956 TV GIBSON 6 cu. ft . R1>frigC'ratnr !-64.50 \\'ESTINGHOUSE I ru. ft . Rl"'fr igf'rstor .... $99.50 . ' WANT ride to Sanl& Ana or Ana· heun by 8 1 m . tor Hl,1th School g irl Call Har. 03!19·~1 evea nr Kl 2·&241 e11,l 236 day•. 47r 4fl 16-Transportatlon FLY DC-6 NOS ·STOP N.Y .C. S!:IO" CHICAGO S69 •nound Trip Only F'rrt Limnualnl' to Airport Bo11 Lunrhe•. Fr•e Tlck"'t DelLv('ry ,\. AS HINCTON. D.C. . $97 PHILADELPHIA ···-············ 188 l)ALLAS .... . .............. 149 Di-:TROIT ...... -... -............ 179 H 0 :-10 1 .• ULU ··-•·-······•·"· $109 Ni-:''' YORK $88 We Are Selling Floor Samples and Demon1tri tor1 WESTlf':GHOUSE 21" Blonde Con9olt'. Regularly $299.95 With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 PHILCO 21" Console with Golden Gritl Tuner. Regularly $339.95 With yotLr old TV NOW bNL\' $219.95 ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8·-3437 46c-l8 l.:HICACO -· ···-········· $611 1--------------------------All Jo'1.re11 -P h-1• Tax 124 \V. Ocean Blvd., L . B. H I-; ~-64 1 ~ --NJo:v. 6·46J."J Santa Ana. 117 I::. Jrd Kl 3·8361i IX--llffouty Aid• Superfluous Hair Perinancnlly re1no~tU Crom 11..::e &M'll&, 1ec1.. l!)'ebrow• and half Lille l.h•ped-No more twffslnf . ELJ..EN L. BRYANT R. E. Udo'• Salon of Beauty Hu. U 71 '" 22--Loilt and Found l.OST ln C.D.M. blondf-tortolH 1htll rim. rt'ading kl•Mfl.. Pr•· •~riptlon Jen.. l !i reward, r eturn to 212 J••n11ne. 41'1c47 LO!-\T in Balbua. L...dlu Waltham 1>1h•cr wri~I watch on Spidel band. Reward. Ha.r. '03· "'· .,, China Painting O..y II.lid C.«1111&" a.u... O~r• TUtn Now PbOM Llbarty 8·6'141 18--81.tuaHou Wanted f4ll• REL IA BLE J APA.NESE- AMERI C AN WA N T S GARDENING lN HAR- BOR .AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYA'IT 4.5471 ""'° Swedish Massage l.a<tle•, by appo!ntmfnt le yuur home. Forrn•rly m1.&1111U•e at An"owh,a d K11rin1t• Hotr l Pl-..1 ca ll H•rUOr •7111'1 or H l..fbot 70, • •~p!i8 CLEAN UP JOBS \'ard ,.ta1nte na.nct- Thr .... y•ar, .. •i"'r1tnc1 lhi~ lo• 1.\J ty. 1..1 9.3;:.1:1 PAINTING t4tlc BY li Ot;R llm•1l or h1r~l' Job~ ok Rta._,,n.,hl.-, r•t'"• ' PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs All new material patterns or hit and mi11 See our selection ot imported china, English blue, scer.-:ry and vine & wheat in brown. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. MAIN ST., CORONA MOVING .ABOUT JAN, li t INTO CORONA 778 NEW BUlLOINQ WE HANPLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE CHRISTM.A S T REATS -A new Han1mond Ch ord Organ for the l••hflle family. Everyone MO M, DAD. BROTHER, SISTER c•n play lt, It"• llO e.••Y· lt you can rtnr a doort..11 you can play lht Hamn1ond Chord Or· Ji:&n. 1211. a rnvnth p1.y1 ror 11 Wa deliver ror ChrUtmu . DA NZ·SCHMJDT, 020 N • .Ma.in. Sant.a Ana. 1-:1.E<·rnu.: t•~•n n1~unt••.I (i n ~I)"· """voxl Ill J> .-.n 1!~1 •••!•• 4:0• I; \l'LT A l'\Jj JrH.~. in hr1 i ·n•1~t· 1 n1:i~ ~l•Wk1n~ I"' l>' •· u1 1.11u r·· JI. K 1 ·. ll•·;:-th&tt\fJ Un •lOt'k ,, ,, ~-16 .• 1 ',,, l "I ,, I I'""" I n1<'n\ 1; .. t7 I STANOAR.O 1114 lkhwlnn fl.Ctr typii bikr. 3 yr1. old, hand br&kl! 4 Hr ht Good cond.Juon. 127.Ml. Ha.r. 4342. 461.:t.8 CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! LOVELY ,..ed Harnmond S111n,.l In p.trteet condltlon. 811 .a1·1n111 Dl:MONSTR.A.TOR modl'I. Min· 1.h1ll Spinet orran-llka n1w .- S1.v1 ,f 200. Clearance - Or ~I"" IHI Xr11>1.11 1\e,,11. (i 1,l,J1r!I\ ~uru on• I l•llle "' cl\Jllr ... 1 •. ,j, -~. ro<lt •'r• .,. to tdr••ll". •l•·lt ti..,l,.o. r1l•ll"1' "'' /\ '"" ~l'l<'h'fll •pll~ '"'""" 1~. •~t~•I' ' I•· 1 ·~r uur la y l lA I} I'''" w!:lf ·h '"l<o•,',J 21";1 ll .. 1!1·1• < .It I.I k 1 ~1 '. ... r " ~1 .. ,-tn.. bruil,r Ir -"l"' f l.Ibo-rly 8·27Z2 --------------f ""'''I lln•'f •20 Hllt ~~ill .,.,,,.; ~·11111s·r:'>li\S T \\1-:ATS 29-llf'lp_"~~~------I T h.-·'" i, l'.:\"l/\\L.11'.L! in "''t J.~.11 •nn<11 . l'orkn\• lo 11.•Jiti,.nn l IHiJ!l!M' It.cal ~state Rah~aman SERVE L Refrigf'rs tor 5 1 ~cu. ft .. left hand d oor $89.50 KEL \'INA TOR 8 tu. ft. tie luxe R1tfr1gerlltor . $99.50 J.~ENMORE wringl"r washer df']Uxe ·-············ ...... S-l~.00 EASY SPIN ORIE:R, d C'luxe modt•I $.'ifl.50 WESTINGliOUSE electric rango'. lalt> modf'l $99.50 L & H elect ric range. deluxe moJ1•\ ................. $99.50 ALL t:l.AltA:"TE:ED V.'ASHING J.tA(."H(:\"F.S. Al"TO).tATll; ASJ) \\"HINGER TYP!Cll SEV~:HA l. Tl) HELE''T FHO).! ALL REASONABLY PRIC'ED -BUlJCt:T TF.ll).IS-FR!i:E OELJV. KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 East 4th St. Santa Ana Kl 2-2336 ~ __ 1_1,_1~P-~-·-·~_l_NI _____ . 1SO--MIKCt'llaneoua GIRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our ntw, hlgh•r 11tart1n1t \lo'aga 1.11d frequent 1nr~.11 .. ,.,11 g1\·~a r o u \h~M opP<Jrtuniry. O~nlng1 now tor - TELEPHONE OPERATORS "'e will tn1.Jn you and you'll ra· celve many olh,r bene!lta. -Apply - a14.1r;i No. Main Strr.et, Rm. 211. .Santa Ana. 9 00 to 4:00 p. m. P ACIFIC T ELEPHONE ARE YOU TIRED OF -FIGHT ING TRA1''FlC CROSS· TOV.'N M.ARQUf.:T!'P.: Arc Wtldt.r. tnawJ 3 hp A ir f'on1prf-•110r, 220 Voll 1111 11:11" ph&11r. See at PATCH"li 17th St. 1l Pla(entla. LI 1·7llOI. "'' CO.\lf:T 14 r&<l!al aaw on 2 whtel tr11.lhW Model J R nMrl)' ntw. Le11.1 1h11.n ha.1.t onctnal (oat. K.I 2·7932. 4&:47 NEARLY NE\\' laV01'10r)', a..r,.. rofl.•l,r. nl'w drip ootr ... m.ak_., .. If!<:. Vf(etable c::ooker , delll: amp • nun1erou• kitchen ltMna. lA•ll<'• w .. 1trin1t apparel lltM tt. A n,.w perfun1•&. 170 W. 17th St., C. M. Uof,7 KATEY DOANE Nearly New .Apparel for w omen and children. \\"p .Jo 1.U k inda of 1.ll1.raU~ :!;21 E Cout Bl•·d., Kl.ndai.l•Patfo. -LOSS OF PAY 1-'0R VACA· , __ c_·,_,,._,,_,_•_•_1"_1_M_•_'·-----'°""'-- TIOSS 1 · -ROUTINE INS IDE \.\'ORK -NO CHANCE 1-"'0R ADV A.'-:CJ;. MENT A pply 103(1 £. ~"'ir1l St. S&llta A.na, l\ton. 10 Jo~rl., 8 :30 •· n1. to 4 .00 1i. in. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -Hu lnte.r,.t•ng uut · fl f · doon1 Job& for high llChO<JI gr•duate.• 18·41i '""Ith wrnr 1ut•;t1-.n1cal 1.vutud,, :.O·d•Y. t o l1r. """"k. t6c~ Fresh Hearing BA 'ITJ:JUE!t Aid Wa OJ•a UH Oraa.a Bt.auapti Gunderson Drul? Co. M•1n St. 1..t 8&lboe. Bl•d. Balboa Harbor l'lta. MUo S l!:Ll1 ON TERMS 1~1'. D ELlCAT&.'18ENeu..,Jla(). UN I-: 15 tL r•fr1r .. 11.tar -· .... l :'>O. UN~; l•rl:"e con1inrtc. r rfr1c. 17.\. I SCAl.1'.:S. $8~. I UONOOl..A 12:\. C1 1J o,.·n"r LI 8·11223 mom1n1• ur al\.,r 6 pm, IHJc --------------1 UPRJi.>HT ••a.:uun1 E l..ctrf•·lly· Beacon Personnel K'ne. ill 1.111u'hn,.·nt•. l "Ai l:u,. 1 l OO ~ii employ~r ttta1ned ~~<_"_'_1°0 _,_,_.,_._3~2·_'_'·_. __ •• :. 4~ •Kenc:y S ANl .,\ A~1\ Tl-:r-.·T & 1\\\'NI:\"r ; :-\"-T \ ..l.'i \ l 'I~'< 1" '''"' .-1 ~· ·,1·. \\ 11 ~;~ 1.11,\/il.11\\ Ul<'t\l In"• ! \' ! I • j, ' I 1 11!~>· ,I, I • II '·~, • '. 1 .. 111 ' , •11 "" !• \I , ('Q_ 111 • . ' ' " ti i.; f • >I( :--\I 1 ., " •I•' "I l " ·" ! I,,,, I ,. 1\ J''•I• ll• ''" Tt•ol ~· J' ll•I' I '-•· " ,,,, • ·I ·~·I -'".: ' "' .. 11 ", ,, ' , '" I.' 11 ~ I • ' ' I'•~'! ' ' ' I•·· •. DA Vt::Sl'UHT 4 rh•ir . a:<>ull c .,n. d1!1>111 '"~· \\nn~''' l)f>• Wil ~h· .. , i 10 !Jinrl le ... l Jll llh"• .. ~ s;;;. l.l 8·7098 vr l.J tl ·JUJU ~7, .• o Smoll Roney's Appliance Repairing 1l ~ll 1 :1.,.1 '" j, n ,1'111<1\I'" i;Jll (/ry•r 1\1·.,1 Jl'l'·•t··' , 1g u1\111n Hrg. .. '~··'· "'· !-> 1!• r r1•,. Sltlt 11:<.. I , •. 1 .µ.r, .. n :-Oq .io.,.·n. 2 19 I' '" l"")'·'nt ''"''* 111:.1.1. ! IU:f>"-~i •"I. )ol I \., ~I·'"• '"''.' ·•' ,, 111 ;:, :-.°:""I'""\"""· " ~·· !,, 1• '' 1~•j~'""'r """.j I, • ••' I ,, • . I• .:• .• !11• • I I~· !•1 ·'"'"'''"!hr •l•ot•• A-•II ••'I • •·~' l(•~r .. nt ... t1ul1'11'1J.! 1 .. I, d•"ll 1r •II• 111 1..J K b>' .... ,,, ' 1 I •I< 'nt .. 1 '"II:\ •l n .. •I 1'1 ,,,,,. 1:,1 •I''" 10 116i1't . -.~, .. :11 .,1 ~l••Y "r ~: ... 11l ltt l t1on. 1..;r ..... r l•.•t .. • OOLtvn1 11 .... 1 I ,. c •• ' I I< ' ' I •~• .. •<' Bu II( I I" '., ... •l"IL)" ~ ''""•1 r"ll ••! f•,r A l~o ••lol ·i ~•h 1n11~d 1'-t" ~.!1 \\"HYSITLJl';t:>.FROG ('!n llo:>«' rn11ng•r1 f"r).n111.• 11.11 G.f!•."1 l.111•1 dRlk '''"\\•fl•· A 'II r1;1 ·\11"l;r 11,~··""l••>·•1•'1•·i.J~'• \\'' .. rt '"""'"'' un<~ .. r ""'oth 1'•1.1•· __ 4 J•i~ 1,.;)" or 1i .. 1.ut1ful ~11rl •H • '" 1•. ,.,, , J .. •"• 11 ·1.,,1111 1,1 J II • 11 q "··• '•t.,l•C i • \I ' lo•• t r.::1: )!.,',~17 l"'\1. ~'" "ur oftirl' a nd rf'll<I MA:O.::,; 1ulJ<'r •k"t .... ,,.,. Ir '• A-t11u1r1 l! f.,r }'<>ur '""""" nr,,1 llo tl•'lt :•"!I .l[,,0r.,r111 , ''"'' 011r r l"lmm!,..u,n contract \'uull j ·~•" l.1un"I rl .. clt" t1 .. ir1 ""'II '•'1tJIP~ 4 '"'~ be ~l ad yn11 1ti.·1 T ho-re !~ no· tw •)'• g .. H ("lul!to 1.1 fi.:J~,• .:11~: ~./\\.OH,. 11 ,\h:~: 1'!1111• 1--------- tntng lolte our vfftt .. ,.y .. ·tier.. 1,, ... ,.. J,l.1' ;,; { .!\ •c .. ·y ! • • .. ~ ·I .. ! \J ,., Kni'tters J'01U!.l\"rly Jt1 \l'T\"l '"'""to •Lr!r tl)' i'\~Tbvr :.. d • ronf1<l•nt1,.1 \\ . ., 16re • nlct1•btr IJ:,~ F1.'lt 1.."IJ AT. ,,h1\ <'On•t11:·1n j 1~ .. 1; of Mll1Up1' 1.1•t1n,i: ( S .~ Harbvr 32,11!1 ti;.·'~ l u JHL S !•r;:" _,,.~ b.ryrl~. 12:. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Seven lslond1 Reolty & Inves tment Co. 110:\ 32ru1 Sl , ·"'"""J><ltl B .. 11.-t>. Calif Har. ~868, aftt'.r !i pm Har 22!tJ·J Gh .. 11y 1i .. r1 1jtJI •lie, (Jn11r~· UILO ~A "•l.'>1.;s lltl .p, ... , .. 1 :-.rln•• l ltlf) H~r 2Pel "'8<-47 p1:i nu• 1111.hnl(tony, "~In 1\ \\"Er.f·r,).11,: ''' 111.v n~ .. •h"r ,., "''" •n an I '" p llll" l''HI I !·•\' Ul<I ·,•111 n ..... ~ 1.1r ,,.,1.1J,.,,,.r1 r.111: fl 1""1·1 knit ! •r ••r ... in ~• 11 .. •·11J lie •~ 1 r•w 1··11 Sit N' Knit HI I lt !•.I l :,\'j"IJ I\ '.,•, '''· \\ ···1 llo:'.l><••i , •••• ··!J '"" •. , ,,,., l.J It .• ~l\u nl1 •-r ll I'"' 4llc t 7 <!h••f'1 ~t. Mf'rn:t .:D11 r .. n1>• Hr:.0!> •I• l""''" 11.1<1,r.; t• ''·" c.1 .. 1 """ •II ,, ,, ,. ~.i.loilc ,,n l•·r•. l11 n1p k o( "·"U ••I•'·' l•Ulrl. o '11'1' " I 11! 1""''·' I I ""I '""y ,I Tl),.!1\t"·,.-\ fl"n,;: t11tn•r• r"·'I >:~~· !Mk .. •••·~r t : •""II'•• t ,..,tu \hr H•nk ,\o i ..... • fr 11, .. b•I ,·,r 11:,; 'I~ u nty 1• •)' s; 11:1 per nor.nth N n f••h Mortolt on Trial 8.ANTA .A.NA -O.C. If - (OCNI' -~ ol ~ • 121.Jt qua ch.a In N,wpor1 HARBOR 1818 ter •pr1"1.dln1 . Modrm equlp- Jolla. F r ee e.t1m 1.1e.. Aleo ,..... 39tr.:: I ml'.'f'll. 1.L11.tncton 8-4008. 0 11.1-------------- mor• • Pace. Huntlfll"1 on lkh GOOP "f'pnrtun1t" '"'' hill tlm"", ltk,ly to rind n1ap!t. blon•l!l and t•1<'r'I• II l 'r" \"ln(l&I <"&•<:"•. LlbPr•J lt~·Jr.• Conv .. nlflnl term-•t SHAFE!tS •Sltl\1' 1ioo;, 421 ·423 !'/. s r c-..i•tir ... ~""'" Ana Phone l<lmt,,.rly 2·0fli2 31 l F: H.11lh<>n 32!fl' GIRl.S ~h"'"' ,.k11:r• ~-"' r ll•n! ,..,,.. d1t1••n 51'1 ll arf~.r 1 1~: 1\ ti•' "l~.t ~ly '"IUlty fr •r. •"'! 1.riy · lir•,. l ••;o "r ~;,,. 1Jt 144 1 \Ao·. f l••plill<'I, 1 t!Ani;:r 1 ·~11 ('f'lll•l I "~: ~.~.~17 Mo.t Real Ettate 8-cli oo Ort. n , RoUa.nd C. Mot-Oualfled .Ada ton. J 4. •ha P"• hi. add~ .. ....._ l N\o\ 4.2nd I L, Newport 8Mc.h '"'" New1-PreM publi-h•• M•· · t r&l Um1.1. •• m1..11y nte\ r1t&tl' WU an tn.I ~ toa., ln 8Uptir1or ciu.1fl•d A dtl M aJ1 OU'lft" l<X:.&i Court ~t. I-MortM .....-te4.t.}' I papt1r1 combined pl..9Md 1. b&d rh9C:.._ tn MMllne• HARBOR 1616 Sl"'rt•"· .. ar, S.lboa. Ill/(. "lt:l'rnenr M orr'"'"" !'\nl1on a l· t•ntt1n1 3113 I': I ;th St. C'oJta ).! .. J.A. 4:"1c47 Jennen Plumbing Repa.ir w ork. a apecially -\\'h•\ht r you are !n buo1n•&1 t or '~rater htalfn on tfme p1.}·ment1 YOUrAC'lr ot work ror "°"1ton~ .. 1..,, 28111 Nrwporl Bh·d . ~ewporl you can ua!l lhe clu11l1td ad• to / l\eacl'I. Har. 1i3~. Rt• HAr.1 )''1Ur •llvan!ac; .. ln •rlt ynur 1et · •3t 7·J, t 7c&OH. j ,.,c;,,, rroduc .. or m .. r.~ ... ,.,1,...- "'hlr /> pevpla read tor cJ11uu lf!t d 1.dv•rtl11nii: - Th• :-;,w .. Prr~• TIIE ENTIRE FAJ.tlLY "'Ill an.Joy • tine full 11~ or porta ble typtwnter. Pr1ced rmm 121\ Economy Office Equipment Co. lf)!I !:. 3rd St, Kt t -31111 •let.II ·c-----,, ... ""•~h n"• 111tony '""''·I~ • l\IP.rr)· f'hrl~lH••ll •ii! lltopry ..... r""" r ... , C HARLJ>; l •A\"l.S ~ '"" pl1 1"~" ,.,, I •I V•• A•• 1qu" :.rh,J• l8f1~1 t: An•he1m St . l. H I HE g.~n;:lt t 7r •lil •·l'i J.l;ht fr·,.,.~,.r f\J r. l1IXC'1Jt'S T ,.r lo\ I 3·1~•13 .-.. 11 .. rit -..·uhinr: 2ii;t . "j .::u IL &ll· l t flO. A'-o • '>nt\ltlon machine. 6 11tuv1. Har. . .. ,. . • • PAGE 2 ·PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 41-AatG Sen•k:e LARGE 14 FT. REFRIG-• WEONESOA y I DECEMBER 21, 1955 FREEZER 40-Aat4'11 ud Tracka COMBINATION I REG. SELLS FOR $579.95 I * * s LIKE NEW NOW S185 I DELUXE GAS DRYER & AVE * * AUTOMATJC WASHER I WOULD SELL NF:W for $600 1 RE-BUILT, AS GOOD AS NEW $189 95 ALSO S ELECTION OF GOOD USED REFRIG'S FROM $19.95 & UP. TERMS TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES 1937 Ha rbor Blvd. LI 8-5:19' Go11ta Meu t 7c•9 32-FuAlture for Sale ------ BEDROOM SETS 6 .l 9 DRAWER druaer, mirror, bookcan headboard, from $59.60 TWTN Msple bed with mattreu & box 1prlng. only . $69.50 es. 8 6 9 ORA WER maple dreuC'r. with minor. from . $79 00 Living Room Seta Modern & Maple at the -. $ S S Grand Opening $ S S of s s s To be Mark Downing's ·New Used Car Lot s s s located at Highway the intersection of 39 and IOI 1n Huntington Beach Our s Be Main Attraction Will Top Quality Used Cars A High Trade In A V No Down Payment V E E s A8 NlCE A LINE a.11 you would l\Jld a.nywhere. With our low overhead y11u·11 bf' 1urprlaed how much we can .ave you. Ple&ae take a look. It wlll pay you. OOOD TERMl!!. llETArL FURNITURE BROKERS * * Mark Downing Ford * * O,.n J'nday Eve. KI !-2'38 Srd at l!lpurseon Santa Ana •Otte 225 Filth St. Huntinet.on Beach Lexington 6-2M6 GREEN Frelu couch, nearly new. Harbor 288!. t~cH DUNCAN PHYFE LYRE TABLE M-Mualc&l. Radio, T v and t chalra. Har. •70t. •8c48 OUR GREATEST CHl'USTMAS A T'l": Antique OWnera TR.EA T8 -8tt>lnway Orand mt(Tilflcent rondHlon Thia won derful pla.no almoet llkt new, can be bousht on 3 yean tlmt Knabe Spinet. ebony t lnllh Ulled ver y Hltle, .. ve over $300 Dozen• of other little 1plntlll 45d7 IO-Aatoe Uld TJ'UCka SALE OF SALES YEAR END CLEAN UP USED TRUCKS I Repair CHINA, GLASS A BRIC·A·BRAC Many can polltlvely not be WE HAVE HAD THE told tTOm ntw. Some only 1390 DANZ • SCIDllDT Bir Plano BEST YEAR IN 25 and Oraan Stote. 620 N. 1'latn YEARS OF SPECIAL· Sa nta Ana 100 Planoe. &1-.nor O'Kttf• 8522 Walker JAebon 7-2777 CYJ>reAa tf I BUY AND SELL EARLY AMERICAN cut, rolored, pattern f lllM-Prt{"lllv .. -An- Uqu1 furniture and fine chlna. THE BIG OLD RED BARN E FIRBANK Kl 3·32U 13381 Harbor Blvd., O a n1an Oron 3~lh CHRISTMAS TREATS Hammond Organ u11ed. ont> only, beaulltul Hammond Spinet. &lorloua tor the home, perfect condition lllu new. generou• .saving· on tll111 ont. AIM! one only fine Hsm- mond Chord OrJan. That ia all, Such buy1 a re a.lmo•l lmpoa· a1ble to nnd. DANZ-SCHJ.t!DT P ia.no and Orru Co, 5%0 N . Main St , Santa Ana. HA \'IC limited capital lo 1nveat u working U llOCIAte, In any-~Dogs, Oat., Pete tlllnr conc-erninc boat.a. Write Box w.90 Cari or thta pa~r SIAMESE kllten1, purl' bred StO. 411~7 Houa• broken. Liblrty 8·7024 -------------•5c•7 C:ARVER Craft JO ft. 1pud1ter. r~mote control whttl, ca r top load~r. Almo~t 11ew. 1 13:1. SH after 6 p. m. -301 Cal&llna Drive al rt>ar. 43tfc 28 rr. OOUBL.ll ENDER. Oood hUIT. T motor, a .. a l 209 Udo Penlntul&. Wiii conllldt>r lr~e for auto or what have you f Har. 297&-600 31 wt St 45<.'47 11162 J'ORD Cuatom 2 dr. R .tr H. OD. Muat !tell. '780. 2124 Miramar, BalboL H•r 4132-W ~lf'r ~ e: '!'· 46<'47 49 FOUR OR 82 CADILLAC. 11ew paint, WW tlrH, uphol1tn· Ina u r r pttona lly clean. nma g n<Wl, $1 39!1 cull Harbor 71"W\ U tfc l WlLL BHAR.El UP*l\IU on U· tendld crul.M, preferably auxll· Ol..DSM0 81LES ll&ry aall, Wrlta Box W-90, I CHEVROl..El'S IZING IN THE SALES OF MOTOR TRUCKS. DURING THE BAL- ANCE OF DECEMBER WE WILL TAKE ANY DEAL ON A USED TRUCK THAT IS REA· SONABLE TO CLEAN OUR LOT OF OUR P R E S E N T ST 0 C K. OUR STOCK INCLUD. ES PICKUPS, PANELS, ST AKES AND DUMPS. ALL MAKES AND SIZES . DO NOT MISS THIS SALE IF YOU -ARE-IN NEEO OF .TRUCK EQUIPMENT. W . W. WOODS GMC DEALER SIO·lll E 4th St . S8.11ta Ana care t.b.1a paper. 46pH USED C ARS LAi e modi' I•. l 99:rn A II rrlru Truc:k headquarttn for Orange Co l O FT. SAILBOAT -Ntver httn lnllud•nc tran11 on S.'> t (I 1Jl waler-U 8·11311. 45c4i chooae f rom with an OK ('hp,·· Grant w. Mus"1ck rolrt Jllar~t~e 700 Co a• t C'fL\..)(PION t..hman dlnithy No •· Dacron Mila A trajler vovd cond.ltlon, U ll-0. U 8-7244 4'\948 H•i hway. Mllt.r Chev. co Your H udson Dealer LI 8.2161 JOE VAN NOY I SALES and SERVlCE H e:i7 1 253 N. Loa Angeles KE5-7278 JACl "AR 53 Roedattr 18.000 1 mllf't1. new t ubt'IH• tlrt•. R.ttH A n•hetm 42 lfr \\'1\V Price 12 100. Brlll•h r a1 CRl'USTMAS TREAT s SlfJ.'\ Ser\'IC:e W 8_.771 '41'4i )6 MERCL'R\' MONTCL.Affi L"PE buya hrv~ly Baby Grlllnt1 1:1u1y .,ll"ST -M~rcomatlc drtv"'. many ,..~tru • ,, ,. SEU-IU O UNCOL..._ had It 4 m'>nlh~ Just r f'C'tl' er1 tfrml. Another .,4,.f) ~fany ""ardor Spar• motor p••••, ,.._,. K b s K I r ~ -... vuvu OVl'rttu <>M"r" $26:'>0 111 ~~ler1M: na he. 9t"1~nw!ly nt Im· work ca r with l<'P carrier brlnr; Via Dijon l..11'0 Isl" H11r 41170n _., onarr • A .. win. .... 11rr. • I Ma.on -" lfs mlln . W1trlilt.f'• l!t1lt!'ry an(! dr t\'e It aw11v u: ~7,.4!1 l OO plano1 a lw11y1. J)A:"Z ·I ~l·:l~~t St •t11r. 21178 45(4• 1------------ 8CHMlDT Blir l'lano 11 n<I Oq:an M Cl"STOM NASH AmbuHdor tO-A-Tlree & t>am lltor1, 620 :'\ M111n St . 51&nta R1>rk ~t rlke forru .. ,,. II -,.·)n Ana. I oltl 3200 mtlu . U llOO t"•ll 1 -Llbt'rty 8·46i4 46' 41! Our CBRlSTMAS TREAT Elect· ---- t ronto Orira.n. "'~11 knov. n makt', :13 Bl"ICK n uatlm1111ter ron\ln tlbl,. •ve $4$0, OA:"Z . !<MiMIDT.1 R A H. nrn•. pown braku. J'amoua Plano A Or~&n Sl<>re llll'llrlnto: w1ndowJ. Hiil• A new 620 N. Main. Sllnla Ana. I W11W 1"tn lp<I itlan $1700 60• 1 l'oln•t tl111. COM 471"411 ---------- New and Used TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES I Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN *with this ad * a ey1a. -··-$•8.88 8 Cyla. --··············-··$58.88 Include. both labor and parta. New rtna•. wn.t pine, vain rnnd. flttlnr• ot main and rod bear1nr1. Expert motor tune up tO-day or •.000 mile ruarantee !NO MONEY DOW~). REBUILT ENGINF.S -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY Built In our own tactory by akUled rnachlnl11t1. Don't c-ontend with th• middle man. Buy• dlr4'ct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ......... ·-················-··-$129.00 CHEVROLET .. ··········-·····-$149.00 PLYM. 6 DODGE ···-··---··--$100 CHRYS. 6 DIC SOTO ···-··-··· $170 STUDEBAKER .. . .............. U 70 OLDS 6 PONTIAC 6 ·······-··· $170 BUlCK -·--··-····-··-··-········-$170 HUDSON ·············-··················· $170 Loan Car ,_ Free Towlne NEW CAR GUARANTEE BIO<'k must meet our atandarda Pha taxu, guketa and oil Open Sundsy 10 am. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA SARVER FUR BRAKES Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 311Jt.St., Npt. Bcb. OFFERS ,.. Delightful living. Apt.-Caba.nu. Utilltiea pa.id. with Yacht aUp accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, ye&rly. For appt. or reaervation, C&ll Har. 2992. 34tfc 48A-Apt.,. for Rent RENTAL v, SPECIALISTS eau Edna Crair Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Manna Ave. ~aJboa Iala.nd, Bar. 1671 T2tto 488-Homee for Rea& NEWPORT BEACH, turnlahed - Modern 2 bedroom houae, near bualneaa A: bcac-11, by year or month. SY T-8008. U r 46 BALBOA I SLAND rum. •tttllt'- Uve 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, com- pletely carpt>ted. Thermo. hi'& t, CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL 3 B. R. HOUSE, 1 ~, bath. Pro- tected patio. Exel. locatioll.128,700. IRVINE TERRACE. $5000 will handle. Almoat new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 batha, in.a.Ide BBQ. Drap- eries, stov('. fuHy landscaped. Low price. BAYSHORES A 'ITRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· t.ected patio. Owner anxioua for oUer. .Aaklng $28.000 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertie&. Har. 1 775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt t-e222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. ot!ice, Hu. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Charming Harbor Haven Apartment• • Patio1 flrepl&c• lovely tropic•! patla.1'--------------------------- NJ:W • ROOM, atnet level. Near achool1, ahopplnJ dlatrlct. Quiet. ple&.11ant, exclu..lve. Garbage dla- poao.I, laundry, atorare roome, 1ar11e. $82.110 up, Occuplea en· lire atnet. Cood aupervlalon. Mer. 11101 Haven Pl•c• ·1 Block South or Hlch School ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RATES llUc TWO BJ:DRM. APT. rum . ,ar. Wlntu rental. See a.tter 6 p. m . 131-U th St., Newport Buch. '1tlc * * * $UO mo. till June 1:1. Watrr pd Harbor 4000. -l:lcH "LIDO ISl..E, 3 bedroom•, 2'i bath home, on annual bR1u1. Slip for •O fl. boat, use ot 18 ft. Viking runabout power bost, 2 car &'ar., beauti(ully rurnl11h· ed, ahrub1. $700 per month. Inquire at H Balboa Cov~s. N1wport." 38tfc $70 MO. Two bdrm. house1 furn 2009 MJramar Dr., Pcnlnaui. P oint -W inter rental - C, G. BEARDSLEE, 72• Luton Dr. Glendale 6--Ph. Cltrua 3-6316. 32tfc M-Money to Loan LOANS for Homes 6" -20 yr, Loua Construction Loans SEE BOB &A'ITLl:R ~1:1 EAST COAST BLVD. ron.a. dcl Mar Elarbor 8888 ~p. POUUEP. MURTOAGZ CU Metro Lile Lna. Fund• IO. 3-~18) •8uo NO COMMISSION OCEAN FRONT 2 OCEAN FRONT LOT!'! S15,400 tor both. 'lo t1own. Siu llOIH\. 1 OCEAN j."RONT LOT '78711 Cl\Jlh Size 30 x Ii!! ('0STA MF:AA LOT AO x 290, gond lo<'11llon, $3300 I llAh RAL.AOA TRlPLEX-Clo.1 to OCl:AN and BAY. Goot1 lncnme. ,Ju&t $3000 down-lf rm11. Lmo ISLE (IN OR.ANOE COUNTY 17 YRS) ENJOY LIVING on the Ocean Bonded Draku-t whula $11.96 Front. Kitchenette apt•. 6 rma. FOR LEASE. 3 br .. 1 bath home at 213• National. $9!1 mo Leu it couple only. P. A. PAL.MER. INC. LI 8·0073 or Har. 1!100. No Appraiaa.l Fee SALES -REFINANCE CONSTRUCTION Call for Free Faat Commitment. ON A !14x88 FT LOT -over 2000 1q ft . 3 bcdrm .• 2 bath home, 11nd \"rry large pa tio. Juat l'Om· plett>ly rtt1ecor &led $29 tM>. - Good ltrm1. W41 have the kl'y. lnat&llaUon .......................... .99 with private bath. Mald aervlce. TV. 23ot W•t Ocu.n i'ronL on Rcatdencea and Unit.I only $12.911 Tu .48 YOU P AY NO MORE ........ $13.tJ SARVER MOTORS BRAKE SERVICE IC. lST AT GRAND SANTA ANA Aller The Cruh Jt"a Too Lale 29ttc U-Tnllen * PORT ORANGE * TRA1LER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W, Coast Hiway. Newport Buch LI 8-«20 •55.311• Kit·C\l•tom 2 br. 1u•e $1000 "116·• l ' P ara.mount l br blf diac '55-111' Travtlue. A beauty $88~ 'M·All modela-.. 11 1lse1 on dl•play We nHd cJean uat'd trade-i..na. PAN AMERICAN Paramount-Ken•klU Traveleat~Terry SOttt NEW 2000 lb. cap. uUUty at.el traller wllh oak rack Tarp-- Hitch e.nd atAnd. 814 J u mlne, Corona del Mllr t&pt8 41-Want.ed to Bent Rentals Wanted We n~ apta and tiou.aea lD al ae<llona tor both "11lw and )'rar'a 1-. rum. or WI.tum.. U you ha•• • •acanCJ, phon1 lod&,J Tb&-V ogel Co.- 1101 W. CaL Hwy~ Nawport BU. Piion• Uberty W.11 208 Martnt. BaJbOe laland Pbon1 Ha.rbor •+. 2M7 E. Coul H)'., Corona dtl lll&T Phone Ha.rbor 1H1 Lido Ottlce. 3t 18 Via Lido tla.rbor •&71 1702 Newport Blvd., Coat& McH Llbrrty 8·1'>397 tic Ha.rbor 6001. * * * LARGE 3 bdrm. turn. duplex apt. canal tront&Je 1mall boat dock • aa.r. $90 mo. w1lh uUI. tlll July l Ha.rbor 3~7-W or U 8_..14. 4~H A TIN: EASTERNERS ! ! NEWPORT BEACH, 1 bdrm. furn. apt. Oa.r1cre. near watt>r. Owner pay1 water. $62.50 mo. Call Liberty 8· H09. t 6Uc CHANNEL FROJliT tum yrly. rent&ta. Studio ioo mo .. 2 b<.11111 186 mo. or $80 untum. ALSO extra tr. 1 bdrm. a pt. modem, now redtco,..ttnc $80 -Lua t or winter, Dock avall.415 38th St, Newport Beach. 47f:>*9 H c-49 BALBOA wtnl~r rental. Cozy 3-rm. turn. cottage. Cloae to Bsy A: 11hopping renter. l :'!O mo, ulll. pd. H.ar. 307 attcr 2 30 p.m . 46\·411 '8C-TraUer_s ...... ~.__ ___ _ LAROE SPACES 26x66. l'\O CHG . for chlldren on pt"rm. bul1. 160 ft. from 1toru. Blvd, End SfM\Ct a vail. U 8-7695. •Otte •&-Room.I for Rent l..A DY alone hu room In nice horn• tor employed lady. LI 8-~184& Z91fC BALBOA PEl<INSULA R oom with private ba.lh It enlrance. Apartment bwldinf. Har. 2H10. 33~rc ROOM tor worklnc ma.n. $6 1rnd Don I. Huddleston li3 E. 17th SL Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. COSTA Ml::SA LI 8-~u Ll 8-6~2 503 32nd $1 . l'>tWf"()tl UeAr h Hu !I 611. 11ftt'r II rm Har 22113·J REAL E.STATE LOANS lntercst Rate 5-51 \! % Lot.n.1 quickly nw.Je In the Hubor ArtA. L11i;una llnJ <.:v><la M"l!a . Singl,. or mulllrle uniu. Ntw I or old. Be Wille 8.Jld 11Bve by re- flna.nclng your pt "llt'nl luan M1n1mu111 expenl!I' 20 yur temt tf <let11tl'tl, No rhnrge for pre· l.J1n1111•ry eppr1J11al. Kl :1°'933 ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgace ~an Corrupondtnt OccJdenlALI U t e l.Murance Co. G33 South M.&.ln Sana Ana pp Attention Investors! PRICE REDUCED For qullk action on U11a bu11ln- property. 2 modern butldln11• on 63' x 137' lot Lhal should lea.a• or n-nt tor a tuta.I oC at l.aat $2~! f"'r month. l'll'nty uf toom for eapanalOn. Adf"<IU•I" J>llfk· lnjt. t.oCllt<·iJ In th•· fUlN l rrowlng· part of Cona w ..... right In thr hurt uf • laree. nl'w 1hopplnJ r•nter. When thla .. t;OM •• thffl'a It' A pprox i11.000 c ... h down required, Call owner Wbt'rty 8-e223 momlnp or after 8 p m t.tc NEW modem unfum 2 bldrm. apt. with r ar•se. yearly -209 6 211 allth St., Newport Buch. '7c $7 per week. Pr1vat1 entrance. 60·A ·Commercial, lnduslrlaJ CLIFF HAVEN 121 23th St, Newport ppttc TWO Bll:DRM. rar•~• a pt. (un· ------------- furn. I yrly. rental $.)II mo ... a OHt--PHONl!: Har. 0633-M. 4 7c49 ~ ____ to_ree __ a __ •_ • 11Cel9----- CORONA DEL MAR atudlo apt SM.ALL OP'll'JCl!l tor rtnL Bult- lum. lnclud. utll. $~!! mo. yrly. •bl• rca.l Mt.all or ln•ura.nc:-e LI 1-203t . Ava.ti J an ht. 47~9 '19 Balboa Blvd. Call Hu. •7111 34lfc GOLl.11::~ OPP ORTI:NITY 711'11M fl. on N . Main 1trl'tl. near F.1t. -Eanta A na. Rlre for develnp- m1·nt ot 1tore11 or -.pta Qpo<1 0111. er hOu11, Could rfnt to rarry or converted to ottlcn . Some t radt •C'ceptable. $42,:ioo. l'RlCE REUL't'E U BEAUTffl'L Cl."STUM BUlLT Vl..E'f HOME on K1np Plac•. 3 l:>edrme . 2 ti.ttle. Uv1nc room hu huge t trtpla<:• 6 •lld!q &lua door1 openlnf lo 1ncloald pa llo c1111tnm rtr•J'4'• A v.· w, carpeting F'. A. hut, dtaPQNI. OCEAN VIEW deluxe l bedroom rum. apt. 2"20 M•r~erite. C..11 owner Harbor 47. COSTA MESA. for aale nr leot I t:i. fan, aah loucttpllle r ab1ntUI, NE F C H ,4M •'I ll nf 11pare In 3 ntw :l y ni ohl USLY $18 9~1. $6~ • W Q fl ES butlt1inr;s w .. 11 hghtf'd, 11111.!'1" dn owner Llberh• 8-7811'1 t 6rH parklnK nr l1111<llng ap11r,. C 11n ___ _ l..AROE dehae unturn. 2 b<lrm. 2 bat.II a pt. Stov• 6 retrlg. fur- nlahld. 109~ M&.rJUerll.e, Call owrter Ha.r. j7. e IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSINESS USE . Localed i.n - arbor tnvernn~co. B1dg. 30th & Newport Bh·d. Arll I ur mote Let!••ng al a pprox. LOW JJOWN LOT!'l 1c per fl. Xlnt. tf'rm• to right I S C-oela Ml"111 2 Iota. f\n x 13:\ buyt'I I n .c h. r. :l<tltl !olt. $11\oO 11111 UAR.. ~7-~ 1n11. rn~ t 1nno anwn EH~ call F.111TJ1 M noo~. TllRKF.: l<1h &3 x 136 n l'h ~: 18th II \"att 4 &22~ ~1 J HI 600 full price-2~·, tln NICE •PL rum., •IHP• • Ji>nry facility tor comfort-Pl.-..-nt ocun front dl1trlct. H:>-mo. Har.1600 lf LUlJ 8 0 \"l\'Tll:>\ lf1trlw1r 2'<71\ or I"•• Inc. ulll. Har . 4173-W. l71M ------------- W . Oc t an Front. Newport B USll"ltSS It H0~1f: 2 b< dt1n a.uh.. 47c'69 I home, plu~ 11\t-rronl c.ff1t" LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina rarkinr. l tlHl for de,. tor, rf'11I ut.at~. lnauranr·"· 1'1r . t•n l'•w- port Blvd. near 19lt\ St. e n.ta Meio.L Har. 61 :'>6 Htfc: ~:AHi.. \\'. STA!l;U:Y. H,.111t11r luy,.rlt' [11 ftO•I I 'uiuot lh,.)'. llOT SPOT VERY Nl;W I., •ST\ ,\IJ':l"A A J(f':A n('\\ fo f n1ol" l••l\Jlt>•I I" tl lt'"1<1 I ~n11111" Sh•m ~ .,,,.r JI\' on J>rlrl' of $'-'• "'"' t:ootl ll'rlT'• tn rlahC ltu~rr I ftll 53·A-Bost.oe. IW-DtalJI U)l ' Ill l \ :O-Tu:o>: \\II h JIAN A JACUBS .. :N Rrallllr lluhftr 5'\f•I or l.l~r1 ~ l\-&:.17 4"4. 41\ WAT~ 1u·R(l:-O:T 111 '1"1.Y.X IA wtr 211r 11, hftlh l'l'J'"r I fir anl'I ll11th II•'"'" Ir In• llm• llSl,Y S2'\ ''°'' llAHHOH l~Vl-:STME.._T C<l lfar 16!1() 1-·v,.,. ll•r UH J 46• 47 F"'1R !'ALF: ( •H rn -:NT I I F:\RI.\\ ST.A-.;1...-, I!· 11l>t Wall lo wall carpetJngo 6 r1rape.11, Cor. 19th It Plact'ntla. <: M. It'" ... , .. l>r 11 , ·., .. ,, lfv.\• 2 BDRM. DUPl..£X. unfum. garb. I C E. R~rrtJ.. deluie alovea FOR RENT two btlrm. homt' -Hu '.1211i ,,, 177,," • Jf H 2 a llltipon t. flreplsct . Acr'<l" trom Ellch Apl. ha.I pnvat" garafe lrtove 6 refrig, rum I lnrlwlc~ ---- •chool. C1•rnna (lei Mar SS!'J 1 TManta ha.ve tlnt mil for 11hp11. •tor • room & two offh .. 11ps"""· Avail J•n. I. Hsr. 4012-W or 1 One halt blk. to bUAlocq center. $IO<'I month. 0 1:\ will rf'nt •rpa-Ol-R4'al F~-~.!'.!!!'"Jt~ Hu W32 45c47 3408·12·18 A 'ZO Via Oporto nttly I otftre At I i!\ a n<I I at Choice Winter P.entals on Balboa Island & Ltdo Isle Small 6 cosy ur tare• 6 d1lua $7a to $300 mootb VOGEL CO. 208 1'tar1ne Ave . Balbv• lllallJ Ph. Harbor tH or Harbor 21:11 Ru. Har. l 78e-R or Har. 30!>9-M '4tro ATTRAt.II\'£ I 11nd 2 b<lrm. furn. ·11111te11 pa1r1. 1 or 2 C'hll<irt>n J..a11ndry room ll t. L" E T 0 P APT1 MOTEL 40!1 Newport Blvd. Npt. Besch, Jll~t abo"e the A rrhf11. 74tfc: Otflce Kar 1002 $00 monlh. Alao amall 11orf' SHiii CAPITOL GAIN aJter ~ p rn. U 1·21 71 mo. Call ownf'r ~rty 8..flni 4.k~H morning a or a!l<-r ~ pm • 9tfc CAN YOt' AF'F'ORU TO SELL" _S_e_a __ S_h_e-ll_A_p_t-s.-1 HARBOR Br..vo. rno~T AGF. ,,,,.. . ., Olrrerent L<1t 11t1on11 lit)\\" AHOLT I\ TKALJI':. lo11 m11n .. 2 BEORM. DELt:xi-; f"l:Rx One w1Lh Oft\rr , """ Wllh nun1:11- low McM&nui. JPIJ9 >l&tll' r LI 8-3333 •~•If, A PTS. To preferred tl'n&nt1 SIS~ & 11p. utll. lnc: 1220 W. Balboa Jllvd • .Sewport Bl'ach. 3~c~2h MONEY ! A~f'r ''l'"rO!l'I I '"'"r lnrnm .. r•· ,. N1 ~· wr_.t ~,, I '" V •• /I n11• ••• \"''II' l ,, S~!'i.Ul'W'I Wit II 0\ .. , Jll\ l\lMI a ~••Hr 1nr1>n ,. /IJ I .,. "'J'l'n•c 1\111 r• l11111g II 11m tn • r,.,,, I In Rrt) I-runt 1•r• r"'rt~ \\Ill 11" It' llf' ur llov. 11 (J\\ nrr \\I h•lrr 4.l'llllll nr writ,. 2!1fli ~n11th ("uch r11n A ve , 1 .. ,. An g"I"• Iii UHUl•a :Rs );\'\ ITt:;I; :"1-~"LY r,.l1,.rnn1l ~11 m•• '"rn """ b<'tJ rm hnrn~ n11r~tr:• l!t •I 1r11i:,. ro<·m :-.-,,.,. l•'lf 111111n ~Ill l.ll P~rt~ N""'l"•r' Ill• tll•lrl•I c M 1.l~rtv 11·1 1711 J•1 1.- 2 b10lh11 1 otal 1•r ,. S II ?1\11 !-m •'I ll•1v. n I''"· rnrnt ?u~·· 11111bt1 Rlv.t c ·,,.,a "'""" I.I ~ t7A 1 47r 1$1 Fe tH ~ALF. Bl' OWNltR-4 be•l· ''"•"• n.,,,,,. t •• •••th111 J .. n.s~ Ao"llf\"'I tCr r,.nr ~ I f"llA lt111Jr ~ r~•lt1m """'"' "'"" f"all 1.1~1'1 y II 1\221 r11r1mlnf' "r sfl,.r fl r m Hltfr TWC)-liDRM flonr11, rN1f'rOn1!,.lt ln•td• • n•1 uut, Sl(l7:JO nv1: DOLLARS per mnnth rPnts 19St. 1..1.SC'O~!'l Co11mnpol1t11n 4 ~ practlc-e piano EnJ<>y your olr K"<'l1 rondlttfln By prl\latf' Chrtltmaa Wlth m u11h G<'Ort O"''ntr Sillb r ull I.I 8·2132 prec:Uc• planoa u low u 197 , 4 7c4tl 11~~ up. All tn P!1Cf'l14'nt rnn· dlUon. DA.SZ • SCHJ.UDT Bti; P lano nnd Orga n \o • .'\20 N Main St .. 8 Anta Ana. 8-Hour Recapping Service Sii~ mo lllOIP., Plac-entls . Coa· t11 M"SA Ll R-80M •Grt 8 OEl,l.'XE apt tor 6 mn" or yrly ltast Nicely furn. Sma.11 bt<I· mom A bath down .11talrs L.uir II\ 1nr; room. Double bed r oom t'lr . nver double f&rage. \\'Ith 11114' \'l('W or Bay. l)o('k prtvleg• e1 titlrfl. To quiet adult., w1Ln· out pet• U2~. -106 South B•y fTont BalboA Island. Har J7H. 4!7p~ I 'Z An RM. <1uplex 11nfum . );'ftrlllt" ---WINTER RE:'\IAL-2 blnn •rt •I Fast Action •1 Low Rates Loans 2nd and 1st v.·,. S•1 vr All OrAni-r C"1011111y Service In Your Home We Buy Trust Deeds I w 1-: If Av P. 1\\'n '"""" 11 .. 11.r• 1n 1•111m Sri 1ni::• r in~ .1 h•.,lrn nn r• mrr l11t fully f Pnr,. I I rf'r• 11nrl flrowcr~ furni•h~d Ill Sli • :,1111, f1.ll J•r It ~ Th,. tc!hf'r 11 2 :i:,11 f"lrow•r l'l (","lll M•ea J'hon• l,ll)l'rl v 8-711()7 3Jlfc BJo:~T BIJY <.:orona •let Mu duplu ~l .. ·l~rn 3 hr l IJt1lh horn,. flrr111r11 t• 1 hr 11nrt h••ll •rt Onl~ Slfl !'i•!O. lrrm~ Hausken-Watson ()('EA N FRONT. wtnlf'r rfnl11I t•~ July lit. 166, wat..er p&Jd. 1•3:'> Knowlton Electronice SPORT CAR CENTER JAGl 'AR. M G A t;STl:--'·HEALF.\" Complete Bn.ke Service ANO F ront End A!ignmcnt fum urr"r r1upl~x 11IPrr11 6 W. Balboa Blvd .. :--'t'WJ",rl a. h I nrAr 1111'. m ilt• &-pl11 \" 1trm1n1l t lk-48 S~r.'\ rnn fnr 2 inrlwl 11111 Av&ll j T op prlrra JlAlt1 ('1111h now! J11n ' H11r :1163 R H <·•ll 48-B-Rouses for Rent I Royal Mortgage Co. TV ANTENNAS MORRIR Al"STIN I Al..1-"A RO~tEO (Clear BHm -HI Caln I RE:>\ At ·1.T I NSTALLED rompltte lo your tel 'f'f'w \'u f'Alu 6 St rvk e $9 95 I Clea.n l"•f'd Cana. All Ma1(u, Im· 1 • portt<I and DomHUc. LI 8--6205. 39tr<: 22(11 SO. MAIS ST SANTA ANA Knowlton Electronics KI 2-0706 1932 HARBOR BL\"11. ROAD SER\"IC"E Flr~11lonp 8 Udftl r 111n Yo11r11 fM lhe A11k1ng HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. 1st St. -18-A-Apt~. fo r Rent LIDO ISLE BACHELOR an('I one A t"'"O bdrm a pi. Shtrl tu m llnd yrul)'. A 1..80. Lido Homea 11 n<1 Bay Front Homu nnd 1.1partrnenta. LIDO REALTY Associates Jt-00 VIA Lido, Harbor •U• -------------2602 Xewporl Blvd. ="prt. U1 h WINTER RENTAL 140 mn fum 2 bl1rm. houu , nesr bay In Ball>OL Harbor 1811t·M. 47c49 HA\\'AIJAN modeom tum. 1 twlrm. hou•t Mahog. kll1'hrn, 1U11pol!ill. WAiied tropical patio 5&0 until Junt 10 or $12~ yrly H ar. 411fl0 461'48 Harbor 1549 4 lc!'.4 H CASH ..• FOR TRUST DEEDS WM. B. HOt.T MORTOAGE BANKJ..NG SINCE 1»30. TV REPAIR COSTA MlCSA LI 8-W!\\ SA!l;TA ANA KJ 3-8363 89lfc F'OR LEASE Hll. mo, 1 bdrm. rtlrlit Rtfer- 8-3677 1600 ~. Bl"SH SA:"JTA ANA FAST SER\'lCE. REASOlSARLE Sen·lce call• Ull 9 pm. u 8-1121» I tr 3Stfc -------------1 YF.ARl.Y Renlel I hdnn F'OR $.Al.f: 11152 M C: Ptcvalt -------------1 •rt J "oO mo wat~r r I. bu' .ft bu~1nt'i1s d111tr1rt Hu~r 121't·J . rum neRr I Call rarty PerfPC-1 C'OnltlUon-F'tbrt 1 •2-Trailera itlut top-radio lin ter H SO -------------1 M11y bt attn any rtflt •ftH 4 30 ONE WHEEL lucr•ir-t ralltr ------------- Jl m 1310 K1nJ; RMJ • Llbrrty n:2• E I 9a10..... Bl d NI DELL"XF. Fl"R:\. APTS. ll-70H Up47 "" u _u ...,. v · 0 c• ~r Stnrlell A: dbl• U O mo &nd up apt • · 4 'P I HK E. &y Ave .. Balboa Harbor 47 PA('KARD. Cu1tom Cllp~r •· 5344. 8tfc ..... Ral11o. hMler, O"dr1Vt Al WILL lrad• D ·fL trailer plua g x cltan U 11 WU th~ day It waa 18" modern caba.nna for a lot STI:OlO APT i<u1t11bl~ for e>n~ llntum h Olllle, 110\"f' s nit Ne•·port Hetgh111 arf'A encu required. Wberty altrr 6 pm. 48<"48 CORONA DEL MAR-JM mo. yr. Jeue Dulrable dl11lrH't . Com- fortably furn. I t>drm, home. Fireplace In ll\llnlf room ltlul for 1w11 or mol"t'. Pt-Jone H•rl.Jnr 11H7 or U73·W. 41\ptl! KL\1BERI.. Y J . i 118 LOA.NS 'JO .1:5UU..O. DCPROVE BlTY, MOOERNIZJ:, OR REJ'IN A.NCI: W1 BuJ TnLat Oeed8 NEWPORT BALBOA SA VTNQS A LOAl'I AISOCIATION S3M Via Udo. Pb. Bar. UOO ti• N STS, SPJNETS. H veral ...-& rental Ntunu llke new, a.Mm M~ple, Blond Oa.k. -..-!ll Provincial. Save 190. •11& Terma Ju.l Ilk• rmt ~. DA.NZ . ICJDODT, Mt )AJn Santa Aila. orllflnally IOld 88t off•r by In Coat.a J.f~L Can be """ al I bus1ne1111 JH'111-0n ••~ mo 603 3 BDRM HOt;SE a t 2QU Conlin· -Th• chan(ln1 a ppurance or ad8 Sunda y accepted. 1710 W Bal· 216 Walnut Pl , eo.ta Mtaac Lark11pur, Corona dtl Mar a.ttfr t ntal, Co11t.a Mt>IWI Ph. raonuer In th• NEWS-PRESS Is due \o boa Blvd. '8ptT •6p18 • .30 t>· m . •xt7 1 •-~710. "5p48 qWclt r•ult.a. :.-. -· . ~l hrdrm An•I r11mpu• "nrn l11r- nt11ll•· t. I '""11"'" will 111111,. up fnr H~rhr r "'""· 1•••1•11•1111.1 11r 1nmmtrr1 AI J . M MILi.En <'<) 202"1 \\'. ~""'"" llh I 11., r lti{tJ (Nu.r t h" l'<i"14'f!Otl r 1er I Today's Trade I llARliCJft l :"V~:STM~.~T ('fl liar 16f11J E ve..o ll11r •·'U·J 41'1r47 l'E:'\INl'IULA 4 unit •pt .• Jiii • '• ~ ro r1hl. '• l>ttA.k to bay. i :i• ~00 Euy lerma AIA•J S Y.V. • l'OHT HEIGHTS 3 bolrm hom,. J yr1 old. WW ca~lm~ t1r•· pl•ce dill. gar. plu1 $1 .'\ :;()() 7 UNITS PENINSULA I t;a~y term•. (Jwnrr. 406 R iver· •Ide llr I.I 8·3336 41 CM Grnu yurly l1w11me 18400. w1lh _ pt'rmllllent year around tenant.I :->n isummer rrnla.b. A lt un1 t..A 1 11p11t1•1u~. nearly Ill llOI) '""' 2 lot.a l.Aan now 1:12 000 •l $:100 mihl\• :, •-. ·~ ~·111 trade l''lllllY tJf J:IO.~ol'IO. for , Cl,f:AR H ()MF. TO $:10.000 Olt SMAl.LER HOMJC ANO <"AHi!, l>R. WHAT HAVE vou· LIDO R-3 2 -31) rt ltJl• on Rl'I. Ray Yront J3 l,600 H Cll Call T. (), RoJlra, Ha.r. 1636-W, or RYan l ·tOn. llt/e 10 Acre Grove ''THIS IS HOT! !" 0:'-1 TU8TfN A VP;. -f•ll.000 I f:uy f Pr m•. Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. flAN A J ACOB"P:!'.", ft,.•ttnr I.I 8·'1'i27 F:,.,. llH 1271,J ltllt f)l\fll or !.f~rty Ill f.~17 47r UI 411)< 411 ) • ........... a ... , ....... BALBOA ISLAND IO rr. BAY FRONTAGE. On IJ\tle ll.land, pier, noe.t, formal 4 bdrm. home. The l&nd vaJue i.e cloae to the uklng price. A'ITR.At.TIVE " bed~ .. 21h balh1, nr. So. Bay. Owner wtU take amall down. A.Ming $42.500. GOOD FAMILY HOME: Near So. Bay. Lp. yard, 3 bed.rm. 1 1/~ batha. $26,500 About 200 ft, from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn· lahed home. Submit down. $25,000 LIDO NORD BAY -FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 31,~ bath hoUM plua unu.ual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car rarage. Both unit.a newly furnished. QUALITY STREET, Waterfront at ita best. Fine pier and float. Lre. lawn It patio. 3 fine BRa and 2 baths, maid's or guest rm. le bath, Out.aide ahower rm., f. a. heat. Gluaed in lanai. Aakinr $73,!KIO. Good terma to qualified buyer. Har. 1775 -Evet1. Edith Maroon HYatt f-8222 John Macnab, Ha.rbor ~9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor = Marine Ave., Ba..lboa bland STOP!..,.....-STOP! Don't Pau ThH• by--'1. LIDO ISLE 1h blk. to clubl & te.nnia court.a. Large livinc rm. with firepla.ce. Bar kitchen, 3 bdrm.1. plua cln-Nlng rm., l lf.i bath1 only $23,500 NATER.FRONT SPECIAL $18,950 2 bdrm .. lg. patio, &4 tt. bulkhead with pier & float. BACK BAY 482 Esther, aha.lee roof, 3 bdnm. plua flUD.i.ly rm. with BBQ, uh paneling tbru out. This la quality plua a.t $26,000 CLIFF HAVEN 408 SL Andrews, $14,750 SM mo. incl tu. Three bdrma., fireplace, fenced yard, near Khoola. Open Sal. Ir: Sun. G. I. RESALE 3 bdrm. furn. modem. Only 9 moatha old $14,950 -f 7o -$73 inc. tax per mo. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES U20 W. eo..t H"l'. Liberty 8-7773 "At the Arche1'' r r Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLlFFS, Ocean view home., .everal u:clu- alve llatlnp. with ua. 2. DUPLEX -One bednn. each, cor. lot ....... $17,:>00 a. DUPLEX-2 bdrma. -. cor. lot . Exchnive $22.500 f . OORONA HIGHLANDS -J11.1t liat.ed ocean view, immaculate 2 bdrm. A den, 2 balba. Only $28,000 a. OCEAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -45" lot. A ateal a.t $38.600. Only rnr feet to ocea.n front It China. Cove. p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle 45 reet at. to •t. on Orvieto ............................ $16,500 M x 1~ on Havre with Bay View ................ $20,000 50 feet at to at. on Havre ......... . .........• S17 ,500 ·tr See thia exeluaive home on Via Genoa, I~ido'e widest atreet. 3 bedrm. 3 bath, 40 by 2Q patio, hardwd. firs., 2 yra. old, and in perfect cond ition S31,500 Lido B11yfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upetain With decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath downataira wit h enclosed patio. Both apt.I. ha.ve forced ai r furnace, fireplace, car- peting, drapea, re(rigerntor. i;lo\'e. Unbclic,·abl y priced at only $57.000. SI2,000 down. -(, 204 Via Orvleto le the address of a brand new Viucher-built home that we think you "'ill like. 3 bed.mu., 2 bath, papered dining area. Hleak grill in fireplace, extra good storage. Be finished one week. $32.500 including landscaping. p. 11. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co ., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 Twinkle Twinkle Little Ster Bright and ahlny new 3 bednn., f&mlly rm. ' bath- rooms. carpeted, draped, &nd in the center ol Hea\•enly Lido lale. Never for ale before. How I Wonder Whet You Are This is Bi lly, 'cause we know you are a lot in Shore- cli(fs.. What y:e really want to know la who will build a hoiae on you. Only $15,800. Hurry ! Up Above The Bey So High .,~dth a ''iew of everything rrom here t o there. Three lovely bedrms., 2 with the view. You can buy thia for $14,000 less than it cost 4: yn. ago. Like A Diamond In The Sky Di amond s ha:'les Windows invite you to see the Har- bor through them. Cute 3 bedrm. 2 bath home, yard, 2 patioM. and room for a pool. Only $24 ,500. p. 11. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 B /B DEFINITELY-THE MOST TERRIFIC AT BALBOA ISLAND Xmas Specials! Deluxe Rench Estate • 680 beauutul \'lt'I•,. acre! In Fall· brQOk area wH!I 200 11cr"• In SEAT T'\\'O BEDR:O.t_a nrep!ac•. on 60xl9!> R·4 lot. tlnl}' J 6000, 13000 dn., 1!>0 mo. on b1<lance. $7950-$2950 On. SIC!: Ll)(JKJ:>;i.; 3 l)(frn1. on rear or lugll lev .. 1 lot. 300' ll!!ep. Hot NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS -PART 11'. PAGE J WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 PAN.ORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large family view homt-, 6 ~room•. 5'".! bAthA and a alip out front for your boat. Thia sound. older home in a prime L ido location will offt-r a. wonderful way ot lite for every member of that large family · of youra -you too, Dad. Full price $74,500. Submit your terms. By tbe way, the owner will trade for good income or bu.ineaa property in L. A. or Oranre County. . LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R-3. Strada corner lot fO x 115. Price $20.000. Your last chance to develop your own income on exclusive Lido Iale. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 214 baths. Huge carpetl'd master bedroom with pri\•ate sun deck. Thia atreet to litreet Lido home has many luxury features such aa built-in stove and oven, dishwasher -loads of cloaeta - used brick firepla ce and an extra large laundry a.nd storage room. Price $31 ,750 with eaay terms. For these and many other excluaive liatinp on Lido I•~'ca.11 LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON -J . H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND -VIRGINIA MANSON 34-00 Via Lido Harbor "" (Ac..au from Ricba..rd'• llarket Entrance) n .. w water d111trlC't 1n1urln& ~ ·1n,ple Colorado •~quieduct water plu• S wtllil 11.nd pump• a.nd 3 rQet\•oira. • !>I mile of highway front11ge, Rambllng one-story ranch style homC', large beam ceiling living room 18 x 25 complete electric kitchen, Thermador e ):C -l~\'el oven, automatic dishwaaher and disposal. Kitchen li as large dining art'a open· ing to patio. l~nrgc used brick r/rcplacc and forced air heat. Two bedrooms, one i8 king siu v.•ith big wardrobe c lnset11 and built-in drawers. Beautiful full bathroom. Garage and laundry room. Lovely mpot LOI". tor un1L1. On Sa.nt.6 1------------------------ Anil A\'t ., near 23rd • Mod•m, 1pac1ou.a 2000 aq. ft J bdrm., 2 bath •II •leelrk . 11hak• root Ranch home wltb a btl'atb !•kin( panoramic view frorn 111 1ld•. drapes, curtaini;. v.:all t o wall carpet. Price is $28,500 with LC $15,000 at 5 1::(; int. Big value and well worth the money. Call now to llff this home. lt'e the finest~ ! sE:,?~r~.e,,!. !s~ ~~~ c .1't. \\.•lklng dl9t•nt"e 1nkt&, &: cm· ttr of to•.vn. XL.....,'1'. t .. Fm1. 1'1:E:RRY CHRl8T1'1AS lrorn • Wll.llM. nood·l!fhtffi pal!o wllh flr•pl•t• and bLr~Ut'. llUl 'I. """"'~ '" tandK'"'' '"'· THE VOGEL CO. Houston Realty Co. • FLmlly Or<'h•rd •nd nt•m~rnu" .t. ASSOCIATES oul·bulldlnC• lncludLnc 2 1u"1t cottsfU, c.&r-f.ta.ker• houv 208 ~la r,ne A \'f'OUe, Balboa lsland Gt'rtr11de Sty1n11ur Har. l'>Z118-W Next door to the Pot1t Office Tony P etitte Lll>l!rty 8·0487 • II mlle.1 ot fenc1n1 •n<l crow· 2 Floyd Lyllo U bforty 8·204? fencin c for cattlf'. liar 444 Eves !·t ar. 1229·R Har. 4 ·18-R M!9 Ct>nt er St~ Co•t• Ateaa U 8·691 l A LI 8-7784 • Thi• L• on• ,of th• few remaln-1------------------------, ____________ 1 Ln1 l•rce. eu11y a cc e 11lb/t ranchea that 11 .. U1 ui .. path of the phenomerutl South .. rn C1JJ. tornla CJ'OWUI . • P'ull prka ll&0,000. • \\'Ill TRAD,_; tut lncom!! pNlp· erty. Bey & Beech Rlty Inc: 1870 Harbor Bl\'d , (.;Ollta :0.f~•• l.l 1-771 4 Eve.1. Ll 1-ll~ll Down to Earth VALUES 1 276 Magnolia. Cambridge Estates 16th & Irvine 7 NEW HOMES • Sev('n different Elevation.a e r:ach lnd l\'idually Built • All hav~ Bc11.utiful 11.nd Exc.<'ptional Charactetittica. • Some have Swimming Poola • All ha,•c built-in Ra nge and Oven• B.cfitr1ctcd Area * Newport Hts. IRVINE AVENUE: 2 bdnn. mod•m w1Ul laq;;• Uv. Ing roont. flr"l'l•c•. d1nlnf rm., IOV<'ly p•Uo, fl'lll'fll yard Term• . . ..._ .. J l3,7MJ ALDEAN PLACE: "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area fa.mllleti are tnapect1n1 theae exquisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. Kore and more families who pre(er a home In • ~ ltricted quality community are moving into thelr Irvine Terrace homu. Drive tn today and eee for younelf the ma.ny out- atanding featu.retl of tht. remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert ln•tne Terrace i.s located on Coaat Highway oppoalt.e the new Irvine Cout CoWJtry Oub. SEE-us-nRST tor brtter buJ11-in-homee lc-buikl--BTC:--3 bf<ti'Oom Olltfr-tiumt In inl aite. in Corona del Mar. c.:o-t1o Me•a-P.eal ho111,y and • • • 7.5 fOQt wide lot~ Fireplaces STARTING PRICES Bt•uUfuJ ramblLng: r.M:b·l)'pt hon11, f'.xqutalt1dy 11ppo1nted0 all hu1!!•ln1. l '• bat.hi. Shown by olppa1nt n11!'nl (Inly. $8MIO dn ... ·n -···~ ................. 124,MlO EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY co. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Ma.r. Har. 47 (otnc. located next door lo Corona. del Mar Bank) NON-VETS OR VETS $295 lmpounda moves you In new 3 bedrm. 11 z bath. Back Bay area home ~fore Chriatmu. Tuea p&jd to Dec:. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. Co«ta Meaa LI 8-1832 Eves LI 8-14:00 CORONA HIGHLANDS Three bedrma. and den on •lrftt to 11trttl lot. Out.landing view of the entire Harbor Area.. Buill in WNt..ern Holly ranp a.nd oven. garbage du1· poa&l, Iota of tile, Excellent tenna a.nd priced lo .ell. $34,500 428 De Sol& BACK BAY AREA Three bdnna., bath le ~,. ranch atylto home. GarbAge dWpoul, Iota of We. Localed on a. nice new quit-t at.reel . Price $23,750. 384 Mira. Loma.. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Co&at Hwy., Corona. del Mar HA.R. M>32 BAY FRONT Come -relu -play -&lid rro• youn, with me. f bedrm. and den on the BAY front near Balboa. Thia: older home baa the well rrooined and cared fOf' look. A.aklng full price for coet of Jot ~one. Only $8000 down to accepted buyt:r C-1 ZONE 3 bed.rm. hot111e in heart of Balboa. Could be uwd , u office. SIS.500 t.enu. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1DOli W. e.n.,. Blvd. liar. 6188 or liar. 1210-J top notch conatrucuon with ha.rdwood tloo11 anll •~P•r~t e ll!nlnl' room. S11u•tffl ('Tl Z Inti 1o.·Uh 1 fin" f1un1y orchatr<I ~llb· mil otfrr1-Sal1 or lnick Also 20381 Cypress 2 BEDROOM Hickory built with ahakt roof. har<lwlK>ll f!Ollr• - UI!! and 220 \'OJU 1n kitchen Truly 1 •n1all rountry l!'1t1lr . f 18 n1onlh1 old A g .. nuln<' 11~•1 at 1 10,7:1() w!UI only 12)()\) lln Unsurpassed \'IEY,' LOT ovt rlook1n,c: 111 or Nr.,.·port Harbor a1111 • f"'fr~t v1r w ot Cat11llri1. Only l i t.:M)(I Sot 11 lea ... hold Duncan Hardesty REA LTOR 2&0'J Np! Blvd . Nrt Fk'h II• 47 111 Merry Christmas BACK BAY .:J bdrm . ~, •<"re r1.mtly h'lmr. vlirw. 11lnt. condlUCln. v!tw. ,!i1 11y Ir•~ w,opUCtn to buy 1211 fl~·O, 2 btltm . I~ 11 r rr , nil)' """'' l11lly ftncrd. J•t. 1t r(t1~~d f.:ir •'i"W •Jll. s 1 ~;;00 t bdrm., PLUS •pl , '• •\·re, i:\'ttlo:l view pciu lbtllt lP.• Sii (lO() 1 b<;lrm . M • 1160. •'ltw "' h11!11 l l2 WO 3 bdrm . H•rlx>r Hhl•. ~au!y 11 7.71'!0. Be.ti Back Sa)' Int.., S..,2::.Q, 6~. 7000. 8000. t:P. Claire Van Horn REAL TOil 2731 "" Coa.1l Hwy. LI 8-4277 Bey Shores 2072 C!rtlt Or1~·e Open Dally -I ·4 JO NOW PRICED TO SEU.. :! bdrm., l 'l\ b1lh. trpl .• Jo". A. hu t. all t ltc k llch .. n. Spae1ou1 patio -built in BBQ. OvtrtL~ carage, cenero111 1tor•1e. RALPH P. MASKEY Rl:.ALTOR 1411 N.wport BJ"d .. Npt. Sch. Harbor .OI $21,000 Start the New Year with a New Home PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Ncw11ort Bl\'d. Costa fot e&a 111cr0lil\ from Costa '°1 csa Bank) P hone LI 8-6761 J:,;\'eS Har. •1366 -Ll 8-2103 BAYSHORES In this e:<clusi,·e delightful district we h&\'e a 3 B. R. home, C'omp. furn . on la rge lot -Y.-ith space for !i~·imming 1>()()1. \·t>ry lo,·cly new patio 22x36 Pa.rtly co\'ered .. ·1th plastic gla!!s. \."acant and 1f you act fa.st , you can t>njoy Xmas in yoUJ" nev.• home . Prite S2-l,500 BALBOA ISLAND CUTE 2 B. R.-Comp. rum. 1n fmmaculate conrl. nn rear nf rxcellently lc:icated corner lot. Build a home In front and ha,·e an income from thia one. of around $2000 per year. On ly $18.500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves Har. 2191-~1 Har. 2998·R or LI 8-5297 • BUILD NOW .. :t-.10NEY AVAILABLE Wr can build for you a I ~·o-bedroom or ;j bed rm. home for $4.60 Square Foot. Financing · 937 1156 100 % Square Square Foot Home-$4295 Foot Home-$5295 Attached IO x 20 garages ................ S295 We are building <)TI \Vall.act', Bay, and Avocado Sta. Starting shortly on 18th & 20th Sta. Call or P hone for Information .• , OPEN SUNDAYS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc:. 11041 \Ve11tmi n11ter Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 . - Greenleaf-Severts 31 12 :"e1o.·port BJv,1, ,..·,wrorl t,:Vl'I. 1.1 8·318e • Ll 8·~404 ~lar. 31121 ·\V BIB Corona del Mar Shorecliff • QuJ .. 1 ranynn ''l•w lot • Spar 2 bdrm. It 11 .. n • 2 Mlh•, ,..rler\ kllthHI • L111<11ry bu11t lhrouirhm1 t • 1:17.~{ll'I h ill r"" "· 1•rn1 -• O>me .. ., thu "·ondtrt'ul horn,. Corona llighlandA • A l•l'•ury 11c.n1• 11~te e !'per l .. ,.Ul•r 'It! ... • 113.~00 ruLL pn r<' • H.'11•1)' fur )'r,ur ru~tom horn• Bay & Beech Rlty Inc: Co~ dcl ,\!~r Otflr.1! MJfl };, <.:out H>A·y .. Holrlxlr~2t9 Balboa Phone Harbor 4418 For Further lnformatlols * For Recommendation, we refer you to ~ who hold.a a Les.aebold Fat.ate In lrriDe TmTMll. Beacon Bay, Bay Shore& and Clltt Rav. LOTS OF LOTS! Now la the time to get on the bandwa.gon. Whrtber It iii for speculation or f11ture homeaite, check our IUt of those a\•&jla.ble. Attractive Carpet.a and drapes included, nioeJy Jandecaped "1th patio and fiah pond. 3 bdrma. 2 yean old. $1000 down •·ill handle. F\111 prict". $10.000 Acre Home . Ra.nch style 2 lx:lrm . & den with attractive flreplact and full acre of ground11 for future developmenL Near back bay. $17,500, and ocly $3000 down. Look-it! \Veil built 2 bclnn. home beautifully dNip84 and only 2 block.s from tran11portatlon and abopplnc for only $8000 full price. Income Seventeen fumiBhed rent.A l unite with income of $800 per month. $65,000. See thlal THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Bl\'d. Phone Liberty 8-5:)97 Coot& -Evening11 Uberty 8-7~7 Dt:J'LE:X. furnL11he<I 11 t ,!160. Two f'-bdrm. Apl&, A)I CITI on11 floot. \\.11fklng •11•1•ncl! t o 1!01o.·ntown B~Jbo11, Shn.,,,·tng g:ood Ln(ome, SubnlU on t~rm1. 1------------------------ Ocean Front li~.000. GOOD TER.\l.S. 3 bl'drm. o1d .. r hom•. pt1tUa1Jy f1.1mt1hl!d, C·I zone. Hurt of Ballx>a. 2 e1r l"•n.ge 11r .. •llf'd tor •pt, 1obo''"· Coast Properties 301 t:. 0&11)()3 fll\'ll., U1lboa Harbor 25:'18, 2:'>97 vid 4500. BY OWNER- LESS THAN OSE YR. OLD - 3 be<lrm. 2 bath home, h..,rt. n oora. 2 C'll.I' gu.,..e. 112,:.00 624 KnOl<o't!ll F'l., Cotta Me.a. LI 8-81111 4lc~ LIDO ISLE T o our many friend& who have aaked tor a bargain on Udo -here it Is -Ila ao good w• can't ret an c:xcluaive and it ~on't lut. 3 bedrooma, 2 ba.th• on a 55 ft. lot -7 yn. old--0ver 2000 ffft. in houac, would c08t over $36,000 to replace and we c&n deliver it for under $30.000. Excellent Fina.nclng, RUSH t DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST 2602 Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach Har. f718 • • PAGE '4 ·PART 111 -f'\::'."1.'0 RT HA RBOR NEWS-PRESS 62-Keel btate 62-8-1 Estate 62 B-1 r..tate WEDNESDAY, o:.:CEMBER 21 , 1955 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS "C" THOMAS, Realtor }.ND ASSOCIATES H. Veme Snodgrua Ethel Shirley Frank W. Hill Gordon L. Andrew 22t W. Cout Hi way, Newport Beach LI 8-5627 "C" THOMAS "C-' THOMAS "C" THOMAS .. May the meuage of the firat Chn.tmu dwell in your heart at thia joyoua eeuon, inapiring renewed devotion to It.a shining ideal° of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men. BLANCHE A. GATES, Rea ltor 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 REALTORS From Balboa, Balboa 1.ala.nd. Corooa de1 M.ar, Coet.a Meu and Newport Beach I ~------~------------~~-------------------------------------------------------- BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. OWNER· REALTORS -William P . Yeager, Anne Yeager J . Leonard Smith, Gloden M. Fay and Randall F. Geddes. and · Associates Extend Heartiest Christmas Greetings NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M. Fay, Mgr. Katherine Ot.on Marjorie Chase E. B. Chaae Ruth Telfer, Sec. H50 W. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 LIDO R. C. Greer, Mgr. Worthington Lee Helen Baum Ann Hut~hinaon, See. 3112 LAFAY E:l"I E HARBOR 3M3 CORONA DEL MAR Tbomu Campbell, Mgr. Dorie Walker Cha.rlee Hamilton -...3530 E . COAST IDGHW A Y HARBOR 5249 COSTA MESA OFFICES R. F. Geddes, Mgr Robert Gooseen Mary Bell, Sec. 1875 HARBOR BLVD LIBERTY 8· 7714 Arthur Tietz, Mgr • Gillette Bailey Bobbib DeFir 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8-1161 MERRY CHDISTMAS ' Houston Realty Co. Ne wport Harbor Realty JIM and SALLY NEWLIN 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Cali!ornla l'>09 Center, ca.ta MeH Gertrude Seym.our TollJ' Petit te Floyd Lytle " EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor MILDRED ST AN LEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join in Extending HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES lor a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Lido Realty ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 To All Our Fr ie n.ds- -a Happy Holiday - -Beet Wl.eh ec for the New Year CONSULT US FOR LIDO•s FINEST Ext.end our heartieet thank.a to you for the pr1Yilep ~ ..nJq you tn ~ aad our a1m in 19M Aa to continue t.o merit your confidence! 8/8 Merry Me rry Chri1tma1 -------------------- Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach To All Our Frienda Go Out Very Sinu re Wi&he9 for a Very Merry Chriat.mu and A Happy and Prosperoua New Year! BEST BUYS $6.950 Nl~e I BR. with gar, B.R -Clo&e In T2' a; 130' lot-7 yr d'ol. $9.500 3 BR -lyr -F H A .-C~m·e<I la lh hu. St0.750 • 9 R -All c0trpdl'tJ lan1lar 11JW'<.I For the Holiday Seuon, we wiah one and all: Smoo~ aalllng and a 1956 full of peace, pro.perity and all good .thing•. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor , and ASSOClA TES Gene Burns B. T. Cook Ed Jones Matt La Borde Hal Tanner From. AU of Ue T o All of You- 8'!' A. Nereson Rlty. Co. Jay Bryan W. E. W ehmeier Donna -Smith 11182 Newport Blvo., <:1,.a Me"" Liberty 8· I 6i2 HOLIDAY SPECIALS! A1k to aet' our llellnp ot p,,.ffr· From the Drift Room to the Waldorf. It'• lime for Chriat· mas cheer. Let's live it up-- Let's have a Ball -But let'• not overdo -Hear ! -~-=emember what True Chrilt- maa means. It ian't juat for kicks. So Jet'a aurvive old ·~ and be here for "56.'' R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor R. B. HODGE. Aesociate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 27H red properUts ..• uur nuny ----------------------, "You'll like our f riendly service" 400 E. 17th St.. Coat& Meu. Llberty 8-1139 Carbagti Otar 220 V K•l Clea.n-F. H A Low On. WM. W. STANLEY SANFOROC:. HADFIELD REALTORS Marine and Park, Balboa 1.ala.nd nu. la our own way of saying '°Thank You" lo all the folk11 who have made thl.a yeu such a happy one for u.1. Har bor 2~2 RAY REAL TY CO. A. J . 'VICELLIO. Manager Ed Bucko Helene <Aenar H. M. Ray J ohn Flood Bob l<alamm 3444 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 Here's a wish for a HolidRy Sea80n, full of joy and warmth. May your family be with you • , . your wisht's fullilled. Realtors Busineee Broker Multiple Listtng 1135 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Har. 2152 'DON'T make a MOVE" . UNTIL YOU SEE $13,950 3 B R. rualom Bull\ F'lu11 R11m· pu• Km Ba r 2 l-'1rl'J'l1'• "' H W Fire 13930 <In C I $16.950 !"pl Ht• -O«an Vt••w ' 2 \'r Ownt'T' Built. H W Fir. Fl~pl Obi g111 220\' Kit Lii" Cuu l H!!e Ht• lit•t l:Juy -54.!IOO ON: ACREAGE! 3 Ac lt!!Vl'I, cl<>ff ltl $1~.000 :I A c leve l. close '" 131 !100 28 Ac level. cloe~ trt cor. $168.UOV • M·l Ac Oct•n v1t'"''• lf'vf'I s n.~oo 8·2 8. R. UNITS $60() 00 Mo Inc Clean C.L I.AC Od Ttirm• LOTS! R·4 Lot-1'21' a; 132' Alll'\', ~I!"'" en m&kl'·2 ~o· Iola S~.600 Signs of the season· good cheer, warm fn endships. light hearts, high happiness, deep contentment ••. 1l is o ur 8Ulcere Wl.8h that they may aU be yours in fullest measure. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 (Near t he Newport Pier) To all our frienda ancl patrorui, we extend our heartie.t good wishes for the merriest, bright· est Chri.&tmas ever: R·l Lot-Perm ocean Vl«<W! l fl.~100 ·~ ~ y t ~ HAPPY HOLIDA , everyone . Bay ~068~.~~l ~1!~ Inc COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .· <'otlllll Mt"'· ! '11 111 LI 8 l llll F.vl'~ I.I 11.·;\0HI Income Prop erty Bay llll•J Ocelln vttw ft,,,,, mvn<'r~ 1 '..! l><••lrm. llllt • Ullll~ r. lllt>•I. l'r1o e•I to 1• II I'>"•' l hi• n,,,.. L.•w dovm p•ymrul. Tet tn~ tn llUl t HOMER E. SHAFER REA Li OR 106 McFadt.len Pl. ut L..1e :-.;pt T'1tr Har U O. 1;,., 1 .tar b.:v8·W, Kat'. 11.> i ·M c,r 2."J::ll-M G. N. WELLS , Realtor ELSIE WELLS ROY & RANDY McCARDLE 1 10 Newport Bl\'d .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1601 There IS A Santa Clau s! Two bedrm. furn. beach house 2 dooni frcm water. SlOOO down. FP $9750, balance like rent. PENINSULA Point 2 bedrm. f urn. home. $2000 down. Balance like rent. Move right ih. yean or ex~t'lence 111 youra ror a phone caJL For ln1tanct Pl'nln1ula homea from $16.:>00 up. Duplt'itt11 rrom $18.7~0 and up ..• a d!lndy 3 11nll Income at $23,7:>0 •nd m&ny o\h\'rA Our extra •~181 Holulay \>alll\' II • b\'&UllfUI BB)' F1tml oupll'X on lht .P!'nl1U1ul11 . Spar1uu11 2 bed1oom apartrntnl• 1n 1'8Ch unll , .. UJ'~r nlCf'ly r11rnl11bNI. 3 car irara11e, litunllry 11110 uUlitv room10 Pth••t" bearh anti Jlll'f rlithla for i :,!\.000 Ano ttrm11 It t~ only 1 v,.11r11 old t.nd In A· l r om.hllun WE WlSH YOt" A I.I. A MERR\' CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY :-;E:W n:An Balboa Realty Co. Oppolltlf' B11nk nf A r11r1 l<'R Ro11" Gr"'t'l<"V E•I l..N' Al ~omt'hllll J nsr phtn" \\'l'bb iOO E . H"ll)t1a R lv<t R11ll>o11 Phone llarbor 3277 LIDO Exclusive \,\'e hav,. An PXC'IUlll\'I' h1tllni; nn one or lhr finest a bl'drm 2 bath h<1mt~ on 1.1110. Locatf'•I on a rflrnt't Ill! "hit h Pl11111nRtrll any "h('mmrd In ferllnit .. Olhl'r t" a t u r .. a are \\ P•lln1:hn1u1 .. dlahwUh!'r aand d111posal rRr · fl\'letl -UIW'<I br1rk f lfl'plll<'I" lo v,ly p11Uo find l1rn1l11N1ppNI Trulv ''"" ot r.1do'11 nn .. 11t hume11 S33.SOO. Cull ~a .,,.., ,.111 ahow. "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. 1668 Newport Blvd. f'nt!ta Mua Ll 8·3illl or LI 8·6680 47c411 5 Acre Ranch LOT &O'ltlM on SunHl oft Mon· th t fOSTA MESA AREA. S3l .M>O- CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & rovia, C<>•ta Mr ta Sl600 pn Large pie shaped cor. lot juat across e str.e Euy t~nn• Rep. owner. wrtt• 8 011 L n t hl& from Lido Shopptng Center -Only $7150. DAN A JAt:OBSE~. Rrllltor - paper. ..... 36p•8 $2000 down. Bal $50 mo. Har. 3691 or U berty 8-6317- Stor age coi v ,, w ARM w A TERFRo NT. •&c•s I ART C KISTLER Co O NE -120 fL It two~ ft. all LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING Newport I.Ile bvnc&1ow. O~LY • • &dJo\nlnJ Bac1< Bay ar---could HAPPY HOLIDA YSI Biii Killion !Atty Murdock _ Wt1llY Uallbl'rg lll'rt Pegram 8 111 Sht'f'h~n1 J Udll' [)Oolslll" KILLION, real estate 3341 Newport Blvd. Opposit e the City Hall WISHING YOU Truly Joyous Days Ahead Bf!\IY Roth Tri1 J ohn11 un t-•nink Soule ORANGE coAgT PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport Blvd , Costa M l'Ma Ll 8· 1632 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS VOGEL VALUES i&oo DOWN-Nice 2 bN!room home in Cocta Mela. Hardwood fl oo". Ooor furnace. Dead end alrt'tt. Near abopping. Thl.8 is nice. Full pncc only $8500. Vacanl. -mo\'c righl in . BAY & OCEAN VlEW -2 bedroom home in New- port Height.a. Fireplace, hardwood floon . Price of $15.000 includes plans for add'J 3 room.a It full b&lh. LOT BARGAIN IN CORONA HJGHLANDS-Hl(h up with permanent. unobatructed view. Eaat"to build on, str<:et·to-street lot. Tow price only $11 .950. Check lbjs with any ot.bera you m ay h ave iteen : I 1111.000. te!'fT\11 REALTORS be four lot.-St'U a,11 or Mpa• Ph. Kl 3-9221 Eve LI 8·2961 HARBOR INVSSTMENT CO. N H••. 5226 -t• _ "'··b or le~ Owner I ... .. .... .._J ... 47 2901 NeW'TVlrt Blvd., pt. Beach -·--.-Comer Newport Blvd. and So. M&ln SL Kar. 1100 Evta. oar ..... ....--c -r~ want.I act.ion. H&r . 3361 39lfa The Vogel Co .. 2667 E. Ott. Rwy., Cor ona del Mar H. 1477 H. 07~7 --~--~--------------~--------~------------------------------------~ Volume 8 -Number 31 Poultry DallSING ••• 43' ..... .. ., ... ...., . luttwflr. • ..... conn CAICll 6• ~7 ..... ., ...... Sot .. ONL y Dec '24 • ...... 57' .. ~"' ..... .., :a, ...... 57' .. ..... .., C08T4 KESA 1'00 N-pon 8h4. CO KON A DEL KA.a Ml C-& Bwy. AOO&D'8 LACJVNA ll&ACll ... ..,..,.., S.U..-0.& lat.A.ND .......... _ N'EWPO&T B&ACll ... 0.... 897. PARKES· llDUY MORTUARY ••• ......,.., _ eo.ta ·- no- i.n.tJ I-MU u ....... 6 Ill_ DO YOU NEED .,. MOU INCOME? ~ orrElt •U.ECTED 18T MD'"CIADI: LDAN8 WITH 8C9'VICI: ........ -..... 0 ... aCktCrTAT ..... TltU9T OCS"Otl •GUeNT A.NO ~D II. I. 1111 .. Olt'TW-• .... ~ ... ••NCI t91IO t.ot " tuSH mm • IANl" "*' CAllf. l lMM.llY ~1111 -... all Hoew.y ~­• Slvwplatlag -SIL YERSMITHS ........c .. ,. ...... ...... ............... 1 ... , .. .. ....... q.ltty.r...... ....... ................. nia-......... .. _., ..... ... "r ""--e wmnt'S e ..,..,. PlutL01 Ce. u1•_...._ o.-... -u ....... ·- Circulation 16,000 llit6trihutf'd In S t>" IK1rt Rt'at'h, Balboa, Balboa 1,.1antl, ('orona dt'I Mar, Cotlta Mna. l..a~tma, South Laatuna a nd Huntln&:'ton lkat'h. Wedneeday, Decembf.r 21, 1955 Published at 221 l West Balboa Blvd., Newport Bf'M'h, Calif. Harbor 1816 Private Police • New 1956 SprinCJ & Summer Shipment of .. KORET ·•California MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SECURITY PATROL Capr~ Pants ••• Dresses ••• Smarty Pants ••• Blouses le The Fint Wltfl The Latest Kl 2-7027 Open Sunday 10 to 5 Wffk Daf! 9:15 to 5:45 Carvint Tray Ooppew .. Bm&rtl N-Copper T'-tamacto $22.95 Eltttrte Copper ,.,,,,,... P~rrolator B1 t'ntv~I $19.95-$32.95 IAR-8-9 ACCESSORIES BAB-8..Q TOOL SET -··--.................. .$4.95 ............... ._. ........... ~~Fork Md 8pooa. PEPPD lllLL a SA.LT ····--·······$5.95 1D emart BIA<'k & Copper ,_....,..._CAL-OAK TRAYS --······ .... $2.96 to $2.5.95 t"or lJldoor & Outdoor t ·IN'\. BAR-B-Q APRONS ··--······--... $1.95 to $S.85 Gay 909, \'eetfll~r. Hubby A Wife M.atC'llJnc fkote. I "BIG BO:t'": BRAZIERS $1.96 to $79.96 8pecla.l.tJ pri<lf!d M low M JO'% off for ~. Elflllt,._,., .. ,. ...... i.a..o. $6500 S6noo Polisher & Scrubber '° 1-- C"lu·-, • ...,.._ T~pedal for ~ OalJ ~§ 29.Piece Drill Set Rf.a'. m.85 ........ .... , - Pred91-O~ 1/11 lo I >t hM-111 Drtll• 01n,.r..,,., for Ille ,......, s4so s1160 Orna Metal Mail lox '" 8martl1 0-.ratf!CI Bra-. Trim Otl Blaell Aluminum WOODPECKER WOODWARE I STAINLF.88 STEEL KITCH.EN TOOLS ....... $7.9.'i wit Ill Haa«inr "-II .. ~ADOR" PEPPER MILL ··-······-···---··· $.5.~ t:i..-111 f:tnrtftlt: POPCORN 8t:aV£& ................ ·-····-··----·······-$2.9lS CU'ITINO BOA&D ... ·-·-···--···· -····--·-··· .. -····-$3.95 "Tttrta.." ""-•~~ "l>whe-d" BOU DOEUVllE 8E&VER ···········--··-·-·· ... $LOO ea. --.......... f".N, ~ Pn--X-'·~ Ullit ('-,Wte \\orktobup •HU~ .... ._ ...... , ...... Dh••mler .............................. -C-peet-Du.rMa.. ftAA..TD IC"IC ••·c·IU:T A ..... • IC'IP ~ fnr II How.I -~ ..................... . Ice c,.... ,, •• ., . Park Free •+ Rear Door ....... ·--s301s .,... We Give S&H Gl'ffn Stamps Treasure Chest '7 pea.. lacludlai b.ugbag nck A \'ailable la Y eDow or Red: $26.95 Perle Free at Rear Door , I I I I 1! I 1111 I 1 1i ·I II Why Not? We'\'e selected hundreds of wondrrful High-Ftrlrlity ttcordings for you muaic-lovers. everything from Brahms t o Brubeck -AND -wait 'til you hear them reproduct.'d on our mcomparable Hlgh·Fidelity playen! What could be a "p<'rfrtter" Cbr istmaa Gift for the whole family! Vuut Newport Harbor's beautiful new "STUDIO OF LIVlNG SOUND!,. Hi-Fi-Record1-Player1-Redio1-Mu1ic Systems bushnell's HARBOFI HI• ... (C'on\'f.'nl.-nUy located oppoelte City Rall) Everybody Reads The C L A S S I F I E D We're playin9 Santa to all the family •.• We've the/resenh perfect for Da , Mom, big end little sisters end brothera. Stcri Now to Make Christmas Merrier for All the Family MDnslnpear Lingerie end Men'1 Underwear * 8t•p~ Koret Sweaters 1- end Mojud Hosiery \ h t ,-.,,. ' \Ion G R A f f Skirts and Blouaes Pedal Pu1hers Slaclu Mary Jene Dreues • House Coah DreuH ·Robes Pur1e1 Ba th Mats end Dacron Pillow1 M.tt. Seat Covers Costume Jewelry •w•...wir•.. H•ndkerch1'ef1 f\al h T •m d · \\ ••h < 1 .. 1 It u Sweeter1 ..... ,, , * * --• Carter'1 I E1quire Sox ts Wear ~~~~~·<c~k~oKc-k ~~-l.~~-C1o-cr-~~f-~~e~n~d~Slce~e~p~W~e~a~r~~.--~~~ Belts, Wallets ~ end Jewelry Deluxe O.'C\t-'-• ----, Gift PilitiiV9 J ~p-o-n.-1 Wrapping * funtime 1:1 ootw~ 1 Supple Drape Furry Anima ls B!ue Denim Loafer Sox Eaby Bla nkets Tro users & Jackets ·~N~~~8~RT Closed I We Sunday, Give Monday DEPARTMENT STORE DK. S&H On thr Orr"" I ront RI !:n•I t, 25 & 26 ~ GrMti .... ~!~~~ ... ~_.~~~~ ····~ il Open Wffk Days s.a..,, ~ 9:1Sto5:45 --· . .. • J • .. 'PA~ 2 COASTAL SHOPPER M t p • t ~ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 as er 01n Kat9'ert~ Smith lllld "Wr1. A. 0 W1.tl1M"by, Kr. and Mn. J oe \\'ii· m\ck, Ml.II Le1U. .,_ler u d Kn. chaiitlld In a l.f"\tlnr of ray holl· Frank roset day dkOr. RUADen-up oorth-eoutll w , r, Pr-.nt w 1 r • M-ni. and Get-Together Ch ristmas Party Poetry Group at Glendale .. = I Play at Balboa •• """' • I." wm )I~. Ches t Funds wr.elc . Anyo• Ml IOJlclt-1 at c.or1• C.rroU e.nd A. o . \\'ether· th .. 1r hn"'" ta •Nied to cont.act by, Mno. Vlnc1.nt atiu. and Mr• lml"r 11t Main 9Chool. LI 1-341&. Wlnl11.r1 of Mut1.r Pol.all In Thom•• K enned)', Ml11 Mar1aret f. rom Schools Bu~in .... tlmi• not contacttd may Uie r t.Ctnt evening tournaml!'nl Y.'1lt and Mr•. M11 rlh• )tcConnel, l ct.I\ Sam C!:awford, 11.neral di.air· held In Balboa were Mn. Arch ML•• Leah• Fowler and Mr1. Ro)'. ' man. 11 U l ·MTt. Mc-AJll1ter and Mr1. Perry Para-Stnits. ' ).fort \hat S:rzoo ha1 ~-n C.Ofl • -----,,-------1 dl~. Mr1. A . G. Doe1.burc a II. d Eut-""ut winn<"ra or M U l l.T" t n buled to th" Comnnn,lly Ch••t C Mr1. Henry Egicert plaJOnc eut· fun.a by Coata Maaa M:hool •m· amp Fire Meet ...-e111, whU• north·IOUU\ wlnn•r• Point• In Monday a!t.ernoon'• J>loytt~. ~t•ff. l"••·hrrl 11nd fil llbi· C1mp F fre Girll i nd BL~ Bird were Mra. Ch&rle1 Boardman 1am1. were Mra. M. E. Cleland 111.d ormploy1.<1;11, r .. port ~ G"r•ton i.:r.iuplll of lh" Htrbor '''"' will and Mr1. Libby Lawe, VU.C. Kar· and .Arthur1. Brown. &lid north• Jmlr1·. principal of i.t a1n School. m<"tt t>tc. 22 1.t the Tar Pit, Weit Iner IUld Fred Morrl.::>n. iouth high i c.orer111 were M r1. HI!'· a..:hool d!1trlct o;ha1rruil.n. Brellk· 11•1"°9. R\Yd. Pl&clftf uc;ond fflt·-t wen len Fl.it and Will!IJl"I Gilbert dO\O.'n of th' c-ontrollut 1on~ ~hov.•• Mr1 Robert Roa. and l:arl Bruce. Runnl l"l·llp .... t-we1t were Kr1. Or•nl!f! Co11 11 ('1dl1:i,: ... 11:12:;: el"· Mr. and Mn1. w. A. Sternberf Grae• Freeman u d W\Llla Ducan. 1n"nt11ry lll:h,,.,ls, 11 220. 8outh1:rn Seattle Holiday •nd In norlh·IOUth po.ltlon, Mr•. Anita llanche• t.nd Wlllla.m Dim• California Bibl" Collf'i;:•. 14 ~•: M r •. Botfhlh1 Stephel\ot of 1'>1.r-N,....·port Harbor Uni<Jn HI g h Seh.-.ol. $1~0. c\uu~ Ave. ]f!ft loday for Sf!atlle Thf! hnu~ .. 10 hou1e cllmp1111:n to iipend the J'lollllaoy• with rl!'la- netl"d 1.11.~0 tn Monrl1.y of 1h1A tlvf!s, Bec;iinning New Year January 3 there will be IOllle vacanciff In the Mr.. R 0 m. Leber II.lid Perey Mmff. Burt.ca Beck. Ru BI 11. Craw11.7, Mr1.. Carl Powell •• d Ev1.r.tt Br.ce. Frank a.i.dtcnn-. Mt.mbl'n1 ct the G·•t • Toi:e!her M"nl. Z. J . Wickman, Kn. ~ P1.11J Dunlap. Ric~ H lbbu'd, Club of I.ht. harbor Mrea ce!ebrt.l· Attendint the a1111ual Chr1•t· MJUheU and Fred Motriaon. Clar.net. Lutee, Ray Nl.i.tn, Har-lld t.bl.lr l Sth. annu"I Cht:i•trnu m u party at Poetry R1.t1d1.SV1:>u• old Sha..,, Richard Slmpeon, Rich· In 011.nd•I• Thur.say 1.-.inr S.A.E. Chapter Is Entertained •rd Sn1t1ua.. Joe Stroup. L. z. puty Thur•day 1.ve111 n1 et Har. wen KmM. lu1. (Mn1. AlbWt E .1 T11)·lor, Clar rnc-1. 8n1lth. Richard bor HoUH. •Followln~ dinner U\er1. JoM90ll of Cc.ta M..., J...,..ll I!:. Hunt, CIJlrl!'nce F1dler; Jolmea. \O."U 1.n •JC.t.hange nf (ltt. and Woll ud Edna 8te&rM of i.,una Georg• Ber.bult.n. F. S. Smith "Rc-rl!'t J>t.111" \0.'1•r11 r1·,·e1.IPd. Pree· M.r1.. Wolf op.Deel th• P"'C"•n• a.nd Al. J . Barbeau. U\1 hoat and ent Wl!'tll !\fn•tll J . I"> M<"Mtl!111n rt1,1nc a •<"ll!Clton ot Chn.tm1t1 hott-. Jr., Thamu A.. J<"llkn. l.A"\\'lll f\l <"r· r11rol1. on th1 acrordinn . .A1" on rill, Waller ~nllar. t:J\\"111"\\ Zulu-, the rtogntm wu l:Ult.I IMrL Carbul"ltOr m!Jttur~ that l.J'9 Jl'ranft"I l'ul1111kl. Frank Bo•l1nnn1. Loulll l Jacot..on of P'ullertnn, Ronald 1.rac0Qn11ld 1'1 A Mu.ncy "hOM pc>em•J hlV'I. appeared 11'1 pal"tJ tor E ta Eta cDpt.er of too lean or two rich Will cau• Chrt Pol\ar(I, l':d,,.:11rol. f\l.!r·k(>V!r h: r,•11dl"J" m1p11n.,1 of the rountry. Bi.ma .A.lpb.a l:peUoo. Dec. 10. I the t.ACtM to overh•t, poillta out t.awrl!'n c1 S.rgtri>T\ 1nd \\'1JUam Mrs. Ja oot.or\ pV'I. .. cerpta rro•n Q&nl. .. Wl.f'I played &Ad 11tt1 u · tM NaUon&I Aut.omob.11-Club. A. Cros1. her newf book, "M.Lcl In th• I nk'". Mt. and M:ra. M"1J Berry, Nil Cliff Drive, hotted a Chri1tmu SPECIALS for December primary and elementary 9radff of "OM of tl11. Udo Sito,. .. HAUOR DRUGS 22,~3,24 Imported Fine l+ell•n Se rve end Give th. Bo.ti St. Jalllff Day Schaal • AppllcaUon11 will be rttel\'ed the Chun:lh School Office PbOIUt Harbor ti89 Re''. Rollo M. Bou, dlreetoor St. James Day School '~PU~OOl'AL" NEWPORT BEACH ""' C hampagnes in Beautiful Container• Decanten for Yo ur Holiday hrUeo a Gift GI ... ~,,,,.,., A Gift Pa.ckases Gift Wrapped • w. Ouf1 Ille 1-t • Stock of Imported ltali•n Delicacies in Orange County Wt. FMlllrl. Bom1. M-41. llallva .. u .. 11 •.. JOO~ J"u?• Portt Anthol'ly' • Market DUQilB!D ftALLUi D&UCATVJ~l:-" ma.1•-. ...... Tmm C-IAlle. a,.'..,. • ._..._,JM~-to t :GI P.M. U:Mrt)' a.'fm ...... ~..-1:Jt ._M. lo t :et0,.._ X.... Da)'• a.. Open E,·~ning1.1 to 9 : p. m. unlll Cb.rUtmu Eve u 11-%778 • Ore}" & Black • Tu .. 8 l"DWWI s 10 95 to':!!. s 7 95 ...... MeNc....,-c_...._ a lww ........... ta ...i n.tft7 Drq •C--~• ' U&l Vl& Udo Ne rt Beach SSOl E. Cout R • Corona del Mar BBO\\'S IF. HOUl>AY FLASH OUTFIT - llHO"'NU:: BUU.'8 l:U ......... 518'° Coffeemaster A utMftaUl>-f'll&kN I to I cupe P"-· .. FLASH OUTFIT .-. $26.95 Frypan COMPLETE KIT . - Automaue p1.t1't.et ,..,.-,kbll' reeulta ""~ tlrrM! •.• a Nut., P~ .. t t.M..f2'1.t&-•t•.J& " . d :· ·recor L. P. Album Mantove ni Chri stmas Carols Rog er Will iam• inc ludin g Autumn leaves 5 Album• O klahoma Sou nd Tr a ck Christ mas in Hi Fideli t y Mel achri no Orchestra Casi! Reci l•ter Reg. 2.98-2.49 001.0t:S 0 1.0"' TEA SET $1 .91 0.-lu:.-,,, fencing Set $298 Tool Set 5198 otn.-..i Dirk Tr..-y I loil•ll"ll Wrist Radio $295 Plush Toy MECHANICAL "iovs _ 88c PERFUMES <JILUmLLY Perfume wl~ 1t11 csrd fMd7 te m.al IUY NOW! 511s and 8'-flll 1& Day~ FREE TRIAL Mont• 1.f OM. JI.. ADAJU am .IEWEL P\IR8t: s .. .__ -··· 9ZS.M Perfume ___ ,:n.ro $29.M s300 tjlu.\"f!r-. PEkFl.'IO: 90Tl1.iA Md Atomizers E.a ...... "9 taperta fnm 5100 .s2000 DUST POWDER SETS 5450 T ... -£mlr -Platlae -tO C.,.._ -......... l•to.Uc.-Uo• CoMt"M •d PERFUME SET COLOGNE SET --·······- JlQrer a OaUM !Uite CARNATION SOAP PA&-T·LOO. to•'•" J ... , "•"' wlt>k 98C FIRE LOG •.• " " ········-······· Bo•utiful Xmas Decanters * OUI roa:.."'1!11 •: •.. WAU"r.• OLD TAYLOa 10 \l'o: DISCOUNT ON MOST UQUoiS IY THI CASI 8 II AM .... TIU'OSD OLD 11T. TAYW:aJlf OLD rtnGE&A.1.D • NOTI!! "' '1'rlnl ...... 111 ... a-rded ' p.111. Christmas Eve. Watch for Dotible Vote lfetn•, /' I; .. 1 * FrM Gift Wrappltit * w. Mori••- Wiiie Y1111 Walt * StoN H••• Xmas D«y t ta Z p.a . ••• •• He•a , M1adimr he. 26 Many Cocktail Parties Before Debutante Ball St. Margaret's Guild Election 11 t 10 a m Ot't' ll at the hom" 1 mf'n who 1re tnter~ated tn att~ntl 1 -For the ftnu t In C'ommerC'lat 1 COAST Al SHOPPER Of M is Floyd Hubba rd. H 7 Sauln A baby alttf'r will be pro\·idl'<\ Bl Prinllng <'811 Hartior Hl16, J ob · PACiE 7. Alla Ave. New oftlcen wtU be tacit meeting To be placed on I Printing DeputmenL I WEONESDA Y, DECE~BER 21 , ·1955 ,j I the fUlld malling Ital, C'aJI Mra. ---- e ected. Ted J ohnaon U 8-3~. St Marcaret·a Guild or Co1la Ml'lla F:p111C'opal Mla~lon will mf'et Mu. Eugene WeU.. rultd C'halr· ------------ man, tnvtt e1 all Coata Mua wo- BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 170 Superior Avenue Coal& Meaa, C&lll. CHAPEL BY THl!l SEA 3620 E. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. Patrons and Chairmen to be Pre-dinner Hosts~ Pilon• Liberty 8-2Ul Phone Harbor 42 RepaJra • Ma.lnuna.ace • lutallatlon STAFFORD & ION ":'ll~LS 11nd DOC" Many gala cocktail partiee are planned by sponsoni and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS others to preceed the .econd Annual Debutante Ball, apon-Phone Liberty 8 -%271 aored by the N~wport Harbor Auxiliary of the Children'• !.....------~l~IO=IU=ve~n~l~de=A~,~·f'~n~ue===N~·ewpo=="=Bead=~=! Home Society of C&li!omia. Debi to be presented are: Ml .. u Suaan Carolyn Bat.a, Ta- ja Jmlu Tohill. DenlN Nadia Nllea, l:Ulabet h Jill Howell. Mar- garet Johan Hirth. klly LoulM Pn.tw , Malinda 1.Aithold, JMftlla Daune• Cutendyclc. Cora Vlrrta· la Petan, Ann Olbeoft. Cl&Ta Lou· IM lmiUl, Ells&beUI Ellen ~le and c..andra Southwick Hoyt. AT OVIA'IT HOH& M"' Tod Ovta tt, •nia!dent of the AWi.Wary, w111 oo-lloet a parlJ With Mr. and Mr1. ltlt.ori C. Hal· latt, wllo are l11ta4 amonr th• rroup of p&lronl 'tor Uli• year'• ball Amonc their rua•tl wUI be Mr. ud Mn. Myford Jrvtne. Mr. JrvtM wtU preaenl U.. 13 debu· t&nlM. OU.• J'UMU ot tti. Orlattl and Mallette will be Mr. aad Mn. l:d· ward Oroenendyke and Mr. and Mr1. Bewley Allen, alllO patron1. and Ula Bpancu Honie•. John LowM, Paul Mant.&M, Harold Malllen, Ray 8eneell, Wltllun PIJp. I:. H. 8klnna1"8, M .. ra. Art La IMll• and Wayne Farrell and Mr1. Marruent.e Tandowalcy. lt&ntord Atwood, Robert Sall•· bury, Mort Porteou11, Jay ~ue· myer, Jack Adame, Douglu Ken· a.ton, L. K. Reynolda. William Gwinn, Ralph Klnnl'y, BurdlC'k WIUlams, Richard Dwyer, Victor CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 PVlll-BLOCK OOMPA..!\"Y -tttO 8. Main 8t., Sa.ata A.Ila P l.'lllCE -OINDER A!\"D CO~CRETE BLOCll8 REL,TORCING SmL and St:PPUES Andrewa, Robert Turntr. Owen -----------------------..J Ward, John Shafter and J ohn r oater. Mr. and Mra. C. S Brokaw wlll be pre-ball llo1l1 lo the table ruutt of Mr. and Mrs. Lyma f'&rwall Mr. Fywell. who tntro- duced 1ut year'• debutanlH, will prealde u muter ot reremonlH thJa year. Thla rroup will lnclude Col. and Mr& Alan Mickle and Mr. and Mn. Dewey Callhan. Mr. and Kra. Edward Leatar Smith have al.lo acheduled a par· ty, aharinr honors w1lh Mr. and Mn. Oeorca Yardley, alao patron1 of the ball. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BU>(). BALBOA Open Tueada1 thnl 8aturda7 Mr. and Mre. Edcar Wittmer -=======================:; will entertain Mr. and Mra. Vince r Healey, Mr. and Mr•. WllJIUTI Wittmer, Mr. and M u . WllUam Bwlahar, Mr. a.nd Mu. J. Gordon Smith. the John Allens and Rob· See and Drive the New 1956 For Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES Consult The Special MARINE ·1 , Mr. aad Mra. William C\lrlett, (UM latter la ball dWrmaa) will Join U.a H . Payne 111.ayan (Mn. ThaJ• I• chaJnna.n ot dabutantM) In •tartalnlnr a Iara• croup whl~ includu : art Gardllen al their pre- b&ll party. PATJlON UST JAGUAR SECTION no sea ms lo wo rry obout!' 1 · .. I Looklnir forward lo t he ball 11 a dllttn«Ul.thed group ot patron• wbJc!t l.nclude1: Muu1. and Mmu. Ho-rd Ah.man.an, Wiiham Bau- er, J . Jlou CutemlyC'lc. Evvell MtMn. 111d Mmu a. J Colyer, 8. Oardtnv, J:c11ar H UI, Myfonl Irvine, Elton C. Hallett, Donald 8. Mesans Eastern Host Kin Harwood., G. Harold Mat.here. _ Na"8on Neice. lAwrenca Pt\•ler. O. W . Richard, P aul Ror era. U>n V. &mllJI, Wall•r SplC't r, AWllln I ltlll'tnant. S.wley A Uen. Horace Holiday (Ulltt at the hOal• ot Benjamin. C. S. Brokaw, Lym&J\ M re. Olan Towna. 2UT Eldu A VI.. F'arwell, I: d ward Groenendyk•. are her -'ttar'1 funlly. Mr. and John B. HumdaU, MoN"land Lell· Mra. Charlu Walah end daufhltr J:dlth, and H. r. Cbrl1tlan.Hn ot hold, Paul Palmer, ~rga POt'g· ChaU\am N. J er, John W. Roblnaol\. E . H. 8kln· .- A l -V "'"""'· -'• _ _,,,......_"'_ Wo,.ld'1 fo1tut 011414/ut prodM.CtU>" OOI' HARVIY MAYER MOTORS Z 137 Harbor llvd., CO.ta Mesa (Co~er Victoria St.) Uberty 8·2256 Tiit Wal1h family hu ju•t re· nf'r, Harvey 8ome11. Earl StiLnlty, turned from two and a half )"f!&r• Thomae Web.tu. the Ot'Orr • Yard- ln 1'\lrlfty where Wai.ti il~ped laya. R.obert lkauch&mJ>• a.nd LA-a· put up an nil ratlnery al Batman. ler Lowu. ~la~tva trav~llnf ~ l:~r o pt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and tae Holy Land waa made poa, f --- •Ible while the family wu a.b~ Other J'UHt. wtU .,. M"' J a n Blake and Wllllam TOWN. A Chrl.tmaa Eva t&ll'IUJ' reunloa dinner wUI be htld at the borne ot tM O.,y Chr11l11J110n• Yule Party for Ebell Sections lt'ball SVMn club aM book MC· tlon J 11\art<t a trtllv• pa.r1v D« H In U-. clubhoUM Mr1. Murray Rab"ll. rard•n M'Cllon chalnn&11. I .. ,..... pw!(h trom a larc• cry1tal bowl. Jt wu 1urrCNftded wllJI I lar1• red 11... C"l\rU&mu tref' ~~Ill M CI In It fl<Mll f'd lll'hted can.di• I Mn. John Clark pla7td Chnat · mu c&r0la an the ¥tol1n wtLh p•· i ano M'COmp&nlm9fll by Mra. Jack Jlt)ylan. Mra. rra.nk C. Panw, u 8anla Claua. P"•lct.d at &be ittt u ch&qa. Bndre and cuuta ('Om~tad the afteniocm.. Street of Candles <me of th• attractive 8tfhll of the ana In Chrlall:Qu UJhUnc I• Ult "Sll'"t of Olant CaadlM .. , an- nual community proJK t at Nf'W· port H•rlll• On s1p a1 Jl<)aJ1 from J3UI St. to Clift Drtn. 2'9 h<!mu .,.. d9COn ted wtU. caadlea Home from Mexfoo Mr. u d Mr• C 8 . Jtladd. 16T9 Arllor Drive. have Ju.t return.cl tram a month"• J•Wlt to M"•IM City and Acapuleo. 'Mley enJoyf'(I mMJ 81de trip• fl"Oft\ \.be two Cltl ... Stoffel loy Hwts Self ... Street Fal A.a automobile lndlr.clly r au,e. ~ the In.Jury of a f..year-0111 N""'JIO"t S..t'h boy al 2 20 pm • aat.u:rda.1. att0rdln1 to pohoe Ja.me. Lot.Ill 8lotfet. U l 40t.h At WM I.Mm \fLB~ folaowtar Uie IM'cld•t a t 3tth IJt and Bal~ 81"1. Pelkla Mid UM boJ ,_ tn troat of a car dr1Yen ' c1r1 .. •1 Snteet A. I.Mb. o .1 8uuat -.Ch. nM ,..a.II told of· fle9'9. .., ..... ,, M WM not ac· tually .,t .,. UM car. Ha Mid ht ,.... 111st wtien a.. 1911 °" the I ==-t. .................. aad I ••••• ., °"".,, ••aklerM ... 4,._tqe of 19(Uq a lkanM I hr a .... a WU "'°"I'll "°'"' ,...._, -'*' Newport ~ .... Ula t.. W.Uf'1 .. ~­ ad '811 u Woactar to lonJHM D ......... •ta a.ra Drtn. ne ..._ ......... "1 Mrs...,_.,.. o....imw . ..._ .. .._ ·-................... . ................. om... ... ac-11_, tt u ..,. I""" la coktr It ... ,._. "1 ~ Oteaa. llO °'"8 ,....,.'" ·.l·~~ .. \ . ·. ' .. ~ . ') .. ... :· . . . ....... . •.' • !~ Chrletmae · .I:· · . ~) J.' • ••I Reduced in Time-to Save Your Xmas Budget! ()pm l:wnlnp 'TIL 9 until~ +·· ·.·· • . :.·: <fl ··~:r t1 "Shorlie " Robes ln lovely mt'laltc Cottons -OnE'ntal all O\'er pa ll<'rns w,re S650 9.~ Now Quilted Cotton QuiltM Plaid ~hort1e Ro~ W<'~ 22 95 rcduC'ed to Only Fitted Robes Wool Plaid Shorties -So 11mart Shortie Rotx-8 llO 'MY to h\'e with trl're 24 95 =.Now ~~--~uced s 14 so Full Length Corduroy Robes Plain or Fancy Were 22.95 1767• Newport llvCI. Coate Mes• LI 8-1431 in the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS PRESS I've (al/en (o r seam les s !.lod in gs by (Aile: • So Lovrly to GI VE ! So LoYE'ly to RECEI\'E ~ • doy ond dr e ss sheers, s135 to '1" I 7 6 7 -a Newport BlvCI. Costa MHa • Open E'Yee. ·w • unUl Xmu SW • I • • • In Decorators Colors One Group in Fringed Antique Setin Pestel Colors Filled with Kap~k ALL SIZES AND SHAPES One Group in Pastel Antique Satin Zippered-Fill ed with Foam Rubber One Group of Corduroy All Shapes I Sina Buttoned-- . ,, • • :! From 2.95 to 4.75 Priced at 4.75 From 2.25 to 4.71 DICK MACKER FLOOR COVERINGS 3420 YMI U. Cupeta for "8'f room la )'our ..._ ... ,~ c..,1-.. 0.-.tlllc 8Pnire Newport lwh I "' • -' -J..'-.. ~~..AJ.a-....-OS &I•• •Alllf WITH SALLIE o-berll. lMa Orcldd8 lat.be lloodPtf Better yet • • • eene thaa under '°Z ClarWmM tree .. .. bloomlq "°"' ... beaautdJ' sift wrap- ped plMt • • • Orehlda! Qaem bee of all plaat If• • • ·• Ablue wtda htq, thelr ,..... Ylbnat •• cl ert.p ••• w.,. Md slow· .. , ............ Ol'dald ,..... • • • 7far elaelce ot ..U.. ..,.... or wldte ••• ~ to Robert ......_elev Plower .................... , .. ~ .............. ................ Tiiey .... ......._ ........... . If at... a ... , -of an ................ ,.., ... ... ... sift apUelt .. •wtt•• ........ plut ............... , ud .. '* ....... title price ot '10A0 ..... MIM'e JOG la- to --;: .._...,be poor --~lz: 'sofla ...... • •• :FAda ................. larse, ~ ........... . v...-wttla .-.c If• _. ..... .,...larsewu- • •1sw1 ••• rue roar Jiiek ••• ftTo Woo-. eevee ..._ ....... _ ••• Aa atn ~~ ~h•oe for utra ClaNa.a ........ Now let'• Mt tho Orchid Pluat on the coffee table and ...,. 80IDe viucb fitting for an OrdUd Pl&Dt to behold .•. Blue Point. oo the half aheU In a bod of cneked lee or ~ bapl half • fNeb lobster ••. ADd don't MY to younelt ... n.w ~! ••• Blue Polnt8 on tho Ult llboll aro not raw oyaten ••• they do not tuto Uko any raw oyaten you•" over tuted Wore •.. Tlaey are Bhat Polnu I Supremely cleflant ln their own eaotic f1ayor! Bo•utl.J 1618! r• .-n ..... ...,. to ,... .... 1J•tll 11Mt7 .. 1 ........ ...... .............. ..., ...... i ............. .,. ... et ..._ wllle f.all la UM .. , .... t IM raw .,..,.. .. a&elOl'J .......... ... --..... Mrnl from llM EM&. la._ for QuW.. _. ... NewY.,..•1 ... ..... hdtotr,U.-... (WW .. -'p~ll n• tk I to ltold •to -·•J-') ... ~ ........ ... • ,.... ta. .,.. ........ tJMm IGUf• .... .. -• platter ot ...,h .. -... left ..._ la tM ntrtprat* utll ~ ...... tbolwslllJ ddll-~ ••• TIM nn& Wte I ..... wttb elalll -••• .-..-i ............ . n. ..,... J-t a lltde ................. ~ ....... 'l'Wrd bite .. daW .W • • • B •••FT-om ..._ • I ate ... Pebtta ... ..........,. ••J•1•• ........... -.it ...... ,_ .... -•ntq tlMm .... Now y ou'a .•• TIMJ mak41 ••rfoet ...,.,., wtUt *• pipe ......... ow ~ ... , ... ... Prepuod cU. mWe - eook'-and puddlnp ... How eoWd ... ret aloq without them! But pep t.6em up a little • • • Ada a U1tle llOIM-t.JUnr . . • na90111llll na~ tap wU1 mall• OKh more ._.1 wlUl tbe llwillh of a , • ..,...... . . . u.. .pedal PouDcl OlJto J'laYOtin{ and Rua and Slitter flaYOnq ln DromldarY• poand cake mix • • . about Va teupoon ncb ••• Put • little ,,.,..... ln bnn matrlD8 • • • Napthchen ... aay plUa cooQj cot. ,_ Of ftltal"4 .... lnsle ...... A. t•"'P'""' ol. COASTAL SHOPPER F.dltlon of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEONESOA Y, DECEMBER 2 I, I 955 -And to~ ou All-A Merry .. Merry '~N·t"J ~y , '· From everyone at Richard·s Gnlree' ~ugge~lionJ /,.om Jec~arJ j Young's Ranch Fresh H e n ~ Turkeys Young's Ranch Fre sh Tom Turk eys Poppy Brand Frozen Hen Turkeys Poppy Brand Frozen Tom Turkeys Pacific Bra rJ d Frozen He n Turkeys Pa cific Bra nd Frozen Tom Turkeys • . • . lb. 69c . lb . 59c . lb . 63c lb. 53c . lb. 49c lb. 43c Ma nha ttan W hole Hickory Smoked Hams . . lb. 49c Roth 's Blackhawk Sliced Ba con lb. 49c DUCKS-GEESE -ROASTING & FRYING CHICKI:;NS EXCELLENT FOR HOLIDAY FEASTING -1. \. (}arJen f,.eJ' ... ~parlf;n g clan Freeb, ()ape Cod t , CRANBERRIES I-lb. pks.19c ~ .. ~ -~-· fi.·/. rr.h, For )'dbl' Chriltmu Salad, Bed Led ' ' I lj •• 1o ,~f ". LETTUCE . · . .-. . . --.. ••• f Fuey, IAr&• Sbe, Sweet. Nn el ORANGES ~.alu.re l~e fineJl /or l~e J.Jo/iJa'JJ Dutpld Pvt l>Geble A Qmllty FRESH BUTTER ---- YUBANCOFFEE 2·1b. cu . -. 1.78 2lo•15c -----4 2 1b•25c lb. 59c .. tb.89c --------· ~·· ..... ~ Doable A. LARGE EGGS do•:·63c --. NAPKINS 40perpk,. 2 1••23c ... ~ 8atb or Hormel -All Heat CANNED HAM Gl4-•b .... 5 95 • aamet.lllq New! WHOLE SMOKED FRESH ,,.,,. ___ ,, - <'hrl..tmu p",. U.ttn to Radio KWl7. 14t11 f•1r ChrUt.mM ca.row from R.Jcha.rd •· -· - C losed Sunduy & Monday December 25 & 26 "'GROCERY DEPT. \"nr k ('ounty-Dutrh Stewl'd 23• ONIONS ~o. sos lrl" Rr•nll TINY PEAS 33' !'Jo. SOI • Todd" WHIPPl~G 35' CREAM •, pt. Tud•b Al.I. l'l .Rl'OSE 32' CREAM .. . 'i 11, • """' pr<'"-"' t hf' button ! 52' REDDl-WHIP --··-" .. • Cubblionn 57' STUFFING MIX .... pkr • S M>llMI 16' INST. COFFEE .... •-u i~A'lv "ME°A1s ...... tta 19' lfr)·noht·~ 25' ALUM. WRAP . ir.-n. F"ROZEN F"OODS l.lhhy '• 10--o&. 2145 ' STRAW'BR'IES .. 1tASi»iuR16°: 2145; ~ Ubb.>'• 10-o&. 2'35' GREEN PEAS __ . BR~y·SPROUTS~ 2145' 1.lbh)'• 2129• OR . JUICE _ k&. To>dtJ• ~h,.rh<-t o r 79' ICE CREAM '• ra11oe s'N1 owaALLSs ~, P"' 91' MEZZANINE SHOPPE I or 1•,.,1,...t BoMUn1 \ft. \T 98' 379 TH ER MOM'S 10 tt .. , ,.,... \\ a r--< omblnatloa Otr~r SA1 UCTE ... PAN -··· --3" 1.-R."t ~lnutfl ••lft 111-- A II r!M•I hr l 011JWr A A•••t. Colorw SPOoN"sm 98~ BAKERY T Ht k:O.OA\. R HIMft Iii ~r\f• Dl ~:-.F.R 15f ROLLS ·'*'· "', t IU UA \' APPLE PIE R,.MJy ,. ... ,. .. J 23' STUFFIN IREAD a-1 !"\T l llUA\" coFfii'cAKES ..... 33' """"' t iu... & 11· DINNER ROLLS fnr ' ' Shea Studies Dismissal - Pleas of Beating Suspects 8ANTA ANA -(0CN8) - 8u~nor C'our t Judge J ohn Shea Friday took undtr aubmtaalon mo- Uona to dhmlu felonloua uaawt cbarru agaJnat flv• youth.a. two ot <::oat& Mua •rt'L JudKe Shea allO conUnued thf' a rr.Wgnment of the quintet unUI 9 :30 a. m. next F r1day. He ll&.ld h i' would rule on the moUon. to dlaml.. alter he ~ atudled a 233 • p&K• preliminary heutn&' tran8Crlpt. Th& df'fendanta, charred with buUns up Robert B rokaw of Santa Alla, are Gary R. Sle&'el, 20. TWlt ln; F'nncla Dill. 20, of Santa Ana H elghta; Jainea J!:d. ward Sltmon8m11. 18. Coeta Mua; and Benny J &mea White, 18, of Banta Ant. Th• t!ve allt&'edJY pounced on Brokaw . hla alattr Mr8. David SulllY&n and Sullivan u t~ trio tried to pull out ot a dnv•·ln cate here Nov. e. Mra. Sullivan, pr"(· nant &t the time. &ho wu lnvolv· ed In the aJlered flfht .• ~cordinr to teatlmony. Sullivan aJao wu attacked. but no chargN were tiled In t.hia conntttlon. Two oth"ra arruted with the auapected quintet were ~leued by Municipal Court Judre Howard Cameron. They were Ruuell Wayne Carpenter and Leonard R. Beatty. A ttomeya argued Friday that their client• •houldn't be beld tor trial. They .. Id wllnuaea told con!llctlng atorlu. AU defendant. are tree on bail. Local Banks Awarded 'Minute Man' Citations for Bond Sales The U. S. Treuury Depart- mf'nt t oday extended a formal thanka to Newport 8ell('h banka for their "ltatltrahlp a nd patrio- tic aerv1ru ·• In helptnr ral•e com· munlty lnvutmenl• In Savings Bonda durtng 19~~ to a lO·year hlg'h. All local banka and branchu were Included ln the official trl- but• and pre.11entel1 the dtpart- $427,498 Given County Schools SACRAME:"TO. IC NSI -Roy I:. 8 1mp80n, 11tate aupl'rlnttndf'nl of public ln11truct1on. today an- nouncNt an apportlonnient ot 1427,498 to K hool dlltlrlcta In Or- a nge county The 111lotmtnl wa1 part of a 117 422.i eo a111rwtde M'hool ap· porllonment to "o v f' r c urrent achoo! cn11u. Slmpaon N ld the apportlonmt.nt W&a one of aevtral to bt. made throughout tht IW'hOOI yur to pro- vtde a l'Onlmuou!I rtnw of atate monry to ll!'hool tfl11trlcla. The 1ur~r1ntf'ndent aald addi- tional apportl•mmt nta w 111 be ma1le In P'f'bruary and J une or J9:ie. mo11tlv for icrowth In aver- &&f. 11ttendanct Th11 two allot· m"'nt11 wlll total more than 129 mllll11n. he 111ld Newport Man looked For Drvnk DrlYllHJ S ANTA A NA 10<'1'\SI Nell ment'a colorful "Minute )fan" ci- ta tions In aped al ~cognlt1on or lndlv1du&J bank aupport. Acceptlnr the awarda on be· ball of their banlca wtrt Roland A. Wright. manager. Newport Beach branch Bank of America ; H. M. Hollcer. manager Balboa branch Bank of Am .. rtca; Ed Hill, pruldent Mariner. Bank. and Jainea Van Dykt, prealdent New· port Harbor Bank. P reaentatlon In each cue wa11 made In the namt or the Secre· tary of the Treasury, George M . Humphrey, a nd R. H. Moulton, chlllnnan of the Southern Ca lttor- nla Advlaory commltte. for Sav· Inga Bonda. L, H. Provott, area sale• rf'prt.Hnlatlve. partlclpatf'd In lhf' brief bank ceremonlu re· pruentln~ the Treuury Depart· mf'nt. Over •~ million Amtrlcana own bon<¥ a t the preunt time. worth more tban 140 Billion. P rovo.t reported. C'AJU' ()llAST .. "NOTORIOUS" PLUS LOAETl'A YOl 'NO A I O«EPB OO'M'l:N la ''TM ,.,. .. , •• Dallghter" Mesa-¥>1 I· . ... I' We are off_rrt.& The ldril Ho~ Show A gbtfull Vomedy ·yo Paris~· ' with /, »' iove" And a Fut Mo\•lng Action Pirture He fought the Sioux as fiercely as he loved one of their women! Start. Wf'dnewday Hu..pti,.,.7 tao1an Camn on, 82. (If 112 Via Y-11&, Newport B,.ar h, wu In Oran1• •':n•Jnty J•ll Ra1ur<111y on a drunk d~1v1nr rhuit~ after hLa arro t Yrlilay atlf'm•-..in al Harbor Blvd and Kat .. lla Avt . 8htrlfra d .. pu· UN 1>11111 ~flUllf'• .,11d tht y arrHted Catn•ron •fl "r hi• r11r plun1.t o vu th"' rn.ad dlvullnc •tr ip and atrot k a .. p . ''The o..,.,ate HOW'S" Offshore Firl'") Mar1Mt1 have l>Hn wamed by t h• C..'o&al t luard of '1an a1rou• ottal'lore tlr1n1t I Ill• •ffk In th• 8&n Cl1mC'nl" l11land u eL Thi nolln ..ud fir nit would t.a.k• plu• off Cull" Ht>C'k Mnnday t.Arous.h Pr1d11y, '"'" 111-23. a L m lo mldnt1ht •ntl "•turda7 and Sunda y. DP<" :u .2a dur1Jlg Clwlstmas Show C at •u T .. I 8TAJITll CllJU~8 11.uUa ....... la "AATIST8 .t MOOEU'" .... 1: ....... ..,,... "Let's Make Up" Special Mat. Mon. Dec. 26, 2 p.m. ·~·· IDddn .lu1le" I l*-y Ca.rtooM ud COll'Wdy Ad .. ta Mtr Childrfoa 2~ d_a_y_•_•an_t~hOUM only~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~.!!!!!!~!!l' .. 111!!!!!!11 .... 1111!!!!!~!!!!1 Treat Yow Famlty to the ... , Ill Hollclay llltertahlmnt NOW SHOWING For ~~·~, LIDO N= Mio 19* WeM. Ill "14 80088 ·.u...i:a- D1'1 Ila& .... 1:45 ......... Md llarcb' HlJTOPJA• ,.._ ao. Wed., Dec. 21 ~1 :~ ~...,.. WEONESOA Y, DECEMBER 21, 1955 COAST A~ SHOPPER PA&E TOOLS Orut'• War l!lurpla• hu lllrrally thuutend• of toot. of every ~rlpllon, for rv.-ry Nafl. l\lany work•n 1rt all •hf'lr tool• at Wa r Sur· plue, bl'('auee thry .. , ... 11n m ul'h 11111nl'y. l'nu are ln\·ltt'd lo •lop ln-lonk eround, you'll .,.,. tpnlaJ «'ount•ra, aprl'lal bln11, and nnl' '' holr waU aree Uned 1'11h tooh .Th•rf' arr fllr .... 1~. C'Oplnir aawa, b.nd U\\., et HI tap.-•. frll'tlnn tapl'. hM"kMwa, pllf'"-m•ll•t•, bit braf' .. • and othn•: ~:~~.s~~~~~~~~:~ •~•. • u••Jar "·'' \':!:0 • .. ::·u •••• 4. 95 l! !•ell ~a.. •IM ... , a tar. '-vt • rt•I, h " •I te •-'""'-' uua. ........ .,. .,. .... ,., ,., •••1 wtt. t-lnf'h awtnt \1W ............. SI0.1111 ~lnrh ~wtYel \1w .............. $111.~ SCREWDRIVERS 19~ All with plaalle handl••· lnrlud- ln1 Phlllll'"' ,HH\>y Duty, Y.lrl'· lrlC'aJ, Muh•nlc.., Hom,. l"illlt~. C'ablnl't !iltyl•. Surw lloldln1 11nd ('lnar Qu"rt"' Dn\'f'r. EACH BARGAIN TABLE Rl«ht lnaldf' thf' front door ynu'll flnll a tAe bar&aln ta b If' t lll•t la e I a C' k r d ll1th toola, flubtJaht•. hanunf're. pll,.,.. and • hoat nf mlaM"llan,.oua I t ,. m • lhet rnry hnmf' •"'f'd• a t on,. ti,,,. or anothf'r. Ttlla le ) our opportun- ity to .. n -Th•Y m a k .. wo ndrrful Ct,rl~tm .. Oltl•. • 1 /2 H.P. AIR COOLED POWER SAW bu. ~ Aftlla~a. , ti.U C..11~t. -Iii 6 \1 '9<'111 &...._ A ncp4 Ml'8ela hk> .,.. tllat Mlle •I ...,, ..... f,_ I le '4. Hae •dJ.,.t•~I• rt,,.,..,..,* lal&ll., ..,d .. ,,._., "Ille. JIM)t r.p.m. l'•twer91 motor. C'uu ''"'"-Ill • h4 Illa• • lr•lf., throurh bult•r ! IOY SCOUT IARGAINS ,, ... , .... ..., ...... ,. .......... , ...... .. ,..., ,.,._, .. ,... ""f .... , ................. . t:r••I"• WAii llURPU II -n..r• on MN• ... -' O•f't• ll••t "'--u ,-t .. •• a Mt ••t I c.-•-• -..... , u.-..... ,. N•w SIMttlltf S.. S,..Clel for ChrittRte1 4'•i1tff ""' ........... ·-ltt"\ .. ... fllW ..._.. ftwt't• l .. M .,,..,.,, ... , .. ""' ........ , .-. ....... . 4rtH ~•• • • "-• ""~'' •I .. . .,. ,... .................... , . • ._ ....... H ...... u ft•f ... If ... ~ ..... .-.,.rt •tUAf .. . •• tM a...,._ •)k•• • ... -$711 Jl&#cwla~ II US ... ! ""\'I: f4,ll sow RUCX·SACI BACK PAC~ $7.95 ,,.. .. ~1, !U'<t9h ......... ,, ' "·-··· ., .. ,..,. .. ,,.. tht• u tre ff••ht• ••r\i Par\ ,.,... "'' ••tr• ,...ru .. f•r ··~· ,..,,.,.ft ..... 11 ~ ..... ..4. lltflll ............. , ,,.. .. , ,..., ~·· . .,, •• ,..._Ju ,. .. , ~· ... ,., 4tf' •"'-•• '*""P•f'9 ,,. ... , COTS M•u'• .. -.1t.l~1 •M ,,,.. ..... .... . .. , .,,_ ..... , ....... , ... ~-...... 1"1" .... Ny ....................... •t .... ~ • ..... ... ft...-4 '"''" •• ,.,,, ..... , , •• n ••tn .. A"'4. U .... ,. l "ff'lllR •hthA• tt•• • r .-.411 M•• •• $4 88 , ..... ,... ........ . ,,.. ... ef , .. , M t -t ~ I ·"''""'" , ... UI •ti!! l htt• A 1 t to"<lr•" ,, ,n "h i $1 .69 Rf'r. ~.Ill T f'llt f>atl'hlnr c •:\•f':'."T •¢,t. Tb• lar;:u t atMk of (;•nulnf' Army, SaV), 'brine aad Air t'urr .. !'lurplu .. I• t hf' ttarhor Ar•·•· l'u11 ""',. mon .. ) on ,.,,..,. llft m "' t:R .,ST'!oi \\'AR S l'Rt'l.I :-.. -•nd rl'· ':, .. ........ ""'. \\lt'1 .... , UNCONDITIONAL ~~~~,GUARANTEE la the Word for Thi1 31-Piecc CHR ISTMAS BARGAIN! ELECTRIC DRILL SE1"' with G.,nuine Jecob1 Chudc Y.very m11n •'Ill bf\ hap11y on C'hrl1tmH mornlttir "hf'n h• find• on,. of thfow marvtlou11 l'lttlrtr l'>nn· 841ta •ndn hl1 Cbrtelmu T""' ! l' o u " • n D R 1 1. L. P 0 L I t4 H, Bl .. T , ORI.ND, MIX PAIST and do a lot of oth., JoiN with thle 0 I! llJl In l' BLn1: DIAMOND Ele..trtl' DrlU ~t, «'ompl•te with 1te.I C'&rrytnir C' ... : TMe le a falMa.lou. oNl'r -tf yo11'n WeD loekla&' el thr ... JOU k•o•'! I "'-' Re9u(or 27 .95 Voh1e NOW ONLY s14aa MICROSCOPE W ITH REVOLVING TUllllET! AH IMttil ••• MOT A TOY, ltut • 'recitJow ""'"'"'•"' with • ltffuti- "'' ltleck.MtiR finl1hf He"4 t.c111- lltf, e4ju•ltle Mirror, COM•• COM· , .... wftlt ••,...ithe4 her4w"4 ceM •"4 .W... AR eacelleRt ti~ -14-•I -,,.. ........ •"' heMtylet •• .. , ... , Here's o "lrond New Wor Surplu1 Special NATIONALLY KNOWN ROY' JEANS DOUIU-KNEED If •• nMfttiotted the MMe we wt-1114 ..... to tet S2.91. 1-9 A""y Air Force PARKAS 1·,;·,. ·n ~~n Fur Collar Collar Forms A Hood •• t'.1r It rithf'r way! Fln11:f'r tip IHKth I '19.95 •1'!~ .. •r ,o• ruMr .-._," 1tt .. ,. md•J NUW •" (' .. , .. , ... T•r•. \'O\I•. ,,.. c;.,... ......... M M• ...... Jufet .,, ..... ... ul'h~111r._1 hn• fot t..wh! PILLOWS SNOW ·CLOTHES t.11 "''"· ,. • ., •• ,., ......... ~ .. ~"'· ••h·, .,. ...... "" ....... . I•'' •.ult•'• fnr 1•• l• Ca.kt ,._,,.. 11' ltu· •nu• •Ith ,-ee 1 \nd •h"I hu c•hut •:•• 1•w r •U t af h1r4 ltt I.a'• th,.m h~""' 1 h.-.. .-.m• '" 1n11t.tf funth' •" ,,. .... «'91d lftb,OlnR• too! BALBOA BLUE PANTS $3.49 ........ 11 , .. , •• ., •• ,. ., ·~ ~ ... , 4 .......... ...... HHthf'd pel\fl for tin••, ~., •n4 wnrk ••• ! In llw •• ,. .. ,,..,, thr) ,. I t.t s. Tllli• i• ................ hf' .. __ WOOL BLANKETS 011 Sal• for enlr $2.95 I h n • ., ..... . •• ,,. fhA\I ...... ~ ... , .. ••-'• ,., ,.....,. t'iil11p ....... f"•rlltW _. .. ._ ,., .. a"4 .... fr\A for .. ,,, •• ,,,. •• , ... WORK CLOTHES "~., "•'fl'•• ,. ~.....,...,.. ,., ' . .. . . . "-•-.. ~ ,.,.,..... ••"'•• IWle t.KYr• DIC'Klll«, tlA'(U, a o1• 0\'t;ll.U .t.•. 1'-• ... j .. t . ,,. ........ ,.-............... . •""'" AMI wllh Drift• .. .. ·-, ......... .n ... ... ..... -..-., C.P.O. SHIRTS for Only $7.95 •:nr-r .. .._, ........ ·-... -'"'· ........ llt.U •1loe ... lrta. H•~ ~···· •" ·-·· ........... , .... ·-•I••••·._... U\I, I• I ·~ ("'"41 fer •• ,_. ... ........ a... ........... .. ._.. •M4 "' JM'•t• .... , .... ., ... f\ .... ,, .......... , ,.. ..... , .. . SWEAT SOCKS NYLON S-T-lt-1-T-C-H SOCKS Jpr.for$1.00 t., .. UC' Tope! ...... ,Ste ~po!da.t for•Bnya: FUEL T\BLr.T.._ f"or ~ta.rtlnc n ... : J for 10c ,.,.. ,...,. .... WITOI CAPS NauCJOlit• JACKO! Tlllrt •"ll•. u••-.. woe ,__.. ... ..._.._ ...... -·--· ....... ..,. ·-,.-. c.... , .... ,_ - "•'" ....... 1. ··-.... ..... ____ .. ....... r.11, ""'"' ..... fl ... ..... ... u. ....... ...._. .... ..... , ..... ,,,,.. ....,, GUN CLEANING IUT Perff'<'I 0611 for .. H ...... . u .... c ...... $2.75 ., " ..... ,, ........... _ ........... ff~-· ---•• .,...-• T,...._ 2tc ·-..,..., '--IJe Ill -.. , .._,, ._ .,,,. ---7tc ~ -.-...--. ... liiiiiillllee ~DUMMY l I FLIS Treini"t Riflet, jult like "'41•".,.. _,.. 111 Jr, U•~rtlla T11t ' J ... PAG& '10 COAST Al SHOPPER ~!". ld~ ~ :: c~~~=: ::r:":!:J0 . ,;;'n ..,'!;'~:~e·~ab':'. ~~e~r~h;ooi;:~b·=~d ;;~~ 1 BU SINES S MEN A ID WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 I' 1955 •llYery IJor&l &n'&qelllent.I at the 8hwln "Stu Du.tt". Mi.uu Hagen meuenrv: Sharon Edldn.a. fourth -------------------------i--. and cupman ....., Jotucl iD a r11111pr: Jwt BoMl. fifth Carol Crain New Queen of Mesa Bethel Job's Daughters Induct Officers in Ceremony ln a red and 1ilver tetting with star theme, Job'• Daqhtera Bethel 1~7. Co1ta Meaa, held ita 19th inltallation, Saturday. Dec. 10, 8 p.m. in the Friday Jdtemoon clubhouse. M1-Carol Crain. daughter ot Mr.l and Vra. Erneat Crain, fM Via Marina, Costa U~a, waa installed u honored queen for the en.wing 1111 montha term. 'Tom Niquette from Ole Orange MIM Crain chose "Hope" u her Cout Chapter of DeMolay aerved theme, U1lng the 11lar as rmblem u u~ller~. to retl~t lls meaMge throui;h the l 'NCLE EMCl:lt8 >wllda7 aetllnr created wlUI poln· Roy lngmund.aon. uncle of the 1etUa, pyraclU\tha, 11owin1 can· quet-n • elect. acted u muter of die• and clu1ter1 o! 1Uvery 1tara <·erem<Jnlff, welC11mlng gue1t1 U· au•pended from above. ~en.b"ld to wltnua tbt lmpruatve )(tM t.)'lln Peue a ttended the fltu. (Uelt book and Miu Mildred T1y· Preceding the entrance of the k>r pn thoee mtertn1 prorram1 m.aler ot reremonle.1 the Ml- ot IU-ftr and rid. Bob Raaer and Marian Koerner and Jallm or .. n. m=l~:!~ar'~~ ~p~n~::-1:~~ and cbolr :i:..~~;J!::":a.:~::~~ SYMPHONY PROGRAM ano lbrou,bout lh• ntualiftSc mtmbel"I u1wned lhefr oblic&· lodlan, Sudra CbamberlaJD, inner tton1 and took t.hetr lltatlona fol· Guard; Andrea Papineau. outer ceremcay. lowed by electJ•H offlcen1 YOWa Guard; list,Ue Wardzlk, alectrl· 111"1. I>Mn lmJlh, JU&Jdl&A of and crownin Of Miu Marjorie clan; • ~ .Albrlfht. autatant Betbel 1~7 • .-oorted by Mi-. Nan· Knoai. ...UOr ~rtnc.e. and Brterly reco~: Kay M.W.r, &1911tant cy Hlll and Lee a.m.a, &MOdate ... be, jllllior prtnc .... Olher •*· muactaa. ruardlaa. eecorted by Jodie Mel· Uve o!flcen were; Mhy Ann Bethel choir m1mber1 laltalled ch•r etved, Mn. lmlth ottldaUy Cooper Ide and Janet Ary, ..,..; JlllJe A1cocn. Le.U. Ary, declaring the meetln( In -ton. ~ ~ c ronatlon ot lh• Charlotte Beatty, Marcela. Carr, Barnem ucorted Miu Donna Ham· ~-qu~n c~lrn:Xed the beautltul Grace Carter, Donna Church, S•l· llton, retlrlni honored queen to t Mr Le 1 Kidder a&nJ ly Cooper. Lorraine CUthbert, Bet> her ataUon u pr11ldln1 In.It.all&· :~:1 ~lo• 1".'Thew ~rd'• Prayer" ty June Daw. Ruth Anna Davi... Uon ottlcer. and u th• newly crowned queen M&rgaret J'ruhan, Roaalie '18cher. Jnlt&lllnJ o t t I c • r1 um.tins took ber Ila lion In the eut, the Dorothy Haley, Mary Lee Hayden, Mlaa Hammon were; Janice "Queen'• Bong". Carol H • r r, Janice Hottman, White, put bonored qu•n of .Miu Hamilton rellnqullhed her Elaine Rood, Robin Irw1n, Diane Bt!Utel U7, rulde: Mary Ann queen'a pin to Carol and ln return Jack80tl, TerryJacobe,Judy Jonan Ruu, ~t honored queu lll7, receiYed her put honored queen'• Patricia Kennedy, Kay Kincaid, marahal. Ka r 11 y n Ingmundaon pin from the new quee.n. Mr. Crain Gall Mann, Connie Miller, Char· chapl&Jn; Janet Mackerru, •enlor pruented his daughter with a lotte McOann, Terry McOovem, prlnceu. Bethel 159. S~n Clemen· lovely luclte gavel embedded with Marjean Moritz, Charlene Nelaon, te, recorder: Jodie Me.cher, put the Job's Daurhten' purple em· Beverly Paul, Beverly RelH, Ma· honor~ queen Bethel 1117, Hnlor blem and engravt'd with narr.e rlan Reese, Ellen Sequiat, Jo Ann cu1t1K.111.n; Nan.cy Hill, put honor-and Utle. On behalf of the bethel Shrader, Jackie Smith, Judy ed queen Bethel 26, Lo• AnJele1, cvuncll members Mr~. Smith pre-Smith, Penny 8 pet h, Pamela junior cu1todlan and Connie Mere· 1 . D Ith a beauUtuJ Thom10n, Terry Villagrana, Unda dlth, put honored queen Bethel :;,t:a Blb~e~nt:k;: of their emteem Waltz, Jerilyn Warren, Jo Ann 1117, flai barer. tor her. A!I a gift from Mlla Nan· Wat.Ion and Linda Wlllaey, The new corps ot otflcen and <'Y Hill, past director ot mualc for A receptldh followed lbe clo•· belbel choir members, as did oth· Bethel 167. Charles Ary Jr. pre· Inc ceremony With tables adorned er1 partJelpatlng, made their en· 1ented thl' two new prlncesaea by strlklnJ noral arrangement•, trance throu1h a larre allver wtth plna emblematic of their rleamlng lilver t.ea and coffee framed •.tar, flanked on each 1lde high office. aervice and a park 11 n i crymtal by "latenln1 atar beam effects Appointive oft 1c er1 Installed punch bowl1. bur.Unr lhrourh a pyracantha were: Gerry i;anger, chaplain: ------------ Major leaden of induatry 1n Ora~e County are among the new d.incton and new membera of the adviaory board of the Orange County Philharmonic Society, it wu announced to member& at the breakfast meeting at the BaU>oa Bay Club by Karen Marrreta BnmlnJ, exe· utant. Mn. John Nett, preeente<I cuUve director. a report of etcort.. to date on Adrien C. P.U.Uw ot L&runa behalf ot t.he Orange Cowity P h1l- Beach, St&nlq B&tel. ot Banta ba.rmoolc Concert. for Youn1: Ana. and Balfttore Monaco ot P9ople, the flnt ot which la txolni Balboa ban alf9ed to 11rve on ac:heduled tn the latter p&rt of the or,aniaaUOA'• active board of January. dtrector., wbila Richard R. Nolan Of Aneh..,. Brown 8. M.c.Pbtraon, A1TEND SESSIOS Anaheim and Donald Vanderbilt ThoM preaent ln addition to of Laruna Beach all have accept· Ma. Fried& Bellntante, the soc1· ed poaiUona en the aoctety'1 ad· ety'1 permanent condu<'tor und the 'riaory board. a bove • menUoned, In c I u d e d: OTllE& R&POBT8 Mmea. Orville Bell, Curl B<>swell. Louise E . Carlyle, l'\11'11nl' Coplen. Fran HucJln, H. H. Ht•nshaw. and Walter Schoenfeld trom the New· port Beach 11rea: Mm~:1. Muriel M. Engle. Florene!' B. Lane and Donald B. Vanderbilt of Lacuna Beach; Th1a newa of importance f o r the 80Cltty'• continued develop· ment wu one of 11everal reports to lb• iroup on cun-ent a.ctJvlUea. Mr1. .Altred Payne of Laiuna Beach, chairman of th• forthcom· Log "Give Your Heart to t.be Phil· harmonic Ball" ectieduled tor Fri· day, Feb. 3 at the Balboa Bay Club, ouUlned projected plan• tor CONGRESSMAN CLAIR EN· that occulon. Mrs. Karl Brtnntr ot Buen a rark; · Miu >Urtha Mettler of An11helm and Mn. O. It. Wlnder l'lf Brea. Rabies Eademic to County Area FUL.LERTOJ (OCNI) -City offlclala revealed Saturday th• State DepartmenL oC HealUI bu doclareJ au ot Orance Cou.nly a "rablu 1nJemlo area", ettecllve l.u11t Tu .. <iay. A letter received from County Hl'allh Ottl('er Edward L. Ruuell Indicated the county la exp«tl'd tu lake .. neces11ary attiona'" wh1d1 coulJ mean compullOry vacoUMlp t Ion ot all doga or othl'r emert' ... cy mj!uurea. Clty Attorney Walter Chatt• will be requ .. ted to draw up an emor1ency ordlna~ on rablea. !lccordln1 to a city council aienda for Tueeday nl1ht"1 meel.!l\f. ~. Jn her white a&tin robe, Terry ~ ... treiumrer; Linda SteJ· MIN Crain 1tepped through the ler. librarian; Kay HarTll. re::ord- J1ant •tar u corled by her father er; Rose Marie Ander10n. mu.al· piiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ clan; Linda Robeiron, fir1t muaen· GLI!, Red • Bluff -"Kefauver Mr11. Morr!• Slack of Fullerton. could grab thla State like a ripe Youth Concerti chairman tor t.Ae apple It Stevenaon atayed out." county and her Harbor area ae· Mr1. Opal Sheehan of Hunting· ton Beach ; Mrs. MUllred Alley, Ml111 E. (;ertrude Hell111 and M 1 s. Holm .. Wehrly ot Santa Ana; Mmea. Ro11emar1e Booth. Ht-rbert 8. Herlands. Edward Mil ll'lman and kaymond Thompson or F' u I· lerton: Mra. Herbert Fol.8om and County otnclala reported the quarantined area In the county haa not been expanded beyond the Tua· tin-Santa Ana area which wa1 put 1111c1Pr light restriC't lon• earlier lut week. The county tlaa *1\ con· Wl'.RI LOA DID! BIG Clothes For Girls end Boys ...... 11 • JERI'S ........... Pll·CHRISTMAS Come In For .... Oh• IAH ONm ........ SALE Toys For Girls and Boys • HADLEYS .,.... ......... ~ ....... ~ ....................... , .. ........... c..,.-. '-'--'······" .. BROWN CO. • ~ - • an A SubScription for . "\ One Full Year! Former residenh or part time residents of the Harbor Area, will surely appreciate receiving this Gift Subscription to their favorite Newspaper, end you will be remembered for your thoughtfulness the year 'round as they receive three iuuea eech week, every week for the entire year. Call Harbor 1616 or Come to Our Office at 2211 w. Balboa Blvd. and Order the Subscription. Appropriate Gift Subscription Cards Receipt of the 3 ISSUES WEEKLY MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 ll W. Balboa Blvd. ~ Newport Beacf; -. c...... • -.. a,. .. 2 • .. ... ._ .__ • ., ~~~~~~~~!!!!!l!!!!l!!Blll~----------------'K~·········--················································· PEARL HARBOR I J'HTNC) -Marine T /Sgt. Gene W. Lay n celved an Intramural rifi• t rophy Nov. 2l for belnir a member of the eecond place team In lela.nd compeUtlon. He la the hueband Of the tor- nirr MIN Ma.rprf't A. Diehl nr ~8 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del M&r. He Le MrVlng' with the Marine Ba..-ra.ck.t ~d at thf' u. S. Na.va.J 8aM at Pearl Harbor. Bdnre entering the iterv1ce In Ftbru&ry, lllt8, he waa g radiatC"d from Park County Hlg-h School In Uvlnir· aLOn, Mont. Stephenson Named to Dean List al Point WEST P OINT. N.Y. -Cadtl fUlph W. Stephenaon, 23, 110n or Mr. and Mre, L awr en c e E. Slepheneon, 471 Coeta Mn& St.. Coat& Meea, rer enlly wu named to the Uean'a ll1t at the U. S. MUlta.ry Academy at Wut Polnt tor the month of October. The list lncludu cadela who are academocaJly In th• upper :ro per < ent of their c huu1. Cadet Rtephen.t0n 11 In h11 third year at the a cactemy. He rtce1v,.d a Con&reulon&J a ppointment to the ••'•demy trom R~preMnl&Uve J ohn PhtlllJ>ll t R-CalH I. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wed11esday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C-.tal Shopper Ada nio la the \hdol'tlday .Sf'we-Pr-• 4 Llae. 1 lneertloo $1.00 add'l Uofllt .25 ea. 4 Un• 2 luertion" 1.50 add'L Unt.'11 .25 ea. 4 Uaett , 3 la9ertlons 2.00 add'I. llnfl9 .2ll ea. 4 Lian 4 laeertlou 2.~ add'I. Unett .2.'\ t'a. 81ta&Uo• WaaUd Ad• will FN:f'h·e 16% dlNrount. Cub ln adl'anoe oaly. Ml?\'lMVM AD I~ ' U~F.S Special NoUce. Special N ottces PUBLIC NOTICE YOU DON'T HA VE TO BELONG to a UNION, work for the CITY or the GOVERNMENT to particii'lte in the NEW COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT S'tORE MONEY SA YING CLUB. Everyone is eligible to belong to thia new and daringly different store if you wish to aave hundred.II, even thousand8 of dollars on your annual everyday purcha.aea of top quality CLOTHING. TOYS. LUGGAGE, APPLIANCES, LAMPS, RADIOS. TV's, FURNITURE, CARPETING, BEDDING, COSTUME JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CAMERAS, GIFT • COSMETICS-and just about anything you wish. The store haa been completely remodeled, restocked and redecorated to make your shopping a pleuure instead of a chore. Drive out and let ua tell you about this new and senaational money-aaving Club Plan -over 7000 aq. ft. of Free Parking on our own lot. We'll be open every evening from now until Christmaa. Daily 9 :30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Cloaed Sundays. Free Gifta to the ladies -Free Gift.I to De)V members. DIRECTIONS -Frorn beach ahas, take Harbor Blvd. north to Bolaa, tum r1ght and go 2 blocks East for Harbor Blvd .. Community Department Store 12131 E . BOLSA SANT A ANA Kl 2-6015 46c48 • , ••••••••••••••••••••••• »!NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PAftT Ill· PA6E I --------:.; ~ WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER '21, 1955 1'-Pel"90na • AJcobohca Anonymoua. :.. .. Writ. P. O. Boa 3&1 C'. " . Newport Beach, CaJlt. C ii .. SC).B-APfllancH 30-B-A~llueM Phone Harbor 4711~ tf1I ~: I 9J A-. • .. ·!. .;:· USED APPLIANCE BUYS A __ N_Y_O_N-.E--K-_N_0_\\_·_1~-.-o-.-C'.k-t-1e-sa-. : (A,W ..: GAFFERS & SATTLER table top gu range ..... $49.M whereabouts. Leonard satt~r· : GAFFERS & SATTLER white table top gs.a range fletd, contact daughter. Joyce I ~ .....-'th t 1 $79 M Poor Bnx 2l'>3, Swmnvlile. C'11llt.,~• ••.. ...,.. ·-·• ·ilfli···aa -···-··;uo~t{AlluOll}iilfliMilllilllilO~ WI oven con ro -·•···· ....... ·····• · · ··· · .......... · Lut k nown ••ldres11 "Yll<'ht An-·:..• .. :..•~ .. :.. .. :..:.. ...... :..:..:..:..:.::..:..:..:..~ WESTE~ HOLLY gas range with oven control chorage, Newport Bea1•h.'' HOLIDA y SPECIALS very clean ........... ···········-········ ....................... -... $79.M 46p48 KELVINATOR Refrigerator 6 cu. fL ··-········---·$59.M ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15-Sbar~ \'our Car WANT rnJe to S11nla Anlt or Ana- heim by 8 am. fl>r Hlp:h l'l'hool g trl C111l Hllr 03Ml·M el'PM m · KI 2·62-41 ext 286 tlaya. H<'49 l~Trans~._rt_:a_tl_o __ n ___ _ FLY OC·6 NON -STOP 11.".Y.c . sso• C HICAGO $69 •Round Trip Only Free Limousine to Airport Box Lunches. Pree Ticket Dellvery W ASHI?\GTON, D.C ....... _ 197 PHILADELPHIA ............. 1881 DALLAS ·-· ............. . ... S49 DETROIT -................ -.......... I i9 HO:->OLUL U -.. -........... _ ..... 1109 NEW YORK ................ -... -.. $88 CHICAGO ................ -· ....... S69 All Farea -Plua T- New 1956 TV We Are Selling Floor Samples and Demonstrators WESTINGHOUSE 21'a..Blonde Console. Regularly $299.95 With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 PHJLCO 21" Console with Golden Grid Tuner. Regularly $339.95 With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED ANO INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DA VIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Ll 8-3437 46c48 -·· 1--• PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool Rugs $3 per sq. ft. 124 W. Ocean Blvd .. L. B. HE 2~41:1 -Nt::v. 6-46~ Santa Ana. 117 E . 3rd Kl 3-836:1 •~Beauty Aid• Superfluous Hair Perm&nenUy removed from race anna, leg•. .Eyebrow• and hair -line abaped-No more tweeztns . Eu.EN L. BRYANT R. Jt. U9o'e Sa.loo ot Beauty Bar. 2078 • , uo zi-Lost and Found LOST tn C.D.M. blond• tortol•• aheU nm, rea<linr gla.aeu. Pre· acrtpllon Jen•. 16 reward, return to 212 Jum ine. 4:ic t7 All new material patterns or hit and miu See our !' .::lection ot imported china, Engliah blue, scenery and vine & wheat in brown. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. MAJN ST, CORONA CORONA 771 • MOVJNO ABOUT JANr let lNTO NEW BUlLDINQ WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE ------~-----CHRlST .MAS TREATS -A n~w Hammon~t Churd Organ for the whole family. Everyone MOM. OAD, BROTHER. SISTER can STANDARD al&e Schwinn racer type blkt. 3 yra old, hand brake 6 hfht. Good condlUon. 127 &O. Har. 43•1. t&•8 GIBSON 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator .. ···············-·········--$64.50 WESTINGHOUSE 7 cu. fL Refrigerator -········ $99.50 SERVEL Refrigerator 51 2 cu. ft., left hand door $89.50 KELVINATOR 8 cu. ft. deluxe Refrigerator _ .. $99.50 KENMORE wringer washer deluxe ...................... $45.00 EASY SPIN DRIER, deluxe model ·······--··-·· $59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, lafe model _ .. $99.50 L Ii H electric range, deluxe model -·· ··-···· ............ $99.50 ALL GUARANTEED ~ WASHJNG MACHINES. AUTOMATIC ANlf'p.rruNOER 'M'PICI SEVERAL TO SELECT FROM ALL RJ:ASONABLY PRICED-BUDG!:T TERM8-Jl'RJ:E DELIV. I I KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 Ea.st 4th SL Santa Ana KI 2-233& %9-Help \\'anted GIRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, hlfher •tatt.lnir wair• and frequent lncreuu riv .. you Ulla opportunity. Openinp now for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS W• w!U train you and you'll re· celve many other benertla. -A pply - 111' ~ No. Main Street, Rm. 211. Santa Ana. ' 9:00 to •:OO p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE ARE YOU TIRED OF -nOHTINO CROSS -TOWN TR.AFJ1C If :.._ROUTI.NJ: INaIDI: WORK -LOSS OP' PA. T FOi\ VA~ TJONS KARQUETTl!l Arc Welda, (new) 3 hp Air Comp,....,r, 220 Volt alngle phue. See at P.A'l'CR'I 17th SL a t PlacenU&. LI 1-TMll. 11tt COMJ:T 11 radial .-w an J wheel trailer Model J R nearly new. IA• than ba.lt ori,tn&l oo•t. Kl 2-71132: •~T NEAR.LT NJ:W lavorato,,., l&rp router, new drip oon .. aak-. •lee. veiretable cooker, clMlll ioam p Ii: n umerou.e kltcbea It-. L&dlN wur1nf apparel ._ l• la new •pertun1-. 770 W, lnlt St.. C. M.. 6IMf 4TEY DOA.NII Nearly New Apparel for womm and eh1ldJwa. We do a.JI kinda ot a.lt..us.. 2l!U I:. Cout BIYd.. KlncleQt ..._ Cnrona del Mar. Miii Fresh Hearin1 ~d A member or Btt& Theta Pl 8peclal Notka fraternltv. S tephl!naon attended ------------- LOST ID Balboa, Ladlu Wallhsm atlver wrlat watch on Spidel band. Reward. Har. 406-W He p lay 1t, tt'• ao easy. Jt you ------------- can ring a doorbell you can play the Hammond Chord Or· gan. $211. a monl-h pa}'• tor It. We deliver for Chrl1unu. CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! -NO CH.A.NCI: J'OR A.DVANC&- XENT Apply 1030 E. ,,rat 8t. BATl'SIUm WeOlftMllGnea ....... Wollametta l 'nlvl'ultY In SaJem, Ooe. . OCC to Host Talk Tourney Jan. 10 Orangt C'naAL C'nllri;e will ho~t the E&!!ll'rn C.interence Spee<'h 'rnurn11111 .. nt to hi' h,.ht 'l\11'81lay, Jan. 10. ll wu IJ111doaed today lr Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 Mffta eftry Tbunday I p.m. Via Oporto -Central AY .. Nawport 11.adl Albert H. Matlbewa. baited l\uler MO.TTELL'S ANO PEEK CulllJ'll'tltlon will bf' held In ex· temf"1111nt"Ouo• "p,." k In ir. Im· promptu •l•f'aklni.:. 1ll•<'u••lon. tn· t erpr,.t11t11•n 11r•tory, a nd aftf'r Colonial Mortuary dlnn,.t • p,." k I n a Reg1atra t1on 1 7801 BolM-Juat wut ot Wut- w lll ~I •rt •t 12 """" on J•n 10 m11111ter MemortaJ Park a nrl .. ft 'fl banc1u .. 1 '" lhP Student I An o""'" County l nallluUOll C"nl"I "111 h11ng l ht' event t o a Servlll& ramlltu of all t&llhe cloJ;(' T1rlr>phnn .. 1Toll F"TftJ A111on1: "'hnnlt whlth wlll pAr· ZEnllh ~lll tlr1p111,. ,.1,. l"ullHtnn J r l "oll"IC" No one ev,.r turned away t.cauae C"hi.ffl'\ l'crll"lll'. Mt San An· of I-Cle of tunda. tonlt• Rh.,·1 ahl ,. C-nlleict, San B"mni rlmn \'allev C'olleat. Sa.nla A na 1 ·ullf'g,. a n1J Or1n1tc Cnaat l~Busiae. Gulde ('nll11..r lad Check Suspect Returned to Jail COAST OFF'lC-E EQU IPMENT Typewrlleni Adding machtnu Ouphcator........Supphu SA LES RENT Al..8 Oan Hollla W!!lker, who Ullf'A 193~ Harbor Blvd . the "'"'" nf 0 1111 Mt1•hftt:'I 0 Rell· Coata Mu1< Uberty 8-779• Ir v "'"'" l>lo<1kt'tl In to !'>rwpu1\1------------- Be.111 h f"lho f' ,.111 t tcin ft t 1 p n1 ThurMolHv b.v Ot't <'•rt. V I M r M•not;a l. 'Mor 2~·)'"8r·nltt b11<1 rh"< k llllllJ"'t'I ll"Vt' ht1 a ddru• u :tH H111h11w"" San Lort'n1!o M1:M11no1:AI rttum,.11 the 11u•• rt'ct t1 nm A l11m,.tla t '<Junty wh.-re he w1a p1rkf'li up on a warrant frnm Nrwf"lrt B"•Ch ,,.,,. 11u~p~t 111 rh11raed w lt.h wr1tsn1t 11rv .. r11I hundrtd rlnllar11 M nn &t'<'n11nt rhC'<'kP dunnic Sep· "'"' b"I A 11 "''trt' P•Aef'd on (TO· t e rv •tnrl'• In th,. l'\~wport Bf&ch ~k~ An n'A hl'11l1 htlnk nr Bank nf Am trlf• lobe t.4antica.J aatd. wHh lil t namf 'F:llu~th 8tew· art 0 Rrollr> ' rni RNl HURRAH! TWINS FOR LUNOQUISTS M r and Mr11. Nnrman Lunttqut~t. toe Ad11m11 St . hl\'I' tW1 re th,. rnM1n nt /Tln11t new par1mt• fnr betns happy too a.,. HAULING lru.h or 1 Anythll\S. Anywhere Llb«rty 9,2146 Hltcpp 1%-Ba.Ocliag 8emc. General Contra~tor UCENSJ:D New Work -Remodellnr J. MlL TON McKENZIE Hubor 63~ W 58tlc Custom CABINET WORK Done on preml•u No job t~ amall. Phone Kl 3·33.48. CEMENT a BUILDING All Ktndt FREE ESTDIA TES Liberty 8-6109 29tf H. H. HOLBROOK U-Scboola. wtroeUoa DEPENDABLE PLUMBING • Prompt China Painting LOVELY uaed Hanvnond SpUl•l Banta An.a, Mon. to P'rt., 1:10 L ni... to •:OO p. m. Gunderaon Dru2 Co. Xa&a IL at 8UMa -..&;' ..... Hanor 116. ...,. , DANZ-SCHMJDT, 1120 N . .MaJn, Sa.nt.a Ana. it.pair S.moe Ma&ni-.. Day and Cvm1n1 ci.u... Pboae: Barbor 6IM Ordera Tum Now llJ.J!frlect condll1on. Bi. .a\om&• SOUTHERN COUNTIES IZLL ON Tl:IUl8 DEMONSTRATOR model, Min· GAS CO. Irr. DEUCA'lWallH--. '1JOo llOl 8&1~ Bl•d.. HtwpOrt 8e&cll Phone Uberty 8·&848 t4tte .,., ~-------~~~ CHRJSTM.AS TR It AT 8 . The ,-re.tell of aJJ-A HAMMOND ORGAN. We hav• all modelll Hammond• tor Santa Clau• to chOOH from: The be.&utltul H 0 M IC MODEL. lhe lovely lllUe 8PlNl:T MODEL. and the ever popular CHURCH MODEL.. all have 2 manual keybO&r<IJI a nd tvot ·pedal•; u litUa a.a l•O. a month wlU ma.k• lhe paymenla. We d • 11 v e r for Chrlalmll• DANZ · SCH!oUOT, 112U N . Main, Santa Al\JI, Cal.If. ahaJI Spinet ,si.r.-.o-lllce new.-""-Hu lntneatlnf out ·of · doon ONll e ft. retr1cwat« __ tao. Sav• 1200. \ Jobi for hlrh achool ,n..dua1-1 ONl!l l&rr• conunero. refrts. •Ta. "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TH)I; NEW machtnt prcx·e-. ml"lh· od. Real'Onable pru·u . A vn•c• 2 lape reeldentla l blind. Only $1.00 Blln<lll rl'p&I rel.I an•J rrbullt. rrre Pick up and dellvuy Work dune by appointment rhone U~rly 15-5701 or Klmberly 3-&274. ppUc CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO S MALL H. O. M <!er.on 101' IC. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Harbor 24~ 8JUc FOR RENT Skill Saw•, D ec. Or1Jta. PoU.hen. RELIABLE JAPANESE. AM ERICAN WA NTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HY A TT 4-54 71 38p&O Swedish Massage Ladtu , -by a ppointment ta yuur home F ormerly mat1M1UAt a t Arr°"''hPad Spn.n.c11 lintel Pleue call Harbor •ill~ or Harbor ":O. t~pM CLl'fANl!ltO A lRONl.'llG by the Attention Artish For all Your Art Need.I St:E C ity Paint & Art Center 412 W. 4th Santa Ana day. Exper1enl~d Ball><>& lJlla.nd Kl 2-4362 pretuud. KJ 3-6-0De U ------------- , 18·411 with tome meduullca.I l SCA.1.1:8, M6. 1 GONDOLA UL ONE ONLl electronic orran fftll, aptltuda. 6--day, •O hr. week. Call owrwr LI Miii mom1Dp or L1t>.raJ trade.. Convenient term• '6c'8 alter 6 p~ ttte I A amall deposit Will hold any piano or oraan fo r Cbrt.atm&a dellvt'ry I . 8HA•'ER8 (8ln e l907) 421·423 N Sycamore, 8a.nt& Ana Phone Klmi,.r11 2.oe72 Oranre County'• Orran Hdqtr11. BOYS SC HWI:'IO:"J 24 In bike. nf'W· Beacon Personnel 100% employer retain*1 ~f!llcy NO n:Jl coDected ,,_ ap~ Ul·llht Newport 8-cll ly painted, J ood condition. 2~18 ATTRACT!VE uecuUve MCl"ellll'J' Ea.at Cout HW)' -Kar 3S&ll m u.at have o ceU•ot telephooe '7c'8 penonallty tor new otflc.,, New· port Beach. R1rply Bos X-111. A~Ql'ES make lovely Xmu lhla n•wapaper. '808 11tla \"1•1t our Jarr• 1tore -t::". LoatiA uf rare lovely old ~Ina. 7.M.MEOJATE Open.Ill( at Orana• clockA. la mpa, plcturH, old Coa•t Collec,. for 1n11rrmedtate phonoc r•pli curloe br1c·a·brac •leno-clcrlc ,etaru ns aalary 1262 etc. · ' ' fW'r mo tipht •hit'\ hou,.. from CMA RUE DA VIS. 18~ r. Ana· l to 6 p m •nd e 30 10 10 30 heJm St .. L.B. HE e...wn Jl m Mon. •hru Thuts S to 8 UP1UOHT •acuwu l:Jec:tro-Hy- 1-.. &U &lt¥1Un•t.a. PO. Oood oondiUOn. ~ 111.J.W. ..d i DAVENPORT 6 dl&lr, l'OOd --dlUoo JM, Wrtapr type wub• • 110 DIMU.. a.t I pl-SJ&. LI 1-70tl or LI 1-1010. Ho60 Roney's Small Appliance Repairing ---MINK coat 3 4 or 7 8 length. HA:io.'l)\-MA ~. me1ntt•Y111m,. " 81ze 14, good condition $250 ----------rtpalr nr wti"t • H11r 4361 w S?EEn Graphic C.mera • 1 I.An.a r ., t nday Apply In ptnOn al B1111nu1 ornce ot Cnllrr• In Ad· mlni.traUon Bid« •&<-'8 lrona. t~era. corf" ma ke,.., eta. 2232 Newport Blvd. ~ta M- 1cor of Victoria A Npt. IMY'd.~ u &-6079 u oMll 4'.Uc Har. 4645-R ., 45c47 compltle equipment 11~ Pro- ..U type.w of S&nde,.., WhMlber· -R---,--M------ row1, etc. oy s aintenance WrallnJhouae electnc rou ter 120 Mt>tmuter $18, Tout.muter U . \\'•rlnic Ulrndor $17, Deep tat tr!·tr $12. Ktnmor• Con.ale nw• lnic machlnfl 166 Sunbeam r;rlll It wdtll' trnn 5111, GE. portable ratllo s 12. a na1 mtlal Bohm •y11tl'm rll1 rlnl'~ la c:a.ae I~ - All neuly """'· Hu 487~ te.u1onal OeVry 18 mm llOUnd projf<"lor. very Jars• 8J>ft)cer Excellent 11:.0 Har 1178-J W OMEN 8•vnal otroe., J<•bot. t•r· tory A d<•m-•11<" Ml':~ arrnun· l•H1t Hv~r•I ioni 1nio,.11 • Olhe" N~w )oboe daily PHii.CO 13 cu. rt. r.tnruator, 17 lb arro.e lop f~r. CWU91ve Phlh o 1wo-way door. 20 below frl'f&lnf lemperatuN 1319 t6. Nu tlo1" n rayme& 2 9fJ per wk. BOYD'S HDWE. HoUM cleenlnc -t 'loor wu1n1 '7c;48 2630 W. COAST RJOH WAT WaU WUhUlg-wlndow clun1ns r I N E N I: W WIUatd Bar1ton" Ukulele -le 00. '228-N . Cout Bid. ~"· 47( Jl'NE FARHAR F:MP'l. AO'CY 4021~ • 32n•I ~! THR02'SON'ij Jll1 6 N...,,Ort AY,._ WtMrty 8-343~. N"'l'Ort Bch 28tfc Venetian bh.n da. Uphol1ltry {'()jllA Mt>aa Lt Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT U t.'ENSED CONT'RA<:I'OR 178 W. 18th St .. Coata MHa Ubtrty S·N28 Paintin g c:l,ntractor U cPnnd -lnaurM "Complt't.e Painting Service at reuonable pnce." J AMllS. Harbcw l2311M 3ep48 PAINTING M. W. ROSS LlcenMd LI 8-3321 28e A--.do, Ooe't& Mee& Httc lnaured. Ftee E9ttmatu Liberty &.1332. JUc BABY •tllrr , m11ture woman By hour. d.ay or ,.,..,k Good P rrr· tnl.'n . fiar. OH~J. O c47 AbORABLE~tmale Slam~ ten, pure bre.1 Hou•ebroken-Experienc' d gardener 11~-J 11t. 1"ewpori ouch. .ep LANDSCAfiING eoxER r u P PtEs and CLEAN t TPS • t noalt' A J fl'male left. Liberty 8·1659 1 l f\loiJ MarOuff. C•rt1.-n Gm\" 30tto L0111th 9·0M6. •~ 4R A<"roN rrnm City Hall CU T t; ktlleN houM broktn. w•a.nfld. FREE U A-2038. Op411 !M)..._M~~--------BICYCLES 24" PAINTED A RecondlUoned, OJRL.8 6 BOYS BAMBOO DRAPES O'KEl!:YE A MERRITT l"&nJ•, '65 mo<l•l La.mp • rlo. le with onn l •m•r. C:hrom• «nll bMl~r. and l hllll lift u r• tnp. l Rd - month S 1411 81'1 <'Uh, nr f'll1 H pt r mo 1441 w. C'lla pman, O.-n1e. tU: 8·~17 U N!;W 8CKWlNN blc7clN allll C't'STO.M MADE A:-;Y SIZI: tO~\\ AHU l l\<1 rtll for any •Uber a v1ulabl,. Prt<"u at11rt1ni at 214" ' "<I tt. on rurrh~ ot a n•w HamUt.oft Alr'J'O 6 Bicycle acrHIKIMH tor Beautltul flj-\\ovtn L a11t•·••U1ll<' v.uh1·r, plUA a n- L.Etr A CAMERA 1 ll-·B_m_nd-,.lt 2 Op.n Ull I p m. Xmaa Ev• Klrach CUT1ain • Tn1HrA .. Roda "'" """" ...,t Ill lll:l'I lut m1nut, 11l'lopptnr r T'•ltfrll.f •"or All r'lrf'nrll -I C-h•tn tin"'" t rlkf' ,.,, dtYwn. !llewport Balboa Auto Supply ~ Them On f11aplay TtiRO~:o;()~ 14 181 \ N•wport .A .... c~ltd ll'nll, c•Ae l l2&-or, cnm-21011 :"Jpwport Blvt1 . Nf'Wport Bcoh In Our Stnr,. 1 1 ""'" M"•" tr r lrle Wi th ' Elmar" telt'photo CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Ma intenance G E. w p<i.uremetN and CIUT)'· M w d f--SANT A ANA \HllRLf'UOL •Utnma llc ,.. dryft' Inf c-117~. u 8·3!>72 46p47 esa OO ere t TF.1'.'T loA WNING CO. "'tth a ut••meur l«nluon. ft.ec. Thnoe yeua N perlt,nce UnpaJnW Ii: Juvenile F'Umltura SAJ\'TA A:-A f''"'"' H >!fl I<~. 8a le prke Sitt.ti. t..111s locaJ.1t1. ELEC"TRJ<' traln mnunlM on ply-Cleera~ce 1928 fl )h1n Kl 2·lMt> •Ott( .. ,,.,. on11t•ll•t1nn. No down. I •t can u 8-3i~t uttc wood 4'1. a 8rt Hai :>JJi -------On •perl&J x.m.. lteme. Chlldr•na . per ••k 1't1 pef"14!nt until UM. ___________ 4_:X:_4_7 film. Incl. l&bl.e Ii: chair eel.a, l \\ HE!:l...6ARRO\.\ t llpkeity """ THltO:\"SO~ 8 1816 Newport.A"" Pl.lT A P OODLF. In htr Chrt11t-d<'11k11, l'O<'keni, cheat•.· hutch. I ment muier ""''°! "1M"lnl" motM, C r111LA MrNL. ti n111~ 11tnckln~ Tnv &-m1n111ture wa.n2robe doll beda, cradlf• flt' pull!')' • b~lt l.'IU ~Otl 'l f"tm· 1------------- BY HOlifl Small or large Jobe ok A. K. C. Reg champion •tnck. AIM> •h~IVM •pie• ca.bl'nela, _1ear._Coron11 11~1 1'1111 44r 49 I kf't r1gtratur 11166 Philco o.&wi.e Rea.eonable ratea. 1 r 11 R _ ____.. PAINTING T h")' are the parent• or ••·one " lxly &nil • alrl - bnrn f"toc. HI In Hoair H~pt­ taJ. HAr 32•9·M. f'VU toe "l'IJ<>mt· 11tool1, t'tc. FOR RA r .. F: T , txo r,,movHI, 1 nnly 11r«" Am Y ••1•· "P"- ASPHAL T TILE LTberty 8·2722. men I 4:'>d 7 l11e our IAy away plan I~ rt " Ju f t •n•l l only Ii fi. h11• luge colo1 Prl Vffel&ble ...._ C A R P E NT E R wf!\• h -2l21 Hsrbor. <.: M LI 8·1946 11 Ii tt 2 "( • lr•m• rnnatr11('-f1f'r. l'lhf'IVl'll In lb,, door 6 &U Whftenecll Attet1• lct.catioll COllClaYe LINOLEUM · · L'H .. : .. s .. 1 .. r tr1r bro1!t r • l!plt __ __ _ _ ___ ,~tru tlyr ('llArant~not.blq •-·t·'J the above ch•an.r t.h•a Re~ai .. Work -------------u..,.d onr .-S20. Har, 2883 4tlc47 CHRISTMA S TkF.ATS lion h•Hltllng rl'<l•i•ood •l<hng t1 tr dlt o ., b ,_,,... ~ ,.~ -a.u Aflfll\' llnh!'1t l'111w .. 11. Munl• tr •> lo pey own rr e "-1 moeL Al.eo •ell Ttl• Ii: Linoleum. Doee Yov om• l'fNd ~ !9--Htlp. Wantt'd S!'olcJ\\ UtRLJ In ex t ellent r ontJI. TM Ravnry Traol,.r l'•rlc 171 h .tr lialho" Jtank 1 .. t p11yml'nt of Sii 81 clue Non-union, 2& )'eara eq>ertenc•. or Remod~T Pre111tnl11 t r11ttlt1nn11I C'l'l1 1~tmu ' 0 1 J :o.; In 41' d•Y•· liaJ t1ue i. Slt7.M. Compare and llff -Ca.II f'ru.k. Uberty 8-eecK Real Eat.ate Saletiman 1'~~,11~;18:' ~1:;!~c tw;,~;;;: l Br;:~ Cook1u and liJhl fru11 c11k r11 "' ' • •wport Rtarh, ~~~8 St'e anytime I.Jay ot Ev .. M U6J K. E. WhJt-n-k. -left~e taa-... BILL COKER Har. '1t~ or Lons AJl Worlr Ol&ant.ntMd _ Httc 1 t X H 639.. AIM <>ltl t&11hlnn•d ~tw 6.n11· _ _ j W <'h'Fman. Ora.nre ~ ---~ "" 8-rb 7-6971. 8~c yuuni" er or m o llr " hind lluk f rull c11ku A ~er· fRl'M PF:r In go<.-1 eon'11tlon 1!>11 l 'all c .,.,.rt KE 11•11817, •r at N••"J>Ort Harbor Union H igh ==~,,,,..,,,,,,,,--_____ _,1_p~aiD~•w1i11n•lf-4Aa.. •'af'lell'-iilll[Uljlf--t-~f'r!:-11:nnnnn1:'R!--mnnr't""'ll..r.:irnm1r:-t _______ ::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.-:.'".::11':'":.'1a"'+'_~,.....-o1 ~lftrt-~ t"OTt1' t-"'Zlr-,.ii."ti7r.;"'J'lnrrn1rnnr.rrr.rrir.._ __________ __,...., P . tin' p b gin w taJne . t 0 k d Rf:rRI O l':ftATOR 6~ CQ. confennce of Ule State Council of &Ill g, aper an g • do the work ouraelvee. p~t•. See our orrol'" and r~ad MAN S rollrr akatu . 1lu 11 •, It r or Y ur coo 10 a.n H11rbor 24111.J ~ucallon. policy -mllklnr body • ue eat -oney vau uy" IO 7ean experience THE SAVORY BAK"" SHOP -------------t ""' 16:.. 1..1 &-3290 alter t p..rn. ,..,.,,_ Fin ,., r>a-8 our commi•Jun contract. You II cue Uonel electric tnaln and c11n1ltu I fl w,.•ltnKh•·u~ n r•ll. ~- UI Al\ 000 .... (' lit s u--..1 la: ·-·-...11 be glad )'OU rllt1. There i. no-boy c 1ult cluba. w 8· 7~• ... • av, -mern .... r a or-ympson & Nollar -_....... 49C'48 33211 E tll Hwy Corona del Mar K ~T nla Teach•1'11 ~~laUon. In Lo8 8atillf&etloca fUU'U~ tlung like our ~Her anywhere . Harbor ~t.:18 n•1tters .t.ft-IH ,__U!)'. 612 31UI St.., N e._..,,.rt .. __ .. lla1matee ftee. Ca.II Jollnni., poa1llvt'I)'. lnter\'l,wa •lrlclly O'Ke«ft" Mtmtt 11u NUIC• 1M6 -... ~ -..--13&0 f"\;R COAT. xlnt. condition 41k47 Th• f1'0\Ap outllaed for Ole tint Ph. Har. H04 <>r lMi·R. 16tlo LI 8-2687 It LI ~288 Slt!e confidential. We are a member l i 6. Harbor 32811 •&c•S -----------1t»l11:0 tol•llnt ·tup ITl<Jdel h .. aU ttme the Id_. ~r UM ol Multiple LI.ting CHRIST .. _..AS SPECIALS \\'ELCOMF: to my n"w "hop Cornt 1111.,nlf' 1lr 1<l•lle on t•ip, I.a.mp 6 ba.9'e prilldp&ee al pul>be ed\K&· COMPLETE PAINTING Rd. OU 8pc O'nl Drtnwaye OLRl..'S lar1e alu bicycle. 126. l'VI tn a nd h•lp me bullt1 toward 111 ... k ,.,u, """" tuner. chrom• Uoa M d •t Iona U..U eon't'lc-A Paper Haacilal SerYice p ARKING LOTS Seven Islands Realty Cherry be<J. dbl alr.e. canopy, Ulti SAVINGS on •l'vnaJ Spinet vrr11r ,, .... .i. for nccttle.1ar1 lfllll bru11 .. r l '•NJ unl13 monthll, t~ Ullll --~ U1 1norat llUo---o .... ,f'M'T'oo... & Investment Co. I Hlll. Har. 2991. '8<:47 p1&J101 111ah•>rany wa lnut. I 0 1\'J-: • ht1.n11 knit fur <'hrlelmu B•·lntc tranatero•"' ENl. take f/Yl'r aad llptrttm.l ~ w a t\l.DcU• --'• _...,.,., lub-dt'19iona our •pec&&lty. We m evle. blonJa anti )'rtnch l'rv-\Ve ~1111 h~e • f,.w ldt 111v ... ntt1Hl "'Ith \he l:S&nk 6 ol UM Dl&Me+ ~ ~-IOO Ji..t acn.t. N.wport 8-cl l\&mlalt..., type Oil to 7fN19pe-&03 32nd St . Newport Be&ch, C11llt You are moet v_1nc1al ('&Jw .•• Llt>era.I tradu s·.+ N' Kn "1t J•ll) .,rt the h•l tJf 1 137 flt. Only L...--11 ~ l9'N er llar ... .._ Uc dftc&tJea. Larr-• jobe -amall ISM. 6868, after 8 pm. Har. 2293·J L:unvt!nlent terms at l'"Y s; 112 p .. r month. No c:uh M• ..... -Trtal -~ i:t-•Ulllat• A.Yo wa-Htfc Ukely to nnd S>lAf'ER.8 •Stnce ivo71 313 I!: li•lbu• Blvu lillbo• nf'r<lf'll M y ..qulty tr""· •e-any· N.,,.Preee a...t&d Ad. t« ~ Mod9"l equ1p-421-423 N. 8ycamo1•, Sa nta Ana 32tfc l1 m • J tay (1r Eve at HU W. 1nenL ~ &--400t. OU· a buyer lhrousb Ph _,,_ ..... 1 .. .,,..72 c1,.111111.,1, <H•nic,. ~·AHA -0.. 19 -u1.o°"Rl•1• -... --..._._ ___ Bch. GOOD opportunity few ruu Ume one "'"11.,..,ry.__,,, OIRl.8 -.. LH:•k•tts f:xc•llent1•·n· ~ ., ., -· • • -~ _..... '"' ~ v CaJI ('ull"t I K~ 11·~&17. e!•»..=_••~ ~ ~ u..-D-l •--•-:-'I 6lfo expemncf'd Hrv1('e lllatlon a t-th• n-llJMlptr dlllcm. 110 HubM 1H7-W ---__ "~...-· • ..._. - -~ tendanL .!1113 E . 17th It.. <Atta THE ENTIRE FAMILY C'r49 ~ -: .!!:.. ~~Mor-.. au.&fied Ada Jennen Plumbing Mue.. 4:'>c4T whJch people WW anjoy a fin• full ., .. or - --·---,,,_ Jfew.J>nm JMll>U.eh• ..... read tor clu.lfled portable l)'pewl'lter. 111'6 ~ llt.. If~ ~ •a.J tlmee u iuny rMl eatate Repair work, a epecialty -Whtt.htt you are In tmalneee fo r Prte«t trom na Wt wl11h our many friend• a Merry Chrlatm aA an•t Ha ppy New Y•ar liHA:'\11 XF:W I~ c IJ fl. Ama.na uprt(hl fref''tA'r A veil. lmm,.'1. -• ..-& a... ~ • ....,.,_ Cluelfled Ade u all oth•r local Water ti.at.. on time payml!tlta yourwlf or wark tor 110meone tlM. •dnru.tnir -F.conomy Of!lo. o..t ~ I. .,__. .-tedly p.peni combln.-d. Jiit Newport Bl•d . :-ewport }'OU can UM th• elaaalJted ada to Equipment Co. ,_... a bad <''*'k In H .. une'• HARBOR 16Hl a..a .. h Har. 5~ RH. Har. your •tl •antar;!' to Hll you~ -· The Ne-Prt1H 30t IC. 3rd lllt. Kl 7-3118 I BJ<i IJlSCCJl:NT. Prtnt. own - 1 _•_r._Kt_l -1603. filo47 CliARUJt; [)A VlR • t'lllployee•. u. E. 1!1!)3 R t:YJUO. 7 ClL ~ Ea· i ot Davia A nttque Shop I cell~nl enn'11Uon. Sll)O. .Alao 18()11 E. Anah•lm 8 t. L 8 wull.lnc m&dUne 6 ~ 11.&r. Kl: &-!!039. •7c41 2976. • tlo4a •v I ~· Ba.Ibo&. ,,. '38i ·J •7~H. 1'\c.., produce OT men:hand!M. 1 H&rbor HUI Aanta Ana. .ac.a .. _S&-_B_..&_f! ........ ~_!_~----I PAGE 2. PART Ill -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS II-Auto Sr nkr WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 , 1955 --M-ot-o--r--Ov-erh•ul LARGE 14 FT. REFRIC-1 --------------------u ,Cabanas Marinas CORONA DEL MAR FREEZER 40--AutM altd Tnwk1t 40--AutOtJ and Trucb NO MONEY DOWN ~:E ri~N~~~1:i:1 * * s Av E * * st:.it~~-~~5. .. ~t~ 8 Cyls. .................... $58.88 Lido Peninsuia, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS NEW COLONIAL 3 B. R. HOUSE, 1!\4. bath. Pro· tected patio. Exel. location. $28. 7~. DELUXE GAS DRYER & AtITOMATlC WASHER WOULD SELL NEW for S600 RE-BUILT, A S GOOD AS NEW $189.05 1 ALSO SELECTION OF GOOD USED REFRIG'S FROM $49.95 & UP. TERMS TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES lllJ7 H11rbo1 P.lv•l. LI 8·M9~ t:os1a ).!e:1a I 47l'49 32--Fu...ilture for Salt- BEDROOM Sli:TS I & 9 ORA WER drtaaer, mirror, bookcue headboa1d. Crom J:;9.M S TWIN Maple ~ with mallreu A al the $ s s Grand Opening $ s s l of Downing's New s s s Used Car Lot $ s s To be locate d at t he intersection of H ighway 39 and IOI 1n Huntingt on Beach Our s lncludrs both labor &nol parts. Nt:'w ru1i::.~-wrist ptns. valve grind. fittings or main and rod bearini;s. Exp<'rl motor tune up !IO·day ur 4.000 nllh• i;11aranlt't'. DelightfuJ living. Apt.-Cabanu . Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodaUon.a. ':-\0 MO:"EY oow:-; l REBUTLT ENGINES I _l .P to 16 .MU:"l:THS TO PAY- B~111t In our own ro<"tory by ~killed I ml\chin1s111. Om1'l 1't1nl!'nd with Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mt!c SHUH'I' BLOt'I< RENTAL r . 11w n11t!1llr 111:111, Ruv il1rl'CI •XA-~pts. for ~nt REBUILT and fNSTALLED ~ SPECIALISTS !<'ORD S 129.M CH EVROl.F:T . . ............. $1 l!l ~>G PL\'M & DUDGE .............. si r.~ I Call Edna Cralc <:unYs. & oi-: soTo ........... s 110 Blanche Gat es, Rltr. :sTtJOEBAKF:R ·· .......... $170 I 311 Marine Ave. ULlJS & PU~TIAC 6 ...... s17o HafbOtl Island Har. 1671 '72ttc LH:ft'J\ .. ... .. .. ...... $17J ----·-------- I Ht;IJS<J!ll ........... ....... ,, si;~ Charming Harbor Haven I Loan (',tr F1 '"' I 11w1ni; . N~\\' CAR GL'ARA:-:Tt-:1-: I Apartments -Patios Blut'k mtL•t mt'et our 11tnn1lanJs NF.W 4 R OO:O.f, 11trttt ltl'el. Near Plus t.1x.,~. i;.i:1kt'l11 a11d 1111 111·hools. 11hopplng dlstr !C'l. QuJet. Uprn lrunday 10 a rn. lo ~ µ 111. plt:'a11ant , rxc1u,,1ve. Garbage d l'I· BELLE ~ ENGINE pu:ool. l11undry, 11torage rooma, ..,).. l:"rn~e. S~2 :)0 vp. Occuplea en· REBUILDERS t11P strl't't Good supervision. MgT. H'>Ol Havrn Place t8B-Bo.._ for Rmt NEWPORT BEACH, turnlahed - Modem 2 bedroom hoUH, near bualneaa A beach, by year o r month. SY 7·8008. 41c441 BALBOA ISL.AND tum. a tlra c· Uve 3 bdnn., 2 bath home, com· plelely carpeted. Thermo. h eat, !l~place lovely tropical paUo 1 12:) mo. till June l~. Water pd. Harbor 4000. 411c4 7 IRVINE TERRACE. $5000 will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 baths, inalde BBQ. Drap- eries, atove, fully landscaped. Low price. BAYSHORES ATI'RACI'IVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro- tected patio. Owner anxioua for otter. Aaklng $28.000 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES properties. Har. 1775 -E ves. Edith Maroon, HYatt f-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 6359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island M-Monez to Lo.a LOANS for Homes G"° -30 Jr, Loau OCEAN FRONT Construction Loans SD BOB SA 1'TLER bOx aprll\(, only . Jll9.50 u I 6' 9 ORA WER maple d rusn. with mirror. from . .. $79.~0 A Main Attraction Will Be Top Quality Used Cars High Trade In A Op1•n Dally 8 to i Stnlc IJonl.led 1 Hlork Stlllth of HJgh School ALSO FllR!'rJSHEO APTS. "LIDO ISLE, 3 bedroome, 2 1,. bath home, on annu&I bul11. Slip tor •O tt. bojll, u .. ot 18 fL Viking runabout power boat., 2 car gar., btautltully t umlah- ed, ahrub•. 1700 per month. Inquire al • l Balboa Cove., Newport." 36Lto 26111 EA.BT COAST BLVD. Corona del Mat Harbor 3881 Rep. POIRIZR MORTOAGll CO. ... tl'o Ute Im. l'wad& KI. )~18$ 2 OCEAN FRONT LOTS $1~.4110 tor bolh 1a Jown H1u 6h '•!'I l OCJo;A~ FRONT LOT $7,..7!'1 cuh. S1z.e 30 x Pr.. COSTA MF.SA Living Room Sels Modern & Maple v No Down Payment NEW LOCATION V I 310 ~~~! i3~? St. T WO BEDRM. APT. rum .. gar. W I NTER RATES :>t!c $711 MO. Two bdrm. houae turn. 2009 Miramar D r., l'enlnaula P oint -Winter nntaJ - U Uo LOT 60 x WO. good ln«al1M s:•.:11111 Cllah. il NtCE A LINE u you would find anyw here. With our low overhead you·u be aurprl•ed how M14Ch we can aave you. Please t.&ke a look. It wlll pay you. 0000 TICRMS. l\&TA.11.. FURNITURE BROKERS E E __ W1nlrr r~ntal. See 11.ftl'r 6 p. m. I SARVER 131 Hh St .. Newport B:~~~ * * Mark Downing Ford * * .. x ORA 8.,~!~~T~ ., , •• , ENJOY '-~'N: .: ••• o .. ~ C. O. BEARDSLEE, 72' Luton Or. Glendale 8-Ph. Cltrua 3·113141. 32tfc NO COMMISSION No Appraiaa.J F(!e I SALES -REFlNANCJ: CONSTRUCTION Ca ll ror Fr e. BALBOA. TRJPl.EX-l'loM to O<.:t-:AN sn<l BAY. Good lnC'OlllC. J lllil $:11)111) down ler111 ... LIDO J~Wj ON A :14xllll FT L(JT OVl'I' :lll• 111 Open Friday Eve. Kl 3·2•36 Int at 8pur1eon Sant& An& t Otfc 225 Fifth St. Huntington Beach Lexington 6·2566 BondPtf Ur1&ke•-• whl't•lll $ 11 116 Front. K1ttht'nelle &pl11. Ir rm•. lnst.all .. livn .99 w1lh prl\'llll' bath. Maid 11trvlce. s1ao TV. 2:106 Weet Ocean F ronl. Harbo r 6091. * F'OR LEASE, 3 br., 1 bath home at 213• NaUonal. $911 mo. Lua It couple only. P. A. PALMER, JNC. LI 8·667S o r Ha.r. 1000. t 7c•ll Fut Commitment. on Rutdence. a.n.d Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 11q. fl., 3 twtlrm .. :! bi<ll1, """"" and vtry 1111 ge p11t io J 11111 1 o111 pfeotc-ly r~tt .. , orut1•tl t :l!l.fl!'lll Good lrri1111. \\'e h11vr I h•• k• ·• QRJll:N f'nlae couch. nearly new Hartlor tau. «><-• 1 DUNCAN PBYR LYRIC TABLE M--Muslcal, Radio, T v and 4 chain. Har. '704. 4k48 OUR GR EATEST CHRISTMAS A.TT: Antique Owner• I Repair CKINA.. OLAN 6' BRJC.A·BRAC ICJeanor O'Keete 1622 Walker J AcUon T-2T7T Cypr-tt I BUY AND SELL IC.UU.T AMZRICA.N cut. colored, 119ttem rt---Prlmltlvu-An· Uque tunUtur. and nne china. THE mG OLD RED BARN S. FIJlBA!)'K Kl 3·32U laMl Harbor Bl•d .. Oarden Orove llcl)lh KA VII lilal'-1 capital lo lnv .. l .. world~ &MC>Cia te. tn any- Ullnc cGD0enU.q ~CAI. Write Boa W-tO Care ot Ulla p&JM! r 46pi7 ~~~~~~~~~~~- CAR VD CnLtt 10 fl. lfP&ecUtu, rtmole coatl'Ol •Mel. car top loader. A.lmost new. $13~ SH alter I p. m. -'61 C&LalJM Drive a t rnr. Otte 21 rr. DOUBl...E E NDER OOo<1 bull, rood snotQr. S ee at Q 209 Udo PeolluNla. WUI con11der irade tM auto or what have )'OUf Hu. 217~ !lirt St 45c47 I W'ILl.. aHAJl.8 fJ!l>'Nlh on ea· t-.ded cnaJee. prdtnibly auxll· U&ry •ll, Wrtt• 8oa W-90, can tali. paper. 40p4 7 10 rT. 8AILBOAT -Nevtr ti.en ln -t-LJ. 1·1133 ·~~7 c:::KAX.PIOM I.Allman dlnrhy No t. o.cnia Ml1a A t "'l"r OQvfJ .-dllklll, Meo LI I · 72U 4"11'>48 TREATS St;-1nway Crftn•l. ma«ntfl~nl rondltlon Thia won· dc-rful piano klmuat hkt new, c1111 bf' bought on 3 .)f'.11 11 t1m1 Knnbe Sptnt'l. ,.b<•nY f1n11<h UMd Vf'r')f lllllt", lll!Yf" OVtr SJOO Dozen• of olh• 1 lltlle 11rnntl.8 lotany cr.n po1ut1v .. ty nut be told from n~w R11mt' 11nl.) J :t11:1 DA1'Z • SC:HMIUT U1g 1•111110 and Orgnn Sto1 •· 1\20 :" t.t .. 111 Santa Ana 100 P111no11 CHRlST.M~S TREATS l111m11m n1I Or1a.n w~. one only. l>t-1•ul1ru1 Hammon<! Spu1el, 1lono111 rnr Ole hc>rne. perlecl com.1H111n llllr new, generoua aaving 1111 thll• one. AllKI one only r1n1 Hfllll· mond Chord Ors.:•n Thill 18 "II 8ucl\ buy11 a~ &lml'l'll lmpo•· s-tble to ~Ind OANZ·SCHMIOT Plano and Or1an Co. 620 :-1 Main Sl , S&nta AnA I 15-Dop, ~ Pf'te __ _ 81AMES£ klllena. J>llr~ bH"I J IO HouH brok~n l.l~rt.). 8·71124 4: •••• ~Aatoe and Trucka -----------1'52 FORD CulOtttm 2 <1r H A H OD. Mu•t ... 11 S71111 2121 Miramar. Ralbc·• ll1u • t 12 \\ a ttu5pm t!\t1; 49 f'Ul!R DR IJ2 l"Allll.L.At" nl'W palnl.. WW t irl'• uphnllll't 1ni uuplk>nally r Ir• n, 1 un• &ood. $139!) ca.ah llarl>C'1r i1l4! 0 1..DSMOBILES Clil:VROLZTS USED CARS U l fc Loate m•"1.,I•. S~!) ,. All prll'"~ lndu•llnJ t1an• ••1• 11~• Ir• • hOOIM '"'"' With "" OK I ht V• rolet ituarant··~. 700 (' u a -l H 11thway M1llrr Ch"' Cn U 8·22~ JOE \'Al" :-:<JY .,,~; 45c47 Tax .48 * * BALBOA winter rental. Cozy 3·rm. furn. cottace. CloH to Bay A •hopptnr renter. $50 mo. utll. pd.. Har. 307 alter 2 .30 pm. 411c•8 Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. --\'OU PAY :-\0 MORJo; $13 4.3 &O--Aut09 and Trucks I SAR VER MOTORS 173 E. 17th St. --------------llRA KF. Sfo!R vwr. L.A RG E J bdrm. rum . duplex a pt. canal frontage 1mall boat dock • gar. S90 01«>. with ut1l. till July l Harbor 3:)47·W or U 8-'1~ 14 4:k47 COST A M1!:8A LJ 8-:)6' 1 LI 8•5!)e2 603 :!2nd ~I , ~ r" 1"•11 t :.· 11 11 SALE OF SALES YEAR ENO CLEAN UP USED TRUCKS WE HAVE HAD THE BEST YEAR IN 25 YEARS OF SPECIAL- IZING IN THE SALES OF MOTOR TRUCKS . DURING THE BAL- ANCE OF DECEMBER WE WILL TAKE ANY DEAL ON A USED TRUCK THAT IS REA - SONABLE TO CLEAN OUR LOT OF OUR PR E S E N T ST 0 C K. OUR STOCK INCLUD- ES PICKUPS, PANELS , ST AKES AND DUMPS. ALL MAKES ANO SIZES. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF TRUCK EQUIPMENT. w. w. GMC WOODS DEALER 1113 19 ,.. •tit l'l! Grant w. Musick Your Hud,on De ale r !"ALJ.--;.-.; ;11111 ~ER \"(('J-: Jo; JST AT t;HANU llA:"TA A:"l:A Aller The Cruh ll 11 Too Ylt' 42-Traiwrw I :!9Lfc *PORT ORANGE * THAILl!:R SALE~ anti SUPPLJES 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 '!'):'I :i:, 1<1t·C"u11tn111 2 hr H \e $100-0 ~>:°I• ti' 1'.1111111111rnl I 111 l»i; di•<" :>:-..1:1· Tn1l'~lezr A ht'lflJ! v $1180 'M A II 11H1tl••l11 111 "'u~ t•n •ll~pf1y \\:'r ni·•·•I 1 ll'1tll t111rrl lr11<tt' mi . PAN AMERICAN l '~111muunt·lo\•·n~k1JI Tra\·cll!:tl'·Tt'l 1 y A ITN: EASTERNERS ! ! :o;Jo;WPURT lil,;ACH, l bdrm. !um. apt. Uai a&e. nl'&r wat~r. CJ"'ner paya walt>r. $62 60 mo. Ca.II W bcrly I!· 1'109. •6t.tc C ll .. Xl\'EL F'RONT tum. )Tly. 1t'nlull Studio $Ml mo .. 2 brlrm. $k~ mo. or $80 unt\rm. ALSO ,.,.lra lg. 1 bdrm. a pt. modern, now rede-roraunr $110 -LN111 t11r "1nt"r Dock avatl.--'116 36lh Hl , Ne" purl licach. H p411 ~t-:W modem unrum 2 bednn. 11pt. wllh guage. yeoArly -2011 A 2 1 l 31\Ui St, Newport Btac.h. t 7c NF:W 2000 lb '"'' lllllltv lll••f'I ·rwo BEDRM. &'llrafe a pt. (Ull· trnil"r "'l'h 11111( 1 ,, k Tiu11 turn 1 yrly renlal •~ mo. H•t• h '""' '"'"'''' Ill I J""'"'""· I l'HONE H11r. 0633-M. 47c49 c.;.,, .. ,.. drl M1tr •e~tj - CORO:---A [JEL MAR 11t11dio a pt 41-Want.f'd to Ru t Rentals ~·anted We nP<K! •pl.-ano hoUK• 111 all ... ,uuna lur t>ot.h wtnler and yr a • • lf'&M l'\irn or unfurn. It you 11ava a vaeancy, pnone tofay The V pgel Co. not w n t HW). Nf'wport Bell. Pn•1ne l..11><-rty IJ..3481 21,)~ Maun~. 8&100. t.land Phor.e Harbor •H rurn. ln<'IU<I uUI. 1:.6 mo. )Tly. U 1-2036. Avail Jan l.lt. '7p49 o<'f'.AN VLEW dtlUll& l bedroom f•1rn apl 210 J.la.riuente. C&U 0" nrr Harbor •; LA R(;P. delu1e unturn. 2 bdrm. 2 blllh a pt Stove 6 refrtr;. tur- n1.11htd 7091.. Marguente. C&U owntr Har. 47. :-: l<.'E 11rt. rum , 11lf"f"P• ' Dvery farlllty for cnm!ort-r lt'uant O<t'&n f ront dbtnr t $$.'.t-mn. In<. 11t1f lli\r Oil-\\' li04 LAROE SP ACES 2oxse. NO CHO. for c.hUdttn on perm. buta. 10-0 ft. from &torn , Hfvd , End apace a vail. LI 8-74196. 401.tc LADT alone hu TOOm In nice home tor employed l&dy, U . 8-64141. 29l!c BAL.BOA PEKIN 8Ul..A R o o m with priva te bath 6 u 1lra.llce. Apartment bulldlnf . Har. 24~0. 33l!c R OOK for worldn1 man. M and REAL ~A'IE LOANS 1 nterest Rate :>-:5 1h 9'o Lo&na quJckly mede ln l.he Harbor Area, L&(Wla and Costa Mua. Smcle or multiple unlla. No:w or old. Be wlae and &a ve by re· financing your pn-unl 104ln. Mtntmum experuie. 20 year term It dealred. No C'harge for pre· llmlnary •ppr&lu.J. Kl 3-11133 ARTHUR A. MAY .Mortc•I• Loan Corrupondent OocldeataJ ute lllwnnce Co. 1131 &oulll M.a1A aan ta .Lna pp $7 per Wffll. Pnvate entra.nct . 60·A -Coaunerdal, ladustrial Har. ~81111. ntl•',. l'I p 111 "'" .:::!•. Attention Investors! F~r q111t•k 111 llu 11 "" t h111 1111•11 , .• • pro1wrty. 2 n .. "t' 1 n h111l•l1111:• ··iv 63' X I :Ii fol I h• I "'II' •1ld I• or r Pnl for " tul11l .. r nt 1 ... ~l 12.">0 P•'r month l'lr·111, ••t '"', 1 f or l'xpun1<1"11 t\•Jt> 111.tl• I'•'" Ing l..<u RI• •l 111 ll" r.1 l o I 1 1 ow1n1i: purl ••I ( ·.,.1" -"• '"· right 1n l heo h<'lll .. 1 " ln1i.:• IH'W •h<>f'flllli; I. Ill•·• \\ IH II 1111• I" COiie ... lhHI M ll ' Ai'l'l"X J ll.OQO 11U1h .tm111 r1 'I"'" d t •H owner L lh .. 11y "'62~ 1 111o11111111. .. or 11rttr 6 p 111 111· CLIFF HAVEN J2l 28lh St . Newport ppllc -i•nwt; lll-'t ,1.,.1 11 COL.DEN OPPORTUNITY 70xl60 fl. on N. Ma.In 1l reet, near lilh. 8EAUT1F1'1. 1 ·1l'T•1~1 S a.nla An&. Ripe Cor develop-1 \"Jl·;\V HllMI-; ''11 '""'-' l'l 11 ,. 111'11.T SMALL OPJl'I CE tor rmL SuJt· able r-1 .,tale or wuran<'t . U 9 Balboa Blvd, Call Ha r. 4 718. 34t!c n1tnt ot atoru or apt.I. Oood old· 3 b~h 11"'' :! •11'' ,,,.. 1,1' "a.: ', .. ,, • er houae. Coul11 r tnl t o i-a rry or hu" '"'IC" '"' 11 • •· · • 11 : converted to of flreJ1. 8<1m• tratl,. fC1""" .i .. ..," "I"' " · 1 It "' t acceptable. $42,~. 1•attc>, '""'""' o1 • 'arp..ttrlJrl t-J\ h, .• '• "' .. d COSTA MESA. tor Ml11 nr lf'llJll' ,. tan ,.~h 1 11 I J l•I•· 1 "' 1., NEW OFF CES H .•OO eq. It. of apace tn 3 ntw 2 y,... ultl •(i'\I' $i'~1.'I,. •·.i· .. • I bulldlnjt'&. \\'ell U1ht4'<1, an pl,. du "" 111 1 I 11 .. 1 ,, , ;, 1, 1.,1 1 ~ ID FO parlun1 or lo&d1n1 1pact. ( . .'an • EAL R PROFES-atll I or morf' Leu1n1 at apprui. SIONAL or BUSrNESS USE. 7c per tL XlnL terma to r11rht Located in -buyu Harbor Inve.tmcnt C Bid HAR. 3297 or 1n6. o. g. E'·u rail EDITH MAROO~. 30lh & Newport Blvd. I uvan ...e222. Har. 1600 U U 1U BOYNTON. Harbor 28i8 I.CJ\\' I >t I\\ N I 1 IT~ I.'\ L°Ollla Mt'"" .: I• I, 1111 , f>•• h F !?••'fl ~ s;·-.. , p111 • SJ11l•1 •hm11 T llH .!!': lut11 f).J ' IJ~. I "h I 141 Siii /WCi fttll "" ,. .. •• nr I"• I ,\ I II 1·1 It 2687 E r oaal Hy . C.:oronl\ df'f Mar l'hon .. Harbor t , i I W (I l ea n Jo'ront. N~irl BU81.NIC.'JR • HOME -2 l>f"dnn. l4ra• ti 4k 40 1 homl', ph111 lllf" fmnt oftlceo EARL W. STANLEY. Rt'allor Bay111cl,. DT. and Cout Hwy llAS A .I \1'1111~1 ·' Hatlw•r NI!•! 1tr 1.11 .,11 • 1 ,. '. l..1<.10 Ott1cc, 34 l II \'la l..ldo llub<1r 41171 170Z ~tW)J<lrl BIHi . l'o11t& •''""" LIDO ARMS APTS. I J•11rk1n11. lJl'a l lnr <ll>Clo r. re&! I HOT SPOT ~~Laleo, lnaurl\.nre, 1>tr, on Ntw· • , , j)()rt Ull'd. Dl'lr lOlh Rt• C'o11la I 11:0-TA M.l'.~A ARJ::A, nf"WI'~ hlol~ Mua Har. Ol:Jll. 'ill'c li>u,..t to 11 lr(>(td l,.n11nt11 l'h••" 4 uver 10';, on pn<'• ot $1«111(111 1.1i....11y "!'lt.tt• ucl & Marina I \'E'HY NEW 1 M·A-B~ R.4-atala •~ pt·"· & lfoo-. \\' 11 •• 1 u ... ----------" lo "''ou ca~ nr; • dr•JW"ll, Cor. 19th 6 Plac,.nua. C M G F. Rl'Cn ir. dtluite alovt• F'OR RE:"T two bdrm. hom e - G<)()(J ttrna to llCht buyrr ( ·.r: LOU BUY;\l'O~ with i,:ARL 1'I STAl'U:\'. ft<'allo r U.11\'""'" !Jr • Co1ul Jl•4y H&r. :i2g7 or J H:l·eVl'll H11 r 28i8 E.rh Apt hu 1mvat,. K&r-8i:-t l•lo•·• It refrlg. furn I tncludt• WATt-:fOll(l~"f' l •l 'J'l,I ' 'I t .: l•r I • lo1ttf1 l 'f•f'' I f ' I l•ttUI Jt•••n•• ~'V 10 ,. , ,, 1.' J;/~1.11011 H At111111< t s\~ •'1\11 'r , .. llllr tr.1"1 I-:••• 11 u 4144 I I • I-;' •.:' •r 2[13 :..; L,.111 A n~eh•A KE :"). i:!i- JAG\' R 63 H"1t•latn Ill h•ltl At11\h,.11t1 n11l~•. ro .. w tut>rlt ... llr,.• H•ll :! RTIR \f t 11·1"1.F x 11nr11rn J""'b t1•1• •11 !II• I la•• \• r•••• trorn '• t10"'1 t•t r ,, • •1l'll ''"r I"•• A\1111 J11 I II II lllJJ \\' ,,, T":ia nu ha•e ttnt ~II tor •hpa. •l'lre room & two offlr,. 1pacee. One half bllc. IQ bu.Mnl'u «nt.er. $100 monlh. UR will rent a,.pa · i• , •••• & 1 ..... M-11..ac.&. 8-dk>, TV CJIJUft1'.Aa T R E A T S $ i~ IMl.J• lo"1y M by GranJ. Ea•) unn.a. Another U " Ma.ny otJMn· Knabe. Sl.,101 .. y. Ktm· I lllleJl. K ooarch. B&ldwtn. SLU T. M&80fl 6 Hamlin '\.\'urlllur 100 p1anoe a lwan [)A:SZ • ec-vrnT Bl& Piano and Oritan at.in, 110 1'I M&ln !ll. qanla AJIL \\1W l'rw~ $21\41 111111 h 111r M\"ST SP:Ll.. 11140 Fordor 8per" 111nto1 p•ll-1~ ..... 1 work c-ar w1U\ l'lfl • ~rrlf'I 1-r '"IC b1tllfry llO•I •lr1'" 11 a" a~· ti:\ :>IW'l·ll~t St H1H 7":11 •• 17 6."o Cl'STOM ~A811 Ar a<lor llr1"k •I n lc" fnr• ··• •• • II 1&·k• t lfl 320() mil"• 121' •• 1'111 l.Jbt'rty 8·4674 4f\r4- 0W aat.IS"l"MA8 TR£AT F:lttt· - U.S. Or,..._ WPll ltno•n mill<~. t>3 Bt'JCl< Ro1t•lm••l"r rnnv .. r11tilr ••• '4&0. OA:'>'Z. SCHMIOT R A H n\'na r• ...,,., 1>r11k"• J'amGul Plano • Organ SIC1r•.1 •t"1tr1nJt y.•in<1ow• """'" l!t nr.,. Ill Jf. Main, 8 11nt& Ana WaW T•nt,.•1 r111., $1700 1\01 _ __ ro1n ~"'u~. c-n~t •7• 111 nvll l>OLLARS ptr m<lnlh 1-nts l9;\I J.INC'Ol.N ("n.111<'r1ot11 tll 4 JOOd p..-cUce plann EnJny your 1lr 1rno<I rnnrtll "'n fh r• 1\'n tr arut.mM with mu•I•, GnoJ o.,..nf'r $79.'\ , 11•h 1.1 t-:111.1 pr9Cti.e. piano& U IO\\" o $9i 4 j, I'' ll.JI .. up. All In e~n·ll•nl rnn· 41tlcm. DA.NZ • SCHMinT HIR Plano &11d O rsan Cn , :..20 :-.· M&1n 8t. Santa AnA fOnlCB TV ANTENNAS t Clear Beam -Hl Caln 1 1N'IT .u..L&O complete to your H t $9.95 Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CI::NTER J11ffl"Aft. M r. A t"STIN·Hf:A L.f:Y MORR1~ A n•TI '-' A LJ'" A RO~I F:O R~::"At.LT .:-;,..,.. < '" ~alt'-• & l't'l"'"I•,. Cl~an 1 ·~·1 1•'11• All :O.ll\kf'• 111 portc-'1 An1l t 1<1n1t'•l 1r 3111 tc 2201 ~n ,\I A 1:-..· ~T l-',,' Knowlton Eltttronlca TV REPAIR FAIT 81CJlVICI:. R F.Al'IONABU: hrvtc• call• tlll 9 p m . LI l -&20fJ tt I IP IN J: TI, llPINl':"l'S. llfVl'ral .,_t NfttaJ 1"9lornit llke n-. -. 8alem Maple. Blond Oak. n.dl ProY!AcJ&J. Save no. to f116. Term• Juat like rent cm ~ DANZ · 8C HMIDT. .. If. ....... 8&nta AJ\L • r "' 2-117~·11 1!132 II \fWo tt BL\'IJ COSTA ~IF:SA L I 8-~1;,1 tr '4i PACKARL•, t'ot~lr>ll'I l'lll'l'f'r 4· dr Ra,1to, htslt1 0rlrl\r J\11 rlran iu It "A.I thl' t111y ll "u nrt1ttn11lly 1101'1 A"•l nrr .. r f't~ ' Sunday •cct ptf(l Jil() \\' R•I· ~ Blvd. ~pH 1 ~f.,, f i ' •I' .U\•,\l o~• h • t t I n "" 11.> flit fH ,.,.I '" • • • "~ nr ,ff'"' .!t>t•I \IA I llJ"n I,. I .. lri• I I 1< TRl.C'K ANU Passenger TIRES 8-H our Recapping Se rvice Cn ml'l1·tc R rukl• :-\1n11 f' 111 l'~omc \\'intt•r J:entals .. m Balboa lsh\ml & L11Ju Isle ~mall • rozy vr tare• A d~IWl& Ji) to IJOO month VOGEL CO. 208 Mu•~~ 11.v~. Hall>1'\ lala.nd Ph Jl art>or 414 ur llarbor 2161 Rt't HM 17\C·fl • r U 1r J0:1ll·M $4Uc A"ITR,\' .Tl\ 1; l "' t 2 l 1111 turn l 'tll.11r• l'Altl, l "' l • •oll•lrf'n I l~1•1 n•ll )' t •lll llLI Y. TU P ArT . .MOTLL w·1 ;-.:,,, i"•rl Uhl.I I .:"ill lit 3• h. J•1•l l(lro11 r lhr ''' h"• 7·Hrr .; r11 ·n~t "•J'I•, 1111t111" 1:•11-<i:'' I ~~~ '' i. '""'"' 2 Phu•· ,1 ,., ( ,.,.. 111 ~I "'·' I.I k 1,:,'<11 41,. 1<4 111 ~:.\'.; foHtt:\I "'"''' 1 .. 111 .. 1 r ,, ,, u1 p•·r •h''' • , "'' .... , o fi r U hq~ "kf • l4' t\ ~f PUnd $ ·, ' I \' 1111 3 11111· I 2·111 6 20 VIA Oporto ratcly 1 ortlcf' a t 176 ant~ I al I pre ce ll&r 1002 $-YI mc.nlJ1 A l.o amall eltJrt SlllO a fl"r ) p m. LJ 8-2171 ,.Jho. Ca U ownn Liberty 8-3223 •~5oOH mom1nf• or aJl,., ~ pm ittc Sea Shell Apts. I 8t 2 )Jf:[IR~f L»:LL'XE: Jo\."Rllt i\ l•r:-Tu i:-rdrrrf'd I en&Jlt.11 S~ • 111, 11t11 Incl 1220 W . Balbr1a llhtJ. ~""'flUlt D<'arh 39c!l2h [IF.1,1 •)1. Jr, &J I rur 6 m n1 ar ) rly 1.,,.,. Nllf'ly furn Sma ll btod· '' •1111 & bath dt1wn ala.tr•. Large II\ 1n~ nHim t•o11bl4l IH'd ,,.,,m f'\t . nvrr double A'•r&j!4l. With f ni> \ 1• w nt U1tv. lXK'k r11,·f"I: · '~ f'\ll I TH fJUIC"l ll•lllll• """" 11111 prl, Sl2:1 l~ Ro11tlli R11 v Jo r1•nt Balboa l.tlllnd. lla1 1; 11 4~.p:.o HARBOR BLVO. YRONTAO!I; -r.o Dlfrc-~nl LocaUona Onfll W1lh Office, one with e._p . law M t Mflnt.lll I~ H&rb<ir LI 8·3333 4:»iltc ------- MONEY! v Fast Action Low Rates Loan1 2nd and 1st CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL" -ro•·n• :'\1t,. 11""''' "I l .. t J>',.,,,, !'-:•"J lll'•rl 111. JI--' i' l M 1,lh•rl) ~ 11:.; ~·01 ri tu::111< Ms : 1 .. 11·, pr1• • JI I :?~•I !>Cn1~ I 1lr , M I 1 HOW ABOt.:T A TRADE . for man· m• nl aRer OJ>f'rated ctnr lncom,. prnJ>-2<1211 ll11rbor Hf\•I • ... 111 ''' • rrly wut end ut Lo. Anfofrl".9 I.I 11 • i61 4 • I Value<! al ~.000 With O\'l'r H JR l'IALX B\' (J\\;\f.H 4 1 .... , S l0,0(10 a yt>a.r Lncome Ir Inv. rnt•m h"m~ 1 1. 11,.1111o l.•n·I ex~nae Am rcunni A a m In· 1 ,. r 1 ~ 11 \ 1, ,1, t~r~tffl In Bay F ront property •F'c-•11~1 l'n• "' \\"II 1 11 do () rr,.. lf"1 '"'""' fll •,. I '• I r11 e up or wn ... ,,rr. I I fti<-n 'I I! IP.ll rnw nini:• I ' WEbllter. '6llU OT Wr1l• 211<17 I ~, . 6 • • . l•i t Jiln11th Cochran AVI' , Loll An· • l• r P 111 ltf'ln 16 TWO-HLIRM 11()1':-lfo" 1i1t1•I" ••I BROKERS 11\'VITED I n ,..,,r,., r,..,,., ""'' "'l 111 .. 111" .,., I 4Jtfc nut, I Jll 7 ·,11 ------------3:,9 Flow"r 1't . r .• ," \11" WI': HAVl!l TWO lovelv bom,.~ J'hnn" t.lf'trrll' f., 7!>11•7 on comer lot ruuy Cenct •I. trt'n --- - In Palm 8pr1n&•· One 3 btdrm. I ' :· r \\l:"T~;H RF.NTAl.,-2 blnn. 11 pt W,. Srrvr All Orang,. County and flowrrt, furn.lllhed &l Sl7.· BF.ST n1·y r•mm a ol"I \1 l•t d 11 ,,, Jt Iv l~l $n!'I, Wiiler )ll'lli !f.1~1 ~n·ice In Your Home l'tOO. full prll"e. Th• olher a 2 M<Hfem a br . 2 ll11l h """, \\ ltlllbQa khrl. Newpurt e. h W Bu Tru t n...~.. btdrm. and nunpu• room fur · 8,.1,&t r&t~ 1 ••r An•l 1,11, 11 , , ~;\J...!-----~~ ...... -+~• ...... (--.......... 14--- F'ron t End J\lt~nm,,nt ~ oll;( "'I e Y 11 ~• nlahrrl. Ownl'ra w1Ll trade up T I,, 1 · h • l Only Sl!l.~011, l• n11• ----------np prtrrl! pa ., '" nov. for HarbQr a rra, realdenll&I or , 8·8-_H_o-~-;0-,-~-nt ___..__ oya O gage -Co. commerc . -----_....1--.-'"""".-,.,.·~"""'"~IMC'-r-ir'TT---_, --~~-------2602 1'.°f'\.,.Orl Bl\'11. Xprt. &h J. J.{ MJLt.ER CQ R ar. l&OO f.vu 11,.r 4:1u . I -.· •. 1 • ... lr •·~1ur11 U 11.JK.-l 1 •1,,~ \ (, r I hf' \l'kll 1. H OWARD RYAN f.lll • "<O!I \V 1st :'t :n· re !~;~-:-2'.:'.:!!>!_l<<'n!_ ___ Wt:\-n :a RE~IAL s~o mo. tum H b I 5 ... 9 202~ W. Balboa BIY\.I . Har. 4091 ----2 Mim huust, nPllr bay In er Or "" (!llear the Newport f'itr) PF.Nl!l/Sl'LA • un11 •;11 I v • Lii )U l~LI·: _u 1lbt1a. Harbnr l69~·M. 47r49 I 41c!'.4H 6 y ra old. •., bl .. c k '" I 1J \l"llF.1.<iP. 1111.i 11nt & t "'bdrm S34 ~ 1-:A .. v trmu AIM1 ~.;1 \\ ,.1,., ,.:h, ,. 1, rm nn 1 yr&r'y. llAWAJIAX modtm Cum. l b<lnn. CASH Tod I T d PORT HEll;HTS !I l•lnn ,,,,, • \1.~<I J.iu•i ll"I'•• J I I I!&~ Jo'tunl ht>ll'" M11 hn1t kltrht'n, cll•pc·ul. • • • ay s ra e 3 yra. old. WW car1•t1n11 I •• ""'', • 11,,,1 "l'~rllll•·ll!JI "illt .t l l"J•h "I p11L10 J '<U 111.lil F OR TRL.ST UEEOS pla.c• dbl. lof&r pl11• $1 ·"' I II () ' ''-'A l T 'i. A · t J me 1:, ur S l:l~ yrl)• H1r ... OtH1 WM. B HOLT 7 UNITS PENINSULA Eaay l"rma. Ownrr, 4t"S II • ) 'r. • l<l<O('IB <'S 46' 46 MORTOAOE BANKlNO aide [>r. LI 8-3138 ,, .~ "' \ -. I.: 111, II 1d,.,r 4444 _ ___ SlNCE 111ao. Oruu y.arly lncom. t.MOO. w1lh i.{ltrc FUK Lt;Al)E $6~ mo, 1 bdrrr1, 16011 :-<, B t;S H S ANTA lJ::tA ~t ye&r around tellanl.8 unfurn hou•eo. •love an•I rdn g KlM.BERLT )-7 111 N o .ununer rent.al-. AJI unit.a Y!"\lllY R•nt.tl t l•u· '"'" l"~"f''rl JIP1~hl • arr11 R,.l,.r· ap9doua. aearly 10.000ff'!lL 2 111 ' J '' n '"" 1 n""' f'n N• ,,.,1.,,r ... 1 1.11tt>r1y "··:r,-:-; LOANS ·ro lltJU..D. DllP'ROVS lc,t.. Lou\ now 132,000 at $300. h·· "' b""'""'~ ti '11 ' t . .tr s f t,.r I\ pm 46"41l BUT, MOLi~ OR mthly. tl~,..e Wiii trat1e Pqully fl., h : lZli I 4 1,~>t'l --------------RU'IN.utCS of $30~. for; - -t:l>RON A UEl.. MAR-1&0 mo. )'T. '1F:LI ·xr. ~TP.:O.. Ar-rs I lcaM'. Ue11lrable dt•lrlGt-Com· We Buy -nu.t 0.-CLEAR HOKIC TO J30.000 OR S1n1:lr~ 8t 1.ll1lll S:lll mu nnd 11r rort&t>ly rum. 1 txlml. home NSWPORT BALBOA 84 Vll'fOI SM.ALLER H OMlil A ND C ASH . • 1U4 t;. J\loy /\vp B1lhnn llt1rbnr Jo'irtpla<'& In llvln«i room ldtal A LOA.Jo' Aa&OCl.AnON OR WHAT H A.Vil YOU? UDO R-3 2 -30 CL lou on fio. ll11y )•ri,i.1 $31.~(Jf) tar h. C'1dl T 11 I< ~· Har. 1686-W, or Rl'•n 1-&tt:l!• Jlttl• 10 Acre Grove :i3H ~lfl" I for l"n or morr. Phone Harl,or I* Vla Udo. Ph. Har. '200 "THIS IS HOT! f'' \-\II~{, 11 .t1lr 2:! ft trll ll~r plu~ "x -l:lli or 4173-W. 46p4S tie lo lll'•lern •11h11nna tor " 1nl STI 'l•l<I APT. 8l11!11bll' f r ''"" ON TI:STT:'J A \'ll: G l!;uy tn0111 In C-1>~:1\ M,.4a !,;an be-~'"" RI h11• ""'' pr .,on $1 :. 111" l\l•>t l BllRM HOL'~f; 11t 21lH Conlin· -The chang1nr ap~c& "' &$ 216 \\ 11ln11t r 1 t"11Ma :-.Ce.111 I l.Arkllpur. \nmnft rlr l Mu al trr ~ntal, Cn1la M r» Ph. F"Rnnll•r In the NEWS·PRES S 11 due to 46p0 I 4 30 p m. 4~c H 4·fH16. "8p41 I qulcll NllUIUI. ordon L. Andrew, Rltr. 'n A1" A J ACf'IRRF.:-: r.r~1 Lt 8·!'>.,27 E ve. Har. 127:\-J H111 r Miil nr l,lt.~11 ' • • t 7c0 , I l BALBOA ISLAND M F"T. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little Island. pier, Ooat, formal 4 bdrm. bome. The land value ia close to the uking price. A~CTJVE 4. bedrm .. 2 1~ baths, nr. So. Bay. Own<'r will take small down. Asking $4.2.:500. GOOD l<~AMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. l..g'e. yard. 3 bedrm. 11 ·~ baths. $26.500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn- ished home. Submit down. $25,000 Lll>O NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 3 1 ~ bat h huuse pius unusual 2 B. R. apt. O\'rr 3 car garage. Both units newly furniahed. Ql. A LITY 8TREET, Waterfront at ita best. Fine pier and float. Lge. lawn & patio. 3 fine BRa and 2 bathR. maid's or guest rm. & bath. Outside s hower rm., f. a. heat. Glassed in lanai. Asking $73.500. Good terms to qualified buyer. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-8222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island STOP!-STOP! Don 't Peu These by--11. LIDO ISLE t ~ blk. to clubs & tennis courts. Large living rm. with fireplace. Bar kitchen, 3 bdnna. plus dressing rm., 1 1 :.: baths only $23,500 WATERFRONT SPECIAL $18,950 2 bdrm., lg. patio, 64 ft. bulkhead with pier & float. BACK BAY 482 Esther. shaJ<e roof, 3 bdnna. plua famHy rm. with BBQ, ash paneling thru out. Thia is quality plus at $26,500 CLIFF HAVEN 406 St. Andrews, $14,750 $M mo. incl. tax, Three bdrms.1 fireplace, fenced yard, nt'ar schools. Open Sat. & Sun. G. I. RESALE 3 bdrm. furn. modem. Only 9 months old $14,950 -4. ~(, -$73 inc. tax per mo. L ,. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. Llberty 8-7773 "At the Arches" v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFF8 . Ocean view homes, several exclu- si\'e listings with us. 2. Dl.Pl.EX -One be<lrm. each, cor. tot ....... $171500 3. DUPLEX-2 bdrm.a. ea. cor. lot. Exclusive $22,500 CORONA HIGHLANDS -Just 11.sted oeean view. immac·ulate 2 bdrm. & den. 2 batha. OnJy $28,000 ~. OCEAN VIEW. 3 UNITS -45• lot . A steal at $38.500. Only few feel to ocean front I& China Cove. ~EE l 'S FIRST for better buys in homH A build- 111i:: Rllt'a in Corona del Mar. Ml';MBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICF: T. McCUlSTION, Realtor 34'1 i E. C<1aHt Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 I Office locatC>d next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ~-Rral ,..,..,.,. .,_._,......... G-Re&I r..tate 82-RHI F..etate ______________________ ::;,;:..,_.;.;,;;,;;;......;.;;..;_..,.________ ........ . p . a . p a I m e r i n c o· r p o r a t e d · . . . 1 -~ • ,. developers of Lido Isle * 4:S teet st. to •t. on Orvieto ........................... $16,500 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 36 x 160 on Havre with Bay View ---··-·······$20,000 50 feet at to •t. on Havre ...... -................... $17,500 See thie exclusive l!>me on Via ~noa, Lido's widest street. 3 bedrm. 3 bath, .0 by 20 patio, hardwd. fln., 2 yn. old, and ln perfect condition $34,500 Bright and shiny new 3 bedrm., family rm. • bath- rooms, carpeted, .draped, and in the center of Heavenly Lido Isle. Never for sale before .. How I Wonder What You Are Lido Bayf ront Duplex This is silly, 'cause we know you are a lot in Shore- cliffs. What we really want to know Is who will build a house on you.. Only .$1!5,800. Hurry l 3 bed.rm. 2 bath upet&in w1th decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath down.stairs with enclosed patio. Both apt.. have forced air furnace, fireplace, car- peting, drapea, re.!rigerator, stove. U~believably Up Above The Bay So High priced at only $57,000. $12,000 down. with a view ot everything from here to there. Three lovely bedrms.1 2 with the view. You can buy thia for $14,000 less than it cost 4 yrs. ago. {'; 204 Via Orvieto it the address of a brand new Viucher-buHt home that we think you will like. 3 bedrma.1 2 batb, papered dining area, steak gri.11 in fireplace, extra good storage. Be finished one Like A Diamond In The Sky week. '32,500 including landscaping. Diamond shapes windows invite you to see the Har- bor through them. Cute 3 beJnn. 2 bath home, yard, 2 patios, and room for a pool Only $24,500. p. •· palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 vi& lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-~73 B /8 Deluxe Ranch Estate • 680 beautiful view acru In Fall· brook arM with 200 &el'H ln n-wa ter dlatr1ct lnaurlnr ample Colorado aC"queduct water plua 3 wella and pump• a od 3 reaervolrs. • i,. mlle of hlrhway frontare. • MC>CS.m. ep&cloua 2000 eq. fl 3 bdrm .. 2 bath au electric, •hake rool ftaneh ~· with a breath t aJUnc p&nora.mte 'riew from all •ldee. e WalJed, fiood·licbted patio With n,..,aaee and barbeque: auto. epl'tftlllen for l&ndKaped yard. • F&ll\lly orc!aard and numeroua out -bWJdhla9 lneJudin( 2 JUUl coltq•, ear.taken lilqulK'. • II mll• et fenctn• and croH· fmc1111 for cattle. • Thia l• one of the few remain· tnc ~e. euUy a c c e a 1 I b I e r.nche• that lie ln the path of the ph.nom•n&J 8ouUlem Call· toml& rrowth. • 1'\111 priee ltto.000. • Wiii TftADIC for lncome prop· .ny. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1111 Harbor Blvd.. Colla Mee& U 1-771' l.lvM . U 1·31M Down to Earth VALUES 276 MapoUa BIO ll bedroom older horn.-In Coet.a Mua-R.eal homey and top notch oonatructlon wttll hardwood noora ud Mpera\4 ct1nl~ room. Situated on 2 Iota with a tine faml7 orchard Sub- mit otfen.-S.I• or tradf'. Also 20381 Cypreu DEFINITELY-THE MOST TERRIFIC AT BALBOA ISLAND Rambling one-atory ranch style home, large beam ceiling living room 18 x 25 complete electric kitchen, Tbermador eye -level oven, automatic di8hwaaber and diaposaJ. Kitchen ha.s large dining area open· ing to patio. Large used brick fireplace and forced air beat. Two bedrooms. one is king size with big wardrobe closets and built-in drawers. Beautiful full bathroom. Garage and laundry room. Lovely drapes, curtains, wall t o walJ carpet, 1 Price ia $28,500 with LC $15.000 at 51 :.:~c int. Big value and well worth lbe money. Call now to Be(' this bomf'. lt'a the finest! ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa IJsland Next door to the Post Ortice Har. 444 Eves Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R Cambridge Estates 16th le Irvine 7 NEW HOMES • Seven different Elevation• • Each JndJviduaJJy Built • Alt have Beautiful and Exceptional Cbaracteristlca. • Some ba,·e Swimming Poola • All have built-in Range and O\'cna • Restricted Area • 75 foot wide Iota • Fireplaces STARTING PRlCFS $21,000 Stert the New Year with a New Home PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO . T. EVERSON 1856 Newport. Blvd. . Costa Meaa t across from Costa M<'sa Bank) Xmas Specials! X"EAT TWO BEDRM .. rlreplace, on 60xl9li R·4 Jot. Only $8r>OO. $3000 <In , $~0 mo. on bnlance. $7950-$2950 On. ll>ICE U >Ul\J::-.IJ 3 1><h111. un rear of high ltwl lot. 300' deep. Hot 1pc1t toe for unit• On Sant.a An" Ave., nC"Br 23rd sF:,P~r~er~ !.~ ~~~ c .M. Walkins: dlatance mkui. It cen- ter ot town. XLNT. trnna. MERRY CllRISTMAS frum t;ouston Realty Co. 6' ASSOCJAT'ES Cenrud• Seymour Har. 021>8-W Tony Prtllle U berty 8·li 4 7 l-1c.yd l~ytle U~rl)' 8·26-41 609 ~ 't'nlt'r st , ru11ta MC!•• l.J l't-6911 .. J.J li·7i8• * Newport Hts. IRVINE A VENUE: ... 2 b(lnn. modern wtlh lar,. llv. Ing room. tlr~plt.c•. dlntnr rm., IOY4'ly paUo. f~c:ed )'&rd. Tl'rm1 -.. SU.'TllO ALDEAN PLACE: DuuUfuJ rambUl\t t-.nl'h-type hume, v.quu1l•ly ·~llV•nled • ..U butll Ina, J bat.ha, Sholll-n b7 •ri110tnt mf'nt only $ 600 uuwn . 124,600 Greenleaf-Severts JiArbnr 2~Z 311 ~ ;-..· t\4 putt n h d . .N t'wpClrt Evc1 Ll 11 ·3111fl • IJ ~-~•M Jfu 3921-W --------------------I K DftOOM Hickory bum with llhalc• root, bentwood nooni - Phone LI -6761 l::vea Har. 4366 -LI -2103 NON-VETS OR VETS S2fl5 impfluncis mo\'eS you In new 3 bednn. 11.; bath, Back Ray area home before Chriatmaa. Taxt>S paid to Ott. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES JMi Newport Blvd. Coeta. Mea Lt R-1632 Eves LT 8-1400 Thrrr ~?!K~~:dcn~~<=:~~~~~t lot. Oul st ,u1tlin~ \'IC'W of lh<' r ntire Harbor Area . .Built in WC'!'lt•rn Hnlly range and oven. garbage dia· po11al. Iola of tile. Excellent tenna and priced to t-rll. S34.500 428 De Sola tile and 220 Yolt.a In kitchen ------------------- Trul7 a amaU country Ht.alt JI lnOlltha old, A r mul.nt ateel at fl0,7llO w1UI onl7 U l\00 dn Unaurpeued va:w LOT overloolun1 all of N-port Harbor anl1 11 puff'('l vltw of CatallnL Only $14.600 Not a I-hold Duncan Hardesty ft.EAL TOR 2802 Npt. Bl•d., NpL Bch, Ha 47111 Merry Christmas BACK BAY 3 bdrm . •, arre. family homt. ''1.-V.', •Int onnrtlttrn. view May 1 .... 111• option to buy U6.V~O 2 bdrm , '1 1rrt', nrty n"w fully f,n<'f'd, Jllr atr· .. •$rd for \•ll'W apt. $1~.600 1 bdrm •. PLUS •pl .. '• AC'rt, Rood view poaalblUUee. U 1.000 BAYSHORES In thia u cluaivt delightful district we ha \'t:' I\ 3 B. R. home. comp. tum. on large lot -with 11pa<'C for •wimming pool. \'cry lovely new p:ittu :?2x3fi Partly co,·ered with plaet1r glass. \·acant and 1f you act fa.st. you can vnJOY Xma~ m your new home Prit e $24 .500 BALBOA ISLAND ·-CUTE 2 B. R.-Comp. furn. in immaculate cond. <in rear of rxrellently locatro cornC'r Int. Build I\ hnme in front and han· an tncomt from th1a one, of around $2000 per year. Only SlB.500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Ltdo, Npt. &h. Har. 4971 or Har. •19i2 Eves Har. 2191 -M Har. 2998-R or Ll -5297 B /B . Corona del Mar Shon:, hf( • tJ,, I ""n von V1f'W lol • Sp ! hrlrm It dtn • 2 t 11 h ... rertKt kllchl'n • I.II). 1rv h11 ll tt1ruultll<•t1l • $1i •;<•I f If f•t h f' trrn1J' • • •r,rr,,. ,,..,. U11• word.-rful hnr.1r Corona Highland.a I • A I 1\llr ~· hnn ., 1111,. • .!olr,.. I·•· 1,la1 v1.-111 • J 1 • ~.1 .. 1 f 111 rri. .. • ll•·91tv f .. r y1 •11 1 u•lt1n1 hnmf' Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I •I• n,; •I• 1 \lor ()ffll " 3:i'll ~: l """I th•y Hflrbor ~2411 Balboa BACK BAY AREA 1 bdrm., M ll &e-0. vlr"'· n f hill• rur11111hc.-.I i 1 t fl'."10 'J"A•o NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PAllT 11 l. PA&E l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 a •-' P..tate .... _.... PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOM.: Large family view home, 8 bedrooma, 8~ batha and a slip out front for your boat. 'l'11Ja IOUDd. older h ome in a prime Udo location will otter a wcnderful way of lite for every member of that larp famlly of yours-you too, Dad. Full prioe $74.(~00. Submit your terms. By the way, the owner wlll trade for good income or bu.me. property in L. A. or Orange County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R-3. Strada comer lot 40 x 11!5. ,Price $20.000. Your lut chance to develop your own income on exclualve Lido hle. NEW LfDO THREE BEDROOM With 21~ batha. Hu,. carpeted muter bedroom with private aun deck. Thia street to atreet Lido home hu many luxury featw:a auch u built-in stove and oven, d1ahwuher -loads of cloeeta - used brick fireplace and an extra large laundry and ator&J'e room. Price $31,750 with euy term.a. For lbeee and many other exclusive liatinp OD Lido la}e call LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPrQN J .H .GROHMA.N GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON MOO Via Lido Harbor "" (Acrou from Richaro'a ~arket Entrancl) "We' re Moving to Irvine T erTace" More ud more Barbor u.. families are lmpectinr thele exqW.tte homea -nottnr their comfort, eon- Tellience and central loc&tio~ Kore and more famlllea who prefer a home in a re- lltrided quality community are movinr into their Intne Turace homea. Drive bl today and eee for yoanel.f the many o .. t. irtandinc featuree ol thie remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built. by; Macco Corp. exquisitelY. f umiBhed b Y. Martin Ii Von Hemert Imne Terrace la located on Cout Rlchway oppo.lte the new Irvine c.out Country Ou.b. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Ha.rbo1' 4448 J'lor f'urtber Inf ormatlon * For RecommmdaUon, we refer JOU to ~ who bold.I a Leuehold F..t&te in lrvtne 'r.n.. Beacon Bay. Bay Sboru and cut! Haven LOTS OF LOTS! Now la the time to ctt on the bandwagon. Wbnher it ta for apecutation or future homea1te, check our U.t of lboee available. Attractive Ca~ and drapn U1cluded, nicely lllndJICape4 W'lt.h pat.io and fi•h pond. 3 bdrm•. 2 years old, $1000 down will bandl~. Full price. $10.000 Acre Home Ranch style 2 bdrm. " den Wllb attractive fireplace and full acre ot grounda !or future devfllopment . Near back bay. $17.500. and only $3000 down. Look-it! W tll built 2 bdrm. home beautifully designed and only 2 blocka from t.ranaportat.Jon and ahoppinc tor only $8000 Cull price. Income SeventCt'n furnished rent.i unita with income ot $800 per month. ~.000. See thia! THE VOGEL COMPANY .;,~:;:~-1'~11'1'trl1nr-+.:--:::-::=:--;-;:-:::=::-;~:-;~~°i--Ef\:lff:6"-t«J'' "-•f1-:-:-:-f'M~OSJN1t-1rL...-'1{v-J~t:J'1tt1~1?.·:'li1~· rrii1:\"1 I n f>TA ,qr 1 ·n "' ., -n;,.,, r---ir-r·M New port Bl•d:-1------41f'hn"frhrtn!TW: .. bat?l Ii l'l 1, tahtlf ltyle bome. s bdrm., Harbor Hld11 be!•ut y TT • • • \\ •lkin1t "''"t•J11,. ln .ic.wntown Phone Liberty 8-6:597 disposal. lots of t1lr. Located on a nice new qwet $17.7~0 We can build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. B 1lti"'' ~""'' rn1e l:'"'d 1n"rm1e.. Eveninp Liberty &-7t57 llt N't'l. Price $23,i50. 384 Mira Loma. 88t Bld 1 Bay tot.a, l!i2~. "<>O. home for M.60 Square Foot. S1hm1t ''" ,,..ni_ 1000, toOO. UP. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 F.. Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar RAR. 5032 BAY FRONT Cnme -N'lax -play -and grow young with me. 4 bronn. and drn nn tht' Bay Front near .Balboa. This oldt:'r home h::is th<' Wt:'ll groomed and ~~ (or look. Asking full price for coct o( lot alone. Only $8000 down to accf'pted buyer C-1 ZONE 3 btdrm. houst:' in heart of Balboa. Could be ueed aa offi~. S l 3.500 t erms. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES "°° W. Balboa Blvd. Har. ~188 or Har. 1216-J Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2711 W Cout Hwy U l_.2i7 Bay Shores 2672 Circle Orh'e Open O.Jly 1·' !\O NOW PIUCED TO Bf:U. I WnD .. 1.._ Mt.la, ftpl., F. A. b•t. au •lee. kltdlen. 8pack>ua .,.uo -bWJt lD llBQ. ()y ...... ...,..... r...roua .t~ RALPH P. MASKEY MAI.TOA 1411 Ne..,,.r\ .-.... Npt. 9dl. ...,.,, ... 100% Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 garagea .. $29!) We a~ building on Wallace, Bay, and Av<>< adu Slit. St.artmg shortly on 18th & 20th Sts. Call or Phone for Information ... OPEN SUNDAYS 6 WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. llOil Westminater Blvd., Garden Gro\'e LE 9-0633 Ocean Front $U 001 t ,!JIJIJ Tl-:ttM:'I. 3 brdrm I Id• r t, n>r r ·ti 111111\• fllml.llhl'(J, ( • I 111, I' JI,. 11 I uf II" Ibo• 2 Mlf ~nl~t.!'" •trr11.11Nl fur •rt 11bovt . Coast Properties 311 t F: ll .ii. .. , 1111•11 • RAlhoa llarh11r ~11·,li. '.l!l!•i an.i 4~1)(1. BY OWNER LESS THAN 0:-.'E \"R. OU> -a bctlrm , 2 bt'l.h home. hwd. O••"r» 2 rar c~,. $12.600 62 l Kno~·eU J"l • C0tt a M ~-. t.J l ·t ll9 U cM LIDO ISLE To our many frienca who have uked for a barp.ln on Lido -here lt l1 -It. ltO good we can't pt an ucluaive and it won•t Jut. 3 bedrooml, 2 bath• on a M tt. lot -7 yn. old-over 2000 feet in houee would coet over $36.000 to repl&c» and we ' can deliver It !or under $30,000. Excellent Fln&ncinc, RUSH 1 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO 8PECIAL18T 2902 Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach Har. •718 • .. l ' ' PAGE 4 . PART 111-N<'NPORT HA~.~o~ ~'c'.'.'S·P~ESS WEDNESDAY, O:OCEM~ER 21, 1935 ---- "C" THOMA S '·C" THOlifAS "C" Tl-I O~fA S HAPPY HOLIDAYS ' . "C" THOMAS, Realtor AND ASSOCIATES H. Veme Snodgrass E thel Shirley Frank W. Hill Gordon L. Andrew 224 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-:>:i27 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS r a ·. ~ c May the 'meaaage of the finil Chriatmas dwell in your heart. at thili joyoUll aeuon, inspiring renewed devotion to it.II ahining ideal of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 311 lbrine Aw., Balboa Island Pb. Har. 1671 or 1672 REALTORS . ' From Balboa, Balboa hland, Corona del Wu, Co.ta Mesa and Newport Beach I Es.tend our heartielt t.hanb to you for the prtYllep of merving you in lDM arid our a.im tn 1968 11 to continue to merit your confklence ! Newport· Harbor Board of Realtors t Ol N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach • To All Our Friend1 Go Our Very Sincere WUihca for a Very Merry Chriltmu and A Happy and Pro.peroua New Year! WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD -HADFIELD REALTORS Marine and Park, Balboa Ialand Harbor 2462 • Tb.ii q our own way of saying 'Thank You" to aJI the folks who have""rnade thia year such a happy one for WI. RAY REALTY CO. A. J . \'ICELLIO, Manager Ed Bucko Helene Clenar H. M. R•y John Flood Bob Kalamm 1444 E . Cout Hwy., C<>rona del Mar Har. 2288 • .. ----..--. rom 62-.Real btate BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. OWNER · REALTQRS -William P. Yeager, Anne Yeager J. Leonard Smith, Gloden M. Fay and Randall F. Geddee. and Associates Extend Heartiest Christmas Greetings NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M. Fa.y, Mgr. Katherine Olaon Marjorie Chue E . 8. Chue Ruth Telfer, Sec. lt50 W. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 LIDO R. C. Greer, Mgr. Worthington Lee Helen Baum - Ann Hutchin.on, See. 3112 LAFAYE.Tl'E HARBOR 36t3 • COSTA MESA OFFICES CORONA DEL MAR Thomu Campboll. Mgr. Dori. Wa.lker '' 3!130 E. COAST HIGHWAY HARBOR 3:U9 R. F. Geddt!I, Mgr Robert GooMen Mary Bell, See. Art.bur Ti .... Mer. Gillette Bailey Bobbie DeFir 187:S HARBOR BLVD LIBERTY 8-771t 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. MERRY CHDISTMAS ~ Newport Horbor Realty JUI and SALLY NEWLIN LIBERTY 8-1161 Houston Realty Co. IOI Cini., 00.t. 1111:- 0.UWS. 8eymow ....,. hltlt. 515 E . Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa, Calitornla J">oyd (qtle B/B BEST BUYS NI~• I D.R wit h ,ar. DA -<.1l'Wlt ln 72' • 13!r 101 7 yr -4b4. $9.l'>OO S D.R.-lyr _,.. H . A .-rf'ncM - Lalh Me. $10.750 3 8 A. All •·tqlf't~ !ll ndK•p!'d -Oarb•r• Dbp. 22-0V K.1L - c.ie1n I'". H.'"Lo.iw On. $13,950 3 BR Custom Bull\ Plu• Rum• pu• Ko> B•r :l ~·w~;1l11~1~ H \\' nra.-S39~ di! G 1 $16.950 N pt. H\1 -0Cfan V1•w ~ Z yt -Owner . Bu1l1. i't.\\" Ylt• - Flrepl. -Dbl. r•r -220,_. K it 1.._Jlt Gutst HM H t.o . S.•t Buy -St .~ ON : ACREAGE ~ 3 A ~ lr vel. clo1e ln S l ~OOO ~ A,: lt\•f l, rlow 111 131 ~.00 28 Ar l•vel, r loM In <'<It Sl6&.00U t M·I Ac. Ocean vl•W. lev"'I s,;.~ 8·2 8 . R. UNITS MOO 00 )lo. Inc Clr.111 r-.. 1, Lor -G<I T'rm1 LOTS ! R·t Loi 121' 1 132 ·Allf'y , ~V.'· tl a m•l<t··~ 80' IOI • S.'i.81'1() R·l 1.->l -P•rm. Ocean Vlf"'! • 11,:,00 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc For the Holiday Seuon, _.. wWi one and all ; Smooth aa.Uinc and a lDM tull ot pea«, pro.perity and a.II good thine• . W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor a.nd ASSOCIATES Gene Bumi B. T. Cook Ed Jone. Matt La Borde Hal Tanner "You'll like .our friendly 11ervice" 400 E. 17th St.. C011ta 1.tcaa Liberty 8·1139 Signa of the l!f'a.son : good cheer, warm rriendah1pa, light hearts, , high happineM, detp contentment ... , it 11 our 11incere wiah that they may all be youni in fullesl meaAure. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 409 lo' t Nf'ar the Newport Pier) To all our friends and patrons, we extend our heartiest good wiehe11 for the merrieat, bright· eat Chrilltrnu ever. HA PPY HOLlOA ''. everyone! Merry Merry Christmas 1"rvN A.II o1 U• To A ll o1 T ov- B. A. NerHon Rlty . Co. Jay Bryon W. E. Wehmeier Donna Sm ith 1.182 l'l.wport Blvd., Coal& MMe Ubeon7 f.ltT2 HOLIDAY SPECIALS! A •k to -our ll1Unc1 or r r tf"-r· Hod properll• ... our many Y•••• ot fkj>fM~• u your• for • ph-e call ' l"or trwtan.i:•: Pf'nln9'll• ttomu from Sit.~ up. ~ Dupl-te f rorrt Sll.7:.0 and up .... a dandy J 11n1t Income at J2S.7oo. u d rn~y otbet• Our U \ra SpPr1•J Holld•y \0•hl4' L• • t..utlf'ul Ba1 r ront dvpl<';11 "" the l'rn1nirula. 8par1ou1 2 brdroom e partmtntt 1n "'"h unit • , UpPf'r l'llC'~ly (11tnl•h•d l r•r ir•r•r •. launtlry a n•I uUllly ttw•m11 Pnv.11 i,..., h and p;., tlf'hl• for l:•~.n(IO •n•I tr,nna. Jt IJI only • yr.tu'll old and tn A·I tondlllon V.'F. \\"ll!H 'YOU Al.t. A M ERRT CHR.ll'IT>tA!S A.'°D A HAPPY Nf.:\.\' YF.AR Balboa Realty Co. Oppos1tr lkllk nf A m~n<:a R.ofla Gre..1 .. ,. F".d '--' Al CnrnrUua Jo~phl ne Wfbb 700 !: 8Albnti 81\"d~ Blllboa Phone Harbor J2ii LIDO Exclusive - EARL W. ST AN LEY. Rea/for MILDRED ST AN LEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join in Extending HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS and -BEST WISHES for a PROSPEROU S f'IEW YEAR Lido Realty ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 To All Our Friends--~ ""'T a Happy Holiday - -Bat Wllhe. . t ) • ... . ,,1 ,, I • ' 'A ,,. ~k·· , tor the New Year r' UU CONSULT US FOR LIDO 'S FINEST Ji"t'Om t1M! Drift Room lo the WaJdorf. It'• time for Christ· mu cheer. ~·a Live it up-- Let'a ha,·e a Ball -But iet'a not O\'('rdo -He:ar:' Remember what True Chri•t· n1u ~•n•. It l11n°t juat ror lt lck11. So Jet'1 aurvive old ·~ 1na ·~ h'flf'e for ":')&," R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. 8 . HODGE, ANOCiate 36Z2 E. Coa1Jt Hy,•y., Corona d('I )far 1111.r. 27i4 HAPPY HOLl!iV-YS ! Blll K1Jllon ~ IA.It ,. )tu11Wlt \\'•llY Jl1llberJ B"rl p.,crarn l:J11! l'ih~ph..,..., J \11\1"' f'Dnlo111,. a KILLION , •eel ••late \\'JSHING YOU Truly J oyous IJay1t Ahl'arl J ack J'lnlth•m l >1rlt ("i;lhn~ f "t lllllt M"nl• ORA NGE CO ART PROPERTlt-;s l Here:'a a w i1h for 1 Holiday , .. ,. , .. ,~ .. """ COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. C:o~t• Mt ••, C•hl -_ _s ... ..__r.o11-o1-.;.,,_.. ..... 1w"•tt""""'ho--fcrr.riric.:;;.-'-''-iC,,:c:;;r,c:rn-rnt-----<:J;--tt;--\ft(c.s-tS I \'!'~ ... • l;L 1 \\'ie hsve •n ·~~1,:.",lv:,..;'";<';;:'"~<_:•:;•4-~Jf,!!85;?_-!_t !_N!!'•'."•~· ~ctLJ1B!!'lv"'d!,.c.:Cvo!e·~t!_aJM~!§_-_ _JLoLA'-''"'1"------.-1 Re-a May your family be with you • :-·. your wi s;hca ful filled. FITZMORRIS REALTY COM?ANY Realtors BusineS!\ Broker Mullipl(' L1~t1ng 1135-E . Coast Highway, Corona d('J ).far H::.i;. :ll.JZ 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL \·ou ::>l!:E CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION .WIDE MOVING I'll. KI S-11221 Eve LI 8·2961 Corner Newport Blvd. and So. Main St e • , Income P~o::ierty 1 ! DI)' • nd V~f'll.~ .. , .. ,,.. 11 .. nl "'"'rift~, --I 'J I).•,, n1 •,•t '. 1.r,il 1~ .. 1~,1 1 1'1·1..:r•I I'' ~.u .$. l hl~ now. 1~ • ol''""" 1 ~}°""'"! 'T "1n1• 1 .. !~~MER E. SHAFcR 1 ftll:AL"f,,,{ I 106 ~h l ·~·l"""'f ,.!,, ·I' P 1r1 l-l•r llU. i.'•. 1,., ,,.,,..\\, lt~r . tl ~ •• ,.1 U• ~ ...... )l I_ - l.OT 60 .. 16~ "" :-. •. 111•~t orr .\Ion· 1 uv.~. C:'••l• )t ~ .. Sll'l-00 p1 1 uwt10:0~. \\011te l:ti;" I. 11 lh1• p~p .. r. 36pt a ----COZY " \,Aral 'A'ATERntO:on' Se•''J)(>tl I.lie bun&'t low. ONL \" l lt (l(}v. l•rma. H.ARBOR llfVUTMl:WT CO. Har IMl<l £\'ff. IUr. •l tt-J 6kt r ELSIE WELLS ,ROY I: RANDY McCAROLE 18 10 Nc>A·port Bl\'d., COflta Me11a L.lbert}' 8·1601 There IS A Santa Claus! Two bed nn. furn. btach hou11e 2 doors from water. $1000 down. FP $9750, blil1ance like rent. PENINSULA Point 2 ~rm. furn. homr . $~ down. Balant·e lik e rt'nt, Move right ji;i. l.arge pie ahaped cor, lot j ut1t 1crou the slrt>et rrom Lido Shopping Cf:nter -Onl}' $7150. $2000 dow n. Bal. $50 mo. ART C. KISTLER CO. REALTORS 2901 Nt'wport 81\'d., Npt. Beach Har. ~22& , ' bRth home~ nn l.J<l<l Uica t ... 11-----------------on • romfr lot ""'h\('h ell mln~t ,.~ .,,y "'h•mmtd Jn 'tttllnr:". Other f I! a l u r f> • •rt \\"r•llnghnu/W' dl•hwuhtr ••n<I d11~1 -<:ar· ~1 1'<1 -u.-i brirk r11·rrl•r·r lovrly p,.11., Anrl l~nd~llppr<J Truly Ofl" nf l,.HIO"• 110,.~t l'lomHI S.l3.:'IOO. <;aU and ""'" will •h•),,. .. "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. 1866 ;-.;.,v.·port Hh•,I . U.ilta M""' l~I 8 37112 or LI l ·MIS& ~7c•9 5 Acre Ranch COSTA M.KSA AREA. lJl.600- ·~••y 1~rm1 < llA:"I A .!Al.."OB~EX, R~llll.or - ll•r :w\9l, or l.Tl:~rty l ·t l 17 '""' ON'I!: -120 ft. • two-eo .n. all •djntnlnc B•clt S.7 area-Could be four lot.-S.U all or ~pa· rate -Ca•h &r t...-m,.. Owner wui.. a.cuon. Hu. &Ml 3We ' CHRISTMAS SPECIALS VOGEL' VALUES $600 [)()\\'N-Nice 2 bt>droom home in Coeta Mesa . Hardwood nr~1n1, noc .r funiac.-. 0..-ad t'nd atr~t . Near 1Jhr1pi.i1ng. Thu~"' 111c('. f'ull pri~ unly SR:"',(10. \'al'ant -n1vve right 111. •· BAY It OCf:AN \"JI:;\\' -2 bMr0o1m horn•· in l'ew · port HP1g ht11. 1-·1repln('e, h11rdwood fl0t.•rll, 1•r1ce ••f Sl~.000 inclulieK plan• fvr add'I 3 room.11 & rull ba th. LOT BARGAIN IN CORONA HIGHLANl.)S-lfigh up with Jlermanent, unohKttlJ('ted view. Eaat to build on, 11tre-et·lO·•l~ lot. Total prlcf' only SI 1.9:JO. Chttlt lh1a with any olhera you may ha\•e &een : . -The Vogel Co . • 2687 E. Cat. Hwy ., Corona del Ma.r H. 1477 H. 0757 .. _,..._._. __ • ·- -. .. -. . ' -COASTAL: SHOPPER PAGE 15 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 Buy at Home From Your local New Car Dealer , Johnson & Son wis~H •II of you a • MERRY CHRISTMAS r anCf gives I ' j I . I ' I I I , . I '\ • -· - - \ Hft't a plPfeet opp«ti.mity to live "PowerStyle" Chrysler"°'° ... In time 1°" ~ a truly 4iltiDetiw Chriat,.. (or pre-CbrUt.mu delivery , · .. and wait -llftl Oar opodol Chriltmu Pur-until r.m.r, to make your tint pay. cm. Pia lltl JOU buy yovr DtW' mentl Stop in and pt full detaila lodot1I T#E NEW ''PoweiStyle"· CHRYSLER •••• also Many Fine Used Cars That Will Make Wonderful Christmas Gifts for Mombora of Your Family -at • . • . • LOU REED & ASSOCIATES kq 1rlal • Cllrysler • """azlk Salas & Sanlc:•e ~lwlh..,11'1nia11alltlitlo01G1-..loal TrKb 1200 W. c-Hl ... war .Ll>My 1-3416 GUI &tim SIOOC OF~ USlO CAIS HAS -11APPWB All) •a& TO SBl fASTI 50 to Choose From! Tuclon e Four Doon e Convertibles e Wagons H•cltops e Plc:li11ps e Panels NO llASONAILI OFffl REFUSED! . . . ''Y-Fwd DMler Shlce 1921" Oii Marlller's Mlle #1100 Uberty 1-3471 FREE LIFETIME LUBRICATIONS for UJOM parchuln1 a new or ued cu from 111 hero~ Dea. 25th. Tbll ean •\'e you bundlH of IDOMJ aloag with .., NEW YEAR WW PRJCDI NOW 1 ' Happy New Y-1 New Y-Low 1Prlces NOW! 12 C11clllac Conv. $2496 52 Mere. 4-dr. $998 ·--,I n.-. ..,._,, ....... power • ._..... Our New Year'• J'~ .t.,... _...for e11..ui.... 52 Unc. Clb. Cpe. $1498 R&dt_fh...,l"--(kerdrtv• ,14 Mere. Mont. Cp. $1998 ......_"_,.~..,. ...... u. 54 Fwd Ylclorla $1896 :/ •&"s a. .. r-Ml!ft!OllUtllo "-er W....... FoN-Uo-Red1-Hsater f.\t .... NIM, -WW U,,_.Low ...._.,, \; 13 Plylll. 2 .... $896 Cnaliroo~-••cHo 61: Beater -15 Mere. 4 daor $2598 .,... .... ---NJ-1..oMed wttll -U... ........,. Meroemetlo 53 U11e. Capri cp. $1998 r.u pct-r-~ laCclor .. _, * SANTA CLAUS SPECIALS * 46 lalcli -$145 10 Ncnh -$150 46 Dad11 -$71 47 Fwd COllY. -$195 so Mere. o·•~ -S595 49 Cad ...... -$591 FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR -RIDE WITH JOHNSON & SON U11eoln • Mercmy • Cont1 ..... 1al Sales & Service 900 W. C1_. HWJ. , . Newport l1•ck Opeti '-"'• Uberty 1-5541 Mon c.r for )'0111' money aad more money for Yoqr Ow NO DOWN PAYMENT at Miller's Kar Korral Try l1lat "Lllclry 700" f« ....... GMr.- 50 Oldsmobile 88 Sedan 54 Plymouth Jl...B·Rydnmatlc WSW -$545 $1295 53 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-Dr. ~&-H-WSW $1095 52 Pontiac Sedan &-H-Hydnmalla $945 53 Ford Custom 4-Dr. Sedan 52 DeSoto Y.a Hmdtop $1095 52 Dodge l/2 Ton RAB Ukill N .. $895 • Stab TRUCKS e B-•·WSW·A.llionaUo 1- ...,_ S._ a a ...... $195 - 54 Ci.MC 1/2 Ton e~·-wsw 0..,. lo,elt ..... $1295 MILLER · CHEVROLET CO. Olm-bile Chevrolet MILUR'S KAR ICORRAL 700 W. Coat! Highway Uborty 8°2258 Newport l1•cli ... ......., .. . ~ --. ·- ' . ~-··"·· PA8f 16 COASTAi.: SHOPPB l WIDNISOAY. DECEMBER 21, 1915 .. 0 ' '. ~ .COME CLEAN WITH ME, ' e 0 () we do rrve in the most wonderful area that any body . ever found don't we. Isn't that what you and pop tell all our aunts and uncles and the people from Smop11e 7 Now Mom, Come Clean Wrth Me -we do 'have a complete town, don't we? Good schools, paved streets, areas to breathe and ~row in. And Mom, have you seen the C..+y Hall with ih flowers and green grass and that wonderful Senta Claus in the chimney and his reind... on the roof? Y Hh, Mom, Come clean with me. Have you seen the decorations all around town in the Lido Shops area, on Balbo. Island and in Newport and Balboa too? · Mom, you could soak up some good advice from the really smart shoppers around town. They've found that they get extra special service from the local business-. . -, • ... ' 0 men. They find shopping in the local stores is pleasant and relaxing and with plenty of parking near at hand and no congestion-and no smog. Yeah, and when you shop at home, you and I can get home in time for my early snack and we can frx dinner for Daa. The folks · who shop near home are saving real money, Mom: and we're iust kidding ourselves if we don't get into the swim with the smart Buyers. You 'll be dollars ahead ... You'll be hours ahead. - And you'll be playing the part you should in our own community by dealing with the folks who help us pay the bills for schools, and streets, and parks .••• The people who support our charities and civic organiza- tions. And Mom, lets come clean with all the people and wish them A Merry Merry Christmas ,....... and a Happy New Year. FORGIT HARDWARE THI ANIST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware ••• Toys ••• Paints • ~ • Wallpaper ••• Appliances ••• TV ••• Raclo A Good Friendly Place to Shop ; 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Har:aor 116 Newport Beach , .,.~... .. .. t' ~ ...