HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-10 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI . I r I r • • 'xan.&.Y • I~. lt, 1Nl . ..._,, I I I AND SHOPPING NEWS = - _ -nznz -..-==-_ _, ___ --= PlllLISHED AT 22 11 BALBOA BOULEVAXD ~"EWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA TF.LEPROSE: HARBOR 1618 Mesa to Hold 'Capers' Jan. 26 A rtnual Costa ~1i!s.a .. Community Caper11 Shov .. ·• ..,~dll ~ prt'llf'nled at the Harbor High 5chool a ud1tor111m on Friday. Jan. 28 a.nd Saturday, Jut. 27 at 7 :4 ~ p m ., a ccordmg to Mn . Helen McT•JtK•tt, d irec- t o r. An f'nlitt>ly dif(f'tt>nt ahow •·ti\ be ptf'.!lf'ntPd earn ni ght. Thf' rntertainmf'nt fe1t1\ral will feat urf' dr&n}•. mu111c. danc:inc, IJ>f<l&lty and novelty acts Tickr:ti1 for ihe l"Vf'nt ''•:ill bt• on sale aoon tn Coala ~feaa. Adulta' adn1iMlon will be 60 centa: ch1ldrf'n 2~ ct>nta. ·"Com in unity Ca ~r~ Show" wiU b., apoMOtPd by the Coat.a M._11a Chamber of Conimerc.-a.nd f'&Ch •Vf'nlng'11 f'ntert.a lnmf'nt w1U con- •~t pf, 18 &Ct.I. - DIRECTORY lz lw&.Beeker,D.D.L D~T 1 ~Newport BITd., Coot& M- K""-SW.. e .. coa 11112 I IOI a BaJ .A. ... , Btl!za. -m.J . WELDON W. SCBOBG DJ:Nnft -1Jt Ir. !SUI SllMI, Coal& M- PlloM Bee .. IMI ' V. It. llOICPllEL. O. D. ·OPTOMETRIST llnaiap "1 AppolDlm ... I ll• W. Newporl BIM. Newport 8-eA -.uu BE SURE -INSURE ...... llAU.0: 8TANLST _,_ o.l;J I Pao.. llutlor 1171 ,.1 ........ A...... .... .... laJilad Pepito to Headline Chamber Dinner Friday Jan. 19 t betns complet· SD.HUftl' WJ>on Harbor Chamber ot Commerce to be held at the Balboa Bay Cub, Friday, Ja.n. 19. Mualc and tertai.nment will be provided and accordmg to Tom Norton, direc r in charge ot en- tertainment. ep1to Pr-re;r; will be the h1>adhner w ith a group which he \\.'Ill a rranFe. P epito ls a ""·orld famous enleft.ainer. clo\l.'n. singer and cont'brt ipniSt. Re h&a "1to!Pn the sho""' ih every production he h&!i ev~r appt'&red IO<'&lly. A ser1ea or award!! "'111 be pre- sented at the annut1.\ banquet, out- standing of \V hlch \\'ill be the ·•man· ot the year" citation. Laat year this covetPd acknowled(e- ment \\'t"nt to Robert A. Murphy in recognition of his cooperation and Work far all of. th~ communJty organizations ot the citY. No speakers aJ'le plann~ for the '=============~!session according .to Rol and ; \Vright. preaidPnt. a nd the mPet-w. Stuart Foote OICNERAL INSURANCBl Cuurte<m.< hiformatiori ' No"'J>Ort -I'll. Bu. U 1111 Balboe llh-4. MATJ'll&88&8 S.t.-Bcmes T...u.n ~8-BltA.OON IOll Ooota--0.. UIO N ......... Bl•d. ing will be an opportunity for the community to get toji!:ether .• Lei Ste!f Pnsen will be ma.ster of cere- moniPs. Ticket" are available &t the Chamber of Commerce. t he Bay Club, the office oC the New1- Times and trom any d irector. '------- Don't For«Jet the Bloodmobile Visit ' Anotbf'r rt"mJndf'r ! Ttw-~ (:~s Bloodmoblle ,,·111 M In :Se\\'port Harb or Thunday, Jan.. 18 and the .. rtort ~ of ,.,.""~' abl~bodled <'lllz.f'n ~·111 IM> bff'd- ed to nlffl thfo hl1h 600 ptnl CABINETS •quota .. , for t bl• city. Whol• ~ ,FUR.,'lTURE 31A.D.E blood ts Ul'&'f'Dlly nttdrd In ~ OPR OWN SHOPS Ko~ and our c."ount," hospitals t FUINITUll lllFINISHlD mmt kf!lf"R thttr •upply up. BOt.:S!: • GARDE."" Bloodmo~ will hfll at the •11 COAST ... 'i.:CoJ.i 6IT1 NIWPOlT Glrl Sc-out HoUM, 1700 "'· Bal4 ;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:::::::::;;:i;; I! 00. Bl\"'d.. NMl'port. .Ian. 18. ~ from 'I to 1 p. m. For an ap. polntmeat t'&ll Harbor JMI. the ktta1 Red CroM offitt. .LIVE IN LAGUNA1 • DIAL LAGUNA ·~%1l For Adverttstar laformaUo• and D .. play Raia IN rws PAPER Newport Firm Makes N~ Bell . I ' .1 •~. ' • • • ., • • By MARGO. • • ' .. Observer ·eorp. 1951 Plymouth to Hold Pnaclice . · ·.- • • • • All N•xt w~ : ... to be ShOwn Alr-cround Obeerve.ra Cof'P9 at&· .. -, tton Fox Sugar 69 will be in prac· • H ' bof Sat · tice oi>er•lion January I• to 20 m .. In ·ar , ~ clusiv~. according to Col. Warner • -~ .. ~__....__ al 11 -N od . · -•o dare be B! Ge.te11. chief ob8erver of New-Cel~"-atln• ..... , lnlllal ·ap~--1111A.."'fl' ._,, tW\ WW ~ WILD ~ s-~• ., at ·-· o m eJ1l woman an "?-a t" "" ..... -,. ,. ,...--.., that .a U-t with t ra1 ii' of th -.-! laCka JO-LEE port Harbor. Station will ~ anee of the 1ptttacular 11.ew 19S1 001:8 T I h...,. 'f'I& m7 atool pl.,.oaa .ea ... ou NV• pa · eM •~ • with the finit watch, 1 :00 a. m. -: .. -., JllAl\Y o( tM 'Htsbter .... are bioc*JDS 8P0RT SHOP, 1813 Newport Ave:, Coat-a Meaa.. 'Plymouth In Newport Harbor, .,---Vall.,-f tOO . a. m. January Ii, and Will Ha..rvey Somer•, Inc., the local __ .___ 'So~th. ,to UM lU'f'itra b.d Applt . e e e . 1 p cl"•"' with the 10:00 p, m. •~ 1 :00 Ch 1 Pl h d 1 1 u;;;-YmCENTI TRA. VEL BUR.SAU.' Wtll ~ ._ rys u -ymout ea er at 2i"9 II ~--. Oootoyy,, I ao0.ev ()an.du,_ if you • would WHEE! TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!,/ ..., Jn. Saturday-Sunday V.•atch Jan-Cout H igh.way, Ne\\'Jl(>rt Beach. • ...,.. ,, t' HERE'S A ~ALE YOU REALLY will be uary 20 • 21 . haa a rranged a.11. Jm\lllual all day Wander, call• ~Iott• Hollluh~ at Vblcen ; 9mart to a ttend. The BLUE SA.lLS ln lt. la requested that all obseivr:rs shol''ing of the ·car thia Saturday, Travel Bureau, a.n.d.. llM'll tell you wher9 to . l'O ·. Balboa la Mlllnr all Chriatmu ltema a t a.nd altetnates be present for their Jan. 13, from 8 a.. m. untu )-0 p. m.. Charlotte la now boo~ PflMI'• fM wonderful two. tor th• price ot one. Thl1 lnclud,ts aasigned watches, the colonel said. Shirley IngTam ot Balboa i.. crulata to Europe, ll&wall.1 Atrte&. A.Iuka., th• tt&Ular stock; Hallmark and NorCtoSll AU obRrv'Pr11 shoaJd have pen-land, nationally kno'A·n cover girl Wnt. lndJe1· oh. you jt111l name it! Now la Ula time to l'el yoW"Mlf cardl. aula, ribbona, "Tltpping paper, ta.gs. cils or pens. Th o A e standing and model, will be pr<'se.nt to give lined u p f~ a marvelous aprlnJ voyaJ'e! l want you to t ile ~· etc. Some or the ribbon you could use. WatcheA during the hours ot S:OO an exotic corsage of t'A'O Princeaa lntormatlon under "lmportant" -VINCENTS TR.A VEL BUREA .,j tlJ'ht now, Qt cour11e . Here's a bi& a8.,\'ing p, m. to 6 :00 a . nt. 111hould also Aloha orchlde to E'Yery lady ~·ho riJ'ht here in )'"Our Own neiJ'hborbOOd cap fiV~ you th• buf u:.. tor you--and t•lk &bout .. chance (Of r early Xmas s""• 1n~! 'fhi.8 provide I then18'?1Vea v.·lth fluh-attendii the showing. The flO'A'era aervice and accommodaUona that • you ean pt uypl&ee. b' 1a It ! STOCK UP EARLY, aa we say. a.t the BLUE StJ-l-S lights. . are ~ing specially flown tn trora Holllnahead can set you e.nyplac. la lhia country or any other y 3<>e ?.fain, Balboa. Harbor 878. The station Ls loca ted in ttie Hawa ii. 1ea. alr. or rail Go _. her and fet 10me tnvti toldere to ~l • • • toY>'er of the Lido We Community $oft background mu11ic 'A'ill bt Over. VINC~•~0 TRA""'"L BUREAU. lln Meuanille, Vtncertt a A . ,. 1 b h 701 y · . i ...,~.,. • •c. WANT TO STEP LIVELY!~ !JWA.""T TO HAVE A LOT ssoc1a ion cu oUAe, 1a p rovided by Gordon Longfellow a Udo D-·• Store) Harbor 1246 Lido Soud, L •'do l•le. , · th• Hammond -.an • -gf u vr '"• e . e · e OF BOUNCE AND S PRING! BARB '8 BOOTERY hu a. big, new .... O•e · ........ n et--o ...__ '\... For any further inforn1ation call Js from the Mesa School of Danct .i.i-.•h •tock of Kedettea---the U. S. Rurber Co., BooAterette Ox.ford .. the observer in charge for your and Accordion. HURRAH! CURTAIN C~C:S AND IU!MNR ":-rllnpSALEIN Th•H oxford• a re waahable oanvar'tooa on n ice, bouncy crepe &oleA. dai·. or Col. Gateo, --hi·ef o"·•r·-r , H I hi' ht' th t .11 •-•T RICH•RDSON'S CURTAIN A.ND DRAPE Y .., ~ Reali t I kin d •• t t ·r f rt' Th h. in bl .._ ""' • ., g .1g 1ng • even Wl ... --ti d Y nea 00 g an •u""°" 00 copn ° · eae cor.e ue, at Harbor 0205-J. th d · f fl d ul CORONA DEL MAR. Jeaaye bu ahoptuU ot Fabric 1&rnplei an brown. white and red and are 1imply ideal for casual wear , boatin g. e ra\\'lng • or ve won erf dlacontin ued matetial line• in vvtoiia al&ed plec" tor 26c to 11.00. ~l11h-wuhlng. and ping -pong! Ba.rbq's hu these rot iuen and , pri:te111 a t 9 -p. m . Saturday. Tick• She' a th!'"0'41-ng all thtM remnants ob a l&l>le and U )'• you c&n J>tW women and the price ill ONLY $6.M fir. Also, if )'O\l're a nian. SOX BO~,-TO MES . .\.XS et.II w ill be distributed free t o thru and mflAl!ll them around to you~ heart'• content. I thin.k you'll woman, or a. child, .,.0u can get fitted well in regtilar· tennis shoes It waa a son for :P.tr. and Mrs. every, one at the l!lhoWing of th• enjoy (ivlnJ thue pleeea a JOOd J Oinl' ov.er aa there ~e faille.I. or oxfordi here. \V'tule pee.kin~( i.n th "''i.ndO'A' ot thiA ramlly !!hoe Op.le Crook or 200 East 16th 19~1 P lymouth. Grand prize v.•ill antique aauna, Pebble-tex, craahea, and other matertata ln many atore, I J)f'eked at &Om" good-looking spting like ladies' Grace \:\'alker street, Costa MeSl:i., born Jan . .5 in be $50 on the dOl''n payment.of a pa.tterna. Now tor the CURTAINS. PRICES ARI!: REDUCIµ) On aboea. Theae looked like very Cood shoes in high &: Cuban heels. St. Joseph hospital. He \\·eighed nel'o' Plymouth. Other awards ln• or,.-andle and mualln. tie-back•. co~ta1e and Dutcb muallnA: Ud 1t ra.p•. pumpa A i Hng back "''&Iker!\ Take care of your peda l seven pounds. t\\'O ounces. elude a car hea tt>r, !!!potlight, set othe:n. Thtnt AA eome •li C"htly Died.floor aample1 a t COST! lo extN!mitiea! Trot O\'er to Ba.rber'1 Boolery. 1795 Nev•porl AYe., df fog light.a and tv.'o back-up aaddle old Paint and ride like the wind to RlCHAROSON'S CURTAJ?ll Coita Me1&. Beacon M 39·Y.·1 • , C.0.)1. COl.Pl~E 0.S-\'I~IT lights. AND DRAPERY, 1203 Cout Blvd.. Corona del Mar. e • j • ~r. a..nd ?.tra. Clarence J.1arcy. Harvey SomC'J;S, preeident of th• -lri11 a\'enue. spent the. latter hall con1 pany, ,aaid that a priva'-• e • • "IT TAKES A HEAP T O MAKE \A LIVING" u E1agar Guest of December visiting their t'A·o showing or the luxurioua ne'A~ar BALBOA I a 10 or eome thottul old party once said. '.The fa.ct la that it'1 tak.ing da ughter11 in Northern. California. u·ill be held Frtda..r, night. ' ~· '°TOClll a birger he,ap by the mmute! I w~ 'just having a board ~ting E~a&n...e. ~ 1 !-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~--~~-~ PAINT A.."iD ,EXAllEL with Vlr&inla. Read O\'er a t RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP. She said. h PRICE "M&rJ'O, I don't belle\'e in acare adve:ttt"Sing , but the honest truth 1 -l MO MAIN llT. BALBOA • • • WO.MEN AND GIRLl-TODA Y I BRING YOU AN ELI:· VATING MESS.A.GE! Bo curt up •round a cup ot Ovaltlne 'A'hile I tell you au about "Operation UpUn.'' Uatome Nora O'Ntal and I were huddlinr o•er •th• brauleret a t the P OLLY APP AREL--She ahowed me a wonderful bra ca.lied 'Pater Pan Hid~n Treuure'- WhJch takes braYely up where M:ol..her Nature leave• otf. Thi• braaal•n lt mad• of nylon with smoothly bllllt tn contovra. nen a.re no JNl.da or puffa. The Pettr Pan butlt-ln martcup &&fUrt• you ot a perfect faahlon ric ht allhouetl e at •11 tlmea. Thi• deviously divtne device ta only $4.&0. Th• 'Hidden Treuure' .i.> cornea in a strapleu, .tay.d bruetere for formal wear at 13. ThoH who .....,.r thla •)' lt'a th• one bra without •trapa, In which you C9-n fMJ confldeltt. Polly Appar11I &lm teatu rea Peter Pan and Helene GI Hollywood brusl.lll'U in various oU\er cotton and ny~ style• &nJ price• for youthlW or ma.tunt nsure•: lacey type• and low cut nylon&. Drop by tbl iPOLLY APPAREL and look over th•M unldd· de:n. t.NUUru. 1131 kewport Ave.., Co.ta Me-., 8ea.cOD 6161. . -. I • • • . la that all our bea.uty 1uppliel!I have gbne up in [lriCe and l!le-em to be atUI aoarinl". \.\'e are going to be t.orc~ to ralse ou~ priceA the first of Februa.ry." Thtui I lay before you the cold. haird facts - and tip you off to ple1.se get o\'er to 'Ruth'e between npw and the I1t of Feb. for your permanent fir bl~a.ch job or 1LJ1Y type repair l'!ro rk you nred. Virginia Read and H$l"rie t Dopyera are very com- petent Md exPfrienced In a ll Hnee ot beauty 'A'Ork. Up until the ttr1t. you can get a Ray•tte shorty permanent for S8, a deluxe tt&yette $10. a RayPt te Pentreme for damaged t witches 112.50, a ke1en11 CUrt11 tor S I~ -20. Be.11.r in mJnd that t heae pi·esent prices Include hair tri m 11.nd ever,thing. So plea.M get with it , right &\l,'llY 'CUrl)•' -R uth'• Se.auty Shop. 338 ·Poinsettia . Corona de! Mar, Har. '901. ' • • • • "SHA~ ON \·ou. ER\VOOD." cried, pointing an tl.CCU1ung finJ'llt .. "You 'A'lll be bu gl~ out of U,. Boy Scouta for this! This trick will cost. you your badge'." DR, '1l\\'OOO HATES TO Ot:ST: ·CLASSIFIED. NEWPORT BAY POST-W.,..edn.Ndava NEWS-TIMF.S -,.Every Tu~y NEWPORT-BALBOA PRF.SS -Thunday1 Newpw& 8ay Poat oi..lfled Adi mmt ..... Im .. rz NMN--nmiM or the Tbtll'9da7 Pl'tW lllINIKml AD 18 6 LIN1:8 • A.JI OIMllfted am m,twe be paid for Oub la Mtruoe ti J t I 11'' ! t::: ~ -~::... '1~ 4 Lines S Papen %.00 'nle pubU.hen will not be rwponl1b}e for more tb&n OM lia.conecA ln11ertion Of an advertisement, reaerve the right to correctly cJ.-r, any and all ads and to reject any advertlaement not contormtnc to rulea and regulaUona. Advertlaementa and cancellation. wtll be a:ccept•d up to~ p.m . on the day preceding publication. Pb. Har. 1111 Pllone Bar. 19Ie. Mil: for "Ad TakelM Of' 9eDd ad. anti 1'l!CllfttiuM!e te NEWPORT RAJIBOB PUBLISRINO 00. ~If c.t.PTintA' TIU: Rlt80M' MOOD FOR ~CAROLYN BCHNURICR e&p- turu U,. · ..i.. · fpllltldor ot tM ~.nt 111 ber new c...._~IC.A T NEUION • captunc Carolyn 8chnunf1.• 11ewly ch&IP'd J:ut India.n cotton print.! 'caroYln Sdul'urer ha.a ttally duiped .ome tabuloua J"ar J:ut I town and reeort wear t .. tq~ wrllllrl~ . The other day I brreud Into hi• •hoP Md diacovered hin1 sulking ln a earner wtlUully tearing a.n old feather duster to b!ta! He pointed at the., Yarioue beautiful lam pal bravfl'.\" blinking and beaut!· tyinl" the room-"I refuse to dy•t another aB.mp'." he spat d~tiantly. '1'11.ea Im. a pJ.eadinr tQne he utd, "Tell ~pie to come and take these i&Mpe away at ~ PRICE -leu th;r co111t a ctually." .-\II right - thue la.mp• are be&utiea -a var\• of period piece iampe, floor lampa. table lantp1. brt.11• lantpa. Thef Atart at $8.I~ oh up. Dash ---~--"-1_1_Bal_'-_· __ B_l..i_._N_ew_po_rt _____ ' _Oa11 __ rOl'Dla._~----- o.,..r there before DR. ER'+'OOD blowl • fuae! ERWodn·s . Furni- ture, Fabric•. ArL t 07 E. Balboa BL'vp. Balboa. Open t.vea. r.aiatant lln ... &a4 dramaUCI cprtN prllit&. On.oc ap.lft. UT Nl:LIOJ>f'I .LlDO oRae ~OP ~ eot With blr'> WlllOliil - 1prtnr a.nd wramer-JI ... you'll .... ,. a.II au~..U.vel7 ~­ cated we&rlnl' a.ppu"tl. Want to M l smooth, amart, urba.ae - CASUALLY DISTINCTT My Oear, thu IC.AT NEL80N'8 la ju•t your cup ot ooloag! Bo . .o lolll' ~lonJ'. Bee you a.t Kay Nel.on'1 DN!U Shop! i4.40 Via Oporto (.acrou from Udo Theat•r), • • • . . ' . . WK. HARK TO Jo.IL LARKS! VERA Wll . .LI~MS of th Pabo ltudlo, Balboa laland lo no::~blo for i>rlva~""°"' in Yoiee w ,wno. V va !rli.a had in.any' • expe~oe :teactaer ad -oen llblpr at. ~me and a -*Jili'Li-'Wltliiil\i' · olliT- illr i ' vocal-tn.tnlnf acholanhip Jo ~eott!• taJented penbn •red 16-21. &nd & achol•rahlp in piano aC"e• 8-18. j Thia i• a aplend opportun- ltY tor younl' P9(Sple. aa Mr1. WilliBn¥ hU theatrical qontact1 and Au previoualy helped many younptertl to aucceu. She ,.111 a udi tion by appoietment the remainder of thi• tnth. So if .)"OU ha\'e a child or know or AOm11 deMrvlng one, c&ll rs. W'\lliam1 for further in· to rma.UOn. Mr1. Wi!lla.m1 a!BO wi1hea to announce that ahe Is torminl' & J'TO llP 8inging clau in French and Italian tor teen-age (irla.. There will ~ NO CHARGE for this clu s, so ~t in touch with her at Oft ee If lnterel!lted-Vera Vlilliam111, PAT!O STUDIO. 313 ~ Marin\, Balboa I.lland. Har. 2847-J'. .. • • • TESTIMO~LAL: Dear Mar you, you charmer. you-tha you for aendinl' me to the WA RET:TE : [ took your adt.:rice and ropped 111y laundry over there the o her day I 10-BUSO.'ESS GUIDE COMPLltTll BOUSE CLICANING cemce. 1'W111ture and nip ahmnpooed. Free -t-r-~...!. 14-P!iRSONAUI. Alcoholics Anonymoua Write 1:· 0 . Box 197 • Balbo& ~nd. Calif. .~ +=1!.t NBn . PHOTO TINT Al's House &: Rug Cleaning Co. ff.1,.ve :your ~vorite photograph hand tinted: Write name and addre811 on' back • of photo. A.130 Furniture Repairing natu"I <olwing. Pri" .11.50 ... SEND TO SANDRA • 8Mcon SHI Tsttc Cha.Ir bottom! renewed, cane or 2050 E . Ocean Front Balboa tplint. Chair round!!, backA &.nd 65c7& rocker11 replaced; ~ re-gluing. __ _:. __________ _ • MOTHERS NOT!fE: HARVEY'S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP 2050 Santa Ana Ave., Co8ta Me~11. Beacon 6133-J .' 17cI8H 1!-BUl •LDU\G SER\'ICES Let u.11 be your baby 111itter1 every Saturday-from 2 to 5 -p. m.. S peci11l Kiddie Show PORT THEATRE CORQNA DEL MA.R 65c68 ALL HANDS ON' Dl:CK! EVUYBODY TAKE SHOR.I: LJ:A VE and row over to Uae QUARTERDECK ! a bi& S'ALE I.a in the wind - Muk·Luka tor men and women are reduced to 11.95. Men'• sweatere. 'A'OOI a.nd ca.11hmer. alip-overa a.nd c&rdlJ'&"• are ~ pri~ and IKlme e\·en Jeu than lhat. Other sweater BpeCials at $2.96 up. Men's wool gabardine and wool plaid ahl rta. &r(Yle 90x. ,Mtd tM·1blrt1 are all. redtJced 1;3 to 1,.. Now for-you women. there·• l /J OFF on Ba,lboa den im11, 1lacU , clam-dige-er•. 1horU and j acket.I, uad also Hau•ahan IJWllf\ and play •ulta art l jlJ oft. t Oop11. caretuJ!) Oh. y iA. and women'• turtle neck and pullover P 'M lera a.re ori the bar&ain li•t. Thia la a good YI• ot q u a I It y Jnerchan<Uee at the QUARTERDICCK. 830 Coast HJwa1. Nfwport. Beaoon 52t8. Open Sunday•. 0 ,., \:) ,. . didn't have to do & thin . Th·ey did --------------FROAI THIS DATE forward, l will not be reApon11lble for an7 debts other than my own. • • • I CARE TO Dl8CU8S A LnTLE M.A'ITJ:R Of' GOOD TASTI: "'ITH YOU. In a word--P'OOD. My J'lorioua putime aa roving walkie -talkie tin<W me in many ditfereftt p&rt• ot. the county around noon-tU:O.e. Well, I like to plan m)' work 90 I can bti at the ANCHOR CAFE tor lunch. The bl!I ot fare her._ la re&Jly fine. The two girla 'A'ho operate thla care, Ol&dy1 and Dee. •eem to take ex- treme pleaii:ure ln turning out Btrun&eh-Happy diahe1. They Mrve a. great lunch for Mc and t bla lncfude• .oup or M.Jad t SwiM steak on Thuradaya.) The plat e I• very elean and the food I• ho1:1le-made The chill and Klad dreuinl' are eater•' delight•. The but tttmilk hot ca.kea are home-m&de from 1cratch. and you can S"•t a nice big breakfa.at here ~ Mm e of da)'. I 1ucreat you wiffly lnveat Si.60 (+ ta.x ~ in a $5.fO me,al ticket at . the ANCHOJll CAFE. It'a like laying up treuurea In h•aven. They'nt open & a. m. to 5 p. m. daily and from 41 a. m . to & p. m. ·~unday. 111-0 COAST HIWAY, NE\VPORT BEACH . • • • FLASH -BAM -ALACAZ.lM! OUT OF AN ORANGE- COLOREO SKY-Louck•' Jewelers announce• aale - Earrings ..• 99c pa.ii' (Fed. tax Incl.). Col!ltume Piece., Braceltta, Plna, NecklaC1• ~ Price • ,. • It a.II tor me! And did I enjoy having th• extra time to .snlrr up 'the nice Harbor 11unshine. When I ca1ne back •-" ..:. by tor my laundry, it ...,·as' b4>autifllli)' clean, dry and all folded. \.\'hat ser- vice! And the place 18 ~hghtfully clean. The tubfl are purexed after •ach l''&sh. I tell you I'm really IOld on the Wallheretle. I'm a lao taking :-·our e)i:cellent advice and takinl" my old, fsde-d drape!ll. ba th mats. etc .. there lo be Tintexed. I .. ". 10me thinl"• the..v had dyed th•re. anct they looked jlt!!lt (Teat! ,Well. thank11 •again --I'm sendi ng all my friend11 to the WASHERE'M'l!. 404 Cout Blvd., ,Corona de! Mar. Har. 2566-\\7• Signed: A GratetUI Reader. • • • Hal M&uon'• cl&.&111 in crea.tlv11 writing will resun1e Thursday, J&11uary 11 at 7 p. m. Thi• claes il!I part of t he a dult education progn.m ot Laguna. Beach and convenes at the Laguna. Beach High School. Mr. Mu90n hav been published in Saturday Ev,ening Po.st, Colliera, Thl11 \Vet k. l\Ild other top ill agazines. Guest Speaker Jan. 11 • will ~be Mr. J ohn \Veld, well-known u•riter and publisher of Laguna. Any one tntereeted fonnalJv• claaMa. is invited to attend one or all tt these in- ... -I Big reduction• in all typo wri•t w~tch.. Red Cross Fund or·1ve Quota LOUCK.I' JE'\YELERY 17M Newport Bl'fd, ~ eo.ta M•M • • • L .~~~t:~:r~~~~:!::~~~0,~ for Har.bor Gets. 31% Boost loadi.nC their · 3 little childru Into the 1, Part Hanna., R~ Croea ~nd drlv• t'.'hainnan, ..nno+ced t od4y fa.mlly C&dUJa.c and an drivUlg" thru the that the tund quota for Sewport Harbor l''ill be t;ioc>ated to 115,600 in y,·ood• to Ohk> to ... aunti . unclea, 19~1. an .tncreaae of 31 per cent. He explained that tbi, additional cot111ina, p-andmu, etc. Well. after, dril'· reYfllue WiU be neceaeary bttauee of the ut,.n.ded actlvttiea ot the INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -'INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 -31st St. _Newport Bee.ch Harbor 2297-J 3•cf8 PAINTING . -·. E~L SHEFLIN 27J Pabner St., c.:.ta Mesa Dorotlly Pfeif~t. 65ci!7 R~g and Upholstery Cleaning and Dyeing WE epeciallu In cJea.ning Rup and UphoM!tery only . .Done in your 01A•n home or tn our plant uaing the famous 1-tlld ay11tem. RUGS DYED LET ua make y our old ruga a.nd Bea. 6451-M Hc9 turnit ure look like new witlt bright, new colore. Work: guar. H. H. ·HOLBROOK FREE ESTIMATES, Ph. Bea. 51011 HANLEA'S DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 2039 Harbor Blvd. Coela Mes& , Jo. Prol;npt ' llep&lr -Jl&latamM .. Phone: B...-lila. W 2'0I ~ Blvd., NewportBMcb CARPENTER WORK 23c24~ 15-;-SHARE YOl"lt CAR. YOU)\'G LADY emplo,y ed, wanlll t ransportatloe to L-0.11 Angeles. 1.tpnday thru Frlday. Phone Harbor 0883-J. · S:>c8T RbUGH and Finish ed buUt cabinet.II. Harbor CUl!llom _2_z-_w __ s_T_A_"_·o_F_o_i:_ND_. ___ .;..._ I . 1184·M. LOST-Brown boxer, fem&le, I 34c35H yrs. old. Had on choker chaln I REP AIRING and .PAINTING a.nd lead. Ane'A·er1 to name "Chee-Chee." SlO rTW&rd. Phone Beacon ~1i7. 6:k67 . •· lnl' thru &nows, bliDa.tde. and_ raiD, a.U the Red Crou 1n 19~1 . --..;::::::· bll' Md ~itl• T&ylor8 art back! AND Newport Harbor'• 1900 quota ot 111,000 wu more than tilled ASONABLE. Large or imall · I HERE'S lVHERE YOU CO)q: IN! Mr. joba. Free estimates. Walker, ' 28-SITIJATION8 WANTED Taylor operatu a TRDI SHOP. In thta trim &hop, h• make• with local 1Ub8cripUoru_ tot&lijng 111.,908.11 . •. ill bl-th 108 -18th s t .. Newport BU.ch. When you needta nurse: A tuAh order from the Navy for CUSTOM SEAT covtRs. oa'Es ·AUTO UPHOLSTERY WORK. Hanh& q.id that much ot the additional revenue w en• e e Harbor .258!-R. I7c I8H Practical Nurses Regietry a 398 pound brom.e Abip 'ii 1>4-ll wu and makea convertible I 1poft: toP. for a.utomoblleL J have it . on Red Cro.. to better .tene the.El 'Ioro Marine Base. Graduate •' Undergraduate FOR EXPERT filled Thursday by Newport Sµp-very rood aut.h~rlty that h• doe• ,xcellent Worft!_ So It you need H&nn._a tho annOunet!d the 1950 fi..guru for the Red ou Fund Trained "Practical Nurses 1 ply Co., s.i• Coat Highway, New: oeat coven to protect your nice now run·about or have burned a Drive. Tiie Santa.Ana Rod er.,.. cbapter had a 1950. <iuo of $77,1586. ROOFING Specially trained OB Nursea S~OECALLREOPN_A.. IRS port Beach, actording to Porter bole ln tM uphobteJ')' or nMd. any( work of t.hia lriDd, Mr. Taylor Ttiey feCdVtd .ubecrlption.1 in the amount of 176.2M.~ The 19~1 . ~ . 806 Orange, Santa Ana - . Sinclair, owner of the atore. la your man! You C&8i WO:Om• lfm back from Otuo at Taylor'• quota tor U'9 &uta All& chapter wt1l be $19,236, an tn -ot1almoat Stop~ 1;:;~~teed. Kimberly 2-BlGS McM Sincl4ir said' that the ..hue-e. bell ! Trlm Shop, 1IOS Wrial Way~ Q>et.a Kea. Jkoatoio. USO. SI percent. -· Harbor US.J JI A. CHASTAIN .. olated for dellv.ry to tlle ?laV)'I P . L You caa pt Orlo-dq owvt .. Oil 10ur ~I ' W1LL DO WASHING and IRON· \15 ,L Uta Ca.ta -Y&rd In~ Dleeo. ''Tb<n'• prob-• • • I _ • r--.... ------------~----+---, -.+! __________ ea.:t5_ ING 1n· my home. WW pick U, · ~~~'~:=====·~;;~;::::=1·111,y. ~.~ atancHna-•waWna-' --·PA.PD IU.TI FOR TOV T0 .9<i OUT IN ,.,..r-tront ' . I I . Ud ,dell-. -aTU.)l.· tor It now, !(<I added. ' 7111°' u4 .._ a 1111. ~ • a.ta. l"ad lllmL Wall, naror.llY. tor • 11ff IS WEEK'S COUPON PAPER HANGING aaper Tlllo N""-t .naut... Wa ~ -. rou:ii -a pa1r ot t1a•k1 11o 'elad< happy' . and PAlNTING COLLEGE 1llRL neldi i-rt ~ ~~ --k~=.,r-1 ~ 'tlalt lllaP1'1' -.. the -1 Idea. PtlU ~ ~G . ' ' '· • • -In b-by ll!U>. .~tori the-.,. .. t _,. -t ""' Y ~ -luii> ljlaeka ,._ ti;N oa uP: Th<• '$WIFT~ING· _J ' . J _,ed In clMllJn&, ~ 11e11o o1 -~-"11'"~-------:::'~ i't.t ~ . ..,:i ~~~·:,. ;: .. . . u.it, Jtt.: ~ c. •••• _,. Keiin,eth Q~arry ~.~ ~~'M"' ~ .... -~ -~ -u-.. t. I'~~-IJ¥ a ; ... .,. -or ;• .. ,..,.. .aJf:•...-uiAJlr Ji\·~~~J.r:;=:i:;:~L~San..::ta:;:Alla~:·":v:•·:~:~~~M~-~w·-r:·:·:~~~'~--:=~~~ --la1tq to...,. ' ~ .. "":i ~ =-~ ~ !.'.L"-Cwa•'a -~ 'fi; ,. .. •,noll ..... c..;-M ..... Pllofte -• . et.t' A I • • ,,~ •1 hi I ~ --~·-.-1 j'LI&. .... .,. ... .,,, 4NI ~. . 1 I -Tl ·-((' t· 0rcu1a1ron· . "" 11m1 Thin~. ,,.,,,..el' . ., • ' • ' ·---.. • ' " .. ' ' • ' • ' • ----r----11.-:.. -. . l I ---i -= :: -I --: ! --= -.. ---. -.. l I .-• ' : L ' For Our Biggest J 1 • . .:· ' . ' -· . NEXTWEBK .. • Phon• 1071 p;.,;o J,u~uclio11 .TERESA RENNER ( Mta. A. Renner) . OoMon ,._ "' ..,,_ o..-.. I O_B_ol __ 436 Sina Driwe Harbor 1171..J ~orona H'91il111• -Corona ·clet ·Mar FJUN \ . OPEN IYEltY PllDAY, SA'f'l~~AY ' . -' ~NDAY l~UOA SAM'S SEA l'OOD • • Compi.te . C-.. LUNC.HEONS-OINNERS ' "At The Si111 of ttie S-cffith" loitullful N.w _, EMrged COcktlil LAiunte .. I· SURFSIDE •••• .,............. •• -....i .,...,., •• .. 11111 ... ,. • lvouAWIC PU8LlC GOLS: COUAS• .. . ' . , • Mesa..._,, • SAT. LAST DAY One. or t9M>'• Top 10 BE'M'E DA \'18 "ALL ABOUT EVE" -Pim~ "SHOWDOWN"- war. ELLl<>Tr Sun., TUH. .Jaa. GARY COOPJ;R • RITTH ROMA..'i ... DALLAS" Ttodul1oolor -AllO - DICK PO\\'ELL lt.:NE 41.Ll'SON 1'· 11 "RIGHT CROSS" -Today ftru 8at .. - p ..... l<lpt Sl11lllo! ''THl'!i RJOHT CROSS'" June Allysoa. Dirk Po\\'ell -.-\lao - .. OJAI .. 1119,. Marshall Thompson atart. Saa. Tl"Ch.nrolo r Hnalc-.al '"T"'O \\'EEK~ \\'ITH LO\"E" l•nr Po\\'~11 -AllM> - .. lTSDEH('O\.:t~R Gi flL'" "''llb Allf!ll:.i.. Smlt.b -- FOR REAL FUN W!tti 11 '"ZING'' DON'T M1SS ova. ,ltlSlNT SHOW S l!llLS -&lllS - China & GIMlwara Vt.It OUr New ~ 8'or Otta and Rome w.._ ROUSlt a OARDJCN Ill Oout; B97. Newpert :ae.e.b COIUU.TID INTERIORS MOOE•Jril 11114 Tl.OP/CAL fUINllUU DUrt;s • WAllPAPElf • LAMn ,_LOOI COYEl lNeS HOU8E. & GA&DEN &II COAS't Ml&HWAY NIW'°IT • llACON Q'.17 ·1 I ' ( I ,. • • •• llUNY .\&~CLl:ll AT U:SS ~ 11.U.11', •• WIDLlt TllSY LAH: . I WOnten'a; 1aor.s, Blowe, Gtnllee. l•••*M'f:. l.,.bta, Sl9eb, P • d a I :h t s flt . I>-q.llt.4 -14 to ·11 orr Yard•.-: DBA8TIO azpuor10Ns Meft'1; WORK ..i . D~S SROU, ,.. ... 11111..... T·-.... .._ Orlppor aborta, "'ool aox, &ad 90Ck dr)'en., \\·ork IO&. roN. il'OUMn. w.udJy' abort.a. kia&Jler 1''0rk 110,-, felt '-"' tk-a., aport ahlrta. 1Ai to YJ OFF. IO""•• SWIM SET!!. "bite oblrlo, oonl 1-• trouwn., jacket.. ~ to YJ OFF. VHlLDRIEN'8 AND INF A..."TS' Fla.a.el and Balbril"pa pajamu and rowna. Dr'8NH, .weaten, quU-.. . robM, aUp~ra. NO lay away• or pboe. orden " -.le llH'n'lb&bdiee XO ex~llans-or refunds •• .ale me~dt.. NO G'"9 Stam,. ii'·ea oa eal11 merchandl.M ALL SALES FINAL E'WPOR DEPARTMENT STORI ; •· ·-- ORIGINALS Hotel L119une . Bldg. L119un11 Beach Factory Clearance BLOUSES .... Cottou, l'rlata ................ 96 & 8.96 ,_, .. In cltoloo of colon.. ____ }0.96 Volvota la el.oioo el colors'--t.96 ~SKllTS .... INMy• In •holc!o of eolor f and black ___ , .................... _ .. ________ l,.95 · Taffeta&, l'lai<IA & Mo ................. lt.96 Veh·eu.eu. ill colon --···-··-·-····-·Hl.96 SUITS and DRESSES (PleJrty in h,alf aiaea tool ~~s,,"'.,~· 28°/o Of F CORDUROY I , · DOU~HNUT SPECIALS . JELLY ud CU8TA&D FILLED ···-----··---·---· dos. 55; ICED CAKE ud N~ DOUGHNUT8 -do1. 45; & 5Qf ~ CREAM PI'E8 -Far.se e PA8TBDtS COOKIM -.llRl:AD -ROLLS Nora's Donut and Bake Shop Lncated la Greater AJl-A'™'rkan Mark.-t 110 Cout .mway Newport a.ell • JANUARY SERVICE SPECIAL · ANY llOrlEL OJD:V.OLET OB OLD8110.111LE I • MOTOR TUNE.UP WE ,WILL V'll••• .. •ta .... _... ----.... .... , ... litil . " •••••• ' . I t ..-;·, ' . - f '\ / ' . ' " < ~ -- ·.·-. A'll.. -_ ·-, ~-- • ---r.. ... ftl')' .... ,,· ... ~ .. 01 ... , ...... ... •• -....... Bl9C. ' .... , ...,...r "71 . ltegln"'9g f;day .•.. our 91'NI Semi-Annual . APPAREL CLE A .. R AN CE , .1 to .,;(_ .. ' 2 I . . ~~.c~ ' .._1--'°"' up • 1 OFF W 1H I T_E ·HALL . ' I • 437 South Coast llvd. I • INSURED SAVINGS . ' . • ~. • CUllatn' WNINll ,., An.:ium / .... ---....._ __ -= = 4Jp MSt~--.... :ft:, " . .... _ . . • 1.., ' • I ,• • , • ' • • • • I ~ ' ' ' • j . . ·DRESS SHOP l!ALJF'OJllN I A . Finest Feminine Apparel Starting January 15 - We Are Offering Drastic: Reductions in SUITS, BLOUSES COATS, DRESSES and HATS * Reductions up to SOo/o * All Sales Final / 3440 Via Oporto--Across from Lldo Theatre DML'S FOOD DELUXE SQUARE 63:._ (IOI YA.LUI) .J2• MW * /..-1 fw,;,, m.. r """'"1lr ('OST . .\ ~ES . .\ 1700 XP"por t Bl\·d. • COR<)!\" A DEL '.\IAR ~ 903 Cout HIJ"hl\-ay L.\Gl"SA B'E . .\CH 275 Fortwt A venue FRESH U. S. Govt. IMp. • RUSH . THOSE DOLLARS TO SANTY! I ' HORSE MEAT • Complete Pet ·Suppli es • COLLARS LEASHES BRUSHES • . . Put them into a Sa.vine• Prorram at NEWPORT BALBOA FEDE!'RAL! You'll know they're aafe then ... for they'll be backed b~· eound, loc&J home loan• a.nd insured up to $10,000 for extra protection. Sta.rt to aave •y1tenlatically no'o\• for t he t hinp you \\'&nt .•. a.nd for future secucity. Our current hi(h l 7o dividend• ~·ill help )'OUr total JTOW. DRIVE CAFEFULL Y ••• LIVE LONGER ! N~PORT BALBOA F E D E R A L. S AV I N ·G S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION SP.ORTING GOODS JI. A, IALMU. Ii ,,_, ~""·port 81,·d. at 17th ~t. CO~T . .\. ~IES.,_. ~ll 80%1-K Lota of f'R.EE PARKL~G (Fore and Alt) JJJJ Viet Lid. , , , Hottlw l900 NIEW .. DRT alltACH, CALl"D"NIA ' . 1Etectromc THRIFTLITE Speed Flash, Synchi!oniie1 to a ll cam• r a• with built-in .fla sh contacts. ' ~O MORE fUSH ' BULBS . ' •u+etim• guarantee on abUlbl No more 1ynchroni1ation preW.m1 * SOYff time and lnconvenieRN flf changing bulbs. * Ughh ~p offectlvoly to 15 !Mt. * Leave your came,. at SOth of a tee0nd- flalh ff res at 1 OOOth, Stops all oction. S.• ov r sample negatives. Amo:iing penetra ting power combined with . even d istributi on of light, 9hoot1 cla- lit• color indoors with no filters. 6500 K. Recommended bY the American · di1t:ri'bu~or1 of R?lliifle ... ,--..., • - • ~4950 to · s5910 Budget ,T enns , I 1 %4 HOUR PHOTO . l'INJBBING SDVICl!l S DAY COLOR PRINT llEitVICE Complete DARK ROOM llQUIPllENT •· dudmg DUPONT p&pft wl ........ 11'mlr I 1 • • , ' ' • MINUTI left w ... CAR WAS!" HAIBOR -FROZEN: FD.OD LOCK. COMllNATION SPECIAL CARWASH...i · LUIRICATION 221 • . . . ·.• . . . ., ' LOCKER SPACE AVAILABLE ~·, (HEAT AT WBOWALE -FOK LOCJ[EK8 OR HOME FKEEZEU) MAIN STREET' ~UTO For Locker Rentall Phone Harbor 0718 LAUNDRY ~ 30th St. (Next to the Ice Plant) Newport 1801 So. Mahl St. , ,I Lilla Alli. M/111Hll, NIM Lucerne Milk --19!c: lloo: 0011101.t.O, ... ~ CMIH~ 39c) ,,._ ~ .. ~ ....o ........ - St..rbet ',~ . I.:::. 25• Mrs. Wri9ht'1 Bread '::' 20" MioM, ....w .. er...+"'9f. ls.ieil ....,,, 15cl Butter ':: Bread w~ 0:::: I.,. 1~=', ..... .,~.'Cl • ' llHll.IWnttU KitdMn Craft Flour •:;:-12" ,, ... , 491::; 25 .... 2.12; so. ....... J Margarine ~· .. 33- Shredded Wheat ,=-::.. I .. ' Gum Drops •:= ~ 19" Marshmallows r.::., '.::-I .. Dark Karo Syrup~·~· 11° Light Karo Syrup ,:;::, ~ 12" Cigaretfe1 ~ 2 -33" Rik Rak CleanMr 2 •:;: Z3" Citrus Soap ':;:-11° ':;: 21" -- Trim yuur ~ food co.ta by irons rdvaiitare of U.-out· etandinr buya. They're the 1potJiiht fMturee in the parade of valuee s&f..Wayil o«erin& now. Ch'** them for itema you want to inclllcie onyour.aboppiq lilt. 'nlen,come to Safeway ... and oave! ~•s~ ' CRISCO SIOITllll5 r •• bokin1 ~~ 35• ,..._ 91·· or frying. - I COlllD lllf IASI !:ibbr b....... 16-oo. 3n.. r,rquickmMl11 .' -.. - ' MEAT VAl UES Al Safeway you can bt tur<e of real Yalutt in rneal1. Se lttted from to p grade., full ytri1nmed. Safeway rm~I• gi,·e good ea.tine every li me:~ HElP fl6Hf POLIO. E.r THiii. fH lillMr Juwry (i, ;wt ttti 'ifftttHt ffM•rtll1flilHI ' . . "\ . r DllllD •IANI -..... lNUd; IMilod .... 5poaWo ttyM:. They •re ftlW:iffa. ...._rilhi"lt ~M y~ eooMMdL • I Pinto a.a... ';;". -'.! 13" 12-li: .... 25c; ......... "9tl Pink llioana l':;;:' '.:! l t• . tJ4 Mt. n.-; •·•·Mt. s2c1 POllK & alANS ACl'Oll frolli S 1ar1 · .. ) -('d 51m 81AIT ,!US ~~!ft:~,. '-. .17• ' -----·i~~~Olii _____ 4 v--,...i...i. u .... 15• !l Colden k~mel. ... ~ • I • -----------~----------! ltl•SPUI f TMmiracM~ ef many u.M"&. ./ 1!: 41• ; . ' ---·-----,-------------. AIMOll TlllT i:: 40- Piiii--ii-iij-iiOi, 2 ,!: 15• 1!: 12· ' --L-----------------' 11•11 u•a ,,.., } Pineapple °"~:::"" '".:" 21• ;Gi-•p•fnllt Juic9 :.= "::" 21" . s,,,,,.,..,.....,..11&.w.-.tlct I Supt Belle Peas '!: l .. --.,~. , ...... -. .... , . ' Baby Fooclr = i -23"'/· 0..00.-' ........ a..,., ........ t#111, ·,u . I Airway CoffM = ~ 71" ....,., 9t ..... eif ,,_.._.. J ........ J. ~I Nob Htll Cofhe ;::.., . ~ 17- ~ .--,.-.. 12 ......... ,,, Ectwwdr C.he "::::-.~ 119 ~ ... ....., .. c1--.-..1.a 1 - .._ y,..·y.. ~ ... ft.: .. ,I tft«lll :· Gt.,,_ Oacbn ·-21-~ ...... -.............. Hi Mo Craclcers -.-19" Tea Timer Crocbn ~ rl!' ' . ' ' I ! I I l ' • • '· . • . -· I ,• "' • .. Po~ 4 -·I!':'"""-----------~------~ •• 1 EBWo0D'S -. I . JANUARY LAMP SALE ~NY ~p IN ~RE. l PRICI , M&rJO u,.. apy ..... me In my own llttlf> w_or .. -~ wlll be mot1ti' "'t:.)('()rni.., I.a th.la ... f!I et ~tualon II: II IMtet to N'maln la. our o"-w ..,.Id. YOU A.$ BIGGD .THAN ANYTHING THAT C.&...N HAPPEN TO YOt.Ji. ALL THESE THINGS: MASS MURDER. HATl\EDS, · 1 SUFFERING AR.ll OUTSJDS YOlJlt DOOR. YOU A.RS IN .THE HOUSE ANI> YOIJ HAVE THE KEY. . ~ Dr. &"·ard SI• t~ .... • .. ,-R.,'1T1JRE -GIFTS -.JE\\'ELRY --; .1 · • ,, .1 . • • ' I · NEWPOR.T RA y ' POST 1"4.SHO~Nfi NEW~ W ednescl1y, J1nu1ry I 0, 1951 Mis ~ · ~Jt·~"""t::;;~·~~~~------:--~J.•1:--;:---:--y auo1no.s am '~ Pt~ mud>. -r·L.~, lb• could pl&)' .,..,114 r---..,.:.-l._ __ ....J_..; S tor• ~ ii. RY · · I ' -<llulltlod ado an-" 1 tolU 11uo rlo::.Ca;...bell MeneprLeoDu.-WAI 1·p·•-• , . ' ·. · ... ANvA · , s ~-1. L E' ----'-' -roch•r. oi<preuln&' e<ln)lritlOh tor ar-. ~ I ' c ,'LEA ..... Ne· . . . r wb@ ire lnok1ns io buy. Kctrtl.e o~ Gvllio.. . £11 If .. 1111 ....... . (ft..ak ,~ . ""' Ii c..tr..r .. , ............... .. ~ .. a .• 1"-,.. '., , 'mmL SATURDAY. Z~17.UY 1... ' ruo:!1!~:=..-...:... . I l.AJlU:S K&UIY TO WEAA NeW ''·• Laguna ~Chortli -~ . oomi IN AN)). su dt\L VALUU Rev. 1M Shelley, r~tumed' Irita· sion~ rrom Japan. will be 'th• ""9t apeal<er l\eltl 8u..nday m.OM'I· \n.c. JU\. lt. at The Llttle ChUJ'eh by tl'I• St.a, oont"tr ot Le(ion and TbnM.lJh all"f'•ta. La~• Beach, wtlh • m\Minna.ry mNA•e tor lb• th Coul arM. H• wlll allow QABAJlDfu~ DU88ES --... ...:. JIOJ. 1,.N ~ouso: A!2 .......... ·---·-... c.1. • .ta BOU81: DR.ES 1:8 --•·---!---···-··---Jt.c. Ltl 1 ~· a.di .,Ya' 80Y8' FIANNEL llHl&'r .,, __ .... ,.h,. I.ii Now O.ta Now Lt1 :s-l.11 New .... DRAPERIES CUSTOM COMPLICTI> UPHOL!!TERING e IEA . , •• FllOM ..... PER PAIR .f • J: FROM SELECT FABRICS . OR OECORA TING SERVICE SLIP COVERS e BEDSPREAI?& HOUSI!. INTl!RIORS IAriUXAt BEACH C-5.511 ·WE LC ll'S ID:N'I ::\'"ECKTUIJ ·······---······.Jl ... _L It up · .A.M A-rted ......... ~ plcturt• and 1~ak tn Ca.rllbad, !::~=::"!:::':::':::':::':::':::'~~~~~==~====~~~1.~:~1a ln lb• ~v .... m~ •t ~:30 Bath--Opt"• l:\·f'nlnp and Sund.aye , '· ·. \ .. POT ' 2651 Coast Hlghw"'I'• Newport Beach . OPEN 3 a. a. te 3 p. m. Dally . -i. 8PEC'lALS FO.a '1111-ks.. nu .. SAT. FRESH .PINEAPPLE ... .._ .10.10' LARGE ARIZOS.A _ _ GRAPEFRUIT __ ... _ .. __ .-.. : .... 6 ,., 25; OOL.DPJS Jt:f.PE BANANAS.-·----····---·-.. ·· ... 10¢' Rll''t:: TOMA T0£S ~~-... -· . -··-·----.... 25' ~\\'E.t."T .. ,qn· ORANGES _____ .. ·-·-·--·'=·-5 u..25 ; LARGE AVOCADOS .. _.. _ _ _ .. .. 2 ,., 29' t'RESll MKD. KA..~(.;H EGGS ............. ·-····· -.. ···········-·········-··· .. -· .._ 53' THE NEW HAMMOND .CHORD ORGAN • You . CCIII Play Rich Organ Tone1 at Once 1"1THOUT lll<OWINq A 81NOLI: N(l;nl OF MUSIO ' I .. .. , I DANZ· SCHMIDT PI ANO CO. • 520 No. Main, Cor. of 6tti SANTA, ANA Phone Kl. 2-5140 --~----------------· .25 YEARS IN BUSINESS ' Auto Painting· Factory OYett $ - Baked EnotMI Paint Job Fun Price • A,.y Car-A..y C-. e "'" ·-1950 -e 20,000 SatioliM Cuttomen ' e•at9AM-" Out at 5 PM e loqui .... Now-. e Writte" 1 y._ 0-ro- Phone R-rvation For 1 Day Service I A.U BODY ~ FENDER REPA.lllS DONE A.T WJl'EST COST1 GENUINE . Tllllt·I••• PllllllSul'Ctttll . I . :: =--$1495 oon:iia ...... 1lf . . c ... u.. ~ C-0.. t:.il...wl . -LOUIS·. HENNl6-· 200 i: 1 . Lae Angel• St. -ANAHBM · Phone ANA1fEIM · 2407 ~ . ..... • I I . -l."f' • 1 .c' • ~ ' ..... ' • 1 • • I · M:r. !htllty wu fotmerly & Miaalonuy Alllante. putor ·Mtore png to Japan with th• n:nt mill· J.leflary team,w"~ be spent t ev· q month.a g#'ttlng them orient~. aurvtying lhf' tif'ld. and takinK _beautiful colored motion picturP8 to bring back to show the need to \he people of Ame.rica. .. ' -l' •aDAGll IP:JCCIAUI -. ~HOFFJIA."<" wooi):N'tl .. ..Ro •• •.M )'Ud .Now .... ~S80RTED RA \'O."< PJln,'TI -' • CQ,TTOS" Plll'?\""TS ··············-··-··-··-·-······-·.'Now lie A l1p COSTA MESA · ALUM NUM WAU TILE SAY "GOOOBYB" TO hru>PING PLASTER, PEICLTh'G PAINT AND MOLD. INST"'-Ll GLEAMING LQ'ETIME ALUMINUM WALL TILE AU. .!UNO YOUB;TUB OR SHOWER- <40 SQ. . OR LESS) J'Olt ONLY- $45 Comp 1 on Easy F.H;A. Terms Guarantffd again.al lpplna .. crackin1 . dilcoloring or rust. ~d Value to Your H ome ' . Rf'V. Shf'llf'y i.11 thf' Amf'rican Npl'f'.!lf"ntat\Vfl ot tbl!: Japanea• Soul Clinic. and under hl11 d irection ~& miulona..rin are now labOririg· 10,-. ~WN -IO ;\10:0.'THS For Frf'lll Eatlmal~ all 84"acon 5!61 ·.J or BM.eon 634fl..W COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING 008TA MDA e ORANG& BMOOll ' (>,...,. • ' • ' • • • ' I • ' .• r ' ' - 1'191 NEWPORT AVE.I 008Tc' MESA Co111ta M...,. f-·W JIU • \ FOR P0ssi61e STATIMINT Of CONDITION ; A$ OF D.ECEMSE/t 31, .~9$0, .. ,TE• PAY~fNT OF QIVIDfND • ' • T LiflolSON UAL lSTATt ..•• •••••••••• ···~ P11S . . ....... -.__... ~ .... .. Aawcltd'ue• ...... fit-II T""' ::-':: __.., 14 • _. ..,. ...... ,.... ...., ... _, ........... ., ......... ,...... . ........... ....,~ .. ..... I-~ $A~·ACCOIJNTS .. • • • • •• •'• • •. •" LOANS"" ., . ~ ......... ~ ......... --~ ._. -· '--' ...... ..,, . ~ .,....,. --Mf .., --.• .. .... 9"""-.. ,.,,.,, ' ---.......... ecc..-. .,,......... . . . _.._..D ... • ..... ••• • l!Al !STA.Tl V""'--• • • • . . . . •• •• .. tMSTMiNlS AND SlC\JllTIES . • •••• • • • • • •• • • • . ·' • ...... SlO CIO ••. "'°"' ._ ,_..._. ~ ............. °*"' _.,.... ..;....., ·-,.,,.. ,....,.,. bo"!• ... ..- '-"" aou •• n .,lCIO.OO • ...,. -... _,1o-.i. 1o ..._ "'-<•, ...... • -q.'-ttflllll~I,..... p'':.. ................. ~ "°"' .... """... • • ~· Ko.-l ... /wJ.. ~ »«:> ~ aAHtCS ••••••••••••• - c.t.514 ~ ... " .. -• .....__.iii .. ..,., .... J -°" c.i••....-. "1JHITUlf, flXT\Jl!S AND EQUIPMENT· • • • • • • • •' . -· ........... ..,.. ........ ..-..; - DUllHD QIAllOES ~ OTHO ASSEU •.,. -• _._ • , 1,IOO.aD u ,,2,.151 .11 .......... -r·• ··-···· .. ····· -. '"",,.., ., .... •. .. ' l 1 LIA81LITlll . ('1¥11ot We '?"'• (i)thon ond Ovr 1 .. ..-i • . ~-..Ts •••••••••• s,.a.. ~S ACC'-1•.n., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - 5400,m.u • , . .._ .....,_" o!>d IM ,.._.... t-dt .. ,,.._ ,~....,h ""-: ~· ... ..._ .,,..__. ;ors,,·.,,~ i.Jw:t1.>Clvok. ,.,~,, Cf • ....,..,.,._., _. r-..... ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL -l1()Mf LOAH &AHIC •. • '. ,.._ AeMciatt.J:I --"'..-, .,..;;kW, • """·:.:: ....... _ -·-"'9f1Aiiflt • -... _.....,,.. ~ ~ -~ I . lQA.N.$ toil ,. ESS • • • • .• • • "' • • • • • • • • •. • • • •• • -"'\ ..,:._...,_ -0. ..,_,.,. tio WM ................. 1 tt • .... .. ....:...'t:.. ._. ........ •t .... .._.. .. -' . ' . ' s ...... ·-~·~·-.... OTMfl UAltl.ITl! • • • • • • • • • -• • _ ....... ~....._ ... ~··-­......... a ...... ~ ....... ~po,.....· ... a-IN f ._._....,.puc)r .... ···········-·-ClfiC IESEtVES • • • • • • .. • • •• ..... ' ... I rt d .... ... ___.. ....,_, ~ ........ = ....,....,..,.._,_ . _....,. .......... -······ i.o-. Gft41Al t!SERvt.S • • • • •• • • "• •• •" •• •• • • ··,·; .................. hll I ~750.00 mooooo .... -OfltoC• .ec • 1116,767.30 • ....... -j;.,19;-d o!. = ...-i ,...,_ -~ UNAl.LOCA O RESERVES • • • • • • • • • • • • -• ·--. · w•~75l.1' ! -·-·--_....· "' TOTAL i-·········•••••• - ' UHtfflD ITATIS oovr.....,,,.. ... . l~ .. ~~·:~:·~·:u~OCt.<~"°"~~n~~~ ... ~ll~DIT~.~~~~ ... :-~·:.,:·:·: .. ~ .... ~~ .. ..; ...... ~ .. ~ .. ~ .............................. ~ .. ~ .. . ' •""_II_ ... ,, ••• IT M -61 "°"'" "°"' u. ........ . ... ,YOIK Savings AccOIHll ill ilill Sovings. ln•litvtion b.Mlir• 'fOIJ in lnOny ways. if b gives 'f'OU 111-.d .of..,,..._ .aca occounl is insured to $1 .0,000 by ah. Fed,trol Sovings lond loon llJ,•ur!Jntt COl~QI'°"-Oli ~ ••nct111 ..... ,"- ....... IPICll VICIM I V LA._,. -----·--••Cl=----~ ...... L 11.UTM.t.11 IOAll6NVUfWbii :e _._ .. • c.·••. IR•ICTOISI .......... ............. I I ........... ............ ··~'·~·\ . :e~t ...... -.--~ , . pl the Fedwol c;o....rnintnl -tr It givea you 0vo~abi~ty. W . hove always met wit hdrawal requesl• os r~ . . i -tr II giwa yov good earnings ... paid twice ~orly, or eomyunded, o': wish._When l/O'I open yow~ ocM.e us whelher you want d'ividend• 1110d~ IO yO<J on J[ne 30th orld Decemb.r 31sl, °' Wherher you wClllf 11.eq 1o be added 1o your occo11nt '<flnd COC11pounded .. -tr ·11 gives I yov . o 111igh1y comfortable '"~ .·4 · ' , I l licMng o IO'tings OCCOlllll worLng IOI' you • ; • earning I p -. 'ir We ~ your ilweat~ with wi In iucN lroe. ·!IOI leu than $5.00 10 ~ 1110re tha11 $.so,ood lr011 one c,or~qre °' lonwiy llllil Funch pl~~ ~ . . . ' " . ~N'EWPORT l ':> SAVINGS.anti- • • . . We are cvrrently paying our twenty~ eighth consecutive dNilfend and al lbe role ol • I . ' ' . ' . fl' . ' , • • .. I .,, .. • • • ' J • .. , • • • ' .. • , .. ' . . ' . -. ~ t · Th•se Outstanclin9 Specials E~tive ' '.. . Thur~day, Fr~day, Saturday, Jan. 11-12-13 I . llA TH 'S IOINLAND SLICID ·!~Fs.9.~ .......... : 53~- SWIFT'S SMOllD DIXIE ·soUAIES Cl~LO·WIAl'l'ID 33t.. .. • l • COLOllD LOCAL DlllSSID CHICKIN FRYERS . 65~ Coit Up. le..iy for tke l'a• .•..•••• l'LA Tl IOILING SWIFT'S EASTlllN l'ORK LOIN BEEF LEAN & MEATY FED ,STEEi IEEF 33t. ROAST 49~ l te 3'12 u ... From Either IHL" .. LARGE SMOOTH, ID.AHO IUSSIT 10 i., 21.ftC 'POTATOES~:.0s~~1s 'J LARGI, SWllT Sl'AN.ISH . ONIONS Wath. State Dollciout or Wi1etap APPLES 4 lbL 2CJc Lart• Stalk Utah Type CELERY 1oc Wine \ & Liquor ~ • . . j I IOYA1 l'AC,,IC ! ti.JN A CHUN~ & RAllS ' . • N9. I/~ Ftet Ce• . ' . Sll_N YALLIY COLOllD . · ·. . · . MARGARINE • ""' I . . • J· a W. !AU •llNDSI ,. ' • . I . i3:. COFFEE . ' ' I l·LI. ~9C c,-H #·l ' ·23c ' ' • .,.. 5hh-11t 9• nty' ~------.J .. B:U TT ER HILL$DALI I/~ SLICES , PINEA,Pl.E No.J 23c ' c •• • FOi MllACLI SUDS FAB . "NO llNSING" ' lARGI l'llG. 27~ IYAl'OIATID . MILK a 11~~s · 2 Tau 2· .5c · . Co•t MIADOW llCH . I AIERICAl 1 CHEEsE 1. I _2-lb. 59c ; Box · :'\ Goftesoo Ytlloy l'roth C. l H. l'Ull CANE . -----_..;.,~ SUGAR ' 10-LI. l LIMA ·IAG BEANS . 2N•.225C Ca11 C .. f ley·Ar-Doo Moat & M DINNERS .. He .. L.;. l'llG. KIAl'rS-#1NT JAii MAYONNAISE YAN CAM1''5-No. 1 1/, CAN PORK & BEANS , 21c l'ILLSIUIY'S Loe QAllN PAICAkE SYRUP '~'ft 24c HEMET MEDIUM 111'1 • . OLIVES TAL~~~N 19c llTTY CIOCKEl'S , • B1s9u1c.K . :;:. 39c ~AUIA SCUDDEl'S PEANUT BUTTER.. ' 15-0Z. 34c JAii . .fl 0 UR ~cr;NCH;-;:IA~L~L F~LA~v;;o.;;s1:---==-~C!_ 22:~2··'k7'··c "°"2011-5'k: CAKE MIX 'KG. 35c . . CALIFOllNIA FARMS ' __· BOYSEIBERRIES '"~1:] .19c · , t·~ ALTES BEER ' Ooly Eashro leer lrewed lo the Wori el l 6 ""' 96c THISTLE SCOTCH ' . 100"• Scotch Whitkoy A Caoacla Dry Product I lrltk aocl oar HANDl·l'AK OF •••• ' HONIYWOOD ·WilNE'S PIOM OIEGON ILACKlllRY or LQGANIERRY Fl;.,H 99c ·/ FIFTH $449 100 PROOF IOnLED IN IOND OLD MR. BOSTON OLD 9'1. IOSTON . VODKA l'AIK & TILFORD RESERVE oiiioi"juiia. ~ik~;~~~ ...... 15 c SWllT ll'ICKIN'. FOIDH0.011 LtMAS · , 12.oz.·23c -l'l!G. Fl~H$]97 KAY NATURAL MILD AMIRICAN 5. 9, CHEDDAR · 111 ALEX TAIALES ' I-OZ. 2 FOR 25~ llRDSEYE PEAS • . ' . i:iv'EiWuRST 39~ . . 12.QZ. 21 c:. l'KG. . • • • HOMA PllSH FIOZIN LARGE SHRl~P l'lct~w .. + C\oked 12-0Z. 59~ l'IG. LUEI 'S 9UALITY , FR :A ·NKS 57t. L,rge Cr!sp I DILLS 3 FOl ·1oc ' SQUASH · _1 ~_::-_. 1_s_c_. CAuil'Fl.owER .. 19c · 3 COMP.LETE SHOPPING .CENTERS : DOWNEY · NEWPORT IEACH doioNA DEL · MAR us1 I. l'lllSTONI tLYD. ' IZO C:..st Ht......, ... ,,..... t. : ., c;, ... ~,..;-;..;.,, .. 'J-.. . ' -~TDOLANAYL ' ~o.u, ........ ~ I ' ~-·~tel ...... ;: ' ()pa ~ 'Ill -le (Flt. ..... 'Ill• ,...., l (FIL a la&. 'Ill ....... ) '.. lllTHD··'-IHI .sail Hi -~llJl,;w1,TJI 'ui ... ! .· /. . . l -• ' • • • • • • . I ' ·~It<)"' 61.AHl'l\llT JU ICE · NOITH COAST 9 Ne.i03 c ... ·APPLESAUCE NllLETS · GOLDIN'· CO.RN DENNISON'$ TOMATO . \HUNT'S NEW ROStDAll SWlET PE .AS 7 12 .... c. .. . -, FRESH OH THlCOI 6 Le,... ....... 9 Ha. 303 c ... I' AC KED .IY • LlllTS ' .~~~~~~-----:;-.;-,..- .. YITA.l'AK 5 Ne. 11/t . . c .... PIUS TONI PEACHES " I ! S. & P.· . FANCY NECTARINES MISSION INN ' HALVES 5 No. 21/• c ••• APRICOTS STOKEL Y'S ·TOMATO . 12. Ne. 300 e ... JUICE . '. DEL MONTE 4iOLDEN CREAM . CAMPIELL'S . TOMATO S·OUP 6 Ne. 303 , Caa1 11 TALL . CANS ' . ·15 Tai : ........ ; ' c ~~_FOO~; • .. i •• . • . . • • . .. . • • • . . • • . ( • --. ------' -. ----- ·--·-------• --- ----- --' - ' 1 ' ' • • . . . . . .. • • .. • , : t ·, .. r I ' I . -'I; . ' ' ' • • ' • •I , f \ I ' '· r , s , . ,I ( ..:.P.:.a9:.:•.+t&;__ _______ ---: ... <>=----------'----:-----NEWPO!tT BA POST and SHOPPIN~ N ,L cs l •o-~011·1 . , .. · ... ·:' C.LASS·l ·~I E: l , 1· . ,. Wednesday, January I 0, 195 1 L . , ,..,~~.~119 ~ -~ • WORK BENCH . ' • . I . HOME SOLD a f(. .i-,. in. Joni', 2 ft. 5 ih. Wide, · 2 ft:. a tn.i'hlch. e ~ in. x ~ m . Kwit aen tumlahin.p 'of JO room 1 board trtrn· 'on top. 3 &idea &Dd hotlM! and p.r~e. apt. l"lne middle. • ~ cupboards ·un-. quality Monterey t'Unliture. wry ~ . ,cl.ls ADS STDT"ON PA • . . ~ ~ ' Sale Starts Friday, January 12th al 9:30 .Jl. Kr • . -I • GROUPS OF S~ITS, TOP COATS, JACKETS AND SHIRTS GREAilY · REDUCED $2.9g ALL WOOL ~ARGYLE SOX I • 1'5 ONE LOT ALL WOOL MEN'S <FALL SUITS V~LUES TO $49.50 NOW .34 50 ·ONE LOT MEN'S FALL · SUITS VALUES TO S75 .00 ' , 4650 REDUCTIONS ON OTHER SUITS TOP COATS · I • AT REDUCED PRICES nNE LOT MEN'S Dress Slacks NOW Value1 to $14.95 $27.50 Values $21.85 . 895 $42.75 Valun $33.85 $49.50 Valun $39.85 •------- ONE LOT ALL WOOL SHIRTS SPORTS AND DRESS SHIRT STYLE Value to $10.95 _Now 689 ONE LOT ALL WOOL SLACKS Valllft' to $20.00 Now 12" ZIPPER -SHIRTS SOMETHING NEW White Ir Plain Colon $3.95 Values 25'-2 for 500 t>NE LOT TACKLE TWILL JACKETS With Movton Collars $12.95 Valun Now 8'5 BOYS' MERCHANDISE at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES JACK . ROBERTSON • I MEN AND BOYS SHOP ' 115 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH - I l Yes-and . , · an opportunity _to W ANTED-8aJMm&D-real 1 ett&te Aho office rpace. COASTLA.m;> • REALTY CO. Phone Beacorl 6 7g2 or Bea. 62Clll. · 63p66 ·cLEA°RAN on , tJsed Refrig rator8 I • . A,)1 . a:" in good ditlon . Appliances are get · g acan;e · and will soon · •".en · . harder to f d. ,. derne:ath .. Finished. In b&mboo 1 reUOll.ably priced. 109 Onyx ~ trtm. and tapa paper, $66, I Av.,., Baltioa Ial.an.d. • 86c8T P HOrc>. J:QUIPT.-Am&teur ,an- •ta tpr and paj>er holder, rotary II BOA.ft. SUPPLD:ll dryer, tank, traya, •tc., $2~. : 11:mits Ra<k•t. ia.oo. GOOD BOAT GEAR SWIM l'INS-t..rre gum .rubber,1 Propti., line, moton-f~h net. etc. $8: Dlvlng muk, large, tull1 BUl" -S ELL -TRADE -CONSIGN face, S3.00. WANT TO BUY or SELL a. Boe.t f ' TWIN Box 8prin1• and cotton -TRADING PORT WILL GIVE rent tree (utilit ies pa.Id) ot •mell modem turnithed ho~ 1n exch&nl'e for care or childrm 8 da ys a. week. Phone Bea.son 8507-W. M c69 W AA"TED--Apt. M v . will gt;, frH: f nit o( turn. a pt. In exch. for ierVice•. Util. pd. Apply matlreu, 17. . 3108 Lafayette, Nwpt. Har. 102G-.W Servel .gas refri • cu. BENCH.COUNTER, 3... fl. high. -H ft, in very nice on-12 z I tt., 02• auorted bin aizee dition ····-············ ____ $74.95 below, $00, Frigidaire, 5 cu. f . __ 89.95 TWO Wuhing Machillu -Cheap. Frigidaire, 6 cu. n _ .9'.SO ( 11t1nlt bect!I. Electric hfater.11. CHRYSLER ROY A.l,-Z to l Re - duction. Good condition. Phone Beacon M 50. 62tfo · Buflplow Cgur ta, 925 IC. BAiboa I Bo l ks lik ,.mt.c. 2286 Glennt>)TI! SL , La- ce "·· 00 • e -· Bch. O• PB. Laguna 4-3392.. New -New New Blvd,, Balboa. SfcS6 ·!:X.PE~CED cauple, cook u d . butler . electric n!fpger t or lt.95 II· 66c66, . ALSO jt:/ SHALL .. ~T O R SCOOTER-HUDSON INVADER Hou1em&n,• colored or Filipino. Eaay Whirldry • Nearly new. WJ;t.h fluid drive. able washer .... . ...... 39.95 Mak• otter! Marine Engines Housekeeper, live In. , NEWPOi:tT HARBOR E MPWYMENT A GENCY. Elec. water heate ' a BAR-PETE'S LIGHT PLANT 276 H.R. GAIN! ~12 ·'29th SL, Newport Beach PRICED TO SELL ~l,i E . Blly Ave. Balboa 65tfc OPE NING FOR REA L ESTATE and Insurance salesman or A&le!I lady tor Newport· H11rbor a rea. Part time 0. K . Mon ty m~king deal. M ax Im u n1 cooperation. Phone for sppointml"nt. \\'M. E . ANGOLD, Realtor 515 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa Phone Harbor 1238-W 65c66 \\'ANT MAK. handy with tools, to install d tapf'B and venetian blinds. Ph. Bearon ~277 . 6&6i \\"~N.TED -Experi!!nced stenog- rapher '-'i"ilh ability to meet the pu blic. Ba lboa Bay Club. Phone Bea~on 6528 for Appl. 65c66 S&-8ALE. Ml8<Jl:LIANEOU8 ~~ve a few g~ TV~ ru~,:"TRADEp IN ! DA VIS-BRO\YN CO. 1885 H arbor Blvd. C0&ta Mesa Beacon 6821 GRUNOW elf"ctric refrigPrator 6 cu. ft., d .E . motor. Good run- nln( condition. $75. f~l N•rci.- AUtl, Corona dt>I Mar, 63p6S EVERYTHJkG . FOR YOUR~ WE FILL BUT IWd PROPANE T •. ' Complete lnata.llatton, repair l.lld service of all Trailll' JtquipmenL I a.~i~Ns·~; ~b~;~rt11 BEAUTIJl'UL 8 ~;;;nini;i:,:;;, ~~~Bo~W~LY 1125. GPnu1ne Chlnt>se china Coeta Met&, Phone Be .. coa 821•-R cabinet, $50. BPndix automatic 12tfc "'·a.sher, S75. Balboa Tranafer & Storage Co., 1925 Harbor Blvd .. G. E . REFRIGERATCft, 8 cu. ft ., Coat& Mesa. · 6'4c66 late modt-1. Excellent ronditlo n. Sl!iO. Automatic isf'ndlx washer, l ik • rre"A', $90. Ph. H a r. 2370-\.\'. SERVEL gas rf'frigl'rator , 7 cu~ ft. like nr v.·, $1 75 . Phone Harbor 1627 or aee at 118 Ithaca , L!do 1 • • 64c66 i.1.. s<cse Sewing Machines · ;'.l;E\1.r r.fAJ"ESTI C . pJ-table alw-FIREPLACE WOOD In~ machine. $89.50, terma 2213 Ne'A·port Blvd., Coat& Af e.sa Beacon .. 5180-J. $12.20 dov.·t1 , $7.25 Per month. and Refrigerators SQcSO N EW: -----------8 cu. It. ·······-···········l ........ $1 69.50 Television Service •i> :"· tt ............... + ...... $15950 RADIO RE P A'JRS U~E!:;. ft. KeJv;nator ' ........ $ 60.50 lA.rTy Ewen • • 1.arold Hamm , Techntclan. . MESA RA'DIO .. TELJ:VISION 106 Broadway, C. M.. BeL UOl-J ~c ou ~ ' See . Norge ....................... -......... 39.00 ' ' New .00 U~ed Ffrniture Dale 's Furniture 1929 HarbOr B lvd. Bea. 51-07-W . 68pt9H OFFICE DESK, flat top, 32 .. x M .. and 3 chair11 ( l sv.·iveTJ 2' 1trairht, $65. Stef"l filing C"&.bl- net1 4 dra wt'rs. $25. P!os.ser, .31" D iamond, Balboa lsland. 65p66 OSHKOSH HAT .. SHOE BAG blue airplane, \\•bite co"'•hlde t rim . Like new. ~ price. Har- l><>• 108. 65c67 JrOR SALE 't dra11ti.c r eduction : 2 Mineralighl& l blA<i,k light), SJt,.95 ea . 1 Ceigf"r 1 Counter, $69.50; 4 Alpha Countt-rt1. S3.85 each, 1 Geologist Pl~k 'sJ. 75 . .All new, cloain• out thill line. , !\"UCLE AR PRODUCT~ CO. Bea.con 6850 See, J ohn Harvey at Seacraft '" COAST H IGH\\'AT NE WPORT BEA~ Ph. BEACON 6771 2tfo 50·ft. _SUP, available ne•r Llrio '''haTf. •Close to drug etore, theatre a.nd marke~.· Sl per ft. ·Call at 3440 VI& Oporto or Ph. Harbor l 216. 63cti5 Small Boat Mart BOATS BOUGHT, SOLD and a.c- Cf"plf"d on conslpimtnt. Balboa Marina 2802 Coast. H lghw~. H&rbor 0771 65p66 6~i8 --------~--I l\ PERF ECT ~ONDJTIOl\"'-op E ;:o: INBOA RD RUl'\ABOUT EL~ROLUX . con1pletf" \Vilhi boal , 13''2 fl . Priced to sell. Call a tta enLc;, S2~; "·atnut dJ-at 3001 Ne~"J>Orl Blvd., Nf~'POrt riette •et, $35. Phone Beaco~ Beach or call eves. KI. 2·6596. Ji:;l t -M. 65c6i 65c67 A . B. DICK MlMEO :P.fACHINE, fmodel 435), full y automali<', i nk, stencils. guides, etc. Top condition, $450. V AP.I TYPER &: 4 type font..,, $125 DALTON Adding ~tachinf", $!0. A . B. DICI{ ~!imeO!:cope, $t0, 2285 Git'nneyre St.. l,..!l.guna Beach or Ph. Laguna 4-3692. 65c66 E XCELLE!\TT double inner sprin~ m attreas U\d box springs 'Ai lh Hollyv.•ood legs. $22. 1112 \\1• Bay Avf"., Newport Bch. H arbor 0'39-J . 65pt7 I I-WANTED TO BUY '"'.\NT T O B UY about 18 pcs. good u&ed corruga.ted shPPl iron for roof ing. Har. 1020-W. 61~fc l~'D!:PENDEJ'l.T'f druggiat \\'&nt.8 to buy an estab. drug 11tore .(doing $200 or over ) in H ar- bor a rN. or vie. 1-tutually cdn- fldentla l,. \Vrite Box N, ea rl! thi.!1 paper. 63p65 st-FUltNITUBE FOR BAI.II: JacJC 's Furniture 1501 Balboa Blvd.,. Xewport Bch. 'BPdl!I, mstlrPsses, che11ta, stov~a. rcfrigera tors, etc. Unfini11hed Furniture. BUY, SELL or TRADE Phone Harbor 2~2-R &4 c78 BAMBOO RATl'AN BBC.Pa Complete line, tactory-t.e>-you. Open 12-9 dally A: Bun. Banll. BOOKS-SEA BOOKS A fine atock of book.a on all ya.cht- ~U~~~:;p~':~ cunent / The Islanders 214 Marine, Ba.Ibo& la. ·Bar 1647 CRUISER ''' A!-.JED: 40 to 60 ft. -di~t1el preferred. Offer· Ing good "''&ler front lot and Cuh. Harbor 3149-J eves. j 00p67 Walt's Trading Post Used Marine Ge ar Nautica l DecoraUona Uaed Netr 4.22-30th St., Newport Bea.ch OP.en SWlda}'ll ' P h. Har. 2f 70 14-HUSICAL, 11.ADIO BUNGALOW UPRIGHT p iano tn perfect condition. Terms $50 down and $1 5 pi>r .rno. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO., <Since 19071 421 N .. Sycamore, Santa Ana . KI. 2-0672. '62tfc USED PIANOS from SS9 up . Good , pla.yin,{ condition. TI A N Z- SCfD.fIDT, ~20 l\'o. Ma.in, Sant& Ans, cor. 6th . \VANTED: 50 pianOll. Tr.!1.de In your old pian o ~ on & Grand, Spinet O{ beautiful television. H lghPfft cuh allov.·anct-. Terms. DANZ-SCHMJDT "'PIANO CO., corner 6th , 520 N"o. A!&in, Santa Ana. ) ~ term1. 2~ Ocean Ava., IAcuna J~'l"UARY CLE~N C E SALE! Beach. Uc Knal>E' Grand. Bea utiful Chick· PRICED TO SELL QUICK ! All ering GrAnd. Save $~00 to $800. good cond., mod .. 4-burner etec. Klmbal Gra nd. Vose, Story and . range, Thor auto magic wash. Clark. \\'ondt'r tpnf"d ~ohn:t-r m ach., dit1hwuher comb., Royal Gr.!l.nd. only S395. Tenn11 .. DA:'.'\Z · vacuum1 green frieze rugs, lOLi: SCHMIDT BIG PIA~O STORE, x15 and 9x9 Two twin ma.t-~20 ?\o. Main, cornf"r 6th, Sant& treues. box ap?ings and ma t 9 ,.j,Ana. 1 ' padA. 914 E , Ocea.n Front, Bal- boL Ph. Har. 082J-J, 63cS5 REI\'T A PIA:KO. S5 per month. All rent alJO\\'E'd it you buy Wi th- Rattan Furniture • or ·' Made in th• Phillip lnes &nd in ottr own y.ocrk shop.s. .J Wide choice of fabrics . Larte•t display in So., Ca.Hf. RefmiahJng a.nd Reuphollterlng .HOUSE & GARDEN in ternis. DANZ-SCHMIDT, ~20 No. 1'1a in. 91.nta Ana. SPECIAL BU Y \VHILE THEY LAST! :0-:f''" l~O ba&ll Bo~ellt ft&li&n acC'ordion11 s.nd cue, $189.95. Tenn•, $19.95 down and $1 0.35 P"r mo. at SHAFF.R'S i.rust.c co. <Since 1907) 421 N. Sycan1ore, ~anta Ar.a. Klmber· Jy 2-067,'Z. 65tfC I . . . , Yoar Oran C HA ge . oast Chrysler. Plyrn · · OUffl Dealer llfuslc bl' Gonl &hoof of Da., on LongtoUo,.. of l\f Raminoft .. 0 ce and Aeco ... •---.... Flan. • ...,,.. at the • , Drawing fior. ·,· • Grand "1tte. _ . rrr.s Payment of •. SSO. to'"""1 the ~ ~ ODr 195J P!yn,,,pfll • "°"11 l'rb.i. c.,. h ' . .ThJrd PJtte .I _eater. . F . Spot J4ht. ' ~ Ollrt.h Pn.e, ,.~ Jig.bi., NEWJtoar hAck 1 • Inc. ' ' l l· ·, . . I 1•.a ~-I -c,., ,,,, • '• I I j 1.1 I . . I . I • ~ &it Cout Hwy., Nwpt., Bea. 6277 EXQUISlTE inodern cu • tom Chlneae t or 3 bdrm, kit., dr., and Ir. Include• GrU\d plano. Chinese ¥ak, TV comb. and (P hilco) deep freeze. Lowest figure for all-$5,500. Pboni: Ha. 31f9-J . Even.Inga only. . ,(" 6!lc65 STUDIO COUCH, poker t~ble: · folding r t.eel chairs, ma ple r!X'k· .. r. ma.ple Couee ta.ble and m.iac. 5M Begonia. Corona del Mar. Harbor •727-J . Mc67 We buy, sell or trade. ' Cail WI and save mone~; • 1 Crawley's Used Furniture ' 2366 New't Blvd Costa Mesa · Phone Beacon 5014-J I irHI'l'E Table Top Gu Rani"~ f35. JANUARY CLEARAKCE SALE! Spinelli a.nd Grands. Trade-in& Rf'ntal rtt.urn1, repou~a•ion,. \\ronderful ba rg&i.n!I. Afany f&m· oua makes. DANZ-SClnllDT BIG PIANO STORE. 100 piano1 to choose from, 520 No. Main, corner 6,lh, Santa Ana. GOOD UPRJGHT P IANOS fr6m $59. Terms u convenient u $6 mo. a t SHAFFER'S :lWSlC CO. !Since 1907) 421 N . Sy camore, Santa AnL KI. z--0672. '4lfc. U-8TOKES • OFFIOD 'STORE BUILDING -.Z31ial51 tn Corona del Kar next to ' tbea.tr1 .ult.able for turnlture, appll&ncet atorf! or • .Ught man'llf&cturtnr. Call SANDY STI!:INER, Bffc:on 6044-W or EXbrook 70t18 . .. ~ Gu hea.tera. "$5 each; chett.! 13; Katt.reau, J.:5. Beacon eoto, ~7 lCSTABLISHED real at.ate office I cH.Y•. ..-; in~· oL l>u9lnao dlatrlct. tc>UR pµma • eoclrtall table. deJ lohr. CaU Barbor I I bu itoola. Ruot1c finish, !\"''" 6Sdla .j ..i.. f« petlo or l&D&L a;;.en . ' , . ; ~~ Bar!>Or 1753. 8J1P67 _Wi;m TO ·~. j I I ' .j . . . ON a.u.Jt. 8'1turd07 and. SW>~~ . ; .iJt. ~,Apt.·-iu: , e. w . u~ 2 ~ .. J lllllllloi .o11 ..... IUld n11ac, • . • at~Joul7 rent-· . · .f ..... '1!111 IM*"'~' ••· aL X 0< I.: ~ta. ~. ,.,, • . call "1 ... '··-" uu. .,.."' r-"!'~ f ' • ,.. • i ' , .. ii ' . . : ...... ~-;r .. I ' .' • • ' • ' .. w llll'Ull"/ 10, ltlf / Bay .Post - • Gd a BOlJW ti : pw:+r. m.d'il ' LIOO ISLE Jt ,._ wa.ftt a rental on LIDO DUI ..,e, u.: Several lcrt'ely apta. AL19 bomea avallabl._ P. A:. PALMER INCORPORATED -11\&. Udo Barbor 1500 22\tc ' L&AOa TJt1A.ILER in lovely court. Adults, $30 mo. 17 41 Pomona, eo.ta Mee.a. PtL Be•con 67i7-J. 83ttc TU.JllL Y ~ENT AL, l..ido Isle. a..utitul] new J bdrm. unfurn. &pt. Fireplace. Garage. $80 mo. 206 ~ia Anti~a. Udo !ale. Har- ._ 2793~J. (Agent&, note ). 84cf9 NJCSLY FiJRNJSHE~ l bedroo1n up,... ~~\apt. Year around nntal. $i0 mo., lnclud. util. Ap- .-, ..io q&hlia, Corona. de! Mar. 64p66 Cdsta Mesa llJ:NT OR SELL new 1 bedroom partly furnished home. Ne\v ato.n.. S~ ino. or $5WO !ulJ gric9. I C&ll! Harbor 22S8-J 84.tfc ' Costa Mesa ON n.<)WER ST., only 2 bile.a. to Blvd. Spaciou. • bed.rm. 6 d•n home Gn 2 lo ta Oii a comer. Lovell wood work. Owner wut~ a smaller place in Coat.a Me11a or Harbor area. Only $13,500, terms Havt aeveral nice winttr &nd YEARLY RBNT ALS OLIVE MILLER 2006 Court Avt .. Ntwport Beach Phone Harbor 3t3 U-APAATMENT!I a ROUSES RENTAJ:. t' SPECIALISTS can J:dna CnJr Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa lala.nd. Har. JOU 32eM . -UNFURNISHED 1 be-droom du- pletc. 612 J11.Rmine. Corona d•I Ma~ Phone Har. 24S2. -e3p66 NICELY FURNISHED single apt. automatic heat. Private en- tran<'e and yard. ReaSQnable. 354 Broadway, Coata Mua. 84cM ------..,~-----44-llOOJllS FOJI R£""f ON WEE~LY ur monthl.}' ba~a ftw 't\i.nGer. Beautifuil)' fui·· ON BALBOA ISLA~D nislled z -btidrm. honie on beach, CHAR~UNG ROOM for young CeNea del Mar. Reuonable lady -emptoyed. Share b&th . nt.. toj EH:stern touriati or 1 __ s_20_m_o_. _P_n_. _H_•_r._2_s_•_1._J_. _ •. a._ca_• aa.riaea. I Call Harbor 1696-R. 63~• +l-A-REST RO)U:I . -~1 -~~~~~~~~~~~ IN N&W'PORT. cloM ta oc.-n. 2 Mdrm. t Yrntshed house. gar11.ge. Watw and gas paid. S66 mo. ...._ Jlea.QOD 6467-M. 6Jtfc . REST HA:VEN PPnsioners \V.-lcomf'. 152 Cabrillo, Costa Meaa. Betty~LeMbtrg ' Bea. 6711·\\' a.I.BOA ISLAND-Nice turniSh-___ • ________ •_llc6_9" ~ U.gle .t.pt. J40 incL utilltiea. Adlbhs. Write 1128 Lora.in Rd., -Marino 9. Ph. AT. J-036:'.>. 83p6' "11lHJSfi8b y early rent.ala. ~rm .' -.... S~ mo. Al3o smaller 1 aa4I 2rm. rentals, S30 A S-40 mo. uet CoUt Hwy., Newport Bch. . 65p67 L\ TJ'llON11' RENT A.L, 1 lldrra., t• .June 15th, S'iO mo. I al>l\M., 2-bath baytront. Rea- 9Ql'l.a~e. OllEE¥LEAF 6 ASSOC. 1111 N"*-port Blvd. Har. 2M2 •M---2 be<l~oom bungalow, Bendix wuhtng. fll&chine, nt'\lo' refriger- ator. ll3l \Vt"at Oce&n Front. Ne~rt Beach. Phone CRest- mw 8-~98. t4cfti UNJ"Ultl\"lSHEO 3 R?of. APT., lge. livl.aa rnl., bdrm., kitc hen. bath. Paae1 raf heat. Frigidaire &nd ••ov. furnlahf'd. 317 Htliotrope, CW..• dtl Ma.r, Phone Harbor no.w. 154.tfc TWO 8EDRJ..f. ROME near high acaool ~ l"'ewport Height11. U .IMI. S2.000 dov."D, $76 month. BAT Al BEACH REALTY 14~ Balboa\ Blvd. Harbor 1264 XrrcHENE"M'E APT., rurniahed :: ';:. ~rn~S:r'!; ~~r;:· :~~: W .30 mo. Conve.u1ent locatioti. Utll 1ncl. I lo29 IN. Balboa Blvd .. da,YL Hat-Dor 317~R. 71p72H WA.NT TO SHARE l'f.IY attractive MW houae wit.p «ifl ·or ~·oma(l. 0.Ud. 0 . K. Kar. 145-W ; 711 KeJi.t.ro~. Corona· del Mar. 66P" 48-AUTOMOllll.1:8, TIRES '49 CHEVY Deluxe 4-dr. sedan. By owner. Ex.ceJJent condition. ¥ake oltu-. Bea.coif we. 63ct5 1940 PLYMOUTH • 4-dr. Sedan. E:xcellf'nl condition. Mu.at n~ to appre-ci.ate. Call Harbor 1775 between 10 a . m .• 3 p. m . 6kt6 1940 CHRYSLER i door In ea:cel- lent condition. One ownt>r. $39:'.i. Ph.one Harbor 14.16-R •'tenin&•· 65p67 COST NEW ,t.000. NOW $1 ,tlb. Buick Super. 19il Eetate W•- gon. Beaut. maroon, white 1ide- wall tire$, ra~io. heaite.r. chrome luggage r•<'k on top. Nice con- dition, $1,t&:'.i. Prt. p.afty. 1113 V..', Bay Ave., Newport Bch. Ph. Har. 0439-J. 15pfi7 M--MONl:Y TQ LOAN LOANS TO BUILD, IKPROVS, BUY, MODERNID, OR ' R£FINANCll w. Buy Tnat llffclo NEWPORT BALBOA RDERAL SA VIN GS • LOAN AS!l,N. 3333 Via Udo Pll. Bar. 1.- LOANS For . Homes with 4 7o • /i~ % Int. REAL ~ATE LOANS IDte~ Rate •'Al · 5% • • • . -. J . . ~T 'IAY POST1 wl ~ filEWS In Why Keep LoOking? Check With. Us . for any Style, Size qr Price Home on LIOO ISLE Here· e.n I EXCLUSIVC U..tiJlp: 1.-The 11marteat NEW' WATER- FRONT home we have off•red ln yeara. On LIDO ISLE thla one atory S-bcedroom, 2-bath home ii a l<NOCKOUT. E1e- pntly and completely t\lr· alfted tocetber with lovely pier &nd aUp. To SES tbU home la to BUY It. lpecla.l price maktt1 thl11 a DELUXE EXCLUSIVE llJtlnJ. 2.-Perlttt 2-~oorn home that i• ideal for year round living or aplendld tor w~k-end1. Lat••t ia deai~ , and modem feature•. Only fPW tf'et from dell&'lllful PRJVATE BE.&CH. Also on LIDO l!LE and ONLY $15,000 ·-Lt.nlent ttrma. ' 3.-Clf'"'le.r 2-bedroom and den home oow undt'r conatructlon. You have advantage ot atlec- tlon of co.tOri tI YGU BUY. NO\\'. Hurry on 'thia u price , la ONLY $17.900. # .. ALSO Some very desirable lot.A ror We on Llt>O ISLE. Sever&l choice "'attrfront Iota for lllcome units a1 \\'ell aa croaa atreet Iota priced below · market. n.lue. RerAt'ln"r we art the DBVEL- OPERI of LIDO ISLli:. Our ofteringa are: EXCLUSJVE ll~t­ ings. He:re a little .BUYS a LOT. P.A. PALMER lliCORPORATED 3333 Via. Lldo Newport Beack. Calif Harbor lSOO Bayfront beach home ~ yr. old. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath. 2 tire- plac~•. ~O-tt. frontare1 finl' We•· t ion. FuraWied. price 136,000. Terma. NPW 3-bdrm., %-bath bomf' on Lid., ll'lle. Large lot and patio. H er•'• a real tJuy at $1 9.~. Income Deluxe 1·.unlt bay1ront apt. lhlltd· u!Pd lncome. near •t4,0Q9. Troly t.hia Lt a flnt property. .A.Ill UI lot t'Ull deta.Ua. 20-acre chicken ranch • 3 CLIFF HA VEN SPECIALS . . ' 'l~NO.l SPANKING NEW 3 bedrm. modern ho'm•, l..arp lot, all fenced and I.an.ct.caped. Double p.nce. Loll: of tile. -ot oa1t !loon. Priced to Mil at $12,750 IPlllCIAL :<O. I THI& ONJ: LI abeut :Z, yn. Old. hat 2 bedrml., large dininC rm .. plu1 & roomy den .. Dbl. rarag-e, fireplace and· y,.•all to wall carpet in d~ine rm. and hall. Price include.• Bendix wuher. T'beNI 1a a G I '~ lO&Jl Oil Ulla OU. Price $13,250 SPECIAL NO. I ' Tbt1 i. -• brand new a bedrm. l\ome. BeautJtul ttle. Beirt of oalt tloore. Db1. gara1•. Iarg~ Jot. Fe"n'ced and l&Wl'.I. PRICE $12,500 Take your choi.ce .at $3,750 down. · Balance less than rent. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BEFORE PRlCE8 AND TERMS GET OUT OF REACH. Call Fred Barker, Beacon 679~ 1 eves. ~aeon 8939-J) or ca11'..at our offtce at l~lh a.od Irvinet Oppo11 ite the Hi&h School ). EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1~th and Irvine, Nt''l'Ort Heights ' BALBOA ISLAND ALMOST NEW 2·bedroo.m house with 2-bedroom apt. over double garage plus guest room and bath -both unjts spacious -closet spe.ce, We think this one of the nicest bland proper- ties. -. $31,500. BA YFRO!'fl' with pier and noat -3 bedrooms, l ', baths llfith 2-bedroom apt. over doul;fe garage -both have lovely bay:view -many conveniences -mo!t Jiva ble arid east to rellt -partly furnished. $39.375. AN EXCELLENT buy -3-be<lroom -2-bath cottage with atttactive living room. fireplace, in good location -·reduced tb $12.500. . Nelda Gibson HI1Tbor 502 306 MARINE AVENUE. .... Horace S. Mazet Harbor 3028-J BALBOA ISLAND CORONA DEL MAR $3000 DOWN ·STANLEY SMITH OF'F'ERS ANOTHER BARGAIN : " I-bedroom. 2-bath modern home. Best location, l '4 blocks to main beaclj. PJ'.iced w below mar· ket. Hu_rry on this one! Conn.ct Tom Payne or Stan Smith . 1311 Coast Hl!l'hway, Corona del Mar 7 mile1 from Ne:~1>0rt, 15,000 ca.-.------------------------ p&city, 3 houaea. 1ood bani. ia acre• In ~rmantnt puture, •bundant "·ater. $40.000. Con- •~er part trade h1 bay ar.._ . Building Sites Balboa P)nln. Cor ................... $2850 Udo R-3 bayfront ····-.. ·····-·-·· Q5.00 4~rt ltido .................... ·-··-·---· 3:x><I 30-ft Lido ..... ............... . ..... 2MO GREENLEAF A: ASSOC. 311~ Newport Blvd. Harbor 2M2 RESIDJ)";NTIAL •INCOME COST A MES A 4PART1.fENT COURT-8 mode:rn unit• -in· com11 $5,7~ annu1lty -com- plfl'tetr rentf'd -••ch •et. ha.a i JI. I\. -Bath -Liv. Room - Kit. -with built ln combination dla:h wa~h. It w••hlng machine. Price 148.~. Tenn.a. Phone Kimberly 3·7778, 66C67 i . • • CASH TALKS · Brand New ~ldt'r In need of CASH and will 1ell ""I• l>eautltul 1·beidroom home. Hi~ quality \'torkman· lhlp -over 1,100 ,_q, ft. Nice 'ppearlng -likeable floor plan -Iota of tile -beat hardv.-·ood ~ many 1tan~o1.tt fealu.,.a - 2-car ga~e -la rgt patio - Good hx-atlon -Lar11• ~ pt"r Qt"nt in.-urance, loan obtaln11.ble. A.akinC" pric~ . $10.500 C. D. M. Ince . . I 2 attractive 2·bdrm ho me5 on INVEST NOW! ON THE OCEAN With nothln« but ~nd rplenty of that) bel~·t>en you and lhe blue Pa<'ific. Charming <'Otta."e, patio, garage. \\'alkinJ dt.tance to Balboa 1ttorf'~. 1'\ear the bay. Tlle price'!' Only $9,000. BALBOA Point Lot $3,MO. Ouly $2~0 down~ NEAR LIDO· SHOPS Modern almost new a bedroom, J b&lh home. '2 car garage ff?r Only $2.1 IW) down. T otal pric• la only $12,2M. Conv811if"nt home ln a nice are•. Jt'a a b11.r&aln. ~t loca.ted con·ier lot. On~' HOM11l A INCOME $9,000 bome. I yrs. old and other nf'". R la-bt ack b(tween the Bay firf'place, patio. intur~nce loan a~d cx:':n ! Apt. needs a bit of tl,500 payat>J,. at 164 .1~ per mo. paint but what a bargain! Cozy FULL PRICE $16,000 cot~• h .. 2 bedrooms. llvlng.- Submtt Dov.-n ~aymenl rm. with fireplace .. bar kitchen. G. I. $750 Down 2 bedroom• [n sparlmPnt ovpr double garagP. A clever pe.rson \\'ho liltea to ,.wing a paint brwiJ'I can tum this bargain into a CH.4.RllllR with an income! ' . . I •• " .. . . .. . I - .. ·' - ' : 7 ... • I en 1 }C91Jies · Are . I vered • ,Veekly . -COSTA A REAL EST' TE (ti . I [ BDRIJ G. I . R AUi n. nq.•o down. Nice ·~ lle- , 1 II pSAl;&ftAftl ~ • 1 • Nei 1 rfiact COAST O~GE ACREs. *~·2·. ' catkm. 1,1,60 aq. tt. • cioua" l:fv- lng rm anfi! dining _ . Dual ~e wl_pt thermOl!I t-Ttl• in kit.I.hen and b&t,b,. D e. pr&ge. Fenced. . ... 56.40 m thly pay- ment b:aclude:8 ta.xe• lnllllr· ancc. 1'ULL PRICE •r.250. . ' George ll. 5olstein &: Sons :Suilt Romes • v { l . FURNISHED 2-B!:DR M Value ' Yl'I· old, bdwd. doon, din. .• room. flagstone ttre~la.ce, fen- ced. In real nice loca ion. ·Price $10,&00. J'urniture ia , tte.r than averare. TR!PLEX-Income l• ~2,700 yr. It.a ~ell l~•ted, eac}J unit ha• 2 Qdroom1. bwd. noOra, plenty ot Ute. Hardly a vacapcy in last ye&.!. The price, $17 ,900. Set thia · now. •t.ooo DOWN-2 BDR]fl. HOME. i'ull price, $6,500 and $50 mo. 4 yrs. old. hwd. pane ray heal, tile. 60J:12~ tot . ,1 . .; ~ • r 2 ' ACRES -\,·atkin distance lro1n th~ nrw Stat• o•pital on Harbor Blvd. Excf>llmt for ln· come unit.I. A BARGA.IN at $3.250 vv S A.CR -'-Be:autltul Ea.at Side locati . Sandy loam, hi~h a.nd dry. ight for t1ubdivi1ion.' $11 .900 Ba ney Francque REALTOR 1 Llll,i&n ~~CTA/J: cro•ier 400 E . 7th St. at Ttilltin Ave. Cost.a Meaa, Ph. Bea. 6818 AN FRpl-iT ",DUPLE)f: BC 8M.$.RT-Buy now ! before In· natio~ a.nd aeuonal <t;:ma.nd ups prlcu. U"e one aide . or rent both. Incotne wUI KTOM 12% plu11. Newly de<'or11.ted -com- plelely tum. $18,000. P-hone "1m~rly 3-7778. 65<!66 BALBOA PENINSULA, lffim&t'U• l&lf", completely, fttrnlshed home, 2 year• old. A·l con1tructi6n. 2 bedroom!'! "''1th twin bfodt;-. Jdeal for perma.nent home or profitable rt"ntat. $13.900. with 11n1all ca.eh payment. Immediate possession. \\·-M. I:. ANGOLD, Realtor STif .. L NOT.HINP DOWN TO VE'TS EXCEPT EllCJlOWS A.ND IMPOUNDS 2 Bµ>ROOMS $52.47 I BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOllS PER MONTH ' Plua Ta.xes and Inaurance ' $M.12 PEI\ )IONTH t Plua Taxea uid i.urance % Bath• $64.92 PER MONTH P lus Ta.xet a.nd • Insurance ALL HOUSES BUlLT UNDER F. H. A.. INSPECTION AND APPRDV AL v , All houses with fireplaces, large unattached • double g~rages: bo~ atreets and alleys paved; hardwood fiool"I; Iota of tile. in baths and kitcbo:ns. LARGE LOTS 62' x 125' TO 20' PA VEP ALLEY D11al floor furnacea; spacious l\itclJeRs with tile drainboard•: kitchens, baths and service porches; S coal.II of enamel paint. Foundafion -S.OLID CON~J."!'J:. 2"x8" FLOOR JOIST. ALL HopsES PLASTltR.ED I W~LLS. \VATER S UPPLIED BT ·NEWPORT HElGJl'N {RRIGATION DISTRICT TO NON-G.I.'s on F. H. A. TERMS : from $51.97 per Month, includiJli! taxes and insurance COAST ORANGE ACRES Between Tustin & Irvine Sts.-~bove 19th St. COST A. MESA -. THE JOHN VOGEL CO. J<;xcluaive Sill .. Agent& 1301 COAST BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR Harbor 1477 Harbor 1741 ORANGE ·COVNTY'S FINEST · If you are looki~g f<lr 'tlie finest in everything, let us show you t io hO!Oe. located in the Tustin, Lemon Hts. ar 11, ~&ily accessible Santa Ana, Los Angeles, an the ".,-bor area, set in 6 acrea of citrua aqd avpcaOOll. this beautiful home ill the 1uperlative in gtjoQ taa~ quality, livability. There are S large bedr~ )irge living room, unusual rumpus room, seJ1'111'te \iining room, maid's cjJ!ar- ters. Modem conv~ include dishwasher, ·gar· bare dispoaal, stlllniaa steel in · kitchen, radio controlled rarage ~ Expansive yard is com- pletely encldsed w\tb i O\)ncrete wall, is beautifully landscaped, has 1\1>.l'inlilu system. front and rear. For your outdoor plca•w.e there is a lovely patio, a badminton coun 1on<\ there jlre stables for your hofse.. Appointll\ett ~y. You wil! agree that this home ia well wOl'tlll the $75;000 asking price. JOaN A;. Sl!i<GEL, Realtor 250 D-8t., Tustin Evenings Kl 2-0012 KI 2· 7606 KI 2-9886 KI J-49.'i3 , 1)16 J:. Balboa Bl.,.d. BalbOa Phone Harbor-1238-W 65<:6& '"Fl.. Jt,. SH ", aALBOA ISL.ANO BALaOA ISLAND BARGAIN! TWO -bdrm1. 11paciout livin• rm, fireplace. lovely encloaed patio plua two extra guest roon1a each wllh 14 bath. Guest ho4H could be converted to apt. Extellent income u is - Bf>ttf'r aee thia if you're serioua It la priced for quick action. Linwood Vick, Rl~r. 312 Marlne, Har. 20.f2, Balboa la!. .... 1 **SOLD** Y~R AROUND HOUSE 1 Story -CentrllllY ~ted -Solid Stucco Con- strmtion · Largt carpet\ld livitlf room with fireplace · 2 good sjzed ~ EACH WITH BATH Center halll!l"eY -'l'errific closet space Separate dM.c rQOm -Back porch Jt. c.,-garage plus <l<l\!ble-~rport spaoe (ean add unit) · • · ·-GC>mpl~t~lY Furnished 1 Inc,luding Hotpoint wii$ing machine -~lectrolux ' • -KitcmwJre -· Dishes and MAYBE e~ ~RCA 17" TV console . $l,:l,500 JOHN a. 1-ltENDERGAST ~LTOR 223 Marine Aven11e Balboa Island Jiar\lo.r 1331 IN COl\ON.f\. DEL MAR ' • 'iA..r ' • . J • 1 I' I I ' 4 J I · 1 • • . . ' '"£~~ ll90 ....... , w1JSALLIE ' "" ......... la .... """'..,, .,..).. 111mpi.j nutritloo> foodl an advt't'ttun 1n : pod Nting." ... Or any nincompoop can brint a rib ,,,..i .,. toP oirloln st•ak to 111J1ta· ....,. porf~ but !t takH know· -'° malt, people clomo< !0< a """""d "' llll~ Mlpinl at huh. hamburrer dr ... (what •lH lil then tt\at ~1'111 with "H" that'• ehMP .a I won't spotl my parall•I -l) ... 1ia-... hot folf•. • • • • Of eoul'M I ••ul41 I AY gf"Ound '°"f lnet••d of tllamburo1r and f,..nkfurterti ln8l•ad elf hot dOQll ' and ln1x,.ft1lv1 ln.tutl « oh••P •• '. but I fMI Ilk• a.-ol•morlzlng \hie .tOre fer once .•. , Afttir all, tt d°" oarry ground beef •• well " smoked ralnbOW t,..ut .• • •"len1 a1 Wtlll •• ahallots ... 1oda cr11k1r"I M well H Imported wtl· f.-... ,,.,,.; P'ranM .••. In other w•l"da. It M ilt anythlnt 'any other grooery .tort •Ii• ... at oompetl; t lJ;'I prl~ , o • r..t•1 ~ot back '° llmpl• food• Mina .;,, adventure ln good •&tinr. , .. Probabl·y the least adventun- SOIT'le food to be confronted ""1th ia left-ov•r meat.I .... Why! Be- aua when you make th@m int.o- huh. or a eu1•rol• di.sh you cook ~ acaJn .•.. w oUld you put • rout In the (711HI and cook It over the next da.y T I t'll be tough, won't k ! ... Thf'f'I why bake & CUSProle d i!;h fOf' a ooupl• ot houn or brt'W huh IO lone! .•. Well, l• It a.ny wondeT the Mter has to anothtt k with tomato cat1up to mak• k palatable T • • . I.Aft -over meat ohould be cooked only Ion& enou1h '° be heated through a.nd ••rved tmmed:iat•ly. , • , Bea.UM it ha.a & ...Wn bla.nqn-and io. .. a il"ff.t ~ of tu bavor ••. it'• • rood trick to .tiarpen up your left-over envy with a ta.ble11poon at vinepr . and tour or nv• ch~-up .our pick\" at maybe a halt teupoon ti dJY 111uotard ••• or h&Jf a <UP ol wtne ..•• S.llev• nw ..• you'll find ,..;. --bill> alt in halt .••• Den't Jud fry )'hr l•llsbury ltMk (,..mernMr l'M "ot auppoeed w NY til•mOurger) ••• add a littl• ba•U arid Worout.,..,,lre lauot1 w .. ramble It areund w ith eome fr-" m~roomt1 •• , er wrap It In • tllll plekM and broil tt to dellcl· .u. v l9P"•• (there'• fftat eour· "•• agalri 1 •• I t•ll yow It does WOftd•rt) •••.• S.ver trletl a oarrot· -ureert It'• Oft• way oif lettlnt th• kht• ha.... thetr hamburgers and " ... tat.IM toe •••• Julll put grata4 Nrrot ... top elf tti1 eooked ham· buroer IMll:•ad .... the reoulatlon .. tomatoee Aftd lettuee •••• "1 don't Uk• Lamb l tli!"W." ••• You know why you don't lilc.• It! , . , It lacks color .••• Most lamb stews ju.t don't look rood iD M.t ••• And pleue &rt 't add earam•l eolorinr ..•.. r ll admit k adds mlor, but not ClavOf .••• Brcwvn )'OUI" mftt &nd CO'flf' it with liquid aj>d eook It "° the -ttnd<or-n.-. ... Then In a Mpant. p.n • . , MUta_your onion.a iR a little butt.r ••. but hen's the aecret • • • dip th• onion. iR IUC&r ftrat and just I.hake them around in the pen., ttwn bro-Nn your Vt>Ket&bl" Md plaoe the mMt on top, tNn toVf!I' with the liqWd th• mee.t hu Mea cooked M • . simmer about IQ ftnut• and Hl"YI inwMdiat,e. •.. ' . lt'a tl!i• ..-onlnt' Vt.t counts. 1 •• A tNly louth 9f the ••rda,. flavor Mn llM given a lltowl Of Chlll and •eana If. • fag9ot ., Cumin IM4a and whola Oregano Is addad. ••• Alene wtth your Lamb lttw ••• t,.y • fqgot of a stalk; elf otl· ery, 4 aiprlp of parsley, • bay leaf and a little thyme. , •• lharpen u, yeur pork oh., ,,..., w ith little Urr190n, ohopped ~ley · and .I few plakl.., ••• On• tltl1t9 w ,.... ,member ••• ne~•r ~ oriy travy • uuoe te wt.Mt\ vlM911r, P'okl.., mU9taN er wine haw IMeft M4M1 M,il ••• ,. TN flowr"N ·au .. w, IR Miik.tr. • 'I • . • Irla COMalNATION O,.P'E,. BLACK TEA BAGS 1 pkg. ···-····---·41 ot. T .. lag1 1 pkg. ··-·-·--·····-11 ct. Tea aaga M Tea .... All for only-59c Albers 20-oz. pkg. Pancake Flour 14c A.nagoLd ltl•ndad Citrus No . I can • Cocktail • .-17 c Canned Fruits Mlaelon Inn H•I"• 2Yt Nl'I Apricots • • De Del Mont. f'r uit 303 can Cocktail • • 19c No. 2Y1 o.an ....•...............•......... at. Del Monte llloed and HalVM I Vl can Peaches •• 27c Ukulele Ille.ct Pineapple lnowa Manhattan Clam Chowder • Z!la ean • 29c , •.•. 09n • 25c ~aay to itr"lpare Kraft llkg., Qinnen • 2 '"' 2Sc MJ• lpeclal it'N11-d llkg. Rice • 2 lbs. 29c Betty Crocker"• Ya llrlce .... 34o Yalu• Crusqulck 2 r.. 26c • Cereel .•. eggs .•. coff~"'l'hree cheers" for better bree.kfasts-for cheery good morning meals that 1tart the day bright ... that send Y.OUr family off to work or lchool well-fortified.against winter weath· ~ er and well supplied with elrergy for the day's work. We have all the favorite appetite waker-upper.--· 1 and a.\l are priced extra low for extra savings. • . • .. • , I. I . ' ' • , . _ .. _. . ~ Grapefruit Quality Meats----..... -:~~J_,. :~.:~--=JUICE ~Ol. ~ 27c "'lreakfatt ef Chimplon1,... WHEATIES I DL pkg. 15c Qulol( or "•gul•r QUAKER OATS 1"'911 L•t'I• 15c l5c H'mm ..• Corned Beef llMb and Egga OLION aROI. LARl)ll GR'>Dll A ' FRESH EGGs doL59t: Heinz Soup Tomato J cans 29c Ve1etable 2 Canl 25c Cl'Mlll of. Muhrooin 2 CC11_1S 2'c . DINTY MOO .. & I CORNED BEEF HASH 15-oi. can 29c Special Offer/ :i Beu Pota at ........ 36o with J C&DI lleillz :a&iled Been• S2c • All for 57c ' ' ' CLOSE-TRIMMED TO CUT YOUR MEAT BILLS I . . You don't pay for waste when yo4 buy your meat here because we trim away excess bone. and fat BEFORE t he meat Is weighi<l and priced. Yes -our meats are close-trimmed to t:ut your cost ... to give you more.good meat for your money. And remember '-all Ol,!r meatS are top U.S. Grades-and that means tops in taste-delicihusly good ... delightfully tender. Ch00&e your favorite klnd and cut from the&e BEST MEAT BUYS OF THE WEEK. Pork Loin Roast BTHER END ASM LI. '· . GRADED GOOD LAMB RIB LAMB CHOPS •••••• . . SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS .~-. ' WHILE IT ···~·' OF LAMB LASTS • • LI. LI. 79c 69c LI. 25c StlCED BACON w~:oERIT • • LI. 49c ' .SCALLOPS CERTl-FRESH ~ZEN •••• I . • • 10-01. 65c ' wltil u Extra Olp of ~llclou1 Fresh Produee·.._--..... ' lchllllngs ' ,COFFEE 1·LI. CAN Amuo -Chooelate, Vattilla "' autte,....oti · INITANT DFiilUT 2 pkp. 29c Real Values k-khot C..-me ltyl• ....... Gold Corn 21 ... 27c Vt Gellett 110 : ,.UERTa VA .. llTV c A V.OCADOS 3 FOR 27 c iiluciiie .. 3 LIS .10, • lSG--awaaT-JUICY-NAVaL Frozen Food1 No. J0S • 20c ,.. . Clorox • !;I--~···.I 1 rend' • • ORANGES •• S LIS. 29c MINUTI. MAIO CONC•NT .. ATE ' 1-01. TIN Orange Jui e 2 .., 35, •IADIK.Y8-P'ftENC'H or .... ULA" aUT Green Beans-10..,... 21c Lla8Y'l-MIXl.D Vegetables · 12-.i ,i..( 1,9' .. L 1 a•Y'l-P' lllOZl.N._.f: 111atH Peas •• • • • • 12 ......... 1:9, I 1 .... 2)3c CHANTICLEE" Chicken Pies CINOaPt•LLA lltNaAlll'l& Cheese Cake 53c Mezzanln • ,.EATU,.INe THll W&llK "The LaUIP in Cutlery" BollMon Sbur-Ed_p F111•1111'·Beat C.tler7· MMe ~y a "~ f,.a~ll/leet methH wttl.ti .. ,...._ M Hte fer I , .. ,.. WITHOUT &HAftllENINQ1 .•. Come IR today an4 .. 1u; laree .. , ....... elf flM 11te•lfOH CUTL.,.Y .... u.,1ay. . . ( ST~Hqu1$· IVlllY •AY eUT·f<111•AY I :00 A .II. te A:IO P .II. • • ~I -FAMR·T lli"ID•.• ' I l:tO A M te l=et P.11. I · 'Wo "-~ ......... • ~..,•n• i11i11 •• , • • ,, .... Peanut •lter llc ca,,,,n,.. 1-1-.. ttkg. Marlbnal'w1 llc iA.dolptl'• Mtat Tenderizor • Q.T. ln.Unt $aka Fr~tillCJ • • lt .. ro a.et •nd Chlaktft lhulll.n ..... 49c av,--. 15c C.s. ·. • • P..-'N,Soota Cat Food • Lge. ' • 25c · Chi ii Lge. pkg • • 29c ....... 12-os: 18c M.D. Tetlet TI1sue.2r 11 2lc Y• too oount Facial TilsUe 27c Quart &to Pint Aerowax . llc 1-0L . 49c Metal Cleaner I Koro10 ••• • ._kery Treats.-· --·--.. OAn.tAL cooilf5°AY. • dL 2Sc ~r;· . l'RIDAY . fRfHCH APPLE PIE . • • each $1jt <. . IATURD&Y · LARlll-WITH AllOllTID l'ROIT,INH · AMfiL FOOD CAKE • ' . ·~~ ' · ALMOND TO~~llD DANISH BUtTERHORMS ' . • . ' PORTr RICAN YAMS ' ••••• 3 w. 23c ' COACHaLLA VALLl:V Grapefruit •• 6 FOR 2Sc Delieatessen-----s WllCONllN-AGED, ·NIPPY. RED IKIN Cheddar Cheese 1~. 59, LUE'R'~UALITY-P'"-ESH liver Sausage ""' .. 4Sc LUER'a....QUALITY .... LICEO , Pi-..iento loaf Mf 1~ 4 9, 11110 CRj)WN .... EMl-aONE~ll»-P I CkLID .PIGS FEET •• '·•L jlr 23~ llOLLll\) WITH CA~IRI •• l'LAT ,rlLLITI 01' ANCHOVIES :1 .... * l9c HEALTH FdOos DEPT.-I' , Hew IN ITOcK ••• Jw. llOOK : .. .,.;.,.TI0.1 ;I ."LeokY~U.1_..; j • . ., MYllLOf!D """ .. " .. ..,,,,9" '.!Mil.• ·Y•. ,y~. • • -,, ...... -Mlilo;'. •'• llM[ll ..... .,... I •t all -· • 111.,. MlllMll P....-et,. be•• . I ' • •