HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-03 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• ' , L I I • • • llOD WO~ LOOK LDCll uvmo l>OLUI IN Ji. •• ' Ll'MUI HAT -wau. -1oo1< llln .doad ·aiy h&ll l'l&'tOlil. t l>eloq to tbe latlor ochool -1!. Ob Jlft "" a broad a-and t11a o-,,.,,,.1 no . ..-, Appana haa a lot of ...,, tall Hood Hutora ••• Velnb, Vella. l'..u..n. l'elU. U 10u'"' Ille t)'llO • • • OOONlllO'.l.- you 9bould Co tu ht one of the• .h&U! Pray do! CLOOlll! • • S~TEMBER BUILDING RECORD SET H of HarHIOftf ,~ ... ~~· na.1 Bouae ot Bannony, tn tlMe beart [ot Coeta ~-. one of tbe I~ Mid moot complete teleY'I· But wbethtr you wnr a ~loelle or a MCW1•lrh\, you11 mp your Ud over Pol.IT• new fall u.>rtment of m-a. ........ ten, lkt~ b1ouau and llacka. Gilbert &nd Lnb Brown. and m• too tor U\1-t matter, ln¥ite you to come tn With feeltnr ud meddle thru the.. lt•dinl' SwalcbeL Steal a Clance at the It.ale. ($2.H up) Do a little coun. Newport Beach promiHd to boost ter -Clptoa..,. .•. J>Wll pawlns. ud eatchlnc i. not frowned upon the year'• total buUdlnl' pennita here. Pally Apparel p.nnenta half lia9. whole .i.e.. Jr. ai&H, to poeeibly the greate.t year cm recuJar 1tses and matemlty aiseL (Get your chUe ._. ~) record. -1 lion aftd appliance ltotte in South· e1'1I ~ Is I.akin&" aootber step forward wt.th .tbe addition t..h1e -feek of another f?'ll&t name in hob.aehold appllance1. ' ' , • • • • • I • 31ST STREEf CUT·:OFF KEPT IN CITY ·PROJECll • • , Plano to begin -tlatsdn. wttb !lie Podllc ~ l,Qllwa7 for Uie acqlllaltloa of their right.-c>f-y, depot IU>d 7ai-de be....... llOtll ~t in Wdt Newport and .Kc.hdden Pl&ee were rec:tted by mem. bef. of the "Newport-Balboa Street Pl&nnbiir Cornmlt\ee" which met Friday Ln the City 1'fana&'er'• otnce-,.----------- Named "cbaliman of Ille new sotll'Criet to the Cout Hl&'•way committee"..._. Ka.yor L. L. Iabell: wu made. .... -AND SHOPPING NlWS .. - --..,·n _, -w No matter what lhape YoU"H ln-tr8 FOLLY Nor ro !BOP Wl'l'B Total bnlldl•.r perm1tl Luued POLLY! 1ya NewpOn An.. eo.ta Meu. , durtnc Lut month were ·tallJ~at . • • • $1,112.4-f9 by City Buildiq In· BAKER BOB KRUU.. H>,S RE-CURRANT DREA.MS opector Dick Whit.eon. A ponnlt OF WINNING THE . lRlSH SWEEPSTAKES, ., he ot Sl,096,023 for Boar Memorial apenda hi• days puttlnc hi• dough acrou the bOard Hoeplta1 &CCOUD.ted tor the lion'• on IRISH SWEETBREAD. It looked Uke a winner to ahare dt the month'• tot.ala. me . , . fat, t"OUJ\d and aweet amel.llng ... fuJJ of New RefJdent,tal single unit.a fruit•. m&ce,' cltnln., ral.UU and cherrlea a..nd Mc a tot&Jed S326,4l» for second bJgh wheel! And alnoe more people an bom ln the winter figure of the mmrth, ~bile new than In the city, you11 probably be dJckerinc for a four or more unit penntu oounted number of birthday cakea this fall. The Newport SS0,000 in valuaUon. New com· Bakery dreams up faneituJ little carrouael cakes. CowboY cakes or mercial unlta totaled SBS,000. straight "Happy Birthday to Toodiea" e&Ua. ·The.e an all on order The month'• total of Sl,'fl2,«.9 natura.11)•. Carrouael cake• (Child'• delighll &re $3.00: Cowboy cakes brourbt the va.lue of permitl are S3 and plain Toodlea are $2.60. And aay now. It'• open aeuon lsaued '° fu tb1a year to 17,479, on hot, freah douJ'hnuJa ... no llmJt ... ba.c" &JI you eah carry? ""· 'lltl8 nlne·mdllth sum ah.OWi :SeM"POrt Bakery, open. 8:30 -=-t:SO (clo&fid \\'ed.) llU Ocean Front, poe.albilJty of ereepihg put the Tbe!Bouae ot Harmony hu juat been cib.o.en u the new B'r1.gidairi: dealfiri for the Harbor area. The famou. name .rrtpd&k• I.a added to the already lmpoain&" lLat ot nationally advert.laed houaebold appllancee and television .eta aow handled by th1a well eatabllahed firm. At th,t preHnt time the Hou.e of l;lar1)ony I.a lnltalll.ng a com- plete •ut()lnatlc hom~ kitchen and laundry, with all t!>e l&lellt equip· ment ready for an tmmed.lat.e demonatratlon. of &n..Y type of ap. pUa.nce that ml,.tl"t conceivably add to bette-r enjoyment of your home 1througb. extra leiaure 1'oura gained tb.rou'gh the many auto-- ntatlc' devtcea · now avallab1e. A formal announcement ' will be made by the BOUH of Harmony with a sptt1a.1 demonat.r&tion of all the Jl'rigid&lre applla.ncee:. with' City Kanacu John J.)lallon In the recommendation, whlcb u vt~ and eecretary. was: un&11lmou.aly ~. Jt wu Members u e R. L. Pattenon, uked lb&t tbe City En(ineer com- Jamea lllller, Tom Hendenon, .J. plete Jllanf for the acqWaiUon of B. Webb and Ben Reddick. The the Ad&ma and Ward prope:rtJe• conUnittee-repl.acq the former Pa-at 38 and S9 streeU 6n Balboa ctfic Electric-Cortmtittee which Blvd., and of the Marble prop-- iecured an otter Of rtrht~t·way ert.y at Slat strttl and Balboa fOr 3lat atttet from the Pacific Blv.tl The9e propertiea ~ •th• Electric company. 'nle ortctnat l&at remain~ In the wa7 of tbe com.m.ittee wu-compoeed of Sail· ~toot Widening job to be &>;ie . ora, Webb, Blodgett and Reddick. on Balboa Blvd. , --- --l'OILISHED A 1' 2211 BALBOA BOULEV AJU> NEWPORT BEACH. CALU'Oll.NIA TELE.PHONE: HAJUIOR 1111 •Newport BeMh. Harbor 1ui-R.. t city's banner year of 19f8 whel't a -----------------------------, total of $8,041,!\08 worth~ot ~r- , By MARGO HELPFt;L RQ."TS OS BECOMIXG A BEAUTY Kindly atep over to yol.\1' chiffonier. won't you"! Now 1ook at yourselr in the mirror. E•e! e. KKK ! ! ! When you've recovered from th.at first horrible nauaea, pick up your hair bro.ah and stroke your wtc 9,000 times. Hair raising, isn't It?' The'n crawl to the phone and ring up .1Dl'S BEAL'TY SHOP in Corona del Mar. J1m:s Beauty ahop i11 a.n ultra modern aalon d~icated to making witche8 b@witchlng! Jim Gallagher does the hair cutting himself. Mlldtt'd, formerly of Mildred'• Beauty Bar, Balboa ll!lland is an expert hair atylist here. and -Thelma ha.a direct I hair) lines to N. Y. and Pa.ri.JI for the latest trend&. Sh&mi)oo and wa~a 11ta.rt at $2.00. Excellent permanent• begin at $10. Remem· b@r "Pretty la u pretty doea." So do u 1 aa.y and <":all lhn'• Beauty Shop, !~ Coast mpway, Corona df'I Mar. Pllone Harbor 18"18 day or al&:ht for appL e • • / -A BOMBS A WA y LADIES~ _, mlt.. were la:au~. Now UNDREA){EO OF POV.'ER JS RIGHT U1''DER Nearly certain to be overta.ken YOUR THUMB'. One trts with your trigger finger la the next high. year of 19f7 when city building pennlta totaled and }-OU can put out flrea, atop buga dead on their ,,. • feet, enamel furniture, or cle&!l upholstery with whip $7.837,3'2. __ .• cream suds! I refer to the m11.rv11loua PLASTJ·KOTE Sttond hJgbeat month for thls year came in January wtui f•-producUons. The1t1 SPRAZJT preaaure produ~ta ue suance of 11,377,09l in ptrmlta. ., conveniently canned that all you do La lift a By contra.at, a total valuation of finger heavenward and spray! The McDONALD PAL'"\T co. in Costa Meu. NOW HAS 8prazlt Plutlc Spray ror $443.s.& waa reached l::n August. IJ'hla ye&r'a nine.month total pre1erving, protecting and waterproofing, Moth Proofer, fire ex.tin· Fu 1 haa already aurp&affd the yeu1 guJ.sher, Alr conditioner and deodorant. and SpruJt auto and rn -igr,o a.nd 1949 when tot.ala were ture wa.x. The Plutl·Kote Quick Foam Rug and car upholstery cleUer ta beautift,1 stlff, white frothy stuff that cleana a 9 x 12 rug U .402,376 and $4,tlt,29!5 re11pee-tlvtly. ··It t' al*> announced that in ad.- dJtlon to their regialar radio and tel~lon service department a new d11paitment for Frtgtd&itt service has already been opened by th.t House of Harmony to give you fast and eCflclent service on your Frigidaire equipment. Arbor Day Plans Topic of Session or tht1 Inside of your cu ... no rinsinl' la required, a.nd tt'11 more Lut permlt taaued in September tun to UM than a pastry bag, only ($1 .69) I aug-geat that all you waa "bne for $-29,5-00 taken out smart SqUirta make a steady atream to McDONALD;S PAINT by v.·,aley C. Holler or 420 North Heah.s ot civic organiz.a.tions of STORE, 1872 Harbor Blvd., Cost.a Meaa. Beacon 5702. Lu PaJmu Ave., Loa _ Angele.a, Newpc)rt &acb have been invited e • e to a. 1m~ting at the City H11.ll, who pl11.ns t o buUd a single famlly '"ns tfMI voice or the lobllter; t heard him declare, •you have r~sldencr at 218 Potnaettla Ave., Wedn~sday, October 3 at 7:30 p.m. baked me too brown, J mu.11t augar my h•lr'.'' Corona Del Mar. to di.fcuu the propo11ed Arbor Heartless Hury or Fearless Frank, fl.ah peddler• 11.t the Bayside Day pla..ns for November 3. are now di.pensing fresh cooked or fresh alive lobaten! You Lonnie Vincent, president of the RAl:O. TRACE SUNDAY · gourmets can go down to thla dockaide depot and pick· }'ounelf out Bal~ Improvement AMectatton, an active, hand~me Cnratacean and have him spUt in twa.ln-"If it take8 a rain to brlng hu ca)led the meeting and iJI seek. while still v.iggling, both of you. Harry Kingston wu crying a w~ather like we had Sunday and Ing the coopet'ation of all of the little and beating hh1 chopping block because the Albacore 89&80D ~fond.ay, let'• have more of It" varioll! dllltrlct usoctations in • • • la over. He .9hould worry~ He'• got 1~Ah awordfl11h and plenty said one Hubor resident yeller) ap~ading the civic beautification ARE YOtT OX Tf(E LAMM! ARE YOU IX DUTCH WIT DE M08! of other fiatr to try. One thing", you~ bound to like is the Bays.id~ day. Hr ....... probably referring t" program to the entire city. Oh? Yo.u feel tine?' Well in that case. you can get "those bullet Abalone--0nly 71k lb. Baylllde F\•~n e\·ery day of tho year the recent atorm, but there WAS The Balboa. group hu arranged proof windows at W.UT"~ TRADlSG POST and uae them for "look at !800 Lafayette, Sewport. rain Sunlila.y nigh~. Only a trace, for trees to be planted and shrub· boxes" in the bottom or your boat. Aw Go on! See how the under • • e not enough to meuure. reported bery for all of the 'bells' a.long the half lives. ~fy, if ever there was a couple who hu "everything," BIO BLOOMER SAl...E~ Fire Chlef Frank Crocker. center Balboa Boulevard from Mc· tt•a Walter and Anna Bean~ 1 Imagine they have everything for CYCLAMEN PLANTS Fadden Place, Newport to Alv&r· uilora from a uMd hornpipe to a spent biore leave! Thia "°.ek'a AFRICAS VIOLETS fJUNGLE BRED! HmCE BlTROLARIZED ado, Balboa.. Paul Howard and priz.e gear: Ship's clock ton bon~ every half hour), a sextant, a HCYI' CHILI PEPPER PLANTS Burgl&r1 looted the residence of Fr&nklin Wilcox. nurserymen of compa.u, enough rope, plenty o! cork and net and a I h. P. hea\'Y 98e up . J. G. Turpin, 320 Via Lido Nord, Loa A.ngelea with hom~ here have duty Kermatb Marlbe Motor. And check that thu barometer afore FLOWERS BY MORRl of $152 worth of clothing a.nd planned a.nd provided much of the ahe falls. mate! But don't depend on me to tell you 11.ll about the 609 E. Balboa Blvd. Ha.r. 2070 household itell'lll IK>metlme during gre~nery which will be pla.nted. 3 or S.000 ttems of uMd mulne ~ulpment at \\'alt'• Tradlnr Pot1t. e • e the put atx weeka, Ji;e reported Mayor L. L. Is~ll bu proclaim· Jae HoU!W', :\""ewport. Harbor ~410 Opton 1':SO-S p.m. AlAo o~n Sun. It Is the east, and Juliet Is the aun." "' ,.. through an open door. the pllµlting and thf' Bii.ibo.a Group • • • Of course, in the daya of the Monta~es1 there \\'ere no •0 hopes to have Arbor Day obl!erved Recommendation to the coun· The committee wW ~. the city ell that the City ot Newport Beach council to m.truct the. dty en· proceea wtth an ~ poesible on gtneer to have the plans drawn the wldeninc ot Balboa Wvd., from (Coll-oe P9p I) • Al LAST! WHAT THE HARBOR AREA HAS LONG NEEDED SUNFAST FABRICS .- FOR DRAPERIES .•• SILP COVERS ••• UPHOLSTERING PR0\'1NCIAL8, MODERNS OR l!OLIDS •• • BEAt:Til'tJL oowllk "-'"II PA1TERN8 AT PRICES.YOU \\"O!'li'"T MTh'D PA.TING • A FEAST OF BEAUTY "-'"D VALVE IS PREPARED FOB YOU HERE -THE YARDAGE 18 WAITING. OR ' . . ' BRING YOVR MEASUREMENT!'! "-'"D WE WIEL TELL YOU THE COMPLETE COST OF YOUR lOB. Ki-mmons- 48:1 EMT 17th ST. COSTA llESA BEA. Mll6 EXCELLENCE , IN UPHOLSTERY Draperies Accordion Folding Doors Anchors aweigh 11lso l!lirenl!I rtght 9tf the boat. 422 .SOth St., near "But part! \'.'hat light thn.t yonder window break.! r © to police. Entry "u made ed November 3 aa 0Arbor Day for .. A FOOT MORE LIGHT. A STEP MORE TRUI!:, Venetian blinds, eo Juliet could go srlcklng her face in \Z7" Many a .blg deal hu been maa1 each yea.r hereafter on the tlrlt ~=~~~~~~~ -~-~n--··-~~ ~~J~~~~~N;~a~-~~~~w~~~t~A~diji~M~o~n~d~·~~~~~~·~·~~~~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEWt" then may not be any f.)uminum V. blind• ln your day .. lu:Uet .. Yet Mam! It'a OAly too true! Sb• who either!_ H~ the B~E 8JlOP caa still prpvtda.-f'OU.,,---:,..,..,.· "°9uJMt. be merry illl.Ji# mebt•ral and &Jao look nft&IUm. Venetian Blln.da wttlt or wtttlOQ.t oorn!cti bOze.a. I imqtne .... well-heeled hu only to do( it over to Barllitr's tbue blinds are the be1t ever built, and you can pt them custom Bootery: Barber's new fall fa.ab.IOM for miuy or made tor all window type.a. Helen Wolfard <':&n ·also ahow you Rl&tron tend towuds stylish comlort. Smart matchatlck drapea. I tbink theee tropical window t(eatmenta lend women today no longer mince and wobble on & smartly casual air to one·a lanai or luau room. Helen herMlf aplke heels~ They .... ·ear Heydays, a casual but dreuy ahoe with a 1 says lhere·a ''nothing ahaggy" about •the:ae match·atlckere and medium heel. You'll love to Hnger in the Heyday black or brown that they are "practical and dur11.blf'." They oome In seven e&Jt. ohe strap' or a. sw&nk l!lling. grey suede 110.9~1 Want to try I oolora ln<':luding natural and c&n be hwng on pin--on rods, ceiling on 1tOme others for size?' Friedm11.n Shelby are good br:and llhoea. and aldetracks. Duft please. don't get sidetracked until you get to You may like their ne"'· black suede oxford tie or the F, S. low the Shade Shop whltb 111 at ~It %9th St .. :Se\\-port. Harber 88t. heel black 11uede pump. E ither of these ia S8.9l:i. Thla price includes ' • • e one for each foot. 1 do think black suede make11 a girl lttl really ARE YOU BE1'"'DING OVER !JACKWARDS TO don11 up. Plf'nty of nashy fall flats here too by Prima and Cover BECOME LITHE. LEAN AND LISSOME? Well, Girl ... Black suede ghillies are $-f.95. More shoe& arriving by very atr11ighten up, pet before 90methlnc snapa? I know fast freight. Feet get on a friendly tootlnc at Barber'11 Boolery. • better easier way for anyone chubby in the 179~ Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. chauil!l! Thf' 8taufff'r Salon,. in S'ant& Ana has a new e e e body beautltuJ pattern all cut out for you! Here BARBARA HAS QUIT SHILLY SHAI.LYING? you may exercise, reduce and relax by means of Now that you'\•e made up your mind Baba, you'll ple~t, healthful S~uffer treatmenb. It ~ou are neftr rep-et choo11ing your nestinr twigs from a mile heavy of th1g~ or pudgy of W&Jst, the Carly&,'• Furniture. Carlyle' a haa 80me extra Stauffer system can aid you in attaining · more fancy values in home furnishing•. 1 maple provtn-Clllhlonable• cut tcr your jlb. You may have a frH eia.1 rroup of ::; pi~es ... a divan v.1th hand-Introductory tre.atrnent. Berniece. Adami will explain aome yellow·brown pattern, a big comfort.able, SL&~~fer melh~s ~r COM'ecting your P<>St:ure, win ·I tl rocker 2 end tables and & coffee reV1v1ng your c1rculat1on, a.nd toning up your t1b\11.. ta.bl~ :; f:r;1n68. A similar Early AmertclUl Berni~ Ad~ma' Stauffer system la the only authortud •Ion I~ Or· living room outfit ln green at Si 9t. Other bar-ante Co. It a not in the phone book, ltO <:_ling de~perately to th1a ad· gaiM in bed divan and chair aeta. And Babsie, dress and phone. STAlTFER MY8TEM, !MS N. Main, Sa.nta Ana. .ahould C1ro'a ever close, you'll enjoy lounging Kimberly S-1010. at home in a tUt back TV chair. The&e occutonal sitters are nicely -c.--------------------------- uphol•tered and easy to tou around ... $19.75. You may even COMMUNITY PLANNING UNIT •leep .ametime, oo Carlyle'• often you quality matt..-. In kine aiz.e, Jr. size, regular siu, hard, 90ft or medium , . , All thi• and ~~~ ii::;:~ ·~~ • 1~·· 711~· •• '"° Barbo· !UvL. CM .. FOR SERVICEMEN OFF-BASE 1 8L'°CE LO\'"ELl' DAMO'ZEL.4iii DO l\"OT ARRIVE F. O. B. IN IQ..B LOTS. REGt:IATJOX SIZES. and uniform knee lengths, It coee RECREATION NOW PLANNED without my astute o~rvatton that custom made clothe! can be fe.-..ntly flatterin&! Hu It ,occurred to any of you little padded Clothes Carta that you can readily and reasonably avail yoUM1elf ot a coutlere? "! '! RAS IT!~ ! Lee shtpley ta deairninl" and manuf•c· turinr auits. dnuea, and coordlnatea right under your button-cute no.e. And under your very chlld'a·nose too! You may take your own Cub.Ion ideu to Lee or cbooee a Shipley original. And for your little clothing earea. Sl:iipley's m.&.kes childnm'• cwitom coa.t1, alack• A fancy dreaaes. Ladies custom suit price• atart at $55. So don't pop ott to Pari.5. my dear. It's becoming haul monde to 1ope over to Lee Shlpley'a Orl(ina.la, 1106 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Har· bor %148..J. • • • Forma.tion of a comuunlty plan-•-~----------­ n.l.ng commlttff to aet up Of1·bue te<':reatton for ttervice men" and women of El Toro Marine Bue will be diacuaeed Wednesday, Oct. 10, at a meeting of the Newport Park. Be.ach and Rtcreatioa. Obm· Coa.!t college to an audience of &ervicemen and their tamlll ... Mn. Mart.bell& Randall, preatdent ot the Players. hu promtMd t.beir a.Miatanee, he N.ld. • rniMlon in the Clty Hall. c Francis Ho-rvaUr. chairman of OlA wo· man ~. commluton, . announced that IYI ttprUenta~ea trom all Harbor I CASA DON CARLOS eervice cluba. civic and fraternal Ask $21698 8UPERBA MEXICA.'°' Dl~~'"ER.8 ! groupa an invited to attend the s - . St-.... Plahl or Mlrlaated, IllaMn A .U oeulon. T'belr ad'1ce and oupport. • I COMBINATIO:S MZXJCA.."' DQt~'"SltS, SLJO 11p -.ill be asked• in eeUlng Up the 4 E.ther Mitchell of Coron.a del an::XJCA...'i 8EEll new committee. \ Cl-. ~-lll lhd St.. s_,.n ~ -· -Ill A letter tnim R. IC. Bopper, act. liar uked damallft bf '21,IM • • • big commander of the El 'Toro mpe-. Friday in a IU.Jl ftltd ap.ln.st 8. O. 8 ! c1al aenlc• department. to Hor-Howard Pa.rke_r Of Vilt&. ~· '--~ -~Tracy! Te•! Can you hear me1'! "! vat.h stated tbat he , "ftrm.ly be-Sbe cl&lmed II.hew .. a Pa.uen· . ,~ We.II ahut up a. mlnuta and lllten! The re~ lle'ia that web a.n ~Cfll:la&Uon rer on June 24 in an a.o.tomobile • Bonn.le Braids 11 ove.r hen--over hen at tor aemce men and women w Ffven weat oc eoUt Hlcttwa.y Donal~'• Bal._ I & 1e. Wouldn't '°" urrenUy needed." He promlled l!ll by ~ lil. GlbooA bf ~ 11- k:now t Bonnie Braids plPt:lc doll that ahe Tof'9'• f\lll co-ope:r:a.Ucm. . land. Tbe. ear· wu la ' ~­ Is. plctaJh et al II ate Ln Lay A.way 1t th on.-cqanll&tlcm have al· with Parker'• MSt·bound fthldo 11..-,. Gn;,hop,_ 15 .Ir. 10 But wbere e1-! Ball her out at rf.84-y t.ppointtd one npwt.a-~ the entrance ol. Balba. ·Ba)" wtlll y-Xmu tor '8.M. · So kind. oo .....-., ao tin to attend tlle Oct. 10 m .. tJas: dul>. NewpO<t ~· ~ sood old I It 10 haa 'f<lt•• NewjlC>lt Har-Chamber of 'l'lle-plalnUtt ed '20.qGO .-, ~ W>told; ..,....,,_ doU.. built.., JKUl<boakdl. ll1'Yl<e -· ~-. Oolllmoalt:y l'ta1on, en! lla--. '1010, In ~ uou, doll tnmlts, dlshM. Now you mo,_ lfUlboppen ba-·-u-Qui>, eo-del x.. Im· tiXJ>'OI-SUI .for -ol _. aod chlrpOd all eumnier, IO put oome~ 1'J In 1-JI ,....,. for tlla po•e"'""l A-U.. '84 <lt't' erlY aad l600 fD< -.W111ap. Jdd•• XJilu at lM ....... 11 And JliQbe tor~ JiCbt· tml Nwwiort llaproyalllt, ....... _fte .St WU nw la Mn ... ta"""" .... away oom• clean-! ·A.~ of -II -to porlt you ""I""' ii-u. ..... n1U that llUperlor Court. • up. Spoeial buy a llalo.rn Pwjoot Shtllll Ht<lOI 0 $S.lt 1"!1111 all • .._-,. .. -~ a.. 0 I&... Pl-~ ip ... fl-'9 pr. -Non-for oold ....... te ..... • • ~ with cold ..,., •~ J"oC-)'GUI' pw.t Auat ~.-WIDd fta Cass._.,. fta;•" lM chi..... All t11M lmdir w etc l'OOf. JI IP k._ a.z· I.. & -~ wtlJ h .... to ... clla ._ ....... ee• I I _,. I( UiJ111t flaJ' IW at OI £f NOWl&TD- t:'!t -,_ ----fto BA•-1•• -..... -.,,........ .· • Announceme.nt! Mr. Roger Hannaford and Mr. Donald Hayton, the new owners of • THl'r . . B°'I' DEPARTMENT STORE Formerly FITZPATRICK'S • 3')3 MAIN STREET, BALBOA . • • ~ \ I extend to you a cordial invitation to visit their store during ._ . . . . . . OPENING WEEK,-BEG:trNING OCT. 4 , r ' ' ' $10 FREE $10 . . MERCHANDISE D.RAWING -'l'BIS WDB- ~tjnda7 • ..... da7 • latunlat I M~N'S WEAR · SUpPle Drape Blues -Keever Spltswear Stag ·1aeKets · . .. ~ . man Slacks .kedS • ' ' WOMEN'S · WEAR . White Stag l'.arele ChriS , Kotet df camonu. __ .. .. , .. . " ...... If .... ~Mi • 1'UIG _, "8111UI ... . • II . • "~> • .>. n.....,;~ .. Blau:., r , • Dlllllllli' Slf __ .; ··~·.-i .. -• • .. • I!: #-.;;: • .... -.io '.· ~ ~·· -.. ' ~ y ,· ·' ~ .. , . ~ -THE . DEPARTMEN'.T:·'$lQiti • • ~ ., . . . ~ , -.. .. , ~ .. " • • ,. ' • I .{. ••• • <foRMERi.'(.~•~'*S)· ,_. . . . ·· .. : :-... B.ALBOA • · ~ Harb& ~09 ' . • • ' • l I I ' ' • • • • • ' . . .... ' . <>moairl' .. lMl I • '°"' --'""' . nwtGler MJ: Pnjllleil "" .. ....-.i:r ta -"l'08T U"D s8of*'.'.LW8 ~ ...-wmp1-111 ltilt.J* NOW ·o P·E N SATU~DAYS ... SUNDAYS ELECTRIC SUPPLIES ' Lighting Fixtures I Lamps -Shades -Parts Repairs • • BJIBBJ! •· WBBf'SB£ NEW LOCATION 477 Newport Blvd_ COSTA MESA • • M oa11t zm.s o •!11'1 a.r ' . "AN•BS .. THI ~"· °""~-....... •. "'~ ,-ftm- "Url'S GO NAVY" ~NMI. 1-0-.., ·---- ' •VN. ~1'1ld' oar. ' • t "PICK.UP" -Pl90- Pa& O'Briell, ,_ W7* "ellDON.U: LAWYJ:ll COllDIQ JIClOllf DAVID---~ WSD.·MT. . ~. U . BING CllOSBY .14Nlli wnaN FILU1()aO!r TQNE. "HERE COMES THE ~ROOM" SUN.• TUE& OCT. , .. Ol.IFl'ON WEllll "MR. IELYEDERE RINGS THE IELL" -Pluo - 31st St. Cut-Off <Ooa-oel'ap&) and nmoval ot th• t..brft bO\l&ff compl1ted bt-fon M.arc..h 31 of l9M.90 lh&t. ~ pavin( job can be dM• before the arrival ot sum· mer. , l"\nt action ta.ken by the com· mittN wu to decide on the pl.an to •eek acquisjtior:r. ot all P . I:.. property in the Centrtl N1wport ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; area. Tom Henderwon rnade Ule motion anct e!Jmlnated., 1p.clflcal· Jy the pro~rt.y Mtween 30th and 32nd atreeta which would permit the building of the 31at' atrttt rt*d. The 31at street rO&d wa1 later tt•lored on motion of R. L. Pattenon. aeconded by John Sail· or1. 1Wo Names# ; • . it wiUjlay "°" tD IUIUIW Hottestly manufactured and truthfully told. FINE OLD COLONY PAINTS linked with DEALER. SERVICE, assure• yo·ur painting satisfaction. , ~US llECOMME:<D A RELIABLE PAINTEB • Hendtt110n and Patlf'1'90n ~ cenUy led the fight which 11.1ccea· tully 1eutUed Uie 31at cut.off road pta.n t.tter thtff yean or tffbrt by the firat committee which 1 had been named by the cit¥ council. Princlp&.I portion. ot tile mtel· iAc WU f.&ke.n Up in the dl~ aloe ot m._thoda of approach to be ~ wtth the Paclttc Electric. The C'lty J:n&1ftetr preeented a m.l.p ab.owln.I" t.be number of lot.a and location. of Mm• which tbe city own. b'l the !ll"M tn.to which the Pad.tie Declrle eoukl be mov· td. 'Ibe ~eer reported that he hu uked the P . E. to 1Ub9Jlt & plot plan ot the rail ya.rd they would lfke to con1truct eomewbtte la the we•tt-rlf portion ot town, The railroad company hu pre-- vtoualy stated It would be w1lllng to move 11 and wtlen au.I.tat.la land could be provided It tor a depot aite &nd tunct. to accompliah Ole rftllOval. , ------ ART SECl'ION Eben Club., 6't eectlon will hold It.a flr1t clUa on Wedne.day, I Lm. at Ole home of the teacher, Joan lrvtng Bra.ndt, 406 Golden• tod avenue. From then the ff'OUP -will ro on & paintln,r trip. Mrs. Ho!'9ca Pvtrtt t. chairman ot Ute =========~~=======~===:::.'..ttetlon. , ' • , • Helen Stockton to Attend Zonta Conf erenc'8 • • Welfare Work Planned by Police Auxiliary • • • Lao1r1nr torwv<I to Chr1atmu •tJft..re WDTk W1!re Wltrnben ot Newport Beach Police Auxiliary Mn. Hele Stockton or Corona when they mtt on the evening of del Mar, preahhnt of Zonta Club Septembtr 16 at the home of Bev· of Newport Harbor, WU named erly Burdall. Santa Ana· aftnue. de1-pt• to the Zonta F..U Cob.· Aalattnc hoeteu fol' the eventnr ference, to l»e held ln.Sacra.mentO .., Lola Prtoe. • October 12, 13 and 14th, and Mra. Tbt rroup wtn brUac' canbed Helen Nort.Oft of 'Neyrport Beach .(OOde durtnr tnterveninl' wtt)U wu elected u alt.mate. at the and at holiday time wW proYidt reg'Ul&r monthly en:ntnr meeliar pe:rlahable food.a for buktU which of' th• Zonta Club ot Newport lbty wilt dlltrtbult. Harbor. September 27th at Nor· A te1tlv10ty planned for them· ton'• Cape Cod Hou.ee on llalboa aelvt1 wu di1Cuaaed. a dinner l1la.nd. wtllch will be held early in Novmi· Th• Zonta Club 1a tht ftnt Mr· ber. Balance of th• evtnlnl" WU "1.c. clul;t.. la t.M .,._ to respond (ivtn over to p.met1, with Violet to appea"!. tn. conjunction wtth Stonitb&clt takln& t'lnt prtu, Jane Ric.hard'• Market of N•wport Neth Ule aecond with Mary Cul· Beacb, to f'Umlah retredment1 urna.no coneoled. alter football p.mu tor IOC&I and Pn:aent W"ere ~udre.7 Cottle, .iat1nr llllh ..-1 ,....,.. MAiy cu.wnano. 1tuth Gttriah. Plana to-: the Zoftta Canlval Bea I.ace., La Veta L&oe,. Loil Dblnel' 1o be held at Uie B&Jbo& Prlee. Marp.ret PolJum, Bett7 Phe- .. y Club NoTember lltb. are' bua. Vtole~·Jltoneback, Jane Neth proll""aln~ ,.pldly. ud Boftr!y Bul"d.Mll. Store to Open ae. r....c. will be nut bOlit._, wtu. v1o1a eo......,1 umunc. With New Owners Women'sFellowship • llr. Ropr Hannaford and Kr. Opening Meeting at St. Andrews Doll&id Hayton. new own*• ot The Bay Depa.rt.nient 8to" (lor- ferly FiUpatrlck'a), 303 Main St .. Ba.lbo&. •xtend a cordial lnv1t.&Uoti The Women:-• P'tlloWllh.lp will to all to visit their •\Ore. meet in the lounce at St. An· The •tore will open under th.-drew'• Prelbyterlan church. 15th new m.anqement ber\nninc Oc-•lrfft and SL A.Ji.dre"9 ltd., New- 'tober 4" w1th apeclal prtu awardl port Help.t. tor deNert Wednee- and favor• for openlnl' week. The d&y afternoon, October S at l:lli Bay Department Store will c:on-o'cSock. The hol:teseee for the day tlnue to carry name branda tA will be Mn. Clarence McCulloch, men and women'• l]lOT"tnrear -Newport lkll'btl; Mt11. Thad such u White &t•I'· C&role Chrta, Samuell, ea.ta MeM; and MN. Cole of Calli., Berftliuda IWN.lt.ra. Glen WhlUock of Newport Beach. .tlc.; and tn the men'• department, Tbe devotloaa will be led by Supple Drape Bluet, McKeever Kn. Cluiati&n Schlndln-. apot'UW'H.r, Ktiruman al&c~ O. Geiorc.e Scherer, reoent.Jy return.- I . Kecia and muy othen. ff tram lADanon. wlll be UM ru•t .pe&ker and will h&ve many tntere•tlnc thlng1 to tell of bill • uperlellcea while thMe. Mn. Edgar um. the prntdent ot tb rau.owllhip, .aw that clean. T. v. sm , [~R RENT , T·DAY lllNDltJ1l TIDE T. V. ijtu NIEWPO&T &LVD N-n-••awoa 1t1 ' I W. opwate ev owa plut ' Mr$. Louis Plummer Kilted at Fontana ' Mr& Loul1 Plummer of lIJe Welt Ocean Front. wtfe of the fOMnfr iupertndentent Of Fuller· ton Onion Hl1h school and Junior oouele, -wu killed lnata.ntly Sun· day f.l Fontan& 1n a car accident when the two were retumln&" to their summer home at L&ke Arrorhea.d. They have been win· ter r'esidenU here for 1 ever a I years a.nd are active 1n Christ Church by the Sta. Fuheral aervtce& wtll be held WedJ1.esday at 2 :30 p. m. In Ful· lert~ Melhodiat church. Oftici· ante •will be the Rev.• Thomu Pendl'll of Chrlat Church by the Sea ~d th• Rev. lt. Dow Hoff· man rf .Coronado . r.+a ' Vincent is '. U. ~f 0. Rally Girl I Loa.it& Vincent, dauchtar of Mr. and ~. L. R. Vincent, !22 L st.ree~, Balboa, wu on.e of nve stria . .eelected tor the Univeraity ot ~ron'1 rally 1quad. )(J• Vin· cent lwu one of & croup of 27 fin&1.1atl who competed before the Untvt-ratty'a Rally Board. She had prevk>usly experience u a n.Ily prevtpua u :perlence u a n.tly gfrl at N'~wport Harbor ' Hil'h SChooL Mi .. Vincent 18 a junior major •• "'I-"' &rt.I. LdDB A.. BECKIEll. It D. 11. I • ' I DENTISTRY I 17~ Newport Blvd., coita Meta Mectical Bldg. · Beacon 9752 1_ E. Bay Ave., Balboa.: r Harbor 327.J Mll&lble-clotht.ng i. needed by the1;~*~=;~~~~;;~~1 bomele• Korean or all age.a and 80tl h&U. caps. 1We&ter11i-llhoea l.nd blanketa ln pod condJ.Uon llOaTU wW be ftr'J acceptable and ahe i.«J' A&tca1MI: a.aka that all women of the church 1 tlt CMil& 8Jclrwa1 either briza6 Ol' Mnd their cont.rt· I COllON A. DEL XO buttona to the church aa 1100n u -•bt. .., the J!J<Uawshlp can DAY ~ NIGHT ,CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO A TT END THE FORMAi: • OPENING OF OUR NEW AND .. LARGER STORE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th ANO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th -9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. at I~ I NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA " . GRAND OPENING SP.CIALS · > • a.pJu .•••• 16.95 Men's All Wo'ol Gabardine 'Slacks Men's Gabar,dine Shirts, Alf Color • • • 4.CZS Men'$ Flannel Shirts, • ' . . • • • • • • • • • 4..9S Men's Pegger Cord's • • ......... 7.95 • • • • • . • . • 4.95 Boys Uned Jackets • • • Boy's Long :_Sleev,8 Hawaiian Shirts · ••• 3.-4,. Men's 'Gabardine Jackets • · •• ·.12.95-& 13.95 ~ . :~,MANY. OTH1i· $PECW-S ~ • ' 8f'S(JIAL • $12.95 ' 3.95 2.ts. 6.95. 4.25 , .2.79 10.ts • . ' . " l Children's.\¥.u.t·FRU.witb.-. .. J>ur~he1• of each f'.wo, Pairs ot "lilly the Kid"_ guerenteed knie :Jqns ,.g. 2.9s ••·· ·sp.c.·2 pn. tr·& ~ WelJ.ffor • , ••.. •, ~ .... Tli._iint 'so cu.+omers ·Fricl•Y en~ . Set'""•Y 'will receive • pair · ' Of Y'icare net ~ S'oct.. ~ . . I I•••• llr tlli ~. ·. nB.li • • ' • tn-Plt4m8 Ranor U l<Jld It.I !Int alllpm<nt._ II.I 'W&T· 1 ~::1====~====~ Latin Revue for Ebel! Meeting \ E SURE • INS.URE . with MAUJUCI: STANLEY I b -OlllY --•1711 ....... .A.e.. BaJ ... hlMid ' nnt cen•.-1 mffllnc at. !Cboll club wtll be • beld 11111 oomJnc ftunday at Amerie&!l LeJ'IOD ll&ll with a 12:39 lWlelleon preeed· 1 :=E===--=:' ====~ ~ t.be propun.. ReMl':vaUou ellouJd bo mode with Kn. S. R.• -------, Rlcbanla, B""'°f '70-R w Kn. P. J. Bull~ Harbor 1729-W. Year booka will bo -but.ct &t ' . um ttm•. w. St.art Foote " J:NERAL INllURANCll: ' ~~ NejrJ;.,.-•A Latin lle"fue" lo to 1>e the pPOCT"&ID. It wpl f<atu ... Tm.1" ....... ,.u. b&rlton• am pjt&riot; An!t.a. l i~f~s=1;n;;•;-;a;1a;;m; ... ;::==~I -; oad Dm -. mubil· *" ··--> -_ .A.a aeeuttre D09ift ~ wW aut••=- llo ·-tM -· la7 &t 11 LIL . -•••1111111 ...... •-···~r.a.. ·. -.............. -·~Ml .·. a-a-..•••-P.: . .......... -. . LANDSCAPE .NURSIRY ' nKAL Cl.Olmi'Q DAY8 OP l!'IJ& FALL 8A.Lll! ' OU& lllPZOl.U.8 ALL ,,_. Wl;Jl:AB 8TOC& AU:: ~ . . FUCHSIAS '---·-·--·--···I gal. can 39# FilBISCUS szvaw. VA&lllTIU I CJ.al. can 49~ MARGUERITES -··-·--.. --: .... 1 gel. can Z9# LANTAl\IA,15 Varieties·····--' gal. c-an J9# SNAPQRAGONS _:_--·····----··---··I doL 19# STOCKS .... .!. ... _ ... _:·-~·········-·····-··-····'. .. I doz. 19# ALl!IO GUAMNTEED wrm FBD KANt1IQ: a& '9e llACll -A llTMIQBT. H% DISCOUNT ON ALL 1'"tlll8ERY STOOi[ r:FFIECnVI! TBRU 8UNDAT, OCT. T, lNl '11 C..& Bhn,y CORONA DEL lllAlt ll&r. UU-X ... • lliaint R-. .,.. II :JO AM. to I ,.M. daily ' Cloood Sundt'f' .. d hOlide)'I P'hene: Klmb.rly 2·2196 ' Lots -1 FRE£ 'AAKlNli. 100/o Discount on Any P•chase (IEXCl!n ABALONE w1 8BIUJlp) '. Bitng. this ad to ' BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Fish Daily from Ow Own loatsl •• • .. \ - • ABALONE ·····-·······-···-·-·······-~ 75c -,~ .. &loo, a.,. NEWPOBT -m FINEST OCEAN FISH WE CLEAN, FILET,CAN RETAIL HOUR8: From 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. ) OR CUSTOM WRAP YOUR FISH FOR YOUR LOCKER . t;;J.v~ DAil..Y Except w ednesd&yll -SEA FOOD SPECIAL TIES , 518 'SOth Newport Beach Ph. Har. U0'7 SAM'S SEA .FOOD ••At the 8ip of the Swordtt.h" COMPLETll COURBI: LUNCHEONS DINNERll Beauutul new Enlarpd COCKTAIL LOUNGll: OPEN EVE&Y DAY " \ . lletw----s.-- ·-·-· If to Educate Your Children . is Vour ·Omai for f·uturt Vnrs, .! -••.• J •• ·" Start Rl6ffl ,NOW;•$M the -Mh.y • . ' .c! Be ~lit• Doubts a.I Fnrs. . . L·tt ••••n11 grow Whl'lt chi14rtn l[OW. Sav~ (or edUcai10fi 1n aa in· • -~ Aa,in11 ac:cO..ttt latre.. · • ' • • • • • • •• r • • ' ' . • ... I ' . ' ~ J . • '.~ M.rr · C. ·tt. Mc~elliips· ·o' f Ar"aona· ClllW Hat w rs., :J'··Missiollary Bishop; Legion .Aiix.Tiary • .-.{::'t:.:: .. 7 !. Klh Social Club ·-w ur •~ • "•• W....· to Addrea .Go~ Cooked Fo.Od.s._1 ..... o1':,Z";;!.•,,J..:':; Entertained'" .-. ,. ~_.,,~.·-,,,-.. Add ~ ··a1··0AR M &.. .. _." Not !ID .t.neo. ui-p Ep' I!.''· .. 1 -la ..,. -cc Ure ~ b M " .. , I . . 1--'----':----ress~ t,00 . , , ' em~ ....._ 1.a..' 11ut rlPt -.,.. 1scopa11Gns ~ ..... tood .i. w111 ... 11ok1. -· • ' ...,., .. ..1., ,_. ·y esa ,~,atron LOCAL WOMAN sns ~...... . -ftllftOll, -l, ¥11 'PMlll I ' • • · ::ii.~~1' ~ ~-= n.. ilt. Jtn. Jam• WU.... Udo,~ Ila~~ :;::-j.et for Ille,._, --• · · · n.:ci-" ~ i::i.u~:~c.a:'.~ ~r-.-B-yrd_ot_V_lr_Jlnla __ IPC>l< __ '_°"-:stlle-I Qulclt '•t 11:80 o., m, .,. ~· :=rw=.;' :"'!i = ~ ~ AIW!u)'. Kn. WI ~~ ~ 14~ ~~·:.;:.1on~a.: ISLAND MMLllMOK, nm tall meeting of !he cot. wu. "United stai. and Natlonal -W ml.tu.n u.. --tor .,_ 1 ta Ille ~ oc olntr Is cl>alnnall """ Is U9ci> · ....ii. .., · ~ -. ... 16-a. X-otll N-cc - ll9m C1&1><11 Cbapter of Nowpor;t J:eonomT' """ Senator R.obort • llO<>r-' •, uu. .,:!...:,~ta Ano. Jlpi-. ~. _.llted b7 Dw-. Upooa. ~Uy.~°"":~~ . ..,. BaJ'bor -. our &..a, Barbo• DAR. held ... a.pt...,,. Taft of Oll1o -thr awl!· 1.'ll• l\U. 111r1 .... -1ouil1 .Olll ,_u .. , "' Newport --Mo hers' Club °"' ••·--club. Ja u.. all-iUt -. .,.,,Pt tho JoipOt .. ,,..,.. ber • at tho bomo of Kn. wan1 . ...,.. on "n.tenoe· of AmericL" • the ltOmadl and ~ olhor o...,.. .-tJ! pUtoliM WW Wlio .. Coftlact for 1 • , , -. ";i;"~t &lea ·Cl&U, 1lA talton by a ~ _,.,. off Portor, 3ot <::arn&tlon lllrttL Oor-A pn>f0W1d addre• on the ''Dan· hoad IJIJurlso.. 8M WN taken attend. SL Jam" ebolr wUI join II< meet!Dr· OC tho llotll-the '"'""-tnter!Jq wu In cllup A..ion. luta C>•·--.id. .... d.J llar .......... , ho•~ ..,. of WorJ<I eormnuni.m· .... lnunOdlatolJ' by 8-1 amlluloaoo to with Othon ... th• mu.re -C'1rf .,.,, ... Work er'aeJ1* of:)oba ~Calta "'C\ara-... Door prtle WU this-··· ...... Mra W. T. Kant and ..... 11-by ll<T. ll:dlllud A. w~. -Ana Comnlunlty '-Pit.al. pan>. Tlllti ....... of --K-,..tho! UT, wlU lie hold ..... by ·Daloy 1"'111-. 8Wo!e ,_ Jew Wolfe. 'fice.prufdent ot Georpt.own ·un.J· EUabelb. an.d .ber mother. Jin. iJlp at which UM mt.toa•r)' ~ . W ~.;..; t! :.:~~ ":: Wtdnllfd&J. ·Oct. I at T!IO p.m. Kl1tM autsttd her mother with Ustnc upt t-.ckle. *-lUMhd a Mn.tn•~nde_'!>thprocnm• cothalr-th .. mty followed by· Senator lid· ~-c. ~~':.k.ofotR.uSouth ~--~•-1•A bop "!ll opull. ..., _ _,,_.,, ~· ~--al th• lionfe of Kn. Vu D. RoblD· pulJ' p1ona t""·pounder ~~ a two-hour man. , -..nNUC~ e ape.a er e ward Mart1n'• tal1r. cm .. A:mi!rlea'a ......... -~•1.9 ~-.., P1 -.-. --.. ... _. 'i' W 11th atreet. . I b&ttle Tbe &A W-. wetped Ill an-. 111'0.. C. B. McKeWpo, Gruteat Danger." Wut Bay av.,ue, whoft Ille accl· lllD:IULUi' OAll8 GVUTll pw ---N~ IOll, . • , At anotlla autwlln pthorina at A..:.:i... ........... otato bi.torlan. who...... dent OCClll'Nd. Kr. and Mn. Chari• II. Molone Barbor a.u Oef--· . . th• ctub . dined at Knott'• ll<n7 ------ CG tb• Sixtletb Continental Con· At am• -. Stt''H ot 515 RedlaDdl avenue, Newport lollm ....,,.. or a. f a at)' ... CoNpaJt llltu&tlon waated &di or 1'a:rm. )lem.ben 'included Km-. ed the -uty of Waollln&ton In pl"Hlded. DevoUonoa by Mn. J... -Olet Cop< ot Sherman Clalca U Mil. ...... ·-JUI, .... Tb6oo, Poat, ud Prw _. .. .._ 8111li-, Loulao a.__ l(arjorls ..-bold 1ut AprtL Sh• c1eocrn.. Mn. Chari .. Boordm&n, ,..,.,,L Nov. lJ D--..lli'ne Be!abta. .ent.ertalned Kr. and Kr& reater, Cul 8-at._ <111 ::[ c!•et""'I 1n tho N ... Mae relller, Ctua 'sad.ase. DalsJ sprtnctime and the dramatic f'.al' 1e Wolft. chapla.in, opened the for N Ex their hOUM rueAt onr the Wttk &,.... -. ....,_ flt • a. -. ... tsoe a S2 per W.U. m1L •Pbaa• Brockett. Belen Clark, Mable NOW 18 'l'JIS TIJllC or. ... ,..... -"' .... ft. ···-1111 ... ,._,.. Wut ad toct.J"! ritual of the opening' ot the Con-oessfon. Mn. William Tl'ltt led the GYy C11ft1 end. I P. ,.. · lllL Smith and -· Pouput. • S"Q. flag aalute. Minutes ot the pre.- The 1.nttUectual backrround of vfoua meeti.n§ were «fven by' Mn. u.. Congress ... reported, WU ln-H . P'. Tantdl. ncordinr MC!'eta.ry deed .rn•t. Attorney General of followed by treuurer, Mn. Jamu tll• U. 8., J. Howard, ){cQrath, Wtbeter'w report. Cone.pondence •poke on "Ju.ttiu, th• Keyatone wu read by Kra. A , E. Stockton. , .Tho N.,y pepartmG1t 14day announced that the deadline tor It• .txt1l nation-wide compeUUw e.xamlnaUon to eeJect 2000 youn1 , officer candtd&t... for Govem- m.,t-ttnanced colle1e educatkml U: November 17, 1951. • of Denoncracy." Senator Harry correapond.lng aecretary. The re-- -----------gent announced two. new appoint- Prench sunn 1ous 33• ... ... ,.. &) • "' 11• ISl.11..W .,. .. Ylq~~.~mp:S ~ COSTA llEl!A n" ll'ewpon Blvd. 00.RONA DEL lfA.R -o-atmp~ LAGUNA BEA.CB 115 P'o,_. A.ftllllie ment.. Mn. H. P. Yarnell will be hotpttallty chalrman and Mn. Leet.er Vlerlln.g I.I the new chair- man of naUonal deftn.loe. Tbe ra-- frnltlon of refialrar, Min Bu• Skinner, wu accepted with regret. Tea ff.l"Ved from a beautu'Ully appointed table concluded the aft- emoon. A lace cloth. Ulvtt and crylt&l and a floral piece ot white flowers and flK• together wtth a euperla.Uve "f"lew of the bay made a beauUtul picture. !tin. J . L. Beach poured. Members who at- tended were Mrs. Ch&rl.-1 Board- man. ¥ra. J. L. Beach, Mra. W . J:. Filhe.r, Kn. C. F . IA.nden. Mn. A. E. Stockton, Mrs. Lester Vier- ! line, Mn. Jame• Webt:ter, Mn. Hany Welch, Mr9. H. P . Yun.ell, Mh. Lout.: Sand•, Sr., Mn. Carl H•nna &nd Mr1. Wllliam Tntt. GuettJI were lotr•. C. H. McKellip., Mia. ~rt.rude Montgomery and Mn. Myrtle Slaughter. T er Gr.idsters T reefed to After-Geme Sneck Ninety boy1, member• of the football tuma wh!ch played J"rl- d&y night &t Harbor HJ, were u pleased u · they were lllll"prt.ed when they wen provided wtth an. attu--pme mack of aandwichu. milk and potato chi.pa. Team member• eat a t 3 p.m. and by the tune' tbe p.me wu over, they were but hungry! Coa.c.h Irwin treated hi. team the prt· vioua wee.k on the way home from the Rtvenl~ 1arne, &nd It wu then t.l!ie idea came into belng. On Frl'day Newport Harbor Zonta ~lub and 0 . W. fDlck ) Rtch&rd Of Richard'• market teamed up on the deal with Richard turniahl.nr the bread, mayonna.l.ae &nd potato chlpa. The I!'OUJ> hope. ..mce club9 ot other cltJ~ will take up the idea.. CDM Church Guild r.========::;i\ Meets Monday HILLMAN MINX Appllca.tlom for the coUep tra.1nin1 prolft.Rl of the Nava.J Re.ene Oftleer• Tralnl.D.&' Corpt; u. a\11lilable to hiSh IChool •n- iore and fr&duatM between Ute apa ot 17 and 21. The application tomu may be obtained at h1"b llC.hoola, cone, ... otflca of Naval OMcer Procure- ment. and Nary Recruitin1 Sta- tion• tn !fouth.e"' C&lttomi& and Arizona.. eompleted appllcatlona mu.at nach the Navy b•mt.ntnc Boord In Prlncetop. N. 1., by Nrr vember 17. Bucecuful candJdat•• win re- ceive a tour-yea.r collep .cluca• tkm with Government •N!M.ance, a.nd will M commiaaloned. omcera of th• Nary or Marine Oorpa upon «J'&duaUon. The protT&m la open to rn.a.le cttisen.a of the United Stat••. with quotu uatp- ~ each ltate on the bu.ta of It.a hJrb tchool population . A• a result of the No•ember uamlnaUona. the Navy expect.I to en.roll 2,000 atudenta in the new prorram commenclns wttb the 1802 fall term of collece. 00TrLE l!IAG8 Du:& Police Sgt. Harrll Cott.le had a blJ' l"rin on hb face Friday u he toki fellow officers at the 1ta- Uon that he had ahot a rour"-polnt buck on a ~ent hunUna trip m Modoc county. • Storm Brings . 35 lnc.h Rain to Newport Beach . . That •torm Which thundered feroclouaJ¥ and Ut up the Bu- bar 1ky wltll t.enitlc U(lltninc lluhe.a Thunctay nl&ht b1'ousht & 1ood meuun ot ratn---=-.35 inch, the weatherman reported.. . But compared to the wet bl ... lnp lt brought. aorne damaged 11'91 delivered hen plu tu: and Jleeaae Your lla.rt»or Atta Dealer CoTOna del Mar Church School occurttd. A llsbtnlnl" bolt at.ruck GuUd will mHt Monday, Oct. a one Co.ta Meaan'• televiaion an- at the home of Mra. A\'.erle Ver-tenna, rulnlnc the video H t. aw-1, ~ P oppy avenue. :aicr.. M&:rlne Capt.a.in Robe.rt L. Al- zri-"EWPORT AUTO SALES Norman Frahm will Jive a book len of 42' Coet& Me• atreet re- JIN W. Newport Blt•d.. review &nd there will be a motion ported that U,rhtninl" •truck at NeWJJOrt Beach picture progn.m of South. Anlerica 2 :l~ a.m .• Friday momln' and Harbor 1441 to be pnesented by Mrs. Schwelt-de•troYed t.be •e!. Room pl.uter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::;:;; wu Jmqcked &oote and wa.lll were z.er. __. To acorcb~ t&I da.mqe wu set at MOO. Tile atorm ·a rainfall broucht the HATS FASHIONED TO YOUB FEATUR.l:S BLOCKED 811APE8 FR.OM 110 . MARIANE R. PERCY SH N. Coul Blvd. LAGUNA MUOn total to ,ff, comp&nd wtth lut yea.r'1 meager .Of. At leut one a ccident cou1d be &ttrtbuted to the 1torm. Eulimm& W . Stedma.n, 32, of lAOCM South V.alencia avenue. Al-":'.=====================:: b&mbra. told omcen It "'wu rain--lns 90 hard" her · ViaioA wu ob- SENSATIONAL OFFER! Now you cen buy the World F111nous, Netionelly Advertised Seely Mettress and matching Box Spring -$5995 Both pieces for only _____ .. ? .... s ,95 llc6 Plel9 for ONL)'---·---5 • TWIN -4 FUU. SRI ll'OW IA ftOClK -DroL11111XG 'ID '-l'AllOOll lllUL'I' ~ *"' DICPOUr ~ W.D 1'0C1a UAJ.Y ' Ar BIS I.OW PllllJli 7 • 1 ~ . 11118£1 fUlllTllE CO.· SCUNd, caualns her to colllde with • car parked in front of 1212 Cout ·BIYd, It WU a'Wnecl by John A. Jo W~er of th&~ add.nu. Library Lists New Books Timely for all who follow irporta i. a new non-ncuon book added thla month at the Nn1port Beach public library. Autbol'ed by Schoor, tt"a title ls ''Su.pr R&,. Robln.acm.." Other boob new ot the library Udl month lnclude: nctton: Axh. MONt: Bunea, Wltll A.II K y Burt; Bromtldd. Mr. llmlth; au ... Harbin'• IUdre; H~ndryx, M\trdtt on Halfac:t.y credc:; Joace.lyn. Wqona Wnt; Mann., The HoJy Sinner: Kar~ wits, The Daupler; K&U...00. TM ci.t...n and tho F0W11&lD ; Pro.u.t7, rabla; 9eiley, The ltranpr -Joie; Solfert, Doc-tor OC Korey; Shipman, llstor of UM Bride; Shulman, 'fte Xaay Lona OC Doble Gillis; Blok ... Capt1n ltt tho Nipt;· 114no. TM -t'• l.adlr; • afona:. ~ -ol Gold; ud Y-i, Tiie lpo-IM VUlap, , ~ .... , BllU.., -llO!i -oaM; l>laq, .._ -; J ..... Jiu Dlld; Md aa JI &0.. ODalt-Up ... Orlu4 , ... OU.. ........ &t .. 'Mbf11: ....._ 0111.azo 11ept a..; .,,.... fte Mepff'-t C1111balJ ; ..,,.,,,.,; •ts aw· k; :.•z •.11. '1be ··•'"'97 ., ...... t ......... oureo .. ~ ... ~ ll&wldM. 1'41b -Polk~ --; 'l!Juel, :na. (>!"""" • 1 • ., u.. &q-,t.ad: .... . ---·-JkHs1 •.• , ....... . ~ -1 "'• A '-COSfA' lmA • ~ n.111a-~._; D'h "-'n9-lac s•; _. ~ =-... , ......... , ' , / • • Prlrn Eltttll'r n. ....... Wrtlartlllar OdMrr IO Slllr .... = ·: ... ·-~= '=" 21• s-.. PiGles Doi o.~ 1::-27• DiU Pickles'"".-;.;;..-1~ 23• c .... 1ee1 w~·~ ,,. CllOll•• Mii Ar.nour Sttr . IAnch mtet.. 1!: 49• . TOIUTO SAICE . Tuk Tf'll, brand. 3 a-. Uw 1n cookinJ. ce111 14• ---------------FUPJlCI Mii Albtr'• brand. ror Wo~m breakf~ 1~:-29e --------------- TllU SYIUP Vermont Maid. C....ondM&ple . :: 45• -------------- "IElPPU JUla Libby bronc!. for bre•kfut.. 1:: n· 4------------ COllD I''' Swift brand. Saw hot OT colcl. • 1~ 39• SBOBIElllG For baking or fryi ... Priced low! Royil Slli ~ 83• Swttrlllt ~89- S1cdll · ~ 81-· BUiit• c•••t•• llG MONIY·SAYING IYINT Val-, Val-Val-.•. A teni6c .. IO-of good bu ya for our bi, Anniver· sary oelebration. Come in today and 11ock up on y011r ta ... rite food• at money ... •ing low pri-. Vacuum pack. ~77• SlllWICI SlllAI .................. ........ . lp1dollow-.... .... SAFEWAY CUAHANTEED COOD-EATINC MEATS 'It' dm llia11 _. ~~1:1.•LW. APPU-.' N.M-i IN!"'i ':f $' ,. ~--... ,, .. ! ..... ' . ~loh-. 'Z"' · a- ,Jllwll u .... ... J d .. . I ·CATSVP DOl-T-=--1s· ,,, ,,, . , ... , I --~ .. ~ .. ~-. ~ 'illl. ' ,,,, .. ........ . .. .... . ll;JI ........ : -... • • ~. "" 't a••;o-....·, • ;'V ...... · Dt'1no.lt•Ollll ...... .... .. . .t_>..,.~ --.._ -~.1.. .. '-.. ' . ' • .. ... • ' • I . ' .. 1'&weoBt IJ&Y ' Pricttcet u ad ~ m um ' PAa & OC'ft)-1, illtl ll-1la "°"'" -1 •rat POft ""i Aim llllOPl'llfG JISWa po.,.,. will p..,;--* IW ""'; Membership .Drive Now Under Way for Elementary School P.-T.A. .All incrMM· of 20 Pb' CUlt ta PTA membonlllp ovu tut Y-port --t-a dMal7 la predict.eel ..,. -Loult CMnar. lallt ........ u. -aad llM -pl'<Okl<nt of the N•wporl lleacb llltA!ruto at 11M cllDll <U bo _... elementary ochoola PTA. Tll• ex· od by Ille alnfle 1af19 m- peetad pin. Will bo due to the slllp of one PTA ..,, ........ ,... .._,. o<heol onrolment and Ph· ent.o. u..c:IMn ud 111-at Iha eral population jtDDp bl tbe .,..._ lf"°port ldlool dt.trf:ct. ._ 'l'tle local P?A's %Ith membef"' TM p&nnU' Ouldf! and PTA slllp drt.., wllldl pt undtt -7 -""" )llla!nplllot 11aUo • taat Jlolldf,y, Oct.ober 1, wW coattnu• coopue.tlan ot UN bOIM end -a ...o. Cblldren wm· br!q ..-1 1a ,...,,ttnc 1c1ea11 attord· bome ·m"lft.aUo• to membership tnc whDleliiDme pl'SCtit• tn WOf'k wlUl ... ~ mTtk>Pt and pi.y """ pn>ridln( oympo- for the membel'9hlp fff:, whf'Ch ii Utetk: pidance 11 the 5481 for 80 centa Jiii' ..... -. . -U...PTA--. . --Bott ..... art ........ Mon!_, cll&lrB!ta ~ .. vllor !or the N~ Bea.ch ele--the drlve'a tctnltiM are Kn.·CU1 ·menta.ry ~ bu MJeeted ftft Woltt, conik •• Kar; Jrilrs. WU· postera tram emoec UloM 111tarnlt.. Uam coa,m.aa, Horace J:nllp: t.ed by --ta to --c. Z. Kdrtll, Newport the drift. ~ Wiii ... dllpl&yed Beach. • I I • • , -_, -a c.r.ei..._-1---,;...---.--- ....._ .,. ""'· -llfn. N .. , •? Brid J-ow. lllolal'llf, -... 'fY men Cl(. • , e ..... --..... & ~ ...... Vi it p nts ;.,:..;: ~=-!.~ ~·tn and ::e N. J. 0 aab07, ~ dO,sMer of Kr. &bd lln. fttl. ~ &\'fDUt, ~ del Mar. ,, CllAlloo -... ~ _.... 111111 ha~bcon ........ lnln&' tll.U-... talloCI>. \'ooeollo. or...,.. TIM 04 -da~tet-Jn..law, Kr. and bri~ la 90n ol Kr. aad Mta. Tbornu Cl&ney. The couple ,J'allJloa -· 1IOI 'hclfte w morrtod bJ the Amft'lco:I Drt-., eorou del Mar. la \'ol<Ohoma, Japan, on Pl!W. ........... la ktepla&' b1 Aurj, 10. Thty have DOW ....... btt ,n,adtatllor, PblWp VoDejo, llah'l'! a home ln San l'rancloco of aon ' rr.nclocb, In an etstit u4 I T-lo pNHntly "4t-•r o'clock dOUM•rtnc ~rtmocy ,....., UN M'•'t'J Prfi • Cornmt.tonlns fc>rn><d 11)' th• lttt. Paul Uwar.t llcllojrl Iii San Die .... B&bbllL Bhe 'WU a charmiq' pte. l tun tn her weddinc fOW11 of nylon r'~LLENIC ME.ETING tUl1I ..a Mtta, wiU _. of Kpbor Panht.lltnk wW Mld rt. "'*point ou.tlintn1 UM ott RoWd· ~. ~eetlns on Wednesday, Oct . .,. yoke and dropped walltllnt. 10 ~t I p.m. 1a PUcrtm ball, Cor· A Cf'CM'D of ,.,.. point embroid· ona o..l Xar. Duatrt wU1 be .. " .. ~tale~ ~ll u.~~1.:!: ed JtrompU1 •t ei&'ht o'clock, with ·-blailttu and ....... olterward. leqth ~ completed th• e.n· 1 .m'ilt. Bu bouquet wu Of Illes aT ANDU'WJS FELLOWSHIP of tM ..u.y and white c>rchlda. J. A :·G ·~:A R Mark·"Vll ' 1J08 OOAIT BLVD • ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL · (il TD D'Dl4lfCZ 'IO LIDO ISU) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -9:30 AM.-11.AM. CHURCH SCHOOL -9: 30 ·A. M. .. Yomig Chuclunetl i :SO p. "': p~ W. -la .-rloua l\eaulta of llM mcmloenlllp drift ahop wlndowa.. Kn. R.e:Jlford will N announetd &t U.. ftHt Brudl, well-lmown loc&l ...U.ta meetlnr at tll• Newport llMdi an4 I -of the PT A'I art elomtntary •boola PT A, 0.:tob<r -IUH, llao Iulo deo!CD<d _. 15 It Ibo N-rt ocllool oudl- ror adornmnt. •b• wore a alngle Woram't hllowahtp, St. A:A-THURSDAYS ., ll.rud of pearl&. ~· PnsbJtet;an church, meetA 911..., la.d ..._ tod~7 at l ;tD p.m. in the church , loun&f'-Geor1ie lcberer wtll speak I HOLY COMMl,.INION -10:30 A.M. ltft for the membrnbip enrol-tortum. ' M.<tWffk. Mn. Caenar i. anxinu8 to ba•• newcpmen. to UM Harllor &HS un- dttat.and that ' there i. juat one Parent-Te&cM!' .A..aclaUon tor the three elementary Kbooll ''There ill no fixed tchool bound- aries within the city," the stated, · "•nd a.ttaa dnigna.Ud for each acbool •re beMd on txl«inl n.- rolmet:lt. BOllE FROM llOHTWZ''· Mrs. John Glllia ot 480 l:St.h St., CCJ9ta. M:eaa.. hu concluded a at&y tn M.ontr-.1 with ker llbttt, Mrs. ~ucy Ry&n. WhUe away Kn. OU- 118 alao enjoyed & eojoun ift New York City. The tJ1p wu made t.y plane. '"'Tbe Sa.rtK>r area ia • ful-l'f'O"Ninr one and tt .eems ath14-Wtek end vtsi.tOl'a in the home able to admit a child to a .ec!!iool of Mr. and Mn. Harry C. Burdick, tn the loc&l ayatem where be can 232 M.arnolt. aft.Due. Colt& Men, best be accommodated_ were Mr. a.nd Mrt. Cba.rlta Fowler The three schooll, Corona ckl of Pettolia, caltt. Mr. rowler 11 )tar. H?race En.sip a.nd ~be New-. a brothtr of M:ra. Burdick. ·.· .. ----· .. ------··-.. ·---·-·--·-·. ' SEE THE WORLD SEllES ' • Jtll!O:W1Nd AOQUAINTAJrCS -N yoan -' are I- ..... -.. l.ur'a Ml10 et OW-. JIMa ... Mn., .. l)ee,.. KocJIOro of _....., -(fllltt). (N....,.,Tlm• Photo) Sisters Meet After 54-Year Separation Fifty-tOur yun 11 a lonr time. but for t•·o allten to bf: a part, lt'a nearly a llfdlme, MlM Laur. Belden, 1830 Park avenue. Co~ta Mua and Mn. Jean DeaRocbers, of Brockton, M'.a.M.. decided Thursday nlrht. Sepa.rated v.•hen they WIT8 chll· dren ln Ma..Machuaett•, the)' had not attn each other ainCe the 90'• although they 1tept touch thTOu•h eotTeapondtnc~. · 8o It wu quite a lhrlll lot both whe.n J.fiM Belde.n met her youna· er filter at Ute Oreybou.nd bu.I etallon.--ni. Arch... 'Especially since neither had any k!ea what t.be other looked,. llllt:, nor what ahe would wear. "')(lu •ldtn. wu born in Se&· tUe an4 bet' four mt.en tn San Franclaco. Tbe family went uat. ln 1891 a.nd the children were •tpuated 'Wbm thllr pattnla dled.. Mn. Del.Roc:ben weat to live with ttla.tive• 1D Cu•d& Wu Belden came to Loi Angele.I 1n 1908. She Ml bffn a COlta. lilua rt91dent alllce lttl. DAR Bridge Party Changed to Balboa Bay Club Due to the sreat intereat in &.nd U.. number of 1'9Mrvat.l0ft.I for the Col WlUl&m CObcU Chapter of Uie Newport Harbor DAR Mn .. fit card party ac:heduled for Oct. s, the aettlnr tor the atfi!Ur hU been ch&nl"fd. Jt 'Will be held al the Balboa Bay club &a & dHMrt. al one o'clock. R.eNrvmtk>.a cba.ltman lJ Mn. Carl Hanna , Harbor 0091-J, at whON bom• lM H:nent waa: otl&i· nally planned. Brid&e and Canute will be played and aeveral docw prlz~1 . have been donatrd by Kn. C. r . l.Allden , vice-rf'gent. Table prtut will come fl'Olll the Kay rtn.ch studio. Mn. Braden l'tnch la a mnnber of the Ch•p- ttt. AU prooeeda from the b@ne- nt wU1 l'O to the naUonalWUdtnr fund of th.e Dauchter• ot the American RevoJutlon . Don Ward Phones From Germany _ Don Ward, who la now ln.. CU& Blanca wtth the U. S. Alr 1'orc• S,..;1a1 S.rvkes, telephoclM1 from a.rm.any to hl.8 parent.I, Mr. Md Mn. D. R , Ward, 123 Vla U• dine, Udo lale. SridMmakll wer. M&rsartt on JAM.non and the Near ZUt. 9unkt ot Oranc•. BatM.ra Krauae -Of Perttud. or. .. and JMn A.an 11r. YOWll at Glf'J\d.alt. Tbey were l'owaff: a.I.Ole la II.Iver be.n- pllnt, bolltrlno larlrtll and <or· ried bouqufta of )ltnk FOIM wbtch matched· tMlt J\&lr bandt&ux. Du· pU0&t1ar tllo w<ddlar pwa 1a sty1e WM th• Ian.I' fl'Oek ot plnk nyk>a tulle and Mnpl:iae worn by t111 lloWor (111, K"'l' Lou Do· •II. .-. of th• bride. Hor b&lr ...... prt.uclOd with ptnlt ...... s.n4 a. curled a b1Juqt14!t al the ...... -louom.t. Wa.rren &toluotf of Puadtn• p.Ye bttit maa ..et.tan.Ce to hi• brother and Ulhets wn• o.orre Root ot Con&UW, ON.; W illiam Volk_el· a.nd Jl.mf'I 8htlly, Los Ancetu . ror her da.upttr'1 weddJftl' Mra. Phelp1 wor. an attractive a nk1e-length l'Own of pink. laef:' over rnr. tulle while Mr•. Stol- arotf i:~ a dtn.ner dfrrf:'., of bUr- g'&ndy crepe. lly~l(llt While rt&dioll a.nd • myriad of taper• tn tau ca.nde.labra. decorat- ed the cllurcll ·for llli• ceremooy. Similar flowen were UMd a. ltl!t· llll&" tor tile reception Iii Pll(rlm hall. BoUt JOUDI' people attended th11 University ot California., where ta. bride wu a mem9er or Ztta Tau Alpha aorortty &ad It.er hua- b&nd wu attillated with Thet.a XJ. They are now mald:a.1 thetr Mat.1 a t TlO .A.rrtl'/O Drive, Sou.th PIMdfnL Circle · 3 of WSCS Meets at Home of Mrs. Wayne Hunter I • • NOW Is the time to transfer your funds to insured SAVINGS 'CUR.RENT EARNINGS llYll&S IOW 1111111 UP T0 .1111•• A.lthoup both had bHn mean· tnr to pt together for yea r1, Mn. DeaRochers u.w a &ood op- portunity when the Emblem club, a llPOE &1n11ate, or which ahe la a member, 1taged It. converiUon. tn Lonr Beach. "I eot mystlt appointed u a tklepta>," Me lauc-hed, Ayinl that ahe knew It woukl siVt her the chancl to llff Mils Belden. n • .tllten plan to spend the next two weeks catcb.lng up on th• put M 1ean. The formt r Harbor High •th· 1ttf' WU on a week'• trip to Nur- embutJ'" to attend a bukd:bell c1lnlc wtdch wu headed by tM t&mou. Kimtuclry coach. Adolph Rupp. Don jolnf'd the armed force1 in February, 1960 and hu been O'ft.r seu for three monUU!. He WA ao enthUMd over the trlp and the beautitul country throu1h which he Wf'nt, t hat he "ju.st bad to tell someone about It." Circle :S of tbe Balboa Island W .8 .C.S. B. I. Community Met.ll:o- 4 .. t Church met W.clne9day noon for luncheon at the home ot the cb&irman, Mn. Wa)'Jle Hunter. 318 Grand C&na.l. lfra. Leonar Rarrrave wu co-ho11teu. Mn Hunter pruldt'd over the bu..indfl meettn1. The ktdftap bft&kfut Ch'«m by M.r•. Frances ftlley l'fffttUy WU reported u vtry succa1tul and loU of fun. MOllY RECllYlD .IY THl llTI 'OF TIE. MOITI UUI FIOM Tll ISTI e Enjoy fomou.o, Hfe.olze, lilelika G.E pie· tunol Enjoy o-lonly cobiMt ••• 1 aod in -uino mahopny, hand.rubbed fOlt lutin1 beauty. Enjgy General Eloclric quality. All et a rock-bottom prioo. Don't mia _, t.hio .-G-E Block·D&ylita TV modol. •lwl..U• 1~. T-. l-'MI.,._-" ,.,,_,, '* ~-,,,;. ,i-..... Newport Far1altare Co. 822 Stete Highwey Beecon 5431 NEWPORT. BEACH -·--·-···· -----··-··· -. . . . -----------·-·- l~uAHtC PUBLIC GOLS:· COUR•• --~ot•1Kvtt'. ==· 4zr"' "!>!IL,..._-. AU.,0'17 7 f ·s r \Jest ~ sttcct at Radio,..... -sANTA ANA •It >1111 VFW Auxiliary Fri. Card Party Open to Public At the l&teat 9Mlfon ot thf' VFW Auxiliary "36. prt1l~ Oftr by Praldent Irene Tlmm.tnr. It wu YOt.ci to declare .Frl~ay, Oct. 5, a. CS&rk nlc-ltt and hold a public card party lmtud of a meeunc. The -.tit aff&lr wlU be 1tapd ln Amertca.n Legion hall. Costa M-boS)nnln( ot 7:30 p.m. C&.nuta. bridl'e and plnocl'l.le wtll be played. There will be doot pri&u and t&bl# pti&ff and ""' frelhmenta. It r. announced by Dorollly OlllHple, publicity cliaJr.. maa. mt'eryone II 11Hlcome: & ...U don.aUoa wt1l be taken •t the Prowlers Reported by Four Residents Prowler11 were reported In nrl- ous aect.iON of th8 clty onr the week end according to report. to local police. Ji.tra. Robert Sh&nd ot 109 3oth strHt ttpotted one on her front porch at 10:23 p .m. on Saturday. At 12:38 a.m. on Sunday, one wu tttn by Jim Zrelger at 111 Jk.. ionla. annu•. lltW another wu dlacovered at 12:1$ a.m . Sunday •y J. It. WU4tr of 327 Montoro 1trHt, Balboa. At 4 :41 p .m. lun· day John Gttrer, 101 Vla Rav~­ na, Lido Isle, rtport.ed' a prowler aee.n on two even.l.np, September is and .. pttmbtt 28. • Discuss Nursing at Red Cross Meet door or tlclcetl may be purct.ued All phua ot the Red Croa tram any mfmbw. llUJ"lllnK Mr'Vfce. were con.ttdtted ~ will M u-4 for wei... ln Ute nuntnr conference hdd ta tare WOt'k. General chairman in SoullHr• Oraac• County Chapter -,... ot arrong......,ta la Do-~ UO< W. 8th otrtet. Konioon. lanta ...... 'nllnGay. lkpt 27, a<· Mathew1 who told ot the preuln.1 cordlnc to Hany .uiiton, chair· needo ot tllo COmmunlty a.oat:. mon of If ewport llarboT -· Ille ukod t.r ..,.un._. ta bolp !'10 CODt-. waa -urancod wttll tbe CooCa K-campoJcrt by tile Noll-1' Jl<d a.-OD4 Koodoy, 0.:L 1. A numbtt of _. i..i ~ Kn. Janttta A-· ...,.,. oltffe9 tlwtr wl•tanco. u. •-.. ~ -tor ot uuft. 'nlo .,..,,....,. amt J!0.00 ti> la( -IUld Kn. Slfrld Bui· N 0 S d ~-th H help w1th t11o party ....... tor lard. nurmnr field ~p-tattw !'W pen . un •Y TVr • om~owner , <>Ct. 1 at aa_u, 11oop1ta1. of ""' -... ott1.. aan CONCl.ltl ILGC;KS ..• ~ lllCK . to'=':~~ ~1!;! ~. aortll•zs Oro.rip. COUI\• P1ia,.J11•"1u.0U.11 · TERESA RENNER. !M~ A.lleniwr) o i'• Msstso., .fttM o as , g.,· .. Ila? , ....... '\ • 416 Sina DllM · Hal• t171.,, C:..••• tlgt't1• -C•t tt .. , I FLAGSTONE • SAND .• •RAVEL of.., -hi"" ftkh .. -ty, .... ,,.. ... Or&np, J.acima • ..,,;_·,... ...,. ""' ,....U.. ---tllma On.lap .-. CIMINT ..vrr..._ 11Mpltal &@I-Lda 1-ty -~~la llllnlnc.,... SKIP'.LOAnD ftJB TBAUJJJl L()ADINO ~ ·u.at • W donated - S fDl.to -ot ~ to Remo _, llDd Ila -K 11 TH . I •. c 0 L' LI N ...... .._ ot <:amt ~ P"'blom• taclwliJoS ~- I ••• •:....i c..,,.o. --, .. ......._ -·" ~ Oloen-1Ab Of aob llDd ~ ef -.... protoa-2.Lft Newpoa't--. ~----; ••~ u.,a,~m..to J<lllol --. =-i -._ claM ,_ ~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;ii;i~~~~~~ lllS --1 .. -,...... .. ..... .. -......... --i -....... Jin. i........ -77'11 11 • .,. -• ......... a--~-.-..... tM' 0 I I QI .. ~ IMP'f ID)Mla .,..., ..... W. .. __.. W 'lllt..C iii·--,_, ..,P7, ....................... ,s ·nu ... De dl&'Gllli a'•• Wtla11111l•liM., .. r tw ; s e =••• --... • I ' .... r,s'I ...... crw ....... a.ta I n I 'I ... ........ .., -...... ,... •ea•• I t. ...., 1'W ~""""' -'.X)\ I --'Da • 7 IQt If Fl .& I• .... -11 1* I I a& & - -•-• w ,.... 1az •' fU¢Ml·Ali· .. I £} -It Wo '°#.MIM!J •r 7 ... ...... aasaDts£8 .. t?lr,_. ••. ... Al& ., .. · --··· • .. -. • • ' I -• • Mn . V. JUckard 19 .u.rtinl & tr& velin& buket to help in l"&lsin( tunda. TbOM pl"Mtllt bl!11idea the ho.- teaea were, Mrs. V. Rlck.&rd, Neal Oonker, R. H. J:dwa.rdt, Percy Balnu, Frallce1 !Wey, F1ottllce WoodhoUM, Blanche Bakker, Clem Cbn.tlf and Ted Haua@r. Tbe next m9etin&" · will be October 3l•t al the borne of Mn. Neal Donker. 323 Oraad Canal. with Mn. R . H. Edwa.td.s, co-,_....._ Clrc:IM 1 ud 2 of the 1&1ne Sf'OUP were rtctaU)' o,...anised, Cltcle 1 · at U... home of Mn. Harold J'lnlc OD SepL 1-4. Mrt. Stf'pheJ\ Smith wu elected cb.&ir· mu. Clrd6 2 Dl•t lepte1nber 20 at u.. home Of Kn. Robt.~ Ill-. eloctlnl )fro. Artll.ir kbetlke.1 u Uletr cbalrm&n with Kn. D. O. Bolter uaiatln~. .1 I I I • Com• In ••• W• will arrange ti!• tranmr of your lu~• wltllout lnconv•nionc• or .x,,.n• to r- • .-•........ I the h -!use . of ~arm:ony J 1117 Newport Av••••• C111W M1• , • , • I . ' ' ' I I I . 1 , . I R•quests the Ple4iure ~f yO\il' Company:.a4 ·th~ir -~, Fri~d . e ·Jl~m~~~k~~s . Party ,., ... ., . . • ~ / In per~tion ~itlf IUCHARD'S UDO ~RklT -· ; WAY· ~ ': .. IJDD THEATRE ....... If···~· , ' Door Plizes • • • • • • ' I ' - • . I ' • ' • • • ~BAY POST ANO SHOPPIN& NEWS • .· . . -MA YONNAl.SE ~~-:. 3,-!;, 63. 1.AUlA SCUDDH'S Peanut 1~ Butter 34c Golden State First 9ua0fy · Jr;;; .. _~·~;::__\ B U T T E R ~·.·!':-~~~ -~,.,,.._,s•:,. c lb. 1890 RINCK 23~. DllESSING AmeriCa's ------ ' .~ ~ · Quality Meats . si> .. iii 'Riis Sm 39~ . Poiii""t1vER 35~ Oteor Mayer, l•lh,. Sllcetl, hot Val 49¢ BACON 1-LI. CILLO • Favorite Short'nl-'9 i<iici-IL-u·p· 2oc ' · Suns.hine Krispy •....U IUTI" IOLLI 33c.._ °"" "' kl ' tor 11• '· WHEt( Y.OU . 5~ y ••• COF"FE :E 5 • Say FOLGER'S 1-LI. CAN c DO~E SLICED -Ho. 2 Can Pineapple "BUY NOW & Save!" -. Good taste for Boy Scouts C'-aotl all toocl ~ Sc..t1,q•lck . aotl •ClfJ h , ....... ...... •o•rllkl••· GnYOUlS TODAY! No. 21/z C:.a 1cr hit 9Hllty-U. S. Ne. 1 L ... e s ..... Wllltw laM SP.UDS / c • . . . CRACKERS • LICliD 01 HALVES-YELLOW CLlN• 23c JELL~O HES HO. 21/J CAN 1·1b. 26c lox . . • Betty Crocker's BISQUICK ~:;~ ........ 39c SALTID-Vtl•INIA I OL CAN CIRCUS PEANUTS • • JOLLY TIME . 1 17-c z& Je\\.O pudclift~ • POP~ORN 10°0L CAN If US ... ) .&le W Yl~~~.~mps ~ C · \ . . ~-'N \NE S & LIQ U o RS SINCI 11St 121'19 Mon la .9-atlsl · CORBY'S ·5439 ·RESERVE · ;:'. .--..,v a Case-.Save 10o/o · •1~e1· ,.i.·~.~ s9~ -~ \ . --~-fur-~~-~::'!~"--: .. iiiii-.. ~ sr , , ' . HOLIDAYS AHEAD! 1uJ NDw lefon Ta .. cre11el • • • ' SAii-WAX 98c , PINT IOnLI. • . . . . • . • • • . • . ""FELSO" INSTANT SUDS 29c l.Al~E PKG. CUT·llTE . WAXED PAPER ' 21 c. 121 FT. ROLL Frozen Foods .. • "I • • • ' • I f \ • • • • • . • , • -. . PACJlll t omollD I, 1111 li&Wtva1 UY POt'r Alo,, ~G NEWS WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY, SB.Lt EMPLOY, ·RENT, OR ·USE THE Cl ASSIFIED. ,PlfOtl .flAR 1616 . . J cuASSIFI·ED • The Mighty Midget In .Adverliaing NEWS.~ -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPOBT-BALBOA PBF.SS-Thursdays Nwwpwt: llQ" Ptst 1lte 'nel A.ti ...... ra 111 tM Tw11I J 1'-.. IM n.-y r-· ll1NDl17ll .f.D 18 ' U!o:8 .a..a m <.,...., -.. ,.w rar OMii 1o .. _ .1,.._a_ 4 u... 1 l'llpor •• 15 4 . i:.ae. % l'apen 1.50 4 u.. s Papen %.00 ni. publlahen will not be rupornltblt tar mOf't; than one tncornct lmertloa of an adverti.ement. l"dUYe the T1fbt to correctJy cla.u1l7 any and all 114-an.d to reject any &dvertJeement not con1'o~ to rula and recuJ.atlons. Adverti.M!menta and cancell&U~ WUi be accepted up to 5 p.m. on ULe day preoedlnl' pubUcaUon. Except deadline tor Newa -Time1 la ll L m.. Mondays .._. Bar. lfll. Mir: for ""Ad Taker"" or Med .. &Dd reedttaM9 to NEWPORT llilllOB PUBLISHING CO. · nu lllol-llhd, N-rt -. Ollll.lonU&. For Venetian Blinds, Sbadea and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free eatimatea Pb. Har 884 FISHER Drafting Service 918· Cout HJghway, Harbor 2443 Corona d!'l Mar 12tf< nttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEJ>ENP~f;!.,~LUMBING 18-Bea!!.*z Alda R<p&lr -MalntabNd s rfl . • Phan•: Harbor 10,_w upe uous Hair q()l Balboa Blvd., Newport BMcb Pe:nnanenUy removed trom face, Wlle peopl~ do read tbe Ilda. a.mu. lep. Eyebrows a.nd hair- ... lint aha~No more tweesin,.. B & Y House Movers r:LLEN r.. BRYANT R. E . • • AND Tuelday and Tbund&y only General Contractors Lido'• Salon or ~uty 11&r.1~; $50 Firat St., Tualln Callf . Phone Klmberly S-lW (Home Phones JA.aper t-2173 or JAsper 9-2887) 73c88 PAPER HANGING ~2-Loet aad Foaad LOST -Cocker ap&nle.I, &Olde.a. An.were to name "Jarry." llllnd In one eye. Reward. Return to "' Painting, Sprar Painting 1100 w. Ocean Front, N•wport Beach. 7111181 Kenneth Quarrv 1516 Sant& Ana Ave, Coot& Kea 28-Sltaaliou Wanted Phone Beacon 6604 llk6IB HAULING ANY ~Traah or? EXPERIENCED booltlceeper-ac- countant. can ha.ndle eev•ral mot"e account.I. Call Mr. Me ... mer. H&r. oe34-R. · 7~p80 FINE mONING will call for and .Washing Machines J:.AIT WASHER. deluxe, , with ovuslud wrtnser and pump. Good for Iota of aervtce .... 1-f,9.M EA.BY standard wrlnrer wurber .. WANT AD will cost you . ' only 52 and ,.it ~ill run .. in all 3 local papers. A Minimum ad i1 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport.llalboa Newa-na--Newport.Balboa Prem I Newport Bay Poet (Sbopplag Newa). -_, ~!1!17 ....... TT • BALBO:A ISLAND We laaft ~ Md .aollil I .A.nP•Ne tor wtatw --:• ·J'MlV-wm.. W. Sanford . U.U.T<)R, -A. ..... at _ ·-1-Bwllor -. -· .FURNl8Hl:D -2 -.. altep •. llpedoua encl-patio, teal bome, Udo lolo. Ccnoldu yearly .i.a., Sl.25 per mo. Write Box "It" thla paper. Tlpll Ulo\8IDI: APT!!, DlceJy llln>iabod, 1 br., uWlttew lndUded.. Yearly n.u.. 1121 w. Ocean rr .. New. port Beach. H&rbOr ue. 71pM in lfOOd runnin( order .... $211.00 I l!,:O:::=====================:::!J APEX wuher ··-··············-···$20.00 BALBOA PENINSULA~ bdrm. turn. houso, 2 bath&. WIDter rental. 1115 mo. Write J'ern White, 137 MMqUita, P a I m Bprinp or Ph. Palm Sprinp &Mf. T1pU Kenmore wuhinc mach _ .... $17 .50 1802 Euy Terma to Sult!. STROOTS TeWinkle Hdwe Phone Be&con ti2l2 KENMORE Dt:Juxe •love, grill, wallit high broiler, larre ·oven with wlndow, light, clock a.nd timer. Good condition and price. Phon• Harbor 34&8-W, 80c82 Ch~ler Engines . Used ~rowns -Royals • See John Harvey ORE.AT SA.LE ot Summer return- ed Spinet -planOI. Save: from 1100 to $200. LUce new. ruu guarantee.' Rentai terms. D.ANZ- SCHMIDT BIG PIANO 8TORE, 520 N. Main, cor. 8th, Banta Ana. LIDO 181..E-AttracUv.Jy tum. :t. bdrm. home. TV-Clo.. to bay. Ice. paUo.. 126 Via J'uca.r. (owner on premiaea Friday) AXminster 1231G. '19c81 . TRADE your old piano on l:ltttrlc TEARLY-Furn.labed I room apt.. Organ. Plano or Television. Bir-with prace.. '50, (or without re•t cub allowanct. DANZ-"5) 1823 Weat Balboa Blvd. SCHMIDT PIANO CO, 520 N. Nowport Beach, 79p81 AUJn, Santa AnL APT. YEARLY RENT, tile kit- GRAND Pl.ANOS, 2:!i makea. Used chu and b&th, newly decoratait. New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan V..' Al.LACE CALDERHEAD 817 Cout Hlway, Corona de.I Mar 70ttc Build with Bric;k FRANK MOLL Call Walker-1576 Placentia deliver. CUrtallul. Phone Mrs. ------------- from S•95. Term.a. 8te1nway, OUUide waab room and pr~ PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 Muat be aee.n to appreciate. It 437 E .• 16th SL, Coota Me•• Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK Phone Beacon 6~-R 7tc7!SH 80<81H ~~~~~~~~~~~- Williams, Beacon M91-W. 7Sc80 DEPENDABLl! m l d d l e . a~ ABC DELtJXIE model lr'oMr, just like new. $150. Call Beacon eMf.W. 79<:81 at Seacraft -Cla.uilled ad.a are Nad by folk& who an Jookinc to buy. woman would lJke steady poat-------------- 126 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 6Jn • VACUUM CLEANERS Elect10lu.x and othera, M.9:1 up. 100 to chooee from. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 S. Main St., Santa Ana PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer at.. Coot& - BM.. 5467-K Hcl Klmberly 3-2988 70tlc -Be wiae-tell peopl~rtla! EXCELSIOR BEATS TARS 7-0 IN · HARD BATTLE Gune to the eod, a battling group ot Tar gThhtera went down to a 7--0 del'eat Frlday night as they were defeated by Excelsior btgti Khool at David.90n F1eld. Excelalor'e Fullback Grayaon scored the lone to.echdown In the mkldle ot the thJrd qua.rter on an end run from eight y&rda o¥t and the team'• lert halfback JOhnson made the, kick for the extra point. Coach Al Irwin. in an aner-the-fame analyata u.Jd~ · "I feel that the kid.a have im- proved very much. AJ. tint I wu dla&ppointed in the outcome. But tit, Jeft end; Jean Boero, a.nd Jim PueM. both JU&f"da. "They did very well,'' Irw'ln eald, "u Excel- alor pln~ only 38 yard.I throuch our line all nlcht long and. I think It w.. maln1y becaua.e ot the fierce battling of these boys." ""they nenr pve up and hmUed all the Ume. Their condJtlon lJi good and we autfeffd no major lnjurlea ln thie game." TNmPlay ........ Similarly, he commended the team's ottenaive play. Blockinr ot Jim Pucoe, guard; Bruce Baird. tackle: and Pettit, end; "'came up to expectation." The teama were pretty evenly balanced. he added, saying-the Tara outplayed their opponenU moat ot the pme but did not c&pi- Wi:&e on the breaks. Sta&Utlo.l \.\'Ill.Mn ~ In the g&me "1th Riverside. tbe Tara ahowed well in the 1ta- tiatlcal end but we.re ahtlt't on acor- lng pay-ott1. Coach lrwln polntiea out the Tan had two acorlng ~rtu,n.i· tie• In the tint half. luck occurred tn each ln•tance u the home boys f\l.mbled on the oppoat- tlon'a nine-yard line and had a paaa lntwceptlon on the 12-yard line. \Vorthy of pralff, he u!d, wu the Tar deferuive play of Bob Eg- gert. center: Rex Bell, halfback: Ron Aarvold. t'Ullback ; Don Pet- Quarterb&ck Rolly Pulukl dJd &n exceptionally good job In hl.s •pot and bia pa.ue.a were accurate. Re eompletPd seven out or 18 at- tempu but t\ve ot ht. puae!I were dropped that probably ahould have been caught, lrwtn said. Good running and blocking v.·aa attrib- uted to Tar back Rex Bell, Don Aarvold &nd BUI Hopkin.I. Statl.stlcs showed Newport 12 first dO'll'('M agalnat the viaJtor'a nine: pu.a~ attempted, Newport 18, Excelsior 11: pauea completed, Newport aeven, Excelsior four: yards gained pa.uing, Newport M, Excel.!ior 59; yard• running, New- port 13!5, Ex.cel.a!or, 118: total gains running a.nd pualng, ~ev.·4 port 220. Ex.celelor 187. OWLS BLINK 14-0. OVER ORANGE COAST PIRATES • WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all tradeo-maintenance ,work. Have toola and mixer. for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W ~7c68H Sympson & Nollar P~G &. DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38t.h St., Newport Beacb PHONE HARBOR :UO. 52ttc REMODEL and REPAIR Residence or Commercial R-. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. General Bulldinr Contractor "8 Fullerton, Ne""POrt .Beach Free Eltlmatea Beacon :11779-\V ' 73p87 DON K. BU'ITS Lie: General Contractor Re.idential-Commerclal Remodeling Phone Beacen 1409-W 17tlc l ~Pel'!IODals Alcoholica Anonymou. Write P. O. Ball 2'05 Balboa llland. Olllt. Pbone: Klmberly 3-Mtl' tion as compa.nloc bouaekeeper. Re/erencea. Ha.r. 127. 79p81 WILL CARil tor 3 amall children up to t yre., for working moth- er• who want peraonaJ, home- like superrilion. Corona del . M&r area.. Harbor S28S-W 80p81 RELIABLE wom&n want. k-by •tttlng-or child ear•, days or evPnlnp. Own tra.naport&tlon, re!Prencu. Phone Bea.. 5970-W. 80p81 W A1':'TED -Part tlme. gardener, approximately 4-1 bra. ~r wk. Ph. Harbor 1~7-J. 78c80 WANT Expe.rlenced Sportswear n.lealady. JO-Ll:E SPORT SHOP 1836 N~ Ave .• Costa Me• 79cll1 RELIABI.Z WOMAN to e&re for 2 chlldren. Uve out. Own tru.portation. Ca 11 Harbor 0125-J. 79c81 WANT Permanent l&undreu. 1 day a week. Refenncu requlr- 9<1. Call Har. 0263-W. 79c81 BEA UTT Ope.rat or, experienced. &-day week, cuarantee. Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor 290i. 80c82 ENTIRE RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT of the Newport Cafe Must be sold this week 110 McFadden Place Newport Beach Complete lmtall&Uon, repair and aervice of all traller equtpmMt. 80pl1 WEDGEWOOD RANG&---It'a the 19~1 model and hu everythiog, lamp and clock, griddle tn the t•ttc middle and It.a CP all automa-------------- tic. Also bu •uUet tor touter, Result. come from <'Oftlt~t almmer bUJ'nen a.nd that JTUI Pr~Uce! .An ad regularly In this broUer. You e&n have my equity paper will produce results for you. free lt :rou talce payment.a of J. :Z:::S $8.1'f or pay cult $1113 .11 whic~ 0Hl'll ON ,. balanc• on contnct. s .. llr. Outboard Motors Baupn, 9 a..m. to I p.m. at ' '"' Sc S••• Full rt Ph The only factory-approvtd Sale1 ,\r!I • .,_.ra, e on. . 21&2 . 80tk and Service Station ln the Nntt- 1950 FR.IGIDA~ fl.., perfttt condition, Jl~. MI x m & 1 t er, early model, perfect condlijon, port Harbor Area. . S-Outh Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at Uni St. Harbor 2500 $25. call Harbor 1189, 9 to ~:30 &3tfc p.m. . 80p8'J ----------- st-waaw u. Baz WANT TO BUY -h9 l'ood <'ondltlon. Phone 1020-W evenin1a. rug-In Harbor 7•tfc -OpportunJty ts knocklnS ln . CLA881TIZD ADS. BENDIX WASHl:R the lt!Sl de- luxe automatic with U.e afita- tor &nd the water uver. You don't have to bolt It down. Uaed only 2 moot.JUI and not • acratch on lt. Balance due 11 S1S8.3tt Pay ine cuh or take p&yment.a of Sll.99 )er mo. See Mr. Baughn, 404 Bo. Spadra, Fuller· ton. 9 L m. -8 p. m. or phone 21~2. 74.tfc W~t's Trading Post USED MARINE GEAR Nautical Decoratiora-Ua~ Net WE BUY SCRAP METALS NllAR ICE HOUSE ON 30th Pb. Harbor 2470, Newport Beach OPEN S~AYS Tlc72H .8 r'l'· CHRIS CRATI' opeed -t, ~a. Ace. A-1 mecb. condi, $1f60 Free •lip rental for boat.I offered fpr aale up to 28 ft. WI.a.rd A Rowboat. for Rent Ktn 8cott'a MobU Marine Dock Nut to Ferry L&ndln1, Balboa Harbor 2120 59tfc 22' SAILING BOAT, mut and ~7' Boom with hdwe.. Ma.lr:e otter. Jonu 1~21 Pine Street. <;&rden Grovi. 79p.81 SEA BOOKS .A tine atock: ot boolu on al! yacht- lt.il' cubject.1-plua all current tjoou. Lendin~ Ilbrazy •• : The Islanders W ALNt.rr twin beda. box tprinp. and rnattreuu, chitf,robe, dree- aer. nlgbt ata.nd, benol\, $200. 1808 Pacific Dr., Corona del2 __ 1~_Mar1n-.-e_, _BaI_-__ 11. __ H_ar_. _l _M_7 Ma.r. Harbor 3004-K. 78cl0 MA YT AG wuhu 1715. dlninl' eet 8-pc. complete $36. Wall iron- inC board • Jf..M. Dbl. Box aprtng1 16. M:l.c. ltenu. 151 Cabrllk> St., Colt& Mua. Bea~ con &M7-J. 'T9c81 Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1~ Wett B&lbo& Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502-R 7tc76H DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY , . , for an ad tn the lively claul· fled RCtton of th• BIG TBR-.- N.,...nmeo, Poot Shop~ NOW8 and the Preu OVER :il,&oo 1CIRCULA.TION 18 1 THE AN!WERI :Ruon. le Hamlin, Flacber, you want .omethJ.ns nlce call Knabe, Cl>.lckertng and many at 309. 34tb st. Newport Bu.ch. others. DANZ· SCHMIDT, 520 7tp8l No. Main, Sant& Ana. ~eqi-------------- ber: corner Ith: YEARLY UNFURN. J bdrm. apt. 4S-A~ta and Hoilles Balboa Island · We have •eve.rat attractive apta. and hou.aea for winter rental lltartinr at 145 mo. and a few yearly ftllt.alti atarttn1 at 145. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 300 Marine, Balboa Ill Har. 502 69tfc · RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS Olll -CralS Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bal-llland. Har. IOU UdH CHEAP winter sent.al to right party, Furn. J or 2 bdrm. apt. 3708 Channel Place, Newport laland. No pet.I. Harbor 1217-J, 78tfc with (&r., noor fUtnace, water aottener. Near Beach, $80 mo. 1000 W. B&lboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 or Harbor 800-M. 4•tfe Yearly Lease or Sal~ Featured: in Home A: Gardens. SpiLcloua uJtra modern 2 bdrm. 215-fL plate ctu.. overlookiq" ocean, dbl ~r., IWldeek, elec_ dlabwube.r,. cU..poa1, ranp. retrig., deep freeze, Bendix, etc. CDll. Harbor 1271>-R. · 78pl0 YEARLY RENTAL -l bdrm. tumbhed duplex-$7$ mo. incl utU. 501 Larbpur, Coron& del Mar. 78c80 BALBOA ISLAND, BeauUful d1>L I apt. tor winter. Pb.. Ha.rbor 297-J or BeL 87&8-W for appt. 80cl2 ATTRACTIVE 2·BDRll., 2 bath home. Partly turn. t.rse rooms. 170 mo. y.arly. 512 Larlupur, CoroD& del Mar. :n.r appt. to Me, ph. Har. 1171-RJt before 10 L m. or atter 8 p. m. 80cft A TTRACTIVll: Ocean Front upper S room apL (utra. larp rooma) a.nd bath. Sleepe I. MO mo. ye&rly or $50 mo. wmtu. Ph. Beacon &f.931J. 80c1J FURNlSHED extra. cle&11 • rm.. c&race apt. Lot. ot Urbt &nd 3 air. Elec. retrig. Util. pd. $45 mo. to June 15th. 301 E. Bay Ave., Balboa.. Harbor 19159-J BDRM. Un!'Unlllb.ed boua. Hwd. floors. Fireplace. Dual heat, leaae StO mo. «a nower St.. Costa Mesa. Phone Beacon 0291. 80pl2 79c81 YEARLY Iarce studio apt. Furn. or partly furnished. UUlitie1 paid Beacon 6t88-J. 79p81 LIDO ISLE Sparkllnl' 1 . or 2 Md room· turni.ah- ed apa.rtme.nt.8. One bed.room (twln bed.I) 1715 mo. 2 bedrooms $100 mo. All utUW:ea JW.d. Prl· va.t. caracea. · • P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor l&oo Newport Beach, Olllt. ' WINTER RATES, 3 rm. turn. apU On Cclllno Iaiand. Each. apL hu: water tront&ce. ALSO Penthouae on Jeue. Weit end Park Ave., Balboa ~. Ph. Harbor 2962-W. 71tfc • Couple of ·Cbildrell! Yard!' BAY BEACH! In Newport. Furn. 2 bdrm. apL, P'·• uW. j>d. Yrly. leue $115 ma. ot -$15 mo. WI July 1.t. caI1 Bea. 8487-M. 1'11• BALBOA. PENINSULA -Ats tr&cttwly t'Umllbed Pl'&I'• apt. Svlt&ble couple. Avail Oct. 15th, $M winter, S4!i ~I)'. utll and pr. included. Harbor 0837-R 'rltfc FUR.NI8.HICD Dice dean larce a1 .. pblc l'OOID, ~ ~· ldalrt, bath. eun porth (2nd tlr.J S'6 mo. Ph-Barbor ltlsW. SMALL API'. for ,wo, clean, prt- va.cy. Near store• le bua. 700% Begon1& (at 4th St.) Corona. del Mar, 80c82 NEW one bdrm. apt., turni&hed. IM month. Inquire 110 • 30th St., rear Friday p.m. Saturday, or Sunday. • 80c81 BALBOA -Nice 2 room .apt Good location, new . .t,ove and retril'., '42.50 mo., uut p\.td.. Call 310 r.land Ave., pboo.e ·Rar. 1839-J. 80p82 • SM FURN. .tudlo apL tee: llv. rm. wtth alcov1. BollJwood , twin bede, k:JtcheJL Am.pl• clc.- "tta, ahower bath. 1S11 .. 3rd SJ-, Corona de1 Mar. Harbor Ol2t-R.. 80pU CORON A Dl:L MAJ' -Cam· J>letely tuml"'ed apt. for Ol'le person, UO mo .. uw. pd., year- ly. Ph. Har. Ol14·M. ,IOcU NEW .3 rm. furn. apt. Utwtf• Included, )'early rate. WO Har· bor BM!., Co.ta ~. 80pl2 ONI: BDRM. bauao, :i-ca. pnp. · wry clean, 1 bOt. from ocean. NS mo: yearly. Phone. B&Z'bor ~2. IOtte BALBOA Pl:NINSULk -Furn. 2 bdrm. bome, ocean tronL 1tetr1r.. laundry, .....-. $1111 mo. to June 15th, uttl tn.clud. ALSO Bal-Pett!a--1'11111. llinc'e apt.. S2ll mo to Jlllle 15, uW) tnclu4. I••mdry aftll. AdU!to. Pll. Har. 1270.W. IOtfa ' T7ttc•---~------~-~ -Bo -toll poop1...--1 • • I I I I • • - ' ' • • • • • -• ·-• ' ' • • • • ,-. • • • BLANCHE A. rRANK L. SHUFELT GATES, Realtor J. KAR.TIN -. 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Eves. ~ 1171 BALBOA ISLAND A beautifully furnished home. • bdrm&.. 2 batha, 2 ~places, large 1eeluded patio, double PJ'Ke. Many features make th.ia a truly delightful hot11e. Identical Twina -2 ho~ to be acid u one. Each bu 3 bdrma. 1 % bath•, fireplace8, com- pletely 6 attractively fllrniahed. A terrific Income. Priced for quick aale. Excellent terms. LIDO ISLE A lovely howie on large Jot. 2 bdnn1.. 1 bath. Fireplace, fenced yard, dble garage. A good value at $13,750. COSTA MESA $3,500 down buys th.ia 3 bdrm hollle. Detiirable neighborhood. Dual furnace. bwd. fioora. fenced Jot 8Qrl 27, barbecue. nicely landscaped. May We Show You. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR THE PRESS Bay Front Triplex THE NEWS TIMES Located on Lido bay front-Two -3 bdrm. uni t.a: one 1 bdrm. Showt good income, low doWl'I THE POST poym•nt to ruponalbl• buyer. Price M.1.~-.. ,,. Lido Isle • . BUY NOW! , $2600 Down V1r7 lcml;J 2 ~. ,,,_. Onl1 -p . old. Pomplol.tly and lllcolJr --.. w., """ ol c1-1-. ...U-upbol· --noolr. -.. lot. ......... petlo, _,..,, J'UIJ priUll ONLY $9500 $1000 Dn. Nnr 1 bdrm.. home -a.dwood nke ~rtn1. 2"(1af pn,p. C1oae lo new market on l!aat Side. Payment •flprox. $50 ~r mo. FUU Price Only • • • • ' Just J;.ike in & Home v;e:ne ·A llW. parsdl-. fOrfect folt a -'Diii - - (-brand UW) II Iha rucll•tJpo with ¥91W'"':«- fonclq, brick patio aa4 1'lca prdea with om..h ll'ul* a-Saao,y 1o&m IOU la SoOd Coal& ll--A wall built home and a ....,dor1'ul buy, $7991. Newport Heights att:ractl" J bdrm. home. 4 yra. tk>oro, double .-.., $8600. Pretty As A Picture old.~ ~ I bdrm. Mm.. I )Tl. old. IU th• nlltic ranch- type llhd hu t.lttplace, heavy ahlnsMi root, l&l"l'9 plc:=tu" wllldowa and la beautllUlly landK&ped. en. of UM love- Ueet home• In Newport Hetrhta. $12,1'50. BEACON HILL REALTY $5750 •e& Newport 8Jl'Ci. (above Arch.,) Ph. B. 5713-R or Evu. B. 66.U-W $1800 Dn. Ne"" I bdrm. -nnpl&ot, bwd. prac-e. Approx.. 1040 1q. n . Nice location. Can you lma.gihe the tun price bi only $9250 N~w 3 Bdrm. F .H.A . $2750 Down LOW MONTHLY PATMltNTB Larre home wtlh many extra t•-.. lure•. Beautiful llv. rm . with ft"'plat>e. dinln« &Na. hardwood noors, lot. of We. coverf'<l patio. double pn.a:e, extta wide lot. Full Price Only $11 ,tOO BALBOA ISLAND HOME • bedrooma, :Z baths, and maid's room A lovely warm home with \arKe lltudio.type muter bedroom and fireplace. Patio. Near South Bay. $34,900, Terms F . P . WALDRON, Real Estate 308 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Orange County's Outstanding Rea/ Estate - Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Newport Blvd., Cot:la. Me.a Phone Beaeon 7123 Nt"w 2 bdrm. home near best laM bf-a.ch. Private patio, 1puiou• Uvtng room , attra.ctive 1iftll JJ'an.n!d kltehen. Glas.led tub en- cloau"'. fArK' wardrobu, num- ( Acroa from CoMta. Me• Bankl Eve•. HL 3157-W Bea, 54~-.J CLIFF HAVEN G. I. RESALE -Lfrge combination FHA G. I. Joan. Lovely 2 bdrm. and den home. Dining rm .. Jge. kitchen, pullman bath, large brick fireplace, double prage. Advertising erou. other attractive feature&. £'verybc>c:1y nada the cluaif1ed &dL SH>O DOWN · Medium .- Bay Front Home • With pler and noat. 1&.rge lot • .,I-Tnllen =.....:;==~------rpaclous patio and garden. 4 "'-il St bedroomr, S bat.h!I. &rt bay .... <a er orage troot valu• in th• ...... $87,>00. W el) Protected GREENLEAF .> ASSOC. EL NIDO TRAILER PARK BUJLOER -REALTOR and Sales 18"40 Newport Blvd., 311 2 N ewport Blvd. Ha.rbor ~ ea.ta .Mesa. Beacon ~29-M. Newport &ach 77ttc 7lc72R 1947 SCHULT houae trailer, 27 rt. Aecom. 4.. Elec. brake•. reeondi. tlltousboul. TRAJLERTOWN, 327 West \Vl.laon. Colt& i\t:eaa... 80pBl Ive. Near Ocean & Bay 2 bdrm. cottage; large picture windo\\'. Clever Inside· planter. Good heat, stall sho\ftr, $39&0 down, '32M mo on balan'ee. Harbor 2662 or Har. 291"-M eftL 77tfc A'ITRACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND Real Estate Is Your Best Investment -·-G. I. Resale 3 bdrm. home, llv. rm. dtnnf'llf', t ile In kit., tub ahower ov,r. Priced S 10,600. 13000 dn. Pay- merita $62.57 inc . ta.xe. 6 ina. On Macnoli.a -·-Harbor Blvd. Fumished' 2 bdrm. home. 71 -tt. bu.!lin'111 frontage nf'•r market. A g'OOd Investment, only Sl2,800. Term• -=-o - Older Hopie 2 bdrm., lge. liv. rm. n1e tn ktt. &-rv. -porch, aingle pr., comer loL One blk. to N .P . Blvd. Thia houM la well conMructf'd. Priced $8000. ~ caab ONLY $13 ,950 C. GAL~N DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 Costa Mesa Tbe Bellt Town on Earth $1000 down Complttf.ly ruml!.h~ 2 bdrm. home (3 YT•· old ) eloae to Blvd. and •lore. Total prlce- Only $8200 Right in Town Welt built 2 bdrm. home. Le.rct tervke porch. lot ~1'1:130. Belt or locat1ona. 17900 with reuon- abI. temu. BUYER~ WAITING! If you have aale- property !or Bayboa Island Bay Shores Beacon Bay • • , , Th•M A.LL make for value and qontentmenL We are DltVEV. OPElt.8 of lovely LIDO 181..I: ' when a little buy• a LOT. We h&ve opened a NEW aectlon wheN mmeo "'f'Y choice Iota can be bought at rock bottom prtcee and tenn1. ALSO at th.J• time we have for ule tom• BRAND ~'lCW 2 and S bedroom home• that ahoUld blo Mite.ft. YES we are the head- quartien for LIDO ISLE. We HAVl!: \\'hat you WANT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 333S Via Lklo Newport Buch. Calif. Hllbor 1500 79e81 If You're Choosey And want 90mething b.Z.ter than average, eee thi• lovely ne&r new rann style home. Red\11.·ood with heavy 1ha.ke TOOf, , exJ)OllM. beamed celli.n&'ll, loada or tUe and cupboardl. A-1 con.at.ruc- t ion. Jdea.1 for couple. with It.A l muter bdnn., attached pr. g rt. redwood •t.ak:e ft!nce, brkk patio, Dichobdra lawn. Quiet Ean Sid, ana w1tb Mt. view. Only $7'995, tenna. · Cliff Haven Drluxe type S bdrm. home. Hwd. tlle, thermo control furnace. Dbl. gar., flagstone patio and barbtcue. Lovely la.ndsce.pi.ng. Redwood ata.ke fence. A real b\ly at only $3,000 down. B. A. NERESON 1982 1'{ewport Blvd .. CO.Illa Me• Phone Beacon nna 6So69 Ocean Front Triplex BRAND NEW; Smart n.ew f'Uml- ture. At current rentals should .. • • • - . . ' ' OPEN HOUSES -Sun. 12 to 5 p.m. 607 LIDO SOUD ....... olcler horM. 4 obdl:mL. don, pier, _...,, beoeb and pauo. ' • I ¥ and BALBOA 'Bz.VDS., N..; I bdml, l 'K bathl, hwd. flooro, beautltUI tlnp1-. foTced air heat. BAY AND BEACH REALTY 14>0 B&lboa Blvd. • -1264 ****** ***·** ****** BALBOA ISLAND VALUE! ON lJTTLE ISLAND - 3 bdrm. 2 bath modera. Only 4 yn. old. Nicely furniehed. Large patio, good location on quiet comer clOlie to beach. Thi.I won't Jut long at- Price $20,000, Terms \Vm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Parle A.venue at Ma.rm. Harbor 2U2 Balboa Ialand • Back Bay Area - - 1h Acres! Country atmosphere with peace and quiet-yet cloae to everything. On private 1treet, amonc other nice homes, 132 ft. frontage. On Tustin Ave. (between 22nd & 23rd) · Call Harbor 369 or write P 0 Box 35, Balboa Ia!and FOR VALUE In fine lge. ocean view home- site. conveniently Jc>cated. All utilities. Terms. Model' homea to show. Corona Highlands At-Laguna edge o! Corona de! Mar. Aak at tract office. Phone Harbor 41 •-J SPECIALS! I I I . . . NOT ON THI!: BA YP'RONT! Btr? CLOSE! Thls oldu t;i, om • .h.u beau. BAY view ud ii only 100 ft. or m to da.ndy awtmminl' beach. Lot. of room LARGE Uvina' nu., fireplace. One larce a.ri.d 2 amall bednna., kitcht"-n wtth brkht nook. aerv. pch. PLUS S rm. apt at rear. F\lrnialied, a good value -a good buy-$12,600. OCEAN FRONT -Fw'nlahad I story 4 B. R. home. Cho1ct: Jo. l&Uon • .lwrt e short block.a trom Balboa ahoppinl', and acl"089 th• street from Bay front. Ft,... place, barbecue. INCOME A.PT. over g&n.J"•. Priced J'iCht a.t $18,000. ITATION WAGON -Ford, late '48, beautiful &hape. Only fam- ily use. Extru. U yau have been trying to find a elean one. you won't be dlappolnted. Pri- vate p&rty. M.2' Fullerton Aw .. Newport Beach. 68tlc 2 bdrm. ~U turn. house-w1th 1 bdrm. apt. over garage, plua guest room .It bath. Lota or tile. flrepla.ce. A good bUy at $28,!K>O -·-"Small Fry" . a. I. Resale LiAt It With Vick and start packing-grosa $4200 a. year. See thi• -CJ:autned aoa are read by to1b bargain. at $25,000. Terma to who are looking to buy . Balboa Realty Co .. R<>u Orttl•Y Jooephlne Webb UWan McAdoo '4:9 .-ORD Connrtfble club coupe, •radio, hl"'ater, ovl"'rdriw, nylon •eat cover1, original owner golnc oversea.a. Mechanically exceU~L Private party. Harbor 3418-W. 8lc83 19~1 FORD 9. 2-dr. sedan, Uke new, u.nd!"'r 6,000 milea. Radio, undereeal. Seat covers. Prl"'8.te owner, $1795. Can ta1te over fi- nancing. 421 Bel Vue Lane, Bal- boa. 78<:80 "& WILL YS JEkP -Good con- dltion. 3900 Seaahor. Or., New- port Bead\. 79c81 •43 ENGUSH ·1~· motorcycle. New p&int. pert. mech. cond.. WW ta.ke $130 for quick sale. 1229 W. Balboa Blvd. HL &63-J. NELDA GIBSON 30tl REALTOR Marine Ave., Balboa PhOl'le Harbor 502 lala.nd 61-ReaJ Estat.. El:change Sell or Trade 1 bdrm., liv. rm., kit. with dinette aru, Panel Ray ht&t. E.ut Side. Very lnexpen~tve. $3800, ttrma. -·-We have other ,propertift that may wit your ne-e<ia. -·-La PERLE REALTY 1891 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meq P~one Beacon 7043. Beautiful l acre Poultry Ranch in ----------- Ban Femando Valley. Comp!. Pbona Harbor 1818 today and aU: equJ pL for rat.in« tryen. shade, and Uk for the ad-taker. frui ~. berries, flowers, etc. Home and income rental. Prtce 112.roo. \11.111 exchanre $7,600 equity It U.llume for am. furn. hse or income in Newport, Bal- boa, CDM area, near water. Courteay to broker!!. LAZY D RANCff, 2012& Runn y m •de, Canoga Park.. Superior 8, 1788. -79<81 BALBOA ISLAND Attractive well located 2 bdrm. home pllUI 3 rm. apt In reu. Large u.uble patio. Wonderful renta.1 record. $18.500 tumi&h- ed. Good term•. I bdrm. home c1 ... to Bl vd. and We will glady give you an •hopping ctnter-estimate of today's mar- $9950 ket price. Down Paymtnt 11950 Mo. paymta. $54.70 inc. tu Ir i:n1. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR Income Property N ice 2 bdrm, home and 3 rentals W . A. TOBlAS, ~al~qer on large lot with room tor more~ Walking dlstancP to center ot 312 Marine Ave., Balboa bland town. Eatate ealt. Price $15,000 cash G. N. WEJLI.S, Rltr. &. Asaoci&tee 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mell&. Ph. Bea. 5181 Phone Harbor 2042 "Look for the Green Lawn" I The' Home Stretch- sult. Call John Mottram-Har. 1500 P.A . PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido, Newport Beach 71lc81 Three Best Buys in Corona del Mar $9950. ).Jew 2 bdrm., plua rum.pm room. Furna~ h6l. $1 0,750. Nl"'w 2 bdrm. home, fire- place, ahake roof. $14,500. New 2 bdrm. homt, lge. ltving room with fireplace. Ex- cellent hwd. rtoor.11, forced air heat~ Bearin&' fruit lrtta. En- ciORC! patio. Don•t wait until the.se .re gon~ ACT NOW! JUST CO)(PLETED 100 111. B&lboa Bl....S. Har. m7 -In Excluaive Shore Cliffa rimm: BEDRM.. 2 bath born< COSTA MESA on larr• IOxlll' lot 1850 9Q. Owner ha.II Jett. for JOOd. nne a tL plu.11 rnasonry garace wtth bedroom bo~. hneecl large lot. radio controlled door, hardwood 2-car ~. an appointment.. noora. Forced air rum.ace.. Lots ,.... of tihl. Oompletely fenced and Tour vuer CoMidered land.:aped. For Appointment -to See-- HORACE 8 . MAZET Priced at $27 ,500, i,t. down SOI Marine Ave. Call owner Harbor 29(1...J or lfe Ba.Ibo& Ialand Barbor 302&-.J ltouat at 134 Sborecllffa Road. Otto l57ttc1--~-~~~~~~~- Corona del Ma.r Why Pay Rent!!! $2500 Handles On Balboa Peninsula TllREE years old. Unturn. 2 ~ bdrm. home, 2 bat.ha. fireplace. 3 bdrm.1., cozy. home. ~. Cflnent .. brick poti<>. Excel. ndchb,,__ Hurry on thi.11. $12,500 full price Good Tuma. Will conaider all otters. 79p811-~~~~~~~~~-STANLEY HADFIELD, To help · your choosing, see theoe Jiatlnp on Balboa Ialand. Earl Chamberlain 500 Cout Blvd., Corona del M&r (Opp. Newport Harl>or Bank) Pb-Harbor 22IA $8750 Full Price COSTA MESA ~,.-~~~~~~~~~ ~"TERNATIONAL '(0 -1 1-s ton truck. 1 iO ln. wheel hue. 7xl2 toot heavy ateel bed. 1821 Pla- centia Ave., CCMlta Mesa. 79p81 1.. A. for BALBOA Trade equity in 2'-t-yr .-old \Ve.st Hollywood 3 bedrm. a.nd den for clear residence. Value m ,OOO, loan 110.:WO ov.-nu. 1374 Belfut Drive, Loe A.nplH it, Calif. 79dl3 Realtor 218 ltarine Ave., Balboa I.11land Phone Harbor 20 Brand New Ready to Inspect -----------Thr~ bdrm.-2 bat.M--oversized Two bdrm. home fumiahed, with two.car garage, cloee by bayfront, $11,250. Modern redwood and glua 2-car attached p.rap. LOcated on tree--lined l'MUe '1opl.nl cor-. • ,__ :-'--f in Two bdrm. and •ervant'a qua.rten. ner loL AJ.BU a spec .... -gr com.e-- Another Good Buy S8c:70 $9000, Terms _ Ranch 2 bdrm., garage apt. Oood. me room.. Modern feature1. View of roll1n& hilll. Room • tn fro. t JO acrM I mila from Newport for additional tncome or bome. G. I. Reael• -3 bdrm. home, an a large corner lot, only 3 'YI?- -old. Hwd. noon, all concrete block fenced. Patio wttll barbe- cue. $11,090, $2918 dQwn. BR.A.ND NEW 1931 Cadillac con- ftrtibl•, tu.lly equipped. Must 1 ..n. Private owher. No dealers. -----------Flagaton• and wood floora. Two 2 b(lrm. home with aepar· years old. . ln gr••• of treeo. ALSO ate apt. over 2-car carage. 12 acres in puma.nent puture. . Equip.., .. , '"" 15,000 chlci...... Tom Payne, Realtor n.r.. rh""-SoOd b&m. Abun-810 Cout Hhvay, Corona 'del Kar da.nt. cheap wa.t.u. Con.idder part Coast Properties Co • ao1 & 11&1boa Blvd .• Bo1-Cl.II Harbor 0532-M. 79p81 M-Money to I.-. lle&uUtul vi•w of the w .. tel'I) JUST COMPLETED • Use Classified Ads • • • to ..n yonr car • • • to fllld a buyer for :roar home • • • to ... t you apt. ••• to dispose of · fnraltnre ud llotmebold cooch yon mo loa1er • Med. • • • to !lad • pell Jell """'-::':""=~ A • ftttlllac ......... ~ .... ---u ... Cl.11ifiecf Acl1 - Nerap-' Hubw p •••••• ,Co. • 2~111a!MelMI • -N.w,.rt ... ~ Ph. .... rl>or 1611 • • • trade ba.y area.. Terrna. h1lla -ln uclu81ve 9eetlon ..:. J Two -bdrm. bom.e With spai:l.oua I The furniture is worth REAL ESTA TE LOANS mU.. troln oeean in quiet """' • ••-· •-000 Good t bdrm. •PL over 2-car prap $1!500. The total prie<!' ill Interest Rau 5% roun--.o. ·-· · •rmo. with vi•w at ........_ • Loan• quickly made In the Bay 1987 -Irvine Ave., Coata Mesa BOTH HOUS!l8 -RANCH $16:750 . • Bay Front Income G. I. Resale Corona del Mar Are• and Liocuna-Sing!• or Phone Beacon 5293-W STYLE witb we batb>. prba&'• Inveatigate Today! 1 turn, unite. 10-n. tronia,.. Thh mulUple Unit& New or o14. Be 6tttc dlapoeall, lars• encl~ ·potJoo, to ·~· of the flneot pt'Opertl .. 2 bdtm. home In ·excellut loca· wtae and •ve by re-fi!Wiclng ovuslzed paneled tlreplaeff. In the b&7 .,._ Ccmadrdier borne tk:lll, dbL p.rage. ~ Mly Business Frontage N-llalplt&L N..,.IJ' D<W - on rear of IOL Lot 5b240 ft. Zoned C.2. Only $10,000. lliaq tema. your pruent loan. Minimum u-decoretor colon Nl<1 wan pap-J • A. BEEK .Office u part pa:rm•t. Price SIT ,600. PSOO -....i bal.,_ Jib penae. No charp: tor prelim.1-' • rent. Total _price, $10,.MO. · · nary •ppnu.ai. Phone S...ta New 2 bdrm. home bait • block en. seporate taw•4•:>"_,,... Hart>or 93 ~ llland ,.....,. ,...,11 Pr' $7250 C. Galen Denison Ana Klmberl)I 3-W7 or write: from 0c .. n Blvd. In corona d•i 500 • 502 Po;"""·tt1"a;· ... '!"" ice • uttinp ,WanUd . )I ._,_ "'--~ --2 --..._ ...... ----' ~ RMta11. lk Balm .., __ ,._ "ARTHUR A . MAY ar. ·-•t"9cU•• --' -~1 -·"· ~ ·~se ar. ,_....,.. u1 baUla. patio, dbl: pr -s Corona del Mar ....., and 1>ay. Best· ..iue 1n --. A E. J '"---11-;::~.1;"" u?.''I::.po:t ~ll~~il~~.::: PM!• <>Wn.r, B&tlldr J.W..:J Ba8-hland Sped&J ~llO dOW:, $32.ZO mo. on . 't!;.....~~! , . ~uw:t\.111 au South ll&lJI Santa Ana or -_. -· "Little Island" ~ • -A860C. S · uo Newpoct -., -·-Fitzm · Reftlt Co 74e'l'I BlJlLDER -)tEALTOR Ernie mith· , l'bme ··---· LOANS For Homes oms ~ Y • · 1'M _ ., ,.,.,,, _ i. wa1t aiu !fe"'J'Cl\ llblt., HarbOt lli6l --. .. _..... •• ~'-,...-----..---'"-"° 7'· 1-u Rao! ll:obrte .. 8'~ ,_ ...... 2 llll!µl...;..-.:,.. with~"'::'. in( tor ,_ ao· c;.,la~ ru:. I c 911 Coalt -.. CGrotla 411 Illar noNs &.-wt -to ,._ Q9NSTRucriON LOANS Ill Qle& -., 0.-.i --::'ro. wl' I' I ,.U.. 1Mt. )ot. ---a9IF .-a --Q1 l. Resale .• % Jnt. ljMl>e" ~ ~' ,_ waat,.od • Ullo --· ' ot -Ii" (14 ;rn.l -•o.-. 1111 t.w -,.., ..... •~•1111 ~I aL 111!'19.-L ...._ 2 WrJ,_ _, .. _ -'• :WS BUT' AND 8ll:U. • • 1161-'Wlt • B 1w --J. .. _ _., B --· ~ ...... t-~w lane* 0.: ' • ~ • t 'ft\tm' 'Dm>e / --_. ..-. • " ~ t ..,_ · T-......... . --~ .. ~ -.-... _,.,, ·-~r' e.:,:-;: ~ Mll 00~ &VI>. ~ ·.,,. * * ,.. * 11111;t' 181' ..a -, g., H "4'#-::. llfot .._ ., p. I. , . ~ .. °"'""""'411 Mar Ba.sw tm..i _.,I..._ · • ..... Ill -..,_ • --.-'"" ~· · --: 'f,·=~R ·, _ :;::i:.i::..ruamaa:a :...,;-ra.7~-= ::i::.::::-~ ~ . , , 1 ~,...~. ~ • .. IU . •• ,, .. .-• _ ......... _...,_ , R•.ph P. Viney ~· -11 , ••• ~ -· 1e .... •• ._ w'll •: -. •w , -p .. -MU llu;1C-. .. ,... v--·" .. , "."':" ~ -•. , >._..., .. _ ...__ ... _..., ....... ... -. • ... ' . Z.C la .. I 7 U-"sftl I • .. ... · ... u:,,~: ... ..... ... •.ac.n•llftoo. • .,.. ._.. -WI · .,. ..... lit .~ "'--ili~llll,-.~=~·u··-r .,. • • • .. · -• • -iiZlll = .. ~ 01· •• -~ i a -, , __ • ,. .. ,., --. Pl-! .Al: ...... 1t ·--·~ -..... * * *• -wlll.pztl I I IPlllW-• .... • - ' • • ~· • • • • • • ' . - ' • .. • ,. - ,.oo ...... , With SALLIE . Claa It lie That Barbor Ho11h1oe1 an> Gl!ttiag la a Bat! For the put ~ .. ..,... DOW It bu been my privilege to be lll-:fted to one of the1e affalri where you buy a lit& lometblng In pink or blue for a llttl~ eometblng that Is about to be . . . Natun.lly eabl are always Ill order .. .notblng heavy juat a little eome- thlDg delicate Uld dainty to flt In with the -1on · . . . of which the JIUellt of, hooor uilually nibbles a eouple of bites guiltily juat to be polite •. . . while the reiot of the party enjoy th-Ives to the nth de- ~ · · · Now here the rut part . . . AD three of the host- -had nothlDit In eom- mon but one minor Item ... they all ahopped at the ......, vocery store ... and they all 8"rved angel food ealce and Ice cream as the piece de resistance . . . Sinlple a11d easy ... but oh 80 Jtood , , , YOU can aJ. waye get hand packed Ice cream . . . Ju•t for the packing ... And the angel- f ood cake! . . . WeU It ,might pay fo order that a day ahead beca08" t h e Bakery'• anitelfood cakes ha\·e a special eome hither look that looke.......,n can't resist ... So have It'• fruit ' Qkes ... Don't fori:et to order yoon early . . . Beverly Keidel put a new twist on the angelfood cake and jce cream situation last week . You know the FREE COOKING SCHOOL that takes place at the Lido Theater EVERY THURS· DAY MORNING FROM 10 TO 12 .. wi th oodles of BASKETS OF GROCERIES . GIVEN AWAY .... OODLES OF DOOR PRIZES ... and oodles of Ideas for 1tll you gal1 that think you know everything about cooking . . . Beverly took a frozen angelfood cake oat of the Phlko rr-r ... that had the top cut off and the la- olde scooped out . . , the eake .Wy ... She "'moved the top and stuffed two plato of Ice """"" In the center ... then she pnt the top bull oo and smothered ·the whole bnslne118 all over with two plnbl of whipped ereun which wu sweeten· ed with four tablespoons -: • . Thea ohe pot It. back la the '-er ... to have Oii band just In cue • . . Take out twenty min· otel before servblg . . . the Ice ereun wlU not melt ... rve heard rumors t h .: t Loil! Cline of Fri~daire fllme Is going to cook up a Hunt· er'1 Lunch . . . all out of tin cano in a frying pan ... That will be this Thursday . . . from 10 • 12 . . . Lido Theater .... J:'1 ow don't let the mention of till ean• make you for-. i:et , .. NOW'S ~ TIME TO FILL UP YOUR FREEZER • . . ·AD thla week is NATIONAL BIRDS EYE WEEK . . • Whft they ·thank aD their avid followen for all the bns!MM they have glv .. them for the put y...-..• by pumlttlai: them to pnr- ebue Birds Eye 'F rose n fooda at prt.,.. that'll mall:• -doUU take the pi.a. of two ..• Alao it's time to jot down · your favorite recipe and win $25,000 and a whole General ·Electric Kitchen . . Jwrt _ buy a package of Pillebury · Cake floor and register at ' your local G. E. dealer .. It'ii pllJBllUBY'S BEST SN • GRAND NATIONAL Bil· " ING CONTI.Bf time . ' • . . the deadline 'Of whl~ October 15 ••• We have the • entry bl•nb beri '· , . and California ill bewltche'd ••• they've hail winner· for tlae put .two .. 1ean .... ' . So WiM re iehc .... ..................... fll. Par w11-~e••t•••a, ~ q > •-n .................... • •. , ........ u.a. ..... f • • • 1'BllP .. ·•11• ~ • .,.? , .. . ' .. • • • ' l • • • • • . .. ~ ~ . t • . &. ., ... • . ~ . 1 · ,. ~ ' I . t , ' f " • . .a • • • • 0 •• I FEATURING THIS WEEK . . BIRDSEYE BA.RGAINS . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. • But"• Bartlett p_,. . HALVES ... No. I ~ 331 llc:Cemboow Apple CIDER ________ .p1. 69' Quality · Meats . Feuhh'llHJ MannilH)S U. S. Gov't. Graded Choice leef llE8T FOODS PUKE MAYONNAISE . ... .. '. .... . pint 3tc • Welell'• Oncord Grape JUICE ........... u ... 35' COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL . Fl•est leef Obtainable HJ B QUALITY I • Richard's Grown FRYING CHICKENS CllUCK ARM Of CHUCK BLADE ... BEEF POT ROAST 69c . CENTER CUT-LOL'i . PORK CHOPS .... J~·ssc flt.hr End (Aa cut) -LOCN" PORK ROAST .. l~ssc . ' SWIFTS ORIOLE SLICED BACON ·~49c BRJDGFORD'8 PORK , LINK SAUSAGE ... 59c .................................. ' SCHOOL BOY WASHINGTON JOSATRAlf APPLES --··-_ . 3 ~ 25c FUERTE \' AJUET\: AVOCADOS ............ 2 fer 29c SWEET TOKAY FRlt8B LOCAL EGGPLANT -·-·-··~·--9c • Cl1EAJI 811A&P CHEDDAR CHEESE ........... ~ 4tc Blel!anl't Ow!I CAJUIOT aad PINEAPPLE SALAD . _______ ._______ _ __ J~ 2tc Lt!EB'S QUALITY 8lllNLS8S f FRANKFURTERS ___ ... :c. Ste !!HOKED • FIHNAN HADDIE ~--·---~ Ste , llOllDE.'1'8 COTIAGE ·CHEESE ~--·--25c .. , • TA,D: ADVAll'rMlll OF OlJll· · COMPLETE CAERDNG SERVICE. ~ . .. ., -,., .· -. ·NEW STOii: HOURS: ·-• • • Daly .t .. ..:: .... , ... , . • ~CEPT .FRH~A Y, ' ....... ~ .. -· . < • ... r 1;••' ... atsM:•t.lllll.Q sw;. (0 ----Iii oj I ____ , '. •) ' ' c T!'M9weet Orance :'!. JUICE!: 10' !!231 , COFFEE ............................................. : ..................... ~ 7tc· ' : Suprema Sour Pitted ' CHERRIES IN:. 21' !:ATWELL UOHT lll:AT ORATED Glqrletta Slloed or Halves Freest.GM No. !lif NII TUNA __ ...... .. ....... . ... ~ -19,c .............................. ... BJllY IUNICS ... II ••••• ••• I IWOLA ......... oa. . Plot .......... 29; QUART .... 571 IOUEl'S ... ~ .... , ~,,,, 28 os.tor 49 ; Dl&L L)'DdM Boned TURKEY -~v .... 49;. Fooduatt hrm Style PICKLES. ...... u ... 17; Carlotta 8~ o.-. OLIVES ___ ._ .. ,._ 49' Saalol 8Dal1 BAIT ··--·····lb. pq-. 35' ' Slrnollhe .!elf ?'oltahlllr Floor KfNG SOAll Large PuckUCJe 'Tl ' WHITI !PNG WA111SOF;wa . 28 oz. pklJ. 2~' I Ru.at.'• Solid Pack -s ... 1 1 i ean TOMATOES 23 ' Hunt• Pork & BEANS i:.,t v, 21 . . Hart Cut Oreefl BEANS N.:..S 2/ ' C.. 8wa;:rae ·IWbole or No. I Y, NII , POTATQES c-,,....,... . YA,MS ~ Stokely RoMJ' 1 PEAS . , .. 170L 17¢ Nlblet'a B No. toO tall ASPA GUS 46 ¢ P Y'S . PIE CR~ST-Ml,X l ~·Sale 2 pkp. ... ,. ........ ~ ... 25' IVlGOE POTATO o MACAX01''l S D 15 °" I 2119¢ can ······--·---t····-·-· w AX --·-·--··PIDto 5~ I •u•J'Y r.r..1s ·······r·····_ .. ~. • THURSDAY CUSTARD PIE·······-·-.. ······ .... t-58¢ . BO~Y I CORN BREAD ____ .... _ .. t . .1oa123' FRIDAY . ' ' Nabltw::0 Sbredded PEACHES 39' Martl.Mlll Apple " JUICE ___ ... .._ 291 'WHEAT ... -.... pk1.171 LO( Cabin Table SYRUP ............. u oL 23¢ H onnPI - TAMALES -1!!" 25; 8 a W Pure Strawberry · • Bonnf'J wttll ~ Clllle Con CARNE 110L .... 371 PRESERVES !~ 29' Bo~n•a Spa1hetU Xabt.co 8•ownt.ke D NERS pk~.10' CRACKERS 8 BROOKFIELD UTTER ·--·-·---....................... ~ ..... _. _ __: ...... 75c KEs QUICK BJ8CUl'l'8" BISQUICK ....... ~----· .. ········ .. ·-·········--········'°-39c SMALL GRAD& A FRESH EGGS ····--··-··--·~--47c ALL PUU • CANNED MILK ...... _ .. ]«. -2 for 25c "BETTER BUY . BIRDSEYE" ', "" 81loed ' STRAWBERRIES ---~· -·-·u .. L 39¢ RN ORANGE JUICE ,_ .. ______ ..... 5 for 99; Blnbeye PEAS ·--··-·--·-=-.. ---··------1.kL 5 for 99¢ ,BlrdNye Cut . · GREEN IEANS -7.--...l-5 '" 99~ --. lllnlloye • . _ • U- . MIXED VEGETABLES 5 for 99; . ' . , lllnlloye Clooppecl er l.8t SPINACH --.. -·-·-------~·~ 5 for 99' lllrdley~ . ERENCH FllES -----H-5 fer 9 ; . . .#) \. • • i- OCE4N PERCH ·-· -----39; .• .:. ................................................ • ·:-lll.SUNDilJ .SeOPPE It's HIM to DE-MOIST -. "' . (A.in1m1 '.Ar Drier) . . ~ dam . that IM4a° tO ,Up ~ . . • Kwit; 1luty OdQra • • • • • • : .A.; tll!J lldt ... tbe trick • • • • Doea aot *!P : ... u-.m e1oo1eta •• : • ~ . • • • • . ~ "I>Jra......-. . . nw WllftD ~T 8.tn) ~ • -- 1