HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-22 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • • • ' . . . , • -• • ' I . ' • • t . _ ... ~ ~·~ •-~ II• .. 1'UTOIU: M<nlllCila 01' .ua:RJCA: , •v~~-~" _.,. -Whllo'You.'n pttiq "IU.Tl:RNlTT KINI>ICD" llO' DI TBS 11'.unl-'J•------~-Ft1L, POLLY' .u'P.uu:LI Pl>U1' Apporol le P~ ~ bonllf ..... OR BAY ' ••• aU brlpt """'o\U'U' wttli a ..... -.... -.. Pall7 -a ~ UtU. ~\ lor-tutun motl>on. Jaml;r J'l,al4 tat. feta m10Ck.I -at M.tlfS: Lota ot wt. becrom1al dn'•r•at ._., vp.. _Nicely tailored IUlta I« -up al '°8 to St0.111 la -· tome. or pr!Dta You ean pt maternity ohOrta. lllecka alld pedal pu•n ln Bal-Blue Denim • • . ojll<r olaclu or alr!rto at Sf.-.111. ' O. It. ,motl\el'"I, waDr, do .Ot 1'1111 to PolJT ..,,._ .... 18 .. Now,.n ' .. ' AND SHOf'PING NIWS n -"' -----:. ---,_,iWWWE -PU11Ll8HED AT ~1 BALBOA ISOUU:\'AJ!D NEWPOBT BUCH. CMH'OKNIA. TUl:PBONJ:: ILUIBO& 1816 • -· By MARGO ....... c..-·-. GRAB YOlJ.R ptJRs\ AND '=m 1r1 •· . Jl.URY YOUR. CARTWHEEi-' UNDER 'l:D HOUO CLAM: UP! 8IT TIGHT! AND 1\'An'I W An' J:OR SUPl!lR BARGAINS AND Tl!lR!tinc Dl8COUNT8 . A.p.Nx•-tety Sept. JO . WMn Coutllno Cl&ron1'e-movu down the lltrHt Into Ille uw bids. c--l!'loo• eo ... 1'111 .. c... 11th a.ad Newport Ave., Costa Me•. Beacon 0211.J • • • BOW OJITIDN DO YOU TAKI! YOUR TAWNY, TOUSLED KA.NE TO THE Beauty Parlor t.o b.a•e Jt wu.bed and bent?' Bow muy tlm• a year do you Map cold cream oa your •Mbuter brow or lll.q your cll1D 1n a hammock over rugbt? You can do all theM th1np falthtully ... even. but your face loo tt.mea a niS}lt . , • YET . . . GE'T TlllS . . . H you have super· nuou. hair growtnc alm.le.,ealy around, ycu'n n1 not golni to be any r.\viahin( raving beauty! . When you ro to "Elleo L Bryaat. ~ elec.troloJiat. you get unwanted hair removed permanently. By permanently, I mean like forever! Once ll'• done, you don't kup mowtnc it. MrL Bryant le akilled in the palnleu, hannle!f baniahment ot e.m~g hair . . . from Ca.ce, lega, n~kUne, ha.Jrl.in@, or arm•. Thia atfalr I• handled dlecreetly, pri- vately ..• Call Ellen L. Bryant at the Udo, Salon of Beauty tor con.sultation. S«O Via Oporto, Harbor ~76. • • • LADY KIN I KUM IN AND SHOW YOU MY SAMPLE CASES! Now don't ala.m the door on my toot. becauae I really have 80me lowUea hen!! I have sample bundle• ot atlk, chintz, Calllea .nd all aorta of neat colorful little bundle• Crom %5c up that you can u.e tor qullta. valance•. bed.spread.a etc. I repreaent the Kimmons: Drapery Shop •. , We "WE QUARRELED LAST MARCH-JUST BE-have a bll' aale on now ot yardage, odda and enda FORE HE WENT MAD. YOU KNOW-," (point-'lf remnant. and bolt. and bolta of fabrtct for .-:;{lt:,;[)l~lll~~lng with hi• teupood al the March H&re). "It alip-coven, chair upholstery, and plllow covera. ... wu lhe gnat concert given by the Queen of Some ot our samples are bis enough for brirllt patio place mata Hearts. and I had to sing ''Twinkle, Twinkle (10c ea..) or na.pkltilU (20c), and pillow top piece• for around l:k little bat! How I wonder what you're a t!" The per e&eh. Materl&la for kitchen cu?"tatna etc. A WHOLE TABLE 1.tad Hatter Ui still completely off hi.a wonderful FULL OF REMNANT BARGAINS and L<Yr8 OF YA.RDAOE AT atick in the new "AJit'e In Wo•derl&nd" album. LESS THAN HALF PRICE! NOW AREN'T TOU GLAD YOtJ LET The House of Harmony hu the Disney 111uatrat-.ME IN! GET OVER TO KIMMONS' DRAPERIES AT ONCE-436 . ed. giant story record bQo~ with the ori(inal E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Beacon !"38. aound track artists, Kathryn. Beaumont, Jerry Colonna,. Ed Wynn · e e e and Sterlinc Holl<J"w'av. These recording• are guaranteed tun tor old Lee Shipley, well known cJe•lgner in plutlc• bu added a, new and young in heart. Other be.st spinner albums at .the H . of H. &Tt facet to her apark.llng career. Now you may Uve sewn• duigned "Show Boat," "Great Caru!IO," and "Voice ot the Xtabay." Solid and custom tn.ade n1ht in Lee's own manufacturlnl' center! Lee in- 1;ingle sellers this week arP.: "Come on A My House" •·sweet Violeta"' vitea you over to vtait her new shop where her ori(inal creation•, and "\Vbi!lpering." AND PLEASE If you anap your ukelele strinp 4reuea. coord.lnatea, tun.cloth.ea and acceuorle1 are on diaplay. Here. ... get replacements at the House of Harmony, 1817 NeWJ>Qrt your liae or lack. of it will be 11.0 problem ..• JOWlll can be whipped Ave., Coat.a Meaa.. Bea.con ~737-5MJ. up right on the spot eqeci&l1y for you. You may have the fabric. • • • of your choice Wlored to )'OllT' ~ta at f'Molly---.de prk!e&. DO YOl:' BY A.'-Y CHA.'°"CE WEAR A GC'!\~ri· SACK OVER And you can bet you won't a:ee yourMlf comln( down the. street, YOL"R HEAD AT ~"JGllT! Not to hide your great cha.rm and beauty it you're wearing your very own Lee Shlplay Orll1n&L Lee wU1 900a of coune. but to kttp stl'fft Ughta or flre-tlies from tluhinr in your be diaplayinr new fall and Back-To-8c.hool desilftL •See the lateet. tre:nds in limpid orb•. Or do you bury your be.ad under a pillow to ab.ut out dawn'• early ray11 ! Come now, give up thoae awkwa.rd sleep props and get yourself .:>me ll1"ht-tt~ll•nt MadM •* the &BADE 8HOP. These shades are a..190 plenty dandy tor TV watchlnl'· What- ever your window or lightmg proble.ms may be ••. Re.stl•u. rovtns , roller ahadeli, Vagabond Venl)tJan blinds, Vague valance boxe•. rare drapery hardware . . atn.nge fittings, joints or encloaure.._.!.the Shade Shop can aoJve every cue briJli&nUy. Sun-Gard Sha.de• .re 14'"" better than nothing for kHiping down 1 Sun-Ray Fade. Better home• and stores use these pJa.st.ic gtamos to an advantage. Why don't you J Shade Shop, 51i 29th St., Newport, Harbor 884. • • • Jq::Y! MAY! WHAT ARE YOU HAVING FOR DINNER TONIGHT?!! Did 1ou set hom41 late tr-om th• • brtd~ b.mchf!Oft.-then quick like run out for a cab of hash! May, Sha.me! Your k.id!I will all break down with the rick.et• : .. Now ·here's the Jf'OJ>O- Sltion, . . . worthwhile from a stan<fPolnt of economy, conve.nience and good. healthy liv- ing . . . Bruce lohuton, a since.re young man c:an offer you a keen deal. You (f&ll get a sh: ..Ontll'• aupply of froun mHti and ,·er;~tablMt at who~ prleee Plva a bra.ad BeW Hibbard Frttzer for leas ~r week thaJ\ you are now paying for rroceriea alone! You know your5elf that a freuer the an.~·er to mod~rn family f~ing : • , I can't write a bOOk on thia subject due to other commilmenta, so ca11 Bruce J ohn.ton for lucid detalla. It won·t cost you a thing to leapi tomethinr. Bn.oe la ai Bea.co.a 6895-.J. PICK UP . THAT PHO?lri"E! • • • ROBERT KRl'1.L. THE BOY Gf:Nrt:S OF THE U:I: SIUPU:Y ORIGINAUi, 1106 Cout Hia'hway. Corona del Mar. Harbor 2848·J "BOW MUCH .t. DUNCE.• TBA/ llAll \.:1:1' SE1"T TO ROAM EXc'Eul .t. DUNCE THAT HAS • BEEN KEPT AT HOftO:!" That'• right, Mother• get your amall 1eholars ready tor 9Chool now! THE BALBOA 5 a 18 12 PRE. PARED P'OR THE BACK-TO-SCHOOL RUSH! BUSTER BROWN ANKLETS wtth plain Of' Cowboy (yippee) topa 39c pair: Surpriee p.ck- age of boya' 80CkJ, 4: pairs guarant~ed to wea.r • Moe. for $1 .25. BLUI! l£ANB (8 oc. denim) $1.98: Paalie .. underehlru and acacia of Tee-~ ln Jons or short aleevea ••• tluoreecenl, at.riped. zi(- zac, what do you ._.. ~r .T T n._,. pt k • , . r:uny! bl!ON tM tardy bell rlna'a!.._ • -• 11&1-I A It, ... -M., .._ .. . .. 8ALUDI . 81! SI! SENORS y SENOR.Al! THE PLACE TO 00 FOR MUT ~BUENO M>:XICAN J'OOD ci~1i::a:z~~~-._ CA.q ~ DON CARLOS 1111 113 2ind 8 •. Newport Har. HM-M 5 -10 p. m. Cloeed Tu ... • • • DOES VOUB RENHOUU LOOK TACICTT A.re ygur Mna off their N.wpert Mat tf•Wh AMw1r fer. M11m ' . • ... .;...~ --. Dlllllal • • • t.Flre · Robert Loe Baidrix of JU· rldllq a a -'- It.. Newport Btt•b, wlll•p . In ~ ----- llooporior Court• -l l'rklllX to -1 auwer a feloa.y m•na'•'•;llt« ""* Di ..u,lat• tin at I cllarp followlnl' pNllmlnal)' t.e&r· p.m. iP>ld&J, ljut of!. Ille Kunlcl· tnr la .Anaheim Juotlce court. • pd ~ Perk. Hendrix wu ddW\I' a trnck on suttot111r m... tint; 11efno Al.II'. I when lle WU involved tn a bums u a rMUlt of UM. ~ ftre collisJon With an. a11tomobUe at o. o~ Boyd ot On.tarto, C&tlt. &ad Ora.nptborpe Ave. Ud Walker Ki.. . Jo Deaa Morell Ot Hlald•7, Bt., north of eyp,..., Tiiie aecl· Ill. Tile two lnjund pa:oou' and dent re8Ulted in ~e deet.b ot AJ.---r-----"----"'" ..... ~ .~ ~-. -aceupan-but J-b Shlya, %7, ot .....-. oC tlle bumed Cntl _.., ..- Two lnjlled in .Three Car Crash Two J>f-l'IOllll were lll(hUy In- jured In a three ur crub which occUrred nea.r the Bay Shore bridge at 3 :55 p. bi. Saturday. Injured were R. E . Shean and W . G. Shean, both of Weatwood. They were occupanta of ·a car whJch had Btppped behind a ve- hicle operated by Myrtle M:. Mar- tin ot Los Angeles. Both can bad been stopped af- ter proceedln.. we8lward on the Cout Highway. Shean'• car wu hit in the rear by a Hou.ae and Garden truck operated by Marlon Ced Lambert of ~10\1 W. Bey Ave .. Newport Beach. The force of the impact rammed the Sh~an ca.r into the Martin vehicle. BNdlllJ- The Shean. 1:w1ta.ined head and facial injuries after belnC" thrown by the colliaion aga.Wt the •leer- ing wheel aad the windllield. 'Ibey told police , that they would re- c~ive treatment from. thelr per- sonal phyalclan. The Shean car Tecelv-4 exten- sive frame and body damage, The other vehicles were dama&"ed onJy •lightly . .AU can eonUnued under their own po\·:er . Deleon Pleads Guilty to Charge of Manslaughter Kr1. He\u. Mary DeLeon. 21 , ot llan OabrW, pleaded Cllilty to a oharge ot manalWJht@r, mi .. demeanor, ill Superior Court. 1ut Friday. She b.ad been Ute driver ot a car whJch cruht'd head-on into another pa.rked vehic~ at 32nd 8t.. Hewport Beach .. lut July i. .Audreiy Jan.do McCafferty ot It.I•· __.de ..... kWed t.a the c1'Ull. --Do1--oqln&l!J' ----With jelofty ........... I.er. The ·eount wu ~ -..,.....,. when .A.tton1ey Otto .JaeOit. aad Diftriet .Altona.,. .Jame. Da'rid laid Ut.at Utae .,.. ao pom ...... u,..noe invol"Yed. Probatiorfi JI_,.. u., . -"-eot ..,. 1'idaJ", 8""' r. ' Molester Draws_ 120 Days in Jail by nO c..,.. al a t>U*I' au~t _ _._ .,.,,. ..... -t .... pllotod .,. Malen J&coM. 1(8. Cloee -.Id aft.a the "9tve that <abe had anelled JUOllat. M- fore-the e.xplotion and . fire. All three penona in the boat had beeft. 1ttttng ln the front 8Mt wben the npIOlion occurred. The boat wu bea.c.hed at the Munflpal Traner Park and the tl&mfm were ex.Unl\lillhed by ftre boat land ha.rbor patrol boat crewa. The bo&t bad been rented trorn the _falleJy Bo&t Rentalll at 008 S. B&y Front. Balboa llland. NHYCRaceWeek on Aug. 24 · 26 lta.ce Week at the Newport Har- bor r acht Club " on• of "Ute moat anticipa~ed Mriea on the. racing calendar, and the number ot u - trie-. alrMdy in the ba.nd8 of the race, committee prove• that thJ1 yea.rla event, to be held Augua:t 24, 211 Uld 2', wUl be bigger and bet· t.er than ever. ~ated to the one" hundredth ann~er9ary of the tnauguration ot the famoue American Cup races, NHTC'• three d&Y• of aaillng com- peU'1on· and the accompanying IOe.i.41 e¥Htt.8 w1JJ have, u a back· rround., the memory ot the famowi yacllt. and fTH.t aatlon wt!.o bat· tled:.ft out for what w ... undoubt,.. edly, th-e Moat coveted award. 1a yacbU...-hiatory. One event. tM Hawaiian p&l'ly on Saturday nipt, W not qutte ln the rmood of the old ya.cht raclng day1 but hu a ~i&l point of Jt'a owrr. It ta rumored that Prent Fulmor and his Stagbound, which cune so cio.e to wirutlng the HoQi>l\llu Race, Will arrive from the ll&lanct. eometime durt.nc the party. It probably took a con· sldepble amount of flpri.ng on Prt.1't'a part to dme It thla wa.y, but, it It worka out, therf'! will c~r­ t&inly be a lot of excltt ment around NHYC.. • • • ·n11111I mm!11111 -Au9.+ 23, to. s.; ... ,, 1 ' / DRESS SHbP We An CloslllCJ Ollt Aft Present Steck to Make ROOM for New Fal Merell•• ... - Reg. SALE l'..00 6.95 SHOES • . • • • • • 3.95 Childrens ·BLOUSE • • 11.95 Back to School SKIRTS 17.95 BATHING SUITS . . . .75 5.75 5.00 a FALL DRESSES EVENING and COCKTAIL re.g. 39.!15 ,SAJZ PRICE 25.00 SWEATERS • , , S.50 to :;.oo $1500 ""° 2.95 T-SHIRTS • • • • , • 1.911 '$5q0 15.00 HATS • • • • • 3.00 ~-----' ' .. Bac.k .to School Cordiiroy DRESS and Matching COAT . $3995 ' 3.95 MEX HATS • • , • Z.20 29.95 \'2 1ize DRESSES 10.00 -15.00 . 49.95 FALL DRESSES 5.00 a 15.00 1L95 BLOUSES • • • %.00 to 'J.00 49.95 Linena & Printa 'J.00 to 3%.00 17.95 PLAYCLOTHES S.00 to 10.00 12.95 TERRY ROBES LOO to 'J.oci 75.00 COATS • . • . • • • • • · u.oo to 49.00 lt.95 to 45.00 JACKlitl'S • , • • • 5.00 to 15.00 Watdl for-A..n.no11Doement of New Fiall Otterfilp . . Via. Udo Acrou from Udo Theatre -CIOHd Mo•daya and Bolld&ya • ' . - -·' ... BAKERY \VORLD Ui working feverishly on a new invention. I think it's an automatic Raisin-Puffer. Then aga.in. It m&y be the secret Reverse Kruller. Bob. you will remember is justly tamoua for his patented "Right-Side-Do~-n Up-Side-Up Cake." But hi.a mother. Virginia, (Lady Peel ) prepares all the tn.sh fruit for the pie.s at the ~ewportrBakPry • , . 'Fresh peaches, apricot11, green apple• and even trelih nectartnea. Ragaday Devine is chief ot the F. L. S. Bureau here. fFresh Lemon Squff:tinga). The Cinnamon Bread (2.5c:I. and Cinna.rnon Ra isin fttd! And what &bout youi-cowshed, barn a.nd apiary! Are theaoe off colorJ11 I want you to realize here A: al.ao NOW that 1 have eel ui.de thi• ~k u CLEAN UP Ir: PA.INT UP WEEK. You are to ro to Ute hall tree. unslinl' your puree A: go over to :Mcno-M'• Pa!•t StoN A: get a bucket of white palnt! Daub everything in al.ght! Feacu, chicken-coops, out-buildings and' sheds.· White paint maku .Very~ thing look pure aa the over-driven snow! Mac ha1 white pa.int for clean-up week for .. lo•· ... .Sl .89 a rallon '(thJ• lm't chalk ettker) Other fence pa.int at $2.96 a gal. and firat pa.i1e boUMI paint at 15.'6 and $5.88 a &"a.lion -On up to $6.3-4. Mc.Dotlald. Pala* Store, 181! Bar- 0-.. Thertaul~ 111 • 21Ui St., Newport lH&eA ... Nnten.ced to 120 dayoi lo the .....ty jail 11!' City Cowt Judi'! P'r&nk Unnell, Mon- da.¥. °" a charge of child molNt· Sta ls Thursclay, AUCJ. 23 9:30 a. m. ' • RaJaln Bread (add 2c for Raisins t ia apparently in the Putter hands of some very re!IJ>Onsible peraotl. u ,it'1 ex- t remely palatable. Cakes a.re also decorated with a fine, arty flouri.eh at the Ye\\-port Bakf'ry, ;?1 ii ~ Front. N~-port. HM'. 1«!-R. 1 days. • • • DOX''T MO\"E! LET :\IE REMEMBER YOli LIKE TIOS! The reflection of that pink shrimp cocktail gives your face a. lovely, ruddy glow! That little swatch or Tartar sauce on your upper~, lip lends l'air piquante! And that shoestring dangling f'rom your fork all but send• me. Yea, you too can make a lingering impree- aion over a .Ma.food luncheon or d inner at Cbarley'• ftes&aura.nt. The liM at Ch&rley'a ia !re.eh out of the drink .. -The outdoor patio amacks of tJie f'reah sea apra}•, while diners amack and smile over Sea.toad Sa.lad&, Cockt:allll and Clam Chowder. Luncheon $1.00 ... Complete dinners \,1.~ Cllar\#Y'• Seafood RHtattra..t, l lU Coast Bl.ch way (nest to Port Ora•Ke) &_a.con 63.W. 1 da.19 a wk. • • • IF YOU WERE LASHED TO THE MlZZENMAST OF vo&t SCHOONER . . .DASHED ABOUT IN A• HOWLING MISTRAL OFF THE COAST OF BRAUNSCHWE,IGER . · . . Cb&.ncea are your entriea in the k>gboolc would be dam near WelibJe! Let me uve you thia unnecesury embarruament. W&Jt'• T.,..._& ·Post, aea-men'a (U&Cdian angel. has a portable trpewriter, a bril'ht ''i:-ed" Remington ... Youn for $22..50 inciU:ding a whee.I.barrow (optlona1 ) to haul it away in (additional $20.) Now let ~ ...ume•"'that the eeaa an calm aga.ln. arfd you cAre to lie on the small of yOur bunk. Walt'a hu a goodly nunlber of alummum apriQi alalp'a baalui tor ~&o each. Flop one ot tbeR onr a.nd you can atore extra rue.ta at home or at .._ Plentf of prope.Uon. anthorw, blocks and pulley• hen.. Bii' Cbum Grinder (anyone we k.Jl9W !) for $8.60. Buy Buy Now. S.. you at Walt'• Tn.dl:nt' Poet. By the le. Bo\LM. U! HI).. N ..... rt. Bar.. 1419. 8 :»-8 (euept Wed. Off). • • • • • -PLi:A.sB: PASS TBll llCORPA.CNA GUTl'ATA." Iha ery wont up ~ JliUD1T7 zdouthl! !TM !l)llidett ..me of tJtla W me&t if "S<ulpln." Hany _,.. I.bat •-kWjlla looka like catfleh &lld a *1Aue4" cat loob ltke a -Mlllt. I WI B&n7' xt.ptoe. an lcl>tllyokipt. rll,l>i to biO ,..., ,, __ Hany ... -that the· -w1lo l'O -.. to Iha -bl 'aldpo _, ~ bl - AJtacoro. But -~ -"' -al -.., .... .,.. ..... \ &lld)'<IOlcaaotWbll)'tt.-...1wr0 ·a.411-atan a llrt ~ -.... _ _. to like Iha ·--and flM .C..."' w 1Wr --;tjllo ptWIOJ-11& U.. M~E P1811 ma. ~ -·l • <lull ai._ ~ !fowpocto • I.ti·~ p.llL bor Bl\·d., Costa Mnr.. Bftacon 5783. . • • • "I FEEL .JUST LIKE CRAWLING UNDER A BOARD!" SAID ...DOCTOR ER WOOD. "'WEU.. \VH.AT'S KEEPING YOU!" I REPLIED FORC- ING THE ISSUE to the hUt. Here'1 the whole, tordjd tale: Doctor Erwood ha.s _, dun many wonderful p~ea of Rock Maple furniture that elegant customers 90melimea have to crawl over and ·under things to look at the Czecho- slova.klan gla.sa. Some of the clasaier cllentele. resents tbla undignified position and justly llO, ' I f~I. I have therefore persuaded Dr. Erwood "'\\loll ln TO SA vt FACE BY GE'ITING RID OF ms Sheep'• wea.r- ENTIRE 'STOCK OF MAPLE FUR~'lTCRE AT ABSOLUTELY COST! Theae are druUc mea.surementa, but the Lime hu come to ACT! MAPLE BED DIVAN, Loveeeat. cobble.r'ii bench, chairs, coffee tables, tiered table. dlnlng set, lamp tablu and other quality plecea . , . Now we're not ceyinl' ''wolf'' this trip, fellow. •.. ca grab you.ne:.lf a hunk of maple DIRT CHEAP. Fke S&viJll' Sal• at ERWOOW8. 601 E.. Balboa Bit.... Harbor 01._,,,., Open eve•. Is Only as · Good as its .Installation ' VENETI AN BLINDS • •• .. FOR FLOORS . YACHTS ORAINBOARb~ & WIND'OW . SHADES FORMICA TOPS ' , :Jo~~/e'I ~ . ' L·INOLEUM 290 I ·NEWPoRT IL.VD., NEWPORT BEACH HARIOR Ss2.J . ..., • • ""'· He wu a.rreeted on the com- plaint ot a parent that he had been botherinl' · chUdren in the Newport &ach pharm.acy. UGBTS P'OR BA.LJIOA C0\'1:8 The City Councu MODday night a.dopW a resolution callinC" for the COMtr\lrtioo and tn.t&llation of a street lighting sy.t.em, ap- proximated cOllt .of $9000, at BaJ. boa. Coves. 1 The li1hta will be located on the IOUth aide ol. the Cout Hlj1tway, · Protuta to the improvement were received from only two lot· owners out of the 75 property owners In the Ba.Ibo& Cove di•- trict. The protest.a repreeented 1.84 per cent of the total area which would be affected by the &UeMrnlnt. Injures·· Hand Herding Boat BO'lftl'd Denib&UllJl. employ• ot the Barbor Dept., receiv.d an Injured left band la 0 'llUC....ru! .attempt to .com• a runaway · mc!tor boat. ACCOrdin&' , to the N • w po r-'- Beach police report, an out.bard. motor -t oped _...,.,.a tllo Har- bor at &:02: p. m. Friday after Sten J..-, 2921 Clrele Drl .... Be7ol>orea, wbooe ap le riven .. be-U and H-7Mra WU 'tbmn. -tbe boat. -'1'llo .,.._1 cntt. """"P'ICI ~ Iha bo,y wotMa at Ito top ~ of 26 -por bour. • ... -Dept. patrol -waawtoutudw•..,,.M u. P'H'•• craft. ,.,,..,.. ] ......... ...,.... Wtlla..Jtw-.W k:a •• tllle ---aoq -to-ptllor. Tllo' I 0'1' lla-.t - ... Diii pUrol. .... •.+'rttps -tMstutaw .... ....._ • ....,. .......................... """ ............. !-ra11...-. ..... .... ;· • trr-k-wp-.. --=,-.11.-"-· ,~,r-os-=-t ---.----.,,...-~~------- • • • .. • • Stnpleu Sun Dresses reg. 1%.9.'I to 15.95 Now 9.95 Summer llous1s (Some Sloevelelie) 1/3 Off Womea'a Cata!tna Catalina lalltillCJ Suits 1/2 Price w-·· TH·Shirts l'el· %.Ill Now.1.98 BillldPalaW . Skirts reg. lt.95 Now 7.49 17'4 Meii'1 A.II Wo0l Slacks &g. 16.9.'I .. -12. 98, • Jannan's Shoes reg. 11.95 N-9.98 reg. 17.95.Now 14.98 Sun Shorts Deahna, .Jeneya, Cc;ton lL3 Off Wc>meB'a Collon Sklrts • Men's Swim .Suits Cf.Wlna, Gaafaer reg. 2.9.'I to 6JIO 1/3· Off Men's T..-Shirts reg. L95 Now 139· Short Sleeve Summer Shirk Cottou, Ray- Seenueker. reg. UO to 6.95 1/3 Off .. ,..'PW4 . Spoil JacUt .... 1U5 N.W '~tl ; .. , • ..... • ' ' ll•CI• ' • • • • , -. . . ---~ . ' PMlll I .t.t!O. n. lNl I ---··- , -----.. I • ' • . WW .. &lY . Pl&IUWI All M 1t11 .le'V la ... ~&!ID ll80.PIU'O ~ fa.I*-,,..,.._ I M• far - _ _, BROADWAY- NOW 8BOWDIG "IRON MAN" · Iott (Jlaaarler, ~ Kqoii -AIM- "LADY AND '1'111 llAN1IJ'r" =..81:! ITAJITS llIDID.t.1' ''WARPA1H" -·--PAULO ·~ -8TAAft 8UNDA 1' "SIROCCO" Edlll-~ -l-._....., Jloprt, -Aleo_-.. Marta Torftll "NEVE& TRUIT -A.Joo - A GAIQILEll" "TEllA8 RA.'l"GERS" l$land Trip . Rounds Out Week . .. , v. It. ll0'1'8EL. o. II. OPi"OMETRIST llventnn b1 Appointment 1114 "· ._ ......... Newpoad Beieitll -llll· ;·BE SURE. INSURE '. ~th - llAJJIUCli STANLEY· , --, l , Due C11ark. llatllJ' O'DoaDeD Geo. M~, Gale Storm SATUJU>.41' Lo\ST DAY GLDIN l"O:aD; UN!lmPu _ A week end at Cata!'»• a.· sues.t ot Kr. and M.,_ Jaclc J- ... board t11elr 7&wl OCMii w:&v.; rounUd out _-~ w"" fql' Theim& Paddock &s>e "' Oororia del Kar. - . f --· 1711 • Ill !K&llM Ave., --· ' .. • • • CHILDRltf ~FREE ·::"~~ , ,,,. OPIN niRY DAYI • .lllddiee Day Every Wedneeclay • IJ NOOll U • p. m. • F1'EE BALLOONS • eonc-loaa "Secret. of C•vlct -. . '411•" . llUAGAJlllll' O'lllPSN "Her. J;rit . _R0maac•" ' SUNDA'f,~Y 'StratMJen .. a Tniill' AVA GAJIDHJr:a, R. Ml'l'CRllM "Forbidd111 Past" 5. SA TllJIJl.4 Y LAST DAT • Rides e• 'Stra"ciers on • Train' &&TR BOUSE P.t.mLlTIEll FO& KEN A.VD WOMEN CJITh'A OOllliAI&, ION BAU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! 8~-UAV-TUJ:SDAY ii .ILU'!IE C&AIN ST. JAMES CHURCH , EPISCOPAL ; (AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE) SUNDAY SERYICES- 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M~ • CHURCH SCHOOL.;;:_ 10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-10 ~ •• . TY AN'nNNAS C•fl UI for instefletion 'Or servicing of yow ·entxnna :;-~ • • Prompt •xrvicr. by ''Take Care of My Uttte Girt" PAUL DOUGLAS ... , ROUU" Doublfl Tedmicolor Hite .. CA Tl'l.J!t-DllJVI!• 1 .. 1•..o....-·-·· . ~ -n.-L ' ... ' {'°' VAaB OF TRI! llli!qo41117 IUArdo Moatalhy~ ""'~ OOlllNO SOON Illar CroMJ'a Nm, .l'J.WIN 'llE&li 00~ ~ GJlllPOll' .uter -rioltl.a&" la ll&Dt. Barbu& with b•r aon-tn-law ud fau&llter .. Jack and X&re1& Jone1 and cltll· d.rtn. (DDW lJ\ their MW J:tomt) .,.. entertal.ned ~~ PraaclM Wbeeler ud eon ot Lo. ~ on Wed- 11eod1,y, pw.-1 & tuQlro uhlblt at the Patio Al1. pllarf on Balboa J.l&nd and &rnnpd (U ch&lrman ot. youth recreation work) spon• "°'""IP ot ~ Pit danc .. b)' ta. Zonta club. · COM Folk Leave on Camping Trip "We can't really call It o'1 M· aual p&tntinc trip," Mid Re:.: and Joan (lrvtn.'gl Brudt.. "for •e are taking Uie children alons to camp out a.nd •Jeep under the .tars." In company wtth the J. B. Stod· dard.I and their ldrt Pet.er, the BrandU. with thelr two children. Joan and SheUey, left Monday mornln1" headlnc up the cout to-- ward Monterey but with no par-. tlallar dfft.lnaUotr in mlnd. They admitted howewT, that paint.I and sketchbook• would not be lett be· bind. Tar Pit Dance ~id~y Eve. With Dukes of Dixie ...... ..., \on de Kamps ~111 ·~t·• ,,.,,. -OOSTA MESA 1100 Sewpert Blvd. CORONA DEL 11A1t IOS Cout Blsllway LAGUNA llEACJB 211 Po...C: 4,..... 11AL110A ISLAND ... ..,.. A.•-- 1 W. Stuart Foote 1 Ol!!NERAL INSURANCE I C....rteoua hotonnation ~ ..... -Pb. JIM. t4 · lllt 11a1-. Blvd. THE NEW HUT -.. CoMI Bl,..7, 1- l'Ha:e '-"9008 for Rtr!ee.naUoM NOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX -k a Cocktail 11M -.. tile l'ter lst.llmm CA.TAUNA ISLAND Harbor young' peopltt and othen =-.;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;~ vacaUonlns, here an tnYiled to a I tlrtt teen·-.en' dance at 1 :JO p . m. rrtday at the Tar Ptt. 11th SL an( W.•t, ~~ Bl•d. ........ '1Jnnap. IUld ...... 1'&r1 8ta.nlf'1 ond Dr. and Krs. Albert ·-wW bo -. tw llpGll· oortnc lf"OUP, the Newport - Zoilit& du•. Dulc.. of Dixie, popular Mnd trhlck bu-be9n-Oil televtsiQJl and ladlo, will play tor dancing. Tiek· eta are &O centa each, plUI tu.. . - R .EDU~ED PRI ES JUST IN TIME $CHOOL ••oa. •oc;» • l&llD&La expert technicians --f't/R,C .:.r LE X.6·J04 4 Wanaki Group to Greet $uests at 'ladies' Night' . BALBOA BLUES • Low priers • . TI DI TY IOU Nnopon Blvd. lvouAV.tC PUBLIC GOL~ COURSE 0.-.,._,,.t»·l*'7r11M •w.r ~~~ "-•tr'Jssr ., d #au. ~-"'~st ~tll Street at Ractlo rowen SANTA ANA . ..a.11 1-1111 FINEST OCEAN FISH RETAIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARR.ACTroA SEA BASS AI.BA.CORE ABALONE FISHERMEN I We will Prepare Alba<:ore fo1 your locker ~ SEA FOOD· SPECIAL TIES 511 soth Newpon Bwh eHIJ2C'l1J(GT0N BEA.CB NOW mau S.f./l"UIU)A 1' A11cl • c LIM .. I JEANS . & J MPERS NEWPORT TA . KLf · STORE • IMCIMl.·llll9UDlll fll:l\m -AND - Wanakl club hoatelHi who will STttt local and vlaiting Klwulan.a and their wivea at Tbunday'• IA· dies' Nl&ht dinner at Balboa Bay Club will be Mn. Herbert Kenny, Mn. Albert I:. Stockton, )In. Her .. bert AAbt<>n_ Mn. Pon Klrkp&t- rtck_. Mn. Brikoe and lira. Ja.rae1 Van Dyl<•-club preofdenL Dr. I 05 McFadden' Place Newport !eec:h Stockton wUJ take ruern.tiom OPEN 4. A. M. 'TU. NIGHT DAILY -....... MSOllT • Cll1UA ·I I 11'1 ,.,.. and all n.catJoniJl&' member8 are ~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ invited to attend. f Unitarians Meet Thursday ~enin9 fiita.e6 f/IJ ?!:>_:_"·. . .. -.. . Th• next m·eettnc ot the Unit· IAJ'lan J"dlowahlp ot LAguna • Beach will take place on Th-W-.· da.y, Augun 23rd al the Old Studio oh So. Cout Blvd., at Dia: mond, at 7:45 p.m. There will be an addnu by Profe.or CanoU JUcbard.aon _on ••umtart.antnn and Social Action ... The meeting will be open to the pll!>llc. FAC Bridge Sec. - ; Meets Friday P"riday Att.emoon dub'• 'br1dg8 --wW -tor· -rt llllldleoa and card play thla com- lna' l'rlday, 12 :JO p. m. at the cJu b l i~~a~~~~~~~ ----to -Born.th. eectlon dlairm&n. H-t Will • loo 87lvt& Ploee, Jo CUb"-' "'!.II. ...... 1ewan..r. .... I OS .I l'·S nNE D'AI.JAN DJNNEitS Aleo RHoriatloqa --bo lele-, plioned to Kn. McAl&r7 &a -u .,-.1a, at 'Be&c• Hot-W. . . UYO.~-- Dellgblfllll)' fatoOmal -• t!M· llatuMoly .....inc p&rt7 &t Lido lllo ColnJliilillty. cl»• -...,.. c-----Kra. 11&1 ~ a.1m .,.__..urc ~ ~ ... lllb:: -' .. , ~ t_ 7 7 . ' -- ..... ~owboat Pocketboo~ • ~c:ht Ideas? Don't.~-·. Ge&r. your ¥1bitiona, to a. Sal'b!p _ Program. at NEWPORT· ALBQA J'ED!:RAL, •ve • ric\il.Uiy ud ljefore i jOlill -have-the down payment on a )'acbt. • · All aavlnp are lnaured up. to $1!),000 • • • earn wOrthwbile dividenda ( c:urrej!.tlJ 3 % ) ••• and-are -~!U1---.Y&i¥11ld'ften tu tieed.jl*n . ~r.u" Ni .. ~, <P'8!1 '?J•& , . ' , .Higlt Quafily l'rinling-l'lt. Ho_r •. tm Hifh Q.olity Printfng-f!lt. Har.. '''' Hlf/r Q~llty Prinliltfj-Plt. Hor. ,,,,,,...._ __ _,___.___, • ' I • • • • • -· .f- ~ You Te> vmw ·BER m:W oor;. LEC'l'lON OF Olt.WINAL CREATIONS - DRESSES, CO-ORDINATES, FUN . . . . CLOTHF.S, ACCESSORIES - LEE S~.LEY. WELL KNOWN DESIGN· ER,. NOW· MINGS YOU CUSTOM-MADI!: CLOTHES AT .READY MADE PRICES IN c• FABRICS OF lX>UR CHOI~TAILORED TO YOUR~ • • COMING SOON ~ ·m:w FALL DESIGNS AND BACK TO SCHOOL ITEMS • , • ' Tep• In F .. ~ * • •-• Cockt•il• Tops in _ l:ntertainm&nt * from I 0 •· "'· . * Dinner / from 4 p. m. OPEN-'B&UNCB;• A.IL .. 'P.11. Featuring the "Guadalaj~ra Boys" DOLLllOU • 41 $ E. lal~ llYd. ' • Dinill<J Room °'*' 11 :30 AM. to I P.M. da_ily Cloied 5undoys end hondoys . - l'h.1111: Kimberly 2-219• Loh el FREE PARKIN<P. -- ._. .... --.--. ... • ' • ~- ·~ _., , ·:"j ,::;M ·~s -r:s 1·~ .-F o·o ·D~-~, • ' ~ .. ., _ ....... -:, '".lt,'Jtie ilP ot. tile awwdftlta." .... -~· ! , • l . ' • ' .. • • • . ~ • I ... .. .. • • • . . • • Commended by Pe rants M11911zina Consumer Service • Polly Debs rot ' s Girls Advertised • In LIFE • . ' WE GIVE "· H. GREEn 5TAm?5 EWPOR DEPARTM!NT STOA~ NEWPORT llEACll LAST WEEK FOR CHEVROLET MOTOR OVERHAUL CONSISTS OF RINGS-PINS-VALVE GRIND . GASKm and MOTOR OIL Special for the . ·s49 so Monll1 of A114JUSt e e e ' PAINT SPECIAL First Class Paint Jot) S 4 9•s _a11c1 ;. Aay Color· Culbertson Motor Co. . . . 2481 COCl5t Higlr#ay Newport leach · l1ac011 6442 • • -·~­,,,,; ~·····. ·~ ,l!l"p I ' , · Orange Juice • T.-t, notutolpack .('46~.con,21cl Grape Juke ~ 20-:!;:· JJ• Wtlch'& New Y Oti< Coneotd. . Sal d D • DuiNu ,.... 31• a rtSSllll . Brand jer ' I Half-pint jor, 22c~ quart jar, 63<) Pink Salmon p~ '¥.;:· 31• From AloSko. 116-01. con, 61 cl Spaghetti Gold Medal, Long 1-•· 21 • fl-lb. 111<9., 4fc) .... MUICOll N iblets vacuum packed 12-ez. (7-01. can, Hie) - lnmdlles =, •...-:: 1,. El1me DeMellllle ~,; •.;::· 1,. Swedisll Mill$ \=ry ~-2,. -MARSUALLOWS . . Flalr-i-est brand. · 1... 27• Special reduced price! -fir• Snow Star Ice Cream .~::.. 18c Vonillo 0t chocoloto. !l pints 35c) -t-(r•DR Porty Pride ""' 24c RIS · -111 CA~RING -• Vonillc, Strawberry, or Peopermint Stick. E>et1<1 rich. e>rtto smooth. l2 pints •7c) Party Pride Sherbet .:.:. 1 s• Auo<tod flovon. ( 2 pinll 29c) .fresh Bread ·::,• 15• ':: 20- . Mrz. Wright'1, wtlllt ot wlloot, sl iced. • . 1-.;:m 1reat1 ::r 20- M11.Wrlj#lt"L SUcod. Fmhly boktcl, CAITEllUIY TU II IAIS 81.aclc. Delicious iced! 4•-.44• ... ( C..terbury Black or .. -.. . ~ . . . -,,_;,:., .. • • . . .• ,~ .. ,.. . ., .... ; ...... 1111' •• "'" . . . .. ,_.,.,,.IJ -. ~ . ·,;. ~ . . .,,. ... ,,, /. • • .· •• c ...... 16-bq pkc-, 16c) \ BlaG Tea ~!· 5'• ~:· 2,. tAJJitional .Al.at Val.us at Sa/1wa11 ' . . <:a;''"rbury btond. n ¥.-os .. 11., 1-lb., 1.011 IODJlli Bm Plate Meat -:·i 2.50 ... Airway Coffee ~:~! !t!'. 11• • ~-~· . u. s. cso1CE ~ .._ . · · . Grind ot s!Ofe. U-lb. bog, 2'25> · • · •·•·•01 ~·· Or!ola 47 Cudally l. 55 : , lleb Hill Coffee ~~ ~:.· 7tc !INIJI . ·«=.ire 1~ 0 . ~, .. : 0 j In ea>namybog. !2-lb. bog, 1.~7) ! . JllCli. tcmoT Jxoc-. priced lowl SJl-t.·lzl Mat--1ed pcckqea. _ I llSTAIT COFFEE ·LJYta· ~:.'~ 1~ 7.5· o ~1::::~_; .. 35°.!· Chue & Sanborn , . . With Bacon « In Piece :t 1 • .. brand .. Foraquiclc. .... ,,. .'f!llom . B . Fn:.iuyMade : a· s• brisk bever~ge. jar jtlll Packed Ill ytM1nq • llt. .~; ~ I~ Bo..._a Lorge., Small , ,,. ..... Piteo0tSliced · •• . fillit ol.ltle "11 ~tody i · ·53• .. _ . fOtthoPon •· CkNn Perdt'Rllel · ~ •. ltc u.i:&. • .a-51· ks ~ -i .,,. -· ... ...,.. ea '° cOOk " •• WlfJting ~~~ t;.?::S · .. '29- D .LI' .Lano Island ' 63• Uuulngs.. Grode"· Evis. •· CHltKEN· PARTS Swanson Brand. S.loct your fovorf!e pcm ot your neoli>y Safeway today. , ·Okken Breasts ~~· ... · 1.19 · Chicken Leas ~:-1 ~ •• 1.09. , Okke1 Thighs ~:. •. 1'.09 .. 1ua11E SAYE ON FNESH FNlllTS AND VEGETABLES · COICEITRA TED I FIUH MILK The· triple-stre•gth frash .nilk. lhrff timal richer than ~ulor Lucerne milk. Now avao1oble in the naw con.- .ven iant ane-third quart · siie. Maltas a full .quart af mil< by merely 1Wplacing -. -, the wate(I Semi -, . •• llllr• 1• ..;... 54· c ,.... ;,--'• . . " HEW ·f"lllNDS -. . , · I I ' ' ' • • l , J ' l • • ' • I - • • J .> • • • I • • • . , • '&Gii' AtrG. 11, 1111 1 ., ,.. - - 11 ••• NEWPORT BALBOA SAVJS AND lQ~ ASSlt lUIWrvld &Alr· • Pta.-t All .. IW h"' .. -. --IB +•Dill JO&WW ..... -.. 18 nii dGllr,_ . • HAS BlRTffOAY; 'CAKE fOR EAi Y BIRDS ; .. . Jftwp>tt .. n.o. ,..._. .. t .. -Lou, All11t,allil ........ 11 .... PtUI-P. A. ~ tM • -.i -1AI of -:..-dlllct. .,.._ • --3§ IS, US1tNa1P:t0 A. JL to 5:00 P. It ' .4.liod -Ille ~tlon --i. 1a:l I Pno ~-= · • · ·' · ·. -~ c1af..lato !ft Jkj tllo .U.211•-..... tat)', lllllo ~ -~ --ti.at' ........ ..._ 1!llW -our olllco but~ mipt 11o i..., If -_,_._-~cit oa4 a - . .. "" -. . ,. • > SQUIDDING LINES . . ' GLASS RODS llG STOCK OF . • •-dOar cut UL.11119"'~ tM · • · -· -• ~ 4'11.. ' • -m. prl-.t~ottlceo. w. polat u'" llad.-u Qrtama1 II -~--t--' Jo• ·' -fto -.ot lllla """"' ....... --to ftkll ... O«opl "9,.......,.., '" ..-.... -to .uvert -•Ille-......... '" 10l. -I Jot'ly r:..:: • -t-. .......,. to·-t ..-w t11o 1"'61 llllL • n ~ents · 0t tllo ~tloD. 1nt--II ]li111Ctp&llJI Ila • _,, .. ~t .. -.... lllrdl Jb•ood wlllcll bas -hno ~· --lit ,.nd our Ulld.ntandJn1, tilt• cO&ta ot f1ller oN1 nn. ,,...ta of ....-..-.is. n of,,.,.~ .unp1e ,ounat10a led to a.-. ~ ... ..,a rubMd wllll -..,,. ble. Sia A ... ; K•jiii& plots 1*nodtllbl1 of. tlla .oa.Ure of· ,u-of wax. .-11eJPIS fi>r, tlMlr np1ar_...-s. llce fttllltlM Oll4 tllo lodllltloa 1' u,lllo ~ ~11111 ~ a 11 -d •-t lllla -th'Yot ilOlll• MO -~ to tho total UM tftlct •tw, ..,. _ _. Illa -"""'P. for lnla""'1do, clilldMl -----rli>J-no kllllly an4 _.._jol!io41a ·-t-'lbe ~ wu estimated to J>e ... tnnt. w a -ent ftatuK, party at Ult ~y. . · completed In two w .. ka, so of that belnl tho CID4' ~t Jn It ,... ' a • .......,. QfVri ot •II course we weM deliehte.d to be the ottlce. • ' · ,.ibicb 4ld ,...uc. to t11e pot tu.clt "' .. ' , -. l'or Gyni • • • FUu aizem ... .. ·s,11111 ~ Sc•11l·St:' ~' SLfS ·.-4 ·~. _. .. ~ •• ' , ,. . . . Clelllll, Old Crepe Soled-Sh1e1t ·S11M Sail_tl11 $5.95 . . . > I Thoftt S,11,dak, $1,oct PENN. REELS Onlahed in Nftll week.I. Counter topi are formle& Sil ._ wppu and r:njoy.S m~c, upas I• j jiWiiioiiiiian •• ~' atllliiiiiiil!lliiiithii• -·~')d~PiiYiiiiil•t almW.ltd wood f!alall. aa4 danctar afterwVd, . .&. new heatiq &Ad a& elrdilat· TM JUJy ·mfftln1 wu hfld at lnl l)'llt•m wu a4dod -II&& tll& hoble ot Tl1ucla V1uukrcook,· .Eu.HOLSTE., prayed very ettecttft tbe Wbo ...... a 0 trfp arow\d the Ahf Ps1•er Drastic Reductions hi · · FUN 'CLOTHES BATHING..SUITS ~ All the Ge• ~--CAPS te . BOOTS and P"8UGS to IOATS ..J;cc:::;; / NEWPORT TACKLE ST.ORE ,. I 05 McFadden Place N,wport Beach OPE.'l C A. Ill. "I'll. llDDNIGBT DAILY YOt!Jt t-l'JlllC& YT l'Oll All LOW H .5 8&~ week or two whmlJICll!l•~ illllP-h!Md'I " With the Wlatuoo o( ped U1 some oul...t-town .wo&tll&r . ._ of lltr · pu'pila a11o pn the · noor1 are ,upll&lt lite -!aid. oa tiacea from the otlstnal lllll& Ctlilent olab. · '....-lllro\ll1l tlla ""'1olMI cllanSN down' To the ...WI --~ to Ille modem ...mon, maldnf U thS pla' UH bas lloO'I. .~ & OJ!f!Ume cll&apa_ '. • p&Uo • encloeed In a sr&Pt atalle Jl111tca1 OC®mptJlllnont ,.... on ,....,. .up~lementatl lo7'a ll&fiMd IOlob lutnilntnta u .ton .. ,~ PEASANT SKIRTS!· BLOUSES!' .. TEE-SinRTS C08'l'UJB.JEWELRY CAPS . DREssEs . "' .. "'!"· . ' . .. FUN FASHIONS . . """ top. All ..... slrll ... .,.. -Ila Slid ..,Ut b&in-. 1n -in.elr attracu ... tllua We pre-tton 14 ~tnp ot wtllcll olie ot 1301 C 1.a~t llYd. CorOllCI -del Mar Har. 2322 C&lltlc>n. A~vatopatloAn>itureplrtle :~~W.~r~ln=tareat~=--~~th~e~flft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aa4 ele<trto -e<Uoaa for UM walk cll&Dt. ot ptrculat.ol\ ltc.1 WWI al.lo lA· aitalled ln tile patio. , Celllnp Um>ufl!OUI the office are wttti. .. ano. a upt l'Nlfn color II uaed on. tlaOM wan. &nd cable n•ll that afe Dot btrch. An addltlcm&l Heft ............. nlcbed under the new COW'lter la the CUJtomary fuhlon. The Preeident'• oftlce ll aim ponelled tn blrcll. tll• .....,.. lboul'ht bebll' to ereatt an. otttce that would lmpreaa tbe public. The job haa bffn _, Jllctly dont that It:" hu even MICCHdH In tm· preutnr the Prtllllillent. IClrttttor. plaatlnr Ma b • e n ca.ref'ully O.ough.t out with tM ue ot ftl't.cl -.. ti-• lypt• or }>tanUng .ucll u •rewaa ---------ln a 1tately row alont ~e tton.t 'l'lntfty tr_pliolslery Co., Box 180 8BOPPINO :on:ws nu a.•••• alvd. Newport Jleatoll 'II'-'------- ot the bulldlng and colortul tiow.r bed.I d~•tsned to dlatr9Ct the. eye from the lack or exterior architec- tural atlrt.c:tiftnet.s due to U.1 buUdln1 havln1 1>e<ft ttmodoled tllree Ume.. l:xterior coloN on wood and 1tuoco are sreea and yellow. l!:&eh' ot the two entra.nc.a bi a revolvtnr t.tt. kunl' owr the doorwi¥ outakle. TbJ.t otrtlatM the ueld..IQr'_.,.....,-.. to bep out ftlM '1lrhtch aomeWnea mtil· trate the ~ ft'Om AlMll'Dn,' •' l • 0 J :SATURDAY " · AUGUS_T, 25th ' ' ,,. _ _. _____ ...__,.(Puadena, Loa Ans<lu and en- virons. • .... ~ llLICTOMI ... ...._.,, ... c.w...,_,,,_ \ .-. Alt are lnrit.ct to oom• and ..- thl.l ·muterplece o? deetp &Ad Ul- cenulty that ruultff. from. a ltm- ple wss-tloti trom our -rotary th~:·~~~!' =--allO ~. br&lt Its 15th lllrthday on Satur- day, .... t. A.II 'Nlton tll&t day wtll receive J1fta and 'De tn...tt.ct l~=~=;=;::::~~~~l to eampl• thl birthday calrt &1 11 l<111f b auppu .. tut. T. v.~snS R-e~eadrsal Dinnder FOR . 11;.;T Prece es We ding " of Jean Miller . TIDE r.·v. IOU JC!lWPOaT Iii.VD· . Newpia aNnctr ... 100/o Discount on Any Purchase 0 • .............. •(IEXCSPT AllALOJCli ... 8IOIDIP) . Brillg w. ad to ~ YSIDE FISH MARl_(ET Fresll Ffsh hBy from O• OWll lcMlhl 8PIXllAL Pilla: ON ALllACOU: FOii CANJ\'INO Ai.ioa-11ic Iii. ntE!lB llWORlln8B. AUlAOOU: --i_.SALMOS llAJIRACUDA, llAUll11T, SEA BA88 W SCULPIN UOO ~tlW • Ille Bar ~T ~r 116 • , FOURTH Ir •OADWAY . IANTA ANA . CHICI PllCD -AT PUtSLES . . . TOASTMASTER &eneral Electtic ' . ~··•••k t:a••• · ~. & JUICa ............. ,.. . o,,,,· 0. :E. ~ ---... ( -·-I I>-tBtt •11t11a.ll•,... -·tdt ·~&.a9 J 'c•s-r:.._. -<,.01111 .... _,. .Vtli!'t • .. a, p . , ·'1a~· • ' • - ·- $$ Yallltl $$ Gen•ely FiH 9•1ty' IOX SPRINGS . a11d MA1TIDS CHl41Z SHOP LNIWWW l>llOOll 4-,S -·* , r , f • -~ -· • 1rborites ·Hosts to L B. Gr_oup • , • • • • ". ,. .. -. ~ '#•. Again; we had to expand. You ·good •· people forced us ·ro do it and now we want you ro come and see the result of the confidence you've expressed 1n us. Come :uid celebrate the opening of our ....._ - enlarged offices.'.'; · - From a single; sn)all room in 1937 with ,a staff of 1 employee 111d with 'i:esources of $22,000' we ha.ve soundly gown until today we ocaipy . quartefs' · 7 ti.riles the · size, sWfed by io employ~ and our resources total over $6,000,000. I Through these 1§ .. ~ we have 10ancd . a total· of $12;804 '406.49 t0 20SJO borrow· , ers. All this money ..:has done its · part to ~akc the HatbQt ~ea the great -1-nd ' ,;;GI .fr~$- ~·· .· for-1¥1RY GUIST f.o(. ,;Cl}' visito~ ,.e .have a delightful surpri.. . . . " Gift, abl<>httcl' F~ alto-. _ ; . . . \ .. ·' prosperous .CPdl~tl}' _'ii ~s. . -' 4 ~tifut-,;pe: Pea. l'ellCil_and S.U Point • P~ "" lD 1 ivnhome · qse, for everyone _ wbo opem Ill KcoUllt 1019liq J~ Iii more. I • A.1ui si11re our slMI;, •· 1Hi11t p11itl 29 ~~ -;""""""' tlifliliNI"' -.. • tin 1111111111l 'r11u •f:.'""I', . . Uss '""" • • • • •· • • • • • ' ' ""°r O I 0 ' o ' Or a uaiau~ · Tim~f which r«Ofds nactlJ ~--r , r .. ' -MM IO you an a<Xllfllelr clieck '10Vl long 'dilu,...~lilttbolewboloftKtlOOorlllOllO • -. , '. 11e··t11,-rS-will'~tbe~ ... -.of,~ .. :;.-; alJi'-',.il••·· .. ······-~~:_ ... ~ .................... lick . . ~ .,-~ .. 6'11t'"I ~.:: • • • ; • > • • ' I ... • . . . . ~ED • ' . ~·, 'T .. ~::~·:h CRISCO . • . ·SP.RY . . SNOWDRIR • (Ame~a·s Favorites). POUND CAN c • MiiGAiiNE MIRA LE :SUDS · TDE 1·LI. PICG. LAl•I P.Kct • • 21c 25e: VELVEETA ICU.FT 2 PH1d 79c CHllSI FOOD Loaf ' PIUH DAIL1"1 . . ~~ {RUITS & VEGETABLES FINIS'T IN TOWN! . . ~·quality-Ripe $.~!~f;N!'!~~m B~~.,~ ' . ~ ' . • U.S. No. 1-Large 5"'90t~White Rose ' ; . . e lb. . ' . ... • . • J • You: cant.·rnalil a N4' cup ol . COFFEE . All Grlnds-1-lb.-can 1 -. HWT'S DILIGHT FANCY c:J,ING PEACHES Dllll PUU PllSllYIS L•r .. 39c ..... . HO . Zl/2 CAN . STRAWBERRY ~:- c *OLIVES* - H•mef i..,,.. 11,. w L41rt• ....... ,. N0.1 25c TALL CAN ....... . ' . , '-'I ·I .. • ....... "JUNIOR" TURKEY ' :.:.. r~ .Y ...... -. .._,,.. .i.lcy,T ..... . . '"""'• ..... ,.,.. < • .. A.,,.1 59c . DUCKL NG.S ... • . . . . . • "HEAT SEAL . . OSCAIMAYll, IESTYAL • f·P.OUND . 4~ .SLICED · BACON PIG,................... . ' , ' . ANUT NOITHllN 45• HALIBUT STEAKS · · · iS Scdell ~ '45• SHRIMP .. ~ • , . _;: MiYONNAISE . 35· ' ' ' *PICKLES -* ILUHILL 24-. J•r ILUHILL 24-. J ... =~·-····· 2tc :;~~~ ........ 1CJc · Circus Peanuts C & H CANE · · I 111c..i..J ,_,,, . · . . YlllilNIA SUGAR :· IM1W1or . 1.oz. 29c . CAN .. , ... ..... ,.L ... -10c IOL •• Chidf~Mtese THRIFTY~ •• .. 10 .,. .. , ... _.. No. f T •II c.. . YOUI CHOICI IORK &-BEANS · ·-. I • • CIGARETTES • • ' LBS. > AU POPUl.AI llANOS ' c No~! ' . ' $ ( 49 FUU CARTON • · INCL TAX .. ~ ~ BEL-AIR . IUNO t I . $ ..... M•i-Ho. 1 T•ll C•• SPAGHETTI •ltlo Sil•c• 9ffh· No. 1 Pl,alc C•1 . .Cut Green Beans CaesarolJla Sakld Dressing ML lhttl• ,· •• • • • 3 7· 1000 Island Dr•uing H•1t ,P1.t .. :............... c French Toasted Croutons Chrllc 1 c...... ea. ~. lottte ••.••••••• • • I • , , • . -' • . -wilN . vou · WANT. ·TO iUY, SEIL EMPLOY. •.&Ga I A.1rG. ~ 1111 . .. i:wf.on uy ' ~ £JID UIOft'ING lllWWI - " . ' ' . ~~EcwwWS-KY· ~ -:"" Every ~Mclay ._ NEWPORT .BAY·POST·-Wedne.days NEWPORT-BALtiOk PBESS'-Thundaya NeWJ1Gli· ~ P.a Oe"'W .U......c na '18 tm Ta1s•7 i N-u lloo ftjln\llr.1 .... . IONDl1lll .&» 111 '.t'.INp ' AD O!o7*"t ;:_-.. ,.a.111-;:: i. .-·~ ,"',-::--- 4 u-z. Papen 1.50 4 u... S Papen i.OO ' PAPER ~GING •· Palntmc. Spray Pa1ntin1 Kenneth Quarry 1414 llanta Ana Aft.,~ ...... . Plw:me BWCOft G&Of. l!edl7B The publiahen will not be r.pomfble for more Ulan on• lneon.et • __ lnHrtlou ot an adverU..ment, ......,,. tlle rtg!lt to OOlftCtl7 cluolf1 C. L, KIRCHNER any and all ad> and to reject any adnrtlaemmt ""' c:anformln&' to /Gen'eral Contractor ·rule. and tfl'U.laUona. Advutbeme.nta and calicell&Uona will be ·accepted up to lli p.m. on the day preced.iJlC publicaticm. Except deadline for News· Times ta 11 L m. Mondays New Rutde.nU&I A COmmerctal noae Bar. 1811, uk for .. Ad TUW-or lftld ad UMl remit--. to Remodeling A Rep&lrlnl' NEWPORT RAR.B()B PUBLIBHINO CO. New Mm•s open for inspection.. SO Bale, Mleee!ls·eom Call B4rbor 118<-)( ·::::.:==~n~n~lllal~-==81~'11.,==N=-~~rt~ll!•~oll~,:.:ti.11~~··~· .. ~~··~----1 Utfc LADIES L Miller --;: -----~------• and Bl&cll. 7~AAAA.. Practical· .A.' A.* 55-Money to Loan -claa81fted ad&..,.. ....S by tolka ~new. Call Bar. 1'7t..J eves. • __ ..._-"",_..;...;;;..;.;=----who an looldnC' to bUy. 4SU'c LOANS For Homes 14-Penoull STORE tl&turea, prac. new, wall ---""--'-'-------Cl..N9. counters. mi.c. All have R~frigerators USED 22 iiP ICVINRUDIC t2 lour qft. Good condlUo.11, $185. Pl>one Laguna lleecll 4-3088. Uct7 1''EW 16 tt. 11 fn. boat wtt.h trailer Nl!'W 10 hp Jobnaon outboard. Bargain. 1~15 Santa· Ana Av. .. Costa Mea. Beaicoa. MOC. 12cl3 SALE Used Accordions 120 blM Galanti ... _ ... _ .. _ ....... $ 7~ Smartly tumlahed 1 &DC! 2 bed- l'OOR\ apartment& witll P"'C•· SepL 16 to June 15lb.. 1 be:droom (twin bed.I) $75 mo., 2 bedrma.. $100 mo. All utWUea paid. Ideal for IChool te&ebera or profea-- olonal people. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 33S3 Via Lido Barbor 1600 Nowport Beach, Ca.ll1. 118ttc 5%-20 ;rr. !.oonl CONS'l'RUCl'ION LOANS at ~5%" (14 yra.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST. DEIODS AlcohoUCll Alioaym.OUI adjutable ahelvea. Bvp.ln. Cell 5 cu. ft. Weatinpiouae -···f 87.50 e cu. fl. Westin:houae --·' 59.50 1 cu. ft. Coldapot ·-·--·-·· 97 -~ ., 120 bau Supertone -·-·--····$ 7.5 ll"URNISHED 1 bedroom bOUM, fenced ya.rd, all coveatencea, near bua and lllorea. UtUWe11 paid. Cheap yearly rental. Ad· ulta. Small pet 0. K. lnq. 708 Irta, Corona del Mar. IOp62 10-B.W-Gnlde COKPLSI'll BOUIDI CLL\NJNQ --l'anllturo &DC! ..... abampooed. ...... erttm•t• ruDJ' -.Nd. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Be1con 11111 T2tfc SE» BOB SA TI'LER HU COAST BLVD. Write P . O. Box 200 owner, Beaco.11. 8990. 47c42 Boll>Oa I.aland, Calll. -Klmbort)' ,_ Corona del Mar Harbor 1077..J l~Beaa$f Alda Rep. POIIUER KORTGAGIC CO. 1------=----·- IRONRITJ: Ironer, am&U paint sprayer, platform rocker, la.rp new p.r~ can. )(lac, tool&. Paint, acrewa U.d hcfuaebold u. ticlu. 614 E~ Ocean Front. Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Haz:. !231. 60c7t Metro l.Jle lD&. Funds Kl !-6185 LOANS TO BUILD, DD'ROVll, BUT, XODl!lRNIZm, OR RICJ'INANCIC We Buy Trust Deed& NEWPORT BALBOA J'ICDmu.L SAVINGS• LOAN A88N. 3333 Via Lido Pb.. Har. lGOO Dottie Ellen'a Beauty Salon Back-to-School SPECIAL lllachinelesa Permanents $5.95 114 E. 19th, Coata Mesa Phone Beacon 624 7-W Complete t.natallaUon. repalr and aervtce of all trailer equipment.. ORANGE COAST TRAILEIJ. SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. ____ 8_1!J6_3 Coat& Meu, Phone Beacon 8.22'-R 30-day Guarutee 1 cu. ft. ·Servd Electrolux $110.00 ~ cu. ft. Servel JCI~trolux S 97 .50 e c.u. ft. Gaffer-S&tUer _ ... $ !S9.50 30-da)' Guarantee 0 NEW 711' cu. ft. lntemation&l Harvf'ater. Reduced trom $219.50 ····-··-····-··-··········-···'189.50 8,7 lnternatloMJ $259.50 ..... 1219.50 8 cu. f t. Monitor $249.M> •... $189.50 4 ~9 General $189.50 -----·····$149 . .50 Apt. gu 'range -·-·······---··' 89.50 Deep Freez.e--"' SS-Boata, Snpl:'_U...=----80 bau Hohner .. $ 76 80 baas Sopranl ·····-··---.$ 7!"; Cllr } En . 80 bus Grandevox .... $ 99 ys er . gllleB 120 bus Wurlitzer ___ .. ___ ... $116 120 bus Bonelli -·-----~-115:5 Used TERMS Crowns -Royals as low as $10 down and $5 a month See John Harvey Sb,afer's at Seacraft 421 N. Sycamore St. Phone KI. 2..o672 I 825 COAST,mGHWAY SANTA M<A I NEWPORT BICACH 63lfc PB. Bl:ACON 5771 BALBOA ISLAND We have apartment.a and hou.ea-- Avail.able for winter eeuon or yearly Jeue. Wm. W. Sanford . • REALTOR Park Ave. at Marine Balboa laland Harbor 2462 '69tf~ . . REAL ESrATE 'LOANS For Venetian Blinds, _Interest ~~ 4\.2,-5% lfODICL 70 Wlnch .. ter 270 cal. 9 cu. ft. V I c t o r reduced from Sl66.00 to ................ $27~.oo REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Elec· t ric Organ. Fa.mom make. For church or home. Pay out bal- ance. Btg Mving. Llke new. DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO., Sa.nta Ana, 620 No. Main, corner 6th. NICE 2 BDRM. HOHE untumlsh- ed in Newport ~ Helghta, 3 yr.s. old. Dbl. garage. $80 per mo. Bea.con !Sl87-R or BeL 6713-R. K2.5 kope. Redfield mount. Shades and Drapery HdWe. 1-na \qulcltl1 'mado In the ~ Sllnf, recoil pad, nev•r uaed. S Arft and 'lAruna. ' Binet• or Dal ' Furn't 7 cu. ft. Victor S326.00 to $.24!S.OO 17 fT, NATIONAL, good condl- tihn, $400 including uillng lea· ,aona.. Abo .sand dolly avallabll!. 211 Onyx, Balboa I1land. 69p64 80dl2 TllE SHADE HOP multiple unit&. N ... or old. Be Ernl• Smltll, Harbor 240 (eves. e s l ure Free estimate§ Ph. Har 884 'lriae and aave by re-tlna.1u:!q Har. 0379-R) 82<64 1874 Harbor Blvd. WID.T A STEAL! wtNTER ,RENT AL -Furnlah<d Somebody Wants That used turn1tun, brlc·a·br&e. painUnp, etc., now talcinr up apace in your garage. Find a buy- er with a cluslfted ad ln the N'wa-1\mee, Pol:t. and Preas com- ' binalio'l. J\lat Phone Barbor 1818. '~~~~~~~~~~~- -OpportunJty L! knocking ln CLASSJFJED ADS. ME BltEEDINi NOW! lime to rid your garden With BUG-GETA fellets I .eats olcl-style ••I! ' . FtOWER SHOP ; GARDEN sHOP . . JJI)· Co.st Hivhw•y Cotcile clet M.r PltDia11~590 . • • t I ~•-•-I _!;:~~=~===~==~.1-------------Coeta Me... Beacon &837-J your pre.sen oan. .-uu.u.oum a· I· VARIOUS PIECES suitable for $4 250 penae. No charre for prellml-· p~y room•. decora.live Items. ' R_E_NT __ A_P_IAN--0-.-'$11--pu-m-o.-Al-I 2 bdrm. apt. betw. Balboa. ·and nuy appralaal. Phone Santa An · Opportunity oome rare. Old print& etc., an· SEE 27 FT. CUSTOM mahogany cru· Ana KlmberlY S-4.527 or wrtte: NEED A MAN, tamllia.r with f'r'a· tiqur lamp buea and carriage N h Adi iser, twin Cray P hantoms, Ben- term rent allowed when you Newport. Gu1ge ud uW. lnct buy. DANZ_ ~T. Santa Available Sept. 9th. $75 mo. ARTHUR A. MAY ternal or social orpn!Zat!on.a, to lampa wired. Brau tel .. cope • ecc i and er dlX controlleil.-s. s. radio: SUp Kortpp Loan Conupondlllt 1 manage club a.nd lodge facilities tripod. Some old glui. Many Sewing Machines No. 2, Ken NUes, Villa Atarina, Ana, 520 N. Ma.in. or $8.5 mo. )'t'ly. Bea. M87·M. 511t!o ' Two Calif. Llfe llUI. Co.'• ot a local group. Thia 1a an Ideal ttema too numeroua to un. Some nr. Jl&lboa Ialand Bridge. Har- 1'14 ~th llaJ.n 8&nta A» tpot for a retired man wbo de-hou.ebold equ.Jp .• Coleman camp AT bor 191.5. 59c64 REh'"T A PIANO for only $5 per 1 BEDRM. API'.-2 adult.I month. Rental applies on futUtt Util. pct_ Frigidaire Your ad appearing rer· ularJy ln these columns will bring you many new customers. Harbor •na fcilks are in the habit ot "looking tn the cluat- fied" when they need thue services. 12-Bnlldlng Servlcee DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor Residential---O>mmerclal Remodeling Phone &aeon M.08-W 17tfc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Mabey Can Buy" 512 • 38th St., Nr.vport Beacb PHONE HARJ!aR 2404 ~2tfc PAINTING EARL SHEF'LIN m -.. et., eaota - Baa. M157.)( - INTDIOR -EXIDUOR PAINTING LICli'.Nl!l:D -INSURllD Glenn Johnston 301 • n.t St. Newport Be&c:ll Harbor 22W ..J Me.a H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Ser.vice >Wntaln<d Phone': Harbor 1411-W 2.801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wiae people 'do read the ad&. WILL DO that work you 'Want done -Jack of all trade&-maintenance . work. Have· toola and mlxerw tor any'job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W · 67c:MH Resu.Jta cOme tl"om conetan 1 Practice! A.a. .c! regu.lu\y tn \hi. paper wll1 ~ ruulta for JOI.I. olree t•ll~wahlp. Um1t..i uJary irtove. et<:. Prlnte party mov-HARBOR YARDAGE a.n.d dutiea. Houn mostly Jn the in•. For lnlo. Ir. a.ppta. weekend 135 E. lTth St., ~--ta ..... 18 ~-CHRIS CRAFT speed boat, • . ......,. ... eaa Clirya. Ace. A-1 mech. cond. •14:KJ evenlnga, 5 days a wuk. Ace only phone H&tbor 1610.J. 49c63 • no barrier, non-sectarlu. Reply 82c63 ------------Fret slip rental for boat.a ofrered held contkSenUAl. Write Box 02 ------------ROPER Gu Range.. good condl-fdt sale up to 26 ft. thi.. pa.pelf Mtfc TWO PAIR SKIS. Both for $20. tion, S26. Inqulre 149 ~ Rochell-\Vizard It Rowboatll for Rent Cable blndinp and· akt poles er. Coat& Mea. Phone &aeon Keh Scott'• Mobil Marine Oock CLERKS (female) for work on included. Harbor 1148-W eves. 6117-J. 60c62 Next to Ferry Landing, Balboa ta.x roll. Previoua experience on 82tfe Harbor 2720 59tfc office machines A typewriter ck· --.,.----------NAT'L pre1sure cooker, 18 qt., ------------ aira.ble. Good salary and oppor-CONN TJ:WMPET-UNd only S $1!t A. EndeU. 683 Park Drive. 12 ft. WIZARD fiber l'lalll boat tunlty for permanence. Apply montha. $80. Dbl. Ded sprinp, Col.ta Mesa. 80p82 15 ~ h. p, Evinrude outboard tmmediately to Orange County $7. Gard.m cultivator, $3. 217 motor, 2 wheel boat traJler. car Pe.nonnel Dept .• 64-& No. Broad4 , Cabrtllo, Colt& Me-. J;leacon MODICRN l ·pc, sectional Char-top carrler far boat. Complete way, Santa Ana, ca..w. r82c64 15131-W. ,82~ tnuae plutlc and pebbleweave, ~d only 1 yr. old. MAKE FOUR MEN or wome.n to work out all tuition ln exchange for co\U"le in bea\llty culture. Santa Ana Univ. of Beauty, 409~ No .. in •ery l(OOd. condition, $75. OFFER. CHINmll: BA.MBOO BLINDS -Harbor 1503-W. 6lc63 • large 1 • 1. good cond1u.n. South Coast Co. Call Barbor 2378-J. 82J>M MAHOGANY secretary In r;ood Newport Blvd.•at %3rd ·condition, and child'• wardrobe. Wlae people do read the ads. Phone Be.aeon 6313-W. 6lc63 Newport Beach H&rbor 2600 Main. Ph. KL 2-8557. ~9p60 ------------Mttc COKPLETE DBL, BED, springs COOK-OICNICRAL. lllxperienc<d. 36-8--Appllancee InteJ.li&ttiL Uve tn. Corona del ___ ......,._ _____ ,__ Mar. Refert.nces. $17!j; mo .. Ph. Sa..nta Ana ll:mployment Agency, Klmberly 2-7297. • 60c&2 WANT TO HIRE-Tb.r~ experl· enced carpenUr1 for remodellng work. under 615. Write !Ull par- ticular•. P . 0. Box. 151, Balboa hlud. 61cS3 APPLIANCE SALE REFRIGERATORS Croaley Shelvador, 8 ft., recenUy overhauled _ ..... $ ~4 .!90 Frigidaire deluxe, 8 rt. molal wall ty-pe, perfect condiUon --····-·-····-··-·········$110.00 Weatinghouae, 9 cu. ft., and matU,U and ni~ht tabl!!, TWO EXCEPI'IONAL BOATS! vanity With mirror ud bench. a Falcon and • Mercury ~ and mahog. bpok cue. PRICED TO SELL. Table wtlh lamp. Small end Balboa Marina table. Barbar 1742-,M. 8lc63 ANTIQUE ORGAN, davenport, 280~ Coast Hlway, Newport Bch. (Nr. Bay Shores) Ph. Har. 0771 e.leclrlc fan, chairs, Vlct:-ola ... radio, dlllhea, high chair, beds, _..J... ______ ..:_ __ _ 8lc63 many barc&lna. Phone Laguna PLEASURE, Comm. or Charter 4-649CJ or 2'2446 Laguna canyon F1Bh Boat, 46 rt., 8~ ton ref. Road, I..ac'una. ~ v 8lp63 comp. equipt. Xln't cond. Bar· galn !Of' ca.sh or will •trade for smaller boat, real estate or ? Owner, 13019 Bloomfif'ld St., purcha.se at SHAFER'S MU· $45 mo. or will leue. SlC ,CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. No pet._ 817. 38lh SL Syc&rnon!:, Sa.nta Ana. Kimber-Newport Beach. Ph. Har. 891-W ly 2-o.;12. 82<94 COME IN, HEAR and PLA. Y new YEAffi: Y REJ~T A!., Coron& del Hammond Chord Organ, No Mar. Furniahed a Incle apt. muaic leuou necesaary. Any-Ava.it • Aug. 26th. Har. 2373-J. one can play this inltrument. e1c63 DANZ-SCHMIIYX: PIANO and ------------ ORGAN CO., Santa Ana, 520 CLIENT NJCEDS CASH. WW re:nt No. Ma.In, corner 6th. 1 bijrm. turn. hou.e. Refrlg. :Fenced. Near grammar acb.ool. SMALL STUDIO uprlgbt piano In Cuh, $400 for 10 montha rent perfect condition. Terms $29.50 ln advance.. Harbor 1428 or Har-- down and $10.57 per mo. at bor 370. &lp63 SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (SI.nee 1907), .Ul No. Sy,c.amorl!, Sa.nta MODERN AT'I'RACI'IVE FUltN. Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. 59tfc howse, 2 bedrooma and tarage. V tty reuooable rent to reliable GRAND PIANOS.· Big Summer couple for winter month.I. Lo- Sa.le now on Steinway, Muon cated on channel, 519 • 38lh st., A: Hamlin, Knabe. Chickering, Newport Bea.ch. 61p83 Chase. Wurlitzer, Sohmer, Fiah· • er a.nd many ~era. Some new, W I N T E R RENTALS PICNIN- aome used: Prlcea ~ta(t· Jt S39G SULA.. Furn!Ahed 2 and 3 bdrm. DANZ-SCHMIOT .PIA.NO co.. apt.a.1 close .. to echool. Refrl~r- 620 No. Main,. 88,Jlt&.~~ • , &tor. Util. j.ncl. AvlLilable in · ~ Sept. 17th, $15 ud $20 wk. Ph. SPINET PIANO, hy out bilaDC; Harbor 1270-W. 6ltto $2&5. Another Spinet, ~ $3117' ------------ Kimbal ma.de Spinet, 449r, Bee our lilt of returned nnt.at! ud repoase:utona. DANZ-sca:Mu::>T BIG PIANO STORl!l" 100 bar· gains, 520 N . Main. Santa 'Ana. corner 8th Street. • BALBOA ISLAND Bou1es and Apta., yearly or ee&• aOna.I. Se:e Gall Camey, wttlti NELDA GIBSON · WANT ASSIST ANT to bookkef'p- er (re.male). PrlvaU club, Write Box S-2, UU. paper. Mceo EXPERIENCED D t n 1 n r Room W&ltreae -Dwight'• Drive -ln, ~t Highway '9.Dd 39lh, Hunt- lngt.on Beach. 82c6i C"ood running order ..... -.$ 99.0!S ,Bill's Furniture We Buy, sell or Trade North· Hollywood, STate 4·9387. GOOD PRACl'ICE li'IANOS, $4B, ___________ 60c_62 $87, 183 and up. Let the kid- , REAL EST ATE !Oil Marine, Bal-lol. Bar. 602 llltte WANTED -lA.dy for work by hour in aell...aervtce laundry. AJ>" ply ln person. Balboa Wuhtt. 103 Palm, Balboa. 62cl3 COMPTOMEI'ER OPERATORS jfemale) needed 1mmedlately for 1euonat work. Xyplng de· ,•irabJf'. Opportmtlty for per~ ma.nence. Apply to Orance County Penonnel DepL, 144 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, Callf. 82cM COOK· HOUSEKEICPER-WhllAI middle aged, drive. Newport Ull Oct. l•t. lhta. city1 Pfivate room A: lNrl.li. $15C). m.o. Phone Barbor 474. Uc&I Coldspot deluxe 9 cu. ft., XlD'l. lbape -.................... $ 99.~ Semi 8 •cu. tt., deluxe, Xln't. eondlUon -·-·---.... $139.i!i GAS RANGES Moore's Catlelon deluxe cu range:, table top. with adju.e'table bro l le r, in gw<1 abape -·-·-.. ·----.. S 59.95 Roper pa ~. white table top. excellent coo· dltron at --• .. s 14.~ . WASHERS ABC Wr!qer type ---S 35.00 ICaoy W>lqer type. . Xln't. conc!Won ---.$ 49.50 WANT MAN tor lllht factory worll. SlA!ady einployment. Ap. ICuy Spin Drier, good pl,y 'in penon. NUCLEAR tunntn,r or4e:r --.$ U-'O PRODUCTS CO. 2150 New- port Blvd., Coot& M-. 82<93 STROOT'S TeWinkle Hdwe. ~ Newport Bhd. Coat& )(- ' Pbone Be&coa UH 1~ West Balboa. Blvd., Phone Harbor 2502·R. · '54p66 GAJl'FERS • SA ITLER RANGE. It. Un!: 19~1 model dehl1e CP all automatic. Hu lamp and clock-.U steel griddle in the middle and the cluome grill broiler. Abo ha.a the all chrome top. ·can ba.ve ca.th $159.33. Would 'Ulj.e a used ranl'e or re- frlgeratot tor my equity. No down. payment and take over my pa.yment or $10.&2 per mo. See at 40& Bo. Spadra. Fu.ller- to~ ' a.~ to 8 p .ttt. Ph.. 21M. 69ttc SECTlONA.L SOFA, pair uphol. ch&Ita, eqtlee an" lamp tables, ta.rce ottoman. pair modern l&mpe, 5 HP OUtbo!lrd motori modem dealt. All xlnt. condJUon. 2271 Klnp Rd. Phone Beacon 7005-W for appt. 60cl2 BROWN LEATHER DAVEN· PORT and c,halr. A-1 condition. 229 Vla \Lldo Soud, Udo lole. Barbor 2171-M. 82\>" Oll.'"E SET new Snipe sails, MO. die• learn, •Pay but " per mo. Pb.one CRe.tview S-3787. 60c62 2 yr. exchap.p at tull value. • • DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO 28 rr. POWER CRUISER, sleep SALE NO\V ON, Banta Ana, 4.l Grey 133 hp. New SS Radio. ~20 No. Ma.in, corner 8th. ~cellent condition, $3000 or I :::==~=-.-----­ Wfll trade as down payment on. BUNGALOW upright piano in per- Palm Springs or or&nge County f~ , condition. Terms $27.Ml pmperty. Har. 3021-RK. 81p63 down a.nd S9.90 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIQ Co. (Since B~ NET, like new, $400. Call 1907), Ul No. Sycamore, Santa BU.con 6'!H·J. 61c63 Ana.' Klml>erJy 2.0S72. 69ttc KA.BOGANY· Straube cut down 1uprlght With mirror, $150. Har. 0227-1. 62<64 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. oott.acee. On C<>Uino Ialand ~ch apt. bu water frontage.. Aecom. f.. West end Park Aw., Bal-Ialand. Barbor 2902-:W. Melt BAY SHORES furn. 2 bdrm. mod. fireplace, bbq, un. hL patio. Ben· dlx. Ideal for teJchen, winter $120 mo. inclu. uW. and prden· lng. 2471 Crestvl!w Dr. 62plS Unf'U.rn1ahed rent.ala: . One .bedroom aputment; Two ~room apa.rtplent Two bedroom houae: All tine property ln Corona Mu. All on yearly Jeaa. Fitzmorris Realty Co. Re&lton utd Buatnna Broken &la Cout Blvd. C<>rana dl'l Mar Pllone Harbor 2162 1 WANT AD will cost you Ft Ill M•i• J616 R'sa;n .. ••a••E I-JJca;aat••111'1i K ... , I ·-llill4S a' :s•is; ' 1 • • • • --.. .._ l-•.i rELECTIONS' OF 'Rtlr·· ·fSTlTE · Lts T.ED. 1N :._~JrH.l _S Sl~CT1 ·0:.N· ' 'AUG. It, uil . l'AGI: .. • Jrl:1WOft llA1' lPQ9T .&Nit ...,._. Jo ..... BE'l!l'ER CARS fOR ~ 1960 CADILLAC U, f-dr. IMfilan. U. 8. _,W.W. , tueo; lo mllug'e, llllly equlpt ... ...! ....... ---'3d0, 1K8 CADILLAC 112, claJo -· w. w I irllllJ • equfpt. Vu-y clean ------------·--· ... WM 1NI CADILLAC 112, f-<lr. oodan. W 1 W, · -J'ull¥ equlpt. ooly __________ , _____ _._: _________ $2395 1M1 CADILLAC SOS, f-<lr. eedan, orig. blk. paint $1080 lht CAD'll.LA.c 82, convertible. New tulip crum, paint. New top. Exch3't. mecba.nlcalJ.y ................ $1095 115() PONTIAC S Super deluxe Cetalina. W, W., B. 6: R. 1 owner. Very lo mileage, like new .... $2196 1H9 MERCURY eon .. rt. Coupe., W. W., H . It ll. A beauty. Showa excellent care ........................... ..$1895 11U CHEVROLET d•IW<• club coupe. Th1' popu· Jar modPl at only ......... -.... .' .. , ................................ $ 595 IMO PLYMOUTH Coupe Cf-pa.as..), ~ condition. S~ial .................. : ... ·-··-··---·--.. --: ..... -----·····-····' 375 1H8 Dodg• \0 ton Pick-Up ......................................... $ 775 One-.third. down, 18 month.a. Bank terms NEWPORT AUTO SALES 2604. Newport Blvd Phone Harbor lt07 ' !S-A~enb and BoOlleS 43-AotomoblleA, Tires BAY FR-ONT '41 FORD SUpor Deluxe f-dr. M- dan. $MO. Aho brand new 7.50 x .lfl 8-ply truck u~ with . µlo We bay front w>l...._10 tt. 11rtvate beach. Sept. l>--June 15. 1 bdrm., $6:i mo. 2 bdrm. I bath, $110 mo, Available by Y"'f "1lgbtly higher. GREENLEAF It ASSOC. BUILDERS -REAL TOR 3112 Newport Blvd. Ra.rbor 1~2. eves., Harbor 2914-M 62tfc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS can -er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. .. , ... t1J•Nt BU' • .:K2 Ucl4 WINTER RENTAL -Oct. lat- June 1st. 2 bdrm. rurnlshed hoUH, $75 mo.. plus uWitie~. 8ff owner, 110 Opal St., Bal- boa hland. McM On P~ninsula Point NICELY FURNISHED S bdmuo. availabJ& July 15th, yearly or monthly. Bi-o'ken llat. 15S2 • Miramlll', Balboa, ownf;,r. Phone Bar. 0612-W, Har. 2001-J. 19tfc TI:ARLY RENT AL--AttneUve 3 bdrm-unturn. house, Newport bland. Bath A shower. Fenced tn back yard. Garage. '75 mo. Beacon Me1-J. A9lfc .NPJW 3 B.R. home. comp. turn., TV deep freeze, patio, fenced yard, double garace. 1 year leue. 13681 Pirate Rd., Cliff Haven, Ntwp0.rt Beach, Beacon 6861-J. • 80c65 l'WO APT8. open Aug. 27 a.nd Sept. l . ALSO room a.qd balh by day or permanent. ~14 E . Ocean FTont, ApL i. BalboL Phone Harbor 3238. 60c7t ruRN18HED nearly new-t bdrm. home in BA YSHORES. Auto. wub.er. Se1tt. 15th to June 15. $1&. 2812 Cre•tvitw Dr. 8lp63 YEARLY-I bedroom duplex, un- turn.Labed. Gange. Near bolh achoola. 2265 Clay, Clift Haven. J'or informat..ioa Pb.one Harbor 1H7~R. . 61ttc WINTER RENTAL-2 bdrm. tum. bouae. double' garac:e. UtiL pd. 185 mo. Anilable Sept. 10. 12-2 flat St., Newport Beach. Slp66 BEAUTIFULLY FURNIBHED 3 bedroom house, 2 bath&. Televis- flap. $30. JS Balboa Coves. Ph. Harbor 706 a.tter 5:30 p.m. Mtfc 1950 CHEVROLET 2 door. In per- fect condition. $15'5. 512 -31th St., Newport.Beach. Pbone ff.ar- bor 2t 04. 61tfc • 194 7 STUDEBAKER Champion Starllght coupe. ALSO 1950 Stu- de baker Champion t-dr. .sedan. Private party, H&rbor 301. Oltfc '38 BUICK t door• sedan. Good transportation, $45 . Pbone Har- bor 0488-R. 59p61 't8 CHEVROLET convertJble.- Good mec~anical condition, ra· dlo, he&ter, only $8:w. &aeon 5115. 82)>63 't& DE SOTO Club. ~5.200 mile9! Very clean. Radio, He a. t er. $14:00. Beacon 57t7-W alter 5. 62p6< 61'-Real F.Atate Exchange EXCHANGES LOT lf5 :r 360 -New 2 bdrm. house. Land plottl'd tor addi· tionaJ homes for income. Loca- Jed in Fontana, home of Kaiaer Stet'! and futeat growing In- dustrial center ln Southern Cal. SUBMIT INCOME or vacant zoned for ihcome. Le.rge Income Units Oranre County. Will coruider Bay or Ocean Front home for '50,000 equity. Eleven unibl plue own.en-Income $100 week. Want a house. Ed L. Sedelmeier Realtor 1~23 Coast H ighway Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 2766 62c64 VIEW HOME ONE BLK. above Sunaet Blvd., W. Hollywood. 1 story mod. French Prov .. 3 Br. A: den: 2 ~ ~. old, 3000 sq. ft., llt ft. front level lot. Trade for older bayabore tea. or inc. \o\ith pier. Owner, 137f Belfut Dr .. L. A. !6, DU, 7-534<, CR. 8·95H. 53p68 ion, oo w&terfl'Ollt N.-..port with "LET'S TRADE" pier and float for boat to 38 ft. Will lu.ae Sept. 1 to June 1, $150 RA VE Sl4,000 equity In J turn. monthly. Har. 3021-RK. Slp63 houa>.t (good rental.a) Balboa Boulevard. , PARTIALLY or turn. modern 3 Will trade tor 3 bdrm. bome, Har- bdrm. 2 bath hoaae. ·Di.ahwub-bor aua. Will a.aaume. Phone er. Dtaposal. auto. wuher. Fire-Harbor 2084-M evenings. 00p64 pl&ce, patio, pter. n oat, $150 mo. to June 15th. 3911 Channel Pl.. WILL TRADE 2 bed~m hou.e. 61 63 good location, Corona del Jl&r Newport Bea.ch. ' P • tor 2 bedroom bowie and double f RULE OF ''fHREE • • • No. 1 Loc&tion . No. 2 Construction ' No. 3 Pr.ice Location-LIDO lSLE-ld~ Construct.ion -The belt. Price -Right. LOOK at TllmE:· Ftra't time otttted nearly new '6 bedroom, 2 bath home. Tb.11 Lt an. Ideal bome rot" children at ll baa 2 lg•. bedroom.a .. and 2 llO&ll bedrooma. All the U.telt and ~ nneat futu.ra and only • f«W atep.e from Jovt-Or private beach. lmaclne thla at ONLY •tt.lSOO -llurry Oil thla. ALSO on LIDO l8LIJ .a charmLnc, unique and tmpreuJve 5 bdfm., 3 bath one .tory NORTH BAY· FRONT home. Hert ll & lowly 1tte wit.h pier and 1lfp a.ad home i\u NO ST AIRS to climb. Thia home is tumiahed and priced to Mil quickly. ALSO a ' few choice building lot.a on LIDO ISLE at rock bottom prices. PRIVATE BEACHES, tennt. courU, clubhouee and many other advantages ma.ke UleSCI lots very desirable. We are Che DEVELOPERS ot LIDO ISLE where a little buyt a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido N ewporti Bt'ach, CalJ!. Harbor 1500 Excellent Income 11 you want one ot the best ill· come propertiea in the area, we h&ve 8 units close to everything. Well furnished and in l'ood con· dition. Always rented. Shows good income. Owner leaving area. Priced right at ,29,:)()(). Exclu!'llve. Owner Moving Must .sell almoet new. Mly turn- lat\ed 2 bedroom peninsula home. Well built. Yi.replace, panelray and electric heat. Full bath with stall .shower. Diqou.l. J.ioU of tile, Large 2-car prage. Re· ducea to s12.100. Cheaper to Own HERE IT is AT LAST! • • ' • 'p The Balboa Ialand buy you hf.v• been waitlilg for: I - 4 2 bedroom home and ltudio apt. over prqe. Nice patio, fireplace, etc. A lood 80Wld ---. needa paint -$13,900, tenu to suit. . LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine A. ve., Balboa laland Harbor 2CK% -DON'T FAIL to -·ea.ta Meaa'a best buy In BoulevaN fronlqe ISO ft. frootap x J.84 depth on Newp>rt Blvd., loca.t.d betWff!l .ntt aftd 22nd atreet. on Eut •d• at BJTd.. ·nu. 11 aa al>aolute steal at S& per tront toot with \0 dowa and tha balan.. at &\If. MUST HAVE ACTION BEroR.il SEPl'.1 M.igbt Consider Trade for Down Paymont. A<:!r ON THIS TODAY BEACON 6698 Bay Front Income Here ii home plu.. good income right on the water. Three 2 bdrm. 8.nd 2 bath unita, and s 1 bdrm. Top location. 4 ye.an. old, completely f'Urnlab.ed, price $87,500. C.on.sider pa.rt trade. Bay Front Triplex On beautltul Lido hie. Two 3 bdrm. apta. ud one 1 bdrm. excellent income. Price $4:7,500, u.ct.llent tenna. , NEW 3 B.R., 2 Bath Home on Lido hle, tile teaturet, forced air heat, P'P patio, lot.I ot elorage apace, $22.500. ALSO NEW 2 BDRM. at $4950 down. Prlee-$15,750. GREENLEAF It ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 25-52 Costa Meaa Realty We lnvlte J'OUl' lupecUon of the follow1ng properliM. Drive by ttiem a.ad lt they look tllterea\· tng to you, call at our otnce; we ha•e the key.-- • • • 2800 WESTMINSTER A VE JS,850 A very nice modem two bed.room hqme With r~wood siding and aha.ke root. Near the country club on a good corner lot 60s lM. MU1tve fireplace: separate. living room and k.ltchert-be&m.· ed cetl inp-lure dbl. ran.re enter11 on aide atraet. BMt of term.ti. • • • • 303 FLOWER ST ................. $10,500 TbiJI large three bdnn. home re- flect. pride ln horfle ownerahlp- nice covered patio-porch along nar of ho~e. yard is well kept ~d planted. Hwd. floors and e tile worR. Submit reuon- le down payment. • • • !S34 SAN BERNADINO- .. Low Down 1 bobm. o.'t. ~ 111 111o barplll -...... bMl! "4illni f\><'--1 11'· old, 11wc1. noon, IA~ Of W., dJnlJlr .-. plollty of c.looeU. -!arc• lot Oil ·c1rcu-l&r driY<. 2 blkl. l'l'om H. •. Full Price $9'1'50 With $1800 Down I.pd montjlly paymmu ot ~ w!UCh Incl t&aet and lnaurance. How Caa You Beat Tl!llf G. I. Resale Newport Heights A lovely I bdrm. home Oft Red· la.nda ave.. Lau than 1 year old. Ftreplace, h-.d. floon, dlnette. Jarp kitchen with breakfast ..,.. and 1-lmdry, swlla«e dlop., dbl. gang-e, nicely tanchcaped, p&Uo and maey like featuru. Down pymt. U1oo Full Price $12,500 Monthly pyta. of '88 lncluda t.a.xea azid in.Nrance. Country Club Special Appraise This Hom• hae ai>P~ 1280 eq. ft. 3 bdrm.•., one a master, large. living room, 1ep.arate diriinc room, large kitchen with din· e~te space. Bath room ia cosn- pletely . Ul~ with .a pulbnan. Fi~~e with a heatalor. B&ck yard "ta completely brick~ - co.unr owner a Sl.000. Ganse which also hu a quarter beth.. Oement driveway, bartHI a.nd a ai.ce patio. t yn. old. Owner la leaving !or tchool and m~t make a deal immt.di&tely. The tull price ii only · $12,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson t90 Newport Blvd. Cost& Meea. Pb. Bea. 6'198 or BeL 6468-J Harbor 31~7~W Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW three bedroom home with tireplace, f u rn a c·e. ha.rdwood floors, prbage diapoaal, double l&rare. NEWPORT HEIGHTS $12,500 ------------ $11,000 full price · Unobstructed View Home . 2 B. R. Muter B. R. lU.20 2 b&lha. l&r1• playroom a.nd Mop. 3 cu l'&r•re. $5,000 Wm h'-Ildle Ra.lnh P. Maskey · Notice the extreme care •hown tn the ftnlah ilrork on th~ beautiful sba.ke roof modem. A two bdrm. home with ~at o( hwd. floors, coppt>r hooct over range, puU- m&n b&th, n ice tixturu tJJd top workmanship throughout, ntl\'er occupit'd. • • • • Wonderful BAY VIEW HOME THREE BEDROOMS, 1 'Ii b&tbo, larg'e living room, dbl. ga.ra.ge, tin place, tuma.ce heat. gar· bage dlspo&al, beautiful year r ound home. Corner location. frice $24 .~. Teyma. Owner 2.f.81 Bayahore Drive.. Beacon 1743-J. 61cil3 WANT TO TRADE! ... • • 4 t 4 4 :u:• • -. • ·Ho~ AND INCOME . - -2 bdnf" Vf9e In .choice BALBOA 'ISLA.ND 1oca. tlon. J'I ..... h'ri. ~ra, nioi Pttl<>· , - PLUS a 3--rm apt. in reu. • $18,50P Furnished . ' S1'ANLEY HADF'IEI.f>, Realtor , 21& Marine A. ve. :Balbo4 faland Harbor %0 • ' BALBOA ISLAND Charmlng 2 bdi'm. home, large patio and lana1. Excel location, cloae tO fine bea~h <l public pier. 'P,rice $16,500 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Balboa Ialand ' Har~ 2462 G. I. RESALES 1 All below properties are lo- cated on the best Eaat Side a.ectioo of Costa Mesa $5950 $1450 dn. a.nd $32 per mo. Ex. 111\&ll I bdrm atucco on 66.x330 ft. lot. &well place for the kid.I llone. $9450 $1800 dn. and $51 per mo. ·Roomy 2 bdrm. atucco, bwd. floors, lot. ot tile, dbJ. ~ge. fenced wide lot. Only S yro. old. $9750 $1800 da. and SM per mo. Real bug&ill, 1 yr. old. 3bdC'(Jl. home, hwd., tile, din. rm., g&rb. disp .. dbl pr., near h1 achool • $10,950' Reu. dn. and SC8 per mo. Immac- ulately beauti(ul 3 bdrm., bwd. tire, fUll din. rm .. dbl. g&., aer. pch. Near Harper school Won· derlu! buy. $12,750 New Shake Root 3 bdrm. home. Farm .style beauty, tirplace, tile. dbl. p.r .. Only $276.f. down and Set per mo. Drtve by 490 Cqlta Mua St. Then Re ua Jor • real ' bUy. I B. A. NERESON 1982 Nowport_ Blvd., COit& Keu Costa Mesa Tbe Best Town on Earth "Bµsiness-Zone C-2" Lot 46' x 200', new double pn.ge. work ah.op a.nd a two bdrm. old- er b.ome. Price $8800, tenna. "G. I. Resale" 3 bdrm. kwd. floo rs, fireplace, dbL garage, nJce lawn. Mo. p)-n,U. JSZ.M. down pymt. J23oo. Total price $10,t~. "Bldg. Lots" (five) Bert of location cloee te Blv .. Eut Side.' ONLY $4000. --"Income & Home" Two home. on one lot with J bdrm1. each price $8260. "$1300 Down" Will buy a nut two bdrm. older home and l'U8¥e on corner lot, total Pl'« '6200. "Real Nice" Two bdrm. home, garage 6 work ahop approx. 2 yrs:, oid. $7800. down payment $3700. G. N-WELLS, Rltr . & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. • Costa Melia. Ph. Bea: l51111 Than rent a 1ummer home. Thia three bedroom hou.ae i.9 well l<r cated and would be a.n. lckal wtp- ter rental, u well aa summer home. CIOf!le to bay, ocean, .chool. churchea, tauwport&tion. Good buy at $10,MO. Mlilfewport Blvd., Newport Phone Ha.rbor •02 1115 ll. 19th ST ...... : ........ '. ..... $11,000 A mo.t. convenient 1ocation •vi· dence of P"·war quality c<m.· st.ruction are Obvt.009 in tllia 2 bdrm. and den home. Oak noon Ulroul'hout, fireplace, larre din· inK U'ff, Bice ah.rut. NH! tree.t. Thi. prtee alao Includes carpet- lnr. pra.pe1, 'Y·blinda and Ben· dlx. OWNER wiahes to aell or trade X:lnt. Income prop. tor a home in Barbor &re&. 11 rental unlta turn. 2 rnft:. eL, 'and the man----'----------- JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Cliffe On Peninsula Year old three bedroom boml". One block to good awimming beach. Hardwood floors. fireplace, floor furnace. loll! of tile in kitchen and bath. Laree two-car p· rage. Very neat. Good tinan~· illg. Bay View Older three bedroom house on two Jot.. with view of the bay. House in exceJl ent co ndition. A.p proxi-- mately 2000 ~q. ft. A real fam· Uy home, a good buy, $19,500. Duplex Near Bay Three bedrooms up, two bedrooms down, addJtlonal bedroom and bath attached lo garage. Ex- celJent renters. View of bay. DeUghlluJ home u well u in· 118tfc • 1------- CLIFFHAVEN Hom.@-Larp Lot -Unobetruct- ed Harbor vtew-2 bd.rnu., hwd. floon. P'lagttone fireplace. en· elo•ed barbecue. Large living • dining .room facing Harbor. J'ur- nace heat. dbl. pr. Only $11,000 Corona de! Mar New 3 bdrm. Cape Cod. forced air heating, large livtng room, fireplace, double garage. Desir· able location, immediate pout•· •ion. $14,500, e.xcel terms. G. t . R.~2 bdrm. atucco, dbl. gar., R-2 lot. Pymt&. only JM per mo .. lnclud. t.a.xea, 4% int. and Jnaur. Why pay rent! s~ th.la, it won't la.at at only come. ' $10,600. Bay & Beach Rea1ty . H50 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 226< W. E. Fisher, Realtor Ethel Shirley Golden Fay ERNIE SMITH. Auociate J. M. M:ilJer I>iek i'ay Ill Cout Blvd. Harbor 2"3- Corona del Mar • • • CALL AT THE OFFICJ: AND sn THIC&E! age"' home. IArre ~at rooma a.nd Mowen. Laundry room. ftoom for more uh.it.a. Sbow1 very good income ol ffOO per ~o. Aaking-prtee only $26,000. A lnle value! 350 Avocado St., Co8ta Meaa. 63c.86 Clean 3 bdrm. stucco Which la G.I. financed. It baa a good tire· place and hwd. !loon, ud a ---'----------- nice yard for the children. The very belt· of terma. Monthly payment• of $62.88 tnel. taxea int. and iuur. F\111 price $10,~ • • • 0Terlooktng the upper Bay a.ad 9ituated among other fine prop- ertlea ii this !!prawling ranch home. Hu over two thousand .tq. tt~-a.11 electric and includea built-in elec. oven, table-top elec. atove and d.iab wuher. Very large room.a and well plan- ned. Amaatngly low price ot $19,500, with term11 If needed. • Others wttlt am&ll acreaie b'om •13,500 up. COSTA MESA REALTY 400 E. 17th It. Beacon U~I Balboa Peninsula INCOME kceptionally nice '4 units -J 1tory 1tucco. only 1 % yn. old. I-car cara.ge .. Three 1 bdrm. unlta tuml.shed. One 2 bdrm. pnit untumi.shed.. Close tp bay pid ocean swimmtnr. kcellent income. $36,500 ~alboa Older Home V~ry nice • bdrm .. I b&Uul, large )ivinJ room With fireplace. Ac- Crou the 1treet trom the b&y and walking di.stance to Balboa _ Fd abo1'ping a.reu. Only $15,000 furn. Will Sell or Trade 2 bdrm. G. I. home. Large living ' room, noor tum., hwd. !loon, tile in kitchen, dbl. gar., near N~wpon Hetght.t. Priced $8350. S2i60 "dn. $53 a mo. Party ne-eda 3 bdrm. home ln Coot& Men.. Home in the Country Attractive Itvtng room., 2 bdrm• .. bar-type klteben, bi1~ and knotty pine interior. Lot 70 ~ x 150, Fruit tr~a. Priced $6500. Some term.11. ' Tiny Tot 111 &ere With small house. 1 bdrm .. Some. Chicken equipment. Priced »llOO. $1500 dn. Unimproved - Ruidenti&l and lnduatri.&1 Iota and acreage. Ia: Your Property for Sale! We Have BuyeCJI. ~ t~~~-R1LA!-Z! Pb.one Beacon 70t3. THREE BEDRM.. 2-hath home on larC"e 80xlt8' lot I~ eq. ft. plus masonry rarare with rad.to controlled door, hardwood floora. Forced air furnace. Lota of tUe. Completely fenced and land.ocaped. Priced at $27 ,500, t,i down· Call owner HarbOr'.2"9,1-.T ·or-.. houae at 134: Shoreeliffs Road. 57tfe CORONA DEL MAR Charming 3 bedroom home. Extra large· living room. 15 x 24, with beamed ceiling and fine fire- place. Tiled work-aavw kitchen. Out.side entrance to stall ahow- ers. Oversize 2-car garag~. At- 'tra.ctive work -free lan<bca~ ing. Total lt20 sq. footage. A real buy at $16,500;· only S75\:>o down . .-. For this and other oqtfta.n_dlng values, call John Mott.r'1', Har- bor 1500; ewninp, Barbor 2480-R. . .. WINTER RENTAL -PENIN· garage ln CUit Haven or N•w-SOMETfilNG NICE SULA _ Fumiahed aillgle apt.. pori Heigbta or will consider GOOD BUYS Fred Crosiea:•Y "";<b'• Ga'*td Co t p ' rt' C ' ·avail&ble ill Sept. JS we•k. Ulil. deairablo lot"'..,.. ....... u part IN A LOT - --. -l.:'.as rope ies o. incl. Adult.I only. Phone-Har-payment. Ownu, Har. 1718-M. On Llttle-Balbo& llla.Dd. we have NEWPORT -Cosy 2 bdnn. stuc· , pWl E . Balboa BlYd., ~-Ownu m\Pt aen ber fine 3 bdrm. COSTA MESA P.A. PALMER INCORPOIµ.~ aa3a Y• u.io Newport l!<a<!i., Cellf. llor 1170-W. Uttc -------,---.,.-6-,2.,-ce<_ co cottage adjacent to .ocean CORONA DEL MAR I Pkone Harbor 2658 • houoe. Leaving for good. Fenced a nJce comer lot, we believe ONE BDRM. APT. Furnlshed. $50 WILL TRADE '48 De Soto Club the only one anilable today. A f""'t ud good beach. Furnleh-Don'f Say: 1 Bay. Front ~~ot, 2-cu pr., all appolnl- pu .mo. Utilitiu paild. cart •,::· : ~::.:k!'.'t;:.::.'!r~~ ·::\ .:r:~ . .:t:i...":i!",a:..J: eel ........................... , .... _ ..... .f8,500 "I Wlah I'd Seen 'I'boao Sooner" lt~ou're Joo""·• for tlle tinut In_ ~ Your Otter C.Onaldered TODAYS BEST BUY Would con.aider Yt&r y a _,_ SEASHORE DRIVE -Large and 000 T' • uc A-f>pointment to s·ee-- Apply Saturd&y or Sunday. 215 aner 5, t2pei be arr.ngtd. attta.ctlve 1 B. R. apL over dbl. Sl0,760 -Only s3 down -AY J'RONT at & nuonable 3 bdrm. cot~e, acrou SL tro~ Onyx, Balboa Island. 62c63 • vuage •. bunk l'rWWn. Redwood. 2 bdrm.. modern home. Fireplace, Prtce-let Ila ahow YoU thia 'HOIU.CE a. MAZllT WELL PLANNED Newly deco-• •--f•••~ --~ ~·~·• d'~" ~ •~ ~~-A chanllel, COl'll•r, only. '8250, We have a beeuUtul ait•, go tt. Well comtructed throughout. ~.ou J-.... •--e -,--putatanding new 4 bdrm. 1% evv -..nae ve. tenn.t of '1925 down and $50 CORONA DEL MAR -Attrac. rated lhrou.stiout ~ rm. hotM. wide by 140 tt, d@ep, wtlh treea: Room for addition.al unJt.. A few ~ diahwuber, dbL ppp. batb home. Panoramic view ot Balboa 1a1and • Harbor 3~ 2 B. R. home, untum., large liv. All tile b&th. R-2 aone. t.a.rge already pl.anted and growing. feet from ocean troat --111,TtiO ~bor, fine ~dy be~ch, pt.er • 69tfc mo. N, B. C. REALTY', 32nd 6: rm., w. tow. e&rpf't, ven. blinds lot, room to build. Value 111,800 Oc • flO,'.to.lll\ _ Better than new-I .nrivil•'ge. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. N rth In l wood e aide A rea,r )'edwood fene-·•"'-' ~ • -62c84 Harbor 150(f • I Wt bath. l'enced yd. Yrly. rent· 0 g e · <4 On of BALBOA PJ!ll:UNSULA POINT-bdrm. home. Ocean std• of hi-Ure• euclooed .patio. too many $7250 al. JM mo. incl util. Ph. Har. Will"trade for hoUM alm.Uar mu, lovely n~~~~::v:Searar:tthe Attn.ct.lve t B. R. home. P'rpl.-. way. Luge rooma. J"ul1 d1ll1nl 1 teaturea to ducribe-M:ay_ we Full · ' 3M-J. 62c6f Harbor area or Laguna. Pbone hlct> tchool, Coot& Meaa. Prlc-Walled patio, ,many nice f... room. hwd. floora, attncuve. llhow youT Price $59,500. : _ J,hice .Tosia/.y'ij .Beat :S i;.~-..,..;,J I J'URNlBHED HOUSE, Newport A>IJnlUter 1~95-112ce7 <4 $1100, tttlU. tureo . ---·-$H,000 petlo with llarbocue. Neat WWk· ,cJIU!:li:NLEAF It A3Spc. Cl<Yff S !pdnn. cottage. n,.r ocHn ~ . Beach--< bdrm•.. 2 batbo, tg.. llverybocly ·-the cl•alftod ada. B.:n..oa' R. ealty Co ... ., '-g«rage. BUILDER -llEALTOR ' ud "-1· Spu!dlng -~Ltl µi ~0rona_ de. l Mar I • f • .. u...c rm., ..... , •. aar. 084•-w . J: A. BEEK Office ""u • TO'"' PAYNE aw Newport Blvd., Harbor 255% ua prove tta t11a l><ot l>l!l'·ta ~ Uol7 • -Grod•Y J-h!M Wablt .lU llay -· • See 714 M ' Id A ________ .....o... 5'7 ,lleal :&t,ete Wuted Htr: 63 ~ Iolud F•rt7 u1p-McAdoo · a1e eout Bl,'ny. Ccft>ll• d•I Ku Home and cl\El!lNi.E.u '• ABjlOC. • , ango. ve. ICHOOL TEACH:&RS-ADULTS I ;V(:;:ANT;;;:=,11~o;;';l'Hlill;;;.;;;s~H~1t~•~.P~ER-;;:: I jiOiiiiii:::::_==:;:===:::-"'ri-1 Toe 111. Balbo1& Bl~ Bar. arrr ft\lne Harbor m• BUILDllB -REALT9ft 2 bdrm. liome-FQroed air !wai. • ueellent Winter mil&ls ....., . Full ~ haw two UtUe gtda. • ::t: __ ......., ~ft···~ 1 _ -. Bu,iiness fo•. T ~ase atu New~ Bi,d.. Jiu1lo&. :1112 llre!>l!!ce. P'lilly -enclaoed pallo- Bouth Bay. Iaquln :US Co~ ~ u a -to.... ~ 8"'• ...,...,..,.,.., ~..... .--.,.. · ,. • ~ Lou -~ ~ ~ callln•to-HW4-11a•-_1a1and J • --· uoi-w. ncet old. »,m. 1u KdrW,Plac<.. TWO 'BEST BUYS S.rooma 1% h&tha-wonder· * *·OPEN l :,6 •, • 11~ ·~u~ laJMllcat><d--~-, .. _ YlftCDf'('$ ~ -PlL ~ ~~ -. • -• -tu! ~pot tor o~ or-..p-BotutJl'llUY flmlllb"4•;.. .....a llMriill' fn,llt &-. a c1iarmin. U.!-;:Trda SJ-. •.•.• ..;_1::5!:i::;-;;;:. Tnlllenz.:;:.=::.--· ·--..----~-~----N,wport He1ghb!_ · ~t-o~ ~-Lot11,_ of .. ,..,_ a l>L -.,. ~ • •-~ mn ""ER SPA~ Trailer St<>rage' I Mt.a 'l'i ii I Diaa.ol..u ow ,__ iqod..,. ho-wan-a lldra ......,, ...,. 41111 ~~-rooan. tor parlqng on bug new MODERN, .till . -•d -• "II:!' . " . ..,_.~ -~ .. lfl1I .. --.. ,.ai.. iPUt.ool. -.,, 'J-. te •-,,,..,....._. ,l7thSt.,ea.t.V-a w'li1 petlo.karpr.~fw-'li'.;.,;;17'i,..,;_be'1a~ -te lbofptn1, ott tho m.,&1. Well ·PrOt.ected tllMIU.. ,_.,.. air, 111,,..,., an,,..,.._ l[uioo.,_.11911 odel _.... ', L.;, -. ~-1711 0.-....... ~~ ...,...,.... l'-- fll to $11 .,.._ C&brilt. Callzt. ""' ~ -..__ ~~ p& Dtl' ~ ~ MP, .. ·--1iilo. fata' ... '1'!,111 ...... fel!I~ to ...... tlt!IUt. I'"-· ... -BIU1lo< lllJl·:IC J2Uc ioO <iaalt ...... .c..a 8ol JIU U!I Cebr11.1o Ill.. ~MM&. ...., ~....., •~ ...,,.,.. UllO .-.. ,_ • •-M&111 palat wt111ot. II _ -, _ 1187-17th St aad eall,lfar. _ (OpP.-1'. pod BarW 8-nkl , 'WMi ~~"°-=po~~ . $iT,900 $1IOO D0wn 'l'or. ~ 6r $1ar. W:. ~ red~-~ ~ .._it-.... " f.' al i for._.. ' . 15Gd11J1113 Ms)• 1146 La oH Ill UT ..._ w. 111o· a.._ o. L ...,. c.iia ...._ • ' --~~.":i-:::'::"1:. oNt.1' '""' ... ~-. ~ • • ft. OE*# -•'-1111'-...... - -G I ' ............ I '~ .....0. 1'"'f •t-ll"!IOI e al& Jir .,;..... _, -....... -., lllp ; r• ""' , 0~ :0:~-=---.Tnt.Uer Stofll.ge · i. ...... .-.-•ueo. "'4-.i;.'111 ...... ~MM • ...,.""'"""., t11o -__ ,,,.,,_.,... = --u ,... th ft.Aft • _.. • ..... ,_ .._ ....., .. ,1 'r ,-.c pr, fnllt ----r.m.-a. czt i,.. orr'ldfl -1 _-.:~':.:::S7!!.. ~ _ -=·~--:=---B"''°--"=-.----"':'-:..,-:'::-· ~ ~.:::.. "!'ll,AJI,. , P•tPt•A '[ m .. a.a~~ ~ '::t :a""!f <•Ii: ..,a: ::°:'a':" 1";i1."819::i:;.: 0:, a M -· -~- p UCO ----mtTOWJf,aTW.W-.0.. ~==---.r. -----·;' JMilL.OclaJI I ' _. 11u· ... -. lb' &'It•.• -. ft..-~ 11 .. ., .. ,. .... ,.... • ....,,;::r" • a '•i-IM'W... fl Ill .. ,,., lllllliT a 'IS--... -~ ~ •• ..,"'I ... , 11 : ~ ... "-~ • ~ IMI 1;..._....;;.....:...;..;...;.,.;,....;.;;,,....-.11 i: Iha&-~ & .... -•ur I~ --·-.. . ". • ... 1 f ~ 's -'lt'llE& ~ 1, ' • ' ' • • • • . -• . . lt•O M;'lllT With SALLIE Auguat 23, 1951 ~-80-TENDEB .•• Dan It . • • That'• 111n1 a cute bunelt of grill . • • Everyhody la the wue- llo,_ la stancllng OB boIM looldBg out the windoWI at •em . . . Tell'em about It, will you! •.. We've fbmal. ly got It lo . . . Every· body's been howling for It. ''The cute girls?" said I, but Johnny wam't there any more •.. ·1 'chased him ... Those WU"ehouae windows are high ... but I had to get up to Johnny's level ... a couple of cues of . food did the trick . . . The first thing I saw was the boss . . . in the middle . . . Then the girls . . . All the Orange County beauties dresaed in pirate'• COBtumet1 . . . who were to ride around lsat week to let everybody know there was a · f a i r In the county . . . They threw little packets of can- dies bitber and yon iLs they rode ... Now if you happen- ed to be lucky enough to have longer arms than your close. at. handers . . . and liked the ca.ndy . . . you know where YO\I can go to get some more . . . What some people will do to get their picture in the papers. He's just County lovin' ... That's all . . . Anything for Orange County ... he's for too ... Now If you all don't know about O-&-Tet1der . . • don't blame me . . • It'• a t...deriur Mil n.... voriur and comes spiced «Ir plain ... And If by now you haven't learned tbe se- cret of doctorlug up cold left-over meatlf with a sea- Miiled tenderizer or marln· ad er (even If It isn't sup- poeed to have an "r") ..• you're missing the boat as frlr as getting the mO!lt out of your left.<>vers Is COB· eel"INld ••• , Did you know that for every 10 degrees increase in temperature you in c re a ! e your beer ·drinking 1 % . • • yo u r carbonated beverage comumption 1 1,{.! fr . : . you ~o overboard on iced tea by Jumping 4"f ... So why not acquaint yourselves with the large,st ll880rtment of teas in the West . . . There are 26 varieties of Ming Teas of which Darjeeling, Mint, Jas- mine, Orange Pekoe and Ski· Ball are recommended for: Iced Tea . . . Ming teas &Ill! another of our ''Can.Not-Be- Purchased-Any • Place· Else" exclusives ... Ot coune I'm alway• for the underdog . . . so rn dl8CUAS the potentlall- tt ... of uncarbonated bever• ages . . . Fhst of all they are the euleet way of being prepared for a large number of unexpected• that turn Into a party ..• that confronts many a oommer h°*"8 with llmlt- ed r~frlJtl!rator •pace • . . One bottte plua a few ice cubes plwl water doe8 the trick . . . A ·few bottle& ouch as .Loma Linda Boy- senberry . . . Reymer'• Blennd . . • the nn stands for Orange a.nd Lemon ..• Tan1:0 Lime Julee . • • Po~ Punch: which I• Loganberry and Rupberry· • . . Major Punch . . . which I& a mixture of all fruit jnlcm . . . plus Rawalaan Punch . . . and IJme Bio- key Syn1p . . . and of · eoune Ddeware ... gnpet1 t<> you • . • permit you to make oae glas8 or a bue. ket In a matter of mlnnta. The above delicious true fruit flavors • . . are also recommended for gellatin d""""m . . . making. jelly • . . flavoring and colotjng cakes and cake icings • '. . • aalad dretllinp . . . popsic- klea . .. . pouring over ice Cl'MID • • • ·flavoring egg . nop or milk obakee . • • M&nhman.,,,. meited in hot · ,l(ajor Puncli 8flUP aftu · '.l(hieh. the ll)iXture Iii eooled and folded together with a · 'cup tlf whipped cream. lllld ehilled • . • • la tpps for a tanrv pmer' .S-rt ~ •. .. -;r • ~.-....... oatf .. ~ .• ............ at :811'7 ... , Ule ...., :N•wper& ..... c=N.-z'A ••• ' . , • .' .. • , l • ' '.. . . .. . ' . . 7 • • • • .. ~ •. : . -I . . .,:; '(·~ .. ' • • AIMi 9UALITY IWlt auHI IMllh ~CISSFUli ••• Peepl• .,;ho 'know · 9eod .meat a9ree that Manni.;9'1 Governm•11t Gracfecf Choice leff is tops' in Taste, Tenderness end Overall Quality. Handled at just ,the ri9ht temperatures end pr•pared at just the ri9ht •9e keeps it in Tip Top condition for yeur daily needs. Start now end buy ell your meet at Ricloterd's ••• knew . . that you .are. 9ettin9 your meney'• werth in Te, Qua I· ity Meat and Top Family Seti1faction. ' o~alily ll•1t•• . . . . . . . . . . ..... • F1atwi.'1CJ M1111iR91 U. S. 6ev't. 6Nll1ll Clllice l11f Finest lief Obtahiable IMl'OllTICD ENGLISH LICORICE Chuck llade or Chtlck A.nra1toz:-fPOT ML"i~"'J'O~s QEF SHORT RIBS __ . ____ :_.35c . MILD CUBE (Brloket) · CORNED BE.EF ~--· 69c EITHER l:l'o'D (Aa Out) LOIN PORK ROAST _____ ,_ ... 55c SliCED BACOI ___ • 4fc FROZEN · JUMBO SHRIMP£. 59c . . . . . . . . . -,, •• ,, ,,.,, •• - VINE JllPl:NED-TlllCI[ Ml!~D . CANTALOUPE$_ ...... A 19c Eof Pliiic ________ 2*1tc l'll.'ICY, GIJlDLED TBOllPSoN llmnL£88 GRAPES. · ~ ; · 2 k·25c U. &. :So. 1 KU88ETS POJATOE$ · .. 10 k 39c BUDGET PU-IUMBO SIZE PRUNES --·-·--------= 29c. DeHu•••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PlaMEij(izn LOAF ~ 55c AL&X'8 Made Wltll ~ypla.•a Seel lAILOE J AMALES ______ k\. 2 for 39c BOJU>llN8 All Yule-OOTrAK 'CHEESE ···--·----·-···-.. * 27c c,_,-8M>p CREl>Dil CHEESE --.~-·-·········-·· ... ~. 55c WILW&tlKEE IEDKAESE .... ""---·----·-. ·-... 6f# J • IRICK CHEESE .... -.. -···--·-----·-•· 72; . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -· STORE HOURS: W-DAYS (.,,. ... r.Ylr), ll:tl ...._ .. 9 l:tl P, If. · .-...I -.. .&JOLI Nim ••A.M.toftr.,M,.. • . . , •ONDA.~ " ' ........... ,_,, II:· ' . . We S1 w .. 111sM .. Ulllt ... II'' s ra• 'z» I ............ , ...... ,.-• .. lltl.IE -~ •• • I .. I c M P CJ Powdered. LEMONADE 6/29f OKANGl:ADE .... NA ' 1 caa make. 7 I-oz. l'laueia TRE.1:8\\'EW:T ORANGE JUICE ......... xo., ... NEWPORT CUT GREEN BEANS ......... N •. , ..... . SYLMA.A GOLDEl".f or WBITZ HOMINY ----····--·-·---->10. ! ..... ~~1P'OOD ··-'""' 3/25¢ BABY 21¢ MEAT --·------·····-.--·-· BABY . • CEKEAL --·,·-·-· pil&'. 16' Betty Croclter'1 P AJlTl' CAU: MIX 29¢ DEVILS FOOD MIX p . 15C OFF •• nll •·OL IA•'O• ft•SCAIFI. . ' •ra.r eenu •111111 Net prtoe oa Jg - ... Off laHI 39; ·Nd Jriee .. JM wttll ·--1.20 111.JB . COFFEE !lwlltla ·!lltenn"r c . SwUming I Laala ~· l'reell • (Pillt lla7'n•i1e . c EACH . .... 9· .J "'· Cllll 9• Balrery 2'.real•-mam- TllUll8DAT GOLi POUND CAKES -··-39• . . . .,,TATO DIN~! IOLLS ~-··· 15' ASS'T. CUP CAKES ............. 8 ... 27' . I . APilCOT ·PIE ~-..... -.:t* 51;. • • • M.TUJU>AT BROWN -.IJD~ ' , DINNEI IOllS .:!---N· .,5 . 15f ' . . l!IQAMJ: °''IPOl'PJ llDD · ES& llEll ----·--:#1!!.~.?1~, . ' .. , -. .. • • GBEEN GIAJOo"r , PEAS ............ ---~-----'--·-···· ··-···-·----··!! 1 tc HEAJlT O' CAUF. AU GreM . ASPARAGUS· .. , ...... ? ••••••••••••••••••• ·--~· 1tc DEL JllDNTE--&lced . B~ETS ···-·····-····· . ___ ......... -:.~ ltc TRI 'rAI..I..Ey RAI~VE8 PEARS ·········-····-~·-··············--·-··-·-····-··-~~11 37.: s"·lft'• Brookfleld BUmR ••. carton 74 ' 1 :S B C SHREDDED WHEAT pk-...17' '1kinc Wbolf' Bean -Orlrtd It Younelf- COFFEE . ·-· .:!', 69¢ CAR Pure Ca.a Gl"Ululatf!d S.UGAR 10.!';; 89 ' Chlckt'D of the Sea Upt Meat>-Solld Pack TUNA .:!1 v. "'.:. 29; Durkee. Grade AA lb. carton MARGARINE 29' • , 1' SAL£ • A 1 MUST "RD ' OL ••.with I OL .. ttl. ~~¢ • ,.. A-1 Sance at 3k Both for~~ ROQUEFORT DRESSING r0~ .!,,: !~ .:·~ ... eou. 1or 40' TOILET SOAP 8w..,lheart "'(· alu le 4 25¢' I ""I"· lllze ban at %4c bars LEMON PIE FILLING ~~~ .. ::xu..: f:C'·-~~ ~'.":::for 18' l~p. -........., .. Lomo• 17• 811EJlBET MIX -····Ji<C· :;;.~~~ .. -··-····-3/25¢ Fray Beatoo . 1! 39¢ ' CORNED BEEF ___ ... or.. ::~8 ·~_k:'.: ...... s••••• .. !!. 29¢ Swaa.oa'a ~g~s:EE ••s ••u•• •• !. 49 ; :;;:~~~~·---·c! 29; -A·l . '19# NOODLES -· -·"' 8ylmar 17¢ RICE DINNER -·-····-Mil ' · A.atrol ANT SETS 4 pak39' DIAL BAR SOAP ... _ .. :~· 2125' -AMMONIA plat 13' Fro11en l'oods ..................... OOLDEN·STA.TE SHEBBL'T 'o'f ICE CREAM .............. ~. 89c LIBBY'!! ()9NCENTJIATED .L£MONADE ! ·2 .. r 27c , . UD1"8 OOtN" .. J.IMAS • SU~OTASH ... -·-···········! 21c LIJIBY"ll-llo Value • . ~ASPRG. SPEARS ?~ 45c -;_i£is·&.CARROTS ii~ l .i. • • ' • I •