HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-18 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• ' I· ' ~ l ! , 1 ' •. -• '"'I ·r • ... • • .... "'::.· ..... ' 'l • • ' I I I LADme! 91!1 . -· roll. IPlllCIAL MIMl4Dr ftKll quiunr DOllBLll ~ , r I I Bt008MOBI E .VISITS tEGlbN HAt:E .. ,·, .... , TODAY • .. ri __ ,,..,.,,..-y~ Kr • ..,._Mn. n.-w .__ 1taaellti1blflll;• .......... ...... ~atiaatw.a 1'11*1 to Ill'. ..... lllra. Aw. l..-:1..i of -• nUr !OtBIA-• ,_ aut ) ...lid&. U...eaacalmll' 0 ....... -Dr. .. lllra. '1Jlldd'qi.oa'•' -· • MJMA JAlt, -~-MJ'IOA • • • • ?!!ATIO:NWIH 15171lvaYS 'llllOW 'ftU.T tho di-.... lo -e11 -In u.. --u.. womon lft"1 la the ldtdlosl and raltle U.. pota ' jl I • • \ ~-'Ila hf, ... __ ... _,, ___________ ! t &Dd -My own pri-te --tl>&t ......... .,.. happier ~ K. P. la a b11Pt.. c1o&a . ~ kltcbea. The Oii 'llw ...... CMwtar pM ~ 41.,._ with thle Coll· Cl&tonoe ~ bu a nl!IUI<· ibly .-. 1napeu1... kit.MR tn&tment Isl OONOOW ALL Tlda wall CQ'Yertn.I stVfi9 aa tantta- 1JOll We e!tect,.. for kftchea a:nCS batb.t. It'a ,,.,.,, COiorful. with watarproof t.n.etaJl&Uon.. and oh 80 euy to mop down. a.nd' keep cl-.n. Ba.ck oC a tub tor ex&mpl•, It'• much b@dlar to cle&.ll than °""" •..•. ,, .... --~ rs'.11-r.tolttol'f_,..t_ ' y St ... _...,._ .. ..,.. .. _ •. .... 1111 ...... ,..plTl& .. ,.. I . lTtlll" wltio U.. .i-., &!Tied , Cost Mesa ....... n.e ............ ... .. 0 I at UM Am.._.J.AcMe ..... · 1Stll -ll&y riut, Newpwt, Men] al' •SchOol' fNlalto1 .. m. t ni. wtU -, ... !&ft --larpr-n of U..~ lbll will 1'e ..._ Ps..-1)> t.lae Girt SeH& Bo.a ... tM AND SHOPPING NIWS pluter. Conrowall can be tnataned floor to celllnS or juat upper or lower wal.IL 12 pattenui u. avallable, and you can dre&m up eome alee 2 cok>r effect&. The prtce of COnpwall 11 Mc a *I· tt. 'J-lMt&Jled. 'lt you Jonr to be a model homemaker and enjoy th• ~plaudita of a well fed family. Jiv• youraelf tbit proper baekJNuhd 'which in thla e&M ta Conrowa.lt from the Coutltaf noor Cove1"1»:1. '" m m m-m -nw •WErnWE-. •.18th It Newport Ave., Costa MelL Beacon 62al-J.' ..... but 1e11o-.r --~·­,.,.. -......... --"' -.... \'\Alt .. ,u...y, - newlJ-eM11pleW Mii .,.. •••• and ttwi ~-ctytq o,...o..61oa Motdd move much ._.. .wtnlr -o11m1aa .. --· . ·-----rtJllJJSJU:D 11.T 2211 llll.LllO/l. .O~/l.111> "You DON'T RAVE TO .BE A ·-NT:L OlANT to ruli .. that Jlri'liWPOllT BEA.CR. C~ ~:0eean freah ti9h it dteteUcally neceaaary for a balanced diet. On the TELD'JIONE: .RAIUI08 1111 other hand. if you aat enousb Of thia eea-roin' brain food. you may 'L.-------------------------.. ,. *°me a mental gianL Tbe.n It Wtn no !once~ be neceuary tor me ---------------------------~ .. to dJr9ct your wayward lltU• feet to the Ba.ralde F1ah )(kt. You'll ' A.ppobttMMte .,,.. aot aecm- .arJ" for blood 4090,. bm. ..._ .. .----------------------------. lha.nll me tater when your bra.in la .ent to Ha.rva.rd courtesy of the Bayatde F1ah Mkt. ! And another thlng ... What else can you ...... ,,,. ealllac -· 1-. Beel Cro.a cu leM wt.JI pntride cheNir. ~.rsekH'a ... C'JOft• for an do•o"-ctvU def~-..,.. de. ha\·e ~ worktns all WHk. door to tloor, tllroaPoet tbe dty r.-mladinl If...... of . the Bloodmobtie vW.t aad of tlM U'l'etlt nH'd for 'biooL /, buy for 26¢ lb. ! 7 ! Red Snapper, lf you buy the whole tlah la a m•r• 25e. A whole cleaned S... Trout ts 25c lb. oil and all! And the yellowtall are runnlnc! Rt1ht to lhe Bayeidti where the)' pt t• rlea.ned and bebead&d and Hll-ror 4.5c Jb. Fre11h whole local halibut ia 40c lb. at the latest quote. Barracuda have stopped runnlnr (Harry •Y• I( they never come back 1t·1 too 9JOD.). Fresh crabs are cracked at atsc lb. Furnlah your own mayoMaiae. 0 . K.. Brainey, RHru•vitwr! Today, Tho,_...y, from s to 1 p. -. at: u.e Amerl· By MARGO uee your head for eating tlllh 6: aea.f'ood from the Bay.kle FlAb Mkt. UOO Lafayetll!', Sl!WpOrt. ·~~~~~~~~~..,.....~~-:--i. FLOAT8AM &-.fETii'AM courtesy or Gene It the Pacific oceant My travels u a roving snoop take me to rn.any strange corners. Thal'• when! I dbcovered ~ne the Beachcomber-in a pretty at.ranr• cor- ner ln a 11mall thatched hut. ~ne muat have had· a pitcher of water poured oite,r his head u a 3ma.ll lad. He baa lad the COur&l"e to become disenchanted with steady work a.nd fallen vtctim to the fa.cinatton of La Mer. ~ne collect.s lnterealinf bita of dr1ttwood. eolored bOttlea. and .shell.s. · He makes unusual patio and l&n.aJ plant arrangement! out of bl( !llab!I of cork. Cofk uhtn.ye a.nd book·end1. Cork what-nots. CAne ha.s a pair of JapaneM 9traw sandals turned into wall vu.es. An old bamboo carpet beater with " pH\lodendron ra.mpa.nt. He ma.ke1 •poon-racka, ptbera fiah neta. This dreamer. Gene unfortunately Hkea to eat. llO he would be pleued to 91!:11 you the!'le. patio a1Tangementa. the driftwood, the cork ash- tray• and the other aea-goinl( stuff he hu •devited.. Or 11ven make up thincs to order for you. HI.I mother bu.ya t.A1ns• from Gene, but that'• a n1olher for you every time. Go look. tor Gene'• 'J'tme.a· 'l\dt' Cttatlnna ln Co!e'a Trading Port, SIOI Lal.,-ette, :Sewport. aan. Lfrciom Hall. Doors Open at Balboa P.O. • • • "~EE .-\. MA." AT !IJO LAFAYF."ITE - SU A MA.,-AT !8ta LAFAYE'ITL Go lo the Newport Marine En(ine Works . , • go to the Newport Manne Engine WorU . . . ?" I switched off the short. wave receivinl' eet which wu attached to the aideca.r ot my motor altgoler and akooted head-firat to th• Bay rronL ··Are you sure you want to see · · • . • • • I now propoR &n amendment to Amendment XIX, wbJch lf you Meall dealt with women'• 1uf- ferare. I propoM that all women be allowed to ta.ke a nar> ln the afternoon.. Oh •.. It would malc.e R&t.hf'r than crou the my.tic tor a better W'Orld and• a ltinder, prettier, wom&n-forcf-9 whoae p&rtlcular doma.in t. hood. My ln.tplrallon for this bra.ve noble ires.tun the 24 hoO.r J)':r1.od of Friday lS, ... t::;i~wu a vi.alt to the Sha.de Shop. Helen '*1olfard hu the officlala 1n ch&r(« of the open· aome abeolutely llcht repellent window ahade ma-ing cenmoniM of the Balboa Poet terlal. TheM llhadet loo!'J like regular window _Office hf"ld their celebration at f aha.du, but &ha my proud bM.uty, ln the wueen p. m. Thursday. tniddle la 'M>methlnl dark th.at puahes out light! Marking the event were apeecbel H ow about thi1 tor your TV room or for k•pi.Jac by Herb Krnny, Lonnie Vlncmt, the chlldttn from rettlng up at dawn! Or if"you have a hen-houu, Rou Grttley, an.d Monte Orlmet. keep the hen.a ln the dark about the time ot day. Or the dog trom The )>Mt offlce door wu official· a.nawertnr the door·bell In the daytime! Or ·ror a photo-lab? And ty optned to the public an.er eer• you my pet. can ta.If:• that btauty siesta in th• afternoon without moniea in whJch Max &idler, own.r donntn1 your muk or 1tockinc cap. For your llshter mooda, the of the buUdlnr, pu.ried opt"n tl\e Shade Shop hu gay modem pla.idli and print. tor roller ahadea in nrina'inr door. top quality wuheble PyToxyUn. You could ret a new cllinta: print Poetmuter Kerb KeJUty pn.1.Md aha<M for your bathroom for u ltttle u $3.88 If you've got an av.r· the new butktlnl' and •id t,.at It •re wtndow .•• Sb&de S•~ &l& !9tlll St., Ntwpon. llutlor IN wu 0i0e of Ule fine•t p<M1t offMfl e • • tor ekie. Of comparable .-lh. He YOU'LL BE ABOUT A8 WELL JN. pve ~brief history of tJ.e buildinC FO&ID:D AS A. RUN. AWAY .BAL-9'te ud Aid tJ\&t tJile aew Mode.n. LOO!\,ST tf you don't pt buay a.ad bulldlnc wilt do 111ucla to bea...ufJ latch onto a TV Ml. THE HOUSE OF Balboa. HARMONY, eo.ta M'ua believe• that tn Kbftt• Gt-•••. acUnr u ~ oro.r to form a mo« perfect union, man Of tb• ~Ufica\.ion Cont.· every family ahould own or rent a Tele· mtttce of the Ktwaniai Club, made Coeta Kw.'e pi ...... Ill .U- Uon ortale 1-pll&I ocbool f0< mu- tal:J" dafecttve chllclnn ta MW a year cw two a~y aceor-diaJ to word recel"Yed la.It week. Pretfminary drawlnfa are now underw:ay. Dr. Jl'raak Tallman, at.ate: dirttlor of metttal hyctene baa ..._need. bUt ke &ddtd tll&t rroun-d would not be bi'oka for di• tup~tloJl uniU alter .Julf, 1J52. The ~-Ital will be locatod on Tto acree off ll&ltl« BIYd. n.e&:r • WU-It. A.eeell!lblyman 'll a r l Staaley, who ....... larce-17 resporwtble for Jocatloa of the tnatttutloll for men· tally retard~ ehlldttn on the Meaa. &&id that the Ill mllltoa. for Ui.e Fairview Sd!lool &l\d Hm- pit&l wu "delet9d from t.be bUd· ret by the Department of l'l· na.nce." ''There wu to be a.n appropria- tion ortl(tnally pf $1$,000.000 tor the echool Mwl bo9pltal for m.ntal· ly ddettlve children. lnumuch u tlley (the etate) only had • total :~.i.12.,000,000 for capital outlay year for all of ~ltornta, thl• $11,000,000 Wu deleted · from the budret by th• o.p&rlment Of Ft· nance, prior to _tta na.ctunc our COmmU.tu en Wa:ya and Mea.na." Rummage Sale •+ L•guna Gallery There wUI be. a White De:phant Rum,.... S&I• °" tlt.e Laguna Beach Art G&llwy law:a ,. .. t Sat- urday. April 2111l trom · 10 to 4 p. m: Th.ere will be barpin• plo.re a all mrt. of bric-a-brac, pottery, di••. la.mp alla.dee. booke, pm ... uHd elothtac ot all kinda, what- 110\e. It uyoae hu 10me White BepMate '° contribute, pllery oftlcl.... W"1 be clad to call tor UtellJ. Jut phOft• t-251•. They aleo w1ll be aeedtftr .ome •olvnteer clerk-. ao it .. Y<ll'• would like to ium..t,'tltey wtll be welcomM. vision Ht. Houee of. Ha.rmony has an • a abort apffek pNMlltil'll' the Pomt a.atoundlngly good buy ln a bra.nd·ntw table model }.( lach aort<l!l1, Otnce With tt. lhrubbery. The Watch ttl , ,.., .. ~YAIUKI' '" ,. rowru • It'• Cotton Cord Twist byBoylM e Deli,htfaDy modern lee1•t., • • , ....a ha • · deep hri>sod pile for llsel hunoriou look ud a 10FI e.y lracl. e A p1~;•utt Ml aay room.,. dl:eaee from ~ wkle ran~ of eelorw-ricb d«p IOniNt dear hiP, f'Olon er dui""'I patlde. ---• - srECIAL COLOltS _,.., ROltW .... ed'9 dw1rr ,.irlt tJw ~-I IS ,-"'1 .,. _.. If _,.,.,. oMr. ,,, ,, .. ,,,\. l \PBCIAL $695 ... ., •• OPIEN nIDAY •VZNDfO&- ·Tll/ I P .JI. -hiicon 5432 little ole me!"' I inquired of Bill Querry. "Why I haven't aubeenbed to Popular Mechanic• tn juat yeara!" It developa th.at I do not have tp be & mechanical genius l'Tom M .LT. to tell you that ~e ~e"']JOrt. MarilH' En1. \\·ork& 1., the place to Co ror motor set"Vlce; Howard Denni• and Bill Querry are equlpt to ma.ke any engine run. Hot rochi, etock can, town cara, city care and. BOAT8! The boat deal look• very &ee0mmodatlnc ... you can limp your boat r1sht to dockalde and have tbe e.n(ine pulled out wi~ a crane. On the Other aide ot tbe lildl'.. then'a & .... ~ where J'llU .. haul your , ti&.f ln and out or the nter. Then seemed ~o be &a awtul lot elf oompllea.ted machinery at The Newport Mal:in• ICncine Worlu; alee. welders, ailver 1Dlderen, lathe and drtll prea9t• and who lmOWI ! Oh ~~ne very lmpre°'bive motor turned out to be a brand new Fedf!'T"al Jeep MadM et h. p. boat motor-which the.Ae men Mll here &. well u U9fl(1 boat engine11. I aay for you ladle• and men to lay your motors at th• fHt of the ~YWPORT llARL'"'E ENGINE Hoffman at '199.9~ Thia le $40 leu than t.hc.ori&'iJla.l price aod (itt ot decorative plantins• wu Dodp 1• movinr. lncludes... all uclae and mfg'. ta.xu. Or tt you .,.. the cautious made Uwouck tlle co-ope.n.tion ol I ll~Doa;~";~lo~lll;O-.!Jla'~;·;;W~a~tc;h~tt;l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·, ty-pe, why don't you rent an RCA or Hottman model .,nd try it out the B&lbo& :bllpro•emut ~l&-·' tor -'• in your own p.rlor ! fto ... of ~ r«nli TV ..r:a tor uoa. ""4 Ute loelJ K!waNI: club. u low u a $1 day tor tM ...,,.Ill.., .. of -~ '!k•pl.lco. and Ji....,__., ---tlM mof6idly eurloua. lMtallaUona: aie f?ff. lltltlut'Ai' IU .. IOfirl"; Be PGii(! BwlMlr...U.ftiou. l_..s.. WORKS. *10 Lafe.yette. l\"EWPORT. Harbor 1143. • • • WOMEX! ARE Yot· \\'Oll&IED ABOUT Gl:T- t'ViG WR.Dt.'lU..ES ! I don't mean wrinkle•. unde.r your baby blue f!'yes. -I mean ln the teat of your Mack.!1'. All of you ladlf!'a who lead such a strenuou• sporting life, silting· on your ' muted 9Choaner1 . playing acey-ducey and readtni Variety will harken to thi!I great ne"'ll. .Jo-Lee Sport Shop ha.a the tftW figure-natterUlg Ramblln 8lacka. Here'• th• brHdinc: Sun RoM out 1of L. A ., out ot butcher linen, by an evl!J"CUt oJ &a..von. Ramblin pes to the poal ln navy blue at S7.9ti. The 'Ramblin Slack l• abtolutely ereue-resislant and you ca.n ail, walk or akoot for days a.nd still look, sleekly 111f1100U1-~e Stroup l• also shov.·ing very sporty Sun-Rose Coordinates to mate. wtth thete alack.a ... A b•tc.her linen navy skirt f$7.M J ud a ch•f'tr9UMI and navy tor Ted and white l tallored v.·esklt <•7.96). \\'Ith theae. ! re90rt . ~ .... ~-' ' .• \9 '"· =11 .... 1.;;~ ,,,,~· 1 pieces you can rub elbow• from Bantr to Blarrita:~ Cameron red a.nd blue plaid shirt_, go &long with the crowd at $3.95 ••. and Trtmflt bObb\" sox by the jlllion at J'o--(~ Sport Shop, 1834 Nf!WJ>Orl . . A.\·e., C'Otrta Mf'M. un NE1fl'ORT A \"E., 008TA KESA. BEAOON • .,,,.... Poot ht&dod "" eommanci.. liar-• e e v ne.y Be.If e. otftclated at V.. fkr- 1 HA l>"E JUST OOME FKOJI A HJGRl..Y SUOOBMP'UL Mrtb· rat.lac ee:rernonle&. day pe.rty. The suest of honor wu a younl' lady ju.at turned 10 year• old amt frankly she didn't look a day over I! n.. ptece ~ ruiatance, u always at such festive oc:caaiona wu Ute birthday cake. Thi• particula.r cake waa a thtnc of be&uty and a wow of 1. converu.tion pie«. Bob Knill, oven artist at the Newport Bak.ry. dreamed up a Carrouael Cake th.al made the eye• o! the cartwbeel Crowd ahlne brighter tha.o &II the candles. Six cally' colored suc&r hortte• mounted on red atrawa pranced triumphantly under '• red a.nd white cardboard tent. And you never ate a bett•r band.-at&nd! A CarrouMI Cake from the NEWPORT BAK.E.RY will lnduoe high •plrits for &fe!I e to &O on a.ny gala occuion. ·I lift my other best Hold Discussion on Policies of America's Leaders chapeau to Bob for hi• AuBtrallan Coffee cake , . . A rare old What pollclea, national and tn· recipe he just got out of hi• aa.fety deposit bolt. ·It'• from ah•er teJ1'1attori.al, political and aocial, heaven with citron fntila, nut1 •nd Streuuel top (Mel. Newport do American le&der1 reprewnt '! Bakery. 21 U Ottan Froat. Sew-port Bf.M"IL Pllone Harbor J&.fl-R. Thia pertinent qufftion wilt be • • • dtacuned by 'or. Gllet Tj Br9Wn, .~11 oul for the blK Mck raar! Wom.a and ~ildren fir•t! Ye•. head of tae eoclal sciene41j dtvialon fellow., the race 11 on? 1-lore and more people are n.clnr to the ot Orance Cout college iwhen be Kott.ap Kafe for a a&cktul ot 1~ l!lnlie·burc:era. Some cagey speak.a on "America'• Leaden" at lnveaton are rumored to be boarding lheee delectable hamburger• th• third .ef!-1on of tht aprinc in attics, old trunk.a &nd under the bed. But don't get panicky forum aeries eponaortd by the folks, !:ru~ uaure.s me he will keep on Hllln( theM Bargain Orange Cout . Evening college, Burgera u long •• you keep buying them? Other lntere•tlng newt next Wedneaday evenifll', prtl 2~. 1.s that new comers to the Kotta.ge KAie get pop-eyed when they 9" at 8 o'clock tn the coll audi· e • • how m&ny hot a&lty Ftf'nch Frin tMy can ttauJ away tor l6c. And torium. .. HA\'E YOl' HEARD 01-K ~"E\\' TELE nn-'Xl:SS':'" Inquired if you feel like lhroW'lnl' your money •round, you can get• fine fat Beal.des auc:b prominu political 8u.i:y u 1 flapped into the Houae or Harmon)'f "No -what.z a cheuebwger !or 23<:, a Taco for 2~ or a thick malt at 26c. Thete figure• u Gen.. MacArthur, Gen. Telefunkim '! A broken down Tell!Vl.,Jon set~.. 1 rep.lied raffishly. are lVa!K-out prices I quote. But you .can e&t tn the puklnr lot Marab&ll and former Prealdmt Suzy uu:Sul,cenUy st'epped to thfl R.C.A. Automatic ~ rpm record without • cover charg"e at the 11.ottap Kate 19.20 Newport ' Blvd, Hoover, who tlgure coniplcuou .. cha.nm (priced at S12.9~1 and played the Shubert Symphony No. 1 blk. beyond., lb• Meaa theatre ..• (Clo8ed Ttiei.) ty In the intem&Uon.al acene, Dr. f --C Major with Wm. Mengel~rr conductinc tbe Amsterdam Con-• • • Brown wUl hl(hllght leaden on certgebouw Orch .... My cUt1al attitude turned lo orie of excited such domeatic luuea a.a otp.nlsed a dmhtioa. Capital reco1·d.s now bring you the . marvetoua pre-WW ~, \\'AVFARL,_.O STRA:NOERS! It'• no hut crime, r&d&l eegreption and pure- Telefunken recordings of the Berlin Symphony. £he Amsterdam. to IO travelling if you haven't a place to come ly national politka. In thla cate- H&mburg. Vienna. Phil. &: ottter Europf>an musical great•~ Suzy then home to. How will you eve-r know When you gory will ~ men llke Kefauver, called tln1e out &: gave me the fifty gra.nd tour thru' her 45 recorda. reach home · · · if you don't have one ! '! '! CoateUo, Senator Burns ot SOU.th I'm the LP kid who wouldn't pay ~ to hear Toscanini conduct "Red t Here'• a dreamy. Wi!:ll feathered nest waIUnr C&rolina, Dr. Ralph Buncha, ind H ot Mama" but I wu THAT IMPRES.~ED '. Now you ca.o set Tht1 to be cboeen by 90m• worthy blrdL Thia U a Senatore Tatt and Douglaa. e0mpJetely turnlahed ocean front home on the Sextet From Lucia with Caruso, Galli-Curci, de Luca (plu• 3.). com· Dr. Brown'• acholanhip and a.bi1- p1ete Rigoletto in only 14--~'a, ~ Olivier dOinlf excttpt• from •"TA.-Balboa pe.nlnsUl.a. The bou.ae ta wry hand-lty u a 9J)e&ker a.re well-known Hamlet, etc.. But Mort" Anon Musk: Lovers! And no matter at llAL ....., -a.-M>me fTotn the extAlrtot> view witb 84 ft.. front· ln thil!i uea, where' hi! hu appear~ what apeect you rotate be.•t, rotate, to the Home of H&.rmiell1', 1111 age by 80' dMp. Tbe Jar ... front yard 11 fence enck>aed and fea-ed be.tore a tarp .number of civic Nt1WJM1rt Ave., ea.ta MN&. Bn.ro. 51Slf---&e5S tur• a p.luy of ivy prinlum.a and ahruba. l.IUide you'll find a orpnlaatlona and local cluba. • • • l.arp attncti'Ye llvinl' room with ftreplace a.ad adjol.nlq ber kJtcben. Evertwhere he hu bffn reoopil- \ W\ll the matinr a.eMO• ltnd you all alomw la a broad windowed ocean view, two bedrooms and twd batha. Oft ed al a dlllpnt ltuden.t of na- tlle JM!9t! eu..e moumlnc. my doves~ Take into the 2-car prap ta a large aepvate room and bath. lle&uUfully tionaJ and lnt.emetl.oft&l treoda and eom:lderation the Grey-Breasted 'I'wllt Bird. SJIB situated tor stortnc ~ldrtll. puta or relaUvee. A..O tltla and a peraon of MM.m4 JOCtrment and ps deep Into tM wood• In tbe SpJinctime. ad heann. too for $SG,OOO. Whilst tnqvlrtn'J about thla tru.aure tl"o\•e, keen tn.trbt dips her feathers In the wild red hoJtum-berty. au. Sally er Jtm Newlin abc>Qt the tlae ocu.n. bay butt. and corner A.8 a ~ ot 8&a Die.Co Then ahe: alt• ·tn her nest and preens her ciddy )Ota th•1 h.aY'8 Uat.ed b>r ale. AJld hurry! They have one dandy State he: t"Uned ad.n.nc. clecrM9 1 b.rd y aad rare R-S lot at John Bulhbam Real ,Estate. 50T JC. Balboa. Blvd. at Unlve:ralt• of cautom.i• Bt:rk-eo-amer gel-up unti 90n1e 1 comes alOD.J. f.U Harbor JS07 " - eeve.r -hea.rw:i of a Tv.·ili Bird without a mate! TbUa eley &.nd at CJ.aremoftt Graduate let U11 ta.ke a leaon trom nature and ny o•et> to 11.L"Tlrl BEAUTY • . • • • i__ school. and two ~ •so did .,.... SHOP. Ruth speclali&ea in turninr dJ"OM p1W¥JW to Cold. Tou NO WNG~ DOSI TD llOm"D OF 'I'au; 8.AW OB THE clal work &t tbe Untvuaity of Ed- can rot )'<IUr top-knot tinted. dyed bl,__ ot ru...d moot any LU' or TIO! .... .....,.. ocho wllhln the lady·lille conttn.. ot Polly illl>urp In BcotJ&nd. Ht 11u writ· color • • . For keeJ)9 or by the week. A C()LOa,..'°4)1 aJNg Mir.. A..Ppanl. Owner G~ Brown .. 11 ,no l~r a.rn.uln&°" tba a&UYM tea a nwnber "ot. aitJdM whicb ll.oux Celor Shampoo complete $4: Del your halr mowed for .al.I\, of eo..:t.& )(~ WUJl his fut.a on,..a •w-bone. The Popy App&nl ia haw a.p~ tn ..ob m.ap&1M9 at RllTH'll BEAUTY SHOP, ~ Polnoettla.I Oooaa& do! Kar. rocplmdld wtth.aew ll'<lnc p&lnt. new -ob-&lld roju-t.d u tbo Nqrtll-Qu&rte<ly, P&· Barbor 2907• • '• • • i · ~ (.,. lo It -...qllinaT) But dlspllAI llor •-,fa..-llftlnl', cffic Hlatorlcai !Inlow, Journal . . Pwib' Appanl la tho -~ Old ltonl, •lllnS-.,.illy -of lleooodaJT IWuO.tloD &Dd tho &P'PICIONADC>;t OF EXCEl.LZ.''l'lll JIEXl()&.'f POOi! ..... ~ or uw. --of quality. You tfflly -.bqta -to tlllnl: a..nn. a-l!lecmuY .... -bl&' their ..,...b......, • bi" U.. air and eboutlnc ~!"' la CU. -about ~ for your -r 1'ol' Kotllor'e Day You cu pick Ille ilGO -..,. ...,.i .,..w eario.1• -.i boalnu have dlaco•ered tllat !'"'T .,.. -..i,. out ..,. atlndl" ,....i ot ....tu-,_.olr7, a ~ ~ or 117 .-Padlle o;!-· -o1 la"riahJT In 11\l• oolorflll lltU"', "If• u4 otW ~LJ>!t'"•Dtl,T relaud a ICUf. ·0r portiape a lllp ·• COWll or a pair ot s.tioliJn .,. tArlc· tlM Alairlcu --1 • .,,.._ •-the coot. of U.. <l*k· Cli&rlM ~ -r.; Cua -cut.. ~ If)'-PrloU nap ttoal ~ t.o -.i.. .., . .,.t -Uoa. &-UT b&m't bMlll ol lnfW-~ l""'-, .. a 0011••111.-U\lai' 1a 1.ol)' A--r llor ·lWhro .Day. l'au oaa ftDd, ~a ·ar.ce ~ eoUop llr" pl&U dinner tel< 8c. or a plate ot ~ !!r. -·Ibo-.JIO. a .._. JDlslll -(-pt """"9). AUIO A OOlll'Ul:ftl ,SA11Y Jt a J1riot1op ta to -to ..... t tMo at 20<. a fine er---l&o W~ -la -pttor' ftAJI mPl'. at l!OU.( !ft'An:J. JIU Nowpaot A.n.. ODii& a --at•-. u ,..:a .,.i. cnn_. ot s1 M• Iha Toti, Sit--' ~at ~11 _,. ,....,u--. , . ·, , _. ., Ollljl •• a 1 ·- eolly ftW7UWll' Mt Ola-WO: Lila .................. ~ J ,• • •• ••-IQ>,..,. _.ftlt ....... ··--'!Pf•·~ w.-i,.• ........ l .. U.... oft& w ... ,_ ~ TODa'Il0011 TAJL DROOP' DOa TPl)ll J'.uTllf11L .. -ll'l -.. ... la Jol1t ""' AJlllc<io, at. a---~ tu ..... ~ ......... ~ WI) ... OOllPAJllOK AlftWI WOO• UD ILL ...... :.rJ" 1 .. .. ·-1(, Weok _,. H. ...... a-1e. ~ ~1 • , (D g ~-bpi) .... #Ill -r-..----• • . -.-. ~ ·"' ·~ Balboa Peninsula Offering for the First rune ' in Balboa'!! choicest and only architecturally restricted subdivision. t .-BELVUE LANE-.. • .. 25 DBLU*B 'IWO aad TDI• BBDBOOM 80Nl:I ••• : • PRICES 12,460 to 15,500 Only 25 beautiful quality homes of different floor plans and elevations will be available bn these large sites in Bi:LVUE LANE. Only 1and2·blocks from ocean and bay bathing. r . / For information and details see inodel home.on tract-.-MODEL . HOM~ Model Ho~e Will Be Open Saturday · and Sunday,.'April 21, 22 BALBOA BLVD., between L and M Street. .. ·~ ' - . ' ·.I H. H. SHAP.IRO CO. · I ·. -nahllYZ Mu!2ml · . · · , .. • 1 : ·, . ., '•' • ' .--1 4J Ne. Ir••• A-.. P11s•1ril • ·s,. 11 1ra ,.J.t201 ., -l. t ········; • 1 .\ ,,,. - ~; "(. ' ' ... r .. • • • • • ' . f • ... , -· • ...,,_. ' .. • I • ... • • ' p!r::=. ~am. _...,....., __ .... 01 C ,.,. _ ,~Y• ~ :aw •Mc 1; ...._ m ?' "ALL AIOUT EYE .. -........ Ap<4l ... ,. 'H:z..1a of Montu ia'·· -~­ '"WAIASH AVENUE'' '9Ull. .. "l'WIMdsolw n .... o.ty, April II "JACKPOT" -AIM- ~ llY no: DO!HN" P'tt.. BM., .A.f'r. 11, It "THIEE CAME HOME" -&Joo- "DOKKN •aaow- 0 RT9'~.,/;., .• ' ' ~·-. .. ',,,,,.t !/.'.'{) FUN -. "ZING'' OOH'T MISS OUI PUSIHT SHOW •1W -•1w -. •11u SH~-··,l-.1 • '! I, • s-. -""--eo11tln. 81111. l.:Je Deaalil Ko,._. Pah'Jcla Neal "RATON P'ASS" ~--"SW OtD OF · MONTE CRISlO" ' leh• \\'ay11e "OPERATION PACIAC" "fD CUMI THE HIGHEST MO.UNTAIN" 8UMn Hayward l\'m.. Lun41 .... -AIM - r Daftd Briu, Ar~ DUI Barry Sullivan ~===-=====:;:::::::::::; 1 'iNSIDE STRAIGHT" Blttorlra! Drama Dodge la moving. Watch It! Dod&"e la mo'ling. Watch It! GL.UllOLI 13\ do•f'D CUB A CARBY wam m THE WOllW WOULD YOU OOT ... OllA.&LOT'l'E HOLUNSllJtAD ..... "":::-'" .. Har. -· PU.NU • SHln • IAIU. • HOllLS MutNI Tk.+r. Ttc'ilt ~ -I:. llalboa Rm!. llalboa rmcent's Trant Bare• • " ...... .. "O.,.. .,. ..... ,,. .. ~· u• ~ I>od.«• la: moyjn1. Watcb It! Pi4#14 !Jiu/,l,ucl4o11 TERESA RENNER (Mu. A. Renner) • 0 •• l P1aalln ., n... ~ _8_., __ 436 Sina Drive Harbor 1171.J . Corona HIC)hlcutds -CoroMI clel Mar . ... FUN ·zoNE • OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BAlBOA , . .. • • Oininq Room oj>en 11 :Jo A.M. to a P.M. doily I :loted SundOoY> ind holidoytj Plw: Klrnbe<ly 2-%1% Loll of FREE l'MKJNG. • . ' • . . • • I • • • ; . . . "' • NJl.Y.C. Wlls .._,,•n•~.. -lD LIB ~. , .. ·ukG'o . , -· Cup ...., off .. "1rf ., . (Oollllc ·-..... 1,f ' . ..;-.·. ' ,t. allCM ..... ........ ~ EA.SI: Wl'l'JI 01-ooGisT Do;. he lod< tllat ell -ud _, , 1-.E. -. .. L1i1o ........ 8o ••• ju.It u L ~ a, 1 loOllle, t.11111s -!Illa, --.. W-at the porpetua1 IOI .... IA* lala wlll JIA~I I tllo -..,t a J\eUl'Otle ~ !a) your ~ Dru Tllompooa. praetldQC ~ 111 Ille -. clMI"•., -tavuacrttd. at tllo ..-dos .JIOYdllatrlot at her u .x-.jBOUdlDS -. ..,_ tat w. 1a llOt-u.. Barl>or'o two olclaot llaC· ..UYI-at U... lleol -h not at &II ·-~ llme 1at ,.U. p&ctleulul1. <lop" fMl 1111 ,aclll clullo. .,._ the •h•nolo ..... -tat Mato Carlo ( Club) at&~ back to' natuno ~ Jl't ~ o-.. that - team t"""-Nowport Bubar Yacbt "7. Oomllllttee No. 1 , or wba..-name, -Ii '.-tijia •In --ll7· at ,tho Jli aero Club whlcll ,.._~ dru-tllillr up eo.mty Qrud Jury. lam IA •-.. .,, -Do~I ,a...: W ,.. .-tho puro .... try crooa-b&y dftll, Ba-y-Ko,..-, clla!mWi ot jury, .... air, --...... mine • :~Dobry, bar1< at tho Chi-ind Club, Ill a .. rt.o f>f .fllm' r.c.O -cad today. . unJa-.l• Illa -•11. No dK co -l' fl'Qm tlllo catmb7 -,., Bundoy. IAbm&n. &.-"'" llul>ol, Wlll·lmowa au1bor ot liomo-with 1111 un4erpr1.!i~pd attt-or hlllll'dD&' air! m.. -. waotem aad ~ -t.. baa Tbom-..,...llor ~-dlttlculty lo ~ tho Uttlo nr· I.in to Tllo ,_,Ito -aa In_.., ,_..rod from ldo otrou but toavo . • • .,,... they'n bad a tute ot dos doyo on tho road!. P. I. ocorlns -P•• 180.polllto to upon tho -ot hlo pbyllclan Ploaoo -Dru •bout IM~ ---~ --Newport and 183• to Balboa. · will CIT• up hlo poa!Uon u hoed TIUl!:VZK 1"1JP olto hao llALlll at Ibo i. -~ fbr Dop KlACPtba iftdl\r1dU.aD~• fted of CommltlM Nq. 1 md: "wW ta eo.ta Kea •• eo. ........ ~ . __ Schenck and Tom ne · of tM take thlnp euy for a whllL" 1---------,,,--~---..,------- ])lewport Hal'.l>or loam. who each Tl>' commlttoo of which ltubol S G•-l_I 11 • ... ...i orota 1n two t.IJneo apteco wu chairman wao concomod with To tart . Ins . CDM Maril11 Ffler at th• pWar fw ona an4 on•laalf the \nveattpUon of l&w ellf'OT'Ce-S .t.Lb II l , 1..: •n.e· ••ILn ., .. _, point. eoch. • ' ment ·apnct11 wch u tho om-OTT a eague • -r •' -.._ Challeng., !« u... lllterclul> cea ot the olterltt ..,d tile district CU ~ taking In tho award which wu tlnt won in attorney. Harry Barber of the Newport rren part 1908 b1 then 1&-year-oJd Tom Rut-') Superior Court Ju.ticti Robert Harbor Lutheran church ·II It.a.rt· Korean. "Operation Killer" la capt. tu, now .c.ret&ry of NHYC, wtU G&J"dner will probably appoint a tnr a rtri.' IOftball 1~ apln PhWJp DeLonc. , USMC, of M7 be conduc~ twice -.ch · yn.r ~IS)r to Rube.I at the Wed-thla aummer and hoptl to1 make Ore~ Ave., Corona ~t Mar, lJho hen~rorth. _,. .... 1luday meetlnc of the Gran~ it a federation amoag t.be ctalrch" la operattnc from the carrter UBS Sunday'• akirmlahea, in good Jury, Meyer ~d.. in the area. Lut year ~ only Bataan. ca.pi. De.Lone recently W@&le.rly ~ toWwt ~ follow· • other church team wu ttom! 11\lnt. look part in low • tent nJts. on tns hlah po!A iadlvtdlW wiaaen DllIVD FINED Stat ln(ton Beach. He plana to 11& .. • railroad monh&ll!Jls l'ardo oortll tor the respective t.-ama: Robert ZlYin WW.y, 34. aw~ anctlon lNCU• uad any1 church ot Seoul in which et.pt locomottvem Newport llubor Yacllt 01~ lA.rtlapur Ave., Corona d9l Mar, lntn..t.~ m&.y call Bea. 8068-W. were deatroyed. ' Fnd lk:bee=IJ 'W. ~ IN~ ,... ti.Bed ll&O on & drunk drt•-Other communitleil haYe spon-;::=========::,I pud. MCb IYa polat.; Dwrt. IDS chal'p fJl Newport ctty court aored auccmatul te&ma &ad tbe Lewie aad W*rea ~ Melli P'rlday. · Harbor &re& with the hw\d.reda of WAUPAPBS 5 polata; M&17 Aaa. Pt!lt.Ny ... Wtllty wu UT9lfted by Newport yotlnJ sfrla eqtt tot 8PQ!'U Of Boll Sta&lu, Mell It po&.ta. police at I..rlupur Av•.. and &ll kinda and lood f&cWtiN far ll&lbea Tacit& Club -!Mek_ ~ .._..._. at ll:IO L m. Police Lbeir exhibition ab.ould: aupport a i 11aa.a. 1; 11art RtitlllM •· t: charpd M '4f'aa ctnvtq ln u •-a row me i.,ae. .Many Bou.~ 11: Ne...a raUc manner. and had no opwa------ Wallemu... U. ..!' -.... -·· _ tor'a Uceaee p.. hl• poueaaton. Dode• ta movtq. W«tch ttl -~ .. Pal._ I D.-•1 l High Quality ,Printing-Pb. Har. 161' n•=:.:.:!':!"w High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 161' • __ 0 "_N _Nt.u __ , •• _ .... _ .. _ .. _• __, 1 Hig"h Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 161~ Prill~ipaJ-at 'M1• Mala Scllaol lesltn Robto.rt 1 Browne, prfnclpal of Main ocl\<M>I ~or U.. put years, h.u announced !tis rulpa- tlon at Ule end of th• currient 9ChooJ y.&r, in June. Browne lr.u recetwd an appotntmmt to the faculty orthe Unlvtntty ot South· ern C&W'ol'llia. Dod.a'• ill mmin.c. Watch l t I Dodce ill movt.nr. Watch it! ._ -.. 1&11& A...,..., a•.L DMCl'IWl'ilT lT•N-poot mft., Ooola- l"llA41•cal .... ' • ••• • tTll .. .. BlaJ' .&.ft.. ... I _..,.J • l' ... &OM 'e. a, * Wt& COUNTY'S .ONLY COMPl.rn ONE-STOP SHOPP.ING CENTER, UNDER ONE ROOF!,* Keat. * J'ralt .* Veptalllel * Vli•m'v * ~ ' ' World'.1 larpst F 0 0 D. D RI a M1rkot I · · -1812 S. :·MAIN ST. 'SANTA ~ Ali PrellCrlptiOllll * Bakery * CalJdy * ~ Tolletriell j * I Glfta * Houehold * Fountain * Delieaf'allen •, . • • ! • c • ~ ' • . • OPTOMETRIST •• , • •·•11art e Ill'"· ..... , ..... . _,.... ....... .IV8T llOtJTll 01' SEA•S -1 ·-g . • AµIBS OF F••B P~KlNS i-! I ~ ..... ~~~ ~ ~tl7.N8~t'.. ~ ... mi IE SURE -INSUllE -llAUlllli lltAJnaT --a... ..... ----·,,. -•rtme ....... , ...... W •. Stll•rt F11te 0mnnu,L IN!IUllANCll Couf'lt:olu ~ II'_,..,. -• ~ -· II 1111 ......... l!UTrRMSES lkllala HMit!& Tl'atkn ' . ~ 8hll!M:t lll!MJOI'< IMll1 Corata .MMa MattNm Co. S1M )i•wport 111vd. Wal•r Healen SDVKJI: a u:PADS /N.,8•cl.loltl ..,_A•'' ...... Dilalll' ~ bq a ·NlaJd Bir' I -..... .,.... .... , ......... ----W · THI ONI -THE ONLY _REXALL -... C· Cantly Regalar 69c Box MEL.0 &Wll.E.T PllCAN NUT Jreats 2 "' s11• Srd Box le * * * Sundries . EXTRA. FANCY, l'BESH, TENDER, SOIJD Extra l'uey; • ' U.S. No. l·B New TeaderCrisp Potatoes Celery EXTRA FANCY 3•. ~ s~. Baby Food-Regular S for 25e GERBER'S HUN'T'~llll&. 4 FOii Ho T.omato Sauce ' ELNA MAINE-REG. J FOR Ho S~ROINES •• • • • • • • ·• -•• -· .. ~ •• fb. ~EUCiOus Solid. fn ~llirrfaM Apples T omatoe~ ... , c. - 1·9c .... EXTIA FANCY c Regalar 2 for 80e GAYLORD, NOllTH•llN II&. IOW , ; VACUUM PACKED " ' . ! . ' c .... Lill~y~ s Cbrn 2 1:.:21' ' llLNA iAATLATT ·!-Plarllahes , . ·' ; . NO-l(A.fnNG / -·NO WASTS ..... --.~--· • -. • • • • ' ' • • • • l \ ' I • I ,, ·High ' School·,_p .... .r-d -.J .. -L-; ~ .. Ba/boo ·ci~'cle 1 St. James Women -man CGU~· . . F!f•s Cel~bfants : o.Mee:"!h:Ursda_y ' ·Seafi Ofriat.f af f"mt Meet · ~ ~' ... ~=! = .::: :~ ~ ~_; • ~ Wbtn ~ Clre&. met wtth Mrs. wtMa tM Wom.u:t.'• A\Dd.Uarj-of ' Tiie "iiiii'.waa•tq of t11o ,.,., • • Qdold la lier aputmeat at lNO Ill. Jama Eplaeopal cJ>urch ....ta i._.t ~ V-Bllll llnleot M~ pada ........... Ml.......,. Drift. Amell&' -·Ill n. 111111 --.............. !•·•-t-1&11 .... .1"", "'~ llarnJ; ~Ill. -..s -llappy .. tu ........ ::Ji' la 8; ~bu:_ of -· toOlt ~~.Jo; .. t..l:IO p.m. M1'4. <--• Dodd; llooplt&llty, U.. ,...ld..u. M1111. -WNUt· -·.,..._~--'- In Ille ·~~--..P .. or t11o hip Mn. c. H. X.Vay; lnt<m&tlonal erfoi<l ,.hlle a <&nl wu amt to Do4e 111 'movb, 1 ._ Watdl ltl ~;-Illa~..,.. relatlona, Krw. Edward Mldtoftch: Mn .• ...,,.tt. not pruont at Ult "hm.llY~.w Call .to lesiolatloft. Krw. Henry Sqm; meettnr. 0~...,_ ... ..,.. ,. Kn.._.,.INp.r m.ap.s1ne, Mn. Tho,_. JeAko; Mn.. Weatherford appointed u B1ll. ~t. fcilliiwad by tllo mem""'*lp, Krw. T . K. Perldna; a • l*nlnaU.,r commlttH Mra. n.c•ahil< 11114 the tn ..... tlon u molloa ptct.._ ""1lo and tole-Adrian Adama, clWnnan; llrl. gtfl'i._ b7-a. •... P . G. Newn&m. Wlion, Mn. T. a. l'roet; m.Ull6i, Mina lYH and Kn. 7"kw'& Bu.tty. m.J.nJ.-.r of COit& K-J"t:rat Bep-lira. Ronald Bartaw; pa.rmt· Tbsy wtU re}JOrt at the M&y meet· u.t church. -te~r education, Mn. •Jobn I(. Tbe-bunDell of U.. even.Inc wb Keeler: publlclty, Mn. Chari• Kc· Tile sroup di.le~ pl.au tw quickly handled bl .cirder lo make Klftnon; publicity record book. AprU holt.eq duty a\ the churcll .., tor inlt&UaUon of MW' of.ft· Mn. Harold Knipp; procnm. Mn. •htte they are providb'll' nowen. cen. ~-Jobn Vernon, nnt "rice-Harold BoYf'ey: lcllooJ repreaenta-H?Tina' .. recepUon.Wt.. and an in president. ot J'eurth Dtatrlct in· uve, Mn. hy Harbl9ort; student cha.rte of lunclleom. on PLASTIC SEAT OOVERS! lave ao"" on • perfect fit. Wlr aeat cover built etpeel· ally for your car. lfOduced and lnltr'Ucted each ottt· welfare, Mi.N Mupttt l"rffman: Nut m~ttnc ""111 be oa <May 5'W1D1SH TWIST 29:.. ~r ln her 'dutJea. way• and, rn.eana, Mn. J . B. Sandi. 2, a noon luncheon to be aerved at 19--21 M.) , The. new otflcen. who wore The profT&lll wu turned ovu the home of Mn. lvea. " WEST AU'l'O SUPPLY lie~ IMl..J l&n Newport. Bll'd.. ,...,. c • beauutuJ cor-..g-u, W•rt: Mn. Roy to J, IA:alle Bte.tfenHn. J'atben' Rouah .. pruident; Mn. Harold nisbl chairman, •bo lmmedtately Local Foursome BoyYey, nm vlce-pruident; Mn.. called all fathers to the /ront and • C.ta Me<M Thomu Perklna, aecond vie•· orpnlzed a "l"atlleratncer'" cniup ot Visolio Shoot president; ,Mn. Al Horvath1 re· with Mr. DavtUon llJld Judce Dodd DB APES -.. ~~ cordlnl' 11eeretary; Mra. Robert Al-., aoloel1ta who .anc witl!.out Capt. and M'r.. lk1 Boerwtler of ~ ...--.- leD.. cortt.epondln( •ecretary: Mn. any previou.1 reheanaJ. HW O&n· Ba.Ibo& Island and Mr. and Mn. u.,ow .. IM pllr Roland Wright. treuurer: Mn. 'f'. dfe-llcht ceremony wu on• of M. c. Bmtth of COit& Ilea.a wert' Oonlk:e bte 6 Travene Jtodl ' • • ' ._ . ' 10% Dlleour~ ·• ln·Piirulrre (&:XC&Pt AMIOJICS) ... ' •• 4 . " - ; '· ... ~ .... .. .. .... .v • ' : IAYSIDI FISH MARKET . . . ...... 1;111. Daly ....... 0.. ()wit •••••• ' llPl:ClAL 8JIAIL .. JS# .- 1 "!"'W1''& 8TllAJlll . .....I.& . .. -' -Lara,ette -.. •1 .NltWl'Ol&T .. ,.... ...... ' ' . . \ . ' . .· u,mr; U. -l'AU I · 11awroa1 ILU' , . .oft ·.DD ~~IUI .. Xl'lli•W""I l'Oll ....... qu.un _-OV8'l'OJI TAD~UI) '8A1'·CO~ ... ~f ' -. AC'S ' A():C,..'l'OP ' 17tl NowjMO/t .... • o..c._..._ Brnr.,.., J ·E·N N'S DRE ·-s· Sll·O.P ' ' I • • 9UITTING BUSINESS SALE . CONTINUES ~ . .. All BLOUSES, SWIM WEAR , SWEATERS --·--.. --.. -----S1.97 Gfrls Denim SHORTS -Sizes 4-14 .................... _ ........ __ .97 LADIES DRESSES, Values to $14.95 ~-.... ·-·-·-·-.... -·--,-4.t7 : Entire Stock at lelow Cost Prices W. Tunnell, hlatorlan; Mn. Paul •lde-splltttnc mirth with perfomt-amonc Harbor aru. reaidenta wbo BOUSE " OA.aDEN Huttman, partlam•n~rian; and erw and audt .. d jolnlnc toi-etller. attended Ille amateur trap shoot· 111 O...t Bt-1. H_,.., 504 West lalboa llvd. · J E N N ., s 0 R E s·:s 's H 0 p • IAUOA Mn . lt. V. Rapn, aud.ltor. Jud .. Oardaer TalD ;~r~a~•~oc~la:U~o~n~··=ann~:ual~ah=oo=t~h=•l:d~==o=n:•::•:1n:s-:s..::•:.,::":,.=•=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TU.mine o-n:r Jler 1•vel to Mra. 1n va..ua Jut we-ek. '------------' Roush, M.ra. HUJ thanked the J'or the more Mrioua pa.rt of b1a ~ achool faculty for coopen.tlon prpcram, Mr. Steferwen intTOduc- DEVIL'S FOOD DILUXI SQUARE IJc""" 63~ ~·-J CORONA DEL MAB toa Cout wpwa7 through her two yea.r• u pre1i-ed Judr• Ft.obert 0.rd.ner u lht dent and exprffMd apprecla.lion to ~aker ot the eventnc. Re spoke ber board !or their help. Mn. on "Home and J'a.mUy Relation.a." Rodilh tn her ~ of acceptance In pa.rt he aid that the ma.t expreaeed tor all pf'Ment her ap-trotibleeome juvenile c..... CORM' preelatlon of the re:Urlnr prel'I-fl"om the eo-called better faml- dent'1 untiring-effurte In PTA Ilea. In h.ia oplftlon &Ad tr-om hil work. She then called !or'W9.rd vUt ezperience ln the t1eld, Judie h'tt new chairman, who were n.U-Gardn.r pve th"" rea..oru1 for fled. thlai MtuaUon: 1) •n• a.larmlnc New chairmen are: art and lack of hom« Ute; l l lack o! dl«:t- LAOUNA 8'..A.CB poster, Mn. H . P. Yarnell : bud1et pllne wtlh younc dtiklren and oid- t.15 ForN& Aveue and ttnance, Mr11. A . L. Hayward; er; 3) non-employment of youn1 FURNITURE L,._...;.;.;;.;;.;.;.;;;..;;;,.;;.;;.. __ l I courteiy. Mn. Byron Fenley; char: peopl•. In conctu.ton he Mid It ----------.,-,----! actf'r education, Mr11. Edgard Hill; really 1.1 the fault of the parent. Doclre 11 moving. V\'a tch It! emblem• and publication•. Mrs. R. when young peOplt co wronr and -~gt la movinc. Watch It! Trautwein ; founders' day. Mr1. that youn11t•n are doinr a bftl•r _::_:._ ___ :._ __ ~---;----------job ln adJu.tiJtr to our ctvtlb&Uon S"' ____________ .:.._ ________ I than adult.I. PATIO Pads aad it->vers Mr1. Sam Miller of Hunlinrton Beach, J'ourth Ot.atrict chairman ot Hlg-h ICbOOI Hrvice, ....... lntro- duc~ by Mr11. Rou.h. -' AL())(lNUJ( e tlEDWOOD e &ATl'AN e WllOOOllT 1110!{ SWINGS • UJOlllELLA8 e BAKJlllQUU HOUSE & GARDEN °""" Friday Nlpta uc1 sam.:ro The a~i~C4! WU ln'fited to hav• retrelhmenta which had bffn prepared by the !ruhman m.ot.her11 w1th Mn, Parker Pence aa ch&lr- ma.n. T••chPn and pattnlll pt.her- ed about the tu table, beauUtully decorat ed wtU. 91>rt.nc nower1, tall a.ncdlu, ailver and lace cloth for cake and cotfe• and Tilltinr tocet- her. Mra. H. P . Tamell &ad )(rt. C. H. McVay poured. Dodce La movin1. Watch It! Ill COAST HIGHWAY NE'fl'O.BT BEACH Dr. Gilbert Nee ---~=== Heads Dispensary · at .Pasadena 3rd ANNIVERS•RY ' SPECIALS Spoclal hrdlue -I.-Trim NYLON SLIPS n s:.-....... ___ _ 8"-nocker BRUNCH COATS SJ.,.. 1% to 20 Reg. 7.95 498 "()'f>El:fN'S MIDSEASON Sorry we can't name the brands but all rntrc:ha"-dise from our' regular stock! R~1ularly DRESSES .$49.95 ...... _ .... _ . ' (Saes 9 thru 20) 27.50 to M.00 ~ALE '32.88 19.88 14.95 to 26.50 8.95 to 16.95 10.00 to ' 14.88 4.88 to 8.88 BLOUSES ....... ·-·7·95 10 ~·95 4.95 to 7.95 3.95 -.. -... -.... - • 4.88 to 7..1!8 %.88 to SJl8 LOO to 1.88 SKIRTS ............ 35.00 ............... . 10.95 to 17.95 9.95 to· 14.96 19.88 6.88 to • \4.88 t.o SLIPS: Ni..ie;..· 8.95 to 9.95 U3 (Nylon and Rayon) 5.95 --... _ ...... _ Ul8 eo.111 and lacketa .. 32.50 A 36.50 19.88 26.50 _ ......... _ 10.00 11ru ud PaatlM Valuee to 3.50._._Now' SO, 9.88 5.00 (Incl. atrap!Ha) . I QIBDLU and GABTER •ELTS ... .J>ru~ ndll<!edl SALi INDS WEDNESDAY .. ~IL ZS . ALL SALES. FINAL ., .}t .:::;, '' Dr. Gllbert NM ot eo.ta Me• hu juat •eeepted a poaJtion u wperintendent of the Puadena. l>tqenM.Ty and durin( the week will make hU home at the YMCA buildlns. rtturning-to COllta Keea for wMk end• with hi.I family. Dr. Nee and hi.a tunny cam• to Balboa la.st year rrom rormoea wber• he had bttn ln charge o! medical l'Upplle1 for the !:CA. Pr•· vtou1ly he wa.• tuperintendent o! Wuhu General hospital In China. Buckeye Club to Have Dinner A pot luck •up~r ha1 bffn planned by th• Buckeye club for Saturday nl1ht. April 21 , l.n the Round Hou.e, Santlaco Park., San· t& Ana. All Harbor area folk, former re•ldenu or Ohio, are if· vttt'd to attend, Additional in!or· matlon may ~ obtalnl!d trom Mra. Carl Ott. 2M I!. 18th It.reel, Coeta Men. pbone Bu.con :>4M-W or Mrs. Florence Walla~. 809 W. ~th •lrfft. Santa Ana. Dode• 111 movin&. Watch It! Chief Doug. Bray Home · From Korea A joyou1 welcome from hi.a wt!e and children, Douctu and Bonnie'; JN Wella Pl., Costa Meaa. aw&Jt- ed avtaUon. ordnance chief D . 0 . Bray, Navy, on his return trom nine monU..' oveneu duty ta Ja. pan and Korea. irhe local man i. 1talloned at San Dteco. He 11 the 9011 of Mn. Elizabeth Heu. Weit Bay avenue, Newport Beach. J. Stuart Innerst to Address Guild J. Stuart Inntrot wtU bo IJllNt -s>ea.ker when the W ealey&n .. r. rice Gull<! of U.. Coot& M-Com· mUQfty KethodUt church meet.I 'fll.,_y, Aprtt 11, at T:ao p.m. In UM chUJ'<h. P'IOmica FlallartJ ....,_ Vtrp>!a SW ,~ " {~oot­w. All employed aad: 1rdrM1 "191• 'of tble ..,.. ... taYittd. .::: l9!c fiornoo-M&eid. (Hetf-90lltn. 3k) Pnc. tubject to Sto,. Boord NQUtotior.. Mlrtillelli CIHr ::;: 29- ,_ -· IGolbo ""'· 1.08 I TONto Jake ~ 4::-26•. frnh ~rw,g_ ( 11-0Uf'ICll lbt, 2 CON 2Jct Airw1y Coffee ,,...,, ~-77• Mi'd, tMllow. CJ-lb. bog, 2..251 lob Hill Coffee ,,..,,, '.!· 1,. Finnt QUOUty. 12-f). bog}'l .51' I S...r Belle Pets '!:· 15• "°"" ......... -· -· Ultby Pus ':;' '?.:"· 17• lont SPIPefti '!.c7· 1,. Globe "Al" t-nd. 32-oz. pko .. 41c) U... ·1 Globe "Al" 11-oa. 1,. l'lftllfH LongTYOO .... IElbo Moc-Qf'Oni,. 32-oz. pq., 41ct POWDERED SUSAI Or "-"S..r. C & H btond. 10· E Z Y C1ke Mil ~1 • •:.-;· 3,. Pumke Mix "t.~: .. ~-27• Suzonno. 120-oa_. pkci •• 1 tc; ) 'h · b ., 35cJ Flour1:;,, .. 2.19 •::· tS•t! 50- Kitchen Croft, Enriched. For oll baking. T1~le Syrup ~· 23• ::.-:· (S• • s......, Hollow Cone ........... blond. Cr ..&.ers ....., ...., -i:.. 2s• llUI 17-oa ...... ; 15<1 .... Gr.... • ...... Gold .... -.. llJ"S..Ving Sii:•" Pock .... ,7~ ·u--"'-·llows •NH· .... 21• ....... I-est ,&J. Ilk ra Cle11ser -2 1:;:· 23• n•• SUIS - For dhheo. 12~ .... 11· ... . JOY . .s• Llquid type, ~ 30• 1oya1-. il·lb. caa, .. , ••r :.fl4ru Fcwino -·fej,· -.. ne.. ·~ .... 30• ' .. Thill -.le at Saf-.ay )'OU'U find a plentiful ""l'l'IY of fint-of.tbHeaton Mille Si>rin1 Lamb, U.S. lri<!od CHOICE one! GOOD, .carefully a1od to peak of ~..._one! Bavot, tbea fully trimmed. You 1et mon, rood aatiJ>& me'\.~ each pound you bu)' at Safeway .•. '"diacr~low. · - IEITllEI Tiii WEU 5 ,_. LNt1 SllOULIEI • ~ square Cut, t-lo Neck, lb. No Shank. • ,,., SIOW ,. or •aahi.nr • d;sJie.. '~-30• I GROUND BEEF Frably made froni uniformly ltan ~( ,. and iuac \be riPt amount of fat to tub t.uty meat petti'n and loaves. =~ .. 59c . • • . POii SAUSAGE Viskill Rtll r;'"""::' •. ,,. lllkliHs '== .•. 5,. Cello Ullks B.:f'l.ld ":.;.~· 32• ---· ..... b~f. ·-.. _ -- Try ' IEL 4111 ,,._ . ... ,.,.., OIANGI JUICE et ... our .. .,... ... Simply buy a can. write 1 nOlt and JOG got your money back, plue poeap. ··-lllSPUT IOI~ •• OUll6E lllCE 6re•Pe1S U.le•s 6-. -l irdl fyl F"'un ...... £.,. FOf'Chdc. . Tl:llS COUPON WOITH 17e •• 1 ... ,. •• , ... - IUllll.YaAll. MARGARllll . n.1t11....--..... 1no1i,.... ••r1ariae .. :taeefleal ••a 1pr••4 '- PALMOUYI SOAP Bring thii coupon to ovr llon and · .... IOf •• thrrogulH ..... 1 prioa of a l·lb. cartoo of Sunoybank MarpriM. For face andhaiMlo: ;::s:; a•~ ............ """ .. "'1 ' Celk .... l/ ... efl ... , ' ··. j • • • • ' ' , • ' . -, • l • • , • ' ' .. "' . • p ·-.. Q a ' ·-~ / --· •• --.. ~ .. ., . -~ \ "'---... · ..... -4'·: • WANT A WORRY,SH'llD? . . • • . l . Then 11tart a Savings ProgTam .• &t' NEWPORT ' BALBOA P'EDERAL thi1! payday Ind add to It regularly! Make your goal onf yeal"s income and protect youreelf from financial hard knocka. ' I Our current dividend rate of 3 % . will htip'y . you along toward your goal. 'f me in and rt : started this payday. · • t •• A l'RIENDLY, BOid-OWNED INM'ltOl'IOJI' • • • " I Lamps Lighti1MJ Fixtures Wall Pap•n • • LAMP RIPA.IRING ,. PARTS A.1''11 GLASS u:i>L&CDO:ST8 ·-•• •• MimcMUlen Ughfl119 Fixtures Phone ..._ 114119 LocaUon ~'J Block OH Cout mshway 1tt rb8Tll'f AV&., JrtEW?O&T llrAOll FU~NITIJRE AND ACCESSORIES ll401 Mi41 OU1 OWN WOl&MMW .. ANO JIOM THI &A .. m llWlAl Oii -PACMC COM'f • -.. .......... ._ -...s-............ . ,_._ ... _.ar.,. ...... ......,,... HOUSE I GARDEN t11c...ow.,.11, ,,,....,. _ _,, AT JI te' HEr.EN R. ROBERTSOJ'f, M. D. 4.mtouncea the ~« ot Her Office at l7U 8UPERIO!l A VJ:., COSTA Ml:IA , ( Fo?'?Mrty Newport A Vt.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND orlrAECOLOGY ' . • OP'FICE PH. BEACON Moe ·TALK ABOUT RESULTS! ' MOO'EL ){AN AG -••• . The ad•e.rUMr received ml.ny • • •• In Rtf&.rd to tllf Ad f. a . ...-~. • repliea. hfl I• unable te &mwet :_. ... them in4tvldually and oi-tak.. --' thia mean ot f!XJ>re.aalnl" lalf tba.nkl tor ,..,... lotten -TM !'°"'tlair l8 ffllfd. 6cl • The •bo'Y• ad ten. a story ot the J'ffUJta &ctrefUMrl reeetve c1-Wed-... MU plac.d in tM co:mblution 1 of Ulf thrff lo<al pa......-. .. • News-Times, Newport Bay Post ShoJ>pi.ng Ne.,.)- and Newport-Balbba Pna -22l!1 W. llalbo& Blvd., Newport &uh. .: •• Pi.. II.arbor 1118 ud Mk tor· tile "Ad '1'lllleit" lUGS~a ' • ' • • • u .. ~;.;.. Sf Mt~ D El..:,.nl~ P .. T . .4. ~ • IClllM' ar ~ .... er . , ., ... :eon.pi , f ii~·· . .M,. . . WOltfor. Deputy.._ -.(iand "Y' __ _. .... a...r;.__;. O c, ....... ,. ~ ,...._ rs&e ••srll - , . .· ._..I ~ · I \W -. • .Al i.... a.. 111rtWat .a. .., •z•• ' ' lllatt.,. • ._. __ __ ,, ... •d*t• ..... lllltiatad, llilloli1tllf .,,. ., 'f,, ·~.--oltM ':'!! .11(111 . ~ .lo'211tt".«lil '1tk•a1 1s fa. -pllf1lu&~~ I 'ftl*lt ind '~ too11 Id. JIM· ~-tlwi '""' ~ ,.,..., 11oa se a n • · 1a n; • w. · UUi Oollt ::&. 0 ':" d1"ll1et of ~ r N . : ou.:-. -·. "'Na11,..t"'JWilca ........... ~ ...ator't• tlM ... ~~"rt ;.,.'-~~:A...J. MO... ' " . • c;lla~ ~ or cauionu,. or• o e J;l"' .~ -P.-T. 4. 1"' ~ .---. lo, 1'e -.,.. *' •-~ ,_ '*·....,.wt Ult t -dor II '*' J:Utcrn SU. )lai<l IMI' , = -•.. "" ~ monilJIS at -.. -."-MalOlpel _, XllJ !"¢" flf "1...,.. .,... -·~ -.. » MC t!Mc!Q mll(an April \o to irar: ,AUril · otllio~ 11p~,:""1At11e• ~ ir:"~~-rlaa r;,:;,.r := ... -=-..-.:.. ~ lfoiw.L 'i. ~ .,, w1'11111. ....--$?\et, ~ls i: o, o1rc1o, • . ·"""• _.,..._.. 8-~ '"':'.: ~ .... or -'tsoo ,,_ u.. •:-tr ., ,. .. .., . .r-.. w.n. bit .. ...,,...~ i..- o. ~r:':iu. w_,. ~OW:,.f...,it;=:8!:!~1o t.. ~J . ..;... '*'i ~ _ty -~iua. ... \.!i,lillV-r·-·.i.. at•=!':}'•:;·;::~ a;:.,;~ -. _., ,-W.rtloy lie named~ fo.r'~41jt Inc~ iio&..L , -,,_ 1 akllla. -tnlte tllelr ~ ... .::;-;_or ~to~ ,ilou1Jiter, lto-lM; ...,. -,Pal<oo ·~ Dteoter pt'ffldlllt. ottt .. re wtil ~-ptate a.\ Ilia~ W.. ~. Iii the qe.dii~ · clay -L -, . • IQ' Md. .. J111U. otwa = _rt. M:.e; Scott a100, to "" -at u.. -o1 llU<ll c11 ..... rte....-.. a 'Ile e1m1.t • .......-...,. • 1-e11-_. .• ·u """ l~·:::::::;:;::c:::i='·===::::=; 1 trGft1 t1N -aad lilro 'lbom• l'ftldeU. report of SUIO rotelHd Mia the o.a..,_ ... ,... Oouncll, lloy • • ~ .. -. BM C...W a Jarp Ti.i. wu U.e warntn~ IMued at btnatlt melodrama (to be dl~e<I -. of America, ..,. t.,. aa.i.1a lllnr7aba II.. urled to le ~t ln'mJOIS ~ ~rm bollquet of p!ftk Jladlolua.-llft the mO.Unr ol April iO. •hen.-betw4al> ~· icl>oola~); ,vot!llr Ana ~...tor Ohambor or C--. :..:: ~~ ~ .,.._ .... . w..,..IC.\l -. 1 t the ~ .AIM Jfl<ea. -ITO"P met 1111> If,._ ~ mOMy to ... d ti>< IC ::iJ -.... to ..._. '6.000 -• w.W.u • ,,_ · !.,. )lrM.,. ·lft~ ~ Wlglltm"'I, klboa. :ZeiG )(cl)So. to Ole .tat• --u.n; · to _.,. .., U.. .. outms :.. 111':1 ~=....-.,_ U: ll01;W ,:i::m._ • matron of Se&alde 'uap~r. Hunt.-l.ld led W"'"deYOt.Jona. re .. tered for remO'Y'&I Of the oil KfhlU. pmmed tor \hla ,...,. um.e• .Yftl .at I tit COArf HflilHW.tf IJat"fOM btttoa Boado: fa<tr -matrona Plana were cn.cu..e<1 for a and,.. •tora1e taoko lat N_.-t: ,AJll'l'O'dmaWly 1.600 CUb 8eouta. ~ evmlnJ 1 . 30 la ~ - and three put patrou. motbe.Mia.Ufhte:r banquet. to .. ~efvln&' t.hanJu from Ute Ce.:rl 100 'l'oY 8cou ... and !_00 Sa and 1 , at · p.m. I :~~-~~~Nl~TU~~··~""~"~'"~·~~ tt.ltM WetOomed held May 15. lt wu decided to Ha~ acbool for monetary &id; l:&porer Soout. ue @llpteted to .tnpplratJce tilhe. U )'QI! II.an a bf • pu.rcbue cotfH cup. to go with and a report from Rk:hi.rd'a mu ... depicl tM varioua ,.,._. of their aftirlte IO!ft&'-.to.l'J', hrtn1r rt alonf Adtepted bT ln.tuatlon "Wert. the &1&u p(lnch eet at the ch~rc'h. ket rt1'C'd.b,71 alt of the P.-T. A. work in , the big' top •how. and tllare tt wttll t.be l'f'OUp. ~· Loul.ee 8 . Smlt'h of ea.ta Mesa and alao to und l.tlOU\er box ot cloth-cake. 'I'ic.keW for t.1'e ctreu. ma7 be nbject of ~ neniftg m~ Emma hupan of Newport Beach, lnl' and auppliea to 4.luk&. Plan· In coach1atoe Kn. P. r . BabNril obta.b:Md. tatoai any kout tn UM will tN "God• !bad .sun Ouidd and lY/ afftatatJon trom CorcoraJ> b.'4 were dtom&Uonl tor ...,. lat-retirtnr p?'Uldent, "Pinned a prut-co\UlcU. kouthla: urut. are com-America." chapter, Bernice Knies. Each wu urday •eclcU.na' at the ehuftb. dent'• pin on )ter wu«:rn1M', Mra. peUnr for pri&e1 awarded for tbe TbUnldll.y PVftllnl' at '1:10 p.m. Trout 51111• pre.tDted wttll a whJte Bible and While-.membera w .. r k e d on L. J . caeo..r. tn· appreciation of hi•bHt number of t·kketa .aid. ta Women's Ki.lekmary meetinr. reclpt hokier, rtfU Of the chapter. acr .. pboo}u: Phyllis GrttnlN.f J'H.d Ml e•tNortlinartJ}r tfne IJ!'rYice u Mra. &d· Muon Wfi1 JU'eetde, _,,th Dvrinl' the lafttary wor'k Ma?,dfl tbe ttudy book, Smoky Sea £Nut-vice pttaident for the ctln"ft1t ~Ji S • Cl Mn. B. CraM.u,.'li brtng1nc J,bt Wood of Corona del Mar sane 1n cbuk) A. relu.tunent interim year. Uttrahy UU. ll done atter M.!Y tart aSS atudy on Palfft.lne. Come and u.. ~ ot Tomorrow." t:OM~td the ·~tng.. tM tnm ln office. • I -Sh d bttn .. your trlen&I. You wru enjoy Afli!.r the •pe.ech by the deputy _.,reNnt were Mme .. Lynt.cm Col-Followtnr the meettnr. Mn. In L4mp -a 81 lb.La fellow1hlp. ,,.ad Matron, offk:er• ot the U.r, ~ ~n Doeeburg, Kmnetb Batnea feted tbe rroUp at luncheon ------ chapttt pve her a gU't, present-FarnsWorth, Lindsey, \Vllliam "Mc-In her home, Pirate Road, Clltt With the at.a.rt of the lut enn.._ FORJIEa MDA:N' DD'..:S In&' it ln a novel &l)d pretty way. Donald, Pendell. John Shields, Haven. ter in lamp Made making-clt.81ea. Dr. Robert M. Pe .. ru, M,'trotner Rt>tlri~(. she returded to the hall M&ry SLanley, Wi•htman. Green-apofiaore4 b7 tbe bomecratt sec· re-eldent ot Costa Me .. and Or&nl'e wtth a coJoTful paratol wlllch .&he lee &nd r...rt 8tonebeck. lion ot U.. C.l& Meaa Frtday di~ la.st Wednetday at tilt hom• earried to the Eut where each Anaheim P•stor ~moon club, tM courae t. open ln Loi Anteles. A native ot nu- ltar Pob\t had a tiny p&ruol. it.a B _ L S ti f~ mo" regi•tn.Uonl!, It wu an-noll, he ta 9UrvfYed by one aon, Op•• Aplil 21 • • • '. -· la th• point color. Tops of o~ ec on -1 at Christ Church nounced thlio w .. k. The cl..... fl<>bert E. Pean:e or Loi Ancel .. UM littli, paruola were ot ~ "tl' .. ~ Qffj which att free are heki every and two g-randcbild.ren. ""!lar blllo. t.nd, .. they ...... J"Jecfs icers for Mission Week Tueoday in U>e clubhOUM from 1 . P*ed Jn~ big para.tot, Pl.It Ma-until 4 p,m. ~y are under the SURGERY FOR TOT tNn. ~ Kemper anr a.n orl•-New membn'I were welcomed, The Rev. hank Butterworth, au.epic~ of ti.e Adult ltducattotl inal pa.rody on ''Pftmle• trom offk:era wen eJeaWd aad I>orotb~• putor .. of White Temple, Ana.helm, department of Newport Harbor See Ua tar BAL>ION llXlOll rI.IE8 -TftOUT HOOK& -RODS Hea•m." ' S.._17 re$wtd one ot the 11~ opened the third a.nnual preachlnK Union Hlwh achool. Arthur P'ltzrnOTrts, put patron, bra.ry'w nt!"lll'e.tt boob. Harem mtulon. Sunday evmlng at Chrlat Mra. VM>la Bou of Long Beach, on behal! of the Muons talk~ qft SC&re.'JD fTaylor) when book eec:.. Churd! by the Sea 1peall:hig on iMtructor, aaya: "lf )"OU can hiold public -lhoolii wttk which thty we tiofl .. ~~U ctab rnet Thunday "Religious Dlperien'ce in Every.. .-nffdle, you un make a lamp lpOUO~ tor the 32nd y morning at the home of Mra. Lem .. day Ltvln1.,., Sunday nlrht hi&' shade. Lampa brinl" a ~e to HJfhlJflif Ot the wttk will ~· a 'tile ViQ.cent, Balboa. tl'lf'lfte. WU. "E'tualv• Un't It?" Ute; drab roorrui can be brlsttt- dttlntt on '\Vedne&day, Ap-ril 25 Mn. 1Ray Harv~ wu reelecl-' and Jut night ft wu, :"'nltte Were t>ned Wfth the ri&"ht lampa." It at Orance Cout co~e with rn~ ch.airman tot the coming year and Two of Ue," l• not ueceuary to obtain new tertainmenl and a lecture by Dr, Mrs. Jam•• w. Thornton wu Tonig-ht Kr. Butterworth epealui framea It the old onee meet the tGalinlesedBt•romown.WTaicltke•r!"P~~y ober .,.°_b; narnN•edw "mecmrebet•,~·ad'-• to .... _.!,.._ on "Like Sap l\i.tnc"; Wedne9day, nffd. "'".. n..,. uoru u.. -..... on .. Quif't Zonei of tbe Mind"· Mr1. Boat diacuNH problema Nlellen . ..,.:hey •re Sl.60 '•acb da lion were: l4me1. S.sn Pe~, Thurllday, ''Conte.It.in• the 'Y/UI'~ ~di.US~y with each pupil, tak- rue"at\!9t are llmlttd to 11'0 .Wl111am Kirk. J . l\-'. Camm~., and Frid&y on "Calla Without tnc Lato consideration aize of room, P'f'tlON. Brucf' McBride, George Carroll, l:choH.'' Effort la Nlnf made ttrta f~ ol fu.rniture, color, a.nd tn- Tb.e worthy matron reportf'd P'Joyd Buell and Carl Hanna. Y••r to Heure resu.Jar attendance turH of room, drapn, rus11 and $403.12 clN.nd tram the card Next meeltnl' wilt be on Maj 10, t.btoU&'hOUt U.. .HtiN for ''It i• baM of lamp, An effort t. made In pert1 and apln expr~ •pprecl-place to be &.DDC?WICed later. Mn. only ln Ule cou~nt nil'bt by lbe.e elute• to produce lncliYid- atlon of the cbapter to all thoee Virgtnla Cut.le wW ~ve the book nlfht p&ft.lclpe.ttoft. ta the mimion u.alized lamp aha.du. who l'a•e donation• and lho&e who review. that .,.8 can pt the tun ft.hie 1n It . atended, maklnJ tt a ITeat IUCcee.. f fl"IPUon d eoollll ~ "• • T lk f B~ rany Local P•stor n1":'y~aa17th• Rtt. ~Pe~: m1.s11on a or u ., .. announced ·~ birthday d•ll. chllr<h putor. ~ , Church Group party f•r u.. •ortlly ,,..,""' and to Preside at si-1a1 mua1c w111 ... turniahed worth7 patron had bffn chanl'ed ~ the Rtclllan4 Aw.nue Metlloelbt to June 12 : .i.o that a11 tho .. ol>-County Fellowship dNreh choir of 1an1a Ana at to· 1ervtng J1atAJ · a.nntvera&rie9 l.n n.l(hl'• .,...on. The 1ervlce be- Matth and .April would alt at the Th• ReY. 'nomu PendelJ. putor fin& at 1:30 and a oordlal lnvita- helkt table on April 24 . Tomorrow. of Chrbt Church "1 the Sea. wttt Uon ta txte-n6ed to ID to come and April 18, u Starbrlgbt p4rty w1~ pret:ide at tlle aecond annual mMt-wondtJp and rtftft' tM:lr Christ.tan membel'9 uktd to brln& lhelr OW& tng of Oran.ae County Protestant faJU.. \ ~; ~-: ....... tableo and ~, ... ..,,,... -........ ~. to, .... l)@ld A ...,. luck din-pneedecl the Wedn oda t to 1 •o m l>od •r d e y, a. m. :., p . . l'I mt!!t!!:Unc, With the eputy ,pa.nd In the rlrst 'Pree-erian church ~I la m......,. Watch '1H ' matl'Vft and nPW candidatiil' M VJ• at Oraa.J•. special SU~· !'mall JJ9.per par&-Mr. P@ndaU 'trlll rtve"• report 8018 and _.eteria ~onted the 091 tfte Chvrchme11'a Le,Ulattve dilLtnS room. while buJl:.U Of mar-conference _held r-ecenUy •t Sacra· guerltn a.nd 1tocka were arranged mento and to which .he waa county tn U. l~e room by Ge<>rg1& Ile-delept.. · · • The weat.JMr -• nDater ~d Add Banan•s, Make New Cake Clellt.n. ---On the d'lnner committee wen Addl'NI of Ut.e iay will M "'fh.e lovelier "e?Y dar and a: doiin MinJ.ater and tlM Ni Ea.i'tern Sltaf little tuk1 outdoon beckon you. Marpnt Tt~ll. Pauline Rlthoft, aUon" by Dea.n Cramton. Un.t•a· Wby not at-.i ume from Utt kitch-l".dlth Rolle and Ma.rc&ret Rabb. o l\tce'ptton commltlH Inc 1 u d • d .tty of Southern. C&Utornta.. tller t-n by mall WI• drDcloul deMettl Clan Kt•ler, CharlotLe McNa.tr spNker1 and Ut.tr 1Ubjecll WUI tn a trlce wtt.h cake mblee! Qu.lck be: Putor Oeor1e Buad.icke.r, St to mix.., and euy to vary, a most &nd Evelyn Davto. Pd.IT": Lutlwran of . Santa Ana.. feallve cake Cu be madie with ' ·~e Mtni.te.r &nd hi• Schedule": cake mis: It you know the Heret lhe Rn. Bruu.' linta, Seal Beach ot using frelh banana u the Uquld Miracle of Fatima To bt~ Subject of Thurs. Lecture. • • _ .Metbodl.at "What'• Going on Out !nped.l.,_t for a delletou& banana Our Way;"; Kenneth Halat, film. ,cake. Not only 11 the na.-or ot thla pnYlew "hr Oood or Evil." 0.. cake pleaalng1y dltfertnt, but k· votlon.a wtll be by the Rev. Ken-nu .. 1 ke.jt cakee moi•t and tr.ah neth Boyd of Wutmtnater Preaby· for a ton' period of tlme. Mn. Anne Wenden wbo 'made: tertan chmtb. Alee Nlchob wm To make ba.nan.a cake with a the Pilgrimage to Fatima, Portu-be toutmuter It the FeUowlb.lp quick cake mlx, when the pack11.re r11.1 tn IH7 will l!IJtel.k to member• ?tmcheon. dlrectlona tor mixf.ng •pecity the (If Ut• ~-ot Out Lady of Mount addition of l cup of Uquld, aimply Mernben ot the Women'• Xlulon- ary aoclety ot the Coeta. Meaa Cent~ Bible Church will be re- ceived by Mr•. Nancy McClure, 2425 Or&q'e ..&VMUe when they .. Hm.ble for t.betr tint meettns "'!'huft'l17,'"'A,.U 19,~at 2 f:m. Tise ~up "1JI lg adcn..ed by Mn. JO. Sanden.. mr..&onari from Venezuela, wbo wU1 show .Udea W- uetratm,. mll:e(on work. bl &outh Ame1·1ca. Tea will be eerved.. At a. r~nl all-day ... 1on of the toctet1 held ~ tbe church, a btautltul ha.ad-made 1&ce table cloth wu pruented to Rev. and Mra. Dwtsti.t Kinman u a token of apprec.latJon tor the putor'• five ye&n of Mrvke 'here. The Cloth wu made by Xr1. Kate &em- row. Memben d~oted the boun tO .ewlng on layette.a and other clothing tor varloua welfare i>ro- jeclt. Luncheon hoateue• were M.r1. Evelyn Wright and Xtt. Louise Klnman. May Festival Is Benefit for Church Bus Fund Carmet;:_Clirch on Tbunday e•e-I f d W $ C $ UH 111'-cup• of maaMd bananu ninS' a(ttl~NfWpOrt Beach Gram-5 an • • • • ln.ll•ad of the Uqukl When the Plant are ln the SU~ of com- m .. r ec::hoOt audJtortum, at 1 :00 El t Qffj paclc&Je directiODI for mixing pleUOll for th• 8prin1 FeativaJ, p. m. ec S ICers, apeclty th• addition ot •&&•. use whlc• wtU be sponsored by the TM Ptlplmage made tn 1947 H l ~· • I cup of mubed bana.nu plu. 1" Sunday achool of tbtl Newport marked the Thirtieth Annlwraary ears MISS1onary cup of wau-r u the liquid tngredl~ Harbor ·Lutheran ehUrch and ht.ld ot on.e 9t the grta{ Chrialian mfr-.,n( and UM the erp ., otrecltd. Sunday. May I during the after- &c.lel of modern l'U1es. In tbe Fl~ ~ . laland Commun I t Y noon. l"be proceed• ot the fe&tl- YlllaJ• 'ot Fa!l ..... there ap ~,~ ~· c. I .. Chrtat Church FA c to Honor val Will help 11Well the bus fund, the Vllton of lery, who ~t~.:t1fc ~the .Bea, ~led ottieera whm wbJdl it la hoped wtU aoon reach children that &Jl evll pwramtnt tMy met tor a noon luncheon at p p 'd the amount neceuary to pUTChaee wsa taktn! oV•r Ru.ala 1UN1 dtlt(>. the ChUl'dl. 0o the hmcheon com· ast reSI ents, a bue fvr llunday .. hool tl'&Npor- en.tet1 •ta.mPfns out OllrisUall rnieltee were kei.na HarP'ave, I Qffj talon. talth, and that t1t.._world -Bf&t.r!CO H&uoer aod Adele Baines. E ect 1c:ers BootN Will bo .. t UJ> with food, pnly for tlle raotontE _; ..... Prui<!ed add bean! candy, white elepbaAto, cratta, et<. Uan 1o .. e Md •thica ~tfdre ~lktW of Ute aorntnitlnl' com-PMt pfft'id<entl!I' will -the: c.om.-tor Mle. 8pecia1 mWJk bU betJli world coU! enjoy ~ . j.~LOUl.H Smith, LoWe Don" pltnll"tlted tuHla when th• COl'ta ~ged for the Pf'Oll'UI, of peact. • .. ~-..' .,:-'\ . ~Pinkham. Sltctld MN& Ftfday AtternOOA e.lub mHte which Mea ca. will provide a Mre. ~en wu in .. .-1n. were: Pl'Hkltnt, Bettye Fink; vtc. In monthly MUIO. April JO at a part. Alt the bandlwotll dl.tplay· not onl)" M!dnl the devoti.n .. t.e prea:tMnl, ~Baines: aecntary~ t2:SO hmchtOn. New otfiCen W\ll td UM1 .old will be made by the Pilpirna, ~ot whom. Ult.re wtte Gay ,Aamett: treuurer, Ethel be e&ected durtllJ' tile bualn ... chlldren. M,., Mildred Tn&lty ii more than a mUU<m tlOM '1J j1ilrte Coane. Mra.. Georse Wb.nt. of Newport ••neral c.bairman. ot the world, but ,.,.,. ....., Wit.a The 1CW pruideht -elect an-Beach, well JuJOWD eh1• woman. In Ute m.Jddle •fft and: Dlropt tbe .unpJe. rich . Uvea of .'.tJ.e y; nounced ~beu or btt board. wlll prHent a tavel t&lk u the lbete •Prin.I' futlva19 aft &n a.n- llVUi oft..._. pacftfu.J country of They i:ncl'lde the followtar Rtte-pl'Op-am feat.Ian. nua.t affair and looked' forward to l'wt•J'lli -...i ...w tell ., --= Chrlfttan -1a1 ...iau.na, H-for tll• .rte...._ Will the eJIUre -·· II la ~... to 11 ... 1.nd habit.. H~~ Mn, Hauaar~ ,,_otlon, 11.•tll n.. be Jin. ~ W. Bod, Mro. make thl.e ..._ annual ptherlna IUl*rsted by the m ' ""ll!l!o>: oplrltGaJ life, AJtbea .1_, t.a.,_ Jin. A. H.,)(eyero alao.· .t. Jtvp May pole Wiii lie a toltm by tlle lrlll> ~ ll!)lttler: -lolwy -lklll. -Jin. Cllatloe Alldmn.. f .. tu... ot the day. , J'atllen of Llaboa. ! Lucy BowlOr, dllldren'1 w-. Mre. lltnc<!' MT rotum, ~ ... ~; "'JIPllM. Martha ADeo; B • W Me h d' Y h .......... 'loe1Urtn1 •' ~ elatui o£ ........... Mn. llalneo. apt1st omen t 0 1st out aod llU .. -"" ""'-My BeeaJ<er ot Uie an-,.... ~ ~ f I ·-h n eat-..,-........ .,. ~ -Car<>l T~·o1 ...... 111o~ meet or _,."' eo11" "e.por:t on ~ Wbfoll wUf •tart at 1• p..-m. i.u Jim nt:Ul'Md. fr'-Kldj;?M, ~ . > 0 , .Ji:. ' "° .... ~ ... -...., w a..;'ilu1>-..-.. ..,. ""'! otatioioid·...,-. . ICaldnr '-"' •z 111 """!11"..i i.st. .Con.,.~ntion ... ll>"rited to atteno!. , , Bal -1'1AS1n..Jllle P!O U lllellllJlvt and,_. oLlie•J)Qro. ',. • _ In~ ._ .. o1 1Miro ~ -..._,. ol 1M l'\nt Al;IJ!t ~tao ....., _, 'BOW ll1IOll. bM' ~ -. .._, 0ne ~.lilt *'1· c11.-et Oooti •--u,07 meotlns'..,. u.e ·T~ ~ 'Mt. ""'111n. w. w. w-.,. _...,a wldt• aiDt -pat-met WI' 1l•lit, .A,.v it. at ~ ot. a..:. a '* llJ'Ule --.. a& tliO!r Conma • dtl Jila< -la 1'1110, l&Ye i ~ 4f -. ol -. ...._ llCllltee, ~ of tllo -11.r W. and Rl!CL& Little three-year-old Caroline Hallt.tnore of Bay street., Co.ta Meta, underwent Hnergency sur. gery r ttenUy tn St. Ja.eph'• hoa- pltaJ. Htr condition la reported satlstactory. • 8PINNING BUJA '$1595 up Dod&"e 111 movin&'. Watch it! . BOIJ:L CABINm. SPORTING GOODS FJ!>'E F U!_\ll'D1JQ llADJ; L" ou• OWN SDOPlr fUINITUlt llFINISHID 1'91rJert Blvd.. at t 1U. At.. BOUSE & OA&DEN 611 COAST HWY. NIW'°IT 008TA HESA B11eo. IOZf·• ~of~ P••IDNO Ol'EN ~ ....... , , .. _ ... Ml) ' ·- • I STARTING MoNDAY, APllL 23nl ,, _ ~gg .U0: SOME OF 2'lra l&I.Umi:D IT&llS AT GREATLY llEDUOED P&ICU . ... SUll.IECT TO STOClt O~ HAND LUMllR . Com. DOurla.s Fir __ ............ MS.00 per M ft. &Del Up CLEAR REDWOOD SIDING • .. ,.,.r IC 'l;x8 BEVELED DRY -.-... '. .. ___ ,,.,,. ......... _.,._ ..• m .oo 1&10 ANZAC DRY -....................... ___ .. _ 32Cl00 txe thru 1xU v JOINT SIDING ... 110.00 lid and lix8 NOVELTY SIDING ....... __ 14().00 lltlO ... bl~ No. m KNOT?'Y PINE -· JOe.00 lltl2 INCENSE CEDAR ........................... _ 126.00 ALL MOULDINOS !8% otf Rerutar Prieo l %xl 1,i Random Widtha & Length Clear ... ..380.00 BUILDING MATERIALS • ""•· REGULAR CEMENT --....... -.... ·.-· .. ··-per -.ck LU PLASTER LATH ......... ___ .... _ .. _ .. __ per yar<I ... ROOFING MATERIALS .... u. a. 0 . to lb. ROLL ROOFING .-....... per roll 3.95 210 lb. THICK BUTI' SHINGLES .... per equan U0 t to 2 No. 1 Red Cedar SHINGLES per eqUal'O ~ ROOFING AJIPHALT -....................... -.100 Iba. 2.00 INSULATION ... per. KIMSUL OOUBIJ!: THICK -............. -... ···-·-·· 89.0o *""''-H" lNSULATION °PLAN1mCG -120.00 \il<l "x3%" TILE --.. -··· .. --·-····---.. --U0.00 TitE •o•s ' 1'4.IO NOW M .. NOW l.H u. UM L'li JfOW "'" ... .. - • -. . ALL • P.iJMTI • · "--.,. flff .... ,, 1'lloo AU., TOOLI . " ~ oft a1plor ,_ • ~-~-·-':fl',, .... .... -c..-.. ---..... ,_ --._.. BOf18& & QA*nQr 11•~• .... Jf ..... Ofllrt~·-· 0c.in f~ a 11'p -' -lt•ta &rralitM lly ---.... a1 tr I .......... pot ~ w_._ Illa .... - • ... -lt1lt, -.,.,.. ..,. tllo ............ >11.w~~;:;;:-PD.& ~ Lmlf Ne>tt mlftlns W111 1'e a --lh. ,,.... ~~;:;#~ ' re;~;;.; .~=~ ..._.....,..et a_ ..... ; lift 1u-at u.. ~ • lli.f J, -. .,.. rs • • t II.! _,._......., 1.,,,., .... , • ....,.toa.rwe(i.w -~=""otilcea .... ,, WI.. ·-~..--...· ~--~-.--·-an,.,_.,... 'IUILDll'SKMDWAU ,-41·= -....--"--------1--~---::------1-11.t -,., -fttDI .., """'t,y.faar .. E4 ii li1I -............. I a lll•Jlrl> -• afll l\t •JUlo< = .r ~ ~ -'--.. ... ,,_ ....... -. JC • a -'•-'It ..... -.......... Is .... alll'll .wy a a • JIMtMN-.. aaa~ ......., _ _,...._...,,~ ._ _ •11·1 •u• G. --" 11filU1111.a.,.. - l1et'1 t beta t& .,_ ad t'tllf. .. .t'' 2•1• -H•• )I D 1•.JI: I' , • .-•g:r If 'lpl!9 1 ll ,. .,_ .... :.r: -.. ~ . .... . -•IC't Ii fM .. 11 ... " ,.,.. ... llU --htoic 1mr lla7 tic jS Jill;); .. -.. -"' ;; -~ .... ....._._ ~--&IPlla .-· ----llwtnl1m• 'l'ltlo OL -1'awpwt-1fl>" • ~lit Wit .,.. . -aiftt ""'-"'' 11 .,.,._._..._ n mu•--~ • .-.. , . ' ' t. . . . Jilll • ("'.. ,., ... ')'. ) .. .. .:... • • •• • • • ' .• • • ' • • I - • • -. -. . • • ---.. • ·i ' :' i . ' • -~ ' • • • . , ' TRll( SUPU SATM l,.CW.S IJflCtlYI • 'i'HUltSDAY. Fil~AY· :&. ·s•:rulDAY . Al'RIL 19~20-21 ·.' ~ . r • • DEL MONTE · FRUIT cocKTAIL . No.l!. J1c Car. ROYAL GELAlll ·AH flavon 4Pk .. ,25c PEDIGREE DOG· ·FOOD 4~29c - PURE vi GET ABLE SHORTENING SPRY Famous Iris Brand COFF££. . ALL GllNDS 78~ l-lb. Can $1.55 .BEST FOODS ,;... C~lored Mert••'" MUCOA ~ .. 1·LI. Pll6 • w~~NI 29~ ~ U•lt211tt. "'"°iNEAPPLE ~: 1.6c . p C"cko•eftMSo• "'"'°'JQtiNAISE J9c TU~A 1 MA I . C ... •k• ....... ff()f 'ii)LL MIX l4c ?:J::-,21• ,........ & BEANS E.'19° 2 ?-230 PORK . .....n .......... ;.. ""'"'" l\O~!!!.!'.~~~!'-E SOAP ~~: .. 2Cf -BUTTER . "Te• StrlM ~lie~ le GeW.• St ... " ' \-LI. 75c PKG. FLOUR PIC:TSWllT fANCY LITTLI 7 C P£AS ~~~~ .. 1 . /llb!'!!_/Tlll#l#('h-t,1 ·. .. . OUI ~OP QUALITY GIBI I . .lfil?· ~ .. . . • SMO'Kio ·,1cN1c·s 43'~~ • • RATH SMALL-PLINT'.\',MIATf . , 45~ ' SPARE RIBS ' " SUl!,11 9UAUT1'-<A SUPRIMI TAsfl THllLL ·ROUND STEAK 89~. • . SAYOllf DILIGHT IN EYllY llTI SWISS STEAK 87:t~ ' SiiCED-'iiCON 57c . . 2 lb;. 2Sc , NO. 1-1.AI .. SMOOTH I .ED YAMS J lbs. 2Sc . IXTlA FANCY-WASHINGTON DILICIOUS APPLES S lbs. 2S·c: · 3,;,.95c FIUH DU._WHln IOSI · · )' , jOiiJ0°SoUP : 3~.!.~29c I iEANS 2~29c I i 1ABY111FOOD 4u .. 33c · .fiAM 1~:49c -. l .._ ____________ .... ...,. ....................... ____________ .......... _._, ____________ ..... pm----· , .11·1 ;l'f : ~ \ N E S & l 1 Quo R s ~)!.- . . CUT CORN . 1~ .. 191· " . CUT .BEANS ·~ 19~ f 2 j • J ' :o.:c:-PUREX ~ . ·27c .. •• , •••••••• :.. ti' • 3 c~tVrE SHOPPING e&-~ *DO • * Buy Famout ti)UAUTY · •RANDS -• - • • , .. PAR4 APULU.1N1 M&W"1JtT Mr roll% ... llllOl'l'll'iO 1 NEWS I • .. -•• :~=!~,=·~:~a~=·::~s=·~·~~:==:·:·::,~====~===::::=:=:::=:==:::::~=::="':~:::::"!!l*l"' .. ~:':~~:i::~::::::::::i:~~~ISZ~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~·~~=-:~~, .. , ..... ":"'~E ... ;.;~;.;,,;.;.;;;;;.; .... ,~.;...;;;E;,;.~,:.;;;:.~·.;;;:;:,;;:::..:.;:;.;,: .-----------------· ----------.1• ''' .AJl.f'lm) • ·•••&i • ..,.,, • ....,. D •olfii:MJU> 00009 ~••EIS ,., ~ -~, • • • • .. • • • •11!1 • • I ~ WAN'J'&I> 8lllPPi:a fCM"Elll ft. Ulm Jfll'lrlJ a 14 ~ -~ 'l'WO TWIN ~ 3enny TWO LOV-.T-'oplaet Pl""W -"Oalont." ·l'lloU..,. UD; OU-...,._ .. Mt. it!!; Lind l><do ...s i>oLoprlnp, aa0, bcilll Ukt -. -. -~ 1 .....,. 1r ......... .---. PuL. -r:11· '*'1'r-llll: man11e. u:r: -pa1r or twin wltle.. <llnlll• bod Tenna. uies do..,. -~'J.15 • ....,., ,lpl 11111 -,U !'olor lcciiMr, >i ,IPr-. M, U1 Old County lid., Jltt m*tll at ~ M11i!c _...-, _ _..._,,_,::-..:..-.....--. -·...,;;·=· ;.... _ _,1_.;=::,;,::,:::i.:;_ • The Miqhiy Midget In Advumlnq NgWS-TQIES -Eveey Tuesday NEWPoBT BAY POST-;-Wedn~ys NEWPoRT-BALBOA PRESS -Thundays W' . .L-: ... ___ ~...... price, Tot OrddlS, ea-del Newport BioacJ>, -eeas-3, co. (""' .. UOTJ , •21 * a;.... ,1 }'\'ETRADE· • .. ::;:;:' 1ati.";.d;.w "!;;.to: . Kar, Har-'°31,-1, • • ... , Id • m.,., S&eta AD&. KL l.-1:1. BETl'ER CARS 2 ~minim.um~ D.l' ca.um •ILJJ\lHJtN t!NlT, eut • x 12 Dom . Or1tnta1 Guais._ tTtte •• ili'or The ~! , . FOR LESS Md IWil>S llllltt& Apply NO W. lrool --~ to,. clttp llnJ<, ~·· "'&' and pad, nd maple bTe&k· BPINl:T r .. • • , 11th St., Coota M-. ... dr&la ..... both _., mettl tut table and ~ chair& ~21" piano. ~-•-d. p~ '41 PONTIAC ''f'' ,._:....: -.,. IN9 CodU:oc f-dr. oed, 3.t bladr, 7S out balance sm. Another ,... .. r---•hlte .... ··-" u -r. rollor,clra....., ttc. tno1. N~. Cqroci& de! Mar or •tt•, ftilb' equipped, oria:tnaJ 2· . ~ ~~ reo radio witll ~~ lt1't .....: ,100. Ph. PbODO Barbot 1131-W -~ -B °!;.~· DANZ. SCHMIDT ton. -y t1nlsh. s~"-· •·te-,..., tpeake,.., byd. heater, de-WOMAN f\>fp&rttlma-wotlt. Jlall>oa Pmlolul&. cau Bubo< 1233-W. Tl>8 --.. , •-~ ·~• Store. One Hund..i •" •·-~ " t~-t ' ,._.R. 7ct lplO ~ Plano. from wbJcb to chooee. lor, ~lot ot ftne: car tor "'9toen, cu.a dtn nylon aeat Nawpon llQ Pott~ AM -t ,,.. la U.O ~ N~'ltmN or u.e no~ Prem MINIMUM' AD 18 t 1.Uo'U . .A.Jl Cla=f"""' • llluat be pew. for Cull m IMlftrlloe of. pubUcmUoa. ' Lines 1 Paper $ • 75 • ' u-2 Papen 1.50 ' u.... s Papen Z.00 • ' The publiahen will not be responalble. for more tM.n one lnrorrect lnterllon of an adve.rtl.Nm"Ut, ruretVe the rtcht to cornctly c:la.uify any a.nd all ads Ud to reject any a.dvertlse.ment not con!onn.tnc to rule.a and regulatiom. Advertbementa and cancetlatlon• wtll be accepted up to 5 p .m. on the day precedinc pubUcatlon. Ph. Har. 1818 P-.,Be ~llar. Illa. uk for ".&.4 ~ or M!Od ad a.ad nmltta.ee \o NEWPORT HAllBOR PUBLl.881NG 00. nn --m.d.. N_,t -Otllt•l"Qla. Classified Index 11 en...... OeNe llllulldlmJ- lJ lkdldbtc 8trn'ledl I•~ • 11 8bare r.., OM H~oe 11-._o.....- ll-Aldo It U,...terlaf HR-Aw. n Loot-r.- " Sc!llool. IM&a aetl .. la81--W•W I• Be.Ip WMW .. Sak. !Oood1e ·-.... A 8,...PI II Wutod to 11111 n r.u.ihue tor !Wt ft·A Aatlqueo A-Sappllet .... __ II ()op. calo, Pe• H Poaltry, II.a.bbl .. IT Llfft- 11 Special "'"E<---••-•llt olOBqel I ~ •t Wuted tie & 'IA,,.,_ta __ .__, .. _ 1"-l'El&SONAIA Alcobolica Anonymoua Write P : 0 . Box m Balboa ,laluct. Call..t. Pbo•• 11'.lmbfrty S:6SN Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone Beacon 64~1-W !t-LOST AND romro 92c7 ---FOUND -Scotty on Lido lllf'. Phone Harbor 2943-J. 7c9 DONT DELAY, CALL TODAT ... tor an ad ln the lively cl&ul· !ted 1ecUon of the BIG THR.EE- N ew•·t1mea, Post Shopplnc Ntwa and the Pnu OVER 21 ,:i-OO CIRCUT..J. TION IS THE ANSWER! PHONE Harbor 1811 to place your want ad on th1.-page. In Recard to the A.d ror a MOTEL MANAG.ER . Tbe a.ctttrt1ee.r l'«d•ed 10 many replies.• he la unable to answer them tndlvtdu&l:ly and .a ta.kea thl.a: meaia of upreuJn& hill lh•nb for your letter._ Th., poa:ltton t. !tiled. k8 Standarn Station, Inc, Haa a few openings FOR MEN • Who are loo.kins for permanent employme:nt. with excellent op. portunity for advancement. 21 to 40 pf't!ferrfd. Paid whlle train.Inf-Approx. 127T.~ month to at&rt. Uberal t.undry &llow- ance•. H1g:h 11chool rnJnJumum df'1lred. See Supt. at the STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia A Cout HJghway Corona del Mar Bt'tw•en 1:30 and 12 every Friday 7c12 WANTED .._ Houaework uslst- a.nce. Tw'o momlng• ~r wttk. ll per bour plus car fare. Ph. liarbor 22S7~R. 8c10 l...IKE NEW, Proctor di.al control eltt:trlc Iron. ~ and ~neral Ele-cttlc Hot Point watne lron. with heat Indicator, $8. '7~ Acaclk, Coron& del Mar. Hlfc '4& CUSHMAN SCOOTER-Coad condition. 170, C.U Bea. 5680-W. or Harbor 1"32·J. 7pi GOOD USED CLOTHES, "ultable tor high AChool glriJ;. Site.fl 10 and !2. ~ Skirt.I. blouae•. black cheaterfleld coat and formala. Call Harbor 2033-J. 7p9 n-WANTED TO BUT WANT TO BUY 120 --d~ Call Harbor 11.fa.W, eftl. 2tfc • Buy Your TV NOW! See Thelle LOW Prices PhUco Couolette. 121i;" TV. J!x. pan~ed 81 •q. inch picture, re- cond.Jtiontd. $189.95 12 "" Blonde Co~e TV $179.95 . 10" table model TV .... Slit.SO 7" table model TV .... $32.50 Keep In touch with w for cood buy• in TV Mt. belnr tnd~ l.n - EASY TERMS ARRANG!:O DA VIS-BRO\VN Co. 111& HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA M.E8A Phone Beacon 8821 FRl~IDAIRJ:, I cu, n.. in food condition. Very N'&aonabl•. 102~ W . s.Jbo& Blvd. Phone Harbor 0873. 7c9 PRACTICALLY NEW Brf'akfut ut, alllO bed dlvan a.nd antlquf' sofa. Reuonable. OiOe Avocado Avp , Corona <Ul Mar. 7c9 MAHOGANY Dune&n Phyff' drop leaf t'XlendabJe dlning table, 8 ch&Jr1 and china cablhet. Re•· 90nable pr1ce. Ph. Harbor 21~2 . Tc9 '5 ..... M!eeeOr 119 ............. _ • , Tnltb Dale's Furniture USED FURNITURE so. CALIF, BIBLE COLLl!XlE Closed April 27, 28, 30 eu.tom built King Size t8--81TUATIONS WA..VTED '8 Aaiclm.1 .... nr.. U A11a.. WMtied It Aato Sentet 61 Tnllen ~ Airplaa• 66 )I_,-to 1- 61 .MoDe7 Wu&ed &1 R.-1 btate Wutied It-A.._. .,, -Prope,.,,. 81 Beat r..t&t.e Esc"·p II 8-1 z.tat,. COMPLmTll HOUUI Cl.&UIJNO Mniee. J'Urn1ture ud nip ab&m]>OOtd. rr.. -ie.- J'ully Jnoond. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. -llll ntfc For Venetian Blinds, Shade11 and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach ' 93tfc U-BUILDING 8ERV1CES INTE!UOR -EXTICIUOR PAINTING LICJ:Nllll:D -INSUJIZD Glenn Johnston 101 • Si.t St. N"""1>0rt Beach Harbor 2297 .J 34d8 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m hlmer Jt\.. eoo<a -Bo&. ll{M-M INd H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rf.pair Service. Maintafned Phone: H&rbor 1418-W 2801 BaJboa Bl"Wtl., Newport Beach REP AIRING and -PAINTING R&Al!ONAJILIC. 1'rs• or emaJl ,.bL rr.. ..um.tea. Hor. 2Ml·R HAULING A.1J.1 k!Dd., b'Uh or! Walki!r, IOI • 18th Strat~ Newp>rt llacb Harbor 2Ml·R •aoo~ • PAINTERa • CAAPENTr:R8 • RUG CL1lA.NER8 •HOUUI~ • l'1X tt 880.PS Toura4~r.­ alarlf ill -oolqmM -~ -many ·- ........._ _, _ lolb ... In tllo -· G( , _,,,. ... tilt -- lied'' '!"bm tllo7 ---·· ' ·V• tlia ·--Tisa-. Jto.taid~C~l I -wtU. -:n,NO -• car.11611 • ..... • women •tudent• want part time MOVING to our New Joca-bf'>d an• mattrea ·· --· ·· $l5.00 ~ k Bab ittln h k Maytar wuher, &'"ood cond. :N.bO •or · Y 1 g, ouHwor ' tion 1874 Harbor Blvd. Roll. Away 0 :•• • • ••.•• ,. 11.~ Ironing, reataurant work, etc. ""'""' <JV Ph. K.Imbuly 3-8281, Ext. 11 . (fonnerlY Almond's Cafe} ~x·Air vacuum wlth •II 3p8 Costa Mesa altachmentA:, like new ...... 39 ~o -------------:P.S.-WATCH FOR T,~~v81o~.odTo,tt ~,,·. ~:rvel·=-·~ ~.ao WANT--Cemenl block laytnr, car-'" '" o-~ pentry, palntin1. boat malntf'JI· SPECIALS NEXT WEEK A buy for CASH a.net', boat engine tune-up, rull 8ct Ueed Box St:rinp and M.atll"ffH:I or part time. Call after (:JO ===--:c=:-:-:c--.,.----Cheap~ p. m. Hai-bor 3063-JK. 8p8 SHEET MET AL equipment and WA~'TED -Hou.evoork by hour. Best of tt!erence.s. Have own traruportation-Ph. Bea. -'274-M 8p8 material. 36 n.. ladd~r . Mahog- any office de•k and chair. Hake offer. 2004r H•rbor Blvd. Colta Mf'N. Bea("(Jn 8910-R. 8c10 THAYER BABY BUGOY-ln vl'ry g-ood condJtton. Ph. Har. J55ft.\V. 3-t p.m. 8<'10 EXPERIENCED, ca.pabte married women to manage apt.I., Mote.I or roome. Fuu re:sponsibility. No --~c---------­ objectlon1 to cleaning. Living quarttr.5 for four a.nd •mall per- centage. Ref•rences, charactl'r and ~·ork . Write Box J-1 thi• paper: 7p9 EXPERIENCED G&rdt'ner main- tenance, clean up ntw lawn.a. old l&"->na renovated. By lhe ·bout or by morlth. Ph. Har. 1967-W. • 8c!O WANT BABY SITTING Tuffdaj thru Frld•y evening at my home. il3~ lrt. Ave., Corona de.1 Mar. 8p10 EXPERIENCED C&rpente.T wanta ate-ady work repairing or build· Ing home1 or •pt.a. C&n do all kinch of remodellnt-rourh or finish carpen.ler ~·ork -laying uphall tile, carpetlnc. etc. WllJ maintain inc om e properties. 1 No contractors). Ph. LExlng· ton 6-3247. 8pi0 • NURSE-Calltorn.ia reptered- WouJd like work In docton of· tice or private dUty locally-Ca.II Beacon 8711--W. lpl3 _NEED HELP? Consult 'mtuatlon WIUltl'd adl or place a cluaifted In th• New• nmu. P01t a.nd Prea combJna- Uon at U pe.r week, mln. Phone Ha.rbor 1818. w >.NTl:It-Ptl.ot uul body lbop bdper &.nd u.ed car dealer. If you are not experienced, we wW teach you. l TtltODORE ROBIN11 JibRD du!u, 1111 NOWport Illvd., .,.,,.rt Beach. Rat. *- Id ... Sewing Machines New Singer• portable .. 189 .~ up New Singer• con.5Glf' .... 1142.!Ml up Aa low u 123.19 down &nd $5.21 per month. WE REPAIR ALL MAK.ES 8.EWING MACHLVES All makes cleaned ·····-·············l-4.M AJJ Slnpr, cleaned ... --......... $3.~ Above Include• clunlng, btar'\ng and tenaton adjUatm.ent. Pick-up and Delivery P'Rll! SINGER SEWING CENTER . 300 w.-~th J(l 2·3~ Santa Ana t •Rec. u . s . Pat.Ott. bysrr.Mtr. Co. • 96cH 0.1!:. REFRlGERA TOR, .5 cu. ft. 550. O'Kef're and Merritt gu .heater, $1.5. Ph. Bea. M76-W 8c!O TWO LADIEB BICYCLES, 110 eadl Phone Beacon MOT-R or see at 451 Tustin An., .Newport R<igh... 8cl0 ' Somebody' Wants n>.t u...i tumlture, br1c-&·broc. pa.inUnp. etc.. DOW' talt:t.J18 ul! 91>ace ln your cance. rtnd • w,4 tr With a dUSl.tled ad In UM New.Tl.mu, Post. and Presa COJb· Uon. 3utt l'l>ont -1111, aay: "I want to place • CluMfted Ad." and a courteoua ad-t&br wm help ,_ wnt1 an etllfU" a4 Jack's Furniture l~ Wut Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502.Jt REAL MAPLE T\\'IN 'BEDS and •pr1ng1, just like new. BAR· GAIN. Phone Harbor 08024 W , 6c8 5-PIECE mapl• bed divan match· lng chair, end table• and coffee table. Lllce new. 1051 N,..,..,.port Av~ .• Coata Me1&, Btt. 6709-JK. 8c8 Rattan Furniture Kade 1n th• Phllllpln .. and in our own work ahoJa Wide choice ot fabrtet. IAICNl dt.play In So. Ca.l.i!. Retl.n.lah.ln,' and Rmphoi.terinl' HOUSE & GARDEN 811 Cout Bwy., Nwpt.. &L &%77 MISC. i'URNITURIC PRlCED 're SELL. ~e owner Thurs.. Frl., and Sat. at 213 Topu, Balboa ........ 8p9 CUSTOM MADE curved uphot. . sofL l.n perfect condition, has • attached ta&le. !Wu $400), ~O\V 1175. Ph. Beacon M38-W. BplO CUSTOM BUILT lAwaon daven- port and chaJr, an sprlft ron- \ .t.ru~. $300. ALSO IA.w900 love Rat, foam r u b b e r cu.ahl9n.a, newly ftCOVered. $100. 396 Eaat 15th 8t., eo.ta Kea 10 • 11 a.. m. or ewa. after 7 p.-\n. 8c10 $1095 ' COVtta. Hu tbe nr* Ketterilll' VETER.A.lil MOVING A WA 520 N. Main. cornt-r Ith. Sa.Dta fllOtor, checked ud tuned bf Mu.t tell G. I:. rffripralor, late An.a. •41 DODGE "T _., ... ,_,, ·Uner .. Bed. Cadlllac t.Xpertl. A beauutul one tnocSel, J.uct-Ilse. A-1 condltk>n. --, owner car that loob like new Will aacrtftce. for Jllt.95. P!ione GR.A.NO PIA.NOB. Uaed. Knabe A mnooth runnlnC', nut and re-and at a very special price. Beacon 1121. 8c10 ~ker1.Dg-, Muon and Hamlin. spectable .on.e-tm:Uly car. (Bal-19tl Cadllla.c 4-dr. Sed. Ryd. he&t• SUnww.y, Everett. 8 chm e '" boa Blue) · er, t!drot:ter, radio With Nd ANTIQUE Hepplewhite dlninC" ta- ble, round, $160. Halt circle Sheraton Hrvin1 table, SlOO. Slx awtom made chain, 1150 en· tire 11ret. $MO. Phone 607, S&n Clemente. lp9 a-a<IAT!I, 9UPPUD Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Roya.ls See John lfarvey at Seacraft 6" COAST HIGHWAY NE\\'PORT BEACH PH. BEACON &TT! Wurlitur. Stan, Kimball. Many ~ apeaku, automatic window u.rta. other•. Fl-om $395 up. Danz.. WSW, and nylon IH'at cown. Schmidt Bic-Piano Store. Santa 'f1 PLY. Spec. D~ Club Cpe. •Checked complet.e:ly and ln A·l A.na, 620 No. MaJn, corner ~th. Radio, etc. Sp&rklinc "Pitcairn .lmechanlca.J condiUon. We ln'rite t. SMALLEST Studlb Upfi&'ht Plano In fine condltion. · Fully guaran- teed. Terma. $40.82 down and $14r.28 pe:r rtonth at SHAFER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421-N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimber· ly 2-0872. 8T1tc HURRY ON THI8-Sll1hl1¥ U...S blonde mahopny a:plnt!t pl&no. ~~ve ~280. Termt STS.82 down and $20.70 ptt month •t SHAJ'- c.r~ .. lUSIC CO. (Since 1901), 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberiy 2-0672. 1 97ttc USED PIANOS from $80 up. Good playinc condition. DANZ. SCKMIDT, :l20 No. Main, Banta Ana, cornf't"'tlh. 115-DOGS, CATS, PETS PURE BRED Slam•H •eal polnt kitterui. Deep blue t-ye1, 115. Call Harbor 1521·J. 6c8 BOXER MALE PUPS. 4 '2 months. ,AKC Reg. Rr-d F1wn. Reuon- able prlc~. 2680 Santa Ana Ave: .. · Cort& Meaa. 8p10 Blue" !iniah with plutlc covn. yau to drtv,e thla beauUt\tl ont to match. Motor just thorough.-owner car. ' ly rttondltioned. by our •hop-1941 Cadillac t-dr. Sed.. Hydra• Beauty plu. rellabWty ! ! l maUc, heater, n.dlo. A buutttu.I $1085 clean one owner car with Jaw mileage and mech.anlca.Uy prtr- ~ect. Priced far_ below eove.m: m:ent ceUing. ~k term•. '60 FORD V8 "Cu.torn" Tudor. A beautltUlly kept New Dodge ~e-in from Corona de:J Mar. R&dlo( htr. for Jitea, elec. clock, R,lutic covera, rubbertUd under- coatlng, etc. $200 BELOW MKT.! P. S. "EXTRA GENEROUS" deala still left on a few brand new 1950 DODGES. SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE· PLYMOU'Ml Dir, Phone Bf'acon 6907 lGH Harbor Blvd. Coat& Mua 1940 BUICK 4..<ft. udan. Radio ftnd -healer. Good throughout. family car since .ne9.', $300. 1139 \V. Balboa Blvd., Ntwport Bch. Harbor 1974. 8cl0 lHll. Chev. db:. 1tyl• 4-dr. Sedan. Jet black with radio, a.tr condi• lion, heater &*I "OVERDRivr Very low mlleace and a 1h&me to ca.ti.it uaed., A 1tea1 at SlW ' , , Newport Auto Sales 2804 Newport Blvd. Newport Buch Hu. 140T LOANS For Homes RZlGULAR •Ii ~ 00.20 yra) G. I. 4 ~ C20 ;years) tHA. ~ %. 1i1i l 20 year•) Conatruc. I..oarui 6-.6 ~ % (lt yra.) • No Commiu. chg. OD Metro loant We -;~uy and Mil Trust Dffda · CALL BOB SA 'ITLER BOOKS-SEA BOOKS U-APARTMENTS .. HOUSES A flae oto<l< of booU PA &1l ,...ht· ----c;:: ... : . . ~. 1950 FORD Convertib1P, 7000 mile• Radio, heatt-r, Whitt wall tires. Overdrive. Llke nl'V.'. $1900. Pri- vate party, Balboa Yacht Ruin, Harbor 1342. 7c9 Har. 1077-J tor Frff Apprall&J. Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO . Afetro Lite lnL Funds KI 3-5115 LOANS TO BtTILD, IKPROV-, BUT, 1MODEJtNIZI:, OR REFINANCE .,,. oubject.-P!uo &1l curnot -· Lendlns UbrvJ. The Islanders Jlf llartne, Ba.Ibo& Ia. Har 1641 \\' A?\"TED-Shlp-shore radio with antenna. 25 watt. or heller. Ph. t.guna Beach f.~9. 5p10 Boat OwnOl'!I and Mechanica For Your SNAP ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBLE 1744 Miramar. Ba.lboa Harbor 1087 -R li48 CHRIS CRAFT. O'nller 2~· - S.39~. li49 White. St•r runabout 14· with 1949 John80n 1e h.p. outboard and trallu. $.500. Ph. Har, l~·M. &6p8 BALBOA MARINA ·small Boat Mart LI.STINGS W AI\'TXD 2802 Cout Highway, Nf'wport Bch P~one Harbor 0771 9"""6H Marine Engine Specialist Strv1ce at your f1oat or moorinJC". Pre -8Ummf'r tune -up -ready , your boat for lhe coming sea- son.· Custom enatne1 for runa· bout.I. Phone Har. 19-W. 8c21 M H.P . MA.RINE motor, completely overhauled. 1783 Tustin, Co4t& .Me•a. ~t:SICAL. RADIO t cyl. 1200. 8c10, LIDO ISLE Cl 100 W'aftt a rental on UDO ISLE Ne ua. Se:Yeral loYely apta. A180 homu a..U.ble. P., A. PALMER INCORPORATED !331 VI& Udo Ha-r 1500 DUc FURNISHED APTS-UUl pald. 'Frtgidalru. 2 bdrm, ..$80 month, 3 bdrm, S7~ mo. to June 15th. 1045 W . Balboa Blvd. Phone Ha . 1210-W, . . 2tfc BAY FRONT UNIT by >A'eek. month or year Reaaonabl11 rate•. Harbor 2662 (El·•· Har. %914·M 98Uc UNP'l.JR]\"ISHEI> t-nn, 1 bdrm apt garage, cloae tn Co1ta Meu.. Adult.. no pell. $4~ mo. 12e Broadway, C.O.ta Mesa. 8c10 SUNNY one bdrm un.t'urni•he.d apt cJQlte to •hopplnr . yearly. Also gfrag:e for rent. 302 -3Znd St., ~ewport Bl'•ch, Ph. Har. eso-w RENTAL 1-1 SPECIALISTS 8p9 can ICdna Cro.11 Linwood Vick, Rltor. B&lboa Ialand. Har. JOU 12<:64 TEAR.LY RE!\"TAL -2 bttdroom nlce:lyi turni.ahed noute. 11': block Crom. shopping center, 2 block• from ocean, $100 mo. 425 Marl- ~fd, Coron& del Mar. Phont Harbor 1Mt4 R 8cl0 RENT A PIANO, $6 per month. All re.n' allowed If you buy wlth-4r-room unf'urntJ;hed houae:, S~ mo. 486 Newport Blvd. ln tfrrnl. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 · Phone Beacon 5713-R No, Main, S&hta An•. SPL"iET piano. Brand new. Sllrht- ly damaged in 1h.lpmtnL Now only $395. Smallest ai&e. DANZ. SCHM1D1\ Santa Ana. ~20 No. Main, 8c8 RENTALS • JOHN D, BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1607 BALBOA PICNINSULA -2 bdrm ' turhiahed houae. hO l'QO to JWM USED CAR Clearll'llc!l ·Sale '.50 FORD Club Coupe ·~ FORD Tudor '49 CH.&:VROLET Convertible ·~ FORD T'Udor '48 FORD StaUi>n Wagon '4 9 FORD Custom Tudor '49 FORD Tudor '49 FORD Cuatom Seda.n '48 ·CHEVROLET Sed&n '47 ?tlERCURY Sedan '47 FORD Sedan '47 HUDSON Sedan '48 FORD Fordor Sedan '48 FORD Tudor '41 J'ORD Sed-.,n '41 PLYMOUTH· Coupe ·39 STUDEBAKER Coui>e. '37 FORD Coupe '35 FORD Truck This is our FIRST Big Clearance Sale! SEE US FOR THIC BEST DEAL IN ORANGE COUNTY W" mual reduce our stock be· fore May l , to mUe room for new car tn.de-lna. No re&M>n· able orrtr refuaed on any car on our lol at 534 COAST HIGHWAY. NEWPORT BEACH Theodore Robins v We Buy Trutt Deedt NICWPORT BALBOA r&DJ:RAL SAVINGS" LOAN ASSN. !333 Via Lido Ph. Bar. 1600 REAL ~ATE LOANS Intereat Rate·~ 7 5% Loam qutck:ly made in the a., Area ·and Laguna. Slncte or mult.lple unlta.~ New or old. Bt wtae and aave by n-t1nancin.1' your ·pruent loan. Minimum ex• penH. No cha.tl'e for preµmt .. nary appratal. Phon•. 8ant& Mia Kimberly 1""'6%7 or wrtte: ARTHUR A. MAY • Mortp ... Lou Corrempond,at Two Callt. We Ju. Co.'• ltlt. South Main Santa A..na NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOME- LPvely apactoua livinc room. natural hearth, 2 pretty bdrm.a, large-encloae.d and partially coverf'd patJo with iueat room. •Land.leaped, sprinkler sy.tem. Full price Sll,900, term.1. 433 Holmwood Dr., ph. Be&. &129-J Shown by app't only. :X7 BY OWNER-Leaving tOWl'\. must YOUR FORD DE.ALER 1 ee!J 3 bdrm. house in Corona del Beacon &604 HOURS: ~eek Daya 8 'tit·e· Mu, completely turnilhed. in· cludinr 19-in. Dumont Televi& .. Sundays &: HoUd&ya, 10 'tU t Ion. 17~ down. Pb. Harbor 1949 CHEVROLET Deluxe 4-dr. 303l-J. 8clS aedan. 'Your vacs:tion car. Clean, A-1 met:ha.nlcally, ot,iginy own~ er. Muat 11ell now. M&k~ efrer. Be-aeon M26. Can be attn at 25M Crutvtew Dr. Bay ' Shoree • 8cl0 . FOR SALE OR REJl.'T-~ rm. cot• tage ln Corona del Mar on ocea.n · 1lde of highway. Phone &Yea.a more 3·1748 or 8Y<Sm.ore 2-0340 or write MS No. HW. Puade,.a. 6cU SEE OUR HOMES -k.mt are complete:, u low u SlOOO down with aea view.\ WJU ta.lee car u part payment. Lots ln &ood location ~. COASTLAND REA.I.Tr CO. LOVELY , BUNGALOW uprlcht piano in flne condition, tully guaranteed. Te,nn1 Sll.82 down and $7.28 per mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO (Sl:nce 1907), •21 N. Syeamore, Sant.a. AnL Kimber- ly 2-0672. 87ttc IS!h, utlL pd. Phone ~r. 8019-R Sl!c 1-"''~- 169S 1/f•wport Blvd. Cool& M- Bucon &102 (l!l>co. !In. SW) kl l!'URNl8Ha> or UNFURNISHED Roomy 1 ·bedroom apt. Ge.rap. Modern. Available )(a. y let. Yearly leue. Near ft.ores, t.rana- porta.Uon. B&rbor 29M-J. .fp15 BALBOA ISLAND . Louise Apts. FIRST Double• and SlQslu OVERLOOKING BAY ' 308 Carnation, Corona del Mar 92c93H VICRY NICELY !llmW.ed I bdrm apt' with gvage .. Reuonable yr. rate. Adults only. tl& -a2nd St., or phone H~bor 2247-,. a~ 1'1JRNISHED APT. for 2-'•10 per 'Wffk incl. all util and j electric NfriJ. 113 7 lSlh 8L, N"l'J)Oti Beach. ' Id 11 WEAL DITAD ~U Ocean Front Furnished . ~ Tv.·o bedroom.a up, coe 'bedrociun down. 2\0 bau...double ,pr. can be uaed u dUp1a.. ~ wm take clu.ll modem crulMr to '8000 .. part, pfl,_,. RALPH P. ~KEY Ull Newpott Bl~ .• Nwpt. - PRON!J ILUIBOR 402 - ' • • • • ' ' !, i • .. I ' I , • - -------• • • • ~--!!';: :!!-~·~Lltll~T~Aft~~-~: ... ;_ __ •!:;;!:~~~~~~~-.:.·;.·.1 • sg'b, m.ull -, ,· I . ,_ ., •. mb_ftl . ~ a ee.y, mas , ... . , ~. , .-• • •• -, '1 ... BLA?icHE A. ·iAras, lie~t~~ ·; ~CTIVE • I • , BmT DEAL IN NEWPORT HEIG!i'l'S L. 8. JONES' • . :r. ~TIN ENT 311 !4.arjne Ave., . ·lSlaild · , D~LE Ph. Har. 1m or 1672 Bar. 1~ cor 81K2-R Ev-. -NOr roST , BALBOA ISLAND .&NUl'BEI\ BOUSE GR.AND CANAL. 40' frontage. Cl/,.rm. 2 B.R., din. rm, home. 2 patiOe, Room to \build 3 more unita. M.alte otter. BAY FRONT HOME $29,!IOO. Attrl 'B.R. well film. home. Thia price ia for QUICK re· • BALBOA SALE OR TRADE I OWNER WANTS QUICIC. ActnON Ruby Bldg. 51~ E. Qcean Fr. Cor:talm. 7 apt.. I turn., t atora. N.,.... bldi-A·l truction. A llteal for oomeone. Better look into . . ~ CORONA Dll:L M YOU SHOULD SEE THIS iNE A REAL BUY for $11 ,000 with sm411 down pay· ment. Charm. 2 B.R. hom~bioautl. landscaped yard. Enclosed patio. Dbl. gar. BLANCHE A. GATES-RE.\LTOR TWO HOMES IN BALBOA On Seville Avenue, Balboa Peninsula. Immaculate sma.11 house, 3 bdrm11., I'~ beth.a, n oor tu.mace, hardwood floors. ftrPplace, -pa vl!d and wallPd patio. Area of ho\llle &nd flni11hffl gara~. 1~ !q. ft. FHA financing 4 l11 ri;.. $18.000 unfumilhed. Large Furni•hed Ocel!ii Front Home llilre on loftlT UDQ ISi.ii to ~ home noW be.lng built taal rt•ff you all the ad'f'&ntacel Of eetec- Uon of ttn.leh ud •.me of time apJrurt attemptlns to IMll1d youraett. Picture a Qfle-slory home Oft a lar&e lot-lll"ffl to .C.net,.....-.4 bedroom•, 3 baths, unlt heat. &Vbace dt.poeal, 2 water heat ... er .... wlred for dee. range-1,e. cheertul roo~·c&r pract" and ALL ln .ALL one of the fln· Mt BUYS we have evtt otttftd. Thi• i. an llXCLOllIVI: H,rtlns w1th an attn.ctJve price that will appeal to you. SU THIS. IF You re«>JftlU tbe value of LOCA· noN you wtu •ppttciate uoe ISL.I:. He" you have PR.IV Aft - beachea, a club bouet, tennla court.a, playsround, prtn.w, pc>e lice pl'Otec:llon. peace and quiet with HtUe or n.o tn.fflc bua.rda. All tbue factol'I make tor VALUE. REMEMBER we are the DEVEL- OPERS of LIDO lSLE and If you want a GOOD BUY in either Jou or eholu homea then come to headqua.rlen. It will be ow- pJeuun to show you .am• very F'INE BUYS. . . P.A. PALMER . ' Cbarining Ruatic Style Home · ' ' -I-W--llallt' 2 yro. -N-RI ~ 1ioa - ----flrtplaco, -...... p, ---~ lplle nclwood -l•'oc•fed.:rard.--.. -.., to .. ttle ..-11'1¥ -.. --till '° --tllll and ...-t '°"' oft ... • Also in Newport Heights $4000 iswn" Bralld new I bdrm ruatic type, $12,llOG 2 bdrm.. hwd.; flreplue, built 1~5 ........... .$10, 7:50 Ocean view-New, 3 bdrmll., 2 bath -$111,000 Beat oce&n view Jot ...................... : _____ $i,!i00 Back Bay Area-1/J Ac11e · . ..Utn.cU~ s bdrm home built -lMJ.. Th1a: ~ ~ l9 i-1<94 with fruit troH. flow•ra and ollrubo. l'INp"""', bwd patio and lath Mu.re. Tiil• i. a reAJ value. uo.IOO. BEACON HILL REALTY "8 Newport Blvd. • Phone Bea.con 8713-R (Near ~) BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN FRONT s bedrooma, a bath&, livingToom, fireplace, ltitdlen, 2 ear garage, sun porch, patio, landscaped •large Mx80 loL Furnished ~.000 • JOHN D. BURNHAM, Realtr .. 507 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 1807 EYea Harbor 2278· W Oh 3·1ot cornf"i' near Nt wport ~R11.rbor Yacht Club. Thia la a grand horn" fo r a good big family who lvou'd love It for · ytars and y ea.rs. T erm• may be made on price of M2,!KW> ; IN CORPORA TICD 3333 Via Lido Ne'l'•port Bt"ach, Calif Harbor 1 lSOO Sarah W. Newlin James C. Newlin Jr. Helen McDonald Ot coune we have Bay and Ocean F ront propt"rtl"'. both Lmprovf'd and vacant Call for tnformation.. LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor T14 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 80 OUTSTANDING. BUY in Corona "'del Mar I NEW 2 BDRM. VIEW HOME, overal.zed 2-car gar. laW1dry. Thia home must be aeen ito appreciate. OPEN FOR YOUR INS~ECTION SATURDAY & SUNDAY. 1 APRIL 21 and 22 at 716 Jaamine, Corona del ·Mar EARL. CHAMBERL1,&.J.1'j 500 Cout Blvd., Corona de Mar (Opposite Newport Harbor Bank) Ph e Harbor 2288 Lido Isle Lot '1t:Kt DOWN.. Mo mo. on balanc:e. Oae of the best building sites on the laland. Cornf!r of Stref!t and Stnda Centro. EXCLUSIVE LI8TING LID0-3 B.R .. 13', Bath Located on comt"r site wttb atreet.. on thrtt sidu. You will nfftt have ~t crowd~ built-in teeltn1 in thla lovely home. Cor· nlt'r trpce., forced a.tr heat, 2.1 ' 1ltvi.n« room, 14' dining -den, tile k.ltcht"n, large 2-car garage. We have the kty. Exclusive LI.sting Ocean Front Duplex On fin• beacb.. A Uttle paint will m&.lce this a nice property. Only $4.500 down, might con.aider tm&ll house u part trade. Bay Shores a.t location in Bay Shoreot1. Beau· ' Utu1 bay view, 3 bdrm a, I "- bath, forced air hea t. lots of tile, . trpce, patio, extra aiz.e 2- car p.rage. Thia La an outatall$1- J.ns Yalue at $~.000. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. 1112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 BALBOA .ISLAND Fotrft BDRK.. ! BATH HOME WITH FINI! VIEW OF WATER The Has ever Been Fo~ Sale B 4 ON EAST SIDE-1 acre and cood 2 bdrm j hom e with slttplng porch. 8ilg double garage, out buildtng-11, lota of berries and tref's. R m f or more hou.1e1. A b&rgai~ ait $8750 I I -. Just Off Harbor.Blvd. ~ ACRE ~hich hu-ampl e room t o build ~eve rrtl small rentals, plua a «Ofd 2 bdrm homt". Price! Only $7500 This lut \veek we have got aeveral good Ii.stings, so if you need a home o'r in- come-property, come in lets ewport Blvd. Ph. Bea. 5181 The I"land South Bay Front View Property Yes. it is truly a distinc· tive Balboa Island Iota· tion. Graced by an old· er two-1tory home, jwrt vacated by the owner who will 11ell at a .price reduction to permit aav· inp to buyer for """ modeling and redecora-. ti on. Full :50 !eet of South Bay· front with loads of yard &t garden 1pace. & no crowd· ing of neighbors. Two cen· tral unit heating furnaces, fireplac~. large r u m p u 1 room over double garage. The price o! $38,500 pro- vides an additional discount on redecoration cost . • • Your inspection invited. CaJJ HUB POWERS at J. A. BEEK Office Harbor 83 Balboa Ltland Ferry Tc9 LET'S LOOK! ! BALBOA POJ1'"'T-3 8. R. H ome about 2 yrs. Nt"at bathing beach. A good buy! $13,500. DUPLEX-Attra.ctlve. Cloat" to Bay. Upper S B. R . Lo"f;er 2 B. R. Guest rm. and W.W. 'BILL' SANFORD MILDRED . New Offices at th• Heart o! BALBOA ISLAND in the Former Poet Off.ice Building Off Marine on Park Avenue Real E«ate Listing on the Harbors FinMt Homes For Sales, Rentala ••• tor Your ConV«lience, SEE W.W. 'BILL' SANFORD MILDRED 1306 PARK A VE., &t Marine, Balboa lalaild HARBOft 2432 IN the Former Poet Office Buildinr BEACON BAY 2 Ih>RM HOME on large Jot-beautifully fllrniahed. SPICK and SP AN! Thia Ill a very desirable restricted community With private beaches, piera and floats. Price $18,500 LINWOOD VICK, Re!!-ltor 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 2042 bath adjoining doublf! garage. ----------------------- Large patio. wndttk. Fuml.sh· ed. Thia l9 pMced r ight! S~.500. EXTRA SPECIAL ~ B. R. turnlahed hon\t. A aweU deel for a la.rre f&m lly. Bay beach at .atreet end. Thi.a la a reeJ deal at $14,900~ MAKE OFFER 2 B. R. Stucco -tile roof - Iuse patio. Bat. location, B..,- Ave. Cuh wtll talk! CORONA DEL MAR HOMS and INCOME-1 bdnn naldence ud S bdrm apt., plus bachelor'• apt. High return on investment. , Fine location. Price $18.&00. Attractive tenn•· For fur· ther informa.Uon call Bob-Dt.nntatoun at Harbor 247-L ALSO 2 BDR.M ROME ON OORNER, 1 blk. ta ocean, only ' I mo1. old, like new. • , JlUMPUS ROOM WITH BAR -----!-------TRULY CHARMING $13,00J) For turlb.,. ~ call Bill Sch.-, 115 eo...t Hip· · way, Corol>a dol Kar, Harltor 2"76. . DOUBLE GARAGE. Stanley Hadfield 119 M'.a.rlne Avenue BALBOA ISLAND Phone Harbor 20 8tfc l..&T US KNOW what hind of nal ... .state property you wanL We a .. all k1n4a of property lillted.. JI Y• do not ha Ye the kind you w&nt., w4 will leave no ttone UD· ·-to find It tor you. B. A. NER~N · lltlllA K\lltll>t. u.u,,. Gmce .-S Ntwpok Blvd-. Coota~'Kua P!l....Bee-- ittc • The view in large ocean mesitea overlook-· rm110rt Harbor. Pr!- BeautltUl patio wtu. tNes and llow•ra -..,UNJy hl&'ll 'fOftcod for priYacy. -trUJTOUndl thls dlstlnctl•e 7 room 4 home and rueet. eott.ap. Tht. bome la meant tor c,pmfortabl• Uvtn&- c1-to Bay Front. Be • ..,. to Me tbil! • .--- EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 91G Coaat Bl&hway Corona dtl Mar Balboa· Penn. Point 2121 Ocean mvd. • • Allllftoll. -• . W' a" . ,....... , .,, •. ,_ r:1 aha ;a&Wlf . i .......... .. *•••,mfAn: -....... ... . B.lbO& Peninf!ula VJi:RT "UAUTIJ'tlL1,T l'UllN· ISBIU> .J ~ »m1 111)" W YMf'I 'fllll, ·-UW., ·"""" with a .. ,.. ••. -i.r. -at· tAclted pr. 8". -lo-patio. OOIT $U.eot saooo _.._ _._ Only sia,oiio 'buya t1111 l·bedrm. · I bath home on pentnwta - ~ ocean vtew. Attn.ctlvely -ll'lnpl .... 2 -1-· .... ··-- ALSO an Po~ula-2 ~.t= .I -· I bath UAfum. on .0..100 loL Lara• en patio. Complete tiectrte kit~ wtUI -d!M-. l'O!ris· .. p!'bag>o dllJ>OM], 2 .,.. _ .. P'ull price $21,000. llALllOA-l'l1n» 1 '*lrm. oldO< hOUM. c101e to bay beach. It I Zon....-S9600. OK BALBOA BLVD.-3 bednn. home in R-3 BO!le only "900. Submit down paymeat.. DUPLEX-Cloae to ahopa, 50 ft. trom iay. completely f\mttlhed, only $10,750 or will trade, '4000 dowp. • -f j IN ~O . .DEL MAR•· ATl'l\ACUY» I HO... 1~. ,blodu ,...,... ~~of . .-.-.i:...-.... -. -... ,.. . ILLidMlO<f ~ llll"""'1 "dlnlas '.;ocim. Kit ra r -Ill.th -· PNCll Rltt>UCl:D' flM' quid<' -·....,,..LI .... ,DU' . • Call Mi!'"-&i1l9r 1"8 • . Have Mariy' Choice Homes on Balboa Jaland $12,15()(). to $85,000 ,_ ICXJUO>LI:: Vti-7 -~·~1 l>oill• oa to ft. lot. NI .. p&tlo. ~ UOUlld bo-. ftlnl&co -. ALllO OWN THiii HOME fl>r f4IOO -. lllld $et.IO l!!Ollthl1. Tll:l!I TOU CAN'T, BllAT! Attnott .. I bC1n1t borne, fl»eploeo, dlt 01U1 of ---N-Bq. B1tek petlo. -m f~ adci't buildfnS. .. On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Buslneu bulldlnso. All oecu!Md wttll A•l ·- lhow 19' net or ~-No pJloae calla. pJ.eue. a. Ka. Maroon at m Marloe A,,._ • llEll 01 ll"Oll BEACON llA Y pn>perty. at.traeti" home1 now -they W'Olr't 1ut. W•-~ For detal19 eaJJ Hr& KU'OOll at Rartlbr 1 m . • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor TRIPLEX oa oc... tront-A S-UI JilA.Rilrm AVE .. BA.LBOA ·ISLAND HAR. 1m bedrm, I bath opt., " 1 bedrm., -----~-----------~~---­ ? bath apt. and a studto apt. Hu rood Income record 129.800 SUBMIT DOWN PAYMENT. T 1JNrl'S on Balboa Blvd. -Re- cently r@modf!led---4 dbl•. 6. 3 singles -lnconM ~ $4000 per year. $21,500 Submit down. Coast Properties Co. 301 E. BAiboa Blvd., Balboa Phone RarbM 2881 OPEN HOUSE Cliff Haven View Home Sat. &t Sun. 21-22, 1-5 p. m. King'•· Rd. (not leasehold) \\'t"li buUt 3 ~room. 2 b&tb, hwd . tloora. Forced air heet, aprtnk· ltr aystem, barbt'cut", ftrepl&ce. Many f!xtru.. $17,500, Terms. For prt·!!howtng appoinltnent call Bill Kt"mpto•. 1 P.A. PALMER JNCORPORA TED 333! Via Udo Harbor 'lM>O SdlR CLIFF HAVEN 1 LET US PROVE to you a good buy. ,Two bedroom and a den. Uvtng and dlnlng roonf Maull· Exclusive Beacon Bay 3"BEDRM.. HOME and STUDI9 APT.-Both com- pletely furniahid. Each baa aeparate encloaed patio. 2 car garage-private be&ches -piers and noata. Thi• ii a aplendid investment far home and, ar Income. Sl.2 $23,500, terms LINWOOD VICK, Realtor Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor The Andresen Co. offeN! these: THREE BEDROOM HOMES AND VIEW PROPERTIES CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN BLVD.-Beautltul vtew overlook.inc the Harbor; A larger home in ex~llat condition wart"llDtl your ln· spection. This property hu real DOLLAR fOt' DOLLAR VALUE. I1 you can u• a larger home be sure to Re lhl• apacioua and very demr&ble property. Pricec! to · - •ll and a BARGA.JN! ! • • S BEDROOM HOMES-W• have probably our beRt eelectlon of thl1 type property---new and older, modern ll!.d ranch ltyle, that we ha.ve ever lilted. C.D.M. -SHORE CLIFFS -BAY SHORES By All Means See These Attractive Propertiee THE ANDRESEN CO. fully carpeted. Hardwood and eos CoMt Btvd. Cbrona del Mar H&.r-bor tMO lUe. 2-car prap. Recently n----------------------=---d~orated . Fenced blc~ yard. FHA loan. UNBEATABLE for the uktnc monf!y ot '$13,500. Newport Heights Looking for "LOCATION" in Corona del Mar? ATTRACTIVE S bdrm. home 9.i th fireplace, cloee to m&ln. 89Ctlon of town. 'lad beach-( aouth of highway) hwd.. tJoor.a, themo9l.at controlled-heal. fenced pe.tio, fruit and now-era. $13.500 FULL PRICE to cuh ouL Ex· cl\l.llw wllh us, SES QUALITY CON8TROCTICD thrM bedroom home with one and '4 .,. bath.I, l'treplacf!, 1elected ha.rd• wood noora. Full alu dining room. Corner lot, xlnt neighbor- hood. Two-car pr~. Muat 9efl • to appreciat•. Take •bout S3300 TOM. PAYNE; Realtor . down Alld th• balance on -Y 310 Cout Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2774 5 per cent paymenL A plf:uure -------==-..=--------------to ahOW', I $1000 DOWN 0 . I . RESALE-two bedrooma- Ea.st aide location. R~~oratied insidt" and out. Baek yard fene· t'd. Nice: appea.rln.s. Payment• lowt"r than rent and includq ta.xe11 and Insurance. Come pre- pe.red to buy-you'll like it for thf! money. Speculatol'll take a Joo k. Phil Sullivan . C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson <90 N•wport Bl>ll. Coot& M- ~ Phone Beacon 8243-W Barbor 315T·W or Beacon &451-J REAL VALUES in Costa Mesa TlilS IS A BUY: So. of Hiway, CDM, convenient to everything. 2 bdrm.a and den, party,furn .. encloaed patio, lots or cupboards, dbl. gar., $13,750. OPEN HOUSE See Thia Sunday Afternoon· '-t 324 Marigold CORONA DEL MAR FITZMORRIS ttEALTY COMPANY 813 Coast Blvd. C<lrona ~ ~arhor %152 Large 0ceaI\ Front Good Buys in CDM ~bedroom home, clOM ln. EL 2 BEDRM8., redec ... C. .. _ ... $J.0,500 ce:Dent aJ.t-yev income pouibtli-2 BBDRM. frame fum ·····--10, 750 tieil tor-.rooftt rental, ~ ?e"" 2 BEDRJK modttn patio···-14.DOt aort or rSUf.St. lliouse. !ft.urdu1 S BEDRM t l;; baths - built on. .dou.ble~rner lot. No torcf'd h;..t '·······-····:····-··· 14,150 ...-~le offet '!."twled. · 2 BEDRM t 2 bdrm ;pt ...... 18,250 ALSO 2 BEDRI( t tum. apt, 90 l'L . $32qo Full Price 3-13 Larkspur Avenue 1 ;~;~~i;·;;;;;;~;:;;;: 11 .JM 1 BDRM· ram•. tumlahed, eto.. CoroJ18: del Mar ..,.., •. ..i.w ~ ................. __ u.ooo to oto':J oubmlt your down Jl!'Y· , Open House I a UNIT tnco111< ....., .iew 32,780 ment. 1 _:_, Sat., Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Ernie Smith, Realtor 130G COut· Htwy, COrooa de.I Kar P.bont Harltor 29eT • • • . n ' ' • ' • ' ' ' .·. -- ' ' •• • • • • I •• ' • I ' "£.~-.t ..... ' lt•O MltlllT ' With' SALLIE' . DW yoa ever get y-11 aD eMtled .. the llatldab wllll the b•bblea ooolag ap ~ yov ehhl .. • • Hght • ~ ••. ud lay kdl aad thhak "'1'hll! II It . • • rm really goillg to relax" .•• lt'• aot ofta we afford our· aetv... 1uch hm1riotl bat wlle11 we do the.,, ohoaldn't be a olngle flaw • • . Y ciu reach for the uh tray to flick off tbfl uh"' • • • tbfl °"" tlay effort you muat make during tit-f"" mi.- at.es of """""' • • . No uh tray! ! ! • 11•&: .... Differont Individuals have diffeftllt lineo of thoudtt la 90ch a predi.,..,,.,..t, none of which produce an uh tray • • • Now ... there's a solution to the problem . . . have an IU!h tray that'• been made especially to adoin the aide of a tub .. ~one that would oimply look out of place in any other part of the houae • . . An IU!h tub ! A tiny white Ceramic one gaily painted with your favorite fish in your favorite color • . . These tiny white ash tubOI which are about thnie Inches longwise are the ideal what-to-take-someone from a place you've visited ... boo- by prize ... joke gift for a man . . . they're just one of those things that nobody has . . . as yet . . . To 'in- troduce them . . . they've been put a• a special on our mailer for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at a hacked off price of 69c . . . If you do not as yet receive our m&iler you may get a copy of eame at any of -<>Ull cash "'gtstera • . • BETrER UVING Is fln- allv In the flet1h. It ..... be . bought .,t our checkAtaad• • for 5 cents ... It ..... be looked through ... felt and read • . . Anybody lntel'etlt- ed In magazine coUectlon• ! Thi• Is a tint i88u• ! On• hundl'NI years from now a copy ohoolcl be ml,_hty valn- abw ! • • . If you've a good recil>fl UAint; strawberrleo yoo'D want IA> tnter "My N~,_hbor'a Favorite Recipe" contewt which appears on p&lt• 14 ... BETI'ER LIVING doesn't mi.. ~ single trick • . . it covers everything . . . Faith Baldwin'• new novel ... Ba- bies ... Movies ... Reci{l<!a fo r Thriftv Meals ... Menuo fo r a whole I week . . . Des- serts . . . Decorating . . . Vacation ideas ... McCallB patterns . . . Sewing . . . L ife Insurance Home Repairs . . Fashions . . Home Freezing . . : Flower Arr anginl!'. . New hair- doos. EVER BAKED FRO- ZEN VEGETAB~ ... Better Living tells you how on page 83 ... Besldet1 learail!.,.,. noiax In the bath tab . • • thett's another way )'OU can ''BET- TER YOUR UVING" . . . Splurge an'd boot a cake oace in a while ... Evea lf·you'no not In the habit of patron- izing a Bakery Counter •.. The Elementary P.T.A. of Newport lle&eh taket1 In a lot of territory u doM the w o t k carried on by the P.T.A. Their 11:0al Is to do tvervthlat; they ea.a t9 hel)I children itet on · with their !IChool work • . • Bot loncha In particular for thO!le chB- drNl who would not othu- w!M , have hot hmehM • • . G'-Dental Work too .•• 'The P.T.A. also donates 11nvn; to the Cari Harvey School fpr Jfaadlcapped ChJI. .t.... .. Santa ha ..•. Mn. Newland'• Velvet Cake la everything that a chocolate cake should be ..• Moist . . . keepe Indefinitely • •If you ·can keep it," from Mrs. Newland. Remember the Bakery'1 been featuring Velvet .Cake u baked from lln, Newland'• recipe all thla week . . • Nut week a Chocolate Malted Milk Cake will be;ia: the lime light .... The J'r!day --4ftemooa· ·dub Cl( ea.ta )(-and Mn. 8'.111 KIDllfather t•k1116 put • • . •:111 ....... ....., ...... ,,_ ·=-at wq .... . . . .,vi. ...... 1( .. ~1' imlt, "'"wn' • . ' -~ • ' • • • . • ' ~ We proudly'. present· a ·~EAT ' -. ~ I , • ·' I , Helps you live better ... ·helps you sc:ive fflOre ... . I IMry r,-r ,,,._ 6rif" w 'dr·r ..... ,-. .. .., • ..,_ · 1 · . • w•• ·,~.,. ... ._. •••r.,i-Jwr•ir111/er.~diild-: _.., '"""' 1N111 AND • ~~!"f ........ •ry .,. fo•uiu , FA.lTll JULDFl1' • · . alilJ Meats iii-=OiTNC ISE 33' . ' • • • • ... 2 • .. • .. • • • • • •• F1•twi11t M.1111111t'1 leef, tile f'lliest Olttlli..W. BREAST o•cm LIGHT MEAt -Size li.,... • 0-IONE w 7-IONI CHUCK ... -. Siiiiiif RIBS ... ____ ~ ..... 35c CZNTEa C1lT IHOULDE& PORK ROAST. ___ .. 45c U:A.'i' KEATY IHOULDD PORK STEAKS .. _ ..... 55c SllANJ( <JUT llllOULDEll 1 PORK ROAST......... .. 39c lllCllABD'S PUU: POU. SE.UOHKD -.D ~ORK SAUSAGE .. 59c LU1JR"8 JllERIT SLICED BACON ........ 4~ rr.•IJ Plsqdaee--- ASPARiG11ii"--2 k 27c GREVi' PIPP!Ns-&>'--t 1w l'lo w - APPLES ................. 4 -25c ~EPPERS .. ~.s~2-25c 8-t l"'""-From C....llella Vallq GRAPEFRUIT 5 hr 19c POTAToE$~_:u 5-29c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. I .--~-!" .. ~~~~~~~---r • STORE HOURS: '" SYSlll'-D.1.1' Jlur 1'9119141' l:otA.M. ••* ...... aJD.&Y,.... l'A*",T"NllZ ' . .... "-... le •• l' ... ·. • • W.WISLWllle91di1ltll Ullllt4' '$3' I P (QI ' •g ....... lw .... II I SJ It . ___ .... ) CB NK TUNA 25- "'· ...... ' ... ' . . . ... CO l'FEE 2 Pound .Can ' , 1.58 I Vegetables Assorted Values FRUITS ancl JUICES a.omrrY KIST OfttlMI 8tylfi 11-oL ,..... STOKELY llEL"'Z TO~ TO KETCl!tUP . .. .. .i:!i:'1: 25 ' GOLDEN COIN 2125 ' ' APPLE SAUCE ··-· ..... .'-:.:-2/29¢ BU!'IT"S WHOLE Sl:W TiKEI.EIJ; SUcrd POT A TOES !!" 3125' CA.KPFIR+-1 lb. Paekap Marsh'1'Gllows.~ ....... 29¢ PINEAPPLE __ ........... ~1 23 ; B&R CHOPPF.1!.. - MUSHROOMS ';;:' 27' ct!TRITI: I WAX I PAPER .. _ ... :!. 23' PORTLA..,"D-MUM I Pinta PUNCH _ . . _ _ .:.!~ 45• GRAN. SUGAR ........... l 10 ~ 97c: MARTINEUd APPLE CIDEll ... .. .. ... -quart 27' WEllTON'8 BIG 4 CRACKERS -................ . CASE SWAD'J!: \;.Joo.-la · ORANGE JUICE .......... : .. '!.:" 2125• WELCH'S GRAPE PBEIIERVEll or 1 CASE SWAYNE GIAPELADE __ T ____ ...... i ...... 1j:° 17c APRICOT NECTAR ··-·· .'::-10; DOU: Cru- PINEAPPLE7 .................... __ •.,:; 2125' l'EIU>W -PACJU:D IN QUAlll'EM • , NUCOA OLEO ................. ____ ................. peuad 33c: I . KISSION BELi, • BOYSENBERRIES ............. ~~! 22t ""',,, ~,.' 'llonlt11s 2;25 ; EVAP. MILK . BORDEN'S .100~ PUii INSTANT !-oL • COPPll 54¢ \W ... 'o htn.. 31 ¢ II. l'. -·--'~ ... I BANANA CUP CAKES 4~ •• 18¢; GOOSEBERRY PIE _____ .l,. 57¢ nuDA1' • . i ORANGE ROLLS ----& .,-24¢ PECAN Jl'll1lOK . LAYEi CAIES. ___ : ___ t 17¢ LEMON ROLL --.-.:....41¢ .uut m.rzu .. I IEIR CLAWS--J;-.27¢· -• .U'lllCIAUI -ftlUUDA1', .... *l'. IU.l'lllllUT -lal'lML THE ECONOMY•WISl:-f ~ :~~.!~.~-·.~ .. _. ___ J ... 74' ~ ~~~~~~~~r;~n ..•...... 19¢ ~=:-;e~~i:iL -~~---35¢ =~~kE8 ............... pL 25¢ ~~~N i~-~~-t-~---···--··· 171 °""' Monte Sweet 25¢ PICKLE RELISI/ U OL Doodl• Daudy. •v. ... ~ 129 ' ASSORTED PICKLES IJ • ~~ ~~---·····-·········• 111 OL 31 f ~~1Q~ET ... . l OL 27 f ~~ST.\RD ......... -Jar 10¢ CIJllDERELLA PU.'EAPPLl'J MEZZANINE SHOPPE Remember . the Meuanine Shoppe for MOTHER'S DAY ' Cards and Glf!8 • , • CHEESE CAKE ... _ .. ___ .... A--39- LlllBY-8 FK!JSH ~~ 1% u. PEAS ~-----·--· .. ··--·-'-·-21' LIBBY'S I oan CORN ON COB ------··-.. -~ .. ,-21' IURD8Kl'I: '-10 oz. pkt. -CAULIFLOWER .. ~---·----2? ANDnu:NS --• piJlt SPLIT PEA SOUP __ 23' CDITUU8B•~OOOM.lf lt- SCAlLOPS ___ ----·--65' • •