HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-11 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News••• ti-. • • ·-AND SHOPPING NlWS ' I • ' . . -=-mrzm U LW U U - - - = U WL W -a By ·MARGO YOU MUST ALL FACE THE MUSIC! Who dare• tum h1a kck on TV? ! ! And you bavtA't a moment to spare! Vacationers a.nd natlves &.l ike are taking &dvantap ot the TELE\'1810..'V RE:O."TAL 8ET8 NOW AV.ULABlX flT THI: ROUSE OF RARMO'SY. Coata Mesa. This huge mu.tea) menace 11 renul'c RCA a.n4J Hottman floor n:iodel aeta tor u low u a buck a d.&y. Get with th.is 90 )"OU won't tniu C~l the S.aaick Serpent or the next appearance of Greuy Thumb Gumik. TV Mt. are delivered and inatalled for free. Hurry up and rent on• ot theM. or if you'r. planning on de&ertlng your wite (hUJba.1\d, optional) and i kick be a lovable old 1port and buy them a braad IHlW ~Bell. aCA, Hotfm&a or Dwnoot TV Mt beloN you take off. They'll never m!M you, your cad! HOUSE OF HARMONY 1117 Newport Av._, Co.t& Mesa. Be.aeon 5737·58S3. • • • S.Al'>.'E SENSIBLE STROILERS SLIP INTOI 8ANt>ALB IN THE SP'R.lNG! Or Mother bids ·you unbind your fMt. Oft. What s relief lo have the snow and -tu.ab off th• rround, th• 11ei.b la the motll 1ball1, and. the toe. out ut the boot! Thb la my very own C:OY announcement that BARBER'S BOOTUY ha.a IO many -.nd&la- .. ·More than I ever sawol P1eue don't bother nytnr off to N. Y., r"' ~"" Chicago or Bellflower tor a -p..ir ot ~ They·~ &II at Barber'& Sootery In Coata ,.Mesa.. St_ay a! home my love ud danl'l• your tau in the new all whit~ drape ADdaJ• with medium w~p h-.l. neat -t;>ut never gaudy at $6.96. Or aM the abowy wedre type M.AdaJ J • ~ multi-color, red or whit• at 14.96; low nat wedp, white or. 8UA-tan and pretty bare.toot aandal• at $3.96. AN YOU lmpreued _ ,,.._....,.,.., a t all w1t.b the tact that Barber'• Bootery hu a complete arny of K Vet t swnmerttme foot par! ARE YOU! ! ! Oh they have Prim& orea . 0 Oover Girl Flat.a. Hollywood Skooten tor SAN { 12 leu than mkt. 1 price) and myriad• ot merry Httle ahore• and ADdala. It rou'r. ' c with children. Barber'• hu aun .. SaA&, Kedette• and plenty of othen. Spe-L at Remember! U the aboe won't tit, Uley won.'t force It at 9&i'Mr'1 ft Bootery. 17~ N9WJM?rt Ave., eo.t& Meu.. , . e e e -llflt t;t. ~ I PEOPLE WHO ·t.IVS DI OLA• HOUasa ~ ..... talr• • !UTY. a nt.aan. tit 0.. Ol-ed oh....,.· lil·die ~ -.ll'gffl!.1:'JAT 1.8 Tllit! llX"V'l:"lliD Obu ·-mttd jtjle<-- TKE roRESIG11'!hf6 •£1' CB&CK W1TK Tllll llRADI! UJQP! . .al!!. -· -----. .:-iijii;. THE SIUDlt SHOP IS STILL TAKING ORDll:IUI roll rur::x.u.uil Kor.a; .. --to ---• (ALIDONUMl VENltTIAN BLINDS ••• ""T hlsh quality Y. mtNben of,~ ••t Mu M~'• Blinda that can be obtged tn ma.ny d.eeorator eolora. Heltll club, th1I ftu'*1iay, April 12. at Wolfard ca.n alao inaure ymll-privacy by llU(l'••tin• arti.st.Jc a.rran,.-T :ao· p. wi •• totlowtnc a IUpp« m menta tor any type wtndow. The Shade Shop carrlea all manner PilJrim Hall, 811 Heliotrope, Cb- ot' drapery hardwan. DOUBLE SASH RODS, SWING LOCK. Jl"IX-rona del l(a.r. , TURES. TRAVERSE RODS, GOOSE-NECK BRACKETS. etc. lt The LH.themtt:k .i!:fl't-Nlt wu your old roller •hades l.ruiet on le&dinl' their own livee, and maiun. platoon terl'e&nt tn the hTfttll your home life generally mi11erable. Helen Wolfard can. reverM Marine Refbnul.r w ft en :U.:e them. repair them or 1iell you new on.o at Ul.• SH.ADE SHOP, 514 Chanrjln ReMrYoir wu captund l1lth SL. Newport Beach. Harbor SM. and then the hol'dH of C1.l1DtM • • • " Rtds poured down over ~· M'.an-IF YOU HA VE ONLY & DOLLARS IN YOUR chu~n border to fotte the ~th- POCKl:T. eon9ider younel! tortllnate! You can drawat through the mountainJ ln take all the f~lly over to the A.'iCHOR CAFE tempUafvrea fa.r beloW the lero for a nice lille dinner party and still have money mark. .., left tor _,me good cigars and i. movte ! The Suttertnc trom •bnfnel woundl Anchor Cafe teaturea nice nou~r din.ner1 &nd tromtblte, Peny made .,the for around a dollar ... and also wi aerv• your withdrawal u far· u Kaonz, little one1' a special child'• plate to all t.Mir whett hi. unit job:aed otbet" Ma- very o\.vn ! One of the !ipecialtie• de ma.i.,n la fine torcea. He wu evacuated! by a small fillet ateak for 11. If you want to have air from \.here and noW1l to a io.- quite a bit of c.ha.np left tn your jeans. order a chili-burger. or a pltal In Japan tor treatment, liter t:hfli ai.%.e, or bAcon It egp~ Th• Anchor Cafe alma to aerve sood ~lng retumed ~the at&te•. tilling meals in a friendly prlce rs.nee. People come out ot the The non-com.miMioned ottlc. .. Anchor Cafe looki11g-very rontented. Dinner apedaltlea are on P"'"ntly bl u.. tn"'lli«~· until 7 p. m. Early bird breakfuta :ta.rt at the crac'k of dawn · tJon of a Marine atr t 5 a. m .... Roura SaL 12 M thru' Sun. 1 p, m. Clo.Md Wed. Anchor l'f'OUP a.t El Toro. · ' ' , Caff:. 7110 Cout HJway. Newport &acb. .... RMerv•lkm9 for the l\J'PP6 can , • • • -be m.&Cle by c&llinl' Dtc~ lcb-#,elt- Ol:AR VIRGINIA Mc.MAHAN', aer, club ff<:Mtary, at HNbor A rew weeka ago I waa teeltnc very. nervoua a.nd run down. 111)1-M. I could .carcely crawl around the waterfront. I tried t&klnl' every· >------- thing troni p41!nnlea out of the baby'• bank to Hadaool. Then one day I dra&ged into your !'ii'EWPORT BAil!llY. There waa a day! National . Award Won by City f . fire Prevention 1 .. I bought a lo&t ot your NUT HEALTH BREAD tot' Ue Thia bu.Ith brea~ made of bn.n, nuta. a.nd sweetened with honey made a new wo~ ot me! Now I eat your health brea'd daily with bak~ bM.na or with Philldelphia anam chttee. ~ aJM do a.JI my own tn>ewrttillic a.nd am president of the Brown.le motht!n! I am ~ all DlY trienda to come to your marveloua bakery for enerrtzlnc choc. chip 'COOkiea. truit bara, oatmeal A: wgar cookiu-Since I am now atronr enough to So on picnic•. I have tried your wonderttiJ ham- burger A weiller ro11a. I rtve quite a few part.tu llnd certainly do anjoy your beauUNlly decorated ca.ku and P'rench putr1q. TbanU A.a twtinor award 'oertttleate'. haa ap.1.n , , • and be 9ure: A: aave me 2 dozen of your poppy Med be«n WOil b)' tbe City of N r;t. rolla! I'll pick them up a.t your NE'jVPORT BAKERY, 2112 OCZA.N Be&cb. la th• 1960 tire prev Uoa tR.oNT, NE\VPORT BEACH ... Love, Marp. eonte.t COD;d\IC\ff by the .na • • • fire wut• eouncD · and. the L&T"l! YOU AND ME GO ON A BIG BINGE. HONltT AND Cllambec. of Com!ner<e .. R&;r PAINT TRI: TOWN RJt:D ..• SHALL WE!!! T,ell you what. ,.-eUn, ~m•••p:r UM Chum , .. -..·n .tart out at th• BALBOA. 1 a 11. I doft't l Want to 'Newport}IUW Oanlber at . .. appear ~-p about thia whln&'-diftc. but a Citl"• Sot to play It ""C"Y· .,._ ~ -1· . And the BaJbOa a A tO'a pt a reuonabl• new 11ne of ao'I' AL 'N...,.an ·Be.ti w.. for tiel DUTCH P A.Qr."T that'• quality atuft. How m\ldl can. you .handle'! aao:-the aatlGa ta ltl J'OP.'lll!i,Uoa A toult.b of a pint •or a quart! We'U u.cA l'el our own Jut, • .al! ~·~•UM ttftJl YMZ ew- And O\JJ" owu bruab o. K . ! They'Ye aot ...,.ry oolor ot th ;nta... port a.di. ,._ won ~an a "°"· 8o we can e!tMr do tbW Wnc up~ or set~ ~ hlUl·P'blulpo Will IMll•cJOO! Are ,.,.,_ piie? An.t T 'Qil blil!""Ulat -tlMlt ~ loo ull..f IO , -W llOe Tllinner, vaml.all :a -ruri-11ae "1'"·100 proof. Wlloe! or -..._ ~ prlild"'t ot,u.. maybe we can -1ty haq -•"aud stJd tbe towa~ 8ll1loa a,amMr Gt 0,-._,,. la• 1 a otme 11aa l"ld a ollw pU>t .I \.u '°"' we'll Nally pmat.-111!8 tqta. D: A ..._ tlM , old ..... -• out.-SU! Alld .-'II set "all -~ at tllo -.. ~ l•"4f\lllll,m-' ( l'i .. A Dime. I bear U..y'oo ,.t ~but .. -M&t at A-l-"""'11'l•·llN--....... ....... ' . ""I··* Jin ,,,......_' " . . . .. . ,. ..... ""=· ... . 00~'1".l,D~T0~.4.Ll'llLll 111dw !limp ... -~T ~ lK _,..·WW. ~ .. -•le:,1'1.. ,.,.. , 'llo ,...... 11:..."-= ......_ __ , ~ -nm--T-• ••n; ._ "I. • ·-_.. -·-· ••• ~: ~ ........... -.. ~ ..... -.. -Ille .. ~&-.et•;·-~·_ ~M 'a n&..llil . .._llfil jpaujr•• .,_. .... ,.,.. .. "tlli8 'r•·li 1•V-'ftll.ita)) .... ·~ T"' .c. • -•• ~ ..A¥4 ....... ---...... ·-~·* ..... ..... ~,. .. , .• _..,......... .,,.... NWtMMlf ... m. ... aWet1'1t a 1'1A1t I ' ' 11111,MEIO l11EtT -IATlll FlllllH 1.00 DOWN 50¢ A WEEK • ...t.Jow CANDIDA11 fOI l'llST HONOltS IN lKll llNSA~ . · ll"C'n-WINll-CHllPAIOH I ...., ............ .-1-4 ..... .,. .... ... .• ,.,,. ~· ..,, ,, COOICS I .. ... ·;,:;:.:.;.'-ll'!'J: • ,, • IMU ••• llOAm ••• fOAUf • • • , ~J .~· ....... ,, II' '•dmtuat,._cmd ......... '"4"1 Caplme .. dtlcbui ~ al _Grandmcr'a cooklaq • , • Ill --.. -••• -caidob • to»lom ........ All-J-C'OOlld·_..1or ... 01'1UfY, .• lln'l ... UilCl!ltCY' parhdJato ... w ............... , tr ........ oUdd.alill•114l •wWit!ow-· •. . ··-· r~ ...... --SA~.~-i~-............. . . •• ..-1. t'*-1 .S,-M b 11 tlle WC'd·v ..,, ... !..!t••I 'u''ss _._... .... ,...._...._ 11n,=:-=·· r;::;'n ·,·,.~·~ · .! . ::~ I MCI SB llilCWINSI . '. °""' 11·•.J __ ___, ,._ • ',_ nov.•1-1 "'"" ···~--~-i:lil:i!5.~ 51~:::: • I'm\'-' •.;• a su.U1a1_ .. .,. .. • ' ---- ' ' " ' 1;· I { ·. I • r . • • I I • • • • • • '· • ' • • I • •• PA•t .. J ....... u. -1111•!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!1!1•- -IBOWll'IG 1eawrnr ~ ••wy• llOS -.-.... -. GENETI~EY •JOHN WNO ... ,.....,. ADDl:ll< ... U al 8tPf1W ......... -..u,r-~ a.a-N .... 8-p,-p kl ... .,.qtee flat. li-.....JM ' . NOW -"llP' aw OftoM..,.. . ~J"lj ... ~!:M&-o r:;:c- ~ ....... .,.. ...• '.FOA REAL FUN -. "ZIN6" DON'T WISS OUI · "tSIMT SHOW •llU -•llU - • - Defense Unit.s ·to . ' "REDHUD and tfle COWIOY" -Pim-........... ..., .... ,-. • l l.===:::t=:;::====::;I Aid Blood Drive D~~ ::.::•:" All ·e1..u .. ,_ . ........, 1oa Olnleo -• TN-... ...... ......... to Millot~ Moel~ I llou .. • e4119P .. p1a111o to -llliM ..,_ 111 ~ ..._,, lfNp1I ---ollllo.,..rt1aH "PAYMllNT ON 'DIMANO'~ Addo<ll 4 ..,. Qlrl- "Pl"IT\' 147 ftOtraLV on.N MITP I••• .. M .. • port B&rtloT, ......... fw ~=~::!:====== w.,ii, nu.-y, A,.U u, I to f p. m. at U.. ~;:t t.pn llelJ. 16th .... ~, lll&rt• .... -" 1111 ,. .. Tt' 1hnls11N •US'rrAJJ~ ..., ..... .. , f64lflfll DllU "V9ff1Af«:I Y.wl'' ., tnd MA.IOR'. FEATURE Dod .. lo m<l'rio«. Watch It! Dode-la movtnc" Wat.eh It! COUPON IPICIALI , 0-V•lll A,.U 1' 111111c.-~ ..... M JM •r••* • •Jl!P'oi. .PLAM9 .. WAYSIDE GAlDINf .;r· -w-N .. port..... . C08TA HEl4 CUI lfal\na, deputy -- IM -todQ'. Jl'le4C• --... tlllUllf UM einl ..,_.. b re I lllUUta u.. c111 uu "' "' 111o -6'11<41. ~to­lfW. ~ lllo llrp ll!llt JI~-"fill ace. ..-. ~·\lie"*' wlll-. . tod to 4111. Ille IUlil- 1-J"-f w11o9 tile vl.iltod be,., IA peroone t-1111 out lllR -Wt *•114" et ....... """ -u.. ..... on•-..., ...,....,..,~If --------------------the 170 mark 'WU .,..elMd.i 1f week t,he larger qUadeq ot ~ Lepon Hall will bf' uttl!Rd for NOW OPEN ROSS MORE NEWPORT DINING ROOM OUR MENU CHOlCE OF SOUP DU JOUR or .SHRJl(P COCKTAIL Salad with Choice of D.-ing • GR.II .I.ED SWORDFJSH, .Tartar Sa,uce ............ ...'.... lM BROILED LOBSTER, Drawn Butter .............. ~ 1.,11 GRILLED SALMON STEAK, Lemon Butter ----.., lM OR.II,I,ED WHITE SEA BAss, Tartar Sauce -...-· U0 FRENCH FRIED LOUISIANA SHRlllPS, Special Sauce ................................................. .,.:_ 1M • GRIT.I.ED ABAWJllE STEAK, Lemon Buttoir .__ .lM YANKEE PO'l'.ROA.ST, Butte.red Noodle8 ...... "-lM VIRGINIA BAKED HAlt and Fruit Sauce --~ 1M ROAST TOM TURKEY with nr-iug, . C?'anberry Sauce ___ ................. a .... a ....... ~ J.- % SOtrl'BERN FR.JED CHICKEN ........... a_,;_ 1M' CHICKEN' FRIED STEAK, C<nmtry GraYJ -...-l4f GRADE A-N. Y. CUT STEAK . . Freocp, Fried Onion Rlnga .. ________ .... -SPECIAL ~ STEAK, Baked Potato .... Coffee or Tea Vegetable -Baked Potatoes with 0-Sauce, J) 11 l&'C , AL80 &ndwldles Ud AJa .(Arte ircl11J1 ROSSMORE NEW.IORT . ' . .. .• ., . (NOW uDder JOUlaCoftWlt of ;1f,"j. - • . . '_ 2l00-pcM+ • Her ...... R~QRESpc>RHMAN~ARF , · · '40 I ~ain, .B•lbc>a Har, I 2f2 -~!~ORE lANTA ANA · . r .... JO~. Sycamore Kl. ;t-2331 ~ o.•eo~ -er hr fer 8woliee ~ ......... le ··= fl?EJ .. !(~ .. I 2 An9 811)y1 ()al.., ~ tins r-··1a1n. F~ le. llllia l/fJOI> . • ~•.&.ab• CAioha • • ' • 0 .. • I nrlt time and W9.ll1'c will be el • m!natH, C\aM.J.mano Wd. Pn:vlo~ ly the Glrl Scout bOUN WM \lllttl .. ' J.ppot».tmenu c&n ~ made :I calling Batbcw 116~ but It • t!U ential to bave an .appolntm t lo donat• blood, Red Cf'Olli 3 ala old. Coffee, chrHe and .. ers will be fff'l"ed &U donora. wt IUft YounJ" ln cbarse Of UM oewt· ·teta. . . &prll lftla Iii lllo •11. from S f P· ... 'No -no ~ • l . ' • • .. ( 1--....j..._,. __ --:~:------~...._ ....... ....,.--.· tT ' ' I ' . ' FisltiiJ9 Bart• "11,IXIE" -· • . ' . . ~NOW · . U114e'r .New OWnership . Pf'llJ,IP 8, (fl.RPENT~ Sll0.9Q4'1'LEAV. • . ' , ,_IA.11.TOIP.a · OH 11le Pier . SAN C~ • . -' ,,.. t GLU<J>. ~ ---. -e1~N....,..11u••1Atsoe1-.-. . FUN ZONE *"1 -JDulted -·nun • r. Non. wm ,_.., tloo ,._,, ud )owOl t._ hot Ol'Ujf ~ ..._ Pay~ Kew efneen .. Ms t ~ W•1•••t ti 6e loml loqe Re )llebatld. Wt te ..,.t allo" -,...., 0. H. ._ 11-..,..,., S. r . ..,,,. Loe~ ..... t; C. IL VUMP, i..,.a 16oipt1 a. A. S" • ·, 1 ntlhc lllllpt_ ud -Nona., &.O.lw -.. -,_, loll to , I • • OPEN naY PllDAY, IA'IUd.AY ~ ._ · .. -... ; _, ' SUNDAY . IALIOA JENN 'S DR' E'SS SHO~ p T~ISD1A:5Ti~A~TIONTOUNLOADTHJSENTIRE . , . , STOCK IN THE 9UICKEST POSSIBLE TIME " ; . Nl¥t IUMt= Dll'US . V~Vl'.lt.'1Ull _, _____ ,.$ .... ..., ..... ..,,,, I 1 :ttflll .Nii•• ~1, •••1•1 .,,. cul O.r t -r ........... , .... •lo •Kt " • 77 . . . OHL 1 AN EMD•INCY OF THIS IMPORTANT scon WOULD NECES~ATE SUCH RADI- CAL !SM.ASH· DOWN CUT· SLASH PRICES! IAU~ · I . ..... 1""" opporlualty of a lifetime io "1 i-atituJ - "' •"""" at w•7 below wholwle "'*' We mu.t ..,_ · 09t --t o•ce.! Beprd)Ma of extreme lo11M! Every ._ lllj tile otpr. m•t pl llo dowD, do-. dowa go .... 'irltll • mlpty erulll O.r nb-loMee are YOW' lllllll Come ~ pt your 1hai:,I We c--t... you woa't '--.)lpoiaWI . · . · · ~UYONILft ... : .. t:AWDl ' ••ullFI ..... -s . .. Sit..,., -..,. ..... , ....... ,.u ... . ' . •t7 'IYllYTHING C.OESI NOtHINC5 WITHHILD! ~· . NO PCHANGESI NO RIFUNDS!AU SALES ·l'IMALt SALE STARTS ~R.l"D A,Y at lO "A.M • ud ..m --at fllll .,... ... UI OWi'}' --lo Hid! 9F .... -... ... .. II 5 I .... .Qll! -.0 _., -•••r . ALI. PLAY CLOTHQ ~ AT RllG. Sl.'71 .... Ul 8 .... 1.-! ,_ ... T••91 1 ... 1""" Wio! D1 I ,_ 0.-.. Twll .. ? .......... -· .... ........... !, ...... , .aw 1 ,. H, u,. IM! V3 orr • M.AIDl:JI. FOIM ....... l'Jfi,tlMwa,11 ·· · · · ~ ...... ,, ............... df 'I · . Lar1e 1rt1 Chi ........ ~ .......... -. ...... .... , _ _. .... , ... . (J 0.,.t ·-a Iii Zttl•n' ....... _ ...... _! • NY N HOSEI ::· ... ,{I.a: .. 5 7 -IJWay C ..._..,100o9t? ri-1t. s1- '~ ·~ to ·-RAYON BLOUSES ::.i.~;;: s· 1 o o Cotto••? W h I t e! Putel! '* to II! - ' SATIN RIBBON f"-to .. • ;rud! 1:x..i-1 ... t for blr C ::.;, • de. t;y; y· d IL to I laelteo "'68! leolen! . " RA YON PANTIES Ile.! Flae C ~8.:!" at 3 7 ...70ll knit .. .,. .. ,.: Frul ...... 'l'llo . loom! wltl&e • . conON SKIRTS • '-Y ,..,Y:tt:;: .. -$ J. 7.7 --prtaW llOIU.C! RoJ· .ua: . . .00 • • -i . NYLON llllPS -. I . • . . $'127 Jmq. fl 1S . ' ~ #I It! 1~ NJl<nt! . ~ treaft? te ea1T! f.. .....-. .... ,lup!' • A R <i A f ·N·S. 'GA' L 0-R E ! '' ·,·· --It! . , ' -. . -. ·--, , . WOOL Slll1S . t· 0 • VAL.~'1W , t311 Aloe ,_ -l Jl"loe ...... 'If . •• t 1. .e.mr· , .,....,.pi ... • l!Jooa'M ..... • ; ( .mo.tule. ~ L 1111 . ......... ··-... . R·.IUJ .. 11"1 ...-.: -·"·~· ; ~ - • • • • . • I " l . . . • ... .. • • ' ,. I I I ~· i 1· I • • • -~ . . l ~ J f J.: L . • 1i.' .I.!..-. '-J nth ~ ftUL n &D'At. 1. ,.,,_,,. un• oanson "CTIY8-fY!O tor x. r . ._ .111 ~ u... ...,.. lf.oltffr'eG Guest Newport Circle , :;i:.:; = t!:: ...:: at Storl Shower -. -._. ...... -. 1'..,.t -~ 111•*.f. i . -l awe MIWlaad. .... oa••tri·z I A.bqot«ll._ ....... tO(tllt . -flrop...,. ... .-.. • iaw. .... "•'"POl"l ~ w.·~ o. a. .... _,__, Wjtla sUta. -· 0( CbrlOt a.a.di .., tlle -- tll• -WMB J-(~ A.pd! a at tlle ~of xi.. 011111- J..,_ • ._. """----..... 21'f • -otnet. 'Mlllt Ult ........, or ~y. April a, at Ult clffio 11&4 •• Kudl inaau., - llome of -· Bal<tt, S102 Bal· to wa.-of eo ......, "'.,.lion, It .... l>oul.....S. lot~ llam•tt "'""a)UV m<mtll for tlley Wtn I~ _... co-bol:tne for tile occuton. · ehu'Jt Ot a.o.t.. duty at the Pini<""'--........... . _.._ ---... .. ..... d ••·· .__ •• ~H tabl ch u re II. ....,..rat1ns. ,.. •• __ ~ ecora-.... "'~ -• ..... ~ e hu!lebtonl and dinners aad',.... °"" ~ n-... P.-Ill• manartar • ~ -· · 1 room•. A. aonl pm• wu tM-SpectaJ cndtt wy· rtwa by 111191 .,.aeutnl' of COllt.at.I or 1maU -a. N...,Jand. pr..lldeat. to lleldaJn.• by t .. Unr u.~. nnt.lltten.~r the May O.lallor, John ~. J . artl~lft •Wnc the •llm• John· A.. Bodman, Mamie lla'ricf Mid 9Clll &l'ld for tlm. ~n. .Joeepb Ray Jla.k.,-for c&nytnf 011 work ftompeon recU-..d tlnt P~· In of the clrClt durilll' UM monUt.. s. .. ,.,..., : ~ ... ._ tM PJn* of ~bul jullJon Mn. Jira. Havtc., wod clM.ir"awl, \:~ 1 ti' ... ._ ~. ""' JohMon WU top winner '-M Kra. told of plan.t made for wnuntt ~· 'f \ ··-·'-r.. TllM>m~ WU lo•: "Scram bl~ .rorll, lncludtn.f an at• day meet· :.:·~ ~~ t:"~-:-. · ' ... ~ .. name• foUDd WUma Kynhn wht lnl' ot the committee. 111-New-~. ~""'lit-.~-:, ·.: ... -,~' •er with Jean. lnm&n low. . land announced th• yeQ-'• appor--''-~ ·""'~ ~.,,..,. ·-~·::~:; At th• retrahment Interim Ice -uonment to the churcb paid 1n ta.IL t ,.,~· /:. · ;~:~ ~'j.:. ~~~ er.am mold@d In the form of a Letten we r'Md from three , ~ .• : .. --;-:.~1 baby ln tta crib accompa.n.led a fGt"mer mem~ MW Altce Ran-· ''• ,-;_ .. ~~ • '"·;::· .. ~'~ bN.utltuJ.. cake~ decorated In the cox of .At.lant.le, Iowa: Mn. Mamie • • ~. .-m• motif. Nut. w•re In booUe Gray of Ban J'ema.ndo and Mn. CUpt, and punclt. WU tened. WU1!am JCUW of Porlenille. PrtMnt were thP. honoree, Mn.. Appoint«! u a nomlnatillc com-J'ohNoa; Km.ff. JOMpb. Tbomp-. J In Wilma M.,ynl\Jl mitt.ff were. Mrs. D. W. H oltby, 2-IAYll COCONUT CAKI ~ ~c~l. Ullla.n Owen: eba1rm.a.n: Mrt. Goeldner and Mra. Kvjoril!' Barnett: Mt-.1 kllna-May U'llen. . ,.... ltOJ eeJ Ml Smith R th Grimm and the P'or the prov.in. Mlaa New-~ • u land rave a review f'r'om Rural L Pro.pecta (Mark Rk:h), J.ut of the atudy booka tor uM year, 89'- Catholic W ome4 Are Guests at Bay Shores Home At the aoctal ho\lr Mn. Goeldner WU a..Y:ted by M1-Adele Bed- dome ln Hrvinl' n:truhmenta to Mm•'· PtiK.bner, C.rol Curt.LI, Havi<"I!, ~rse Arey, M&rpret Clark. Pearl While. Bf.rt llllla. P . lira. Nk:bo\,a.I Brettner, Bay L. HJgin.a, &dwi11 DaetweUer, Ray INDIVIDUAL 0.ANGI ROW 41w15• l hOTM. WU hoet ... on Wf'dnnday Balc:i r, D. W. Holtby, May Ddost- t o SI memben ot lb• Altar GuUd er. A.rll.Jle Jupf'r. J . .A. aodman., of Our Lady of ML C&rm•I and JM.nett. Beddome and the Mt... AL John V ianney Cat ho 11 c Newland. Kate Robe.rUon and c:hurche•. Adele Beddomf'. Pourlnl" at the kautitully •P· Next mHtlnl' will be on May l poUtted. cM ... rt buff•l were Mn. at the'...home of 'Mn. D. W. Hollby, Theodor. Robina and Mr•. Leonard 1&11 West Ocean rn,·nt. Perruul pUd pn•ldent. Chief topic• of in~r••t wu the knent tea on .ApriJ 12 at Balboa I>oda• t. movlns. Watch ttl • (V_ .. _, 4'- -ooeTA. ... A 1'11 N_,_,, .... 00.0NA. DU. lllil -C..Rlstt-1 LAGUNA llliOB 111 f'•l"Mt A."909 ; '· ' May club of which Mra. J . Arthur I r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·~1 Taylor 1a chairman Pct on which 11 abe Hported. Mn. Hdtnu an- nounced th• Ma.t... Del Htc-h Kbool benefit dan« at Santa Arla Country club. Mra. rr.nk Wlndle and Kn. Aptha P'ema.n were ap- po(ntf'd u a committee to Nit th• •ick . Membe.n were l'f?m 12 dos.-*" di.sh towel.I t o hem tbr the ellurelt. kitchen. 1 Next m•Unl' w1l1 be May 2. at the Mme ot Kn. a.ors-• a&Ac.ha. l«O ~Mt Bay a"Yenue. Harbor Foursome Off to New York llr. and Mra. R . L. Cruleb.tT and Mr. and Mr•. Dick Drake are lea"Y· fAJ today, Tumday:-Gil a motor tzip to New Tor~. The quartet Will' de:barfr later UU. monUa on u, ltn.er Uber~ for Europe. lib-. ud Mn. Crutcher expect to ea.Joy an at.ended Lour o( the con- Un ... t with their return not Khed· uled. until No"Yember. 'n\e DrakM, however. will be ion• only a tew ......... .Jerry Johnsons Visit Harbor Area . M.r. and Mrs. Clyde J\. 'Jerry' J"otm.on •topped ln the Newport Harbor area for a day la.st Wffk •nroute on a tour of the United 8t.atff. The John.son• formerly operated John.on'• C&fe at Balboa., an4 more recently the Mel!'09e Ranch at E9Con.dtdo. They have .aid tlltlr ranch and wtll epend aeveraJ mon~ on a tour of the United Stat-. Canad& and CUb&. llLOODMOJllLE ''181T '''-" •f ... IUooidmoblle -.It .. U&t.ed for 'ftandaf, Aprll If .. Ame.-L<llo• Rall. lltb u41 IW, FrMt, I to '1 p. Ill. It ..,... .... meM .... ,. It! the --" tM Ame.,... ..,.c,_ "°''c . ~~"' ..r.,.c:.s ~-< ~~ THIS ROUTE FOR HAPPINESS! BecaUM we have Savinp Plans for every pune and purpoee, JIOU'l! find aylltematie oavinga euy here. You'll enjoy our current dividenda of 3 % ••. the aatety of uvinp illlured up to $10,000 •.. and the convenience of a time-avinr Save- By-Mail Plan. Make your 1&ving1 get lltarted aa ving today! goal one year' 1 Income , , • at our friendly &NOCiation GIVE TO OONQUER CANCD I • FRIDAY the 13th BIZ· MART I-IT SHOPPE . . . ooOoo • Special l~oductory Off~ - WOOL IOCI Y 111 :·u, 1 oz. lkei1 . -' . ' I I . . Wf fEA TURE FLEISffER'S YARNS' . • ' INSTRUCTIONS-SIVEN -• llUllll& JI. 'l&n.8• • . 113 E.~ ~~..... H.C~ 0776 " ' ' . • .Lenps -' . • •/I ijlctkg Flzlw9i . -~\Wall ~~ . .i:. • Pilft AMII or.AM ~ . :· McicMU'-,. 1 > ilcjitlng Axt,rei· -n.a .. 811-. Silt .__ ~ -on <lMlll 1np • ..,. ut TUUIN AVJ:., NEWPOllT ll&ACll • • mara A LITl'L& SPLV&GIC ....,....,., • 11 * &ia.d u.i. weetr: ., •• ..,to i.. Uao prue c:Mt-.11: • RITTAI FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES NMIM .., Bollftt; ADea of *M lilt''-' i.-.. \'r.. . .._ .1i •• • ior l :ht \\'i..ndo"! ~play pictured abo'" ... Net -IT ,.. •uo prtw. '"'' ,.. N&Uo-N_..,. au ......... -af.Mipplomoatary f6.M le l*J' for a pllo~ of ti.e prke wtallow. ftW! att.1'9Cttve wlBdow w.. cn.t.d ta UNI hlud •tore cJv- ... Natao.J S.ve ..._ Sew WRk of 1151 &ad A..Uen won tint prtu la the btd~pmdeet \'arielf Store ~tioL llAOI IN OUI OWN WOllC'"°" AMO 'IOM fMI PH Ebell Garden Section Meets with Chair.:nan A chanl"e ln place of the nut meeting ot the Garden .ectton ot ICbell club la announced by Miu LU lan K. Danie.Ii. ch&irm&n. 1t wlll be held A.pt11 11 at her hom4h 341 Ev"11ng Canyon Rd., Shore Cll.tta. •SAFEWAY I THI l.Al•IST DISPl.A Y Otl -PACINC COAST • ........ ............ "-.... s.. ........ r ,._. NOW AT MESA ..... ..... rr... ........... ~ Welcome a.ew addltJona to Cotta Meaa are Dr. and Mra: Gilbert Nee and chUdttn, who are Uvin« at 127 Bdwy., attu a atay in Balbo&. HOUSE l GARDEN .;,c-...,.•, *._. _ _, OPEN .NlTE8 -8UNDA Y 10 le t Juot loolc it the low price on tbio m .. to( many u ... .... excellent to bake or boil, to fry with egs. to 1lice cold !or 10ndwicM1, to cook with be1ns or olher food•. You can get enough good-iating meat out of a amoked picnic for several meals .•. and at Safeway'• 1pecial price it i1 mosl welcome to your budget.. Get your\moked picnicloday ••• during thi1 BIG SALE! MORIELL'S PRIDE, SNORT SNAllK, SMALL SIZE ••• PACKED llf VISKIN5 lb -=..:.:..-Mtll#MI '",,_I• lhti# ==-""' Ocean Sproy, .......,,. or stroil"9d. heel~ to~ wi'9'1 c:hiclr.itt'I. Pnlle Juke s..-1 1 !;-· 12c f,,.,. l0t bteokf0tt. f()uort bott~. 29c I .. br Foo4s ~~ 3 _ 2s· 1,.11 Nllll Wluties ..... 14• u --. 20-,,.,. ,..,_ ·c-"" c ...... o..._... ·--15• •n1 J Ro.tiu'Y lrond Mt Or ... Slices R°"""'V ',:!· 1,. Pellllll ClllSlers ~ ',:!· 45• Citlrettes = --15• Wllite Mlak ... :::.:. 25• Doted tor your-prot«tioti. Frfttwf, wtfef" • tQuortbo"le, 14c; oonon fuo. "k' POii BOASTS~~~ .. 39• Fm-. 91 o1 lo 4 perk. !Sbcnlldo<. -cut. lb. 49cl 11co1·= a .. 53• ·-:::·· .. 43• ' GIOUllD IEEF freahly rnoa., pacltod in Visiting s .. 53• .:&9- UnifOJ"'~ lean, j-ui<y, Ao.orful oncf yet prked tow. 11i. SSC )(-. eo-Ge>'t GlaM A. ~Glod. ad "P· -JMdr. FIESH EGGS Hlllbul Sltlks UHi GUDI A. IN CAITOllS P.dr:aced. ,._. l'Nlir0 lreokf05f Ook c;..., 55e ci... 53e Ma• H1e11 f l'Jlll Rlllltlls .Jft·llm·lttWU'EW?ZIZ: ~700 101 111.1. corro: ~ 72• nMat quality. Wbolo -_.,ci bcloN YOl&r • .,.._ (2-lbo.. ).43) . I frkissee fowl MIMI' HMw, Ct"adt A. .. 65• £"->led.C.1.,. "'"'""''" Peei<"!ed. rudy for the P""-•-ts .. 1.19 1119'1 .. 49" .... .. 1-09 Glus4s .. 4,., Willp .. 53" llYWI fkf. IP • .,,,, . ,,,,. ,,,. lll<erae Milk ...... ! .= 19!c · HornogMiztd. P01tNrized. t Y2 -ool., 39c) "Dliry Drink ~..:. .: 18c Fresll BrNCI "::: 15• '=° 2o- Mn. Wright's, white Ot whMt, aJ~. Hoaer ''Y" Breid =: 20- lobd by Botbota Ann. ............... EDWARDS corrr.r. 1.! 77• Bra~.! D;C..lo,A---.... 23• VR Roi1in Nvt Swedish Rye ~· :.• 20- ·Hostess C1ke .~:::, .. ~ · .... 39- Co.lfee Cne ~ '°" ,.. 25• ; Drip .. ,.qoolar. v.....--"" (2.U.. -1.511 COJTEE BISI lllla Booo. or MJ.B. Drip • JlevUar. (2-lb. can. 1.57) Gold Meclal"a llocullMlx -Mix. F• CollM Cake. loo. 1 :.:.-27~ !! 79• ~3!t' ~3&· ,, ... 54• fkf. -~ 8"r Oftd wiM offered on+y If\ w.,....., • lic.tinMCI to .. u them. TOJCitS odd~I.• EISl$ide leer d"..s 1!:· 16• WfsiH Beer"0i,'~"I"'~· 15• . f.lslside ~ °i::" 2..--.:· 33• . .. t· VALUES IN SPRING PRODUCE • • • • • • ' , ' { ' • • ·- • • • • • • • . POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. '31 IPURGICON BLDG. SANTA. ANA, CALO'. .A':1111ounce1 The Openinf of Their New Bruch Office to Serve tha Harbor A.-• . -AT- 1415 Coast Boul~vard (Nnt Doot IAI Jiily -l CORONA DEL Mil, CALIF. Harbor 1077 .J ' &HlllLST II. POIRIEJt To the 1 .. 1dent1 of Newport, Bal~ ailcl Costa Mesa WHEN YOU THINK OF PAINT THINK OF '7i•• ...... ,., The C .. Henii. Climate W1!: CARl!lY COMPLETE STOCKS AND CAN SDVJJ YOU PROMPTLY · Wl'l'll J: VJ: RY ~ Aa:ESSOltY YOU.-folD:D. • e ' LET US REOOMMENI> A KEUABLJ: PAJNTJ:B Orpnlaatlon or the !tnt clinical tnlnlDS Pf'>IT""' la 1plritual U\enpy tn the we1t will actlv•lY pt und""'IY thlo week wtlll tile aft'IY&I today la Loo Allplu or the ~v. Ro~rt D. Monte.. •Jte.r· Ybinc chaplain at the Eplacopal hoqltal, Jl'h.lladelphi& a.ad director et °'' National Co\lncU for ClinJ- cal Tl'&inJnl' 1n lpirf,tuat Ttterapy. Cluumen l'epr..antLns every Prcte1t&nt denomlnat1tm tn Loi u,.1 •• wtll Mfft wt th 1'r. Mom. 'nluniday at an aH-day dUlcu•lon mMti.ftl' at wtilch la• 'will explain the purp<>He and outline th• methOO. tor Uutitut.J.nc the count titt9. Th• mHUnC will be held at the Churclt Federation, USO W. AdlllNI Blvd., 11.a.rtlnl' at t :IO a .rn, Jn the momlnK Dr. Morna wW di.I .. cu.a 'The P ... Lor q Councillor:" ln the afternoon the topic wt1I M '7he PNtor u a Vllttbr to U.1 Itel<." On Wtdnuday. Dr. Morrta wUI ape.ak to r•pre9en~tt... of tke lla.pttal of the Good Bamartt&n Oil tJae plan at a lunchean ,.i th• Jou- th&A club. ura.nced by u.e Rt. Re•. ........ la -Bloy, llp'8cop&I BU-M» of Lot Ansel ... chalnnan of th• boartl. Durlnl' Ut• Wffk he will ,. .. t with chaplaina of the Metl<odlat, HoUywoocl Praal>)'tMl&a Callfomi& Qood SMnU'ltea. Veter.. au ~ration. LuUM.ru• an41 otller I~ hoopllAllr otld INU- tuuo.. rl&rutlnr to paftktpate In "'• prorram. On J'riday, h• wt.11 tpt;&k to ti'-•tudenta of reUJion •t use et 11 a.m. "AppolntmmlAI U cllaplalaa In au 1t&te and m<>1t private ~I­ t.ab and t.n..tructiOfl• now nqutn at leut •• year'• special tr&lRlnl' la ollnlcal oplrltual tllortp1 Ill Id· diUon to Ule regular academic and Ul"loJical 1tudle1," Clafttlll l\leh- L--------------------' a.rd Lief, wtlo a.rrMI'~ tM mNt· ms. uplalaed. l7indi ttdlAYU1E mWISlll ' • -"" -a ....... the valqe •f the 71vl !n11d aew • 17·bicll 0.Beral Blectric at a rock-bottom pdeel y:;~.wi .................. , • liJnPlt ·o.i .. ..-.tUb* .. _ 1ovllll flni1b. Oil• haft to -tbla '1111 ~ to llelie-.. ltl c-. ia ...,, N ' . • -' . rua 11111118 «:&. Gl•n-llM ...... • __ .._..., I • W.S.C.S. Members Attend San Diego District · Meetin9 SIX mtml>ti-1 of tht Women'• 8oclety of ObrleUa.n Semce of Qllriot OllUt<k ~y Ill• .... x .... JIOt1 BMcll, atlende4 t11e -llal all-<lay RIMthls of U.. .... l>lqlo dlaUict bold et Finl MoUioclllt church, San Diel"O, Aptil. Thoee •11.,.•r """ KJto °"I" llolil· •••II, -!dent Of Ult WICI! " Newport -· lfn, -J'relo It(, li(nl. llllM ,.... )(,.. llllolO Salter a.nd Mn. Iona Trulty. M.rs. Jolin X. IQUIKI. allo a ~.,..,._ or Ult IOC.i lltl•IJ, ,.... _..tri TI.ce-prnident of the San. Dleeo cn.trtct tor a terond year. The momtftr eHllon wu tak• over ~y Np&m trom the fll1$MMI departments and preaidtntl ot au .acl.U-. Hw di9tr1et eftletn W9l'O lllOl&lltd ~1 Mra. -It. Scott, conference prutdent of tht WICll. Two 11<autltul ...... ...,. ""4•N by ~... ~II• I , OI- -· ... -alchard J . ,..._ -Uffiy. llla:ht lq411!1 11111 -Ille T-M•tllodllt Miao! .. ..., -"'llnslfell ... alM Ill ~ ""' Jancuact TlleJ '""' ta naUve C09twn.t. lllfll U,kt or Ute 4117 W.. "' • ,,,,.-1 -by'V... w. II. WMNll>. fteld worker ot lllo w,....... f!YlalQIJ • c:f a..loUaa 8-loo. y~ .u..-tilt •• ....., '1111"1-teklat' .. -~· lnS -Jll!!a -J.. -... ~ U-.tnpUm ... - ... ,.... ., toda)t; "f~ *"" .... ............ trub' ...... '3117 .... ........ " COAT ft'QQ;lf """ ... Qrow, --..~Ille llllft"' e --·--• ~"*-*'wn,...u ....... .... letbytlll~---· .............. "'' ... ---· ... ,..,.~ .... ....... 7 t wottt..-. . . -----.-........ -· ft; •• '1 p'f ......... ., -.-......... 'fie:-... """/!!!."' -• di:-;.;;.-=:.:-~ .. *''est• Ge V.. .... • • • • • • • ' . . . I ' I , · A-nnual Ball for • ' Combino.tfon Saft ~, Mesa Fir•me~ ' at .CoSta Mese . . .P,....,:.u.. .... •••r'8*''tar ...... ,....."' armi ... fl lilt c.ia -,v~ 7lr9-111e o.ia-ca -~ - .. • .... -·· ---.it to ... iC••"" w-. ..... ' ,.,.., 1riin. -C1711 .FF' · • lltm-..,-4prUlt,s ~.:IO ... : ,_ -1•z1•1 ... -waJ lie. lltll ... ai. --.1 Lift. In~-· &=art-W.........,,,...,._H,.eiilUL u•1 I .... Illa -Ltatoa • ~ Wiii lia la Ille ol4 ~ -lleft -.., 111ru· .. ...,.. l'M!WllillaC " hitaca ..,.. -"""'""* • lfwjlOrt Ill". • ........ lfM1l14,1111s bla~·~t'IWa.f PHOMll J1a¥ Hlf to p!Mt. ··?.~~~·a:..: .. ~ptJIJ--the~"f-JOVWUtld•lliJtpoct., .. ....... ..,. .. • .... hlf""· "' r ... · ...... , ........ ' u c H s ta s· · -tt' ~=c"=.. v..:-..S · I . • ~1' _.,,., ... • 1q1oor,..,.. to -.._..,a rw si-o.a.-ue ..... -., .. ,, ... ea .. _ ........ ~ .. ,..... ==r - -•.1 ,.,. -.._ ... UE'S 'PUCHSIA GARDIN •u• aC lal$ ~ ...... ,, ftllill -fl~ 0.,-p CoawlJ"* L&riJoR "7 st• a-- .,. IN 9""' 1a1.....,. •f --.c>AJ)WAY • OIMITA M:UA ....... ....., ••• ,., •• tlaat Olw!4........,.. •. 0,.......,.. _,_.,._ -rer -"'-----·· aot ,..t ma4o tWr -tr111u-It--------------------.._ ma ....0 U... .. Red cw~ntahe ... . . 10% .I)~ on Alfy Pa.rcll11e Brlq ..... ad to . IA YSIDE FISH MARKiT • l'IU.LOWTAIL II -U: W'Mk cle 1d t1M -·---····-·-··* .. SEA TltOUT (cte.DN) ud IU>Cll OOD-Wbolo na..,.llo a. HALlllVT -1"1iole --'llall _ ........ _._ ........ -.... -.. -.......... n.. '""' Filll DalfJ "'°"' o..r o~ •••••I tllOO IAJ'AYEri'E •• ON THE ·11,\Y •• NEWPOaT • W,iTt ,MDXtlt c•wr 'r • la e1if'f'""'_... .. •'*t"':-Ol•tr °' ••. r' ·~· f Ujl11 1 ' r'.H .. ' r' ..... ,, ... . r' ,Ste•rfa1 .. ,, nm "" CulbertSll MUCI . :Nll.0.-lllaha1 -•• £49 Ma FNl ... v, ..... ,., I I ~' ' .. I Many • btJ dM1 Ilea -.... thru .•. .,,..u "',ut ..\4 Dodp la m~. Watdl Ill * ORANGE COUNTY'S .·ONLY COMPLETE ONE-STOP SHOPPING CfMTER. UNDER Ot1 1ROOF!~ * Keat. * l'ftlt •• V•tablr1 * 'l'ellMoM -* L14i110n * Ftowa l'ooda•, * o.7 • sU. ·* V~iu '* ·Wtrl•'~ llr91st F 0 0 D • D R 18 M1rk11 I 1812 s. N ST .. SINll ANA PllwrlpU.. 11\' ...,. *' C.41 * Tolletrlel * Gifta ·* . Boue11oll *' 1'0..tain * ' ~ Allv...._. Pl'IM9 Tltu•A•Y Tllrm SlllMlay •••••• April 12, 13, 14 A 13' Oslrl.t.t11• • s~ a .JUST SOlJTB _,,. 8BAllS • ACllES OF FREE .. ARKING • • -. ,. t.' <• •• .;.... . '4.M I~!!~'" 7 .~~ , Green HI.II · ~::. s3n BAG •• MM ~well llond., 2 UIL.Ul.•y . Sth $ '' "..... G•I. New Orop, New - 3F"14c CELERY Avocacloa .. ~··"-· ·-Ciglr• 12~. Potatoel6~25e . • aex .t 10 12.11 Jllanl ... fWlta Sw.itt ~iMS ~~~. •11! ,.,ncy Quart &quat aettl• $1.U * * • _..,_, ..... _,,Toppi~ 'C:~ .. ·* * , S11nilri1s .,... ·Ul~l·lll M~t Al• aaa Clock ,,. .. ,. ... ,.. '1 .. ~ ,..., •••lh ·. "•no1, Tender Natural Aspa .. gus 170,. • ••••• -HWlt'11, ad.els rid! tomato flavor to yOIU'-ncipea Tomato Sauce,· I.OZ. CANS c • • 7 • • J J -I 1 i I , I • I f I . •, • I ' I • .· ' . , -~ l I ' ' ' . • •• • • • i ' ! ... . . .. '· I!';·-·-~ .. r:ar.mer ·Jfb'•· WHOLE Ol SHANI HALF ,, . . ./ Lu11·s ht •uAurr· • ··---__ , ... --BACON 55•. r1~:~.~ ..... 57c 'LAMBPATIIES 49~ ·fNICY,·•mM·TINDll ' .·AS,ARAGU$ . . ii ' . 5 ... 4)8c ; 47~i.,~:~ • ', ... 25c .;,.;I • •' .Tl!e• ... A .... r1c ... , ............ ~~ THU•SOAT, HIDAY • IATUilAY" AP~IL 12-13-14 .o).DIM.$T#<T•I ~llST quALITT BUTTER 75 c 1-LI. •••• • DENN1$t''l'S TOMATO C,_T3UP . ; I . .,79t . 2-lb. Ccin S.1.55. _ • PINT Jt.I Grade 'A' FRiSM EGGS · -' • . • II f()ODS , :'.' . ·2;· LllllH I lltlo • I M\UCLI SUDS . TIDE l . . ~·9• lofflt 1,c I Mernll• , .... Luc ........... · ""SN'ACK" · 12-. 4·5c . e.. ... ' . ... -... ...... ..-. ••• 11a~""""""illljllll .......... ... .. .--....... ---ii.i~-. ...... illllf!'lllt""""ll!llJlllm--..... """"llll!l!lm ........... ~~~-~~~-.. M...,LH '0tmo ... 1trittoti •• Do.. .. , · •~'y famous · 811r ,F.a~us . ~~~·!Y ... ·. I 9.~~~'" . ,. ... , . , ·-•RANDS . ·; r j : llAND$ • . , ;, 10RflG'· .·~ •. :flifi'lilii .. ~··· §j~ ·. ·. ·:·'.~~·~ ' ~ .UlsiEl[JlQl.is tn . . H. rr·D~"•o•·-~;~, ·:.-;:·~ :~ . .. .~::~r~~-~~·~4t• , -;----....,.,. -~---.. , ~ . . .. -. .. . l . ~~:::::;,.., Ltl!!llt. -···· ••••• .......... ' l ..... 1 ' ~::;;::·;;;;·:;;;;:;;;; • • • • • ·l • I I ~ . l I I .. l • , ' l • I • • • ,, • ' . '-. I PA•i · • .. -·~!<-s-w~to-n &U' ..., AQ illoftlNO _ .. _,.M, IEAC9N HOUSE ••• CUllTOX INTICRIORll • -·- Speci•lrz11•q i" OlAPll~S llDSPllAOS SLIP COVtt.S U'HOUTlllN• COllNICI IOJtU WAllPANlt fUINITUli .. . 1l'I llACH tr., LASVNA l~CH "4517 HuRrr HOIUNC 8~ FOR DIVOBCll Bor allesecl cruelty by Roy F . Woodltde, JT., Mn. Geraldln4 A.. Wood.aide hu filed .uperlor court .Wt for divorce. She alao u,ked . . Latin Ai1eifC1 Cost1MewP.-T.A. to Mfff Wed. · ... ,_ •• ._. Cbe~ . . . ::a!:: ¥.Z't; ~ Fonnn (u.lrer .,.i.-u .......... ••oe1 .... ~ .... mi.,... dlllt•-...... "Lala Am-......,. X•" -on"*''' .... llso -• • , 1a1ere8.t, .... .._ ...,,., ..... Of' will be -b1 Dr. RubOrt llso pr1£1;.,ai. Jiri, ....... BM- Benlnlf prel'-"' ~ AmOJi. -·-·. . • ..,. a.qi.t .... ci..-.m°"* .o....iu-JU*"1JPUnr u.. ,..,,,._ -- . oto ~ a~llie -IMlclon of lloe will he -.U.tkm .,,otllcc,;,. tho ONali Cout l!P"l!lr J'onlm 114frnb.,,tet. will he· -la I* ..._ ,..q w~ April 11. -qo.tton ,_ at u.. attn- . . """" ~-.,.. li. ••-llJ:li4jp ... -.. ~--i.__. • f ....., _ -.... .,.alll;f'la .. ' •· 'f'ry ,... ---........... ; 1- , . . Y.-rla~~~· -· \ ; IROADW ~ CLIANIRS X1118 LOU ~ 1Vf ALU/JV iJro, Xrr. . tti .,11lwat A: wr.e• ,.._ ..._ ITU .. at t f•lodt. la U.. ..U... •!'41tor· •-'a eloM. ~ti 11a .. lvnL Men mack for ~ eare. -\.. s...i... • ,,.-i. or 011u11n 1 -=::;::=======::,J--------.--,.-----------Oollq9 -Qolumllla Unlventt1, 1. .,.._ ... ··r 1Mpt1 QAOON Nil Oolta -Ma-Co. :IUI New,..t. Blvd. U. been a pen:lstent traveler ovu U.. •orld for ~ yeon and dur· lnr..that tJlne hu mode repeoUd tripo to l:uropo, Xexlco and &outh Amerlc*. He ill tllti author of two be9t MJlen: "Gootd Neig'hbor11• and "Mexico, the Making' of a N•tlon. .. and of numtt"OUS article. on Latin ~=::=~========~ America that have appeared ill ; au.ch mapalAet u Harper••, Yale Revtew, Current Hbtory & n d RUGScu~o G hi< 8u s.. -..,.. telecff-ef ,_,.. ... rap rvey. • ..... 41 C.r~"-1· ar ... •ad H..., Aceordins to reporta ••aamns'• Ml'•,.. tr.f -...,,.,_ chi~ lnteret\ la always In ptOplt, BOUSE a GA.RD.EN Get .,.. NMMl~M NOW For S•1111111r Leog•n · .. VIN'S. IOWLINQ (Air C'--) Arw-11ew1tar X-1 ''"""'" Friday -... u.e I ' ':=....::=========~ j for cuatody of their two SOile, I -and !) years old. She set forth In her complaJnt that they Were mar- ried at Yuma Oct. 27. 19•0, mepar- ated lut Monday and that com· munlty property include• a n•l- dence at 202 32nd St.. Newport Beach. household tum.lahlnp 1n an apartment ln '19 Newport Blvd., an automobile and unapecltted ca.ah ln ~at.on of her hu•b9.nd. ••d In •ll l&nd• which h• vl•lta b• llt ~ m ... ,. Now...,n 11 .. --1'9' N-rt Aft. 008T.t. UllA H1'gh Qu'a/1'fy, "rinting-Ph. Har. '''' flndl opportunity to ta.Ill wtth. ONN NIT1l-S."491 II ._ 4 ~ r prealde.nta. leaden ot bus1A .... la-'-::::::::::::::::::::::::'..!..,,....-----------------------:--_:~------------------------- • MAPLE la the bor In.den and plain ctttsen.a." .. Traditional COLONIAL MA.'ml:R LAL'JlA MILDRED POSTER • Allile 1.-Qurer from the llhopa of famoUI manuf&cturer1 AA a lecturer Hubert B•rrin.- hu appce.ared before hu.ndttda ot aud!e.nCe• -colle1e. 11.ftlve.rllty, open torum a.nd prtvate clubs. .Everywhere 'he hu bffn widely acclaimed ... an able lnt.erpreter Funer~l servicn: were conducted ot world attain and an authority at Forut Lawn Mo~day at 2 p.m. on Latln America. _ . Lagwa& Aw:alar; &nd MAPLE SHOP TIO Ao. Cout Blvd. ro.r .Mn. , Laura Mildred Foeter. "A lot al people are wrltin1 wife of J . M. Foeter and mother about Latin American the. daya," of Solon R . Fa.ter of 113 Topu. lteporu the Bl Louia Dtapatch. B&Jboe. laland. Mr.. Foeter wu "but no one speW with more au- visitinI her daushUr at Ander.an thorlty than Hubert Herrtn1." o.m. Ida.ho. at li1nl" of death. She Herrln.K'i lttture, lllre all 1~- 1.a aurvtved by her huaband, J . M . turea in the Ora~ CONt 1'onJm Foeter; one daughter. Mn. I!:. S . Serie• ill free to the ceneral pub- Wickeraham. Anderaon Dam. ll ' Id&ho, Solon R. J'o111ler ot Balboa cA.t the end of the Jectun a Ialand and aix cran<Schlldren. th.lrty-mlnute que.tion-a.nSW"er P.,r- --------------------------lod wtll be held, and at thll Un.e AD LIB. ·By MARGO (Cff:ttlloed: from Pare 1) furthermore they have an. aristocratic French Alpi.ne roat called "Dollar... Remember I mentioned Abigail! Well ahe conaiden ber- ee.lf the EJaa Jr!axwell of the do& ~-orld, and &he'll Mlp you a.U have a good time. O. K. line up now puppin ti nt. big dog• to the rear, and ril ta>ce you over to Al and Dru Thompaon'• La Meaa Ranch tor Doss ln C.01ta Mea. What'• that phone number! I 'll call up Mrs. Thompaon at Beaeon ~ll and tell her we 're on the way! Muah, dop! • • • DON'T YOU WISH A NEAR SIGHTED BURGLAR or a roving collector tor Th• Good- will would creep tn your c.&o.et and cart off your o!d frumpy frock•? ? ! Here It I• A.prll and you 1hould be sprout~ new bud& and fronda. ..,urlltlng out of your chrysp.ll.11, and diaplaytn1 vour Uthe lovelineu In new •prtnir t\nery. I am Just rowdy enouah to aug:sut that you Mot n~ J: to your closet, collect the buu"V'ce and bu.tie f thru the smoke a.nd !la.me to the POLLY AP- PAil.EL i pranced "-thru 10 or 12 racka of c.ha.r- mlnJ'. lnexpen.aive dreue.s ovtr there. Brt1ht Ser- J. bin oelanese jerseys Ir Serbln Golfers, rec. and 1,:s .111.ae $10.9!i-$12~; Joa.n Miller Jra. tor lllUe a.ny member of the audience may uk for further elucidation of a polnt or may pose hi. own QUY- Uon. > Tine Services at The Littt. Chwch Next Sunday momfnl' at ~ 11 o'clock aervic4 of the I.JtUe Church by the 8e& tn IAruna. the Rev . .Frank L. Dow~ll will brtnir a meual'e from Ute Bible on the .ub- ject: "~• the BlbJe Try to :rt-01'• There LI a God f" The Sl11\day school hu ate&dUY lncre&Hd tO an all hil'h attendance and & n~ &"frl's youth. cla• WU •tarted tut Sunday with Mn. J . Brown u tea.ch.er. AU teen act ,Ula an: lnYited to COmf' a.ad join thi8 ct.a. u tt bu pron.· wa ot one of the la1"'p9t cia.te ln Ute church. ladi e11 11ua 9-15; Sun-dreuea with boned buquu U .96; Picolay Sun-Up A: Down dreue1 with jacket.I $14.Bft : a 2 pee. Law.::an. •uh· , able line.n-t}'J>e fn every amar:t na.tura.J with bi.t:k trtm. $1 •. 91. Oh ' ye11. ti you're the ri&ht ahape. there'.11 a beri-Jn n.rk of roed ~ ~hopped doWll lo $1-16 BECAUSE EVERY DAY 18 LADIES' DAY AT POLLY APPA.Jll!L, 183J Newport Ave., Co1ta MeA. JunJol' ChUJ"Ch widtor the cl1nc- tlon ot Rev •. W}'ftte A.. Dowen re-- portJi that tut 8unday ~ laqwt attendance wu prMmL New Drap11, hlplt at LacJua CINrch • • . '. . HOW SHOULD I KNOW WHY GENTS PREll'ER GOLDU.OCKS ! A•sumtnc that S"Olden t.rlbea do put • girl oft the preferred l.lat. let'• all ~t a Roax 81aampoo a.nd t1ood the market wtth. blonde•! RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP is feat uring this 'tlll'illlnI' new prepara- tion which aceordlng to the brochure• ts "laklnl the beauty pro- re1slon by atorm." Vlrfinla Read re«ntly attended a spectal demon- •tratlon ot the Sh&mpoo 1n Santa Ana and aay111 that it fivea a moat na tural color to the lJ,alr . A shampoo will 1&.st you 4~ weeks and goe• on e-wnly ... no 11treaking. Rowe com-.a ln 12 aha.du ... from lightes t blonde, a.sh blonde, golden brov.11 on thru' to n.ven- haired black. By changing you-r mou.eey toe•• to M>m• dyn&mtc popular •had•, you may well become the tout 6f the Fun Zone. (for $4 complete l. Members ot the smart Mt are al.::a lininl' up over at Ruth'• tw a new summer type baJr--eo' •' IL26.. A new b.alr cut and a Roux Color Shampoo will make a femme fatale out of &ny cbarwoman. Ruth'• Beaut}· Shop, 338 Poin.eett.i&. Corona de! Mar. Har. 290i. I Pia"° !J1U'1.Mei1a11 TERESA RENNER ( Mr1 . AJ Renner) ' () l ! I & l'IMill&: 11J11. Dr'le 0.~tl . ..... *ell I·~--~ 436 Sina Drive 1 Coro11a Hh)hla11• -Con1aa del 1171.J .. The LttU• Chutth by the Sea. at the comer of Lerton a.ad Throuch st.reeu tn IA.cuna Beach. bu reeeived ttom memben, Mid trienda two J1tta that ue belnc m· joytd by everyone attendln1 the .ervice'I. Tbe women of the ml.ulon&ry JTOUP have completed. their job oC maktnc beautltul wine color drape11 for all windowa ln the ma.In audi- torium of the church and on the platform and Mr. and Mr1. Harrla ot IA.guna Beach, preeented the church with a beautiM pulpll. t inlahed ln mahoga.ny. The puton appreciate-tlaf' rttta and publicly wa.nt to thank the H&JTi8 runny and the mfuiona-ry irroUP for Uleif wonderful stfta. . . Kamaainas Dance at Vet~· Hospital Two Kam.a.aJ.na kb:lb member• ue plann.inc e.atertatnme.nt 1or boqltaJlsed veterans. \hey report- ed &t the late8t meeting-of the club and tint trip tC> the ~Ital ,.. .. held la.It Tbunday. The two are Val MOOl'e a.nd A.ma Datt Ham.le of Anahe:tm, nperU at Rawalla.a d&neel. l:&ch week they wtU rt .. liJt .._ aumben in thrH wans.. The e&ub l'Dfftbaf wu held at the home ot the prMlde.a.t., J1ot.;" --Cllomborlln. ......... -. c.o.t.a lleM. Two suelta ....... ptMU.t, He.Jen Rt.nnoft of New- port and Cora hn1 Manll, ~ homthe-..t. Noxt --.will bl -Baker at her hoft:te, uo s~. 1l.alboa tea.'M\ Oil Aprtl l&. • ·• • • • • • ! l • i - l • .. -.. .. 1., •IHI 33c a 'We!lk , .. c . per pl•• setting ... ........ " • no CWl)'lftl ch•'I• • • Here's how 1he Club Pion works.: For .eoch six-plec~ ploce setting' or the eq ~volent in extro pieces, you poy 33 cents down ond 33 cents <1 week until the bola nee is paid, or you moy pay the bolonee ony ·time you wi sh. . . You moy ioin Buffums' Silver Club by moil or phone. Six-piece ploce setting consisls of: luncheon knife, luncheon fork, . . teospoon, soled fork, creom soup spoon , butter spreader. *e Y9u moy toke lhe ploce setting home ofter on lnitt~I payment, which moy be OS low OS 33c. • • You poy NO interesl or corrying charge. •You poy onlythe regul9r "lair lrode'! price for. lhe 161fing, e You MOy poy off the bolonce otony lime you wish. • You ore NGT requ ired lo buy ony specific number of ploce Mfllngs: • Servi119 pieces olso moy be pyrchosed on this pion. • Y ov moy choose o pattern new to you or you moy flll In pm settin;s of o poltem yov already hove. I 8 You moy join now. The offer i1 for o limiled time only. • You receive o prolective fl~I w~p wi_lh each pldce set, • Includes engrOYi".19 of one IQitiol, ii desired,, Si"'9<wore, Street Aoor • .. • • • ' • • " I m ·s' I • .. t ~SJOlood.,n,,.1 • ·- • • .. ,,, t-. 'l. :l , t"• L• . " •' • , • , • . . • -• • • • • • . ' • • j ' • • • • ,· • ' , 1 I • • -. ' Wrlllt:'OJL~&/Ar£ ll~~ATTA ~ H; ,.,, ' r ;' • ., -, • •''" ,. ..... • " • .< • • • ., ....... 'ea«n "" A.prtl It ~ Tott of lfewport -..em ·After JUa CCXJ.YlcUon, Superior bu ..._ ........ u ~ J\ldp ltMinttb 1:. Korr!llOa -.cl ---.ill M•dlo -WU.... Jl lie ~ed to uJc for ot ~r for Ibo pmahm lllt ~tl<ii. but WU.On Mid there -klol oad for U.. oHlclal pro- -l ..... , ..... _,... P'IANI ~~ WI ' -........... a. • .• '-.t4;11_f~r • IE SUllE ··INSUU --s•s •. _... a.llr' . IWo ... l"' -···~-.... ..... wu ''ll.o u.e.:• Tb• oowt Mt Uin• ,nm .. for--• for April 19. Tiie --wlll IM -...S' ~===========• llArl oald he had advuu:ed Wll-by llany Xunll of Gvdc °"'" ;; -•1000 Jut Sept. 30 to pay for In -with hi. wife. lloUIM, two DteH1 lllOton for Karl'• boat, who will .en• u, 'lleCNltary, .., wu.o..·, repl'<Hntatl..,. .that . ...,_-ell. wllo h•nm.d ~ h• could obtain ourpluo Ulflnu Hetty r... U.. <>nap County Pair trom MaJkrry 8k>u•ta D.., 8an c!Urinf tbil 1H9 HUOJli will i.e&d l"nn"'->. On Oct. I, Kart and publicity. Kerr oatd they ednnced ftOOO, ------------1 Yi ...... , ..... ··•-•'· llf811lLAJfCm Cow'-' ht/~ •• ,_, ... ft.-.M Silt ..... ..... . Bo/Ji,~ ~llTIN• GOODS Jllwpwt ..._ M Ulll It. 009TA MSI:~ Srae1a -1~ JAM el nD: PAJUmrO (P--Aft) and a week lat4ir they pn hlm .----------.... -.1'=====~===::::=~ ~:,;~~7 forapatro•· Wal1r H•al1n ; ~~~~~~~~~~~ TIMn on Nov. 1, lbq ueert.d. llDVJOJ: & ltSPA.1118 WALLPAPDS they pve WIJeon Sllle» ta"" In-} D , ,_ ,., .u x-U1I -, .,.._ lr&noactton wllldl wao to bo . N D«MCGM--,. •-1 Dwww••• a pvUat octnnce oa & furN-BOUU: & OA&DIDI Cll~>Jl.&Olf 1lAP -,..p1oio.ny ,a,. --wtll IM a..-i.,. &loo four .. mpoUas ..._ -lloeJ' lltnlnlo f•r ..,. m·97 ••• tJle IOOO ...._. eolU'99 N aortlt Lido C'·e-t ,._.. •sm•a ....,...,. o.Hfor9'a. ltaaroN. UIC ... UCLA. WID tako ,-rt la S.. ,_ -•tart wlUI 11M1 jaalor -'1 _ ...... Ip. & "tile ....... -..... V .... liJ' .._...,. 1ots .. 'r• ._-=- p.a. 'DllewtalM-.Ant-rp ... ._._. .. !C_n llMbor .... wGJ ........ •nt C9ateli& te ...... all ......... fl ............... .... •IDer tlah~ boat tor a """' A.--ltto-t 11wy. "-'°" -nuaed Aalvador at· Nop.IN, Mu-1-,J' a NJpt Beaten Ice, on w1Udl. WU.0.. WU to make . TRMS a prof\t but not ill Illa nanle. Mi. Dew. .. ell H....,.. ~'I-. ---w Dop. Dlot. ,A.tto'1le7 Robert ~d ~ ~t out tllat thele· WUe, lllbllar truactton. ln. tM Lo. An.ret.e. &re& wtth other mft. Dod&'I la m.ovinl'. Watcl:t lt! Tlllo -N&J'. April 1' will ._ tM flip~ c.nN"9 of c.llforma. 8taaford, UCJIA. aad. USO_ ......... tllelr wsy a.leq a 2... ..w. coune la ,... Hrtla Udo Qt•.... ta • ·nn, '""' n.-••• to take plaM la tlle wat:ien of Newport -... Addttlosally, Vllr la tlM flnt time ~t the ff.Nit}' CNW'I of ...._ fov luUtutto. Mvo n. oempeW la &M ... e ..l'aee wMdl ,l'Mll.._ more ce1apeU- tlM tll.aa •--•tWaS" fer a po4 t;pM at 'a el•raaee ale '-tam ....... . n. ,....r ...... '7 """' wUI IM ... tint ev•t of tM-daJ aa4 wUJ eta.rt at I p. IL OM· lforaia ii _, at.end .. W. raff. ~ ....... t)" ,.... .. eehfldaled for J :JO p. -. 0-..--... all ot~r Mata. &I u.e ~ of tlM N..,..rt .BarMr CUmlter or 0 •Gt ~1aun .t. ,&llli9 rep.Ha.· ._.._ • ....-..-;Mk:N to ""'11 -..... ... -r 111.,..t ti.cw. fir ""' --C.W.Ntlou fff U. ldllie'7- Malidal' ..._, &.lu4le .. .... otraeUoll llta.er a t tlae %Ute• Bay ela~ FrldaJ ~ aad a treptl7 ...-•&loll diaaer S.&-•Nar alP,t at. Ute Ne-..rt Rarti;r Ya.Ut clo~, llod dub for tM l"llptt&. aeciol'dla1 t. · .,,._ .. r _......,. Jla7 ...,..._ ..--. • ellarp ef tile race .,.,...,, rta. 0.. Gnat. fonntir eo........, et tM w..au..,wa enw Uc! laM .._ _..,... u tM otftfllal eMoCll at Yale for ......,. 1ean nferM for tlle f'MlM. w1tll l!d- --., .... AaplM ............... taat. ~ ef'flelal9 lad:ade-Par-- ....... --Md lob .............. -f Ju4re. ooe'tA MUA wcru Tke Colt.a K._ WCTU will meet ta rt-rula.r montllly "9i0e1 Y'rlday, April lS, at 2 p.m. 11'& the •om• of Mn. Velma Comptoa. llTI Fullerton. .Ave. . State Recreation Commissioner Gives Pointers to Harbor Group ' SCANDJA WINS CATALINA RACE wu.oa .-not to tauty tn bta cnn. defiMIM and M subject to crM1..a•n'a 1tkllt. Howner, tn hie arpmn.t to V.. jury M c&teprl· calJy d..i .. U.. ollqaUono -.r thu. to a&IWt k• Hceiftd the •OMY .,_. Ken Ud Karl in a "lesitlmat. WNu. lNAMctton." )(on than ae loe&J rutdenta-------'-------1 Ill th• ftnt eoaplet.ty ~ pth~ tft the Hl!l'W'pOrt Beach determlnaUon Of the need. for'hr-. tul Rouad..C..talia& :r.1 .. d rue ot city Ull•T\IMday a!S"ht at tbt in· ther opporunlt.t. f9r tteteation, the Ba.lt.oe. T•cbt clt.ib lut week· rit.&Uon of Ult Women'• 'Civic ud Ulen th• adoptioa otl. a law ad the eorr,ct.C thne wiNMr Lt.asu• ot CorOna de.I Kar and or ordinance to aett .... te a cOftl-wu KeMr Zridl_.... 1 1 • • P UeR Seu rjA& L · a .. ~-•~--d ._ b ..... a talk on ,_, SCUsdi& &Kh6\llh Ul• ftnt -'°6t &+ W\ •Y ~-.--.n ..., ~ m-.Oll p!"OIT&ftl wue f'ffOllUllend-p .. --• R ••-'lb -• lo flllloh WU JI:-1-ldO'• -.Ji · .. .:r •a.anuM:r;r-Roii;" r: ~;;;;~ .si::..X:-ro!n~~ lntroc1u'-d by 10.-meter JlnM'ia. kffat-Mab A ...... •ce Dea r cbail'm&n of Ute ata.t.. R.ec:nation Km. l:dpr ft. Rlll. p...Went ot ltart.d .a.turMy aooa aa thti CommLtslon, put pruldent of tll• N.wport Harbor Hip ac1'ool PT .A... ovtrniJ'llt rue. . · U.W U1'Wlllent tod&r wu ~ Call!orni& Conrre• of Parent.a aJ\d Mn. Lout. c.etl&r, pr.IMnt-eiect Complete H.t ot ta. anffira:ry .wit ot DuUpr ..-.. ot Santa TMCMn. ot Newport Beach •temeptary handleap wiaMn ..... aet bM9. Ana whidl Ui 9ffkiac a Jn&terial· Mrm. Brown polated out that tht Schooll PT A, led Ur.• na1 •lute complet.d at P1"N8 Ulna. man'1 lta acaiNt U.. ap&rtmut tlrit requiaite tor 1 proiram of &ftd Mn. PaUI O. Da~. Clvic Apart. ftoa OM e..u&lty llaort• of Kr. and Mn. IAw1I B . Hunter recreaUon w .. a plan, a method Ll!al'Ue preik1ent, JtH•lded. ly alter th• Saturday· .tart when or Cotlt& M'f!N., fOt" lllN..81 worth to-ttnanc• tho plaa .and a compe--the GO-foot aloop VaJJ .. t. owaoct of appUaacu fU.ralMM for th• by Bill C*lenl>utr et Cotta ll.... a,utmenL tent director to co-ordinate the South Comt C.. .., __ _.._ ...... ~ •h1 .. -•··--,.... ..,. th z. r.c:reaUon&l effort&. wu ~..-\.9Q, \.nl9n wu no..._... -..--r -•• ' .ane untoward lia a NCO marked by M~ took U... c&M under It.Udy Mn. Jlrown ._td that It WU bu Add f pod ..UiJll' br1111r TM.a coe-c: alter a day et ..tdsce wu ffnll!nf -~ tatand .dtlH . count!.. S 1'0ftt•gl tru<od oharply to th• IMO bff:-to4 WO. dl8cl-.i that and perhaps. 4Jat.rlete 1hould be ~1 ~' eftllt .ftfdl wu ~ · llink uaJta, in· eomtoltdated tn an ovenll r~rea· Oearinr for war p~ e't~ -l. by such a w lltOf"lft tW. ...._ c"..ttac .r • .. retrtaera.tora. tion.al Pt'O~ 11Ucb u tr.at need-the South Cout Compaay lla New· entri., had to quit Ui.e comp. were o fr'alR Dant,.r Broe. lld kl the Harbor area. Reuon for titie.. · in a contnet betnr ... _ ~u~ . ..,. aid, wu th.at ta-port S.ach which bu j ut alaned ..... -~ •• Hilaria ellppod ""-· •-Y • _. 11,-J r . Clark .. con-cWti• here would be U9ed by a leu. wtth Willlun Pa.,... ol total •l&J>M tiln• of n JL. n m. u-ctor. enryol(e, !\Qt only ot thi.I com· .Anaheim for an additlon&l 100 foot 31•. to win the Jame• c.pe1 Clutt ......... \aaknl:pt and noiwr munity and county but trom other of frontal'• on Newport Boulevard trophy, of)• ot a pntentiou8 iii nport .. a the military 91!nicee areu, inland' and tar away. and Balboa Bay WNt of the com-&want.. ln ~Jqa.. Mort of thot.e tn attendance at pany'1 exdttn1 y&r4. Hal fla.mMr1a A at t •"a wu l)Mlcw, 9arouch Atlys. Luter th• meet1fta' were women ot the Lotttnc ta already under way on Nm• 60 m.iautu buJc:, f~ Van. Ta~n: and c. Arthur Ni.. community, hat.d.s ol the women'• tlW: 'four M. 8. B. MiaMWee,.,.. by Dr. Bert:lll R&n '• suomt. aoe, coat.Pd the Hunten Mould du!te, tmpronmentl u toclationa, which South Cout will build and be lldd nqon.llblt tor th• pur. Parent -Tucben and church hull work lr expect9d--to brt \D'lder-.,.. hid :r..,... claue, wtaU. Def.,.. Atty. KW'onl rroupa.. Many of ~ m• ctvtc way ln thirty days. The addJtiouJ In tovrlh 11'U lcaa41a. wtir.t.cll. .De.hl dea1". their claim. leaden did attend, tncludin1 .u-sp&ce JUat acquired oe a five yu.r ~th a time aJJowaace et a . tin. ~ Hein.a KaiMr, Mayor L. leue wU1 be uaed tor •tor.,.• of 31a. uader the lOll.I' ~ J\11•, L. 1-bell a.ad others. crad.lq and ju1e and a portion to euil:Jy took t.le A.Jltl,ua N.t cor- Mn. Brown atre.-d that 80Ple provide oftetreet 1>9rktn1 for em-reeled ,um• tropby u well u ot th• problem. confro11tin1' com· ployeu. h•r OW1l &cudt& O&p for being munity recre&Uon today 11 the I>url.ac fbe peak ot their war the nr.t K-S8 to f'laleh. dlaj>lacem1nt of women fJ'om the 1'roctuctlon in World War Il ~th 'nle u . a. Navy'• ~lC'. proud home into war planta. Tounc per· Cout occupied the .land 'now yawl, Saluda. wu th• fltUl boat .an. into th• armed aervtc• ap1n pl&ced under le&re and raed. ad-home, but Nia( a ecn.teh entry the reeruttla1 ncruitin& _ot rtri. dlUonal Pacltlc Electric property her tr0pb1ea wer. aJ9o ~c.bed. to act u ho.teuee ill USO eer· acrou the 1treet for 1tora,. pur· l&n.cer, w 1' 1 t • Cloud an• "*• men'• cell.tert1. poaH. , :ar..ti-A-Reart follow9d. .Adequate r.creaUonal taclllttu AJmouncement ol lbe leue wu S.VenJ ~w Traupa- pbytdcal a:ntt mental rnuat be pro-m..ae by W&ltv rrana, pnil:ident cltlc yacht race coatudera '"r. Tided. U.e •trMMd, to maintain of \h• compancy. Otber otncen are ln tho 1tarttnc ~L One .urprlM the proper balance ot the health Leo Bemlnl, treuurer and vice· entry wu the .._ft. yawl ~lden of a community. pruident and Stuart llnricht, lee-Bird, built la th• Tokowka, A. ~ el exi9tinl' faclUUM, retary. I Japan, naval yvda; line• the 1aat war and owned by Adm. B-W, Docker. n.. boat lo ottll rep te:red at a Jape.ne• yacht club. CDM Mm I•• Piiot KHlecl In Action • A C....... ffl 1'ar Mubo• pilot. form....,. .ta.Uoned at D Toro, wu lilted &. klll~ bl a.cUon la Ko~. aceordtq' to word received Jl'rida1 from the ~mt of I>etente. H.• waa llaj. Scott C. Gter, 809 Larlupur Aft., Corona del Mar. Accerdlal' to tbe report. Maj. Qfff wa. llhot down by enem:y am&ll &mlll fire Whi(e on a mt. afon ov•f. Cborwo"'° llU'Ch 21 .. Maj. Gier'• widow ltv• at the family bom.• 1n Corona del Mar. FROM FIRTH'S· ·COVERED WAGON .'HOMEsPU.NS GROUP Heights Circle Program Led -• • -· A..., -•M. "™-" i.-. • ........ h, ... ~~ ..... . lop.,~ ·-...... -;;;;. .,,.... .... _Nl_~ • • ••Wl9t ... --..i.r ... 4' .. =Clir'' _a Ar '1'' ~ r.11. r. 11'-' JI* ' TOllD'O Pn'CB HOMESPUN .• -C-JF) _ ...... ir ... ,.: . HOME FASHloN TIMI IS HD'. AGAIN . • BROP IJ'i AND SEE OUR 'COMPl.Ell. SELECTION OF THE LATEST -FLOOR COVERIN6S • • by Mrs. Les Nott ' I • SPRY I lb. ... All. POPUL.UI BllANDll CIGAREllES '1.45 Can. • ZEI ·SOFT· TEST TISSUE G&EEN FAMILY IVORY PAK ORCHID OF FOUK. .......... - ~ .................... _, .. ,.2 hr Swift's. Clecii.Mr 14 oz. . , ' . f ~~~~ ........... 2 Cy 21c: =BING 29c 79c POWDElt Lge. Glut . EASTER!>" SLICED •ACON ____ ... 111. ORA.DE "'A" BABY BSD' Rnd., Sirloin, Rib Ste 1111 ... Colored 9 OLU>E "A" ll.UIY lllED' 69C .OLEO _._ ..... ____ ... 2 c 7 IOM or Rncl. In. Rst. u.. SALES TAX COLLECTED ·oN ALL TAXAitLE ITEMS , 1R BAVS A. OOOD 8TOOIE OF FRUITS .~,VEGETABLES BAKING $ODA ' ~ JllllNS .. anan'8 8'!'UinD ~ . • S-P E c I A L s IAIY FOOD J ,.. 25 . . . .. AN~. ~ . Z'~· I ' ' W• .. !"'Z '. .•• "'STRA WIERRIES .:._._ -,. • I •p• C011ION8 . .. • , ·~ r_· . , . • -·• .... u~ · {,JOA4*Nli''vl1.i'.li 5·. 1r:' ~ -, , .-... ....... urr ,_'~ .. _.;.._..., ________ ""':'0:--~~~~~ t ~ •• ~ ~~ J ? •, 5 'W ~ h 1 I ·FllJH FllODN ~ ~L;.GI:. ' ~AMS ·:·~c~.-~~~· ;: . ;: ,; ~ ., ~~·.17· ~ i<:UT GI. IUNS_ cutc:0.111- Mll v.n. _:..; IAIY . I 'W ·!'....::.. llOCCqLlc _.,.,.i; •lllCH , • • p ;~ . "'.: · ... ~~ ~:. 18C ""' b ASFAIAGUS .~.'l: . -.;, 7 ·:- ,ii-ii-:ii.n:11aii1117i ........ iiiiif:C.cooaiiN~-=··: ·A~'5i''n ~t:KUM I ~cANT~l.Y.r~; .r.~ ... , ' • , " • • • • . • ' j f . • • J ' • , - • .. • . ' . . . . . . ' -• • • • , I . . . ' ' • ' l.E.ut"'1N(l TO READ FASTER. .(Left to1 ript) Eotella Rady, MU)' 111~ -..,et and DoTOth}' Fowler aUnr tbe MW ~r rate aculerator nioe:nUy purcbMed. to.r tile defflop- rrtt!•tal rP&d.IJlr prorram at Oranp f'eut -<lollel""· ~ a.cMlffaton an oaly a unaJl pa.rt of tbe m odorll eq11lpmeat aow avallablt-for the ~ of studM.ta H.roUN llll tbe pro,.ram. DICK RICHARD CHOSEN 'BOSS Of YEAR' BY BPW Fi~ Are Fewer; Fishermen Bluer In 19SO the largest number of oce&n &n&lci-a made the lowe:i;t catch & fi.sherman-<lay 1>n re(ord ln Califomla and Dlvt.ion ot P'ft;h , • • • • . • .r . ,..., I NEWPOlT "4Y !'OST t"4 ~'NEWS • ' . • 1· •. ' .,,·.• df/;,\: ~~·•-. 1 ·., •• _"-~-' ••• U Jlo.ir,~. • 1 W'bft-WOM.Uf TO W0Nt ')llt _. 1 • 0 ;in, ... ~~ iu'Jii" ~~ -!We :e •·-"' Olnt'l"d•tl(ar. f!rr • ....U -'·· .• •.'Y>P!"t" TU Mi9htY .Mlci9.t, In Advitrtimq i . wµ&' ~~··,'~~ i: .:!"1a""'t Buy Yo\ir .'l".V NOW! w~';'.~ e:::;.~J; , •n:. -.•· · ....,. -:r-... See't'iiw LOW Pri-Aacliori. 11te ... ~-.;.-ir VWt'D7a ........,..., ,..__ 'To~.a--....._ ~ -bab7 alttiqo. , _ .. ...,,_ . •• """"""'".1.&tft,£0 -..,.,,.,ry ...... y .I -•••-'.,a-.x.· 15p1 -.--. "-· ~ l""l"--NEWPO rnT w---.a-. -~ 12-1'" TV. D· Cole's Trading1l>ort 1 BT BAY --~,. W.Alft' KlJD; ~ middle --tl 0.. Jadl picture, ,... JlU,L&f.,.tte A.-N..,,..rt ~ .• , ~WPOBT BALBO pa-..aa """'-.a-...,..todeu\nama·a.tl!d-otttcea. canlft1oee!l · ~ ·-. ""'"" • ~ -·.1.11,~. • "'" ·-t. Prtn.te dub. Good $189""' I T ~ H..,..t -ii~ aslrta.P' .U. ..... ,_.·a .. -. 1z,. ...... Kdennee.. · Write Be. ' _ ._l1'1 ' ...;.Jr. __ .,..,ftac 1;"'-B.clotllloP"-.· .~ --· BQO~~A.;t M1ND111J1 A.II D 6 UNU U%~ -· Qoa.lole TV A. - -ac --..a-.... . .U <> lft ... -·-~......, fW ~la odnau .r 1 "•II• WA.NT .JIIDDI.& A.Gm>,OOUPL& -$179 .. 95' -,.. -. -.-to -~ ··-·-·-W-....,...._,.,_. I aal m•Jl&p aau. ._.."9UI C0Drt lloOb.. le .. ~· • U.. 1 hper •• 711 111.' Coola.JleM. J'rte -t. Pllqoo --Th T-~ ' ' ' • ' U-I hpe'ra 1.50 -UIT·:V:. llc7 10" tab.le. modd '1Y -~ · e ~an~· · c Uaes s ,..,.,. 1.00 lUN W.urt'l:D '°' --ID.. 7" tab!e model TV __ .132.50 IH -.. -1& ·-DU Th8 publiaherm will not be ru:pon.t.W. for mor-. than one lncornet a.. llr. Bee.on latv.rday 'De--...---Ot.rrrJoAJU>· Xotor {Martiai · ed> inMrtlon Of an Mtv•ru&ement, ,..m the ript tq eorrectq elullty tween 10 • 12 a. m. Nonnan'a RCA CONSOLS 1••• TV, like fttw &bout 40 houn "mn•nt· PateCt any and all ada and to reject any &dwrtleemw.t not cantonllinf to Nur_,,., 1311 Cout Htrf!way wttl\ .A.M' A l'M n.dto,. beauUtul e0n.4J ... -• _, ··•--.~--· 1 •• rulu and rtfUlationa.. Ad:vertl.Mment. a.nd caa.cell&Uou w1J.l tMs: -&hoCU htDet. With doo ._.,., -"-""11 wo accept~ up to 5 p.m. on UI• d&1 precedinl" publieaUon. Ph. 11&1'. 1111, •• co-.. ___ d.•I.Mar __ . _____ ,llic_T m Y ca · ••ot 00n $180. Call 211 -4ot.h. Newfi'W"" .. 1 · now only • -• After 5 p. m. lpl ...._ Har. lilt. uk for •A,4 ~ or .._. ad ... i'lllllttuel te - NZWP'ORT BAJUJOK PUBU8RINO 00. ~·~!·~·~·~,g~-~~~~i~·~·!ll0!!~1la!!_ lC"...P ln touch· wtth ui for &'OOd bu:YI Ill TV ..to belDr traded Ult llllilbo9 ........ !fw'°" 81 et,,~ a&.Mltled Index lt ...... GIMll 11 ...... .... 7 h JJ .......... ., 14 Pu I h 11......_Y..,.OM 11 TMr~ ur'1M• lT a.· a O.tll:slau UB?t>.&1111 llU~ II H-A*. n~--u ...,,, ... luk 1# 2181 ..... _W ..... H lktlp W•W • ROOr,:l:R.8 ' PA.lNTl:Rll • CARPENTERS •JtUG ~ • llOUSJ: CL&A.ND8 • rIX rr SBOPS Wll HA V1C J'ULCQLOJI, ruu,. DUI New WUllable w&ll ftnlaib. .Allio Jew.I cqe ot colon . ..,_ p&inUnl" lnatnlct!on pd color planner toJden. a.u.llOA KARINlt HDWlt. CO. Buln B..,,dl. BOywtde Drtn · Tour l"'uller n.Jer A Good PIA.ce to Go llcC In -•. 8P.1111D QUEEN wuhinl" m&chine. nice· condition. wbJ(e enamel, Pt.I&. a . Ii:: lle.frl.-er&tor, late model. tarp alM ··------··~·--···: .... ..$118.93 LIKlt NEW, Pn>ctw dlal control DA VIS-BROWN Co. -Irie Iron, $3 and Oenon.I 'ltleetric Hot Point waroo Iron, 'l.185 HARBOR BLVD. with heat lndlcat.or, · $1. TM COSTA MESA. .Acacia, Coron& dl!'I l<ar. ttttc Phone Bu.con 4821 -~~~~~~~~~~ O'l<ED Ji: 6 Mll:JIR1TI' tablo 141> FOUR ROOMlJ J'URNITUJIJ::, In· pa Nil.I~. ~ t..'Ol'ldltion. hO clud.inl" 1960 Servel retrl.ren.tor. C MOORINGS Pleuure and Commuclal LlOO PENINSULA. YAeH't'·ANCHORAGE l!lnd Of 31't !IL lluobr mt NEWPORT BEA.CH • - $30 -WANT to rent miian aailboat at "'Balboa Jut 2 'V(ka. April. 2 ~. ei:· perlenced u.ilors, w.ru· tllJte ~ are ot boat. Write Box 11, tJµs paper. llp7 Na.ming of O. \V. "Dick" Richard u "Bo.51 or the Year" &nd noml- 11ation or offlCer11 \\·ere features of the eighteenth annual Boqee' Night ot thf! Bua1ne.ss and Profesaionsl Wome.n'a club, held ThurMla.y evenlnK a t the Newport Harbor Y&.cht club, v.'ith Mabel FitLmorrla preaidlng. Agne! Blomqut!lt, chairman of nominating committee reported on TCeW officers for the coming year a11 f o 11 ow 11: president, Ruth \Villme•: first vice president. Eve- lyn V&rnPt ; aecond vtce president, Mute Bird; recording secretary, M ildrN! Chapman: corrt>sponding •ecreta.ry. Jessie Hill ; Htlen Nor· ton, treuurer. and Game hu reported. j t.at year-Caiitomla had the large:at numbt'r of &nS"len ln IU hlatory. the divlalon a.dded and lh~ 1915-0 kclp ba .. and h!'d catch wu the poorest on record. ae 11111e, ee-11" r:e •Al-I 11 w-•:a., Ull'anl __ _ TOUT ad ap,,.arln,-,... uluty ln th-.. colWDJLI wW brinl" you many new edit.omen. Barbor ~an• tollui an ID Use b&lllt <it '1ookinr tn tbt clusf- tled" wllen tlley neod th.. Hf""tcel. Pb.one Harbor 2&f0...J or Harbor .Alao l"ood Western HdlJy cook 2SM3·Jl. 3p0 stove. tM Ne'l!J'POrt Blvd., ea.ta 11 .... , 3pf WANTICD-8h1p-ahore radio with ant.Un&. 25 .watt. or bttt.er. 'Ph. LAiu.n• Be&cll '""mt. &plO ··Oacars" were awardt'd to the girls who have had chairmanship or the Chri.9tma.a Previews held during the put four yt>at11. Th~ r f'Cl'IV\11,( awards '~•ere-Irene lot or· r111, Dorothy Sutherland, 1't1ldred Stanley a.nd Belly Jarvis. Thl!'me of entertainment was •·1..eave lt to the Girl11," a t.a.ke off on tht> ··aty Council." The cast Included !\"eva Oakden. &thel Mang. Carolyn \\"e ber, Alda Gor- t on and Fredah Batie!! tl1'l councll me.mber•. Edith Barne.!! and Ruby Mlsz.ko M ga.rbage collectors, Nat ).{icb.&ud u !Ire chief, and the cborua with 1't1ldred Chapman, 1.taWe Grleder, Judy \Voodw&rd, Dorothy Reddick, Joy Poore, and Sunni Ea.etma.n, drew much ap- platae. Anolht>r chorus wu added this year from the Elka club when Bob Ea.stman, Bud Briscoe, C1ift V•r· ner. Ben Reddick. Tom r-."drton a.nd Elwood Shell appeared at the finale tn hil ulou. hula cos~umes. Bob Murphy wu µresented with a sport ah1rt with names or' the club g1rla embroidered on the back. Thia wu gi..,en in appreciation for the help he has ~lven the club oh the-Christ.ma.a Pre\'1ews held at the J:tendezvous. ' Ruth \\.'1llmes, program cbair- maL thanked the fo!IO\Ving girls tor their help 1n making Bo.3ae5' N rght a .succeas : Carolyn Varner gt'neral chairman, Evelyn Varnt>r and Sue Horvath. reservations: Lena Mae \Vltsey, decorations: !':athalie ~ichaud, dance arrange- ment•: Agnes Slomquist, mu.sic; Margo Keyf's. x.r1pt of ,play: cos- tumes, Joy P oore and Lydia Sht'r· man and special -prize. Al!ce Siem- on"- Roland \\1rigbt drew the tkket tor the door prtZt', a b~ket or beverage.! won by T . Wt>stQn Jay. Attend.ing wert> l iO Business and Professional \Vomt>n and guests;. \\'ho voted It a.a al<A"ays "high point of the yt>&r." Scout Troop 17 Holds Investiture On Monday eoven1ng, April 2nd, at the rr~ar \\'eekly meeting of Boy Scout Troop ii Corona de-I )tar. Tummy Patterson waa in- Vt>~t.ed a.a a Te-nderfoot. Attending the same meeting a.s a Vi.!litor wu Dlc1c Rtddick. v.•ho wUI become a member of thr troop fn the. near tutun. On Friday eve.nlng Bobby ca.Ilia. a~ll.n.g u Senior Patrol Leader. Jim Undrre.n and Darrell Goinl: of the Stag Patrol. and Scoutmuter Harwood att~ndt'd the Cub Pac.'!( meeting at Corona dell-lat Khoo! and consntutated C!ltfottl Weae1 on attatning-llla We~lor.. &Ad in-_ Tl.wt htm to jota Troop 17 and the Stag ·Patrol. · . Court of Hano; For· Ar-ea Sc 'outs • A. OOu:rt of Honor for Harbor Aroa Boy &:outo wtll be held Fri: di\)', April 20, at 7,30 p.m. ID Coata ,._ ...... &boot ·-· ·, httlclpUIDc wW be ~ ll. N.-port; Tn>opt I and 80 and k· ,.,_ PS ti. C!;iota .... Uc! ~ 11, °'"'Pa <kl liar. • • WSDDINO ~"lVDl&Ulr Mt. -Jira. Jollll Boyd. ~-or •Udo uia·-t.o. UWi' ta11th • -.. ~ la Loi .An· ....-. iut. ~ with a nruod or • 2'11te·j:1ua.. aricl -• • County Rebekahs to be Guests of Mesa Lodge ' Plan. were made for a big night at tbe next meeting April 17 of the Mesa Rebekah lodge Wf\en t'ifl'v ,.~ .. 'Tlb'f"d }. -,rl1 3, with Noble Grand Bertha Wauon presiding in IOOF hall. Costa Meu, District Deputy President Eva Lee will make her official visit on that ntght and Busy Bet' lodge of Cy- press have notified the local lodge thf'y have df'cidf'd to_ attend en masse on that eVening. It 'la abn courtesy night with tht> memblo-ra of the othe-r eight lodges in the distrtc t Invited to attend tlhe Mr«& lodge. A capacity crowd l• e.x· pe<:tcd. , lb 19345 in 240.189 angler day• a total of 1,9~7.479 were cau.bL ln 19~ a total of 2,2G:i,93 nth. we.re caught ln 802,431 a.ncler days, or only 278,U4 more fl1h by nearly thl"ff t lmea the numbe.r of angler d&ya tb&n fo't' l• yean pre· vious. at.a.t.i.fltica or-the di¥1..lfon showed. The b&rn.cuda catch or anclen ln 1936 wu 696.Cle2 compar~ w1Lh 2~1.404 ln 19:10 a.nd the yellow· tall catch 97,i~3 in the earlier year and 7,673 lut year, the divi- alon addt>d. White sea ba.u fllhine showrd an incre-ue from 12,81~ to 58.~86 in ttie 14--year period and halibut from 71,lU to 88,998. Tbe albacore catch increued fl"om 410 to 114,S02. " ll·A AltU.- 11~1141 .... a&•--.. .,..,~ .... .. Poaltiy, ... , •• 11 Uum1 di • '•'E's• • l .ft Pm's 1 o,,. twJ:•• UWuWto.-t U A...,.._te-4 81 I '4•11-fwJl..a 41 .... )ft! I •• .. __ _ 47l'Nolll UA.1¢1•'",..._ MA.--W ...... .,,_ llT't?a II .UUJlM• ... _ .. 1- 111111-w-....... _"_ • •ee'tiM, A.or • a .. ,,_ PNftl'tJ' a -.& --J::bMtlmtSIO• ......... .. • At the Tuead&y meetinl" Nin& Lolmaugh and Marga.nt Killey we~ reported on the •tck U.t and .Muy Lou Cox a.a being laid up with a back injury cau.ed trom a Call. The divialon ure~ a.nrlua to un· book caretu.Uy and retum to the water the little fll:h and the onra they cannot uae. They will l"1'0W &hd reproduc1 .a &nglera can. ton· 1..._.~ 017D>ll 1n th• banquet hall dolls made of ctl'(>e pa~r a.nd marshmallow• were iaed a.s favors. Anrel food cake topRed with fruit and whip- ped. cream ,~.-ere B<!rved to mem- btr1 and guests by the refresh- ment committee, ?-fr. and Mn. Ed WiUcut, Haul Dumont, Jean Rose, Ethel Smith t.nd Daisy Ginger. After a ,.· .ort buainea• n1eeting some at the memben \vere excused to attend courtesy night hosteued by the Busy Bee lodge ln the Ana· helm hall. Invitt'd guests from the local lodg-e who attend@d were Ef· fie and Colleen Slaten, Bf'rtha Wa- son, Gladys Bird, Flora Harrta, Ada Paull. Pearl Backes, Iva Coe. Mamie WilUas and Lola Sttwart. Local U.S.C. Girl Elected Secretary of College A.W.S. Barbara J ean · Barnhouse, 122 26th St .. Ke<A·port Beach, aopho- more at the Univer11ity of Southern California, 'was elected 11eCr-e.l.,ll.ry joy fi•b.iD_g nest year. No nuona for the decreuinl" catch were given in the report. · Coastline Post to Install Friday Evening C. A. Smith, newly-elected. commander of VTW Coutllrle Po.t 3.s36 and hi& corp1 ot ottl- cu• will be lnat..alled at public ceremonli!• to be held Friday a t 8 p.m. in American Legion ti.JI. Costa Me.a. Chose.n to •erve with Smith. who ~ucceed1 P . A. Ttmminp, were M . M. La.Borde, aenlor vice-com- ma.nde.r; George Splnk, junior vice-commander; Floyd F . Hof- fard, quartermuter; K . C. Brown. chaplain;. B . L. Robert., poet ad· vocate; Ed.'J!ard Ban, aurgeon; J . K . \VaJlace, Ulre-e-year truatee: 0. J. Moorhoute, two-year tna.tee: A. E. Kelly, or;e·year tn11ttt; Wally &lau, adjutant. Bl'ITEN BY DOO of the A.saoclated \Voml!n Stu-Eight year .old D&le Workman. denu in & run--ott with Carmen I Corona de-J Mar wu reported to Perez, 3~ CerTit.oa Ave., Long have been bitten by a doe owned Beach. a.not.her 1pobomore. 0Mia..ts by Mra. V. Q. B.t.Urelcli:, 430 Aca cia OOllP[.ml'!I llOUQ CULUnloa _,._ ~ad raaa •.. ,.... ..... ~*= hll;J' tad a e&. Al'• House &: Rug ClMnin~ Co. a .... au TIUe For Venetian Blinds, Shad .. and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free eetimatea Ph. Hat 884 514 ·29th St. Newport Beach 93ttc SHARPENING All tools • lawnmowers • pin klnr aheara, ltnlve•, 1·9 p.m, It Sun. FIXIT SHOP 609 Cout Highway Newport Beach UNtvl!JUIAL BUILDING >oUJNTll:N ANCE P'loo1' waxin&", wtndow cleanln&:. wall wubinc t o r buildings. ltona, otftcu and homes. F!IRGUSON HDWE. Newport Beach l>b . Harbor 116 •p<I Barnhouse won by 12 votes. She Ave., Corona del Mar at 12:37 p . ------------- la a member of Gamma Phi Bet& m. S~ay. ' sororit y 8.ad a graduate of New· port H_arbor Union High &choeJ.. Dodge la movinr. Watch itf ,. •• ' J J J PAt181XG •P+U ...... ,,,.ta I 't'll le a.,.._, ' ...,, or ~ ~u.t et o. ':*••••• 'brbre1 Ts et *•.-...,' ~ (; I '01 ..... ... """*' W I I II C 'lit U.. cf A.Iese ••• '::J!I ............... ,. aa s 1·• W _...,....,.._ • ~ ............. (lcll9• ....... .,--..... ._ ...... 11fla•= .i l.di. ·r s .. Jllta • r 1F • 91 :-.,.-., ni:1t' _ pl t · ~-;i-,.,,. tx ittsln s w,... ;'* 1, a r t_. . el....... II ---·;r·ia: .,.,., ----" ............. -.,,,t:AAJ: ...., ........ ,_,..... ... .... ... ...... . ----~·rt .... .... ' INtmuo11 -muu01t PAINTING UCllNQ:D -UllJUftm) Glenn Johnston I01·11ot 81. lf-pwt lleo<b Ba'1>or 111'1.,J Med PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m--..Oaola---.... - u.. the Hew1 • nm-, Poot and ~ .... -. Uan wtlh OTar 21,500 et..- culaticn. PkoM ll&rbor 1118 today and &ale tor th• &d•t&lr.er. &pedal monthly n.teu. .Alooholloo AAlla)'IDOlil Write P. O. -"16 ..__ W..N, OaMt. -1[1 ...... Hall Patio Furniture PAINTED Ph-Beacon &t:ll-W Hc7 11 e••u YOUS CU , L.ADT WANTS· rtde to wot'k hr. L. A. fl"om Cot'Oft& del Mar . .lira. 9--~, Mon· rrt. can Har. 2855-W. :tc• tl-I.08T A.ND FOUND Mea Radio It Television '"Service That lati•fiea" TELEVIlUON Salee • Service • ln.atallation RADIO REPAIRS 108 Broadway Oocta ){ ... Jct~ Rattan Furniture 1fa4e tn tb• Pbtlttpn• ud tA our own wotk t.b.01& Wide Choice dl fe.brtcs. 1£rl'Mt cllaplay hi llo. Calli. Jlotlnlahlllc and Jleupllolatorlll,1 HOUSE & {;ARDEN BA.µ30A MARINA Small Boat Miµt USTING8 WA.NTJ::D 2802 Cout Highway, Newport licit Pbaae Harbor 07'f.l . tacHH OIR.U apparel, sfsa• 10-ll. blou.n ~.. .weaten, wool aklrta, like MW. Hu outcrown them_ 213 Ruby, Balboa l•land. 3p6 111 Cout Hwy, Nwpt., BM. llm --------~--­Claultled ads coft lftUe, do JIUlS.. DlNING ROOM: &rl' conatattnl" of -----------''-- ta.bl• ud e Main. Ltl"h.t wood. M-llll'.l:KLU. a.&DIO O.A.R.A.Gll l><X'R. Pl.,....~. Com· plete.._Bac1f'!.c.e. 800 Be,.onia St., Corona de Mar. Cpl Pllone Harbor IM-R. 3pl ;;.;;.....;;;,;;;;;.;;;:;:;;:.;;J::;:;;:;;..., __ _ :>O GAL. ROT WATJ:ft ffmA.Tl:R. rooc! COlldil..,,., $25. 3,09 ,JC, Bay Ave ... Har~ 7-iG-W. 4c6 YOU PiClt A.ND BA. V'I: -700 ThMe Mt& are floor modl!l1 that have been carefully UMd in our store and can- not be aold u new. WILL SELL AT COST ••• -· a.ltld:cn fr1'en, :M>c-eacll. Brin&' Duo-Vue (project& 38'"g:4:8" TV pie· box. 515 W. WU.On· flt., Coeta , on wall or m.oYie .creen- Xea. • • ,.. Ital· am.ta !"OW $17 •• 97 zviliid'Tmwo l:moraon ll" table model - J'OR YOUR TRAlLD Rec. 1299.113 NOW U89.15 ltmenon 12 ~" COJllOl .. WJ:: nu. BUTA..!fJI -1«1: U ... H NOW ,17 .. M P'KOP.ANW: T.AlnU ltmeraon Ii" TV, 3•tpffd pbono .0-.plete tuta~ttoe. .,..... and J"M • AM radio aad -ac a,11 . -Re~. $489.ta NOW $3911.95 J)q\llpment. · T•letone 11" table model SPINZT. piano. R.epome..ed. Pay out. bal&.M~ $.0:87. Another n· pcioo'n. '395. PAiilZ • 8CB'.MIDT Bir ·Plano Store. Orie Hulldl-M Pian~ from · whlch to chboee. :S20 'N. Mabt, corne.r tth, Sant& AA&. o~ MUST oacrltlC• -..... Chln-nll ojltnet .. Hirt> ~make. A.1'7 reu-•w.·,ef. Cw ae<leptild. lllarbor ~JI. · . '2p4 ........ J:. 8amuel -JI. PalUt R<r. $249.95 · NOW $1118.'6 GRAND PIANO!. .U-•Kftlbo Clllck•rlnC• KU0n and _ Bamttn, Sttn.way. dvHett.. a e h m e r, Wurlltaer, Starr. Kimbell. Many otlten. J'rom · $395 '"up. : naas... Sclun14t Bis Piano Ston, Baata Ana. 620 Nq. Kalil, .-... -. rot.TN'D -Pair .of .-ia.u. tor· . t .... ...,.11 t.am .. In ca. on J!&I· ORANGE COAST· USED TV. SETS .COMJ: In and play'the WonderM boa bland Slll\doy. o.n..r can TRAILER SUPPLY I RCA. 10" conoole with 18'.' bubble New Hammond Cbozd Orpn. claim a.nd JM'Y tor &d. Apply· . I Wu $117.~ NOW $14:5.00 Even It rou don't kn~ a. .note PreM otftct, 2211 Balboa Blvd., · 1110 HAl\BOlt :LVD. Hallicratt.er 10 .. table model ot muaic you can play Mautitul Ne'W]>Ort Beacll. 7 ltfc CO.ta 11 .... ~on• a-eon ltU-lt. Wu fl~OO NQW. $95.00 mu.i·a tn tell mtnut.u. DA.,NZ. LOST-Small white and brow'I'\ fe• male dor oa Ba.Jbo. laland. ,Mon.. eve. about 10 p. m. Answer• to n&Jn.e of "c:.."hlqulta." f1Iu red coll&r. Reward. Ph. Har. 2291-J. MATl!:JINI"ft' CLOTHJ:S, .... 1;, hardly uaed. veen pbardlne 2-pc. dreu. black faiU• tult. 3-pc. IUit With al.ackl. Harbor 1381•R. 5c7 5"71------------~ nNr. lronlnl" CUrta.in1. Help w ith din. partlu. Pick-up and deliver. Mn. Willta.rna, c&ll Har. 1695. 3p7 Use'd Radio-Phono SCBMiln' !llJ' Plano and Or,an Co., 520 No. Main, lluta A,11&. Xan.i.ola oombln&U . • w .. SM.SO · No:' $4< M LOVJCLT BUNOAL!)W --Ill'" · · ript ptano ill nn. cond\tlOD, Pbllco -record player, and l'Mtlo $lt5• Te-rtna,· S20 down 6 :.$8.00 w .. $89.M NOW "4.llO .rt. PhUoo reCorder, record playU • montb-at 8HAJl"ER. ~...,SIC CO. FM-AX radio (Since lll07) 421 N. Syc:Omoro, W~ $139.!IO NOW $911.50 S~te ""1a. Klmbe1'1y -2-CMl72. · 't7Uc USltt) PIANOS ft'om Mo up. Good playiar con ditto a. D.A..NZ- SCIDIIDT, 620 No. JlalA,' Santa • Ana. COl'ller Ith. Jl1CNT A. PUNO, '5 per manth. A.U J<Dt allowed It )'OU Inly with· 1n t~·J;>~~t~20 No. Maln. Santa A.u.. ' ' I .' • • t r ' ' .. innunaJu:o A.PTS-Utll. · paid. ~-2 bdrm. '60 month, I bdrm., $7:'> mo1 to June ll)th. 1046 W. Balboa lllvd. Phone Ha. U'/O-W. 2Uc 'BAY FRONT UNIT by week, month or year Reasonable rates. • •• • SMALL Jl"'lJ'1t.Nl8H CO'M"AGE. Util. pd. Clooo to New;ort pier and town. ldeal for 1 or 2 per- IOrui. Yearly but.. 1810 Court Ave., Newport Beach. 5p6 Jlarilor 2.M2 (Eve. H.a.r. 291•-M 98tfc _u-_A_TRAILEB ____ SP_A_cz ____ I -------5--,-l-m---.-~ly VERY NICE 8PACE anilable in •:m WJ:EK -pt"e & vuu• I ' I .... rat• FURN. 2 BDRM. APT.. ovelyqu et tral er court. (!hrtt....,, · f ed. . lay flowers. treM. Adurta. 1741 Po-l•~ r,oom. hi~cen inga:ag;. 0 mona., Coat.a Mesa. Bea. 1147-J. J!'O~ or c r ' • ~tfc Util. pd. BLUl!: TOP. 401 New- port Blvd., Newpo·rt Sch. (&hove Archul 99tfc fool....-ROOMS FOR aEN'T ·RENTAL r SPECIALISTS ¥ PEIU-tA..NENT RENT AL -Large room. 2 double ~. Prlvate en- trance. Ideal for 2 men or 2 women. Oarage. BLUE TOP, •01 N11wport Blvd., Newport Bch. (above Arc,hea ) Wtfc • Ocean Front . Furnished Two bedroom• up, one bedrocun down. 21,t ba~b'9 pr., can be u9ed u dupiex. WW take clean modern cnit.r to $8000 u part paymenL RALPH P. MASKEY Newp.lrl Blv., Nwpt. Bea.ell PRONE HARBOR <02 -H TRADE ONll: 8TORT RUSTIC. 3 bedmul .• den., 2 'i9 bath•. lanai. dark rm. l...&f'I'• level attluded loL MuJ- holland area. FOR 2 bednn., den, 2 bat.hi M. EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY-Beauti. S bdrm, 2- bath home, cha.rm, furn., plus attractive apt. Patio, g&l"&gea, one of our BEST buya at $23,500. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR ESTATE PROPERTIES OF'J'E.RS ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO COURT AP- PR.OV 4L AND PRIOR SALE. ----- 2 Lota eoz85. Balboa Ialand Call -cnis Linwood Viel'!:, Rltor. -1"l&ncl. Har. :aou 32cM ------------Balboa. Shore Cllffa, Corona del FURNISHED -ROOM for 1 adult, Mar. RUTH RIES, CR.eetvMw DUPLEX Edgewater Place, Balboa COMMERCIAL BLDG. -Lot 125x!50 leased for $400 per mo: One of main atreeta in Santa Ana: • · Yearly Rental Newport Sch. Ph. Har. 14&2-W. 4~293 . •ce Let's Talk About These! Op& CORONA. DEL MAR stuth of Hi-Ah way. furnished &pt., 2 bedroom.s, ti one with twin Mda. Lo•ely \'~"'" 0 ve ~;n;~;.,A~~".;, Ph. Harbor I • ~'NICELY FURN. APT. Radio A: htr., fol' lltu, electric Private entrance and yard. AU· Rodia It btr., fog lit.ff, e.le-ctrk: to.matk: heat. ~ mo. yea.rly. clock, nylon cover•. rubberized UtU. pa1d. 3M Broadway, Coat.a undercoaling t>tc. (laland veenl Meaa. 4ce N't>xt to nf'W! A moat desireable TWO BDRM'. A: PATIO. Furnished hotae. Peninsula Point. Year• JeaM, $100 per month. cau Har- bor 19'1. 4cft RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM D07 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor leo7 See . buy for jun.- $1665 '47 CHK"V. "Fleetmuter-" Se<lan Loade<I wtth extras~ Olamourou.s ''Metallic" 2·tone Blue It Silver finiah! Wb.ere can you match this yeer, make and VA.LUE tor only- $995 '41 DODGE "Luxury Liner" SN!. A 81'1100th runn!Ag. cleanly kept one-fa.mlly car. fB&Jboa Blue). $585 Cliff Haven Trade ED L. SEDELMEIER, R~,. ltcr 1523 COAST JllGHWAY, Corona de1 Mar , By owner, 2 yr. old J bdnn. and Phone Harbor 2768 · den. liv. nn., din. rm.. &nd halll~--~~-------4-------~--­carpeted, trpl., tum. heat. 2--ear pr. Fen~ yd. (not Ju.ebold) For olde-r S bdnn. or ~ulv. Nr. Beach, Harbor area. BeL &«~M' l1cl2H Will You Trade? Have one bedroom hoUH on water- front with pier and float. Nice patio. WUI trade iequlty on la.rger watf'rfront holll!e with pier for 32 ' boat. Bay 8z Beach Realty Gloden Fay Ethel Shirley 1'4[>0 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1284 61-RE.AL EBTATE WA.N'l'&D 2-BEST BUYS-2 IN CORONA DEL MAR New 2 bdrm home. nice location. l•ri:e kitchen. dbl. J&rage. Exclusive with u.s--$12,500, terms. INCOME BUYERS-We have a 45-!t. corner lot with small bowie on rea~. Build your home to suit while living on premi-. ON\'Y $10.500 Fu~ Price EARL CHAMBERLAIN 600 Coast Blyd., Corona de! Mar (Oppoalte Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 • Coata Mesa The Belrt· Town Oii Earth REAL VALUES Full Price $3900 . Louise Apts. FIRST Doublea and Stng\et1 OVBRLOO~G BAT WANT TO BUY -Stn&ll boUH OC' g-araa-e apt. from owner, Corona del "'!<· . !9f ....._, l<t deale•o. Phone .. ltarltor '11~Mit. '4~ MECHANICS SPECIAL! '40 PLY.1 ------------ club cpe. with ra.dio It htr. Sound With Ocean View · N-Hom-2100 aq. ft. s big bedrooms 1 bdrm. home, approx. S yn. old on ~ acre. 8UBM';IT DOWN. Better .,-UN on• today~ IOI CanLa.Uon, Corona del Mar 92c93R au.Bc>A PENINSULA -2 bdrm fUnll8hed hotl.!e. $60 mo to June 15th. .. Utl1. p<t. rbone Har. 3019-R 3tfc Somebody Wants 'nlat uaed t'Urniture, bric·a-bra.c, ptllntinp, etc., now ta.king up •pa.cti in your p.r.ge. Find a buy- er wt.th a cluaitled ad 1n the New1-Ti.rnet, Pa9t, and Pi"eM com- "blnation. Juat Phone HarbOr lftlS. uy: "I want to place a Clanitied Ad," aDd. a courteoUI ad·taker will he1p you writ• an afteetlve ad. NICE ROOMY n~ly ttdecorated tu~ 1 bdrm. apt., garagf'. Utilltiu paid. l60 year round. Phone-OXford 4~2-269 collf:'Cl or call at 3412 Marcus. Ne...,'-pOtt for key. 3p~ J'{JRNISHED or UNFlJRNISHED Roomy I bedroom apL Garage. Modern. Available M & y 1st. Yearly le&M. Near •lore1, trans- portaUon. Harbor 293~. 4 p1~ NXW CLEAN 1 bedroom apt. 4e. llYin.I rm., unturn., $45 month. Cbildttn welcome. body but nttds motor ovPrha,ul. flhia poJpular model book for $500.) Our FULL PRICE, "M IS"- $248 P. S. "EXTRA GENEROUS" deal& still left on a few brand new 1950 DODGES. SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE· PLTit:OUTH Dir. Phone Beacon 6907 1936 Harbor Blvd. C011ta ~(e1a '48 CHEVROLET Club Cpe. Very clean. 1 owner. S2M> w orth of extru. Rea!IOnable 9rice. ln- qu!re at 914 E. Ocean Front cup. stars), Balboa. iip8 1849 FORD 8 deluxe 4-dr. only 7.000 actual miles. Radio. Heat· er. Llfe guard tire1. Clock. PPr- fect condition. KelJy Blue book U:!ting ,16'4~ wtth aeeB90rin. \Vil! sacrifice for quick sale to highest bidder. Call Harbor 1099-W or Ha.tbor 1863-R. 3c6 M G -T D -BRA.NO NEW 1951 only 1&00 milea. Private party. Harbor 2311-J Saturdays and Sunday• or PYJ....;id 1-1498. 4ct Coastland Realty Co. It doesn't ·cost you 1-Newport Blvd., c ... ta "... A DIME aetioon 6702 t Eve.s .• Bt>a. 625.9 t •cil I BJ:[)QOOM home, partly tum .. can&"•-Block from bwnneu. 198 &. 14th St., Costa Meu.. Beacon nae-w. •!>8 8UJOO!R RENTAL -·2 bdrm. uicely n.im. borne. bayfront ,Bai- t • boa. private beach. Available .June 16th to Sept. 16th or leea u -· 818 £. Balboa Blvd .• Bia.I...._ Harbor 1302...J. ~1 1'i.a!tl can• ft'olD. COUt&.bl Pr&<Uco! ..... ad ncuJarlJ' In "'"' -wUI p*-......it. for )'OU. Lido Isle ~T RENTAL. llltud now S ll•froom, .I bath ...... •t f200 a ,. -Ill. -.. TO LOOK at the new KAlSER and HENRY J . -a.net It may SA VE YOU $500 Our aa.les department la gtvtnc big allowance• on uide-lna on new eara. SEE 1T +T H,EAD MOToRs, Inc. YOlUl Kaiser -Willn Frazer • Crosley DEALER 506 E. First Street SA.NU ANA Pbann: Klrnbo!V -.KI111bu17 .• ,.... . ' . I let P. )/.. PALMER 1Ht C1QCYROL1:I.•1.Y1o.11ao ur. • IN CORPORA Tm> dduxe -· $Ull0. ll&nll wW -\'la Lido -llOO flM-Ortstllai -· Jll{. 5e1' ce.llent c:o.ndU1oe.. PlliaiDe B LI 1• -~------------4:M t · Ill. lipT -p:•a•.r ~-• ....., t si ta qoota "'-. • ·-LlNCQU. JP:D~. JtH. •• - .. , , 1 _ • ·---::a~. I -· ""' .... ·19 llNo, ..---~ --Ill•-Celt7 -· t.-all-· .... ~au_..._..., »0~1>r.11q•- t f .. llarbcw-1m. lc.1' •7~ ~ -lpt 1 --·11 -a ;a IC -~······ .. ' ---~-­w.mr .• _.. •· -, ~..r. _.. v. ---"' .. ......... - • ' THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST Orange County's Outstanding Real Estate AJ.vertising Medium 2 big bath room• Huge livinJ 1oom Large garage, 26x28 On a big lot. -Price ju.st i17,450, food terms. Why Rent? N"'4 I bedroom home, tuml.tled.. $8000 $1000 down G. I. Resale One Of tbe Beat 2 bdrm home--Prlce $9450 $1800 down On Costa Mesa St. 2 ~room home wtth f'Xtre. otg 1lttping room ln rur or the lot t.or the boya. Price Only $6500 ~Good Homea On Big Lot Price $9500 • $750 down G. N. WELLS, Rltr. ' "' Aaociat .. 1790 N~wport Blvd. ......,. __ o_NEY __ ro __ w_.ur ____ ,c ·sta Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5181 IN BALBOA THREE BDRM. HOME on Bay Ave .. El Ba.yo tnet.. OQly I yn. old. 2 b&U.., Boor tumace. Patio. Good -plan. Carpe .. d a.nd nicely fumlobed. f17.000. . Balboa Realt.Y-Co. TOt .. -Bit<!.; ,..._ Hatbor 1113 QWPORT .. ,MQA ... -"' llAVING8 It ~.&.UH . -Via UM,.,.-.*' CA,PJSTRANo as+t BBU'!S U>.U1S ACB.EAGg su.r. ... ·~ . "' ,. • (1'8. JN ..... -··_.,la llliil.., lllL.Oqld Et Jl.l ~ --''0 a., • 1·.--_..,,....,. ______ .....:::.1 XZJJN -._ • ., .. !!! ... 811! ~·== : "' . ... .....-•, "'ILmQirr ..... •---~•-..... -••rlr•1• .... Ill n;f."',._.-... ._; 9 Ollila .... 'ILi d .. ... ) 11 I e.... M, ·c ·-..i I '.-.i._ ·.-.",Iii _. I F~C;tt • 2 B. R. Furnished Ck>ee la. FuJJ . price Only $4500 2B. R. Home ClOM tn, 2-ar garage. Full price only $MOO. Submit down. Duplex 1 bdrm each •Ide, 2-cat l'ar&.-f', <'Orner lot. only 1 YT. old. Hwd. floor. This I.a a real buy for only $10.950, term& Shore Cliff View Lots Very Exclusive Vi-Section Only $3950 each B. A. NERESON M'RA • Mutt.lple Liat.inl' Office 1982 Newport Blvd .. Colla Meaa Phone Beacon 622~ COSTA MESA $3000 DOWN FINEST Resldentla.1 at.reel. Near- ly new S B. R. home, l ';.; batba, 1ar.-e u..-. nn. fi!"eJ'.lllce, 2-car · sarq:e, ~I' lot, ftnct'd. Price just reduced. Owner a)'ll all! HORACE 8. MAZET 308 Marine A.Ye. Balboa i...t&n4 Harbor 3028-J 6<7H $2500 DOWN t bcktn home, compleU:lY Md at- uacUwy r1muo1ted'. Larp Jot. nlcel) lan-ped. 11a1an..,, 161 mo. incJudJ.ac t&xea.-lnl·tna. cau ....,... Ba. ~2. .... 8.a..su.w k7 • • • •• Top Buy a-In locaUQn-s:ut llldof-2 • ' bdrm home. 924 8q. ft. Bepar+ce prqe. Only & 1"· old. Mf,\ly Uke&ble teaturu.. Imf<*lblt to ttptac. th1a prope-rt7 for the ukinc price, of only ' Cllff, Haven View Lor Baa~•¥ ltlPM, -on I -.+ ~ e& ~180. . ' Cl"'7 ... VSN ' $8500 $99000WN Newport Hejghta G. I. Rel&le-:Z: 'bdrm home-i-car ...,...~l;lkcellent n@lgbborlw>od. °"IY f yn. olol. Huny .. lhlo oa.._1'•. the f\J.ll price cit abl1 $825() I Cliff Haven Let ua prove to you a good buy. Two bedroom and a den. Llvtng room and dlnltag room beautiru- ly carpeted. Hardwood and tile. 2--car .-a.rage. Rttaitly redeco- rated. Lota or tmprovunenU. FHA loan. UNBEATABLE for I.he .. "In& ll}Orl•Y of • ~$13,500 Phil Sullivan G. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 N!!wport B1vd. Coeta lif.a Phone Beacon •1+1-w Harbor 3157-W or Be&con Mig..J Multiple Listing No. 1757 BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $13,000 Buys CHARMING 2 bedroom homA aft corner lot in Corona <kl Mu. 1 block from ocean Blvd. I mo.old. Fireplace. Handy to •hoppinl' center . In 11plf'ndld condition. Aak About This at Any MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR. 11c7 LET'S LOOK! CHARM AND DISTINCT!Olf Thi.a ·unU1Ua1ly AlTRAC"t:fVE HOKE "a.a .un rm., lvgnn. with frpl .. dining area, T. V. rm., lge . •leeplnr donnltory. 2 bdrm•.. 2 bat.ha. AND a GUEST BOU81: With 1..,.-rm .. kltchenetu, bdrm., bat.h. 45 ft. frontage. Entlttly feDced for privacy. Beautltul patio with nowtr• and tree.11. Cloee to bay front and Xln'L balhlng. $21,000. MUST SELL~ Witbin a. few feet ot Bay, lhit 2 bdrm. Aome h.a.s Xln't . pou:l- bUJUee fOC' VACATION &nd YEAR-ROUND LIVING! Slue· co It pluter conatr .. l1e. 1Vl11J\., big patlo. MAKE OFFER! STE~L THIS! ~ bdrm. turnl•hed home. Ideal for la.f"l'e family. Wt>ll construct- f'd. A few feet from b&y ftont. '1<.900. DELIGHTFUL! t12,Tl50. :rw •bove · f propertloo oaJJ -Barker at Be•- ~ or 81ac3IM 8939-J C... EARL w .. :STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Inine (opp. :BlP·..i>"""I., New,..-. ~ . - SIMPLICITY PAYS OFF Ocean Front for $17,500 ' 2 Bedrm., llvingroom: fireplace, bath, b&r kitchen, ~tio, oeean front porch, 2 car gamge. Ground for expansion. Located on B,.lboa Peninaula. John D. Burnham 507 E. Balboa Blvd., &!boa, Harbor 1607 Evee 2278-W OPEN HOUSE ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, April 14th and 15th. 2 bdrms and den, double garage, encloeed • patio. See this at· 324 Marigold, Corona de! Mar FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. Corona del Mar 815 cOaat Blvd. Harbor 2162 Lido Isle Lot lllMt DOWN, 140 mo. on balance. One or the best building ,11itt:A on the laland. Corner of Street and Strada Centro .. EXCLUSIVE LISTING LID0--3 B.R., 1% Bath . Located On comer 1ite with atreeta on three aide.a. You will never have that crowded bullt·ln feelin.« in thl• lovely home. Cor· ner frpce., forced air heat,' 21' livinl' room. 14' dining -den, tile kitchen. large 2-car prA&"•· We have the key. Exclw:tve Usting Ocean Front Duplex On fine beach. A little paint will make UU1 a nice property. Only . U.500 down. might conaider &QI.all houae u part tr&LM. Bay Shores Rut location tn Bay Shor•. Beau- tiful bay View, 3 bdrtnai 114 bath, forced alr heat, lot.I of /tile, frpce. patio, extra lid 2- ca.i-prage. Thi• Ul an out.t&.nd- lng value at 12~,000. GREENLEA.P' A ASSOC. 8112 Newport Blvd., H&r-.Or JCiOI Corona de! Mar Looking for ideal beach home? ? 3 bdrm, 2 baths, Clever bar type kitchen with bamboo stooi., view, completely furn. Like 'em Young and Cute? Here 11 a lovely new large 2 bed- room home ju.t belnr comfleted. Near the clubhou9e on LIDO ISLE thia la an uoeptioM.Uy clever home v.rlth every modem convenience. Here iJ a. home you will enjoy owning. e"peelal price. ALSO LIDO 18IA a cbanninr 3 bed- TOOm, 2 bath Rlcbal'd Pleger de-- aipled home. C&.retul thought and imagination h11 been given to this home. Bar kitchen, unit heat, beamed living room celling, hug-e fireplace. lot. of •red.wood and ceramic tlle are a few of the many fine features. ny J. a BUY at 124.&00-Term.1. ALSO ~ted In one of the "CHOJCE t\POTS" on the WA TER.FR01''T of LIDO ISLE "'L' ba.ve a nur- 1.y new 4 bedroom and 2 bath home that la a "honey." Thia La not an "old bea.ch house" but t. a nearJy new. modern yeer- around clever home. Unit heat. garbage diapogl, Hotpoi..nt diah· wubu, 2 aun deck.a, lo•ely vlew. are a. few of the many a d;van ... ta,ge•. This la a quality "BUY.,. ALSO - Thl1 l~vely home hM ju.t lot.a a.od lots of CHARM. On 8&.lboa PO.Int 'tn beat residential art&. 2 B. St., lvgrm. with unu1ual rrp1.. •i~ """0 •• lg• ...... r--$11 000. Full Price rage. IThij wont laat lone at ' Some very desirable lot.I tor •I• on LlOO ISLE. Choice water .. front ')ou tor income unit.a or cro.u •treet lot. at prices well uoder their value. Remember we &Te tM -Dl:VEr..OPERs of LIDO ISLE. &re a Utt.le buya a LOT. SH.000. E&e1118ive With Ua--HWT)'! I -South Coast Realty-. ''Mulitple IJl;tln&' Real.tor• Another 3 B. R. P. A .. P ALMER· INCORPORATED 3333 Via .Lido Newport Beach, caut. S02 Mau\ St., Balboa. Harbor IOM 'W"tth outata.ndlng view of ee& ao.d "Near Pavilion" rocky ahore-re&Qy a o.rt.m Hazoo. 1600 hollM with privacy-Priolld un- der market .at . TRADE1 $26,000 • See Th.is! Have' 40 a., .oranges, BY OWNER on a corhet n .. _r San~ TQ."ll PAYNE • 01t COURTESY TO BROKERS San S.i:nardlllO 11u ~e :J.U ,_,,. r. sreatee:t indust.ri&l dev u 310 CoMt Biway, Corona 4e1 llu' LlOO ISLE. comer lot, bay vte" in Southern Catitorn1L Phone Hubor 2-714 ftNr club bouM, I bdrma., 2% _ ! ~ bath•. central heat. F.lreplace. Submit Income or COlllll>Olfla! . lA.nal, I b&tbo. CompJoPly tur- propertlea. For s..le by Owner nlobo!d. ..~. ' Ed L . .sedclw.eif1 ~ ~%.~~ ~c LIDO l8Llt , l>dnn. , ""!h. , %-~...-lots, Jars• wau.d .. tlo. Fu... · Realtor -.is. doubi. .........-• nlllled. Near club-· Ma;aoa. lW OoUt m-y, Oon>M d<I Mu $l3 750 . ' ' - Pb.one Har~r 27M , . A..n'lll>le •t ~-Pb.. ~ IBOR.I: CLDTa ...l Cboice oc-.. ------~---+·-Cid-M"l'll or Hu. 21111 W)I. -fnll>i I«, w .. !lilnc ~ ' 1 • ' • ,. tlp9 $20,000. ···•7 a 'la (liq A~ ~· x IOO' Oii 1llh ~ OWNl:R, ·Hsrbor Hiii or ~ ea.ta lll-. be-l)owae .Bl-*4 for lntormaU... Aft. • -..... .A. ... MlilO. ... ............. t. lipll w-c. -llll l!r ....... 1-------,...-------~~,.,,,.~ ·-. ~ou MOf'I. • ... A Wjae lnv1¥1tmeot ~ A.'el'OB8 St. frol:Jl Bay WO'f 18 .Tiii; TDIE to iz>. x ' ·V-la clwim . t.eerlal ValleJ -........ Muade ... el ±mp •stir. B O'Utnt rel:llnia. Tu .., Tl It CU• "'*lie ilemt! a-la_, . ..w.· .... ,...~ ... , . ., •. ...., ........ • ...... ·erM•, _. ~ ...... P.Bf lllt ... fl&' ..... ' ·~-·~· ---·--................. .. .,-··-ft\ ..,..._ • • . j ' • • , ' lleO •AlllT . With SA~LIE Prevue nm Saturday, .April , 14 . .. . Stanford, Southern California. Cali(or· ni& and U. C. L. A. univer- eitiee pulling at the oars ... You llitting on the beach· or ht a boat . . . rooting for your favorite college ... aa the abella pua swiftly along the courae ... While yoo watch . . . you much . . . Oil a d<>licloua PimMpple .. Fluff -cake .. that )'OD purchued from Rieb· ud'a Bakery . . . It's •uch a Hght fulffy cal<& • . • of the sponge variety becauae ao butter 18 used • • . Aad the delicate pineapple flavor makM It cool ud refrMb- lair; ... You're i:lad that 5 ttnta from th&-purchue of thls mke as baked from Id& Deakin• recipe wlU 1;0 Into the building fund of the !:bell Club for bulldinir; a Bf'W elub houM .•• While you munch on the Pineapple Cake yo u might aet a.aide one evening-for the next w&ek to have Velvet Cake for desaert . . . The Newport Beach Elementary PT A entry in our cake of the w&ek contest "hich was baked by Mni. Irene New- , lanft .. \'oa'n glad that you sav- ed an yoar w&ek-d •hop- ping IA> do Oil thla Saturday the 14th . . . because you know that 1 percent of your purcbuee here w&nt into a Regatta Fund towud' briug- 1n,. this acbf>doled official race betw&en the above-men- tioned oollege& to Newport Betlcb . . . As did all your porch-from the other lo- cal merchants •.. Think of it folks . _ . what thia race means to Newport Beach! Think of the glamor and respect it will bring! Think of Newport Harbor being mentioned in the same breath u Poughk&e psie, New London. Lake Carnepe and the Thames in respect to Crew Racing ... Do you know that It bu been discovered t h a t the North Lido Channel bu the moAt perf&et c o u r a e for Crew Raclag la Amerifa. That It'• curr&nt la aegllll- ble, which makes for h&ndl capping oome of the shells. The Chamber of Commeree and .Jlour good friend Hay Langenheim have been work- ing for month& to get these ooller;.., down here to have this race . . . Alld also that they are paying all expe•- of the oolleges to malie the """' poMible ~ That'• the reason a ll the merchants are donating as much as they possibly can t o put the affair over big . . . The Balboa Bay Club is selling tickeUI at $2 a piece the proceeds of wh ich will go iato a permanent Regatta Fund ... Next April-it is hoped-- will . bring the oHicl&I Pacific Cout Champioruihip r a c e here which will Include the ' Unlversitif>S of Washington and Oregon . . ., Tbiak ,.bat tb&t ...W" m...., to Newport Harbor! New Y..,.,• Olympic tTia1s are also being consid- ered which will Include all the Eyteru Colleges . . . Whew! Aad If there ahould be three or four of tb-""'w raees eaeb WINTER • . _ brlagtag crew raeo e•- tbuslut. from all over the · U.& toN. B. ... woaldn~ tb&i make N. B. famoua as a nter -as .... u as a •wnmer rMOrt ... Anybody 'f&el like contrib- uting ! You all know where the Chamber ot Commerce la. A..t If you o-a boat pW.... keep. It off the 'North Lido Ch••·ei hetweea U ud ' .... !Wurd&J': .lpril -' 14 ud ,.... drw It ... -wltll all tile l'lllgs yoa """ to --tbe OliMMll look tnly ~ ... Too bad B"E'"1-'"t~ER~ LIVING won't be on iiale until the l8tb . . . th&t'a nezt Mon· clay or J'OU., could puniee It'& -~ aud learn about the "Neiabhor'a Reclp&~ CODtelt lt'a prolll6tlllg In it'• tint. oopy • • • A eood dM! to -wia a lot of free sroQenee •. -- It Ricbarcl'a l.idO ~ Newport Bw:l\, ~orals. • ' , " . - ·- " • WE ARE JOINING WITH OTHER LOCAL MERCHANTS IN THE HARBOR AREA AND DONATING ONE PERCENT of SATURDAY'S GROSS RECEIPTS TO MAKE CREW RACING IN NEWPORT BEACH POSSIBLE EACH WINTER. . . ., . I : . . . I ~ . T" , E ·14th · . - CREW RAcES · Could be • reguler event , ••• 8ut only with your lypport ••• Pteeae, if you c:en . • . , Give to or jooi~ • • • your Chamber of Commerce. Herbor 758 . Quality Meals ....................... GOLDEN CllJ:l!T YELLOW MARGARINE ..... -...... 27c BEN HUJl...-P1avor It.Ida • OompWlo CHICllEJ< CBICl<EN NOODLE llltl8RllOOM Fe•twi•t M•••l•t'• l11f, tM .FiMst ObtGhNIW. G 0 FF E E ............... , ........... pouad 79c SOUPS G,_.A f:.itber EM. u ~i PORK LOIN ROASTS .......... 47¢ Cealel' ()gi I.Ma PORK LOIN CHOPS .... .. ..... n• M•••l•p~ RIB STEAKS ..... ,-······ ........ ~19'. ....... Lola LAMB CHOPS --~-·-"" 17' --· LAMB CHOPS ......... . ~"' a.a-re Olli Xedl •·+ •ff LAMB ROAST ..................... -................ A. 49' 1111> LAMB CHOPS ............. . . . .. 71' Ratll'a llondud ~ SLICED •ACON ---..................... _ .... 41t r1e•la Prod•ee--- PEAS .......... : ....... ---· . 3 k 29c Wullla(toa De~ ... llM APPLES .... . ........ 4 k 2sc Fl'tllik, Criep. nae r•r Saladti ROMAINE -·-.. . . .... -·-6 c · Lar1e Greem S.,.,.. ASP-ARAGUS ............. .. 27e 1'lila 8ld.ued P"ull ot , .... LEMONS ....... -...................................... "-·9c GARLiC-CROUJONS -27c All Vane-CllALLENQE . GLASS CHEESE ... -........ -!t:! 24c Luer'• Q.alltr ru:sa LIVER SAUSAGE -.............. ~ 44c Luen Qualltr SKINLESS FRANKS _ ... · Ste o._, _,., : CHEDDAR CHEESE __ . .. 55c ............. RNNAN HADDIE ~stc · ' l . STORE HOURS: c u.. FRUm & JUICES Olo .... ta No. t -2/25~ TOMA TO IUIC& ...... Aaa&'•ld N• I ea CIT&U 8 OOC.TAIL Pl-p .... ...,. KAJAlNS 11 OL ..... 1 ... .... ..... OJ.ara ••t:nt Lil&• PllUNIS PkJ ................... 39• Pt:TEa PAX-er... Dr CllYDk Hut'• TOMATO SAUCE 1........... ...17' ' . • YEGnAILES • I Ubby'a No. '''""' 2/25¢ tlA UER&RA U'I' Stokley Blue lake ~·A~~~~ •. I ... · .... 23t Bolt•• ~-· · 8olad 2/25 ' \'J;OETABLES • OL • llq<lpt Paek ~r«e WHITI llANS .:.· .,.u.. . ............. 25¢ PEANUT BUTTE~ ...... ~ 1,'ia-: 29c 8MRl .. LIPtM..t 2 .......... ~ ........................... 29; GUION BllOS. LARGE GllAJIE A · · FRESH EGGS ......... ~--·-·----.... ·------56 c 8Wil'T8 llllOOllFil::LD ' BUTTER .. ........... ..... .... ..,.-7 4c SPRY SHORTENING . _____ ...................... ~~ 99c UBBV-8 FOR LUNCHES -. POTTED MEAT .. _ .• y,OL, .. 2'°·35c SIOUX BE!: OKA..VOf'-CW\'"l:R--SAG.E ,;HONEY .... . . ............ · ............................ ~~.!L 29c StJNSHINE HYDROX COOKIES .. : ............ ~~ 37c ~:;i: TUNA ___ ......... -............ ~r=--2~ ROYAL GELATINS A..orted Plavors c.... • lllaekwell Genuille 8cotell Kippered H• 1 ie19 " ....... -----49; 16¢ °'""" St..,_ A a..- IAIY FOOD GtolleA-1 MACARONI -SPAGHml 12 .... _ .................... 97' ll oo. oeDo ................ 17¢ , ,llalrery ·2'.realmmllmnnmnil!lll TRUll8DAY SPICY APPLE DONUTS 6 ,.:24; HONEY FRUIT BARS .................. 22' • FRIDAY ~ .... -DINNER ROLLS ___ ... _ .. I t.i< 17; ' - OrUp ()oooaaqi LAYER CAKES --.................... -17;" UTUllDAY 0e.w. Apple COFFEE CAKES ---................ S ,_ 21; c:J1Me1Jate CREAM PIE . -51• ' -. < l pkp. .............. 17' HOUSEHOLD AIDS • Soap Pow*r R.L~SO !loop Flalroea LUX ~· 8UllF ro11e• Soap LUX Tollet S-p LIFEBliOY Floatlnl' Soap SWAN a-... AIAX Bniet1 Floor CLEA..~G WAX GOOD VAWES o.dbury'• Imported l:NGUSB 1 ·25 Milk Ctlocolatet 8'. Mil I Flavon ~:".!! Powder pq. J /] 1 ; Hehu FRESH Cucumllier 25; PICKU8 t• oc. Gebllard~• ?o"~r.Jt . l ... 14¢ Pu..·'N Boot'• Cai'• Favor!"' 2/.'.2Sf OAT FOOD Ne. 1 eu T- ILF.F.IEX TlllOD !00 Cn11nt CAL FAME CONOE!\'TUTED t es. U. ORANGE JUICE .... __ 21 •• 33' BllLDSEYE 11 n. CUT CORN ___ .................................. ~-17' LIBBY'S 18 -. BRUSSEL SPROUTS ........ _ 27' LIBBF'S • I .1 OL FRENCH -FRIES ................... __ 19' LJllllR DD · \. ~ -. .. RASPBERRIES __ ........ -· .. _ 31~ CllAMT1CLD!a -. ' ... CHICKEN PlfS _ .. -... ~ ... --1 23' lnCW.I Poa mumau. ~· ~1'r ~Ann. U ·U·1' t'HE ECONOMY·WISE P ltONID -' II· 1 HEALTH FOoDS D ~,or ,ftOal,. NEW-,- ".l1llc Y•l111~·:._a;... ~111_.. ' ' II;• G.t.~.Olbt< llA'DUa --.!.-.. ... ... ........ , .,. ....... y.-, ,. ............ ~ ,.? .. ........ ~--..-· ·,, __ .. ... ' I 11 ... *5s• •9'* •sat t. ~ • , 1 • , I • '