HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-09 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News._ -I . . r· I 1- 1 • • ' •• • • • ' I • • ·. • • -..isan~ CLOIJNa ;oua :~alill · . ' -. .. ' •ut Be Oat lly ._., IStla WMIER. , No. I Com. ut and td, MS ud Ro111b "'-00per11 W. ft. 'WM . NOW . Knotty Pine Tongue and Groove --20.&o tie per bd. ft. Clear Ftr V"'1'oint Shtplap 1xl -·· 17e liq per w. ft. No. 1 Red Cedar Sblq1eo -·--·-··-···18.23 14.to per ........, Clear Radwood SidinJt lxt thru 1x12 Ve. Joint ----31-c ~x• Novelty 8ldins ·-.l..--~-lto S6a ..... w. tt. 19o,.. .... ft. PLYWOOD • u8-l4 b>. DF Ptywood A·D ------· 17c lk per 14 ft. US--15/18 in. Plyecord ······-······-····-15e l!e per , ... ft. f tt. Redwood L&th-89 pc. per bdl .... 2.1111 S.00 per lld1. . • rt. D. F. Lat.h--60 pc. per bdL ··--·-L@ 1.90 per WI. Mouldlnp ··---·······-···········-··-··-··-··-··· 116% QFI" • IUILD.ING MATERIALS Common Cement ··•···----···········-········· 1.18 2.5 M.et&I Lath, Black -····---·······-··-··· t?c Stucco Netting 1\tx1Tx31 ···-·-··---·U .M ~ Reb\fo:.rcl.D• Steel. ~ '1, 9' ",. 1' '' .....-- WALL 10.A.RDl Eb Mother's Day Procjra111 ·to Feature SJnger Erin O'lrlen ., CJG41EllE$ ADP.,...._1r1 c.toti,$]45 MOTot~.~L RAYWll ' Quana _ lforUe . 2 °:'::' 99#L UD ROT !!PECIAU! lUICl'I ORANGES l ~': 25¢ • F,BE8H eoa.»na \'.Ue7 CORN .. ""' ()ob 6 Jor 25~ ' . • · · c .. 11.ouq .~. -. 2'f (la..-->·'\--·· .• SWAN Pwe Mlcl SOAP Un.ta .Jtos.h8-.J tw2l# :co:;.a.;vr;., --... . ,, __ llloo ()old ···----·A. llWlfrll Pm :,o:-z.. ~--·-·······--·A .19#. • LEAN· llEAn· '· PORK' STEAKS · •.... ~ 49f SUCED IACON ~ __ · ----··--··· 4J# llAL!:ll TAX OOILECIZD ON ALL TAXAN&. JTDIS YAMS_~····-·-5 .... 19• CELERY .. ____ _._ ... s• N.o. 1 S NeW · , POTATOES 6 .... 19' • Romaine~ 2 .... 19' UNCH llA•Kn , -SATURl;)A Y, MAY 12th f' , OF 'l'llE MOST JIO~QlN j 1 AND O()llPLERJLY EQtllPPED . T 1-R El1 R.E C'Ar·P I ttG P·LA·N·T I -" • ~ND TIRE SERVICING FACIUTIES ii IN ORANGI CoUNr( . . : I I' ! • IN ·OUR NIW IUILDING -AT . • • 1~ . ' .mcl New~ Blvd..· Colla Mesa I • 1( !~·. • .; . -' .NOTE!. • SPEQIAI.! A F9w New' GOODYEAl ' .W.\THOM·. TI R fS'' ·. · -• &.11 ; ;<... ~~r·, ~· ~MiO~..,,~ ~· -•• 'f•~· • • .. '~ ' •I ~ •' ' . • .,.• ' "° .• • I . " ' .• •'\-•'I 4111\: • ,._ HIT•E SIDEWALJ.$"STltt AVAll.:ABL-E IN MO$T "SJZES.~ ~TrER COME ·WHILE W.' HAVE,0SOME · ;: ' .-• . . . • "'· ,.· ,~ ......... ¥........ '·"· J '• • .. ' • ' J • -, " . , ... • e ~ • ' • • . . • .. • - . ' " ' PA.Ga t , llAT t. 11111 .. llWW~MY JOft a eilol'Hl'IG :NSWB • • lloclp 11u -. Wata nr -----~--~ --Waa.ill Bl UMIMBER! . ' MOTHER'S ·:oat IS SUNDAY, MAY 13 She'll Enjoy Dining at THE LIDO WHARF 0...rlookl&f Pl•*"'-1• N_.-Ra- LD>o VILLAGE, NEWPORT _....Barbor 184 • ' • I ' lto/o Discount on . Any Pwchia1e (mP'J' .UU.1.0NI:) ~ Jlrtig Ws ..r .f4 • ' · IA.DIDI liDH Mllm .,.. • Daly''tce-.'O•·~ .;m~ . • encr.u. W\)i. 75' • ·. •1;m ~=tES:-~oi ·· llOO L&fa7t1tte OD the Ba7 .NE'WPOBT . ~ 11ariJo1 Ill FUN. OPIN IYEIY FRIDAY;SA1UIDAY , . . and SUNDAY BALBOA • I t \ Mesa~'' ' . . NOW SHOWING . Ttow ......_~Color 'lllD OF PARADISE' l'f!fl Che ndk!.t .. J>ehra Pacet' "QUEIEC" Oortaae- '· IJanymore, Ir. •UNDAY •. TnSDAY TYBOh'B POWEB . "RAW HIDE" Ullda U..-U ... ~ llo7er "13tti LEI 111" OCC Mothers to Be Guests l~~~~~~=lat Fashion .Te• NOW 8110WING IWl Maoldl"•1t' . "UP FRONT" -&leo- "l'RE GROOM WORE N'UU' 01-r R<>pro, ,,_ 0.- 8 P •I! CI At. MOTHER'S DAY • AttraeUou an day **' !!TARTS SUNDAY ·• , c.-,. Blot df .,be y-- Al>Mt1 .•. CodOO. "MEEl the INYISllU MAN" ' . ~ -~-. . ~ "TA&Gft UNKNOWN" , " ORT9'/.,,,~. Auoctated W-ea atutHn"' •C or&D«e c.aot cellep wlll ontU'· t&1n moU-en ot "4lt men .a.nd w.o· men atudenta at a M0Ut.er1 tea a.nd tutrlon Uow la the college chap<! Th...-y •ftlling, May 10 rrom T to t o'clock. <>'Brifll'• lpecl&lly Sbdp of COrona 4el Kat .,.4 n.e 'Man of Coe\& Kua 1"J1 p~t collec,e mollell In & Mowiaa' of opring Mid fall ' fU~ODa clO.llgn<d for bolli mot.hen &ni! lb.Iden.ta. Eight OGC _.,,., will lie, tl>e modea: Joyee Purc~ell• :w:;ibou Jack.ton ud C&rol Clark oti llal-: Joan 01luWfta oi' Wdtmlneter: )(ary Ann Halon~ &<11' lllatblffll Erbe lot N""J'Oit; !14rt Alcorn et Coote 1 .¥ ... : and'Mary k,.,..tt of Bay 8.boreL . • i omcer11 et A 1Va lttYins u comJ1!1tlee eh&lnnen .-&c tbe p:rutdent. Kfa. Tttea , Beanman llennil\ir ot Orup, .,. June l ~~~~~~~~~~~~IXnll'ht ot t.a.,.., ,..ocn.m; Joan Sulltfta, co,.....u: and. Marpret :i.tcD!>uplJ of. Coef& --... . ~ " . . . -. "ZING" SupedaUve D17 rn..alaf UD() .Ml N~rtBlvd. <lOS'I' A ~11m8A Boa. $'79U l\'e ope~ Our own. plu&: • . ....... -~. ~~ '·~· ' • • • • ~ bM ,lllobnd; WatU ltl •• Dodge b&e moved. Woteb It! NEW 1951 11-INCH EMERSON TY . $17t.95 .La Motte TY • ' Oppooll<> Ji'.oot, OMoe OCMITA USA• RAo IDl-W . ' CRA Hot .Rod •· ,· IAC...C. s•_•"411'J, May 11 . ~ -u- TAI 'RT STADIUM H:iil tlaifoe ln•clt . . • I , I'd lo, 1JIM , :tine -'~'P.a. • • • ll&Aftl'Ga•l'-~ .. , .. ... ·WE AH dv11tnotltiiu~" · . · '· Wll ARI! OVICRSTOCKllll>"'-~· juot 't re&llse tb&t .•Ill' dlepl&7 .....;.; w....-and toctoey only !told ae muCh.. · We are loaded with· fine Modetn, Rattu and PaUo turnlturt. Kore le Oil the way, m • mmt d1lpoH of mb?.e ot our 9tock ao Ulat we and our I cUltomen c&n move about. Ben at Houee and Gardea wf not only )ave hundred.a ot W\UIU&l Item.I for your home fLDd patio from l•&dlns AmertC..., Phllipplne and Chjn.., )nanutaeturera. but we aJao ban a ca~t:net ab.op wtLJch ?.a• ~· of th• -beautitul modern and troplc&I turo IO ho eee.a aaywhere. In addJtlon to our cablne Mop and rat• tan tactory we &1ao h&v•~ an upholtteryl and dnpeary workroom makinl' drape1, .allp coven, CU1ltona and other uedlewol'k from oae Of the l&rtHt atoc~ of indoor ud out.door fabrica in tM area. We an ~ f\lmJture tor llomu and rentals la well faraway placea :u Denver Uld Seattle. Perhape you who are IO cJo.e by ihouJd &l8o pay u. a vtelL 'l'hl• we llhpuld make tbi. lnt\t&Uon doubly ettncUve. I ' ! . I MODERN FURNrTURE ··~-))~·~~ " . ' . a·a:T.'i'AN . an·d ~ . . , . OU'tDOOB . . . . FURNITU·az ~ ' and ACCESSORIEI· • •' ' • • • • • • l , . . wn;ND OP P'IVE TROPHIES la tloo r 'a --Doa A7'""' ~ floc*p el tloo . TJ-.m,er.tfte Yadtt Chl1' •It• .. la Ute fofta:tsnd llll::J'IU'k ftsbtsd wtQ. 9'9Mktt ftylllc at lt:l1:M a. a. Friday, j9n two mlaat8 bflore tile U. IL Na-.y'"c .,.,..._ lhl •pnet timM w• ·cr. , • 120 COUNTY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN ENTERTAINED BY LADY· ANGLERS A.nyone vlewtnc the fe.Uvltlec at Bay Shore Park P'l'lday would have thouaht It wu an ordinary 1chool outl~, u childttn uaed the alkles and .wtn,;c and played_ In the aa.nd. Thia party wac a bit un· usu&J. Ulou1"h, u tbe happy chJldttn were the h&ndtcapped of Ort.nae County from the Franklin t.throp, John Mair and Carl Harvey echoola ta Santi Ana.. ApproxtmateJy 120 children, at------------------------- tenda.nU and mothers were guuu lalboa hla d ,._1 for hmcheon and a clpt-1eelns 8 W' tou• &rnUnd the bay. Membeno or Now Oii OldllCl- the Newport Harbor t..dy An&len· played ho.te-..a for the Juncb, OKINAWA-Prtvate Tbomu J . while In Gron.aky ot the Pavilion Broo.lu, 23. aon ot Mr. and :W:n. bOilted 1olle group on the "BaJbo&" N. H . Bl'OOJu, 113 Ruby avenue, for the boet ride, wb1ch wu the Balboa llland, h.u UTtved on tint ftw many ot the cblldren. Olttnawa tor a tour ot owr ..... Favors of bucket. and aho•ell, duty ln the J'ar l:ut. He ts p?'M· boolu, baUoons and hat. were pre· enUy .... 1.,ued to Company D, ~ted the cbUdren by the Lady 29th Infantry kes:men~. a unlt Anitere. ot the Army of Occupation In the Tra.uporlatJ<!n by bu11 wu tur· Ryukywl command. niahed by tbe Harbor Area Boy• A(TadU&te ot .New.port high Club, th.rough the courtuy ot acbool and Orance Cout colle(e, Heinz KaitEr and Frank Sawyer. ~-Broolu wu inducted lnt.o th• dt.tr1butor for the White Truck A.mly In October of 19SO. Prtor company, arranced a new 38 pa&I· to 111'1 ove.rwu aAlpmft'lt he Ml'er bwi. compJeled a coob' eourae ln J'ort Mn. Marjorie Dudley, principal Ord. Callt. of the .John llui.r Khool. wu in ------ charge ot the group, aided by Gor· don Spivey, dlrector ot l'peel&l Hr• YictL Membera of the Lady A.ngl4er11 f'Ommlttee who arranged the &1· .fair included. Olive M.cKmaie, pr~ident. .I: rm a L&cherunyer. Julia S.wler. Eva Graham, Myra S pragufl, Stella Gaines, Betty Of- ferle, Dick Gf'ffley, Clara K~IPr, Lem Demer, Dorothy Stleve, Ida Naylor, Dorothea Kin1tatbtt and Marie Kai.er. . ------ Deny DC1111C19es in Scooter Deall1 • Lee Reaches Stale Finals Paul Ltt. Ooeila M.t:JA. and itu- deiit at Newport Harbor Unio"L High School, won tint place Cun· an.tmou. decbion by U\ree judge1 I In the "recent UoH Di.strict Con· ventlon at Palm 8prlns& Ltt, speakinl" on the rupomt· bllitiu ot clliHn.a in a democracy, won over co.mpeUton from Ne· vada and tbe aouthern portlon of California. He wUI rrpttaent Bai· boa Bay Uons Club ln the •late ttnals in Stockton to be held dur· lng the Llona, convention In June. Lee win oom~te In Stockton Oamacea were denl~d Wedne91 with three other candidatu for day for death of a mot.or .coater the 11000 unlveralty tcholarah.ip operator in a collision with an au-which i. awarded by the C&llfor· tpmoblle, A jury ot .even women nJa Lk>n• to the 9dlool youth e.uh and five men, dellberat~ only a yea.r •ho ta Jud.Ced thP be•t speak· halt hour before ref'Wling dama1e• er on a toplc of patriot.lam and sought by Mu. M.lnnie Lee of clvte rupoMiblllty. 'Santa Ah& tor death of her son, Ge-orge He:nry Ltt. Victor In the: thrff.-day court battle wu Willi&m Earl Haven of Santa Ana. fonner Balboa resi- dent, whose auto W&JI In collision with Lee's 1COOter the night of lallt May 8 on Newport Blvd. at AJ~rt Pl., Cost.a Me:aa. Atty. Martell Thompecn had 9Ql.ll'ht $20,414.08 dama.ges for Mra. LH, contending that Hawn had made an abrupt U tum on the hlchway In the path ot the oo-- comtnc acootu. 6re.re:n.ee Att,I. Rlch&rd itee.e, however, contend· eel .UCCffmf\llly that Let him.wit wu necti&'Hlt. Ha•en a.erted be had l'topped before ata.rting the tum and that the fCOOler waa cominc at hip Sl>ffd. with the operator taclnc the rear. Discuss Extending Mesa Sheets Burnt Toast A forgotten touter •et tire U!e &.!tqltn cupboard In the bome of Mn. R. D. $Mith, 2825 New• port Boulevard on Saturday eve- ninr;, cauatnc dam.a,. Mtlmated al '100. ll:nslM 2 from tho New- port· ftrt hall reaponded. to a call at &:&6 p. m.. and quenched the blue. Defer Trial of ' Mesa Mother Assembly Votes Closed Season for Purse Seiners Good ""'• for sportaftahennen lut 1-.t Th.unday when A..- eembly Earl 8tan•y'• bill rNbict· lnl' UH o1 pune Hh\H or rl.ag neU tn Mt oft1hore area adjacent to tbe Orange County coaatline equeeaed Utrouz-b Uie auembly by a vote or 41 to 28. The bill providet1 that purM and round hauJ net. may be u.ed 1n di1trlcta 17, 18, 19, exCf'pt that purae or · rinl' neU may not be WI~ ln tbe portion of dtatrict lt lying-wlt..hln thrff mUH ot the Or· antre County ahore trcm Kay 1 to Septembtt 10 . Thomu M.a.loney (R.·8&n P'ran· ciaco) led oppo.tition to the bUI by contendinc It would t'reate a monopoly for sport.amen on mack- ettl tiahlng in the area. Vincent Thom.u (D.·S&n Pedro) also epoke agalnat the bill aaylnc It would cla.e an atta M mlleti lonr to commerc}al tl•hermen and t h.at the cloeed area wu part of the but mackerel fiahing a-round on the coaat. Speaker Sam Colllna (R.·Fuller· ton I IUpported the btll and polnt· ed out the area orlg1nally wu " game retuge but waa open~ dur- tnc the war. Dodie hu moved. Watch It! SAW llTOI.111" Bttnl• Hoffln .. r, 221 • 19th St., Newport •ach, reported th• \hett of a •kill •w and metal ca.e from llla unlocked prqe on the DJP,t or April 30, Monday. n .. ut.Jclea were 'Valued at $120. PEANUT BDnER Recl Rout brand., c luty yet · econotniccl sprucl for bread. 1 ~ 33• -41t.' SALAD DRESSING DucMH ••• ...dt tM •• , '·-di.fa -U Hlad d.--iog. """rt"' 21·~ Sf"':' 31° PORK ii BEANS V allt C..p"a, ii" IMMIO NllCC. Joll opo1 Mft. •IMf Wn"e. 1 ::"· 11• 1!:"· 15• tlltl Tiii NHIMI MARGARINE SUGAR TUNA To.,...11-4. OraW · , FRESH ·EGGS ' . -ss~ . . LIWHltUll 11111 tllllUI Air array Milcl I Mt-Dow 77 ·..-:· 2.25 ~ c Nob Hiii t!'t5;7·~ 79c Ed.,arcls Vac•u"' ......... . . . . ...,.., , ... 79' - --... •....1., Al•••"'"' e • ..,.. "'"' • c... ...-..-.w U..PI Mes ~- BARGAINS '· • Ilf AD ·LIB • j By MARGO IN THIS PAPER Not flSt 1 few .. ,,,.,... . · ' · . •• ' ""' ,, .. Is PllCID 10W.; SAPBIYAY -. '!". · .. We liked a phrue one or our cuatomera uoed Jut week. She IAid abe ahope at S.Ceway because oh.e seta "&lpina by the bmketful" Her remark 1u11U1 up O\U' pricing policy in a nu~helL You -·we oet ewry price ricbt down at rock bott<m. (Our profit Jut year wu lea then 11\ cent. on each dollar we t.Qok in.) Thia meen1 that every• thins -yoo buy at &!eway ia an boneot-t.>good- neu value! Start today t.o make each buket ol fooda you buy a "bubtrul oC bargains." It ~II help plenty if ;you ',ve been havin1 budget bluO.. • M•tJJ C ' • I Oil ~.i:: -= 32° ~~ ·~-25° MllGIBlllE ~ :: 23c TOMATO-mCE ~ 1:::-IOO T---nu-1--.-.22c1 BU ff EB -LDCB MEI T "i:'~M".::· PUS fn the mt.al leetion, too you'll 51 d L~-· ~argaint 1 I" ' r a llOI( of Loolc · • · op qua 1ty me•U •I low price. O\'l!:r tftia lit.t. then sav b L1.._ . · Sugar Belle, fancy blended,••:· '::": 111• )'OlH' nearby Safeway. e • y rl'P•ng It SJ!!@ l~~ C! · ~· 42°. FB'fllG WJ11rs = ~as:•. ~~!!~Q~·'! . .w::E ~-55°. SPIBE•ms S-Usa..,~ 43 I --.... ..__,.,.... ~ ~ ' Sliced lacon COlllt~JIASH Liblty brand. · . IHI. 41• For quick meals. CM J'or • .lelfrloa•ly •if/ere•& ,,..;n "-'•A Hrw SJHIM 'a' Rke. SPAM 12..c.44· • -1) !Condo w .... - llCE 1-. 19. •, Uocle Bea'oC--H. ... .-~~~~~~~~~~~--..... , '.OACIEIS VAl fJES IN FAHM-FliESH PRODUCE • J . I • ' l • ' .. • • • • .. • • • l • • • • • • -• ' • • ' ,... JS ... Wltl I I Jill .... '°"' •rat\iD I~ --... -~ ..... -a...--=--'-'=----=-..!..----~~~~~~~ 1 ... 7.7 • .. ........ f -• ........... -. ~~.r .. ~·, Mother's . Dey! , R .. member your feyorite · h1«fy with • fleHering Per- menent! · • 001.D " ... vs -JU.CJlll!CSI Dll .. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK $1.50 (lllrlGULAll •11l JIM'S BEAUTY SALON IN OOA.l'l' BlwAY, coaoN& DEL IUll • • ..&\..aBOa 1111 • • =. ::-... ~-=== JCI) 1 "Pl'Jj -C. !!:__ .... :z.:;•a"·~ ,..., ---I T S If ;el Prtlll ·--_,, •• -..... _ --· ·--11, •·e·a ..s .., an t11. _ ;:;-.. • ';t ti( .... -;;; n. i.a •au11 •-... •10•• ., • .;. " • .J! • _. . .., ,., ~ -....... -Ille .................... ... ttM:J _. Oz·WJ --1i1aF t11 U. Ill leltltlle~to----'Dkl,... __ tio~ '"!,9-to jlap •to Ille -......... 11 11!1eQJ 'I ..i.nia.-if. "'°"to -liw -a -fair· tllat t11t7 ~ _, ,.._. ~tpatralboatla~-D7 ·11-w,... -,....., • '* ... &ao.o& at T p.111. u.. 11w. Nd -.JIG•• ..,.., ~t Belplt•--..,. .-In a otlpul&t.d llWl1 flT' --Y ft&!rtq IM popplol, ..., .. , - -·-flt -·---.... '" -----------·illl'° t11e Nlla!IW-N1M1 ot uo-,_-----..-----iii ..... :' oollllls tho _ ....... tllat __ ..., ... .,..t ... - 1 JU A.-·-· D.D.a. w Md ·u.& ~,'l"'Mn • '° optraUOIW ooet, no •ncs••r cllarWO. -. "Mlddlo ....... )ll'Olll-D8N'iWl&1' • . 1tll l(dpolt llh4.. Cloota- ~ --· ' ··-l'!U IOl5 & ...,. .... ·-• ..-111.J ... VGIWltffr· .,._ er u.. ~ . LU am.in, 4.11 ..,....._ -~ •'!"lll&ry • ..,,, out ....... Olllta --·-.... 11111 PNti•-,...,. atlor ,...,. u -• ol M•wpott 1'a<M..c.ota tlltlr b>&tn · oantttlN\lon to u.. -~ - -~ fttoraNI to whoa! U.e1 aro dedl· _...,. of N.,...n _, cated. u-IRlllt --elocW I.at year. IA th• at&te of C&ll· tllatriet 19\MMr et U.. elube , I~==~==~====; I romta alone, over 11& mlWon dot.. a& Ute 1'l!CeU l'aJa lprtap eo. -------------''---------"~-1; i.,. weN pal4 to hoeplta.Used ,......._ ... ----------------------T BERNARD KAHN 11.D. • .. ....., '°' rnaklll1 popptea ..,4 ----------- ·~ 6 I 1 T S -'ff. • • tot.al ot U , 100 veta and their En r Wi h ... ~ t::"" clJllclren were aided throuaJ> de-terta1ns 1t -.,..i., of olfteo partment IU\d Ulllt -· IW>da. T•les of H•w• "11 Pr&eU«! ~ 19 _,.... Thia ;yur KDl'Ull cuua!Uu and u u u ~olal sor....,. their famlllea will 114( added to the ..__: JU_ ,..... ud 1-t tat I.lat ot ellflbWty. , InterH'tlnl" blJh-UJh.U on her Wlll you be am.onr thOM to U· l"IC«nt trip to Bawa.u wen told Y.& acme•, o. a. PNU )'OW' rraUtude for "'our a poup of trtendl by Kr9. LMlM bo)'W!" ' Aa6lnoa. .wbeft llrL 'ArUC'ne 8"",... aatmalllld Ill her Lido OPTOMETRIST ••• , -...... 11a.st au .... ..,.-. ........ 7-* PorMw llll Y's Menettes Club . Honors Member Open.in,-with induction ot new membtra. continuing wtth a pro- sram and elostnr~ wltb a at.Ork IE SURE • INStlRE abow•r &lid rofHlhmenta, the ... April 28 meetlnr of tho Newport 11.Almlli ~ Harbot area T'• MJMttea club t IZJ: ·Olllr provtd an especld)i lntett1Un1 ..._ & ... lftl event. The home of Dorotlq Brad· lalo -·· ut Via XpNn, April If. ~ AA4tl'90Cl WU tortu- nato In _,..... acquatntod wttll ..... , natl .. Hawallana dur· lftf htr t.hree moat.hi villt with Mr eon J'ack. Who teache1 ln the pu..bUc achoo!. She WU loaded down wtth stfta durtns her ao- jouna, •bJOyed many natJ-ve 1uau1, and )Urned to prepa" many of tbe pbl dilhq. -•ts .a.... ... -lty, 001 Alloo 1tnet. N.,.,,...i ili51515111115i!!!i!l!9115i!llllM••ilF15!1mMl!l5!Bi51!i5151li51li5!1!5!!!11 8 •1Cbt.. ..,.. Ult 1ten• of . the 1'==========:;1H"""'· 11,..Ue Lonf WU Wlat· :Atllrtd tn & native coatume, cOmplete wtth Jela and be•d.9, 1he pve a ,racetul itllibillon of the &at.IYI dallc• Whk:k lbl lu.tned fi'om. bu llpA. a.nd which Me e~ plalae4 to tllt JUHlo, ..... full Of meu.iJll. SPRING SAFl;TY SPECIAL SAVE~ SAVE-SAYE -SAVE BRAKE , !J. c ADJUSTMINT , .lacludlag IJalng Checll-(All Chevro ) BRAKE~ l 'I! L' l.Nt"'E D • , CheVJO!e&s 1113'7 Throogh l!M8 1495 Total .Price FREE Piek-UP & Dl!lLIVEltY CULBERTSON ·MOTOR CO. 1; Ins -teoa Club otf1ett toaductta lniU&4 lion rtt11 Willi Huel Burt. Mar· sant Thatcbtt, Ma.11.aA Ove~ma.n and Vlrr'nLa. Lodpon rec,lvtd into . the me.mMrahlp. Preeiden.L Allee Yount.one ha.cl charge or w. Stl1rt ..... Q8llDl.L IllSUMNCll CotlrUot&a I'll/~ !hwptft-......... lll1 ... , • ...,., Ult llualn-. 11 '::::=::=::=::=::=:=:=::=::=:= j .A.a lh• profHnt tMture Fr1tzte J1teklon. lhow.d colon<! aUde. taken 1n lapan by hu tilter. Mr. ud Mrt. Aaderton haw bHn the hoUM SUNla of Mra. AJl- ctenon'1 allter, Mra. Boyd Rob- et\a on lltll alrfft, Colt& Mea&. Mr. A.ndermn d.rov. down from Utah t.o mMt lbe Lu.rllDf', l.Dd Jotn in the te1tlvlUt1. Al.lo honor- •na th• u.vetu were Mr, and Mr1. Roberti, Mr. an4 Mn. lt.rancl• Horvath. .Mra. Jl&r..,..L Aldric~ Mr. An!Ureon and the hoat.MI. IUOOIARD1'8 8110~ SllOP Blllt :flOlll!P Tnl. .. n 1nep1or-.,.. JIUOON Miil ()oata ___ o... tlfO .Newpc>ft -d. Markins Ill• ~ 1nter1m .... Ult layette lboW•r which IUJ'- prllld ZlltJ (lira. Herbert) Jealla and l'rllslo (Mn. V!rcll) JM!klon. Olrt. for tl\e two honor· t Ca.nut& and ntr-elhmenta com- plltld. lh• event.n1. ~~;"7i,!0~:'.~ ba:~ ... : Awards Presented opened, rdn!thriienta were Hrved. C L ' S t f 106 On II>• menu were moldod trult Ug C:OU S 0 Mla4 wlU. wblp-,.cl cream, bome-- mMlt fruit bread, date mutnna, Awanh were preaented whf1l oottee and tea. Col\& Meea cut> Bcout Pack 1oe ,JIUldeo 111-mentioned, meai-!'!'ld..A ,~m-.., Tllllrad&J,. l>en pre-I lndu4ed Laura Jmiu, April U, In Am•"-l41on ball. Dorla i...tkhudt. Jerry no.vta. Mn. Douslu' Den 1 had char" On.ce· Wright. K&Utryn Dl&l, of Utt ope:a.il:la .c•runony. Sllaabeth Zlrtuner and Helen Boy• wlnnln& award.a were Den- '• aoo Brown. Nn:t meettna. May 24, will nla O'Kw.te. Woll bada-ei Gary • CAllPET be with Kn. Bn>wa, 828 Center Graham, • e a r b&dre; Doger • UPHOL8Ti:B'f' •tc;.fft. Douslu, Woll 111tlve,r &rrOW ; Lat· Cl • & IN ry H olrnl , Aa. Denner strip; Jim· ~N G C , l B d m.J Gatlacller, O.nnor.Btrtp. G-M. GNIMllll ivie eague 0 y 0.n Chief Howard Graham won BEA.OON MU 9V11 .,-a ftrtt. aid kit for aervice u Den 2481 C0ast Hlway Newport •••ell . ILUBOR -.a Visits High School Cblel. !toy 1*\teta WU awarded ~~:;~:::.~:::.. ••• ~:::~:::.J1ip:~~====~§§~ hla Den Chief 00t4, The Skit Fl&" Kra. P&'Ul D&v111, Cll&lrman of wu won by Mn.. Davi.a' Den t , · · •'ORIS Women'1 ctvte Lt&fu• and mem• whlle Mn. Doullu' Dtn 1 cap. .e.1'4 "° FISHING ~ya': Fi. D~ C..,. M bera or the aclue&tlon oommlttff tured the at...,.dance award. 911&All •• M. G. hed • IOur of Illa hlsb ..-1 't Rall ltoadlll .. WU Ill• them• cmUy and were luncheon fU81Y tOr tbe montb wtth Mn. l>avla ......... , "' RI LEY or th• hom• ecOMmla c1u11 1n uotns • mu. tra1n for her aklt. 8CllYLD llOl'OU lbe cott&p. Paul Stephen. IJ!bounced the t• So. Olut Bh'4. R.tmodeled fl'om • barra.ckl .wUn tralnin• oou.r .. at the hlrh . i..-a ....,. bu.lldJnl, the cottia't: hu kltcb~. school plunse tor the Cub Scoutl. ' • • L&T Ull DU> YOV 801.VJ: 1'0Ull 8P1111'1Df0 QVl:STIO.Nlll • SPINNING 811&1.8 at.A88 l&ODS 1.11'-U I ~=========:=~·' bed, Hv:lng and dlnillg room.a. All He allo ukld partnta to help th.e I ; ~ th9 worll: of decorating. painting SCoull nil UcktU for a Y oulb and turniAblnf the cottqe was ~e.tl.L BrftJlfut apoMOred by 1 done by etudebta. Old furniture tbe Coata M111& Ktwa.n.11 Club sat • wu purcbued t.nd r1Pnovated and \U'da)t1 )(&7 12, 1D. the Costa Melll Shoe Ber9eln1 We Gift 7ou llta Wit.Ill aanow wldUI• Nd ..... .., ....... because lt met ct-rt&tn _,,,~ k • 101'5 I SPORTING 00008 lttll a Newport 8hd. eo&TA MESA II&&. lltl·ll lil:I.'EN R. ROBERTSON, M.. D. Annomlcea tile Open1D1 of Htr OM.. ot 1741 SUPERIOR AVJI., COS'l'A dSA {l'ormtrly .Nawport Ave.) ENDOCRINOLOGY ANl> GY?UlDCX>LOGT omcz PJL BEACON 8508 , p1a114J114~ I TERESA RENNER (Mn. A. le11nerJ 81121Msnrtet~GFF 5 trla ¢1 II I tttaimnna . 43t S11N Dllsa . . II l• 1171.J C•111 lly'l1 •-C•111 .. fllii -~, par . meat.I, a rrant •u given Uiem Tile cloelDC cenmony wu tn. by a lat,e Santa Alla store. . cb&!'p ot Mta. 8ttphen.a' Den 2. '1'llE llOO'tDY . Prtnclpal Sidney H. Davidaon and Dian hy Harbla-On eteorted ~===:=;;;;;;;;;:;;::;:;;::;;;,:I lbe poup oa a tout: of the echool r; and ahlW9red. quMt.ION on me· Girl Scout Council Training Plans WATIR .HIATIU -~µd llopaln Jo. 8.J.lolJ PLUJlTll'IO 'Aotltofbed DNJer °"" & NIC*l --, .... , . ..... °""' .. .ii ......... --rtMl-W chanlea ot the llCbool from th• tas payer'a &Q&"le, ouUIAing the llulld .. lnl Protram. atudent govemrnct. lt.oll call opened tbt NJU}ar polielel ot the Khool and tu:nctJon ... lkla.f'd ,...-r•l"'I" ltf t"• N--· ~ Inf of Ille bo&rd. Harbor Glri Scout council on M"1 Prfftnt oa the tour were M:mu. 1 at \he ~ut Hou.c. l.:o ...... _- Dt.vla. Belen Hmde.,' Irma Duen· aioner Mn. Everett N"unan. pres.id .. ws, Ilan>lJIT !later, Edwin Mor-ed and &nl!Ollnced lllat Mn. 1'9t _.......u., · Pall! D. Moore, lerrt Schindler bU boon appointed u Stewart. Nona Drake, Stfoller Leaden' clutt repreaentall'fe &t Whlt. and Kennelll Coolln&'. boUd ,.. .. tlnJ. I j~;;~~;;~~;;~~~~ '!be tint ,...ie motlier meet· 11 Native Qeughters ::.!1:.i!: i:...-n:t~= · LADIES! to Enter Float ~ ~ ":i..::;'!"~!: Salute Summer ·1n l ...... ~sh Fry w111 11e ... -1>J in. 11:1111 Lol· m ... n i.,. or Upt1a ... Ma.r u. ten to With e HAIRCUT 1 1we1 .. o·-. ~, 11, nlll• to Cootblto Parlor No. J .I 4. twelve ..... llaJ 16, nln<> to twelft, ly DAN l!DGW. •leotocl to .., ... a float 1111 ••""-to 11o -at Ille • Jl:lll"ZU Sl'l'UNO In the COOi& X-annual W 1't N"'i*' - -no cOll• to,Dt !W4 bl Coot& x-u.. lll'lt -at ..... , ........ at. DAN'S part of June. Commlttea Ila•• tWacl ~ -Ill--lfra. .... • -......... llaa'lool ., --CWptHS .. ._., ... . --'"°' 1411-liaUy. 1--"'" 'llllasllO --? ... .., -~~~-~~'-~•~a~i~a~'D~~l'ls~~ dlaApl u to Wllat U.. "'-llY .i.,.i. for tile --la tllO .. •••• '""1kl be, -It -...... to -.. Ioli .. -.. -~ ... ---·----" .. ·rte .. -.... . . ........... -. ...... ..... 0.111',. ..... elected tonp-................ ... tort._... __ ._.., ... --............ . ___ ._..,.,.. a. ..... ,. .... .._ X..... Wi' JWW •• ... ti Clot&._ -ft fl ....,..;: ........ ,-.. ----··-·· .. ,._,_--'ll .. --•llo-laP •u••t'rf6 bi'i -1la T h ... ef -... a. dll • IP ,, ,._ ... ~ .._ -• -JF:!llts• £¥ .•••• ., ~~~i~~:=:;~4~~· ?llFll G f I ?Mu• ".,,,,., .... a~· .. . . ,.... L • •• •i > • • ·. • ..... f"';o,las ... diUlll ''" -pl.ta -- .. la.,_.......,, .. ,. , _ '**!1111 ! ...,..,..,o1---"'"';rl•.Hll' ,.... Ou111 Pk Piu;a11lrz1t NJloM. "'*' u · .......... ~ ......... (ial2 ...... -); ,...·11 be elirWO lo< a IWI pair .. a ' , Jmdoa4.-.... --......... • • , WE GIVE i.J J"i GREEn STAmP5 ,, ' ! \ I ' \ J • > • EWPOR OEPAR.TMENT STORE I • • y 22 ~d and Ocean Front NEWPORT BEACH I ' ' • ' fltr~nunt .. _ -•TO ....... \ ~ ..... --... ·~ ~-... - .. '· - •• • , . ' • • I I • I < I · 1 J l l j ' t ' .. • • ... , "' II .. . • • .. ' ' - . . . SWIFT:'S · BACON OllOU I ht ••AH • SLICB) 1·LI. HIAT llAL c •IL .at~· ,....2· !, .. Th ...... y,.Frktflf.,. S.turday HO.Jc~,..... . s.~. . : -. ~·Y «~0.-~.1~~2 .· ... . .... ~: ri"7to;s-. MARGliltfE . AH · ' . 1.fb. PkCJ. ;" ......... . . . CUT UP llAOY rqa THI PAH , · . • FRYING CHICKENS es~. .. . I . ' SWIPT . • . He"-J . DIL MONTI . . . : . ._.. • • ·-•. ·-CA '"U,. : cf f E·R p Challe· · ' -... ' ' ': · . First 9~-~_::. ·75.~. llOOIPllLD i11MLISS Llil SAUSAGE 59r. ,. CIMTD CUT-SHOULDU PORK ROAST 49r. COf f EE . ~!~ ...... : 79~ . . . ' Fancy, htra. Lart•• N•lW Crop CELERY c lb • htrci .Lar19, All Gr11n .ASPARAGUS • SwHt J1t.y, C-,lltff• f•IMy GRAPEFRUIT · Case·· Swayne 10 for 25C: 1 . CHILI PORK & llAN$ e · IEANS ANAGOLD •IAPl~IUIT JUICE Frozl'n Food., swan P1c1ik•s 'SPINACH · HOMADI DILL PICKl ~ES luy Now ' . ~ncl .SAVE 2Ha.21 35 YOUI .... C: CHOIC:I -451· . . . ·'49L. • ' ' • • I Li , ' , - . • PADI IUT .. IIR.l • •••IOIS'I .... _ ... _o_ 111 • loy't 1 Cllb llD(. GOW ~·.··-· f .· s.· ' ' , ,.., to ... Held · c L ~ s· s I F'I EI) ~Ina ios:=! " . All -betw' ol Ille -'---""" !-;!.~~~~~~~!!~..:!!!!!~~!~~~~~ l • · Mrs. Dauphine ' .. • ' . ' ., - Named Head of .u.. lloyo' a•" .... -trfit. .TJie Ml9hty MicLJ9t In Ad11:~ · w _,..._ ..,_ttc _.,_, ~ · Ati~ CAB BUYERS Id to attend II>& _,,.. Clid> '"------~----------------IJWJI BA.VII AN Ol'iiXlHO CW an I· ~' ----.llABClADf ·-~-~ -Party aa~. Mo7 11 at,. . .. ,....... ---11:11oy • ,...table ~ WE ABll .0 1th Kenny Cam~ign Mf!L G.orp M. Dauphlfte of 131 DriltWood Rd.. Corona del Mar. Shore cfifr.. baa a real 1'tUOI\ tor aeceptmc thl!I chatnrtanlblp ot Or- ance County of the ptllo tw:.pttal eamp&lp of thie 8J.ltu Elisabeth Kenny Foundation. Tb• DtJ.phlaea' youns aon Mu- di. 2. bu .....,,t1y been dtocbar&ed from the Ruth Home -EllZl.belh Kenny I.n.otltule In El Monte. his battle again.t pelio won, tha.nlu to st.tar Kenny. ' Prior to Kenny t~atm.ent which ID the Weit l• given only a'f. the !I Monte Inatitute,. Mardi'• parent.a had been told that M mJgbt never walk again. Yet af- ter •bl months M&rdi did walk- rigbt out of the Ruth Bome-!- Elbabeth Kenny Inatilute. Mardi'• dad, a tint Ueuten&nt 4' the Marine Air Corp&. ebaret1 Kn. DauJ>hlne'I enthuaiaam in the Si.s- t.fr Kenny cauae.. The tund drive. which la now ln Pf"OC?"eU, la seeking '300.000 tor tbe open.tlon ~d expansion of the Slater Kenny polio hospttaL The Keney Foundation. pla.na to equip two addition1I winp of the boa- pital. whJcb are now standing idle dUe to lack of tunda. Mra. Dauphine urgt's person11 in- tereated in votuntrerinc to help In the Sister Kenny ap.,pe.al to call her at Harbor 0494 . , Seventh Birthday for Mesa Lad It WU indeed ''accent Oh youth" recently In the Jama J . Hart home, 18M Fullerton Ave .. Coat& Meaa, where Mra. Hart turned the patio over to the .an of the house- hold, Jamet1 J . Hart, Jr., and young .chool mat.ea at St. Joachim Parochial school, In gala observ- ance ot h.ia aeve:nth birthday. Gamet sped the hours with re· frf'ahmenta of decorated birthday cake. tee cTe&m, popcorn. peanu~. candy and 90da pop concludln~ the enjoyable evenL . Sharing the celebration and ••i•hing J&me.J1 many happy re- turna of the day wer11 Deni• Abr~ meki, MarJc: Albertaon. John Mar- kel, Billy Markel, Garey Munck, David Campbell., Patric k Lynch, Bobby Whitten, Denis O'Keefe. Robert Siegel. Patrick Smith, George Marcusua, Michael Van Hee.makerck, ?oterle Pearson, B&r· ba.ra Ann B~rt. Marie Van Heern· akerc.k, J&nlce Jenu:n. Barbara Norton. Donna Ba.linsk.I, Patricia. Guthrie, Geraldyne Hart, PatrtciA \Vattenburg. Ly :;id I a Horvath. )faune.n TorMt, Mary Ann Ha- v~p. Katherine Ander90n, P&m.ela Miller, Tonia. Lee Muniz, Mary Lou McClell~d. Pamila L.rnch. Thre• ..t.andry, Peggy HarUM>n. Laura Lynch. Martha Lynch, Mary Yyncb, Glorlajean :P.lancebo. Alicefaye Mance b o. Nancy Laurie, Suz.a.nne Campbell, Jane Laurie, Michelle ).fakely, Jacqpeline Mal<ely. C. M. Girl Scout Troops Notes Members of Girl Scout troop :) w.-re liven & barbttue by their sponaon. the Buainna. and Pr~ feaalona.l Women'• club of New· port Beach. at the homt' ot Mrs. Clifford Varner, -136 Holmwood Drive. Mra_ V&rner wa.s usbted by Mra. A. Volrath and Mra. Lau· ra Porter in serving ~d lran&- portaUon. Mr1. AUce Dobbe<:k. J r., aaabt&nt, lead the girls J..n playing' pmu and completed a happy day in ainging old aonp. Members ot Girl ~ut Troop 12 held their annual memberAhip party to celebrate the troop'a birthday. The member• tJao r~ celvf'd their 1951 membenhip ca.rds. A beautifully dttorated ab.Ht ca.ke, with each girls name written upon It wu eerved. Com· m ittee women Irma Shaw and Frances Crane attendt'd the cele-- braUoa and Mrs. Crane wu m~ vealed Into the acout movement. O_t,hera l'\leltl were Linda Sha• and Carol Ann Crane. Flneen Scouta: pa.rticipattd. Lea.den and uetstanta were: Ne.I- lle Lonir. Kary Hllllanl and Sybil Norm.an.. I Heights Circle in Election. Meet • 0orou de1 x.r·1 --. 11 • ~TJMES -. Eve-. Tnellday . ~ ,_~:~''7 mee111._ -·---·~·---Pt,llC1 PRJCS 8'DtlC'l'ION8 AS P'ou,ows': waa ODMWiced thlo w-"7 J1oJ · -<(. ll\lt l7llPl bo , ''if ..... N.rJY JO-: 1 ntrtc. t · 'ti CAJ>D.l.&C ..... llail.....,. MJlllppod' Wu '3296 }f-•SU•.' DaiUeJ, -qi u.. -h NEWPORT BAY POST-WtidnMdays 1Jc111a••~tn-•A to cu. ft. ~---.:•1•.16 '" c4hw;•c .,.._, -.ftlllr ~ wu ._ N-,_ · puty tor the a-tan' clllll. NEWPORT-BALBOA PBESS-Thandavs _... Pvlltlm )a,.._ to l'llljco.10" ta . -• 'rV • . '4t ~ t-e. lied. ftlllJ ._,..pped Wu '1196 . N-•19" D&nl<I added that It will bo an J U.. rfPt. llPP!IC=UI. pttlce la , aa&-UC 6 ..... _,. · '60 PL'DIO'U'ftl llpoew Obze.·t-<lr. Sod. Wu 118" NOW" •1MIJ riventnc of tun pJoN wtlh all Jlrew;w& ,.._ hM eta•fle4 AAt -* ,_ la o. T:! t7 comfortable. *IJUlpmeat 1 I.I aew trol. At 1 mo4em.i.tk: • CHIW , • • ooru of ..,...., conteata and 111 r. )I--.r Hlo ~ ..,_ • • an4 modenL W1 •upply ooffee malloplsJ ~1""' Slt.K ,tt • · SIJJ<llne CP,t., Bir. • RUio Wu IH80 If-$U9 pri8d In itore. One at u.. blch· -lllN1llUJ( AD 111 t UND or ......,la twice a ilay. W• do IS Tr.rtN 7 ' .. J'OIU) 'l'lld« I. Boater ---"'-~ Wu UJ80 N"" 11161 Upta of the <ftnlnl< wtll be a All Cb'9---~loo .... for Oooll i. ... .,," __ .t ,.._._ no< tolonte loatln&' .,. chat~. . . i-.''8 BUlCK &uper 4-dr, 8ed.. Bu .• Rad. Wu $1.... N-n• fireolde pantomlnt quls ..,,,.. 4 u-. 1 Paper •• '75 butot .,,~ t-jult loftly ptopk 12\i" B~ Conoole TV ·~z CADILLAC '15 -· -· B\r •• Rad.' Wu ..... Naw PIM l"Hblro of the ntrt>t of ........ sr~Orft or. $179.95 '.1 CADILLAC 82 •'<II'· Bed. H1d-. B·R Wu HOMI N-JlMI will be food -au the food you 4 "*-% Papen 1.50 A PALMER 1 'fl BUICK llpecial Seclan,otte ·-······--Wu ' 595 Now ' fM can eat for ,Ml centa -D&nlel 4 Uaesz S Papen !.00 P ~ ·~t !'ORD Tudor, Radio I< Heater ___ ,,_, Wu J 3311 Now $ 1195 at.at~ , that the typical beach The publle.htta will not be rwponl!ble for more tha.n one Incorrect Newport, kuio., Federal Savtna• KHP in tou with ua fo)' good '40 STUDE. Cham "~ • ~"Y 're.fruhmenta would be on inaertion of aD adverll.Mment, rtMrYe tbe rt_..t to correctJv ., ..... .._ ._ • --.. --~iatlon buya bl 1 ab beinJ traded -p. · 8ed&n. ll&d4o 'wwu ' • Now t 211 ~ • •-, __ , -~ -In , 'fO STUDJC. Cllam_p, t-~~ Coupe ---u • -N-J lt5 band wtlh an overdoee of wetnera. any and all •di and to reject any advertiaement not coafonnh\c" to 333! Via l.Jdo Harbof 1500 -· r--.._ v .... buns. maratunallowi, cold drink .. ruJe1 and rqu.latlON. Advertiaementa and cancallat:lona ·will bf.:. l?elt 1-. '40 OLDS f-<fr. Sedan, Rad.lo -·-·-··---Wu S J.flJ Now I 2t5 pickles &l'ld ~-•ccept.ed up ~o 5 p.m. on the day pr~I" pubUCJ,tloa.. Ph. Har. 1116 -----~-------WEBSTER wtre. tte0rdet for die· '40 FORD St.&Uon W•lllll . ---···· -·-.. ·-··· Wu $ m Now t U1 Each per900. m&kinc the trip P11oae ear. 1'11, ull tor .. A.d ~ or --' ad ud Nmlltaaae to SALESMEN -Excellent oppor· taUon, etc. j Complete with ex.-The above prices fOr QNE WEEK ONLY wW be uked to preieot 11(1 centa NEWPORT llAllllOB PUBLl8HINO ()(). tunlty With well eatabllohed tra Wire, foot control and car· ~ING Wedn<l9day, May 16th. Bank 'l'erma whieh will go to off-Ht ,the coat of I :===~:tt=ll:;llAl;;bom;;lll;;Yd.;;, N;:-::::rt::lll<ol<::•:·:Oall:=:f•:n:l:a==== COiia K ... firm handling Hoff· TYlnc CMe. !SACRIFICE -An • NEWPORT AUTO SALES • lhe party. Any protlll wlU ro ln· man. RCA, Packard·Bell tele-ex.ce.U.en.t·bUJ! lo tht Booat<u' Club tund tor new vl1lona and Norge, S.ndix ap-;!604 W. Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Bar. I•o7 buketball auita. u-BUILDINO 8EBVJOl!I pltancu. Call Mr. ~dde•. Bf.. EASY '!EftKS ARRANGED All thole Intending to So muot MM for app'l, Hlc.17 DA VIS-DROWN Co. M-MUIJtOAL. ••nio • USED CAR Prices Are Down! stcn up by Fnday night. May 11. INTZIUOR -:cxtauoa +' _., p AINTING 1'9s1TION open tor clloir dlree· 1~ BARBOR BLVD. " tor 1n $arbor area churCh. An· COSTA MESA. ~ piano. Repo-..ed. Pay FAC Juniors Elect Officers Classified Index Rounding out a moet aucceu- tul y~r. .ame ~ membera and gueat.I o( the C•ta Mea rrtday A!temoon club met wecine8day, April ~. tor luncheon ln the lovf'- ly Flrea.lde Room of Ui• Lacuna hotel, where springtime wu tx.- preaaed. in effecUve deeoratt01111 ot purple and white atock.a and larkspur. EJection wu the aftermath of the luncheon with the following slate of of.ttcera elected; Bonnie Orov.•, · chairman: Dorothy New- man, vic~ha.irman; G e o r g I a Jone., secretary; La Rue Danl- ger. corre1'p0ftding HCn1t.ary; Barbara Coe, treuurer; Jeane Minealy, parliamentarian: Dalorea Irwin, publlclty cit.airman; Vir- cbtia Lodp<idn, program chair- man, At the concluaion of the bu.t- ne.ss .aeuion. bridge and canuta were played and rrltt11hmenta St!rved. Rewarded with prlzea in bridge play were Billie Thran.eon, high; Blanche Willi.am.a and Mabel Schachner. A.?l.n Kopenhder took ftnt prize in ~anuta and Jeane Hlnealy waa a.warded the the con- aolatJon token. , Harbor Doctors to Aid Navajos Dr. C. C. Emmer80n and Dr. C. L. Smith ot the loc&I Beventh- D•y Adventiat Church will leave the' harbor are& on Thunday, May 17, bound for l.be Nan.Jo Indian , Retervt.Uon at Kayent&, Artsona. They will deliver & aecond truck 1111'!.a.... 11 ............ .. t•-·-1& Pes•o &e USUNY-0.. · 11 Trm=pertaeliea 11 &oolbl• Oaatndual 11-tyAYo 1• UplM!lll .... HHealtll.&* n1Ao1...s-u 8cllool. lwtisA• 11111--w-H Help waaw M Sale. IOM 1'7 •• 16-A8-. 11 WaaW .. 11t17 PhnlltmelW- n-AAaU.- P -S!llljl-1o1n•z•1 ... --.. Dop,0.U. .... .. Poa)t:Jy, ........ IT UftlStod: II Spedal A•• ! t d "sd•NI o,, I I-- ti WaaW ... -t • U Apu1mftte ... 81•111 .. _, __ ta .... t. lllloc bss1• .. ._ __ ,, Tnclao t1Av--Tlo09 U A•.., WuW N Aato 8e"'°9 11 TraUen 51 Alrplaaeo 61 MOU7 io·i...a Mllloaq .waaw 61 RMI r..tate WM&elt ........... A.Cft!AC9 ·-Pleperty II Kai r.aCate J:st>se19 a 11ea1 - load of clothing and food that l--..&U81N&88 GUIDI: have been donated by local rut-I :;;,_;:.:;.:;;;:;;;;:;:::...;:.:;=.;::_ ___ • t dents. Much more food ta needed oOKPt..am BOUU CLaAJ(DKI such a.a dried frulta, bean-. dried -riot. rwidba'i ... .... corn, canned fruit.I, vegetable• and ....._pooed. r,.. .ttm•t• milk. ' hJl7 -.nd. The lndiau are 1n a destitute Al' H •-R condition and &ft&Uy appraelate S 0118e Cit Ug what help we are able ' to send. Cleanin2 Co. Anyone wiahlng to don&te pleue 81•ccm 'iw Tlttc caJJ Mra. Emmer111on, Beacon 5022-W, They wi111h to thank eve!'yone for . put donations. " For Venetian Blinds, Shadess and Drapery Hdwe. LICZNSZD -:-Df'IU'llm> twtt lh tull, itaUng a1e, ex-Phone1Beacon 1821 out ~ce -$287. A.fto~r re-- Glenn Johnston perl•nce. quall!icatloM, re<tt· -----~--------*"· 13t~ DANZ. '51 PLYMOUTH a.dan, R"8 "50 FORD Club Oot1pe. n.dlo. 'Ml FOftD Tudor, R1<B, OD . '4• FORD' StaUon Wagou, ht!'. •49 FORD CtJtt. Tudor. RAOD '40 FORD TUd.or, RltB. 'OD 501-ll.lt Bt. Newport Beacb en«•, aa1ary upectt'd. Wrtte cusTow BUILT Lawaon d&ven· 8cMlJ7r Big Piano .tott. ~e Rarttor 2211.J Ned Bo1t Qt, UU.. paper. 15cl7 port and cbair, tu 1prin& con-hu~ pianOI t:rOm which to PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 161& Sa.nt& An& Ave., Coat.a Meu Phone Beacon ~ Sympson & Nollar PAINTING&. DECORATING "The Belt Money Can Buy" ~12 -38th St .. Newport Bnch PHONE HARBOR 2t0. · 13tfc DON'T DELAY, CAIL TODAY ... !or an ad tn the lively cla.811· !led lt!Ction of the ma TBRJ:E- N'ewa-Tlmea .• Poa:t Shoppln& Newt and the Pren OVER 21.500 CIRCULATION 18 THE ANSWER! PHONE Harbor 1818 to pl.ace your w&nt ad on thia p&l'e- CALL Christian Oellrich for exclusive wall decorating \Ve apply all wall covf'rlngs ~20 llUS, Corona del Mar Harbor 3009· W REP AIRING and PAINTING Reuonable. t.rire or Slll&ll jobs. Fne e.Umate1. Walker. 198 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. J611-R HAULING Any ktnd, truh or! WALKER, 10l-18th St., Newport. H. n&l·R DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor Ret!idential-Commercial ~modeling Phone Beacon 4408· W 17tfc atructJon. 1275. 308 Eut ·15th 'cttoo.. 520 No. Main. corner WANTED Mi>cRA.NIC. autom~ St., Cotta ~eaa. 10:00 _ 11:00 a. 6th. San~ Ana. bl!• dealership. Call Lacuna m. or eve9. Uter 7 p. m. 1Sc:15H 4-IOM before 5 p.m. J&c18 W ANTED-Gardener'11 helper at Orange Cout Collep. ~t&rtlnC' uJary 1:206 month. General ~lntenance with practi- cal k:n.oW'ledle of heettn& &nd p1umbtnr. Starttnc aa.l&ry J21& month. Apply In J>9r'80n &t Bualneu Of- fice, Ora'!ge Cout CollPge. Ap- plication. clole May l•, 1961 . 16c18 WANT Marine llngtne Mec.ban!c. Mu•t ~ nr1t clau. Rf'fennce~. · Seacra.tt, 826 Cout Highway, Newport lkach. 17c19 SI 9AI.C, llUOELl.A1fl:OUS . TABLE SAW&", and ele-c,rtc mo- tor with IO ft. heavy duly cord. Call Har. 07*2~W a.tter 15 p . m. lScl 7 Rattanj Furniture Kad• ID ulo Phllllplnel and in our o:f.'n work lhopa. Wide .chptce ot tabrica. L&rrnt '"'1>lay ln So. calJt, Re.tt.n.t.shlnc ~d Reupholltertng HOUSE 1& GARDEN Ill Cout Hwy., Nwp~. a.a. am SERVEL ll·ou. rt. retrigerator- Exce11ent Condition, J200. ( Bo~ten. 'Pftng unit tor studio couch; never ueed, $30. Harbor 2687. l5c17 S I N G L E ~erapring mattre•. Mahoe. bangtnr ahelvea. An· tlque aewtng table. Prac. new lge. white nittled curtain•. Elec. hMter. 9r:ft411 chest. Harbor 2467-J. 17c19 Packard Bell Combination radio and l'e<:ord changeT 5•0.00 Rollaway bed 'and mattresa 119.50 Dale's Furniture 1874 Harbor Blvd., Coat& MeB& 17c18 RUMMAGE SALE of penonal be- longinp: oU paintmga, booM, kitchen ute:n1ila, dlahea, linen, knicknukl, clothtnr. planta, plllOW11, fruit jara. Clolhf'• dry· er, fo;dlnl" drawing desk and other miacellaneOua hou.&eJ\old l -R-E_FR_ECT-J._O_R~Y--T-A_B_LE ____ 2 Ile.ms. 112 • 2.5U\ St., Newport Beach. lSpt& benches, 2 phaJn. 80lld mahog- any, dbl bed coll. aprlng11 -and ELECTRIC RANGE ln f'Xlra good innerspring mattreea. Q'Keefe condition. Euy wa9ber. Twin A: Merritt ~tow, •·burner, oven box aprlng, Misc. ttema. t:3 control 114, Amethyat Ave .. Aliao Ave., Newport Height.II. Dalbo& Island. lk18 Be-&. e956-R. 17cll ALMOST NEW Moorewood IJ' tilt arbor power aaw and ~ h. P., motor. Very reasonable, 419 Ma.rgueritf'. Corona del Ma.r. Harbor 1083-R. 17c10 PHILCO table model radio, cot mattreu and airplane 'tul'l'agP. Pillow $2. Phone Har. 1317-\V, 17c19 HIGH CH AIR, blon<f maple, $:5, ABC wa1her, wrin1er type, $20 4. packing b&rrlilil, $2 ea. ~a . ~3•. 17c18 Marine Engine SI)ecialist , Service it yqur noat or mooring. Pre -summer tu.ne • up -rea4y your bOl.t for the comtnr eea-"°"· custom engine• tor run•· bout.. Pboce Har. 19-W. 8c21 ' Chrygler Ehgines Used· COME IN a.nd play the: wonder- tul new Hammond· Cbord Or- gan. ICYvi it you don't know a note of mUllic you can play beauutul mu.ale 1n ten minutea. DANZ--SCHKIDT Big Piano &: Orpn Co., 5:0 No. Ma.in, Santa Ana. . '<8 CHEVROLET Sedan, RAH '47 ,PONTIAC Sedan, Rtil 0 '47 MERCURY Sedan, htr. '47 HUDSON Sedan, htr. '41 !'ORD Sedu '41 PL TMOUTH Coupe '41 Ci\.Dn.LA.C St'dan '41 FORD Coupe HURRY ON THIS-SllfhUy uaed '39 STUDEBAKER Coupe blonde mahopny &Pl.net pt.a.no. '37 FORD Coupe Save $180. Terms "$72.82 d09"n '3:5 P'ORD Truck . • and 120.70 per month at SHAF-W l l ER MUSIC co. (Slnp! l907), e ate n po.8ltlon to work out f2t N. Sycamore. S&nt& Ana for you the be•t deal ln Oran.p Kimberly 2.o872. · 9-7trcl CoUnty. Minimum down .P•Y· ment and, bank L"ltereat. rat.ea. RENT A PIANO, 16 per mo. All . rent allowed lf you ·007 wtthin No reuonable offer ntuat'd on. ttrmt. DANZ-SCHMIDr, 620 N. :'Y car on our big' uaed car lot Main, San'-Ana. USED PIANOS from $89 up. Good 'Pl&}'inc condition. DA.NZ- SCHMIDT. 520 N. Main. Santa An&. cor. I th. GRAND PIANO. :Muon and Hamlin. Uaed.. but. juat like 534 COAST HIWAY Beacon 66CH Newport B.e•ch Theodore R\)bins-s - YOUR FORD DEALER HOOns: Week Daya 8 'lll • Sundaya A: Holidays 10 'tll • 19M PONTIAC -Cbl•ft&ln, 2-dr. ledan, 'tadlo ,. heater. Xlnt condition, like new. 410 Hard· tng, Balboa. Harbor 1788. 18pll ne"·· Alme> mtgniftcent ~i:-' 11M 7 Jl'QRD Deluxe Coupe. R. A: H.. way at -nearry h-.J.f price. . y; Overdrive. Nylon aeat coven. others: Kimball, Knabe, BjUrU-Excellent condition. Re.aeonable. man, WurUtzer, qhtckering, Call Harbor 144:S. t7ct0 Bush and Lane. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, Santa Ana,-~%0 N. Ma.in, cor. Ith. ltt2 PONTIAC 9 8EDANrrl'E- P!1nt practically new. One own- er. Good condition. Price $12.!S. Pbone Barbor tTl'>-l. 1'clt · ANTIQUE ,,.in.ut parlor organ tn <Xcelleet condltlon. $1211. May Must Sell This Week be aeen Fri., Sat., and Sun. 264.1 Circle Drive, Bay Shore.. OWNER will take beat otter on. Be•. 5253. 17cl9 ''9 deluxe Chevrolet t-dr. led. Excellent condition. ~2 Cr8t• TWO LOVELY ued .spinet pianos , view Di-., Bay Shores .• C&ll Be&. bolh like new. Big savings. 6528 after 4 :30 p.m. 17e10 Term•. S•l.82 down and $17.25 per month &t SHAFJCR MUSIC Ma.ny • bir deal h .. bttn made t=D . (since 1907), 421 N. Syca-___ thru __ •_lllll_al_1 _w_an_t_A_d __ more, Santa An&. KI. ~72. 97tfc Methodist Group at Conf erenc:e THE SHADE SHOP 1-------- Free eetimatea Ph. Har ss. _u_r_n_so_1<_A_1_.a ____ _ Complete lnatallatton, rt;palr and •erviee of all tra!JeT ~uip11;1enL ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY Crowns -Royals Four young people from Chrlat Church by the Sea alt.ended the &nnual district convention of the Intermediate Youth l"ellowahipa of the San Diego dialrlct recent- ly. Speaker for the oc:ca.non wu Tbomu Roy Penddl, putor of the Newport church. Thoae at- lfonding lncludfll Darrith Sherrill. Unda Adair. C&roJ McMillan and Ethel Stoneback.. The gathering wu held in the Pa.rk Blvd. Mei£od.lst churcb of San Diego and three hundred wen in attendance. A trip lhroufb Ute San Dle:co soo wu included ln th• fU11 day'• p.._azn. Glendale Elder to Speak Here . The KiNlOAU'J Votunt-.er ~ dety ot tbe 8n'enth-Day A4vent- llt Chllrth Of Newport Bdsbta bave a 'lfU'/ tlne p~ plu:lned for Friday evm1J>1, May U, 'r:•~ o'ctoct. Tbe apeaker d the ne- nlnl' w111 be l:ltkr Paul campbcU of the Glendale 8anJtarlum clm.rclL EldeT campbou will. aJao _.. at the Sabboth mornln&' aenlc,t, Ka7 12' ll :00 L m. Tiie publlc: la COl'- dlaJIY IA>ll<d. --.---- :51• • 29th St. Newport i!each t3tfc 1-Ull.DtNO SEllUOES H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repalr -• Malntalntd Phone: H.a.tlloT 141&-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport BOich PAINTING , EARL SHEFLIN mhlmoia.~--.NaT-• Hd Use Classified • Ads • • • to eel! yoar mr •••. to n.d. kyv ' . fer ,,.,... '4 -••• to ... ,_ .. ••• to •t•p••• of t•rJtltare ... nm rtold pedll pa 110loa1er ...... • •• to ,11114 • JM ~,:-z::•:nw:: • • wrt• • .... J ....... - -~ .. -· _, ...... -. Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone Beacon 64:51-W llcUH Alcoholica Anonymo111 Write P . 0. Bax 205 ' Balboa laland. Calif. Phone Klmberl.J a-&SQ 15--8BARE YOUB CAB 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Coa:ta Mesa. Phone Beactin 822•-R • II-WANTED TO BUY -----w.Alrrl:n- E.\&LY COLT REVOLVERS Phone He.rbor 1827 17pl9 "~ .. ~ .. ·. GENTL!lMAN driving to Van· ffj couver, B. C.. llOOft -dClfrea - · _n .. r and ,...,.. dr1v1n1r. DALE'S new locatio.n Rderence1 ex.chanced-514 Or· chld. Cor<>na d<I Kar. Barbor 1874 HARBOR Blvd. 11$-KK.' 17p18 See John Harvey ;~:Cl4S~IJlll> at Seacraft _____ ... ._ __ .,. ___ _ -52!1 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH • • • • • • • ' • • • • -,. . ' .,\ .. MANY caoicE·~ SELECTION$.,O,F REAC l~,~T~TE LISTED ISM 1·a1s, ~~c11~11 ..... , .aTt.IMI 111••fWll M1' ftJf/r .um I CIWWW -..... --• I 7 I 11 7 BALBOA PENINaULA:-a bdrm.. lW, botll OD ~ Dl'l'le , ... • .,..u1lad rcten. 1...:;._~--------~~--..;_~I I XO, PAa<>N RSNT.U. JJOOO ' Call Mary DlU-. Hat. 101&, or xn. Muoon la Kr. J'lelsllbor Ba?l>or 1716. • 1 eo.ta x- 'l'b.J Belt Town on !l8nh Earl Stanlev, Realtor ~tala Are Scarce --lbr!D• 3u( Newpolt Bml. 11-lo ,..ar -lo ~ a BO-lalalld Newport Beach -~ f bdrm -a wllll a ...,., lkl1 "'°" 1 bdrm NDtal, all 'fl IM ----------'''---A.Ille lot. We ban I Utt.U\f• TE.ARLT REN'1'AL ...!. New UD.· like UUa to c&oo. from aa4 tM tllrnUbed apt.. carbal'• dlop. prlc. .... --~ blk. to IUcbard'• Marltet. 500 Adult.o, no peta. IOJ l'tll SL. $8100 to $9 N•wpott l!Hch. ttcll Do... Pa,pnent. '71<> to JllOOO ON NEWPORT I•LAND -2 bdnn unturnlahed. yearly. Cla. ed ill patio. 2-car pBl'e. '412 nt11 SL, Newpon Jlu<h, Bar. 1 Ot$r K 14 tie Summer Rentals Udo !ale -4 bdrm, '"' bath. 11. lot: P,1&7 yard. Special rate for aeaaon or by month.: China Cove -Beautitul view beme. 3 bdsm and makl'• room. Overlook• jetty, a !evr 1te1>9 to beach, CDM Bayfront -2 bdrm, private beach. N"1. compact. Euy to care tor. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. ButLDER -REALTOR 1112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 25-52 lltlc YEARLY RENTALS-2 lo•ely home• ln Coat.a Meu: S bdrnu tumlahed and a I bdrm home partlally turniahtld. See Blanche Gatea 311 Marine Ave., Balboa lal&nd, Harbor 1871. 8c10 LARGE TRAILER ill loTely court S30 mo. , Small trailer S22 mo. A:i.o 1 apace available. 1741 P °"' Business Property 110 !""'tap on Newport BIW, I rood ltoru with room fOf' more. Pruen.t monthly iAcom. $126. .Price $25,000 Temu, open fM often. Must sen • 2 B.R . hom...._.., yn. old on ~ acre Prlce reduced from ~ to $5200. Down Payment $1400 at 153 per montlt. G. I. Resale 3 B. R. HOME wtth. dining room. Immediate p0&9eMion. Price $8500 DaW'Jl S17~ G. N. WELLS, Rltr. Bt Aaociatea 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa. Meaa. Pb. &a. 5181 mona, Coat& Mesa. Ph. Beacon ----------- 1747..J'. . 13tfc YEARLY ' Balboa Peninsula I bdrm, J bath.a, livinl room with fireplace, kitcbell, 2-car p.r· ap, turni.sbed. $100 mo. JOHN D. BURNHAM: 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor 645. Ev••. Harbor 2278-W l&cl7 A. 'ITRACTIVE Furnlahed Stud lo Apt., .Wt.able for 1 penon. Y.arl.Y -Modera~ rent. 710 Kartcotd, Coron& del Mat.. Har· lk>r ~w. 1Sc1s RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 1107 I!. Balboa Blvd, Balboa Harbor 1807 BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1--5 P.M. 23622 Snug Harbor Rd., Cliff Haven ~sign~ for outdoor living, thi. 2-bedroom home available for low <lown payment to rig-h t buyer. ALSO Newport Heights 111,99~ tor quick . SAU Quality 2-bdroom home. Truly an ouutan.dinc valUe at this price.· ALSO 50 ft. Ocean Frontage Som~e W1UI vielon, foreaf.fht. can •nap this up at traction or tuture worth. t Prtc~ Miam i trontar• lately!) Inc.tud~ 1- ·l)erd~m hou.N in ezceUent con- dition. " • TAii&: ARE BUYS! $.12,500 EACH • • • ~ llloek to Ii&)' a,_.. o1c1 V9.!Y -t and clean 2 lledroOma lote of tile fireplace. panelray . 'blclrOom. 1~ ~tha bider, but good • elean and wen 'blllJt Ideal for family comer penlmnll& lot • • 7 ... nice patio I • 1~ blocka ta bt.7, Ethel Shirley 14M Balboa Blvd. BAY apd BEACH REALTY Jack Miller Gloden Fay Barbor 12114 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor L, S. JONES J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pb. Bar. 1671 or 1672 Eveoi. Barbor -746-ll BAI..BO.o\. ISLAND -Charming 4 B. R.-3-bath home Will trade for Los Aneel .. or Sant& Ana area income Unuau&lly attractive furniabed l_B. R. bouoe with gueet Apt. Will conolder aloop u part payment • BAY FRONT HOME -6 B, R . tutefully furniAbed For QUICK ale $29,500 • The !•land MOTHER'S DAY SPEC~ A fine South Bayfront loc&tion. Six bedroom., two otoria, 50 feet. $38,500 VOGEL VALUES STOP -._T 1 Cout Rlgll- • 7 _,. -to t;:;~blll ' Wter I . . lbQya In clel Mar. 1-AN :A.1'1'1t.\Cl'IVll I -- ~-~oa & 'tarp I B. 'ft. Apt, .,.... a I car pnp, lauadry A .ton .,...,..., N-rented.' Wall· od yard. ~-I Wllta tor Ibo prica of -Jll,166. I • '- S--OWNER ,i I...EA..VINO Imme· di&tely tol"i the !Cut hN. nduc· eel th• price ot thil attractive Shor. Cliff home, wltll j>&rds wood tJ<oe~ tl&pt-ftropla<:e, •pant. dln1nc room, breakfut nook, etc. f TO A NEW J,OW! AU tpaei~ua 100ma, bil' win· dowa. Partial ocean Titw. Dn.pe1 included. A real home bl aa exeluiS.v. beiJbborbood. We have I.be key. • ( __ S-INCOMJ!: S Nntal un.lt.a on •~xl 18 comer lot. Good fte:lgb- •. **':.!!!!!! ' . • UN.MUB ! • • •• BALBOA. ISLAND DtJPt..Ex -. . -·Wp typo ........... i.ouldor _,....., - !oat ... of ... ~· -doon.-to ~ -'"mat or_,,_......,.._ ,.it11 •·- '1open1o '~a"lba•••· w.. w-. ----~ puilac .,...ti . " . . . PLUS _-' --1 -apt. to --..... """"" .u. -to--~·--- . .BALBOA ·ISLAND OWN 'l'RlB HOXJ:· f« t4iOO cloWJI and ...., lllOllWT. =YOU CAN'T lltiT! Attn.tin I ~ 'llOD>,, pl&«, on -ot -otreoi. aur Nortll Bay. Brlcll !loom for addt bu!ldlns· -On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Bua!Mao -~ .All oceup!ed w1£i., A•l t.wlb. •lbow es· a.et or better. No phone callli j,~. Bee Mn. ll&J<IOll or Mr, Nell)lbor at 225 Marino Aff, ' Have Many Choice Homes · on Balboa Island $12,500 to $85,000 FOR l!:XAXPLIC: Very all>Utt .. f badroom l>Omo °" -ea tt. lot. Nice patio. yMr round boUM, turnaee 11 .. t. For-detaila P4-Mn. M&roon or Kr. Ne!Jbbor, Har. 1775 borbood. ocean aide ot h!shway. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor A.II unit.a aepan.te with lndl· • vldual fenFed yard&:. Unit No. J _______ 22 77 5_Marln __ •_A_ .. _·z!· ,_B&J_boa--Wan--d---o',,,,-,-:::-- 2 bednns1 unfumlahed. Unit No. 1 2 bledrma. partly rumtlh· ONE OF THE REAIJ,Y BEAUTIFUL HOMES ed. Untt 'No. 3 b&cheJor apt., in Corona deJ Mar-% bdrm.., 2 be.thl, large liv. rm. fully turnlahed. 2-ca.r prag'e. wttb macnincent view of ooean an.d hilla whieb can n~ver $207 per mo. income. Priced be obstructed; double 1•rase. Prl« $25,000. Only M.000 $20,500. Good temu, Only $80 cub. need u down payment. ' monthly payment.a. CORONA DEL..MAR DO!~"T lllSS THIS -Excellent buy in a 2 B. R. bowie, enclOMd patio, near water. $13,500. 'The John Vogel Co. Two Unit-Duplex each 2 B.R. 1301 Coaot Hlrhway, 2 BDRM MODERN HOl,IE on 40.ft. lot. ocean side ot Blvd. ln CDM. Extra bdrm. and bath ill gara.re; built- -~ lna tn dln. rm., patio, extn.ordint.r1Jy ni~ aervtce porcl'l, • $2,:IOO COSTA MESA DOWN WILL buy tbia 3 B. R. home on a large lot. BLANCHE A, GA~-REALTOR (C) THOMAS FOR , BALBOA BAY SHORE PROP2 F..TIE S AT MAIN GATE NEW 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOMES Now available with Bay View and deluxe teatun.--:i% fin&11cing ALSO FEW GOOD RESALES -Priced from $12,500 to $25,000. C&lJ Carl Tbomu, Beacon 5748 days or &aeon 5823-M evea. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Top loe&tion Only $14,000 , A very special 4 BR. 2 batbo, I in a fine loe&tion, bright &nd cheerful. $20,000 J . A. BEEK OFFICE ' Harbor !!$ Balboa Island Ferry BEST BUY Coron& del Mu HARBOR l.a41 or HARBOR 1477 c Evea. Harbor 893-Ml 15cl7 REAL VALm:S in Costa Mesa 2 BDRM HOME. E llde, I y.an old. Auto. wuhln( machine. lot 60xt~. Garap attached. FUii price, l onlv $6750 EZ terma • 1 Acre East'Side 2 BDRM HbME with 1 bdn"rl rea· tal in rd.!'. Large prage. work ahop and chicken houae. Lots or fruit t~. Full price only $7~, terms 3 BR.Home n~wly paJri.ted lnlkSe and out, 1- car 1arap attached. Lot lh.150 CloM toi everythlnc. Priced to ecU at r • ' fi'Tzt;aRR'~t°kmrt cc;°~i>1ANY Lfcenaed Real r.tate aiid Buslneu Brokers 113 Cout. Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2162 BALBOA ISLAND Choice South Bayfront Income EXCEu..ENT DUPLEX-Pnme locatlon~Superb view Fine Beach. Each unit ha.a apaeious li\'inf" room. f lre· Wacf , 2 B. R., 2 bath.t, private garage. plUI many Wl· usual featurea. Well built w1th nearly 3000 eq. ft. total area (Archttect'a plan1 and •pecifieatJon1 available tor lnlpectlon) Exception.ally SOOd value! Price $45,000-Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A vt. at Marine Harbor 2482 Balboa la land COSTA MESA . NEW LISTINGS , $3250 Houae. and A pta.. yearly or aea- aonal. See Gail Carney. with 17th and Cout H ighway Newport Beach Call John Mottram-Harbor 1500 -----------------------Ip Corona de! Mar $8950 Easy Terms Beach cottage furniahed o~ly $6950 3 BDRM'. G. I. RESALE -tl~l~ down. Full price $10,460. Ea.st aide Colt& Men., near 11ebool, fenced yard. dbl. gar. Vacant now, move right in. Now Buys Ocean View R-2 60xl00 Corner NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE IOI Kartne, Balboa IaL Har. 502 89t!c APT. J'OR R.Er-.1T with tile •ink, shower and bath. Inquire 3402 Ma.rcUI, NeVltport Beach.. lSpl.& NEW rtTRNISHED 2 bdrm. hx. ln CCMlt.a Mee&. Available for . June, July and Aucuat. Phone Beacon 87M-R. lkll VF.RT NlCE SPACE avallabJe ln lovely qutet trailer court. Sb.rube, !lowera. trttA. AdulU. 17•1 Po- mona., Co•t& Mua. Bu.. 87.tT-J . fttfc J'URNtSHED ROOM-130 m onth. .Employed penon preferred - mu:. per90n&1 l&UJ'ldry lncluded. 510 Banta Alla Ave., Newport Hel&hta. Phone ~a.con M81-M. J&cl8 DaIRABLE RQOM -privatf' entrance, adjoining bath. en· cloHd parking. For buslneaa or prot ... tonal perton. No amok· Eveninc.-Ha.rbor 0442-Ft. P. !\.. P'ALMER INCOR.PORA. TED 3333 Via Udo, Newport Beach Lido Building Sites Bay View lot. rtrfft to 1treet, cor- n•.r "' Sacrttict for qiuck l&le. ~- Corner Strada alt•, Ill~ down, s•o mo. 43 n.. Bay Front R-1, $18,000 30 ft. Bay Front, aoned for in- come. offer. · GRJ:ENLEA.F A ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. Harbor "52 This You'll Like! . NEARLY NltW 2 bdrm owner bulll Extra large Urine rm with hJp hearth fin-place. Colored plumbing, Upha.Jt We fioora. Stucco and pluter with knotty pine waiucolinl'· Cemtnt block fence. l'»w•l'9 and ahrub&. All tor $8750 and only $.2SOO down. lnl' or drinking. •23 A.liao Ave.. Charles E. Hllrt Newport Heighta. Bta. 6~~-1~ 3420 W. Ba.lboe Blvd. Ru. 14.23 -----------71 (Eves, Bar, 244~J ) Newport Sch t 7c_i.8 . SPECIAL LISTINGS Quality • Quality ALL on LIDO ISLE &: ALL PRIME EXCLUSIVE ofs terinp. 1. Lovely ntw 1ar1e 1 b.!droom hqmf' on cholcf' .1trf'tt. Hu everyt!\tnc. Euy worth 118,:KIO. 2. Charmlnl' 3 b@droom, 2 bath home with IAt est f1>&ture1. Priced \,o aell, 123.MO. See thll. 3. Juat being complf'tf'd. unlquf' home on ~ tt. lot. 3 bedroom-.. 2 batha, unit heat. clf"Vf'r co•or - lnl{ and a wonderful BtTY a t ONLY $:14 .500. 4. Being buUt -stnet to 1treet- a.lao on LIDO ISLE a 4 Md· room, S bath. l car gartJe, unit heat. diqrou;I, l•rJ'• pat1o and a AftWT SEE home at ONLY $23.~. 0. Nurly new 4 ~. I baU- home on SOUTH BA YFROJIM' ot LIDO ISLE. Excellent loca- tion and home you wtll be proud to own. Prkfid .. at ~.000. ' 8. Super apecJaJ NORTH BAT- J'RONT home. &1t location. larl'fl lot, 4 bedroom•, s b&tha, bar, pier and allp and home an t\tmhthed for 1peclal price ot '55,000 ~ SU: TlllS, ALSO BR.ANO NEW "cto.ff In 2 bedroom home. IA.r1e: ovf't hangtng boxed f'avee with a par tial brick fa.cf'. Hu lhdlviduality , .. ha.I a. lot ot eye •i>p.•l. Ftnelt workman· •hip, A moet Ilka.bit lat~ lJv. room with lot.JI ot window. and a flreplace. Full lite dlnlng area. Acouatlc plutered. !:.elec- ted hwd. noor•. pullman tu~ bath. Cupboe.rd 1pace plott, t orcf'd alr b~L \Vf! could rave on . . • but why not take a look . . . no obligation .The be&u~y ll the prlce of only $10 ,500 $1200 down In Newport Height.. ... G. I. Re- 1aJe. 2 bdrm home. XlnL loca· Uon. Oood. condition ... 4 yrs. oJ~ 2-ear i:ar. Full p:lce only $8750 Charming & 2 Lots On a be&uutul come.r lot in New· port H.ighi. with an ext.re. lot. Two bedroom home. Lot. of treee: and ahubbery. Ocean view, Hwd. tloora. redwood exterior. patio, 2,-.car p.rage. Let ua ahow you a real buy tor ·the tota.J pl'jce of $8500 $1~ doWn, balance like not. SHA.KE ROOF, RUSTIC A.ND Seaw•nl Rd. " Serra Drive B. ~NERESON MifA • Npt. Harbor M\.utiple I.J1tin1 Re&Jtor 1932 Ne'*'°rt Blvd., eo.ta M'eu. Phone Beacon 6223 BRAND 1'."EW-$2000 dn. Full prtce 18500. 2 bd.rnui, spaeioua llvinl' rm. with muJl•e ti.~ place. beam ceUinga. We •ink a..nd bath. Doubfe gar .. large cor- ner lot. Thia cuatorll buUt homl'I CORONA HIGHLANDS • 2 blka from ocean 60 ft. m'ntage; extra lot included. Needo a little fixin' Balboa Penn. Point 2121 Ocean Blvd. Open Sunday 2 to 5 or will show by appointment i. dltt•r<nt. Ji:ut •Ida ea.ta COMP ARE this desirable M-. P!"'perly with &ny 60 ft. _ SEE Earl Chamberlain 500 Col.It Blvd .. Corona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harl>Qr ll&nl<J Phone H•rbor 2288 CORONA DEL MAR ONLT 1,, YR.8. OLD -2 bdrm home. South or HJghway. R·2 &one, room t or a.nothtt unit. ~ $7500 full price Tttm• or will take lot tn Co8ta Meu. or Newport Helgbt.a u part trode. A trrHENTIC CAP&: COO, 1 yea.r old, 2 •tory, 3 bdrm• .. plua large comb.. bedlroom and den, 2 ba..thl. L&rge µving room. Fireplace. Dining room. Gorgt0u1 kitchen and breaktut room. 30 x 30 Sun- d.eek. P"ot'Ced aJr heat. A-1 con- atructlon and artiatically d~ Priced to aeli quickly Wm. E. ANGOLD, Realtor 615 E . Balboa B!"'1, Balbua \ 2 BDRM 0 . I. RESALE-Neat A. trim. Cloee in. Ea.at aide !oca- tlon, newly decorated in A. out. Thill e.xcell~nt value at $710Q. Move 1n1 wt th $1770 down. Pay· m\f'nl.ll of "3 mo. lnclude taxes, int., and in.eur. , 7 FURNISHED 2 BDRM. ON II ACRE-Move in nOw a.nd ltart living. Thi. property Jo soned for bualneu. Cloae to tr&napor- l&tion, ~ IChool. Neat A. ·cl9" . Furniture i. 'wortll Jl.000, Pric• $8500. Thia ii one of our~ belt •aluu. •• Phooe Karbor J.2S8.W 1 On Lido Isle uc1& Lov•ly 3 bdrm, I hath hOma on l -----------!}KASH BA.ROA.JN -5 Ac,.. comer, 2 tot.. • CABU AL livinl' on Balbo• Pentn-tract, eut aide, Andy loam. $23,000 au!a. sP.ctmia t bdrm, 2 11,,.. Best acrea1• on the MMa: UlOO places, .. bll' cloeeta. l atory,. per-acre t.ak11 It UWI wetk. ~ down troahly ttdecorate4 wttll taate. -1 Lovely prden A. patlO, 2 Iota I ' $13,500 dn,, $16 mo, Total price Barney FranC(IUe Balboa Income that you · can buy for $6000 In Corona del Mar. Terma, $1450 C&Sh, $:l2.50 1 per month. , R;-A. CASEY 402 Berra Dr., COrona ·Hishland1 ' Phone B&rbor 233()..W i or yoW' broker By Owner COURl'EST TO BROKERS LIDO ISLE 2 bdnn, fz both, l li lot., •large W•Ued p&Uo. P'ur· 1 • nl.ohed l'!car club howte. JJl,&oo. ' .. SHORJ: Ct.1FF8 -Choice oc .. ,. tronl lo~ ... r hathtn1 ·billach. uo.ooo. .. ,_~ANS For Homes CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~\-!% (14, yn.) 3 ~12,700 Fiyit RK. ~OUS.I:; · two a.room unit.I. and ..,...... on 2 tot. l&Oxl.00) •t .42nd &Ad 8-1~ Blvd., Newport ~aeb~ Oft UDO lSLI: ~ wondertul butldinl' .ttH. titbtt for income pu.rpoet1 or lfngle h om e a. TRINK of buytn.g-lots on LIDO ISLE It-om th• D?tVl:LOPl?:ll at pnce. below their r"'1 ••Ill@, 'qn LIDO ISLE a Utile huya a LOT, r Phil Sullivan ·-c .. Galen Denison G. T. Everson TRIPLEX oa Ocean Fl'Onl -2 . bdrm, 2 bath apt.. a 1 bdrm, 1 bath apt., and a atud!o •et.. all Mplete:Jy aad vtty · weU blr- ntahed 1nc1W11nc bl&Dk•ta. ~ pri!:e c$29,500, !f!:POO: 8&nd1 X.CKay. l':::t' MULTIPLS LllmNG flEAt.TORS -----------I too 1:. lTtll Et. at TuoUn A.,., Phone OWNER, Jf&rllor 1'8D ... R1ve..i.i. 'U64 fir thtoimal!oll or appolnbnenL 1Bp31 Ooct& Jil-BeacOn 91111 •· .*>dPEN 1,,. 5' • • Open <For Inspection BA.LBOA POINT _ , ':i.:.i...... -~ ,__ year round • • WE BUT A.NO SELL N•t. 109f iT300 b&ddlee ' • TRUST D!ZDS 111tE BOB S.A. Tl'µ:R 1U5 COAST BLW, • Phone owner, KldotblrlJ' 3-2070 Oona de! Kar Ba?l>or 1011..J R4t1-POllllJ:lt XORTGAGE CO: _,,, LU• tu. "'-Kl Mll6 NEWPORT HllllGBTS -By ...... p .. p A L M E R er. -.., I bdrm llolM. Baau· • ¥'-, UtW Interior, beune4 c.it1np. • INCORPOJU,Twp t 33U Via Lido big !lttpW:e, maa1 '"10 -Ir>-Newport Beacll. Ollit. cludlnc bor, Completet1 t~ Har"°". ieoo 00 Newport 1llYd. Coot& -• Phone -W3·W &arbor riAT·W or BHCOft ~ Saturd & Sunday tlrepla<:e lllrnac., hwd. ·floe> t l>driil, 3 bL -·· Pnct1call1 ay .,nnt<i...., fen<led yard. Nffr ' new KODICRN, '!ftll encto.d , 228 Va& Koron, Udo Ia1e boy and ocean. '11,000. 1718 patio, 2..,... pr. R"""1 tor..,.,,. • . 8UJOO:R 11.ENTALll ' ltlzl.mar ,Bo!i-. Hdl pt.te llyJnc, ~.&GO. \Tll o.:.&a IUBXlT DOWN P 4 Till:N'l' AVAIL.Ult.& CQRNEl\,OFLIDONORDlsVIA ' • .-., 8'1-BarW l45l·K. ' KORON UllAVJNG STA ft -2 -can ' lltfo WANT '1'9.,. 'l'R~E? Coast Properties.Co. a BDRJQ.. I botbo. ufn 'stal) ~~.::,, ~ .:-.:: i.1_ . ~ • LOAD TO BUlLD, IKPllOV1I, lllJT, XODlllUttU, OA ,..,.. ......... '10,IOO ------------... -.MK. 1Ttfc w "··-ral rti . -1 JIMplacf. Wiit hfft. An "'"'-34:1 -.,, <loot!> 1HE P'o1:ss e ..-~ 1eve prope , ea ao1 m. Ba111o0 BM!, iiai--• --• ~""!. -, ·x-. , . _ ttp1' "Jo , llated~fOr euhulp,--·-.. 116* ,,_ \l-: ~ COme -y. l:Ddi----------1 I , • • ' , llUINAN~ Wa Bq Tnllt ~ •IA""'w:eoa ... .....,T •AJJ!()JI niDl:a.u. M,nJl'aB "~ .umf . . -'fla Udo JO\. -· ~ ·, • • • ' • .. • • AL.tKl • • ',t'. -Uli! -...,. .., Lld0'1*. ~uaK!foW-kl"dGtr.J THE HEWS-:TIMES HAVE SEW!:RAL gOoci INye :r.NCO){E , o~ " .uaoc. \ .atoi~Of':'.,_~.,:: , " m. Mr! :n oppoituldttee ~l'ftoNT-5umta.8bowo uu·N•'l'purt-llhll..Jlartlw211Q, It..-.doaotlla .. --,_ • 1HE 81"\ST •ood nt1lat, ..... -.. WlD ... 1IO --r-v •--~ . Ralftna --r-t d ""tdt4tfW1ttGr-,.. -_,.. h1t'1r twU+ + Mr ~ -a ~ O'dcc ~ -r---w&D , t 1a 0 -. '"Ft*"' -. -. -'-". • B A NERESON : Ua 1W1•.-1~~ = m::~~ I;"-~ mW.-. ;f ........ tJ;. ~ a = _...., ---••'*"'-.Colla._ ••f*N'''P.• '•KQC.• ••JP slilft,. ..-. ..._. 8'7 • -,---.... ·--..... £ ......... .... .. aitic: ........ -~ lhlill-.. , ... _,_,.,...:,._ _____ ;.;;..-r,..., -• -• r ' . •s -• • Oto111• Co•llfY• Ou..iilondlnf .... ,.,. • • • • , • • • • • I l '' • • • ' I I I . ~~.t~ &t•O jlAlllY With SALLIE • Ir too. -a )(other • • . N-tllat 7"'1ire mellowed ....., aad feel u If yoa llllould do a Uttle -tlllq for llMI boca.-of nut !laDday the lStb : . . . Here'• what wobld pleue ,_ the -.•• Buy a ehlckM and a a-eggs! It can now be told that we've completely taken over I a chicken ranch ... that of Elglli Hall to be exut . . · t and uld chicken ranch I.I raioing chickens and eggs for Richard'• Market exclusively ' ... Elgin Hall needs no intro- duction ... He's been teach· Ing y<111r kids their courses in - Animal Husbandry and Poul· trv Raiaing at the High sChoo\ for years . . . He's forgotten more about the 1ub.iect than the average poultryman knows . . . beelJ.j In the buainesa for 20 years . . . Hall's Ranch is consider· ed to be one of the most unitary ... and best equip- ped in Orange County . . . All this. with the fact that the chickens will be killed daily ... brought here daily ... along with Grade A and Grade AA eggs .. Grade AA means less than 48 hours old ... Should assure you. the con.oumer, of the finest to be had ... Try them ,..on•t yon! Let us lmow what you think of of them .•. Now that I've taken care of thl.I mother ... Haven't I been babving theae tin CaDJ1 and bottles, for over two years! Let's · oee what we can do for . the rest 9.f the mot.hen . . . bless 'em . . . your mother and mine . . . Or course Mother'U n e e d · flowers . . . Saturday she'll have a rose pinned on her by a Senior Girl Scout of Costa Men . . . if she happens to visit us down here . . . Also a Boy Scout from Troop .No. 6 in Costa Mesa will help her t o her car ·with her p-oceries ... Just our way of bringing youth and motherhood to- gether ... Al.lo Costa Mesa and Newport Beach ... Mother ·a-is soft m08le · ... The Barber Shop. Qoar· tette from Onange Cout College will oerenade her at % and 4 p. m. Saturday . . . A qoartette of •boys e~ven and twelve y...,.. old from our Local Publlc School System will ta k e their torn Friday at 4 and Sundav at 1 ... Then on top of this there will be Accordion music at lnter- vahi Friday and Saturday. Mother n e e d s something 1pecial . . a surprise corsage •.. Adele makes lovely ones. A 1tift for Mother! On the Meuanille .. of special illterest b the Small F'n' Gift table ... loaded with aa &MOrtment . of om a I I lte1118 under $1.00 . . . . Another tab~ n fllled with Imports from Italy. Bel- ~um. Cllina; India, France and Germaay . . . not one of them costs over $5.00 . . . A lovely vase oY pit- cher from l~y filled with· fresh nowe" la about ~e lliee8t thlni: I caa think of • • A Mother's Day Cake! The Roee in Snow cake featured In the. Bakery &11:lrin thiB year Is something t o behold ... A dream of • white cake cove!' ed with white icing. glisten· Ing with cocoanut, in the cen- ter of which iB embedded a ......i dark red rose. . U motlier abould happen to prefer clloeolate ••• The 7-ta QQ otry .Iii om Cake Qf the Week Contest. .. ali!o to be had • • • y 1111 bow thlto a.-late Cake 111 belr.e4 tr..m 11n • Tom Nortmo'a .-lpe ... ~1 the NortQa'a lla.J' 811"9 Care No.to. .• _ U yOtl'\oe .. tea ti.en ....... e.b . for cluolrt "· • ls:91t pftlbo. llJillWM • • • Jin. NctriGa -tlle~ ..•• Zoata~laa W-'a8ettlce~ ..... the~ Mrzorllil ...... ;iw ......... ,........ ' . Votlur ..m fn<IHif llli llari- fled nat~.,.at Rlcll'ud'• Udo lfUW • . . when, the Dlllaitn ID YID tt.,, a c!i!eUt for SLOO -• • MS3 V'ta Ll4o, No'!rpari Bea.C.Mfonfe; • • • ' • • • , All that we are ••• all that we llope to ht , • • In the food l>Hai-~ owa ta tho mothers ol our CQllUllUA• . . • tty '. , ·• 1lloee lovely ladleti whaie 1f.eailY patronage hu nurtured the srowth of our market. For tile. ot you who do eare t<> do your lhop.. ping thia Saturday and Sunday we havo a little aomething planned to . help ut aay 'thank yo.u' ·for making our market ,._ible. • • .. ~ ' , INTRODUCING Rlcbard'1 Own Fresh ~ch Egga! f ~ ~e - Grade AA to the amalleat pullet eggs produced.. on bur own Chicken Ranch are now avail.ilble for all Richard'• fans ••. Make Richard'• YOUR headquarters for strictly freah Ranch E_1gs. Read ,Rambling Round R1eharda and learn more abo11t our new Egga and Chickens · ·- 00 - 1 Ci ECGS Quality Meal • All · Sizes doz. 5.' Off .. Ffftwln9 Mannl114Js hef ....,. Fi11"t leef Olttaillable • lridCJfords Swee~art M.Al'll'NIN'OS BEEF whole or half RIB STEAKS ·----···-·-_.· 99c KANNJ:sos BF.EF . SHORT RIBS ·----.. ·--·~-33c ~R SMALL PAN READY ' FRYING RABIBTS .. 69c LEA.J." )RA TY 8HOULDU ' -. PORK . STEAIS .. -..... 59~ ' 01::\,Tni"E SPRING-SHANK OPT LEG-0-LAMB ___________ ~ 79c SWIFrS No. I ORIOLE SLICED BACON,~~49~ .... ~ . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . ... , he•ll Produce--~ ' APPLES°.~~::=.-3 k 2sc ROMAl0NE ····------2 ~ 1 Sc s"'·eet. 'ulc1....,...Fl'Om Coaebe:lla GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 29c ·ciiciJMBERS ---... . .... 9c PotifiJES _. ___ 3 lk 19c Delicalessenrnnlmrrnrnmmn ,. LARGE TAMAI'Es~. 2 for ltc CREAKY 8RA&P • · CHEDDAR CHEESE _____ j .. 59c FOil A DELl~OU8 SALAD GARLIC CROUTONS ~~~ LUER08 QUALl'J'Y FIU!:l!ll" . LIYER SAUSAGE ______ _.. 45c · IUCllAllD'll OWN P1ltl1T JELLO . SALAD _ .A·19C See our Complete A11ortinent of Ming T~ai and Holland Cookies • • • • STORE HOURS: 111:VDY DAY BU!' nm.t.Y t: .. A. .. te •:• p, .. 1'811>.,_Y .:... FAMILY .N1'1'Z l:te A. IL to I:• P. M. We ! I .. mn& .. ~ CICl:-::•s:·:. (All ;qpq Ast ...... Ill 'J It . ·-•-1 • • c lb • Light ·Meat .................. .Mother's Day Cand't.. Brack's Heert Sheped Assorted Creo111 CHOCOLATES . $1.39 Value Me~zanine Shop ·A PYREX MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL ' Compl,te Set transp~rent HUNJ FOOD SALE Runlo F....ia I ( CUCUMBER CHIPS i;L 2129' SWEET PEAS ...... -.. -~~· 2129 ' Special 79• ·MIXING BOWLS NOW l 19 Hunt•1 PORK & BEANS .... ~~~ 2129' Huat'a C&H POWDERED or PRUNE PLUMS ---·-~~'~ 29; BROWN SUGAR --··--.. ·-···-··---.. -··-··-~· 10c OTHER .FRUIT and JUICES ..S&W Mellowed COFFEE _ ..... -····--····-······-··-··-··· .. ········-·········· .. ····· .. ·-····-···········•b. 79c· Glortetta If it's Tea i-011 lik&-Buy 1 TREt TEA =~·-··,----49c ;~·-····-59c TOMA.TO JUICE .. _ ... 1:.1 2125• TreMWMt GRAPEFRUIT JUICE_:.. ... 34' Riu - 'BUTTER WAFERS -.... ·--··-·--·-·-:. 31c MartineW , • APPLE CIDER ... _· ·-···-............ 29' Ba M laked IEANS Oo.... 8tate IJ@. CINI I i~~~: .. ___ ............... __ ........ -...... _ .. _ .......... 74 ' I •1.a Fr&.nce BLUING _.._ 2/191 Stokely 1( OL CallMCI MILK 2/25¢ C-pb<Ua-ean Twto SOUP 3;29; Poet N~ ~ K.iuN Kie. KIUNKW .... pks. 2/291 Battle Cl"Mk BRAN aad 111 oz. FIG FLAKES pks.123 ¢ Batt~Crffk~T lllOL GEllM FLAKES 25 ' ABBroede No. l caa DOG FOOD l /23 ¢ . Del Rich Y•JIOW 33' MAROAJUN;E lb. carton Make a delldou9 lee 8os ..._ .. su..,.lao 29¢ ICE llOX COOKIES pk(. Annour11 CORNED 39¢ Bl!EP RASH ta oz. Budpt Pack l'l'llow 39¢ POP CORN S 19. ('l(Uo ' wtw-.t or Oat Dlumlte 29; CEREA.~ ······-····-··-~-pkc. Globe A-1 SPAGBEI H 17¢ or MAOAR0!\'1 t.il-oa. pkf. ll.lvte.ra llA \'!OLA.A OP 1 Of TAMALES --1~tla 8 a.lrery 2'.nNils .,,·--- TBUll8DAY , ( BOYSENBERRY PIE C----~ 58¢ FIUDAY \ CINNAMON ROLLS ----.. -& 1.., 22¢ . . ' PECA..>i' -j· -FUDGE LOAF CAlES ---49¢ 8.A.TU&DAY I • l'Do"BA,l'PU: JDLl:D ' . DAllSH' COFFEE qAKES 3.r 2&¢. APRICOT-PEACH PIE !..-~a¢ • ' I Remerilber Mother wit~ on, 'of iour MOTHER'S DA~·. CAKES. . ' Fea.tw:ing • live. red1 rose on top • • .. ' . ~-' l• • 'II ' .. ilPllOl.U8 .U til\J1"Dil', OIDAY, :1' --kY U-11-U THl icONOMY·WJSI PA1*0Nm • Zippy 19f LIQUID STARCH .... qL ~~Y·---~~~-~---~=-rt 15' 1 c Offer ~,.,,.. Pia• bath olze 4/ 40; 1".111.1:1' SOAP ...... .. ~ Bro'°" -qu~ ' 98¢ CLEA1'"1NG t~ ........ . -~~ ~"':':.plar bar 2/23 ~ Rf'nudt SufM'r Frent:b 39¢ DRY Cl...EAl\"l:R quart Gobbrdta 14' CHILI POWDER .... 1 OL • Tomato ~atsup 17' Rath'• Ba.ckhalo\·k 11 OS. aut Luncheon· Meat 41 ¢ Obertl lledlwn No. I can RIPE OLIVES 27+ ···-··-Upton'• J°" Cream l>ieuert pk(. FROSTEE MIX 2129¢ Four Moab Bed U4tb pt.. Wine YineC)Clr _ 19f TM Ttme--!le Value Old Fuhl- GUM DROPS 1% OL 19' Pro•en PoOds-lllSll!ll-m • BllW8i:Yz FllOZEN ORANGE JUICE ·----·---A OL 21 Cl' BIR08El'E FRENO& . . GREEN' :BEANS ... _______ i~ OL lfc BiRosEYE llIXl:O .... . . VEGETABLES ~ .. ·-··--·-!% OL ltc FiNctt FRiEs _~_ .. 10 ~ ltc . ~ .._ Ftlou:N • HADDOC-If!: -: . • 47c . "---. . ..... ... -· \ BAQ-0..ani: .... te Bake AJi.J't.ed 1, ¥ FRUIT PIES ,' --~ 4tc • j ~. '" .... . . ' • HEM.tit FOOD$ DEPT • • ,