HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-10 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News' I 1 • • • . -' Wed n'q,_Od. 10, 11151 ..... AND SHOPPING NEWS • . ,. --.... '•A ' • • • ...................... ,,. • UWJIAI. 01' WM I M.D (8a1'aAlftSll1lJD -·-• If ,... ... Mef'i!I I 'I"" JW ............................. . '-. . . . ,. llJ:l\ll'e A DOQBL'S PLAY TKA.T WILL Ptl'r YOV IN T.Hlll MAJOR L&AOUWI lltMI oo.wal -. '1'lloa put them all IA a ate at - Rua lib Jade -•-to tll6 lo LM Sport -,_ Aak to -tlle n-)Urjorle Moat· ,_....,. eonturo era .... tte -ta Ky -... ._ toppen plncb lltt beautl!Wly ntn or -I Kiio K. bu .,. ... lnillY ~ Ill-. cloU.I '11th a llare tldrt. tab oollar and cuffed olllow -- lenstJl ......._ One ..-i bu Flllt llkle pocUU, Ibo olbor patcb. ID pJa........, or rupbe...., 1'ld. lllled with ruot11nr black tattita • . • onJ¥ '29.M. lt'• no .....,t tJ>at conluroy ta olrriowly the pouword thl• -...on, ., .Je>-Loe bu Alu Colman and SWU'ON corduro~. ~s­ dlnalH by tbe ahoptWI! Bklrta In vivid autumn pumpkin, .,,.........., chArtreua. reda, &Del purple ra.n.re from $8.96 .. l ll.95 Pedal plaber1 are from 17 up and super eba.rp fUcbt jacket.a at $9.M. l"Urt.humo" no .U-1 d&ru be causflt at th• cider barrel wit.bout a cuhmen .wea.t.er. 1 ... Lee 8port 81lop. hu cuh.men beautlu truh tn from Seolland! 1838 Newport Ave., Co.ta M•-. • • • New you DLa7 have Uae velvet touelt. You ea.n look • -as ,;., = rn-a'..z n =:("' = '"7 ,--.,, 20 _, ,. u lonJy at the cockt&JJ houn u bubbly, vt.nt&p PU111.1a~~n AT 2%11 BAUIOA 801.iLEV AJll) c:h&mpqne! Lee Shipley hu deliped oome brilliant ~ '°.n.c..v new t&tteta akirt.I for aundown wear. ThrM aparklinJ NEWPORT BUCH, CALD'O&NJA. ek:lrU are ectne stea:Jera on t'fery oce&1lon. and made ot TELEPHONE: HAK80B 1'18 tine terreta enhanced with permanent tlnlllh velvet ~============'.:::==============; tlocklns. 'nl.ere l• one alunnlnJ' model of JTffn Wfeta with gold painting &l\d black velveL Theae lovelies may be topped off with one of Lee'• aheath tops. And m.lnd you M&maeUe, the11e an c\Utam made and faahloned wtlh fltneu to your •pecitleat iona. Lee aJao t.s futurtnr her new corduroy coat dreue.a With matchlnJ' l&!!eta pettlco.ll. Mother and daughter• parade proudly ln lckntlcal coat• and dreuu dulped and executed by the talented M t• Shipley. CUilom made •Uitl are u Uttle u 186 at LM Sblpley Ort.,uu.Ja. 1109 Cout Hl"'J'• Coron.a del Mar. Pllone Barbor !148-J • • • By MARGO "YOO-HOO! CAN I COME ABOARD COM-L------------------"::''.:'1 MODORE !" I bued my t .. th to the cal•, cupped my pal.ml, uncupped my therm0ti bottle and Jet I Hola : BIRDS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES FLY-out a wail! Commodore Kingston, rur admiral of f ING SOUTH THIS \VINTER! Connoia~~ ot truly the ma ckerel fleet stood hlg-h atop the miaenpoop / ."t Cine Mexican food are flockl~g ao~th to_ Nf'la • In South, of hi• mighty mackerel machlne. Thla machine l9 ,. Laguna. This really charm1ng bistro is on the ocean strictly the tower ot London for fresh mackerel. JtJ side of South Cout Blvd. Nela is juaUy tamoua for Tons of. them are carried aloft. weighed, sluJced .::rl-li er Albondlga Soup. de-Uc1oua homemade Tamales made a.round and then dumped lnto Bay1lde t.n1cka a.nd from Mesa waterground meal, and Chori.r.o Toltada.a. Din· ott to the cannery. Thl1 ls a SIK"hl well worth ... e. c,1,oy the \•aried teative dinners served ln this P Y little setting, It •iewing e1peci1.lly If you're upwind. Harry saya he's expecUnr around a ~ many people order Nela'1 wonderful Cood to take home. Nela 30 tons of mackerel in Sunday. So you're all invited to the Baya&de ,.;u till orV,era small or large up until 6 P· m. an)' eve. You may Flab Co. dock11 to !tee: the aighta. I lmaglne more cat.a thaA people o rd~r beer or wine to accompany this nest.a food. Dining hours eat mackerel, but then cats know how to nx Jt I auppo.M. Hi&hb' for dinner or a.la carte tlre ~:30 p. m. • 9:30 P· m. dally and fi'Om S recommended: Flll:SB LOBSTl:R alive or cooked! U you don't like p. m.-9:30 p. m. on Sunday. Closed TUes. ~T.LA'S Sl'7tl S. Coaat UWi Bay.aide k>bater, you ca.n have your money back free phu an Blvd. South l..al{UllL Pbone 4-~'7. exunination for the hole in your nol'gin. Bayside FIU C.. la open • • • constantly at 2800 Lafayette, NewporL \ REY SPOOK'. .-\.re )"OU equipt Cor the 'A1tching hour! Bec&UMI e e e I wa.nt everybody to have a horribly good time this I "'Ill LAUGH A..'-0 MA.Ill: I.IOIIT OF TOUR HaHoween! I ju.st held a seance with my8el! and BLIND IGSORANCE if you will sit quietly and Us· learned that DonaJ<IM»n'• Balboa ~4;10 baa owls, bats ten to me! lt you're 'A'indow shopping' take it from and .akeJetons flapping all over the joint! They have me, or better allll from the Shade Shop that the grlmme.at. grueM>me outlay o! rubber and lurni· f1f'xalum \'enetian blinds are the bJi nda that you nous; masks, cats, JaCk o'lantema and witches. Yo..i abolfld pull atring11 to obtain. Parenti have been fiy-by n ights can get wonderful decorations, party knoWn t o wiJ!uUy butter children'• flnger1 becauH cups noise•makers. tablecloths, napkins and gimmicks "f1y By they know these aluminum Window charmer• are for Au Saint's Hallo"· here. The 5 4: 10 also has Xlrht"_ . IO eaay to clean. These hardy blinda are avaiJable costume.a sizes 1. 14 that will make you look like the devtt. Mtnnie in many decorator colon and re.al.st dust a.nd the :P.touae, or a sack of bones. Get on )'OUT broom.M.icka &nd ~ over element&. If your children are beyond th• rummy to DoaaJdson'• Balboa 5 a 10. <Hot eerlf'? Ralee a rumpus. Scare stage:, you may enjoy laughing at IJ!e thru' Ha- people Bil)"! SOO Ma.la. JlaJboa. wallan Sunvue matchstick ah.adu. Theee are made • • • troro machine split bamboo A: cable stitched for long DO YOU HA VE TIPPLE wear. They are weatherized and lacquer protected NEUROSIS ? '!' ? =t!nchante' colon. .Be!ore uother atsbt ran., Are you &!raid to go out for an the SllA'DE 8BoP, 11' htll s&., ~ewport. ·"" • ..11 evening of fruit JUice ~. mimply IK. ~ -;;-because on your 2nd or 3rd round you _ , · · ~·~Ip.ill your drink!! 1' Ben'• good .. --· ~ ' ·-., --'l -·· ~ -~ :. ::.. ~~ :.'!rm"';" 00-=' :'.: T *'...,S 911: T •·••tA" 13-7 -- -noon, be.r tops and linoleum with Aft I; Ds;An I .J - =:i~'!rce ,~:;!rdv~.u:: c:!1:!e~cl::n=~e~:. !~~ FOR TE 'S FIRST VICTORY hol and fruit ; juice stain.a. People who pttaerve and protect their fum.i~hiDK"• a.nd flooTs with V-2 ju.at dare you to ~lop your liquids a round! This hiendshtp saver comes with a tree velvet applicator. McDonald'• Palnt Store aleo ha..s Plutl·Kole Marine Tran.spa.rent ... a jolly good tonnUla tor a tough, brilliant boat tinJlh.. · Thia &UPP hardens and waterproo!a a.nd ia very keen for station wagoru too! TAKE MY ADVICE: FTh'lSH IN 'mfE CLEAR! McDon&ld Pa.Int Sto,.... 18'7% Harbor Blvd .. C'Ol'ta Meu., ~a 510Z • • • POLLY A PPAREL 1S BURSTING AT THE SEAMS! FURTHERMORE, it all the dreues at P olly's were laid hem to hem, they wouJd reach from Natches to MobUe (a dl.!tance Qt 9 hours a nd 20 minutes by aulky). MIQ Polly believes It _,...,..,,.":-~...; .. .. -o uld be & dull WO['ld It all us ch icka were the _ u.me size so she stocks 11mall, medium, large, regular and half SlUS in a m()!;t. goodly and charming aMOrtmerlt of dreues from $8."'°$25. I beg pardon ... one exception: Polly Apparel has aome n~ Bo~y all \\'OO I knjt creation3 by Barbara Carol Catralgbt out ot Harper a). One of the!!e lovelies wtU make you look like Mlu Landed Gentry tor sure . , . these knit goWJU1 have a tar more expensive alUtitude f:ba.n their actual tag which is $39.9~. Let"s see-.-Teena Page, Joan Miller Jrs.. J udy Lynna, Sergees. and lots of othen in f-!lle 1 s, CO";'uroya, jersey.a, fi&nne~. gabardines. My discriptlon 11 defied . Don t hem and hav.•. Get dreued at Polly Appal"f'I. llSS Newport A.\-e., C-ta • • • . .\.H, THE REA.l'TY OF IT ALL! Do you have elbow !la.ke! Are chipped. chap- J>f'd elbow• menacing your birthright \o be•uty ! W t'll. don't worry honeoy! You can aJw.ya hide vour e.lbowa. but you can't hide your head! Tba.l'a .... here llm'• Beauty Saloa glowingly enters thi& p icture! Jim's: Beauty Shop ia a spotless, bright modem ha.Ir dres:ring house. Mildred and Thelma here are ex~rta: in hair styling a.nd permllnent w aves. Shampoo Rta begin at $2 ... P ermanent.a are $10 up. Cha.n(f!a att your ha.Ir look:a pretty dry and l!l("edy a.ft.er a summer ln the 11un. J im'• recommends the \\·e11a Koleetnl C011ditlon.lbc tre..tmsit which will enable you to proudly toas •"Fatl Cotllllo•" your mane at fall colWJons. Sllr walk!' In beauty wbo "-alb lfOlll .Jlm'a Beaut"\· Salo.a, 204 Coa.st H ighway, Corona del J..tar. HARBOR 1878 DAY OR NIGHT FOR A.PM. , • • CASA • DO:\" CARLOS SL"'PERBA MEXICA..'i DL'"NER8! <lllokle Tep 8"l9ia 8lMk ••• Dia-SUS COllDmi A TION. MEJOOAN Dl!'.'l\"ERS. ,1.18 up SpedaJ Pl&Ui for Clllldtta .II MEXIOA..'I llEEB ~ I'ueoday Ill !%11d St., -·~· . . '. • WOULDST THOU JIOTll EAT THY OAJlJ; AND Newpoi1 ~J Post - • A wame and h ly outweighed Newport Harbor Rtgb Varaity Football team 'A'oulctP't admit defeat u they faced a atrong Bonita High eleven FTlday ,Ught and coneequently came out of It with a 13-7 wm. The victory "·a.a one With mo,,...t-------------- than a single me1rniog for Coach A.1 Irwin'a fighting Sailors. It proved to them ( l) That hard work 111 the only thing that pays ott: (2) was the first time they had acored th1• seuon: (3) was their fir11t win ot the sea.son; {f ) proved that Size doesn't mean as much aa desire and a com- petitive spirit. Ne'A'}>Ort Harbor tana sat with awe as they watched 130-pound Bill Hopkins and 135 pound Rex Bell tight it out with Bonlta"11 2~pound plua blocker•. (Admit· edly thls is the best Bonita team 111.nce the days of Glenn Davia and Company). Coach Irwin aa.id that it was the grim deteTminatk>n when the chi P9 weni down that cowrted. ''They came through In t be clutches -and never gave in," reported Irwbi. ''The boys have worked hard and have improved much since the lint game at Riverside." Coach Irwin will start that same combination agairut Lyn· wood ,.t Harbor HJgb Friday night it tnjuriea to some ot the players permit. Slight muacle •ralu and bruiae• yesterday kept the workout ~ a Utt~e but Irwin bu alated heavier workout aesstona today and tcr morrow . Ten 8tap Kally • fourth and made a nice tackle a.a h• stopped the . man abort ot a tint down on lb• Tar three Playera carried Bell oft the field on their :shoulders at the end ot the game. There wu only one punt dur· ing t he game. It wa.s late in the fourth quarter. Tar·lleM'cat 8taU.tlca Harbor Bonita 168 Yarda Gained Ruahlng ..... .20fl 21 Passes Attempted ·-·········· 9 11 Pa.ue1 Completed ............ 5 84 Yard& Gained Pa.uing ...... 63 252 Total Y arcU Galned ......... .268 12 Ftrat Downe ·-·············-····· 15 Four Seek Okar for MOorage Building Plans J'oar appllcktion. to • th• u. a, Arlll)I Corpo of Jlinpl .... , .. per- Dllta to ,conetruct -· ·-and tloata la Ntwj)Oit ~ '"'-...... -toMy by Lt. Col. John R. J'aa:Darone, ezeco. Uv• officer. • l>Tawtnp llbowln&° locatlon and pla.n o! ea.ch 1tructure are on tile at his office tn Loi Anplea where lntereeted put.lea objecting to the propoeed atn.ctu.ra ha" unw Oct. 2t to make their proteaU known.. Declalona on t.utnr per- mit. will be bued on the "M!ect of the propoeed work on navlga· tlon. Applicant.I U.led an: Henry Erbe-, '208 River Ave., Newport Beach. wbo S!l&nl to build a float &n.d appurtenance. In tront of lot 3, block 2t2, Ca.n&l ~Uon, be- tween t2lld and 43rd street.a; Ed- ward Backa, 8301 South Kr•emer, Pla.ce.ntia. who plana to con.atruct a pier, float, etc. in tront ot lot 7, &nd & portion of Jot 8, block 25, Eutatde addlUon to Balboa Tract: Knut R, Sjorrren, lt~ Bedford Road, Sa.n M&rlno, •ho ukJ per- miulon to buUd a pier, float, ramp, etc., on southerly atde of Lido Ule in front of the aoutheuterly haU ot lot 90.5 and the northwerterly halt of lot 908, Tract 907, Udo late; Dean Saum, 1811 South 1'hlrd Strttt, · Alhambra, who plana to build a mooring float. etc., on the aoutherly 1ide of The Rialto, tpeel- !lcally in front ot lot 3, block 638, Canal Section , extending Into The Rialto • diltance of 26 feet. Community Concerl Workers to Meet Thurs. Afternoon The initial mff.ltlng of the Com~ munlty Concert Serie• will be held Thurllday, Oct. 11 at t p. m. in room ltl or Dodg'e Hall. New- port Harbor Union High IChool. The hall Is tn the new bulldin( facing on 15th street. • • aoc:u STOLIN ._a._ wu lltGrt ,a. row • ftlldimae .. ........ tltnlo- lllo1 ... bulldiJIC of llltor-- -mobloeka .A.tlout A ---llJ 'Or-~ -·-~ d'llo tllem wve m1at11f from 1110 otpnlpda91 lllld. .nltit jiGUpll a. 11:aeat If a.. a.a ~llMUUm clout Ill~ ... w~-,. -ni. w~ D. c. r. to rrut a1r 11ae ira..i wntc. ta ~ mlrlc.,l'8pOl'tecl o. m. Penott eoun17 ~Banta~ • mo Cout Rlchway. Bo .at.Id w. IL Nlchola, airport .... ------.,.----....,-• L.-· . .. m•M&'ff, tod9.J' U he diliclOMd IYel OW man p1ano to taJce the matter -a 1!1-lcl ff U. It.. CAB buiJnc IA Ibo capitol cm "" on trftlln October 18. &prnentJnc the county In Ito 'nle Archee Oftrp&M WU no desire to have fetdtt air ltne ....,. p to hit anoth~ car and then vice: at tbe alrport will be Jamu :'I"• an Wepl left hand him. Utt. attomey, who hu ....,, •J>-~"1_• D. Noaku ot Rlverbullc:, pointed by the ,Boazd of' SUpel'· 9'1:"'· round. Becauoo, Newport vtaon. Hta expo,._ ... t will be J>9.Uee cau&}!t h~ dotnr Jt Tue• defrayed. by the AYl&tlan comm.it· d4y and a.rruted him at T:20 &. tee of ,J..be Auod.at.ed Chambers of. on ch.arcff ot hit and run Commerce ot Or&ac'J County, Inc . perty damap, .and Wept left throusb private eoliCltatJon. m. Utl will appear to pl.Md the Police claimed the Jett rear COUJ1ty'1 cue at • tlna..I oral heer- eeJ of a trailer which hi• truck tng. To altl ht. pre.entatlon, all WM towinr. atl'Uck a car driven public and private grou~ Interut· J>y Bryan Hayea. 15'75 Monrovia ed ln h&vlnr airport feeder eervtce ~t, Coat.a Me• while J'Olnl' ...,..-aa'Jted to prepare Jetter. ad- d(>wn. tbe muthwelt n.mp of the d.i-eued to the CAB, ouUJnlng the ot erpasa. need for the facility. The Jette rs 00Unt1 ~ --.... put to· need.Mee wUte of Ume and ntemet, it .:a. u.erte4. Tiie oounty ~ NicllOlo aoJ4. reco1-dally a cooolderable number pf calla tor air 11rvlce out or Banta Ana. H~ pointed Ql\l ll>at the CAB certlfi<ated Southweat .A.~YI Co., 'a llCbedWed f~r line, to be- gin operatlono ll'eb. 11, 11H9, trom Loo AllceJee to Phoenix, maldnir otope at Orang< County Airport, Oc.amdde, Saa Diego, 1:1 Centro.. Yuma and Ajo, Ar&. A. week be- fore ee:rvlce began. the CAB can- celled the certlftcat.e. lndlcaUn.S that Western Air Line. and ~ llfbly othen oppoeed the permit. The CAB decided to hold a new bearing, '1vlng all air Unee In- volved an opportun.lty to be bee.rd. Noakea 1tated he wu not ahould be mailed to Nichol& at the aware of the accident, when po-~rt or to William Gallien.ne. l~e located hi1 truck a.nd traUer exec\.iuve eecretary, Auociated Sublequent eeulon.a have been parked on IndU11trial Way, Costa Chamben of Commerce of Orange held in Waahin.gton and Lot An• i ua., west ot Newport boulevard. County, Inc., City Hall, Hunting'· gele.1 wt.th Western and Bonanza ton Beach. AJr Llne.a and othera-ulclng per- Air Ltae ~ 'f ~ A d The CAB examiner recenUy million to aerve Phoenix from LcMI r1ra IC War recommen4ed that no eerv!c. be Angele• and Lu Vepo. n.e .. <Pff d W tmtituted fn Orange county be--llnff. however, all maintain Ul&t ere omen cause of the lack of need. no aervice la needed trom Loe .An· ~ r.t.&bllahme.nt ot the Carol Lane E to recoinise and rein.rd men'• achievementa ln the trat- tl satety fle1d wu announced to· dl.y by the National Safety Coun- ell at ill 39th NatjonaJ Safety Contreas. - 1 The awa.rd will be admlnLstered by the council through grant ot t!e Shell Oil Co. j Supported by leading aa!ety, efucational and women'• orga.nl- Zi.tioruJ arid judged by their ute- tf cbairmM, the award la the tint of it.a kind ot!errd to non·pro!es- atonaI women in the n.tety neld, aecordiflC' to Ned H . Dearborn, ptestdent of the council. l Finl priu consllU of a SI 000 defense bond and a atatuette cre- ated tor the award by an out- aia.n.d.ing ICU.lptor. gelea to San Diego: that <>ranee Adequate Support County 11 near enough to Lone Thi1, Nk'hola maintains, ii not Beach and Loe Ang-elea tor ade-- tbe cue. On.nee County'• more quate aervice. than 240,000 population coukt well The CAB'• favorable dect.ion support any paue.nger and treigb.t granting a certlttcate -to South· air line feeder service, actv.ocatea wut Airways WU bued on 19'&.0 claim. Beca.uee of conatantl,y cen.m. tiguru. CUrrent popula· worsening traffic congestion on Uon, con.aidera.bly rreat.er, add.I highways and roa.da to Lot .&.n.. lmpetua to demanda !or feeder air geles Municipal Airport and Long >line aervlce through the cmmt7 Beach MunicfpaJ .Airport, Orange airport, expert.a say. WARNING Information and entry forms for the Ca.rol Lane Award may be ob· talned from Mi.as Milla at the Na- !l_~nal Safety Council, 425 North Afch.igan Ave., Chicaro 11, ID. The annual memberablp drive will be planned at thla time. ac- cording to Mary Bt.tten Steften- 1en., president. Thia will be a lhort a.n.d Important meetinc. and all worker• Of lut year a.nd other• who ma.y be intere.t.ed, are uked to attend. • U mamber1 •re not able to be pre11ent, pleaee j notify MrL Stef!en.aen, Harbor 1 2111.J. I ~ed ads a.re read bJ' tollu Wbo are looldnC" to buy. I M:embera who sell ten ticket.a f will be allowed to tree one !or .IJl4mo91~ Jira. _!ltetten oaid. Tl\la-wii a plan. Which •proved IO pOpUlar lUt _... ONLY • • Every time you emcl a bag of hoaeehold elf&. card• to Goodwill lndo.t.ries of Orange Co1U1ty, you provide $5 In W&gM for "°""' disabled veteran or physically haodlcapped employee of Goodwill. Unfortun&t..iy, two other ag .. cl8 which Mlleet l&lvage 1.re making a practice of picking ap bap Intended for Goodwill lndoatriee. Sometlmee they claim to reprtlllftt Goodwill lndD8t;te"· League Members at National Council A group of Harbor members attended the national council meeting of the .Aalilltance League, held Oct. 4 at Huntington Hotel, Puadena. There were round ta- ble diact111sions on provisional train.inr, project.a and. for presi· den ta. Mn. Rowland Hodgkinson Rrv- ed aa voting delegate tor Mra. Virginia Cut.le, who wu unable to aUend Otben-present were Mrs. Edgar R. HW, ch&Jnnan of the Newport Beach league; Mmra. E. A. Cleary, Roland Wril'ht, George Penny, Wend@ll Calkins and M&rloe Othmer. RepN!aentlng the Assistance League Juniors were: Mmea. V. E. Ellsworth, Peter Barret, W il- liam Hoi.teln, R. N. Lagerlor. Morgan Noble, Norman Gamble, Robert Ro.e and William Ha.rvey. ., • 63 Shopping Days I 'l'IMnf-to make llDftl illat )'OV ~ p wber~.)n~-)'<19 Wtn want to;,.;, tbat'*lnek plcldng th~ np .,_,,· the Goodwill ,1u1p1a. AU for eredeatiala, toe. • • Till Xmas! PHONE HARBOR 0706 FOR YOUR PLEASURE ' PONY AND , GRAC.E ·SHERRILL . ' . •APPEARING NITILJ WITH PHIL .MOODY AND . BOB ·BJEI;EF'ti:I.DT -· AT Tim PIANO AND DRUMS I -----li:iteresting cmd UIJuaual Founome • • BALBOA .BALBOA , ' • • t •• BROADWAY- :: Now .60¢ = NOW 8HO'll'INO "RICH YOUNG and PR!lTl'T'" 8t&rrlnl' Jane ~u -ALBO - NO'IV &BO'IVINO ~ O!'f 'l'JlE 1111..L• WWI Cktdette Cea-t -AI,80-'TROO MEN" With R1Cb&rd Widmark "JIZllA VE YOUBSl:Lr' 'IVJdl 8heDy -telS Wedn ... ay, Oct. lT "PEOPLE Wll.L T A.LX" With car,. Grant -AND - 8'mlia.J, Orttober 1 • "001.Dl:N BORDE" 8-s Aaa 111111> -A...~­ "PISTOL llAR\'Ell'l"' WIUt nm Bott ''T ALL TARGET" W ith Dlclr: Powen CHILDREN= -·PAULO DRIVE-IN THEATRE ·nll-6380 0aen0pm 7 :15 8..1.ow Stana 1:00 "'FllA.NCIS GOES TO THE AACEA" With Donald ()'Conner AIM -.. STRICl'L Y DISRONORABLZ" Wit.Ill Eab:o Ptll.u. Sunday, Oc:tober 14111 "NO WGRW& Y IN TRI! SJ[Y" Wl,.._,_ s- -&IN - -,o:llJ: 001111:8 TRI! GROOM" Wltll -· c.....,. NOW OPEN SATURDAYS anti -~.::... . ~ . ...__ SUNDAYS .· THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 1 G.al. lKl:MS ···-···-······-··········-········--·····-·---····---·-········-············ .i9t' 1 Oal. CARISSA ·--····-·-··· .. ·······--··-----···-··-·--.. ·····--··--····---····•te 1 De&. Y~ .,. Blue VIOLAS ----·--··--·-···-e-·--··-'tff 1 Dos. PRIHROSES ..................... -·-········-----·-·-·--·.!:': ....... :SH N .. 1 KING ~ DAFFODILS ........ ----······--····--MM lOo . :? SUB-TROPICAL LANDSCAPE NURSERY Corou. de.I Mar P1a. 11.ubor llU-R U-DRIYE CRUISERS ROW IOATS : ~= e TACKLE e Small Bo&t E L L I S ~ .... ~·~; R E-KJ'. A LS llOt Cout Rlway :Sewport Bea.eh Pit. ll&rbor Ul5 AT SOUTH END OF BAYSBORE BRIDGE LUMBER •• SAT. 8 to 5 SUN. 9 to 1 8PECIAL THIS WEEK C'f:.ME!\'T -90 e Sack ~tober 11 ta October lT at ... ABC Ll."'Mlll:R ; t•O E. 11th St. -. ~--· .... ··-. . . SAVE ss.oo THIS WEEK CHEVROLET CFrolll '36 Thnl•gh '48) BRAKE RELINE MATERIAL and LABOR . • • TO.TAL . -~4'5 • . . Culbertson . Mot01' ·Co. I 2411 CoCllt JtJthay __ _,, .. ........ ·~·". • MT. I.UT D&Y l&llBll 8'1'EW&llT ~'ll DJl!!l'IUCll "NO HtGHWAY ltt 'THE SKY'' 8UN.•·TtJE!I. J;IQIOL FLYNN IOCllD:LllC'z nELUl "ADVENTURES OF · CAPT. FAllAN" -Piao - ''THE SEA HORNET" , 8AT. LAST DAY DEAN llilJlTIN JERRY U:W18 ''THATS MY IOY" -Pl• - ~SJ>orw· Charity Ball • Howard Gilkey ; to Present ' S. C. Flower Show . . Soutbera callf-hll now. t D... Club and Guden •-will ..told la a oaY ~~=.::.:.: Bl~ eoclal .-t In Onnp throuP 11 In tlle P'&lmla ll. lllerTl- cowity uu. w..i. .,,a will be lhl -Jlortlcult.unl Caller at -· ll:tlao loda'e CIWtty 11&11 • •t u.. llde Pult. -Bal-Bay Club ... rnaq. 'l'be llowVd Gllk<J, ........ ..u,. ... -annual till\ !Mb to 0 Joi.it -M U.. qtnator and Ottwt ot U.. nvo lCIJq Lode-ot _.,. for 14 ,...... of the the county to ,..... ftm4I ior tbelr 1.-Qaldan4 .-. lo In tlle Chrlatmu clw1ty. Soulblan4 at tlMI l'Oqlleot of the Cbalnnan of th• went t. Rob-~ Puedfna rlower &bow ert A-J:utmu. .-.,.. K.alsbt A..,...tloa to tak4 oftr M man- of Newport Hubor Lodge with -of Ullo ...,.L lhe Leadinl' Kn:Ji!lU of Oran;rt I.Ir mUln&' Ute tlnt an.......mee- Anahelm. Lacuna BM.ch and aa.n; -.t ot d.ram&tic pl&u for whJch ta Ana Lodpo hoJdtnC llmllor lie II noted. Olllley -i.o that th• rpot. tor their town&. fall ttoral qect&cle will r.cb Dtte.rt.a!nmuit, in add.Jtlon to hat(bta never before attanpted the dance b&n4, wtll be provided ln Pua.den.a. by the itocuette1 of tbe Ina Ray For the tint tlmt ln the hl.t- Hutton Show. Dinntr, da.nctnr tory ot th• a.octatJon, th• llhow I.lid entertainment a.re all pro'rid-WW. extend over an entire week to td with tht tu Included on. the stv• all Sotlthl&nd flower loven an $5.00 ticket prict. Ticket.a &re opportuntty to vtew the beauty of avail&ble trom any Elk or trom tall bloonui. AU flower arTUl.(e-- the Newport Harbor Publ.Wlinr ment exhibit.a will be replenla?u~d company otnce at mt Balboa with a nnr tchedule and new en- Blvd., Newport Bf!ach. trte1 midweek of the ahow. ....... •• - !~-•WI a... ...... ,. COWf\.lftl OINffllS ............. ftlOPl()&L DJll!IU .............. '"""''"" scnoow ..... PulllllC _,,, ' '"" THE NEW HUT i • owt IDawy, i..c- -~ fw -a.-.-~,. Saperl&Uve .,..,. a....tas LIDO ~ 611 N-rt lll•d. To ftnd a Barbor Area 1'9tldlllt who has oontributed mwe u.n Jll8 ohar• to th• -powth Uld Sood plannlnc of our town. - up "Lea" hbell. civic leader, mayor ot our city, city council- man-and deeler tn bulldiq' and conatructinc auppllu. Lea wW 900n complete thirty year• in local bwtneaa, ten of the u • city councllml.l\. He hun't kept track or the total houn g1ftl\ to committee meeUnp Of\ city projeclll, but if he added them to- i-ether and epplled them to a vi.ca-OOSTA KUA -ITIW l tion, he'd have about a year to • • . ' . Of • • PERSONAL INTEREST boa Jlhrd. widened for Ule hea"Y tntne lo&dl; a llOT,000 corpora- tion yard, NJainl' ettictency of the clty'a many aen1ce1: and replace- ment ot more th&n 5 mllea of wood ata.ve major water line.. (Lei ill •Ull pulling redwood splint.era out of hi. ftngera from that one.) Ia that year, mone1 wu aet uide for a new win&' on our City LibT&ry. And ln tbe line of. planning. a new muter plan hu been developed under the Park, Buch and Jtee- re&tlon Commlulon, and you'll .ee re1ulU trom tt 900n. ,.... hi~ Bin.II .. ll&rDM "FUGITIVE LADT" 8UN.-Tm:S. FJ1IST RUN Other centrally located ticket holden are Tom Norton, Bay Shore Cll.fe, 1 Tlh and Cout High- way, Robe.rt A. !'.utma.n, Attor- ney, 223 Marine Avenue, Balboa lo land. Catholic Youth to Observe Anni. We ........ .., ow. ptu&: hunt and tls.b at that too-seldom- i:~'.::=======~==~ 'flllted cabin of his in Utah. Coming here in 15J22, he taok charge of the Newport Beach Lumber Co. Soon he bec&me a T y sm leader tn forming the nm Cha.m- When we report a.bout our mayor and our city'• growth and proml.ee, we an led to aay, "You ra.n't afford not to live tn the Hu· bor area!'' And we take pride I.II the etatement of Mayor !Abell: ''FIVE~~ ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:=====! 111, FOLKS! Pfeifer'• SuwnpUoas Sch.mid+ Candidate for Sa9ehen Squad . . But Schmidt. eon ot. Mr. and Mn. WWlmn G. Schmidt. "2e Crut:new prtw, N~rt Btach," la a candidate for the Pomona- Claremont S&cehena f o o t b a 1 l .qtiad. Oel•b,.liftl' the 21at ann.l'ftl'-• • ber of Commerce, waa an orlgtnal l&fY of the CathoUc Youth Or· director, a.nd president in 1931. ganlS&Uon In the United Stat.ea. FOR RENT The mayor nu alwaya pra.cliaed National CYO will be obeerved .aund Plannln&' for any project. Oct. 21-28, tt JVU announced by ~--t i Rev . .John J . Birch, ~O director T-DAY MINDfUll .,.. .... cularly for U.. city. It wu thia kind of a.pproaeh that won ln the Loe Anrelea ereL him a 1eat on the council in 194-2. 8peclat week·long prorrama are Tl DE T Y and election a.a mayor in 1950. HitJ beins pl-.nned for CYO settle-• • tint year u our finrt citizen ment houaM. cent.en and parlthu I IOll NEWPORT BLVD brought a gratlfyinl' conclusion t o UtrouPout tbe A.rcbdloceae, Fa-Newport Beaela aome project.I for which he hu ther Birch '-ld. llAIUM>ll tee called m-.ny a m@eting to order- , "Every rrowtnc dty need.a a ,.ood Savlnp and Loan A leOd&a lion, and we are proud of our locally owned, locally mana.ce4 and cooperative lol'EWPORT BAI.,.. BOA FEDERAL." NEWPORT BAUIOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS50CIATION ,. ... --.- JWliillitU. .....,..,,, Nl:Zi OJIT KAOM, M• '? B llA TURKEYS .... _,, Now a f'reehmtn at Pomona. Schmidt wu a ~terman h&lf- back at Newport Harbor Union High •ehool He aloo took i.tt..-e ln track. • Tbe CTO Ff!deratJan ot Younc the one-and-a-third milea of Bal- Peoplu dub yil1 la.unch tb• ob-I ~===========::± -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-aervUlce with a rally a.nd dance r VllltTOR!I WEL00- The Hen.1' •~man. aquad la.cka ~===========~ [experience but boaata a 1t.ron1' runnlnr attack trom the •inrle wine. 181 E. 20th St., COST A Ml:S& Beaeon 63.M-W Newport Youth to Tour West With A Capella Choir Robert Bttk11trom, kin of Mr. 1.nd Mr•. K. A.. S.ck•trom, 318 El Modena, Newport Beach, Midland collec• freehman, ia a member of the ftnt b&u mection of UM collece A. t:apella Choir. . ~ Ktdl&nt4 Choir, Undft' the direction ot Profe.uor James S. Vail wtll m•k11 a concert tour to the Pacific Northwest sbort..ly a.tter the new year. M.ldland t. lo- cated at P'remonl, Neb. at the Sant of Herman. Hall, 120 I:. "th s t.. on Friday, Oct. 19, and will c!OM the week. with Man and Communion at St. Vibtana C.tbedral at I a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21. More. than 1ix million boya and girl.s of ell racee, colon and creect. are developtnc into better tuturir-cilil:erua u a rMUlt of the CYO tour-polnt procrun, coverlnr rellgtoua, cultural, IOClal and •th· Jetic actlvltlea. Father Birch Aid. W anaiki Plan Ladies Night Plan. for a Ladlira Night tor Nov. 19 were di.cun~ when mem- ben of Wa.na.ikl, auxiliary of New- port Harbor Klw11.n l• club, m't Wectne-:tiay evening, Oct. S 11.t the home of Grace Speth, Weat 18th, co.ta,,._ Appointed u a commlttH for the festivity were: Maree Ander- Circle 2 Serves ,_ WSCS Luncheon ~ , -N~~-· l:tole ~P-. "\iii:-an rwtltir. The wom- Result.a come from constant Practice? An ad regularly in thls paper will produce rffl.llta for you. Everybody reads the clualtied ada. DIRECTORY The reruta.r meetine Of the Bal· boa lal&nd w. 9: C. 8. wu held &1 lhe church W~neAday, October 3. -:.~cheon wu eerved at 12 ..... The luncheon committee were Mra. Stephen Smith. chair· man: Mra. C. B. Barnett. Mra. T. De.Mund.run, M.ra. H. Blackt'Tby and I.in. H&rold Fink, Circle Two membe.n. Ther~ wu a 1hort bu1ln"8 .,. •• •Ion after luncheon, Mr•. Harold Fink, 'Prealdlng. Mr-s. Ted Haueer WMI J)tteented with a Life Mem· -------------berehlp fro• the 1'0Cl ety, Kn. LESTER A. B~ D. ?I. S.. DENTISTRY 178.5 Newport Blvd., COila Mesa Med ical Bldg. ~aeon 87~2 !50~ l!:. Bay Ave ., Balboa Harbor 327-J Pff'Cy Baine. maktn1 the prut.n- Latlon. 'nlefe '1iref, 22 memMra and two cuie.Aa· preeenL Mra. M. Harper 11.nd ~t:r1. Sylv1a Place were runt.a. Mn. Harper waa a member yean ago with the orlgt.na.1 Balboa Is- land CtrclP . At l :30, fiftHD. of the croup went to Santa Ana. to vialt the GoodwUl Jnduatrlee. Mra. Percy Balnea, progT&m chairman, .,.. ':~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I r&nl"ed the trip and tt proved a 1• ••ry lnterdling .and lnatructiw B••·TZ NOBTVDT Lady Attendaat 410 OoN& RlchwaJ OORO:SA DEL ¥AB DAY AND NIGHT Phone Harber o program. The next &Halon will be a Ch.r!Jltm... party to benefit the 1 •Ufitply pro)ecl.f for thia ye&r. lt will be a luncheon meetlnr No- vember 7, 12 noon and wU1 be tn charge of Circle Thrft. .-------1Teachin9 Staff BE SURE -INSURE ~ Assumes Duties with lll&ua1cE nAsuy at Christ Church ........... Only Pit.He Harbor 1 TII UI 11.art.e Ave.. ~ bJa.d New teachers and ottlceni for the Newport Xethodiat church '-------------' i echool tor the new year toolr. over .-------------\their re9p0n.lfbUJUa &mday, Oct. f, at Chri.lt: Church by the SN.. w. Stuart Fo,ote GENERAL INSURANCll Coiirteolta Information N-rt -b Pb. Hu. M !111 Ba.Ibo& Bl•·d. The new ala.ff t.ndudea the follow- Ins: . Acting-8upertntl!'nden.t, Kev. T . R. Pl!'ndell; aecntary, Mlq Elite Newland; treuunr, Mr. Ray Baker, rqlll.rar, Kn. T. ll-S...- ley; aalatant nptrar, Mra. Lee 11;============~1Nott;, wpt. c.hlldrrn'a d~ 11 Mn. n. .. Boltb)': oupt. 1out11 OJ. lll&TTBE88E!I ........a.... Tnilen . l.neplu ..... • . BEACON Mil en will •rve M b~ and decora~ t.&blee. Th• next meettnc "'111 be on. Nov. Tat U!.e home ot Elale Hamp- ton. in Corona del Mar. Aft.er the bualnue meetiJl«, pre- ak1ed over by }larcell& Van Dyke, remalnln1 houn were spent play- ing bridge and canuta. PriJ:e• WP re won by Florence \\1 ebb a.nd LoUi White. The Ha.lloWMn them., wu c-.r· rled out In retreahmf'"fttl, aerved by the Mre. Speth and her e<rho• le.N, Corinne Porter . Honor Award for Balboa Youth Paul C. Nott aon ot Mr. and Mrt. Adrien L. Noel, 901 I:. B&J. boa Blvd., now attendlne Wood· bury Coll.ece. I.a. Angt'le•. ha.a bffn awarded the Bronze pin or the Pht Gamma Kappa Honor Scholanhlp Fraternity. To •ttaln thla honor Noe1'1 gradea were of th• hil'h ac:holutic ttandlnf required t or member· ehip in thi. orcuisa.Uon tor one quarter'• attendance at Woodbury College where he la majorinc in Sal• Ma.nal"vnf'nt. A p-aduate of Normardin Jr. Hig-h 1ehool, Noel ae:rvPd In the U . S. Marine Corpa durtnc W or kl War II. Kesel-Wood Rites Revealed, . Shower Compliments Bride llrL Merl.in E . Ke.•1. 302 Ana.de atnet. Balboa WU honored w:lth a poC•DUptial abowu w b • D friend.a wrpriaed har recenUy. Hoste.ea a.t the affair were Kn, ~ O. Wood of Balboa.· mother of the honoree, and Kn. Douglu Wood of Saal Beach. Kn. Wood bu Jua.t announced the April wedd~ ot hr d&UC!l- te~. th• formttr Barbara ~ood. Both ~ people OIS CTMfUal~ of Newport Hubor Union • Hirt> -The brldepoam .. -~ In the na.,.. Picture Program at Christ Church Oeela -Hat-0.. -IUI Newrrt ~ Yiaion, Mn. I>l!'levan J"rett.ac; w:pL -t di-Mr. Bill JilCDonald: klndet'pltm ouptrtntmdent. Kn. 'IVDI. JilcDcmald: )>rlmory ~ le<Ml ... t, l5!iarul -.rm: .,..,,... ~t-ouporln~ Kn. lla..J Deloaler. "Twtierw ""' _..,.,-. L. KGdullde )lkturee ol c..ter • -• ~ L. ·JI-:~ 1111'1. ~ LUe. Olul ~taln, T!le1)ml'a ---·--~-..,.-.... ,"tat ·p.,..; -0: ltalpll Poot Pill, Mt.. t•um, the Jlo6. WATEl -HlA •' w . .._,._..,__-.Dam~ -other-....--. .... ....... -..... ,_ ~: 11'4 ..-.: --"-~ -°"""' 8 ·1 . .1 I~ Ro >ID;~ petlo, ~ "-IE, --•IM mrlNJ ·~, '""''°•. . ... . . 1; -...... --'MicM '*-<i(-Qlrtal ~ lsy ~ J1t!11oa: _...-_ ~ftllol; '1111 ta --Wit 111111 loe> ft.11111-G' -.. pnlH, ... Cli. ..,...., Qct.11,MIM,..... .. 'l'l_lloJ AMII I I D h ~ •>sll. Iba. 81 ...... Ot" Pwdill,, t..u. dte ltwy" elf tWt,.. 111r•·i;c1•"1 a -· ..... a '--l. -·v ,,.,. tnlt tma p-. -~IK So!!'":..!" !l!M_ :: ~· .~··'9:-:: .-, Yi.!'.'.. 17• • '" • ..., • l-~·!!-:::·~ --=~-=~-~~~'!'""J Tf j '. ~ r-.. JI 171 ?5 _, .._ • -••• 11. ~ ., -..... al ... / . I ,MATTRESSES! Excellent 9uality Excellent Values SDI Value MattniMN, '9900 '.Box •prlnp. eet for .... -.~·k';n!';.'t·~·-······· ''r sae.~~~rlax;t~:: .. .-..... •sr .. .!";';"""';~ '4r' nae C.Oucb 8.-d •4-i!lpecleJly prl...t at. .... 7 SAM'S SEA FOO'D ••At the Slfll of the Swordt1ah" COM'Pl.E'nl: COURSE LUNCHEONS DINNER!! Be&utlfuJ new En.I~ COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPES E\'ERY DAY SURFSIDE PBO~-i:: H~TI -p;a,,o J114twc1;o,, TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner)' C.Oneert Ptanlllt of Tbl'M Conttne.nq Graduate 8tudeat of Bela Bariok • CARLYLE'S 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171-J Corona HH)hland1 -Corona del Mar ... ·II• Nil tut lllO llarttor IUYd.: Ceeta Meea 'SOW IS Tiii: TIME To rew.&: your"bocne or apL~ Ph. llAJUIOR 1111 and plaee 7our '\\·ant ad taday ! HATS F&.Smo~-i:D TO YOUR FEATURES BLOCKED 811&PES FllOll '10 MARIANE R. PERCY no :s-. eout BJTd. LAG~A AGAIN! JUDGED AND ACCLAIMED ' ,PRIZE WINNING / , In TWO IREIT GlllRPETITIDDI UllTH THE FllEIT DAIRY FDDDI ID GRlllFDRllR SOLD MEDAL HIGliEST AWARD • 1951 G1lllarnl1 11111 F1lr (81ar1m11ti) GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDALS Put~rtaH c" .. u.. Milk n ... ..,. ,.,.. .. GOLD MEDAL GOLD MEDALS H•lf 6 Half (I0..-0) GOLD MEDAL -GOLD MEDAL _. na•-P'r.U VaaiDa lei C..... I 9 5 I lln lqllu 11111111 F1lr (,_111) GOLD MEDALS hateurl&M Cream U.. Milk GOLD MEDALS H_,.el-4 Ylw.t. D llilll GOLD MEDAL .._.._~lealMft GOLD lllEDAL c..... GOLD MEDALS twf 6 H.Jf ( ..... ) • GOLD MEDAL c....tlfW Mlllr . GOLD MIJD&r..8 F1a•..-Fr.It v..m. lea C.-• (P•bft) ., GOLD.MEDAL. C.t ..... ! V..flla k• c:..._ • OOLD MEDAL C.tr.•• r a..l•ate le.a Cr..- • . - SADA 1111 •td 1111 MW -411t ft • ......_!)<Um Ill OCUlf .• YSr ' ........ ..: ... -· • I ,[L__~,~--AMOUS-----. __ FOR~ -. • ' ] ' • - • ' • 1 New Boys Clas ' at Laguna . · .. Church't>y. ifit S~a • PIRATfs 8'P .fULLERTON 2¢7, ·sqow BETTER FORM , -=, W'*• • tte ~r ~ wW. 1-MW • • -· "'i at Tiie Uttle Cllm'cls \J'rU.. -11&1 -···~ Ooul ~ ,..,...s to.--otLq!_ca""4_...,..tL, w1,a&oo ~ton Uiat llloit" ~ pla1 footll&ll 1&""""'1 llilllt .. Lquaa Bwii, aat llwlll&f ,wttla 111., OoCl!l!~ out<l•rod a~ W\allarton Jlll>lor CoUese :llO-T .. llllftdq ll<llool•...,..•lll1 •t t:~5 Ille ._:;.ti.id: n ..U Illa o~ ~ 6*!•,taco _. for llolll. ·L m, with ·-tor all apL >. Tiie ~ aJltd Orey a~ · new boJO .-ll,aa ~ ~ to be a dltt•mt · tu.Ill u 11101 to._, wlllch na better • . • BaJ wtlll II>. ~ .roim-u ~ 'wluhed ... pouaded at the Nier· Smllll -tly llU loot all of· u. Como ud Mms Ille •tire -def ..... to roll up 4&11 yardo feet. ot lllal hlp polat wllldl ltept fam!lr to I~ ocbool TCMI wlll ti. M offensive pl&:JL Actually, tM hbn out ol lllJI 0..llGll T9dl sun• OllloY Ille IJllplfttlOnal '-b'"'· llCOl'o ahoGld have been ~tor for lut weelt &a4 J-llmlll> ahoolt Koh. ... Worahtp aenl .. 'boslnll tll• locaJL Tllq bad COl.e touch-Ott Ille flu ~ ••• Harlow IU<li-at ~1 :00 L m. a.v. Jnak L. -.. ealled Md< -ot a udaon la IWI OUn!Js&' in ll!juNd Dowoll wlJI ~ lbe '"#-I• Gii penalt1 aad tumbled thMe Umea IDlee ud will mJu aetloli satur-tllo aub)o<t. "Wbon We !lay -r .. • u llloy app.,..,t1y .,..,. ._ded day llll!ll .•• Bob WooCll>ouool to Cllriat, We llcttlve ~·· Gttat· for pay dlrt_.aeh tumble -... re-played hla beat pine of tbe yea eel QUI." 'l'lllo m-.. 11 buod covved by Fullerton. according to line" coach John in the rrutut tat ln the Bible. Bto.odout In lb• loc&I etlaek Owena wbo elao bad kind worda .A apoclal lnYltatlon ta aunded !O wu Jolm. B1&ck Who rembi.a 111 for Ed llater. :::: ~bot all to ~ Uld htv W. <Jod.tn• yarda ta tt pla:f• on tb.e (1'0Wld tsckle. and Je.ny of Bunt· aplred eernion. for an a.t yar<1a pined per play tngton Beach, Who modO lllz 8tnpplratleo beslm at T :ao p. •VU'al'• and cauitil two paw. for tacklet . . • Met Smalley w a 1 m. with the a1ftl1nC ot yo\lr f&YOo 35 add\llonol yar<li. knocked .. ,..,,.. In tbe fnt rl~ bymne and ~ -Merton jum to a fut lud quarter but will M 1et for Mt. Sac. Te9tlmonle1 of God.• •"flDJ and NTly in tba : 11U&rler .. Paul Jeu Smith took o.nr b.1a dl'fmatn. he.alinl' power have been stwn. Dearth pukd two yardi to end halfback alot • . . Smalley aver-Coma and enjoy the Chrllt1an ~1· Didi: Hartman. Hartman then &&"ed. 47 yard.I on ll1I klckotf• ... lowah1p, and re'rival apbit t.h&t· b booted the extra polnt ror a 1'..o Hi• punta were bettt.r than ever in the mlda'L Hornet iud.. Cout came back 'to with a pa.I!' of•~ yarders and a 2S.. Thuf'lday eventnr, 7:30 p. m. ta knot the eount la the Meaa.d yvd attempte4 cotnn corner punt Soul Wtnn.inl' Clul under tbe 41· quarter Wtu. a $&-yard malch in .•. WJth tb.e acore 13~7 and FuJ,. ~tJon ot ReY. W. A. Dowell. three 1..,... Quarterback Bqwvd lerton dangeroualy ne&( the goal Prayer meetinc followa the lNtOn MllJe:r JI tomed a ,· to halfbaclt (10 yard line), l'.d Ma)er broke •Udy. Jeaa Sm.Ith wbo ~ to the l"ul~ throurh to nau Jewell OweM' For infonnauon or putorat u- lerton ll. On tbe nut play tulJ. tumble in the flnal quart.a &ft• at.atan~. eall Lacuna Be&eh~-il31 . beclt H&I 9m1t1t pOTered lbrOUlfl Mar¥ ha4 etopped Smith-from 'lbe middle "' ...... atandlnJ up. there the Plrate• went lo their You_ng Art"tsts J'eu Smith kicked the extra point third TD 8S yard.f up fitld ..• to tie tt~ 8COtt Charley Bla.c:k played a fine de- Co&at bounced IJack tor another fenaive .rame u he •tole the ball G I TD at tbe •tart of the lleCOlld balf from Jewell Owena (He must bave at Lagun_a a lery u Jess Smith capped a nine play betn the goat) on the .Pirate 23 14-yard march with a two--yard during-a third quarter Bomet pJunie through the middle. Mel march · · · "B.e WU c~c the All tntel'ffltnc feature at the Smalley'• try for extra point wu ball like a loaf ot bread, replied A.rt Gallery uu. month la the bJoc.ked and the Plratu were 1n Black to a que.tton coa.cemtn1 the proentatlon ot work by four front, 13-7. The final Pirate ecore play attf'r the came · · • Blaclt youthf\ll and prom.LRnr U'\Ut.I came la.le In the fourth period. carried the ball twice near the from th• Laguna Beach area.. ae<> .John Black ran over from 21 yards md to pick up flve yard8 and one lected becauae of their ouUtand- out after being: stopped three )Card ... Smalley wu aecond to lnc uhlbit. at the J"e11tival of Arta time• en route. Hi• run climaxed guard J'red OWen.1 bi the tackle thia wmmer. They are 1"rank an &&-ya.rd drive which took U department-Smalley pulJed down B&mUton, Leonard Kaplan, Anne play•. Mel Smalley booted the 1even Horn.eta while 0 wen 1 Voa. and John Bean. utra polnt. brou1ht 1n etp.L Owen. knocked Thia i. a d~· .-tur. trom the Fullerton had a ch.aace to t1niah the ball out of • J'ullerton ball urne -honored p:tlJcy of exhlb1Uns the pme or at least tie the acore curler'• arma ln the eecond quart-p&lntlnp by "eatablllbed" a.rt.lit.a pi.t before the Pirate'• 86--yard er and 23()..pound tackle Jlm Kee. and by artllt·tnem~n ot the ~ drive. Wayne Sm.1th, former Or-line .cooped tt up and WU off to IOCL&Uon. MOit of wbOm antedate u.ie hip. quarterback intereepted the race• wben the ottlciall wtu.t.. thJ.a f:ra dominated. by hicb taxa- a Miller pau intended for Bl&ck led hlm down and ruled the wb.l.IUe Uon. aoclaJ lte'CUrlty, national ten· ln the fl&t and took Ott with a had blown. betore the t\J.mbit;. st.on.a and the atom bomb. To th.la blocker tn f't'ont ot him and no one Qulck whistle• affmed. to be the writer tn1e Amerlca.n contempor· between him and the l'oal line. Gil orde.r of the evening. The Piratea a.ry art 11 not e.xempllfled by th• llanh. offen11lve Pirate guard, ICMlt out on cam. twice I ln addl-work ot oJdaten who ha Y ~ .. w the play and 1tarted 80Jfte 15 t1on to Jumbo Jlm'1 TD pllop) ch&npd their ttchnlque and .tyk yard.I be.bind Smith-and caul)lt becauM of quick whlltltt11 but to meet the accolade ot IU"l c:rtUca, him on the Pln.te 11 yvd· Unti. they allo got the brtlllu three and In attectaUon of today'"mm- (Had Smith ecored the count tlmea u Fullerton recoverlt• of taJ -.itatlons. but rat.bar by the would have been 13-13, and U4 Pirate tumblel WeN Nlrd no rood. work of ·)'OUl!ig-artuit.. who knew the utr-a point bffn good the Pi-The win pve Ora.np Cout a not the df.1• before th• lacome tu: n.le. would have been behind wttb Ue tor first place with San Ber· and other ln.novatlona wbicll have only four m lnutt1 Jett tn the rame n&rdlno for first place •• · Kt. San: changed materially the American and Fullerton WOUid have had Anton.Jo, Riwnide and Santa Ana outlook on living-and ntattns. To lite) ... Marth played guard Lut were busy outalde the Jeasue. If ay the leut this exhibit.ion I.I ta~ yeer on the aame team with Smith {lt) the Pirate.I cet by Mt. Sac. '9igoraUnr, and may HM"• to· in· at OnJin' HiJ"h. · · · · SatunSay nJgtlt they wW t.ace. San atill new .i.d more ,dCJUq-lite in Johnny Blade: looked grH.t-h.e Bt:rnardlno -tn What could be the an m.ututJon that bu leaned to-- ,.,.. eully the 'beet t"WUler on the ~t Important pme 1n the loop. ward the Oall...-y ·aRd made tllbl nekl ... Jeae Smith wu about on the followtn.r Thunday nlg'ht at community f&mou. u &n art cea· a par ~th Black. in f~t It ii hard Huntington Beach. ter. J"rt.nk Hamilton. who baila from Balboa ta a 1tudent ot archtt.ec~ tun, Wt.Lally at Stanford and now at Kauu Uru.ver1lty. Bil etch· lnp have been UhJblte4 in two national print •how:• at l.b• X..... gun.a BU ch Art Gt1lery, a.nd lt wu her'e two y~ar• •JO that he COSTA MESA YOUTH DIES. TWO INJURED IN CRASH A ~ta Mtaa youth wu fatally Injured and two Othtr1 wer~ got hll it&rt tn watercolor N a student of Eliot O'Hara: but un-hurt .seriOU1ly earJy Friday momfng in a spectacular automobile era.ah like 90 many of O'Hara '• ttudtnU lnto a ca.rage and aeveral otbtr" oblt.nlcUor11 at 29th St. and Newport be hu broken away' trom tlt• Blvd., Newport Beach. It wu the city'• aec-ond tntfk: faWlty th1I O'Hara tecbnlque and eatabllahed year, police aa.ld. ln ht. watercolora and d.ry-bruah Dead wu Jack Wlttiam. Turley, ... ------------1 palntlnp a qualtty of hia OWD. Cit Jr., 11, of %391 Santa Ana .Ave., up Ave.. Coat.a Mua. and b .. d-tlt.e four younc exhibitors h.ta work Costa Mesa.. HI.a bOdy ...... taken quart.en equ.Mhon U. United t. the ma.t conftntional: Statea Air Force Bue. Tue.on, Leonard Ka.plb'• p&lntinp an~ to Baltz Mortuary. TUrley lived .Arts. and RolUlie Low. Hainu, drawtn&• a.re definitely lftdiridu- only a.Jew minutes atter tHe eruh, 21, ~f 2572 Eldon Ave., Co.ta a.UstJc and tuplrinl'· · He ~ came to Newport police: uld. Be cilled the Mu&. L&,.un.a to make a Uvtnc at Gt name o( one ot hi. companion. be-lnveltlpt.inc offlcen reported work .even. yean ..-o, fC?~I' fore he d1ed. that Chapman, drivtn&' a lMl a eoune ·Qt .study 1D New Torx ~t T!'8 injund: Pvt. 1Cb&rlu C. sedaJ\ coupe owned by hls father, \he Art Studf:n t.. Leaaue. Chapman. 21 , driver, o( %618 Or-R. E. Chapman, wu IPffdiD.1" Anne Von. drlcma»y fro'!n fOUth on Newport Blvd. Tbe car Pb.U.adelphla, baa be«n a commer- plowcd tnto a eorrufeted troa crat &rtlat liYlnf In L&suaa Boacb buildizl&' aid.inc adjacent to Hank'• (or Ute put five yean. She at.udJ- Radl&tor Se"1et, 2900 Newport ed a t lb.• .A.rt Center and Jepeon BJvd. then bounced off two park-Art Wt:ltute 1n Loi 4Dpl• Hn in( ~eten which but under the ttyW ai\d technlque LI ltrtcU,. Jtef pruaure. · Additionally, th• car own, decoraUTe and fa.ntutlc Jt.t mapped oft an: Ed.IJOD ll&ht pole Ill no wa.y t&lnted wt~ the dela· at tt.1 bue, Jmocked ovu a dty eorery and talM my1tic1&m fouftd -No Parkinl"" aJ.ln and a mer-ao frequently Ill ~ eo-ealled con· chant'• sip before eom:.ln• to real tempor&I")' ·art. , ....... 71'-. z; aw ..... tn a vacan:t lot ne."<t to Hank'& In b.la 21 YUH .Jolin· Beu bu Bod Reed owner ol Ulti •true· lived in ,New Totk, New J.,...7, tu.re Into which the Car craabed. Cape COd. Bn.111 and 1n l.iol An· akl prellminary ••t..lmatn ttxed pie• where be ltudled at t.be otLI damage to the tron aid.ins" and and Jepeon art lMUtutf:I wtt:h 0ttrhead -.. at about f:IOO. 1Ucb well,,...,... tea<lien u Rljlo Tllo ll>Jurod wore tnatod 1111-LeBrwi &n4 Htnr7 1-lier ... He madlately at Ille aceae •1 Pr. ltadled a1oo at .the Arl--ta Gerald Raua. wboeit emeqc.cy lAque lD New York..-,. boopltal ta neu lbo -Cbap. la l.M& ha WGll tint~ la Illa man and Hr.la .. were iOnt to tbe Loo -""'* CooultJ. ~ Commlllllt'}' Hoapital, Be'nta .Aaa, btld a t Ille Oda A.zt.~talAI .. Tbe ettu Pr. R&uaa pve pro1lmlnar7 -• TOU be u!>il>lted In Ille tttai-t. Santa Pallla Annual J:Dlllltleo Cbapmu'• blju1'lae lncJuded a and r.l tbe cantonol& ~ta Fair --pouad trr.cture ot one In S&crammb>. la l tO ha WN 1er. a -poan4 -... ot 111o 19.-ted la· a, IP"!IP , -at olbtt Ill"" blWn&I laj-lbe CNaU¥e <lollory111 V.nJiattaa. He wu -to Karch &ad Ille~~ llelcl a _. Air ....... -boojlll&I In crlU· ,,,_ -at Ille -pllerT. oa1 etadttiaa. Bet M wu tniated J:1Je ... Mu. at U. ~ 10-M "1 at 00~ &opl&I tor •a tllla -lb ladud4o ,P&l&U.,.. 11ro--·-.. o1 ,_...,. .,. ..... , aad flllt ""-an ta. _. - -t -. police aid. tenatlN' bl -.. -•-ll -"' Ille ...,..a could ... ua.. ooll•at .. 'llY lbo -tllal -of ,,,... "' ~ - -... ......... ,. ~ .... Qnwa •...... , ..... ,,,.,, ......... -~111o1 .... 111a_ ........ "4l • ~- ,... . r1 11r:w. ••-..-'- n11w •••· • • ............. . ». --.. 1-lt ts 1 r -CS-• I !~ llJ;a. !: :·;"a n1tt , Mia...... Jira. ~ W ...... C • 1 I ,ft ... ' "' ...... ·= ...... __ .,taille __ laft-. -.... ~ 1 .. -.~--· •• ., .... ...,, -4*-..... __ ... r, • 21-- M~·-t d 'Is& f ttall tr P 2 7 w ... ... ... , .......... . • • DoOr • . •, *-ke•-T.W.-T.op I .... II·-·= lilt ••1• ..... ------r--~• .. •iui J ~-... of...,._,•· ._.. wttb kn tr•• •"4 ....... 'D•~· ... at--............ _iaw. lit Oil ellliar -w lMtal ... -.·ie •amc. -1111 and ..... 1 .......... of»· 11i,Ood'1 ..._..~ ----• :=o~i:r:~ = ~-= could ... uold u • wrUbla Or -, ' •• • ' I K&Wi-Ollt UY l!08T ~ .... IN. ll&Wa • 1abla, or m nnou. ~ IU!J~•·· , ... !-------------------------' . . !l'lulh doon ... _.,., bitci la· ~uift&IY IJUlff ...... ·.i-.· I~ bolli . MW and -lad hl>mn --ol their tine api-ni-and ltabllil1. Tbo ll!>ooth.·banl-~mar -...,. fib ol the lllllh door-•blch njalt .. It '1ui!Alble for a ta~ top- 111tana •-ol lp&llllenance be-~-there .,. .., dlrl<&tchJa& ._,..,,DI& ' ~----- NOW IS TD 2DIE , I 100/o 'Discount on A.rry Ptnhase (UCl:PT 411•1.()NJ: --) llrlq us 114 .. IA. YSIDE FISH MARKET ............... Daly front Olir Owa .lou11t ABALONE ----~---~----~ 75c I To nat 7om home or apt.-n. IL\8808 1111 aad pW.. 7"'11' Wu& U. tod&J ! -·~ ..... _.,. -IU Cinch brand, just add.water, mix and balte . Choice of rpice, golden, white, or devil fudge. Specially priced at Safeway I Chad<ins food ada U. a 1ood woy to learn about low pricoa. ~ut tha odo can't tell tbe whole story • .At -they incllMl<o only r. fe., of \he it...., on your -ll>oppins liat. So aaWlp mado on ~ak" can ~ ba wiped out uni.. your other pure-ue "ad' at tbe ril)tt prices. • Tha~1 why Safeway'• pricin& policy aaya thet OV"Y ;,,J,, must be priced low. Thia ......,. """-10 you ri1bt down !he line ... not jmt on our advortiaed opocialo, but on overytbinc. So ttart today to aave at Safeway, w-all priceo ... alwayw 1-. MEllCORN Hlblels brand. s .. low price! FLED MIX -~ b lilicallJI. Prfcecl Jow. SCOT TISSUE~· Soft~· Spedal pric9. SILK TISSUE Rlqh quall!f' at Cl epecial low pric9. Bredlrfaat Gem brand. C.~i.Hr ~t.ct.d •gp, candled aod packed one doacn to \hi carton·. Evny egg guaranteed ! .., . llDllMS :::&ze MUI • R•ll# freD lreM w=i-. ':: io- Whit. cw..,.._, tlictd. ISmoll Joof, I 5cl CrlCkM Wllelt lrud ':: 17• AL •• ~?~ ~ To ·be Mitt 0£ be!.t ,.aJues in meats ... low prices Mn. Wright's. Freshly baktd, s!iced.. ,. =·· :: 20-Mrt. Wright's. Freshly boll~. slic.d .... ""'Jelly ~-37• In Prisll'Yes ~ 2i!" 37• fApieot Of Nech, 2-11. jOt, )lk, --------------- YRLOW MAHARlll S.noybank brond. Foil wrappH quart.en. .. 21• ·---------------- Brust 0:0.iekR. F~r ""'>' nlads. --·---------------- llACI PIPP£t • I on top quali1ycut1 ..• ~opal r..,u r ntarby Safew•y. CHUCK , --· _-:--~ ROAST · Tender. juicy. ft avorfu.1 roast!, w.t from .boulder of frl. S. Government graded CHQICE ~E. ~ ._69° ~ ._73cr "i. ... 29° =d~~~ 840 o1 u.1i caor~a..i. lit. V ... S1'EllS U.S. CHOICE .., 129) Bm Pla1-Meat U.S. CHOICE • .. 51° S6aanet liqad. Slr:lalea. Ne. 1 Qualltr, bt Cello ~ - 11 .... 33c p1cbt• MILK ( .I I • f ' ROYAL Sllll SHORlBlll6 !:" ·31• !:' IS---' See di.spJar at slc.tt on bow to get 12 O..tch Iris bulbs for only 25c. · AIRWAY CORIE M;!d and mellow . l.a.75• (J.lb. bH. :p9) ... I llOI Hl1 (Offff Fi...i quality. 1' . 1 ... , .... 12-lb. ba~. 1.531 . ... I - KITCHEii WFT ROUI 1 :-99• 2:-2.25 See display at trore for detail• oa big new c:ontest: 12..000 firM prize. I ' ~-----~--~-------M·-• --· ---· _, __ • , .. • • \ • i • i • • / • -• • • I ' • . ' • PAOlll ' omo .. lf, 1111 I ltMU!ta com• n-. i --• Nl:WPOfi llA1' Prac:Uee! .A.a ad ......,.,. la tldl .._ AND lllOPPilfO ~· paper will Pl--1!'" ,_ • L.A. Daily News Writer Opens Forum Series at Coa&t College Southern Calitonl.la U•u ln th, .. -------------1 backwuh. ot worldwide evenu u ta. 1nterpretati011 of , .. cn:u wtth tar u lnt.pret&Uon ol newo t. a ·-. dopth •G taqthlllty gin.n by lU MWip&prtn.. opiMd whtcll .Wt.I ttealf to ~ l"Mder'• Robert E. G. Harrlit dlMf editor-convienee. "A r..i proDlem," he l•l writer of the Loa A.n .. Je• u.td. "la that our compt.u modtrn Dally Newa. dvtllu.tlotl hU lhot into -the cul- Spea.Jtlnr Wldneldl.7 evenl.nr at tura.I bloodltfeam ao much ad- the nr.-t ot three lecturu tn the renalln trom llO many 90un:e1 <>ran,.e cout C.oUep Forum au-that w• are an Mpped up. Prea lea on Communication, the editor and rovernment arencl4!S. bureau took u hla subject '"Th• Function on bur• au. each di..e.haf'l{ng of the Newspaper in Today'• So-throush pubJication..1 rreat blockl ciety," and outlined hOW' it LI. ot lndlpltabl• material" with all and 11 not, tulfWt.ng lta rote. of which edtton muat: be familiar. "It Mould." he u.td. ''reJK>rt One fault wttla new.papen, he Bn.B.Z.X~ Missionary Fil ~s at Laguna Chi.lrch 9."hat goes on. 1.mpartt&lly, · accu-claimed. ts "Not enourh letter• :rately and truthfully." Inl t bl 1 to the edit.or. and they are far Urht he compared newspaper re-too lonf. Some of lb• but jOur- portinJ" t.n • totalitarlan 80C1ety nall.un ln tlM COWllry ls la. 1m&il 1 Rev. H. !:. Murphy, retumed with the Brltiah, American and newlJ)&pera and they conr the ml..Mionary trom India, wtll 1bow Europeu ttte pre~. "In the local .cene well." Harris ended a color·fll.m taken ln India and world ot today," he sa.Jd. ''our re-hl1 talk by compllmenUnr th• 1peak on hi.I work and customs maJ.ninc free press hu a gTeater C.N.P.A. fOf' Its annual award of tbe Hindu• next Sunday eve- obllptlon than it hu ever had In prorram. nlng ' at Evangel Asaf'mbly, 429 our entire cul tural history when -------Cyprea. Drive (near Jumtne St.), many forces are trying to in1p-\\'A..VTS OFF QUICK Laguna Beach et the early hour press, sla.nt and blot out a lto-Theodore Rupert Budsworth 1 of 6 :30, according to a.nnounce- pther the news." wu in a hurry to end a trip me.nt made by put.or R. Van Reprdlnl' people. Harrla lla.ted acroN the bay at 11 :30 p. m. 009bree. they are not creatly 1n!luenced Wedneaday. H• jumped off the Durtnc the 11 :00 o'clock moni- by the opinion of the preu but ferry onto the Ian.dine &nd CUrley inl' Wonhtp Service the put.or more .so by the new• lteelf, for Snyder phoned the poltce tor first will speak on, "Secret Intormatlon they .elrct ln the new1pa~rs at'tt Budlworth &'Ot aid and the on the Secret \Vee.pen." opinion• ·••b.lch match their O'.A'n. police rot him for intoxication. Tbe Sunday School ••ioM be- \Vlth teleNlon !peed, Impact 11-n at 1 :4~ a . m . with tnYltaUona ot ne'o\•1 la rone from the peper1 Many a hie deal hu been macrc to all W'!lo wiab to be hastructed but they have an Important role t.hrU a small Want Ad 1n the final authority ln all thinp, __ __.:-------------------=== Ille Bible. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Lighting Fixtures Lamps -Shades -Parts Repairs e BJIBB'ff •· WBBf'SB£ :0.-ZW LOCATION . 477 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA PROSE BEACON 11!1 . ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT THE ENTJtANOZ TO l.IDO ISLE) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M . -9:30 A.M. -11 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -9:30 A. M. Young Cbuchmen 7:llo p, m. • THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-10:3Q.A.M. FINEST OCEAN FISH - Everyone 11 urred to attend all the eenicee of t.hla c~ wtth :emphUll on the mta.tonary •r- \vtce Sunday nlfht. J'or turtber t.n.- tormaUon call IAl\UI& 4-3903. County Art Assn. Inaugurates Traveling Exhibits "nle-Oran1e County Art A.Noel· atlan ls pleued. to announce that the nrR in an annual 1erlea of Jurted Traveling Exhjbitlon1 b now avall&ble !or 1ho\ving by civic or....,UUtlons, pM\'&le clubl, ho- te.l..ll, ..ebooll, gallerte1, llbrarle1, and ot.her1 desiring to dillplay r«orntsed works of art by regu- larly exhibit~ a.rtWC..I. • .. , Any number 9J pain\!!!r yum one to thJrty rna7 be Mqu.wteod tor one evening or up to one month. No charge wU1 be ma.de !or this new M-rvice other than mlnimU{n tr&n1port&tlon. and a lf0&11 ln.1Urance tee, determined by th• n.lue of the palnt.Jnp Mlected. ~ch exhibition will be made \IP or caretully ae.Ieclfli paintlnl'.&, many of them prlu wtnnerw, or lt anyone would r•th•r chooae their. own, a photorraphlc fUe cootaln- lnr all Information u to aize. medium, awards, aellinl' price, and blorn.phy of the artlat. u well as black and while rt)tf'oductiona of all avallabl., palnUn.p may lw •"en by contactillg exhibition Chair· .man. Jtfr1. Mildred 'Lyon, 1223 Frances Ave., Fullerton, telephone 970-R. • Bookinp are now beln.I' made on twe weekl' advance notice for the aeuon of 1~1-~2. In order to ln1urt t~ bfo11t po111lble aelf'Ctlon for an exhibition, It la s:ugreated th&t.,.sll ma.ke t htlr reque.U early . It 1i1 ho})f'd that m&ny will a..-ail themaelve1 ot' thb! opportunity to brtnr the flne1\ of Orange County Art into their communlUe1 by 1pon.torln1' one 'Of more e.a.hibitlon.t each year. We know that both tbe7 and the public will be pleued. All-Nations Dances at Y Festival Choral Conductors El~t COM Woman as Oiritctor · I ~ OnM9 Cow>IJ' Olapltt of _TM .. -,_ l>f u.. llol··+-"-f.""--------''- tllo Qlofal Cllndueljl/D' GuOd of boa .. >' 01111 Oc:L Jnl atleola4 bml I..... eoatl'lbuted to Ille ....,_ C&llfortd& kkl tte tl.rit IDHUDf ol tM '* c I u of. th brldp &Dd Cla• ~ ;-,1um1nr of the ffllll U.. -IUt J!._,. ....... at ul& party Ii""' i.,. 1110 OoL WU· ,...... 1110 apws-M-1111. Melllod1lt Ham euon Cllaptar of lllf De.ucti· ~-OWIM IC. ~ ,...., Olouodl In .llUt& Ana.\ ter1 of U.. Aa>.me' llnolutlon ent; llro. Cball•n r . Landon, -.tu- {'ram:jl Baxter, mlnlltA!r' or mu-IJodety tor u.. NatkmAI Jll•lldl•C ~t; Mn. H. P . Yartl•U. .....,...,. -· at u.. Wllahlre Clulot!aa .....,4. tnr ilecro\ar)'; Mra. A. 111. &toclc· cllureh In Loo ......i.. and a tu-, .It s. not roaenll7 known tllat ton, tor•'"l""'dJ•r ...,...tary; Kn ulty m .. nbor at Loo ~<!<a !toto ~ -lety i. under tlWfor from Jam• z. w.-r. trMalror; Kn. Coll•ro. 'fOO u.. f .. Nred opeak-eonrruo and tumlabto ..iua1110 lln.den .Finch, hlotorlan; Kn. w. er. He ch&llenced 'tl.e IJ'OUP to data.~ requfft.ed by Membtrt .11: .,.er, Kn. C&rl Hanna and lll(bor ldoalo In churoh music and or commltt.M of ~-Mn.~· L. Beach. ~ . Rt forth muy ,..,. of tmpromr --all ....,.s. of u.. 11o-They .Uh 14 mond th•ll' ftlattonahlpe between the podium, ct.ty are valuable and in ma.ny t:h&Dkl to Uttlr many trien.da: fOf' pulpit, and pew. Mlni.t<ra of Or· .._ lrTOplaeeablo It became maklpr lh•lr nm party a ttnancl- ance county cbu.rchee and mem· ntceMUY to build a larse new al ~(well u 80cial auccu.. ben ol the On.np 00Unt7 Chap. bulJdin&' co.Unr over a niUIJcm f ter ot the American Guild. ot Or· dol.J.an which could •tore HCOrdl TA.fl.OU RA.VE DA.tJGRl'Dt p.nlatl were honorm ruHta. dJ••-.. tn hJCh th 1 ~-d ~-v ~-T 1 ..,.,.__ Wi ift'ed Sloop sid t under con ..-... w . e "1,C, an au•. au6 ,u, ay or, -.ra. n ' ptt: en would not deteriorate. 3M J:ut 19th street, COit& Mua, ot the Guild, pf'Ulded at the bwii-One ot the moet lnt.erutlns we~c mfd a new da:uct1ter ·Oct. l net:• MMlon du:rlnl" the dinner rooma: for the pubUc 18 a Hi..torl-in ta Ana community ho8'pttal. b.our. Rqortl were (iven by We ... cal ?OOm wt.th p:ricelNI ltem. Tba. ttle &1rl tipped the acale• at ley Marquart of Oranr-. who .~ trom colonial tlm.n. 8.,poUnt1a, 11 ounces. ch&J.rman ot the •1.nter work lbi:ip, Tablu at 'the Bay Club were Manon l'ON of Fullerton, who LI centered wtth beautiful amall chairman ot the 91>rin1" ff'ltlval, IW&IU don.at.Id by Kay Flneh from and Stephen Palmer of Banta An.a, ber 0,rm •tUdlOI. They were fU1ed treutJrer. Dave Younc, member with n.owers and became the prop- ol the State boa.rd ot ~vemon, erty ot the hJrh acore winner ot and Willard Ba.ssett, pruide.nt or each table. lhe atate orcaniution, cave brief There were a large number of .ummarle• ot state-wide actlvitlea door prises donated by member• ot the Guild. Of 91peelal. lnterut or trlendi and by the Balboa Bay wu the fonnaUon ot the new San club. .P'ran.ciaco Chap~r and t he comlng Offtcers and commltt.u mem· ~ld·wtnter lnlUtute to be held on th• U. 8. c. c&mpUI. Mta.. Mary Steffen.ten ot Corona tie! Mar wu electf'd. t.o the county exttUUve baud. NEW 8ECllETAJtY Mia Beverly Bruner of the Southern Callfomla Blble Collere hu ltffn named a part-Ume ...:re- tary at Chrtat Church by the Be-a . FDl8T FOREl!T RAILROAD Th~ . flntt toreat railroad wM e1tabli8hed Jn 1M2 for locrtnr white pin• 1n Steuben County, New York. .. .. fv~ YOU fi> Y QU Meet ~ ' . our. CLASSIFIED Abs . ' ..... ao " 1af1-tlM)' fl'oduel ...... -..,_ .-.Ju-Go)' pt ••••-I! Need lallpT ••• wat a Jo'T • , • 1tt' ~ to Milt 1'17' a ,.,. Pnld ad tw wm.rn COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING BUSINESS STATIONERY CARDS -PROGRAMS - PHONE HARBOit 1616 INVITATIONS-WEDDIN6 ANNOUNCEhfENTS OFRCE FORMS -MENUS -BOOKLETS, ETC. Reasonable PricM • • • Prompt Service • • • FBIZ DtD••TM .. • • 2211 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Glenn Daun ot Santa Ana, pro- rram chaU1n&n., tntrodUctd tbe a.dult choir o.(.' the bOlt church, whJch, under the dirtetlan. of )(ax. eon J'oes and a.ccomp&nJec:t a t Ute orpn by LoulM r-, prOMnt.od an excellent procram of anthuna. YOU SAVE Mn. Sloop announced that Ute next meeUns ot th• Guild w111 bt held on Nave~r 28 at Chrlat Chun:h by th• 8o& In NeWpe>rt Beach.. She 1tatt'd that all tn- t .. r@tlted choral dlre<:tor1 &l"e In· vit~ to attend. Mothers Club Makes Nov. Plans An evPnlng mtttlnc of the Mothtr'• Club of Job'• Daughter•. Coata M'e.a BetheJ 257, wu held Oct. I at the home of Mrw. Van Robin1an, 824 W . 18th St .• Coata M e .e. a. Mn. Kenneth .1ohn10n served a. co--hollt.es11, Mn. Charlu: Ta)'lor presided O'Yer the buaineaa mtttin(. It WU decided to help with tht ex.pen.tee ot the Queen and Senior Prtnce.n oh t.Mlr trip to Grand aeulOft fa November. Mn. Taylor appointed a aomS.. natlnc committee, Kn. + W. Oun11r chairman. with Jjn. tPj V. Pe.tenon and Mr•. Ku <>tnn. Mn. De&n Smith reported cm lJI .. 1tallaUon. luncheol'\...Pl&na. Tb.e af· fa ir will be held at Santa .Ana Country Club on November 7, with lunchf'On a t 1 p. m. Mr1. Smith and Mn. P . V. Pt;t.eraon were ap- pointed u decor-atlnc commlttff, RefrNhment.I were ttrved. by the hos:teues at th• conclusion of the mttUnc. Th~ pruent baidea the hoe· le1aea were: Mmea. Charle.a Tay- lor, Maurie~ L. Ba.ndy, Kenneth Sleeper. Edward Dudley, P. V. Peter.on. Herbert Petenon, Cor- win Horne. C. M. Tucker, W. B. Merrill, l-t'u: ()\l.·en, Rt'x Albricht, Dean Smith. Roy \Vatkln.a, Loulff Crandall. &. V. Ragan, Alva GWtn, and Harold P'lnk. DAt.:GllTEJt FOR BALBOANS Mr. and J.tn. A. Sterllnr Paris &re parents of a daugilt~r. bQrn Oct. 1 tn St. Jos:eph hOl!lpltal &rlid wel&htng • pounds. 4 oune8. TI!• Balboana tt•lde at 1726 Min.mar Drive. $132.28 ON .ll PLYKOUTB;· $186.03 ON CBBYSLl:8 WINDSOR; ' $254.82 on the IMPERIAL NEWPORT TBE WOJIDDl'VL llliW 180 BP V-8 l'IBDOWEa INJ'liBIAL DWPOaT MOST MODELS AT TllE OLD PRICES W NOW AVAILABLE wm llAR OllLY aA•ICD TD PaJClll OJI CAlll lmPPllD TO VI &I IA ID'fd'I' IVSDCI' 'l'Qi'IU lllO• ..... PmCEI AU'l'BO•rn:D •T TD•PI . ..-0ar Large ltock and Wide Selection of Models WW • SAVI YOU MONEYI -Service -•• ,,.;,. HARVEY SOMERS INC. caaY'ILBB. ~IMOUTB -IN1i 1BBXATIONAL Tave•• I ' 2491 Coast •vhway Phone Beacon 6515 Eutern RETAIL OysteMI WE GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT Thf' YWCA All -Natlou f~tlval fF===========;;; King Crab .~,. Clams Lobster' Abalone Swordfish TO LOCKER TRADE SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES on Oct. 19 ind 20 will feature two procrama. onf' on J"rld&y and oae on Saturday nlcht st.arUn1 at 7:30 p.m. J'olk dancer• from Loa Anselel wU1 be preae:nted by a __!wedllb r-roup, a CUchoalonkl.an, an ICaa tonla.n aild &n t1rMll voup. Wyn- 518 ll(ltb Newport Beaeb Pb. 'Har. 150'l oma 4lth&mb&lllt ot Tllolln will ~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ preeent Indian war: dances. M.lu AD LIB is wlle11 Seller tells Boyer. , Fer ~ lld rates, ca 11 • JI a · 11 0 ~1•1• Mary Chino of Sal:\...t& Ana Will al.nl Jap&nete eonp and Mr1. VaJ Andf'raon of Santa Ana will atn• Amerlca.n nerio .spiritual•. Jania &ad Roealya Kokx of Orange w111 (1ve Swlu danles and Italian aoap w\ll H sun, by Dolorea 01- anllno.' Other featurea wW be S&moan da.ncu, Mu.lean folk dazaces. Po- Uah folk dance. and Grttk. d&nc4!• presented by a 90\.l.th.land group or 1ounr peopl• d-t.od by Mr. and M.ra. T. Lambroe. The AIJ-Natlona feaUval will M Mld In tbe Santa .Ana YWCA. ~===~======~====~~====~=~11411 North Broadway and will be open fnlm t p.m. to 11 p.m. OD l'ric1&Y andt.2 p.m. to 11 p.m. on !atllida,y, Ort. 11 and 20. It lo Now Open Sunday for the Homeowner CONCRm ILOCKS e DNrK FLAGSTONE e SAND e GRAVEL S&JP .;:_EHi n: n'!'!':~a KEIT-H-1. col.LINS .. - !lU ~ewpun ~ • 0.... .._ ; .. *•'1'115 CONCRETI ILOCIS II Z.-s4 l'UIW&Oll a...,.&n rt .. -.. ~ .. rom -CXNma AJ9QNll* •a.•~...-... -to UM public. Parochial Schools to be Discussed on We~nesd•y ..... -t.;ioll'1l .. ...... ......... to ........ ... ~at 1:19 p, m. a llJ, J_ ....., __ ~..,_ft I Q. •11 Q I ., .'I p' • ... ... ... .. th!I '"Wli• :>, •• ., ... &11 IMO.-•tn ..... __ Ult ____ .,_ ..., ... I 'pp's 'ha_·-&.JI: ldll_wlll_IM• I'~ ----"'-. ,_ . ... '\st 7 .... ~-·· ....... , .... , ____________________ ..,.,_..;,_,., _ _,, Cls+l H&> ...... . • .. , . • • .. • • HILLMAN MINX ll'tt df.ltyef'ed hef'9 pt .. tu ud. Uceue Tour Harbor Area Dealer Nl:WPOaT AUTO SALES -W. Ntwport lllvd. Newport. Bfoaeh Hart.or 1601 ' • ' • - \ I f • • • . . •• . NOW & FOREVER- WE WILL IOT IE UllEISOLI-. ' Our Mass BuyincJ Means Greater SavinfJs! 3-LI. TIN 'Swiftning Special Sale Price BIE·AIFAST CLUB ' . COFFEE • 11 -lb. Can • IOIDIN'S C:OTTAM BACOI & EGG SALE! CHEESE '-cH'oNPS ....... 0.1"' sRO•·"'~as" T 59r. SLICED BACON 48t. All Aoalrk11 ..... , A 52' SMALL iGGS o-. POUND · 24C CAITON HNNISON'S PORK AND BEANS CHOPS101 IOAST 59;. -s1 FANC:T YIAL • • ' BOTH FOR ••• CLUB STEAKS 69· FINEST NOITHllN , •. FRICASSEE'Foil 49~ HALIBUT STEAKS 49• 2 :::. ,,c DUFP'S HOT IOLL MIX i"ucLiiNii osNf" '" ~ sitc:if MP 4s~ LIPTON'S TEA C:•lc ... .t9'o,S.. ,.,J: 19•·. "•·,.~9c -·~'TUN'A TIDE 16 •'-.. ,.,. .. utTof~F. :: 54c Chunks Ir Flakes ...... Le .. , 26c iii.iii"' 2~1~25c No. 1/2 Flot c ... , ... ' IDT FOODS • • ' I . , THU~.-S~T • .J.oct .. i ,,,;12-13 . . ' . HOLLY HIMIT SLIC:ID 01 HALYIS SU CAR C:IJ• PEACHES a.."' llJ .... Yl~.~~.~mps ~ X•rwaU1. • C.,... o.I Jlar ()al7 1q..tb. lag ~ C Hollv SucJcir c -~~ \RUITS & VfGfTABLES ...... wT• fe1cy, C:rilp J1lcy w .... J11etllae PPLES - U. S. No. 1 L1r90 S111ootll -.Y HITE IOSI SPUDS 1 PAMPA f<l61NTINI £~~~~. ~~.~~ 39c WIESSOI OIL "" 3oc ''"" SCJc • lbs lbs ~ YiTA·PAK ~ , SOLID PACK Tomatoes . ' NO. 21/i C:AN Mayonnaise Pint 9•11ri '7c c . WINES and LIQUORS Ne.z Pl lST WITlf LOWIST PllCIS BEAT HOLIDAY SHORTAGES & NEW TAXES . SPECIAL BETTER BUY IOW! I All 63( ~~ WEITS It's an E,stern leer •ltt, Al1ClfJl, 11Sllf. flUf SCH-I IT'S C:OllY'S .CITY CLUB ~ .. ~~ .... $357 BEER - Or ... 25'19 .._ Ill $440 In 12.1. 16c ... 9'1.rts. o.., .. CAN5 ..... \ . ~-· c. ..... FULL _ 2~ SAYE 10"° 9UART ··; · · . I I( • • I - , • • • • • ' . . • ~ ,zt;: •·•l\·~'J. ~ ~ _..., Horsemon Clyde Kennedy tokes his hunt.,, ••Good News" o...., the jumpt in preparation for th• first annual $30,000 Los Angeles International Hone Show, 1chtduled for PC1n Pacific Auditorium, Oct. 12-21. Nott h°'••'• forin-much like that of a human high jun1per u1ing the so-called "'W•slern roll ". Tht world'• champion Me~ican Olympic team-will alto opp.or in the lot Anaeln event. Horse Show. Opens Tomorrow in LOI AnCJ8les The tir•t annual Lo9 Angeles International Horse Show open.1 Ila door1 at Pan-P&ctflc Auditor· tum tor a 10-day run tomorroW. P.?rformance1 will be beld at 1 :1:1-p. m. on week days, with mat .nees at 2:15 carded Saturday and Sunday in. addition to the night ahow. t..a.,...eat event of it.a kind e'er held in the west, the Horse 8bow will otter $30,000 in calh and plate to the finest equytrt.an 1ta?.. The event la not only ~tion&l In BCOpe, It'• tnterna.Uon&l. FY· turffl. performen a r e Mexico'• equt>•tritn team which won the 19'48 Ol11Dpic Games ch&mplon· ahJp ln their tpeei&lt:y. The Mexi· cans put on. a routine of Jumping and difltcult atunta which b Wl· equalled. There wW be dlffertnt abows e&ch night. with more than 100 dl!ferent cla..1!1catlona to be con- te1ted during the ahow'a run. EMPLOYERS WARNED OF FILING DEADLINE Deadline for fllinC calltornia unemployment lnwrance wage re- port.a and cont.rtbutJon retuma for the third quarter of Ute year la Wedllttday, Oct. 31, R. C. Hiatt, auditor 1D cb&rre for the State Departmmt.. Qf . Employment tn Santa. An& uJd today,. "I want to remind employera th&t reportinl" requlremeta under the Calilornl& Unemploym~nt In· srance A.ct have not been cb&n1- ed and u.at contribuUom by ·both employe.n and wap eanlen ahould be made on the nnt $3000 of -paid to an lndl"1clur.l by eU:h. employer durfD6 a calendar year." ' R. C. Hiatt aa1d that employen In net!d of a.ui.t.anoa in ftllng n- ltlr'ns may contact hlm at 127 N. nower .uee.t, Santa Alla. or 'by t<l<ph'!JllnC K!mberly 2-UU. -Be wtae-t1ll people-&dvertlae! Uee th• NIWI. nm-. Poet &1.1d Pr'HI combina- tion wjth onr n.500 dr- c:ulatlon. • ' • ' • • • • OR . 1Ui USE ·111E a Assff.D: Pm HAR 16il • •'•" u ....... ' .. l: ~·!'!"! ' •. ~ ..... !SI!!! .. .. '\ ~ '· I 91•! t!!j !••! _CLASSIFIED •::•-:::.:•:'l'm"!r":: S ial.s! Spehlala! JOHNSoN ATfto\~'~':o. m::. aALE. --• ._.... °"'" . Outl>o,ard. :Mot4>rs eoua .., -et ..., -· --u._ .. ._,u • ..a...:. Y-........ riW_ , X.JJ, ~-.. ~ • Refngerators . The oa11 taet.17-.._.... -· i.w;.. Good""''*' tor - •-__ , ---U1 """"' ---.. lea -..,. TllrmlMll '-"A. Uld llentce lltatlon In U.. N-·-lilo -•.-..... laal---••';;. __ .... ______________ i'-___ ,1 llpM 1~8 model cllx. TJ eo. port Harticir AM. flee to -•1te.•-RU- • N;ti\fS.TlllD -Ewl) Twckyw --~-w.-AJ_N_=.:_-~-,.,,.~---:,-'-:,..-uptor-'-,..-1 ei~'llllM:i. ::. ·~-·;;~·::_ _NSourt~astt -'?•'L ~~ ~ u:: . NEW11>B1\ BAY POST-Weclael'&J'S ----.... rant... di .. perfect n•••tnc ..... r. ewpor ~ ~ ~ --.. equlpmenL Ban - NEWPOBT-ftAl,BQA PRUS -'l'b.~19 :--~~·-1'!I. :.a Kl;ivi-IN-TO··-R·-··:-.::::~ -·-'"·" • utf• = Cat.J:11--'7 • A ·-·,.--tor, I cu. xew,.t Bu' .._ ·O 'ftl' .._ wt ,_ .... r .,7 Jexcdluat nmnlnc order. llOORINO for 2C1 boet. Ka1n lfwrZ I • .. -0 1 rn. PART T!lllS WORK WANTEI)-pleWy ·--$11.H c•-el neu ~ury. KaQ otter, ~il~;llCioJ~;-~es;;wl~~O~~f!~l-;1)11!9~:-;:;::: J1D111R1J1 AD a 6 U1fU Baby litUq, clerklrl&', <>f-. call AX 2-6352. or • writ. D. j il a tlle4 • ........... ,_ OMla la .. , ss1 ti; nrl,?tt• i.OUMW'O$, 80....tauranc•,, ~ ete.tRtby ~. ,1 r .._",!!het6~rft., .... mp~!~.ooly Jepbcott, wa l\4!dalMSo Bhd.. AT'l'RACl'IVI: Oll'l'IC."E oa New• 'U.. 1 --· f ,15 stria n-• ~. ~.IC ---. -~ '" Loo Ang-•ln. 11p13 port Blvd., w tlle new -• -COLLICGll. 1'!I. KL 1-121;1, U· pit&!. ll:xcellmt location wltll ' U... I Papen LllO t.•-11. tl!c9sH ACAPULCO BO'UNI>. Crew m<m· pvklrl&'. A!,.. perfoct for flor- ftt ....-.! ~llOt ... ...!...~ -~:. 111._.:t KEN 'AND WOJQ:?."8 ALTERA· ~ashing Machines ~~ toon~S:.W:: :is"!: :.·:::Bl~~ s-tJ.oD ot •an &dnrtJMmmt. nun• U.. rlpt to oornctl1 C-, TION8. hmlly melldln.-. Rea· taAJIY WA4Hl:R, .S.luxe, with ••11-L Prefer -l<dl• of ta K& 8-con 571S.R. 112tfo ...,. -aD adll and to. njeet ...,. a<1-..-t not COll!onnl"I' to _,..bl•, por bundle. All type• owrllsed wnncer and pump. Mextun wat.rs and SpOnilh. rul• and rquf&Uom.. .A.4"rt1Mmta.t. &D4 cance1l&Ucm.I wtll be KWtns. Meaa Trailer Park.-1629 OOod tor lotl of amce --'4.•.&0 Call Harbor 2825-J or: write l'O.ll LEA.SE -Store room on accopt.d up to 5 p.m. '"' tlle dq -.,. pullllcaUon. Newport Blvd., Coot& K-. , John Gerke, Gen. DellYeey, Ban BM!. ln center of Cotona de! Exe.pt dMdJIM fdr Nm: nmu r. 11 L m. M.on4-ya 13p8': y 1ta1u1&rd Wrin&er Wu.her Diego. UpM. Mar. Call Harbor 32'15, EYerett ...._ Bar. 1111, .-. t• ...... ruer-• ..... _.. ,...~ M pod n1nnt~s order _ .. S26.00 Korrte 6 Amoe .. 409 I:. BaJ.bo&. Nl:WtoJ!IT •• ....,. PUllLDlllNO oo. : :!9!!:;r::B!!~!!..!.W!:an~.~~-----llX Boat ownel'll and mdcb•nlea Bal-. 13d5 - ___ _!n~u~-~·~··~-~:.!-~"":! ... ~"~·~··~·~·~""'~~·!=~~·7~----'· AP t WUher ---····-··--····•20.00 FOR YOUR aENl:IUL BOUSEIQCllPER and KoainOt'I wul1lnc rnach --·•11.60 SNAP-ON TOOT.,, -----------------------cook, 116-46. ll:xperlenced with I ~ ,,, ___ a ... ..a Incl•• tz-lbtn.tl!I 8enleM clllldnll, Lido lite. Perm1111enL Euy Terma to Suit! can JOHN l<D!Bt.IC '-'...,IA.H'U VA =-Un ta, S1SO aart. References. I 1144-Mlram&r, Balboa Sympson & Nollar Barbor 06 .. ·R. atcl3 I STROOTS Barbor 1oa1-R PAINTING A: DJ!lOORATING LARGE YACHT anch•ra10 w1a11p rl'eWinkle Hdwe 9lctllb t• •••••• a... 11_,_.w. 1 I a.•N••r Serrleee 1.fi Pe;aa h 11 niue y.., oar '11"-rta- "The Best lloney Can Buy" to employ middle •red man tor 1· N-.. Bl-' Coot& Kea maintenance work on property ..... ,,_. • •-. 5U -Sith I t., N~ BMcb PHONE JLUtBOJ\ 2404 and docb. Good .alary. Mutt Phone Be&con 15222 W9d!~~n~o~t U-A~la~B- Nauucal Decoratlon1-Uaed Net $30 MO, TE.UtLY ttnYJ-FUrn. lT ~Coll-.. 11 _.,.Aldo HYa oD property. Cott.ace for &2tfc two proYldod. BALBOA KAR· = WE BUY SCRAP METALS l!ouee, uUL pd. 114% W', Bal- NEAR ICE BOUSE ON 30th Blvd. Call ~ -~ lt UplMlatulllc HlleMlllA.IM HLw&_F_ INA., 2102 Cout BlJbway, New-WEDGEWOOD RANGE-It'• the REMODEL and REPAIR port Boch. 8Zdl. 1~31 model and bu everythhi1. Ph. Harbor 2470, Newport Beach 1 :30 p.m. llclS 14 k"Ml.e. IMtnetlft 11s1•u_.w....._ n&lpWaaW .. Sale. Jlileel... • ... •Allwapo IO-B A"''""Nll \ ll WuW to Ila)' n..........,fora.i. ll·AAll~ U -to. 8applloo IM 111--16 Deco. ow. Pote M Poall"J', -to nu .... 1ee1< II Special A•..,.... Wat .. Bm1nsn <>vPertmtllm •t Stora aacll ornc- U Waated io BMt uA,..-i. ...iBo .... U-A Tnller Spaoe "' &oolDI? for Rat ....... A~BoaMe '5 ... t, ,,_..._... "·---··-&IA.-n.... U .&ut.oaWaatM II Aato · 8en1ee 11 Tr&lleN u~ 116 11_,. to 1- 11 Men17 Wutetl IT RMI. Eet.te W..tN 10-B...n-Galde For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP hee eatlnlatell Ph. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Chriatmu Lay Away Plan WALLA CJ: CALDJ:RllllAD 817 Cout HJway, C.Orona det Kar 7otfc VACUUJ{ CLl!lANl!llt8 Dectrolux and other•, M.95 up. 100 to cboo.e. hom. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. ll01 8 . M&ln St., B&nt& Ana Kimberly s-ma 70t!c • FISHER Drafting Service tH Cout Blst>way, Barbor U.S Corona del Mar ' T2Uc Reoldence or Commettial l"i"P and clock, (l'lddle ln tho WA.NT RECEPTIONIST for doe-t ~ddl• and It.I CP all automa-R. L. 'Dick' Nelson Sr. tore otnc., Corona del :Mar. ,UC._Al>o bu ouUet for touter. OPEN SUNDAYS T1c72B SEA BOOKS Gauat BWJdlnc Contractor Wr1tt, .ta.tlnl' are and qua.lift-•'F!1er burnen and that CTil1 511 J"UDvton, Newport Beach c&UOEI to Box K c/o thil paper. btoiler. You can have my rquJty A tne .tock of bookl on all yacht· inf IUbjecta-plus all current booka. Lendln( library. J"ree r.umata Beacon 5m-w 12p14 free If you take payments of --;~~:;--;;:-:::;;;;:;:;;;73~pl-7 ------------$8.77 or pay cuh $183.11 which KAN for 11g'bt factory work. C&ll la! balance on contra.ct. See M.r. DON K, BU'rl'S ln person. NUCLEAR PROD· Bau(hn, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at The Islanders 214 M.artne. Balboa la. Har. 1M7 ucrs CO., 2150 Newport Blvd.. 'L So. Spadra, Fullerton. Ph. Uc. General Contractor ea.ta x.... 12c13 2i:i2. sottc a.identlal-Commerclal Remodeling Pilon• Beacon MOl-W 11tfe GENERAL CARPENTRY. EXPERIENCED. · REASONABLE. Harbor 745-W 12cl4 Build with Brick FRANK MOLL 437 E . 11th St., COila Kea& Phone Beacon 5MS-R 80c81H WILL DO that work you want done ~ J&clt of all trad-maintenance work. Have toolll and mlseri for any job. Call BILL Beacon 8451-W 157c68H HAULING ANY KIND-Truh or? Call Wallter-1576 Plllcentia Costa Me.ea-Beacon 6372-JK 74c7SB PAPER HANGING A: Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarrv 15U Banta .Ana Aff., Co8t& "M: .. Phone Beacon &606 5ec5TB Painting and Paperhanging GEO.BURKHARDT 508 • Si.t St., Newport Buch Phone Harbor 2411-W 'before 8 L m. or a.tte:r 4 :SO p. m. astrc WA.NT WHI"l'I: WOMAN experi· GO<!>D 7 tt. elec. refrig. Se&led en.ced with ecbool aced ~Udren, • u~t. Cheap. 2502 Ocean Front.. u houakeeper • c0ok. Private N.wport Beach. 83p8< room and ba.th. Referencea re-, 1 quired. Good wuy. Bal-~B-hold Goods BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. Repoe. aeased. Pay out ba.la.ace $387 like rent. Like new! Another, blond mahogany cue, gorgeous tone, $495. Famous make! Aho ma.ny rental ntunu. Save from $120 to $300. All in perfec:t con· dltion. DANZ.SCHMIDT PIANO STORE, 520 No. 1'-!ain, cor. llb St., Santa Ana. Subject to prior aale. Ial&nd. Ph. Harbor 1511·R. 13e8:5 l ;::::.....;;:..-.;:;:.;==;;:_=;.::;::=... __ _ FUtL SIZE ROLLAWAY BED, Special ;nattre:u BARGAIN. 4.11 HeHotrope, Corona del Mu ~one Harbor 0291-R. S2c84 W ~,. a clean-up man-night work. Call Beacon 1203-W and leave name and addresa. 83c85 FUR COAT (mo 12·1') 135: roll· er ahoe altatea •th 7, $15; lee ah<>f; ak&te:a, RSe I, $1~; small 9iU violin, $36. 2708 Bay Shore Dr., Bay Shore1. Be&con M28. 8tc83 S:t.CALL nurMry or camp tee box, small e11ie:. wuher, man'• war- drobe wltcaae. Other ttem•, all reuona.ble. Barbor 0211-M. llcl3 DIBHW A8HJCR, Portable G E, nearly new; poker table; Lionel train, O c&&e:. tr&ck and acce. ortu. Phone Har. 1771-R. For Better TV Reception 78c83 ~place your weatberM Antenna With a new V-Cone $9.50 incl. Mast TV SERVICE CALLS Day ?r Evenlnl' Mesa Radio and Televmon 109 Broadway Costa Mesa 81c88 HORSE, .addle and brMlle, Buck- Hln man, I yra. old. Exception· any" Wtil t:ralned. Har. 828-W. or Bar. Q , Kr . .Jay. llcSJ E.KERAON Radio Record Player: KJddle Koop crib; two maple be:dltead9: fire acreen; IA, 'bed with 11prtnp. Barbor 1263-W. • l2plM 1a INCH BA.NDBAW -Heavy . I Bill's Furniture W~ Buy, Sell or Trade j 1.505 Weat Balboa. Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502-R 7fic75H LOVELY bungalow upright piano in perfect pl.aying condiUon. Terms, $32.50 down and $11.M per p mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Syca• RUG, 12 x 16 revertible, Chester-more, Santa An.a.. KI. 2·0672. ti'eld, 2 c'ha.lra, metal top kitchen 83t!c 4ble. Rtuonable. Phone Bea-------------! con IU'f·W. 13ca:J RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddies GAFFERS ~ SATTLER-lily ,5i learn, $5 per mo. Full term rent Cl P. all automaUc •tove wtth allowed on a.ny .piano 1n ou"r chrome top. lamp and clock and • •tock. DANZ -SCHMIDT Big crlddle in the center. Yu, hu Piano Store, 520 No. Main St., th.at grill broiler. Ba.lance I owe _s_an_t&_An_•_. ______ _ t• $159,23 -can have equity. RJC?.i'T A PIANO for onl,y $5 per FREE if you take P&fDieni. of month. Rental appllea on tuture ... 52 per month. purc:hue at SHAFER'S MU· ALSO my nice new 1951 Philco 11 SIC co. (Since !907) 421 No. c,. ft. refrigerator that ha.a 615 Sycamore Santa .An&. Klmber· lb. lC1"08I. top !rffser cheat. All ly 2..oe12.' ate:t:l ahelves and crUper for ------------ vegetable... Balance on thla is GRAND PIANOS: Baby Grand, $,39.83, Ata0 equity FREE if repoaseued, $495. Terms. Aleo you take payments of $12.92 per othera new and used. Steinway. J:llO. 'See Mr. Baughn, 9 a. m. to Chickering, Wurlitzer, A. B. 1 1 P:. m. at 404 So. Spadra, Ful· Chase, Knabe, Raworth, Lund- liytOn. Ph. 2152. 83ttc strum. Fr 0 m $585. DANZ4 ' TABLE 'fOp 4-burner O'Keefe A SCHMIDT, 520 No. M&ln, cor. )(en1tt Gu Range:, oven, broU-6th, Santa Al'la. 100 pianos a.l- ef, warmer. Time minder. In waya. d>oo condltlon. 22 x 34., $S6. 205 I------------BEAUTIFUL Electric Organ. Re- A!methyat, Bl.Ibo& hland. ,82p84 poaeued.. Now only $785. Big SO¥E ANTIQUES -Drop leaf kitchen table, $27.50. Antique rocker. $10. Lined drape., SJ pr. Table-top range:, $35. Ser· ~ $75. 51 T carnation, Corona de! Mar. . 83c85 tull round tone. Euy term.a. DANZ • SCIDllI>T PIANO and ORGAN CO., Santa Ana. 520 N. M&tn, COl"Der et.b. JSQ BUYS a good uaed plaao. 0th· en for $68, $16, etc. DANZ- SCBMIDT PIANQ CO.. S&Dta Ana, '520 No. Main, cor. Ith St. Alco_ hollca Alloa.....,,... duty wancer Tum<r, 1 hp. mo- J ---tor, aJL tA excellent cc..dJUoa. MAPLE BED divan aofa • .cenlc Print. eoo4 condJUon, MO. 2111 Bay Shore Drin, Bayehorea:. Bearon 148()..W. 83cM Wrtto P. 0 . Boa tOl5 $200. S.., JM \'&DderMoltn. a.JM lll•nd. OIJlf. Udo Trailer Park-Pboo• Bar- Plloae IDmber!:f ---• .... .... OOKPl.a'l'll BOVU a.a&JmlO bor ~11 atttt p. m. -..,.... CLQSINQ l!lST A TE -Enamel hjgh oven p.. stove, Olympic tde box, Hoover v&cuum. Will tlke reuona.ble otter. Barbor 'f<ll-WK. 83c85 SLIGBTL Y USED Spln•t plaao, llke new. Big aavtnp. Convent· e.nt term. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 4.21 No. Syca· more, Santa Ana. KL 2~72. 13tfc -IUttdtllN -NP 15-Sbal'e Your Oar ''TROLLl!lll·ART'". •ll round flab· ......._ ftM •' tt11 l"'~==;;..:.=;;:..=~---lnl( boat. With equipment. hilJ --WANT CAR POOL to Call\P Pea· Speec!J Uld •Iron(. 100 hp. May Al'• House Ir Rug dleton, mAlll ...... trom'Coroaa ucbanp forT .... L. Karlu. 509 Cl de! Kar. Baun 1:30 L m .• c 29th 8t., j"•wport Buch. l2pU eaplng Co. p.,,., 0on1Aet LL ll4wan1+, 112 51•-29th St. Newport Beach camll<&Yle;~-~ ~··u.Kara "' eom..::: ~ ~~ • ·-au nttc P .._...... -~' 2p13 ··-·.--ORANGE COAS'1' TRAILER SUPPLY 1810 RARBOJI. BLVD. Coot& K-. Pl!opo BeoQOll UIM-ll ·so MODEL CROSLll:T l!llectrtc !W'I'• and Retrlprator. Like . tnun~ ~yt-:4 ia=.· ~r:; . lt.mL 111% • Sith SL, !>fewport Buch. 13pM *body ,_,.. UM c'tM1"ed ada. l > I HAMMOND ORGANS! The gr.eat Hammond CbO!'d Orpn. If you don't know a note, ,YOU can play this! The Hammond Spinet Or- pn, World.'• moat bea.Utlt'UI tones. Ea a y term.a. DANZ- SCIDUDT Plano 6 Orpa Co., Banta Ana, 520 No. Mr.ln, Oor. Ith 8trffL TELlwlsION! T r •de your old plano on beautltUl tele.vlaton.. -Bl&" allowance. ~ maket la teteYlafoD. · DANz.scmm>T, PO No. Kain. cor. Ith St., Santa lo MONTH Rental, begtnnlac OcL 18th. Owner• :S bdrm. home, ca- nal frontage, private beach. Bu.utitw.ly furn., TV, Spinet. fireplace, deep freeae. auto WUber, pr. AduJU only. Rea .. 19nable rent to right party. 4010 IUver Ave., Newport Bch. c..n Harbor 2082-M. 81c83 ONE BDRM. house, 2~ ~ prqe. very clean, 1 blk. h'om ocun. $M mo. yearly. Phone Harbor ~2. 80ttc BALBOA PENINSULA, 3 bednn. ~ frpl., thermo heat. laundry, new ly tum .. gar. i1~ mo winter. BEAUTIFUL 3-nn. apt., thermo heat, pvt. paUo, gar., $60 mo. winter. ALSO studio apt., view, thermo heat, gar., $80 mo. winter. OR AVAlLABLl!l YJCARLY. 1758 Plu& Del Sur, Harbor 2937-:M, week enda. 8lp83 Yl!lARLY UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apL with IV·· noor tumac., water aoftener. Nt:ar Beach, MO mo. 1000 W. Balbo& Blvd. Barbor 3277 or Harbor 890-M... Mtfc FOR RENT-4 rm. furn. colt.ace, garage, on 23rd at. near ocean. .$38 month. C.Ouple preferred. Inquire 1115 -23rd St., Newport Beach. Uc&& Couple of Children! Yard! BAY BICA.CH! in Newport. Furn. 2 bdrm. apt., uUUtla pd. $87.50 mo. till .1uJy lit. can Beacon M.67-M:. 78tfo BALBOA PENINSULA -At• tracUvely tumlahed prage apt. Suitable couple. Avail Oct. 16th. $55 winter, $85 yearly, uUl and pr. includM. Harbor 3019-R 78lf• FURNISHED nice cfean lar&"• aleeplng'<room, kitcbe11e:tte, frt1· tdaJtt, bath, JJt1ll porch (2nd flr.) UO mo. Phone Barbor 891·W. 7Tttc BAY FRONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fireplace-; ICOd beat, $125 mo til June 15th: . ALSO 1 bdrm. ba.Ytl<int. •75 mo. to June 15th. Phone Bar. ~2: or Harbor 2tl4-K nu. 77tfc SEA.SlDl!I APTS, nlcel1 f\lmlahed. 1 hr, utlliU.. ~ Yearly rateo. 1128 W . Oceoll Fr. New· port Buch. ~ 2395. 72PM J'URNISBED cottap, r bednlom. llvlnl' rm., tub bath. Kitchen, cood ttfrlg. and otow. JSO. Ai" ply 122 -21.th or Ph. B. 5256-R. Newport BeAcfi. 8:1pM $67.50 Mo., fum/2 bdrm. Apt. ln Newport. Yard, bay b.&ch. Gar., utn. pd. To Ju.)' let. Ph. Beacon 6'.17 ·K. 82tlo 1 BEDROOM APT-Kitdlell fur• nt•lwt 008 Polutttl&, Co~ deI Mar. Har. 1110..R evu. or week end& UcU BALBOA I8LANI> -BmaJl rum. apt. ICDoployed p.r.,n Ollly. Yeariy rote ~ mo. US ~ Bal--'1o1and Barbor 2317-K. 8Zc.M A'ITENTION Ana. _____ _,,_ ____ _ • I • \ • • • • ' I ' • • • ' ' • ' . . . MlNY· CffOIC~ SflECTl .ONS :o·F RElt ESTltE rtSIED IN THIS ·sECTIOlf ' . OCll'OBml ti, Ult PAG11 9 1'1SIU<MZ llAY l'09T .&!ID _,..,. JIJl.,SW-1. 1 WANT AD will coat you , only s2 ~r\d it will run • in ell 3 locel pepera. A Minimum ed is 4 lines. PhoM Harbor 1616 Newport.Bal* Ne-'l'lmea -Newport.Balboa Pn. Newport Bay Post (Shopping Newt) t.S-Apart!!!enl>I and Boll9e8 LIDO ISLE lparltllng 1 M 2 Mdroom tum.I.sh· ed a partment.I. One bedroom (twin btd8) S15 mo. 2 bedroom• $100 mo. AD utllitle. paid. Prt· nte garagee. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED l3S3 Via Udo Harbor 1500 Newport Buch, C.li!. WINTER RATES. 3 nn. tum. apu On Collina illand. Each. apt. bu ~ter frontage. ALSO Penthouse on leue. \Vest end Park Avr .. Balboa Ialand. Ph. Harbor 2962·\\·. 'i'6ttc ON!::-ROOM ROUS&---non-houAe- keeplnJ'. rurnlshed, uti1ltie1. &05 Larkapur, C. 0 . M. H&r. 1253-\V OT' Har. 21 48-R 82pM RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call -er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa JalaDd.. Har. 20U S1c6I ONE BDRM., turn. Rear apt., $M mo. yearly. No utllltit"9. Corona del Mar. Call Har. 1975. 82p84 YEARLY 145 month. Newport H eight. •. Untum. 1 bdrm. hou&e. Ga.rqe. J'en~ ya.rd. Adult.a. A nil. Oct. 20th. ~. Me&-M . 83c8< DUPLEX APT. -Yearly rental. large four room3 fUrnilhed. Ga~ l"8.PS· 4141' Poln»etti&.. Inquire a t f08 Poinsettia, Corona de! Har. Harbor 1289-H. 83cM BALBOA ISLAND. ~ month yearly, lncluding utilltiea. J"urn- iahed duple.x. Inquire 120 Sap- phlr<. Harbor 13H·R. 83p8:i VERY ATI'RA.CtlVI: ! bdrm. lower duplex. 01.&Med.-in Uvlng rm. Lovely p.rde.n. Util. paid. $100. 125 Jade-, LltUe Balboa lol&nd. 83pll:i FURNISHED Mod. 1 bdrm. Apt. .A~O 2 bdrm. upper a pt. Winter U~ mo., util. pd. or reu. }'l'ly. ALSO t bdrm. turn. home. UO mo. winttr rental. Mrs. Conrad. 312 4~Waoted to Bent \VANT TO RENT a gara.ge for storage In Balboa Island, Coron.a del Mar, Newport Beach or Co6- ta. M.eaa. Harbor 1474-J ev~ ninp. 82c84 THREE or 4 beodrooma, turnlahed, near bay. Reuonable rent. Can turniAh reterence1. Box R-7 tht1 p&pt'r. &3c85 TRAILER SPACE Clo~ to 1hopping, ott the R tway. $12 to $15 mo. C&hrillo Court, 140 Cabrlllo St., Coat& Afesa... Winter rates $10 mo. Children welcome Also trailer storage $5 mo. Little Bay Trailer Park 7204 Coast Highway, Newport Beach «-Rooms for Bent PERMANENT week I y rental alttplng room. Private entrance. GaraRe. $10 per week. Blue Top Mott!, 401 Newport Blvd .. Ne"" port &ach. 69tfc GUEST HOUSE I no cookingl. Private bath. 1 blk. tTom beach and &hopplng-centt-r, Corona del Mar. $10 week. Phone H&rbor 1524-R. 82c8i 2 LARGE bdrm!I. wit.h private bath in nicrly turn. occa.n front home. Ideal for people in bu1i· neu or service. Board If re- quired. 1704 W . Ocean Front, Newport Beach. Harbor 2999-J. 83p8.5 «·A-Rest Homes BOARD and ROOM For elderly people ln latl"e private home. Good meals and care. Phone Lacuna «328. 79p8• A •• IV8. Alvar&do PL, Balboa. H . 2198·J. ~Automobiles, Tires 83cM ----------.,.--'49 FORD Convertible club coupe. BALBOA Pl:~'l.NSULA -Furn-radio, heater, overdrive, nylon iAbed alnK~ apts. $25 and $35 1eat covers, ori~al owner mo. to June 15th. Frigtdalre. goin g ovf'rseas. ~1 e-chanicaUy Laundry available. Utll. incl. excelle.nt. Pnvate party. Harbor Harbor J2'i'G-V-'. 83ttc 3468-\V. 81 c83 LAROE 3 room cottag!! trailer, 1950 PO!'o.'TIAC Super Catalina private. laundry a.nd bath, !Urn· Ruat and Cream. Exceptlally l.the<I. hot water. private yard. clean $235(1, Bea. Mi7-R 82pM. 200 E. 15th St., Costa Me.a.. · ·49 STUDEBAKER Champion S3pM Convertible. 17,000 miles. A1J extnu. A beautiful car. Har- bor 770-R. 82p&i BALBOA -Modem 2 bedroom nicely tumiahed apL $M mo., yearly. Util. pd. Phone Harbor 2791-J. 83tlc SMALL HOUSE. bdrm.. dining rm., 1hower, etc. No. cooklng. $30 winter, W Jade Avtt., Little Island. Harbor 2~2. 83p85 CORONA Dl!:L ~t:AR--Ottan side ot Highway. Furn. 1 bdrm. houee Wlth fireplace. Cloae to 81\opptni diatrict. m mo. yrly. PbOIW Har. 10i7-J daya or Har. 3171..J evee. 83~ BALBOA PENINSULA. -At- tractively tuml.thed 2 bdrm. du- plex wll.h 1undec.k. Winter or yearly. Reuonab1r. Har. 3019-R 83Uc J"URNISHED u 2 bdrm. apL Lge. roorm. Bay vtew. Winter $:wl mo. util. pd. or will rent yearly. (Inquire lower ~&r apt.) 14~ W, Bay Ave., N"1p<>rt Beach. 83p88 61-TnLllen Trailer Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRAJLER PARK and S&Jes 16•0 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa., Beacon 6329·M. 71c72H PHONE Harbor 1811 to pla.c4 ·your want Ml on thla pare.. • 5&-Monoy to Lou REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5 % Loan.a quickly made in the Bay Area and Lacuna. Single or mu1Uple unlU. New or old. Be wt.ae and aave by re-fin.a1u:1n1 your pn!sent loan. Minimum ex- pen.te. No cha.rse tor prellml- nary appraisal Phone 8&.nta An& Kimberly 3-1627 or wrtte : ARTHUR A. MAY llortl'a.ie Loe.a Correspondent • Two Calif. ute In.a. Co'a HH South M&ln Sant& AJia ~~!;:-::! ... !!!!:!JE.ta~~te!_ ___ .:rf -~ .... r.tata ·.! ~ . -·-r.ca~ ,• Coat& Kea •• BLANCHE .A. GA~, Real~r·. · The Beat Town on Earth , ~ L. SHUFELT .J. MARTIN • Small Home & Rental Neat 2 bdrm. bom• with Nntal brtna1J>s In 125 pu mo. Price -· Down paym<Dt $1900. B&lance '50 per mo. OwJier wtll accept CM' u part Of the down pa.ym.ent. Income Special wtlU plUI ltorap l'OOIO.I a.nd ran..u with room tar erput· alon on lot 100x229. Good ~ tlon. cloee to Blvd. and markete. 3 unit. equipped with •tcr.e and retrt,.erator. Monthly tne:ome approx. $220. Total price i.-- $20, 000, terms Blvd. Frontage 80 ft. on Newport mvd., 110 ft. det-p. Bu11tne&1 section, cloee tn . $2700 w1th ~°' cub. ALSO ~ buUd.fn& 1ot8 priced at Sl~ and up. ALSO meveral 2 and S bdrm. G.l. Re.ea.lei. $1300 Down 2 bdnn. home "" corner lot, &2x:100 Price $6200, balance at ~ per. month. G. N . W.ELLS, Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Meu.. Ph. Bea. 5181 Ranch 20 acrea e mlleaJron( Newport 12 acree ln permanent puture. Equlpmf'nt for l:S,000 chJcken1. Thrtt hou.lt"&, gOOd bam. A.bun- d&nt cheap water. Consider pa.rt trade bay area. Ttrma. -. 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island · Ph. Har: 1671 or 1672 En.. Bvbor 1671 BALBOA ISLAND . " ' A lovely baytront home, pief' It float, extra large lot, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, also 1 bdrm. apt. Thia will pleue the man cllecrimlnating. For the large family -We offer this attractive hou.ee on two Iota. ll bdrna., 5 batha, 1t• a largo p&tio that offers complete oeclumon. A beautiful 2 bdrm. cottage with an 11Duaually large, attractive and livable patio. $16,500. OCEAN FRONT Truly a houae of diltinction. 4 hdr11111., 3 baths. Unusual dining room with artistically planted patio adjoining. Thia ia a buy & a home to be proud of. BLANCHE A.. GATES -REALTOR •'• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BAY & BEACH BARGAINS 4 o/o Financing on thi.s J year old, thtt-t bedroom house on the peninsula. Modern with good heat, 1 ~ baths. $12,S&O. Spectacular View Channing home owrlooklng entire area. Two bedroom.s, 1 '4 baths. "'ell built. nicely a.rr-anred. Good ttnanclnc. 119.750. OPEN HOUSES Sunday, 12 .to 5 p. m. '• :S07 LODO SOUD, Lido Isle. ll B.R. older type. Pier. Cor. M and ijalboa Blvd., Newport. New 3 bdrm. BAY & BEACH REALTY t•M B ALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 126'4 • R~~SELY. I . You i.'t find a better BUY. ~d new homes on lovely up<> ISLE. 1. For i-looking ro. ... - larfe lot and ·patio MN ta & beauty. Home hu ! apacloua bedroom& and 2 bath.a. Every- thlrfr &bout this home la btr. ll(t¥t and cheerf\11. Place &1I tUllY planted with lawn., ahrubl and tlowera together with waJlld in apace for boat lltor- &ge. BlNChed rum dOON., Unit he... tile .WI abowen, dla- poeal, dishwasher are a f"' of ll\e QELUXE te&turet. Tht• home la. CLASS and &1I for ONLY $32,500 -By an me&n.a SEE THIS. 2. Clever 2 bedroom home th&l hu just been completed. F orc- ed a.Ir he&t, step saving kitchen. 1 large garage, neat patio and all modem appointment&. This 111 a ateal at ONLY $15,000--Ap- pr«L S4500 ha.ndle.t. ALSO We have Ju.t: o~ned a NEW aec:- tion where Mme very choice lot.a can ~ bought from the DE- VEWPERS ot UDO 18LI:. Here ia a chance to &t>t a LOT at rock bottom prices and Urm11. Coroe to the he.adqua.rters ot UDO ISLE where a lltUe buya a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATl!lD 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach, Cali!. Harbor 1:100 RUSTIC, SHAKE ROOF RANCH TYPE -Thia little jewel WU built \\'Ith care. Ju1t rite tor a couple. J.la.ny extra.a a..nd bullt- ln.s. Completely tenced with red- wood gra~stak'ea. In a n ice lo- cation and sandy loam soil. N?cely landacaped. Well worth Bay Front Income e f\Jrn. unit.a. 70-!t. t1'0nt&ge. Thi• l3 onto ot the tlntsl properties ln the bay area. Consider home u part payment. Price $Si.~. * * * * * * * * * * •· * * * * * * ' $7900, terms. Full Price $7250 Clever I bdrm. beach cott&l'e nr. oce&n and bay. Bt'st. value 1n area.. $3950 down, $32.50 mo. on balance. GREENLEAF ~ ASSOC. BUILDER -Rl!:AI ... TOR 3112 Ne'A'J)Ort Blvd., H&rbor 2M2 Balboa Peninsula Attractive red'A·ood. brtck and slU.ncte home vrltll ! bet:troom1, floor furnace. larre llvtnc-room, openlng to patio. Double p.race, only $13,950, tenn•. FIVE RENTAL Ul\'lTB on corner cloee lo bay. 2 Iota. Good in- come. See this tor an invett- ment ot $17 .~00. terma. Balboa Realty CQ . Rosa Grttley Joeephlne Webb Llllia.n )\cAdoo 700 E. Balbo& Blvd. Hu. 3271 NP:V.-'PORT BLVD .. 68 tt. front· •&"t. Exc'°llent location. 82 ~ ft. deep. S85 tront tt. T erma or trade. Ph. Beacon 5276·J. 83c84 Speculators, ATI'ENTION • NE\VPORT BLVD. Sacrltict . Out ot town oy.-ner say.s "S~LL," so x 100 n . lot So. Of 17th St. Only $2700. tht. won't Jut. Ttrm.s. 11000 DO\VN buyA a ne&rly ne'A·. completely furnish~ 2 bdrm. home 6 prag-e. Eaat Blde, SoOd location.. $1960 DOV\''N on a. brand new 2 brlrn1. home a.nd prage, Tota.I pric• Only 17i50. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E . JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blvd., Coata Meaa Beacon 6698 $1900 Down 3 bdrm. G. I . Ret1ale. Vt-ry nice home ln bf.11t EuL Side area. Hwd. noon. brk, nook. l•rl'e lot, dbl. garage on paved alley. Full Price $11,250 $35.12 per month New 3 Bdrm. F.H.A. $2750 Down LOW MONTHLY PAYME~'TS La.rge homf' w ith many extra tee.- Real Estate Is Your Best Investment -o- Income Property ~ f\Jrnll'lhed unit.a. • unit.II with ont' bdrm. tach. 1 unit 2 bdrm11. on 88 n . bu!!llneas front&gt-in cf'n· ter of Colta Mea&. Priced $31 ,· MIO, ttrma. Groaa income, SMl a month. -o- Newport Heights •. ------------1 tures. Beautiful liv. rm. with G. 1.. RESALE. Nice home in choice location. Liv. rm . .and dlnett.fo carpeted. Fplce., 2 bdrm a.nd den. &-aulitul yard With attractive barbecue. Partly en- clo,ed. Perft'<'l tor out door en- tertaining.· Dbl. g&r .. laundT)· room. Prictta $14 ,500. $4:000 dn., 173 ,25 a mo., taxea • ins. inc. ?\""EW l BDRM. HO~tE. grey stucco tinl~h. $3975. 39~ Vic- toria St. fnear College Ave.), Costa Afesa. Ph. BeL ~-M. 78ttc Three Best Buys in Corona del Mar $9950. New 2 bdrm., plUI rumpua room. Furnace heat. $10.7~. New 2 bdrm. home, llre- plact, ahake root. '14.~00. New 2 bdrm. home, Jgt. living room with fln'!place. Ex- cellent hwd. rloore, torced air heat. Bearing fruit treta. E:n- cla.t'd patio. Don't walt until theAe are cone ACT NOW? Earl Cpamberlain ~ Cout Blvd., Corona del Mu (Opp. N•wport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 .-68c70 tireplace, dlnlng &rea, h&rdv.·ood noor1, lot.a ot tilt-, covered patio, double prage. txtra v.'ide lot. Full Price Only $11 ,-tOO Lovely FHA 2 B. R. HOME. Leq than a ye&r old. Hwd., tile. coverf'd patio, l&rg@ Jot, exctllenl location among new homes. $8950 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 1869 Nn.1>0rt Blvd., Costa l.t:esa Phone Beacon 7123 ( Acroaa from Coata Evea. Ha. 31~7-W Mesa Bank) Bea. M.58-J Real Values Costa Mesa 2 B. R. Home -o - Attractive Nf'arly new 2 bdrm .. home. Nice llv. rm.. hwd. floors, dlnette, tile In kit. Bath tub and ahower. Stucco and redwood ext. A good deal at $9100. $2300 dn. Mon. p)'U, $61.50. -o- Country Living 2 bdrm. homi-Llv. rm., bar- type kit. Nrat and clean. Lot 70xl50, all tor SSMC>, temlll. -o- "Small Fry" 1 bdrm., Uv. rm., kit. with dinette are&, Panel Ray heat. Eut Side. Very inexpensive. '$l800, term&. -o- 3 BDRM. FAMILY HOME - Ea& Sidt-Costa Mesa. Hwd. floors. dining room, nice big kit1Jhen 'A"\lh long tile drain- board. &trvice porch, 11pa.clou11 bdrnu., dual turnace. nice cov- f'red back porch you could con- vert to play room, dbl. l'atage, lana.caJ*l and fenced. OWner !3 •.sklng $10,600 and $2000 dn. \\;11 handli. Call t111 right no"·· NEWPORT HEIGHTS-2 BDRM. HOME A GUEST ROOM OFF GARAGE. Alao bu 2-car gu. plut work 1hop. Near high achoo! in city limit.a. Sewera A: all utWtle1 In, paved atreets &nd alley11. Th• boUM ha.a hwd. fin., nice din. room &nd spaclou• llv. rm. See lhi• nice 90lid home to appreciate. Price $12,000 . Terma available. 2li ACRES IN THE BEAUTIFUL BA.CK BAY AREA. Highly re- 11trfcted to single tamlly real- dence. Price $MOO. Costa Mesa Realty 400 E . 17th St. at ~tln ANe. Cena Mtsa. -Beacon 9818 Corona del Mar $11,000, EZ Terms Attractive S bdrm. home wtll heated in each room. Firf'place, plenty ot tile and cupboards. N lc:e tenced pat.lo, cloae to new po8t ot't'ice. SEE Tom Payne, Realtor 310 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar 83cll:i ATI'RACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND 2 bdfm. well turn. bowie-with 1 ~rm . apt. over rarace, plus gueat room • be.th. Lot.a ot tile, ftrtplace. A l'ood buy at $28,MO NELDA GIBSON REALTOR SOI Ma.rine Ave., Balboa Phone Harbor 602 laland Modern redwood and glua Two bdrm. and aervant'a qua.rt.en. ~tone and wood tloon. -r.o ydn old. Jn po.-e of trees. BeauUtul view-of the western DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY 2-car pra.ge, lot ai.ie UOX.l50. b.ill8 -1n exclUlive HCtion -2 Lota and A.cru.ge A va.Ilable -o - ID . •n'·ll 1 a " . ' ..... ~~ ..... ~ For Bu8)' People --.• -. • • If ·you lack the tlme to do a lot of work lll'Ol!pd the houoe, thlJi ia for rib! A big frimdly 2 bdrm., hpme on Balboa Ial&nd. Ru.tic ah•k• eztBriol> .fl!blCh 1"11 never paint-& tree In the larp -bdcli!ed ~·. whooe leaves you rake only occaalol•'~~ · f.., planta, buah .. here and there your ~ .,,.n W.. ter if it domn't ...in-The an 11• •d·li! pordl an4 lge. living room with beapied cemng, · .bi,r ·tu. place make you feel cosy and l'l'la!NI!. Two !up bdnu., dining room -A rum. 'with · pieaty ot apace. Completely fumiahed. Price $13,900. • island realty co. Park at Agate Balboa Ialand Harbor S17-W ~· BALBOA ISLAND SPtt!AL .:: Designed for enjoyable year 'round living, well located on a double width .lot, ·richly ·turftiahed throughout, the quiet charm and diAtinction of tht. luxurioua home will m.t&ntly appeal to the dia- criminating taste! 4. bedroo111B, 2 bath&, maid'• room It 'bath, plua extra bunk bedroom It bath, large living room, dining room, fully tiled kitchen. beautiful lanai opening on apaciouo patio,, 3-<:ar garage, many extra.a. By appointment. Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor EJ:cluoive Agent Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa Ioland Special Offering in Corona del Mar ' ' HERE IT JS ! Newly de<:arated 3 bdrm. home m excellent location. Hwd. tloora, fireplace. Lou of tile in kitchen and bath. Priced at only $12,500 for quick u.lo ! Listings Wanted -Rental& 6 Sal .. W. E. FISHER ERNIE SMITH BUILDER-REALTOR REALTOR-ASSOCIA'l'll: 916 Cout Blvd. Corona de! Mar Phone Harbor U43 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT TWO BEDROOM HOME anti 2 bedroom apartment-both w!th tine vtew. Thia late model well built property bu hardwood floor~ furnace beat. Fe~d yud uitl patio. :r...undry .room and euily accealble double pr&l'f:. E:s, .. «llent ttnt&I record. Oompletely tum. only $10,000 dOWll.. STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 20 Back Bay Area - -lh A'Cres ! Country atmosphere with peace and quiet-yet cloee to everything. On private otreet, among other nice homea, 132 tt. frontage. ' On .TJstin Ave. (between 22nd & 23rd) Call Harbor 369 or write P 0 Boll: 35, Balboa Ialand BEST BUY? SEE TIDS new home In Newport Height&. ' ' . . ~ . Then you will be the judge. Check th~e ftature& with anyth!ng nea.r the p"rlce-- t' Quality ContructiOll 1 { Ocean View I Three Bedrooma { 2 eep. bath, (2 ahower, 1 tub) ' r' Hwd. floon, tnalde planter { 2 F1oor Fu.rnace11 r' Lg•. tpk with gu Uchter { Garbare dlspoael, loU of tile ,,' 50 tt. lot, p&ved St. • alley y Near 9Choola 6: shop. center and prlc:ed a t- Only $13,750 . $2750 Dn. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR W, A. TOBIAS, S&!um&n&pr !12 Karin• Ave., Balboa 1-land Pbone fl.arbor 204.2 .. Look for the Grttn WWll" • Confidentially Now ii a good time to bu1 that BALBOA ISLAND HOME. You might just u well de- cide now, for your family. Here, bay living ia definite- ly a mighty fine choice. We can help you. Home and income ia popular and we have a choice of low priced two-unit proper· t1... that &re paying .,...ll. On the Bayfront we can ahow a very SPEC1AL moneymaker. It'• a home and separate apt., ter11111. J. A. BEEK Office Harbor U $6500 ... tor an. &d ta. UMI U-.eiy ClaMI~ Ea.at Side, lhia la a real buy· Let ua help you with your Real ~ from ocean ln quiet IUJ"o- flecl -ot th• ' Full price-Eoute needs. ro11ndlnp. $26,000. GoOO termo. Newport Heights ma '1'Hl\D.-· Only $6000, Terms La PERLE. REALTY 19~1• Irvine Ave., Costa .u:-T·-2 bd h hd~ t1oo TRIP~ neu pier " beach. la· come $90 month phle ownen &pt, ll«lt all of tltem &n~ pt blc retuma on tnvestmmL Own- er leavtnrl town muat !!&..-~ an cub or WW trade fOJ' tum land Northern <;Jllt. N. 8. C. JtEAL. TY co .. Hiid 6 Newport Blvd., Newport_ .. • l3cl5 N .... Tlmeo, Poot Shopplns N... -5 • rm. o,..., wu. n, &lid th• P1w , l!hone Beacon 5293-W t1replaoe. T h • rm o controlltd 1898 Harbor Blvd. Costa K-~ OVER ~ CIRCUL&TION Ia 2 B. R. Older Home -we ftlm&ee, t7 ft. living nn., dlnlnC ANBWE:ltl ~. Beacon 70U. ,,,__ Plc<utt win"""'-Tllo pull· -----------With 1 bdrm . ...,,la!. Lu.-Pl'· WST COMPLETED """' i.th, llt&ll lhower, - on 1 """'' -Side, clooe to Bal'-· '·land s~·· • I h .. ter. Kitchen bu lo .. ot tllo ·~· Approx. eo trult """ .. .--In Excluaive Shore CliUa ~ E ··~---~& _.,., G •• -•·---.,· In Corona del Mar f5() MO. Utll pd. Beautiful lge. liv. rm., bNch fl'ont studio apt., knotty plne walls, corrip. kit .. twin bed., atudio couch, carpeta, ample clmet ap..ce, Mower. J:n.ry conVtilteuce for comfort. 8ff U. Addtta, 110< W . Ocean l'ront. N""'JIOrt s.ach. Ph. Har. -..z. aapM w ANT Smllll c1eU 11omo pr 1argo ....., chick.,. houa 6 tool rm. "Little Island" TBRD BEDIUL. J b&th bomo Lare• :i-. -·· 0o.....i patlD N.W 1 bdrm. lloolt, 16 1>1oc1t no.a LOANS For Homes trailer r.ru1 cull, for -.. P"Y· l'llll prict Dlll1-.., 1ug<1 SOxlll' lot HIM>. "'!. a1ao brick pa....s open peu.. llill· Ocean Blvd. v..., attreet1tt 5~-20 Tf. Loana mont on WW• lllOdom a ,_ $7950, EZ-T~.' · ~;!.:':: =i:,. ":: n. plua m•_.y~ -w!Ut <J_.i back yud, fUll7 lu4-llome. 1 !0 ltatho. patio. 41>1. pr. !'EARLY -ltxceptJonally nlco. ' tl>1flun. 2 bdrm. duplex. Many ox-f..wn.a. N-both ......... Rwable. ma Clay llt.. Clltt BaftL Uttc ,. <X>NBTRUcrION .LOANll 'riow !tonw. NEWPORT HOTS. • lllalted ,_ ~aMd & toollt-*controlled~. harclftod oe&p<d.. J1',000, Well built et -malarial.o. at~*" (H yn.) ---.~ ... r:· -...... ""'-·-Iii;-. llrlllll.,-1 Jtl'I.. i JS, II..-· .... ~&Ir-Lotl 122 C.te!IH ............ N..-p0rt ~· ai•.MO ,Qood .-1 loto.,~ .... ~· -.... _la ·~I•• 1'1-·-. __,, -.c ~ We. Clomp~ -... BelCllta. BeaeOll llN6-J. ,,_ • • WE aUT AND ·au. , ~ __ ,.. -r-i· m •· -~-pocl. · . I • ' · • 11111 -IU.'lT~ "' • -• •• • • • -... ~ -'fttlo 16a -rpt1 W-littd -N ...,.. .._. _,, -.-·--Bl-N · TRtlBT »a:Da li ... ~;;;~~·;-~·~1'!;;1~~ .. ~-1 · B. A. ""~N · --pa11o. ~... ~;m.aoo. ~ --ai.VD. fllOl'l'i:"'a&.·ill tt....,... Fitzmo~:RealtyCo. lWOOA.STBLVD.. JID lfea~ ....._a.ta.... -.:.,, ..... .,. ..,. ·. 5 ·,0 d' Call Rart.or9'1..J cir w _ , •r=r·-,,....,-. , a..i t-aet- "1111'1l811m> -dtul Ina. 0..-ddlllar -lOTl'-1 ~1wa .......... UllllO .,... _ ,,,_lir.....,; -1 at JS& -J1M4. tocted "1 lllwayl --I& Iii Cout ...... Owm& dol .._ apt., olec. nt. ullL pcC. 5'0 -a..,. PO•._ llClll'J'1i&Gli 00. -lo .or - -& I -. - 8 ,. -... llslit-•. . nu. ·4119 .. -· .. ,,_ -. . ...... pz .,_ -AUK>.-wWtlldt.,~,..~.Prtv. -,_ ~ -~ ~ ·~--. -Ill .. 1f,t.... ~ ' T-• -1'11.-7 I -.... --·--~ .1 ...... "'""" ODii ..... • • ' .• ' --· ' -ontr .• MUI, U6 mo. to June 15th. • ciiif W , J <Iii Dal0.1. p V1•'--• • -·~· 1---------'-'---1 llU • BaJ :I.ft., J!o)boL Pit. LOAJl8 TO BtmA DIPll09ll, ""' PtlJI' I ..... -.... mz:.. ..... --· Ow -r.u. ~ ~ qx,;r Near Ocean It ·Bay ~ >Jill N~ lfeicb~ -ttae-1. 113c15 _ ......__ _ -· ~ t-... _.,,, rC!JkAI 'la .-r tJUli. llU .. I I t ..... a I Ht 2 .L.. ·...,..._ .__ ........ l'Oll LU.II ~--·· , • , ATJ'ltAc;nf& ~1 a,ew -&·~ -i s ,..; ~ WI fk;-!i 11~~~:-:-:: ftsn1 M ta~ ,~:,~a;;.--p;;,; :::-.:: 7'¥~ •= ~~~= •,;:,••:.;:: -t. -._.. • I We 1lrV ._. ._ WD.L PAT ALL .. 1'r1e•lT ·a1 7 .I I. := _WI -... ":. • ....... ~ -.., ~ 1119w, -fir• V.,. .... --All - fElfll llJ~--·UWWaa• ... il PAL .._. .. ,,. --~ ..... u:=•:•~ta ......... •-"· • ~nt .. m& · .... -~~-•s 1 ~ .-"""'1 --BA•"'"'*" I.OAS·--••f1f' w•• ~ '"' 1 r ...... 'P ·I ...... ._ ---., ••«-_,_ •• _ _._ • •11--w. lillliid 4-7.,._ llel5 -'ft&~ ft..-., U. ._ 8 ,,. -OlliM. ·O.w, . -. '8UI ._..I 1111 ..,.. ' · TTtio Ir~·-~·~ -• • .... . I .. ' ' ... -. " • I • • • • • • ' ' • • • ·l I 0 0 M A I C I 1 W'tth SALLIE EVER lll)ARD OF OUB GAW II: I NG GAIJ.Jl:BY! It'• the pillee where all oar oat.of-towa -.. -to admire the view aad 18 right .en to tile offiee whleh i. tan 18 aext to the lleszeelne Shop • • . Right aow the view gi- yoa a pe•unorle vlsloa ot the lluk of Amerka ud the Hoag lllem!>rlal hospi- tal . . . how they are pro- gressing . . • without get- ting yoar feet all dusty •.• While up there you might browse around the Mezzan· lne's eight different abopa ... Housewares, Party, Gift. Toy. Hardware, Card and Gift Wrap Shops ... I know that's only seven ... the eighth la the one I've left out the collection of items you· would not expect to find, but which are always on hand ... Right now Hallow- een Costumes. Masks. Wigs, Black and Orange Decora· tions ...., taking up a good deal of space ... Lois Cline really outdid herself last week at the Free Cooklnll: School at the Udo Theatre . . . by pre- parlag three dinners at the aame time . . . One In the oven which made you real· he that you most replen· bh voar Iairdng otock of p,,..,;. . . . (The Corning 61.... Compaay's tOOth Arutlversary opeclal for 98c Includes a CO\'ered qt. _,,role and six custards . . . reg. $1.39 value) . . . The oecond In a oldllet . . • Canadian Bacon on pine- apple slices • • . Potatoes and otrlag 1-ns . . . Only took 25 minutes to ~k In a Revere Ware frying pan . . . The third In a deep well cooker • . . of which most of "" do not have ... but Desco Ware's caot Iron made gay with red or green baked enamel coat- ln11: Is a good facalmlle . . . The kind you see In all the fancy model ldtcheno m the home maguinM . • • It 00-from Bel.l(lum ... Next Thursday the 18th. Martha Logan. the famed Swift'• Cooker-Uppe; prom- lsetl a real 'Hammy' "program With Hotpoint equip-in~~t from Paul Dunlap Ap- pliances . . . And Please don't forget all the free bai:s of Groceries . . . And the super cooking school s,.ecials that can be purchased from 12 to 3 each Thursday . . . One of the items last week was so bot ... as many cans were toted home in three hours aB have been sold in one week In the middle of the aummer ... CHRISTMAS PACKAGE MAILING TIME to the boy• overseas ls October 15 to November 15 .•• The post office say~ we peck ao Sea Farin' or as Air Farin' package as they've seen yet ... l.ast week a happy mother told WI .about an Angelfood Cake that reached her boy In tact ... Overseas brings to mind J ohn Toepher ... who uaed to work here . . . but who now is 110ver There" in 1100' ange County's Own" 224th Regiment of the 40th D1vt- aion which WllJ! originally the National Guard ... Now the 40th Div . has an auxiliary of mothers. wives and sweet· hearts of which our own Na· dine Hawley io a member ... She'• John's mother . . . I .iwa)'!I uaed to get a kick out of eeeing them work together In a check stand . . . She checking and he l>oxing . . . . Anyhow Nadine a.nd the rest of the aforementioned auxili· arv are bUBY collecting rec· <>rda to be uaed in the 40th Division's Radio St at i on which plaYB records for oar bo}'ll at different tim... dur- ing the day . . • Our bo}'ll are getting mighty Bick of the records on liand . . . Brine yoar old on ... down or buy a new one and put it in the box In the front lobby •.• A fa· •orite record of a boy JOU bow "Over There" .•• He'U hear It and he'll think of bOll)I: ••• li _,. _... lljle .. Jolll tlie"4 ... 8Y ...... ................. w 111 ,._. ._, C zL I _. a. •* ... Oeta• ... .. ....... .,.. ...... _ I I M1• • •• • . ' • I • • •• ' :anatAIN !~l .40TH. ·• ~·•N•----• ....,. ... ,_ . 'in.it Us · Yow R__.. . • NEW OS Ulll:J> • ---.. ---. ,....._~won..._ .... 0-,..~'1'• ....... 1- • . ' • 2nd BIG •• caoss aOODMOllLE -.... a&)M,Am!OU LEGION BAil• CC>8T.& lllB8A., hflll..y,_()d,a If U-. ....... ,. .... (W •. 11111 8t.. -A--tlle-hrll) BLOOD IS UllGD'TLT NEEDICD • • • ·····~------~·-······-gaa_lily I P~ HOST·TRERHALO ROA8TED COFFEE _. -·-·... ·-,•b. bas 7tc I BUITrc .-.. -.-.... -..... ~ ....... 1sc Featwillg Ma1111l11CJ1 U. S. . Gov't. Gra«*i Cllolce leef Finest J"ef Obtalllable . . Chuck Ann or Ch11ek llacle • BEEF POT ROAST .. . EJtlw!r 1:.Dd (u cut) LOIN PORK. ROAST -~ ..... -.. A 53c . ' iiiif RIBS .· ......... ~.~A ]fc Ceat4er Cut -WIN ~ PORK CHOPS -.. -...... J ... 95c • 8WIFr8 (COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL) tiff SAUSAGEi.~· 33c 8WIFl."'8 ORIOLE I SLICED BACON pk-;. 49c EX·FA.i.~OY IDAHO DELICIOUS FRESH PICKED DAILY CORN ... . .. _ .. __ 61 .. 29c cisiiipMELONS ~· 4c · FANCY DEL llO"'TE 8EEDLEJ!I! -llecular lfo RAISINS ___ ..... ~::,~ 21 .. 35c PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE ··-.. ·-·· 2 ~27c EXCEL8IOR .• COTT AGE CHEESE _ .......... la, 24c LUEJt'S QUALITY SMALL BOLOGNA .. --~-.Ji. 55c FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE 4~ )((LI) -• LONG HORN CHEESE ... 4~ lJDO[f 'SOq~T . CHEESE DRESSING __ ~ 4tc . . • 'l;all9 Aa.aatapi .t .... C1 plt .. •C1tnta1 8enic!e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STORE HOURS: Daly ........ ,,. .. EXCEPT FRIDAY ' ....... ,. .. W•arr1fte-. .......... qn Md' (il _ ....... _ ..... _ ___ _, • • c • Get tli• _,,. 9t ... - PET 1U ........ 1139' Sumahl.9e, Graham CRIOIEltl .... 29; n ·~ &Ion~ PEl'•ES Yo. ti) ... 271 Rlvie'ra willt Beua CHILE CON OA&N'a _, 16 ... -···--·················--~ Gebllard .. wl .. _ a:::.~~.~~ ..... 15' --· SAUSAGE .... 19' lJQde Br..~. RICE .. _ ............ 14 OL 17; P.._ten; Bl Bat Pean.at OIL p._ 39; .._ 77; Glo.,. .A·l : '$PA~HETTI T"!O -r:.. . TEA IAGS .... 17' u ...... ,. """°..... Yi pl. BEVERAGES. 23 ' ~o.r Cro111 Pak SARDINES ~ ... 19' All Breoda J>oa- FOOD No.i-.... J /23; HO!i!:Y PURE GR.u.'ULATl:D .. SUGAR _ ... _ ........... -.... -..... , ........ ,; 97c Del 1Monte ROUND-UP SALE GOLDEN CREME • COffN ... ~ .. _ .... _.-~ ... ITOL2 lor 2fc -• EARLl GAJlDms • PEAS .... . ....... ·-·· ..... n •L 17c SLICED ' •BE~TS ................................................. ,OL 17c • TOMATO JUICE .. H•L 23c •FRUIT COCKTAIL ........ ITOL 21c SWEET •PICKLE CHIPS .............. U•L 27c • JQ .. <TO CATSUP 1'•L 17c ·•PR NE JUICE .. . • ..n 27c j B~ •TOMA TO SAUCE 3 , .. ltc Ttl V&llfly PUMPKIN •. llOL ,9; I . BudJ•I Paclt G""'f 8pllt PEA$ ..... .tb. ~ 2125' c -p1>e11o l'O!lll. I a BEANS I~~ 2125' nr,tnedary suoi.4 PIMENTC>iS io.loa Ian Hal\}H APRICOTS ·:! 23' 0Me 8WO)'H AJ'fLE SAUCE ::] 2 lor 25; !!..~ .... 2/25' ::~_ ....... 15' 19 Without Voupoa lb. pk&. De IVORY SNOW ···-·-........ 1,. 27' IVORl' FLAKES -·-···J,. 27; NE\\. CHEER_~1,.-. 27; TIDE .. .... J,. 27' DREFT .. _. ___ .. 4 27' JOl' LIQUID • OL DmRGENT 27 ; Bleach HYPRO.t.10'r!i 19" McCombtn--'U-oL APPLE JUICE 16' Treewweet-.So. i can BLEND JUICE 10' d OL call • i. !)e M1aanine Shoppe Ready-Made COSTUMES for a sman price Alice in Wonderland . Cinderella Mickey M9use Pirates are only a few KA8118, WIGS, BORNS, DECORATIONS. 1 l • bosen Foo6 sn. rnn'.l!nrllllll'.ll-. LIBBY'S FROZEN CINNAMON ROLLS ·~-.... -.. 6 1 r 23'· PEAS _.-........ -.......... _,. __ ..... _ ... !! 2 for 35c • 'p_,_ ....l. · ROLLS -----·--· ·---·-r38' FRIDAY I CUP CAKES -·--·-.... -.... ~-.. -... -.. 6 r 27; ........ . . I , APPLE ·PIE ·-·-·--·-tll' ,llA.TJllUIA1' . l,PllCO!. ~J~_-t\ i .~· ·POtATO IOlts -·__,,. __ ·_.at4 ' . .. oRlfi JUICE _ ..... _ ... ! 2 , .. 35c . LIBllY'B l!'RODlN BABY LIMAS ... ----··-·}~ 27c ANDE118EN'8 SPLIT Pf A SOUP ... -.. -.-.plat 23c U:Jlllffl'8~ BEEF PIES _. / -~ 25c . 1lmDIR1'Z COD FILLETS -·------;-" 3fc · JOIN TI-iE FUN J I 1 · Fr• ·eoaw..,. Scllool . Ull1 1111 .. ; 10 .. 12 A. M. Inc• -sJni 10 ••s• w11b 'l;r' t-1• .... Mn IDs l4llS ... Ct ........... I .... ,,199 .. • a .. ; 1 .,. '