HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-26 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News, • I ' • -- ·.· • ' v ..... _,, ... , AND SHOPPING NEWS -- - -'ft = ""' 'ftt --· -----=::az-PUllLlSllEI> AT 2tll BALBOA BOULEl'AIW NZW1'0llT J!.EACH. CALIYOllNIA TU.12'11011"1:: B••aoa 1811 • ' (U. If•• ···-., ..... ..: ~ ........ 1•1Mm et;U • •. ..... -.... ,., ..... ..... ........ N .... ~ ...... .. ""' foll .... _.. Diop v.. •••as.,..) -U>ora Co11rom1a·, tuna .up. ............. -brln61ntA> port • larp ....... ot tbe .. tlan'• Wi\a at.ch. have adopted plau for a h&lf-mWloll, dollu iinnuat prosnun to latte&M COMWnptlon ot tlw! producL ' rtan..k Perry, preaidenl ot the Ameriean Tunabo&t A..NodaU9ft, aaid, the plan will Include an ln- atltutJonal·t)'pe advert.i.inl' cam· pa.Jp deelped to inert... l&ln of all bra.Nb of Americ&n--caught and packed tuna. "A.rnerlcan caucht ud paditd tuna. .. h6 declared. "ta a.n ecanora-• 1caJ. hl&ll e.nerl)' food ~ aboU.ld ':'======~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~=~_..ba~e . ..., important p&rl ln every -fanllly ""etru.. nere ii no wutt 1n i can. of tun&. Ewry blt can be UMd .. ' .. • ••' ea ta Plawd Fun.de fOT' the pro('tam will ~ r taiMd by a per-ton u.eument ap.tn.t tto.t ownen. on the buie of tom dell.-ered to A.niertcan packer.. By MARGO BUSY VACATIONING SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! ---.... ·-..,: MARGO POtlCE SEEK PROCTOR AS NEW COUNTS FILED Newport Jkach police and the Diatrict A.ltDn\ey'a otf'lff Monday continued a three.day .Mreh for Troy· Jl. Proctor, tT·year--okl local r ealdent.., who wu freed Tbunda). by Superior Court Jude• Kl!llneth J:. Morrlaon on: charJu that ht murdered Kn. Dorothy Scblndler, ST, bia common law wife, 1aK Auguat 2:). . A.tter Judge Morrl.on relea1 .. ~-----------­ Proctor, rullnl' there wu ''no probable cau.M" abown ln the p~ Jimin&ry hea.rin.c in Newport Beach Townahip Court. the Di ... tr1ct AUorney'a Office flied .a new complaint which wu 1iped by Newport Police Sgt John Upi90n. The complaint aet.s rort.h two new cbarrei ma.nalaughter and "'.uaauJt by mean• of force likely h> produce gnaUy bodil.1 injury." Town.ahip Court Judre Frank M. Linnell lNu.d a wun.nt tor Proc· tor'• vrut after. ftllq o1 U.. M! count.a. ArnJc----t P1au Sgt. Up90n and officer• _of the D11trict A.ttoriley•1 offlrte IOUl'hl the baldfnr cal'pe.n.ler ln the New- port area """cf in Santa Ana over th• week.!end, but without suc- ceu. U he had been found lD time. plut• were to hav hln1i ar- raigned yeathiay ln the Town- ahip Cotlrt. Although Proctor wa1 freed by Judre Morrleon, hi• freedom \YU viewed by aome u temporary, pendinl' a.n appeal -of the jud1e's ruling to the Oi11trlct Court of Appe&la. A.ccon:Un1 to '-AAAista.nt Diatrict Attorney J. Pa.rley Smith, other couru haxe held a rtealh certffice.te admiMible as eYldence. Judge Unnell had bound Proc- tor over to Superior Court alter • a preliminary heannc in which a minimum of evidence wu p~­ ~ntMI, lncludinl' the dHt.h cer- tificate, teAtlmony by Deputy, Cor- oner Racer Burnham. a.nd the •tatement or an &n"esting officer tllat Proctor told him h• bad "beat the hell out or· the woma.n wbo ~·u reportMI to have been llvtnc With the accll91!<1. Couple Quazn:I Police said Proctor' toJd them he and Mrs.. Schindler had quar- reled Jast Auiust 24 alter they nturned fl-om a drinkinC' party and that he had beaten and kick- ed the v.•oman. She had tlted 11t1i9ut 10 o'clock the next morn.in«. Bum.ham u.ld her body wu a m... of brulaH. The court ordered Proctor. a carpmtu. re.leased over objec· lion.I o! the proMCutor. . . ------ We1backs CauCJht: Escondido Man Gets 60-Day Term Chest Leaders Announce Plan for Solicitiog • ·Warm.in& up Jor Ult-CommUftlty Chftt kle'k-ott October 1, cam· pa1p lt.tadJI met P'rlda.y moraine at • Blnk.~7'• dNc' at.ore.. Balboa lal&nd, to boi.t tbe Newport Har- bor Community Cheet'• ba.nntt to a prominent poaition above the 1tora whtte the 1~1 bNdquarten office ta \oe&tf'd_ With th,,. advance rifta pn:>- rram. dlrKted by Robert Ca.llla, w•ll under way, campatrn chair· man Judge P"rank Unnell and hi• staff are tumtn1 their attention to plarui tor general tK>lic1ting of the Harb9r area. Mn. Harvey Somer•. prealdent. report. that the budget pamphlet.a are being diatributed and that area major• and captalne have been named. Campaign ofticera announce that t\irtller lnformation and ln- aa-uctloN for Che.i workers will be given October 1 at the Balboa Bay club when chairmen. offi- cers, dirl!('tor• major•, captains and other voluntttn mttt for noon lu.nchton" Mn. ClaN-nce Righi•, .ecretary to the campaign chairman. la r• qul!llll!lg that volunteer worker• m.alce reservation.a tor the Mon- day, October 1 dollar luncheon with t heir captalna u ea.rly u pouible. Ana majors named by Mra. Somer• are the followtnc: Ba.Jboa, Mra. Ted H&mbrook; Newport Beach. Lar• Lavagnino; Mariner'• Mlle, Martin Hirsch: Balboa U- land, Mra. Neid& Gibaion: Corona d•I Mar. C. Later Jonee. Foundation Holes Ready at Hospital Great care wt.I eUl"CiMd du,.. inr th• (TOWKl-breU:tn1 tar the Ho.g Memorial H<111rpltaJ-Preaby- lforlan at Newport Beach to aee tkat nobody fell Into an)( oae of the many deep toundaUon h6l .. acattered over the eoll.re area. A.rcbttect R. C. O'.lamber1 u- An arrest by two local patrol plah\ed that the .co.r.. of fOUJMl,a... officers yesterday caURd aeflterle-tlon pita penetrated II fttt into lng ot a.n Escondido man to CO the hilltop and at that depth they days 1n County jail and appre.hu-spread out fa.ntrt.R; to provide a tlon of two Mu.ica.n nation.ab ee.rl• of broad b&-. upon wbich "'ho were turned over to U. S. lbe l~room ha.plt&I buRdlfts ImmJgraUon autboritlea. 'nl.t trio will rut a&fe and MCurt ap.1Mt wu arrested Sun4•Y. 1bock and 1trUL G.orse ~r. bu•ineu repre· Hnta.ttw: ot the lnternaUonaJ A .. IOci&Uo'.n ot Machlnlata' tuna. cUp- pe.r en(inffn union commented: "We .. re be&rU1y ln' favor of wch • Pf'O«l'&JTI· We have voted unaiUmoully to ne,.otlate will) the boat ownen on . .etUnl' up a prosnm to promote lncreued UM of tuna.'' ,,. While detall. ot the program rem.atn to be worked out. Perry indicated th&t It would lnclu~ a te11t kitchen ror development and te•llnc at. r«.lJ>ie'• using tuna. .,,, well u a public relation. procram that will telt hou.ewivea, through n .. w..,.pen. map.ztnu. radio a.nd televillon, new way1 t..o uae the product. 'The boat ownen." Pe.rry aa.id, ··are faced· with a 1erioua prob- lem. Import.a of foreign -cauaht tuna and albacore already have reduced the American fl8hermen'1 rtlative aha.re in the retail market. Mark.et Share Fal.111 ''Sale• of tuna have !>ten \n· cruatn1 atead.lly since World War 0 , but American boat owners a..nd fi&hermen have 11..ien their relative •ha.re of thlli market dim.inllh con- tinually .. ''Tb11 Industry hu never relied on anyone elle to tK>lve Ill prob- lem1 So t.bt boat own,er1 voted thla procT1m, IA the face of de· cllntng income, to pro•e the.tr f&Jth tn th• t\iture of their own industry, and becauae y.hey fHI thl• la a step towa.rd ltabllls.atJon 6f the lndu.etry."' Newport Pair Challenging Zoning Law Validity of a Newpoct BPach soniD.g ordinance approved Jut O.c. 28 'till be te.ted kl a court action fUed in Superior Court 1n Santa AnL Pl.ainWfa are Glady1 ..00. Fran- ce• Edith Sidler. They cltJm that they a.re betnc d .. p~ived of their conatltutional rtght. to UM their property on the notthMAt comer of A St. and Balbo& Blvd., Ba.lboe.. for bu1ineu. l'helr-a ction names u df'fe:ndanU th" Ctty of N'f'wport Beach, the aty Council and the Ctty Plan.nJnr Commi•lon. The $Idler• aJJer~ that their property, for year1 zoned tor commercial pUrpoiitH, wu r•· zoned on the December dat. for multiple-family re•ld•ncea oftly, Thil •u done. they •late, despite the fact ,c.helr prope.rty \J; on a ~mer oppoaite other bWlinf'U enterprl.te•, that It lJ acroq the: atreet from a nl&hl club a.nd cafe and la adjacent to the A SL pl er, t..be Balboa Aiarltn1 Club and dock• for an oil ttrm and a 1port1 tiab.inl' bwtneu. Oaly for ~·t1·e• A.tt.ac.kln.g the ordtnance u "un· justitiablY h!iatrictlve," the actio'n conlencl.s thelr property lo unbl< only for IKaineaa bf!cauH ot It.a locatJon, an.d tllat they planned bu.U~ mercantile eetabllahment there. The WOO\~ aid lbey would be unable to aeU. leue or r--tt the prem.Laea becauae ot tbe new sonlnl' law. TIM e6urt 19 uked to c~e.r UUe "' the P"OP"rty, which la allefed "' be clouded by the d• r:esul&· Uoa. )' • New tcz'1 l•lcl•g Co•l•mc:.tioll 119111 Operatlnl' hi.9 car without a Some utonlMmant _.. lndl· driver'• Jken.. netted ~ I o yd cated at ~ Jarp ~ qt ~· WO$: la underway oa & iJ.00.000 Woodrow Potter, E-do, U.. cavatlon QJeh la tAI pro-air bU•ldbor 1:6 -Ck _Ncw'part to-day tente.Dct. wbich wu~meted ap&ce Wlder-Uat. enth huildtns. Braatll: ·et. the ~ ol. Amft'lca. out tp him yutwday by Judp It .,.. exp1alJMd \llat Ulla n ... -.... ll<oic ... Pdday ..... ""'11 M. u.u..n 1n Clt.J Oomt. root c1euwo. --rround tbo Am--.. oao.-., Potter had a ~ drwllt drlY-i....i and tloo ;..u. _. ol· t.M ..... Am -.,.. Ila project.. at, In&' CGn11ctioo... ·• 11-'1&1 la"'·--..ifalr ""' -.,,.,~ ~ .. Wetbactu .. hdro Montee.-Loi* ~ ad ,,.Ur ~ Ud Via ~ Cfl ls'tt ~· Ud AtllaJ>o Lopu Jlm!MI, •..po u!I -Wpli ,_ ,,.. ..me: Ulo l)rtli' -. ' • ' -.. found In ~,..... -t at ""' ... .._.... at all ,.,.. -fto --~ .. .,.,, to Potta.'a car ..,. t ...... -t.e -wtllll;y -~ -..... I) •hi Wltll U.. .. I !Oci.nl ._u.· n.y \JDld -~ --.-. """"" -. tsrtf.111-. ~Va ' p 'oai )'Olleat11o7...n--llis .. ---"'111 ....... ~!'!I ;'U. 11,411,0111!9~ " ~ =a!'~ ~c:~ ... us;.';'.:.;-}...,._ -. -;;;r& aaal, I IN .. Ml - • I 'IJ • . ' • ' • • . ' ' The thud of the paper on the front porch, tossed the~e by the bright .eyed lad ·on the bike, or its delivery by mail, starts people · reaching for the facts of life-all over town. · Ever think of it that way? It's the great Ameri- can Habit,' this eager reaching for the truth, this wanting to know what's going on-every- where and !without the slightest delay at all. Jt's • 9~od habit, too, for <here is the foun- d•tion· of t~e freedorfis we cherish so deeply. . ' In knowing 1what's going on lies our capacity ~ . for the making of choices, which is the very . essence of pur individual liberty. It is at this point that our favorite news- paper becomes so important to our way of life. For in its pages are presented the kaleido- scopic changes occurring constantly-the truth of what's going on in the world -the facts from which , we, as individuals, determine for ours.~lves how we will . vote, whom we will patronize, what we will think, and what we Will do. .• • • . ' 111 e-p&per mea everywhett, conl!ci<HIA ·o1 the critical ti1neii In 1whlch we lh-e, are devo.Jiag the week of' October let to 8tb - pablle. Aa pabllahen of yoar fa.oitte -.paper, '"' lavtte nia, Cllll' I . ~ to make 111gpeU.-for m•ldag ~ HWSi-pet' w.e JOll AY· POST and S oP!ING ·NE\vs ' ,. . . . • ~ »:vimy; .WD>lDsD4Y '· ' . · " ~y TBVUD4Y , , .... • ' . ' ; -. I " , I . .. • • • ' • • • • -. I ..... ~-.. dll Ill Sr• --•••• 1UWNll'1' ... T · : I 1'10tlf9ol All .. , ....... Ill t* ,,_. AJ1D .-iftm'• DWI t-por wll ji ~ I t# H' fw,.. ·1 •JJ ~.1--r, ~I~ -' I f l '(.J lt L • 1 ............. "' ... _,_, .. -~ ''···· ·: NOW llllOWJNQ "PIO& UP" .. -.,--~---AJoo- "ILllll. -F AJJT ... BEACfl'IPtJL" (Jan T-. ............. ()luk. ft.Ulft' •mm.t.T "l'.uNTINO na: OL01lll8 WlTB IUN.'lllNr' -AIM "°"' ~ OWi AMAaDJAY in.urn amm.t.T "NEVEJl fttlft A Q.&MU•&-"' ---"rALL T.uKi&T' CHILDREN_:; FREE::".:-:-:-..,~ PAULO DRIVE-IN ·THEATRE • , DoonO,.. 1:1.1 -·-1:00 8TA&ft TBUU8A.:Y • •.. _ -- "UP D' ~·;Wtu. D.uiNYlihi Alie llOB HOPE la -r&EY GOT JO ~~.: "::: . -·.·- FRESH LOISTfl SEASON ·,_ " ' .. OPENS ·MONDAJ, QCTL 1st . HOT "TAKE- OUT" ORDERS • ' ,. .... .. - WATCH FOR OUR LOBSTER COOKER OUT FRONT CRABS SMOKED FISH SHRIMP . . . PICK OUT YOUR UVE WBSTElt WE WILL COOK IT FOR YOU SEA FOOD VARIETIES Htl Nl:Wl'OBT BLVD., :NEWPORT BEACH PHO?\'£ BARBOR S%1S FOOTBAL-L! ' ORANGE COAST COLLEGE YI. OREGON TECH HUNTINGTON BCH . HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM . SAT .. SEPT. 29-8 P. M. ADVLT8 SI.DO 8TUD.E!\"T8 IOe lnc. Tu. ~.,..ral AdmlNloa tlcketa oa -.le at RJcllard'• Udo Hkt.; Sutherlud'•• Co rona del Mar: Bob'• SporUac ·Goo<ta. 0-t& Mesa Tbe Man. Cott& Mf!M. e Drawing for FREE MERCHANDISE ' / at Our New Location! Sat., Jept. 29-Sp.m. ~O P t;RCHASE !\-ZCESSARY: (you need not be preaent to win) • Come In to oui' Store for FREE COUPON! PRIZES-SEAT COVERS-FOG LIGHTS MIRRORS--STOP LIGHTS, ETC, . • WEST AUTO SUPPLY . .. Ul4Z N eWp<>rt Blvd. COSTA MF.SA BM. 11841..J • • SATURDA3--, a..r SUHD~YS ' . - • SUNDAY -~UD.t.T l'lnl -8eYertJ" Ml+·r,. "PICKUP" ... ... 0"9rlca "Crfllllllal La~' / • J • ' •• -. ,.,,_lJ-tllne ""'l mll-UJ'!t----------=-~ :.=.~:.::-: Mrs. Fred King, Sr •. .,--1 churclleo qm,upout H G -Col1to.ni&-w111 -~ onor uest: to IJlo ·Dtoouo at IM Allpleo 'r • F t ~ I 9 M , 0 A ·917d•1 UDO O'·•····· . ..... -. ODftA-A ·--·~, 111 ... ..-..... _,,. ..w.-ot at ~urpnse e e" · 1114' Allwlcaa ~ church ~ IJlo -et' .. ptai .... IO .A. ourpr!M lilrtbdq put7 ftf to 0ctoW I, -.,. to t11o Jlt. held fiw KN. r..d Kl,,., 8r, at !In. Daiial4 J-CUnpl>oll, .uf· Ille -of Kr. -Mn. ~ lnlU ~ of IM..A.al'I-. -TGUn&', ISM Sollta Alla .A.ft .• II ~ Ille 'Nita Cool& M-1"rid&7 lllC:bl, llept . · I T. Y. SETS ~R RENT B'ot>op Loull c. Ktlchor, WbQ 1411-'Ibo party 'wu planned b7 orpnlled and -Id the Eplooo-Mrl. Kini'• fam"7 r.Dd-frlendo. pal church ot Bruil ,ud who 11 T!le room wu attrt.cUvely 4eei>- now MU of' the c.bW'Ch In that rated With l"ffll and white p&per count,,., will 07 In 1n>m !\lo Cle ........,,,.., 'Ibo toble WU PY Janfiro tot thne ni~ttn~ JM.. with a blrt.bday table COYtr and bop Wllllam J-GordOn of wu decorated with tall SrMn c&n· Al•ek•, Wboee dloeea t'lllbncel dJM,. The center piece, ma.de by ' I. 1-l>AT -r: TIDE. T. Y. It NU NZWPO&T ?ILV,D, i N_,._ ,· I ' llilllO• HI <WO tllan ll!0,000 mll-. · mucb Mn. Kini'• dauptu, )llao LucW• ot ll w1thln the .A.rctlc Clrda and Kini. wu of Jovtly flow•r• and ~.,..._ _________ 4 • ,., ,, S ·•· L E ' ' '-: ••• ft ·-· I ' \ ..,. ' ' . COTTON . QUILTED·ROBES .. ••• • ~. • I ... Ila 12.-39 JJow• · . -· $6.95-fl.95 • • - ' • 1208 Cout Bml. Coroaa cW Mar · 1Plione Hc•bor 1108 Bllhop J. / Wlllon B\lbter ot. th• tUhlOMd to reprtMnt a bird .. a Mlulonuy Dlltrlct ot w,.,a.i,,., rullded cap. on.. birthday cake \!!::======="=============:::!:!!di will join Btebop Melchn beN. wu baked and -4ecorated by Kr. ~ ....... GUOO&J".._ TIIIOINq. MATO. Eplocop&I cblltdiea. IJlrouPOUl Joe H9m.ann. Tiie · d•Uclouo food ~ llle <!Pt-<:OUDtry clloc-.,. oom· oened ,. .. oooke<I and broupt bjr blnlnl tor llle ratly meetlhp. .-•Uendlnc the _.,. ID · acheduled .,..... .... Blabop Mel.. lb. J'r'ed Klns, Br .. very clev•rly • "CAPT. HORATIO HOltNILOWER" cbor will open hll m .. tlap, fol· tall<ed Mrs. Kin&' Into Solnll out ,,,, -J'"' low1n1r hlo Ylalt Ill Loo .t..,,.ei... lo vt.lt Kr. and Mn. T ounr. oo ~ S..17 Dar at Redl&nde Bowl, Redlartdl lit I that ahe never ~ted a thinr. COMPl.ITI DINHO p.m. Sept. IO. other ...tona wUI Wben ah• entered the room and "-st .• .. D.11 TEORN!.OOLOR StJND.iY .,.-,,,,..'"Y- be In the "Valley" toWno. ov017 one ollouled "Happy Birth· TllOPIC.U. Btabop'°'CordolL, wt.o wu tbe day," Ml• wu IO ..arprlH4 ahe DRJNU 1-c•i•bisbop ltftr conaecrated wu mpeec:ht._ DIM i.-. ._..... ~-'Uie~~p!ocopal clwn:b Jn th< 'Ibo memben of the Newport TAHm•• SKTlOOM ''THE UnJted 8tatM, Will 8'peak at Xooie lod.l'e IUld Nniport Womtn l"Ne Pan:lq' Co~ i. Jolla. Brawtey and ol t.ht: MOOM pve Kn. King a ...,._ 171 ' VIit&. In Loe A.q'el~ area he wUJ lovely W. O. T. K . locket u a .,.ak _M Grace ~urch. llL Paul'• r1fl. It WU dont up ln etpt dlf~ qM_1lfi,J and at All Sainta' feNDt box.el. one 1nli44i the othtr, cburch,:· Beverly Billa. and Mell bu slft wra~. -Mucb Slobop Hunter will opealt In the tlln wu bad u Mn. Klnr unwrap-THE NEW HUT Santa Barbara atta, the Lone pd each unUJ lhe tlnally came to / .... Cout Hlway, i_... Beach uea, Santa Barban, Santa the lut box that contain@d the .1 Anah&im-;Ats.1ts.: ·;:... -.fnd lknta Paula. Meetinp loclc•t. Bbe received many other .,... .. """°' for •111~t:l- J -· -· och<duled tor tho 1on17 rift& ~==========~ TOr Kamaainas Chlltth ot lll• MUO!ah. I p.m. Oct. A dance rollowed the dtnn<r and -a tn Santa Ana fOf' Oran1t coun-prue.ntation of ctn.. A very en-EI • I' .A.· 1o,,. table, low and -•tlfUI· 17 •l In li&w.allu. -'6fo: -t•rod the •b,,llo·ctVot .,.,.,,.._ Allallel" dancln( U*Cber wbe:ft .0. enter. ty JCpiecopallan•. Hennoq Beacb Joyable e•en.lnl' WU had by eTery p1scopa 1ans d St. Luk•'o. Lone Buch, I p.m ..•••• and MN. Kine .. 1d It WU • • Octokr I . b&ppJ birthday ohe would never to Attend Mission • • torret. , ~=z":::..:..K&m&&ina club Fall Plans for GudU sat on pillows &r0und the table. It wu centered with :.i~0:;. ~~· ::..=. Girl Scout Assn. Chlneae fil'Urinea and little Hula , dancera. · An tmport&nt mtttlng took AU members were pruent ex-place Sepl 17 at ten o'clock at the cept Thelma Rickett.a. 8pec:laJ homf' of .Cn. P. V. Peter-.on, New- sueat.a were Margaret ?doke~ou. port Beach. when t.he adult mem- who wu born In Hilo and who 11 ber1 of the or1ra.n.lzatlon commlt- houae sue•t of the club prelident, tee ot Newport Harbor Girl Scout Florence Cha.Q\berlin ot Co• ta auoclatlon met to di1cuu troop M••: and Ma.rvtne Fran.ks of need• tor the comln( year. Mr•. Beverly Hilla, a former membet. Peteoon' wu U1i•ted wtlh the With one vacancy ln tbe mem-bUsmeu ot U\e day by Mn. Ted berahip, Dorothy Bell of Coat& Hambrook, second deputy of New- Meaa wi.ll be voted tn at the next port cOuncU. N,lgbborhooct" chair· meeting. Tbla will be on Oct. 10 men, a IJ'Ollp formed to aaai.et Girl at the home of !Aura de IOI Riot, &!out leaden with th.etr problema. Wesleyan Guild Entertained at Broadway Henne were preNnt aa follow•: Mmes. M. B. Df:~berc. Corona del Mar; Grace Ebberta and Rob- Prt A. Oliphant., Newport Hel&bll; FTaJlk Black. •. Nt!wport BUc.b, Geor•e C. Np~ and Ed Hirth, Senior Scouuar; ~rthur Cramer, Bal~ Ialand. and Fred Wood• The Wealeya.n Bervtce Guild of ,. ~-~-C 1 worth, Balboa. uie ............ Meea ommun ty Th Le ....,. lo church gathered recently· at the e troop adera are Ua•-to call the above named Nelehbor--Broadway home of Mn. Helen tlood chairmen tor laformation Pohlman. The devol!ooal interval and help. With all troop problemt wa1 conduc~ by Mra. &at.her lnate&d of calllnt the Scout office. Dodg~. who also gave the ml.a-1952' Calendar (Girl Scout) alona.ry leeaon. Thi.a wu a readme pl&na were dl.acuued u well u of two cbapten of the book, "W" troop sponaonhlp. Many troops Americans" by George Howard. have DO •pon.10r11 and-need them. Mn. Grace Bllllnp, pre.tdent. :Ad'ult memben of the-Harbor rflported on 'the actlYIUe• of, dif• council • were urged to volunteer ferent mlAton&rie• 1upported by u workera for the Community Ute Guild. RefrnhmenU were Che•t drive. A new Senior Scout 991'Ved at the eveni.dc'• nna.1.: Preeent • Were Mme•. Gertrude Se'rvice troop 19 belnl' formed. lt WU announ~ that M.r•. H. p_ Edick, Marth& Dk:key, BtDlnp. Dodge, Ruth Sam.it; Nellie Ho .. Yam.ell ha. been appotnted P .T..A.. a.rd Irene A.hlat'ro(n. • Virginia· coordlna.tor tor the new yea.r. ae.J Don. Wood. Th~ Grilttth M'Cy Corona del Kar pi. havt and 'J 1 Tu ' • no propt_r place to bold meetinp enn e. . rner · · end due to lack of tr&MpOrtt,Uon 11 , • 'r'-u.nqot 1•t lo th• Scout H'ouae. A -Nations r-ete "--1·1 '° off•r quart .... · where Uleae troops may meet 1'91"-at Sarita Ana y ul&rl7 pl• ... set In lou<h w1tb Mn. Petu110n at Herbor 2819-M. The party ... attended by 11ny-Gar·den Party on• rue1t.1. Ten ol. thON' preunt were memben of Mn. King'• hn.een or more rilembe:n of SL family. Mn. Fred Kin( Sr., Miu Jainea JtpLlcopal church will at-Lucille Kine. Mr. and Mn. Ruuell Eaton and two children, Lucille lead the annual preen party ot the City Mialion eoclety, to be and El•le Eaton; Mr. ~nd Mn. held Thuredey at the Lo. Angeles Fttd Kini' Jr., their two «:_hlld~n. home of Mn. Lyman Farwell, Lor- Charle.a and Unda King; a.lao a ralne avenue. very cloae friend of the family, Among them will be the rector, Mr. Ted Ivy of Gardena. There wpre forty member• of the N~-th, Rtv, Paul Moore Whttler and port Mooee Lodce and Newport M:ra. Btort Brewer, who t• a mem-ber of the board ot dJr_ectora of W. 0 . T. M. preaent. lbe society, Women of St. J.me• Mn. King t. • member of the ~h will have a doll booth at Newport W. 0 . T . M ., la very ac· ~ party. tlve In the chapter and is loved )y pn Wednesday ot thla week Mr. everyone. WJlttler wtll be at the cathedral attendinc department meetlnp. Starbri9ht Club 1 • Has Luncheon Meet Cl:ard Group Meets The recular me.tins of Star- brirht Club of o . E . s . waa held Sept. lllth in the 1001' Hall. eo.ta Mea. A 12 ;30 p. m. luncheon. The lUDcheon oommlttee were Op&l We•t. ch&Jrmat.: Jun Cottle, Clara Keeler and Edith Voorh .... Laura McClellan. preatdent, pre-- •lded over the bu•lneu meetlng. A committee wu appolnted to draw up new by-law11 tor the club, conalattng of Le I a 1'.cMillan, Esther Devtnf', Mable Fitzmorrla, Sylvia Place and Florence Ander- '°"· The rem&indtr of tht &tt.ernoon W&s spent playlng card•. Thoae preaent were: Blanche L. Lytle, 1!'.alhet Johriaon, Jo Pttk, Erma L&chenmyer. Ruth Delater, Ellyn Nlelaen, Mable Fltz.morritl, Harriet Smith, Pauline Mithoff, Ith& Horne, Edith Holte, Sylvla Place. Bettye Ftnk, Delphy Hep- perle, IA.ura. McClella.n., Georgia McClellan, Maud Wood, P1ormce .A.lldenon, Lela McMillan, Opa.J We•t.. Jean CotUe, Clar& Keeler, !'.dith Voorhffl. Connie ~ Brace, Charlotte M cNalr, Either' Devtne. ~t Nwpt. Heights ..; == ~ri~ !':~d~;:. Arliene Spa.ncler of Newport Htlshta entertained her' card club' tut week. Mn. Kenneth Stewart ' topk nrtt prise; Mn. Erne•t Mc· cte1lan won aecond honors; Mra. J4hn West won the travel award while Mn. Homer Mellott wu c~naoled. Completing the gueat 1'pa.ny were Mn. Richard Dltt- r and Mra. J . N. McClellan. . . DIRECTORY I LESTER A.. BECl[ER. D. D. 8. I I DENTISTRY ~ 785 Nf:'Wj)ort Alvd., eo.ta. Meaa Medical Bld&"-Beacon 157~2 I --J ~ 1:. Bay Ave .• Balboa I Harbor 321 -1 Thp next mettlng wU1 be Oct. I ~-----------· !7, with luncheon at 12:30 p. m., I ~:;:::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::=:; The All-Natiou l"eetinl will be held at tbe Santa Ana T . W~ C. A. on Friday and Saturday, Oic!t. 19-- 20. Diaplaye of treuurea fnim 20 countrle•, will be •hown by the people 1n their n&t.lv!! cofi~es and'" a propvn of IOl\ll l.nd dance. from many countries will be provtdtd. th• committee being £.ether John~ .... •o•n·--H b · St Q j.. S oon , Sylvia. Place, Ad& Orth and ••• -• ar Or ar 1 ,C, • Blanche Ly(Je, t..d7 Attrrrdut uo ~ m11•...., OORON.t. DEL MAB DAY AND NIGHT ftoae' Rartloor d • ll'OOd -ths will be ,.1 up In the patio from '!'hlch European, SWedllh. Chin-Mwcan and American food w1U be -· WUU. John and l(r9. Bewrly Trickey .... eo-dWrinen>-for - ewnL . The •xhlblto will be open at t :eo p. m. on. Friday and 2~ p. m. Olli Saturday, and p......... """" " T:IO p. m. ----~- Moose Rites · for Lodge Brother Holds Initiation --. -- f()"r Male Members · Ebell Juniors Barbor aw ~pt.., o. •:. a.. to ~Qet. With rnet 11<pt. u. at Odd .-.-llall, COM Matron · Coot& M-l!f'Uo o.Jater, Wciirtby , BE SURE -".INSURE with . !IUUlUCE 8T.uazT . bo.--·Ool7 ll&Uoh and · HflU7 D., l"ortll1 n.. Junior EbeU will op<n the Patroa. pn9lded. Ot'aCe Scott. clu.tl ,_r wtt.ll an lntorm&I l.ta. on dlp9't:J lftDll. IUtlmi. HuntJn.ston J'rldQ', Se.pt. 27 at tbt home of Br ctl,. ... worted., aa .., M)'l'& Kn. W . I:. l'leher at 147 Shore ll<lll. "Ol'lli7 --ot Lq1IM alff Bood, Cot<m.a del Mar. otart-BM.c.b chapi.tt. tns at 2 p.m. Plana tor the H&.· .. InJu..tJon '¥(U held for the toJ. Mfl were d1.9eu.ued ~ 1\auday ~======~==-=-===~ ~I m.en : Slft:tett Braca. Kt~ tftlllnl' at tht bome-1.f Mn. Burr Wood Beny, John J. llcClann, Kil· White, cb&Jnnan of the junior ton S~Llr, Ti;ad<r llol'll, yirp! oectlon. Pbo.e Raner 1111 n.-.1o. .... -- Smith, Bernard. McNatr and 8em Prdel)t were )Ira.· Howard wu. Kll\lfatber, eount.ey cand.tdate. llaml, Mrs.. c. R. St&at, Mn. w ...... RefN:llune.nt.a were eerved In rm A.. Scott. Mn. kdwtn l'lnatu, the dlnllle room, c1eco .. 11ono be-Mn. N. H. ltoben1<4U, Mrs. 1!'rod ·w.~~ ,qsm:RAL INIURANCE em.re-. [fl/"""4/:ioro . . . !SUMMER CLEARANCE! 28°/o OH Friday • Satwday Only -AH Sales Final • • Cotton Skirts. -Coordinetes Top Bre~d Swim Suits-Blouses-Tee Shirts JO-LEE_ SPORT SHOP. l8S5 Newport Ave. oosTA MESA FINEST. OCEAN FISH WE CLEAN, ·FILET, CAN OR CUSTOM WRAP YOUR FISH FOR YOUR LOCKER RETAIL ~1//- HOURS: From 8 :30 L m. to 5 :30 p. m. DAILY Except Wednesdays SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 516 SOth Newport Bewcb Ph. Ru. L'I0'1 SAM'S SEA FOOD • "At the Sien of th• Swordf'lah"· COMPLETIC COURJ!IC LUNCHEONS DJNNERll Beautiful new Enlarged COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPEN EVERY DAT S U R F S I D E au~0~,. 100/o Discount on Any. 1.urdiase (EXCEPT .t.B.lLONE and 111DlD1P) _ Brhag this ad to BAYSIDE FISH MAR~ET · Fresh Fish Daily from 0111' Own Boats! A8ALONE _____ : ___________ · ______ Jb. 75c . ~BT llaltlor tu CONCRm BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 . PUKl·BLOK OOHP.t.NY-U!O II. Mala St.. Santa .\na _ PUMICE -CINDER JlND OOSCRETll: BLOCBS ' REINFOllCJNq STEEL U4 l!UPPLIES ·-·-·-·-·-·- . -· "'"" --tlayo -..nu. Kuoter, Mrl:"Thomu MaeMuter, N-~ -,.. __ M :~~~~~~~§~~§~§§:::::::::;:::::=~~! 8ixtttn membutl of tbe N•· l'Uncbee ln paper bap a.Dl1 ttd Mn. c. It. Hollaway., ·alt on -th•i:I=~-'~=T='=JW=a=r•=Bl=.._:;::=·=~ll W port -Lodp JU\ Wffk ..,.._ ochool h..... lll4tlto. uecuu .. -...i. They wUI aet u d!JCW oontphte ~" 9'4-aer· On the . retl'eahment commltt.M. ~ tor tbe QCCUian • .ioo tor a deputed MGpao mtm· ...,.. : llocude •JIOn7, ,Zatlya A.I-~ "SEE -YOU AGAIN SOON!" . I Save a little ·of your inco~ for a 'trip to -tM family, start tlilw ll!*W fund here ep that our bllli· divideDda • -• currently ·3% per MD'UID •••. blr, Mr. J'nak KcemMU. at brisbt. and Oonate..BN.ee. Waltft N . M . ..-B11W B1irlrs hi'' w--~ Kr. !'."<Ir. ..... u.. cott-• ewport o.ose . -·'..t>N , , • ,., 1o1<Ca1mo11 W -a '!""'lier Of Hootnuo foo:·llH! """""" ""'"-I !.I.: -t Cf _ __. 111e ~ Cll;j, 1-.._ Lo4lo. IWco1le •leJ!ar """' .... M<Ooaa. nlTICI es ass · • · ·• .r•~ -f« .0 ,_,., Tbe memt •• ftom Mrs. nmter a""OUQed u.e tt-, Ollla ~ Mi,,,,.. • Mcwport ~ oloo'..ct.d 911 ~ .,, .... « DopulJ o....,. Katroa 'lllo Newport M-"lodc< ..i.. na lfo<f;u•• -, ........,_ . . ~ ~ -l --, . ..,.. .. bnto4 ---....._.,.11;-;· ;;;;;:;;~:;::::~~I~ .ftlo -.u.,111& .,..t ...... IB ---&II, ._.......,_,.......,. n ill&' ct .... -• -.... ...... ... 0 ,,jll)I ..... -...... -.A. ..... 191UoU.. ., -....,. tt ,wu I •I Fie-JWI' .............. .-ttz:.·-M£qtka dWltM ,,_ .... wtt11 U..a-ta ~ ,....,. • • ...... -... .... Tllo -...... !Mp&. -.AM -llMl&w ---- ----l'olt ..... to -.. --llllllt-.--·· ... = 'zi• ~ -~·::P.'Y~:~~i.:1! o=!:=-Z-~:~ :.::~":::: =·~ ' . Mill? -I ,., • --· A -... .. " .. .. x... U.DllYI CIUISll.S · ::.il•11 iE ~ ILLIS ~o:; RINTALS --~ ·--...... _ il IOVlll IC!m Oll'U.TI.-• • ~ ... ·····- }" • w.111 l\ft 10Jlt"avll!gt UI . em., bbozt. • • .. , .. , .... ) ,. . ·Y-flmda -w111 be available: u ·-.u ,au're · fWdr' t"o -..U. tlle trip. start, today•wlth • or more! '# ~ ._ • I • "' • ,. • • Ui'111eJ INJW• W TO SJ0.111 ... .. ...... ' ;J• .. ... .. .. .i.-.. ..,: tt•w .-._, >u ,,., ' t -, • • • ' I ' • ' I f I I ' • ' • - • • • , ~ ~rJ~ ·· t..;. D':,~T0~~1··11 · ' -""~--...,..,. H1111MN MINX 1v11ss Jane DOl~1 ·~S·;f-OWS ~=:...-"'~=tr; .H ..... ~..... · H···g11·Mass.·. • 1··[;' ·A. .. au··, ~ch, · · :.~~..:~~ . ---co11t••t1u:n, II, lNI •MJC I Pnetlcal Aa .ai~la-M:CW"*1 ll&.1r . .... Wdl pr C' It I INi ttir ,_ JIOln' AJC'D aotJl&G"Ji&Wa . . I • ' • • ' t ~. • ••• 1 t l.N!O, EiU ·M ~:-:.· .. ·· ........... •·1··· in ' -2 Ir,. -Kr. ud Mr&"'°"'",..,._ .... y.., ...,.., 46-IQflUt_r u ~ ·, ' •· ~.--.. -J)oupltM NEWl'Oft '.t.um~·, NoW~tJWl'loiii\•IJl'Poc·' . Uti.r. ~ ~; Kn. --N~.wc-: :~~~~~~=-= :0"'')(~ bl: 1j-i!t"~ .. i::! ;:_Oollu~.ud:a:~ Is Only as Fa· R; .. 'fLOORS I ~-'lWI : Ill' -Kn. Hlunpbny,. ,..... • _,..,,, • D .. ......... A··-· . . ' G d . U::=:=:=:;::=:;:;z::z:p~ i>b.Y. Jr, wbo ._l<d .,.,.,;. 1n a :_ 'i':"ii:e =··~ ::;_ ·~;;;;;;~· ~;;;;;;;m' 00 as ih . , YACHTS -tate ...,,.,..., weddiDS at Pr~ Alma -crawtor.i. poc1n4 from t11e • lnitallation . · DRAINBOARDS -Calhollc church,' ~ AA-allvor coffee ourice wllUo . ll(ri. ' . • I . geJH. 'hie Rn. K1eran Karum at-111ar1 Guokey pr-at t11o pundl 1ir-•n•ndo .. IS · ASPHALT TILE TBltl rs F.t.LL PLA.'ITDfo a fDTILlllNG 'mlE. .a.ND llcJated.at tbo nine o'clock nupllal -L .~~ri ' . · JDlR.ll .t.U Otlll 11PB01.t.L PlllOE OONTBJllUTIOll'll TO •!t_ "':ie 11 u.. former 'Ml.. llride'o Bell-$ F•iiltw. YaaMtt,$ VENETIAN, ~ WIN.DOW ' 1'0tlll 1'UD .t...'m BOllE: Jane Balley. dauchter ot l>lr. and ~-~orbytn~~ Theto ntw"" to~ BLINDS SHADES FUCH.SIAS .............. _ .. -: .......... _ .. I gal. can 39¢ ilrw Andrew Bailey of Loi An· -...rp c......,.-• o-n~ 1 PCE. 1'APLE · .. . ~and 2291 Channel Rood, Bal· IJ'aY Wit w1tb whlcl> Ille wo" LMNG ROOM u:rs FORMICA TOPS SEVERAL KIBISCUS _,, _________ I gal. can 49f l>oa. Sh• wore a CohUI . eown of block acceuorleo acd whJte or-BED DIV AN U E T S I 29¢ =~ ~~Y .. ~•;:: ~~ ~ ..... ;:i:.-:;,, '.:4C:~ t'i:. &I'd CH>Jlt ama 5. ~ ' L I N Q LE LJ M MLAANRTGANARI S~V -...; ... ·:·· ............. -.... ·,' gal : can 39# bodice witb curvtnc neckline and ventty ot Soutbem Calltol'Dla, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS , ariet1es ........... -.... ga • can longolee•••· Shecarrledalbow• wherewwuam•-•OfAlpha DROPUAFTABLES OU" e'J A .SNAPDRAGONS I do 19# er bouquet of white or<hldl and ChJ Omega oorority. She lo oloo iJ iJ . j ................................ -.... J:. •teph&Jloti.. :'.! h:'~:1 ~ .. :., ~i"~ !~· • 290 I NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH . STOCKS ............................................ I do:i:.·lt# Ki.aa Joan Siaemore wu maid rn r er o o a QUAUTY MA.'l"l1ll'JJSE8 .6.L80 GUAB.A1-"TEED WEED FREE STEER MANtJU ot honor. Her bolero h'Ock wu of ~·bten. . .J blue organdy •mbroldered In whlte Th• l>Ftdecroom 11 tbe '°" of • HARBOR ~-52 al Uc !!ACK and ahe carried a •hower of yel-l>r. and Mni. Humphrey F . MUr-CARLYLE'S Plua .. low rooes. Brldeamalda Anna Alu· phy, Sr. of Lo Jolla. He wu A STRAIGHT 14% DISCOID.'T ON ALL NURSERY STOOi[ ander and Barbara Hornung wore graduated from Loli Angele• Hip 1k1eo11 1111 ,. EFFEC'l'JVE~U SUND.Al", OC"f· 1, 1951 jei•W tf:I~ Sept. 27, 21, 29 . ' ·siJB· TR: o P:fcAl.; I LANDSCAPE NURSERY • .unu..r frock1 In pink Ind carried ocbool, and U. 8 . c. where he..... ... -·Blvd., Ceota 111-Ht'gh Qua/1'fy Pr1·nt1·n.l.-Ph. Har. f L16 '" Coul m .... y CORONA DEL MAR Har. t!U-ll abower bouquel.3 of blue nowen. affUl&ted w1th Sigma Nu frat.tr-~~~~~~~~~~!'.:~'.!~~~~~~~~~~Y~~_:~~~.'._~g~~~~:!~:!~:!~'.::~:!~'.::~==~==~==~~ Jack Otthe1. a Slgna Nu cUSC> nlty. Be aerved ovene&a with the ': brother or the bridegroom, was U. S: Army and ta preaently atudy· beat 'man and Wlbera were Hobart Ing at Idaho . State Pharmacy ..... ti.IS I&) '5c .. ·Yin de l<amps }(. aAKIRllS v~o COSTA MESA 1100 Nev.'))OY't 81'\·d CORONA DEL MAR tos Coast BJ.s"ltway LAGIDIA BEACH !14 Foreei Avuue McAllister &nd Davtd OQbrow. school Flower Girl GI R Another attendant wa.<1 little ynn 055 Jin• Gu1key, daugh\er of Mr. and to Direet TWO Alrs. Earl Cuakey ot 68 Yawl· Road. Beacon Bay, wu a dainty Operas Oet 4 flower girl in a gTeen embroidered • ankle lengtb trock. ln her hair wa.e a halo of ~Uow camatlon.1 l.!ld .be curl~ a buket of pet.ala. One ot f1'&lld opera.'.a ycunrnt stage dlr«tars,. Glynn Ro.I, ot the Loe Anplea CoJ\Rrvatory ot Mu- sic &nd Art.a I.a well known to Orange county mualc lovera. Rou I.a the fir•t American-born direc- tor to atage tun-acale major 'Pro- ductions tor atveral ot the fore- moet companin. Some of hJs out- Two hundred gueata were · re- ceived ln the ftome ot the bride'• parent. at ~ South ComD'lOn· wealth Ave .. l..oJI Ancelea. Tb.la b the tormer home of that famoua Soul.hem Calitornla ~auty, lA.lcy Banning, daughter of the late Phineaus Bannln of Wilmln .. on at.anding achleve.uienta were wtth g •~ the Royal Opera HoUH (Teatro and once owner of Catalina ls· S Ca:rl ) ln N 1 Ital land. And It wu from a landing an ° • ap ea, Y· of the atairway, with Ila beautiful Rosa ltoa.tna hJa talent. with the I handturned manogany rails, that emlnrnt Herbert WtiJ!lkopt, f&m.- the bri~ tOMtd her bouquet to the ou.s mU&icaJ director, in brtnstnr I gay crowd a.ue:mbled in the large an outstanding cut ot younl' IJng'- 1 h .ll f'rt in "Cavalieri& RuaUcana" and a A~i.lting the young couple ln "Pa1Uacci," ln Engltah, October I recriving we r e Mrs. Bailey, .f, in the Santa Ana hil'h ac:bool I . auditorium . ..._ _________ _, mother ot the brlde, Wt&rlDI' a Both operu wtll be complete -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;=; with t'Ull orchNtra, chorut1, 11.&g'- ,. lng tnd new ca-tumea. • ' 1 Now Open Sunday for the Homeowner CONCRETE BLOCKS • BRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES· SKIP LOADER FOR TRAD.ER LOADING KilTH B. COLLINS Ticket.a a.re on aale tor thla opera e•ent at the Blu-Note Mu- 1Jc atore, 304 W . .fth atreet. Klm- berly 2·2393. 'All auta a.re $1 plua l&JC. ON VACA.nos 2124 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa ' 'Harbor 701'5 Mr. and Mn.' Claude Knox ot 114 Santa Isabel at.reel, have been finding vacatJon pleuur"'t's vi.ttlng r.tlenda and relatlve1 in New Mex.I· co, Ohio and MiuiuippL NOW is the ·time to transfer your funds to insured SAVINGS CURRENT. EARNINGS SAYlllS IOW llSUW ~p TO Slt,IU• 11011.Y RlCEIVU IY Tll llTI OF THI llOITH URIS FIOll Tll ISTI • Come In ••• We will arra11ge fh .tranftr of y.our Iii~ w!'llout 'lnoon'-•~~e ~. ~ ... ~ ·~ . S..., lelle PelS '!:-1 ... Fotey, .....,...,, Ema fint flcrtor. 6r1P9f11it .hllce.r= -:=-23• S-..t or nofuf'ol. I l 8-01. con. 1 I c I TOllllo Jlke = '::' 2 .. Freshta1tlng! 118-oz.con, 12ct Alrw1yCoffte ~~ "!· 77• Grlind to order. 13-lb. bog, 2.25• • IH Hiii Coffee ;.."ri., "!· 79- ll\ KOO•Oh•J' boo. 12-1>.bog, 1.511 YflHI M'!. ,.,,.; 53• ~ 1.29 ·'ott• MUlcaMI or 9-Ty~ WW.. h CPl'Cliklb .. wJy in I~ So~ TCUlft ON oddltlonal. AMERICA'S GIEATl5T MAGAZINE VA1Ull fAMll. Y ORCU t;g. 176 pogo Odobor ~- ~ now on taM:. .,S AND TffE PllCE 1$ 0NL Y Mrs. Wrigllf' s lreld :: 17° Ctoc:it.d wheat. llQd. Bu11er:1rw -::: 11• Mrs. Wright'a. tliud. um=Tlreld '= 20- M~. Wright't, slictd. I isil Ir Id s.,..,. I e si~"" ::.• 23• nnl'llGS . ' • 1)9k ...... . ...,mlw• Te!U& l•-C~o• --• coco••" ac•·'c 1-c p d v ..... :r-..nir • •. Dwr'w'I. . . ' -m ... lt.1'St ...... . .. __ _ ·-8 CXJn.t.MM• .................. __ .. ~ .... ... _,. ___ ....., __ . CHE(}( THESE SPECIAl VAlflES I PORkCHOPS·=c:~ ~&5° PORK SAUSAGE ... padr, d --.i ..... p ., ... la Vloldnq roll. PORK OAST ~~ ~39• 111...W. "' ........ QI I lo. podr. Chit -. lb. 4lcl SPAREitlBS Wect. kzt1m Park 3 lo $.lb. A•-. ~39~ MIFROAIT Shoulder chuck. US. CHOICE. Blade CUL . .. &· (AnncuL lb. 73e) ill .. .· "I~ 4 OBI 1EL SUDS '911 ........... ..... ,,, .... . . ... 1~1c1Q .... .., .... -.. ·;... ' ., ... .i-... . ..... we · llOIUNG•lf Plate mu.t £rorn : · .. U.S. CHOICE heel Specially priced.. .. 2a- ~­at Safe '#0"/ Iii ......... ,, c-tr felr . The gtUlell rocord for quolity milk .. .,. made at LA. County Fair! To be 1ure of "gold'!'""-''" quolity milk. buy Lucerne! LUCDIE RUH MILi ~:r. = 21e ~ 42e Prict M>itct to State ,.ulotktr ceiHclN-\i ... 1.. -54e TaA'RD ..... .,--...... M.ARlllMALLOWI Fluff-Hit !wand. ,_,_14_ lilt ecich P9!*•••· . ::27• IALAD DRIUIH •' · . .,. 37• Quootil3c. ... WIN $2011!! flfltlftlff ' · $2011!! &lfl 11 Jllf "'!!!!5'1 c•11n et UtrltJ = ' .. ._ .... .,~ .. ~ .,.. ......... 191.. _ ... " ···--lllOll OAR . ! Kai: ae.1.25 ~ . . I . I • 4 • . ' t 11J2 ..wPOIT . a~ COSTA MISA · •• ,., ........... : "'' •. , ......... .,...., . • -. ..... 1'i~, ...... ,.... . ' , • • • • • ., • • • • • • . . ' • • • . . _ Jl&Wl!Vft.&U' ..... U.01 All ad ~ la Pio .,.,.,·~' IUT .... 1Nl I !l.Wti -· -· _ ... t Playwn·ghts Set Rldtm ~. lnlars ~ Nullllllalll Coated H.arborites 'Hom· e 14 .. "•~-WI '''"' . .,.,..-i --;;,;,,-...;.."""'"---------"-...._ ... -J:t..i ........... _ .,. .... •• ~ --.l'l'C<o NSWll paper wm produce-tor yw. tor 'Drunkard' From Pa. Vacation ' .~1o...,.. ... . . I !~~~~~~--'-'-~~ 'I'() nu: ••ml:l!l'l'll OP .u&-811qas OOLONY . • Wll8T NEWPOB'I! • . . . • 1 u:;.. dtidn ui. -drilllq' for .u In the ,,.._ .... "' ~ Newport-on the far lide of the hJ.lbway; _.. n.S 7fNr" lipaturt1 on a petttt<m to the City Council tor a chaap ill U.. 80Ai.DS Of'dtn.ance .to permit ame. • Petition may be 8elft aad 11,me« at Sta OolJGQ. C. H: M'c- Xtn.nay l"Midence. WMt Newport o.r a.t CClatlln• Moul ottlct. c. .JL' M<DNNEY o. 'JI/. ~) !llcllard, -of --jllot.t. -to - is Barnboo ·Room IUch&rd'a Udo Market,. 1Jm I ''Med ll!ete . Jtln.. ....,.,. *"!' ·~ _., 1oc1e,y that ht..._ lo J•t•s....,. a-., • ~ ,... ». membon ot au,.. Kiiibt ~ aiil• XA J._ -ot W• attute ..,;4 llcCaD'• ~ la M .. jMilt. TM 11.,a.. wtUt. UMlr' a aa1...,11111ea--'-d........_ to ~ elllldnn. Jl••lo. DPWI - Tb Pll)'Wl'lctlb )Vorltohop, """"-• U.. 'catn~ ot 116> -Iii!'" -Ill i-"Jh-•-ly .---loeal llteatrlcal •ertllod producto to America'• ,.,. --Yloltlq --orsanlsatlon, -an.nounced Sunday hJgb~r atand&f'd 0t llYt:n.I'. and frtdda. e'f'enlllC' that their ft.rat produc· ''MOl'e than t.000 wper m.uluiU ----- tloft, "The Dnmk&nl, or The Fal· In tlle Uhlted St&tff, Canad& &ad -Poopio .. -tlle WUt ~ ;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ten 8&"'1." wilt open at tll• Mexico In t.akla6 part ID <Mi---------~ Bamboo Room tn Balboa.. Th.e "Harvlllt ot Natlonat Bnnda.'" I "II ________ _ tlnrt performance ta IChtduled to aid Richard. •"nt•7 will future It , Pio• J,,~ttMoliO#I ;.::: • .:.::~· around Ill• ttnt of :"~ti !,.-:;.:: ::!.!:!"•!:: Get 1'llltt S• ...... I 'l'bla aonouncemmt wu made W.tton to tho uniformly hfP THE BOYVEY TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) at th• preumJAary cutln&" m .. t. ~Wld&nlo ot quality t11at han HARPOON GUN c-cert Plaall& •f nne 0..U..tm lnl' at the home of M.ra. Ruby Helpfid make America the belt fed Grsdua&e Studea& bf Bela ll&rMk Ste•llUOft. 215 }(.a.rl.aold a•enue, nation In the world." Con:>na del Kar. Furtber tryout.I The "Jlarveet ot Nat I o n a. I 436 Simi Driv• Harbor 1171.J Mil he held at thl• locatt~n on Brands" will he featured at ltleh- TueMlay •ventn.c" Of uu. week. •rd'• thru the month Of October. CoroRa Highla .. -Coro•ac·del Mar The cut wtU 111 .. ro Into ..,. Moro thao.175 fam .... food....., ... PSOVEN ••• AOOtJMTI: .• ~. llUllE , at your deelen or call Bartlor ltJ• __., SJ1ci1i!. 250 U1llrr IRY1l1p11 WI .. ,_ ....... _ ................. $2.JO • ILUI SAILS STATIONERS ' . ' • ·D~to~ ~Optometry Mlollllcel ..... ,...., of his profeuionel officts I • for tM prKtice of · Opt-try in ... its .br-'-s r ~ .; ' . -·lt- 204 COAST BOULEY ARD (GAil.a-amLDDIG) CORONA DEL MAR C~UJ:ORNIA e Prectice t.mitecl ~ eurnin.tion, enelysis end · rehebitttation of the Visual Functions ViMal Tra1a1a1 for tile C.f'Ndlt9 '91 Dtfen&. ·' M'l!I ......,.... """" J:y ............ tM N ... . Children's arid 6-reJ Practice ' BY APPOINTMENT Harbor 1780 Office Hours: 9 to 5 Deily ' ' • f,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hea.rsal. advertLled ln McCall'• Ma(&Slne, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: AJI pertona Lntere1t~ in a cllf-Will be featurfd ln the evtnt. r ferent type ot UtUe ThHn are "--------------------' ~"f~~ch~-:1111 toLl~~ndp.:; ~~ Here From Japan, N•ttllAL SWEATEI ' ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT THE E.."iTllAN<lJ: TO LIDO ISLI:) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -9:30 A.M. -11 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -9:30 A. M. e THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION -I 0:00 A. M. HIPS reclucecl In size An Amazing New Way In Your Own Home ••O DllTI • •O·WllellT•LOll ••OYlllAnOll ••OMIAT ---- " ~ ' ' . \ lllWI Marie •r1te lo<iy' , McDonald •IP you Wtnt a prettier 8fure-do u ma.oy famoua movie at.an do. MA.Ill MctoNALa 0 Tbe Bod.y" aaya: ••No wonder your l!Aolaxaclzor hu taken Hollywood by etonn-lt'a the eaal .. t WllY I know o! to rtt &J>d '.keep a pr<ttier s,ur.." nt1 aUAUazom: actually U1.b.ten1 1n ex· ceu lncbea !..Om hlpe, walet, "thi(ha ud abdomen (moat parta o! the body~ •.• · almo1t like MAGIC! Doti It while ypu rut. No dort. You RELAX-It RE- DUCES aize of blp1, waiat, thlrh• aad tummy! Many women actually SLEEP- wbile the Relu.acizor trima, tones a.a.d reduces. Reduce Size of HlpJ, Tummy, Thi8h.r, WaiJt, etc., While You Relax-Even Sleep/ neHTtNS. ftlMI ..• really makes theee 11.ttu tighter. trim1n4r and, thua often belpa you look yean youncer! Doea Nor cause MCl'inf lilre aevere dieta may. Now-AT LAST-an eaeier. JDOre pleuant way to arm, tighten aad trim th ... llurt areaa WHILE YOU UST AT BOllJ:I nA111a by naUonaJ mapzinu lik• voeua. .... .._ ...... °"' OLAMoua. Recommended by fa- moua beauty ed.lton ln Amer- tc.a'a larJut newspapers. F'ta- tured on N•twork Jtadlo and Televt$on. One of. America'• moat. famouafuhiOn marulnu • •YI :"WOfMHr/Ml ... \Oo\ittle c:noa~ Cut:N flllCA8a toA.Ue: JfO'U n:m/• MIAlTMfUL-IAll ... uu. ii th• EASY, quJclc:er, EJTORn.&SS way. No clrup. no diet. ao 1teat. no ribration. CO.NVEND:NT- u.. at home ln 1pan Ume ! ~ due. m. UU. ...nNe 1A.N way. We show YoU_.liO ._ lnche1 AT HOM& ••• AT NO COllT ... NO OBLIQA TION.,, NO IDCBAIUlASS>aNTI , . --A1131•111 Llmltecl offetl • Telephone today fora 1. PUlll19Jllfllllr•-··-......... 2. nnt1,... .,..._ 3 ............... , ..... $5.00). r - - -.REE-MAIL TODAY -• - -, •£I AX -~Olt. °"Jll. JS I I I ....... Plfdi ,._ I '-·• a..dr,. C.HI. .... "J"' 0 I -W m.. n.a. ~ trM-.-t .,._ ?W' le'7 cw•k•h I ......._.... diet ........ it-' ............. 0 .,._ .-11 nu Pk-. ....._. dt.lt _. .._ .. •IDUICS llZB OP HlPI. ... ... 1.... ... 1t"1 ,.._ ..... 111i -"-'-........ . • I . . , c.,., ____ _ Harbor 1211-J. t S k t II Members ol Ille temporary 0 pea a •••••• M-29 "UIOll 1£T1Ift IN A HWEATEA. bo•rd of directors .... u rouow" La gun a Church Frank Sh&nka. buaineu man- •l'er; Lillian Ridenour Fox. Dra- matic director; Wally o.rhardt, Nut> Sund&y, Sept. 30th, at the Publle rel&Uonl; Ruby Stevenaon, 1:30 p , m. •ervlee at The Uttle Treuurer; Dorothy Jo Swan.on. Church by the Bea, comer of Le- 0&11.ce director; Stanton R. Fox. gion and Th.rough It.reel.a, i....,una ~cal director; I.yd.I Butter-Bea.ch, Rev. Lee Shelley, returned more, SceDJc cleCPY, . .. m.~onary ftom J•pan will be the On. Friday ntfht. Sept. 28, at cuut speaker. 1':30 audJUon wUl ~n at th• Rev. Lee Shelley, .upervilor of Bamboo Room for th• OHo act.. the Miuk>n.vy Df:putment of the Needed are · atn,.r.. dancers. American Soul Clinic, wm be in muatclana "'•~ty acu and ln charl'• ot the Rrvk:e. He will parttcula; demand will be a bar-Mow moUon picture• of "Htro- benhop qu'-rtet A.JI 1ho• inter-1hima" after th• bombing, tncJucf.. rated abould be there at the time inl' Atom.le Bomb Rulnl. vtettma mentioned. The p 1aywr1 1 ht• ot war, mlulonariea In action, allo workabop wtll provide material bltUe field,. Of Okinawa. IUltable for the period tl U!.e act.I Rev. 8hellf'y hu ,Jult rece.nUy do not have the tr own. retumM trora. Mexico where a new mi.tonary work hu been 1t.art41d. Plana are 11.lllO underway to eetab- F.A C Brl.dge Sect 1ah a work m South AJn•rtca. · • • • Rev. Sh•U.y Is a m ... tonary· The Coat.a Mma Frida)' ..A.ft.er- noon club wtll 'have It'• month1y Brld1e party Friday, Sept. 28. It wlll be at U :30 in the club bouae. Caltuta, party and proiJHMIV@' bridge will be played. New rules will be voled upon. All membton ple&M come and take pa.rt In the v0Un1. ReMrvatlon11 are t'o bf' made with M.ra. Chu. McAlary at Bea- con ~700-W. minded mlln who pve up b.t.t pu- torate to 10 out by fa.Ith to the m.t.uton field With his family. Tou wtll want to heu tbta mlpty little man ot God. JOIN ('()STA MUA ()BUR()R New members into the Co.ta Meaa Community Met bod t 1 t church recenUy tnclud~ Mr. and Mts. \V llltam Tta.ey Huvey of lMl Oranp avenue, and Mra. Rose Price ot 1.831 Maple avenue. STROOT'S Two Na111es ..•• it •if/ /'If "1't to IUIUINr Honestly manufactured and truthfully sold. FINE OLD COLONY PAINTS linked with DEALER. SERVICE, assures your paintinJ: satisfaction. LET ua !l&OOllOIEND 'A REUA&LE PAINTER Moving to New . Location ' " -• COME IN FOR FREE REMNANTS!· • • ~' INLAIP UNOUllM lalhrOom .... Roll Ends $1.ot sq. ycl. Regular Rolled 6oods •••. sq. yd. $1.•t Special Patterns • • • ••• ~ sq. yd. 2.ot Asphelt Tile _. •••••••• 5i# per squere . • • Roll Ends, C..liwool ••••••• sq. yd. l.'5 Window Sh.cle1 •••••• Ve~ llind1 • I We Cerry CATALINA '-HELEN. HA PER ELLSON -DON MOOR V. E. KOEPSEL, 0. D. OPTOMETRIST ANNOUNCES THE MOVING OF HIS OFFICES TO 3016 NEWPORT BLVD. HOURS : 9:30 TO 12:30 -1:30 TO 5:30 SAT. 9 :30 TO 12 :30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT TEl>EPBONE RABBO& %611 ,_ .... O<lLUf noNTOEAl.RTM~T~! High Qualify Prinfin.g-P.h. Har. 1616 _____ ... _ .. _Ra_ ... _ .. _1" ____ ___. High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 161'6 • • ' 2,000 RE ARD The Douglas Aircraft Company will pay a reward of $2,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons unlawfully entering the ,premises of two employes of the Long· Beach · plant of ' ' this company and feloniously attacking them with intent to do great bodily harm on . the night of September 21, 1951. Reports filed by the victims with the Sheriff's sub-station. at Norwalk give the scene of one as~ault as 5'354 Harvey Way, Lakewood Village, and the other assault at 9295 Lochinvar Drive, Rivera. Both crimes were apparently committed in an attempt to intimidate and terrorize other em• pl~yes and to prevent them from e~ercisbig th~ir right _to work on vitally neede4. ~il~tary equipment for the United States Gove~ent. ' Any~ne poaeuing evidence necessary to the ~ett and conviction of the criminal or crimi• nala responsible for these outrages should c'ommunicate with the Distri4tt Attorney 'or Sheriff of Loa Aiigeles County, .or with the .clief of ~lant Pl'~teciion ·at Douglas Aircraft Gympaay, Long ~aeh, or D~ct~r .of lnve.sti• ~-ti~n, Douglas '1onie 9mee, San~ Monica, .califomia. . · · I • I ; I • .. • .. ., • • 'L •tt• . ' . . ... . .. ..... --------;-, --·----All T ype1 of C..rpeti"t . • ,_ • .r . • • ~-. I. -· , 1 ' • • I I J 1 l • , ( • ·. ·o·~s ARE ~OUP DA'tS se~ol " i • itVl'IJI. 1olltO .. ~ .. 10c 1Al.I. CAM·····'• .I · • ll$-IESSE1l~ i\\ SlllDWltlES-SlLll ···' FllSH DllSSID-CU1°UP IOASTIN6 RAB B ITS w,.:~TE~ U.STllN GIAIN ND-PICNIC STYLI PORK ROAST !::.~!:· LEAN-llST CUTS PO.RK STEAKS COUNTIT'STTLE-PUIE-01r ow• faMHt Moke PORK SAUSAGE OSCAI MATll-IASTEIN-1·LI. CELLO PllG. SLICED BACON , 39~ 391 59l 49~ 49~ Direct from th 1-n Swordfish Steaks 59f Lt. l'ryl•t alle 69f. • SHRIMP LAIGI FANCY, NOITH~IN 110.C:HIElllD. BANANA APPLES lbs. Russets -U. S. No. 1 Large Smooth SPUD.S 10 lbs39c . -. • • • ~NlWS ... ·HST ~ FOODS "Rt4L" MAYONNAISE '].~ 39c . TUNA SALE! -. -··. Star Kist ~ Tund - ' Star-Kist Gr. Loltel ekakatyle 26C No. 1/1 Pl. co• · Star-Kist 11· L•1 hi" Pock 29C No.-1/1 fl. co• NIBLEI~ . WHOLE IClltNEl COltN 1Z... ••• ' '' ..Yii•~ J g~ Sept. 27, 21, 29 ' :"rr ' 2·Layer Chocolat. ' PICAH CAKE 89c ... C.,. $UJ ooJ 4Jc ... ~~.~~-~mps ~ , . • PUii YMnAIU SHO,nNIN6 -SALE!· I . . ~ 9-olHJ-1:.ii.. "•· 75~ --BUTTER IGOLDEN STATE GOLDIN STATE I Cottage . EvQporated ,: I CHEESE MILK ' I ;~~~ 23c 2 ::~·25c . ~4uw I KIAFrs CASINO ! 25c FRENCH .... 34c DRESSING · 16c " ' c r 2~~:.25c . PUU GUNULATO·SO•P_, •• . Lor....... Glod .WHITl KING 27~ 55c -.. . ILUHIU COl.OllD-1·LI. PllG. MARGARINE ' SIALnST JUIC:I OF .1000 SHln llOLt . - -DINlllSON'S FAMOUS > • ' · WESSON ·· OIL , For SoltMll' .... PIMe..111 .. CjlUAIT 57c Pll!fT' 29c C&,H PUii CAHI ' ~ -Rath's Pure LUNCHEON MEAT · ·~-39c BLUHILL PICKLES Whole Dills MARSHMALiows2for19c TANGERINE 2 NoJ1 CAllt . . • PORK &·BEANS 2 ::!.19~ .. BUY ·. FAIO.US · BRllDSl -~i : ~ \ N E S & l 1 Q u O R S ~~- UNDER s~oo -SALE! •a-AJwoyt 0 fo-lte la Loock• .591. ':·: PINI AITS . . : $4tft iicED LUICHEOll IEAT · · Gl'N :.g:::::~=:H ... -............... :£ OUft.P1iiiUTO~ur· t~; l~c OiD"iRONtE . """ '2" ,' SWIFT'S PlllMIUM 51~, • K S I '°a ... R""A'-'C· .. N· CALia'°.¥"'. . ' --, .. ~ -.-·.z--~ c'Hiii>o ' FRA·N . -.• .,. ' ~-·~ « . CHIU: . 111tro1tt8 DANISH 59• , '· • • . ' • . • '· . . . '43• -. . ~~!.d~!tE~.............. ·iioci1tiGCHAIR ·.'J19 I • ... • • . . . . -. . . ' .... ' . ' • Fr ozen Foods ' Ll_llY'S . ORANGE JUICE 6-0Z. CAN . 'IC'i'sWUT PEAS .-_~.· . .. I • ' . • • ' • ' ' ·. • • • • • " . ' . ' ---~.:, . WHEN-YOU-WANl TO BUY. saL -EMPLOY. RENT,' OR TRADE • PHONE ·HAR 1616 PAO:& t n:a::r. ti, 1111 rutWrtl&T llA'I' ~ AND llBQPPDIG NZW11 • CiASSIFIE.D . . The Miglify Midget)aAdvutl.ulq NEWS-~~ Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wedhesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS-Thursdays .Ntwpiad ~ P•t. Cl..aJ.'led Adi: mmt nm t. UM ~7 N_..nm.. dr -'nlondaJ ..... >rumnlM AD 18 • LINEii All ars•fted .u llRIH .be pUd ror CMll ta .. ....,. ol poNt-tl-. 4 Un.. 1 Paper •• 15 ' u.... ' Papen 1.50 4 Lilles S Papen %.00 11!.e-pubU.ben will not be raponaible for more than one ltlCOrTect in.aertlon Of an advert.1.lemcnt, reaen-e Use rtgbt to correctJy cluaify any uid all ada and .to rejKl a.ay &dnrti9ement not conforminc to rule• and re(Ulatiom:. Advetf,laementa a.nd ea.ncellatlon1 will bei accepted up lo 6 P..11'\· on the day precedln&' publication. Except deadline for NeW3 -Tim.es 19 11 a. m. Monday• Pb.one ear. 191& u.k tor "'Ad Tak_.. or ltfDd ad and readttaaae to NEWPORT e.up!QB PUBLISHING 00. 1%11 Balbo9 Blvd .. New)Mtrt l9•clt, Olllfonla. 1~~~~~~~~~ lZ:-Bulldlng &rvlce8 EXPERIENCED CARPE'l'ERs Want. Work by Hour or Job. Call Harbor llM-M 71ttc PAPER HANGING COIO'Llrrll BOUBll CLLUm1G • & Painting, Spray ~ainting -.,.. ll'llnUtuN u11 ..,.. K th Q e1>ampoooc1. ..... eettmo•• . enne uarry runy lmur9d.. 11515 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Me• Phone Beacon M04 Al's House & Rug .. c0rn Cle&lling Co. 514. 29th St. Newport Beach Beacon 8111 T2tf'c For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free ·estimates Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches C!:ristm ... Lay Away Plan 'VALLACE CALDERHEAD 817 Cout Hiv1ay, Corona del Mar 7ot!c VACUUM CLEAXERS Electrolux a.nd others, $8.95 up. 100 to choose frdm. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S . Main St., Sant.a Ana. Klmberly 3-2968 70t!c PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer st., co.ta - BM. M8T·M - AlcoholiC8 ADonymoua Write P. 0 . Box 2M 11&1-Llland. CllU. Phone Kimberly l..$!N 22-Lost arid Found LOST near Sapphire and Balboa Ave. .&ehool bWI •lop, Balboa Island. Horn Rim GIUSt>S wtth t ip of one bow broken off. R~ ward. Call Harbor 2763. 76p78 LOST-Lady'11 wrilllt watch Sept. 15>. Lido llle or Bay Club. Lib- er&l reward. Har. 0322-W. 77p79 DON'T DELAY, CALL roDAY ID ' 91j, JPN •szea• I l'rOU flstu1oo, pru. ..... wall .._ · -..uro. ·mJec. All .,..,. ~· llhelva. Bupla. Coll I ownW, Beacon tMQ, Ntto CBII.1>'8 ZLllCTIUC JEEP. 8 .oil b&ltery chorgu IUlll l>atlAlry. o~. coot S1711. Now '50'. ~­ HarbOr 2314 ... w. T9p'71 TWO NEW Hollywood bed trim .. $15. Carpet I ' x s·, .. , $1. Built· in ironinl' boa.rd fG. Over.head ru•l"e hincea. $5. P'Lone iam. berly 2-293!1. 78p71 CERAllIC KILN -10 cubtc tt., S"ood cond. !Arce metal hood. · Shelvu • .t.UU. S&Crtllce $175. Hubor 299G-J. 78p78 PIANO, Upri&"ht. l:lO. Corona portab19 lypfwrlter 14-0. Bed- couc:h 117.50, 1327 W. Bay Ave .• Newport Bch. Phone da)'ll Hu. 22M (Alter 5. Har.19M-J) 76p71 Complete lru:t&llatlon, ~pair and •e"lce of all trailer equ~ment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Colt& J.feA., Phone Beacon 822-f-R FOR SALE -Fine ptano--Story Ir Clark, $100. Servel rerrtg-., IM 212 Cabrillo St.. eq.ta Mu.a. 77p79 WA~-uT DESK 33" JC GO'", &lau top, 3 chain.. Phone evening•. Harbor 1238-W or ffe &t 51~ E. Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Bal.boa. 77c71 SIDEW ALIC EIKE. with rlf'mov· able 1ta.rter wbttla. aaddle bags, gun. etc., prac. new. Acme cow- boy boot.I, 11 1 ~. near new. 30" rollaway bed It pad, Foot lock· er 30" x 14" dttp. 703 Golden- rod. Ave .. Corona def Mar. 77p78· Refrigerators KELVINATOR refriger.tor, S cu. tt. E=tcellent running order. completely overhaultd. $87.M COLDSPOT 8 cu. tt . left hand door. Perftct condition .. So'iV .9~ CROSLEY Shelvador. completely over haultd, 5 cu. ft_ ··--··-$75.00 SERVEL, apt. slu, i cu. ft. Per- tec.t condjtion. Very cllf'an lhru out -·-···-······························•ss.~ Washing Machines EASY WASHER, dt-luxe, with over~iud 'Wl"ingt>r a.ntl pump. Good tor Iota of •ervtce •.. $49.50 EASY standard "·ringt>r wuher in good rwuling order •... $26.00 J.tany a big deal ha~ bttn made hru a snall Want Ad ... for an ad ln the Uve.Jy Cl.ua1· APEX washer ··-···-............. $20.00 tied aec:Uon of the BIG TBREE- _12-_?_B_ulld.in __ ·_,.g,_Se_rv_lces ____ ~, Nnn.nm ... Pool Shoppln&' Nm FISHER ond lh• Prea• Drafting Service 916 Coe.st Highway, Harbor 2.--t3 Corona del )ita.r OVER 21 ,:IOO CIRCUL.A TION 18 THE ANSWER! 72lfc 28-Situatlon• Wanted ~~~~~~~~~~~~- Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2.(0i 52Uc B & Y House Movers AND General Contractors ~O Fir!!lt St., Tustin Calif. Phone Klmberly 3-1885 I Home Phones JAs:per 9-2773 or JA.3~r 9-2687) i3c86 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Sf:rvice Malnt&ined Phone: Harbor 1418--W 2801 Ba.lboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wl..se people do read the ad& INTERIOR -EXTl:RIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURJ:I> Glenn Johnston llOl·Slet St. Newport 8-cl> • Barl>or Z29'7.J 3KU DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone B8con &40&-W 17tfc REMODEL and REPAIR Residence or Commercial R. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. EXPERIENCED book.keeper-ac- countant. can handle several more account.a. Call Mr. Me.a .. mer, Har. 0634-R. 75p80 COST ACCOIJl\,-ANT-bookkeep- er-typtl!!lt ex~rienced ln K~er.J office routine. 5-day week. C&U 1-tisa Cocbra.n. Harbor 3079-J. 77p79 YOUNG WOMAN will baby 1lt any day or nlghl or wlll look aner invalid lady. Ph. Harbor 2140-R. 77p79 PART TIME TYPING e.nd book· keeping i n my home. Phonf" Bea.con 8753-\'"· 77c79 29--H•lp WaaW EXPERIENCED tyll charge book· keepe.r-.secretary. Write exput- ie.nce and detaJls to• Box "G" tht.s paper. 73ttc Experienced real estate brok- er to work in an estab- lished office. Write Box H, thiB paper. 7Jc78 COOK and light bouHwork. Bendix. Muat be young and like chlldren. (2 boys. 4 a.nd t •yrs.) Live in or out. Phone Barbor 06M·R. 16c11 Kenmore wuhing mach _ ... $17.50 ROTARY -·-···························$1~.00 Easy Terms to Suit! STROOTS TeWinkle Hdwe 1802 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa Phone Beacon ~222 77c79 O'KEEFE & MERRITT RANGE-- that 1951 deluxe C. P. all auto- ma.tlc range with lamp, atalnle.a1 atef'I g'rlddle and U\at chrome KTlll broiler . Full sl%e oven and 11lmme.r burner11. Ba.lance due on my cont.rut I• $1 39.SS . My equity f~e if you take payrnenll ot S1 .48 per mo. Used It only 3 monthtl. See )fr. Baughn, 404 So. Spadra. Fullerton. 9 L m. to 8 p. m .or phone 2162. 74Uc KENMORE DelWle a"..on. &rlll. wailt hlgh broiler, large oven with v.'indow. light, clock and tlfner. Good cond!Uon and price. Pbone Ha.rbor Ma-W. 77c79 THOR automatic Ol&dlron, prac- tically new. 169. 113 • 28th St.. Newport Beach. Phone H1trbo?' 0&39-R. 77p79 ~1-Waat.ed to Bnz WANT TO !!UY -8ldl good condlfton. Phone 1020-W f!Yf'nlnp.. USED NI' In Harbor T.(ttc • Ga.ttera IE Sailli!r nng-e -.. .$Mi.SO Cold.spot · rt:trigerator --.. SD.60 Dlnel:.O .. l. uble It 4 c:bairo Ul.SO Knee Bole duk -······--.. $20.00 Untveraal w~. UJJ:• nnr f.61.:liO 1 . : ' • WANT AD will cost ·you I I . . only SJ and it will run • In all 3 local papers. A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Pho••~ 1616 Ne.rport-Balboa Newa-'l'lmea -Newport-Balboa Pl'ell8 Newport Bay Pon (Shopping Nnn) S2-Honsehold Goocb ' JOHNSON Outboard Motors ·w~ TO rent double carace. vt- clntty or 17th St., Newport I jl<ach. Apt. 7, 1703 W, 11&1- • Blvd. · 70p77 T\fO WORKING &cl.ult.a, no chil- dren. no peta, de•lre winter 1 bedroom f'Umiahed ap&rtment "1th garage, vicinity Corona ck:l Har. Box 353, J'\lilerton. 7Sp78 4lf:-Apartments and Ho.- LIDO ISLE Sparkling 1 or 2 bedroom fumillh· td apartme.nts. One bedrOOm ftwln beda) 175 mo. 2 bedrooms 1100 mo. All utilJUei paid. Pri- vate p.n.gea. P .A. PALMER Want to Move?, We.have an excellent Mlectlon Apt. and houaa Fumlabed and unfurnlahed'. Winter or yearly Call me tOday :.. Ed L. Sedelmeier .Realtor 1~23 Cout Hlgbway Corona del Mar Ph. Bar. 27M 74<78 BALBOA ISLA1''D Fum.. 3 bdrm. New. Year leue or winter rent- al Reasonable lo right party. Cell L. A. OL. 1088. 173p78H WINTER RENTAL ~ 1 bdrm. tu..rn. apt., Newport laland. $50 mo., utll pd. No pet&. Phone Harbor Jil 7 -J. 7Stfc BALI;30A ISLAND We have apartments and houaea- AvaJlabl• for winter aeuon or yearly lcue. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR BEND.IX WASHER the 1951 de· luxa automaUc with the agt.ta· tor and the water saver. You don't h&v• to bolt It down. U.ed only 2 mon~ and not a scratch on It.· Bala.nee due ta $188.38. Pay me cuh oe take payment& ot 111 .99 per mo. St'e Mr. Baugtln. 404. So. Spadra., Fullt>r· ton. 9 a. m.. .. 8 p. m. or phone 2152. 74l!c The only factory -approved Sale11 and 8ervt.ce StaUon ln the New- port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. INCOR.POR.ATED Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 59tfc TWO tfAPLE BED DIVANS - almoat new, ma.ke otter. 11509 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 2&49-M. 73c77 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. tL (ood condition. lnaurt'd. 1160. h:l2 gn.y (!'een rug and pad 137.50. 719 Poiil.ettia. Ave .. Coron.a deJ Mar. Har. 082'9·R 78c78 BED DAVENPORT, excellent condition 3281..ii Onyx, Balboa lal&nd. 78ci8 CUSTOM BUILT l·pteee aectlon· al, chartreuae plutic and peb- blewe.ave, UKE 1'~. $26!5 vaJ. St"ll $60. Harbor lMJ·W. 78ci8 MODERN blonde tlnlah dinette set. oblonr table, 4 c.hain, up- holstered seat.I. $50. 1004 \\'. Oceaa. Fi-ont, Newport Beach . 7Sp78 FRIGIDAIRE, Tappan ranee. ma- hogany bedrm. dining a.nd Uv· Inc rm., turn., like new. Bar- pin prices. 121 Orchid, Corona del Mar, after 4 p. m . 76p78 Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade l~ Weal Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502-R 7-tci~H DEARBORN HJCA TER. $2:1. 2 chrome bar atooi.. ... 18.M each. End tables, mlrror, lampa. mi&c:. item.. Phone Harbor OOlt-Af. 77c79 PERFECT tor amall rental or beach cotta.re. -4 burner apt. .alze cu range, oven control Breaktut table and • cbairt, one twin bed and chili. Harbor 0187-M. i7c79 WlCKER dinette set. table, five cha.lra. end table, wrltlng duk. Hieb oven gu •love. All rea- aonable. Harbor 2289-R. 77p79 COMPLETE FUrnL.shlnga of ~ rm. bunga.low ln one•lot. 606 Avo- cado Ave., Corona del Mar. Pb. Harbor 1431 -MK. 77c79 ••• Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals .See John Harvey at Seacraft U:I COAST mGBWAY NICWPORT llllACB PB. BEA.CON &m Htfc WANT M.OORING tor 20 ft. power pleuure boat. Eddlut.oa, 1068 Alchl.aon, Paaadena.. 77p78 ---%0 PT. CAJUN BOAT, ff Plym . motor. $400. Am. Le(iOJl dock. l~th St., Balboa. See Cbu. Par. 77p71 Newport Blvd. llt 23rd St. 33~3 Via. Lido Harbor 1500 Balboa. lala.nd Harbor 2800 03lfc 11 FT. CHRIS CRAFI' lp«d boat, Chrya. Ace. A-1 mech. cond. $1•50 Free alip rental tor boat.a offered for aale up to 28 ft. Wla.a.rd A Rowboat.a for Rent Ken Scott'• Mobil Marine Dock Next to Ferry Land.inc, ~boa Harbor 2720 59ttc SEA BOOKS A fine atock or book• on alt yacht- lnl" aubJecta-plua &11 current booka. Lending library. The Islanders 214 Marine. Balboa I.a. Har. 1M7 Walt's Tradini Post USED MARINE GEAR Nautical Decoratlon.a-Uaed Net WE BUY SCRAP METALS NEAR lCE HOUSZ ON 30th Ph. Harbor 2470, Nev.-port Beach OPEN SUNDAYS 71c72H Newport Beach, Call!. . 3 RM. FURN. APT. \\"ater paid. , Newport Bea.ch. For informa- tion phone KI 3-2070 after ~- '. i8p78 RENTALS 1-2-3 bdrm. houses Winter & Year Round PAUL c: JONES Rental Agency 2307 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2313 Balboa Island i4lfc w~ have aever•l attractive aptii. and hou3U tor winter renta.I starting at $45 mo. a.nd a few yearly rentala ata.rtlng at $6:i. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 306 Marine, Balboa lsl Har. 502 69ttc FI.SBING BOAT, 24 n .. 3 to!\I mackerel. Gray g.IT, leaa than "Wl~l-N_T_E_R-·RE--N-IT_A_LS __ P_E_NlN __ '· 100 hra. Owner leaving. Will rl• 1 SULA. Furn. 2 bdrm. apt.a., aac ••Ce or rade for lot or pick-,xean front. Retrlg. Reasonable up truck. Call Beacon 5216-J to June l!ilh. UtU. lnclu. Ph. alter 7 p, m . ilc79 Harbor 1270-W. &ltfc is· SAILBOAT, needs new canvas deck. PTice $125. Ph. Harbor 143&-W. i6c78 HAMMOND all et~trlc chord or- p.n.. You can play ln ten mln· RENTAL r SPECIALISTS ~-cnis Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bolboa Lllan4. Bu. :ZOU UdH SEASIDE APl'S, bicely furnished, l b; ., uliliUes included. Yearly ra.tu. 1628 W. Ocean Fr., New- port Beach. Harbor 2395. 72p84 BALBOA PENINSULA-3 bdrm. tum. house. 2 bath& W inter rental. $125 mo. Write F ern Whitt>, 137 Mesquite, Pa 1 m Spring• or Ph. Palm Spring• 654.4. 77p82 UNFUR.,.,_... 3 bdrm. house, $55 mo. lnq. 215 -28th St., Newport Bch.' 77p78 YEARLY UNFUR..V. l bdrm. apt. \Vith gar., floor furnace, \Valer aoflencr. Near Beach, $80 nio. 1000 \V. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 or Harbor 890-M. 6olttc BALBOA PE'?l."INSULA OCEAN VIEW, furn. apt. suitable for couple. Winter, $.55 mo. Yearly S65. Utilities and garage inc Harbor 2001-J. 6-ltlc FURN. 2 bedroom apt., up.stain. AlN> 2 -"tore bldp. tor rent at 419 E . Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa.. 75p77 SMALL HOUSE, $40 mo-2179 Ha.rbor Blvd., Costa Mesa.. See between 9 & 11 a.m . 7~77 T\VO BEDROOM stucco hou.e. fenced ya.rd, garage, yearly. 108 31at St., "Newport Beach. 77c79 LARGE Studio Apt., partly fum- lahed. Private entrance. Phone Beacon 6488-J. 76c78 Ulf'11. Hammond Great Spinet h,ll.AGNIFICENT VIE\\r. Bay front Organ. Term.a. Come in and Pler-floa.t. 2 bedroon1 tumlahed --~---------­ play. DANZ -SCHMIDT BIG . apt. Winter ttnlal Oct. lat. SINGLE and double apU. Abo PIANO AND ORGAN CO., ~20 l llOO monthly. 301 Edgewater. trailer apace, $16 per mo. Win- No, Main, Santa Ana. Ba.Ibo&. 78p78 ler1 rates under new manage· ment. Anderaon Motel, corner ot Lake and Atlanta, HunUng· ton Be&eh. Lexington 8-3160. MAGNlFIClC?\"'T Electric Organ. Repo.sseu~. Blc aavings. A bar~aln ot a lltetlme. Tt'rms. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. Main, cor. 8th, Santa Ana. SLIGHTLY usmo Splpet Piano. Na~lonally kno~'n make in per- fN'l condltlort. Terms. 147.50 down and $17.02 per. mo . .at ShaJer·a Mu•le (Since 1907), 421 N. Sycamore, Sant.a A.n&. Kim- berly 2·0872. :S9ttc TRADE your old piano on Electri~ Orran. Pia.no or Teleriaion. Big.: ge.at cuh allowance. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 N . Maln, Santa Ana. STUDENTS elide trombone, . $60. 31 t Coral, Balboa !&- land. 77c79 GREAT SALE ot Summer return- ed Spinet p1anoa. Save from. $100 to $200. Like new. Full ruarantee. Rental te.nna. DAl\"'"Z- SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. 520 N. Main, cor. 8th, S&nt.a Ana. Rl:NT .A. a.ARINEI', trwnpet or othe-r band l.natrument for $5 a month. Rental applle. on fUturt pwcloue at SilAn:R'S MUSIC CO. {8Jnce 190'7), •21 No. Syca- more, 8&n1& Ana. KL 2-<le7%. FURN. A.P'r. New 2 rms. and bath. Utilities pd. Strictly pri· vale. Ga.rage optional. 721 Poppy Ave., Coron& de! Mar. 76c78 Amazing ! FCRN. APT .. Ne\\'JK)rt Beach. J.fy ~•t aummer rental-due to Ill· ncu -gou on ye.ar's ltase. 2 bdrm.A., 'gar. &: util. incl., Ss:> mo. or $75 on 9 mo. leue. Call Bea- con 6467-M:. 73tlc WWTER RA TES. 3 rm. furn. apt.a On Collina lal&nd. Each. apt. hU w&ter 1rontage, ALSO PenthoWle on leue. '\\'est e.Dd Park Ave.., Balboa. laland. Pb. Harbor 2962-W. 76tfc BALBOA ISLAND-Very attrac· live 2 bdrm., plua garage. Avail- able Oct. 1 to June 1. $65 per ino. Key at 205 DUUI)ond A ve. 78p78 NICE 3 ,room turntshcd apt., ye&r- ly, utilities, adulta:. 3Q:i 3.(th St .. Newport Beach. 75p77 LIDO ISLE-AttracUvely to.~· ed 2 bdrm. home. TV -Close to bay, large patio. Ph. A.Xmlnater 3·2315. 76p78 THREE BEDROOM. l"um. House. t..rc"e fenced in back yard. Cloee to 9Cboot. Harbor 32•~. 7&ttc GRAND PIANOS. :Ill mokee. Ueed, TWO BDRM. Furn. B...,. and from Ut:i. Ten'IUI.. 8telnway, PI.ANO A1fD ORGAN CO., 520 • ~helOl" apt. Yearly. 111 E . ){uon A: Hantlln, J'\echu, Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 16p78 Knabe, Chlckerlnc and many F.UBNISHED extra clun. 3 and 4 othera. DANZ .. SCHMIDT, 52'0 room apt.a. Elec. retrfJ. uUI. No. Main, Ranta Ana. Rem.em-d., $.o and $"5 mo. to June bcr: corner tuL 1Jl. S01 l:aat Bay A-.e., Balboa. 7~p77 COSTA AfESA-New room with ba\)l and kitchenette. Private entrance. Retrig. $10 wk., util. pd. Phone Bea.con 6628, 7 a . m. to 6 p. m. 77p79 FURNISHED nice clean _large aleeping room. kltchenettt", f'rlg- idain!', bath. 11un poi-ch (2nd tlr.1 $4.~ mo. Phone Harbor 89\-W. 77tfc BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fireplace. good heat, $125 mo til June l:ith. ALSO 1 bdnn. bayfront. $75 mo. to June l~lh. Phone Har. 25-52 or Harbor 291<1-Af eves. 7itlc FURNISHED house,. Balboa. I• land. 3 bdrnu:., 2 be.tm, garage. Yearly • lea.w, l12S per mo. Owner at 213 Ruby, after OcL 1. 77p79 FURNISHED 1 and 2 bdrm. mod- ern apt.a. Winter ar\d yearly, $4.0 tb ~ m o. All util. pd. HJr. 0{99.'M. 77p79 YEARLY Balboa. Iala.nd, n·ea.r}y · new f\lrn. 1 bdfm. lower duplea.. ALSO Coro11a de.I Kar tumlahed •Incle apt. Pb. Har. 2927-W. 77c79 FURNISHED 2 rm. houae. Court tacilltl ... lnclUded. lle!rtgerator, . $35 mo. Adult.!&. Al.lo trailer space a vailable RltST BA VEN TRAILER PARK 17•1 Pomona, Co3ta Mesa Pb.one Beadm 174.7·J 7~Uc Leaving Town. • Betbor 2969-J. 11e11 WINTJCR RENTAL PJCNlN· 'PRACTICE pl"""-isl, In •X«l• SULA -Furniabed olngle epl., 27 FT. CUSTOM mahop.n.y c.1"1· lent playlnl' condltion, 11.25 per 1 FURN . .tudJo apt. t.ce. 11v. un June l:lth. $8 wet.k. Util. lier, twin Oray Phantoma, Ben· weeJc.. Ttnu. 2 yean oehan.g~ ?1-with. alcove. Hollywood tnct AduJta only. Phone Har- Quality Yewly · Furnished Rental$ BALBOA. PENINSULA. -UDob- iltnlcl<d bey Ylew, I bOdroo- s • J llllhe -·---·----'116 mo. BALBOA PENINSULA -N-t bedroom liome -·~---. .'!SUI mo. BALBOA BAY FRONT • ...., yacht dUbi _S bdnna.. ---120C} mo. LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm .. , 2 b&tha -····-·--·-·················-·-··· $200 mo.. Everett Morris and AaaDCiates 408 E. ll&lbo& Blvd., _ 11&1_ Bir-32&!> TWO or S rm. apt.a., partially ftlrnlahed, In Newport Beach. Very reeaonable yearly rent. Phone Harbor 1«2-W. 77p71 ....,-~~~~~~~~~~~-· FURNISHED Mod, 1 bdrm. Apt. ALSO 2 bdrm. upper a pt. Winter S.f5 mo .. utU. pd. or DeU... yrly. ALSO 4 bdrm. f'Urn home, po mo. winter "rental. lfra. Conrad, 312 Alvarado PL, Balboa. H. 24.H~J. 71c79 44-Rooms for Bent PDUIA.NENT weekly rental aleeping room. Private entrance. Garage, $10 per week. Blue Top Motel, 401 Newport Blvd., New· port Beach. &9tfe NICE ROOM.. kitchen priv., c-ar- age. Reuonable. 1512 Ocean Bl\.·d., Balboa. Harbor 0245-R. 77c79 • TRAILER SPACE ClO&l' to shopplng, oft the Hiway, $12 to $15 mo. CabrWo Court. 140 Cabrillo St., Costa Mea. A&tive. WE TRADE . FOR THE BEST! '37 PLY. Sedan ·········--···$ 14-5 '41 PONT, Club -·····-···--·$ 56~ '41 PLY. Club ···=··-··-··--·$ 59:'1 '47 PLY. Sedan ····-·······----l 995 '49 PLY. Suburban ---·----.. 11595 '51 PLY. Seda.nette ···-··········-11825 {Some new Dodge.a and Plymouth.I left at the old price). It coata nolhinr to inveaUgatel SHAVER MOTORS Y®_r Dad.Ke-Plymouth Dealer 1680 Newport Blvd., Costa Men Phone Beacon 8907 ST A TION WAGON -Ford. lat e '46, beautltuJ ah&pe. Only fam- ily u.ee. Extra.a. U you hav• been trying to find a clean one, you won't be dllappointed. Prl· vale party. 54.2 Fullerton Ave., Newport Beacb. 18lfc '41 FORD COUPIC--Rebuilt molor, new braket, equlpt for tnJ.le.r, truck clutch , 5.(00. Phone Kim- berly 2-29Sti. 7&p78 'fl BRITISH AUSTIN with 'tft motor, new rtnc-a. good rubber, good cond. Geta 25 • 30 milu to 1 pl. of &'&a. Ph. Be&. 6913-W T3cll7 51-Trallerw ~-~--~~~~~~~~ Trailer Storage well Protected EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and Sa.lea lKO Newport Blvd .. Coit& Me-., Beacon 5329-ll. 71c72B HOUSl!ITRAILER--48 U~y-, 27-ft., apt range, elec. re.frig., nPwly painted. Good condltlorL 902•w. Palmyra Ave., Orange. 75p71 31·FT. CURns Wright hoUH tralll!r, Cabana. New mildew proof awning. Fu.m.iahed. Bs.- cellt:nt loca.tion. kll or trade for equity tn ~-Phone Har. 2751, uk for Ruth HW. 77p7t LOANS For Homes 6'l(o-20 yr. '-'>.- CONSTRUCTION LOANS el l>-6\0'l(o (H yn.) WJC BU'I' ~ llllU.. TRUST DZSDll BU: BOB "UTILZR lia COAllT BI.VD. . Corono de~ Mar • Barbor 1077-1 Rep. POD\,tER RIORTOAG&. CO. _,.., U!o ID& l'lmdo l!J Wlll dbt <:00trolled. S.S. l'ldlo. Sllp ot tu.D purcboae prlce. DANZ-twin bods. ldtchea. A mp le bo U70.W · lltf No. 2. Ken NUea VDJa Marina, 8CBKIDT. 620 No. Katn. &anta ~ ahower bath. 1311 ·3rd _...:..__....:._. c LOA.Kl m BUJLI>. ~ G-Mcnl Building Co.n~ctor 53.8 Fullerton. ?Uwport Beach , WANTEO-R.ilablo girt, 17-%0, to baby alt 2 or 3 tbuu wukly tn late afternoon or even.In,-. WW bring mm~. 10< • ~ Sl. Newport B<adl. Tlefl Ill:• 11&1-Jalond Brlq>. Bir. AJIL ft.. Corona del Mar. Blrbor • u"""'""""' -2 bdnm, 'ale<p I . JIU'I', JloDllRlQJllt, Oil NEW bor 191:1 .. CRteMew 1-781,1. • 0829'11. • TleTI Bpe1clo\a enci.-d pe1tlo, ""1 1 llUUl'AKC9 CoagoleUm Jtuse __ . -~.lll, __ --:---...,,.,,..---T8e77_ ~.A ,r14NO ~ Giil! '6._~ ~IYE:T J'URNI8HED 2 bo4rm. home, Udo Ille.-~ ynrly_ "' ... ~ Diel?ll. l"ree Eltlmatet Beacon 577g...w 73pS7 Ma:ple ··-·-11 ~ •71.so' Aa•--tic "''~-mantll. NDl&l oppllr ... IUture . !tut. •uo l'tf mo. ?write B<pi l1Ull1'0"T' aa1ao4 ... ~ --• ....._ Luu,. ,......_.,at ~'8 JIU• e, ftrOplac• i-tto .yurly "S" lhle-. 7Bp81 U,VDJGI .. UM.Jf .t.URi A.pt. P. range .. Sii.SO PHO'l'O PIL0'1' 8lC CO. (-JIO'I) 4S1 No. . Or w!ater. 32S '°""" ... ._ ~·· • _,_ Udo -Bot ·- \ HAULING ANY KIND-Trash •• or. WAN"!: cmr tor {l).tQOt boot. All equlpld. 435 APle St.,, Llpna Be•rh Pllone.. 4-U2e. 'TlpTI Dale's Furniture . 11n --BIY<L Call Wal.ker-11::76 Pla-ntrie. JUNIOR. CUSTODIAN, On.nit ,.,_._ --..-. tut.J " -Clout COiie .... Bounr: l;JOp. .... -Cost& .Mesa-Beacoa 6372.JK 7 •• ~, '° ~L RalAI: suo.oo ~t-J'IVl:--PIJ::Cll---al"C---.--1a-,_- • ·-.. ~ -of lh'lllS --t..& ....... • 7 .... us WILL DO that work ~ ::r,:a:-.:-::-:.: c Miii-• ••P ••= wsnt dQae -Jldt of all p.m. l'Wwwwll-• -·.1--...---------tnuin ,,,,,..__ wadt. _. 80t lll'Pl1· .,..,. ,.... .. _ --~ • Ba--• ......_ __ .. mlY-•-Jiii: aiL IM 11' ;. "' - .,. -..... ---·~ 'l'O m.--"""li~-~ .. ~~~,.~~ ... =l~·:l:'~·~ .... ~ lilly job, ..._. _ -a.lor7 .... .,_ ;:a "'·7· . Win' Call BR.Jn ··-"51•W ~---''? - -lO J . • ' , "-1 -w. , Jrcn •™' ,.._.._fl E '* " • • • ~ .... i. 'AM. J<I•-1-d: · 71e71 LIDO --2 bdrm. !Um. 119!n• ·-~ , -Or1po1 eon. f!OO .1J a-oll71.· -5 1 _ pat» 'Ille! \,+q.-lllG mo, winter I~------,-,-..,-.,.., - $175' .. . a B1:DBK. Ullfln1tlollOd -. ... re ..... ~. yeutr n1:a P1L l ~~'lga.a;;~·~;1~1~te;w~·~~~iOiiiiL • !-----~--....... --~-.... -· Goon. nr.plat>e, Dual B&tbor , 11112 OI' Croet.- MARINE SURPLUS 16~~-=t.~-;;.:;;;;: -t; ~,~_]el. -M711. ~ ~Tl W.um:l>-BOUUilr DfOOV& ..... ,rr ... ~NcwportBwlt D ... __.__....._.. 91.&Uil'\ CO-.... a;~\W~._. Pllime : II' •DWt .......... perr'ML -...... --.--•• ,....._ · nu • -L" ....... 111'1.. rt1JINI8IDZ> pml -. ·-.. --· -·-"" 7fPTa a. We. Ma11i, -ei., -·~ • .,... NO jllcl,' ..,ui. Nc1!i ' .--• .-----------..-.. 1n1'Jlllif.JOQ a bani. flllalilwd 8 .,.."':'ft.-.. ~ ni:;; --:a ·~· Boat OWWI W -.cb..... ..... .... ,_t 11pt. Jtw-SNAP~ ~LS 1!!!!::~,!!!l!ll!i•~.oata.!!!',~.._!!!!-..:.:_ ii-;~ I 11• -PIL a;:; Olll ·amw ++•• .... -Wat to ....... ·~·-.um ... ;......... •' 1111 n 1 •·sr t .. ,_ • .a. 11•ar•. cm ;:_... .......... ., • -a 'tsa ......... u• .... t'..H!n ...... Jll!M-.. z .... ~ ~·· ;·di ,,,,. •• . ' I " I - • • • I • I l ' • • • " • • -' , • • • ,, ' ' • • • j I '· \ ~ '!. .. • # \ ,·. ,. :. .... . .\..· .. t · .. • ~MA :M-Y C·H·o·1cf SELEC·T·to'lts: OF Rf Al ESTATE ll~TED: l_N·_: THIS SECTION an.!:~:.:~.:::=.' I / •• ': 7 7 • a . I 7 \.. r 7 .• ' 7 7 I • ( 7 a • I -I ·: .t:· I -~ I I 7 a I i •l . . • • • • • !I I ms6ste a· :Pe.a Ezbi• 1 a ••• !et! -a ••' llzllPfe All Eztate ---BzllPtv , • •.a-• · •. "!zl IW•, ,, • '" .: ~JI!!! ;;y • • • Bay~~~·Income : 1 •J~ iiome ·• -~-~VEN SPEClAL , • tl.lllta ~ ftln., ~ .. ft. I-car PR&'• at.taclle<I, ODlJ ,fl'ft We are proud .to Clfter this out.tandin& luge , SPECIAL mnTS WEli!K •. 11ay """~· a , lldnn, 1 11&th , )'?9. ~ 01ooe, to .,....., .,,.... . .. __ J.rn apta and 1 l .lldna. apta. J'IMlt J~· nto 11 a fon:ed .roomy TWO st«y l;cwe In ona of tile-._!xii' ' 10catlo, te 11q -. -,.. oale. llldo. PP4 <Ultrlct. Area's CHOICEST locationa. THREE ~ (Owner Leaving) ~ -· Prtce ll't.IOO. ~ OUTSTANDING BARGAIN · toa'll~ ODl1 ~-, , bedroanui, TWO 114lths, entry l{di. •ll&;Clo~ ' -r put tnd°' • ~ ' cloeeta, OAK tloon, wood ~ fireplue, 3 BEDROOM-a. I. RESALE Bayahores- View Home BALBOA PENINSULA POINT · Down two furn&cea, Mn'lce porch, llWldec:k, plllE _ many EXTRAS. 2-car gar, NOT' a IN•hold. Costa Mesa • .. $1500 WILL HANDLE • • A lovely home on a corner in a good di.atrict. Nicely land8c&ped, with chafu lliik fencing. A New I bdrm. 2 bath home wlt.b fln.1.. 'riew of •Y. -But conatruc- Uon. rtreplaa, forood 'air h•t. &ttraeUftly d-1.td; Iota of tile tu-W..-. """"'1. Thia lo ""f ot I.be Olltat&ndln(" floor plan. in the area. Price $22,.600. $4,950-Down 2 bdrm., llY!ng room, dining area, bath, kitchen, laundry, patio, hwd. floon, automatic panel heat, gange. Howte Oil ong lot with v&e&nt adjoining lot • for expanaion or Income. Entire property ls com· 11 f\lnl. lonl.T lar,-. 1 bdi'lnl -' ,.,... old. Quiet --,location _,. --Loll Df Ule, carpeted -fin. <>n11 f~TIO at Sec> per -t.b. ~1000 Down Lee. 1 bd.nn. home, on· no.er at. ntt.bao. thermo contioUed fllr • I ..,.. .... lath -· llk:ely land-.ea~ and best. at all hu a ' Three years old. Holli""' of this sile Will SOOll • be lmpoulble to build, yet the full pri09 Is ONLY $16,750. W. STUART FOOTE 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbof 24 or Beacon 5866-J 75cH wonderful place for childttn. See this· today! New 2 IMlrm. home on .Udo Isle. Private patio, flttplace,• turn&ce beat. ba.r-type kitchen. gtau enck>eed tub. FUil price SU, T~. pletely fenced. Igo. f1111 bearln(" avocado tree --------------------- •1i.at lDO?• than 1aye taxea. On1t $611~ a\ f80 per inont.b. ' I • 70 Loan, $55 per mo. inc. taxes & ins. HENRY C. VAUGHN, Broker , 1626 Newport Blvd., Colita Me":" Phone Beacon 5845-J (Eve. Harbor 1070-J) ~ . Two Bedroom Country Home Opposite the Santa Ana Country Club Golf Coune "n Mesa Drive. Unobstructed view of the fairways and mountains. Ample. privacy on this 83'x234' lot. The master bdrm. ia · 14'x16' the other bdrm. ia 12'xl4'; living rm. 16'x21' with fireplace; kitchen 10'xl8' with plenty -of cabinets; a large bath with pullman aink ; double garage with plaatered walls "' ceiling; !dry. rm.; storage rm. " extra 'h bath. ToW floor area over 1600 oq. ft. . ' It will be a pleasure to show you this restful home today. PRICED RIGHT at $16,000. One-third down Owner anxious to sell due to ill health. G. N. WEI,I.S, Broker & Assoc. 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa .Mesa Phone Beacon 5181 Eves. Beacon 5617-R BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor FRANKL. SHUFELT J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. Harbor 1671 BALBOA ISLAND A charm. two-story colonial bay front : Beautiful buniture, bricked patio, garb. dispoaal and many other feat""'8 make tliili a real home. Excel. terms. $29.500 A 2 bdrm. cottage with bachelor apt. Both well turniahed. A small down pay't will make it youn. Ari unuaually attractive house. 4 b<inns, 2 batlis, dining room. two fireplaces, plus extra large one bdrm. apt. Unfurnished. An exceptional buy. BLANCHE A_ GATES -REALTOR ALSO 3 bdrm. 1 bath. Excellent floor ' pla.n. Outltanding color• lhru'"' out. Forced aJ.r b~at., flrt'pl&ce &lid patio. Loadl o: storace apace au.d built-in.I. Pric.11 '22.&00. GREENLEAF • ASSOC. Bun.DER -REALTOR 31U Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 -----~-----.. Bretty as a Picture Charming 3-bdnn. bome, 2 yra. old. Its the ruatJc ranch type and baa fireplace'. heavy •hlngle roof, large picture window• and i. bf'autif'UUy land.leaped. One of the lovelle•t holne• 1n New- port Height.I. 112,7~. Small Home,.% Acre Finest tandY le>&m aoU, 100 ft. frontace x 300 tt. deep; hoUH and dbl. gar. an! 3 yn. old. Good locaUon~ f'&at aide. $7 .99~. Very Reasonable Buy in Newport Heights • Clean and &ttracUv• 2 bedroo!!' homf', 3 t9 YT•. old. Hdwd.. tln. Dbl. pr .. only $8,&00. Beacon Hill Realty fM Newport Blvd., Colt.a Mea& Phone Beacon 3713·R Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW lhrM bedroom home wtth ftreplace. t u r n & c e, hardwood noon, prbaeo &pooal, double pn.se. . $11,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2: B. R. Mutett B. ft. lWO 2 batha. larg"e playn>om and ahop. 3 car can&•· $5,000 will ·handle Ralph P. Maskey Hll Newport Blvd.. Newport YOU .ASK FOR IT WE HAVE IT Balboa Peninsula Phone Harbor 402 l!llUc Wf'll built 4 bedf'QOm homf', one ----~----­ full and two 4 b&tha, 2·c&r pra .. e. lar~ hobby hOU8e on very l&rgt' lot. Hwd. noon. P&rUy tum., plenty~ ot atoraJ'e. Many extra&. All electric kit· chen. Nice patio and attractivf' DESIRABLE lots in choice locatio8'- LIDO ISLE waterfront lots for aingle homee or income purposes. ALSO CT'088 St. la.ndacaplng. '$18,500 lots at phces well under -. value and terms to suit On Balboa Penmsula you. ' THREE yean old. Unturn.. 1 i,s bdrm. ~ome, 2 batlu.. tireplace. BALBOA ISLAND Attractive Wf'll locat~ 2 bdnn. home plua 3 rm. apt ln nu. l.&rC"e uaable patio. Wondertul rental record. $18,roo furnlab· ed. Good terma. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor Phone Ha.rbOr 20.- BUY NOW. Winter or yearly rental guaranteed by rent paid in advance for full term of leue up to 2 years if wanted. Sacrifice Price $12,500 JIM & SALL ""f NEWLIN • • WITH John D. Burnham l50'T E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor HI07 Eves Harbor 2278-W • CORONA DEL MAR FIRST TIME OFFEREb-2 bedrm. atucco home, newly decorated. hdwd_ floors. fireplace, lovely encloeed patio. Ocean aide of highway. Walking di.at&Dce to stores. Room for additional unit. Priced at ·only $12,009. STOP LOOKING- tor that hard to f"md 3 bedrm. home! Here it ia. Newly decorated. Hdwd. floors. Lota of tile in kitchen and bath. Excellent location. The ·price? You will be irurpliaedl Can he purchased fur· niahed or unfurniahed., CLIFF HAVEN Three bdrm. and den ranch type home. He~vy shake roof, forced air heat, 2 bath1, lots of tile. lge. dbl. gar., P.Rtio. Just completed on large view lot. $26,500. Terms. • See 2352 -15th St. Open Daily Listings Wanted-RenW. and s~ ... W. E. FISHER, Builder-Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Realtor-Associate: 916 Cout Blvd. Harbor 2443 Col'l'na de! Mar ,BUY NOW! $1000 Dn. Corona de! Mar 'Buy' $2500 Down New 1 bdrm. home -RM-wood Only $8750 full price! 1860 Down Alomta new 'J bdrm. and prap. ot tile, hwd, thnJ...-out. controlled heat, land· 8C& Eaat Side. Truly undu-prl, at on1y $8600. ' City Acre Multiple soned lot. dote tn. Won· dt'r!UI for rentW. Near park. 12e' wide by over 300' deep. LeveJ &rut clean. On1y '3000 wlth tennJ. • ' B, A. NERESON 1982 J:fewport Blvd., Coot& M•• I Phone Bea.con G225 118ce9 I Real Estate Is Your mst Investment I -o-. ' Rustic Redwd. Home L&rge J llv. rm., flrepl&ce, knotty pinej hwd. n.. panel heat. J bdrm. 1 J~. tUe in kitchen, at· iached ga.r ., partly fenced. Nr. Hi ltcbool. Your• for $11,7M>. $3800 dO'W'll. Gbod In~estment for Present or Future Furnished 2 bdrm. homa--71 'ft. bWJ~eMI fronta1"e on Rarlik Blvl. $12,800 ~ pricf', term•- Attractive 2 bdr1n . born):, bwd. fl., fl. furn. TUe ln kitchen, dinette and breakfut area . .Attached pr. 950 l aq. n . Immediate pouea- alon. Priced $9250, terma. -o- Furnished One bdrm. home, FHA approv~. neat and cl~&D. Don't overlook thiaj one if you Mf'd & ohome. $1°'10 cull. Full price $~7,'I(). -o- sa.hta .Ana Heights Choice % acre -$18M -o -LoJ.a fttuonablei It Unrt'aaonable. -o- La fERLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Blvd. COAta Mua P?'aone Beacon 704.3. 88c89 PHONE Harbor 1818 ' to place Your want ad on th.LI pap. Ba:y Front Triplex Locatbi on l[Jdo bay front-Twb 3 bdrm. unite; one 1 bdrm. Shdw! good incomei, low down paybent to responsible buyer. Price $47,MO. Lido Isle REMEMBER we an DE,'ELOP- ER.8 of lovely LIDO ISLE. Here $12,500 full price ---.,..-------n ice appe&rin1" 2~ar p.r.p.. a bdnn. home, cozy, attractive, tn New 2 bdrm. home neaii be•t excellent neighborhood. Brick-beafb. Private patlo, sp&clou• Good Term•. · Will coruiider all oUere. • you can &l.90 BUY homell at moet any pric• )'ou want. NOW We have .:>me splendid 2 • 3 or - ' bedrcom horn•• that be(gar COSTA MESA. de.crlptlon. ":ou. MUST SEE G. I. Reaa)e _ 3 bdrm. borne on \heM. Our lu1tings are EX-__ r_~ ' CLlJSIVE with lt wtll a large corner lot. onq I yra. ua. old. Hwd. noon. all conc:Nte profit you to come to our office. block· fen,:ed. Patio with b&rbe- Hen a little buys a LOT. P. A'. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo N•wPQrt Beach, call!. Harbor 1600 cue. $11 ,990. $2800 down. ' • Coa.&t Properties Co. 301 i. Bal-Blvd., jlol- COSTA MF.SA • Owner hu ten tor fOOd. nne 3 bedroom houat. Ff'nced large lot, 2-car prag~. all a~polntmmta. Your Otter Con.atdered For Appolntrnut to ae.- , BORA.CE 8. MAZE'r ,. 30I Marine Ave. Balboa hland Harbor 3023-J l59Uc Today's Best Buy in SHORECLIFFS Cloee to new market on Eut Bide. Payment &pprox. $.:wl per mo. FUU . Pr1ce Only $5750 walled patio. Why pay rent?? 1ivit1g: room, attractive well pl~ed kitchen. Glueed tub en· cl "· L&rp wardrobe•. num· Pasadena Trade •ro other attractive f .. tu ..... Lovely 2 bdrm borne 1n E. Pua· $4T60 DOWN . $1800 DI\. ~ dma-for 2 bdrm. bom• In - New s bdrm. -nttplac•, bwd. CIµI. Property clear. Priced at aay Front Home l"&ra,.e. Approx. 1o40 IQ. ft. $10,500 Wllh J pier and fl~l; la.r&e lot Nice loc&Uon. C&n you lma&inf' apactou.a patio and · prden. ' ,,.. tun pm. .. on1y ·Tom Payne, Realtor bedroom.a, a batha. s.•t ,,. $9250 SlO Oout Hiway, Corona del 'Mar ~t ~ua In ~ area. .. T,500. ' CORON ~ • ASSOC. A lµGHLAND8 Jl..I v1.,. I 1*fil,DER -REAL TOR lot on Moniln£ Canyon Road. 3W tNewport Blvd. Barbor 2562 IOxl.00. Private beach prt'flkpa. 1 Newport Bt:acb 77Uc New 3 Bdrm. F .H.A. $2650 Down HURRY! 3 bdrm. home on large lot. LOW M01!.7BLT PAnd:NTs The Home Stretch-HmRY ~ Best construction. Spa~ous t.a,.,e home wJt.b ~ .,.,,. , ... Ba.rfain. Owner Lons Beach 1161-11&4, U4T Oniieo, Tildi --1;---~----- JUST COMPLE'nID •· IFQR VALUE·. To help your choosing, aee HURR y 1 living room, patio, land· tlln!O. e.auluw UY. l1IL with NEWPORT HEIGH'l'S ' Lge. 2 bdrm. home (1180 sq. ft.) dining room, lge. tit. with breakfut nook, fireplace. Heat In every room. large bath with stall shower, hdwd. tlra. Double iazqe. Only $12,600 Terms. • COSTA MESA New 3 bdrm. home. Dual furn., fireplace, hdwd. flra. Gar. Large Jot. Only $9250. Excellent terms. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mesa. Beacon 6e98 • -OPEN HOUSE at 223 Tustin Ave., Newport Heights Be the first to enjoy tliia dellghtful and cheerful home.. Picture windows throughout, with a 270 degree picturesque view of Newport Harbor - plus a comfortable Elln4eck on top of garage. It.a a pleaaure to show. , Follow the open lligna to entry- PRICED RIGHT Salesman on £t;° week days -1-5 p. m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. · Evenings by appoil.tment. CANALE REALTY, Realtor8 1319 So. Main, Santa. Ana Also open eves. till 9 p. m. Phone Kimberly 3.3957 BALBOA ISLAND Choice South .Bayfront Income EXCELLENT DUPLEX-Prime locaUon-Superb view Flne Beach. Each unlt has apaciou.s living rQOm:, tu. place, 2 bdrm.., 2 bat.hi. pr1V&t• l'&J'&p, plw; many UD• usu&! features. Well built with nearly 3000 aq. ft. total area (Achitect'a pla.na and speciticatlon1' ava.il&ble tor inlpectlon) ExcepUonally pod value! SPECIAL Price, Terms , \Vm. W . .SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue a.t M~e Hag.or 2462 Balboa laland OPEN HOUSE 507 Lido Soud, Lido Isle Bayfront Sunday, 12 to 5 p.m. Thi.I t. a.n Ideal family home, 4 bdma•. a.nd den, l&rl'• ltvinc room. large patio, andy be&ch, pier and alip. ll.Ult be 80ld to settle eat.ate. See this before buyinl'· ON THE OCEAN FRONT ror a beach houae, thb: t. Ideal Large livtnr room with fireplace, 2 Mrms., rear patio, Cf'ntra.l locatlon. GoOd buy. $11,000 BAY and BEACH REALTY 1460 Balboa. BJ.vd. Ethel Shirley J. M. Miller Ha.rbor 1264 Glod.en T'aJ Dick Fay Ge~ Are a Luxury! A GEM 'la what . we have lo offer-thil newly completed ·2 bedrm. home with its 2 big windows in the lilting and dining .rooma, the kitchen with its sparkling knotlt pine cupboards, the bathroom with its gl&a11 partitions, and it.a big w~be , cloeeta ...• Don't wait, .call npw ! Only $1.f,900 . ED L. SEDEI.M l<:I h:R, Realtor 1523 Cout Highway Cororia de! Mar. · Phone Barbor 2786 , In EEcl~ve. Shore Ciffa I · TBREll Bl:DRK., 1 bath """'" In fine 1p. ocean -..., h.,.... In Corona· del Mar CLIFF HA~ ... Jarp IOxlll' lot. 1llO ... is -. th-listinp on Balboa • • · scaped. · . I ="i:'ta~~ ~ • Ial&nd. No. BAY FRONT This• below repl~t! doubt• .....,..., oxua w1c1e 1ot. • Two bdrm. hoine furnished, 3 bdrm.o. and -A1'80 2-ar $19 995 J'llll Price ~I fU~ -• ft. plua muonry ....,. with a con..:eniently · Joc:ated. -utlllll MW home ..,.l>alf ~ Lovely --...m homo, all ndlo -IJoUed -.., ban1woo4 • • , trom Ocean B1'>!L 2 bdrml. 1 'l( Jar(e l'DDlllL tarp eClmer; . -.. ro.ooc1 air -. LaU • -t:utilltiee· TennL Model llaU...· '""· °"""·· 4111. ........ -p1n,-.-ot hUlo. !>et. -. , of W.. OompJateq -aad pal.to, ..-rythln&' for ....,.,_. • llDdocol*L • · to lhoW'. Ille !Mn(". Prtee. SltA!IO-'!! lllla. , . ~ at S2'(."llOO, Ii -., ' ' •' c.11 Jobll Mottram, -U90 c.n ..,_ --ZNt.J ... -• : Fitzmorris ~ty Co. ' . . . L MER •with two-car garage, cloae prace with •pt. gwr. • Phil Sulli by baytront, $11,211(). Abo Both ha .. i.-. tlropla<'eL • Earl Cbamberl~ · Geo Ev' · van a special tor in~'l'Wo Batlleto lltOWtnl and _,. llOll Cc...t .,.... °""""' ""' -. . erson roomo. 1 bill. filOn Karine An. ...., . • 1111 , lfowpwt Bhd.. Cool& - Bbollld ..U qlllclcl7 f.. (Opp. N .. ~ 8--) ,_ B•-'IUJ $37 500 .--... ("-..... Qoot& --) • . Uo'!O ....._ Ba. IUI~ -. 5'61..1 bdrm. home with eeparate apt. over two-ear pn.ge. The furniture Iii worth $UOO. The total price • · Ste.1:;o LINwOOD VICK IJ&ALTOft ' ...,.. at u.i ., , .... ...i. rona :aighlands 11oo11on -~ -( P. A. P-:A: ... .... • -• ·.....:... of .Corona Ill o....i. Bhd., 0.-..... -ll'!e<m'Qll.ATll.D 1--~~-'"-----At JAl:un& ...... . Pllaae a.nor sut DU Via ~ .• { .'TWO L<n'S Inveatipte be(Ore u..:. clel Aak at tnClt otfic:le... • ~ n.n . ~·,..~ ••"':· Olllf. · i'bi-Barilor il~ TWO ~\-.·-· -. Ill., .. .., • • .-.. $1000 DOWN .. ·---·----·-·_· ---. • .... .--..... ~ • ....: -. l"!'Qr -... 7 .... -~ · .. ·~-· ~--., ..... -. 1'ullllfar, "*. M ..... ,__ • , 11 • • tsbs s CJumtMsl t. .. • a • ""' ~ ..-a .. -"'""'"-"'"!~~ ..... ~-~-K. a. c. aaon oz.;-. • .. 7 .............. ., ...... i -....;.· ... c ,__ .. __ ,.... w. 4-TOBIA.a, • rla ct.ta • • IN .BAl.llOA. • • • • • . . • • • . . • ' ' • • I ' . . I , • • "~~~ _.,-1.•o ••·••tl Witft SALLIE 11! &'II WHAT YOU .i{IS·l&D OtJ'l' ·ON BY llfeit,-..un::NDING TllJll OQOSI"'~ ICBOOL L\8T tBt1:&·8DA Y AT TRI! LIDO 'nlEA.Tl:a . • • . ••• Yoa •hied ace:t.: lli9elt ol fllll. 1i- ii1 •111 .. a ploee of almnl· ·-fol 09 top ol the .....,. •.•. No,... ao · wu.ir, .,, aatnm' bat • _,.. ol ph -ol batter ..t a 1IUle eUt . • . The .... hlodt ol fllb ... ......,. wrapped llt the foU 11114 ... eeo' .. Its IOlld fros· • · Alie dbeclty • 09 the ........... ... You miued IMing dry "l"'Petti d11111ped direcUy in a llltillet and cooked ~ht in with tbe oniona, and sPU'hettl alke . . .no boiling alt.tad, ·DO 'ftlhing . , . Th.ii spaghetti bualrusa waa par· ticularly interesting to me -..,.-Louis Boucl!er . . . the manufacturer of the fam· ou · :80Cl9laay Spaghetti Sauce tDt made ita appearance on OllJ' ihelN laat summer . . . hlf......ed me that anybody th&t waah• apaghetti after ~--cooked ... doeen't know ~ tpagh«tl when t h e y ta1ft.e it . . . Don't waah it J'OW' auce will ltick bet· ~ · and the apaghetti ion 't ... ~ llO alippery . . . Or better yet ... don't even boil It . . . oool< It right along with the m""t and sauce ... ' • .•. You mhrecl 9NiaK fH I• T~ eool<ed la tloe ...,_ rld>t aloag. '!"tb Mkei pork Choi» OIDOtllel'· ...i, .. ..,.ii-. IOllp ud · IMlled ,......,. . . • in a ~ -""' .,._,,,.., ol -• • , Remember wllem I told you to ba:v the )....., copy of Better Uvlnr; If"..,..• ·and :vou'd fhld a tidl1e fcw cooldar; frocea ~ Ill the oven! , That Better Uvlai Map- ...., i. right up-to-the min· eta. • . . or maybe a few ...... ioltMd ... the O&- ~ loane lit now on sale. 'rl!ia week theno will be a 'MW inatructor . . . Beverly Kei~ the Philco Home Eco- nomi9t ... with Philco Equip. ment from Davie and Brown •. : and remember THE FREE COOKING'- Ll'J!SON8 AT THE LIDO 'l'llEA.TEK WILL CON· 11NUE FOR TRI: NEXT it wt:m ... !'RUR8DA. Y 10 • 1% A.. M. with a different teacher arid different applianceo •a c b d if think weei< . . . an you you know how to cook . . . you're jtult thinking t b r u your hat .•• Or let's put it thia way . . ·• You'll learn new method• . . . quicker metllodl . . . eaaier methoda ef. preparing old stand • bya • • . aJiio ""' might win ... 15-BA.SKEUI OF GROCE- RU:S . AN ELECTRIC _ROA.STER • .l Jt..tDIO A. W A.FFLE DION .4.'TOA.Sl'D • or · any of the food dish• that are prepared during the lffaon.i . . . The above are what ...... given away last week . . . Of couree each week th• p.U.. will vary . . . 11>-r-r • • • I woader "'"""' all' u... food· ·-,... Ula& .. .... la the 1t1 om! AM the free kiliela 91 G--.! lbcl WllM~ ....... ..w b&Ye tile Mpel' • eou-J Cooliag S"'liool Speelals tW are-~ from ll to s ~ 11J&nda7! ~ connection ii the ltory ef tile -two orange. • • . You ~two Or&DgM ••• pibked .:r . ~ -time off the -"tree . ; . You 11queeze OllC•.ofange yourMlf • . • the "'11oet'' )Oil buy fll froosen COD• , Cl4¢lated form ia a tin can • 1:· • 'both laaYe the -·-t ol 1'IUmin c . . . ~~ t.-,-llotritioua .... tr 'llldld ~ teetb, ...... ,. ad illoed Tl Sb ••• •-·be.fed to !afuata at -.,. '. :!&M!pld~ .... u..;Tta'• -~ .Loor te•t"h !fw;nt Bx;. ........... \ l \ I ' ,I I nus FFNE QUALITY . . . . . . . . ............ ~ . . . COFFEE -----------------------·----------------;1~ ... 7tc . QUALITY 8B8Rft~;JNG SNOWDRIFT .. ----------·--·----· u. ~ 97c o•ailty ••••• \ F1•IW'i11CJ Mannings U. S. Gw't. Graded Choice Ifft COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL Finest lief OblaiMble lrlcltfonl's Sw.-elheGtt I Whole or Half c • .......................... CRUCllC, ADI °' CJIUCK Bl.ADI!: BEEF P-OT ROAS·T 69c lllll.D ttial!:-u:A.'1 BRJ81lET CORNED .BEEF ---~ 69c _fHOiif Rl8S _ --~ 35c 8WIPT8 ORIOLE SLICED BACON "" 49c . Flll:8B l'llOZE.'1 JUMBO SHRIMP,~;_5~ •••••••••••••••• C.OLDEN •IPI!: • CASABIS --------~-------~J~ 5 c TlllOK JU!AttD-FlM for S.tutftq'-Bl:L.L PEPPERS --·--------3 .~. 29c CRISP, IUICY. SORTHER.'1 Dl!:UCJOUS APPLES ------------.3 ~ 27c \ 8"'1!:ET 8PA.'118H ONIONS _______ .. _~:-~ ___ J~ 4 c ••••••••••••• .... ~ ....... . .. • ' sA'UCi "';r";.. 1129• Del Monte DeLu.e PLUMS No.1 \<J ,.._23; Beal Ool'-Lemoude BASE . _______ , ...... 14' K'• RefreahJ.ac '8 oa. ran GRAPEADE 23' ·~HARVEST SALE \ ·~ff:~:··· ··l .,,. '-~ p£~ \ r --- GOL·D ·M .EDAL .~.,-· ~~~;;O'FLOUR \ i:;.~ • ... 47; . ~I Bae --- \, ;-: ~~---· 19; WESSON OIL Pint . . • . . 39; Ouart ... 59' SUJ ........ ...., ~ ANl1LtMtf "9IJ ..... ,LAP . • Sa,·e fC' on 29 f ffl OL pk.J ..................... . · Lurich lox · SUCJCJ"tiOM u·~lcb'a Grape_. or Grape JELLY _____ " ..... 19 ' ~wllb Peanut • BUMR ,_,_u-27' l lHerwood DrevUe4 HAM ···-··········.J 'A ... 19' Wonderfood 1 ! oi:. MARSH'W 2/25¢ Quality ...... Wloole !lwMt PICKLES pin• 28 ' ' Hemet PIHed StandVd &Ape OLIVES __ .)/ .. 1 tan27' lllfJ Miik Cllo<ol&le MINTS ... : ...... Pk&'-29; • • Bakery ~I• ••••••••••• THIJK8DAY CHERRY PIE -----·------56' CAKE DO~UTS -----l i.. 24' FRIDAY CHQColATE ECLAIRS 2 ir·25• LAYEtCAIES ----:._~(a&; I ........... . •. f • SYRUP Cunpaala Tomato p ASTE . -· OL 2119' April 8hol4~n All Green CUt A1pa.raru-10 ~ OL SPEARS __ .19' C..W Swayne Baked BEANS 270LCNCl<23; Flnt Mta~ Plf'CH & Stf'lft'la MUSH'RMS ;L 12' Pioneer MlnCfJcl CLAM$ 111 .. 11 .... 45; \1r.&or S8fo Value Small SHRIMP .• 11 .L 29; llllaala 1890 Frencb . DRESSING .... 23 ' Helaz Tomato CATSUP .. u ... 21 ;- Sunahhte Kri1py CRACKERS:i.25 ' - Py 0 M7 Blueberry Muffin MIX ...... _____ .J_• 9L 31 ~ 8waalldo\\·n Cake FLOUR ····'° OL pk,. l7' @oap Po"·der RINSO ...... .11 ,..;.27; Soap Flak.es LUX .. . . .... .1,. pk,. 27' Det.-raent SURF __ .. ,. ... .1,. pk,. 27..' • REMEMBER PRSZES -FUN l!:NTl!:RTAD.'MENT Thursday COOKING SCHOOL 10:00 1'..M. LIDO THl!:ATRI!: SOMETHING 1'"EW ' E\'"EKY TllUR8DAY S"·lft'a Brookfield 75 f BVTl't:R ................ lb. ear. ~:1i:s':.~~ .. ~ .. ~ 39¢ \Vyler'1 le Sale-Re.-. l/%h ON"lOS SOUP 27; I Eavelopea -··--·-·-··--···--·-· Towne Pride _, 129; CHOC. SYRUP, 11 oz. I.I oorllOrw stralnod l /D t BABY FOOD ........ can Gerbe~ ...,,y . 16¢ Cl!:Rl!:ALS ·····-··--·-----Pk(. Bleach ·26¢ PUREX-qi. 18c, Y, pl . --2/25¢ CLEA......_SER -·-····can Lux 'F'ollet . ~/2§f SOAP, batb !/16 rq. ~ =~s:~~--··--=---···•t. 39 ' Muzanine Shoppe Corning Glass I OOth Anniveru1ry . , PYREX SPECIAL $1.39 value for 98; 1-t. covered Caeserole reg. 79; for 59¢ J 6---S .... Custard Cup& reg. 60¢ for 39¢ buy u a l!M"t or 11eparatet.v at this Aaai'""era&l'1 SpecW Prl .. . oiAiGEJUICE ...... :L 2 -···-35c: ... -. UllBY-GAUl!:N PRE8B FROZEN GREEN PEAS --~---·---~~ 2 for 35c UDY~°t;W PACK . PINEAPPLE _:_ _ _:_ _____ : ___________ ::. z5c . . . LIBllY-nE811 PllOZl!:N . · BROCCOLI SPfARS ____ ~ 23c . . iciN cifiT~~---_i ~ FiiJif -~PIES~-~~-·-~ ~ 49' , "I , • -· . ' , NEW STOR£ tfOUp: I • ' " -lll'IXlI.aL8 l"O&f""U1-....... -u. l!IUD4Y, U~AY. . :n, ta ... n lHE -= COMoMY·)YISE-PAtROJiiZE • ·--... -- OPENING.-5usoN GAME . H~;tlrf~ B~k. l:fi, Sch_oof Stadiuln oaAN5E COAST . COWGJ YI.• ·,. ()II.alt .JICH. eOWGi ~ .... -\ . . . I ,,. . .. • . .,..,. ..... '°°' ....... . EXCEPT FRIDP . ' . ·., ....... ,... .. .,, .... - .... ··--. ............ UillM q ''1' 7 •(Alie • , .. .._.,__ .. 'J" .._._Mr4> . . . • . ., ·•·•·-•wi llhts.;t. JM. c p;& . ~ • rrcliits oJt· s.i. Hera '.- ~ ...... ... . ' . • ' I I I t