HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-02 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• I • • r I l· ' • I . • -•• • • • . - • r • ' I Sl:iNUDAT, llAT I, 1111 Youms l-J\1'M'M • • " ~ ----· .; ~ .. • .. , OR1 . BAY :.. AND SHOPPING NEWS .. = l'UBLIBRED AT 2%ll BALBOA llOULEVilD . NEWPORT BEACH, CALD'OufA TJ:LEPBONE: HARBOR 1811 • • ta•oa llln Cafe to ~pen Wed11esday : Tbe Balboa Inn Cafe. Maln St. Ind Qce&n P'Tont, Balboa opena for fte'1931 aummer aeuon .on Wed- ae.-day, May 2. Dick Dent. rnan- i(er of the eatery, aa.id today. The Inn will feature the piano styllng.11 9t Juk ltuaell and will aerve fl"Qm O to.10 p. m. Kate Dent will act u ltOl'leN. : ~I"• hM moved. Watch ll! - Balboa Marilte lack J.:r-War Among the Mui.De• who H - turned to San I>fel'O from ·x .orf'a Sunday aboud the UBS Sgt. Syl- ven.,r Ant&Jok ..V&.!1 l•t Lt. R. A. Underwood, huab&nd of P'T'ance• Underwood, 709 W. Bal~ Blvd, B&lboa. .------ ~·e hM moved. Watch ~ti Claui!led am C09t Utile, do uiuch. • • • • \ •• ·/,' t . ' --ly' MAiek) • 'l'llm WILL.PVT rou m arnuia11 Or a,...... won caleu- lltad, '!Ill tMp J'Oll ftGm -'KnlttJna II piod for your •-~ jmlcll ii an u.. ...,.. ..-.r tol-:r>u to d"'P • .Uldl llid 10 1.,... to Ull ft-~llUJl.T KNIT i!loP In 8-lbo&. Bia (for :aa-.tt.1 Hutllla Ud Kartlaa Taylor, , adept J!rll y!Ul a Medl• MYe opmecr a new-Jdllttery. 1"bey catry a pomplete Une ot .,._, -me!&lllo tl>roo4t, --. --Twlnl!* lheon. ifalld iblt aulto Oft yory elep1>t ~hi.I or 1J1Y Yoat. ll!ld l ~ amued: tO i.am that you. ~ttnren d.a JnaJc.• yOunel•ea a d.vutat!nl' drea tor under $60. l nouce man,. Of th• teen·.,. needle-pl.yva So a WOOlD.1' with knit 90Ck&. BU-Kart cartie• the Grace .cnnt. Qiaphtc 90Ck P,tt•rn• whieb It.op J'Qen rll'ht lD their tnelt.I.. Bi& and .M&rtha. &'i••r tn1trucUon• and cbatt patlemt. When the · Newport Ha'.rbOr Lady ~era convue at their B&Jbo& Bay Club fuh.loo luncheon Thun., May l()ltt. th• Bta.-Mart will show the la.tot twtat in kn.It attire. You may attend. In th• mea..ntlme- leam to knit at tho. Bil-Katt Knit Shop, 811 B&lboa Blvd. Hu. 0771. • • • "" I bllEJOD;Jl KAMA ••• OF COURSE I 00 .. . . WITH FLOWER8 llY MOIUU •.•• r-. 60I E. Balboa BlvcL Balka Ha.rbor 21n0 ~ . . . •THIS MEANS CURTAINS 1'0R YOU," aid Jeuye. "You mean ... 1" 1 quavered incl'tduloualy. "Yea, lt'1 curtains for you ar ~ybody ei. wbo come•. ltumblift.8 ln my &hop," conUnued Juaye Richardaon, ~ ot Richardaon·a Curtaill· and DraJH:ry Shop. Jeuye really mean• bumn.u ... .o lhe'a eellinl' .ome very nne MUSI.JN CO'M'AGl!l CURTAINS (technically Prilclllu) tor $<.29 pr. for •5"; $.4.59 tor !54"; $6 tor 63". Thi• m.ualln la very sood J'ooda with a.n attractive pro'rincial print ru.tntn,i, and t.he.le a&m• curtain• IT•~ .ome prettx mob by homes. Why not youn ! J e•ye a.190 hu a buy in PLuUc tie-on ptllowa at lk.. Thue make for ln- expenaive I04ftnl' ln. patio or Jqtcben. And pleaae lnapeet tlle drapery and a.lip cover mat.er1.ala. RtehardM>n'a hu the LINENTEX MODERN AMERICANA. J'ABRICS u modem u next year and probably cay1r. Thia LJ.nentu: look• IUte h&nd-blocked linen. and th• new ~tel color comboa: are ten1.fj.c at is. 79 yd.: Gk>aheen, th• OiJ Co. Begins 2 New Wells THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURbAY . MAY 3rd '4th&Sth Two new olJ wells will 900D be bonozaed within tht city llmltt of Newport Beach tollowtnr author- 1.z&tlon ot the Oran.i'e County plan· nine com.rii.la•lon F?iday a.nd th" expected apg.l'On.I at the Boa.rd of aupervWor• Tuetday. 10 Piece GARMINT COYIR SET PAPER TOWELS ( 150 Count l Ber. U. ea. 7 tor $1.00 . ..... SI.It ' ENVELOPES ..... 10 tor33¢ . HJl:1'AL Pot Clea.,.n ........ 3 for21¢ f'HILLIP"" XILJl 01" KAGNElllA TOOTH PASTE Ror. Uc 2 tor 31 ; FIRSTAID KIT · .. ,. "·" $1.69 LIBBY'8 11.os.. TU MILERS Ror. 11120 12 for $1.19 1 Pou.ct BOOtED Choe. Cherries 59; THYAYALS ••.• $349 YYONS •••••• $J49 ~YIUTAL ••• $349 ·79; GLA!lll COFFEE MAKER I CU1>-8"1. I.ta ,,, GL.Ull TEAKrtTLI . ...... TOOTH POWDER ..,.-21 c HAND TOWELS UIP-ft.Ume CLASslCAL. RECORDS 1/3 OFF 3 for 98¢ . MEN'S SHORTS MOTHER'S DAY CARDS ALL PRICES ..t MANY IO:N'S SWIAT SOX -a.c ... 49' UVLON TOUCH, & GLOW & POWDIR PUFF .. ,. SI.to $1.10 D. GBAY Summer Colegne J&er. n.eo $1.00 OO'l'Y lltJ9UllT DBS Jl!llll TALC a.cl. TOIL.It WATD ec..taTn1p . .. ..... ' • 11 .. 11·'4. ........ SWIM CAPS 241 HenJ,ey Kisses · ....... ,.. ' 59 ; lb. Hancllerchiefs Ref. 16o 12 for 98¢ M•chanical Toys 19' ' ......... Playing Cards 59; COSMETIC IAGS flti&D -WATEJU'ROQF ASSORTED COWllS · $225 to $375 The commluton approved the ~eat ot th• KaceJl Corp. tor aupervt.ora to STant a UM variance for two well.a, both to be slant drill~ from Ult top ot the Coa:ta Meaa blutt oppol'fte Weet New- port's 67th St .• undtt Cout Hip- wey and into Ban.nine pro,.rty ~ cently annexed to the clty ot New- port Beach. A reprP•nlaUv. ot U.e Macoil Corp. told tlle N~a-Timea today that worlt on -. w•ll i. already underway and Ule Hcond wlll •ta.rt tn • f«W days. They will both ~ bottomed at %000 feet and wUl be about ta fMt lput. .I. portobl• dt1ilJJI&' rls will M -&ad will l>t ..,,,oved · ~ ...... we • ,· ·-,,,, CllT ~ Of ll&rT)' llil.odl.t~ ..id Ibo eU comp0D3' ~ ltPllt whlpetock wtder the ctty wttb;mt nnt obtaining' the city'• pumt. •k>n tf the W•ll did not 10 ~r city owned property and In thla cue It wUJ not a.a onJy Baanlng land wut be effected. Macoll Corp. hu dotted the Banni.nl' property on top of the bluff w ith w1Jla: all drlllfld atral1ht down but lhl• b the fint ot t.helr we.Ill to be whlpatocke4 aerou the hl1hway. Jerctn• Oil Co. at the bottom of the blutf I.a currently worklnl' on It.a third "'•ell. all llant drtlled under the highway within the city llmlla and bottomed un· der Pa.cltic Electric t&nd nMr 58th St. Nec'Otiation1 for community leUQ: havll' been underway for aeveral month. and rffident1 ln the a!fttted are& aeem to be even- ly divtdtd for and •r&lnalt the ap· pMr&n.ce of the oil wella. Dr1Utar Curb See• The county pl&nninl' comml11- aa.ld la.al WHlq that the com.m l•· alon'a chalnnan, Cha.rlea Diggs. favor1 keeping oil drilling back of the hW.. and out of alrht ot the cout. A new ordinance la ln the making, he 1tattd, rutrlctlnr oil drilling to proven oil fleldl ! two inland, one at Hun.Unrton Beach a.nd one ln c.o.ta Men) with IJ)e<'ial pennlla required for other dr1Wnr. • Tbe wh.~ed weU. of tM J• ........ Co. oppoott. $ltb 8t In West. Newport were not included tn map. Diep d:Llpla1ed bf:fore th~ CouW Conunlttoe A&'a!Nlt on Wellt meetinl" fn Lquna at the home of ill ptesldut. Kt•. Joeeph K~nnt'dy. The me:eUnc wa.. at- tended-by lD'tttuted Corona d•t Mu ruidmCa Uld 8uperTWor e.w Kalaer. Arraiige S1ttteme11t 111 Divorc• Stlit . . .;· _-t I ' • • . ' . ... ...., .. ,.,.1111111,... -.,. 11i 111at .-i. 1ot -........ & ,,....... at 11io . .ro-i.. !lpolt llloVo -.. II '~ ttOIM m -.1Ja'9""'"• -t1~11'0!iN'" 11&1<\Nlped -·_,. ~ .. '*"11tul~...-... ---. l!ilP ...... ....U -u4 -ootton lldria wi4 -Zll pll&U a& *' .• 111Ciard-:•1'cun.ia -11\'!' ~ ....,_, -~: .. --·~ -· ... Wiiia "-4 -n; lll"1lT .... ~ co-a.I )Cu. • -... eot11.. W\ .. ,. ..... la ll:ti:t-Wlu. ~ YWlltJ> ot ~ -e , '" 'If~·· -la _,. Noll -. W. I 11c11* ,... -J'OUI' .- 1 "1{T Bl:' .I. ~T WAJ,n n.c>'fr'lau ""47 alclll--Ill Ibo ....... 1JJlo Ml" ll!oo• lft -- 1'.0U '1.'00 ~ R1191 Lin Q1j llli ~. Y9U loliow. Je-t.et-l'U·-,,,._tttu. _.,.,.~at Idell your Mio, ~ ""9!' ....... -7e1l r · 40 Wt .lport 811op._ 1aa. Newport .I.ft, 'CCIII& ... 1 "JUti.Tlldl" I pt~ a<aimp1o' ...... dl&rm , '·j e e · e « • , ,. · coune. 1'bo ~ · thlllJ J'Oll imial 'dO II ' .< " -l<hl ... rhJ'llUa. Qo ,,_ to ~1 -·IN .I. llC&Nll :WIUCB; Wl'I: JU.°VI! BIClilf OQMl'All.ULll 1bop ta tbe-HOUIO .of Rlnn<mJ'. P\it<haao u 0 Y ~ !l'Hlll UJINCHIKG_· OP '1!1111 QUIZN MlllT. a Mr. a c. A. '6 rpm auto!. record ~~ for ta.ee +re -tod a Kr. 'Bin Quorr1 with a IJIM*ll1 -.....i utllllJ' ' aloft&' with U.. r!'bo, Bamba.1R1111inb& aJbwnl .,,...oh. Kr. Qu....y .i. tbo )Opulu mechanic at -NBWPOR'J' H<Onunaded by ur Kunay. _,Ploy u.... liCARINllt ENGINJ: :WOIUCS. Kr. Moore .. --of a so ft. /\ 1 • -~vu ~ daM:o ' 411 ~ b&ilc minuet y.cllL, Mr. Quony pound Ibo ftl•u u4 tuned tho molar of Kr. . v. obpa. ~cir tnc:nulnr your volodty ~· Yl'ChL Kr. Kl>oro wu., p!Maod ·IHI pvo 1181 thla pri.. u U\e mualc demaruS.. Tou11 nenr aPtn h&v• to worry' about wbieh Jooic, like a la.rS9 CU--0~ to me. And yoµ too can btthl uk.ed to dance! Tb.en Bamba ave' to. th• L. P. d•pa.rtmeht ll happily •vet: after U you 1t.ak• 10ur m<Jtor cs or. boat to the tor a I.on&" ~' attachment and th• Joompi.i. 900?9 of SO. Pa· Ni~ ¥-M• Eacln• W(ll'lu. Here men at .i.ei. )ll1l Querry and dfit; Cuy1 and Oon., and A.nA1e Oet Your Oun. ltudy iheM lyrt:ca Ditnnl• ftbu.04 J!l<>~ Cfind wlvo,. lfva tua&-upa.. weld and and lf!IV1l the art or conVerattoa.. HM-Peter Pan and le&m to fly on lilc• crt.sr witll boat· add car motor&. 'ft.ey .,_ tu a.cent. out the window! For a rnwie·lover 1a~•••r lonely. 'Make life on.e f the Federal J"p Ma.tine tl h. P· boat mot.on and al.lo -11 UMd IWMt. .onl' from Susy'a Hou.N of ~7• lllT Newport Ave., 1 ea.· So ~ your boat O?' auto ts becalmed, and Y.OU'n. m a nx- Coot& Me11&. &Icon an7 • &861. , 1 <¥J Ill•• flxera at the Nawport Marine l!lqtao Wort.I, 2110 L&f· • e e e 11otto, NewpoTt. B&r. 1U3. • < "BOY! A.RE YOU JtVJCR IN THI: DOUGH!" Th1I wa• th• l , ' • • • - caretully planned ._.h which I toaMd at Bob jCnill: muter bal<er • THIS IS THI: BTUFF DREAKll ARE HADl!I at the Newport Bakery. I Jove to eo baCk lh thi.I bake-houa early I ·orr· I mean th• F1ex.&1um Venellu ·blinda that ln the morning, lean on my elbows ln the flour and watch thre )'OU can. ra1M or lower at wm. (or what'• hJ• dou11t-nuta twirl &nd 1plft themeel•u :Into eold. The moml.ng name). 11exalum ii the new flex:lltle V. blind tracrance ot the Hot Crullen, the DuJ.M Cott• Oak.ea and the ~· made of a:peclal formula 4 aluminum. You cinnamon roli.I wafts up aJJd down th• OCMA front like a iplcey can perform all manner of decorator trtcka with dream! Btronr men of the Na abandon thalr boat .. a~one can-· the• custom made frlpperiea. FlUalum bl!J{(Qi are nera drop their shells, fa.lthful wtvet leave home! For all roads lead av&Jlable in dark or putel ~. mulberry red, to the Newport Balc:ery tor Ute early mom.inc hot ltu.tf, And mind chocolate. put.el bluea, duck etc. You can match you. thia roe• on T days a w .. k. i.t~r ln th• day, the.e .. ume or UM contraating wuhable ptutlc tape 'With theee rourmeta can be we:n moontnr onr the cold cue, e)teing the blind.I. They uy ad~oe ta cheap . . . well 1 can. French pa.tries. the whip c~ puff• ui.d eclaira, the lt,Mon tart.a. cet tt tor you under wholesale. I mtan .free adt=lc• or ertimate1 Mo.t of thu. ?@OPl• ,.o out of tbe Newport Bakery, with a loaf of on ~exalum Venetian blinds for a.ny type window. Go ahead, pleue 100% wheat bread under their arm.a. ']\'hi9 bread i.t .o benefici&J. have a little blind faith. The Shade 81lop LI at 51• Z9th St., New- bec&u• the Wheat pnn la left rtc'ht ill tlle ftOUT. .All the podnea port Beach. Harbor 88t. l• left rlrht in e..-ythtn.r' ~ buy from th• Newport Ballet;)'.', 2112 Oc..an Front, Newpott. Barbor 1«2-R. • -• • • • • • • MRS. AMELIA BLOOM'ICR ADVOCATED A SHORT SKIRT wom dartna1Y over 10098 troU1era ptJiered at the anklu for hoop-.roWnl'· But Hfp! Hip Hooray~ Lee Stroup advocate• 1th• duhlhf n.ew Kam-r.elle BuJ&:..etle eborta ln putel pink or yellow ptcoiay. Th ... wperbly t&llo~ lhprta are aJ90 av&Jlabl• la wh.tte or navy twill at SS.Ta. But maybe you're morti of a epectator sport, aay Powerleu:, I watched with weird fuctnation as the man ralMd th• keen sttnmi•rtng ~nJfe. Then he plunged tt home aratn an.d acAtn ! Ho hum. ~rry Kingston bad just fille).ed another Halibut. --Halibut is the most expenaive 1ilh at the Bayside Market. Don't uk my why. But they sure charp plent}· tor it. Now you t&k1 abalone for lnata.nce • • . &nd I'll take all I can get too, The~ U a delicacy! There I• a.n eaot~rtc na"·or! That know it all, Harry King11ton •Y• that a lot or flaccid people will wa.ke up .January 1~ to find the Ab~lone seuon cloaed. Right, now you can earner Junior a'ba.lone at.ea.kl for 75c lb. at the Bayside. In M> one wbo &'Mt In for verandah athletLea lilt• t• Mppin& and whllt. (Coatlaued Oii Pap t) LO fllE WH(){E RIMlt.Y $££,' ' ·Trade· it • 1n for Bg/trncer/ Beqin TELEVISION • ' Stop looking OTer the other fellow'1 shoulder to aee ttle•isioa ••. stop "television crowding" tb1t you mUJt do with rin'y, oJd.fubiontd 1creens. Trade it jn for BIG SCRE~ Balanced Bum PHILCO and get a BIG television picture that the entire family can enjoy .•• aod e•erybody sining in their Tery own chair! Let m a bow you th CH am.W og new Philco T de· 'fisioo R~•u11 with the abarpe1t. daiest. brightest picture in tele't'i1ion! Super powered custom chusii for coiuistently 'n• reception eYeu ande.r tough couditioot! See the new 81.laoced Beans Philco receiftl'I ••• let u uade in your old· fashioned iet for the 6ne1t reJeU.1ioo recei•er money can buy. .. Cott? ••• Jeu daad tAe fa.m.ity'1 enceruia.m•at cosu you nowt . , . PlllLCO 21M. Hu .. twealJ•locb piaure la tbU so< ...... iaaho_, couole. Philco Ba1aoced Beam ••• s.batpat. perfect foaas OffJ' th. entire acrttn t . · ~ . No Blur! No Smn.r! Unequall~ for frin,..ane pe.t(ormanC9 • .,... uadu '"impo11ib'" CjODd.Won:tl , WE 8PECLU.1Zt: IN EXPEKT TEI$Vl810N SEBVIC!l • • _, .. . I '· . ._ • • • .. • .. f • :.· . .. I • • ' .. .. .. • -• . • ·• • • .. • • • • • -• -• -• --. • • . ---• • -. ---• ------------------------------"\ ---'--. . ----.. ---. . .. . ..... .. -----... • • • • • • .. • • • -• • • -.. ~ • --• -- - . • . • • • • • • • • ~ • • I ~ . - • • THURSDAY ... lDAY & SA1URDAY :-· .. · MAY J 4 5 . · ( . ~ . '-. . CLAPP'S ' EVAPORATED iiBY FOOD 6 .... 45e ; ' ' Ml ·LK ·_ 3~35e ' US · 3-LI •. CAM. NATioNAl.-l.Y FAM<> ·1-LI. " • • 1ISCO lac , PURE VE · c.t.NS • ' . , ;< I • --It's a great pl-easur_e to salllte oarfflll!!lcus· · -foods your ,Ilk jjier' • • • . . - -- · I ' .,;·A. . ~..4-·a. -PATTIES E2 I.I~~ · For Fryh(g ···:·-: . --HEMITE--AcD ME s MO .2'12 t :.~=,~= ;:,,,r. P . CAM , . 12..0z..' ~~~-=-=-~.~;-· · 1·7 c · · P. ~0· · 1 K. . _ , ,_SAUSAGE -:~- , Olir.OW.n~Make . ' ) . . GOLD MEDAL ENRICHED _ FLOUR \ ·':~ 1'0 •• Bag .-., as~. "We Specialize in Courtesy" . . , • • .. COM~ 'f:. EANS : 19~ ·-v~s~ PORK B : , .C.••W Sa""fnl BUTTER · " : · LM.- IOTTLI DIXll PUU PUSUYU 43c "STRAWBERRY ~~Z;lt ..... I • I AOSleD ~. 'GODS tllDS IT5-10.0Z. PKG. . , . - CUT GREEN BEANS • • ~:~ ~\N ES & L /Quo Rs DTU DIY POI llTU PLU.SUU I ~Now \.d$a I ve. GOEBEL BEER ~~ ...... , .. : BAC.ON WILSON . Corn Kint . . . Plc ~ICS ·Luer's Fa~s I "1111111111 Sugar Clire -__ ... _________ ·- . NO. 1 CjHIALITY FIESH TENDEI -..=.· ·c R E E N llP'E swur, CQACHP•" YA • PEAS CRA8 . --.,..-. _......_-t 2Ll$· 19c ·. CELsEiY -4 -·--LAIGE FIESM--tllW CIOP' ' - C'-'CUMBERS · ~ch - -Al.II •• TAMALES - .10:.. , CHILI CON CAINE, Y2.U. •.• 3Sc ·--. -. 'tA'ftt"S..-ctlMWl' ·i · . ... ... ~flURINGER . ~5D I ' ' 'Thund.y, May 3, 1951. ' • • • . I' I • ers durintJ National .aa.y Week ••• nonsallerwtlOt •uests .•• _you'I filld th~111 her•! / • . . . • lb. BROUGHT TO YOU BAILY!, _, ~ AM.IRICAN ".S 2 "·25c. · ............. UIT 10&·29c each SC C SOLI D llP£ , ·roMATOES U. S. NO. 1 'I ' WHITE IOSE ' NEW SPUDS 10 'b·25c ' - • • ; • • • "' ·' -. NEWPORT IA Y POST AND SHOPPING NEWS -- .. I ,;._~ ~·--~ MEAi'smFOR BABIES J~ 1 er ' ' . . ... . IARO ·SYRUP . . ' • • . f . . . . ' 1 . . . ~ _'·22c : 21~ ' , . . I • 2-•. J&'fr,- c . . !!!_ACH ~ 25c 1 =: I I ,• ' ; WAX li'U~ 10 ~. . I ~APER -···· ~ fCAN CUAN-UP SPIC&A~ I ~off e • 6 DELICIOUS . fLAYORS . . . . ·J.ELLO 3:.~ 19c . PURE C & H lrown or Powered SUCAR 1-lb. Pkf). 10c "We Specialize in Courtesy" • C HEMET SLICED 011 HALVES CLlllfi 25C DOLE'S SJ.ICID 21 C l ltOSl-DALE 1 1 PE AC H. ES ~~·:~ ...... ;........ , 1 1 Pl NEAPPLE ~Lie.AN .......... 1 PEAS :y"= 2 ..0.sos 25C CANS · SLICED AMElllC,._N • CHEESE 49~.·' . ~ . . ~ No. •/2 fl.AT CAN SMALL GI.ADE •A" • • I ·FRESH EGGS . ~' I . .,., = ,:37c · ·· ~~:. 54c . -,. . . c.A.P. AHllfrUll ;(OR"Eo ~·a•· 12-oz. -; • .>-_, .. ' ' • • • • , I I • • • PAGE ' KAT' ... tNt ~MT ", ~ -8ll0Pftl!IQ ~ MayOay~eh .Prizes Viewed b·~ Uon Tamers I MMUn«, Monclo.7 nJDt •t th~ home of Marjorie Pelet'8Cm, Pearl avenur, Balboa laland memben ot the Uon T&men club had an en .. thualutic preYieW of door prlsel which they will dltpen.se at thelr big-May Day benefit bnmch tn Ban>o.. Bay dub. A. Kuter dilh- WUM:r, eo1m.etlc eeta_. ceramica, jewelry and penonal artlclea an amonl' the m a n y attracUve awa.J"U. . . StudenU of Dorothy Jo Dance atudio will rtve the pro,ram. OpenlDg number, Tea for TWo la: a toe d&nce by Patrlcla Rapn. Wan~ da Trautwein and Sandra,. Swan• 900. T&mla and K&thla Hope wUl do the Miniature Ballerlnu, Gev~ erly Lund an acrobatic dance and Bahl! Peck a Toe Vat.. Changing trom the dance, Sau;nc. dra SwlCt and Sandra Swanson will play two accordion duet.a, I!, and Mocklngbird Hill ' Barbara Bum.ti and J~ Threl· klld wW do the Klng and Queen of May. followed by the cloting ).tay Pel., da.nce by Gail Ebl>f!rts, Patsy Mann., Llnda Burdick, Pam.el& Hadley, Gerri Lon Wrig:llt, Su.sie p.,trocchl, Linda Pirtle, )flchelle NW1um and Nikki Lippitt. The affair 11 a benefit for Lion Tamers' project, the Carl Harvey School for Handicapped Children. DR . ..ROBT. GORDON SPROUL, Berk"ley, Pte1. U. C.-"Univerai- t i"a Att the wellspring• ot a tre-e *>CiPty and the 1ive1 and w"ltare ot all of us are td"ntitled with them." BOOTE RY'S ' . • • • Retiring PT A Heed Fef?s Board · 'J • Vtrglala (Kn. l>MntO) 1loS" land ot 1115 BN1:toq1 OOlta ·-out-,..iq pr-t ot ta. Katn, lldsool PTA, pr l'delf O"fW a lundleoo of attnetl.. ,,._ lut WffJ< wllen 1111• fet.d l!lr re.thin~ bovd membala. On tM luncheon menu were meat lo&t, veaetab(ea, Jello aal&d, hot ma.. fresh straWberry pie, mint. and nuto. Mn. J..i-Suthertucl, Wbo wu unable to be pruen.t. cttted Mn. Hogland with a lovely ~ aa:e ol cam.at.Iona.. Mn. ~ Klrkovtch ant a co&ortul bouquet a< 1llouomo; wblch lent oddltloul charm to the roonu whleh WeN graced with vart-hued aprtnc fiow· ..... The board memben pruented Mra. Amelia Drummondi with a gift 1n apprectaUon of Mr ~Ip during the put year. EnJoyiJ\g the dellch'tlul ottotr were Superintendent Everett ~a 4 and Mn. Rea., Robert Browne, ecbool principal, Mmu. Gertrude Myers, Vlr(inla Kidder, Robert.a Copenhaver, Amel la Drummond. Helen Trautwein, Lucille Knlg'bt, Neoma Kraft, Lolita Gerspacb, Bille Tbronaon, Muy Knipp, Mary Elmer, Helen Mirkovich, Mildred Hayward, Ellen Oro11, V!ola Smith. Freda Cozad, Meani. Wright and Raymond Vander· burgh. NEW APPOINTIIEl'iT Richard B. Hall, 33, IOn ot Mr. and Mrs. H . 0. Hall ot Newport Beach, bu rece.ntly bffn appoint· ed. Chief Pilot of Bonanza Air lines. it was announced by Ed Con- verse, pre1ident of the company. Hall will be' in charge of all flight personnel over the aJr Jlne'a route, which extend.! from Reno, Nev. to Phoenix, Arizona. We · Sped.alhe In Corrective Shoes INTRODUCTORY 2 WEEKS ONLY SALE On Spring" end Summer Shoes Low Overhead -Low Prices Upstairs, Z47 Forest Ave., L&gun& Beaeh L·UMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS I WBILE TBEY LAITI CLOSING OUB TAP Mu1t Be Oat by May 25th LUMBER Comn1on Douglas F ir Lumber S80 ~r M bd. fL and up \\·u ~O\\' lie Pf'r bd. ft. 1 ?c ~r bd. ft. -lboa Matron em.c.I President f 'Ruth Assn. ' n 1 -"! •• ~A.:: wat'.W Of U. Ruth ._.. -_.,, a...,. Oount7 ..... liiild at 1M -Oil U.. 'llce -'' •t:. :Jh 1• 1'9dt, llft Woot l!tel· =~ PHolclGt ........ . .,, ,,..._ lla'fll>C .... *9 .!'1 IM KVeb IDoetlq • .Mn. Fi'<l< .... -~t to ftl1 tbe W.qllrtd t.tnn. Norntnat,. to IUl out Kn. Pack'• tam u . ~t .... Locma X-7 of 4l!&n Clemente: • ~t&tion.t wll\ be pven by Viol& J'a7 Wlllttaa of Placentlo to Grand Ruth A ir n e • Caldwell !"''"".. when. a reception ii held for her llaj 10 at Glendale. • • !The meet.tn.K wu followed by a ~ bour·wtth the hooj<a ...-.. '111 deoolrt. May m .. tlng will be ~:re~tPi::A:n.;:th 0~ vz~ &"1 pu\ Rutho Inv!~ to be pro. .. ~ ' Pomona Symph. Plays at Laguna Dodg-e U. moved. Wat.Cb Itt U Bour EIDerpaey Plwnb&ar • JlNlT?EK PINNER--Feat.nd .... tat _,.... fr'om Tokyo, .. lodJ' Bhun. 11-yMl'~ld dauchter of Lt. OoL AUN. L. Blum, now ata- tlooed bl Kon.. Tbe ntum. llavr1 • home at l!I Colllu A\·Nue, Balboll .. ......,, to wbl.ell Uley" t..tl!!Dd to reblrn att.r the Colon.,l'a tour of <bltly whicb hie •tarted about !Vi 71!1M'& aco. ..Jad3•, a 1tudfont •t a TokJo lllCh .cbool, jobwd eleMmata la Otttlac ~WMters for ftf'UJeN la Kone.. Sb., • Mown reaelvlna_ • prodooUon pln ( a.o houri of oeedle olteldac) from B.f'd CroM Vohmtw.r Mrs. L 8tT&.np. Th@ Blum. have t'1retl d&ucltten, the ot.lter two are lW. 10 and Ian. IL Ask Doubling San Quentin Term of MWD Supply for Bunco Artist Purchase ot another 20,000 acre teet ot water from Metropolitan Wa• Dwtrtci wu propoMd to di· Self·•tyled .. captain" Harry C. Wilson, 4:'.i, who wu convicted of four count.I ot mulcting a.lmoet saooo from two Newport ~ach ttctor• ot the Orance • ca11nt,. aport.flahermen "" a war aurplu• waier Dt.strlct at t.helr m~ting in deal. la enrob~ today to S&n Quen· tin PrllOll under foUr 1tntence1. Santa Ana Monday afternoon. The requnt. to double the pr••· ent purchase of Colorado rtver auppllea now being re\eued ln the Santa Ana river, would ooet '250,· 000 at the prev&.W.o1 $10·per-a.cre· foot rate. The propoea.1. advanced lo t.be looat di•trtct'• dtrecton by ranclier Walter 1JCllml4"' of. Garden Grove, Brad BeW. of lrYlne and John Murd;y, Jr .• of-Bun.Unston Beach 91\d others, WU predicted an the theory that the water ctWtrtct W°'1ld d•v-1op addiU0t1al c.haJUleW ln Prado D&m Buln under a pro-- gram cun'l!ntly awaiting approval. Thi8 calls for expendttun of about $10.000 in channel work to lnsOre that the Colorado river mp· ply, r f'leued. ln Sant.a Ana rtver near Arlington, would now into Onnge county. At preaent, the imported watl'r 11 flowing from an MWD fttd.,r line at the rate ot 1(0 acre feet per da.y. Plana are to •te.p up the Intake to 200 acre feet pet" day. 1t the channel work ll done, &o even larger now mlcht be. poa- alble eo that the add(tionaJ water could be releued in the channel betore Dec. l. IA.at Thurild.ay Superior J udg~ Ke-nneth &. 1'.orrl9oo, who Mnt· enced Wllaon to pri.ctn. orde~ concurrent J.en'n• of from 1 to ~O yean on pcb convict.Ion ot grand thelt. Geotp A •• ·. ltarl .. Cd Everett Karr, ~ ~ !1'6Jaller a for· Ir Ilo9-~ officer, are partners in. & ~tiOat venture tn.. the ~~~ified that tltey p'fe 'W'Oacn · ~ their r"ady ca.ah, and! .-ne tli.y borrowP'CI. on hit, &llesC: prorn.t.a to buy Jlo'avy wrplu. ~ at Ban F'l'&nci.llco Boy. • Their atory wu that Wilson wu to rent OM craft to tht-movies for a fabU.IOUI fee, ao the pair would get Mclr their lnvestml!ftt In the wu surpW. which W llaon uatrtl!dly cl&!med be could pur- chue throup a mysterloua ... M.a~ Jor Sharpe." It dt-veloj)ed that Sharpe wu an acquaintance of W"8on but was not tn Oil the deal and knew noth· lng of the pS.U... to J•t the boat• out of May~rry 8loug-h near 8&n P'rancieco. Pomona College Symphony or· cheatr& wtll m&Jc:e It.a' only appear• "'ce in Orange county thh euon at 8:30 p. m. Tunday, M.ay 8, in the I.&sun& Beach high IChool au- ditorium, comer of Park avenue 11nd Short Street, t.runa Bff.ch. The orcheatra, which hu played to "standing room only" audl· encea ln the Pomona. area Ulla 8'prlng, wW pruent it.a .econd annual co'l.cert under auapice• of the SortipUmt.t Club ot Laguna Beach. AU procttd.1 will go to- ward the forthcoming Service-- men'• center ln t.guna, according to Cevilla Kaya, l"neral chair· man. One ot the progTam highlight.I will be an orlgi.o.al compo1ltlon, "Mooda 1n Contrut," wr:lt~n and directed by Richard Stover, 23- year·old Lacuna mualclan now 1tudylnC' at Claremont Collere1. Stover, wbo hu punu"d a musi- cal carttr •ince boyhood, hu bttn "dotnc-ucelt.nt work." according to Kenneth iiake, director of the on:he1tra. Elmer Tot.led, ginM young violin cellist, w11l be featured a.a solollt in "Saint-Sun1 Concerto in A Minor, .. conaidered an out.ata.nd- lnl' work tor cello and orch"atra. 'Ibe proC'l'ffi, &Pa.red to plea.ae 1. variety of taatea, wUJ alao in· elude the overture to Mozart'• "The Shepherd Klng," Corelli'a • "Concerto GrodO." Samuel Bar- ~r's "Adagio for Strinp,'' &nd Lamar Stringfield'• colorful "The Negro Parade." Ticket. at $1 .20, tax Included, may be seeund at Laguna Mu.ic Co. or at. the door. 8th Grade Dance at Ensign School Ei&hth ST&df'ni at Horace J:n. 11i~ school will u.ae the achoo1'1 ne'A· cafeteria for their dance l"ri· day night, May •· Mra. Kenneth Starere wtu be chairman in charge. f AC Book Section to Seat Officers nlday Afternoon club'1 pook tection will lnata ll oftlcPra at final me.,tlng of the club year, Friday, May 4 at the club houae. There will ~ a 12:30 Yck luncheon for membfol"! and trte.nd&. tolloWed by the pro(1'ffi ln wMdt DorothH. Shedy. Newport U~ra.rta.n, will re- view the popular new ,book. Har· em Scatt'm by &o.emary Taylor. \ Ul E-lTtb .. ,.," AtftrefleH c.... ... w ... C.ll kKo• •»J·W Udo P!am&tar Costa Heu RUGS~n<G S.. -l•rt• wl.ctio11 of IMJ1potflil.,. •• t lld C..rpetl119. 51-•11 ••d Hefrlp j;q11•r•1 fer .. ""'"...-ho-. ROUSE & GARDEN 110 Cout Rlway, Newport OPEH NITlS-S1111dty II t. 4 Knotty PLne Tongue and Groove ···-··· 20.6c Clear Fir Vee Joint Shiplap lx8 ·---lie No. l RM Cl!<lar Shingles ... ····--·-... 18.2:'.i 4x8-~. 10. OF Plywood A·D -····-l 7c 4:-<8-.S, 16 ln. Plyscord . -······ .. ·······--l~c 4x8-J4 ...ln. Combed Plywood _ .. ····-·-2:'.ic 8 fl. Red"'ood Lath-60 pc. per bdl. .. -3.f;; 14.00 per square 14c per 1q. tt. 1 ~(': per llQ-rt. 18c per aq. rt. . Trojans of '46 Church Progr•m on Radio Sund•y l!lft.Dgel Aul!mhly of Laruna Beach will &ive l halt hour aer- vlce on KVOE, Santa Ana, next Sunday eve.nlng at 5:30 to 6 :00 Dod&e haa moved. WatCb It! Dod'c hu moved. Watch ltl Dodie ha.a moved. Watch Itl 8 ft. Red\\·ood Lath-Ml pc. per bell .... 2.85 • rt. o. F. Lath--50 pc. per bdl. ........ 1.4:'.i ?.15 per bell ?.00 pt'r bdt 1.00 per bdL BUILDING MATERIALS Co1nn101\ Ce.n1enl ............... -.................. 1.15 Rein.forc1nr Steel ········-·-·····..,··············· 2.5 Metal Lath. Black -· .. ··-·····-·········· 4'ic Stucco Netting l '1Jxl7x.36 ··········-··-···12.66 • WALL BOARDS • 4x8-3 16 Upson Board ···--··········· .. ···- Marlite Plain a.nd Tile -·-·-·····-·· .. ·-····· Marhte· ~touldings -············-···· .. ·--······· 8\ie 95e pt'"r aack 16% OFF S6c Pf"r yard 10.00 per roU •!11\ aq. tr. %0a llC(. ft. '6% OFT SHEET METAL PRODUCTS SxH 3xl4 Galv. ptd. Found. Vent.a..-.. -.............. . Rafter Vent.a ···--····-·-·- • 3«: 28c SASH and DOORS 2.0, 2.4, 2.8,x6..8 S!Og. Door Frames .... 13.30 2..SXl.8 11 ~ Full ~Ct'ffn Door, Plutic Sc.rffn .-.11.16 2.~8.8 I ~~ tull SCT. Door, galv. 8Cr.10.M i .b.fl.8 1 I "' full Ser. Door, bronr.e acr. lLlft 2.8x.6.8 I~ 3 Panel DF Door -··-·-···10.80 2:ax1 "-3 Panel DF Door ···------12."6 J.Oxt.& 1 '6 I "ilat Panel DF Door ......U.SO :i.arta 1% Diet.tor com. noo.. ___ 1t.2ll ' • ROOFING llO# Rell Minenl OomJk Roollng __ 3.16 310# Thick 811tt Comp. 811lngle _ 8.30 ' 1118# Stlll>dord Hu Comp. Shln~le..-T.ao !k .... !le,.._ 11.00 .. .. ,, ea. ....... UT-. 1'.81 ... t .N ea. n.a ... 11..%5 ~. t.111 -.... _ 4.90- PAIN'IS • HAliWAll ·,as% OFF HAYWARD LUMllER & INY. CO.: __ .. _..,_, .... nw•rtcr.llM in Reunion May 5 A welcome w111 be extended all o'clock, under au.spices of the Or· Trojan• Salurday night. May :'.i, by anre County Full Goapel FeUow- lhe Unlv•tsity ot Southern Call· ahlp. tomia'• C1UI ot '4.8. The clau Servkea at the church, 429 Cy- wUl b@ cele~ratlng tu 5-yu.r re-reu Drtv", begin on Sunday union that nlght in the Gold Room mornlnl' with Sunday school, at of the Amba.uad.or Hotel, Loe An· 9 :4~ with clu•a for all .,-e1. gelea. The worahip service ts held at J"or the lnform&I dance begin· 11 :00 whe.n the pastor, R. van nlng al 8:30 p. m. no a~va.nce tta· Oo.lbree will speak on the topit', ervatlona ue neceua.ry and bids "The Perteet a.nd Eternal Sacri- will be avaJlahle at the door. In· flee.'' · vitaUon. are in the mall to mem· Thi.a ll the nr1t Sunday of the hers ot the cl&aa, but Heber Hert-month and Hol,y Communion wiu soc. elaa president. •t:ruae. tllat be RTVed to all believers who wleh all Trojan.a are invited. to avail themaelvea ol thb means Among thoae from Newport· ot gn.ce. Balboa who graduated ta the SC 'Ibe itvenlnr aentce b held at DRAPES ~ ... ':..- .. low u l.N p.ir Comte• bo:l:u A: Trave.rH Roda BOU8E A O.t.JlDJ:N Ill O...t llhvaJ", N'ewpc>rt OPIH HIT1~11d•y II .. 4 e Rl1G W CARPET W UPROUITE&Y <lf..Z.t.NING Ge .... e M. Clrwll11111 ~IN-a clau of •4a are Mrs. WUU&m L. '1 :SO with opportunity for chooe· I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jone... Mn. J>rlacllla. Ftteberc, lnl' f/-YOrlte ao.pet 1onp for con~ I j MrL Andrew W. WU.OU. J. Rich· crepUonol olns!q ond Chriatlon ord Stmpaon, Dr. Chllr!Q Sporkuhl tat1moo7. Tho putor will bring and Conata.nee V. Bat1th. ... anot.bt.r m....-. oa applying Blble . Hlll8EKEL MANOI, C. S. truth to ~ Jlt•. • I I San Diego ViSitor Gets Cash Prize .A. cordial JnYitation la extend- ed to ew.ry one to attend the Fenrnr•t ~ for ~ I •rTica of thla chUJ"Cb. For pu· tora1 U.lat&nca or prayer tor the i •ti•••• "1••Dnll bJ aldt ud .-y e.ULoguna'..390f. Mr. 4 Kn. ~.,a=._,.,.. W•VUiloJ --two lt&t. of --* I mtnd 1o Mn. Robert s.w1.,, "1* Starbrigh t Club · lrlo •venue. Corcma del Kar. N•t' I 6H JN .t.-, 00... 4111 JllU' [ uro111 """' .... p1eucc1 ·-... April Luncheon · -~--w ,. mot.btt, Mn. D. m. Lnrta ot Saa Dlqo -~her for aw-<re-!• Twenl7-ellt>t.1n<m1>ero"' aw-\:;;:::;::;:;;;;:;:;:;~:;=~I turatns Mondo;,) IMI~ IAwta. ~ht chll>, 0 . B. $. were pt-t ,..ms Into tha Port thtttro far U. tw U.. .t.prll Uut ~ -- tint time. WGl1 the m -. prtM. lq In L 0. 0 , P. 11a1L La.,.a Mc· "A.ad I.so llVICBr Thi11 odo1 no-""''"" 11•-•t • -- llJn&', ua4 -set ~ -IMdills. J, ""-at ---·7· ·-f°U •Ill&'.· Darin&' -...,. X... 1--1 Oa tllo baim ... Oll ....... Oll... -_. IM Ba"'°'o ot -! 11actp JP1.i,. ..._ er...- loadl 7 -,., la .. _ dalll, _.,. --... Dodo .... "8la7 ~ _. a. N\a ••s ~ ,... .,._._ ..... &ttnct1ft • .... 111 la -flt lllo ~I -•Ille ._et -,_., .... t V'V._.. ......... ,-. ...._ feld11 .... trta. .... _ .. ,,,._..._ ...... , -•• T"cW"8:1rq-Uat ........ _ ... ..-2 I&~ .... o.i.o._.~.---- ·~ JllAIOYJll> no• PUJUfll'1lU • .t.lftlqUllll BOAft ft' .... IW • . WIM JM .......... C..· (IW lit "" W 1 --) ,,. .... -..,....~ -·-· ...... ,,. 2 l"'l""'~ • • Ii iq .-. =·----• Dlltl . ~o.-.~-DI.. .. ...... 1f ,,, • • IL----:=-~~~~-:'":-~Mt~ • " . .. • " FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES _ .. ____ ,._ . -'"' &M•m 91Sl'LAY Oft 1.111 PAClllC -COAST * __ ..-w .. __ ................... 1 .................. -....... _.. .. HOUSE • GARDEN "'c-11 _,..,., ,.~....,....._..,. onN znna -llUND'.t.T 11 • " . SP,RING SAFETY , $AYE-$AYE-$AYE_.:.$AYE . IRAKE · 99e ADJUSTMENT lncludblr; IJnlnr; Check-(All Ohewoleta) IRAKES RELfNED • , Chevrolefll 19S'1 Through 19411 FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY CULBERTSON MOTOR CO. BEACON MU 2411 COClst l:llway Newport leach ···-------· . -·---·-- INSURED SAVINGS • AlllRT U...UtHllS '•rAnnum .... '""I .,_A"" . , .. . _..at. .. .-.. -: 0 ~ .... . . "'~-"""' -·· ·~· ... -. ~-·· ~· .. ' • • ., • , ' ' ' < • I " I • I • ' I ' r I I t • ' I I I J. I • • • • . . ' TRiit W<\8 'DIZ ll()J:N11:-.t -...... ef --s_,_,, .. Ewnrda ]"9drt rw ..._ ··lM ,.mt. left Newpwt llart..r'a Jd*y ... dloPPJ' -.--I& ..w .......... _, ..o. ._ ... :-•• 11e&1a u.o ._..,., tee , m11o baa! or ... -·~,_,_ 13&·YACHTS TO START ~IN ENSENADA RACE BEGIN 140-MILE RACE AT NOON .FROM JETTY O• lllmd.red thlrty-1lx eatrieli la tM ... ua1 14&-mtle Sewpo.rt- EnlrGtda JaternatlouJ. Yacht Jl.aee apt• Ma broken, tM ree- ord U..1 of JM:b&. tor tbe foartb eouecatt,·e ymr aceenllar to Clltt Cb~ ruera.I commit-' tee elaainNUl of tllte Newport• <>ttea S.W.,r Auoclattoa. .~ Mr &ad orlstn¥o'r ot the raee. Tbe Sewport--En.enada. e,·e.at i.. Ute wortd'e aarlffl: ec,.. salll•r e\.'Nt &ad ... th It. .ptt_taeoJar U.t ot eatm. .. lbkod M t.Mt IDOM popQ)ar eve.at locally. Boa.ti repremen:Ung the Yacht Cluba or Japan. canal Zone, San Fl'l.ncieco, and Seattle &re t.aUied among the 138 entrant.I that have cleared for the race. More than 2000 pereom, Cfe'N 1nembe111 ud- famillea. a.re a.ir.dJt: la Newport Beach completing &rranl"ementa for the snnd nc.t wh1cb. WW • start 'at 12:00 noon POLS time, N.. Ya«:ht Name Ric IMlcUI °"'9f!r Tbunday, May 3. · 62 ............ :.Varya ···········-·······Sloop SS.11.~-·-··········-·······Geo. C. leuop Upon arrin.l in Ensenad&, BC, t$ ............. Lark ...... : ............... Sloop 48'4 ······---·····-········ . Carl T . Lone the. finiahinc yacht.a will be grMt· PCC#S ·--Kitten ·······-···········Sloop 41' ________ J'redertck ~-Lyon ed by merrymaking Mrxic&JU cele-X-t .......... .Jada S. Sch &6' ···-··-··-···········lsabelle Belyea brallng their national holiday 21 ·····--···--.Skylark .................. Yawl ~3' ·······-···········Donald B. Ayre• "Cineo de Mayo." A u . s . Navy 11 ---····---.Siboney --··············Sloop, 44'3 ·-···········-·-... Fred W. Lopn dutroyer will pkk up the landing 73 ........ _ .... Andiamo ..... -....... Cutter 40'8 .................... Norton 1l Miller y&cbt aa lt ~ San Diego ~ ~ :::::::::::·~~:·~ril···:::::.~~~~: :~~4 :::~:::::~:::~:!bt~ L.H~~~ ia •cheduled to preeede the y'cbt K38·1 ........ Tomboy ............... Sloop 33• .................... Paul Kettenburs- ln to En.ae.nada Harbor where the PCCfl ...... EulaUe ·····-·-······.Sloop '6'8 ········-···Geo Kettenburs. Jr. wan::ran will lie at anchor and IC-4 .......... Plelades ................ Sloop 44'3 ··-··-····-···········c . F. L&nders hold open houae for both Mexican. K-&3#1Q •. Non. ..................... Sloop 38' ................ Walter T. WlU.tn•y and Americana enjoying th• be»--33 ····:···-·-. .Medley ................ S . Sch 38'3 ·······-·--··-······ ..... Dun Harrel pitallty ot the 90Uthern ctty G 4 ··-········Tama1mu .......... 8. Sch. IJ7'8 .......... -............ Jn. .J. SJriprt • l&-3 .......... HUllTia ·······-··-·· CUtter $8.10 .............. _ ... Ken. P. Scbm.ldt \\1U nai.a. Friday N-10 _ ....... .SOIUoquy _ .......... Cutter 159.98 .................... WuUy D. Smith It is pruumed the tint tinlahfrls; 81 .............. Sp&rkle ··-············ Sloop 39'8 ......................... Alex Irvtnr yacht will arrtve aomeUme Friday 10-7 ·--······Brant& --·-····-··-···Cutter 59·10 ... -........ _.Dr. D. W . Barber L m. May 4. On that e•eninl" wtll 80 .............. Evening Star ...... Yawl.· 64.33 ................ Chu. H. Sclllmpff be oblerved ln 1!::nae.nada a "Noche 3 ..... ·-···-Selene ......... -....... Sloop 46'. ··················-··· .... .U N. VaUe M · ,, t ti a.ion atmil CC 37 ... _.Prtznanra ............ Sktop 37 4. ···········-············ .... Paul ·Hurst eXJcan~, e1 ve occ ar 8 -.............. Scandi& .................. Sloop 33 ' ·······-···········: .. H. c. Erick.Ion to our fo k dance sesBiona•t coun-17 .. ···--·--.carola ····-··············Yawl 41' ·····-·········Mra. Patrick Rya.n try fair1. The e.vent will be in R21·30 --·.La.ncer -·-····--·-···Sloop 40" .................. L. J, Whltl!iey, Jr. Hidalgo Squ&re. PTt:eentation cerf'-3 ······-···---Legend ···········--····Sloop 56' ···-·········--···Cha.rle1 Ullman monte.1 to the wlnnf'n of thf'lr F 1 ........... .Nam S&nr _ ........ Ketch 64.93 .... ·-·-··-·····-.Jn. 8 . Grtttlth aw&r(I will be Saturday, May 15 Y-3 _ ......... .Starbound ............ Ketch 39'2 ·······-······-······Ira P . Fulmor wb@n the. Pn!ddenU&J. Guberna· 99 ·· ........... Fairweather .......... Yawl 82.83 ........... -............. ~ J. Allen tortal and Mayor's tropblem wUI K3S-8 ........ Teeyat .................... Sloop 3.8.2 .................. Howard B. Lewi• be otticlally presented In En.eenad& K-38#9 .. .-Ou1ter .................. Sloop 18.15 ..... -·---···-·······Robt:rt 8UJ111pf p k Th F t th Batt.all 52 -----·········White Cloud ...... Cutter 80' ·-····-·--···•· .. David Barel&y ~~i~ry ;..n;uro~ntbe Mf'xtc: 77 ········-···.chir1qUi ................ Ketch so:10 ... -···-·······-···Tucker McClUN 8S -····--····-Dolphin .. , ............. Cutter 48 .................. Albert It f$&n.lltn. Army a.nc:l the 70 piece U. S, Naval 59 .............. Welt.ward }Io ...... Sloop 3'1' ••..•...••... -....... -Mark Bulml&n TrainJ.nc Station Band from San 14 ........... _.Janley ............... -... Sloop 48'8 ···----·---.D. D. Wllll&IM. Jr. Dteco will pn.dl:r a pr9-preMJ\t&-23 ··········--·W:~ ·······-···Stoop 68' ·~·····-·····-······• I . KUllr UoD COl'ICert. a&yad4re· ...... -.......... Yawl 51'4o ···-·-·········Ju. R Nlct.ollon The preaentailon ceremony will Tn.ldy IJ -··--·.Sloop l-"'--J:dm11nd L aa...,. ba followed by the Pttaident'• Ball ' .... :,... ~y · ~·--·-·Sloop 48' ____ .Lawrace 4.. Barr at the Rhien. Del hctttco Hotel, 5T --~...lloe.& -···--········-·Ketch 311,,: ······-·--"· D. Vopl --·--•-~tert&lnm wtlJ llop~l<I ·····-··-···Sloop -····-·--.Wlltr.d -·--~ r..• ent be Golden Bird ___ Yawl ''' ---·--··---D. W . Decker pro'fided direct from. Mexico City. 281 -··-·--.!tuomt -·-······-···.1: ... Tawl ,,.. --·--··-·-·.Dr. Berth& S. Ball F'int yac.bt to tinlah tut year 13 ··--·--..Bolero .:-··-···-····-·Sloop 48' ---···---·-···Walter TNptte wu. the Navy yawl Saluda and l ~-·---.Gayle -----·-·.Sloop 44' ----------.M.. P. IMitlt. the beat corrected Ume award 18 ·--·---·-··Froltc -·······-------··Sloop 4o4' ----·····-·-·---··...A.Jld:Y ltJrtr. went to Heber Erlckaon'• Scandia. 1 T --.... .Bruka.heart --.... Bloop 44' -··-·--·······-··--·J. G. Bean Both wt.II be principal contenders 18 ______ ...f'ourwtntt. ...... Schooner &O' ··-·············-----·C.l Beflu ap1n t111o year. AKBITRABY CLAM Ertckaon tteelved the Prul· dent of Mexico trophy; Walt El- llott'1 Z.Capadt (Claa B win- ner). thf' Governor of Calltornl"- tropby; Don Ayres' Skylark (Claa3 A wlnnerl , Mayor of En· aenada trophy: Stan Jacobs' Hur- ricane (arbitrary winner), Pretd- de.nt of U. 8. trophy; Chuck tn)... man'• Spindrift (~bJtraey ClUI BI. Governor of Baja c.Jlfomia; Gene Bolln'1 Eul.uy (Cla.u A arbJlt&ry), Mayor of ~ewport trophy. • • • , y-.,-. ·-·. QWWSU .-MD 1ra11oweuwa • • • " \ • • . I . W1m oua ·fuuCAN w~Y of lile at atakc, IOllle t.emporaq c:ontrola arc pqhapc incritable •. • • fOr. de- feme. But in apit.e of production limicaaom ·w dlrataidl! ~­ •&e1· lct'a not !OK our headJ~ A. financial uienrlon Ill tholisandt of loc&1 saTen, ww auggat you rec- opiix the "&11ying fnu" gencr· ated by daily headlines for just w.hat it is-a bliad aurmider 10 the mu instinct. · I ' • . 81!01e :Yo118uy •• ·• Stop tJnd Tllinlt · • 1. Emergency ' need £or cash ra1na will continue to a.rise U. ne'l.familr- and neither goods nor 1e"i'ce1 will ' con any !es"1 i11 the-n.U.fu¥-· Tbefe. £ore, &mit;r r~~es shpuic\ b;e bol· stued to ·co~ wid> the tiaing cwu oC tomorro,..s emergencies.· , • • . . ~~. Suick-plling enoqh 1nods "to sit O..i th.I em!rie.icy" ii~c)nictical, r for JIO 011.e C&ll ptedict-,Y~t item1_will be.ia abort aupplr •• orw!imate ! the length-of die criili; or .Gow whether th• tbi11.1• ~ tOci&r J will 1ie a. demabte UJ1DOttOw. · • : . ' • . 3. You know, deep Jio.r'n. that ia a COWi!!)' with th• ~ ~ ol ! the United Staiei,-ciiiaena. wW always .be, ptondedo with ne«Nitiea.. i Am:eri~ i.nTeaUft' 1eili111; bu ia the putlaad Wi!\. !a 't.l!_e ~: iad l w.iy.a to •ce CMir._~e gpodJ. ~teftifOtU,p~secl~ hr -aiialyzfog ic younC1£. ~ I flHt/ daii·'U.-?,·W..W 1 IM -..C.raJl I • • • 0>1 the moaey it Cosa"ll'Ue. retai!led ia-~ faailr ~· 1 • •• . . -.. .' . ,,, . ' . ' ., ·-•• T .,. r • <. JCf • 1.1.1 *M611tlll .. . . • . I ' .J-· ... ;.i.. l -........ • • ,- • • , • • l ' I f ., • . I • • • 1 • • T. • ' • I '). • • • • •OADWAY-Now W:.f :::;:. "' . . , NOW z•I WING "Ylll1atla_D .. •· "Al Jr11bti " OldcillDM" f .. " • ' ' STAltS ... AY E OPEN 1.-P. II. -ftDT8 at .... P. II. NOW ~WDIO ., • ftABT!I llUNDAY ..... ......,., lw Pww••-:: 8,_eer Tne7 -. ' •• loyal W d. •• "fa4n-'s • l<AaJ-...-u1 -~ · --.-r wnR • -. .&1oo -,,..._' • DIYld1ad" Maril ~-'"T ClrCJel U#nllw•" Olma ...... •tar.ta r .... . & "ledh1ad • n.. Cowboy" -Aloe - .... -u....- ()ooiUa-n.11J Frw0 l:U lie Ull I &Ill Se ••p 8TAJITll lllJ!fD.M' ..... MlalN, J-·-Ill -.&llo-llull. .... - "llrd of Paradise" ··"Tsglf Ualmo-" Chil.dren Under 12 yu~ FREE with Parenta AT ALL c•Mn TllE4'Dlill .. . . FUN ZONE OPEN EYEIY FRIDAY,.SATUIDAY and SUNDAY IAUOA • • Yev Met.Mr ( ... 79UI' clilldra'• Jrlotlliw) w1D w1l11•1 • owt f'rGID ocQ. WW. eeleetlM.. Oeme la ud ,_.. anucL ..._w,..P••~ ·nn: WJLU'PDIO HJiVIClt • • 'ANNOUNCING ' ~r. Ray Hill INTDNATIONAUY KNOWN. CHEF AND MAITIE 'D HOTEL WILL BE AT YOUR SER.VICE ·-AT THE • HUNTINGTON INN CHALET DE ROULET_ ROOM S•1ws, Evert· PriCNy GltCI Sal•day as USlllll 804 Oc:ean Hu_ntjngton 8'tac:h, C.lif. . Phone lex 6-4172 • .. • • ~ • ~-; • • °"""' it-...... . ti :30 AM. to I P .M. .cWy • 'C1ttl" .s.-.. ... holid.,. • • "'1111 a.~ • ., 2-21..- ~e(ffKI~ - Imm.AT. TllUDAXt ..,.. Welt'1Jd ;r•s • • • ' • ' AD LIB ··By MARGO • co a 1-~11 llMDll .. , (fr7 IO-~ ts -W 11k11.. JI ti'? •1Qie ...._, )W. ............. ____ 1...,. ... -..... ._.... ~ outol---__ ,..,... ____ "1· - .. oun ... ,.,.. t11o traall -Illa* .... dolq a& UM ..,di! YI* llllL. -~-Newpori. • • • • a KUM OODIQ '1'0 Bii 'l'Rll: ·WOllDT "'-TOU'llll Bl U!QCD SVlCli1' BHOPPD!O, J'()LLY .Al'P.AllllL, u. womu'• ft1tDd Ma & complete babJ "'•utz 11•L _.. :jou coa tbul ~.a JlollT -J>lafCI ~ lnfaat ..,W..., 8IMpen. ~ 111111!. Ion ... ., nttloo, baby sUt-. oh ~! ~ .'1lu Mn. Do.1'• ltleatlftc lDl\AL Ball7 --.... _,. a. tor uttlo w.lllerw. Bo1con Jl&bT-.U.,.. ta.•·11.11. .Alld ,_ ~ strl babtlll, Tery dalat)-1~ J1UV •srs,7 , .-ol plalda and ct•pam.. -.. 1·14.. ~ *'•••• an ..,...... wu'l11tle and ara In llM1 otyleo at JIM· J'.tl. You -'t ~ a baby tqo ll!uda. --· '1'11"7 -tll&t at U. POLLY APr••s1 ,. 1811 Mew,en .a....., :-r -. • • • • • • • • .t.RS YOU 4 NJOBT.JILOOKINO, CRSA'l'VU f Do }OU -~ Y"'1' motll1 ...... ....--ln1Sl>t UJl!laf Well huftoy -.;. Uo4re'• a Jut.em la UM window fw 1"11 at u.. ........ -'ftlw a!Pt owW. U.O. kffi*-ol 111.o -ara wt.I~ up fir you no.w unW I L in.. You OU: taU VJ all netac tllld otU1 '"' a hot lie ~burp~ and a He laClltUl or J'rmch rrtu for ballut.. Alld you"U !be a better ctu.a la tfae monWtc for it! And for example, if eome convt.W drop ta °" ~ ..-It you'1n behavills )'OUIWll pl&ylq' cardo aru1 wddm!J bun,.r .t.rikM. w)llp. over for a bq!Ul of lie• hamburpn. TIM Xottap Kaf• ii ata.ndlna open. tram 11 L -..-S L -. ju.t for you. You set Vf'U'OtlMn lat. at ll!Pt even lf you ha..n to pinch younelf to olA7 a-i.e. Xotiq. K.afe, lHO Newport Bl•4. 1 bllt boyond x-n-ter._ (CLO&lro TUE8.J I , . • • •• HEY I 'l'Ollll 1'0Tll I It ,.... .... opt to flJ ta a ,.... and wut to throw llOlllOlhlq- be 8Ul'e I tt•• a potted pl.ut from MORIU"B ! (Thil WMk·• ~lal I -·Pou 1~ a buncl>., caah and UIT)'.) n.&11&8 BT MOUi, IOI &. llal-!llYd. Harbor 2070. • • • • • COUnty Symphony COncert PO!fponed ~ o.4ie11t fJ/I 0...-a..&r .,_.. ~ -• l 1ba. e a ssl _. liq 11 a& "::i;::: .. ,.,. .,. ~ ldlltw ~-· •••• ,._.,,...to T'l••·~_j JI.Ii ft,1 .... ::r: .,,.,.._ 1aw111, •ntor. ---...----' ............ ·'1str& .. pl&JIN Kq I 111. ea•Nft at I.a-- ..... ~ IQall ICMOI. ,Doilp --·-lll • . . ~NSATIONAL . . •~RJU.P.ACKID ~ ~ f ' JAL O ·PY. .. • -RACING . , SU•dCly. May6 • \ . --u- TluaT STADniM~ Hn111111Jt1• l1•c• ·, • -"' .. Fir"*-• .... •• SEATS roa ll.IM .._ Pwldm& I ~-~~~~IU~:.i~ := ~ ~~t i;o1:.,: --,...,, loftUor fllnlltun 1l'<>m a tr.. u...n that "'""" "¥ ---------- CAltLYLm'8! n .. f\lnllahlnp an bMutltUJ,ly put to,.th•r and j D•ECTOIY ....,._ built ot mallopny, uh or ...,,._ You can pl elopnt. mod· _...,_ _______ _ -lilr. ut4 Mn. Ch..u, Bollywoocl """4 -,......C cabtn•ta. ~-+-------...._ __ , cllalnt Mta.. and any numb-"' of pt.ce. ta ttnlal'l9d •r unttntabed. OUIJle'• FllnJture .... ltl own factory, .-)"OU cu. ••• a& .... , ~ on. any of tll.• mocM:ms or pr"O"riaciaJa. Carlyl•'• rumttur. la aow in larp MW abow room.a at 1990 Bartlor Blvd., eo.ta KM&. ... ecm 1111--W. Go lltreU taru tb.19 ,... .. rtul tunrlture foreatl • • • 4WAY WlTll GROUND llOO DAT, 4IUIOll WIU ·L ..... , D.D.a. DJINTlll'nlY I -• n• Kew poet mft., 0aota -~cal lllde· B•c• ITU ..... ,. ..... ..nm j --Uf.J • ~ I""' MOwa·s DAY ..1flllll ..&. ~ nm& . . . . ,,,, •• ~,i DRSSES•,_...,..,_ • •.aztt11L• 11;a .. , _ .... t1-•-U!Jitltli,._ Prite1 St•rt at $7.tl • • • • • PARFORM .:.... NANINA SWIM SUITS ' •1 I D'~. ._..,,. .,..._, ... • 4 1., •1 ' J _. to•• ._.,. ta w...- ..,• 1a J.ia ;p 1&1 • 1~. Discount ·· Ariy Pwcftqie · (D()UT ABALO-.:l ' .,., -.. &iD • ' IAYSIDE FISH MAUET FNsli:~l'.lrll 'ht,' from 0. o-"1iu1il ! • • I • ./I -llPl:cllAL ........ 75' ABAIA>N& ITKA.&S_.I& a II" TBS WIND DOEllN'T BLOWI -· ~--· -lla7 . NEWPOllT -111 AUTO. FLT MAY 19tli TO 26111 ' am.s . on:w:•• 4.is 1o t:so 4.ts ,. 6.25 BOB'S SPOITl81 · GOODS 17tll • Npt. llY(l.Costa M11a .... 6021-1 "FANTASIA" - -ft,tJS.- 'A"*' -"llllAL llLAND" DA.T A.ND W.AAll DAT! 1At'1 make enry oi.T :11.0THJ:ll'I DAYI llome ot .. Jniib ..i.. a tend99.c7 J~ to ru&elll•r mama wlten we .-OVJ" -~ .,... maaey, 1-=::::::::::::::;::::::::::::~ ~=====:'.:====::;====:t====~ w eome ..w1aS ..._ A. Motller'• rtft. ••· ;. poctancy i. _., low, kl IMr sift apprecia· 11: RN D ttoa ""'" ....,. hlclL ,;,. •••• 1 a tt 11.u llEBNABDA II. . -...vu VA.LUO"', pf i ll ..... ,. ,,. ..... a .toretul ot u..tul and trtvolou.8 l1ttle 1 ~ i:;.,~ *-' • .II • •• #n 7" could w•ll afford to jelly 11p your Kotlwr' .......,. 4ay or a J....._. 11Ufte.Uou if you pl-..: Th9 6610 bu a ~u.:r=·~ ~ 1-------,-----ln.n.tr et J7ra· ooo"'n.s d1lbea (a a .. t sift for l~ up .,m• ._ l lolat 8araW7 tll' TNl6o ~ .... ,._it); PY boxed otatlonery th·t8<; llttlo ._,JU 1-11111 u4 1·1111 llOW llllOWQIO Gnpf7 ..... t..• ... "ONL 'l"TBlll V .ALIANT" . _..__ ... u.·-....... ,~ . ._ OllOOK ,.._ - .... -.......... -""""' .. ; UUllty Cany-AU .,..., laeoy I';;=·========~ I ~:i"tlrldco ~d ~ ottcu: eooldo cutt.ro. Jello Io moulM. ToO'tl ftJld a mlllkm 9l'l4 _. pq.t. for your MOTJD!IR ~ ... ll>""s: al th• BALBOA 11t10. aoo Kala, Balboa. 1'. a. o. a. · • • • OPTOMETftlST lo. ... .....~~ ,_ ••. --!'Qtm.' 'UN v~-... v! rm .. ewitce'• otnc.r here. •• a .... £4jl -'"'*" .._.,... "'11f \Di.r i'An••f JllCMt'n... tlal&. ao oa !IJ.1 ••J:!J!l#fi BET.EN R. ROBERTSON, M. D. Announce• ~ Open1n.a of Her Offic9· at 17'1 ~UPEIUOR AVE., COSTA Jd:S4 (Formerly N.wport Av•.) 1£ND6c::JuNOLOGY AND OYNAIXlOLOOT -OJ'J'ICE PK. BEACON l60I ~. .. . • '1111 -~-1fMola 4 1 rtr't tUe ~at U.. C.. .. Clarie&. TO\! • -.. _,.. •· '""'.... .. ----tn.n.tport ,.,.._.,._the-· And . -. -:-.. ,_ ~,.... ,. •• -.. ~ ~our Amert.a.a dolla!' aoeti~:::::::::~:::~::::::::::~I;;::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;:::::-;;:- ..... _ .._ a .... w. tuww tt ~ u.. Pot.ornac! 1; · ••~old! "-•tt•. -°" -80lad, a hot P'"'"' &domed IE SURE. INSUit~ FIRST . GRAbE CAllWOOl wttll aa -e'9t• • ._, ta.co aad tried -.... PLUS tortilJ&a, dr1U: and Ii: C L 0 SE In n t aD M ... l .no nte ot uclsanp !O certalnlJ 115 your taYOr , -·-~ ..... -I 00"/0 All WOOL at UM ..no.. Mwdoe• . ...,.,.. l, Karro Jlill.M Dun.oaa recommend .....,_ ....,._. ::'" ,c;:: .. ~~:.,~~s~-:'.~:"i!~::;'..'":l .;!...~O.:,. OUT f' A 1·p ET 1.1· G tt~~~~~~~~~~ Opal-t.....IJ~---1·10;--ru-•"It.&-•R -~ llC or.O'I~• ~!i-1 X..: o1 :. Kohl.,....1 1..ui 0 , Kr& SPECIAL ! "' Only $)95 per aq. yard • • FOR REAL FUN -. ''ZING" DON"f MlU OUI f'UMHt SHOW ... •tW -•tW - VISIT THI l!llW HUT -o-e--... i.c-a l""'°' .-.....i .._ ...... ,_. 0U1z • JM7fl -cillmAl'S. Jml Im* a Or 3¢ I ... • .. n.•t ~ ... i.. -ot llwnmor! AJld aow ... .,.. tacllPC th• W. 1111•1 fllle .lnat•tled to Your Floor LAMI' (W -Cl.U.IWOOLI CALIWOOL. my -lo aD wool • • .... __ ... cupellzlC wlll<I> .. tut -clllq 1l'<>m tho IDUltet. ~ IMMULUfC8 N'* "Rem••nta or Roll end.I - fte Oto 1a 1 J'IMr o...n.. 11.u eJutc:llod Ila lut clut<I> on thj• tint po.in-Jflfonitati<m I II · :-:-...:--,., -~·~ ~ ... 1~.~t ;!,':"':.:.:· 0:8!~~~~ ~ ll'wpwa -ft. -· Ii COA$TL!l1 NI FLOOR COY. IRING 1 ---. ....... ., _,.. lllt ... , • ..,.._ for ..-.. Jd. TIU lo U.. ttrnnJlht soodl and no nnll ando or 1'1t7 ~ew•"'pori"" &ft.. (leeta 11-. JI&, Dll-1 ,.....Me! lilW'7 aad pt tlloM: rucseutten at the COA.STLINICI';::=:==::=:==::=:=:=='. l'l.oGlt 00\7-0 to nsll out Uno .-pot t0< youl lath ud I; New)OR ........ OOilta X.... Batoea IHt.J. \ . . . . CAlf YOV ~ ,_ !!ANDWIUTINO ON TBll WALL! n •a all Vft'1 pJ&lll when tt'• on a Hottman., RCA, 0..-t .,. PMllud llolJ . TV from Uno - • ..._1•7l n-e mony-ftqar ai.o writ• t.Mt 1' --'t -.,. '-t a N •t 7ov mtpt u well "°' • r1aC' ,a -.ri&t Jifo OIM will ltaJ' home wttll JW A1""4 i'f• ~ wtl1 .._ to .i.tt you. Oh life -,._ -,.... i.,. Ill pnora1• llOUU: or ~OKT will. UNT YOU 4 ~ • ~ llATJ:Q:AEll ----..- lrnpar '"'" PICAOON Mil. O-t. ·-.. ..,.. Oo.. Slit Newpo1l Blvd. . . CAllNm l'Dl& PU&5lftJD MAD. •JN OUll·OWN .. OPll . ' floor JaOdal • wtill ,.._ iiuta!latim. or ..U you, a -...d new ..t Oil lNdC.t tarozw_ TRY ONll: l'OR 11Z11 ntOK ,_ HOUU: Qr ILUUICINT. lltT NO'WJl(Trt 4ve, Coot& KNL Bea. 1111.-. • • • • I . .., .... nib -""'° BOUR a OAJID&N OPlff Mins ........ II ... 4 ill j1coAST HWY. NIW>OllT _ _.a 4 SKUO tu.NIOll! A --11U' p1ace I'::=;,========= for you and ,....... ~ to c1rop an<Sior. "Tlllo bome JUOCIMU>l'8 SHOil llROP • port WU built fw people -loYO thl .... u ,o( .._ ._..- Uno alt air, U.. _..i of tlno nsu>f and • "1-ot --·Toa Walt ..A ,• pe d C Mip&. l'or W. com.fort&bJt fUrlUaM4 MacJ1 ~GA Pt I IS.,. . bot.. • .tb•t9d cloee to tba B&rtaior• •tr:uee-~ C.111Cf .... TM ll"\DI' room lo J&rp and-~ wltll a~-°'"°''"' -. . ---__ ....... ••t~ia bu'. ,,._.are two•~ WOftOt . ....,.. •••111tl1 . w•r ~ pU.1.11 • • 1111 "l(ew... .... • tnctlft bedrooma u4 batu. and tl»e ebet. in • ~:CWPOllT U•CH UAL UTA.ft -U& You can plle up a lot ot 1'la U-........ .. ... Jarse .. .-psUo wt~_, ..... Ullen'a • • two ear ,.,.... WiU. aa an perJdlW runp. U tt:1 a ..,., s ''•He ...., b7 the aide of tM ..., moa•t fW l"' .. I' ladoor9 .. -.. Uoat '_.. to""' •.. call lollJ ... .1la _ .... .:roi.. B• -.. .......... Dhie. ll0'7 & •Jboe ....... •nor MOT .. • • • • Tllert .... tllN --... lsafPY• tlsera .... ---... )lua. -tM Tl» Uoat llllo ---.-.•lotlle~r. ........ ' . ... &-DIG , Fm1is flllt Sllop r.·-·---" ••omr ~ _JI_...,. .. _..._ ,_i A11'1_.. •1.uoe •.. w ra......-. -. " , w• .... ftlo wall ti'-• ,... w,...__ 11 I , ... n -.. 1 n ---.,..__.. ·1a iln · ~ ... '1111111 ....._ •••• • ldt•h1sn • _.. ftl'8 a_. ... ta U 111 '• -_. _ lnoL ...... 1111 • '.LI~ -I! IOI \'Ma --blo • --~-8fal-',.. ............. .,,.. ............ ii&••· ~ r a •• a' .C .... -I 1¢J"tc W MW o• bl YIP 'Blls .. • • 0 7 dN 7 1 .. 1:M-... .. c119 .. ' I -.............. $ Q at -.... I Call DI ... I• l -a n I --. --~ . JD C y.._ 0IzI'7dJC tlr & -. -& ---.. .. ua•••.,.,..,_~111&·a11n ,,.._ ll~~ft~1!11t~T;Tia ' ' . ~cu• l'.U. ~ • llO 91 • -• ,..:aitt .. Jl)!it-" ,._ ..... ~rn·1am • e:s ... -·---7 ' .. • •. 7 s~ ., ,. JO% l • . E~erythin9 ~. Hurry ' ' • . I .~ i...-tat• . 314 N; oast llvtl-'•I 1111 l11c• .' J: ' ' •• ' • • • • ~ ,. ....... ,_ _ .... }." ,., Jiil • . • .... ' ~ tlllN a -.a W.al M . , Ji&W ... 11 ~ • ·. ~ ......... '*' -. "'°"' .. ·-& ...... Bo' ARD Dl \:lNS. LAUNCHING 1;.1-r-Rae Delta Gammas ,,.. attalr, ,. ...... et -1 C-U S H I o " S RAl MP AfT~UlNEW c· G DOCK at~H m -Sllida· .. ~. Plan An~. Benefit -E~~~~ ·~;&~ . y · ~ , .. u. -...i bon.nt to .e.a 11 o'c1oc1< ~ wm \JO • ··~ • i-• be Jll •••t.1 ~ <>nap Oouat1' t~ eatdlJ. _ c.m:· .... z;• Jfc•,.• ~ < ~ .-e 11,...i ........ ollM~ Dolt& Oomma A.IHMtn u Ami, ¥n.Jl.Pa711A~,--(~!IDB ........ ,.., Quid! aetlan on a orna11 M t . Jalopy 4'-""'"U... 'rrttll..,.-.Prob: 8qt. ...::-.:::--=ta"": I.. "'1th lllra. au..,. ~ .. ~ . · launehlng ram~ for th• O>rona-de)' s· . · Ulo f!eld of ._. ·-T1I ..,._ = ot i(;;,:-~ ot IM '-.. ...,. ¥te. ~ -.u • , • , ·x.ra.-..bu bfft> tal<ai ron-.. enta Ana Ma.tron wt11 -..-..u...~ •· llall>oa'.'"1"""-pourtd .. 1._-..-table. __ _., 'a prote:it. to N'"'port llHch city -•• llftll·..U.· !ilrt ~ ID ·l/ \-- eoundlmm lut Wffk ttgUdln:c Honored et .· llllatlqton "BtiJa ...... _7 fat -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ l l ijw~1a~·Y•'· :IE:-_, the abandolu:l)ent ot the Carn•tlon a.noOMcr _....ot Ulm" ~tc fii1l aad. ... ,.,. I "-_..... . i A. .. nue nmp, llupenilor Heinz A ti . . ti rL •ll.&1 ~ -,, II " " 0 ..... .,.,. I xu.er told th• eo.on. d•l ""' n C'.'P• on ~ower -~ :trta.ll!_wt11 1><c1n .a t yio;M, .,,u.oi## . Q ,.,_,. ,....,_ .,, , n c Civic ANocla.Uon at a meetlni Enl •lh-1. Paul) _.. ol ~::Jr:,;,. with ~-rue. • Tllurod&y a1cbt at the crammar santa ".:,,~ ...., 11on _,_.' _,.,. tWfir-qua11-TillESA . RENNER (Mn. 'Ji.. 1l1nMrJ' J _, .. ,,. '" Khool. ' or ._.. .. ,..... ~. ea.a. ta-....S ,tor-:I o'clock. "''' ' 1:r1M1 ,, • . Kal.aer expl'.ained lhat a n.mp ~Uyh at a {3~ -"~ .. ~ ~t t~ U.."".Jta~ ~~ ·M ft 0.11.fll & ?"7 II, t -.~-O .. • e}z fll I II . 9!• • a bu bee.ft Included in the p:ana tor ....., orne 0 .mn. ~u ... Ly --. ,...ar.cs .fior etry ta lb• ·· -• •• -· • • - -·-....... ...., O ffe a- the new Cout Guantdock and p10. ~ ~ .. ~~•nuo,:;::. •-tbyua.CJ.t.:'.W.lutWMl<"a 43' llH• Dlh• , Ha••r 1171.J ~ -""'' 1 '••-••I poad Harbormut.e:r .3t,l.Uon °"''" e-.. ean.. r . ... trtple wtnaer, Ra. lcha1e,-or J.&; ,~ .. i.cu .. ., ~ • ...... o - -· .. . • th~~:;: ~~i:_ C!:bduty ••th• :;;!,.!':":~Rk:i:::" x.':. -· :':..::;:: t!'i!::i-:"U::: CM II• llJ 3 • -Cwtnn .. .... _ ;_ ... :,.. OU:..~ at.atJon 24 boura a 4&1' and wUi Camn we.re approprtat. to~ tn U.. qu.a.UfJ1.nc .._t,_the Mm.1--'":============::========~~~~~=~~=!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be able to control lbe nolN mt•· Utemie aJ1d priaH wen ~woe lb'> m.ala and Uae --~ ma.la ennt. • • "D&tlnl" trorn t1ahenncn 11~g-tbe. Rtlth Wheeler and Batty Tm.er. ~ colorful drtftf"I wlw> )I.a" faclllUe.• early In the monU.ni", Oonaoled were p~ )(ynette and Moolne tu t&wd.t.e. and wbo Kalar t-xplained. A $%:>00 ltftn Msdellne Taylor. b&Te &WHd td:tdb>m oft1daJI ot. in· the bud«et wu set tor tbe BealdH m~ mnaJJer cUta. • their appe&raa.c. are Bob ~ nmp at a meetinJ of the. cou;i.t}· b&ndaome, bathlnette w9:1 pNHnt· On.at I.Ambert. l'Nd Ru.ell, Bob harbor commlaston TUclday ~ai· ed tbe honoree. Jee crum mo~ Stanc)ltt, Chubby Sonnem. Bob Rr told the gatbulnJ.;;. , • like a cuddly baby ln ltt: crib WU C1eu and Kenny R.u.•tt am~ The de.:Jvery ot ~ted •1dlng, u~ Hrwd with cake. otbwra tn the tleld. ot 75 or more: ~cted In J\me. 1-the only caW!le. J'rom Santa Ana We~ lira. , Ia GOOd . of delay in the projC't:l, the •u-ptr· Wheel,r utd her mother.·ln-Jaw, "' ..... viaora f'Xplalned. 111.ddlnl" that ... Ruth Wheeler, Georrta .lloberU, Owner · pl'OIDotar :rom T&Jbert IOGI' u the l"lHI arriv~• the work 0..ttafae Wheeler and. ·ltoxlcen& hu th• ,track lD ti(• -1 lhape wiJI proceed. Two hWldrtd feet Of Goetbel: from Garden Orove. 8\e;J-It •nr'h u brtae, and drtvera ot the 700 !ttt of bll.v (ron\.a.p w!ll be la ColllJIA &Ad from. Run.Uncton the CJ.A. admit OMJ'd ~ 1't09t uaed by the Coui Ou"rd and har· Beach. I.Artie CU.Olito. othn-1' happy to ina.te the Hu.ntin.cton bor department. teavlnz: the baJ· preffnt were Pen.ny . Mynette. Beach oval their "'home" tor th• &nee ot ~ feet t't'r the boat Madeline Taylor-, Grace Speth. entire .um.met" n.clnc MUOn. launehins ramp or oth>?r uaet. Ruth Bean. Ann Roctn, Adele They like the track for tta tricky ~e. Grace Heron and Grace tUl'nl but. allo for ttl udlUent P1aa OrdlllanMt Wt-aver, Coat& Me•: Betty Tosh, atietY-tMtilrn ior both racer and An orcianance l9 b~ing ·"\\·orked Joaynll! Rorick, Ade!a.Jde Porter spectator. out to Um1t the dtilltnc of oU and no Cunntnpam. Newport SomeUilna-nq will b4t add9d to wella in the cout&.I ma aouth BN.cb. the llhow thta week md, too, T&J- fram Wewpqrt Bea.ch. It will have Sendin( rttlll but unable to be bert bu announced ..... Anyone .two public he.&rinp bd'ore the pruent wen: Ruth Wall, Ethel ln unttorm, whethef' tt be .Army, county pl&nn1ft& coqµn}alon and Watktna, 9l&dys An&pach, Jior-Navy, Marine, Wave, WlriC or Boy one before the board' ot supenia-ence Copu, lCllen Leverlnc, Ve· Scout. wUJ be admitted frM of oni 'before beinl" adopted. Ka.lier nJta HJgglM, Nadine Hawley, Jean ctiarce -and U.. oUictal adult e:xplaint'd. A..-atudy ta being-made Litt.a, Martha VHt, Dot'othy Wat-tee wtll now be OM buck. tax tn- ot auclt brdtn&ncu ln other C'oun-kin.a. Haul CJ.ark and Jenn.te eluded, tor au othen. Students tiff: to arrm at an ordinance Richard. will be admitted for 76c, whl1e which wtU work, he u.id. ch!ldttn under 12, accompa.nt.ed by PrHtd .. t V•m• 11\'•taon pr .. ld-Mrs. Roy Roush their parents, wtll be admitt.d ed at the' me:etlnc of the civic trM. f?"OUP• which paued a reaolution ft d p T A Aa uau&J, T a ti,.rt will continue tavorin&" the enlarse:ment Of the f"resi es at .-• , hi8 policy Of tf'M parklnf &nd fJ'ee Newport Be.a.ch library building Cln pro..,..ma. Ialand A••-· 11&11>oe. Rox Brandt. Board Meetin g ----- • mt-mbtt of the Ne-.1>0rt Beach Dodce haa moYed. Watch Ill library boa.rd, e:zplalned plan• of Mn. Roy Rouab, ntw preaident Ut• board to enl•rce the main of Newport Harbor Union ht1h Dodp haa moved. W alch It~ Ui>rary bulldlnr bdor• proceedin.r 11:.bool preaided at the tlrat ~rd 17 ----------- "'1th branch libr&rlea. No Developments in Arson Case -''No new devftlopment.A.'• wu: the Word from Fire ~tor Phil Hayden conceminr the thr'ee re. cent tin-a on AN.Jone Ave., Bal- hoe. Illand believed to be the work of an anonllt. Hayden Kid that an in.,eatigator from the National Board of Fin! Vnderwrtten hu bffn called in Oft the CAM. To date the only clue unurtbed hu bH.n the fact that all three tlreti w"ra started with matehe1. The late•t tire occuned Thurs- day at 206 Abalone Ave., Balbo& X.land, in a h ome owne-d by K. &. Swift of 1.09 Anciele• and resulted In approximately $200 damagea. The hou.te. was unoccupied and in- TI:•llptora found evtdencM that .-omf'<me had broken into the houae. On .April 13 a 13000 fire burned the un0«upled home of Andrew G..-m ot San M>.rino at 207 Aba- lone Ave. a.nd on April 21 a f1re caused $~ d&m&&"e to a waU of a ho we •t 204 Abalon~ Ave .. owned by Mn. W. W. Barnett. DOOge h.u moved. Watch It! Dodge haa nioved. Wat.ch It! 1.una "CAN SlllQ ~ 7-9'- ..... ..--.J ·- , .. B.L.1'MIT .... IT1-oel ~--· ,,.~-~ .... -. omoK4 111:1. IU& •C-."1' q . -~•·m ....... w meetinJ ot the ye&T hel.d at 1 p.m. Monday ln the teachen' c&fetertL Mn. P'ay Ha.rbt.on, dean ot wo· men. &ddreaed the board and d.la- cuuion centered on plana fOT the comJ:DC" 11ehool year. Memben al.a approv9d .upport for the new ad- dition. to Newport city library. AU PT A membera were ur,..ci to &ttend the meetlng or Fpurth Dla- trlct, California Conlfl'"e• of Par- enta an~ Teachera, to be held ln San Die~. May 2, 3 and 4. On rrtday evenlnc Ntirin• pre•ident, i:Mn. Ed.-ar R. -nn1 and Pl' A membert cookfll tbe turkey d.i.nner and home-mad• p1•• and did the ~rring a t the annual ban- quet ot the Girl.I'' AthJetie ueocl- alion.. In apprecJaliGn Mn. Hlll wu preMnted wtth a lovely tea caniater Ht and then wu a blg box. ot candy to be divided between all the mother•. ThoH uaiating Mn. Hill were Mmu. Roy R.o\uh, Al Horvath, Paul Huttman, Claude A.nderaon. Ed Waltera, Thomu Juko, Har- o.kt Boyt"ey, Bull Petenoa, i:. V. Rap.n. Edward MJrkovi~. Er- nest McClellan, Parker Pence, Stuart l)jehJ and Hariland ao.-en. Ba lboa Duplicate Bridge Winners ~ A. W. Tummel and H_ s. HolU1 were winner• eut·weat and Mra. A.mold au.er and Hra. CharLu Boardman. were htcb aeoren north. aouth ln th• duplicate brtdg-e pme held on Monday attarnoon ill Balboa. Runnera-l1p eut -we8l wtre Jin. C. E . Irvin and Kn. Z . L. Hade.lay; ,Kra. A. a . Doeaburc and Mn. Mlldnd I.ytJ•; Mn. JC. B. C&mpbell and Kn. Ullla:n ~olz; llra. Ll.1a l:mu.aon &nd Mra. Thomu K•:bllecly; M r a. Kathleen Walah Qd Kra. Carl Venen:ian. Runner.up north • .-uth wer. Kr8. w. w. Wllaoft and lln. Mollie Ba.11&.nl; 'Kr•. H. a ... Hollla and MNL Ray Strots: KN. A.. W. Tlllnmel and Mn. Goorp Olm>ll; C. B. Johnoon and Gorald Ke- comber; Kn. C. H. Johnmn and Kn. Gerald llcComber. · Dods:e h.aa moved.. Watch It? • AllllHU~ 4•Uf•, II <ll•M«: ..... .,. .-le. _. rtt•ll, J Nln-K.11 fl'ffltl ,K.... ,ric:t , I .,.1,..__ M.M TOUll SAVI ... _ ... Don't Forc-t Mother'• Day Kay 13th HI HAT-&I ...... II <h•lw~ ~.,.. ,..X.. .t r.taff, I ,.ln_M.tl s..ct.i P.a... .,,1,,, 1 ,.-k.-sa.t1 YOU l SAYIN9---11M NOW OPEN ETHEL RICHARD'S · Antiques & Import s Decotetor T 011che1. for _ the J-iome ltlft'll'f ll'IMS:roa ~~~ · POI& JIOi •+11, YOCJN• oa OLD • 4U N...__..... • • ClOllT• .... _ B 11 1 etn~ YOU'll Fiii> EICEPTIOUl YAUIS II MIY SKI. ,Of 111 STOIE ' ' I r A truly outstan di ng value even t ••• ·where you ca n really .s•r• on foods. Regular low, low pricet plus special buys make tltia • a sa le you cannot affo rd lo m i ... Check the values lisi..d, then hulT)' to 5afeway and tak" advan tage oi the low prices durill1 this big May Sale! PEllAIT COFFEi Speci•1 prK:e this week. l: 69• Alrwty Ctffee -=-~ 77• GrOUl"d ot ,..,,.. 13-lb. boo. 2.2s1 .. Hill Coffee ciu:~ -~ .... 79- bc.ii..it ffowor. 12~1b. boo. 1.5ll TOlllTO( · SlUCE :=. 4 .:.; 21·0 SPlGHt*,ll ,~ir!:~ 2 u!.~23° W T11 ~:: 57• v;:· 29- Mlf,Mfbury. fl.lb.pkg., l .l)l t. I .• Al ou• JllCE '= 17• PNHI lltter ~ •:.,-32- ~ °' r90U&ar. 124-os:. ior, 57ca aunER Fint qu•licy, q-u•rten. SWD QD. Mar._.,•_. =.,... . MIRUBJllE • FLOUB SUGD *1111. I 0c .... Cral. r..tcW ~·· ~·1.11 :n.. 0,. dllri ' n.1ar ....... ia- 14 IMS 14 IMS CHECK EVERY ITEM SAVEi • • D•YGUl ... 7.a~ ••" " • r FU-VII-A• f or 1n•kin1 he,·er•1es. 2 ptp. 9• -._, '# a.11• ,,,., llKenie Milk Fmh! .:= 19tC To 6e sure of top quality, full tri,.•illg. ud !Ow pr*"'.•· Shop Safeway for your me&IL ' POD SBOULDD BOUT Culllaa--~ .. 3•·~· .. 49°1 _.., w""""" 5 • !~ llllto BlCOll •.t.!t" .. 5 . 0 :-1'.. ..~ • . GoY'I ar...i. A. JlcrNW Sq:••• etia:••a..._,... • ,,. 119" SIMlder . . .. 59-. fl'ICISSet fowl __ ,.._ ._ _. ""·,. ,._., "° 'l""--Mon«ttouw.evt~t.4) 1t l.llM lelS Short Cut· J .. f"f.-'Oick• l,llS ~!' •. t. -.....::-·, ._ afa Dlldl11 lr11sts ~ .. 1.21 lllllt 1l111 ~ ~ ... fHle1 ti(.. .. ~5· llllll Oops ~;;' .. CkNI Psdl_fillel .. •5• \Jail OlfS la<•~ •• , ..... _. -•••••I UT .7. ·-· r 2 !I - 5 JI --------~·---, • ..- ALLSWEET MARGARllE 1:.· 2sc: Play Magie 'Rithmetic Gem• and save up to I 0c , p•r pouricl II) Ore. ,..11u2an1 1sar.•s;lllf, .. -· - • cioer4 -· ............... -....... ......... _ ............ _. __ _ ........ ,. .......... - ... .... (- • '~44· ,. ----------~---~,___ ___ _ t ' Driryi.M u.,,,... c. ... , ... ~ ............ --2s· ... t ---------------~--------SOii mm1s. e..yBMer. '4 25• 17-os.pkg..lSc) .... _ ----------------·· ' - -MDNJI COii c .... a1y1e. Golclm. . '::"-IS• -' -Howi:ig1niffd. CHolf-gol'°"-19c) Milk Pl'Km tub;ect to Stote .... helns. SHr Cr1111 ,._...,. =· 24e frm!lrfM =' 15• = 2 .. Mft_ W"9!-~L Sl;cod, Wloite O< ...... liisisl .... = ; n-.·; ##Oil "'"'''"' '''"' lnfl ... -• Hide ':: 49• 1:'83• '::·43• l4 -SIDWlllFJ 38•. !! 1.08 . -.. .... ., ~'--~33-~ts ore •tra • 0 botti.. • • --------------· llctJ·bter... :!.:' 15• SPIJ mlfll .. I · (),.--· ... ._. !! 38-!! I.OB R~~.---s,. ...... ..,. • ........ °"" ift ~ ~ '°·9!" ttieM.. T_, odl1·1••· • ' ' I ' • r • • • •, • • • , • • I • • • • •• • .... l'Oii., :!: 1, :un Mrs. C. F. Linders Last Pot Lock Bethel MQthers Ca~ Circle Aids ~ t:!: ~ : .. t%.::': Wwilefs .. adattt . ::. ~ -:.-=: -=.:.-=: -.. WJIPPll<G ....... Host -· D'"'D r St Ch t t Install at ChUrch Pt-am • I ... -I rt•,(....... • f!. ,!.,; ~lit. -Jlln. --eu o ~~ r6r or op er o ':"''F ~. lhll •-• ••tt:.,. •Y'_,.""'8 .a: .... -vr' '"".,,,,, atJ Welcomes '1'111 -w, ,. •Ill'.., a. i.-,. _ •n• cit•n• Country Club , ,ft."''*• -.., • -;;·•.;:.-=.....-v: 1t:; ... ••PSI!_ en,~~ :;:,1~1 1::'8= ~ :Z. mwlllll a.di l14wpwt ~ ltAt tb•~-.ta ------MotMn .... el 0.... •·--M O&&J 1 .. 1llr 0... .... llDd La m,r*'L M d "It Bt'lll. _.. 8 • •V' b« 21• ........ ...:,.. ... ' =..:-:1::. °":8 .,:: ~.i: "'w!"t.,....,ira':.!. a..,: •·· ii.~-. ~ .....;•:: • ,.,._ '!.: ~:·,":;:;:,::. •=• =.~.! :: ;: :' D--:, .,_ a. -: =: ,r."' ..': C = . Race Enlr.·nts Aftll. ot I ........... -Dllltw. •p II ........ tllla ... :::..:-L.. ~~=:....-= Ill -c = Orclt'• ....... ....,_, ....,.:..... K-x ..-. NP I •• ~-.. Ille 'BIHIOO, -... ,. -... ot - t1o11 -.-c. r. •••cton. 111o .....,.. to 1111 ...., pert1oo wm "",i.,.i--..a. -~ - -at pa. AD ,._ ...s en. Pllums ~ .....-~ • o'clodt Ja.lllo a11e..._ -- . llt )IQ'•-...... --. ~ ... •1111 . Ill"' Ma. --1----, -U-J'l1da7 + '-« ii .,...... at f;IO • l'rtda)' ...ia,. trW !feWpO<t Ocean 8"Ulllc AMocta---u.. ..,, .. Ofd-'7 -. 'Illa 111 •'*"' ------......... -.... 00..·1--.. ... -... ~ -lllO -,.. Uooi. ~""" ._.., wUl I'. I. ----W. a.-.._ ..._.GUILT Doclp llu -Woldt DJ. ..... -"; ~ --. °"'914 lllt8Je, W, A. Jle. --. Mwlla ; Kn. --W. ' bo -to lf( ~and ......,, Opel .. tbe ... ""&'Ille ...... t, .,_.,_ __ .,..,la _ __._ --,... -poll 'fl -..--· l'UI ~ aad ...... TIPS" It ,,_1>' .... .,A. !>,. .; ·-----.et t11e Fourth Annual Newport Kn. Chulei -..... calkd •-•-·, _,..."" -• wa11•&-• _,.. oltlk ft ....... WN....,S "'. ' W-.-,; an.-4, W. • -r to -· InteniaUoaal •-tbo ~lain, Kn. J--'l'!IW'lfto.y to Wralu7 Mardi • ---" la -...... Jlln. "''"".!"" Jloyt . ' -Mn. -: -ln'ANLJ!r T. WILllON,. Piii.. bo beJd at lhe. Bo.tf>oa Bay Cl@,. Wolte to sift Ibo sptrltual.N04lna 15 ol lho .,,.._ lltON at UH All JI-'J.i ._, • cinlo jll tllll-1, pwtod .-Olnle ·--: Calli· l!lller, .11111 Valley --"Tllo Yacht Race. at a dlnnu dance On fODl:rwed by ~ prayer, fl.a&' ... ~'ht.~~~~ c.t.r .. ......,. 1 ••••;' 5 ~~.:!!..I ~ .. ~ m~ ma lllithi Kr: u111 I "tt..V. J1P11n•• wtao u.oupt u.., M4: Wo<1•..tay n1s111. K~ 2114. Jute .., """'-,A """" i. .... _ . ---POUP a e•w•• --,--, ~ ~~ -.. ·-•••a. • -t11e ....,._._._ tlleJ' p In &ddlUon to t11e o&WJis m.ttt-pertOcl tollOwed nodlns ot Ibo Attt. Lloyd v...,. tllocl •ppllca-eu.OIMl ..,., 1'c11pwa-lfPI ~ 00.oro ., '11'• -·up -U.-loutll'"" ~and we eot TNmaa- ::.': :.:'~1;..':! .. ::;,: =-•;::_~~~di~ ~=-~~~t"" IM °"" -2 '" • "' • ~ ~~~-~1 1~:;!_ ::.t~~.-;. == =-=·"° ...-U.s If U1' to NCeift a wtlcome tram Ke.JOI' Ludtn Jll Xf'a. I.._. Wetimtra •x...ttt Iobell. captain and .,., •-Ch•ptv by·lawa wue A.cuff, USN, chief of atatt of the read and dleomted Comment wu 11th Nanl Dt.trlct., repretentlllg ma.ere-on the ~h ot Gateral tbe PrWdcnt ot lhe Uni .... State.; lbeA.rtlw1' and·Mrw. KaeA.rthm'a captain aDd Kn. ·Jolul Tr<tbd, talka la Ille--Ille Dil USCG. _,. OC ti.. llU. U. orpnlsal1611-• . 11. Clout OU&ld Dlatrlet tilul of· Viet-ft>..-:11!9. ~ ·la- tldals of t11e NOSA wUl be ID &l• _,,.... Kn. o: J'. Bater wllo l.mdance. · nvt.nr.t "'Mt. J".-Meet. the Many dlpllt&rioa (tom -u. !tf Kuter'' by ?.uir )(.-U. Tlllo ' u.~ border will be ~ of race ftne book. 'ft1l\dl Mada, ~ bMt oftlctab; including Ooniul Genera.I tellU n.t fl alloclt. pf'&yer -a Salvador Duhart K.: O.nttal and t!meq subject· f.O< _,. and ,... M.ra. ~Carloe J\.e.)'ta Avt1~ com· 'J)Mitented· bea\IUtull,y by M:r..: BU• mandante of lthe .ecood military ter IA a way that he1:4f the inter. E<m•' ot Mmco: Kayor and xra. at of everyone pTUent. Ernesto Zenteno ot En•n&da; Tea wu HrVed ~t a charminfly Prffldent and Kr1. GuiUermo Bo.._ decorated table with Mn. H. P. 90n of tbe coaunlttee tn ~: Yarnell pourtnc. Pruent were 'Mr. and Mra. Ricl:w'd Hernandez; lira. J . L. Beach. Mn. Bl'aden )ft. and Xrt. CUlol Ta't'&J'd; Uc. 1'1.nch, M.laa BeMe Skinner, Mr&. and Mn. Rina Cordoba and Mr. A. B. Stockton, Kn. Wllllam B. FAteb&n skutach. a11 mem'btra of Tritt, M:n. Leatu Vierllnc, Mrs. the yachtinl' conun.lttee. Jeae Wol!e, Mrs. H. P . Yan:i.tll, Dr. Salvatore Monaco, enter• Mn. Edna Man. Mn. LouLI Sande tainment chairman and mutn ot Br., Kn. C. r . B&zter, the bo9t- «N"monlea for tbe testtVe OCCU• HH:I ana the recent. GuHtl weH: ton will ha.,e the club decorated Mra. Cbar1ea Boice and Mn. WU· and muaic ln ktt:plDI' with the l1a.m Poore. Mexican holiday, Cinco De Mayo. -------~--­ and George Cotfllt. beloN going ~ on to San Franc~. The three were on the cout to bid goodbye to Mn. Muuer'a MU.:. band. a Lt. in the Marlnre, who Kansas Cify Folk Visit in Balboa 1 l&iled Saturday for KoreL Mr. and Mn. R. Harrtaon Field Mra. Hamilton la 1Ull recuper· and daughter, Mn. Phyllla Mua· •ating from the tracturt'd f~t. .U.. •trot Kanau et_ty, wbo h&v~ bffn tained the day ahe lt!.ft Kan.us ruuta for several day• of Mr. and City where ahe 'IUtted her ~ :Mra. A. Alexander Hamilton. g . ,and her many trten1Sa tor mx Balboa Bl'ld., Balboa. left Monday weeb. . ' for Puadena wbere they were din· ner J'UHll ot Grace (Hamilton.) Dodie ha.a moved. Watch ltl .... , ... :r~ .. ~ .. .. AllE YOU A ,SMART SHOPPER~! It ao, then you're probably alway• on the lookout tor a l&le. But when you find one, do you really aave ••• or do you limply 1pend the money you·don't Spend on one thing or another! Make llUl'8< your money la nally saved by puttin1 it into a S&vmp Prognuu here. Current high div!· denda are at 39'> • Mab Ono Year'a 1-om \'our Savtqa Go.1.1 .____Spri_n_g L_UB_E _·Spec_i_al___..I . A s1s.•o v .. ,.,.,., ..• ~ ... s1aoo Here's What You Get 1>n1o, -a lldlU Onool<· DNia, n.to a .... -.... wta Ma ti). A ti.fl •'n'o• ... .,,......., 4 ' .,..._ ~v-. ._ ...... w..-..... ._.,.... __ _ -" '1M Valtoe. _,, -" '1M V~ a.. ~ cn·er~ .,,._ •' .Pm .._.._ ·ba1 ..,, ..._ a.-.,... Md lleflJI ., W!'llfl'J ... I ...... aiec ey • .....,...... 01 fl tet,y ' t kite Oea --n-, ..... .. •1; I f4lo. 1 • ' a.a ......... '1119 ... ! '",,, .. Vaua-...... el w, WMll: W' ' , .. : ·~ , ' • •• • • • ' -----------::::-• --.. ·' • • • • ' ..... _ .... lJ&ilfl SU ..,....., •••u• ••• Circus Motif for Natal Fete · r.idq, April U , wu a ....;i"'"' Ill U.. llfo of llW• U..., Lou Mc- Clelland. daupter ot Mr. ,.,.4 Mft. Bartty T. X~ ot lit ~ K-otreot, CO.ta M- It WU KA.,. tcu•1 •nntll ldrtll• da)' and hi ........ ot u.. ...,., younc friendl weN biddm to ll•lJt eelebrat., A. 'farlety ef" came• at• forded --·for u.. cllildra wt.tit. pr'·r· awa.rded. aumaa amt~ &114 Alleofaye Mancello. Major 1ttnctlcm Of Ille --. tloll -cllmUld -aftlnloOa WU a bir'UM1ay ealte adorn_td • UM eircul mout. TM coatecUoa WU aer"4 with tee <!N&nt ·JlriClul aact candy. 0.y kUoou ~·,.. M'lOl\I UM faTOl'll wllicb. tkH~ Id tll• ln1llJ frr. y ......... ,..~ Ille me<rJ' oorrioa inchMhd. llc11m...,. <:.'bN-- ten-. Pamela llllllor, Qoral4IBa Rlllaellw'p, Patrtcla Wat-Co Aalta W•ttenburf. Patrick lllDIU.. GlOrlj... Ma a e • ll o, JJlctfaJe ~ "'"" 8IJlttla, -.w. -.r1y, K1Ull-Voodr ~. . ~.......... -,t, .UWta ... -la --ta t.lae honone'• motller, Krt. Mc- . Qelland, Were Kr.. 0-,. P. -~Kn.-.. J, v....,., ....... of tM .. -t. ... Kn. 0 . IL ~riCeane,, Kar7" Lou.'1 an&* ..... . Mrs. James Ravely Honor Guest et Stork Shower ·u......,mr,.... of JIUlel p1n11 .ad ltlue rtbbea "l'tnRed&7 iv .. lllaf. April lt, WU XUpNl <Mr& Jamee) It.only, -... at a prett.7 .torlr: ...._ i.o.t:1111 ii 113' Kn. a.in Kartta. Jr, •t ~ hom., NI WI Modena aweue, Ne"JIOrl ~ta Roolftl were P7. wltll "Prine --. 0-.11 can1ed out UM U...me 1M i.,. -.0 Oil tM •utl· NI)' oppotated buffet .. bll -. a otorlt and ,,._ ....._ WI'• ::--=-wtt11 whit&. -. no WU<llbla1&tuN Npllc& of UM w pr 1 tMttd Ule 1MtJMr. -ftero -allo ....., ........ ,ut.tobe-.. d exrJ•'med onr )etON tee ereu.. -... 4 __ _ ,,,.. •'""'41•r ~ Karr WU'IM', Pat ltum.lq, Barbara J-Dorotb7 Loo H......U. llhido)' ,..._, -llaiold ftaftl)'. Kary -Sft LR Bt•ell. Boblde BlaJIQ', .......... ~ ·--. . -.U,y _.. ... -JlornD. ...,. .J----"- Moose Lod9e Fetes Offie91'S and Wrfe ~i414 ··--­-.im-~te .....,,..... lill wife .. u.· -"' __ .. ,, ..... __ -r. -la & -..,.,,.. &~Ii p&"1" -,.. ApPI no. -Ollltnl•• WU-..-. dw ... •••dll .. ~ -,~,,~ .. ....... •111111 lf ... pelt ' ' __ Lolla ____ .. an· si;, 11•• .. 1'Jl11P*' n •'• • ....... _,.Mrzu..-....._ °""""" • -· ~ 1 .... lse ......... ., ... ...... ·. l • r as a a r ,, 11 .-a· 111 °1, _.. w ill _.... -...... ,.1221 Ill 7 ... ...... ......., .... 1: -......... ,, -• '.-a •.r •-•"J! ........ -..r .... , " . • " . • , • • .. .. .. . . , . .. • • • • • • .. .. • • • • . • . • • .. .. -,. •• .. .. .. -• •• . . .. ' • .. --•• •• •• • • . . . . .. • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • •• -• .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. • • .. ~ •• •• .. .. " •• -· ~ • • ' • • ' • • • • ' • • • .. • • • • •• • • " • • • • • • • ' • ~. • • • ' • • • • • • ' • r t ' f I • • • • ' ,. P.t.«IJI 1' 11&1' .. 1111 I -lu:WPOBT UT • roll!' -.llJIOPftNG "l'l,.1t•""''9 New Boys Club -Sponsored -by Guard V(tyes,: FC?rm· Aux;i1iary C ·LA.SSIF IEB. N""IY IOnDcd oanrt1!u7 "'*' .-_.i or w1-~ ,...,,io or ;;'Fll9Mi9btr, Mid~ In Adyedilil1tJ Oroa1'e Coulltf'• or NaUor-.&1 1 ... _____ ..,. ___ ..,. ___ ..__~-----' Gaardlmeit. now Uoned IOIJl•.1 • . ' r wb .. e 1n Japan iootth t11o ~ NEWS.TIMES -Every TaMClay Island Church D INIOD, mOl lul -In ~ • ~ a bo19 c!Ub _....., Communlt1' Ceo~. llfnla ~ NE\'fPOBT MY ~T--;-Wednesdays by th• Balboa Ialand Methodist _with 1'ra. cart J Jllller, aeun; NEWPOBT-BA.f,DflA, PBl'.88....,. Tb--""--__, church WN launclled, 'ha'ftnl' u chairman. ---JA!'V u.rlMlaer ... tu pu:rpoae B~day D\ornin.J for• Selection Of otttcen WU held and New,_. _,. PM& a· En.. A• -J,m, lill ta.. !'wda.7 . um OT dlscuasion &TOUJl9 on Nt· the f6µowtnc werw nariied: Mn. ~ ,....,....,,.._ er tM nus I ' ,.,_ 1 t~n of nllgion, community life, Earle Weddle, prel:ldant: Mn. Mil-Jl'J1CJllt1ll .&D II , • .l.IN'a ethic. and sportmnwhip and the ler; vice president; Kra.. WWlam .&JI Cbsdftel ... wt ...... fer CMlll. bl..,, as1 of r'Nft111tl-. promotion of outdoor actJYiUa L. Faullmer, eeeretary -treuun.r • ' 1 ta. 1 Paper I .'75 and athletic. for boys. and publicity; Krl. Neal Berdt.. u- At an orpnl&aUonal m .. tlni: -.nt pubUclt)r; Mn. C. R. G¢r· ' U-S Papen L50 Bunday mof'llln~ It wu formally btno, b""-' U-I Papen S.00 named ''Th• Btxomb Club" and Next mH'ttns ot th• auzW&ry Tb• publllben will Nt, 'be ~bl• for more than one hlcorakt t.he followinl' otflee.n we.re elect-wUl be Wednuday, May I, 8 P• m. lulrtioa. of an. adftrtietmtnt, ~ lbe filtl-t to COn"1Ctl.7 clulity ed. President. Robert Coane; vice-at the Community Center. UOI W . ""1 and all ,m and toln!Oct UJ ad .. ~t not -.!onnlJlc to president, Paul Lorenson. treu-8th St., S&nta Ana.. All. wivea and rula and. rqulaUOM, Actnrtlertm&Dt. and. canc.llaUona will be urer; kobert.. Marton; and aecre-pannts of th• county • G~ accepted up to a p.m. "on Ute d&J precedl.a.C puMlcatiOL Ph. Har. ltlt tary, httm.an Co&ne. men an in~ Purpoee of thtt ..._ Bar. 1111. Mir tor .. ,,.. !'Uer" or ..r .. Md nmlttuoe to gT<>Up .. "' build Up the morat. or • NJ:WPOBT ILUlllOS PtTllUlllin<o 00. The follo•1ng were lllao •prreent and became charter members of lhe club: Neal Metcalt, Kichael Vaile, Dick Pickett, Charlu Va.n· dervort, John M. H"nrot~ Rod- ney ZW'elbel, Donn Wa.ldrm. Dm· hl11 Brown, PhJ111p Brownell, Tod \\'bile and Ro~rt Ibbot.aon, Tbfl club leaden and adviaor will be P . F . Bala.u. Other• jolnlng the club In the n"\xt four w~ka will }>., r~ord~ ai ch&rte-r memben. The first ot the outdoor activt- tlf'• of the club la a "Surpriff PacU.g-e" deaJ for Dada whJch will be held on Saturday &fter- noon and evening, May ~th. No further detail8 can be J1.ven u only the boy1 and tl:el.r mothers know what la in •tore for the bo}'3 and lhdr dad8 on that day. The Committee on arr&ngement. for the "Sondad" la Sonny Coane, Tod \Vhlte and Mike V&ilf'. A ba.seball team la also planned and the acquiring Df a coach la being 1tudl~. A b&.ff:ball team la plennf'd and aetttng a coach ls being ftudied.. Call Stanley'i Revenue Bond Bill Needed, Sound A.ssvnblyman E.a.rl W. Stanley'• rev~u• bond bill, to fln&nce •t>lf: llqu..ldating projt>ell, wu hailed publicly today u .. mott need.M" JegU.latlon which 11!1 "sound Ln pro- cedure." Dick Gravea, for many ye&.r11 the s eneral cotlnAel for the powertul League of California Municipal! .. tiee, made the tribute to the N~­ port Harbor lawmaker'• bill ln a d1Kua:i;1on b@ofore a Culvf'r City caucus of the Orange County Leag\le of Citit>I and the Los An- l"les County dlvilion. Graves later •laboratied on the measure. He aald that St.anley'a blll would provide short-term loans at tow in- terest for municipal and other gov- ernment&! projtt.ta whJeh can pay out on buia or earnings and prof I IA:. An example, he aald, la expan- sion of a water a)'l'tem, whieh could ~ financed on the revenue bond mea.sure, Sta.nlty proposed. and which could liquidate lta debt from it.a profit&. Traditionally, ~·ater department.a in moet cities a nd county di.strict... tam profit!. one of the few covernmental agenclea which do. Bell Addresses ColleCJe Club Berna.rd Bell, commander Amer- ~ tcan Legion, Newport Beach. 1treued the Importance of self- analy113, upiratlon and-ae.l!-will when he apoke to the Future Bwl- neu Leaders Club at Orange Cout College, la11t Thursday, April 19. "Know what you \\'a.nt •. believe in It. and then you can do It." be u.hortM. Bell, f&mill.arly kno•'ll a.a the "'Jeep K ing" of Costa Men, L!i now asaociated with Richard Tay- lor of Corona-det Mar in a. buaineAS enterpnae. which, accordinc to Belt promotes ''other peOple'a Idea.a.'' Their latest idt-a is concerned with thf' manufactute and aale of articles made of reinforced plutic- cuk~t.a. jeep cana, navy boa~ to llJit but a few. tlie m ... In ae~ and thelr'lovod on ... ' College AWS to Fete Mothers at Fashion Tea , A.s1ociated Women 8tuden.U ot. Orange Cout collec• will be h~ tesses to their mdtllen at a tea and !uh.ion ahow to be held Than- day. May 10 from 1 to 9 p. m. ll'l the college chapel. lnvit&tiona are being sent mothers, wbo may bring friends. J e • n Darline of Newport Height.a i• tn charge of the ehow and June Kntcht of IAguna Beach ot the program. Fiower af1"&n1e- ment1 will be bf Thea Henning of Anaheim and refn!shm~ta are un- drr 1upervl1lon of M.arcaret Mc- Dodgal of Coat• Meu.. Sty!ea Will be di.played by O'Brien·a ot Corona del Mar and Th~ ?.-fan of Cost.a Mesa. Student.a modeling will include Joyce Pur- cell. Kathleen Urbe, ){a.ry Lou Jackson, Ca.rol Clark, Mary Bar- rett. Joan Sullivan, Sart .Alcorn, Pa.rker Jackson, Bob Eberhard, Grant McKtt and Mn. Harold Decker. Ebe ll Officers to be Installed The ~2 new memben of Ebell club \\'111 be gueaU of the club for the luncheon of May 3, when of- fieeni for the coming year will be installed. Luncheon will be at 12:30 and prog-ram at 2 p, m . w1.U feature the .muatc and dram• de- partments ot Oranp Coast college. Roatesae~ fOT the day are Mrnes. Harry \''elch. J. L. Stamp and J. w. Thornton. 71 j Jb. CROAKER FOR llESl!IELS Ray K e-aula, recently reUrf'd captain of the Loa Angel•• Fire Department.. now living at 66 Bal- boa Coves, Nev.t»Ort Beach, haa achievffl one of the things tha.t many fishermen j Wlt drt>am about. His home la rlght on the channel opposite Balboa Covn and at 8 p.m. Thunday he hooked on to a 71, pound SpoUln Croaker while fi!!hing from in front of hla home. Ray batUai the ttah for about 20 minutu with tht line retttng tangled up on a buoy, but finally managPd to land the huge croak- er, He wu uslhg a light nylon line at the time. , SEEKS QUD:T TITLE Quiet title to a leuehold inter- est on a parcel of Newport Beach real estate wu requea~ ln super· tor court by Mrs. Marguerite WU· mot. She filed her action ara.Jnst the United Stale.a or America and tbe stat~ ot California on ground that both gov~mmenta claim tax Uena agairat her leuebold in- terest. • PLEADS SOT Gun.TY Pleading not l'Jllty t o drivt.n& last Oct. 2.2 while hi.a operator's license wu revoked and waiving a jury trial wu Malcolm Harvey Nel.llon. 36, of Coat.a Mee.a, ln San- ta Ana. court TUeaday. Ttlal wL• aet for May 2. He wu &l'l"ested by Cali!ornta HJghway patrol of- ricera at Bot.a Ave. (W.· First St.) and v;·nght St. CDM Boy Appeared at Sister Kenny New Home for ;O--;:C;;~;;;:;;lll;-ao;·;;;'C1:;;U;;-;C!;;;•;;;a;'=~;;;:; WA.NT fountatn. slrt. 1teady, owr -J'amltun . ... 21. Hours, 11>-e, FlNNJ:T'8, ~ J'ne WP stw 2200 Oceon. Front. Newport run, ...,.... ' Bea.ch. l'cl5 ,A!'s HoWI& ·~ Rug Cleanln.r Co. ••ccm '1111 nwc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Bdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 88' 51"4 ·29th St. Newport Beach Htfc INTllRIOR -liXiMNOll PAINTING LICllNlllCD -IN1IUimD Glenn Johnston BOJ • a1at 8t. Newport -cb H&rbor 2297-.J UcU PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer l!t., Qoota -Be&. ll<ll7-K Hct H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair S~rv1.ee Maintained P hone: Harbor 1418-W 2301 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Universal Building Maintenance F1oor wu!ng -window cleanlnr wall ._'Uh1ng. For Bldgs .. Stores Offices and H amff, 823 E . 10th St., Long Buch. Pti. Ha. 118. 14pl8 Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone Beacon 6451· W 11 c12H Universal· iiuilding Maintenance Floor Wu.ing • Window Cleantnc Wall Wuhing For Buildlnp, Storea. Office• a.nd Homu. 823 E. 10th St .. Long Beach. Ph. Har. 118. lpll 9c PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 151'5 Santa An• Ave., Costa Mesa. Phone Beacon 5504 1%tfc Sympson & l')Tollar PAn!TING & DECORATING "The Best Money ean Buy" 51-2 -38th St.. N"'1'p0rt Be~ch PHONE HAJU!C)R 240< 13tfc CALL• Christian Oellrich tor exclusive wall decorating We apply all wall covering-a 520 JRlS, Corona deJ Ma.r Harbor soot-W 14cl9H WANT DENTAL ASSISTANT, .ame uperience deelrable. Local ofnce. State qualltlcationa a.i.d ace. Write Box N-1, th1e paper. llpl8 W ANTl:D-DlSHW ASHER. Pre- ferably a woman.. Roura 2 to 9 P . K . Apply Rapn'1 Rntaurant Corona'" de! Mar. lSc-1:5 S~ART WA..NTl'.D -Mwit bl able to type &nd take ahort- hand. Write for Interview. Bay Elicrow Co., 1415 Cout High- way, Corona dtl Mar. 14c18 WANTED -Flnlah Ca.II at 11 Ba.lbo& nlnp. Carpen Un. Cove.a ev~- 14p15 Outboard Motors ELGIN 8"9 H. P , 1949 model. like new, extra.a. W . Cost nf'W 11!6. H lawa.tha ~Iii H . P . 1948 model. good. $50. Ueed doon. ~ each. ~ne.raJ Dectric mangle. A buy, $SO. Phone Harbor 2165-M. 2pl ~ REP"R.IGERATOR, I door reach-St. 1300. Fr1a.lator, 18 • 18, 2 .An- tona, deep try•. 14 ._ 14, $7~ ea. .All t.hJ"ff fryer• tor 1200. H ll Sant.a .Ana Av. .. Coet.a MeAL Beacon 6227-W. l:tpl~ SM'.ALt-CRIB, '6. >01 Onyx, Bal· Bo& llland. 13pl5 0000 unn ~o pl. hot water heater. Dawn sleeping bag. Down jadtel( Ilse 42. RoUaway bed. Pll. Har. 1361-K. 13cl5 TWO Gil\Lll' BICYCLICS. 24" and 28". In ~xcellent condition, with Vttru. ,?hone Be&coo. 5817-W. 13p15 PLAY PEN, 5".50 and mattreu. Btgh chair S7.:);0. All in good condition. 2M51 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven. Ph., Beacon .5834. l3cl4 LEJCA C.A.lfERA-F2 au.mmltar Jenae• -Complete with flltera, "-tde an1Je. And lM-mm tele· photo lenset. Re&aonable. Har. 3069-J. 14pl5 DOME BENDIX wuhJnr machine in flne condition, $50. 517 Nar- cls.su.. Corona del Mar. Harbot- 2869-JK. l4 C'l~ SLJGHTLY USltD 3-pc. onrstuf- fed aectlonaJ. like new •• Phone Har. 1888. l 4Cl5 VERY NICE modem aota-bed and palr or end tablea. 603 Ac&cla. Corona del Mar. Harbor 1713-M. 14.clft NORG!: refrigerator, good condJ- tlon, t ~ cu. "--. apt. slz:e, $45. Maple bunk beda, desert fln- lah, coil aprg1., m.attteaaea, com- plete., 125. Day bed, good con- dition (unfolds l.nto dble. bedl, $10. We~r Upcl&bt piano, $75. 330 S&nt& Ana. Ave.., Newpc)rt Heipt.a. Beacon MlT. 14c l.5 CampaicJn 'Kick Off' Gl&inorou. Rosalind Ruuen. Shaver Motors opening specials f ilm ~tar. and Art Llnkletter, top Reaaonabl•., Lara"• .,. -U Jobe. Tue.day to Friday Only radio ~n~rtalner. were featured Freeesttm&teL Walku,l08 lSth MAY lat ua. REP AIRING and PAINTING •'l'IDlfAL 14, --· Call 14't "· .., BOVll....,u> OOODll -I>-. .t..._ Mcwpo.~ Bll::ll Rt.W -... ....... .-. ..--. -K. . - lU·.tllla It., Newport -. t . ="-==-::c=~=-14=P1::-5 •• Marine Engine Wi1 NmlD GOOD 11DD II&-S :.::1 • · l"lllc,mt.a.'l"Ou 'caa !11ake Ms ' pec .... iit tndi-la .-.._ W tlM ~ at JOUr 1loat or ~· ...... P!IUoo ~ tllla 'l'l)t·-ortuM•Up-i'Mdy I ' I JOUr I.oat for 111o commi aoa. D BROWN C f eoa. cu.t.om •awe tw rune· 0. bouta. ~ Bu. llJ-W. lcll 11111 BARBOR BLVD , COST.a. KEBA Phone Jk&can Wt ~ MOORING, off Via Ban:elona. Lide\ lolo, IUltabt•· for pt.....,.. craft. flllO. Ph. Harbor -s-W. Sewing Machines I . · 1apn N-8~ ponable --Slt.&0 up N-Slqor• _.. -$1UJIO up Boat Ownen and Mecb•nW .u -oai ua.u -I For Your ~~~~~ · ·SNAP ON TOOLS • llCWING lllA.CHIND I Call JOHN KDIBI.B All maltoo claaMd . .fl.&0 17U Kin.mu. Balboa All 8iqwn cloaned ----:i&.50 H&'1lor lOIT·lt .a.-• 1nc1uc1o ,oteantq, bear1nc I llcteh and t-011 adj<J.etmeat. 1-1:-. ----------- Pick-up """ ~ ... ,. J'Rltlllt I Chrysler Engines SINGER ·, 1 · SEWING c~ \ . , Used 100 w. eui Santa ...... KI •-5 Crowns -Royals •Re1.U.8 .Pat.Otl.by81f.MlJ.Co. ll8eH NEW I :a: 12 O!.lnNe Hooked rur. P,bone Harbor 11~9-MK. llcl~. See John Harvey at Seacra.ft 12:1 COAST HIGHW AT NEWPORT BEACH • • • ~ver Motors N~ ., E-IN" OUTLET ! ! ! l!&Jllple ·ot What 'f• & ... This Weik- • •IM! ro "Culliom" v-a tudor Wltll rUlo. •ir .. fOtl · • Utaa, ~-p~ conra ~...,. -~ -tl!ld, attn.otlmrt"~Tir:o:;--• . . $1595 '·' ' ' '41 CID1( 'Tleetmut.ei'' l!ocL IC_,--I ,__ IQ. ,,.. and -Trr to match thla tor ontr- $985 I SAVE $300! • On. "Brand New" '50 DODGE BICDANB A CLUB COUPm equJppod lo ...it fou l Thia le not a .,..... on-but a na1 uoo aa.ilas! · , · IT fXl8D NOl'HU<G TO INVVii8-l"'l•GA)l'l:I ' Many Kohl! --Open to I P .l(. SHAVER MOTORS 'four DODGE· PLnlOtttH Dealer 1580 Newport Blvd. • C01ta Mta Phone Jteacon ltoT " CUllTOM'. BUILT La.._ daftll· port and chair, aU oprins con- •truc.. 1275. AL.BO Lawson IOTI! eea.t. roam r u b b • r cualUona, aewlJ' recovered, 175. 3H But 15th Bl., Colt.a M:ea. 10 -11 a. M. or •vu. alter T p. m. 13cl~Jt PIL BEACON &771 ' -Ntfc U-AP AJlTJlltNTll a ROIJBR BETI'ER· CARS FOR LESS Rattan Furniture Kade In th• PlllWplnoo ud tn ow-own work l.hopa. wtde cllOlce ot tabr1C1. LMs..t dlliplay In Bo, C&llf. _, and R""Pllollt.rln1 HOUSE i: GARDEN 111 Cout x..,. Nwpt., Be&. &m Bargain•! Bargains! See Tb-LOW Pricen koy Wlilridrl' -bl• -· ma.oMne ................................ SM.50 Nee.rly new o .s:. rttr1r. o cu. tt.. ·-·----·· ............. _ ....... 1189.96 Pllileo 10'' table mo&ll TV automatic tuain• tON: con- trol. Attrsc. modU'llla:t lc mlllopoy cabinet -·----Slt.95 lCZ Term. 121,t" B&ond@ Contol• TV - $179.9~ XHp in touch wtth ua for good buya In TV .... belnJ traded ill- WDBTER wtre Hcorder tor dic- tation, etc. Complete with U · tra wire, foot control ana car- ryln,. cue. BACRIYICI: -An excellent buy! EASY TERMS AJUlANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. ISM HARBOR BLVD. COSTA M'.J:SA Ph~ne Beacon 8821 TAJ!LE TOP. enamel itned, lighting, price, 93. RANGE, full)· automatic top l!W>. Ph. Harbor t2c14 EVER l'. THING FOR YOUJt TRAILER W1ll FILL BUT .a.Nil -PROP.a.Nil T .a.NICll Compleh lnotallatlon, ~ and ..me. ar aD 'TNli. Equipment. Berman &. Samuel SW. II. Part.If ORANGE COAST · TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOit BLVD. ooeta KW. PboDa JltlOOD UM--Jlt t9M PHILOO T C1L ft. rUl-lc. COit SU4. Nl!'Yer-u.ed.. Cub pMce $186. 700 Orch19. .Avtnue, Corona del Mar. Harbor OMt-J. 14clt PHILCO 4. 1,1 cu. tt. freeser. New tn lHT. $85. Phone IAruna Beach 4-4220, lJcU ----.,------CLIF'l'' HA VEN ~BIC.U.. ILU>IO J'OR t.lwlll 3-bdrm: home. Thia le .._ ____________ I a beaut. plau. Owner fUmiaha GRAND PIANOS. Uood. Knab< to !rl d'•'•• A·-• ve, rt r.. -....... nn. liun. Chlckertn,., Muon and Hamlin, and drape.a. Tbe rental or $150 8Unway, Everett. 8 chm er, mo includes garden eervtces. 2 Wurlitzer, Starr, Klmb&J.1. 'Many yr. Jeue. Call ~ Barker, other•. rrom 13ta up. Dau-at Beacon 5795. Schmidt Bis Plano Bton!, Bani& EARL STANLEY, Realtor An&, 520 No, Main, comer tth. JPLALLr.BT studio Uprisht Plano In tine condition. Fully ruaran· teed. Terma. 540.12 down ud $14.28 per month at &HA.l"'B:R M'.UBlC CO. (Since 1907 ), 421 N . Bycam.on, Sant.a A.n.L Klmbe.r- ly 2--04572. 97tfc IUINT A PIANO. '6 per month. All ttnt allowed tf you b\ly with· ln term.. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Saista A..na. ...-mrr pl.a.no. Bt'Wld new. IUcbt- ly da.m.apd ln ahipment, Now only $39~. Sm&Jle« alu. DANZ- BCHMIDT, Santa Ana, 620 No. M'.•ln, w ANTED---60 pWtot. Trad• ln your old pie.no on a Gr&nd, Spinet or beautltul televiaion. Htg'b.Ht cub allowance. Termi. DANZ; SCHMIDT PIANO CO ., corner fth. 520 No. M&ln., Sant& ..... .. AD KIRAL 12 i,t" TV, table model. ' Includial' antenna. f mo. old. G.uara.n.tee ia: still effec:tiv1:. $99.50 cuh. 4.17 Heliotrope, Co· rona del Mar. 13c15 HURRY ON ~Urhtly Uled blOf!de mallopny splnt>t pla.no. Save $180. Term.1 $72.82 down and 120,70 ~r rnonth at SHAF· ER MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), •21 N. Sycamore, Sant.a A1lll Klmberly 2-0672. 97tfc l)'SED PIANOS from $60 up. Good j pleying con cf l t Ion. DANZ- ' SCHMIDT, 520 No. Kain, Santa Ana, corner 9th'.. BEAUTIFUL home-II.. K n a h e grand piano, like new. Save "' 1 of new price, Jiber1l trade, con- venient term• at •sHAl'ERS MUSIC CO. (Since 1901), 421 1 N. Syca..more, Sa.nta Ana. Klm· r berly 2..()872. 14tfc .A.LL ELEC?'RIC ORGAN. Repoa- , M'Med. Magnl.ticent tone. J'or church or home. Pay out bal- ance. Terma. This •ondertul tn.lt.nunen~ I.a ju.at Uke nrw. DANZ-SCHMIDT Piano and OT· pn ieo .• 520 No. Main, comer 8th, Santa Ana. nME tn ~d play the Wondertul New Hammond Chord Orpn. Even lt you don't know a note ot mu8ic you can play beautiful muaic in ten mlnute1. DA.NZ-- SCHMIDT Bi& Piano and Orpn Co., 520 No. Main. 8.anta. Ab&. TWO LOVELY UMd oplnet planol i both like new. Big uvtnp. , Term.a. 14.1.82 down and $17..23 ~ mQnth at SHAFER Mt181C CO. (alnc• 11107), 421 N. Syca- matt. Santa Ana. KL 2--04572. 971fc 15th I: Irvine, NeWJl'lrt HgtS RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHill ll07 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 TWO BEDROOM turn I.abed homP, larce ltvinr rm., fenc6d yard. Yearly rental. 808 W. Balboa Blvd. Barbor. 158T-J. llpte TWO Bl!IDROOM HOUSE partly turnlahed. Dbl. p.race. (acrou tram Rickard'• Mkt.) :SOS Clut>- bouae Ave.1 Newport Sch. 13c1D FIRST TIME In ye&r1 that we have a vacancy In the µDO APTS. on UDO ISLI:. S~gle turniahed apart- ment Ideal for 1 or 2 pereona. Thia la 9:_ 'ihon~y" for the rlt;ht tuiant.. A¥ tor Mr. Grohm&a. P. A. P 'A L MER INCORPORATED 3333 VI'& Lido Newport Beach, Call!. Harbor 1500 lltfc 1 BDRM bayfroa.tc apt. Udo I.al•. 170 mo to Jufte 15. Summ~r reae.rvaUon ta.km now-. 1 and 2 bdrm. unit.. Phone Harbor ZM2 • an.d (Harbor 2914-M eve•). llTFC See " Louise Apts. FIRST Double• and smr1ea OVERLOOKING BAT 308 carnation, Q.rona de! Mar '92c83B BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND· APTS. YllARLT OR SEASONAL 8ee GAIL CARNEY witll Neldt. tibeon, Real Estate 30I Madne, Balboa IaL Har, 502 80t!c TWO TR. OLD HOUSE.and gu. Knotty pine ll"ring room, tile in kitchen A: bath. ClOM to Ito.JU. Lea.ae for year or sumzner moa. No Children.. Inquire Sundays only. 308 • Mth St., Newport Beach. 14p18 FIVE ROOM UNFURN. 1home, 2 bedrQODl.S. G&fdener: 4.18 .Fem· leaf or 621 N&rciaul Ave., Qo.. rona del Mar. 13pl5 YEARLY RENT.AL N,nt un~ tuntlobed apt., prbqe dlap. % blll. to Richard'•. Market. AdUlto, no peta. 501 IUtll St., Newport Beach. . Hcl5 1950 PLY. Spec. Dbl 4-dr oed' --·-···········--···-·--··-·····---•l•J 11M9 FORD 8-Tudor • Ru _ 1J91 1 .. 9 CHJtV: Styl Cpc., htr. and redlo ----·-··-··--------HH llMt CAD. 82 • 4-4r. oed. pletely equipped lnclu. button wtndowa. - 1948 CAD. 91..--4-dr. 1ed. pletely equipped lnclu. button windOW'I. 1947 CAD. 82 -j.-dr. beater. radio. oOd-Hyd., A.11 the t,,bove an near new ta appean.nce, IOW' m ueace and la finut mec:Mntcal condition. ~k tum•. Newport Auto Sales U<M. Newport Blvd. • Newport Beach, Har. 14071 WAMTJ:D CADILLAC '61 or ·ao 4-4r - Excellent ''7 Buick. converUbl .. part paymenL Harbor 308W Hp~ COM'.J'ORT ABLJ: ROOM -Prl- nte entraD~ and be.th. 216 m. Bay .Ave., Balboa. Phone Har. 203. (J:ves. Bar. ~20-M) 14cll FURNI8HED ROOM -8epa.. ate entrance, rea'Onable rent. Near ltora A: bu.In. J(ust be aHn to appreciate. IOI i..rJr. .. spur, Corona. del Kar. B&rt)or 30994. • 1'01,J FURNISHED 2 nn apt. and bel!S over p.rqe -Adolll onlJ. 240 Broamny, Coot& M'.ua. Hell FURNI8HED ROO~ lllOlltb. Ernployed per9Dll preferred - man or wornan-110 Sa.at& .t..n.a Ave., Newport Befsbla. Pbon• 8->on 51191-1(. Ucll PLEAllANT Curnlalied room, wlt- atfle for employed strt or couple. Kilcbm prtvUep.1. Clooe • In. Harbor Blvd. Pb. Boa. 15117-W. 11<:15 U-APAilTllliNn a HOU81t8 RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS Clll1 ... Q'llC Linwood Vick, Rltor. •-ltiland Bar. IOU Ue6l ' ---r --·- YEARL T R.ICNTALS -2 love)f homo In Col~ Meaa. I bdrm• turnl.md an4" a s bdrm horn• partially !llnllabed. -Blanch• Gat.H, 311 Marine A.Tt:., Balboa hl•nd. Jlarbn.1171. 8cl0 tut Monday (April 30) wtJ,en Shaver Moton, local ieprue.nt.a-IL. Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2581-R to -'Q.AY 5th S later Elizabeth Kenny Foundation live tor I>odge, Plymouth and AT aPlNft piano. ~ Pa1 "ld<k• orr· It. 19~1 campaign for Dod&• trucka, will move to newer HAULIN'G. DALE'S new location SNOWBIJU> No. L .''H...S or c1ul" ~~. ~~~ II llj).t.'1'8, ltTPPUlll ON NEWPORT ISLAND -2 bdrm untumlabed, )'Urly. a.. eel In patio, kar ,.,....._ U2 nth St., Newport Beaeb Har. LARGll 'l'ILULD In 1oftlT ceurt $S0 mo. 8maU trailer 1%2 mo. Ai. 1 ~available. 17tl Po. mcma, Oozt.r,.JlooL P1J. BeaCOD 1717-.J. Utf• $300,000. Tbe event took place and larger QU&t'ler"I today rru• A.1'.y 1tlnlS. truh orf WALKJ:R... $150 Of' wUJ trade OD. &Jpe., I r- a t tlle Park Maoor, 807 s . Wut-day) at 1880 Newport Blw., f0<· 1CJ&.UtllBLNowport. H.Wl-R 1874: HARBOR Blvd. N-J,y ncamdlUoned. CompleU. ill&' Plano llto~. one Hundnd em Ave., Loa Angelta. be.n.. .. 1 .. g me.r home Of the Colta Kea J"ur.. Ph. Barbor 18704 evM. ~b..15 Plaaot. from which to choole. •-It r--N Furn -• 620 N. Kain, corner 1111. Bania with • dinner at 8:30 p. m. D ""' ~upany. ew iture A.JJL 1----------~-A number qt eurprl.aing featur~ Sba•er Motora la th• only a.., l·t~•-"---•-•_o_~_a_•_.I' ..... ______ . WILL P4Y CAS!l for med Un.. coito.NA .DBL~ ---2 ~ were Jilanned, ln<lndlng & pet'IOllil! car dealer toe.tee! In eo.ta --DI a-..a........ ' apt. po ....._ (l"CUlar Willard boat or equlftl&t. Ir----.:--------tlltnlabed front, pa:I 1>cll. m...ap from S-r Kenay from It hu been located In the town Alcollde8 _....,.....,._ 4 =)·~.~· 89.&0 141131 -Chapman, <>raai"-1 .. l'C1lll'l:ltllll OJtiilaWn aalmer ~~ leue (~- A .. "'1!& and ...._ by ¥lP alnce September 1 .. 9 under Ill• ~ 1'· 0. --(-•'-• -~)··-~ •-.~ Pb. oten .. Uft.X. Ud.4 , . , Uon Co'") US Bayalde ~ RuaeU and -ol th• stat.'• j;ulcllq band of capabla !Mvld B.l ...... .!;·;-;:~·~-;"4~J""~IH'.~~~1 ·--···--·-•ll(AU liair.._ ..... --~-...:. .... ~------outat&ndlJJC leaden. Sh&ver, •llo hu --"Jed... -m-•1 ~ ~ ',,. coalilo.ft.ntrtceratora WANT TO BUT~-r:;o;: • ~·-;-"llUdle Ill "".'~ ""\,.,..... ™' 14':;u ... .al...,.ann.IP<llS • Prac:t.,..ti, evuy c:ommunl\y In tile automobile buotn-otnco UH. {._i.r tl'll.IO) --l.M.00 ·a*-for u ""f'old ""1· lhr· 1 7,,....,.: u.,. Ap no object. • · , • ~ the Southlalld waa rep..._t.d The MW llita WW baft 200 t>;amt • u "'""-WA»I ftlor ~~---.i9.t5-f1~ , boiJIU-J. .. ' lkU I No --. .. ~ ,... ..., !'&ULT JISNT.t.tL-hi n ti Vlllt1' ~ !!!!!'~ ~ a L I.be attalr, tnclu<llq .Lt. and feet Oil Wlllcll will be locatad.a MW ' Oil 1 I - -I cluJlra aJIO j' --""' ~ A *ale 9L, ailltal!le far .....,.. ~·---~ -- Xn. Geora• Daupi.m. ud -cv allowtoom, a iarC'1'1*d car lot W.t.lftliD ~ ~,. 'l1aod Jllaetta -c•,=:-la..ao SEA BOOKS f; pt••• -.;... .... wm' Ill· ... ,..,_,,, ~ "'~· e,or-~~'!:.~ l<Kli-K. Htfe • • • Maldl 1""" Corona del Kar. 1'llree. aad cuot<imer ~·-_. --ftll'''" .a. -....._.. ft1lullt • ftilO -..,_. ,.-. ·•-t. Wl1l9., -th --dol _, fll • .-PllciM -.. .....'. :rur old llanll 1a ou or tllo num-Aocordlns to 1.......i --· Utlf ---·-r _.. • ~ _. • u.1• ll'arbar tf'IW. • ~ • ....,. , ber of dtlldru. who cam. to u._ a.pr. Art 14,....., tww'1 wu. . trass• -ttM 11111'· ='J • ,._ .. ••• ttbiiiiimM-Piiiiiiiiftii,iiiliftiOiila<;;;;f·--;,---7~-,---;:-koth RonM-UubM.h 1Ce:nn7 JD-. lluSck la. l.Apna .... '"hiil'a WWWMAJf 11& ....... Wanta 0'22 5 & nfllctlator ---..00 ...... I .: •• .,. 1Jw10iiiriiii naaa .. ~ =~~='::,. ":! =.:"c1:/::':!.":;..!Df:•• =...-:::;:::.:;~·=-..: • • .u •w·rr•o• j ~&Raden · :"-~r-~•;::,J 1a _ • _ wallriq' -Bill ... r.-.. .. ,.n..., ....-. ....... 1. tMa,,...1.,. ~' 11' 1 •111an11 -..-un •' •• 'tsM-W. _.. ftM of --utlflelal..... ---~ .. °"' --n.., ... _., 1i'..-a..._, . Moten ~ cu.,... ... uau:.. .: u.a.·11:1Ull1' rc:a U' • ,. .. lt ht111 st'• Y•TJP' ... -ra a t .... --------.,.,-----! &•dl:a .... ,_..,_,. tltl.., MSW LOC.4DON ..,,.. •Nkst.;8dlW'IS s 41a1a1 ~t a11' 1 ~ ....,.. Co1e's Tra~g Port ~ --• ~ · -~ -. i.-• -__. ·un ....,. -. a.. "' J'la--~ -117-•. -.--......... _ .. ·-U7t-Butior..... ::-.. .. Oii...... .. ............. ·•lfM. l1ll ~4 "NMlpclrt-. wiio.,. _.,..ID_,._ ----. ll#T.W. -....._ -. -,. L '•19J .... ·1 . UcU ...-nnan1~...,, .' ... ~-· ·. • ~·· . ' , . ' -• • • A-ft.AP- Jq' t.,A•4t1& ...... ~ ...._ coe.. ..... ' ........ 1rttier ....... oa car. m -. a. Ool!I& • -'· JJpH .t.lDLOA.'T .J4 ~ --· -·'·"c:~~ ........... .....-. ._,, ' I , . , • • ' • • ' • pp•1 . .m£m • u•1,WAB BLANCHE A. GATl!B, Realtor L. S. JONES J. llAllTJN 3rl ~e Ave., ~boa Island . ·, f'll. Bar. 1871 or 1672 Bar. 7~X or Bea. 801z.R E9ea. ••• .. BAL.BOA ISLAND • I I --.. • • •Grand Canal. 80' frontage. Charm. 2 B.R., din., rm. home, 2 patloL Roo!Jl to build 3 more Wlita. KAKE OFF'ER. ' BAY FRON'.1; HOME $29.500. Attr. 8 B.R. well . furn. home. THIS PRICE IS FOR QUICK SAl.P: • .COij.ONA DEL MAR G. I. R:ESA,LE See thi.e BEAUTY today. 2 B.R. Encloeed Patio. Near water. An excellent buy for $13,llOO. . BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR ON Hi.lel Drive in Corona del Mar w. have a beautlf'Ul I bedroom home wtlh wondertul Yiew of oceaA. be.s.cb and hUla. )(oat attractive! $26,000 wl\h '6000 down. OK ~GOLD, we -" a l bedroom and den borne with clb!O. pr. onclooed po.Uo, partly tumlahed, $1!, 7llO. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMP ANY REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS BROKERS . S13 Cout Blvd. Corona· de! Mar Harbor 2152 SEARCHING CORONA DEL MAR for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home? ... I II.A VJ: IT! Bup Uvtn.1 room, d.lntn1 room. O&k noon, ftreplace: all cloeetl lined ln Tenne1 ... cedar. Bil Utility room. prq-e built for apartment above; 4.0-fQot fenced lot, dell(htfUl patio. A pre-war, well- built home; excallent _tloor plan.. New llatinl u.cl•- olffl¥ with STANLEY A. SMITH 1311 Cout Highway Corona dtJ Mar WHERE' IS THE PARTY? Wloe uked about a eo<>d G. I. -bupla bl eo.t. Mua T -Wo II&" l~M-$1800 dn. , '51 mo. Too 1ooc1 to lut long! • 2BdrmHome .._ to ....,._ ... htn l&rp Jot. TIUa ta an older home but bl ...,.., SOOd eorulltloll. FULL PIUCJl- The Jaland Open House Showing Because -- - When Summer Comes You are goinl' lo need bdrm., at - • • . . --. !•!::!!·~~~·.~:.:-!!!!!~LOO~-!...-K ___ .!·~-~·!!!·:..· ~~!~!:~-~fi~f>o ..... rt-~H-eJ.g_!~!:. h:!:~·~~:...=!!!~i~:!1:........:;;:;. __ I !•!!::!!:7!!:.~!:;!:.~~-!!l''A!D~D!!.....,_!...-A....:::.. "I -'rrs n.., ~ ..,_,. ft. ~ ~ ~- WILL CO.NYINCI: YOU that _,... _, , .... 11a.s -~ -.-Q. ~· LISTINGS the following' are "BUY~" . Full Price $7950, terms . llOOr. 11.UllTIO ~ . . . t . Loftl1 -Jarp I ---Juot -pleted .., LIDO ISL& Tb:.la II a tm• Jbl' deftr home In a pl'lin. local.Ion. Llpt, cbool'flll with alft - ration -nelcbbon Uld lat- ,. •i-t11at "wlll-·-llMrt.. Prlco4 et •u.aoo -.. .-. I. A1oo °" UDO I8L11 a dlann· Ille I -. I llatll Jdcllard Pi.ctt dHl..,... -._ <lanflll • • • Cliff .Haven Panoramic VIJ:W BM0'--1 lidmil. l!l 11&1.bo, dlnlilc rm. 11..,. 11.i,... rm. .,.._ ~ patio Uld - Thia -.. ~ woll built &Jld -...... -...-n.t.s-. . . Price $19,500, tehns Only $2000 Down: tllouPt -"lm&J!Mllon -l>MnclWntoW.-8&1'- ON: "nlill 0. I. Jll!84' -IM&t&d bl -pazt of <lDlta 11-Hu. -_.... ... dlnlJll' .... lp..11•· tq-. ..,,loo porcll. -~ all fencell and ~pod, outAoor patio &Del....._ Thlo -'t -at au.eoo. -... unit boat, _.., U.... IJll' ,_,, c.utnc; lull8 f!Npl&ee, lot& of ndWood &Dd --1< tile an ' t.., of tile many ftlle toa· turu. DZ thl• at prtce . ot. ONLY msoo -Ten\ii S. Super special wateJ"floont bolne. Flnt, time ottered. 'l1tJI home lo .on tuce lot bl -1-Uon on LIDO .l8LE on tm NOR.TB BA YJ"O~. Comfort.able, well kept • ~ a bath.9 wtth opl.ndld patio Uld yord. All' w. kitchen. hardwood tlooro, 'b&r, pier &nd allp and home la turn .. ilhed. ALL t.b:le la a BARGAIN oi SM.000. ALSO A ff!W choice bulldlng' .ttu tor ult on LIDO 18LE at prtcu you can afford. Thffe lo~ are •ll- inl' very fut. The law Of wpply and de.ma.aid mu.at certa1nly In· creaee their nlue. Don't ret llhut out. Remember we a.re the D"'VEL0PER8 of LIDO ISLE where a lltUe buya a LOT, P .A. PALMER IN CORPORA TJ:D 1331 Via Lido Newport lle&ch, C&llf Harbor lllOO ea.ta Meaa The Beet Town on Earth YOU CANNOT AFFORD to Rent, with a Deal Like Thi.I. 2 bdrm home f'u:nlJahed, 1 · bdrm home tum.Jahed. N~ai 6: clean, all for '810C~-UOOO down. Vacant 0 , I . RESALIJ -3 bdnna. One ot the bfft we have had tn aru When you He it. you wU1 &l'f'te Hao double rara... fenced yd., all .. ~.,..s,. . '• Price $9500 For -ooneonalllg -• P">Portlff call ,.,... Barker, Btacoa. 1110. · 1 . . . ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Inln<o (opp. Hl(b ochooll Newport ~elghi. CORONA DEL MAR > • (lncldentalcy-& wonderful place to eetabllah your permanent home.) TBRU: BZDROOK iiOME. 1.and % b&tha, Bo. ot u,. Hwy; NJ:W dbl. pn.p. '8 tt. lot. flower• and lbrub& Naar l!e&vlew. -l>&o -nducod to $14,IOO •bo- caua it nHCU IOm• work. Sep! entrance to 3rd bdrm. ' SAY, YOU FOI.Jts who want "HOME It IN-'• · OOME" property, and are willing to pe.y a little more for a VIEW! and LOCATION! ' We HAVJ!; It --- THREE UNITS Takes an CIUb, but we CUL finance half wit.h eue. ANDRESEN CO. I02 Cout Blvd. Ha..r&or 1840 WDAY'S B:EST BUY · in Corona del Mar , Only $9500, terms NEARLY ~W-2 bdrm home completely red·-o- rated. .F'!rel!I.!.,. room for l more unit. 'I'.-· •. LOCATEB. EARL CHAMBERLAIN llOO Cout Blvd., Corona de! Mar (Oppoaite Newp6rt 'Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 Balboa Penn. Point . 2121 Ocean Blvd. . • Open Sunday 2 to 6 or will show by appointment BA~GAINS G. L•RESAL:ES • • ~ N1llW '2000 dn.'IrU111·--~-~--~~~...;.~-..;;;.:;~;;.;;;;....;;;;;;o... ... price ....... t -lpMiouo ' ""· with -.. nr.-. ><,_,;.·. ~· FRO·....., ,_, -celllDp, tllo 111$ ~J!iAl'j ...... , &Del i.. Doul>te pr., 1arp _.. BALBOA PENINstJLA, aer iqt. Tll1o --built bocne L _ lo dlft-t. --Coot& IlON'T TAXJI !"ID; 'l'O Buu.t> ~ Ull1'8 GIU.T -i . BOGAN IN ~.war-r .. rot -~~tor ' -_ • you • •• Diop tllflt. T_...! lleH'• a cba-ta; 1'11" ta • • .. become wl>&t la ,._.. ao the l&nffd pntrf. 'l:l>lo ~ S 11.DJl.K G ... 11wu.• Neat " ablo HtU.-ocoaal --.._.., tile Bel-P.-111 trlm..CS-In. -&Ide 1-· and l>&o a IW,r;;: -·ot tho Pacttlo. rd •Y tbo lloe,,MWIJ' -..rat&d,bl "out. ~-Thi. ne&U .. t niu. at anoo. ownera l>&n a Jot ot p-• and comtortUle l!Ylnl' • -. tn with UT10 down. Pay· la tb1o 2-i.ch homo. Tba l&rp ~ m.,.t. ol '61 mo. blclude to-, lo ~ and l>&o & lit(!> be&mod ooDlllJ. lllt.. onc11 -· Th• kitchen lo "8 ·en el\&Ped ott&I< i-·ott tile lhllll' " 1room which.~ f'or a\ldlrnoe ~tion bJ the oook. & -I And of courK 'I a blC tire~. Tbe bath •parat&o I BDIQ(. BOJOI ON J'LOWZR tho S·bed'°"""' ... U! oul.idt -er for b&thne BT., P'BTA XDIA-Hd fin-convenience. · 1 a. t!ement f)Ol'Ch on the ocean aide place. bwd. !loon. bis U'rinc rm, and a tugo IND J&rd • )"OU enter. Thill lo tile dbl. im, nice W• • ldt:eben and ldeal home fCIJ" a -.au tamlly or tt .hu all IOrtl of balll. I dual tumaoo. over 1200 poalblllt!• f°".YenJarrlnr. Tbere·o room tor two autoo ... ~--bl& pr., f-,.i.. llf Dl~ l&ndoe&pod. Price tu.ooo. bl tho -· room for ptmty ot b&ppy home o Ko. pymt. of $4T.U. Ypu ,....id In U.. bouM. Yob'll -tbot tile price t&I' lo comlder&t& not repl&M tt a.nfWhere near at $17,500. l uklll, pnce. JOiiN D. BURNHAM 1· REALTOR 1'URN18HED t BDRM. ON Ii 507 E. BALBOA BLVD,, BALBOA ACRC-lilon .. now -start -' HARBOR 1107 {ll:VES. ~ ms-W) UYllll'. Thlo property lo _,ed · · for .....,_ a-to tr&DlpO<'-BAJl..AH 'W. NEWLIN, J .UO:S C. NEWLIN. Jr., HELEN llcDONAI,D taUOD., dooL Neat 6: clean. t rumitur. 1o -t1000. -BUYS!-BEACH -BUYS $f&OO. ft.Ii ii: OM Of OUI' bat value&. TIUPLEX BARGAIN -FURN- ISHlllD-Three I bdrm unli. ptua l•"l'N· Rent for $7fi mo. . eaeh. Located on tin,e bu.stnen corner. Show 15 per cent ~ income. Price SlT,toO. 'nlil one , l.dd.e up. See Jt NOW I 5 ACRE&-•Sl!T EAST IIDE LO- CATION~ Sandy loam. a..t • acrea1re bOy Eut ot Newport Blvd~ $2200 per acre. OVER 1iii .ACRJC-100X270 near .Lindbe:-gh. IChool. Sandy IOU. pri~ at 12150 calh. Barney Francque, MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOJUI I .(J)O ,£. 17th Et. at Tustin Ave. Coot& MU& Beacon 1118 CLIFF HAVEN VIEW HOME NEAR BEACH AND KARKET-2 Cb&rminl' Rul<!c Cott&..... only i Y1S. old. El<eellent Corid., Dbl Go.rac,. $U,300. Furnished. ON THE CHANNEL, <;Ja.e·ln, Idul Vacation Home. Sleepti 10. A·l Cmutructton. BULKHEAD, PIER AND P'LOAT. 118,!iOO. ll'Umlahed. EXCEP'l"lt>N AL • BUY in older I B. ll. Home. Good Cond., Gara1e, Cement P&Uo, Fenced. Good Loc.aUo~ Ful1 prleo fl7llO. WA~ONT LOT, 127 ~ ft. Oil tile CbUlnel tor $4,000. Wide Iota $1400 and ttp. For lheee an_; o~~ sood buys 1ee Mary C. Dick.Ion or Call H&rbbr 1018, {Eveo.) H&tbor 2092·W. EARL V/. STANLEY,. Realtor· 311S Newport Blvd. Newport Beach , Balboa Island ' INCOME -- . , TWO 2 BDRM A.Prs-So built and r.ofted u to permit a.not.her income lunit or bU1lneu if prefe~. One apt. Is rented untu June lGth. 1931, but tmmedl&te poueuion of the other ~ be had. Thia bu beea u es.cepUonalJ7 good lnvutmenL ONLY U ,900 abirn. i).111 Pr!co $U,IOO. Aet llOW-No neod to ult whyl 0nly $6,590 lea.at thrN of them, and pouibly - a den to 11eep a few extru. . FOUR BEAUTIFUL A UTHl!lNTIC CAPE COD, 1 year · Newport Heights $1500 down . I old, J otory, ! bdnn• .. pluo l&rre TWO BEDJlOO)[ HOME -Top Open House LINWOOP VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 2042 -' ID US FOR BEST BUYS lll' COSTA MESA AND HA!UIOR AREA . .. " B.A.NER:ESON KRA A NpL 'Harbor Multiple LlsU:nc-RM..llor tta Newport Blvd, Colt& Meoa Phone Beacon :i226 ' CAllU.AL living on Balboa Pen.in· • IUI&. SpaclOUI 4 bdrm. J fire. placft,, big cla..U, 1 atory, ... treabJy redecorated with tute. • 'Lov.Jy prd<Jl ~ patio. J loto ,, IU.~ dn .. ~ mo. Total price • $2ll,900, Sandy M&cK&y. Har. '614. ' 1U18 11 •u1. UTATE WANTED WANT FROM owner-2 or S bdm ~ Sul Side Coat.a .Mea., UD· • der 110,000. Muat be tow down -pymt. Pr!nte party. Call Har. 111...J. lfpll ftIVATI: PARTY Wani. J B.R. -._ tn Colt& Meoa. From own- tr up to 1900 da.. SJ.lpty mon If .1Un. Pl>. Ila. 161IO-R. Up15 .• ' '..-o!IH TO LOAll . ..... : LOANS For Homes •'(X)NSTRUCTION LOANS ~ at li-6'h~ (l~ yn.) t • "?: BUT AND 81CLL TRUST Dln:DS &&:ll JioB SA TI'LER • 1W CO.I/fr BLVD. • ,.,.._:de! Kar'' !l¥bor 107W llof. POIRDCR KORTGA<Dl CO. lllotro tlto Jns. J'mi6o ·Kl Wllil Then you must have an adequate ll'Ying and dlning ·room with l!p&Ce tor televielon and aevera1 daveopol"ti9 to enjoy round the beart.h. tire.aide eveninp. TIM kitchen-It will have to bt Ultra, Jot.a of cabinet.a, We and an electric dilbwuher. Several bathrooms., patio and (&l'&Je wtlh .tor•r• apace wtU ju.t bo dandy • Now we want YO\l to come to 201 l:merald Aw., on Friday, Sat· urday, or Sunday, May •.' 0 and 4S alternoou and tell Hub Powen that you acre-UU. home 11 ''Warth the many, to you.."' that. what we want to heu. Harbor 13 Exceptional Offering ' 4 UNJT INCOKJl PROP.lllJ\'D' ao Balboa Iol&nd. runu.lled <Un• _ ple!A!ly. Reeenlly paint&\l Good loc&llon. Full price $23,500 OOUNTRY HOMES AU 1ood locatlou -Plenty of room-Each on ~ aCft or more Reuonably priCed. No. 1-121.MIO No. 2-11e.ooo No. 3-113,:SOO No. 4----.flt.MO G. N. WELLS, Rltr: & Aoaociate1 • 1790 Newport Blvd. . ea.ta Me.a. Ph. BeL 6181 Rustic Style Home In Newport Helghte. Cll&rmlnjr I.I the word for thil: 2 bdrm, fire-. place, beam ceUinga. Butlt 2 yra. •60· Mu•t be eold to Httle M· tate. Submit otters. Over $9000 SEE tr NOW! . B:EST BUY In NeWJ:>Ort Heights X.OV.1Y -1 bdrm bolao. l'lar· aton.t fireplace, hwd. noon, plot& c1-f&clllC tho po.Uo. Thia la way &head of anythlnr you'yo ..... WW FHA at f!i \\. $12,000 . comb. bedlroom. &Odden, 2 Mt.ha. loca.tlon. Excellent con.dttlon; J-· • L&rp llvln~ room. 11repl&d. car ......... Approx.. yn. old. Sun ' May~ 1-5 p m Dininl' room. 0orgeoUI ldtcben Payment.a include tu:ea and m-·r ' · · ::'k.bre~:t ~3:'. ~~ ::: ourance. The tun price lo only 23572 • S. E. Kings Rd. •tnlctlon &nd '&rtlltlcally deco. $875() (Not Le&Oeholcl) Priced to leil quicltly Wm. .E. ANGOLD, Realtor IU l!:. ~ Blvd., B&lbua Phone Harbor ~w lkU Th1.s Loan Is Worth An Extra $1000 Today · ~~~~~~~~~~-THl!.l:J: BJ:DROOM -C101e to LOOK - - - What You Can Get • ~ Corona del 141' A. I BDRM HO~ bllc ,,._ ocean-Wlth s&ne"• apt. now • rented. Lo.re• fenced Jud. Ion· ly ptAnt. &lld lllrul>&. Don't mim: th1a JLUt.O.ADrf for • horn. PLUS ldcom•! $7000 Full Price · 2 llLIUI. l'llOK DACH~ lodrm. beach llcmo, p&rtl&ll;r !Urnlab· ed. ......... 1111' lot. Noe<lo - tbdn'. l:xclulln wtlb. -t llbopptnr and tnnoport&Uon. Approx. 1 )T. old. Bwd.., Ule. a· ..u.it l&undrJ f&clUU... Dlnlnc area in kitchen. l:uy '" tum.a '2300 down and $68 lncludlnl' -Uld In.our. -thlo tod&;r. Tcwnorrow may be -too late. · Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Even!On ilO Newport Bhd. • Coot& "'-Phone Beacon IJU-W 8-n11-w or Beacon ~ TimD 1&rc1 bedrooma. 2 bath- rooma, o&k noon, forced air heaUns, mprin.kler •}'9tel'D, bar· beque, ~e fmcln&' are a few of the feature. of UU. tine home. The tuU price t. $17,600 wtU. Unu. ror a&.anc. o11ow1nc c&11- :ia-. K-ptoa, Barbor lllOO • P. A. PALMER INOOllPORATJ:D 3333 VI& Lido Newport Beach. C&llf. • H&rbo< tllOO -. -from COlllt&ll! Pnetlc•I AA ad ftS)ll&rl:r i. WI paporWmproduce . .-.!tofOl'JW. - ANNOUNCEMENT .. BALBOA ISLAND Choice South. Bayfront IIicotne EXCELLENT •DUPLEX-Prime location-Superb view-Fine Beach. Each unit .baa apacioua living room. fireplace, 2 'B.R., 2 batha, private garage, plua many un~ ~eattwes. Well built with near- ly 3000 ·sq. t; total area (~tect's .Plana and specifications available for inspection) Elr.oeption· ally good value! ' -' Prirle $45,000 -Terms ' Wm. W. SANFORD,_Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Ha. 2462 Balboa Ialand ' BEACH IH_OME and SAILBOAT LARGBI FURNU!HED Bl!lAUTIJl'UILY LOCATED HOME, One l>lock from bay and cOQll BWlmmlnc beach. Fin 'b!ldroo~ ~ den with aleeplng acco~t:1oft.s. Flnopl&oo, thenliOf!Utl...Uy controled floor turn&<e, wldo percheo, cllnlq /room. l\le&I beach or '""'IOUlld homo. Prlco Incl. 12' R &lld ~. Ut,!iOO. Excluolv-. . BAY & BEACH REALTY - Glo4en Fay Jack • Mille? Ethel Shirley 1~ Balboa ~!Vd. ' Harbor 126' LOOK;!' ONLY a2000 CAd, Cuta ,I bdml home, -• -ol blpway 4n eo..... 4el --PW1I . detactied poot - Total -Price $9450 I • • • ' ·\ I O 0 M A I I I T Witfi SALLIE • ' . - • .. on • -• • ! A .... -11 .. ' • . . A . DU. JIOND: EAJILY 0£JU>EN -va..._ty . ealS11 ············-~---~· • SDGAR· P-EAS .. ---~ 9L 17~ F1al•llNJ Mc.ci.9•1 lief, .Ille f41111t OlttwlccW. • Da. Jll!DNTll: OOLDD caEAJ1 llTl'LJC -• MANNINfiS 0-IONi OI 7-IONE CHUCK CORI ----............. -~:.... ... 2 fo; 2~ '~ • fliiT COOKtilL w . • '1 ' ~ • • DEL J(QNTll: 8UOED or llALVJ:8 'PEACHES · .. ______ ........ ~~~ 27c DEL lll'.oNn:".WHOu PEELED VIL AARICOTS ~--.. -~~i. 2~ ,.,. • -s P ARKAY vw-r r r.w J ' ' " ~~· ·~ .. ~ . MA _ ABINE ::.-.: 23' • Larp .. b p 29¢ PANTSY VALUl'J!I ' BAST WED llPIXJIAUI 8toldoy Olluldotto • • Pet PINEAPPLE ______ ........... _. __ :::;, 1 n • llMI Gold • . LEMON JUICE ·-----·-·' ... I ' I · CANNED MILK ... -... .i.. -2125' Bebl&' ._ or Oh-. IAIY FOOD .......... : ..... -12/97 • ~ 119~ Stra.laed w ,WIKlh CRANIEllY SAUCI ..... 17' Oerten--Armoun - IAIY MEATS : ....... : .................. 19' ~~ ' !lj~C2_CKT AIL ____ Jot ... 2125' ~'1'15 ..... ....... 1:.:-17' .... _. Claff" Ollopped IAIY FOOD .... ____ ...... -2121 ~ . ..- !j GOATS MILK ......... ______ 3'' fP .. '! .,., ... ,Ot A ~OES . .. .............. -212'' SWJ)lf-1 "8•b Produce--- 11 Tllo--· ... -~... . I OIO SUDS .......... _ ... ___ .. ___ ,.... 21 I .. .................... ' . JUKII llOQUJUl'O&T CHEESE DRESSING.~ ffc ·- UJEJt'S Q1l&Llft' • . SMOKED UVER ·SAUSAGE .. 591 J<NACKWllRST _ .. __ .~: ... 5'~ iiiE CHlcKEN ··:.-1:89. 'CiilliiR CEse .......;....oo,:~ -~·-. · ................. ~ • t • . • ... . ... '-' •• . Fl-HADDlf :·. . ·t-·~w: ..... ~~·~~·· "' , •. ~, ~'···' . ". ' - STOH HOURS: co- SWIFT'& BROOKFIELD .. •· cmton ' IJC?O(IAN1lT CUSTAll PIE ---.-· 57' .. PILIDllT POTATO DINNU IOLLS·l,.,15# . \ ~ . . ... ' ' iliitc11u.-· --·--•' • • • .. ' ' " •• • • • ' . '1 • Doi-le-~ SALMON 1:.1 15' Ddll-'SUOED •ETS -..... 2!!:.11~· Del .............. .. Dill PICKLES~ ---CATSUP ..... 1-17' Dr@I 11..te a-lo. t CM TOM. JUICE 11' --.............. PRUNE JUICE rl' Doi.,...,_..., PUMPKIN u ... 10' Me11Gnine · S/roppe ·- Choose • Gi~ · to be remembered for Mollwr's Day Hallmark Cerds JIUOJCLANE01!S )'.U..SS Plaaan OoMto8 JJ-pJ:ANlJTS . I OL -- '==-St" llOlCED ORICllD' I-. ,._,· •M.srn 17f ••nm BaAX 1 as =--~"--·-.... ____ 184 vnQIOAA ~ "' -..,. • . ' • •' • •