HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-28 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News. ~ I I • • .. ' • I • I w ..... ~. Nw. -. i111 v-.... "-lf ••• -' 1 . '" -. ~ . -. ~ • ~ 'I' .. t .. go~~:_;§i~i~:E ·,.~ ]6-_Pa(Je~~t -~~~BOR ,,l '~ DEFEATS ~C~ 2 :r~E~-=.:-i:?-7£~ OUths Hcjag -nJ;;;:.wxt :.:·~~ 14·6 WITH "PASSIN& AnACK ........ lc!nlY ..... *""" ""'"--Hospital PlanS' ~ ~t!Gu TllU••d.a7 .' .,. ... M'il77 5 ' ... ----.----- ....., .. _..... PollJ' .._. -all -= --•--'--· nor ot bo&utJ' --tor •f oa vp' 11 11lill;J'. u Onnce 10ounty .,.nerar -Junior Oallop of bo}'a ""-with a raconl of -~ -ll:tiU rb1p, 11a1r I.al an. lll.i .,.,. """"t Into Pedro '"""t"ocl a brilliant -wt.., ud throe -Cwllll llufttt. aiid UllJe 11-SlttlAll' pdpta. All -qi Slftr of •1,000 or a dltf\1 at Bula. Alla A.ft., and tnr attadt to dnlp Riiy ~·· the_ aid ot a 1orfelt -over kn OM., ._, Poll,. .i.o lu\" u.. --... , -to the •Haq 'Jlemc>rial &.-waJJ/ui atnet,, · £&ll!01111a Hlgll· ~ c;,oUol' tootboll dub -wld<h pv. tho loeala the of tho -k--a nno,"'8 wale. loi,r -..cl "Uftlls . -pita!. l!'Nabyten&n, are recel¥1nf way ihtrot ottt......, 're~ Jt-1. ~tr clay a\......, ....,._ •• top apot). Tllo thrff 1-- eonl""'J'• 8lll&rtly lallond with _.,., Dr ~· the ntw l .. P.,P booklet Whleh Pubtnr -~ fiom hla .,.,., tnr btp achoo~ Wilmtncton. • (Nila-• Pap ~) ,£- atudl, lrM lhltk .i ..,.15 ... TlloD lhon'• ar:-. !I'-complete tnrorma~ '"' the _..,... ~led a1onr toward It wun't the number of -t---:;:::-;;::::--;;:::::1t;~; adrt of n...,. b1adt cnpo -wttll poplum u .... A"4 L0'1'8 'Ll¥tnc Xemorialo Plan. A.lready hla llome 'ror t-blocka before complet..i .., U.. )'U<la Camplled I C-. I•••• •-r'' I) more 11ow -Patp Jn. (l·llll .• •. -..-bluo ·ad la14 ln4u1rtea ano comtn1 Ill •-I collai>otn:r -~ tho -a. A. on -tlla1-counW tar tho 000 pll,ld tattoto, ni_te, jllttay (Uld cloth -._ al Ul.te. •-al>out thla molllod of Pll'l':'tu&tlng. pea•c motorlat found him and Seobawka -It wu tho' mt .u..t 11 Santa.ll<ioa --~ ni ud .......__ u. ttJW a.t PeltJ' ~ 1111 }(..,,.,.. Aw.., the memory of rel&Uve1 or trie:nd.I be WM taken to the b o 1 pt t a L they provtdtld. tstia" J)wM:b to puah 0 ---Oregon Tech -- ee.ta •ea. ) .. by rttt-of bo8pltal equ.Jpment. A.ft.et emerpncy treatment. be OWT the t!'o toueh-.U for Joe 20 ___ .... Fullerton -·--. , . . "Uvtng llemort.&18" t.b.&t are wu releued. · Be.rey'1 underrated ecrappen who M --Kt. San A.ntonJo _ n.luallle to llle alck and at tho ~ of Oo1ta tyon; James L. ployed !Mplrod ball whlle tho Pl· 8 ·--·-·· San Bernardino __ I 11)t'J, pt .. •al," aid HanJ, ~ ~ of th• "Double J:n:t;• an. old I decker tlahlnc aame Um• a.re f)ttln& tribute to Porn.. 27, ltl.91 Baker atreet, wu ratee: were out for no particular 19 -:--···· R.lv~e ___ 11 . the memory ot IMJme dear on9, and treated at st. Joteph boepital for motive except to play football. If ··--·····-·· Chaffey -·-·-8 I· "'°"'· "Waht al.ll't, ?" I l&ld· pertly rl&'ht on cue. "'Wht an , oy.t of eoune lllly, or a cberry • la. addition. honor the donor, h&ve bead ;and pouible tntem&J inJurie• Tb.e Harbor lou drew the cur-21 -·--Santa Aria ___ 1f a lllncetti appeal that few e&n re-ll"rtO.:y a.tter h18 car ran. ott South l&ln on the flrllt OCC .grid cham· 19 -----Bot.e, Idaho _ ...... lliat. Xany orpnlu,ttona an plan· Main) street neu Newport Road plonahlp 1lnce jolnln& the rugced 8 ---·--Barbor ··~-Q ntnc donationa ct.. importance a.ritt and struck & pole. Be la.ad been Eutern ~ere.nee four years lgo \ A ND SHOPPING NEWS . . • rn warm w m £CJL m = -u =-wa •-•--,.·-. PUB' .l811FJ) AT !%11 BAI.BOA BOULl!:V AJU> NEWPOBT BEACH, CALD'OIUllU TELEPHONE• HARBOJC 1919 .c.ane cl&m for that matter," replied Harry, "Tbat'• whf rm eelllnr th.. apMl.ca ocean altw, tn the ahell rt(bt here at th• llqalde ftllt Jlartcet.., Indeed yea! F'r'elh., Jl"'rub buahda of !:at.em oy.ten. ud cherry atone cl&ma. have juat been nown tn by doc" will tormul&te plw to· finance releued yute.rday. when it wu flltabll.lbed. Row>'• ~ lU .ulta.ble mem.orial8i apreadinl' pay-I ;:;:.;....i....::±·===;.;;;;;=======================;::==::i====:;. ' 1led. trom tbe Ea.It Cout. Great delle&Ciet . • . tbe prioe ii cb&atly, b~ tbere'a &lway1 the ch&nce that you mJpt crunch down ~:::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::=~-.on a pearl! And a dOkn oytten.,mltably wrapped lo jeweler'• puae .. ------------..-~-------:-----, Twould make a hand110me sttt {or aome loved one. Then too, UU. By MARGO +."1'-U:'S ROI CA.GE Or A '11&bt Squeeze h Noi A Meny 0. Poor dear Anna Held! Thia vain· bff.uty IO de.ired a wup w&at that she had a rib removed from her bread buket! Don't Snit!, Mr1., you Jhay want a little turkey removed from your hlpa youraelt' thla week. I'm not about to 8Ul'C••l cl.amping you tn an 'Iron coraet or a.ny auch mediev.i torture. Oh say na_y ! You are to t&k:e a small courae In body beautifytnl' at the Su.nffft' Sywlfim. Became if ever there'• a time when you want to keep ttilm and tit, it'• tor the Yule seuon. The Stauffer System pro- "'POOI' AJulie" vtdu a procram of pleasant passive exerciau to be enjoyed while yOu re.lax. Whether you aeek lo reduce excea wel(hl or merely eat your cake• and boJd your own, the Stauffer Salon w1ll help you achieve a pip of a posture and a fll'Ure like a fnahtnan. DO:S'T WEIGHT: Call Mn. Adams at KL S-'1010. Staotrer 8J'Wlteln IO!S N. Mala. Santa Alia. REMEMBER m.AT WO~ I.WAS fsLLING YOU ABOUT! The one who waa caught with that l"f'Otuquely bare cupboard! I think he.I' name wu Hubba.rd or 9CJ'Melhin&' like that there. Well, 01ten1ibly Ma. H ubbard hadn't hf'ard of the Hibbard Food Club. Have You ? Well you ahould, 90 llaten. The Hibbard Pl.all enable.s you to buy a roodJY aupply ot frozan foods. mu.ti, ve~t&ble1 etc. at whole- 1-unquutlonably tll• aeuon. for Lobel.U and Shrimp Cocktail.a, pyat.er drualn,-and a touch or Ab&lo•e tn your Brown Betty. Balud! Drink your next tout 1n Blvalve1 from the llaJ91de. !IOO ~pae, N_.._ .,,...,. claJ' la tho ......._ • • • WHAT'S TOURS? BLACKWATCH1 OGILVIE. LINDSAY OR MCSKOOTNlCK! ' Come l&Mie • . . you take the hllh road a.nd ru t&k.e tb• low road and we'll nleet. at the ftnt brae. lt'a for •ure you're a needlnl' a Bobby Brook•' tartan pla.ld blollle for a •trollin• ln the l'len. Full FMhlom acroN the 1J)OOt'8 and into Corona del Mar ·ha• t.beH lonl' 11leeved, cotton clngham• ln authentic clan plaidti $3.96-$5.9tli. Alao for your happy holiday• -purple JerRy , blou.e•. ~ jeraey1 With velvet appJtque1 and loU more sweetly 1tyled je,..y gulmpea.. Fun Faahk>n'• velveteen •laclu, an: featlvely flne for the Highland or any type fiinl' , ... and pleue tor heaven'a aake ~t younelt' a 11t0Je . Undraped ahoulden are demi·motide u wen a1 chilly. Lot. of wper 1tolea here • , . jer9ey1, handk.nit.a. an handwovef MexJcan rebo3u from $1!i.9~%2.9l5. ThriftT Sift ite.ma a.round a $1 ... jewelry, 9C&rf•. flowers. Pump up your bq'ptpea Bonnie, a.nd away to Fun FaallloM., 1S06 Cout ldvd., po,... del Illar. . ·• . SAY HAVE YOU ll"LAPPERS GOT ANT· THING ON YOUR HIP! Well Twe.nty·Three and "-Skiddoo lf I.ff Stroup hun..'t a hotly·tolly ta.tfeta 1 heath aklrt witb a pooch pockeL Lk aya It '"'WOUid juat &ccommodate a pint n.J~y. I rather He It u a place for an extra ch l In on, hor d' Oeuvru. Ir old rt.soc blade1. Spealdnl' ot run and trol.tc, the J'o-LM Sport Sllop Ma a bevy ot party skirt.a. Jlat nrht for pmbol m~~:u:o ::O~ Y::·hol-II ~, J H w L d , ~~.~~10:·~~'.u':ci..::= ·· anu oome to Your cori.crete for waJJa 18 well atart.ed. The maln. bull.ding, auum.tn1 1t.. , general outline &nd Ila al&e, 3M ~ t t t i"'~·h::l--j feet eut to wNt, lmpreun &IJ • " who have an' opportunity to ln- apect the project and lhwi re.alise It. gttat atze and importance. The .recent l'i!t ot ~ trom a una.ll p-oup of high .ec•ool 1tu- de.nt.1 who have their own aoclal orp.nlsatlon, lndlcate1 the keen and l'Neral interest which ls be- lnl' 'rouaed over the , cou.nty-wl.df: fund r.J1lng program. A. •t&ted by Wm. F . Kime.a, cb&Lrma.n of the campa.lan,, "it I• important to keep in mind that no gift Ui too mW!, and at the aame time, no la.rge gin will be di.ecouraa-ed." The wflole program Ui community- bued and every •tncle Individual ls invited to contribute hi• or her abare-Lure 1>r am.all-and every wbecrlptlon Will be appreciated: &nd acknowledged by the Hoa.c Me.mortal Hosplta.I. Prubyt.erl.a.D, I rr r ! Skindiven to Hold Midwinter Underwater Derby ' • 1 I CALIFORNIAN ft 'l/}(,'!£l,~'J?rl Specif i cati o ~s in Distinctive Co lor Patterns • Chenille TIPe 'BROADLOOM .• * Spread Charm ' as well as Rugged . Serviceability on you~ floors at a ' post of ONLY-~75 Per Square Yard • * Phone Beacon 5431 Ol!t Jialeama.n "";n call on you and give Fr~ E!t\n1atea tor Rugs or "'all to wall Ca.rpetlng • e&le pricu.. You are then furnished with a Ma.n.itowoc Bub-Zero ll'N cubic ft. freezer. Thia dandy frffser i. an uprll'ht one with many conwenlent compartment.a. YoU don't atand on your head to !ind a pkg. oi rut.a.bag& .ee ! 'nle Idea la that by quantity buying, you ave el)ough on food com to pay for the !rHze.r. By n1aklng amall pey- ment.t, you have the convenience and economy ot a well atocked larder. And then one fine day you wake up In the mornln&'. KO out to the kitchen. pat your treeur on tta handle and say "Now we really belonl' to each other!" Seriously, this .aund., Wt:e a sood deal. The H1bt.rd CJutl. baa over 100 a tld't.cl euttomere tn Utlll areL So you could chat with any cne of them about lL For tur- ther inform&tiOA on the joys of ttcWar utinl". call Kenneth Dunn. inr on the creen~a.thlnr Pnvtew aklrU of black tucked tl..ffeta 18 1oru), pttUy iote.Ju.a at $l7.96. Lu.h black velveteen with &Old pheuant deta..U $18.60; tattetu with pepluma $9.93; quirted taffeta. $1%.96 ; bl&ck split aklrt wttb built tn red. taffeta petticoat Wbff! Sl l.9~. Pencil 11lm velveteen• $13.9~. hir any •one of lhue with a ~lack velveteen Frttsi top ( $8.M ) Oh you can. t>. the belle at every ball Prom Trott•n.. two atap to the J~Lee Sport St.op, JUS New· pp rt A ... e., Co9ta M,.._ I • • • "Oft SLEEP! IT 18 A PLEASANT THING, A. unique, comprehenaive and tatr conlet1t to decide the top akin· d iver• of Southern C&litomla .wu announctd yeeterday by the Wewt Loli Arl&ele• Neptune•. oce of the IU"'e&'• top undf'r·wattt flah.Jnr or· pn!s&Uona, 3060 Owrland Ave., Loi A.ftC"'le. Sf. Th• competition, e&lled t be Midwinter Skin-Dtvinl' · Derby. opena Ott. l~ and cloee• J&n. l~ with prl~• being offered to under- walf'r n.hermen brlnJlng in the largnt lob1ter, abalone and moct other 1peclet ot ft.h. NEWPORT FURN ITU RE CO •. 17911"" Newport. A.w., Costa Mua. Be.econ. 8950--J. e e PSST~ GONZALES! CAN YOU YOU HEAR ME! SI. PANCHO. WHAT EES IT _ ..........___YOU WAN:i"T THROAT SHE IS SLEET .. BEU>VED FROM: POL!l TO POLE!" You aald It Lady, a cood n.IUit'• aleep I• better for wrinJtle• th&n a fa c •·I l ft I •I· c-1.Jle'• ,..,..twn i. .t..111 ...Uln'r ca.re-cbarm- er alup m.attn! ....... quality matlreue. wt low pnoea. You can pt any type mattreu you ....,., ••• f<>r li«!>t oleeplnr. bud oleoptnr, day drHJDinl" and catnaps . , . Wyn.ken. Blynkm or Juat Noddl.nJ. C&J'lyle alao bu Just received a beautiful Kuehne oak di.nlnc aeL A modern beauty with Formica top ... ll'a IT&Y oak tone with -i chair• ... padded aeata andd back1 ... reuonable to the rte-ht p&rty which ts you. Other buy1 In aood Uvtng room eel.I tnd finished and unflnia'bed plecea. Carlyle'• h.rn.Jt:ve. J .. Harber BIT4.., .h. 1111 C.Sta Me.. .;Jl~;;l:L.l!l;:Z~~~~~~ ... ~ -GONZALES. I THEE N K MY ·· NO, PANCHO YOU ARE JUS • :~::H~~~~T1~~· ~:bo~~:l NEWPORT BEACH -EROSION TO AIL THE ~~O~~ =~~:rid• who have ,, CONFERENCE , DA TE NOW "SET bttn 90 lndustr:louely making walleltl for your gentle- n1an friend's Chriatmaa. Theae alligator1 have literally " Competent elll'lnffring help and Federal or State Aid for the take.n the Shirt.I rt(bt off their b&ckli to produce hand-prote<"tlon of the Weet Newport ocean frol\t wu Men u • poutbllity aome billfolds tor onJy '$10 K.ICK\,...S ii their retail out· here thl• Wttk u the M!•Ult of work on behalf of the cltiMJl member• let. Ob men! They have it all their own way! Get ot th• Weit Newport Improvement .AuoctaUan. t hem a paJr ot Swank cutf IinU {$1.96l, a tle bar for An early meeUnc wtth Col. Ed-... ---·--------- $1 up and they look bold. and brave u buccaneer•. All wtn c. Kelton, Buch Eto11lon Con- & man. really needA b a cre&M in hia hair and hla pent• trol Enrtneer of the State of Call· Me.an.whll". Supervbor He l n z plua an Art-ow ahlrt, and he's diatinctive ... ~l• bl.a fomla Dlvta:ion of Beach and ~r ot Newport Buch wu picture taken alongside a aoupcon of Old Sourma.ah. Parka wu promised \his week namtd by County Supervtaon to Well that'll the way It iJ1 •• , eo Ricky'• bu lerTi.nC •'Ma.a et when the date ot Dec. 3 wu tenla· Join a committee ff'Om the Or- silt plumage tor your males. Arrow rayon plaid ahlrts DI .... don.. lively &(Teed upon in a commun.i· ance County Cout AaaoclaUon H .50 up; a bargain buy ln Arrow'a waahabl• all wool s..,...c catloa addreued to Reginald Pel"-on eo&at erosion problem•. Other• ahirta at SlO. Loada of excellent sport ahlrta-pbardinea. jeneya. ram of the We•t Newport Im-are Mayor F'tank Shufelt ot Seal pghama by Maler of Call!. and the "Ted Williama" by Ciaco. Lota . provement AMoctatJon. C 0 10n e 1 Beach. Ralph P . Mukey of Ne-w- of cotton a.nd wool Argyle•: SUpJ>"r aox $2.M-$3.M . FJ~ wool Keltno, reUred c.hieC of lhe U, S . port Bea.ch. Harry LeBard ot ptald ba.throbu $1-i.9:l-117.30. Necktie.s that defy diacription. There Army Corp• oJ. Engi.neen for C&ll-Huntington Beach, C. O. Kimble now-•.. 1:ve done a.ll youx ahopping for you. Take thla U.t and f:>ml& bu a(T'ffd to a local con-of Laguna Beach and Mayor H. T . jingle your bells ofer to RICIIY:'S. l 'ICN ~ewport Ave. eo.ta Mesa. ferenc'e while he 11 en.route to San Read o1 San Oemente.. Beacon SM-4. Dfel'O on the n-ember dale. The county cont.e.nda that en· • 8 e ~ ~eering atudle. ahow the eroelon THERE COMES nu.; TENSE MOMENT Be will dJOCUM piano &nd meth· S TREMBT eo oda »r the reclam.&Uon &Jtd con-problem la complicated by Che Prta.1 tnclude an. A.--Lunc, Nbbe:r-.wl:'-i·•wbn ftas lad,...,. and other underwata-""""1ll1q and fllhlnf oqulpmont. Men tll&ll 5000 entry blanlu: wUJ be aft!1able today at the 1% checklna' .taUOOi and .t ........., oporllne looda 1toru ln Southern CallfomJa which handle underwater" ~p. menL The anlry fee I.I fl . Oleckl:D.I' stat.ton In thla ana 11 Ray and Ha.1'1 Sportinl" Gooda, 290 Fourth Ave., L&gun& Be.ach. The rulea, which are avall&ble with the .entry blank, provide a lilt of the c.heck:inl' •t&Uom, r6- quJre a witnei.. to the catch and f\Jrther require that the compeU~ tor be propeCly llcenaed by St&U F'lah anA Otune Commlaa:lon au- thorittu. The checktng' station. will for- w&rd their entrte.e weekly to con- tert he&dquarters where overall n!porta wU1 be tasued. lrmie Beall ' Hurt in B. I. Accident Two YOWl&' cycll.IU: ran Into the a1d,J ot a tn.ller Thuraday after .. noon at North Bay Front alley and Apte avenue, Balboa laland, buf only one received lnjurte11 police reported. He wu Inn.le Beall, 5, aon ot I. G. Beall, 111 Rutty avenue. The other youth wu ·Bllly Steiner, µ1 Ruby a~nue. Police uld -they came out of the alley onto Apt~ wbere they hit a traller pulled by a car drtven by Roland r . V&Ue.ly, 308 8oUt.h Bay Front, Balboa X.. land. Innle 'tlfM treated by a local pllyslcl&n f!W Cilia and laceratlonL PACIFtC AN~' PS TO HEAR OF FISH MEET WHEN LITTLE HAND ......... eye• trol of the beacb ih Uie West New-Navy jettte. at the enl.ra.Dc::. of throb and pulse• sh.lne· ... all the sweetly the war-d:redl"ed Se&! Be.acb.,hu- nu!d>ed expectant face• a.re gathered around port atte whlcb bu been eaten bar, u well u the extenl:k>n ot the green flr tree. At tut the packagu a.re away 'badly ln recent wttkt. the Long Be a c h bre&kwate. to be opened~ You perhap11 have that atck-Pel"?'am. Ui the head of the com-Cb&n.ginl' current. have· thtt&t• ening la.st ditch feelinS that your &'ifb may mlttee ot the We.et Newport .U-med hom@s aJanc the btacb Md have been ill cho!le"l\. Afraid wben people soclatJon wbJCh WU f'f'CeDlly aP:'" ~t away much Or.~ and. about "You .h.ud'n done It," they'll really j pointed to work out a plan for J'ederaJ approprlationli ha• e mean it. Now don't put yo~lf in tbll I reclamation. 0~ the beech a.nd Ila been obta!Md ~ ta·pt.anp -.ad peaiUon. A wiM and a&fe rtfl for tbe whole tuture protection. ln buildinl' up the beach ln tront family la Bou~ Slippers. There'• no one I know of (polar bur• Oovenmeat AW / of Surl'ftde,. 11em'.. Of o... Pacltlo Aqkra excepted ) who doesn't bate t.o get out of· a warm bed and 1tep bare Hope ot State 01"' F,ederal aid In will men. :rrida)' at 'tbe ll&lbo& onto a cold floor. 1$&fber'• Bootery ha.a acuff allppe.n-for everybody! the project bu ~n held out, NOW 18 Tll5'1DO: say Clllb to""bear ~ the Warm Jittle foot padll that you · jllllt thrust your toee ~ -eoikSay particularly 11Ace Ute Navy .hU h reat 70C1 .._.. et' apt:.-~of tbe kllft .. l.,toullM1'""' black a.. gold acuff• .$3.l&: warm wool)', furry red or ,blue 9CUff1 announced (t ii callin&' for bkl.I to ft. BA•MA 1111 .., ,._. .,._ cenQ,y ~ la Kuicu. .,.. tit.at delight women Ir chUdr.n $2.1&--$4.."3; tuq b!_ue or red Al1n con.trvct a rock wall on the Se&l Wut M ~! ttn. PacUte AaPen" -t.eem."' an- bunny .cuffs $2.M---$3.'5. Oh my! Slippers all ovv the place. Beach-8wwet Beach it.rand to • Daeid •• o. JVeK~Oout. a.mpsoo. Plakl taffeta balle.rinu with wedge bee.I $~7~;,, Old time fell.I tor protect. t:Ml attL Since the con· ll»p" ID Urie lOCll'1Mf .,.... u.e, Granny, and leather .rtp~n for dear old Pater .and the Boys. 1tructlon of je.Wee tm. t.be Barbor ~~· , ta t.M ~ Re:member! Give your dear one• a rlad band and a .hot foot ••. Ent.ranee at Sul Beach .A.mm.Uni-.a· "N 1-v·.. Calb M•'4n ol. .. ioea1 _,,_ -Wry. l'IM N-rl A.W.. 0-ta II-tlon o.nd N-"'. Depot, tld• have , taa ' 0..-.. __..,, on • • • • CONt&ntly Can1o4 aW&J' llle bw:ll , -Ult -~-'NO THOSE .UU:.'l'T. SWJrellf!S 11'1 Y"111t aand at S.U lle9dl. Compl!Utloll • 2 I ...--: . • •n. ·"""· llO JIUtY Jl'lll ... u., . CBIUSTM.U STOCKING-11'• roller ab•diu! ot the qodlnr act:W.na bere II be-•• ,,..., CbHltmu Parl!r flt tbe Surpr!aod .....,'t you T;: P,.tty 1ngeDIOUa of me llevecl to bo ca.-by tho a.t . , .•. ~Ult OM!!,.,.._ --- -m't tt f I,. • ..,. beard of .an,.... .. -. Beach JelQr and llT U.. OoliOtto...,a llftfar•tsrso, a roller abado for Chrl.tmu did 1VU!-Wtll, of U.. hcle.-1 -.,. off• •. ~ 1A1 a, B. BIT _.; the ...-~ bu. truaa.. bpabt ~tum.Illa· abon tnirn. t.ic.s •r·m. .. , ntay • =t =: :.=r: =~ ~-~·=-~c: Silpllili0 ·o ·rs ~ILY·~·c~ nnapwo-. I :iu. -'t .....i.t ---·• 1ut-Ullttto · ' 1-of a,..•'gl&b--- _., • .,_ tl>at .I am. I wu ..,.... to pt JW !loped te"_.Olll 11101a ta be local • Ill -•1n111i ..ii;-!::'" am .... rod but tt wouldn't ttt 1a your .m. • P"ll••• ,,., •• •c•;izw:1ec1 · : .. 1t11 w l••t . • ..... k. ... ltubboni. ••• If_ -'t ---.... -...-(hw'Jm • THI ·si ..•.• ~"'"" llf..JOa (l !O ~DOY~_.... ot lout-· floo11,.. .,__.. ~ ,_.. llaJl ................ 1M , CllJ", lllt -", e ~ -fOl'"tllo llollda_yo. -.... ----............ u. ·-~ -u.. -• °"" -...... .,.. ... ............. P'I rrck' Clttr+w• Md milUltoe. DMI...,, 114 tw. t...•&t• ...... t pal &te .......... ,.II .......... --. Jka:port. Bubar .. ~ ...... -.. I -.... 3 0 t ' • 822 Coast Highway, Newport Beach PHONE BEACON 11<11 • ' '"'--C.ac.\il : ' • ~ ,.__ ~ ,, • I OPEN FRIDA.Y llVEND!ll8 'TIL 9 P. IL -- .\lMO MD l OT t Olf I '-~ ~ ~ • ' . ~-·f_ha·rm·a o~. .. • .... .Ii' •·,:"' 'l. , p 'a •11 c a./ T ION ll -. . . ' • • • • '•' . ..... • 1 •' • •• • • I "'. • , \. I • ' . P.U.-• • ' llOY. • Jiii--·-,._ '"'\:! :.:1rou .,.... 1-• ~ ... ,... .. ._, • JIOet 1a01:1me •w ,_.,,. wm »"'*-..... • ,_, • • .~ ==··--~ ! ,· -Ul'llD "High Co;;qu11f' --WADE la "MIU: TOWN• on em llOL&!lD -AM- ' DEAD EHD Klll.,S. in . I • 'SMUG.&LBS co~ • DOORS OPEN ···~ow STARTS 1:'6 • : ~ "'Ille Tanks Are Comint'' -ALSO-"THE MOl ... m. 8rocWic:i Cr~ LIVING llOOK Dll<,NG ROOW l'o'lCK N ACXS ,. "' ·~~ -~ ;- • • ·wow OPEN SATURDAYS ClltCI SUNDAYS • llEDSOOll UMP llllADEll W&LL 8BELVE8 c:,,,,,, 1£RAt,t -lig1na A•ning & Maple. Sho9 . ~ ' . 'l90 S. COAST 8LVD. ·. ,,_ Chrislma~ l're~kw Due • .. _, ..... .... • ,. Q:" . ...... 1. •"WHIN. • WORLDS -C.01.LIDE'' ~I !h' J''V ---WA1'lfl?I -75 llf "YB&OW FIN" -~· ~--1.B+olertirc .. ~~ ' . ..-•. .•tom• .. ... ........ , ....... ..... A flllJ ., .. = I 7 Pt ~ dp't71 et .... tbs dlC'i =i, ....... , =~·-...,_ ... _,...... .-.ao,illlo~ -"'·* • lfl!':Jl'dap•-~~Cl"'.• ... -ls•Oft' .... .._. ..... _. ai.:~co±b' hlr .. llar .,..._ -•~ ,... ... ~ Of -• -,laddlaO. ol .x.. -.... Pl>Oml!I' ~ L.-OAm•r••r• .-. ~ IOtal ttroU. _..rbtq at B11Clll ~· .....,._ l't'MIJlll •. ~ The WU:._,,,_, an~-&· ~-... ~~-... ---~---• tral\ rWe ,_ee 1 ... f ll e.et. ·in ..... ~ a1lMC1e ivittl M TuM:.ta. o11!17 la1 ftdlos -llor! I U*lp, ..... ti Ii. In 1'e -~ llkkOtto-lfr:•-11-... ___ , __ for ,... ..•• ,,.. ... MrU6tC to CWtltr •• ....._la -Ulla ~ a f-~-' ' •' · ~a~ W~ 81atA ~I· ""' E NEW HUT sump: ~ BAr.·114' 'n>a ~,..,-"!'!ft:u• Iese, at PllJ!man, Wull. 0o. TU8- M1nr1t'; '~· Tnll H~ aa1U.• t.llMbcaUedthtd..11· ·-CrMib'. ilttt: ICay-'.80Di!7, -l>y ~· wltll • 'l'ba.Db-•:wt; Od Moone. Udrd; Dawt ct-. ID 'CL lll'uoe 19 mpmdlllC c-a~.1- ............. fw S I _;atll N a-.. 3 sa1••s 1tll'alAT msu TVKllllU nuT &UN! CLAUDlllE Cai WT llM!¥>Nµ.I) C~ • ''LETS MAKE IT LEGAL" PLU8: 8TEllUNG llA.YDEN vtVUlA LINDJl'OIUI la "Jo,ney Into Lltht" ..... --Trail Illa •T wllh a Tilda Cid --~ 9ailoJ', fl?9t; z.rl la e-tU.. -... to -' ...-. -: Oeorp -... at -111111. fr'SHERMEN'S w..; Gall Ann Pula. f--. -------~ Stock 8--«ay Bal-R b rt B d Jr c SINO CAR 1a7, 11rat: -~ ....... d: o e oy , s . =... B~~-~ ~~ Celebrate 8th ala SL at lldlu• .... Ro,_-~lnl Balley .. nr.t; BW w dd" An • 11~~UMi~~SZA80~~N~1'S~CA~T~'Oll~ w ....... -: rornat Paun, e ing nlV. PIW..; IDarl ... ~ t~.-,!~ Mt. and Kn. Robert Boyd, Jr., e.uure ~ 'V9.ro\ ................ -Y 51& &an Bernardino AYe., obeerved Ballr, Abe c..odd¥ and JlonJJle -~ eJ&llth Weddlne aJlftlYerury OeocTt. tint: O..U )(~ Stn"· on Saturd&y, Nov. 17. Cockt&Jla at • Croddy, 8hetTyl Botmee and t OttUy Bayv, 9eeOl'MI ; Ruth t"Jri.eer home wu followed by dinner a Balboa Bay club. Ptteent were and 0.'14 Bec-D. tlllnl ; lo Lin .,__ and ""''"· R. w. Budd. lllaer. 1'Ku'tlL Ned W•kehun and Jula Gap; &ack ra.ce--~ Warne. ttnt: allo Kn-Leo de k>e Rlcw, "Mn. Oall ~· Pu<a, -": <leOrp Lyla& ~ wllllnni Low "' llakor, Ulltd; Mt. Sodden, foortlL Ban Dlqo. and the Boyda • New Glas$ Begins at St. Joachim N1 WAIT! ~race-Bllaron­ ftnt; Kt. Sorllden. .ec::ood; G&il AM Pvta; Ulir<I; Kay ~. f-. ~,.. Dleh ........... .. ,,, Belmel, ttnt; Kr. Sodderl, lllieoftd; Ott.Uy Bayer. third; Geo. -·•'Baker, 1-. llllllor Run. Ride !Ir<. TboQ>u J . Nevin, putor and 1-4--clarol Knutt, ftrat; Qtl· "o( 8L Joachim Cathollo cburcb, u,. JlQer, eeoond; Bonn11e <Jeorce, ~ Ilda, announcu th.at a new tlllrd' 001 Moore fourth. Bare-laM for tnqul.ren wtU bt(in Mon- Oiu>l:ll YOU& L PERSONALIZED 81JNDAT-TCICSDAT • . . llladt ~IMaJc.e ·~ Moo,._ day, Dee. ;II at 7:30 p.m. tn the Ont:. ·,Ciu'olyn Pridham, aecond; rectory, llM Oranre avenue. De· Key B&BeJ. ~: at.wn Crocld1. lliped to• an.w-er quelliona pe.r- toultJs. ' • talnln&' to church doctrlnee, the 11\Yllcal a.ta Bbaroa KOOft:ll, l:nform..Uon cl.a.Pel; will be eon· nnt; Carolyn. Pridha.m, aeeond; ducted each )( o n d a y nl&"ht Kay B&Uey, Ullrd; Stenn c?od4y.1 tbrouP,~ut the yev. Joarttl. arbor Masons Entertain Guests fhrislt1M11' Cards NOW! • BOOKS CHl'LDREN'8 B00&8 COOK BOOKS ART SAILLVG FISHING " FICTION NON-nonoN • 'PRANCIS GOES f irich Afghan Wins Honors in AJ1 ev""1ne of fellowlblp w a I /J J. lf' _ • J • enjoyed by lH member• -Fre" sno· Show ~"'" C>CUU C"•ta of SufarlAC Lode• No. I 708 Free ud Accepted Ma-. on I SOI JILUN, BAIJIO& Wednuday, Nov. 14th ln t.he.ir todc• loom in. th• Costa Kua Wlnllln&' hit! champlomhlp wtt.b-.1 .. ~,--llA-llii-iiiiii'iii'ii'•••I Bank BWldinS. . ta two tnonths le the amaJlin« rec. 1 • TO THE RACES' -Ph>a - ISW <BAXDLD "IRON MAN" Of tM., num.bar 37 Wll"e V•.,a• ord ot Taejon of Crown ~t. rfftdlAI' or vllillnl" tn Ulla area •hown Sunday at Fte11no Kennel ••••••••••llillw.bo are.membera ol. other M.t,-clu.b ahow. J ohnnie, u the bfoau- 90rllc Lodc"a. One of ~ suut. utu1 AfgtiU'I hound I.a known, l9 a LI a member-of Tokyo Lodp No. year and a halt· old. He wu pur- 1211 In Tokyo, Japon. SeatariAc chued by Kay and Brad<n F!Dcl( ~ "'"'!. moot bappy to k boat ~m1noi. In S.pumber, plck.ed '° tho~ IUo""'-•. . • keuiel and bu been shown NOW! New Lower PriaH • P'ldahe,.a and Beeblve Bib-'n-T uckers • • to Dc\nce at Pacific Coast Club Saturday, Dee. 1, baa -Mt by Blb-'n~Tucker club for their CluWtmaal dlnne.r dance, to bt h8d at the Pactf'Sc Cout Club tn t..oa&: Bea.ch. Cb&lrme.n for the evmt are Mn. Rmald Barlow and MN. Jeck Bruner, Balboa laland, a.ad Lynn Bughee; Corona del Mar. M- •ittinc u t.o.t. and h01temee a.re ~ board me.mbera for the put year: Mra. Mogftll Abel, Mra. M:at'lb&ll Clark and Doa Johuon. t..guna Be&c.h;. Georp Winter, Gordon Finley. Sant& Ana &ad Stuart.Dte~. Corona del Ma.r; D~tt Will be HJ'ftd. at •fP,t • o'~ock followM by a .t.ort ttuaf· ne• m.eetinr and offtcaa tor the com.tnr year will be elected. Re- mainder of the eveefn&' wUl M st•en over to r\anc~ with raulllc turniahed by Bob Snow'• orc:bee- tn. 1'\liJ&:ty 11f1Ht ...., ham an"4 an tenn time• -.nee <theti. never be- t.ht trtmmlqa wtre .uved. bu.tftt iQC defeated. llJk After dinner, Bro t ll er In tbt. llhowl he wu named but GeQ,rp :so.Jey m. & a t t r of cen-of breed. once be9t of all hound monlM pvt a e b or t tat k bl"ffCb and at the RJ.nrakie abow, out.J.tnJna the ?UAJ:lif:r i. w h t c h Oct. 28, wa. named Hst. dog of Se&taJ1nC Lodp came hi.to bein. abow. He wu handled by Kn. Startlnr WSU\ a memberabJp of 22 rtnch., and th.la award waa a IUl'- lt ~ crown to & mem.ber*1.lp of prt.e ·.to her for ~y two other U8 reCdln.6 111 every acuoD of ownen ttave &'one best ot ahow the harbor area. wt.en h&ndlinl' thelic own dog1. llalwood Berry. a member of ltveryoa' at the ab.ow waa Se&!&f'iDI" Lodp, p.ve a molt iaJ· amu.eed. _.en tbe do(, after the t•rutln&" Wit on th• ~ricaJ judg!Dc, Jumped to the• table 4Qcoverlu in Mexieo. Durin&' hi.a wb..lch hel~ the troph.le•. perfectly retldeneti the.re of aeveral yean WWJ..nc . to a4mlt he alAO thought be ~u pr1vlleJ"ed to tut.er ~~ he.. wu ""beat." The audience loved of the tomba durtnc tba ex.can.· It, and everyone whistled and t1ont. · ICJ'e&med. ' A vote of tJwUu wu extmded An tntere1tlnr aldellgbt to the to Brotber Geo. Bosley &nd bi.I Frnno ahow la that on ·the day committee toi-the 1plendld work Johnnie made hla champtonahJp, he they did tn a.rranrtnr th1a evenln&' a.po became a father, havtnr aired ot fellowahtp. a Utter of fi'l'e puppies bom tn S&n S.afariDc l.fdCo will have many Di•Co· Thia will be the lut time enjoyable eOcial nmtnp durlll6 be will be ahown thia year, u hta the comtnc year. cha.mplonsh.1p mu.t be ooElflrmed YARNS !!OX. SWEATER ud BABY YARNS 48f & .. • IZ • MART KNIT SlllPPE I fl E. Balbm. Bl\."d.., ....... Har •• .,.,. I T. Y. sm FOR RENT I I i TIDE T. Y. J'Oll NitWPO&T BLVD I N_ .. _ llAJUM)R HI -DRESSES . :COlTS · .. r SUllS · -SKIRTS -PRICE . . ~~""" t209. Comt f!IM. ' c ...... .. Harbor 0711.J ·••••••" •11 •••r11•••• ••. ,,,, ~ILA\§§IlC • ' ®JP>IEIA\ ••• ••• aT ~ ....... , df ...... ,,I Wilt. c..'91Jt fl I el el ....... c-...... ,, BARBER'S BOOTERY . 18'1 Newpori Ave. ise..- COSTA JD!l!!A 5659-W c DAT AN o · s u .1·1 R~yc~D TD CDSTI 100 3 WOOL '40 ta 150 YAUIS roa ·$25 to $30 ClotAesH•·ilt. ' Mesa Pastor Preaching at San Fernando , by the .American Kennel club. Named to Council • .:: n.=i~~0:!: ·~"::. at Oberlin Co llege ~~. ~~ "=..., 1mc:;~.!,".,'; J.(>NG HOLIDAY · Mr. and Mra. Rou Owen and i ~~=:l"'=~~~~:A~\~'JC~·=:M:l~JIO:cA:~:~iD~~~~;~~ daughter Ellen of Balboa Coovea. c11ned at Mike Lyman'• in Loti ' people."' He ta.kee a great lnlereat Ku. J'udJth Cn.ne h&s rec-.Uy ln ehildren and adult.a alike u he bttn elected to the dormitory la l>eln&' walked around the rin&. .......-•~n .... OOOD aa ... •---• c·--~--.··-Rev. JOR'Ph W. McS~e. pa•tor Ocobeuncll from her dor:mltoey at anunllnl' up to be petted, and ........... ~ _.,..__,,...,. -..... -.. ..--Es.WY-ot the ca.ta au.a O>mrruanlty rUn Colle~ Oberlia, Ko. •lwa.ys get. the blggut .. hand" at _.. alolC, ~Mq Jo1m .-. B•--~ mm all •Tiii' t..a, ..... thoc1•-cbu-•. i. ...;,....,,tl•c Mlaa Ctaoe, & tenbm&n tn tb.e the -•ow • toe·-to ,._t ...,., all cle ---memben.. ~ ~• •~• ,_.,..-" Cooao ~ . L' .,_ atalt .,.. .... active ._.._. of u.. 8 ...... aad Prof..SOu.1 nigbUy 1e"Jce.1 th1a Wffk thf'OUlh ti rva.tory !Jf M.uatc of Ober~ •The Fcuno Uiow wu a beaent Anplee on tbe national holiday, am 1t11.joyed window llhoppi.nr • tore dinner. On Saturday they went to the game and coalinued on to Van Nuya..tor the week end. W.au'• CIU.-se.w. W& '9 rtpt. ..,. ~SNI _. rraw Friday at t4e Moorpark Com.mu-Co •re, ii th• daupter of Mr. and e.ffalr wtt.b proceed.a &OLD&' to the ._.,, ........ "-.._ .. ,t, L,i.....,. u• Carol -. nlty Methodi.t churcb In ut• ~ Mra. Tbeo®H J. Crane <>196 -.1 Hwn~e Society. Mn. Finch .bad DIRECTORY remaodo Va.ney. Jtev. ilcat.w.nei1 con Bay, llrewport 'Reach hJglt prtJ.M for cotUteou. and cor· t -:::=======::==~ I It '1VN a thrill ot pride to see ~ ..m.·UcUt'"You use'FrtdQ abeence from the local ,putpl.t ta • d.lal 'tttatmmt rec,1wc1 there. 11 aomeone In our OWJ1 home town ni&ht wUl admit you to the Sat• toned b th Unlted ---~k• u ldaa. lhape It a.n4 huUd It urday nlaht Pl'l>ll'Oln. which be-oc~ y e ••-1 into aa .annual net. and ~ It aiDI with a 1p!Qelty lhow at I. 1d1stlc Advance MJaslon of Soulll· 11.aCh • a\tCCftl that everyone aup--fet.t'Ul:in& Dni ~ hJI' fa. ::'ru.~o~ ~~---~ Port.I it. mow: Latin American ~tr'L -~ -.c.wv That'• what we have In tbe ,An-1'lia part o( tile .,,_ will be area are en....,S In pdtptt - nual N-Rarllor CbrlaUnu strlctlY for looi<lq, a.n4 we are -- Prov!.,., comlnl up this ,...k-end, told they do • .,....d -· After-~·· J. stuart 1-rat wu J'ciday -saturday ..... 1.,.,., In .. vdl, these tonid atlnl will ~speaker .... ~ s .. ~ our f._. Rendtzvol. BallrOom aettle down to aomo -~ .,.. In the x-chuffil. lJla ..,,.... In s.1-.. Tbll la ~ l'?ftlow's mutlc ""'* hd*""" for danc-.. topic .,.. •'Bow -lh 1lllU filth ,.r; and -N..--t.Har-..... Thia la tho tint -...... About JewaT". kr B•w•011A and Prot.-loMJ We>-cram ol -~. ud It will MonWT fa.mliy • ..-o1 '"" _.. .. au1>. .. -~ or1-C011t1nuo t1D mJ+>t1ht with t1me --w: r' p.ated Ud lleYJloptd It Into a -1 .. p:ile' drawlltp aloac about cllurdl wW k _._ ...... blc.. lllY oolorful lhow -plan-ten. ,,,_ ... -... day la u.. ~ llell ~ Dina lb. bl-eniorta•-don, _to_ta.1.11!1s -$:lZ In valuo, an ..illl • PDt, 1uek -at t :M bupln"' tho )'Mr. tho main ~ -.-u be p.m. . • "1UU' _.... -liWn •WI.I' •. • AJlco In a Wondarlond o( J'uh. iolb Friday and s.-, ...,. -• • =:::!."'::'a.u:i.ri'-~-~ 111ap. All thla for 11.20,.. t1cDt. · ~nbgivinfiDinner kovtlful -la -•nolbar --b'Oln the -Co to Ult • G !-L ~ fat whl<b -'·-· 09'1 -flt llllld, wblcb ...,. at erl'llh om• ' • J>Uadinc _._ce 1n aman Qrinr f:,, = .:l"'~ -~ •t)'leaa.n4~-1or111ot-4af\ilinJoctau 11-1 "-'·-~Ula•­--Baaiiltal._1!_ __ tlio 0.. 11aa partly ......... I....,. 1 I U ~s:~~-... :.!;.t·-~ ~-;;~--no·• .fortll-' .... _.t llootliT Wp ~ *' ....... !)flu• Jolt I" :.;:i .. _ ... <ii !!!.. .... -... ~ ..... °"'-· "'~ .• ;, .. 9'.,. Jtt._ .. _.. :,> .-=.:.all&= •1la1n 6ola 1z::. el. I rstlP; rtllt{a.....r;--. ... ~ ~ 9 Pl: ... , -at tJio .. __ .... ---~m-........ ----""---. : . ~ ~ -.... ..-....... , -. at • 17 -... -cnir. llf r z 7(1• . -It ~ ...a-; bllT • lift -. • -a...,. .... Mn. .... .-. tbat II 111*U., -Bon...., ---·-....., .. m.~-a~ .C:-.'i 'nit''• -~ ~ _,,.,_ • • Ll'lS'l'E» A. u:cKE8. D. D. L D1CNTIBTRY 1 Ti5 Newport Blvd., Costa Kea If~ Bldg-. Beacon 9751 ' , l!06 J:. l!aJ' Aft., Bal-. eUbor m..J • . BALTZ MORTU~RY ~ I.Mr Att•h-t ~· c;.-B!pwa)' OOllOJIA NL 1U11 DAT :ANi> l'IIGHT ..... .-., Dioiftg ._ ..,... I hJO AM. le I P.M. c!.lly 0..0.. 5utMMyo ""' helidayo .....,., ~·rlr 2.i1t6 l.olo 9' Rii PAIKIN5. ' • • • • t 1 . . ' I • 0/ lo Contiiiuing an un}roken reconl of dividend Pf.ymellbl tO our depositors, it ill gratifying on the part of the Directora to announce the 30th conaecutive 'dividend at the rate of 3JI> per annum for the Semi-annual period ending ~ 31st, 1951. This dividend will be paid December 31st, 1951. ' •IWPORT •AL•OA FIDIRAL · · hwlaea ••• l.e•• Aandtltlea 3333 Yoo l,idQ. H.Wpott leodt. Collfonilo i ~llooe1 H•bor 1500 · ~ llDECTOll8: J . A. -Nem na..u, 11a1p11 P. Haaey, 8. A.. llleyv, P. A.. ..._r, Wolfer S. llpkjlr, (). w...r--. * ~ .. "'.-"' .ru1 u,.,., ;. ,.-1-.,_;,,,. ~ f .. • ' ThlJ: .AmodatJon -Wt:th telOUl'CM'-ln cxceu ot U .000,000 pnmdoo,0...t:r for 7011r f\illda. Your account up to $1Q;OOD ')• l!li+NNd bJ' an laatrv- -lallty ol tM u. 8. aoftrbnl~ ' • • Count, Clud* Ptotest V.tbn ~poinf111ent Holiday Meeting of K~ppa Delta The ~pa Dell& Alumnae Ju- oocl&Uon of Oraop County met at Ktt;h&el Ma.nor ln Santa AQa No-- verq,ber 17. Bouqueu of colorfbl chry.1:&nlbemunta I' r a c e d t h e J\Dlcbeon table. ·A Thaaklflvlnl'. mo~U wu ~tried out ln the clever plaCe cazds and tallle1. Attmdins were·M:ma: C. R. Staaf ot New· port Beach, Rlebard Phll\IPo !Jl Cost& K-Robert Btueblac ~ Corona de.l Mar, Charlu S&ndliw ot Downey, ~. S. Goodwin of Whit .. Ut.r, Je .. Powen of Norwalk, JC .T. Bradley and C&rl Haye. of Ana· helm. Leonard Baltzer, J . .n .. Strallle, c. J. K&rU, T. J . John· M>A and Mia Joanne Boward ot Soni& Ana. Travel Lecture I Open .to Public An Wustn.ted trav.1 lecture ahowtns unt11ual ecene• in cttle1 of Bruil. Pafa&uay and Arcen- tlna i. open. to the publJc QJl Tuetlday, Dec. 4: at T:30 p. m. tn Ebell club bou.ee. ~ Wilder re.. turned to South American coun· trtes for material on hit lecture, 89uth America Reviaited. Becauae th• film ta J>C'UeD ted u n. d • r auaplces Of EbeD club travel ~ tlon, be l1 stvtn.C' tt at a f'taction ot hit usual fee ud the ,cru-. 11 charcla&' ohly 211 cent. odml...., ...... IUl'Ta IOUI 33c ... ... • ..,, .. u. HARBOR .PAINT.~& ~WALLPAPER CO. COAST BLVD. ~ ~ OOllONA DEL~ • PBONZ BMllQ& -· . \ ' BRING TRiii AJ1 WD'B 'l'OV; GOOD UNTJL,JAN. 1, lNI . ~ c.utomla llevot .. ,...,._ Duck lnmtlar tn Alplae count:r 1y 100 _... mu .. ot lolld to U>e bu been nr:r eood durtnc tll• cultl..UO.. ot frulta and .. ,.u;. put tow da.:ro. accOtdlac to tho blu for c•nnln., treeclnr and pre-N&Uonal Automobile Club. Jlo.t Hrvlntr aJol\e. hunten have been t&!<lal' llmlta. ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~!--~~~~~~~~-'-~~.--~~~~~~~~~~~~-. ' Scatt today to SA VE II ON YOUR FOOD BllL .•• art to .. Safeway ••• Ceffee Val•es 1 ... con,. Sic "' ·. . ·•' Fr..r.Jy rOUled for .. .., collee ._. • r sp.;.11ow pricoo ~at Sdoway. Tbe n1-li""'1 are i.pt a few of tllo ..... 1 low~ ilano io' will iM\ al JOU _., ~ ~= llore ••• Tbe _... _ .... ~trip ... ap ... dolluo for,.... - '" fancy skinned1 10.18-lb. avOtRJge. I ' Popular b<o'!<ls• Swift Premium, Cudahy Puritan, Armour Star. Butt 59· C Who~«full . 53c Half .. . . . shank ~If -. ' .. .~'BUITEI' .. .:.., .... Chnk or 12«. 27' .~ )Ir ~u;•t ' -----.. -.. ' ~ 1 - PUBE .UU For Dc+liday ~ 1~ l9c nd &y;.g. ' '14&1 .. . ...... . · ..... .,... . • ..... 4"•• .. .., .. ._..,. -::nc t ... s iri•·:· ':: llc •111ss mil C. _ 1.At _..,_ ... .....,,,,,.. ....... !_-_Jtc. ....................... -.. SllcMflllCMt ,..ec .............. , ..... .. . . , ' l • ' • f • • • • # ' - Ian AJID I C4ftlf-G JC&WI .......... t 111 ?'II ... ---~· Qtt'SO ---EW w .... A QM'll• • -~-· Tl.l'dlp--·--· Worlt Clotboo SZRVlNO TBll J'AMDDI! OF-TQ~.­ J'OR IT 1'Ji'Alla. OPEN' SUN. 10·.5 '.Ph. Her. II& • ri. ,Sf ewarf fam·1l.y PiN•• Lose ~,:..ant.:!":';:..~~ • -(Oeaa.i'.ooll,,_hpl) th•m ,a -major chore for "-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ij;;;;;;--~'·t Ge 1 Omlt' h -H ca.tie 1h practsce pmu -two t.he alternoon.. Cout" nenr Md'. -l!lolfotfa-.. .,,,. a-•r ' LIDO I tr-of ti:em ln b e. lut two. weda more ,than two touchd'"""' liC!Onld. ' ~ I ' after th& Pint .. tlllWled their a,ptmt them In lea111e play whlc;b .Tele' phone' Here". 1._ -· lpoldb)t. to a tlrht ~:-· r•rate'1 • CLEANEll8 W Newport Bl>«. AND Harllor jumped Into the !tad Ml•Dlnf, J:d ... yor, Wood· ... ..itu taimar Ute ball away frall'1 Jt.ouae, Xeeltae. ·°'"*'-and Qlar ... tbl "1ratoo on tb1lr own two yUd lty Blick atonr with Howard llll· x .. ptn• ~-wlOl th• ..,.;ttoU. Jin#. Palll Cbate bad faded badt 14r, Mal llmalloy and Ned Par-• r--to pq1 and the Harbor llfte *IOI conatjW.ted itouo•1 heart 'ot lnr rulden"'1 ancl-b 11-oJ n eu cb&r,.d him With web fllry that 1111 def-YO unit 1" the Ian a.,.. rrowtll ot th• bay tommynitl.., llJ<:Y knocW the l>a1I out ot 1111 doo pme Mayer and Wooclbou .. the Pacttlc ·'telej>hoae and. 11"ele!' Jtanct. and nco•end on the-ee•tn.' 1'eN credited wtth 23 1top1 lfl'ltll mph Co., 11aa lnltatlcd tJie 10 _ The Pirate ~ held and J~k """"'"' dolnr a rreat job ot OOllTA llftA . . .... .,,.., :·•··~ ........... . zu:cnuo llUPPLIU UrllU.r 1'hm1M l.Alllpt1 -8111dte- Pvta -llepaln • ' Allen WOJlt back lo punt. Be wu _, pi.yo In. KannJnr, In th• OOOth Ne'Wport Buch ~ban,. TOUJbtd anid the 'feM.lt1 p•e the eJW of ltoleo, i. probably Ute telephone, it wu announced Ulil: Hartlor eWrtn a · 1il'Wt aown on belt. defmtive end in the M>Uth· Wffk'by Xanag•r Ted K . Ham· their dwn 2'. J'roftl tllera illey land.· Ap lnllt Santa .l.na .. Ila RY M. WHETSEL brook. Tbe achievement wu com· Went all .the way fo icore 'and tackled b&ll caniere behlad' th6 . D\tmorated .at iu1 ln.fornfl.l mile-lead' T-o, ~ Mayer ·bad recovered lbs• of ecrtrnmap MVen: t.lmea &11.d '11 ~~Blvd.. etone ceremon,y;n1 the home of the a l\lmble. to iet up Cout'1 drift lt 1ra1 Uke tbat an. aeuoa.. If they Plloae lleuo• Tut reclplenta. the Rev. and Kn'.. Wch 'WM llopped by a ntum tried Kannln¥• tad. It W&I 1Ul· 1 :~z=========;:; Jam .. 8. Stewart, :MIU Cir<>14 l)r.,. fwnble. clcle, be alnne waa lffpG,nslble ll>r ' Newport Beach. ... · Sld M•nn•ns Mt up Cout'1 Joa• ne&rl7 50 ya.rd. Ioet from: 8Crlm- ·' • ' ' Attencllnr· tlie ceremony In addl--re In the third period u ht mare by the rreat Berdoo clubc ATER HE.A TERS Onl'V $3 50 Uan to· tbe stewvt.I were their e4 through to block Allen'& Tn, it'1 a toap· tuk the 1ertM1 ~ 8en1ftl .......... I _• ~ children, Raebel Mary,' I ; Martha, fourth down punt. The b&ll wu face a.nd do\abtle11 eolne will be • ' -· I ; and Jimmy, Jr. ·3·; Dt8trlct Tele-downed on the · 21 of Harbor and hurt or feel allrhttd when the re. j lJ.... B I _ -J,_ I~ an~here in Orange CowrtY. Elaewhere $4.00 phone Plant ~tendent R.'H. Bal Smith went over live pi.71 IUlt. ot their "1kull -1on· 11 .,-~ De.aver ... Manacer Ham.brook, In-Jater from one yara out-Jeue m~ known. i P LUMBING All th. New1 of the HazboT Area T~ ltacll W Mk 1tallatlon Foreman W. F. Krcdal Smlth'• t ry for extra point failed. II-1 Aatllo-Dealer •---------------------· and Imtaller T . R. Adf.m.a. They John Salvuecl intercepted a 000 RIC o.7 A: Nla".t Beat.en W&tched wblle Mn. Sl~wart plac· pua tron1 Chafe to set up ftar.. 13 -····-·-·· firlt down.········--11 TtlfofS . ---~-------,-------------ed the ttnt call on th• mile.tone bor'• final sco~ whlcb came flv,. 144 -yarda pined running -139 .:..:--...:.O~' ;:*;!'w telephone to her pattnt.I, Mr. and play1 later on a pua from Doe 131 -Y•rda plnld p&utnc -148 I i;:;;E=====:;5;:;~ Mn. Jamtt A. W~ ot Coun· Woolever to Jack Ca.{roll. Don 213 --·· total ya.rd.I pined --·-281 ell Blutfa, ra. Seal• kic1Ced the aecond Of bia 2•5 ---· ntt yvd.a pined --'HO After pre9entinr the Stewarta two convuslon.a. ...,. 115 -yell. Joet on penaltiea -· M I WE UPAIR • -· ,';t ' ••••air! , t ... ..... • 1/2 Gal. .# • ... ·• '• Gallon ., • • • . ON S4L1t TIU8 wizD:ND /'(). ~A _,,. ' .• L I D' 0 M A It K. E T -VIA µDb, NZWPoft•ll&Mlll ' • .. • • ' . " .. 25¢~. .. "-' . •• 41 '. ; • • ';I • f / . ' • -· , , ' • wtU. a certlflcau bonorln( them 8tatlltlcally Cout wu In tile • -·-.. ·-·· tumbleo. ----.. --2 1· $ E W I N G u. recipient.. ot tbe tnlt'r\m\lllt, pme but all their ~ drt.,.._ I .... Mll loet on f\Unbla --2 uambrook ...allad that 1n1iW ea· ·-d.,.p 111. u..1r '""'· '""" 1M . .a.CH IN ES cp.an.,e crowth wu alow coinpar-tony and encted net.r the Jfaibot' OUUT IN NOR.TH ~ ro11 ~ .. ._ :tu:WI oovD•es .. :. -_EXPERT -·MOTOR TUNE ~ UP : ' For economical transportation we 111gge11t the following: Adjust and clean carburetor; adjult control rods, bre&ker points; fan belt; clean gasoline filter and fuel pump and igni~ion ; clean and adjust a park pluga; clean and re;-0il air cleaner and breather cap. Thls la a 1peci&I price for. two ween only. Labo r 5.95 • ' • . Culbertson Motor· Co ~ 2481 Coast Hlthw.y Newport leacll l•ac• ect wtth today'• a.ccelerated ex-30. Twice they 1<>1.t tbe ball ·on Vl,...u <Butter> Pinkley, aon ot I ~tie a bdustrlal -TWICE A. wm-.· ~ p&nllon. Re aald that O ~ tumbles to .and Wllat looke,cl llf<e the A. L l'lnltleyo ol Coot& K .. a, BEBUILDlNO -PAJl'1'8 ·puac:1. betMe there wu a require--pa7dJ..rt. drtf'ee and & third time ~ the Th.anffctvlnr holid&ya We· Pleil lJp a.ad Deliver m@nt for 5000 excharire telephon• they Wtre atOpped. by & 1.$-yard. 1n 8actaP"1e1tto wh_.. .he WU -el\• AiJ Werk,. 0.rut.eed and that the -liOOO lnltnl· pena1l;y !or bavtnr too many men ~~ .. ,_ ot Kr.and Jira. _. Oall -n aw men\< were:ad4cd I!> O!dJ' J""' '°*""'"'«on -play. liC. Ral!lnr 111d clauPtu, ~.· ~-~O'J'ON yean ta'.lbe eomm.UnJU.. ot,lfew-. GlBLl:'l's -CllarleT·'Black led fte lilea ,J'O'lith •la a ltudut -..t 4 Mbel• A.,... C.ia port s.dl, Balboa, Coot&• X-tile team In taddN' lnado with 1f t78C Dental oc-.· · aqcl Co,,.,. de! Mar. llopo to llW ...&t. Re al.oo bad '"'nlJe excba.na• Iii amonr the u. beit awrap plMd per ·run. lutest 11-tnc ot compuable S.t • • •. Paul a.ate ._P!eted Ne on th• weal eout," Ram· el.pt ot 11 pulll' 'for • 115 yard.I brook declared. "a.od the end of . . . Harbor ou.tp.Ined Cout by tills rrowtb i. not' yet In •ld>L'" only lln.tu'do. 2'1-213, after all .1 ' -, . . Re al.oo pointed ..,t that the plnll and io..e wore totaled. That eomp&11y'1 policy ii to care fw dOND."t tadude UN 116 )la.rd9 tn all -ting appllcant. JUst aa pen&IU.. ......., the l'lroteo . . • quickly .. pouJble llLDd eecandly Tbe J:utern contt.rtnce sporta to improve the aentee. edit.on nt.fft th1I attemoon (Tu_. "We a.re doing our level belt to dq) ·to •lect the nuthtcal all· care tor all commun)catkml re-contennce team.a •• ._.Coul'• lead· quirem•nt.I here j u.t u repidly M m. Cl.ttdid&t.. are l\1&rd . l"red. tbe a...UabUity ot equipm@nt and Owem. .~ Sld V.nntnl', ta.cklel materlall wtll permit.." Run~ .Jtm Kedlne .and &d KaJel'I Uld ..o&ld. backo J-Snitth, Joi,. Bia.cl<, · # Bt•t• Romee Trallen hftpl&r Sbapeo BEACON Mil O.eall-Ma-0.. HA Newport..,._ Clwrky Black tderuwve l Bal ll~lb. and Howard Killer (deten- 11 e) ••• Bob Weod>aouA wu n. by RoUo u the leacae'• beat t&ckle but probebly won't be conaidi.red bedue be mJ.ued t!lree Jeaepe p.me• attu an auto- mobUe ~cldet Wtuch M wu faotaUte lo Uve th?<IUJh. I ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ "l'lli muter minds will have ·a toop""' tftne •lecttna that ftnt 1tr1nr otfca.olve backfield .,,ttb fQCtb aces~ u Oout'a llm.lth 6o111 and U.01 Black •rot11era; Kt. 8an HILLMAN MINX Antonio'• Dick .routa; Cbaltey'1 plm tax ud lkB••• Mariee.' h'nches; J'ul1erton'1 Year ll&nor ·.,_ D 'ET CbudL H~llowa7 'and KetU. I ' Qayaea; m•lt9'4t'I aw. ~; ~ Atl'IO 1141 ft Santa .Ana'• llCllt Wlcl{ort aad IM' W..i New,... ..... S&n Be.madlllo'• Perry. .Jeter, Tim N-n -V&lllclt and Don K e,_ J:acll one timbrtt. • ~-U..t U..­ l · ther-e's ~t~ll time to . - DECORATI B·EFORE THE . HOLIDAYS COME -~ AND CHOOSE YOUR' DECOllAllNG .FABRICS . , FRO~ O~ OF .tru: LARGEST SELECTIONS IN THE SOUTHW41>, YOU U AND A\,1. l'ES: CONTEMP6'URY, PROVINCIAL, AND nA.1)1., TIONAL IF YOU WISH..:OUR DECORATING CONSULTANTS WILC HELP YOU WITR '( · UR COLOR CO.ORDINATING OR ANY DECORAT· IN6 PllOlllMS NO CHAlt6E. . ~ . 102 limt F•urttt St., - SANTA ANA rth & M•ll'l 2'-9611 . . • YOU MAY ALSO HAVE YOUR DM- PWES, SU, COVYS, CUlT AJNS. V~ES AND CO@NICE IOXES ~CUSTOM-MADE IY ALHlrs. AU ~·IS 511.AIAN'l'&D ' ' • ! 0,-Set. ...... 'Ml WO Y ..,_,. Ptr'"'°I I • • ' ' ' ' i~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~-~~r~.l~tn~~~~~lof U-lloJo 11 deflalte &11-!Hpe ~~~~~·-~~~~~~---;-;~---'.";-~~r-~·'---~~~---::...,.-__;~=-!-:;:,,.:.;~:,!;,....~..:..-::.....;.; • • ANNOUNCE ~· .. OPENING OF • ,\ . ' . • . Tlllll IBO:P Dae. 5 • t • ' • . , ' • r I ~f .I • • " ' . ~ . . .. . Fcincy, :C~.r.up. P~Ready ·steWing IJ.e'1~: .· > • PICNIC; STYLI • PORK .ROAST CIHTll "CUT Ill - ~ 5 .. 7,llt. Awer•1• PORK .CH.OPS WT CVTS LOIN POR .K.CHOPS ·111 otl,LOIN IND POii LC~IN 43· 'ROAST • 3-J'h Ho. Av9 ••• • • • • • .fAIMll JOHN'S 1st '9eiltJ SUCID 4a• IACON 1.7• 14..Hut-5"1.. ... • • ' IEST VAL II GIADIJ • COUHTIY sm1 POii ' . SLICID • 4~· IACON ~· 1.ii.. tt. .... 5"1 ..... !~~!~GE . 43t.. FAMOUS MAQI .•.• ' PAIM.,USH ••• IVllY OAYI • Two .Hot Spe~li-Yoi.r Choice!:-- , t , t C •-I "J W61.SMOOTH-U. S. He. 1 IUSSl'.f POTATOES 1Q ·lbs. ,.. AMO ' ·sweet Juicy Valencia ORANGES . . ....... ·3'2 ~::-:.... ... c ....... ~···"· .' ·-PEANU.T , · BUTTER HILLS BROS.., . 1-LB. CAI ' . PINT 2ac - ~ fOI MlliCLI ·SUDS ••• TRE ·ND . :MIRACLE · I ·.-·WHIP ·-._ ' · ~D~!ING • ' "f . 31~ · 9U IT 53c. 1·9 L_. 61ANT Pecli•.. . c PKG. ELICATESSEN FOODS . .. • f ·r " SWil'TS PllMIUM Ali:•• ' . • • • FRANK'S ·Make Yo.-r ; _ Fr;Ht ·Cake Em:IJ! ' . ,., . . . . --.. .._._. ...... c ,.._ .. ' . . . . ....... ,.... ··--Sw~lft-• ....._,_ 59• '""'H-·Hewl AU.Meat. 'Franks "· ~· • -· · · • , < • ··, , l'ICTSWIO · I.ANCY l.ITTU ,&As· 1 ~6c 11 ..... c., • M.Q. l'tlc'4!1 J~,. T'.OILET TISSUE . i ........ l.U ; cwP.s·!!~· .. IA.l' .1"00PS., r .. ·1· ~ 2s~ . ···•• ... 1..;.r .,.. 1115 POCY'IASfJIM APP.LI . ·SAUCE ~z -.17c CAMPllLL"S" TOMATO. SOUP 'Me.1 ,. OC Tell ~·': <I ~ _,,, • · 1·· ()c. . ·"1Ml'i1eoafr , ................................ ""'""'o ....-..C ' ~ 2 ~ 3$~' ~ ' . • • ' . 1 ; PILIJlfm-$ _ ·PANCAKE MIX ' 'if: 27;; We·,Specta&ze in Courtesy. ••• · ... · · .. · :As Wei As ~ritgsl . . -. • I - • • • • P-AOJI t NOV Ill, 1111, H'&w:eon MT -&XD ~ ...... ,._, A A A ·A A .· . HOLTBY SOttS f AMIL Y JOINS . . HIM OVERSEAS a.•IUC Aft, !l'O'>'. •· -Lt. Da>ld C. Boltlly, -of Kr. aod Kn. D. W: Bo11117.~1111 Ocean J'ron~ Nowport l!ft<ll, WU ,._ e<ntly jollled at Iii. p....,,t at.a- tlOA with tht 17. a. Air ...,,,,. In t1Mt PbWpplneo, by hW wife, Kn. &tllel >l. Holtby, oad two daqh· Wro, Marjorie, G, and Patrlcla. L ~rm.. l'tlllklent. ot PacU1c P.H•dea, the Boltbye wll1 l'ftide ID the mlll...,. depoildenta ""°'lnS aru on Clark AJ'B ~ their stay O'TeHeU. Ueut. Holtby :rt.arted .)>la mJU. tary aervk:e :with UM: U . 8. Air J'orce "' 1H3. Durin& World War n. be wu a member of t.be Elcbth Air Force and participated In 32 aerial combat mla:lou OTer J:u. rope for wtlJch he wu awarded an Air KedaJ with four Oak Leaf etu.ten. , He ~tettd tbe aervice in SeptemHr ieo and wu at&tion· ed. tn Jap&n before eom.tng-lo the Phllipplnu 1ut J'ebruary where be ii now .. 1ped u a na.tp.tor for the 62<Mlh Photo Jl&pptnc J"llght. lSth Air Force. A bolder of a Kuter of Science decree 1n :f.d.ucatlon from the Uni· veralty of Southern califomla, tJeut. Rollby wu a former high .cbool teacher at the Rosemead Hlrb oc11oo1. W. S. Hardy Now Serving in Japan AN AIRBASE m 3APAN, Nov . 21.-Surea.nt w. Sam Hardy, h~ band of Mn. Mildred Sandstrom Hardy, 103 Goldenrod Ave., Co- • rona del mar, 11 now on duly u a motion picture cameraman with Detachment 1. 2d Photographic Squadron. Air Pictorial Service ln the War Eaat Theater. Sgt. Hardy arri~ ln the Far Ea.st ln July, 19Sl.,and covered the nm arp:itattce negotiatlona a K.ae.ecmg. Ko~L Lately he hu been dOUl.I' documentary moUon p icturu of air bue• ln Japan. Prior to hla recall to active duty 1n December, 196-0, H&rdy wu em· ployed by General Plcturu Pnr ductions. Inc.. DM Molnea, Iowa.. During ~·orld \Var IL he wu a combat came:raman with ~e VU\ Alr J'orce ln :Europe. Be bolda the Purple Heart and BeJcium. Y'or· nguerro. Ria oon, Co<p. William J. Hardy. 111 a atlll photogn.pher with the 1st Photopaphlc Squadron, Alex- andria, VL Tbrtt other chlldren, Donnie, FA and Betty Lou, reside with Mrs. Hardy ln Corona de.I Kar. Ex-Newporter WiM ~ood Conclvct Medal CLARK AFB, Nov. 21.-A for- mer Newport realdent, Pvt. Tbom- u a: White, f ha• been awarded the Good Conduct Medal while aervinc a tour of duty with the U. S. Air Force 1n the Phlllpplnes. Prlvate White, who wu cited for hi.a demonstraUon Of haDeaty. ~ I '· RENT, OR TRUE . USE . Tlf ~ A A. A~ A A 'A ' . .. . l .. ·~ . t • .. j t! g ,]" '! S W _ !':·?' .... ; tlz±, . •1 Wn1' II 81111 I& M 'nl, Piill . ~1'1'!•!1!~ .•.. L ~t;o •.·•• tdQ' ~· J!'~8!9V<JOti ""usED 110 "WJU. BOU>-P,i4ico.,. w.&ai ,a...._ !ID , 7 •• llaat!I. .._,. ~ •d IP. Im ~., ... ,'("!_,,. -.,,_, • QrWw-~. D..LM• >&llr --Dw.· 1tL W..,& fto1lt ...... Jro~& •11 • , ........ ---I-~ O'ireof. 6 xmttt 9C!HMID1' Jllr PIW -. _,_, :r-4"' ... ft. The Mig)aly ~g'lt la Ad•.ntl4"9 · ._ '211f'W; . • ~ . H. W. )Vfjght Co. ~....,.. -:-·--.:.....:.~.oo 1uta AM.• It.. -1111 ...._ -. -' • Ct;rpenter Pi.. Bueoa Mm ' :.E •-lroMr, t&s ·' ~:~1 PIA!l'llll 'l'O ~ .... ..,. .-.-,.~ __.....,. .-_. , Al4'DATIClfll-UPADS8 1,_ Jtcufiilt -· C----· . .L~~ • . ~ , --.............. ,.-, • NEWS-'J"UU*' -Every. AvflPaJ -= --·.. . ....... . -... f!TJIO IUOBTLTUUl>)lliaot-- NEWl'OBT BAY POST-Wedwdays . . · . ·..,.. CU::~?'·': :'.*·U":: NI· •_t;::,,~~"..~M !:...°':"'~ Mr.~:t.:::: ·. NEWPOBT·BAIJIOA PllEf!S-'.OtandaJS UWll'IO aa4 ~ Oall4 -~ attor 1 p.·a. .., ..n.i !Wrl&watoro ' ,_ UOTJ ~-:No . .,._........ !l'n;)M -.... Oz ·--- _ .... ,.. • .., """'to,o11.ari ol&lN. -ol:tl LAJIGll Ll<>MZL ~ -"5.00 -.oo . fut.G!J luta Aaa. XJmh'1J' J.,osll. Nowo T ·• tM ftm ' r........ ll>CI wlto few ..,_... Jlallj< .... WldaUr motor l>IU. Jl:>t. cdl l!lecUIC -..,a. K11n11VJ1 AD m' LllfD -"• olttbl6 ,11ar11or ~w .. ~ .,.u.., eoadltlon. -enot-. • G cu.·lt, "'11"°" _.i7t.ao o~-~o ~ ~ • &.I?' , .............. fWCMlia .... , lllfllJSC'I •-Tiew!)J: a..yaor.. 4pl Jdoe.kdiMtteMt.t.abla ~ ;._.k~ t. U.. 1 ..... • .16 CAr.rr. JllllCJUl'1'ICf • lfUllilS · " • · 8ol>lllft Putor --• • ._ '-U.. • S ...,_ · LllO ant111>1o'"' um lllt, Apt. '-GIVE -" ~' ehalro. llhM: plutlc~.... OU.-at .-;.,.n "Po~ .!' !\!!!;'! ! !! ... _ a I I :.. ~· • 10T VII. ~ 4d ...-~ ·------· .--Utaer ~ JSlml!ll -0 '-U.. I l'.,.n · I.Gt ~ Sn ~ Tools L rl>p, h12 --··• G.95 etc. DANPscmimT ·mi ~ t · Tiie _.,.. w111 ""' 11o ,.,......,.. rw ...,... 111an °"tr. 111iic111oet WANT HOOawoeuc: 1>7u.. c1a1. • -a R ~........... , • Glv ,..___ .,.__ " s._ sui..ua. uo No.·Kai>o, VER SELJ>O!l ln...&n ct an --...~ ru 10..lllo dpt to eottoe..., duolly }ftOlkal auruc or -~ ~·--. e e .....,,.u ~---~ _.. ... Ith• st." -NOW for _ j . -and 'all --lo reject ---t --to -"" --Baby sit-can JOHN KlJ«B!·• Bar. lOl'lol\ , • Xmul do .... haft & -ID tllO UDO mu ·""" ~-.un..u-i. and ,cance11au... wllf • u..r ean lin 1n. 11ea. 1111-w 2u2 -~ Ba11>oa .. Dale's Furniture · 4PTB. o1t UDO m&· hralob- acceptec1 up to & p.m. '"' the cla1 proeadlnr polllicalkla. .,. zi... IUl-J. . 3pG • J •• GcCB · U1' Harbor Blvd. RENT A PLUfO fl ,... .....,u.-eel apaitment • Illa ..,_t. Dreept cllodllna fl>r Nowa-'lllilu 1111a.m.1oloDcla1o • ' fol llH •• ,,__ Idul fGll ~Couple )fUll;'llo -- ._ JIAr, Hll. ulr for ".U -er -.. -·--to J'INID LA.U!l'DRT WOIUC-OU--OOKPLICTE """"HT Krtc1D:N ~ K-• Beacon MS7.J ,... ••PP . "'I ·,.,_,.. ,..... paiaJ. A* for ·lillt. Glrobiilaa. .N&WPOllT -FOllLISBINO 00. · --·"' . .,_at ~'II; MUSIC 00. · 1111 .,.._ IIlft.. Now,..t .,. & ~, W.., etc. ar lroainS only. Pick unlt--otow, ~' alDlt and KCj>DllRN iled dlyan and chair, (Since UO'I) 421 No. Byco.moN. , p A. p AL '"'.E.., up and dallvory. cal;lneta. Pru~ ........ wm ~ tablt altd s cb&lro. '79 Santa 'Ano. • Kim*q 2-0l71. • m. in. Cluslfted Index 1t-.hw a..... 11 ........ lfatedala JS •twt.· Bel''*-t• rt.1·-.. 14 8Mre Year car 11 Traupal'1l:&loa n Beoftq eoatneton 11 -tr Al4o • tt Uploolllttrtq MffMJU. All1a HLeot ... _._ .us.-..-- !8 SltaaU.. WMkMI ti Help W .. tl!d SO~ MieeeQaFelQll H-A8- l&-B ... ,,._ 11 Wonted fo 11a:r n hraltan for 8e1e ...... AatlqQm· II -811,,ue. u x-. ll&dlo ll5 Dep. Calo, Peto M Poultry, -to nu .. ~ SI Special A••M ermat. &t Bui' Oppwh&alUe. u si.. ... ...i om.ep U Waated to S.t UA....-.taaad H._ U-A Traller 8paee 44 ...... fOI' Rem$ U.A Bat Romm .U Rut. &f•Mlf:0 a·eo• .. ._ ... _ ,, Trucb " Autc:mo-'l!reo U Aa ... Wute4 IO Auto Sft doe 11 Trallen: II .&h,11•• 16~to1- N Ho-·Waat<;J ,, RNJ &.ate w-w .., _ .... ,...,. 11 .;.. Estate Ezchure UB-.lr-te'e For Venetian Blinds, Shadea and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 U-llalldlaf l'lei ..... • • DON K.·BUTIB IJc. General ContractQr a.tden~ llemodelinc PboDe .... 'C'Oll " ... " 1Ttfe nrrmuoa -wzwca P.AINTIN'G Help with dinner partlea. Kn. NII at 1' pr1c:e.• Cf.II be _,. J'oR ALL. Pb. Harbor 013T.J __ JNOOIU'OIU.Tlli> • WHHa-Bea"°" 15691-W. lpll at ISO& Cout BWd,. Coran&:clel tner ' p. m. ' k,11 RAJO(QND ORGANS! Tile S-l UU VI& Udo. N'twpOrt ,.....,. ICXPllUZNCIJD W'Om&a W' a a. t 1 Kar. ' r • 4cl -Hammond Chord orp.n . .U you v .. h.-ironbl6' and hou. 1"0t'k. by-'the 1------------0, S}TZLEVUUON, 121,i .. maple don"t know a note you can play ---1~ > • -1 liq, it.JI! por'b-. ~ .... BO~'.~ 20•, 1llte ..w;· .,.,,.l J:ablo model. •Good condlllon. tlll>:! The Ran\mond Spinet Or> •• . " • 91.lte ""' -after 5 p . .,,,_ AU for ...... and pad. Ix 10; J1!W Nan-• 'ftOO lncludlns table. Pb. !tor. pn. World'o •moot -utltul .; . eo•J1~n8 Tfttan~ , • Joi· rllp, .. t. oisu; Po clrc .. bor IS97•J._ ", 4pl toneL &uy terms.-DANZ. ! ___ .... '+ Jl@ee. _,pe .healer. .... cu. n, u11a..-f••·-.------~---.. ........._ --·o" n-.. eo. KAY I ~"' you ~th-your entert1ln!ng! Ca II Mrs. Kary David9on, Har. 3001-J •Jlcl2B • ....--~.~... ~· •-~·•-\Veot end ot Park A.;.., Bel)oa with mbtor; ,a'. nnetlan blind; 8.MALL WING CHAIR, pa.' Leo. Santa AJ1&, 520 No. Kain, cor. IelaDd,. s rm. cetlq'e OP.ta. Uildenrood typenltor, ta• G.,._ divan MS, c1a7 bed $10, c&rTed Ith Str.eL Wtt1t1y or m'"'UllJ: rata. can rtap: ' dinette chain; m&n't eoUd walnut d!n.l"g table, e -------~--'---I · lMther Jacket, ,,,.._ u: man'• chain. bullet, '1211. 8llpper cJiJu.sobc.ul Special -BeauUM _____ 2912 __ ._w_._. ___ . __ • leather vallN; deluxe lbopplq' ehalr $10. 510 Xarteold, Co~na home sllle grand piano. (.)om.. PXNTHOUSE. 4 room. partl1 cart; packinr druma; ladJe1' del Mar. 3,,:5 pJetety tefilliahed a D d recon-turnt.bed. '45 mo. plUI aW1t:1ee, Tn.~rt:Tn~ AL coat. wit and ·alacJu, alse 12·14:. ditloned ln our own ahop ~ yearly. <tot :. 2ttla st., Newport Gl J hnst · UL 'I .l V ~ I &bop Fluo!'ffC<nt Uc!> ta u• ~KIRAL . REnUGERA TOR -Tmno $80.SJ dn. It $21.28 per Beack. Hui>or '13N'. , 4jlt enn 0 on. BuildingMaintenanc ~ble. ~ W. OcMll it'o lhot 9 cu. It. deluxe refrig-mo. at SHAFER'S HUSIC oo . ....,,---·----'-~ LICSNIZD -JNatJKm) I 50l • n.t ~r ,,:.,~port = noor 1"Uinl' • Window cle•ntni l'rdnt, Newport Be&ch. . 5p7 4 fr&tor, hu 30 lb. Cl'08I top free-(Since 1901) "21 No. Sycamore, BiLBoA ISLA.NI> __: Attraattve -___________ , 1 w-.. wuhlJI• for bulldlnp, ~ che.t,. one bis-meat chiller Sant& All&. Klmberly 2.ol'.f2. b&cbelor apt. wr lo; B&J, lJt'iL ~ • TOOLS-Complete <*l>!Aetm>kera ~ d -'-· d. n---PAPER• HANGING atoNa,ottlcooandbomu . -••men• ~-andhancltoola ""two.c.-..-rsfor .ve,.. .., -~ pal --· STS mo.. :rou'7 2205 w Baltto. Bl't'd N t Bch. ... ,......., .., r~...... •· Al.lo hu shelve• in the SPINET PJ ....... .,O. Repoaae-. or $IO 'lllO, winter. PA. ~ A Painting, Spn.y Painting 'Teltphone Harbor ;,'le . . for anall lhop. 16'1 Creat'fiew· , jloor and butter k .. per. ,Uoed 2 Like 'new! Pay out balance '397. 117L ~· ~T Dr., BAiboa Bay 8borea, eve-lllCm.~ Balance due (jn con-subject to prior Ale. DA:.NZ-Kennf!th. Quarrv •• nJnp. GpT ' In.ct '239.85 cuh or take P•Y· SCHMIDT Big Plano Store. An-BAT Jb'RONT-1 bdrm. tum. apL 1515 Santa An& Ave.~ C;o8ta X... am.IA.B.LZ Collea-• 'Otrl want. -Be wlH-tell people--&dvertiRI menta of. '12..t2 per month. See other at 1478. Re-n.tal return at -Ideal fOr couple, M5 month t4 Pl>ono Beacon ~ ba~y elttln&' In Newport, Udo ~ BaUfhn, 40& South 8padro, '498, perfect! Lo!A of other BIG June 15th. llk67R laJe ....._ Harbor 1020-W alter '•A •_g ,..Uerloll or pboni 21G2. :st!c BARGAIN~. 100 • .!'!SnNoo ~ TWO bdrm. WllUrn. houle, L ltlk. -~---~~-----,_p.m. Hki9_.. __ .,. __ wa~pe~------which to cu-. °"" o. ~ fr<>m ocean. By ynz ..,q; .17& '" H .._.. BlCD DIV AN ,.,.,. ta' ---'-..:. Ith St., corner. S&nta. Ana. lnOOth. B & .L OUSe ... overs C:AJlP&NTEI\ R&PAIJl Kill. WILL TAK& 11'1 new 20" Tele-iftd. nnt'ci;:eion~ =: -------"--·~----Pb.'Harbor25112orHar.1111Wl General Con. tractors Odd Joba by .the hour. l'!loDe ..-.., ,,.,. Studel:aker. Ph. . -•ble. Bowerbank, 2150 New· SPECIAL JIUY -"'11 120 baa attc Bucon ISSl·J. GpT Barbo< OiO. llcl )t occordlcm. R<JUIU $275, ftlue, -----....,--~---·•i . port Blvd., Coata ta. ' 5c7 for $188.95. Cue included, S50 Flnt st.. Tuotln. c:.11t. Pbon.e Kimberly S-lW (Home Phones JAaper 9-2173 or J.up.r t-2687) tltfc EXPERIENCED' LADT want. _.._. afl!! "tenu. $18.9!5 clown. $10.71 per th • •·-::::.::::.;::::.iz::•::~::::::._ ____ 1wALNUT bedrm· .. t. dbl. bed., CO hau.ework by e day, .1 hour. 1... , · · lnclu. 91>rinp and mattre,. and mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC ·. Phone Harbor lTO&-J. 5p7 ~-...... ... ,,__ · (Slnce 1901) 421 No. Sycamore, BALBOA -Kodern 2 - nlcely tu.rnilbed . apt. "5 mo., yearly. UUL pd. Pbcme -2191:.J'. · · tatfc APPLIANCE. SALE ~easer. -~. Newport Santa Ano. Kr .. s.oe12. ---------HOUS&WORK ...,.Ud b)' tilt clay Hel&"hl>, Bea.. 1«8-J. 5cT Frank J. Moll h D ..... 1 .~~ ' ATTRACI'IVIC llUIUl1 -apt., fl>mlabed. 8"'dlx. Ideal for 1 . or 2. "Oonftldent JocadOli. l80 yearly, f50 winter. Uw. lllcl. 411 Heliotrope; Coran& <lei Kar. Harbor 0291-R. .,. lc:i or our. ~ •· -..... ....,_ Refrigerators 8ltlCLl!lY dbl. box aprlnp and Fireplace&, Barbecuel, FezlCM Pb. •S..CO!l M!"-11. l5pe tn&ttreu. S )'r>i. old: Good COD• oooJ> PRACTICE PIANOS, '59. f7&. '8T up, Pay '5 per month. irun trade-tn $wed on new within 'two year&. DANZ· SCHMIDT Ric Piano Store, Santa Ana, 1120 )io. Kain, 8th St., corner. Buy now for Xmu. Anylhlnf In block btlck -----~------1 Coldapoi 1 co. tt., left band dltion, $20 for both. 354 Bro&d- or flapton~. etc. CARPENTER door, Y•&'· blna .................... '89.95 .,..y, Cost& K.aa. Bea. ISl2S-R. 437 !:. l:ith St. eo.t& Keu. A.ller&Uona and Repain Kelvtnator, t cu. ft. ................ $79.9!5 5c7 Phone Barbor 2'01-M We.tttncbouae, t cu. ft.· very Phone Beacon 5553-R lttc I -.,,.,..,.--.,.,,.,.-----lp9-,-B_ quiet motor ........................ $79 .9~ ------------PHOIQI HABllOR ISIS to place WILL DO that work you T-want ad cm tlll>: pap. want done -Jack of a111~---------­ trade,_maintenance work. Have toola and mtxera for any job. Call BILL I Bet.eon 64151-W &TcNH Superfluous Hair ~Help Wuted W ANTICD-Woman. for alteration and drt:~aldn1. Apply Harbor 2290-W. Stoves Roper white table top, oven control, pilot. very rood coa.dltton .. -.. ·-·-....... ___ ... ,74.50 O'Keefe A: Herritt table top oven control. very clean .... i59.~ Penlnlui.r-Hl oven with control, I"°" valu• ---....... $20.1>9 Washing Machines Euy wrinpr t,-pe w~er. wtth pump, good runnlng orde.r ... -.. -.......... -...... -....... $45.00 l:uy Splndrier with timer, pump, in xlnt cond ...... -.... $84.50 Bill's .Furniture UT B Sell Trad SLIGHTLY USED ORGANO In ., e uy, or e perfect condltlon-Bave $120 ... 1 1~ ,Welt Balboa Blvd. thfa. Convenient t.erma at - Phone Harbor ~R 74c75H SHA..J"ICR'S KU9JC co. N£w, Bea.utmll· All Wpol Hand (Slnce 1901) ill No. Sycamore, llTaided Rup-lleavy and colo,... , __ 11an_ta_Ano. ___ KI __ m_11er_17_2_-oe_7_z._ M . Vart.ou. llSe•, '25 It up. 802 W. Gth SL, Santa Ano. KI. 3-1848, 4pl RENT A PIANO. LJet tJle KlddlN learn. 16 per mo. rUit term rent allowed on any piano ln our trtock. DANZ.SCHMIDT -Bis Piano Store. 520 No. Kii.in, Santa AnL nm.m: RK., unfllrn. apt. Lh>lnr rm., bdrm., kit., We biltll. ·Panel· rll.)' heaL Stove • refli(.-film. 311 Heliotrope. Inquire at 219 HOUotrope, Corona dd Jla\.. Pb. · Barbor 2991-W. ~ Balboa Island . ; We haft 81Yenl &ttn.cUYe apta. and -for _,_ Mntal otarUar at '45 mo. and a few yarly ttntala lt&rtlnS al M5. O'KE&FJll A: ME1UUTI' Table '.l'OP stove. Girl'• 2' ln-: bicycle. Wal- nut buffet, kitchen cbaJ.n. Uv. rm. p.1 buter, etc. All very reuonable. 505 L&rkspur, 00. rf>na del Mar. Harbor OlTT.J. Nelda:Gibson, ~ -------~----30S M&rlne, Bal-r.I. Har. 002 SM.ALL DEPOsrr Will Qold any tttte 5cT ptano for Chrlsbnu delivery : at BHAFERS HUSIC CO. BALBOA BAT SHORES-Te&l'q. Permanenlly removed t.rom face, arma, tera. -Eyebrow• and hair· line ihaped-No more tweu1J:t1. E''ltN L. BRYANT R. n Tuelclay aod TllvrtdaY only EMPLOTJ:D Couple 1"llt hou..e. keeper to nr• for two children. Room and board. and i100 per :ironth. Harbor 1783-M. 3o3 Apex wrtn1er type wltb t-...;-----------(-81noe 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, New rustle farm ·hou.e, JL1cel.1 Banta. Ana. Kimberly 2-oe12. turniabed.. 2 bedroom., EndoMd patlb. call Ba.con 803l:W. 'cl Udo'• S&lon of Beauty Har. 2ST4 pump ............................... $49.9~ Euy wringer type, sood runntnr order -·-··· ... -..... -$25.00 11'.uy Termli to Sult l 1 TELEvis10N! Trade your old 1------------ ptano on beauutul teltviaion. TWO BDRM. untum. haa8e. Ocean Big" allowance. Famous makea view. lrrip.tlop, chleken, ra)blt efficiency and fidelity 1n the mer-12-BallcUn! 8enf(m vice, la currenUy ..-fgned u a 1-~"'l-,.--"""------­ aupply technician for th,e l200t.o S tn televte1lon. DA.m.SCRXIDT equip. '$M month. 14:22 Kon· 620 No. Main, comu Ith St., ro~ Ave., Coata Kesa. kl Supply Squadron of th• 'nllrteenth ympson & Nollar Air Fon:e on Cl&rk Air Foffi: PAINTING I: DECORATING Bue, to miles north of Manila. Graduated from Newport High ''The Best Money Can Buy'' achool be.tore enlJ.stlng for military 5U -Uth St., Newport Beach 1eryice ln January 19", Private PHONE HAltBOR UGI White la on ha 8eC01ld tour or duty GJtfe In t he Pacific h&vtnr Mrved in ------------ Hawaii and Johnston laland in 1948-49. He la the eon of Mr. and Mn.. :Ma..rvin White, 1361 Roee St.. Lone Beach. MesaHonen..iWRI Enter H. I. Parade PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 111 -llt., ~ -Boo.. MllT·K - Santa Ana. ., GET THE TOP DOLLAR for your old piano. Trade It tn for ita tull CUh value on a Packard Bell teJevtalon &t SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 190'!), UI No. Syc&- '"°"-.$onla Ana. KI. 2-oe72. FOUR Adorable ,Bllie Point S~, mele kttteu, · ~ stoc1c. Two month;; old. f2ll MCb. au. 1328-R. 3p5 -. ' ft wiQ run-• ·.' " .... , ti ... ii FURNISHED 2 bedroom hOUM, ·eeuoa ,OI' year. FaieecJ tn back yard. Dbl ,....... IOI -u.t St., Newport 8-ch. .{ll)flUtre 3008 Ocean l'r<>at). • 5p7 *Toti and Pets Welcome * 'l'HRE!; room&, 1 bedroom film, %· double. Newport. 1 bllr. to ocean and ba7. $40 mo. li&rbor 987. lle'llJI • • I • • • I • • ' • • • . ' • • • • I • • . . • • • I ' A .. A · A • !! !I!'! ?!! r;-4 ... • . -' .. ! !I!! !J!:1J.__~~ IUllNTAL f. • Duplex, Pier, Float SPECIAI.JS'dl IC-ollopptns -...,. -·-• BLANCHE A. GA~ Raltor J'RA..NK L., 8BVl'IJ..T J. )WmN ..... * * • Bay le Betcll :Qarpins. ' Olll -a.is . . -.it -·r.... -patio, 311 Marine Ave., Bal~ Is'land-Unwood Viet, Rlt.or. EXCLUSIVE =-::.,~ ~ lllJ:: -11 11"1,.. -· - -II.I KNOX II'?. c0sr A KESA-Pr I e t Jlt;llllO, lianu1lllbod. Plt. Bar. 1871 Or 1112 E-9-. Barbor ~ Tl!:lEVISION NIGHTLY IUD ~THI8 70/IU llam'9 away -llcme. c.ir -..... -.io apt. Nnrl3' deCOrated ...,,., wim. nu.. . , OC&AN FRONT BO'!'liL -W. Ocean J'ronL Har. NT Ue12B ll'Vl\NDIHED AP!'. -a ....... and -.th. adUlta, no peta. No~­ UL Near center ot Costa KNa. $50 month. 1171 l'UJlertcm. A.\re., a..c... ~13&-M. lc1 a ti 1 •r-.ftame, Rome or tn-Tenn.I. ' I n' , Tuaat wUllq" to , ..,-. -.-T•..-Broken New ·Lido Listing i.-.. TWO bdlm. ........ -,.tlo. EXCLUSIVE I ..... I ........ 'l'llt -~.-""1 • Ulo THINK OF IT! -1 •ii.lot. °"'*''" --nvo ui.a. "'' ... _ -Ult-. ,.,_t. Wtlt N••IMid for llJAOI, ·OM ..._. llDil a1one ~~a fW' ror Newport Heights your lnVHtment. LlVC rRl!:E l'fft' Ultlq -2 bed!'cl ,.. Ind tn the other unit « Mnt and •vuuble ~Mn. l ~ beth&. a.. you wlD haft mon thUI 20" ..,. ..,..._ ~· patio. <lope return Cll\ J'OUI' money. can. ar-Oocl c1-i-Pf'lct; fu.eG. ....,,. for a ll.8Gt tint. --- ~::1' .,:: ... _. ... wtl1llll to Stock;Chk!ken Ranch It' you knew wbat t know of thll 20 Knit 12 actW pe:rma,._t pu- propuv. you wwld aay, •-nu. tun. I ...,,_, ban&. llablal. .. the boot buy In t.owL" _,,.UIJ' lnlptM.' ........... , cheap · ... t-er. r.qu1pment for . BALBOA ISLAND IOU'l'H BAY FRONT. Thia will pleue tloe 11K101t dla1mlnatlng. A charming houae with Ii bell ... ; i · b&tblt, large patio, plwI a lovely 2 bdrm. ·apt. Both. completely furnlahed. Hu pier and float. ' .l dlmtlncttve 2 bdrm. home with guest apt_ DflAS. TICALLY reduce4 for quick sale. Beautiful tu... nlahlnga_ Perfect 1oca. THIS WON'T LAST LONG. ' CORONA DEL MAR AN ·OUTSTANDING Ef.I.ERBROOK COTTAGE. 2 bdrm., enc109ed patio, perfect oetting and one of the nlcer locatiOllll. Unfurnlahed, $15, 750. -o - "Believe It or Not" 4i lmal1 tncome unit.I f\1rn..Llbed wttla BIO nttll'U.. Priced ta ..U. at '12,TllO. STCJeO dn., (l'09 In• C*De POI a aoatll. -o - For Quick Sale :rtw Jaltl • ·'-' ... 7 ,...... ......... u.al 1mlldlnf . .........,... ~ Good 1R11n .. Winter M .. _. ... ;000. t--. I * * * n. ........ ~_tMa __ ..,_,.. tJll9S -llJCO -~ -y -.fa - bdnna., I 'l li&tl&o. !-t1PI III~ -~ p~lfts la Ja-. li91a&' --all' Mat. w-pallo jil&at- .. t.o .lawn and --8an"1' boadL .,a,ODO. . '*** . - Kodera bome Oft at JU,188 ---... T.-bfrma. In -.. ___ "-· attaebtd to .......... --pod -Nim p&!!o. Qood Jocatk&L . . Desk Space (or rent In 15.000 eblc'-a. WDI cona!der Business Income on Coast Highway OCltAN l'RONT-L&rge ch .. rlUI. Balboa. Office • low down payment t.o qu&lltled Buildh!g with 7 reliable tenanta. Showa 20 ~ ID· --·y !llrnlahed apt., alttpe • Franc'IS• J. Horvath oporator-or part trade. R 2 bdrm. 0. L Reaal•. Larp Uv. rm., dinette, tn• tn ll1t., dbl 0.. ......... lot. Mar Npt. H,U. • A ....i buy at $7~1900 dn. Mo. ,,,..ta. $03.00. -0 '.BAY CH REALTY --~ .>~" -• -come on lnveotment. oom to build. DON'T MISS f10 • S5 mo. Call at 7304 Oceu Gn..a.r.u"~ A: ASSOC. 14'0 llalboa BITd. Barbor UN * * -o-' ~ or Beacon 8493-J. 1~ "20 w . BaREALlboa BITOvd.R Ds-. 1··· BUlLDER -llmALTOR nns ONE. Attractive Temui. o>'I w -llll New part 81..S., llut>or "61 . * < * * * SJ(AU. A?l'RACTIVE HOUSE, 1~1 w. Balboa Blvd. Har. STO ltfc BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR G. I. Resale Want Space Around You ' .Wta.ble for 1 or 2.. Reeeon•Ne • -----------------------'°" hlan4 Ave .. Balbo&. cau Corona Highlands 3 Bdrm. home. hwd. flra, HY. nn., and dinette, au. pr .• nice fenc- ed-Ill-yard. N -COUAlry dull. Only 110.450 -$~ d.n. and $62 a mo. . -. •Yenla.&•· Sp6 Large comer vtew lot-by owner. ec.ta· »-: The Be8t Town. on Earth $1450 down TWO BF.ST BUYS IN CORONA DEL MAR for a garden and a horse perhaps? ' Priced low, Ph. Bar. 29..J Of' VBllY ATIRAC'l"IVE 1 bedtoom Har. 3061-R. Helt tuna. apt. on Grand C&D&l. Bal------------ 3 bdrm. 2 bat.U. new, ocean view home. W to W carpeting and dr&pM fncluded. Controlled h eat. Nicely landacaped, aprinkler aystem front and rear, brick patio, fenced. Here' a· a lrnnd new liome among other nice hoius -Joland. I> blk. to oboppins. Sii mo. to June 15th. Phone Harbor !W.8-M. 5c7 BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm. hotue un· fumilhed. $2995 tull price. 389 W . Victoria, Co.ta M.a. Phone 1 bdrm. new and very nice. Red- wood aiding and 1take fence. Patio. $795-0. -o-2 lldnu. and d.._ l&rp f"U'eplace, hwd. fin., gar. Eirtra largoe lot, uceUent Alldy aoil-Only $3000 doWn, $1o)OO full prioa. Beacon 060e-M. true APARTMENT CABfN ~rniahed. ~---------­G. I . Resale ALL THIS FOR $18,500 -o- C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E .. JOHNSON, Broker . 8uit.a.ble for 2. $31 mo. Rear of . 30I ~p Ave., c.o.ta 1iJoa. Oc7 BALBOA PENINSULA-Furnlob- ld 'lingle apt. 125 mo. (wtntttl . .ALSO 1 bdrm. hou. .• rrlgidalre. laundry available, SM mo. ID- • cludlD.g util to June 15. Harbor 1%70-W. 5tfc • Ho111e Trailers for rent .ALSO larce lota wtth ll~ and pa.Um, extra clean reat roonu aad laundry. Thi.a Ui a nne place to make your bolrl.e. Liberty Trailer P&rk 15182 Harbor Blvd. lut.a An& KI. 1-6379 ~p18 Re.su.lta come trom conatant Practice! An ad recularly ln this 3 ~ will produce re1ultJi tor you.. bdrm., fireplace, dbl. gara~. fenced ~rd and very nice RUMPUS ROOM 14 x 18. Prlce $1-t,7~, terma. MONTH END SPECIALS Every one • b&rpin-wlll pay you to aee the1e certified can. 1950 STUDEBAKER Commander 5-pau coup!, a beauty. Tulip cream. Nylon uphol. Auto. tr&lWllWion, radio, etc. Save over .................. -11,QOO Income Property 2 bdrm. i:.ome and 3 unit& Month- ly Income approximately $175. Price $12,000. $8000 down. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. a: A&lociateo 1790 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa. Ph. ~a. 518' I NOTICE : Horse Traders! FffiST TIME EVER OFFERED FOR S \LE R-1 Zone ' ONLY $10, 750 Do you wut privacy and elbow room? Hurry on this! Ideal "1tltic beach home. 2 bdrms, fireplace, hwcl floor&, sweeping view hill& and ocean, over-. looking Shon! Clifk Bar-1>-q, fnlit trees, sycamon! and pine l:reea. Lovely aetting. Huge terraced lot. Fenced. $4000 HANDLES Thil la Excluaive With Ua. TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Coaat Highway, Corona de1 Mar Phone Harbor 277 4 -o- Let u. help you with your Rea.l !!et•te N eed.a . -o- ll. B. C\ark, -"--. -o- La PERLE REALTY 'i 1898 !hrbor Bl"t"d. CO.It& MMa PhOM ll•c• T ... 3. Desirable Duplex Two furn. unita. F..ach with 2 bedroo!JUI, liv. rm., kit. and • '90 Newport Blvd., o-,t1 ~ Beaooa 8ea8 • (Eveainp Beaeon 41747.J) 'VIEW HOME Overlooking Little C<irona Beach, tile hilla, -- and arroyo. South of Wway on Buel Dr. Spaciona bdrm witll loada of e1oaet apace, one amlll bdrm: 2 f"i,eplaeoe, 2 bathL S5000 c1owa. Ina. 5 91> lp&ll- Priced under coat. LINWOQK VICK, Realtor · W. A. TOBIAS, Saletnn.i.nager SU llarlne Ave., B&lboa bland. Ph. Harbor !042 • bath, with a aun deck and ---------------------· porch. ·"'" High on the Bluff .:;~.:....==IDS:;::;.,;.;fo;,r...;Re=n::;;t:,._ _____ 11t~ STUDEBAKER Champ. f-dr. Mdan. Ovetdrlve. Will,.t.ake 2 bdrm. home tn harbor area a.a trade far equity ln 3 bdrm. hqme •on Udo We. Udo home la new, very attractive! • • RANCH . . . ClilNO VALLEY • • Flexible-QD. be uaed aa a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home, plua an additional c n e 1 t Overlooking the elltini Han.or -VIEW "'out of thia 4"'rld!" Beautiful home liu huge living room, !>Mmed ceiling, birch parquet ftoora, colore4 double Bink baa diapoaal and Diahmaoter. Big ~ !'.111- 2 lge. bdr.,.., '1 ~ batllll. Secluded woOded lot Illa 81WDtAL addltloul BUILDING'"l!ITES -E.e1t PRIVATE RM. and bath, 1eparate building, one or two pe-rtoM . Dec. plate. Pa.rkinc apace. Co- rcma. tlel Mar. Phone owner at lleacon '5034-R. ~p7 111-Trallen ALL STEEL BED, 2-wbeel trailer, &bnoM. new. Reuooable price. MUBT SELL. Phone Harbor IMf-R. 3c5 BOUSE TR.A.D..l:R. %1 ft. Double bu.lane tanlta, water beater. Pu.el Ray htr., air cooler. Slimp dolly and awiiiq. .Ideal for 'couple. Priced to sell 1950. 23t 110lffr St., eo.ta Mesa. Bea- con wv-J. •ce LO.ANS for Homes 1%-20 yr. Loau CONBTRUcrION LOANS at 5-51'~ CH yn.) WE BUT AND SELL TRUST DEEDS BEE BOB llA.'M'LER 1'15 COAST BLVD. Special only .................... $1495 1.94.9 STUDEBA.KE.R _Champ. R e· pl dlx, 1.~r. aedJin. O'dr., Radio, heater, fog lights, etc. Orig. ttniab,. can't tell It from new. Only· ....... -... $395 down Paul C. Jones REAL ESTATE Harbor 2313 (l!Jvu. H. 2'13-J) 1.HS STUDEBAKER-Champ. con- vertible. a beautif\JJ car. Every po&ti.ble e Jt t r a . A l • tpecl.a.l at only ................ $1295 lD BEST BUY Newport Heights A SA YING of $200 on a brand new Studebaktt Commander V -8 Sed.-a ttal buy, hurry for t.IWI ! • Open Saturday and Sunday JOE NICKERTZ ST\ffi~AKER DEALER 3U$ Ne\VJ)Ort Blvd. &t Via Lldo (By Lido Theattt) Brand aew 3 bdrm. home. It'• the atti-active ranch type With fire- place. lk«t .bwd. firs. Lots of tile. dbl. pr. Finest workm&n- ablp. $12.250. Beacon Hill Realty 4'68 Newport Blvd. (above Arches) Ph. B. 67U-R or ETea. B. 5832-W Newport Be:ach Ph. Harbor 510 Ev ... os sun., Harbor 2910-1 · Income Property "For the Best Deal" a renlala racing th~ bay -s Iota. ltne poUtbilitiN, $21.500 doWn oa a new C'hry&ler or Plymo..ilb or will u.change equity for ln· or • tine used car land home wtth larre grounc»- See Dick Ward HARVEY SOMERS, INC. 2411 Cout Htway, Nowport ~. Phone Beacon 1515 OR subr11lt offer. •2500 DOWN -&-room hOU9!. Newport Helgbta, PllO. ' 167 Acrea. alfalfa and oats. Ideal 11et up for com- -bination dairy and beef cattle operation. Two w.U.. Iota of water; ~ ot t«IU. ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coast Blvd. C<irona clol Kar Har. 276e room and !'>a.th. Good Balboa ble Jccation. FURNI8Hl:D- $19 ,500. Terms! I Call BEEK ll'ERRY OFFICE -------------~------Balboalaland 2\0 ACRICS OF LEVEL LAND Water on property: well eituat.ed -on prominent •trfft---«.\ ye~ t.erday'a price -$3!$0 ca.ah. HUR.RT! S BEDROOM-% bath, year old home. Fireplace, f0tted a.tr tur- n&C9, .bwd. noon. late ot tlle, double .-.rage. Large corner lot, fenced and la.ndlcaped. Good FHA financing. LocaUon u cd- lent -111.500. IN NEWPORT HElOHTS -Two bdrm. IMHne. Modest and clun. Good locat.1on, 2-c&r prage. Yard well planted. 07lly 11700. . Newport Heights Builder Must Sell Exceptionally well built I bdrm. home. Individuality, ~autitul deva.tion. Many wondertul and eo.rt.Jy fe.ture11. Entry hall., lge. Uvtar room windowa. fireplace. forced alr li•t, lldected hard- wood noon. 1" ba.th.9, ia.rp k itchen., buJlt.i:n laundry. Street bonda are pa.id. Ane you inter- etted fn ft!ue ! Thill home le un- derprlt.fid at the builder'• a:· -· 11\&ll Pr:lc>e la only- $1 •,250 .- Harbor Ill Check These v BUSINESS BLDG., JI A J.110 A. Good com.er location, foot traf- fic. I apU. O¥ft' store area. Good lne<>m• ~-· Thia may be the i•vNl:ment 70• an lookln1 for! 130,000. DUPLEX-Two attracttv~ \lftlt.e. Each hu bedrm.., UY. rm., Jdt. " batll. Extra -1 nn. IDd b&tll adjotu pr&&"e. l'\ttailh.ecl. CklM t.o bay, ocean, and ~· t lon. 117 .MO. ' . . . with ame magn.lfiOmt VIEW! Finellt INOOUE I~ In the RartJqr Area. Other inte..ellt8 of owner make immediate sale · pom1>1e at thia low priee, $57',t!OO.· l"?f'EXCLUSivgLY 'lrith STAN SMITH, 13'11 Coat Rlghway:Corona· del Mar, w1io will wiat qualified hllyer arrange ·llecH•8"" fl. - naacing_ Phone Barbor 882 for appointment. Beat Home in Huntington Beach OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SUNDAY, Dl!IC. 2 Between 1 p. m. 'and l5 :00 p. m. at 218 er.t A ft ·~tiacton Beach J'or !ale at $55,llOO or terma to responsible party: GEORGE W. BELL REAL ESTATE mtoKER ~AANA • • OPEN C:O... ,del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ufa Ino. Fund. Kl 3-51M ____ __, _____ 1...:3p1_ N. B. C. REALTY CO. 008TA. KESA'S Nlce:et Reaidence Street -2 bdrm. home -well designed and built. ()arq'e, out- -.. patlo and bliq. No( a tract houae. Price reduced to SSH.M. Boulevard Income This ls Red Hot BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- Hen iii a dandy buy. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, dinette. Mul7 e1rtr'a f_. -..... -.id ..... 114,000. With $2500 Cash Tou au move ta.to th1a I Wr9l -llWlt I .YD. ICO. just re- HOUSE on L04N8 1~ MERCURY cocvertl~e. low James C. B oward Mary Sheeley IJtJT TO MC>~ DIPROV&, milu.p -like new. Lota: ot ltuby 'l'homJMQn, S2nd A Newport -Dbl. pr,_,...,, LIDO ISLE 104 Via. Palermo Sa~y and Sµnday Dec. lat 1114 2nd From 1 to 5 P. M. • RD'INA.NCS Olt extru. Ort&iJlal. owner. Very Blvd., NeW""POrt Bch. Har. 1406 We BLQ' TrU8t Deeda ru...._bl.e. lSIOO TUlt1n Ave., (hea. Beac. 8108-,J) 100 ft. frontac"e on Newport BIYd. and 188 feet tn deptll With bual- nns bldp.. Very doe. ill to -.itown. Le&ffd Income 1116 per Jnemth. IA.nd Mane ia worth tbe &&king price of SIS.000. INVJ:llTORll -If )"OU -·t C10 for lhla you doil't want to ma.Ile money. Balboa Realty Co. location. Bu "* 1G. I Joan. Bal· aace &em than rent. llSWPORT BALBOA J'ID)ER..U. Cost.a Mesa. 3c:i; U.VINGS A LOAN A88N. -Via Lido Ph. Har. llOO REAL ESTATE LOANS lnter..t Rate 5 % i-... qulckJ.y made Ill tho Bay An& and Lacuna. Stncle or mo.lliple unit& Ntw or old. Be .a. and aw by re-.financlnc )"OW' pc'UOl loan. MIA.lmwn ex· prmM. No charp for prellmi- aary apJjram.l Pllmlo Santa Aa& Klmberly ...,, or wrtte: ARTHUIL.A_ MAY ~· Loan O>nupondent • Two C.lif. Lit. -Co'• UH llouth lllaln Santa Ana llM2 CHEVROLET 2-door delux9 FteeWne. Heeter. Radio. Pr1· vate party. $M>O c~. 21D :15th St., Newport Beach. Pb. Harbor 29~11. • .. '40 OLDS t.4oor eedan--one ~ er. Good «Oc11t1on. ~ au Coral. BalbM. i.ta.nd.. Harbor 2Mt-M. 4pl '49 CHEV. CPE. Low mlleap. cJea.n. and oria1naJ thruouL New car l6ade la. ~ ml.at lfffD. $1295 SHAVER MOTORS Your-Dodp • Plymouth I*1er 1680 .liewi>ort •vd.. Coot& Kta Trust Deeds for Sale 1 ________ 21c4 mo. -- • • PONTIAC, 'fl aydramatlc Cblof- tai.n club cpe., exce.Uot ... condl· tlon. Radio, beater, wblto wolJ., all otno, prthte '""1· &o at 30t libln St., B&ll>o&. k7 'U -~ -Cboppad top, lllupped -COii""• -... bqr ........ --11112 v-~ Dr.. Bay 8bclfi-. Pbclol 8 1 s a "" 61171-W. kl ' • .. Balboa Island ·Costa Mesa Realty 400 JC. l Tth at n..t:ln ' Colt& Mee.a Roeo 0...lq Jooepalne W•"" Ullfa.n McAdoo . Barbor 1211 TOO i:.. Be.lboe m~ .. Ba••• Corona del Mar Only $2500 down buya Ulla olde.l' Beacon 6111 2 bedroom home on & hill Ued ----------- . ' Ocean ,View, new I bdrm. I"~ lot in pod loca.U.on. Knbtty pine tnterlor. Ha.a a fl.ae 2 car p.- n.p all ready for an apartment t.o be odded Uo"'-ll'ull price only $11;9:50. Sta.n Hadfield VOGEL VALUES Corona del Mar REAL V ALUE!i 'rhe Horses LQve It And you.11 .too. Comfortable one--Sacrifi~ acre nndlo -.-of nlc:o l S bdtm.. ~ wide pordl. 15 a: 11 a.•itlf'\a.1 Bro&ttway comer .&ot., bdrm. aad. .S. bcme,1 plu. pt9t Iv. an., ftp!., bwd. f1rl., ..,..II' 71 & 127. Out of town owner ,_,, attad&eit't.o pr, Plenty of """" w l9 1' earpetlns and ...... lnduded. HwL !loon, dual ·11r, turnae.: feaoed,. patio, ~ lront ...... ,, to" lot. OalJ' Sll,llO, ...,.., ~­ K.,-1a -ome.. Ill RJ:AL'l'OR Ma.rlae An., Balboa Phone Harbor 20 I,lecclnl.M. _,. IIIW... and A)'W tl&LL IT .. :row.. "" .., otter. permanent paature .,,, Jots of W E Fish ~ ·""'*-le•. tile -tbup water, omly -~ • • er llland bath hu UM Ooor a..nd wan.. , terrftll or will CIOM'dtt •' mr PuO'rr --ll.ealtar . ~nor -. aldtns •. 1nt.er1ot Phil Sullivan rw Lor!&'.--. Erni:e s-;th· plaoUr, -alllq\a rwr. Qua!-Ge Ev .... Don't min thla. Here 11 ·a home you ahould -· Hul-.,lll&thl,d ...... wal1ed-lfl patio and -r ... -plott. ---.... ld!CMn that "llAllA. wlll - Come loolc., Yea -ftffJ ftl, ...... Prtce4 lo eelL - P. A: PAI.MER INCOIU!ORATED Nu Via Udo, NNport -. tty t1u<>uS11out"" a l'OOd ~ .0 • erson Downtown Triplex ._. -~" Pr1ea rec1U""'1 to iu.sao. wry im. .Jfowpod Bl>'d.. 0oata -. Cao hloclt from ....,. f>ont. WU! l'OOd -. • l'lloM Ben<Gll 1123 A ~ "'°' _, the Caola ~· Cl*ot -· Corona .a If.Or oonllder low -.i paJmeftl If Ka& paat om.._ c...ai.ta ot a • Pbol1e Barbor U.S ----------- Harbor 1aeol you .... -1&rp m0111hl7 A ltnctlft -..a..... -I 1 "-from Coot& -Banlt) lljee Hl.'a. llODM -8U -. Brand New 3 ...... _ _,n.Ata. ' """ ..,.,:;:::. ~ a..s .ue: -Ba. SVT-w -. ™ J' -1 s. ~ AfY. 1 apt a. 1± ,,ullINl:lia 1>ontap. n ft.' u-r. ~·w. Full price $1,250 _ exterior. l'lu ' porc11. 1p. u....., . ed. Vtt'f dttp lot. niom tor qtn. 1n --~ _._ 1 'l ""~ 4lnlns rm., wa11poper, -lllArbo. 2S5I or JIU •H-Jil rm-WIU. lridt llsel!laee. at oae -alta. t -.pr. --et 11wlld tst ..,. "19• (lo.. 'tor db). pr. ~ced t.o .. u, 121- • auc ...... L&fse -w1ll> ....,. SMART ·BUYERS lolack t.op. Completely ,_ &ult muttet. -.,.,. ... ""° 120 v· y,.na '·'" '·'· ~·~--------I licw' ot oceaa and .aam.. Low • .. Wiil c1aaf1r 11lf~r•ce Ja .. 1or ,.,stt na •· ~..._ Or-• 1&. ~ -..,o ~ ot w. 1a IIltdlea an4 ""UL Won't overlook these dwtp. . ....,... Ill. "''ISi. • • ()pep 1-5 Daily · 383 E. 23rd St., ~-_: :-!.~ · Fuij price $19,600 IPAl'IIE .._-, -. -. ' ~ ~ .. ,_ ea.ta Hema .. _. "'·"' - - -•·Ua->4 tMDDUL4 ;-a.w. . . ~ ;,:i ~·':;,.• .. ,!'!"-a;:"'"" ,,,,__ Joba, , V,.-:i r--.· , . --.. .,. -... -• • ....... I' m B A. NERli:SON -,..._ -.. _ v5-vu O..-••--.W11 .. _____ , 1uw.',..a1'n-~--~ •' --Patio.Allor, fM·-a..(-to• oil •• ...,. __ ....,_ _ ______ ,__!IDNwport.....-.;COlla-UllW.PIM,.,..,....1'11...,.-.1 _.,8 ,-illt ,..., __ ...,. JoluaV_...OD. •>•::;; :·----· r'-111....,. • , 111 ~=-=-r•'l.:u.o.&--,C&1 ... ie., 112·· I . CS-.•n--1 t#IAl'r:•M.;-...g;i -·. -•• lMJ. • H"; -...... caoR4 -. ... -I' -Ir -SAUi -•••• -.. Iii\. -~ I '"- 121;;:;1 Canal ITont T ..... 5 • -.,,,-..... v .. .... .__. ,...., .. ---.-.· 'ii•Mn•1'• .,.= 1 --• 431 ..,._ ..... -.._II!_'* ' )llls ,_ .. ,..,.,_a Jdio. -..·1111. , n•• i...-. •••1-111 ........................... ...._ . .... p.4tJL c:! '.wn. ....... "l!fJ!li. -,,,,__ ~ ..... , t ... Pfl'9..,,. ..... : M l • • ' •• \ • • • ' • , ' I . I l ' \ , • • , •• o .... ,., With SALLIE Got a quarter! Want to op...t It .,. aomeUtlag tllat'll give you bllllllreds of dollan worth of value! Thfm lead me your ean • • The Hoag Memoilal Boe- plW ~yteriaa bu .,.. e&ped trom lte abstract at.ate and hu become brioka, stone, bootrda and ulla that Call be -and felt . • . It's real • • • and will be completed In the fall of 195! • • • Isn't that lllce! There's only one ftttle flaw . . . There lu't aay money 'to buy opera- tlait tablea, Incubators, X· ray .....mi-aterllbers, ..,.....itators, b e d 1, olL that are tho IM!Co11ary tools to make a hospital "'n~tln._ nro"W"T',,. . . . Do ... ...1 •• ..itt what these tools ~e going to c o • t? $250,000. Do you know where tho $250,000 i• going to come from ! You a.nd me . . . . $250,000 must be collected all over Orange County .. New- port Beach's share is $75.000 • Dick Richard himself has already donated $1200 . . . That'• the coot to equip one hospital room ... on the wall ot which will a&in:n a Me-morial of Flo · gham" , . . You all remember Flo , . . at checkatand number one . . . She was as much a part of Richard'• Market as Dick Ill hi1D.11elf . . . Suddenly 110 wasn't here any more ... • • The goal here at Richard'• • tie collect $2,l!OO from yOll • • , • That's where tho 11uarter comes la . . . Comideriug tho fact t h at 9,000 of yon pasa thni our check atandl ~ week ••• why a qaarter la all you would have to· give for us t. eo11ect t1te whole S%.600 In ...., week • . . T1tea If yon ahoald -flt to give ....,u.,.. !II ... ate the aoxt week • . . wily thell we'd have $5,000 ••• U you've only got a dhpe there's &Uft to be someone w b o hu 36 coat. . , . Give what yoa can . . . •o amount la too lllD&il •.• we're going to match your first $500.00 . . . Y ou'U find a receptacle la which to pat your glv- lni;a and a dlllplay that will Mow you bow much we ha"Je colleet"'1 each week. For all of you who would like to give more than a quarter you may send your checks to Memoria1" Commit- tee. Hos.g Memorial Hoopital, Presbyterian. P. o. Box 335, Newport Beach ... or mail your check directly to Dick Richard who'• one of the 5 in charge of collecting the $75.- 000 for· Newport Beach. Il you would like to establish a Living Memorial in your name or for someone you want to be memorialized ouch as .Dick Richard has done for Flo . . The same addrOBB will send you literature . . . Now if I could manage to acrape to- gether $75.000 I'd memorafue the X-ray Department which wollld aave hundreds of lives each year and would provide the physicians with one of the moot valuable Items of diagnostic apparatUB ... But I guOBB a Wheel Chair is more in my line . . . That"• $100 worth ... But I'd like to think I'd had a part in getting all the happy moth· era with new babies down to their waiting cara . . . . -We •l•o ..U 1r-;1s, m.t ~ Jlll'Odqpe ••• ' ' .. \' f NOV. 30, J)EO. 1-~~OU8 ~~ ·. . ·.· , l · .. :. . 'l>. ()p .-·. . · :~ . .;:. 1 \:""': Better tllan ever .•• Thia :rev'• Cbrtatm&a Privlew ' · · -, l \ •-I · . guaran1-Two Full Nlte8 of Grand-.Jllnlel't&imnent. J'ri• · ' : • ' ci&y Nlte, _Nov. 30 .• , See ."Allee lil Wonderland in, FU-· • · hiona" plua all of the wonderful Chriatmaa Gdbdn-from Barbor Area Shope. Saturday Nlte,'Dec. 1 ... Enjoy tlle rhythmo of Deel Arnu and hi.I Latin American Orcbes!ra. Thia proiru.e. to be a nite of real entertainment fclr thoee of you who have been waiting. for a chan"" to rt· out and have some real fun. Tlclreta may be purcha.aec! from any member of the Buaht-le Profeuional Womena Club or from Richard'• Lido Market. CHRISTMAS "(REES NOW AYAILAILE for lnunecliate dellwery Oregon White Fira, SUvertipa and Douglas Fira, per- fect for Pre-Cbrilltniu Partiea·or Window Decorating.· Come la or P--. Yov Order. Pltoae BartJOr Z828 • • . ' ' • • • I • Qaality ll••I_ ~-.. .............. 1111 ., ••• 1111$ ... Wesson on PL 26: ,. MljZZA .. INE SHOPPE IUTCllENWARE APPUANCES Cf;RAMICS DOU.S TOYS HAKE IDEAL .CJIRISTlllAS OIFI'8 -FeatwilMJ Ma11ni11CJS U. S. Gow't. G,.ded Cltolco loof Alloat leof Obtalaabl1 T-Liquid~ Qt. 49 ChllCk Arm or Chuck llade B-EE.F POT ROASTS Poii Oulio1~STS ·-·----~ 49c: llONELESll BRJSllJl!'f lllLD CUU: CORNED BEEE ..... u. 65c: Veater Oat I ft.· LOIN PORK . CHOPS ···--.J~ 79c: swu•ra ORIOLE ., , SLICED BACON .. 45c: U, 8. QllADl!D VBOICI: °' OOOD SBOUUIEK LAMB CHOPS .. .. .... 79c: ,.,..,, Prodaee ----a I' ANCY NOBTBJ:lll< DEUCIOU& APPLES ·----·--·-3-_29c: BEETS ................ -3~-10c: LA.ROE SJZI: ARIZONA • GRAPEFRUIT 5 ... 29c: WASBINOTO~ OROWN RUTABAGAS • Delit:11fessen ....................... AGED NIPPY WISCONSJN BLACK. 8~ CHEDDAR CHEESE ........ A Ste SMOKED ANNAN HADDIE'.______ IL Ste LUJEJl'S ll ALITY . SKINLESS FRANKS . ____ JL Ste SPJCll ISLAND • BLACK PEPPER __ t ... ,.. Ste Bo-ff -OVL'f BEAD'! BISCUITS ___ . _____ ._ 2 -27c: STORE HOURS: Daly ' a. ... to • P· .. EXCEPT FRIDAY fL&tofp,a ' W9 p "" .. .8lp& ti U..,,... O"h+ (Alt••r, a .... ,.,__.. .. ••J' ___ _, c OOLD MEDAL I FLOUR .... J·~~ 47c:··-""'~a9c: MUZANINE SHOPPE Dll8 FINI: ................... COFFEE ................................................... u. ... 79c: .. CWOKEN OF THE SEA BITE81ZE -QB&EN LABEL TUNA -··---.... .. . ....... -~ -27c: DEL llONTI: !IJ:.ICl:D PINEAPPLE ..... ····---~~ l h -29c: 1 =111>.,,0L -15• * II•• 1! O&. 47• ... __ ---............. ONLT ·• 8wttt. Brooktleld , BUmR ............ lb. 79• . Uptou Old*-N00411e SOUP ... : ....... 1133; •&•llakell BEANS ..... -........ 71' ~th<k N•TT BEANS .~ .. --71' UPTON'll Blllmll Pl~-o...... 8t.fle Oold CORN ............ .11 ... 17' Nlblete "'hole Kernel COR"' ____ ., ... ..;.17• lla.rtilMlll ., ... CID.ER ....... _. 71# llhl1laelU Apple • JUICE . .. _.. 27 ' ' Bi«htuul cu. a 111ap1e SYRUP .... _ ...... 25 • Wolller'o I>" Prloo 11a1e I Ou CllJLE CON CAB.NE ---·°"" 'l'Al!'"'.E8 wltla Clllle Orave;r Botti 49; for ········--··· l'M·U Wine Ver. No. t cu s1.oo . . . .............. tel•ltl# wit• ...... -~--....... ..... ... _Ndt ........ ., .............. .._ ........ oe..-. ...._ .... ..,.. .. ...,_ ......._ ._,., .,. ..... _. .. COMk>wt' rN'ft WftMOH. °""· •. r.o . ._ ws. a.,_ ....... c..H ............ -........... CHOP SUEY 34' TEA . -·· .. ~ .......... ~ •. pkJ. 29c.... . .18 hap 1 tc: IJ.all STARCH ..... 2171t NAJll800 • OUM NOW• SUffLJ 1 IMnD RITZ CRACKERS -·"--·--·-·····J~ pq. 29c: TllS CMllST¥AS ZEEC.!':5 27• ZEE IAl'llllS :;.-10• Aacto Rout BEEF .. _ ..... u,.. -49' Freaf!Me la.taat ZEIE TOWIU roll 17• POTATOES I OL 29; ZIEIE ':::: 1,!!,21 ; Karo °'Y•lal -.. SYRUP .......... u OL 21 ; ZEIE = e1· '125• l'uu N Boola OM FOOD N~ .... 2125' Balcery !'.reals --nnll!!I • TJIUUDAY APPLE PIE ----· ---·--.... : .. ..,. 56¢ JM PERCE.NT • .. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD ·-23' ' Aaof'tfld Fra.lt PUllD.1• BOSTON CREAM PIE ------61' OATMEAL COOKIES · -22' 1-- U.TUllDAY 0.... Plllool • BEAR CLAW$----·------t tor 26' C..e1'1te Peca J.Mte 'f•IMtl i LAYEi CAKE -:---· -17; • • . . RZClAUI POB 'DIOSSDA1'; DIDA1' a ~&1', ov ·19, •. ~ l 'THE ECONOMT·WISI · PA'iltONIZI ' . .. f) T Get Rid of ICE J!OX TASTE PUREKOLD refrl.,erator alr eendJ.Uoeer, lut for yean ••• •topt all odors, makell food. Wat:' lonpr. ll<>plar tt.15 Value Special $1.95 --·--·snewUlft . 3 lb. Can 37c: bo•en Poo6--llmi_nDlllnnim GOLDEN STAB•-0QUAuTv CREAM O'GOLD ICE CREAM ........................ ~. 2fc: LIBBY'll FllE8JI FllOZEN PEAS .. ~.~---------------· .,IZOL ltc: . . • l ~ · ; SRY1C!"4AN'S . CORNlll . SGT. ~,8Pllt8 . .' • . •-llD ... ~,,,~!f~._. ' 11. I. AsU-NOW IH JAPAN /· ' . ' . .a Nr1he i.t· w rra Gift l"Mll .. a ~I 1•' • •Oial r• .... II ,... ft!la. l•oft-hr0 tlllatu ... it .• , .. \' -. • • • • • I • r '