HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-25 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI I• i • ' ' •• . • • \ ' _,, ' 'Y ~,.fRT , .BAY - • AND SHOPPING ~EWS -.. =L•u• ---~-'"'-=--~ TOOI'! TOOT! HERE THEY COME! ~ A Boy s and girls are arriving by lnnertubea. r ----"'\ v.•aterwings an~ ba.rkentlne• to join the , GERRISH SWIM CLt;B. Dr. Paul Gen1ah, · .. ~nown swimming teacher and former aup- erv190r of recreation at the Balboa Bay Club is now director of the Gerrtah Swim Club and summer camp. / Dr. ~rrl.sh is holding cla.s.aes in swimft'l..ing, diving and wa.ter safety for children polly-wog siu on • up. As a matter of fact . a Cocker Sp~iel naroed "Pancho" shows up regularly tor lessons in dog paddling. The ~rrish Swim Club lncludes the awim lessons which ever}· ch1Jd should have pill.! super- vised sports. ga.mea, marine hikes &nd handicrafts. Another feature or the fun progy-a m is a weekl)' bonfire party. Little would4 be. trogmen and women may be enrolled b_,. day. week or month. Fees are inexpensive and include transportation. Your li ttle toad should learn to :!Wi.m ui the bil' puddle. Call ~a<"On 1!864 W or NM-\\'. • • • LET'S HARMONIZE ... I DON'T MEAN GET UP A BARBER SHOP QUARTET EXACTLY. I mean now you can h&.rQloniu your rugs and d.raperies with ~RED SATIN DECORATOft PA~. SPRED SATIN 18 A WONDERFUL RUBBER-LIKE WALL P4.\.INT th&t ha.a started & new trend in home decorating . , . Thia excellent paint can be applied over old plaster, wailpaper, Y.·allboan1, woodwork, brick, concrete etc. You can do both wall• and wood4 work with the same paint and SPRED SATIN DRIES TO TO\JCH IN 20 MINUTES. YOU CAN HANG PICTURES BACK ON THE WALL IN 01\"E HOUR AFTER PAINTING! ANO GET THIS: SPRED SATIN COLORS ARE WASHABLE. SCRUB THEM AND CARRY ON, BUT THE PAL"IT BLITHELY STICKS. DEEPLY DRAMATIC COLORS A.RE AVAILABLE. SPRED SATIN CAN BE OBTAlNED ALONG WITH PAINTER'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KL~ AT MeDO:SALD PAl~"f STORE. 18!8 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mf"U. Bet.con. 5103. • • , • •• • Marine Airmen Jake , Hold~ · · 1aps ·Home ~ YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO EAT AT HOME AT THIS . PRICE DIHN!R SIRVID ALL DAY SVNDA'fS 12 NOON 'TIL 9 P. W. TUBNBB· Daua . ' . 9H eo,.t BlgMway llewpe.,. •••c•. (ACROSS FllOM ALirAMEaICAN WAllllTl . ' -· -... •. .. M~p ~~~~~re With Savings! ' .P.a"'; · the' wa~ ·~ o£~£i!fiµ-e ci>mfortable living by. maki~ your sa'vingis~-goal the equivalent of one year's· income. · ~ " . .\ '\ . ' , AND A.VAU.ABD.JTY • ' ·1 -. • • • •.· j ' ./ • ,. ,: nwP021t a&Y PrMtlot! All M ~ la - PAOll I •• ~ nJJ;Y ti, uni £111 M -a-PF 1iltt -;&!'ID -o -•• • --~,., .. rm b tltr ,.._ . . . XOW SllOWIXO "Moolll~e lay" P~ULO~ -8111£2 -0,. ...... 7111 ... ---· • ~,p a, • ... "H•ak:ane lslauad" "A,ls••• • 111 unm&>', ftlL\' - ... ''"-· Ttall I ,,,.. -... S1st' rtJliSDA.T, IULY 1111& ''Sirocco" W Pl I 'Tt A-. 1111 "lw•ef • DaJ" ... • ! • .... • ~ , '"Texas lalMJelll'' · ..... ,.., Mll1l1" - CHILDREN'' u.l.s.r FIB~ N1MI al -. l! yn. ..... ' , .... 1\,11 • ...... ,,-OPEN EVERY DAY! • • ~Day , EYery W..in-lay • U Neoe te . ...... • FREE BALLOONS • Ccmce=tlon• 5¢ • Bides •1 MTR BDUU: F&CILITD:8 FOB MEN A.ND WOMEN . C. J. A. JALOPY RACES ~ EVEBY FlllDAY 1''1TE r albert Stadium, Hiinti119ton leacll . BJGll"W A Y at NOltTll O"F OOA.ST BL VD. I U-DRIVE CRUISERS ROW BOATS : ~~~s • 8mtll'lloa& . J.uweltl•C . ~ •TACKLE EL.LIS ' I O,A.t. I ENT A LS · -~ mw.y N-rt -.11 Pl>. llArloor 1114 • AT SOUTH 1tND OF UYSHOU: BBIDOI: _ OM,,._,.M1IMN1M"'6...., q ............... .. ·-· "'•tr"s'?Jlf I .... \/est :ltll Street at Radio lbwas '--....;;;;..-SANTA ANA PH.ICI 3-1311 n 100/o Discount on Any Purdiase (EXCEPT ABALONE ... llllBDIP) ' Bring Ulla ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresll Fish Daly from O• Own loaesl ~ .... 111. 75' -11arracucla ..... 1e • .-11t..,35~ rRE8I& SWORDFISH, AlllACO&i ond llALllON l!PECIAL PRfCE ON A.BACOJIE FOR CAm-'JNG -~ ... oa tJoo Bo,J NlnWO&T .... , Ill ATI'ENTION F I S H E R. M. E N ! During the aummer 9e&80D we will •tay open every evening till 7 :00 p. m., Sundays, open from 4. p. m. to 7 p. m. . H~bor Fr•1a·.-Foocl 118 • ar 8t. Newpvn .. .. • ERWOOD'S • • • .... ~= ..... • -.112P' ........... ...,.., IPL Cit .. ......... ---T , a rt ................... a J1 1.-1 ll11ll llz 1w1 • ··-· h •• ,. ................. a&t'. I.UT DAY . _..,.., .,._ L1aaa• ·~ KW' -AIM- -Dolllo>r "Fighti119 ~oast Glllll'd'.' SUN., MON., TUES. laaa Crawford, :a.llorl Y- "GoOdbye My . Fancy'' -AIM- "Santlff lers Gold" WED. CSE DAY 01''1.Y liq Cartoon Festiv.i -Ptus- Aam Blyth .. "Katie Did It" Mc s ~').. ...,., , , SAT. LAST ~y Dou7 · llt;f• la • "On The Riviera" -AJoo - "lowery lattali0&1" BUN., MON., TtJU. F1Nt Rua: ''TRIO" o.e of th Out.taadtq Pletu,_ of tbe Year. ' - NOW 880\VING Ilario IA.WU. ha BJ:ytil •Qu:A T CAllUSO" -Pim - Bod4y MeDowell "'BIG TIMBER .. 8TABTS 8L'NDAY Biid Attbott. LMI C..teile "OOMIN llOtJM) THE MOUNTAIN., -Ptua - St.Mo Codi""' & Darif Brio ln-"INSIDE TIO: WALLS OF FOLSOM PB.lSON• ' , I , ' • . , • j j l ' .. te·. e·,.AJ ... Y-Mato. Ah11te• 1l_\-n T 1ii f .'D :. ., ~ . r1nua .-,c111 ~in.hpt) :f"l..J::J J.i;,1,.£1 •• _ •• ~.NA: .. , . ·1an ' !Ul~=~~ (01 • ,~ , • . • • • .. . ::J Ibo.rt-bop to Jtpu. 'ljtrll.M, .... ~ -.. If ~ -----~ . , ~Ubl.numbor,U..re-""1'""~~ ,,., .... -iiliia...-..-.i~~lllL· .... .... ~--..:....-...... ------1~~ =~p:-:t ~~....:-~ fJ\S~=~"= re~ to tllelr bomelalld. Tl>• to put "" to--.... ,l-'I 11 'jwltf' . • U..O lq'l!l ~~ t I _ G II riP 1w1 coutaAtl,J rotooed to rt:>uo ... .,111111f.~ tiria • , ,....... iiauautp ••• • . ... guna a ery . believe tllat Japao. had -ft·4e· ~ttreU.. U.t ... flrln,..OI' llft ""uM ortliOpedic thU ... ,,... • · teated In World Wti II. It took !pp ;,our llhopo. .. O&r~ -, • borpla. O\>• t U.' An -.n4ln&' ••lllblt of th•' combined effort. of Jetter. pr!-H<>-Bum ..• ..,._ ,.._ I . t&ko • nap. ~t --... .,,.. lNnl In llooJS.on rrJn IOYed onN bl Jopan UM! the ,.,_,, HM -.... ~ ..... .._ .,._,.., . ». _. Ball •t i.p... 9-h .ut O.Ueey perjilatence of the V. s. N•>r to ~--....,..----~-.,..-~-----~-----..­ Btturd.l,y UM! will be °" u!Ublt nn;il7 convlnc'l them. until Aqu,t 6th. 'l1LMe wate~ .... ~-_tbe aumvon the oldeet wu coloN are the work of "l-lloebe 51 tY"e&rl aid. W'blle the youn.-i orr Wollw ot Cl~ Ohio, wu merely 24. "IYo ot th.m w'" :5=~·~, ·~·~;a:, .... w!ao~ ii teee•tnc ttauru *" co"· tot1ner .Japan.eee Arm7 men, tour IA I 'Pl. -... • 1une:tlOD with ICllot O'Btro. at tlle ~ been In the Nippon N..,y ond !:' d ~ 7 t L b d .. a.. SchwazWwaiq Stud lo unW A.u-the! remaJntnc 1S were merchant - - -,_ .J.oo pt lltlL Miao Walker'li palDUnp ...;,,.._ ...... , -lllr. --. .... ... ... 1'il>Nftcy """ riror Wlllch ~ ------ -1----~ ....... la --Ulatln( . 9ret11e tM * Q'I w ._.an Bev.:eral artist membera ol the -· ............. aaC tit o ......,.,,.._ made the J'int AB· ptat. pzswttaHaia. nual Aft abow at the rauval, VACATION IAUNT ' -Francloc:o. a.rm.~ Del M:~te and Clear lAlte were the deat)natlona ol Kr. and Kn. B . -. Luo - -la. T' .. tJuoH belft&' prise wlnnerw. Wllll&m -... --&-•col-Grant Bb<rry, EJntr Htnaen and G. !Reed. 301 Broodway, Coot& ti ,... ... late f d pf 9im E1IJe Palmer Payne. Olhua whole 11.ef&.. when the.y took the hig'll· LIM, ...... Jr1U111 t. .. i;nl. as.. picture. were hW'IJ tncluded Eu-..,.,.. on a recent motor jaunt. 8CdW Ui U. PNa'. Ill& Lti:ie cen• rt-andsen. Norm.an Cham· Th~ were away two weeb. u4 ._ ....._ ... Dawtln°, berl&tn. Ruth Peabody, Kathryn ] .....,, • UW.. ~ ~ OJ.a. Fr-ederlc Jdnlooa And-""'f· ~UY 8lfir:B8 J:XCllANGl!l oottace wlU. fT'lllll roOf U4 pon... othen. Corona del Mar baby altten, ~p plden, P1 wttll lript ' ~ the odvant.op, '1' now-era a.p1nalt cool IN«\ ahtUba. I _ Art A wotki.ng u a group both for them:· Of a • ll'lOl'lll..nc krU. tak• her a.aguna ssn. Ml•ea and for their custom.era, are trow.I an4 -up -.......S t El t Offi org(nising an exchAnge and ..... tho •lnnlM (II> .... '• ae ... & ....., 0 ec . 1cers named )(ugont Davtdaon .. telo. to be aeen), whUe 8elle UN on a phone girl, Harbor 124.8-J. • cNJ> and ~ now....i ...,. Tb• Ncimlnot.tnr • Committft · hat and pee to market. In the compc»edl oL Galen Dou, Mn. • vrrs ALLOW &NCI: an.emoon µtey rMt. u4 l1lltea to Tbomae B. Kennedy and Mrs. Servicemen's readjuatment al": t.be ndJo,. D&Yid Jl. Jack have nominated UM! lowancea pa.id to vet.eT&M' durtnr There'a only one 1 &l'JUll*'lt: folJ.awin.c for officers ot the La-May totaJed $O,?OO, the Depart· Sarah hu aix chUdrm. Belle oaly CU"& Be&ch Art AMOCLl.t1on. for ment of Employment report.. one·: "'But I've rot "Ut,e mOl't aep-tbe com.J.ns year. The election 11 'nte Department paid readjust· kwa and nlecu," 8be cbueklell. to be held .A.uruat 11th at th~ An-meflt aJJowaftcea to 102 veteran.i nual M.eetlnr at the Art Gallery. a week, 30 fewer than m the p~ J'or dlrectora to .e«Ve two-year Cff(l1n th term.I : R .l.Joyd Babcock, Gert· , gm __ on __ · __ _ rude G. Gardner, Mul'T'ay G. Hill 1 TEIUONA.'110N PAY and Mrs. David M'. Jack. 4 bill authorizing 30 daya pay . ' -. .....,_ ' fops I~ Food * '. Coclitails from IOa.m, Tops in Entertainment * * ·Dinner · 'from 4 p. m, ,-. ... . Oi'd-B&UNCB 11 A.II. to & PX .. Womeri of Moose Initiation Thursday Newport BMcti. Women ot the Kooee wtll h.a:n an tnit.a.tion Tllurodty, July 21, .u.ru,.. tt I J'or otflcerw tor the tilcal year AUl'\llt 1861 to Auguai 1952: for public employea W'ho enter ac· ----------------------..., . p.m. T11J.o ktac e1eet«1 and appo1nt. ed office.a chapter ·nlsht, retrt:11h- menta ·wn1 be aerveel fol.lewtnr lnlt&Uon by: Winifred Rtn<lel, aenlor recent: 41~ A.ndel"9Cln, Junior . l"f'&du.a.t.. recent; Clara Leach. jurilor rerent:· Alice Youn,., chapla.ln: Viola Comecl., recorder; Joyce Edick,;. {reuuttr: Myrtle Humphrey. Urua: Elale Kinr. Sfontinel; Nickey Edgerton, ruide: &!nt Ph<g-ley, ...U.taat guide on~ I Olive Miller, plani8t. Candldat..e• to be lnitia.ted an: l Anna B. Willey, Costa Me. and . Sdna Potter, Newport Beach, .po-mored by Olive Miller and Dorothy carter • Dorothy Ctrltr, alumni •hair· man.. ....u hollteu at a mee.Unc ot lier cODlll\iU.. Oil Wed•.e.day, J\llT la At J:1U KinC• ~ In Newport. Retrub.ment. were: MrV· ed tollowkl.1" a ~ ot activt- U.. plonAed by tho oonuruttee ond Preaident, Murray G. HUI; tlnt vlee president, OaweU L. Jacbon; aecond , vice prealdent, Charles 0 . Bnl.dley; eecretary, Mrs. David W. Jack a.nd lttaaurer, Walter I:. Parke. Mardi Gras Dance · is Saturday Event , for Lido Isle Assn .. Lido lale Community auocl&· Uoo la entertaining thl.a coming Saturday evening with a Mardi Gru buffet dinner dance at the Lido club houae. Dinner will be .erved from I :30 to 10:30 1· in. and the~ will be dancing in the Bay TOOft'l to mualc by the Roju O<Cheotra. Ou8la are to com. In eo.tume &nd prfsee wtU be awarded the man and .._.,. Judl'd btvtnr belt prb. r.ute b&Uoon. and trodltlonol -tine will add to the p.tety. ReeernUona, ·llJn..lted. UM chalrmaa. ThOH att.enclJAs were: A.lice to .... llB. ~ thia nenlnc. &n• Youns. Elate Kine, Myrtle Hum-nouace Kr. a.nd Mn. Wayna Mur- phrey, Myrt61.la T1ppiq and the dock, la ch;&rre of arn.n1em•n:-- tivi duty with the armed forcea wu •igned by Governor Ea.rl Wu- ffl\. 'I'he meawre, which becomee etf«UVe irnmediaU!y, atlpulates 1 the employea ml19t have been at lea.at a year ln et.ate employ, Inglewood Man New Vice-Pres. Order of Moose .Tohn P'. Cart.tr, a member of the lnglewoqd .Lodge No. MO., Loyal OrcJer of Mooae . wu unani- moii.aly elected vice·p~stdent ot the South Central District of the Ca!Uomia M oose Aa&ociatlon, Lotal Orde r of M008E', at a •pe· clal meeting held in Loe Angeles nUr.day, J'uly 19. Carter, a former dwtrlct .....,.. cJAtton oecret&ry, ''bu .. noec1 u eowmor ot t.be Inglewood Mooee Lode• f0< two Y"-....-.t&ry ot ~ Lodpi f<M" one year, Jnember ot )p.e Lodp'• Ritualinlc Degree Stafft and mem.ber of th• Leeton ot the Mooae No. 8 Degne St.&tf. Re currenUy holda the title ot •• ' Dioint ~ opM II :30 A.M. te S P.M. doily a.-1 Sut>dty1 tlld holi4eyo. ......,., Killlb.t!y J.119' Loll IA fRfJ P ARION!i • ' """tuo. . Co-workers Birdie 0.trander and M.yrt.le Humphry an the rrandmot.hers of a cirl. born July 18 to Mr. and Kn. Cbarlett Miller of Newport. The Mby WU Hamburger Fry Set for Thursday Deputy Grand North llooee for ~:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;::;7 Sodtbern C&lifomia. Carter llv• 1a.t U117 Bar&'m av~ue, OJ.l"Yer ctty, -callf. He w· married and the fa.ther at four namf'd Cheryl Lee. The entire Newport chapter aent conpt.Wationa to the proud parento and cnn<1pou-entt. Festival of Arts Annual Pageant Under the auapteces of Circle chlld.re-n and la currenlJ.y employed Ten of the' ea.ta Meaa Community aa ~ member of the Satewa.y Em· Church WSCS, a public hamburc· plo)iee Relaticna Department Loi er try wUl. be held Thursday, July A.n.l"ele• acme. 28 in the patio of Mra. Woodrow ; =*==================:;I Hadley'• home, 1965 Wettminirter It avenue, from 11 :30 a.m. until 1 p.m. ncketa, priced at 85 cenbii and ~ eenta, ma.y be obtained from any circle member or at the FINEST OCEAN FISH Rl!:TAIL FISHERMEN! SHRIMP We will HALIBUT BARRA.CUDA Prepare SEA BASS Albacore for ALBACORE your locker ABALONE • ' SEA FOOD SPECIAL TIES ·ay Morri ~ Opens at Laguna Jr(LZ7"'1IMDBEI Laguna'• Inotne Bowl with The :n"ct'!r,,POT cru!f~~ Chmt church. 518 30tJt Newport Beach Ph. Bar. 150'7 llU1'"l'INOTON llEAVll NOW TllBU SAT_tl&OAY --fiii ...... ....... -A.''Jl -- 8Httng capacity of 2~ wu Oftf'· Church by the Sea Will hold a pot flowing Saturday eventnr tot luck tupper at 8 :,:W p. m. on openlnr present&Uon of the t.med 'nl\lnd&y tn the pa.Uo at Uae Page&nt of the Mutera wtrieb la home of Rev. an4 Kn. Thomu climax each day o( the annual Pendell, Balboa pen.lnaula. with l"Mttva.I. of Art.a~ rehearaal afterward.. F&EE DEL.IVE&Y to SL I_ ..... Camnnmlty ~ Utr. -· ......... Here, In the beautitul n&t\lral amptthe&t~. la an utensiw ex- hlblt of contemporary patnting, cerainJca and allied art.a comple- mented' by the m&.neioua H°t1DI' pictures. 11uperbly lnterpnited by Laguna Beach folk tn poee and CC>9tume of the ortflnala. Ar CATALINA l~:t================== Catalina lala.nd attracted Mr. I· and Mr1. Neal Conon and cbll-I t-~,:-..---------1 dren, Thelma, Leroy .and Charles nec .. t•'s Faltrics of P'lower otnet. Coot&, Meoa_ tor j several da.ya ot amunerUm• tun j * 1ut W9eJ<. I D1reot tr.m 11111 In the First Annual National Art ~bltion h&np the ortsfnal I.n warm weather, the motortat ot Nonnan Rockwell'• recent de--abould aee to it that llil -automo- uthttul P oat cover, Plwnbera ln bile Urea a.re not onr-inllated u a Lady'a Boudolr; and th .. 1a one tht. factor, plua .peed, cau.ed ot the hlchllPto of Prognm A.. u... _..... IA> Inc...-• .one of the three altenaate Pe:~t I P"'lftl11•. Thlo. topo In the field ot humor. la conlruted wttll the exqulajte Chinese I110rte.. P\friod fi«Urtnes ; the c'a-kal Venue de Miio and J'roconud'• ,., Tl>• sw1nr. . •. Thlo ,..,. tousle for L&(uaa'• •11Yin& art" IA t'U.rnl.ahed 11y tllree "'"'"" lncludJni IJle .ur<:r&tt, l'IO', PacUlc Band, Vnlted 8- M&rlne Corpe hoto 11:1 TWo ~ Station; Ulo Brooeta1<7 ~ ..,. tHe IUtm.1 ol" AJt1 Cllolr, hJallllll>t1nc t b • Pot1n1al ot Loqn&rdo d<> Vlnd't Tbe I.Mt-...... per, traditional c•aln ot ·eoeb ~-..ins. . A ~ f~ .., Ull 'Ii Uncle Sam Says I· qN1: OF LABO.EST 8TOCU •• Padfte eo..t I * l+-+--~~~~~~--+1 ........ Ill ,,,,_ .• 0.-......,_,. COMPUll'otNNllS '"'" .......... nonc.&L . -tl;llt...'"'~ hotml ,...._ .. °'* ~"-"· l jpj~-~~--~~~il•llal Nat'-! 4rt blllltlllle oil. .,. ""'"'q ~ OCAlfT~ 2'mt- ....... 1-by -tioiil .. olal-. llnVal 0( ~ - ~ ........ 1·, . "-.. ' ,IOSll'S ....... , .• iii{'IM I . ........ •1 h '-1'&?;1 .... Coclitels ........ .... !lap_ ..... $' .... "'IM8c _.. ... Illa....... -=----ut.. Oto * ...._. t:bl1 ta. .....U. a. .......... 911 -llrtJlllo .. ,--. •••••• __ ...,__ -..,, ....... s .. i .. , ..... ,... ..., ....... llo llillltE eft 0( - --• I .. iioliiii-. -• .- W 'o °"l'•la oi... pt 't ...... ,t,~ •!-=-~ .. hi -.... u.. Daa .... J'fJ' ... ... . -!*f"4l .. _. Dia .... •A I • fllll' .... 15 .r.t la91t-pl ,.. ---- l'Y ANTENNAS Call us for in1tallation or servicing of · your antenna , • Prompt service by expert technicians • Low price .. Tl DE TY • 1111 Newport Bly& • -·- · P1a•· J114tv.c/;.,, TERESA RENNER ( Mrs. A, Renner-I Cm Mt: ......... et ftne C'<W'ta mW o..-io 11-el -ll&iwi: 436 Simi Dwf'* 'Hlirbor 117t.J. ' • • - Coroaa Hip': nds -Ccnaa de! Mar ., . . . • Th• Newport-Balboa Pr•ss ' , . \ •, Hews-Tim•i -. ~.--·--•} ,....,.,, . H•w~il.: Bay Post~ aMI '~ · • ' _,.. • I . ~ .-; Sltopptirg Hews ..: * I • • , 1 .. • r I I ' I [ ' \. ' ' MiSS Diane iooiie· ·m ~'Brkle .: ,' Automotrva . &aa 91~ Solclf~ri ._' '113 rms of BbMI .From. NeWpqn .··~~:=:::.I f.J.oh Thomas,. , 'HOnie"~. from. K • •CfL·ll<lnald.r.Qar!<)-u:.-N.S ver ·~s'''b. _-: ~...,;.--~~1aorbloo.i-.~wby·.-_ 0 n · , · · nM:a "' 111r • ..,,. -.... A-a. (llattr; "' ,rmon u 1ect "' lt ~ ~ ""-'llM -aw Bloodm*IO ~ °"" --_.,1 a1. . . . • UI 1;iilll l'fowpott Buel!, bu -sn&t-. ' . • :· II\' Lef1<e 8-11 .. If ~ ....... J r . • . .,--;--- . H • ,,..;,. ;>...: '-.' &tH rrom -.. 1c1109f'u '11~.• _,.popular p-tqr . oa-...o;:~ ~~ Rr w. -a14 tbat 1 !';;:. ~ :"""'.._ = ns -ind .-..,, . -' . •' -nrt Ord, cane. • .. 11!.o .n-.n:-: ~·1 ......... ~. Yt.11"4 u...·~ . . . , ' .. . , ....... \ 1 ... ,1\ c\e . ... -~.Jr., .::.. ~7..: Mrs. Ross Wilkinson ~ ..... "oJOI·!-" ~ ~'· tlllo lleY. ,J'nnk ;i. ~qell to toi 14!'" ... ,Dloo4 ~ -Nit.tin• ~or paUew --.:... ~ ~ m•• .. It' dlttl-'"". •••' 'f· ·· . '!'imtoKc>ntttty,S.:..'LiilaOll!>. H. G t . =.;lralDf!i&' ~-~ So~ • ."::~•"'!3:'~~ .or.~:·""!"~·~"'"'°"" -Uy need~-~· cult .to molnUIR J>SOP<L' wat.er • ~ .. • , Po. san PnnCloco ·ln4 T-mu. IS . OnOI' U85 i 1a 'an~ of orgaiiJsatlcllol Ill( ,. ........ to"the prumt'dfy ...,,. ~ -. IUl4 fO •P«'--Kr, 0 . K, <:ampbell, N_.,t ·-· GI'' ,.;-~~: ~ : . . per~ ~d• ... lb6 ,_·Dione at Stork Shower . m:_1e:::; : .:::1n:: =~ ~PlllNlly authenti.. = ;!~i:.~. their =Sh~ a:,~:.:·=:.~ ..----------~ -~ • Louiae. ~°" -.-w ot Kr. A eui4--11i,owor, irtwn plluee, '""'11>..._ chaMlo and Oi>' 'Dlo many -toro now 1n•i.: Tbl """or·-·'bl-·....,.. Newport llladl Cit)> Employ ,~-and Mn. '°"" s.,,,,. Gord ... 702 In honor or Kn.' -WUJdn,,;.. u-. ~ Beach aro· 1nv1ted to. ·• oont to!-~id ' .cater.' Jl'orty--' AaoCla~ , reenlltod • the ~ . Cout B11~way alld her huoband . --tend -·pujta of t.lda -......... JU-rest number bl donon. . llllU'rur•s· lo oon or John Tbomaa, 8r., 17506 ot llM Redlarul.t, '!""" bdd at tho In U.. tint pllaM lhl.lltudent ~at The UtUe Church placl-ta made ' i.y flim4I or . . , '""""' Pioneer Blvd., Artesia. Tboy • .,.. home ot Kre., I. Llnpnfelter. ua 1_,,. tho nomenclatur<, llw' by the Sea, l~d. at the corner . . L I L Ht..&.· 'Plain~~. DOUGHNUTS 4~ i-... sa. ..._, ' fat :u. --~~ , 8 __ J .. -· II:. 11th SL. 'Cciota K-. oo Thuro-tlonlnr and '<lw'acteNtlco ot an or t.e(IOn aa4 TbroµsJI -a I JlllllDC• '9WWGJ ..,..._ a. nooa on un_,, _, d<ly ....... /Illy 11 Kn. WU-Dlocb -or South Cout Blvd. •. c·· cl ......... 15' M ,.... lilo Travel Bureau I , atter mo..,µitc aervlce in New-lt1nlon 11 ' u · k In the the compoiiettt p&rta: ot a mW.tary com.bln~tloN. du.eta. tdOI an4tOM 1'111"011 .. Port ftarbor Luthe.ran churcb the an ac ve wor •r whJcle. 'l'tse IUbJt!Cta are taupt S\md&y ICbool bertna at 9:45 L Jn. , · Rev otto Floc:her otflclat • Al· l<ul S.ttnth • Day Act .. nu.t by conreren<eo. damonatntlon& m. wltli cl1•,. fqr all apa. Come •loo.' ' Beavll1-traftled Oraqethorpe tar ~ea and white ute1:'::,,,,ere chfl:rcb ud lllvita\IOftl were a.-llrid actual l'UpeniMd pracUCal and U,Jo7 Ule lnlplret;\ .ain.rtn,i and ~ ur;ed&Y _~ :!!,O:: ,ft!We, between Palo Verde av~ back . d t th doubl .1 .. -tt.aded to &U.munben. work by the ltUdenta. 91>lrilu.al te1cblnc . Of .plrtt-tuled the n4 ta. a DUii and Studebaker ~ ia Lone rr-> or • e-,..... The !!Itta ot the arrl'rin1 ru..ts teacllen and leadUI on "Solll Winning" and tho oubjoct Beach, will be cloted to throuP rfte. lftrt placed ta a. beauutul nower The ftn&1 two weeks ot the · wW be l"l .will Kake Tou: r'lalber'9 traffic tor the nut 1~ months. 1-fiu Gordon won a. dttu of conred wilhlnC' ~u whU& cloee tchool a.re dewt.ed .to pncticaJ 'JWlior chure.h meet. t.t 11 :00 10f Merl .. noee attendlhs are K.otorilll are ad'riled to ue white pontung and an o~hld eGl'· by stood a . l'lateJy' ttork. r..ch work, wbereln Uae ll:nowledre ac· &. m. IA tb.e \}'Wlior churtb build· ahowtn( real 1nt.ernt tn this new Canion atreet. two miles eouth or LIDO DRUG llTOU Harbor 1246 I • sage. She waa attended by her ~It waa rt•en a amall paper qulHd p~Yloualy ii put to u., lnS with •pedal Prosram and count. 1 It la not too 'late to M-Arteal& Blvd., one m.Ue north. , ai£ter-ln-Jaw, M.ra._ Roben W. Gor· j plate and cn.yona "1th tutruc-Hl(h phyaical and mental re-tLannelsnpb. · ctn,-~ eome aii4~brtnc 1GUr ~· which are the nearest parallellnc PIA..''"E • SHIP • DAIN don, who W¥ in pink with corsage ttons to decorate ·it aitnilar to a quirementa are required for all Blnpplration begiftl at 7:30 p .. ell~ ani:t'Blble. . U&roup hlchwaya. R.ESEllVATIONS qt ca.rna.Uona and roeee . .Mr. Rob-bsby plate. A prize wu awarded 1tudenta wbo attend the automo· m. SundQ' eve.nine with an ·orran The arti.t:ry of Rev. J'oll:n Bu:· ert Gordon gave be1t man aullt· to the l>ett a.rtist, Rub~ Payne. Uve Khool. Upon Cftduatlon the prelude. 'l'hoee attending enjoy ter ....., well-received lut 1 week a.nee. MrL Gordon, mothe11 of the The plates were tater tllled With men are uaianed to duty in t.hia the ftllowahlp ~d 11ng1ng of the and several Wf:llt bOme with bride, wore a nowered prtdt dr'f!Y alphabet, macaronl which were to very Tit.al phue of mlUte.ry duty, old .anp of Zloli. aketcbq which were given u wlllt tan background and & cor-be uud to form IDUuled n.a.mea th&,. maint&lninf and aer:vtctnr of Spectal mueic i. featured at prise&. M:any vialtora attended the a&ge of African lilies and ca.ma-for the new baby, and a time ltm-mttlt&ry nhtcle.. each ettVlce wtth Of'PJ\·Tibrabarp 1e?'Vict:lt UOM. it waa act. F\rst prise .,... awt.l'd- Tbe bride waa graduated from ed to Willa Biehn N~rt Harbor-Union blJh After opening ~ many beautl- acliool, which her hutband &1lo tul M,.. ~bm •· attended bet Jotni .. -th U S & ..... , .,,. ... ~ enwo were-98"· on .. ,. e · · ed. ot Ice -cream, cake and nut • In order to d'eereue' fire haz- ard and lncreue efficiency of the motor la that It will operate much Mlltul Thllr1 Ticklt AlllCJ Cooler keep the exterior p,a.rt of ~ your-e&?"'I niot0r tree of rreue. I'---------"'"--' ' Marine corps. He went to Kol"fa cupe decorated &I al blt.U 1 98•-~ In JUiy or tut yeu, ....., ,..und. blocu P ca ed in the battle of Seoul and hoa-4~ W pitaliz~ ln Japan. He arrived ~e following guest. were pre•· COSTA MESA 11IO Newport Blvd. .. co'&ON& DEL MAB -C-t B11• .... y ' 1::4GUNA BEA.CR ITS Foree& Avenue BALBOA ISLAND HI Martae .& 't'Uue • ho J 27 ha bee. ·UJ1-. .. ent. )lra. Margaret Coleman, 0p,a1 me une , • n on • .. , Ja.mu of Loa Angele.a· Kni A.-W '" day leave and wiU be 1taUoned at G?"&vee of Huntington 'neach : Mn: ~;:"'IS<~ Lonr Beach. They are making AnnavUet McLaughlin of t.pni their home at 700i,.i: Cout H.lg'h· Beach. Mrs J ll Ell.la 81\d way . . eane e · Bonnie Em. of ~n Grow: DI LOS ANGELES ltmu. Vera Cuaen and Stllel SUuch of Corona del Mar: Kn.. Recent guest at Hotel Bel-Air, Barbara Wadleigh of Manh&tteh Los Angeles. wu Sue Stanley ot Beach; Mn. Glenna Smith, Ethel Balboa Beach. Abbott and Bertha CJaylor't, ·of '-----------' Newport Be&.c.b; ..Mn. Ebb& Jhc.. ---.;;:-::-io;. _;: _;: _;: _;: _;: _;: _;:, _;:, _;:, _;: _;: _;: _;:_;: _;: _;: _=. _: _i=.-;: -=-= -=-i: -=-=-=-=-i: -=-= -fil Uy, Julia Bo.,•en, Jeuie Mellott, • = w. J . Ru~ge a.nd Jane ·Wilkin· , ST. JAMES CHURCH E.PI SC O·PAL (il TllE l:N'l'.BANcE TO LIDO 18LI:) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. NOW is the time . . . to transfer your tunds to insured \ SAVINGS • CURRENT EARNINGS 14~ . ' . • IOn ot Santa Ana: Kmu. Will& Blmm. Ht~ Buckman. Mary Butcht r, Marie Forbes, Winttred Hall, Marlon .Hannawalt, X. By· den, I.ouloe 11'.ocll, C&rolyn IAneu, &ate LeOrandtt, Nil& McLaucb· Un, Ruby Payne and Amelia VaucDt of ~.Ilea. • The ba.leue1 were M'ra. Fran- ces Pfiefer, V1ola Emmert, Mary Butcher and AJ\na Lingenfelter. Church ·Guild Plans Cooked Food Sale Corooa del Mu church school ruild ll hokting a cooked food aale Friday of lhl• week, I to • p.i;n. at 33:,Z Marleold ln the rear ot. tilt: former Anthony . ahoe lhop. Mn. Katie Hunt, waya and. mtll.Da chairman, W ln cb&r,.e. ' SIYlllS IOW llSUW ' . " ' UP .TO Sll,llta llOHY lllf.IYEP IY THE llTI OF TllE l!IOllJ( ~~IS .. fllOll TIE lstl· • • • ' Come In,'., We will arrange tlte trartder ~yovr·fundl . without J~vHience or ' ex,.,U. t0 yoit • ,+ • ' • YBLOW IUISAlllt Sunnybanlt. Foil wuppot '{IOllors. .. 33• PEAIUT IUT1ll Beverly brand (U..j11,57c) · . 11:' 33• y ... ..,_ ... ~:-.1 y .. m'.!.., ........... ....... w-i.- Wlltlt• M&T WAD r:: 15•':20- -lM AT TMlll UW Hltlll w·q.n == .. 49• Drip or "'1!1ar Vacuum pa~ . 1 ... 83. -. ' ~b. can, $1165 Aliwl'i ' t: 2.25 1.t· JJ•. llOI Hill ~-1.SJ 1~ 19- .. 73° . "''" ,,,,,.,,,, ,, /IUlll a..1n cal. 'lfo Meir.~ dmJr.. V. & GraMcl CHOICE lam1>. l~T pdc:ed. cd laie•a'J'• ' • • • l I l .. • • r • • • • • ' • • ' • • • I ' • ' • • • • ••• ',...wn>aT":A"'y 11. :Ult! ,.::!r _::.:;..; .. ~ Bishop 1Cempb.U August W1Jut.1:.. m . ~pie .Una.O'' . il.Jary t!..-L.iy' &~.nt ~wri for ~ -aaol'PINo :EWil po,. ... ,.~.-...,.,... o Preach ·Hec:e -• Qlll,_,, In SUnday, Rites . fTI ~ ~mor 'Va~• on St. James O.y Plamed by· , at Ghrist ·Church ~ . GueSf at . ..-,_,..: • .. vx:r,.t as. ..... .., • .,. St~. James Summer Brid tmportant ·Event · for, Ha Luncheon it es woc111-r. J1111 ·;o 1o 'ai. M. • Jane . 'ooi:s•--•~.;.. -~-~=t :,r: ~ -ti..:111 i,..ll*allllit . 1-··-. -... ··-1 ... It. ISS. Baile" y; ~ ..... ". oor..-"·lift.· p rf" --. · a ... ... • ~ ,.. --_, .,..., . -a IAt '!"flt ot 11111 J.t ; ,..........., -• ~ la lloe--.. • Jam .. ~ dlQreh wl It ....W. .,... :att*l i:i ~ at . ·.., Pat w1m1, -Tjrllt. ~ eo,. di.J9 <lie"" -,....,..::.,. ·., will lie -wtth apoe1a1 .... • , a..-CllWdl 11y U.. -.........,, w..i. N ......., ......... ..,.... -"~-c M ''°' OL. -lloth ..,-iq Mel _,, .,,_t ot llllla ~'Bal-11111 ~ at a: 11:141 ,,_,, t w,.i. aaw ..... ...i .,.... ~ .,,....;:~T;.j J-~~ = *'-""' ot - Be&uUtlll !lat., aurprioe pock At 10 a.."'·· tM 11.t. Jin. ,...... '"7.,,... .. _ • ..., -...,,iJlll1 Tlls,~lot nta...,.. -· upi!al eventa ,,_'"" Xloa 11 In """""· to'll..,df·Wtliltt, O&ll atnlu;-• ' · °' ,..._ ac .. 'both Jarce and small, ln· St.And W a&tk, -op ot K~. ea... 11 •"!-•-ilo'Jll:.,.., Kn. od w, IM putor, My,1 Tllotllu ti'·-ary Wlllt.e( Hank l!C.11e, ~ •Keil· · tloll. ., , •1 • t.,..tlnf and . attracUve; deleet· reWS Omtn ada, will ~ ~ OOtru:IWl• 2' Ballo7, V1 ..,~ 10 JloJ J'oahU. · ' . .o~ <Y•<IAcMff of Ille .T • .t.d<ll-de\f)', i/(ld)r IJmlth, Anft·.JtaWll:i),, -ta.~ ~o ~°!·l.~ able foo<I and ll.n-•lecUonlc Ulk· An D t Ion wltll ~ ·pn.yon tot Ibo at • ~ Po!rti and ro11ow1ac Ille •-1' •wed-Ooii'W,.a ot Ll<lo Iale aJlll l>tlde-1o1m Ke-J'.. • • -. ·--••~--~'--• ....:.. 11!~ end oln&iDI' doU. chief amonc. nOUnC8 a 9 V_.llla N. JI.. a.tit. MWIJ'.... et dlmlet at lllplz: 9aJllclo din( cll:iner Wu •rnd 'ID Ille lll<ij:t 'It llllller Kaale7, Lacklaad In_,,., •• to llo-llfcKe .,_ -~ -· -many• prmn, provided unending -tat.I oun..cU blDop .,.._ 11o1n.,·1211 Clli---..: .~,. ... p&''"' ot Kr. pd Kn. Bo._ E. ....,. ' .,._ 0n .. a 1-... ., · tut., Mid _u.... w.>1d ~-,....... f A t F • . ... ..,,, .,,.., ,... . ""."" . ~ 1110. Gall Wblt.e, Bani< x,i., Pat -~-to11 ea-anno..<.. .... _..__ lnopltatloll. for eoov.-Uon at 0 UgUS air -Coa..... • ~ Woddlllc la pl~ by lllal JIUU!l• ot tleoan J'Milt, Newpo.~ ..,.._ TlwroOay at . tho At t Dy .... "J:od Wlli .. , .J•-l!wlm, J1o11 , • ..,.. --_.,. "..., ·~ lut w .. k'o bigl"t o.lel.l OftDt. Tbla will be tho aanual vlalta· ll&lleJ and Iler flall-; Rlllqpliny JIMch, ud Loo Ahfrold. ~\;;ID Locuna -ch bJ Kloo 1--.i. ID dl.!Ar -_;, CUOJ-WU•' ~ A .-ir -W ~,.. the annual summer bridge lunch· At llt. ,u-. l'ra~Jtorlaa Uon •of Bilbop Campbell, auffta. r . KUtP!W:--h • .i.a: of lfit. mnbal "l'IM cOUple loft Sunday att.er-Jop -of Udo ~ and Kloa lla:M,' Neal Jl~ o.n Wiilte, :!;:'that,...._ ._,lillPt;., • eon ln 8l Jam .. pariab hoUao. clUln:b. all dube ,.... '""7 pl"Op&I'-pa w.ep cl Loo ........... and K\lrplly bt Loo .u,,1.., ·wt l>r. -f<W a ab«t llOna-. ni.y DOiin& ~ ot Lquna. · ludJ ltw1m. .,.... :N-.,. ..... -i.a-o et ~ The %8 t.nch electrorllc doll WU f.n.C fOlf' tMlr fair wt.toll .W. )le on he will preach tbe 8lft"l'll0ft at~ lM lfumplU'eJ' r. llurplt.i, .... ol, La wtJ}. make Ultir hame la RJ.verwidt ~ lun~!Mon-p..u 1"tDt to llOI' QutJuie,.--.olt JJtbotwt. 0 cattle, U.. ir1U lie &a~laie Ill donated by llalpb JI. Lii«, me-the -pua at ll5tll SL and 81,. I p. m. -. ~ U.... 1olla. -. ..iteto Kt. Oood Wiii -" be 1114 XMl•r 11o1po fc. the mote fa. In 8ftOW'l>t!odf, both ,._ _,. -fed or -'"" cattlo chonlcal cMoien••· end wu won AndNW• . ._ Babl-J. Aucuat '1111 lie ,. -.,tlaa i. tho porilll TIM llrlde • to • bo attellOed Loo ttaMftrffd., ttmate detailo ot opealllf citi.. ....., bJ Tom ,.,_ ._ Ill llalboa -cb will oUlet lho .___. by lo&s. Pettlli·Minttti &tter hav· f., from 11 L m. on. llioul for Blabop ud ¥ra. ~ A."'91" IUp 8Cbool &Dd'• tl)e Uni· w1lllcJl weft 19p9Ciftcall;r r,r Ule DtftClly c1&a tint race wu won aUJnbeor ot srain·fed. •ahn•k"' lng raiaed a good.Jy IWD for the Then wt1l M thinp of tate19t aad for mabop &ad Kn. Cll.mpbtll. ftrlfty ot lout.bun cautOl'ftll. B j b • A h bride'1 nni Jdt.cbm. Bou• of all by Klckty Smith ud eeCON1 by )(~ -.id UU. eoctdl.Uoa II new educational bulldlnJ. f« aU .... trom bob)' te """4· K-bon ot tho W-an·o.awdll-wllan all• waa a --ot A1pba a OanS nC Or '•h6i>eo&nd a-. 11e&uUfull7 wrap-ltof'r BoY'OJ· tfttlrOI~ -1\&1 -~ place Ala.ry Martha Pleger had tln:t mot.Ur and pandfather uid pack-a.ry, under dlncUon of tht prwt.. Chi Om.,a eorotity; llLe ill a1IO .1. T B pM, were piled la a clothM lwn· The tint picnic of Ute ,._,. wa ....,. ,._,. wbta · U~ pro. choice of the hata, sel..,tij>c a -trom all atatoa will be on -t. Mta. Ruth Patt!Mn, and Kn. Put HGi!Oh<I Q<:6M ot Loo Aa· c!I I• Oyon ay , pu, lta odce frlnJtd with uaotlll held 1aot 'l'uHday night; and ap-dUCON ~et tl\<lr cattle ~ velvet pillbox; Gladys Gardmer al Keary Seeley, wt.Ube ta eb&JC'@. ple1 Bet!ftl No. 91, JJ\ttna.tional ~ kit:chm pdcelll. proxbnately IQ )"OWlS people were have been f&tt,nhl.a on U.e ·~fti!'- chcse a blue lace a/fair and Gladys :r.r.. Nadine OoP.kn. Nwins Biahop Clark., who hu Mn. Ordltr ot; Job'• Dautbtan. J(r. Now ucltond off Toyan Bay '" Prffent 'We're· Ml.M Gurley and wrvM. Next one.ta ecbeduled for It U. no bM.r1nc on OPS daw ErotheTa liked th" ChJnese ar-chalrm&n ha. kept plenty of MW· oceu.pytnr U.. rectory durlnS U.e H~y'• fdUc&Uollal If a ci• C&talina an the lfml• J:. WoUea, Ml-mother, Mn. l . AddillOn Gur-Tueeday, July 31. oVtt liftltlock. Kot11tt •Id; rangement. Louiae Graaelli gra.c· lnl handy at all ttmu for the vacaUoa of Ul• Rev. Paul MOON rmund tnc1Udu Loe A.agt:ltl Rll'h · curnnUy l~inr in Balboa. Mr. le~; Ji(.,... Catharine Andrew•, ... toualy preaent~ her winnlng tick-women rtttlnc re~ IUltable Whetlet, wUl prt&eh bt. tin.al 11r. Khool and Ul.e Untnnlt,y of and Mra. Wolle took: the CNIHr Arin l'iffman, Louanne TaylOT', be""f'd Nada UM et to Karlan ClaTk, wife of the thlnp you w1U wvat for home UH mon nat Sunday a.nd will retun. Southem C&lifonUa wMn he WU Caprtce. tr'Olll the Udo docU and ~en. Gay, Tenlt& Mants, Dona 'T . eJ&lllfledlda. Annual Meet of 8.1. bishop. Antong others who took &nd fM ,uta. Kn. N. H. Rober-to C&n&da tha followtn.c day. Cof· llttlic&ted wltb Strma Nu. joUmqed over to the t.lland for RiPJ, Je&n Reed and her mother. , ' home Mln.ctlve c reat.ioM war• reau 18 sen.er-at ch.atrman. fee hour will follow the 10 o'clock • a brief try at their fllblnc luck. ~-!:meet aaru ... Miu Keller .. y and her moilMlr, and llr&. Wal-Improve.men+ Assa. Pat Whitf', Mrs. Oviatt. M'n. Wil4 J.fr. J ess Spratt repreaenta the •t1"¥ice and Mn. Ptrilmer Eller-RON BORN TO M&aA.H8 T2w popuJar couple will retu.m to and bu mother, Mra. Keller. ter 1'ra.nz.. J(n. T. Welton .Jay lianui, Mn. Haru.hawe, Faye We~ Men'• club and la kttplnr the men broek wtll_~ b-. tn ch&rce. Hr. and M.ra. Donald 8mllh are their Balboa home thi. wttk. ' At w.Jttier tent a lift. but wu unable to be Annual meetlnl' ot. the Balbae ater, Mn. Wold. Mr1. Roger!. busy w lth hammer. •w. natl.I and parent.I Of a aon, bom July l8 In NEltPO'a.T BSIORT8 OllU'.Jl.I: pNaent. lalaad l:mprovemeDt Ulodi.tJoa , Door prius wue won by Alma paint butldtn6 the boot.ha and do--Everybody rudm the cl&Mltled ad.I. SL. .Joeeph ho.pilaf and weil'b· On Tue.ad&y Kn.· Btwley Allen Important UU. week ·t. the will M held MQnda7, July 30, at Gould, Loulae Mlthoff, M.ra. Sta-me T -··•·. a -·---· tam· Nl'WJ)Ort Bttpu c Ir cl e of of Wb.ltfter and Balboa Ialand en· bridal brt:aktut on J"rtday morn-S p. m. ia the hl&nd Commwrlt7 lnl" the men'• work. ...,.__ -•89' Cl! -• "·icke. Mn . Heck, Dolly ca.mp-Food lle.n'~ Fann.en Market Uy H•ldM at 215 XII& Drtn, otu1st Un;.n by Ult Sea meets te~ned wtth a lunch~ for 30 tnl' at the Gurtey home, with the eburch, Apte avenue. The m.Mf. .. bell. N&ney Ay,-e•, Juanita Hall. ,_ all DIRECTORY ~~-Mtaa. tonlpt at T:SO at tll• home o! irueata. showering the bride .. lect wedclln• to bo '°" Sunday ln Co-ln• baa been called by J . A. -~ style wW ht' ava.il.ab~ day. __ ,_ _..:.. W'"'-·--..... • 1.. • At Helen Norton, Mn. Duncan Stew· .-.-.. ~.. • ~IMl1.)', 130 &an ta wtlh mi.cetlaneoUI l"fft& Pttaent rona del JK&I' Community eon-prelldent and notice. h&ve -Mra. Edgar Hill, prel6dent of p .. •-· •·· art, Gertrude Lind, Eleanor FiAh--eop ... 4o f'9d Ute wa.nt &di. -& .... ue. trom the Harbor were Mi• Gur-r•Ucma.J church. malled to aU -rt. v ~me. the Women's FellowalUp and tM I -------------,1._....;._._ ________________________________ .;_.:.__.;.._.:._..;__;..: _______ .:._..:....:..:...::..=..:r:.:.::,--~::.:;,;::•:.....:;-:.:.:"-:=;:__ Pr, Mn. Mannin&', Mn. M:cKellupa, womel\ of the chureb h&•a been I.tr<. Duicn&n. M&rraret Doat&, b I tba ttln L1:8TER A.. BSalEK, ~ D. L , 1.trs. Locke, Mn. Techrutin, Itln. u 1 Y 1evera m~ rt: i thinp ready for uae and pleu--DENTI&"'-Y M&t.M'wson, ?tfra. Hoag, Mn. Slra-ure of .ahoppen. "U you Want to "'"'f JFUU, ~I ra. Kirby, Mrs. Colby and Eliu.belh Allen. know more, be amons thoea PrM· 17f.5NewportBlvd.,Coat&Mua On Comm.ltuf9 ent on Auruat ith acrou th• Medlcal Bld•. Bteeon 1762 ~Ira. Bert Brewer wu ~eneral atrttt from Ute Newport Harbor chairman Ind Mrs. Dan Patterson, Hl&h school on 15Ul l lrtet In CUff AuxiliafY pr e al dent. rrttted Haven. Coin• early, •tay late, but guest.I!' at the door. Asalliting M.n. be there," •Y lbe Fellowahlp John L. Be:ach at the doll table womu. \\'trP Mra. noyd Huttba.rd and ).lrs. \Vllliam Elder. Surprt.se package• were offered by ~ra. Joeeph Rial'• and the hat collection Md been aecured by Mn. Georce Yardley. asai11t~ by ?tfrs. Rohf'rt (Norma} Allen. and Mrs. Ed Keran. l\lnt. Verne SnodgrLlll!I was In charge of the t&lkins doll. u.si.lt- ed by l\lre. M'arl'ftc,rlte Murphy. :a.tr~. Frank CUnntrigham w a a ch&trman ot the tuncht"<>n com111.it · ttt. members being Mrs. Henry Sttley, )llrs. Auatin StwUvant and Mrs. Cl,ayton Deane. Mn. Jerry HaU aupeNlsecl Utoee who served: I.1mea. A. C. Achey, W . P . Durke-e, Norma. Allen, Thomu Rutter. r-;. \V . Benton, John Pren- dergast. Ralph Be:al, J . B. Gook· en. Walter Burroughs and H. J . CelS<'. OCC Art Students Show at Festival Student.a ot Oran&e Coast col· le&e evrning • adult art clua, taught by Thelma Paddock Hope. have an lnterutlng di.splay booth • t the Lap.na Beach Festival Of Arta and one member, Daniel Ebberta. ha.a rttelved a commia- Jlion for a portrait. Ebberts wa.a formerly a. mem- ber of Lm An1ele• Buaineu Men·• Msoclatlon a n d painted land- acape!. Others exhibiting are LU· cille Pope, Earl Poodry, Dr. Mar- vln Reill, Op,_ L. Yarwood, Bertha Staebler, Ell%abeth 8 or' en 8 • n, Eleanor Strother and Sharl Shan.- non. Picnic Supper for Las Ami gas Volley ball, bol'lfthou, a pn· era.f. good Ume bul NO bualn ... wu order of the evenins when members of Lu Amlru Clrc:le of ChrUit Church by the Sea. their bu!'lbanda and childrf'n, gathered July 17 at the home of Mr. and Hrs. Linton Collier , An&helm, for a pot luck picnic. Attending the enjoy&hle affair were: Mears. and Mme.. J ohn Shield.I and children, Kenneth P'arnl!'WOrth and Ctndy, W illiam McDonald and Bob, and Charles Wightman; Lt. and :Mra. Georre Greenleaf, Coast Guardlmeti. Bob Bainbridge, Rev. uid Mra. Thom- u Pendell. their lhree children and a vUlltlnr; niece, Juli• EmbJ'y ; "Mr.. Earl Stoneback and daUlh· ltt Ethel, Mrs. BetUn& Bo&rdm.an and .on Bobbte. I Community Players Elect Officers, Plan ·Productions Th• W. S. C. I . ot Balboa I• lu.d Community church will hold their summer basa&.r on Thur ... day and FTid&y, .August % and 3. i.n the patio of IC.rL Mayme Yoote'1 home, 200 Sapph ire. Lunctt..on wUl be M"ed both day1 and th• bazaar will be open at 10 a. m. • 1% ROLLS OF • BROADLOOM CAB PET AT CLOSE· OUT PRICES It will be our policy ill tbe future to sell from sunplea Ollly · • Take Mh'Utap of these ueeptto-•• VU.. ' WJOl.E 111£Y L\ST! TERMS IF . .DE!lmED. LAGUNA llACH ·2io ...... ""' 4o117t .. • , \ -• • M>.5 I:. Bay A. ve .• -..Ibo& Hubot 32T..J v. 111. aoznm. o. n. OPTOMETRIST Evenlnp by Appolntm<nt UlfW,N_,.n-. • N-n- -llU BE SURE -INSURE · with MAU&l<S llTANLSY im.u-Oa)J' P--.n11 tt5 Mart. Ave.. .. ,.._ l.llu4 w. St..irt Foote ' GENZRAL INSURANCll ~Ill/~ Newpon a.ck • n.. ~· M • IUT _ Jll ... auo AND UPROLllTEBY CLEANING Geo. M .. G ..... 111 BARBO& ...... . llT 0,.. Balboa 1- KATl'llUIU . .. e..~ ,.........., -··· 11&.t.ClON ... , 0..ta M-.. _ Oo. 1111 Newport 1UYd. WATER HIATRS ___ ..,.... /0. 8ecl.loJJ PLl1JllllNO Aatll.orbell De:Utt DaJ'&Nlpt- .JUWI 1._-......... 1 H....,_ --tUU-W UDO ' <11.r,,&NW ":•Nw .... .... ooftA ... .. , • -·M-6 1IDI '· Y. .. mt•WWNll..,._ ...... -. ........ • • ' • • ' • • • I . . . . ) .w6rth ~ ·~ty ~ -: •• purc~~d just for . this saJel Our two great • stores combine the;r ·rCSOUJ'C~-to bring . yo~ thi~ biggest, m9st mon~·~r,s nenr in our history. M~nths in the ~,,g :.lt's ~ of a.:mil~o"-doUars ~ .,t ·r£.rr:w ·FALL ·MERCHANDISEI -~r:.:~:: .. L.:..:.. . ··i·d . ·... . l . . . or •~ . _ .. ~ 111Yp-.every. ~partmcnt .. : • •• f __ .... .,,.~·~ • " • • • • ' ' • ' ~ I I -. .• I \ ; • • • • l . ' . • ' . ' ' • · ·~1• :July 26, ·1951 ' ~.July 26, '1951 ii 2 2 1 . -J , U~ S. GRADEi> GOOD AND THUii., ....... 'L . CAlll• SUPPLIES HEADQUARTERS 1111 25 c JAR CAPS ha• 11 ""•· .••• Kiil 89C Fruit Jars DL 9tt. wl .. c.,1 M.C.P. PECTIN Pecka ......... . ' .. 'lt1~·:-l!~ • • • • • ·•LAIE ~. • I ; ,_. ' ,,,,_," I • / ALL POPULAR IRAND~1-lb. Can NUH DlUSID-CUT UP-PAN llM>Y 'FRYlt~G RABBITS Mfi•r'1-Hlll1 lre......ae1-Hwr-M.l.l.-4rl1 -S & W-Muwell HN-lreekft11t Cl•ll. C••M & S..ltore i OUI OWN FAMOUS CUii, CHlllY UD. IONEUSS 111sgn ~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~ . 59•. 69~. . Grapefruit Juice ANAGOLD 46 ... c. •. 19c CORNED B.EEF . &INUINS: LONG ISLANP, OCOMA-llAND DU c·K LI NG S -· ~~::··=~ 65~~ ' r.ny Loet-2.111. Loaf 79c s ....... ._1.111. C•• American CHEESE Chicken Fricassee . . SUCID lMUIT llANDI LUER'S BACON . 49 l·LI. ( CILLO PK&. . lb.· Hllllllole Half Sllce1 23 Sc.W-1000 s•..t loll PINEAPPLE No •2 Cow.·· C TOILET TISSUE SSaH!atlR,CIM"lttp•ll 49'• Pacific lroatlltlll 59• 1 Qc Swordfish • Campltell'1 . 2 ''" 23c Dle1110..,_12s Ft. loll Veg. Soup ........ "h' WAXED PAPER IARGARl.E 11••111 coored 23 IEXICORI NllLETS 2 12-. 35c -t ·lit. Pk9•• • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ Can PEACHES ~~~:~:.~~~~~ ...... 26c APPLESAUCE :.:~~.cN-:;o, c ••.. 1oc SOAP w•1t. 11., L, •. 27c GI••• 57c G.r .. •letatl . .. , 'TOMA!f OE -S .' , 5~. Plain or 'SugarecS DOUGHNUTS 4~ II• Sic lieLI • fw 22<· . Sc ' . lb. llST QUALITY-NOltHEIN-YIN! llPENID ···CANTALOUPE 5· .. ~·-ET"coRN s~. HW ti llSl'UI II 011 STHI ................ -. .,.... Y&lll U..-• .... ,_, .................... _ __.... ............ 1 .. ...... a-........ "" -·--·· _... . . Star-Kist CRACKERS ~!~~~~~~.~~-.~~ ........ 29c TUNA C11U11J mu •11 oz. i CINCH Nom·aa & Corona Ott Mu o.i, ''. .-R POLICY · · · . . PER · IOW&FOREVERWE A.BSOL.UTELY WILL NOT · BE UND~RS-OLD QUALITY ·• r fROZEN FOODS ., FIOZIN CHINESI • -· FOODS V;~t;i.1~:. 21 c· FRIED .RICE '~ Lllllty'1 Teader 21 C -FOO YOUll u~"°'." PEAS 12--""•· PORI OHOp' SUEY UllY'S . ORANGE JUICE ~ 1ac • LAl&l IYI AGED SWI~ CHEESE 49:. . FRANKS 591. . I'll TO 'A POUND-A llAL.VALUll ' < . LUER'S . LIMERWURST . . I : Swift's 1Premium fHIPPED BEij · f _.39c . i MlllT ·39~ . . 'f_l · ~ \ N E S & l 1 Q U o R S --~-· ANOTHU SCOOP! IOY AL &UAID DRY GIN , FIFTH A YllY IPICIAi. .IUYI EAsTERN .CANNED . .-' ; Cat0of24 srs BEER 2···25~ -. • •• .,t ON ........... ll11~1d --· s2n PIFTH . ~ --, " ~ OW 111' •. led .. CTry e SS.. "fil "-fl ... SLOE • . . A·~ A ,. I • • • • • ' . • • • • • • • . . • -- PAGJ: 1 ~a~~!~ tNl I WHEN ftl8T A1'lD aBOPPlNG NEWll yoiJ . WANT ·TO BUY. SRL . EMPLOY. RENJ, OR ·TRADE , USE THE Cl ASSIRED_.. PHONE . HAlr 1'16 . ~ . . . • Foreign News CAR TRAVEL TO • CLAS·SIFI·ED # 1 WANT, _A~ wil_I coit ~ou ' • Chryaler EnginefJ I& M Ire\ ....... r -"'·. ,· ftikT A PWtO. ll poi -ti . .All HD.t ~)f YGll ~-1a-. D~. - No. lib.la. lataAM. '!' "!"· .. --M&utl&Jt. Stn•Joc'"'"" Mu:tco. A.t> cording to dl.lpatchel trom Mexi- co City ~ 250,000 Mexican Na· tiON plUI a l()(J,000 .., 'Called "Wet· bac.lc.'• are ~lled to thelr !aomea land directly. or u ooon u llleil' Ml'l'ricb are term.mated in the United St&tta. This meaM eome 350,000 more people Will have to be lallen care of by a ~ve.rnment that la trl~nd· J:y, on ~r bo't'der from San Diego to Br?W!U\"illt, 'texu. and i.i In no financial or economic poaltlon to do ao. The cynic can and will .. ). "ao what!" but tn th.ls caae .. an what'" la plenty. Thear rl'iendl)' Mexica.na an J\Ot fn'tlle U. S. llleplly ..1n a moral 8ellM. 'J'be Governor of Son or., on beln~ uked about the matter sald simply that lhde people ba ve leplly and Wegally croued the U. S. border much ln the ame l!Taruler lhar our own people of yean ago ventured westward ln aearch of better conditions and new land.I. The majority of the M~lc.an• in the U. S. do not come t'r'om tbe common and cheap bor- der town.a; they are strong, tough me.a. tram the deep paru ot Mext- co. many u far away u CMapu and Oaxaca on the Guatemalan border. They are ready to work at anything. Wllat ls rniurable and l&men- abJe about lhf!' who1e thing is that the preM'nt altuatlon ia caused by certain unionist. who have liter- ally told the United States atate department what lo do, and they have o~yed and done it. dog-like, euily, and wtth & diaregud tor facts a.nd truth that ta: am.a.zinc. Toop and w~ • :\lex ico ill proud a.nd despite many things the matter with the na:ion. tough and willing ~o go its own way; but not at ~ eoat ot aome racketeering unioneen who can m&ke the most powerfU.l govemment ln the world do what they want any time they teel llke Jt. The 360.000 Mex.lean nationals wlll return to an Improved Mexico a.nd there Will be retaliation. and aurtering in the Imperial Valley and u far eut &1 Tax&.!l. }{exican retaliation• will nat- urally t&ll on north American buaineuea and the touriats. Our business people have struggled and fought ·a a~te department that tor yea.rs haa ateadily earn- .-d ltaelf the mort odious reputa- tion or any state department oper- aUn~ with tta emba.¥ies and con- sulates in a foreign country. The record ot our own at.ate depart- ment wt"' Mexico and ln fact all the Latin American Republica aout.hwa.rda to Cape Hom h&3 now reaehed the lowest point ot a.ny country with represent&tive.9 in Latin Ame'rica. Many American aeam.en wUI go to tbe BrltiJlh cOn- au.late !or help before they will go to lhe American officials. There are tbousanM of Amerl- caru1 living II} Mvtico: countleu other" thoutanch eome a.a touriats. But retaliation hu alre:ady ~en af't up and our own atate depart· ment seems indifferent and will- lng to do \\•hat unionttrs tell lhem. \\'bo ia going to harvest the thousand.A of ca.rloads of ll!ttuce. cantaloupe.:11, C&IT'Oll &nd other cropi grown along the bordf'r ! ThP American won't; he'a got too muc.li -monf'y ;. hl!'a too proud to bend hi.I back in the av.rtul zun. The MWcan is willing to \\'Ork and la naturally endOWt'd to at.&nd the beat &Jong-the border a.nd ln the-'lieaert. Why dOl'sn't the most powerful nation on earth re:cognize a sov- ereign neighbor and let his na- tionab work al'bng the border! Or have we got ..omt' more money to loan • a "poor a.nd backward" neighbor! IThe story herewith La excltl.llive to the Pree from W . H. HJtch- man, widely known Ha.rborlte pre- tently ma.kin&" hi.a home in the warm tropical cllme below the border. Hitch Lt conve.ru.nt "'!th Latin America, where be haa in· termittenUy ·lived. Editor.) STATE UP 26% The Mighty Midqet In Adverti.tinq • . . \ . . ' ' • More oot-ol•t&le can 'riallacl L-------------------':"".':--- calJtomla during" the tint m NEWS---EV•PV ..._ __ ~.__ ' ·only :$2 end it wil .run , Used , CroWns -Royals_ . ' LOVELY plain ·.;_ ~ pl&ao ta peffect plQbac __ _ montha ol U>lo ;yur than ta tho ... ..,.~ -. --., :a.-y See <Yohn Haney tloii. Terma $27.60 d'own an4 ..... per 1110. at IUUJD'9 KUBIC 00, (llnco 11Q7) 4J1 N. s,.......... Banta AliiL Kimber- ly 2-09'71. mttre 1'f'e-war year ot lHO. NEWPORT BAY POST Wedn-d~ M'oroov..-. motor tra .. 1 to thla -.__JD at Seacraft 1tate lo up :le per cent onr-llOO'• NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -ThunclayB peas: :~>'::·the A.ut.omobU. New,., ~==~.._·r..::;-;..::. tllie ~ 1117 • club of Southern Callfom.la to-JllNDllJll AD n • £1M1:a day,_ ln reporting that an all-Um!! high o! 581,099 out.oot-11tate can, carryloc 1.540,549 pa.ue.ns-us were checlcl!<I throucht the state's border •t&Uons durinl' the re- JUHOGANY GilAND PIANO A Minimum ad is · I'"• Httc Pboj!e Beacon. T039-W 4 Tenna 1f duind ' ~ ce.ftt ttrat-hal! .period. Th.ta compares with laat year's pre.vious record totala ot 486,014 autos and \,22t,379 pa.ue.nl'en for the comparable ~month• pe=nd quartff tot.a.la Utla year ahowed 81,472 can canylnr in April 99,277 1n May; 151,276 1n Junf'. Each ~tabll.ahed new monthly hJghs, the June total rep. rtaenting the greateat alnJ"le-- month lntli.a. oC out-of-atate autoa in Ca.lltorni& history, the club aald. H0NOR AD MAN Roy Kellogg or 1123 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboe, will be honored by mem bera of the Loe Anc-eles Ad· vertis.ing and S&lea club today, Tuesday. at the regular orp.nlza- tion meeting at the Biltmore hotel, Loa Angeles.. K~llogl" l"e(.cntly re- tired anet fineen yeara M man- aging director o! the club. Mr. and M.n. Kellogg have own- ed their Balbo& property aince • 1910 and In the put tew wee.ka have entertained many friends here. R~ent family gueata wtre the couple!' son. M.r. a.nd M.rs. Sam Kellogg of Salt Lake City came to Balboa with their three aona to vialt the grandpa.re.nu. Ken Kellogg, an- other M>n, I• Jtome from the Santa Barbara campua at the University ot C&U.(prnla a~nding'lhe summer at the beach. Mesa Nazarene ~. Hosts at Annual Camp Meeting The local Coat.a M~ Church of the Na%arene, one of the nr-w- f'st of the 57 churches comprising the Southern California District ot the Churcl\ of the Nuarene, h~ been host to the 39th &nnua.I camp meeting thia wHk. Servtcea have been held daily at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m . and 7 :30 p. n:i. on the eamp\13 of the South- ern Call!omia Bible Collep, 29091 S. W. Newport Boulevard, and wilt continue through thia Sunday, July 29th. • Dr. RuaaeJ\ 1(. DeLonr ha.s ~n the featured speaker. Re iJI lbe radio voice for the Church of the Na.urene'• "Showers of Bleu- lng" broadcut, now heard over 300 stations and on .short wa.ve around the world. The evangell.st for lbe camp meeUng ia Rev. C , \\'illlam Fi•her, nationally known and recently re- turned from a tour ot 17 foreign counlrlea where he spent seveon.l weeks conducting meeting•. ~The eva.ngt"list la also a fine mualclan and \vill at one service pla,y the t5ombQne on which he won firat Prize in the atate o! Oklahoma and seeond prUe in all atatea. The loe&l church will continu,e a series ot aef'Vicea with the nat- ionally kno'A'll. EvangeliJlt, Rev. \Vhitcomb Ha.rdlng, August lat through Augun 10th, in their nevoly completed church at 1885 Anaheim street. ROXI: ON BOAT The RaJ.ph Ukea, formerly of Bay Shores, are now living aboard their boat, the M.artba Jane, at Balboa Bay club. Kr. Like, a me- chanical dealgner, lt contemplat- ing establlahing a bualneu here. .&II OkHIDocl ... -l>e ,.W tor °"I'll la .. ,_ II........... 1,, S, 15Qc61 • •'--1 ..___ •• '75 HAVE0 YOU ...n the""' 11 foot • ...,_ • .,..,. . b W. «bin FINE PRACl'ICll: Uprlpt pl11no Z --• · LliO • ' Wlncntt fl re r tor only St.M down ond $:1.35 • -r-• PMBe Harbor 1616 crui,.r. lnboud or ou.-n! '''7• ' u... S Papen !.00 Latest deale;n. A beauty, Al.lo per mo. at SHAFER'S KUSJC '!be publiahe.rt wtJJ not be raponaible for more than on• lncontet N -'Balboa N IN---N rt.Balboa n....__... 12_14 _1g n. plutlc bait tanlc.a. CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca~ l.Mertlon Of on advertiaemeJJt, ..-m Ille rjpt to c6rnctl7 c:lul!fy ewpo.-.-e,.._ • .....,. -ewpo ",.,_ 102 E. 18th st., eoata Mesa. mo~. Banta Ana. KL J-0872. any ond an ado ond to nJect uy -..,.,.t not contormtns to Newport Bay Poet (Shopping Ne,..) Bea. OM2. 00c02 KNABE SPIN1!!r PIANO, Lout. rulu and reCU)atJom. A.dvvtbement. and cancellatlont will be ~!::========================~I accepted up to G p.m. cm tbe d&1' Precec:llna' publtcaUon. BOAT SLIP available DO'N'. Pbonf' XV, nearly new, Walnut tlDlah. Except de.&dllne tor Ne-wa-Tlmea la 11 a. m. Monda.yl Harbor 2979-M. tlc:IO be.auutul to(le. Har. osea-.J. l'llOM BM.·1111. Mir for •Ad ~ or -Ml ud .--Ml ~SO~=§e~Jr~•'!...!ao-'!!:!~n~NW>~~°"!..--1 SZ-QOMellold Goods TWIN Pontoon motor boat. Un· __________ ._-_u NEWPORT llA&BO& Jl'UBJ.18BJNQ 00. .;;; .elnk&ble. Dual con"troi., 16 hp · -----"~':' ~Bol~-~~Bhd.,~:..::_N~-=~port~ll~=~·!~:.:Oollf~~o~n~~h:_ ___ .LADIES I. MWer It Lain! Schober USED to-B--'-lhmnrtmiltlM Classified Index 11 BmlbN Guldti lwl BuDdlnl' Materlale !1 lloUdlas s.m- 1• Penomla 15 Share Your CV 11 Tranaportatioa J 1 Boottar Coatraeten JI .....,ty Aldi II Upholsterlnc !t H@altll Aids Zt Lost. and" Found !t School .. lHtruetloa %8 Sltoattou Waat.ed %9 Help Wuted JOS&i.,- 3 .. A Swapm -App ........ 31 '\\·anted to Buy st Furaltun for 8ah 3!-A A.atlque. SS Bollta. SuppUeta M MuMcal. Radio ~ OGp. cata, Peta M PoullPy, Babbl .. S7 Uvest.ck S8 Speclal ~ouaeemmt 40 Bu•l0 e911 OpportunlUes •t Stores ud Offttte C.% \Vuted to Rut 4S Aputmea&• and HoutQ 4S-.o\. TraUer SPM'f!I 4-.J Room' for Rf'llt. 44-.o\. Relit. Rome. 45 K@nt, Mllcellaneooa 48 Room aad Boatd. 41 Trudel 48 Aut.omC>hllN. Tiree 49 Auto. Wan~ 60 Auto Sen1ce tsl Trallera 52 Alrpl&nl!'8 5.\ Moae7 to Lo&n 541 Money Waatfod 57 Real Eatatti \\'aaW COKPLBTll BOUBll a.aun:NG -· rUniltun -rap M&mpooed.. l'f'M W1m•t• J'ully-....S. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Bn·con llll For ·Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free esti.J11ates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. Newport Beach DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAT ... tor an' ad•in the lively cl..&Ml- fied •ecUon ot the BIG TBRIC£- N nni-Timea. Post Shopplll1 Newa and the Preu OVER 21,llOO CIRCULATION IB THE ANSWER! PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m PaJmor at.. °'"'* - • --M117.)( - INTlllUOR -&X'l&RJOI\ PAINTING Shoe1. Brown, blue It blac~. Au.tin mot-Or In center. May be """'-:£&: • 7%.A..AA It 71,-iA.A..A.A. Practical-Servel pa refrlg., 5 cu. n . seen' at Rt. 1, Box S, 120 Grand ly new. Call Har. 1471-J ewt. apt. atu, v~ry cle~ ........ $97.50 &Vf'nue, Elainore, Ca.lit. or will Business Otte Kelvlnator refri< ................... $119.:>0 mail phot-0. UpOO Opportunities Alcohollca Anonymoua Writa P . 0 , Bea: tocl ... ,._ laland. callf. Plioao IDmborly .- 2Z-Lollt and Found LOST -Dark brown wallet. Pa· pen valuable to owner only. VlcWt'y of Blvd. Uquor Start, 449 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mua. Reward. 4~1 LOST -Boxer, male dol(, !awn, white on chut and front feet. Phone. Sycamort 2·2450 collect. alter :5 p.m. ~ LOST -Slgm• Nu tratem1ty pln. Prized keep sake. Loat Wednea. July 181A in Corona del Mar. 248 Orchid. Corona del Mar. Pb. Harbor 2281-J. 50p:i2 28-Situatlou Wan!M FINE IRONING will call for and deliver. (No houaecleaninJl. Help wtth dinner p&rtle•. Phone Mrs. Wlllla.ma. Harbor 1:)9~ be- fore 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. <t(p08 HJGH SCHOOL Senior v.•anta ~baby sitting. Daytime or eve· ning. Phone Harbor 1943-W. •8p50 GIRL wtll t&ke care of children ln your home da ya or w'ek, refer- ence•. Ph. Bea.con 5016-R. 49pS1 EXPERIENCED high achool (irl want.a child can. Ba.lboa. Ialand. Reference&. P.tt. Harbor 373·M. ~· DELIVltRT MA N WA1''TED- Knowledge of grocery bu.sin.ea. Apply Pacific Provision Co .• 603 3lat St.. Newport ~ae}\. 48p50 WAITRESS W Alt.'TED -Part tlrne job, roornin&" work. ·914 Cout Hiwy, NrNJ>Ort jJeacb. Phone Bue~ 6908. 48c50 WANTED -Hou.sekeeper for 30 daya while vacationing at Lido Iale. Prefer woman. white, a.round M and good cook. Pb. collect, EUlott 8-1290. 49c~l RELIABLE \\'OMAN-wanted for gcnerii.l hou.e@work ] and child care. Live ln. Pbdn.e Harbor 2069-I. 49c.51 WA?'t.'T tun ti.me houaekeepe.r. Must like chUdnn. Uve in. Lido lalf', Good salary. Phone SELL CHEAP, all eood condition. Baby bUQ'Y. bualnette. baby bath, car bed and chall"' combi- nation, teeter-babe, and almoat new Bulova Man'a Watch, $15. Phone Harbor 1776-W. 4.8c~ CONTAX 2A. Brand new with cue Sonar 1.5 5mm. Jena. $3~. • Never u..ed. P. O. Box 407, B&lboa llland. (8p60 FISHING EQUIPMEl\i'-2 boxes o! new .swordllah roj)e A: sword- flab pl&nk. Phone Harbor 808 d&ya or Bea.eon 6035-J after 6 p. m . 49c51 New Sewing Macmne Round bobbin -aew.11 forward A: backward. Fully ruan.nt~. Special $49.95 HARBOR YARDAGE 135 I:. 17th St., Costa Meea Phone Beacon 669~J . 49c51 Complete installation, r~pair and •ervice of all trailer equipment. ORANGE GOAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD, Co.It.a Mesa, Phone Beacon 6224-'R Somebody Wants That uffd. tu,nrltura. brtc-a-brac. paintlnp. etc., now taking up apace In your gvage. Find a buy- er with a cl&aai.fted ad 1n the Newa-nmu. Poet, and Pru. com- bin&Uon. Jui:t Phone Harbor 1111, WIU.. TAKE in your teJevl.sion aet on a new car. JOE r--"lCK- ERTZ, Ph. Harbor 510. 48c50 BRAND NEW 1950 Philco refrlr· el"'&tor, 1 cu. ft. $160 ca.ah. 700 Orchid Ave .. Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor OMl-J. 48c50 GAFFER ol SATTLER RANGE, 19:51 model C. P . all automatic on@. Hu lamp and clock, all chrome griddle for hot cake.a- & big oven and that chrome grill broiler. Alao it haa all chrome top. · Balance I O\\'e on It ia $174 .78. Pay me ca.ah or t&ke payment.a or $9.84 per mo. Stt at (CM So. Spadra. Fullerton, Phone 2152. 49c51 GENERAL ELECI'RIC table top flat plate ironer and ruffler at- tachm@nt, S7:S. Phone Harbor 0862-W lex.cept Sat. • Sun.l SOc52 . Harbor 1963. (9p51 Sl-Wut..d to Buy WANT WOMAN or man u kit-. WANT "TO BUY _·-rood---.. -ed- cben helper. GINGHAM RES- TAURAJl.'T 1788 N t Bl d a.ail !or snowbird. Call Harbor • ewpor v ·· 23( or eve.a. Harbor 2173-M. Coal& Meaa. 50c52 4 ~ EXPERIENCED w~treu wanted 1 --~~~---~~--­ Frl.1 Sat. A: Sun. Colonial Rea· OKeete A: Merritt range -.. $75.00 K@nmorc wuber ·--.............. $39.50 FAST 18 tt. center boa.rd •loop. Ideal for Couple M&yt&g wuher ...................... $29.llO Overhauled, reuonable. S 11 p NEW av&llable. New Port Harbor Malt an, d •hort order shop, Yacht i.n,ding. 49p51 ~ .. Apt gu ranee 9'1th oven r.fgulator ............................ $89.50 hl2 congoleum ruga ............ $ 5.95 Maple dinette table and four cba.irs ... ·······-··············-...... $89.50 Studio couch .......................... $49.~ Mattre»ea, box Bpring.11, roU away bed.I, etc. Dale's Furniture 1874 Harbor Blvd. Coata lfeq Beacon 6637-J PHJLCO CONSOLE TV, 1951 model. &ll mahogany finish. Its the big 17" black tube and It.a: bef'n used only 3 montba. I pa.id $389 for It and will let It go for my ha.lance due of $279.63. The SNOWBIRD and sail, ~eel.lent, clean condition, ready to go. 500 Lido Nord, Lido Isle. Phone Harbor 640. 49p:>l E\tlNRUDE t cyl. Zephyr out- board. Just ov@rhauled. 5.4 hp. $125. Ph. Harbor Z373-J. 49c51 PAIR R. It L. Flagablp 90 h. p. engines with !'educ. gear, $700. Factory approved JOtin.on Out- board . SALES It SERVICE South Coast Co. Harbor 2800 Newpoti Beach 31ltc m&n I bought It from will In-BOAT BARGAINS atall it tor you tree with the outside aerial. I already paid All in excellent condition the exciSfo lax. Pay me ca.ah or 22 ft. all mahogany aloop. take payment.a of $15.75 per 24 tt. aux . .sloop. month. 20 ft . .sloop with :S hp outboard. ALSO my 1951 A.EC automatic Beai..;t iful s~ar boat. wuber that has thp agitator ALSO MAJ\"Y OTHERS and heads the "COJto;SUJ.fERS Eileen B. Richardaon GUIDE." It'• Just like new. Richardson Yacht Anchorage Balance due 111 $258.26. Ca.ah or take payment& of $l•.5t per mo. Bayside Drive Harbor 369 P&ld over $320 for it new. See!----'-·--------· _:><>c_5_2 best of locations. Gift shop, center. good llhoppinf Ice cream and frozen food& Good Volume Ceramics and gift ahop • Hiway Location Dreu shop, good location. Ed Lady could handle. Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 Cout B lvd. Corona del Kar Harbor 2711 CONCESSION in F\lD. Zone. Real money maker. Ideal for couple. 1Phcme HarbOr SllO. 50c52 41-Storea and Ottlcea OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, down- stairs location, comer or Palm. It E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboo.. Ph. Harbor 2821. titre at 40.. So. Spadra. Fullerton. Phone 2152. 49c51 29' OOMMERCIAL FISHING BOAT, equipped !or albacon, 42-Want.ed to Relit SEE Necchi and Adler Sewing Machines AT ·HARBOR YARDAGE lM E. 17th St., Calta Meaa 49c63 Westlnl!!louse Refrigerator EL mDo TRAILER CoURT lMO N~rt Blvd., Costa Mesa 50]>52 LARGE RUG 12 x 30 w1th felt pad, good condition. ALSO 8- plece ltonterey dining rooqi set, and oth~ piec@s including Roper gu range and washing machine. Phone Harbor 2291-M. 49p61 Rattan· Furniture Kade In the Phllllpinea and lh our own work abopa. Wide choice of fabric.. I L&rgert <11op1a1 1n s.. Callf. Reflnilbing and Reupboltterinl' HO.USE · & GARDEN eu Cout Hwy .• NwpL, BeL 6277 BOP'FMAN 16'' Console television, 2 electric irons, deep freeze, ii: mfa(:. bou.!lehold articles. 417 !{. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. Ph. Harbor 12M after Friday 1noon . MclS2 "1NE F1..m.NITURE tor living rm, bar and stool.a, dinette set. Wicker aet. Pictures, Mlac. plecea, private party. 1752 E. Ocean Front, Balboa. Harbor 1072-W. ~2 macker@I. swordfish. Chrysler engine, $1200. Call Klmberly ·2·4558. Mp55 1'.~ARL Y NEW 20 ft. Dory- New Falcon engine. Lota ot ex- tl"'U. $495. Ph. Harbor 2209-J after 6 p. m. 47c49 OUTBOARD MOTOR 71> h. p. Scott Atwater current 1951. Gear ahitt model, acceaaory ~ gal. auto. feed ga.a tank. Spare propell~r. Anchor • 100 feet rope. 305 -33rd St.... Newport B each, Harbor 3257-W. Mp.52 ST AR ..,BOAT -good condition, S3:>0. ALSO South Bay mooring ott Bal· boa Island, $150. Ph. Har. 2!$07. •&ceo Bo at owners· and mechanics FOR YOUR SNAP-ON TOOLS can JOHN KIMBLE 1744 itira.m.ar. Ba.Ibo& Harbor 1087-R SANT A AN A buainesa man de- alrea 1 bdrm., turn.l.!lhed houee, year round bUia. Newport, Bal- boa or Corona del Mar, besin· nlng SepL 1st. Non~. Write P. 0 . Box 412, S&nta AnL Mr. Mitchell. (~1 WANT. TO RENT BY AUG. 20- 2 bdrm. unturn. hou.1e, dbl. gv., yearly, C. ~n. )(. 1ehool diftrlct. Harbor t'r18-Y. . :>OdS2 ~Aeartme'!la and Ro~ PENT HOUSE and 3 nn. c:ottqu. On Collirui laland Each apL bu water t'rOOtage. Aecom. 4. WQt end Park Me .. Balboa llland. Harbor 2982·.W. 40pM ~-~~~~~~~~- UNFURNISHED -Corona del Mar. 2 beauutuJ new .apta. Nur walfr, garbage d.i.apo.!lala, vene- tian blind.a, water pd. Yearly lea.ae. 2 bdrm. $100 IJer month. 1 bdrm, $75 per month. Harbor 16rl. Oc.57 DBcDQh 0N"E"'A-:RL:-:-:Yc:-::N::E::W::-c2:-:-bd:-nn-.-=ru-rni.--"'-:-b-:ed hoUR, 1 blk. froin beacll: ,15 • per wk. or $2.50 pe'r mo.. 203 :Wth SL, Ke"J>Orl Beach. (8p50 NEW 15 ft. 11 In. boat with trail~r New 10 hp. John&on outbo&rd. Bargain. 1515 Santa. Ana Ave., Costa Meaa. Beacon ~-60c51 SNIPE, new sai.Ls, trailer. Excel- lent condlUOn, $275. 2~1: hp. Elgin outboard, $40. Call Har- bor 149l~R after 5 p. m. 50c52 SEA BOOKS · A tine stock ot boolul on all yacht- ing su.bjecU-plua an current bobkt. Lending library. YEA.RLY-2 bedroom duglex, un· turni.ll.hed. Garaie .. Near both .!ICb.ooll. 2266 Clay, CUt! Haven. For information Phone Harbor 1297-R 49c51 !----~~·--~~~~- UNFURNISHED nearly neiw I bednn.1 yearly rent.a.I, near Lido ahopa. Carpet.a and turnitun for ale. 001 -34th SL, comf'r Finley. Phone Barbor 2629-W. HOMEMAKER'S GUIDE TO BEl:F crjys Har. 1547 LICICNSllD -INBllJl,ll:D tourant. IOH C0ut Hlihway, Glenn Johnston / Newport Beach. _ llOclS1 The 1Islanders ANTIQUE DISHES, bric .... ·brac, odds and ends, etc. 214 Marine, Balboa t.. 49c51 I - • • 001-u.t Sf_ Nnrport Beach PERMANENT reaident wanted Barbor utT~ Uc'8 tor caoking and ceneral house- DON 'K. BUTl'S Lie. General <lontractor ResidentiaJ-Commercial Remodeling Phone BM.oon. 14.0&-W 17Uc WILL DO ·that work you work. B&y Shorea home. Live out. M.u.t haye own tn.nspor- t.atlon. PhOQe Bea.. 1$844-W. 60<:62 EXPERIENCED Machlniot. Pl'e- clalon .work. A.ho experienced lathe and mill open.torL Top pay. Steady. Newport Beacli. Bt.L 15645. or Bu. 6tf7-M. SOc62 want dobe -Jack of all1------~--­ NEED HEI.P? trad-lnainUnance work. Have toohl and mixera for any job. Call BJIJ, • Used Appliances BENDIX. automauc clot.hes dry· Stt &t DALE'S FURNITUR&, 187( Harbor Blvd., Coat.a Meaa. Be&e0n 6637-J. l50c51 FR.IpmAIRE 5 cu. ft. Excellent cop.diUOll. 1319 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Pbone Harbor S89-W. JOHNSON SEA HORSE, 2'Ao hp. outboard motor. Perfect condi- tion. Many ecce.asoriea. Cost '135. Price $60. Harbor 895-W. !IO<;S2 RENTAL · t1 SPF.cIALISTS can -er.as Linwood V~k, · Rltor. er. 2 yn. old, llko new con-M-Musical, Radio tlon. Pri Sl2• · ~'--;::;;.==:;;.;=o;;c;;... ____ I HA VE you au the MWellt moder& di ee --·--··-·-··· " 1 ..cludfted am. are read b7 folb COME IN a.nd play the WONDER-fU.nllahed- 50dll Belboa IalaDd. ~· 2CMJ UeM • · '"°are looldn~ to buy. FUL NEW HAMMOND CHORD .Chris _ Dean Apts.? GAS RANGES ORGAN. rt you don't know a , note you can play beautiful mu-Slttpa 4. Introductory •tea for ale in t'.en minute.. DANZ-July, $65 per week. All utilltiee SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, pald. A~ raUo per yeu. 620 N. Main. Banta Ana. IMO KJr&mar, Bali-Pmt"'"lla Wqowood table top -.pg.IHI ' p._.nty table top --..$16.00 Pbone llarbor lOL-W . u.51 • ,, > ' -' , • • , • ' . BLANcHE A, GATES. Realtor I.. -C. JONES -' J. KARTIN 311 Marine Ave.,. Bal~a Island Pia. Bar. 1671 or 1672 Evea. 1 Harilor 74&:)( B.AtBoA ISLAND ' We Recommend -- HoM:E .anci INCOME -Charm. t bdnif, 3 bath home with lciveiy encl.,.,.S patio 6 BBQ, plua apacloua 1 bdrm apt. Dbl. garqe. Thl8 1' ooe of our ~ be9t buy. and ia & stone'• throw from • Bay and nice sandy beach. . ' LlT1'LE ISLAND -A truly lovely and spacioua home comple~Jy furnished. 5 ~ bedrooms, 3 batha, dining room, dbl. garage. Priced to eell! Wiii consider Sant& An& or L. A. Income. $5,000 DOWN buys this beautiful 2 bdrm home. Patio, garage. PLUS charm. studio apt Both units furn. About 9 yn. old and in new .condi- tion. This ia a honey. What A View! Cliff llaven NOT A Leasehold! ENJOY LIFE in thia go,rgeoUB 3 ~ % bath home. Large den , dining room, Lanai, patio. Landscaped grounds, gars. PRICED TO SELL. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR I Rustic Ranch Type -$7,950 '11\le chuming 2 bedroom home is 1 year old and pret_ty aa a picture. Haa tnU'Jlve brick fireplace. La.rgY" win, 00.V.. 57 x 1%5 lot in Newport Htl«hU area. Low down paym~l Thia -price CAN'T BE BEAT! Rustic Ranch, Type -Newport Heights [llqirable a.nd attractive 2 bdrm home, near high achoo!. Choice \ocatjpn amoq nice home&. Beat buy l.D a ruatic type home ul tht. Hel(btL $10,9:w> 1/2 Acre Ranch-Back Bay! Well ttutlt 2 bedroom home ClEMl l. Hu lovely patio room with barbecue fittpla~. 19 fruit treea and bua:bt'le of , Oower• and veiret.able•. You can have tun growing part et your mi-Ia bere. It.a a beauty. $12,500. BEACON HILL REALTY 4IM Newport Blvd,_ (•bow Archetl, Ph. .B. 671.3-R or Eves; B. 3832-W 43-AP!rtm';nta and Bo11M11 BALBOA ISLAND llOU8el and .Apta:, yevly or:., Ra· eonal. See G&U Carney, wlU. NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE -·· Balboa I.oL Bar. 602 .. tf. LIDO ·ISLE II' you want a rental on lovely U:OO ISLE eee ua. 8eYenJ rood bomu available. A1ao apart. mea.ta by week or month. 61-Real Estat.. Exchange LONG BEACH -2 houses. home &nd Income, clear; Will trade for equal value, Harbor area: Phone Harbor 0363-\\'. • 44pl57 "LET'S TRADE" HA VE $14,000 equity in 2 tum: bouaes (good rentala) Balboa Boulevard: Will trade for 3 bdrm. bome. Har- bor area. W ill aaume. Phone Harbor 2064-M evenings. 50p64. ' I ea.ta M- . Tiie Bat Town on &.rt.II Close to Blvd. Oft Eut Side, I bdrm IMlme, wall to Wt.II Carp.ttas la LR a. BR: a.'n&ll ~·"-boua 01' rental tn ...... pri«o -· '1~ down. ~uilding Lot eloM ·tn: lb:IOO, ~ •1000 : HU down. Tllill oNJ: NllllD8 CLmANINo and plenty of yard ,,,_ but lo a barpln. Luse I bdrm, nloo ftrept&oe, Wye lot. Price· $5500 -thlrd dowa 5 yrs. old • • • • ••llCdlte .......... REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE . $10,500, . i BDRK ---tnl!J' Jocoted ~ tl'uoport&-U... U14 otore. OM 1'lock lo 11>¥ _, -. lllWly ~- PANORAMIC VIEW ol bay """ .,...,. from lill!lop llO-'lloautllully butll 1laamed oo\linp. bwd. nooro, --· cllopo-.J, be&u- T tlfU.1 paUo. Two bdnnli a batU. rumpua room W'l.Ut bath. 1fllhl conotdw m.au.< bouoe u put. • NEAR BAY • I on 1 comer lot& lfot MW', but,, attraet1wly remodeled.. I.up po.Uo u4 room tor add!Ucinal IMlllcllns. -l.u 2 lledroo'"' and a<W!Uonal flaptoolo !lrepla.._ Nleo bu1 and p>d nn.ne1nc at Ul,600. BAY AND BEACH REALTY rrHEI. SHIRLEY J . K. VU r nt GLODEN FAT 1'60 Balboa Blvd. Harbor lMf, VERY NICE I bdrm bornr, wall to wall carpet in llv; rm. Weul------------------------ ltept lawn, nice ahl'Uba, butt ......... plenty al pnlen, .... $7,500, terms Well Built 3 bdrm H9me fireplace, dlnlnc room, ~e kitchen and bre&ktut I room, dbl. pr., latce 1epan.t.e work ahop .. )..azTe .aha.de trees, fruit tren, ~ &ere all !Meed. Price Only $13,500 Good tel'lllll G. N. WEI.LS, Rltr. .It A.ssocia tea 1790 Newport Blvd. Coat& M-. Pb. Bea. 5181 $1350 DOWN Immaculate large 1 bdrm. 3 yn: old. East aide location, ama.11 lot, pine ttoora, lotJI of tile I Nice l&wna, only ~7~ at SM per mo. Trailer Wanted Wonderl'UJ buy, 3 mo old: 2 bdrm, loada of tHe, hwd: thermo heat. Lge. dinette. Owner 'Will taJce good house trailer or car. Only $8500. $1880 dn. $87 ::w> per mo. Broadway Resale AlmOlt new 3 bdrm hwd. tile, garbage dlapoal. A-1 condition, re-need. $10,~ wtth S2t00 dn. ~ ~r mo, A real buy. Bay View Steal Lowly Npt. Hcta. home. J bdnn, 3 batha, den. paUo. hwd. tile, thermo cont. heat. dbl. prage, prb&ce dlap: Only $20,000 with term.a. Consider small excb&nge. Bargain! IN EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES wtth private beach, a very modern t bdrm home, 11' bat.ha. lots of tue la kitchen. n.ice i:-tlo, la.r(e 2"'C&l' prog<. ONLY $13, TllO. INiCORONA DEL MAR Home wtth nwepl.na' new of hUla, ocean and cout. Built on Jevt.I 50xl20 lOt. I bdrm•., nreplace, 2-car pr; Completely, I and nJctly f'utn1lhed and lan:dacaped. Good location. Price -$22,600. ExclUBive With W. A. TOBIAS Sa.le• llDNA .cRA1G Renta.J• LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 AVOCADOS and FLOWERS TWO AND ONE-THIRD ACRQ and small home at Enclnltaa, Calif:, 25 avocado trff• and t&mUy orchard, deep rich 30iJ auJtablt tor ralaing cUt tlowen while trees are growing, One-half mile from 101 bWy. Good chance f<>f' oouplf' to ma.kt theh' own llYinl' l&l home. Prlce $.MOO with $300() down or wtll exchanre cletr for Newport prop- ttty, prefer duplex... Submit your otfera. LIDO ISLE HOME $18.500 buy11 nea~ Good financinc. tumiahed home near north bet ch: BEACH l:;OTTAGE, $5500 Small home, 1111 l)l()()ca to beach. Some tlm• payment.A: N. B. C. REALTY CO. !2nd and Newport Blvd . $3700 -CASH Newport Beech YOU WON'T "BE Gl)ILTY • • 1. J ·fin'•, d • LIDO JILi: a '11 _, pt a bOme. ·'l'lllo l>IUll>..-W. Bu,_..,... ~,,--. .J4-1 --.. "".'l ..-. opit, Olll1 '11.1100. 2. ~ ISLI: b-4 ,.... I bed· ome m cllolee lot. L&rre f'Otlftta. untt h e a t. . ... .... ll•lll'lttul kit- ·~ and a MUll't; sm: home at Ollly ,2',T60. Tumo. S . ..Jh.. now 4 °-..0m,3 bath ~~ ll4NY I>ICLUXE fea.- tw\lo -... cvll&ce dl-1. uni~ heat, I wattt b••'-wt.fd fot' e!eetric rang-e, a-car rai?ce. large paUo and many, ma6y da.ultnr "home lOW"t de- ;11"-" All for only $21,500. f . ; latNt and newest ori LIDO ~ On 2 lot.---80 feet "1th th extra large patlo you haft wa1 tfd -.all bl&". light, c"eer- tul roam.L Rome !laa I bed- • I batho, unit beat, bl "' sum doort, dhil!ieee tree, walled in space for atorqe and place com· y tan~ped. nu. ls a trrY at P2.500. 5. Onf J<O. BA YFRONT of LIDO 18 & cb&rmm.a and tmpre.- at:vy 5 bedroom, 3 bath, one sEopr honl• that cannot be dU• plit&ttd. Nice lot with pier and oliand partL&lly turniahed at o Y seo.ooo. I . On 1BALBOA PENINSULA. an e~ flne BATFRONT home ~tii pier and float on a large lotl~with aplendid view. Hu f ~foams. m&ldl room. abo un~ue playroom. Separate din- ln&j room, extra large room&. c~eu th.roupout and com- ff OUA clOfft apace. At S75,· thts ts a QUALITY home QUALITY BUYERS. ALSO · So:J very deolrable lo to fo• ult on LIDO ISLE: Choice watlr- . t loU torr income unit.a 'or crot.a atreet Iota s.t prices well under va.lue. ALWA YB RJt- MffM:BER we are lke DE- ~PF.RS OF LIDO ISLE. .l[;IC"f a 11tt1e buys • LOT. P.A. PALMER I INCORPORATED ~ 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach, C&llf. Hubor 1500 6 ACRES. COSTA MESA. Eitcel, ,Jent bid&': lots. fll,000. Santa An& A.ve-. betw. ,20th II 2lat: Be, con 6~3-W. i6tfc BAY SHORE ' • - • 1 111L1' ... itn . •Adi!: ' • !llEWIO&i MT , l'Oft" ilD -.... •11:•1 ••• , ..... te BUY OF THE W'to:EK . $1800. DOWN very Iiice 3 bdrm home. ODl,y '1 yr. old. Uardwood floors, tile double aiDk. Gvbaie diapnul, tDb • &114 ahower, dining room. line wardrobe c1a.eta. CV· age: Exceilellt . location, Mar high 8ChooL ~ menta are' only $56 mo. Including tnelR and jmur. Why 1WLt-Don't. forget your tuN and Int.Helt are deductible from your incotpe blx. Full pric9 $9Ui0 $2000DOWN Brand ~new one bedroom home with a 2-car gar- age. You must aee this for the money. Near mu- ket. Full price ia only $5500 PHIL SULLIVAN • I C. GALEN DENISON G. T. EVERSON Newport Blvd. · Coat& Mes& Phone Beacon 6698 or Beacon 5458-J A TREASURE ! ! You will alway1 be proud of lhl1 lovely home. L&rJe Uvlng rm. with tlftPl. overlooks roomy patio, Din. rm. Kit. with. dlahmute.r. Garb. diap. Brk:tlrt. bar. Den.- bedrm. Bath oo ground floor: ~ TWO spacious bedrooma on uppe.r floor open to tronl bal- cony. Lee. deck at rear atruaed fot' add. bed.rm. Choice or ln~rior Woad.I.. colon, wall pa~" ha.a made this home truly diltinctive. Hdwd. ftn. lhruout wtth uphalt tjle in den and baths. CoJored bathnn. fixture8, Choice location. on Point cla.e to b&y and good beach. Make your appointment NOW to tee thim beautiful home! ' $21,MO BALBOA REALTY CO. 1lo9s Grttley Jo.sephine 'Webb Lilliam McAdoo• 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor :S.211 Balboa Island's Most Outstanding BA°YFRONT VALUE ! ·! ! rr IS Now IMPOSSIBLE to duplicate this luxurious hom..._. bdrm.a, S richly tiled ba.th1, 11ervant.s quarter•, two spacious patio8, 5-car prace. Finest eoaatrucUon. on choice comer with 80 ft. on the bay. Fine beach.. Unaurpaue<t view. Private pier and "6 ft. aUp float. Price $68,500, term8. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue at Marine Balboa lal&nd Harbor 2462 DON'T READ THIS, Unless You're Prepared to Buy ONE of tlie B~T medium priced homes on Bal· boa Island. Close to bay on a fine street . .Beauti- fully designed and well built. Pol!itively one of our finest buyw. See it today! P.A. PALMER INCORPORATl!:D sass VI& Lido Barbor lMO ive. 1 B.A.NERESON OPEN EVl!lNINGS MR.A A-Npt."ffarbor Multiple Uatlng Realtor PLUS $S2.!)() per month bUYt th1m attra.ctlve new bu.ch home, ~ catrd one block trom the bnt ocean tronl beach. Two ~. cle'Y\1' llvtng room with inskle planter, larse ward" ob e • a.nd extra atora,ce. Stall ahowet', car port; A •lx wee"-summer rent.a.J. ahould ma.lte the YEARS payment.a. Alao an excellmt pro~rty for Income or ~­ lion. 1\ll1 price $9900. ti you st.NJ one ot tbue --l be&utltul new-dwdllnp. All the.. home• ha•e excellent ocean view., prlvat. b8cb rtgbt&, larp, 1pactou. lots. I BDRX:" BSIC., lozid-plng by N"f"""''• Nunery, W. lo W. ca.rpetlnc', colored bath ttx., mer· cuey wall switches, planter box, Jge, matr. bdrm:, elect. klt., patio A.LS<)> %. bath II gueat rm. re&dy to J:>e tin. Fenced. Owner. $14,500 Bea.:on 682<-W. ·~ STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor !18 KA.JUNE, BALBOA ISLAND BARBOR 20 ieue ~Automoblle8, Tha 1-~~~~~~~~~~ On Peninsula Point NICEL T FUR?<."ISHED 3 bdrma: available July l~th. ye•ly or monthly. Broker1 IUIL 1532 Klramar, Ba.JOO.., owner I Phone Bar. oeu,w, H&r. 2001·J: 19ttc CORONA. DEL MAR-Untumieh- ed. Dandy 2·bcinn home. H>Ard: floort. -fireplace, dining room; Nice yud. Covered patio. Gar, age. Yearly rental; Refere:ncea. 417 Orchid. Corona de.I Mar. Call Harbor' 2233-R or Harbor. 1~01 (F. C . .Andresen). ~2 I BEDROOM untu.mlahe'd home located on a nice raiidentia.l St. tn Collta Men, near acboola. m mo. on yearly leue. Call Fred Cromer, COSTA MESA RE.AL- TY. 400 E. 17th, Cost& Mu.a. SH.. 8818. 60c61 J1JRNJ.SHED or unturnlahed - 1 bdrm deluxe, drapes inclu. laundry rm. cl<*' in. Garap, patio, adult&. 238 '~ Rocheeter, Cmt.a Mesa. ~2 Bay Front Udo tale -1 and 2 bdrm unlta: July, ~9.50 up. Aug. S90: wk; J'or rearvatlona Har. ~2 eves Har. 2tl4·M.. tt<>lfc 1R.AJLER SPACE Ott the highway, c.loSe to ahopping center, $U II $15 pet' mo: 140 Cabrlllo Sl, <:allrillo Court.. eo.ta Meu. ilp42 Save $ $ $ on '51 . Dodge Demonstrator SHA VER MOTORS OODG&.PL YMOtITH Dfaler 1680 Newport Blvd., Costa Mna CADILLACS One 19tw> 4 dr. &ed. Hydram&tlc, Fu.Uy eQuipptd: custom U. Si Royal \VS\\' tlrea. Original throut l owner. Exceptionally clean. Two 1941 Mod,) "62" t dr. seda. Fully equipped: One 1941 Model 60-S F1eetwood 4 dr. sedan, tully equipped.. We Specialize m Clean CADILLACS OLDSMOBILES 1950 Olda 88 club cpe. tow ml)eare. The abo\i e cara have all been thoroughly checked and turned by ractory expella. .,.,.e invite you to Wpect. and drtw tbe.m. NEWPORT Aut'o Sales 2604 Newport Blvd. Newport Phone Harbor 1 i07 '51 PLY. "Belvedere" Dem- onstratort new car ~tee SHAVER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH llffltt 1680 Newport Blvd.'. Costa lihea ~·~·::· :•!!O~·-!!!W!..,f~o!!r:.•!!-~M~t ____ J '<T OLDS Ta -• dr. Jledaa. Prime ooadlttm. H)'dn., radio. bul•r. PL&\SANT tum, l'OOftl for W'O?k-2 new Urea. Owner Na CUtl' In&" l&d;y. Bl. l~th SL, Coot& Drlv., Newport Hd&hto. BH· K-(N ... buo). Pbone Bar-oon 1M2. • 60p52 &Dr' JOI' da19 °' Beacon 6033-J 1'ftd I p. DL 4tc&l-'U Wll..LY8 ''.Jeeplltef"• wttJlt:.~ ~ !(t. BOUSI: lnllor . .._ 4, .--t.loa, ...... ..,. pric· ed. l(&Jbt ...,. after J\-lda)' at • .Jloot Bann Trailer Cpip, 110 ,. ••• St. Cool& -4lpOG drive, blt., etc. ALSO '<T WD!yo Stat. w.....,. OD .. racllo -lltr. -t U... TUe 70Ut •ta. '816- SHA VER MOTORS DOOO.l!l-PLYKOU'nl - -""'-lll"'1, <:-. - u rr .. aouu mAILlll, 1~, T".:!:=:-~~=~'"'."''"'."'-~' •nW bla't. .-. f!k Pin: 11 •• A A ...... -.w. ~· ., ..... • • • -• ' 1982 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mea• Phone a.aeon 6226 Bay View Lot Large lot 40 rt. frontage, Haven, (not leaMhold \. PRICED TO SELL DUPLEX Cliff 2 one. Md.room unlta, Cornn• del Mar. Dbl. garage, one unit rPady ror occupancy, newly decdtated. $13,500 Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1~23 Cout Blvd.. Col'bna del Mar Harbor 2766 Attractive Duplex ONE BDRM. each unit , 3 p.rages, block to buatneu dlatrlcl, I. yn. old. Stucco and redwood coast. $14.000. Owner A . Endell, 68.'l Park Dr., Coata Meta. f8pa.3 ONE BEDROOJ.f HOUSE, 2 f"'· old, $3,975. 181 Me.n1U Place; Co9ta lteaa. Ph. Bea. MO&-M. 4~Uc M-Money to 1-D LOANS For Homes o..--:io yr. Regular Leana CONSTRUCTION LOANS at r.--:1 \0 .,_ ( 1< yrs.) WJl BUY AND 81CLL TllUST DEEDS • 8ICIC BOB BA TTLlCR HU OOABT<BLVD. COl'Oll& dtl Kar Barbor 1071-.1 Rep. J'O.IRIICR MORTGAGIC 00. -Ute Ina. ........ Kl M1lll $4950 Dn, Lido Isle New 2 bdrm home, 21 ft. living room with nreplsce, b&r·tn>e kitchen, cl.Wtte, 2 bdrma, glasa- ed Jn tub, private patio, large 2,car peace. l""ull price $15,750. BayShores Bay View Deluxe S bdrm, 2 bath home. BeautHul view or bay from Uv- lng and dining rooma; OUtata.nd, Ing floor plan and beat construe· UciP. Rully one or the nlce.r homes In Bay Shorea. Price $26,000. • GRltENLICAF a. A.SSOC. B~ER -REALTOR 3112 Newport BJvd .. Harbor 2552 Open. House 1-5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 211 Heliotrope Ave. Corona del Mar rtnut location, a tew at.fops trom ocean i.luff_ Brand new, two bdrm, • two batha, hardwood fleora. fireplace, 2-ear p.ra.re. 81' front&Je:. Come SM It or p-. JOl>ll Motu.m. • P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 33ll3 Via Lido, !<l.wport lkoch Harbor 1600 l:vn. Harbor :U~R • I lleclroomo, $12,750 1000 plus sq. ft. • • • SJ,500 down 3 Bedrooms, 1 ~ bat.ho, 1080 t. I. • • • . 2 lledroorna, 1000 plua -i. tt. • • • I Bedroooma, 1000 plw: llq: tt. ••• I Bedrooms, 1000 plus .q. ft. • • • 3 Bedroom•. t %. batha, 1200 .. r. • • • :-. 1000 pl\19 aq. tL • • • $13,950 ts,900 clown $13,950 $S,900 doW"D $12,950 $!,MO down $14,950 U .300 clown $12,750 $3,500 down Will G. I. All theae home• haT• h•rd- wood fioor1, thet'moetatica.l· Iy controlled heat, Iota ot We. dout>ie ~ natural ftn- p&aces, etc. EACH PRICED FAR BELOW MAR~ All are open tor inspection. Let U1 lhOW them to you. ISLAND Realty CO. Realtors -M.u.ltiple u.ttnp Park at Aptt. Balboa laland Barbor 3TT·W BACK BAY ESTATES Several Choice Suburban sites, of two or more acres, commanding mountain a.nd upper bay vjew. 'Cloee to Sant& Ana golf club and just a few min- utes from beach. Desirable. Restrictions.. Utilities available. Modestly priced. Contact F1jed Croeier COSTA MESA REALTY 400 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Pb. Be&. 8818 CORONA D1Ek._MAR-$8,500 Furnished SOUTH OF HIGHWAY, OCEAN VIEW -t bedroom beach home. Fireplace. 2~ prace. PLUS gueet room. Very attn.cliYe back paUo wtth barbecue, 40 ft. loL Al90 many other GOOD BUYS right now. See TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Coul Rl1bway, Corona de! Mar NICE 2 BDRM STUCCO. Vene· tlan blinds and drape• lnclud· ed. Payment.. on1y ~ per mo., 1------------;-i ------------ tncluding •% lnL, WH and New Bay Front SOMETHING NICE irullzra.nce. Priced for quick a&le HOME. laq• lot, choice location. IN A LOT at Sl.0,500. 4 bdrm and den, 3 }>at.ha. 71 • • I --aa.ndy bMch, pier and float P We have a beautitu.J al.le, 82'4 ft. I Cliff Haven y 00 muat -tll1a property 1 wide by HO fL ... p with tftM 3 eqRM ranch type home Wired you .,.. looking for the tlnest ~lrea.dy planted and srowtnc. fo~ electric range, l\el.vy lhake in B4T FRONT. PRICE $39,:SOO One aide: A rear redwood feoc· rocjl· IK&ny oth.,. featuru. Dbl T....... ed. On a qut•t. paved llnet of capce on larp lot. & charm· GRZmNI..EAF • ASSOC. lovely new homN, near to the Int hom•, ONLY •1~.MO. BUILJ)ICR -REAL TOR high ochool, Colla Keoa. Pric· llU Newport Blvd., Buber 2552 ed fll!OO, temu. w.!E. FISHER, Rltr. ' . ~ S "th Rl Auoc On IJltle.Balboa hla.nd, we have I e DU , tr., . ; Busm· ess Lease a nice comer to• we believe 2 \0 . ACJl.Sll with bldg. 60 a JO, • Modern redwood and glua· cu lie u-t In. '3,960. 2500 ctn. Ile CO/.BT 111vd., Corona dd Kar the only one anllable ~y. A Two l>dnn. aD<t .. .....,,.. quari.ro. TUoUn aeor 1 Tth, Coot& Meaa. l l1bone Bartior :uu 6 rooma 1 ).i bath& -wonder-quiet "POL Could apPNJ to l!'laptone and wood -Two Ph. Beacon 11293-~. fltc ful spot for eftice or· pro-::u:,::..:_ .. u. ";""1"1 cowa LOANll TO "Bt!ILI>, IMPllOVJI. Y•an old. i.. """ ot t.--• ~ _ DOWN, -· ·fllll ~ ~oday's ~t Buy fe11iona1 man. Lot• of . BUY, MODDNIJm; oa BM.utttu1 .i ... of u.. wuteni -· ---··~ ~ J A B K Off' 111:1•uu.J1cs bllla-ta acluotve oect1on-1 VtetD'1a s" at eo11eg. An., Corona del Mar room for parking on 1-)1 • • .1!.1.1!.1 ice ~• ~ --...0.. ·--la .,iet ...,.. 00ota -Pb. -UN-W. BO)Q) or! ,. ft. . " Coal• _ 17th St,. eo.ta .. M-Will Ba!-. U . "4ltlda-hl&n4 r_, llSWPORT BAI.BOA fS>mRAL ftlWldlap. iza.-. c;ioocl tenno. <rue --. emoc1e1 to wit tenant. See uvmaa 6 LO.m U. 1987 I1"flne A ea.tall r-..s. ilodtta _..,. 1 . • .COSTA· MFSA · -Via Udo"" .a.. 1Ni ve., ·-·w-, ·1n "'"'""na del ,,__ · 1 batllo, -.... ~ 387-t7th St. anc1 ea11 Har-. , _ • . . .,..,,..., Beacon -, '-AJ~v .DllAl. Thi. ii ...._ ftlCtl "'"" .. _ ~ • _,_ u••· .. ~~ N_, •••• bor lJ90..}(, or Bar, -. · -~"" · REAL D'l'4'l'.IC l,,OANB '7trc AUrocllvo I lldna coUa,. wttll .--.-o. ~ . tttrc rrkl:lrli!t..t••nt'fl otreet. N_,. IDlwM aata~,I,. --,-&r1t1eo, ...-.. • au · · t1,-.n.wa·a.a.;-..,-1,.1rau.., ._ '. Pt/ -• a. ._ ''New Lo-Price" . ~ ... ,. ...,......, Jet. . Bea tiful Ba Sh 'lus• llY. """ ~. i-eu ...,_ ... '•• ...,,. • -Bel.. -... '!'-'.._ ... , > ••• ...... -.. -~ i Chamberlain . u . . .Y oree ........, ..,. lot. -rn... _l_h_..., __ .. Ollthe 1..1.ta .,.....,t, -""-,~1 .. '0fan-MAQ~ -l"4 -lllr ,. & a I ... -Bml.. eor-dd :?tar 1 "" 1P.P1-, ~~o!w~ 1 · 11oitlC111. ll v4'"*" -1111111---881.UftNL oc•.a.• NSWLY ., 1nl1t Pl•~· -( .NHport°BarbOr -) 1ldn8 ,._, ..:'~!~!.. .. ~a IOI --·-. -.-. • .. " n , YJSW,.-Ii -... a. • • .-;-• • ·., _..., ,_ BuW nm ...,,.... , -•·w••l7 •••• ,._., : -"--~--• ~......... ... ---· .. .. -~ tabe.hae.111at. ..... 211?• ~ ........,._ ,: .as, ii I u • ..._ ;e ti.91 I ":..:I.:~ ;,.::•;!•a11f.:. .. .. TRltA BIZ>RObxll! ltd.,.-. 0.1a.t.f7 t.e. .,. r e~t Kt?. I -~ :!::'"x~';.":: • 1u&1',t Ii$-..... -1·:=:;~=.-:"';'.::--; ':!'.:..BVTAU" . .-. dil. .... . r •-•• °()PEN F 1 • $-'• • 'IW.:-:u1t•C11.11 I.: . -...... ...._ 1 ?1Rh11,1,_a as t'-Ptice$13,150, taw a1 .,...., ,...;,, ,_:.- ._._.., -.,,,_._ .,"}-,,, Phu~' f!1'Co -·· g;•~c.i,:~ -:-r:: _ ..... ,.,..,_-___ .. _•_• .. ~_._"_';_:_•_, ~.i~=£~ .a.a ...... .., • MM I:,._~..._ m Or1C ..... oa 11 • ._ un • or •1 '"3 :1-("~::J~ ,_ ...._ am --,. ..p1&111s2t1111'... a.ma._ ..._ • ._.. mni·••IWL ~ \ • • I , I I • l ' • • -F • • F • ' I •. , l I O· Q • A I l I T With SALLIE . YOU'B.E THE JUDGE . . • You either Uke some- tblnii: or you don't Uke something . . . And when It comes to a cup of eof· fee . . . weU Americans spend more time sitting a..-d ud drlnklng eoffee than any other nation In the world • . . so when I ask you to try a eoffee yoo'•·e never t.sted before and flU out a questionnaire that 18 near the package . . . a qoestloa.nalre that says ''1 liked the coffee a lot" . . . "I can take It or leave. It" . . . or "I don't like It" . . . I figure I'm going t-O have the best bnnch of coffee tasters to be h&d ..• Perfect Host is the name ot the coffee ... No you've never heard of it ... Neither did I until two or • three w~ks ago ... It's our new bag coffee and . . . here's the nice part ... it sells for onl v 79c a pound ... A i:ronp of very oblig· Ing ladles at St. James church I a s t Wednesday kindly agreed to act 88 guinea pii:• . . . Perfect H°"t coffee was served to them ... Of the 143 that filled out the taste test questionnaire, 111 s a I d theJ' "'liked it a lot" . . . %8 ·said they conld ''take It or leave It" ... only 4 '•didn't like it'' . . . some were so enthu&iastic that the'< had to enlari:e • • • "eaeh eup £•ts better'' . • • "Delightful" ... ''Delleiou• flavor" . . . ''It Wt.es a.s i:ood very ; stron11: as It does made weal<er" . • • The last statement w a e brought about becauae our Dickie Watkins who was making the coffee in our lal')?e coffee urns . . . made •aid coffee according to the regular proportions . . . It 1eems that one doesn't need to use as much Perfect Host U> make a perfect brew aa one does with other coffees . . . Dlcltie says he figures 48-50 cuJ)S of coffee from a regular brew . . . But with Perfect Host you can get a good 60 cups ... H-m-m-m that cuts down on the cof- fee budget even more doesn't It? I could tell you that the best grades of coffee are Imported from Venezuela, Guatemala and Brazil to go into Perfect Host ... I could teU you that each ohlpment of bean• is toot· ed for aroma, flavor, body and acidity . . . Know how professional coffee tasters do It~ They put a certain amonot of t h e freshly roasted, freshly g r o o n d samples In the bottom of a cop ... then the:v pour bollln1t water over it . . . No fancv coffee pots ... They .iudge first b~· smell thtn thev take a ;.,~uthful '. .. they do not owallow it . . . they . . . er . . . there's a convent· ent bowl for that too ..• MI11:ht be worth tryblg . · • rust with your regular coffee ... then with Per· feet H°"t . . . "Perfect Host Coffee Is IUllOlll? the finest . on th.e Markel" I quote the Roth Compaay of · Lo8 Angeie.. profes- sional Coffee Tasters. I could tell you that the '.l'hennalo Roasting process lo used · to bring Perfect Host to its divine flavor in & cof. fee cup ... Thermalo roast- ing meana that the beans a.re kept at an even temper· ature which doesn't destroy their natural fatil and waxes insures even roasting ih'ro°ughout the' bean · . · no oooty film . . . Tlii& assures · that the brewed flavor will not change wben the · ~ffee lo cold • . . Iced Coffee lov. era take note of this . : . 1 coUld tell you rve 11W1tch· eel to Perf~ Ha.I • · • be- ce,woe I like it . . . becauae It'll aave me $1 i .52 a iiear ... I ~ about 't\fo ~ c lo!!":.': but .... l'Ye. Tene •lbe jqdp_. • • ,_ · ..... It • ; , ..-se ~or • ,... -.. ~ --~ ..... Lillo--· a .. Ma Via LWe, N-,_.. ,. a.71_ h ~·· • • I . • . .. I f With a SOMME . SALAD I .guality Me.al •featurin9 ManninCJS U •. S. Gov't. Graded Choice lfff Finest lfff Obtainable Chuck ·11ac1e or Ch11ck An111n-s-f' • EITJIEK L''D (As Cut} PORK LOIN RST ... 49c CENTER CUT LLL'I LOIN . PORK ~HOPS ............. J~ 95c U. S. GOV'T.'. GRADED CHOICE A 000D SllOULDEK LAMB CHOPS .. ______ A 79c 1VHiil; IT LAST ._ BREAST OF LAMB 25c RA TH'S KORNLA..r.''D SLICED BAe.ON . "'49c FANCY, SWllET THOMPSON MEDI.1!:83 GRAPES . . ..... 2 lbL sollisH~ ..... 3 t• S\VEET ~-SA.'nA ROSA PLUmS ....................... 2 - CAULIFLOWER -12c POTATOES 10 -15' Delicaless••----~ CiiEESEBE::..... . ...... _Jb. 49c DKiLLPICKLES 3 ... 10c [iiiliof riAT 59c .fiiiiiHADDIE ~-Sfc . . [0AfC0ifEESE 2·!,99c I c .... , .. ,.~ .. CARNATION CORN FLAKES 12 ... ......... 17; W8toa '11 BIK ' Kriapy CRACKERS lb. 25; Bonnel'• Dellclom Vlean.a SAUSAGE :, ... 19¢' Peter Pan Peu ut 1 BUmR a ... .1a. 31 ' Rold Gold hi•ted PRE I ZELS 10 ... 29; Quality Howie Wltole &wef't PICKLES ~~ 38; · OOFF'EEE ........... -.......;···························--······~-79' BEST FOOD'S P URE MAY ON NAISE ....... p•. 38' . .. ., ••· 67' DEL RICH QUALITY YELLOW MARGARINE ........... . ........................................... J, .. 29' HOLLY FLVE GltANULATED SUGAR .... ,... . ·-11 ~-. 19; FAR FAMED CHIP N can."K , f TU NA ------........ --·--········· ... ~ -23 SHORTENING I # CRISC0 ---····--·· .. ·---·-·-···--····························--··1 "--93 . I ALL PUK1': ZV Al'OKATED I CANNED MILK -......... 1•·~ 2125' SUNSHINE RI BO ' I ¢ BUTTER WAFERS ..... · --~Ml< 29 ~n~ ' ·. •t; MINCED CLAMS --···-·····--· ·· ... ~ ... 'hJ Martinelli Apple CIDER . . .. ......... 29; MartlaelU Appl• JUICE ....... _., .. 29; Doles Fancy Fruit COCKTAIL1._ 19; Old South Oraace A Grapef't JUICE ......... 21 ; Ocean Spray Craabeny SAUCE No.soo-17¢ Cat .t Dor Food · CALO ..... .No. i .-%;%5, Cat Food P U88 N Boot& II OL 2/15¢ Olappt1 <lunlor BABY FOOD ... : .... 2/21t Capri GOATS MILK ............ 39t Unit ST ARCH ..... -. .' ... 12 OL lSt Fleetwood . , MOTOR OU.. .......... qt. 19t ci ...... SOU.. OFF ··-·-··!4 OL '9t cn.am.r BORAX ... ____ ;10 DL l !t THVMDAY APPLE PIE -·-"··_, ~' FRIDAY I POTAro GLAZED 0 • • 1 DONUTS --·· · -·-··-··--·-·· & 126' GOLD POUND CAKES -.--··-r38' I. LEMON nu.ED ' f 1:UP CAKES ---··-.. --~----& ,. , 27 IA.JIG!: DATE FILLED 19,_ COFFEE CAKES ---~···-··-···-- • LAWRY'S ~of ·1amo119 ~.reNlnp otter your a Sl.U value for only de wltil Ute PUJ'oo rllue of aay oee ~dree.­ lllr SAUTERNE SHERRY CAESAR AVOCADO INDIVIDUAL BAMBOO Sl.!s'VALl)g.... SALAD BOWLS \1 ~mens Butter MINTS Clu~f'• Readv to U.e s lb. -CHARCOAL 35' Del Monte 8Uced BEETS ......... n ... 19' Fr~nch'• Inst.Mt POTATOES s ... 29' Sylmar Spanblh Rloe DINNER .... 18' Aa(lo No. 1 can Beef & Gl'CIYJ 57' Tree Tea TEA BAGS ,;_L 17; Rurnetts Vanilla EXTRACT lOL 22; _ Pompeian OLIVE OIL s ... 48' Woodbury's FACIAL SOAP le tlALE · R.-gula.r Size Bar fw oaly le •ith ,the 1>9rchue of I at f.ecutar prtc.. 8oap P owder OXYDOL Igo. pkg. 27t ~terc~nt TREND ....... gl't. ~g. 58t ....... .lge. pkg. %St ·C'leaneer AJAX ........................ lSt rotliet 8oap PALMOLIVE reg. S/27t bath •lse 2/2.'lt Culunere BOUQUET ...... _ ... reg. lOt Detersent F AB ............... .lg. pkg. 27 t Bleach PUREX qt. 15¢ h gal. 26¢ •••••• 4tc .1 Lady"• Choice APRICOT PUSEKVES P l?\'"EA.PP LEOOT Preeen ·et STRA. WBEIUIY IELL Y 2 ' 29; lb. jar ............. . ~===::::;· Campbell'• CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP CBJOKEN w/RICE 'SOUP 1oy, ......... 2/29¢ TKDI P APE & NAPKINS ,., """"' .............. . 10' Bo-..!< FJU:.'ICR ONION SOUP u ..... ------·· 26' u .......... : .. _ ... 16' Fisherman 's . DE-LfAR Don't let-em belittle your big one . . . Weigh · it yourself! accurate . to '1:l !be. -On th•- MEZZANINE Fishing Kn_i ves Visor Caps Thermos Bottles 1 .. . STORE · HOURS:. . llPZCW.a J!OS ·TllUJlllllil', ll'IUDA.:I', Mnilw~:r -... ~~,I;~ II · · THE £CONOMY·'1VISE · PA11l NIZE . . . • • . J '( , ... I • • • ~' .-J