HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-04 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI I I . •• • • • • .. . I · . • r •' r llallerirl&I. Jla1l'l' Barbor _. tor ... to point out that hll -atf "A WOMAN ll! ONLY A woitA:N.: BUT ·• GOOD cio:Ui 111 YW. IN J'll FOR HINESLY. f ,flt upor:ta will inaka )'Ollr t .. t feel ftt. !'Wily ot ,,... pa.rldnc spa.ca A BKOta:. • BUT A SKOICED ...._.., Yellowtail' 0. a.> -' la Cloot& Kea. ~t ant '" -tllls torf Ba.a.r tha call of tha 1.o·a ~ ~ tldbtt I.bat wtU!acito ~ T -Clll1do)"1 . . - N ORT BAY ' ANP SHOPPING t-l~WS -- ---- ---,. = nz._ 'ftz'-'-- Pl'Bi,'SJUI) AT 22 ll BALilOA BOULEVAJU> NF.\\'PORT BEACH. CA.LIFOllNlA TELEPHONE: HARBOR 1616 • - pted PfPer! 0. t.o llal'bu"• Boottq .• •• l'Tle Newport Aw... Srnt11• ...... __. hu th1li aood -.obd ftllb to drig oat.' Cbartey r ..,, 1 ! .. . ' '' COll&KtlL •1110"·~"""7blrcl>antlocklll«la 1111 ...ide '..a pataee tor ·Olie.,_lll-Mlmt7.1"11·tor .... !r11Ntlaito.U..lzlhpmvtf. • • " • mm a.b,-dlaMra. Htaftll lcnow1 ~ -'t blame yool Tllo ha 111~·gtrt· wllo oded u a baby allier la 1111 -· WU'\bo - A MESaA.Oll OF GOOD CHIZR TO A.Lti CATCHUP 8&M u4 HaHbUt dift.nen at $1.2& make you want to leave Mama and t:fnce drawn bJ DoUatai H. Hinlllly, S7, promtaent OOllt& JI~ ._. PLOPPER8 AND MUST.A.lt.D CtJT'l'ERaJ Tbe •eDf=tH •t wttb CUrley. Boup. Salad. Ul -..n fruh bflrllt of· ft& :l'r>ench unlay. , ..a.• Atore ill COit.a M .. bU the rtaOWJl Une ot Ol4n· J"rtu. ~an rtnp a.ad tartar •uae. And delMJ't rniad you for $L25. Superior .Judge R&)IJJlond ThomJ)aon denied Ute prot>atiOft p~ 11f dun WaUpaper. Truly handlome wall covertnc. Ulla ·U I S--~u NUly caa't afford to .. t la yvur own neet ,when you Hinealy'a attome~. Max Hunritz • .------------- son. RE818TA.NT AND ABSOLUTELY WAS~. ea.a tlut~ over to Charley'1. You:J can peJlCh ilutoor• or out for The judge Mid he beUt::ved the P'or proof let us take th• u.. ncently polnttld out to luncheon. or dta.nt.r T days a vrMllj All aiea food -.eked to IO· . · me; On• breakfut. UMe. a Kn-X of Newport got Charlty'1 Se&fOOd Reataunnt. lW Cout. Highway (next to Port crime called tor .evere puntabmut crosaed up ao4 9'rew an ••r at Mr. x 1.natead of into Oranp) BMeon 1834. Open Every Day. 1tnce be h~ ~~Jy been in the rrytng pan. "Mra. x mJued Mr. x . Fortunately lhe · 1 • 9 I • at leut six incident.a with three X'a bad GLENDURA WALL PA.PER. AND DO YOU . dlf'ferent girls. KNOW there'• not one trac. of •II on the X'1 wall THI8 IS A NOTE OF APPRECLf.TION TO THE In meUnS" out aentenee to the today!!! Th• McDQJ'lald Paint Store carries all kind.I of wallpaper MANY WJ:.U.. WISHERS who've inqtitred about M1N P U • L Poll former echool boa.rd member, , .. moderately priced to down.right expensive by HoUycratt, lmpe.rial. o Y ApparT Y is rettillc &19'lg u well u \Valcre1t Ud Birge. And be 90 kindly u to inquire here about the eould be expected. Theae thing. ta.ke ti.me yau Judge Thompaon aald, ''Thi.I cue am u:in1 Ben.nett'• Colori.Rr pa.int .yat.em. You can duplicate 1,328 kn.ow. A.ltho' Poll.}' i• atilt ta Ole throes ot having llllt cah't be overlooked.. There color9 e.x.acUy and in a moment'• nottce! SPECIAL THIS wi::i:&: her front rem~led. 1he la allowed an the viiltors muat be a public example. Frank· FZ....'40I! PAINT SS.ti a raDoa. M cDONALD PA.INT STOft.E, 1812 abe wanU. Ia tact. the more ot you who 10 8M:k Polly thro' the ly, I que•tlon If proba.tion i9 tndl· t -• •--caled.." HarbOr Blvd., Coata Meaa. Beacon 6703. UNl~ or -P over the rencea,. the better ahe'll feel. Polly I• atill • • e in there piteh.ing with quality merohand~ tor all you little lady SOMETIMES THJS WOMAN SINGS so HIGH trtend.a. Now here'• your chance to become a 1idewalk superintend· ONL y A DOG CAN HEAR HER. I me&n the pU.lchri-enl or to 9H native craftsmen at work at 1833 Newport Blvd. Polly tudinoll8 Peruvian prima-donna, Yma Sumac. Susy at ~rel P . S. P olly A~ .tlU lhu a eomplet.e materalty UNI t he ftou.e of lbnnony aay• ahe hu eold a wild own-' wear -,.n.e.t. .. ber of Yma'• "Voice of the XtaBay" atbum1. Slnce M1.u Sumac'• tabulou1 aucceu tn 4 octaves, she'• had • • • Stroq-Pliea Dep. ··Dial. Atty. B. Wallor Steiner •!'(\Md that there •houl4 be .. ...,.. j&i( oentence" and tliat to free the man without a tenn. "proba.ly would not be accepted.• He pointed oUt that It wu "not ju.It. & alngle. i8olated incident." The oowt agreed to a 10-day ata.y of ~Lenee, after a long dt.- clsaton and HinuJy wa.a ordered "to report to Jal.I at 9 Lm. :Mon· day, July 9, He remaiJu' tree • $1000 ball K.~ Olo~ During the conduct of the trl&I Judge Thomp!!On aaid that ~ ly "hu never been in jail y1t" ~d indicated th&t he thought the eo.. ta. Meaa bWllne.M man had beell "handled wt th kid glovea." a part WTitlen in for her in "Fla.hooley," FlahooJey a.lbUml att now ~=::::::::::::::::::::::::::===========~~on sale at the Honse of Harmony on LP, fa's or 78'•. For tho~ ;---or you who arri ved late: Flahooley ta an allered muaica.l ~me4J. featuring toys. dolJs. American puppeta. and an Arabian .-e:nle. And Your ATTENTION fLEASE ... THIS REVEILLE IS BEING SOUNDED FOR CHil.JJREN ONE YEAR OLD UP AND THEIR FAT GRANDPAS! Sun .-un HeadquarttNI ts the Balboa 5 & 10. The five & dime hu 11"-im 1uita to tit everybody ln the f11.m!ly tree from 69¢ to $6.95. Small ¥1rl1 can re&lly get r igged out here . . . piles of natty little 1un suits tor M ias Sub-Deb: Ela.iticized seersuckers sizes 10 -12 -14 yrs. S2.98; r;rd. v.·hite or 61ue waffle ptque.B S2.19; girls' broacJcloth bra tops with collars & eyelet tri~ Sl .39; girls&. boy1 siUl,3-8 yra. 9ffraucker ~or\s 69c; lnf&nlt 1·3, ruffled play- Attorney Max H urwitz: had made &n impuaione-d plea for Hinealy uking probation with no jail sentence. The lawyer said tha.t Hine.aly and hit famlly had been punished 8\lffictently by mental 11train. Hurwitz also said that Hine.sly wouJd lose hi• businesa &nd hi.a family wou.ld auffer Ir h e were sent. to jail. Charges had been filed against Hinealy atter three girl baby ail• tera had complained that th&. Mesan had fOndled them in Im By MARGO THAR SHE BLO\"\'S '. A PIRATE SHIP L-Z...'DER FUl,.L RlGGJNG~ ~IAYBE THE F L YING DUTCH- MAN? Vera \\'illi11.n1s bas a very old, very fabulous f1·igate saili.ng her ma.ntel under the French nag! The Patio Book Stall Gift Shop hi.JI other rare itt".m.!1 'I..: as well! The new shipment or Italian "'&re ahou14 W: interest )·ou. T here are gay mugs. snack aet11 and in· d1\'idua1· dishes. And better thumb t hru' the book 1ta.ll!. Ver& has ·a sale of old a.nd new books ... \ii.. 1 unusual. fictiOn and non·riction at 79<' each. Lisl now • to inside dope to visitors : The Patio Shop Is the place to (lam onto lnteresttng and quaint gift.s fron1 a ll nations. !Christmu i8 coming-.) T his · little continentally flavored shop alAO boasts an Art Gallery. Paintings are b}' ramed Cahfornia artists. and you'll discover a fine collect1on or rare prints. You can auit iVOUr fancy and money belt v.·1t h paintings rrom ~ to ~. Go look! Browsing I• fu.n a.nd al80 fr ee at the Patio Book S tall & Gitt Shop, 313 1, Marine, Balboa Isle. • • • WHO SAID. "SUPS OON.T COUNT?" \\'ell. whoever Aid tt. take it back at once '. Ir your alip isn't 1howing this ~ason, It won't be Lee Stroup's fault ~ The Jo-~ Sport ~hop has just unpacked the final adjective in summer smartneu~ Thi!i" affalre de couturlere ts· a redingote in cloque pique to be ""·om skittishly over a cham· bray petticoat. The n1ost genteel little lady ""'ill be inclined to high jinks 1n one or these charmersr The redingotea in while, pink or navy are designed to show the flash a.nd nare o/ a candy striped chambra.v petlisk1rt. a white with pink detail, or a ruffled •lip of r~ dotted S"''i!l.s. Coats are $12.96 ... petticoats are $8.5()-$6.90. T hese striking get-ups are the famou• li ne or l1arjor1e Montgomery T own dr: Country Clothes. You'll pay the same tor lheee at Jo-Lee'• u you would at Bullock '• or Robin1K>n's ... bealdea culti.nC' out the c&rbonmonoxide overhead. ,Jo-Left Sport. Shop. JIS6 Newp.r1 A.Ye., CMt.a Mf'8a. • • • "SHE Y.1AS BRED IN OLD KENTUCKY, BUT SHE"S ONLY .~ CR L'1-IB OUT HERE." As Baker Bob loudly sAng thi.11 haunting refrain, I could scarcely conceal a sn11le. AA a n111.tter of record. there "·as no place to hide anything in the big, lmm'aculate bake "room at the Xe"·por1 Rakf'ry. The place wa.11 bursting with activity~ T he Dutch breAd "'·a.11 rising in the proof box. ovens were rotating with chOcolate chip cookies. the Dollyglant mixma.ster ~·as throbbing. The heady, spicy aroma o ' banana. nut cake vied with the fragrance of deyiJ'14 food and chip· ped alrnonds. Gold layer cakes became Yellow ingot.11 berore my eyes. Remen1ber1ng n1;..· early training at ~{jag Harelips' on the Hud80n, I gamely fought back the drool! A.nd here a word to cake eatera: You. can check Salivary Glands by ordering a cake b)' phone for your o.ext birthday party, te>p-hat hoedo"''n or shucking bff. Newport Bakery, 211! <>et-an 1-"'ront, Harbor l«!-R. 7 day• a week.. • • • ASD.\. TERERO~! YOU SHALL RECEIVE 2 ear!! and the tail of f'l Vacho~ Lovely ladies v.•ill pelt you v.·ith paper rose• a.nd bigh heeled ptnnps_ In short. aff1cionado.11 of exce!lente Mexican food will f&\\'n at your feet 1( you !'!how them the ""·ay to CU& don Carlos: Allho, lhis bright little b'.stro is tucked a"'·ay on a !'lide street, a v.·ell·beaten path -and 'a fragrant aroma lead to this houH or savory reputation. Here t-he modest tortilla become! a glorified enchilada or a taco, the pink beans turns into frijoles refritoa muy sabrosa! The beer !.'! cold and prices are bargain basement at the CaA& don Ca.rlOL Dinners are 95c up or you may order ala carte. 113 22nd J1tre.t. Kewport. Har. 2638-M. Daily 5~9., Sat.!!. 5-10. Closed Tue&. • • • for you pert"paletlc AC>ul11 who like lo keep well informed. Susy ha• the neateal evt".r little RCA portable radio. A little over veal pocket sizf'. it plays and sings like a power mad tltiag. $34.96 lnclud•• b&lteriea. "On Top Of Old Smoky" is still a favorite kt OTange County. H oWlf! of Harmony 11 still the favorite place to ret your down. or upbe•I•. 1817 Newport Ave., Cott.& M.eaa. Beacon 5737-6863 • • • "LAUGH ! I THOT I'D" EXPLODE~!!" aald Dr. Er.vood g"leefu11y li&'htang' a ru.e to a ·•tick of dyna.mlte. But then quatre de JuiH•l week. It'• always difficult to tell the men from the boy-1. It'll be hard to tell the ~me.n rrom an Idol's eye pretty quick u Dr. Erwood t1 expecllnJ a load . ·~:it Skin Pins rrom India or lndiLnapolis. I for· t.oc"• $1.26 : rakiah sand-pile •uill 98c: girls denim 8h0rt• aiaes 3·12 .•• 79c-S2 .19. Better give your back a rt".st too ~ Ba.ckrelJl• Sl.89 • • · aJ.90 life preMrvers, plutic beach b&IJI. 8tep lively ROW &ftd ret in the swim! Balboa I & 19 le at SOO Main. • • • -', gel which. These art co1tume piece• you slue .. ('l.affeC'lr.'." I r rN>d, "At Jut l'\"f' caught you "itll the good•! lnto your bare akla. So start . tltlnkinl" about Clarence waJ1 romr out tfte door ot tltit C.eutUM with a swag of where to put11 theM jewel.11, and Ir you run out carpet over h11 acapula. The a-oods I caught hirp with turned out e>f ideas. come to me. ln ttt. interitn, this Mop io be • Ca•i.Jna.r carpet. This "-+ unu1ual broadloom carpetinr. You (irl'a Harry Wlnaton hu a be.rga.ln table loaded can take i(. or leave It! Thia . fine' aturt can be insta.lled wall to with half pTtce items cut to l\alf priee. The wa.11 witftout any glue. (look Ol" rneM wn&laoever. Calimar ta Ha.Lt·Pr1ce table i1 swaying wilJI Portu~eee M-backed 'Y powerful nt~ber cups. It clings desperately to the floor. quera. KOblet.a, champagne and other •luawara. Tou could fallt aUowklr RO Mkoot, alide or Bkiel.. Howt".vtir if you decide to jump bail talk Dr. Erwood out of that KentuC.ky blue jlald pottery 11et. Blue and leav• town \n • hurry, you can C'l'ab up thi!I carpet o! youn and . Portugueae demi t&•9e are S6c, &nd belt ~uy of Ule Wffk ln my ta.ke It along. Get t he pkoto? C&limar le: made by the mlgr'a. ot ferret eyu I• the lmported Gflrman pepper grinder for S2.50. Alao Caliwool and la availab"' Ht gQOd decorator colors. $4.50 Square yd. bear thla in your paga.n little mind11 : A woman without jewel• ia in.et.ailed and Ren1ember -YOlJ CAN TAU IT WITH YOlJ: lik e potatoes Without graV)'. 1500 eo1twne pieM1 at Erweett' .. '91 COASTLINE FLOOR OOV.Rn!O, 18th • Newport P.:. B&lboa Blvd. <>pe.n EVN-MeM.. Reaoon 6251-J. CAR CRASHES HURT THREE Thret-perM>n• Wf're lnjuttd "' .... ·eek-end accident.a in the N ewport. Harbor area. LA>onard P .,. J ame-a, 17, ot 8600 Cout Highway, Newport &ach -received a deep cut Oil hW!: r ipt leg when Ule motor acqot.t-Ile wu riding-ran into the rear Of a car oporated by "Philip W. H~. { ot G&rde.M . ~ . The accident occurred ati 11 :ff a. m. s'unday near the int.enectk»n ot Dahlia Ave. and Cout H\Kb· Cen9r•tulatien1 to the GALLIY CAP: I • way, Corona deJ Mar. Both vehicle!! had bf'en travt".lin& ea.at on the Coait H ighway. P'acial injurieJ1 and a lacerated left knee were 1utfered by Donna D. P a rsona. ~2 W . Ba.y Ave ., Ba.I - bo& when th" cir ahe wu ope-rat- ing piled head on into a Vf'hicle dr iven by Olf'n Von L1ghUe, of Sil.fl Bernardino Sunday. ••••• M•ine Hardware Co. NOW OPEN -The Har.bot: Area's N~wesl , Cale FEATTJRING The accident took place In rront or the Newport Beach fir e hou.e a t 1 :20 p. m . Both care received 1 damaged front end1. A two car accident Tf'aulte-d in a head lacerations ror Jacob E. W eb.tter, 219 Garnet Ave .. Balboa Island, at 3 :32 p. m. Sa turday. The colliaion occurred al the in· tenectlon or Park and Op~l A ve1., Balboa laland. A car drivPn by R~f' F . K.lin· g~smith, 130lJ: E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa WU the other vehicle in~ volved In the accident. , • llAJlBOR t 191 'Ml SAYSIDE DIUVE 911 OOA8T JRGH\\'Al. BM<-on 8008 REAL BARIECUE SPIT CHICKiEN AND LOIN SPARERIBS . • OPmf ~ I A.)[. TO I P. JL -CLOSED lllC»>'DA1'8 GAL"EY CAFE LIOA YACHT IASIN 711 a.ysitle Drive Phou HCU'bor 955 cOngra~tion1 and Bell w.-es borne. The incidents had bf'en n>ported u having occurred with a 15-year- oldlgirl on Dec. 1 &nd Dec. 3·i. 195-0 with a 13-year-.okt and May 18, 1~1 with a 14-yea.r--old ba~ .slttu. Payment of·S250 aa comprpml.M clapn for slight injuriea suffered. by a 12-year-old girl who received a.n E"lectric shock wben ahe came in contact With a conduit la.st Nov. 1 near Cbriatlan'e Hut, Newport Beach. waa submitted to wperior court for approval Thund.ay. Mrs. Ann A via Panone aaid Bennie BlckeMJ and A . G. \V. L& SMli, operator• or the Hut, had of• tered the pa~ent for her daugb• ter, Judith Lee P&rsona, although denying any liability m connec- tion with the milhap. HERE'S WISHING SUCCESS to the .-GALLEY CAP:E •· . . Arrow Glass & Mirror· Co. IM I:. ht 8L, l!IA.1''TA Alf.t. PHONE KIMBERLY .. HEADS OR TAIL.~!" S . .\.ID HARRY. "NEITHER. YOU PIRATE ~" I SHRE\\'DLY RE- PLIED. '"I'll T1KE THE MIDDLE." Alway.11 re- member, fellows that tlie middle of the fish is the best. That's why it costa more. Now take Swordfish . , . take all you can geL The Ba.y· side ~arket has the b6et swordfish in the coun- ty. Thia particular s..-.·ordfi.sh was caught by an rte artist11, Waller s.nd Morris Souder off the boat "Louise." This gem of the ocean d~ed do ... ..-n to 200 lbs. which is considered a perfect ba(hing beau· ty of a Swordfish. Tender ? Yes. Flavorsome? Yes. Now if there are no more questions. I rt"<.'ommend that you fantail OYer to the Bay- side. Ask Harry I Could that possibly 1tand ror Harold ? I for a free prfuted cop.v of a recipe he's dreamed up. Use it a t your OWTI' WE"b8le r's car hit the right front fender • of the other auto a.nd cauffd n:tenaive damac~ to ill right 1lde. Le9ion Breakfast Draws Thousands Two lbouu..nd people 8ta.rted the I day on Saturday by eatine pan~ I cakea and sausage. at the break- fut in front of R ichard'• Lido Market. aq annual affair apoJUtOr- ed by the American Legion Po.t 2-653'4 · l TO TllB GALLEY CA·FE flfT[HflL GENER.AL CONTBACTOB I COllill&•CIAL AXD B&llDEllTIAL BUILDIXG 1 PHONE HARBOR 1342 risk of course. Bayaidf' FiAb M&rkf't, !800 Lafayf'tte. ()pea e\•ery u,.., 8 .._ m. io 8 :SO p. m. • • • LA2V DAIS \': Gl\'E ME VOl11t PROMISE TRl"E~ Pron1\se me, Daisy, you'll tandem over to Rll".k)''• and ret yourself an elegant "Bicycle Built For Two" handpai.nted skirt! BiI 1Jpttla.I u.le. on DO"'~ Colortu.l, tull circle Preview aklrU 1n 8afarl, BMkel, or Blt'yde. dealp• no"· l"Nluef"d to 11.tf. Rlcky'1 Shop of Men and Women's wear J• worth fut ped.a.lirlg to aee. You'll dl11COver eome 291 and the market. ., Commander Barney lk.11 of the po8t WU genera.I chairma.n a.nd wu asaiated by Legion memben and those of the Women'• auxili- &ry. Hugh Mynatt of the market was chalrm&.n of tood rupplie•. He provided 370. pounds of sausage, 2a pound• of coffee, $36 worth of syrup and Sl& worth ot otanp juice.. P'or an eaUmate on the pancak... each of the 2000 bad thre. for a 1ta.rt.r, lboee with l"ood appetite.• went back ·for more. On the aide were aUcee of crUp tout With Jelly: Children. &nd adult. alike were delfghtia" with the entutaiJmumt of Fra.nk Herman, the "Kr. Mask" of r6d1o and tdevlaion. "'el'Y $olgnee aport1 clothes! Unusual handblocked Terry Short~AJls U.96--$10.96 and unique Z pc. handpainted Terry cloth SWl Skirtl wi.lh camlROle.s, complete $17.96. Plenty of pedal pushers and other holiday atttft.. The-super sporty out ftl in my opinion t. the Tabalt blu' sailcloth skirt.a with jaunty middy blouse• in blue It white or red It while \·ertit:al st.ripes. Ricky's has aU aorta of aOcloth co-- on:Uaatea that pl..,ge a perfect ma.ting. There are nice thinp for Mel?-· too t.D. thla ahop, but J say let tbeip find out fOI' them19Jv,._ RI~ .. 1784 Newport 81\·d. Costa Mt!U. Beaeoa 13'4 VISIT Df )(ODJal'l'O • • • Mn. Gert.n.lde ·J:dlck of "ON wrrH :rm: DANCE: LET JOY BE UNCONFJNlilD; Mqnolia. Av... 0..ta -bu No sle,:p WJ mom, when Youth and Pl~ meet been 'riaitinl" ln' M.bd.eato aa suat• To cb&M the &!•Win( hours "ilh llylnc feet." . of lltt 90iJ.Ul..law . and daupttr, Ab yu, tlyine, happy feet. You too can aklp th:u" the baley1111 lllr. and Jlln. Robert Badloy. She awn.m.er da.ri in one li&'.ht fantastic if your wi1\pd 1&nm.i. &N Dom left 8allln1ay "fdt • Oregoa. Where BAJUIER'S BOOTERY. Barber'• bu aJ>out• tho lqpat stoclt of Olle will ~!• a ""l"""' 'W I t b mm. women and children'• IUftUJ\er toot.wear you eaa .,. ID tht tnedde .~ t.tif,UYM. , .eou:acy! TtieN an women•• andll14., iD all wblt.e, ·"nd. sreen and .. · DlulU-••. tlata or wodp baolo ~If M.111.. ~·a 'l'lm m.o<'ll-• V)ff !f -dala.Of9 f:2.~16. Ob I M.l'·JOll CU ftiMI -.Ul,JlJ!ill& ••• -9' M tlpo l.~1 ..... k.1 ... ouy•FUIC hand'.._ ,,_.ooln, la -· ,,..r e Pa-loo $4.tl ••• -. .l• --..._ lfw- •&Sl olleJva flt 'c:repo .,led KedettOI b ~. -· ,.-. - -~ 1-I .. 1 .. -. , ~ .. Newport Bay P~t - CONGRATUL~TIONS .J. -V!RY •sr tflSHIS ' to the GALLEY 'CAFE • \ • YACHT BROKERS MARINE INSURANCE ANCHORAGE • • • BALBO·A YACH~ .. -B '·SIN ' I -• •• -! ' . WISHING SUCCESS TO THE GALLEY CAFE • Orange County Refri99ration and .FixtUl'e Co., Inc. HI a · 1111 It. IEST WISl'iES ro 'THE GALLEY CAFE l'llOll " BAS l.N ·SH IP Y A'R D ' M•rine W•y• ..:.... Marine Mechanic -Ship Carpent.r 70 I :l•y1icle .Dr ive · :· Harbor 0~22 ' BEST WISHES · S:ONGRA TULA TIONS to . ~ ~ ~ '!' GAWY CAFE • 1 • • wD., itJLY ,ii, '"nle Pthi.c• was • Tlllef'' OomT OUtlo -Aloe- "CllleaC-lr" --- ,. IRJNDAY,nlt.rllll "Two of ii KllNI" Mt ....... --~ -Aloe - "Her Flnt R0111C111e.-" ....... O'lldM . .... ·-Ill. I-aft !T.JJ3Jjf __ ~~~~-ii!: NOW PLATn<G "I Was A11 Amerfca11 Spy" .U.Doorak,-ll...q _ _. __ nD>&Y, rnLY etlt ''TH MalteN falcM" -~..._. -AIM- .IC lry Sc _ __,, "Dllrll Vlc-.r" ava _,. ---·-, w a.-... ,......, i-s -.,..._ Always Two First Run Hits! -Continuous Deily From I: 15 p. m. - MATINEE to 5 p.m. EVENINGS ALL 11£ATll 14~ I!• ·pa. u. Io LJ~~~~l:@)· Doon OpM I lllow Starta T:ta I lri5 .JULY 'tit ''The Great Ca11110" )l&l"fo Lanaa -Also - "Sta9e to TucSOll" llod. e&me-ron. Wante Morda Tops In Feod * Topi in Entertainme nt * (lllldtta ..... Uader 11 SUNDAY, IUL'I' Btb ''Sealed CanJO" -A.ad ....... Claude - -Aloe - "Fi9hti119 Coast Guard" llriall no.i..,,. Ella - * Cockt1il1 from 10 •• m. * Dinner from '4 p. m. OPEN-BRli-XCR 10 A.M. io t P . .M. Featuring the "Guadalajara Boys" DOLLllOU · 415 E. Balboa Blvd. OPEN EVERY DAY! e KlddlM ,Day E•·ery W~y .. 11 N.-io • p. m. • FREE BALLOONS e Co......toaa 5f • Rldee &• GENERAL. ELECTRIC Refrig11r1tors • Deep Freezers e Auto- matic Washers e Dryers e Dishwashers Disposalls e Ranges. e T oaster1 e Irons Grills e Mixers ' Waffle Bakers e Roest. ·' en e Heating Pads e Blankets. ' I • UT. ~ J>AYI A S1rK -C1•rlJ •t • ,--·· -'l'kA111 DID' rr• llMtl: lte I SI &. A.Ila .,,... 8TAJITll tl1JNDAY ACHI DIUMS" I . "°IDITAlll' VACATION •. • . ' • \ • GENE'~ STAU*¥T ·---·mr Fn1c• W It la1 Calsl11e -D11111 ... WcM• -...... , a.-_, -""""" l1ft I e ,..~ .... .,.,,,_ t'll -AUIOI tlMUOOLEB'8 001.D a..-'twie. eo.t. s... t i• ·-.,,.. aa. Oolm<tT BU MONTY WOOLIEY JEAN PEJU8 MJI. and Mn. llam C..wford cl ~ •-lelt roc.,.Uy by mOtor 'I jpiiiiiiiim ~~~~~ ll&AlJTY OONTUTANTll, BUT IUDOAl-fto .- m•opolr ., Ja4star ._"*T ---...,.k... h.. four s-...--Dof'etllJ' Fanter modell will W., Mlect' ... ¥'- ~ -,. "'"Rocky-· Pia• J,uiwclio11: , l 110NAL 11ULB8 TERESA RENNER IMrt. ~ RennerT. "A1 Y OlllMJ A1 You Feel" Tl'atflc ....... upt buJbl;.... 01•111t ......... n... Ola& .. IOre ;an othen la that they burn 9 12 p .. 11 l'Ft el .... aartr• out, 1declarta the National Auto· !••Major,. _ A....,~ Eaoru" t. nip a& IM .,,.. -Loar -~ lt"JI0- 11-10'7 !C>-H. If &lley -'* tell .-l;J w-&lley -ll, all tlae7'B laaw to M 19 leoll la a miner. The •tll!UllililtM Jadr- aN r left t.o ril'llt. IDw9 9GililM, Julee~ JlarteM llorM. aM , ..... Tull. mobile Club. ConMqu•nUy, If you 43' Senu DrfM HalfMlr 1171.J tee i..o 11-·1 aheM. when. ap-P~C ~i'tp.t-controlled Inter· · CM'IGG Hliflla•• -c..... def -~ aecUbB, do not aaume that the Ug'h~ have been. turned off. Haw o..1 Boiisy. -.. ... iw.1a,. ...... n.7 ) lolu. 1..-.1 ... om 'l"ler-..J' "Matfl1CJ SelllOll" ALSO MJCl<EY ROONlt'I' "Cockeyed WOflMr" 8-Y -~1 HARnN a I.l.:Wl8 "At W•. With ttie .A""Y" -'1 G...W. -Dao llalloy "Can Me Milter" T-...lor t.a..p ....i Chillo AllBO'IT A COSTEU-0 "Meet hlmible Ma11" Glefta Fotd • AaM Bas"" 'Follow ttie Stni" ltoty •f ._ Hopa Biii Maudlt•·· "Up~· LonttaY- "Half AllcJel" .,.....,.,.. .. ,, .. Balboa Island Pioneers United in Impressive Home Ceremony The Dorrance McClure 1tome,._--~--------- a look at what b ahowtns on the ::::1,,. •lreet before venturtq Tiii: llLOODMOllllLE U If IT wt:l:I be a.& t.a.. Amerlma Lecioa ff""< 1611l ud Bay 8ts. Newport llNeb • .lul1 11th, I te T p. a 2U~ Onnp aveaue, eo.t.& M...., a ve.ea WIJ'• m~mben ot Ute ------------ wu a bower of st&dloll. Jlatcon.1 farn if' and OM clOM ft"lend. Mn. dalale•. temai ud other aUllll'Jler Lona Griffin of BalfKia I.eland. n owen for the quiet but lmpre. P'ronl out ot toWll •~re : Mr. and 1lve ceremony on Sunday, June 24 Mn. w . •-Dorrance ot r.&g1e whieh united Mr. McClure'• moth-Do ff Rob'--Rocll: Mn. rot.Jly • u .. v n , etr, Mn. Pauline D. McClure ot GI ..._, .... · • • L F at ~·-en~e ; -"· A • .,.... • r.u.in, 112 l:m....id a¥1!!ftUe, BaJboa Iii• ~; Mn. J:. 8 . Gilbe~ SU· land, and J &mu MU:lmn Cl&)'· t.a 4M. ~ ot t11• bride. brook. receftUy ot Su J"ranci.9co. .,replace and. ma.tel el the P•••I!' ••ttlenta DIRECTORY LWIWA.-~B.9.a. DllNTU'nlT ' 1711 KewJJOri BIY4., Ooota )(- ' M .. eal 81df'. Beoe .. 1'111 IOI a Bay .A. n ., Mboa -HT.J 91)aciou• Uviftc room were adorae4 The Aew Mn. Claybrook S. with flowfr•, fHM and tall cu.· Widow et UM kt.a John Jtayaer delabra u b&ekrround tor the rite. MeClun, ~-I.i.a.ct p ionMr. performed by Dr. H arry White of Kr. OayWook la a.Leo a ptotteer Balboa Iatand Commun.tty Md.la-8&1'Ml& IUM:der and friend ol I ;~~~~~~~~~~::~ I odiat church. MMY yun .ta.ndtnr . Now retir - ed. )M WU fOl"M«ly a Lo. An· D,.,.. AaUa .... Lw i •lem ttaJ Ht&te dealer . The t wo .Y. & llO ........ O. D. The bnd• WU """ eacort by ...... -follcltatlmu at the bridal •. o.PT .. o~ .. ~.:-l~T ... her aon. Dorrance. H ar iown w u .upper-t.Uile, &domed with pink ~. • = ___ ..:;;;;;; - ot MndAoMe h'ory llllk. •tln. drap--and 'n.tt. rJi&d1oll, roeM, z.t.bf:r , llM W. -.._ ed. from the ahou.lder both front lteM an~ Shut& dailies:, .._P'" and back. A wide K arl ot .deUcate d-•w and. tem.1. lf.,.pat ....,., ·-..... llll and rare heirloom Alen.con lace 0. rri6&7 eYm inc, JWle 29, tht !,~~=========~I formed a looae panel front for tht «MJple ~t a. Ufl"'94 wed.din&" cake akirt. wu d raped over one .lhould· at ea.ta.way1 club where .Kn er and fell to floor Iellgth ln back, Cla ybrook ha.a bHn bookkeeper llE SUllr. INSUllr. held at the W&latlln• with a heavy ..... ''" lteP.•"'c-Tlllo wu our-ii; " ii; a1lk cord. She wore an het.rLootn priM aotlc• ot t.Ae m arriac e to wta necklace of 1old and peart. and U\e clui> penonnel. Ute wedding llA..,_ ft'~ f &r"ried a bouquet of 1&.rde.niu annowit M'le•t and a t home CUda • I I 11 <Ji.Ir aad •ha.tt.ered p ink cam.auon.. la b<einl" •ttach.ed t o one of recnt .._. .. 7'11' lTll ll.er hair WM a·~ !"'OM. at Ma'f'ins. •Ma...,.&..-. •·•a~ There· wera no a tteAd&ftU• ex· Mr. a.nd, Mn. C\.a)'brook: ~I ~===::========~ I ffPt. t.ke tw o flow en s:trla, gra..od· *' riAg" for & lel8Ur87 trip UIJ"GUPl I; ~ten otl th• bride. Tht$W'tli'i northent Califont.._ 111.Dninc to Janet. M:ce1ure, t , and. Naac1. I . llff muiy of the beauty •poU and ------------Bo~ wore h'odta of d&tfodU yel-~t old frlencU.. F or Ut.e lrlp the w. Stia•t , .... omtmlAL JJ(llUll.AJ(Cll eo..n.ou. ]fl/i>rmatimt ""°'-di liCv Opu Every Day COMtt.m DINMfU.-froflll f ).lt t. P.lt' TkOPICAL DRIN1UI DiN I• tti. lxhnl ... TAHn1AM HYIOOW ,. ............. ....... , ,. < VISIT THE NEW HUT Oil Cout BJwa7. J...acuM (Q n11llll Tlilffd•f'r ~iae ~ for Rl!1enatio• NOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX Saack • Coelrtall ..... o• tbe Pier 1--oa CATAUNA ISLAND low tllk: and carried O)lonial ro--bride wtJJ 1"1.1' a 1ult ot navy blue. Mlle ~et.I of p(ak and white On their returft they wtll M a t le& f'09N &Ad Eat.her Reed d&iaie1. home a.t 1U JDMen.ld aYenue. Legion Auxiliary Aids ?Post With Richard's Lido Market Breakfast CooperaU011 In Po.t arta.Ln &p·._----------- pe&Nd to be the tonmoat order ol bUaW .. for 1Mmbel'9 ot th• New- port -American Legion Aaillary u OUt.J.iMd at thtlr ~rutar meettna-In Legtoll Hall Monday ntrht. Jun' 2~. · Headl..ng the U1t wert tin.al p l&n1 for the Legion Break.fu t. which w_. held June 30 tn tro.nt ot Rich- ard'• Udo Market, ,mlch called tor a large num~r ot volunteer• for aervtnr and general uat..tance. In additkm. Auxiliary mem~r11 have bffn ml.Jnt.a.lnln ir a ticket booth in the market the put wttk. Com.mitlttl. were appointed to mttt with 1lmU1.r POiit committee• to make plan. for the dillpoeal or ~ recently luued by Uie IA· g1on, and for drawinl' u p auggea- for the ho.pit.al work ert, Mrs. BondA addfod. For the final lordt>r of bu1lneu, the Unit Vo~ to endorse Helen Randel u candidate for 21st Dta- trlct 2nd vict president. Mrs. Ran- dt>! la a pUt pre1ldent of the local unit, a.nd ha.a held v&rioWI dil't.rtcl ch&innan.ahif)I for eeveral yeara. Guel!lta for the evening WU Mn. Soph.J Kelley, of H ingham, ica.a- chuaett.&, a me.mber or the Leeton Au.x lllary thett, who I• villltng rela t ives ln the Harbor area. Jfwpwt-ft. ...... I , lllT •0 1& m.t. IKATT&E88ES Boa......a~Trailen ........... 8-BEAOON 6081 '0.ta MN& Matin. Oo. 1150 Newport Blvd. WATER HEATERS ...;-Service Pd llepaln /a. IJecl.ioJJ ll l l•••••••••-~l l Uona for. tum~ tll• new b&ll. Tbe JUly meettns ot the Oranp At tht> cloM of the meeUa r . mem~r• or the ritual team led the group ln a.n impromptu "'commu- nity sing," accompanied by pro.- pecUve member Gloria McK1nUy on tl\e a.ccordJon, u hOlltuHa Adratn J oyner and J ean Mar kham prepared refreshmenta of cherry and blueberry lartl a nd coffee. PLIDllllNO Aat.IM>rlzed Dealer rDa7' A Nt,pt Beaten • • TRMS 111, 0..1t et1 •II Me.ten Pllome Barbor IMJ-W ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Aleo Ste.ka -Prime BIM Cockt.ails 1611 Coast Blvd. Barbor 1180 Coroaa del Mar County Councill wW be beld in t he N<WpOrt Ha<'bor Lqlon head· quarter• on Tue9da y. July 10, i t wu announ~. Ho • p I t a I chairman )(ildrtd Bonda apln called tor reUef vol· unteen for Tueeday llospltal Work aa aome of lbe "rerulan" will be a-.y on vacatJon. Other volun- teen are nttded u bt.bY-aitten Thoiet ln a Uendance were: Mei~ darnu A lma Thompaon, J ean Ail- baugh, Lucllle Cttbrea, Geneva Bell Lydia :Brirp. Blllle P errus:&l, Helen Randel, Wilma Murrt.pn.. MUdred Bondi, Vtona Burdick, Blanche Bens, ICUeen Inna, Ber- nice Opel, Marion Nod, Mn. Kel- ley ind tbe bOllteue.. 11.UO ANl1 UPHOl.8rEJlY , CLEANING Geo. M. Graham ~ RA.llB()& IN-B llT Opal Bal._ llla8d New' Office for Old ·~-th ... annenounf"~-t ~-. Fi ......... ears' llORKl8 The J'ederal Security Agency ~ ....... --.. ~ ~ 9lllPll II. G. hu acquired a new locatton ln Lift Mid the new otnce a t 810 N . M ...._,.,_ .a BD.Q ------------. 18&.nt& Ana for Ute Social SecUrity Bto&d'w'ay LI on lh8' ll"'OUl\d floor ......-v Admlnt.tra.Uon'• riald Office of for the coovenluce ot the public. 8catJnE:R MOTORS the BurHU of O ld Are and Surri· Many eld"rly people w'° an ,.... 1• 8o. ~ Blff. wn lmurance. 1 , qulttd to come to tbe J"iekl Offtcre i.,a.. ....._ ·LIDO ~ 8&.nt& A na 1;1fflce. announced to-about UI• necieu tty of climblng-Garrett W . L1.-t, M°A"•c•r of the baYe complained. ln the put. l:~~iiii~'~ii;~~~~~~ d&y th.at •t&rtm.g J"u.Jy t , the ot-statrs to ret to the office fo~ly tic. of tbe Bu:rttu of Ofd..Al'e and loca.ted a t Room. 232. tbe Second Sumvon In.ourance wW be local· and B~Y. BuUcHnr In Saata ed at 110 l/. BroadwaJ' In Santa Ana. The otflce In U.e ....., lo<A- Ana. Tb• tmphon.e numben a.re tlon wm tilm.lnate tM hue.rd ot Klmborly 2·7272 and :1-7271. 'I'll• th• lltaln. Anyone dMlr!nr W..,S: fM NoWpon Bl.._ .(l082'A-MJ:llA -lllFJ • '!!'• _____ ,,.., YEIA S. Patio Stu Office ..,.... ralldonlil at Ornnre mauan -nlns the -.i Ootmty. It lo open to the public loclol -,. .Act, ·b-p t. Meda7 ~ rrJa7 ftOID t:SO tM oftliDe at Ute_. a'*ll 117 .... to,.., ...... ,,, ......... efOld ...... SIU-, ~--. °flJWa Iwwww ,ftlld Oll"Lal ... Were Ill aa&ec-. M eourteou1 -clalaltu>la .. flea. appli.:. at the -.. tboJ .... In - t¥o fM .,U.-.i ad N •-• -wlal and • I --lNuranre M prowtdlt~ CM _.... mtta, tMft WOUid tie ,.._. Md- ONI llodal '"""'1ll' .Ad; -.ulilil, -tM i'la-1 ..... .... and dllplk:a&a -_-tty ....... Clul>. --•· Acee t ._..1 tw ..._., ... ¥ae to otMn tM c • ._ ..,,.. • '1118 -~2TDM1 • Vllflt U.. ... 1•111 ... .._ &ft -.W ta t ·el· w;w~ a. .. _.. ..... 1 ..... a;ai41 .. f!i': !M£;96 ( '* 1 5 pp t $3$ 1 SJ ti 3 m, ~ ri=~~~:...... ....... _,,,, .. ,.. ....... __. altq. - -,..,. °' ... , ........ --a,., I r Ille l ...... ~~~-;;;;j;~·:;;;.. ... •.• al Jtluca• ., loGlll....,. ~.aa ' s, .... a ..... 11 ..... Illa t W "-. .... Cl&oll I ;.,.. Am; • • • ' $ $ YAWJS IN $ S J • Unfinished• ,i . FURNITURE .......... OeddallTaM. '*' ............. ... • • ~ •••••••• l".'••-•t•11 ' e e ,, . ..£.,. "*••a IMUI _. I . , -~ mp.• 04 1 • • • 100/o Discount on Any Purchase (llXCr:Pr ABALONE ... SlllUHP) BJ'lq t.bls !Mi to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET ,,_. Fhll Daily from Our Own llOatsl nu& llALJllON, 8WO&Dn8R, llAUllllT • Allii~ LOCAL WHITE SEA -BASS ARE HERE? , llARUCUDA -WHOLE, CLE.UiED ........... _ .. ,,,, ____ ,,Ji. lie YIELLOWTAIL -WHOLE. HEAD OFF (may bf) _ .. ,.-.. J"-- ll09 LafaJ'e&t. oa tlle Bay NEWPORT -r 116 BALBOA TUTORING SCHOOL OFFERS A 81X WEEK SE8810N IN ELEMENT ARY & HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS olULY Ind TO A UGUST I.Mb 8 :00 A.. Ill. TO U NOON THE EBELL CLUBHOUSE, BALBOA FOR ThTORMATION. WRITE 110 N AllCIS8US, CORON A DEL HAR or Call RAIL OJOl. W TV ANTENNAS Call us for installation or servking of your antenna e Prompt service by expert technicians e Low pr!_ces TIDE TY llarllorlOI ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO 181..r:) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M~ -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-lo A.M. . NEVER DID ••• NEVER W_ILL! • Money juat. doean •t grow on trees. U you wut to ·have a backlo~ of funda you have' to •w It. Save ·where you'll eafu pneroua ,.dividen&l and where Yflll'' avliip will be lnaured up' to $10,ooO • Save and have at NEWPoRT BALBOA FEDER- AL. Our>' Clln'ellt dMdeDd rate la 3~. Come la ' ~ 1ltart' today •. ' . . . Jb1!e '!-•n. Goel o. Ywa.w s, •• •• ,, . • .. tt • . .. .. . . • •• -•• • • • • • .. I .. • ·' • • • .. -,, . • • • v, • • I • t • . • • , . • ·~ I t ' '· . Local 5ail~ _ . Takes J rai~ing ·· Me sa omemak"ers 'Hear About Camp Mrs '-C4rf Ha'Ma · · Ent~ains · Gtoup "' ~om Le gioh Aux. Beauties fo ,Btc>qm in Long: Betch : Bapti.s_t ~a sto r .~ow " • ·, · · 1 • _ , 11a ""'I •• " at Conference , ' l(leadt eonununltla rrom l!anta•)(onlca o ~ o wu -,.,.,.. • • . , r.,. "" Uie w1np_ and a a.ad •"lln• .....,113' collfronted l:upno ''X. Lewb, • avi&Uon ~ tnan. third clau, 'tis:N, .... of Kr. and M'ra. Zari L. Ltwta of 110 Coat Highway, N~wport Beach, cant... and ht. crewmatu wbile ii7inl' by tm:tnunent. oveT un- familiar terrain. ' It .,,..· on.Jy an tmJt&Uon ntg-bt bl a navy aeaplane trainer at the U. S. Nan.I Afr Station, San Diego, Calif., however\ The tn.tn- " e1"1 interior 11 fitted With all the Wt:rument.a and equipment found tn Navy 1eaplane;t. At a control panel outatde the trainer ii an ln- 1tn1ctor who can pa,t the Plane Into Aituations encoWlter~ ln ae- u&l n1gb~. -'------ Ta le nted Boy Plays Lead in 'El Gallit o' Ja.e Gu.adahtpe: Vera, 10-yean old, will play the role of the boy hero who&e pet l• the bone or con· tention in "El G&Wto." (The UtUe Rooater}, rolllektng comedy of Yu- catan. to open Wednesd1,y at the Padua Hills Theattt. LitUe 1oae will be rememhered tor hi.a ta.IentM portr,p.yaJ or the child. Pa.nichito. ln the Mexican Players' famed Ch'"riatmaa drama, ~·Lu Posadas," tot the put two y1>en. With Vida Am&;doi and Carl~ Licon playftl& the roma.ntic rotea, leading character · pa.tU \\111 be ta.ken by Franciko Veluqu~. J~ O'Beao and Conchita Gal- lardo. lntf'rpolated In the a.ctlon of the m erry sta.gi play, to be preaented in the Englilb l.a.aguage, will be the be&uU.tul jara.na d&ncea &nd engaging 1Kmg1 of Yucatan. Witb the Ja.ma.cia poa:t-curtaln carnival tn the patio, and the 1'hur9day evening ·foyft' prO«l'&mS featurtr11 in&rtachi mualc to be continued. ..El Ga.lllfo" will be 1tapd. Wednuday through Sat- ,urday eve.nin1•. &nd Wed.nu.day a..nd Saturday atternoon1, through .A.up.et 18. U1-~~LOY'MENT DOWS Under the thne· Un'flnployment compe.n.utioft pro(Tam. ,adm4ii1- lfred by the Department of Em- ploymt'ht, lM,900 penona a week received ~ndit.. du.ring May, the Depa.rtxne.nt l&id. Thia WU a df.creue of nJ.ne per ttnt from t.M April leve~. Unemployment lMUrance bf'ne- fl.cia.rlea were dawn. by nlne per cent and di.ability lnaurance . claima.nt.I by atx pecr'ce.nL R.Ketvinc unemployment be.ne- fiU Wttt 17,tOO penon1: di.Ability, 18.400, &lid wteran.I' allowance., 100. 'N. Y. • 1'. I . PICNIC Mon th&ri a thouu.nd pereon!!I from varioua point. in Southern C&lifomia are expectf>d to attend the New York and New Jeraey joi.nt annual picnic to be held at Bixby Park, Long Beach all day Sunday, July 8th. An out.landing two hour variety prog-ram 1tarting at l :00 p. m. will feature the event and will be open to the general public. Regbtratlon ahttU will be conveniently P!•te<l where all may regUteir &nd make It euy to meet trienda from the old home atate. Lunchea may be purchued on the grounda by thoae who do not bring bullet dinneni. Troop No. 7 HAR.BOK AREA QvJSco1d N.w.t !Dd Oracle llrowll1ei1 Leader: Mn. Brooll: Ho.)·t Brownle• C1f Troop No. 7 com- pleted their year'• activitit>!!I with a vt.ltt to Knott.a Berry F&rm, with all 17 memben attending. Fine cooperation and 1teady attendance at mee.Unga have marked thi..t ye&r"1 acUvtUe1. Their ~adeors ar-e Mn. Jobn Shield, Mn. Ba1il Wil- li&mJtOn, and Jdn. Broox Hoyt. Next tall M.rt. William Herndon will ta.ke Mra. Shield's place and a well rounded progn.m bued on Indian lore la planned. Trrop No. I 5t.ll Ora.t.ie Scouta 1.-der: Mra. Malcolm A.rt'-bibold Gtrll of T~ No. ~ birld their eloein.r meeting in June, a!J re- ceiving their 2nd ~l&aS and cooking bad.pa. To the mothen attending the party, tbe (irla Mrved punch and cookies and ctJc:et made from their favorite reclpea. Acting u 1 Bi&' S~ for Troop No. 30, 4th (Tad• '1irowniea, completf'd their y~ar'• work. Kn. Kuneth Mer- riam ta c~leader. Troop N ... U lrdO_llN __ ,_, Kn, -Ool>'•r' The.N: U ..BroWu1M ttnbhed the folden of tMlr ,_,... work and closed ~ actiYittee wtth an ..ar1y IAlPJ>ft-pkaie bl trvtne Park on '.June 11~ TrMp N•" M •a.GrMe ....... • •••er: 11rw. DM011 B••.._r Ccmpletlq Utetr iequlremonto to lly up to llCol&UtlC. u ·--of ~ No.''30 ealfttalned their Blc statr; 1'caul ~ No.. 3 at t.halr etoPnc ~ . ....._.l@Uus at Ille ----J'red WoOdww~' ....,........... dlfl>- maa. Uld lln. .. ,_ .&fthbokl ~-"' -·ta.'. ' Cl.AU'J'ISD ~AI>&.. Coot& :W.. Hcmomalten CIUb and.the B-llellH 'ptbeftd ... onuy ,tor a Joh!< potludt lw!<h- eon 1n the CosLa Keu Park. .Of especial lr:iterut. were the report.a and ptctur.a p...,.ted by .. .,., bera atteDdiDI' tJa J"um Women'• Camp at ~orett BomL Betty Nichol.a pve a report on tbe county commJttM meeUn.s. A ftlm wa. abown-under tbe au. plcea Of Ule Amertt:an cancer ~ clety, foUoyr;ct. by a di.CU-lon led by Dr.__ M1ldred Wehrly of Santa Ana. . • A ea:mpleted layette for • Navajo l>aby waa tumed ln to the county chairman. Election of of· fieera for the comlng year reaulted in the choice of Pauline Mlthoff u chairman of the Homem&k.en; Betty Nichola, vice cha..lrman; Em- ma Poupa.rt. secretary. and Ethel Sherman, treuurer. The n e x t regular mttUnl' will be he1d in September. !'J!Y Homemaker wtll~g to U· sbt in the booth at the Orange county Fa.tr ta Uked to pleue call Betty Nichota. A ~eitpll\lljy' api;olllkd 1.:n.h- ton wa. l'fven for a l'f'OUP ·Of Le- eton '.AuxUtaty membera recently by Mn. car1 .Hanna at her new borne Ill Corona de! Mar. Tb.e 'fl"O\lp eon.at.t..S of th• w.i> men wbo have: been part.iotp&tlas In the A.wdll&ry'1 ba.pital •pro- 11"'1· for which Kra. Hanna bu been u. acUve VolUJ'ltNr. , , Jlany exclaJ:nattona of q>proval co\lld be heafd u the lad.le.a were ta.ken. on a lour of tn.pec:Uo.n of the new home, done m a myrtad o! matching .and contruttnc colon, and &tTM(ed eo Completely li'Ye- able. The "crowntns ctoiy," by unanuitoua choice, wu lbe ntra large Urtng room window which commands •an awesome vtew ot ocean, canyon and hW•. Following tbe uceUent lunch- eon, the afternoon wu rounded out with a game of canuta.. AUending were Me•dame1 Ralph Bonda, Fred Joyner. Ken- neth Markham, Pbtl Hayden, Robert Brtgca. and C@c,il Dina. Thoae unable to be present were Me&damee Roy Gehre. and Gilbert Opel. ' T. v. sm: FOR RENT -. ...... t.d by'beauwui bath•nr """vtlH at Ill• !An&'. -lllxpoottlon ~ •. P. a . 'rieumann:~tor oi Count y· O ldtim ers: . ~ llJZT quoetl -toitt, Jolt 4, It waa !UUIO~ today. the rtnt Bap\tlt church ok Ooota , , · Jam~ T. Van Dyk• repru<nt· ~·.~ ot love!y ladlel and 'ae1ecU011 ot a winner.MU be M•aa. IU1d Mrs. No\Unann, ... 'In' P 1c n1 c~at Par k ed Ult NewJ!Ort ~r bank at oae of tM lllghllchta of the Can!· Sal•m, Oro., ~h~ the local min-· .Ill• -unual llld!ti."1 jl-and ' lat"' la ·~c the ~ific Cout Annual attendance at Oranse conference or the ~dent cadtc of l'lr•. •PoMOi'ed bY. the 21>< Anq_ el en bs Ma rr.i ed cont•ren<!o. Tiiey will vllllt lrl•nclll County Old Tlmere ptenlc at Ir-~.~~-.~~:::SU::'!! 30 club of~ Loni' Beach ,a.t ~~ and ~~ve.a in Orel(On 'before H· Ylne Park ta a mutt for children ................. _ .Qll:AU • -• ¥unorta1 Stadium. . t c D . M c h u re h lurnln&'., liome. "14 rnndclllldron of Judge and W..k. with' mon tllan llOO com- Tbe wtnner of the July 4 COAtelt a • • ' _ · Mra. D. J, Dodge, Of Calta Meat., munity buken tn _at.tendance. wtU Uuin rWe tbe I()..day Expoal-JW:fnUy marrted tn Corona del !or tt alao becomea a celebration ~them. .,_ Calitomla'a ·:·'ml!(rl't.l..Dt dtlir Pa.1nt'1n g Camp1·ng· of the birthday anntverary of Wlntaton &Jid rad!o ·~ .... tloft durUlc' July 20-29 ao "Miu Mar commuatty ch with ""' • , Mrs. """·•. foatured at the conte..ru:O:-wltlch Atomic :"f Rev. Paul Babbitt ottlclatlng, T . f. · p -.... l'IY·" He.r klnCd<Jm were Robert Tally and l:lUdred rf p . +Or roct 1e r s ' Other Harborftea atttondlnf tbie included lnlp«Uon toure Of broad· will be the 2 a.era of uhlbita at Han.aon, both ot Los A.ngelea. . recent event lq.CNGed Ray CopellJl cutlng J'lUdios and, att.end&ncl at tb• M.ernoria1 Stadium rroundt Wltneuea were Mr. Talley"i Mr. and Mra. Burt Procter and and a group of frienda: alao Mr. a popular te.levilioA •Udl~nce--p&r• ttpreHnllng the moet modem brother and hie wife, vacationirir daughter Virpni& of Corona deli a.nd Mrs. -lohn Jobnlon and cbiJ-tlcipation ahow.. - product.I of Southland lnduatry. 00 Balboa Iala.nd. Mar returned home Friday from a dren af Corona de1 Mar Md Mr. 1------------- She w\JI be official boateaa to lhe two week.a c&n)ping trip tn the and Mn. Charlea Porter &'.nd aon ex.peeled halt· million Exposition Sequoiu. Virginia, seven years ot Newport. vlaitor1. Th d p· · old, got tn 10me pre-Olrl Scouting --~---- Entrant. will "' Jucjg<d by tho urs ay ICnlC UJ>'rlence by taking care ot her FUN FOR SUJ>'ERGOUS tlve top model.a of the Dorothy for DAR C hapter own small tent: and her father A •teak bake wu one ot the Farrier Model Agency of Lo. An· ca.me home with eome p&.lntinga recent pleuure. enjoyed by mem- plH, and include contest.anti from for tuture exhibit.. bera of the SunergoU1 group of Whittler, Huntington Park, P'u1ler-Capt. Alexander CI eve I and the Coata Men. CommUnity Metb- TIDE T. Y. 1011 !'o'EWPOBT BL \'II, ton. Ana.helm, Santa Ana. u well chapter, DAR, will have a picnic CARPD'TER8 AUXILIARY odiat church. The gay a.ffair was .. &11 major ~ communitlea. IWlcheon on July 6 at the SUvt>r· held at the Orange Park Acres Mayor Burton Chace of Lon~ ado canypn bome of Mrs. E. B. New oUlcera of the Carpen ter•' home of Wilma and Emll Mynhn. Bea.ch predicted that the. Expoel· DeuJl"ree. The chapter "A'as recent-Union Auxlltuy No. 216 will be __ tion"'Would become a national tour-ly ente~ined at a patio luncheon lru:ta.lled Sa.tu~July 7· at 8 ON TRIP TO TUMA lat attracUon &nd glve impt!!tUI to by the Mi.-ea Gertrude and Loutae p. m. in the Amertc Legion Hall, On a combin~w:lnesa and · Newport Beach .. Bal Coat& Mesa. . every phue of civic, bu.slnesa and Montgomery, bo& with Mrs. , pleasure trip to Y Ariz., went HARBQR !08 profeaion&l ltfe ot Long Beacn Roy Black glvlnJ the hiatoric&l Mn. Ernest Poup of Newport ''============:!! and all llUrTOUndtng cttiea. progn.m. Everybody radl tbe CJ.u8lft~ ada. Bea.ch recently. - Fuc hsia Show This Week at South Gate Denver, Colorado Springs a.nd other poinU were on the travel • Itinerary of Mr. and Mr•. Ellward The 4th Annual Fuch•ia Show Carr and eon Dick ot HamUton will be held July 7 a.nd 8 ln the -St.. Coata Meaa, ju1t back from a South Gate Civic .~uditortum, vac&tlon outlng. Southern and P inehurst street.a. ------------- South Gate, Calif., It waa an- noUnced thl..!I week, by Erne•t B. Cherry, president ot the N&tlonal Fucb.!!1.la Society ot America. Inc. Other .aha.de plant., including begontu, fem.a, African violets and rare speclmena will be: on dta- play. Flower arrangement.a, cut nOwer•, di.ah prdenlJ, and cor- aa°ge• will be featured. A section will be aet u ide for exhibit. by juv~nilee. "' aold cup .. •pecial &Ward wiU· go to the beat !lower arrangement and juvenile entry. ln addfUon to the Cup A wards, fir1t, 1econd, and third prlze rib-' bona are to be pre1entM on the deci•iorui ot competent judgea. The show ecbeduJe liata 125 separate claaailicaUOAI, and entriea are open to any and all nower enthual- ut• -tntormaUon may be ob- tained by writing headquarters: National Fuchsia Society of Amer- ica, Inc., 1188 Lexin~on .St., Pua- dent, Ca.lit. Alyn Nielsen Home on Leave , Observes Nata l Anniversary Alyn Nielae.n, aon ot M'r. and Mrs. Nielaen, 1720 . Waterfront Drive, Corona del Mar, had an ex- tra special birlhday th.le year. He a.rrived home on that day, June 28. for a ten-day leave before go- inar overaeu to Kor,a. The f'ourth of July holiday .... wlll be epent by Alyn ln Loa An1ele1 with hta •isteT Barbara and hia mothtt may entertain later tor him If ahe recovers sufficiently from her. two weeka of "tlu." A gn.duate ot Harbor Hi and 11tt:- ond year 11tudent at OCC. be b a rea.l golf enthwiia.at a.nd 111 hating the Idea ot pa.rting from hia clube. THE BLOODMOBIU: l l X l T will bl!I at the .Am.riean Leef.on Hall, l-"UI aad. Bay St.I •• ]l;~rt ~ oa .luJy 19th. I to '7 p. m. lace Track COFFH CAKI 23~ ,. ... 2,,_, Chocolate Iced ANGRFOOD 11 .. $1.25 .,., .. , ' COSTA MESA 98~ ... ,,.,, 1'700 Ne1'1>0rt Blvd. C-OROXA DEL MAR tos Cout B11hwa7 uoi·xA BEACH 176 Fof'fft A\·enue BALBOA 18LA.Jti:'D %00 Marine A venue Bia SY.'' ( IN All NYlON A TOTALLY NEW APPROACH TC FIGURE CONTROL Only thrtt ouncn ol f1brlc sci<nlilic1tly d<ti1ntd to lift ... support ... n11ncn th< 1bdomm, conlrol Ille 'IW,+1• and concour tM fieurc.. TM wtrft i• in the P••mted .S..ttiy Voauc dni1n and construction ... th« .... •y• •hoped fTont pon<l Available In eithtt ..,.. « , ......... Nylon 11no ....i.. nyton --~ *· ... •y• ftonl --·'*' .... "!"'--.. $8.50 ... ' . . • .,..~ ' I • • ~ BIP!iZT, C._r• M llar I • , • •• . ' . ' l'ltlll lllllll ' TOMATOES Save vp to 25 ~ off regular prices. Maydly SALAD OIL· Good ... .... -_ .. 57• frying. WO, ...... I. 7-• ....,. Nu Mede MAYONNAISE Highway brand 2::,L 19• PEAS Del Monte finer \· 1!: 17• Fla\/Ot whipped. ~ 37• •:" ,,. . (holf-p;nt jar, 26c) PllEIPPLE JUICE 1 :: T he parade of ."hito" you'll fi nd at Safeway this week can help keep your , food coots oweet and low"1t will pay you to pick your favorite eelections from the n umbers li1ted here and ohu ftle off lo Safeway. Dole blalMI. Exc9llnt,.,. ~ bo••Clll•· 14'-os. ccm. 2tc:) LOCI MEAT ~~~~k 1!:.L 45° SUGAI = t: 45° 1 :: 89° EGGS •Q!• .... 65° ~ -83° TINE IN H Tllll7'11tU ' Pillelpple c~ T II fimers c~.::Z: .. 1-·-. Qrede A. Pacbd --ID -·-··· 17• .. •. CORNED BEEF IWff Libby br1nd. 1H s.. 39• for quick meals. cw !MY CORlll> BEEF Excellent 1!: 43• hot or cold. DUCHESS SALAD DIESSlllG Half-pint, 2lc., Quart jar, 63c. • r:;' 35a WWOll SALAD OIL Quart boulo. 68c. ""' 35• Hslf-gallon, 2.49c' llettle 1H 11Nl11l llllU U,1y CoHH ~~ ~-71• Guorontffd fresti! f3-tb. pkg., 2.25) E4wn Coffee v~.::o• '.!· 87• Drip cw ,egulor. 12-lb. COi'!, l .'731 Nolt HiH CoHet ~:., ~-79- '" ICDNWf'I)' bog. t2-lb. con, 1.S7 I ,.... llHer ~::~ly 11.;"' 34• ,.. Fot tondwi(;twl. 124-oi. tor. 57cl LUCERNE FRESH MU Concenfrfltff Three times rich'r lhan rt-gular Lucerne Milk. Jugt replace ~·ater t~ f!:'l three quart• Lucerne: Extra-Rich fresh ~1i lk. Save money, too! QUART ' CARTON 54c I . . · U-rshmallo ftuff-l'le WS i·HI t ... 27• .... u -.111a c•• 7- 10 .... 19-.. •. 2 -:: 23• 2 :',k 15• ·CHUCK ROAST . . ... I" _,.,..~::;' -lladoo c:ul ,,_ abolold« o( u.s.~01CE .. GOOD ,.. bNI. Spec:lal low """" -69° BOD.Dfli Bm' tt=§ .. 35•. SIBLOll SIE 1 RS T .. 98c U.S. CHOJCI: .. GOOD bMC. CIOlm.ESS SlllLOIH, lb. l.12) FBYllli wans = ... sa0 SPA•tams ..==:tn.. _...31° Vilking Pock Frmt, mod:R. bc.S&ent f'°"'9r. .. 6S• • MARGARINE Sunnyhank Yellow. Quartered, cartoned. Dolewood Yellow. QUMlorod, cartoned. Iii. 33c .. zsc CANNED MILK Dairyland Evapor1ted. 2:!21° rllllll, lllllT •Ml llW Snow Siii' ke Cream .:"'..:. 18c a-.ocoaate Of vanlllo flGYOrS.. Froslee Mi1 I?<~"' !~· ·13• Lipton's. Regulor or chocolote .. hgle Br1nd Milk · '!.-:· 27• Borden's.~. sweetened. Mini W1fers Rbc•wood :>~· 33• Mrs. Wrig"''s Br~ ·i: 20- Whit• ot wheot, shcitd. CSmoll loaf, I 5c) Thin Sliced Bread '::: 23• Donald Duck br'ond. white or wheot. Chopped OliYes 2 • ~.;:· 17• hll's, riJ>9. Sardines Kh~ ~"' Slll<ks Herring King Oscar Kippered King Oscar KiPPI'~ Cheez-ff Crl<kers Duldt Mill Cheese 1 ~;:·· 28• tv ...... 11• ... ':::· 22• ,_ ... 11· •••• ~:· 33• Amitrlcon °' Amer6Can Pimiento. Cheese ~~~.~.!1 t:· 1. f I Rik Rak Cleanser 2 1:;::· 23•. Slicetl Beef lh• ,.,. 79-,,.,_ •. Cke• ,... fillet :~ •. 41• Fillet of 1t1•d1ct :c:.. •. 47• --11#0 Me#'--' - fflfSH CORH ' ----------------OIYDOl.SOAP LARGE 21• GIANT 79• 24«..... . 65«. .... -----------------WHilE MA&IC SOAP . LARGE 27• GIANT 53• n.-..... _,... . --------------~-- ' LAllCE -4&e CWlf 57• , .n-...... T-.... ( I • I In ...ted paQogn. , Swift's Pr1•lm ~ 6l• · 1111 w Hin i:.:: 33-c.•_., hllliil ::-57• ·DIAL· ... .SOAP 'IUDI rl~ifH • ize · 11'6 .... 23• I , .. ~. . .... . . I 2 ................. , ~ ..... -...... ..ui-:· • .. ' Elberta: Fr111toM 3 .... 25° lylM Lut II ... I ; 30 . ..... ., ........... . ' Rw;i·Wlllas..etJ-.. ' " 3*0 ' 1)1I111 Grotril: r-e-.. • • • ' • ' • ' :.':. ' • ' • - ' • , • . . .ull: I mL1' C. lNI :.:&WW MY • • ' ' • I . • • ,. ..,.. IPon' AND llBOPnNO Ja:WS Rev./Paul Babbitt fleeted Head • Aa 1 •• ,.7 ·~'cl.I 0 ... ..1..:~ Ri -Charles, . ' GF'inde' ' ,. Rit , >' ....... •tt.v : . nw -,. IJCJfUOia llllll' 1 es· "' .. """ .. "" 1.m .11:ap ·~ C•'"lns &U unawur ~ · ~ !. t ,._.., i...a • Gt!CL Ulill 11111• .. Mutual o14' 11 •t11e M; 7 7 • Cl?ll -Ill ... 111'7 " ~ ... 10U& dUl;J' .... ...; ,.,_ - _,, ,_ ............ -Ill • of ·Hamor f ouncil of · Churthei . ' . July 5 Meet for Lutheran WQmen- TiM Women'• KlmJon&ry -lety ot tho N-rt Bar-Lutlloran dwrdl w1ll ...... TllU.-y, July I , at a 14 m. In tbs bom• of :Mn. V trpria ,Botfud, ~ Kapoli& An., Collla Jile9a.. AD wmnea of u.. churdl .... "'rdlall:1 hmtod to attend ed bTtn$ tlttir trtenda. · ElecUon of two of.ncen and vot---------~---~ tlnr ot ,.lu-17 •wardlJ' Wtt• ehld dent, 11-<v. PILuJ Babbitt of Corona , .. ,,.. on tho apnda when N-· .s.1 Mu Commtl\'llY Cooa-NPUon· port ~r Council of Churcbu al cburch, W'ltlte ~. HerWrt Roth ot Newport Harbor Lutheran met June 28 unde_r ftnal cltalnnan· c'hurch WU nameb 'Ytc&-prealdent lhJp of U.. Rev. Joeeph nompagn. and cb.airm&n ot ap«ial ~vent.a. Mr. Tboplpeon, prutor of Coat& fth._ Mesa Com.munlty Method lat Rev, Paul M'oonr nnff.8, rec- church, b.M bef'n t.ramterrecl , to tor of St. James S,lecopa.l cburcb, Wlde_red WU appointed d\airman ot the ' . Brawley and tbel'tfOl'e "'United Every Member Canva.u. .. TJD BLOODMOJDU tJ 1f t T hla rutrnaUon u chairman ot Ule ,,·111 be at th~ 4mftf'1= Lest-council. wtlicb wu acttpt.cl with the R~U.lfoh 1n Amt.rlcan Life pro-- 8.. N ·-,0,_. -•--•-.a'•-aucc·-• !"ft-am. An ~fter lf'tatly appJ'ect&t• Han. l~th and Bay .. ewport .._~-r •·-~ ~~ ...., _.... ... T' M • lub I 1 tw:n wu lh9 former vlc~preal-fd WI• that of '"' • tn I c --==h=·=·='="="'='='=.-.=='"== ... =m.=============;:; I offer1.ne to htlp cl\urcbe. with r tMlr 8UllUl'ler y outh proctaJnl. ·Constant Ad~•• lising One otep won't t&lr• you very far, You've got to keep on walld.Dg. One word won't tell 'em who you are, You've got to keep on talkipg. An Inch 1o;on 't male• you very tall, y 6u've got to ke<p on crowiJI&. One little ad won't do It all, You've got to keep them eolnr. A conatant drop of water Wears a way the hardnt It.one ; By constant gnawln', ToWMl' Masticates the toughnt bo,,.. The constant cooing lover Carries off. the blushing maid ; And the coulallt advertiser ls the one who geta the trade! • T• Give ..A.wwda Tbe counc:U vot.ed two yeul,J aW'a.l'd8 tor the "Chutt.nman and Churchwoman or the Year." Th1I Will tak& the form of a plaque And will be pr..iwmt~ on Reforma- Uon Sunday, October 21 of lh1a year. Each minWter parllclpatl.ng ln th• Newport Council of Churchea may nominate a man and woman from hi•. church, an outline of ac- tlvttl~• to be presented with the nomination.. TMee will include contrtbuttona to local church and family ll!e, the ecumenical church movement, commun ity life and CbnlUan miMtonary work. After the couqclJ Mlect. three top mt"n and women, ttnal choke wtll be made by a board of judrn in1ggt11ttd membcr,11 belDg Judge Morrison and Dan Rider of Sant.a Ana: W~n Koren, Santa Ana YMCA: C.rleton Buck or f'uller- ton : and the pre11ldPnt o! 'the \Vo- mtn'1 A•oclaUon or Orange county. -cJ&Mttifd ada an rud by t ollul who are loo k ine to buy. .·INSURED • -. ' SAVI NOS CUIUllT UDINIS '•r Annum SlYlllS IOW llSIW _ UPTO ....... I oeton. Gi L el Se . . S J , .... Wl1I ...-i.ate 11!1111 . -la4r-n:r<>::ted~=:...i:: ven ov fJ tt1ng 'at . 't.\ *' ~~~~=~ ~IJCl•te ... ,. ss•at rs--... P'•• ...... ,Ulll .... d'rl ... tO itftlt uin; ablft .. tbo ...... 4 -~ ~ 't6 11o '111&11• la ·--u.,t,oa .......... _ ~·-k i. ... 1-.1 ..... -'"\ " ll t.be "'"' outdoor .OW.. to '9 -_"_, w--WM, --.. . , Bllwa. .--,,_. .,1-~ ~ eare tat tlae •• ... _....,, , • - p,...,Ucl lhrollgbout t11o c1ayaur. darlt-.y..s BarbUa RollOrte IUu. -,..,. _.. . .,. tlie...,; _ ftlll 11LOOD1i1o1D.a 1llfl II>,-... l~l ·-· -t~ dalllbter ot Mr. Uld Mta. lkTTell -Orude for ... W'MdlJla' in. 111--. --111110.t --· ... ··~=11~··~:::= Aue. 111-111, tnellllllve. IL RMI ot BWIUllCl<ft BMeb wll<ll to Sequoia and T-lte Nalklnal l'l-1 Aa .. ftC111o1tr ·--, !Ja -,_, -Jhs:M Many of. Ole clue• studloo ""4 aho rfpeated "°"" wllh a.on. parlLI. &lie -,..-w • -., ,,.. ·::-:::-.:.~wlll__:_:_.:".:.';..""__:_:_".:.:_-__:_:___:_:__•_:J:r ... _::r•_·.:..•_••_•_l_eq__.___1_ .... _:__•_ .. _,_P._"'}~ mualcal a-roupa thrtJUfbOUl Ui• -Onndc. -ot Mr. Md Ocddmtal coll•ce and lo o moiD·" '.--------------------------i country •"'1. oun<>W>ClinS ..-.. ,... Mn. Lloyd O•an4o un j un• Zl _ In ber , of Jlet& Phi Delta llOl'Ol'lt1. II already planntns-to p&rtlcip.te bl SL Jam" Eplacopal church. . Mi Grande. a padUJt• ot aw.- th prosrama. B&rb&ra was ffven '!Y her t... tord unlftt'llllty, la a metnW Of There arti &Ull a tew lfPOW OD thtt ln a.n elcf\t o'clock *1ns'*-rtnS" -'l'tlN O.I fnUrntty. the dally pro(TlllMI for ~e appea· cenmony petfvi•aed by the Jtn. ance ot Sood dancen, atacera. mu-PaUI Moore Wheeler, rector of the ~--•---D--...IL.-.. aictan.. a.crob&ta, Jurslera, mq~ dtUl'Ch. He-r bridal CO'llfll wu ot ..... ~.... ~ cl.,.., comedian. and •nn animal dellc:ato whl .. taco MUI n<L , ... For''""' _POI ... acts and otber 1tage specialty te&-la.c. appltqued In trnru»r ~ turr.. Oft tbe net yoke ol the titted ~ Tho.tt> t..tere.1t.ed ahoald contact and topplnc ""'\he Vtty tuU flared J~ Wall&ce of Santa An&. m.a.n-net 1lclrt, poeed oY• a ·Mtln .tip. ager of 8peci&I ewnt. at the Htr ttncertlp tulle Tdl1 'WU hfld Orange county fair g-rounti. tor by • J uliet cap ot lace and ber audition a.nd program 9Chedule. bouquet WU ot white orcbiida a.nd Addn• of the tatr grounda, lo--atepllanotta. A .inp •trand ot catPd on the former Santa Ana pearlll completed her enMmble. Army Air Bue. t. 20391 Newport Ma.in ot honor, Joy Wttwer Md Blvd., Co.It.a Mea, call!. Pbone 1& atda Katherine .A:-Cbty Cue Kimberly 3·82'1~. and Pa\ty Cockrell 8eb:ryer, 1Nft gowned allke tn lllne (rffn orran- Owne r Protests Boat Tax Bill A format application fUed with the board of .u~ wbm It tiU .. a board of ~uallsatton WU Uie only \\ray left open to boet owner R . \V. Koell., Loe AnS"elee, who t. di&u.tl.tt~ "1th a S281.41 t.aJl bill on hbi boat whJch ill .... !etwd at '8000. ThP boat ~ berlhf'd ln Nnrport Harbor. K0otb WTote flnl to ...l..MeUOf' Maurice F'. Enderle and laltt to thti board of aupttlvor1 demandinl' a ttducllon in ~ valu@: on the boat &Mceaed to Harold C. R.amaer-. "'It I• entirf'ly pouibJe If no aatlafactory adjuftment ia made that the boat wUJ be moved out of Or-Ulwe county, which. wtll re- sult In Orance county loeins th• boat u a piece of tu.able prop- ert)'." Kot>b "'rot• the 11.1pervtson . He protf'~tf'd the craft wu .. Maeed at $$400 In 19-48, ~780 in 1949, S:M)()O In 19~ and ahould have conf' lower thla yur "'r-ecoc· ni&lng e•tabli&hed deprMlallon," Enderle had written Koe-b that boats or the tY'J)P had been held for Sl ~.000 lo $18,000 In the cur- rent market and that the NOOIJ I ~ value \lll'u con.tldtted "very fair." Koeb pve no prk•. but .-id lut Al• of a Nter 1h.lp in the nttt. ..... "11ubat.&ntlally "'"' law" the price quoUd by Lbe u- .. soor. Hold OPS Clinic u . Contrutlnl" note WU th.elr noeepys of •hell pink. Richard ColetU .,.,., but mazi and uahera ~re Alan R.1ea, brot.b· l!T of tl'l:e bride and Robttt MWer. Shell Plak Theme Floral Mttin• of U.. cb.urch waa carried out ln aMll pink, only note or wh.tte kinS' the alt.ai-n.ae11 of &ladloJt. EIHwbue, mtnrttnr wtl.b rreenery to twine t.be many tall u.nctuary cand•l&bn, ln the cha.n«l bo:m::e.• a.nd ~t.ufht with pink aatin bow1 to pnt enda and candelabra of the center at.lie, were a n1yraJd or rl.a.dLoll. Esther Reed daiaiea arid •tock In pale..\ pJAk, even tbe canvae of the alale M&ns ln thf urnie aha.de. Durlng th• mU1k?&l pr•lude Kitty Ca.ac a&n(, "0 Perf.ct Love" and M the couple kndt on •tin cu.thlona before th• altar. 'The Lord'• Praytr." GuHia were r.ceJved Cn the p&ri«l houae. AM1atq were Mra. Rtee. mother o< th•'bride. cha.rm- lnl" In te&fo&m ll'ffh chttfon over taffeta, 'wllh aMll pink a.c ceuorlea and pink orchid conace. Mni. Grande <"h~ a amart combination of citron Wfeta with clnnamon accf'uortea. and bro'A'll and (Teen orchid cor•a.ge. Brtide'I Tahle Th" bee.utit'UI llertd cake cen- tered a table coverf'd wtt.h a WOYfn .Uver and whit• cJoc.1', Surrowad-lnc it Were plnk ala.cHoll. and f..-n. .A.t each aMJe were t&pen; in crya. ta.I candelabra and at enda of lh• table wue twin .Uver punch bowlll. Olvtns' ...... ..anc• in MrY· tnr WV• K&ry Alyce Mt.raMJJ., Nancy Vqft Law, 8btrley ltlltott, Mre. Allee P'rHlnU. aunt of the bride and M.ra. l..ou». . .Elder• her couoln. A WbJlf knit dNN . wtth navy acceuor1e. and ber wblt.. orchid Z.. spite ot CGftUAU<d 'ell!P- by --.... hMltll exporto Oil pod poetun, frw . people demon· otntc IL ' Thb1 la the oplnion ot Dr. Nor-J mu P . KUler, aulittant prolff90r ot ph)'•ic&I education on tbe Loe An;e-iea c:ampu. of the thltvtt1lt7 1 of Calltomla. He -u.. -la tbt poop!• -·· tuJJy .-........ wl>at s-ood paeture La. Here la how ~ de- Krlbee It ! "8tandinr-an tmartnary plumb line should run' directly th~ th.e center of tl'le body: alttlnr- ~r and li>w"er back lhould touch the bec k of \.be chair witb ffft tlat oD the floor ; w.uanr -toea •traJP.t ahead wtth hHl atrtktnr (?VUnd tint, aM&d of outer bor- der of foot, wtth abdomen tla.t, be&4 blah. cb.IA in and a nnai awinr· lnl' freely." , Dr. Miller dNCrlbed two exer· c-. tor bettn-poM.urt:. . l . :ror u.e "hffl cord atn:tch," ttand at arm'• lenrth factnr the wan, wttl'i back net aM fMt llia'htly t• in. Wltb the h.anda oa the wall at ahouk1er he~t. bei\d arm. unUl ehe.t nearly touche1 wall. kffpinr th• ba.ck flat. More at"rtt.ch can be p lned With feet farther from the wall. 2. For the w!ndmill," att on the noor wfth arma extended 1id•· ward. lt"I• spread wide ap&rt. Tw\at to lb• r ll'hl, reachtnr for t.b1 ristlt toea w1tb UM Jett ftnrert. l ltttch a..nd hold the poelUoo mo- ment&rtly, then aJterna te toward the Jett tou wtth the rtrht hand. Incre ... the •peed u you become. a.bl• to touch the U>d. L UNCH IN' CITY Mn. J errold Spana-ler of Lldo Ille a.nd Mre. Rk.hard Dttlmar oC Co.ta Kua went to i.o. Anrele1 one day lut Wffk for ahopplill' a.nd luncheon. The January lt~l Karch or Dirn.. appMl ill C&llt'ornla brouPt • reeonl·~rw&ldas-u.n~.- 000 to tM natt.Oft&J. K arch or Dim• all-time bl&'• total of Pl.- 2'3,000 lo Ulp In u.. tlpl •plnat polio, It WM reported today by L. K. Glannlnl, l\ata March of Dim .. -. ----- • ... ,kcly ...... --ed-- ' • 3 ............. ~. SOJ. • Dama .....,._ ,,.-BAUi ?5.911 to 29.911 .... ••r•••••••..'.-•-•-s-U8 .. 11.81 25.00 to 29.96 F••F•T?•F•-F•rr-rr __ u.oo to _JUI 29,96 to 49.llCI rrr·••r•r-rr••s•--19.88 to ~ HON: .. ,. 54 " 60 JU&«• ••••••••-••••••••••••••-r 1.llCI lll/lll •--••••r~--••••rr••-r••rr-•7••••••••-• 1.M 51/30 7 .r,-••••••••••••F••-• •• 1.:50 , 8EI! OUB 8CILUIBLE l;D LE BLOUSES 1· i.95 to 5.96 ·-----·z·----------·-··-'·-%.88 to 7.96 to 10.llCI --------us ,to 9 .95 , ••• •s•-• ••••FF•••• ••'·-r-•• ••• •r•••• ·- 10 .95 to 14.50 ?••••F•••••••rF•F•••••F•O 5.00 to 12.96 to 17.95 •••••r•••r•-•••7-•••••-6.88 to IACKEl'S MUI 1.16 1. .. .IO 29.96 to 37.95 r ••r•••••-rr••••r••••l5.00 " to.• SUPS ud PETTiOOAT8 (RayOA or N7loa) 3.l!O to 7,96 s•--•••:•r•••-·•-·•--1.88 .. 1.811 6.96 to Hdll! -----7·----U8 to IJll GOWNS .ad PAIAllA8 4.95 •--•••••••r••••••r•r•-••rr••••••-7-S.00 5.95 •••"""""••·••••••••--·••·-•-r•r_•_ ~•.88 •- 12,95 to 16.95 ·------------------·z·z--U8 to 18;00 BRAS (32 tbnJ. .W) 2.00 to 3.50 -·-···--------~ GlltDLE8 7.50 PU1t81:8 ·--·---·-~·-~-···-·····-• 2.95 to 5.00 --·----z·•···-.:._ 1.88 to S.00 BELTS to 3.5G-Reduced to •-•r•---·--------- F1owen, 1 .... e1ry ud )(Jae. Item. Bed-4 LOO 1'11 c..& ...... ... .... -Co_,... ....... ' A t..h.rh·man .. c:1ilJIC" : cowrlng an govem.rnent prl~• reculatlOM .. -u1 bti coru:IUCted ill Dodl'e H&U at N f'wport high echool, Monday eve- otnr. July u. · Hay La.n•uhelm, Cha mber ot Ccai.merce aecrel.a?)•. 11aid the vta- lt Ing" OPS •pttialiat.-J will be ava.il· able from 7 :30 to 10 p.m. for ln· dtvtdual qUNlion.1 and consult.a· liona. Thrff cla.u rooms have been rea.ervtd for 'lhe projttt. II' YOU ARE PAYIMO MORE THAW TBISE ·pmca YOU ARE PAYING TOO MUCH! Orange county, heretofore ln Ute Lo. Ange~• OPS diatrict, hu bttn 1h.JfU<l lo the San Die10 d'9- tnCt, or which Imperial county al8o l9 a membfor. \Villi.am C. Moe- 1u~.r la a.cUnl' San Diego 1dl•tr1ct.. dlr~lor, with hieadquartera at 1216 81f:ventb Ave., San Dlt>go l . The price panel eominr here will Include Oeor1• J. 8lngrr , in con- aumer good.I : Leon A. DeVuy•t. foods; and T . A. Mitchell, lndu•- tria.l g~ and ervice trade•. Human Relations Course at SAJC Advanced college training" for mtlltuy penonnfi and clvillarui wW be ottered by the UnJvenlty or C&lUonlia. extension Monday whm a coune In ".Applit"d Human Relation•" operui at Santa Ana junior coUere. Meelln• each ).fonday and Tbur9day from 7 to 10 p. m. 1n Bulld~r 19, Uie new cour.e wtl1 be lmtructed by Dr. HamUton Moody, staff cl lnlcal psycholog:lat at the Looi' !Seac.h Veteran• Ad· mini1lration hoapltal. 1'ormerly an. lnd.uatrlal enpnee.r, Dr. Moody bu done work ln oc- cupational analylll and penonnel reaearch for the Bell Aircraft Cot'· poration at Marietta, G&. The clu.I will continue tor i.•. meetln.p at the collel'e• Recommission Blimp .Base TUAN JR. CAP PISTOL Our Reg. 98c Value 79c . IULOOllE BEPEA~ CAPS 3 ...... 10' KOOL4AID lhku 2 qt.. of• oott drtnlLI. Juat the thinr tor J)Qp91cldea. Be~ lie ftg. 3.for 10c • l'ros. 'Aif-'•IJe \ .~e1R14 The Banta Ana u&11ter-ftoa· • • T"ASTER - • Air -wlll be ·-ttntod to '"!!" operato alnlilpa nut Frida)' at • , · , ~ l.f.1111 4th&: lre•clw.y • TONI REFILL KIT Santa -Ana • • • • DB. WEll'l"S "lllnele-Tuft"...,. Beg. 5llc Value TOOTH· BRUSH • •• • • • • We B111n e tlae R&P-t To IJmtt· Qau.itu. ' • STORE HOURS 9 A. M. to 10 P. M._: • Sundays 12 Noon to 8=30 P.M. , • • • • COLGA TES TOOTH PASTE-. • • • JERGEN'S LOTION -• • • • • • 5.9~ BB BB.AND, ... tie -.All .-.. ucl Styloe --BALL POINT PENS · • • • • • • -' K-M AUTOMATIC p..m. A new • .Naval Reeerft Ttatl· At ,~-~~ :"'JM!~ 0ie1:::.'!:: ~ngles . . ~ r.i • UoG otnc. o! C.. U. S. Noni Alt _ • • • --at i-•1om11.. JIJ!TU· TIM --lo the ..,ty llP!ar-PICNIC !MA.air---...... --. =: -., -In the u.ltod 1A5•11 s 0nm ......... cl lllO ---l'!dt"DC". l. Be:rtJiwt .&. Bl •er, 'l1'e _..m.._ -h .. ___.. fl 'q' -..... wW" ...... ta Ii --....... .-.lnl_., Illa ... -· ....... -I At ' • . ,4' ·-IL Dorio. .-ot -Air • ·,. ->11s -1 a_~er:m:itl!•~·~J~·~~· ..!!;._J_ ti'Mlla t ' I • \ -. At , Prlntle• • • I I , • .. • ' • • . ,, .. . ' • ' • , , . • • • I • • '>, . . ~ . .:. 'Thuncl.y, ~-5, _1951 I NEWPORT II>,. Y POST ~ND SHOPPIN& NEWS . ,. • • • • ~~~~~ (111..-i~ .... ------~·~ ~·---- .A CARLOAD OF CHl~KEN . "'~~l 'INA'M~. ._·/. with SWANSON ·· ' Can1ed '(HICKEN ., TURKEY -. . ' N _ . . .. ... ..... • ... !;,. .••.•• , •. c ' • . •• -...... •.. ""·-:·. ·..... •• ~.:.'. • • , •• '1 •• • • • • .. -.. . . . ... •'•... . . . . . ....... ,.. . . ... -..... ~ . ~-· . . . . 3 BIG SALE . DAYSI · Thursday, Frid~y:·~turd~y., .. I And Save At These Low Prices • Jul 5-6-7 "We Specialize ..-i,~----.... -------...,.--------. In Courtesy" FINI lj)UALITY-LOCAL POL. G"ROWN . 6~ GREE" . BEANS . lbs , ______ _;. .c: SWANSON'S WHOLE . . SPRING CHICKEN J~. $ SWANSON CHICKEN FRICASSft ,._.L 53' ao-oc. W SW ANSON BONED CHICKEN .. ,...._.,.., ~ .... ...._ 55·· I SWANSQ8 BONED TURKEY ......, .... ·-. • • ..... 53• SWANSON CHICKEN SPREAD .......... _ • • • ....... 29" SWANSON CHICKEN A lA KING ,. .... ,.., • 1e 1, .. 49° SWANSON NOODlE CHKKEN DINNER ••• , ..... 34• SWANSON NOODlE GlllET DINNER •••• ,...._ 24' No. t i-; Fl.+ c •• e SWANSON'S FROZEN e .. CHICKEN . FRYERS 11-lb. $129 Pk9. Ev•rfre•• lvlse•ret•d Beltsville TURKEYS TIDE SCOTT TOILn TISSUE 1000 SHEET 1 OC ' • • • • • ' IO\.L 1 • ' 1 It 1eN It's • ' • 1 • MIRACLE SUDS ~~;::--:::::==-----· "II WI SH11 · SSTBAU ~~ 43c :.' ... r.. AN • rt'.: -Lar9e ........ CAN • " ..... GB tf. Pk9. --------10.111.1., 1111e J°. FANCY-LARGE RIPE-FtNijljlUALITT . f . CAN-T ALOUPES lbs • \r1 •!J\ \~/!)[ t1'fl'.':l~I ' c lb. 29c iELsAtiNLAvo•si 4 '1~25c 89c ...., : ~=====::=::.=:.=-... -; ____ -rt 11'1 46 oz. Ca• -YOUR CHOICE-11'1 46 n. Ca• 3 ~:~ 89C DEL MONTE SALE GRAPE-ADE 25c ORAIGE-ADE sw 1n ·s .PEA. S EARLY GARDIN 17c ALLAM111cANru11 35 c JEWEL OIL · 11 ·..... ............. IAYOllAISE ~'.:.' · ~-~!::1~59c No. Z ~>Cao ........ . -_..., STiWi,_, .. ,,EOWL 53•. iii>UN BEEF ,65•. .FRUIT COCK~AIL 29c All A-rl••• Sele4 Dreul•o-Pl•t Jar ZSc ' Fttll ljlttart ~ O•r hri Wllel• or 11 ... er 19 •TOIATO .:!~c~.~-. 3 ... 19c Diii Pickles 24-. Jer C s .. w Fl .. • Crl•l'Y Fr••h 'i~~ 25 C N Hile " 45• Re4 Sllv•r . • 9• G•W Mw.A ••• •·oz.,~,. 1-111. ,.,. CRACKERS HALIBUT STEAKS . a SALMON SJEAKS 5 • .PINEAPPLE ~~~:~Co• 29c IOODLES 1 sc 29c ,_;_u_i:-iii-slhl-... -N-'-C:-~· -cy-.:~-;e-.. RMI ....... Strrichor 23:. laf9s a· R"Y11··.~;. . 69f. .JUICE TOMATO 25C MorcoDelYelley 49c MJ.u1oo •••Halve• 25C WHITING .:::;Y I" 4Ha. Coa. • • • • • • · · • . PINTO BEANS · APRICOTS N~, ,, ~ S·llt. la9 ......... .. . . . . • . . . • . ;:::;:;;;::;:;;;::;:;;;:::!!::=====::-::=========· == He•ri Sto..i...i Pltt.41 RIPE OLIVES IUY NOW AND SAYll ~ . fROZEN FOoos NATIONAL IUNDS • FROSTEb . . . CUT IREEJI BEAllS ,. ... CUT WU BEAIS , • .., -PEAS I CARROTS u O&. -· = 1EAS :· • Your Choice • . l , KOLD KIST SAIDWICH STEAKS . J Y1.0Z .. 15c .. No. 1 Tall Coo . For . Lunch Box • ~ 25 c TEAGAIDIN STRAWllRIT 39C PR~SERVES .. ;::! Jar . . I' For Picnic Basket 59:. ·~ .. • · DL IOSS CAii Flovonl 11 C DOG FOOD . To~~(:~. • • cm· iiilii' '.··~:-! 29c I As"t'o ... rE$C"'Gl1 l0 w :~ -:::-.: ...• ;~ s2 41 · o Sloo Gl1 flllll Flftll Flftll $299 6Y-oi. Ru. •-c.11i.. w ...... , \ • • 1 I I I ~' • I 0 •• . , ' I I PAGE • ·-'l'ITLY 4. lift I·WHEN • Nl:WPORT BAJ' • ll'OllT .um SHOPPING 10CWll . ... . . Ooen-;lids for -Hoag, ffospital , ··.1 ' Swim Fins Flnal plan.s, for \he ROI&' lt•morlal Boapl!&J, P?Qbyterion, ~" \ been •"""PUcl a<cor<11nr to a otatement nwW by ~, 0. Hoq, adlng ch&lrman of tbe Hoepltal &>.rd of Dlroctora. WiUt tlle 'ap- proval of the plans 'vhJch 'oceurred on Wedtte:llday ~ they now So to the contfactora for bid& B.&ddlng will nmt.la open fo ,. thl.r:f.Y day1 and July 25th hu bffn flXed to -·c 'L 'A s ·s.1 F-I ED • • The Mighty Midq~-ln Adverti1luq We atlD ban the good rubbtt onea We stve SltH ~reen Stampl 1 WANT A'b will cost you \ . . . ' ·Gunderson Drug Co. 117 Main Street only $2 a nd it will run NEWS-TIMES --Every, Tueeday Harbor 016 Bal._ the closins dale to ~elYe bid& 1 give eome. ktea ot the lmpolb\I' a. H . c. Cllambera.. tbe Architect 'ture of the main 1tructur.i. C&p- who prepared the plana. With of-eclty of \he boepltal i.. .et u T6 flcea at 124 Weet Fourth St., Loa beda but there will be ovtr one ' . . Ange.lea. Will have coplea available hund{ed room.a ln all, In the 111alri for contrutor11 lnte.reate'd tn IUb-buUdinr u now planned. Provt. milting conatntction bid.I. The ion for adding addlUonal room.1 at plan8 require 28 large aheeta Jn minimum coe:t of tlme and mat.erl-· all, and becauae of the general (n.-al ha.I been included in the plan- ttre-at In the b.o$p1tal project for nlng. • thl!' cout ot Ornnge county, bids will be opent' at the City Hall, l'\ewport Beach Friday, July 27th at 2 :30 p. m. { ue Board ot Direc- tors ot the Hospital may accept .... •.n.v ot the bids submitt~ or may ca.JI for new b ids if they so decide. According to Mr. Hoag, the •pecificationa call tor the use or about 100 tons of steel In shapes Margarln~ b~ad crumb• make an excellent topping tdr cauerole di3hes. To make the topplng, melt two tableapoon• or margarlne ln a frying pan. Tum into the pan one cup o< finely ground bread crumbs and 11tir con.tta.nUy over a low fire until thPy are thoroughly mixed. a nd sheets with 240 tons ot rein-, Sports !ilbermen on public forcint steel. The amount ot ce-party boat.a operating out of Call- ment needed reach.e.. the Imposing fornia ports brought back more total of slx lhouund seven hun-tha.n one hundred a.nd fourteen dtf'd barrels. Ovf'r five thousAnd thousand. albacotfl during 19~. re- • q u a r e feet of plywood will be por4_ the National Automobllf' rrf'qui red In con.strucUon and other club. h11port..ant itenl.8 &re 25 t~ of •ter l pipe. fifty toru of ~ii pipe Gla.M !.! a hard substance. indeed, a nd fittings. Electric outleU nUfT!ber 1860 admits the National Automobilt v.dth 30,000 fet't of conduit to con-club. UnleM however. _the mo~or­ JJ.•ct them. Over 100 lighting fix-Lst clea.na the wind!!lhleld carefully turps will be needed and 260 with a. aoft cloth, be wtll discover , plumbing fixtures will be required that the grit covering the aurface . . ' NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPOBlr-BAJ;'80,\ PRESS -Thmsdays . . . ,.. .. -... ~~ .. au ... , a=rtn.t Ada ........ la .... Tae•• ll ... n-.. '.-.n~....,. MJNlllUll. AD 18 & _LINU il ~ed ... mual llo i-141 rn Coall la .. ._ of,,,__ • Uaess 1 Paper ' .75 tu-i~ 1.50 4 Un.. S Papen 2.00 The publlahen will not be rupomlble for more ~ one lncol'Tttt tnlert.Jon ot an advertiae.ment, ruerve the riC'bt to correctly claaalfy any and all ads and to reject a.ny advert.Llemu.t not conformln& to rule• and rerulatlom.. Advert!Hment. and cancellation. will bi· accepted up to a p.m. on lhe day precedlns publication. Pb. Har. 1111 Pboee Har. 1811. aak for .. Ad Taker" or Mad ad Md nml&a.ie to NEWPOaT BABBOB PUBLISHING 00. Hll lll&lboa 111•"-· Ne'""°"-. OallfonUo. ••• , .••• 24-Scbool -lnstnictlon TUTORING El._mentary crllde teacher with ' yr. Bachelor ot Science degree will tutor up to four atu<U!nt1 part or all of the summer. Ph. Beacon 1376-R. 37c4-2 Violin Lessons Public llChool mu~c tea.cber has opening · for a few violin pupil1, Have two violin• available for 84pi2 STORE fixturts, prac. new. wall cuu, counters, mlac. All have adjuatable ahelve11. Bargain, c&lt ·owner, Beacon 6990. !kfl BEAU'J"IFUL 'RCA radlo-phono- .,.aph. table model. Play1 1% 1'f'Cordll. Very reuonable. C&Jl Harbor 12M-W an.er a p.m. 4lc42 30-B-Appliances DEXTER DBL. wuhlng machine, only a couple yearw old. Beaut!· fully kept and In top condition. A real bargain at $Ml. Ken• Niles. Ph. Harbor 1968. 39c4 l PHILCO REFRIGERATOR 1951 modl'I -that big 9 cu. ft. model and hu the crou top fref'Zer che•t-nlce keeper for meat and crilpf.'r tor vegetables. A butter keeper and other fea.turea. Ba.l- ance I owe on it l1 only $188.31 -cub or take payments of $10.!57 per mo. My equity frtt. See at 404 So. Spadra., Fullerton, 9 a. m. • 8 p. m. Ph. 21:'.>2 . 40c42 THOR Wu.bing machine, ~mi· a.utomatlc. ExcellPnt condition. Only $60. Phone Bu. 6487-R ~ 4tc42 in all 3. local p•pers. 'A Minimum ad i& 4 lines. PhOll• Harbor 1616 · Newport-Balboa Ne,....Tlmee -Newport.Balboa PretlSI Newport Bay P~t (Sbopplq News) SS-Boats. Soppllee Chrysler Engines Used , Crowns -Royals See John Harvey I 31th GREAT PIANO SAU:, lta•- iil!iCe:nt all electric organ. cue ellghUy damaged in ahlpment. WUI aacrtnce. Thia happens but once ln a life time. DANZ- SOHMIDT, Santa Ana, 520 No. M&ln. FINE PRACTICE upright piano tor only $9.~ down and ~.35 per mo. at SHAFER'S MU~IC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca- more, Santa. Ana. 'KI. 2-0672. to: the new hospital proj.-ct. la capable ot scratching tbe gla.u, OOMPLa't'll BOUR CULUIING een10a. J'Umlture and rup a11am.,_.i. Pree eollmaw rutlylmunCL student uae:. Ph. Bea. 837t>-R. -------------at Seacraft 37th GREAT PIANO SALE Ma.- son and Hamlin Grand, Stein- way, Chickering Sohmer. Kim· ball, Kurtzman, Wurlitzer, etc. Savp up to two-thlrd11! DANZ· SCHMIDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th. The main building of the Hos-_ 37c42 p it a! is 350 ft, long and servf's to -People do read tbe want ads. 28---Situatlons Wanted U. D. C. Chapter Installs Officers at Patio Luncheon in Balboa Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. B•~• 1111 For Venetian. Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. EXPERI.ENCED hotel ma.Id would like 3 day1 a week motel or hotPl work. Ph. Beacon 6914-\\1• 39p41 FINE IRONJNG Will call for and deliver. (No houaecleanlng ). Officers of Emma Sansom chap-.-.------------Hrlp with dinner partles. Phone Mr9. \VUliam•, Harbor 1595 be- fore 10 a .m . or after I p.m. 41p43 t tr, United Daughters of the Con- fr-deracy, were lnatalled at a plan- nf'd picnic hotteued by the Misses Gert.rude and Louise Montgomery at their Balboa peninsula home. S ixty members. atatP otticers and ~uesl! were seated in the beauti- ful patio and served from the breakfa!t b&r with a !&lad and ba ';ed ti.am luncheon. 1 Two b,irthday cakes bore candles 1n honor of the natal &nniversarie! of \frs. Nelle Garney, Los Angeles a nrt Mra. J. D. Spennetta. Santa A f''l. • s .. a.ted_ at the hearl table werf> $pec11l guests, Miss Edna H ov.·ard Fo\.\·Jer. historical general of the national U. D. C. and her alater, )..-f rs. Ruth Kreuacher . Los An- J:Ples. president of Hollyv.•ood <'hapter and custodian ot flags. C1lirornia division; Mrs. Potter K emper. past California d ivision rc~istra ar¥1 Mr1. Cecil B. Grove. Sa 1 Diego; Mrs. Robert E . Logue of Santa Ana. presidl'nt of Emma Se.."lsom chapter: ~lrs. Roy Black of Inglev.·ood. divtsion custodian of flas-a : Mrs. Nelle Carney, a c.,ini;: a djutant in organizing Sons of \'eterans in Los Angeles; and Mrs. E . B, DeuPree of Santa Ana, put d lvaion corresponding secretary. The hostess, l\lis.s Gl'rtrudl' Mont- gompry, is past president of Cali- fornia chapter. :Se"-Otnttn Seated In the absence of the st11;te presi d~nt, Miss Vivian Conway, :\1:1ss Fowler Installed tlew of- ficers. They lnclude: ~frs. Robert -Logue, president; Mrs. Virginia V acationer5 Invited to Laguna 'Church · To take earl!' of the increuing a tterlda.nce a.t the Littf' Church by th(' St'a, corner of Lfogion and T hrough ~treets In Laguna Beach. Carpt"nter, first vice president and Mrs. Willia.m BatP1', second vice pre5ident,, both Yorba L inda : Mrs: THE .SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Margaret Evans of Santa Ana, re- cording secretary; !.frs: John Young, Sa.nla Ana. corresponding 1ecretary:· Miaa Gretrude Mont-1 .1_2_-_B;:....ulldln..-c-"'~ .. · _Se_rv_l_ces ___ _ gomery, rel{is trar: from Santa INTERIOR -ZXTJCRIOR HOUSEWORK or Waltrl'SL 17M Orang•. eo.ta Mesa. Ph. Bea· con 603'-M. 40p Ana, Mrs. Mamie Chandler. hi• tori.an: Mi!Ls Clara Dun, re_corder, P AIN"TING ~ COLLEGE girl will baby •it day or night. Call Harbor z.t19.v1:. 41p42 of cros•e•: M.ra. A. A. Blythe, chaplain: Mrs. J. D. Spennetta, parliamentarian: and -from Sil· ver&do canyon, Mra. E. B. ~u­ Prtt. rl'porter. 'Afrs. C. P. Van D~~n of Alta- dl'na. "''ho wa.s accompanied by her huaband. gave the program .. Jn Mf'morlam,'' havlng known in- timately 9Jd chapll!'r membf!'n1. Thooe pr€8tnt stood while nameA Wt're read of those who h&d paaaed aY•ay . Amon~ those preaPnt was Mr11 . Anna Nattrasa, Costa Mesa and l\\-'O guest.a, 'Yho are pr08pective n1embl!'rs. F'rom Balboa W &n- other proapective member, Mra. Bennett. A beautiful corsage ~of red glad- iolus was presented the installing officer by the hostess cbmmltter, \vhlch includt"d: Mrs. Ro~rt Gregg and 1-frs. Ralph Sl'~·ard of Loa An~eles. colUlirul of Ule Miase11 l\fon tgomt'ry ; MIM Cora Lee Rit· ter of Santa Ana, Mr&. Martha N e~·man and sister of Laguna Beach, Mrs. Alfred Parks of San Pedro, Miss R0&e Mary Parks or Balboa. Assisting wit h 11prving were 1'-frs. Tarvf'r ~lontgomery and Mrs. Clarence Ni.Men, Santa Ana. -Pl astic Plant Flash Fire Three workers were burned LlCllNBl:D -IN8URllD Glenn Johnston 501-IJ..ot 81. Newport -ell Barbor 2297-J Mc4.8 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Bea.con Moe~ W 17tfc WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all tradeS---maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451·W 38c51 H. H .HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rt-pair Service Maint&lntd Phone: Barbor 1418-W '2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach wae people do read the' ada. Sympson & Nollar PAlNTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 612 -38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 24<K 13tfc PAIN"TING EARL SHEF'LIN m Palmer BL, ea.ta X- WILL CARE for amall c hild in my born~. Ph. Bea.con 5849-J. 4lp43 29-Help Wanted YOUNG MEN -High .chool or college graduatea-Ea.m up to $100 per week .ellinc television and appliance• in and around the Harbor are.a. An excellent opportuntty tor door to door selling. Repreaenting well estab- lished Costa Meaa firm. C&!I Mr. Geddes, Beacon 6737. 36c41 WAl\"T MAID for Ken Nilea Villa Marina. $1 hr. Phone Har. 1800. 39c41 WANT middle aged couple for light 'A'Ork ln exch•nge for apt. and gaJary. Man can hp employ- ed eUsewhere days. Pleue in- clude phone number in replying to Box J 2. thls paper. 39c:41 WANT experienced womu for cooking and general hoUSe work. Livf' in or out. References. Ph. Harbor 888-J. 40c4.2 GIRL 18 or OVE'r u nursemaid, part time, live out, call Harbor 2689-W. 40p42 EXPERIENCED auto mechanic, also mPtal man for our body Bhop. Good pay and beet of '\l.·orking conditions. Theodorf> Robin~. Ford Dealer, 2116 New- port Blvd., Phone Har. 28 or 360. 4lc42 tht> purchase of 30 additional in a fla.sh fire at. the Narmco cha ir.e was: made. This '"':ill take' care of the special meetings plan- nf'd for this summer, and the in- r rea.cied populat!on during the ~ach season. A i:ipttlal invitation 1111 extended to those vacationing_ in this area to attend the Little Be&. M&'!·lt Nd WANT MAN expe:riPnced in cast- ing and applying 'Clue in cer- amic manufacturing plant. 427 E . 17th St., C~t& Me.u. Phone Beacon 5228-W. 41c43 Chun:h by the Sea. • Morning worahlR is hPld at 11 A. m. with R<"v. Fr&nk L_ Dowell br1npng another sermon In th~ &eries of Th.-Dt"it_v fJf Chrls.t. His a?J~ject w il l M . "Whe is Thia Jf'Sl,l.9 Christ that ~t"n Lo,·e .w '°fuch ".'" This enlightPn\ng ffiPSsnge w i l 1 df'a.l with thl' Human and Divine li!e of J t"aus Chr'.1t \':hi;':! Hf> ~·alk­ ed on this l'arth. Thf' Llttle Church by the Sea is an Inter-De.nomlnat:onal Christian Wf'rk and preal"hes the '\\.'hole-Co!!I· pel. Sc ripturally Auth,.nticated. Plastics plant at 600 Victoria street, Costa Mesa, Thurs- day. The blare which occurred in the impregnating tower of the plant (where cloth is im· ' REPAIRING and PAINTING Reuonable. Large or small jobs. Free estimate•. Walker, 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2581-R HAULING DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY . .. for an ad ln the lively cl&.11t· fled •ection of the BIG THREE-- News-Tl.mu. Poet Shopplnc New• and the Presa pregnated with plastics) is estimated to have caused $5000 damage. Any kind, truh o.f.! WALKlCR, OVER 21,500 CIRCULATION IS 108-18tb St .. 1"ewt>Ort. H. 2581-R i--.,.--THE __ AN_S_WER __ 1 __ _ Hospit.tUzed \v~re D. Koontz. 2183 M inter Street, Costa Meaa 'Wit)1 severe hcrn11 on hiJI }pft hand 14-Personals ·0 anr: Al Ballog, ttpreaentatlve ot Wrtte P . o. Box 205 F1restone Tire and Rubber Co.. Balboa laland. ca.ttt. Alcobolice Anonymoua who wa" burned about the hands Pbone Klmberty S:53t3 and f9ce. Koontz \V8'J the more 1----------'---- APRICOTS We specialize in tree ripened ROY AL APRICOTS for home canning Eever<>ly burned of tht!' two men, and UI expected to remain hos· 22-Lost and Fonad 25 lb. Jugs and 5 lb. baskets ;,;;;__;:;;;:.;;:.;..;:;;;:;.;o....;....-";....---1 pita.lized for 10 days. Hillside Orchard 2l!Sl Tu.tin Ave., Coeta Mesa ·88ttc 1946 SERVEL 8 cu. ft. refriger- ator ICOC!!t $4 35), W ill sell for $1~9.50. Call Har. 1381-J. 4lc4:? 626 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 PAIR R. A: L . Flagship 90 e:nginea ~·ith reduc. gear, Factory a pproved J ohnson board. s.µ_ES & SERVICE h . p. S750. Oul· USED PIANOS from $69 up. Good playing con di t"t on. DANZ- SClilUDT. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana, cor. 6th. BARGAINS South.Coast Co. .-'j RE~'T A PIANO $:S per month. Bendix Automatic \Va.ah~r. Good condition .. . ............. $79.95 Easy Spin Dryer washer .... $69.95 H&ndy Hot portable washer, good condition, ideal for apt ..... $19.9:'.l Range and refrigerator combina- tion, all electric .................. $119. KPl'p in touch with U9 for good buys tn TV M>t. traded in- EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co: 11185 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA Ph. &>a. 6821 i O'KEEFlt Ir: MERRITT RANGE. It's the late•t 1\151 model deluxt' CP. all aqtomatic, ht-...1 lo.mp a.nd clock. TH\it pretty rhr.omt' grid-· die ln the middle-an ouUet for touter and the chrome grill broiler has bHn used only 2 1~ month• a.nd I only owe 1149.53, on the contract. You can hav1 my Pqulty fref[1f you tal<e pay- mPnt.s or $8.38 per mo. See all' 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9 11.1 m , ~ 8 p. m. Ph. 2152 . 40c4 2 KELVINATOR elec. refrigerator, a lmoat QeW , 11 cu. ft, Jett h&nd door. Ph. Har. 114a. 39c41 Jack's Furniture I We Buy, Sell or Trade l~O:S We11t Balboa Blvd., Harbor 2~2-R. Phonie <Op<;! GAS STOVE, high oven -good condition -private party. H&f°, 483. 39c"-1 APT. SIZE A-B gu range, S30. In good condition. 'S"'e at 2196 Orange Ave., C03ta Mesa. Bea- con 5836-M. 40c42 ELECTRIC REGRlGERATOR - $30. Redwood barbecue~ table ~ benches, $12, 118 Garnet, Bal- boa Island. 39c41 NEW Furniture Bunk b·eds ............................. $49.50 Studio couch ........................ $49.50 Harbor 2600 Newport Beac:h 3ltfc 11 FT. SAILBOAT. Snipe design, in perfect c'ond. Make off('r or will trade for outboard and boat. Lot 25, Muni\:ipal Trai.lt't Park, Newport. 40p42 SHORE :P.100RlNG -North Bay 'f ront, Balboa Island. Ph. Har. 2910-J. 39c41 KELSON KRAPI' boat -14 ft. cover, steering "·heel, light, A-1 condltion, $3-4.7. 20 Beacon Bay. BARGA.IN for quick .sale-Racing 1 Sloop, 30 ft., ! bunk.a, head, ata.inle1J19 steel rigging, Bargain S9W. Ph. Harbor 1503-W. 40c42 SEA BOOKS .. ttn• 1toc1r: of booU on all yacht· · lnl' wbject.-Plua aJ1 curnnt boob. Lending llbrarJ. The Isla'lders 114 Marin•, Balboa lo. Bar 11147 HA VE 3 ~~ H . P. OUTBOARD tor $60. Will throw in a 10% ft. boat. Lot 2~. Municipal Trailer Park. Newport, 40p42 ¥GORING for Commercial Fish- ing Boat up to 30 ft. Write 1513 Hollywood '\\'ay, Burbank, Cali!. 14 FT. JOHNSON GULL -Round bottom, center board. Ve.ry good 1 condition. Motor attachment- with trailer. 916 Ocean Blvd., Corona dl'l ,.,lat. Ha.r. 2631-J. MARTIN 60 outboard motor with 12 ft. boat. 117 E. Bay Front.' Balboa Islanrl. 4lp43 Reaulta come rrom constant fractice ! .An ad regularly 1n thl1 paper wW produce ruullB for you. 84-Muslcal, Radio µsED 120 baas Wurlilz,er accor- dio n. Stef'l reeds, $1:'.>. Call Har. 114:6-W night.a, Har 2574-M days MU Maple dinette aet. table and I ·B-E_A_UT_I_F_U_L_w_a_l_nu_t_Cll_•_•_b_un_ga_· 4 chain ······· ............ ·····-·····',!!·~ Joy,.• upright pia.no in perfect con- Apt. gas range ...................... 0 "·"" dition. Terms, $34.75 down and Congoleum rup. 9x12 .......... $ Ci.V:) SH FER'S $ 7 -g5 Si l .~ per mo. at A Baby crib ·---·-··.-··-···---··-· ······· 1 . MUSIC CO. tSlnce 1907) 421 N. Hollywood bed frames ........ S 6.9~ Klm lnne~apring mltlreMel S24.60 up Sycamore, Santa Ana. ber• USED Furniture ty 2·°"72· Dinette eeta (2) table and WANTED: 50 pianos. Tr&de in 4 chairs ·-............................. $29.50 Your old piano on a Grand, Spln- Kenmore wuher ·---··--.. ·-··-····$49.M et or beauutul televiJ?ion. Hlgb-. est cash allowance. tenna. Dale's Furniture' DANZ-scID<IDT PIANO co .• NEW LOCATION cor. 9th, 020 No. Main, Santa 1814 Harbor Blvd. An&. Coata Mesa Beacon 6637 -J BEAUTIFUL Phillpphine mahog· any buttet, seo. Early Ameri- can hutch, $60. 3 pair antique ahutten, $35. Harbor 09M-J. COME IN a.nd pta.y the wonder- • tul new Hammond Chord Orpn. All r~t allowed i.f you buy with- in tenn~Z-SCHMIDT, 520 No. ~. Santa. AnL . ---- RE!\"T A PIANO for ohly $~ per month. Rental applies on tuturt purchue al SHAFER"S MU· SIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber- ly 2-06i2. 4-0-Bu,sln""!' Opjl2rtun}tles Business Opportunities Ideal for Couple Malt and short order shop, best of locations. Gift shop, center. good shopping Ice cream and frozen Good Volume foods. Ceramics and gift shop Hiway Location Dress shop, good location. Lady could handle. • • Ed Sedelme1er, Rltr. 1523 Coi.at Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 41-Sto""" and Offices A 'M'RACTIVE well located B&l- boa ottlce . tor lawyer, account· ant, inturanCP, builder, archi· tect. e.lc. M7 E . Balboa Blvd., Ba,lboa. Harbor 1607. 24t!c STORE at \114 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. $7:S mo. Phone Har- bor 2998-R. 40ci!) - 48-Apartments and Bo- RENTAL ,t SPECIALISTS Call -cratir Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bal-hl&nd. Har. 200 IZcM YEA.RL Y-2 bedroom borne, un- tum. on Newport Ialand. Fire- pla.ce, bath tub It ehower, gar. Fenced yd. $70 mo. Be&. 6561-J. 4otcf On Peninsula Point NICELY FURNISHED 3 bdrm11. available July l•t, yearly or monthly. Brokers liaL 1~32 Miramar, Balboa. o1'rner. Phone Harbor 0612-W. 19ttc .LPJO ISLE 39cU Even it you don·t know a note ot muaic you can play beautitul mu.ale in ten minutea. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Plano and Organ Co .• 5ZO No. Main, Santa All&. U you 'W't.Dt a rental on lovely i LIDO ISLE ... uo. Several rood • L1DO BA.LBOA· NEWPORT .. R E N T A L s APTS. • HOUSES BAY AND OCEAN FRONT JIM & SALLY NEWLIN wltb JOHN D. BURNHAM M7 lt. Balboa Blvd., B&lbo& Harbor 14a. Eve.a. Harbor 227&-W YEARLY RENTAL 2 Bedroom Apt. F.urnished $68 Mo. Call Harbor 645 YEARLY-Unfurniahed 2 bed.rm. hoUlf!:--Only l yr. old. No small childrt!'n . Inquire 508~ Marigold, Corona del Mar. Har. 2853-R. ' •Oc•2 ON THE OCEAN FRONT-Slttp• 10. 2 weeks in July and 2 in Auguat. $65 per wee-I-. 4711 Se&ahore Drive, Newport Beach. 40pt2 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cott.acea. On Collini ~land Each apt. bu water frontage.. '"'Aecom. 4. Weit end Park Ave., Balboa laland. Harbor 2992-W. 40p64 NEWLY fumiahed apt -8leepa (;-1,i blk to bay irwimmln1 beach. 1300 W. Balboa Blvd., phone Har. 1332-R. . 39c44 Summer Reservations Lido Isle Bay Front unita. 1 and 2 bdrm.a, S70 week up. Harbor 2M2, evea. Har. 29lt·M. lTtfo SUMMER OR YEAR'S LEAJIE- Ocean vi~. % blk from be.ach. Comfortably turn. lge. ltv. rm, fireplace, 4-bdrm•, 111' balha. garage, fenced ya.rd, ~ blk to bus. Owner, 22.t -48lh. Newport Beach. Harbor 0849-W. 37ctl BALBOA ISLAND Rouaea and Apla., yearly or ....,_ aonal. See Gall Camey, wt~ NELDA GIBSON. REAL EST A Til: 308 Ma.rtne, Balboa laL Har. I02 _i etuo FUR.l"'l"ISHJCt)" bachelor apL /"ti• vale. entrance and bath. Yearly ot" aummer. INQUIRE at 415 Polrute:ttla, Coron.a del M.a.r. ' 4lc:43 1 BEDROOM turn. apt. Tearl1 rental. Vinr of ocean and bay • 2052 Cliff Dr., Newport Be.a.ch. ' Up42 • TRAILER SPACE Ott the htgbwaJ', cloae to ahopptns center, $1% ll $1& per mo. 140 Cabrillo St., Cabrillo Court.a. Coate. Meaa. 41,U Sunday .M"hool meets at V:f5 a. rn. Wlth ~fnri. B. Crab&UJh in <"t:arge. Come &nd bt"lng your <"hildr .. n to Sunday 11ehool. Junior ehurcb mef:tll at 11 a m . in the J unior Church building with Rev. Wynle .-\. Dowell supervising. SUghUy burnet! '11-"&s WiUlam Hatlestad, Santa Ana. who r.- ceived ml!'dlcal treatment and lheo wu perrnltted to go home. LOST--'Black leatber bill fold ln- iU&led A. E. L. Drtve:.r• licente, Augu.tta. Equen Lelmber1. Ala- bama. Eye glua prucrlption and considerable rooney tn1lde. Uberal reward for return of our --''• property. B. Z. McKln· ney. Ph. Harbor uoa.w. 40«2 PAIR SHIP'S RUNNING· Ugllta 15'" high; lentea 8" x 7'ii": hi.a· torical re.lie.a; converted ftoD1 'Oil lo e1ec. au-om.. lAgUn& S..cll M543. <Op(2 Rattan Furniture. LOVELY plain caae bungalow bomea anllable. A.loo apart. Made 1D th. ~ind l piano tn perfect playing condl· menu by week or month. 44--Bo:oms for Beat Ill our°"" work all.op&. I tlon. Term• $27.50 down and P. A. p ALMER F1re F1rbtera Slngapiration at 7 :30. If you Voluntur firemen an.rwe.red the enjoy olCl-tuhioned ain~g ln the alarm a.nG utillslng new ap~y­ old-fashioned way, come &nd join type noulu, brought Uae"name:a in tbi11 hqur of feUoWllhip and in-under control FOUND -Someoae'o pet cat - Halt .,_.,,, blodl. y.1-Uld White -' white feoeL Ph. Har. -7:a. ucu &)'>:ration. P.A!\'. Wynte A. Dowell Firemen tl'()J'Q Coat. Meta at.a· •ill brink a.n eva.n~H.stlc me.sage t:fon joined wtth thOM. o~ the Stale on the subject. ''The Return of Our :Divblon'of l'ol"Utry to 11!1-Ve equlp.- L<nd." mmt and macblae17 eotlmatod at Wlio fO Co•hlct far Tburoday ••enlnJr at 7:3') p. m. rro.ooo. I • c .... D ' W'-L b Bible Study U>d Pr&,..r mfft• A.e<cr'dlnc to :S. B. Von --•1'•1 ·~ --. _ lnr . Brin&' ""'r Bibi< aa Ulla wed< b<rr. a eompuy ottlclal,. opera• -All$ nds &'of Newpws -.. m.-· 1uo Ute t..irilmlllg-"' • speetal. u-m Ille llJ>p~ tower 11or ms.,,r to -I"" Ell t7io aeries OD .aoaJ-~. are acbed'Ulet<Lto be 1't:MUlled In ta .... "li••lliS ehtl• td z 1 ~ All ~ roeD -their (am!-d&1o-A.n ti>~ lo llotail -s~ . II I 111 '* ~ lies a.re ~ ;. apectal lqnfa· cc:iDdUdad to ucuta1il U.U, ~ • tw Owtl D 1s111 ..... Uon to make tbA' UW. CINrcla ·b.J ot tll.it tire. • ..._ ••• w • la; 1tJ ~ the Sea tMh churdl: home w1Ul6 he ,iuuta ftnli la proc: 1 size· ...... Oll't •ss a.1'at U. .-, W-'1oned la lhla ..,._ 'l;ou wW fallr!c fOlr a1rcratt ~ -• • WI.·~ " w atu. ... ftnd w ....... u -Ud Mead!.,. --.-.ii ••• Tir. --. ... -.Ct a.•_. cat UM t014 beck ...,._ ' • Ud !tall•• Oli. I-.. a • ' ,. • W1h cbolce of fabric:m. : $9.86 per mo. a.t SHA.l'ERJS , , La.rcut dloplaJ .. So. Calif. MUSIC co. (!\Ince 1907.) 4U N. INCORPORA.Tl:D Reftn1•Mnr and Beu~ 1 'Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmber. .1313 Vla Udo -Harbor J.500 H. OUSE "-r.ARDEN • 17 ~12• • · _ , isuc Comptet. lnotallaUon, repair and "' -u M -of all tniler equlp,,,..,L m Cout Hwy. ~wpt.. -62'!T . tit 'GR1A.T PU.NO SALE Re-BALBOA ISLAND .... y'ear 1--------'------· po11Naed Sptnet. LUce newt P&J" ' "'3 , , .ORANGE,COAST BENDIX WIJIHJlll ~ 1''.a tb&t lout · llsUallco. Save o .. r 1200. ormall apt. 1 -"'employed OOMl'ORTABLY 1llnWlbe!I ,_ • UOl dllW<e ... 1-&Uc _, , 1 :QANZ-8CH¥ID'r· Bi. .Plano ~pie., M2.li0 ~ !ho-"" -Prt.ata ealtance and ll&U.. ~ TRAILER. SUPPLY ...i t ..... 1t s moatli& ,,.....,, t ""-. Su11a A.A&, oor. 1111 -1n1I. pc1." . _ ~ eor-c1e1 llar. Pis. lf10 HAIUIOft BLVD. • !lot a ocptdl 'o nit: You "'"''t l .ll&ln. . • · ' .A!Oo· lupr ·apt aleeps g -SDlmer ~ tall-& ~ have to bolt It -.., Bala~ r -JuJY. 175 wk., Aus •. '100 wk. ·::· :;~·~·~;;;-=::--;:;-:::;-;;; Cool&,._ -B-~R 1 ~-on.It b Slet.9S. It'• a.....,, fr.;!!T piano oaio. 87UI ;rear. v..,. nice· \4 bllL lo' ,80. Bay. A.Tl'RA.~ ,_ fiW ,_t la THA.tltR . .)1&111 bupy, blwl""U.. dOKIU WUher ancf you·caa ls&vt '~ ti>-,.-, N.-l>efOH Bar. 2121-M-.• aldll "1lat fa&l!J -Ooila - llatldnotte, baJw,.......... an<I it tCIS"eula flit iu. ~,... .. ta 0( haft Ya ¥d --llup.m& l'IM>tlf Pe.I--.ix;, - _..,, ...-..-~ .,.& oea1 poi:-. -at'°'~ ~ .. ...., !!! =.: =: ~ cseiiwcn:. llOOIC ..-i--•led ~ ~ 9 L 81. '• IJ • .--µ-_.., .,_, ,,_,. ~ - i\-Ill. ,_ Zl.u: 40CU ~ ---·-100 1l"la ---vM <ll Dl:LTA. TOOLa -1"' -l'AIU. • plpoi _-_ Wlllicll to •--.... --Xew-• Jtc MW, oti:. -all,.-.... nIGEDAJllE, Qt. a1i1a 1" pod, 1jj1e<1a1,, -....... ' D.Ua1-P&'Dla P..l•-~ '"""" nrtssc ""9 -bf-:a. ._, "" los cr"11-. 4111116 --•HIT' lsls ~ .con.. ll10. ..._ ·-~ ft. Be'"° ~-•a 1.... QpV ww.; buax1 dal ~ -Ko.....,-· -.·-Alla. · J.Jll.'W• 'IAiAI .; ' :'), ... . ~ , ... ' . \ ··-f f ' ·I • • • ' • • • • .. i .. • • \ , • ,., F ~R E l c-. ES.JI T E I l I s T E-'D , l N ~. ~T H IS · ·s E r · T'I o' . N· 111!1.Y .. un PA.OB ; • " , . . !'Oft =·=:.::: •••• • MANY £HOIGf ·s_ElECTIONS BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor L. C. JONEs , . J. KARTIN 311 1 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or, 1872 Ew!a. Harbor T~K BALBOA ISLAND HOME A.ND INCOME: Unmu&lly chinning 2 bdrm home, &nd ap&cloua one bdrm apartment. Double garage and guest room &nd bath. All fur· • ni&hed attractively. Very near the Bay, and 11&ndy beach .About 3 yn. old. See today. Priced to llelL Cliff Haven View Home TIUS BEAUTIFUL HOME hu a gorgeous view of Bay and Ocean. The rooma ·a.re 1pacioua and ch&rming. There &re two fireplacea, one in the liv· Ing room and one in the den. There are 3 bdrm•, 2 batha, & dining room, lritchen with lot.I of cup- bo&rda and storage apace, garbage diapoaal &nd diahwuher, two patio1, dbl. garage, grounda &re nicely Jand.lc&ped. Thi.I ii NOT & 1-hold, and le priced for quick ll&!e. C&ll ua for an app't. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR BEAUTIFUL CORONA HIGHLANDS At the South edge of Coron& de! Mar. 60 ft. Jots -Ocean View. Private Beach Privilege. 8 Brand new homes Priced from $12,750 Minimum down payment.<. F. H. A. or Veteran tenn.1. • Costa U- n. e.t Towa Oil r.arth BRAND-NEW Ills t .................. ._ UOI oq. n. In h-0.. 16 aen, price fl0,000. $2000 Down Balance-.MO per mo. Eetl.t.e that ia to be Sold IN NJ:'l'VPORT ll&ACH -Near R~a.rd'• lla.rket. 2 bdrm home. Completely ~ double -· Price $7500 Very Nice~ yn. Old J bdrm home, nicely lancleeaped, wall to wal! carpet. a-fur· D&of, ~ ac~. Ail For $7500 G. N. WELLS, Rltr. • A..oci&tH 1790 Newport Blvd. Co.ta M-. Ph. lie&. 5181 F.H.A. RESALE Very attractive J bdrm home. On1y I mont.N old. Hwd. tile m kit. and b&t.h. L&n.dtcaped, pra~. fencPd.. Pymu. are only 5$1.81 w!\lch include• lu:f'a a.nd tnaur- ance. Own.er leavtnc and will make a deal at a low down pe.y- ment. Combat Living Cost Come and-see for younelf and compare pri~ or ask your broker. PHONE HARBOR 414-J THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES 61-Beal Estate Exchange t" BeauWUI fiT• plua aC"9 of lrttl productive: land and a nice two bdrm bom•. Lars• sanre. O.· lore of fruit treee, which will net 901TI~e a.lmoat a $1000 l! THE POST - Orange County's Outstanding Real Estate .Advertising Medium A ive. ITS HERE TODAY! For Superior Performance DRIVE THE NEW 1951 HENRY J &t thia 0.ATI'RACI'IVE PRICE $1498.92 TM P'Uhion Academy'• Gold med.d .A.ward winntt for 19~1 ••• Uut aenaational new Henry J . . , 1a YOURS for only 1 1 ttl.92 delivered here! ~e He:M'Y J, a blr tamily·alaed .e. de, won ita dJvislon ln the KobUpa Economy Run. tell th• Henry J today ••• for STYLE! for l:CONOJCY ! fot' PER.rolUlA..NCE! fOr COMFORT! CHA..RMING in.com• and borne completely tunnahtd. Ideal for penK>n alone or aeveral tunillu. 3 and 2 bedroom duplex llDd 6 rm. home. Alway• rented. One leued. 1 blk to bay 6: OCelUl. 115,000 cull plua vacant or lm· proved property. Balance 10&1l. Owner, 1532 Mlramu. Harbor 0812·W. (Courtuy to broken). auc • • OPEN 1 -5 • • Beauutully tum1.llhed year round 4 bdrm . .1 bL Mme. PrutlcaUy new MODERN, wtt.b encJoHd pe.tio, 2-car pr. Ready tor com- plete Hvfn•" 1711 Ocean." Bl'f'd .• Balboa. Harbor 2461-M. 12tfc Somebody Wants "nlat UMd turniture. bric-a-brac, pain.Unp, etc., now taJrln.c up 1pace tn your prqe. Flnd a bu7- 1r wltb a clgatftld ad In Ula Nnr.-Tlmu. Poat. and Preu com- bination. Ju.t Phone Barbor 1111. •1: "I w&nt to plae. a ClumltiM Ad." and a courteowi &d-ta.k•r wW help you write aa ettecU•• ad. COURT' with 11 !uml•hld unit.JI, pl\11 own,er• apt. Tra.ller .,,ace .. Show• flOO per week income. Will take tome trade on down payment. Thia place la apoUe•. A.lw&ya rented. See owner, Col- lec-e Court, "4 Avocado St., eo.ta Mesa. 40c4 2 CHOICE INCOME PROPERTIES -a .•• I unita. SboWI be.U.r than 10 ~ net retu.rn. JOE CALLI Real Eat.ate Broker 2122 Newport BIYd, Newport Reach M--Money to 1..- LOANS For Homes ~t?'o-20 yr. Regula.r Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~1>% (lt yr1.) WJC BUY AND SELL TRUST Dl:EDS BEii BOB BA TTLl:K 1 tlt OOABT BL VD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1071..J Rep. POllUli:lt KORTOAGJ: CO. Ketro Life la&. J'lllMla "Kl Wlllll LO.ANS TO BUILD, natt0"911, BUT, KODJ:RNlD, OJl RllnNANCS "• 8'17 ·Truot -QWl'ORT JIAIJIO.A f'llDlllUJ. boua'ht thi• wee.k. l!'.lxcellent lo- cation. Rabbit hutche• and chiekt-n equipment. Qwn private wen. wh.lch eOllU nothinr to o~rale. Thia proy>erty ta under- prked. at leut S3500. J'or an excellent buy-See thil at cn1y , 111 .~ 3 B.R. Newport Hgts. In excellent condition. We a.re proud to offtr Ulla be&utltul I bdrm home with a lar-1• di.nine room. Recently decorated wtth excellent lute. Two-car rarace, back yard completely fenced, patio, Bat-B-Q. Strett •••e•· m••U an paid. A tare• o. l . loan now oa U.e property and pe.yabfe at only H1 ~r mo 11'~ clud.ln& the ta.xH and ln.un.nc• Thia ls .. top buy-n.. full pnce t. only $ll.~ Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denaon G. T. Everson 690 Newport Blvd. ea.ta w .. Ph. B-. M91 or BIL 6453-J FREE! Weelr Enda -Sml.11 yard. Your weekenda a.re Fr- Go boating, fiahing, bath- ' Ing. No more back bend- ing yard work -No more weed pulling. Look at these EXCLUSIVE offerings: 1. On the NORTH BA YYROl\"T of LIDO ISLlt a cha.rm.lnl' and impruaive I bedroom, I bath one atory home. Good stud k>t wfth pfer and aHp. and home hu no stal.Q to climb. Ttp lop condition and partially f'll.m1ah~ ed. Priced to Mil. 1 Brand new " bedroom, 3 bath bom....._.prtme lMation, •lreel to atreet loL Many DELUXE tea- tun• auch u unit heat.. • pr- ba(e dlapoW, 2 water beaten. wired tor electric ranee. large patJo. S ur ca.race. Ua-ht and d\eertu.I rooma aad kitchen that KA.MA wtll Jon. All thl• and on LIDO ISLE at ONL T • $21,IOO-Leftient tenna. ALSO Several new J2 ed J bedroom bome• tor aaJe on LIDO ISL& &a well .. • r.. choice bulld- ia.I' at tea either on the BAT - FRONT or on croe. at.reel Iota. a._.,.. ... • ···Bit .. BALBOA ISLAND There is & difference • • • .AN A. T!K.Acnvll BTYLICD 1!01111 with a , Ploa lllM • really appoala. I. modua IttlclMft wt,_ · -r. loada of cabin.et. and Ula. ft.en an u,ne '1 llroaa. and ' . a 0.,. with I ""lb. nrt,ia... pod -Md -ftoon. n.... lo • lovely Alpine otyled 11..tq --- lloun oalllar Pd uapatntld mallopny puol ..-tine' and "dlalnf - I Ben " reom tor ....,.._., ud at a pT1ee that ..._ "''""-· fll,l!OO. A fine a,.i-Ioland 1-tlon- J. A. BEEK OFFICE _ .. LI'I"fLE ISLAND BAYFRONT offering for the first time- aaanntnc I bdna. I baUi Md 4-home with apt on .ira l&rre lot In one ot our ft'7 t'lllltllt locattona. Two &ct:ee- .tbl• prages and a fta• worluhop. Two p&tia., pr1nte pier. Showll by appohttm•~ STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor Ill K~I:, BALBOA 181..AND H.,,_ H SEE THIS Home with IWMping Ylew of hilla, ocean and cout. Built on level l!Ol<l20 lot. I bdrma, firepl&c., 2-.-pr. CompJ.tely, At nicely fumiah• and landacaped. Good location. Price -$22,WO "· A. TOBIAa Sal•• LINWOOD VICK, 312 Marine A. ve., B&lbo& hl&nd l!DNA CRAIG R<t.l&la Realtor Harbor~ Outttanding Ocean View $6950 FULL PRICE Open For lnapection S&turd&y At Sunday· Cor. •3rd aild Balboa B!Yd. Bea.uitJtuJ. new J bdrm ham• with I betu. &cl ft. tron~. J1W11. t\ootw, tlaptone nrtple.ce ud many la'f11* teahlrM. Very ftn- .. COU111UcUon. lfothinc te u. ~ w1ll 909p&N fol' ~· ....,, 01.000. DROP aT &nd ... how much ••'re offermr in a new Z bd.ra bMch home -A ff!flr atepi from the beat oce&n beach. A-1 con- atnactton throu(hoUt. comer lo- cation, att.n.ctlv• modem colol"I. Term. approxlma.tely 14 dawn. New Lido Listing Jtdt compleUns 2 bdrm home. Still time to chOOH your own coJori;. 21' UY. rm., trple .. tUe featurN, ba.r-type kitchen, prl· vate patio. Priced below the market at $1 5,760. Euy ttnna. Bav Shores FIRST TIMi OP'F'ERED. One of the tineat 2 bdrm home. oo Bayald• Df'iv•. J bath.a, la.rl"e f'OOftl&. lovely patio, beauutully fum.lahed. If you are 1ookinr for a bome with charm A livability, let ua &how thia property to you. Price 124-,500, turn. Ranch Diatinctiv1 Ra.nch Houae JilNt atll"M:Un new I bdrm )wine that h.ae r..i •tyle and teaturu plan. x.-.. noon. nnplu•, doubl.t .......... etc. l" N ..wpor-t Hripta •-~ Hip....,,, fU.:IM. Pretty As A Picture Hlu J bdrm Nftic houae Ill New- port Helchta. only I JT&. old. rlreplac•, be9.med ctiltnca, wood panellnc ahd double ...,....... 'I'bW Jau ru.l charm-eometlllns many laom• lack. $10,t&O. • Beacon Hill Realty fM Newport Blvd. (ne&r Arch.,) Phone Beacon 5T15-R. Peninsula Point .Authentic Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat & Sun, 2-6 .l.llilate I . •Qnly $8850 I bdrm home cm aao. BtYd. Ntc.'.....,. -· nrep1au pettl1 tllmlohed. '.Qb.is Is Choice! • • a llMl&tate .. l • . a ••''l«eh · 100 Fl'. TO BAY ' 1 Bm>ROoK -home .. t Jo\" '-A.Ml~ bednn. and ""th attodled lo. double ..,a;.. i.a,... II•· Inc room with flreplaco. Lorre eo.....i patio. - for --. Good looa can ba arraapd. Ul.JOO. Plenty of Room Here 1-. are I -&ad ,_ u -0 .. lu'l'O lnlq -. dtnJaC room. ldt.--aad pord>. A parf9ct bo- for a larp family. kll-t and -1111 1ac1.-Ill pr1oe ot Ul.1100, -u..t flaancJaa. Nice Family Home t bdnna. livlnf roo.._ dlJlinc "'°m• ldtchea, (all l&rso>· Plenty of bath&,_ Pvtiallq tuntlahed, 2100 mq. ft., doub .. pr. ,. hobby lbop. Lot e21<1a. halt block to i.y. flO,ooo BAY & BEACH REALTY Ethel 8hirley lt50 Bal-Blvd. '11.000'-f lldrma, I bath. unfllr. hom, Ja•. encio.ed patlo----com- pletel_1 elee. kitchen, at.ow, ref. d!All wuhet and pr. d!vWL 2-car ........ laadac&ped. !----------------------- Ocean Front, Balboa $33,500, terms ~ -Completely and at- tn<Uvely turn. I lloclrmo. 2 beth. 2 nr.pl&«a. sood furnace. Bar- becue. lle&uWul l&adocaplllc 1n paUo aad froat terrace, 2-c&r re..... Coast Properties Co. IOI ll. --Blonl., ll&l- Phone Harbor 3838 111&n7 • blc deal 11u -......, thru a sn.all Want Ad LIDO BALBOA • N~WPORT Hundreds of Liating1 APT S. INCOME PROPERTY M./.NAGEllENT RENTALS Co11.1ult u. &bout your hi · Realty problemo JI¥ At SA.LL Y NEWLIN . , with .JOHN D. BURNHAM I &OT JI:. Balboo Blonl., Bal- ~~-J:no. H&r-2271-W ' , I BALBOA ISLAND SEE THIS .ATTRACTIVE IOUdly built 2 bdrm home -Only fo yn. old. Completely fumlahed and !Ii & good location. Large rear yard with ample room to build another unit. Prlce $16,000 Generoua Tenn.1. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Parlr A. ve. &t M&rin• :Baiboa I.aland Bar. 2.a2 . BALBOA BARGAIN 5 bedroom beach home, 1 blk. from Bay, clOM tll lhoppinJ, furnished. J.. rel.I buy &t ··-··-·----·$13,:IOO BAI.BOA ISLAND a bedroom home on comer location. Owner aell and me&D8 it. Maire offer. • HAL HOUSER-SI.lea' GA.IL CARNEY-Rent.ala NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine A. ve., Bal)>o& Ialand Bar. 502 G. I. RESALES LOVELY T MO. OLD 2 B. R . HOME -Hwd., tile, 1andacap- ed and fenced. 11950 With $19M down anti b&lance of $51 pet mo. incl. t&::l'.e• and lnauran.ct1. ;Excellent 3 B. R. • yn. old. near Harptr .tehool. Hwd., tile, t.-nc@d and a rea.l lbuy at $10,450 and $57 per mo., paya tue. a tnwranc~ too-. lee ua today for the belt COllta )(-U.Unp. B. A. NERESON OPEN l!:VJ:NINGS M1U. a Npt. Harbor MulUple Listinc-Realtor lW Newport Bl'fd., Co.ta Kea Phone Beacon ~22& Today'• :a,est Buy Corona: J:iighlands ' MODICR.NlSTIC -Wlth •vi.inf ot ocean and hillji -Deaiped tor indoor A: outdoor livir!. •• J: bed- room•, 1"" tM.~ lot. Or We. Select oak flooni, Payne F . A. heat, aluminum windows. Loll ot sla.N.. birch paneling, bar, cement paUo. A quality home on a Jarse lot. Multiple LllUnr No. MU. he Earl Chamberlain 500 Cout Blvd., Corona. del M&r (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) PhO:ne Harbor 2281 THIS IS IT! Newport Heights N"" three bedroom home witls fireplace, tu r n a e e, hardwood llooro. r&rbac• dl'JIOoaJ. cloublo rar.., •• $11,000 full price , Exceptional View 2 Br. home .. Vlew of bay &nd Ocean.. Muter Br. lf ll 20 n. .. privt.te be.th, play room I :s:. U tt.., lee.. •bop, 3-car rarap. -Ternud flower prden., larse lot. Con· a1derably under market. •err e&l,1' Urml. ALSO Sixty feet or lndwitrial property on ll•t. Street ia a eound invest- ment for idle money. Sixty foot piecq are .ecarce. ' Ralph P. Maskey 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Ba. Phone Harbor '-02 Home and Income Well built I Eatory duplex near ocean. Extra laf•• room.a. 1'111 tile bath, 2-car praie with nlc• sun deck. Wonderful nntal property aummer tnd winter • 1 unit alone net.JI 11100 yearly- other untt owner oecupiied and immiedlately avaUabJe to buy•r. $1.5,000. Will take amaJJ cle.u home in We.t Newport Beach u part, or will &rr&nie euy ' cub tenna. C&U Mra. Sheeley, B. 8108-J with WM. E. ANGOLD, Raltor 515 J:. Balboa Blvd., llalboa. flc43 REDUCED from $10,:w>O to '8..600 1------------20 &c:rff-12 in perm.. puture, abUn.dant chNp water, propert7 'piped for lrrtptlon. Thrtt houae•. sooct ba.m., equipment tor 15,000 chicken&. WW aell ,.or con•tder pe.rt trade for Banta Ana or Newport Beadl prop- erty. Prie11 '40.000. or by &pp't, ph. Har. 1238-W Sound· land inveatmenta-on ntce atnot tn eo.ta lfua. PRICED FOR QUICK SA.LE 1 bdrm, bre&kfut room, doubl• ' large units, best location, GRDNLEA..F A: ASSOC. BUILDER .._ REALTOR Sll2 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2531 Newport Heights $9,350 Ba.lanet1 l'l mo. •% G. 1. lou. Nice 2 bdrm. on !area teneM. lot. Approxlmatel• 2200 -. tt. 1 year Imperial Valley and Mojave River &"&rap. rnpe covered patio, 1 bl k t d ... ' ., V.U.y ,..,,chea. Cheap abundant fruit tnee, poultry h,,...._,. OC O ocean &D .,..y. · old. 2 bdrma " ""th downst&Jra. wai.,r. CALL KR. LOVELAND, Beautif\!lly furniahed. Won· 1 bdrm a.nd Ire. den and b&tb • upot&Jn. Bund•ck 30x30. excel· Har~r S:iell. R. W. BARTINE derful income. ,c&ll owner lent view. Larre u-nnr room, E~t Morri.I At A.aaoe. , for. det.oila after II p.m. · tlreplaee. dlJlinr .-n, rwpoua •oa m. ll&l-Blvd. ll&lboo W. U. Patton, ANociat.e Phone Harbor 1270-W. kit.chm a nook. oak noon, fore-uuc . ~ *'' ed. air beat., eatru plore. Oall-1---,.---------1807 Newport An., Colt& KM& ----------- trsctor'a home. I T··-•-n-----••20 Prlced to eell quiclrly Wm. E. Angold, Rltr. 515 &. l\01-Blvd. - Pbone Harbor 1J.I&.. W "LITTLE'' B.AIJIO.A ISLE m.... ~ ~ Lool<i"tr for • cute home! EXCLUSIVE -that WU featured in the Amert-· con Home and L. A. Tim .. mar· in 9<>8ta Me!a ~ -That llu a delipttully 2 Bl!DROOK HOKIC on l ~ acre• Waterfront Home a' Mnna; I batba, pier and float 2 yra. old lnclUde• GI: dilhwaaller ~ patio fllmlture. P-Aue. l~th. 611 11:1 -----------ellCloNct • patio! ' · ·,, wbdlvlded Ullo aiX Iota. Bue $24,7~ Modena. ,B•CClll 1116--J. ITcU fOr llAFETY I UVINGB A LOAN .ABllK. . ISA V1& Udo PIL Bar. U. •Price.a far below •a.lue -eaay -----------• • • • tt11»t HOS ~ Ave. la your opportunity to ..... ".A ' l9ctl Uttlt Bit of Land"' tor ...,,. ;I , ..-, and ....,. ehlclwu Ph. Owner, Barbor. lOH-J'. u..a The Henry J . • • delivered Jten for only $1498.92-at 70llr K&IHr-Fruer de&ler. REAL EST.ATE LO.ANS Interest Rate fo'n • II" ~ ~.,:U .......... ~ONLY AT · · and a few borM!&. Ob )'., ----------- ()ruy $95 Down m1ne~~$u.aoo unol>obu!ie!.,.Lo~d canyoa Costa Mesa Bargainl IAau . qalcklJ' -la Ille .., Ana ud J.quna. lllnste or mu1upi. unlta. Now or ...._ .. Dl!:Vl:LOPERA of LIDO ISLE Corona Highlands' wbon a litUO' bQyo & i.q-r. I • • • • KAISER WILLYS CROSLEY 506 E. FIRST llllnt& .Lia P. A. PALMER w1M ud ... b7 ,..&•"*.. INCORPOft.AT!ID J'OUI' Jll'lllOt iou. KblllllmD .,: 1333. Via Udo -No dluse far fnllal· Newport -Oallf i' ...., appalal. P'lala luta 11 A.Ila ~ 1-tuT ... wru.: -----~,----4-- ilTBUR A. KAY . 720 Goldenrod, C. D. JI. Kl 3-11688 ~ i.a eon.,= 1 -r.o clllli. ura -eo.'a . $9000 FULL PRICE 'llO ClmV. l4lor de!Wto Mdaa HH -Jl"I* -A.a Nloo17 --1--S. o..Jy--mn.o. perfect <ondl· J -,..._ - ---lion. .... -Iron> priftte $1-Trallen • .... .. ~ -, '1111. PIL H&r. -· 1-.... I , 11Uc ~ V-AOAJOND JI!> ft. all • ~ ahnnt•wn tra.llitr. ror ... er- IM7 r<lftl> y-1 ---f w111 -tw ""'117 ta -_a(lli* FIT L. BOID ~ .......in-... ll)'loa Mat , ftme -""'1. . UP'& "• ...._ ...... .a.I. .... •·T·U CAPl;n. .:•sat~ Ba. Ollll 9'1&. C IM llar n&a. • -1 i.a rr. •nun• ..... '" "-" .. . --CIMJ ... ·---1·~~~~i1~!!~~1 11M l'QllD llllda'I ...... r:wood B•Jeb ~ Ull Ml' Alli WW RP· lo •• ·-"""". ---····~ ...... ..... , at rtr 4 ,,_...,... raOlla .. _ -1e,.... u•• .... • 111 .... · ....... -...... ~.., _____ ,.... 8'111 • .; Ocean view BU!'S THIS J'INE LOT Call Kr. Kempton ---~.J i.aoo. Yiow-Lot lU on Seaward Rd, 5Uli(I oa, Victoria Bl, ,betwem ......,. Co-HIPJand& VERY LOW !!~~ N-rt -NI P. A. p AI.MEit :;:~!·IU-c!Oe "°'!!.. ~ ' v .. ef ~ INOORPORATICD ·-·-· -· • Pll~: Beacon IM1()6.:W: or ma via Lido ucu -I 60 ft. or more frontage -I .All utllltle. (no arn• men.ta) . .; Coe-U.t loe&tion -I Ondookinc Newport Butior. . " ' n Beacon. 15293-W N-rt B•ch..cant COSTA MESA 3 Bedroom HoUBe 1 · ~l · · Hue • ·-00· -BALBOA --"~ NSAJl -........... ~· G 1 Resal • ~ 1n"t. . ftNJCIT .R ... ~u.I -... N-. ~ ~ °!-...... .. . . __ e ~ 1u 1PULL ..... u .... -""' ...i-a 17 .... a a. 11.. -.. 116 au... --· L • _...__ -... I . $12,000 tn.L Talia It u lo tor 81.liGO ~ UY: na., ~ _, V"'l'I' -_,,.. cam. suare. .._ 11t. Meed. ~ BT,Q'IVNJm -I Wrm. M'W1y rW1eetep• M•OOl»*J ~etcid _, Tllo 111-. • --·-a. 11 ... arr J'nllff6o--:. awe._, ... ' t1NlTI -to .,..cw.... -~ fw1 .. "1*tfL 'Es* DKDllll!I llllllOn q;s:u::D-a "lllriat Aft." -. .. ... MEI te(~· 'U(I maw,. .... fl",..,.. ~·· ... £& i... • -~rt>r -:;t; Mtoi -far-Co -•·at 441 • ..._ Balboa ~•l!i;, --.i .. '"''-a· 1111 _. -Gr !'11 M •Aar ·U JLUICB..-• =·-... ., ·-·w:·1 • ..1,... -~ _ I £1(1 .......... ).;i.tJ~-·~· •-·te •a llllft•• .... an .... -1-11111-J . . ...-..... , ( Prmt. beach 'I PIUCllD 'l'O Ir I, . -' -. om.T • nw x. a. c. •au.n ... ..,. Llrl', -........ -. -•awHAr ••ar )IQJ)P, WM · m_• .. ~•M•· ... u•• sr oww--o,m 'lllAm GtiU 8rL 6 ._ ,.. - -•'. . .... :.!..~., ..... --~ crl Qe 1 11 M llllr 111& Pkr ?"!I. Giii& - ""' • 1 ..... q111 a itnr aw · *' • • • • • • -•• \: ... •• "I • . .. " .. - ._, '" ..• •• . ' . . . .. . . • • --·~ ·~ .. .. , . " ..... .. • • .. _ ' " " .. • .. -.. ... ... . .. •• ... ... •• '" ••• ., . . .. • •. . .. ·- • I • ' • l'. • • • • llOO MAIKIT With SALLIE SCKAP8 ! . . . lo aD the lefto•'e!" r;rary, bit9 of m .. t, cold mashed pota.- i.-, dribbles of vegetab . . . I dedicate th~ COllHIUI Chicken Gravy ... all the fried chicken la gone . . . only the gravy remains ... don't throw it awi<y . . . here's something spec i a I ! Hard boil aome eggs and wrap in some biscuit dough · . . . Bake until th• biscuits are done ·. . . then !'.erve omothered In cbir ken !(TB.Vy. EGGS ..• hero's a true experience . . . Went to pick up a carton of ei:i:• ... (Richard's Own Grade AA .. hat,,hed spedall;v by Richard'• Own Chicken• on Richard's Own C h I c k e n Ranch for . . . there'!if no reason why I should i:et In a l'.Ut .•• besides th• cap- ital R on m)' typewrit.r'• about worn to a frazzle) ... Anyhow I pick.ct up a carton of eggs and some- how the lid of lb• carton came loose and one egR: fell out . . . said egg feU about four feet &nd lit as nicelJ· IL8 )'OU pleMe on the asohalt til• . . . did lhe \'Olk break! . . . no! Did the •J:lt spread out a II o,·er the place! ... No! . It just stood right up and screamed, "why don't you otart fnin' ... Don't think ,.oo eaD smear me up by droppin' me four fttt ... rm fresh . . . I tell ya!" I stood guard over the egg waiting for someone to bring a mop . . . The egg caused quite a lot of commotion ... "Imagine an egg falling that far without breaking t b • yolk :" I might add . . . every person that walked by the egg ... and found out the sordid details bought a dozen ... which just goes to show that people like to see what's on the inside before th•Y buy ... SO:llE ROAST IS LEFT •.. or some bits of steak ... no gravy ... De Lux •teak gra•'Y with mush· room• is a good facsimile . . . Beat the sauce in a pan then add the meat ... Also •·ery i:ood wUh meat balls ... I don't know whr more people haven't found out about thi• particular item . . . It's about the (')as.est thing. rve found to bordelaise that cornea al- reaAly manufactured . . . perfect \\1th an~· fine steak and baked potatoes . . . LEFT 0 V E R MASHED POTATOES . . . . spread 'em on a biscui t pan. dot with butter and put under the broiler . . . cut in squares and watch 'em get gobbled up . . . They also make su- per-delicious potato salad ... LET'S GIVE THE BELL PEPPERS A REST ... if you want to stuff something ... why don"t you atuff an onion or s o m e large summer squash or zuccini 'or egg plant . . .. or roll your left· O\'er meat and vegetables in some cabbage leaves ... That's good leftover eatin' I tells ya ... SOMETHING NEW .•• bi Royal Salad Gelatin ... not sweet . . . with mono S<ldium glutamate ad d e d , .. to bring out the flavor of tired meats, weary ver;e- tableti . . • in the form of r;littering molded salado, llot or cold jellied soups . . . Deflnltely oae way to put all yoor egg11 or I should ,..~· leftoven ht one bB!ll<et ... Ever beard of Bagals • They're round .like do -nuts with a hole la the middle . . . yo12 slice 'em In bait, l!Dlother 'em with butter and toaat 'em in the broiler . . . -Un.ion Made ia the Bakery • . . been trying to get 'em to deliver down tbill Wll;J ever since the market opened • • • ' Known for their famoua lU{e of Jewish Breads • • • TlleA'a Ry. . . . Eu Ch&le (the C le silent) &lio VJeDU and Ollion rolls • • • 'l'llere'• a I w &-)' • •me tldq -.. 1M "1 of fooj at •Htznl'• Ll•o · ~ SUI Via Ll•a, Jifftflft 8zn:lr, Oallf. • ' • • • "'· l -· YO I ~11 -01t ~ I AND COlLEa BARGAINS EVEIY DAY SHOP A,T RICHARDS & SHOP IN : COMFORT Try it~Compare it "Best in the .W.est" OLYMPIA BEER a-dy Can)' home eaM •! u llo-'1" Oa.ly · ••. .. gaalily Meal FeaturincJ' Mannln9s U. S. GoY't. Graded Choice leef Finest leef Obtwinable depoali l•cluded HOT WEATHER FAVORITES Chuck llade or Chuck Arm BEEF SHOCLDER LAMB CHOPS ....• 79c BBIOOFORD'li SUGAR CL'1tl:D FROZE.S JUMBO SHRIMP~-59c WRJU: IT LASTS BREAST·Q·LAMB .. 25c S\\"If'T'fj ORIOLE SLICED BACON • 49c . , . . . . . . . . . • FRESH, J UMBO SIZ~A BKEAllFA.&T ft&AT RASPBERRIES ..... 25c FRESH. LOCAL-S moo:a V A.JUl:TY SQUASH ___ ··-··· 2 -19c WASHINGTON DELICIOUS APPLES . --· ____ .... ___ 3 -25 c l-"-RGE, FANCY COACHElLA • GRAPEFRUIT 5 f .. 29c S\\'EET. SPA.,'l.SH ONIONS -··-··-·-····-·-·····-3 IM 10c DeHcatessea llrllmlnnllln-- SLICED A.HERICA.N CHEESE __ ···-·---·-····-····· .. 55c PiRMENTlf LOAf .. 59c Rllllll ROQUEFORT CHEESE · DRESSING _____ ... ___ ! 49c ROMA.DE FAJUI STYLE CUCUJOD STICKS -----········-------.W• 29c RICBAJlD'S OWN COLE SL~W -·--;··---~ 19c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • STORE HOU~S: -DA1'8 (EQopt ......,,. 9:otA.X. lel ... P. X. nm.1. Y -rAilu.Y mn 9:tl A. X. W 9 P. X. SIDID.f.YI • • ......... , ...... 15. .•••••• , ...... .._ .. oi.I& ........ (All a tssd'I....,.. fw _..la )' • .. ___ , • c .. . . . . . . ' . . . . .. K's Grapeade ., OranCJeade " 0 .. 27' ~a.n• COFFIE'f'i~ BLUI: SEA LIGHT KEAT CHUNX8 TUNA ·=.~ 23·_ ••ter wh•, __.Mell-. er~ ••Is' MU. •iLealW wkh Bisqaick~":-3 7 · • XUOOA Yell- MAIGAllNE ·-29# c..rt--·····-··-··-.. "Cu wltlt. ea." ca•,..,..c... SUGAI .10~19; lllNlt'o SALA.It DKESMlfG Mirad• WIHp ...... -····-J3 ¢ ... MXIE 80Y •c#e!C! .. --. .... SAUCE !;;:.. -······-······ 33 ¢ JEWEL OIL ....... "(\29' Qoario 57t llACH HATS All sisea, 1bapet1 A: colon ... vn a yea and face from aunlNnt IACK IDT Weal for a dlly at tho .._,,h or aunbathing ill tile back yard. llACH FLOATS OW. ....,;ty in the water ad llollra of tun . for the kida. llACH TOWILS :Variety of ~ and oolon1, a -fpr the bN.cll. ICE JU6 IMal fOt' boat or patio COCKTAIL ... SHAKERS A m•8t for cocktail hout .favoritea ' Alao BAR EQUIPMENT OOASTERS, GLA88DI STEINS, MUG8 -be food la~ ,Meizanlne Shoppe TJIUU8.j.Y CHERRY PIE ----·-·------···-58 ' LEMON TARTS -·--·-----·-··· 2 f .. 19' POT.I.TO OLA.DD . DONUTS ---=-·---·-·-·· 5,., 27 ' lb.TUm)AT ' BANANA NU.T CAKE -~-17, D.t.rlt nu.&b ' I BEAi CLAWS 1 4,.r _27; llPS05.f..LI -DR11118D4Y, nD>.f.Y,. AY -nJLY I, I -T THE ECONOMY~ISI PATRONm· • GAP-Make. delldoua ... dtricllee CORN~D BEEF----········-····-····-····''.;;,L 39 ' TEMPT · LUNCHEON" MEAT ..... : . I~ 39' BEST FOODS HORSERADISH . I 9' MUST-ARD ····--··---··-~----····················-··OL HEINZ FRESH II ¢ CUCUMBER PICKLES ............. •L 'l1 OLD RANCHER'S La.rce . RIPE OLIVES ..... ··-..... ~I 29' CASE 8"7 A VNF-Serve t(e Cold· ORA GE· JUICE ···---______ '!:" 27' MAR ,,..__ 29; APP E CIDER ................ ····---·"°- DEL MON'JT-..IL or 8Uaed: · i' . " !< •v. 25' PEA~H ES ..... -·······················-·-····--·:::- LA.DY'S CHOICE PRE,ERVES "' JELLIES ···--·-:L 18' 0001<8 JN S llTh'UT~. WEllEBS SPAGHETTI ····-·· ...... ·········-··········---~ 19' ~'HITE BOUSE . COCKTAIL PEANUTS ·--··--!.29' BoJlll GELATINP .. I · 1117; AD Pure Evaporated MILK ·1..arp ... 2/25 ' lllll&alo I-FBllNCH DRESSIN~ I ... 23 ' Huat. POBll. AND BEANS sv. -21291 Hetu TOMATO t CA TSUP _____ ,._.,._ 25; Teaderleaf TEA IAGS i.!!.17' Blplaad °""" • llfaple SYRUP ···-·····u .... 27 ' Ka.I Kaa for Peta-N •· 1 caa HORSEMEAT 19' Clap,_ Olloppecl . -BABY FOODS 10' St.ero Ch1ekea. Beet, or VeS"e&abM BOULLION CUBES ......... , 8' Free FroAt Green Amber O'-wltla POWOW CLEANSER 2125' Blm. Whtie you 'tlVMll BLU WHl1'E FLAKES ,.. ... 2/19¢ ........... POWDER , ..... 2125¢. 1! Pack MODESS...-ce 39; Safe Bleaeb-Yr .,..Ooa •.. Uc PUREX ............ quari 15' Ball Dome c.on."JNG LIDS .... of u 2/25¢ Battle C"""'-l"IG aad BRAN FLAKES 10 ......... Ut Loma Unda RUSKm 1 .... 17' Gerbere Oatmeal or Barley CEREAL ~ ..... 16¢ K.lapford CORS STARCH 1b. pk,. 13' OrWp Oret'!I CHILE POWDE~ pi.1. 11 ' SALSA ______ ,oL 18¢ ho•••'. roods !llllfn!ll!llD!n~IB lllRD8EVE FBOD:N CUT CORN --············-········! 18c SNO CROP OONCl:NTRA.Tl!:D ORAN~E JUICE -·· ~ 2 for 21 c 11111118J:YE J:iOZEN 1 .FREN~H FRIES ________ : 9c lllllDllEYE ntE!IB FllOZEN MIXE' VE~ETABLES ::, 19c : UIUSY'S rr-. PEAS .... --------··---· _____ !! 1 tc . llUU>fli:D: RonN FILLET8 OP PERCH·-··------=-· , • ·. Our , '