HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-25 - Newport Balboa News Times. I '· r . • ' . = 1.A ~ C .r- ONLY DA IL Y NEWSPAP E R J .. IN ORANGE COAST 'S"'--L ARGEST BALBOA IMES ~ I • • '~~,. . (: .. '-.. .. £' ...----- Tudjl)';• I l A.M.. 1•.s.T. Dow .l1tt1N i\ , ... ~'"" f ,.._ ,....., •• ~ •• M-.a.. I .. 4 --~ P.u11. lt.111• \'1111 11, \ .. 111111· 1; 1 I .' tq• '"' , ~~h·""-'' ""'. un 1'.-ii:•• I ""' -===== !Says. W~ll Run Wi.th 'No Ties' I !!!!!!!~!!!! ':.. : . EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA , WEST NEW, PO RT, SEASHOµE -~OLO ~Y. uoq_ ISLE, NEW/)O RT HEIGHTS , BA LBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A .. M~~A VOLUME XL ..,, ... C1•nh p.-r .fopy ~ t \\ •• , 111 1 H;>;.\( JI, ' \IJJ '(.IJUI L\. .;u n ·u--U.\\', M~•u1 ;;o,h I !NX• U llld. l'rr u . _\CJUC' 1'ft•l1·lAIWIU' -~l )ltlf;K S4 111. 1, I l1.ik1'. '11111111!.11 1· f111 d l y ~ """"' 1i111.111 Ill 11.. 1\1u 11 1:\ 1111.1· llh q 1,il t \1 I J ti•I' \ud I\ l"flH nt~t 1 lw ,, '" 1'1111"' I ltrol lt1• "hllK m;uir n1• p t"'Htttt...,..... ttt •'"l'.-ttttHlt- t1t'I "'' 11• th1 lh1,IH1 '' l •11\llt«H 1llhl II • 1. I ,, .1. \\Ill '" I 11111 .. , ..... ,,. .. ~. Submarines Sighted Off U. ·s. Coast 1ASKS _$14 BILLI.ON 1FOR 'iCOLD-WAR' • ulh "''"""' 111••1u1t Int 11n\ ~ltUllt -'I ''' l'1U1tl 1 l t••lt l•t 1k1 .ul•l••I th . .t ft,· "h"' "'''· ··I 1 ""' '' 11•pu•hu t11u •lu· Hu,•u··~"( 1 'uuu.-ti" • 'l"' • t1w4 ltt•h\ \ -.UJtl••rt · l h11 • h· 'ai.t I "''"' \ut•·n~ ht""' 111,it •h· ••' 11•• "" lllttlnR• \It ti lu it \\ iHt tn l.k· 'It t'l~I Ecister. Week Yor.it-h I Sw(lrlning Over N ~WP.Ort Beaches 1111 1 11111 .. 1 ••t.111r "'" l ""r' 11r tll 11,ttH' tit\ ltl 1ltt\1'1' 1 't d ,. « 11d h• h u l '""''" 11n nr. WASlll:(ic;Tn:-.:. 1\l.111'11 '..':> H..'P I S"1•11·t .11 ~ 11f ='·" \ Jultn ,1. Sulll\;111 •.11<1 1 .. 1111) 11t.11 ,,111111.1 rirk'!' "no1 twlnn,.;11u: 111 1111\ "" t ion wc>,.1 11f tit•· '1nm <'Urtam'" had l:wo•n 'ti.;htt-d 11'<·1·1111) 1111 t It• Aml'rtt;in '"1:i ... 1 "I um nul pr1•p1111·d t•i ,., ;tl1111t•• thf.' ~ij;rnf11·1111C'l' nf th•''" •IJ.!h! in~~:· ho• ... 111d "ll11\\'1•\'•'I', \\•' ;111 n -call thr11 ;in .. 111·1) t-t•·p 111 11t1· G<·m11;m~ 111 1~117 uncl l~H I 1\il' '" deploy SUh111Urtnl'' ofr 11\11" l'Pll'I"" Sullt\•lrn toltl or t h•· -ul1111a11111·'· which hi' pr•''1tmahl) mc-:1111 1\'1•r1• RuMian, 111 t 1 ,1 imon) lwf• 1r1• '"" senate arnwd •l'r\'IC{"< l'11mm1111•· He !!Sid R u,Mn now hn" mon• . than 250 OJX'r;11mg 'ubn11111n"' '\ Ht> con1rn~lod tha\,.J 11;1111• "1th less thun 50 i-ubma,.., 1hr C ··r· mans we~ ope•rattni;: al 11\•' \>UI· ~I of W orld \\"nr 1J And ) •'' · ho• said, th<' Gt'nnnn~ "V('I') n1·nrlr won the ha11l1• 1•f th•• J\1lan111· Sullivan <.111d n u..,.,.ia h:h ob- ta ine<I new G!'rmim 1-uhm11rin•·"· lncludme four of thr ll•'<'q d<-- algn. Rui;sia now t•cinl ml' four large G<-rman 'hip) 11r1I' "h11'11 1 produeed U-bcwH,.,, and hn' Gi•r - man blueprints und 1.i11 i-:" \\ •'" L' desieners. engim•cl"' anti IN'hnl-I He .testified tbnl · 1h l' l 'nitNI dan.11. he said. I States had not )'Cl r .. ·rf<·rtl'll C'Oltn- tcr-measur<-s agnrn~J l111t• ... 1-1 YP..' aubmartnes. fU>s.•urrh 1ncJ1rntl'd """-II.a.,._ that a "compk-te 90lutlon will be most difficult." hr said. TRUMAN PLEA ·REJECTED IN HOLD LAND Thr .. un wu oul acaJn toda~ and Sr\\'pnr t'• (•h aln or ,.,,arkllni: twac·h•"• bure;t•onPCI \\Ith bo'\·lf"• or rudlant i,:lrl" 11n1I llwlr ft'••n-111(" b(oau~. 11· .. lhP t:a ... h'r \'1u ·all11n "''""'· o f c•o tlr"4!. Anti .i,.,.,111: ·1h1· lnP\'ltahlr f'h1tri:1· .. of "lld 11:irth·'· 1trlnkl1111 KAii 1t"r"'·•h11ll •·r l111: nol ..... thPy 11,.,._nt a 1towln1 pk'turr of 3·001111 Anwrt .. a ha\•lnic • Int of run.' l.rrt. f'Pllrl "'1wl'Jall, (lovlM, 1or,.111,., 1111 hrr hair nflt'r a 11111 \\hll1· ho:. frlt'nll l.rro~ l..ulta, Aitu ... huld" 111lrr11r. C r11frr. An11 lllt- tr r . ( '11run11 tlr•I ~f1tr, find~ <'llft¥._r .. tlun 111illflhti; 11' ,111• ~111J1t· .. II"\\ :i ,o cEAN FRONT o"'NERS s11nREn Ask Billions · OVEJ{ 24-MIN1 PARKING METER~ r '''AS:l ll='GTO:>:, Mar ~;, 'f.h•• 1·1ty 1'(111111'11'' 11rd1•r '" 1111)1 ' lttl' tilt.: ,..... "' I• \II ... ' • ' More Men for tl'PI Prr~1d1·nl Truman l•Kiit) .1lt•·rn:tl"f1arkmr.:111·t•r,11nll1·•;rn lurwh \\Ill l rntl ,, .... r\\lttl '"11- rnl11•rl ft•r a tru1•1· lwt1\t'i·n f1d11 · Fr••nt 1n mul-t1•"' n ;-.;, "I'"'' • '·•II•• '" t ttn 11111 .111-I 11111 1• """'" me ,\rah~ nnrl J•'"'S m l'ah•!11tn1· '.!I mmu••'' l•<fl:t) r\nk•rl ,, "'rl''l m 111 11\t\lll t.:l'lltnt.: ;, 1uk•1 You \c Id w I Jfr ~att1 that 111' !Ul11 frl\Ort•d Jl•ll • 111 r11ntru\'1•r ... ;.J l"lfllllh nt-frt1n'l I .011 I 1•11\ ,r Ill• al 'I . " ·"Ill' 1tf 0 ar 1i11nn h111 \\rllll•'<l l 'mtl'd :-.:11t1un~ w:itrrtr11n1 • hu"tn••»rn• n 11'ht.'UI. ;n ~" :-ht111 11 ltml' '\ trust•~·•htp :t" .i l<'rnpnrar)~ m1·:m s !'airl .I :O.I P d k t•• r. n1:1n,f1:1·1 -t ~' ,,... 1• 1 (1 •·t I' ... 1tt,f11 d ''lilt - nf 1:m·1•n1rnr.: P1111'~11nl' 111 '"-''f"lrl Ph:1rma1} '.!l•Jl« \\' 111. ""' i. .. 111 ')'11~11 '.'·•••·ti ('1:111 \\'A~lt1Xi:1'1 •:".. !\lar Rot, ~Jtnkl'l'mC'n fnr lhl' A rah c 11·,.:in frcrnt · P;.irk rnt.: ml'to•rc 1; )1.11 1111 111 :\!in 1111'c 1·afr .!lliti I I 'I'> I 1f'f111"-t' ~rrri·t ary l'lal•·s' fl.oil) n-j1•r1t·d l'rl'!'ld•:nt ..., 11rl 1·11st11m1·r,. 111 """'" :\11· ..... \\' 01':i·'T."11 .f111n1 ·It k r pt th•• ft'<h· Frn 1• ~tal a~h rl 1· .. nr.:r••<l' ''"'•' T rum:in· .. 11p1wal ri-r ll lrlJl't' ITI All rt ... j, ..... imw 1'11·1111111 llloilll' ""'·" ,, .. ,,, 11;11\..1111! .ti( 1l:i) ·mrl fl} llfll•11l\I' a ·<"old \\111'1 rn11tt;ir) P ah•fllin•· Ind a) "unlC""~ llH' J1•ws I' Tllllf:O' t lf'k PIC '"Ill.'. \\J llt1•n h\ "'""'If ""''' 11111 .. 11\1 r r11r huci-lr11rh:1' "' <q 1 l.M Ml.fMtlllMN) 1!'"".t1fl :dl 1hnur.:h1,",or ll11l~L-:1ml l 1hr· 1•1111·1• :mil arld1111111:tl 11'-lri·'1t••' ; •.111• f.,.rJ 111,111 :inti .;1·1 II ":'" lln rn,.11 ,,,,' M T-:I.••~•.· Partition. m •·n1 1(1 h11~11I""-"" I 111. 111 ""J 111 ''' 'linrt 11 t11T1•·.. " , I 1 I 'IJ . 1·•1.•••" , ... :.• 111 1 11 1111c1n11 ... , Faris F.I K111111r1 t•f ~\rlli :inti "Slt1111lcl ~l"'''rl thin.: ... 11p a 1111.' 1 1· F ""'· '"'"'' :11111 111••rallir r~w 1 1w,•t.l~li :"i«rl ' l•\ l'r •'>•'•n' J\T11hn11,111l ll•Y F a"" nl l·:J.!~1•1 · ''''" ,\ :II H•·1n•1t,.)11:111a1.:• 1 .i "' :"«\'f'"'' l'uttl"' \I.irk•·• . .'llti .,.,1111 ,,111 r,11 ''"''"''' ·r, .... .,11 )'"1 1\\'0 of tlw prmr1r111I Ar1tlt 11poke1o· F111p:11r1rk'< rl· p:rrimrnl ~Inn 1, It" :rn rr11nt . l'•'f"ll'1NI "11 w11n'1 • F11rri ''"' ·""' ll'kl'd 1111 l<ll •m,~Jp tl'lf• I ''· Qlllt'I tlrnl '"" 1\rah '..'1 ~(t \\' 111·1.,m frr1111 . !hn11,.;h ..'l It• II'., l•1t I <11i;1""'''rl 1.ik1nr.: th .. m tltnt .,•rl mr·r.-:i~• .,f '.\l~ ... 11c1 111 lvt.· inh "rr·m.11n' l111d111ni.:1·11'' hy 111111111"' '" " 111111 '"" "hnrl :1 ''"' • 111 1 1111 '' l1o ''''" 11•111" tit• 11'-. .. fl• I lo.f1rlrt• I ,., 1f1t ,,, 1111•d '"''I .. lht' n ·"ck111' ... ''·•t••m r n1 ' 111n•: ,\ 11111r1• pt .;, 111-.d 1111111 \\011: J t•·1·11 111111111• ""' k11i..· 1111111 '''' !111 '"Ai;,.,. 1;,.,,. ).llllNI hl'f11n«" t-:1 h,. ;\1; "' I>' m11111I•~ ("11,1111111 '' 1('11n 111111•·tl 1111 l'ar.:•• •I t ~houri ''"'I. · lttr· J\n tlt< :tr" 11111-------- in1:: '" m :.k• ,, "111•1• 11 1 ltr· .11 1\.:1 -• :.h.inti.111 1""''1""' ••11'1 "··1k '"'I Camp Haan \\i'ar Prisoner's" Diary ~1·11w c1tlt1 r ,,,Jut l'•ll Ii"' ti 1111 pt 111 · ~ ~ •••1~;; "'r,''.'1~1,'.~; •. ,· ,1,11• ITI• nt • ' I Bo. csts Value o~ Ce IT ])oor i5 Times plot1n1nL."" th•· r1•'•11• l •1tn1t'41llt in I•''' .. 1 .1 '' ie f•l l ... •r·~h11 1 ••it "fntrh ,1f 111u."'' •tt•hh•·tl Fl.tllh• ii 1,, d 11 I 111 •'ill 1,,, ..... r • ' tr , .... ~till • '-1.tl \\t t1I ht r,,,, ,,,.. "•n:1lt• ,\rrn•tt s.,, 1 • ll\rtH111 t 111 dt 1 .tlJ 1'11 ..,tt f• t I " .. , ' IP 1 •• lh• 11 fll'.) ... , .. II l •n\\ , I t' f\4 . ti I tit 1fl '" II t 1 I I. -.. ll • w ·I· "I I ' tt1• ;11 r11•d '•f\lf•" .. "I''•• t P~sses ' ~ .. .. ~ .· . -. I •fH'• ltl• ltl-. f1•t t'UIHf'JUt'n ft1tHI" t oH '' tll 11"1 ht ,,,, tt 11 · -..11tl thnl 111 f.J I\\\ t J1 ut llU t llt1pU1l;l1 IU1tft• I ,.f :t t•u-.h•1•I t1\ • •r•J1ttt l.tt:d-i• '' , "' ''' t 111 t tu,., 1·nu •t·d ;,,, Pi. n''"'"" '" t "uu"d l ttT !11t1 rt11l1 \\ ti11 l111'1tf\•1"-'• IUUI tttll'f'iflVt-1• 1H• tif t 1•1 •·dl1 "' 1Htt1h •I /tf11•f M '\'• • 1 ti 11111nt Ii" "' ... ,f. t, I I'"''" •'t" tlur· q•11 •·-•U I It·· "' 111 I t \\ 11 tiff' 11111 I• ill" 1' 1 tl~I•' '''"'ti ··~111\ """"' 1·11111111111:11 11- 1 •II•. I •1 •• k .. ,;,111 II• . 111111 ""' '1•1111 •II•• II·~"''"'" +'.,ttttt•11'.. ~1••lnl 1 1 ·I "1 .. 1111 I., f 11\lf ,. I'" "" ··•I) "'"" .. •1" I ~"' • 11111\t'llf 111111 jilf'rl\) of '' 1111 t t11 ,,.,,, • lutl ,,, '" ,,, t•ry '•'"'' • ""' 11 Ar11111 lh, l'rn nnl •1•1111111• •I '" mak•· " 1.,1 ,,, r rHh 1 ... 1 '" "" "'' 1111 I""''" h• I,. I •hllll r1111 •Ill Ill\ '·~· .. 111 ,.. II lnrAlllMl - 1111•11 11111! h111• 1., lw1 1• 1111· llftl~•r· 1111111\ 111 '""'4: tl•1" 11 "1111 11111•'1' I •••lllh 11111• 11 111 \\nl k 11111 1l11y·IO- d .1\ flt ultlt ltt,. • 'No Aid Seen For. Central Ave. Improvement •I Hiii Mullh•an 11f· IJ411 l•lr from al1111 a 1.tllna. Rl1hl, Marli•nf' Km-· ,.:,, \nahrl111 ... ,.,,... 111 a frl,.nc~ .. hll,. lhf' aln rummy ir,_ ott rl'<·k· l•·"h 11n1 .. rturhrd h3• ~hlrlln.-lth••r""""-111tul1" J•) l ~•.\.ISU"I lnv(llltl1allof'I by clly o fflC'f11l1 of a--ibM~af•ta .......... t v Mid fur lhr,.lmf'NWf'ftM'ftt flt QiNl.o 11111 """. ,.,,,,, t11d11)' IJirnt'd up no l1k1 Iv 111ltlllln11H1 '""'h•. ,...II)' 11d- t1111.i,1I 11II\1• 111flr•1•1 ,1111111 ~1tllor. "111'1 . BEACH A TTEND.ANCE ·Pollce Corral ,,.,.,,.1,""'"" ,, 111 I \\' ~tnnll•y 1• 1•11 lr·•I '" S111l11r!' thn't N"v.-11nrt II•"' It ' •111111 111 I t1 •• •r1-1•11llr'fl . HITS 8000 DAILY · AS STUDENTS CAVORT T.en-Agers as Clftlr•laJ, uf th•• ' ,: \\ I' " r I H•·,..·h f I r ,. tl•·p11rtmrnl l•MllO\ '"'tlmalrd ff.Sh ,,...,.h atlf'ftd· . . &11•·•· at •·•Kht th••u,antl Th.. lnnu, I• •I I rth11l•·1I al 111•"' •·ntlr•·h tu \a• ,.u .. nln1r hhch -.. huul auul t ult••\t•' •huh·nf, \\htt """""II' tr•·t. h• rr fur th•· tul•l·-..·•n•·"'''' '' •••·r t tit. ""'' "hal tou , ... \ 1111, •••• ,, ht•"ftl .... , ...... ,' l1u h In t•l11tlt• ff\ t'Fltl•' \\•It.tr l••f\ll"'rA fort~. r.45 •lt-.r•••""": ,.,,.,,.,. .... 1r '"'"'"""''"'" flt tl•·•r'""'; ""' Tallmans . Debate Uenewal of Oil Well (;ourt FiJ!ht 'i\'1111 1111 I 111 11°"" II• l• . .t• ol ~ ... 1" \.'It l/11 t t .. I"''' UHi• 111 ' II,, I ' p I ,,,f fl1,1• ' 1l iii fl11 t ' '1 l • I '-•l t " I\ t I.A" t •'•I• IH f I 1f1f 11••ru•I''' ••f I I, I• • •I• 1 ·' I '' ,,,,... f . ,. .,,,, .... .. ' '· ... I 11u 11 .. Order Regained I 11.:, t ,.,f,I• r' h• t • f•'f 11t1 I ~,,,., I lt.iJtl• I .'II' $1MI flllllt111t llllll<'ll• 111111 1u11111111t l111t 111 n••urh $.10,00ll, \\lrlllrl lw• h\/lll1tltl1• ti 11 \\1•11 llffl l1Tull1 • • •111111·11 thrtf 1 h•· 11111111·y I\\ .. I· IM"'~ 1•1ntlilt d '"''' luu '" l1t•I ,.1,..111 .. ,. ~nrut 1e rv h u itrnV••· tt11•h 1 JJ,, •''"'""''•I d t 1\• ul S ••" I"",.,,. ,. I I I"''" ... 1 111 11 .. ~ ...... 111111 I A J I I II I 11 ,:,,,, •f 1lt1 ti \•fl11t,, ltfn •t t"i inUUI\ \\'r J•HO I 1111 •• \\• llH't' •11'11•1<1111 \\Ill tlflt\\ 11n I/."" . ti"'""' lt.1\1 "'' ... 111, t l1 II I f .. ... '"'"' ,,,, ... ,J "'"'' lh· 1111•l ,..t~1 lut11 \~le t4nt.,...r\l.,..r• tfh lu uf•'-•t •~t (\, lt1d J(I/ 11\•• J,\t1f•1t/(tu1t1 u( tt lllt•t~•r-111 "'11n11r HH V••' i.. '•~·I •nil 1111 ' 1"'' ror ''' t••n•I 1ud f111uf11 t f.nnt ttu• t"tHlnty •11•t1d n 111d I 111 ~1l 1\ J 11111\·' Jtt • f '''' l••t 1111 "'''"' ,,f '111.,.'''"u'"· tul,.,h,. y1•r ''I'"'' 11·•'1 1111111 11111111· 11111• l11•111h\11)'. S111l11r• <1l1tl-I t1 .. ,u' "'t"'''.. · 1 ,., / t '' tt1i•H' fl•• 1lh-. d 111•lffl0 '')" Jr.,,u ''"' t••· "' ut ••n. 1tu· •'tt~n: f'" f 11 '" \ It ' 11 1 t I ~ 11 ft 11 ' I\ I .f ltl'tlt' ttf f 'tt l•''li llfUI t•fttJtf•t\'t'tf I• 11 "• "" \\'1111111'1 11 11 l'r• 111 \\ 1111.0111 t • ·'""''"'' l•1 t•11rry tlwl·r n. ,, ti\' 11 111• ' I• \11111 1. .... "" 1•,J•!t"ll IHI II 11111:•·1 11 ll11ui1t l11n' "' • 'h ~ I • ,\J~~lh1o .11 ,\lt1 '"""·' .. 1 111 l'ft"-t 1\ f1nul-. •li11·t1tlv fo ttu• f' '"k'·11''l •·· A11~·I· ,\ 1.111fd "' .. 111•1·,r.rr;r-.. lflr11'•\.""I' d n d dl '..111\' dk \ I n;• p l1f111nt 1tf\ ;dif f,., ll•f•tl '''"'"'''"'· '•1 tt• I'• \1 I I\ l ftl l\. .I \\.11 f1 ·''''" tflt\ , .. ,,,,,,, •• ,,,""'•' fr •Htl , .. , .. 1•1 f,, \1w•l1"' \1 J . \111111•• J .. ,,,.,,.,. Ht 1r1nlh•r \tur," Sull11r'f ',1, "" d• f' I''''' 1 I 1\', r 11• f 11d \\ t•· ,. I I ' "'''I,,.. 1t1•I J( l t1 th•· fl l• ·•QJtt11•' I llff11tllflV" "' '•'I. I . Ir '''"•I t.111 f• 11 l I•""' t "'"''"''~',. "''•tlftf h n11a t •• , .i ,.,q, ''"'''" ... ' .. " .. , .. , .• ,r!j.-,. .. ,,, .. ,~ ...... , •.. ., .. "'"'"' ... '·'' rr -''" f• 1 l't 11f't• i ; t'u• hhfF, "''ii \\.• 1ii11••••\• Iii• 111 ,,,~,.,,. I ... 1. ii •· ,, '' ''l""" 1.J....'1 ., • ,.,. 1' iii '' '' t t ·ut.11. f11 • ., uu• h··- ·• , ••I .. 1 •' .. ,.,, • d· \\ '··I• '"· I II\ I Htlfl• ii "" '"' ,,, ...... Anhn' .... 1w •lh'' ''" f'.tli4\.t•n• "'~th• "'~" d,.,.,, 11f ht· .... ,,,11;u\ ••It .. 1 z•h uf ... ,,,,.. •·l h 1 .. • 11 f•ll ..;..< .io-Jo.1ki•n h•I• '1' ''''" hllft lll l .lh.tfl l)_.:,11111• lfllll 11t.1.f• !ho "'""•If'}'" 11>1111111 II• 1•'1n1' :lfll'f ~·tf• 1hP l 'tlll• 1 't,1"" \\;101' f,11.,.t ~ttfil ,._r,,l"ll:I\" II• \\II •lflJtlll· .. 'I• I• , t1l• t1" I• Jrr• •• 111 :111lhi•tl~·rf ~Ul.'I!!,:_ v.111 •*'• t....: 4.ti1·•'11I ~ rn•.,, · '" .,, IH•" I I ·~ h~·· 111 f #,I ~ ho .Utl~Y,J.Jf1ll r.,llltl I I W I I ,,,. t 11 ti fll 1,,_ t•au1ullt1ll~ JI •h"'~ul·r••• I• 1 t ·11 '" 1.,,., l Jln1:1111 '" ,. ,nill1 fn tl11· 111•1\ 1<1 111 • ·_-, 11111• -ti•'''""·'''" \.1!11• '' l .. a nr1h1\1•1l1f1 \11' 1 ... ,t1.·ulh1h 111, tf,,,1 ''·'"' i11·11'·•t ,,. \•w t\',,,.,.,,. .. ""''' 1 .. 1 ~"''' 1u .. t.1hlt-..l1t ti '1 \•1 ii IHI nth' •11.\u t n rit I• 1, ,., 11 ftt \\h1t h ,1J'1 •lft"-I t 1 I• .u .d r1nl t .. t t ll 'J\ 1.1nt p1u·· nf ~1 ,, ..... fj,, j r. I ,,,, "~ h· I • t I~ 11'11• d 1• 1.: d· ,, It I ·• Weather & Tides * \\I• 1.111 .,"" ''"' 1:11· \'"· ,, " .. ,, • "" ,, 11 ... '"' , ... ,,.,,. 11 •• \\ t"' ftlft ft ti fotr .., :. l!.dph ~),I •\t1I 111 hi"' llH"ltli•ll' 1111' l11lll11thrt••I r ... \'.11 A--··-Ill• d11l.u :1•1•on '"·" 11• \\.Hll•"' •1r .. , "••I d 1u u 1.· tt , . f , .I '. 1 ' """'"''' ,.,." .Jul\ 1 " • ''""'"" ·:11111,1\ .. t""' •' l11t•l.-• I tft\•t f•11•,1.,,lll t f11 l d1 f• rt'• tf .. • n'-11 nf ;d~,,,~· '-1 '" U ltdlflilt lt1f fl~1·•1I 1't1rt I~ t \\ ;,.. tn• J1adt·•f 1u I 'r •"lit• ,,1 II <j :ulnll11h1r:too11. ,.,.11. d ·•f1••nta;•n '" 1 11" •'Irv • :tll• L:H•n•. '" t h• rn;111 ... lt•ul"• t <4.lll urn1t• ti t•• t " tht· rlu\\11~ liu1s.:1o1,10. •• r th• p .. 11 r t.·d ... t ,~. .11id 1 .. d1 p11i111•d I• 'f I ..... jl ''°" \nr:•·lr ... 11 1111 1kl11ll 1 : I' 1111~ r 111urh · I"'' ·"I •. ,""" •II \\ 11 h " f "" light ·~h"~' .... , n••ar t hr •t1011n1.1m< L11cnll) \\ 1ml) :'-lr"tl) 1 lt•;11 ,.,_ 111L:ht :ind Frt.l<t) Sh.: ht 1) ".11111 - l'r ;iftr·111,.,.11 11111 'li.;hll.1 r·rw1l<'r 111n1ghr ril14d dtttJ\ .i 111 111t •1 ''"''"''~:ind h1 .. 11lf•·1 111 ~' l·•uid' 10 in•r•·o1'• 11.1 nP·•t 'f1l• rn~11;1nt 1r· 1rnplt1·;i1 rnn .... Pr 1 IJI• ,, 1111 • ,,U ... f•ft .1( ~ 1., 'nuun1t ,1.1, u·• ... 1., :\I'• -,00 ttlfl' j 1.,, th1.., t"'lt111u .. 111urnnl ,,, .. 111u11l:-1•'""d ''' • ""' \\1·1·;, 1cno11·d 1n fot\••r ''' h1tlrlin~ 11t;1t 11 \\•'111 lnt .t f'Pll'" ,.j 1h11·1• • lt;tt i.:•'' 111 tlr•"·1t11111. IWn 111 Tr<t•• l\T~ r 11u· .. t1 In .. rtler .. r l••1u11•ntr. ''J;l 11. Allu11 Knut;;,cn. :i.!l ='••\\'. ·-··:qilni.; rr11m tnwl111 1·onr11wnw111 Ltirh1 rtirnrr• ~ n1 •tnrlt "~"'"'" I'm. ,.II l 'l:i•·•-. F1Jl1r•r1un '.111.J ,..,, .,f •to-.tlm~ ro 111wk Fuun•t F' Th 25 '!l·()fl 3.1\!I 9 :30 3""' Fl\:••. pri•nnrr ' ·had 111 ... r rilu 11 I t:..'11!11, 011 •I\ .-r111n1'. It" ";"' "'"·· ~.4 _ (1 ~ ri Ii () :\ tlio·11· n1111w~. r rtn1t'' .md "•n tr•n• • • 11·r11.,•tl to Ill•· 111 hnt;!J, 1rr1111r '1111, !l ~:, 3 ~ .. 1 10 :02 S:M 11n 1 hr• d•~>r F11ur \1 •·r•· ·1 •·I I) 111 •• ,,.,~t'f·m·•• i;11IN•q111•n1 I~ "'h' r<'· •I R O•I ~6 fl 3 1f,.111lrr-hut 11n" o l lh•m \\'1ll1a111 11wf•if 111 'J:111nrl lh••n In •lJ< )'NI~ t n11 n . tn1·l11rlirH! a h'"''' nl _•11 r ... "'" '"my. ,1)3,111~1 r .. r 11 ... ,, •\ \ 11,111111 r .. r ~ lw mm""" ""'" .!,. - !'>1 111 f11r 1111• :11 r f•rr<'r " T li• p t•" n• ,..,.,,,,el '\.fft1ncth •tf tit•· nrtru•tt f,,,, .. ~" 1.'.l'.l.!,lllllt"\\htl•' ltJI' ""'·""' "'" f'rtltni.; '' 1,7'.\'J.'""' ff,., •·a l• "111·n1Hn11 MANCHU · PRINCESS 'MATA HARi' .. IS Extcuno J-11rr • !"If a I ~.11d t ht ffl' in• } '', " .. t llC' ~k,.rl 1n """'h :inti 1 r,nH • :111lh•rfll) 111 l1t 'l"'nt lht'< "1\ PF.IPING. :0.1Ar 'J~1 -rt'P l - YQ!>htko K n"1H.h1m:1. th•• :O.lnnrhu J>rtn('('Sl' \\ hn pl .. yo•rl !\IRI R J lilPI lo Japnn"!< lfl\'l\•tnn or C'htn n. wn• l'xrrut1 d on ''"'' rnmut1•• nn llN' t~R)' a'< ~hi' knrlf nn t h<' frn-.ty J:~Und nC n Ch1n""r pn•o n ) nnl _ i'!t<'!IJ<l'd m ·gr,.~. rrrson 1:nrl1. t hr nncl'·hc'11u11ru1 •rY kn11\\ n to lhousandJ< :1• "R11r11nnt .l11dr." .JCOrnf'd !hf' <UpfW"I o f IU.ll Jllllo'r~ nnd walkNI "'""" to thl'. plufr of l'X<'CU 11on Only ft\'<' minutl'< ll<'fnrr tlw C'Old m)J77)1' of R pilltlll ~II' 111111 ai;:ainst thr nnfl" nf hl'r nl'Ck. :0.11•'• $77;1 I0 1,lrfll1 f\'lr :11rl"'r1tl I 1 • K:1\\ •• h1m11 lr·11rnrd thnl h"r 1Ritl ~h!• l11okMI ltkl' 11 mrddlP·llR"d ' ~·~:~·n~~.h:.~~~n ~i~rnr1I rl11wn anrl ::~·,• h.':;i;~ ,:1·h:~;~:::,t ~~:,~; n1~.:2r: ~'.'~";";'.~: · 1 ~~:!':~;r~,,;',~11:.'11~;·'~;:•:1: J\ft r r th:il nn c:n11ntl nr '-tt.:n n l 1rrnl. tlw 1•rtMrn ""lttmr 11nt1 1 · '' 111 ' 1'1" I """''' i 1;;r1 '~"1,IJ(tf'I "" 1111111.11' c•mnt1nn ~raf"'d hrr A <jUIC'k. sort M\'11~(·~ of II lonc:-unitalt\ •• t1 l"',."'1110• I "l?h ('llnll' from hf'r lhrortl Ill' '"P•llm h11!.lt Thi· li11l11nrt· rnr ml!t('l'll:rn•. I• thr •tn~lr h111l"1 tnrl' t hrn u1th hrr F nr rnnnth• '"" hi1t1 ,,,:,.11111,.rl •fl·m .. hrntn :rnd mouth -I Tli1 11,..r """<'' 11,.,. "'"" unkn""n h•t"ill "''h"ntlrni: prnt,. ... 1 .. 11 .. n• "·<Ttl,.r) 1.1 .. n11\ i.,111 "' ... r "•nln11l1111 ""'' Htt"IA ".lttr• hilt ~.hr "'a!< hf>l il'1Pd · to h •1111 " '"11'"' "' • '" !'111111 '" ollw11d ' ., I , 111111! ,,, "I" I •••ll ,, ,..'f1,,nl ' c-ompRrllfl\'fl~ )Olln~ l i1•r pinrhrt1 ~h• rl1(! n••• t11·n1. hn"''"r .. 111 · ~:ttrnior ~,,,.. hll'lc thn '"" I• ••r 1111 w:1v •n f.1r1~ 11< ~h·· ~nrll h• fori· 11. !.!·•'" n• th;ot 'It" h:itl """'I''' r11t1. ~.-1 .. l.o11tl unrl .. t f, ...,, 111rt11t, fw r f'Xrr111 111n"r~ rt•t111nr-d h 11 l1 , t1 ,., " 1.;1,1, ,111 1,,,,..111111, ,111111 111 ,,,.,..,. "'' lhf' llf•11111y "''hrrh h;;d m1tt1" hPr I tw rnnf1d11n1,. .nl htt.:h· rnnk mg ,l11pan•'!'r a nd C11inc·!'•' <1f· ftrtRl~ ''' t1• r '11 .-u .. ,., rirl• n• •' nf It• t ' ftfl. ''J"n'r•·~ t,,. -..;utl '-''''' tf1• n IHI•• I I . ,.,,. 1n ..J.lw~ll·l• \ ('/"• ""'l•l\11k11t ·" : ··11u1 .. hf· nrlrl<-11 I( 'rm 1111 t1Nl on "11•->t"I" 11.1• 1'1111•· 4 t __ ., # f . ., ,, • 111 11. ,.,11 t• ... ,, .I ~I 1 . ., J:• ·rl !loll MOVIE 'MONOTONY' INSPIRE S, USHER I• 1 .. , • \\ I I f \\ ·I•• 'I I 1 I , ' \ ,, t"Awln / ~t. \\ 11111111~ · H~, ''""I ,.,...f,.rda~ "' hi" horn,. t.:!" '''" ICllf'rU.-.\\I•,. 0 ( urirnl( dr l ''"h U r \\II• ·th•· f"tlu·r 111 '"~n.:r.·•I · .._.,, ftrl1. ''""· l'a11I \\ 111111111, o f ,.._, t '. I". -Aul•\ \Ir '"""· YI . ('r11<1k, '"'"· """ lt·•t "'' hom .. ln\·a..iu1~ 111111~ In t :11r••I"" •nit r:uarnr \\ 1111 .. 111,, "''" ct&IMd 1l,.1e1d f11u u• a.., I •"-''' '''"' "' .,..,."""" 'r11 .. 1n .. 1... "'"' .. r ""•11th l.11111..,. fh 1•rrll ro11•I o ... ,rp 11t11d1 1 ... 1111111. T.llU''f \'\ ·Tfl f \\ti• \I(,, ... " I• v . •I.•' J• ·•• I,.. f 1 I •• I h • ' •I • .,. • I I .. ' China fo,·p ~lass ~1ec•tin~ Set 'for Toni~ht in ( 'l)M ft• 1 '1r•1• \ti. II~ In 111 t•I 11, llt th; f n I ••fl 1 d• I \111 '·· !11111 ,, ·• ""''' t.1t1l•tu1.· ''' 1•'1h '" , , ·~ I I ,,,,. ' ' ' I' •t' • ". f jtr If I ,, Ill .lltfllUlfjl I 1j f "1' ffl '-' ft I '\ f11 tll1 I ht• I 'fHfi t .. f 11 i f I 1t1 V f.11 t1 fJ·J' ft' 1 ri •I ''',, • ti t •\ 'tu ' 11, I tl1u1r11 "J' •111 I tf 1t1d I ftlt\\ ftf l t1f t t tu I ti\ I I " ' ti f,. ,,,,,,... ""I"' f I tJ t.. If "''' \I•' I \\ 11 t• I .,,, 11 • 11' .. , .. f\ u •,,,. II v. .. ,.. "'''"' t ••• , r, t. '' t.' n ,,,.,,,.,,.,rd •·I 1t1• r• '' .. ' t •"'''' <it tit• ,,, •• ,,,., • \'.IAS lll:\,1;·111:\, \1 11 :•, JUUTf-..11 IHI, I ' l'l•1 1•ri ... rt111•'l 111•11 t"I'• 11·1•,lf :-111 t i·· I 1v hr ftrtnh 1nt• ntl' ,,·, ~·,, , ,:·1·1';:11 /•1•••'t Hr 1•t-..t1 '''"'f'' 111 ft~ll • ith ha' pl.lft'•• 1, ""', L.-ti ·*·d• r '. • •'' • ~i>1 f,., 11 ti f tf \\ 1U1 r:ttu• pr•,,,,, ft ' 1: , 1., i( ,. •·' 1 " ,, d ,, .,, • , , .·ott1 "'·fHf 11'1 1)1._. 't••Ph• 111 '• ~t;,.. 't11 ) 11 11, ·• ~ '' 0r '''I '1"l.1·, ''"'''' J•tlr ty d 111·1' nu1 ,.,. 1•u 11 ,,, ;'fl1tl t • ,.,,,\.. '''·• • t • '' 1 • dlt11•! ht\ l• t'vtn(Ht••fl' I,, ,. ti• lfllfl , .• '!' ffflJ• , '·•"'"' .. vf ""'"' ·'' t 'Ill'' f ,,,, ' '1rtury ~n ~,., on1t•• 1 I•· 111• , 1,i.,, ,_ - t" II ,, \ I • f I I I'" 'f ' ~ t 1 tt f 1 I o I I Ill '''I , II·• 11 •" I I ,, ,,,,I ""' I \\ I• ',. ' fl 1H fl)1 f l ft I I 1 ,, ,,, ,,,,..,,,, •1r11I• 11 1hl· .uul 1-•·11•1d ,,,,,,f,J• I! H•r.n•tl Al t "'r11l •t , I I ,, 11tl 1, .. , 1\ I ~' 1"~'11 , J. \\It •'" fl \fl,''*'''' ' .I \l.d.111 \II 1ttd•r 111ru t1t 11 .ind I' ff df I -. •11 A I flf' TIClll'I ~ \f1" '!."1 -1 l I' 1 - \I"' I•· I •h•·1 tl11 \ "'"'"' '"'" • I If. """ fU ti•-.h"'fl fo"I"' "" lh1• \uuth \\ .... '. ................ ,....... •. ih.~t 'h•._ l t11 "'' r '' tu·n · IJ•· ~" ork• "•tUltl '" f1l11\\ n 111•. .. ,,, ... , lh••\ ha• •·n't l'l1w••'<I I h• t•h I 11ri• ht ,1' \\ ,..,14,. 1uul I h1• tt11111•1fut1\ " •" kUltttk n11·:· .... "'' ,.,,.1.1n ... 1. WAl.LAt•;. AND FED•~UAL .IUUG•; HIT AS . Mosrqw . FUONT TOOLS °'"' 1(i\Ml.:"l'fl 1. f :rt . M ·n·, ;r, r I I'• ·r1,. I .ittl•i!r.111 <..;1111•\. '"• rUd1 ( 0•1Jlfltllft1'"f• f1rt 1 *n f\u1t•r I • .,,. :,• ln•'••·t.i: ''', l11t• tt h.tlu} lh11; t tw l h11•t JUll ty 111•1\'••rur·nf IMt Ji-..- 11\C I l•·nl') \\"11ll1w•· f•lt f" '""l•·u• '' n •'rt·11 l1u1• ttf ffa1• ttlfJlfl;'Ull t I "" I\ 'f tu '" •UJ1 HJ,,_. (lt•t J.tll t i fh Jtf ~ .. f .. 1°.i 11111~.,. '""'n H Ynnk"Hil •• , I ..... /\ 'll'• I•·" ." "''' •,•Htltf,, ti' fl t "II I n ftt ,. flt f ftt t'M•J1f'!t '·\ •• ~hi IHt"t,, ,..,,,,,.,,, • .,,,,, ,, l1t1I 1o1~: '''''".;~,·,;, •h•· r•·J,,-1r1 ,_n1•t. I 11 1 .. , 111"'' ll • '"'l\t tvlt "11nrl1 r th• 11 I I\• r 1,f lfu tit ti JllH"I\ IUl1\t"+ t rtr t•, • 1t •' I l• tf1 \ Wud:.•·· r•,,' 111 t,f q~•· I 'n;i.11 ~fftl .. ~ , ... , • 1 • ., , .... 1..r1--nr:t1 11, •. ·~u·t ,,,.,1\ 1r111\•''".Y.'' .. .,".,. 1.r .. •••did Y.lth u 1•••'httr1''''' pt•·~"'''~"· 1 .. 11 •\A.trll: 1•11•1,> l"tit.1 llrttf lttrll 11( 111 1•.,11 111111nt~1 11111 ry 11111· II 11 ""'l'lllllflw tiil llM "''"Vllt•/t in "'lt'h 11 rnu1u1• r ""' tr, -cfrtn·•11 il"••lf '" "" J\111• r 11 1111 t1o11I ,1•t tlw 111 lr•r- rHtf 11111·1t '"'•ntrr Httu'' ,, .. nn,11hn•, - I• n,.,., 111111 111• i:r"''fl •11111 I !•11th 111 \"'"" I ·11 > tolfl•·11YI "''"" """''-11"• Y. ull111 •• 1•111 I\ tn ( °Kltfurn111. · 1~ ,, • ·.n11w1nl~t 111111 ,.,..1rr11n of r11m - n 1•wJ'' r """l•lr{&lort11I 111·trvll}I ' T iu lil11111 111 .l11t1r.:1· Y1111kwt"b • ·'"*' tf•u If•~ •• n '" ,~ .. unt u( hua ' •• 1r1111nr) 11111•·11r11n1•1• 1-'••h l!I l>1·· '"'" 111•· •·•1u11u1ttN• In '""' An1:•·I 1. J\I 1111• 111111• 'f'••11111•y 1·rlttl'lll'd lh<• 111•11·•· ''" 111111.trtlo( '' •ll<'•·•·h lll'furc rt .. · 1• 11pf,.' '1f11,.11tlr1n111 ~1·ntl' ·." ""'l'I• Tr 111wy 1111)'8 ht n '1•omm•m - 1~1 lmnt · 'l11r J•1rl1:<' ~rwl hr wuuld II 'nnllnuf'rl on Pu~1· 41 ' I .. - .· I' t I ... \ Sidetrack .... Law · t~· Keep~· WOm ;en ·o ... I • ... p 2 !"ti t; W P 0 ll T B A L B 0 A N E W lt-1' I '.W t : " Tl:I 1:'-U.\\ s .... ,,.,rt ft,..,.h, < •llf. ~hrrh :?~. 1 9~1' ND FRONT PAGE E·A·R~L-Y N • E-W~-S Evicted Rlin<t Woman· Gets $500 In Cilntributions PASAJ"lr'I;,\ ,. ii. ,,,,r :.11 (Ul'I ('n11111l111l1111l' llh1•11t1) lul alint.: n1111t 1h.111 <:.~>1.)(1 •·~lh) ,,.,111- t!d 1n1u ,, {land '" 1111' ,, h1•rt1•· l11r blind l\lr> ~I 111•.1111I,•1\1 ... , • \11·c.~t wllh h• p fn11r \• •m .. 1 l11lfh • n nw 11111111\ 111•1\1d 111tn ,, 1•111 porar)" l1totl11 )1'•lt 11111\ 1tlft r1•d h~ Loll A nl;o•l1, l~111hli I E1h1 1111 l.)1111 ju.~t h. fnn· th•~ 11111\t ti 111 J\1, 1 dl'n11', II 11• 111111 •I I "1111d 1111111 fur • b<' lolinrt L)on "'" "111 II• 111 ,, ""11111111· t!'e h11111llm1'. th• 11111n1' 1· .. 1111111: 1n •et l h•· luu111l111~ .. 11 '" h•J) ,, "~hl­ )<'tls t11••llw1 11 ,111.,ll 111•1111• I h· "ill t>f.:.ll.W1.1LJ1> F•1um1Jtt111n l'r1·~1sh·n1 G<'Ori,:f' t \1111111·1,. 1<111! :llri. J lurr) Falk. '" .. ' ' r I ti I ] ,. I r C' r c t J; I ... u• &n a.I'' wrl•• r "ICAT • ·~''" 1 MHld ,,.II •l•ull lhl• ,.,.,..,., fto1oii.I flrot• rt1 1"11 •ur.-. U\' aan·1t uf '''l\r •"'""I hnno• '\flit h ... ,. ·~ ... n nHid1tl'< WRrnNI . lhr thr .. 111 nf • • : • H'll l~Y fl 1•1 •ii.:1tt11m: """111' frum hlnck. tlho Ill• nl rt'Sl'rved for ~l,.mnur f!l\l'I t.y Fill riirl'('lor ,J l·:.t~ar llo1tH'r •ju1isdl.c•1.i'ioilL1...----------r-r~~~~WJ~-MU:.~1-.jiMI01'¥4'8+~-.. -~ rlrou11ht wa11 by no n>Parf" li\1•r ullt'.1•1 th!') rfnn 1 kno\\ what t<fr;~"•lit l1llj 1! \\Ith Ml'rlc Oh<'ron and llt '<lrtpp<'d off his rol1t· 11nd C"ril\\I-as lhi· pn >-w ar ho:.~ 01 "111t1mu111s1 ! llmvrv1'r, the llS!ll"mbty voli·rl l'rttm :n.nuu 11~·r<·i.. lurgt>sl cu1t1. ~ Down,ltlwn LM Aniwlo·ti ~In'<"~ "'> liultltl•" 111 \\t>111li-n luh!I filled wtth "'I rnlo 1111• tub. llr wn~ as'*''°" ~l'Y nc-11\illl'' rn flus l'o11111r~. was rtown nn 'amrndml"nt which w ould 'a11nn 111 th1• \nll .. )'s his tory. AJl- I 1 I '"''"'"• tor •11rf"Md M'T·•tM _. ....... l.-..& Al). ft --...ot Mr 1&11 1 .... 1 Imm 11M> TIAY lm..,n"' :t ,.....,Niom• 4fitl : e11adOU• N.lt•• ·: •tall "'' •hn•rre h•lnt """'"' 11,'!4 1llnuw rourn t.,.•kfut b&.r a 1ahrh '" ... •hul n f thu •ofM • ,.11 ,..,...... f'l lf• }..,,,. .-ult UKll bl a\ tbrou.h .. out A fl Uu• 1• t-utll •tth1n " le> .. •h •a.11,..t »•Un ,.,,,. l11n•1-&Pini .,Ml tn•¥tlhf t"""'fallflC' h...-•-o r-aJtnJ •out •l~fklhWJ ,.,n.n,. ,.., ... ,,"' ,,..,.._ .. Ulan hllnol• ,,... r;iof\"1• •tl\lflr-•IOY,. • ltl-nd1a .11 tt\§ h1("•1 ln I"''""" Tlll• I• a w • hou_. w-i1h .. .,..n," ftt~ f.,.; ... IUl'I. I M ntUtw,._.,,. ,,, t~::!H'•~ f4 ~lo -~1;:.~ ,.... l';I f l UDt.,.t' ,,..rn.. J,u4 uan eo..te l't.....-0-11~ ........ ......... ..... ··'· p. •· RGfmer 1NC0t'ou'ro real ton were (loodt>d huh<-a r>-1kt•p, 1mlj Ynun~ IJl'<ll>h'. l hf.' soclolog1sl I f'a11h•f 11• t;1,<ltla rrl jnd bubbl<'"· ·I' ;1 ('Cl\~ ~rl In his hat hins: fou~d "Utl I~ Of fuf,tf) 1111( IH\ apJ'lt· 1 trnvr :illuWt'd Only 1hl' li-gislar ur1 ·s prt>\llTla 11'1)' :ll<H,7:">11,()()() hc•ads f Ill· hundr_ .. _ of mot"'•'-i• •1.,,11,,,1 'fli•• arftl~. nr•1-d Lu....llc-.cnco.u~4..~o-hul l ht" "·1~ ilw w~irdC'at "et. • k 1 d . 1 ca11 on fur 11 1x-rn111 to n •1urn 1o l 11qunr propo~al to ,.0 into f'ff•ct l 1·1I n1vn · 1hn11 11.llflO ra ilroad cnrs '""" .,. .... n d ~ r11n ~. (' i::ar nn l:fHll<C'·Jll~ 1·~. I G T I h It d . . .. l '-=============::;:-.. watrr Sl'('p<'d lnlo lllOrf' ... 11n1l fill'• rinll', fnr lhn!ll' -who do a tr 1r n rn C••( 11 II ! It :\!Ille• dlscovcr•'ll St•• 111!1 Roblnson·s suppcr.K'd lo Ill' r rrm Any I I' c Hrl(J• l'l'SU I' ir both \\'1'r C' passt'<I. And, llftl'r n .--- lorh'S, short-drcultini.: 11 t 1 11 t) 1" t.:t 1 nlon..: '"111 olht·r 1'"''1'1•' >•·ar' ·•i.:•• 111.11 if you interrupt th• 1.1k1ni: n hath 111 n Floridian K .. y rom hi., r!i•na.al of i·nmm unistie full nf1 f'rnOQn of a rgume nt. 11 i-111 !ml'!! Somt• i1torl'--0wnrn do .. ntownl ii• '1'11•P ru lwr 'nml more wholP· I plo~ Ti 0rli: • n11u1:h 111 h•I a cu.rv.1r · h111t•I, .and 1h1• pr.o p clt·pnrtml'nl ;sffi.h;ttiun' uut • n llwr pro,'isions until nnh (llll up srmtJhn~ hllrrrradl'l' ~•llll' '" r"1111111111-<:· l:llll1 pots•· r1 ncl t lllL'I 1,. 1111, ;,n11h hc·r pretty bar<' p11r1•I> in th<' int1'rt'~I!' i•f i·hmatw ~i'dl·ntl Jiali.;,• J .tnh·s \V ~lurrio; :1n ··n nt1-lmrfly" provisio n ;mrt th~· C"o~rni l)(•flp•-d off "•'W•'l'"l' ftn1I 1"" '"''"• 1"'' 11111'' h·si< l'motlnnal .• !'houM1 1 ~ ) 1111 ,,old a lo( 1m o r l'• .. .-·11rat')'. had 11upphrd thr·f'c• r l<·r· rulNI 1h ·:1 11•' mu~I ~"r"<' t lw µai<~· 1111c• i.:i\'in~ locnl off1cl:i l'I conr rol 1<torm rlrmn~ r hokrd \\llh drhr1<1 1 trnli.:•· th• "1•1~"11'' "'" l1t·lll'r :wrl 11rk1 •~ · lrll' fllni< F:w•r y bocly. thry told tlw fltlrl (1.iwl lt•rm 111 "d111111 11 In 11\l'r l1i:htlni.: and sA'h1tar\' cond1- fTom the loni: ~ 11prll C:rysl'ni t11wl' " "'idr·r t•holCC' In the S!·k c· 1 \\',. don I know what Warrwr ~h1,·rrini:: net or. knows lh<'Y ha\'.r .,,. ' .. rh• ' t•nl·~) l ;1r knit nrt• •m· • 11on~ "'•'r" ldt. - four f~t high 11pouted on Los An· llnn of n matr . f Broth,.h 11,,, m mind for "K<') <'••11 brf.'C'U'S down that wny ,,.,,,cl 111 1'1111111·1·•w.n '"1h a con· An at11•mpt 10 cut !hi' wnrrt, w i.:rlrs' flowl'r St l ''(1111rrht11, 11c•h1••I~ and purr nts Liar.,;o 11111 1h1•r1• wns RoblMOn, ,\II thr pho to.,;raphl·rll in.. town 1' m pl "1 1'"rll:ll''S ror•\lt'lirtn. ·1c'l·al control" out of· the tlllf' uf f1oodf'd strttl!I ftnd l11 ntl~llll1'< lllk1• 11111 hlllt' lllt••rt'lll 1n datmi: \\ho 1,11'1 llf'arly a:; r1 r <' t I Y Bl' lln1!1'(f w ith f.'Xlr:t fl:tsh hulhs lo lhe roni;t1111t1onaJ llml'ndmr n( \\H' wl'rt' rf'portf'd all ov('r lhl' l..11~ An· .. rul llw ... 1.11111.url'I t>f rfa11111:." l>r 1'.11111'!11· (;,_..t.r,1rd . In-ll r<'<I and i:i•I thr ht-st vit•w o f h n th in i: lil.'i,OOU l"ALt: 1 •l1•f1•1tt1'tl Ir WH!I by A!lsr mhlymnn lll'lt•s area . Many 1tn•f't ~ wrn• '"'"nr 111ltl~ 1:n•1 n h.11hrul1t· ,\nd l)l<'re was the lw•auty Robin.son·_.. hairy Cht.>lil ;rnri lll'\••rlt•) H1•alt) 1~1111p:tn). flal-1 Julian lkl'k, D, San r~rnundo. lt'rllJ10rar1ly <'losro 111h. ,, \'1,1\,·l•·..:i.:"d varil'ty, ri!lt•d kni•hby knN·s. """ h1t\1• :innrntnr"d 1h1· ~all' llf "ho ~aid :. A hlizz11rd r !Mt·d tht• rtdl(l' rnUh' 1.wm't r1111 fur I h<" n111n "i th 1h1• \\ 1LIL., (,1o1nt). wh1tt• soapeuds. I llumphn•v ~art find Li1tnd •h1· lorn\ 1·r !'n) <l .. r 1 .. ;,11J.•no·1• 111 "'This nmt·ndmc·nt would not ht' for two houl"l< Tu.• Anl( .. lf'it ('rf"lll ~tl'klt', itirL,, 11 ·,. s ure lkatb.1 Ov1:r I .Tht•) hntl 1111 t ta: L1rope they uscc.l, HHrrymol't' ~nl'akrd in. !Ott, wi-th ,. .'• •X l-.tl,i,;1 I\ .11\•r II\ «II Uc, H.<ll1<1a, for h;<(•tr <' you H 1 he locnl , opt Inn h:1rt and Angl'IP!!I frll"•'!ll, l.am·lt'•llr r :!11,!lOO Jlt'"'-"'1" nn· killt•I "1""h ~t'llr n1n1rmpt11011-" "h:iw h nw" fnr Rnh-th. '11111 "' :0:-'.1'11 ""' j 11111 qu;ihfit·d. This :tm(){ldm1·nt wns 1 Corm11n nnrl l\IRrico()ft hli.:hw"i>'.11 hy r11T 11l<'nt11! fnll,. lll'<'nrrllpg to in\nn'q frill from ,·1nlt• dsi.:nity. I l\1' n ;\I "It r... '""'J.: fl••rwh wen· clott'd by snow. w111T11111: hy th!' N111111nal Co~rva· Jt w ;i-; nn !!Ing nffnir Tht• t:'I·, .1111 .. 11111h11t If,• tl••r. to\ltJ.'hahul tho N i n ,. 1 y Boy S.."oUlit wi:ri' I 1.t111 ll1""•t111. 1lu~ nu lion· wide s11fe. i:nn"'sll•r's. ll'ndtn~ lndt("s, t.ntrrf'n .._h1111ll uml "Ill 111111, 111~. family maroon<'d in Matihjn rnnyon in ty OJ'l(unlzntin'l~ugK<'SI~ a personal B11r11ll 11ncl Clnirr 1'r('\'or. w<'rf' !'In ht n· llu~ ~1wrn~ . VffllUre C'OUnly when min w1111hrd ~1111:un fnr ('V('Q'Oll(': .. "Watch your ~nnd. n o l11111mn ii.:nnrrCl '..,m both p~_e_r_"'_o_n_a_l_1·-z-e-d--R--1.-n-g-s I out ttil' Utile Burmn n m1d Fnri'i'I· '1"fl anrl stay nllvt>. "I m ay not look llkr Clt'op:itra." ~ r -y 111•n1ri> 1ruck11 fln111ly hro111:ht h•• ~nnrll'd with 11 playful splash 111 D • d I th St them OUt . ~rhoonl'r n lmo~t \Wnl llltrllUOd off 1111" \'iOll'l·Sl'!•ntt>cl hulihlf"!>. "l\u l esigne Or e Of$ S tnnn wnrnln1:11 '"''rr hn1~INI I.uni? l l.•111·h In 1he 11,t.nr~ .nnd 11 I 111 h11vini: 11 i.;:ri•ri t 11nw Y;iti··· Mesa Upholstery Harry McKee 2350 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa Ph.: Beacon ~-W frnm P oint Cnnr1•ptlt•n to !"f'lt.'port \\,1l 1•r ""' h.111 1•' h·· lirlpt'cl hy 1)1>'' \II wt· 1•;1n ":.\' i.o;: 11,.. :il't "' • '"'''' H1•:wh A I hn·•'-mu~t. 11 l11mlwr • ""~' i.:11:i 1 rt nlf llclmont Shore. 1 "'1 •1l1h111~· h .. f .. r,. tho· c·.111w1 1 h ,, ••• 11·.·t··•••••••••,,.,.,•• 1 'HORROi HOl JSE' SPINSTERS TRY ~·~; :::~:.:1 .. ~"~:;:'ri:.::~~n .~if~':~:;·"~ .. ::::1 t-'.\S llfO'\'t;u 1 UJ • .. • ·• ., • I I . The Nearest Approach to Heaven -Balboa in Summer -The Desert in Winter ~ ~lght L!IJtUna Bench relll· &!tits currrntly buildlng homes ln Hiddt'n Spring Ranch ha\11' dilCovl'n-d th!' ldral form of hv· lng • . IJt•n:' in drl acllment. ~a~ em1 pmll'Ctlw r<'~lrlr· tJon11 thf'y M'n~nn111ly «hif1 If> r~. ~. the f~and dampm""'~ or ~~r'. '· : Uwnen "' private tMmT\es. u~ th<' tiubhnu.'lt', din· Ing room,, ~"Imming pcol .. ;th mack her nnd h rlV(' homog<'n· low! cont11c111 ..•. Maid Sr r ... lrc t o pri\•ntrly O\'"Tlro hnmr" nnd •~1~ rnl'f' t>l1mmnt<' thl" us· ual f<'rrunlnt> dnid,;rry 11simd111- ed with l'PCQnd hnmc'S ... ln ~ present initial i<t11gc11 of de· \'('IOpml'nl I hf" lnnd Cfll<l.s Ort' n ot lnflntl.'<I. Thi' rnnch's oi..T1 d e!llltfl nnrl hulldmi.; scr\'lt'es ore constnirtlni:: i:fnntl n rt 1st i c homrs 111 Nl!'ts which rnC'C't the mot l'f"nnCf'TTtttlvf' pn-wnr ron. c:epts .... ·ni11 l:IOO ncr<' dcvd- opment b nwnrd nnd O(X'rntrd by lh<' J)oyl"'· thl' cn-8lor1 and originnl o"·n··~ nf thr Smnkr TrPe Ranch, Pnlm Sprinn. Di· rrctlon11: JUmnn Rood out of Palm Sprini.:~ ~1rfli!'h1 to the nuich. Runnini: 11m1> 11 1<1 I~ mJnU!<'S Hidden Springs Ranch n.o-,.. Palm., ('allfomla Balboa A&?nla: Earl W. Stanley II IS w. (;81'1'&1 s-'POrt 8--h 17Ut &ad Coeet H"J'. ~ewport ~ UHh alld 1nUw ~ta. ..., S~wport 88ctl , H5 MA111MJ A Vf), Balboa hlalld 115 COMt Hwy. ()o.,,..1 d,& Mar 11111.1 \ \', 11 tll CU1 \I..; TO SW A y WAIFS IN COl RT TRIAL \\, 111111 t 1h111k '"'\II II.I\ '" ~--"''.°' .. 11-1. ""lltl 1 ... 111. ""'"' c '"'"" ·An "Ardccrat" , Lll~ ,\:\1:ELF:', :\l.1r '.,!,; 1t ·p 1 (• .. ti .. • • \11•'.1·1 "''I l>{';1t 111• ,..., ,, 'l•I• rh -111n ... 1. ,-... 'h.1n·•·•I 11 .. 111 llh h· ,,, "llh .1 1hn•t'-f•~•t \\lfh 111-11, 111111.; 1h11 .. "111• 111' ... 1111, '''". rl.A_\," Ill' tialtJ II'> II ,. 11-.· \\o '• l111 l11thl• n '"''·I) ,ft\ltll ,,111! l1t' 1:111 !'11111.111• 11 f1•t l•t ,u·n.•I fH tlu 11 • h .trT•' "lul• l1r, 1h.f ,,, • '-lh•• t•( hr.•·t•l (•H 1 1h1 \' It ... 11!l1'ff '" IH0.1l111i;'. illl 111111'/t 11111 t••l.tlo , •• lhw~ r •. r 1!111 I p tt:io•·OOl• ttt a nd ~' 1r \ tll•'n o • • "!-;,•'I' '""r._•''' -t 11lf tum," ;\Ill · P r l.01 1 f', 11l1m . Jll\"1·ml1• h oll I llll"lf'lll .fll1(i.:o• .fp" l'ft I "1tl1 to11t! l•h\'ll"t.111 '·II" ft, oolHI lftt• l\\•I Mnn r C'l,1\1•\' rh1rin~ l'..!-\t"ll'·1•14I ••l h··r """l"•••I \lt'lm1:< l\1 11 r ' .John .lusqih ·\Vii) 1w.,,' l•ri•iurn1111 ~ H'. I• 11··1 :1 .oml 1~>'~'1" P 111<mt>rt lwnnni.: 1. ~111111111~· y •. ,,,.rfl,1~ "I -'" \\1·r1• '""' r 1111.: li11n1 rn.111111 k tlU\\' \\h .tt \u lt a ri• t r'\lfH: ti• 111• •1 rnht1.~ !111-"!< t "In\.•'" 11.11! ""''fl 111><tol1 111• '''"' r•111~11"1nr" \\"1~ •''1:1'"11" o! · ' l1t 111 l "~l ll\1111; l<ll o·r t'Ulllll) 1•11•m 11ml ~1wr..1ni. h"r ht-.1•1 "hll1· .lo•hr. "1 .. , .. d•"<•'rtl•1 d lwr 1111•t1trd """· l1"<l1fic'<i :<lw 1mr1 ,1,., .. phir1o• \">'ll.1 ol1t1rn1 Sli1• 'IT• ,1m1·d "1l1t1) .mo! !">~. k1•p1 !um 111"1! t11 .1 1·11,111 1111 1 I 1d In 11t• lo ll 11 1•111 11!1• ''"'111 "\\h• n lh1• d:i~ 1in w :incl l"·tl to 111, . .111•11 ,1,,1 n .. 111'"•'1111.,; 11 q11 .. i:l1t•n. ,:iul 'Pn11i:;. 111 ni,,;h1 I ti 1hrl11 I hkr h• r r AS s·~tA:T JD ne Original Marine Dock 1et1t an., ...._t G8801ine --lliesel Fuel f'i8hing Supplies Oil Tlie All in One Stop Way . BA TES ·& SON Harbor 481 BAYVIEW LUMBER CO. ....... 701 SW Sl --. • I 4rnt~ T•/,.plin1~1 Rep. Arthur L M1llrr •R .. Nrb.l, who WM plensrd wh,.n a .0. L ~ent him n box n r cli:nnc made cs- ·11ess1y· Im Sa11 ll"rmt1n Cklf'rtl\f, ri<&erll'll lhAt "' l.•riic' U. 8 rttt\. 1'Qulpl)t'd v.-tth n l•flll OOUll>ll, 11 1.1nd1n1e ti)' in thr Ml'd11errantan. I he N1ny tmpll:n1cn11r dcnteo ltlllt'r ~ •tatrm.-111~ thnL ·mosl ot •ur ~hip,. :irr 1n 1hr MMfifrrrao- :m. • Mlllrr rrr'11c11'tl If th lllJf r<'Bk out. .,,,. ,.,,11ld ..,,. I.hem •1 plll~ RtOlhU· OOnth< ll II hln 4a fl"Uf< \\Utt\ ttht•tJI th• • rn1 .. t 1•1•11 tho11,·h ;\fr H"I""'"" ... 1·111 '., rl IP I I ... i.. ... ,,, •• lh <1~1" h11111 ·\ "' "' 1 .. '" 1111"'. \"ar1111is OI thr Nt>ws-Tlm<'S !'!'11 • '"' r Ill , l:.11J1<1 I h .. 11 I ft,,\,.,, •·•.1.t o .• n ,,. '""~'· f4J:tt I I \t I IUt:') ~~ieit;it;~i;;~~~:;t;t;st;t;~~:-..e-.:-..:-.:-.~:-~t-1.'::-.~.r-.:-~ SA.M'S s~EA FO .OD ') j 1, "Si~ of t ht' ;';\\·cirdfi"h " µ, 1 Mile East .of Seal lka'c:h, at Surfsidt• ;l .t ,:.. J. ·Open Daily 11 a. in. to l l :30 11. m. ;t ~ i COCKTAILS, S~A F~ODS and STEAK DINNERS t Phones: Long Bea<-h ~-t MO· i!J, 802-00 and X21-0.) . ·· StuJeOafterS _ . · . · · See. t!ztilling new 1948 models! .· All over America the word for 1~te ·11 Stude~akerl • New look out1idel New outlook and new. ~mfort in1idel New· Commander1I New Land Crui1e'r1I 'New Champiqnsl Come in nowl __ "T Joe Nickertz l 341 SW. Central By LJcJo Theatre ·HarbN. 510 ·- EASTER BREAKFAST GRAPEFRUIT- remove gropefrvit pvlp from 1helh, m ix with crvshed 1.1\/r /. pineapple. ltetvrn to ~~~_)~ 1hell1, chill,·garn 0 ish ~0~ • 1 with a Morotch1no .• cherry. - ~ ~~~~o;~<!I}~~ IS IT bo~ ~edicine? lvb yovr tongue with an Ice cvb! jvst before yov down lt - dvlls yovr taste bvds. '3.~~d l~FTOVU HAM TIMIALES 1/i C. fr•sh ..,. ... UVM~ 2 tllthlfr ...... " .... 2 n..11. thett.nln1 1 c. c.ek•4. 11,..1, I c. Miik che11!194 h- -1 no... "'~ e<e1>l>ll>eettt,.---'''A~rflfl•9:'· -•l•r4 , 1 ~ Minced ,,..., lft hll• tell ,..,,., Mix crvmb1, shortening, mil• and onion. Beat well. Povr mi xtvre over •191,ond '"ix. Add'hom and. Hoson- lngs, mix -lightly. Povr Into greased bolling dish, set In pan of hot water ond bolle in moderate oven 1325•1 for 30 minvtes or untll mlxtvre Hts . Serves 4 to 6. c .. ~:-E~~ . .. RIDE WILD Wutern trails with The Cisco kid and foitttf.ul .-oncho every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 PM over KHJ, lo1 An1.t,1, er yovr local Don L.. Mutual Station. ................... ! • J r I c' ' ' t ] 1 I d () r {l /I \' C• c " 1' c rt ,, Ir sl .I ll p • I t; HARMAN W. NICHOL~ Tai~ Wiry and Be.an-Pole Straight Oregon Indian Tells It to Congress ( F1nr .l I WEEK-FIUN" GIY~ "IEW n11 ··,,1~n111~ "" tll,11 •i.·k1•1 tU!_s lllutt, l..111') F 1i·kl,• ,·,111tr1H'l•'r I NEWPORT BALBOA NICW8·TUl1:8 p I I .li., ~ u_ J:.Al i \I ,,,1._ Jll\111·.4,.,, '""' 11nihttl1•11• ~.:>t:ti~n s-..llY• .. 8 ....... 1. f"'il .. f" hn'lk.,r. T ut·Kl"ll \\" Nr \\ ''"'' .... ~. c.nr. Mar..t1 'M. llMll age OFJlJNE PRIMART..VO PICTURE' 11" '1 •'• :--i n:iti "' ""l •1l•l-'>C ·ll1>l\1r1·1 l l ll.111• 11IM•11 11·111 - ___ -·-;;::.., __ Ir.A) l•·•h 'J •!• s.11 t'h.J,• \\.11s,1n ,,r l. ... t11i.-.1u .. 1..··1:i:••' 1111t• llw 1·111v !L'1.uhern'tan wa•th j1l 1M•11, "'",_ r1•IC't\Jlt'd Crom~ .• . lli .1111<· 111;1 ,\ '.,L ~.·111111 ... 1\11,1. "1111'11 .1ho·11h h.1• 1111,.11.,,1~1 ,.,~I'., 1111,111!11 11,.,.1 11111h1 ,111 .. 1111iN .... Conllnurd filing h y C"11ndid11tN ilon~ tn th~. primlll')' rltetlon owr A. 111 1 ..... 11.. "r.;, Pt•, 1 .. 11.•li Jn ~-.·,1t111•rh • .1 " :\1,111111 .ti '"';' ,i\~~ndicitis "1 t111111 ... , , ,.,,.,r,~·t tt•d11y. Cur pohli<'3l offl£<'S Ill ..... C'On· '""'"or four C'aodidat~ . ...JO' ~1 11111111 .. 1 .. "'"' \\ ....... II I l.1i;,;1•11 . all "' \\lh•lll Ill• ., I'' I S1111 tl'\Jl Mlnnll11, 4l, -- \\' ASHl~GTON. MARCH ~5 -hl' laC'kC'd the tools, klll;wk'<1:;1• 1111<1 IC'Slrd tn lhr June pt 1m11r11•,, h11d l"'"''"'n Whl'n Wilson K.' Jordan, it., I .t •I ~111 • I ' ••1•11.il I '1• ~ll•IL"I~ 1111111111111'•'11 • ().Wfl to J)octor 'sup1•..,.f-th "'' !.•k1•n w II " n U. lup-1 _ Ht• wtu1 tall. wirv. "rid niflni·\" 1·,. kft'P '"'('{> toda~ ~l\"1•n a \'11'11r1•r 111C'tur1• ns .1 n•t1t1'd ott<,rnt>y llvln1 at 116~ '"·' •' :--.m•, \11 1 ''"' rhinp.n• I · r . I\·....._ " • ,.... I l M F. ...... 't s ... ~nt<'n'<i r • pur-u· ,, 1111 1 I ld111111•1·" ~.111 ...._ b<>&n -pok strai!'h\ hkC' his fnrr -• Tht: \\'arm Sprin"s trihC's Jlll\\ "to \\hill'""' .... ,.,, .... •11•• ·~ \"OIC'l"li ~· c .buu<'ll l .• ~•l'l'lll t;'na. .:~" I·;· ·~·." •,:·•nphi'·•J•ll h\ 1'111111 .. l'•I . '"' -1111••11•111• '·~· S\'-= I'l l c11 MAHt11 "'..!'• 1·111 \\II' t•lf 1",11•· !'.11'1 l.111'fU.19G fa thers H is long black hair was lh·r o n 610110~1's C1f rt"H'n a-thruu)Chi)Ut <lrnn~·· 1.'0unl)'. ront~-st. (' S ta 1 •1 ' "1''·':11 1 •l.•r 1•1• '" 11lr "-'J1r1•,s· 111 th•· C1111t1•1l !"lnlr• 1l"l'l ,\ 'r.rr .. 11111 \\:"h . r1~h1•1 '11111 .... 1,11111 ,,·1111•1, •. 1111 hr1 maJdr9 ' pla111-d m111 111~t;11ls nnd tt1C'krd tulfl In 0~1'l;_un-9;l1 lndi:111• ".~ As,!lt•mhl) mnn J-:nr~ \V. S tan I<.•)' l'anwhilt\ C·H n 1 ary,hoan " · '" 1 1 ' '' ''·" '11' 11111111""1 111 '"'"''' '' ·1 : .'·11••1 "• 1.:l1111i: "' 1·1 1u.111 "1111 """' lh.i\' 11 lh'r1• h) ,.,, l'-1 1 \"o) ~·· Uw 1·oo11t ·~uard tRlcl 1::-.J1·r hi l0ullar out of th .. \\II~ I.is l ('()lint. !\fost Clf thl'ln II\'•' Ill or :-.;I'\\ ""1 \~:11~ i-:;thw~~p'l7t~0 rrsta~rant 0J:4rntori w (,J ·~-"' I 1''1 .'"'"''' '" !"111 .. " 71•.••l\ltl\~1 1 .. ·11H1I ... 1111 ;1lrt11111• l1111h ,i.;11.11d j ll•I" j'l•llh , ...... ,,f l\ r... Nrltl~r·r th1• nll\") n<t ..... ~ ... Arounrl h1!'1 n•-ck.was a f:G\\dy hluc woc.xfl'n ba rracks : h11nd-m1•-rl•'"ll' yt>ars At<:u l'Rlf t'I • n~ 111~ ca~ •dac~ /" .. _·,I~;··• '';1 ' H·""'"'1 ·"h••" 1' t•'•''lll. 11"0 ••11t1111: '" H111l"lt\ I,.,,,,.,,,,"""' 111111 '\h.11 "·" th .. 111t1l1 1eu11r1I k11"" l\ll1111lttl'a Jin..,... k~-rclfl<'f • • Crom t lw whi "° m &n 'i: arm~ Tl" .:.:I t.:..1·:~11~1 _.:.:.1t:.:,111~t_.:..P:.' .:.:".;:.";."'.:..' :.".:.:ll.:..r_.:.:n~on:.,:1:.:.m:.:.A::·~~::a.:.:h::....:·o:.:,n:..:.!,y_t::,:o:...:,:;,'":.::....:.':.=.";....:t~·..-~··-----'...;.' '.:..:"-....:....:.:':.:..'.:..:··:.·.:.:"..:.•:..:.I • _ _:\l~r.:'.:..· ~~ l~l\~tl~··~I\~· J.1~" .'...' '~':_ _________ J.: _ _:•~1::_:, ·~I::,:•··~·''.!,"~·~·,~, ,~i.~1'~·~·'-:!.' l':!,l~:.!.'.11'.!•I'..'._" ·~· ·~··~w!l!!:1l~··~-,.~11~l11~•~11!_.!l 11~-------- F' 1 om tht>rC' d1lwn lw W 'IS s harks lrak and in thl" h:\l•·r I dn·s~1·rl mtwh lik1• th1• c:-th<'r'i In wlntl"r thP ht'llt from P<H-l11•llit-l1, thl" cnmnut tl't• room lfr \\Or<'· 11 wnlld-hurnin~ to,·rs ·~ s rap•',. di1rk hhw douhlP-hrl'11~C1 rl suit. thrnu~h tlw rrncks in. th« 1•n.1f And his · ~ht H'S W1·r.• Sil h IS.: h I \' And W1dls f'11mili1•s Of Six°, • 'tL.:111 .J p<11ii:hNI )OU l'OUlcl Sl'I' y'1ur facC' Hnrl H\ dn11hlf' up ir. thr•"' •111.111 in th<·m .. rn.•ms. h1' AAid And lht'\' ''''"'''" Al•'<" T~hl'I \\'>I~ 1111-/rnh·•·trnn buv tlw shacks. 111 th>1I wi1h fron1 hl!l l!lolll hl'Ort on OU!. J:x-hO;"l'{l\\'(•n m nnPy. Six )rars ll• p:t~ c1:.i1t fr;1. his i.j)(>t•r.:h. \\l111•h 1\,1-1 in Tw1~n1y-two q1ilrs, a t th•• \t•I'' t ht• tnni:ut• of lh1• W:trm !"prinf!S lt·asl. rn t hl' nPa rrst f'lhoni· .'nrl Indian trllws, of rC'ntrnl (1n•1:nn thnt A purdy lO<'lll jnnL.:l•''° inf•• Rl's1d<' Alc•t· \\Us n notl11·r lndi:in th(' I ndian 111:rn1·y. whlr h "JWntl• ct A murh ~m;1ll1•r rt•d ma11 mrnwcl nn sin .(>i~hl -ho1tr <In\: in <layli1:l11 Linton w ·1n1,;hui. h1ic 1n1t·rpr1•1r:-lllnr!l" ·rn thr mirl<llr of ibr nlt::h• I Ah·<". Ulruus.:h L111t11n. tnltl t ill' st11\·s ill until m11rnin1:. nrirl lh1 n icnulc int<'rior and ln~ulnr ntf,drs t ht: onh cl1w·tnr tin llw 'r• <-•rn t111<1; rum1rn11r.. th.ll ti thr d1sl1t1· nflf'n i!l mtk·~ awar Nu dt'nt:·I i:uislwcl 1:rn1 l1•nwn rtuln't uhi• ,., 1 r a r •' "h11tsn.·\·1·r !'-:11 ~11nn111 ~ ht" would rl'm rtin 1ot>1ncltnj.: wnl••r L am!$ and Jnntrrn~ 111•ti•:11I Old ,\lt•r '<t••nwd ,1\\1•d h\•!111· 1•f l11:hJ h11lhs Lil t!•• nr nn •nt.1- rkh fittmS.: of r1>um '..'.'1 Ill' thn·W IHIO!lll'nt back lrn< nohl1• ltt"OW f11r ll -nomrnt "Thr k1(1/;." s:firt !\J.r ,,, :1th 1111 and studi1·rl 1 h•· sp111 '<lini: 1 h.11111-"'lnuk fnrwartl ft•r m••nt It.; lo 11,. 1 ... r~ O\ 1•rlll"ad. ,\, 1f .n Jt1,111•.•ht :111nu11l t rihal f··a~I.. t 1n1·• 111 1 'l'ht'n .ht• "h''l"-'r«rl '>.'' t1•,111111•11\ "1111•• llu• P.•'1111• l,..,,.. ·• 1 ""' tu hi« frirnd .. • "hwh tlwy 1'111 t<n ih1111'4•1'1•, "'I' i\lrc-anrl ntlw r l n1h.1n' frf'm nf th• 1r m1 -~··r tnhal fut11I" Th 1t 1111• ..,.,, n ·.1111111 '" r.· :q1p1·:1rln ~ 1.1 t« ~~ l·:~·F:-.:T _ 5UP('('l"I nf ;i hill lh:il \\'llllhl ;ilh<\\" "Tho• foo<l)•n'I \.f'I.\ pr•Hltll'li\-. tlw l11tl1ani. ;1t \\";1rrn ~prtl'I'' 1•' :\!'"'" 1·1'1·1.,· ,,,.,c~ .. 11·lrl p·1-1111 1 rf'l'f'l\f' fhf" h1•rJl'rtt/, llf '1\Pn• ~ J:tnrl :tn<l f111't'~t l.mtl \\ ith nn :ill· ~nrn1•d on th1'1r rP~1·n•at11111 \\'N1 thrr rn:t<I 111 er• th1· '""'d '" Thi' s torv thr t nrlinn!I told w11~ thr 1warr~I r:iilroad."' I not 11 pr<'tiy onr, ·and i\ll·t· didn't ~ /\ man Crom th<' rt1•1111rtm! 11• nf do ton goo.I H j,,1+ 11( t<'lltni: f t 11,.;rt<"11l1ur" !IHid hh« bt ll1•r< "' r• lhrouµh hl!' m11n l~inton. Th<· rrnl I Hfi:f1 in:ot !hi". hill on th(• 1•ro11n.i~ I SLICED BREAD Mrs. Wright' a enriched whitie or wheat brud. Note ,low P,rice. • EGGS You need plenty of [gg1 for· Eaater. Buy an extra carton. Cream O' the Crop do .... 65• Lorge, 're•h C.tro\ In <Orlons Gre>O. f\A .. Breakfast Germ ...... " &I• Lorge Fre•h [ •l•o• ""Otlc011 Grodr f\ .. Breakfast Gems dose .. 59• Med1um1. Fre\h (•Ir,·• In ca1tnn~ Gmdl' II Quality comee lint when you re plannin1 the bi1 . Eaater Sunday <finner. ~nd you c~n be 1ure o( lint quality' food1 when you ~ho0p "' Safeway. P!An your Ea1ter menu from tht1 1u1rre1tion1 li1tf"d below. T nke advant•11e of ,the· money . , ..... 1Avina-pricu on all itcnu at your SAFE.WAY. pie-turf' rnmr from <llfforfl l\11·11· thnt thl:' rr itl"r :11 "o'···rnnw n l ha· -Lorge Oak· Glen ~~~~t:'~~~~~~~~~cr~1~[~nd':ff;'f:tt~c~r~·;c;la~·~;t~o=tl~h;l'~l~n~~rt;;;;=''~";"~'==:l:::::~:_=S~ro~n~dio1~d~L..;IJL.._~s~10i"~d~o~rd:..j ..... ~~--J-~-+~~~~~~~:c\T,;'"(o;fi•~•~•ft~~· _ orgf', re\ ' •O\ In <orl.:>01\ G1ode f\, ... rducallon. I pnl<I th1•m h ark in ~rntu1li•'" 1 H C' said that lh<' lril'<'" h11v1• H111 th•• r1•<l man ba<I a d 1rim · rf't:iinC'<I murh o< th<' r t1lt11r<'. cus-pion in "hit1•-h11ircd Rill 7.inmu r- tom 11nd lr11d11ion or thC'tr 110· mnn or ""' h11rr11u or T'Tfctf:l"n «l r:Y-~tor•-R ut \\'hrrr thl' tnd1nn i:nt r11ir~ 11" imfd "hr thnui::ti1 th•· L:''' · foulrd up was in i ollow1ni: thl" t•rnmrn1 "·no;; drnu 1\Tong t.'I t,ikim.' lrnil of till' whitr man H r Cn11n.I \hr lnnd in thr .first place 3 Los Angeles Radio Stations Under FCC Probe 1 1 Plane Builders Asked How Long Conversion Takes WASHINGTON. MAR\J-1 2!'1 WASlll:"GTO:-.l, '.\t.\RCil 2~ ll"Pl Thr Fr d1•r11l C'omm11nir11-1 l 'PI-Thr ·air fnrr<• h11<; a.;k,"fl tions \nmml.,i<ions announC'l'd to-I :11rrr11 CI ,m:1n11fartun·,.... lum f:t<;I day it h all orrtl"rrd 11n _in,•rstii::1111on 11h1·y coulrt rx~nd In full-•r1tl1• of nl'Wl' hrnadc-a!'ll polt<'ll'" of thrrr wnr prnd11r t1on 1f that shnuld 111•· radio ~tatlon!'l rnntrolll'd hy G. A. romr nrc<·1'SHry, it w its le11rnNI 111- ~klrnrds. [,ol' Angrh·11. d ny T hr sllltlnns nrr-KMP<' of Lo!\ Thll' wn~ dJqrJosPd ns lhc na-An,::t>h~. WJR or Df'1ro1t n n d iion, m1htnry l<'ad"r" pn•p11n•d \\'GAn of Cleveland. to go to rons::r~ to 11sk Cnr 1111 Th <' invC'stl~11tlon Collowrd o incrl'nSC' of as much a s !10,000.· complnin l con<'C'rnini: n<'Wll hrond-000,000 In thl" d r frn5<' h11dt:!'I now c:1sts ovl'r !llnllon KMP<' fll~d lwforr flu· lt·"islrilors. A c·ur1s1d••1· with thf' rornmi~"inn hy thl' fUldlo 1thll' pnrt .or su«h nn in<"ro>rr~t' pr!'· N<'WS duh of llullyw11od, C'nl. .;umnhl~ would i.:o lr'ltn ;111<"1.of• Tiw n >mrn""'"n would nut cfi.;. p11rchns1 -; dns•• ('nnl• nil' of th•· l'nmplnlnt. Thl· ;11r fnrf'r h a'! krpl 1h•1·k Thi" Amf'nran.. Ji·" '"h ronl!rl'<:<t 1 o n thr ntrrrnft inriu:-1 ry's m·,.t•ul' rl"C"nll~· I" 11tlnnNI 1hr t'ornmt'""'n • xpnn,i11n po••1h1l111•" "'"'°' '' to rl'\"okr K:\tPC"i. h1·• 11«'. rharJ!· war · rndNJ Rut nf'\\1 mq11iri1·<: in~ tho• <:tn11un w1Jh "t!1•hl1"r,ato h pn•mptl•fl h~ lhC' l••n«•· mt<'r111· 11lantmi:·· n• "" r11rn1111 nl" :.cam1r trnn:il st111111mn Wl"rl" snJrt tn rail I .11"' ~ Th•· t•nmm1s,ion hm1 not yet for far rnrn c· 1t.•ta1l1-d :mrt 111'·'•>- o !• d , n th;, f)('l1tion. d,11°· 111form 1111111 'It., r:n.t10 :"r,\\ duh 1c:: c11m· B""' 1t\nil11ltlf' 1·q irnat1 " fm tlu pris1 fl 11f rnrlin '''rilf'rJo. rn th1• 1nrh1.;tr~ :tr•• that •l \\1111111 1:1k• Jlnll)w1io<I nrcn. , JJH m onths, to 1•xp11nd frnm tlw I t •" nr :mn11,1I r111 .. •1f .!.~''"' IP Th·· 'l;utr111on F1111111lat1on main-~.I~~· ':"iht :ir~. plam•!. 10 nll('lut t11tri-. no lahoralnr11•" h111 fo,,, r' I r •. I~"' Jo :if'rt~ wllh a war. 11 n11i:ht I 1·d111-.1tt11n and r1•.;1•11rd1 thrnu~h nN-'1 ;io; mur h Ill: 1wo Y1"1r<,mr11• J:rlmf.i;.m -aitl to univl'rll1t1t•s 11nd 1" ri•:idi ;in annual r:tl\· 111 ;'".'.~"'! m1•d11·.tl ,:1•11trrs l o l!ln 1111' f11un· [ll~nl''<, lht r:tt1• of J\111:11<1, 1 11~ I • da tinn m nrle l:i:.! s11d1 ~ r ,, n ts fh•'"" (lllflln:tl• ".may II·· r. \I~• d fnl;dini.: ~l.!"l1 3.:tl:l hy llw l'Url'<Jflf lltr .Cort'•· tnq1t1t ' _ ___ _ anri h~· ;1 ~I 11ny h<'m~ mad• h\ ·--------------1 !-'111nfor<I l '1;1tv1 rslly J1 1r tlw 1!11\. 1 tl'RIAOI AllO srRUJI Sunnybank o teomorgor•ne • ·•· 319 Jelly Cohforn10 Morning . U ·H . jer 22- Lo0onberrv. YounlWtry, Curronl, Blod<berry, Boysenberry. Grope Jelly w e•c.-. •-•~ . .., 23• P u .••. 448 _reserves Col1to•nlo Morning te• AA- llpr1cor. P1neopple voriety. Syrup S!u py tiollow u ......... 399 Cont ond Mople ~12-oi • 24cl ntAeNrtts AllO eOONlll Teo Timers Crocker1 Ritz· 'r.ackers Vanilla Wafers Sunlt\ll'le brood. ......... 299 ....... -- ..... ,ei,. 25! lllOlt7111111• A#O 01& Shortening !;':· Royal S¢tln hyd1ogt noltd. Shortening Sriowdrift ' •.•. 111 ,... . ,: ... .... 1.23 Mo1:olo Oil · ... 83• ,.. 43• IA#lllO nu111, JUllll 10:. .... 11• G f • Glenn rope ru1t Air• Foney ..c:t•on1. Whole Apricots 10 .... ce .. 23• Del Monte or Volley Gold, choice, unPteled. Tomato Juice 3 •:;::· 25• SunnY'Oown brond. 146-oz. con, 20c1 L• B Highway 1mo eons Gretn·WM• Wh• C Highway 1te orn Cream •lyle 10 ...... 21. ··" 10 .... c•" Nibleh.Corn 12 .. 1. Hft COFFEE Airway bra nd, m·ild, mellow. ( I -lb. 40c.) 3-lb. bog 1.15 MARSHMALLOWS Fluff-i-eat brand. Four quarter pound1 in each· pound packa1e. 1-lb. podoge 25c ILACI TU C.nterbary brand. 1%-or.9 V2-lb.4· 7 pkg. c pkg. c V.-lb.24c 1-lb. 93 pkg. pk. .. c From the princip.a) 1rowin1 attu o'f LAMB ROAST ~~u:. ... 19° I TOP U.·S.-GOV'T GIADIS ••• FUUY AGED ••• TllMMID WAm Piii .BEEF ROAST =-:-..: TOP U.S. GOV'T GIADIS .•• FULLY.AGED ••• TRIMMiD WASTE Fiii Cram en Ruay Durr SoJu . I . ... . • , I . l. , . . """~ .. .,~ •••• ... Canned, Peas· 10 .... 19• ~uatr 11 .. 11 ... t.111 > , ... . the w~at come theae top quality Ruueb. Bake 'em, Loit 'em, fry 'em, ~l\ey are deliciout. Cut Green Beans · II ( I 19-... 2ocs flfU ,air, anr y ~ , .... ' 11•r11m1•nt ~ mr rn1irch nnt In;:· t"1lnl· tll tl fl•i• ~~!~.~!~~ l'Utldt ,, .. 47a / - P&lnUnt: ContrM:tor ' PAISTl:\10 -DF..<.'ORATIS<i ASD PArt:Wl .\S(;IS(: • Pfl. Har. fl7~-J. fl-0'.? OrrhJd ,\v('. Th• 111r 1 .. 1. • 111'"""'""' t • p11r1•d t••tf;dn f;:u lllll•~ :t{ thl 1: .. , I ll ;. ,\11pl 1Jt1 ""llli'·lOY ~ \\ JitlOI, I, •11 pi.tnl 'Ir• IJO Ill '"I•' 11f,l•1 l1U ·'l1ff ,/• I._\,, •I ,,. 1 lnr 1 H , .. , .... (t \\1t~1Jtf. 1111t e·••OHtlf Of f'O t·t•· 1• 1 t• ti •' ti 1\-.:!"I • "" '' h• mt: ri. •\ti,. d h• 1 111) a llim t.ionil:~· 1111 you w:rnt lo ~·11 It ! Adv1•1 , , ... ,, 1n th•",, rt•lumn' Help Save Meat and Eggs ... Eat ~More ·Seel foods ~--They Are Rich In Iodine LOBSTERS FRESH DAILY Alive or Cooked · FUet of l>ef>p SM Trout • tiJ~t of Roc-k Cod • F.Mtem Scallopt • Snrtmp · • Abalone Ste.ab • Oya'-". r.uten & Weste,_ • F1Jet of ShHp BMCI . BAYSIDE FISH MARKET WBOLZ8ALE A.ND RETAIL MitWPOaT BLU• PRO~ BAllBOa 111 . . WI#• White To~I\ Wine Monte Cr.,lo Soulcrnt . Red Tobie Wine ~ 151/S·H'. 11:89 ... ttl• ,.. Lorge Prunes 2-11> i.o. 29° H~ort's Othg"il or Sun\wtet brond Extra Large Prunes •-•~ ..... 18• Hto•t'' Otl•gtlt b•ond. Extra Lorge ~runes H1ort'1 0.light ~ond. e~#Olll Mottster Gum Drops Orange Slic;es Swedish Mints 1-1~ ..... 33• ····"• ... ........ z~· ! 2• ,. ..... ~ 1F,"-• . • -----fil---~-------, tiJ Rt r; :t f :U rz:x,2>1 fa, . New l<ind ,of Cooking Spoon I onry 25• and ; word "Kitchen Craft" from · bag or recipe f&!der. ~ SEE "DISPLAY IN SrokE KITCHIN IRAn ENRICHED FLOUR BANANAS . HONQ SPRUD Superior Brand. Fine on . toaat. Buy a carton today . _ -· i 6-oz. carton 35c ...... ~:.. . .· . . •. JELL·\¥ELL ~~~ Cc~a~ln _[)e1aert. Six 4llltiii I 1if I ' .del0<oou• Aavoro. ~ llJ · per pockoge 6c < ...... ~ "' .. •..... . . . . . '·. :·. .,· .·· PIE CRUSI --f.ILl.HIG . . 7 -:vlinLI I.rand, ComJ>lf"tr "Pit:'. Choe , ! ... te or Le mo n fil lin~. ' . 8 oz. package 29c _J ; FIRM RIPE 2 lbs. 29° SAFIWA I IA Vlll•I Edwards Coffee .Z·lb ;.,. J.03 P·ch, full bod1wd 1,1~nd Ptgvt')• c..t d"t• Cl"'"' Pulverized Coffee • ·•• ce" 52• f•lwo•tl\ vo<•A•m r:nc~~tl • Orop I -lb ."on.'•'< t r'rob Hiii Coffee American 'heesef"" 1.1r..M.J 43e 1 2 lb boo' Ii '..c 1 l ·'-.:.. 1.07 Dul<h Mdl tJrond ''h lb !Jo,, )2cl Farina p,11,1>1,.v"• .za ...... 21• For 1nfonl1 1 I 4 or l,o•, I 4c I B. . Fl r,,.,,.. ""• 1scu1t 0\4r · ,.1 "o·•• ...... C•j+r '•'" t vvtt f•,.,.., f),~lrtd w ith cvttt t Biscuit Flour ;·;g~ .zo ...... 25c ·Chili Sauce Mo"\•o 11 ~l~ .. 20- -----------------------------------r ------• 7 . .. ~.. . .. Jumbo OllYes ·~.-:·:29c ihr-, ":j -es 11 ..... ) lo1111ol 1i1·· Medium--Olives l.l1•1lo\ J.,11rnol, 1 •J • Wesson 011 Lima Beans ~iforni1 l11hy • Red Beans M~lran typr _ White Beans 9-01 . 23~ , ... 9 .... 2oe , ... .• .,.;. 82e l~:· 3oe 2., ... 3oe .... 2·•· •• ...... - PRICES GOOD rHROUGH MON . IN All LOCAL SAFEWAY STORES To give 1hopper1 odd.d time to toke!'fad- va,,toge of our low price1 Safeway price\ ore effective through Monday, Morch 29, 1948. Leu traffic •.• full atocka. .. -· •• \ •• J . - =- • ' -- .N&WPOlrr BALBOA-NAW8·%1ME8 THl'Rl"DA\' N""')?O't .... h. f'alU. Maull I&, IM3 ·. Marke~ ·~ ~ G~ce IM' Arthur Backers in·c. 0 noME, !\for :?~ 11.;r 1 ·nw j '" •h•· rr"'· 111u11-1111e11, tht , Am Td & Tt•I I 1~1 •• I l:Jagree ver for••l<'fl u ll•r·· •• nn.1unc .. d Ind .... \ W1 -•1·rn Alhf'S r•·poi;tl'd 1trH11t h· • • C-an•·•"an Pnrlflr 10"1 p .• St te .. m" I ra g ''"'' l t:.1 "' .. ~ r111dy hl Of)l'n d1-t'llllll! 1h1• hord•·r guard along t h1 IJUJ)Onl 17~ I rllllary y n'l·I "''l:t1ll 1llun, \\llh Yt11Ul'l1l\l.1 Ihm· frnnlllll: thal part·or It und4>r C'tr11f'r11l l\11111•1-!>-I'• • • y I <" .a. c;o."1,rar 41~ t.C 1~ ,\'>t;J-:1 .h.S. ~tar ,!;1 1tn Tf"h'"'ll•• \\llhln 111 .. su1rl1 .1n<I ui:'.'' :i 'u11nv1~1nn "<> plat_oon • ~· I• 111 r .. r th• .\m .. r11•t111-lln11 .. h .. r ~"""1'h -11ll11t-r" movrd up 1.1 K••nn,,·,.11 • ..,·. l I' l l.11k•r~ ur Gtn Dou1:l1t~ ..., I I -~. F1tml1 11r•11••'" 11111 111rn tlll' '''" •1 r'""'"'''' un llW Pola hil(hW;i\ S1•111--~ -. ,r_,, \111t•11 111 .. ,1.:r.·• d 11.ci .. , "", • ,-, ,,,,, '" '"" , .. 11n1 n •• n111~•"1n ''"rk un <'mplacc>mcnt--. s.~1 t"JI f..cfr .. ••n ·' "" plj'""' '" 1.t;u •· •• ti• I• ;,:;,t1pr\ pl.·(h:· u :::1.md 11vl 1 hi Iii '" t111 . ''" 1 '.1hfw n1;,·, ro·pul1l11 111 i\11 .'.rtu 1 ii 'l"?k"'"' '" '1111 111. 1"' 111 "111"' i.:un~ attd m ortars. -~ 1 1 1 • ' •11• • ·l 'ho 1111 ,,... pro n11sing 11lun., \• S ~tt-.·l '·' • 4U lll1.1t\ t f11ul 't l11f\ .,11\t f fUI\'"'' \Ii\\ \\ft"' "' • • on •110· ·T11o '" m ;1111•r NIO<'C t h• r11.rnn1;1t1 .\l,•n 11 \\',.ri·~·-.11 1 111 11 .. ,1 1111111 lh• 1"11• .,,~. 111 111•1•·111 "·'' • \\ • .• • • 1 11 1 • '" ot < pro1JOiwd that th• H.' l,'nil"tl 1'11•" 1 tli .dl :\!.1rA1'1l11no-f.11 1-l'n·,11lonl -.111;11. .1 l""fl•l1 1H !\, f'•·••·• lu•· • · 111 • ,, ,, .. h•· c•\••n tinck to rtab ST(')Cl{S }11~lwr "' m1~1i·111I• I~ , 11111 ~.1111 111>1t11n:111nc 1~·11111111,. t.•1 '"''" J1.1h 1111' \11l'•"l:1\1•1 "011111 I I \\1, 1tw i11111i.:n t1lfi<',.·., rl'"''rl i1! Fll"ll\<' llat 1111: ••u·h 1 d1·l•·1•;,111in v.uulrl Ii<-'(If·' t .. 11111••,'I •I• ,.... B(l:"J1S lll•·r.;ul,11 1~ h1i.;ls •1 1· •'ll •l•d ''"!.". ll1• .,,,111 1ti1' "•'' ,,,,.,.,,.,•1 .. 11• l11l\\1•1·n ltnly 111111 I I'll.-1 .. ,. IL'll 11111•' . .i ... 1l•i'~"'"" \ 111· "'''' lol \\llhlll •ho: l11i1t· f(•\\ ~ l i11\1•1pnk lll• did 1101 '1•11 ' lh• """ ,(.,) 111 .. 1•·11pli·•ttf l:oh 1h.11 111 1111 1,,_1 I•" 1l.1\-l111 ''·' d ,,, Cl 'l:H •l••'k ' 11 r1~11k1rl~ l1J~ll· 1 '"' 1,1 1 11 .... 11.' 1«1uld '1 \.l1 ·1HI 11'11 11 1 ,. • 1 t '' t h ... -. '"',.I U~1 l"~l \ 1 1 i,~t 011 II '1' f lfl • l '1,'1\\.l " tl iiit111, t1.•f \\1•t'ft f (' f\\fllt1 !'11.\'Ji:H 11nd111ni.:"" II) :-.: \' •11 ··11!1 .... '1'r\ll'l' .. I I I I I • J .u,r•·• '"''" ••fl 1 '' ''.~ ,,, ," 1 '.' •rl' ','• r1_1ni• 111 .... L.1\•· nuuir mu j1lr 74"-r 11 tin1 ·11une1· """'I"'·" .t"" 1,11 ( ·11,.,111• f'IJ,111 I 1 rl 1 \ / r 1 ' ''I" I ' 1•1111. '"" l'I oll l ~I I''"'''··--II• 1111· '"'' f••W drtys "ell v.·11J-:AT 1u1ur"' ..J1,....•d up I · •• 111.1 11 ,\r 1 »il1t•11 n111·~ l\lk<'Arll1111 f.,1 , ' I I I .Qa-111 .,, int I•• iat.'"' 0 \.1 1 1u11 11 \ "''' ,~ 1 \, ~.,, ... 111v pr~iposu l. und lf'I j?i._1-, ("tHt:-: 1111«h11n1i1•d to oft· ,\111111• , •·1111'. • 1111 '"' i.:rttlll• \\'1111111 ::-,1 1,, 1• 111.11111r: 111 101 ,I\ .t111 1 '"' 111 .,, , ,.,.1 1 .. ,~. 1i .. ,.0 ri·ttCht·d (ni ?.,., ... c •A'~ u11..i,.11,i.: .. i1 , ,, •• rt '• r • .. 1•1 ~,... ,,,. r. ... 11 .. 1( "' k•·P11111i.: 11 1 1 1 1 1 • , ' ... ,. 11 t ' 1111t'•' ''11 ''.' ·~· • ,, 1, 111 .. , ul ft,1l a·u\' tiPJte:•r•c·d " (~/\TTt.t-: dulr, I IJt l , .. I ~>(I 1 ... ,: "''" :O.L11·.\11hur' cl··•lrt'"" I I I\ ci. LLOGS :.ltm JOU sil.Et-:1' UCU\•• I • ,. ' ·~·· \'I '11' 1" r .. r IH·r-.. n~ "'Shiv "" -seek to A.rert Southland Meat Strike Tie-Up 'Cold W..ar' Plea For Billions, Men t C-rm11n11"d rrn111 Pa1;1' I I th•· '""'' tit' nut ,.\•.I •)n Hu ........ Ill \\olr Tht 1~ltl' ;111• '1111 1111 lh~· Th• It•\\ 111111 111 tho Tn • "'' •11•11.d11\ """ 1n J I.ii~.'· R forC'il(I• ''"i 111i.n·. c.1u.t11 ''' fl! ... h-... 11 1k:' •• uu ·• "J••kt '"utn }Jtttd. 11. •I 1111 I•·"'' .. r il111·. 11 111 .. • .. 11 'Tl. 11 111.111 i.:11\ •·rnmrnt , \U•ltru• "'" t1•r••Lltfl 111ro ..... d 1·1-'"d 1) •' th1' :u•c·urd has ht•'' 1., "' l"''"t, 111 11 ,I\ 11ul 111. , 11 '''•I 1 ·111 • hoi 111•11111, will Ii 11• \\'I• 11• 1 I I 11 ku11 I 1 II" .t 11 • 1-" .'I'• II \\II h111 I h• llt•)(f ft•\\ l111 ys 11 '1l11lal\ u l .1 l"'"llN•ll•ff•t l 11 ft1t 1111 11 1 lt 1h 11n·YUt.;o'lh\ \:Or. ''•··" I' pt1 li tll\•t1t II\ ·'·•'• , ..... 1•11fUIU• LOS .A="l.ELES M111eh :!;• l 'ns1o" s1.,1., .111tl , .... n~· Anrl• ir SEEK TO PROVE H '1'1 /\Fl. 11wa1 1.iu·kini.: '""k· 1111 l 'n11t·1I S1;,1,,. ,,,·1;. rit unt't4< NIGHTLY · HOSTS AR E -TOAST OF POUCE <',..., nml :u;; 1ncl"l•'ll•l•·n1 p.:u lone ""'' '"'h firm a11<1 rl'so\111<' p11r: WALLACE BEERY h1111-..~ 1<wl;1~ '11u.;h1 .1 •'11n1·11'1alt1I I"'"'. th•• .,.111, \\Ill .. 11111111111• lo t•.,( tu h<'ll' 11\1.,I 11 >1rll'•• 1h111 '4 C>Uld "" tlw l"n11.t1 Sl;il"' 11nil I"'·"'•• PATERNITY \man anil 111 .. \\lft• .,,. th•· ('111 nrr n1'i"I "' ~Jlh<'m C.1.ll-•hr1111i;h •h•• <•·11n 11h1•M1 · ....... l '""'' "' 1"•111·" •nd m•"·r "hanl · · .. n 11 11.1\\\'1•111 \111 .:• l'l '1 ' rm nia' m1:,11 ""l'J'llV F .. rr.· ... 1.11 ,. ... 11 th.ti 11 t b ••p•lr:!t ' -----1.,,,,;,, .,tn.,,.,, 11 ... ,... c1.,,._.,,, Ttw .. mpl11~1·1-... nntj }tn11>n fa1lc'tf "' ri• 11p11l11'(I 111 Ill•• l'l :!;. 11..:1· 1 ;i.,, I" \\ 111""' '''" '••I,•'· '1" " rnll10·r. n l.:ht.. .. \II ht'<'llll11t• ol 111 ni:•~·+' •Ill nri.:1111u11on;. y.-'lf·r· i.:nn111.·;,t.011I :l.1;110.110(1 n1 1n \••l!•ran' iii ,,,.,,, .. ,. ii t•• •'" 1"•"'11rl 1" I•'"''' ·f't ... 1r t:1t•l•·r \\t,..k no.-hirnal da \ o \:<•&...JI 1'11111·ar1 thnt <'Xp11'•"' \\l•tlld h·· '""J•r• 111 10111 F,•·11111-'\\.olli• '""" 1 11" ''11 "1 ••I 11•1 11r .. 1Jllt·1·1i11n for playlnc hoet•. \\';•dn1-;.1!11_\ No tluh' lt'a;. 111•1 for ,1101}' :11ul <lr•l1•r111t·111 .. \\1111111 •~ll '" I" 1 I. 11111. •••II Tt11._,. 1.,,. t:\•·r••lt and ~ayilt' furthf'I' Ol'l:l•llhlH.n' llW lllll1ll1<1 ,1p111hf1<'d In ·"••UI l. 1 . llt1 ,tlllllllt.> ,,ml \1-t11d1\ ( hjt"" 11rH1trlf'tor .. of thf' ··i·I· Thi' int11•)1t'Oflt•n\ plant~ pro<lucr J~-•.• ~NI. hf' ~aid Iii.ii n . 11\ • """' ,., -, ...... 1 .. "I 111\\ ......... , In HoJb<•a. from 110 10 70 pi·r <'<'Ill of ~ulllll-"F rw11 lh1~ Oll(t' l(l'Ol q1 \\Ill t'11111• 11to Ill. 10.11• 11>!1\ 1111 "•' 11 .. 11111~ 'f u1.;1•ll10•r, lht•) JHlt out plat.-.. i:rn L'11i1ron i'm's 111C'ul. The re.o;I 11w hulk ur llw •'-'1111111••·11 ;~w 1,u•1 1•111 hi: .. k111r11J · .. r ,111111\\ldu·• •nd pl .. 1&11d 1,1, .. cnm"" from th(' "h11: fou r" 1.ll1·k · \nlun111r) .. 11t 1<111u·n•~ d11r111i.: •h•• :\1.itio 11, )t·.... 1111 1,,,.111, 1 In:.: h"t m 11i:, .. r 1·off•''•._•.U fur ln1t ph1n1 ~ now ~hut hy ~lrik•• or fl'•'ttl >•·•ir l!l-l!l. 11,, ._,.11 •'' .di 111 111111, d il••\\ll •II· ,, 111.111• 11t ""' 1 111 .. ··II\·, n l1ehttlm .. cuardtan~ CJO p11ckin1:hou111.• work•·~ !lo• :,i:lf\_11(~1 m••11 "'hn 11 .'' ,.,q. 111 la.\\ uni.I o.rtlt•r. ~~~--~~~~~-..r.'!l--"""'""".;.,.,..-t'l,.+11~~"""" ...... ._ ........ ~ .............. il.IW.~..=:!c!-! mn I 1•1 "'"'· l.ur11~ n1· C'ho1·1· gav.. thC' rr a- COMPROMISE ON RENT ·CONTROLS t.-c·r 1'" ""na<-.., .. h•' ~aid ---------- ·-P ·---""'- Tries Su-icide : · Wallace, Judge ·Hit in 'Red' Cry ' I ( ArlM :fel4'plwc9J M111. Oracc Cody, 43, wh~ ph)'Dclan h~ aluaaed her and nu molhrr on I.hr hu.d w1t.h a 1ead pipe, U\eD \.rled aulolde, died In a San · Frnncl&co hosp1t.al. Shown here M.Unded bJ Nu111e. Catherine Kl~un. Is M.rs. Cody ahortlJ after &be waa fowid unconadoua In her hum('. Dr &rn"aa1 A. OOdy, 52;· who 'clro-.e hie ew"' hlch speed into " rl'll\lning wall. was near death, u wu h.11 wtfe'a,JDOUler, ll(ni. Mal'1 McKeviu .. 80, who s&Jd she rushed to Uw cou*'• room w'be.o 1be ,beani bu clll\lllMer ~ 1C'on11nued f,.;m Page 1) 1i:t·lurt• to an}bod} on his own h •rrn • Tiw p.-roµt s.ays that "Judl'' \'nnkw1ch s conduc t. f\nd attitudt> •~ 11 dis)lra«•lul r rflPc-liun upon •ht• f1 .. t .. r nl l"'lll'h when 11 1111ti.:1· of 1 "" f1·dt•ral l;('nch 11 ... as l11s po~1i1 .. n .ind .nllnk I , d1j:n1fy I fil I toruus urgani.t& I ions. .1<uch ,1s I h1• l"IJlllOlUllll>I l.ll'1<1'll'•S ;:'<1111'11 I Hill U"Tl\t•r , 1111'11 1111 l'UndP111na1 iu11 IS •1 1.~lll! l'llUUJ;h. . • . . ·· i\ 1111111 ~11d1 as . \";1'1kwid1 1s 111o! quahf11·d. i,,.,'-;ius .. t•f his oh- ' 11,11,; hlas a11d ~~11111111hy for JJJ'll· •'11ff\ntum~1. p1~1-So\'it•1 cau.;•·s, 111 "'!' 1111-!lit' l••tlt•r ,d lwn<h." c 111 11~11olx~•nK 1lw r'lri;:ani1:i•:"ns 11,1,·11 :is ··rnm1<· th,· COl;tlm1t11•(' l'linr1H·l1•r11lt1.I "I hC' fron1 nri;:11n1,:;;. 1,. 111 :is ;, nrnjc..-\\l•apon 111 t hf' 1r,,.n111·r.r rommumst plo111111: and intr•~U••" Thi• r<•mm111 ''" li!'l•'<i It" .. 1·,1m- l'l••t 1•ly mmm11n;., crrntC'rl n(lrl 1•1 •n• rollrrl.. .;,., 1•r.il nri;:a111z;it w ns, 111~l1 11lin~ · Tho· f.'ovd. Tuhat'!'O and Al!rlC'llllUrttl \\'nrk<'I s el)1nn , l '111I- ·• •I I l[fw,• ;md .. Prnff•ss1on:sl \\'ork- . •rs ·•+·1111 1 ·n111·d Eh"<'tnc11I. Rn- ol111 and :O.larl11n•· \\"urkl'rs • C'lll I 1111t•1I ~·;11111 J-:11111pnwn1 and :0.111· 11111'1 .. \\,·.,k"'" 1t'I<11 ="11t11•n.il l ;1111·n' f'1th1w:il A«l11m Co mmit· I ·Sergeant Shorb -Says •• a • Wit h thP nation'• colleges and umv~ltlcs still over -crowd1'd high school graduatt'!I now hav~ an opporll)nit)' to continue thi:'1r l'ducalion . in !IOrnl' Of 1he best 11:clui1cal schools in thl' world 11r. h ·r1•d IJy 1 h<> tJ S Army Under a new prl'-SC'll'C'l~d sch0<•I plan, qualific-d )o·ung rn<'n \\'tlh• hi.:h 1whool j11plomas can µ11·k thl'1r own liclds· o r llfX'c)h zat1o11 h<'fori• f'nhs tnwnt und 1hPn 1)(-tis· sun-<I of '11ssi.:n mrn1 In Sl'hool! 11•achini.: lht'lr prl'f1·rrr-d occup.1- 1111n following" rompll'l 1on or h11Stc lr111111n~. , , SnmC' sixty fll•lds 11n• O)'X'n lo i.:psrlw1h·s who c-nn mc!'I ttw hi.:h wilis1111t•n1 s111nclnrds. l\mong 1pl•n1 arc: Rodar. m1'h 'rolory. phutni.:rnplw . rndio, l'IC'C'trlf=i I y,. drnft !Lis:. rryp. 101:raphy, ('ngin1•!'rln1:. rl'frii.:1·r;,. lion, w a t<'r supply, pow!'r gc•nC'.t· · 1t1i11n. 11ulllmo1iv<' nnd d it·s!'I mr- r ha111cs nnd armnr<'rs Thi' Arm>·~ prf'-!u.•lf't'lt"<I school plan Is u no\'1'1 nnd for rcachini; 1•dura11on11I proi.:rnm It prov11h-1 fr,.,. and 1td\ 1inr .. d t rn mini.: for .1llh• ~ 1111ng mrn who "1sh 10 lcar11 llM·rul. n ·m11ni•r;i1 l\l' und produr- "'"" skills . ·-Rl!PU!C'TlONS EA8TEll ,. .... Clln.t eM ... l'OM to evfll1~ ... U(e.1'o UwC' wUhout !'ollf' ~ .... 11.-e •• eftftMUq da.rfl.__ • ---• . Te foUow l• tM foo~ of n111•t ••' fo~tollow ·u ... ll&ht of ...,. wlMI pl'OllUed llff' ..ve"-&Uq. To live for olM' clay, without ....... I• h1 f~e tlNo ~'""'of rt)anklnd. To lhf' r ac•h cl•' wt .. a ap&rttll•c ltotM' of ,.,.,.,1 .. una llf~th a """" kno "' lf'dcr tlaat •? wlll rtw_w A.J~yrn "'llhout ..&n.'"'111 fill 1111r h,..,,, '411h .......... r .... t~r .... proml ..... That 11mm1 .... ha ........ n f11rtllf'd oJRN' thr brl(tn11ln1 o f th•-11>1atln1 hlrd-. l>tJr,lln:.: h ml•. ••tr.1-and I 1 will C'Ofttlnur. to br fulflllf'd .,. lone .,. tl'M• "orlll "'' ol\ ,.,. '"' th a,1 ... t:. .. i.-r 1 .. ltot1f' fulllllf'd. H-AROLD . K. ·GRAUEL ····~ > , j '· .<'H Al't:I. 1•'•tttW: ....,..,."" .'"MU• I n•f• ,,,.. ... S"·tttly ftmlnlne, ro flartn your food Fashiontd for lonr .mict. •, Try on lo"dy Trtnda Fnh1on Sh0ts. M.my charmme styles. / $8.~5 Mattoon's Shoes • I 1716 N-..-rt Bh-d. Cn't• ~IN 'I f <frm;. . T rlr phntn) Hravlni: " :?2M-no11nd flr!'jl'<'lllr rar to srn with flrr1dl)' t.\f•curor;'. one of Port Cronkh111"s 16-1111.'h !,'\Ills bt'llow~ frnm hill 11bc>vf' Munn Count)' coa.-;l line.~ Thi:. owu fizst Lime a ahart··bn..Wd nllc h f Uus Sl7A! baa c>Vl.'r lx'l'n flrC'd wrch radar· 1rnd olhl'r t'll>nru111c flrt' .-ontrol. which ml\krs VL'lll11h1y or !ht' ta111et unncc-rMarl'. Not.t' flilurea ln left cent.er of twu men wno nre mannlnK radar c~1pmcnt. · ----- .Nation-V/ide {ampaig~ of AOA-Ul~~C ~···:..--.seeks Funcf-s~-for ·Nee·dy G1ilc!ren CRUSADE FOR CHILDREN 1 t ASKS tto.000,000 FOR r ...... ,,,..,." wA\·s TRAGIC v1cT1Ms I nlmdcd l)y homb~ ldt orphaned nnd rrs11urr c>lcss by war. thl' ~•J:hll<'SS youn[:s tcrs a l the H,11!]_e f••r Wnr-V.)nunded Ch!lrlrtn near H11mc lcOlrn h ow to be useful! r c1t11('ns ot th1· ruturi'. T hey mas-fo. ter rrad1ng by touchinll Brn11le symbo ls with their sens1t1ve f\.n- gc•rllps. AJI rxc!'pt ltalo. i:levcn-year- old 11:.lo .., not only blind-h is , ~rms 11r1;: a( limps brlow the sbolll-:..1 I .l1'ni, .Thert• Ar(' Ol•I 1•nr>u1th ~cn.~i-I '~ t1vc nc1.\'t'-t'r11imjol.i1 tn \\hat u left 1 ·of h is arr;\s Cor llnln I<• ll'Arn In I t he nhnnt•r or hts blind brothers. But thnt hru no1 lw~ten· llalo. I T h<' 111 mlt'SS l111lr llal1'. r xpcr i· mcnhn1t 11lon<' round chat by mov-1 1n-g his 1111;:•· .ind t.>ni?ue softly :.w 1'r thc r:ltSl"I symbols, h<'. t oo, c oula mak<' t he '"'>"lS:C bt>~·ond the prison o f darknl';:s :lnd muti- lation 1010 the v.·orld or ima1ina- t11>n and 1dpu. Now, 11de by aid• 9.-ith hls rom- panioru, h• nunl4'5 the knov.·l•dg4' on cJrh page. and v.·1th his no.at' and m outh hc 1 .. :irns the things that h r must kno w. 1r he is to 1 have a chance a t a wdul futun. Amrrlcaru ·can 11ve him-and , thousands like him-a chance. by c on1nbuttn1 • to t~ Cruude for ,Children of American o,·euea .. Ald~United Nation. Appeal for · Children, _...El•~·H-1r•r·old Ualo •t•cllt9 _.... wltai •Ups •od • • • ' -l \• • l lO\ """'tCtllt\ "OllY\o\1000 !ONG M4(H ,ASADINA 'OMONA l lY( f $10( SANf.\ ANA UNIA MO ... J(A II 11t LE 5-T :&B. ·& _c _a. \f, 11il1l'r / ,,, .i111:eln fitork f..w f•,,.,11:r 5}5 Ea.st Central Ave., B&lboa Harbor 2001 /\t1\' .. 11is,• INVlSl.MlNT HCUllllH TO Mlfl THE INVESTOIS' NUOS \ H. r'CO~l1 ·ERCIAL ~~HINTING "'-• • PER90NAL PRINTING 2~ PRICE ' SERVICE LET US HELP YOU with YOUR ~RINTING Telephone --:. • • ... ,.. l NEEDS l f-- tiAl?l3()l? 1~ f)~ lJ A Representative ·wm Call • • • NeW.,ort , Harbor Publishing Co. PRINTERS PL'BLISHERS OFFICE SUPPLIES • 30 I L W. C•ntt-1'l-Ave. Newport Beich \ 1' f .. .. .. / .,_ ~~-----:-::-..._..~~----~~----------------mll!lll~.:..-•.--.... -:--.-.~.~~--.... ~ .... ~.Cll ............... 111M• Just before the molllnl( period duc ks and .:eeae ny to bodil.'S 0 ' wa• l'r Wh<'re ·1fiey will be saf<' from land enemies. The rl•ason is that they molt their prlmar)' fra•hers all at mtce and for a shut• period cannot rty. P UBLIC NOTICE• No. p .4JJ2 CERTIF'ICATIE Of' 8 USINIESS f'ICTITIOUS f"'IRM NA,MIE 1'11 '-t'N l'\ERSIC~N t:t> ''" htl'<'l•y 1trllf)" tb~t thf,'Y ,.,,.. "1>&rtn .. r9hl1' ,· .. n-t1th t 11u: s n\f'l'n*h&.ndt&lna tm•lnPN al ~fo6 f: <'""""I A•t C'Jty ur Nf'wf•urt Atfi• h Ralh11fl. Cnunt y t•f ()rKllN.f" ~tat ... ,1( C--a.Uf••r1Ha. unclt-r thr ."' ... '""'''"I! II rm •ount uf l"llP. ~!HIP.. • nn•I tlntl .!IUHt nm' I• ruml'°\jr8.f""d ••f the!: ft>Un-. Ing l"l'''"M· whoo«! 111U11u and with•·t1tt Hr' Hf( follnw•. to-wtt:.. "'""" w fl•rd. l7u0 Mtrtunbr &I· "')'1•t~::'11t~1l•a. 1'lt1<lnkt1•• hi l~3Z E . U1 , ... n Rtv•I \1H.lh11u <'tt.t1furnh\. Wl'l'l"f:l'::' ""' h111hls 1111.-13th 1la ,., ~ ..... h 19~11 MIUll' \\' HIM ll•l•n t:,111• H1111lrl'kt14'< ht !'lTATt: Of" f'Al.l~·nR!"IA I 1·m·-;Tv OF n R.A N<:t: 1.,. o:-; TlllS l3lb d&)' uf l'>lu rh A I• lQI-\,.,, .. ,... mt' H,.l~f'r1 R Pu-.rll " :-;t.1u11·y P>lhlk in '""I for Min <'nlmly nna :4rnrr , .. ~ldlnic 111 ...... 1 .. ·IUI\ ((\ffl· mtM; ·••h''' l\lht tt•urn \u•t•• n.,1h t\,P· p.-nrNt )fua,. \\• BH'1 un•t I (Plf"n )-j&;tli4 rttnr1,.rkner h1. kOl•"'-'f\ ti. 11,ff 1•• ti~ t t.~ pf"rl"nnfl wlu•"•' nu.nu-I' ~ &Uh· 1wrtt1~.t t•• the-'llld lhln 111:'tn11urn11 sU)tt ~~~',\,~!;·'1~~·! ~~~n.-Ill~ I~ h ~JIT:\tf-~~~ Wllr.RFJ)I" I hRVI' hP,...unl<• ~•I my 11111.,1 1on<I nffl~f'<I '"" ufffdl\I "'•al th" tn \ r111tt \ffl'Hr in th\ot ,•.:orUf'1 alt" Ur~t '''"'"' v.·nttf"'n '~~;Al.I HOBEHT -R l'OWEL.t. :o;, 11rn · J'uttUr In ond fHr ;i;ud r uunf)' and :O:.tf\t,. ~h 4\•mm f-. .. t''" F.lttttr•--• Juh· i 1qr..o l'ul• ~lur• h 1~ ZI> AW•I I 1' Wlh No. P.4lJ6 CERTIFICATE OF B USINESS FICTITIOUS f'lf'M NAME ----.. I e---"°°"· "' llw Soulh fror.t door of Bl'S I NE.iS COl!IDE ,., ML& MlliOU.LANWV• • 1 ~1LN1n.iu _r.oa SALL • U 1Ml'8rn A llAIUO. ' the Ornnge Ct1un1y C-nur1 Hvtl$1'.l • • ~ l 'H:"I l'l'Hi 1t1-i::1:-:J:'lll Ll siluatl'd In tb(' 0 1)' or Santa l\illl. . w ullact:' Cald<'rhead Plu111bmg SUpphee I ,\,. \ .. u l.11.,, ,, ·~ ~ 111 ~,\I ~ h 1111h1 ll111t~ l;rumt Pans I Orttniie C-oun ly. C-ahfM nil\. C'OR · I p I p E hi :'\ GRF:'\ST~ 11 .11111110, 'Ii.I-I 1-: ll:t) F 1111\I, ll111l1o111 tt.F.AL F..<4Ti\Tt: a ASAL UT~ft • PORATION OF AMF.RICA ASJ MANl1F.\CT\IJUNG JEWELER I ll;alv . and Ulackl .l:Ul !ll mir SI 1-,,,.111 :-.i.~~ , l111 1l1o1t 171l1M :l,.'·4h· d • 11 •• • • FC in SAJ.E ,,:\ root In( on 01·1•an 1rust1'(', u11 er-. on 11ursunnl hl "17 l 'O A!"f·r llJG~\\'·'Y I Toll<'t" llllt'-1'·'-. LavatoriH '"'""' lf.11 t-.1 ~11:11 \\ ;II \I') t S 111111·1 n l'"·'"'"-~"11 \~o•r· -"'ORONA 9~ M'.&.R I '-A 1 1 f -' 1 1 d d "" '1 ,. ..., " -11 .. .,. • \' • n : · lllvt1 . H11lh.>fl, · PrlH-d ""ow ft)o .,,. ('rf" ,._ n sa1u rus et.• "' , • ,.... J SI k , . .,,, .• ., doubJftl h •1 1 :~1 .. 11111.... '••'II~ '""' 11 •• 111111111 11111111;. [111 ) s1.·ll 111 public aul'l1on l•l lhr hli:h·' C'UflOJ'l:A DJ.:L l\I,\ . CAI.fr '-i1St run n • '"'"""' 1.11.11 .• 111. • ,1 \\ ,,, 1 :;:, llfT ll • 11-· , .• ,l,t,.."AV cl11~ ·, rn11rk1•1 Ph "''""'" !\126-J • ) ·1 1 ··'>·1 led"(' I)""'' 6\(' I 111 I\ .,fr "'"''"'I f.:llht•• 11\llh•" If \ '"' ' < t TI ,.~, htddt•r.'for l'll'\h I PAYAOU·:"' • 31 .:l~lt" -,...., .. .~.. • I er A.,. Tl'. I F~. ,.L· •.··,•t.L.' t ','' ,..,lll.I' 1 {)(1ulll1• C hina S inks, $16 50 up __ ::~· 111· ""'''I qol•• '"" "'" 11,.t-1·1· f 1n1I • I " ,,,,. "'., ,. ·' \I • --I "fu.~t Snll ut Once• tlV<l\\'Nl.'n .. ~11rn'•hC't\, two " n . y • 11H M LANI;' S h 't'l Sinkll $5 ~ up. 11 'l~l 'l: I I It'\ I I I 'H f " ""' ,... .llk•I "I ... "'I"·'' lhl• ollh ' .111•1 n .... " ... "' {'("'!':(I l.A\\'.Fl'l.Mll:'\E O I' . • p t 1 r tt ·_;S Fu-ta '''''"'"""" .. 1 .. ,, .... , .. n,1r "r1·11r.nld.11••w1:11r111:1•wlth radlo Trn·; t':"ITJ.:n !';TATE~l nil lh1' n EJ\L F."T~TF. I irornc 11 ~" "''"' a --~ '•'1111111: \t•ll ... 1 .. u1t.I l\o ·~•IUlll~''•' .... • ,_ J • $5 !Y.1 .. 1 I I l It "•II "''" I . tll '••l11i111h t 'I 111'. \ Ill". I\\ ''l'IF\ 'I, NF.W '.! hc-dn-~)OI 1·1111f r1>,l1'(f 1l1111r "jf)!\(), Jmmt-dlati• in1t·c1•Sl ('\IOl't'~·-d "> , ... rt lrllSI :!•ll.l6 c"vurl Avi'. l.11r••c,••t l'l111nl11'1•" Stock ,,, •. ""'' I " ,. "''I•,, . :-.. 'l s t A 1 .. ""' ,l-'11···1•IR<'t', u1trt1"t', JNltf.o 111wirt1t1l1111 14111 l:'\th St . , ...... ,,. d I ... I f 11 d .. n .. ''lltt•r 11111 •• h11ol1l111•· otll \\1•1' I .. I ... ·' •1111· • """ "" I .. .. I ... ~ .... ,.,., in a n11 Ir• I 11' <• o w1ni.: · <'· 1'1·11r N1•w1><1rt P ier • • • • h " !H I "' fl11i.;•l111u• 1111h 1'\>n1·r.•1t1 frncr, J\11•c11 ;\:l-:ltp ~1'rih1•d r1•,1i prnp.·r1y '111r:1h•d in __ Es111llluih1•d S inl'\' l~~'ll Oran.:{ Ll.lUnty. '1." ,. I•• .1 l 'li.•111 llo•a,. .. 11 \;:1. , • -• lh \'1•1i.•11n11 hllml•. ru1111 ---------------- lh1• Cou1111 or llr.tni;•'. ~ ...... 11f llou~.· ur ;\pl Till J un1• 151h. FONTANA 'PLUMBING :Jf\-:.:1 . II\ i-.1, ...... H .. ,,,.,.K1Tl'tilTlltM.. Sp:1t•1• "" lnl for '''"" r:l\lllll C'11h(~•n1i.1.· •• nrt mnrl· par111•11\nr ly "lft '.!"'"It S \\' Nt'"'''"rl A\••. '11• •I\ 1, •'\ \\ ·"'' ''' •11 .. ·111 111• '"'"I f • d t t k 11 ' t \'ll ""' -"'r "'a---~ l • 'H '\I J I ''·•hlt~h• •1 Hh'lh \ ••• It Utl• urut .. ~•·n 'C'< ,~:. . ' '"\", i•·~ .-Custa Mc•aa P.ho nl' lkacon 6041 '· ' I• lh•\ ,1. '' "' .luh \\llli " ''"" 1111'""" 111 ll111l••i: .,,,.,,, I I "'l I I • l I J .. 11• i>t tr1111 Lot 67' x No· Lot ;"' of Tr;1r l ="11 11 1 "''·ti< 1·1 •t """ 11"' "'" :).1:·11 ',,,,, .,. -l'\'I \tl'l 'l 111 ~ \ ,:,OI\, (lwtll'r ~··.»'! · ,.. ,. 11· '' B J 0\1F~JQ \' "" I '''"'' .1111 1 11\lllr"'· 1\li l1•. llwx ' ·-~,Jlllh :-.111111 ,\11:( "" •1 '"''"'' \.I. . ' ,. • " ' '"'' ""' '"I \l ti II ,,,'l'I Av11<"ldftl, 11:ra1>N. lflth. C'(l..•111 l\k1a. ... 1 " I I I <to. =' .._ '·\\ I •·l il t' ~'''I""' ·''' • ··~ ,, .. ,. rr11111 111·r"" 1-:u ·:1·r 1t1t·A1. c1i;o.;TRAt~n1R Den9i::" & Maytaaa .... "'I ·11 11° SF,.. I l\\'!\'.Fll :wl-!ltp ro·('•H cl1•ct tn "'" •k t I .11 f'ai.:1• ·' &-JI, "' h :1:. :111· 11 ,;, :'ll1s1•.-ll.1111•ou" :>-1 ~1 11 s . Ph111w Snn111 Ann -IR."\\1 R Ju11 Waiting ro 11<' Used at. I i•fi ·"\I 1;,.,.1 •t.11 °111 .. ·•..,.Jti.., ftuhlln A,., .. l'l't'orrls ur ;;1111t Clr:.ni.:1• l'11\1n-3:1-~11· BllL's' WASH-A-TEkiA ..... , .. 1 •'II• ••ltl l'll••lh "" . I)' 1I I• 1 I ••· \\ I I ·11, 1'41H tH'I 61 M11r 1ft"1 t~ f'I , f 1 -1 --u· -----·-------1<1N FAST II,\\' F1tt 1N'r , l\nlhOll • I ' , '1 I • " ' 1 '"1'111 11"1 "'•·., l.l l'I' F< 1H ,-;,\ t ,._, l '1·11l11•11l11, I" 11 ", ,. l•h·r wll h •11.11• Nt•W 1\lod t·1·11' ll n't1~0 11:.11•1! ,,, 1. .. ~ 1\llJ!• '•''· (',ol1f11r-1n·n .n1sr. :\tATEJUALS 111.1, .\J11rt'h ':!t>. 1 !).I~ •Sl-',\Lt c-ClRl"ClllATln "' 1w '"' Tn1~1..-•· ~n !'uh l f1l.H Ry G ~lJ\\'nF.R , .\'"··· Pr ''"d1•nt ll.1 \' ;\I l")''.111-;H Ass1~1an1 ~··1·ri•1,irr 13.">~ :\l.11T h :.':\. April 1, >'. Want Ads Th<' Ne'4:S·Timl's will not be re- cponitible for morr than one ln<:o r- rf'Ct lnsC'rt Ion or Rn ad vert isemrnt. reaerv~ t he right t o corrt-ctly classify any and all ads and to rPjf'Ct any adverli~<'ITl('nt not con· lunnlng to r ules and r<'gulatlona ll8-tfr ASPHALT TILE Lino. & Pla:-;tk · Drninooarrl~ C<11111·n1·11.,. 111 c·11n•111111·1· ( "nrnr r l~lh ~I nnrl Pt1rn11n11 SI "' u Public Stenographer ~:.'9 M a rin <' A \'<' I Jlnrbor Inv. Co ) B.ilhon Jsland llnr lior 1331 llnurs: 10 :00 . 4 :00 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 14-tfc 47:-> N••WJ10rt Hlvd., Co.ta .._. Phomi BelllllOll 5'T10 1().lf( AIR-WAY SAN ITIZOR \'I\' A E r,\pJ~K Bo ncl1'd 0.·nll'r lt:1 A111t'lh)~I A\I•, 11.dlioa Island P UMP S ~ 34-ltp \VOHTHJN(;'J'ON PRESSUR E • C'ENTIUFUGAL For all Pr<'Hure l • 11' .; \I I d 1'1 "I'" ii I I 1111t"'' • :"' " •ft .. • ~ ·."' ~,.ft,I tnul,.' l. H111su ,, ,., •. ir. ~r 1.1.... '" \\ "''I''•'• <11.'"• 1·111 11 ~il.;fi \\ "I ~• ll.14 lo\ I:\..' t 1-1 t.,1i ... , .I 1.l. t-. :l~ ~.1 .· I ,\I '1• •'T -.., I \\ 'I •I • •I I \'-'\\I J f " •), .... l'Hlo 'I :-.. ~· \\ \\ \hHlt '-'•,·,I , \ itt '-h ''Mt'*' \\ ./11111 •l\ 11 •'f 1 l1111r $~ fll) \\ ' l11d 1111 •fa 11t' $JU 0(1 '' 11 •I• , I '"l'f h • 111• 1 ...... 1 •1:1 <Ml So<kn lu :fnl;l'r ation 11 1, , .. ,.1 1111 d 1 "' "1! 1 "' 1 "11 623 So. Los Angc•lm; S 1 . Anah<'lm :f I ·11• I. Phunr z .. 111th ·lt~:,_! 3'1-ltc l I PIJt• ~ .11 11 I ~\ I" ftt I ' flt,tllf, , , t • • , - . " ·Ito -1111111 .. •1 11 "1111" \I 1tll.1i.t•• f" t "\\ l 'I I)( I l~I t' p ( 11t1IN' i l11a I I-I\" 1.,•;l1 '"'Ill' (1lUt hath•. ''" "' '""' \<lult-I'"""' I 1'1•nwr It ~ 1.11 ~l1l1·1•·11I-• "nd 1•\lr11 h11tf11111: 'lr""''r room. 11 11 t"'l 1 'llt'i 1•11,n1• "•"h •tit.~. 1111111111111•• tlouht.·,;11111.:•· l'ay111·r,,r1•1•tf11l,r ' " ' ' I' I '11111 \ 1in11. 1\l;il(: 1 li"f•1111 Fro111 l11rn11r.-.' tw'11 flro•plf\1'1•~ 1'4-9\ ,,, .. •• ,, ,, •·~"I ··-• i•·i 11umlh.t N1•\\p.111 11.·ii··h . .t:..11r H .Jls.J 1 lcJ , 1·10.1 .. •ll•nl awlnunlna: 1111h11 111•t1. ,J ' '''" 1' 11 •• 11,, ,'l ' hr111·h 't'ht'r1·. •~ 11ttly f\ITI' llkl' l\T 1 ·1111u°"'' ·'11'1 'li\lt t., .l1tu tu' .\ •I•'• p qt .... 1d. pu t1,, l th1~ 11\1t1ruhl•· .. J'• .. ··11 • 1~. '' :\.! .,... !-'untt' t nu:-;u:d l<u3·s · R-:! I t "I I' \Ji \ l l '"'""'""I h••ll~•·k•·•·p "'""'~"" 11°11111• '4t:•1111 ,o _. 11•1· '"••Ill '"' " . "' I"" 1•11.1111• .' '" 1h1•••11 1111 •' 11°11111• 1~.r llN N< lflTll Sii •i-1-'11"1 t 'f'ntr11l :.1 °;\.' "1""11 .'ti tfo' :l 111~1111• •' tllll•l<to• loll• • t l.11-4" 11 •q 111 1 ·.o11 ,,1 I.''.\ .lcllh 11;ill\. l11rnl•l11 •I $7,:lll<r J 1\1,. ll11flo .. r1 1• .. 11111•11lri. J!\:.'~1 00. All """' '"' t-i.i;:111 ( 'nrrwr U11y Frottt Lot I I . I I' ·1 1 · s.' ·ri" '" ,., t ''"'•' ' Ill lli'tl'la l\11 c 111,1.!' 11111 Ill '..:I'"' 1 1·'.t\~I · t .~~I \\' .. r: 11.<H .<'OMB "I tr \11.'I ~ I 11;1h ~I . 1 'o .. 111 ·''"'" 1'11 ...... I ltll•11l1· 1'>~•1 t '.I j ( 'o11t~I ll11;h1\ II\ _ .. 111 lolp .. I wrru 1·11-:rt 111111 ~,.111,·1t11 Thi• 1a thr 1·1•1 ,. ,,..,, '""' r1 .. n1. li11 lltt lna: •II• I k rti•" "' A~' <c 111!1' ~t'\\' :.! :llul :i Hc •droom \\·'"II 11 1 .. HI'' t •rt••t I '''''" W t\Slll="G l\lt\t'lll:-n:. B.1hy hug· ""'''' • ,1 \ 1 .. 1i .,. """" "''" ---- 1 '1t1!11N1\ Ill• I, 1\11\tl "\\It• 11 1111· I 'I.it:• Fl\" 11 (I I 's I·: s . ll1•lh.111 · 1· .. 111na11IA, ~1 :•);;•1111111 ... Jl7,:lllll flll ,.;y , \1•trrh1~. 111111) f'ltr be'<! •111.ll """II '"'~'"'"' 1111"1 I~· '1•'1 11·1tN '•t11.•1'o• """"'· 1 ·.,~·:1• ... Hl'11~u1111lilo· ';t;,1;: M ari·us S t .. r• ""' ,1,1. \\ '"'' 1• , , 11 .. , ., . ., l' "· •\a l1·1 .11111 hi!hl!l pJ111l I A• 34-ltp \ ,._1 ,•,j, ,,, .IJ .!1\1 • 1r11I II fl.' .lt•lll !'I 1'1111 ~ .. w LOU IS W. UHHH;S TllF: llNl\F-ft!;ICNED tin hP..,.by 1 ,.r1if\· thAI fhPy .. ,.... 'rr•n1tu(.fir1,,: ft \\';.111,..11'" ~fW•r1••"tu·· huttin• •• at 11ilt3 ,'\'P'A r-nrt Rnul,.\'1\rtl, C'f•!'ltt\ Mftllr\ nn't '' :.1~ Mn.rhtP A \'tnu.-R:dt;,,t\ 1,.IA1i'' ('""'"'"'" untlPr lhf' fl<'llll1>u• firm """'~ "' AllA'Un<:l har •!Jlld firm I~ ~,,,, .. ,.,, ~.,, . ...,.,. It'll""" nnmr•. and addrt>u ore 118 fol· J1n1i." l() .. W\t: , \\'<tMA:" F'-RY \OOK Call Santa 1\ na 4~:W-\\', nr drn11 a card 10 1229 rrc nch . Snnrn i\na 32-4tr ----------------l••I I 11·1• 1 ·,., 11!1 :lllth -.;1 I ft1r HAHUOR no n~. !'\t 't'"''·1"~ 11 1 ~.1 · FOH Tiit-: "~I NN Y" T I l\1 E 0 F Y () 11 H' I.I FE Rl"l\1.'l'l IR .. t.o.A£~L~~~~-;r~i~ON~ \\'JT'l;F:!'ifl nur hand• 1hl1 17th d1t)' .~•I Mto,, h IP4R 1.0 W F.1.1. RARRINCTON AllA RARRl:'l:t;TON O:•TATr. O F !'AL.n'ORNIA. ) f",,unt )' nf Orkt1.::• ~ 11tt. <tX Tltt~ 17th dnv nf Ml\f"'h A n . lfl'4~ t.~f·•rf> rn.f' ll J Snuth C"t1unty l'lnk 1n and fur Mid "''""' )' llnd Ftut•· t..-rJV1n1tU-y ap~8-r 1 ...... ~11 flar· nn1it1'•" known r11 ntP, tr• hf" tht' l)f'r· ti.nn ••hfl~ """'" if' "Uh)ll."r'httal t11 •h,. •tttun rnwu·-um .. nt .,,,, '" kn··-~1,..1a;c ... d tn th ,. \hH.t llh"' ~'X""f"U,f"ft th'" !l&J'nf" '" \Tr:q:s~ WllP.RY.Of~ I ha··· h,.. unin 9,.1 ·WY JuuuJ And nftl•Ptt rn)' .'~~·1~,'~n:-;"1n:.!'t ::,~,.~JIJl:.J;~:~. "' 111 .. ff,f:A I.I R J !lMlTll r .. unty <'ltrk HY H. M ll~nd l'llh M11rrh lq ~ April I .II Ill~~ SOTIC'f; TO nmor.R~ Thr 'nonrd or 'J'rustcrs-or the ;-.;,.,,port llfl rhor l1 n ion !111.;h !'1'111.11 rf'<JUf''ll!t hids on namr· p ru11finl! drn~ o nd curtains in llw h1i:h !IChool nuditoFlum. All "111·1< d nnt' must mrr t th1• 1tpproval nf rlw Ol\·i~1on of r <1r<'!'lry o r th<> 1"11h fornia ~lat f' F i r r l\1;1rsh11fl ; lffir1· nr 11 r1•prl'"<'nl :\11\'1• I h r·rcnf lli<I<; ",II ht> r<'r .. w 1•cl ur • lo 4 I' 'f . April 1:!. 111 1h" h1i.:h ·...,·h1111l 1orf1c-1•. ·11 1\hwh 11011· 1h,.~ w ill 1,.. "I ""' ti 1n 111 .. Ro.11r1· Room Tfl4• nunrd rt""rl'I' 1hr r11:ht 1 .. I• l•'l'I an~.nnd 1111 hlrlQ \ II F 11 11•11111 1< \"),I k I 1111' I l.q'<'h J ~. :J:i. 1~1~ .... Th· 1 ~,)·,1 d .. 1 1'111--..t. .• , .. t thr ?\ \\ 1 • ., I II 1 I 11111 I . 11 I " II ll 1 ·I· ~. f1,. I 1'1111•·•1• li1'1 1111 . ., .ullm: 11! ft I '••11fht ,f,ft l r\ 'tftTf lllr\ H f 11 \1 I ··I .. 11 .... 1 1:111111.,I· 1'1111" ;111rt "I'•' 1'" ''"'"""' n t.f,\ b·· uh1.·un1•tf :1t 1!11· ullu:~ uL lli~•I n .. nn1•11. 1 "'\' ="•'\\I" •rl HI\ •I . Co"t.1 :'lk~;i. ''"I 111 .. 11 111 k "ill ho • llp~f' 11ncl1•'r lf1t 11 1flr,.1·111•n l\1ol' i;Ji1111hi r1111. 1.11r1 1 rt:,11• for 111n1pl•·•11•n n f lh1• work flu1' w Jff lll~ 11•rPiVr<I Up 10 4 P . ''. April' 1~ ;it lhc• hi~ .., h11<1\ nffu•,.,. 111 "hwh llmr lh<'"Y \\ lfl b1• ll)l<'nNI In I fh' f\O:irrJ fiO<'lm Th'• 11nnr<I rrst•n"'" 1 h1· n~ht to • r. jn·1 11n~,;ind 1111 hid!; # A 11' FlT7.PATTtfC-K ,. cicrk P11h . :\lnrr h JR, ::?:;, 1!'.i·IR ._t .; ..... .._- \\'!IF.R F.AS . <l1•f:111!1 h:1c JJ('('n m 1rl•• 1n 1111' p.Hm• n1 "r fh"',. ln- 11. hlo•rln""c l;rrur••cl h.'· :in1I ui th• P••rf•11 mnnr" nf 1111' N1\'1•n1111•~ 1•nn·' ·, 11n•"I Ill t hnt r1·1 t11in 1r11<;,1 11 .. ,.,1 1 /1:11t rl F1 hru:irv !< 1!'117. m:11l1· •"" '''l'ltl"d and rl··l111•rrrl Ii~ H .\ \' ~I I fl)\\.,\ n n. H <1i n1:J,.. m:tn .. ~ 1 r11<1nr In c n nrn nA n n:--: I IF A:\IFHl('1\. :• t'orpor:irwn. :,~ 11 11-11 .. f11r HA:'\l' (IF 1\'.\1!-'.nl<'A '\:,\T it •'\;,\l. TRl ''T ,\-..:1 1. S ,\\'. l:X<;s i\SS(ICli\T111-..:. , na11 .. 11.1l fo:m kini: :1~<:1w1111111n. h"111of11·i:tr)' \\ hwh 1 ru't ''"' rJ 11 ,,. rN•nrd1•rl <•fl' Fo hr11:1n :» l'flti . in l)l)u\( l Hi.; p:1.:1• .!"\:\. r 1ff1ri:il RN·11rd4' 11f nr- nnc,. C-nunl\'. <'·n1i f.,rn 11• i;fl(j \\'llFRE.\S. t1n ll••r,.mh•'l 1; Jf!-17 Hank of Am1·n1~ri :"ril1<'•n:il Tn1"1 mrl S ·l\mi;<: ,\<:c11q;1!111n, th•• "" n• r :rnrl hol<l1•r of ·~•<I rl•·NI :mrt 1lw 1kht ~1·rur1•rl thrrrhy, :i pplircl l n .ind cl1rN'll'd ·,:ucl lrll•· ,,,,. in wri11n1: In ,.,,.,..Uf<' •hr lfu~• I"· <.111r1 1n1•I rlr•'rl r·r .. n ll'd, 11 ncl 1,', m nk,. ~nit• p11rc11nn1 lhr rr tn, nn<;I \\·11r::~F.AS, n1111rr .o f ,, tttlch hrN11•)1 nf !h1 nltlii:111imV::l'f !hr l n1'1t•r a nti of th" tw•nl'f1r111r~ " • 1 •. ,.1, .. ., ... 1·1111~" '" ht· '."ltl ,h .. 1 prop• 'r4· hr I n \\ d1·~1·nh1•1I '" ""''''' "lllcl nhhs:•1f1on' h '' I•«• 11 l•"<•nrr11"I :1' I" pr1111r1"rl fnr hi I 111" :ind m nr1• fli:tn 1h11•r m nnlh• hn' •' 1•t11r'"'r1 "'"' o "'" h r• ,_.,,....., • ll••n lnrl lhf t rl1cfl'l"•<f1 •Mi' II I\, •I \ 11 ~' ll ~1<> II \)'tlnlt• in < 1trlt I ! 11 I f11lf1ll l h• l'llrl'""< •h•1·~·f '"". T11 r.ru-·v11Fff "" •TTI ·1 I ~ 111-n1-:1n-Gl(T:-.; .1lir11 •1,11 '"' 7-11\ d.•~ nf ,,rnl IM~ 111 th• hn11r t•f 11 n rlr-c k 1n I h1• f11r1• .1 TOO LATE TO ('l.ASSJF\' ;-.; F' \\' APTS Tr11ptrnl furn. l'Vt·r~·lhinf,: furru~hrd. l1m•n. 1111l- rl11·s . c:.1rnc1'. for '.! ~I m onth. fnr 4 ~l:!fl \1>Sa \'crclr Apls. 1703 -u:_.ccn1rnl~ H arbor J7!l0. 34·3tc H WOOD FENCE CONTR. _ All T>'P<'S 11nd S tylrs fi'.11 A. Terms-Free Estimates Apywherc in Co unty LAl •NnRIF:S WANTJ-;J)-Dont' in my hnmt', quick Sl'r\'iC'<'. Ph. !'\N I f.Cl!)R.J. 3~-4 Ip Gond lnundr1•s.s, in or out, mrn's s hirts a11 yuu .• llkl• t>m, n<'w look. IJIOUS<'S lik<' · "''"" dmncr parti<'t & buffrt supp1·rs. I lur. 1973-M 23-4tp P OSITIO N W ANTF.0-Bahy 11it· •ing nr compnnion to invnlld or <'ldc rly l'OnlJll'll'nt & rxpcrienc- c-d. Cnll Harhor 2050-M. 31-Stc EKPLOYMJtNT Ol"FJ:RZD • Up lo 3 yrs. IO Pny In,\ \\'LEIG I I nEALEll "·a n\l'd RI Ph,, !'./\ 2579-R. 25--lf< MCf' Good 11ppn:1un11)· Writr 111 o n('I' R 11Wl<'1Kh ~. D1·p1 l 'AC- LANDSCAPING ;?() Ve11rs E>qwri<'n<"<' ma & N1•w llOml'S l\IR. Q; L. GEORGE !'\EA('()!' 5979 33-22tc Expl'rt Watch & Jew~ry RF:P.\llllNG l-~1n<' n1nmnnrl~ nnd \\'ntchr" · :-:r.wrnrrr .11-:wf'.1.r-:ns 111ndl'r nl'w :'<1·1nac•·mrnr 1 11r.:.>:.'nclS1."''"l"'rl \'i.lfc :.;.R-111:1, ( lakl.m rl. C'ulrf 34· 11<' F'InST CLASS Pamlf'rS wontl'd· John T Simpson 512 -3Rth S t.) =""'"llM t ~ach 31-tfc Kur~ ~ J!<'n,•r 11t hou~ework for adults srmi-ln1·ulid , ~mall hom e C S. prcrr rn>d. midd l<' aged 114 JX·nrl Ave., Bol. Isle. liar. 1479·R. 32-3tc \\'ANTEfl \\'nrnan rnr 1.:rn1V11I IHm~rw11rk. I a<1111t lncly In fRm- il) I l11m1• n1i.;ht~ 11 •.tr h o r ,-,;1.\\. :'ll1111nnr nr . T\itlhoa • :l:l-:!I c \II". l'Cllt ~\Lt: ~~--~--~~~~- .·,1nJ1.n:1• Wlnt1~h1 .. 1ct~ & H111rt , 1 '.1_.C~IBIN<; ·SU PPLIES • o\t•n1 m <1<le to 1.rclr•r i\.l~n Plex h:1ni;~ & l.uM1r ~,,..,.,~ rx 11111 • . ., \\'11rlcl Pr1~\11.-1s r·,·mrii;n 1" "\ m t rd 5't . 11,un• in{fi'in R..•acl Phnnr lluntln 11:1nn 80-l h OpC'n:-: Sat. & s ·un. !I :i m '":;p m, I • '' ''11'1.l 'l·~ T• 11 1 .. 1'~ tnrludini: " 11 ·11111 n11•l1 \.th •· ~:!:\~I \\ ;i'I h11111• rJ1"'' ""li1'l1•d 1otlr·1s nt I ''"ll"l'.1f':il1~· Jlrf•T..., 1.; .. i.1.., ' II 1ln1 1·~ ,1-. ••I Ujl ""ltd 11 111 ""~ d11p:1 11rinal.F; ~.75 ' 1•.u·h .. ' ~ Furniture & Tran:-;f er 1'4 •NllE D «nd . INSlll'tJ-:() A Guo<l Buy ... ·. Is a Wisc Buy l .1·1 1 's lldp Yo11 U<• Wise < "OrRTf~Y Sl-:R\'l\F: II.il l "•••II 1\1 11 "" .11wl 10•1\1'tl '" l11i.;h "" 11ut1f. 1 :'llt1111h l' M11r1•h ::·1 111 \II 11 rt1 "' 1111• I '1111111 t llf J lo<'k , 1 · .. r .. 11 ... 1 . (',1l1t F 11r l ur •lt••r 111' lt•f 1n.t11011 • ''"' :u •t C 'rnl tun 1,,;,1'1·1 ~ n~1n1 \ o """ 1 th·.,;n. !':'" 1·.~11 .. • :1:l,1t .. 1!16:! ·1 tarhor. Ill\ t1 t ·oslR Me!IH PhonE> Dea con 5rJ38~ ~'t iH !'Al 1 "1• 111" 11~1 n• "'' 1i•utt• ti c .. ,.d C'••n1t.11un Ill 11111 II 111•· 1111 lal1• 1·.11 (':.II 1·•l·111111•• 11. ""'" ~·7111-H ~3-11 1; 34-tfr F0R S ALE -Candid camera with flash 11tt11chm.<'n t $10. t~l\'C' dreu· rs good nmdi t ion. s1zc 12 to 14 tell ror· $10.00 435 S11n Ber- n ardino. N<·wpor l 1f<'1~ht1. ~a­ eon !\:\49-R 33·2tc F0 R S1\l.F:-ll'r ho ". :"10 Iii .. wh1h' pntr ••lnin ltnrd. IK'rfrc l rondi- 11on $:!11 ;, J :! A' on1dn, t '(1ron:1 dt'I Mar 34-2tp Fl >R S AU: (Inly thN'e portable l'IN'lrfc Sin~•·r St'\4'inR m llChlnC'I IPfl Frr~h from r11ctory. C'.all 1516·W Ornn>:~ 3~·5tp FIREWOOD. CHARCOAL & RRIQum'S PROMP'r OF.LIVERY Wri~ht Lumber Yard 17R4 Nt'Wport Rlvd. C'OST A M f'_<:;A l'\l'aron 5665 R3-tfc Pf enty <>f Good Tiree All Sizes Compound Motor Oil C 1tllnn. TOr ~_:~ ~I K ')' ~11'•~1~ '.!. ••llt\l\'tltl ~t 11111111r. '1111..:.~~ 1111'l111l1·~ lllt •rlni:. ~I It •• Apl•I' S 1111\\ l1t111t, ;1::11' Ah· ,r 111<. l'I 11.,11 ... 11. ,;r l'h < ·1. I'.!· lf1'i t :r.·111l11h• • .~.:>tr \\',\NTFI I s1111 :J\1>1l11hl• n11 \\',.,1 I ·.,,.,1 a (o•\' )CIU1t!U\ ~, *'Ct •lft~ t!Ph•1•J \l~)••I"-, IU' ''' .'••1' 111 $)110• 1111lv I•'" d'"' t,•ft fyll 1111"1'"•'•.,I ~\o'('lt· f1n11,1ll\ \\'/lh 11111 ln1·ri1 t1f hk1· mln•I \\I "'"''' 1111\' ll!HI hi ~u1·h ""'I• .11 ~111.111 ""'' f,,,. I"'""" al "''' '" •w,.1111i.:•1111i: 1·r111111n1.; 11:1-...• rr.... 1tnd1or11141> 11v nlln1Jh•. Arl't Mt1"'' r M"r1n1'r I'S l\1 M nl· 1hou1:h "" 111111;•'1\ [111\11" 1n1: s"" < ·un p11t up t1:11rn•· ~.f "' ,.,.,..,."r'· 1•:1p1la l 1 '.111 11 1111 . ,,.,1.11 p , 1. h:iJ•' \\I "·•II 11• I"' .. "'"" I I II hor :•o:: I :11 11, ITFI> (),\f, 11 1r111w, 1'1 ·ft 11111 :1h•1111 n 111l11+ 1J d u1l11vtrd. rn 1k1· nfr1·1 :o l-.o F l·'" ,1 1' qi , 111 n •·1 '''·~I 111,.. 11 ,, '-'rl ll ,111 ~fit111· .. 111 ,.""'"' it• I :-.1 .11 '\ti -,, I' " •• ti• I I J 1 I• • ·tll U\)..' '''HI Htalh11;11d 1111 11'11 11 "" '" k"' JI ltltlf\I" • ,·,11 tot h11H1 I 1•d S " ll.1.• J 1 .. 111 I .11~,, l•l 11111 :t: 'd ;' Fill( HI :'\'I' 1\ttr "'"' :• 11w1111 ,,.,., .. ,. ~1111111·1· f•tl :\· llllll1t'tJIJ1ll' '""'P'"H•fl H···"••11 .• t1J, :en; •~ 1.uul ''" llnllttt.1 1 ~ XI :ti•• WI! t l.l 'A~E f.,r'l•1·11 1,.,, ... f)' uo(urnt ... lv ti h uru1· ~· ,, .u "' ~·Id 1 .. •Ir. ••Ill,. 11 111t .1. II l l111tl1I . II (J u111I f1•11o·,.1I l•ro"k ,,,11t JI:!:\ fH•,ltlh 1't• ,, ... , 1·rtll tu I"'''"" 1711 "'"" 1-"'r' 1\1111 ( ·.,,, 11 M•·s.1 JJ·Jlc 'I nFnn"c10~,-~-1 1,~ I '11 f111111~h1•1I \\ill 1,.,.,,. lrn 11111· •••t•r ('fill1fp.'11 II K "~' 111•• '..:, ff I '""1111 itl)<f lo"\ t '111f th JI• 1 "'" ·1711 N1·,1111111 1!1111 t ' ...... ,II M P'll ;\1 tit• ·', .,. ''"' .! ftM:•fH"" f 1f1• liillt1 l 'h••I\• :11 .'I I :~., 1·,:111 l\111 .. 1111111 F1 •II HI ;\.'T .: 1 .. 1h 1"''"' t .'h 1 ·,,. ;11 llnl l•lr :r"I II • 1·111 s 1 :-..~· 111·:\ .. li\I. :--111.1• ...;,.,..i •111 oll 11111 111111•111·11 Iii"'''"" 11 1 r ......... I"\' f1Utnt·t11 ···nuut '., i·••1tt \\'t 11 •1• ltn \ 'F ' t o N• \\"' .,., .. ,,... :11 111 \\' ,\ "'l'I• I• ·11 1 It I f\.T 11.111>111. \\1fl 1 1 1lt1tdf 1tt fH,lfl~ 1\l1'llt1lt ''•ti 1•t 11 • ·, .. It'• u11111 .tu1tt :111 II'""'' .... , I 1: 'ti "' 'l•••'tflu 111 '11 d •t11tt \ \\ int, ti t \ I t 1tttf d,t, I '" '" h t llHl!lt t It,,, ,t It .. ,,, 0 fj;". ,._, 'I f ilh f11 '-.,,pt. lido I t I ,, , ,,. •• t " J •••• I '"',I , .. ,,., "'.i' '' "F'-''··1 '"'"''' I 1 I ~1111 ~ ,,, I I I • " 1 I '-i:i I ~ 1u I ~. 1 • i t d 11, f 1!1lt I I I t I ,t 1111 If f1' 11 ' .. :1 ,, +ti n•I 'n I •I •r ,,. 1 t """ \\ ,\ '• I I I I•' l'I ·.I ,,, ... ' lhi• .' lwofflJ!•lll, ""'''I flll It .11 .. 111 h li1111t ·' '"'"" 1111 """"'· l11r1:1· ~1111111 Ill hit.: ''"'"'· hr1•t1k. ,.,~, hut I'"'• ii "11•1 An 1111ru1·1lv :-.t. .. k rn $17 111'tt1 /· ll.11 fr 11111 ll1n l I~ ''"1't11~l"•I)' )<lllrJ• ~,.,. 1111, I ,111,, l•l• N•irth lti1y 1-111111 11111111• \\1111 l'i• r 11nit fl'Hn•. ~I SllUll\ IH;,h ···•11~. ~ ....... room ,., .. , ""'"' " ''"''"' "'" "''''"''' Miii I 'f I• ,,1 llO Mt'ff n I 1•11~1 c '••11tr11 1 .lfnrhor Iii\ I.Ill),\ I B1·li11vf' MP lt11<1 Lovely ( 'oronn cit'! Mar 111·:1.11x 'J m:111tc w lM ~.-nic-rn l V1·11r" oltl, r~I fl, llN'lttl \'ll'W lot. 1-:"1r" 1111 i.;1• 1l••h111 1•11 ttn A har- 1 ..... ,,,., '''"''"''"' l111'ttll11n .-11.~. I """'r 7 11 l'oln••·llltt Avr. . 3.'l-41p (.'n;L"t Propt•rtif':\ Co. Rt:l\1.TUllS WHY nun .n W lfEN YqlJ C1\N SAVE I lR,900 < •N TlllR f',,C<'t:l'TION AL . llA y nt1 •NT 11or.n ; On This , Exct•ptionnl Bay Front Ht>me Fur tlw nti:ht IAH'llllt111• < '1111 llnrhor fl.! W fll 'I< L•11\\'l'H~ 111 'Nila fll•otl•·r11 lwn •for~ 1110('('0 flHllll' \\II• ht11fl flt tlntltllllll}' flnf' -•1 •·•·lf11·111t""~ ""'' 111 lt1 1•11t•••ll1·nl •',.111111)1111 t hrrnti.:houl f<,11 ..... 1 .. 1 .... 1 .,,.,.. 1 .. 111111111; II f111Hll •• 11,.w 11111t 11\1111: r 11n11\ \\ llt1 l11t .;, tlf • pft•tlf", t••11 ,.,.r \'lt•W \\ irutu\\,.. ), ,,,,t,,.,, .fuu11~· ''"''"'· ... f ltfJ h1l1 lMll .'ti,. '1 ftltllftf'~ ''"""~ ''''It lull lt• pottl lo l.11 4 I~ 4'1 1••111•, '11 l•11l lL•. 111111 ~Ill• .. :,1 'tt "'''"' ·,'''a" "" hu 11ur ,,.,, ... ,.,,\(, 1 \11"••\I'\\ II \ I I IU fl• •'.I I I llt ,,.,' I II 11 I 1 o t 1 •I ·' ,,, ,,,,. ,, t 111 \\ ''· ' t1 .. 1d I.to\ r 111 .ftl' \t Hf1 1•1• I ffl• I tf \• 11• 11 lfl ldiruf._, f; J • fl l..:fl. " 1\h 1 f J 'd \ 111 f.11 t I d 11i1f lll'itt l f11i( Y. I I J, Ou 1 If ••"'IHI 1 utdn1I. l•f(' 1 "' 1 • .. '' .... 1• ,, • 11 ··"' .,,,, t ,,. uiStU- , , •• ,, ••• 1111• ., I .. , ••• ,,. •••• It •• ,~. I .... I p .1\ ... , ... l'. ~.,., .... , .... htt<I f 1ttd '••Plfu• • f:n \\' 1\1.n:n~ JU.£...C.Q.~.'JR4.C(!.'R (;,i)1 l•lj H', ·!''" lol,ll'k Jl~lt­ l 0fll"lll" 'll lnt: ~110111~ ~.~'i:'i 1'11«hr•n ~Ink.'\ ~!i ?5 lll• .J.;111nclry r r;;j "· r;1• 1 ·irn n Western Auto Supply Authorl7rd ~a)pr 1Ra6-N~• Rilold. (:°-09t. OUT BOA HJ> :'it OT OHS A'"ND TIOAT S I 1'1 I I I fl •J /\I,_......,,, 11t • ~ I• • \11 ... l11ft111 ti " '"'"'' ..._111<1 Jl1•ll ,jHHll•-•· Jj..._LJ\;.. 1~1 I '"'''""'''""'""'' 1 111 1 111~1 .. , 'I'll· pt uJ,.•f\ ,,,., .• u a,:r nn• I di n a1 h Room~. (lt 111n H11arcli;, r l r '1!i1h & ="•'l\'llClrl A''". \c,~ln :>.!csa Pl\onr Rl"ae<>n inoo-\\' -3 SERVEL :\'I·\\' ,'\J 1 l~f 11 S1•1vw ... 111tl II• I'·"'' ''" All M1<k•' 1•f \J.,1 .. 1' • \1 \It II fi lfltllttift I di ,,, 'l t111~t"t"" ".tftl11ttfU' ,,,....~" ..... f .. ,.,,, U ('Ult\• tn ' f:, ., .. ,. ·"'"' · -..11 1111111'"''"'' .il'4r1 f111u t h d fnh11n1;t '·· ,, .. fC f':-.1', Mt'4C'f:l.t.A NP:flt'M IS-tfc .LEROY SLATER " Movr Anythlni; An)'time Trnl• 1 ~•·M<:, i:l•·••rmni: "11111• ~ R5. I Srnl plfl'' rind r111lnizs I The G A S Refriger ator c:i•t our prier!'. I Som e Modds A vnll1.1hlC' r-;ow O:.iw• H . ·'p it •!" ,, I I I •I' let ~ I; II 11'• ·111·1 It JI o\ '" f' .u ... , :n ''"1 Hot w11l1 ·r h••aJ< ri;, n1•w 20-gal. f ~H6 <'11111"1! l11w111 fl, 110111 ·.r.7ft-M S-16.50. 1 Balboa Furniture Store I :!I 1,,. •~t:A •. r:-.'ri\n; r."c ""so.: I '" R c•hu1lt hill \\at1•r · hral"rs 2<»gal. l"" M i S t n 1'--L'() ...:\\ \I' I J•' 1,, ''"I••• I 11. ,, 11 r •• , S()f'dRllzl'd in 1-tou~rhold GOOd" .\ Jlnrhor 391. !" 1.00: , "' II n ' n """ r H SA I.Jo;. ::'.! 1-t C'"'-"~ ,.1.., P' MO\·ing I '"' •Pho nr rlarbpr 145 1 2. \f-~ rt!Plnr ,1111 ,.f "·"' 1 $W~t • "'" '" 1 1th • II 1 '11 \ I I ~. Smnll TloatJ I Any plumhin~ llcm C'9T1 hr h-4 220!> f'"l11tr1t Jll\'d ., •N~wp .. rl Trrm~ pfi.,111 It 11 1,.,r 11~1 t't,,... Iii~ 111\\ 11 .. 1m• .I lltt>f;,.1111 ... 2:>:'trc · througfi dtlr !oral o'r Los An· Pho nr llllrhnr 116 I twri•n "':\II ~ '\ '\!• 11111 ~11,,1 l••, . ., .. ,,,11.I >" ''I" IH I I ~. ----------------S.:t'll'!l o rfil'r H -1fr I · fl 11 n 1. 11111 '"'r ~,)(._,\I 'i . .,,.qr" 1'1111111• :l'I ''I• HARBOR · 315 Marin~ Ave~ srhrft' Tor s SF.AT n ,,·i-:R.<: ,.., •R s At...: ~ ••• _.,, "· ....... 1 r.1U'11A:-oor. •• Plumbina,Service nALRO lf' ISLAND T 1 , T '-4 vn"I. ,.r, \\111 ~w•1i• ror , .•• ~1 ~·· "' Sh • \\'Ill ~:l\!'""'r;r ·~;11I• 1 1 7~ Nf' .. ...art m\'d .. Dr11roii 6111 I IOppo~l>' \111hohc ~urr.hl ay m: s_. n m • op. I d o n. \.\'rllo• Ito \ '"/\'' , .... :-;, .. ,,~ I -.! • I •1 111111 .,.,,., 1...l.95Cd..Tuc•"•" A I '-'I • h I T" ",• I n••\\ ·''• •I•'' lo r .. · :1 1 ,,, :•11 . REPAJR.JNG OUR SPE'CIALTY -~= u f)nJO•r r p ,, ltl~rlr•i;· -I 101"' ' If• i.:1.1ii.. Lu \I 11· 1711 J 'u111t•ll•I ' .. ,1,. C'ontr!K'tll'I& and $uppl'8 llA 2~lfi·W 2S-tfc l\ont nn~ Trurk C'w;h~' 1 MUHU'AI. Ar RAUIO-14 M• ,., I· I. r I/ 9-tfc F0 R ~I\ r .r·:. A tm q;111n Motor~' :-.1,.~J.) ',"''"'1 ~·',·n•nil NPWJIOl l''lllrfh N . z I . ..-1 I · ,,. 0 . nr wir '"" • ·I c C'W ,1•1111 1 '""' .'"~··111w f""' 1 11, '•l0 l 1 .• •I·~ 1 t I , h:111.. \ 1 COO PERA TfVE ROOFING co: New 'and Rep~ir • P hr•nr RN1con 6217 ~73 tlden Ave .. Co.ta MNll »Ue 12 YEARS SE'RVlC!: r.J THE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAJNTTNG C'ONTRACI'OR 274 P:art 19th St:rwt Ph. 8'-a. ~13 Coata M<'t11. Cllllf · 30-tfc ~~r'l<ll•··~ an gfw""' r''" ttinn Jin Rhl•• ~'l'l 1f.,r /1l1I t. 1t• 1••f1rl1••'·'• , fl ,,,, ''''j'''' l.,l!l-\\ :l/l.4 1< EI ECTRICIANS I . '""'"1 '" ..... """' II· '"''' S'I · ' J ' • tJSf;11 "'"="''is ""''1"" f1.r 11•11 •.n 1• 1 .. 1,, I ver Plating ISmr•· l!l:.!01 r l'nl 11rpl Trntl• "''" .. 111 111·1111 C'OPPF:R, RftASS, GOLD l'•mlral'•ini:·ll"l'"ll ' nn..u. s:;J11n1•t t11i:li•·•I ;tlf.,, ,,,.1 MONP:\' TO l.OAN Po li11hlni;: ~ R.l'flnishinp; ft•·~1cl1 1111al •l111l11"1r111 '.fir Will l111v f.,r '1••1 '"'llh I•;\•;'/· Bayside Plating Co. · s ci1M111T PIAN?•,., 1 '0:"1 -.: .. 1914 lrnrhor Blvd Et.-...-Hok in &, Gah-:H1 . !\fain. Snn111 Ana l't 1f<' t ·n11111 Mt•M. CF11i f , Br 11con 5113 l!W.olt ( ·.,,.~, I II\' :iy H• • · r.i1r I S P IMt:T rrn1 rt•r IVJ• p111n•1 l .rw• Iv f! 6-tlc 'I 'f• I tn nl' F in" arl1<o11 y,.,, j11,1 I"" W111c;hr11 • Oork1 • Jewelry H1Ft ~Al.I-. P111f!I ~""'~ •I •rr• l>ANZ·S<~IMll •T '"1:•11 -.;., !>faui 1.1 IA NS 'JY j Ill ·r r.r I l•Hv. trnpn1Vf\ rn1,,l1 '""' "' "f1naor1• VJ,. I"" ,. ....... 1111~1 <11·1·1'J~ • ::F'\\l''ll!T l lAl.111lt\ n 111•:11111. S.A \'I'>:';" If. I.I •/I N ASS:-J ;n :n \'In 1.11111 l'h ll11r 1~i1t11 ·11 I•· I . . . nut h11l111wl' •1f • ~1'1;1 T o r 11\• CJJRON()METF;RS p1irt11t1\t' A-1 11l«ll ''"'" "'' .... 11 S 11nt11 /\nrt I' r fuo~ltlnR _ Prompt Service ~rirmi.:~. l'<•ml11n11111tl1 k•" • n• 1 1 r \t'TCIMllT l\'P: • T lltF.111 St'nelble Pried hr11trr & rn<1k rr ('nll r.t rrr .STF:fNWl\Y <:1tA:">t1. ·~J'h" l<tnr 11 \'.Ill ~ 1,. ·","I• , \'.AN DRIMLEN f'rwpnrl Jlh•<f •• HI :!:11"-1,1 11( f/1111!11'' f•rf•l"I <'t1n<f11 11111 11, 111 ; ··•I I •I" l'l •ll• f'Ol!Rl M··~a 1 1 -,,,, R"Or~V<tUl' l11n1• s.1\• •o\t r ~I ·~ .. , ,.-;;, " ,, Painting -Paperhanging , J E w E LR v ny llnur o r Contract 1~ Newport Rlvd C'.oeta Mf'M ·"'ANTED TO BlJY II f lltn7·S• 111111111, S :11il11 /11>r1 ···'" No M11in 111 11, t .• I I• .• • I 'l'I ·111. I ' ol'I• I'll I·: 1·1· l'tl/ 1!1111 ''"''I Rr~t mRt<'riRl~ And work~nshlp :\.tic \All M C' WAGGONE~ F< 1H :i;,\I.~. A1• · 1.r1.sh1·r i.;nnd • HARBO R ·2!'i2S·W r<mcl 11iun ~l:i '"' :V•3 t-: B n)'. 28-22tr Hnlhu:i :l.!-l1r INSUR A.NC E • • ~ AUTOMOBll.E COMPENSATION "STU" .DUNLAP • TACKT ' CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances • "W• Buy Almoet A nyt hlnr(' GRANT'S Phon~ 84-11 !\707-M I~~ Nr14-port Rivd . <".oata Mrt11 4~tlc w.m Pav CMh F'or yoor l urnt111r• or what h•v• ynu Phonf' RP11ron ~ ~rawley Furniture Co. lltl:> Nl'WflO"t Rlvd , C.0.1a MM• ; ; . • tfj .tf• \\ ,\ '-'f t I 1 I " 1J 1\ J • " ·" IH71, c· .. rn.,ttnll ,.,,,,,U·• I· ''·" :1: I• p S PINET f n1 ,, n1 1111 r, 11111 '''"" r1·n l 1<llnw1·•l 1r ""'· "·• liol "r I•'• 1uq1 fi k,." ~•'111>-'' .,,,~""'' IU•nt 11 S tilnl'f "'''\ 1111\1 ""'" rr11d y I t:uw Sd111111lt l •11111" (",, ~2'1 Nn ~ln111. S:111t:1 1\1111 I'• rf1 RAl.DW I N. llf ,,.,1,f11lh 1~11~111; ht1n1Col•1w "''"''' H•·I'"'"' '"•I R11lnnr 1• r"1n 1... fl'11il •111 1 :o~> mnnthly 1m\T1l• nl• Tl11• f\ 11 ,;1·m . I J11n1 ·S"htr11•ll J •1.,n•1 1 ·,, Alm'*t . Ht• t•J"n"' '" • "'""' frttm ~~I :-.:1, :-01 •In. S.1n1n \1111 I J'I; If 1 s1•1:-: .. :-r ph 1n•:--111 ,,,,1-,." 1 11" t111mr1~11I 111 ''""'"' 11• \ .i, "'•' t,.. lnlft fr•1111 I ~ ff,• I """ "''' Sl~I Trrm' 111\'.i' 'f'tl\Hl•'t T"IA NI> <«I . ~'JI•:'\•• ',l .. 111 "'"' '" Ana l'J lfr , , , , , ~,, t , , ,, • , 1 , , ".... •, r ., \- , ., I t • ' I • If )11$' l' 1 ' I 1k j ,., \.\ J•t ,,., fl .,i,.,, 1."•1 ,\\ '!1 "•'I' l!\)(t.1\J', I ' l•·•l1"·"1 1l1•,1 ~· d 111 I ,,.tl•t1t '.,,qdd11 r1 .,,~, t ti' t I I •f \ ' ( .,,, •• ' "' I ,,,., :\I• .... p .. 1 .( 1\ I I' f I " 11";,. ·'. I 111 II < 11 ... 1 .. ,, •t i t I '"\ f.f • t,(t\A fl•1•1f ll '""fllnt't~ 111r•'f•J •111n P1'1 '"''1• {ln,•t' I l fi J1l1 tth 0 l't1• flfl' 4-t Wt \ff; '.', .. It. ft d HAU'lf P. :.t ASKEY :t i! I \\ l'<·n!ritl l'lo ll11r '111:/ 9-trc l • EA l:I. W STJ\ r\r ,EY 1•1° 11111(,.•1 ty ' ·r 111" .,p,.,·11 '""' lto u11• ... , • .,ul1t not l<I flt I' •II I 'I\ I It I •_; <, '.f \.\l '••l!f t, It I A 'I' I II II ,\ 111111 1( I lo<• 1lt11flll t1ll .. '"I M \I llil 1111111 .. lfnd fl•1llu r' '""'' Uu111 "'' or• u°'k'nte .'f11·· "" 111 1 r .. 1ilh "i,11•i 1 .. "''" It IJlltl Wt' 11~'' 11111l1lft•11I lltlll 1111lfil111( •·•~.. rrh o"rir--..qeo · itrit,..''-'"6' .... , "''' """' \I 1 ... ~·· I Ii . k•)', 'I .. _ ... • 1:,111 A "•I• 111\'1'-I ~TS · .. "''"'' ,., .. ,, I '1 I•,. f.:111 ',1~1 'l'l'I lfl~ Ill tl<••lro·tl: "" ( 'tt:t('(l J 'rt1pN1.i1·~ ( 'o, . 1111 1 ·1•df 'l it\ ... 'l'll\\\ • • t \' f'" 1 I I J ~, tf ft Il l 1\1 .'f'I tit,,,_ t •tiff ul "'' IT • .M.\ILJ:.J. 1\\'J I ~ltll ••., '' 1,1,1,i J 'JiU/IJ• Jl11tJHtt ,•,;""1k : :i-1 '"' I.) > I I 1,\ I I\\ \' \I" 111 1:\ll I • l'J ..., < .,,,., 111 ~·r·, ol11wn,' ,,, •• ,.HI "'I '.,, '11''"''' "'' d prtt·•· ~ .. , .. ,,, <''htl /\SK f ·,, , .. ,,,., ... l!t 1t t\, l \1 ........... ,:\H :11 11. •l.o •, "' .' \ • 111111?' ;14 '.Lii' YOlJH l~°E/\LTOH AB<>L 'r r MULTI Pl.I: 1.r s·1 INC I If·: ·11:1-. :111 111 11·1·· .... 11111: .J,,,; ,~, l•·ll y1111 llltc;lll !hie.: Ill'~ :.1111 ltllJrl'll\'r•tl ";ii<'' J1l:11\ I II·. / o111 ""'' \1111 111•1111•\ :111d ~'''!' ~111 1 11m1• by 11-.tlng, ·•·ll11 w «ltd l,u~ llli' ll11 •••11:li f111 , 111·\\ p r111:111111, 111-: j, 'l"" ••11•·1·1111• ;If ii•l t •\11.1 ,.,,.,, " ,\1111 ,,.,. ··1 ~ ..... 1 "''r\i•··· '""'il1l1• I ti ,\'1 ll I, Du11 't !)clay ... l 11 vc..·\t1 ~atc T<1dc.1 y· Ncwnorr If arh11r Bo~Jrc..I ,,f HL·alt11rs , ;~·I · I fr TAX S AL E ,. E -W -P -0 -R -J· L -0 - T Sale Will La\t f 11~ ,a,.l Few s D~ys R I D S W . f ~O M . ~··1 : $ J () 0 .J ' ll O L CO MB - f;oron:1 1lrl Mnr :l.1<\tc .. ' ... 1· .. .. - • t4arbor F.emi:nine Activities PbOOee: Harbor 13 and 208 ~y Winif rcd Barbre lJ' P 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TIMf;8 . ag~ ~ Tttt Ri-U \~ ~''"l"•rt n .. ,,•h. < .Ulf. \far c·h '.?!\, 1 ~4'11 " .. Helenita Sims and Charles Kassler Marriec/ In Ritls.at St. James Episcopal Church ' v w .. arini: lr11rtt11nn11l v. h l I r utln and h1•1rloom lure. :\tis H C'l('nit11 S1m11. ft11111thtc·r, o r :\Tr and Mrt. William J . R ~Im< 1'11 1 Bay hl11nd. w.1<1 m r1rrl1•fl y1•s- t r rrl11\' In SI JnmMI F:pl rOJ)lll churr'h In Churh's :'tfoH:ll 1.;11<1~· ll'r Ill. !!On or l'>trs R<•11n1·tt 1.;n<i"· ler. T.a.Jtco, Mc•xiro. 11 n·d . Mr C'hurl!.'11 KAssld. ~nn Dw~o. du..f A sintn j);at1,.r was !hr hit .,r ulu.. .. :-.11~' \'1r~11wt Ah••ll .. r, 1 ... 1111: B• 11rh "'''"' m :11d or h•11111r. "'' 11r- mi;: n 1;own uf ~ olln". Tlw ,., I• .r "it~ r••11•»tl• rl 111 lll'r ho•1q11°·t arnl l'Uh1rw 1 1or rt••'"·r:< s. ,., 1n1· "' l>t·~I m:in • was H11~· I l:orr1s 111 l.11s A ni.:rlrs. ,... ·· \1 r~ Sun~ \\'llr•· II fr<ll'k or '•'lll'lh .11111 R ltl'S W(•r r l'lmpll', In n1·r11rrl-snr1 1111;.k In <.I 11•••1 lln('(' ~ith thl' lltt)('mlnt)' nr Jfnl )f •I fJflWf'fl•d httf \\'rrk . 11n(t wr r" 111•rr11rm"d hy F11llm' 1111:· t lw ,., 11 11111n} ·• , , ... th<' Rrv. r nul Mf\<11 r \Yhf'1•l<'r nt '"'I'"' n " '' h• Id r11 . 1h1• S im• 5 o'clock In th•• 11r11•rnuon In th" lh1fl1t Amuni; 1111.,.1• f>" ,., nl "' n prC1il'n C<' or 1n '1r mnrl' rl'lntl\l'S l h~ hr111·"~ _Fr.1111ln111lh1 r. :<f r, and close fril'nch. Tnll bAsk r-U W illi 1111 T'. SlmSi oC r'fl(l('n1X : :Xlq•1 of 'whit<' 1toc:k flrtnk•'fl 1h1• i.t1,1r ''"' h1 11fh••r. \\'olhnrn J H !'-1111, and w,•re u~1·t1 In 11ll;or ''·'"''" "'"' 1• .111o 111lm1: 1111 1·111" '''" Wl'ddm~ mll~lr w r1<1 p h \1'(1 h1· Ir l '.1 1h. Salt l.:ok· ('11\' Tt11 Mr!'. C"h11rh"!! J f, 11r1111n -111 11f1 n"'fll'' 11:11 • "'' "• 1 •' I"•'«· Thr • hril11•'s >!"" n \\lcs t<1"1· • 111 for 1111 ,., r1 nu111\. :'-Ii~. h 1•- lon ("d wt th flt It 11 h 11 II 1 r ,. m h 1 11•11110..: fr11m 'l'a'\t'<• nn1l Mr poin11-d 111111ln1• 11\1 r ,, full •kiri h ,..,1, 1 ft 11m Sa n I 111 i.:11 with lnni: tr·un 111 1rlt•11n rn«I' '1'11.-I''''" '' :1 l'r 11h111 r• ••I point lnN', t h• ""'"" 1h 111.: 11lc'I " I '111\171 :'d11••I l11r 1;,,1, I :t. 11- wu lJJffl for 1111' j"llllr llflfl for d t1I I 111\il .tlll ml•'<I l111• ('111\, 1-.IJ\ the l'Oron .. 1, l'lllli;ht \\1lh f rt 1>~lri~. nl Ann111:i nntl \\'haln1 '" e11ll•T•. from wh1r h r11•r11t1Nl 1h1· ''"""''"· \\ .t11.1.\\ 1111.1. \\ "'" s11. "" 111· t1r \'c1U tf, r,.n., ... t ~· 1\ 1 ... u.111• 1 "''... 11 r• .,.'r1tl "' rutl"lt1 111111 HI Iii l1u·'· of w hhr ruir.r , 111111 f11r lh• .. ,,.Ill•" ltt 1111· 11 "" ml••r "' 1111• rl• • •'I'll• thlni.t h111 rn\\1'<1," "'"' r;i1T11'C'I h1•r 11 1111 "" m 1mini.: I""'" F .. r lt1•r grand01111 h!'r·~ w1•rld1,111: h1111dkf'r· h11111 'rn1w1n ··n~rml;lr 1>111· d 111st' ·POTTED PLAN'FS, AZALEA S, LILIES, FRENCH tfYDRANGEA, CORSAGES, BOUQUETS ** • . ; .... Easter Sunrise Service Re-;irlorwe: I larhor lfi.17-R fl \\11111 l'Ull \\I.Ill ),"Th) ~11 11" ~. 111111 ..:1 '' ii\'' '~utu·s •I-1tllltt 1 h 111 ,111 if Iii• l•llt1ft1· •t.:I .,,,,. , .... ,.. d 1\t"-H•U Hf P h•,• Hl'7 <lo11 vi.: 11. '' ,, .\Ir 1' ,.,.r .. r " ;,, pr•,, rat ,,,,t1111•' 51f,u1 .. i•1 ~fJh\ nt J.,.,..,. ,\.,~·· )•"' ,\1 I t ·, 1111'1 ~,·h1111I llr h\1•11 tnr,l t ~··•r' in J·:11ru1~· /Intl My1t11 ti~~·\• 0 . >•ill:> ;.t It lll1tfft•l•I ~ II\ l '.1 rt~ 111 1l1d pr• 11111111.11 ) ii• ~11.:11 1\\111 k (10 Ulr• , •.• r1 " 1'"'"1." r .. 1 rr.111 """ .• llalf ·'""' hd1111 1•11t1 rirli;:<llll' hf'ltl~' l\11 , 11 11 "'' l,,, ... 1.·t "111 flt 1k1 ,IJ, It JHtJl,!'1 1n l..11, 1\ftJ.:1 I+·' urPll L• ''"'"1''''''''~11~,· ;.t , lfo 1\l I ( ', 1111 1 •Ill• I \\llll•h lh"\ '" 111 J • l'UI• .111 .\11 \11 " I '11•, 1;11 .1 .'''ltf Time and Space · New Appr9.S1clr 01 'Construcfivists' :'\I \\ '"In \, 1l'l11 \\ h· f\ 0t1,h1'fll Utl\•d 11 t (liltt11' \\h1 f1 th•· 11 '''' t 1d 1,, • u ,.,,, n -1 fr•• h ·nul ••· ••I ... 1rt11• '''' '' ,,f ~n' .1.1 ••• 111.i.1., .. 1.11 1h ... 1h•11 n 1tt..r 1 'Pl" ~1 int. ..,,,,,, I• 1u11 • \ ,, d I 1111 ..... ,, fl 11 ti '"' I" rut111tur• t u l '"" i:u,· I tr • r1~ ll ·I Tl,, , 1111 11,. 11 .111 lil.11111.· t11lj t1I tt.., t• \••lu ttnu h:t\ Ut • ... I II ill 1111111'11,h• d :II 11 ... 1 .. "h1111lil 1111 II h1 111.f• 1 lh It• ll11lp• PU\ ... 111w11'• 1•11h• Th••y •"1111·•1 th1·111"·1\t' '"""ro\11wh "t•rn1 ~'""I ""'' .. Thi· .. ,.,11111111-1 :"\;i11111 r.11110 :onrl 1\t1f1 dn1· l'i•''"''r, \\'ho,•• • \l11h1 11nn " on \'f<'W "' lht• '.\l•l!lt•11111 nf J\ln<l1•rt1 Ari. lut' t· """n prornl- lll"Jll 111 t hi« "•·ho11I or nri ~inr1· 1111 Jnr·••pt ion Th,. y 11,,,." Jim· rl111nw1l thllf ~1~1rP 11nrl no t m.1 .. c: iii tho• ,., 111ral 1•l1•n11·nl ,,r ~rulp· turr 'n1r· l1tqk 11(.,lw M 11 lt11r th••y •11irl 1<> 10 1•·nl'!r;11 .. int11 """·~Ullf'll1tnl' .. u r ,.P'I.,.. 11nd to ron\'f'\' Its 1'11·m1·nt11r,· .. ,.n«11l1nn ·Thi~ «m11tlp n n r s p111·1 i.huulfl h!'romr pnrl or dally f'Xp<'rirnrf' the way l'l'n"llllOJlC: Of hi.;hl 11r. 11mmrl hdon1:• 10 1t Anni lwr or t hrlr mntwat h>n~ wa"· thr mtro- duc-tinn or thf' l imr 1•lt•m rnt In 81·11l11111r" J n thl' pn·~· nt ~how ·~ r t>\'nlv1nc p1rl 11rt' mn11ntrrl on "'""I) rotn tmi: fiiqn< r;illt'<I "kln- t>IH' p:11n11ni.:" I!< nn r va m pl" o r t11•w 11 rn n lw rlnn•• \\'hf'! h••r I h1· timr ..J1·n wnt m !H'11lp111r<· 1~ h1·ri• In st:o~. only r11111rf' C'llrl lf•ll n111 lh1'r" '"'" hf· n11 cln11hl th11t r.ulK) 11ncl I'• \'!ln"r lut\'t' ,.uN"N-ciN'f m hrnnrlf'ntn~ niicl 1·nli\ .. nln'c "yr \ ... inn rnr 11p11rr 11nd lh111 tlwy hR'IJI• 1•x1•r t1•d n stroni.: inl'lui·ncl.' "" p rr1«·nt duy sr11 lptur1· rmt1 11r r hltc•cture. -P 11ul 'Mocsanyl Orange Co. Lutherans To Join in Services 6 :30 o'Clock 1 Fri. at Harbor Church. at I 027 Cliff Drive Newport Heights . ~- _GOOD .FRIDAY. SERVICES .. SI. Jomes Episcopal CRurch 8209 \1A LIDO 12 NOON TO SP. M. I Thr l.uthrTan i'h1111'11•' t•r t)r11ni:1• <"n11n1 r 1111• 'l•ln,,.r1111: n 'I" t 101 < ; •• ~1 F ro. d11) Sc n ·11·1•, :'tl11rd1 :.:1; rot T h" :" 1•" I' 1• r I · I IRrhor · L.111lwr11n l"11url'h. to:•7 <"h r? Prh '" N•·". 11nrt I 1t-1ch ts • \· --,-. Children's Home S9ciely Psychologisl u:..;:a~·;·~ddresses Newport Harbor Auxiliary BarneJ-Sabin W ec/c/ing AtfendeJ By Local Residenls Stn•ssm~ lhr mrant tes ting T h1i1 "as the third m n serie s l!hase of child plaC\•mept, Mra. or educsuonal progr11ms Mrs · ~r.im 111.u hn r nrP11 (l('Ofllt' at. . llti.lt'n Randall. IJS)'Ch olu1:1st for' \\'c•nclc>ll C11lk100-µr.·~1d1 d 111 th l' u•nl'IC'd th• "C.'<idinw o.LDorot.hca !hr· Ctuldr.t>n 's Hurm· !:l<>c11'1), ttu-m1-.•11ni.: a nd mtn i<lua.·d thl· Sabin. d nui:titrr or ,)S?""lind Mn • _:::tdn lJ1<-1:0 d1~1 nl·1 , J:.1n• an in-spe nker , Pah·1, r !'al11n 11(..R1111 M 11nno and -ll'fl'lo .. lll( 11nd 111.;trUl'll\'l' re port ~lrs Cit I kin~ rt iit1 ii , .... , lt•r L" Id n ... C"d A n J __ ':·m··rr1 l\ll> , .. r \\ 111 .. ar,..,.,. to tlw m<'mlwn. ol th•'-N<"wporl r.•i.·1;1\' 11 r r u m '.\1111 s rvn B urn· .Jr . <no .fl Ml' a nl'I ;\Ir~ E dwin llarho r Aux1lrnr}' or (h<' C hild-)lam. prr s1dton1 or t hl• San Di<'(;O A Bathr·!I or P;1-;11d1•nn n •n's H ome Soc1l'ly 111 a 1n<>i·11n~ C''11unc1I or tlw l 1ufdr,•n' • }iomc ·n r · J ohn Fr ink i"''" -~r. • lh'ld TUl"Sdav a r1t•rno6n at t h e S 1.>1•11•t). 1h11nk111..: llw N .. wport formrd !hr ('1 r••mon \' In r hurclt hornl· or M~s. John l.1l•b. 11:.! 11111'1..-r A U>.1 11.u•\ for llS dwrk • h rl •r ~"'~I I"' to ·1~. usf'd b'. thl' of C111r S.I\ 11111r, ~11n C:nhri<'I. Ankt yst 11~·nu1·. Uulboa Island. ..... "' ~ ' Al lunl'lal)t.. ,, ,. I' l' C'ynthi~ '.\l1i1 R11nd11ll l"ld of the plo-HO<'il'ty fc/I' psychiatrie ~rr\'IC•'· n:irn•·'· -1 .. 1.•r ••I 1lw hc11'11•woom, nl'1•ring ur lilt' S111~ I •11·i:o of11Cl' '.\li•mlu'l'S !JI'• ..... ,, at '''" ll\l'l'f• ,., 111111.f .. r 11 .. 1\11r, :<Ir~ Kellog I f I I inc "1•r1• '.\It scla1111·.; \\'•·nd1·l1 Cal-m I '" "'" rr 1 ,., • •lflJ1ll'nlal t1•sr ~ S1•·:1r. f ( '<1111111.t ( ·11.m1ll.·r 1 a nd u,, p11l1h~l11·cl 111 l'i·lll II)' Dr km<. l ll\r,>lcl <'1J l11w ... 1l, ll/l \'ld :111 1.t ll•l•ll·• l l.11·11111·11 Iii)• h1• C'11ttPll Tht•s1• l•'i<ts tll'· Cori<on, ll11rulcl Chri•alt•r . p · It.' Ed".tl' llr 11111•' \\.-111111•r wa.• B11s~1'f r. l.t""'" I l1•ntlr1rk~·on . ll. ,.. tl'rrnlnc• wh1·tl11•r 11 !'111111 is m ·rr-" 1 .. ,, nl•Hl 1 ·.11, I ' "··r1· 11irhnrd 111:1'. hd11w "' 1•noi:1·. or i;u11('r1or H I lvdgku1>•111• Fn•d I lt11111" Jal'k P:dnu·r S .tl1111 h1111 h«r 11r t h c I n llllln 11111. Allin 111111 , ~"11dv F. 11 in tr ti:1'm '•" und nn· of vln1I · h1·111,., Ch111·Ji·, J. J\kl 'imn. J ohn ' -.. r l 0• ~liJ•·Kny. \\';irr1·n !\lortv n. Jnhn 1111por an1·e 111 ~uccM.; u II r•p~ I\," :\l:1~t 1 1 • I l11l'li C1h~.111 Mar· 11w1s M rs 1Urnd1oll s lr('ss1·ll p, t• r"111• .lohn Li.ti. l.Psllr• Sid· t in ri11rl \'1111·1·111 llt·a l) '• • "'' · h · . .a ll'n~··n. S.1111 Purl• I', A. \'. ~··i;,•l-ai.:.110 1111u 1ti.:a1n t ;1t th1• tra ull"' Tl11· 1·11u pl" "di 'IWnl'I 1he1r k h 11r't. a nd '.\l1s~ :lla r1h11 \aldwl'll. • ,,·or •·r~ 111 t h•· C'l11l<lr1•0',; Ilom r • 1111111·~11111.vn 1n ·c:u11)111a~. !\IC'X., · I Thrl'1' n,•w rµ1•ml11·1 s 11~1\'l' jvin,·tl ~11('1<'1 )' f'tlO~ll 1 r Iii(' tul:il Pll'• 11011 \\il l h ••.• ~ 11 .. 1111· Ill 846 s I I I ,, d '"" i\t1\.rl1,1ry T h 1•) an• :'>ks-, •Ir•'. Usrn~ I It' Sfll'l:1 llflu . rt;Jl' j., ~l.11•1•11(.:0 ,\\1"•• f'11,.1rJ••nu. llfl<'f ral histo~) rn i·n11J11m·t 111n With rlrinws I la d {·y Hlodc 1·tt. \': ·r. i\pnl ~l t h.• .1 ... 1.-t<l•'f>nW·lllHI fl'SI ~ !\la rt111, illld ,\_ \'. ::il'i;l'lhori.t. 1"'.;... _____________ __ "111 rn :.1diinc n d 111r1 '" a n · • · · • · I """I''"' hwn1 •,'' sh" i..1id , "'W•' AlthP•ii:h ilw 11"11111•·rani; is~· n -COAST OPTICIANS t r~ Ii~ •lll'•'l\:1111111 10 111.111·11 not •,r:ifl~ ·•'-.....:J«l•~l h Aus tr:1ha. ii 111a r-111t•. ,,.._,.. Mw "'l'T lll'' T t) IT , bP dl1l11't r \"'11 Ir\ fu t:"I '""')" '")' .f1•.tu IC."•ft uf l~uh .... J.d ft·"'· tu·r t1\\0 ft:.trHrulat I 11 \t1e1t·r. , ... ,flu.h·n:"' n "f't•h •· iu·· •''"'"' f,,r 1·d1" "lnnlni: •'f•,.tun1 ... 111 11.trhor Ill'' '""""" :-o;adi•• """kin~ 0 :1\ ,., ""I. \I rlatflt •Pf' \I I' lt'lttl'f, " r1•"ll'tl1· D"I') ~la••. ·"Ith Unit• ~lt'\\IHd. ph'"" Ii.\ .\.Jn11 1 :.I (lf~h th1• '''" 11111, 111111~< SUl'fl ·" 11111 11111 ,Ul'IL!lll .1.. 11 ... , •.. J.111 1n F"-w Ho•h•• .,, .... " rn 11ow1hl\, 1•'11:11h1. ••hw.1111111. ~-i.!'1'1 f'll'llll•• tlra\\tna:~ 11f 1-·L!.'i>"I Prf'ee'rtptlon• t-•t11C'J A1·('uratel7 ''"l"n "'• nl\•l .~t1"'ul'<'. hut :ol~t1 11.111<: hu111111~ rl11r ks \\llhli h<l(tm· , GI»-J'rom11tly Rt>JiaJred .... l . I I ·' I . ..,,,,. .... , .•.. " I 1 n111i.: '' ''' h 1 n 1 1~c111'1ll • u 111 •111 I h rnl rn1:1l1h ~ ~ud1 ... ~ rw·ri;nnal· l'll'lll t~ri1hs E I I. TillELF:, O pt ician long Beach Cellis t To Give Recital Belore New York Debut 1:1 lo I I I~•• • h1 d ll.tlll )1111111' 1 • 11;<1 .11 .. I .\ 11111• 1 11r I ht• l!H 7 1\1 I 11 • .11\"""'I H,.,,1 11111ht1nn~ f'nlll• <I \\Ill lu• flr"!<l'nlf•~ in rt 1•1\ 1t··'f"'l\'1111 ti f'1••·11al in tht• I '11111·1 r r 11 111 ~" t ""' M 11nir1pnl 1\111f)1,'1n11111 HI I.uni:' n1•11t•h on S11111l I} "'' 11111}:, Apl'il 4. 111'""'" h\ 11 ..in1•r·rr dl'!lir,. tn "''' "' 11 -rlo'""n •-+1 trlhuh· to thl~ n111 .. 111nltinJ.: \'1•110)! 11rlist . who h:1~ .dr• ''" 1111 •11.,-111 wirll'<cprr 11t1 r1•1'pt:11111 .. 11 '" h1« hnml' city or Lum: fl, 11 h .11 ... n ·d tal is b<-in1; "llfln"~"<l '" th1• lrnrlr~ of prac- . 1w11ll) ;ill m ;q 11r <'l\'ir nnd cul- tural 11n.c;11111.1111ans o r thf' com - f1:111m1y. T 11•k1 1, ror th<' r~lt11I, whlrh nlrrm ly h:i\·1 •·njoyro an <'X~~ t wnal ll<h ·•"''' "'"''· mR)' he pro-r11r,.1t 11 1 1 tw A11rl1torium Box -, •rt 11·1• ·md I liimphr<')'ll Music C11 . in l.nnc ll•·.1rh A II m R1I onl"r" '<h1>11lll ht· ~""' d1r<'('t Iv tn !lw J\11d 1111n 11m Rox 0 ff1Cf'. - Y11•1n1! ft,.,.., .. :r 'c•h•ran o r th<' I's Ar111.1 Air ·c 'or~ 11nd now ~111tl••n1 .. r plul••""llhY nt thl' U n l- ,.,.rs11> 11[ ( ':ihl1•rn1;i, will lea\•r' S11111lw rn c 'ahrorn 111 ~hnrtly after his L1lm :. lkach r.L<dt:il to open hi~ mnn>rl rl,.h ut In Ne>~ Yor k r11~ I I•· h:•" ;olr1•11rly nppearNl In 11 n11ml1t•r 11r i1111fivn pictures. lnC'111din1: 1h1• "~11m: or Hussin." produc .. lf 11111·ff'r t "" muslr111 dl- rrctio n or AllH·rt Coal<'" amt, ~tnrrim.· l't11li•·r1 Taylnr 11nd su~:in l'•ff'r". F11r111••r l1r-1 r1•1l1"' \\llh !he \'1t•tn r Y .. 1rn1· orrlw~t r 1 nn thr T ••\"H'O r id1n f•tncra n\, Hct*'~t' I~ "'' II '"'' "." '" n1 11 " 1 1· In' 1•ric 1 h rt>11.:l11 ~ .. ut 111 ·1·11 C'11)1t .. rn111 II<' hn~ "l'I" ,,,., 11 :os 1:111·•1 ~nlui~t n t h111 h • h· 11• tllanrl• ll1)\\ I .ind liil'_l1111l\\\l•••I ll•1\\I th1' l ollf•r a111• ·" 1111 • '" 1111! un11 .. r tlw r!1- r1•t•11un • .r 'h1 r..,.,,, \\ n•·rt 1·un .. l'!Ut'fl•r. n 111111• \\''Ill• I T h• '" fJ,. "hll'h H•, "" "111 "''' i11 111~ l .. >nr H•"lf'h •• 1•11.11 ".1~ M<'n of St. Jomes Club Mecf af Norton's Cale 'II) llJ'ld I• rnpt•r amt•nl • ·--------------- . lnr.1111 ,,,.,1.. 1rt• q11111• 1hrrr r. · •------------------------------' n 1 fr11 m I• lol 1111.: r1r 11l1kr d11hl- r• n," ~Ir" I< tml oll 1•11n11111i. J "Tlw inl:inl "' l• ''' ol thn111i.:h 1 ,, t,. t 1• J I•• r, ,,. , .... uuut , pir· ~,.,,, ... ' t:rn\\ th .uul c r o \\' r h I I " \\ .. 1. I' \\ "" h "'"" l'h.1 11..:•: If t<J1 lllf tnl .i, .. ,, fl"' .J ti lli1 f1,1lfl'.., lh'f tPlllllh 1r- \ .. , .. ,11 ... ur,·1t Hlrll \\:1'\ qn; ... ul \',,, pl• ""I Jllt·d 'ftlt'!-otJ.1~ t.'\t-.• 1 111 '' a l•l <'l!I ·om fr,r lh•• :<11•11'" • 1,t. .. 1 :-:1 .J1onw • .; l-'p1-.1·11po1l 111 · 1111·~11~11 \WI~ h• II'! 11 1 :0.:nr- • 1 .. 11 • 11 •• y ~hnn· n 1f1· with R. I •••r11lil llall in <'h.u·i.:" n C a r- '""''' 1111 n t.; anfl R11lll'rt \"ilia- t •11 1 "li'• I'\ i-.111;.: lh1· pr~ram. I'" 11 1 \ ·l•1i.:h t n11·111IH·rs ,,. c· r <' n .... r1r;,,.t-f•lm. d"pi«t+4--mod1·rn 11• .111111111 nl ~ru .ii.;•· a nd lho ., • .. 11ct J1 •1 l'r111111l.;h•n. i.howc·d '"" I \ t1hll 11Jn o r jN propulsion p l.1n1 !' \ • .. 1 nn 1 h" p rncrnm wns T r d I ~"' .:h• r "ho •·n 1 <'rl a IOC'd w11 h I· . .i. 111 111\'l"r~ anrl mngir Th:• R .. v P11ol J\foo rl:'. \\'h('t•lr r 0.:.." • '' 1 • 1~•rl nn }1111rrh work. pwi.:11" •If lhr -pl:1~ .:n 1unl'l-:i'acl • r.. I ·'''"r •• lwrlul•· I IP· al.,'1) 11 11- 11111111<·1·1'1 l hal Wlllt Ill<' <'llOIOJ.: 11! l.1 111 fl4•1;11l.1r mi r l inJ;?• nf th1• duh "1t11lll h1· hl·lcl ui1 1 lw ruurt h Th111 ,11,,~ 111 •':ll'h montn "THE YOUNG JOE;\'' rl 1\• l11 p n111111.ollr. lw" 11111 p la1 • 0 Ill :111 :11l11pl 1\1• h~1Jn1' hill 1~ i.:i1·1 11 f11r •h•r 1,•,11111: and fm nlly if ht• rlf!' ~ n111 rnll"' llfl 111 par. h1•' i<; not :H'('1•p1 .. d fur pl:t('I'· m rnL H11a rtl1n.i.: '1111111· rutlwr tlwn u 1 ' nur~1·ry 11 rP ""''° ,·x1'111"1\'l'ly h) !hr S 1111 nl1·c11 d1~1r1rt. Thi~ mf't horl, nl~n. \\'a!' J)11Jn1•c•rrd hy th(' !":m Jl1q:o dlstril'I orrirr T tw hoarrl1ng mnth1•r11 11rr· J11m1h11r j WI I h I h1• PMl:r!lm o r cll•\'('1011- m l:'nlal tr~t" nnrt rn11.1ntn.1l1" 1r1; the: n ·r;;rsls thro11i.:h t hf'ir oh~rr-1 \':tt m n or th" ta:ih11•s' ht•h:i\lor 11 1~ hy th,.!>r• mrlhods th,111 lhl:' t'h1ldrrn'.; llom r Socl<'I)' lrll'!' to m 1111'11 :rnd d1•1r rn11nv t h l' 1ntll\idu:il nN·1i~ of 1hc· h11l111·s a-or! a<l1>pll\ •' 1>art•n1s Mr~ RJtn- d :tlJ pomwd o ut that thf~ is <'X· 1nmrly rl1rfirult tn do wh1·n 1 a Jinfll 1t•ns nrr m .1dr t hrous:h -"''"rr•·' 111 h••r 1 lliln llw ndtJp t 111n llj.:•~nC') l lnl) I lw 11~11pl 11111 111;1•11!'\ h.1!> ''"' H·n 11·1< or .;k1 lh•d w nrk· l"r" lea 1·arry 11111 l h•·~,. importn n l pn11 ""s'"' in thr <:11r1·t·s~rul plarr- rn .. n1 n r r hlll'lf <'n rn fos1pr honw~ I · By Mossier y J I i4 Strictly T ailored's Own Cape Suzette Custom-made in Cru ise FlanneJ. \X,'oo lens and Gabardine, all SiJ k lined -In stock and to order. fr om-32.50 Strictly Tailored t 737 Seiuth Coast Blvd. I • La ~u na Beach (lfl ALIS .TIN POHTRAJT Newporl Harbor Lut/J_eran-Church ---=~..-a---... nMr.z ... 1,.,c""umf:"llf:rTllJIDRJVF. •• iiEWPURTllEIGJITS ( 111 .... n mi.: th·· i:urr .. rmi:" n r ,f,.,.,... o n t hi' l'I ""· I 11.. ..nt 1r1· l't'f\'ll'f' w ill la~• lhri•r h1 111r<: hnm I.! n•w>n 11nt 1I :l pm . rh\'Hirl'I 11111• '"f'11rnt(' tw<>nly-ft,·1· min- ute s1•sslwu_ of ll11n:J11p ';incl m•'fhl11 1111n Thr i:rnt·ral thrnw 1>r 1111· .•1·n ·1r 1· 1nll h, .. '"!1w s-r,·1·n l.11-1 \\'or<tl' ~ m :u-t. n1 1'-!:C, 11~ .l••tHf1•' C t..:· lorin11.. r 1111>"1' :irli't •11 nr 1111' l"aj J: ~ •Wlll .. il 11 I' ••Ill' or 11 .. ~ rnrr~I n nrl mn'<t r 111111i1~ 'I"'"'· m"n• ••f t h1'< 1n 1r rn 11l••11all\ ·11·. r1·urn.·t1 n1+1k• r ~''"'1•!1•1 t d to h,, •··romd ""')' 1 ... \n• .. 11111 ~11 ·1111- ' ar1u~ ..,_ • If ti NOON TO SP. M. · -- Christ Church By_Th.e. Sea 1424 \\': Ct:NTRAI., NF.WPORT 1 P. M...T0 SL.---.~-- Community Church , Costa. Mesa .420 W. l!Yfll ~T .. f'OSTA Mt::.~A ----::·• . -' ____ ... .:.... ,. . .. ' . . ---··r.;uu1~~~ Spommred by the NeWPort Harbor Council Of Churches • , T/"' h•)~I pru•t i\r1 thl' fl,.,. lll'r · lw•rl I · H111J1 \\'Ill h1 •J:!.jn thl' ~rr­ \ 1!'1· \\ 1 I h · '"llw Pnrl'lnnon~ ' \\'nr()" ;11 I::' :'.'i T'11"l111' l. \\,.-rl- 111 I (Ir S ;o nla ,\1111 \1111 pr"ill'h on· "Tl1t• Pr11mlc:10" \~"·•rl " \I 1:.i·;,11 I 1a...a111 1; ll11•rl1•'• k1·1 .. r S ·1nt 1 """"'",..,n:....,..,. n11·~~ l.h<""1111\J:• .;,,..-~1111.i \\'or1l " X1 1 'I'• P n1ttr•r .1 .1 1111~',,( .\11 1111 1111 '' 1ll pr1•.11•h ••II • Th. '"I pl1 '\lllL' \\'1•1 ol .. 11111\• r :111<1 lll\tl1t,111t•rt 1111 Tio. l'I· 1cl111.; \\'wll" \Ull lwi:in ,.1 I 111 1\t -11"1 l '.1•1111 c; '111"'1"· I. uw • I F11I" 1 111n "111 Jlr• :w h on n .. I 'II• ,111 \\ .. 1.t I' ' .. I 1) r FOR HER EASTER GIFT Comiptet e Selection • RINGS •WATCHES - • BRACELETS • EARRINGS • COSTUME" JEWE~RY H .. 1'1 '"II •·I•"• 1111 '•Ill•" 111·11 .~fin ,1 ,11,•d tt 111. "''"' ff •• J' 11 ' 1ni.: \\,.,d" 1• ..':l• '1 •11d 11111~1· ,·a t tount111"-\\,l 1 •• pr•"'•ri11 d h\'' 1111 11•111•11••'111 Grade R·~p;e senfafivc( 01 Harbor Hi P.-T. A. To Meet Morch 30 tlt., .. ,·...... .,. C:r"lf'k r\•10 ...... , ,.,,,,t '\• ,. I . Ii ......... 11 I ' I ,. I' \ ".,., ,, I ' :, I t ' I ! \.l"tl"i; ·~·· .,. I ·~ ,,_. " ti",, f t' •• ~ I ;-:'111 tr1f 1 • ' I. I ' "\, I\ ~; nr 11'!1.. • .\II "'"'I",, 1.< II ... n 1d· ", .... , • · d i' • , \ •• ' ~ '"' :-=111 •rd I' j, ·~ \ \ h ·ir1q "' , ' ~ 1 I "t I \ I J I H \. ~ ' I\ ol I 111• n11 • Ii II• 11 'Angeleno Visi ts M~fhcr '.\fr .i111l \Ir• 1: ·\ 1111tf 0 .1 OI I' Ill' I' I 11 1 •I ..J\h~t-1Jf't;. ;tf'•" t'•1rtl•c nr Mr l r·1· ''·II• I' H111!1 l'r••<r • 11 1. 1 nu•'. n .ilhn:i 1-1 111d r'! 1 • I I ,t. \t II 111 I .• •o, \' 1 1 •I' .. .. f • I\ I Vacations in Flo rido "Come in and 7'1rowse-Around" ~ ....--\'ar:i1i,1n111; "' I •• •I 1 \I .. , J\l1kl H.>11<~""'' "' ""''1" •• It• 1rl • 3 Day W '!t~h Repair Service ·Q~RI~· SHOP 205 MAIN STREET, BALBOA -' '· ·' -... I -· AS A CUf .;• ,,, I,, ,1 i\t,~s Hn111l1no' '"' 1 ... '.\lnrylrmd c .. n • .:• 1. , n altinwn• :1 1t11f ... d ,, \\ ·~11 n. 1 /slan~tudent Home :'>11•• J"t,•ro11tH \\ · ,.1,. •11. I• n r lll C1•ll··i:·· 11.I ., • l' I ,. SJlt'nd1n.: t--+·r '·•~ d 1.u ,. t . r hnmr (ln 11.tll>o•;i I • h 11 l ~111r1111c •11 111•~ 1.. ·.:• i;:ntdUnlc'4ii ti "' d••t.h. I .. •, 1 11\1~ llr1' tn,u1 .u1c, ,,u ,, , ,., ''L -L "That'll a 1••r fl•1·ll» Mlf•'r 1111111r11rul 111111.. ll111111.1 •.•. 1'111 "'llr1• ) 1111r • Mom'll "''""' n :1IH111t i:•'lllni: ~""an··~ l11ri1111t If'"" •l-.... thnl lt•llk !" ' , \ ~ ' " FA ~I 0 l S FOH "FOOi) ~o·.~ Cl'J·:~ li::W TO I< I'. ~I . ( l.OSF:n \IO~H \ \' . SEA F<lbJl -STEAKS l>l~~~R S • CLAll{ G~ -~l.ARTJ~ '!1041 O•·•·n n 1:r1•11t .:O.t•\\ 1••rt n1•111·h FOR EASTER! B'EAtJTIFUL LILIES· • COLORFU[ AZ~LEAS 4' FRENCH HYDRANGEA • AND OTHER POTTED P~AN,TS .., Cut Flowers-Corsages-Bow/ Arrangements ~AUSTIN STUDIOS SANT~.\ A~A Bal/Joa ~~ ~/u,p. ,'\Oll 1 ~ 'OltTlf \I \I' l"TRt:l~T ~ F.. C.-nfral. Ralhoa ' t n1·'t ti• (iall.-~ faf Pl Prompt nw:t: nt:1.n t 'R\ :\,y T t'lt>phonc-u \' c-t ... ,. Ol't:': !I \ .. \f, TO I] t•. \I. ll \II,\' "'\Tt'tUl\\~ 'Tl l. K I' \I . ~t 'I>\\"' l l\ \l'l '<ll ,T\U;'T -------------------------· I I - a J -< . -!'!~RT j ~QA • ELEPHAINTINE COGITATIONS ]( cW.s 'lffJA\ES TELEPBONU: llAJUM>& 11, 11 AND tel PUbllsht!d <'Very day, Monday Ulroui:h Friday, by Sam D. Porter and Lucius ::>. Smith, lll, owners and operators of Ille ="e"')>Ort Harbor Pwblis.hini Co. · 1 \'OL. XL s,· CaiT1rr ur Mnll: SO HO ix-r month nnywhNr In ""l'\\'llQ.rt &•ftch and ·Costa Me~: $:l.40 tor 3 months. $-1.80 for 6 months; S9 ix-r )'CW- Dy M1t1l 111 un.ni;l' C:uunt)'. $ti 1><.·r )'<'ar. to -Ith um", S~:!:i .. · to 8th zun ... S!l 50. ' Entered n.1. S.-coni:l-Clau mattl'f' at the Postoffice In Newport BNlch, <.:ahfomin, undrr th<' Act. or March 3, 1897. . SAM D. l'OHTEH Publisher LL'ClUS S S:'>llTll. ll1 Managing Editor \\'. F. Dt:I\~ ):-.; CL)'DI:: HEX 1 Ad,·~·rti...Jng Prmt1n6 Pinnt. :IO I I W . L'l'Otral Awnue, !)lcwport &·a·ch. Cullfomla Official Paper of the City of Newp0rt Beach A Ut'ptihd»ble l.oc•a.I ln~tltuttun for Over ~O \'e&n - . '!..\ TI O NAl EDI rORIAL A~tive 1948~ ::~~~r Easter's Prom.ise Man's :.:t1-ug-gle towanl peat<', ne\'er easy, ha~I entl'red the ".alley uf another detision :.1s Ea:-tt>t', l H·~~. j dawns. It i:' a :-tru).!g-l e that has nc\'Pr C'eased thn>il~h ~ "-..... . the ccnturit-~. howcn'r t•lu:-;in~ the reality or dark the d.e...:-· .;:;-;,', .. .: ......... -...... njght. l Thi~ I::a:-:ter, d~·~pite ~athering-international d • T k :111.t th• 1t .. 111 .. 1.1, 11.,,t .. 11 :\t11~r11m cloud:-;. faith in ultimate permanent peace for all pco-om In 0 yo , .. ,, •. 11tw11 '" • h.1rl th" Anm•-- . --. . . ' -1 Rise I to · Remark • "i -I. ' N&WPOBT BALBOA N•Wl-'l'lllSI p 1 T iii Ki.II,.\\ NP\\ J•url 11., ... ~. c 'allf. M&rC'h ~I'. lNI age • I HO"'i . .IOHS PHU.I.I~ 1 .. 1.-. '"'' "'"' 1,,., .or ~·1r1 ""'11o1 STOCK MARKET I" 1 Int.• t h1• "' 111\ "r In t.• "'""I ,.,,. ,1.." ''"'"'' " "' "·ill '"·" REVIEW htll 1 hottl 11 \\, tltrl 11111 hu~" 11 • \\h111 ,1 .. 1'""1111111, ••f thr 1'~<"'1· t't•n.:1•" 11." ""'""t 1h1• St a 11· h111 1 1 .. 1 ""''' .. 1 11i. 111 ""111.t "' ·r. l"· Kllr.Nl .l:N tttttl •• , •. ,,, '" 11. '""''rt"' I "·1•11 111•,111 '" '" r •• , l11t•1tllt' l'"llh , ... i. Ii •lit " II •<h.J, 11 ,, t 'nth~l l'ro·-•in111 .. •lftl \\'fltl'~ t. •\141 \\i •~ • tJ• .. "'''' .. J.ttt·1. l'th'1•ll1~t1of1\.,11 '1Al•'tlh nt. fr,un \\1 t1 1tt .11.,1 f.1f1•t• •l•·1•h•t \\ u '~I\\ '•lltt'• ~lnt .'"' ,lJp). ""11 '11'1 •l.A-•t• olt lltt11l.111.: tlu l'1,.,1t\.111 • "' """ h1tVI' 1 I' 11• '""' 1,.,i I ·tl•11I I •• ,lh '-1 .. 1, .. t11111 .. I 111··~111.111\ hh;IW'r I 'l' I 1 I ,, • ,. U'•" 1t1 1•1 ,,,,, ... I 11 ' ti lt tl I I I I f ,.,~ .. , . , •. ,, l" '"' , .. , "' '' • ' ' "1 11 ,, , " t • 1 ,. ,, " ,, .•• ,,, th 11 1ti. , '''"' ,. "'th.ii 1\ n h'r 1o' 1 .. 1111 • u1 1"'1 tf'• • '·' ' d" ,h •ut f'I • 111 • 1 1 11 •I 11 111 ti• 11ro 1 ' • t • H I I ht ll' " I \I It I • I "'II •tth 11 I 1 I ' I II d "o \\ d 1 11 ltt't U t t•••Ulh ti1 \ 11' """" ' I ul 1.,' tt • ul 1. nh "" • t 1.:1" llh !\I' ••' \ 1tl" 1111.I It''' " " " ht "' '' 11111 t ''" 'r1 111• t' ftll llttl llllltll\ l111tll~h ~rlo1tHu11I t 'f'.' 111•• tit\\',_ .... ..,..,. t' 11 •ti t t t• t I 1 Ii \ t • I II I l I I I .... ,-rye '••:t ·1 14 1''' 111 • • • P \\I 1 •••••·• uft u1 \I\ "''Jilt• 1 I\\\ h it\ It'''" f\1)h"t 1l1 ";- 1•n \\,t \ '"al .all 1•1' "" t1 uth 11411' n11111q h••t11. 1.t ''"''' •1 '''' '"' 1~tL 111.tl,., •h trl\ lhet \1•tu1111• f1•1ulr•I hl dty up"' •\I•• lid 11\ '1 ll••ltH ll! 11fl•1' ·1111• 1'1111\fl\1111 '''" h1 \\tl\t•d 1111tt 1 tl l't\\\li•l1 ,_,ti tl11 I'}"'" 1,f11 n,,t ' '' •l•d '• "l• ll 1111 tl \\iitlt1 lht• ~t.H"-hitll l'l 11t 1•"'-''d •1IHt0k l\ 1l1t1 11 11• '"••II• a•I tlt."-• i·1~11th' u11I i \111i t•'"·li•H1f u'fh•tt Oil 11•1 I I ,,h. q11111t uh1th: nw ~ .... ,r. I id .... !\ .... 111 ,,, "''•11t .. , ""'"d l'hd 11'tL .••• lh• ,,., ,,, htll \\hl•h Up\\ ..:1~'1!C tu Ii 1 • •' U ,·. 11 111t .. 1111tl11 ''''"''1 ,tt 1t11tlr •ht "-1ttt1.t'' u11d ,,,,,. ,,,,, 11 • .l 1u,11 if 1 1,11 th, \\lut. t11 •• u,, \\I" \h•\\•'Cl fnv· ll, "' t I ,,, .. II l 'hn1 no '1n 1ul 1\ •lid '1 11•"dt\ 111t' lllt 111111 1 11 •II• l'•ilP1• l'1111l. th., 1hh \\ i1, .. ,,.,.1 il•·••puhl tnnr.J luihl•."t.dt' !1 ,h.11 L dJ11"'-' •ti• 1ol ll' 1. '"''""'" t '" n11 1 t1• 1t1 1li11t11n ,, '' 1,.1,,, 111 11.,. 111. •''i U''"'' ,,, • illlll1•,. 1,1-.11tec 'rh,• i\1n1n,· l11 l•1t•' \\11!1 ~•Tt'I •'''"' t•·•T•u1-.1 1111 ll11q ... ,. I"'"' II" T hi• •• 1 .. • 1011,, ,., 1111 .... 1,1 ... 1,, """' tw'''"'"" \I ., I I ,,,,,lo, .. , " .. r'h" 1'"t11•· ·'l"'·l.k•• h1•d ll11t••llll•1tt ru1'"''"'' 111. tll1t Hunr rlti• '''•"hl11tt f "11t.1ht •. illll1 •t 11~11 lhi+q\ &.'4'11'hll· '•I 111 '''· ''IJ t'.1n~.1· ....... tli;tf •h·· ll111. li1ll ''••Uh l I•• • "'h , it f, 1 '' 1 ·1. "'1'''1 .. , •• '11 . u11, 1(l•··t •1 it• •'' \\t•rhl 1111 1 • ,, 1' 1'11~d '' 111 n1n~~ lt1 .111~h1 "' tl11 t 1,~11 1 1 , • "''' i1 dt ''' I ,, 111' 1111 1 •dtt • .1.. 1 11, •• '" 1u 11.t 1h. , 111 , 1 "' !lth:h un- 11.1 h 1t\ \• dt~!l:" ilfl I t;1 _.: .. '1ttl ll l\1\I It llll"•t .,. \ tth" J IH .,'1'''' h Ii --. 1.t I t'ld \ i\11 t•ll~•ll• .,,.'f' n,;, \11 tltl lhf' )~th 1tttd q,~t1 "111ll1t tflr IH "'Ult 1tftt1ut lh1 1tta•e '"'' ht <itilN'll)( f 'H' ftl 01'f1t M t'\ t'0 1f'Uf J: C\ t th· ,·.t11•1· t "' lt tUU .. ul•nf ll>• fttll I··· U P• lhh th'lt'' 11 ,,,,.1,. '111' t r." ·"'' "' H~·· tuul11 \\ "' '" '"'''''"'"· \\ht•ru 1UU\,1 1 \\dhu~ ifhl I•\, ... \"th'"" I''"''' \1tft• ... n tttlf tt•ft'ttttth•rln\\tt11:h .... 11 .. htu1t t h"tt1•l11c ••• ,,.I ...... ", .. , •• " n~w 1 '\ T 1t1 ,.,•111 .t 1111 (f..,1 111 t1u l,1 l t1111l•ntdh '''"" u ~ t•f•t11'\l. ~t,h•tl uhuut P~I"' lih·h ,u 1il ltl•' ..,,,,,., ~··'UI'· •l1tu l1ul It 1f hd ti. It 1• lo•t 1l~l·•ltH t 1•t \11l11nlu\ 1ttft.,.,fnh1t .. .,. uttl \\11.,,. \11111~"-h t\\t1 :-...h1 1 1,\/'t't,IN•\\ul'U1f 1 1' •, •'l••''"i' 111 111 It . tl••H • • fl t•'"• •II \~111•ul f1il d tf1,\ \\1t1 1 ut11f"Th ,1, • .,, 111 .uh '' 1••\nl I I,,,,, tti...... ''"' '"'' ,,, ...... 4l,t1••t1111Hl l•• ''" ,,,, .. ,, ••• ,,,\ ..... ,,, th· 1·,.,, \\1111 ''"''' tlt1l111li1I l'hllfll)ll \,11o•1l '••t• '1'1'' •l'•••H"''' t'1h I'''"' '" '''' ••• U•f ~ut1!1ti P.1.,.1.11111,119 I'• l' :i.; c:,.,,,.,um. I 11 '''"'''' 11 •• 1. '\'''· l1•t\l1\\tU I1\• '" ""' ,lt••lfut f h t11r\ :u \.I r>tk,l••t"thr 1hftft 'nv t• 1: .... tr u h 1111 1• .. n nd ., , ... ,. I 11 •• ..... ... I ,, It ' ,h, ...... I.~ ...... •I ,,. \\ 1'1ttlt11 I t f llirtil' It• It 1nu1 t. ti \\tilllc1 .... 1 •. n\\t H l11tt tip I'•. '"'' '""' nutk·. t 11 ,, \\I 1°1 • ',,, n. ,., ...... t.11• .... 111 If· \\ ...... ~I ,,,.,,.I''"' l••t th1· ttt1•rnh1•r,. Ith ... th\\ , ... 'CI• tk t '111'00 ('•••• 1t11 • 11 It• I,• t '' h 11, I''"''"" ii I 1 ''"'" hill ,,,,,, .. , 111 th. t ' .. 1i";'i1•11to-c If th• \fitn&uhdtn ln"'I .. ·•~ 11,:uit"' 1it-lh• •• ~111 Jh,11 I '"""''" 111i-..t1tHl•1 -.l 1thl1to1 t n111 ''''""' '"'''~·· ''" Olttul I•'"" t 1t1\"-l•1. f11 1.1nnl '•'tt11t.tltnVf'tll· "' • .,.,, ll ttltl 1'•1u1' 1t•1•11t tf1h firl1 tud tn1t1' l"•'l•I• t;• ... 1•11 nth 1 ... 1h 1u1l1•11l•·.,,.f h' ua.t1 ,, !'\..,1111 1·. t '&t •,11Ht1 ~t1t••rl()r \\1,,, \1•t1 ••'tt1 11 \~HI 1t.1th .. ht 11 1111 ''" 1n1l1tt1 \ •1••1\ '''"" 11ut '" •••tllt••ll•lfl "'ttlt f1t1 ••11 •• 1 ,,.~ttu•ttl• \\111 Jt 1u ·ttt1n u lty I• I .. ,, , 1• •I" It '1\ ... 111 ltH1o. , • •1''"'" ..... l .... • •h· l 't• "'"'' u1 , ''''1 I'•'''-') 111~·t11 1 Snu1U ''''''"' ,, •• H, nol1'd ... , 0 '1 ,• \\, .1.1 1 1t.11•1u.;h \\llh t.11 11ut •t1• \\--.»·t ~\,h•nt '·' 1•1l•·tt 10 ln11---rnut1uunt t•nl'•'r, ,\nlf•r lrnn •II• '' llt.t i• ''l•d llh """ \, lt t'• t•t111ti..•ol lu It,. \\1••' •l"•'rtl~t· l'ol,1°1> .. 111• lttHt Alll••1l 1'h1•111k1tl. h Cl · · l<l E { t J • !\la1 l1111 !\l111111t.1111 1o1111" 111 1·,·111 n 1I pie ~till light:-; th'e way fort l' • ll'l~tlaD \\'01' · · ~flf0U e 0 010 t'liiri:c. ,.,m,.. "l.."h"'" 1~·:1k!< !mn) To lo~e faith would be soul-de::troying. True M t • Ch t . 111· 111 .. 1110.:1 .. ,1 ill 111 .. ""rlrl~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • ' I~ -I peaee may b<' far <li:-;tant. Thi~ g.ene~·ation may never -oun a1n ar ers Tho• ,.., .. r.111 1•1l1•t ~:OHi 1i'1ii thrN'· c ' . . Rael . '9ft~ "~'~~IF ."'Mr lkj•Nm know it. llOI' the nr:-..t. Hut ~urel.v It will dawn one day, TllKY\\, :\!:11 :.'i• 1t"1'1 1'1!.11 mall 1'10'\\ ·""' tltl• • pa~~··n~rr:o -0 mies, lO -IUllTV"-lU ,, .,..uru HIX banish i ni;r dc!'pair and hri ng-i ng uniYersal understand-c 1 •1lm11 1:11111. tJ 11 1 s 11 11uld ~··t -.•1111 rn•11·11-111·· '"'" ~'·~P J I in).!. It mu~t be so. \ r lt•n1tthy I ~~..,...· ... ·-·~·-·-·-·-· .................... -........... _ ............... -...... -... -...... -... -..... -----... lfo~ ... ""· .... Cllit'----------=~·r---------------, ,,la•;~~k.:r~~o~:'. ! CROSSWORD PUZZLE&JHWH :o:u: .. : IP:ua.a 5 1 We Arm 'For ·Peace America hus set her foot~t e p~ firmly on t_!}e ~ roacl -~o-peaee ;-11ot.~ace-at any imce, 1Jut-pe4ce~served tn !'ih11ni;h;11 r.·1n1n tlw t 'I" 1l1tw11 At"aotl ,._,,., neu- by justice with a sword. . . · Toda)• Conj.tre~s has bc·fore 1t plan~ fo r universal military ti·aini11sr. for a limited draft. _and fo~ swift economic and -p1jliu1ry aid to those Nations wh1ch·cry out to be frC'e but <10~1ot han• the :-trength to preserve their libert\'. T HU!Cil>A\' -sou·1tt Pre:-iclent Truman's hh:toric ~tatement of Ameri- can foreij.!n poli cjoi b~for~ the joint sc=-sion of Congr.es:" )a!'t week has drawn the issue of peace or 'Fll' sharply. Russia. the protag-onist. if' now on notice. T'M f0Ut1•1n1 ~\ilt•m• an ~.,...., llV8 f"llPOn• pro"4.M "'1' ,.._ WM.M•••• ~. ••-MHT~ oe , •• , ....... 1h1111, fOf .... •l ftUI• •haft., ..... ,..,, D&rt... ·cc•rtainly, as the Presid,ent solemnly warn~rl the Nation. there is ris1\ in actin$! to halt the rlri,·e of C11mm11nh:t:-: toward world domination. But even mnre Cl'rtain, as hC' al:-:o 11mpha~ize<l, is the risk to our d(•i11ocracv and to human liberty everywhere, if Amt•rica fail~ tu confront ag-~reS.-iion a nd brini;t it ,.. to a h~lt. The chips art-dmrn . Th<' :-10.rr.v record of Rus- sian duplitit~·. nf Hu~-.i :111. :1).!~rar:<11z(•ment, of Rm:~i,<rn intrig-ue. whith tlw l'n•-:1dt•nl l'ltl'rl. ~tancb :~s an in-• · drlihl C' i111lktnw11 t fi,r all the· \\·nrl d t11 rc•ad. ~l·Wrtlw-· leR"-. a:-:\tr. Truman carrfull~· 111:1 d 1· plain. the d11• 1r t11 p1·:ll'l' i;-; :-till iiJH'll l!11:-:-i;1 i~ m •l<·••llll' to ,~·:dk thrnul!h i• at ;ul\' tinw. If it .... 1·1m, :-hut. tlw ;1<·t \\ 111 hl· :1 r.11.:- ~i:rn. 111;t :111 A nwril':m, re~pon:-:i hility. P~rsonalized Skyways . .\n11tlw r C'alif11rni:1 "fir-." ha:-: t:tk1·11 hnlcl. !-'kyw:1.r I . a prh·atl' pilot.:· tra11 . .:cnr~t i1w11t:1I. hil'h- \\':t\' 'hd w 1·1·n (.11-. ..-\ nl!1•h•, and \\ :l:'hrn.dnn. , ... tlw higg1 •:'t hit ;11 ~1 011~ fly~·r.-. :-i11<:1· tht• i1in111ti11n111f t hl' t•!<J~l'd ('OC'k pit. PJ<tn:-; :1lr1•ady arr undrr. way. :IC't';ir.di nl!. l11 th.<• \i\'il At·r1111:111t it·:: Arlmini.-trnt111n. t~i Jll:.U\·rdt• :!.~ :1<1'11- ti•mal 1wn-n11:1l-pla1H' :-:ky\\·ay:-: /\I~ will ht• 1~1.1ttrd '.'·ith runf :ill!n:: ~dnl'l! th<' n1lll•· f11r i1ilot:-: ,,f 1 qwr ( 11li:-: I :rnd otiH'I' r:1di11IP:-::-: littlr d•>t1<.lhnppr1> . , . I rr it':-: trur that. a !-'tall' ';"·a:-: tm1~'1;(':0:~1\'(' a:-: its ' pPople'~dra!l: thMi Cj.tlif~rnia can take annth<:'r ho\\'. l P<'r~mt:'tli;wd ... \n·wa\·~ ~h11ul<I pro,·<' :1~s>wf>kom r, tot the jiri\'atr pilot a~ roatl i:i~ns to the out-1>f-town mt1tPri :-:t. · ' • ---'-.. t * STATE INCOME TAX * YOUR DI.AL KAc ---n. k.e.. ..... -----... ••.:•u ·c ---H• i..e.. K t-.C A ----11 e.. .... J ....... KtW• ----k•, "'l. ---IOTO lie. IH'AO ...... tl.tt lt..e.. lM"llU,,U MUetT 1.;n-w"1~~1 .... 1,. r•t K.Jilt•(>._.T"• 6 T-.erol' KECA.-Ua""' fh•e u e k tlJ-F'uHo. Li•I• ''· IU'W"-••• H•mblla llSX-ltlnl fluM T itrAo-a..;:::• I "' K t-\0-Ptc Atl•u• kt 1-f'll• .... k.)'.1'A -l,.rrr • l"'lratN h.I J '""'• li\~X IJoJb Jlt-ham 6:]41 f\t \t"-It•,, \ti . ' I I •' nll t ,.., t. \ II t\.S I • I 1i4164J• .. ' ~~. ,. ' \\ 1 t ttU•. Club ' .. , Kl (1 '" t luth·• .... f ... ....... ' . " '' n•r ..... It I ~ r. '- I I '•1 ,,,.\I f • ,, t ' 'II'- " \ h• t t 1 I • , J • M .. ... , " I I ' lt h, .. ,,,., \ ..... h I ... .,. \fl , .. , ,. " ,, •••• fl "'' ·~ hf I t1 11,•"I ' t •' h \ft• I •)' V , I .,. l H I·\' I '-1<.)N .. i t 1 I 11""' ., .. ,..., ... I • ' &.IL t<l.AO-N••• •Ha,._ h.'t I K~IJ Kt.t.• "'•- 1•Jt tt n -n .... ...iu &..iar\09 <Thi!' 11.\ th•' f1r't "'a ~·\rtr•ct nf 1 F'OR~"--rflrl1l ~l 10 I'= 1h•· 1\~ly ~~r;-1i1...~' ~::;~· :irlii•\r¢. prr p:ti NI tint!• r 1 hr rll· 1 .. 1111 pr"' 1<lr·r1 fl>r r• ~1tl,.nt In· IL-' }1.-: .. 1• .. 1 ""•'- ', ,., tnn r-f rti ,~ .T :'\h·C ·nlt:.t n, di\ ulu ,1, fur U'-•' in f1th\~ l!l l7 J\ ,,.1 1.1._,.,1 '.• Frinrhi•i-T" x rnmm1••1nnrr f""r•nn ·1 f inrnmr 11'1i r"tt1rn• Thi., ~'" .... ,,,;"J S •••t r• 1:111\'r tn lhhilil\' nf t:ixp;'l\'rr• fnrm :il'n\\'~ '""'"'~"r• wilh :in ,.,,.._:-:._. nn•t• r th .. C.th ft1rnin f'• r~un·\1 In-'"'"'''''' c.rn~ .... tn<..,.•rr• •• r I• .... ~ 1h in ... lil,.\.. •·•"• t...r•••t p ,•nnl• ·r:., l.i \\', "•""' t• J:"lrrll• c;..; t.( th•• c;o111 rr ):'i· ... ~ "'; .. : .. "'· ~T.\Tt: I S( f)'f f: T \X Rf:. nf 1 I ' 1n•·nn1r tn U!i"• th•· < ~ptinn 11 ~~i ~ \..•\,, "•n: '_.. Tt'R!\~ fnr th,. \l'llr 1~17 nrr T.t\ T 1ht1• if tlwv '"' 1 lt·c-1 1111<-t • M. n ··quirf"-d 1n ht fd, .. ti hv ~1n~l1• h.1n<I ,1nt1 \\If• ft hn~ c, 1.,1r:t''' t• ~11 :c .. ~~ \,.,.,;• t •• , inrlt\'itlu:ol• ltti\ mi.: a n• 1 mi·nmr t11r11~ 111 " "'' th" llft•tfln·1l T 1-c ,.,,., .. , 1 •. <'f ~:\ not1 <w ninr•·. or " f;!ro,c; an· T .• hl• nr:il1. tf 1 h• 111 h1·r "I"''''"' ~ !' \\ 1 1·• ,",,. .~;"' • .... rnrnr-of ~.-; f'(\(1 ur ni'1r1• rcc·1rrllt·<~ ·d1..tt ll"-•·<: itir· nrti11n:tl T :l"< T.t1'1•· I :~:V:.:.··: > ,,o··~~~u•clt of thr :imnlln l "' ""' inl'f\Jnr'. :-inrl •"'I' 1·1k•·• th<1 ~1:111rl:irrl I •••rltlt'l•••n J t ilt n"t:1rrir1<I p•·rsnn'i: ha" inc 1cr1 :u:t:r•"· ,,J ~:\nn ;'\nnr"'~qrJ1•nt 1ndt\ 1•luul" • ~~,~~-~:'·~:; ~t~~·~-1:;111• n••t 111('1)"1" 11( ~1.:\1~) tor mrtrf', •linulrl '"1'-•' Fnrm ·;.i~1:-:H. Rt t11rn•I ..... I •• •I• .. u ... n r c.i n :iccr•·c.it11 s.:rp~~ inrnrnP nf f111· '~r ·,t.\~ nnrl 1r11-.;\'-!i"h<11Jl<1 lu1 h..'" 1'~··~,. ~r..nno Ill' llW l'i' 1'•'1..'.itrdlr·"l' ,,, 1111• fil•·<l "ti F rirnt "\1 J:" 111rl rmr tnr•f'-ltnlnttnt of 11.-1 inrnmr. ~hip r• t urn~ nn !·'.,rm ~.!'\;) Jn.,tr11r- E~t;ifi'~ .,f '11·1•1.,,~,.d 1w•rQt1f1" :ir•' 1irm" "l1i·11111p:1!1)1111! •h•·s1• f11r111~ 11b11 n·qwr•·<I t.1 fll1• if h:i\'1111: :1 'li1111ld ht' r:iJ'f fu ll y ,rr:itl nr·t Jnrnnw .. r·~l ~.1111 nr m11n r•r F ll .l~<i-P.• •urn'< nHl•t ht· f1l• •I ;i cross 1nonnw nf ~:;.<~)(I nr rnnn• h> la'IJl:l)" '' n•1)(lrtm~ "" tilt· rr·carrll r«o:.· nf !h,. nm11un1 nf nrl r1l• ntl·1r ,., 11 lta~l• on nr 111 fnr•" in·flmr> 1111''' 1r111<! 111~11 ltlr If \1 •111 1-., t'llR T11xp11yl'r" r•1•irl -hn\'ini;: 11 11, 1 lnrnmr 11f ~lf• • "r lnl." nn t "" fi•r.11 '"'llr ha,i1.' m11,t rnorr. 11r ,1 Cl"" 111rt11lo\I 'of ~"!.'111'1 f1l• ••O nr lu l1or• Ill\ fif11 1,nih "' mnr<'. •\•f\'(•11ifur nh 1nrt1ur · tl.1) ,,f lt1•• fnur1h'm1 n1h f,;11""· •htp :i nrl ,.,, 1, 111r1·1crr 1~:u·1no1 · 1n1: lhc C'lo!'<' •if •h"-fi~r11l l'' •• 'lllp dl·n\ inc 1nf'nm1· from Call· RN urn" ~hnultl h<> ftl•-d nt 'h· fnrma ~"111 1,, mu<. I f1I•' 11 n 111rn ,,ff,,•' flf thri Fra nc-h1•r T:ix <'nm· r• ~·trtll~• , 1 11 ,. 'ifTI"""' nf n• 1 1ni~'innt·r. SHrrim.,nt" 1·1. <"11 · t•r crn<;< inn•m• fnr n•'t, ~r ;11 110\ 11f fhr \'<1r1•"I" In rl• 11'rTTI1n1nL' ,, il111t1 \ tn ril· h1 ;ml h of111'f'S thrrotlf.:h••llt 'h• 1! 1 rltff• r •'r\I'•' '""''•II tlw Ff'rl· '" ,ir ( n l R· \ cnur ""' inti ti I r . .tl· re \TF.S-Th• ("11J1fnrnh1 I'•\\ f,,, m:i '"" mu~• lu loornr In mln•I 1 ·r 'irl• • ( .. r 11 f,!Todu:ito-d l:i'C r'11H" \\ htl•· L:"nrralh •1•·11k1m:. lt.1h1I '"'' fr .. m 1 t• r """' to r. P' r • • 111 ''' to fd•• 11nf1•r th•· F"l•t 11 .11t .. r •·,,·tl ·l• n··"m• '"" 111111n" "" 1~· h·1~rrl 11nt~ uprin i.:r•"~ llW"m", il~\~rlr !•'l'"•fl ,I '\• Olftll••n and lh•• ~till I' 1:1" I!' h1\H-d 111.on bolh I' n'<lll f11r r11·prntll'nl~ •: 1 • . 1 1orr "'" nntl s:rn•~ 111romr 11 rollo"~ r• n1 "" th<· f1r•t_ ~J n,<M~~. :? 1~ r thnt In m11,n\' r:1!'•" tllllflA~1·r1 will I'• nr nn thl nri..t ~,nr°fl. :3 1~·r C"f'nt hi-n'i")u1rrd. 10 fill' Federal rf'-, on •h•· n•·Xt ~-1,1tll'1, l'lr ·nlf'rc-1~ furn~ hut nnt Stntr rrturll5. n11 ~urtnx tt ,., rn11td..-..... :c .. .. ·~ 111'• Hitt••·· .... ... h lt1 ._ '-1,t•hrU ti.•1\h a.)'A• •,.-we ., .. h t I qarn I 1-., ... k\11 U1•fll..ft I H• i.I \\U ~1 .. n1• Mtn4 k , 1-#h 111t1 I vU.J •• AtJ-Un1t) ...... t:J.Af• ~· •• ... i.r-U h t \I· l··t!, I ••llt "'l.tl'• Tu v.ca k i.• A -~ •1• • • Tra••l•re h t 1·.n1 ti '*• f\ I \\ h--fltr• tnS 1" •'9 ... ' ~ .. 1 .. •ft I I Ol ... ..... ~.,, . •••• >;1,~r n... r .......... ...... " .......... ,ca.,. ~~~ .. ~ ,.:u·,·~·~ .~ .. iM'.11-M• • •.t..uw ... rl AC>-M• • .. I' t I Jee• ..... (. ..,_ " 1 t1n. I r •f'l• .... ).. I f.ot1 I• f • l,.a,., ~ "'"t " ••• ,, ~--~to~· Q1•M IUeti I .... IU..A~t• "" 1,., .. t.wt. "'t ~ ... -:"o.••• .. 11.-07 .... ,,._,~ ..... .... .ll l.40-Aol ,., ... ...,.~ .. -i.... kECA-tllDltho ol Honr· ... K llJ -0.111 .. ..dnl•h• ~~:~C:.~;7; • .:.:~ .,.. .. a n -s ,,,., 1· .. l~ 1<.HJ-Tn• Mh k.NX-<l•tt•..S A -I r .11.. ~~~~r.~;·.,.~...., K M l'C"-t-'A'•1tllH k~l'A -t-.i,"'1 \J_,.,.fl X ttJ GA h• l•I lt•air .. r· ll1'X-l>1~~ 11a11UM , ... t:& .. AC -Ou• •Ill• tc•IPt'-Arn•t Mu•fe h.J I \·•11 •It• t»tu1 .,. t: I t'A ti""'" M .,!\a hltJ -lt .. U •n1"'l1•a I I \\II ~I t I• ... 1n11I h. S .\. C"', 1n.. l'lotlH&, I r .M. K l\("K\,lt '••• hi-I I t II i •'-~' t w '\ I ~ I 1• "' \1 I ' ' I I I ••I .. ' ' , . " I . .. I II I • ' j, ' :I I \I I' . " ' • n ' ' "r •• '"' .. 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K h' A-C.ndld M \k• h.UJ -All ll••• ll••"'9 t< t·wa N•~> """" • ..... ll._~.X.,.Mr. h"• ''" llUI t'C-1 ... l•lto ... n. k h.t'A-ll.,..,-.,. • KI IJ-OH'f"·•• r& 11 r .a KliAC-!"\•~• t..•11r N••• Kt-I -Uu• n• A A ll•n K •:• A T••d lHnll•J R t'..I .S••• l<f'." 11 Cl , ..,.,.mu ' ltr• K!'-X-Y 0 L K FAO--L111otv • tn fl Qli 1t:J1 KhAf .. -M• l•.J)', t•arade h \11 • l;111J11J t.:tw&f Kl t "-N"""• I . 1-.llJ -f-tt ul j~J::tw• Kl \C-)t .. " h t \\ f I • f I I' ... '\. .. ,. ... - I• ll I • i ,, ,. I \ ,, . ' 't ,, L.•1• " '.,, . ... ,. ' I 4 \t• I ' I f ,, ., 0 ,, i ., II l'i f I I \1. I UJ \a ... \UU' rt,flT Thal ~ ..,., '"' t • • • •lu.,,ur•tH• • ~ I '' t A. " ' II • I ' • j ' ". . ..~..... . .... ... "ltJ !-.a()c 7 t .... .,, .... ,.,, j4i.1,..,, • ._..,. , ..... A ~1 A lH 1'1• • •' '., .. '"'"· " • \\ ·~ •l•I' .. .. ""'Ohl, t I I ti, K l.A t,,. ...... , l •w .. i.1 1 '••fl Mi.1,, ... h..\l1•, J h i•• A l•1•1 -..i ... 4' ...... ,, ... Hoo• .... b.11J .... ._ti ...... , •• ~~ ~~Y. 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'11 ~ ... . .. , so >I ~ S2 Sl ~ SS S• '!>1 se lj9 60 rf 6 • . # C;<HU>O Family lfrlation:-; 1' . - DOWll ·---· .. t.--....lb•• •-••n.•1 ..... t-Wlad lft•trurneM 1-lnd•llnltt u Ude To -· YP ,_,,,., ... ht 1-{)i>yr ... 1-n ua l~Topo-• 11-.. •l•ll•n 1NI 16-llhor\ run ::~r.~;' ..... \ .. , 11-Vtttl&IMI 1 ... 1 -'h ••la 11ow1J ~eo::;r. ~"c1 M-•••rl••llot ·~'' l1-T111ra :~ ~-~:~:':~~~:t: J~ 4 h um ht•• II c llH'I•• ... ,,. 4'l th••• IW\ttl• •l IC.11.,1, t~ f tt '1n1ete ., . ,."' '" ....... . •• tlr ••t riv ' tO I ll•rert "'''' It-11\11• dtlhl u ,....,.n, .,,..,. '4 It•••' sM el'l 11-UJ"'p&M °"'"' ~ _, .,. ~ (' . '4£CIPE '· ·!,. ,. ... &E~'°' TYPHOON' - r, • : ... J,.. ;'"'; '"11;," '-. r TARZAN · Thl' .\laskr Vil M/W~ll [ (N IH• l;tVMA 'THI Ill ·~·r.OIHJ rurt lN[ll IC: i f l\I( ... ,.,.-, "f t I N • 0 l\t:l,.._11 '>A 0 (.llLNll "f • rAlllo!V( "II"> By 11 0 T"l f I f PHI> "C 15 /\WI\ • 111(.)#\ (AJllS'' WH1$n.£~8 FRTHE~/ , G E-OQGE W~SMtMGTOM WHISlLE'tCML ENG!NEE~-.. $JILT ~E S'l PE'fESZ&eu~·MOSCOW RAILs;:CAO ~ ~S51l\·8UT ~EFUSE:O 10 WE'-~ 1HE ~US,tAN ARMY UN IFO~t-'f f· Edgar Hkc Burroughi. '•NO • .11\U I It \/I 0 We" J, '1F 11( 'r\JT (l\IJ(•«! '" H IONl (,; ~HC M Hf'S ,. flo'll~''tf (1 '" (Al\f.t l" •JHAl," lf fH~ f •M ,AJfrll t' ¥\ll \Jlfl AV\ .. ( If ~ E•~• 1-C.Jl(U~. k~• W1:..1V 1• Brl ng Your F .o r d B a c k H o m e f o r E f f i c i e n t Service Repairing · Motors Work. · Body and Fender Pajnting l T\\"E"l'\'Tl'-to:.·o~u ,,., c t:,1'1J "· ..-THEODORE ROBINS ) < d 'It ;'I 11' I • I If 1\ l.""t. SIN<i·: ,t ,\\ l'OKT RP:A<'ll _ ........ ... ,.,... . -· • Motor New .. HOSP: HAMOR ti > .. ·- Pge8 lf•WPOaT BALBOA NSWS·TIME8 THlllUID4t' N"!ft!'t lki!fl!. C'allf ............ U, IHI Lady. Golf en Have Their Day JJtsr an t11augur11J of lnd11'S dny s:olf at thl' '\Yillowkk, counw on W eal Fifth ltrttt In Sa.n t11 An11 last Tut1Ml11y t hP ent husiastic .. Wt:aker lt'X" s~if\llt'rl han• di;>. d df'd to m11k1• thl' "da)' .. • a We<'kly a ffair. JAC~LICH MEETS JACKSON TONIGHT HOLLYW OOD. :\t ar 2:i.-t UP I Li1;hl'! 1·1~hts BtJ4dy Jackhc h 11nd Hohhy Jnckllon ~'tte JM'ht-d· uled 10 1\11·1•1 for 10 rounrt.~ in t•1. n11:f11 s 1m11n f'\\·nt 111 l-"·S:•vn sta· t.llum. Juckljrh. from ="nn Franc1~cc, \\a~ a fH\t)ntC' l><.•culll!><' of {I ~hi,:hl l•llll"hini: 1•tli,:1· "' l'I hlS l•IJPOIWnl Crom A1.us11 Ht· Is u n1•\\'r<11Tll'I' .... ' . ' . Underdog Fights ·Maxim to Standstill. * * * .. . , Harbor Events •' • Army Day Trophy For Lehman Dinks Ready for .April 4 On April "'· 11 perpetual t rophy, l!now n as lh(' Anny Day <.'1i p ... w 11J IX' sa1ll.'d for in Lehman Plasllc Dinghic>s .. • Th.l' re11111rt' or th(' oprrunv.·da). a l>Jlnd hei;id1ce1> tp urn.u111.•n1. wu w on thls Wt't'k hy Mrli. Graham and Mrs. M1•1td "ho tit'<.! with lu"' nN1 of 78. Runiwr-u11 spot nlsl'.1 r<'lult<'d In u t ic• ht•IWl'{'n Mn>. Ronald 1-~11irhrt1rn or C Jruni:,(• und Miu Barbara Wa lke r '" 111, hwnl r ruwdil, but hnt wol 1111., n nly ''"J .. 1nr1s in 11•1 M>lllh· 1.111.t J11dc't•n is rC'm C·Qlbcred for hi.I '"" m1.id11 ~ ""h l'11lu·1 A rhta· v1·z. lus111g a cl11s•' 11no· 11ntl 1·111111111: 111"°"°"' 'k!aldi , Champions In prc\'IOWI sc>r1t't h('ld t his y('11r will competr fur this cup which ""111 decide the champions hip Colon('( Jdfrrson. t'ommandnn to f Fort MacArthur, will makf• thl' pn•srnlulion. A 11 raOl'S will bt' twld u rf t ht NPwporl Jlarhor Yacllt C1uh 11nd will comprrsC' thrct.' in n umtwr Skilll.M'rs will rt'IU'<'Sl'nl 1 ht.' Loa Ani;f'l,•s Yi.chi cluh . Por tlllo?t'St llr nr Y11ch1 duh. Alamitos Ba) Yach• cl ut.. B111t1,1a Y11l·h1 c luh, \'py11i:1·rs Yui:hl duh.' Lido-Isle ,1 d1 '"" 111 the rc.!rnolch. The Sa nta Ana rou N 1• wilt ti<' 11,. "11~ 1 ko'<I h) ll:rr .. lcl I 11tli1· 111 open to JadfN t'llCh Tut•tday 'fro!!.!...Jus...lil.sL 111o:llLJ1'·n • nlnC' to ten in lhP morning with Tl11• 1 t·i.;ular li·gttm ""'''•'k ly µru· a 1ped111 "'"" C>11t· i.:• ,o;..•11 r..:" pr"· t i.:ram """ 111ov1'<1 '\J11 " du) 1 .......... ... valhng. th•' m11nni;<'n1t·nt drclar t'<I .. 1 Good r r ld.ay. ~ .,- Follow the Crowd! to the .. MEAT VALUES 1 ">' "lllT<'ll" . I '" 1lw ;.un c rl'<'oi; up tu our. ~un•111··r s11ls 11n·. th<-prC'd ic1ions 11t ih1· sportfishe rm<'n arc· waxini:: "·" n-..·r T lwrt• is sflll little l'\'t· r11 ...... o r f1~h In larg(' q u;m t i 1j('i;,1 lour 1111' fpt•li11~·1s in Hie air. PM"C :.t..q1l1·~. Jin1 !\kNnlty, Tom Sc-011 ;11111 I iarrt'I Kini!~ just rN'I i1 111 . th• i1 l>0l1t'!> Tiw Ar :rayn<'s. An·' . ~ ror~n· CiOf.1" f'HA~IPIOS .JIM'll WObhii1-0n (lt>O) tlha1'"" j cl• 1 •111\.., 1111t.I :::.'m11h~ 1hdn'1 i;:o to -band•. "1th Tom •:o"tl"r ht-fort• to111ilnl( tlw 'tO<'k~ .. ,,,...rt 7 and 6 In (Ac.. r.1._....,, II• 111111tl11 t1r .\•·1111uln1 1h1s lasl t~lr ll() holt1 rham1Mon..hJj> nuUl"h a t th .. \\lllo~l<'k ('ourM" In Sant11 Blocklnc a~ rillht U\rOWn by J~y lfarlm. C\eveland hea.,.Wets"bt_ \\M<•• t !\t .• ~!w lht• ~" tllnws ol Ana la"t Sunda~. Hohln..un .,..o rl'd rarly and hf>ld 11 ,..h, holf' adu nt- PaL Vall'nUno of. San J"fancl6co ~ea io 11.ep .1Mlde &o uncork bii .... n .lit.ill Itri• l•·aclu._ lht·S•' nwn. al{t" at thf' t•nd of thl' fl""t round .... h.-'hut \lndPr p11r KOlf th,. •'II· rtaht &o Max.lm's bt.dy In the .seventh round or I.heir 10-rounder. \\111• kn"" t'f1d1 othl'r nwrl'ly t.y tin' a1_1 .. _1i"Joo;.-n_._-;~;-------;====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..;:::= u~ a i11u·~.-bt1dv n11.1r1t. va1ent1n1>. a tour-aiodra-one .... lme1erdas. • ''· ·• It"'' thrni.:s Boat' ffandlt.ng fulllUU f.'oxlm V> a s1.aud.l>t1ll, 1.earn1Ill u Com1>ton ~1ee1 s Hoover Hi~h f1>r Diamond Tit le :;, 111 \T l.ll'Tc1~ <TP. Sch .. <lul,.11 __ _ = "" •t ... 1>1•~1 ... f !''"~' m11nth. 1" Is l st College · Sf)()f>'fSMAN'S ] th• I 111111u~ f11mm) L111ton (u11 C . S A / \. H ,, , Sir Thoma!' l.t(llon lt1\1•1I ourse· et pr. 5 (, \I 'N OAR '·I. " ••• 111111 ,,11 '"" l:tl(MI .. ;111111 ' • t -''1-' 1w 11 ••fl ti 1 11~ ,,.ar1trrni.: llf•: "•IS • 1111:11ll.1ntllin;:,''1h1• f1"f'f'o111,1 ---,I I 1111 '"fie fr11~1r;1111111 h111 h(' hn ... In ho II• Ill fin 'ht·, r•'\\ 1"11111'11~ ol "1111 1111ltrnn-; 111a1t• 1n '"''· 1 .. n •h• 111.1r11! .. t '11.1i.1 t ·,,11 .. i.:·· "111 ttt·- l 'h1•mi1·11 I 1 ni.:int't'rs u r l' i.a1d a<'nt·r ;1lly Ill ht· 1hc h<-sl pnld nw'm· h..rs or I ht• l'ngin("(•r111i.; proft·s. i;ion SOW SllO\\'lSCi Randloph Scott George Raft Joan Blo ndell G~orge Bren~ Ann Harding l't •\II I:'\.\ i'\I \l\l'i'll ·" .l,\i J,l!\l:l~l'l'S Al!• )l•ar tllM'n ·~11°1h1 .ic for lh•· r;ii.: 111:..1 111· i.:111 1111 ~l<·nd.1,. Api ll .-1 111 7:111 _ . 1 ' ''''" •' ··1·1 :-i.ui llr•rnanllnu. h•\\d ,,,11 .. ,., "'"'"' :i lt11 111n1 • in 11 m 111 tll• \•l1111r11.,1'·11t11•n ll111lrl0 E~-bod I , , •.. '\tt11p'•111 flt•• 1 ........ 11 ,,. ~111 ,. I ' ' Ver~ Y S . 1 .I • · \111" I· ' '' •111.:". lt1\'1•rsld ... ,1111•111,.,.,q1111~ 11~) 1ni.: '" \I hip 11ur 1111.: nn I lw 1•;,m pus DELICATESSEN and' Food Store Christmas lt·••"'•t' 1•HI-\. 1"1 .i"""l'1"11 • 11t• l11t1• 1111 •t1•r ..... 111 111 .. i,:11 cuunt ic>s \' 1 I 1 A 1· II T lk . Abo 111 '"' ~·11 ., .. 1•1111· 1111111.d Ill\ 11.. :-.; 1 ... ~ 1111111 ' •111 I I II ,, '" 1111'111'.t ,. 11(1 .... , "Thi• 1'11111 '4' I., llfft•tt Ll h<•('.111'1 a Jng U 1111 t. ,1 li•••l I• 1,, I• iii . " . I 1" tlll"' 1!1•11fl. hUl hi~ nnnlr 11\'l"S \\'(' r;;:j1,.,,. !l1t• I Jrirni.:" l 'oa.~I ( 'o>I .._..._..,~~""~-,..,..'l'l!'~'""'""!'l'fr?f-r'm-m~~m"-..,...tf+"l'"'~-H-l!i-.,i..,..1>.1Alot; •No-_,,., .... 1 .. ~ 11 ... IRtla 111 1w\I m11111h kc" ,hn1 tlol k1·1 , 1n tmwh \\llh 1h.r • All · SaJIMIA, Pttpared · DaJly, Read~· for \'our WIENERS·-49:.. Yor tllat llMltll Party oaovso CHUCK 8U("t:D BACON 55~ Umlt; I Lb to CmL EXTRA S..:111 EASTER LEG OF I . ~~!!~MBS9C 9 1 .............. VWJ9peelal .. _ , . ~~!l1~ssc ftNDEIUZED-H w It I~ awnQ. So~ GOOD BEEF BUYS -All cut • • from carefully se~ted COLORADO GRAIN FED CATTLE BOND.DS 69t. TOP ROUND STEAK ioTfoM ROUNB STEAK 59:. -.-J T ·BONE STEAKS 59:.· POR1 ERHOUSE STEAKS 65~ 69t. 39~ 8'JNELE88 -llofkod aad TIM RUMP ROASTS CHUCK ROASTS . ~~~~~~~~=-41 t. 7 • BONE ROASTS ~~--~~--~~-~ Round Bone or~ Arin Roasts-44:. • EXTRA SPECIAL * \\'MT COAST PURE PORK SAUSAGE \ . s5~. tJ-.1 TOP QUAUTV-Sew LO\\' PRfCt: ' West -CoastMeat Co. . C. 0. "PAT" n..ANAGAN Whol~1ale Meah artd Provisions lM'i .N&WPOBT BLVD. Pia. BtnOOll 5M o.ta • ._ \. l t tlll m fl:-YI ~ .. ~.";-. -T.rni-Tr.,~ •. 4 ----'MIMl ... W ... liitijc:---:i,-.-"t++:~=-~-----llllillO;,i-~ 1·""11'''"' 1.11111d 11 .. 111111,. I" ''11d··'1" 111"1" "hrt·\\S, llllO.Ssum.'·1 "•·111· 11""...ahl" 1" 11"' m;in who rh.s1rrr 1. 11ncl pr11\11h· 111stn1r1 11in tw.i1ln~· !'.iti 1,1, i·,. :' _, \\ h 1 1. L'••plu , .... n11,1111f:o" lions, coyof f'")\, 01 '"' .,, L:,rtt:tf lortunti 10 tP:-t. hut hl ni•--t-t th•· "'"'ti' uf lht' l•\of>li• "'"'"'' 11, 1, ,,,, 11 1.,,111,111.• 1;: "''''"' "' .. • 1, .nut ~kunks No1 """ • '"'lrln'1 m;1k1• .1 ~11t ·mh1·r~hi11' .,r 111,. r11 .. 11 H'I · _,11d Jla .. it 11 1 llntt\•r h 11d 1•11111111·1~ "1111>1••1 '''J.. 1•11111""11•111<1• rc'l)uirt'd . in •Ii• l<o).al \.whl sq11:tdron nf PPl1•rson "C11n~11l1a1 111n with ,...._.,, ,, I.! 11 I· I'll I' 11.inh nl l>Hss. cotrlsh. I 1o. I in•I .. <lt'~tll• llw K in1(s p.·r --<rhoolmr n 1rnf1 bu~11w.s!<mrn 111 lhr t >1h1·1 rr •1111, \• ''' 111 .. , ""'"h 1111111.1. ,. i · Is. cockll'I, '""•'' .1r1rl •H'fl\" h:11·k111.:. Thi· f11~1r1r1 rnnvrnrrrl .. , Iha! I~ a 1· .. n,nl 111011 "11111111.ol• ~ 1111• t · '1111 " ··l.111" lto1•"1•·r'I, 11nd ocean :--•• 11 irt1.' 1111.111 d 1h" Irish horn I m·,.d for ~ud1 " co11rs1•, lh{' plan tnll .:1. I'"''''"'"' .:. 1 ·11 111, •1. 1.1 l1~h '" """ 11•1;.tl 111 liOffi(' lll'l'"" '"'' """"· 11~ "·1" h•·•·n noll'd In wa,; f11'\l'l0Jl('f1 in <'roprr;t11on w11h Jc•IJa 7 i·ti.11111111111,11111 ,111 ,11, 1. 1·,,n,1tl1 l1"l1J11!: la\\ abslr11ct for ··• 111 '•1111" ,, ... ,,. !hr l'm tt·d Stalt'!I Pm11•r Squad· lrn:it .. -· S.tri t 1,. .:•• ; c;ri-.111,.111 I ii•'_l•<1l11I 111rurm.11111n 19-18 fishing (II \l.Lt:Sc;t:. Th, ::;1r Thnm11.-. r o n . 11nd th<' ~x S<'S ion:; wrll he l"um1,1.,n f\ .... I ~1nn 1 1.' '1. 1•,.111,,11,, ht•"'' r• qu1n·d l.11••••n ("~alli ni:•· ("up will. hr lilught hy compt'lf'nl and W<'ll I 1:, Snnta Mon11·,1 I 11110"'' ti $11n. STRIPF:r1 n,\. s l'o ctOlll'd r •'•ti 11tf Nr,\pprl 1 larhor ' 11rx1 1 known s k1pj)('rs or lh" 11rl'a" l~rnftrdinn 2 1•on ... )lttlhlll q1111rt• r · Jrn,.,n J '"1h :onc1 poeaf'llllion hal( m11nlh A I\\•"" rn1l1• 1•uor'lc'. liurll Thr f1r~1 mrt't1ni.: of 1h1• cla ..... 1111111,. F11ll1·r11111 It 1· .. ,1n.1 7 ... ,. hm11 II\• 111•1 tla) :'110 11alc a llowed.1·11•01111d lh•· L' S . 1°11;1"'1 . t;u;1rtl on .Mnndn). Apr~I _;1. will [lrf'S{'nl «•·l .. wr ;,, .l11hr\.o~l1111 :I I.a .lnll11 ~. t•H>-t1,.h1m: 1,,., 11~·· required. 11.1\ll!·•r1011 11111rk1·r .. In t hl!' har· llorr~ A A.,hton 1t1 11 cl1 .. ru ..... on 1-... f'oncllc111 :!. C'tlnh I<, Ht•llnndo ;1 AllAL< l:'\1-.S :\far ch 16 10 11 •• 1 hit~ I"'"'' ~"' 1111 .• i "' R."'''" ·~f thr R nad anct R1i,:hf~ .• 1nWlr\ .11111 ! B 8 Onell · r ' 11 I to b I l 11 , .. II "l>11a1 rnr hoal rh;iltrnct'. nr \\ :t) \\ 11111• IOPXJ)rr1rnc1'tl boll!· R t • t" \\llh ~111 mnr•· than five red ;1nal llwr• \\Ill tu '"'"" ,,r} 111 -l m<'n "'II prof1 mos1 fttrm tht• es rte ton on 'llf't'IO, !\lll11llllllll ~17(' for r~ I• I• qlllll: c•nmJ1' fllltll'I If lho \\lllf11 '1'f"i1 ·~. ~lll'hlinl: Nllhll"i:l'>l>o an I 1 t h 1_ h11hf., 111111 111 1h1s 11n1t• t>f )Ntr agn•1•d lh;tl man~ 11lcl1lmr r" \\flllld Tr 1 Net 1,1 '·' "'"''· ~""'" 11w ,.s: g reen, 1.... · · . r· d 1 nd ~UT er s ,-h I' d .;.i_k -·-\\ l lllU) h;i\.. a l!l'KXI 11 ..... lmJ:> ,m A ..f'.e-\lllc'W-llllt'rt>llhftg-"8 val-&LJI_ 1 ""'' nt'IP· u .._ 1n 1cs; ..,... , ..,. . 11 • Not Felt Yet 111..i,. ... , ~•l:wk, · '"" in('h tt. Muat \'• ''•·rl~ Tl11• t .•I! nwn h11p1• so. I ua.1 •' I 1 ht h 1 1 hell ,\~ H <1:11 k >W'rrf'I "''' un<lt·r~1and 1 rtw cnmpus may hr t•ntrr<'d hy ..-tr••llf! I•! s or1' R 1ve 1n I • I . .,.' , · th,,, I II I ..., I . d j t I !>-11' Cishm • I ii·i•nst• r ulred a t."1.1 1!ur111u .. .: r1·pn·i.1•rt11ni.: • .. a <' on Rr >Or n ou "' nr : us SA~ f'nA:-.:rrsrn , ~tar :.!:i -__ "__ ·-~-• :-; II y c w nl <'nH•r : nJ~,.., F.d WitlP at t h" end of Admns stN'rt, Tlw rf•f'i·nt FN l1•r-.I C'ourl cirf'b'ion r1•prl'!!('nl lfl>t I h•• R Y.(" ''Ill cn H•r l'ol.·OB'"'. ROOKM' AKI ... ''(', ttphold1n1t ll"1:18l11tlon rc>qui~ini: llO,OOO t-oH PAC'F.R ~CC Voya1:rr11 Y <'. will hr ~ r, '"' ll\l'-1nch nr IArJ(rr ~'Tu.-sh on n<'h ARCAOIA. Cnl . !\lur :.!.'l._ • UPl ·rC'prrs(•nll•d hy Orrrhy M"tralf SACRAMENTO. M11rC'h ::!5. 11~1.,.l liv t r11wlrr f111hin1t boats "ha." llarry F111p11tr1C'k , C'hRrll'ston. a.nd 11w Lrdo 1~111nf1 Yarhl Clult 1 t •P t Allo mPy \.!"'nrrnl Fri'(! N nol lo·~~1·1wf1 nMmnl 1tsh1ni.: opt•r-1 111. today P•i<'kr 11•tl ~ltl,1~~' for by 1\d C:url•·y 111 annlht·r C':.11-lfn"'"r "fl" flul' lo l'Xplain to Gov- I 111wn~ nrr lh•· C'>th(ornia rnusl,"1 "''11• .. r h•~ 1\\1 ... )t'Rr-nht pact'r form.1 :l:l t1;1 ... 1t'a.:•· Slrnm 11nd •'rnor \\'11rrf'n today wh~ h1i. In• lt('"1rcl1nh '" 1111• dud or lilt' nu -lt'\•·nu~· allornt? Ill Rolw·rl ~t'U· M11r!'hall :"f'ldf•t k•t , \\hO ha\" ,, ... llJ::1tllll' fi.rlr<l to rt'(lflrl w 11f10. 11·1<11 rlf IU11r111l' F,..IH'r1t'"· ll1•1!'wn 111an. :-Ohn$1rl. <al bt-l'n i.:1,1na.: th1'< 11.<pt ' :i Int nf "r"··n bnokmnluo~ RI a Palm vr Fish ;ind \.am(• I Thr ('Oh \\ .. ~ h1•111i.: tr;11nt.'d hr•r c I trcJuhk ror th1• JIH'I \\'t't'k, rl111111 S prtni:• •• .. 1.ilotl .. hmr.n1 \\ h1•1 o• ., Rrchanl S l'.tukt•r. \\IW•'<f' rt'-l1y F 1t1p;ilrit'k , 19<17 Gr;1nd ('1rr ult lhl' P C< .. ic w ill ' tak•• lh" nmnr) '1 r rin1t' ''1!!11m1"1nn I0\••,11h11tor l.1 W P • lt•r -.;itcl 11 ('Xi<tl.'d. . l!fllfms1h1ll1y II 1s lo· \\,11t·h 1)\l'r 1 i..,ttlrn~ mn111•} \\tnnini.: ctrr\'c·r, for <' l1t1p•· lhl') 1111. ton The• l . I lh1• Slult-'ll 1·,1111nwrn11I r1"htnh tn· lhi• A1•ril :.! o po•nrni.: ol lh•• \\1.,.1. 11nd P 1 · < • fl1~·•~ .1n • ,, r) 11c11"' \\ nn• n '•11r1 ht' :i•kt••I I fn\\<.t•r d ~ .. 1 f j 111 '"''••,11i.:n••' atw 1.1r 1-11r1 .. 1 1h1• du,1ry. rf'f>ttrl~ m;in) ur 111 .. m·1 c•r n I I 1rn""" ll;wini; m• 1•1rn1: &n art' tl\\ n1'u ·~ « l•wwh 11 l r~ll{'t mr11 ma<I•· I tw1 r .. wn nt·ls he11lt hy '<:ulnrnwn "h11 srcm to l;ll\'•'m 1 or harl • ••holfl of lh•· ih<rrrp- . ' 11nc\• 1 .. 1w1•1•n I • I" t1 ra>port c: in wtll'n !hi' h\•"ln•'h law \lf•nl tnr.. know "\\hrn Iii• w1nrt is m !ht' h • 11,rr ,.1·1 .Jnmmr) I 1 •lht·r~ m.ttl•· 11.anr1111n "!"' hr1111i.:~1 hy the $outh.'' I •• ll•"''fli'I"'" hu1;fl1'tl 11ur rh.1""' "h1·11 1tw 111· ;\:ttrlhf'rn 1 nllfor nra .. 1"111'r1t·~ As· LEHMAS. nitfn('~. "hn rtr rinrll'l> 1 .:1 __ n_rt ___ :l!_!l_l _R_n_r_n_<'}--1.-~-r-r_a_ll_y_s-nltl ,,K"11111t1n~"'' 111rnt·d 1lt"' n h> F t-d· ('an t'ou K-. \\'hat \ ou "'"" ~ •THI 111f11tr< know11 wh1•n I h<' "ind is solllb· on this m·". joh 11n<l h1111 rourlt·"n .. .. Prly ll! hnr/1 at 1work wllh his "''"' ou1s1nnrl1ni: points 111 ('inch his KN>pmi: n11~n1•y '' hnrc1r r 1hnn :\111~1 .. r llw St1tl•• • K\ hnnts pl111tlc fl inch). t l.t•hm.m 1~ our \'r l<'r an cl111mc: frnm 1hr fl5!!UJ· mnkrni; II TI11• !\lt'l t HJ.l<lhlnn·~ rlnn '11 '' ll••\\ rr,hini; \\ IUl • i.·i.:a I· llt'l8," Intern/II 111nal SI :ir champ o r '34 1 :t.nf'(' )'Oil don'I h:I\ I' II) caulk. • Chickelt, Turkey • ~h F.rults • Soft Drtnb • Bee.r a.ad Champagne Imported and Domestic • Table Luxuries !I 0 t •vailable In the aver- age food stores. For Fancy GrooeriM, Fros.- en Foods. and the Best .b- !IOrtment of ·cheeses In the Harbor Area. SKOP aL-C!JRT'·S PJlone Harbor 911 813 Eut Central BALBOA Ooea 1 d&J'a a .... 10 ... m. to 10 p. m. ' -8atunlap-10 IL m. to MJdalns- Do you want lo aeU ll ! Adver· 1 t1w 1n lhe9e colWl\N. * • TOSIOHT Dcwble Horrur Sho1A. "Phantom Speaks" "Vampire's Ghost" ... TO~ltOW "He'r 1 Husband's Affairs" "Prin~e of Thieves"· * insurance p.a. palmer IHCOl,OIAHO wlll hrlp you mrt'l 1111, prc1hl,.m_ Crok1•r .. -.rd. "llllho111.~h ns 1' f'<lm-• . th<•n• 111•1111: nn ~N1mc: 10 OJl('n or "'ARRF.S J . \\'F.ISF.R 111 .. n RI thri; t1mr nf l h•· )l'l•r. •nm" Yacht cluh and thr l'e"·port Jlar ·l 11•11k. no ~t'rnpanc, nn <lry rttl Anti • ~•, :1.,"4 llC,. S••P«t llf>h ..... , 'lll'! '4 1r11wl1>rc: ~Wlll'hNt In r rnh and bor Yachl·rluh i\ nt'<'I o f twenty no Jfltnl" \\'hilt uri• ynu wnitrn.: w. o. buck, Insurance counselor 3·3 3T ;io lido, new port beach, col if. telephone newport . beach,-harbor 1'500 "'"'""''-ur. •-··-f'e. ,h:1rk f1~h1t)t.: boats i11 rxperh·d __ J for. snm"onr (fl •mil ii• S11nr1)' * * CUB SCOUTERS TO MEET TONIGHT IN SANTA ANA '~~,:~;~~~:;0,~;:~~:~~;;~1:~~11~:~~~-l rr~~~~============~=~=' . . 1 ... ~l'T. ot• TlllSC.i'i·TO .no. Pol ( 011h S1·111ll l1 •1ul"1'" ••I 111 .. t )r· 11111 111· 1111 ndtlr•·" Ii) Ira Lm\n. Thl11 rour<I' 1• 11111 on•· of m an) ;Ynl i \\;;111 ="•'Wl"'rt llnrhor mndr• 1'.ni.:•• Emp1r1• 1\r•.1 l '.•111w1I 11 .. ,l l"''•'llt1h1,.;1~1 ,.f •h••:-'1111.1 1)11.11·11 · n.ow h('llll! ollPrt·tl h) lhr 11~:111i.:1·1.1 "('lrrurni.:' pnil " i\l1•1 wha l :-01•m11~ 111 1\llll'lh',1. 11 111. 111t. 1 ,11 '•'htHll~. 11n 1'11 ••·•·1.11 pl"'l•'.tl .met 1-.m plrr An·;i <'m111r 1I. n H··d ~.·:r!h· 11tr11111 !hi'< "l''.,.1 .. 1111r1 dt•itl " .St•rm•i '"' \\ 1ll11rtl .Ir tl1hh r•'h1•nl .... 1111'111 ti ··h.11 ... ·11·(1-111 ... "' .. "··~ ('r Rl!•'nt'\, 1n ,,, ~prrni.: pn)i.:ram li kt• '"" 1:1111d q111••t11111• \\'h\' n11:h1 Ill 7 •1)\I I' Ill '"' 111· 111-1 I I ('ulo ~··11111 .11;1 ·"'" lh· "'' 111,.1 .. of il'n<lrr$hlp 1r.11n1t1g. ,\ !'1•11111· .. 11,,11111 a 1 ...... lt:t\I' !ti l.:f' In S.1;1 ''"''It '" uf fh• (·tali I ~.-.1 .... 1'111n Hl \\h1th ,·uhhiri_. f , ... lh1 lhitt"' ma~1r~r~· Puttr~·· '' t1f1\\" un<11r ''··~ 1"1•<i1u "' :'111 f ll•L'•• ftl ···h•at lllt.: l'tllll .... n .... '" "" "' lollll" .... 111. IHI) 111 lh•· (;;11d1·11 ,;,. .. ,,. ll1i.:h ,,·h·-·I \\'h\ •111111111 "' ... 11h•1m.1n h.1\1• flt \\Ill'''''''"' • uh 'rl1t11"tln ,,, l\ii11 ... ,, 1, ,c1,1 ... "'' ,,, 1.., 1 .. ~. <'llC"h ~ft1nrt.1~ t \•11u1c .. inti .'tnollh1 cu tn l'••C'htt l .•l'. ••r !'Hnta ,\n.i n1u).! l••t t\\o h1u11' d '' ! "h 1 "' •~ ht•inc tY1nl• rnpl tlr•c1 1n ,~•111 HI fp\\" ''uh111 1 .. t. 1 Ir\ ti t,th hl. "-' ~·I "'1' It' 1•1tl , ... ,,r .Hl • nc1n1 .. 1h1\ '"" "'''"' 111•t111o 1., .. 11 111 th1• L;1i,:11n·111,1d1 1111·:i 111h "' \\,. 111 ,1 11,1,r .,,1nw onllri•Qttn" .:-: •.• 1 I ~· h'h J•,n,·11 •• : ... I" ti I', 111 k I .. th• ptuu·1pl ..... "' th. lih•\ lli• Jt• ' " ... lhc.'~t' C"ntU'-•' \\I 1:1\1 .t \\•'i tUC , d•l•· to It·•~ •Ult •hr uuch th, u1tl 1t·,· 'I"''''"'" ... •'' 1 t•uJt l'•n ,,.., .~ .• '" '''" l•·•1t11 .. \! .. ,, 1ilr,;~1<'n :ti \".unp l(,1 .. h 14 l.1 1n th• h.t\\'•'h••lf' un th1, 1,n rtu "''' .uul t ·, 1 I· 1ck •If\ 1dd1t •• •t1 • ' '· 1t u 1•1d ''t '' ••' P ...: ,. ' 1 I Snn B•'I 11 1t il•n•• :\1nu11's 11u... 1•n \\ ,-.·h u1.:t1•hittd1t 11 ,111,,,..ff, ,,,11 •1 'i\au l•ut ... , • '•• f,,, I!, Apj11:!1th 1nt1.._··.,1h t•th•t tu111 .... - l'·ll ''' ,,,,.,tf 1 '11'' 1'*1" utd ...... •,nt1 ' 1P1 • '' , • I 1r••l111.1•1 t'h • 11, ...... ,. i.w !"· n1t•1 :--;,uut lt,1ct ·" i. "'""· ani" ' 11. •,' \J ''", 1 '' 1• ·I • , \''~ h llll' •· 111.111,ol) pl 11111o1i In· 1·11 r 1, 1 , \I 1 t d I I l.1.1111-11111 h·, \\Pll 1 .. "'I lh Ill '\.I •·" "' .r .-t\~ut • 1 1u ... •1 1 .•'•1 \\i l t'H \•r"\, "t'rt'-•I' t.'11ttp1n~ ind ll•·.thh '-=•Uh'' r·.uh \• 11 f•H lht••• ,, ''" 1111.:h' 1 I 1 1•1 th" fu, "' "l••ll 1•1 .1, ~ 111· 1 .\11.1. ! 11nd $.d• t) 1 1 I I I ,. \\ t 11111( Ill' II~ lllaJtll' •':t(lh I • 11 •-.·r """ u lll'••rrl 11( h1<\11'i.: \\on mnr•· 11t.111 .:11 i.:a1111·• in 1:1 0111 "' 11 ) ··nr~ MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island Public Course On W•t 5th St. Y.? Mlle Eut of Harbor Boule\'&rd ncHr. 8aata Aaa 101s.;, Standard 18::-Hole Course -6100 Yards • Par 71 •-ONLY TWENrY HIN1JTl:8 DRIVE FROM BALBOA-• ,-- 11 • Before You Bulld or Reniodel *"' ~ from U 8 Na,•al Air Station a t Pom .. n~ N911.7 4.000 ~ u1 Um~t •~rt d~t.rO)~ \ ,. e 110\\'Lr.W 18 A Sl>ORT YOU'LL ltNJO\'; A SPORT THAT HELPS llEEP t'OU IN 0000 PHYSICAL CON- Dmos. Mesa Recreation 1111 NHrport 81.-d. COSTA Mt:8A "'-Br..con 508%·\\' Se--.. wl ....,., ..,_ Cdor-IUldm. plan- iilng alda, ~ &.Dd llnoleum. Ive lt.ock. ·~ ~ ~. C'ewld. Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works ·1m ... 1lblll 8L .......... 6--UJllTA MA ...