HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-19 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • 1 • VII ,.,... 111. • ' d- lbpwa7, N-rt.. ~MU.. • • • • • Ill: &&.s TllJll BOlnJU l!EilOlf no• IUNY llOVIN8 Sl'U! LET US PJIPTE(lr YOU .•• llUlA.USE W1li BPECIAUZi: IN VDY PlllV ATE LIVES .• , . IUIADll ~OP. 61' -ST, !l'EWPOBT RA•llOR .. • • • n·1 lllce loo~ thnl. a ka.leido.cope. Tum It :. albwly and tee tbe n.rtcolored pattern.. chanfe. Look lll UU. ahop'1 small window cue and eee In your' mind'• eye ... a snowy old world O:lriltmu in m&Qy other lands! Vera wt.lliama , caJl..s her Gitt and Art Gallery "A Uttle Corner ot Europe." And ao it ta -· •• book .Ital.ls. paintlnp. prtnt .. and tmporta trom all comer• of the continent. Gala rtfta for )oven of the unu.aua.l! Hand carved flrurtnea. hot choco- late or IJ"OI •U fl'om 8wedein; · lt&Uan ware wttb a f?'Mhrle .. of color and de.sip; Enrlllh braa and coppe_r ... plant.era, plaquea, Ja.rdiniereS: and Enrll.ah lUlter. Part Of 'thi8 little tucked away boutlque'a charm JiN in. it.a lntlnJte varlety ... Admire the Br.ndt watercolon. eee 80me rare old plri.nta. or stroll around and pa at the Venetian ba.ndblown clua. the Novara ware or perhapa carea .ome newly an1ted Flo~ttne lit'Yer. Be aure and cet one of Ven.'1 little Cbrtitmu t.pel&. Ptn one on, and )'OU r•t full of Krlncl• apirlt ud me"'7 u u elt m a d~I . . . Ontl !tera. ot interest and a opeel&l barpln .•• a larp ......... bowl <iw-d r1&ul wtUt ....,. and U cup. •.. '11 for o.e eaitlre-.et. How can ..JOU mlu ! f ! Don't mlu \'era wtlllw'• An Oallel'J' ll Gift ~. 111\.1 llarfw, ~ h.laad. • • • -MERRY CHRISTMAS - We hope Sant& CJ.au• la CoOd to-you and youn- We be.lt•V• the rM.I epirit of Sant& Clau. ia to be found in your church and friendly UIOclation&. In tho word.a ot Tom Paino . . . "Freedom to wonhip la a duty to worship, not freedom trom lt"- Ele.nor Marab Vlr(lnla Lopdon Donna Nelaon Leah and Gilbert Brown POLLY APPAREL, 1833 NEWPORT AVE., COBTAoMJl8A • • • WANTS HOKE BT CHRISTMAS! 'nl.11 doll 11-ID ~lik&-you C01:11d probably 8Uld lier off to ldnderpl'.ten! llbe soya ''mama" (did -.v ... -Of a doll "'1ln&' .._-·n Thia doll &llo walks. and aboul4 have a ltanclbas appt. ' •.l the beauty P9Jior ifor ber curly, wu1aabJe. oomi.. able hair. She'• .a. aat1. alv. A.nanbM strl. aad lbe'• 9tayfnC temporully at Dou.ldl•'9 •• 1a la:l&. Om ...,. a bome by C1uiatmu ($14.11) llbe and a raft ot other cbUd della1ttan: at 11.u up. Now tor .,me me... Jnu.puud\"o 1'9lMJnbraacere tor tha older pi. / . . 11 pup nylons Mc pr.; nyloac trim elipa $1.91; f&nCJ' pe.nUel he up.. And aome neat IOU! wouJd ~ a · quilted. •tln·llnecl rJo.._ hand· lteRllief or Xleonn box, SUt·U.U. The 6AJO bu plonlJ' ot -.Jo. tt.&a and wrapptq paper . . • a tei.1. ,...r k7 la .. e111t' llpt alrt.p, G. E.. -oal7 "-11. I>ON.&LDSON"S Jl.U.l!QA I A 10 at IOO Jl.UN, BALllOA. • • • • Ju.NY ANXIOUS WOMEN BA VIII ClOJIJI TO MY LABORATORY WJTB TIDBll Q\JJ:STION8' ~ I -· IL an· rut -I """l""f" ·--1 -o& 10 ee aa· taco.me OL Q a week!""' w ,..._ cu I loam to pq.y U.. ~wt~ a Mnlipf" :ar,y nJ111 lo alwayo tM -~ "Ont' • -u. _,,,,.., Dr.. llPt ... Ille ... Udato will -.... --· 4 ---ft my clltata .,.. .... lllCc 1...a '*7 -... tbtyM aad_,...._ ...... .._ .... -.._ -"' _, .... H ,. -·to watch ... Nile VW.'S • ._..,.. t 1 r ? ell --~ -""1ptflll -• "'" OOlltl .... wrapp.n marked ... '9 • --7 2 tJaias <I ~ ....-.i prioe. 0..-a I FT :. '=. ~--.................. . ---.. lildlJ.). , ... .. • • Dod19 Fla11 lfcard SSOO • AIC C11111 NEW.-Olt-T a . DHURDHlt8 - -~ rtzriBtm T1IE CHURCHES Of TM£ HAllOI AREA 11¥1T£ YOU TO WORSHIP DUlllll T1llS llOLY SWOll ST. ANDREWS PRF.lllU!TERIAN-15th st. and Tustin. Newport Heighta Sunday, Dec. 23rd 9 :30 A. M. Christmu Service 11 :00 A. M. Chriatmaa Service Monday, Dec. 24th 7 :30 P. M. Candlelight Veeper Service NEWPORT BARBOR LUTllERAN-1027 Cliff Drlve, Newport BelghU Sunday, Dec. 23rd 11 :00 A. M. Christmas ~rvice 7 :30 P. M. Chllclren'e Feiltival Service Monday, Dec. 24th COMllUNITY CHUBCll Sunday, Dec. 23rd 7 :30 P. M. Candlelight Service (CoagrepUollal)-Heliotrope at Cout Hwy., C. D. M. It :46 A. M. Chriatmu Service 11 :00 ,A . M. Christmu Service 5 :00 P. M. VHJIU&, Mneical Service ST. JAMF.8 EPISCOPAL-Via Lido at Lido hie Bridge, Newport Beach Sunday, Dec. 23rd Fourth SuJlday ha Aclven~Regular Servicea Monday, Dec. 24th Cbristmu Eve 4 :00 P. M. Cbildren'a Service-Cherub Choir Film "Holy Child" 7 :30 P. w. Choral Candlellght Holy eo-un1011- Youth Choir 11:30 P. M. Choral Candlelight Holy Co-union- Senior Choir Tue.day, Dec. 25th Cbristmu Day ' 10 :30 A. :W. Holy Co-union l!i!tl'JIODIST CHVRCHl'S Cllrillt Cllarcll by 'ti.e 8""' 1420 W. Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach Sunday, Dec • .23rd 11 :00 A. M. Christmaa Service 7 :30 P. M. amatmaa Pageant • Oommalty Vlslll'Cll, "20 W. 19th St., Costa Meu Sunday, Dec. 23rd 10:50 A. M. Chri8tmu Service 7 :30 P. :W. Chriatmu Pageant ........ hhec1 Oo-aalty Cliiudl, 103 .Agate, Balboa Wand Sunday, Dec. 23rd 11:00 A. :W. Chriatmu Senlee 11 :00 P. M. Chriltmu l'aput N'ei'l*N•Y OI' GOD 1157 • 22lld St., Colt& M- . Saad'q, l>9e. 2lril 7 :30 P. II. am.tmu' l'elt!ftl lier •ice I • THE NEWPORT HARBOR CQUNCIL .. OF CHURCHES COMMENDS THESE SERVICES TO THE PEOPLE OF JHE_ NEWPORT AREA · .• ·u ... * • --,Ila& --- -... 1w.b!· .. u ... .,. •..• __ Jo ... ---··,...._--~-•. -...... I. I ...... ta :l'lllls Fomi-tar• wool , * --··· A-J't.r-.._ ~Wit ..... -....... -. ..• : ..-a ..ai.. ... ....,._ Jllaldl ..,. ....,. • -....,. ia · ... .,.,. Me 'b at llUI. CbNtma ... I ..... ID'. _., tt:;::: .... ,.. ""KUfa_"at ...... ,,. f ilW 0.. ..... JGsl --•.;. -. . . • • • . JlllRll'll' wwwwa vou tDl'B a.-lDl-';I nmr .um A ~·,.!IO"' or .ron w1D1.:>t1'1' COKPLAmT •.• ~ WllWTD 11APn' TDD: 18 .DON1: ••• REVBK!ll!R WJC'LL rm..L 1111 tlELUNG "li'AJNTI • • • ••• JOYCll .um KAC .ANNUAL P. C. DINNER TO Ii HILD DEC. 29. . LAST CHANCI TO WIN YOUR .llCYCUI .. -. > . ~Tl' '8d\GIR•al' ~co~ • • . , CLOSU 1.P.M. DEC • .24 • . PR~· AWARDED AT 'IACH :StQil'-7 P. M , MON. llS.;.M • • ORNAllDT H•NGERS • . Jl!eJ· .. -.. Bos.tie fop _______________ 7~ GIFT WRAP. PAPER 9¢ ALllllJNUll FOIL Ught Reflectors .. ,. 7 .,.,# 1•. -·-- TREEUGHTS RT or lllOll'r aes. 98¢ St.ti -------- . ·-' . --&l"'lu ·UP . Mechanical TOYS. ::0'· ______ 331 ICICLES 23¢ . -·'8.111·~· S1l9 AD-A•UT& TREE LtGHTS PLUSH :DOLLS;;... .,._._,__S2J9 DOLL HOUSES -~ S3J5 cw••Acma • 'FAIJRGE ~. . $150 . D O.·L L S2.50 ... -.-"'-~"-""-91# COTY COLONE . Sm_ . JIU FACl'm f1 ·• ~.-sm. .....,., um•·~·· . S2.49 ............ ,,•·11 ... SMl11.,,._ •r ,._,r· • • • l!Oll OOAl!T llLVD. ooRO:S-A DEL MAJt BABJIOS lJOI tllusir Jlnusr .. ()pm~ '7:•-IO:M 1233 N. Coast llvd. Lquna &.ell New ownen, DALE YOUNG ud RED llAJl'l'Qi Invite y~ to eome la ud bro'lne RECORDS -Extremely lerge selection L P.1, '45 rpm, end children's recordings. CAPEHART and ZENITH CLOCK RADIOS Fe mo us Pentron Tepe Recorders Portable Phonogr11ph1 $29.95 up Meke it 11 Merry Mu1ic11I Chri1tm11s with one of our gift Certific11te1! COLDT AUTO UN~:~T HEATER JU!X;, PRICE $37.50 • SALE PRICE ONLY 100 LEPT • Flt All Can • Three Speed Cfttrol • N1ilmsO, Mvar 11 ; Also ZEIEX·4NTl-FREEZE $3.4_5Gel. ...... '76 • ' • • • v.·~ 111 .. ,.' 2 "' Fiii ASSOIYll CIO<OUTU 98• LI. 2 LI. 1.95 CAUfOlllA flllf <All 110 LI. '""" • ..., 2 LJ, 2f' PFIFFllllYS 2 DOZ. 25• 11,llSll PllM Plllll' 11/J LI. 1 •• • • <OlflllllTAl Wiii fQlf LOAF 2 LI. 1°' SpeWI Thin .• Fri .. s.t. Dec. 20. 21, 22 POllTIY lllSSllK J 9" ltJ<G. . , .... ~,., AlMOll 11mu (lffll CAii 39< fA. ~ .,. -.J 20s .. • B.Uf Ill--At I nl Ille mcntt ..,. .. v. .. ,..., ... ...... ~ ......... ...... ,_...,, after ....., a Tt&r Ill K---~& 0-. ---Udnl .-. U9N;ill' t1N of llrL -~ taa at lll7 ,Cotoll .. Drl-... N-· port-· __ tlle .... dftC. a-r... 1"leot. -Bon -· me Rlclwd llu _.ltd oa Ille flrin&' line otr lton&'a -- coetflluall>' for -tlll.a 1111 --Hor air· ......,"' .,,..._.. of filhl« oquadrona Tll, Tia - '"· C<>lllP""lto aquadnma 1; 11, 115 and' fl and •ttadt ·~ t23, b&V9 rlOWll dallJ' •lrlku --k.,. mctnr rail' II-. ~ and ""PPl7 tact!IUM. Tl>e oquad- rom. all na..:J reeern srovpe or- dered to duty at Ille outl>roalt of booUlltl .. Ill ~-l>ave ~ Original W•ter Colors e • • Persori'.!ized 6ifts e - Christmas· Cardi • Parker and Ev~rsharp Pens -· Cook Boob Scrap. Books Fiction Non-fiction the mcJO.. portl"'I ot UN air aet1an·l---------- ap1not tile COITUT\UltleU In North korta stnc. the start of ptaee talb lut IUmmer • Balboa Islanders at Oakmont Party llr. and MrL C1anMe Jllct>!e, Bal-Iol&nd, th!e -Wfflr. end 'fP'tft lft GlendaJe and attended tM oalcnl"'!t club'• Cllr!Jotmu puty . ~ wen sunu or tlie Cb.art• ff:alttTS at t.helr new home on. No. B•udrJ'. On 8unday mom.lnr tbeJ' "*"'~JUMloolA>t­ Urwla Oudloman. ztrltOPE&X VJUUIS ..... 191 .,.._., ~·-7 COMl'llll OINNHI ....... , ....... . TllOPIOAL DRINIUI .... "" ...... ,.,.,,. fAHITIAN SICYIOOM .._ Puldq -·· ' <lOllTA 111UA noe N_,.n lllML Mr. and Mra. Sany 8. Moi11baJJ YISIT ot South PUOdena, puento at THE NEW HUT OOl'IONA DEL MAR HIOoul~ L.lOVNA llBAOll 111 ro..nA....,.. M .... W~7 Oerb&nlt ot eo,..... de! • ~• llhnor. 1- Mar, a.re plannins to l&i.1 tor J:u. ftw ._.... for a 111na- rope tn M&rdb. or Aprtl. 'Ibey are a.... 08 'hieeeaJ• ownen of a Rarl)or.moorect c:rw. L---------....1 1 rr. the Onnd llam.. MACKI E's · SM.OKEY SNOW MAN. .. e.twMlc S-w122• NOW OPEN SATURDAYS Clll'd . SUNDAYS Hurricane light from cendle shows thru button-holes end face, 8-inch site __ .$2. 95 Smeller and Jumbo Sizes Meny Gifts lt•m1, Cerda, Wrappings, Etc. OPEN s:~os Mackie's Plittery ·, Gift Shop '81 r:. Ulll St. CNta - trimmer aod, lhur, hne I figuft. So ccsy! u,. hlu-A<ilor io apart time AT HOY!. . la& k'• • ddiPdW kiM "' "oonitt&" ... ...i -it doa trim-...,,.,... iacba. la•..il,...AU .. ii a dit TeleP- .... -TOii ''"''Ill ... ,. __ _, --LONG DAOll ....... --··---.. "'- LIDO cu:&Na8 _N_pert..._ a>8TA ll?:8A -,,...,, aLPlOl'IUO S'DPPUr.a Uplllls'l'ldw .. i.-..-•···· Parts-....... • llAllf I. IESEL ,,, ......... -. ~-Rriw._-•• -TUI __ .... ;:..-__ _ HUMAN MINX '1MI It ..... ._. ,..tax ..... . Yow ..,..., ~ n.a. NEWPOKT AUTO BALl:ll -W.N ..... nlltri. N ..... n--.1.., DIRECTORY BALTZ MORTUARY l..a.lJ Attmd&llt • lu~m,._1 OOllOl!fA DEL HAii DAY AND NIGHT fto .. Barbor U BE SURE • INSURE wltll IU.USIOS: BTANL?:Y -°"4' PIMIM Raner l'M'C 111 ................ ....... W. Stllart FooN GlllNERAL INSUl'IANCJll °"""-' /f&fonrtati<n& N-n-ft.Bar.H 1117 ....... ... IU.TnDRS ••tm R•••• TnOen lrftazh• Rnpe1 llJCAOON Mil Olida --Kat• w 0.. sue Newrw•lllft. WA.TD HEATDS ...... ........ •.. '•• /a. 8.al.IJJ n.-·anttDhr I .. ~~8111 I -s--·--............ &orclon I. Findlay • ' COAST ECTRONICS I CO. . ' ~15 Coast HlcJliwuy . Newport leach • TJD:-• HAIRCUTS "too -A :s'EWPOl'IT BLVD. 1'".l:WPO .. T Br:AOR . NOW 18 Tll?: TIMIC To nnt your home or &pt.- "'-llAJUIOll. 1111 .... ~ , ... Waat ad today! ke ita llGIOAll Christmas I .. Up te I $100.00 AUOWANCE Ota Y o.r Old Appl'••, Aslr aflotrt •-low ,.,,.,. ' -Ollly I.SS clews 1~-··· .. ,,..,1 . .. .. ...mi ... ' ~"liiiM ft Bii! •1 l IJIT ...... [ ..... -·-OI A 'E • l e ••••••~ as&ca I ~-........ __,I ." •..... -... ...,., 5 .......... J\.tfakt it merry ... makt it MOJU[) stocltiHgs a HJ liHgtrit Tantelinng sheer stocldngr. Mojuds are the perfect gift for lovely legs. Gorgeous gowns, beautiful llips ••. lcively lingerle by Mojud ••• .lxrwng-gifts for every Santa's lady. See our wonderful coUection of hosiery and lingerie by0 Mojud today. • IFMPADAI fwo~ DEPARTMENT STORI! ' ft .. ud OC&AN FllONT · UVUf& SOOll DINING-· JDC& lrACflS MliWl'V&.'I M+l'JR . .•. ...,.... i.AJlp --WAI,L -.vu • ,..... I ,. • ' • . " ' • I I f I GIVE an ACCESSORY for the CAR for Christ mas! FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE e SEAT COVERS 6.95 up • CAR cusmoNs 1.19 up. • BACK-UP LITE Ch,..;me 2.49 e CAD TYPE HUB CAPS U.95 (4) e FENDER SKIRTS 8.95 pr. up • SUN VISORS Outside 8.95 up • FOO LITES Chrome 7.95 pr. e CAR BEATERS 16.95 • STOP LITES Chrome Z.49 ·• SPOT LITES Chrome 11.95 • TOOL & TACKLE BOXES L98 e WREN<JR SE;I'S L64 up e DOLL UP HUJ} CAPS 10.95 up (Set of 4) e CHROME TAIL PIPE EXTENSIONS 89c up MOTOROLA CAR RADIOS-FINEST MADE . MANY n'E"8 TO . CHOOSE FROM ·1842 Newport BIYd. Costa Mesa Beacon 5841..J .. . .. .... ~. S H 0 P at Walker's Another Walker's Friendly Service! One Hour. Free Parking The Friendly Store at 4th and Pine At •rt Ylchrl• A• P•rt I ~~--= wltti ,...u. .. .t 1.IO or .. ,.. -'ollnlff .+ -· .............. 1pace for 3000 cars no waiting, no delay Plot d 4tti Pk. 707-451 LONG BEACH Abo FREE PARKING at any "PARK and SHOP" lot " The World's Finest Choice Bourbons-• :NOW OftAINA.llLE IN . DUJANTICS llOTDZll AT NC) J:X'fllA (l()ST, ' * OLD GRANDA» * OU> TATI.Olt *OJA ar•ata *~ TA"\'DH .. We ha.ve a f~w Choice· Pre-Wa.r a.Y....OW . • IOURIONS ' ' Dry Dll.1•r ·. wiNt·s RED ' ;r WHITE DOMESTIC enCI '* PAA & nLl'OD *LW.BDPD ....... WW+''M PA.ltat:•• IN OD'.f XllAS PAIW'.Mia MIRIY XMAS' TO Y08 ALL IM (t O"lt TED ' • • LAMat ll••d i..,e MlsM .. , ... w ....... '~-3~· -'~I~ arms Pl•nft' "ti I I I I ti! JtC ·--~lrclS ltiM llnls I ': ttc .... ,, ....... ,_ -.... 39c --.,.. 'Llcetlt• GoWM1•111·a · ....... ·~23c t: 19c ..... " .... I -- Kl2.o154 RESIDENTIAL -~NDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL '· NO JOB '1'00 LAJY,;E OR '1'00 SVAIJ. · • • IOtll St. 1Ne1tpod lliiieh • Barbor :5SS t t :TURKEYS CRANBERRY SAUCE OcoanSproy · Whole or 11tralnod WESSON SALAD Oil - FIMfor frying. •• ~ FlifJ/TS an d VEGETABLES • • • ' ' • • • ' ' . • . • • ' ; . . ' • .. f • • • l I 1 ' • • ' ' ' • • • , - ~ •.• Et• UfUi TO llllSTUll IUISll W.JAY lllllSTllAS. • • • • .. FANCY, OVEN-REAl>YI 4 .s Lt. AVG. • ROASTING 69~ CAPONE 11 ES · DlllECT FltOt.I THE .&RAIN 1mTI ' PORK LOIN · • • ' ROAST FULL LO , ltll OR 49• • TENDERLOIN HAU: · ' . GENUINE LONG ISLAND . 65~ DUCKLING ~=i St.IALL EASTERN 1 5ac OYSTERS ~,:PINT 7 .• . OUll OWN FAt.IOUS t.IAKli , PoiKsAu*4GE:43~ . l 39~ . LARGE. SH~IMP 59~ ,, . LUEll'S FIRST QUALITY SLICED BACON 49~ ' • BEST v~ vRADE. sues> BACON. ' ' fRUITS and VEGETABLES -........ --...--.--...... ~----,..,. ....... -. ....,. ... >-·:-.~- • DOLE'S SLICED PINEAPP.LE . OlllSP, UTll TYPE: . -~ CE·LERY . ":. ~-IEW CROP •EDIUI LAlllE ' NAY.EL ....... . ·-· Large Stalk ..• ~~ORANGES LIS. -. • COM STOCK'S •1 UMPKIN PIE M 1·x ~ PICTSWEET . IO.OZ. PKG. ·PEAS -..... PICTSWEET PIRDNOOI 12-0Z. PKG. LIMAS 'c~•2. 21' , • • . . . : '! DRISCOU.-.. • FRESH WONDERFOOD M-MALLOWS 2~:25' UUE ASSOllTIUT . OF . FRUIT CAKES! siiliita··1£s ' - • , • ... BIRA$EYE Ql.11 ·. • ". -f) • ~ .... ; Peas · & Car.rots' 1fC ' 12-0f-PKG. • VEGET·ABLES 21' t.llXED, ll.OZ. PKG. ASPARAGUS 43' SPEAlt.S,I 12-0Z. SUCCATASH 23' 11.oz. ' ' SQUAS ... 17' l._OZ. PKG. DELICATESSEN FOODS CANDIED FRUIT FOR CAKES HUllllYI , , , IT'S IOlll FASTI • • • • \ ~ :_------------~ .• Jo •• FRANKS : NATIONALLY FAMOUS QUALITY YET t.llGHTY THRIFTILY PRICED! • • . CHRISTMAS 1,-:-TREES! ' lOWEST· PRICES • . . -• IN. TOWN! • N0.21/J CAN . HILLS IROS. IEST FOODS PURE COFFEE .MlYOllAIS ~ -'LL GRINDS--1-LI. 1 FULL PINT \ J . ' 1»CUISPllY -STRAINED . CRANIEUY SAUCE 10,1 TAU Cll ' I ~ ,l . . RITZ 9T •. 63~ IOLE'J .. IUPPLE Oil UllY'S TOIATO • WESTElll llli.s PURE APPLE Cll . -• -. ----OLIVES ~ 19 LINDSEY' LINDSEY-' LARGE 4 SELECT lflPE RIPE PITTB> . -~fil~ D·OG FO 3 FOR 25c: C:~·sB~SQUlf LIRIE IOI 39' :' 'DELMONTE~ TOMATOE • N0.2~ - ' ' .IUTTEI --CRACKERS . -l'lcTsWHT FANCY LCl1 ~.29'. . . • PEAS N~ WE SPECIALIZE Sl'lllY MHCAlCE • j IN " .. COURTESY! FLOUR • . OUll YllY HEAlnDT m'J WllHIS THAT IHIS .WILl.t • A VERY, YaT ••• --lllll~lfEUH ' iAiiiliir f:.LI. CTN. , \ 11 " ~ - ICE S-LI, Ill URIE .a.oz. CllS 45· -- 25' 10.LB. 89· Ill R •15-GILLOI .49 .IUG , KINS Pl~OF 10, -. -- ~- GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 10.LI. IAG Ylndel<amp~ Hotldoy m ,_ Fllll ASSOIJEI CHOCOLATES 98• LB. 2 LB. 1.95 CALIFOlllA FIUIT CAKE· 110 LI . (lif/d ., 'd..tJ 2 LB. 215 PfEffEllUTS 2 DOZ. 25' 11,LISI PLUM Pllllll' 1'1.i LB. 1 '' COllTllllJAL WllE FlllJ LOAf 2 LI. 1°5 ' .. HEMET SPICED PEACHES No.21 Can ClH lllOWI er'POWIERED 1 0, SUGAR~t:: , CllPIELL'S TOIATO SOUP 1-I .' TALL CAN SUlllllll SOUR PITIED 23, CHERRIES~ IOLIEI STATE Ill Q111UtJ 79' BUTTER~: ' lU..llEllllll IUDE I 59 ~'M~,~-· . , 5 •.. llli;~ .. 73· -~-;-.. ~'t:i1~ .·;·.1 . ' ' IOI . , -POllJIY ciif'iii.~~ 89~·4 ILUHILL WHoU·SWUT 39 ---- . I A LL G"" I· I[ -. -. ·--- t: ---. -,,,, --~!3' liil f CIOCKll'S CAKEP~Mii . LGE. Pll. TU&llllEI STRAWBERRY PRESERVES LAR6E 39' • 2().0Z. JAR I PURE! .......... - • DllSSll' 39< PKG. , ... '3 ... } ALMOll 11nru COFFIE CAKE 39' EA. , .... ,,, -.} lOc ,..,, N-•lk • c. .... Del Mor PICKLES 2!!!~~. ' ·01wYs.'°T11ET.1•o.osz. 011 41 ' IOIWUCH COICEITUTED 19' MINCE MEAT ·~z. PKG. SY1R1liP 12~~ JU~ 24• CREAM CHEESE 2 :~t 25' IRIS IOLIEI YAMS IOllDU'S COTillE :CHEESE . IEL IOITI llRTUTT 23~· ' .. 25' .·39- ' ' • • IN .. . ALL AMDICAtrS ~" · U91JOR Din • • IF •E'S IOI TO Sl" Oil "llS .llST EWEil . -·~··•Y" -youu [Fll• JIE ~WUT-ain -*• TIUE JOTTUI HUUm1 SAYE 10~~ · • · · OU> fNGUSH l TOM & JERRY BATIER 63' FULL PINT' ' -.. ~ loycd Croat To111 • J•VY ON ALL • WHISKEY • ·BY THE , CASE l~WaHARPER THI KIH OF IONDID WHISllY IN llAUTIFUL CHllSntAS HCANna SCOTCH . , : .oLDIN STA.Tl NISH yttlmE 4,, . SP£CIAL CHRISTMAS Ifft EGG ~OG 49! 'URCHASEI CANADA DRY ,RODUCTI ·J..i M4 ,_ I-• . u..-1 '-.....;;;:;w._.,_.,.w;;~ 15~. ·SCOOP! · fil~~~f!!~IL~i79' • "" RUM & s4· 23 . BRANDY '4-t SCHMIDT'S gl1J. BEER • THE 'UFECT TOr..l & JE~~ A 9UALITY EASTERN IEER AT "WESTERN" l'RICfl . . . • Ohl Mr. lodN -ROCKING tc>-l'ROOF • A CANADA DRY PRODUCT FIFTH CHAIR . ' FlnH 393 ICON°"'J • • PLUS . 9UALITY . FULL 4ss QUART OMC~~ ~ 1·1 · STH I - ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD INCLUDE ALI. FEDERAL EXC:ISE t AXES ST. CROIX 6-YEAR OLD l RUM 330 lltt 14-'ROOF I ' I I ' r YOUR CHOICE OF CANADIAN WHISKEYS ~~~~ 5~~ SEAGRAM'S V. 0. ~ l LA IOHEME PINK OR WHlr E QlAMPAGNE or 5'AUl.IN$ ' YOUR C BIJlGU11DY ; • . FLSSHMAN'S ~RED GIN ·. · fO.PIO()J. . • • ICJN&~ .• sc;oTCH WH 191% ICOIQt - 20-YEAll$-:--• OLD! ·· : OILY •••• '· •• I • FIFTH WALKERSt ELUXE A SM001'K . ' 35 4-YEAR OLD STRAIGHT BOURIQ,N_· :;; ~.,.. ~ .. -~· ... ~.,, ·-... M • • FlnH . PORT, SHERRY, TOKAY, MUSCATEL GUILD WINES S'ECIAI. ~ ACQUAINTED !'RICE 49' lltt . ••• ;ou°fHE~N · coMFORT 625 t THAT FlNt OLD DRINK OF TH.E SOIRH lltt MANJSalEWITZ ' c FOR6ET soMEONE1 97 ClllUSTMAS CARTON ' . 4 CHOICE WINES PACV.6ED T06ETHU ; ' ' • 1 • • -I •I ·~ ',,cw~1-:;. u. un a1ra F ..... An J.:fenry Deisters Hortdey Diun• ., ,-,Christmas Day ' christma . '.Sunday ,~ . ..,. __ www•INo :io."EW• Powd1r E11 zl111•1 on Desert Holiday at Balboa Coves • . at l.agun Church .. • WJio find tut ~ blut : Jlr and irn._ X...,. Jlolot• ..,.,,_ --·Jonloo .... to be lJ--:..:. ' •Kist 11.-Y J"~ aJtt4 .... . "I . ~o.ua _, -w Iii Mar u.Diam...ci OOrGll&dotKar.lof\ llalM -_,.-.Ill&' l"ICITJCI" ...,w11111o~...-,.at n.Mtpty-vt.ti;atlaAdi,i+•lllltW11111"91 . Buq1an Wllo -., a -Xotel. J!O Cut Bal-Bl..S. T ~~tor Ille~ at Ille -at llr. and Xn. ~ c Ille Llttlo aureii II)' tlle -,;;.... , of • -ltatlon, m Oout 'I'Ut'1 .... t ~ --ull· and will-i:etura -Die. 11. Jillll8 ·and lllloo 1-Mlllo,•Bal-~t CDM anteen ""at, ..... Uil TluwP ll.nloia -N·-----. ... , Blg!IW&J ..,.q. Monday lnOQlll>s eel police. • ~· Thq will "'*"4 -y..,. wt1.b -ea-. ._ Xr. and f'>ln. Q with,_..,...._ for t11o ~ •nG"JJftPG -£fMJ Z&l.'J' ott1ar w ......... °'-'· .... ~ UIOtt.,.. --and 1urr and wa1tor -at omna. w . -_....__ ~Ill .._.. ---.& .... ·--W•~=~e IDade oft with $273.le ftun the ~ th-cue, ·foWl4 _..'local tllolr ft,fpOCtive tamlneo. lla'llDS Xn. 0-se a.aderl at North On Dec. M alld • Ille -at -u;;;. Tllo -of tlie .L"ID99.-V-.:_~ !'~ : <aU box. .....,It Phlllipo rwporte<l JOUU1J1 U)l<rimmtblS wllll bllck mloHd _.,,.them at~ ~ llr. ori4 Mn. !!,·A. a opoclal CbrVtmu coat.en wtll :::..U.. 111 "i., Jin. ma lllllWfO&T--.--c..m----49 to".:pollce. Tbt caaa Ml undor' In-~~ TOI, tlle;y found It wouJ4 -·· Robe-~~ .. ~.;.~ Opell"'-...~~~~,!' Iha~~ L. Doftll Wiil llit "Oo4'• UU,Hk, JSez:,... _ -0 ,,nl Ml-Ma •t' I 5 YUUptton. dP--Cbarlfll ~--1.WC --IC8 -fOftea ...-~ ..--. .. or .............. able cm. .. • \ , lf~ • .. n ~ j ... ·PM· , ••••••• u..-w•••••••~ Mr .:.n.~~::s, ___ ..:s·!":~~t: ::."'.::"":.tx:~"!rc::t i.!r.:;:.~~tllo..:-:: .... ,.-... ~r=::.-=:J. ..... -,,tt •••• ~ .. • •WJlff.ff.•lf.JfJfJ'-Jf. J.l!!lff.ff.ff.Jlllf• Narci-A. Corona del Mar then ,.... ~ blS tne, -the Btllolzopo A.n. an4 Ooaat Hips sin "thl ..,.;lcal·~~ O. Cyril ' ' I tw, l .... f .Tl Q • · • ·· • • · · •• •• · •• · · · · B wen d1nMr ~ 00 SundaJ' ~ emter of 1hllcll Kr, XW. iltted way.~ ~teen will Ille Newport B•neon.. fenor .ol*t;. wUl atac, & U... I Jlqera L5I .. SH 0 P EVEN Ill GS ::. :s::~~-~B!:i; :::..:~"'",_..! :.:~ =-~w.ytoo~~.: ·~:.:.!:s·:t •;'5 =.i:-! ~-..: ,,.:..~ ___ s.:_--* -. ramw .. later drove to Mocljeaka. ..... • m;:;. caoteu will .... ....... with fOr all -cm Of ... ~t. """' Ille fllbt to -·..u,. ~ ._._ ' •:. mQ Opell· Come and Jw91J )'OUr dllJdi'tJl to ""Y IJld Ill ado IJld to ftject UlJ adftrtlamat aat _...,..... ta _,,.. OWWW 'TIL 9 P. a a••T or W&C* -ttom _.. unw ...-&11t _...... Bunda,. ec11oot I. nil• 1D4 .. suia-. A.4-eato 1D4 --wm "" , -. -. • 01 ~ott .. , IU4wlchea, cake ud a In the e Mr\'lce f:JO 1ceepted up to 6 p.m...., t11o day -pallllcal1on. • -CLOSING AT 6:00 P. IL, MON~ DEC. U 1Q11! Frr•Deli'l!!J Harbor 2 0 -,artety oft-ttamo 4ooate4 "1 P.111.o a a. muat.eai 'pro-Sxcopt ""!'-for Nm;TlmM IOU Lm. ~ .,.,.,.,, • -t a boot o! private and commer<lal """' Will be taaluJoed, openlnr ,_ -. Hll. 'Mii r.r •.u ·-er -., Ml 1 Pl' .,, II ,._..., . • toUu( of the area. Tele"flllon will wtth COZM;fft. 1 A mixed N&Wi'O&T •••.,. P11BUSBllfO 00. ill:.. LAST llINU'l'll GUTS FOR !! Wreaths -----98 , PolaleWa Plaat. , $1.SO be in.tan 1 ee1 ~-~~ poLnc t1b1et trio :'m= of Jin. Norman ~ nu ,.R11·111ft.. lf-polt Brr ta,~ "! lll:4 'DU: WHOLE J'A)(ll.y -. • let up or ""~~en r.ts. Mn. N tie J'amularo aod · =COSTA MESA ATZPATRICK'S = Door Kiiocken -up ... .._ ---llp "=i:=::.!~P;: ; .. ~O::!:r~.":: !:''S:~; U "'Mti.l!enlcw ll-!!'!'!!!l!o)t.,lew " D .~ Venter Pieces -CJalanMn --~p&::::':t !;:1;~~ u;!.i ~~ !.7-°nr:i~,:dN:'! 8oare will 'Sympson & Nollar H. H. HOLBROOK .,.,.,., -FLOWERS BY MORRI I Roy Youn""'• of Ille Servicemen 1 Vibraharp ~ organ duet, Jin. PAINTING &,DECORATING DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 19i:tw. 1111 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA ID!8A. • : Recrutlon Committee, Beacon N. h.mularo and Kf... rrinlt L. '"The Belt Mone C&n u A Prompt !If.:.. A.SK FOR 8. Ao. H. ~ STAMPS •:.. 509 S •-'L--lfyd lalboa 3Ml·W. Pleue "-Ip.,. brine a bit no-JJ· 11'.nd otller oeloctec1· nwn-Y · Buy Repair Service Malotabaed ·~lllJ.lflJ.lJ.lf. .. lfll)!lJ.J!ll~•········ 'r" --•1 o! cbeer Into Ille Cbrl1tm1o day ot bero ~ ~ mualcal depart· &12 ° 31th SL, N~ lkadl Phone: Barbor "1U8-W aw•~i6i-~16l~~~--~-.•!ii!W:~W~~atm.. lonely aerTlcemen. •ld Yountone. ment. PBONJ: Jl.UtBOR UOf. 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport a.a r.:Y.'.9:'.9:'.9::Y.'.9:'.9::.!l"!l"!;Y.:.0::.'::Y.:.0::.0::.0:l9!l9!l9!:.0:'.9:l9!. ' Plan oo rolnr to cllurcb thll &ztfc · · · · · Juniors Entertain Sunday and If you bava no Church HAULING • ~ ~ '"t -~..,.. ..---,.-.... -------~ :..,......_. • ..,...... ....... .._.~ ..... ~:----.... :~ ... -.,......--.... -. . .. . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Christmas Gifts FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD! OPEN t A.M.-10 P.M. EACH . DAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS CLOSE XMAS EVE~ AT 7 P.M. FREE GIFT WRAPPING AT PRINGLES ••-.1'01" OK KAJllO ft.YD, Do IAIP -91s Cl, -TYPE. WftB G-11: am:.m, IM VU.. 7& COASTER WAGON~ .. ,.a1.. .... LIGHT SETS ... ., .................... 7- BOx OJP 1!, DIAS T&EE. Tio Value 5 9 iilCvc~ .. = .. ~.~~~ ..... ·S's ~~M~!.sv......... . ·2· .. · 1sc oP~N·D~ar,IBLAE':Ra werri:. ma wBIH 495 FOIL iCYCLES .................. fer C: "' "' "' ut Value............... ' DIPOKTll:D Cl llltlllU, lDIAll, le \'aluo 2 5c: oomrnAND. .. Po:a:. 1.211 YALUE 98C LIGHT BULBS ................... ·.... tor !!~!~~v~1~ 0 ..,." " i 0UliLiL'16HtsnsX:.": .. 398 ~u HIGH CHAIR ... 3'' con'ON W"T°iilG ... Pll:,: 2·"!~tc -ft, 'ftft. GOOD llD. IM VALUE 1" liJl!llOP .. UL llOX ' 19 ILACKBOARD ................ .... . ... ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ... 2 -··pr O. JlltTAL LEG1, -Valao lftt§ llOX 0. II, O!llll'Dl.&I WUPPltD 21• POOL TABLE .......................... 7·-ROI-TAN CIGARS ............. .. T oashnaster Sunbeam Dormeyer Schick 20- AUTOMATIC MIXMASTER ELECT~IC FRI· WELL TOASTER AND JUICER SHAVER R99. $23.00 R99. $46.50 199. $29.9!= R99. $24.~, 1711 3550 24 95 21 50 DonMyer Universal Model G Kn~Mo•ardt MIXER. JUlCft Coffeematic Hamlltoe·leadt ' AUTOMATIC •d AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Waffle Iron FOOD CHOPPER PERCOLATOR MIXER R99. $46.50 199. $29.95 ll99. $39 .50 lecj. $14.95 . ·3550 2495 3295 8'5 General Electric Westinghouse GEJl'EBAL ELECTBJC I Vibrosag1 Automatic STEAM Ultro-Violet ELECTRIC . . TOASTER SUN LAMP IRON · VllRATOR 199. $22.50 ll99. $1.SO 199. $11.95 199. $1.50 17" .·759 1695. • 7'5 Sunbeam IHt1'glOll Mad. 60 Wet ELECTRIC Sllave~ ELECTRIC ELECTRIC BLANKETS ELEC. lt&ZOR SHAVER HAIR TwlaWabl 44• I CLIPPER B.,.sus __ I ... $26.50 .... $27.SO ~, st:rs l>c'1llb ..... 1191 4"r .... 57.15_ -21~ 22so . 875 ~;-:~" .. 5~ ~ Jiet IMS, · • ' • • ' ' MERR.Y CHRISTMAS ·ad ' HAPPY NEW YE&-: • ·-r • .a 0w 'ltinh e/ ' ~~,,,__,.fl"' O.-p,C#£., home. you .. ~ 1nv1te4 to attend Painting and · Senior Dorcas t11e utue Cbw!<h by the seL Thia Paperhangm· g· ANY KIND-Tralb or! . la an lnt<r-denomtnaUonal Cb--Call Walker-1676 Placentia lln. C, L. Smltll ot 2368l Saini Ian fellowahlp, A conllal lnvlta-GEO. BURKJVJU)'t Costa .Meu.-Beacon 6372-J ~drrwa St., Newport Belehta, tlon ls extended to one and all. DOB -Blt.b St.. Newport Bea.eh • leader of the Junior Dorcu So--. Phone Barbor 241S..W before ctety of the ~entll-Day Advent-Gift Completes a a.m. or aft.er ''30 p.m. Fertilizer $2.50 yd. lat church, uetated by the L&dlu 13tfc o,livered. Phone Beaecm 072..J o! he• group, enterlalned Ill• St. Jam""S Fund . 7k7511 Senlo• Do•cae ooclety, on Thu..-'i P AINTIN'G PAP~ tt • "'•GJNG day, Dec. 13. A delldou. lwtcheon Oitt of Mr< Mabel Gr&.lftlU, • EARL SHEFLIN Ln. n..a.L~ wu oerved at 12:30 to = su .. ts. UllOO check li.ot week completed ! & Painting, Spray Painting An amualng' n&dlng wa• &1ven by payment tor ih!: new educational 2:74 Palmer -St., Co•t& Mesa Janet &bot, enllUed "Going Willi bulldlng at st' Jam .. church. Cool . Bea. M57-M HcD Kenneth Quarrv a Ha.ndaomer Ma.n," written by of the buUd!nj exclu.tve of tum-1615 Santa Ana Ave., o.ta K .. WUl Catleton. lahl.np, was s2a,&OO. Mta. Gru--COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Pbon• Beacon 55<M. Thl1 hu been the la.at meeUn1 Hill ta mothef. of Euiene Grauelll. Fumlture and ruga ah&mpooed. 51c57B for ea.ch society for thi. yea.r. senior church/ wa.rden. Free eattm.atea -P'ully inwred. --------- ,. MEN'S WOMEN'S lllld CRJJ.DREN'S BOSE • WE" HAY~~~DS · 'FOR AU THE FAMILY • ' A complete asaortment of Men's, Women's and -Children's House Slippers as Nationilly Advertised Daniel Green, Blum, Hopalong Caaaidy and othe~ J:rom $1.95 t o $5.95 · BARBER'S BOOTERY 1795 NEWPORT A VI!:. COSTA MESA. BEACON 5689-W OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS ' A TIP FROM SANTA: . YOU'LL FINO A 'f/IDE SELECTION OF LAST MINUTE GIFTS FOR . MEN AND WOMEl'i AT • . COSTA LADIES' ~ncl ,MEff-,~, 1rP-ARE.L ""' . . .. • Al's House & Rug Frank J. Moll Cleaning Co. Fireplaces, Barbecues, Feneet1 Beacon 6111 7ztfc Anythlns In block bu1clt DONK-BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residenti~ercial Remodeling Phone Beacon M~W 17tfc INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING UCENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston or fla.ptone, e.t.e. t37 E. 18th St. eo.t.& MeM Phone Beacon 5553-R 14-Pe.......i. Alcoholics Anonymous Wrlt.. P. 0. Box 20C5 Balboa Island, C&lif. Phone Kimberly 3-539S 3tfo !501 • a1st st. Newport Belch Superfluous Hair · Harbor 2297-J 8k38 ---------Permanently remond from tao., B & Y House Movers arma, lep. ICyebrow'I and ha!r- Jlu llba~No more twMl:IAS· r~neral Contractors 111r.r""" i:.. BRYANT R.,JL • '4" ' ~ ldll4 Thlll'9lllJ' OD!)' 9l50 nr.t SL, Tuatln, ~ U4o'I llOIOth Of Beauty Bu. :llTI Pb.one Kimberly 3-l&M (Home Pboneo 1Aoper 9-2773 or .,... ""-·tlo Wu....,. JA..lper 9·2887) 91tfC ~IL-U-.. D9 WU ---------EXPERT WA.SBINO ao4 troolns· I Mn. Fulton. Brtns to un I . Costa Mesa Coup e VUelle Place, Newport Belch Barbo• 1257-W. lOp:U on Honeymoon FINE moNINO, CUrtalAI, etc. Now on their honeymoon trip Piek up t.nd deliver. Help with are SWf Sit. and MrL Ra y dinner partil!a. Kn. WUllama.. Shaffer, who repeated vowa on Beacon M&l·W . ljp15 'I'b&nklctvtnJ day 1n Wee Kirk of ODD JOBS-Will hu.dle anything the Heather, Laa Vep.t, Nev. The bride Le the former Min p&Jnt, carpenter, cement, p.rd· enins, ett::. Reuonable ratea. Devra Dodd, d&ugbter of Otto Pb Belc M57.w l""lJ Dodd and Mn. Lucllle Dodd of one 00 • ....... Co.a Me.a&.. Tbe brtdesroom 11 the .on of )Ira. Helen Rock9feJ. low, Tivoli, New York:. He hu rece.nUy nturned trom K o re a wh~re be served with the FU:st CARPENTER Alter1.tion1 and Repaln Phone Harbor 2t01-i1 l<pl~B ld'.arin• d.JvlaiOh.. I---------- The couple left heNI 'l'uud•Y ODD J,OBS: and Will ·.stop at point.a of lnter-Muonry and all klnds of bulldlnlt eat en.route to Floyd B • n n • t t pa.tio and fence work ex:pertlJ netd. New Tork. where the Ser· and reuon&bly done. Barbor ;-nt will repOrt tor special M.a· 23t4.·W. -ltcte rln• corpa. trtlnln&' • I.CABE 11. L BOHll 2&-Bolp Wanted • • Kr.· aocl Mn. Tod Oviatt aod eOn. ue new ruidenb of 118 onyx avenue, Balboa Illand J;ormerly at L09 Angelu, they haft laeed the i.Ia.nd ho\lae for a ye&r. Mr. Ovt&tt LI ~ t.be . Pfifer Rittle Co. -----ClousTMAll PAJlft K1!mber1 ot Newport' Huber Wanted at Once TOP .MACHINIST Permanent . Job Apply at . South eoast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. -Khnn1I club Will bokS their &n· --------- nual ChrletmlO party 'nlllrOdly 1100D at. Roumoiie Cate.. Kemben will brin&; clftl for dll14ren ""'o will bo sueoto at tllo event. -Peoplo 4o ..., ~ want ad& ' SALESKAN PART TIME Larp COIDPldllY can UM 10 men. A.p 20-39 ... aclvertlolzls dap~ -WQ\lld Uke to ...,, "° per week-~rklns 20 houn eva-FP .:n.s sa-11. This will not interfere with yQur present work. . CU -.-ry, !'bone KI 1-11"1' . -bert••:io UcH • ' .. - • • I • l -I ' Ml NY CHOICE SELECTIONS OF R'Ell ESTATE ltS~TED. IN THIS SECTION::;;:.::·:: A ' A A -A A A A A A A 1.· A A A A A A A A ' I. ~ ·A·· ·A A A A £. ·A A . ~ A A 'A A A A _ !! !! I ?!t\.!•!!!•!!•!.._ ___ ,_.!•!:::::!•!!111!!.Jl'~l·!•!!•~---_!•!::!•!!•!!1..' !Dieil~~-~--'---1~!!!!:::.•!r~?.! ... ~·~-!.-s.___ a ... lllmte • 1 a.1 l't1• '10-wn.L BOLD ley f'W'O ,. OUTSTANDING Y~ASK FOR IT . . ) . CllJUltT'JU.a "'1lftr7. [)Al(Z. , BEVERLY REALTY CO, :1!'!. :':: .~ ...... ~ Bay FJ'(>nt' Home and :Apartment , HA VE IT 211 !Jut Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1788 • . " • "NEW No. Kalil, 100 Pl.Ullle ~ on the aclUlve EAST' BAY FRONT of Ll'1"1'LE DF.SlRABLE Iota In choice •• CHooa J'ltOWt ISLAND. No expen• 11u been 9)IVed to make 10c&tiona. Here are two buys priced at pre--war 'prices-~ Cord tabl... Durham all IUt&I ·-------·-·-···· .... -~ •-H USED Spin.et piano, tamoua make, In perf<et conll!Uoil. Torma. s:it.11 down and pO.tlO ... mo, at SHAJ'ER'B MUSIC CO, (Since 1907) ill No, 8ycam- 8anta ....... KI. 2--0IS'll. thll an Incomparable. home. Large enough for ' m "' · '" J?U9fu1 enteitalnlnr and llD1&ll enough for ..-LIDO .,.,~ waterfront lotl 1. Two ho._ ....i .,. apt. on on4 Jot. tum.tohed. Ez· .. u111m.i Cotrff1ftalk: pur- co'-. J only to .io. out -----.. --.. 12f.n; vantlem Uvtnr. The pier and float will pl-for llllgle homes or income cellent in_.., •U.ooo With it.IOI> ~ It will fQ' ::: p~. AL S 0 crou tor tt.aelf tn 11bOrt Uma. Near to Bo;r and U.. Bueft. -· 8UOOE8'1'10N8 ,.......,. apt. -__ ..... $89.00 17% cu. ft. Victor treav, the deep water yachtaman, •treet Iota at prices well SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT under' value and terms to for (lllBl8TllA8 OIFI'S demo, 6-yr. guarutM .... Utl.00 Phelilit air fto&t rocl<ar ....... $Mll0 BA.VS aa old pi&llo you are not mini f Trade It In for !ta l<>p cub ftlu. on a P&ckal'd·Bell Telmalon. 0oo1....i.nt torma .., any 1>el&nce at l!ILU'J2l'S MUSIC CO. (81-1907), ill N. Sycamon, Banta Ana. Kl 2-0IT2 STANLEY HADF'IElI.O, Realtor auit you. • Christmas Trees • l"or the RIGHT 1"llD at the RIGHT PIUCK, Go to SHEL'OON'S 181 S. 17th St. eo.ta M. .. Be""°" 8014-W k13 JIEA.urIFUL 16-pllon ot&lnl ... .teel aquarium for a.I•. lncludni plant., rocka, liJ'bted at&Jnlea .t.eel cover, heater, thenna1tat thermometer, filter and fWl. $50 ftlu•, onJ)' $30. Be&. 1890-W. 12pl4 CKILD'S fUll 1tsed lined play- houaie. Bhincled. exterior and root. Call Har. 1«3-J 8at. or lun. 12pl4 GIVE Hill )laple dinette oeta ......... ,7t.tl0 up Uaed eb.rame tabi. and two chairs """""""' ___ ......... '211.110 Dale's Furniture 187• Barbor Blvd. Coat.a Meaa ,. BM.coo "37.J Want to Buy Used Furniture Will buy 1 piece or a carload. CRIST FURNITURE 1887 Oranre. Co1ta MHL B. 732! Tp21 BEDROOM SET, mahol'&ny veneer, I dreeMn, niaht stand, ntlrror and poster dbl. bed. box aprtnS"• and t.nnenpriDS mat- treu. Perfect condition. 1126. Ph. Barbor 2"0-J. 13cl5 ACCOBDION-Uled, fllll l:IO -- WtU .. crtnce for $15. Tenn•. Other• law u Sm, $145. DANZ. SCHMIDT, ~20 No. Main, corner •th. Chriatmu Sale, Santa AnL 8PlNET PIANO at111>.Uy damaged In •hlpment. A ba.rl'&ln· DANZ- SCHXIDT BIG PIANO STORE, Santa Ana. 620 No. M'atn, cor-- ner tt.h. Over 100 plano. always. YOU °CAN have a pl&no tn your home at Chrt•tmu for only S5 mo. 8" u.a about our tine net· al prorram. Rental appUe. on tutu.re purchue at SHAJ'ER'S JlUSIC CO. (Since 1901), 4-21 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0IT2. 218 Marin~ Ave., Balboa Island, Barbor 20 • ~-~~~~-='~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- If You Need Another Bdrm. SEE THIS EXTRA NICE 3 bdrm. home. Could he made -& bdnu. Only 1 ~ yrs. old and 1till look• brand bew. (Owner hu no children). Hwd. floor., large floor furnace. Near high school. Nice lawn, lot 80 ft. wide, garage. G. I. Resale offers usual goQd terms . C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker "90 Newport Blvd., Coat& Mesa Beacon 88Q8 (Eveninp Beacon 87-&7.J) 43--A~tm ud Bo- Yearly Lease on wa.tertront fumlahed 7ear-old home. Thrff: bdrm1., l % batha, .-ndy beach,. rertricted aree..' IT COSTS MONEY To Deal With Realtors. lt aJao cost.a money to dHl with your lawyer . Snap-On Tools FoR CHRISTMAS C&l1 JOHN KIMBLE. Har. 1087·1\ 174• Kiraml.r, Balboa !X:eH PHILCO REFRIGERATOR 1951 model. 11 cu. ft. deJuze. Hu ~ lb. Ct'099 top tr-eaer cheat. Bir meat chJller tray, &11 at.eel Melve. and bll" crilptt for vel"- etablea. UMd 2 mo.., like new. Can have tor contract balance ot $221.U or take payment. GOLF CLUBS, pracUc&lly ~new. of SU.&l per month. See at "°" IPPINET PIANO -RepoalHMd, Just like new, famota make, bet.utitlll cue. Gorgeoua tone. sa ... over $100. Terma. DANZ. Bay & Beach Realtv llCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, HtlO Batboa Blvd. Hart>or 128' Santa Au., 320 No. Ma1A Street And It coat.a money to deal wtth your doctor. All proftutonaJ • e r v l c f • coat money -but profeulon&l mem· ben spend time and money educatinc themalne to M1Ttl YOW' lnteruU. comer Sth. BALBOA Pl:NINSUI..A._-l"urnlah- Complete eet ladle• MacGregor-, So. Bp&dr&, l'ullttton. t a.m. to · I I p.m. or phcme 21~2. l•tfc Lou!Oe sun• Inc udlng putter ~-O......rtualtlM_ and taar. Phone Barbot' 1444-M _ ;:.s.s.:. _ atter • P-m. l3tt•1 ~ss;:._;::eo.=ta"'''-'8""!i't!'!;u.;=---Men's Clothing Store CHIHUAHUAS. reptered. Ma· SEA BOOKS 112 E. 18th St., Coats Mesa ma. papa. two babiH. Buy one or all 21• Cabrlllo, Costa Hua. A fhl• .iock ot bookli on alt yacht· Stock about 1 yr. old. Stock a.ad Aft • p. m . to 1 L m. or &11 mr wbjeeU-plu. all CWTent fixt.Ul'\'lli inventory aboUt $13,000. day Monday. lSpl~ boob. Lendlns UbrarJ. Pbone Beacon &8()1..)L •ttc roR 8.A..LE--Chlld'• play houae. n.. feet by .even feet. $7:5. Pbone Harbor 29~1-J. JSpl~ TELJCVISION, Philco 12~ lnch table model. l~ month.II old. Ell- ceUent condition. $100. Call Harbor OW-R. 13pl~ ·~ BOYS' bicycle, StO; port- &blt typewriter, S7 .~; Cole- man oil 9J)&c• beater, $10. Philco table model radio-phono, with rtc0rd c ban I" er, S2~. Bea- The Islanders 214. Karine, Balboa Ia. Bar. 1$(1 One of the Harbor'• Finest 56 ft. schooner. alee po 9 0.er J:j,000 for uew aalla. cuah· ton.1, 1eu and complete outfit- Uns-thia year-ready for crut.- tnr anywhere. Will conalder R. E . or power bo&t in t.r&dt. Call Harbor l<U. ldlH 8':9H con t7DS-J, I to 8:30 L m. or 1S!t:=H!!!aalcal~!!J•:.R!!!"':2lo~---T-I p. m. 12cl3 - SHELL. GIJT STORE, by New- port Pier, clea.n et.oclc:. Good mall order bWlineu, money maker, 13~. 2102 Oc~an Front. Newport &acb.. See Sunday. 12pl• LINEN SHOP Only one in Newport Harbor area. New stock. Forced to aell due to illncu. Sl~ will handle atock a.nd nxture1. Phone Loa Ancelea, Ct.eveland &:-Mel . l•att ed atnp apt. $2!1 mo. (winter), AU!O 2 bdrm. houae., trlgidaltt, laundry available. $M mo. in· cludtnr atU. to June 15. Harbor 1270-W. 6tfc Collins Island Wut end of Park An., Balboa Ial&nd. I nn. cottace apu., weekly or monthly rat& Call Harbor 2"2-W. BALBOA P1CNIN8ULA -:rum. 111in,1e apt. 125 mo. to June l~th. Utll. incl. Laundry A vruh ma- chlne available. Ph. Har. 1270-W 13tfc UAL ESTA.Tl! t. a proteutoa and Nalton repreaent the high· ut type of Ucen.ed. real e.u.te opera.ton. The comm.iulon your " e a 1 to r Hm• .. bued on Jmowtfdse a.ad 18!f'Yica. Tee, It ooMa mm.ey but yoa. will save much more money than It coet.a by de&llna' with a rea.ltor becauaie: 1. Realtor. know Talue11 and can rulde you whc buylns and -.wa,. U.=-A:::.....;T;:;n:.:-=ller:::::...::S,_2'_C!=:....---1, "-11ora """ ..._ ~ Hou.e Trailer. for rent for all typeo of bu)'•ra. AL80 larp lot. wtth laWM and a. Re&Jtor• have client.II waJtlng paua., utra clean real rooms to buy when their type ot ln- and lavndry. Thia t. a tlne pl&ce 'rutment i. ottered for ale. ~~ -,:, ~the~ -ISLE. 'Here you can at.oo BUY home• •t most a.ny price JOU duire. NOW we have 10me oplendld 2 • S • <>r f bedroom homes that cannot be deacrtbed. y OU ~ST SEE these. ,our U.tln.ga are EXCLUSJVIC with wt. It will profit you to come to our offtcu. Here a little buya a LOT." To .ALL our client. and friend! may we wiah you & moet MERRY CHRISTMAS and a NEW YE.AR In which we all can enjoy PEACE and RAPPi· NESS. P.A. PALMER lNcORPORATED 3333 Vla Lldo Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 Priced Right! Good 2 bedroom year round home with I floor turna.ce., hdwd. floor•.; Ga.rage and patio in choice location near bay. We don't think you can beat th1ll tor $12,600. DUPLEXES $8500 CASH, Full PRICE buy• a small duplex in bw:lnea1 zone, cloae in Balboe.. $13,500 for a large older type du· plu on 2 Iota clOM .to bay. ed. WW brine rood com•. It ,000 for racttnly f'umiahed duplu on Peninaula with patio, dbl. prage and yearly tenant in upper,i paylnc $86 mo. $19,500 for wtuita.ntl&I fumllhed duplu; on Pe.n.tnaula.. Hardwood floora., rlreplace and in A·l condlt~ ' . Balboa Realty Co. CAlllJI: ORA.ND PIANO, ftl'Y T.AllLS Tl:NNl8 u:T. c.omplete pod tone. bee.Dent COl'ldltlon.. =--'"""-'"";;_;;=c.;;=-..'---1 me. ta.ble net and bat.a. llke WW aacrltlce for ~00. Phone '1~ ud Ottlow ta make your home. Liberty Trailer Park Clloool :row l'Mlto. ..... -to Oppo1lte BalbO& Bank of A.mertca lt09I Greeley JOH.phJn• Webb Ulllan McAdoo Ha.r. 3217 TOO ti. Balboa Bl...S., Balboa Re tAe ucluain prope-rti. now --~----.,.--.,--.,-STORE ROOM, :Ill ft. on N...-port ttlll2 Barbor Btw. new. 127 11th at., Huntm.tm Harbor 29te-1. lklS BN'dL Phone JJ!xlncton &-<Miii 81...S., near cit~ hall lllld oull· s.nta Ana ' KI. 1-1137 able for 'll'V, mldlcal, • -.dM., &p18 I-k15 WANTED -PIANO TO RENT OR STORE PHONE HARBOR 1111-W. t•pll etc. Reuonable rent. 8. A.. ------------ Meyer, lOI Mentone, Udo lele. Pb, Har. lM~J. Hpl5 !'!'::!B~-~!!._~fcr!!!._llein!!!!:i~---IO 9-Je, MleeeD•·eom llTOVE, top • burner ranp and 15-lb. ice box, S& ta.kea all. 3010 W. Balboa Bl'f'd. Bu. %270. 12cl4 SPINrr Pian09, new and u.ed.. Baby Spinet $290. Chrlatmu 4S--AfW1we!it11 lllld B- ale on &11 BptneU. Over 100 pl&noe to choo11e rrom. DANZ--TWO bdrm. untum. boUN. 1 bDt. SCHMIDT PIANO and Orran from ocean.. By yeU' only, S7~ Co., 520 No. )(aln, corner tlh. month. KODAX~Ls-20. tr ued. Call OV<Dinp, P'-1·3 Imm. Nev-Santa. An&. UDO ISLE--2 bdrm. furn. home, Harbor 2975-W ------------Sll!i mo. by year only. 12c14 ELECTRIC Orl'an•. new and u.led. Ph. Harbor m2 or Bu. tl14-M. DANZ.SCHMIDT Piano and Or--ltfc CUSHMAN SCOOTER. 1941, New tlrH. Good condition, $7~. Ph. Beacon 6729-W . 12ct• p.n Co., ~20 N. Ma.In, cor. 6th, Santa A.nL HAMMOND ORGANS! The great FIREWOOD Hannnond Chord Orp.n. It you don't lulow a note, you can play Coal and Charcoal this! Tbe Hammond Spinet Or· RENTAL Y' SPECIAI,ISTS cau Edna en.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. TELEVISION NIGHTLY KA.Kl! THIS 7our bom• away fl"'OID home. Cacy rooma and atnglf' apt. By day, week or month. OCEAN FRONT HOTEL zaoe w. Ocean Front. Har, tAT 11c12B ROOMS -Permanent, weekly rental. Lari'• .ieeplnr room. Private entrance, r•race. $10 w..k. THE BLUB TOP, 401 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. (jU9t above the .A.rchu), tttc belq handled by our oUlce. * * * * * * A.if.)' of our a:clu.lv• u.t1np may be purd1ued """""' any Holiday Greetings re&ltor member ol the Newport * * * llal'bor Board 0( JlleaJtora. WE hope WE ..,.,, Bay & Beach your favorite broker! ! l , Bargains What knowtod«• and ·-"-• Three of Our Best we haq ii available to you at •Near achool, churches, tran.aporta- &11 limes and all couult&Uon. tion. Attractive 2 bdrm. home are FRJCJC. with two bat.ha. Completely fUr- Th• only Ume a Realtor co.t.t money ii when that Realtor hu performed tbt. eervtc.e ot .elling your propeirty to a buy- er who want. to buy it. · Beverly Realty Co. Sl l &.. Balboa Blvd. B&lbO& Pbone Barbor lT&I niahod. S12,lltl0, • • • G. I. Resale H W W • ht C can. World'• moat bf>autltul . • rig 0. 1<>ne1. Ea , y termo. DANZ· Balboa l•land Har. 2042 32cM BALBOA ISLAND-Btnsle room, SO kJtche.n.tte, bath. Pr1nte en· ------------ There'• room on thlJ; large lot for tam.Uy and peta! Year-<>Jd home with thrtt bdrma. cood heat, hwd. I noor•. Slt,MK>, $4.300 dn. Monthly payment.~ 160.88, in- cluding We• and JnL * * * Ocean Front Phone Beacon 56615 sCHXII>T Plano and Orran Co .. lTN Newport BJW, Costa MN& Santa Ana, l20 No. Kain, comu TWO CAN ARll:3, male and f~ Ith Stttet. male, 2 c...... SI~. Block A: R.E.r..'T A PIA.NO-Let the kiddtea tackle, ro~; pair hip length le&rn, S5 per mo. run term rent rubber boot.a, la; copper kettle, allowed on any piano in our (for boiling loblter), Bed dlv&n. stock. DA.."i'Z -SCHMIDT BI g ttt McFadden St., Santa Ana. Piano Store. 6%0 N. Maln, B&nta KI. S-t!OU, 13cltl Ana. -~~~~~~~~~~ J'OUR B. Jl. HOU8~2MO de-LOVELY bunplow uprtpt ptano 11ver6d. in perfect condltloa Temu, THREE B. R. HOUS&-12'00 de-S:Sl.31 down and $11.M per mo. livered (both %00 rt. eetback). at &RAFER'S KUBIC CO. TWO B. R.. HouM, 0 . K.. code. (Sine• 1907), 421 No. 8ycamore, '38:50 delivered.. OWner phone Santa Ana. IG. 2-0812. Anaheim 8404. 13cl~ BALBOA PE?<lNSULA -At- tractively tumlahed J bdrm. du- plex wtlb .undeck. Winter or ,.a.rly. Reuonable. Kil'. IOlt-R Uttc LIDO ISLE CJ@'ftr 1 or 2 bedroom f'Urnlahed apartment.a. All uUHttes are paid. Private gara1e1 and nice paUo. Reuonable ttnU. P.A. PALMER lNCORPORATED SS33 Vta Lldo Harbor 1600 Newport Beach, Call!. Complete lnatallaUon. ropalr ud .rTlce of &JJ t.raller equipment. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, SS, $T5, '8T up. P•y St! per month. Balboa Island ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY ltlO HARBOR· BL~. C.. ~ Phone 11 .. CUI 1214-Jt TJ:LBVISION radio pbono comb. lT" limed oak. certified. like Dnf, S"T'ffUY reduced. term.a. Baby crtb, (trlli' blcycle, tri- cycle. wqon, clothln1", ml.ac. Ph.. Seuon. M4f..R. 14clG OWNEI\ MOVING -a.u medium ar&J' bdrm tunUturC!, kitchen ~ lampe. d1abM, etc. Bendix wubtr, $80. I-burner 2.-oWft Univenal t'Vlge, '8G· Wu eou- Tellln and rare cOUectton of fOftip made rnlolature 101dlet11 and ablt>o-Prt. "!'d 8'!-· 1 tq ti ,_.., Tiii Via Lido 1l'ud. Udo iai.. Hcl6 ~D RA.Nott -lHl modid wltJt. all au.tam•'ic: cook· i,.. -·-with !&mp ..... -A1ao bu'IM plll -· Uood J Inoa., -111&w for "'"'-<If -tr.et. Ila.II --a~..r-,. -... at 40t .... ~ 1'1111--.-........ ta. p.m. .......... • t1.D.. ~ t•Uc- Tllie -' • ., ....... , • ........ .....,., ........ . -• tllo .. la? t'7 ,_ -1',IM)Mtl .... MIUP ... lll&, " Full trade-lo &llowed on new W • haft HYeral att.racttf'e aptll . within two Ye a r L DA.NZ-and houae for wtnter rental llCIDIIDT BIC Plano Store, Ban· ltarttnl at WI mo. 8114 a few ta Ana. 1129 No. Main, Ith st. ,..arty ,....tala atartills at MS. comer. au,. aow tor Xmu.. RJ:GUUR un n1ua _New 110 Nelda Gibson, Rltr. -..... -. ·-tlley lut. lot -. ·-1"L Har..: StD.". Cue Included. Terma, $11.95 down and $10.TI per mo. at SHA.1'ER'S KUBIC CO. (Since 1901), 411 No. Sycamore, Sallta Ana. III. 2-oen. . trance. Very comfortable. Elec. retris. $8 week to June l~th or $40 mo. year'• leue. Utll. pd. Harbor 341•-J. lztfc LOOK! LOOK! '51 Hillman convert. demo. W W. BIG SAVINGS! '51 Kaleer 1-<lr. lledan. W W SAVE HOOi '51 Ford Victoria., &800 mllee Fordomatlc drive, heater, ndlo, U.8 , muter whit• -Ufe (U&J'd tubn, Uke new PRICED RJGHT! CHEV 1,1 ton plck up -·-·-$795 ''I Studs 1,1 ton pick up, OD _ ..... -.... -... --... UOtll ·u Dode'• 1> ton p1c1< up __ , •to SHORECLIFFS 272 Evening Canyon Rd. Open for Inspection Just complet.-1, S bedrm.. J bath, VIEW home. Birch k 1 t c h e n. LCIU of t1Jt and torm.tCL Land· 8C&ped •• Priced Right La.re• Prudential loan at 5~ malres thl• euy to b~. Phone Harbor SS13·J. llcl4. S bdrm, den. 2 bat.hi, good 'heat, dbl. !pr. l\'lce be&c:h bome or ttnt&L Sl 7 ,:SOO. I Bay & Beach Realty 14!i0 Balboa Blvd., Har. 1264 I * * * * * * --s. .A thJ"M bedroom boUM wlth l'OUR eabln.. DHU a Uttle paint but DO major repalra. A ff!W pt.C.. ol tumiture needed. NOW LISTEN! The Prtct i. 11,000. --~ • -P,7li0 DOWN ---HERlll I8 A LOVELY HOME on 1\0 Iota. lledwnod fence, loftly patio. Apt. for income in rear. Tbe houM hu 2 ~ma down and a dormer room up for boYW wbo lov• •crow• neata.' Th• kit. 111 modern with di.lhma.a-- tar and ptbac-e diapoal. Fumlahed except for livfn6 room. Muat be seen to be appreciated. Prtoecl at $17,.GOO wfth euy terma. - - HERE 18 INCOME that will take care of you 10 all you have to do is to KO ftahing. Stx turntahed apt&., sarasu. near bay. EXCELLENT INCOME. $29,DOO and you can practically name )"OW' own terma. Owner· leavtnc town. • •• BEVERLY REALTY CO. 211 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1788 .. -• LINWOOD VICK, Realtor • • •• -' W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanag~r --• EDNA CRAIG, Rental Dep~. • ~ • •• Extend HeartleBt Christmas Greetinga and Best Wishes tor a PEACEFUL and PROSPEROUS ~ YEAR •• .. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa l&l&lld. Ph. Harbor 2j)(2 Real Estate Is Your Best Investment -·-A Spacious 3 Bdrm. Home, Large liv. rm. and aeparate din. rm., both wall to wall quality carpeting. Fireplace with heat- alator, hwd. firs., large kit. with dbl tile aink, pull. bath with tub and shower, plenty We. NltJe Mrr-1>-q, yard encloeed with wa\1. Single gar. with extra. lav. Thi• home hu 1280 aq_. ft. of fl apace. FHA and C&l. Vet Ap- proved. Immediate poaaeuton. ONLY '12,ISOO, $ll00 dow1> -·-ONE BDRM. HOME, larp Uv, rm., dinette, acer. porch and avn rm. Bar-b-q. sing. pr. A nice little home, neat and clea.n. Very cl08e to large market. Priced $6750. J,I cub. -·-Bualne .. OppOrtunlUOI -·- LaPerle Realty 1898 Harbor Blvd., Co.ta Mea Phoae Beacon 1043 With.$2500 Cash You can move tnto thll 2 bdrm home. Built S yra. ago, just re- decorated. Dbl. gar., ucellent location. Hu 4 % G, 1·.1oan.. Bal- ance leu t.b.a.n rent. corona de! Mar Ocean View, new S bdrm. J bath home. W to W carpetin.K and drtpu Included. Hwd. floon., dual tlr. turnac.e, fenced, pe.Uo, spril'lklen front a: rear, IO' lot. Only $18,tlOO, owner tnnofen'ed. Key in our office. W. E. Fisher Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith Phone Barbor 2«3 lOttc Good Income Two well-built t bdrm. atucco boules. One I yn. old, one 9 yrs. old on lam C-2 tot In Coat& x.... Low down p&JJllmt. bal- ance on good 4 % loan. Kake your mone1 work for )'GU. · J"UU price U0.&00. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson • Chicken Ranch •• ',. -A rut opportunity for the rtc'C man to earn over 11000 per m.GI! a acre•, 2 houau, barn. stab~ own water and equipment tat, 115,000 chickem. ~ dawn plui lnv~tory. Thia operation h .. over $60,000 grou aalet for 19!1:1 Can be increued. - Moderately Priced ·= INCOME HOME. New J bdrm. Oil R-2 tot, IDCated clok to beach, Should return to $1200 per Yl"f Ample room for· addition a.I wilt; ~u price. $7250. Rulona.ble da. payment. Lido Isle $15,500 . We have juat completed an at~ l ive 2 bdrm. bou.e With m.aq ti.Le featura -encloeed patlp. corner fireplace, good heatlJlg. l'lau encloeed tub, espoaed beamed celling in llv. rm. Ola .. bought with -doWn ~ ment of $4 700, 8-t. nlue oa Udo Iale. GREENLEAJI' 6 ASSOC, • BUILDER~ REALTOR .·• 3112 Newport Blvd-. Barbor 2651 3U. Coeta Meea The Best Town on Eart1n • Xmas Special Cute 2 bdrm. home, 1~ bath, tp. garage and extra Hr'Tice room. Chicken equipment., •teel link fence, one-half acre. Price, onl7 $89:50. Down pay. S2ftl0, biL at $57 per mo. A Merry Christmu and A Happy and Prosperou New Year to All G. N. WELLS, Rltr, .. Auoclates • 1790 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 ~EAL V ALUF.S Are you looking tor a Rab- bit Cl' Chicken Ranch! Wll HA VE SEVERAL AND ALL ll:XCICLLICNT BUYS, ARE YOU LOOKING for a two bdrm. home with fire:place on the eut. .ute ! We h&vt one for •nlJ>' '2000 down. • ~ A.CRJC 60 eut aide near Alpba lleia marlcet for '1900. ' B. A. NERESON . • • .- • • • • • • I • 1?-~ lTeO MA 'WKIT ,. ~. - -Wrtfi SAWE ~. Dee. .lt,-11111 117 ~ (,la..i Jiit ·==···f~I ' ==· ....... 4rf Iii ea • wldte awlopel, •IN" m;y -to .. m:rdl,. JleW .. e11velop• ud...W U-0, pat a S-een . -• oa t1ae troat ud · a OluktmM Seal • die Mek (JaA to sltow evcryllocly rd pmdlued -> ... All I pat ellela Ml'CI la a coavealmt eard- boud box to make for h•""hr totag to the ·poet of&e, I attend a wlJMt ~ (l!IM I bad -.._ to ..SU-) ••• I -r...i eyetemetle aholll the whole detll • • • Hadn't I ~ throagh my U.t eare- fally lut year! ••. 'l'boee muked with .. x -t that thOle ~bad-t · me a eerd .,; natatally I -to· be """' I -t them oae this year • • . Th- l!IM bad a line tbroagb, I eldpped • • . I cllda't "'" eelve -from them lut year ... H the -· bad • HttJe etar, lllM meut the d...,.. bad wrlttea a llttle not.e • . • I mmt be aure to Write them a not.e this year . . • I bad •P- tem . • • this -a Job to be doae u qllicldy ud u ettlcleDtly u poMible • · • • Daisy'• name had a ~ through it . . , IO !d skip her thia year . • • JUAt one 1-to addtta . • . after an I hadn't even eeen her for the lut ten ""'rs . . . bad to ft-~, t,..._ ··-A., buainesa -·-... -. • wasting ~i&..;r on . -SY! Why didn' I receive a card from her lut year! Daiay WU 80 dutiful about llUCh thinga ... Daiay "'88 just practically the aame thing "" my moth- er ... We .. w eye to eye: . I'd go to Daiav for adVlce any time ... ·w.., ahe ill? Maybe ahe hadn't ~n able to get to the otore to . buy any cardl . . . Maybe ahe didn't have the money to buy the card•! Maybe ahe wu In fact why hadn't I :..ritien her to find out! I ohould have written her a letter every month . . . She wu alone ... She liked my lettero . . . When I had fill- ed up five or more pages with 'my scribble. I felt bet· ter. I could just aee Daiay reading it. there would be a tear In her eye . . . There . were a couple in mine, too. How bad I gott.en my· , .. H Into •nch a cut an4 dried •t&te aholll Christ- ,,,.. ! ... That wun't what Chrlstmao WM for . . . I looked at my Chrhlt- mu tree ..• At the t;llt- tery .tar on top • . . Their .tplflcance. fell over me ..• I felt ten yean young- er • . . The llvhag room ruii; that noecled cleanblg didn't look •potted any· more • • . I evea llked that old lamp with the •bade that didn't -teh uythlng ehe •.. I felt uAt Peace With the World, Good Will Toward Men" •.. _ * * * ~ Something for around a Dollar! Here'• a few auggeo· tiono : ... Verkade'a Bi8cuita from Holland. marked down for lut minute Chriatmu Gifta from Sl.69 lt 89c . . . Unadvertized book matches with an attractive Scotty cover • . . 2 pacb of 20 for 25c ... A Log Cabin paclced to the rattero with Creamy Maple Sugar Leaves . . . nro.te'a Chocolate App I e cut in 20 aectiona . . . . Ayero and Held'• supurb sun dried fruits . . . Christmaa Cookiee packed In a gay Red Thr. . . 1 pound Fruit Cakeo •• >. A Bottle of Solera Crealll Sheny • • • This fine wine with an egg whip bue la a perfect complement to om.tmaa Cab·. . . Red Cmnnt W'me or Cherry Wine for the older folU • . . . PolUettla Plants ••• African ViofeU • • • Santa C I a U I Plaatera •• : J'ractured P'Jecll Napk!M . • • Vehet C h O k e r I trfmmed with : _,.. .. " BQ= llcllltod -Oanco. . . . IL ber any fooll cw Llqald Glfta :JOU t8 tll 111 clowa helow, CUl ............ -~ c. ~ 'ilMW.at ,z;I t119 ~LI • 'l'r111 paw t11e"a11 ....... I I J Cl gaal.ily M••I . . •• Swift's Prdllum -Ratli'1 -CMahy'1-LHn Whole or Sha.-tk Half ~m swaNt:"•T . HAMS '=--~----.......... : .... A 65c . HEN TURKEYS • • ·•· 6tc TOM TURKEYS • . • ... Ste JUNIOR TURKEYS ... 7tc FUDTE VAJUETY--lllA AVOCADOS __ .. _ ... 2·, .. 25c FANO'I: BED ROME llEAtJTY A~PLES -----..... 2 k 25c I 1 • J "• SWEET BED EMPEROR GRAPES .-.... --......... -.... -... A 9c Pl!AJIL \\'WU: llOILINO OllONS __ .. __ _ No Bid.a -N• :ao.e -No W .... BATll'll ii.Acg BA WI . , CANIED HAMS~6.at · Bl<lllilll'8 -OWN-l'IU6. C..talMr. 1 ' FRUIT JELLO ~ .. ~-.. A nc IDi'.uT8 PlllLADJ:LPllU. CltEAll CHEESE 2:: 2f Oll&UIY g,i.ap CIUDDAll CHEESE ________ Ji. 55.c . . We Ba~ Lwtftlk -11111& ~ ;,_,!Wt Me • rel ... Pllllt 1 1121£1 lbpzbenlM . . , . I -. u•,i·pmQr1fW Dec:erated. ,.a,~~~ ~1·· •. • $1M • "Md J'!Jb..S' •. ·F•cllll th1u1 lom. $1• ,, • ~ ,, ;,i_ , • .. -• . . .DONT ~RGEJ OUR BIG : MNT! .. '. -. 1951 4-DOOR . D Lu•r PLYMOUTH To le Glv ... Aw 1 Sat .. IMc. 22. 6 p.m.; c .. ~~J,..,..,." BakeaGift, f r Christmas ..... . ,. . ntuy~ mTnm 6-lb. ... ,. 10 ~ ..... 47 r 87~ YEL Jp p11.,:111 lP'1tlMtloull f AB ...... -....... J,.. ,q.11~ PALMOLIVE ~.3/25# -2125~ LAlJJl& SCUDDER MIXED NUTS . - • • .. RINJ) lt -Ju' . '· 2tc .~~ OLIVES No.)1 aa ltc • ;iii•'ii: -No.I~ ... 2t= -.' ~-~OBB.lL~ 25~ .PcACHE~,.:.. '-lf .. ~~- .• -;EiTliltfu·_.--N ... ~ ... 37~ · -. . . -.a. ....,... UCDON.11 OI' 1 ac . llAPlFIUIT -.. _ ....... _ .. .N ...... 1- . . DEL ll01'Tlli z.uu.y ClAllJ>EN 17C .PEAS -.. -·---·-·---·-·-.. -~n ... '- • DllL llONTZ GOLDEN CllEAlll • 16C CORN -·---·--................ n ... ... • DEL llONTJ: !IOLID PACI[ 21 C TOMATOES -·---··--·~ .. , - ·"" 'f • • D11L XONTI: STE~ llPICED 21C .,TOMATOES~ · .. _ _x .. , ... •foiiTO SAUCE ....... 3 , .. 17c • D.11:1. llON'DC ' 17C ·SLICED IEETS .... -7 ..... UOL~ . • DEL llONTI: FRENCH llTYLI: 1 ac GREEN l~NS --........... n ...... 1- ' ,,. ••• rood•--lnllll- .. iiANi JUICE ____ . __ !. 15c ;ff~ .. .,,,, ___ ,, ___ ,,._ .. ,,_ .... ~ ltc ',LlllllY l'IUlZEN BRUSSEt 'SPROUTS :· 2t= . ·~ '*-•" ir.acal , . · .STRAWBERRIES ______ _!! 2tc -ClOUlllN llTAD -8" OB ·· ·fCf ·CRUM . ___ Ja.. ~ J.&A'9ft!GU'V~ '. ~W Al I lES _ · ______ ::: 17c -__ .. -tao-. ~ U%., ~ --· -• 'fO I_&. ICONOMY· , • . : . r15J""'OU HOURS: · . D.1'1.r 't .. -. r.-6 ,_.,· EXCEPT FRIDAY . ' ...... ,,. .. ""a .. -...,. .. -••::•:·:. (All '3 • p ett sllllr .. -11 SJ• ___ ...,. • • • ~ COINll--..._ .. i d I U. DAVID-C. llOU'llY 1111'1'. 91 m 1'11 t, Mw:p11t ··~ A (I .aooa> r: 11>; .... w1r''w fillft l'Mll tea :'~==~·'Or:1:::•:;r" • I I ,.. ~ ~~ i ... -..... 1 I I • I ,