HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-28 - Newport Harbor News PressI ' County Cerk Smith Bows . Out of ·Office • • ~hma·nson .Eves ~inda BANTA ANA (0CN81 -Board ot )lu~rvl.lora Cha lnnan Wllll.8 --.--------------------------:-"""":-:-'.:="':""'-=====:-:-=-.::==--:::-:==--::::::::=-::::=::===--::::: .. :--:_==:--::,__=== w arner ddlve~ a tareweU mea-4Sth YEAR-NUMBER 112 NEWPORT BEACH, CALD'ORNIA. WEDNJ:8DAY, Dl'.C. 28, 19M PHONE HARBOR lllv •a·u11 '--'u• 'Isle Deal! eap to reUrtnc County ·Clerk ~­ J. Smith a11d called for the adop- tion of a r..oluUon of commenda- tion. 8mllh, of Newport Beach, hu b.en In county· employment for 31 yea.ra. He hu been county clerl\_ alnce 1937. "\te want to expreaa our aln- cere than.ka for the work you have done tor the county ov~r the yMJ'a," Warner Nld. "We wanted you to be here tor the 1..t board meetlnc ln your lncumbeocy. Jurors .Probing Signal Oil Co. Magnate Asks Yachtsman's Help "In earlier daya before thl' work load became "° heavy you had to Mlegate the dutlu htre. "'e could argue with you dlrl'Ctly. You act· ed wlaely In keeplnr thlnp run· Alleged Bribery nlng amoothly.'' Other board member• volc-ed Warner'• •enllml'nts. Afttr the • adoption of a (eaolutlon of a p-Rumora that all ha.a not been well with the propoeed plan predation. Smllh lnforrllf'd t hl' HARIOR WEATHER • for the development of Linda Isle (Shark Island) into a board he w .. ntlrlnir from the 26-acre swank botel--club-yachting center were lent eome ere-clerk'• Job, but waa not going to Tmlpentvea Uie put week IJI the ~r-were: Grand Jury Subpenas Men of County Building Staff quit working. dence tut night. Howard Ahmanson, multi-millionaire reai-"ll 1a very gnttfylng to et tp dent of Harbor Jsland, revealed he hu been contacted by out with kind wordt1 heaved l\t 8am Moaher. head or SIK?lal 011 l Sam Mosher, It was learned. I• you." Smith <'Ommtnted. "ratht'r Company. relahve to poulble de-out of th• country at thl• Ume tha.n rock•. lf there I• a11y credit Telopmenl o.t Lh• property. I and wu unavailable for comm enL due my ortlce, ll should go to my The laland la ownt d by lhe Ir· LUSH PARTY loyal ataff 1 &ppr!'C.lale lht> vine Co. Md wu I~ to lhe Dr. A nnouncement of the plane for friendly spirit of conprr1111on l J'orbea J<~ann Compa.ny ht'&dt'd by the developmrnt of Linda Ille In· have rece1vl'c1 from the board." Marc o. Le.h and Dave Brown. to a $!1.000.000 •wan~ retort ho-"l h&ve spent nf'arly my enllrt Evidently the Forbes Farm Co. tel, club, wt!te made on Oct. l, life In Orange County a nc1 l will hM been taktn over by s isnal 1903 at a luah party at Perino'• contlnUI' to do ao. If the boorrt rrt>I~ Oii c o. with thl'm thua comlnK In Hollrwood. AL that t ame offl· l can be of help at 11ny llmt' l into pciueaalon of the le .. e. It cla.IJI of Or. F orbes Farms were would deem It a privilege, plea.sure wu leumed that ta.xu on lht' lntroductd u were other1 who and honor to aid." leuehold lnll'rHL were p&Jd on be· had helped In br1ng1nr a bout the .superv111-0r• have appolntf"i Lrn half th I b ... 8 -• leaae from the Jrvlne Co \\allac,. to rl'pla re Smith J 1rn I of e eaaaor y .... e 1gn.. · OU Co. . I 1'h4i plan11 d11play~ at lhe r,... OSt'I: Qt:ITE \'OCAL Mntatlon depicted a 123·room h<>-c s • teol. llW&nk ahop· and fine home. I ar werves Ahmanaon realdta In the fonneor on Lheo face of lhl' uJand fronting I Jucha Hr1fd1: homfl Oil t.h,. wul-lhe Harbor bland Cha nnt'I. A erly end of Harbor lala.nd He wu complete )"lchlmg C'ent.er wu alao R • G qu1Le vocaJ 1n hla oppo.1IOon to to be created on Lhe ou~r edge u1ns rocery the propo.ed pla.na for cJevelopmrnt of 27 acrf' 141a.ml w hich wu lea.aed ot Unda Jale • .Ahman.on aald that for a term of 53 ytue. s F d he and MOllher had bt>en rr1encl1 Welton Becket. archlt ttta and tore aca e tor a Ion&' time and that ht wu englnetr9. who planned the huce contact•d becauae of tha t friend· proje<:t. ha vr done no work on the ahJp a.nd alao becau. ot h.la know· devtlopment for the J>&8l yc>ar. A rarl'rnln1t automobile ewuvrJ ledce of lhe a.re&. The farm'• atsn wu removed •bout 11cro.. Cout H l1o:hv.i•v 111 11 ·t:1 The Jrvtne CO. aald today th.at then front the entrance to Linda p. m lol nlJChl and <ll'm<>ll"h- they had no otflctal notice of any lale. ed thl' front nf a icrflren• •t111 •• chance ot 1tatue on lhe Leuthold I On March %2, 19~ the city rmin-t o lhe Ulent of '3:>00 dttm"IC" and that Lh.y had not been oftl· ell auUlor\&ed Amendment & to the police reportl!'d CONGRATUIATiONS -County Oerk B . J . Smith, Newport Beach resident, left, receives plaudita from Chairman Willis Warner of county board of super- visors upon Sm.itb'a retirement, elfective Jan. 1. OCNS Photo 'MR. X' IDENTLTY MYSTERY, BUT HOAG HOSPITAL GETS CASH Who'• "Mr. X," the myaler1ou1 blacl. lealhtt·dad m otor- cyrhsl 1<bout 3~. who wheela hlJ1 black motorcycle up lo Hoag J-l u11p1t&l onc:e a month with a donation of two &Over \Jolla.rs': That'• a qutatlon H094r Hoeplt.&l att.endant.a have been uklnr l!BCh ot1ler dunnr U1e pu t five montha. Th• man. wrarin( black boota, Juket, trO\lMH and a whit. tee •hlrt ~nod1cally atoµa at the main dellk. •lk.a for the public r• lallona •lalf. Wht'n • r;,rprue11t.a.Uve apptara, he aaya: "Hrr,.'s aomet htng for your bulldlnc tun.d.'' lt&VH the 12 11.nrl deparle. Thi• Chrulmaa he pve the ho•plt.a.I a ChrUtmu card, t>nd.r,...-d the two 11Uvrr dollar-a a11d wrote thl• m-c•: "To all the doctora and nurNa on lb• ataff, OOd bl.- you all. Your Mr. X." clally contact.ed by anyllfte In any aonlng code, creatl11g a.n R· t cllJJ· The driver of thr rar. Edw1111I tra11•cUon relative to a tr-anafer trtct frvm an unclagl!l!'d dl"lrlcl M. McCerver. • 1. L .. • k .. wrw1.I, JN"" of Ule i.... Oomp&l\T otllctala for Lot.a t lo ~8. porUon of Lot A , tu ,.n lo Hoaic ll1ot1111 11 I 111flrr. dld aay tMJ "wsderatoocl ta.ea furth•r deecrtbed aa Uhda We. lnlt from ehm k a n•l wllh 11 .i .... p were pal4 under tenne ot Ule i.... 1 The laland wu &NlJTled Lhe rw.me 1 cut on hi• for!'ht•d ,.,.,11111 mg 12 Cby ·,TY·ac-i OilRCo.Adlecll. 81 " ~.·~.;,NANCE ?~;·~~~EI::r~x~: s30. 116 coLLECTIOH rASS. ED ASr-J·EMnE111RGENCY ~!:~~~::~s~~:l;~;~~~:RISE IN SALES TAX post•. brokr out a at'<·tlnn nf a I a.n hlith 8·1n \Hell a n•I r1r-1rny · ~,:.11~'::u:::":f ·~l:"n ..... n ... •n • Newport leadl Taml»le Wes . 'Rabid Dw In S-ta Ana Area ,,,,. drWr rl'fU~<! In ... 1irn ~· $229 869 for '55 to ft.....1-. ~ mlaawn 1t lht ho•p1t1I fur • 1 .,,..._ S N.w.....;& Counc1·1 -£Ction broo.1 ltft to 111'1 rnmM tf ti~ ....... -Ill pv. • llll~ 1nl<llll4'•t9d offlt ,.,. u 1d j Slor,. ().,. n,.r l'ar1tf1111n n w~ r Tl' Total ~tu tall In Newport 11do ba(k or htt t•t11bllahrfl,.nt. Bl'•r h tor Un calendu ytar Of alee tftllde 1'"'1'0rt Belich. 8alea t.a.x coUecUon• t.a.llled In October for I.lie Lhlrd quarter amounted lo J30.920 &3. compared f LU1• It or DOl aome HtO ,..._ .,. l>Mn d«lared • "rablu tn· Mid 11 wou111 ti~" .,.v,.1al flav.1111.,:, t<x.lalt' I• $2Z11.Ml9 ()6 aa com• f!Orl S..ch dop wlll be v1oclnat• demlc ar,.a" by lht' •la te depart· tn drtt>rmlnr thf ritM'l tllll'nl of I pal N to IOM ·11 to<al colleclldba ment of public: health. Endemic ed a l U per head for rabtu, M'· m•&N a dlHut pecul.la.r lo a die· lh~~:~:"!:d Mr(} .. _vl'r W&A 11:olnl:' of $19D.7~3 6-0 ll wo dlll4'10Md to the 1amt quarter l&,1t )'eat cordln~ to an ~C1 ordinance trtC'l or lucaltty lO a peater or eu t 1111 Cua•l Hli:hwiy wh•n hl•l lod•v by ~rdon Slrklf'r. dt puty with $30,810 3•. Sick ler aald. a dopted Jul nJJtll by clly councll lu nr dtirrtt. accordln1 to Wrb-car 1,.,~1 vtd tn lhl' lttt i nd wrnt ftnu.rr omn r. Th" t1t)' collf'Ctll S.IH tax In th• city month by Jn a un1nlmo11.1 vote. (Councilman •t"r out of rr1ntrol " l·c-ent tall on eatl'I I I "' rtolatl month amounted to the tollow1n1 8.ndy u a -1.1-y I• In H•wall 1 Thf Heuon for Or&n&t Count.'Y bflnK ,.. ~ ~ · 1 c.>lll'ctlona turned ln each monlll 4 % B l• wlll u:plr1 Jan. 30, when declarl'd endemic apparently • FIND CASH ONCE HIDDEN ~al vetertna.r1all• m ay re11 ume l>Ued on col\llrmed report.a of five dui(ll&led. th• normal i& cb.arg-e, councilmen r1bld doJ• In t he Sa nt.a Ana ueoa. Janua ry, 19~, J UI.M O t3. 19M. .-id 'I'No •u&pecled rabid do,. p caPf'd J h M G ' ....a Found f Tb.e ordinance prewnted by th!' <'Wllo<Jy. Two per..01\1 Wt re blltf'n 0 n c anns ~.. ' IJ ~.711900: f'ebruary. ll>M . SU ,• fr!tY attoniey ., .. modeled an.er by rabid doc•. ac<"Ordlng to thf' d p • 212 ~ u compa~d to U~• 121.· gdocumtnt the county bo•n:t ot Cl>Unly huJLh o!flcu No perltOn Returned by Korn e.r air 831.10 ... arc l'I. Ill~. '3~00 3•. pervt.aorw approved yetteTday. ha& bffn bitten by • •wip«ted I compared tD JM02 40 lhla year; e ~rd heard M \•eral pueoru rabid dog In the Hubor aff'a dur-Apnl lllM. 115.41 0 111. &&&lnlll Ject to the county orclln1nre. tnr lhf' "fntlt mlc" n blea penod. Th" Johll MoC&n11• of 231 2 C"11ff 1200 ln blll• In • towtl and rlaced Ut,6ta M ; M&y, 19!>4. U 0,1'9 ~. tn took It undtr w bm1Nlon. Ten from any ,,.port.o OnYt .,,. 1200 ncher toda y M · 1 It In • drawer Thi' mnn•y •llpped •S'aln•t Stl,111 11 : June, 111~. lnutem alter prolealora lrfl lhf E\ Cit\. TWO YEAll8 cauu of tht h<ln,..ty of • "lf'I" nut and elld undf'rn!'alh lht paper I SJ0,&07 M. compared to 111.Nl.· m the ordinance ••• approv~ Tht city ortllnanC'e call• for v•c· whu purchu,.d th,.lr fnrm!'r hnrnf' llntnir In UI• dra.,.,.r lit ; July, 19~4. Ul.~ 54. a jt"&Jmlt AFTER~OOS ~r;is.~JO.S clnatlon of local d<>r• by Jan 30 la..tt J uly 'T"he McO&nns lookf'f! tvf'rywhere 1%1,%18 t.I: AuJUet. 19St. 124.722.· City Atty. Karl Lynn Devw Jut and o ch two yeare Ulero!ter McOou\n Mid hr IJ\d hlll '"'''" In the hou.H for th• monry u~pl M . compared to U 0,722 3$. Sep- ht broa.ched lhe •ubJ«t. re-f"allure to varclnal• volde do& II· I Eva. renlv!'d the aurpr1M' ('11r1:ot-tht nrht plac-e Thi")' fu\&lly gave tem~r. 111~. SU,N2. &g-alNll rtlnJ lo th. C'OW1Cll that with t'f'na .. Veta lnoculallll.( Ule d~ mu '1f\ Monday wh"n Hc>Wanl \\' up 1n drspur 111.Ul.2~: OctobeT. 19M. 130 • lie• Q\1d John UJ>IOll, P o\l.Dd· mutt prtJMU'• lndlYldU&I dQC cue I Komd<o &oulhf!tn c a blonua Edt-Whrn lhl' Kom dn• cAllf'd and 110 2•. compared to 130.tl& 63: u ter ~r1• Myna and Albert rr<nn1, tar anc1 othu l11fonnallon. eon C<tr, d••trict au~rlntrn.1rn1 In ~rl lhtv h•d round lh• money 1'f o ., • m b • r. J9~ ll9.Z97.73. Stockton. he ·~nt mo« of Thi' orolnance muea rounler· charitt .,f •llatnbut if'n •n•I •""''"" unt1rrn ... th thr llnlnK. th,. Mc· a1aln.1t 1311287 2t, Dttvnbf'r, •terday attemoon dlacUMln& the ftlt B bln t•lf~ •·o~ ll I• etfec· In I.hf Hunllnjtlon l:l.-a• h .,ff1re OM llJI )tn!"W Ulere -.. a Sant.a 19~. f78CX5 28. compar.d lo lhle ro~ ordl.l\ance. The county ttve u of laJlt rur;ht'• pa-ce caUl'd UI,. ami uk~ 11 '-""Y ha•l Cl•u• ~cGa.nn tried lo J ive month toda te, H !>Ot 93. \-------------------------=-----'{' Kornder a ttWard for flndJnR the Sickler eald lut April the city Ew CHAMBER OFFICER lost any mono ' ~ m"n")' but Komdl'r rtfull"d u ylng m ade e t t11ta tlve budllll eetlmate A• t1 n1•lt"r nf t11rl. the "'" It w•• rC!W&rd rnoua:h to I>'! •ble I of 1%3.000 more In aal• tlJI ~ na.nn11 Mrl Aoout a month brfmf' t ha lnlf r;ood C'heer to the Mc· celpt.a lhan Ole prevtoua year'• lh"Y ,...1.t 1he11 f•irmrr hnm40 a t ~~nn' ovtr the Cllrtatmu holldaya. uumale. Mi F\JllPI lnn Av~ tr• Mr 11011 Mr• ---------------------StA TE TO BE CHOSEN ~;:~;· .. ;;~·~· .. J , ... i}»almer Forecasts Rosy. Rip Thur9dq, RDec:. 2%.... 58 Friday. Dec. 23 . e<> 8a tlll'day. Dec. %• -U Sunday, Dec. i r. -··--H Monday, Dec.. %IS _,... U TuMday, Dec. 27 .... Ml \Vednellday, Dec. %8 .. 67 RABID RAT? Mesa Rodent Bites Boy. Quarantined Amid all lh• county-wide fll· cltemenl about dop with rablu. Coela Meaa ha.I come u p with a rat Napecled of rablea. Terry M elwn, t , aon of Mr and Mr•. J ohnny Hampton of 1194 Unden Place, C o • t a M e • a, cornered a unall rat ln a n l\)'On near h1• home yeeterd.ay and ..... bitten on the flncer whJle caplur- inr Lhe creature. Hampton notlfled the Oranr;e County Heellh Department nf lhe lncldmt and Jart w .. u a n of the depe.runent ordered Coat& MeN polite to tmpound lh• rat and bold It ta cue of nblM. Th• rat WU lrllpou9ded wtUI a Aocal 'Ht• erl ....... polle9 -"" Tiie Hamp~ aot.ltled It -i.N.....-ta H..,_ wMt.MF 'IWry aUlll ..s.rp ,_. lee t....tment. WlMther found to have rablu or 11ot. ot'ttd aa. have announced tll• rat le doomed. Car Hits .Tree 811 Y 011~ Gets 011 Unlarl A lf-ye.ar-old Beal B~ch boy u caped Injury at l a m toda y whf'n the aedan he wa• drivlnc By PAT IOCRAELS SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -The Orange County Graad Jury met today to conaide.r the indictment of • former county employee on bribery charges. Witneuea before th• grand jury revealed that they were interrogated befot. the Maalon by dl•trict a ttomey'• n-Nld he waa queetloned by office lnveaUgatore recardln&' bill· the dlltrlrt a ttomey'a office u boa.rd.I In OrtlllJt County. wM'lher or not bribel war. paSd Flr•t wltneu called before the by him 10 a tounty bulldlDJ IJI· Jury when lt met m lta •urpriH apector. The w1tn-••Id th• dla- -lon In the "indictment IWom" trlct a ttorney'• office lnv..Uca- of the Ora11Je County Ceu.rt.hou.e tora queried hJm Mtf'llMV.ly re- wu C:O.nty Bulldln&' ln.apector J&rdlnJ hi. con~cta with th Charlee Donahue. The 1906 Jury particular bulldlrlc lnapector. met today for the flnt time In Althouch Oonalwe relUMd to Lhe famou. ~partmmt One ch.am· give any at.aUaUra other than lb• bera from which lut yrar'• crand name of the former employ ... the jury lmul'd aome 17 lndlctmenta 1 county peraonntl °'. flC'e reported durtnr t h• liquor probe. the man wM emplo)'f!d lbt. year. Donahue would not comment on 1 The ~ntonnt'f office. however. the quu tlon• loued at h tm by the atated It had no record of hi.a dt.· juron and Dlatnct Attorney Rob-mlual. trl Kneeland who aparked lbt. Donahue tttuMd to (1V• the ln- momlnc'• -Ion. Knl'el&lld aaid formation rasa.rdUll the m&I\ 0 11 the jury met to look into a mat-the ... ounda. 11e aald, that that ter "broul'ht l o lhe Jury'a atten-waa whal he had diecu.ed belor• lion by the bulldln& depertment." the l'r&nd jury. "J can't tell yQu Olalrlcl Attorney Knreland took anythlnc about It," he aa.td. M•n· I r e a l p a I n 1 t o d a y to pre-""hlle a balt.ry of wtt ne-wu vent In 1 o r m a t Ion re1ardtnc' •laJldin&' outalde the Jury cham· Lh• 1 e •a1 Ion from I e a k-bt.ra. Almmt all -1'9 ldentlflfod u 1nr to the preu. Two d.Latrict a t-l"'t~t.aUv• of Ule Rlthm<Mtcl torneya oftlo. 1nv .. u•aton cau-8IJTI Co. of Lone a.aeh. ,,,..t of Uolled wltn-not to talk Wiien I.be l'f'OUP WI be ca.lied IMlo.-. l.b• app~ by I.be pr-em. TM v-1re U'la monWlc wu the~ O.A.'a m.n l\o04 &'\l<Ud -U.. ot U.. farm., .... !Udunond. wttn-Loda.y. OoW'tllouae l\lmor .W tbe J"'7 &econd pereon lo a ppear before mietil ..... ~an a oa .... Jur, um ~ ... .u.n &M _.._ "° ·-L ........... -~,_Ta....... ..... ... Ole llWJdlnJ department.. Both Nel· ....upt.oN kefll ...,. .,... tut eon and Donahue admitted lbe.y today to p..-ent lMlla ot lnl~· wer• eubpenaed and not tnvit.ct to Uoa lo u..e pnM. Ooet.rary lo today'• MUion. ue\IAl ~ U.. O.A.'a mu <>CNS leam!'d exclwdn1y t.bal n.tly ,..,._. Le ....Uty W1&a.,... the ~ dealt wtLh at t.ut ooe .. u I.Mr ..,..,... W ont U.. former county •mployw. One wn-Jurora. SMITH PAiR LOCKED IN CONTESTED DIVORCE SUIT atruck two palm tree& and over· SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Ma.r- turned a t the lottreecllon of Sup· lam S. Smith lll\d Robert w. erlor Ave. and Nt'wporl A ve. I.JI Co1ta Meaa. police raported. Smith were locked In a contflllted a ~beftlllp t• tM 1"taa co.wt Country Club, a ........_ .... Mal a11d outboard motor, aad • ..-a· lily of fl"O*lft m•t. Driver Nlckolae Frank DeMal· divorce •ult Ln Supulor Coll.rt lie• of •~ Apt. C, Oc:Hn Ave . Dept . One today. Sul s.&ch. told orflct'rl he waa Jud&t' .~t&llklln O. Weat admlta dr1vl n1 north on Suprrlor at a p-thr c:aae I• .. nabbercuwni." Tb• proitlmately ~ mph watching lht vaJldlly of th• Smith marrlqe rl'{I ll(hta on Newport Blvd . a.11d &lid money claJma by eaeb .. alnet ftJlfod to -lhe 1trett tum lbe olher are l•u .. In U.. trtal. ahead. Mn BmlLh obta.lned &LI Inter· Ofncera •Id hi• auto ran onr locutory decree from Coot.rador th• curb on lh!' eut aide of Nl'W· Kenneth P. 8d1m ldt ln 1961. port Avt.. 1l.nick the palm treH lkhmlJ\ Cot a ~qulcky" dl•aret In the traffic 111lan<1. and ak lddfd from Mn SmlUI ln Mexico on lnto Lhe eouth oound traffic IAnf' April 27. 111&1. Schmidt rema l'Tif'd on Newport Blvd ('omlng to rut alter hla Mulcan divorce.. on IU whHLI In the l'Xlrl'mt ll'fl MAJUUED 8JIUTH hand laJle of lhf .out hbou11d tra!· a.tore t.h4 year'• Interlocutory nr. dlvort'e waltl.n~ nqutnmenl ... n,. car bad to be nmoved to up, Mra Schmidt m&rTled R.o~rt e raral'I· police H id, Fl"om point Smith. Dolli plaJnUff a nd dcfend- of Impact •1 th the l"tlr1'> Mttc~n ant ctatm t he oUrrr ~ Mm aeld the vehicle lraveled a t otal I money Community property Ii.rt.cf of 162 ft. by the plaintiff 1ncludu 111,000, Jude• We9l lndtcu.d todaJ t.aiat he WU "lndlned" to ,,-Ul a '90- t ton by lh• ddendant Oii Ole ~ 1 w •Id• ot lh• comp&alat wt to deny lhe moUan tot .--Mt • lh• monq CIOmJla&DL TO BEA& Sl'ID&JfCS Tbe J\ldt• ..set II.a I.at Ille .....a.s bear out u.. ...W.C• ... ~ make a cht~. "I'm den~ all l'MU99 ._ now:· Jude• W•t MU. Smith ckftl .. a.. Miii ..... •1 promi-to ......,. lftOIMY ....._ smith allec• a. !t, "° bbR. "1 a t.hlrd AW I camJliMllll flied by UM ,.....Uft, Mi'&. 8m&UI CharJN that Mr I ., t ...,. -·~n and nolot1o\W ~· W1th Nra. OaBltUe .... I• ... of Ar\ I •M«IJe epenl« .t ~n.uan·· .......... l ....... Nl'ltntnatlnll( C'i'mmltt~ ot thl!.1 Newport Harbrir 'h cht \lub N twptlrt HllrbOr C"h11mb<or of Com-BaJlot• have been mall,.cl mr m- tneT'l'f' Jan e w lll nomlnatt ntw 1 bera to vole on thf' follo,.1nlf di· dlamtH>r offlcfn tor 19!'1e follow-~ctnr Clllldldatea· l nir C'ountlnr (If ballot.II lhtit dny C'nrona d!'l Mir •"rt mn Gf'nrrl' MA voR NELsoN Prosperous New Year Here TO HO SPIT AL Prriuclrnl f>trnl A Palmtr of o "'lh,.re I• ew ry ~a.eon to bellf'.,. "'""port 8-lb<ul ~avln1t' "n •I that "''" wtll rtach an t ven hlrhu t or eaa:ht nf'W d1rl'C'ln1'11. H•v lAnlf· R Plr!'lKll 4ll1d Mllrk Se>drn one I e nhelm. r Xl'CUtl••r 11ecrf tary. an-""" t nptn. BalbQ& l!<llU\d ll!'Ctlon - 1101.1ncf'fl today thrrl' """ta opl'n. Rnbf'rl Allrn. Tht nrw offlctra ..... m be electf'd Harr•ld Ca.ldwfll. Ll'llll\d ~fcCol· at a bt-8n1 m""llnl( Jan 9 and loch. R o y Mayp<'IC' l<t'nMlh tnatallf'd at thf' n nnual 1na1a.lla· N1C'hol11 and Cl\tatr r ~11lt11trury ttOfl of nfftrtr. b1111QU"l JM 13 Ill Marin• r • Mrlf' s. .. cllon onr ~NII I •'P"" Gf'OT$:t' Bn".i a.nd l"rlio.•n lucs D Lice Slllrfn,..1 J r :"tW(lnrt ff'"llOn own onf' .W \l np<'n n~rirr Wtll111m CMtl l\f"•a ;\111vn1 rhlrr J .... rn Acct'< JA\lnn. lOllklnl( b 11 Ck ll!Vf'I nf b\atnMI &eUvity lft 195e. ;'\rl•"n 11!1 In """..: ll•11r 1t11I ,,, • rr rnt l \Ur whidi ha11 I "On,. nf lhe .be11t element. of rr..iH rnnt rrori 11 lln•"11 • C •·n ~ 11, "-"-'<><•lltinn r~l\t·h ., """" th!' preur.t pro~rtty i. that It •llAl'k nf rn,.11rnnn1 • hut hn"'· hich nr SZI ('IOll•MIO in 11, • .,t11 1,.xt,.n<ll!I In to ao many Unea of n.tal offlrli\I, ""d lh"r w•• • b •• lndu""'.,..., and the profe• ,. <• ' •. , a~t • "" "'' n 1><'1 ler year I •1.t11n"-· "'·, n"t~1ns:: tn ,. ", .. ,. "l' i.t • •• , I 1,, ... t; sH')N' Nearly ~-..ery ...,nent of 111 11 1 '"'' ., n"" 0:""1 I'• , 1 , ...... 1,.h,.<l :"l'WflOr\ tht rnunlry • populaUon. wltll ',.. ,n h ' h"'-'n "' t\• 1 t tJ l J .... I 11 1 1 .• 1 .,, ,, fr"" a •mAll •tr.rt· \'f'ry ,.w a cep °""· • en o,.n f"•" th" ,., h I 1 • 1 '~ •hr h ""~"'nlll '"'""'""'''' "' •f"'llY l ll• bf'ntfll•. u , nt)'I lt \'P" t t t "t ,. • t " It, 1 rr n• 11n I ""• r rimarll" "'Thi' c041ntry'11 foremoat erono-luni; 1t1'l'rt1r•n lit , A 1•11·r I 1 1,. l"'""hl,. t• r 1hr ''"""'"rmtnl m1 .. la •Jrf't that more and m ort •r• II '" l" ... llt'a U nrtn ~··f"\ In "hllr ""IHI:· I 111 I ' .... 'f l.••ln l•'" l hr<•lll:h h•~ 11u1t111nc,. of our riunlllf'I art movlnc \Ip ln· l' .. r k Ol"\·1Jl" !lthl1•utrr H. r11ynf' IMk nf hl'"l<llt11! th• ' .,. !.:<'\· "" ,.,,j •:I-• nt A• 11 f1ount1.-r IUld to the mlddlr ·lnc:-om e .....nup. and R1110h 11nt1 A*'n R"<ld11 k . R•lh"41 In Tourney Fray W ith B iii Tnlnf'• •lunk1n1t 17 ,.mmrnt An•l r r•·n1":: ha. """' _, ... -ThllY"r 11n<I H B \\'lls"n l ,. , 1111 f .. ,.,.t11l 1•,. offlr f'r ot t h11t th111 ltTOUp will conllnut to potntl'. rn11r h ~tu lnrn11n" Or ------•lnr" un :"rwp• rt 1.' I :-;. 14 f"•rt !!~lb'" i:<11v1ng10 a nd lnrff'Uf' In numbo-r11 Thi• rollowa anir-C't'lllal C'nll"lt" qutnl<'I 1"'1 . Th,. mn,·rn •I '' ' :rn "11J:· 1 •• Att A• .. •• 11111 •n now 1n 1t" .. a rnull qf prosperity a nd 111,tit defeated LA'"" B!'Mh 1'11> Sanitary loards 101"<! •h11t :""I• •n "''""r ~" tw"n11, 111 ~r11r ht hu pencaally •ro•th 1n aJJ u-ot bUeln-A Coll•ce M·l'll In nf"'nlnt "'llnJ of • tn tht c1t•C'l I nr 1ntn th• h0 "· f ...... _ f t"--tM Sam Rarrv. Mcn11,11111 Jl' Postpone MHtlftCJ pi1 11 l tn m11ll" • q111r llrr , ... ,,.,,,,,.,,a thnfl and home owner-hllfh•r Income °" .. ~ am .--•h•r r•"l:'K'" which hu tt,ured •n•bln tnem to now add 110me towrna.mfnl In Cl,.nd11I" H11lfllm" ·""""r)' :"rl~"n t>lr r tr•I In t ' 1~1 : .. h· in "~""~1'1 thnu111nd OT· luxu.ri H t.o th• JMC ... UN whtc.11 k'Ort fa vored Ulf' PtralNI 2'\-22 l•n11nl\' ~A.nl ll\t,nn ~l1~trt•t11 I 2. I•' lhf' ho•pllHI l"r hi. 1r•1 • • ~ .. ~ 11 1 11 ~ 1 d ilOIZ!' ('11un1 v f11m1hH ' plan• fOf thry ha•e 1lwa,y1 bous'lt. A n d At ti :\0 r m l0ol11y 111f Rut • ·•· " " • •n< ·11"" i'"~ pnn" curr ....,.. ~led to tip orf "It"'"" lhf'1r P C'< 21< "'""lln~ bf'<"a1J.s" or < lly nrr1c111 b Nl i•t 11• r rnh· owninir th• ir h••mr • what we thoull\l ot u a lu.au.ry •-&.. ..... Har~. Harbar 111•1 abatnC'e of qu<•nllTI• nf thr t:-oarda i bly wnn t b,. 11bl" 111 m11k,. I HU.H'f:R l.F:\£.I, rutem11y la MicocDIJIC a n.ec:•· -._ h 1 ''",.full\' l!I U<l\'lnR Ult recllf'd.t I ....... wpet4. V911tura. rat9fl • t~ •nr1 la• k or lmport&r1t u11 nN• th,. """t n1ttlln1t <>f thr c11 ,. of 19~ an.cl recent yean LA Or· lilt)' t<iday. nu. .... a lremm· !Im r-:-~ WMll 1n 1:: Will mMl II.al at • p .m .. JAii 1 _00WIC __ 11_J_an_. _a_. ______ 1.... <lowly ". • • l m., -.Ml. UJ -I -.... " MIGH.POINTERS CONGRATULATED Top bonon in tndivtdual ecoring in the Pacific Cout Intm:ollefiat.e SaJUac a. sat.ta held receptly at Newport Harbor Yacht Club went to Tom RamM'Y ln the "A"' divialon and Pete P'roet. tn t he "B", center. The AuodatJon leCl'ttary "' Dillingham and NHYC Commodore Haruld Pearcy made lbe awarda to the t.wo Oocktental Co' p Mippera. -Blc"PN' Photo ., I I 1rAGi°2 · PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' .. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1955 GOINGS ON AT· THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS A fter the N<'w Year 's E \•e pa rty a l th<' BBC-and the b reast o! pheasant Delcanto ra, dancing, and blowing of h orn11 attend a nt thereon -we are going to take a d ay o!f I and the n hefld fat the Rose Bo wl. This year's game between M ich igan S tate and UCLA ha!! been m uch discus~d and, w hen you come ricbt down to it, the fleemingly awesome power of t h e S partans h as bee n cussed <1mong tboee of us who pull for the Bruins t o wm. It w ould seem tr-om all we read that the Pacif ic Coast Conference repr eeentative Ui heading for a not her dlSf.ste r . But ia it? We are inclined t o believe that the Big T e n ls w eaker than wmal this year. Ohio State wo n the con- Lrcnce c rown. but in t h<'ir <'Xtra·curricul,ar act ivit ies t he Buckey e s s uffered d efeat at the ha nds of two st rictly off· a gain. on-again t C'a ms, Sta nford a nd Duke . M ich igan State _J didn't m <'f't best -oC-tt>agu• Ohio, and surrered it s lone d e-• f eat a t the h ands of M ich igan: winner or t he th ird lea.gue HORSES RETURN TO NEWPORT BEACH s po t. Michigad. the team that p la yed SEVEN gam ea at h ome! I More expt>rts spot the home t eam a decided point Dick R icha rd or Richard'• UdO Market holdl on e of lld\'antagc). the lead horses o f t he champion '9&Dl of Clydeedale1 The Spartans' m ost impressi\'C' w in was agajnst N otre owned by Anheus e r-Busch Inc. Team gave the b onse- Dame. But look O\'t•r t he Irish SC'hC'dule this year and you'll I agree it wae far below par-the likes of a w inless Penn, a lesa c.arriagea a run for their moJley when they ap· weak Southern '-JC'thodist . an impot ent North Carolina, a n peared on )lewport Beach 1treete & few day1 ago. lowa t hat we saw th e Bruins h :tnrll(· with com parative 1 Three vans b rought the wagon and the team o! five Clydesdale• to R ichard'• parking lot whe re they were u nloaded. The team then t oured throughout New· port including crowded B alboa Island. Where e ve r t h ey we nt they a ttracted curioua crowd.ll inc luding a liberal sprinkling, of vacationing 1ehool children. -Hugh Mynatt P hoto e ase : a team that was h umbled by a 50 Jl<:'r cent e ffoct ive l----------------------- S. C. lt>am . On ·t h<' other h a nrl, the Bruins played in a s t ronger · than· us ua l PCl', as 11utsi1.k gam<·s prO\'C'. And their lone loss against Maryland was played m h orrib'e weathe r. We think that conditions b<'ing C'qua l UCLA would h ave at WARN COMES MOTHERS AFTER CHILD DOWN WITH . MEASLES leut tied t h is fine tC':im. So? So the playing cond itions sho uld be good for the It wu on the Ju t day of echool tblt Bill Robert.a, ttnt NEW CITY RESUBDIVISION ORDINANCE UNDER STUDY R oee Bowl. Compa ring t he lone losses on t he com batan ts, !rr&d" pupil at Newpor t School, wu taken Ill' with m...i ... we would easily pick M&ryland over Michiga n and g ive. the Hf' came home on Hu11 ~o and. hu bffn very alclt, reporta NeWpC>rt Beach may cha.nf t lt.8 rMUbdlvialon ordinance after edge t o the B ruins he r e. We would also rank t hC' PCC and 11'8 P"andmol.her, Mn . ·Hau l Rtding. JZ:I 27lh St. h B. T ll · d · ti · d t I She hu t>etn wamlng mother• whoee children rode that the tlrtl of the year to require t e tg. en even, and C'a It a r aw 111 llS epa rlmcn . n •ldewAlk• tn 1ul new 1u1><11v111lona f 1....-1· h B · b la d bus to wi tch them t or al gna of tile dlaeue. n on-con crencc g am ef!, we ~ ll've l e rums a ve p ye u w~ll as underl(f'Ound ytlllty a tougher "chedule ; a performance edge on record lo l~ u r\'lre for omamenleJ Jlg"hllng UCLAns h ere. NEW RECREATION CENTER? IY11'"'1U · In quality of personn el, and the depth of it. Mich igan ' ' 1111rtltlon: tetepnon" utility State has the a dvantage. There ·~ms t o }>('I little diffe r -Park Comm1·ss1·on Recommends II' 1:t<iund 11y11trm11 "n111.v" ht e n ce between the f irst and secon d tearrui. UCLA is admit-"r•.rtd It two pubhc hear1ny,1 t edly t hin, and l! it suffers serious inj uri<:". this .ml~~t be Counc1·1 Make Tar P1•t Off1·ce Jan. 19 and Feb. 16, ere fltVOr· t he d eciding factor . But UCLA has br 11l1ant 1nd1v1dua.l able. 11tan1 capable of ca rrying the team to great hPight s. Brown The ll<'llon came by way ot a can match the sparkle of Mo rra ll and t h<'re is o nly one :'l:ewport Bta<'h Park. Bf'arh I "rhe bulldlng would bt put I· r-!llOlullon ot Intention lnltiatf'd Davenpo rt We would include C~1 n'lOn and J im Brown in I anrl RtcreaUon Comm1111on T11ra· uoned ln11lde to provide a corr.· by d the rity p:annlnF cnrrrn•1'-•1on lhia illustrlous g r oup. But a slighl l'Ugc to Michigan S tate, I day nicht decldtd to recommen<S j m1111lun ortlre wh~re a run tlmt ~;mmf:s~:n~~·ct~~ ng the last 1trictly o n r eserves. ttokuie cltythcouTncU Ptlhta t tdhe :1 0 1Y stcretary would be maintained · "'"'"W •rAR~ .... ....,, • · 1 f · · k d · ht b a e o\•er e ar an ~o -•• .-.. ~ 1 ............ • ~ .The. Sputa.1111 m ult1p c o~ ense 18 tn c Y an ~g e I nrt 11 into IL recreaUon cenler Group-wtw h mrtt thrt<' now, AppllcalJon of ceori;t F re- Erection at a billboard at •M Newporl Blvd. wu denied Rell Rechs when oomm.iaalonera point· ed out It wa.s the eatabltahed pol· Icy ot l he city to refuae any new bUlbourd permlla wllhln the city limit• The•1lgn wa.a to advertlae an • rean front hotel. Tbey al- lo\'.f •I a.nothf'r blllboa.rd. owned by :!1,• Fosler and Kle.lllt'r Co. to bo improved by convtrUnr from Ila present flat dealgn lo a dual JIOlitfr panel type. The bWboa.rd la IOC'aled 1oulh ot ('out High· way nur th• Balboa Blvd. in· lereteuon. 'IWo reeubdlvlelou were Aho gnnled. One wa11 of Mlaa May Verlreea to reaubdlvld• a parcel or land to make three bu!JdJ.nc situ out of tour exl1t1n1r 1ltee. IOC'alt'd a l First and Goldenrod Avu The olhtr application, ot bew1.ldenng lo UCLA. Hul I~ allows for mvre m iatakes, and recreaUun wmmta~lon off1ce. J 8ll<'h u lhe , Boy !kouta, c 11 b tera for the 1 lght to errct two partlcularly fumblt'S. The Bnurui play a m o re fundamenta l Recr.•a Uon 1>1rector Bob Gtnic· Sc-outs. l\n<I I uwer Squadron wUI 8-unlt apartment 111rurture1 In and less surprising game. but their playerH o re we ll ground-rl.-h ulimattrl It wuuld to•t I c1;ntinur to us" the factlt•ea. I th,. Cllfr H&v!'n al'<'Un11 was con· ed ln thef\C fundamentals a nd make fe w m ist a kes in exe· $2:100 10 rtmod<!I Md retvrb!~h The comm1u1on 1tlw dlacUM•<l 1 tinurd after n1mm1s.11ontrs de· cu ting them. A stand-off h e re, we wo uld s a y. lhe 'J'11r. Pit 10 makt' 1t 11u11ahlr the poulb1tll tP8 of th~ city pa.111· ctdt'(I tht1l the W1e pernutit ro-.-------------.. Coa h in ? We'll take Hed Sanders t he Sly Fox of 1roi a t('«rt•at1un cenll'r The Tar in.: an ordlnanc" requinng 111 riutr1•ol turUwr 111uJy due 111 tilt Hausken-Watsoft C g • P1l corpur,.t111n ""''n1•1s uf the n.-w •uMlv1io1nn .. to n111ke Pr<'>· numbrr of p1ut~l11 11nd !ho un- W estwood._ . • , bulldlnt'. would turn OYC'r the I vmona for r~1<eal1on and park u•uttl clu!li;n ot the hu1loltnl(1 SPORTS CAR CENTER Hu~ R Al1am11 wnultl 1 ,.,.,.h II · vld• two lk't1u1 tronl bu11.1rn~ •II•• In order to <'rf'AI• an f'U.1>· mmt of 12 fut for 1ngreaa and tKJ'UA. Woo••d Ucenecl 8ACRAXl:NTO, (CNSI -Tb• MCretary of It.ate'• oftlce an· nounced IMUan<'f' ot a notary pub· lie commlHlon lo Elva E. Wood· land, 6311 TulUA Ave., Ne111rport Bea.ch. DEATH NOTICE llR8. Ml!llSU: A . Rf:AOA!li OR.ANGE !OCNS) Prt\'ate tunual M"r\'tcea for M,.., Minnie A. Rearan. 88, were h•lt1 Friday at the Chsp.-1 of the RAiph "" Sh&Mon tuntr&l home w1lh Ule Rev. Gt<trge L. Tolman of U\a Orange First Chrlallan Church Of· tlclatlng. Mra. Reag-an. whoe• home ad· dreN wu 2• 1 Poppy Ave , Corona del Mar, died at a reel home In Orange tollowtnt an aunded UJ. neu . She wu • naUve of McLean, DJ. Survlvol'tl Include • daughter, Mlsa Murrell Ragan of Corona del Mar: a aon, Lte C. Reapn of Loa Angele11 ; three gcrandrhlldren, and three great grant1chllf1rf'n. lnumment waa at Falrhaven Mauaoleum. BE SURE . INSURE .. ,, .. MA l'RIC'r: 8T .u nzv ._,_ Giily rtao .. HarlMr • .,. 1116 a:. c... ...... .., 0-....Mllfar Now Sltowlllt DEAS Martin & & ...... "Artllll Models" Vllta Vlilloa Color by hcJlnnllMJ January 1, 1956 Newport Hmbor lank Corona del Har cro . on 1C1Ylngs C'ha.nir,.tt r .... •ltlo•• "roq1M>u\ the C'Oantry bav• "'9ulted la a '""' 11 It of lllt.,...l ratH oa ,_ ~ lnVHt~••• "t. . .. war"8\ tlile lDt'r?&ae to !~ H .. v&11111. Piao rrnw to place your 11avtnp la thla bank when they "ill ~ 2% lntereet after .laouary I, 1956. l>f'poeita made on or befo re .lanoary lOt.b wUI eaJ1l lnterNt from .laauary bt. Our 1956 Chrlatmu Club la now open. You are lnvlt.ed to joln. All t hing R considered we havC' l? pic k UCLA t o win. 111ni<'IUrl' to t~r <'tty w1thnut nrru Thl11 would predudc th~ 11.rv 111e 1111 ntr•I on th•· n"rlh· I • 21-27 shol.lli.J be about right. A nJ m t his \'1ew we have rhari:r c1ni:r1c·h 1111111 Thi' prn-It 1tlen:-1vt buildup of Rrtall •u1·h 1 •&.~l <'Omer ot Irvin.. and Clay • lacuar. MO, Alta 1lomeo N H t he support of Hampton Pool. ex-Rams coach w ho, IUI sc:out prrty II aht•acly own<"'1 by t h .. ··~ Blllbc>e r~IAnd Whh h hu no """~ end lhl' 1111i:th'I\•'' 1Nno;r AUllU.11 Un i )', AuatJn, Mo~rh ewport arbor Bank for t he Pro-~ll SL;ar G~c, has 11een a ll t he best .collegiat e I <'lty I 11•{11·et1un 11r,.1111 111 11nv kind. •Jf s1 .Andrew1 nm .. 1 a11J Clay I AQJllln ft#nault teams in action, includin g the Roae Bowl parttcapanta -Con1ldf'rabl11 oppo1ottnn devf'l· :"EW C A R i;cALES • 8ERHCE ecvcra l times. H amp says "UCLA Posit ively." We hope SAVINGS LOAN ASSETS oped agatn8t the •r11llca11vn or • Corona del Mar h e's tighL • ~ C. and H. Kr11m• r. l.l2i E B11l· 1 C"L..EAN l 'SED CARS boa Blvd., for " u.. ~rmlt lO .lmponed " Uom .. uc Member Federal Depoait l.naW"aDoe Cor poration SHE TOOK LARGEST ALBACORE Mn. Harold Ktnoyer look home n11hlnJ honont by nallln( Paul Da.n.lel perpetual, &a LlYC mf'mbf'r who ('aUf hl lugnt albacore for the yN..r. She nort h'"'! 11w11rd at annual U YC bsnquel. 2-car Accident Here Involving Local Woman Dec. 18 Clarified Mrw. Nora Mary O'Connor nf 108 28th 8t. hu Inform~ lhfl Newa-Prut. qutta correctly, Ulat a Of'WI at01')' or lut Wedneed•)' na.ml~ her a1 the drtve.r or a car warr11nt ".u rf<'allt d bv J ud re ['nna h1 J 111\dge when Mra O'Connor lnformP<l thf' court ah• would appear to 11\Jf\\ N the <'OUn L Whl<'h atruck anothu had 01e Car Hits Hou .. • facta juxtapoffd. • The Police report 1how1 Mn Flf'tdl<'r 203 1, o·~onnor WU •lop~ In htr C'l\r St . 1rrnrlf'•I hill hnUJ!!' h11.d bel'n &t a atop 11ltT1 11t 32nd St IU'lf1 H -port Blvd. prior to " two-in· llll"'h k b\' an untdt'nl flfd c11r al Jury acd dent Df'C. 18. lier <'llr 2 l!I "' m ~un11&y 11rM"1ln1t to wa. hi t by Mothu d1 l\•en tw pnltl'r It "At dnm~j,;td only lllSna .Al!Mrla Pf'lln. ~l. Co11la all!fhl h M u.a. I" I r rrp.,rl•J ~far) t~ n f'f'nn, ZI, •I·· c;osl& M('sa. \\'l\.l lJ h L' d lJ\)Urf'd ~h1.li•ly 1.I "· JI< In 1• 11,p I 0 ftStOft ICeftSe Bf'('a1111e \fr11 11 ( 'r•nn<>r h1' I n·\ ~ \1.HA-'lf.,"TO I r=--s I -Th!' I tt~rator·a f t'Mnll poll• 11 wrnt t • •l &Ktntary • f SI Ill<' "nnounred LI· a tnffll' warrant "h• n lhr} :>'IAncf' or a nut11n· publlc , omml• I lf'amtd llht' hail t>rr'l 1•~11t'd a ~lor1 I<' :-\an•,. <, Jnhn11ton. 1 iOl aimllllr cll!lhon M M11rrh 1. Thi' C'la~· Rt . ="t'"'f"'rt nra<'ll • NO w $2 4 MILLION PLUS ir~i~i!i:i:i:i:i1;i~i;i~i1~i~i1~i;"i1:it!i1:i0,i~i;;"i:ii~i;i;ii~i1:;i~;'!T;rty;:;a'l/U;;~;. ;:;:;. ;f ;:;~;:;,';~;. ;,:_;";A~iiiiiiiiiii. iMiieimiibeiriiFiedi:eirialiiiRieeeiii"ieiisiy.ieiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii Association Has 500/o Iner ... Over '54, Palmer Announces Newport BalOO. 8&vinp and wnuld COl\tlnue, he predicted. 1M>l· t.o.n Auocl1t1on today r•porttd 11tert<l by a bl.lb level oC plazll a.nd U\al It.a aAel.A oow amount Ml to equtpmt'nl t'Xl>"·ndlturu . txp911dlll1 1 over '2~.000.000.00. an lnr~uie of lnvtnwt1u. a hlfh ratf' of COl\JJ\lm. JS.000.000 or 60 per cent more Ulan 1 rr 8J)l'ndlnl:' peak tmplovmmt, IUld they were on L>ec. 31, 19M . 1 a hll(h ltvrl of c1>1latrut·t1on. I r A. Palmt'r. pru.ldtnt or the Jo'llrt.hu <'Ont nbullnr: tt1 M opt I· A.Moclia llon. In reltu tnc Ule a11nul\J ml.AUr b\Ulne" ouUook, he aatl! report, l&id lht lnalltullon's pror · wrre Ulc fAt'lA that 19~6 I• an ree1 c•mttnued lo bto bMrJ on ""r"'· I elt'ctlun ye-ar, l\lld lhlll lox r•dUc· lnJ an lncrf'u lnJ number or th• lions a pptar to bt In thl' offlnr. StWJK'rl Hu b.ir. Cn10ta Mt~• and Aa for h11u111n1t l'tolmtr l"f'port1>d Ora.n1te County ciUun•. "11.nd •l'l'V· 1 dtm"nd conUnuu at ronr;. belnJ Ing lhern wtll. •u•l1Un1>(I by "an tntl'n~ dealre on 1 N\'MRER OROWISO lhf' put of tbe publlt' rnr up-lo- "Wllh tach pA.AIAlnic )'l'AT, ·· ht date and larctr homu. " rll\nJ 1a1d : w .. atl'\'" I\ fotMW 1ng nvmbf'r ratt' of dlapoa:iblt peraon11I lnC(•n•t. I or peoplt. <'llhcr by providlnf a and 11 conUnuMt high rale of tarn· aa.fe. <'Onvf'nlf'nl and profltablt 1 ,1y fCJrmallon.. "'hilt' hawing p~ for lhf'lr M1 v1n1t•. or by auirts m&y dl'rlln,. to amun<1 1 2 l"f'llUng lhtm l1Jan11 un & IM'Un<I mll Jnn unlt.t In 19!'18. 1lown from I bula fur t.he purch&H O( hom~ll 119:'1:'1'8 producll<'n nf I :1 mllllon "Our fllp&n thnr llf'l'\'lccs. whk h unlti1. h" C'Ommt ntM thf' y.-r lnclu~ many rorm11 of Ill\ •nit• a•· 1 would still go 11rn..-n .., Ul!' cnun· counll. ChrUlmu •nd M hool 11av·, 1ry·"' third blf C" t hom,. building I lnp. t.1.ntl loana fnr pvrrhllS", con· ytar. 1trurt•.on a nil tr 11ro'1rnu•nt <>C '""1 "lJripltl' Mm" tii;:hl•nlnf of propu ty, brine to Ull many !'U8· mort~a,re monf'y lherf' will bt tomtrl wllo take ll.dv1nllfll !fe nf 1'1· J'l«nly of funt11 av11t11ble tn ti· ditiontll -'ltrVt('U 11uch Ill Safe 0!'· I n&nC'l' lhe 19~6 \'OIUmt or home po~lt Dl'parl m"nt our Mnnry 1 bu tiding," Palmn claimed Ordrr, Amt'nr11n Exrr'""' T1~w·I· _ PU ChN!U" An•I t: S Gtl\C'mml'nl I :':ll!:.,..,===:!::ol-.::======o: .Bond Depsrtmenl. EKrow D•p&rl· • me:nt IL11d l111urance Agtn<'y .. Private Police Palmer ll•t•d hll hllghl• of lht specialised lhrtft and horn" Ona111. lnr lnatJtuUon'a 19511 oper11llon1 ,..1 follow-1: l , N~ N \1nr a In 19611 lncreat .. 11 by H .oo0.000 or ~ perc-tnl brlntt · In&' total N vlng-1 to SIS,300.000. I 2. The number of 1avtng11 111 .. c-ount hol9tn lncrea.Hd ln 8300, & aaln of HOO. or 37 pr rrt nt ow•r tut yn r. 3. Dlvldf'nl111 pa id out to ""vH11 totaled O\'fr h;llf a million dollar• 4. Home loan• lnc~ll.ffd both In numt>t-r ant1 amount. with l\lt'h loans numt>ertn1 77:5 and tot&lln1t H .800.000 In HM. fain• of tl2 perc•nl and 71 ptr«nl. ,...pectl-.e- ly. Tot&! homa loan.a out.at.andlnr now &moun\ to '19.300.000. II. RHtrvu now amount to St.240,000 or 21 percent more than at th• end of 19M. \'UY GOOD YJ:AA Palmer forecut an "unuwallv ,-ood" y•r t or bldln-In 19~. Npeclally for Ult flrat 1111 month~ 1 • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Tha etOflomlC •llJ>6'W;::Ql'l:.~O;f...:19:6~11~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R"palra • Kala~ • r .. ta.Uatl011 STAFFORD & SON "!'JELS &nd DOC" l:U:OTIUCAL COSTRACTO•S PINM LI~~ .. SUt 111 &ll'f',.... AveDw S ewport Beec11 ' , . . , It's His Business ... JO!WPORT ~ HARBOR RE-W$,~~RESS 2211 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1616 Yes .•. lt'1 hh b111IHS1 to deffyer yow Hewport Harbor News-Press to yow door M011day, Wednesday and Friday. It's hl1 bnines1 to do a good fob too. Yow paper must reach Y°" promptly, a11d 111 good condftiow. His fob ., ....... the 1ervice he rendenhls customen. If yware not a retll• _.,. 1crlber, fll Ht the ••bscrlptto. below and we wll start de- livery at 011Ce. C Ire:;:;:.-~~;.-··········-··-···1. Newport Harbor News • Prns : 2211 Balboa Bh·d., Nf'wport Beacb ' Atb:a; Circ ulation Depl I lle reby w ish to s ubsc ribe to the N ew - port Harbor New1-Preu, and agree to pay the Carner mon thly . (H ome delivered on ly 50c a m onth). ·--··--·------------ ---.. ------·--·----- City -·--·--- ., , I I I SUCCESS STORY -J eri H ipe., Newport Harbor children'• atore owner, holda up one of the dainty garmenta, a crinoline peticoat, ehe features in Price -N -Joy of Costa Mesa. Another exclusive line ia carried in J eri'a of U do. The remarkable woman entered the bueineea Only 4 '':.? monffii ago:-:=-statf Photo 2 New · Rabid Dog Suspects Under Study Jail Trusty Tr•ted for One' Canine's Bites 8A!'ITA ANA 10f'NSI -Thi' Or11n.(" ("nuntv H"Rlth Dtopllrt· mtnt 11•v1"11lf'<'I Y"~'"r<lllv two nt w rab11's 111111pl'<'IR havl' bf'l'n ro11nrt In lhl' 'll1Hr1<ntln11 11r<·s or S11.nt11 Ana Clnl' nt thl' 1uum11l11 h11a rl'· portetily bltll'n 11n Orangr County Jail I rlll<I \' f'Oll>ln\'"'1 at tht 11nl- m11I 11hl'lt,.r. Teach Ancient Gem-Cutting Art In Orange Coast Adult Class ln•lrucUon tn the ancient art ot and p~Ucl' of en&mellng and gem-cutUnr and the fabrication on· c:utlng will be given Thuradeye intricate je-lry dfflsn1 will be from 9-12. Vocational jewelry, aJl avalleble I.ti adult claaat1 at Or· advanced cllll!.8 for Lhose w ith ont ange Cout College etarUnir Jan. 3. year ot lsplll&ry 1U1d nne year or Two clu1u•1 In lapidary, a beg1n-jewelry, hi 11eht'duled for Wednes- nlng claaa on TuMdaye trom 7-10 d•y evening, 7·10, Jl'wrlry fabrl- p m. and an lntermedHlle clau on C1tllon. enanwhni.:-, r .. 1,11111;. 11ctttng Thundaya from 7-10, provldl' ln· of gem• and tht cuttrng and pnl- •t ruction on the cutting a nd polillh· l1hang of atonl·• 1s covered m thl• Ing or gem& Forrest Pond I.ti the clua. Instructor. ' A beginning jewelry The lost WllX rnt>lhn11 or Jt•wi>lry m&lc111g clua ia allln held on T\Ju-making. tnr advanc1>d •ludenlS, da ys f rom 7-10, a nd an &dvirnc"" wtll be gw .. n Tuel!days for a ,.x. Jewrlry m alunc claM on Thurlldftys hour pq1o<l, troll} 9-12 1U1d l ·1 from 7·10. Both of lheee claS8"11 Reglst111t1oil ro,. all du11es will are lllllJo:hl by C""rl:t B11rnMI take plll<'<' du1lng the-(tl'lll n11•1't111g A clu1 In jewelry l'na.meh ng, I of e.tl'h "'"""" 11t11rt1ng the wt-ek o( with l'mphuu1 nn thr theory Jan. 3. Coast College Series to Show Influence of Diet on Disease E L. RllMl'll. rnunt.v health of· fleer, u 1rt nne ot th" dora. a black. maJI' <'Ill kl'r 11pan1el wu founrt w11n•l .. rin1t in the atrrl't In t he q11aranl1nt'd llf"<'llon of aouth· 'M-At !'11nt11 An11 Thr 'animal rfl-Estlng to me a t nutritional I portl'<llv w1111 lit 11n11 wu takl'n to nt"eda "'"II be the t opic ot a rour· thf' 11 n1m11l 1<hl'ltl'r whrr11 It bit muting lttture HMI'• to 1tart at lnt1<t v R•l hart1 li1uz.a on the hand Or&111tl' COIUlt Collere. T\Jmay and (O<Jt f'Yl'ning, Jan. 17 In the Colll'fe l&l HUIU1 <'hmc In Lflng 8 "&.L'h and hu l'pOkC'n at lhf!I. Stale Cnn- vrnllnn Of thl' C'a llf1•m1a Ftrlrra· t1on or \Vomen· a Club11. Thi' C1r11t trlHlU\g, cm Jlln 17. wlll bt' dl'votell to a pr1'itenl11t1on on pr ulPtn, what 11 18 nnd w hllt It can do for a prnoK•n Mrs. K lng- elty wlll IC'll how to buy lnupen· •iYe food• an•I prt'pare them and "''Ill ctuocuu the> avl'rage delly ,... qu1r..,ment1 of prott>tn. R111111l'll 11A1<l ht ~llevt'd t h• •u<lltonum. amm1<I wl'uld <!ti' u th" n-11ult n~ SPf'akl'r for the Al'r1ee wtll be It" llln,.,.~ and thr h,.1111 w lll bf' El<'anor Kingell'y, nationally rec- . lmml'tltnt,.lv ,.,.11m1nl't1 for flr<'<•f l oi:nu ed author1ty. F'rom her u · of rab1-• infl'< llnn If th• animal tenalve atud1u ot primlllve ~o­ '" inti-• 11"1 hf' 11111rl, RAlz.a will ~ pl•. Mra Kanr•l,.y hu found Ji''"h thl' p1111tru1 trl'«.tmt-nt fnr thl'm to be frff from l OOlh decay. r 11 blf•• arlhrilla, rheumauam, heart di•· Sp11n1<m1n11 the u1lr11 a re 1he: Th,. ION'llntl 11uwpf'(i..1 rabid •nl-~&n, cancer &nd lllMlllty. The In· mal t uunJ 11 reported tn haw n umcc '>f diet on 11uC'h lmmunl· d1M1 "' ,. ~ .. nta An& v•tu 1nary Un ~II ba d tlalled by Mn1 AMl•lant e 1-~'Ue of N ewport Bearh. J unt•>r A..Ulance ~a- 11ue. Coat& Me•a Friday Art,.r· nnon Club , Etx-11 Club or ;-;ew· port Beach. J unior Jo:b<-11 Club or Nrwpurt lie11< h. LIJo 111le Wo· men'• Club; l'an Helll'nlc: P -TA Cwnc1I, \\ uman 1 Cl\'I<" Club ot :-ltwport Bea• h. an•I Znnta Club of l"ewp0rt 8 r 1&<h ...... pn:.I T he h .. 11.1 I• bl-Int( f'llAm• KlnJlllt y._ '·trir<i. It "'n.a brought tn th• 11t· tentlt'n Of lhf' llN•lth <ltpl11tml'nt b v ti• n"'nn • whn ,.,.011J,. In lhl' q ui\ I 11ntlnf' 111 tA l'hl' 1 v.,. •u~I"'' I• br 1ng a to tal or 1 .. n. tn" nu111b<'r or enlrn•I• Mra. Klnl(•S.y haa 1tudled In Franc•. lt•lf , Swtuerlllnd. Au1- t1 1a., C'u ehoatovakla. ~nnanv th«' Nrlherland•. Enrl&nd a.nu SlotU.nrt S he bu ~" ch&lrman of nullillon at tht' Ch1ldrrn'• Oen· llllAfj.4"1 l f'•f nr hH \ lni.: bte<JOll' In• ;-;;-;;,;;-;;;-;_..;-;;;-;;;-;_....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,.;;;;;;,...,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, __ ,;,,. ____ ... fl'•lfl'1f "'llh 1 111>11·~ In the quu an· tin• 111r 11. Tu u of the 11uapt'<'t• '"l"'rtt'<ll~ ,. .. np..,.1 •n•I nve IHh· l'r• hevr ,11,.,1 ""I ~n ronf1rm~J •• hll\'lftj: \hi' ffrl'All t11~t'1Uf' l'wn pr1 onn" tut ll'n by lnlf'('tt'tl an ima l• 111,. lltl ll'fl(f>IJll: Putl'ur t r,.11\mf'nt Thl'Y "'" 7•)'1'a r -nld J nhnnv r. r 11 h • m 11 nrt :.t11r1n,. M Rli:t Jt•hn Mm 1111, both of San la """ Mc>l'I nf thl' 1IOJ:• ""4'fe ~lll'Yf'd 1nr ... 1 ... 1 t" lh• '"'" •Ullf)"<'I• w h., .,;. "~·I fr "m hllndl..ra and "',.,.., a 1 l11tl:f' 10 tht' q1111r1U1tlne •rl'" J\oth dc1g~ "'" l><-1.,vf'd lo h"""' 0 1 ... 1 or th11 •hMu <1. Nt-lth•r ha• ~ .. n t numl. ...... Poultry .~ .. DllSSINO ..... _,.. .... ., ... ...., • ................ DOUOHNUn ...... ......... ... "'_, tit/; ,...h,... ,.,. . . ... ~~'~'e'~~J!! ~ C 'ORO~" OF.I. MA.Jl 1111' ( n....,I lh• y. .\C ORH 'l'I LA(a·~,,, BEACH ?ll3 8 roadw._T ""'RO ' l~l.ASI> !llil """"~ ,,,., 'I \\ l'ORT Rt :A< H ~~n ('n1t•I ""~· years from your face without surgery! Y-. ft'• meet A ~ -'heel o( Min •M tiNw act1•attoe nnw aetually ~,,. yoor r~ to lift n.er ...... wttM.I ...-rJ- ~ N--1 "fOft Li.ff'. lltil ~arionwy "Fa~ Lift" t"""9 of Ml ,_.gy. lltin fhaida. ................... th1t ti.Ip rwton .... lidt:J ....... h. Wibr •mancl"-totbe ~tw.....-...._ w-frOlll flome t1' HoU,-.-d npel1 .m-t enWie1aYt ...,.._ 1o.. too, will aorioe.,, A1ftni11g dillnMI witk eaell JlllMing chay-~ widi thct ~ .r Wit it1 rz-.-when ,_ .. o...ice N•turel .., ... Ult".....,./ ~· Natural "Face Lilt'' 1tro. sa.oo m NOW OHL"f • ·s~~- IO·DiW.,,.. -·~ ,. '' ...... t ·~r lW ~ . . .. I ;~ Crawford's We Give ~~H GrMe Stampe • The PrNCriptlon Pharmacy for The Harbor ArM IMM Nf'\\port Bh-d. -In U.. Heart of C09ta M.- Jeri Finds Meeting Public Plus Work Success Secret COMING UP, 4 STEAKS STOLEN! NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE J WEONESOA Y, DECEMBER 28, 1955 Celling acquainted with l"'<'fll" pl11n11 to continue an exch1111\'e line In 1he t·omm11n1ty an\I K·"~f hlird I''' 1·h1t.1r.,n'1 11um1mts an Je,.1'11 work that'• lht• tor mulll tor SU•'· 1rnJ 11 more rml\lt'r&tl'ly pr1red line cea11 ut J o•ri H1pu, Hai l>or 11r.•a 111 l'nJe-N-Joy with a teen-are Cllr .... r woman '"lraor.t1nary. who 'httf' plMtllN for lhl' Ml'u •tore In the ,.hon -pal'e .. r 4 1• 11u>nths "1th111 i.bout 111x muntha. hu l.lel'Ollll' I"" U\"11••1 '" l ""' Ch1hJr~n·s 11huµ11, Jl'ri',; •>f Lido •nJ Pnde·!'l:·J•I)' of l'l.11<l1t 1'J, su MORt : TRAISISti Slit• haM u htlle trainlnl; In th11I 1 lllll'. too, a's the molher of l!i·yt'ar··, ol,1 1la11ght~r. Je-1.n. n•>"' M 111 J11'llt'li WeblJ or Cul\•t-r C1tv Jt'rt A l leut one t h!er ln t he Harbor area appul"NI <'t'rlatn of • hearty Chrilitmu d lnn,.r Ben e Chapm11n ot 4MI Br o a-0 wa y, Collla t.lua. Thur11day rl'pnrted leaVln!f a brnwn pa~r bat 1n her )()('ked car at 1670 Newport Aw . which contained tour 11tc-1&k11. pollCC' !!&Id. Wht'n Sh!' rN urnl'<.1. Lht' bag 1rncl routenh Wt'h' f{Onf'. Vulllt> of the aleakll WU,, ~t •l $3.7:'>. Thi• .. baby" 11111011,c • lrrt,lren·11 a tore ownt>r11 I• rt>ally no NJ\'11 r She has h1111 wl<l,. u·a1na11g fur thl' Ulrfil'llll ht1!k, llll'Pllllg lht' JlllblH' fur un·r lwn yl'ars at l.l•fo 'Toy- l11ntl. a s l'••!'ro>l 111·y f(•I' for11wr Juuge F1ank Lrnn<'ll. and ht'IJllng out d 1111111{ lhe hect11· nrnnt h11 whvi Hoag Hosv1ti.I flrAt opened. 1s 1tl1to p1tst pre11i1Jen1 or ttw 11outh· DEAD NOW eut area or Bl'la Sigma Phi 11on>· -------rrl,v 111111 hodped e111abllsh t he l,ICal 1 t-:psrl .. 11 ~lu <'haptt>r. Wt:u . A<·Qt'AJSTt:o Patrol Car Hit by Grey Timber Wolf at Door LA HABRA 10C!l:S1 The Thu11, she k nt'W many p•'Ople before she.> ''entureu rnrth with the help &11d l'nCouragement of her hWlband, Harold, and e11teb- H11hed J eri'• or l~1do at 3 •06 !'l:ew· port Blvd. on Aug. 18. Cameron Pleads Innocent to Rap on Drunk Driving wolf came right to the dpnr In Lil Jl'Ul.LERTON. cOCNS\ _ Nell Habra lhe day befo1·e Chn.11tmu . J eri's wu alrrady a 11ucceaa when two montha la ter Ule 37- year-old merehandillng ph.,,ome- non l'Xpant1e'1 Into C<M1t11 Mesa wit h the pul'cha11r or Prnle-N-Joy. Cameron, Newport Beach, pleaded Innocent to charges of drunk d riv- ing whe.n ar,aigned In A naheim· Fullerton M11nlc1p1l Court re· 1881 Ha rbor Blvd .. from Al Had-centty. He wu a ccused or the ley. Buaine1111 &l both etoru hu v1olatlon at Harbor Blvd. and bt'en excellent Katella. 04'<'. 16. HI' wato r..- J crt, who h\'U at 413 \"la Lido leued on $260 ba ll tor a ppl'ar· Soud, cl011e to her flrlt •tore. a nce st a JUry trial June 12. .._.. .. 11 .... _...,. ... LP ...,...ue••-en ...... -~~ .. .....- ~.­-·•lt.M ..,.._, .......... ~ .. ':C-11.:6 .. .,..., •--t£Wti ' .. A poli<'e ra r rloor, that l.11. A hugl' ,.rry timbf'r wolf m tt ill Juth eai ly Saturday wht'n 1t loped Into a ru t-moving patrol C'&r on f'ullerton Road just aouUl or the Bec k m an lnatrumenta plant. Off1C'er.11 Eugtnl' McCoy i nti Marvin ~lln Wl're ln hot p11ra11\t or wha t they thought wu a .drunk FUU IUTT MAlJ ............................ Ste Mesa Police Seek 88 Window Sniper F'ohrl' were t oday 11ttkln11 88 llnll'<'l'll In Coat1t M..,.. Mr• Ste\'f' r. BNk.'k or 1&44 C'hurd1 St.. C'ustu Mt'u, noUhe<I p..•l1t·I' Mt 6 o·, p. m. ThursJay that shr wa11 w1<1<:hang, tt"lt'\·111l>n "'hl'n Shi' hl'lrtl the ,..,urtJ or brt>llkllljt glau In nne or thl' front wan.Jow11 O( hH hOllll'. ~hr 11a 1<1 l!he 11aw a v1•h1t'lt' w ith tt 1lark t op \Ind hght bottom going l<'IUt un Walnut • ..,..,.)' rrom the hull.W Md hi'llrtl ll1•1lll'Olll" In th4" car My .. ..,. .. g-<•t ont" tlu1 t ume.'' M 1'3. Bro<'k rl'porlf'd thne wu a BB holl' in nnl' of the d1t1mond 11hapt'd panra or ht'r front window. \'klued at $3.60, Petty The~ Case Mr3-Lyda W<'lzbarger. 21 I 2ht St .. told Nl'""port police • $42 WAic h. tabll' <'loth and night itown had bf't"n taken from her homl' pnor to Dec. 13. dn ver when the b1g animal hurtled agalntt their car and wu k.lllf'd. Think ing lhl'y had atnick a dog. thl' officer• examinl'<I the animal. not I'll t wo long ran1t1. a.nd <'filled the poundrnu tel' who Identified It. nurs PIBlll4 llD we. fWY COOIED Yovr toble ,..., Mr)'I....., New Y-.,.__It'• decoro••d w ith o ttoditionol hom t-~I Swlfra ~ ............ fvAy > > . ~ j/ ,, "'-•• ··"· ............ ..,,. ..... "" ht P"" ...., ... DUBUQUE suCEiraACON ..:.".'!!. ~39' PORK SPARERIBS =~·~1:';~~ ~29' PILLSBURY BISCUITS FRESH OYSTERS '~53c !'~(.~Y!• SALT PORK fOM)' Poclfic Nortttw..,. GROUND BEEF ': 3~ GOLD LOAF CAKE EGGNOG "'-'-'••di• ... ............... Ory. for-eonlne. FRUIT CAKE o.,,., "°" of ... ,. deledoble •• 11 ....... o4 frvtt. end ft\MI 2:.;-79' !: 1.49 CURDY flUIT Ulf COffHCAIE ~..w '9:; ltc ... 25c FARM llUD ~··11 .:, 2Sc Sltylcwt lokecl. StOfte~.-'"* wheot. BEVERAGES Cragmont Carboftatecl °"'tM AJ... 2 ... 33• '• ......... .... .. """' 2 ::.. 35• WHITE MAGIC : =:1? -.:: 36' TI.. llqvid ti.och .._,, dotM fc. fr....., W eMI°" IN PUREX BLEACH .=:17' -.:: '" OR U'I AID lllCUITI °"'...., ... 1 ... Jmt._.. ,_ v• UTAH"" Crilf>. meaty stolb CRANBERRIES ·1 FROZEN FOODS FOIDHOOl lllW '-9e ......... 10-..... IAIYOIU ~'"*-......... WJUICE SaMhl 2 = 25' c.,.Col/I' • .....,.._.. .... ~ &Aft lllOWI y._-y 19' ~-'..,,.,......., ...... PIPPIN APPLES ~.-. MiMet•llu-_ ... ,.... 3 .. 25' 8'IOllE llOTU Dally t a.m. to 11 P•· I t·nc1a1 Ill t p.m.1 .....,.-. ....... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PAJl&ING ON IAJIG& •A vm LOI . . ' v11·~ •t11t10<11 .,nd 1t·ure1 ot Olh1r.• PAGE 4 · PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS I ~hllindrt". d'•lrlt:•. ma rk•..., M r· WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1955 !hll\ h<1.ve t~ <"X!l•n~t ••HI !nrrf'I"" M Pl S k D t 1111 ::~~:~~::· Or.1 n1" Countr . 1nJ esa anners ee . a e I'·"'""'"'' "' "" , ... ,~··· "" b >t-Coott" life.~• ••t• ,..e '"" <'•· p<'«i•ll y f•\'ul' ... I Tiu,."'"" 1houh! LEGoAL NOTICE I~. 19~, a~ 1n u id i\>otr pro•·1diNI a.h·•nl'.,.lll, 1! any, und .. t the terITIJI ut 1111ld Dee.I; ff'f!11. ··h11.rg"'" a nd <'1qwn,.<'.• of thf' Tr111t ,.,. •ntl of lh<' tr>•.111 ... <"rl'1teil by ... aut u ..... d. for Master Plan Hearing ~·.::.:·'. .. ',";_ ~.~.:~; :~:,";:~ ~~~; \'l'a! s tu •·onH· · Th" t1l'n ... r11·111t'v lln<l,.r 111111 n .. ,..i by r"""''n uf " 0 b1 l'l•·h or flt'fllulr '"!ht> {;blog11 11on1 s•"tlltl'\I lhrt,.b~· Th" r0••1" 11TI•1 h•l!li"""·'"" r•t!ll· ----------------lhri .. tof1>ff' l'\,..r Ut"'ll nn(! •lf'l"""r"'I ~·0,.111 ~te1111. l'l•r111lni.; f "on1ml•· "'"" ha.s declded nul to v.·1ll for t h., r~overr of t.fayor Cb•!n' !\'l'I· 11nn tu I:" nht'lH1 \\"ll.h plan~ tu f1hl1t1n t"<>Llflo·ol 11ppr'OVll ot Cu.•lll 1'>1··•11'• i'"'LIVU Of thr county JIHl!'I· l•·r pt11n tu r rvn.J1 11nd high~·uy.•. mll!fi! or the A!ll'•~ u.t .. •I •~ha1n-DEATH NOTICE ~rll ha ve bt'<'ll >1>'1•llK the suit·i \,, 111 .. undl'r"1gn,..t II "'r1tl••n Dr· ----------------i•l>u Jtt1<>n tlf IJt f11uJ1 ll lhl 0l'l1111nol "'rv!llOtl In rxp1·fl!t1ni.; lht' r11aU,.r ' fur S1'h·. 1111,i ""tl"'n n"t1t·o: .o! •otvr,. lv•RI "'\.< KQ•·r•·nrntnt".I 1'>PI .. • Kt":"r>UKH'K :Z.,.1n1 .. r ><al~! The rnr11•nlllte ha$ " •·· •• br<'ll("h ~ntl "' r ll'<'linn rn cnu11r th .. E:loplo: Earl h:••nJrick , 48. 177j unolrr~ll;'n"tl t n l i'll 11111•1 ptnpt"r1 Y Tusl111 Av ... , ,11.,,1 llt't'. 24 at h ill IQ llllllllf)' .fa l<I nllh.c:a ll"nll. 11nd l1on1 .. ot a hr.. rt a 1ln1t'nl. ..... wu lh•rra ft<'r. <Jn !'if'J'\l'n1brr 'Z:!. 19:5!'>. \\•·l rtl•·r ""'' i" Hl••J • rn Pmh•·r Jllanning <"Ollln>111 .. ~•0n. ll n:<\I\'•· ot Swifton. A rk. 11.nd hold th,. lln<ler,.•i:-ned ra uaM llllifl nol~rP •« lh•• n•Unl\" 111<11111:ni: •·unHlllS·i ----------------l•\'>•.J lu Cu11la llfe11:1. f<lr 20 Y"llr", •it llrtar h 1\n<I of ,],.('lion l ob<• re· 1··,,n,u"""'"" 1·tw1rn11111 \\'&tier .. 1~,, ht-•'ll 1,1~,.,.,.,1 h~· !he roun1y road cornmi1~1onrr 11.nd th" cuunt '' '""" "'"' ,J"'"'""n 11r !ht' .'IO:.uth•rn l".a...; a r1ulro11Li ""~1nf'«r. 11<' 111 ,·nr,!P•l in honk J2llt, p1ge 4ill . nr ,.. .. 11"11 •·f tlw A ...... ,..,,,1 .. .i Ch111n· STATE TELETYPE .. urvlved by h•a \•.-itf". C lara '.\ll\P 11&1<] orru·1a.I R~nrd11. 1, .. ,~ ,.f i "n1lnn'"r<"' '''•"I • '""l h,.•,11 .. ~.:'FOR MESA POLICE nnd °' tl1<ughter. M r•. \\'alter L. TITLE J :"SUHANl ~: A!'\["! "'·• '·' . """"!llt'<' hKll h .. ,.,, ~., l u... k ... ·OO<J. bolh or l:••~ta. M .. , ... : h l~ TRUST CO!lfPAN\' ~111;: lor " .tu..1e f"r u ,,,,.~1 n,.,.,.. Pol\r., C hl .. f Art ~lcK.,nz1e 1 rnolher, Mni. Be11ha Roth a nti a 1111 11111t1 Tru~•,.,., ' 1111; on 1h .. 1111.t ter. ..r <..:"~\" llh·~" tutl1t.y a nnoun<"· 111.•l f"r, Ai r•. T0<n Adam~. or l..llui•· By C', c-. F L'LLF.R \\· .. ;,,,,.r Turs.1 .. ~· n1 1o:h1 1 .. 1,1 lh•• ,.,] nn 11nprnv••nv·111 1tt !ol ~11u i~n11.. Servlce11 1.11d lntl'mt .. nt vl"l\L A•llli l>1nt s .. ~ret•ty t<"""'"~""" hJ' l•il\ I"• h.-\u•I! \!1• 1••h•" l1u·,\lt1e ~ for th":'\""'" 11J,•1n Ba..drop Cemetf'ry,Loul•l•nl!I. J•att•· 1-.,..Pnll>Pr 'l3. Ul!l!'t , . .,,n,•11 "II .luri :: '"''' 1''1" .. ~' " ,.,..,!' I J."ritn<l>1 may cull Ml P11rk,.11--R1llley Pullll~h · 12/211 :!l!'i. \"-·JI. 19~ •1111 1· r .. r th .. h<'111111~: 11 .. 510<11te•l A Ca lifo1·11111 );la\·· l•'lt'!YJ-"' !'t!urlu11 1")". Co11t11. !'tf,.&11. unUI noon !'\o. 7t Ne .... -.-r rl'u <>UI tl"•t ('(11<l11 ll\··~" a n~I to.n•,ll1e 1 wi!! \,... in•lall"d J 11n. 2. !II<:· J) .. .-'.?j "11r1•1•"ll«d'• cit y """r" th.. "nlv K,.n:r..1o• •11.!•I. .,,,,,,. 111 ltif' ··ounly lhRt ha•I nnl "Th\,'I \\'ill tl<' 11 hifi:' f11 ctur ~"hn1111.-<1 "'"' m 1<•t<'r P'""" h· · 11, 111,l'r<•\lni: 1.-~·.t1l '""' ,.,,. !'tli .<. li111bal',. Agni!,. \\"•n t<'k <'. HAKl\AKA \\'A KSt:Kf: l<JI• lhc. ,.,uni)" bQard uf Jtupc•· !Of't',.111,.nt through lh,. 1ra11A· 173. •010'• \\". S.,vtn\b St., L<A ''1"01" 11.,1\i<l ,.f ll\o'"-•"1'~s." !'tlrK1•n.1:1e Angele11. died I)e('. 26 tn Ho•i: Mesa Sales Tax Figures Depict BOQl11 c ...... ti\ "'"~" ~11Je11 lull tl'<:el pl11 tn<l l• 1•!·· R '""11 1riu1ng ln1"1r~.,,. ~n U!c r11ulll ·m1 U1·~n rtoll1r bui.1n1·.,1 1 r••\\•lh llf \ht' <UllLlllU!ll!J, It "''ltll r••\ ""11'.J r"''">' by t"1,.rRl Olfl<"er· n .. y ltllrlJ:l .. r. Bunr11n" tron1 !h.-']\l\lttrr 1•nll- t11 i: 1i.·r. 3 1, lfi:il tnru111e h t he qu1u ·t••r <..un•·lud!nl!: in Sep\enlbl<r. 111.i~,, lllll r<'1•r i)1l• ll'pllt\etl b~ l h1r·t:r:lo:r lotafl,-.J Sllt .tt9 1'l Th11 , • .,,.,,,,.r•• Iv a .1nulr1r Jl<.'t1Q\I run· ni11J: fron1 n, .. 'l'"""'"r .,n1.hn11: In 1.J.,,.,.mbf'r 11f l:l:,;1 \!l!"U)::h thl•t irnol1n~ S,.11t1•nlt .. •r of 19!'>·1 whkh 1"1111100 5!:>:.!,626 ~:.'"city .a.lea U•A ..au!. 1 H()Bf>~1 1.1 Sh•' ...,.,,. a natlve of In !he l•""t. t'Ull\11 .\l•'!t.t Po · llhn()1~. Sh•· had tw.•en vi111l1ng her (\(",. IJl'pur1 1nent hllA ha d tn <l,.ui,:ht.-r. '-l !'l< !ol1!dr<'d Menck "!. dt"fl{'n•I Ill'"" thl" Ora nge Coun-18 l!ny lahuul. T ho 1.h1.ui;h1 .. r and 1~· :;h,.rif t's Off1o·e f«r 1r1111s· tWfl ,.:rllndson1 aro: the only mu r- lnlllal v f uu"Sllll J<:"&· I vlvnr1. ----------------~ervlces 'o\'1ll be •rtu1rl!(!11v al 1?-30 1'· 111. 1n lhl' \\"f'f' K!;k o' \hi' Ht'lf.lher. J.'nr M1t LH1<·n. Gll'n· d1le, Balls Mortuary. Costa M .. 1111 Chapt'I. ill In ct\aPge ot arr.nee· ment1. Wri9ht Outboard from Boat Taken A lllH:\l!lnr~r l':\ttlri•' 2'l ~ hor•"· l"'"''<'r nu\ho .uol nmtor \"aluer.I Il l s:,•a~ w1u1 atu\en fl\·cr Ille Chrust- ll•IUI IH•lld ay.i;, I.Ira. l;e<;orge Al. \\'rig ht of 2lt 8 \\"eatmlnftter Lane. l",.,1,. :'ii ..... , 1nf.,r11\f'l.I p .. 1 ...... at 1r1 ::~, tt "'· llfon<lay She ••!ti lhti lh•!I tJ1'1·u1 11·tl "'1111<' hE"r t .. rn l!y ·.•It/I •·1~11 '"!.: :·t•ltt\>'"('ft Tl1e rnu\ur w t.a tak('n fl"om I 16-lt. 1111)\0r bl11tt ln lhl'lr bt.r k \"Rt<I, !.Ir•. \\'rlKht rE"porlel!. Shti ~•Id lt would 11&\'e tak"'n •l !e•at LEGAL NOTICE SOTl<'r: OF Tft11HTEl:'S li'Al.I: T. ''· Sv. T.O. :JCMOll...:'<·t,. i in Ftbr uary 3. IMC!. a t J I :00 A.:.1 TITl~E INSUHA:"CE AND TRl"ST CO!oll'A:\"Y. u Tru~l .. e un<lf"r and pur1uant to Def'd or T ru1t dated Muy 13. 1~3 executed by JOSEPH M . O lXO N and . RO- Uf:RTA L. o rxo:-i, h<abanJ en1l '"'" nu·11 tu rc1nu\e th" nl.,tvr i•·!f., 1:1.nJ n•run!eol '.\l11y Ill. l9~J. fr on1 lh" <:tflf1 1n ll<'IOk 2!10t . JMll Ke 173, of Offl<:la! ----·----------·I He• 1,r.J1 In t h" orric• ot tho: Ro:· r•·• "•Pl•. D' k So 8 'ut1h·r ot Orll.llfi:'e Cvunly, Ca ll· tlf'lrt1J .. r p111n1 .. u O\J' \lhtl Klnr·· IC eni ft om r .. r nu •. "'Ill k'll al puLJ1c au•·tiun 111,. l•T~<'Jll •j\11\rl~r l)' , .. ,11,•111<•n vf l ~I r 11n .J ~1 1" l 'lla1I"• lllrk .. n~. 1n IU){hl'tl bJ,!dtr tor rash 1pay- ••I• ~ \JI.JI 1.!11Urllff •k'Cllrl O:•I LI\ tt11•l 1G•O P1uuun11. A•·r ' Co•l1< !'t!u& llblo: 11t lln•e of u le Jn la...,.ful q ua11 er ,•ndlng September. l!f.'>.'.o /blca mP new J:lllro:nUI Oec. 26 when money ut lhe U nlte<I Stalr •I. at Yo'h•·n •• 1%.4~.02 went lril<> th•· ,, ~on wa11 born In lftia g llo.pltal. lh• South ifro ntt .. ntra.nce lo t h• ,· .. ff•·"· Lil• calenoiar Y<'"r 1111fr• ! • .. uoty Court HoUJLe. in lh"' r lty li!Ji total for 19!IO .,.,.Ol.lloi ht> l'l)m· 1,56 FORECAST "' Sant a A na. l'ounty of Or•nK"'. l""atlvely l&JTer ovlr total• "' "'"te or Ca hfo rr1ia . all rl1ht. 111\e J l1:'1 I. ;111<! 1nt<'reat "°"''r)"Pd t o a ncl no"" ~t a rting with UUI qua.rter •nd-C'oatlnUf'd fn!frl l-1r•I l•a r hrlil l>y It un•lrr 11n(d lnP<I UI th,. In..: 1n Dr1· .. n1ber, lll~. tho: 11s.ll'1 •lf'\!11 <ulp•rt ••n ,,ur ""h"ll' ,.,·,.n· r11,•pr rty a11u•t<'<.l ~n t he <<•Urlf}" t11.• fl11u1<· h•s Al.eadlly ln1,;n1~. umy nf Ui-•nflf'. 11ate nr Ca!ifom ••· df"- Th .. qu~erly 101.Ala. D•·• . lti~J. ··r 11111·11 tho: pktiir~ IM t!i~ 1111· ~. nh~oi 1111 fnll""''• f~:.'lt89 0:l;Man:J\, 1\ll'lt,tl9,t162.7i;t t1nna l ecfonomv \\'h.,n you ••I ll J.ut II 1n HIOf"k "'E:" or T rarl ,!''""·· 'M. Sl3 ~39 ~fl . ~"l'I . 'Si . lo lh•t 1h" ph""""'"'"a! ~rowlh ;\"(I ~. a11 l"'r nlt.p rl'CO"l~I 5111 ll!>OO: Dec .• 'IM S'Zi .li ll 89; \whlc t1 a ll .;1r Orani:" •\•uni}' I• Jn book Ii llAltl"• 211 and 27 o f ,,,,,, h. 11i:.:.. S'..13.31'~ J I .runt'. !\.'!. r n1.,r1n1.: v .. u h•,·c a ,., ·~· ••rll· llh.,"l'llan••>"" "'t apa, r...-urtl11 f ':o,;sr.oo: R•P\. ·~. ':12.4'.0.02. rnlJltl( p01·t1u .. rn r '""' ll11•l"n· nf 11al<\ co11n1y. - --.M1•11a '"""'""nit)' ~111t1 aalo: ""Ill u... m11d ... but wlth-...... ,., ......... f.Al\'(;l,l'!Y AfR FORC E BAl!IE V \ , l.uther Crotk .. r. 11on o r M r. "'"t Mra Y . \V . Crockr r of t:)J• A UUr:o Bl'R.OF.S our rovenanl or warr,.nty. rJ<j>r..a "It la lrue I.hat our poJNlaUon o r tmpJt.el. ,... • .,'lln.C-11u., ,...._. ...,,wth m.-na 10rna a.dd'"'ll bur· 1lon. or eneumbnlllca . lo pey lb• den of ro•l• ror n•w a nd .._X1Ul nd· ren1e!nlnJ pnnrlpaJ aum ot U1• et! p\lbhc rat'1Llt1;<a itn.1 1<.irv1tr •-not,. 1.cur f'd by :>11d l.leed. tO•'A'I\ ""'er •n•I watl'r -"''•>'If'•. 'pol1c-r Sll.4ll 70. "Ith 1nt••r.,,.: rrnm J u n• ll.tlhoa J!lvd . Nrwporl 11 .. ll<'h. ha.• and l u-.._ proll'•\l••n -"C:h uol •. ""'"" r ""11 .. 1.,,1 1<1 A 11~11 nn ~•'t"!lnd h<'lllth ..,,, """" "nd *' on Thf,,,. ....-e 1no•t h••· .. l•• l•k• c:.a rf' o r SOTl<"t~ o•-l~"Tf:STIOS 1'0 t:suAtit: I S Tfll'; ~A l.I': ot• AlA..'01101.IC Rt:\·1-:llAtiF.~ ~mbf'r !I. Ji'» 0.1 .. of Appllrallon TO \';.HOM IT MAY COX CF;RN · Sotlce la hertby ~\'l'n t hat fl!- lttn day• 1fler th' above dt.te. Lhe unde1·•igne<I ptopo•e11 to al'll ' alcohol!c be•"•J"&ge• at the.11~ prem- 1s~"· •lelK'rlbed 11.• fotlowe: 660t Coa.s\ H lch11o•ay l"<"W JlOrt B@ach P 11r1111anl to Rllc h inll"nl1on, the und .. r•irn~ •• •pplylnfi:' lo the De- partm .. nl of Alt'ohoUc B<!\'erag<! Conlrol for !1911uancf' nr fin alcohol- ic bevert.(<! uc ... nae for lh<!l.fJ preml1f"1 flll rouo.,.,••: Trt. On·a&le BHr A: \\"lne Anyone deiilrtrir to protr•l the IMuance of 1uch llcen11t m •y file a •·erlfied protest with th"' Of!- pa rtni"'nl or Alcoholic ~v•rai;:-e Conlrol, at Sacramento, C•llfor· 1 n1a . 1tallrl1" grounda fo r den1a.t •11 provided by law. CHARLES S. OrETRJCK A JEANNi>; T . OlETRICK S o ':"~ Ne .... ·1·1>r .. ,.. 12,2s1t1:i SOTU "t: o..-rl'BLIO JIEAKISO S oliee !1 h'~lly given U1at Lhl' C!ly Co1.1nr1 I or the City ot !\'e""- p111·l Hea<ah will ho ld a pubhc flear - 1n1t on P lanninc-Co mrnl •11 on Au\f"ndnt,.nt Xo. 16 t o amend •.on -1 Ing fron; an R-2 Ot.trlct lo "1 C·l -H Uial rlrl .. to ll!e rollowlnl:' I ,, .. ..,·ro bed real propo:rt ~·; l..nLe I, 2. 1 t . 6. s and JO, Bl~k 4311 ot <:'nrona dl'r ~lar Tract , and to an1.._nd ~n· tnc rrom a c .i Dtatr ict ti 11 <>1-11 1 Pl•tr l c l aa to lhl' rollo-.·1 n.:I olf°"'l'lhi!d re11I property. Lot 3, Uloo'k H of T ract 323. ;\""llce Ja rurth<'r t'""" th11 t he p ul f•ubllr hrarin&" \o.·111 be ht ld on I the i'lh 11ny nf J anu1ry, J<i;,o1. a l Ull' hour or 7 30 o'rl<JOCk P.'-, In 1lw t:ounr11 Cha rnbeni of th .. C1t y 1 H11ll nr U>., City ol N•WllOrt Be1ch I al .. -1i1ch tlm• a nd plaf"P 11ny 1nd a!l 1><'t-'• 1ntere•l..t may appeal" I .. .i be tt-t-d u..r-. M.ARCERY ltCHROUDE~ City Clerk of the CUy or ="•"·porl Dea<:h, Ca J1rorn1 •• No ':"fl Se"11·P rc1111 12 "%ti,~ • '111~• 111 \ht> l'nl led ~l •tM Air ~·,,.,,.. H• '" <u1 renlly •tatJonl'd 111 t..-.nw:!"Y Air Jrur•• IJ•l'r . \"ir· ""' "' ,\1rtn 11.n C r<>•k"r •IU>nr~ !""'w' ~fl 1!'°"1..b llu:h Sdl!x!L !!nil ~!\.· 1•111•·1 1ri lll• Air 1-·orc-• in Jan- 11111y. J~!'t:i. ntw te•hlfnl• to.n o! ,,~w l11•ill•lll,..-" Hut tlley f.av.. Loeno:ru.. l0i1 • in-••l"t nurnt.,.r l•I 1nJu•t r1 ... j ..,·•U1 n"Jre d1•'t·r .. 1t1r .. 11on 1n .. a n• fl•u1e ""'I bell,.r ~II• w 11h mQtll r11iroll Thi• 1·•n• for rnnr,.•tOre• """ ahop• and ,...rv1ca l!uaine..a .. a FEATURING THE "COFFEE DELICIOUS" THIS -wEEK AT ALL-AMERICAN MARKETS! TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT ;:o..·f.:\\" '"tlRK !"tlOX ("Q)llll ~:XT J S~lol ly vlla "n•I lan•l 1..,~lf'lfl ('<-..\IJ'll..~:p H,. l\ {. 1__:,\1t!'I P ~: '"' fin " on• hulrnK lll<•n!,.rry 011, l •~:AN \\1 TT~:f\ t'tl . KA ,"TA Ktm t •ll•nl\" 1 ... ,,,1 11nd T:\:[, •l1l A"l."A The '"•1lu•\ '"'~" ""•••! t '•>!j••I·•'"''' Tl•" l•lt•nl: <>I 111ll '"th• ,.,uh· ,.,,,hnK "" 111 .. 1n .. 1«1 • .... 1,., •• ,,,,.,...,,,, 1111•1 rrrl>t•·.-,n .. nt ,,.art .. •1 •·n·" f"tll"'••l b~· )I• r·· r 1.uy1ni: aJ•l,..j 1t"'"" 1.1111"'" "'hull 11 ... ot (.;11nrr111 }.Iott•!• ll1.1l '"Ul\I ! ·~ "f'l"l" •" !"•111 a11t .. l'"•lllnn ,,,.,1.1lc 1•1ud1H'\•••n r<!I.• 1,.. ,.,1......_t· 0 1•• "'''K 11:1r ... 1 r•I 10 •lr"lln,. 1,. 11. !7 rr 1tl11 n 11n1l I \\•l•ilt' th,. 1111ny • r•i~" •l!fltll\" 1•·•"1 "''1 vra r ~1111 •·•1·•""! l••I.<) A!" l1-•I\" 1" In ... 1.J1\\un \I.er .. • .. ''" 11••·•1 tr"'" rc.-1r11\u·1i1''"1 .... 1 111111 In ,,,, hlflUPI\""" •• ''" ] J<• .lo•lll)"C•l <h>'1<l!1al 1114!\h'" ><Ill he 1\•Jf' Iv hH 111 .. (11 1a1u n r 1 .. r ,,,. ,,,,, •~"!.,, J'"~"t""'"·"" In• IW l..,.10'(\ I~''""!••• •'\l<·r•·I "·1 th tJo,.-lun••• 1 P·"'· A•••r•~"' 1 '" b1111 ncl' 1111 .. ""'"~ 111 ........ "11•1 I .111•· 1h"t op1~"1 u n11,· \''"•\~ ro :t" ln'111•\r111 \•. 1.1klfl ~·•~h rr .,f1 t• f•·r 1oi~~ ,.,. :."I• 1\111!• 111 r1>a , thr ~"r•ru l It•\ r~ h•ol•ij•1~ I ~ 1"1•1lt!,., 4K:\.!ll off .l h lfl~~l up .l t >ii n: ,,,, .IJ~ r,.l•lL•'f'I)" "'C'lJ •nd t h.J• •11nvl•I 111· I p.rn. \"oh•ITH• -1.110,0GO ""'' ln•11Vl d""' .•~11 .. • h• ""rk 1th,.~·I , •. \ •f"lt'CUl'ely I I' rn • ."!•..-It 1·•..i,.,.. (fflOO "'t 'f>t"ORT 1:roup-"·1 .. ~ Th,. n1bhrr ,,., 11 .. n h11 .. h .. rn 11'1)J•"I l<' 11boVP f)\O/ l.I;" •ll !'P"' l parll• •II•!•\" <Juru i.: "' \' '"'''°'!• or Jrrrrula r11y 1: ..... fl, h J'l!!Vl•)r(f l\••d,l•h!f> todlt• All I' 11 h &n• 11(1 1n10 n•w h1i;:n 11r,,1111,I • n au•l•ln""1.I ln"C"•tn1•nl buylno: ~: .. nr1,1l Mn\or~ )Ill)" ('o :0.: \" ("rnt r.!11 1: .• <d,•••r Tir,. 11nd l'fl R11111,., ~ Anwr ,\,•1 •1 lfln l'·•rtl11J*l••I thuui.:1• f,-., 11.l>(l{t""· ~.il,."·'Y •11 r 1:. \\•" e••11 lt.n"' t., t•r(') 1h .. 1 1 ~<l. C'<lL 1-;.1, ..... I •i.• l•1tt r ha.• f.,.·nr11l1!<1 l<.1ni!,.t ~' 1'9, 111.- '' ''" 1-ott ntl•I 111 a n11111 • .. \l"n "' ~ ~l"'"b"'I 0 11 .. r t.•llhr. 1 1., ...... , lhw l:11., "•mlnlft 0:•1n I 1 ·n1un (11.t "r 1 a r1r. l•""l ·~ar It•!" ~Herl RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO l~ARGL OR :O:!.IAl.L '?SO sntt\ fiiit ., !'"""l><lrt 8-<"h ffu:bor WS • • "' Butter-Nut • The "HALLMARK" of fine qu1lity 1mong 111 populiar coffHtl l-DAY SPECIAL! 1-LB. CAN IF YOU H'AVE • • • Celebrated a birthday been on a trip entertained guests painted your house· with stripes been promoted bought the bed Washington slept in eloped been robbed had a baby sold your · prize cattle been shot " moved been married .-sold out . cut a new tooth at 50 years or older been in a fight stolen anything OR HAVE DONE ANYTHING AT ALL! That's News-Anti We · Want It . .Telephone. send a Post Card or come in to see us at 2211 lalboa llvd. Newport leach HARBOR 1616 High Quality Printing Phone ·· Harbor 1616 DELIVERY GUARANTEED I o"-.;.._~=="-'l!e"'-r._="---l -M,_Uaa .... Jennen Plumbing Rep.Ir work, a •pedl.lty PRE XMAS OFFER ~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 .. JjSS. S2--Fumit~ for Salt' BEDROOM II ~ ii I •H.A \\'Ell dr user, 1n h'l'c>r, l•<"'k1'1U1" hfl•rU1011n( f'mm l ftl.IM) Deli\'t>ty or the Newport Harbor Nm·Prt.. la :;uaranteed. Carrier boy. will deliver their papen b.. fore 6 p.m. on Mondi.y, Wedneeday and Friday. It your paper ii n,ot delivered by that hour plea.le call HuOol' 1616 and your carrier 'llJiU brtnc your paper. .. 'alA'r .._tan oa ltm• PIJ1nMla Ult N_,ort lltYd .. N.-pol1 BMch. Bar, Illa. R•. Hu. 'MT..J. tTc80B. CARPENTER Rell.air Work Rugs Hand Braided Wool • • $3 per sq. ft. All new material patterns or hit and • • • • • • • INVENTORY CLEARANCE 30 to !'":tO', Sa\'ttlf!S on "Clear th<' F!(lfl r" \hi!'! • T\I IS !-l1&Jtl<1 bo••I "'!lh flllOll~ A ' ~ •i•rlll,:. nnly ·. $:W.~O "'"- & &· !l URA\\"l·:ll nu•rl• Jr .. u~r. u 1lh n11rror. fro,n1 . __ till~O ).i\'lng ll.oon1 SetA J.ft><lt'l"n & ~lnple Classifiedll-:-;~-~-=-~-·:-_--_:.,. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednffclay and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C-.1&1 8hoppet AM ru11 U. JM ",....,..,., N-rr.e 4 Unf'H 1 lnHrt.lon $1 .00 add'L llaea .M ea. 4 l.inett 2 IDMrtkln!I 1.50 add'L Un• .%.\ eL 4 IJnt"S 3 lnaert\on!ll 2.IMI add'L tla• .%6 ea. 4 IAoe!I 4 loaertlou 2.00 add'L tlafl8 .%5 ea. !iltuau~ "'uled A.cP 1"111 ~h·• 16'7• d&M:iuunt. CUil ta ... ....__.,. MISIMt"M AD IS fi Ll:0."1:8 le Paper Hanfinl' Service EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS 600 S1•t Btft:'l, Newport S.ach Harbor 2178 or Har. toit41. tfc P&inliJ>g, Paperbanl(lng '-rh• Fin.eat Mon.ey Can Buy" ~r.~es~n "~~~ Pb. ll&r. 2f.04 Of 115417·1\.. 10.tfC CARPENTRY s.. our selection of i.mportt'd china, ~nglish scenery and vine & -...·heat in brown. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. 1tfA1N ST . CORO!>: A MOV1NG ABOUT JAN. l~t INTO cono:-.A 7:s Nt;I'' Bl:ILOING WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE U-.Sltuat\om l\'aoW 1 ~_:'!~l!~"..0_1~--------~ I RELIABLE JAPANESE- AME RICAN WANT S BAMBO.O GARDENING IN HAR-DRAPES BOR AREA BY \\'EEK OR MONTH. HYATl' 4-5471 38p:W Prk .-,. >1!11r·11n): ,.I '.!l•·" ~'! !l lleaut!hll X f'v.' \I '" ,-r1 l•,.11,·rn.• F<•r All J •r• ,.1.• .'• I '(' AT SALE BAY FURNITURE -·All New - IJINE'l'T.E Sl·:·r s • \\H<•l'tilf'r lllO:'\ 3VXh l -''"" Tu1• r"l t:n. ta.bl~-1 r,.,.,,1 1 •.ht" r ,.-r:it l"ha u·11 l'LE ,\l~A:'\i""f: AT JtAY ~-tro .~•1 1'11!{<1.\l l·: l •l:"\l-:TTI·: :.;,.1·1·nu1r t'h<H< ,. <d l.'1'ltl1"~ '"l,l-'.;\ It/\ XI 'I:: '1\ohh~ T '1\l 311\JU\I' vdl h ru1111 f11 l•l1< k~ AT U.-\\" S!l~llll '' 1'1' l"l\P.u:.1 ~: Oll ~AT!~ f!J.,\C'l.: l•""I·! 1 .. n'•• ",tH :: 1:: ,.,.1 .. n~1nu !•·n1 •'~ NO J OB TOO &MALL All Claalfk.d Ack .,_I be ~d for Cull i. lod\·uoe of ,.btlcaU.,._ T he publiaher• "''\!I -not' be resJlon~!ble tor rnore than one incorrect llINOR REP AIR WORK Experienc'd ~ardener K11-st•h C 11rla l11 & 'ft a\.-r~~ H,-1, ·I !l.hk ,u,,!11<•11 !•'""" ·""t •lntll.~ >lll l' fit < lll"PI.~• 11 I !ll I ::r," \I I• ;I 111111 !>I<' \ "/' !1 ,, k~ 1\!I /\ 11: .. 1.,1 ' ---tneerllon or •n 1d, rell'n'• the rlghl to carrectly cltLMlly any and all -.c1.-and t·o reJttt-any ad ~tonnlnr-to'1"1tttt-and resul•tturm. DEADUllo'E.S for placlnc or canceltln(' ade ai;e: For Monday Puhllcatlon -Friday O p.m. 1-"nr \\'ed nPlll.1ay Pub!lca \loru1 -T uudey 1 p.111. For Frtd&y PublicaUon -Tbureday l p.ni. NE"'POKT HA.JlBOR PUllLIS:Kl!'t'O CO. !ti I Bal.boa Blvd.., N"'porl 8Mell. Callfo~ Spe-clal Notk:e9 '• mc-w:.8~~8&JbM~ ~ --~~s,&I{;~- Hal'bor :1'30 83lfC Llberty g.1659 JOlr.-Painttng 6 Paperhanginr W• do the work ourselVM. ,. , .... ""'"-CLEAN UP JOBS U~n-s • lnl'Ured. Yard Maintenance l&tlafai:tloa ruuut.Md. Eltil'l'l•l•• rt... Call Jehn.nl•, 'nlree yeara ,,1tp<>rlenc1 Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 _u_s_._268_1_•_u_s._52Sll ___ s_1_tt_c_ 1 :c=a1='-u=-='='i'='=~~='-~_.,_'_''_· __ ctttc D~~?~~~ PAINTING EXPERIENCED girl de•!l"t>' 1191!. clelllling or ha.by •!!ting by day or hour. B.-.t ot rr f. LJ 8·fi774. •9clll Reph' Semoe M81nt.a1aed Phl:ltle: Harbor '8Jf. M W ROSS HO! Balboa ..... , N..._ Boacl! • • p6p LI~ LI 1·3331 llO Awcado, Colt& Ke• General Contractor1-------,.-'_" M1!el1 tY<!ry niurmday 8 p.m. VJ.a Oporto -Central Ava. Newµort Beach A.lbl!rt H . Matthl!WI, Exalted RUler PAINTING BY H OUR. Small or Jarire Joba ok. R.ea..onable r•le•. '-Funeral Dltteton $('~ Th1'1ll On IJIJ.opl:1y 1 ·->lli"->J..\:.ll~ ~Jh.Our_,s,""~---j .,~, '\LL L: AT JJ.\Y tl l~l.!,!11 SANT . .\ ANA I -~ i ·~· IJ!"NC,,,-.; T1':NT & AWNING CO. !" .1•·~1 .• 1 •'.S1 • 11~11111 !'AXT,\ ,\:\",\ 1626 S , 1tllUll. K l :1-:l~l~ li)t(r S l~I':'~• \",\1,1·1·: l 'HYFI': ~1 .\ll lh:A:\'\. •!UlrH ~. t:hn1<i! .. r or .tnip h·111 1.1t.h· • lyi·e h"'k U1'ht1l~1 .. rc••I 1!<'.•l ··hair:<. ('l .• ~AH ,\:\'Cl-; ,\T ll A \" $1:/3 ~HI Knitters \\'i;;LC0~1 t: In 111)' nrw ~h"r ("<•!11 ~ ln 11.nd he'll' 1ne b1ul•l ""1·;11.J ~·0111· ll<'~llS f"'t" 11~rd l1'<'t "l l GI \"~: !I hanit knit f"r f"hn~t 111a" WI! R\lll hKl'e ll f"\\' !~fl Sit N' Knit 313 to: llalboa Dh·•I , H:t!l •<J< :>:!1 re LO-HEET I 4tt .. I\'INC; noo~r fl /'{.' ~I Al 'I .~; \\"0011 Al:~l \ll{! fl ' l' 111, lU1!t'~ ,;nl a-plat f.,r 111 i'•<"k · r . C lub l 'lno1 • '.! >1 \.-p •·•1<t • I ,•.,flt'•' tll hll' . 2 !ftb)e J1111 1•~ 1r ulll<' ~1111Jt·~· With 11.1<t<'hln1: .,.., . .,Hj b:h•· 3·""Y j"I~'.· :'11• \ ,\J.1 ·1: n ... ,r !ftn1p \ ·1.i.~AllA~t..:•: . ? PC' M Ol l~:R.'\ lll '~ll'f:R ,.,,,I ~"( AT BAY $'..IJ7 .~0 I .I: 1 ' nro•U ('l\oi l h lll I" · "l\•f> 1.:1 .H!ot • oiL11.lllh• , I!\« I S2~!'!'itl \"Al.I ·~; -t 'LEAJ'l.A:'\L"t; A'T fl,\Y i 1f!,ll•Hl :• i't ' H"'f'TAX :•H•:l.."Tl'1 ~,.I . 1;ltlJ\'1', in<ll~l•'8 ;j I"' RC"<'!lo•JI· J<). fu~"" 1·111.tw r •11.'!hl{>nft. I>••\\" fh·,. ''"'"r . l 111,.11<"1•<1. I 0•(>1 llP!' \ ,1 I ol.- S:l~!l~H \'A!.!"t : C l~AH.-\;'\\,'.\::. :: l 'C l.,\\\Su:\ IJl'.11 lJJ\",\.\; ~l;T • 2 to111· l11l';:u l•"ll<l" MOTTELL'S AND PEEK WCICNSEO New Work -Remodeling J , MILTON McKENZIE PAINTING INTERJ.OR -£XTERJ0ft .Al.80 )(.A.J\INE PAINTlN'O U Cl:N8.ED -INSURl:D Liberty 1-2722. "'f-~4 -h .STA INl..J-~S~ STF.F:L (.'{XJK \\.A ltl·~ l'•lt-1 : Tenn~ -:;;-,.f''''' , u•·e i l•nX ph,•t • 111.11• hill): <'01111)' '1111• • 11.-u r S'.!\11 ~0 \'A!.L ~: -t"LEA BA;\'\:~; ,\T l!A\' Sl l !'J:.O Colonial Mortuary '1'801 BolM-J11t1t we1t ot Wt'-1· mtn1t.-r llemorta.I PMIL An Onuige County l n1UtutloA 8t<r"•nr r11J"111L1t1 or au r1.1tn. Telephon.a tToll Freel ZElu lh 023 l No on• 1v.-r turned eway blc&UM or lack ot tunda. Harbor 6399-W l58tfc Custom CABINET WORK Don1 on pttml1•1 No job too .mall, Phone Kl 3·33•.!I. "dOb Glenn Johnston !Kil -311t St. Newport Beach 'VIHlTE COOK, hou.eke.-per. or ch.lid car1. 1.Exlngton 11-:?~!l!I ::Ollp 1 ____ H_u_"°'--"-'-'---"-ttc 1 %9--Ht;fP Want~ 14-Penouall GIRLS -1-----------1EARN MORE >Jeohollct Ano.nymou. THAN EVE~ BEFORE.! Wrtta P. 0. a. Ill. N--,..._,... Our new, hl&"ht r •t•rtln(" .,...,ge "A's'' ·-.,..·· ..__..., ...._. a.fbor f,fll and trequ.-nt lnc"Ml!I gtvta you _10-__ e_u_o1a ____ G_alcl_• ____ 1 VENETIAN BLIND u. u..111 opportunity. Openln1• now COAST LAUN tor - OFFICE .1:QU1PJU.NT DRY 15 lllVll You Oar TELEPHONE OPERATORS T)'J)eWTlt•" 'nl'E NJ:W machl9e proc.. metll• I :::::::::::::;._:.;:::::..:::::_ ___ ,I At'lrhn,r;:: mach1ne1 od. ReU0J1abl• pricN . A"r&a• WANT ride to 8-nla Ana or An .. We will train you and you'll le· •· I ta ... ~•l!Jenti&l blind. 1 .... __ , celv1 muy other benefit.. uuphcators-Supphee .- 0 I h.tm '7 a.m. for Hip _. _ Apply _ 5,\LES RENT.4.L8 Il y $1.00 .. rl c.JI HM. OS6t·K -or 81oilA. No. Main 6tf'Mt, R.rn. llJ, l!IJ~ Harbor Blvd., Bllnde r.-p&J.Nd and r1bu!Jt. JU :S.Qf.1 ••t Jlt clap. Santa AnL C0>0!11 ~lt•ll Ub+!rty 1·7Zlli rr.. Pie.lie up end d1UW!')' IOr6J t :OO to f.:00 p . m. HAULING trae.n or r Anything, Anywber• Ubt'.rty l-21'6 Htrcpp • Work don• by eppotntmeat P.A.CIFlC TELEPHONE Phooe Lnlerty W701 l~!J ! lflJf J!? or Klmberly a.u?C. pplte rLY ASPHALT TILi: LINOLEUK A.RE YOU TIRED OF -nGBnNO TRAmC CR08S • TO \\'N -ROUTINE J.Nlil.0£ \\'ORIC LI li·::03S4. bn)'t1•111~. <t\!p5 1 \\',i V.ISh •·'Ir 111.lllY f1h·IHhi ll Merry l..'llr l,,l mt•ft 1111.J Jl11ppy :"\ol'\\' y .. ,.j Clt,\RLJt; l •A\'J:-; .\· ,.,,,/'l•·~•·P,,, of U111 '" A /1\H\IU' .till'>)• Jsn:i E. An 11hel1n !:H , Lil lit : 6·!>U3!1. -t;, 40 KATEY OOA NB Nearly New A pparel tor v.•0111rn 1t.uJ ch1lJ1 en. \\"•do a ll kluda of •ill'•·•lh>n.!1 27:?1 £. l.:0"1<I Bl\'d, Klnclt llJI I'll.tit\, CO/'una 11··1 .\lar. <I•!. /13 Fresh Hearing BATT.ERl£S Aid \\'• GJY1 Sil-H Green St1.mpl Gunderson Drug Co. Mal11 St. al Ba.Ibo-. Blvd .. Battl'•• Harbor 01 ~. 1181 fc SO.~Aptllan~ ---- Clearance Special! LARGE 11 F'"r. lt 1'.:t•HI(:. "J•(' ,\\(JI •~;/!,\; LJ\"J ~1 ; H•l<t~I l :Hn l "P • l n•h1.l•'l 1 .. 1 ol11·"" 11 Hh 1 .11./111,: .r,.11r, •l,.,.11.1 .. 1 .. 1·\.,\a· '""1 . ·~ "T''!' 1•n,1 I ''"kl.•ll talo.r •"-r•'f'"l >n•r 1•1"' · '.! "'"'h•n1 :1.""·1· !.oh J.-l"u\JJI • Utill bll' lil"I Jol1.1d• .> • ! l'o·WllY lk!!•t" l'•lltll 1.-... :•:iu \"ALI .. : 1 ·u:,\l~A.'\l "t: ./IT HA\' t 1f1'1•••ll Ui-.:D 1100~f ~ l 'C ~!! .... c i:::11r:u u .\1 SF.T • 111..i11o:. ~ ~· 11r11w('r ,10111-!P •ll'"""'r ~ll t" 1, I , di:•· ,,1,,1.-n .irr<•r • bu•lll < """ l11.•:1<!1•<1llrd - $1 ,!•~••• \'A l.I I! H "'k"n Ill• \h i (1.1lllC' 1.:L t-;,\ ~''' :'\\:t : . AT I.II,\" $12j ',fl 6 J'I ' ~!.\!'I .I '. l \~;!•l:t}O~I t;Hyl'/'. Jn.-lu<I··~ 6 llra""·rr d••li· hJ.· •h t•...,.r • 11 .. t•r 1,11111< • l.;1 11 .. n1,.,1 pl.LI<' 1111rrnr • lx>-•k· ,~,,. h.1 .. lbo,,1 1.). ""'l ~l l r"'"". t" l'l l<··~·Jvn ''"'r" r uhhr r 111.111 •' ~• • I ••t' I t i.·o l I,.,, "I'' tug • r, j• $:1•~• :1•1 \.'A LI I·. \.l.l·;.\/~,\:"\1-'I'; ll'."Nl-:l::~Pl1 J l\"G .\l ,\TTftF.~S AN!) ):I" I!' /'I •11·1!11 11,1,,.I, A"I' llAY $1.11•~ l~OX :-:l'Jt ll'\(; S l-~rs I •~·" .... 1 IU.,!!h 'll<I • Ju'""" i.ly I Ul ,,,.,.,,,1.1 ... l LI )LJr l:lllH· 11•1l<'" • I• 1tl1 111n1 r llln1: I>+•" ~I"'"" SIH•:tl• \"/IL\ t; l "I J-:AHANC Y.. AT 11:.Y $ 119!\0 Ql 'Y.~::-.; J<IZI': •l'!n''1 K~ln:(AJ•l'""1lc. ~~1r 11 r1rl'l1 1n,,r1"pr1n,,; n11111 1 ,...,. ,,,,,\ hvx 1<J>11ni: "'"' • l"·)'•· .. r i:1.1"''""1""" '14"M.I \'"l.l'~; -C:L~:ARA~Ct: .A"I' !IA\' S 1<11()0 s 1·1•1·:1Utl':l"T 111nrr•prlnJ:' n1,ttr•·u 4.1'1•1 OO• f71i :.•1 \"Al.I f: l..'1.E"R":'\('t; ' AT •prlna: ••t i\,\Y I 4:!rl0 1 2-RuiJdlo~ Servbt Ct:;;\I ENT & BUILDING 1A8ta1I t.b• al>o" c.U.per tha.n ma.L Aleo MU Tll• 6 Ltnol1wn. Non·unlOll. n J<!An apeti-. Compe.ra and ... - DC4 KOM-a"!'OP J'f.Y.C. 1110• CHICAGO flt •Round Trip 0n1, J'rw LUno'*-to AJrpn'l lloa ~ rr. 1\dl.t DaU"•'7 W AIBINOTON. D.C. -197 PKILAD&LP1114 --IA -LOSS or l'AY Jl'OR VA CA· 1''REl:::ZEl< 'n'ONS • • l CO~IBIKATION BAY FURNITURE All K1nct1 f.'H.F.~; f.:STJ~IATES Liberty 8-6109 rlt"ase C1\l.L O N US "" BILL COKER Har. 41" • Lena' Beach '1'·6973. lttfc FOR RENT 9klt1 l!aiov•, !:I~ Dl"'.IU., Pou.tMtn, an-tni--orMMa~­ row•, etc. DAL.LAS -· a411 OETR0 1T ·---179 HONOLVLU a 109 KEW TORK ... QIUGA.00 --==--·-... All,..,._ -Pl~ T .. I\ l!,.n "'" ..,_.,. llMp you v.·1t n your BOYD'S HDWE. 124. W. Octu. Blvd., L. B. HE 2-hl~ -NCv. f ·f.635 Santa Alla, 11 T &, .Sr4 IU a.NU n !v··1 11~1ni:-1•1o bJrr111, ,\ lfllln&d 2630 \Y, COAST HIGHWAY , .. ·1t:M>1·~ _.P""f1 1lltt "''UI 1t la..,ty l '.Ll:'._'."'~"~·~·~-~l~·~l'._0.:_"N~o~~~po~~"::"'~·~-~<l~o:i-~-=----~=-----c,--i I\• "' \<1U J'•~raro ·rfrr~'!\'t l dY,1• l o ot'C 18-lleautf, &Jd9 I 1 .,. llJl!I I~ In rrovl1t'il •1>u nd Id· Painting, Decorating ,. , 11•o ni: .-.. un•.-1 11 nd h .. lp ri:.u a:et Superfluous Hair • • ,• 1111.hn ;: •1 •ult•. Paper HanctnK GEO. BURKHARDT ~.=1 ~= r: !:; !\ i-.:\\'S·Pltl'.:.SS Ch1i;~1r1 .. .i Ads f·!AHBOR 1616 I How to Sell YOllr LICENSED CONT'R.A(..""I'OR UAe m&pM-No mor1 tw...ata1. ara Vt'. 1eu1. I t.. eo.ta w-&I.LEN i. BRYANT R. &. Wberty 8·M128 Udo'e ~ at. llMut:J SU'. 2t7C "' \ .. ,,. 1 I I -NO CHANCE r OR A.OVA.Net:-R1'~G SEI LS FOR ..,r.~q er: Ml:NT •-'· • _, ,.;,, •.• .1 "\\h1 1 ~ 1 '1·1,,.~ A1.-llcl<I At ~l;o)' 1 ·,,~11t ~l •l<ll ., .. , 11.1 A pply 1030 £. 1-·1r11 SL Santa Ana, J.l on. lo F ri., 1;30 L m. to •:oo p. m. SOUTHERN COUNTl1'.:S GAS CO. -H.. Lnttorutlnc out· of · <l;:w;:ir, Jot>. for hlch ..:hoot Atalluat .. 1 Jl·t :'I with a.ome 1nl't':h1U1 •clll 1.pUtude. f/·day, 40 hr • .,...,,..k. 'flk:'ll Beacon Personnel 100% employer relauied agency NO FEE r ol\ec.tl!d from epphrant U3·31•t Ne.,..•port Hl!;ach LI KE NEW l\'O\V Slhf> J<t uof"'l r "nl /'1tr k 1ni: EVE'S. 'TIL 8 OPEN 1 0 1'..1.U.XE GAS o n.\·1':1l & AUTOUAT.lC-\\!.ASl:i.El r \VOULD ~E LL r-.;1::\\'fvrS600 . H.E--B UlI.T, AS c;oo u . -·• • • • • • AS Nl::W ... , .•... Sl!':!J.!J5 ~-~p-~n_c,!1' ______ 3;c.O·}!;:-;~l!l~l~r~n<'.r:• ____ _ Al.SO SELECTION o r· GOOD t:~1-:o 11Ei''Rl(;·s 1'"H.0~ S·1D.!J5 & UP. TEJ~,\l !':i TO Sl.'11' JAKE'S APPLIANCES llior t>ur UI\ I USED APPLIANCE BUYS GAl--1-"EltS & ~#\ 1"1.1...Elt t11bl1· t'•J' ~a~ r.tn~i' GAf'l'f:l{S & :-:AT'Tl ... 1':H v.·hlt<• ta ble t r1 r• ~'"' ~l~l ;if) rRn.i:::•· ~";jl !°Jt) rn nuc v.'1lh 11\• 11 tbfllr11l "·1th f'l\'('ll enot r 11l \\'E~TJ::H:'I: 1·101.1.\. ~as ,·,·ry l'll'tin l\i-:1 .\q:-;ATO I~ l{C'fr1i;_:C'rato r ii l'U. ft. G llt"tON' 6 cu. ft. Jt c frlj,"t'r 111 o r \\·g.-.:Tl:-;l;HOl'i"E 7 ru. ll. Jtt.<fr l~t·r ,1 \"r $';'!! !ll.l ~~111 ~) ... ;150 ~'.'~ :,11 ~l·:Jt\"l•:L R1{r1i.:er ;1\(lr :;1 _ ru. fl .• l•·ft h1tnd d "or :-.~~1 ;,11 1\1·:1.\ ISA1.01! _,cu. ft. dclu"'" Ttcfl"i/.:1·rat"I' ~ft,1 :,0 1,1-:;\·~1 r1 f{I-: \\'r1t1,i:1•r "'a :<h •·r •l<·lux1· l·'..\:0:\' S P!:\: !1lt lt-.:lt , d<'lUXt' nH,d· I \\t-::-:TJ Xi:llO{":'t-_: rh·r tl'lr 'run~e. 1111.- L & 1-l electric ran ~(>. J clu:<,.. m~I Al.l, \:l "A](,\Xjt,1:1• :--1:1 iNt ;<>.:,H ;:.o \'. .\:'If l:\'!O .\1,\t "II/:" t ,,;, A l'T~ l~I A Tf!.' t\ :\I• \\ 1: t:'li'l .;;j. T'\ 1··~~ A l.I, i;E\"J:;HA.I, TO io:~;T.t:• "T /"I,•''! l'j.,;AJ;,U:.,;A IU.\' l 'IU C..l::JJ Yl:L>t;i..f 'l ~.i'.)I ;:. ~ 1..-.;L. l I ~ , • KNOX HARDWARE co. :O:a nt a ,\11a :Jo.11-,\ ppll:1nc1-s ---------------· :{2-t urnll nr1• f11r ~nlr Small Roney's Appl ia nc:e Repairing ..... , ....... . ""'I" I• ' ' ~'··'I"'' 1 l :l\ I .,., ... \I• •M " ! •f(A \. t '! I • ·.' J I" '' I•'.'· ' 1 1.1. r.1.1 I· .I ' . ,\ . I 11 'I 1J i'i,,1:1' ~)'l ',I '" "" 1 ., I \~.1 ·~ I S8!!:::!111~l-!!!!t!~a~-!,~W~.W!!~!...---1 KARQVL"TT!: A rc \\.~ld rr, •n1:"'\ 3 hp Air Corn11re1...or. '.L:!U \', lt al.fli'll ph..., ... ~··e &\ 1 ',\'l •'I!~ I ' .... •l'I •,, J.I' I' :.,. •'• t• : 1" ) I V. ~ ;>.:,. I .L 1-. ' I I 1111111 I ".°••I Tlflltl;'\,.,n~ • ..; 1 ~1 ·. "'"fw,,· \• ' '' I.I ~ '""~(, \' ' •! "' A 'I I' .. 1 I 111·.'i H •:•1111 • '1".i ·ITl••'\" Fltl·:t-; lit·:l.l\'t-:J:Y Home. • • Car .•• Furniture ... TRY CLASSlflED WANT ADS Swedish '-""" " )"COW" hom•. Message -.po&ai-t la 1'onMrt)' ~ at An9WMMI . _ _,_ ra.. _. _...., •1111 • Jlu'Mr TO. 611p61 Cl..&UfIMQ a D\OKUfQ _,. th• oa1. aap111--. 8altlM uaw pn(tTred.. Kl 1-toM. tr HANDY MAH. #1....._ A np&lr « what 1 Ha.r. f.64M ·\\'. 4Citfc Roy's Maintenance ff°'* clMa~ •uiAC W\'l.ll ... ehla&"-wlndow c.leuto.r 17th St. al P la1rntn• Ll b ;:, .. ~ I I ' ~\• II I 1T "'" 21 If 1·1 11 l,l '\1 \ "; ' ' " '.1 \, .... ) I , I '°" . I ii, ,._ ,111 • ', t1 • I '"'" • 1-1 .Jl tn lo 1 ~1 .. ! BICYCLES Jfi" PAl:'llTEV a "~'"11d\t1•1r1 .. li. UIRl-"1 &: Ul J\"i- N"l:W 8(.'.H\VJ S~ L"Y· l~o •:UI •1'1 1\a\,1~ At."TO 6' B1,y1 l• "' • ~'-"110-0 f•JT \11•\ !l Jln \ll O! •I.")\ H(~ Open Ull e 1• n1 .'L(ni•.~ ~:, .. St"""p<ITt 1:19 100a A LI\" l'i "\t\•JC' 2108 ~'""'"JK>l't tih'<I X•"-1••<1 II II " 1'1'1'•-ln" ''"''''"'"lu1., f l.!!'"t• :>.".1 ,j,,.,..n 1' • '"""' -.: !•8 I"'" "k l Hl'.v,,S(J:>:.S 1 ~1.• : . ., I ' ' .... .i .. ,\1 ..... " " ' ' ' .. I ' ' ,, ... ' "I I I I "I ""'' ) 1 I'• "'' , ., •I • • !• • 1 I l I I 11 I\ I h" I I' " h l'. ~ ~.-1. II ----1'1?-i<urnlturr f or S.ulr u K~ .. 1 .-~ ~h·1 11IL >1"·•r .. 11 ~ I!•'•·' •••••••• ···----··------- .;~h'"'" r.,1.1 .. ,,..1.", 1..,.1.1 ,,d.!I ~ Mesa Woode.raft '/,rvY.t g 1, hJI .. "'1 l"I" J ,1 •l• <\' ,,,,,k "•lh v•rn lllU•t ••11-1 1 ·1·)"' 1" 1 ~ J .. ,' .... 1,. t' u 111!,,ite Clearance I •1r ''"~ •l :\:1 •• 1'• '• •"h hl·'""' r ,, r. ,,1 '· 1 hid" "' . h11,r ~t•. ,1.~'ot· ro..k,.r~. 'h"!iL•. hut• h " ' ·!! ·t"' .i..11 h~·'• t-r>'-ll• ~ ' •• Al•· .. n .. I••• •1"• 1•1'1•fl•1•. Ne wport Furn iture ~· ~.,, I I 11 \ I I " I I ' , i ·r +.\!t I I i i '"' ' . IP • "' ' " • I' p , "~•·t · '""' ,, ' !'·'I " 1 •. 111.,, " ' "~ '' . " '" ~I '" ~ I " ' , ... : ••. ,J '"I r .11 "' ,. i.u r ~ N. I ' 11• A 1 I" I J. \ ·" !"$ '\:!1 ·~: .I 1.1:\'Z: n.• Y<'11 11•011l1t 1111 ! ""'"h•·n•. \l'+l h <>n r low n•o•rl1t 11•I ~vu II~ •urr r1M'd bow 11 11i.h "'' •'1H1 ~"'"'''"·Pin"" !M k ~ I\ !1)1•k ll w lil f'llY )'OU. •:C H•P 'f't-:H.11:-1 11i.;•r 1/!. !-1 "H.'>:/Tl'Hl-: 1'ROKER~ tlpl'11 F i "I")' t:•·e. 1\1 3-:!t?.6 :1r·.1 11l ~l"lrJ;t'On s .. nt• An• •(l1ro l >A\"l·:~l'utrr. J111k g re•n w()<'ll lW~•"I $~n1. l lut. ~7. '8pl\ll ~~..A-=-~'!_t)~~------- 1 BUY AND SEll EAHLY A ~!EHIC"."~ r"I. cOl!>red, l'"I !•·ni .:lt1!!.'I -l 'rin1l1 11·-An· 11111"' t111 n1tnrP :.11<! fine rTl.\n11.. 1'111•; l~IU <JIJ1 l tJ:-:1) BARN t'. I· JHJl,\l\'h'. 1'l 3-ll2t l · l :Jb61 l.1111 ll<•r Bl•·•!., GllrUUl Oro1·• 38c:'lll1 A"IT. ,\ntJque Owner# Repair C lll '\ \ 1-:l..\!'S .t-URIC·A·BRAO 1:11·.,nur O'l(tocre 81\221 \\"a\ker l,IA~k-"•·n 7.~;;7 Cy~-·lt ~:1_::-!~~a1~'...~~·.rr!1~""---- I r ... ,.,1 w ,1r :111 rt. C HRJ'l-CPlAJ"r J-.• •II'" l'l •d ,,.r f"'ll"er,.,., wHh t.,..·o 1 II'> !11>, r r r1u('0<'>1\ dl"IV• ChrU- f"n+rt 1>n,c:-1nt"fl. J.l)jldPd W'llh I~· l •,11 llU>1. l:'.:q1111•. v~ WAii ''"" !. ... ! C"a.n 00 rT<'Onatructed hy ~i11r~ r11 rpPlll"r 11.t mlnlmurn , .. ~1. •'fltl !nrt I·:. R. Cl.llyton,. 111~. A1:t , Ll ~-~tS I o r LJ 8·l\1&t ..... S.f-M uslf'al. Rad lo, T V l'oowlton Electrooict TV ANTENNAS ,1 •1 ... r He/\m -lU Caln) l:\~T,\ LLJ::!) COtll plete to )'OW' Mt. $9.95 19lto Piano Refinishing Q"•lity w vrk only A Sl.:ltl '~I l'IA":->0 SF.JtVlCP'l Ii i 2·7St\O. 'llt.fci S I' I N ET~. t>l'ISt.-rs, •1vani.l t:rP1tl l"f'tll..t n tume llke new, ~•1!1•~ r-;11J••rn >'taple, Ulond 0 11.k, Fro"h• :. l 'r OVUl<'llLI. i; ..... 190. I lo $1~l. 1·erme JU•l like r1nt .,,. b•W.Ce. D AN'Z • 8CJilllDT0 lll'O N , M a.ln1 Santa A-. ----YEAR END 1 Oil.GAN SPEX:l.AL t J ~ :iw•o.•ir111 ,.r rnoo1••l Cnnn )Unu,.l :-:r1n~l ort''/1-Li..111 n-. 81v• $.:'• • l.lt..·n1.I l.nula, cnnvtr1leiit 1 ~1 1~.1 N. Xyt:llH'lore. liluta Ana 1·1w11,. K.11JJ.1.ie1ly ~.oe;1 o .. ,..,".-f..,..1"ty'1--(lot'pn H-t!tt ,.., YEAR END SPECIAL! 111 .. ""1\', rnlo rnr l yPO l.I J'rllfht ]'I :o 11" • In p~rf.-• t rt)ll•hllflf\ "l ·•" ~.1 ~· •• 1."'U ~$II 1>1r 1111>. a t !'H\l/t~}i 1:<1n•u J\1110 1 l ~l -1 :.'1 N. i;l.1·•"J''"f", f;Al !lt Ana I' .. n .. IU1nbl'rly l-Oe7i! I.\ uvv. lloa J·:J ... -c Lrowca TV REPAIR ~-.\.:;,1' ~!-.1.\J•'t, l:t;,\1'U NABLE. ~·· '~ '' ,. 1 •. 1 w p.ln. I .I !I ~.:-~~ ti " ' I + I • .;,, .1 1~•.; rec. ,.n ... 11 .. 1rn . "" K £y· • ,, ... 1-. !. ! ':~ •81-t.O 11 1--,\111 .... a nti Tnwka I' :..:i.i.•'l.l .\" :.:,1.:rJa111, two , ,. .. ' l tlr l""'''''"r l'lnlkee. 1 , ',. I , 1,,.,,, \\ :.;\\' l uh--I I I! \, '"'' ' ...... t "~t '"°'"' ,I 1 •' I .,,." •n ·~t:fl:';i, LI ll·Ml:'.O . " " ·' ,. ....., ' " •Jr ~,.,llln, (O<;Jd ' " •'•OI 1:,... 1-\\.lo Uon. 1'';1t~ Ai: Cau t ) l ~ 1': "1 &1<:02 -- ' '"~ r S 11p"rl:. •, "' I llr t I ' "' '" J I "· 1.\i l:I• :-Ll~\/CF: \ 1:1 ! 61lp ~ ·---+--· G rant W. Musick You r H udson DeJler .,. _.1 . ' " • 1'• !Tl.I'. " " I.,, ~; ,~. '"' .•, t-I. \f f •I "TH " • • ~ .. ·~ ... ,, \\ ,\flJ..1-.- " n~r I</ •''~flln;:ll • '81f" I .\I I • hit• n .. w, !'\•\ st lU 1<, ~I ial 1•·11 U cr.t ' I \I "~I I Call ·HA. 1616 -f'ot 1 dl!ll'f'nd11b Je "'~" f llr. 1r<' y1>ur lo<'a l deal~r '«'ho \l"l!I mi rirrf TOMORROV .. l o bll rlc ur .... 11-1 "'" M iii TODAY! C"ht•ii I he lJ.•~d f .... Ln Ull .-1u•lflt d l t C\!On tO· V.uietlu bll.lu1a. Upk>l•t•r'7 IuuJ"IL6. .,.,._ s.tlmat.1 t.ni.rt1 ~Jm. 1Uc 1u1. i;:1 •ti 1,1,,111·1 I ·~,.,J .. nJf .I "''•f>l lo• ll••!ll(t1 M n~r·r r·.i t;,,.: !Mk"·•·• 1 .I" • ... r.t r.,r1 11 11 1"1 lh" H111.,. .\ ''">" vtr )h~ he.J nl 11J; JI!• • ~r1tY P•Y s; II~ P"r "·~·'.!.!ll :-,:., 'h• + """!,.I .\!~ r •1·h:,•• Jpo•,. '" If \ t •rn" f ••)" l·r I •· ~I. 1111 \\ ( ·1,~ p1n•n. I ,.-~nt" l;..JJ rn11~ t kr: t.. l'l~l ~ ,. 1·~,. nur l'Y ~"")' pla.:t l \2\ llAl l)<lf, C,11 Ll /:i·J'il ~ th-~111•rl,,11l "~>tr• !1rul & J I"~ " U•·•. I.II lhrnu~h t.h• w a!ll 1 r11. lj ! • 1 l~K I>' I.. ,. '- "11, /J • •11 l'E 1100 , 1.r1 • r. J<it lo t•. l'nrid r.•·w t.r •'!,.~. Kl 11·~711 L • ' '8p:.G ' ---.• . --. I I I =----PAS!'. 'ART I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-ftlESS 41A-A,ea. for 11.-t ~ WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 21, 1955 RENT AL r Aft!: a BIT II for a-t ~Ap!a. a a .... for .... • Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS DehghtfuJ living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities wj tb paid. Y acbt 1lip accomodation.. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc tO--Auto.. and Truck" Hausken-Watson 12-Trallera * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES SrGRT CAR CENTi:R and SUPPLIES J AOYAR, M.G. 2200 W. Coast Hiway. AUSTIN-HEALEY N Be h LI 8 .oll.oil'V\ MORRIS. AUSTIN ewport ac ~v ALFA ROMEO ·a2 .. l!l' Happy Home • . 1615 RENAU LT ~-16' T ravelue ... $114 N•w Ca r Sale• a Service 68·18: K•na1ll rder·brakea Spec. ~lJMd Qu:a....u.t~lmL< M ·tl Paramount, Blf Dl.acoLint. J10rted and Domeatlc. \\ • nffd clean uud tradt·lna. 1201 BO. MAIN !T. !A.NTA AN A PAN AMERICAN KI 2--0768 Paramount·KeruOIW Traveleu-TerTJ HSI HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA u a-eo:n 1948 Hudson a.ctan. Good condlUon $195. u COTTON GOFF VOLIC.IW A.OON DllALllR 1111 N...-port Blvd., N.wport Bch. Telephone Harbor I NWW CAA H&A Tl!A -Uaad I ..,..a, 80ld car. a.u eh .. p. Ph. Harbor IT....., ev•. tlttc ltal CHEVROLrr. I dr. Mdan. ahaYed A ~red. ft.dlo and ,,,... i• UNMe p&Jd. 1&00. H&r1!clr llQI.. t k60 ltel CADD.J AC a 8ed9a. Man· 11U "'-,-elk~-· •OOO .U-.. .U-M600. 0.-Mr. 9111.n.1, u a.mi. tltfc · tt FOt."R DJ\. U CADILLAC, _. ,.mt. WW UN&. upholalet'• ~ -~ d a&n. NM 1ood. UIH ~ Harbor TOI tJttc •'1-Waated t.o Beat Rent.ala Wanted We need a.,i. and -...lf -uam fOI' ~t.b ""'* d ,.,.. ...... FluL cw II JOU ba'ft a 'f9e&MI , .,,_ \od&J l201 W. c.L Hwy., Ne rt Ilda The Vog~e. Pboae LlbertJ I -M&l1Jl.e, Ila.I i.l&a4 "87 I:. Cout By., roaa del lliar Pbolla H1ar H4 Phone Har r 1741 Udo Ott!«. 3 . I Via Udo Harbof tt71 1702 Newport ~lvd , Coeta Wna Uber.ty ~7 I tic '8--Apta. a B~ Choice Wmter P.ent.ala uo Balboa bland 6 Lado LaJe Small 6 COSJ ~r &a.rs• A ckNM t T6 ce POO •Oii~ VOGEL CO. SPECIALISTS Call ..... cr.aa Blanche Gatee, Rltr. 111 MarmA-. Ma.ltloa blaad, Bar. 1'11 T1UI Charmlng Harbor Haven Apartmenta -Patios S1pW • ROOM, atreet level. Near .choola. ahoppln( dlatrlct. Quiet, pleaaant, u cll.i..ive. Oatba(e dla· poaal. laundry, atonra room1, 1arqe, '82.60 up. Occuplea en· tire atreet. Cood 1upen•l11lon. Mir. 1601 Haven Place 1 Block South of Hl(b School A.L80 FURN TSHED APTS . WINTER RA TES ~I fc Sea SheU Apts. l It 2 BEDRM. DELUXE FURN. APTS. To pref11Ted tenant•. SS& • up, utll. Incl. 1220 W . Balboa Blvd • NewpOrt Beach. 39c62h ' 488-Bomn for Re•t "LIDO 1iu, 1 bedroom•. 2 •• I bath home, on annual b"ala. 8flp fOf' 40 ft. boat, UM of-li- ft. y1k1,,. runa bout power boat. car.. b4!autltully ruml•h· ahruba. '700 per month. re at 41 Balboa Covea, wport." a&lfc 711 Mel Two bdrm. houae turn. 2009 Kinunar Dr., P1nln1ula P oint -Winter rental - C. 0 . BICARDSLl:IC, 72t Luton Dr. Olendal1 ._Ph. Cltrua 3·6318. 32lfc TWO BllVROOM HOUSE. unfum. ISO mo. No children. 216 E . 18th St. ,Cotta Meea. LI 8-79711. -48p60 SMALL tum. cottar•. utll pd. Suitable for couple. I~. mo. 320 Marina Ava .. Balboa Laland. Harbor l&oe. t 8c:IO BAL.BOA ISL.ANO 2 bdrm. turn. hoUM 196 mo. llll June 16. ln. quire al property 219 Amethy1t or Harbor M ll. ~2 BR.AND NEW dupl.x. cunturn.I, 2 bldrm1 176. Waet aide Coat• w-. Harbor 03711-J. llOcll2 LADT alorle haa rooin In nice home for employed lady. U . 1-*I· 2tt1c "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" ·More and more Harbor uea familie11 are Inspecting tbeae exquisite bome11 -noting their comfort, con· venience and central location. More and more families who prerer a home in a re· 1tricted quaHty community are moving inlo their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive io today and Bt:f' for yourself the many out· atanding features of this remarkable community. Inspect built the model homes, by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished Martin & Von Hemert by Irvine Ter race is located on Coa.st Highway oppoeite e new !Mne Cout Country C! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnformation • For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leaaebold Eetate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Sborea and Cliff Haven BILL'S BEST BUY NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEW-3 and 4 bedroom homes with 2 bath.rooms >.. low aa $3~ down and $75 a month Many Modern Con venience1 . . . even Sidew&lka ONLY A FEW LEFT -SEE US NOW! "you'll like our friendly llel'Vice'' • W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 400 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa Llberty 8·1139 "C'' THOMil WC' THOMAS BEST EXCLUSIVES I CLIFF KA VEN-I bdrm tll<'•I· lmt condlllon ... -····· ne.ooo • • • CLIFF KAVJ:N-Ch&rmll\f 3 bed· room modern _.... ......... U9,600 • • • CORONA Dl!:L MAR -Lovely borne and 2 bedroom Income unit ... ... .. . .... ....... .. 1211. 00-0 • • • BALBOA BAY FRONT -Nice & bdrm. older bome--0nly 129,&00 • • • OCJC.AN FRONT-"P'txer·Upper'' 4 bdrma. PLUS 1arqa a pt. .Uklnl ····· .. ... ..... 119.000 • • • BALBOA ISLAND eo JIT. BAY rnONTAGJ!!. On Little laland, pier, n oat. torm&l • bdrm. home. The land value ia clOlle to the uking price. ATTRACTIVE -4 bednn .. 21:.: bathe, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take small down. Asking $4.2.500. GOOD FA~Y ~OME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 ~rm. 11 2 bathe. s~.500 About 200 ft. from N o. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. turn· ished home. Submit down. $26,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 31:.: bath house plus unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. 89th unite newly furniRhe<i. BAYSHOR.ES WATER FRONT-QUALITY STREET. Waterfront at its best Fine Pier • allp tor '° toot boat -pier and float. Lge. lawn & patio. 3 fine BRs 4 bdrm• .. ' baUie-lge. r\lmpue room. BeauUful kitchen 566.000 and 2 baths, maid's or guest rm. & bath. Outside · ahower rm .. f. a. heat. Gl&.88ed in lanai. A11k ing "C" THO" 'AS·, Rltr IV1 $73.500. Good t erms to qualified buyer. Ir ASSOCIA TF.s ucw ..-couf'ltrway _ u t -M:n -~~-11-77-6--E'Yes.-Editb Maroon HYatt 4--6412-2 Newport S..Ch John Macnab, Harboc ~9. "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS On North Broadway IN SANTA ANA In the protea· 1lon&l son-Very aubat.anllally bullt home wtilch can be leued and altered u you llk• It. IN THI: TUSTIN SCH001£ DIS· TR.ICT-Lovely home like the ptctUrM 1n H OUM Be&utJful. Hu , fU•l hOUM and awlmmlnl' pool. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multiple U.t1n1 Realtor• Bualn-Broker SlS& E. Cit. Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 21&2 HAPPY NEW YEAR Back Bay I BR., ~ acre, family home, v\ew lll.nt. condition-may leue with option to buy .... . 126.PllO ; EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one or these first class Balboa Is land prop€'rties; Unusually nice Monterey home. 4 bedrms.- dining room, forced air heat plus attractl\·e 2 bcdrm. apt. with fireplace. $38.000 t erms. Lillie Island spacious ho me -large hnn~ room. garden room & dining room all aciJotnin~ patio Three sunny BR3. upstairs. ample closet & storage space $35.000 terms. Owner anxious with large aunny patio. garage. ... to eell--cute 2 bedrm home Room to build Rpt ewer the $18,150 low down paymrnt . HI Marl.De A"· 8&1..._ 1lla.Dd f'lt. ft.arbor••• or H~ 2lll 'ft-. Bar. 1711-R °' Har . .IO*M BALBOA PENINSULA R oom M--Monez to Loan &i-Real &tate ------l BR., aexeeo, vi-or tlllla 112,500 a ea. Harbor Kida., beau ty Jt7,7llO VI-kit., 16260, f6600, 18()()() Up WM . W. STANLEY with private bath 6 entrance. REAL ESTATE LOANS Apartmmt bulldinr. Har. 24~. S750 DOWN New and UNd TRUCK AND P•u•nger TIRES I-Hour Rec•ppin9_.Service C.ompl.et.. Brne Service A.NO Froot End A.Uanment JWAD 111\VICS ~ 9Dd19t Pl.u Toan ,_ ,U.-Ukia1 HOWARD RYAN IOl • 809 w. lat St. Mlft'A •N• ma..-a '1 ........ lltlc MUC 'A'I"MtACTtv:E 1 and 2 bdrm. tum. UUUtj• paJd, l or 2 chUdrwn. Laundry room. B LU E T 0 P APT. MOTEL \03 Newport Blvd. Npt.. 8-eh, juat abo•e the .Arch-. T4llc .U.A-Apta. for Beat TWO Bl:DR.M. APT. turn.. l&f· Wtntcr rental. SH aflu I p. rh lll_.4Ul It . Newport Buch. Otlc NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn apt. Larr• C ARACE, dtepoaal. 800 itq. n. near B AY 4 BEACH l80 mo. Har. M 2•-J -300 l&lh St. t~l FURN. APT yearly. U\tl. JM'ld. ~..... .;Q1 L-Balbo& IU"4., Balboa. 49p:ll • * * l:NJOT UVING on the ac.ua l'ront. K.!tdlenettc apla. 6: rrna. willl private balh. Maid -rvic1. TV. Uot Weat 0cu.n J"ronL Ha..rbor toll . * • • LIDO ISLE ll ~ t Q rh I BACHELOR and ooe A two bdrm. MO Or V8 aU apt.e. She.rt term and yea rlJ. MO MOMft DOWN ALSO. Udo Homea and Bay Front J3Uc ROOM tor world"-m an. M and 17 per week. a-tvate entnlnce. 123 28th St , Newp0rt pptlc e NEW OFFICES e IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSlNF.SS USE. LocaUd in - Harbor lnveetment Co. Bldr . 30th le Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 t! BU81NE88 • HOME -2 bt'drm bome, plua 111 tronl ornce Pulun1t. Jdn l tor dO<'lor, rul .. n a tf'. lnaurancl' et<' on Nev.·· port Blvd n•r 19th St . Cn11t• Mua Har ~l~ 4 7tfc <:or. 19UI • Placl'nlla C M. FOR RENT two bd~m. nome - 1.iove It refrlg. rum.) 1.ncludu atore room A two o rtlcl' •pacH . SIOO month on Wiii nnl acpa· ralely l ortlce at $70 and I al U O month. Al.., amaJI llore SIW mu C&JI o.-.•nu U~rty 1..e223 mominsa or a.ttu :i pm. 9tk * with this ad * Homee uid a partment&. LIDO REALTY AMOciate. HARBOR ei,vo F'RONTAc r.: I CJIL , $48.88 l400 Via U do, ll&rbor 40• -r..·o 0 111,., •nt l,..ocatlfin8 a CJa .$58.88 119t.tc On• with Orf ''" .. n .. Y. Ith Auna•· llldr 0 f ~ laM° U d part&. OCEA N VIEW d rluu I bedroom I 10"' Mc t.hrnu. I !199 Hu l>or x.. lin•a. trrUl plna. ftln furn apt 220 MarfU"r1tr Call U a.;JJJ:l 4::.lfc .,.._ fl\UDC'I of main and rod ownn Hazbor 47 ~ ~ ::=~ L.ARGE dr luxe unf;;;:;-2 bdrm 2 ;).'>-Mooey Lo __ Lu&a _____ _ lnterut Rate 5-61/:t % Loana quickly made ln th• Harbor Area. Laguna and Co•ta MuL Sln(ll! or multlpa. unlll. N"'1 or old. Be Wiiie and NV, by re- financing your preaent lo&.n. Minimum expenM. 20 ye&r tltm If dulred. No chaue for pr•· llm1nuy appraiaal. KJ 3·t93S A.R'l'liUR A. MAY Mortsace Loan CorrMpaDdent ()cddent.&I UC a 1ullnDee Co. tal louUI MaiA lulta Au MONEY! r' Fed Action r' Low Rates Loans 2nd and 1st Wt S~rve ~II Oranr e <.:ounty Service ln Your Home We Buy Trust Deed• Top pr1ct'a pet.t C1Hh now: ,, Royal Mortgage Co. 2802 Ntwport Blvi1 , ~prt. Sch, Harbor 15-49 Ntar new 3 bdrm .. aewtr, curbe 1 .ACRU ........ ·····~ Priced Rlarhl. and rultera. Latt~ 4 ~"'· COllTA :ta:a.A. -M·l bldr , 2000 FHA loan. l llO per mo. lnclud -., tt., Ml.I ~ •-· l&ll• Ill lnauranee. Newport _ Meae Realty Claire Van HIKI Newport Blvd., eo.t.a w.-REALTOR Horn Uber\~ ~&¥-. LI a-TUT 1'111 W. Oout Rwy. Ll 1-U'TT FOUR BJ:DllM8 -2 bat.ha. Total price Sl 1.260. 8mall dOW1l pay- mm t.. 202t Kubor Blvd. <:oat.a Mee& 1.1 1-t781. t 7ctt rolt BA.LI: BY OWNJ:R..-4 bed· room home. l ~ batl:la. l&lld· eai~ • fenced. YB.A loan. P'reedom boma are&. Call Dberlt ~ monisnp or Balboa DUPl...EX. tum.lab.ct 114,860. Two 2·bd.rm. apt.a. AU oa one floor. w~ d.i.t.anca to downtown BalboL 8howtnr 1 ooct Income 8 ubmJt oa tanna after S p. m. 18t.tc $1&.000. COOD TERMS. 3 bfodrm LIDO R-3 i -30 f t. Iota on So. Bay J'ront tat.~ each. <.:&JI T. D. Roaera. Har. l~W. or RYa.n 1-4029. 18tte NEWPORT HGKTS. LOT older bome. pull&.lly tumU!hl'd, C·l aene. Heart. of Ba.Ibo& l car prar• lltr·-d tor apt. abo\'I Coast Properties 301 r;, 0&100. 'Blvd • BAiboa Harbor 76:18, 2097 end •eO<J 41c:~H ~ x 127' lot •'tU\ 11ngle (&r&g'e CORONA DEL MAR -----------U 800 Private owner U~rty KA VE $31)()0 TO INVEST In 1ma ll b11J>lnrH or lnrome In Ora ng,. County \\~n11t have you~ W 11·1'1207 momlnp l)Ot':l2 I · H 38 421 Rlverl!ld• Ave. Oc82 Acreage or Lots .M>-Mone~· Wan~ " -------~SIOE:'l.llA I.., commt'rC'l•I or ln· $3001) ... IJlST T D I c111Att1al ar rui;::e or lole Al.SO WA;\°TED at 0'. In h n&nr • a 1 IAllthl'A II.nil l(r<l\'f'll UNUSUA L. HOME wtth ICHa nf poulbllitlH 2 bdrm . I~ b41t h• Can build 1U'Mll1onal unit us.~1 l BORM • DE~. \'lf'w of Corutl& 121'1 Mar A Q('ean Y.nrlf1Al'd p.llo. 0011111 .. garagt $11!.Mlh h<lrrn hom" tn l'noa.a Mc-.11• 0 OA:-1 A JAC.'Ol:JS£:" R....ator \'n old Al\tt1r11v,. IAr(tf R·i Hu :.flffl or W 8·6317 49d ll ~,.~~ ~~~~L :R~~l~r \.·!~~;: I SANFORD HADFIELD REALTORS Marine and Parle:. Balboa Island Harbor 2162 SELECTED LISTINGS! BALBOA COVES:-Waterfronl, pier & slip. Own{•r haa moved to the V&l\ey and can't u.e hi• boa\. ao It goeti with thhl fine 3 beodroom 2 bath hom<' LIDO ISLE -A choice Wlde lot at S ~2.000 ' BA YSHORES .-Extra ~ Extra ' Very fine large 4 bdrm. home.-own"r will trAne for 1maller one-story home. CX>RONA HlGHLANDg -Rar~n.m 111 R-2 lot. OO&PA MSSA w-Otft of ttre n~1n11ry· lnplrx. 1111 rented -Rea.I good trm1s . SOUTH LA\.lJNA -In ThN'<' A n h Ray -on1· of the finest ocean front homes in ~out h< m l'sthlt1rn11t Out-of-thi1'-world \'l<'W '. Ownrr in MPx1rn 1tnd w•• have lhr ke~t. Kl LLION real estate -33"1 Newport Blvd. tl:irb"' !i!"1ll!'1 COSTA MESA The Best Town On Earth 2 Br older hnmc. rl•1~-1n. f1rrpl.1•" In r-;<' kit rhr n ll('r\'H'e porrh, nrw rxl r11 h1r.,:•• il11ublt 1:111 .1i.:•· 1.n ri.:r rnmf'r Int I rnom In h111ld 1 $!1:!:"111 T• rml' :l Rr home. l1_ balh!' tlwtl l hw•l""1. ftrtJ'l.111 W \\ rArJ'd, double g&r . ~OCH! 1-.. '11< .. 1•lr l•lt:-tltt•n . l'.?7~1 :l Rr home. <lblc-. ~ara~e. ~wN in /J.· , ... ,.i. l-~120H1•I"' LDAh.S ror Homes l ·~ -30 fT, LoMa peo )IOHJ:Y DOWN). ti.th apt Ston A ntr1 & rur· Jt.DUJLT ENGINES n11hed i l>V ·~ Marl" m l., Ca ll -Ult te 11 K ONTHa 'IO PAT-ownu Hu 41 _ 1 .. , •I Int !>olll for 1~111 ~!!Ch l.Aet •int FISHF;R A:Stl co rE:SISSl'LsA 4 unit •rt ... pr I ii """ CAil H ar H 2P :\ y~ ol<1. •, bl~k tn bay 4k~I $31 :'IO() f:.•.\· tt"rrn11 A IM NE\\· ~10.000 v.•1t)i $2000 """'" 'l Rr .......... ~ factory by a1cw tid LIDO R~ 'S PTS -, 1 .,.. Don't cont.nd w1t.ll A IV1 A . . Construction Loans o. _...... ...... au1 direct. aDUILT and INST AL.LED •ORT BLOCK roaD ·-l 12t.60 ~ 11••.60 PL1'll. 6 DODGE ···----Sl&:l CllRTI. 6 DI: SOTO ---1170 8TUDllB·'1[.Dl ········--1170 OU>I 6 PONTl.A.0 t -···-J l 70 •UJCK ----··-----J176 B\11)9().N ---·--··-··-··· '1 TO LMa Car P'ree Towlq 111!.I!. BUB tSA 11 l.£K 2~16 EAST COAST BLVU. & Merine VERY~· W•ll In wall <'UJH'tln1t A-!!rapu. U>rooa O«I Mar ttartl01 HM 0 . E. R .. rn,.. dl'IUU H !l\'tll. lttp l 'UIRlk;V. MUKTIJAUI: ~u El<'h Apt. hlll• PM''"'" ll:"'"lt" Metro L.Ue IM. •"Und1 Kl -'·~lllJ Tena.nu hll\'t ttri•t NII to r •hpt1 41llo One h•lf blk tn buflllnu • ctnt«r 3t08-12·16 A 20 Vta Opnr to Ortic• H 11r 1011'2 aner 6 p. m. U 9·2171 ·~~H W A l\1.i i U d l II.LI IMt·h 11V . BU Y. fttUU l..K/I. tZ.Jo., UR Rt:•-INANl..:E We ~U)' l'n.al l>et<ia S ltY.Pu ftl 8Al.C1iA :SA V l.'11~:- DELUXE &pl for 8 mot nr )'rly • t.AJAN A lSMK ,_.. Th 1N -----------t'ORT HEl<fHTS ~ IY!rm. home 61-IWal utat4! Exchange 3 yr11 nit! WW <'8fJ"4'llng fire- pl11r.. rttll. J!Ar ph111 $1 ~.:.00 y..,,.y l•rnlll Ownrr, 4o0 Rtvl'r· Today's Trade "'~' Or IJ 8·3336. 41 C~ I BY OWNER ~'1xl2~ ft lot a<'t OH 8 UNITS PENINSULA trom "'"''l e lll11 propt'rty in G rua9 , ... a rly 1n1•11n1r Ji'\IOO 1'111 h 1 ·c111t11 Ml'"" (;no'1 fnr ll~C J""<m•n•nt )'!'er 111 oun<I lrn11 n111 1 home •l '36<>0. Liberty 8·6103 No io11mmtr rf'nllll>' All unit~ 46c61h •J'llrlN 111. 11t11 rly 10 000 rr .. t i I• •I• 1 ... , n "'"' $::2 111111 11l 1:10.t ~ tnthh . • .-\, ul l l •• ,. , •1u1 .~ of $Jfl. ,IHI I I . MSW CA.I\ OUAJ\.AN'TEE 8lock mu.1t 111 .. l our 11.&11dard1 Pim tu•, p.aket.e and oil Op.a aunCS.7 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. lf111•e. Nlrfly furn Sm11.ll bed HM Via Lido Ph Ha.r n oo room II b•th do•'n 111111111 L&r'(e u .. C Lt:AR i,n: .• : 1 1 l J11111111 <m llvmc room . Oouhl~ bfotl room s:.tAl .I. 1• 1. 1·1 •· ,, 1 .\s;1 l.f; o n T RALIF: 'l lnlA 11t nana 1• .. 1nt. R '/. z:nn,., nn" \ 1rw. nne IMrl (',~'1 or 1~1 ma Pr1va lt pnr I,. H><r 2Nllll •• I 4llp:i0 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS OpeD Oauy •lo l State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA SARVER I \JH BRAKES UM OflA.~OE W UNTY 1T YRS> JklDd.c! Bralt-4 wh"I' f 11 IMJ aa.1.a11&Uoa --·-··-... · .. -·-··· ·" SU.ill Tall .•I TO PAT NO MORE ...... SlUI SARVER MOTORS ~ la\VJCI: m. laT AT (JR.AND SANTA A.NA Alt• TM ~ It'I Toe L&t. ..,. ...... NO COMMISSION No Apprtt1sal l''ee t tc. over doubt, s u a g,. With fine VlrW or Bil)' [)o('k pl l\'ltt: •• extra To qu1el a1h1lt.o w ttn out Pf!t.ll 112!> I~ South Bay Front Balooa b la nd Hat S Al..1.::. 11 1.r l:'llAN<.:Jt - 17 14 •:ip~I Cu. ~1Rl'\. Tlu N Call tvr ~·rel' YE.,Rl..Y Rent•I t bdrm tum Fut Comm1tmrnta apt l:i-0 mo. W'&ltr llJ nor on Rt•1\Jt n<'ta 1n.1 Unit• uni)' bUIO 6 bWllllNll \11alt I\ t \..'a ll Ha~:~L-~~7~-R~ AfYfS~k~I Don I. Huddlesfon Sln11e11 It dbl• &JO mo anll up lOt E Hey Avt Halt.1oa llarll<lr 11344 llth• 113 I::. lilh ~l \:US r A M 1-.:."A U:-O•TK:-: 2 ~rm apt ,·h·•t to l.J a.~:H I LI l·S:,82 llOl'?tl 6 lr11.1t8J"(lrta 1111n &112 11 N1r• tl'~llA t'vtonll 1lr l 1'ta1 SCI(\ nio th r ,...,. l\111\fl :111, -\\'hrthcr you i re tn bu11nua for )'0\J"'flf or worl< for 90meonr el.ff you <''1\ u11« the C'IMslfled ada to :rour advant8'• to •t'U your Mr .._, pn>duoe or mercb.aAdlM . ' CASH ... lo OR •." ... 1· t •t:f:IJ~ \\ M. 8. HUl~T MORl'UAUE BANKINO 81:\CE 11130 l&Oi N Bt.:SH S A:-.'TA Al'JA KlMlUtlU. T J· 71 U OR \,,. , "THIS IS ~:OT! !" Gordon L. A ndrew, Rltr. o:-:i:: 1~0 rt ,,. two 60 ft. all 11olj• '"'"" An• 11 8 '1)' 1Ht't1 Cnuld h,. 1 u1 lut~ g .. 11 1111 11r aepa· ... 1.. ('~11h or lt>rrn!\ Owner "Ah l• •II lion H HI :1:1a 1 39t.fc LI ""·"'"' • ,,,. ..... ·~~I J I $9 AIV\ 47,49 ,-,vu ----CAPITOL GA IN 0 \\ :"F'.R 'TP.A:\St~ERREU, f~n~ CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL? llO W AUO l'T A TRAl1J-:, fur m &n· •ict• ••Po·••t l"<I rlta1 '"' .. 111 .. prop· I t rty wut cn•I uf IJl,. ~ n.:t'lrl Va luw •' SM .voo "-n 11 t"''n I S IU,000 • )'t" r lnco1111• & lo" 1 •"pt'n~,. Am , .. 1tr1ng & 110 In• ta,.stril In U11y F rn11t pN1perty Wt:I tu<ll' up or ,1nwn Ownfr, Wt:l>tlter, '39&1 or wn t• 2907 8011lh Cochnan Ave LM An · (110 16. BRU~ERS IN\"ITE:fJ r1v1m" "ell lam lll• aped. • ,.,.. • 1\1 l"'llnJ(. d1 a~1 h•JO, 1 10\Ht dn h•w 1110 p11y111r nt11 JIH}O F,.d,.n•I, t"<.,.la M..,.,. LI 8-2781 ~><·63 You art mo"t ltkely to flnil a buy .. r throuith the nt"A'l!'p&per wh1.-h p~<11ile I tld flJf' rla,..1t1•d 11clvn'll11nc - Th .. N .. wa-rr- Hartx>r 11118 RAY REALTY CO. l•U E 1.:nut H") t.: II M Harhor 221111 1Acrou Crom B11nk in Cl"lM 1 Attention Investors! PR1CI!: REDUClW For qut<'k ll<'tlon nn thl8 buAlnr~• proPf'rty. ~ moiJern bull1Jlng11 nn 63' x 137' l'>t th" t l!hn11ltl lr>t~f' or r~nt for a WlllJ (If at leut 12~ P"r monOI. rll'nty n ( room for 11icp1U181on. Adequat11 p&rk· lnir. Locllrd In tht' fu tut 1rowtnf part nf Coi&ta M .. 11&. r ight In I he h••rt of ,. ll1r1tr. new 11hopplns center When th11 11 r one ..• that'• 1t! Approx It 1.000 cll!lh dnwn r..qulf'f"c1 Call owner l.JbPrty 8-t223 morning• or &Iler I p. m tJc Low Down Lots JN t'uala Mn a. 2 Iola. 80 1 136 each. E. 20th St. 17000 full pnu $I 000 down THREE IOl• 03 ll 13~ ~arh E 18t h St. SJ 11,600 full prlre. ~6' o dn (Ir lea,. lJAN A J A Coa8EN. RM.ltor Harbor IWl91 or Liberty 8·8317 ·~I BY OWNER U:8B THAN ONI: YR. OLD - J bedrm.. 2 bath Mme. hwd. noora, 2 r ar sarac• 11 2.500 t2' KllOW'ell PL, Ooet.a Mua.. u 1-4.111 '1cM homr & twn 11rpar r rcnt 11l11. rornrr Joe llt1n11 ''" M<''-11 Onvr. T nJly a ""ry "'"" pl;ir1• ~2A iaO with $A1!">0 c1nwn. 1 ;uru~x 2 Br. Nt<'h sin<' GoM d ottr-1n ln<'At 1nn near markets &z tranio;portAt1r•n $1 1,000 with s-3000 ctnwn G. N. WELLS, Realtor H!l 0 Newport Blvd .. Coata Mru. L I R-IAlll BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can build for you a twn-be<lroom nr J becJrm home for $4.60 Square Foot . 937 1155 100°/. Square Square Fina"cing Foot Hom-$4295 Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 gan.gett . S29~ We are building on Walla ce, Bay, and Avocado St.a. St&rt1ng shortly on 18th It 20th Sta. Call or Phone for lnfonnaUon . . . OPEN SUNDAYS It WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of G·arden Grove, Inc. llOU W•tmin•t« Blvd .. Gardm Gron LE l>-0633 I\ . • o• o • • •• 0 • •• • .o ~·o 6%-Real Esta1e ' VOGEL VALUES SEEING IS BELIEVING AT BALBOA ISLAND TWO l NITS -2 BR. home plus 2 BR. a rt. over large ~arage. Near South Bay with brick patio and nkely furnished. Listed $35.000. Move right in $10.000 dn. IT'S A, REAtJTY -Nr;irly nPw thick t1hake rM f, ranch Atyle home with 18 x !5 ft. living room. large open h<'a m ceiling. and panl'lled walls. Complete electric kitchen with thermador oven. dishwasher, brick tiled sink. a nd cork floor. GIMt siz~ fireplace. and furnace hea·t .· Two brorooms, one is king size with wardrobes and draw<'Mi. Pull bathroom, garage, & lnund ry rnom. Fine drapes, curtains, wall to wall carpet . Priced $28,500 and well worth the money. Call now for appointme nt. Harbor 444 THE VOGEL CO. 20R Marine A venue. Balboa lsh~nd Next door to the Post Office Har. 444 Eves H11r. 1229·R Har. 4248·R 6-~~K_eaJ_~~-·ta_t_e~~~~~~-~-aJ~~-~-t_e~~~~~~~~~~~~&~· ~~~~~~~~a~·~~~~~~~~~~~~-N~~RTHARBORNEW~PR~S-PARTl·P~E.7 WEONESDA Y, DECEMBER 28, 1955 " BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. OWNER · REALTORS -William P. Yeager, Anne Yeager J. Leonard Smith, Gloden M. Fay and Randall F. GeddM. and Associates Extend Best Wishes for the New Year NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M. Fay, Mg r. Katherine Olson Marjorie Chase E. B. Chase · Ruth Telfer, Sec. 1450 W. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 LIDO R. C. Greer, Mgr. Worthington Lee Dick Norton Helen Baum . Ann Hutchinson, Sec. 3112 LAFAYETTE HARBOR 3643 CORONA DEL MAR Tbomu Campbell, Mgr. Dort. Walker Charlee Hamilton 3530 E. COAST HlGHW A Y HARBOR 5249 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Rea/for MILDRED STANLEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES v v Best Buys Corona def Mar COSTA R. F. Geddes, Mgr ~obert Goossen MESA OFFICES Arthur Tietz, Mgr. Gillette &iley Bobble DeFir Join in Extending HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS and 1. SHORECLIFFS, Ocean '·iew homes, several r xrlu· aive listings with u11. 2. DUPLEX -One bcdrm. each. cor. Jot ...... $17.500 3. DUPLEX~2 bdrms. ea. cor. Jot. Exclusive $22,500 f . CORONA HIGHLANDS -Just listed ocean view, immaculate 2 bdrm. & den, 2 baths. Only S2 .000 ~. OCEAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -45' lot. A steal at $38,500. Only few fe(!t to ocean front & Ch.ma Cove. SEE US FIRST for better buys an humrs & build- ing sates in Corona del Mar. M EM BER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS .• CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T . McCUlSTION, Realtor 3-447 E. Coa.At Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. f7 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank ) REALTORS F rom Balboa. Balboa Island. Corona del Mar, Coat& Meaa and Newport Beach en our heartiest thanks to you for the p rivLlege of ee r.•ing you in 1955. Our sum ln 1956 ls to continue to mrrit ynur confidence: Mary Bell, Sec. 1875 HARBOR BLVD LIBERTY 8-7714 p. a . palmer -Lido Bayfront developers Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 b11th upstairs with <IC'c kq. 2 bcdrm. l .,.bath UUWOStairs With rn(')osrd patio. Both npts. have forCl'd air funial't'. f1rrplace. car· petmg. drap<'s, refrigerator . st o\'r. t:nbclievably prict·d ut only $57.000. $12,000 down. 2 bedrm. houi-e plu~ skepang rooin and 11 bath attached to ga ragl'. N~·wly decoratl'd & only 22,500 NC'w 3 bdrm. 2 bath homC' with full fumnce, mas· slvr fire place, wallNI and planted. $26,500 Nrw 3 br<lrm. :? bath home with all rxtras on Via On·1etn. Thi~ 1s a fine house an an citrellent lm·nt111n. S32,500 •to x 110 BA \T l EW lot 11<·rn~11 from community b C'..tl It on Lido S o ul.I. ~ l l.000 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8·1161 incorporated of Lido Isle Happy Holidaya will be yours forever ln tbl.s cute 3 BR. 2 bath home located on Kings Rd. Harbor View, • 2 patlo1. Room for & pool -$24,500. HAPPY NEW YEAR -Bill Farn.swort h New Home, New Year all the same time. You and your f&mily can start the New Year tn your new home on Lido. It will be completed just in time for you to celebrate -3 BR. 2 batha, tlreptaoe. alldlns doors to the Patio -$32,500 HAPPY NEW YEAR -Dave Osburn Year Y eB, a one year old home on beauutul Lido Ille .. Gaily decorated th.ruout-3 l&rge bdnns., 3 beautiful bathroom.I, and Qn~-or -the am&l"te9t _powder roonu yo!.1 will ever ..se<-. family room. extras galore. HAPPY NEW YEAR -Joe Kincaid BEST WISHES for a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR --PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large furtily view home. 6 bC'drooml'I. :s• ~ baths and a slip out front for yot1r boat. This ~11und. oldl•r home in a prime Lido location will offer a wonderful way or life for ~very member of that large family ot youn -you too, Dad. Full price f 74.500. Submit your terms. By the way , the owner wall trade for good income or busine.u property in L. A or Orange County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R·3. Stra~ corner lot 40 x 11~. Price S20.000. Your Jut chance to de\'elop your own income on excluaive Lido Isl<'. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM p. a. palmer, incorporated Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 01e han~~ ~~·1~d~.a~~~bo:n~~gcmen t •Ot N . Newport Bid. Newpo rt B"ach I _____ _ p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-!>573 With 21 J, batha. Huge car}l<'ted mast <'r bedroom with pnvale eun deck. This strt'rt to htrt'<'t Lido home has many luxury fE•atures such as buill-in 1t-0ve and o\'Cn, disbwash r -loads o f closets - uaed brick firt'place and an extra large laundry and storage room. Price S31.750 with easy t.erma. ~~~~~~~~-1 LOOK AHE AD NON-VETS OR VETS $295 impounds mo,·es you in nf'w 3 bednn. 11• bat h, Back Bay area home before New Yf'a~ Taxes paid to D<-c. 1956 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Bl\'d. Costa ~fei;a LI 8-1632 F.''NI LI 8-1400 CORONA DEL MAR Charming ru11tic 2 bdrm. homf' Elf't amonR t a11 r111f' lnee. 15 x 24 ft. linng rm. wal h lg<' b:iy wmdow, flreplAce. book shefree. Tile an kat. & b;,th. Front pcb., cedar roof. N ice rdwd. r. nn'd ~ .1 rJ. :! rnr garage & laun1lry. T hf' homC's on <>111 h i-1 .. :ir" wt bar k BO then• ill 111111 of r110m . Onl.\' ,, ' -11 ~to. pymta Si5. The Vogel Co. lee7 E . Ult. Hwy .. C"0rona dl'I ~tu II 1177 'DON'T make a MOVE" c :-;TlL YOl' SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION.WIDE MO\"ING Pb. KI 3-9221 F.'·t l~l 8·2P61 Con>er NewportJ3l\'d, and So. MaJo SL TO TH I'.: NJ::\\ Y r.:A R ... E ,• ~ lhl' f't 1 I~ o( • """'); ~ r 0 " 11 tiomt' A!'I'\ Tl I !'WI'.: th,. :: t• 1rrr• t: •'t1"~ '''1 thl' f1t'"n1n~ .i' P. nt tr 1't S1:i":'it1 ti• J I:~'"" to ll l11ni ~h"I o1111o1 l:•"><J l•·t 111 1 I w r n 1· 1.11<F: Tift·: Al'I \ • 1 .. ~ .. ... , .,,. lil I ... ' Ill I . ' I I "' I rl •••· 1 .. th,. lill\ ,,,. h,.,,. thr1 fr••m $ l i .:>1111 t•• • 1: " ~l fl \Ill l 'Hf-.1 1.;·. I hllf111' "'lllt I 1nrn111P Inn .,..., h"'" th<•~· <1 0111 f18,750 lo $32,Mlu. 1 IP Y<I!' llA\'r: t'Hf"Pl"-111 '1• lhl' 1~ .-•,. '" h h•'l ~ "'\.' .11rn1 "" '·'",. ,, \\•H'•'!'•4 '' •lrA \ \ ,rt "' 1;·.,,ii J '' h JH i1tl• I ,3rJ-, l'"'r 11i;ht!' • rt1I ton • 4 I ye 1111 01·/ IT \\ 11.1. 1u: " r 1.t \."I l~F <• r t"'-·"1.-:t '•~u 1n .... l• '1 .. • h ur . . . if\ I'•,, HAPPY ~EW \'EAR ~ Balboa Realty Co. 'I I (' ft I ~ ,, I•~ \ f J .I. lt11 .. , 1,t1tl1 ) J-:1 1.ff' A 1 l ""' , • r '""rh1ri(' "" 1 ,, 'itMl F f',.lhn 1 I l\tl ll1dhol\ I I 'I•~ 11 .."!--.. ' $4<15 DOWN NEWFORT HTS . I :i b<lrrn • t1 ~'.~~~' ., • • r tt u ... ' I. • ,. ' .. rn, r·" I ''" . ~ . ' I •I I Newport -Mesa Realty 17l'>I :O..t"I' rt }jf\'\f , Co1.ll ~l,.sa LJb,.rty 1'·!\~"1'\ ... E v~s. U fo. 7~37 \ f'"OR SALE OR RENT I;-.; EWL. T ~ecorated mod~rn on• ~nn. home. Gara&• • lftorarc r<'• m :'\tee locntton. :IS• La Ptrle. i:'\•"i><>'t Ht&. dlatnct C , IC. Ubert.J .. 1171. U t!o HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! Orw or nur 1'11<>nl11 JU.!ll bou~ht a home. then h&d " ( hnn~C' nf 1•la ns -l n1l't U!I(' it -must sell 1l. 2 RR's. la r>!t· Jin. rm , rule kit., huge li\r. rm. w;th f1rt'plar1•. 111\·:'ly pnt 111. House carpvte<l wall to wall. A n·a ~onablr down pmnt and assume (of all tbL'1gs) n C I. lo:in w1 ll J?• t you in. Best location - Only ., 15.~:;n, better hurry. R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor R. B. HODCE, Assoclllte 3622 }'j, t '0:\1rt Hwy , Coronn dcl Mar Hllr. 27i4 A pro!!lperous And HAPPY NEW YEAR t o all DORIS BRAY, Realtor • r10c;1·: ~fl("J\ J IM Bl.OIJt:F.TI CLARF,NCT, LAKE ~1 6 ~l.1: 111<', Balboa bland Har. 20 or 64 CORONA HIGHLANDS T~ee bcJ rms. and rim on streC't to stre<'t lot . Outstantilng \'JC'W 11f thr rnlire Harbor Area. Built in \\ c .:;t eru Holly rang<' l\nd O\'en, garbage di11· pni;,.I, lot-11 of t.Jlr. Ex,ellrnt terms and pncrd to 11ell. ,:ll.f')l)O 428 De Sola BACK BAY AREA Thrtt b<lnns , bath & '1, ranch style home. C:itrbage du;poeal, lots of l.llc. Located on a m co new quiet atreeL Price i23, 700. 3M Mira Loma. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR 5032 .. Houston Values Full Price $7500 ~'EAT 2 BDRM . 2 1., yn. old. cement blk fcn<'P, on et"V.'f'r Only $2600 dn. Chl-ner anxloia. C-2 Newport Blvd. 0000 2 BOIUt , on 66x300 Jot Ext<I prop. Only f1 2.600, cood I lf'nna. For these and many othl'r exd u11ive li11tings on Lido Isle call LID 0 REALTY ASSOClATF..S W. KEMPTON GENE VREELAND 3 100 \'1a Lido J. H . GROHMAN \'IRGJNTA MAN~ON Hnrbrtr 4444 CAcrosa from Richnnl's Ma rkf't 1-:ntr1rnr~I ~--~~~~~-~~ Only Sl 500 Down 1 VOGEL VALUES -COST A 2 IJLJH~l.. Hr cpl. on 60.it.l O~ IOL I EZ ltrm• on b11t~nC'e. only II yean old. MESA • • • Excellent C-2 Development Opportunity 1.4 arr<>s nnP blO<'k off Nr w1....,rt Blvd. Ir~!\ than ~2 70xl27 ();o\LY J75UO I-T U. PRICE I !hf' prof'<'rtJ developro Wllh monthly IIlCOme or Choice M-1 3 br. -100x300 lot I $2 1:-i. A 3~0' it 194: parcel of la nil cloRe to Coal& 110.500 -GOOIJ n :IOfS I Ml'Sll Cat y (enter, npe fnr d1 •vc•lop1ng-. s~ooo down. l -$4000 <l()wn -Cornna del Mrtr-Permanent ovcan view. Houston Realty Co. Fl'w 11t,,r s to beach rA. 4 bdrm,.. ~ thl1! 6 ASSOClA TES Full pric<' $24,500 609 Cl'n!l'r S • C'o!llll Ml'M IJ 8-111111 & U ~.77114 I. YTI .~: F:' r l'h I.I 1' 2!H.2 l'F:TITIE -E •e. J'h. W 8·6487 oEYMOL"R -r;,.,., Ph. Ha. 62118W Bay Shores 2!172 Ctrcl• Dr1v• O pen Dally -l ·• 30 !"OW PRICED TO SELL 3 bltrrn., J' bath. trpl., II' >... l),.1', a.II ell··. kl'• hf n l'p11rlo11a p11 uo -bulll ln BBQ. overslu ~nr ;1i,;c. i eneroua s torage RALPH P. MASKEY R.EA LTt tit 341 l N~Wf"•rt 1!1\' I , l"'pt. Bdl. Harb"r 411'.l TWO.BORK. BOU8&, hardwood noon. rtd9COftl«i truatd• and out., 110. 7!!0. 159 rlowf'r !t.. c,,,ta M~•L Phone Ltbert7 t · 7807 Nttc $8000 nu~·s mre 2 b<lnn. home two blrx•k.i fr<>m 11hopping distric L Room to bui ld for lnrome. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd Phone Llbf>rty 8·!>597 ' Collta Meaa Evcningoa Liberty 8-74~7 OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVE 2 homes. bea utifully furnished on large ocean front loL OnJy 2 yrs. old with an uneiccelled view from Newport to Huntington Beach piE'r . Cannot be du· plicatcd for bom• and guest house or home and incomr. Full pn~ $28,70-0. Tenn.a can be arranged. NEWPORT-MESA REALTY l i99 Newport Blvd., Cof!ta M~& Liberty 8-MOS Eves. LI 8-7237 • JQ.• • • . ·• -· ... . .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1955 ·WITH SALLIE •A, pl Who whlspo,. •own a well : Abo• Ibo 1oocl oho bu '° ~ "!IL :t Woe't reap lb~ 1oldea. • • ' j • • • i l ~·-Ub P.,. who eU.mb. a tree T"'bollon." ' ' '/jar k~ • " • ' ~, # •• ·y I 4 . ~ Hail in the New With Health (ja,.J.,,. /,.e6/. Produc1 DEGLET NOOR DATES, While they la1t! 2!-lb.'pk9. 59c LARGE SIU FUERTE AVOCADOS -·--·-···--·-····· each 19c DIAMOND WALNUTS -CALIFORNIA'S FINEST lb. 49c Bir~e'I" meal 6u'J'J"6li01u CIDCKEN BREAST 2 · S per pk,c. lb. 99e CHICKEN" TIUGHS 6-1 per pkir;. lb. ""/9o Ff'Mb Fro&N ORE&.'1' Pt:AS 10 01:. 2 Me Beady to t"r)' FRE.~Cll f.~RIF .. '!i 9 oa. 2 29o F"9&b Ff'O'lff ORA..'tGE .IL"IC E 6 oa. 2:29c ~i11uf. will. a /real nll"L'DAT W-.haat f'Dd,ce l.o&f Cake ·-·····-·-.ch t'l'o nIDAT Ry. Brad. Pl&ln or~ loaf ~·-········-ZSG Cream hff• .nth nal whipped ,.,_. ea. I le 8ATUWAT . o.aa.b Apple Coffee Ca.ke -·-··-·-' for l5c B·n·za Na Layer Oake .. each 81'0 You •fl love our ;J),£.cale66en SEi:ANDIA IMPORTED CANNED HAM -----2·1b. tin 2.49 PLUMROSE COCXTAIL SAUSAGES 8 01. 7lc LUER'S KOSHER sme SAl.AMI ..• lh. 59c KRAFT'S SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE .... _ .. B 01. Jlc FOUR PEARLS SMOKED OYSTERS J 2/l oL 39c LUER'S ALL MEAT FRANKFURTERS ·---~ .. lh. 45c YOUNG'S COCICTAIC JAMBOREE -· _ 31;, 01. 4lc PHIUPPi & CANAUD 5klNUS5 FRENCH SARDINES 61/4 oL tin 69c 0,.. 111111" • , ....... , _________ ,llPllC:UIJI FQB DECDCB!tR IV, IO uol 11, 1J5a t -·- • • . \) Giving Resolutions From RICHARD'S ' From eoup to auta. m&)' the 1095 innl11 :rou iwn·e In '56 be df'liclou~ autridout and lnt.eratJ.ag .•• A •t.r&dy dirt or top quallt)' rnrats., tw.&k perreetloa fruit. and ,·.,getabl.N •.. all old rrtt-ndio, nr\·f'r ·fallint; and true. who 1rt acqua.l.otlld euy "ith thf'-exciUnK uul the nf'"'" ••. \\'hf'n time IA 11ho rt, cunt many, lmq:i.naUon Jo"'· ••. May rrad;r..cookf'd, f"""h· bak~ or froz.ea &Ml11tant11, lend beJpln.v; hands for your ithow ••• llallPY New Year, from aU of w. at Wchard'a. Sto cL up for n .. w Year~ Gve CIRCUS SALTED COCKTAIL PEANUTS ___ 8 01. Hn l5c LAURA SCUDDER SALTED MIXED NUTS ··---··-····· 7 01. tin SS. S & W MARASCHINO COCKTAIL CHERRIES 4 01. 9lou 17c. SPENCER ·s TINY WHITE COCKTAIL ONIONS 31;, ••. 9lou 21. SPENCER 'S STUFFED GREEN COCKTAIL OLIVES 2 01. 9lou llc \\'..io.'• Parnw: ... ~ ...... _. 8-0L pq. %'70 SuMhlne AM't Coclitail Cnden . 10~-os. t7o Kraft''!. Chff& \\1hla Spno.ad ............... t lb. jar t9o Kraft'• .Jar ChH.,.._Vour Choice ~ Jan %lo Upton'• Bft'f or Oaioa. Soup Mla: -·-· plii~. Z 'l9o U~• TN --+,i -lb. pkc. 39c: .ul ct. 8Sc Zr. Embo118N Paper Napldas ........... AO ct. t ;ltc LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE _ _ _ _ 46 01. 2lo CAL ACRES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. 46 01. 21 c MARTINELLI APPLE CIDER 1/1 90/lon 59c DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE FOR PUNCH 46 01. 25c HAWAIIAN PUNCH -WITH REAL FRUITS quort 98c DELAWARE PUNCH-ALWAYS A FAVORITE . q uort 79c N"" Year'• Eve WI fl :OO p. m. \ • Marine Couple Honeymoon Here I dtpartmenl. U1• p~ will b<t held ln Lbe ~·· ~ U tl f' ThHlf'r . Mol'deya tit Jan lt, 23 P'tb l S. March &, U . April t . Outatandlnl' •\•tnta aebeduMd hi· chadt th• $haplro-QotUieb·•tiro. •1l& Sln~ ~· o9rotlly ~r, mu.&o . ~o""~ ~Ila a.tunrer. planlllt. A ll~· Ehl•ra. herpekh-0· TV Show Transports lat. Ch11p1ura M&drtr•I em..- and ll'CIUNl'a on -pa.cH~ Ad ... - ture•" by D.-1~ht Lons. photo..,... Paren~s as Surpn•se phtr a nd lMI Vf'lf'r and "Wlla,. the Ntwe C'omn From" by Leonarct' .. • Slatn . Wut ao..t M&J\a••r ;" • .Marine Sgt. Kurt E . Hansler and his bride ha\le .been 1'?'1-11V>·f.!4lk°'. · ~ .,. • , honeymooning in Corona del Mar after a. wedding in El I A 1~c1al low eeU<lll llck•t prlC"• Toro Marine base chapel wit h a -surprise twist pro\'ided by I• offtrf'd and t icket• ra n be the "Truth or Consequence's" TV show. aecu1-ed ~"'ufh th• dtpartment of drvtlopmf'nt. Hansltr and h1io b1 1Je • clr,·t, I tl1>n "'"' h•nic ,,.. ,1h the p;i Toro former Mn1me Si.-:t. Jn~'l'(' Boot h · SllHion Op•·r11 t1nn• Rn•I F.ni;lneor· -------------- by, who ha~ h"<'ll hvini: 111 l 'hul11 1n1t R1111111h "" Hr "iu lleJlt to Vista l'llnce """ relclll!P front r<er· this ""t1nt1T 111 11'~•2 b1· a Swiss v1C'e ;\'11v, 11. 11rreartd on the T\' 1 "llj?lll""rtnji!. r"mr iiny 1~ wui k In pro~ra m lo I <'•'l'l\'e br~I wlahu th I'll \V11sh111i: ton fll<'lOl'I'. DrACt- from emcee J11r k Hu11 .. y, but l hr ,.,1 111 t9:'1:l, he tnllste<l I.rt t he !!Urpri~,. C'ame whf'n t he\' '.~·elvP•l 1 ~hn inr Cor 11 H• learn,.d En~­ ftllcll11t1on11 fron1 Ha 111<lc1 • l'I\'.' hllh a flrr 11~rlv1ns: in this coun- tnlll. Mr. and Mr" J 111·ub Hlln~lf'r I 11 '· ll l"o llPf"k• Gf'rma n F'rtnch ot Zurich. Sw1!7.r1 l11nrl. flu.-n 111;,1 lt•llan. hert to r th<' ocr<1~1t·n I t'RO~I ~1."SE OS t'UOlfT 'ACKf:T lmmedlall'I\' aflriwarrl thf'I' M IM Boothby ~rRJ11ntc-d from True Value in VACATION L\'. New York May 7. 1956 on Holland-American Line SURPRISE GUESTS at the wedding of Sgt. Kurt E. Hansler, USMC and for'!ller Marine Sgt. J oyce Boothby were parents of both, brought here from Switzerland and Maine by "Truth and Consequences" TV program. Posed before 1m improvised altar on the TV stage are 11 to r ) Mr.~and ]4rs. Ralph E. Boothby, Mias Boothby, Sgt. Hansler, Mrs. Jacob Hansler, emcee Jack Bailey and Mr. Hansler. -.USMC Photo wtrt irreNeol bv M1~11 Boothh1 • • b<w•l 1·;1mp Ol Po1 1111 Island. S.C .. paren\11, Mr and J.t1' R>\lph 1 "ltf'mled th<' ="ai·y Journalf11tlc Boolhbv of Ohl th 1'11111.t l "·ttl'll. Sd1ool at (;1 eat 1.akea. lll. She I Mt. N~nt ot the p11rtnt ~ 11.1<1 ll"•'n ~ervtd a s report .. , 1·lrr ula tlon expected fur the wed11tni: Afll't rnan11~er 11nd r1•lumm11t for the rhe tet1vls1on proi;rAm I•" • 1111pl .. F:I Toro bRllt' nf'.-sparrr. F ll;:ht 1 a.nd their pare nu were di"''" 10 J H<'kf'I. A rer rea1111n l'lub. Ht up ' Corona del Mar whtrc 11 n1otrl nt the b11~• ror th" womC"n. v.·aa ! ru rni11hed lhtm wllh u111t11 111r 11 namNI "Hli,;h Hf'l'ls" a r1er her wel'k. column H 1tnl!lf'r w1u1 atllo a re- Hansler Ill 11n amalrur Sw1u po1•ttr on lht r111p•r &nd thua lht w rutler and work• •• an 1iv1a-1om3nr f' 1111\rlf'd. VISIT Thf' AM"9 ........... Spela Port..,.U Eacl&H ,.,,_ NEWPORT HARBOR TEEN AGE DANCES in the Bay Window room of Balboa Bay Club are becoming popular with the youthful aet. Among thoee dancing the other eve. ning were Gail Williama and Ronnie StDne. -Terry Bona PhotD MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I WEDNESOA Y, DECEMBER 28, 1955 AT REA SCHOOL MISS OEHLERKING TALKS TO qNIVERSALIST WOMEN Will Install Officers for Fuchsia Society MIH Martha ~hlerklnJC. •U)'l-'111111ng nu"'<' tt l Hnlll( H<>iiipltal, waa lfUCll llfl"Ak<'r tor Lh,. A~M~·•flllon 11( l "nlvl'r · salllt Y.'omtn, whPn lhP group n11l 1<1 l lif' h11mp 11( Mrio A J. Taylor. 463 t';. 19th St , Ct>11la M• .. •1< ~he tRJk.,J RboUt "viu. h•u1 ph4l11f'• or hoer11111 work with whu·h tho pubho mlgM not b4! hmlllu. Cenr1tt H annon. exP<'llllv• MO• tf'\a1 y of the Coeta Ml'•a Cham· boor o f C'ommtrce. w1U offlrlal• •l th' lnatallaUon of new oftlcan of lhl' Cost• MflM·Ba)' Cit.Ju B r&nch of lhe CaJ1fo rnla l'f•tlonal P'uch•la Roclety JAn. 3 at T !O p. m In the Evtrf'lt A. RtR flr hool a udllonum, Hamilton and )f,.yer Sla., Co&t.a Mua.. Officer a t.o ti. aea led lncl\144 Bra dll'y Hu11he.. prnld•nl . Ron- ald 8f')'l'YIO\Jr, v l c e preeldt nt: Thnmaa Rhndf'll, lrruur .. r . Df'- "'t1''n" K1n111(Rlhf'r. r .. rordlnit ae· ~,.,.ta.ry , H11r1'ltl F'. Cr"lr . corre .. Maui Mariner s -Entertain at Legion Party A prolTam Of mualc waa pt .. •nlf'd by the M•rlnl're and their 1k1pptr, M ra. Wataon. Of S cout &hip Maul, whtn thry antertaln,.11 m .. m~ra and JUtat.A or Poet a ntl Unll 291 at U1t annu al C'hr11tmu party hf'ld ln the .A.mer1ca.n IA1t• Ion tlell Of'<'. 20. Kennttb N . J ohntt0n, pro11:ram t h11lrm11n, lntrodu.-~ Albert 1.-ut· wylrr who ar l•rl •• ma atu ot cr r .. monl"•· Rini• Clau" -• on liand to du•tnbute Jt1Cl• and r &ndy M r 1. J <•hrl!IOn wu In char1te nt th• turkf'y dlnntr Rt whld t l('U"llt..f .,,,.. ,. .. rnd. Am t l"!l &n ~11on a nd A1u1lluy mtm~r• &n·1 C<\1<1 I t.Ar W ivH Uli.91.td. The Marin'" p11rtlclpatf'd In •ttor11tlnr lh• Lel{1on Hall and C'lu11tmae tnt Thi• s-roup •• ~· lnrr 1'fJ>"nlll'lrf'<1 b• Pnirt 291 Clapp Picture Takes First at Juried Show liowud Cl"Jlf'. llr\ ln•tntC'lnr 11 Oruu:e C'na•l ("l\llf'!:" h11• J•t~t b,..,n l\Wl\~etl " fir•\ rrllf' In thf' Ann11A I '"'"II: Rf'Ar h .l1111r.I F:"lhi· bltlon n11w nn .11~plA v Rt t h~ Mii· n1rtpel A rt r .. ntf'1 r111rr who 11 ,,., •~t11ry "' 111 .. C'11llCnrnlR \\'"'"'''"l"r ~ .. , 1rt 1 tlRrt twn p8 lnUn1t" 11rr,.pt•<I 1 .. 1 t.hl11 l'J1'1lb1llnn. Thf' Wlnnln~ r 11. t ure I• Rn '1J'l 'Jlll' w"t trrolnr ti· Uf'd • C\t'lan.. Tt>w"r · Slff'trl"n tor fht r 11lnlln11: ,...,."' m 11t11' In Hunt 1nr tnn e .. ,.,.h, C-l11rr 11wl Tht t>llhlbltlon will C"11nt1n11" thr~u1th J 11n :> Str\'lnir 11• Jtt•, for th,. 11ho w w11J1 1;1'nRn1 F.•1· mon<110on hr11d of lh• <1"f'Arlmr nt ot df'!lf1tn. Lo8 An1tt lt• r nun\\· Art Jn11t1tute Rnl! P11 trld c J M ii· Ion,., 11lrutnr c>f the L. J nll• A rt C'tntt>r. Fisher Kin Home ""m• rnr the hnlldll\'11 Ill thl' C'he-trr F'lllhl'r homt . 760 E 2~r<t I t • C<lllta Melll, 11 r• tht11r <111ui:-h- t1r and '14'11' huabanl!. Mr. a.nd Mn WOiia m R. 1Sklp 11nt1 Keo! K ln,i. W hlle h'r hu•ba nd 11tltnd11 t'l!IJUl- PA In antmlll h1111bfl.ndry a t lht \Jnlveralty ot California Apicu l· t ural Coll ... at Dllri.t, Mn. K!nr le&c:"hn two lllnderyarten cl&AM• a t Wl'Odl&nd. Psrt of the •ac•· t1on rrort"<f I• bttn1r ~nt w1th th• Pr1tnk KJng1 ot Hunlln&'ton Buch. pondln r ""'"'ta ry : and IDrm a St&ndlH. altem•t• delepte. The rallr ln1 offlc•r• a.re Owen Kldman. pN!111dent ; M IN Stand· lee, v1re pruldent and altemat• delf'pte: Mra. Cedl Ot or.1te. trea..uN!r; Mra. DeWitt Won-_. \tr. recordJnc eecretary ; and Mre, Floyd Pbllp. conupondln1 aacreta.ry. J ohn P'. Van n.ni...•d ot Ca\J- fom la fl-. Inc., wtll Pf'-nt a llfrlu Of colortd lllldM 00 J&r· denlnr and horllculture In central Eurof)e Van Bam t veld 'MU ln · elude In hi• Utlk the boNt r<*'• ror local cardena. Ui..tr planllnr, cere and culture. The plant table will lncluda man y pal tnt.fd Md non-patenled roee bu.a.bea. Door pnzo w111 ~ awardtd. R•Crn lunentA wtll-be Mrved. Admiaeu:m l• trn A l.eo noted WAJI the b11thday Ann1vr1 ury n( a cfl<'brHtr<S Unlvt>r.,.hll wmmrn a nd nurl!<>, \ht ra B&1 l11n llurtng the ded1n1llon al'rv1re IU1 utfrnng "'''' l><k"n whu·h w ill ~o to Ule Clara B.lrto n OIAWUc C11mp •n Musih·hukll..ll. Mn. Yrederlr k R inle. '4 1f" uf the m1n11~r ur th• Unl- Vt'r11&ll11t F'f'llow.11h1r J">Ur<•d lutr1·1· fn•m a 11ll vtr aPrvlre a l a l1bl• g ay wllh polneett11111 •rnd holiday n.ndle11. MmM. Bemire ChaH a.nd MarC'Utnlo Strtng &Mll~ted tJl• hoaleu In •l'rv~g. Nt.11l mtl'tlnir; Wiii bf' J &n 19 at \hr hom,. M Mna E lmf'r Y . Chnwtenaon wit.h a travel Jlr"'ITILfll by CoroM dl'I Mar TravtJ Strv1re. Samia Son Born j Miller Daughte~ Mr an<1 Mni Sl•nl"" !'111m1• A <1aughtr·r v.u i,nm D C' 21 In 11141., \\' RAlht •• lihd . Art' pnr H01t1t Jln•p1t .. l l" M r ol Mr11 f nl.11 u( 11 arin. M m tlf-1' %!! tn BtU M1lltt, l+;..-. :11.&l S • CoaU Ho"«' Ht.ap1taJ. Moa.. . WE PAY ~ ~ ON SAYINGS 01td loo• wltof •lse you 9ef wif It a 1ovln91 account of U.S. Notional: • Bank saftty-Your u1 ing\ arc 1murtd up 10 $10,000 in cuh. • Availability o( funds-You m~y make •11hdu•ah ar • an) rtmt. • Bank crrdir-Easitr 10 huil d ""1th 1 con1 cnicnr U\ • ings accounr. • F n tndly JMnOnal inrrrru 1hat ltl~ )OU Imo• ho"" glad""' arr to strvt )OU. 4r'kj1~14'K~ 1""r '"''"'' ,_,J fro"' 1/.1 / rl o• ,,,01111 .uJ1 1hro111h {•••"'> /'''" 1867 Newport llvd. COSTA MESA UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK .......... lllMtU PIOllAI t"Ollf IM$UIA N(I COU. ~ 111\f"'lll 'fDfl-'1 tf HIV I • Yule Program, Awards for Cub Scout Pack 182 Artist-lecture Series Listed Aa 11nother cultural cont rlbutlon to Ora.nge County Chapman Col· I lege t O<IRy announr ed a alX-l'V<'nt 1 Arllll • l.Arlure 11erlu btginntnf Jan. 16 Arr11..n1t<1 by Dr. E<lp r Sholtrnd. Th• N•U..,....._ aad oCllM'r pel1e CORONA DIL MAI TRAVEL SDVICI Cout Hwy. at Orchid P hoM : Harbor 1248 t\ew and or1glnaJ interprtla-I ntr'• 1lrlpe; John Vierling, auls - tlons of tradltlonal Chrllltmu I tant denner; Don Hcydtn, aerv\ce them,.s h1gl1l11thted the December star; Eddie St a rk,. y, dennrr; mtrling 1lf Cub Seoul Pa1:k 182 John Charlton. a1111fstanl denner; hrl<1 In the Hn1 &C'e Er11lgn Schonl Dwight T ipping. a1lvtr arrow, rllfell'rla A dlrterent Chrl11tma.a RJchie Duncan. Star badgt: Bil· rarol wa11 1111111iznC"d to t &eh den ly Noll. eervice atar; Paul Lf'· to be 111 l!'d 0111 to mu11c . Some I Galeea. aerv1ce 1lar , Bear badgt Wl're anll.'mn Rn d ..ome wert aer· y.•1lh ont g old arrow. acttn( hud of Chapmen'e muafc ;._ ____________ _ lou11. but a ll refltcttd much Cubmu ter Milo Lacy made a 1ho1111h1. pla nntn1t and Iota nr plea for one more dtn molhtr for hATiJ wor k 1n g•t llnit l oget.her Pack 182. He 1t11ltd tha t lhtrt co1tumf'1 and prnpa. are boya w ho are heartbroktn be· A\\ARO!<I HI VES cause thty ca.n't Join the pack In· AwR11l11 wtrti prtsf'nlt'd to th,. R11m uch aa 11 11 prtMnt dens a rt r .. 11owm1o: boy11: Jnhn ('harlt· n, filled t o rapaclt~· Lion izohl a riow; R iehle Dunran, !\"EED PA('K M<YnfER • Br11r xnl<1 11rrow; C'rat( fljlter, Par k 182 lnC'lw!e1 the area Bobcat pin: 8'lbby W•lker. u sla· bounded by trvln.I' to Chff Drive, l•nl rh•nnn; R8yf' Fort. dl'nner. Ch ft Drive to Santa An&. S11n111 M1r hatl Htnry, thrre Wolf a1lvtr Ana to Nf'wporl Blvd.. Nf'wpr.rt 1rrow11. r.ne Hur gold arrow. two Blvd to l~th. l!Hh St to 1'u11lln. B"ar ti1Tver arrows and one U on Tu1tln to 18th Sl . and 16th S t badj(f': 8111 Reid. Wolf badge, t o I rvine A ny motht'r llv1n1t In Brent l.andcu . 11erv1ce ~tar. lhl.t 11ecllon who hu a hoy In thr 1311)11 who tarnf'd awardtt at th• eig ht lo ltn·yf'ar age j?roup who j l'ovrmbf'r m t et Ing m r luded: would bf' wllhni: to dPvote on• Bubt>y WAiker. 11ervlre •l a r ; atlemoon a wpek lo tht' pleu ure Mark RlllH. Be•r lfOld a rrow. of her ll()n and 11p to 9f!Ven otht r Loolc Better- Feel Better Howard Steam Cabinet Scientific S•edwh Ma.uage Posture Correction Bust Developing A p1 ... 1nt aoothlnc method popu- lar wllb •Clive women who wlah to r-tmove 11nw1ntf'd 11\Chee and 10 hold the 1llhouette to allmmer hnea. Latut equipm ent tn do your "itercla~ tor you. CA LL Ubart7 9-1472 for appolnt""'7\t. J ohn Kirkpatrick. l w o allvtr •hould contact Miio Lacy An u -1 Wolf a rrow •. one atrvlce •La r . 1 1111tant d~n mothrr IJI provided Don Aahku•. Lion ba.dl'• and on• for .-h den lo ahare lh• reepon-1 1old 1UTow : Steve Carl.an, den-albWl7. HUGH A. MclNTYRE. L. P. T. Ml !liPwpor1 11ot1i.vard, Nawpon ~ OMJloftlJa WATCH FOR OUR OPENING JANUARY We WRI FHtvre Natlonally Advertised Branded Une1 Quality You · Can Depend on 111 Yardage -Household Linens lnfanb Wear and Childrens Clothing from size 1 lo 12 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT IN THE LIDO SHOPPING CENTER •• I ' •AGE 2 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY . DECEMBER 21, 1%5 Fc mily Galhcro '1l Pangle Home Jf'all """ r•nr l• The M r•. J. L Pan•le. 92t \\', \\'11· un1e re1idtrit1 of C.'oata ~!Ma . .on. St., QN!ta-MN•. enl•rtalne(I --- •••·er1.I or hf'r chlldr .. n i nd \11•\r f1.mllle1 at Chrlatmaa (!\oner Sun-Powers d-.y. Pr~•e11t were the L<1thrr Son Born Panr l•• o f Eneinltu e nd ch!ld~n ?.Ir. i nd ?.In \\'tll!•n' Power• 11139 Arnold SI . CNl1 1'1~,... 1.re l'RO\\'l"!E TROOP i!i1. 1trls under the lee.der•hlp of Mr1. K .. n. neth ll1nnllh1 and co·leader, Mr~ J1m•1 H em1trft't, we NI bu 1 y makin ff Chr!Mmu !Ne d..c:ora - tiq_rui In adi;UUon t o cutUn1 aut anlf dttoratlnf cookie•. Jln1n1y 1'111 D!ek; 1ilr. •1111 1'fre Tom r111gle of Ont1 do: 1il r. •nd p11..,.nt• of a aun. hrirn Pf'r. lt. -· ' . -.. HORSES! Hol'M'll! ""\l:r1. Dorfi G1te1' Tn>op lit are n\aklnr 1 n .. 111en1Jv1 1tudy of the An1erlcan hor.e, tying In with the Amen· cana the!TJ• of the Girl Scout Round-up lo be held next J une In M!chlff&n. 'THE GtRLS ot B rownle T'roop 60 u.ng Chrlatma• C1rol1 end f'n· joyed punch and rooklf'1 at a par· ty planned by Jolr1. Fred Blor):. party chairman. Aa1l1t1nr v.·ue ?.Ir•. Geor1e P L<:ktring, lea.J•r and lifr5. Gltn Sl.ater. NE\\' o ~~F1CE:RS -M r1. \\'ll- llam Kreutikamp'• Girl S..-0111 Troop 66 exchancelf i,::lft11. a te lo:t c re•n1 an(f cook lP• a nd '"PrP prr- 11entel'I \\'l!h lovely fell -tock1n1~ 11t thrlr l'hnstm11.11 party. Conl- bhilnt: bU>'illP!ll\ \\·\th rlPa~hre. th~ g11 I~ rl••«lt'•l n""' "fff.',.r1' !';h,.r- r.v Cnnd•.•". arr1h,.: Dl•nf' l lrrri11g. I trrR,.HrPr', Jud,\' H11 c11n Mild ~lln· <l rl\ \\'1Ui11111~. J'lllfH\ ll'f«lrr~ Olh- 1 ,..,. prr,,.,.nt w,.re H"nn1,. F\rnuni;:. lnr\•erly 1..:reut~k11111p, .'.\'.111w.•· 1 f'nn•hy. \'h•11 ('Adi>nhe'"'· ra11!11 llrnrlrr,.,,u n .-.n111r r.~tllr, Rh11ron f.:nl!lh, J,r.,.r111n•• 111Akrl,· f '11rnl I Tn111:h 11nrl ~I r~ Vrrnnn !'n1!1h, rn·lra<l,.r I TlFCE~tBFH h11~ httn 11 hu•,· monlh fl'r th" Hro\\11>»• fir T1 nnp ~~ Lr"rl"r. ~I r• D 1: .. rrard Jln•t ~nrt ._.,,.l,.11dr r, M1·11 J t'ln"lhnn I n11 igh. plnnneot 11 !rlp t" \hf' ~I ll\· I ~Ion :-;,.n Ju1u1 t ·,.plMr><n". "''hl>'h tht' i;:\r\~ f"un11 •ntere"'llng ,... Wf'll Ila <'•ltl«li\l(ln;1] ~I r~ Cron:r Cull,., er•fl·!llr.,.r- tnr. 11 ..... h .. Jp,..1 the lt'lrl" turn nul 1 .• .,111 .. '""•Y 11ltr,.,.lt•·" l'ln<I unl1t""' VE!i Y SOPHISTICATED \\'as the dinnt>r party pre- sidt>tl u\·c•r by hostesl:I 1.litzi Tiffany to celebrate her birthday al the Balboa l1ny Club. fo"rom left, Diana Fisher , Kerry Tonnesen, Betty J'cllctir•r , host€"ss l.1itzi , Kay Tonneitl'n. Silzi Gazlay. Pinky 1'"isher and Jeannie Gazlay. -Terry BoriA Photo I C:hn,o\rna" ll l'<'nrR\\O"• I I Ti ii'~ BHO\\'!\'l~: ~r ... ul " f'T"· p"r~,1 fnr <i1rl~tn1"" 11t th .. rr J'R"t r,.w n•t eling•. Sr•·•r•l "' th• tr<>opl'I mllde om1u11•nl11 C<> h.,ng "" tl>P f'hrl:<\iHl'll'I t rrr11 ''" Cnut H1~hw11.v In C'ntnn1' llt! )111t 1'nd '"~h troop h&d 11>1 o"·n Chrl11l1n1.1 p11r1y. ~~~~~~~~~- Yul e T-bones Given by Faculty First California Sho\v TI<OOP 41 had 1111 unr11pec\t<:I 1111 pt!l'le nn one of their M'CPnt 11rttmno n h1k"' "n ... lbull 1~iln1t Th11 lt'lrl11. "''Ith their le1dtr , )Ir• \.'11<nc\1 ltUey it.ntl C'O·l••der1. )Ir• CJ .. 1r Darnell 1<n.t l>lr~. :r.fuy A111- T .. r11J!ht ther(''JI l;le 111•1• 1n tllt'lr "YP• •Ori all the' Rl•ninr kew, •loppe.J !u 11tn11re • Jlel Jlfp DEBS OF '54 ENTERTAIN !THOSE OF '55 AT BRUNCH by Internationnl Artist Wives I "'•I•' I"• ~l\'o-.1 h)' tw., •l lh .. L'l1Jt•\ll,ll• 11 •• 1t) I h"•!•·~~"'I loy \h"' l."•1Ultv \\1\'"'I •'1 i. '\ :-.'•""l"'ll llutt."r l 'rll•"\ 11,~n :-;.o, .• .i \\,IJ1;ou1 Fiuok l.J•r ... 11 ... i. .. 1 ~\ "'"oth , r T ·lll\llt'. •!l'llk11 lf<Un H 1t·h •r 11'ft ~farkrl 11n<I ,.,, •. Al 1r .. ·1n h11d " f lft .-.rur1- "a t• ror an .. qual 11rnoun1 on n ut· a nti ,.,, ol •'lll•'lll nf lhP l!elil'lllO!•· lillll bu\ 111,1 niorn•".; LtetJa Th" IA 1nin1t n .. 11 rh Art r;,.11 .. ry 111 Chi<'".:". \\her" 11• h11d ~"''~ral 1 rollt~.t 1on on th•· porch 1.t 108 R lh ,,, 11r,.~rnt th,. fu ~t rxh11'!111on "n" 1n111 "''""~ nn I f>aHl\C'd rlll'IFl)' n11y f'rnnt H r.I Sl•mnn,., \hf' "I Jl'.'"~ \\rrr •lleual a nd rrlax,.,,\ 1111 l hf')' W•t<:" r nl"l'IA1ne•l li\ Int' 1.,,1,,. ,,f ll!~i Al " S:l'l·=<l'G UflUllell bn •n•h tn lll• h(J•n• "r 111 <'11 llf'•''"" nf lh,. •n1f'rnat1on•l ll'h1,•1•i:;11 ""'n•• ,, f,.w m .. n1 h• own•r of 1t1f' co\\H"tlon. r llrn<! "111 Arll•t Alnt,. l.Prn'lll". nr •J,,.,.,_ 11i;u hr r"m" '" f'l\l1ln111111 tin<l l ft nd t:""" 11 \'"T'V, ln!•rtA!ln& \11lk ~1111• !o'itll\' :-;""lend. :/l:/ \'oa l.idu /'\,.,,I l.1i"l r "·'', l •<'llll p~<"ll1''1l inclutlrd ~1 111,.8 fto~r\ HU'•"I! riur" "~ hr I~ kn••"'ll lhr,,1 1c hnlll 1111~ ,.,!,.hl111h,..I " •IUrhn •l l..ll· 11hllut tl Aft,.rwKrd !h,. i;:11 b •L il'l•trt /.nlld•'r • ~;,.0., p,.11 ,..-~nn f./Knt' !'l;llnAni ftn<! 8111,.,1 l':u rnr r Thr "1'1h!bll "'Ill npr n ,:•1n1o llt.a•·h. "'ere perrnH!Prl '" uk que10!l"'rl" l •illiu.:h•"' t!'h~·i •ill llu rr i, ~ii"""" l3atl;IKi • Hi ulh"r~ :-.;,.n<y IJ)"r lh ft11•l 1rinunu,. thrnui::h J11n 1 1~,. .. 1111,. L11 " prnllll" r •int,,.r. •bout the verJou• 1tem11 In !hf' Jfl tu•• " k""" ,...,11,.,. ,,r rnnn •n•I ('"llf'~llnn Al! ln •II. It r1·"""'' to /•<'1&\'r 1 ~h1ry tlf"'"~' ,l .. nn h •ml'&. l \,n no• ~l~"ll"lrt ~laty I 1.f'l'O(]Hl" wu OO•n •n l'•••UP. , nn11>Q•1\1on •ntl h n.• '"'"" lhll! r"-he quite "" eJuo:&U•>nal 11tt.emoon l!O)''-'"'· 8ally Slllh.!••· u .. 1 b"ra 8t•re,tll!, Otwan Hut'-. Nlln,.)' I Tritt ""'! Hull)' ~.,..,111,,,1 Cu c:lloalu•·11l11a In llltll. I-la la a n O'll'lvnt o f "'"">' JUll <'.• thrnug-h · .. well "" •ntert..Jntn1. arlL•t fl r~t. bu! LI al.w 11n 1 utho r "Ul the WnllJ. I-I la lind;"OCI ..... • re· TUP::SOA Y "'"enln,-. Dec:. 20. t~l •t"I l•rha wtre .\fill.'"" ~u~11 n 0,.IL•, Tnj11 Tnhlll Jnt111.n ··~ ,,r ""vr tnl 11n•·rl11 v:hirh hll\'P bfo,.n mlnrl 1>nP of !~ . ., f11.mnu a \'!n!ln lhti •Ir ... ..,, fl!lrd w1lh muatc "' I/11th !-<~ti.•· l'f1•!• r ,\lo•l1n.J• L'"llhf!J•I J""""" 1 ·,.~1 "n•I)• k · I ~--,\II "'""'t h•>llr I 1nrmh<'r• "n•! 1•11h!1•hf'•1 1n n,1111\' l"n"'""J.!Pll hut J, .. ~0'1UP 111 "'llllllh• at Jiom11 ltH1 lrn"'lllf'I nl ''""P ~ w .. nt I ('<"" \o•l'.l!Ht\ l 'rL•·t~, At\n 1:11.i.o.,11 f 'h11,. l'nil!h, ~~Jlt;lltM"lh ' 11 ~ I'• h,.,.j l"·l'flnne.J. h1Ub1tnd• llll•l1 tH I A n11•ni; Ill"~• .,,,. •I hr <:111 \\'1111 1n f'Orlra1t"r~ 11nd atlll llff lft• f llt O 1n1t In 'nrnn" dPl ~hlr ·rhe ru1 u • BKk. <:'au,.nrtr .. Hoyt. DPnl11P Niie• 1nrl EUt.abclh ll0'4'tll. "''"• l••T .. 1nv1te•l lo th": affair. ________________________________ J the \\'nn;;l•n 1A'R". "Tri11:lr \\',.rk·if'xhlblt "·t t l lnrhHI• rllnv,.11,.1 .. ,,,, "''"' ael'omrr.n l~ by the~r 11~1·! II\ lh•• ~.hbo\ "'"'!•! tull l v.·11h '"n•I", •n'1 • '"" •·0 1111"" W"r k f Mm 1111 )'••I• n! l h,. wn rl•I "'hrr r l<'!ldf'r, 7il r11. John T Hob!l\!'<1n •\""''"t: 11111 1•trf'11hni nt~ •U the p k A h" A d l·'A rti~l n11 v11!\ n""' ••·~·!~· fqr ,he haa 1••lnt•a. i •nd l'O-lt!lllJl'r1 ,..tr1. U.rney )lc-1 '"1>'~"1 I ac c Ie\1ement Wt1r f'11bh(l !l(ln. Th .. l••t In \hill ... r· ,.,,,. <'la.lllbll will "P"" nfflrlal! ('11y 11.nrJ ~frl. J~y Lon1tle~ Aftrr -----le~"' "lhrant ,.,,,.,.I•" ·J~•n,.t te" "'i lh t h,. n>Ql\t h\\· tt" ,.n Siin<b\!11h .. •11 rt1llln1t. '.h• i-\1\1 returned D t "t F ·1 L"d I 1 G lMl\h l'•rl• 11 ... Lift ·~1t1n1: IJ .. n 8. •l'Qllllnr·,.,, llv the r ninn1;,:1tv 1il r• 1..un 1!P)& h<>m• f nr th .. 1r c rot a ml y te . l -0 s e Lib De-n 3 Sot IAeoqu" Ill nlr•Tt'. !hAn • n1 tr Cnnr .. tt• A•• ..... l•tl"n Tl'lf JlllT\)', ....-ht.re i;1ri. wrre PXr h•o11:-Herc for Tio\idays "'"t•r In 11103 he "'~' In l'•rl•'~'"TY will ~ "i.-.t .,.. :-.;1."·1 "0 d_. ___________ _ !ln,.n'11n.: 111 .. 1'11r •,,,,,, ho!lr\•y• c• I I b11.•llv nt "'Otk a t lltf' Jull"n Art \'r11r., f'\11\'. I ,. "' •1<1111 .. t l•"t'.J hA \'<'l nothlni:: cJUJ<'d the l•K .iio !utr b\' Df'n I. l"Ul!u! .. •!<•<"<"" ""•h•r It••••. tn ""'"''11 ,,, '" ,1 , ..... 1 .~1 1.• 1· , ,-,. 1 · . • " ,, , .. ,-.. • .... ·· " 'Ne"' Y'ork Gt1est • ., •• c ·• •1 • ::-; ... 11 ~"" ""' ~ '''""'"1C " '""''' '' 1"''' rt! >:u,1l l!1>11;11r,\ ftn•l •·!h1>r ~ 11 1~ I n T' . .r. A••" .•.. 1 •. ., H11an ,,f 1 .... 1,.r11 11 ..• ii1 n.: 1,~ .. 1 ... 1\,,,,, 1h,· H•,h·"'" 11n,1 111 .. , •. 11 ...... ·1 111: Sil\ra Son Born lrn11. )11oh '1'11•1 "'" nr otr ~1 1 • l'"~l 111.,11111 111 Su nt11 ,.11,,,,:11 ,,11~ """1,111 "'11•11•· 111 ''"'"• "''''"'1 ''I'""'"' ~1 1•• Vl"T""'" li•rk c.>f ()'''"''" aun· "I " ,, A R I I "Il l\ •~l•olln hnt '"J'I'''''. 1111.1 ,,, :\' ,. I h B }I ~ a ec:e, r1 ..••• ll MIOn nn L!dl) l~l,. !11tntl1r r1f1 1·••11\l• .... "... 1 ., 1,. / IL""", !"'fl f,.r ~." •"•I , 1,. • 1" 1>'1"~\ " I e ral "Y/ d h h ' ••t'nrier.• .,au11e1 n ,...,.., firm· 1012 ht~ wnrk• w,.,,. "'hlh<t••I 111 " , II I ,,. • < 911 er uabt.nd. 8 11"1r"n lliy "'f'rr. •Hi<J)L&\'"'I "1 th• r• .. rrnib<>r •llt:tnn. I.A iry G1h.on. rt 11·h~r·I th" rnt t rn•tln11a1 lt••r>1•" :-;,i,, z_•,11 •~ ~111n S\ "I: 1"' 1·"11111·• ·"" l' 1 th 1'll A ult, Who 1,. pre11!d•nt of \11" t...•n1t r""e•1n ~ 11 t -t!it f.t•1t) thlbh"u.,,. 1, .. ,. 0 _, '•·h" ."·•< f:~!'""'1 "'" 10 '""'" )o!·...i fnr !!1• ho!•,,.. •"• and De ,, " "" .. " "r•• "•"'tant 1...,n•lon Jn l'•rl• he '""' an l 1·,,1,. ~1 ""111 I I>' 21 II t.roll Gnr Co • 1hr "''"'Junib1~o1 JU<li:"• "'r" l'><'n F~lh· ,1,.nner•. Rio k ~· J Arkann J.,hn ""rk('('J "Ith th,. l •moua A ll ~·•i,I~ 11:,,.1,,1 ~1 • "'T" '' Ul ""!.: ,,,n ,\I t~• 1'11k I• "·1nterln11: 1n of :\Ira. Olit• Aull, lleh••"ll! A•r,l el'a Tf'•1 >:ln an •nrt 1' F: \'11nrl~1 · Shi I 8 f ll•41"1· Artl. I "·--I 'd•, lev' R IO)'l"• I"!• k Van · Rtpo" ..one .,._,,h, 11.nil ~ h"1 •nll: 111" I 1·ort who f1n11lli· ,.,.1 .. , I• •I Drn 3 d -' . rrvort •nd , ,n, \i 1h,.rk I "'' ''''' .,.rni:n10"1\ f•!'"' In h,. ,,., "l''"'I ., rn .... tr•I •n•t .1{1(1() rr•no:• In f!t•t ChtUt.ma. her., In Zt1 }''"" a .. 11 rli!e••n1""' '"''•t •I ""'"•1• The f11mlly t• rrt urn1n" t" U· 1r .. 1t I 1'ubn>Aater G., r a l a ~I· Clau·f' \\folf hiulll'"~ ,. '1•· ·'"" ~•·I to .,91 4 wh"n on .J11 n :t ._..,11,tutt'<l th<'l uit et in.: \\'ll1<·h 10. !Q.t"''" Du,., 8 11! \\,.l('h 11nl llrur•1rlr•t J•t1z• --~ I n<\ Go rd<:>n H""'' F:nt .. r1n ~ B,.•r~ ,;olcl. ' • -llO '~ } • ... --~ I J • • ;\N APPLIQL'E!) POODLE prances on t hlis felt t1kirt • modeled by Ga;-r l~l r!'. Ja~kl Toon for Lldo FnSh· ions. \\.ith it shr \\'C'ars a cashmere aweater "'ith 1;coor neckline and pushup slt('\'ts -prttly 1tnd • 'warm for ,.,.inter c\·ening-e. -Don BU:tb Pboto •• I "'"r" r>1r k \',nrt,. ... ,.,, •n'1 Jnl'ln ls ... 1 .111·1 1.1 .. ., h'>I«•· ""'" ~11n• ..! h.• H111.7,I' 1'• ,,.,, lo rn ll•11to p•r! Rand,• H•~ I-'• "" 1 r'" k ~\,., - '11hl•·h,.•I h•• 11'•i.!1•1 JI\ 1•,.ri• Tl1rn 1111•·•• \\",.rl l \\,H II Wlln •I • <f,.,.11.111110~ .. 1r .. • ... l "h,.n ~IAhOR It "''a• • ~··1 l·"''"r·" "•• 11.i:111n n ,11 1n Ir .11· F1 '"' !h"'" " •I''"" "' II n f f 1., \ • t ,\! I \! O hnn ..... h "'"" 1• l "' '" :-<J· \'Pr ll!f"" .. ,...,., .• T' \I •~" J•lw1 ! • 1"•11 ,. ~ 111. \ \\ • t. I\ Lflrr \' t;1h~·1· fll;7t• l'•'I"'" ~n·I Lllrrv Elw•" •I • Et! •n•I l!oll \I ·•n• 1 ~f .. n 11.,i,. by f'h11rnn 1-o tr• <"; h--" J ,. .. 6e•I. o .1rit .. ., F r~·" •h 1 111 .1 Un'1""" 111 " n u ·•.t ·r1 .. 1•" "•·n •h" 1n •1 .. ·•1,.,., fin" .; I .. ,k ·~· n'"'n·!R1 ,,. ""~rol Prn n1•0!11•'•• I "'! ''""'II ! &:'O Jll•'ll:"'• ""'• ~]Ill•'• )l ,11•l1nll 8h11..ddock. 1f•r .. ld R 1~t • 1:111 ''' '! ~1•l•1n \\'r•t ••'n •n·I ,·1r<1r f""ll !\ hr•\• j!otll'>.,j ~· .\l,.•1· r l.n9, !nok n •·tr l h" , J,.,1n1: 1 ,.,,.. mony '1~p11 t.ni: fh11 ~·1u~. In MAny l.it.n•I.• The 11.,te-nlot M"''' fftn f"U••nm n f • brf'elilnir th" I II • at11" h1<1u~hl fnrth ~ f1,l• '!• !>· n•I" -.uh 11, .. 1. .. 1 .. 1an .. 1 , ... "' kn,.e ·<lt"r In i;:n..,.!1r • •1t·! ~· rh Scout• '"""'I''"'"" "" • ·""" 1,1 tl\r !"nl• 1"·1 ~'"'"• •11·1 '"•·Ir "I' rr~•·l"nrtt l'11 rk .'!7 , •·11• ,,,,!,.I T'hn •\ml\• ',,111, !>I.: ,,,.1 " ~to.· ! tklT\ii: ,. " \\•!kn 1 n1: "" l.l•Lo J•I" l\rnl· rh .. •r I•"\ i'"'" •r· •nl .r II\• 1.•/·tl!•l I" T!,r •th• f ' .. ti ' I\• t11· l"q .•. 1 1'"1"111 ..... , •. , .. 1 o:p ... 1h,. ,11hl ' •1•·· !•n ',. ~1,.• "" &n•I ,..,fj , ... i"'''""'~J by f/i!Ol'fl l? ifandmade Contempornll'}· Qriginflls ln 1101111 Gold 11n•t ~!!\ rr Z1 .,1fl•h f'IArr 111 Hrllnnn t 1'1rr Long Jk!¥'!i. L'ah f. !'),,~('•1 .\Inn,:~.•·• DID YOU KNOW that In the "'°'"Plete Chrysl1•r -Pl_,'mouth ltnl', "" have a local of f"ORT\" lllt·t-F.Rt:'.\T l'AR.~. nni;:- lll( a. prb. from 117~7 .oo to $)1.4'1:r;.oo~ r1.1·s . Ml mu~· color tornhlaattnn.." that "'"·,.,. """"'" unAhlf' In rount. thfln~ l 'Ol . namf' It. -"·t:'\'t'. 11:01 it '. '. (\\'ho~) WV REED, C'l f Cour.w-~ rm put.ting my eav1nj'a t.o work 1n a SECURITY-FIRST SAVINGS ACCOUNT 20/0 on eavt.nge 'begmrung J an. 1.1868 SovingJ d•po1its mode on or b•fore Jonuory 10, wlll •orn lnt•r••I lro"I Jonuo ry I '-¥iii---.. Nearest Your 3rd and SANTA Branch Main Street ANA SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK •'"'" """'' '"""' ·-•~"·" ,.,.,O ,.''•~ • ., • .,, ''""" .,., .. , ,.,.,_ C9~0>XC10~~~1! ~ ' JllTOIO:l .t:\"8 APPLE SAUCE DOLi': l'ILICt:U PINEAPPLE Pl.A !'li"TC.R'~ COCKTAIL PEANUTS EAllL\' l 'ALlt·oRSI A t:XTRA PIMD OLIVES DEL N OSTt: DILL PICKLES . DOl.f: FRUIT COCKTAIL Dt:L M OSTt; TOMATOES Bf:TI"\' ('R()('k~:K CAKE MIXES Don's Meats EA.IJTER!I> • • DUCKS & GEESE 11w1rr11 C'ASAOIAS CANNED HAM 1.0 1!'' PORK ROAST • • DICK'S • • • • Green Groceries s • ., z•, .. .,, Featurl1111 l'rlme Center Cuts .• 7'/C 1.s11' " 55c Speclalbl119 In Quality P'roduce We Su1111•st For Thi1 WHk·E11d Lar11• Fancy Navel Oran9" Ruby Red Indian River Grapefruit Fr .. h Hawaiian l'in..,pple DINER'S CLUB MEMBERSH IP HONORED AT the --Poul•rt 43" DllSSING . . . r' ,, { ..... ,. ...... l • Ploln ancf Svea" DOUGHNUT$ 6"' 19,' !l :f. • ... 1~1 You Select The We Deliver Market Spot · 200 Marine Ave11ue, Balboa llland Harbor 1000 I 1 l • I BOAT BURGLA RS G ET. 2 OUTBOA RDS Tti~11 't .. 11•b<11•n l mnturs >tit I" •• an ol •dl ""'"'"fl""" ,.,, t .. f ·., .. tit ~l··..-, JkJlh .._.. .Mun· •I·•~ • ' .. nm~ II\' 'wt11n Hul>4-rl 111!11 ~:11111, "-"•"" uf :111:1 Ruma ,,r,.," l::llh1· l.111An 11\!t app1ox· 11111.tlt> ' . .iu .. uf t h <' isl u I !' n ll<'lll• u l $t\VV 11f11tt>rll 81.lhl l nv••.,ll).:H.lt•Jn .flM htsrd litU~· I'"' h 1 Ill • r b1 uke 11(( th<' Im k '' u ls 1 ,J" Ellh1l'km11.11'a KUl'll.:.. "''""' h<' ,,,.,.,, ll\\'11.\' uv ... 1 l )a.,. ( 'h1-at-ittu1t~ \\"t•ek .. ntt T lll«•n w..-1 P ... :l:'I h v1 lll'fXIW«r m 111ui· arnl 11. •, h ur1ttpower 111011..-al11ng w1lh 111.. tlrlll and a 6 ·Jo!lll ""'"'lint' lht1k GUESS WHO? Rickey Wins 'Best' Title, Savings Sum A. ~; Ru k i'\' of 204 A•lams Sl., h11s h··· 11 .. rr11:1alh· .1wHn lM1 th" 1111 .... 1 • h• i.t g{,,,.,11m11 lor" by 1 (",.,.,,, M t>sa S1l\'1ni:s And Loan INTF:RCOJ.l.t:GIATt: CHAMPIONS -Justly proud of their victory m·l·r ten rival cnll<•gcs a nd thrir new status as 1955 Intcrcollrgiate ~ailing rhamp1ons of the Pacific Coa11t 11; t ht' team from Occidental College as they n.·cCl\'t' t ht> a wanh; !oUowing the r;irC'R ht·ld recently at N<'Wport Harbor Yacht 'lub. Assoc:1atio11 president Fritz Trapnell an<l NHYC Commodore Harold Pea rcy lll'ft a nd right I stand by t n ofrt'r ccingratulations to Pete Frost. team capta111 Tum Kams~·y. l >11ug Hubert, and sailnrt>tles Connie Dodson and Edith Grant. -l:k<·knt·r 1-'h uto 1\~!'!t,,., ta\lon '" Co..t;;l•' f\t.\~i\, 11w k ey rN·e1 ved ... rr1z.. or S2:1 ~.t\'IOI:" 11t·rounl Al I ·11 ... tll Mt'IU\ ::;., \'tnJ(s al th<' sa ,. "lo!' And h18 n f11'm s booth st th<' 1«u nt Hu111- n.-11s """ Profes1oona I \\'omt>n's ShHw Hl lhe R,•n•I• 7.'"'''"~ Rsllroom h\'rP H •·!IUl!I' of the <'••Ill""' w1·rtl j ust 111m•mm-.••I l)y A nd11 w \\'1\lk\'r , ''" ~·Pl"t'-'11.lt nt nr c .. ,ta Mt-!'lll Suv- 1111;" and Lo1111. 11bJ<• t ••f thl' ... nl<'lll wa.., lu t>:lt11n11t .. t h.-tolt1l \'Uhltt of ffilXed Clltnll In a Jkr, ltlck('y l'.'ltlmated SI !17 f,:! a nd Dilley Daughter lniured in Crash f11.1nllt' 11111··\', I• •·I: ••• :; r: llKYf tht' H•lllllf 11111 .. unt \\ol' S lf.7:'ll ' • K1ck .. y's v. 1nn1n~ ""' tnl( a c1·mml. F inal rt'sulla nf the f'l!'Vt'nth t1n· 1 ~~H·nth; l'n1\'!'rs1ly of <'«hfornaa, SI 11''11'".t, ,,.,' '" 1 1'' '11111''111 '1" \\'11.lk"r putnt~J out will rl'•t'IVf' nu&l "h11rnpio11:ohlp r"i;atla h••hl , 11;hth C'al·TP• h n1n1h Sant.1 ll•lf1"1 '")1111"' Kl II •i;, ""'1"1·•1 llw "''me 1ns111ro ""lo•ly An•I b1~ I Occidental Sailing Teams Take Annual PCIYRA Races De<-. 17-18 by P ac1flr <Au l lnt o0•· llarb&rl\, tenth. Pasadena City Mun·!") itll • """'" I• II •\\lllj( "" :11, 1~rn·nl y.-aily 111\o•rt'•l pHlcl rollrg 11He ''arhl Rau ng A 11Jo01111-< '•1llt>)(1' ~lf'\'f'nl h 11111" a" 1.r. 111 Kl II 11 '" ,, 1111·.1 quH rtPrly. 1u1 dn uth,.r lllt\ rn~• t1nn a t ="rw port Harbor y,., ht S.tn I 11•'1:"" Hd"n I It P l\111 "'"'" nur1 h 11( 11.111111\un M 111 '"••Ill "' • 1u11t11 Ill C't•llla !llo·hf\ SHvings t'lub aihl'tW 01r1rlrnt11l Collf 1t••llJ1lf· lhr Ji .. uv l'O·t•<t tta1e \4 1\h ~11111-Mr,,1 "".S 1 .. an A '<-.•nal, 11 IH':':.! :0.:1"w·1 lnit lt'llm• lhr wann,.r. l"nl 1 Sherry H u!<SOnl M'l""'' 1 !ll•·•a I"''" 1• ,. "'' 11 11,. •tiin•n 1~•rl Bh'll, l'ostll Mr>1t1 Jn •f'•·nnol r l11re r ame C l11 re111nnt 11; ..... n T .. n .. h SAnla Rllrh11ra. 1t1'11rl 11y \\uftrr Ed\4lfl fl•lll''' :,'!, \\'ltA T hi• «>l•ll'>1l \\,,fkf'r mud wu fnllowf'<l by (lranj.!f' 1'111t1l Cull•jtl" l t'r•nn11' fM>•ll"1n, 11 ... 1.rt'ntal 1u•11lh !l.<\l'll llj( •• ith "" lhi•IH•f tihif un. "'"~ 11( help111i.: ''"""'"I' anol O lhf r l• u11111 fanu•h"•f In lh111 "' I• r l 'h' 111" Ra" hn~ I 'mv•·r•1I \ 11( "1,.11 11 "u" 111,,,h ·~I 111 " , 11111• ~.,,., '' in the' alt'" 111 ,..,., ,,. lh" :-.1anf111•l, fu1111h. \\1<,.h1n.:11on l'10hl/•rn1" hflh Jrn11 1<1,11y ., •. 11 "'''" , 11e "'''" 1,1 Ith 11a1<t ''"'""••I pr111"'r •Ill• .. r \110·~ a ll· filth ~an 1 •1 .. gn. ~lxth; \"("I.A, I ( nRQ I Ch.r~munt A I 111111 I II•'""'' ',!)( ••I tiH4 ': .. ,. 1mr111n1U1l /'lll\'lllj.(l< El Toro Planes Lift Aid to Northern Flood Victims S A:O.:TA A ~A. 10('~.SI M IJOT (~11y 1-.;1 !Pll• .,1 •'lll•·ri:•·n•' •Ill' r.rn ("Ill\ tnn 1 • .)• ron1e "''"'" ph"• ''"'" I~·• An.:••I•' Jnl•·""' m11r11h111r 11•·11•'1>11 111 M 111 Ill" P11!'1· ll"nlll A•tport lu ~I· 1 • ., 11,,11 A • ftc· "•r ConHHhn,1 l-o:t 'l'nJ ,, h lUt ... urt.•e re. • .._ ... n··•r ~.,.I ...... 111 lf fp "'""" hi~ Vlll'I ... ,,,n,11nd H\Hlhl hJP l/h' "'' '"''~ In h~lp with th,. , .. 11..i "' :-.; .. r\11· On 11111 '""" ''"' ~· ·r. '" e rn ('11llf11m1a rtornf Yhlirn~ I I ll••J'"l l• II••\\ I 111 !It• •t ,,, I II• A lr,.to.lv 27 H 'oil t1 Mn I'°~'~ ha\,.. h• • o r,.rr\'lni; f, • I mtlk. clothrni: bf'•I· 11n1: •n•I "" 11< al aup- ph""' lo ti .. ·li~llAl~r \ .. I l•I~ u1 "'~JIJth• • lttUh ''°''" A\10 \ •\ '"' I• •l•C'IC'lllln '"' th• (1 .... 1 , 1111 • T •n ~l "J ,re• \r.u '" ''"" ·'''' n~ tn lhl• .,,, .. r11t1• n M1Hlft'° Irion p1>1t MtHn•ll •n• 1:'12 •nl 3'•2 haH• 1 '' 23 ''"'"l"'u 1n1n flight t ... 1 I lh" '"'"' '" w tlh 17 1 <im ulltl,..I '"'' )"al .. r ''" > OJlf'r•linn Ill 1111'1111• n to thr • t f'n morf' •rf' .. 1an.i1ni.: h1 If nr•ol ~ I h• '"" truuJ""rl aquH Iron• ht';: •n ) "Pl"rolto.y "l i • '" lt• In "I 1111>11 z:. 11.t tt•1 t•·1 p1I• 1 •• • Jlil;u d 1r1.,. h\ 111r ••t 1• r II! .. ,_, y I i.ht• t 1r "" h11~111rt<,. •••I I• I · \ ,.,, • fW"tt1 1n T,..~•)I I •11111 '' •• h .' I t' t•r>t "'-'"' pKltl "' p,. , .... I • '•"' u tJu•tr' ,.. • 1 1 r._ 1 , th• Nhl •rt •l Autnmubil1• (' 11> BOGART STA RS IN 'DESPERATE HOUR S' Humrhrey Ai-l?'lrt.. '''"''"r or '"' Af'•"I '''"' '' t t r1". 1101.i, Miu' Murphy, F redr1r M Mch 11nt1 M11rth111'·"11 h"'"li!'' "' th•t• own homw In "The n,.~,,..rlltf' HOii,.., nt~"" j•Yll tr • .: .\rl\l"\ r.1.,. •l the M f'l'A Thf'a lr• Th" \\' lht1m \\ '1... '" ,.,,., ,,,.,. •• 11( n>l.-..nUf'M lf'niolnn le flnol mutlt\n p1dur• t" I><' •1111 "' 111 1•1 o. k .nrt whltl' V1at• \'1a1••n. Report Small Cra~ In Distress H.re Dunc an Slf'WBrt. 183 Shnre Cliff Road. nportl"tl to lht' HIH bur I•!'· rartmeon\ S1nunl•Y n1<1mtnir that h h d I b< • a -1 1111ma I 1a t .l f'J •,.ren t- ly ln <11111 nNMI J111 t orr Ah"t" Cit rr, t>e;rond Hml RlKk Stewar~ JlllliJ tOrnl'OOt! "" ! hf' boat .,.. • ._ w&vmJr a rt'J fl!\K. lt ~·111a 10 1111r11..i 1111~1111(111 Tlw fl,, I tl->1 Dep&r1m,nl "'"• un•blf I•• 1r ... R\• U\tt craft. I MESA UPHOLSTERING 1 1•h11h1tnlnr I. llrarn~ t ll.\fl :'\"pt. Hh 11. ( "''" ,,,.,,. Llbf'r ty H &illl Newport Variety \"Ol 'R a and lO 'TOMt: We Give Croww S tampe ~ .... •·rnnt S •·a r Pin !'E"'l'ORT REACH BALTZ MORTUAR1ES COSTA MJ:SA. CH.APEL CHAPEL BY THE SEA nu Buii-riol' A·Hnu• ~20 E. Coiut Bf\"<1 ec.ta MN&. Calif, Corl>n• d t l Mar. CaJir. Ph<lll• Ub9rt1 1-n 21 P hone Harbor •2 I '''""'~' t •.,,ru )1'•.-.a Ho'h ,.-. .. h,,, .... \\•t•• ,,., ,, •. , \•• .\li&.,;t•.,. , .. , .. ,, '" t1t111\\ Lido Branch B of A To Issue Car Plates All , •• 1t 111 I 1 I' ' '11 , •• t l'i\ •1 fj1 \\ '1; I j pJ.1l r• f H I '•:1t1 ,.,, 1u•nt til ~fo1 11r \ • t I I NI 11 • l 1• I 11 I Ul U H.JI v '"'""'' I t1t-lft "'It,, I.,. I 1l-"1 , , . ~, .. ,,. , .. l \\ I I ~ "'l r::,." re?~ _,/ I • SO l T it ('0 \Sl ('0 . '!:lrtl .t. '""I'"" Ill\ ti. THlal'S A N I W II SP~r#I~ ON THI WATIR \ I I I \ \ I I ~~--.. .. ~ ---· b&IA--- '/I J OH N SON'S NEW HO LI DAY UOHU SEA -HORSES T h<' 'r• '"''"'' Tht)' 1fu .. 1' I he nc~· ~(, ~<' t· HorH \ 't~ lcJ in l111lidA)' Bronn· ~nd Spr.ar '\\-hire. <.om<' 1n and 'Ce them. f'.;1ne grut n<·w models -3 ro O hp! South Coast Co. ~r"l'IOll Rh<t. at '!3rd ~t. H 1\1' !xn WOO Johnson 'if I\ HOR'1if .. • 01Pf1110·•" .. Ah .. ul one ·fll th "' puhhc high lht' l!n1tt-t1 ~Lt\••Jit pin\~•" JH'·).:.\llll\1' fur drt\t. 1 • r .,.11i. ,t,••n. h• 1 .,n_hu.: to LhP :-.; <11 •n11l Aulon1 .. 111l1• L'lub HOME LOANS LAGUNA H OERAL S.A VI NGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TW 0 0 F Fl.CE S To S•rv• Y °" LAGUNA llACH ... ANO SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' P.A.R ICING ESCROW SERVICE. H FICI ENTL Y OPERATED LA GUNA BEACH 222 Ocon Ave. PHONE HY. 4.\ 177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. 14 C•rnillo Roi PHONE HYacin+h 2-11 9S « HYec4nth l-119b WEDNESDAY, DECE~BER 21. 1951 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PARJ II · PAG E 3 ... ~rMbred PNlh Egg Nog 59c -..... SCOTCH ·-- Old """"' TOM & JERRY BATIER .,, ...... -...... _ $rit "<>Oil' • I tQJ ~--69c • ..... ----···. ···--'3" DIY q; =_:,.....elill""'.___ S ............ ~ M: I lwltzt I• MW .. etft.WUl'f9 .... ,. $ 29 CLUI ~-............. 6 IUCC a WNtTI SCOTCH WHISKIY HA .. a N.,_ PINCH BOTTLE """· ····· tWr<>ITIO att\&AM l AM WINES ,, .................. . PAUL flltAll09' .... ROSE WINE s125 """· .............. . COltCOIO •U" IWHT WINI MANISCHEWITZ s11' """·· HIUM WAlHl'S .-- CREME de MENTHE""'" s3" HIU M WALlH'1 BRANDY s41s APllCOT 01 kACl llHY ••••••••••••••·· 2600 Coast :!\hway Newport ' ' -A ... • Alt••C•• •m a .... , - 9"' ..,.,,... -• -· IMPERIAL--. fOHCI Oii ILB!'I .GIN-...,H .... ........... 1-CROWN _, ••rec-. RYE --IRISH-....... . s4zs $499 $469 s521 s749 ---~~ ......., .._ a -·~..,.ff ---..;.~ ---. CRAlfiDE1 CHAMPAGNE - ••"·WLUla....... s511 DE-LUXE =· ~ .......... .. -·-.... CIDfi s414 VODKA ,.*'....._--........... . 3049 Cocnt Hlthway Coroaa del M-.r ' f I I I .. ... ' I I . • • , I • a I '9 • \I tt .] i. I I s -.. ~ -i \ HOLIDAY Tlft'E IS ... (!I . ' I PARTY GOODIES FROM ALL-AMERICAN'S DEL,CATESSEN ! NEW All-AMERICAN All-MEAT 1-LB. 35c FRANKS PKG. ~~.,_. SERVE A LUSCIOUS CANNED HAM! ARMOUR STAR 68 10-LB. AVERAGE ft. . ALL-BEEF . WILSON'S 4-LBS.! •• TACO SNAX 49c 29c B•nquet lr•nd I Hormel 6-0r. Pkg. CHEDDAR : BOILED HAM 45:. : KO'SH'ERG•"DiiLS RATH Sllf;ED ,BOLOGNA OR PICKLE-PIMIENTO . LOAF 1-Lb. 89C Pkg. 5-0r. 1 o:• Size L..------- luge-Eye swiss· 59~ I Swift Premium : PEPPERONI I Alex Beef I TAMALES 6-0Z. 25C PKG. Extra-Fancy -WashinCJtOn State Starking DELICIOUS New Crop California Hydrated LIBBY'S CHICKEN , 5 8-0r. BEEF OR PIES TURKEY Size HOUDA Y (New from Swift) 510'h-Or. Apple or p I ES Siz.e Cherry . HOLIDAY Blue· PIES 410'h-Or. berry Size LBS. Enioy 'em •t their FINEST! Cello Window PackaCJ• BEER Hold on to your h11t, now I 6 12.01. 85c Cant Cue of 24 12-01. Cans s319 ST ART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT FOR BABY! ~ ---------~----------BEECHNUT BABY FOODS LIBBY'S 6 s100 ORANGE JUICE 6-0r. Cant LEMONADE"'"' Colds) 1 0 6-01. s100 Cant IN SPARKLING, SANITARY GLASS JARS I STRAINED CHOPPED LIBBY'S 2 Pk91. 29C CREAM CORN 3 SALE DAYS!. OPEN 9:00 A.M. • Thurs. • Fri. e Sat. Dec. 29, 30, 31 GOLD TOP May we wish each and every one of yqu a very HO PY . NEW YEARI May the year •head bring you and yours good health and the tatisf action of another rich, rewarding period of your lifel We would like to thank you again for allow· ing Ut to continue to know and Mrve you. -.Th. ALL-AMERICANS LIPTON SOUP MIXIS lllBW• 1 mr.m1U m&11 llEMll •••••• 3 ~ JSc 2 =' 29c · TOMATOES No.2~ Can 17° .. 18° STOKEL Y'S FINEST GREEN PEAS No. 303 Can WILSHIRE SWEET GHERKIN PJCKLE$ 24-0z. 53c .J~r NORTH COAST APPLESAUCE I -l.I. PADlJ WILSON 'S CHOPPED BEEF 12-01. TRADITIONAL COMPLETE (Includes Pan, tool) CHEESE CAKE MIX WALKER 'S AUSTEX TAMALES No. 300 Can / FANCY PAPER NAPK INS 'SCOTKINS' 2 ~~ 29c § -COMPLITE POpCORN POPPtNO KrT 'E·Z·POP' . 1 .. 1 Holiclay Funlll 35c IPll Sh t l-0: Jar ' To 7~ P.M •. NEW YEAR'S DAY! CLOSm MONDAY, ALL DAY A fEAST OF ALL-AMERICAN MEAT VALUES - l·Lb. Can for lulCJinCJ New Year's I Buffet Parties -and Budget- Pinched After-Holiday Menus! ERHART'S TENDER YOUNG Kraft Processed American Cheese -2-Lb. Loaf JUNIOR TURKEY ~·-T ~ PIMllNTO tffecl Green JUVES ~ 29c All-American Rich, Real Cream 1-Lb. Pk gs. Choe., Stu1wberry, V•nill•, Ne•polit•nl ~-GAL CTN. CINCH WHITE, GOLDEN, DEVIL'S FUDGE, & SPICE CAKE MIXES LARGE PACKAGE HUNT'S -46-0z. C.n (lxcel&ent with Worchestenhire Jan. 1 stt) JOMATO JUICE Tll-VAUEY -NO. 2~ CAN - ·23c Oven-Ready 5 to 7-lb. Average Famous Hoffntan's Eastern Short-Shanie, Tenderized Hickory-Smoked Whole or Shank· Half! , .. Fresh Eastern Corn-Fed c .. Whole or H•lfl TM perfect bird to blllld o 1crumptious holiday m • o I arou11d. If yo11'r• 9i•in9 o party -hast ttllnk of tender 1trfps of yoemq, flovor-pocked twtrey lald out. Oft yHr buf· fetl FtawlessJy clfllft, iHlde ond out--reolly ove11-reody ! TM ---hioeal ..... y._·, MGill c..,..: HAM •cl what ho"'! 1t'1 tellder, p&ak. w«Jar-cwed cwuf STllPID wltt. ttie "'°'' tafttall1in9 llldlory-....k• tlnor tttfouqll uery .. .., ......... , FRUIT COCKTAIL -tlle-wfYL~ It'• ... ...._. 2 ft' H.,.., reely SATISfYINfJ ..... '-• .. .,.. of ,,.,. ...... c ..... w '°"' .. • price ftMtt'• ••« lOc a lb. i.w.r ..._ • '"'.,.,..,. ... for,..,""-'· tool ---· OHIO DE CORA TEO IOOK MATCHES Cartons of SOt 2For29c \fandtl<omPI 4J '(//,...;,.,..,., SPECIALS Dec· 29, 30, 31 ..... '°"ltry 4 .... DllSSING • • • ~ "'- .._Uc .. flit.) • '9ofnand~ DOUGHNUTS 6 ._ , .. ca... t.1Scl .. _ ... G.,._ .,...,. . .. _...,. a..c•. cw ... O.• .... Eastern Cont-Fed -Rib or Loin PORK CHOPS Bftt Center Cutsf AH-American's Famous Fresh, Lean GROUND BEEF Cooked Baby LOBSTERS A Wondertul Treat at This Low Pr;cel All-American First Quality Eastern Sliced BACON Only th. LEAN, Choic. - Center Slicnl 1-LI. SEALED PKG. 23lli: · HICKORY -SMOKED BACON SQUARES e .DOWNEY • NORWALK e NEWPORT BEACH c lb. c lb . c lb. c .. .._.... ..... ,. u.lt ....... , ...... , COINH FtllSTONI • DOLAM DAIL T 'Yfl MfONIY'I. t A.M. TO 11 P.M. MIN. COi ..... llSTONI • PIONBI OfllN DAILY °Ta. MIDNnl 2'00 COAST HIGHWAY A.T TUSTIN Of'IN f :OO A.M. TO t :OO P.M. DAILY 1·1 I • GARDEN GROVE • CORONA DEL MAR tell ._.. ._. ..._ ,._.. '4f.I 1Mt COAST HleHWAY AT JAHllll DAILY t :OO A~M. TO 1l':OO P.M. DAft.T t:eo A.M. TO 1t:t0 P.M. e SAN CLEMENTE 602 a CAMINO HAL f ._ ... TO t r.W .. IUMeAT f TO I ,, ... • I I (}o~ernmenl f:xcepl ---------- ' _,__ ~ront " PAGE 6 • PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1955 IT'LL OPEi'\ THE DOOR! ''God gre nt us tht1 serenity to accept the things we c"nnot ch.,nge: the courege to ch.,nge the things we can and the v.isdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) TilV ~IS COMllN~Tl()N : A·U·lO·M 1'·T-l ·O·N/ THE CAPITOL \.VEEK EDITORIALS n~ .1 . .un:~ c. A!'\nt:m~o~ l"111l ed P ress :-;taff l\.11Tl'l>\l\llhh·nt ,.;Al"tl \~IF:.'l;l'll il'I' I A "'\\" •"11 llnh lh'l"•I '"'lir t\'f'll 1955 A Busy Year in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Here we are ln the waning momenta ot 19M and what a year it bu been in Newport Beach and Coal& Men ! In retroepect it would appear the greateat tingle thing whic h happened to Newport Beach during thia yur wu the annexation o! Upper Newport Bay -a m ove which eaw about 2000 a crea brought inside the city lim.ita. The magnitude ot thia a_nn~tion cu atW acarcely be realized. With the Upper Bay annexation came more paten· ti.al progreM fgr this city probably than at any time aince Newport Bay wu dredged. The huge new tract ot land and its develo pment through the future plane f>f the Irvine Co .. the city and the county is bound to 'bave profound affect on the Harbor a.rea'a future ,pwth. .. With the Upper Bay lneide the city came another ~ing -decision of the lrvine Co. and the city coun- cil to j oin force• o n the proposed new 600-acre toot dam which will serve thia area with the largeel 1torage the Hale Co. 1ubdiviaion, Orange Cout College, Orange County Fairgrounda, Southern California Bible College, a portion of the old Santa Ana Army Air Bue. Vard M~ufacturing Co. land, the $4 million Murray-Sanders 1ubdiviaion and the $15 million Roven·Speige l Construe· t ion Co. 1ubdiviaion. Then, too there waa the expan· s1on of the Meaa city limita lo the Newport Beach city dump on the mile 1trip of land owned by L. Adrian McCain and acr09a the Santa AJta River bed lo the Huntington Beach city limit•. In another municipal move the Men cit y fathert5 formed a city waler department, bought & city cor- poration yard aite. And the Costa Mesa Union School Di1trict, like ita Newport Beach elementary counter· part, opened new acboola and lai~ plane for more. All in all. it hu been a bwiy, pro1peroua year for both citie. which 1urround Newport Harbor. Time Now for Doctors to Donate to Hospital Drive . ,,, . , :IOtlt'I j:Ml lt•ll (111 fre~hOllill l\')(l!O• Of "f lf'tlll<l IHll IHI' II~\\' 1111 llllll'r • '' .11ori< ha8 hl'1•n pro1><•M<1 bv II Mclll'r "''"' "\\'hPn th~v·,,, f'lf'I'• 11emb1•r or \hf' J\.•~t't11bJ.v 1 lllt'>I I""· lhl'I Jllll'l\11~· knnw. pnllllrll. omm1tte• Hul wh11t th!'\' nt>t'.I to kn11w 11re Tht' 111~• '" nnl wi thout 111<•r11 lhl' pm• 111·111 '"' 1·1111111,.,. (If belnc ·or n" on,. 111 ""''" ,·11nfu"'"' thsn a It'"''' l••gu•l111 111 1 fir~t · lt'rm :<llllt' ftt'llMl u1 <>•' A_, a rl'1111ll 1•f ll11 wk1n11" ""'. 1ut"mbh·n111n 111 "'" first ""'"~ i1f ):!'•lion, 11 1<1tb···•>mn11t1e~ 11r n1lf11 his m111d~n ""~'""" 111 S11<'nt1rn·111<> I w.t~ llllf'Oln\l'•I 11• 111111<1" • f\lrth,.r A111Pmblym1<n AUjtU~tll:< P' l'l•l•IV 1•t Chr hl•'ll M1•mh,.,-,. in• Hftwkm~ 11'-l.I•• A n £<'l1•,1 1•111°1 .. u ... ,kll\~ .11 .. irm .. n. r•u • 111 .. ui;hl 11p lht• "'"" !111111•1 "'"' ""'''llihh m11n H,.rhf>rt ll K i.11 ""'""' • H-l_...•11i: Rr11 rhl. 1 .. f:(USl.ATOR 1'('11001. . 1 1h111k "'' ""J:h1 111 h,,,.,, " lt:\RO T-\SK M"h<'OI fo1 ll'1:l:<l,11nr• · Ha\\ 1<1 111< 'T'IH'l f' • lln h" 111> •tenyinit 1hllt tnld h18 rnll,.t1~1u'" cm the !ill•'' II nrw lr11111ll\!nr h11" a n1<111•u\\ rnmm 1ltl'I" re••tntl\' I IH11k In h111 ml\11len ,.,.11111on "fl ,.,.,.m,. to mt a nrw--mrm· fl'nr r-c11mplf'. ht nf'f'dA tn know hl'I' 1 ... lnl'<l whl'fl hf' <"ome~ hH<' lht• t I l"k \' rul"• of the hnu""· th., tor thl' flr>'l tlmr I Jn1n1 rt1IP~ <>( I hr two hn1111"" anit .. Wt •hnulrl llrll•nirr 11 "' lhlll hllVI' HI 11'11111 11 wnrktnJ: knnW• new mrnthf'r11 ""nt think lhP\'l lt'd.11,.11( H hr ft v llnnk 11111"'1 Ro b- 1 a re ,111ng b!H'k 1,, l!Chnlll.. he 1'1'11 lhilra of 0H1f'r of Maeon • added. \Manual Thi" 111 no ""-''' !Pk. for aom• Ha,,. ki n:<' lolr11 \\Ill' lhlll thr \'l't• '""' ,., 11 ,1,.;r.,.11 nr mnr11 .... k'''"~r holl•r hnl1I " lh1•'" • •In\ i.1 .. 11• ''' lhr l.t'i;1~ll\t11re ~l!ll h11ve '" r11:111lrn JU:Ol b<-t1ll<' I h " tu fl\11 h11 k on Ohn1mull. a vet· nren1ng of the n·~11l11r 11r bu<lget I ei un 11( :1o-1od<l ~·f'ur:o a.s parllll· l'l'i<,..1nn1< "' tlw l.r111~111 111rr• mrnl"n lln of lhl' !';t11l,. AM,.mhlv. "Th ht "u,\'. II"'',. wouldn"t hi' whl'fl"''' 1 8 tll'batt wi<iu•s hqt ..,;rt mul'h l"Xlrk cn~t •· H1twkln11 :1a1,1. th' fan1·v manl'll\'•dnp; on t II• '"The nrw l4:'gial11111r ~ l"nuld 1<1m· floor 111 a t "" h1ghe.•l P""k In the offing for Newport Beach ia a mHlion dollar sac ram en t 0 s 1· de 11· g h t ply llholW up " l'o\\lpl; ti( d I\ y ll A Ol"\\'1'0t11l"r to thfl Aa11embl,r esrly Th 11 v 1· .. 11Ji1 ram11tBrlzt" ad .. ut1'on to th• Hna• '"'-o-'-' H,,.. 'tal F o . Al•(I """''~ t(I knnw " lot of Jl'"a1 .. w .. ...,_. -..... na.£ ... pl • r m 1ource1 thl'msPl\"r,. with tlw t'11pltnl 1E<I· tw&t l hlllJt ~ thBt arrr\'l founrt Ill far removed from tbia community have come grants itor11 nnir· "" "h11plP tallk rn It· lhe rllll' bo11k•. " th bo t N rt Bea h th dd"t ' t that have brought the campai-"' aJmnat to fruition. "'"" 1 """ 11"" Lh•·rr· .. rr1ce11 an•l 1 ~no er on o ewpo c waa ea l 1o na a-.,. SACRAMEl'\T'O, fCNSI A stub on their renewal stiotemenlA po&111hlv a11an1:e hv1ng qu.,1tu 11 UTllf:R 'Ml'~' di.8covery of oil in the city-owned tidelanda and Aaeem· So near ia th!' aim of thil community-$500,000--atate ot e111c1gency tn connr1 linn wht>n submitting fr1•• Th,. f!lllba for th,.1r ramilu'.'•.. Amon)( ulh,.r "n11u1111." 11 h,.lp11 bl E 1 Stan I • f 1 (' hl · lb J • 1 with' the high w&teo c111111~ hy will ti.. r,.turn,.rt tn • 8r .. wnrr11 to I ~lllSt: Of' ~ P:W~"'.SS lo kn"''' hnw In II"' a bill out aupply of wa.ter in Orange County. ym&n ar ey • 1uccea11 U 1g m e eg11 a -to realiJ&tion that it ia quite poaeible that one simple last we,.k·a f<flumi< 111111 1>e1·11 <If'· ,.,.,v .. aa ttif' t{l!\6 ,,.~1 ... 1rn1111n H a ... kin~ r1111H,,.,,; th:·, 1 h ,. 11r 1111 11nr11 .. ndh· rnmm111"" And 'ture which wu culminated with a atatute prohibiting formulae, quickly compounded and mixed, could com · clued by Govemo1 Cootlwrn J card 1 rul,.11 1.,.,1101111, .. , lmn1: 10 ~""'" ll • "'''" '" h•· "hlr t(I wr•n~I" " off ahore ial~d oll well drilling here from the Santa plete the recipe. Knighl TAX AS~ESSMt::l\'TS : The t"X pf'rt11 nn the lf'l:llllllllVI! pr•ll"PS• •·h· .. r l'lllllOlll lf'f' Mlllj(-Om .. nc at Ana River aouth. And more oil production ia being The decl1uatlon. u II m11ltf'r of b<•ard o r ec11111l1za1wn·,. 11\ll or•tt-r In 11111,. 1h1• ·h111r M nrv.1ir.s~ "" th" ~ti.rt "' a 11ea111on M lf'arn The Hoag Foundation, cre&t.ed by the man and pract1ral t lf,.r\. me&nl! lillle to 1nrrt uln1o: tu ... ~ellNmtnlll IJI 14 flll!l·ltnn l~WllPtkt'r!I 'how t•• hunollr th• 11warm nr lob· aouiht. in the tideland.a leue for future development. h the lndlvldunl 11 merely provide~ roun tte,. of c .. itr<>rnht. to bring I H bv1~h w h 1• tr a 11 lt11n~tator• family tor w om the Hoag Memorial Hospital is named, th 1 · ,. 11ugi;r· .. 1rd A Al11n PnKI lh" · . In a minor key, we had a well-ordered Ea.eter Week at s t•lt P"rioonnt and equip· them up aomcwht'rt near the I I I \I 111'1'""'' I hr c llplt'll trnm mormni and which rave a half million dollars in the f irst cam· m t w 11 1 · t t t1 • 1 t!l •I\ vt 1111i111111 R 11 1 Ph ~ t 1 1 1 although the nntal ordin~ce which bel..-..1 provide it b en 1·1•• "1 al!b-I"" 11"1 s. can level of the oth••r countlf'll, wu l<lt'fl~ ltg1•l1ttl\·,. roun11,.1 A1th~1 °R""' "'",· 1 I:"""' paign to build the Hoepital, hu once again offered to e • ocai,, to • lll(Uf'reo coun· l held null and vo1'1 by thr Tula rt ... , 1 •'•1 '1 "II tnr " t1r"t • '""" · b ..__ th l b th .... Co t ' t •h h h b b b ·• hn mull ,.,.,.mbt1· l'ltrk •nit 1 atnce u ..,..,.,n rown ou y e co u, ... u un· n11-give $500.000 for the building o f an a.ddition t o the h1e11h"" ""' ,.,.11 eu 1 Ylcuunty •1Jfl<"1lnr '""''· whtre "'·•roas111lv ~"""' '"'l l'•llJI rrom the mf'11111rr "' thf' ln,,.·rr hnu""· tutional. lg watn ri. ••111 flltd 11ult rrotut1ng 'he U I . I f ' I f I wo11 •t bf' I hi" knowl"dR" nr hnw hoapiW-PROVIDING THE COM)[UNTTY MATCHES SOT \IARTIAL LAW N•unty lnrr ,.11,... Whrthti t h 1 • n ;er" t\ h" f •11 1 1nm 11 mlgh! to trl 11 bill thrn11i.:h •he Stnat ... The chief fly in the c ity ointment ia that u.me o ld .I TIIAT AMOUNT OF MONEY. oeci11nn~ a stalf' ,.f •mf'q:rn-nH•V" 1 ,.~ult1< 10 ,.,1'11112 •II th" m" e ur t " "'u t\• A111 th11 llke msny oth,.r r nac· culprit, the Pacific Electric Co .• now u alway a a thorn cy ta ... ·holh• cll rrert'nl thr.n f'IR• · rul ,., thr 1011,.11~·,. or not , ,.. 11"" kin, "'l:~'"~tt .. n '" .. ' "1th llrttl thinu " n"w Au .. mblyman in th th t · h .. d , More than $390,000 baa been raiaed. Large gtfll lnir an "' "" or 1nl'l111 un•lt'r nlh 1-111 ,.,.,. 1 .. I>-' '""" 11 '" 8 ,111,1, ... , 1 hf' "" 11 1.'" "1'1':'"'"1 nf i\tl••n Mil """1'" tu k.n11w 111 nothlnr; hf' will e pa o progt'eea ere. l'n we cant rave t oo ll1<l '""" r.t.utlttl 1,.,,. i•uh ,.11 1 .• 11 111111 1",. , ,,, .. "111 .,,, 1,. 1 hi' I•• • P s"n f "' n .. n.i..i •I~.. 11 • 1·.-r '""m 1n a IK'hool tor ,,.1,.. loudly about the city'• 1ucceu in getting thia out-and unexpected contribuUona have been a g oodly share u,.,. un•lrr '" .. •1111.,·1 -"I'"' ""'"n h1;.:h" , .. w l' , ... ,.,,.. "~" .. 1 .. r" "'""'h•'1 .. r 1111"' 1"1"r" o( the aum. Citizena of thia community miscellaneous m oded tra.n.aportatio n 1yttem'a bothe r90me, little-uaed of th .... 111\f', with "" '"' •• 1 trw. H• ~ 1 .. k .. n whwh .. rtrr\ th" puh· track.age moved out of the bu.sy downtown Newport J o hn Doe reaident. have accounted for $100,000. lnefff'<·tivf' until lh" ',.,.1• """ lit' I AFFAIRS OF STATE area We still nave hope• on thia but no t h1"gh u ... tan .ina Y l elr ab9ence from the liat of a ctual ""' • • 1111 mf'r vlv 11lvf'11 thr ~lllt" Wi der •IPper1r111•ut 11( f'mf!loymtnt t f'· 0 ·-d " b h P&Jlll<'tl A Allll•' l•f "llH'J llt'l\I'\' 1,ow l':"F'MP' O,YMF.:-JT Thil Even though the P. E. auppoeedly hu eomething In contribution•, recognised by their collection of unpaid po" r1!1 to c•(i·•Jl'"r11t1v•• w11ti hwal I"'' 1,,,1 ih .. i thr low .... t unt'mploy· th pledget in the first campaign are the men of thi& com-1t1Jvt'rnrr• .. nt. Iii I'''' •111111"1 11 "d 11wr11 .,n, ,. l!l:'i2 1n a ="'"""'"~r I By HENR\' C. MacARTHUR e Way O( a COndemnatiOn &etiOn tO defend before fQU1pJO'°OI, 111 ln•lAr\1 "• \4 lint> \\II-llJI fil r CJVl)llln f'lllnluvru .. nt •------------------------------ th L t bl. Ul't ' • · t ,., b munity whoee fact ory the Hoa, Memorial Ho1tp1tal 11 h 1 • •' • e 1 a e pu 1c u 1 1M co mmtu1on nex -arc , •• •or co-up,.11111"n 1~ 11 1•1 • ••11" '' 111 <" •• 1111o1"' 1 1 .. t .. 1 ... 1 !\ ~·.1 MCI have acant h ope t o believe the city council will vlgor --the doct ora. • .. rur .. li f .. nn<1 rr"""'I' ""'k"•~ 1t1111nic 1h .. m11n1h ,.,. ~,,<·l!AMF:'\Tt) •<"~l'1 C:··n· *'rnm,.nt, hn,,.•t>ver. •b o uld It Thf' 111111t11n\ 11•'"'''"1 11n1lr1 e "'""'""£ 111,. 1 .. ., , f 11 ,,.,., •ii.:" ~1 ~ I\" •p1•Hk1ni.: lh,. 1·1111-1111"• • h""'" In •rt>n'1 mor• lh•n tt will ou11ly pr~aa thia meuure. Not that they wouldn't Uke Pltlt'ully arnaU wu th• amount of money that the •Vite or .. ,n,., 1 .. nrv or <>lhl'r 111-bv 221 000 1.h,. 11,.ll' ,.., ?:\ (1()0 h11l11Jay ........ " '"" l th" prup .. .-I r•c-•'"" 10 ••• rev""'...., mertiy to ~movt' U1e P. E. from the a~ It blig'bt., but it'• doctorw of thia area pledged in the tint cam paign. re<"\or Of " •t•I,. 1l"P41rtmenl. frnm Or tnl>t'r ,,.,.. Ir•• th"" t1M1til 11"1 • 1" •Utt talklnfll """"t "1"1e '"""'"'0 "'" lh" tu"' th .. 1olloW1nc all b bee msy hllf' P""'""""' 11n•I 111•ln llllf' 111 lhl" llm" to( th~ Vf'llr, fhn .i ... fln11nl'~• •I '>"1ni: 111 hf'•I A "ub· veer and makf'l!I up the d•flrlt Just typical of all city councila In put yea.rs here t h at am er yet u n th~ amount ~d. lnfinit.eaimal ha.a of equ•rni• nt An•I • .,,.1,11,.11 ,,0 In· fl'" lrnc-nt ,.,.111 JI'< t wh1• h br11•~· no J"v t•• 11nv· 11 • 11n oln thu1 be""'"'' It• author- thcv neve r aeem to make it come ofr. No council in been tht'ir effort in thla campaign t o raiae a h alf m illio n cal proJr• l• hut th,. , •I• , 1 .. 11n 'ln,. and p11 rt•• iii"' I\ 1h" tur"Y 11,· 1• ,urrrm,. and UI• l"''•rl" • -,.. ' ' ' . CHRl!';'J"fA~ f' A R fl () NS ~ NcwportBeachtodatehuhadthemoiUeformermayor dollani in order to cet double or nothing. The crosa I)' In Whtrh lh .. ··rr•rt~rnt\ """"~ "" """I'"" fir" unable to r•fUM to atlll ha.o ni11n•t111 111• 1111th1111\ 1" i:o\'t'tnor G<'°'1"'1" J Kru~hl fnl· """'"'"' Gt•Vf'1nt>r G110<h''" J 1t11n· l h• iznvf'mni,.nt ttervlce pm· Marc McCallcn or Huntington Beach di•played. He aection ot the communit y greate1t benefited by the <'"" v ,1111 ,. .. , , .. , 1.,,,1111 ,.,,~11•11,~,. '""'"1 thf' u~11"1 rn•tnm <>f 1:0w· K h 1 11 1 1r1 r alled the P. E. · S. P. brasa hat.A one day and aaid, location of the Ho ag Memorial H o1pit.al he~ hu bee n WATFR ('rJ"\l lf'rln"\~ Th ~ "' ""1~ m tinn•1111.: ''" 1'"1"''"" "' ,/1,':_.,~ ~~~1'.'~\1, ~· ;.,"v= 1 ~.~, ·~;; ·;~~ ' 1 ''Bo h b h f lfl Id h d I · th -..a. I { ' It th d t h J tll"p1<rllnrnl "' I' 11 b I 1 t wnrk~ f'hll•l ll1M• 11 "'" Hr 1""~""'1 'l:I d•1\\n 111 "''"·' ••f th,. frnr •1,.11111• ya. t ey ta unc o 01 e an 1 a.re gomg to e m.:wca pro eu1on. l8 e oc ona w o no onger " tJ LD u.:u Cl! ' \\ UU'Ol.l.Xb UH• ·Jw1n1un o( .... ,.,..,..,. ~,.r nna , P!'ll!Wl-' w nnc ' IU wrll .,. 1h .. (u1 11ro· 111o'h .. •k K~lnffT l'ONC ,lllll" C'lVl'J Ot•r t< n I & h l appereMly !:""~ 11111111: With lhli' f1M1l llC'hOOI .. 1 I hrnk m~ th11t "· maln111111 • .,,,, .. rr&,.rv,.,. Hf ha11 not bNin move your raiJway deP.Ol out ot t.owfl." Hiatory doesn't have to drive 20 mite. at odd hoUTIJ to pettorm t eir urc .. 11• 1._11 .. ,, ,. 1 .. 1•111 .,,.110" '"""''" '" < itht""11" ••n'?tn:: tri•m i-;,,01 ,. .. r .,, ... 1 .... 11 1,, • .,. 1,.1,..,11 . rd it h 'I b 'd th--L-f •-"'-l. --..a th f Out f th oodn f h !Wiii lhf'fl to m11r1l"I Thr,.,. ' .. m. J'eCO t e r&I way ra&8 l&I au.a• or t..e.UJJ.•I I.Lt. WOra auu e&rn elr e.. 0 e g eu 0 l e that wall'J fhn•hllPllll In ('11hf11r· mutation• of llf'O\f'n<'•'' ''""r" ,.1..,, lnJt B th• -1 . h h h _ _._ f th H F d •'-GI L M d n111 n111tll tof ,..,, '"'' "'" .. i.11 .. r11r· I ,.... I r ut • ra1way 1 crewa were l ere t e next m orning t&>uo o e oag oun auun, enn . arttn an .. r•ntC'd .r,t lh"'" "'" 1wo "''"•·• " Lory. 1\11•1 un•nl•~t 11 lnrv '"'"'lh nf " th 11 I f • bright and early to take out t h• Pyesore with friendly hundred• of othent, the d octon1 have had created that '"11,. Allf"" nnrmal "moiinu 1· A M P A 1 o ~ MA:->Af:FR:-; "u11 1 " 11 ~ "t" inlln• in i on ·'""' ,, .. 1 ..... ( 1,. .. ..,. "' Ul• •lat .. ·• ll'lllHlnllll: S~~I mllhnn In re~eJI, h ( t • C\-'tn \\"h\\it"_.' An,t IA"Unf' Bax· "'"" thr~ n1 Av t'• t11•·",..h rfu" 11 hand1. ere a ine actory complete with all tools 1urn111hed for or w"t"r h.,,.,. fllllrn n11rlh of ,,., h11,.,. .. ,..,, •rnnin1,._, , 1 01 '"'" f1111h,., .1.v1•1"" n •w ~1 h11r•I · th t I lb · t d ~ h Sto• kt .. n ""'' ti 1•1" I• 1111 11bf•v,. " ' " ,... '' 1 1 .. I< Now we are not advocating anything 1*e that: ju1t em o P Y eir ra e. .1.uey av• not responded. I""'""'' 'n"" f'"' k '" tht i::1,.1 tll p1111n1 mnn•i:r,. tnr th .. •· """"· """" 1 1"' 1'1 ·"I' 1 ''' • "I' 1" 11 1tr•1•1l,. 111,. '"" t h"t h .. •rprnv"'1 n lull •I•·• 111 nn1t .,, mllt h nr 111 11•" 11 • """ilt'tl th•• ""•r mentioning that a call to headquartena warning of N ow i1 lhe lime ! Soi1111 ,., f"1 ~•n•• r11inf•ll ,. 110 '"" 111 k,.1 1 .. hi' hr11.1 ... 1 h\ 1; .. , .. 11" 1111 ,,h,.•~ It•• .i .. t. 1 '' 11 "' 1 .. I 1-d' i 'd . b 1rf'l l'f'nl 11f ""ffllh l ""''In o .... · .. n• nnnr Ont1<l"'tn J l<nh:hl "' t hr lllltl l' lhlln I• Ii'•""'""' •1'111\ \•'Ill popu ar u• 1gnat on di the JO . lf each doctor on the ata!f or the Hoag Mem or ial Hoe· <"1111forn1A rr1m111 v In J 1111,. \\ t ,,. 1" """"1'1"1 "'" "' ' 1'"'" 1 ,,,,, ... A' '" r11 .. 11te1" - 0 f1na11ctal fu· lllf" '"" ~111d rranklv In the Sm1· lht>rn t'n)lfnm1a •J'lrf'!'h th•l he 1l1w11 n<it w1<nl tn be a p11r1y tn 11ll .. \1•1n1o1 th .. 11t1ll~ '" •1nfl lntn f1n~1111 11 d1ff1r1Jllv "In hllnd ""If· ~'-''11 "01 " thlll nnlhlnjt 1'110 h1'fl· I"'" ' Artu,.11\'. h,. •11111. !he 11t.at• t ,. •f'""I S484 m1l1tnn In e•~•ll In the many yeara the New11-Preee hu carried on pita! were to pledge $1000 in COLLECT ABLE NOTES ! ~;:~~~:, •;!,t'"~:~;~'":1;;f 11~~; .. ~;'':~ 11kv1 •.nd Unxtrr "'" .. 1o1 h1111.:~ nl '""1 ' 111 ~· '' """N\I r1n•1 1 ' 1 "k·· It. camp~gn t o gel the track.a and !acUitiea m oved Lo thia campaign the builctinJ of the hospital add1tJon nnrm"' ~~;'P:~~~,'~.~~·."~-~.n~~~·;n• 1'11:.~·.1:;7.' ;ur '~,. 1:~:·. ~r·i"~·;:,·,;.','.'.;;n A• '1 .i:;~·; h thod h ld \..-_.,a ,.._ b ftO~O f'F:l.ln':RY F'rttnk B .. ,. ,. I l•I t• w ere they ~ Jeaa or a nuisance the me u been wou ~ ... un:u. '-Al:rtainly eac and every d octo r in Olltktt, ,11,.., 111r ur ruhllr work• The 11 .. 1,uttnn will ti. 1•1 ... 111 .. ,1 1.. "" " "r through the publication'• editorial page and appeala to thia community bu •arned $3000 thi1 year. lf so h e can ~""' SHlfl(\jllWIQ n tw1n1t. h s ,.,. r•r ,.•1·t .. n1 1"1·· 111 ,,,.,., I""" "''I \1t.Tttc111 '''u' '" ded f h . th ~')<:/\ bf'en ,,,.1"" ..-... , 111 ~Ull ~'Wlflll hl1· lhl" pr .. •111 .. nt ,, .. ,, 1... '" I n Th ........ I Jll ho• 1 ff' .. h th111 \Iii• the council. The current group ahows ag~ment in uct rom 18 LnCome t&xea e ~ per year that 1t •ltr T!-,. , ... 11 .. will rin1t.nt-" rron· 112,.10 ll n'1 ,, nut lhr ,1 ... 1 111 •rrrth·•I ,1 1,n .. n• n.: .. """' 110,1 in 'I ii • 1"' "1'1" in t 11 .. '""' 11..v .. n pnnciple and can point to backlogged caah ~t u ide by would take to reure a thou1and doll&r note in thr~ •lru<'11.,0 "' th• n•w r•r11.ll•I rnorf' or '"" "''"" OJ'f'n .... to tho l 1l , ... ,,1m1uUU11 10 unn .... '""'~ "" 11 r""'11 ot u"tnc up "''"r 1-f th 1 . Of b -'-uld . l d h (' whom 11 .. '1f'lf't'lllh'n .... 11 ~ \l n ..... r\• lll''nrltni.: ""I " rt .. t .. trl'nl •iuphl• 1" 'NII 11 ''" \lo llh lh• prev1oua counc1 .. or e remova proJect. yeara. COU1'9e eac one ... o me u em noteti t e 1t:1;1ri~;;1.1~11 ~:"11u~~,:' .. ~;'~,""~;: J>'•rt uni,. .. ,,, r»urv 11 11,..,1~11·,0 10 f'('on"" ·~·•I .:nv,.1n11,. ,,1 np..r"· h • 1rn1: prn1t11•111 But, when you w ind up a year'1 w ork you w onder pttvloua ple4ge9 aigned and unredeemed ao that eac h 11161,. 1,.1:1,1,.1,Jr,. 111 made .,,.,ror .. 1h .. P'"""r~ lion• Th .. lhr.>n• 1" 1h111 1nr r••ll· /\• n .. •1111 " ""'"r ha, uup-ht if you·ve a lways d one all you can. In the caae of the doctor might PK> that amall aemblance or peraonal Ll f'E:"~E RF:~ F: \\'A I.!'; "F.W l'illlF:l "'rl')R H J "r k Uct .. n• Wlll 11ren1I thf' 111nnr~· If '1 " •0•1," I ,, I K" 1' hln fnr m•nY P. E. we d on't know. The eveaore is still in plain view aalwfact.ion and poae:uio n of the factory in which they \\'1111·h ,,_, '"'"n•" r,.n .. .,.111 •hf'-H 1nnA I .A ~'""" ''"~ "fll"•nlrl ll'• thl'if' ln ~~n t '""r' ,, "'"" h 1 " iz,,v,.rnnr J f"r Oi1•l,,r ,,,.h1 r lf'• In th,. . m•"1I l t rr~'n'• nut thnt "' ,.n th,. r.-"1111n· f -" t 't b W 'II t t h work and the toola that each one uaea. ~ " '''"'" r "' th,. •1r1t .. •lrp1u tm,.nt Thrrt fHf' •r1C11n1,.nt -'" 1>11t 1 lnir S7!1 n11111 .. n "l?"n" thr "l"'n'1· Of laU 0 Bee, flO 'l\'e Can rag. ' COn JnUe 0 Ope lhlll W""k Tl\(' fltr11rlllll!OI of (I~ l'l"'"••IOn"J Jlntl \'<W .. filltlllf ll<lr' /<0\ ll11tln111\' hll~IJ"ll'>.-IJIL ll\'f'r J••\PJlljj• l•'•t'lf•lll ... Ill that tlna or the next city council wiU get on the~' CoUectabMt note. of the docton could be pledged mntni v,.htrl•'• "'1H ml\11 ··""' •••"""''I• in ~'"'""",,,.. I"'" ml\tnt111J1• n ,, ... ",. 111nd 1t P"'· , '"'fl"' ,..,.111v" 11,1,.,0 • hv Ill• aDd get a Jo b done that'1 long-aince overdue. at the local ban kl for collat~r&l with which t o proceed ()()() ~llJ'I' t•• t ·1111forrt11 11utnmob1I,. '>irk M11rn•11rv Th,. """' ,,,,,.r. ~•hlr '" tAkr '"'" flf ' n11ni:•·u· I•~ .~1111111 ,. '"l:•u·'l"•~ nt wti111 I ownf'r~ tn rr"l'l\rll t 1r•n f11r th" ,,. • • r h" • h"• n ""' nnp;: "~ ll'lll•ll1 nt """ l>11•pln~ 11.t•• ll" r """"•ii , rrmnrnt ~ ln ,.,,., ,..11,.11 t•~· 'Inn In o ur ne1ghbonng city of Cotlta Mesa much good at once wilb the building oC the miluon dollar add1t1on. n .. waJ l'fT"•ntt '"'m .111 n11"'"'' ~ I• 1 .. 1H• ''"P"''m"nt •t1r"t1"r t o r rlln o.. '""'" ,.,. .. , 11n 1 • '" 1111 ,11 11 11 work baa been done through 19~ o n pro blema t o 1tag-We doubt that it would even coat any doctor hla nf'w f'" .. b 4 Tl .. '1"1'11rtnlf•n1 "11111'""· •-vPrt11 "' ·n1 • Thi' l'"•ll111n r .,., •rP"11r uno" ·' ,, 1 .. "I"' 1 ""' Alt• 111.:h thr ._ t ,111y 1,rnbllhlv l d Tb ,.. f t.b 19....., '-·-b t<1 m11l11Jl,l11 nnl It> r1tt11rh th" $11:,oo l'"r '""r of lh" fun'1 1 • "'''' ~1'1" I II I ger any civic ea er. e -e.a counctl a.nd plannUlg car or e year ""•or ..... wife er nunk. o r that all "' "' 1•notr• n•rt '" th,. 111•,7 in! :end by 1111 \hat "'' h "f't'n•I · i.: "' •11 .... " n "' lhf' l,.1:i.l11tur". f"lf'"lll· comm1u1on have put in a year'a work trying to aolve too requent week< at Laa Vegas. bl' h,.n,.ri. 1"' 1 inn 111, ,,. •• ,... ,., 1 ,1,.m.,nr1 ..... n the drainage problem . Thia ia a continwng b&tlle Just to prove O\U" Sood faith in thUJ proposal. the SCENE AT THE CAPITOL on th,.""·• hMn·t "t'"' ,,, " '"" •' ,,,. • •"" ,, .... n ......... :.; ... which only rttenUy hu aeen aome lo~ 1tride. taken. irov,., nmrr tirr~•n• 11 ' ' ., rrinll' r h· ,. "' ''" th,. nrr1m" nf pubtuher ol the Newport Harbor Newa-Preae herewith lh1v,. 111'1•· '"'"'"" 1 1 r ""'" ,.,,. •'•'· 1n••··"'"• hM'""" ,,, ""· C.o1ta Meu thie year haa brought tremendou1 new pledgn that he wW provide the lut $1000 u set forth ,-----------------------------t>11~1n .. •• •n "'' 1 • " • • 'h .. n ""' , ··llrnr '''' .,,. • 1"'11111 .. 11• th"n11 develo pments in11de the city hmJt. with annexation oC abov•. That ill puttinJ our m oney where our m outh la. ~A<'RA MF::"TO •<'N!' • II rl•c,. •·f '"" tull th .. '"1t••l11tur,. Sur"""" "' lh.. I" i1 ,. ,,. di '' "" " I'"" '"" r11vrrw•r ~~--~~---~-~~-~~--~~~-~~----~~--~~~-~~---~~-~--~~~--------~~ Jhnt1)1I n nt hP 1~ \rtnK h~fnrv lhr tn ~1 1r11) f~tth 1\1f~A1P 1 h•''~\l~~ d~p~f,1}• fln r11tft1' ~t t 1t •1• 1 1 fif'l' ·~ t1 ~t ~t1f•f\ th~ ''\1 1r~,~~ \n F ormerly the N""J>Ort·B&lbo& N_..'nln• and Ule N""J>Ort·Balbo& Pr..- l:nte~d u 8eC-011d-ci.. M&tt.r at Ule Poa\otnce la N...-,.rt ..._, C~Hfomia under lb• Act of Mardi I, 1879, r.WlaWd •"'7 ,._..,, w.,.__, ... .......,. "" ... N1:1'"POllT ILUUM>a P1JWLllP'llNO ~A.Jn' Hll lllllll1Ma IUt'4.. HSWl'OaT a&ACR. CALU'. ,.._. ...,._ ... Fanner McCabe Writes • • • Went eamplnc CNt in the Delert. w ith a friend Jut week. Tb.-.'• nothinr that make• a teller feel greAt lib cook.inc oyw a campfire and aleepmg under the 8tara. H01NOUM ever, when two fellera haft& sleet> in UM eab ol a ~-up becauae a Mountain Lio n iruii.st11 on WU'IDJnc bi9 toota*t over their campfire coala. why ' t.biere'• notb.ina. Brotblr, abeolutely no thin1 like the SNlldeMMm., Sarrl\m,.n ln rm1n1 ,. •uprr lt11' 1 11urt nr lh" _,.,., ,.1 lnf111 m1111 .. n 'I"""· no "11y 111 m 1\\P I" "I 1.. ""' 1r I l'l'I' ,,,,, • •111n .. t k""!' 11r wll h I tie n1l"A on th,. fl"""""" 1( \lo"h"lhfr !Inn ln\lnlvrd rhr\' "'' nnl , ""''•~ 1.. l h • It•" In••· 11•• • '" ''""'"" l f.,r ..,,.rv1r,.11. or nnt PAul MAt11'n, cl1r,.tl1•1 ''' ( 1.11-cr. t,1.r.~ • 11t I 1ll1•I" or tt1r I oil 1 I 1• "' I .1 1: .i ll~hl 11 11111• ,., ,. willln lf lhf' 11la lt' of'r11r1m,.nl •·f motnr f'h11l1p•. In h1• Arl/lllt .. nf tn th .. f'l l'•ltH"I .. , I\ AO'r\I" •Id•"' ,, ... In rv 1r"'"" •h•" ,j •\\ti tlt1y ... vt hl('\t',., hl\it lh" ri1thl In •l"n" •11pt'rl11r rnurt ""'' rhl\ll.:• t ~rf'· 1th,. >111• • ""' f It» '" • • ,.,., '" , .. '"''• "' I "••1hl,. lromml'r<'IAI !11m11 th" rravllr~,. r1!1r111ly lhat th• m""""t" w11• 11n nf rh,.rloni: •hl''"r• h1 f n•I'• f\lf<I "''"mr t In rln,.,. 11p \ht t 1 ... t•• tntur,. In 2,, 111r.nt.t "1'h •111111 "'1th h1t1 •l"f'"'' mrnt 1 ••mm,.rrlal 11earrh..r • wh11 11rr \''>'Tift 11 ,TF:f' J;t n ""' II l'h lhr • l'r.rr•mfnl•> h1• rh,.nl• r1uh"r 1h11n 11n h"n"•t allnrnP\' "h" r"l""""nl• l\n ,.,. ,.rt,,rl tn \\llhh .. lrl inlnin "''"n Thu• lh .. tHll is''"" ITv•r" •"r a•nltat1• r• k"""'" "" th• Cll hfnr-in lllk nt.: '"" ll·""rnm•·nt ""'"'' '"" ' ~ c .. n. ;rntn R' lhf' rhv~ll hi lln'1 mrn ' ' " .. In i nn 11111.n• t• •lrl""' • wh .. •r,. ~ ,.. r ~ " 11• """"'' to d11v.-aut11fr\'•tt1I••• nn READERS WRITE • "'" R•" I l•I" "'. Piil• liln" B11rPllll, I r ft1om !hf' r""1'1" ,,, \hf' dl4lf' "I ~llf'f't 1or C"url c1n a pl'llllnn fur hi1Ch"'"Y" ut the 111111" ' •r·~rrhf'1" ulll r•I hl!I 'lff,." lh"r" I h"• 11ru11n1I • •1111 In th• N1untv M111nn "'1111•,.,1 th t' •· 1Hm,.r1111t • wnl o<•m1trul11 t" lo t11rc,. Mll.lll}n •t1nuM hAw• hl'l'n " hill 11• f• rr --------------- tit.I 'rt'('Ort1 l~JHC'hnl'. wh<>lh,.r lh" C'•1111n11•rc IHI """rch· r•unm,.rri11l l•rl(HllllA t111n fr" m >""'JTdl•' 1.. I vMI f'r11 llhuuM bl' p.,rm111,.d tn "''In· ,..,ar•hlnl( 1~,. 111,11 11r the drrrtrt· Mr~ \\'1n1fr"t1 llrt1hr,. rum .. McCat>. A(TflO:OO. Af"fER~ATH lll lhl' '"""· but r•lh .. r thP pM· ''"'nl. In t(f111t 11 In lll('ll ll' 111d1vl· w .. m .. n ~ J.:-111 .. , f :lh •••>en UJl '"" f1l1'11 tu rommer· Thf! q11P11l111n h I''" i~ n1't 11,.. lf'l(l'IAIUI " 11r11h1t11t1nic II n y I • " , .. l1Ctrta ~ed) Thi' Ph1lllp• pf'l1twn II ILll ar-m11rv q11••tr'l n nf ''"'"l·•rn ••r In· tJ ual• w hn f1111 t•• p11v thf'lr h1I~. 'X•·'l<r•••' ""''•, ""W•·Pr·"•• ~ W hWhll IAW'8I M...._ ... Afftl1SI ._...,,A.II a... Lt•ml\lh <>r '"""'"'"'" ll<'l1on a l '' rm1111on rf\r th .. I"" I''" .. r Call-1 rall\,.r 1h1w a n1'"'""" wh1o '1 hv fl..,., r.f•, 111111,, .. BJ o.or... et tlile ~ o..n., OfMISe ()a. i. ....._ Jre. A·lltll .,_ ______________________________ lhf' ll'0iO """"""" ,. hertln th" ltR'· fot nia I• auht•r flllt" 1•r•v•n\• th"• .. G R ts 0 • • ll•l11turt> 11n1 I' oltfrate<J a bill to Ju"t whv ont driver of 11n auto· .... A,. ht r• tr"m ~01nc inlo t h ~ ~1"11" lhl\nkll t' '"" •n•I >'""r • ...._ o.llfenle N••P•"' Pw9Xr' re A.9111° M1• .. _._ N.--a _ ........ a.-1 .. au. .. • ..._.,~~N ... ....._ Bm1'f RZDDJCK. PUBL18RD WILLIAM .4. MO&U. Edltof' ORMOND &. ROUN'I'llJlm. Ad,,_.~ Dfnclor C11AJU.JU A.. AJU(.S'J'ftONO, MecbanJC&l 81Q*1nt91deet BVMCIUPTIO!lf M TUr Newper1 Ba~r 111 ...... r-. Trt·W..W, a. <>nae• c.io-ty. M.O. r'' ,--r: Jl.09 eh-; II~ Ulrw -OW~ el> 0,..,. C:owat;r •1·" ,., 1~ f rass 00 Plnlo1n h fin .. r•\\•1·»1•"' '"' !hi' .. pl•n•11'1 h•un. h""''"Y"r al t e '"' t 1111r1I (Ir n1t nllll c<111tJ1t fnn n( •n· rhf' d,.p1rtm,.n1 '' atttm11t1ni 1 , 1,. "'\""" ~-rln;t rf'<:(lroJ~ or fir 1venh hc~n-I 111nbrll' • u\lltl n'lt know th• phy· 1 '""" 1· ••. , ... , "' 1"11 "" I """•11 •·n v n II n'i1111lr <llU:tf'•I an 11111,.n•lmenl to e>lhtt driver, provr·I~ ~ want.a to ,.nrt l'r th• 1111m ,. ~··"!••••th•'"""' •v ,, ,~1', .• 1'"' 1'"11K1t"1 • ANTIGO, WISC., DAILY J OURNAL: "One of th-. da19 eomeone will demand that Wuhtngton ruar&ntfie profttab~ operation for thoee Mgaged in dil- tribution u well u tor thot1e enga.pd in production. They probably won't pt it with producen and con· wmen unitrd in oppoe1tlon. b ut it will 1t1m11IRt• l'l'lmf' lo~cal tbmktf'lg " ! I bt> pu\ lnll) 11 mt1J11Jre that wu to t.ake lh• tn111blt to look It up aearrh•r• ,,,..,..-,.1,. 11t 2'• '~n•• a \\ 111111 on lh,. •fnate t11 ... prohibit· In the department of m•>tor Vf'· ,.,.u,:h. b111 11r1t1rdlni '" •II r,. 1 ""'" ''' 1""" ''~'•flll fhr )'"'" 1n1r mrh\'1'111111, frnm hbt1Unln1 in· 1\1\:1•. la a r:O<>tt quf'a tl11n It '' fl'>rt•. ll "" r.r hall bnn unl\hl,. '•·n 1 .. ,,.,;"" 11~'1 ~""" i:r,.at 11'1· I torm11t1"n ronr,rnlnp; • dnver'1 • quu llon fh11t bt1rParr11t1c gov· t11 rrnv1df' th,. f11•\ ""f'''"J' s1vf'n IT11'' 11"'" ' 1 " •irh •t•n'1•rl1• h ••l >"''" p11hllfllltflll I J'l yA11•a.I 01 nvntlll rondtllon ernm,.nl otflt'tal• have a.niower~ b\' thf' rt co111 11•..rt h,., _ Th"r"· Th1-l\m,.nrtm•nt v.•aJI adopted tn lh,. neralh•• They have. by I fort . the Ir-"• rl( llmtt contnbul"•. I I without rr"r "r h"11 rtn,. nntlre ' Uittr arllon._ dfOCl•red that 8U<'h theoreucally at lMJrt. lo th .. '""I I th•t •• ""' ti'\ t>• .,,. .. ,,1 nJ '1 .... lnfnrm11J11'\n .. lhf' r mr .. rtv ... f th,. r11~ ()( ~r~n• whn 11r .. 1111 .. mr•· 1>41t,. !, I~• •I• •1111 hr0111• • t l h" ,,..,,,.-nn ""' nnlv •n'1 bv aubttr· 1n1r In l "t ... u1 fr• m un lt r .911 pa y· ... ..,.,,,n •n•I t .... r.t t .. t11lc• th• fllJ". h-v• l "ll•n the atal• l•r••·l menta of --.noua l~•. f ·- Y'111r1 trul~. J•n• A r~ r 111)t1 I\ •hrt•Jfl"I '\ Jt>h ~ u11•11ht .. r11 !Yth•I coei. M--. C&lit. HARBOR ~o~ BILL PHILLIP~. Sports Ed1tM NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA RT 11 -PAGE 7 WEDNESOA Y. DECEMBER 28. 1955 tPARAMOUNT HIGH TONIGHT. PILOTS FRIDAY 1FOR TARS With tonight's gam<' at Patamn11nt High rRl<-ulatf'<l to bring the NC'WJ'Orl Harbor ll1~h ~1'hool Sailor quintet back into fighting trim. C\llt1 h J ul,•s t:ag1· hopes to have a reveng~intent bunch of Tar l'llf:l'l'S 1td1111i.: r.ir R Bt'('O nd go of t hf' St'8!'11'n •1_i:aln1<t t-:xrf'I· 1 1 'llrn• "~ 111 1 ha:< "'"tt•>n • Sun.et 111or'a P1lu1s in tll.. h1g?1 '" h1•11I I IA'll!rUI' , nurt 111 ,. gym }hr;-Fr1,1in· n ght : 1•1,,1 ,.11,,. •111 11,1 i: llu,.up com• Gni:•· ~h••"' ""' Chri"'1"·"' 1111 • t-'n ·"l 11~111 .. ,:11n~1 E:xcalalor wUl key olf h•• J!HYtt wnh " lhr~l f,nl P'l•hr f'.1rr 111111 P1111l Lorent• I hour 8l'is>1o"1 ~t .. n11ay n11:h1 1 .. ;1b" · zeu f•l.iyin • 111,1111' ant1 lkhuttt. Ing a WC'C'k·lung l&~"·C• 1111:' n .. wa i:111,· '~•···n.:t1 n•l l •1wr Tamura talc• orlJ:o!llllln,1:" (ruin 111.-""rk1111t \\Ill' •nl:" ·.-111,. ,,, 111,. outelolf' 11pp111N1l l •'l111n ,.( RJ:J:rf'S~l\•' A full '" ri11ng r ba1dcrtbell le bor area masculine athlete of 1955, furni!'hing th\' \;•"'I J:'" ~.-1 ... 111 , .. 11·" 111~ >'h 11·•' •1 J 1, 1 th 0 11 .,-1 ....... I :,1 •\ ' ••• , 11• flt -" or ... ,, .. ~1•• flurry among spectators as local hi~h school dist:tnce Srhuirt. 1111r•H11t1ing qllRrtflr· .t:I\' niRhl 10 &t'l llnrbnr a rea f&N runner and week-long possessor of the National In· hack '°1 Coa. 11 Al 11 "'111 " ic riol h11;·k 1ntt1 ~pirlt of th• •Jl<"'t• .... ~riu11t\, ml'<JI• •I llnal g .1111<' of thr •nn At :1.30 pm lhll Junior ..,... t r rscholastic mile record. ~'hite's mark. whieh i;t11l '"'"~"n 1111r '" "" kn•·<' 111J111~· ;<uf-~11 .., tRkr• thr nnor aca.imt ~ stands as California's best. was 4 :20. -StAff Phot o 1 r.•rl'd 111 f1r'1 praio.l .. r 111'" OrRnlt" ~11;r At 7 I''". n•ach J1mm7 NU· 'h'1mrrnm1ni;: J:Rmr i•n I 18\'ltl:o< .. n ll'r " II T 111 II \\Ill llJl off a,al69t imowed under with colll'ge 11<"hol· Tti,1t or Polif e Clil~f A 11 Mcl<t'n· Ft. rid . \\ h<'n Clt'oq;e t ur11l"<I out for l lh 1 Th t ...... -· a,..htp offrni. zae In ro11ht Mt11& to ini<lall • 1 ha11krlh.dl afttr t h,. An&hr11n ~ 1 "'• •· t : '1·:r•I Y ........ ~ l I 11nn<'rw11y a o : n Jl m. C'rou •'mmtr\': Lll rry ca11tro r;-g11 11r1m1 ,.Ollp llox dPrh.v race footb11ll r11111lt , he conun111>d hav· _ ------------ Thin brtrl'fnN r11•ll\OCf' ll18n tw1rP r1111r~ .. for nr11ni::r t"n11n1 y in thl' tni:: l nillt>tf' with lh'll knN· ~o lltl """' !-illn•f't Leiq:ue rernrdl< nrw 61 ll('~I' 1•0 ,111 ·'11'"". l'urk t:11ge onlr1r t1 ". Jl'SI cur.-1cross Country Go thlJO y4'ur. doing A 22 airalni•t 11111e nur ~.111IA Ann th Hr nrr I "Thi• way l'ichuill ahowl'd up 0 • C" , ... ~11nta Ana •nd 817 ~ 8"'&1nst \'wl•llH\ S I 111• ~11i:i:.<·,,1 u1n Co1I· ~lon,1av 1111otht'' tai.;e "nnm11\<'e•t RANC:I' .. •O NSl-Coach • · · " 1 1 .• 1 r 11 h -· lrn· ~II• k'Jt rro~~ rounlry P..U.. Orftnge (l\'rr the l 8 n11l• .-11111~<' "'\l' ""''I'•~ '' ,,. '""11' "11 th111 v.'•'• k •he II br 111111 111.1n "" · 1 • , 1 , J 1 • 1, k ,., s nt 01'1\0l:t' ltlgh Scbool ~ 1 And thlJO with te11nan11ll<' Tilt'! ·"1 '' "' •i.:•··I Ill • 1111• " 1 111J "' I he '''""' pr ovuling h111 .kne .. I lflj .. 11 t·11111o11 11 ~t 1111•11'1 11111•1'• hi'· .' on R11nla An•'• IMtMir"IUftl'l'W \\'hlle furni~hlng maJ .. 11ty <•t ""' "'"' 111' ~ I ht rt Jan 3. NEWS-PRESS SPORTS PICTURE OF 1955 nppc>Jtltlon \\'hh·h n·011m1,. ui; th11l tl"n .. r t '11hrll1i•tl'r .lo1hn l1111t••n Tl11~ 111Nsn11 t .a,::" h~ 1:1\'Pn 11r ---------- lhl' onl}' nppm!ltlr•n In ('hnlrt' 11t I T11p ~p .. rt11 1· .. n\1 ~l o r the VNll . lr111pu1111 1ly '-'" h1io pl.1nm .. 1 tl••l/l•I" ore Athl1•t 1r Jlll Ntnr P lckrnll Strve ~111111n•1•n ('lllhl'd a nO·llll· """\ 1tllll• II f°Rlllln> ot Any nnr •a COl\r h "' lh4' Y""' l'Rrnf' h om I• r Ill A •lbll~t ror the ll1t1l•ir 11( tlll' s •• 11 .. r~ lllll'I' Ing U.•ys T11r Alhlctl•' D1rf'<t1or Rslph H<'l'·I JI,.,, i·:ut. A vn1ot11•• <:a int.• hut l.>trl\' 11,111•• 1 T 11111 Houeton and ltl'l'rlV ~ tr11"io 1ounlry tram" h»ve lv~l l·O '" E.u l L••IA'I_. 1 "'' h•I I" 11111!1 lllltlA"".J lo take O\'t'r JOllNSTONE'8 Mesa Auto Wreck .. Thia action was r('corded dunng Newport Harbor High School minor sports championships last winter. Connecting with the l<'fl to chin of Glen Thomas is Jim Nl·wkirk. Thomas was winner of tht-boxing bout. -Staff Photo not lo11t 11 uur•I mr<'l ~in•e 19!'12 J11b f11r lhe l "tnhnal• the C:l.'nlc·1 1~••l hu t'•u-1 C..it• · I M'd Auto hn. u4 Aou ,,..._ 2015 Plaoeada .&"9. HARBOR AREA SPORTS STANDOUTS SELECTED FOR YEAR·END HONORS •t.a.ndltl!t during 11Ummtr 1Ll'livll 1u nowln~ Hav L&ni:~nht'im ~" :-;p .. 1•inl • •ll•m1•n<l11trcina i::o lo t .. J•• l·I•' "I"'" 11pt"•"I &J1J B.R.I:• "•· But, with a ~O·l!O dub, \\'lnt,.rbum l'h"ll J:Unlt'. thu• t'Vr n 1r H&y Ell l-1111•· lu1 111:< \\'lrk IA"llh 1n1• al\'l'nt'/UI 1tt1 lht' 1<n~1A't•r for T11r wa1 a lil'Orlng atandout lllld all· r11dn'l a< tually .io an\' rn\\'lllll .'.II• •,1 .'.II 1 • 1.11111~. lt•><I M•• M1lh1<n • ---- around C'OUrt 1lemon 1n the FAllt· He'a thf' guy rMipont lble fr>r bring· 11n•I \ 1•111 Al • n, 111 .. nr with 1111 em c;onfeN>nce. rn1e lht' grf'lll Wl'lllern spnnt Ill«' i...•u<·n•• \\hn m a•lr lht> 11pl1·11· Swlmmlng ; Don Reddln(ton. j Chamrlon •hip here «'8' h llflrln1t. 1111 ~){! 111 tr I••·• Ii.ill 11n•11r11ni •I" k , AJiother tluse Ont', w ttn BuJdy 11hm.ir w ith "1c h t•1tw8 ,. Xavy. \<lr lhl'1 "'"rk \\Ith UaP \Ulllll:" ~e 11trulllnK hla •tuft In lhe wh,,~e ml!l3htpmen-&ptu1 .. d th .. 1r "1''1' tht ("•'lrhn1 1tt OC'(' 1111>1 Pt rate pool anu Jerry li'urquhar lt't'Ond 1tralJ:hl t Ille M~ v 28 br· the h111h •< h .... 1. "n•l the I•~""'" Harbo r Rest Memorial Park l.1trdr n•, ('f'mf'IN)' • U ar-l>@r at ti!Aln Llbforty "-iots o... ..._ Tod White, Linda Preston Top Local Athletes Tabulation of By BILL PHILUPS When th<' tag-end or th<' year comes along. only one duty rPmAim1 fo r any self · r especting sport.a editor. He aasumea his normal position -clear out there on the end of t h1· limb -~ort8 through the plethora of performances wtitrh l\1w• pa111•~·t1 ,1rrn1111 th~ loclll apo1ts b•r nr 11.11•1 f'llprrtly lllbu· iat!"1' thl' \Oj' •1••rl • 1wrlinllnlll11•11 Thf'n h" 1111 • hl1< k II\\ rulln~ thr a valand1,. "' nuul "'hit h rt'min<la him l'>f "' f'1 \ ll\lnlt h•• ,.,·~tll\uked Clf C11r1tnt •.1vt "' 1n1ni.: a fA11 ly .-nn· alatrn1 1 ht mr · I >ror r11•11t1 ' Tn fCln'-lllll th1o; •1l11 1trnn &!I mur h 11• l'"''•hl• lhl.ll p1Hl1• ula.r eporl I' ed1lnr 1• l'"•"lt '" •II\'-'." lh1n1t~ up 1n1u 1onou1 '-alegurlu -•Ut h u l••r 11111••·u11nr 11thlete. top Crmlnlnr ltlhll'lr , cl)>1 r h Of Ulr ye&r. b"6l .1: '" ,,,.,,,, ,1tlal1 Ir llfl•I thf' outatan.i11 i; l'«"rf11rmrr11 111 ear h aepaiw.\I' "1"' '' twl>t 1·,.,. nevf'r """n M i\11 A 111111•.-1111 tr11m J whnlly '''tr• ii \<it h ) 1•! "" ""hy a.houl•I my I"'' >111n11l •hull"" I>~ l\n U Ct'JlllOn" ONE AHRF.£ME~T On,. lhlnlt I think wr RI! <'kn lfl'l'f on lh1A "u a h h• l'~•rt~ J••r In lhe Harbor 11rr11 \\ h"I w1lh Or-.nr~ t. \Ill Coll•!;" NC'W· port Ha.rbor H11th School, Ha.tbor Doys' Club and Lile ,·arlou.a 1um· m t't rttrr11tlon progr•m11 produc- 1n~ (111y-by-<1ay df'N111 t1f dtrrlng· dn ft m nnj: Ult' a t hl,.Cr• Harmony h11\•1ng nt lr11.at bel'n temporarily u l abhaht'd, hrre we go. T"f' murulln" &t hlete or l hr veRr Tnt1 \\'hite f"nr nnt' wt fk, th .. tf'rr1fk tl'1l<"k•tl'r wa• t he J:T'I'• r llt t1"'f1 mTl-u of a II ttm t' ITI tt1" l'nllt-'1 StatN On MAY 28 In lha Loa A.1\,tl"" ("nlt.,.um. "Whit,. r an !'ltm Stat~ Met't c·nmr,.tlllon • 11mpletely Into 111,. r;rounll, un· le1.11h1ng a l!•·n~at mn11I l'\nl•hinrc 1'.11 1'. 11• ~··l & t'&lll1nal lntu· •• h•,lu t1c rt"C•>tll or 4 21) flol. Thi• broJcr l hfl old mark n( I W.1 lll't by Mu Ttu,.x of W llr· ~"". Ind. the-pre,·lou• &eallQn. a.IHI 1urpuaed the Ca.lifomla h I g h 11.-hool lima or 4 21 hung up by pr .. -.•nt l "Ct..A d\alance ac:e Bnb s .. Anu111 whit.• at Rt edlt>y Tht' mark bctlertd Tod'a prevtoua beat or 4 ·22.9 While lllArtt<I out thl adding hJ.t effort.a to Jtt'dd1ngt0n'11 tore the Harbor 111 rn 1t lsrj;•"<l ,,( lliu hor i-:r"• \' 1n the :-;I'"~· "ell.Jinn '"' a ~ :1:1 mJlt•r. 1 at the, high achool. A aophomo~ 1porl.a crnw•I. a n nt1ma1 ... 1 :!.'1 000 l'i t-M _ _ _ _ t 'Lt:t:TISO t ·A:i1tr: I Don wu named ~ A ll·A m1>rtcan Pl{;!'Kl:S PAL.Al£--------------- \,'nfortunall'ly, l he toUowini:-prtp paddll'r In lhfll 200 yd, f f'(le· Top 1pm ts Nmlf'~l nr thi' yeor MARINE Saturday rnu11rl 1'u111 S kulk& uf 1tyle, an event 1n which lila herty Stndtum The 1300.000 p1gll°kltl INSU ANCE !U,..S, 10 ,.. CIMT OOWlll ""••• HM~ ... -------~--~-==~;55~ I Old i:;..1a bl111h~<1 lnaur&nco A~enry All llnu wrltttn. Nt'W Jt'f'Ot')' 1 .. w1•r\ng the prt'p mile youngster twice broke ll\6 llllr• raJ•c• f lVU 011Utltl' Cou t Col• I R rt<'nrtl tu 4 19 ~. 11natchini;: thf' bor H igh r1•Mrd a.nd n&bhf'd the lege t.ha f111C11l root bell f111'llll1,·11 ' l"moolh !'al.Unit UbertJ t-I• national honur• a way from White I Ca.llforn1 .. CJF r h1UT1plo n.11hlf'. Rf'd· tor a two-yP&r 11chonl 111 the n•· 1 Ot1boml'·F1Jrton Rf'alty C'o. llOI :-;.,wport Blvd .. Coal& Mua 1 COSTA MJ:!llA .... ---00. HOWARD\\'. GERIUSll lx'fnre thl'I Ind rtRlly h&.tl a rhance dlnJton lowrrNl KPn Hndtnhnfn'a tlon . !US "'· C'oa•t lll,tl'4'9' • &-•.. .. 0 l.lhf'rt.Y "·1&et PHO:St:: ........ 't"'' •.1H• ., ... N--·-.. to enjoy It N11w While ot Bal· .school mi.rk trom 2 o ..... to ... : 4 C __ a.~·~1l:._11~J'()~r~l~s~ld~t~&~~ol~~lh~tt~Y:c~a~r~-~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!=~==·===~===·=·===.,,..~.,=~===!~~~~·;"";;~;v;:-.-;;·::·-=·=~=~ bl•& l.Ml&nd l• l!"l'tlln~ rndy to do lllld t1nlilly lo 2:04 8. Alol\lf wllh hi.I mnnlng fur the Occldl'fltal Farquhar. Rt ddl.n&1on waa namtd Colll'ge f f'Ol'h treck 11quad. mo•t valuable member ot \JI• var- Top tem 1nln" a thlrt e· U nd11 11ly Su.n~t Learu• champ-. rrt'11ton Thi• 1:1 • yu.r ·old Bay .t:AS\" CltOlrl: Shurea mum11lrt ••plurr.I t rophlt'1 BU<'bnll: W a y ne C-nughlrv ~11lorr thnrughrovt th,. a.uruntr'• S ince c:oorhtry nt th" T'lrllll'I wiu r(lugl\ watf'r 11w1m 1W>1Uon. Sht nam@d B&Mball Player of lhtl Yrllr "n1lrll It In a bl•M nf iclory Labor 1n Orangto County. lhl• wu an 0 1\)'. defnlml( 34 or the ~'I l'LIY pl<'k', Nn doubt about n1n- wn111tn •"" 1mmt'1'11 In the 11.&Le at ner-up ht'rf' ellh«'r Bob W l'tul. 0.. tlVUld• whl'n ahr t11ur"rl the Ea.It.em Conftrenr e bat champ a.no lhret·quarttr!I mlle ('()Urse In 21 14. 11.ando\!L ~p wbo alfl1M"l a In tour ~lrfR' dllyr nf lfP~·-cOiiiract wnh tht <'1nn nn•t1 Hr •l.1 lnJoC Unda wlUI K cont1 In a rael<I and entered pro !>&II al O~iltn. or 29 an th,. Sant& M omr& rnllt L"t"h 11w1m an•t rApturt'rl a flrat In the 1 Cnuchtry comr1le<1 a 2 16 f'arned 1110 )'•I tr"'''\'''" lllld third In the • run a"""'°'e, fMn"d ~6 bff!lr n , 100 Y•I butterfly p<JQI evr nt1 al w&llcf'tl 811. won ll ln•t 3 nv .. 11111 ln<l11U\ Srnng~ 1 and wtnt fnr ae\'en lllraiC'hl t rl· In }wot 1U1 'J"'t ~ulJir alylf'. lh<' umpha m E<.; comrettt lnn w ithout f'rr"lu n mt•' ''l'"nt•I the atlUIOn I dt't t'aL AJa.IMl Loll An1tt'le11 C'lty ll\' • "m1nll: In C1m In t he lJll\'t<I ' t:ollere In lilt $nulh1>rn Calt(nm1• (.;r11v two mill' """"Im at S~t" B&r· 1 J C f l.n&.l.e. Wayne pile~ and w nn b11r11'8 8'm11n1t N auu r" 1n ~9 min 1 bolh end.I or ,.. doublehta(ler. 1'·2 In olhtr n11t1nic~. U nd& lll\b~l 1 lllld 8·1. hlllm~ a homer In att.•·h lh" ,.•om ,n'11 r!h·talnn mile title at g&mr . ~~nr t.h<'I M>a.IOn. CO\lght ry M1u1un Be11rh. w u tottnnd Jn lhe I whack~ \he pt>iot.a tor " .340 wnmtn'a d1\•l11ton and fourth Ol"!"t· &V<'l"ll~t lnclu<11111 rour hom"r .. l\ll tn thr Aq11ll ~ •«'"'" r n•11:h "'"ll'r And Ptrken• hu r;ot thla boy com· f™"lm ar•lnst I ;s 11wlmm .. r11 m .. n tnl:' bftr k • AT.•1 w r)lf\f'O an•I r11r krt\ up 81'1 1 A t the high 11ehool and In A mtrl· ...,· .. ni1• In thl' La U&hr!\ Sl'AAL" 1'11.n 1Alt1r•n rummer tMll, Jim Stw· _.....1"1 <hlllnf'll•l\llhlp• k!rJc WIU Ult ll&ndllJ! J'l'rfnrmn Rt:\I. \tl'~U:'llAS HI' WllJI an All-Sun!W'l 1A11gi14' n.-11• llll 11mund a thlf't"· r 11ul choler tu! a pllchl'r lln•I \<>AV 41 the Lor-nt u r StArnnl>! n .,._..,.b&.11. loe&I Amencan !Aglon J'oet 291 b&.t ketball An I football. 1·aw ha. J '"'' r r 1n .. 111 , .. ••·~<I place bt-htnt1 u nt.lefealf'd Fulltrton "Ith a lO·• ""'1 n11l rrrnr-.1 Hr hur~d a nne· hit ehutnut a,g1ln11t C11rden Grn••e In t h,. Anaheim traumamrnl. bfo<on a l• I' · n•'I< h JW'rl"rmf'r ln ,., nvlhtn11 lo• hu unllt>M&kl'n. c .. a. h A I lr\\"1 0 I •( thr Nr ... iinrt Hnrt>-r H1~h !--• hool l'nllor root· b11.ll team t111:i;:f'lo l.i•t rn•z.f'n u "th•• ~"l •n I I h••• o:V<'r n')ach· ~·· N OIA" l'irnl JU.Al llll<'>Ul h&.• h111 I'" k n( , nllf'li:t! athlct1r A<"h'lllll'· •hip~ l'JA11ng ftf'I !)&al'. oulf1,.l11 11n•I pll,.htn(, l,1irri1tun tlltn"d Sun· Al'l (/11gw • 11 llnlU11.mOUI' cholr e IL' Ullllly ml\.11 \\'ht'r.Vrr hr WM n~l'd<'<I nn t"n<1d\ Emil Ntl'mt' ~ h11th 11< hrYll Tl'r1 nr Co&rh 1lnt1 M If MIUlllll,. A mn lca n l...elinnn nln", r 1111J WA.II available ant1 CllJ'- Tn H arbor a.n,.,. C-lub Mldgl'l b&Mba.JI Wf'U, ynu ju~l t11Jc• your pick r rr•m runtmlrl'l SV•\'f! ~lmt1n...-n \l\f' hlllt"r Wilh ll 610 11vtriute: Jnhn \\',.bf!t,.r of rnmnft l ()rl Mar. wh'l ln~Mt1 fn11r atra.lghl ahutn11t11 two nt t """' no-hll t "I' Stt'v11 Ca.rll!On, a hlirh 11chool C'l&M C moond1mlV'I "'II h J !\ w I n 11 &g11.1n11t on" loM. A ntl E&rl IA\ •. e n aJl~rounl.I p<•rformtr at Cr11ta Meu P&rlc. \ OTE F'OR Rf:RllV PH ANNUi CURRENT EARNINGS ._ abff', • F~tb4lll: rhll.rhe Rrrry W•m'I· MISS MERMAID OF '65 -Capturing rough water awim trophiett at furious rate throughout the sum- mtr month11 , Linda Pr~t on literally splashf'd away from all comp<-t itort1 for H11rbor 11rca ff'm101nr 11thlC'te ot t.b• )'Ml' honora. -Staff Photo In A nahrlm 1 Summer ~lctl· 1 lntr up fnr t hr ~"""on, Rnry 11tl ball lA&f;\lt, playing for RJch&.rd'1 I a new Harbor llJi h record In the :'\hitkrt q11!ntr\, raul t'OJlJ1N\ ll("Or• 11.nnU!ll tnn\hftlf rPl'lllllhlnn With lnlf honnna w1th 131 Jl"inta Alld 1 .. s~ poln\.11 1-'tnm th"T" h,. wel\t pllCf'd the N~ Hllrbor c~rt on lo par e \hr !l&Jlor1 In the Sun· ''' th!' loop t'hRmr1•,n.l!h1p Alld the lt't Lr11 i:uc 18• r f .. 11 1ng r vrry , lllmmf'r blL&kt'lbA.11 t l)\lrna.mt'n l lt'ILITl fllCt'd lo s ear lhl'1r tl f'fr n•• crov.-n. Inward 11lopplng Chullr up l ht' I And In roolba.11 y,1lh the 8&110~. mlddl~ 0.-l'plle hla "mulced man • L<>~nLun "'u ~llln Ill\ All· role. Berry jtTQUnd oyl ('r\l10h1n1t IA>llg'Ut f"hl\i•.. y11.nl11i.;e 11n·I • "l't11rr•t Tar · motl ~Tl:& ICESTOR nluable · f•>< tbtlll h11nor.s for the I C~'1 ot t he Yt'&r: Wendell I ~on.1 1tra l1thl >'""""· Alon~ 1'0llh Nckena II'• hard l o &l'JN• wtlh , 1..orenuen. LS· rry wfts nftmed tn nuct't-~~. 1u 111 aurcu e ts what Plt k· lh• a ll-loop 1q11&1I anrl h ll bffn rn11 hu had with hlll Orn.nge C:oa..'t :===--.:----------------- Collrge bueb&U teama. Th• d1-. 1 monrt m11~lro boMlll t h r,." I alrt.lght Eut ffll Con t er c-n c e I crown .. and t h11 year ~d,.•I Ill• Bue• lnlo runnen.rp J'OGUon to Chiunplon W u t Contra Coet.a't COmeta In th!' Junior co ller e atate but ball pl& yn Cf a. BuktlMll: Ron W lnterbu.rn. Th.la waa a loueh Olll when you C'on1lder that a couple of t:'JY• Uke ' J'11ul Nt'Umllnr and DeMy Fit ~· PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY Fonnerl7 Onntel <:,....,., 110 B~·1y -OMta Mtea p&t nrk '4"f'rfl prrtn rmln( fnr Clla ch l'tln,.,.. Julu Ge.c• al Lb• b.l&b ecnool aru.t.1 LDutJ W4al of COU~t'. Lo"7111191l --IO out--------------- 328 AMERICAN A YE. Pia. Hlmleck 1·1203 . ' ... ---- - .. - ' t J Starts THI, Dec. 27 111t1s Sat. Dec. 31st .. . I 1 5 Day Sale Oii os 1 I Complete Stock 1 t of~ I I WE MUST CLEAN-UP OUR STOCK BEFORE INVENTORY STARTS ON JANUARY 1st PROFIT IS FORGOTTEN -OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN! SAVE UP TO SO«ro ON TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE . .... KITCHEN STARS ""'· ~. Prt~ Prl"e lJ'nl.IT1' CAN lftep-Automatic StyNee, ruarant~ 4~0 rmt pt'oof, 11(14. ....... ubel-................ 6.96 8TEP·ON CA..'1111 29~ lo 400 "1tlt a.movable U..r ................... _ ... a.ta to 6.60 ' DESCOWARE Or.,c<>WAJI& 1'.ocn.. bhae, "41 colon, l 'f'll-a ... T,_.,.. CIMat. t pe. "' -----.. -· .. tt.t5 CRICllE:-f rrua ....... ·-··-·-··-·· .. ··-··--.... -........ -··--TM a&llLET ··~ llldll ....... -.................................. _ .......... _ 6.95 lllUu.ET l~·JllfCR ............ -·-.. -····-............................... t .N CAMEIWL& J QUAAT ........... _ ........... _ ........ ~ ........ ~ .. -...... T.tll OAMEAOLB I QUART -..... -..... -............... _._ ................ _ ...... 1.15 llOA8TER I QUA.RT ...................................................... t .N aA V«,;J: PAN I .,A RT .................................. _ .. _ ............. _ ... t .91\ 8Atl0E PAN 111 Q t:AllT .... -.................. _._ ........................ I .I ll BF.AN POT I Ql'AAT 8.Kll.J.ET I I S<:H l!Al'Clt PAS 1 ~1 Q l'AllT DOVIUZ llROll.EA J Ql'AllT "°' l . C' r; Kr.M'l. r. I Qt"AllT I .ts NORRISWARE 1.96 ... t.U tt6 U .H .. FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES n•E "f'llr:t:s so. eo n..-"'H -...1& ""'"". Fl&& M.'REF..S N<t. 116-t' s,_ Pdt1•• and -...-. Nark M',.....a U .U FIU tilCRr.t.:S SET, I pr. M·6·U O 4h3? • .-,_.n l"I"' ,..., lm au . 6S.7.) 19~ 595 . 4!)0 3i!I 5n:oi 2911 3•11 1°!1 2911 69!1 •·uu: !"('Rt:t:s ~•:T a . .,... WI, Sn .• ~n1 1'4rrrl'n S o. lt2P 3660 Aadlron• :\n, 41111·A. Fl~ wt ~o. UNI M .!6 7 P"IRI': N( Kt:t:S lolP:T n,... ac-N'f'n So. I If ani11rnne St>. u n -tire .,., So. HO.)·X 4111.60 IAR·l·9 FIA TURES BIO l'IO l' II A ll·a-Q I~" d l&n14'tt' r U B BOY aAA-8-Q 11'' dlamll'n ""ll "'~" . __ 1110 BOT BA.R.-B-Q n " ._.., wttll wliMAI • BIO M>l' BAR·l\-Q • u • •UanMt•r wllll wll~ .. 1110 BOY UCOUR · BaAZlr;R ~ dlamf't.-r -plf'i... '"tU1 motor ~ ----.. BAR·B-Q RATfl BAR·B-Q APRO-'i~ . .. .. -· -·-·-·-· -· llAR·IJ..Q ... IU!I • U..N . ... -... 17.60 d .H ·~ t.H ''""" ...... --.... "_ ... -·--.. _ ......... _ 1.711 ftAR·ft..Q FOIUl~ llAll-11-Q I fl'OON" ···-···--·... . - I !O .~ 'GOU-TOOLS-TOOLS ·SAVE 25% TO 50% 491\o r 11 98 1511~ 3000 69" 2p~ 79c 1 •9 1n "' 119 • HOUSEWARES 8a\•e on .Seed• for Kll~ben, Dlnin& Room II Bar ! ft#(. Prle40 WARl.SO Bl.EXDOR Pl .SK or \\ HITt: _ ...... t i.Ill f'Mt:i--TO l'IT l\ISU:SS STEEL PRl:SSt;Rt: COOK..ER8 ................ ·-....... --·-··· %0.'5 PYREX l .M l'f:RC.'()LA TOR 9 ('l p Pt.MC'Ol~o\ TOR 8 ( l 'P Pt.IU'Ol.ATOR .................... -·-------·--· 1.4.4 • c:t P ..... --.-... -... -.. t .711 0 1.ss t;tn\AMt:. It P C'. SET (ould f'dllf'o rulorrd .. --·-· .. -··-1.96 wt D I SSEKWARE, COJ..ORt:D II 1'(0 • IO~T ·-------··--I.ta Pl •: PL./\ Tt~. tlavor -8al'M S o. !!II 9-lnrh ---.. --··-·-.. --Ito Pit: Pl.AT!:, Y1avor Sav•r So. lU t • 1 -lnrh . .................. .. ..... •o "·~TISClUOnor, 1:1.E<'TRI () ROA8T!:R amt HTASO • .. --....... M .tO COl"('O, l't:l.U>W, HTl:P LADDER and CHAIR . ---11.911 BORO HCALF.14, Chrom. A•-rtfil rnlnra SORO M 'Al..E14 -··-·· .... ·····--I t.'6 A.HOnMI cutora. _, .. ·-------·-11.u COFFEE MAKERS l"S l\ t:R~AL ('UH U .. l'IA TlO .. 1 :\I\ t;Ft-.AL C'Ot"F'Et.MATIO wtU. Flavor 1't>l,...lnr. JO c-up rh~ t :\10 ""'AL ('()t .. ·t:t;MATIO C Ol'l't.R l :\I\ t.t(•-.o\I, COtTl:.L'lATIO , ....... t.a IU :\t\t:AM f;LJ~'TJUO H .N lt.H Pt.tU'Ol .ATOR -----H .H i.t "u: \" At "TOM .\TIO C"Ot"t t.t: MA~TER -·· ...... -.-· .. ·--· .. ·-11.60 "t:NT m . .so Fl.A\O~ATlO . .. ,, ___ .... ,.._ 11.t& OCIMl~fO'\: A l TO MAT10 ('Ott M : ~AKF.R ... ----·--·-.. --.... -lt.H AM\IS I '().-t t:t:.f't.R K !11.60 ELECTRIC IRONS tif:'l:t:RAI. t;l,t:< TKIO __ ,, __ ,, -........ ___ ., ............. 1,.N --·-·----· --···-.. ·-·--. , .... l'l :\ Rf:A~ " \\ARISO ---·--lt.N 11.N \\ F..8TIXGHOl'8~ ---·--· ·--lt..60 t'~l\"EMAL l••-~t:R 1. r.1.r.rnuo .. _ ... -.. --.. -· ... 11.N TKA \ t:1. IROS -···--.. _ .. ___ -.. ·-U .U Ol'RAIUl.T TR.A\'"£L IROS ·----_ ... -...... -.. -. 11.t6 PRACTICAL & SAVINGS Rl 'llA.L MAii. noxr.~ /..·-····--·---·--·-··· .. t.t5 U Tri.I~ OKO¥'S ( 'KF.)"4T ·----·--.... ----t i.'° CAR ('ICIARt:TJ'I: LIORTt:k l..AMPS 11 \'Ol.T --····•·-... 11. 711 CAR noARETl'E l.JOKTl,R I.A.MPS t VOl.T ----··-7.111 RJOKWA l' ftF.ACON LAMPS Sr.AL BY.AM ... ----... H . .a Sale Prke 29~ 14911 295 2~0 l911 r' 590 39° 49° 3f60 12" 9911 6" 191111 2400 ~511a n~o 19" XI&() 89" 15911 l«fo 14~~ 14111 1250 1498 9ea ,9~ 99~ 911e 195 14911 5'5 5110 1·· ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTS / twr. Sale Price Prtc-e <JAllAFl:TJ'E 11 WARMER 8ET, Durable ff-a-proof J iau. 4-2 cup ('aratt>IU~~-':..~~; ;·;0"';~' 6119 ....._. HOl'R <.'A..'iDlX~ 3n !Wt of T"o ····--··-· .. _ .... 1\#r. S3 w t ICE-0-MATIC ICE CRl:t;HER 696 to 11 96 a 1lu-e .. .. ... . ........... _ ......... __ I.ti to Jl.96 DAZE\' l('f: C Rl'tlHl':R ....... : ... _ ... _ ..................... __ 8.96 WAFt"Lt: BAK£R8 a ORJLL bt:SBEAM ........................ lt.&0 "'At 'FU; BAKERS a ORlLL AR\'J.S --......... --.... %9.16 8t 'SBt:AM KQUAR.f.: FllVP~8 101 J lnr b ................. 11.15 lll 'S BF.AM ~UAllE n n "PAN8 OLAMIJ UD . -· ...... ........ !.00 lt'NBr:AM 8QUAJlE FRYPAN8 Ml':TAL Lm . . . ..... _ .............. 1.oe ll'NIU'.:AM 8QfJA.llE Plll'PAS8 11 11 INC'R .................. U .H 11'N.Bl:AM ~UAR,£ FllYPA N8 Ml:TAL LID .. _ .......................................... t .00 TOASTERS J'OASTMA~Tl:U UO\;l..AR I 8LIOE ···-.. -................. -..... 17..60 J'OA8TMASTEU a&OVLAA -··------·-··-·---... 11.M roA8TllA8T&&a REOULAll . ---·--·--.. ··-·-.... 17..&0 O. E. TOA8TEU Rf:Ot"LAR .... ----------.............. lt.96 o. r.. ro.un:u U O t'LAR _,....... . ........ _ .............. 11.t& l:Sl\'r;RMAL TOAMTllAOIO C'R&O~.E .. ,. .. __ ,.. .. .. ~ l".Sl\'f:RMAL TOA8TMAOIO <'OPPER .... _ .... _ .... !t.95 a&.;11; IUtAM TWIN 8U<JB TOA8TF.ll . -...... ·----···----·-.. -· ... _ t7.&0 PAINTS & SUNDRIES 695 24~ 1995 15911 r 11 ro 19911 300 12911 1ro 19°° 13911 1598 1311s 1595 19" Many •~• for llaay PnMlUcel Nl'f'd• at Bis Savtac•! PITTl'iBl 'tW KI 'S -PROOF WHI TE PatMr:R 49!1 l'•r. UaA. . t .U Pl1T88l 'KO TITA!'90 NON-LJ.:AD PAJ1'"T 4911 <>utaJde Wll.l&.e. Per Gal. . t .'6 PITl'Ml\l'RO WALLHJD& (lluhbertaed) 391J Avallat.111 ln all colora ... . 11.51 FLOORHU>E FLOOR .ES~L (Good <A>lo,,.) 4~rs t'or Porrh or 0.rlr . t.84 t • 1 IS C'lf l'l'\"l..ON WALL BRt'AR 2911 Ellra Qu&lily . . ··-·---· ~ t INCH S\'U>!IC WAU. 8Bl'88 2911 (Uttle Duldt) ..... -·-··--.. --··----•.N & I SC H Nl't.O!ll BRt:8B 29:J (Wlaltlnr A4-) -.. ·----.... --.. -·· •.tll HANDY ITEM~EDUCED all..llA UP TOI LET 8EA T8 l'l..A.8Tt0 .. ----~ . -10.H all.K.At "t' TOILET 8EAT8 PLAL'f . --.. ·--·---.......... -11.N AJt\'L'i Al"TOMATIO lll:ATERS :So. 66U -.. ---.. -.... --.. -...... H .N AJWL"'ll Al 'TOMATIC HT.ATl:lllll !Ito. &Alt --·----·· .. --... ··-. llJ.H A.R\"IS Al'TOMATIC KEATI:R~ So. M•O ._ .. __ ........ ·----14.H A.R\'IN At'TOMATIC HJ:ATF.R.S ~·o. 1111111 --·--·-·--.......... ·-·.. 11.H A K\'1!11 Al'TOMATIC H.t:ATt:R.4' Ne. 111110 ·-· .. llT.OISA l'Ol,Jl"lrt:R ............. -....... . 'O HNSOS POLl~HF.R .......... . C'ffROMr. -HA:SOIRAC-11. C'LOTHf;M DR\"t:R Hl.96 e.'\.11 11.6(1 r 11 4~ 1993 11 98 1995 1591J rr, 49:-.o 4f50 r :-. PLANNING TO BUILD? REMODEL ADD TO HOME OR PATIO? GUNS-PISTOLS CAMERA SUPPUU RIFLES C'ROSSIMAN U .. .. P rif'e l'ELLET Gt'N (Nf'W) ........ _,_··---··-·-14.'6 PAIS\' Pl'MP KLPEATt:ll (Sew) ·------- CROSS!'lA.'i !l 1.00 l't:LLt:T Gl '.S ex-> -· .. -... -···-·---· Jl.ta U:MISGTON llodd ?60-.A I0--08 (Sf'W) -··-----··---- RUUSOTOS SCMll (Sf'14") -··-·-.. ·-· MARUS IH.N N.U It tlpedal <Uwd) ----·------- 8TE\'ESI Model I ll %0 CL (S••'I . . ....... _. _______ .. .. Rt:~INOTON AUTO. Mocff-1 11, II sa. (UMd) -----111.M RJ:~USOTON Model 6&0·A !% ral. ( :'!Wew) . .. . .. _______ 60.N au:~llSOTOS Model 611-A 2% tal. (New) .... llEMJNOTOS Model 111 -----··· U ra.l. (N-) .......... _. ______ It.• &£'1.JNOTON llMel 61._A U ea&. (N-) -----------II• rox 11 , .. DouMe Bunl (Jlf-) -----..... UMJNOTON 1"00DSllA.aTEa Model Ill ( t:-S) -----114.• PISTOLS RY l'ITA.'1DARD t! cal. c s~w) -· .. ·--.. ·-· .. ·----~---·-..... COLT '1 wtU1 "llullt..r 1 t 'IM'd) ~---...... Dl'IH>·.MA'IJc; 4'1" ball"f'I (Sf'W) ti ml ..... ·--11.t'JO HWH P4TA.'iDAJlD Modf'f f'·ll (New ) ti~ral. berl"PI 1-a-tll 1'4" --·--11.U Ol'RO MATIC 1•1" '-"°"1 U MLI. ( S•w) ..... ----··-.. UM Cl«H-.T At TOMATIC n ra.I. 1:0.-1 . -·-·--...... ___ •tM lllllH NTA~DAKO U Coal. lolhort tlarN'I (Sf'") --.. -........ -..... 114./\0 Jiii.ff l'CTASUARO %'t ral. l..onir harrrl I St>•) 111\\11'1"1 AR~\· KSIVP: 11 dlffrrf'nt hlad~ ('0 1.T !t raJ. 1 4.M 11 Ml wooo~.'ltAS !S•" > •...• -······· ... ..·--·· "90 ICMITH·" t:M"OS IK·!t ( S•" I S~ITH·\\T.l'l"OS 3'I ('nmbat f ~"") OPTU t:R,"I MODF.I. Matr ll Sii I Sf'") C'l'\'P'; KODAX llmm m .. ulnf! •• 1.t ..... ffwd ) 11.07 79.!.'\ 18.\.00 PRACTICAL & SAVING ('Al. OAK I.AP & BEO TRA\' ('Al. OAK HO~Tr.~~ CART C'AI. OAK T\' TJU\~ (l.AR,,t:1 C'AI. llAK T\' TRA\0 "1 C~MAl.l.1 In m1t.ny dltfl'M'nt rnln,..,, C'AI. OAK T\" TRA \'~ 11.9:1 1~.91' 11.9:1 STORE-WIDE SALE P"rtf'e 11'11 6"' 15• tr 7500 3500 4'8° 74&0 345() 24" 22" lfM 7'f° 7500 29°0 3l6° 31 60 4ffo 31 "'0 37~0 29~0 291\0 r~ 59·-.o 5«r 661\t. 69211 9t"° 1 9~ 6"!1 1r 11 9!l~ 1r11 0. All Tools All .. ilder's Hardware Reduced 25~ We"-"• OM of ... most complete stocks of buildlftCJ hard-0 ware 111 the etttire mea. AINI we're clltltilMJ prices to sell! to socro We Cannot List Everything .•• IUT All O ur Merchandise Is On SALE -Come in -look Around Se lect a nd SAYE! .. -.......... , -EverytlllftCJ in our store Is reclucecl for clearance in our Pre-Inventory Sale • ff JOU don't lff what y0u w..t 111 this ad come in during this sale and ICIY• as ~4111 ............................................................... -... ' All Sales Flnal No I.turn of .. -. -· ' "011 Newport Harbor's Marlw's Mle" • You can save up to ~/o you~ve never ICIYed before! • • • 2630 W. Coast Highway '----- Newport IHch Uberty 8-3435 . --.. ...-i• • • LOCAL MAN BOOKED \ ON DRUGS COUNT SAii ITAllTI RmRI., Dl~.·29th at 9:00 •·- MODllN UYING IOOM COLONIAL LIVING IOOM . ,,,.._ ....... w...1 ---· ____ ,, ..... Wt -.. 99,. c-... .... , _,,..__ ... .......... a..... Q' ,_ ..... ' ca. 5 -• =• AkfMm ---• .... •• a I -aw.I ~ - ., 0 ------ ........ ____ -- ..... Glllltr -..... ~ -... , .... WI $'Illa ...... <a.Ir• Oil -~-..._ ...... .,..,, ·-~ .... _ ..... ...... ~a..-...... _ _ ... ... ft .... o...11 .. "'""' --------, ..... .......... ft' Gall'I -----............ a.Ir -MP __ .. ... ... ... -.. ·---·-... -.... MM as $ _,.__...,.__ .._ • Oll'lll -----··••so•••"•"'''... • , .... UL& 7r 7r 49500 .... .,,.. 12"' 14" 169" 32" .,,. 159" .......... o.-.~ ............. CAIPITING . V11c•• lroaclloom Cerpe+in9 e •• ~ Qvelffv &ooct ~Ort • ... T .. 31' 53 ...... ..._..,..._ .. .... ,, ..... ,.,_Netti ..... . • AU. W .. 19 W .. Cup• .Wiiis ... ,. -8-d Prial -E11C!llllemt QmM1 -,,..r S41tmple , ...... -.... -.... ,_ .. _ ... ,. 111.16 .,.... W~ Cllelr -Bro- ~ -Alrf-......... , .. ·-···-··-·-..... "'-s ..,_ -O'ft• Twff4I - Al"-...... ... .. ···-······ --..... A.rm ftt..Mcll Dtvaa -DoeMe . o.cll 8prh\f Vall -Brow. . . ....... l•M ...._ llMll i.-..-e ~r wtllt OU--- a... -A.lrf... ···-·-···-.. ···-"'''' , ..... llbdl a.du!r -lied ....... - .\trf .... 8Mt a llAck ,.. ............ -.............. I II.II ........ ...... Crkket ClUtn - A-"" eoac,,. .................. , ....... ,. ... COLONIAL DINING ROOM t Pe• 0.a.I 11111-_ Bite-II fiWJt -llM97 t t• Ul. ~I ~ Cit.a.I,., I """ ...... a.Mrw ..... 0¥.i DNp Lral TaMe -~ ~,. ...... _..... ·········•• .,.... ...... ........,, l:11t. T.w. -~ 1:-Mnl ltaple -Ma II •ts . .. . ............ MM •Pe. sn.,..... tw-re..W.,..,.- lle7w ... 1fak~ .. •r Bat.di -~ IMrdl -TOJ q..!lty .......... _ .. ... a.,.. DNp Leef t:.t. TUM - ...... -•.• 11 .. 11 .. . ........... , ...•• -.--.. ·• .. ... FIREPLACI 19UIPMINT 229" 179°° 229"' 119" 12"' .... 21· 24r sr .4f" 119" 14" Heevy Log 6rate1 -· .. -----·-from J.tl Mesh Screens ···::/'-·-.. ··-·--from 12.tl Firetool Seta ... i -···--·----from 6.tl Hen9in9 Tool S.h _ , • _from Ltl \ •• . ....... i .. A ~:m~ ......................... AllAE . . . eft... •.. •Biia...~ ... .... ... 0 0 I 0... ......... a.a Olllt l'MI M -· ... JM n-.. 2 as ....... .... ...,,.;.a a ._. .. .._ W9'f. •• • BELOW WI: n VJ: 1.911'.D M JIAll(Y "' nm oer•T ... COllm IAILJI . &a>VCl'IOll9 M RAO& WILL I' CT ••• MODRN DINING IOOM Dr,...1.-1 ....... -......... _.... ,.. ErJ I a:/ W -W ..... - T9f ~ ....... -.. -........ _ ..... -. -- 1 ........ a\. ....... -'0,.... Qil' .. ...,..,.. ...... -· ill)llil ----..... ....... ...... .... • Olllilllll T-. -............ ______ llUI "rMIM .... Ital 1 ~ ... 'a.119 -------... COLONIAL llDIOOM .............. ~ .......... ..._. ....... 9L.._ .............. ... ....... _ ..... _ ....... _ ........ _<a.. . ..... • ...... _ ..... ..,.._.,, II ...... _ ......... i ~ ..... _ .. .,._ ... ..,.. .... ~. t 0 ...... .... ,.... ........... *-. ...... -----................................... ........ *· ._,.._. .,._ ___ MODDN llDROOM . .................... ._. ........... ~W...t R1!.!>4I ... .._.. _ _,. __ _,,_ .. --------·---..... _ ..... c.... .. I • lh,. • D t • I._ ... .._ ...... --...... ................ ..... ··-----........... ~, S'._ .. 2"00 15t" 13"' J1t" 219" 141" .,. ... ........... ,..... ....-w ... _ .. .......... ..... ................... w.-. ............ .,.,. 0..-. Dllall UK n. ·1Ms I ........... .......... l.~ft.p ....... , ~ ...... I Auteloclr Unite ·=~.::. --.... . .. --, .. .... -- OILY W' SET Twill• .... llsar WI 11 ...., ---L -- • 239" 11"' Df" 141" .... 229"' ..., ..... .. llHI . P11a1• •z•n a.111J • I • • ... f - N1W -~RICAN All MEAT . · 35 c -..... F.·RllKS. ~- "' ~ ii ,,. . SIRVI WJCIGUS , OlllED ·:RIM!· ... ,.. Eye SWISS 59:.:·· I FROZEN FOODS PIE DOLLAR DAYS! Enjoy 'em at their FINESTI I Celo Window Package ------------------· . Ck CHICK; I ES 5 ':; $ HOLIDAY (New from Swift) Alll• or L 1-LI. PKG: : • AIJ...AMlllCAN PALE DIY EASTERN BEER Hold on to your hat, now! 612-0z. s·5c Cans HOUDAY ••• ... ,,, PIES 4 10~.()z. Si• START THI NEW YEAI RIGHT FOR BABY! -------------------BEECHNUT ---- / 3 SALE ·DAYSI • ..... • ...... Sit. . Dec.· 29 •. 31 • • I I , GOLD TOP . ' . • Mq we wilh Heh •IMI 'ev•rv one of you • very HAPPY NEW YIAll ~ the ye. .......... ,., Md yours flMMI ... Ith.MCI the uthfectioft\ ol ---rich, ........ pertocl of your .... w. would ..... .... you ... for ellow· .. us .. COfttinue to know ..... ....,.,... -The MJ...k'81CANS TOMATOES WILSON'S CHOPPED BEEF . 1.2.0z. c.n TRADITIONAL COMPLETE (Includes Pan, tool> Oi11CE JUICE &,= •1 00 BABY FOODS T'iMilES No. 300 Can Minute..., ':I"" Wim.r Colcla) l O sl 00 . '" •AIKUNG, sANITAIY GLASs JAIS1 ,'SCO ... c ,. 'APllTllNAIPKISr 2 :C~ 29 c __ ::::: LEMOIADE ' . = . STIAI~ . CHOPPED Ullft . 3 Jwi270 2 ~ 270 COMPLm ,aPCOIN. '°"9NCI KIT . 85C ::: CREAM CORI '2 .... 29~" · · . · 'E·Z·POf ' ~ HoM.i.,...,. ( • • • ' . 1 -·- . I I SPll' Stu ~ . lfSPY · tERS . . GE «:ER PIMIENTO Heel Green ·· • • •• Chee., Strawllanr, V .... , Ne1,1lt•I ~..._. CTN. . . , . • • I aNCN WHm, GOLDIN, DIVl.'S fUDol. I SPICI .. CAKE ·MIXES·_, ~= I HUNrS-46-0s. C..(laa11l1•wllhW•da11t1 .... a-.. 1..0 .... ' • A·FEAST Of ALL-ABCAN MEAT VALUES -. for l .. glllCJ New Year's lsffet P•ffe1 -:-ancl luclget· "8tc••tl After.Holclay Menus! I llHMT'S TINDll YOUNG JU·NIDB TUR.KEY: ' . ' . . Ovea Ready Sto7 ... AverCICJ9 I • FGlaw Hoffsw's Easten . S•..+-S•a •z.. T..iderlzecl Hlall01?S..••ecl . Whole -Hall Eas..,.. Con-Feel -.. or Loin . . • 1'e~nllNewYMr'1 ..... --1 HAM -~ ..... .._, It's ...... pWr. ... ~ -SID• Wiiii --••••1 'It,, ............... ..-y ......... , ·poRK ·cHOPS ~uh.· • Al-Americ•'• Famous ~•Ill. Lean c· •• c •• . Plellsr _. .... •-•··r .. ,.. ........ ..., GROUND BEEF • • ........... ~. DOUellNUll ,.., .,,. .......... Cooked .. , LOB,TERS A Wonderful , ..... , 11ti1 Low f'ri•I Al-Am•rlc• First Q.•tr las._. Slcecl BACO Center Sia.I 1-1.1. llAllD PKG. c •• 'ft),............. iSQACUAO'NE*EDS . 2 3c .. , , ;S11 uAiUES·l;._CGEik 2 e~ ~~~~ ... ....... .... ...... ............ c-... ... . 9 DOWNIY " CGat• 'lnUW ~IOI• tMY 'Tll M•,... t All.. II P& ... ·e NORWALK e NIWPORT llACH com• .... om.a ....... •t Mii COMT lllllWAY AT IUmN .. M&T 'Tl. t•lllft OPIN fltl A.Ill. TO .... P.M. IMY e GAi.DiN GIOYI e CORONA DIL MAI tlll ......... ...._ , .... S...J IMt COAST llellWAY' AT JAii•• 9 SAN CLIMINTI M&Y titl AM. TO 1t:tl P.M. IM. y t:11 A.Ill. TO , ... P.M. ·-----. ' I . . -& CMMIO llA&. 'A& to t •.111.. ..... , ' '° ..... I , . . .. . , ... L ' . -s 2' CH WHISICIY """ . . 6 • . -.·-s7• ?JCH IOml ....., ..... ;....s w: :=., ................. 9fc .. h .,,s...... ·s 25 . OSI WINI ....., 1 . . P.!i!'.!'! - - -s11• l)UNISCHIWITZ _.. ........ . . a°Mcle MENTHE ......... s3~ r -···' OI. . ...-,: .............. . .................... q. . • ... -• .. ....., ... 1611 C1a1 ~·•r • • •as _ (. • • WIDNESOAY, ~ 21, lftl -- Olcl Entloh TOM & .-.V ·aAnER :. age· . IR~luclV- 4-ROSES """ "s6 n 'f5 .... ~""":'-~ IMPERIAL-...... .....,.., s4" GIN-...... · J:ciowN .. -'4" .. ,,.,av , ... ,, s521 RYE-......... · 0&.e•llF?HU~1'&-- IRISH -······· -.-...... s5& DE-LUXE :;:: ".'" ... . .. ----.... $ft17 ' LANCERS ROSE --. .£ . - VODKA ...... : .............. ~ 424 t ... c ......... , '_ ... _ • -· LATEST HAIR STYLIN6 FOR HOME . , PERMANENTS • 'GALA PARTY ~ "', I ' • ' _, ? .._ .I "' • .·HAROLD'S ••• •. Sa•••r '"~ Dec. Jht fa~n -Lota O'Fun • Danclllc SPECIAL DeLuxe Nrir r eu'a ~; ,, * BREAKFAST * After )'oV' puty Be Sure t.o 'lJoME TO HAROLD'S · .'9'"'1 2 a. m. to 4 a. m, . ,, • D'A N '.S ut11: .... ·' _; M•Mt -.nm ~p . . . ·-~ •' NiMI ' ,... D ,. -',f 7 &q LIDO. DRUGS Mii V• !Me ~_,.n a..cll -- llAIUIOS DRUGI! •1 s. c.-....... q& -- -~ \ ·H GREETINGS ... A1 the New Ye•r 1cene1 unfold, we hope they picture the "top1" in good fortune •nd good hoelth for y 0ou end your f•mily. Mey eec coming •••ton be laden with joy •nd delight ... ••ch d•y bo lillod with p•ec• •nd contentment. We wish to extend our very beol wi1he1 for the Now Y ••r to •II of our fri•nd1 •ntl p•lron1. .. • :..:. i . '. • ~ ·---, --_ _:_ 1 r1~11r1iti;!!Jr ;:11u111~1111~n1u:1ar11"•t~1n~1f!:111~111n:1•sr ~ ~ ';} 11~~'iH'i':r •ilt'1•1·!1tn1 · 1~ r i ·r· ' I .'IJ': !•111 I ~! t;?l'?'.~;J1r;u ,, ; ~'·";J1llt',i!~1il 1 ; 11 GI ~ a::1 :l!. }1r Iii J~~.hrn ~ ~ ;!: * · ;s ... IUI h!rhrl 1:di!i!l:1!il,1;,d1 ,; l1hl, t:i,::i;l~r~. I s-~ ht! l~1~f~1! i;Jffdii i;f ~ ~ ~I~ Jo I I I I I I I • E I' I I f • I t:. ll i f; S f 1$ f Bl I jJ I f ~ ~ l f j J f ' I ~ r ::i 0 I H i I I ' ' 2 .. J ;: "a: ~ i.?' n ••!ii ~Ii 1:~.i!il ij-!i;ii ~~,!~~ j~~ iii~HI ~iPi!~~~!~I iH ~~i:iH ~:! ~Ei ~a~;: Ill ·i _P ii~ ..,............ nr11~ ll!~"~Jit1t1•:ru!il~ g;: lJhJ'r~r::: = . 1 1 1 1; ! 1 ~~ 1 s !l ~ 1 § p 1 •E 1 1 .. G ,,: it;Jhr J fi ;,,1 O" a· n!f i ·~ . · Jlf ~j,f i !El1ig ~ tD ~ ::C If:· · ·' f (!ir:~;~ i: a: l 11~ t Jl . ~ 0 !~f 1 J I 'I l1I · tt1~ · 1 1 ~-~, -~ ~14 ;1 1ihJih11f [ o:. 1 • 1i11r' ~ ~ ·· t ~J ,1z 1~ ~s a1~ 11r1. 5.r!flfi . m if j'1 ~ S:lilft fflilh 8 N S::G 11 1.; !Q@ . l; iUhir !!tnl.... i ~u f,. - N li!S!'n-~;; • . ~ II Jjl:::: .. , ::: 1:111 .. ~1:11~~ II 'Ir•' i'r: .~ ~ f H I ~ • -.-;;;;";;~;;;-I '•1 .f I c "!r e :!! 1l··l~nl.~f ! 1· sl .fl 'UJ ;:::; I I!! f nHC! lt~ -1"'~ JI • l 111 · . . . . .. . ii: 1•,j1 II .. J, r rlli b: t1 ~. -1 d -1} fl jl(Et II' lf f~l J'!JI Ji~ l!i ~ zl•i & S J.C..: ~::. ua f 1 }' ionmnnt "'~ ::I. I • w w w 11 to• rJs; Ir= lt'!i ,t ~z r~1 ~He & • · 1··· -9 °-' 't' "I -RC~~• II r · f 111 ~ -~ ! = -J U,J 'JI! • S ··-.!l. --~ , 1111 • ·a~ I ... l"I II'. .: . 11!11 _ n : ~ c ,111: -,\ .-,, . ! -· 1~· . ' !~,J~irt~'' . n ! , i " Cf '9 '9 : J . -lfl .° . -1 ~ I I ---I - t a ~·· Ji; : ¥ " . i1l1 I 1 ~ii . Ir j 1=i:~1~: ~ l'a'U E '11(11 ~ Ar I# :f :f l . · . ~ ·•zo~i•i .11.r .ru-t -1h~ ti!~;!. I · i!1 . 4 P.1· ;. , 1. ~ 1·s 11H .!lhil1· -·-r :ii I u11n1 J~I ~i-~!e1u~m1e.!!!tfl~~,H!Ili _;J f iu 1,. i ..a:---I -. . ;.;J ,, : --·.. ------II ..... ...... . . . - • J ..,... ......~ I \. - rf f~!lif 'li1:!1'1;111-•! :r:ijilf;:;j!i!l.Hiif ljtlti! ~ ,.... F i~11 !;i;r :1 JaHHJl[!r~! ~~~ 1.i; ti r~l~fl =l~I . Ill It t,111.11!1 iE .. ~a.l!l -1,. 1a._,i a ~ ~ ~ fl~r1 nhHfrf. ll"!'j( -~ . ,.... ! iii ·I .. J 1 , · . f;~!1 :~ Hirfl!hfl! m m ~ !~H!. ;1'U!i~ ~l!!!~I H ~ ~!UJ 1~. ~l!I .,.. ii j I . f • if;l ~~ tH! !i·i ~f . @ i;r;i:: ~·.! . -. I g I i .ill ~ ~ ii~.-i>i. .:-~1F ii · 1· J· Jf ~ :a.. · · 11 · e11i ;i !H r: nth rrisH!ttrn ~I ;!e brr -~ . 1 ~ 'r Ii --_-. ·,,. i ~ ,! U! ll!P, 1!!11 i 1 11~. ,11s f 1· 111111 I n1,:!!i~; ~; J II = -f '.1 . il :Iii I Ill I . I I ·: cJl 1rrlf1 ii ! ! 11 'It~;: ·ii• I i h~ .. ··· __ 1 . :r i _ ....... • I .· 'i'rl!1s:,, e: .. • t ui .. '111, . ; ~ i -:.:> . ' _1 •1~:11,i! l r . L . . . w-j .. -J a-' .. ~ U•I -· -• . . . I i -. ' • ,. . -~ i~rJPPrlf!H~r ;i!i!•p ii 1!'·U .... ::;I: . :I: .. jlllf !il~J~JU1f 1~!~f!JI! utJ!n :~: ~ il11 r1 r~~f !Ptli !h !1;! I ~Ii Iba. m· . ~· .J ~ 16 .. I • II ~U• •• ••• A • ~ • !r ' 11 i I: 1 l . ' 111-I ii I 1. ~ 1 ·· -. :·'~!a--. . 11, ,l!i' ·1, . '\: "· ~ .1. I •·• m ~.)It'll ~1 i I . .• ~ · . ~ ~ i • ~ r s ·i'"' 11 i 1 .. r 1 r r .r I· i ~ --0 1f11 1 l t ~ ,._ [ J. I. J i I I • i .. lllllli - = ~ ... ,. , r l ! 1 1 z:-11 · (r !. !I i ! IL -a· 1'lffJJ i ; .J fl~ o ~ f I . ! f .-I ;a· I • ,, ;JI .. • l ' ~ ~ I . a i I I ~ I J I r .. f ,1~ · J : ' . ~ I ti' § I I ,. ~ I J'J· • t l' !I I r i '· 1 ... r ._ J i . ~r 1· . , ,a. 1111 .. 11 • • = i -tr !f Elf 1 • i l ~.· w -p ! 1 5 ~ ~ s ~ • 1 ' I: tun . ! I .. I -.._.. n : ~ ~ . ! i ! 1 • "1 . t • . · l l jl ! Ii ~ .... J t : J I fll I l ' ··e t~·-1 111 ~.ir ~1~tr 2 111 r a.JI en "1 l1s~ .1.:1 .... ::,, if,,,: "•tr• ... ,. r~ Iii•~ ~li•f ::~ff r~11 1t ~ - 1r : ,;~ 1!,,:11 l 'I Bf ti 5 ~ t' . .,fl JJ K lt .. I ·'·1 0 ..... ' Iii r11 fi: ,,. t:S o ~ 4 .. ...,_, '~ ¥ ·-• ,_ I. I I -'I I I i ·!~ , a i!: 1~~ Ii~ .. r- fi o 111 I ~ i =- i i I 1 i r ~ I 1: i c , I -c 5 i .r r,11 !Jfl 1111§ I rl!H ,1111= J I ·0 11, If f1 ~~1~11-I r ' 'I t! r.~~1• Hu~e :• ~·»-.ti il-=-·1 t.JI ~ - -.- -~- .... •• T-. Dec. rl ..... Dec. 31• . - DllCOWARI DSaOOW.AU 1' .................... 1' ..... ... 'IY1uae~t,.. .. ... CWICWKl!f ~ ,. , .... MIU.ft ·~·Df<lm -· -UI CA"••oa.a I QUAST -UI ou••wx• I QUA&'r .... llO.uTal a Qv..urr -·-UI 8AVCS PAK I QUAST ······--.... uum PAN l ~ QUA.Jn' .... .e&A1if POT I QUA.In' -.... -·-.... " NOllllWAll 91UU.ft I INCll ..... -.. uum ru -------•M Oi QCJ.un' DOCm..IE AOO.D I QO.urT 8A CC& llrft1.& I QUAST •. ··-·-""---- ·-.... ---..... .. 8'.ACI ACCDSOlllS nu ICll&&Jlf Jlfa. • ..._ ...... .... --. ---···-. _,. __ ..... FUl& eoma.Jlf Jfa. -.W .,_ ......... ....... .... ..... . . II.JI nu ecmN srr. 1 f'e. ~ .............. Fire ... .__ -· · II.,. . 19'° 5• 4'° 311 5" ·2" J" 1" 2" ,,,. , .. ~ , .. 11" nu eoaD!N AIDT I-fie.. .... Ka. am ..._ N .. lllP ... ~ Ne. tlTT·A. ,,,.. _. N .. -·-· N.11 • .., nas ACa&ltN 8&T .,,.. ..-• ue r w ..... N .. ..,, -,,,.. ..a H ..... 1' --.... ..., . IAl-1-9 l'IATUlll 810 80Y M&-a.-Q ir a ,,., ... 801' M&-a-Q IUI ar a '"' _... ....._ ----• .,... aao 80Y ua.a-q ...................... -----.... ~80Y M&-a-Q It'" P IM'........... --·---l'IM •o llOY ....... -a•pn .... •• .... Jlrle ......... --·· .... 11'1'1' • llAA&l:T • ····-·-·····-~ Mll-a.q llAT8 .......... ---······-...... __ ..... a-Q . APllOl'lf8 ·----.. --·-··------~ llAa.a...Q • KITl'8 . ········-.. ·-··-····-·---·-·--· L'U llA.a-a...Q 1"0IUl8 ----·-·-·--.. ---·-·······-·-lM BA.a.a-Q 8POON9 -·--··-·-------·····-··---.... " TOOU-TOOl.1-TOOLI 7" 11• 1S- JO" 69" r .,,, 1" 1• ... 111 . ' PYllX PDOOl.ATOa t CUP ·--··---------I.II l'UCQl.A'l'Oa e CUP -···-···-·----------._._ ~TO& .. CUP -·····---··--···············---.. , . DDfXDW Aas. le I'(). JJrl o.w ................ -~--···---...... Dl!OIDW&llll, OOl-OPSD l• I'(). sr ----ua PISPLAD.n...--... ......... _______ .. ": .. ~~::."': .. ~~ .............. ---·-·---·-.. WS8'l'IWGllOt7U SUWJ'IUO llOAn'm ... ftA.MD .... ·--··--······· ····-··---.... 00800. 'I'm.LOW, ~ •.A- ... OllAJa -·-······-·· .. ·-----... 9C>llO IKlA•D, ~ ~= -----UM ............... _.. _____ .... COPFll M£IBS l1J'1VICIUl4L -I OOrn:&llATIO --···--··---·---M.11 IJlQVW.AL COlf'W&&iiATIO .... ,,__ ...._ ... ~-.-·-· .... Vl'fJVSUil CXMW&&llATIO OOPPE& -··---··-.. ··---11• VNl\'K&IAL CXMIWTIO OOl"PSll ··-·-.. ··-····-----II.II l tJlU&All l:l.80'DllO PDOOIATOa ·--····-··-----N.11 IU1f1ILUI AcrnJKAftO CAMI&& 11.A.nsa ------l'Ut W'l:8'I' BEND n.AVOll.&ftO ___ ___...._ __ ll.11 DOlllJlflON AUTOIUTIO 1 a»FL& llAUll _., _____ lt.11 'UVIJlf OOJPTD..rsa& ·--·-···-·---- ILICTllC •ONS O&NDA.I. ....,,..., ~------- 911Jlf9All -------- 8111fmAll --------...... _______ _ W'WiiN.amcK7D ------ mtlfm.&J. -------.......... a.muo ft&n:L lllOJf -------D11Mm1Jr ft&Ta ...,. ------- n.11 U.11 ·~ lt.11 ...... ..... la.JI UM • 'I PIACTICAL & SAYINM l IUJ&Al. IU& ..... _________ _,_ Ll'ftUI ..,.,. ~ ---------llM O&a~ U IWLAllP911...a ___ .. .,. O&a aaAmTlil U A....._. I 9U1a ---1.Tt WAYWA<m'LAlll'8 ....... ________ If ... 6" 19" 2450 15" .rr 19" rr' ... ,, 15" 1r 14" 1411 12'° 1411 ... ,.. ,.. ,.. WA'"-& M'IYI!' a OJULL 8U1r8&.&X .. -........................ __ _ W A.J"P'UC uaae a OlllLL A&VIN' --·····-·········--.. -· ... ·······--·-·····--.... 8t1Nll&A.ll llqt7.AD RYPAJ!fa le~ ... ---·-···-··--··-·· .. ·---··-lt.11 aUIO&All llqt7AU ftl'P..A.Na GUM LID -·-·····--····-·····-·----U1 amm&AM llqt7AU ft1'PAJ!f8 llST.AL LID -·-·-.. --_ .. _____ U1 l11Jir8.UI 8Qt7.&ma ft'l'PAJll'a 11 ~ IJlfOB ....................................... -•. -II.II 8mra&AJI 9QIJ.&&S ftl'P.&Na la:TA.L LID -··-·······--·~ .. ··--·---···· .... TOASTllS ~ ~ asom..&.a 1 aum ---- ~ nM llaoULAa -------·--IOAft'ILU'l'SIUI SHULA& -·------·-·-HM O. L TOA8'1'Eaa l&SOCIA& ·······------·-lt.11 8 . L TOA.ft'De -llaoULA.a ... '"····----· ___ ..... ONIVU8A.L 'l'OAn'llAOIO OB:aOlll: ......... . ----lt.11 D'N1VD8.U. TO~OIO oorna .................... ·-··-----· 11.11 IUNB&All TWIJlf llLIOI TOA81'S& ··-·---··-···--·----ftM 12" 11" 19" H" 15" 13" 1s-· 19" PAINP Ir SUNDlllS ) ...., ,._ ·-...., ......... ,,_ .......... , . rrrnauao •UN·PllOOW Wlllft l'lllm .... cw. ... ---·-··-····-··-··---··---·· ..... _ Ml PIT'l'9ll1J&O ftrAJlf'IO JfOJlf-1.&&D P.&Dft ~ W1lltte. .. cw. -·-··-·-·-... ITWTUt7ao WUUIJDll ( ... , ... , A......_ .. .q ..._.--·-·-··----IM n.oc>IUllD& n.ooa mr.uma. <..., Ollln) r• Perdl w .,._ ---··-··-··-l..ll I~ I.NOB lfYLOllf W.&.1.1. •u• . 11:.dra ~ -----····-· .. a ~OB NYLON W.&.1.1. •VU (UUle .,...., ... _ ..... -----~ & INOB JlfTLOK •U• (w.i*C ..... , ------~ HANDY ITDtS llDUCID UL&AUI' 'l'OILET KATS PL.&8TJO ·-··· ..... -····----le.II 811...&AVI' TOO..ET mun Pl.AIM ------··------.... &aVIJlf A t1'l'OllA'n0 llEA'lmaa Jfe. .... &aVIJlf .&1JT011.&TIO BaATD8 Jfa. .... &&VDI A VTOllATl<J ll&ATUa N .. .._.. -----M.11 &aVIJlf AtJTOllATIO BSATSU N .. 1111 -·------It.II llVIJlf AU'IOllATIO lmATDS Na. lllt --·-·---It.II MOINA • l'OLll!Jlll:A ·--·-......... ·-··------·-ti.It IOllN80N l'OUSllD ..:........--·-·---··· OBllOllJ: -ILUfDl&t.m <lLOTID:8 Dal'Sa ....... --·---·-.... fl' ~ 3• I ... r r 2" p· .,.. ~ 1.- 11• 1.- 1S-.,.. 4'I"' 4"° r • · · PUllNINa TO •ILD7 · UMODEL ADD TO HOMI OR PATIO? • . .,., ..... C1n·l~te ~: el Min••• ... • . llPLD • CPOM"•W D -• . .... ... · PICLl.ST Gt7X (New) -----· 1U1 D.&181' l't1lll' a&:P&An:a (Jlf-) ------... ,.,,.... •• II • ~ GUif (Jfew) -----11.11 llDllNG'IOX ...... 1tt-A .... ex-> -------lM.11 llDllNO'l'Olf ..... <•-> ---:------.... MAaa.Df II ....... (U_.) ------- ft'IEVIDfa ..... Ill .... (Ji(-) -------.. a.m.O'l'Olf .&V'IO. ..... u. u ... (0..) ----.... -...XG'IQlr ..... .... II ..._ (1( .. ) --· ----.. ~G'i'OJf ...... ~ 11 .... {lf .. ) _____ ....._ __ .. llll:lllJlfG'IOX· ..... Ill ' II..._ (Ir..,) -·-·------.. __,,cnox ..... ....,. II .... {lf..,) ---------na up. ........... (...., _____ __ alllJlfGl'Olf ~ ..... II (t7_.) ------11&.9 PllTOLI n ftAJlmAJID II .... (N .. ) -------N.t1 ~"--.... (V_.) -------~ DVll0-11.&'l'IO ·~· ....... (1'..,) II .... -·---l'IM mOll ftAJlfDAaD -.... r.a ,...,, •II ..a. ............. 1'6• ----llAI DCllO 11.&TIO ·~· -.... 11-. (Jf .. ) ------nM OOLT AV'l'OmATIO II .... (Jlf-) ··-···· -----&IM mo• ft.AlfDA.111> 11 ..a. .... ....... (Jlf .. ) ....... _____ ~ BIOll ftANDA&D II ml. 1.-c ....... (N-) ··-----MM nnu Amil' IDfD'Z I..,,__....._ ···--·-----UM DOLT II ml. WOODULUf (N-) -----... .....,._WICUON &·II Of .. > . ---TL1'7 llll'l'll·WU80Jlf • 0..... (Jlf-) .... _______ .... 09ncw llODICL ....... (Jlftw) ···----·--·-.,. ... mKm llODil l.._ I dM F/U a-(U ... ) ---.. ---·-=--...... PIAC11CAL Ir SAVIN• OAL DAil LA.I' a .., 'l'aAY' • -..... _________ .... CAL DA.a ll081W C4ST -.. -........ --··-----.... ClAL DA.a 1'\' ftAY8 ' (LASOE) .. ·--·---..... CAL DAil TY ft.A ft (mAli.) ···-· ....... ·-·-···------ll.11 -~ ...... , ....... (lAL DAil TV ftA 1'8 " ........... .._ .. ---····--·--··-,--..... STOIE-WllE . . / .... ..... 11" , .. 11" ..... we ... W' 7~ 34". W' Z2" 1.-.,,. 71" ) 29" J2" 31" r 31" 31" 29" 29" .,.. St" 5 .. ". ... .... 1" , .. 11~ ~ 17" Sl VE 25% TO 50'1' 01 All Tiiis ·Al .... ,.. "-----.... cecl 25~ ...... _., ....... :'-••••• ........ ,..,.. 0 -..... lfll8 I Pl;--. AIMI ... ,. CL lkl ..... le .... to SO~o We ~•nnot List Everything ••• IUT All Our Merchartclite 11 On SALi -Come in -Look Arovncl Select and SAVll • • Y•amMIM ... ~ •• .,. ICWed ~ .... . • • • • la•111•• -... r"'21 ........ 11 Niu_. hr d•••• la .. Pre lllYe•tWr Sale .,,_ .. ,_ .... ,..~ ..... c1i.1 ... cbtag IWI .. md ~ _. ....................... _... ..... .._.......... , -. •. 2630 W •. C...t H ... .., . -51111 "••• . • t -- . . .. , ; . PAGE I COASTA(SHOPPER----------------------------~ SHERIFF SEEKS 7 PERMANENT WEDNESDAY, DECiMIER 21, 1955 2 YOUTHS ADMIT LOCAL N5~~~.~~~~; BOAT BURGLARY RAPS chplt~ ,..:::::·:....T .a!-:Z:.::U-..,..,..,.-. ~~=·lat~,~~~ t.o ~~I tar lllady • Mu.lck uaed ttie ,. ·.-t JIOeldoM t.tJ~ ax Two ouWl-eoGnt7 ,wtU ._.. Hoe _... • lat.~~ el lntermttuat po.t.1 now a .rtect. '°°ked ln N.-.port Beet1a clt7 J&l1 Uae car wtUcb turned UJ t'-.., ""d&' °"char ... of burllartJllns flub upi-. an eleetrtc tout.I'. Newport H ..L. four bo9t.I bere and We> on~-n.bill6 rod, two pad.lock.I wlUI lruor • broken haape, two pry bar IU( cton of armed robber)' after allot· wrenchH and a bet.r can opener SI .. ts a I l\lM. Im.IT-. mutia .,._ and DetecUv• (rilled the pair all l•ll . e Jttok• .Aped.._ ..... fOUDd la day. Mc.Kutpl Mid U.. youtM tllelr au. · /' t tour 11oat "'°1rlar1• Mn. v ti I Del. capt.' V. I. McMtalpl .ud o.t.ctlve. claim more oftenMa 0 •• acts SD Pair Pay Fines in-CdM I '. NEWPORT OFFICERS MAB 2 JOVENILES ON CAR TRER. • 1'fo Newport ...,_..b patrohnee irtnet ta the Corona 4111 ..., four 11111'-ood and ar.a ud 4oUowed to chfell ll --. HawtborM J~ oo wapldon 'Ibey aakl when &bey put ,. taelt of ea:r lhert 8atw'day atur fore· red llpl. the l&-yar4d lrtiwr lq Ulelr auto otl the Gck of m«tiy ~ ltla .... ~ Ule roa~ In lhe Yk:Ullty ol Mari· allM)pted to gtl •ft1· 10&!1 Ave. &Ad Cout Hlahwa,y. • Tiie offtcer1 tald It na .,. ... ~ omcer1. Robert Brockie ll&J'Y to force th" t"ar otl t!le •de and Robert Jalenaky. reported of the tllgttway to get It atoppd. they were on patrol at 4 a. m. They aaid the bo)'ll\ agl'I 1t to 11. '¥hen they r«eived a call from admlll@d t11kJng the \'Ar fl'Oln \lie Lagun& Beach pollce that a car P loya del Rey u ea of Loe Jn· with tour Juvenile• had left a r a.s gelu. ataUon tbere without paylA( a In add1Uot1 to ..._,aclOll rt .., but. tllett, an additional ehars• of pt· Th11 plltrolme.n _-.Jd j.b11y aw ty theft wtll be fli,d a,.u..t t.haem. Ule car turntnc around a dei!-dend polloe' eald. tale ·~ JDupne JI. Ou.tat· .. , be cleared aho. • Tree Theft eon, 21, Puelate and John L. ate.,.. 'l"My ba.e not J»Mn cCllUl9Cted JntormaUon rec•rdlns voter tn11, 19. El Monte, were ~prtbend-to u y armed robbertee eo rar but re(i.lt all ta Calif la baa bee . ·' eel by Oftlcer9 WlW&m Talbott are ~lng held )or lnv•ticaUon r 00 om • n lien p k R ,. ..... A h . Uld Lee Smith durtnc a rouUM oa thlJI ch&rS• In Mcllllon to bur-"""Harbor lll(tl School atudm~ ln ~ ot t ::;~ ~tmu tree I . ar 8Jng II enn patrol at l :45 a .m. . rtary. police a.id. thl'OUl'h a Jll'Ol'1'Ull apouored by .tw ~r SUI DIP ,.aper Police ll&ld the eaw the lutpeeta' UI• .... atudent Council &ad th• N~ aJu.eJlce c7:!it ~ n 11·.. for Peaaa .•• Anne1atio11 car run a ltop llrn at the Inter-50 Ila .. Cl....-'.-L-.choora P-TA. After nJeadlA. -"t t.o A ...... ~ • • ._ ..cllon ot S.yetde Drive and ...-aa ol -~ (1~;:: Y n....!.:-•· .. _ _. A ·I I 0 ltacb pupil wu uked to t.alce ·-·-Cy, ._,, -Mc-AN•u~ __..ne ve. at approx malt. y ~ ·TallH .. .......... Naman. ~. wu tlned ... aod ftS>..,.A_, (OCNS) -B\lena e-ce. atart onr "'°" ..-L.1($. m.llea per hour. . ....-Y UU1 lntorm&Uon borne to 1\1-ful· Batbua Ann llcN • 11 Parll WednMd&J fl.Uy retuaed an but wtth lh• dlCt......,. tM4 t.111 8HOl'OUN FOUND .. Costa )(.,.. Police Department lly. It wu called lo the ltlldlat'1 ftM4 JU. Wbm =~-: ~m pro~ wh~by bolb people in Uae area ...... mun When they arr .. tAd the driver, today warned R bo attention tMt ,_ than oae-balf pay tor tbe UM. a peU,-u.er. U. '!IVould 'Wub out all their tbe declalon u to whlcb of tk auvena. they Mid they aaw a 12 ar r ar• mer· of all penom eJIC1ble to YOte in cMrP waa dropped. p(ll.loe aid. ...,..uol\8 In the ara IOUth of two clUQ lhey woeW Ilka to jloll. p ure abotcua I~ on the rear chantJIJ of theft ot 60 blanJI cll8CQ <>rul&'• County are actuali7 nsV-4 l"OUtiDe IMlledowa ud ~ Park and wut ol A.n.a!MU.. Murdoch addre .... ••!te-'I .. l. The two men were ordered rrom the olflce •f Sul r. Olam· t.nd. ~ ortlC.. proved UM -~te for IDOlt ot UM city co\IDdl for abcMlt t-. ._. trom the ur while Talbott aearch· berlaln and Sons. Bu!ldera-Real· Thi. me&na that a minority or McNamara'• undolna at 4 a.m. put year. at tlle meetlnl' durtnr w!Ucll tb• ed IL -tor11, at 38& E. 18th St., Coeta the pereon• In uw. county an ll'rtday. After obaemn( the car Alked lf Ule ref'Ulal would lead be alternately deacrlbed and u · Talbott found three ahella for a Mua. The cbccka were t&kea dur· eleetlnr t.M. public Ml'ftnta, UM m~ ~ aJaas o.& Hip· to tAe COW'\ t.tU. ~el.al wa1 awered queeUoa1 about Ult A&na- H saur• ahotpn, three kni•ea Ing a breall-la di.lco¥•__. _w_..__ lltlldent.I .,.. told. Thill type ol ....,, a patrol CU' eaete1ntac Of· U'7lna t.o avoid. A.nfWlm'1 City belm·bom propoul. With rind bla.del In leather ca.HI, .... -•tuatloa In other naUOllJI bu 1ec1 flcen ~ ~ and lam 4dm6uatrator Keith MUrdoch re· BUt early WedMedaT S- one cosnbblatlon palr of pUer9 day morning alonl' with three to deca.y from wtt.hln. With u Ambeqy atopped It when the ~lied,, w l thou t ~belliahment. Park told Ano.betm tbat ,aJtho .. u1ll and ~ell. On Stevena' person olhenl. Including that at Courtney acUve voUns public, t.be door II nto tumad oft UM biettway on• Tel · Ul.elr councfl did not cou:lder llit WU found a larse ·pocket knife It Leater Tire cti. at 1598 Newport open to lhoee who favor democ· to Karsuerlt.e. ParT'tle propoeal. rtven to Buena propoeal at t.belr meetJns . ..-aich known u a rtgslnr knife. a pen· Blvd., which ..-ulted 1a tWt ot n.c1~ McN&aara t.oict tale otttc_.. k and preaented to .Uie Ana· was al.eo held Tunday nigh~ t:llt7 di flubllfhl. and a I-Inch snulln approidmately STOO cub. n ta felt. t.be Information pro-Ulq hM natted a ~ in ec.-helm Clty Counc~!J.M&l(Mted k>tb bad NTtewed tt at a latAr ._. .,ote. On Ou.11taf110n wu aJIO a The . cbeeJLI, on 1'tnit . W•tem mm ~ U-.t Ule all&.• ta •-Uld _.. Nturnlna to :u.. .....,. out all &DMHllon• but coulcl nol CGll.l&der It. at ._. marlin •pike, a 1mall penctl nuh National Bank. are numbered f rom dcnta w1ll benetlt throu.p ac:.Y•• Ian Diep. Nottea.s Ula~ MG-UM ars unct.r ~t. aad. ln now. and on11 .22 1peclal cartrld(t. "°·400. police eald. They are -on partlclpeUon In uu. public Mrvtce Naman bad white snaterlal on lsland.1 Anaheim Women Saved on Railroad Tracks After the patr wu a rreeted, po-et>a·,-reen paper. · drive. hi. lbtrt wbiela WU alao on a Chrlatmaa tree ln the car' 1 rear lefriender of Hitchhiker Ends Up Mi1a1 $133& in Theft loss -t.. lb• ottlcen queaUoned Mc· Namara reprdln( t.be tree. He deemed he had purcllued the tne at I p.m. U.. pNYtoue day, but eou.Jd DOl MJ Wbut. Wben l(n.. 11.dfamar& WU ~ .. NplMd. "Wbat· Fu LL ER T 0 N, (0CNS) -Sound aaleep inacs. .... ~onma A HoUywood motort.1t'a ~ yelled to a friend or bla rid.In( ..,. ~ JaU1111aD4 ..,_ ta wbat Two women motorlat..e whOH car La Ferney Bunker, ST, Anab.U.. tum In 1-tr1endlng e hltchli1ker In another car. ANAllZlM, (OCNa)-Sd IOll· happened." offtcen MMS. left lhe road and wu 1tranded and J ull1 Ann ICdw..,.. It, Dal· Ed Mullen New Pray of OCNS Sports Writers J!'l1"6Y afternoon backfired wbm Later. R*chert Mid, lb• two len, 1porta ealtor of UM Anaheim Wbftl the otncere pomi.d cut on Santa Fe r-.IJroed tracka In tloa IAland. t.bey "atopped tor dinner In New-men mel apJn In front of UM BulleUn. waa elected pre1ldmt of the tree wu lltilJ wet from a heavy foe early Thunday t.rr.ly MeanwbUe. two "~ . e11re where Reichert ltopped tor lhe Oranre OountY. Nm Ser· r&IA ftlcll· atari.cs arouad 1 ·ao .acaped death when two rut-ftt!J)Jt tr&lAll wbkh acrmaa1l1 port Btt.ch. Thi' hitchhiker •tole dinner. Reichert aald he wmt on vice lpor\a Wrltera a.nd Broad· a. m. J'r1day, 11.c:N&mara admitted l.raveµnr trelcht train. were U.vel at •J>ffda up to 41 11::111• «'Ameru and clolhlnc valuN at •hr.ad Into the cafe while the cut.era Auoc.latlon at a rect!nt be had JUlll ~ t.be u.. rrom tlagfed down u a ruult of lbe per hour a.Ions that ltJ1p of tJSMk JU3t. two men we.re t.alklnc but be-meeunr llM.14 ln A.nabeLm. Corona dti w., N\&rllar)' at tTU quick thln.klng or anot.Mr motor--re lllopped at the lltlltloa • 11 ~ti. ~cum. Kurt Reichert. tolJ came 1usplc:loW1 when the hltd\· Mullen llUCC:ffda I tan J 0 n •a. IC. Cout B.IPWI.>'· 'B• aid he lat. One woman !JI a Balboa L.-the car had bMn lllr&IMad "' u. ce • picked up the •lender hJker f&lled to join hl.m. 1port.1 94ttor of lhe J"UJ.lerton bad a fnr drlnlu and didn't laJid rullknt. ~ tnacka Ma9 t.be.n 11 mlnltta ..,.. !°~ye~· old ·IWl~l aomewhere Among tbe llama t.&Jcen, he New1 Tribune. A.lao elect~ wu a.ow _,., be dld It. police aald. At t :ll a. m. police received a U.r, It protlably would Mlw ..._ llM I w • llallta Ana Fret!Way. A• Mid were lhrH aulta, t<>~t. Leonard Ha.ndel, aport..e editor of Tbft'e wu a $3.T& ~ tef call from Georr• TOlll, 80I W. llrUCk by eaoUMT f'.nlalll wOl<ll uw/ e7..:pproechlng Newport. two cameras. ir•t11et baJ and Ule Or1111re Dally ~-·· wbo wUl on the tree. 11M p&t:r ...,. book· Am.tr•. who reported aeelng • puMd UlrouJ1t at t:Ot L 11. mFm~anij~~ed~o~ut~of~th~e~c~a~r~a~n~d~tn~pod~~~~~i~~~~~~aerv~i'iaiailMic~A~taryi~· ~~~~~iedii"'iri~iiiieadiipetitJiithett.ii car traveUnr f'U l oa Common· railroad omctaJ1 .ud. -weaU.la leave the road and dr1n The ltranded nlUclt wu •ow· up the raJlro11.d traclu. Pol.Ice ed from t.he t.n.cU Alld nil Hf· lmmecU&lely noUtled the Se.nta vice wu ~d al. l:•O a... 111. f'e etaUon lo It.Op all lr&llll and Tbe womu wen ~ °" ,,..~--.. FIA TURING THI .·, "CO,FEE DELICIOUS" r. THIS WEIK .AT . ALL-~ICAN MAIKITS! • -.Butter-Nut The "HALLMAIK" of fine ~lity MnOnl all popular eolf111I 3-DAY SPICIALI 1-LI. CAN " •• dlapatcbecl a car t.o the _.,.ne. dtwlll Ill auto dwu'r-aA4 _,,. ln a "V'l.elbl1'4# aero"l'o}. po-nk>.aMCI on S100 INlil Mell for ap-l-------------------------~:Of:!d !!:t c:; •i:ro~~~ r:,.~~~i:~ ~·..N· High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 OF CAUFOINIA semi-annual SHOE SALE! FLA TS AND SKIMMERS • · 3.98 -5.98 Were to I 0.95 All Colors -All Sizea in the Group Leather -Rubber Solea Oxfords * Women's Shoes' ~·" 12.98 14.98 16.91 Hicjh f1eel -Mid-Heel1 -Suedes - These were from 12.95 to 29.95 * GENUINE CLINIC SHOES 6.98 Americ•'• Moat F•moua Nurse's Shoe. We Are Dia-continuing this me~e; hence thi1 low Price. * * CHILDREN'S KEDS JIWELIY -NOVILTIES Oxfords ... --.Streps Several Colors ' I e UNNOX HANDIAGS 1/J elf ••••ta sirr • •... ,, .• . . J21 AMlllCAN Aft. I . -· ...... -r • Pit •••u• -CQtENT QllllNGS • Pla.~7-1213 ./ • I .. .• " "'~:!!!!!!•!f.! .. !!:!! .... !?!-....... _ ·---~--!!!"!?!2!·!!!·~··!!·!---~~!!::::!llllM!~N!!lle~·!!.~!O~IOIL--:--~-..,ewPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PAl'tT I. PAGE 5 ~~ll'\lftlture for ... = =I. ! b -;: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1955 1--nen Plumb:.n· BEDJ!g<'M DELIYllY Delivery of the Newpwt Barbor N...,.Prw t. guaranteed. Carrlel: bo'9 will cleliwrr tbeir ..,.. ... fore 8 p.m. OD Kond17, W........, ud l'lillaJ. It Jo. paper ia not delivered by that boar pa.. ca.II Baftor ie1e anc1 your carrier wm b!rtDI ,._. paper. ~ "'~ PRE XMAS OFFER •-t. _.. a~ ~tare fOI'. llllle S!-l"unaltare for Sale e A 9 DR.A.WU*-""• mln'O!\ ~-.-----. .....-.,.,. d Br d d W I R .;...;.~~...-......-------. .. l>Ooke&M ~ ftoom •.oo waa. ........ -time ,.,...... Han ai • 00 ugs • • • • • • • • • 11nN Map.le bed with mattnm. 1111 N..,...rt ..... N..,..t box !JPrlng, onl7 ··-··-SOUO -. =· -· ---: . .: $3 per sq. ~. INVENTORY CLEARANCE • :..: E~':'t£~= C A R P E N T E R All new meteriel pettems or hit and miu Modern 6 Maple n .. ~ W.,.•L., ~to 50cc Savingl on thi!I N CE A ~•..,..,.. __ , .. • &\IC VA_, See our llelectlon of imported china, English blue, / AS l """""" u you ..,...... 0... 1'oilr ,._. ''Clear the Floor" find anywhere. With our low • lt•tf,.,.f mry and vine A: wheat in brol"D· SALE overhead you'll be .urprlaed Jiow Olll 1'ru11t. ~ ..... · muc:h we ca.n aave you. ~ .t.D Wen Clwuteed Htfl The House of . yesterday & Tomorrow take a look. Jt ww pay ·1011. OOKPLETIC P~G .• Paper ..... Sea .... llUO&Hll o. umm_. 0000 TlllTL'IS. 1u1 eo. KAIN wt~ CORONA CORON.A. 111 AT BAY r!URNITURE RETAIL i.~uRNITURE BROKEIUJ MOVING A.BOUT J.A.N. 1.at INTO NEW Bun.DINO r Open Friday Eve. Kl S-UH &00 lllt 8tnet. H...pin lleac) ...,_. ltTI • Bar. ua. tfc WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE :..... All New - DI.NE'M'E SETS ,, Palnt1ng, Paperhansinc ~ Wutecf '-rbe 1l'lnelt lloaey Cu. Buy" RELIABLE JAPANESE- SvmDSOft & ·Nollar AMERICAN wANTs w alba St.. ... ,_.__ GARDENING IN HAR.. P11, Bar. ~ .. 111f:Jl. Ultto BOR AREA BY WEEK OR s.-a N~ .U-Balldblf 8emc. --------~~-----------y /Newport Barbor H. H. HOLBROOK B. P. o. E. DEPENDABLE PLUllBING PAINT1N,._ . 1787 It. frompt \1 Meet. ~ Tbund&7 I p.m. ~°"~•::-' L J W ROSS .Via~~ c::: .A."" llOl llal.,._ Bl..a.. lfewpurt lleacll ~-d1; Wiil Al~rt B. ll&W..W.. -..itad lt1lm '... 110 .A.woedo, 0-ta II-. Mtto MONTH. HYATI' '-'M11 38p60 Experienc' d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS . Liberty 8-1659 SOtte CLEAN UP JOBS Call Yard Maintenance nu. yaara esperienc• .&Ji.1.1 locall ty. LI W1'it EXPERIENCED c trl desires hat. oleanlnf or baby llittinf by day or iaour. S.t of Hf. l..l 8-677'. t&c51 PAIJfflNG BY HOUll. 81\'all or large Jobi ok. fteuOn&ble rat.a. BAMBOO DRAPES CUSTOM MADE-ANY SIZ E Prtcea atartlng at ~le: a liq. f l. Beautiful New Woverr Patterns For All Decor11 . K1rech Curtllln It. Traverse Rods Ike T hein -On Dlaplay ln Our Store SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. SANTA ANA 1628 S. Main, Kl 2-3lHll Knitters 40l!c: WELCOME lo my new )I.bop. t omt in and help me build toward your needa t or needle.craft. GIVE a hand· knit for Chrl11tmaa We 1Ull have a tew leCt Sit N' Knit 313 !l Balboa Blvd , Balboa 32trc LO-HEET Ii PC. WROl 'GliT IRON-30xt0 Mlc:a Top exten. tabl- 4 toam rubber 1eat chairs. $69.60 VALUE -CLEARANCE ................ AT BA,Y $"6.50 Ii PC. CHROME DINETTE-Nevt mar Table Top. SOX40x48- ex1ended-4 foam rubber Beat choirs, with fonn flt backa ChoJce or .Colors. $89 60 VAL!JE -CLEARANCE ... -· ·-·· ... AT BAY $57.00 II P<". CHROME OR SATIN BLACK -tB1·ua. trim) 36" round :.3bli with 2·12" extenalon leavt':o Mica marble top. t Uuck cu11 hion toam seat t::halr.-sure !tl backs wllh metal ~~d~~ ~ $J69M VALUE -CLEARANCE ............. AT BAY $1UI< 6 PC. DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY dinette, rholce or p<'<le.ttul ex1en111on or drop leaf table--' lyre ba ck 11pholste.red aellt c:halrs. $179.~ YALl'E -CLE.ARANCE LIVING ROOM .AT BAY Sl23.60 9 PC MAPLE WOOD A.RM GROUP -Includes 110fa-platrorm rocker • Club Chair -2 alep end -1 ooUee t able -2 t.a.ble lampi1 (ruffle ahades) wtth malchlng wood bue 3·wlly floor lam;> $349.116 VALUE CL.EAAANCE ...... .. .... AT BAY $237.50 2 re M0 0£RN BUMPER end •f'l • Ma11111ve I ' sofa divan i..-. 4' open end chair -Top gracte -durwble cover· S279.~ \'A.LUE -<.:L.EUANCE ........... AT BAY $189 00 6 l'C HATTAN SECTIONAL OROUP. lncludea 3 pc ffCtlOn• af' -foa1n 1 ub~r <.m1hJon.a. bolla fJeJ( cover -1 •lepend, 1 t'orner 14ble. $3~.~ VALl'Y. Cl.Z.ARANCE , .AT BAY $199.110 2 J•C I.A \\'i,iON 8EP Of\' A!'4 Rf':T • 2 ton. bicg11 bollde Llbert.7 1·2722. ~Fuera1 Dtredon ~.ener~£~tractor ---,-AJ-NT-IN-6--- MOTTELL'S • New Work -Remodellq JMTllUOR -llXTICIUOft ~b STAINLESS STEEL COOKWAHE ---------...---· _ SILlea :-Tcf"'"' -Servln.1 - <'over bux 1•lea 1 • rntt11'h1nl comlY club cblUr U tt 60 \IALt'l': Cl.EA.RAN<.: .. : • AT BAY $139 l'iO ANO PEEK J. llJLTON McKENZIE ..t~ :_~o .,wHJTm COOK, bOUMJcetper. or Ll S·MM .. yUme. 49p51 t PC MOOKftN L.JVUllO ftOOM GROUP -Include• bc"d • 111van w1u1 m.ai1 n•iw rl\IUr -uun1btc m~laJlc oover • 2 lltl'f) l"nd 1 eocktall La.,... , Nevermar top;o -2 modern 3•way Colonial Mortuary Harbor ~w 68ttcs Glenn Johnston 1801 Bo&la.....Jll.lt wnt of W..t· 901 • 11-t Bt. Newport Baa.ch child eare. LIClltlqton S-2291. ae>p mlnat•r Memorial Park.. Custom Ha.rtlor 1111 tkfc An Orunc• County J.natttuUoo CABINET WORK ----"------- Scrvtnc iamille.• of all ~tait.h9 • 1'' .. ms!' ClJJU..a - "A's" 10-Bu!MM Gale Telephone tToU •'Tee) -DoM OD pnmtae• EARN MORE ZJ:nltll 6~1 No job tQO maall. Aloobolke a----HQ ooa·•rir turned awa7 bacaum Pbona JCJ a-as.a. 'lctOb ~--THAN EVER BEFORE! ~ o! lack ot'tund.a. .... P. 0. ._ 121 Our -· hi&'ber ~. wa .. •""I*' ....... Ot.Ut. &lid ,....t lnC!1'&U9 (tv• you ..._. ....._ ,,.. thia opportunity. Opml.np now 111 for - We wlah (I~ inany t rle.nt:la a Merry Chrlatm.aa a od Happy N-Year. CHARLIE DA VIS A cmployeca, of DavUI AnUque Shop 1&06 E . An.aheln1 St., L. 8 HE e-5039, 47c49 KATEY DOANE Nearly New Apparel \.-blc 1\1"£111 • double t,ler ahad• s • l e.way floor IAmp 128960 VAl.l'F: Cl..EAIUNC'E -~AT BAY S1H.OO BED ROOM 4 PC BSPftOOM KT · locl..W. » a...wer double dr-r 30 " "' bf>\•el e<14fe pl•U• mlrT<.lr • bookcue b~d - Hookun meta.I tr-.me $189 60 VALUE -l'l.ZARANCE . • ......... AT BAY Sl.29.60 tor w omen 1111<1 chlldrfn. 11 re w.AJ•l.£ BEDROOM OROL'P • Jncludu I drawer doU· We do aU kinda or aJtera tlorui. ble tir-r -p.wter pulla -Ir . framed plate mlrror • bOok· 2721 E. Cout Blvd .. K1nddla Patio, cue b4'adboard • metal tram• -U. 8. Ko)'lon Coam rubber CO.A-BT OP'FIC'!: IJQUlPMENT T~ten Addlnir macblllet< Dupllca tou--Suppllu VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY U DsnT._Ollr TELEPHONE OPERATORS Corona dt'I Mar. t0c~3 mattrN ia • tua.n•l·Ued boJI. aprtng (lop itnde phlttum l•bell Wa wt1J tn.tn you and you'll , .. ------------$341160 VALl'E: Cl.EA.RANCE ... . AT BAY $23~.Go W .A.lft' nde to IUta lt..na or lt..na· Mm ~ I a.m. for Biclt 8dtool pl. Call Kar. osoe..M ..,_ or ID 1~1 eat Ill_,., celYe aieny ot!Mr beneftt.a. Fresh BAH..!.~!l'!.g A.id lNNElH~PRrNG MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING SETS -Apply -aa~ • ._,. G1'~ No.. Kain Street. Rm. 2ll, Wa OIY9 BAB Oneo Stampe 1008 coll malll'Vlll -luxurioualy co"'Jo!Uble • 10-year f UM'-8ALU RENT ALI '1930 Harbor Blvd .• IOalJ S&nta .A.na.. a.nte.. -with m.Ctc:hln• be>• .Prtn• •:oo t.o •:00 p.m. Gunderson Drug.Co. su96-0 vAt.t'E cL.EA~NCE .. -··-· . .AT BAY ' suo COila M N& Uberty 1-7194 -~~~~~~--~~ HAULING H NE M&1.D 8L at-1h1boa BlYci.. 8aJboa , •--ri PACIFIC TELEP 0 Jlact)or ur Ntto QIJEEN . 8tZI!: 180') Relax-0-Pedk, Hlra firm u u1erap Of \re.ah or! AllytJW\I. ~,. ~~tty 8-21'6 Mttepp CEME.N'l" It Bun.DING AU Kinda FREE ESTIMA'rES Uberty 8-6109 2ttt ASPHALT TILi: LINOLEUM ' l.nalalJ ttie .a.on ~ tMa m09t.. A.l.o .... Tiie • u.oa-. Noe..-. • ,...,. ~ ComJl&N &lid ... -BILL a>ICl:R llar. •Tll w Loac 8-da ,....,,. ltttc 00-4 NON -'1'0P N.T,C. MO- C'BJCAOO .. ARI! YOU TIRED OF -rloarftNQ Cft018 ·TOWN 'l'LU'l'IO •llollad "'-OnlJ' . --ftOtTl'DfK INBIDIC WORK ,.,... UmoumM to Airport ~· or P.A.T roJll VACA· 9oa Lac ..... rt.. 'ndlat Qllltftr7 'flOHS W A.SllDfOTOlf, D.C. -tt'T PllJl.ADllU'llU fM -NO c.Rlt.NCS FOR .ADV .A.NCS· J).A.U..U --... MmNT DllTROIT '-S7t FOR RENT BO!fOLULU f 1ot lllllll lawa. a.a. ~ ......... New TOIUl ·-181 4.,.a., 1030 I:. nnt It. Suta Ana., Kon. to rrt.. l:JO a. rn. to t :OO p. m. a.I) l.1Jlill9 of ......... ............ CHIC.A.GO .. Pleaae '°"''· ete..~ .A.l1 ,...,_ -1'1\18 Tu CALL ON us BOYD'S HDWE Uf w. <>c.n Bml, L. 8 . SOUTHERN COUNTIES OAS CO. Wht'n .w~ t"•W hfl'Tp you w1lh your • D 1~5 __ NSY. ,_... 11d~"r1Utnr problmu. A tralMd MIO W. 00.AaT •l!D.OllW4T Santa Ana. ll7 a. lrd KJ ...._ r~urtec>U8 ~c1ali8t wW 1lad)7 LlbeTtJ ........ Newport .. 11\H ------------hf'lp you pN>p&re t rfecUve adver· tl'llllg. .... p . tin n..--tin !! !~!!l .... -Bu IJlt.eJ'HUnc out • of -doorw ioe. tcw hip Kbool ~t.. la.ti with ~· mecll.aD.k&J aptlbade. ~. '° br. -~ ·~~) v ur aim 1• to provld• .ound ...,. aJl1 g, ~ora · g S _.... ~-'-~·riL11t1na rou.n~I and help you r et P&pll' Renctna ur-".-uoua ~ OU1ttan'1in1t tl'l!Ull• TT'Dv-t.7 & 'DTVI' ... ,....,, ._. .. tn8 n.c. l N EWS-PRESS GEO. Bv~.L u-. ...., .,... ... _. Mar Beacon Personne Cla.5sified Ads Ua::MDI> OOJM'ltACl'Ult ........ Ito-. tw1 rss 100"1 empk>yer retained HARBOR 1616 171 w, lltla.at... 0.. Iba mu.a L. •YAm a. a agency Llilert7 ...... u..'1 ..... fll 8ilat7 -· 11'71 JfO J"IZ oolJ«t«I trom aM>licant ____________ .,._ 1 UJ...u.t Newport Beacb llXPlllUSNCICD codt t.a1l A t ood !D~:!l~-!!!~..,~4!.J!•:?•~•!!_•___ waiu.a. 41.ao want dlahwaaher. L09T ~ ,...... la 8aJ-. Bl!Nl\Y'8, 2630 Cout Hl~hway Ba.dl libel&, llh'w trim ONLY EXPEIU:ZNCED NEED UWAAD -Bar . .lllO. "P'i .A..PPLT. 60o62 -~~~~~~~~~~~ LOe'J'. , .. ~ -....... WOlllJtN: Oft'lC9 JObe, faclOT)' &nd iftS endtt cardl -UWAAD. dom..Uo. MALE: accountant. T . 11. TJl.U.. ffl ~ S-. ..,.....i eoctnMl"ll A othffll. N- ftrd ams., L. A.. °" caU Ll1*t.7 Joba• dai17. wm. IOoU .JUMm FARRAR EKP'L. .AO'CT. !! 81!'!°"1 IL.kula.., Chine Painting •ot~-IZnd 8tl...Newport A~ from Clt7 Rall SllLL ON TERMS 09.J ......... Clelial 0....Talllaltow ,,._.u..t:JMMI Irr. DllLICAT1188EN ~. 1150. .. .._ ON• I ft. mnce.rato1" -· ...... $60. ------------QIU! iu,. oommeTc. refrlJ. '75. Clearance Special! LARGE 14 FT. REFRTG- FREEZER COMBINATION REC. SELLS FOR ~79.95 LIKE NEW ·-NOW $185 DELUXE GAS DRYER & ro•lllt'M ana boX l!lprtnf eel -IO·yur paranlu $ U9JIO V ALVW: -CL&All.ANCX •.. ····-· AT 8A Y' f 81.00 BAY FURNITURE "\\'he1• Prle1•11 Are Held Al Bay" 4:!7 Jo: 1-:"U\ Jl'10 lilorefron~ Parking OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 AUTOMATIC WASHER • WOULD SELL NEW for $600 • • • • • • • • RE-BUILT, AS COOD --- AS NEW ..... . .. $189.95 30-B-AJ!llia.ncee 30-B-A~~--- A~O SELECTION OF USED APPLIANCE BUYS GOOD USED REFRlG'S FROM $49.95 & UP. TERMS TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES 11137 Harbor 8 1,•d Ll 8~94 Co t1ta Meu 60cll2 19:>i-.EJGHT CUBIC VT. r•frllf &'ood condition $66-908 !'I Bay F'ront C>r Har. :u 87. ~~2 ReCrtce.~tor 1956 Philco Deluxe large family aiu. RepoMulied ha.a le.tTe colored Vefelable rrls- per. Sbelvff ln the door &> nil extras, 6 yr gi111 ra.ntec-nnlhlnit lo pay down lt credit 0 K. by Bank. lat payment or J.8.83 d ue In 45 daya. Bal. due ts $167 M. See anyllme Osy or Eve. At 14.41 w. Chepm•n. Ornni;e. C&ll .COiiect KE fHl817. GAFFERS & SATTLER table top gas range . $49.50 CAFFERS & SATTLER white table top gas range with oven control .. ·-........ ·-··--.. . ..... _. $79.50 WESTERN HOLLY ga" range with oven control very clean ···--· ............... .. . .. ....... .. ···-···········-··-· $79.50 KELVIN ATOR Refrigerator 6 cu .. ft. --···-··-$59.50 GIBSON 6 cu. !t. Refrigerator .... -....... ····--·····--··SM.50 WESTINGHOUSE' 1 cu. !L Refrigerator .... . .. $99.50 SERVEL Refrigerator 5 lf.: cu. f t., left hand door $89.50 KELVIN A ,·0R 8 cu. ft. deluxe ltefrigerator ._.S99.50 KENMORE wringer wuher dclu.lte ....... -._ ....... _.$45.00 EASY SPIN DRIER, deluxe model ...... ~ ........... $59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model ___ $99.50 L & H electric range, deluxe model ~·········-·· --·-----S99.50 ALL GUARANTEED \\'ASHTNO MACHINES.' AUTOMATIC AND WRINGER TYPES 8.&:VERAL TO SELl!C'T FROM Al.t. REASONABLY PRlC£D-BUOCET TERMS-FREE DELJV. KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 East 4th St. Sant.a Ana Kl 2-2336 ft-Furniture fof' Sale 3rd. al Spurceon Ba.nta .Ana 'Otto DA VENl>ORT. dark IT"'en wool tweed pO.~Hu. 1667. tlplO SZ..A-Andqoee I "!UY AND. SELL EARLY Al\tERlCAN cut, colored, paltem gla-Prlmtttw.-A.n• tlquo furniture and tu\• clalNL THE BIC OLD RED BARN E. FtRllANI< Kl 1-12'1 13861 Harbor Blvd., Garden <Jroon Nellb ATT: Antique Ownerw I Repair CHIN A, Ol.ASS A BRIC-.A.·BR.AO Eleanor O'Kede UD Walker J ACkllOn 1·f111 cyp..-ti Po1l war 38 ft. CHNS~ Sedan Crulser poweHd with two H6 hp: reduction drlw Chrl8- Cra.tt enpoe. LoacS.d wttla U• mlt Aux. Equip. v ... 1 WU benched. Call be recONltructed by attlpe carpenter at. D'11Umam c<>'L Coat.act E . R.. Cl&Jt.Oft. 1nA Agt. Ll 8-Mll or LI Mltl .WO • • Knowlton EJectronlee TV ANTENNAS t Clear Beam -Bl CJels.) lNS'r Al.LED oompJot.e to 10'll' ..e. $9.95 LI 1-6!05. lttt• Piano Refinishinq QualJl7 work on.17 ANKRUX PIA.NO DRVICll KI 2·78'0. Utto 8 P I N !: T S, llPDQIT8, """1 f"'&l Nlltal ,.blrM lib ....... aome s.Jena Kaple, Blonll Oak. French Pro¥tAc.ta1. 8aw t90. to S18:1. TVlU jU9t Ilka rmt on. balanee.. DA.NZ -ICIDllDT, 320 N. .M&tn. 8a.nta ,,._, YEAR END ORGAN SPJ!x:IAJ. I Dtmonrtra.tor model Conn Xbauet Spinet orpn. Lib new. 8&•• $2911. Llben..I triwte, .......S•t lem\8 at HH.AFER'S (at.oe. 1907) 421·423 N. 8ycamon, a.At.a Au Phone KJmberl.y l-<>t72 O,..ng• OOunly'e Orpa ildttn. YEAR END SPECIAL! One onJy, m irror typ;I• ep1&1lt p I an o • tn perfect cond.ll.lon T <'m11. $26 down It 58 per mo. at S llAJ<'E R S (Sine. 1907) 421 -42:3 =--· Sycamore, 8&nlA Aa& Phone ~rly 2-0.72 Knowlton Electron.lea TV REPAIR FAST SERVJCE, IU!lAS('ISAJIUC. Service c&Jl.e tUI 9 p.a. LI M200 BOXER P UPS, A.KC r... 1.Ml N Fernda.lll!, Anabet.ra. ICJPJy- 11tone 3-1672. .WO 19~•:> MK.RCURY Mont.cla&re, two tone etta.m. t dr .• pow9I' ....-. R ... H. Unle.d glaaa, WSW tu~ l••u , 3,()(1() mllrs. Co11l ~ Just bm kcn In $2a95. LI lolUO. INS w ..... , EARL y AMERICAN 1 llCAl.a. *· 1 GONDOLA $26. ~ mcll suN llat • Olll owner LI 8-t223 momJn)r• or ....,. ..._ llDd ,_llAtale. a. ·.n. I p.m. tttc: REWARD SOO OQ for sny w11a1ier on pure.hue ot a new H•muton aulumallc w~f'r, plu11 • new ch•ln driven trike. Ko do~ n. r\o payment Ul lll:>6: THRONSON'S 181:-, Newport Avl' Roney's SILVER FOX BEDRM. S~ 6 ORA WER DO tBLE OREss.-:R 1947 BCJCK. 2 dr. Hdm, .... 1-ondltlrm. chrap. Ou lllatlon, norlhwral rornM 17t l'I It Clout Hf"hw8y. J~J 8 _.HU. IOclt ow to Sell, .. Home. • • c. ... • • • TRY CW$1FIED WANT ADS Call HA. 1616 . -eu. NI. Wr1ncer type wa.ah- • SlO Dtnett. Mt I piece• $~. LI f.70N or LI 8-3030. . 47c50 Costa Me.a. lf WHIRLPOOL w.utomatlc gaa dryer with a utomallt Ignition P.eg. price $289 96, Salf' pr1CI! 1199.96. Fr~ lnat.tl•auon, No (lovrn, 2.49 !!::lll!!1!!!!M~£!ll~W!!!•!!!W~L--lllt.JIQtrrrrm Arc Welder, (new) per wk. No p&ym~nl unlU 111116. - -• lql .A.I?' Oomprt!NO., 220 Volt THRON80N'8 1816 Newport A Vf' Repairing lronll. toutt-n. C'vo iee ma kent, etc. 2232 !'(ew port Blv•I .. Coata Meiis. (oor. ot Victoria I< Npt. Blvd ) LI 8-6079. U c64h S ~ ....1!.-L L J ....,. pbue. 8" at P ATCH'S c I.& M lt W~ m•llallA 1Tua st. at PlacenUa.. LI 8-7601. o11 eim. O'KEEFI!: & MERRITt r&nJt<', 'M ":Ill-------------1 modbl. &..amp • dork w ith ov,.n ~ --... I I •t .. -----------·2_.l_U PHILCO JS cu. ft. ~rrrator. 87 ltm"r Chn7me trill brolltr, and ,.. '--lb. aCrOllll t op trffzet'. E'trlWllVet l hnt latt •0.. '"P· U·,.. one ..... ....., ma I .. Auuw•11d r ~~ ft""' -...._ BICYCLES Philco two-way dOQr. 20 ~low month. SH9:i1i) cUh, or pay '8 .,.._ f~I' t~puature $3311.9~. per mo. UH w. Chapman. ... ...._.,. ., ...._ 16" PAlNTSD It R.eondltloned, No down payment. 2.M per wk. Orang... KE 8_5817 u ft. .... GIRIA • BOY8. THRONSo~·s 1810 Newport AV!' m•diii· 6 •MlliiG -... !mW 8CHWJNNayaOab',bl. eye.Jae lltlll Coe\& Me.a. u --S2-hratterf fof' !We *'F• 8q dr ... -,.... llilllld AOTO It ~Je &CC!e80riae for O'Keefe It ~tMntt &u ranc~ 11166 ;....;._;...;~~.;..;...,..;..;._;;._ __ _ ......... 111 ..-.. u &Ml mimat4 llhopptn . deluxe to1ctJnr·tor moct.1 t1u .11 Mesa Woodcraft llAKD1' KAI', re._e= A Open UD I p.m. Xmu l:n. chrome 1Tlddl!t on top, lamp 6 Un .... •nt~ It JuventJe Furniture N .,,..__ t s 1 <'lock wtth OYen tlnMr, chrome 1-...., • wtiatf ..... MM-W. ewport _,.,._ Au o upp y Cl '5tfc tlOI Jf.-port B1Yd., K-'Port Bcb.. (1111 broiler. UHd cmly lmontha, .,;arance 84!1.nC tranaft!T'Tcd tt.ut, take over On •Pf'lil.U Xmwt Item•. Chll<tr•rui -K---,--L-... -_,--..&...-.---_----ror a depeDdebM llMd car, ... tny <'Ofttra('t with lbe BanJc A (IJ'"?·. "'cl tabla It ch&.lr IHIU, Koy I IYHlllllTWf1mlC8 1'0'lr kM:al .__ W1aO WlU " NH pa.7 otr Ule b&I. of SU'T.et. On.ly I dt'•lul. rockffll, chnu, hutc". ._..cit ·~.,...... TOKOMOW t.o bedl •P what ,,. pa.y S7.lt pa month. No cu h wardrn~. dol! be-d-. crwdl"•· ~c ,, .. .,. .......... del?bl ft~. My equity fret', -""Y· AIJO.O 1thelvn aplc. c.ablnet.a, y ....... WM?. l7JII IW., ..u. TODA y I CIMck lh• wtcd time D&y or PJve. at uu w. I •toola, ttc. ~ n.. ....,.. ..,. Ill tM eliMIUWd aec.tioa tc>-Chapman. O~e. UM! our la.y away pla.n &.D11'1 •tm. .. , Ulh -,. Call OoJlet>t Kl!: 8-6117." 2121 Hubol', (;.M. U 1-18'5 Z NITE STA NDS pt_·u, SlZf; MATTRESS AOX RP'R lNCS on mellll frame 2 LAMPS c:ooo CONomoN FREE DELIVERY Neweort Furniture 2000 W, Cotul\ Hwy. L.t 8·11 I 3 l\OcOI OOMPJ..ETE furniture 1n•I tu m . for 2 bdrm . hOllff lndlldl11J CoM•pot C'l<"'l rctrti .. gu ra.ne• P'lnc upholalert'd chair. anil 11 a v e n port. Ore-ul l'llrtihc1y, d,._r A mlrn>r. chHl It n111.k,. up tabl11 with mirror. .l<llhch h1 in llf'<l11 w ill\ boi1 •rrtnae ~ fl\llllrC'11.11 Tabl1>a, rui•. lam~ 4t ml8C'. p lK'ffA .. All In itood <vndl- tlon Mu•t '"" 301 ,Arnethyat Balbi.la l•la.nd. ~a -To rent • hoUH (!It bu)' a l\o\IM, UM! almplaet wa1 to find a ~ to Un, la U:I~ UMI wut .-, -. mllf'll, t •ndtr book at •1*· AS80ClA1'EO 8ERVICIC !110 E. BAiboa Rlvd. IOp Grant W. Musick Your Hudson Dealer. SALES and SERVICE 253 N. !As AngelH KE 5-1218 An-11.-lm Utro llAl'PY' LITT1"' M PLYMOUTR JI• ,,.~, r11 v.JI club HClan sport 111111. •J1111l 111ulflef'll. radio. aq\IA & 1.>•h11., two tone. LOW )(IL&. ,v.1-: U VIO J"r1ot.e owner XI 6-J HI 111ur-nln1• A tvnifll*. Mt.to ~5 MF.nr Monl. ooope. JJl1• ..-. Men ·u•11oll•, RltU, tinted ,i-, i>lc M lic:t'nae Incl. MuA Mil ~~•fllt Ha r. 3U 4.J. ...., • 1 rc:m o CLP'B COUPlt noo.- Ratuo, but...r. •JIG'\ ate, pod ttru. new braqa, ID ....,.,. , ... .. ' ! PA• I • PART I -NEW?ORT HAUOI ~, ,11~1=:1~.-~-=-·~-~--ll'•!:::•!'!!'!.:.!ll'll!!•~~to~--.!•!!!::!-~l ll!!!I !!•'----1 !•!:::•!!!·~~!..!PJotolo!!.!!.!!'......---1 -a.,i !'!'!! 21, 1955 WEDNESDAY, DECEMIEI 21. 1911 I· -COASTAl SHOPPER PAGE -' -- "C' 'l'HOllAll "C" THOllil • RllNTAL r . ........ ..... ti Aeaa1 --. SPllCIALJ8TS 'We're Moving BEST EXCLUSIVES ---Blanche O.tea.· Rltr. m...., .... ................... 11"1 .... to Irvine · Terrace''. Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. Clarm\111 -aa-A_ ... Patloo Kore ud more KuboJ' area familla aft tnapectinc CLD'1' JU..V'Df-1 .... •C41l- '-' eDlldlU.O. ·-···---Pl,000 Orn:RS MSW 4 llOOX, .crMt lent. Neu llCMollt. lll:a11'' ~ dl8btct. Q.6et. ,. ....... IKllW ... Qa.l·bap .... ,_i, .. ....,.. -.o..,.. rvoma. pnp. an.ao • 0ccli.-•. --aquloita ....... -notJnc their comfort,.e<>D- ftllt.mce and central b:atioa. • • • lleUPtful llvtq. Apt..C.bonu. Utlli-pold. ClaT IU......,~ I Md-= -,_ ....... ____ ,lt.IOO • • • Y&eht alip ac:comodatiollll. Kore &ad more families who prefer a home ln a re- .utded qualfty community are mov!DK into lbeir Irvine Terrace home.. . OOftOM'A. DJ:L KA.It. -!-.17 i.-. ... • ~ lfteomt; • UAI ICl'Mt, Oood IUptrYillon. Mar· 1I01 Biven ~ Dally, weekly, monthly, yeulJ. .... ---·-.. ·----JI0,000 ror appt. or rt19erV&tlon, Ca.IJ ff~. 2Ul2. SI Uc 1 8'olls 8olibl ot. Hip khool AL80 l'UJUOIHllD 4PT8. Drive ID today and 11ee for younett. the many out· lltandinl f•tune ol thW remarkable ~unity. • • •• ~A aA.1' 11WNT. -i&. I bdrm. okllr bola• oaJ1 Ut,eoo Hauslcen-W atson SPORT CA.JI. CENTER JAGUAR. 11.0 . AUaTIN'·Hl:ALllT KOR.RU, .AUBTIN ALFA ROKl:O IUCNAULT N'-C.r lkl• It Blrric• a.,n U..ct Cart, All JUii•, lm- port.-d azi,d Dom•tlc. IJOl 80.M.AINIT.8.ANTAANA Kl,_.,,,. 1132 KAR.DOR BLVD. C08T4 >U:fU. Ll ...... 1 1948 Hudson hdNI. Good condition $195. COTT,ON GOFF VOLTtlWAOOM Dl:Au:R 1111 H...,.,.-t Bl'fd., N_,ort Bcb.. T.&epi.-H&rtlor • MSW CAJll KE.ATl:ft -UMd ! ...... aoJd cu. Ball ch .. p. Ph. Hartor 11'lllhl n•. ..Lfc 1161 OJD"VltOL&IT, • di'. Mdan. Dandl • low•red RMilo aad p&p.. 1.. Uc_.. _paid. MOO. H&rtlor JI02. Uc:60 1• CADILLAC U a.cs.a, Kan· du Nd, practks9ll:r .--. 4000 · mn...mru. '"°°· owner Mr. BattJ', U 1-1111. llUc 'U J'OUR Dk. II CADILLAC, ...,.. pabst, WW U..... upbollt.1!'· lq •c.pt.km.&D:r tltul. 1\1119 pod. f1* .._ Harb.or TOI. N.., and Uood TRUCK AND P•11•n9er TIRES ""' I-Hour Recepping ... Service Camplota llnlrAl Senico .u<D ....... t llad Alipmeal ROAD -VlCll n ••-Blldplt. Plan l'OllN ,,. tM Aaldni" HOWARD RYAN 1111 -IOI W. lat St. IU..HTA .Alf.A "' --- &lo ........ Motor Overhaul 1'0 MONEY DOWN ·* with this ad * * PORT ORANGE* ~pr;;s 2200 W. Coast HJway. Newport Beaob U 8-44:20 '62·16' HappJ Hom• ................ 1616 '61--16' Tnvelue ····-·············· Pl6 'M ·ll' Ktnatll ,.:er-br•ll• 8pec. "M·tl' Paramount, Bi• ~t. W1 nMd c:l..n Ulld tnd•lna. PAN AllEKJCAN Paramount0K-*lll Tn•.•IU..·TerrJ wtNTl:ll RA.Tiii 6Lfc Sea Shell Apts. ' 1 It 2 BZDRM. Dl:Ltna: l'URN'. A.PT&. To prelernd tmante. Ill 6 up, util. Incl. tno W. IS&J~ BIVd., N'-port Beach. 3tcAl:ll "UDO 18ut, :a TJldroom.t. 2"' .bl.th tiom•, on annual bl\ala. lllp tor .O rt.. boat, u.. ot 11 rt. Viklnl' ruriabou.t power bol.t, I cu pr., blautttull7 tumlah· llCI. Mruk ITOO per montb. ' tnqutn at ti Balboa Cov-. N.wport." Jett~ '7-Waa&ed to a.& 111 110. Two bdma. tiou.e rum. -----~""'=----! Pit Kinmu' Dr:, Peninauit Rentals Wanted W1 llOMd •Ptl UC1: ...,._ In al .ctJoM ror '1oUli WiDt.r ucl ,......, ...... nan. or W\fw1L u you ....... •-..q', --The Vogel Co. Point -WIDW natel -c. a. B&.UU>aLIZ., 724 Luton Or. 01.~. 1-Pta. · cnn. a-aa11. "'" TWO Ul>ROOW HOUSE. untum. MO mo. No cblldnll: 2:11 JC. lit.ti et. ,o.ta II-. LI l-7tTI. ..... ncn w. c.. H"J ... ,He.,.ort .._ ..... L&Wty &.Mil i-----------1 IOI Martnt. 81.ltio. Waa4I Pl.ALL t'IU'L oottap, utU pd. pa.-Harllof 4t4 BuU.a.ble fen' couple, ~-mo. 1117 ~ Cout BJ -Oorc-.1 Ml Illar no Marina Aw~ Baltio. laland. t''hone H.;boW 17tl • Harbor 11041. •kOO Udo otnoa, 1411 V... Udo llu'bor 4171 )IF02: Newport BJvd., Coat& W- Llbert7 I-GMT '" BALBOA lBLAND 2 Wnn. tw-a. bou. PO IN). WI Jwit 16. IA· q.W. at proptd.J" 211 ~,..t OC' Harbor MJl. IOc02 8R.AJm NJ:W OVplu, (uat'U.m. ), 2 bedrm1 171. w ..r. .... Coat& x-.. Harllor Olf&-J' 00ce2 Inspect the model homes, Corp. built by Macco exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert ., Irvine Tern.ce l1 located on Cout Kichway opposite the new Irvine Cout. Country Cub. EARL W~ STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor ff'8 For Jl'urther InformaUon * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who '1olda a Leueliold r.ta.te in Irvine Ten"ace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and Cliff li&TeD BILL'S BEST BUY • NOW UNDER CONSfRUCTION NEW-3 and • bedroom bom.e. with 2 be.throoDUI A.. low u $390 down and 175 a month Many ... Modern Conveoieac. . • . evtlft Sidew&IU ONLY A FEW LEFT -SEE US NOW! .. you'll like our friendly •rvice" • • • OCLUf P'ftONT-",,..,..UppW•. 6 bdrrna. PLUS ,a..,.. •pt. AMillc -·-······-··-·· .. ---·-•11,000 • • • B.AT8BOR&ll WA.Tm\ ft\ONT.:_ Pier • lbp tor tO toot boat - 4 bdrm&., 4 b&Uw-... ," ruml"M room. a..uttnal 11tt--. M0.000 "C" THOMAS, Rltr 6 ASSOCL\TFS D6 W. Clout 1ltWQ" -LI 1·8627 ,._,..,..._.. ''C'' THOMAS ''C'' 1'HOILAS On North Broadway IN UNT.A ANA In the prof•· l1onal --V•rJ .UbltanU&lly bu.Ill bolM whAcb can be leutd Ind ale..l u Je1.1 lill• It. IN 'nlJC '!"UITIN acHOOL DUI· TRlcr-i..o-a,. borne Ilk• the pielur. bl Kou-. 8-utltul. Hu pMt b-ud ..-tmmlft., pool . . FihmOnis Rlty. Co. KUlUpl1 tJatia&' Realt.on Buan._ Broll.1r n» z. Oil. HWJ ., Cof'OQ tkl Mar ..._ .... HAPPY NEW YEAR :!,0 ,:: = !~.: ,. ••-,. -W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor Bock e.y Ima.LI • OOllQ' ur .,,_ a ......,. EXCLUSIVE AGENT fTI 1o N00 -UI' LADY .._. b&9 ,_ bl ~ ~ E. 17th St., Colla w:.... t Llberty 8-1139 i BR., ~ Mn. rarntly home, v1"' VOGEL Co. -'°' _..,,.. -· Ll.1------------------1 mL ......, .... __ , ,_ ""°' l-M4I. ltlfc oplioll. \0 b!.17 -··-·--·IH .860 * llb.riM .......... &-.. BA.LBOA PSlm'fBUL.A Jltoom !6-lilwzto1..w U •.a l'Atac~·~·'-----1BR..,Mxll0.~o/.b1U.J12,600 ft. Barbor 4t4 GI' Sanor II.II ------ Ra Har. 1711-R ......... M)M.I( WIUll .pn .... t. 1111.UI • •\.ruce. REAL £STATE L04NS S750 D o·w N • BR. Harb.or,Hlda.. be&ut1 llT,750 _tflU. ~l ~ •. Har. 2tl')O. D-._ ._lL&. ------------UUc lnten.t n.-.i. _....,.. 79 VI-lot.a, 111200, '6000, HOOO up A.Tl'llAC?IVI: 1 Uld I bdrm. f\anl. ------------LMna ff'deklJ -41 Ill tM llar'tlor- UWJUM pt.id, l or 2 cb.Udrm. ROOM for 1"0l'll1nC "'¥--M add ... ,__ a...c-and eo.ta 11-. Nt&1 new J bdrm., -er, cwt. I AORU ... -........... ~ fUah\ ~~:-~~ i:!: ~~~. = •u:;~ ~ ~ •;:~ ':~ ..,":: ~sv~ .. i...a::-:.f i::! ~~."!:-'or-~~ bktl' .. '°°° Npt. ....... jull. abne U.. n-acms ,-r p~t loaa. t.a.. • ~l'Vlc-. . ...-. '"" lll!!!::;!M!!,.~•!!-!•~Ol~!m~~· ·!...--. 111ate1U11i aptUll ao ,....,. c.m 11 dellred. Mo char•• tw .,... ,._~ 1•.;;;.. e NEW OFFICES ~~ ~';-' Newport -Meoe Realty 1111 N'-i-t BIWI., Coet.a M ... Ll'*1.J l-6GOl-'tv•. U l-7DT TWO BZDRM. APT. ftml., pr. e IDEAL rQR PRO~ lkdCal• Liou Ow1 '111 t 1 Wtalar natal. ._ .n.r 1 P· m. SIONAL or BUSINESS USIC. o 'I I.Al We i.--rn·a· OD. rouw BCDRMa.-2 au. Total lJJ-4tUI Bl., N..,Ort 8-dl. Located in _ Ml~ Mala ..... ..._ ptlot 111,260. 8ma.U dow1l pa1· Clairtr Van Hom R&ALTOI\ J131 w. Cout ""7. Balboa u 1-4271 4ltlc ,. m•L -----------!Harbor lnv..c.ment Co. Bkts-r-----------1-Hart.cw Ill""-Cotta 111.a oUPLZX., fll.n.labtd 11,.f60. 'l"wo raw 2 bdrm. uatuna. •pt. L&rt'• 30tb 6: Newport Blvd. l jONEYI. LI M 7tl . •1ca 2-b.drm. apw.. .AJ.I on OM Ooor . O.AJUOJC, cii.po..L IOO ... n. U--1""" M Walll.lq dllt.Mce to down~ n-r BAY a etitff llO mo. uai·. vuv tf raft. a.A.LC BT OWl'fl:l\-4 bed· B&lboa. Bhowln«' f'OOd illCOlll• . • Har. M2t-J-I06 Sith It. ttclill ------------r Fest Action ~ bolna, 11' bl.U.. 1-d-aubmlt on t.mui. auamaa • HOM& -2 bednn. .1 Low Rates ~ • rec:ed. nu. loUl. ruRN. APT. 7Mrly. UtU. pmid. bomi, p1u1 i.•. fn:.t otnce. r Fnedon1 bcMne ....._ C.U 0 Fr Oarqe.. 201 IC. Balboa Blvd., Parkin«'. ldea.I IW" doctor. ,..., Loan• ~ MUI ~ or cean ont Balboa. ttpOl ..tat.I. IMW'&nC1. ltc., OD N-· 2nd and 1 St aft..-6 p. m. Jlttc 116,000. 0000 TEft.M4. I bedrm. * • * port Bild. MU 11th It .. Ca.ta 1------------1 oldtt tio-m., parU&ll7 tumilhed. II-. Har. lllM. tTUc We ae"• All Orana• CoW\\1 LIDO R.3 C-1 IOM. Hwcrt o/. Ba.Ibo&.. 2 car l:NJOT LIVING on llMI Oc:.u.1------------Service In Your Home s:arac• llr..d tor apt. abov• ftonl. Kiteban.tte apt&. • rma. I 111-!!!:~"'~!·~·!!!!•~·~·!·~·~-~~-~"!...-. ~-"1th prtvat. bl.Lb. MUI .. ,.......1: We Buy Trust ~ TV. 2IOI WMt OoMll rr-. Cor. ltlJI • "*-w. C. M. Top pri«it pal.d-Caab l'OW! 2 -10 n.. )ote OD lo. Ba7 FnlnL Pl,600 each. C&ll T. D. l'locera, Har. 1&16-W, or RYan 1«121. 11Uc Hutior IOll. l'Oll RmHT iwo bdna. a.om1 -Royel Mortga'fi1e Co. * • * {ll.ov• It m,.... furn.) lnducha M03 Jrf'"'PQrt •lvd., N'prt. 8ch. •tor. room It two otttce qiac•. H b I 5'9 LIDO ISLE lJOO moat.ti. Oil will rat ,.,.. •r or "T N&V.'PORT HGHT9, LOT t1c64H &0 s: 1%1' lot "1UI 11"'"1• ......... ------------1 klOO. Private owner. 1.lbfl'ly HAVE POGO TO Jllr<""VICST lll -11 lo1411. t !l R!•enidl A•e.. BA.CBELOll aD4 ... two ...... ...... alM.rt twm l&Acl 1-.tJ. ALaO, Udo Ho-ua llQ f'ronl Hom• .... •tut-ta. LIDO REALTY Al90clat.. rahl.y 1 ottb at IT6 Mid l Ill J80 11..ootb • ....., .maJJ eton 1100 mo. Call -Llberty Mm ~ OI' .n..r IJ p.m.. ttlc b\¥ln-or lnc:om• ln Onfll'• t lc4l% Co\lnl)'. V.'hat bav1 you? l.J 1------------ Coast Properties SOI I:. Baltio. BJvd.. Balboa Hart.or ~ 2591 and 4t00. CORONA DEL MAR I c,111. $&1.81 hOO Vt& Lido, Harbor 4444 RAJltBOI\ BLVD. rftOHTAOE T'W~ DUt•nnl Locatlont t-l:IOT momlnp. *-62 Acre119e or Lots UNUSUAL HOKE w1tb k)t. of poa.tb1Utle1 2 bclnn_ 1 ~ bltM. Cati build Mldltjona l 11n1 L IUl,600 I CJIL SM.88 ...,, a tr 1 ._. ..._ Md put& OCL\N VIEW o.tu. I bMroam ._ ..,, wn9l pins. ftlft f1im. •pt. 120 MarptT'lile. cau ........... 9f ..U. _. rod arbor tT. ...... ~...tortwop. ..._ or 6,000 ..U. ,__tee. LA.RGI: deluu uanu..~ J bdrm. J Ont .nui orr1c1., -w1UI Bwlf•- low. lie...... 1... Harbor U 1-UJ.1 . t~c 1111~:;_~11~-;;;:;:~lc.;W.=u~lod='----IRUJDENTJ.AJ.., commtorclal or In· UOOO rutrr T. D. dl.Y1rial acreap Ot' loll. Al..80 WANTED at • .,.. to ltJ!allc• • l f'&l'K'.h<e. and l'f"Y""· bdnn. holTI• In Ooa~ M..._ I DAN A. ,41AC088EN. ~lo.­ yn.. 014.. Atlt"Mll". larl" R-4 Har Mil or U 8-1317. Clc.61 1.,.el lot. 8old for MDOO. ------------ 2 BDRM. • DEN, view of Coron• dal Mar 6 OCMn. l!:nc"-d patkl, double P"'•"· $18.600 ptO JC01tn DOWN). bath apt. at.ow • retr11. tur· • REBUILT ICNGINJ:B ....... '"~ """'"""· cau LOANS for Homes p , -lJP 10 U lllOHTlla TO P41'-owner H•r. 4T. 1,. _.11 p • ...__ Jl'I8HER A~D CO. c.JI Har. tUll. P&NIN8iit..A t 11nlt l pl.. t p r., & Tr•· old. ~ b1ocll lo bay. 134.:M>O Euy tenn., AJ.., NEW· PORT HElOHT8 s bdrm. home. a yn. old. WW c:ar pet1.n1 flr.- p.ltc.e dtH, r•r. pliu. 11&.rioo £&.)' lerma. Ow"nt!r, t OA Rlv•r· •d1 DT. U 1·3"8. tlcM LOT ON HAZCL DR.IVI!:. Vt-of 0.:-.., rvck• • Lltll1 Corona S..ch. LA.It one.. 117,flOO -...... ,...,~.w.t L S APTS .-" '* -.. _ _. -100 ARM · . Construction Loans •' ....... -.., dlnd. & M•rini "" lk.I• •ATrU:R. '( · 118 UJLT wl DflTAIJ.Q) aa• &t.ft OD.UT Bl.VD moar lll.<XS. VAT N'llW c-... -aau ~ -.. Tod ' T -.. -.ao Wall to w&U oarptUftl' 6 d,.,_, ay s · rade ~ iU..60 Q. &. f\efft.Jq dehule ato..._ ..,_ f'U!JlJJi!P. MUkTUAOS t,.'\J ft,TK.. DODQlll • SW S.Cll Apt. .... priqte prac-. lll•tro UI• 1-~ KJ.,:s.o i-.. BY OV.'NE.R tox.l2& n.. lot •croa. Attention lnYe1tor1! GmaYa. A Da 901'0 -'1Tt Tftluc.. ti&~, tint o&ll for a&IJlll. •1111 I UNITS PENINSULA from m~l •Ill• pro p!!ttY In PR.JCI: REDUCED ...,._....... ----•110 OM balf IMk. lo bu ..... ~t•r. S o--y-oly 1·-m• '"°'· with Colt.a MtoM. Good for • .._ f!'f1f qulc.111 action on lhl• bumlneM ....... 11 • 20 VI .........,. WA. Ill IV tll.U~. ~l-'n.11V, ,...., """' ., .. u ,.---(&DI 6 PONTlAC I -'1TO • I!. ..... ,..,. •0 perrn&JMnt ~ar around tt'Nl.nla. ham• at ~. U bt'rlJ' 1-61 03. propvt1. :a mod..-11 ""1kllnp' on 9'JD. •tT6 ome. Hu. 100I a UY · ,:!~.-:;~~~ OR No Almmfl' r.ital•. An untu fktlh 13' • 13T lot t b.l.l Mould 1- AWWW •tTI allu I P· m. LI 1-1171 ap.dou., nMrly 10.000 teet. 1 ----or rt.nl for • tot.a.I ot at leNt ~ Qar rr._ ,._., "' 46c.CIOH We WU)' l'Nlol ~ IW l.h Pl cd AJU,.HTS:& -Nl:Wl·iilt1 f:A l .. ~•A !JA VIJ••(;: Iola. L<Nin MJW 132.000 at 1300. SAU OR TRADE 2 ~ a tD&NI ptt moa · nllJ room - ....,_.,...._Qll_ -DELUXE a .... for -. nr yoly. ml.hl1. l~',0 \\'Ill tr&<!. toqulty Point, R·2 $0tl4!, 0,..., Viti'#, Oftf! for 111.panslon. Adequat. p.rk· r• -.. t WAN A~lPI :ATl••N ··y I ' --tol I ••-f tMt RAY REALTY CO. 11---~ ..... p l ttt E, Cout HWJ'., C D M. . Harbor 2288 f Acrot1 from Bank lo CDM I ,. • About 200 ~ LIDO NO~ ~bdrm. s; over 3 cara r 1;,.nuin" Anny, S •'·~·. ·"•rln11 ••d QUALITY 1 llu• ll•rb<>r ,\rt'•· Yuu ,.,.,. monr.\ ft,\ST'!OO \\'AK Sl'Hl'l.l"S -~n<I ri·· pier and fl -,. ·• '•'"1 "a", .. , :1~iJNAL ~::~'GUARANTEE EAR. L '·;' ''·';"' 1RGAIH! 22:1~IC --....;;·El' ST ART •• Chudo h•l'PY Oii With one of t '"h,.n . 11' .,..n·f'louo Unua•nd,.r hi• f o 11 r an dining room, 11. 111·•T. apt. with fire •nd dn a .... uh ,tht• [)IAMONP 1pltlr. .. ·Ith Thlt I• a l191,1 lcr :::!7.95 \'olwa NOW ONLY Utu nu•.,, .....,n •11ao ... : room, prden s14aa Three aunnY willl ~~SCOPE -· JNGTURRET! WMT A TOY, but • SANa..'' wi'h • beeuti- n.h! Haftd focwt- •ror, comet com- karine and 111 Mr4woM caM BALBOA 0 hu moved 1.,. S..•SJ.CM Now! eo It goem w SOUTH LA the fiDHt ~ Out-of.this-• ... .. have the ke lue ,, 330 2 Br. older 1N•w War .ervice pore1 Q y 1 cornl'r lot I 1 ri ... ll••ll" i Co·•·• 1 ... ~ ... 1 i...,. ••• ,.i L ... 111. C••••"' r.: .. , " r .... r., Ill• Mo•"• l'o••h"''" i'olnld only "·Ith o .. n .. :n .. 1'1(""41n \',.h•rt !1>1,.d r-. ~l r:1~~ lnr l. 1.\.00. Surplu1 Special JEANS EED 3 Br. home, carpet. doubl •It• i;,1.,., t ·I'! COUNTRY DUPLEX 2 ~s near m1 Collar hod ) .. G .. - ••-_ ...... "' '-"· Nlc1l1 f::);;Blnall bid· ot 130.IW>O. tor: l1vel. CaM or tuna. Private n.. ....... 11 "'"" u _ uee Y11 I.Ada Ph Ku. tlUU l'fOWln• ,.rt of Colla 1o1 .... i----o,.a.....,10 .... io1p.ni •.. -f__.~~m"':•.., ... •~h~ .... ~-"i~~~~~·-... ~·~··~====================~"~·rCLE"ii""ril:ii""'ifrM~EiinT~or,n'"Ot1·"°'f'iaon•ffmi .. irti:':r.:-;-tt~u•.n:-' ... .-,.';·;;::;;~·~·~,..:;;l-::'!!";;~'';;!!::';':,:'.~;"\;;::;;:o-~;t--11<1;1111::10J--fof\~ ~ 1tc., ov1r do\lbl• t•· With ONIC -120 n. A t"o-IO ft. all new abopptnt" cuter. WMl:I th.i. - • ·-OR WH,\T HAYE YOU? odjol Ba Ba _ ~. lo ·-t• It' • t lM '11--.I Bay. -•kl-NO CO"'"~~xoN nl nJ ell y a.__...,,,, .. 1d l'OM ... .,_ • . ... pproa v• r-• ...........,., "THIS IS HOT! I." .. •-•-•-0 I 000 ---• •-I -U . REBUILDERS " es.tr•. To quill ad\a!LI wlll'I· tour "'..,._....,u all or •P9· I , ..-. .....--.. nqu red • ...- out ptll 11~. _ UM 8oulh Nv _AppralMJ to'ee ... t• -Cua or term&. Owner owner Ll-.tJ l-41U ~mp 0,. DUO' I to T lltatl' ---4 NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St- &y nvnL Baltio. laM.nd.. Kar. J1A1.rd -iu;tu-;AHt.:a: Gordon L. Andr•w, Rltr. •tni.. acllon. Ke.t . .u.1 !We or att.r 1 p.m. u c 1Tl4. 46p:IO CUNSTR UU'rlUN U 1-S62T he. Har. tfl'J,J Cail IOf f'rff 7 I TE.ARLT ·-·-· I bdrm. f'\lm. 4 ct &ANrA AN• • ..._..... Fut Commttmenta •pt. ~ mo. "at•r Jld. ...., o" Rt.to.._ • ..,.. umu ., ... bul It bllaln-m.tMct.. Call v SARVER !-'Oft BRAKES H1rbor lllT·J. tkll DELIJXS "1Jt1', .t..rra. a.tq• It dbl&. 110 -. ud •P· lot It. •1 ""'"'-...,.... Manor (8' OIUoHQS COUNTY lT TM) IMt. 1Ue ._... ...... __.. ..._.. su.• ==~-----=-­~a. --·-·-·• .. tDIFURN 1 Mdrm. apt. ac-t• "'-A tr...,,ortatkMI. eol '• tJl.11 TU ... 1'0V PA.1' HO lllOll.m --··! •U.tl :trf&('ClMll•. C."oro.a dolll Mar. -m<i. Harbor ..... IOc &AJlVJ:ll MOTORS ?WIN"-"°" .,.. • •ll•tm r... PlD aDVJCS ,..... • •wll ror .,-,., .-., &. WI' A.T QLUR> U..lftA AMA ,.. -w U.. * ''IM .... Don I. Huddleston 171 E. 17111 Bl _... .. _ Lll-llll uuw CASH ••• YOft 1'RU8T OC8De WM. a. HOLT M<>lrrQAO& 84N:ICIMO mtao- 1• 1'. W9I &IJllT'A Alf.A CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU A.noRD TO SltlL ! HOW A.aOUT A TRA..os. ror -· ......... t .. ~~~ ~ ...... 'encl "' 1-............ VllJ'* a t -.ooo "'Lii .,.,.. •10.000 a ,.... --• low ........ A.-. Nlh1ftl' It &.rll la-- ~ m a., r..-1 propw17. W1U t,.. '*' -......... aw-. ~ ..... l -"rlt. llO'I' -..ua o.c.n. ........ '-.... ...., •. l90taalO INVrTSD OWNER T1UN8Fl:IUU!O, 3 bed· room.a. "•II land1eap.d. fenced, carpet.In.. ctr.,..n., 11000 <bl .. I.ow mo. p&)'f'nftta. 19'e0 Federal, ea.ta M-. LI 1-1711. ~ TIKI .. ,. rnot11. UUI)' to nnd a INy•r Ull'Olll b ~ .......... p.r ""Ida peopi. r-d tor ~...,..""4 A"-'fte ~ h'•,.. i....,.., .. ,.,, ... ~ ... ,.. .... ...... ,...... ... , a • UM rY a.rw ...i. a... 11ttc _ lldftrtialn« - 111. N-...Pre1 llattiN" 1111 Low Down Lots l.N Colt.a w-. 3 lot.. 10 a la& a.ch.. I:, 20th llL 1'1'600 tu1J prlc.•. 11000 down. THREIC )ote IS s: 131 eaclt.. I:, lltb at. 110.IOO M.I p1ee. ... dn. Of" •••• D'AN A. JAOOBl&H, "-Hor Ka.rlloor NII or UMrt.1 a.a1T -· 'BY OWNER l.&U TKA.lf ON• TA. OLD a ._.,. I ,Ml.II ..._, llWd. Moon. I ~-pnp. IU.!l(MI U4 Know.U Pl., ~ .._. U MIU llcM -· 937 1155 5'!CIAL CLOU-OUT T 0 y s ' t>N CHRISTMAS! • '' "'""•II• •on1 •• oo•• ,.._,, h"nW •• f"••l•I• .. T..,,, ''"11. 1'"~ t'-1 ••>• on .. .,, •••"••l•I ... ,;.... .... """''"'' , ... r .. ~ .... ~ PILLOWS Sl .t~t:l'l!'r<"li ttt:Al T\" t for ~' $3.98 . -' 1:.t• •• 1.. ~ -I • o • I .;,::?* n,._, <l•--qJ ' "'•· '"• n a11 .... ,, ..... 1 .... ""''' ...... oll! "'" •••'••·~ -I·••• ...,,.,,., lobl• ~ " .. h,~I• ! II.on ""' '"rv•• '" ,..1 .. 1h1· l•no h.,,., I •"" '"'''"I' 1•11 !•·!• ..... SNOW 1CLOTHES "'' ""· ' ..... j ......... "". '"" ··~" '""" ,. ....... . •u•! "'"''"" !•• 1•• •• t••• •h• ... '" ••• '""' ·h~ , ... 1 '"~ ~h ·• ........ .r 1; ..... ••• • ... 1 ,,,,,,. •• .... .. '"'"' """•• T11,, '""'' '" .. , .......... "" ......... . BALBOA I .LUE PANTS $3.49 Olll<h«I ~oR .. fO• 4,..,, OIO> ............. 1 '" ...... . .... ••• , ... 11.11. r~ .. to ............... loori.- WOOL BLAllKETS $2.9S ,,,.. •f ..... •• ,, ·, ~ .•.• "••l•lo! .. """' ,,, 1h-,,m, • ._..... t'o"lli.• .. 11• •••-oM --"'n In• • "" ""••HO, WORK CLOTHES .... , "····~· •• loo ........... 101 lo .. oo• ,.._ -·· .L~•h·-. ...... 11/oo 1,11:vr• Ul<'l'i\11;~, ll&"IP. • 0 I I ln'l:ll&l.l.!I, , .... ,,.. J••I o f••· l.o.••• -i..•i.. ... Low .,1., .. AM .. 1111 0.1tol•M .. ·-·-·11 ····-··· .... ...1 .... 1 C.P.O. SHIRTS for Only $7 .95 ~: ... , --· -·--u ............ 11., ....... lit.t i •• 1 .... h... ,,, • ., ...... 11 ................ hi· io ... I-oln••· ...... U\i lo II. C-lot ... ,_ w6i. •••I> ...... -·-· ...... ••4 ............. -. , .... .. -•· ... n•-• • • • • •· -~ ... ! SWEAT SOCKS NYLON S·T-l -l ·T·C·H ~Pf'.CIAL TIHtWMk OSJ.Y I ltlnel "9c'IJI fo r n•IJ' SOCKS J pr. forS1 .00 t.,Mdc-Topa: .... a.rS9c Sporlal fnr•ft.n,·•: "' No,. ,_,.. W .. I WITCH CAPS NCIUC)Clllte JACKET! Tlllo •M••· 1.-1.-... .... ·--.................. .. ·-1 •• 1 ......... .., ...... . • .-. C ..... rMo, Tou -..• -11~-......... , ..... . .~ ,.11, ,..1 ........... , ....... .... .............. --.... ....... J .... ,__,, GUN CLEANING KIT l'"rl'M>I Hltt lor IM H..._I .11•.ao c....,.. $2.75 POWERFUL TELESCOPE! FU.EL TABU:T~ •"or ~l•rllnl' P-ltMi! l for 10< P ••• # .. 1 I,. C: .. ,.. Troi"ing lifle1, ju1t Ilk• toldi•n •• .. SJ.ts -·-717 Jr, U••nlla T1•t ' " • PAG& ·10 COASTAl SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 llstitfod lht row1 of rtd. tapen' H Miu ~o Ann R•r•n. 11a,,,11t. r•r. ; Barban Cooper. U {'Ond mu -' Bus IN Es s MEN A ID held In t&U w1t.ll• cudelatlra .ttb · ,ertomMd tM ,..,. love'y Ger· •ens er. Kathy Burbank, t.hJrd •llY•I")' Ooral arraaiemenu at Ule ahwln "Star Dull ". MUau Hagen mMMncer: Sharon l:dkina. tourlh ...... &Dd C:Upmu ai.o JoUMd &a ....... ,...: Jwt lloMl, fifth Carol Crain New Queen of Mesa Bethel Ms.a Olorta CMpaua.n 'Wed du« by Tcbaiko\'ll(J. me-..r; Lor-• ~. MJlior :,:1caJir~0~':l i'~ m:r::::u:..:n~·r~~do~ ~:~::-:~;:n~~~::;:r.:nu:; SYMPHONY PROGRAM certmcny. UC" Uona and tools Ult4r .taUon.t fol-Guard'. Andrea Papineau, outer towed by etectJn office,.. vows Guard, l:ei.,lle Wardztlt, electrl- Mra. Dean SmlUI, ruard1aa of and crownlnc of M IM Marjorie clan; , ~ .Albright. ...Utant Bethel 167, e900rt.d tty Mi• Han-., __ --•-r p-'---__ ,. BeYerlJ NCOl'dlllf; Kay Mi.Uer, ..-.unt Major leaden of induatry in On.nee County a.re among Mr•. Karl Bttnner ot 8 u • n a Hill a.ad i... a.mu. eeoc:t t --_... ,...._ -!'ark· 'MIN ~rt.ha Melt.ler of ~ardla.n. worted by J~~t~ =be~/= P:~ ~; '.!~~ 1111;!=-cholr member• tutalled the new d.inctorw and new members of the adviaory board of 1 Anoh.elm and Mra. o . 1\. Winder cher •tved. Mrt. lmlth ottkt&Uy Cooper ldt and Janet Juy. _,..: JW.. AlCOfft. LtaU. Ary. the Orange County Philharmonic Society, it wu announced " _t_R_r_ea_. ________ _ declarma the meetln( In ... ion. ma~. ~ coronation of the Charlotte a.tty, Marcelle Carr, to membera at the breaklut meeting at the Balboa Ba'-• Cl ub Barnet ucorted Ml., Donna Ham-new qu•n climaxed the beaulltul Orace Carter, Donna Church. Sal-~ , llton, retlrlni honored queen lo t M Lewi Kidder ..,,, ly Cooper, Lorraine Cuthbert. Bet.> by Kar• Ma.rireta BrunlnJ , tilt· li.ltant. Mn. J ohn ~eff. pruenttd her .talion u prteldlnc lnatalla-::' ~loa~'··The :.C,rd'• Prayer" ty June Davt... Ruth Anna n.vi.. cullve direct.or. a report of effort.a to date on Uon officer. and u the newly crowned queen Mqaret Fnlhan. RoaaUe n.cher, AdJ1tn 0. Pelletier ot Lacuna behalf of the Orange Cowity Ph1l-Job'S Daughters Induct Jn1t.t.llln1 o t t I c • n ual1tln1 took her •talion In the eaat. the Dorothy Haley, Mary Lee Hayden. Beach. Slalll17 Bate.. ot Banta b&rmoatc Concert.a tor Young Miu Hamilton were: Janice "Queen'• Song". Carol Re r r, Janice Holtman, Ana, and Salfttore Monaco of People, the flnl of which I• ~Ing Whitt , put honored qu .. n of IN H llto Hn ullhed her IClalne Hood, Robin Irwin. Dl&n• Balboa ba•• &l'Ne4 to Mrve on echtduled In the lattfr part of Officers in Ceremony 8 111,htt 167, SUldf; Mary Ann u~ n' tmto c:r~~ a~ In return J ackton, TerryJacobt,Judy Jonan tho orran.laaUon'• active board Of January. Ruu, put honored queu 157. q ~ ~Ph~ aat honored queen'• Patricia Kennedy, Kay Kincaid, dlnct on , whila Richard R. Nolan ATTEND SESStoS . , marahal; Mar 11 y n lngmundaon rece v r P C al Gall Mann, Connie Miller, Char· ot An•hP, Brown I . Kc.PhenK>n, In a red and 1ilver mettmr with star theme, Job 1 cJ1epl&ln• Janet Mackerru 1enlor pin from the new queen. Mr. r n totte McGann Terry McGovern .Anaheim and Donald Vanderbilt ThoM pruent In addil1nn to D •7 Co,. M h ld i 19th · •-•1 t ' ' ' pretented hla daughter with a • • h t 1 aqbtera Bethel 1.., , .ta eaa, e tJI ma .... a Ion, prln<'•u. Be~el nt. S~n Cleman-lovely luclle ga vel embedded with Marjean Moritz, Charlene Nel.eon, ot Lasuna Beach all ave a,ccep -MW Frieda Bel nfante, the 11<Jc1- Saturday, Dec. 10, 8 p.m. In the Friday ltftemoon clubhoW!e. le. •~corder, Jodie Me.cher, put tht' J ob's Daushten' purple em-Beverly Paul, Beverly Re-. Ma-ed poe&Uon.a en lM eocttty • ad-ety'1 permanent conductor und the . C l C . h f M d M Ern Cr i honored queen Bethel nn. HDlor bl d d with narr.e rlan Rt>eae, ICllen Sequ11t, Jo Ann t'Wory board. 11bove -mrntlont'd, In c I u de d: Miu aro ram, daug ler O r~an nl. eat & n, cuat•"•llJ\' Nancy Hiii p•Hl honor-em an engravt' · 1 Shrader Jackie Smith Ju dy ~ ... --.8_ M mes. Orville BeU. Carl Buawl•ll. · ' ' and title. On be halt of lhe bet he • • v&..._ -" ..... 43:S Via Marina, Coata U'.).I&, wa.s tn tailed u honored queen ed quMn Bethel 211. Loa All&elea. 11 bu Mrlf Smith pre-Smith. P eM y 8 p •th, Pamela Lou18e E . Carlyle, l'\achne Coplen for tM enwlnr 1h1 month• term j Toir. Niqul'tte from the Orange Ml• Crain choae "Hope'' as her I Coart Chapter of DeMolay H rved lhelfte, ualnit lhe star as rmblem as lU'hus to reflect 1111 me .. act through the l'NCLE EMCEES holiday 11etlm1 craat~ with poln· Roy lngmundllOn. uncle of t.ht aet Ua, pyracanlha. 1low1n1 can· quefn -elect. acted u mu ter of din and duller• or 1llvery 1tara nrcm1..nlee. welcQmins ruuta U · irua,.nded from above. serr b'ed to wltne11 the lmpreaatve Mlae Lynn PeHt attended the rite~. l\leA lllook and Ml .. Mildred Tay-P receding the entrance of the k>r P" thOM entertnr program• m.atcr or ceremonlee the Ml .... of IU'nr and red. Bob Raser and Marian Koerner u d Jallen o r .. n , junior cuatodlan and Connie Mere· c.,unc mem s · Thomaon Terry VIiiagrana. U nda Thi. newe of lmport.ance f o r Fran Ha.rdln, H. H. H .. n~h•w. aod dllh, put honored queen Btthel •~'lteci Donna with a beautiful Wall&, J~rll)'lt Warren, Jo Ann the IOCl•t)"• continued develop· Waller Schoenfeld from the New· 157. !lac bearer. while Bible. token of their eat~em Watton and Linda WUU.ey. menl wu one o1 •vtral reporlll port Beach uea: Mmes. Murltl tor her. As a girt from Mlta Nan-to the .....,up on cun-ent a.cUvltlea. M E 1 Fl 8 , -and The new COrpl! of oftlc.ra and ry Hill, past direC'tor of muilc for A receptidn followed ui. clo• •·-. ng t , orencr . .._ne bethel choir members. as did oth-Bfthel 157. Charles Ary J r. pre-Inc u remony with tablet adorned Mn. Alfred Payne of IAruna Donald B. Vanderbilt of Laguna ere parUclpatln1. made the.Ir en-a.riled lhl' twu new princes.ea by 1t1 lkln1 nor&l arrangements, Beach, chairman o( the forthcom-Beach; trance throuch a tar1e allver wtth pin• emblematic of their 1 leamln1 lllver tu. and coffM Ing "Give Your Heart l o the Phll-Mn . Opal Sheehan or Huntinir- tramed •tar, flanked on each tide high ortlce. aervlce and 1 p ark 11 n1 cry1t.t.l harmonic Ball" 11eh4iduled tor Fri-ton Btach: Mrs. Mtldrt'd Alley, by S'l1tenln1 •tar beam effects Appol.ntlve of r 1c er1 Insti lled punch bawl1. day, Feb. 3 at the Balboa Bay Miu i:. Gertrude Hf'llla Md M1.s buratlnr throuch a pyrecanlha were : Gerry p anger, chaplain; Club, ouWned projected plan1 tor Holm .. Wehrly of Sa.nta Ana : baae. In her while aalln robe, Terry ROaa, treasurer; Linda Stel-CONGRESSMAN CLAIR J:N-that occulon. Mmu . Roaiema rie Booth, Ht'rbcrt MIN Cratn l tf'ppf'd through the ler, libra rian; Kay Harrie, re::ord-GLm. Red , Bluff -"Kefauver Mrt. Morrla Slack of Fullerton, S. Herlande, Edwarrt Mlltl'lman ,tant •tar et<'orted by her father u : Rose Marie Ander110n, mutl· could grab thlt Slate Uke a r ipe Youth Concerti chairman for Uu~ and t\aymond Thompson or F u I· ~~~;~---~;;;~~;~~~;;;~~;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~cian ;U~&~~.fint meeu~~~•U8~~~n~~®~ ro~~~~Hu~·~~~n~:M~Her~nh~m a~ Wl'-RI LOADED! BIG PIE-CHRISTMAS SALE Come In For Big Selection -Big Savings Clothes For Girl1 •nd Boy a ...... 11 • JERI'S 1111 HmlNr llvd. • -Costa Mesa Toys For Girls and Boys • HADLEYS • f,j --4pprecialeJ an A Subscription for t " One Full Year! Rabies Endemic to Conly Area I Fl'w...ERTOI"i (OCNI) -City ornc1at. reve&led Saturday the Stale DtparUnent ot Htall.h baa deflar•d all of Oran.r e <:ou.nty a "1·•bte. e!Wemlo a,..a .. , f'ffectlv• hul TUttda)'. A ll'lter received from County Hl'Rlth Offi<'er Erlward 1.... RUMell md1l·ate<t U1c county LI expectfd tv li.kll "neceuary a("t10n1'' whh h cciuld mun compulAlory vac~ Lion of all dOf9 or other emers- cy mea1ure1. City Attorney Walter Cbaft• will be ~u•ted t o draw up an e11u.1r1em:y ord.lnan.ce on rablt•. lll'Cordlng lo a city councll aienda for T11eeda y nl1ht'1 mttUnc . County offlcl&la "ported the qua.rantln•d area In th• county hu not been exra.nded beyond the Tua- lin·Sanla Ana area which wu put 1111ilrr us.:h t rutrlrtloru n rller laat week. The county hu bwn con- .. ·~···~.~ • .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. • • .. .. • • = .. • • • • .. • • • .. • • .. • .. Former residents or part time residents of the Harbor Area, will surely .. • .. th• amazing T U a I L I I I R A D I 0 that h•• .. BIC:S·••T" tone aftd clarltyl A ~ of red1o-dectroniat "'°'NCY 11 tbe ,...,olutiOMIY -"''•'-radio with 6" rMio ta. 1nd eeledlvily! M.,u,. onlJ 1• • s• 11 I "4° .•. IO ti!llY ~an al1p it ifl )'OUr pocket and ,,.Y It ......_ )"Oii 90! U.. llny ltaftliston iMt•d of tuMa; .... IO Ill CMll of--........ I lifetime! Wiiie a • tloMI lift .,_, llQIC\' II the l*fc Ii~ for the penon """° '"hes ~ rythlna... R IOCHCY II WOftderf ul (Of die old follie ... •nd for tllut-ine. (And of cowm ~°I want ON for .--'/.) Ooty4 •• H .... ~t ~....._...,_.._., ........ r• ....... ......,~c-1--'······"" .. appreciate receiving this Gift Subscription to their favorite Newspaper, end you will be remembered for your thoughtfulness the year 'round as they receive three iuuea each week, every week for the entire ye•r. or at and Call Harbor 1616 Come 2211 to W. Our Balboa Office Blvd. Order the Subscription. Appropriate Gift Subscription Cards Mailed Upon Receipt of the Order 3 ISSUES WEEKLY MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY • • • .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. .. .. • .. • • • • • • .. .. .. .. • • .. • . .. * 22 rr W. Balboa Blvd. ~ Newport Beedi -.i. ~~ ~ -.. a,. .. 2 ....... z-. ·~ ~~~.-....~~~~!!!!!!ma~------------------••••••••--•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·· ........... l --"t ~ PEARL HARBOR tnlTNC) · Manne TtS«t. Gene w. Lay n celved an Intramural rifle t rophy S ov. 21 tor belnc a memtw-r ot the .econd pla.ce team In Island competition. He la the huab&nd of the for· mn .,MIM MafTaret A. Diehl of !)QI' Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mu. He LI .-vlng with the Marine BaaTUk.1 Band at th" U. S. Naval Bue at Pearl H1:1rbor. Before entering the MrV1Ce In F ebruary, 1Vt8, he was gradlll&ted from Park County High School tn Uvlnr· 1lon. MonL Stephenson Named to Dean List at Point WEST POINT, N,Y. -Cadet Ralph W. Stephen.on, 23, 10n ot Mr . and Mra. Lawren c e E Slephenaon. 471 Co.ta Mua St . ( 'o•t& MIU!a, recently wu named to the Dean'• Hat al Ole U. S. M1lila.ry Academy a t Weat Point ror the month of October. The list Includes cadell who art ai:atltmlcally in the upper 20 per rent of their clu•. <'a.Set Stephenson Is In' hla third }'t'ar at the acatlemy . He rece1v1'd a C.:011grea1lonal appointment to the a•·ademy from Repreaent.atlve J ohn Phllllp1 IR·Callf 1. A member of Bt ta Theta Pi frat1>rn11 y. Stephenson allended W ll lameu a I rn1\'en1ty In Salem, Ore. t OCC to Host Talk Tourney Jan. 10 Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\V ednesdays C...tal 811opper Ack ru11 la the \\ed11f'Mla' !'iPW•·PrM• 4 l..lneta 1 ln9ertJOD $1.00 add'L llnflll .25 e&. 4 Unee Z luertion11 1.50 add'L Unet1 .25 e-a. 4 Unee . S Insertions 2.00 add'I. Un~ .25 ea. 4 Llnett 4 lntertlODA 2 .. )0 add'I, llneti .2,") f'L 11'-tJo• w-ted Ada wUI no<'f'l\'fl la% dl&rounl. Caab lo ach·ance only. KISnrt'M AD 1!'4 ' LJSt:S Special Noticea Spec~ Notieff ~ 1IL.. PUB L l·C N 0 T ICE YOU DON'T HA VE TO B ELONG t o a UNI ON. wo rk f or the CITY or the GOVERNMENT t o particiJAtte in the NEW COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT s'l'ORE M ONEY SAVING CLUB. Everyone is e ligible to belong to this new and daringly different st ore if you wish to •ave hundreds, even thousands of dollars on your annual everyday purchase• of t op quality CLOTHING, T O YS, LUGGAGE, APPLIANCES, LAMPS, RADIOS. TV's, FURNITURE, CARPETING, BEDDING, COST UME JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, C AMERAS, GIFT • COSMETICS-and juat about anything you w ish . The Btore has been completely remodeled, restocked a nd redecorated to make your shopping a pleuure instead of a ch ore. Drive o ut and let ua t e ll you about this new and sensational money-saving Club Plan -over 7000 sq. ft. of Free Parking on our own lot. We'll be open every evening from now until Christmas. Daily 9 :30 A .M . to 8 :30 P.M. Closed Sundayii. Free Gifta to the ladies -Free Gilt. to ney.r members. D IRECTIONS -From beach a\.eas, take H arbor Blvd. n orth to Bolsa, tum right and g o 2 blocks East for Harbor Blvd .• Community Department Store 12131 E . BOLSA S ANTA ANA Kl 2-6015 46c48 Special Notlee9 U-BuUding Servtoe. Y Newport Harbor H. H. HOLBROOK B. P .O . E. DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 1767 "-pair s!~=.i-.. Meeltl nery Tbunday I p.m. Pboae: B&tbor .a. Vt& Oporto -Central .An. MOl a.Jboa Bl•d.. N.wport Beec.b t4-P~nonal• , .~,.~~~-,.,.~···~·····*··~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS~ PART 111 • PA6E I AJcob oht:a Anonymoua. C ~ ~ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1955 ~=:~~~~:~E·~· .,. $. it ~ .._ • e ~"-'~';7; APPLl:~~a~s A NYO~E KNOWJNO addr'eae, : fA.fU6 .. GAFFERS & S ATTLER table top~ range ...... $49.50 whereabout•, U on11rd Saller• I;.: -· ·-.... GA~FERS & S A 'ITLER w hite table to p gu range field, contut uaughtn. J nyre :.: .. th oven to t rol $79 50 r_:~·k~~:;:1;,·1,~~=:~~~1!~· .. ~~~:I ••···--~·········· .. ····--~ ~~TEf\,N HO~LY ~~-~·~~-~j·u;·o\~~n -~~~~I . chorag ... Newport Bt>arh " I HOLIDA y SPECIALS v ery c le an ...... -......... -......... . . ............... ---· $79.50 46p48 KELVINATOR Refngerator 6 cu. fL ..... ·-·-.. ····-·$59.!>0 -15-S ___ -ha-,-.,-,-.0-u_r _C_a_r ___ I New 1956 TV GTBSON 6 cu . ft. Refrigerato r . . ........ ·-··-··· ......... $64.50 WES TING HOUS E 7 cu . ft. Refrigerator -........ $99.50 WANT rhlt to t:!anra Anll or Ana· W S II' Fl S I d D SERVEL Refrigerator 51 ., cu . ft., left hand d oor $89.50 h 8 f H • .,. h 1 e Are e 1n9 oor amp es an emonstrators .. ~Im uy 8 111 ' or 1i::-•1 .,c 0° KELVINATOR 8 cu . ft. d e luxe Refrigerator .... $99.50 girl ('1tll Har O:JMl-J\t eves or WESTING HOUSE 21'i..Blonde Console. Kl 2-6:H t ext 286 uaya KENMORE w ringer washer d e luxe ....... -...... -..... $45.00 __________ H_r49 Regularly $299.95 With y o ur o ld TV EASY SPIN D RIER, d eluxe model ............... _ ... $59.50 NOW ONLY ... $219.95 W ESTINGH OUSE electric range, lafe model _$99.50 l&-Traos~rtatlon FLY DC-6 NON-STOP K Y.C $1:10° C'HICAGO $69 •Round Trip Only Fru Llmou~lne lo Airport Box Lunches', l.'ree Ticket Dellverv W ASIHNUTON, D,C, ........ $97 PHILADELPHIA ....... -..... $88 D ALI.AS ·-·.. . ................. _ S49 DETROIT ............................. $i9 HONOLULU ........................ $109 NEW YORK .......................... $88 CHICAGO ......... -... ... .. ... $69 All Fare• -Plue Tax __ 124 W. Ocean Blvd., L . B. HE 2-6tl!'> -NEv. 6·46M Sa nta Ana, l .17 E. 3rd Kl 3·83~ 18-Beauty Aid• Superfluous Hair Permanently removl!d from race amia, leg•. Eyebrow1 and hair line abaped-No more tweeling. ELLEN L. BRY.AlllT R. I:. i,.t~o·1 Salon of Beauty Har. 2671 • ~ uo 22--Lost and found LOST ln C.D .. M. blonde tortolH 1heU nm, reading gl11&te1. Pre- 1crlpt1on len1. $0 reward, return to 212 Jasmine. 4:1c47 LOST In Balboa, La<llea Waltham ellver wrist watch on Spidel band. Reward. Har. •05·W. 47c China Painting Da.y and 1:Ven1111 Cl&leM Order• Taken Now Phone Uberty A-68•8 tttte PHILCO 21" Console with G olden G rid Tuner. L Ii H eleetric range, deluxe mode l ........................ $99.50 'IA.LL GUARANTEED \ R egular ly $339.95 With your o ld TV WASHlNG MA~INES, AUTOMATIC Amf\vruNGICR T'l'l'l:I NOW ONLY $219.95 SEVERAL TO Bl!:LEC'I' FROM ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Costa Me sa LI 8-3437 46ct8 PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs All new material patterns or hit end min See our !'. ..:lection of imported china, Engliah blue, s cenery and vine & wheat in bro wn. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 so. MAIN ST .. CORONA CORONA 178 • MOY.ING ABOUT JAN. lit lNTO NEW BUU.OINQ WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE CliRlSTMAS T REATS -A nt-w H a.mmon1I Chord Organ tor the wholci family. Everycme MOM, l)AD, BROTH.ICR, SISTER can play It, ll'• IO euy. It you can ring a doorbell you can play the Hammond Chord Or· g1m . $211. a month pay1 for It. We deliver tor Chrlatmaa. DAf':Z·SCHMlOT, 1120 N. Main. Sant.a Ana. STANDARD •l&e Schwinn racer type bi ke. 3 yn . old, hand brake Ir light. Good condWon. $27.11(). Har. •3•:i. ffd8 CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! LOVELY uaed HalT\mOnd Spinet l'l..2!rfeet condH1on. DIC .a'•n&• DEMONSTIU. TOR model, Min· ALL REASONABLY PRlCEP-BUDGltT TERMS-P'RE.I: DELIV, ( I KNOX HARDWARE 420 E11.11t 4th SL Santa A na co. KI 2-233& 29-Help Wanted GllU.S - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new. htrher •lantnl' w~• and frequent lnc~aau (IVM you thl• opportunity. Opening~ow for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS Wa will train you and you'll ra· celve many other benefit.a. -Apply - 51' ~ No. Main St.net, Rm. 211, Santa AnL \ 9 :00 to •:OO p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE ARE YOU TIRED OF -ll'JGHTINO CR088 ·TOWN TRArll'JC r~OUTINE lNSIDI: WORK -LOSS OJI' PAT FOR VACA"- TIONS -NO CHANCE li'OR ADV ANCJ:· M.l:NT Apply 1030 E . F1nlt 8t. Banta Ana, Mon. to Frt., a:ao &.m. to •:oo p. m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. MARQUETrl!l Arc Welder, (D-) 3 hp Air Comp~r. 120 Volt .ingle phue. See at. PA.TCH'I 17th SL a t PlacanUa. LJ 1-7608. 11U COMET 1' radl&J MW an 2 wheel tra.ller Model J R nearly new, LeM than halt ortctnaJ coat. Kl 2·7932: •Bod NEARLY NBlW lavorator)', l&rp roaeler, new drip oolfea ~ •lee. vel'etable oooic.r, daell ~P 6 numeroua lkJt.c.Ma ltm-. La.ell,.. wearing apparel ._ 1' 6 new •perlwn-170 W. lTUli St.. C. M. 6leM *TEYOOANB Nearly New Appantl for women and ah1Jesr-. We do all kind.I of al~ 2.7lH II:. Cout BIYd.. KSncWl9 ..... Corona dd Mar. 4IOlll Fresh· Hearing ~d BATTSIU:m Wao1 ... M.Bar....._.. Gunderson DruJ? Co. Mam BL at a.lboa ...r:;-..... Bu1Mw au. _,. SELL ON Tl:IUU OranJ.:1' r·o11icl C<1llege will ho•t the E11~lf'rn C"onlerenre Speech Newport Beadl p6'p AJbert H. Mattllawa, l:x&lted Ruler -------------------------- C.KR.lSTM.AS TR EA TS. The ~ealeat of all-A HAMMOND ORGAN. We have all model• Hammomle for Santa Clau• to ch003e trom: Th• beautiful H 0 M It MODEL. the lovely tittle SPlNltT MODEL. and the ever populu CHURCH MODEL. all ha ve 2 manual keyboards and toot • pedal1, u lltUa u $i 0. a month will ma.ke Ole paymtlllll. We d •I Ive r for Chrl.st mae DANZ· SCHP.ODT, 620 N. MaJn, Santa Ana, Ca lif. •hail Spinet \ean-Hke new.-"'-Hu lnlneetlnl' out· of· doora Save $~00. jobe for hlfh 11Chool fTaduatea 18·0 with 90me mechanical ONE ONLY electi:onlc orran IH~. a putud.. B·day tO tu. week. arr. Dl:LICATl&IEM .... '1ac>. ONE I ft. nrtncarat.or -·-taa. ONE larc• eommero. l'atnc. .,5. 1 8CA.L.E8, M6. 1 OONDOL.\ Pl. C&IJ owner U Mm mom1np or To11rn1mu•nt to IJi: h~ltl Tuesday, &--Funeral Directors Jan JO, 1l wu dlaclo•ec.J today. C:nr11ril't1t11m will be held In u -MOJTELL'S tem1H•'""""".. 111' ea k 1 n g, Im· AND PEEK promp111 "JI"" k 1ng, tllscuB~lon. In· t""T'r"t•t 1 .. n .. r atory. a nd after Colonial Mortuary dlnn,.r • p C' 11 k t n g R.er1l!l ra t1on 7801 Bol.tla-J uet weat of Wut- w 1ll 11t11r1 1tt 12 noon a)n J An. 10 I mln11ter Memonal Park. a.n•I " II ··u 1>unq11•t in lh• Student An OnLnfe County lneUtuUon Crnt1>1 "'111 hrin~ the event to a Servi.Ilg fam!llu of all fail.ha clo•r Telt>phone (Toll Free) A 111nn1t i11 hool11 wh1C'h wlll par· ZEnllh :1231 tl<"1J11tll' 1t1 .. F'Ullnton J r Colll:'11e. No one ~v~r turned away becauae Ch"lll'y l'nll~~e. M l San An· of lack of tunda. ttm111, fllv .. r11lllt" Colltitt. SAn B.-rnn1dlnn V11ll":V C111le~e. $1lnt11 .AnA 1 'ollt'J:r Anti Oran11:~ Cn1.1t C"oll• £<' lad Check Suspect Returned to Jail Clan Hnllt11 \\'11l kl:'r. who u1ee the a l1u or !'"Ian Mlrhnel O'Rl'll· 10-BulNnese OWcle COAST OFFICE EQUIPM!!:NT Typewriter• Adding machtnea Duphcator-Supphn SAL.ES RENTALS 193~ Hubor Blv11 .. C""la Meu Llberty 8·77H lry \\ii.• tl.'Oked Into :"',wpml ------------- HAULING 'tnuh or ! .. A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NEW machllle proceM meth· od. Rea~nable prit·u . Averace 2 tape residential bhnd. Only $1.00 Blinda repalrtd am.I rebullL Free Pick up a.nd dt hvery Work done by appointment Phone Llbuty IJ-:>701 or Kimberly 3·8:lH . ppUc CARPENTRY MINOR REPAlR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL 18--Sltuttou W&Dt.ecl RELIABLE JAPANESE- A M E RI C AN WANTS GAR DENING lN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 38pM Swedish Massage Ladlea, -by appolnlment 1'I your home. Formerly mall8eUAe at Arrowhra d Springs Hot.it Pleue call Harbor· 4791) or Harbor 70. 4!>p08 CL~ANINQ Ir ffiONlNQ by the Attention Artists F or all Y o ur Art Nee<b SEE City Paint & Art Center 412 W . 4th Santa Ana H . O . .-.nceraon 10H IC. Balboa Blvd . Balboa day. Expertenctd. Ba.lboa Jeland Kl 2·4332 Harbor 2•60 83Uc preferred. Kl 3-60911. U -------------MINK coat 3 4 or 7 8 length, FOR RENT Skill Saw1, Elec. Dr1 ll1, Pollaher., HA:"D Y MA N, 11111intrnanr~ cl. repelr nr wh<'t • Har. 4:161-W •:nee au type. of Sander•. WhMJb&r· -R---,--M--------row•. etc, oy s aintenance BOYD'S HOWE. Houu cleanlnc-Floor wulng 21130 W. COAST HlOHWAY Wa.U w_.,hlng-wlndow cluninr U~rty 8·3t3S. Newport Bc h 28ttc Venetian bllnl1a. Uphollltt'ry size 14, good conditio n $250 H ar. 4645-R " t 5c47 Liberal lradu. Convenient term• ' •&c"8 (A aznall depo11t wlU hold any piano or orran for Chrtet.mu delivery). SHAFER8 !Since 1'107) t 2l·t 23 N. 8 yc&more, Santa Ana PhOlle KlmlM!rly 2·0$72 Oranr e Cou.oty'• Oraan Hdqtn. BUYS SC HWINN 24 In bike, new· Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained aif!flcy NO FEE cou.ctad from appUant •t3·Sl•t Newport 8e&cJa ly pa1nted, g ood rondltlon. 2616 A'M'RACTIVE uecullve aecret.arJ Ea.et Coa•t Hwy. -H&r 3888 muet have excellent telephone •7c~ pe.r.onallty tor new om~. New· port Beac:h. Reply Box X-91. ANTIQtTES make lovely Xmu thl1 new1paper. •&<-•8 J'lft.11. V11tt our lar1e 1tore.--------------- Load11 of rue lovely old thlna. ~\t.EDIA TE ope.nlnJ' a t Oranre clocks . ll\mp.-, plctur~. old Cou t College ror inarmea1ate phonograph, curloe, br1c-a-brac, ateno-clerk 1tart1n1 .111Liary $202 etc. ~r mo Split •hltt hourt from CHARLlE r>AVlS, 18M I!: An•· l to :) pm. and 8 30 lo 10 -30 helm St , L.B HE t-3039. P m. Mon. ~hru Thur&. 8 to 6 SPEEO Graphic Camera • 7 Lene complete equipment I HIO Pro· teulona.l DeVry le mm aound pmjer tor. very larl{e rpaalcer Exrt!llent 11~0. Har 3178-J '7ct8 p ., F Mdey Apply In peraon at B11a1n~M office or College In Ad· mlntatraUon Bldg •8<'48 WOMEN. Sf'vu•I otf1 re JobA, h <'· tory • t111m"1Jt1c M!!:N ac<'Olln· lant, •f'vrrl\I "ng1nl'r ra • olhen . Nl'w jobtt tli<lly JUNE l''ARHMt E MP'I... AG'C Y. 402 •., · 32ntl SI after 6 p.m. tUo UPRlOHT Y&CUWD Electro-Hy· sane. all att¥hmenta. UO. Oood eondlUon. Bu. 18U~W. tac.a DAVENPORT ft chal.r, c'OOd ooo· dJUoo '30. Wr1q'el' type wa.ah· w f lO DI.MU. Mt I pl-fa&. LJ 1-7098 or LI 8-1030. '7e60 Roney's Smell Appliance Repairing lrona, tout.ua. coffee maJtara, ale. 2232 Newpon. Blvd., Co.ta ltl- (cor. of Vlclor1a • Npt. BlYd.) LJ 8-6079 •lc.64.h PHlLCO IS cu. rt. r.trtl'erator. IT lb. ar rou top fr-r. Eltclu.lve P hlln> two-way door, 20 below tree:r.tng temperaluN 1339,96. No duwn f'llyme"9 2 K peT wk. T HRONSON'S 1811\ N ew~rt A.ve. Co11LA Me1a. tf Rf'n<h r nl11,. 11tatlon 11t 7 p m Th11 r~d11~· by Det Capt V I Mr M11r11i:al The 2:1-yrar-nlf! bi d C'ht>Ck MlllJll'fl j.!l\VI' his ad!!t'f'U a11 :IH HAt hswny. Sen Lorem;o. MrM11n1~111 return~d the 11u11- Jl4"Ct ft 11m A tamp<Ja County Whl'rf' he W81 p1c ktd up on a warrant settcpp Painting, De~orating -----------Paper Hanging Anythlnlf. Anywhere Llberty 8·2UC> Insured. F'ree !:4illmatu Llberty d.1332. 1Uc BABY 111ller. mature woman. By hour, day or 'A t't!k. Good rerer· encee. liar. o; •~-J. 4:1c4 i Wr1t1nghnu•e electric ro .. ter U O MlxmlU!ttr $18, TQastma•lt'r $:1. Waring Blendor $1 7, Deep fat fr:•rr S 12. Kenmore Con11<Jla aew- lng marhlne S66, Sunbeam lfl'lll • waffle lr<m $16, G It, portable ratlto $12. B flat metal Bohm 11ys111m clulnel A c&H I~ - Alt nearly new. Har. 4878 P' 1 N E N I: W unuaed Baritone Ukulele -H 00. 4228-N. Coast Bid. Lacufta. 47c CUT !l kllll!l\I hcm11e broken. weaned. FREE LI 11·2036. &_7p49 Acmu from City H•ll O'KEEFE A MERRl'M' ranra. 'M mo1ll'L Lamp A clO<'k with onn limn, Chrome ~U brolltr, and that Ult up t<•p UMd one month. $149 80 cuh. or pay II f)'"r mo. l HI W. Cha pm&Jl, Urange. HE 8-~1117 U frnm N r wrort Bl'arh Th" llU"p4"rt l!' chnged with w11unir ""vtral hundrel1 dollar11 r>t nn acrn11n l r hf'Ck8 dunng Sep· l embtl All were p831!ed on ~­ rery 11torl'10 In the Nswport Beach l.Ak,. A r1 ''"'hurt ht11nk of Bank r>t Anitrlra. M11('},f8nlj!'&I Hid, with th~ name "F:llubeth Slew· u 1 o n .. 111rr ' ro1 grt1 HURRAH! TWINS FOR LUNDQUISTS Mr &nd Mr11. :'l:orman L11ndqu1111, ICW' Adam.11 St , h,,.,. twice the reiuoon of l"l'l&t n .. w r artnts ror beinr h•l'PY t(lt1ll)' They are the pareota of h.·1n& " boy anl1 a girl - born Otc. HI In Hoa.a Ji~­ tal. Whlteneck Attends Educatioll Conclave K. E. WlUteneck, ecleoce teach· •r a t Ne•1>0rt Ha.r1>or Union High echool, a ttMded a •em! • annual «-0nf•N11~ ot th• lll&t. Cowtctl ot l:ducatton, policy • maJttng body for the 90,000 • member C'aUfor- nla Teache,.. Aaaoclatlon. In Lo• .An4felH l"eCell Uy. '"'" poup outlined foir the tint time lh., Id... conoem~r the buMt prlnc:tplaa ol pu.blio aduc:a- Uoa 11nd •t fortb U..U-eonnc- UOM ~M m.tnlctlae &a moral and tplrtt.al ..i.. .. a f\lnoUOD ., .,,. ~. llOlllool ~. M.._ •Trial a.un'A AJof A. -Dea. 19 - (OONa) -.ue t ol ~ a m.M ~ ...... lfallrpon ..... -0-. a. AoUMd c. Mor-kla. N. wbo ............ i•~ .._.. 8t.. Hewpmt a..a.. ,... -tit.I Mn toda.7 • 8-puior Ollurt ~ .. llfortam ...-t.tly ..... a bad cll«ll lrl Htnllne·, a.,.uw.ar. B&J~ I _12-_B_a.Dd1n_J_Se_mee. ___ , GEO. BURKHARDT AbORABLE. female S1a.me11e kit - ten, pur" hre-11. Hou11ebroken - l l9.-J J11t. Newport Be,ach. t 8p BAMBOO DRAPES General Contractor LICENSED N ew Work -Remodelinr J . MlLTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58tfc Custom CABINET WORK Done on preml~ No Job too amaJJ. Phone Kl 3-3348. 4keOh C EMENT&: BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIM.A TES Liberty 8-6109 A SPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 29tl t ln•lktl the above cheaper than mOlt. Al.lo mell Tile 6 Linoleum, Non-union. ~ yeara airpertenca. Compare and see - BILL COKER Har. '79~ or Lo~ 8ea<'b 7·6973. 89Uc Painting, Paperhanging "Tbe Finest M oney Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 Sith St., Newport Beacll Ph. Har. 2'°' nr llle7.fl.. l6Uo COllPLETE P AINTINO la Paper Hanci1ac Senioe llUODJ: 0 . UUNDDI llOO Jl.t Benet, Newport a.ch ll&nor •'N ... llar. ..... Ue .. N.,.._Pr.e au.lt'led Ada HARBOR 1819 Ma.t a.a r.&.at.e au.tied Ada 'Ille lfaw.PrMa pubu.h ....... tral llmM aa IDJll)' r-.aJ e1tate C'laMlrl•d Ad.I .. all other local r-pen <'omblnf'd. HARBOR 1618 , Llt:ENSED CONTRACTOR 178 W. 18th St., Co11ta Mee& Llberty 8·8628 Painting cbntractor Llcensrd -lneurl'<l "Complete Painting Service at reuonable p rices" J AMmS. Harbor 12S9M 3ep48 PAINTING M. W. ROSS Licensed Ll 8-3321 280 A.YOC&do, Coet.a Meaa 86ttc CARPENTER ReDair Work eo.. Tour--Uome Need~ ()If Remodellac' can rr.u, Liberty 1-eeM All Work Ou.aranteed .... 7•tto Painting It Paperbangin& We do the work oW"8elvu. JO 1Mn upartai~ LI~ 6 Insured. BaUlfaeUoa cuaruiteed. llalmat .. tree. Call Johnnia, LI 8-2687 It LI 8-~28e 8ltfc Ad.. OU ~ Drtveway• PARKING LOTS aub41n.aoaa our •peci&lty. We IU.nllala a., type oU to )"OW' •J>e- cilk&UOIL Larr• Jobe -amall job&. ~ •Umat-. Aleo wa- t.. ~ Modena equlp- Experienc'd gardener LANDSC.Af)ING and CLEAN UPS • BOXER PUPPIES 1 male Ir 1 fomah1 left. 11681 Ma<'Dutt. Gart1en Grov ... BICYCLES 2•" PAINTED Ir Reconditioned, 01RL8 A BOYS. mw SCHWINN blcyclH •llll avallabll'. CL"STOM MADE: AKY SIZE ttt~WARD l !\ti 11(1 f or any wu har P rlrl'A •l!lrtlnit at 21 r ~ l'Q tl. (In fl'trl'hllle o( a new Hamllton Llberty 8-1659 30tlc LEhtgh 9-0666. 46c4R AUTO A Blcyrle acc:eMOriea tor tut minute ehopplnr . Beaulltul ljew \\'oven a111u11111l1l' WA.~h•r. ptu• a n- Patlf'm e For All Decora • hatn '""'"" lrlk.,. No down. CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenan ce ThrH yean1 exJ)f'rlence th1e local1ly, LE'ICA CAMERA 111·0 mndr t, t ·2 c011led Jen&, c11~ $1 26 or. com- plC'te w1lh "l!:tmar" telt phlllo Q . E. Expoeuremelrr and curr- ing C&8ll l.17:>. L1 8-3i•72 4~p47 OPfn till 8 pm. Xm .. Evt. Newport BalboA A\llO Supply 2108 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Mesa Woodcraft Unpainted • Juvenile Furniture Klr1ch Curtain Ir Tr.11vrrilf' Roda 1'n r~vni"nt tll 191\11 SH Them On 0 111rley THRONSON s 181~ N ewport AYI'. Jn Our Store t 'n•ll\ M l''1l. tt S ANTA ANA \VHJRL.f'UOL •Utomallc rae dryer TENT lo.AWNING CO. "'Ith A.11luma l1c lg-nltlon. Ras· Ca.II U 8-3i 59 ELECTRJC triun mounted on ply-Clearance 44 llc wood t fl.. x 8rt Har. !133'; On 11rec1al Xm~ lleme. Chlldrena SA,..IA A':'A / rn• I' S:.!119 ll:'t. Sale price 1 1".tcl. 1e26 s Ms1n. Kl 2·:1:1-1:\ •Otte I-"'e 1nnt11 llAllnn, No down. 2 4t -1 per wk No payment until UO&, WHEtr::LBARRO\\' <"•Jl11r11y C"· THRO:'l:SO':''S 1816 Nnrport.A ..... ment mlxtr with eh•rt nr motor. 1 1 C"'>>llA t.f eJUL. u p A_l_N_T_l_N_G___ 4~47 rum. lncl. t&b!. • chair -Le. P UT A P OOOL.F: In her Chrial· dPek11, rockeni. chuta, · hulcll. BY HOUtt. Small or large Jobe ok Reuonable ra tu . Liberty 8-2722. mai< iot<lt"k1ng ·1-..v & mlniAtUre wardrobe, doll bed.e. cradlu, etc. A. K. C. Reg cha.mp1on etock. AIM> •helvee aplce cabinet.a, Hl\1 3246·1\1. rve11. ror apprnnl· etool1. t'tc. menl 45c47 Uae our lay away plan pullty A bf'l t S~)ll 60:1 '1 Ftni· leaf. Coron11 <lrl Mai . t4c48 wf~• I 2121 Harbw. (.' M. w 8-16411 ____________ ._._' CHF,F·s f'lrctrlr hrQilrr It 11pl __ _ FOR S Al.F:: T·1 ti<> r,.mnvet!, l only 111 fl. x 30 tt end 1 only 17 rt. .It 17 ft 2 x 4 lntme r1.in11tr11•·· lion b11llrlln1t. rf"twood 111d1ng A rirh· Hnhr1 t I'• ow .. 11. )1unh 1pal Tre1ltr l'1t1 k 17th & Rell'ln& Refn gtrator 1966 Philco D.aua. largo' fAm1ly 111z.e, R"p<>~ hllll large rolnrerl Velfet&bla .U. rrr. Shrlvr• In the door • all e~tra11. I\ yr. r uarantee-not.blDc lo po y down If credit 0.JC. by llank 1st payment ot SS U due 1n 46 daya. Bal. due t. 118T.k St>e anyt lme J.>ay ot Eve. U J.461 W ('hJ ma.n, Orange. 29-Belp Wu~ Real Est.ate Sah~sman WHY SIT UKE A FRUC on a log • \\'e are snowed under w1:Jl pros- pect•. See our office and r.sl1 our commlu lon contract. You'll be glad you dl<1. There 11 no· Uung like our :>Her anywher• .. J><)lltllvely. lntervlrw1 1trll'tly confldtnllal. We ue a member of Multiple Lining, Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 603 a:lnd St . Newport Beach, Callt Ka.. 6868, after O p m. Har. 22113-J HUc U.Md nnce S20, Ha.r. 2883. 46c47 CHHISTM A$ TKF::A TS S:'l:O\\'l:HltU -1n u ccllenl condl. uon. t,;lil!ll! plHllc bottom Boat <lolly 8r ro' »r l'erfe• t for yo11n1r11tn tor Xm11e Har. 1139!i 46(t8 MAN S roller aka tea. •1u 9 ·~ • cue. U onel tleclrtr train and boy'c colt clube. LI 8-7364 t 6c48 SM-0, F1JR COAT, xlnl . ct1n<llt111n $76. Harbor 3289 46c48 GIRL'S large 1IH bicycle, 12:1. <.:herry bell. dbl. 1lxe, canopy. $100. Har. 29el. "8c47 You a re mo.t likely to nnd The Savory Pruent~ tra1llllon11l Chr111tmu Bl"tJ l\"ewp<>rt Duch Ca lif Cuok1ea and h~ht tru1t 1:ak••a · 8 Also ol!Ha11hlonl'd :-:~w f nic -Mr•_ I lanc.J <lark f ruit ('&kt>8 A var-1 TRl'Mf'f;'T tn l{tlfA ront11tlon $1\9 1ety or bl'aullfut Enitll•h con-21l tw ,.< 1 .. Sfl lfo1po1nt rtf I :'> I ta1ner1 for your C'QQk1u and HHrb<1r. 2401-J Mnnimga onl~ RF: F H_ I c; p; R AT 0 R 6~ ~ 1:11ndlt'I! 46<-4H fl \\ rftllnghnu~e u cell. coadi• THE SAVORY BAKE SHOP lH•n $6~. W 8-3280 a!ter I p.m. <'all · r<'l KE 8-6817, 33211 E est Hwy . corona d!!I Mar Kn.If f erS '6c41 Harbor M~18 O'Kttfe ... Merritt gu ranra 1.lllO ___________ •6C47 •ttlulte folrilnK·lop mvdel hu aU CH WEL,COMF: to my n•"'' •hop ('nmt 'hrnn1t grnl<lle 1,n tt•p, l&mp 6 RISTMAS SPECIALS In 11nd help me bullll lO-A'ard • lork v,.1111 11V••n timer, chroma HJ1.; l'iA VINl..>S on eev,.r111 Spinet I yo1ir nf'l'•I• fur nt>ffile< r•rt 1(1111 b1 11llf"r I 'AM only 3 monUw, piano• 111a hogany, wa lnut, GI\ 1-; a lll\nal kn1l fw t:hnallnae IJ••inl( lran•ftrrl'd Eu t. lake OY•r map! ... l>lunJe and F ritmh Pro-\\e •1111 h..,. .. a f,.w ldl 111\' ll1ntl1s1 l w1111 the Ba.nk 6 l:onvenleot terrnA a t-~,,.y $7 Ill ptor month.. No eaah 8 KAYli:R8 18mc·e lll-07 1 313 i.: l:jallio• Bh·c.J BaJbo• nC"de<l My l'(jUlty frt••. ·~any· 111911L ~ 8-400I, OIJ· -------------men•.._..~ Bch. GOOD opportunity f~ tuu time experlencf'd .11erv1re lltatlon at· a buyn lhrourh \'0lnc11i1 c~•. L1lietal trac.Ju _ S"it N' Kn"it I 1••Y ••ft the bal. of 1137 M . Only •21-•23 N, 8ycamu1 "· Santa Ana J:ltrc time l.Jlly or E ve al lUl W. .Phone t<lmberly 2·08i2 ----( 'l••1•1111l11. '•n'nK• OIRL8 "ht•• t1kll•ll El<t..ellent cun· Call <"t.JI"' t KE ll·:lf!!7. :-'} Otlc ~ tenda.n\.. 3P3 .£, 17th 8t... Co1ta Jennen Plumbing MuL ·~47 Repair work, a specialty Water be&t#m on llma paymtnltl 28t9 :-Jewport Bl•d . :>:.-port ~al'h Har. l\i\M. RN. Har. •3e7-J . •7~11. -WhetheT you are In btuilnffa for yourself or work tor aomeone elae, you can llM the elaaalflad adl t4 your at1Y&11t&C'e l<' •ell your ..-. 'ricea. produce or merchandia. Which people r .. d for cluaUiad adnruauic - H.arlxlr le 18 t THE ENTIRE FAMILY WIU anJoy a tine ruu alM or portable ty~wrll•. Pril'ed rt-om au Economy Office Equipment Co. lot I:. 3r<t St. Kl 7-3118 Aanta A.na.. Uc:41 dltlun 110 lfarb1tr I 14i ·W 471:411 ~kA :"l 1 l"l-::W I~ 1 11 fl. .Aman• uprls hl rreeur. A 11a11. lmm,.d. We wish our many trieml• a UIG l.Jl8COL':ST. P-nvate own- Merry Chrl1tmu an<l tr. Kl 3-11\119. 61o•T Happy N"w Y~ar ___ _ CHARLIE DAVIS It emplt1y'"'• 1; E . 1963 Rf:l--RlQ, 7 cu. n. ~- 1800 £. Anaheim 8 t, LB wu)lnr machine • ..-. Har. of Davi• Antique Shop 1 cellf'nl rnnt11llon. •100. Al9o HJ: f..&<131. '1c'8 297&. Mo4I I ,. ~ • • I: ) _se-_B-A_-J..~a..------1 PAGE 2 . PART Ill-NEWPORT HAR~R NEWS-PRESS SI-Auto Sr-"k '" I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 , 1955 --Mot~;--O~erhaul LARGE H PT. REFRIC- FR EEZER COMBINATION REG. SE LLS FOR ~79.95 1 LIKE NE W NOW $185 DELUXE GAS DRYER & A UTOMATIC WASHER WOULD SELL NEW for S600 RE-BUILT. AS GOOD AS NE W $189.03 I A LSO SELECTION OF GOOD USED REFRlG'S FROM $49.95 & UP. TERM S TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES 1937 H11 1tior llh•iJ. LI 8-M9• i.:og\11 :\lesa 1 4i1·49 32-Ful"'tlture for Salt- BEDROOM SETS I • 9 ORA WEil dru ur, nurror, bookcue headbou d, fl·om $;j9 50 S TWffl Maple bed With ma llres• .t box 1prtnr . only . ~9 50 ta I 6 9 DRAWER maple drelUll'r. with mir ror. from . . $79 !'\O Living Room Sets Modem & Maple * * SAVE * * at the s s s Grand Opening of Downin g's New s s s Used Car Lot $ s s J--... ' To be located et the intersection of H ighway 39 and 101 1n Huntingt on Beech Our NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. -····-··············$48.88 8 Cyls. ··---········ ..... S5S.88 lncluc!Pa b11th tahor &n•I parll. I N I'\\! ~111i..~•-"rist pllls. \'1lve i:-rtnd, fittings ot main 8nd r oll I l>c-nrtngs. F.xpt'rl rnutor t nn«' up. 110-J a.y ur 4,04'1() 01111' i;11orantet ,Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful lh·ing. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilitiea paid. with Yacht slip accomodaUozw. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc l8A-.\pts. for Rent 488-BomN for Rmt 1=-:0 MO:"l':V 00\\'~l REBU1LT ENGINES '-l 'P lo 16 MO:"\'Tl iS TO l'AY- B111Jt ht uur own t11C'lory by skllll'd m1t1•hin111l!ll. Don't 1•onter1tJ wit h lhi' 1111"14111' 111.1 11 Bii~· •hrt"('t REBUILT and lNSTALLED SHOH'l' HLOl'I' "' RENT AL V. NEWPORT BEACH, tumlehed - Modem 2 bedroom hoUM, n ii bualneu A: beach, by year F'ORO ....... Sl'.!9 M SPECIALISTS l 'HE\'Rlll.J.:T .... , ......... SI 19 ~1C 1 PLYM & ouoGE ................. s1 :.~1 t'H!l\'S. &: DF. SUTO ............ $170 ST UDf:B \KF:R .......... $170 l)LlJS & PU="'l'l A(' 6 ....... $ 170 ut·1c1< ........... sin. Ca ll Edna Cralc Bla nche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. lia lboa Is la nd, Har. 1671 72tfc llU DSO.'.'I .... ...... ...... · $J;;, Charming Harbor1Haven Loan Cur F t•••• ·ru\v1n~ ' month. SY 7-8008. U c BALBOA IS LAND t um . atlrac:· Uve 3 bdrm., 2 b&lh home, !"Om· pletely carpeted. Thenno. htat, fireplace lovely t ropical pa l.lo $12:1 mo. till J une t:S. Watt+ pd. l:larbor 4000. 46c47 N~\V CAR CL'ARA="'n:I': 1 Apartments -Patjos -. Blc1c>k m11~t nwe1 our st11nol:11Js NF.W 4 ROOM, slrtet level. Near PIUs t<lX~·i-, i:0.111kl'ls anti vii llt hoots. 11hopplng d1strli:-t. Quiet, Upen S unday 10 a 111. tu 2 p 111 . plt'nsant, exc:1u .. 1ve. Garbage dls· BELLES. ENGINE pusnl. la11nd ry, storage roonu, jt1tras:e. $'<2 50 up. Occuple.t en· REBUILDERS t11e .strcl't Good 11upen '1.!!lon. M gr. l fiOl Haven P lace s A v Mein Attraction Will Be Top Ouafity Used Cars High Trade In No Down Payment A orl Ew 8 LOCATio!~td V I 310 East 3r d St. 1 81flck South of High School ALSO F L'RNJSHEO APTS. Wl!'.'TE R RA TES fitlc "LIDO IS LE, 3 bedroom1, 2 1 .. be.th home, on annual b1111ls. Slip for 40 ft. boat, uae or 18 t t. Vlklng runa bout power boa t, 2 ca.r g-ar., beautifully turnl.sh· ed. ahrub11. $7~ per month. Inquire a t 4 l B&lboa Coves, Newport." 36lfo E E -SANTA A NA TWO BEDR M. APT. tum., gar. Wtntn renllll. See attf'r f5 p. m. 13 1--44lh St .. Newport Beach. O tte $76 MO. Two bd.rm. houae turn. 2009 MJramar Dr.. l 'enln1ula Point -Winter ttntal - C. 0. BEARDSLE.Jil, 72t Luton Dr. AS NtCE A U NE u you would flnd t.nywhere. Wllh our low overhead you'll be •urpru1ed how much w1 can 1ave you. f>lea•e take a look. lt will pay you. GOOD TERMS, l\l:TAIL FURNITURE BROKERS Open Frktay lilve. Kl 3·20 6 I s~.~~ER * * Mark Downing Ford * * , " 0 •• !~~~-~~ ,; Yll•• * * * ENJOY LIVING on t he Ocean F ront. Kitchenette spts. & mu. with prlvatf' bath. Maid 11ervlce. TV. 2306 Weat Ocean F ront. Glendale 8-Ph. Cltru.e 3-0JUI. 32tfc FOR LEASE, 3 br .. 1 bath home at 213-& Na tional. $9fi mo. Leae It couple only, P . A. P ALMER, INC. LI 11·6673 or Har. 11100. lrd at 8pur1eon Sanl& AOll 40tfc GRUN Fr11&e couch, ne&rly new. Harbor HU. ff)e47 225 fifth St. Huntington Beach Lexington 6-2566 45c47 Bonded llrakes-i Wh!!1•l11 S 11 ll6 ln:;t.allauun .9tl Ha r bor 6091. * 47ct9 * * DUNCAN PHTR LYRE T ABLE M--Mualcal, Radio, T v 10--Autoa and Trucks BALBOA wtnt er rent.a.1. Cozy 3-rm. furn. cottace. Clo11 to Bay • 1hopplnr center. S50 mo. util. pd. Har . 307 after 2.30 CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL 3 B. R. HOUSE, 1 ~.i. bat h. Pro· tected patio. Exel loc~tion. $28, 750. IRVINE TERRACE, "°°° will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 bat.ha, lnaide BBQ. Drap- eries, atove, fully landscaped.. Low price. BAYSHORES A'ITRACI"IVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro;1 tected patio. Owner anxioua for otter. If A.eking $28,000 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propert ies. Har. 1775 -E\'es. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 28i 8 ../ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island · M-Moaez to Lou LOANS for Homes Cl" -30 yr. u.i.. Construction Loans SU BOB SA TTl.JCR U>16 IC.ABT COAST BLVD. CoroA& del Mar Harbor 3888 Rep. POIRIER MORTOAGll CO. Meuo Lite laa. J\anda KL 1~18:1 '8tto NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee I SALES -RJCFJNANCll CONSTRUCTION Call for F ree Fut Comm.jtmenta on Realdencea and Un!ta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. OCEAN FRONT 2 OCEAN FROl'\T LOTS $1!),4110 ror both. l'I <WWII HI~ bi x!l!'I 1 OCt:AN F RONT LL)T $7t-7!i <:Uh. t)1 u 30 X !lb C"OSTA MF.SA LOT 60 x 290. goo.I tm·allnn $:1:11111 ca.sh. BALBOA_ TRJ.f'LEX-l'lose tn OC~:A~ and BAY. Goot1 1nro111e. J1111t $3l•llU down lt'r111~. WOO Jl'l.Fj ON A :14XH8 1-'T LOT 01•1·r ::111111 11q. r1.. 3 b.,11 .. m .. :: na111 , .. ,,,,,., a nd vrry lnrgc flKlh), ,lust • 11111 pletC'ly red1•"11ratl'<I S:.!0.!l:IP Good ll'l'lnll. \\'e> hllVI' th•• kt ... . Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. and 4 cha.Ira. Har. t 704. 46ct 8 OUR GREATEST CHRlSTMAS LAHG F. 3 bdrm. lurn. dup lex apl. ca.nal frontage smoll boat dock Ir gar. $90 mn, with uul. UU J uly 1 H•rbor 3M7-W or LI 8·~H. 4~c47 p.m. 46c48 LI COST A Ml!:8A &-:!M l LI 8-6:>62 :103 3\lnil ~I , ="""I""' 1':.·.11 11 Har. :IH6~. nfll'r ~ p 111 11111 :!.!!• A.Tr: Antique Ownua Repair CHIN~ OLAN A BRIC-A-BR.AC 1:1.-ncw O'Keef• 8622 Walker J A.c.Uon T-2777 Cy preu tr I BUY AND SELL J:AIU.T AKJllRJCA.N cut .. colored, p&lt em &'l&M-Prlmltlvee-An· Uqu. tum.lture and fine china. THE mG OLD RED BARN JC. FIRBA?iK Kl 3·32'1 13111 Harbor BlYd., Garden Grove TREATS Ste1nwav Cran<!, magnificent condlt wn Thie 11.·on· derrul piano a lmos t like new. cHn be bough t on 3 ye.ira ttm•· .Knabe Spinet, l'b<ony fl n111h. uaed very llttlt>. 811vc over $300 Dozens vi olh• r 111 lie ~pln~lll Many can positively 1101 be lold from nl'w. Some-only 5:1v:, DA?l:Z • SCHMIDT H1g 1'1ar11> a nd Organ St111 10, fl2t1 ;>.; 1'11<111 Santa A na I 00 P u1.no11 USED TRUCKS * PORT ORANGE * WE HAVE HAD THE THAlLER SALES aml SUPPLIE8 BEST YEAR IN 25, 2200 w. c oast Hiway. YEARS OF SPECIAL-Newpor t Beach LI 8-4420 IZING IN THE SALES '55-35 •~11-C'11sll'll11 2 hr 38 \'C $1000 OF MOTOR TRUCKS •55.41 : l 'lltfllllullnl I lit b•K tl111c, • 6~•·15' J.ravr-lez~. A beiiutv $~8:1 DURING THE BAL-'6~11111 .. 1:o1 .111 1ou11 11n i11~r111y ANCE OF DECEMBER w e ';~N"':;~~~~·i1c~~ie.ine. A 'ITN : EASTERNERS ! ! ;>;J::WP<JRT BEACH, 1 bdrm. futn. a pt, \,;at ag e. near water. Ov.-ner pays waler. $62 :10 mo. Call U bet ty 8· 1409. 46Lfc CH .t.~NEL FRONT turn. yrly. r cntuls. Studio S:IO mo .. 2 b<lrm. $1lf> mo. or $80 unrum. A LSO ei.lra lg, 1 bJrm. apt. modern, now red,e!"oratlng $80 -U M f()r w1ntt>r. Dock a \la ll.-61:1 361h SI , Newport Beach. iipi 9 t..A.ROE SPACES 26x8e. NO CHG. for children on perm. but•. 160 tt. from atore11, Blvd., End 1pace avaJI. Ll 8-769:1. 40Lfc 49-Rooma for ReJrt LADY alone hu room In nice home tor employed. lady. LI. 8-:1848. 29Lfc SALBOA PEmNSULA. R o o m with private b&th A: entrance. Apartment bulldlnf . Har. 24:10. 33lfc ROOM t or workJnr man. S8 and REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate ~If.!% Loa.na quickly me.de In the Harbor Area, Laguna and Co•ta .Mf'l!ll. Single or m ulUpl• unit•. New or old. Be wlae and eave by rt'- tlnt.ncl.ng your prnenl loa.n, )llnlmum expenae. 20 year term It deaired. No t'harge for pre- llmmary •ppr&111al. KI 3·8933 ARTHUR A. MAY .Mort1a11 Loan Corru pondent Ooctdenl&l Llt• .lAlurance Co. 933 South Ma.ID &ant.a Ana pp Attention Investo r s! Pltll'I-: Ht:.:01 'I ·1-:1 1 F-(lr qukk &• 111111 un l hl~ 1111,.11 "'. pr<1Jwrty. 2 n11Hl,.r 11 t1111l•lllll!· 1 '• 63' X 137' lot I h• I 1ol11 111.J I• or r1·nt for fl tutu I "' 111 1, ·•"l S2M Jl"r m11nlh 1'1••111~ "' 11" "' lor expa11~1<·n. Aol1• pt.ti• I'" 1, Ing. l.-11·111•"1 111 11" f,< I• I g1 owl.ni; part .. 1 '""t" M1 •A. right In l hC' h~·•• t ''' " lt111.:• l\\•W 8hup11111,.; ,., nl .. r \\II• II IJllS 1>1 r ono ... th111's 11: Appr"x $11 ,000 <1u•h tltt\\rt ro111111 ° d 1· . .11 owner Llb1•r 1y 1'·6\1:! > "'"' 111111-11 or Bfter ti p 111 l I •' l8clllh CHRlSTM~S TREATS ll111111111tn1I Orcan u;;t d. ont only, l>C'iiutttul Hammond Spmd, 1tlor101111 fur lhe home, perfect concJ1t1011 l1kr new, generoue 1aving on lhlM one. Al80 one only f1111• Ha.m· mond Chord Org11n. Thnt 111 ull, Such buy1 are 11lmoi11 tmp(t&· 1!1bl1 to ~Ind. DA;'\Z·SCH MIOT Plano and Orran Co . ~20 N Main St . Sa nla Ans WE WILL TAKE ANY DEAL ON A USED TRUCK THAT IS REA- SONABLE TO CLEAN OUR LOT OF OUR PR E S ENT ST 0 C K. f'11rn11h111nt ·l'1'nlfk1JI Travclczr·Tc11 y :-IJ:o:W modem unrum 2 bedrm. apt. with gnragc, yearly -209 A 211 3:1Lh St., Newport Bte<"h. 67c $7 per we,k. Privat e entrance. 60·A -Com.merclal, IDduatrlal CLIFF HAVEN HA Vil lindted caplt&l to lnVNl u -kin• uaoctata, In an y- WAI' «JDOenLlq boaLI. Write Boa W·IO C&re or lhl• paper. 4:1pH CARVER cnn 10 fl. •fd.lter. ,..mote cootrol "hMI, car top lo&du. A.lmo.l ne-w. $13:1. See alter 8 p. m. -a6l Cal&llna Drive at rear. t3tfc ' &:>-Dog., Cata, P~ta SIAMESE ktllen11. pun• lltl'ol $10. Houae broktn. Ll bt rl) 8-?021 4:n 4'; 40-Aut~ and Truck• I 19!12 FORD Cu11tt1m :.! cir R & H OD. Mu~t arll S760 212 I Mirama r. Balboa HRr 41:12· \\ 21 rr. DOUBLE ENDE R. Good after 6 p m 4!X'l7 hull, lood motor. See a t Q 209 ------ Udo Penlneula. WUI con11der '49 FOUR DR 62 CA UILLAC 123 28th St., Newport pplfc NF:W 2000 lh. 111p 11l1l1ty .lllt•d T WO BEDRM. garnge apt. (Un· 111111 .. r \\llh nak '"' k THrfl -t um I )'l'ly. renlll l $:15 mo. M--Storee. ornce. Hll< h unit 1tt11111! 611 Jll1<111tnr,, !'HONE Har. 0633-M. o&7ci 9 ------------- C11ro11a 1k l M11r 46p48 OUR STOCK INCLUD-41-Want.-<1 to Kent ES PICKUPS, PANELS, Rent als Wanted STAKES AND DUMPS. \\e nte.J apta and boUK'a lJI all A L L MA I( E s A N D .,.~!lone tor l>t>l.h wlnln and S IZES. Do NOT Miss )'(·&r • 1 .. ~. F'u rn. or untum . It you ha"e a vacancy, THIS SALE IF YOU phone today ARE IN NEED OF The V,ogel Co. 32111 \V l~t Hwy, Ntwport 8ch. TRUCK EQUIPMENT. P llnne Llbn ty 8·3481 CORO="A DEL MAR studio a pt. ru m. lndud. utll. $55 mo. y rly. LI 8·2038. Avail J an lat. 47p49 CX'F:AN VIEW deluxe l bedroom furn. apt. 220 Ma rcuerit•. C&.11 ownr r H arbor i i . L.A RCE deluxe unrurn. 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. S tove cl: re fng. fur· n tshtd. 70911 Marguerite, Call owner Hnr. 47. SMA W.. O FFICE tor rtnl. Sutt· a ble real 11tate or 1neul'1l.nce. '19 Balboa Blvd. Ct.II Har. •718. 34tfc e NEW OFFICES e IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. COLDEN OPPORTUNITY 70x l!IO ft. on N. Main elreet, ne&r 17th, Santa AnL Ripe tor develop- ment of atoree or apta. Good oltl- er houae. Could r('nt to ca rry or converted to orrtce11. Some I ra•lt aCCl'plable. $42.~. COST A MESA., for aale or ll'llsf' H ,i OO aq. I t. ot apa ce In J new buildlnge. Well lighted, a mple po.rk1nf or loa.dlnC 1pace. Can u ll 1 or more. Lea.ling 8l a pprox 7c per r t. Xlnt. terme to rllfhl buyer. HAR, 3297 or 1776. l'RWE HVil 11 ·1 '1'1 • 8EAl1TH'l 'I, l 'l 'ST•l~I 111 II T vn;w t-10 !'<11·: ''" '"'" • 1·1 .. ,. 3 hech ru~.;.: ftrtlhot I.Pu•'-', .. "' 1 hu8 hta~<' f ''''I'"" ,. • J tt: ....: g llls.IJ tluutM t 1fh fl ·•I "'"' t J'lll•o. • 111tln1n .1 1 l (\I J>Pl '"~· ... /\ h· •. •• ltt"-'I f')C r .. n .... 11 t• .. 1• ""'""' 1 t1 ,,, 2 y n. nit! O'\I.\ $1" ''~'" S•i'l'• 1 dn 0 11.n•·r 1.111111\' "7'-1• l '•l'I ~ l,(J\\' I it 1\\ :-\ I 1 ITS IN l'<lfll .. Jltl'1t" :! l1ol.•. 1i11 , I .~ !'Al h E :!t1tl1 !-.I S 7"1nll I II E v1•11 call EDITH I pn< I' $11~111 1!11\\ 11 MAROOX. Tt-llti;E 1 .. ts 1>:1 ' 1a: •• It Ii I t•!h HYall 4-6222, trade few auto or wh.at have )'OUT H&r. 217 ~00 311t St. i 6<:47 l WILL 8HAJUI expeNlea on ell· tended cnis.e. prf'tenbly a u11ll· Uary l&JI, Writ• Box W -110, c.,.. W.. paper. 4:1pi7 new paint, WW Lii l'll, 11phol11~rr- 1ng excepllonally rf~&n, 1 un11 Coot!, $1395 c1111h. Harbor 7116 421 fl' W.W. WOODS I l l)a Ma nne, S.ll>Oa Laland Phone Harbor 40 266i I':. Coast Hy .. Coronn dcl Mar l'llo11t: Hart>or I ; t I Nl<:E npl. tum .. 111 .. ep1 4. Every fa('lllty ror cnmtort -P leaaant occa.n front <1latr1ct. $6S-mo. Int'. 11111 Har. 4173·\V. 170. \\', 0 c e a n 1-'ront, 1'ewpor t Dear h. 4 7c49 Har. 1600 tf LOU BOYNTON. Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY. Re&ttor U11 yR1de Dr. and Cou t Hwy BUSINESS .I: HOME -2 b<'tlrm. homt, plus 11rc. rront office. P erking. lde11I ror !loctor. r uJ e~tale, ln1111ranre, f'lr., nn New- port Blvd . nPar l!llh St .. Costa Ht Siii !'\-Oii t nll p1 1•" ~·. or 1~ .. l tA!" /\ 11\l'Cll l!'f :O. I: ti 1 H1utoor fl+l\1 1 11r l.fh•1 l1· !'> '' ": OLDSMOBJLES CHEVROLE'TS USED CARS GMC DEALER L1<10 Office, 3418 V11 Udo Harbur 49i1 1~02 X cw port Hh•iJ , l'h"ta Mt~ll LIDO ARMS APTS. I• I HOT SPOT l'(1STA M£SA AR £A. newn hlol~ \.\.AT~:ll FHI 1:-.-'1' f d'l 'l,f \, I." 1••r lcaJINI to 6 good tcn11 nl8 ~th•",. I '..! lir l 1• li,1111 I ' 1 •1" 1 1 ''' • 1 JO JIT. SAILBOAT -Never bffn I.Ate mo<lel11, SO!l6 rs. All pn rr11 1 Trlll'k hN1d1111111 tc1 • tot (1r11 n "n t..'o '"'' over 10'.o on price or St«r.<111H l1<11h 11 .. 11°" ·"' 111° • •" 1 '"I,) 1nclu(llng tr ans l'au . 6~• t11 • tJc & Merine ril l.J!Jerly 8·!>!'>117 MeSA.. Har. 6l!'>6. 47lfc ln Wat.ff-LI 1-1138, 45<'47 'hoo111 from w tth an OK ''h1•v-Grant W M k Got.xi term.e lo r1ghl buyrr '·111: U fl.• " nl ltt 0'11Qran11·e. i OO c 0 II 8 l • usic I VEHY NEW 53·A-BwUntt88 R4.'ntala LOU BOYNT0 :--1 With U Al!lll•H I:'\\ ,.:,:1 '"·''I' I I . Leh ,.-t:.:A RL W. STAl'\LEY, llr11ltor CHA.MPJOJ)l man dinghy No H1ghW&)'· M lllH C hev ~·o y H d D I IX--A rit-". &/ lloUY!ll •·v II t -•i u .._ d C JD h ... p 1 C M l111r lfi11fl ,.;,., •• H11r n~ 1 I I'• 17 .. D ••'la "--•1 Goud OUr U SOn e .a er -------•" o Wru l"arpe ng « repes. or. l • lacenl a, · · Ull\'llldt> Ur 4" C'11t1sl )f-.u ... &C1'0ll .... -t .... t r Ll 8 ·:l2"'8 J OE VAN ~o\· ... . .,. R f I J dlUon $400 LI II 72U I ., SA LE~ and .SER\.IC E '.! tm .IHf 111·l'LP:X unfum g/\rb G . r. e n g"., de uite etovM. FOR RENT two bdr111. home -Har. :1297 or 177!1-evea Har 2 78 -' · . '4'1o48 _ H i t>7 •h"l"'-""I, firt'pl111·1· A 1·1 M~ rrnm E11C'h Apt. has pnvat e r;ar11ge. <stove & refrlg. furn,) lndude1 F ()lt S;\ 1.~; 1 rH JO·::"T 253=" u is Angelcs KE:>-1278 1<.h.1t•l C-nr.,111t .i~1 :\1 1<r Sil:> Te:iantsh11vetlr.it cx1ll for 11l1ps. 11tore room &:two offlc,.•pac~. '="E'\\'LY r••l•""'ll'•"I rt• I•••"''' --JAGl.AR :IJ R<Jl\•l~ltr 111·°'111 An11h .. 1111 4:.!l:C' A\:111 .r:in J H111 11112 w c1r One ha.Jt blk. to bui.in'M center. St OO month. OH will rent 11era-61-Real Esta~ Eschan_ge b1•dn11 ho 1111• IOt.11 •i..• ~ < r ... ----.uu, If.ii r,11;12 <1."1('17 :lttlll· 12-16 .le 20 Via Oporto ru.tely 1 ottlce at $i :I a ncr I al -r0<1111. ~ .. ,, '"' ,.,,,,.. ,, 1 1 ,, •i11-a-1 •-A•-TV • 1 nillf's, new tub• less t1rr ... H&H 1 ___ __.______ \\'s\\·. Pnn~ $2 1~>0 l:i11t1~h •Rr 1 C PITOL GAIN n rru:e Har. 1002 S:>O monU1. Al110 s ma ll 1tore $100 A l't• h·. =""''I''"' I Ir . h•t .. • 1 CJIJUSTl(AS TR£ A T g Sl6:'1 Servlct I.I 8·4 i 7 t 441·47 ):I ~!F:HC'l HY ~lu="T1 ·1.A m 1 'l'F. r ...__ •1 ('IJ111tc Wml"r l:entals vu a fler !>p m. Ll 8-2171 '-''"'·Call ownn Liberty 8·6223 1 I -M 1.111•·11'· 11-11i11 ,•I' .._,_ I I n •b G d E _.,,,,,.1, u ~, 1!11,1 11 uh~ t'"C\l1LJ1 "" ,,, ~• on Y .z::' Y ran · u y ... l.ST SELL 19•0 'l.'1(.IJ L.'. I ·~r'·"H mornln"s or •fl•r " P n1 9l fc CAN YOU ~ All ... , $ ~ M ··• • ... ·' ·' h "' 11 4 111 .. n h:.o .111 1 ••., ,,.,.,. Balb1.1a Island & Lu.lo Isle ... ·"' " p ' " • • . o er 4 any 1-·11rdor Spa re mo1or n11rll! t: I ---- --AFFORD TO SELL? l"Ol"'R HF.llltMS .! l11t h' I ot.bere· Knabe Strnway KJm •· '"" "''1•1'"" "r•h'r ~:?li.'io Ill SmeJI & cozy ur la rge A dellllll I H ARBOR BLVD FRONTAOl'.l · p11r " Si l :t~n l'n•,11 •I• H1 I • .....,,. ~ h, 8 Id' · S • , work car with lop nu rtn brtnit \ 11 1 •rJun, l.t•lu 1 .. 1 •. 11... 167HH J i" to ,300 monl" Se Shell A t --onarc • a win, tarr. b ,., I ,.1• ., u a p S. Two Oltferent Location• HO W ABOUT A TRADE. tor ma n· 1 OlNlt ~--... H II W II Htlt'ry an .. 'rl\'l' It 8W9)' •. " 47 -1•1 VQGE C I 2 l Ii I ~ ---..n • &m n. ur u er, :1()0·3 l!ll S I H1ir 21'76 4;,, 17 L Q, & 2 BEDH.M DF.LL"XE F URN. Ona with Offi ce. one with Bis.tr•· 111oter opera ted clear lncom .. prop· 1 0:111 Ho.." M1r Iv• I "'I" • t .. • 100 pL&noa a lway1. OAl'\Z • A l'T.S. To prd erred tenants $b5 low. McMftnu• Jt199 HRrbor e;1y we.Ill entl ."f Loe An~tl1•1 LI 8·1 •61 ~" I'• 8CIDCDT BS1 Plano and Oritan ~ CCSTO!'<t =" ASll AmblJ55ll•J<ir 10-A-Titnt II P a rtit 208 Ma rtr.e Ave . Bal bun lala.nd LI 8·3333 4!>tfc \ alued at $6j ooo wilh ovf'r • 8\on, lllO N: Main S t, q anta Rocle toln ke ff)r•·•·• ~,.1 .. 11 "k• -------------Ph Harbor 4<14 ur Ha rbor 21!11 & 111'• uttl. incl. 12\IQ W. B&llioB ' FUR .SAU:: HY IJ\\ :-~:tt ' 1,. .. , ADL l old :1200 m ile" Res Har 17 i;.n ur H.1r 30~9-M Ulnl · ="ew porl Beach. 39c:12h 1 $l0,(X)() a year Income &t lnw n•101 homr P . lmt!i)i In n I Ll ~r1Y 11-4574 12~'"' .~~:~ !'Jew and seJ &u rc DELt'XE t•-Pl--fo-r-6 mos. or )Tly. 55-Moaey to Loan ~:;::;~· 1~i;.';'t~~~~t ~r:;:rt~· ::r~!;~l~im" ~~~1:1 11~.~.::' 1: .',' 1 OurCllJUITMA8 TRltAT F:le<'l· -e 1·1c "R I I TRU'''-. ANO AT'TRAt'TJ\l:111n•l21ot1111 t11m le.1~t' ="u ely turn. Small bed· W 1lltn1iJe upordown.Own..r. Llbt•r\y 11 "''''3 mr 1 111n,.~ "' tnaAe Orru. Wfll known make, 63 "" OA• nu•iol<'I "'1nvf'rlth' '-'"' MONEYI \\"Ellllter, '69$1 or w rite 2907 . .,.... ' "' R .. H n k •• l·t1l,t1C'io 11a1d. I •11 :.! < lt tlolrt'n. r••lll• & bath down rJLatrs. Lar~e llfl<'r 6 p 111 11,1 t• •Ye 1480. DANZ·SCHMl OT. · ynA J'"W"r '''11 "'~ 81)11th Coch!'l\n Ave Lns An .. •~ p L31111•lt,\' 11 .. ,,,, H Lt' r: T () f' ll\11ni; r11om . fl1111ble bed r••<1111 • ' · • -----P lano ... Organ s t ftr•, 11tf'11 n nii w~n .• ow~ ioP111 111 ~ n~-. .as•enger g-i~-16 ·--'"' v • "" • Al'T. ~tLIT~.L 111:1:-1,,1 .. ,,, Bh·.J etc , 11vt r double garage. With ./ F••t Act.ion • '~ · llO N. Main, 811nta Ana W111\\" Tinte<I i;:lt1~, 11700 1\0 1 r ue BROKER S J NVJTEJ) TWO·HtlHM He 11'~1~ h11 l'f\\ ''"l nVJC DOLLARS per month r·enb SoOd practice pla.nr> Enjoy your Orlatm&a w ith muRlc C llOJ pracUce pit.no• u low M!I $07., fl.JI,. up. All In tX<"l'll,n I rnn· cuuon. DANZ • s c HMtnT H•i: 1 Pia.no t.nd Orsan C-o , :'120 N Main St., Santa Ana . l'oiMrtlls , CDM i i , 10 I T I R E S ="1•t. l!f'nrh. Jlllll "'~'''<' lhl' r1nt> ',. w or B By. Do<-k p rt\'ll't;· ,I Low R•tes -. • 43tt c ,\ 11·hr~ i 1trr <'~ 1•xlp1. T o <llll<'l 1111111!.i with-r ... 19:i1. L INCOLN ('0•11t<1pr11i la11 4 -1 (\Iii 1•1•ls s1 2.~ --106 $0\ltlh Loa~ no'lr~. r"o1"rnnit <•<I In""'" >flf : nut, $111 7:.n 3:19 F.l,,Wf'r F:t , "'"•'A '1• t ----- Knowlton Elect ronic" 1lr~ g•>nll <'l'ntllt1nn R ' l''"'"l" B -Hour " Hl •rlM •l11pi.-, 11nr111 11 · 1.•11 ·•~1.' H11y r r<tnl. Balboll Isla nd. 11a1 ow nl'r S79r> l'A-<h I.I " 21 :12 si;.-, 11111 I "11!1 , l'lt11 l'•1l1.1 I "•II· 1711 i:\p~.o 2nd a 1st -l id!l \II ~l,.:-..1 I.I /! til'I"" 41;, II< 1 _ R e capping Servic e w 1:-:n ;R HENTAL-2 b.1rm. l'lpl \\'r s"r"<' All o rongt' County Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR C't:NTE R Complrtc Rrakl' .Sl·l'\'11 <' <11'1·:,\:"' l"H• ,;o.·1 ~·111 • 1 1"'11 1•1 111 J• Iv 111l Sf>:>. waler p1rn1. 11:1:1 Service In Your Home f•JI n 111'1" t •IUI"'' l'I• "I'~ 6 \\ B Ibo J.!I .. N R I fl a ,.,. . ewport l'h We Buy T ... •st n--ds 11r II l101• 1111<1 < ~ l'lol\' j,1111111• 16l18 1 u ~ ~:.:. i. • :: n• I , I " I \'all Top prlf'"!! psl1I Cnioh now! \ ;\ I I .I Ill I l.11 :11 ••• ; I : I 71 I !J R I M rt c JA~?s~LT.Al1:.· .. ~.Ac:1.1-·.,· Front ~nd Ah~11 mrnt ---.t8-B-Houses for Rent I oya 0 gage o. ' n r. 2602 f\;P...-pQfl B l\ d., :"prt. Brh TV ANTENNAS MORRIS. An'TI:'\ RilA[l s i:rtn n: !~.:~-AP'._".:.!.?!-.~~-wr:-;TF.a RENT A L s~o mo. furn I Harbor I S-49 ALF A RO!'<fF:(l I-I • I 2 hilt in h ouse, nc>Rr bay In (Cle&r ~&m -HJ Galn1 RE:"Al'LT ·iit~l''"1' ll•»J:t'l l'lnn L IPU l ~LI-~ I Ualboa.. Harbor 16!l4-M. 471 49 '1c:>4H $9.95 , , .. r lh•· .,~kll l; I JNftA.LLED complete to your Ht. ="•''" t':>r ~alu & i"tn'll 1' II C-JIF:LCJH l\n•I 11ne & two bdrm., --. Clean 1·,.,.11 t·.11• All ~f11k~.• Im H 0 W A R D e p:.1o ."1111 • f··r111 1111.t yrarly. HAWAllA:-.1 mod"m Cum . 1 bdrm. CASH porte•I an1J lH>inu tic ,\l.!'lll, l.iJu 111111 , .. ,in.I lluy fo'ivnl h<•IU•<' !'<fa hoJ(' kitrhen, dl11poslll, • • • • LI MIOO 3Ptrc 2201 SC' !'<I Al:'\~T !-\"T\A'l:A Ry AN 11 .. 111•• ru.ol AJ'IH llt11•nts. I 11..llh·ll t1op11 ul r 11 t10 J!lll 1111tt1 I FOR TR~ST DEEDS ------------)o(I 2·07!'11: ~01 . "<0!1 W. Isl :-!t l.llJO H EA L T Y A~~nciatrs June 1~ <ir si2:1 y rly Har. 41:~~~ MOR~~d!; ~~;~a Knowlton E lectronics t!l32 H '\ReoR l:IL\'l.J .s,\ ="TA ,\ ",\ :M 111 ,.," L1 ''" 11 ir1> .. r H H SlN<:E 11130. I C0STA !'<t ESA 1-:1 :1-'-::ll:J l'-!H fi:-Fu K L~:A!:iE $66. mo .. 1 bdrm .. 1609 N. Blil:IH S ANTA .4.""ffA TV REPAIR LI 8-!\11:.1 tr 33' fc -I unfurn h<it1se, 111ove an•J rt'Cng KIMBERLY 1-·illl -----YF \f!I Y H•nld I lidl'"' t111n =-:e\tpi ll l ll'1i;th111 1\11'8 Rr!rr- 1 )o'OR g ALF: 1!1:12 M 1"; P1 1\'~t1• 111 1 $.II n, \\'Ill I• nr11r t'l'I• M rr<pllfl"I l.Ilwr1y l<·:lll7i J'A8T a~VlCI:. RE ASONABLE P11r1y f'rtf•tt ttnd1;111n 1'·11nr t Z-Trailf'l'1' hr & bt1et111· .. ~ 11,.1111• 1 ,111 aft"r 6 r m 4flr48 .. rvlce raJll tlll 9 p m. I gln..•s l<1p r11111 .. 1 .. :11 .. r S!l80 I ll.1h·1· 121i-J l ll M LI 1·620& ~f11y bl' ftt'<'l1 nny tin~ l\fln 4 30 O~F: \\"H F:F:I 111,,.,11.,e -11..:UHONA lJEL M.AR-$80 mo. yr. tfl p m 1110 1<1111; R n l I lhnl\' • · • .~ "'"'" tratlt'T l •t·:t,\'X F: Fl'P.=" .Al'T~ IC'&M l >ulrable dlaln~. Com-. · " ' • JI:.!~• f:nAt R1tlli11a Rlv1l 111ri." 11 r ~ • .1 ---------11·71171 1:1p47 l'111i;lrs -' J blA $,,o mu nn1I 11r rortshly turn. I our . home, IPJNl:TI, 8PINll!:TS, ttneral nrt. 7 4i p 1114 F:. !lily A\•t'. l:i~lh<•n ll11rbor F'lr.,pll'1'e In l iving room. Ideal sr-t nntal 1"1turn11 like nf'w. '47 PAr l<ARI•. l'ulll om t 'hl'l'f'' 4-fl:l l·I ~tfr I fnr 1wo or more. Phone Harlx>r ..,. Salem Maple, Blond Oak. dr R11tl111, hu1e1 U'l1ri,,. Aa \\'11,1 ... 1r.11f,. 22 fl tr11ll<'r ph1H ""' _ _ 11)17 nr 417J·W. 4(1p46 LOAJll 8 ·ro BUU..D. IKPllOVS BUT, MODlllU<IZS, OR RD"IN~CS We Buy TruR O.ect. NJnVPORT BA.1.BOA l!IA vmas A LOAN Aa&OClA TIOH I JM Via Udo. Ph. Har. UOO tf• J'Nlldl ProYtliciA.1. !&VI Ito. <'Iran M It \\AS lhl' d11y ll "U t ltl 1111w1f'rtt <'At111nn111 fnr ll Int sn·r1111 APT. 11ull11lllf' t r """ to lllll. Ttrnu ju11t like rent or1.:1n11lly ''"'' Ar•I """" h\ In C""•:11 l\IN111 C.:an be ,.,.11 111 1111 .. n•o r~n11n $t·, 11111 flltH Oft b&Uce. DANZ . SCHMIDT, Sunday ar e"f Jll f11 :\710 \\' Hal· 216 \\Aln11t l'I Co11111 .Mea11 I 1Ark1'J'llr. r nrona f'lrl M ~r 111t~r 1 RI 1RM HOt:fiF: 11t 2nu C:ont1n--The chanc\nll' app@U&nc• or ad9 ~nt11l , Ct11ta Mf'All Ph. YRnnn,.r In the NEWS·PRES8 11 due to m If. JfUQ, ea.nta AnL boa Blvd. ~p4i 1 46p48 i .30 p. m. 4:,cH 4·flil !I. '6p'8 I quick reeult.a. • WF. HAVID TWO lOVt'ly hnmC'!' l 'hnn" 1.111~11 \' 11 iklf i 1n f'alm Spr lng11. One 3 b'drm. I -:·:• •1 on c(lrner lot fully rencl!.I, t ree• ----- a nd n owerw, f\Jrnl11he<I a t $17.-B F:ST tJ\I Y ('oriina 111'1 ~tor I• 1 , , rioo. full price. The other a 2 1 Mi,1tem 3 hr., 2 hRllr """"' tx-tlrrn. and rumpus room rur-Si-p&lrsle I hr Anti ltll•lt •'I nl•hf'.'<I. Own"r• will trade u p Only s rn.5011, l•·mr~ tor Harbor a rea, reslcJentlsl or 1 commercial. HARfllJI< JN\'J.:STM~::'\T • ., • J . M . MILLER ro. I Rar. 16()() F:ve• Jiu . •:IH -I ... I; 202:1 W . Balboa Bl~J , Har. 4091 -----• (Near lh1 Newport P1erJ f'ENINSUl...A 4 uni! •pl . I i.: • Today's Trade 7 UNITS PENINSULA CruH )'Mrly Income $1400. w1lh P-nn&.nenl year &r'OWld t enant.a No wmmft' renl&la. All unltJI apacioua. n•rly 10,000 fttL 2 lotAr. Lo.tUl now $32,000 at $300. mthly. II~~ Will trade equity or $30~. for; CLEAR HOME TO U0.000 OR S M.ALLER HOM£ AND CASH, OR WHAT HAVl!J T OU '.' "THIS IS HOT! !" 6 )'r• old. 1,,_ bli.1 k Ii. 1 '34 Miii Jo:a~v l••rm• .A l"" ;-.;1 I\ PORT HE1GH'r8 3 h·lrrn 1,1,1 . 3 yre. old. \'VW caq "ltno: 1 •. place dbl. g ar ph11t SI ""' Ea.lly l1•rm1. uwn~r. 4"'1 I< elde VT. LI 11·333& 1 • •I LIDO R-3 2 -30 rt. lot.a on Sn. II 1y 11111111 $31,!.00 ear h . n~ll T 11 H •• Har. 1686-W, or RYM l·fl"'.l" 1111 'r 10 Acre Grove $H, ""I ON Tl..'ST IN An: !:uy trrms. Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. DAN A JAC-()f)AF.=". nr d' I.I 8-r.1127 f:ve. Har. 127:1·.I H11r ~lll>J ,,r J.ll1r 11, "1 t 7c:A9 • I l .. j BALBOA ISLAND &O FT. BAY FRONT ACE. On Little Island, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value is close to the uking price. ATTJµCTIVE 4 bedrm .. 2 1!.i baths, nr. So. Bay. Ownr r will take small down, Asking $42.500. GOOD FAMILY HOME, Near So. Bay. ~·yard, 3 bedrm. 1' '! baths. $26,500 About '.?00 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn· 1~hf'd home. ~ubmit down. $25,000 r.mo NOIW BA y FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 burm. 31 ~ bath hrrnAe piw1 unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both units newly furnished. Ql°ALITY STREET, Waterfront at its beilt. Fine piL·r and float. Lge. lawn & patio. 3 fine BR• nn<.1 2 bcilhR. maid's or guest rm. & bath. Outside shr>wcr rm .. f. a. heat. Glassed in lanai. Asking $73.500. Good terms to qualified buyer. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.dith Maroon HYatt 4·8222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 53:>9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island STOP!-STOPI Don't Pass These by • .'s. LIDO ISLE 1 ~ blk. to clubs & tennis courts. Large living rm. with fireplace. Bar kitchen, 3 bdrme. plus dressing rm., 1 1 :! baths only S23,500 WATERFRONT SPECIAL $18.950 2 bdrm., lg. patio, 64 ft. bulkhead with pier & float. II-._,....._ C-Real Eatate 82-IWal Estate -----------------------:.---------.....-----fl!-Rral F'.t"f" p. a . · p a I rn e r i n c o· r p o r a t e d · . . . ... ' ,. .. ' .. developers of Lido Isle * 45 feet It. to at. on Orvieto ........................... $16,500 35 x 150 on Havre with Bay View ----·--·····$20,000 50 feet at to at. on Havre .......... ·········--···· $17.500 . ·' Stt thia exclusive ~me on Via ~noa, Lido's widest street. 3 bednn. 3 bath, 40 by 20 patio. hardwd. fin., 2 yn. old, and in perfect condition $34,500 Udo Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath u1>9taira Wlth decks. 2 bed.rm. 1 bath dowutaira with enclosed patio. Both apt.a. have forced air furnace. fireplace, car- peting, drapea, refrigerator, stove. Unbelievably priced at only ~7.000. $12,000 down. ,~ 204 Via Orvieto ia the addresa of a brand new Viucber-built home that we think you will like. 3 bednna., 2 bath, papered dining area. steak grill in fireplace, extra good storage. Be finished one week. $32,500 including landscaping. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Bright and shiny new 3 bedrm., family rm. 4 bath· rooms. carpeted, draped. and in tho center of Heavenly Lido Isle. Ne\'er for aalo before. How I W.onder What You Are This is silly, 'cause we know you are a lot ln Shore. cliffs. What we really want to know is who will build a house on you,, Only ~15,800. Hurry I Up" Above The Bay So High with a view of everything from here to there. Three lovely bedrms., 2 with the view. You can buy this for $14,000 Jess than it cost 4 yrs. ago. Like A Diamond In The Sky Diamond shapes windows invite you to see the Har- bor through them. Cute 3 be<lnn. 2 bath home, yard, 2 patios. and room for a pool. Only $24,500. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 B /8 DEFINITELY-THE MOST TERRIFIC AT BALBOA ISLAND Xmas Specials! Deluxe Ranch Estate !\'EAT TWO Dl!:ORM .. t'lrtplace, on 60:< 19b R-4 lol. Only $8600, $3000 tin , $60 mo. on blllance. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PAllT 11 l . PA$E J WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 a ._. r..tate ............ PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HO~ t..rge family view home, e bedrooma, 5~ batht and a •lip out front f or your boat. ThJa aound, older home in a prime Udo location will offer a wandertu.I way of life for every member of that 1arp family of youra -you too, Dad-Full price $7f,500. Submit your terma. By the way, the owner will trade for good income or buatne. property ln L . A. or Orange County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R·3. Strada comer lot 40 x 115 . .Price $20,000. Your lut chance to develop your O'fVll income on uclualve Lido lale. NEW LrDO THREE BEDROOM With 214 bat.ti.. Huge carpeted muter bedroom with private eun deck. Thia at.reel to 1treet Lido home bu many luxury featuree auch u built-in stove and oven, diahwaaher -loade of cloeet.1 - used brick fireplace and ap extra large laundry and atorage room. Price $31, 750 with euy tenna. For these and many other excluaive liatinp on Lido Iale call LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON -J. H. GROHMAN $7950-$2950 On. GENE VREELAND -VffiClNIA MANSON a.oo Via Lido Harbor"" :->J<.:t.: W UKI:->t: 3 l><t rm. on rc&r (Acrou from Richi.rd'a )&arket Entnnce) BACK BAY 482 Esther, sha.lce roof, 3 bdrme. plua family rm. with BBQ, ash paneling thru out. This is quality plus at $26.500 • 680 beautiful view acre. In Fall· brook area with 200 &erH In n-waur dlatrlct ln•unnr ample Colorado acqueduct water plU• 3 wella and pumpa and 3 r .. ervolr1. • 1' mile of hlrhway trontare. e Modem, •p&cio~ JOOO llCI· ft 3 bdrm., 2 bath all electric, •hake roof ftu\ch bom• With a breath taktnr ~c \'Mw from all aid•. Rambling one·atory ranch style home, large beam ceiling living room 18 x 25 complete electric kitchen, Thermador eye · level oven, automatic dishwaaber and disposal. Kitchen haa large dining area open· ing to patio. Large used brick fireplace and forcc:<i air beat. Two bedrooms. one is king size with big wardrobe closets and built-in drawers. Beautiful full bathroom. Garage and laundry room. Lovely ot high level lot. 300' d l-1!p. Hot ~ •pol Joe. tnr unlu , On Sant.a-------------'---------- An" Ave , nur 23rd CLIFF HAVEN 406 St. Andrews, $14 ,750 $65 mo. mcl. tax. Three bdrms., fireplace, fenced yard, near schools. Open Sat. & Sun. G. I. RESALE 3 bdrm. furn. modem. Only 9 months old S14.950 -4 ~o -$73 inc. tax per mo. I ' JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. Liberty 8·7773 "At the Arches" v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar l . SHORECLIFFS, Ocean view homes, .several exclu· Rive llslings with us. 2. DL.PLF:X -One bedrm. each, cor. lot ........ $17,500 3. DU PLEX-2 bd rms. ea. cor. lot. Excluaive $22,500 I. CORONA HIGHLANDS -Just li.ated otean view, immaculate 2 bdrm. & den, 2 bathe. Only $28,000 ;,, OCJ.jAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -45' lot. A ateal at $3 .500. Only few feet to ocean front I& China Cove. :-iF.8 US FIRST for better buys in homea It build· m~ sit es in Corona del Mar. MEMBF.J{ OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. e Walled, nood·llrbted patio with nreplace and be.rbeque; auto. •P~ for JandKaped yard. • Family orcurd and numnou• out-butldlllp lneludtq 2 rueiil cottar•. cant.Ulera bou.e. • II mtt• of t•nc:tnr and crou · fviclnr for catUe. • Thi. I• one ot the few remain· - ln( larfe, eaally a c c e • • I b I t ranchH that lie In th• path ot llle ph9nomenal loulhtrn Call· fomla 1rowlh. • Full price lllO,OOG. • Wiil Tl\.ADI: tor Income prop• erty. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1170 Harbor Blvd.. Coah Mua u 1·7714 Evee. Ll 1·3168 Down to Earth VALUES 276 Mapolia drapes, curtains, wall to wall carpet. Price is $28,500 w1lh LC $15,000 at 51:.: re. int. Big value and well worth the money. Call now to see th1a home. It's the finest! ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to t he Post Office Har. 444 Eves Har. 1229-R Har. 4248·R Cambridge Estates 16th le Irvine 7 NEW HOMES • Seven different Elevationa • Each Individually Built • All have Beautiful and Exceptional Cbaracteristlca. • Some have Swimming Poole • All have built-in Range and Ovens • Restricted Area e 75 foot wide Iota r • Fireplace• STARTING PRICES $21 ,000 Start the New Year with a New Home PRICF. 1'. McCUISTION, Realtor BIO 3 bedroom older home In Co.ta Maaa-RW homey and lop notch coiutructlon with hardwood noon and eep&rat.e ct1nln1 room. Situated on 2 Jou with & fine f&mly on:hard. Sub- mit offtr9-Sale or t,..d ... Also 20381 Cypreu PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON JHi F.. Com1t Hwy., Corona dcl Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ---------------------2 Bl:Dl\OOM Hickory built with •hake roof, barctwood noorw - 1856 Newport. Bl\'d. • . CoHla Meaa (across from Costa Mesa Ban\() Phone Ll 8-6761 E\•cs Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 tile and 220 voile In kitchen -------------------- NON-VETS OR VETS ~295 impounds moves you in new 3 bedrm. 1' ~ bath, Back Bay area home tx-fore Cbristmu. Taxes paid to DE'c. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1 R.">7 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa LI R-1632 Eves LI 8-1400 Thrcr ~2~s~Nfdcn~ln~~~~~~t Jot. Ou1 ~t:1n<1111g n rw of the entire Ha.rbor Area. Built an W<'!'tcrn Holly range and O\'en, garbage dia· poRa l. lots of tile. Excellent tenna and priced to S<'ll. $34,500 428 De Sola BACK BAY AREA Three bdrms .. bath & :11• ranch 1tyle home. Garbage disposal. lots of tile. Located on a nice new quiet ~lrE't't. Price $23.750. 384 Mira Loma. Truly a amall c~ntry ntale. 11 tnontha old. A r enutnt Rtnl at l10,7llO 'lt'lth only 121100 dn Un1urpessed VIEW LOT O\•erlooktnc all ot Newport Harbor and a ~rrtc-t view of Catalina. Only $14,500 Not a I-hold Duncan Hardesty Pll!:ALTOR 2602 NpL Bl•d .. Npt. Bch. Ha Hl8 Merry Christmas BACK BAY 3 bdr'm . •, ac-re, family home. vi~', xlnl. ~ndlli<"n. view. May 1 .... ''" opllon to buy $26.~i'IO I bdrm . '" •c-rr. nrty nf'W f\llly ttnced , sar 11trP8!!!'d for \'lt'w apl. SI :1.600. l bdrm .. PLUS apl .. 11 acrl'. Jrood view poNlbll1Uee. $11 ,000 1 bdrm .. M x 860. vl!'w 11r h11t11 112.:100 S bdrm .. Harbor Hid~ bt1111ty l 17.7M BMt Baell Bay loU, ~2:\0, 5500, 7000. IOOO. UP. W. E. FISHER & Associates Claire Van Horn 3024 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 REALTOR ---------2731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8·4271 BAY FRONT C<'nll' -r<'lnx -play -and grow young with me. 4 bednn. anc.l den on the Bay Front near Balboa. This older hom<' has thr well groomed and cared for look. Asking full price for cost of lot alone. Only $8000 J own to accepted buyer C-1 ZONE 3 bt<fnn. house in heart of Balboa. Could be ueed as office. $13,500 terma. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Bal* Blvd. Har. 5188 or Har. 1216-J • Bay Shores 2&U Circle Drive OJHITI Dall)· -1·• :!10 NOW Pl\JCED TO SELL a Wrm.. 1 ~ baUI.. trpl., F. A. h .. t, a.11 eJec. klt.cben. Spaclowl pat.lo -buUt lD BBQ. ()y .... ,....... IWMf'OUI et.once. RALPH P. MASKEY . R&ALTOR 1411 N~ 8lft.. Npt. lldl. llarll9r .. BAYSHORES In thie exclusive delightful district we h:we a 3 B. R . home, comp. furn. on large lot -with space for swimming 1x•ol. \'ery lovely new pat10 ::?2x36 Partly co\'ered with plastic-glass. Yacant and 1( you act fast, you can <'njoy :XmaR in your new home. Pric e $24 ,500 BALBOA ISLAND ·-CUTE 2 B. R.-Comp. furn. in immaculate cond. rm rear of rxcellent ly located corner lol. Build a h ome· an front and have an 1ncomC' from this one, of around $2000 pc>r year. Only S18,500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. lkh. Har. 4071 or Har. 4972 Eves Har. 2191-M Har. 299 ·R or Ll 8-fi297 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bcdrm. home for $4 .60 Rquare Foot. 100 % Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 garages . S295 We are buildi{lg on Wallace, Bay, and A\'Ot ado Sts. Starting shortly on 1 th & 20th Sta. Call or Phone for Information •.. OPEN SUNDAYS & WEER DAYS SCOTCH CONST}iUCTION of Garden Gr6ve , . Inc. 1100 Weatm1n1ter Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9--0633 - ~r.,P~~~er~. !s~ ~~.~ c M. WAiking dJatence mkt.a. A cen· ter ot t-0wn. XL.NT. tt nna. MERRY CHRJSTMAS trum t-;louston Realty Co. I • ASSOCfATES Gertrud• ~eymour Har. 6298·W Tony l'rtllle l.J bnt y 11·6487 floyd Lytle l.11>4orty li·Z6d 6011 Center ~I , C081& M t'H u 8-6911 • u 8·778• * Newport Hts. . ffiVINE AVENUE: .... 2 bdrm. mooem with larg• llv. lnic room, rlrtpla.ce. dtntn1 rm., lovely paUo, fenctd yard. Term• _ -· •.• U 3,7llO ALDEAN PLACE: JHauu!ul rambUnlC ranch-type lauine. u11ul•ll~y appointed, IL1J bullt-tru. l ~. balh•. Shown by a ppolnl01rnl only $8!)00 cJu~-n . .... $:?4,M>O Greenleaf-Severts 311 :! ~ t'~ J>e>rt Ull 11 , N t''A-port E ves. LI 8-:1186 • Ll 8·5•0& Har. 31121 • W B/B Corona del Mar Shoretlrff • i,l1111 t ntnyon Vlf'W lnt • Spa•· :! bdrm. • ''"" • :? h11t h•. pcr1t't.'l kllchtn • l.11><.1rv built 1l11u1111;hr111l • s 17 ,,., r11 1 r•n• ,. t,., ""' • <"ll11,1• M'e lt11a wuntl~rrul JluUi•~ Corona Highlands • A t11x•11 y humr •Ill' • l(f'f'• 1111 llllll \'lf'W • l 1 •. :•I HI Cull r•rl• p • Hf'11tl\' lnr y r•lh ru!tlnm hnmf' Bay & Beach Rlty Inc < "'' ni1 •l"I Mflr Otf ll',. 3~:11\ r: c· .. 11•l ""», H11rbor 1)249 Balboa JJ1·r1.r.x . r111nu1tw11 $1 ~,1150, Two ~·l>•ll1t1 "l•I • Alt •1n une flt..-1r \\ AlktnK •ll1<IM •,. tn •kiwntown H 1lllt11 ~""" lllJ( ~'"t<l lnl'llmc. "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famlliea are tmpectinl these exquiaite home. -noting their comfort, con- ftll.ience and ceutral location. More and more familiea wbo prefer a h ome in a re· .uicted quality community a.re moving into their lrvtne Terrace homea.. Drive ID today and see for yoanelf th& many ovt- .tanding featunie ot th1a remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built, bY, Macco Corp. exquisitely: furnished bY. Martin & Von Hemert In1ne Ternce ii located on Cout W,bway oppoldte the new Irvine Cout Country Ou.b. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor "48 For Further InfonD&Uon * For Recommendation, we refer JOU to ~ who holds a Leuehold Eat.ate in Irvine T.-nee. Beacon Bay, Bay Shore. and Clill Haven LOTS OF LO·TS! Now la the time to get on the bandwagon. Whether it ia for 1peculation or future homeeitc. check our liat of th<>M a vailable. Attractive Carpet.I and drapes included, nicely land.sea~ With patio and fish pond. 3 bdrm.a. 2 ye.an old, $1000 down will handle. Full price, $10,000 Acre Home Ranch style 2 bdrm. le den with attractive fireplace and full acre of grounds for future development. Near back bay. $17,500, and only S3000 d~. Look-it I Well buiJt 2 bdrm. home beautifulJy designed and only 2 block• from t.ran.aportation and sboppinc for only $8000 full price. Income Seventeen fumiahed rental unit.a with Income of $800 per month. $65.000. See th~! THE V.OGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Llberty 8-M97 1)11b1111t 1tn '"l nll• --------------------:-. - Ocean Front $ t:. Mii ':u1 Jll T~:rtMS. 3 bed rm ul•l•r It•'"' p.111 111tlv fuml~hl'1t, \' I Ml• 4' 11 .. 11 l .. r 1$81boa 2 car 1Clltilg1• >Irr'~"•! Cur •pl ll boVt . Coast Properties Jiii I-~ lhlhna flin t, Ua.lt)l)I lln t••r 111:".&, 2~fl7 and 4600, BY OWNER LESS THAN O:"E YR OU> - J bt-•lrm , 2 blllh home. hwd. ni ........ 2 ('llr '~" $12.600 62l l<no~·eU J"I.. Cotta MeM. tJ 8·61J9 41cM .. LIDO ISLE To our many friends wbo have ukecl for a barp1n on Lido -here It i• -Ita ao good we can't get an exclusive and it won't Jut. 3 bedroom.I, 2 bath• on a M ft. lot -7 yn. old-<>Vet' 2000 feet In houee would coat over $36,000 to rep~ and we ' can deliver lt for under $30.000. Excellent Financinc, RUSH l DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO 8PEC1A.L18T 2e02 Newport Blv4., Npt. S.Ch Har. f71A ' I -- . ' PAGE 4. PART 111-N<'NPO RT HA '..'!O~ ~·:;·::s.P aE ss l WEDNESDAY, O:OCEM<:rn 21. 19;5 -----~~ ' "C" THOMAS "C" TJ:IOAIAS "C" TJ-10MAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS "C" THOMAS, Realtor AND ASSOCIATES H. Verne Snodgrass Ethel Shirley Frank W. Hill Gordon L. Andrew 224 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-5:>27 "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS 'IC" THOMAS May the ineeeage of the finit Christmas dwell in your heart at tbi.a joyou• aeuon, inapiring renewed devotion to it. ahining Ideal of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 311 Kuine Ave., Balboa Jaland Pb. Hu, 1671 or 1672 REALTORS • < From Balboa, Balboa Uland, Corona del Mar, ea.ta Mesa and Newport Beach Extend our heartiellt thanks to you for the prlvtlep of .erving you In 1955 a.rid our aim In 1968 iii to continue to merit ygur confidence ? Newport· Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach To All Our Frienda Go Our Very Since~ Wiahea for a Vrry Merry Chrlttmu a nd A Happy and Proaperoua New Year! WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD HADFIELD REALTORS Marine and Puk, Balboa 111land Harbo r 2462 ' . -This 4t our own way of aaying 'Thank You" to all the rol lr:11 who bave"l'made thi1year11uch a happy one for Ull. RAY REAL TY CO. A. J , VICELLIO, Manager Ed Bucko Helene C.enar H. M. RAy J ohn Flood Bob Kalamm 34:44 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 Here'• a wish for a Holiday Season. full of joy and warmth. A1ay your family be with you , :-·. your 'A'ishr11 ful filled. REALTY COM?ANY Realtors Bu~ineM Broke r Multiple Li:::ting 1135 E . Coa11t Highway. Corona dcl ~lar H ::.~. 21.12 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL \"OU ::i~E CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. • O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCA.L AND NATION-WIDE l-iOVJNG Pb. Kl 3-8221 E\•e LI 8-2961 Comer Newport Blvd. and So. Main St. • • ----... --- rom 62--a..J - BAY ANO BEACH REAL TY, INC. OWNER -REALTQRS -William P. Yeager, Anne Yeager J. Leonard Smith, Gloden M. Fay and 'Randall F. Gedde.. and Associates Extend Heartiest Christmas Greetings NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M. Fay, Mgr. Katherine Olaon Marjorie Chue E . B. Chue Ruth Telfer, Sec. 1450 W. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 LIDO R. C. Greer, Mgr. Worthington Lee Helen Baum - Ann Hutchlnaon, Sec. 3112 LAFAYE'ITE HARBOR 3643 -_j CORONA DEL MAR Thomu Campbell, Mgr. DoriA W&llr:er ' Charles Hamilton ~ E. COAST IDGHWAY HARBOR ~249 COSTA MESA OFFICES R. F. Geddes, Mgr Robert Goouen Mary Bell, Sec. 1875 HARBOR BLVD LIBE RTY 8-7714 Arthur Tiet.s, Mer. Gillette Bailey Bobbie DeFir 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8-1161 MERRY CHDISTMA s " Houston Realty Co. Newport Harbor Really J IM and SALLY NEWLIN 515 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calilom la. 1M>t Cent., C.0.ta K- 0..ti'WM lkymour ,._,,. Petilt.9 Tloycs LJtl• EARL W. ST AN LEY, Rea/for MILDRED ST AN LEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Jo i n in Extend i ng HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS and -BEST WISHES for a PROSPEROUS f'JtW YEAR Lido Realty ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido To All Our Friends- ....... a Happy Holiday - -Beat Wiabe. • for the New Year Harbor 4444 CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST B/B Morry Merry Chri1tme1 1----------- BEST BUYS $6.llW Nl~ I 8 R wllh 11r. BR -CloM In 72" x l,lO' lol -7 yr.-dbl.. 1ar.-<"l,•n $9.500 S B.R.-l)•r -I'. H. A _-r,.nrtd- 11.th h•e. $10,750 3 B..R.-All rarpelll<i l11nd.-caped --Garb•ge Dlap. -220V Kit.- Cle11n-I". H, 'l::.__Low On. $13,9~ 3 BR. Cu3lOm Built PIU3 Rum· pu~ Rui -&r :l F 1rttpl11<:"• H.\Oo'. Jo"lt•.-1.39~ d n. G l. $16,950 Npt. Ht1--0ce11.n Vitw!-:! y r. -Ownt r-Built. H.\\' Flr1 - F ltepl. -Obi. r••· -220V. Kit LJ t Gueal Hat. Hte. B11!1l Buy $1 ,~ ON: ACREAGE ! 3 AC ltVO!I, cloat 1n 11:'1000 :, A ~·-lrvel. (lo.,. in $31.:iOO 28 Ar. levtl, rlo.e 111 ('Qt . 5188.00U ' M·I Ac. Oc::tt.n Ylf!"''• lrvrl '•7.:ioo 8-2 B. R. UNITS For the Holiday Seuon, we wiab one and aU : Smooth .ailing and a. 1956 full or peace, pn>6perity and all good thin1a. W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor a.nd ASSOClA T ES Gene Burn11 B. T. Cook Ed Jone. Matt La Borde Hal Tanner "You'll like our friendly .ervice" 400 E. 17th St.. Co11ta Atcaa. Llbert.y 8-1139 Signa of the &ea.son : good cheer, warm friend11hips, light heart.a, high happines11: deep co ntentment ... it ie our 11incere willh that they may all be yours in fulle&t meuure. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa 81\'d. Harbor 4091"' (Near the Newport Pie r) 580000 ~t o lnr Clean G-1. I.,()(" I ---------------------- LOTS! R-i Lil t 12 1' " 132' -AU,.~·. ~.,.,._ fl ~ makf'.·Z 80" lol" 56.8,"l() R-1 l..al~Perm. 0rf11n V1f11'! ' 8.:.oo ' l -; di __ , To all our frienda and patron1, we extend our heartie11t good wi11hes for the menieat. bright- eat Chrilllmaa ever. HAPPY HOLIDAY. everyone! Bay & Beach Rlty Inc E rth '"" '"" '~" "'"' COST A MESA The Best Town on a .. i::\'f'~ 1.1 11-::010 Incom e P;o?erty 'D~y 1tnt1 Ur•'"" v•r"'· 11,,ni ownt't~l- 1 "l )),• .. In\ a ,.: : \,r,1t 1 nul~<I l'ri.;c.1 1 .. "· 1o ,,, 1111.• n,,,.. 1 ...... ,. ,i.,,.,n 1·~)'1 .. ,•n l T(•1ni. I•• ~1111 . I HOMER E. SHAFC:R Hll:Al."f .. ,\ I I CM! )Lol"l<'l"•" fl , 11 .. t.· ::,, Pwr llar 1111 h,, •• 1 •• , ,,,:,,,.\\, 1_ h .. t . 11 ...... 1 "' ~ .. -.•-)I LOT su~ L6~ .... n :-11n1••t off :O.lon- l u""'· Cuo\• 1'1~-a $1j\{IO po l ""'""'· \\.rile 8'111 L 79 !I'll• p11 Pf'r. l6p411 l..'OZ Y A \, A~J.I °"'ATERFRO:'lo"T N'"'l"'rt !Jolt bunr1.10 .. ·. ONL\' 11 ~.ovv. tt rm•. HARBOR J?f\'UTMl!:WT 00. H1.r lflOO EvH . Har t344-J '6<41 G. N. WELLS, Realtor ELSIE Yr'ELL.5 .ROY &: RANDY McCARDLE 18 10 NctA1port Blvd., COElta Mesa L!berty 8-1601 There f S A Santa Claus! Two bedrm. furn. beach houae 2 dooni from waler. $1000 JotA·n. FP S9750, ha.lance like rent. PEN1NSUI.A Point 2 bf-drm. furn. homt . $2000 down. Ha lan1·f' hke rent. Movt" right ~~1 . l.arge pie ahaped cor. lot ju11t acroas the atr~t from Lido Shopping Center -Only $7150. $2000 down. B.al. $50 mo. ART C. KISTLER CO. REALTORS 2901 Newport Blvd .. Npt. Beach Har. ~22& , Frona All "r U• - To All ot You- B. A. Nereson Rlty. Co. Jay Bryon W. E. Wehmeier Donne Sm ith ia82 N-port Blvd .. Coat& Me.. Wboerty 8-1172 HOLIDAY SPECIALS! A1k t o •H our U•Unp of prefer- red proP1!rtlu ... t;1Ur many )'ear• ot experle.n<"• I• your• tor 1. phon• call • For \l\9l.9ncf!: p,.nln•ul1. home• trom 511.~ up. Duple:ae• from 511.7:.0 arid up •.• a dandy 3 unit !ncom• at 523,7:.0.·and ml.ll y other•. Our f.alra •pt't lal Holiday v•luf! 11 1. boea\ltJful B1.y Front •lup(t:it on the f'enln1ul1.. Sp•c•Ou1 2 bedroom •partmt:nt• ln e•<"h unit ... up~r nl<",.lY f'\Jtnl~hf!!;I l r •r fl'!<tll ~e:. l11undry •n<'I ullllty rnom11. f'rlv•te hfllli'h and plllll' rlchU lor 5~">,000 a n<'! term1. It le only 4 yNn old and In A-I condlth:>n. WE V.'ISH ·YOU Al.I .. A MERRY C HRISTMAS A.....-o A HAPPY Z-:E\\' Y EAR Balboa Realty Co. Oppoa1te B&nk or /\mrr1.::1. Roa1 Gr~lry •Al v .. Al Come.l1u11 Jo~phl ne \\'ebb 700 !:. Blllbn11 Blvd .. Blllboa Phone H1.rbor 327i LIDO Exclusive \\'e h11ve An e:o:clu11lve l\11tln1t on one of the fln,.11t 3 bt:drm .. 2 b11lh hnmf!" on Lulu. l/.><:•l~d on a i'Ornrr Int "''hirh f!lin1l na\f!1< any "hemmed Jn ·reehn~". Other r e • t ut t " 11re \\'e~th1ghou"'! (ll•h"·Mher aan(! d 111pv11.I -<:••· pP.te-<l-Ul'ed brlr k f!r,.rl•r" - lov•ly pMtiQ 11nll lan,!1<r.•pp<"<.I Truly ''"" nf 1.11.10·11 lin,.111 home.11 l.:il,:'.00, C811 1.nd "''" "'Ill l'hflW • "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. lMlfl :"~,.,·port Blvd . C.\>at• M•I'• LI 11-37112 or I.I 11-~l!fl 4;r t 9 5 Acre Ranch COST A MESA AREA. 5l l &OG-- ·~•11)' 1 .. rm#. t: n AN A J At.:OBS•:x , ""llllOr - Har. M 9L.or Liberty 11·6317 4k 48 ON!: -120 ft. A two-80 .It. all adJoln!nr Baell Bay 1.rt11,...-CotJld be rrour loU-Stll all nr ... I"". r•te -C••h M tf'nl'la. owner w;1.111.1 a.coon. Hat. saa1 awe ' From the Drirt Room to thti Waldorf. Jt'a time for Chria:t- maa cheer. Let'• live it up-- Let's ha\'e a Bull -But let'a nol overdo -Hear! Remember what True Chriat- mas means. It i11n't ju.l for kicks. So lcr11 aurvive old 'M ind fie h"ere for "!'>6." R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor R. B. HODGE. Auociate 3622 E . Coast H"':y .• Corona del }.iar Har. 277.f HAPPY HOLIDAYS! B1U Kllllon Le!l y :O.l un!0t·k \\"ally Hallberg Herl Pegren1 Bill Sh~p!lf'tt'I J udof! l"IQnhl\lf' a KILLION, reel .. tale 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbnr :Jflll!'> Oppo111l1> th(' City H11ll • WISHING YO U Truly Joyous Days Ahf'Rd i-t"!t\' Rfllh •·· llllk s .. uie ORANGF, COAST PROPERTll'.'-:S 1'857 Ne"''l>Ort Blvd .. Cu11ta Mcea 1.r 8-1632 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS VOGEL' VALUES $600 DQ \VN-Nice 2 b..>droom h1ime 111 Co11ta Me1ot. Hardw{)()(J f\i"-'r". floor furnace. Dead end •lreet . Near 1huppu1g, Thu1 111 11 11·1·, Full pr11:~ only SS500 \'acant -1110\'C right 111, •• BAY '1 OCJ-:AN \'IE\\' -:? br.'tlroo•m hQmt• in Ne'A'- port Ht·1ght11 . l-'in!plact:, h11.n1wood flovr11. J•r1ce 1,f $15,000 includ~ 13111.na for adJ'I 3 rovm11 & full bath. LOT BARGAIN IN CORONA HIGHLANDS-High up with permanent. unobBtructe<l view. Ea.at tC1 bui ld on, 11treet-to-11treet. lot. Total price o nly $1 t,95'0. Check thi11 with any Otht'r11 you may ba\•e 11een : ' -The Vogel Co. • 2687 E . Cit. Hwy., Corona del Mu H. 1477 H. 0757 . ' • • -. -... -COAST At.: SHOPPER PAGE I 5 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1955 Buy at Home From Your local New Car .Deale~/ . . H ... , a Pll'feet opportunity to live "PowerStyJe" Chrysler"°'° ••• in time yow t.iily a tnal1 4iatiDCtin Christ-for pre-Chriltmaa delivery . · .. and wait m,N liftl Our apecial Cbriatmu Pl.Ir-until F~ to make your ftnt pay· ct.. Pia late 10U bur JOW' new mentl Stop in and aet full ctetailt todo11/ TNE llEW . \~ "PowerSty/e"-CHR'ISLER •••• also Many Fine Used Cars That Will Make Wonderful Christmas Gi~s for Members of 7 Family -at ••••• _, LOU REED & ASSOCIATES ......... • C..,., • PlymcNt• Sain & Senlce l•tet'llatloMI TnlCb 1200 W. Coast H ... way ,Liberty 1-3416 M MIE m>eX OF -d' USID CAIS .HAS 18 IWPWSID All» mllCID TO SBL FASTI · · 50 to Choose From! Tudors e Four Doon e Convertibles e Wagons H•cftops • Pldl.,.ps • Panels NO llASONAILE OFFEI REFUSED! THEODORE ROBINS "Yo. Ford Dealer Since 1921" 3100 W. Cecnt Hh)ll'"'l °" Marl...,., MRe Uberty 1-3471 ' - Johnson & Son · wlsl-i•!J ell of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS an'd gives FREE LIFETIME LUBRICATIONS tor UJOM panbulng a new or med car from 119 before Dea. 25th. Tb .. ean •ve you bundles of moaey along with our NEW YEAR LOW PRICES NOW I Happy New Y .. I New Year Low Prices NOW! • 12 Coclmac COllv. $2496 52 Mere. 44. $998 --,I n.tM ~ mllee, power·~· Our New l'ear'• .8pedal .A reel ...... for eutslmM. 52 Unc. Clb. Cpe. $ 1498 RadJ-Heat.er---Ovenlrtve 454 Mere. Mont. Cp. $1998 RedJ-Heat.er-1l7dramatlo 54 Ford Victoria $1896 ,; a.dlo B• .. r-Mercomittio P9wer W.....,. Fol'd-Uo-l&adl-Heuer ". a.I Nice. WW Urw-Low JIOMc• \' 13 Plylll. 2·•· $896 Cn.Urnll · ••die & B~r Ortlpal 15 Mere. ~or $2598 .,_. ..,. ._.....,_Lolwled wtUI aw... lacts ... llerwUo. 53 Unc. Capri cp. S1998 f'v.11 PoWer--1.#atliler la&edor ·~l 53 Ford Victoria S 1491 rltcuqr_ oteertq--Badlo aad ...... '-'It'• rMl.17 ca. ta-t ta U.. cioat:JI 54 Li11e. CGDrf cp. $2691 FllD~ ........ lt'oj0.-1 . * SANTA CLAUS SPECIALS * 46 IWck -$145 so Nash -$150 46 Doclte -$75 47 Ford CORY. -$195 so Mere. o·• .. -S595 49 Cad. 4-*. -S591 FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR -RIDE WITH JOHNSON & SON Uncoln ·Mercury· Contlne11tal Salft & Senlce 900 W. Coast Hwy • Llbel1y 1-5545 More 0... for y.oar money and more money for Your Car NO DOWN PAYMENT at Miller's Kar llorral . Try Jhat "l.alcky 700" for llcqaln Galore SO Oldsmobile 88 Sedan 54 Plymouth S.R·llydnm&Uc WSW 8abarbu $545 ' $1295 53 Ct.vrolet Bel Air 2-Dr. PwTgtlde R-R-WSW $1095 52 Pontiac Sedan R-R-Rydram&Uo SMS 53 Ford Custom 4-Dr. Sedan 52 DeSoto V-1 Hardtop B-11-WSW-Aut.oaat&G ._• -· ~R-Ovenhtve New Palntt Power 8t.e.r a B..U. $1095 $195 - e TRUCKS e 52 Dodge 1/2 Ton Stake 54 G.MC 1/2 Ton B.tlR Uke N• B~·WSW OalJ 1o,oeo .... $895 $1295 Many Many More to Choose front ._ MILLER · CHEVROLET CO. UbertY, 1-2261 Olclllnoblle CheYrOlet MILUR'S K·AR KORRAL 700 W. Coast HICJhway Uberty 8-2258 ... Da8tfa. .• - .. . \ • . --.. "'~· . PA$f ,, COASTAL: SHOPPO WEDNISDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1915 / 0 v .COME CLEAN WITH ME, ' e 0 Q we do rlVe in the most wonderful area that any body . ever found don't we. lsn 't that what you and pop tell all our aunts and uncles and the people from Smogville7 Now Mom, Come Clean Wrth Me -we do 'have a complete town, don't we? Good schools, paved streets, areas to breathe and ~row in. And Mom, have you seen the Crty Hall with its flowers and green grass •nd +Mt wonderful Santa Claus in the chimney and his reind... on the roof? Y Hh, Mom, Come clean with me. Have you seen the decorations all around town in the Lido Shops area, on Balbo. Island and in Newport and Balboa too? · Mom, you could soak up some good advice from the really sm•rt shoppers around town. They've found that they get extra special service from the local business- • 0 men. They find shopping in the local stores is pleasant and relaxing and with plenty of parking near at hand and no congestion-and no smog. Yeah, and when you shop at home, you and I can get home in time for my early snack and we can fix dinner for Dad. The folks · who shop near home are saving real money, Mom: and we're iust kidding ourselves if we don't get into. the swim with the smart Buyers. You'll be dollan ahead ... You'll be hours ahead. - And you'll be playing the part you should in our own community by dealing with the folks who help us pay the bills for schools, and streets, and parks .•.• The people who support our charities and civic organiza- tions. And Mom, lets come clean with all the people and wish them A Merry Merry Christmas ,""-and a Happy New Year. FORGIT HARDWARE ' THI FINIST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware .•• Toys ••• Paints •.. Wallpaper ..• Appliances ... TV ••• Radio A Good Friendly Place to Shop / Newport Beach Har~or 116 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. . -' .. . -. . -. . ·!! ........ . ......... Y06B. VALUES -·· SEEING . IS IEUEVING AT BALBOA ISLAND 'l'WO 1JMl'l8H.-. 2 BIL laome plllll I BR. apt. Ot9r ,. lup prq& Near 84"atll ea,. with Sick patJo and Dicll1' turnilbed. u.tecr~OOO. llot'e ri&'bt ~ '10,000 dD.. rra A ~UTT -Neuf7 new Wet llaake roof,. rucll .tyle home wttJa 18 x. tt. ltWlc roca. larp OplD beam ......... and puellect wa.111. ~,.. rh Btr1e kitG1am wMll U.swdur ,gym, dlldawuber, t.lek tfllcl llbak. ... Cll'k floalo. Glut .... tJnp&aee, aid turnw Mat. TWo WrOam.. one 18 Jdnr -'!' ... wardrobea .... ......... l'ul1 batbrOali, pnp, It laundry room. n... c1ra,... curta1M, wll to wall carp& Prioect '28.800 and well worth tM ..... Ot.11 DOW fiw appointment. JIAnor '" THE .VOGEL CO. -llariDe A ftllQI, Balboa laJwl Nm door to tbe ~ Offtce Bu. "6 lh-. Bar. 1229-R Har. UM-R v v Best Buys Corona tlel Mar 1. --.::J,IJft, Oeean .... homes. ....a adu· ....... -.. wltla- I. IKJIU:X -One bldrm. --. oar. lot --$17,800 .. ~ a.en.. .. COi'. lot. msdulft $22,500 6. OOllOMA BIGBLANDS -JUlt lillted ocean Tiew, .......... 2 bdrm. It elm, 2 bathL Only $28.900 ' . .......... . ...... . ........ BAY AND SEACH REALTY, INC.:··. OWMl:R •~Bl -WU1Jam P. y ... ~ Anne Y .... 1. Leonar4 9111th.-OW. 11. ra1 &Del -;f:dall r. CWdel I• . "' ' arxl ASsociates Extend Best Wishes for the New Year NEWPORT-IALIOA Gloda II. J'ay, Mar. KatbmDe Ollon Marjorie Cha.le I:. B •. Chue ltuth Telfer, eec. 1"50 W, BALBOA. BL VD. H.lJlBOa.128' LIDO R. C. G ..... , M,r. Wortblnctaa Lr Dick M'orton Helen Baum Ann Hutchluon, Sec. I 8112 LAFA.YE'HE HARBOR~ \ ... COROtfA DE[ ~AR '1)amu Cunpbell. Mar· Der19 w.ur.r QwiM Jlem®JD MIO E. OOAST MGBW AY BARBOR ~2'9 COST A M ES ·A OFFLC!S R. 'I'. Ged4e9, Jqr Boblrt Goouen llal')' Bell. Sec. 11715 BARBOR BLVD l.IBUITY 8-77H Arthur T1ets, Mar· Glllett.e Ba1lq ..... Del'lr leM NEWPOJtT BLVD. I .JBD'l'!' 8-1181 ~-. . . ........... EARL W. STANLEY, Rea/lot MILDRED STANLEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES . . Join in Extending · HAPPY HOUDAY GREETINGS and 'BEST WISHES lor a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ; ·- . -US rDft' for'britts bu19 in hOJDM It build· ...... ba eor.a cW Mar. p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle Udo Bayfront Duplex . -11appy ·· PANORAMIC VIEW· \. • Mlll«BD or KULTIPLJ: LIBTINOS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PllICS T. KaCUJl'l'lOJf, a.ltor ''" 1:. OoMt a.,.., a... cW Mar. Bar. •1 (Offtoe located nat door to Corou del Mar Bank) REALTORS ...... Balboa, 8'lboe lllmM. C«oD& cW Mar, er.ta )Ima ud N..-port a.cJa I ••• d oar i..ru.t thanb to you for tbe ,ma.p of ..... 10G in 18156. Our a1m • UM Ill to contliid. to merit your cnaftdmce I Newport Harbor . Board of Realtors • X. Jfewport Bml. NON-VETS OR VETS -lmpoancli IDO'l'm you in new 3 bednL ll;oi bath. a.irk Bq ..._ bome Wore New Yean ,..... pUS to Dec. 18C5I. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES .., Mewpwt Bhd. Co.ta Kw LI J'-1112 l!Ttll LI 8-HOO -··coRONA DEL MAR a.nu., raltic 2 bdrm. home Mt amons tall pine .._. 115 z 2' ft. Uytq rm. with Ip. bay window, ......... Mok ...... 'nJe in kit. It bath. l'raat .... _.. root. Nice rdwd. fnced yard. 2 ear ..,... It laUDC1r7. Tb• homea on Mell aide are • '-ck • u. .. la Iota of room. Only SH.roo Mo. pymta $75. The . Vogel Co. _, J:. Olt. lhrJ., Corona del Mar R. 1'77 B. 0757 / . 'OON'r lfifk'e a MOVf' a bedna. 2 bath ~ wtth .deck"' 2 bedrm.. 1 bath dowutaira with encloeed patio. Both apta. have forced air furnace, fireplace. car- petiq, dnpee. ntripn.to~, lltove. Unbelievably priced at oaJ,y $67,000. $12,000 dOW1L 2 bednn. boue plu sleepiDi toom and 1;oi bath attached to prep. Newly decorated It only 22,:SOO New 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with full furnace, mu- a!Ye f1nplace. w-1Jed and planted. $28,600 NIW 3 bedrm.. 2 bath home with all utru OD Via v Onilto. Thi8 I.a a ftne hOUlle 1n an aceUmt loeatJon. $32.t500 fO z 110 BA.~ lot acn.a from eommanity baeb OD Lido Soucl $H,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanaon co., sales management 3333 ria Udo, harbor 1~ RoUda,_ wll1 be youn forever in thla eute 3 BR. 2 bath home located on K1np Rd. Barbor Vlft', 2 ..._ Room for a pool -$U,500. IJAPPY NEW YEAR -Bill F'l.r'u1rorth New Home. N.w Year all the ume time. You and yow , ~ oua start the x.. Year 1n ywr .,, home cm udO. It will be ~ed jumt in tila. for JOU to celebnt. -a ea. 2 . .bat.ha. firepll.o.. IUd.lnr doon to the Pat» -$32,BOO HAPPY NEW YEAR -Dave o.bum Year Y-. a OU ,.r olc! ..... OD beantlfa1 Udo &IL a.oy.,..... ~ 1arp bdrma.. a beuUtal ba~ and OM c4 the lllWWt powdrr l'OOIU )'OQ will ner ... tamJ!y room. eztru plore. HAPPY NEW YEAR -Joe Kincaid p. a. palmer, incorporated ole han8on co., sales management 1700 w. oout hJchwa1 -liberty a.an LOOK ABEA.D TO THID NEW YXAR ••• HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! Houston Values &njoJ Ule prtde ,~ OW1l1ftC your ........ AaJC TO llD tJ)e J '*2rm. bomM an lb• r.tuu.la Potnt trom tia.uo t.o tn .aoo. au f\a'nlllhed and pod term& IF YOU I.nm THI: AREA doM t.o Ule. llbn.r7 ln Balboa and doM to U.. ..,. ,.. he•• diem f'l'om tll.IOO t.o llT,000. One of our clleota just bought a home, then bad a change of plana -can't W1e it -mmt eell it. 2 BR'a, large din. rm., cute kit., huge llT,o rm. wtth fireplace, lovely patio. Houae carpeted wall to wall. A. reuonable down pmnL and uwme (of all thbap) a G. I. loan will get you 1n. · Beet loeation - Only $15,250, better hUJTJ'. Full Price $7500 ?Bl.AT J llDRK.. I~ 7N. old, cmMDt bUiL ftaee, OD ..... ~ PIOO dL OWlllr ...mo.. C-2 Newport Blvd. QOOD J llDIUI... Gil tldOO SKL prop. 0aq 111.IOO, t.-... LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Laree family W.. hame, 8 bedrooms, 6'h baU. &Del a .Up out front for your boat. Thia aound, older bOme In a prime Lido locatJoo will offer a wonderfW way of Ute for Wf/r'/ ~ember of that larp f..Uy v 10\ll'I -)'OU *°°· Dad. FW1 price STUOO. ~ . ~ tmna. By UM way, the owner wtll trade for fOOd IDoome or'""'•-property In L. A or ()faDp Count,. UDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Udo a..3. Strada CICll'llll' lot 40 J[ 115. Price P0,000. Y oar Jut eh.a.Dee to deftlop your own iDcoml on ........ Lido I.Ue. NEW UDO THREE BEDROOM . ' With 2% bath&. Hap carpeted muttt bedroom with )>rtvate sun deck. Thia mtreet to atreet Lido • hpme bu JD&D1 lunry feature. aucb u bull~ln lltoTe and oven. dlllnruher -loam of clOllete - ued br1clt fireplace and an extra large kundry aDcS ltorap room. Price $31,750 with eaq ·term.I. l'or th-. and many other excluaive llat.lnp on Lido hie call LIDO REAL TY A8SOCIATES W.KEKPTON ENE VREELAND 3400 Via Udo 1. H. GROIDIA.N VIRGINlA. KA.NSON Harbor ...._. (A.crom from IUchard'a Market Entrance) IF T9U PIUCJ ER a bo1De wtt.b ....... too. .,. ..... ~ fJ'Om Ul.TIO t.o ~ R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor/ R. B. HODGE, A..ocLLte / Only $1600 Down VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA I BDIUl., anpL Oil toallG lot. 3622 E. Cout Rwy., C.orona de1 Mar Bar. 277f IF TOU HA VJ: CllEIU8HED tale cs..ere t.o owe a ~ trcnt home -----------------•• Ila•• a wonderfUJ duplex Ya.tued at t&J,000 wtua prtnt• beKJ\, ,._ rlPt. uid • ., • ,_,. Oki. A. pro.pe!OUI ud -..... Gil Mluce, -.l)' • ·' * * * ,.... ..... Choice M-1 Excellent C-2 Development Opportunity TO:ltUT OICLY ITIOO ruu. PJUca 1.4 &C"9 one b1oek off Newport Blvd., -than ~ the property d8"lopecl with monthly Income of JT WILL Bil A Pl.JCA8U1UD t~ we •one Nt.abbabed 11.rm to ..a.t you 111 Mle<:Ufll' a bome ln 116&. HAPPY NEW .YEAR 3 br -1 OOx300 lot U15. A 830' x JM' ,.P&J'Cel of land cl<>M to ~ ,,,-.. fltlil-0000 TlllUla Meea Chy OenUlr, ~pe for developing. $SOOO dawB. · t f'OOO down--Cotooa al Mar-Permanent O'*A ftlw. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Balboa Realty Co. {)ppo91l• ll&nll ol ~ Rom 0 rM&e1 .. Lee Al OorneUua Jaaa,'IM W9'* 1'0E.a.n.c.-... ...... ,.._. 11art1cw un $495 DOWN New.PORT HTS. AREA lftC, lot. ol w.. ....... to all-- DORIS IRA Y, h•ltor MIDGE MICK JDI BLODGl:rl' ~ LAD 218 Marine, B&n.oa Wand Bar. JO or M CORONA HIGHLANDS nu. ........ and dea -.,.. to ..... lat. ~..-.of the mtn llanor' Ara 8dt • w-.. Holl,. ........... .,..., prt.p .. pom1. tot. ol We. Ea 1D•t .._ ud fltll4 to Houston Realty Co. rew .. to beach-. • bdrma. a. tamt 6 .uec>CIATD 1'1111 price ~ ·-Olat4r ~ o.ta x... U ..-it 6 U a.TTM LTn..8 -ie... ft. LI a.JMI Piiiih8 -S... ft. LI ......., DlllOUR-..._ft...__. Bay Shores llTt °"* Drtw 0,.. Da"7 -19' :JO ' JfOW tmC&i> TO -.z. ....... , ............... " .. Mat. ..... ldtdwa. .,.d ... ..... -..... mQ. °"911181 ..,....,_ .. _.,... THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport amt Pboae Liberty MB8T OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVE I Wnm .. n,..a.c.. w~w • UNTIL YOU SB pauo. ...,._'-,_ -. ..a. w...aoo aa o. 1o1a RALPH P. MASKEY 2 ....... blaatafdr ,....._ -...... OCl&ll fr'Ollt lot. ODl7 2 Jl'L ol4 ~ aa uneuelled ...., Ire. Nwpcift to B•m"91ta 1ieacla pier. CUDot bl a. pUcated for Ill.-.-su.t bou88 or hOIDI wt . ...... J'\all plile -.'llO. Ttrm9 can be .,..,......_ CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. !:w/~ ~ .. o!:~'!? O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LAe1tJ '••• ---: u .. 1117 I'm l4UI ca _, J«AI. AJCD KU'kON-WJDJI llOVINO . Jl'llWLT I I I ... --- -·--·-........... a.._._ ....... ~ .. .--a m..U&.811 ~ .... 11 • • r. C ... ,.t...,_.1a.1111aa .._ ... ,..-.we. ............. -~ - BACK IA Y AREA ~ ...... bath It ,..._..,.. ..... 0.1 v d•••l.kllllloltllia. L1•1rt .• a.._..., ... ............... Lim. W. E. FISHER I .... a~•. IGMaODMt..,.a.-...... - IUWJroft Mil W...,,.rt ...... ~ ...._ _._ .. aW...ew •=-••-~1 •1 • _.. ... NEWPORT. MESA REAL tY -.. a.a .... 1 "" ...... F..t.. c.o.ta --... .._ •"'." .. -'R IS IE I a-..ua.'ltlt ---- . . - ... WITH SAWE DN1•berll.llll Newport-- ·-• •• pl wlilo wllkJ•ft ........ ... .U...tllepod ......... -.... W.wt r••• tM ...... h ,, ....... ·1a11-w11o ..... a. ........... • I e,L. . -.-. (- .... ~ ... • f f. • f• • .: no . .. .,., K • ... .. . t ,c. . . . ... J :.I , ... . . , . A". a '/)ar . . ..... : . . ' . . . .~\. .. ~~ •' ... l '" , ' . • . f , ' f -· .. . . ~ • /:1 Hail in the New __ With Health IJrantb :-fJO" can fru6f ---~ 79~. ---co•••• = ..-LABOE 63 ....... J)e9llle. .... ~ EGGI · .. -... q.l*J........... s· 9 .,.,..... . •. c aun•• ,,..- qarL. /rul. Prok • . Dl•Ltr HOOi PATIS. WWle tlley laltl 21 ... ,.._ Ste LAl&I sm FUaTI AVOCADOS ... 19c DIAMOND WALNUTS -CAWOINIA'S FINEST •· 4tc Bu.cL-, .. mtJa/ 61ujfaliond OBICJlEN BU:Aft t ·I ,... pq. lb. .. CllllCU:N TlllGB8 ... ., per pq. .. ,.. r....:. r.... OUZN PEAS 10 OL tjl5o 11...t.J to Fr, nENCB PlllDJ 9 OL t;teo ....... r... OB.&NGE n:1WI: • CIL Jj%9e :J.inid' wil' a Ir.al 'l'lltJUDAT Wallnd ~Leal CW. __ _.... t'Je . J"UDAT a,..._., PWa or Seed llaf ----··· 2le o..... ........................... 11o U.TUllbAY Dullla Aptle cwtee CW. ---·--1 I• tie • Ntd lAJ'w CU. _.,. l'Je ~'///ow our ;:/),,~ S&LANDIA IMPORTED CANNED HAM -----2.a;. tin 2.~9 PLUM ROSE COCKTAIL SAUSAGES I oa. 71c LUER'S KOSHER STYLE SAl:>.MI lb. 59c KRAFT'S SLICED AMEIUCAN CHEESE 8 os. Jlo FOUR PEARLS SMOICS> OYSTERS l 2/3 OL 39c LUER'S ALL MEAT FRANKF.URlHS •· 4lo YOUNG'S COCKTAI~ ~ Jl/J OL 4Jc PHILIPPE I CANAUD SICINLBS EliNCH SAaDINIS 61/4 ~ tlft ... . . __ ...,., ....... .. .... I .. ---...__ Giving Resolutions From RIGHA~D'S Sfw _, te nta. ID&J' tbe 1~ JOU eerve la '58 be ........ . wtrlllow ... bdenet.tq .•. A lltwly diet ol top qaa?!ty ..... peM perf.._ ,,...._ ... vegetablee ••. .a old fltMda, .ever'-fai?lq · ud tne, .... pt llCl(aalatecl .. , wltb tbe adtlq ... tile ...... "'- time .. a.t. ..... -.,.. tmact•Uo• low ...... y rwlJ~ tn.la· ..au.t or t.... ..........., Pead belplllg·baade for you 8bow ••• llappJ New Y-.r, fJ"Ca alt of aa at "Blclaard'a. . Stoel up /or n.w '/j.ar ~ l:,. ORCUS SALT~D COCKTAIL PEANUTS __ 8 en. tin JSc LAURA SCUDDER SALTED MIXED NUTS 7 os. tin He: S I W MARASCHINO COCKTAIL CHERRIES _ 4 oz. f1eu 17c . SPENCE~'S TINY WHITE COCKTAIL ONIONS lV .. en. tleu 210 SPENCER'S STUFFED GREEN COCKTAIL°OLIV~ 2 ~ .... 2lc • WeMoll'• Paw ? rb ··--···8-oL plrg. !'Jo . 8a"''• .&..':l Cocktal cnm.. __ .10~---'10 II.raft's Obees Wlals 8preM --·-· lb. Jar '9o &nit'• ,., Cbeee&-Yoar a.olee .... 5-os. jarl %le Llptioa'• Beef or Ollloa Soap Jib ____ .... pq. l;teo Upt.oa'• Ta -~-lb. pq. l9c ··--····'8 et. Go UllY'S TOMATO JUICE __ __ 46' oz. 2lc . CAL ACRES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 01. 21 c MARTINELLI APPLE CIDER l!J 9elon 59c: DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE FOR PUNCH 46 oz. 25c HAWAIIAN PUNCH -WITH REAL FRUITS -···-···-quert 98c DELA WARE PUNCH -Al WAYS A FAVORITE _ qu.rt 790 l&FtJl'lae~. GR'~. BEEF lb. 33 ...... llhnt.t SH'T. RIBS .'~-45c • - c ...... 1111•d•t ....... ' .·