HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-05 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• ' . Wedneaday, March 5, 1952 Volume 4 -Number U • AND SHOPPING NEWS ""------'"' -= :A '"' = w P UBLI8BED AT Zill BALBOA BOULEV A.JU> .HEWPO&T BEA.OB, <l.UDO&NIA TllLllPllODt R&IUIOS 1111 • • WANT TO FLY TO THE BBST WATERING SPAS ? Plumed better than any well-dresaed migratory? ? Dressy Lady-leathers this see.aon are going lo nap to Honolul u, Palm Springs a.nd N&ga.aakl, also St. T ro- pez, Watts, & Compton. clad in the excitingly exotic Sand-Eez garments from Fun Fashions. Believe me, I 'rn not readily aroused, but this goods leaves me panting'. What Peerless pageantry of the Person! Wildly beautiful Gypsy colors i n washable, crinkle cottorts. To fit your every whlm --Shor1s $2.95 ... Pedal pushers $3.95; Bras Sl .95, $2.96. Sweetie, you can look like a million bucks a float. Sand-Eez-Sun Frocks come equipt with jaunty caps, beac h bags and multi-colored jute belts ... ttll scparH.tes but oh so willing to go steady~ Oh say nov.·. l\lrs. Fly By Night, live on _o\ Deck in Stateroom B with the money you save . . . You can't iron where there's no wrinkle. No, Sand-8ez fabrics aren't loafers because they just LOVE T O TRAVEL! UNDER THEIR OWN COLORS OF COURSE WHICH ARE HibiRCUS, Java, Aqua, Plum. Gold and Pa.s.sion Flower. All this could amount to a Pagan Lo\'e Song for you If you kyak yourself over to F1 ":V fo'ASJllOXS, 1305 Coa.1J;t 81,·d., ("orona del Mar. f-far- bor 2322. • • • THREE CHEERS f"OR THE RED \\"HITE A.'iO BL11E- (VAMP TILL READY dr. REPEAT SECOND CHORUS1 Yes }'OU can really vamp in one of POLLY APPAREL'S new turtle neck cotton tee-shirts in red, white, blue, yel- low or pink. Wonderfully washable cotton rib8, racey as a yacht regatta at $3.95 ... Navy and white cotton rtb skirts coordinate with these tee-shirts better than coffee with cream! Skirts are guaranteed washable and sagless &l $6.9~-Also, you better gird your loins and haul in your jib with one of Polly's shirred three inch elutic belts In g1cldy colors -Come wh&t. May! Theae are only $1 .00. Polly's spring gold cloth sk irts are cer- tainly open to suggestions &'I they a.dju8t from size 10 to 18. The l>IU:ll ""'1d w!Ute, pld flecked lla1'!d •ldrt JJI tru pt. IUld.....,IJ< ... N . 'Pollj"s cotlOn qo\Jt""ed H"COlays irptuhed wtth nowers ah lonly any garden in a light rain! CS7.96) And tor your 80i&nee moments Polly'a lj)O% wool knit &ults ln shimmering shades will go far $29.96 -$37.60 Polly Apparel. 1833 Newport Ave., Coata Mesa. • • • AL\\l;\.l:'S OS THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN! AL\\' . .\ 1"8 WIS HING OR \\'lXDOW SHOPPlSG ~ I can't make your wishes come true, but oh babe, I can certainly tell you where to buy shades for your \\tindows. It so happens that this Shade Shop is & happy little beehive for No T ... ~a.."• k h lP I d I th n..•~ helping peoiple la e t e ng nstea o e JUST l,(){)KISG dim view. Oh they do everything here to brighten a gtrl's outlook! Bright Columbia pastel print roller shades ... TV shades that thwart teli't patterns. venetian blinds In gay, mad or plain colors ... lraver8e tracks lhat climb your walls better than a monkey on a string ... and nothing snooty about this Shade Shop .•. if you have old tired !"Oller shades that are worn to a frazzle and ""·on't go U P OR DOWN. they'll sell you new rollers and reveTae the shades! f'IXTURES, ~LES, TOGGLE BOLTS AND TOOGLE AT THE SHADE SHOP. ~U 29th, Ne:l4·port. Harbor 884. • • • BIG WIG GETS BRUSH OF'f': CAN YOU LOOK M.E IN EITHER MY BRO\V.N EYE OR MY BLUE AND truthfully tell me that your Poodle Cut is properly curried? ? ? Ton}" and Lorraine Melum. new owners of the Beauty B&rn. formerly Hel~n'• Beauty Shop at 2827 Newport Blvd., are offer- ing you a profeBBional hair brush as a· gift wtth every permanent! And we all three of us aay that the way tor you to prepare tor sprlng and summer ts to get light-headed a.nd _.}_ ltght·hearted with one of Tony's Per10nallty _. Poodle CUts. Both Tony and t.otTaine have . .,, been keepers of the locks for all the big wlgs and uncrowned heads in this country or the next! And Tony and Lorraine have a neat combination for the beauty business -years' BIG WlG of experience p lus a lot of youthful enthusiasm. They seem to feel ';hat they Cfln make u.s all as gorgeous as Geo~ge ! The Beauty Barn fs adroit at:' &lJ types of hair coloring -Mantcurew and peraonallty haJ!'" styling. And bey now, if you don't have a peraonaltty, ,they'll give you the blue print. for &a.me. The Beauty Barn Is open every Thut'sd&y and Friday evening for lhe convenience of you working dolls. Oh Tony and Lorraine wtll att lo it lh&t we're all Za Zsa.1! Beauty B&m (fotmfl rly . Helen'• Beauty Shop) %8%1 Ne\llo1J0rt Blvd., Jlowport. Harbor IH5. • • • , blG BOOM PREDICl'ED? Yeaslree, Sailor ... many brave hearts a.re asleep ln the deep, IJO Sh-hhush ! In other words be quiet about all this stuff I'm telling you and get over lo Walt"• Tracllnl' Poel for tbat bis boom . . . get a mast too, whlle you're at it. boy. say thl• guy WoJt hu every oe&goinc p.<f&et that ever sailed the brtney. Whether you're taklng a slow Boat to Cllina or • ahakedown crul.ae to Norm'1 IAn.din.g; be aure you're carrylD.g the proper gear all of which 11 at W&lt'a llarltirM Muaum. S'C'*rlllc SpedaJo tllla ...-.,,,, FISH· -ID - ING POLES. FLSHING CHAJRB WITH 0...U. of -11eop GDIBALS (no relallon'a to Macy'•) i · t boom crutch ... (for loud reportA) AND"WHAT YOU R£4U,y Nrm IS Wolt.'1 4 band. Radlopbou Ship to 8b!ll'<!, 12 ""It. ltr watt deal. U tbJl>p get too dull ""1en you're &I.I ot -You cu ~ call ""°"" and ay "'How :rou bef" Ii0 1 - --..._ boo61u, ., plency of booby tnpo for ale 111: Woll"• Mariae Kecca. • '• • Alm -tllel -40 ...., 90 pl ...... -·· dlaln ...., u -t mcltGr1I. Ob rtve me a llf• .., ·u.e bollJldlnc mala llhd also lllat lhlP'• butt.er dlab at w.u.:rs D.\llllfG l'Olft'. ps ,.. w., N'-it. llutM\r hat Nut te "'-I'-r..a-._ 0,. I n',., • . '· . . I •11~000 OF NEWPORT HARBOR MEN AIDS NORA · MORGAN ·i I . . IN HOSPITAL . AT A~MED~ .JUDGE D. I. DODGE Nora Morgan hu returned from the brink o~ the endless valley; she hu made the journey on a riv~r of blood. Blood . that wu t&ken from the ·1eins of a dozen men of Newport Beach-fishermen, sn1pwright.s, mechanics and aalesmen, men wl\o knew her at her flag shop on the COast Highway, men who knew her and dunked doughnuts at her counter at tbe All American Market. Nora Mqrgan hu .died a thoW1&nd deatba, but now she will probably re' cover . And there i8 a mother of Nol'"& ... -------------- Dodge, 3 Others Announce for Judicial Post Morgan keeping a close vigil over her desperately Ill daughter at t he Alameda City Ho8pital. There are prayers for Nora and prayers or thanks to the scores of pe1'- 90ft!!I, M>me known, some unknown who have g iven blood . Nora Morga.n suffered much and underwent several operat ions tor ~ancer' while living here. R cr return to business, her smiling Contest for the post of judge of countenance and cheery preeence the Newport Beach Judicial Dis-made her many friends. A few trict-to be the combined City w~ag'o, just before Christmas. Court here and Newport Towns hip st/e beCame Ill again and was Juatict> Court-has drawn al lea.st ru8hed to the Hospital in Ala- four candidates for the job now meda where her mother llve!'I. he.Id by Judge Donald J . Dodge. Only laal Thursday was ah e 62[) Center St .. Co8ta Mesa. strong enough fol'" surgery. Today, Judge Dodge, who hu held the Mrs. Grace Morgan says, h e r ~Ilion here for 22 years, has an-daughter has gained greatly ''on nounced he will 8eek re-election . the rugged blood pro,•ided by the Re started as judge of the court generous people of Nev.rport Har· in January, 1912. when appointed bor." to fill an unexpired term'. In those But, like all stol'"ies, there is a days the job paid SW per month dismal side. and although it now pays $3~0 a Many of thf'i mf'n rN'ntlted to n1onth, u.ndt>r the new court con-lflVf'I blood """" l'r'a''"IY &f\Kf"r~ solldation plan, the office will pay ed at th,. Amf'rlcaa Red Cros111. in the nrighboThood of $6000. and particularly ill tht'I mHllr-At.1 Other candidates seeking thf' doctor In ('hargf' of thfl Blood post include A . K . Phelp.s, Corona Moblle In Santa Ana 1.11.ftt week drl Mar attoTney, Albert J . Del-whf'n the doctO,. reru.ect to take phino and Edward J . Lauer, Jr. th t'l Ir blood at 8 :30 p. m. In hourly con1m lttments, an IUl· t:lea vor his been made to finish all blood taking by 6:30 p. m . .ao that the crews can f inish work and deliver their car~ to the Lo!!' Angeles proccs!'llng c e n t e .-a1 apecifird tltnes. • -The follo~·1 nR telei:rram1 h n,. J been f'f!;el verl by Hadfield from Mras. Grace Morgan. 1nother of the fltrlcken v.·om1UT : ''ALAM.EDA HOSPITAL RE CE IVED AND WILL ACKNOWLEDGE 'fOUR TE LEGRA l\f OF BLOOD FOR NORMA MORGAN. PLEASE AC· CEPT A MOTHER'S PROFOUND GR ATITUDE FOR YbUR IN· TEREST A ND HELP SO TRUL\- I N THE NOBLE TRADITION OF AMERlCAN RED CROSS.'' Signed Grace Morgan, 912 La· Fayette St., Alameda. Calif. City Building Hits $528, 435 for February President of the Newport Bra.ch although a deftnlte s1•polnlmeat An upsurge tn buUdlng activity Union High school district board had ~n made. Th~ do('tO,., f{lr Nr"wport Bt"&Ch wu dlacloaed of lrU!'lef's for the past 17 years 1 "'ho ""U a hired lf'chnlC'lal. re-today by the city buildlng depart- and a board member for 22 years. tu~ to take the hlood of two n1Pnt'8 release of February figures Judge Dodge i• also a director of men who arrivffi at thr Blood-showing 74 building permlla ls- the Costa Mesa Red Croaa branch.\ mobllf'J at 8:30 p. m . Houl"'!I fur sued total $528,435, compared t o director of Orange Coun ty Good· thf' blood ha''e a.lwaya b ee n $1 35.844 for January_ will Industries and a member of from from S untll 1 p. m. Of the p<"rmlta gT&nlf'd last Costa Mesa Lions q lub and Ami-The M. D. is uid to have been monlh, 23 were for single family ~os Vi ejos. His statement of can-Albert Fells or Los Angeles. units and they totalled '314.250. didacy: I Blood donors fol'" Muss Morgitn n1a.king up the bulk of the month's "I have held the office for 22 were mob 111 z:e d by Hayward ect1vlty. Srcond place wu taken }'ra'rs since I was appointed by the Kingsley, Newport fisherman, by rl'palrs lo dlA'elUngs mor-e than boa!'"d of supervi."K>rs to fill an un· who resides al 31685 Third Ave-11000. Therr, 21 permlta, hit $68,- expirf'd t~rm. I flltand for re-elec· nue. South Laguna. ThORf> who 000. ~ lion on n1y record of 22 years ln were refused the opportun ity tn Third place went to duplex con- the office." Th(' judgr two yeard gtvP were Don Nosworthy. 2M structlon when three permit.a to- ago was elected for a four-yea.r Carnation Ave., and Ged Welch tailed $59.000, while two triplex term, but because or a constltu-9S~ Bolsa Road, Loe Alamitoe. pt'rmll8 reached $38,000 for fourth tlonal am endment adopted In Call· ,..,,...o of the men who have given place. fornla by vo~ra In 1950, must run blood to replen ish the blood bank Other rtgu!'"efl ahowed two new again /or the pOet, now It.a duties for the blood used ror MtS8 Mor-omm.erclal unit.a were v Jued at are enlarged .. The new, expanded ga.n loat whole daya of work for $20,800, while • •eervtce .ata.Uon cOfJ1S."'8!o.~I_.-~-2.. tp~111J1•Qt~,. ---,-·.•\J,--lllli~..com 19:53:"' ' ""';' ~ -I -lllapJe7 ON ~,.. merciaJ repair permit.I 1t1i '10,0CSO. Phelps ha.a pracU~ law here When word of Miu Morgan's while 13 permit.a lawed fOf'I repail"8 . . . • for two years and formerly prac-moat recent siege with the grim under $1000 foe dwelltnp totalled tlccd in Loa Angelea_ F or five reaper &rrlved In Newport 11 .. $4130 and a private garage wa.a year.s he has been profeMOI'" In the bor the local Red Cross Ci1aptel'" valued at $1200. h1.w school of Pacific 'Coast Uni-pledged the blood to repler.1~h lh~ I Although t~e month's activity versily, 315 West 9th St., Loe An-blood needed for her. Stan Had -hit "28,435, city offlclall pointed gelf's. field, local Red Cross chairman, out th•t this wu about 1150.000 Phelps. his wife, Nancy and notified the AlamlNta City Hos-tower than February, 19~1 When d~ughlel'", Hilari~, !iv~ at 619 Nar- 1 pita\ ot thls guarantee. Kingsley "ac1.re" buildiag brought on by Cl&'JUs Ave. In hlB brief 11tatement, began his drive earlier to n;alte war shortRges had IUI effect. PICl'UBED AJIE IKllCN:ES from -Mlutrel Show ot tll• N .. vport ,...,...., -Lodp or ra.t year. The Tblrd Amiual Mbuitrel Show will take t.o the -of the N•wport -· Ulll-On Hip llcllool auditorium ap.ln Friday a.od Saturday nipt.s. wtth curtatn' time lleted tor I p. m. The MlnMt~I 8hO\'\' 19 •taa"e'd for the berw-Dt of tbe Elks Cbaltty tundlJ and It. preeeotat.loa ls the a1lml•At1o n of many week.a of practltti and ~beanal by the show members.. &IJ local bmlDeM men and memhera of the Newport Harbor Lodl'e of Elks. he ,said : "I believe that the posi-th• donor pro('t'8.m work. Those The lut two monthl' permll!I lion of judge presiding over thl.e I who have given are E . A. Morte:"L-together total $964,3 19, ~vtng the new judicial district Is one or eon, 1040 W . Balboa Blvd .. How. year a fair start toward topplng great responsibility, and BB the a.rd R ue or Santa Barbara; 'Chili' last year'JJ record 11hatt~rlng $8 harbor area rurthe !'" grows and Paul T roester. 20:52 Pomona A\•e.; million figure for local building de velops its lmpartance wtll ex-Pete ~orgyart of the Harbor De· activity, ELKS MINSTREL Brothers Nabbed SHOW TO PLAY With German 'Gun pand tremendously, The ever-I n-partment; Jack Clark ot 166 Cecil creasing-comp1Pxlties of the law Place. Coata Mela; Dave Gogerty. demand that thie poaltion be hel1 23:S21 Signal Road: Lon Pulgencio. by a person who hu had thorough 8 17 Cout Hlghwa.y; Bob Walsh. and complete training." 143 Claremont Ave., Be Imo n t High School Now Legal Part of Newport Beach ·MARCH 7, 8 on Main Beach Newport 4th Grade Visits S, A. Museum A trip to the Charle• Bower! Muaeum, Santa Ana., was a high point in the study of early Cali- fornia for two cluses of fourth (r&ders at lhe Newport gra.mn1ar school la.at week. Mrs. M&rr.1re-t Lya.11 and Mia Allee R&1l on Tuesday took pupU1 to the mu· seum where M188 Ellen Coulter: curator, instructed them flirt.her ortfthe early Indians of Callfom1:i and the exhibits ln the Indian room. The chUdren are studying the early hi.s tory ot California. ,Shore; Vic Berry, 913 Cout High· way; Jack Brundage of 23572 Pirate Road, and at least a half dozen others. Hadfield when appriaed of the refual to take blood tor the local chapter while the Blood B&.nk wu Ln S~ta Ana contacted Ed· ward Schotlland, executive o!' the Red Crqas ln Los Angeles. Schottl.and Ez-plal.ne Scholtt.and explained lh.3.t the Red Cross la requlred to ha ¥'e a doctor In attendance whJle blood la taken. It· la impoasible he s!li.i, to depend on volunteer dcw:tora; therefore the Red Cross h 1 r e s medical men, at least one to each blood bank. In order to keep with- IF YOU. YOUR HEART WOULDST WITH RAPTmlE FILL THEN DROP YOUR SHOES Al'r'D DANOll AMOUNG THIC DAFFODILS! Petty 'rotncl-................ 0 SPWIAL TBll! WEEK: DAFFODILS 90o a clo .. n .. J'LEUB8 BY. MORR!, 509 E. .. I_ Newport Harbor's third· a.nnUal Minstrel Show will take to the boarda of the N cwport Harbor Union High school auditorium Friday lllld Saturday nighl.8 when It'1 official. Newport Ha.rho~ a cut of th~-l!ICO!'"e -local cltizens Union H lgh School campus now lH~ will take p&rt ln the musical. annexed to the Clty or Newport : Galnlng In poptll&rity each year, Beach . lhe mlrultrel ahow hu produced A copy of a letter t.o County some outstanding talent from Clerk B. J , ~mt th from Frank M. ambng the local buslneas groups, Jordan, Secretary of S~te ot Cali-membera ot the Etq Club who otmia baa been recelveCI he.re by sponsor the tJVe.Dt. the city clerk. The Jett.er lltates Many ot America's best loved that r eceipt u o~ F eb. 18 tn Sac-sonp, and long popular dance ramento of Smith I copy ot ll re&<r rouUne1 , and end men patter will lutlon adopted by Oran.re county be preaented tor the enjoyment of irupervtaora, approving annexation th08e attending the show. of the dlatrlct to tbe city, made FUnda derived from the minstrel the matter official. aty CouncU show are ulle(I by the Elka for here .h ... no action to take -un-their charities. throughout the lea a vote or welcome ia een ~ the year. The Elka Club hu been the school board. principal eource ot Chrl8tmu charity In the Newport Harbor Harbor Panhellenic ~:· =~~e~ ~~t ~';.~~": S t D t f ~ program ot practically all other es a e 0 11ea clubs. or 0 ege · Ir S Show are the m11111ca1 and <lance f C II !:, , I · Out.It.anding In the Mlnltttl numbers ot the 'Cbol"Uli' composed Barbor Panhellenic: met of local busineu men. No pro. Blvd. • Wed.nead.a'y morning atj the POJl»Y feuional tal~t la U8f;d ln lhP •y BA~ YOU BEEN avenue home of the preflde.nt. Mra. lhow th.ls year. Solo and 1peelal !Aft J Ra)'lnond K. Harvey. ea for group 'numbera are echedulect by 8A80TAGED LATELY!' f ~ the year wu dt.cuaaed Tom Norton. Exalted Ruler, as ln- I mean ~ POUNDS CAN SABOTA@£ THE Ing affair of prime terJocutor; John Palen, Al Gotter· BEST LAID I WARDROBE ·PLANS! Why only lhe annual Mother-dam. Mori Mulho, Doc Rambo, Al the other da~ I aw my tinrt Robin! C.0111pJetely tn June. Ma.thew~ It. F . Schell, Bob Beecb- away With th• Idea of aprtnr_ moulting, Set ffn' Sa.tunlay Ju er. Bob N<lt't.on, S&lnt Cicero, Jim I tried le. 11J tlth•IY Into my lut year'• ahortA! ,be held at the Girl l"tlber, Dick Newman, and the Saltetean ... Ber to report •• • Barely made It.• See! 1{\'ut Balboe. BlYd. . uating only woman in the ahow, me..a lhal"s what hapl>'!llOI We lie "'l""'d 1a our e&-. llll winter lllling -ion who are COin&" cn t.o col• WW~q. . • up on whale blubb9' ••• Ulen comeo lpftJll" and a yearning to fol· W.-e and will be lnte In ..,.. Tlcl<eU ue aftllabk trom moot l'ollyuna R)'O; "Tfiere•1 alwayw .Over ltniDI"·" In till• cue. your lnv!tid. W,... Ralpll r.on 1M Norton"s Bayobore Cote, 17th and l'ou,&Ma .. the lllautfer --Ana. Tllo Sta~·· Sy.Um centtal A .p..i..... will eo..t Hlpw~; Mon1'• """"' He ld in city JaJl on auspicion of armed robbery are two brothe ra Clifford Clyde Stewart, 2:S and Julias Clifton Stewart, 21, of :>820 Ludell Ave., Bell Gardens. The pair wu ob3er~ed Sat ur· day at 2 :30 p. m. by Officera Don R, Burdaall and Lowell ll. Pollom on the Maln Beach at Corona del Mar. a.a they placed 80rne objecU in the trunk of their 194.0 coupe. On driving to the top of the ramp, the car WU 8tapped by the patrol oftieera. 8earch re\lealed a Dreyse 7 .~ mm. aUtornauc Ud clip of five live •hells wrapped in an old cloth. Another live st)ell waa found un- der the lfe&t of the car. 1 The brothers were held yeater· day for lnvestlgatlon at request of Long Beach and HunUngton Beach police in connect ion wtth TeCent robberiea in tboae cltte.a. police aald. L A. COPS SEND 'GREmNGS' TO OUR CITY AnORNEY AJI happem to nearly every citizen .ametlme d u rt n g hi• drivlnl' career, the law tln&Jly caught up 'With City Atty. Harry Bloc{ptt y..Urday. Poll~ here rec.tved a re- queet from Loa· AnJelea Pol lee Department to aerve a tratflc warrant On Ne~ Beach'• lepJ •aci.o. &II wu .. t at $35. l'ollce said Uiey ·did not know lhb !llllure Of Blodcett'• 'vlolatlqn -~ th•t they .,._ peeled hlni to pk:k up Ille bad D""11 Ill: ~ yqt.er- day. COMMUl•1fITY~ CONCERT Community Conce!'"t men1bers will have the opp<>rtunity to hear Pleretl<!: AJ&!'"ie, lovt"ly lyric 50. prano, appeulng Friday evening, March 7 at 8 :15 i' m . in Santa Ana H igh school •ditoriu.m. I RELIABLE T SERV I CE v THOROUGHLY TRATh'ED & FA<lrOBY QUALIFIED ELIOOTRONIQS EXPERTS l'ULLY EQUIPPED to SER VE YOUR TV and RADIO SERVICE NEEDS Complete Marine Radio Service and Installations U. S. Government Lic•sed T~niciaM Call as aow for service TELllPllONJ: !l!:AOON 6T8S 1 COAsT ELECT ONICS ·C • 915 Coas HkJiiway Ne!wpc~ leach low Ute IUD. a.dmou! The EU.. of the bulp 1M onl 'Blat u "'rUI..; and Uldr m ra, will be members of lhe EUu .Lodp, at i. upert at IJ!Ot redUciq ••• II l94ucln4' i. the -"" of maldq be pc ' rt. . I _ .. Shop. BoJJ><la: The N~-Bal· you loolt so0a In'. tbe rlpt ~CW· ~. Yov -l'iM>e ,.,.,,. Pr-were -_,...'Martin ~Bob Eutman, attomey. l,·----..---------------------• flguno Ii you expoct a Ill~ '"-lllftr 8yotem. u :tOlf mat Kucold, ,,,.,.,... ~ 1-Kllrln6 Ave.. Jilal-laland, or at I B!UEVE: l'Ublic funds used to wrl•i11, ,:ot!trol or f99U- ralJ.e bj """"a nat11111 wide,~~ nietW tW not W--K. "---s-the~ Oft!""-i.te 6usi-. tend to destroy privll!f9 enterpriH end OCl!Y teduc:es, !!lit .porlca up pooture and nialtu "YOOI t•I UM XNJer, °"'*&• Gatb!:lt CUlletoll '·------est•blish &o.ilu FRANK ~~ LINNELL a -woman! -..1 ....m.-.. llpOt "9l4lnl° ai the ---8mi&a, Ji&rTJ' ~mid the ilolt-Tbere'I DO ... llmlt Oil ~ 0 , o;i_r M. ' ....----• -They "' ~ u.. cn4le lo _.. ,...,..... cON6iW--6aloo ... in • -i.. u -.. ai,oo .por tnatlDmt. -,,.,_, Hat.,..,._ 1'fll llfardl u U>o --~ -1on11 ,_. REP ,. ,,....,,.,.,,...., ..__ 'HAL ""~ r.t. llil ~.·-. -.&a JD.la-ma. at I NL ID P11pfm ...... • lib a.p dop thaa poak • __ ,,.....,. ._..., ....... .U.. · l>ELIYEUD IV CARRlll TO IYDY HOMI It( IAllOA. MLIOA · DIL MA, NDVPORT tUOO CllCUUllOH. HEIGHTS. ·c TA MESA.; LAGUNA MACH Y -Ii. , ' • I ·1 I , ' I • • • PA.OE I • ..,.., 2'911 "To ·rent your bomo or Ht--laliiil8tld M , ... NAwtao&it UI Ph. BARBOR 1818 aad.~ ;your . ..,.... II . - l'OST aB4 <1 )l1lll'!I 1 Want Ad todiiy! \WtJ.09l'J _.,. • SHOWING I THIU ti>~RT.f..t«?!~ . . IUESDAY,-;R. 11 • • • Robert. Landfleld, f-r New ' • • • • 1 4 ' • 1 = l port Hf.rbor high ecbooJ irtuden NEWl'OllT ll&BBllJ' ·EI.KS IA>DOE who went In Ut• Dae")' nearly tw ~ yea.rt agO. Id now toUJ!inS the Med ELKS llSTIEL SHOW AD Star Cast Qt Home tows Talellt THIS WEEK-END MARCH 7 & 8 et 8 p.m. , lterranean area aboard the ca aupply •lllp .uss Alabaln. accord In&' to bi1 uncle, W. I . Landla of, Balboa. Letten . tTom Landfleld, whol 'fa.& graduated in June. 1950, trom1 Harbor blgb, relat<! visiting many! Matorical polnta of interest in Al--1 giera,., . Rome, bia,ples and otheT, .-po.ta. Neat -tlm.e the ahip touches I a hench port. the oblp'• party tended Ne-wport Grunma.r sch.odli I pl&ru to via.it Parle. 1A.ndf1eld at.- Newport Hani~r Union Hi Scliool Audi.torium ~ln&'B";':,'.::~h11Cb~~0~·1~': e;l...tl TlakeU last viailed friend.a and relativefl .15 Available From be.te last November .. La.ndls Naenda 11wne4 11.60 · £l;k ~dtield copiea oC the ews- l'fEWS..TDIES -Every Tu NEWPOBIJ BAY ~T;_ Wedn NEWPORT-BAIBOA PRESS -Tbnl-!Mla. Ne-wpan Bay Pon ~ .. 4'lo 'm-ma la -Tailiocllll' Neww--n-or Ille 1'1lundaJ ~ llUNlMUM AD 18 ' LD1EB All "lewllld ..i. m•& tie paid -<llalt la .,_ .. of ~ :tt= ~=--'J:ll 4 .UJletJ s Papen %.00 . lbe ,publfllhere will not be reeponetble tor mOre than one tnconect 1 lnaertlon Of an advert.LMment. J'e9ef!W tbe rtgbt t o correci11 d"MtfJ any ed all adl and to reject any advertisement not co~o~ to ruJea and regu.laUona. Advertl.aementa and caneellatloJ, wtll bt: J.ccepted up to O p.m. on the day prece&nc publication. . Ji:xooi>t deajlllne for Newo -!l'lmea la 11 a. m. Mond ya Novel~ '\Let'• Mal<o ~· ~ IUd'• JI.at,. Sat., !.:'6 ... .., ........ G 'net '811"" MJllil'., llON., mg. 9ofl hytor I .. Japanese WGr Bride" .. ., ".\ 4 L t t v,..:.v · N..:'·"O-' /tl.ll- "MEEI DANNY WILS H l!'JIAN1l lllNAl'BA -SJm!J,y WlNIZJll! -n.-· · "CIMAUON KID" (in T echnicofor) . -' . AUDREY MURPHY ' -THREE DAYS ONLY~ WED., THUR$., FRI. MARCH 1~ 13, 14 STRIPS IARI . THE FACTS OF .LIFE J17;llllV7;lilt'7 On Stage • 1n F: rson W8MENONl.Y •T 7·MEN9P.M. l An.y Tim~ and the Presa so he may +--------.---·------------.0 keep up on !home happenings. Phooe Bar. 1811. Mk for •.&.d TakeiM or · ff'lld ad aD4 remlttaaee &o NJIJWPOBT llAllBOB PUBUllBINO CO. -Al.SO- Thoma11 Gomn · ''Harlem G4Dbetrotters'' CURTIS HAY ES Ill tllllllU lllflR ""' -Ml • • • LEE SHIPLEY Announces . ·C .... E SALE! • • Now at Y3 ·to Y2 Off D~ • SWEATERS• ·BLOUSES • SKIRTS YABDACE Crepes. Corduroys, W oalens. Col lo=JS. etc. LEE ·SHIPLEY ORIGINALS ~ 2848-J THIS CAPE COD HOUSE BU!LT ON YOUR LOT $ 6 2 50. Small ClOWfl ·Payment nu Balboa Blvd.. Newpon -· OQUornla. . --.-r ___ s;..pedal __ N_otl_ces ___ ~B~~I Servtc.;s V Newport Harbor • B. P.O. E . 1767 Meets every Thursday M&ln St. 4: Balbo,a Blvd., Balboa , Dinner 6:30 p. m., Lodge 8 p. m. Tom 'Norton, exalted ruler 10-Buslness Gulde SAVE MONEY ON Magazine Subscriptions MA NY SPECIAL RA Tl!lS New and Renewals Margaret Soule, Bea. 6620-J 2482 YJ NewpOrt 'Blvd., Costa Meaa 38c39H Furniture Restoring Chain, benche. and atoola using cane, rush and reed Harvey's FumitW'I! Repair BRING to 20ft0 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Phone Bea. 6133-J. FASffiON FROCKS. INC. LADIES-You are lnvtted t o come see charming new fashion .!lheets ot reasonable dresses direct !rom 1nanufacturer. 10 a. m. to 2 p. m . Representative, Mrs. E . J enkins. up, 37091,2 West Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 053~-J. 4Tc.f9 PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 16.16 Santa Ana Ave., Oollta Kea Phone Beacon 66<M 156c61B Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECOJ:UTING 'The Best Money Can Buy'' 512 -38th St .. Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 240• . 52tfc B & Y House Movers General Contractors ·PAnlia:MMo!!E ""'"JitlilS GlfASON-Tf• .. -··--~ ............ ~ Goorce Mont1"011Mry - "Indian Uprising" ln Tecb.nicolor , 650 Firs t St., Tuatb), Calif SCTN. & MON., COKT. SUN. Phone IOmberly Sr1885 June A.11,yson. \:an lohn8QQ (Home Phones JAsper 19-2773 or JAsper u..2681> uurc "Too Young td .Kiss"· -ALSO-- EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Tyrone Po\\·er. A.an Blyth Wanta repairs, remodelling work. N o J ob Too ST11a11 "111 Never Forget Phone Bea con 5114·M y <6p4B ~~~~~0~11~·~·~~~~~ ;;:l8:;._.;::~==c...:.:AJ::;.d:::8:;.. _____ Opu1 Evenin•• by AppoU.C.ent Superfluous Hair Bea t •1az Permanently removed from face, U Y CICll' arma, legs. Eyebrows and hair-1 D4 Tua tin Ave., Newport B.•c::h Near All·Aonerkaa Jine ah.aped-No more tv.·eeziUg. PERMA.l\~1"'TS .... $J O.OQ &. tJp Ell.i:N L. BRYANT RE. M.<\.:\"1Cl1RES. ......... -........ 1.00 Tueslay and Thursd/ll' only SHAMPOO .t SET ........ 2.00 Ltdo's Salon of Beauty Har. ~1576 SpK\ali:i:i.ol' in Tint• an.d Bleac::hea CONCRETE WORK FOR ot an kinds A VON PRO~UCTS PHYLLIS G.&ST01'" Phone 8t"at:on &435 Flagstone Patios Balboa Island. I Call STUDEBAKER .. NURSFS IN ATTfNDANCE All SHOWS ALL sEArs eoc. TAX INCLUDED U CASES OF KEDmEs. RECEIVED Tms WEEK OPEN ~Uf!I. 10 • 5 Ph. Har. 185 .JUST WEST OF THE NEWPORT PIER N'OW OPEN SATURDAYS •nd SUNDAYS lvouAMtC PUBL.IC GOL~ COURSE I ~~ i:;,:r.~ =J~ ~R . J 50p!51B Ft<>< Eotlmatu-Bloclt Wa!IB Mrs. Ada ~w · •·••-0:.11 <tsftc -----'----L.--- DON K. BUTTS , Builder Phone Beacon 6406-\¥ Made to Order Expert . Workmanship Best. Mtlterials • I -. ONE DAY SERVICE COJQ'LEl'E UNE OF • SEAT COVBaS l'IBER -PLAS.TIC :_CUSTOM EAS·Y PA YMINT$ • • • 95 UP ROOFING Free Estimate Composition shlncle. Bullt~up roor. Roof Bepaira. 26 Yeara Experie.nce. Phone Beacon ea7t-J. S4o48 28 Sltuatlou Wuilied FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Cur· talAI, etc. Pramptly1 · Piel< up and ,deUver. Help with cocktail and dinner par- tie1. Mra. Williama. H. 2297-W. So Easy To· Own 40c42 ----Custom Remodeling Master Ca:binet Work Available Immediately Call DA VE MlLLER, tor FREE -ESTIMATE, Har. 2487-M ~ ~48 -----------UNIVERSAL Building MaintP.nance Floor W axinl" -Wind~ Cleaning Wall Washing For buildiDgs, ator~. off1cea and homes. Phone Barbot 116 SMtc EXPERIENCED seereJu.y desires g:eneral office w ork. Machines , See Today Fnf1tory Trained Mechanics -Gf"nu.in e Studebaker-Part,,. JOE NICKERTZ S.f 16 N f"\\•port Blvd. By Lido Theatre ~\\/PORT BEACH llarbor 510 PAINTING 1 EA~L SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., Costa Meu bookket>ping. Ph. Bea. 7213-J. ----------- 45p47 DIRECTORY MAY I HELP you -!vith your----------- Bea. 5457-){ 1Mc9 COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Furniture and rup: shampooed. Free estlmatea -Fully tnsured. Al's House & Rug I CleaninJ? Co. Beacon 8111 T2ttc entertaining? Ca II Mrs. Mey Davidson, Ha. 3001-J C&ll evenini:s. 56<57'H RELIABLE LADY wishes day work by the hour. Own trans- H .. H. HOLBRO.OK portatlon. Local references. Pb. Klmberly 3-4965. 47p49 DEPENDABLE PLUMBING WOULD LIKE'house work by U>e i A Prompt day or week and w!ll ldo aewiug. I R epair Service Malntatned ca11 Bea. 0219-W or Bea, 5762-M Pbone: Harbor ltlS·W t7pil8 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach I RELLA.BL&: woman wants house OON K. BtJTTS work by hour. Call Har. 1233-W • BE SURE -INSURE \Vi th MAURICE STANLEY Imuranoe Only Phone Barbor l '776 t%6 Marine Ave., Balboa Island W. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE Cmirteou.. 111/ormatitm Phone Har. 24-P. 0 . Box 1 Zll7 Balboa Blvd.. Newponllcll. \Lie. General Co-'-~--Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p .m . or Mon. ""'"~.....,. t Ull. itC> 1 p.m . 47p48 =:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Residential-Commercial i;, Remodeling t9 •!!e \f ted WATE& BEATEBS Phone Beacon M08·W : r * an t" • StJt111, Serrice Ad Bepeitn 17UJ: SA'PMAN DT sales lepy for up-} n /_ "-J A --------11...,..,. A drapery lahop. ln· · N DQCHUN.4 INTl!l!UOR -EXTl!IUOR l•t"l•r dOooratlng 1expertence. • ----'·o G~ge WUliam Hawkins, M. D. Announces The Remo.val of His Office for Th.e Pr•cti.c·e. of. Orthopedic Sur9e.ry March 1st, 1952 To 1222 N. Broadway Kimberly Santa Ana 38433 O!nini; Rdom 'Of*' JI :30 A.M. to I P.M. do;Jy Cloted Sundoys ond holidoy. l'hene.: Kimberly 2·2 "6 Lois .F FREE PARKING. i PAINTING bo1¢111. lrl,.t ·-be perlenced.' ~ ~v,,....,. ·LICllNJllllD -IN9URJCD Write Boo< C-1, thlo pa':~J~==""'=-=-=......,,,===~~=W~~;ii:--..,..-------------------.. : Glenn Johnston LADIES-ffOOO In '52 or part of Ir PET LftU."" DC AL, s ' I' Ml -~ st. N""'t>Qrt Beacll your home If bualne>yl ned. Box ~~ • . Harbor 'l297 ·1 Std8 172E, P&l&dena I . f '6tfo h j -P,ainth1g and WAlM'ED--Olrl to-do *"'eml of-f ! ~~~ C 11 P £ 'f and. I U G W 0 I KS PaperbA.nving ~. aome &al .. wor~. • PJM&e, ..._ -• I " 8 'l'Qia.ALL ar O&&NOB OOUNl'Y no11 ~-. W1'lte state age, and .. -tllM '-· j GEO. B~ perlonce. Write 1la& \1''1, t1W1 ~=:;:::-~===~ ORANGE . --11th Bt., Neweo« Beacb piper. -;:::: • --., 8--M~l-W-l ~ ~!8'. fTo.rA'l'.lllrl .... ut =·~·= , lllAJ'l'U,BPS .-ftur.~ CLI: j UfD .,... "".ti' ...... ••• ltrme· ,izr.u.. W ~ 8TEIN1l:R. llealtor, f O>ut' J . JL\'Ul.JNG ~. N~ """ :ii--~ ) ~ ·.~· I ANY~~ qrT ~ IOH-W. • •~T C.U Walkei'-~11 Pla-.ij1 . w.+Jft. UAUTY O~TOll . f o;:. -=.:~ :...~ , Coat.a 'MM• ~ 8172-J Pboae B""'°r 111-· -"I' -• ~ "' • • ~fp68 ~ ' ' FertilUler $2.50 ~ ~ &iJld, emplo~t -~ .......... _ u 1""..,. c1o us ldnd <if. --~ ' ......, ___ '""' ....... I -c J!:D Wft ... J<1U. Good paJ. ~aat .. I S.rdon B. Fbtdl.y ,.... ~ 11¥•''" walta •••••• • • • ~u~ 1 ....,..... cl•••~:m• .. U.-tiG I ...-ns -·~IN. I • :• • I • I • ,._. ....... '-: '1,:.;-:rw.1 • .:p.i;fi~~~~~:r·;;-~-:-.. __ .......... _.;._ .... __ :11 .... il . ' ....... -, 4 .. • Dinner :Event , 'Mater Dei Ball Set for April 19 at Country Clab As the aftermath of regular choir practice last week W1UI an at PmMey Home 1n!or'lna1 llO<llal 1nterva1 ro, lh• · I COSta Mesa. Commu11tty Churdh The welcome mat was spread Choir nembera.. 'who aMembled In last week at the Coe.ta 1'-tesa. home the chute!h lo\lnge. joyce Sands or Mr. and P..fr!'I. • . .!\. L. Pinkley, and Ann Crawford comprteed the 1S3 ·Bl"OOdway , when a family din-hostess duo, aervt:ng reniet:hments. ner was enjo_yed in honor of the at the evening's close. BIWthday local man's parents. Or. and 'Mni. honOM"es were ?tft .. and Mn. J. L. V, M. P inkley of San Bernardino, Reyn·.1lds, LucJle Clark, Dorothy just beak from extended vacation Sawyer and Vti:gtnia Compton. travels. Others Included Mr. and Mrs. Included in the group were Vlr-Ch!,aholm Brown, CapL and Mrs. gil (Buster l P inkley and his fi· ~lght Mayo, P(#ggy Clark, Mary ancee M iss Clare Railing. To wel-Sinclair, Bet1neace Fox, ViVian come ho rue her granaparerfts. Ca\vthon, Joyce \Vhite, Velmn Lucy Pinkley telephoned greetings Compton, Gertrude Edick , Jeanne from Tucsoh, Ariz. 1.flss P inkley Hadley, Vivian Hannon; Dorothy is curently attendjng the . Uni-Brewer, Ruth Allen, Martha Whel- versity of Arizona. chel, Marilyn Martin, Roger Ax- GRASGE Dfl'i:sER Originally . slated for h-tarch 8, the public dinner apon9ored by Costa ~1:esa Grange wtll be held instead on Man:'h 22 at American Legion hall. Y.'orthy, PauJ Lee, WUJlam Wood and Donald Ball. \'oU>rs \Viii cast ballot9 June 3 tor st.a.If" offlcla.IR, f"lectoral <'OIJPge dt"lE>.p tes and judlclaJ ~ You havf' till April 10 tor eglste.r. MilJer Jewelry Co. Is ottering thla big money saTing value a.a a special get-acquainted deal. Any regular watch from 7 jewels up to 21 jewels, will be thoroughly cleaned and lled, for $2.60, with a full one year written guarantee ..• Take advantage of this rnoney .sa ttn·g .value at -once. M. MA.lER & CO .. JEWELRY 1746 Soufll Main Sm.et KI 2-1361 NeJ<t to 8e619 In -N-lbeade 8.hopo, SANTA ANA Swedish Twist · COl'FEtCAlCE 29cea. il'I-37< OL) 1..,-' ~'. ' '.' ChocO'late keel ANGEL FOOD 98"ea. 1$1.25 ..... , 49c WI Va~"~~. ~mpsf,f COSTA MESA 1'700 ·N"e"•port Blvd. OOKONA DEL MAR 90$ Oo ... t highway LAGUNA BEAOB Z7l5 Forest A venue .. ' f colne in and nieet ·sHOPSMITHI ' • • • • • THE COMPLETE POWER StfOP IN O!<IE UNIT. SAVES YOU 60% IN WORKlfofG . SPACE, 603 IN TOOL COSTS I • You've read about It! You've heard about lt! Now see tt tor yourself! SHOPSMITH-America ·s large.st selling power tool. . ' Rugged , .. accurfite ... easy to operate ... SHOPSMITH not only outpertorm.s stngle-purpose saws, sanders, lathes and drill preases, but actually saves 56 square feet ln work- ing space, $300 or more In tool and motor costs. Changes from one tool to another in less than 60 1econ41. . -. Here's your chance to compare SHOPBKITH wtth other tools and tool combtnations. Check Its accuracy, It.a capac- ity, 1t.s a.II-around utility. Inspect its precision featurea- and it3 extra features. Flnd out about OW' convenient term payment&~ Make It a point to,.. SsoP8JIJTB! On dlaplay every d&J.' I l • • . • I . , • ... NEWi'VS.T 'BAY POST & SHOPPING NEWS" ~·SAV:EI ' 191iabte, . ionomJcol DUTCH PAINT FLAT WALL $1t 85 Savo tq, '2.!G p<>r gal. Lo gal. GLOSS ENAHEL $1.29 Sa\·~ to $2.60 pt-r gal. qL OUTSIDE 'VHITE , ·Lt modeb th& wlnilln&' ma.Ilk. "Tbe MoU. Ond U.e Flame," cnsted by Mom. Ask fOr "Crown Brand" -and Sa\•e WAR SURPLUS STORE Balboa fiortat,. \Vbo aceep~ the plaque for ftnt prl&e Md tbe perpetual trophy from Mn. E. C. :!\-far- tin. prMldent of +he local chapter of tbe, Cblldren'a ff~ Society. 'nte BAI ~tuque will bet an annual a.ff'atr a.nd O~ romity fiort~b wtll cbmpete fer the prll:e. (Photo by I. Mull) 18!9 NP\l-port A\'I"., Costa MetSa Beacon 6zo..t. Van Camp's PORK• BEANS Jt is an important part of Safeway's service to bring you nationally advert ised and locally popular foods-brands made famous on pages of neWipillpers, magazines, and on th"e air. We're calling special at· tention to them by -featuring ou·r low prices on brands you know and like. Many are li sted below. Check them for your favOrites. Mayonnaise ~:::..•-;.";'· ".: 34c fruit Cocktail ~~:.. ""'~ 19c . For fru it salads. (30·oz. can, 29c) Libby Tomato Juice '';:; 1 Oc Packed with tomato· sauc•. Open, heat, enjoy. PEACHES on MONTE ~hola quality, sllc.d or halved. 'Speclal price. COFFEE ·· "~~:s·. Vacvumpaclt. Drip or ,..ular. (24~ 1.64) 29·0L (ill c ( 13 1/2-oz., 3 cons, 25c, 46-oz., 23cj Pure Honey t:..:... . •:; 33c Clover or Oronge. (8-oz:. lar, 19c) Tomatoes "'•"w"' .... _~ 1 Sc $tGmlonl. :!',. lOc 21-oz. can, 14c 30-oz. can, 1 Bc FLOUR GOLD MEDAL 'llRAND Kitchen Tooted. (S·lb, bog, 47<; 25•1b.1>o9, 2, 11) I~·· . lamlloes ="'"'" -:t 1Jt betfldlllm ~=-.... : t7c {oco1nut =:::· "::~ 15c Dromedary. Moist, 4-oz:., 15c) • Palmoffye Soap ~.:!~'°' ... Jc (Palmolilr'e Bath Soap, bor, 1 Oc) Your Safewey ha~ a wide variety of nationally· adver· tised hams at attractive priCC5. Select your favorite: Swift Premium, Wilson Certi6ed, Cudahy Puritan. • FANCY SKINNED. 12 to 16--lbs.. average weight. Full butt 57c Whole ham or fl half. •· full shank half, / 0. ROUND STEAKu~~N~~fcEc~~F.~. 99c RIB ROAST STANDING CUT. 83C U.S. CHOICE BEEf. ~. IUN ,A· Specially low priced. Torpedo Grated ~· 19c Star Kist Chunk style ~-01.27c · Star Kist Solid Padr • ."!;-31c ·Crackers Tender, full flavored cuts from U.S. graded CHOICE lamb. Shanklett. ' • SliowAoM Salted Sodo1. ,:.,· '.l1c p11,, lf6S SHOULDER BRWT S.rlb cul. Noohuk. To""" or bake. May~nnalae .... ....i. ,... 34c • btoncf. ... .......... ............. 27c .....,.. ' ...... ,-........ 721) RIB. CHOPS LOtNa.s • (htlf , .... ; 20cJ •"4Mf· ttrc) ' ~ DEL MONTI PIA& 11 ....... ~ 16c Early ganlen variety. top quality. " LIBBY CUl81ANS 16:'~·19c •!!.~!,!,!~!!.Rn• ftavo:.2:.; ISc KRAn CHEE.SE. 2-1b.99c loaf American. For 10ndwiches or cooking. NUCOA Best Foods Margorjne. lb.25c I.le SUNSWEET PRUNES I-lb. Large size fruit, (2-lb. pkg., 39c) pk9. ·!~!~~'!k~u? ,:!~ 27~ HEINl&a11Wl90•• 25c StralMil, ;,;;;;;;r.-_,._, • cans ............ · 1!~45c Makffdlllc-'liioYWUI'. CYJ•lb.<00,<23c) LIPTOlrS ftA !4-n.. 2-9c , Yellow laWl,111....,'(YI·•· pk•,, 57c) plcg. A\!!m!.!.~11e. 2!;;: 9c & =:.. 2 pkgs. 151= JELL~ ~URE LARD Popular 1.ib. · 1 Sc brands. pkg. S.O.S. Clean.er •• ":',.:: 19c Comfort Tissue =· ~ 35c Zee Tissue ~~-;:.· ~ 29c Raisins = ·~; 17c ... $titar.Pops ~" ~ 1Sc • ~retiecJ'.Wheat :""" •;:; 16c • • I l.ICtnleMill -·--22 o. -C .· f!omogenized, Pasteurlud. • • (halt gallon c:iltton, 44,c) Mi/lf>ri~ .,,~; .. ;. Local ,,.u1 mothfi•11-011/y. ' ...... ~ ..... ~~~~~--"-' .......... ..., • • • I ) • I ' • • 1 J!AGi: • • MARCH S, 1952 1 Sell what you dcm't ..... t. 1llQ' NEll~PORT BA I' what you do want with • Cluel· POST AND SHOPPING NEWS fled Ad. • .. Church bY. t he Sea Laguna Beach . • . A loHmaker • : . But leFI. · · , ~ .. th,_._ _,. WW W..,....,W.. ... ..,.. ..,. ,........ .... ....... ....... ..... &..:--,,.._._.,_ l. USE THAT GOOD . RICHFIELD GAS ROSAN INC. MARINE DIVISION w~ offer you the Finest in Yacht Haul O ut and Repair Service Formerly Seacraft 82j C'O,\~'r Jll(IJJ\V1\V, ~Jo:\\0l'ORT BEAClll 1:-honf' Beacon l<&JI or 5771, ·~-25 CAR Sofl \.\0tller Vacuu med -While Sidewalls Cleaned SPE('IALl~TS IN Ll"RRIC'ATIO:'\" A:"WD POJ.JSll_l:\"O l "Oll SA \'E .<\ T Next Sunday mominr the paa- or Rev. Frank L. Dowell wU1 bring another tnaplrblg meaup ln prayer, and hla subject wt.Jr be 'Almost Incredible Pr'Omlaea" and ll Lhq · evening aervtce, the aut>- lo<t will be: "Sefvtng A uv1nc ::hrlst." Xbe Slnpplr&llon will Jegin at 7 :30 wilh tht: aelecUona it Gosp('I numbers by the audience Nhlch has grown to be very popu· ar on Sunday evening•. Atrs. James ·Brown hu taken ~harge of the Junior Church which ·begt.na at l t a. 01 . wtth th~ 3.Mistance of Ca..01 Doan, you wll1 •njoy the morntni: worahip Rt· vices with the juniors in their OWJ\ ~parate building. Don:t ata~· l.way from church on account of the children. you need the church and' the churc h needs you. Thursday n ight is always Bibll ~t udy and prayer meeting, M rs '1oble Edgar will be In ch11rge o• :hcsc meetings until Mrs. Dowell .vho has been UI la able to resum1 hf'sf' duties again. Thank you fo1 ;our pray('r S In h er behalr. Sunday school begin1-1 at 9 :4:'i ,JI art' \.\.'t'IC'omC' lo romt'.lo Lt·glor •nrl Through Sts., bring lht· ch i\- r:\rf'n. Balboa Matron Honors Sisters . It WU World 'I'(.,-I The Infantry b&tt.a.lklJI wu on a 'o~ march trom Chicago .o Lake l"oreet. and ~ l.aat lrlvate ln the tut Platoon was ready to drop, w b e n lame cavalry ,tQ)Ops rodt iy. "Oet a horse!"; they telled. and the private aaw he point. "I'Jl ride through hla war." said he, and with· t a ""·eek he lran.aferred to he cavalry, and a horse. But horse1, he found, are ·ven I e a 8 comfortable to 1de than ahoe leather. fle- nt a reM>urceful man, he 1.galn tranl!!lferred. this time o the artillery, kgan ·lding a caluon. the ftreet the)' rumbl ne af: ernoon., the « u n barrels aating a dull, threatening 'AM.ES RUBEL :low back at the sun. The horscn tion, and later on the Udo late .hied. Md a dazed pri vate founrt ArchltecturKl Board. H e was the 1\mself sitting between the r1tr lslfllld's air -raid warden durtng rack• within .tnches or a "hol" World War JI. "I appointed two hlt'Qi r11.il! lieutenants. the-y each BRpointed ''Thi• Is not lhe way to rldf'." t\\'O aergeant1', Llle sergeants ap- 11use<i the private. "I'll t ry the pointed lwo aub-e.ergeants -and \ir Corp11.'' Soon after, he "-'a~ 11 so on . When a warning came, I leut.enant, piloting 11 Fr en r h rA ll{'Cf the lieutenants. they called 1.ampson ob:'W'lrvi n~ ph\lle ubnve the ~rgeants. anrt lhe whole tele- hc gn!en field~ nf FrMcc. J•;x-phone rhuln s tarted \VOrklng. In lctlv where, he wa1:1n't s11rc. nut tC'n n1inutc~. · .. ve had covered the 1c didn't n eed to be. Hli:; Ob!-lcl'v-1 .. 11:1.ntl . We just turned out our ·r Wa.3 a. man who n ever IO!il his ll~ht!i anrt sla}'Cri hon1c." ·;ay. '[.he observer's keen shoot in~ Con11norlorc of Newport H arbor •ye brought rfown rour c n cm y YaC"h l Club In 1915, Mr. Rubel is •lant's while their RSSO<:la.tion cnn-rroud of h is ro1nm unl ty and its lnucd. The only Lln1e thf' cnr mr rl11z.ens Ht': i!-1 proud that each · r o Rs I'! d t hl'! pilot -lieut.("nt.1.111 's ~cn1ber ,,f his f1:Lmily is m a king Jghl,., bis SU)ls jammed. "(lh, wiKC 1nvesln1en l In a !Ul.Vtng'! pla.n 'ft.•11." he shrua'd. ''Dlct.n:L \l:u.nt '\t N e\YJlOrt Balboa Federal. "We o ' be a hl'!ro. a.nywa~·-J jllsl h"'ve v.rlftrhPrl th(' amazing growth vanted to ride through the war_" of ou1· Savings a nd Loan A ssocia-1 MAl ~<'R~~~~~!st~~T~-\~T~~--~DRY I ~ Mr!'i. N. C'u rlis Sturgf'6n of Bal }l)R v.·a1:1 rf'c1·~l hn.st('s.'4 at a storJ.: hQ~r. a double f'Venl honoring t'if'r sis~rs, M rs. Duke Re<"BC nf Balboa and Mrs. Me ryin Greiwe nt Costa Mesa. Mrs, Harold Van Of> Walker was asaiatlng hoetees. In k eeping with the atork theme, decorations were ot pihk and blUe claisif's. the some colors being ear- rif'd out in refreshment& With sorne short-cur_'{ aiirt the lion with rca.I pride,"' he says. ~utobiographer'a artis t ic liccn.sc. "and "''(' cons1rler savinbs pla.ce'1 he «bove is a tn1c nc-n11nt of with :vo n one of the sou ndest and I he arlventurcs of Ma~n M acRae. MsJ, 9t inve&tmen ts." Dlmothy Hayes. Jay Eller and A ra1n1lv v,·hlrh S8Ves tOJ:ether ramcs RubeJ all born the s.sme ts a ran1il .v of whici1 the commun -l Cay, at the same time and plaC'e. ily can be proud, ·H ere at Ne\\'· 1 uid to_ the same parents. Not port Balboa Fcrleral we ha\·e a • 1uadrt1pletl'I. J ust one selr saml' variety of AAvin~s plR.ns. earh de~ ~)~the private and pilol-lictitcn-11ign~11 lo fill the lndividua.l needs \nt, who has now turned \Vr11cr-of tho.-.C' who Jive in nur con1 mun· ~or:r te}lt'r \Vith '!f'vcral norns de lty. \\'nn·t you eome in today, llume. To his N ewport Harbor· '\nd let us tell .vou how you can ·rrends. h e Ls best 'kno \4'n n.s 011il<e ,\·01u· savlng!j earn mo r f' lames Rubel. His books h&.\'f' sold •1 .. r1· nt'vc>r lr~s thfln 3 percent tt"re, In Enbland, Canada. South oer n11nun1 in f)lll' fifteen years \merica, Hungar)' and Denn1ark. -,1u~ of ~C'rvir(' and your money 1~ adn1\t:-11 to n fe"'' "\\'ho done tp tn $10.000 i~ insured by an ts," but most are \\'esterns 1g-cn r y nf lhe F"cderal Govern- vou knO"''· the "Comf' on. Bn_vs rn crnt. S~ wit op('n a.n account. •· I I I I I I ' I I 1 DO NOVAN JO HN SO N, M. D. IVHOSE PRACTICE IS LIMITEIJ TO OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Announces • His asso ci ation with Drs. Thomas P. Roeder, . Wm . J. Cowan and Chauncey L. Smith at 3409 Newport Blvd.,"Ncwport Beach TELEPHONE HARBOR 602 RESI DENTIAL-IND USTR IAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO llARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 -30th St. Newport Beach Harbor 2533 -. ------ U\'ISG ROOM BEDROOM DlN1NG ROOM LAMP SHADES NICK NACKS W Al,.L SHEL \'ES C1t~orr t'-~~ ~"' ,_~s ~~~ • Lagun a Awn ing & Maple S~up 700 S. COAST BLVD. LAGUNA BEACD-43529 Trade-ins Priced Right -- Buick Coupe-$ 295.00 • Ford '50 for.. 1525.00 All8tin A-40 '735.00 '50. ea"dillac Wan It's Beautiful Prt>9ent w er e: Mmes_ F1oyd Greiwe, H elen . Greiwe, Gennelh Griew e. Harold Van De Walker. J. \1an De Walker. Lyle Van ·De Walk('r, Fred Lindern1an, Tony nausa, John Dinsdale, Robert Ogle. C. B. H o ffman, Bud · Att- ridgP, Louie M ello, Jack I verson. Bob Nelson. Don C r oft , Jack Reln- C'rt. Nolar Arc:hC'r, Wayne J ohn- son and Jean Oi<born, all or Costa ~lest; J\.t1nt's. Dick Quirk, C. D Hur.t ~ r and ("lydf' Hawkins nf S;tnlR Ana: fl.fm ('!lt. D. M. Shannon . 1-lenry i\·iussclman and J t>ssle Dal· l\u~ <•f Nf'Wport B!'ach and Bal- hua : MrS. M ilrlr ed T odd amt he1 lau,i::htPr Janf' of Fullerton. R•·nrlln,i:: pre.i;;Pnts but unable tr a ttt•nd \4.'rrr ft.fm f'~-Harry l--l iblr1 .l\.f rs, A11rlr('.Y f,()('"l(WOO!l R.nd Mrs 1-\f'rnt Rin1a of Santa Ana. Mrs . Robert Boyd_ Is Hostess to v ' • . '":c'1! :&.:': o.a pi aa1no ~-g --. , ,_frs. Robert Bo}rd, Jr., ~15 S1:1n Ekrnardlno Ave.. was hos l e!k' Wednesday evening to m embers Qt VC''ll hr.arl '("m oft at RHlth~sni-\ke Gulch !" ki nd. Rottlf' ('Ml>!" 1:1.nd ~Ix (iUnM Returni ng l11 Chlrai!O t 1 11 n1 ""r/Ulr(', M r. Rub<>! look up 1 hC' :n11.nufacture of bottle caps I n \930. ht" switrhe<1 to a \\"rll1nc '"areer anrf becR.'Tnf' a rer-manear Californian with his f1t1n il\•. !ri t934. he rarve to Lido I sle. 0 "111 r1nr ·IJn1ate took lmn1f'diate r fff'•·t. h•· .:.nJ<I hh1 nrst boek in tflJ I "I lfllrl 8Cve1·ttl books 1tfl er 'hn 1 1t)ouJ Ar.iZ<i,la,•· he r~cal/f{ "'(lnt' 1ay, I dP-Clded to l?O thc rP. It \.\'a" i. mhrtR'.ke , It didn't look likf' thr Ari nR l"d'been writing Rho11r 11 1 a ll. • Nevar could "rrile aho11t 1l 11-gala. and rnow set 8-11 m y \V,,~1-dm~1 In Wyomln&r and :P..Iontitn;t. .. 1 · 1+, m~~.,.<" teller and a RYie r • ~ he js also ron1- mu .v rfttzi ed ln an artJve WU\" In 841; JM served as presi<l('nl ;1f the ~ldo I sle Comn1unity A ~1a- t balboa £RRL SAYINGS 114 loin 1u1ci1ti11 SUS W~ Li4o • T1h,H111 l1rkr Uff I EWPOI T IEICI, ClLIFOllll 1 Our sinccr(' Apologies for an f'rl"Of. In 11Ufl "'e<'k':,i st~~Y · The s:e1·v fcc i;L~tion a t Be.Ibo& a1'd Paln1 in B1t lboo Is 0'4'TIP.d by "Mr . Gru .. nl F"ullcr. and not by M r. John Keeler us W8.l'I slated. Mr, Keeler II\ lhr ppe:rai.or of ~he .Bt8;- tion at Balboa Blvd. --andj lsJa4tt A ventl(". Both are amorig our fr\('nd~ and custon1ers of long stand1ng.1 Kamaaina KJub. Laure. de Im ,-~-----------Rios pres ided at thf' bwi:in~ 8€"&---- s1on. and also brought a birthday cake which wu served at the refrcahme nt hour. Thirt~n mem- bers w e re preS<'nt. T riancia Vandercook of Corona del Mar will be hostc88 at the n ext meeting. March 12. Lipton Rae~ Dinner Dance A Saturday nlghl dinner danc(' al Newport H arbor Yacht club \VJJI be social featur<' o( the Sir l Thomas . Upton t r ophy race In I "'·h1eh Commodore Elllolt'ir Esca· pade is deff'nder. The trophy pre- / ' sentat ion Will be o n Sanday f'Vf!- ntng. with oocktaila and dlnnet· front 6 t o 8 o'clock . ' . you are cordially invitnl to attend the ope ning of heal th studio • on. monday, the tenth of march sin cerely , julia Iola hazzard 417 east balboa boulevard, balboa. california zone therapy . ' passi\•e massage phone harbor 0767 9 :30 a. m . to 8 p. n1. nlonda~·. v.•ed nesda)-. friday 9 :00 a. n1. t o 5 p. n1 , on lt1£'.s<.h~y and thUrf!lday appointments I Why .pay· "RECKLESS · 'DRIVER RATES?" s75°! ·FREE SPECIAL 1. I • If you 'te• aseful clriYtr, JOU ati get ttmarkably low ratn with Seate Farm Mutual-the com. p&ny that dated 10 be dift'ettnL Sate Fum"s weful driv<n make their on low auu> ..,_insurance ....... 1: A . W . I. LANDIS • 101 £. Balljoa Blril. -. BALBOA Phone ~ or fie.ainl' Hal:-. NlW ~-Ni •t-deqnnd ..... ..... lai' aad II( I ll r-r -.._;.._. N'EWPOll'I' A.(JTQ 8AI El. -W. N""""''lll-nl. -.....-. -• ltl'J PET LOVERS f he jordans -.... ee I 1- WITH THE PURCHASE. OF . . CROSLEY or AMANA HOME FREWR • 1~ at,.... TUSTIN FOPD i..moua for Apd Choice e..,r and -C.....i m • • Smoked llams or lie.co• a.ft4 J'rp.ae• Foocb -at Wbo ZOO "0" ,8T. TUl\TIN HL l ·l 811 . ' ~ AR!l .P~ TO ~OUNCl!t .. • \ # f 'l'HE ~G or. . . HANSON & PETERSON . . . Certified Pubtfc ' AT W &4.IT~A BLVD, Ttle.. 'I ·!lartz Mii B. LOOUI ·lµlf805, CPA Acc ountonf5 · . l BAI.BOA, CA.LlFOf!NU • I ---1¥. .AJlftllJ& ~N, ICl'A f . Pl'lilils -_,. • I ' ' .__ __ -_-_ .. _._-''High .Q"!!,lity :Pr~11finv-:::.P1!_." Har. 1f6f . . ,,. ~ ' • • I . • J • ·1 • • IS Ma rim~ • This BIGELOW'S NEWEST , GAYEST CARPET .•• .. r .You <;arpet your home with sunshine and sparkle when Y.OU choose MARIMBA I Every tuft is · bathed in vibrant color to give you these lush new shades. Add to its charm of color the fact t hat it is .made of spuial carprt rayon by Bigelow, • • 'and you have a carpet that will live happily on your floor for many years. ' ; . (>er sq. yd. NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 822 State Hi9hway, ' ' ' .. , Newport Beach Beacon 5431 ---- ~ THE SPIRIT OF THRIFT! -• . .. ~ !!!! !I!! ,_ ~ ...... . • ..... , ·~, ~-,. .. , '7.t. ...... r ~'·'II ····~ ~----· ~.... ~ ·-····· ••••• , •••• ., ... ........ CURRE•T . EARliUlll PEI! A••UM IU. FUllDS RECEIVED . IY IHE IOtll OP .THE . . MOITll URll FIOM THE FIRST ~ ' , r· I • -. • • • , ' • • ! . .; . 1· • • , \ ' 1 .... • • • -' GUARANTEED TENOER!! ROUND .& ·swiss 1SJRLOIN . • T-BONE-CLUB & PORTERHOUSE STEAK GRADED GOOD! BEST CUTS! EASTERN GRAlll·F&D' PORK LOIN ROAST RIB OR TEIDERLOll EID BEST VAL EASTERN SLICED BACON ' ,1EST CUTS, GRADED GOOD FANCY STEER BEEP COURTEOUS PERSONAL SERVICE IN OUR MEAT DEPT. Butchers On Dutr To Handle Ynr ' . DallJ Meat Purchases We Feature Finest Quality .Meats at LOWER PRICES-ALWAYS ! ! Oijr Own Famous Country Style • PORK SAUSAGE lb FINEST NORTHERN 49:. • Halibut Steaks LARGE FRYING SIZE SHRIMP LU ER'S PURE LARD ALL GRINDS l·LB. CAii s ,ull£ American 7 9' · 1olloto"'11 eSS\NG SALAO ~s;. 49' 7.LB. eoX SUN VALLEY PURE COLORED MARGARINE PT. 25' 01 ., I . ! ·CHICICEN·OF·THE·SEA ' . " CHUlllC·STYLE • TUNA lo.! Flat Can · Green Label • R.E.D. FANCY SOCICEYE . SALMON • NO. ! FLAT CAI ' L • M4.BCll 11, 180 -NEWPORT BAT POST and l!BOPl'ING 1'"EWS -PAia I '~late Iced ~· \ ANGn FoOo 98c ea • ($1.JS •I 4tc W ¢: Va~.~~.~mps~ . I . NORWAlK l C~ONA DEL MA~ LBS. LARGE SI GRAPEFRiiiTs 10 for 39• LINDSEY SELECT RIPE OLIVES I NO, I TALL CAN LAURA SCUDDER'S, GIANT 22.oz. JAR P-NUT BUTTER DEL llOllTE, LARGE 46·0Z. CAii TOMATO JUICE SCOTT, LARGE 1000 SHEET ROLL ,.J011'S.l•UE · ~~ CUT·RITE, 125·FT. ROLL ' WAXED -PAPER • , ' ' • • • • . ·~ ' .. • .. •• .. . •• .. • " ·' • ~ • • • • • • TIDE LGE. 25' GIANT 73' BOX BOX LIQUORS DELICATESSEN NOW ••• AT A FROZEN FOODS BIRDS EYE CLAPP'S STRAINED BABY FOOD NEW LOW , PRl~E! SUNNYBROOK, Sb-PROOF 2· 70 WHISKEY PINT A VERY FINE BLEND 430 AT A NEW LOW PRICEI Fifth SUNNYBROOK, 4-YR. OLJ:I STRAIGHT BOURBON 86-PROOf, AS SMOOTH 2'9 & FRIENDLY AS IT'S NAMf pt. FIFTH ...... 4.49 • BOR~EN'S SLICES CHOlci 01' ·. AIERICAI, PllllEITO, l SWISS CHEESE !·LB. PICG. LUE~'$;, FRANKS . All-53' . QUALITY MEAT! Jb . I-LI. WILL SERVE FAMILY OF~ • • LUER'S 6-0Z. PKGS. SUCEO BOLOGNA 22' SLICED 0 PllllEITO • -WE SPECIA.LIZE IN ' . . 1 ' SUPER SHOPPING ' . CENTERS. . ' . . . . ·. DOWNEY · •. , t'Ul Ol Uftllll )Lft. · O~:l'!l •• • r~ UILYI . ' • SOON 1N · ~·,~- •I • . . . LEITE N SALE! · COD FiLLqs, HADDOCJ FILLETS I. OCIAN PllCH ' PEDIGREE-NO. I TALL CANS DOG FOOD . YOUR CHOICE 1·1'. PIGS. .ea C & H PURE BROWN or POWD. SLUGAR 10' WONDERFoOD I-LB. BAG 19' M-MALLOWS 3 ~25c HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP "'.· 21' FRANCO-AMERICAN NO. I TALL CAf!S 2~29c Spaghetti KOUNTY ·KIST SALE! TENDER GREEN GOLDIN IANTAM . PEAS CORN I t • • .... . ~ ·' • • • • .. •• •l • •• •• 4 ~· ., • • • I I I • • • ' 1· • • • -. 0 U R C.L AS S 1 f I E .D ADS If AC H f YE 8 Y 0 f I N. TH E NEW P 0 RT Jt A R B 0 B AR E A - /i.1 Ii. Ii. A Ii. i6 Ii. /ii· Iii . Ii. Iii ~ Iii Iii Ii. Ii. • la Ii. Iii Ii. Ii. . ~( ? AGE I MA11a1 11, 19&1 NEWPOUT BAY . POST and SllOPPINO NEWS Ii Iii Iii 1' Ii. Iii ' Iii A ~ MOJlE CLASSIFIED ON ftAGE 2 82-Roosehold Goods TWO be• apt. aiu rangea. $88.do Alcoholics Anonymaus Write P . 0 . Box ~ Balboa lllland. Callt. Phone Klmberly 3~93 Fffi:EW-OOD FREE DELIVERY 2213 N e!wport B lvd., Cost.a Mesa Phone Beacon 5180·J 4Stfc HIAWATHA 5 hp ou t board mo· tor. SM, 3 book cases. $1 0 ea. 2 chl'!it.8 or draw eni. $10 ea.ch. Redwood ch<'sl. $12. S inger sew · Ing mach ine, $85. Thermador electric range, S l7~. Hand paint· ed t oy chest. $30. Phone H ar. 3174. 45c47 TRIPLE Pt.A TE ataln.Jesa steel soda fountain ; 3·way elnk; F ormica top counter w lth 11 stools; Nat l <:a.sh registe r anti m lscella.n t"OUs equipment. REAL BARGAIN'. P h o n e Laguna 4·6597 or eves. 4-1773. 41tfc Complete 1Mta.11aUon, rrpalr Md eervice of all t!'ajler equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa. Phone ~aeon 6224·R SO.B-Appllen""" _ _ _ and $99.50. I .;...:.--~------·-·-·-----·-·-· Al.sO used larp rangu. BIG REDUCTIONS ON NEW 1951 Wedgewood and Magic Chef · Gas Ranges ALL MODELS For A Limited Time Only . Convenient Terms May Be Arranged STROOT'S TeWINKLE HARDWARE 1802 Newport Blvd. COSTA MEsA Phone Beacon 5222 See US tor either UlleCI fllrnltur• and hoUMholcl iood.L CrJst Furniture 1687 Orange Ave.. C08ta Me •. AcroM trom new Alpha Bet.a M~. Phone Bee~on 7323 STEW ART WARNER • RefrlJ .. dreutng table with large mirror. one b e.mp rug, one t'tbre f1JI, 2 smnll throw rup. 1 1mall IJ1l stove. Sunday only. 211 Topaz. Balboa. Jsland. 4T c48 Fratex Fashions BEAUTIFU L dr,pes and yarda(t' for beUprds., table cov., .!lbWr. crtns .. etc. Req. no laundertnK. Sun «c Fli-e reaiatant. Reaaonable On Display at 204 A. St., Balboa Call Mrs. Wood, Harbor 0331-J 44p4GH lNEXPENSlVE-Df'sk, dbl. &: sgl. H ollywood beds, chrsl of dr"aw- e rs, dishes, hUSOC'kr ph. 8tand, hamper, port. t ypewriter , odd~ and ends. Harbor 26 14-W. 45c47 SS-Boats. Snpplles JOHNSON Outboard Motors Immediate Delivery af a Umltt-d quanUty of e • 10 -25 H . P . models. Fac tory Salee & Service CONCESSION EQUIP. P opcom mach., Ice sha ver, cotton candy G. E . Refrigerator, W est inghou!M' mach., carmel com kettle, ca8h el~trtc s tove. Easy washe r. . South Coast Co. register, stainless st eel sink and Rea.sonable. Ph. Harbor 3597. tray, coke box. Beacon 5275-M. 47c49 Newport Blvd. at 2Sl'd. Har. 2600 47p4B LARGE wardrobe t runk a.nd two locker trunks. All in good con- di tion. Only $17 for all 3. I n- qµire Apt, A. 220 11.l arguerite Ave., Cor ona de! 11ar. 4,i c49 MUST SELL by ~larch lOth-135 lb. bar bell and dumbell set, $20. F actory built 4 x 7 tralJer in good condition, S50. Four 6.70 x 15 Lifeguard tube.!'!, $20. Philco comb. table model radio-record player, plays single 78 rpm. record!!, 75 records incl., $25. Phone Harbor 2755-J. 47c48 SO· A-Swaps LET'S SWAP -Ha ve '34 Ply- mouth sedan and 2-wheel box traile r. WA NT home shop power equipment, cash or ? 715 Heli o- trope, Corona del Mar. 47p49 S0-11:-APJ!~ .. Appliance Bargains TELEVISION Big Ra.UJcratten: 16" tube table model TV v.ith black tube. This is a steal at .... $1 39.95 31-Wanted t.o ~ WILL PAY cash !or your used furniture and other household goods. CRJST FURNITURE, 1687 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, a cross from new Alpha Beta ?.farket . Phone Beacon 7323. ANTIQUE Q U I LT S, coverlets. glaas, china, s11ver. pewter, pic- tures, rugs. spinning wheel a.nd reel. 311 Island Ave·., Balboa. Ph0 ne Harbor 50. 46c48 . TWO 100 H . P . Packard engines, 2-1 reduction ··-····-·-·····$850 each Ph. Har. 2315 or Bea. 7232-W eve1. 37c:IO WELL BUILT 9 !t. skiff and oars, $22.50. Phone Harbor 3019 -R 46c48 \VOlJLD LIKE t o trade '2 bdnn. mountain home, Lake Arrow - head, nicely furnished w ith new applla nct"S, 50,000"BTU fir. fur- nace, new wall to wall floo r covering. COM E>rvlltiveoly valued at $7000. \\1 ANT RECENT model etandard make cabin c ruiser In good con- dition. T erms 11.rra.nged on d if- ference if a ny. Phone Long Beach 4-7950 or 4·7637 daily. \Vf'ek ends phone L B 9-7870. 46c48 KENMORE automatic wa s h I n g machine, Oatfeni and Sattle r full-size or apt. site range, tra-BOAT SUP AVAlLABLE in Balboa. Coves verse rod.a, oue 12 n.. and two Phone Harbor 314:9-W 6 n . aiua, folding acreen. 2 pr. d d 2 • 46c48 beige an green rapes, pr. I----~--'------- panel curtains, unblea ch ed m us-SNOWBIRD s . N . 324 recen1l1y lin drape.e., baby buggy, iro1!1ng pa inted, nylon sails, sand dolly, boa rd, television aerial, lawn $275: Or will trade for Kelsen m ower. 321 Orchid Ave., Co-Craft. Phone SYcamore 9-3619 rona del Mar. Harbor 65~-W. or leave word at Balboa. Yacht . 46<:47 C lub. 46p48 Beautlrul blond< Pa~kard-Bell _ta· FOR QUICK SALE ble model T V w1th matching ' BOAT SLIPS AV kiiJ.su; Phon e Harbor 1100-W eves. • * CAR OWNER * ' !UCSPONSIBLE .party with 7 h1'9. week spa.re Ume to eervioe route of new type vendlhg machine-a tor a percen~e ot the col1ec- tlona. N o ee1ling or SollcJtlng. Income up to $400 monthJ'y de- p<'ndtnr on numbe,r or unlt s party .select~ can service, v.dth v (' r y g oo d poMibllities of t•V('ntually Operating full time, in· coml' Increasin g accordingly. A.!!I lncon1l' 18 based on profit-shar- ing plan, onl)-responalble party w ith r~ferf:"nces a nd $600 wor k- lng ca.ah capit a l ror inventory "'ill be· considered. Job Hoppers nt'f'd not apply. F or prompt !n - ter·.·lt•w include> phone In a ppll· ca tion. Box G-1 this pap<'r. An- swer BEFORE Mar. 8th .• 46c1'8 SERVICE STATION, l~.000 ga l. Furthe r information. write Box E-1, this paper. 45p-t7 Elks Minstrel Show Nt~wport Harbor H igh Auditoriu m 8 p.m., March 7 and 8 38c48 42--Wanted to Rent YOUNG COUPLE with 3 yr_ old child desires unfurn. 2 bdrm. house or apt, by April 12th. Harbcir a rea . P ermanent. Phon<' Beacon 7030-J. 46c-4 8 43-Apartments and Bo- YEARLY N EWPOR'l; BEACH-Brand new 2 bd rm. apt. with gar. Nt•ar yacht club & C'Ommunlty bea ch . Yea rly, unfurn . .$100 mD. BALBOA Peninsula Point 3 -Bednn.-2 ·bath apt. with garage, & sun deck. Furn- ished, yearly $125 month. ·~Apartm~!B"'!'f.!'cv1!-.~!;::!J~!!!!!!:!!;'!•!M~-!!!!!!!..il A'M'R.ACTIVE lll:t 2 bdrm. D"'lb & I land apt. on water. Fl r tum...,_ 'Qa..l 0 S GE rdrlg., ct-t Rtellard'1 AND HAJIBOR .utEA Mkt., thoattt, bua. .,\duJto only. ~ us f.,. ~-ly and 617 -30th SL, Ncv.-port ..Beach. !aeuonai tten~. Har1>0r 691-w. · [ 32ttc Nelda Glbson, Rltr. FURN. ·3 rm. apt., 2 ):>at.ha. Play" 306 Marine, Balboa Ial .. Har. 502: yard. Children O. ~-· $50 mo., 69ttc yearly. Ut l~ pd. 1$29 W . Bal- boa Blvd. rkey upstairs). OX-•LJIX> ISLE-126 Vl& JUO&t', 2 601-64, collect. 43c45H lSdrm. f\lrn., winter rate t.o June ------------1 1~. Sollcltlng 11ummer reeerva- LOVELY nf"W home In best sec-t ioru now . Or, for Mle err -ex- t lon uf Costa llfesa., unfurnish-1 change. Owner her~ Friday. 'Ph. HI. 2 bdrm•. and den. ~heed AXmlnster 3-2315. 47p48 yard. dbl. gar .. adults, no pets. Yf'arly lca.se wi~h opt ion to re- n~w. Phone Harbor 2152. 47e4-S 'Elks Minstrel Show Newport Harbor High Auditorium 8 l'.m., March 7 and 8 38c48 BA YFRO N"T~PT .. 425 Lido Soud. Unrurnist\.4ll nev.• s pacious. unit heat, aut6'm11t lc laund ry. garage. Open Sat. & Sun. or T f'I. La- guna 4-I2V. 4ip4 9 NEW UNFU RN. H OUSE. 2 bed· rooms and den , 2 baths, fire- place. \Vall t o wall carpeting In llv. rm . & hall. P at io. Breeze- way joins dbl. gar. Year lease. f!'nced In redwood. Phone Bee.- C'n n 7121-R. 402 Esther, Cost:i 1.tesa. 47c49 FOR RENT On Lido Isle Baytront. S bedrooms unfurnished . Yf'ar a round at St75 Month. Lovely beach and view-. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido 1416 Cout Hwy. N ('w port B each1 Calif, Ha rbor 1500 FURNISHED 1 bdrm. u pper a pt . l..au nd ron1at a va!I. Ut ll. paid. Lo'v monthly rPn~al or will leaae. Inq. at THEl JORDANS, 121 0 Cout Blvd., Cor ona del 1.tar. Harbor 2547-W . 47p49 REN.TAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna Craig Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Is land Har. 2042 32clS4 BEAUTIFUL new unfurn. 1 bdrm. apt. Ocean front, garbage dispoS&l, et c. By year $90 mo. H ar. 2552. 42tfc FURNISHED 2 bedf:oom housf', garage, $60 mo. yearly. Costa ~tesa. Al so oth('r re ntal.a. See OLIVE MILLER, 1799 New· port Ave .. Costa Mesa, Bea- con 7 102-\\'. 4iC'4R ' Rentals Wanted W e have people wa.lting-ttlr 1, 2 a · 3 bdrm. furnlthed and u nturtl· !shed homci.. Yearly or eeaaon- al. CALL ERNIE SNITH al w ., E . FlSHllR OJ"ll'ICE, 919 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mat-. Phone Harbor 2443 36ttt: 4S·A-Traller 8~ TWO LOVELY large front lots with privabl baths. REST HAVEN TRAILE!R COURT 1741 Pomona Ave., Costa ?.fesa Phone Beacon 8747-J· 37trc 44-A~t Romes VACANCY, !or e1deT"Jy lady In love ly quiet , private homt>. very large garden. Tel~lon , good meals. P rJvale bath. Laguna 4-4 328. 47p49 51>-Money to Loan LOANS for Homes (\4, %-20 yr. Loahs • CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 0 ·'11%% (H yrs.) WE BUY AND SELL ' TRUST DmlDS BEE BOB SA 'l"1'LER H15 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J R<!p. POIRIER MORTGACJE CO. Metro Llfe Ins. Funchi KI 3-:5186 LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROft BUY, MODERJllJZm. OR REFl'.NANCE We Buy Trust Deedl NEWPORT BALBOA Fl:Dll:R.U. SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 8383 Via Lido Ph. Bar. 1600 • REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5 % Loans quickly made ln l1'e Bay Area and Cosla Mesa. Single or multiple unlta. New or old. Be Wise and eave by re-fi.oancm, your preaent lO&ll. Mlhimum ex- pen..e. No ch... for prelimi- nary appraisal. Phone Santa Ana Klmberly 3-8a27 or write: ARTHUR A . MAY Mortgage Loan Oo'"'~t Two Ca.Ill. Lile Ina. Co's 1414 South Ma1h Santa Ana table. Makes attractive ensem-1 hie. Compl••te \I.11th dayllte tube. SACRIFICE H p49 Jim & Sally Newlin with JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd, Balboa Har. 1607 Eves. Har. 2278· W · ~ Business Opportunities ~Business Opportunities Only . ... . .... $114 .95 LEAVING March 7th Bait tank, pl}'\Vood 8x8x4 $35 Camp trailer , 4'x5'8" body .. $3ti 10' row boat, factory bit . .. $2!'l Check These Business Opportunities Radio + Record Players Ben dix table model radio wtth a utom atic r£'cord player . Goes to fi rst buyer 1'l • .. $39.95 Philco radio with au tomatic rec- ord p layer. Beaut iful wa lnut cabinet. Superb tone. and at only ..... $44 .95 . Washer & Refrigerators Thor automagic Washer . Thi.s ts 11. .!'!teal at .... ..$49.95 WestinghoU8e 1951 r efrigerator. Horlbonlal freezer . but ter keep- er . Uke ne"-'· Used 60 days. W~ $269.9~. Now only ............ $199 .9~ This ts n~·. P hilco 9 cu. n . re- frigerator v.•\th horiJ'.Onta1 free- zer. Floor sample. Sella tor $289.95, but now only '. ... $199.95 ALSO Younptown automatic diahwuh er , brand ne-w. A floor sample. Selle tqr $299.95. We're knock- ing Ort one hundred dollars. Now only .. ... . . . ........ $199.9~ Table. antique chairs, carved Swiss musical bench, carved 16l h centUry saint, fine original oil paintings by E dgar Payne; carved chair, me n's clothes, towels, objects of art . 6200 Sea- .shore Drive, Newport Bea ch . 4~p47 16 ft. sail boat ... ........ . . ...$100 2 rolle r sand dolly ..... ~ ........... $20 COLE'S TRADING PORT 3108 Lafayette, Newport Beac!"l Phone Harbor 1020-W 34-Mosical, Radio SLIGHTLY USED BLONDE OUR ROUSE IS SOLD! 5 rooms of nearly new furnit ure MUST BE SOLD by March 10th -at i.; price! '$950 cash or terms. spinet piano. Like new. Save 117 Eboli, Lido Isle. Har. 9-JK. $75. Convenient t e rms at 4:'.ip4.i SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Slnce 1907 ), 421 No. Sycamor e, San- O'KEEFE &: MERRITT RANGE. ta Ana. 10. 2-0672. Repossessed, 1952 model. Has CP all automatic, griddle in BA'.BY GRAND PIANO. Repossess- middle, a.nd simmer burners. e<I. Now only $487. Euy terms. Also has rull size oven and gtill Also otfiers. a little more. Starr. broiler. Contract balance ls Kimball. also S~lnway, Chtck- ol8e48 BALBOA ISLAND -Furnished lov.•cr duplex. 2 bdrms . Yee.r'" lease, $150. mo. or $1000 for summer season. Keys at 208 Marlat Ave., ne?tt to Po.st Office J ohn Vogel Co.. Phone Harbor 44-4:. t6c48 HARBOR ·Summer ISLAND Rental Lovely 4 bdrm., 3 bath baytl'ont home. Large pier and slip. ,; ,; ,; r 'Men and Boys' C!oO..ing Store - Cleaners and Press Shops, ( 2), top locations. Beer Bar. a moneymaker. OCEAN FRONT-EATS, with living quarters . Rent $100 month. See KERMIT RIGGS Business Opportunity Broker with W. E. FISHER & ERNIE SMITH, 'Realtors 916 Coast Blvd., Corona de! Mar Phone Harbor 2443 $1211.42. Pay It off or take P"f· erin8'. Knabe, Packard. DANZ· JOHN VOGEL CO. 8 h 0 ...... SCHMIDT PIANOS, :S20 North QUALITY USED CARS menbl ot $ .93 per mont .' ~ Main, Sant.&Ana, ·corner 6th. 20S 'Mllrlne Ave. Balboa Ieland . at R &:: H storage, 4CM SoutA· Harbor 4•• or Harbor 12151 de. d Spa<1ra,· FUiierton. 9 a . m. t o 8 ONE ONLY _ SllghUy used 120 1951 CHEV deluxe club cpe. Has Powergli an p. m . or phone LAmbert 5-62~2. bass Frontal.int protesnl. model NEW HOUSE--5 rm., 2 bd:rms... loaded With extras. 4l\tfc accordion with 9 shifts. Han unfu.rnM!lhed. Clift ffa:ven, $90 1951 CJIEV deluxe 2 door. Powerglide tra.nsmis- Da vis-Brown Co. VERY GOOD 7 cu. rt. elec. refrtg.. made Nreeds. nlSotd,~ over ~I mo1 .• yMear leaseOl!hdeSired. A::.,au -sion1 radio1 reater, spot light, backup lights, ••• ~ bo Bl d ~-ta .... n-. ow o Y ~' "'· case n-ab c a.rch 1 t . Phont n.ar-loc;>o,.I 'nar r v ., ~ -"lesa Wedgewood ra.pge, 2 decorative .. 1-:rded'. Convenient terms ·at direction signal, etc. This car is show Phone Beacon 6821 corner cupboard.a,' dining table, .. u• bor 987. 67C<t! SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since room fresh ~ chairs, hutch, il:onterey 1tyle · PHILOO REFRIGERATOR -n 's dinette set, bed-davenport, cof· 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Collins Island 1050 CHEV deluxe 4 door sedan. Very low mileage. tM.l 9 1.2 clJ. n . 1951 model and fee table, very tine uphol. df-Ana. Kl. 2-0672. .. d sh 'd f h' hu . 45 lb . cross top freezer West end ot Park Ave... a.Jboa . an 0}8 pn e O owners lp. va.n and chair. Renector lamp, ELECl'RIC Oft.GAN, repossessed. Ial&nd. a Cust tail .-, all steel shelves and space book cue _ a.11 very reasonable. A beauty. Pay out b&I. DANZ. weekly .=;tbl ~ ~j 1950 DODGE Meadowbrook sed~. om Ol"- tor vegeC&ble and nice meat 211 Amethyst, Balboa I.eland. SCHMIDT Piano and organ eo.. Barbor ~.w. 7 ed seat overs, Vlhite wall urea and other ex· cllllle.r tray. Used it 4: months Pb. H&J1>or l.291-JK.• .. 6""""-S N M S ,.;~oil f be! ilin' and has guan.ntee on It. can ' "" S&nta Ana, = . &In t., tras. P·,---ar ow .ce g. ha"" for whalM left on It-CHli:M'-Kl8C. end tab1.-, colfee comer Gill. FURNlSHED (-room -· "II'-·See these beautiful cars and many others at pe&.14 or lake paymenta of table. pa heater, lilt• new; w ANllJi:D : 8fi ....., piano& High· ill!"'. refrill'· UW. pd. ..5 mo. MR,IJER CHEVR-OT .ii"J" 00, _ 62 COSTA MESA VOGEL VALUES Three bdrm. home near Country <;:Iub. Fireplace, furnace, hwd. floors. Lots of tile in kitchen and bath. ,Pishmaster, garbage dis!JOIM!I, patio. 2-car gar,;fe, fenced. MUST BE SOLD. SEE US TODAY on price and terms. The JOHN VOGEL Co. 2426 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Beacon 6104 Large Home, Larger View, LOW Price! F our bdrms. PLUS. Near L ittle Corona beach. You can buy it for a 'frpction of its replacement cost. Better see this one first! $37,500, liberal terms LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Ph. Harbor 2042 r TODAY'S SPECIAL · Large 2 bdrm. home in Cor ona de! Mar, Quly 1 blk. to ocean. Has hwd. floors, nice fireplace. Floor furnace. Paved, ·enclosed patio. Nice )lard. Double garage. FHA loan. Paymc'lts $65 per mo. inclu. taxes & insur. Priced at $16,500. Exclusive with us. See this today! PRICE T. McCUISTION, 'Realtor Harbor 47 503 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar $2000 DOWN $2000 DOWN G. I. RESALE One year old. 3 bedroom home and garage, hwd. floors, floor furnace, ·garbage disposal and venetian blinds thru-out house, yard fenced with cement block . Good ell8t side location. $62.50 per month, incl. taxes & insur. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor W. L. ERIS:r.JAN, MARION .GREGG. Salesmen 490 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 (Evenings Harbor 1250) BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT Two bedrm. cottage on rear of Bay front lot. Beautiful building site in front.· Priced at lot value only $17 ,500 terms. BLUFF LOT-exceptional only $5000. See this! 'Oeean 4 view. R2 zone ISLAND REALTY CO. REALTORS -BUSINESS BROKERS HARVEY D. PEASE Park at Agate Balboa Island MR. BOATOWNER ! SEE THIS! WATERFRONT va.lue, comfort- Block from Ferry Harbor 377-W BALBOA ISLAND Low Price Special ably tumiabed, carpeted. At-Cannot overlook here. Like the poll UC&! tractive knotty pine interior . Bedtoom, bunkT'OOm, two baths, dining room, built-in bar. Guest house with swimme rs' dressing rooms: and shower. Pier, float, double bUlkhead, observation plaUorm.. Sounds good and It ill good. OnlY. $21,roCl. One-third clown I Call John Mottram, Harbor 1500 P. A. iP'ALME R INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lid• Newport Beach Blilboa Penlnsula.-by owner CHARMING 8 bC!rm. bllme, 2 yrs. old. Large_llvlnlf rm. with fire- place, &epa.rate dining room, tile kitchen with garbage dl.lpoaat. Carpeta and c1ra.,.. lnclude4. 'lllncloeedpatlo. Separate large tumpua room and 2nd tile bath over ca'rac•· 11137 E. Ocean Bh>tl.. Balboa. See eveilnP or weelt eDda. ~tfc --------- angle Trum an-the O\l.rner is willing to make the sacrince. This S bdrm. home, two baths with showers, 1 car- port, right In the middle ot Bal- boa. lala.nd. Unturn.blhed price $12,MO an~ good terms ava.ll- able. ca.lI '8.arbor 68 for key J . A. BEEK Office Balboa ?.stand Ferry Ldg. ULTRA MODERN 2 bedrm. fireplace., 2 pBtl08, lge. tenced yard. &13,900 or might trade on L. }L. property. 611 Irvine Ave .. ~ewpott Helgbta. 37cl!O A TTR.ACTiV'E .S ~ home near country club. l..arge fenced yd. PaUo. Worltahop. Priced to .. sell Sl0,500. Blee owner, 262e Fair- way Dr., Costa M ..._ t7p49 $9.i'T per month. See at R • H Frtgldaire. older model; Rattan eat ca.ah paid. Or trade on Tele-to June 16th. 301 !!:. Say Ave., T .&J.£:.f.JJ.. atorage, 40ol So. Spaclra, FUller· cha!n. 2133 Ea.st, Ocean Blvd., YlaJon. Sptllet or -Orud Plano Balboa. Ph. Har. -19~J. 48c48 2W Clout Highway, Newport Beach CIASSlliftD SUCCESS . STOR\! ton, t .a. m. to 8 p. in. or pbone --. 4kt8 or orpn. DANZ • SCHMIDT I Phobe Beacon ~ · \ j I.Ambert u~. 4lltfc FOR SALE -Monmey ~ PIANo co .. 100 p1anoo, alway.. Beaeon Bay " Gene Motors SerVice Center" ~'W H 'DeU y DAMAGED!! • ..t. KinK 111,Se doublt bed, Mon· 620 No. Main, S&nta Ana,..,.. Yearly ~ntal ; ------+-,-:--.--...,..;'--------~---.11n e '8l'e appy to OU ••• Slightly dupped In 2 or 3 lnC:On· -"terey 'Ntttlng deolt,.tllnl!lg table ner 8th --I WE TR DE FOR BAUi or TRADl!l lHI Ford' That' We Sold the Home . =u~:.,:':-6~~ 1::: :.%..~. ~":.' ~:-; p~a;.: 8~-~~· ~i:;~~ "1t; .. ~ ~uu~· P::SL. FOR = ,.!s-<l':'J;...: i;!:• on rtian-Pe!Mula ~ -.tive-.a m your ·• l4ER1'lT'l' pa ranre at stJB. -itdaaS, ' . 161'(• SCHMIDT, 520 No. :t.bm.':s.1~ Linwood Vick, Rltr. THE B ww taa.MOO.or ~ ot '°"' three pa~·.F·~ 19, 20 and 21. STAN'nAL DISCOUNT! ll'llll 8TO.RK1IDll: llaby ·bUC&'Y and Ana. • • . . 812 Marine A ...... BaJ.bll& lllnd • • • ....., You tu. .... ·beJance Ill • -b ..... ·..ill Ille ---a... ada ~ Ille, .a aut<>maue c. P . model ~ car )>ed. pood condltl<ln. tJP'RI<JBT PIA.NOS -.... • PboM Bubor' 2Qil "I-BTUDE "'Champ cilu.b ...... b&Ak. ---• ~th SL, with --brollor, -·r l!MCOll e3M>-W. -• 8terllilg Xurtsmann,. $tell>-• ~ •if"WILLYS t..eyL 8 w .... -N~ -.... . •1 Tide ..... '... -...t 1111)' ~ Jle,l!OO -- bum.,. -11ea~ .. _. _.._," I-'-------·''----~ *-· -,. t7Cf9 'Ml FORD V-8• -:;fi,----·.$'711 .-1-ffl¥:T otllft' lnqulrl .... a rwult at tho • ., vv..., •·-• ~•cable " 8-Adam PO~·c ..... ·•-. On1' -..o· • moath ..W 'tMl'e PRrvA TE P-.ARTY Schaaf, etc. Terma .. Jow .. cur.c AB A BUG'S lt.Ul.-4nn.,1 :'1 ~ •·~ ~ --;,; :IMO BUtCk -r lU-. -· ...._. , 7 See •l 1013 II: JlAIN, Bania ' " mo. at SRAl'SR'S llUlllC lldrm-. unlUmlahe4. Ba--.. 411 MDtC. """:"7<fr'l • . b•let', --L --0 • Thia --""" by J'Un •>ind 8ally Newlin, ..:• ADL •. ._ FINAL SALE OQ. (8-1907). *'1 No. I~ Noiwpo.t. T-1-. Ph. Bar· '411 OLD8 •e• i " l ""4 = -. "*' Ph. IJlaibor M8Mlr ban( wor ....... -"•re ot .John Burnbam 0o., ~ -•~a ~ . ....:... 1·~ -llallta .ba. XI. 2--0e12. 1lor 1181 t7-.._7 PONTI.LC '8 _._. ,tTc!(I -.. ._-BICN1))% WA-~lli62lll00el _,,,., ~ --·~ • 'fT •DDIOTO MCl'u.j-~ _,,.._ • and lfa all autom•I~. Ea Ille Autiq118 --wjth 1111:4tlTD'lJL ~ upcrpt 86,,...,A PmGllllO~ _ ~ • • ~ fd7 riw alld the 9C{talot. --· cmt $78. N-S17M/ ....... In -pedect --. ~...., ,._ • p td 1 ...,_ ....... 00...-Low' -,... • !!; ! Ii ~p·m , ..\Jl4 ao a ... Comploetely ~ H-9 lb&. -.... ._ -llUd elact.-. '2f.llO Termo, pa.a .40WD . NM! ""1 pm wftll" i. --..... ~.., Rll8ULTIS ...... the oUalft«I IJ&Cff U. a -~by It.elf. At.so,.,.. N-$10. "-'tecl Man'• :;,-at IEAJ'lll!l'B Jft7. ,.. "'11.;"";-;;o lie.an..: SHAVER .-VI.~ 1'WWW UBm> CARii llADU'-?.,. .., . ..,, .... , '"'""' mattmt. ~ tw • ..._'t bolt It --... _, •• -..... , ••• -~. (*•-·~. -.. _ .. -----· Wll S.t""' ii--......-""""' -~·1 ..ca. • llUa TctOr-.....,.,..... ... .,,....,...._ .. _ ..-. """ a k r rt' rta. · ,. a -I.ha. Pay me -I --. ...... ~ ffO. N-,._,,.=..... ... ..... JI ~ Oii ... ... .... -" flO.Tf per mCJDth. -'tllwa Cl;J1ata 'd >.rt.-·~ .-••. J!2lra lftnltlel Show ·-' '"' -..V.171 -_..... .'1& .. or -~·· ..... " ,, 11)11 _°' .. , .. ~J--........ --!.'!!!'•-;~e:r4 ·-re•- • ~tatRltH~ '1111111ftll-, '4'10. !f-'6 na JPO!fTB -· ""'8 ....,.. ,,_ $IL oo.. tOl eo. ~•nsn .-. ~-..-.-..._ ,..,. ... :Pl••o" DA.Na. ~1Jtelt .... ~7 -.. •jliJt•:;r.•sat-. -ta. ... to a p. m. or,_ ...,... llrtft. · llCIDODr.1• 11o.-. -· p.a.; --... 8 WIR I ·" J.Amberl5-a/!2. tT* .... , IUI, -;Aaa.1 .... • • • . • • • • 4 "II J!W "4 lW!UlrlDf cp;ddw'tJT jQ 0.-. an 3 .. Ill 2'11••*"•,.....too! Ir ' . • • \ •• • MANY C H 01 C E Sf l EC TI 0 N'S .. 0 f Rf Al ESTA Jf l STED .: IM TlllS Sf'CTION MA.11()11 11, 103! l'AOE 1 NEWrol\T BAY POST AND SHOPPiNO N1!1W11 • . &. la la ·la jQ la . la ·" la A.la la.At.la 62-Real Estate Open · House -1 to 5 Daily 535 & 549 Seaward Rd., Corona Highland We offer two new. homes with these exceptional features: Talitefully decorated, hardwd. floors. Garbage ~aal. ·Lots of tile in well lighted kitch- en. 3 bedrooms, 1 % baths. Hot point washing ma- chine. Insurance Joan. $18,500 full price. $13,750 DUPLEX consisting of 2 bedroom home. hwd. floors, fireplace. PLUS partially finished garage • apt. Ideal for couple handy with tools. This bffer is -'.impossible to MATCH in Corona de! Mar. $13,800 G. I. RESALE -4 ~(. loan, $53 mo. 2 bdrm home on lot 36 ft. wide. Hwd. floors, fireplace. Enclosed yard, patio, double garage. $18,000 . Well constructed adobe home on 60 ft. lot, seclud-, ed patio, s urrounded with tropical shrubs. All this needs is a woman with ingenuity to make it out- standingly beautiful! $33,500 ' Rambling ranch style home in exclusive Shore Cliffs. Has absolutely everything. Priced below re- placement. Terms. RAY REALTY CO. A. J. VJCCELLIO, MANAGJ1:R Ed Bucko Jack Caskey Arthur Gates 500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 ' BALBOA ISLAND 2 bdrm. home -Hwd. floors, thermo -control furnace heat. Wired for electric stove. Service porch with ample cupboards., Lovely brick patio and lath house. Cl ose to North Bay. Exceptional value at - $12,600 John Vogel Co. 208 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 45c47 Phone Harbor 444 or Harbor 2151 IN CORONA DEL MAR Attractive new 2 bdrm. modern borne in excell- ent location. close to shopping. Panelled walls in living room. Fireplace. Double garage. Patio, Fenc- ed and landscaped. Only $12,750. We have the !<ey. NEW DUPLEX ATTRACTIVE rustic redwood and stuccq. Heavy shake roof. Garbage disposals. Separate laundry spaces in extra large double garage. Excellent lo- cation. See this for home and income. It will sell quick for ortly $15,750. W. E. Fisher Ernie Smith Builder -Realtor ·Realtor -A.Moclate 916 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR f'b, Harbor 2443 Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth , G. I. Resale S bdrm. home. double garage, fenced yard, close In, $9750. $22ti0 down. $1400 Down Nice 1 bdrm, home. garage, total price. $6000. Bal. at $5 1 montl1. $1550 Down 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, double garage, fenced yd. $79~. Bal. at $85 per month. Income Property -Two sm&ll homes on lot 58 x 300, near Blvd. $8000, terms. ~ bdrm. home and rental on one a.ere zoned for business, $.10,000. TeTrru1. G. N. WELL$, Rltr. & Aasaciares 1790 Newport Blvd. Real Estate is 'Your Best Investment E~;~~. qo~~.rra~1~~e- place. hwd. flrs., tile Jn kit. and bath , dbl. gar. Full price is $13,500 -'35-00 down -o- Near High School New 3 bdrm. home, lge.. liv. rm., fireplace, I% bath, dbl. gar. Stucco and redwood ext., shake roof. Only 512,500, terms. -o- 2 BDRM. H OME, PARTLY FUR- ' NISHED. Near shopping center. Priced $5850 -$2500 dn. Make orrer -o - Homesites LOTS UOOO -Ii ca.sh. ACREAGE -VarioUB sizes end prices. -o- Member of lllull:tple Llstlng ' -o- B . B. Clark. Broker A.Sloe. Burt Beck, Salesman ~Beal Estate I ~82-:!::~a.~ea~•.!lll~ta~t.e:_ __ . -~62-=,;:;;::Beal=:..;Est:a=:::te::.......,,_....--..;;12:;..--;:;;·lteal=-.::•::::lde='-------I '63--Beal Estate 6!-.Real F..sta2 :;;:. ~==~---I * * * * * * $1850 Do\vn . . Brand new 3 bdrm. hom~Hwd. BAY & BEACH BARGAINS nr11 .. dual J'un\., dbl gar: Many s E c u R I[ T y· Income Income 'Income extra feature., l&rce lot. Won-• • derlul loco.tlon, curbed st.reet. 4 attractively furnished units. Good location. $10, 775 • $25,000. Owner says submit all offers. -· Real Estate Is Your Best Investment * -t:: -t:: $2000-G. I. Resale -Very attracUve 3 bdrm. hwd. fl rs .. d ining ell, dual furn .. walled yard. close in E . side. Pri~ed for quick aale at $10,:\50. Vf'ry low mon. pay111ents. Cliff Haven Just off Cliff Drive -Has view of ocean. very charming 3 bdrm. home. H wd .. lge. kitchen. Only 1 yr. old. lge. dbl. gar., fenced bac k yard - $13,000 M-1 Lot GO ft. by 150 ft. W._ 17th ONLY $15-00 • Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Street. 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 7123 (AcrOBIJ from Costa Me.aa Bank} Eves. Ha.. 3157-W Bea. MS8-J B3.lboa -Duplex $1800 yr. income. Dbl. gar., auto washer, beautiful furnt.ahed. $7000 handles. Pricf'd $17,500 OwnPr will TRADE for homf' on LIDO ISLE LaPerle Realty 1898 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 704 3 ' 47c48 - OUTSTANDING INCOME Modern Commercial Building on Balboa Blvd., corner lot 57' x 95' at City parking entrance 100% occupancy ever since built in 1940. Yearly gross Income $396-0. Price $32,000. For full information see or call JIM and SALLY NEWLIN with John D. Burnham 507 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa , CHANNEL FRONT HOMES 2 bedroom and single apartment, fireplace, pier, float, cor. lot. nea r civic center, cabin cruiser in- cluded. $18,500. 5 bedrooms, furnished, car. lot, pier, fl oat, $25 ,000. E. Z. Terms. NEW DUPLEX, BALBOA 2 units on co rner, near sch ool house, home and rental, $19,500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS a ttractive $10,750. Harbor 1607 Home Sweet Homes 1. On UDO ISLE. Ideal 2 bed- room home located on choice strE>et to street lot. Splendid home for t>ither \veek-ends or year around living. All features modf'rn and easy to maintain. Special prlce-$15,900. 2. BRAND NEW. On LIDO ISLE a 3 bedroom 2 bath home on largr lot. Words c annot ade- quatC'ly describe this home. This you must SEE. You will "OH" ani:l "AH" all over the 4 rental units, near school, ch urches, transporta- tion. 1 bedroom each. Furnished. Good rentals. $22,500. Adjoining lot available $3000. * fr * BALBOA COVES Coll'\Pletely furnished three bedroom, 2 bath home. A real buy in tliis exclush·e area of beautiful . homes. $27,500. Terms. AND New, unusual m design, three bedroom, 2 bath h ome. Pier and slip. Large lanai, patio, etc. Terms. * * i:.r This Is Exceptional It's beautiful -each· room ie delightful. Three spacious bei:lrooms, 3 baths. additional maid's room, 2 fireplaces, closets and cupboards a wo- man adores. Nice patio. One of the finest Harbor homes. $33,500. BAY & BEACH REALTY J. M. MILLER, Manager ·Dick Fay Gloden F ay Ethel Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 * * * * * * BAY SHORES Open House Saturday and Sunday, 1 · 5 p. Corner of Arbor and Circle Drive m. NEW Two bedrm. and den, 2 bath lovely home. Car- peted living and dining room. Raised fireplace. Workshop. Separate service room. TWO P atios. JUST REDUCED $3000 John 208 Marine Ave. Phone Harbor 444 Vogel Co .. Balboa Island Eves. Beacon 6480-J BAY FRONT. Will accommo- date LARGE BOAT. New listing. Large comfortable h ome in TOP peninsula location. Ex- cellent view and just minutes to clear the jetty. An Ideal property for owner or excep- tionally Jarge boat. Reasonably priced; consider some trade or very attractive ter ms. 3 bedroom home in excellent location, LIDO ISLE place. The latest and best of ------------------------ GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport. Blvd. H:arbOr 2552 Ocean Front SPECIAL--OJder ,4 bdrm. home, Jge. liv. rm., fireplace, guest apt. over g-a1·ac.r. Cloee to good bay bathing beach. $14,500. , Seashore Drive VACATION or year round- hfodf'rn redwd. apartment. At- tractive interior . Spacious liv. rm .. bdrm .. kitchen, dinette &nd bath. Large dbl. gar. and bunk room. Lot 45 x 75 permits build- ing off add'l. unit if desired. Prime location within 150 ft. of GOOD S\vimming and fishing. Furnished, Sll.500. "Ranchero" IDEAL for family or r etlrf'd cple. Close to Santa Ana Country Club. Atlr. 2 B. R. home, sun rm. !-2 acre, 22 fruit t ref'8. Own- er going north. Priced to sell at Srl.500. •Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Balboa Bank or America Ross Greeley Josephine Webb Ullian McAdoq Har. 3277 700 E. Balboa E:lvd., Balboa This Spring's Best Ocean Front Value New S bedroom home, latest features, beautiful ·place, $23,500. Good financing. N. B. C. iREALTY, 3116 Newport Bou levard Harbor U98, 1405, eves. 2865-M. Beacon 6108-J BALBOA PENINSULA ... with Harbor entrance view S 'be<lioosll h<>uae with 2'/" Jots. One lot lanc!lscap- eci and oolild be sold if buyer wished. House beauti- fully ccmatructed. Fireplace. 2 baths, hwd .. floors, double g!lrage, much storage space, wall heaters in ea.ch rerun. Completely fenced. $19,500, terms. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Two story. 2 bdrm. apt. up and single apt. down. FUrnished, panoramic view of bay. 2 lots. $13,500. term~. BALBOA. - 2 houses on one Jot. Good income. Completely fenced. Furnished. $9.000, t erms. BALBOA PENINSULA.=-2 bdrm. large !iv. rm., kit., bath, garage. Patio and all fen ced . Furnished, close to Bay. $15,500, terms. BEVERLEY REALTY CO. 211 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1788 BAY SHORES . FOR SALE BY OWNER Corner Lot with 3 bedroom ranch type home Forced air heat. Large living room area. Nicely landscaped. Fenced. ' and dining • everything in this beautiful homE>. Bargain at $27.500. 3. DELUXE 3 unit income build- ing on BA YFRONT of LIDO ISLE. Consist.-. of two 3 bed- room units unfurnished and a single one bedroom unlt furn- ished. Here ts an ideal home AND INCdME. ALL for the price o! ONE home on the waterfront. Priced at only- $46,000 -Terms. ALS0 . REMEMBER we are the DE- VELOPERS of LIDO ISLE where you can still buy a few lots at bargain p rices. On LIDO ISLE you have PRIVATE BE4CHES, tennis courts, play- grounds, clubhouse, con c re t e streets, sewers and ALL utili- ties underground-no unsightly telephone poles. F or the best in lots on LIDO ISLE see us. Prices to fit your purse BJld terms to meet your convenience. Here a little buys a LOT. COME LOOK~ P. A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lldo 14.16 Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 . New Lido Listing Very large lot -68' frontage. 3 Hdrm. plus den. Fireplace in liv. room and master bdrm. This is an older home but in per;fect condition. Price $23,500. Call noon to 8 p. m. at Beacon 6480-J BRJNG YOUR TOOTHBRUSH ~ ~----------------------­Corona del Mar $9950 move in :---or should we add COMPLETELY FURNISHED- at $27,5-0il. FIVE bdrms .. 4 baths in main house and here's the PLUS - 1 bdrm furnished apt. over 4--car garage, T'w"o loU permit this. IF YOU WANT ONE OF THE Finest View Homes HOME and INCOME A VERY NICELY k ept 3 unlta- in this area., we have a 3 bdrm. a 3 bdrm. house on 1 corner lot, and ded with concealed bar, lg. 2-car garage a.nd lfO I~bdrm. Below highway near beach. One bdrm. plus bunk room. A CCJ%Y home with an ocean view. A top valu~ at $9950. livin'g ant! dining rooms, forced apt.B. on adjoining Ioq with 2-car a.tr heat, laundry and stora.gE> garage. · rooms. Fineat construction tlml All this for $12,500 Shore Cliff out and like new condition. Lg. _ Large famUy home. Cqlonlal d.e- BALBOA For the buyer who wants elbow room, a vacant co rner parcel 70 x 75 feet in choice location with- in a stone's throw of the bay if you are a good burler. $8000 and worth it. New 3 bedroom house with an especially attrac- tive outlook. You'll love the neighbors; all nice .. folks. $16,000. Doesn't anybody have a big family yearning to enjoy a 7 bedroom ocean front home that will last a lifetime even in these rugged days? U you want to own a new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, furnac~ heated, built for maximum privacy and minimum wear and tear on the homemaker, see this new listing at under $20,000. Step lively and you may get to put in your two cent's worth on some qf the finiahing details. LOUIS 0 W. BRIGGS 714 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 80 BALBOA ISLAND Newly redecorated. 'Exceptionally well built 4 bdrm., 2 bath home close to fine beacli. Nice yard. Full price only $20,500. Exceptionally good terms. • • STANLEY HA!)FIELD, Realtor l 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT . One of the Island's most distinctive homes -4 bdrms., 3 baths, perfect condition and nearly new. Choice corner ·location at Amethyst and South Bay. GOO<j pier & float. This has everything to satisfy the most discriminating taste. Shown by appointment. :Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea. 5181 fenced •ot with eevetal fruJt s:lga View rrom DMl'!i¥ -eveey trees. Ideal for cblldren. ){Wit For lease room .• bdrm. .. 3 ~ d ...... be aeen to be aj>prectated. Will STORE In Corona deJ !Mar, next, of deluxe features thru out. La Perle Realty Everett Morris & Assoc. PRICE -$55,000 -TERMS G. I. Reaa!e, Costa Mesa 'l'Wo bedroom stucco .bom.e in nice ------------ conslder 'trade for smaller house to Port Theatre. ApProved tor Second floor ~\ed. ipatlo, •or lnoome property or sell on billlard parlor, (oWner could BBQ, a fine home. Price $4.2.l500 W. W. SANFORD, REALTOR .Wtal>le terms. help furnish equipment). ALSO Could.er part -·a --1898 Harbor Blvd. Coota Mesa 408 E . Balboa Blvd. B'f)boa PhoneBeacon T048 neighborhood-very cloae-ln. Full Price $9500 G. I. TERMS -suit.able for any other buatneea. w-.....a lo $25,000. EXCLUSIVE AGENT REAL v ALUES Now being completed FINE 2 bdrm. Balboa Penln.lul& 24 n: wlde. Will rerit from •0 GREENLEAF & ASSOC. Park Avenue at Karine Bal. boa Island -• 1 llome With many ""tn.o -$ ft. lo 80 ft. depth. BUILDEH -REALTOR 3 Bdrms. & Den New 3-bedrm. home, month& old. For only JJJl,900, _ I 8112 Newport Blvd. Harl>or 211& Phone HARBOR 2462 J>chvn payment can be arranged lo au.it reliable party. -. .BEil1I'IFUL LOTS in Tbouaand Palms l.&rge 8iZea, with approx. 8 to 10 Madltg date pal.ma on each. OWner w1ll canaider trade. OLIVE MJIJ-ER, Realtor L'Jtl Newport AYe. Coe~ .M:- ftone Beacon 7102-W -i . . In line oondluon, on well located on West Ocean Front -. SANDY STEWE& . % aen. Hwd. fkioro, 1% tile $13,500 Balboa Paims Realty REAL~a.1__ In(Corona deJ Kar $9350 ' IN NEWPORT E::~:'t1:"'E ·~w! HarF~~~,,!~~ai1 ~.~~Gffii:i...'.': 63<C:::·:i!';;,0;~~U:·-~rr~-:i .. ~,.:; NewPOrt lfeights BEACH aousz, 2 bdrms., 1~ . '8tfc • Phone ~aeon ~-W e1<ld ow. yr:. 1l'ull ~ $10,tllO-bath&, R-2 ..,...,_ lllxcdlent l9ca- unUJ111al buy ~l,llOO. T..._ ' LIDO ISLE ' . Ni"" home ""' --7. W]\y 519 El Modena lion. cloee lo abopo, --~~ n.... Corona Highlands [ CLIFF HA v 'S not' you? -' • REDWOOD 2 bdnn. -. -channel.. Only $4500. : .,.,,...,.., LA.wn Large comer vl-Jot. S&2l50. Beautifu!IY furnilbed ~bdrm. · I Fitzmo_;a °DAAU and~·'~ 'tile. flooa! -IA '60 - 11 l'Urnlshecl Wllta ··A mana--'• ... · and b"-'" rm. home B"'"'T BUYS • ··-"'-y .... 120, .,..., ocbo011. 'bi 1aan IN BALBOA -••• ..aoo caah, J27.60 mo. . ........ -S!Al ais ,..__. lllvd., eo.w. 4el Ka,r w, • aputment.· · J1'0r -l>7 Owaer. · IAl'9e -~ MrlOi• e .rm,, a lldnn."1"'!" !Mane. Ph.me Hazbor m 2 '5800, '~ ~t. Peyable "1 :mo. D'UPLl!:X -.Two 1 bdrm. 8Pla. · -av; n.J' or Bar. ~R 316 Via ..inp-. ~ )'Vd 'for -·· • Own.,., S.con U78-W. -H (one to Je.uedl. Lota of w.- Grooeiy Store · · , 1 ._ l'tlme 1laltlor 3022 -. -. 1o -AOOO $! · d Ma,rl· Newport HU. Extra steda' ~ blk. tram ielicellerlt.1-Jbn'tl.. Inc!Udlng $iJOO WOl'tll ot eqll.ip-N:llWPORT RlllOlml _ N-I . '1* -. t . . ()()0 U~ e! •• ..,et ll bdrm&. dble. pnp. -Jd $18,JJOO. _ qient. Plue .. nne 2 _bdrm • .-. ·--...-otJ>Je -. ~ , Two -· "" ~ ~~ m Corona da. Var Don't -thlt ...,_ i10,T110. Coast· P.r perties .. _te "°"' .ton: KW<L fin.. ·.ei----. ·-~ 8'unmer Ho.iue tm. t1 rm. 11 ~..;;-riro -. -. --0 c. ~ • . .,.. . o :!..~it,o.:= !""~ ~ = =' ~~·.:: ad Wmter Bartel ..... I'll i'e~ -.. . = ,,.:::--"'=-1.-irehddm ~=t*9.·) ... ~~-r:'· B~:-•. ~-a-~ ... an:i ... ~000 :Ii z Bnoia -.w.) ..... Cm-7 a iii& ... , '1• • •·,~· mu D+'ll.T.~ eold-~ ... T '•-..la I; PbaM,Harbar YI ,~. llOl i:. .. _ Bbod. ~ I ;.;;;:;.-__ , .,._., -. lllilllt ....... 1 ..... I ILP " -···~,_ .... I ...... ~·f-W"!"'° . -_. ... (:lloel.llar._,.,f) ! u ,· •-aww Con.a de1 Mar ' --·.,~:"-111 · '~ r.1 "!12 ir'' 1''4'•~1 :1-. '-1111"' wt:; -• 1•0 TWID e)OK ....,. • • -4-N"ilS&JUt.. . WV-. LoT. ..... ., ~ -~: I '. ...., • . . . .. _ ...... -• .... - -bW, -I I I • •' -Mte 1o p1w ' T-ftllt ~Oil WI -. sea "=·i:!. :--=-=~.::,::: -~~.~:.,.~-........... la...·_'°'!:--. i fl',••:· .. :;;.-::::::.~.:-.r.::. r::r~:a::.~ ~ •m·.-.......... ffl.-MclU. ' -.-......... • •• · ··"~ , ~ ' fj"!'"' ·-=· ·-• 'I• f •'f>tl 0ooca-. .,. • ' • • • ' , , • , . -' ' 'J •• • •.a.OJ: 8 -Nl:WPORT BAY POST and BBOPPINO NEWI l... H AJl(lll I. 1ID .. . t.100 MARK fl With SALLIE RICHARD'S . LIDO MARKET requests lhe pleasure of YOUR company at the ct"lebrat1on or their F ourth Anniversary the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth of ]..ia rCh fr·onl 9 o'clo<'k in the mor-ning until 8 o"clock in the ••\·cn1ng R S. V. P. J11st t.o sh~>''' ~·ou I ran do thioi;s rii;ht. if I set my miod to it .. The I~.s.v.r . . . resoondez s'il vous plait or please ans\o\·er is most important! We want you to recei,·r. an ad,·ance .ror.~· throui:h the maH of the 3 pai:es of specials that are being offered durini: the three days of the celchra- tion ... so j11st ~i,·e your oamt to an.}· rmplo~'f"C ... phone in ... or mail it oo a penoy post card ... We arc now g-iving tickets away for $400.00 worth of merchandise o r{lcrs that will be drawn during the three days of celebrating ... There will be an automobile show ... balloons for the kids ... cotton candy ... and a free show at the Lido Theater . . . entertainment a11d fun for everybody. About the mcrrhandiS<' orders . . . what it would meao to be able to buy $150 worth of i:roceric•s or Meuaninc Shoppe delii;hts aod oot ha\•e to pay for them . . . You could tak~ the m~ne)· you'd st't aside for i::roceriet; a11cl gc, out and buy somethlni; y o u really want ... take a trip •.. buy a i:o,·ernm~nt Bond ... or pay the 2nd half of your truces ... So we feel by givmg Merchandise or- ders Instead of the usual washing machines, tele'is- lon set... etc .... we're ,.;Iv· Ing you that much cash in yoor pocket to do exactly what you want . . . BE SURE AND SEE ... ;,Up On Old Smoky" present-I ed by the Newport Harbor Mothersingers -as a benefit for the N. B. Elementary and Union Hi School P.-T. A's .. Now I'm J:Oflna get the pulped p r 11 n e s outa my hair . . . You rememl>er '? about last Oetober I in- troduced the new c e I I o packed prune that was not dried .. , but was oatural, soft and ready to eat with- out cookin,.; . . . that wa.• picked off the treP at t.he peak of its natural sweet- ness and cello pahlced with· 1., 24 hours to retain its high qual.ity I a n d flavor. :rtiey were I-essan,t's San.ta Rosa Sweet Prunes . . . Now you can hu~· the same pnmes In a "vapor -vac- cum" sealed glass jar which lnsllnlS freshness ... onl:v the seeds are removed and the prunes are pulped and ready for use in :v'?ur fav- orite muffins, "' h 1 p s, or calies ... The price is ooly 23c for 19 ounces .. which is deflniteb· cheaper than you can b u y packaged prunes. There are no cello packed Lessard Santa Rosa prunes available . . . the crop is all ·gone ... We have had these pulped pruries for about two months . . . but too many were not available ... We could only manage to inveigle al case at a time ... But now flu:ough s o m e mysterious l!QUrce we've manag'ed a plen- tiful supply at a considerable cut in cost . . . which is always nice . . . • . . everybody's ,pitted a pan :ot prunes and put 'em thru a sieve . . . ooce ! , Also of inlerest are a complete set 'Of recipes designed ·espec,ially to Ulle with your Less&rd'a j)ulped Prooes ... hell> your- eoelf ! Our $25.00 Gounnet Cookbook suggcatli that you 'put 2 tablespoons I> randy and ~ cup crushed stale m1ca- Jll>OQA In your l'!!l!le whip .•• Mee -for the kld9 la prune iind grapefruit Souftle . : - ,Qllr , Mr: <;:1ancy was raised &t It . . . sa\'8 wh~:never he brinks abol1t hia childlwod be .-a tute the prun•grapenut t ~vor ... So m~ tor the I P'lr' in---. . . . l • !'Or\\' l.o\\ PrlN"! ;\"r\V lnnf'n\·rnp Package! S~O\\'l•'J.AKt; SALTINES lb. 19c !'kg. cii1SCOrun~ 3 lb. 79c .. Call Blu·Hlll First Quality MARGARINE lh. 21c ctn. S11nkl~t 1 :ns\4'e"lf'nN.I GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ~~ 251' Rordh·~ttllon~ of • • GRAPEFRUIT S03 2 ''" 29 ¢ • ,·an cJ.' REDEEM YOUR COUPONS! SAVE, 10c Giant Size Soap WHITE KING • (with White Kini; coupon 43c) , ... ~ \ Rh1lto Blf"ndf"tl All G~n ASPARAGUS TIPS 10 \', 21 ¢ .OL ~&:xl\·ell Hol&se COFFEE .... _--------···-··-····.-lb. 79c ' FLOUR _ 11~ 49c .. :~ 93c , ~LE TE· -AT RICHARD'S With These Budget Stretching • GARD'EN FRESH VEGETABLES • Fresh, Crisp, Solid CABBAGE Fancy, Northern Pippin APPLES Fancy, Utah Type CELERY PEARSter Clairgcau Give -fo Red -Cross + QUALITY MEATS lb. lbs. lbs. LENTEN · SPECIALS Blue &a-Ught :&te&t CHUNK TUNA .1 ..... , 25c t·a n Globe A-1 BISCUIT FLOOR Globe A-1 Elbo'4' MACARONI Glotw . .\-1 Lon~ SPAGHETTI TOMATO SOUP "'~i. M~lum Gra.df.' A FRESH EGGS . 40·Fathom MINCED CLAMS .1 ..... , 25c l·an Plantf"rM Pra.nut BUTTER .~· 39c 2~ 59c 01. Roman ;\lral MUFFIN MIX -·---pk~. 19¢ Dtmhar CovP OYSTERS -.. • ·· ·~ 43 ' •~Int State Pleot"s &: St.ems MUSHROOMS . 2oz. 2123 1 XetttlM Milk or AlmOilld Chocolate BLOCKS . . ..... . . . .18 OL 49 ' • White Rothle Fft;ft('~ Dressinir; 4 OF.. bottle FREE "'It~ thP purchWJe of I bot I le 8 oz.. \\/KITE HOUSE Dolef' Finest Gf'ntA Fruit F . . Manninc)'s U. S. Gov't Graded Choice Beef Finest a.et Obtainable DRESSING . . .... 8 .,_ 39r I CHOICE GRADE JJ/oz 0.11..iou• LEG 0 LAMa ··· · · ········· · · CATSUP 14oz.21 ' ,--------......: .......... lb. 79" t~u<'k)' lA·af PPnnsylvant.a APPLEBUmR .. 28 oz. 25¢ Swlrt•H Brookflt"ld BUI IER .. . .......... lb. 87" . \'ennont Maid Cane & Maple SYRUP .12o<.27 1' \\'hite Kin;-le Sale • Toilet • SOAP 3123 ¢-1 for 1 ¢ .• baro 24 ' \Vhlt.e Klng WATER SOFTENER 2s .z. 25¢ Bon Ami le &~e • CLEANSER ~~1 '~-'.1~s ...... 26 ' Bleach CLOROX quart 16' , ... 27 ' \\'ater Softener RAINDROPS ...... 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Wat.lb for It Nut Week • MU'Cb lS , 14 ·-15 R IC HA ID'S -4fh A ·N I V E IJ A I ti • .. THE ECONOMY W~SEI PATRONIZE . Frozen Foods L1ee\'·s FROZEx -& oz;. ORANGE JUICE 2 for 25c LIBBY'S FROZEN CHUJliiK PINEAPPLE ----·-·-.... ~:. 23c LIBRY'S DELICIOUS FRENCH FRIES _ : .. 19c LIBBY'S FROZES CUT CORN __ .. _ ..... _ !~ 17c BffiDSEYE-FILLETS OF ·COD ............... __ ...... Jb. 45c ...--f>l.Wlld/flg - Five Minute .••. "Frozen WAFFLES THURSDAY BOYSENBERRY PIE .. ch 591 BF01n and Suve DINNER ROLLS --------J>k~ •. 14• POTATO FRIDAY GLAZ'.ED DONUTS Gold Pound Cakes ' .8ATllllDAT CoffEECAKES . J for 25¢ -~ '0.Ctt Fl - LAYER CAKE ·------17; , • • • ; •