HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-26 - Newport Balboa News Times.... , :.. .~OUrity Relit Increase -order· .. 7 Per - -. [ABC ONLY 0 A IL~ NEWSPAPER IN CITY ] To ... ~ .. " ,, A.11 ..... S.T. Maximum BALB 0 , A l~w •ont• A\·•:r&Kt._ I}A. n.E. s"· .. -.....~~, .. :::,.::::·::: .... Ceiling ~ ........ 1111\tll··"' ....... ........... B · t. d ........ , ,., .......... ,, .... , ........... ". oo·s· e l'rltl.O, "" '"'I"' lut11kl11i; .... " .... , I 11!1•11~~ .---_ _ · 1\11 11w1 • ,,.,. nl 7 l"'r "''!'' in· EMBRACING BAlBOA PENINSUCA , wisr N.EWPORT, SEASHORE CQLQt'Y, UDO ISLE, HE~PORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA 'MESA ':~··.·,:,·:::~.·.·: l'•,:I:~ 1111111'..'.~'.'.','t;.~;:~.n~~;' =~--==-=----:,.....,,===============''==..,.===='======,.....;..-.....,,=;t===~==---:-~.~. =,,,;:;J'=~=,-----:::=!!::1....;,,.,,.. ______ ..,,,......----==,,...--· · . I''"''°'' I 'I" 1ht1·1 T1.:ll1· t-: \''c~ Easter Street · St:Wl'ORT Kt:Acn . {'ALlt'OK!lilA. t'KIDAl', M.Atu 11 tfJ. •~" 1·n11 ... 1 ..,.,,_, A-.,..,,,.,,,ia.. .~~· 1 ~ • 'llU,t< :.:. 111 1 .. 111 , o1 11111111,1111 "' " M.·<·ond Dance I sla.nders~ NEWSMAN EXPOSES. LANDLORDS WHO RENT TO UNCHAPERGNED EASTER . WEEK TEEN-AGE .MOBS D) IC. I'. \\ KJl iU't '"f1•111 . '"'' 1·1\n'I lh·r hrr ... I .. 1rn't .. t11nd 11. \t'ho \\ould ha\'I• tbouaflt I •,o ur n;•li;hho" "ould Mlt I"'•' thl~~.. · 1 I nl th.al on Prarl'aH·11111• \\NlnrMltty "'"'""*IC at 3 a. ra. 8M 1 •""'" ll llttlt•, olft lady, "'•l•llCd ht h.-r rot .... k>oklni: lo hf'r Im..,._. fer I -mr "''rt or an ...a11l11natlon fur thr '" h) • ut I" 11 1tt1ll...-prowl ~ thf-n,,. d•·11e1rtnwnt rnlC'rtrrti.·) rl' and r4cht ,,,,11,.,. omrr,..., an -7 : whom """ tr)·h1t( to ""'tort' ordrr arnoui; tn~th1111 ta. dorA'n bel r· Pn1 )outh11! turtf>drunk and fl1htfn1. Lrh~ lrttlr nlrt l:irlv nnd hc•r hUI· lrnnrl rion "" "' 1·11 1h;11111:hout N-· port H1·1wh. 1•1>J••1•111lly un Balboll l!<lll?111 nt 1111 l111Ur~ of Htf' nieht I h1~ "/'<'k I•• ,..,mmrrul1'1111•l1 f uf' n l'\I IM'l'-<"l'Al 1th 1, ·•'• I''"'""'''' l•\ tlt1· lt-w·nl l"f'nt 11ih , .. ,.,, ht''" ti • • • I \\, .. ~I• ''" ,I'" :t1~'1\. I~. etc•· "" d 1111 l1o•1t1tt " ftt"lt ,·. ••nuunl'ndn- 1 rh•H f••t ,1 _.,,It* 1 • • nl '1u•t"t-.fl~f' IM•• ·1,..H1'w• tt 11 td it; it h1 , ... 1u•1•u1u1>nnl- • .t h\ 1111 ,,,·,.,,,;''" "'-'lh•lnnt lt1ttn11 • 'td• ,,. • ·nu 1 '' un~··. t. 'uunf) Ad· ""'ii 1i..,.,,1 1,1, 1 ro• l~Mc•ntrd ''' 11. """"' "''"'"'"· aulimllllnic ,,..,... 1«1.ft11 .. 11ul 111111\ •·•~•dttllJ' \\Ith It ft I• n···· ,,. "'•!ht•• ,,.,; .... ln ... llu t1Ptlltt\ 1111\I' I Ill• lull\ i<ltttllt·•I ttw IH \\ I\ tt l• th t• IU 1.,'ll11etl1'-fl," fhP flX- 1•' ..... I '""' ·111111 I 111111 lt~I thr 111• ,,. 1•u •tt ,,.,, .• tn ttu• '"'..,""'' I• I\\•• 11 I'll.' 111111 1'4 1 •11l~tl\ntl· ntc· ·' ., ,.;,.t1•t11••t11l11t1,,11 fnr 11n In• . • ,,.,.". 111 '''""-t•• •h•· ··ll'trnt al ,· , .. , ..... ,, :· A111i•111l111••nl> '" 1111• r••nl rt•j(1&Je.. I 11111" 1111• hC'ltll' IN,ll•'tf tu lllfllkr ti• I l•'t 1~·111 1111'1 t'll"' Ill '""' f't•lllnlia • 111 • tl\..c. Mrm I! ~'ti I'• I ••H-•--... ..,._111, I• tnkl1111. Wcindl '"'''· 111 ""II "tll 11••1 '1nrrrnllr ltw I• Ill lfw lo 1111111 11111•1 I'll)' •n. 11111111 .. 111 11111v "011tln11+• In r harp 111 .. 1•r• '1n11• ma11lm11m -rrnt Fur-· tlw1n1"1" Ill•• l11n1•11••• ht thr II"• '1 111 1 • 111 1 .. ,.,.1 lo IN• 1tuthnrlr.t'd \\Ill 11••1 "1•iu1r In lrwrc•,...,, ·~ '' 111• Ill ""111111111 111 1'"''""' rrnt- 111 ltl(I ,., 111• 111~ 11111 II w111· ln<.Tf' .. \\'hyn Why "hnuld ! h••:<e pttfttt· I) mer l"""Jll•-. rH 11 mit to 01' l1<•at·h~m thr1r rm:it ' years for H AS('O('K t'Ol ''U.\TIOV~ Fl.ff\T l'h .'tl\Kl!\t : 1.\IUIK\TCltt\. \'rirro I\_, l°'J ~IH1"n-IM-N' •• 1w·:ih· ·md qllwl. lho• Sl'rt'nlty re-I !\""IJUr1 f~.jJ·,. C l•rlc and f"o .. \lrt•llltt·"· '""'k on hull "hllr ..t1l1• 1 .. brln1 ,... .. 11....s fur l•mH'hlna at llc•t·t•'< ti~ 11ur wond1•rrul bay, be Maa Ulfoao. l"hl11 .. 111 "" "~"'' n~Mk•n1 ot 11 .. kind In'"'"'"· . :·~~:,, t~1i'.~(·"7~~~~,. ~;:t':n.'.~ Velero IV, New · A• Qtt• " I h<' 7 l"·rv c.,•111 th•• mn,.lr11um rent 1 • 11tni: 1•·10111 lo<il uml••r the rt'ftt '' 1:1111111 .. n• PART o.-Tt:F.S·AGF. THllOSG, ~srral lhoUllMMI atronc, that ,.""""{I Batbo_a_ l.iand dowfttmnt ~l1tlrk-t I ..... MP&-!a i.poaaored daftC'lf' ttt.~ t1M>kfl""4 .. ._.. toe\'ual llM>Pf'r1Y o"-..n ~li..cl on C'fl)· c-ounc-llman to "halt It." photo by AN-knt'r ~flt'<'IH 111' 1"'111'11· lhl•)' dt'llre thdi Fl t• M . JOHN L LEWIS. 1r 1c1a '1'111• llonnl nllu luuJ bated IC. 1 .. ,11mm1·111kotl :111 ,,,... 1•r11t lncno ... "" 11 1•1•t1h•11l Ion u( ltl11twr rn.tttt- 11 11111wc• 11111J 11111•r11tlnl( c•o•t• o6 lnntllorda ,.,,,n1·c1 n·,..,--11· .. ,. itood question oa 1ng ar1ne SHUNS COAL :fh :·· n:i~'.ll ~a~.\M~-e:~ Laboratory' S~t .' -Bl . L.d LegioJature i;rN·<! 11nd htrk nf n·spc~ll>y a-rtw ... ).-STRIKE BOARD ' · OWS I is or °'" prn(l(•rty rt~hl!! or many. Ul~ ANC;f:l.l·'.S. Mnn-h "'' 0 K' 8 d t, ... THE SAND CRAB Mob Arouses. s: I'. Owne~ BLOTIER HAS Lii ltE ON TEf;N-AGERS Loolun1t tht• 111tua1lon ov~r oa ··r u1h·l1utton 1111hn1: ''' tltC! M'"'" WJ\~ll lNC;TC1N:Mnr :ll; 111p 1 Off 'Se I · • • 8 U ge - B11lhoa bland S!Jrclfkally <thouP .... Clln IX' a n ·alHy with htunrh-TllC' .Unjfl'd M me Wurkl'N , lo-• cret K ~ T u admittedly lht' Him condltlon I.~ or U.S.C.'1 nC'W ma.rlnc II.tit-<lny hu)'l'Oll«I " publlc ht•nrln" ee axes D - prt"Valent throuabout ow dt¥ )h o.a tory, lhe Vl'lf'ro JV. t>ngln<'<'r• callt'd.hy Prf'tllcf<'nt 'l'rU(n4n'• fact · MA MENTO, March Is. -i Wffk). I dlacowttd 35 Jirli " .W' tOd"Y. rtndlni.: hunrd In tbr •nft rosl WA~lllN<;TON, Mar 26. 1111'1 mp). ftotfl· ..... tit U.,........ one house. 11c\•rn hO>'s In 81.3-room Thry w<•rr ln1t111tln1e f'l1'Clrunlr 51 rikr Air s .. c·ri·t,.ry. W Stuart Synt· lut•• (lc't"lclt-d toct11y nh llCfJount-. apartmt'n~. f lvf' hc1)1.'1 in a M n• ,oq111rom""' "h1f'h 1n<'ludN1 ,. IC~.,."-m,.nt "' :J I>· m . 11~ antr \'t'ttcd gar111:f'. n lnC' ittrls tonchHJ>-rorn1.111JtJ. 1tulomn1 ''" IJ1l11I m1•,.httn· :"••ti h1·r Jnhn 1. '"'°"'"' nor "''> 1 •111:1~ l1l1•w lh1· ltrl "" hlth1•11 .. lllJ1h1 """ rtnnl 111,.1111vnl ol a '9G2.· By SAM l'<{t ,. th h d d ·-' I . 111 111, r .. 111 1•\.-nlnll\~·s ~l111Wf'd Uf l ..... '"""' '" l1Ml1<)' wllh hi• ...... nno.cm •llltf' h11111l"l and • b(Jt' Tt><l.'l) ·s pnlt('1• blotlt'r , C'onlrnrr f'ton "''"J: '" nno l'r ou~r iqii rn ar rti-. lton 11'' 11·•· .... J,. ... '" 11 ... l1t1111·1t twi.:11·n 1lt1:i.:lnl( 1111 .. 1111•111 rhnl 1111 H11~•I" 11 wllhl11 /\ pr<'SS or lf't'n·llJ:f' humanily lo •'Xf1''<'lnt111ns. shnwf'd ""'" l11s· I nnd hterl\11) hunrlrl'dJ< !<ll•f'plnl( Ill lrnnw j1tthomr11 r. ••t•ho:r:tnl(llll{ 1111· r1·11"'"' fur th .. ~•nk• ur ·I•••. II ...... "' 11 10. ltttM••I In N111 th ~:rt~~~r:'···· ........ Ill J~lr ~ rnmpnsmii :<1'\'1'ral t hc11.1~11nd boh· 1url1nn<·c· f11r 111(' p.~~. ro rtu ·hot1r C'l\r s 1tn'1 rr.-ord1111: Ill• I•··~ 1w11•nt 1l11· I I "~ J M 111•1 1·11111 ""'"''' .,,,.1 11 l•"rtMn11 '':" 11 11·1 •111 ·n u· 11111 ltlll wll~ ~•·nl 10 c-,-_ hy·~<•X••r:ri and their dunlo(ltrl'<'-Clad pt"riod • Mry ('nunh 1n~1nim-:ntl' thnt ~·nuld 1(1\1' an • ~-IXJ~ frio•ndi:: {'on,·cri;f'd. on· B11ll,loo PNtrl av1•nt11'.~J•tlhna l:<l11nll. 11nrl nllf winclj11mml'r <'nllf' llurn fi•v .. r. l'llli• 1111 11"' ""d• of Symlrwrttn'• f:11rl \Ynrn•t) for 1-.•1t11ln •1111111111,... · I b liand l.i~I' nh:ht I 0 "hll\'t' 11 hitll" It , ":1~ ""11 ll'l'IUrt'<i 11) o!rlt'ln II' Garn l'l lit rt•t•t on I ht• l"lllnd. for l.tkf' ··inlol lt•sl; . ulrnnft · I hr ll1•f11rt• !111• lwhrt 111( •I 11rfr{t, !1•11· 1 1 1,.,., t d I llll' I• m11rk•. i11r11r1111•1I ''""•'II Alli<t•ntl•I) m1111 flltljlh (' 11111 ... CIT\' MfiNAGL'R. Th' I I r h . 111111 l'lllf' k11dPrs thal m1f1-\\1•1•k 1 h I di d I th 1•r11I 1·1rl'llll .l1it4:c ~h•·1 1111111 Miii ........... ''1'111111 .. rl 01111 ""' w11r ,, C~•m11t11n, '"'lllVC'CI II mnllnn lD .... IS 111)1 I r I 11' "'JlC:Mll'llrShlp 0 I l' JUll· -1111111 l1n1I 1·x11mp f',. llVf' 1111 nr ll I 1111 WI . \'t'lf'ro J\' IS lwmi.: •C'ttUl"1)1•tl \\'Jiit h ,._ .-.. \l!'tt1.n1: fl•rn-.1.:1·..-~ • ~ ti f 'I I • .. li•n. ,.1,,,·11111,1n ,,1 •111,. fl\f'' 1111111111,111111o lh11w 111111:.•••of tlw•111••li•rt """"'""'''' fh JVt4•n"., l11tr lut C ity Manager rontrover-· 11•r r am,,..,-,., «ommf'r<'I' 11U• any c'Ons l'ra ''" " ' 1" r mud•·rn n:l\·11:1111nnnl nut~ nnd rt• ' " hruk1· :inti troultlc:·h••nt ln,1 .. ;cd hho h d 1 II •• "" "'" 1 .. • 11 \!I'll) • !llor11f,,.1 11li;h t 11 .. 1w1"•'I:'' f11lloW1'ff " ""° Sy that appea.~. to h a\·e unc:.:>t Hut 1'rr11n· rl1sc J()('ktM flrntlC'» ""'It rs. 11"" ""''' µnr or a 11r11rr h lallnrntor11.,. "h 1<'11 will 1 ... ,, 11 1111t1 • •·1••rl1·1>. 111111 ~111i1"'n '" Y~ " th•·) h;1kt·d an thr ~un ~!'~t•·rtht) f h • I 1 d l ' · to, 11111 1.-1"• 1·11 w 111.111111i.: 41111 ''""I 111 1•1irlw1 """'rnhly vot .. th" d~rum of SO""' b.,,.1-_ ;\1orra~ 11( KF\\'11 h:irl io.l11t•Jl(·d !>ntn-" t C'tr tcJmf's 1" ioyi: nn Jollr 1 bren° Otlf•r11t111n1< down to lh1• I I I I I r ... "'"v ""' ...., •· nfro·rnn .. n. d11nr1·d · .c111 Hallloa lotl-h ( h I " "' "011 ' "' "'""1 1 '"I"'''""'" "'""" 11111111"' 1111111 1111 11"' •·uh n "!"" crroups on o n" h a.nd and llln" lllllllt rs a t HI pm . :JI lrnst Wtf nul Rn~ N('rlltmy () ' ,.., 11 •1 • ··1111sh-hullon" StffUf' n11 1 II WllS I •• 'L~""',.... " "' anrl 1,.,., nt.,;ht and l(••n1•r1tll) h11d .. I h 1 h "' l1v1•tt 11( 1111· min,. "11rk1 r .. 11111 ""' ...,,1111,11.t,,11 1111111111(, •I Jl••il 111, • •111\ ""'' ll1·j111till1•1u1 vulf'd th n111• m1 rrh· n! 11nd f numl'H r of luurs "tlr H· """r · 11"1 l(••I 1 r polntl'd 0111 th/II 11nrl1·1 m1111t111w ' grand citv officialdom o n · e, · · ,. · 1 · ... R ..:ornt "°''' 1 h k k 1 1 r wd 11111•rut 1 .,111., ,,1 11,. 11 ."1, 11,111 1, 1,1 ... 111 111:"""' 1111· 11111 1111 rtnul p11untc•. =-"'-er is still a not nntato as '!llll•oot Island rrSJd1 ·nl<t rollltr('u Tlll'r(· w1·rr I' f1•w n~1·npt1'1111.•. 1•n U(' s n """ ,,,., ll'a•. ('II l11w th••t1· 1'1111 hf• flO ··~wk t1m1·· 11111 I ' •••• 111tl•. ·1 .. ,,,,,.,,,,.,,, ''''" •till mid . 1'1111!11 '"•)'II, r•utm Sr.nnica. °'-n ' ,,~ < 1111n1·1lman RtJh<'rl J\lkn rind de'-" 'n ,. ' thr·m in. f.'(f't. fur inslilON'. $1~ on t h1• lor1<1~1· ~lw'll 1•t.1rr• 11 lull '1'111' lto111d, """''"·1. 11111 ' was t>V\~nced at the coun~ manrli•d tw rall a hall to whril had f'll<'d fro~ lll•·f.(al mufflr~s .w fo' for onc h f•UR" rnr rl tc··oio1•·clKy crew. " ·~~11,. 1111 11111111.,1111". 11111,111.1111 j 1111111· • "" "''" 1 .. ,. • 111 .. •I•• ::;;~~1;:;:,;•:• .. '~.::~"~1i::h~~I~";.;~ • ell meeting Monday. One q111rkl) i:hapc.'<i UJ> \0 bt' II p0s: Gain <'r . ~Rn la Ana ; D. 1-•• (ox. I> llf'riod pf E1111IC'r W1>t•k. Thal la \. 1 .. p." /I ,, ''""''"" 1 ... i ,. 1111•1111~ paper's recent editorial took st!ilr riot ~: N1.-hol1J. TMTiplr <'ity: ~· A tlndrniahly R s::nod lnrnmr for • U. s.' SLAPS CONTROi C' ON EXl'()fj')1 1 ... ,,.1 .. '' '11111< 1111 > 111-t• 111 '''"' 11lr' "l<'!"''!1••nt 1•·111·h•'<I vccrll .. r In the a shot· at Councilman Allen r routninn. J\nnhc1m. R s \\i11lltn. pil'C(' or propt'rly. l1u1 wh11I or A::J ,, \. '" .... , ..... •ii ''"'"" l1tr1:• I W••••k . . h ' . . • t d ;\!all . :rihop pronrll'l11r l\1Rnon Los /\nJ:t'lrs. ! f< Samuf'ls. I~ thf' nri~bors., i"" c ;, "1 ~" '. K••n1w~' •'• ·•••· 111· "'"' lh1• v11tr •h,_('d It W• on I~ Cit~ .r:i.mager s an • [)odd l!·d lht• Rrou1wd 111land d r lc-Am:c•lrs /\ n ''°"r" 1.ns An· l)n 't ti .. ~ I ., ' m· OF 11 TYPES OF WAR MA(,,JlfNL'f-, I"''" '"""''''"''r 111111 Hllt•ll11' "' .. ,., ••• 1.•111 ,,;,., lht• Rri1ohll<'1tn rna-but his pos1t1on seemed to ~llllllrl after a )ammtOI( lhron~ o r I .J. (' M . k ... '· , , \ n ll} ('UUnt ~JI I I r'A~ I' I\ I . 1•1111) •IHI r11rry lhrrn111h f'fh'l·t- h t ,.h,. t"JTa·in from ~f' rs, • rstn 1u1!t ...... ~ • n· 1 pprtnnt tlml :11 \(°tTk:< or 1hr yN1r 11 • •"•·1111· 11p11111· ' " 111111111 ave CU '' '. ' 1"1·n ·ai:c·r; had O\'t'r-r un his SIOrl' l:C'h'l': C L l\11C'lu11•I. Jr. Clar ... wr f"n(orcf' nur ordinanc1·~ lhtnk WJ\Slll:"GTl lN. M1tr ~ 11·1•1 I St11.,1l 1trtn•:on1l 11111 '11111 1•111" I """'''"' 1r,,. II .!'•, l'"l1•1 01IJ\ lvo•f\' 11 l"tin .,tnit•llvr h•ahilntl'ltlr undel' ye ('(lttor.-~·ho now. ' :.nd hriikcn a wintlow. Previously. mront ·. J T. Si~~on. Jr , S:in :\·f:lrmo of our nl'i"'hho·r ''""' ":1111ld11't J> ~-I T ' I ... .. • If I ... I I ''"''" 'ii ,'>\111111 .. 11111 • ""'''11,,.111 1ir•.•11n11n '"' !hr· llt.,.t lnt•·rr11t.11 ~ Pnnare t o 11'\I(' lv.nn tnlk1n "' II h 11hl had hrok•·n nut 111 Prlrk . " " rt'lll••"11 . rt1m1Cn •• ,. II)' m lln•• ~ nrll ··rr 1'1" JW••r·•'1" ,,. .. II• .. 111 ... 1111r··. 8 t~ ••• . '.I .... .._ . ,..., and .G A C 11mpl.,,..JI. El Mnntf' drrem of clultl'rln1: up ""r hnmr11 1111 /\m•·nr11n-m:11i11f111•111rNI 111 r-11w l •H'k• 1 ltt111lrl"'r' 111111 1111111, \f••ll·Hl11> 1 .. lri11·" s .. 111111· 1· .. 11111111 . th 0 n h h1s 1 n • X pen S I V C 11nd l\lartnr wlttC'h wris hastily r u.., · t: • 1111o 11,.d hy polwr Cil•'d for v1olal11m nr s1,.·rd l nnrl nf'lithhorlinod w ith nn 'l\l'r· C'rnrr. 1111r1~ nnd 1ttT•·~~•1r1··~ 11ult 11t11""'C• h C'adgear . laws· N J. :J1H·1•h). Lricunn n1•11rh rrowdNJ unm11nlli;r11ltl• 1111\\rl of J«<'I l1r-,.x11<•rt N111tr11I 1 All 111111111111111 .. 11 ,,1.,,, .''.!, '"" • • + .(\lli•n "•·nt '" pnltN• <'ilJlltun :\1 \, Hni•th,.r. R,,ll'lf'll J~lanit. RI )oungsJf'rll? . Mr Tn111111n • 111od.11n:1t11111 t• .. ''"" \\'rillf·r I •y•on And fl~k··d hint r•11n1 F R1 nlrr•\\. 'R11rh01nk ahd r. L F:a~lrr Wrv k I• tr11d11tr>nAll\• " l111y li•!f'f! 11 f'l1l••l(01rtl'~ '"'"''r1111• 4 11 .. 111•·· 1.,, J• "'~' .. ,,., I·~ kt'" Good Platform. ln going hl .. ok '" C'Rll "" lh<' clrinc-» anrt di"· F'.urr'l'rnn i\lh•t1ttlora p;ort or our "''> For ,, ,1r< '"''"rt arms, 11mm11n111o111 1111•1 1:•·111•11.I 1111 I ·, ~II ·· , ,,11,,,,1 , 't'"I"'" 111 """ back to lhC' filC'S it was dis· l lt:ind ''"' Prnwd J.J)ston look•·d up Ctrr'ti 11r r•·t•>rtrrl for v11r .. 11, JM'oplf'. hRVf' 1•11m1· h•·r,. htnl nn plrmrnl< l•I ""' 11 ... ,,,,.,, c•n •h•· 1.1111., lm•l•t• COV('l'ed th;it C'oun c-ilmt1n Al· E:irl 1 '11Jll'' r,.mit h. whri "11~ h.mftJ . minnr C'hnrt.:•·• Pa11ltn1· R :O-.l n1:.1. run Rnd i:rt11n,1: 1 h,. r1r<I •11n 1.1n rrromm•·ndrtl 1•1n ,,f "'" 11111n1t '""'' 1, T •111ll' ''"" "' ''"'·"". , .. t-11 I•, Jpn wrote somC' :ids t o the C'f· 1111: thi• 11ff:nr 11s " ro·pro·~f'ntatl\·,. <~nrl11l1" ll \\' Smtih, Rill•nn. ll ror thf' yrrir In 1.:-"1 ~· ,,, tlwrt' c•nn!rnl l•111rlf 7 I'"''"" ,.,,.., ~ 1111d '""' ""•r•• fee t t h at hi' \WI~ fo r th(' rity "' th•: Jllntnr diam_l)f'r :incl .n ·layi•il I ~ 'fu.~ lor. ""' An1: .. I··'· .I (. i'.11-I htlS hN·n t rn111tlr. (ti •'••Ill" hill It 1111' I"' 1rw l111l1·1f II• Ill• r11111•11w 1 "' ""'Ill• manager form of go\·ern· Alkn' Jn('l\Sllf.:<' ( 1tpf)f'ri.mtlh ancll o wr, S11n !\!11;.lnn; I •. J\. 1?111;~111 t h11i: l.H .. ·n mmnr Onl~ ;1 I••\\'""""'" frnm :!..I ,11.t1hro· rf\1tl" '" 111 a ir I )( l'1 ••1•• II •1t'' 11ntl •\Jilt•'•''• mt'nt. That was four YNll'S l'l~<11n tlwn 1?01 on th•· lolr ph•>nr llollywond (; K1Jm1·r . F1m1r1<1i·•-.l "'ould n •nt lo 11nrt•r111"· .m'1 11n· rraft c11ri11·r~ •1 "'''''"'I• 1 r h h ' 111111 ':t lkf'tl 1 hr m :i ll•·r rl\'t'I' \\II h . r II Jon•'· .Jr . I.II" A n•·1·I··,. I·. rf'•""n~1hlr \'<t('U t "'""'' \\JI I ''" Th .. ,,, ' I .di ""' I I "' '"' "' ''"" 111 I\ II, I ill t tnrl11d1111• . , o.flll •• ago. ~OWC'\'C't' mUC IS Op-'1 ( n R d " "' ,~. • :iyor 1 ,., c·r c r.1hhQ. -f.11~ ,\ ni.:..i1.., · 1tnrl J rh~fJ•""'"''~ RPl"''" "I '" 1,. 11 111 • 11!11 111n1· .,f "' 111, 1•111 '' :11ul ,,,.. ... """" · ponenfs m ay .cast miscon· • "~lcht Hur T rnuhl,... Wr.1~ ''' :-.;,,, 'h I loll\\\N•d t·· ... Trout.I,. !NI• r.11 "'"'' r .. 1, "" '1.. •I •r•11)•·n! 11 '' II ••"• """ "'" 'I " • ""' <X'i\·ed asrv>r.-.ions o n his abil· c "fl""r'm1th tnlrl "1· <1 h,. wa~ .... 1 1-,.. '"'' " ·''"'· II Q \• 111. "' "'' 1111, 10 rom 11,., '''"'"'"••I \,.,, ,11, •II \ 1111• 1 '" ,, ,.1 ... 1.,,., •I•'"' ,.,,,,,,, itv. tll<'V sho~1lrl !)(' sure-· o f 11rr:11rt Rn :111 .. mpt tn ltrViik up th<'IR S b -. rhi•·f n n ,·,1,ifi:kt1""" ro • •· r11 thine'"'' ,,,.,,., 1 .. "''•I 1 .. 1 ",, ,, , 111 "",, 1,1 ,,, 11• 1111, 1• 111,.1 thc>ir fac 1s h<>fore ~mirch· rlnnf'•• m1 i.:h1 prC't'tp1 lf1I•• m 0 r " :USS u marine h111·,. r"lllX(-d l h• tr r11I;' I •. 1 1~·1111 ltk(' JltlrJ••"' I d i ,.,,,,' ,, ·~'T•lo) ,,·,,, ,, Ill " " Ing his l'C'<'Ol'd on n charter 1rn11hlr. Ht•f'd ll~kl-11 l>)S~.m r~ir A .. . . H" !httl mn\' '"'"I!• '"t!"'" ''''""'" Th•· II •. ,,,,, ... fl .. l1•!1 rl ,,, lit•,,,.''""'',, "'""111•'1 '''"" '"' f(lrTn Of g0W'f'Ornl'n1. The htll llpintllll 11ncl Jly!lp~ !IU~~ClilC'd ct1v1t~on 1gJ1 h )• Wf'f'k~•n1! rrj'lllrl1 nt I •I 111•1•"•11•' •·I r11tl i1111 \ "'"Ill 11 \ Sflm<' can he sairl in th!' l'ffor1 " Mmpro1111sf' l.ty muvmi: up the Se . ' . f I' "H." ""Y" !h•· d111 r . r""f'I" Jo makC' City C'lt>rk Tiinc>hart t'l•1s1ni:: h1•11r from thl' orii:innll~.. as w u I \\l•llltl jll!'I l'On~tdrr q,," II• 1rh· Suspaptad Murdorer •·f Nn.va da th<' "goat" for 1hC' failure t o ~chci;iulrd 111·3'1 to 111 pm 11'•r", !h• m11n rt('ICI d••·r •·r •I .,k \.\. '-= '-' ...: h .1 That \\as thf' 11r11on th11t wa~ \\'i\~lll:'\'GTf1:-,;. ;\lur. :.m t 1'1'1 of th1·1r """ k11I• nnd "'"'' ' • Y p h ' y w•r (' d pl~-iS. .. UC' on t (' Apn rmnll~ takl'n an11. nrc· .. rrltn~ In :-.;,,,~ .. rr11·1·r!' ''"d lnday l h.tl \\'1111111 ;dl11" 1111111 '" "" ,\." 1ol rear er s oung I c apture ballot. The ,""tit ions· rlirl n ot 1 c·h r r p 1 R J' 1 r-" k 1 1 1~ II' t\ n 1<'r ' ·~·~ tn'lfon. r11·-·11r h" 11•:1\C• th,. l'n111·rl h111 .. 1,, Jl"tl "n 1111 11r •••Ir ""'" ~m" 1·n until n ft<'r 11.rfarch ~ 1 k ..... 1 , .,, · 11 ·• " 1 r ...,.,, "' '' 1 ""r •~• ''" "'·' "'' 1.--trit•'' P""' r ,.,, " pro l<'"1 !h•· • .. rrir.,·r~ ·:111cl ""h "'' to o•I 11 ., "' ancl the coun1y d<>rk did not ··Th1!'1 '""'~ romµ1m1t1vrly 11 pink I prr~,..nrf' nt Hu!'srnn !'uhm11r1nM • h1rnrllf' lhf' rm·i:• 1·r11 :,11 "'"fl'"',.,. ret urn.t h <' \'C'rifi~1 list ~f vot-11•11," 11,. "'"d lhH< m nrninl(°. r1·frr· <irr Am• rwan slwri·" ,1r 111x pny••ri1. 11111' 1 11,,,, 1t•·l!I crs to. the> "itv .hnll until Mar. rim: In wh111 "" ~"""'' "lw••nty· 1 Th .. y ,111<1 ,,,1.,.1,:n """"' 1,; ran tolr-rRnC'r with th<• •r1 , "' rt•" 15. Thc C'OUrll'i) act('("! On the ~'11" ~rars II:< a poltrf' oHtC'••r fJ llr· r•1;1111 th•· h1 clt "'''11~ :o• llw~ pit•;,.;,. rl'IH~ fn r lhf' m11n1 ~, "1111 1•1' t• n ame'!' 1\1aN"h 2:?. les.c; tnan 1111: 1-.ri~lrr "'<'<'k .. "llowr \l•r. I am Rio l1in1: 1.-. lhP' s1:" 11ul · ,,f 11·r· 1t11rd to n uml>1·1 ;,, 1·1t.m11 '' 1 .. 1 15 days aftC'r lhc (l('titio11s mrhn,.r! to "·ondf'r If 11 i• 11 l:•lrlri r11r1nut """ r!' ~r nn.;rh,.r ''nuntrv hi1< 1 .. n11n1~ a11d th• n 1t1rno, '" 1~ were in, yel the jX'liliOJl('rs adf'n 1" '1'•ont:r••t:nlf' thal •~-pi· of That ct nrr:tlt\' 1!: ro i.::irrlNI ,.. th•· •n k""P nrd••r ·· had .~n la lking about the rrowct in surh a .. rrs tnt'tl'rl arr:i thn•r mth: a~ra .irnrn,.d1;1t1•ly ,,rr Th•· l(nld1·n r ult· 1~ npJ •' ,1 ,. • a" l111llona Island I sl'lorf' 1n thi~ 1111 in 1111 thine'< \\'o 1• ,,, progrc,1m all win t<'r. T hi" mt;1rnln1t. ro11nc-1lman Allf'nl ,1 h 1 f _, · , livi• h•·rp •ttrittlrl rirllf•flr" ii Tfl •1,. · · d I-' , " Ir ,• " •·1•n" 1 1'. m 01 m"' q11:1r t1·rs · • • + + \\11~ ro1'1'1i1 c-r n n) m orr ~Jlf'C'tt1r 1 ' . 1 R i 1 lon1t run 11·11fl"Y 1,rr ''""" rro"rr • n ~t Hif.thwa~-. Th<.' s tate h ighway depar1m<'nt h ns fin· lshed Its JOb of installing curbs on both sines or Coas t Highway f rom the> Arc hes east a lmost 11s far a s Bay S hon>s entmncc. ~ports at'(' to th<' <'ff<'<'I that work will be ~urn('(I on 1>.wing and wirlc>ning t h a t hus~ tho r· oughrare: Thi' rumo r th;it tht' d1y .of ='<'"port &>arn would rlo thc povini;: i6 inmr· I rect ~t!l~l'd flntl,.. 1"1ur "" rin l'll 1m iirtnf' 1wl1v11y • 1 " tf'lff Am1•rw11n ~horPs w11s •·vi•n I f11rlly l'ro·~1·nl r1rct1m!'l:1111,"~ '" •· "R11lhn11 hl11n<I i~ :ih•ohrl• ly nnl ·h · · rli•r·••'lrRolnl! llw ''""' 1,1 J"''•i•l• I f mnr•• • "'' "''"' I :1n 1nrl1t'atr d v1 ,. "' • 1-11 proprr fl a('(• or lh:.! -.nr1 ol ri d 1 :-..; • · w1 \' 11nt frnm C'f•minl( t1, "' .... •• •1 moh , ... t'.rf" too con1:f'~ll'<i o vr r tLr r Sa)11· J) • '"'11)' ~f'CTh t·tary .11.hn I 0<'1wh for th;·lr v11r1ttf•1r'I \\~t '. h , h k. d r th h .• u 11·11n nn ot er nllvy of. h ,.rldf' lortt ,. htn •. o mi: l at was racial~ l.11rfy. l ""''h lhr r rmr-11) "'·ro .1, ,. 11• ntR I 'implf' II~ II " I 'll1"lfln1tlir.n ...PraJ•u• fnr IUft, Thr~r, qusir11 r~ ,. ri I it ~'l' fPI .., n111 linth f ll•11n Rr:idrnrd. j11nlnr unol• r,,;,, n .olf ""'' 1"'"" 111Y111i: PICKS EISENHOWt-R lch11mltrr pr .. !<irlr nt. 11nd Cn11rw·r· 1h•• "a'"'""'' 1' S·I"'"~ In t: smt1h h11rt nmhini: hu t prrii~" for th•• l';w1rw f111 11t.1o111 n )'riar ·n ... , ~ :"'~:\\ vnrtK. ~111r :..'fl '•I I' ·ti.•' 1'••11 • rn1111n" nf tl'('n ·ri!;j,lf~ ~Ai•I •Iv 11 1nl111111:i11nn w:1.• th:it f"r11llkl1n I 1 Hll<1Ftl\1·lt .Ir ,,, • • i: rl111111i:-lh• • nlfro· \\f•rk '11, wrll ri~ ''' 1,.,,.., fl\• "''" • r11..,111i: n• 11 '" :.n 1nr11\ 1d11nl rt '' •• r.or ' I h•I nii:hl thr-Al"tlllitn 1•1 '""' h!1rl t1 r, n 1t "''"' n 11o1f,I\ 11n .. •I If. 1• TI1••\ l"llnt•cl 11111 lhrot j11m11r )""''""I(' 111• n1 1:1•d ·•' Hu"'''" ftl !h• t 'nttNI St:o•• • •, ,•1 rh •• ml ... r·'-5"•no: .. r1 <1 rf11nf'<" In r nro-Tht· Ah 11 •1ronC' •fl flnl) 11 •hi.rt I h• ll'.hl I I .... ~• nh11\\' r ft•r I 't • IC'nnltnurd c\n P112c 4) hop frnm n u .. -i .• n I• rril••r) 11• nl •in lht tt<'fl"ll.t'Tllltl' l1rl<1,t ,., .,,, I ; .,, If I\.\ I 1·u11~ .. o1 1•• 1 • .,. ol1 "I'" 1111· 111u1I t wo "''"k'. 1, .. '"'i:•·lt·~ 1111·ml ... r~ of 1111 N1111to1111r F1,l11·1I•·' lr"ltlutr lt11 ... ~t1d 1.. tf1111• ·.;, """•''"'' lt'I'"' tiel todu\ .,,,,,, ..... , \.\t fla •'1· •tUt•u•h ,.,,,·•ull~1 ~·· ,.,,. , .. ,, t•Ul•·t Ull{ ,, ul .t.1. n .''• t11th11rt•: th• t11u4i.t ,..,, "''""'"• ~ltl t.1 hx F rr •. 111,10."' "''''11 1 '' rl• '' l•,1°11• "' ''' lh• '' t•·~1,,u11 I 1Ut t·••tur f•H NFl f lt-· 1,,.1.,., I•, 11111•1•11· v.h1• 1t ''" ii• 1••1111 ... 1 ""' "'"' r1 .. 1t 1, ... mni.: nl _. • 1··1" d , ... ,., ,, II' H~·H • I rd11111t •h•· '-il "ll' ,,, ,, •. "' '""'' \t•nr T P '" "''" "•' • 11" '"" •' 11"" h•tf f111it \•1tf1•'/p1 1•·11-.. t11tV•' l1rt1k•"'n. 11111 1 w·•hir11.: •111 1111tl •·· ~ •• y 11lluu1 l .,,,,.1,. 1~ pf,.11,r .,, ft,h for 1•111.111,.. 111 llwlo• 11llfo11•wlt 11•11· '"''""'· ~1 •v1111.11 ••. ,111 no lhlnic •H• I·'' 1•111 "" d• 1111•1.-11:0111111• w l11t l tfuit lfto 11 1111· 111•"''' •111.fl(Wf(-IO aus·I• 11l.u1• H11t 1lt1 t ~\Ultrl~' l"••uitl ,,f frt1/t fl f1 ft 11u rt't('''''" I l•1U' "'lttft lllt It l\1 ""' \• "IUttt l.l•S A:-11;1.f.l<S Mw .!11 1111•1 '"1111•lt111•· 11111v 11i'r .. r thrh11p:ta 11111'1 111111 'l1111il1t 10\/•r S11111Jwm 1 ,i111 •• r11l1o ''" 1 .... 1. 1 ~1111'11ey, thr v~•·htf1t r hut~•·uu fo r••1 ""' tnd.ny 1 * Weather & Tides * ' .. r . I ,..,._. J . :--. ... ~ ------w ' ... ----~- CrucifiXion. ·1·s Acted Out ~a~od Ffiday ~ By· Cult .Page 2 ~ .. ~.,~."" ~.!!.~ .!:.!~~ .~ ... ~ "·~~.~~ !;~ .~ 1 •K 1ss1 N' ~IM FOLSOM MAY BE JUST Penitentes . foardn~r Issues 2 · N D l ~8o~S~~1Pi~~~s r,~~"~'~'~ ~?~.~CC:.~.~'~"~'~.~~"'~-~~ "o0aw1dnRNlte8a 5 r 8 T.taos J ~f.Ca°n"JidT:Ynt MEAT PRJCES UP FISHING PERMITS tor AL s 110,000 alae increased as suppll~s failed to m eet demand. the d epar tment said. • /f Rr0NT 11 •p 1 Tlll'l·• ·_, mnr• 11r .a~),, lt1ni: :1t11111s.t i11,•v11.11th \\uuld have 1 \\'ASIJI~GTON MARCH :.?6 - \\',\SI II ;-.;c;Tn~. 1\1"' dl :.!n 11 't "•ICI• )11 'I H·H·n/.HI ".' I h· ~'.''" h Ii• ' ' ""' I h• 1,,,., r •. ,. uf .1 bloc of ·r· \ . .... !\' !\1 '>6 I U P I ~Ul)(•ri(JI' J ucli;I' R11l11•rt (;;11:rtnt'f I t •p I A\ ('rage' \·tiolcsale m t•at ·P. AG E 11 '1'1 .A \\':1•l111h'IHll I • ,. '.fUI · II\ Ill a 1i\ll !IL.:hl' I• Ii• 11..... t '111i.d :-,1 ""' ,, 11 olnr-. fru11~outh-'· ·~ ·' ·'' •• Ill'. -' --lodlly mad.· f11nn:il 11111111u n1·1·1111•111 Jll'lf'l'S JUm1x·rl R3 rier CC'nl lasl The de par tme nt said the 8.3 per Cl'nl inerl:'HSC' for 'all m eat was the largest sin glt' Wl'ek's inc rease slnef." m id· 1946, wh<>n price con - 1ro ls on mNtt wt•rc 1cmporarily ahandnncd. . --,.1.,.11t• dl•10lo·r t .... itfi:•11 C:uJ .. )' ilwt •ff;,. ~ ....... 11111111 .1d•!.1) •~··• "'"'· "rn ''"I''• l•tl•·d p11'11.' rni1ch-by ~::~t•'.;";:'1,, F;:.'!~1;;·a~(1/d{:~11~1~;::. of lus c·1tntl1ct11,<;.' to sueC<'«Ail ~1 ~m·1 "·:;;·k: llll' labor dc·p~rtml'nl said _ .. . . • 1 . 1tw" 11 1'1•t11h•nt1· 1·u I in n •m o l(' • • E A R L Y '11w .s1 .ti• 11,.1,:orlriwni ,.,,,1. him'""" 11 .. t n.r11•1f·l"•·l.,11i. 1'11" rr.,d 1 .. \•\\II .rf.,rh • I . I . · S(·lf 111 !lw h1i;h court l11·1wh Iii 11 iJ). -C RrPPl,E .,IL.L.ED • •. • • :i i:~·'tll".111 111,1 y.-11 .. n ""' '"" 1 .. h···;, \\111" JJ .. 11·• ''"i'"l"l 11"" 1\1 .. 111 .11111 1~ .I.I)'"'' old a nd hnll l•• ,,1 1111 •. S,.t\Jo:I'!' f'<• Cris to ,..... ·, . Tho tl!'portm1•n t did nol rrfrr \~L~tl ~GTON, C'al .. Milr . 26. N E W S .,f ~11''·'"11 an . ,1111,111, o1in·i .o1i ,, 1 • .,,,,..1 .. 1 .. 1 ,\I ii•""·' '''" '"•1111•1•11111· lh" 111,t ycnr of ,1\1,.1111,1111, .r ._ f»' ,...,~ to 1h<> <'LO packin!(house w orkt•rs n:P\~ A crlppk·d p<'ndl vendor •, • • , f'I''"', 111.i ,.11,..< 111 J~ih:-lh , t;w ,)1111 1 •• 1,.,1,,11 l "", II, 11 I• "'' 1111111 ,,, '.'"' 111111 l.1k1· ~ng .\r' d '" 11 •It•• "Crislo." 11 -nrnn '<tr1kC' in eonnl"c•tion wilh curtail-w as hurll'<l 9'.! f(•t·I a nd killt'd to--...... .,,,.. ....... ____ _.... ___ _,...,_, I ~l 11 1 1 11 1,.,1h 1 1 .,,.o1 ,,, '' 111'· , lull 1.ifh .... 1111• 11111 1,. , .. t..,l'I<• ii "' .• 1••11111 ill no.w11.1 1 1 1 1 ._11 11 d 1 •'<I m1•nt • supplies. But it · said clay whe n s lruek by. u car as . h<' • II!' in..: (1•1u.u 1' II hOf :t lf ,1,,, '''''''"!"" 11'1·1\ "'t11 llllH 1··•11•!, •'1'111• ~Hldlutlt l·"s1rrlv)r .. ,t>H1"il1 •\ ... Ulllf'J'l' fl lUJ.{e -Mhc-r-.h1 ~up[Jlit"'S un cl acth•, .. dPmantJ I • • 1 ,,11t 11f 1 .. 111:1 "" I•, 111.t 1 ... tiq1111, 11 ls • ., ~ · n ,,, .. "' """ ich·h"" n wood Hn\J h.--" ~ " ' ' 1-ro~~<'d 1 IC' "l<trt••'I on an a n ificial Calif. Drl.Ve~ " t .. Rl1,,~1 .•. ""r1 hi~tdt~hti•cl 11, .. r 1 1,~ 1111 .. 1 •k" 1110'\ ~!~'.!.!" 1 .. 11 .... 1.,.1 .... 111 1-;1111p111 ·11~ "''h :1 11111 hilly .,,0 111, 11111 "'1 u 110 Llw "c·alnir .. n ·><ul1rd in sharply inercast•d lt·g and t ruti:hci.. ~j ti . · 11 .. 1 1 • .1i.:11 111 1 .. 111•l r1r1,• 111 lh• ,,ntw .. ul h.1111T ~"111• ti !11" ~11 1\\lwriv Pick-g 1 . 1 f ,! prlf't•s 'fo r fl"C'sh pork . Hit-b L. b·1 1' .. ,,. u u·r '" \t' l)IUH'1" s : -. . . • ~11 1· U~\ .. n·nous rlflHt .s Cl t rrt• Y. ~18 I tty 1 ..... ,, 1 f c· '<, \V 1llll"11"' '"''"I' ,.,,,11!··111 1'11\•Jw•r • ,, l.••lll' \\1.-. ,, lt11nd 1·11111pa1gn<'r .1 11 1 . h r: P rlc1·s for v!'nl. l>C<'! an.d lamb Be Wisr -Ad\'C'rtise _ 1 • _ ;o,•·•·r·· :1r~ n . 1;nHnPr ., -...... ... .• 1 • 1 1 ':~t·t"• ..... 1 ._....,., V·•·n.on ii ttst...-ntl( . ff,~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fil • 1-A\W'cll H arrwl:ln iuhl. Jjl"1 "' "1"11 '"' 1'1'.'11 '"'1'111"' "'' ~ 1111~ 1"bwu '"''"'11~"'h a CQrn · 'f'li• ,,, .. 1n r n 11t lufs · · ·r ·Fl SACR • " "-• -. , · .a -~trn-r-111•r :1q1o11" •11rl ni.11lr-. 111m ~h1wk hrnnm nnrl prom1sve n e'll g • . P!;.i!C H'I r A1vfr.:'liTO. Mor .!h. Arm r'l.1 S1•r\ln·q ~11h1·11mn111lr<' 111111 I ':.·.·11 ,, 1 1 1 . 1 ·1 ·ri s1•1(.1 .. 1 run• for many ye ars. (UP)-Thf'--l"1t1gJ,.hlf\' h:uo J.:,Jve11 f "'"'~ art! .l>t,,rni.: -U1k,·n Jo l:ilo.c:JL ~" "1'' 11 rt .. 1t 01 "11" t '"1 11 'H'~' ~1"'"'1' ' ... 1·:.~·"~r''11 ~ 1'11' lllt wu , 11 "" i11'11Ul(ht from Spain in f '--1 I "f. · I ..J • • m on l "'""'l'l llJ 111 'JVT Ill<"" 1 llM " •. inn n "tlll f -1• • , U1ll ap1>rov1t 111 ;i ln1t 1w1n l'l"l lurrlwr •·,111u 1~ ol JXllo•nt1al warl T'· 1 11 1.-1 • r p Id •tl11• •1\11• rllh 1·,.n1ury and r!'main· sJion•ihiljt~" lt<W fur C'alrfnrn111 11111 !1·r1tll 111 Hussia. r · .... ": 1"1 )"';"~ lft.llJ '\\:o< , 11··~. 1" '""11 t1•:1Jnrllr~i.: ··; rt'S. ent Nl t h· l.i11a li1· rC'lig1on or srorl'S 1110torist11. · 1 't S1•n Burn,., It. M:iyh~nk. 0 . 1';1.1 '~ ~111,.; " 1~''i'"'1rn:11. 1111'" ·:rni ~" 1 i' ;~ini.:. "'i"Ji..1' s Spt'Clalty uf rnn111111111 \'illagrs 1hat ·n1rnk. The low itsC'lf w,1s fl••>'!"'d"1U th··1 :-: (', 'cJ.,u~11tl•·d 'it1:1l 1\tl111·1irv<:1••1· 11 _·' 1· '11111ot"~, .·•· "'k!Jll 1:,' 1 111•t • \lll•I' 1"1'"1 11K 1 ''' runi t islnlc(lll a nd 1h1• ,.1 .. 1d""'' mountains which dl- l ft..I., • • k r . T .J 'I I . , •. , 1'•'1H' H• ·•'TH'' )h J !'ti-i1J ,PH ...... 11 i1\lllJ.:. Ultl ~ ,.,, t><'(':ti.,lfjn c WU • .,..., St'11SIOI). lo In " I' f1 -<'I m•x l •1•rHI rmr< "' k 11 in~ 111 l•11uk all 1 1, 1 . 1 . 1 t ,1 • 1 F · \'1rf,.d 1 '1•~vrad1> 11nd N<'W Mt•Xil'<\. J I I B 1 1 .1 · . 11111~ 111· II• ,·,.m••nl ••11 1• " i.;:i1n· >111<111 ;,,, a " 111• 11,. 1 " ay "-' ol-u y . ut t rnn inlo snai:s n I pt•r!'!'ll~ r4·~p11ns1 Jll' fur ,;lujJptnf.: 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 F lt"' i. ''' sl11mp oul 1h<' prac- ciommHt('('s or l1'1th li<'111'•'S ~lwn Ii• 1<11"1!1 111/'pl;m•· 1·ni.;m•.., 1md Im\''" 11 I .llfW \\;,.., I ''r 111'''1 !Ill• ""111 l•IS 11" pu 1111"' ,·,·u~inmg al nd lrh' ! .. 1\1• l11ilc·<l. . the 11atP dC'partmrnl or mulor ,, •• 11lh1·r 111.i1.•r11d "\\hH'h rna "'"'ll· llll••·Tll ,., 111' d li.:lll •" ••Ill' 111'"'· "11'" 1'1 !>lt'lll•'l;Y· I'S II eft •• •, I L•-t-said 1 n-Adi·" °"i'•7 (")(I 11 t IJ 1 1 1 1 } "rn 11111•" '\• "' 111 1!11• l. ,1. Fr :ink \\ 111.•1 1 1nol " .. n .... ·111.· dl'tn•'K'ratlc \\II• n 111, ( ris lo i.hf•uldl:'rf•d his '"" ~" I n 'U ..... ' " fj U:1 \ H' """' ll~alfl'< •I s I I I 1· I l I hur I ,, I 'h •r "l1ro• lwrs l f da rk edml Hil the I w :ls. s 1 I • n ··1 .. n N II hn I l<1••""'~ 1 h" 1.1•1 lh• 111••<! .,.,11.1111:1 n11m111a t11>n on a pat-II ' • • • I . n r r • , 11 • • . I" '· · 1 n '. > "' 111 i.:is'.. ·, ,'' 1i! th;· 1i.oiltw;rl lo.oil ,\1111 h• h.1d 1 .. 1111 •11111l 1r 1n ~111111· ways to ni·s-: ''' flu· Pi•nih•nll·S IH f l'Hl1- St11r1lng Jul) 1, IW'l) m nlurLJoCI In· • 11lil·tl Mii h sh1p1111•nli< d1s~ra1·1 • , 1.. • ~ 11 . \ \\ 11 .· H , 1 . pol ,11 11'1" ti 111 1111• waisl. Bare· '\'Olvl'd in nn necident eaus1ng pt·r· ful 111111 ;,l1111J~I 1r1·11~-ono11~." 111' ~· ru111 " ' 111 \ ' " ''"'" ' 11111 no . ' ..a , "'·-aJ · j 1 ·, , . \\ h"n Lt1ni.: "·;is '<lrPt ;11111 killt·tl 1•ii:111n· 1 .. 1.r nom111111o•cl 11nd doubt-bark• 11 11n• hoodrd "1th h I a e k ..,.. In ury or 11rQ1)(·rty < 11mai,:1• j I I r•·sulnll rn.1111:111, dt•iwnlnn~ I i l""" . I ,. , ,, I . I . , I . I I , I· .1· dt•lh' Iii•· liro1h1•rs fl)llO'''"'d . lhe In cxceu of $100 mw!I show tlw ltussia 11~ 1t fri1·rully nn1ion nt n ""·) 111 11,. "1''1" • •'1111'! •11 ''' "'"u"" t 1•11 • 1' P a) ng • departmt'n1 of· mnlnr ''"h1rl1•l1 h1·1i1n·s1•nl, Sillll m o!l1 of lht• m1111•riat'H1.1 .. n RuU~·· h• ''"" 111 .. m .. 11 111 dM\H LllL· Lill! rtdll.S IS.SU>.:, which l l 11:'" : enough bond'to CO;\'er 1hc damait<'. this ~u'1lry two )'<'.Uni •8~~ H <'I Fl1!1 F•·ur \\'" n11 w.r1w l•lf' lh• , 11 1111~ "T ho :-;,.i11tl1·1n Farmer ," s.!1111p 11 of ,,j llw Yucca plan!. .I~ nc,F. IUlHF:ltT <1ARllSf:R baa prop!'r lnsurane<' OI" can JIOS I l)l·ini.: shipfl"d now \\'/\K lluu ,h t in pulllll'!' 11111-.1 l1•:1r1·1I Ii} !hr· l11k I>,, :•'h"I , .. 111to1111 1:•''"rnors in l f·.adr ltr1,1 lwr carriro 11 razor-1 • , , •• I If h. e dOt'lln't, he'll lost' his drivrr's s11lrl 1h1• Commerrr [)(•pattment uttrr. I N !l'UI 1 ... n~ in~plrl'd :1111t1ni.: "l.:1 I '"' ,i, .. ' '~ i·unlrol hut f 11·,,h·I• .. 1111i.: hlm~s. frnm lhl' lash· which GO\'. E!irl \\'arr1•n nppoinl-U~. w ns handlin1: t he situation. 1 Lou1i<111~1· ,.,,f111 .. 1an11 "' th1· dr.-•11r"" 111,.h '"l'l"" 1' 111m 1,. •111 ,11tv 01,11 cs 'I''"' "cl ~h.: f(1r11s 10_ <'ach t1m!' ,.0 tllm las I f<tll. anil his 1,.~ion =jiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5&555iiiiaiiii!iiiiiiii!!BeeiiEiii5555~55~~~ii!I hC' ms p1n<I umon~ 1111• p11l111t•11111" in 1,,,.,, "' ''" ""ii lll..'111.; bill. 111• I t1111 q i l •r <' . of fri<>nds r ulll<'d t6 his ·up1JOf't Al At 1111• 1•nd nf lhc procession, fur 1h1· lortllt'omin~. prlm11ry. No Guesswork • • • Our motor experts don't ''guess about yow: car" ... We have the equipment anct the ti:alned mc-- chanJcs to dlagnose the t rouble ·Genufn• F~CTORY PARTS Ne~ Motors • Motor Overhauls • Brake Work· • Motor T un.Upi- Would Replace California ·sear With Jumping Frog of Calaveras I S 1\('HAME:':·n 1.' :'.t~\R('ll ~1; ··~mt \I• lfal' ... _ :'-111)1• d1<pl11yC'd, a I t ·1• 1 Thi, jumpmi.: fr111: "' ! • .i,, '·" " l • ilil••I two 1l;1i.: "11h 1h1• hear l ,.,.r!is r11un1~ 1\1111111 '"l!l.11" 111 .. 1 I 11.d lo' 1 1111111'11111:11"•1!. IK·ar on ('11hf11t111,1i; -.1.,1,. 11 .. i: 11 th•· )o••nlf" 'Hli•1•1" 'I """liJlll ,, s w·11 R J intr .. cl111-..,I ••wl•1\ !.\ _.,;, 11 .I•,,:, :ty l ogers r., ?\I :-.1 .. 1.1. It . ·'"~.1~ ... 1111· N Q i·r· d t 1 . :-.11.~"' n.,,,,"" '" • 11d ·11. " .. ot u:1 1 re o 1~ nut 1nf11•·;1H\• ,1f t111 n.t1 ttr•· id A AMUETS 11w ,,,.1 .. 1 .............. , '" "''"" ccuse · l' ~ 11f "rt1~t11rhl11i: 1.r11~1·~·t111 " 'I• I. · 1111( lw n rt••>-1~ r:o11 ilni.: l!.irh;11':;.' I .I \'~:HL Y 1111.1.S , I 'al , l\'l11r rttn" ~ru1 fn).;htt n1nh \\qlfH u an<t _ .... , 1 l~P, \\'all l<Ht:• ,..,. Jr'. at· rh1hln ·n .. An<I 1 ... ,,.1 .. ,., 11 ;.1111. 11-nd1'll ••nl) '"'' Ill"'''"'~~ .. r t h!' t11111 .. o1. lh• 1:11 ,11 ,,. "o•nihlrmal ll' l k \• rl\ tltll• .\m• rw.111 \'l'·lo•rnns 11( fl rnr1•11:n 1••\\•t "h"''' '"'"'' ('1•!l11t1il l•·· ··hap( .. r\\l1•"rr lwsar11 11f ~fl\'f'rnnwh1 :ir t: JJ1sr:1,tl'ful '" i'. •.11\ 1 •·11111111111•1• ,nt work," a ll.,Crilifnrninni " C 'h:urm:rn \'11'111r )llndhn ~aid 1o- T h" lw11r 1••11ui11t 1.-11 t!< ol1•1·r,.1t~· <IH> "M1~1''" '.·1" I~•· l11<1tlm nf snrrow mo •r • .1\'Y nl .. llig•'ne!'. \'l'IC'ran 'uf A v1r~·r ~ ~hnll whi.s tl!' o n .11. r<'f'rt ISnulh P:wifi~aigns wilh .\d-1 rlull• ''.i" 111•· only :ic·rompninm!'nt n111 al l 'h••:-111· :-:111111:1. \\:;:, sii.:111tl J-:111'1! l11!11ho•r l!1sh;n hls own , 11.r 1t•nna11un ol ea1111><11gn !'um - hody ~\Ith his whip . rtw . lhu1l nf nlJlli't;:; uy. h~n uLlr..ic.nds. lh1· '"'"':t ~li("f."d dC't'P into 1hc Spc•arh1•1H1ing the• o rr:11nizallon I lm1·•· lk•h .. r -thr bro!h crs as they rlri\'!' llr!' the 30 wrll-known ll'11d- ro11m "'" "lh• •·ro~s. fht· t;ishmg~ c>rs from all Or11ni::1• eounl y whn c<inllnll• 11 ""''·' llw Pr<"'1·,.s1on l'nrl· sii:nl'd his nnmmallon papers. Ni or t}1" ll('~llo•f\t.r, cnllAl»l•.'d Jrn1gP Gardm·r. at 36 th(· youru:-. ''.1. th• 0 .'\1' r•rlo. sit,<' ot th~ (TU· C'l'I hii:h c·nurt jurist in t~ s taiP. cil~11111, lh1• "xh:Hl-'ll'd Cristo was W(ln a ppointmr nt a fter 1h1· S1atr• hu1'1"d 1 .. ilw 'ru>-s n1Hl hotmd. Rar Assncialion apprun·d hi11 with th1i.:h tly drawn 11opcs. The qu~alifieationl' Gov. WnrrC'n hild ~h!o·I 1°1 .. th••!: 1l1•1·Hh·1I huw lo{lg th(' llskrd for r<'porl!' on chururtl'r. l l'lWjflAl"ll, \\ltUltJ lic.L lrRlnJOI{, 11XfWrif'nCP . ana proff."S· II Ill• l 'r!"''' 1h"~ fn1111 lhr• or· '""11111 c·111111t1ct of hi~ 11pl"(11n11•1·~. d1·al. !111 Iii otlw1.; "ill hury him llis c·ar••i•r. folio\\ mi.: i.:rartu:ill!m sccri•tl~ li1·~111 .. '.I)" '"'"11"uf march. frn'm l'm\'l'r!<ily nf Sm11h,.rn Caii- l n ~·•lltli,.rn .( ••lt1r:iol11 11~<1 nnr lh· forni;i ;incl 11rlmi1111·nf'•• tn l;fw pr:w- rrn !'ii·\\ -\l•·\11•0 , -a ""~"!® c.ross ! tirr 111 19:1r., r ad!' 1fk1• a SUCN'S:< mark; 11\• IHm.tl $111' of n;nr!' 1~;1n I ~!Ill'); he 1,,.;i,~rNI law pri\'lll••ly Ollt' t rl'11• \\li11 tli•'<I om v\H)d f rl· f.or 11 y1•nr, j111nr•d thr rl1S11'1CI 111- dny. .· • tur nt') 's sill ff 10 i;am C'X.J.X•riN1ee For -- • I In Your Home Ask About ••• , e OUR NEW COLOR SCHEMES e OUR MODER.A-TE"PRICES e THE FINEST MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP e IN~PECT OUR ~ODEL, ['10MES PROTECT YQUR HOME OR IS SEASON FOR PAINTING ~ FREE. SERVICE Our lntedor Decorator ... ... WILL ASSIST IN TiiE SELECTION OF YOUR COLOR SCHEME. SHOULD YOU WANT TO 00 YOUR <:>WN WORK, WlLL GIVE FULL INSTRUCTIONS AT : .. NO EXPENSE TO \'Ol1 ·1.;r OUR ~MA1:0R WILL FURNISH COMPLETE COSTS FOR MATERIALS, L\BOR ... OR BOTH CROWN PAINT CO 825CbAST BLVD., CQRONA DEL MAR -1EWPORT HARBOR MOTORS in)l. .• M:iyo sml:I. "ti1J" tlw et~nsus lh · :-a11I H••I:• 1• "'''' t:111 n111 at- v f Ir·~~. m111h• l11m1Ju~ 111 1\lurk,tcnd l"XN'IJt1\'l• h11111d 11wl'l1n~' or Tu•;i111·~ ",l11rt11•1n1: t 'r111! of l '11111-1 n n.11 11.11o1I 1·on\•,.n l\11n to whic-h he ''t•ra' l "ount.),11 "ho"~._ 1-1 stP;u1y \\Hs a fl11h •J.:a tt·, ·rh•· lurn1•·r <"""on- i.;ro\\th · ~n·!tsnrnn lr'">l'nrol frnr11 thc .A\'C • l'"[''ini:: 11w public. the n was ap- AGt: OF ~UWllAS IZATIOS puintt'd Nf'\\'por t Bt'ach City tudg!', CHIC AGO . t UP I Tiw mnchint' H e ser vt'd in 1h11t capacity unfil a,; .. h11s l·11·1~h1 np "ith 1he Chi-Cm Warren's appoin lmC'n t wni< I FOJ' Estimator CaU 84-.acon 5794 cage> polict' dr partnwnl Sixty-four nrnd•'. •'Xe!'pting for four YC'RrS in I ~ Stort-Phone 2S2 J . - \'OUR AUTHORIZF.D HARBOR ARY.A ·" Chry,ler -Plymouth Dealer .. .. 2616 West Central Harb"br 636 PROFESSIONAL -DIRECTORY .• 'DA\' l!ICHOOL PH\'SIC'li\S!il-!HIRCit:()S~·D.O. ,, Mortimer School W.. T. Mooney Ill Oen.I Aft. Balboa bl. DA.Y SCHOQf.; __ ~ ~ Ph)'11k.lan and 81lraeon X-R.\Y NOW OPEN 21-llour ~n1<'1' 0. A. Mo&TDfD • ._ A., Oif_. -............ t 9th IJ ('l"fttrllJ Harhnr .a& '" ...... ..,, " n~mcycin ha~n~n~d ~n~ ,N.;a~";Y~ff~n~k~t'~.~~~~~~~~~,!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ 11 tlw poHr .. mu11n11•d da:ision . I --- W~ter Ove ~th ... e Dam, as W~Goes· Power Hungry ~~~;· ... llt'f 111 ,. I ho• ..! •»<11l11I111p \l'llS r<'· 1 'Tiiur~d,,', l"tl I 1111: 11 11 "1•11111111uni~t fPrrt·,t f11 th1• !'\''fl et. .1.·,1rt\rlHP1 t ' tlf't i •·' tt \ •;tl•l,1i IU,, • ' . -• • • .. TO THE HOM~;OF . YOUR DREAMS l· I I • lnd·ividual Designs of D'istinction Mod~rn -~rad itional -Conned~cut Farmhouse " IJENTlt'T M . ------PHHUCI ASS • lill1ROF.OS8. M.u . 1 - A. v. Andre~~ M.IJ. I . • Outdoor Living at its Best • Trees and Land scaping . Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'118T .. PH\'1'41C11\. and IHl ~W.~tnl. llart.orJ680 1'4t'llca:os tt't C'~t R1«hway. Harbor M6 taWPORT RUCH C'.orooa d .. 1 l'far OORDON E. RAPP. D,D.S. H. R .. Hall, M. I>. I ' -.."4 . ' uu ea& c-tn1 · P!'>"".lrtan and Rnrir~ PlleM Barbor 4!1-.I H ouri:: 2-5. hy Appoln1mrnt New-port lleM'JI · -Trl .... ont1 8"M'Oft Mii . tsl bmadway eo.& MNa --, CIOJlOPllA~& ~ Dr. Tom E. Barton MUton ' M. Maxwell, M. D. _.. HOI Co..t lftway I CJnROPRACl'OR 1!1' C-t Rtpway ('orona th'I Mar Vorona clel Mar Offlt't' Hour.;: J0-12; 2...5 Hn a....dall'• Pauo) l"ltoft!' Harbor I or. ~ llaa1Mlr 1048 I . -- DR. L. YARWOOD S. R. Monaco, M. D. D. C.. nv.· 814 Bay ..tve., Balboa 11111 Newpon 81..t. Harbor Jtt• o.ta Meea BFAmG 554n-R OftlCl' Hours: • CBiaOPIUCTIC • Plll'BIOTllEllAPl' 2 10 5 p. m . • Vol~ Moacllay U.react-FriclaJ JIORTUA&Y .. Conrad Richter, M. D. BALTZ llORTllABY r.-n1 Jlou"· LADYA~T 9 .;\() 11. m, · 12 M .. tJO c-~ BIW~ 2:30 Jl. m. -4:30 p. m. ' .. VoroU del· Mar 2903-<:: w. ~~r.l n-e llaa1Mlr ·U N11WJtnrt 8-' ~ (~aadNIPt) l"'one Hamor !498 O~lllETIU8T \'l:TER~ ARIAN NF.\\TORT QARBOR & T. Butt.erworth, O. D. ~~ VETERINARY BOfJPITAL Honce Partier, D.V.M. DU EXAJllNED Paal Y· BakMI', D.V.M. LllNaa DllrJ,.ICATED •• R" · 6 DalJ.J. lnd IQll. __ ....._. ............ JO'J1 8.E. M-Drift •u• "·~-~....,_.,, C"Gft A W1lll& . T.-.m BOllP-lk& IO'fl; .............. I . \\1th•r n l ,.\,ulli>n Bii: l\llw rl\l·r n111• 1111111,..1 11·\l·I nltl1 "'" 1·.1 -1 '"' 11 rs r1'• -.t'\1'11 frt•I u hll\I' flood .. 111111' M''"'"' I"''""' 110111 "' a 1\1·,.t ri.·1" '"'"· I"'"''' 11l.111t lln h11.-l.:;r1 .. 111d1. \'ohan11>t''"· li'jni: hulldo7.t'l"o smt q 11dh1ti: .... krpl fluc•d \\otlo'n ,,..,.,., '""'llni: 111r .. 11i;h .111,,., lllhl 11111ndat fnic Ow l'lt~'. .'('rm1• f"l"ph111 n MAY LINI\ PACI Fit ' ~OUTH\\'EST POWER LINES TO ('ALIFOH~IA \\',\~lll ;'<t ;T1 l:", \) 1r _:1; 1 II l1•'l>l'-I 11 11110 • 111•!!1 t:I " n,,,.1.,111~'~' .. ;-''IU«' u1 • 11:. 1 •• 11 t·· 1• ,.,, 1t1h•1' n,'·'" to I n1·•'t'~ p1;ul "1•' ~;l:,,11d u.:.Hh"'f •t11 . h ,, • t ~'II• 1 1,1, :· 1'1 i•H\\i' urt' ( .. allf\,rl\Pl , ... ,,,. r ,tl,,rt .t~· I ~· 1 '·-~ :, ii" • nl. l•n1h.11 t f\' hnkttt~ Pru•it1•· -:"\.,1 lh"1'1 and ,,,r.n 1-.: "" r ''' ,1 .. \\H •• ,,,., ~ •. ,~Ira' \'11111 •) puhlh· l"'"•'I hn• ... • ·' '·r..,.._ l · ·' •; ,,, .... ,. 1111 ~ \.1n,"'l1t.• n· Hhnul f.-11r ~•°a1' i· \\.t~lh .,, ti I• •' 1 ,, ·" 1 ·' •11· •' \ n . I t ( I l ~11'~"rt IM1'\' I • r•li>ll• •"• 111\ l" "'"'" • t . .1\, t ha1 i "''' •II•'' 1 'I'' 1 ' • 11 ral· \';ill"' amt I \Pllll• '111" '' .. 1. 111' Cl 1111\.'\' ,:u~IH'd f.11 • 11"11.;h !IHI I h I ' I 111d .~11111h. r1"1"11 " •h ~ '""' 1 ( hi'\ t'•l\lld 111• h1•1h.o ,J II)• 111< 'ri;~nn h1w<kr !3ut•h zu'fl!'tl \\ c11 tl1i ,.. ...,,. '' '" surHnC'~' :u.: 1lti""f ""q11, t :-.·ht I W1\\';•t: !tt11H1•110 '1 1 ; t '1 ti t1 1 d t - \ ·rlnp in t-.uhf111 n1,t 11111\•' l!1~,:' 1• '(11rlin~ 1•' htlr• iHI "1-1 ':··l it''-• • l c·asino Caf.e and Cocktail Lounge Servi~·9 Complete LUNCH E ~S I ' l'ro·l1mm:11) "II I I ·I II •Hid•"' ~, .. 1111 1.1111· l1•hl 1 I' 1l~ I. 'It"'' h11l :iho111 ;lj;,, ~ 1 h r "di ti. 111• •f j"1\\<'I' """.1.......!l.il!~ .f 1111\,: ... 1 ......... "--·• -.. and .-,_ .... ._, .. I 111url' f11~ 1Ji.• 11.r. 11 .. m .. ,d.. 0 INNERS ~\'l'lt•lllit, 11~ '<alli Ill.Ii 111 ,1 t1..:h1 ~;apply ~1l11At1orl s1111• 1;,· i; .. nn• "'i;:{ 'illo' 1-'l'l'I' roJiid t.. 11111111 lo •I \ do\\ n 111 •'••nlr;d t '.dlf •• 1111 • I• '"I'· 1 1Jt'nh 1flt :--:.lut~I a llt '\\ ''' ~ 1 ',\ 1·1 .. ~·nt l'.1t !1 11· '\o11 lh\\1•st >tl\\'('f' t<h11rtil;;• "·i' .tll1.l·11~ •. 1 1· 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. In Snt1th 11:11, .. 1 •.t h" "t;i!I• ·~1- rll11 · for<'<'IO!W a 111·11 ai.:.11n•I lh··· t)OOU.'Sh '')c1 tlf 1Ul 1\h_I :n.:t; .• s:-;t~t.11h't• 1 r<'lpir nt. i::f Purity i::f Ac.curac.y {;[ Dependability 0\\'lllif' y ou wait our ,.'\'.pllfl • ('tHlfld prNCrl ptlon ck-\,. rt· mrnt ftlh• ,·our dn•a-nrf'\I" rai*l''" nawletlllly. t'J'Mlhe .. t ..IT'f"ll~nt• UM'd . .. •.• -BALllOA PBAJ61ACV NEWPORT POABMACI' &UIPTON llAllBOa DBUO + 1' • Restricted Com~unity •• • Convenient fo .Schools and Shopping District • G. "I. Approved ' •.i;.- •. Prices "from App.roximately $8250 to $15,050 ·-. ·E~si.ly Fin~nce~ to Meet Every N~ed / WE INVITE YOU TO . IN'SPECT !rH~ FfRST SHOWING OF A BEAUTIFUL PERIOD HOME . " -OPEN I 0. A. M. TO 4 P. M.:_ . ... BUILDERS · 15th and Irvine NEWPORT BEACH Beac.on 5794 -" • - ... tj ·AsSf ssed $-150, Loses Llc'ense On Drunk Rap . . HARMAN W. NICHOLS .. . . ' ~fl. Tbe,probhtm ol hoW to ph1t'tl Wllll WEL' COll£1 .. .,._ • "*""':~the~ ~ .. 1h11t au n•w 0\~hr\l:::~ .. :--~ih· ft • Ut••ISIDP OF LOS llCELES! 1)n1h\em. ThC' nmce of tE<'h"";•l ••·r•.i<'<-'l' In-the Dcpattment ol --NEWPORT BAL80A NaWl-Tl•ae t KllH\' !'1•'"1"''' Rf.ar h. ('allf. Mauh ff. INI Pagel JEALOUSY? Si~es : l f p p~;litical (~anditat;s Government Ponders Weighty Query: How . Weighty . Is Feather? J .. , 1' n ,•F ll1pp1s. 1300 Coast • WASHl:-\GTI.)!". Mu :.'6 -1t •p) rilhn1: or f\11ffnltiht) qualltlM ·~f hiitll\\a~'. ~."purl B··ttch, pll•ad.-d 'l11<' wf'i)?ht y questmn (nclng uur kn/l"'r" ii\• .lnni: ns ~•)U routil ~u1t1r ll11"' 111ur111ni:; to a drunk i:uwrnm<-nt was: ~ ~rt 11 J1ln1·k h1i; l'nou1oth rn stuff a (',111mwr1•1• 1,1ok 11 quick loo'-11 1'o\nw old du,•k down at)d •~·~•<ti " a i.11tlh·r "''nununlqUC': ··£1-1.,t •'Ill'\' "1lh '411trrf.lwl ft-ath<•ni 11•111 <'llh'S that l'\llTlPrt'l!l!llbilll)'. 11 "'· 1t·n<"' and wi;m1th are relah'<I to hlhn1: powt'r ll•'l1C'\'. a methO<I ••I mt'a~11nn1.; t h1· hlh111: power '41111lct pro\ ufr itn nhj1..:•ll\'<' .. m t'&fll' of i A~ ln11'1ature All Way .to Repugnant lfr111' A \\'nlll1l'<' driving l'l11irg4• m ~c·wport town-I low fitfino is 8 frath .. ·r~ I plltow And mit)'tl('. hn\·I' a couple I shiu's JU~lll"\' ruur• h1 fort• Judi;i: .... ll'f l l'\\'t'r r .. r till' Eas1 .. ·r 11\innet I 11 '~ \~1a·1 1·:-;.M1r ,:,; 1l'l'1 1111 11.111, ... · .. i•l'•'•hl1•11t 1111 1·11111h 1!.1 I• ' \\ t I> "'"' Ill' lo1tlll \ lo~ 11 p11i;111.n t r;,•11 n .. 11.:I•~ Mlh'Arth~~ Hf"d l). J. Dodge. . Your i:owrnm<-nt . ~·mg a fanr~ Uut "h1·n the ftl"lt roar of t"&n· D0111:1 lllll•ht cl ,, $1~,0 fine ana 1h1u:<'r after t he facti;, at la~t has I •IHt h lh••'-•• •"•'•••··n•t••t tt'• ,.,,~, ~ thtni: 11:•111 1111111.11111" II• 11•1111.: 11111'1 lir ( ·111111lr} Oll\11.t! lh'\'l'l'lttr)" 11f -=--.. frntll' su,,11< ntfllll ti .... upt•r,11ur':'I li<'<'nse round thl• answer which w1· an· non l1ri·d •·<:ho.od across thu i;,•a, ftlr ninl'I) do~~ · prC'parl'd lo r<',·<'al in a· Cc>ul'h' <If l 'ndt• 511111 found hlmil<'lf in th<' rntini: fl'ntl\l'r quaht)'. I I ·1u I I · 1'.11111ln1111111 I I , """' 1 h1t11t'< I• ••k•••I 1 ""> · f1•r hitn • • .t .. 1111 Jlrlrk .. 1· Oka)'· • l'r•·11,1l1·n1 T'ru1111'n Any Repub. Arn·s11·d ~1.1rd1 ?, O..•F1lipp1s minutes. .C,:1tlwr 1111trkl'I M11\111m1 uf'1>0undll 11f flUff\' olown Wt'rl' hOUl:hl 10 MJft<'n u·p Gt plltowi and 1lcepln1J Th(lt wns 1h1• cur for thr Q1111 1rrmAlUCr Corps tu Rt:'I btll)' ,\n.f It d lrl In Phllarldphla. with St:in. ll'y Rack•'r . hrad of t.ht' tt•,1111· ll1•an will "''"' him. lmi; h<•t•n frl't' m1 hn1l 1wnding to-L'ntil the recent war, 11111>ody c'hty's lw11rtng , &rt'mcd to care much about tlw ·At •1,·11~1 . I h1w1• th1• lll'at alo- ~1111, .. hr ll_81d. l'n1111tr~n11rn. w ho live. In New · York l 'll'y, 1uwd lw w1111 • candl· 111111• f11r thr · ll•'lll1blk 1m nornl~ 11111111 for ~ .. ,.,~11vr ,,r New Y<rk ill .. e White Red KID e Blade· PATENT ·"""' 11!' I SHOIS fOI IOYS AND GltlS ~~~~ rrst'Rrrh l11lll.•r11lor y. In r har111• Four mt'I hod~ wl'rl' t<'!ltt>d · 1I1 thl' inrlinrd pl1111I' m1'thod: 121 thJ' twclrosur mrth1xl.: 131 thr 1~1\ n;~·t ht'ld: a nrl t 'II th<• zrro lond mrthod Th1' hos nwlhod turnt'd 0111 ''' 1 ... the· 1 .. ·i:1 Tlw srirnl 1•1 i:c>I 11 hll! r11rd. honrrl IM•X. "'uh '\ piston arrllllW<'· 1111•111 1111 111·lwll ·nu• l'nrlon wa1 -~llS(N'IUl1-c1 h~ ........ 'l' of Sirin~ and t 111' 111s1d1· \H1• mnrkl'd off In inC'h1•c "" ,.,,..h "1111 st11rtini: 111 tlw 1~11111111 nf tlw !>ox , Tn,.n ....... 11 .. 111111111ls of fr11th1•n '"'r1· fJ11lt1 d twt11•r-~kl'lt.•r into lh•· 1 .. , .inti .11111\\1•11 In fnll 11 h1•r1 1111·\ w1111lrl h~· ro!lt' pl'llllit In l\\u 1111m111•, 1,·~ tht• dock tho: phi"" 11 :i,; .. j .. 1111 l:<'llllY to th1 f1·11•h• , .. , .. ·r110 mmutrs tah•r tlu l•1' tJ11·n w,1.; :n 1·rni,:NI to 11wl1 f'lllo' 1111' f1flini: JWIWl'r Hf t hl' m lt•rial All of !hi~ wu11 n<'<'<mh11 I 1" :"1•rman H Ftlo·lmnn. >4hll '""'' n J >lll'•'r •.•11 11 hat hapJ)('nrd. I 'f'hr rw1 r~11lt wn~ fint' for I"' 0 lt•ll ·flllln)'. JlUI hllW nhoUI ll}t"C'l~RI.' I hni:s'.' \\'rll, I ht"rl' Wll!I n ltRt'k "' All olhrr roto r ln!<lrnrl .of uiclni: pt~· tons nml c11rdho11rd 'boxr1' tu. ""'' !hi' rl11wn twr .. , thr frnthrr C'XfW'T1' u,.1·d n r. t pr 'twn. '\Vlth 1111 k1n<I' of rllff1•r 1·nr rr•ults, arrorrlini: t11 '"'°"'8nd1 ot Loa A11ct'IH Cathoflca lhro111f'd Untnn P111 11 Anitc-lea al.allon l"t'<'t'11Uy to hall the arrlv111 o f llt'llJ lht> P.I J Prant'lll A M<'lnlyrt', nrw1y 11p1:iotnlf'd Arrhbt~h"'P nl t lllshop J OM'ph T Mc«Juckr11 •n11hl 1 WU lh<' nrlll hi v. .. lo 1111 "' • prrlRlt' of lhr ~.uu1ern Clllllomla uea whm tw 11rr1vt'\J Ll)I ~u Llm1Led. •. HOLLYWOOD \ Mininir Engineer From North Parks l?eindeer and· Mourns tlw ~•···"pin~ hrihltN of the m nn t1t1l.1 .Y\\111111. l\1 :11 :.'ti 11 •1•1 111lil•·•l II d '" 1 ""'~ • , 1 ""' A rlr•>.111wr, lhl'y found, '4 11 ':1 111111111~· •·11i.:11u•1•1 11 .. 111 Nrn lh 111 •l11r\••• l111th " l1<111nr 1•r whilt· nslo'<'P ·rukl' n m.1n 1 •.,1. ,\l,1•k '· 11·•1 k··•I 111, '' 1111!••••1 Sh .. 1111:111 .. ' hi• I· " ' .. 1 1111• rlro•11mm1: :'llll'lllt nl'XI dey't k itdwn n111~11h· 10 1tw mm hwtn~·· n1ht..-. 1"*1111.: ~ .. w .'(""'~ 1t "'~ r11:ht n.1h1«• rlnh.' Thrr<• sl••pt an w11·a.•y •· ·1 I 11 t ,~ 111-. 1••111111•" 1'11111, llt_ltl -..1111 th1' .~:1111.1 I ,111•. tit' '""' • 11 1:)•'111 man. ~int .. ( -1,...... tui ... 1ne•\i.fi;. ,, , . ., .... , 1'1»-: ·--·:.···\ " .. ,., .. ," Thr Q unrti•rmnst rr C'orpa, In 11~ t1-s1s. fnunit 1<0rh n i:oldlt'r M11nl"r<t 111111 '.{;\li,•~•1 11 ~· t•r 1 .. I lo:• 1 1111111"·111.t• "' 4tt1•·1• fr .. m 1 • .. 1111·11 A !"h• 1111111 11 •• ~ 1 ... ,.,, "''' fur. w11 1·11111111 1 .. ~. "" '''1•111111.-11 11ro'lmd somrthfni;: frii:hlful u1 nro d thr shouldt•rs and efl ·-nu "' :-.=11·k °'" 1111111""' "1 kul' ~,,,,.,. .. , '• n 11111••·•""·"'"1 ' I 111r111~ th1 11'1;\ """ 1·a11 I •·II th• 111 1t ... 11• ""' · l>1•lu ,,, 11 111 nut •11lth••u "'''d r th' s pnd~mi.: th('!<(' r11trt-. ,,, . . •. h•· h I: tonk un awful pountl1n1t •Ill 1 1111 :":1111.1 It 11• I h•' ,r • 1·111 '" wr111 • ''' !".intn ''111•1' ... , But thr solc\wr who didn't dN>am·"'"r" 1~~1.11 h1111 ,'" ~""''' 11 111•1· ·n,,• 11ri11•. !"h1•1n11m •11111 • 11111 111 all didn·t boUnCl'. lh• dirlnl "°' m1rk••I 1"11r1h I 111•· I•\ tlw 1· :-; frum 11 1; I In 1.Jw !"1111111 l'11•1f1t• murh 8,_ ruffle " plume In hu. f, 1l••rl\I i:;twrrnmrnt ··1,.. .. r :>'1rn1". I '1111111," II "'''Ill sir .. llni;t ha~. I t 11 ,,, 1111• l""t.ol 1lr 1111rtmr n1. ··rt1·11~r <• ntl nw 1 11 A """' t • 'll'I I I h Q t rm •t•r ';lwl'll\1111 ':tut Iha ! i:••I hlln Ill 1111• l'J1 11 lll .. 111!1• •~1 1 1111 t1 .. 1111111lolo •h• .-•':l\'lnl! 1 r uar t' '", l' I'll k 0 that i•roh-""n111 ('11111.: ""'""'~' 111 111" fir"I drnri.;1•" l•rps " 1 wur '"I: 0 I S1111t 11 I '11111~ !11111 111111 ""'" lttl\·• l••m I• .lo'•' "f'111 11 111111111L! 1•ni:111 .. 1·r, urn 11111," to '"' I hr111wh 111111·1 •·It 11111• It. Ill• ''"l:Ul1 "t'1•1111 try111n11 for hll 1•11111111\1111'11 hl'I 1•1111ntr)'11ll'll ro r 1'1•1111tn1111111 " I !lt:: • .. tr 1'11 hrN1 nominated," be 111· ~11111 1111• 1<1<11;1111 "WllW•'l.I ~tlhl, .. 1111lw11ly w1111ld hllV1! tied th1·111" 1111 h1~ 1111'111•11 \\HI .. l1111r tu 111 tlu· N1•\\ l ll•nl " . 11'1 \ 11!1•1 • k1111\\ 111•'• "''1111111111' fur '1'111• \\ 11111.S "" 111't••hfrnt aald ._ 1h1· 11,..111lil11•1111 '"'''"11h•11l l11I m11n· 1l1•••1l 1 •It 111k. M1111kr, •~·,•ar, cfWw 11111111111 11111111•1·0 "' 11•1• 11111rC)11anft. L>urtas Ill•. 1••l1•11t l11I r1'11l•, h1• ""bl. th1· .,...,,, ht• """ ,,,_;,k. 1111 Victory ~11111•· 1111 hko thl• 111111 l.llw•1 I)' ~hl11• nnd aavtd up. a . ltn .. .t•I !'111""11 All 11111111111111' •!.111111 1'f1~h ll'M'l\'t' fl(' Ula to a- ~ •H11 II • , -,., .. , .... h\s h•\U- . ·11,. '.""" I Ii."··~ S1•ll .,.,.1.1111' 111· "I "''"''I 1·11111111111111 hf'adQUlll'- tu-..· 11·•1111111 11,.i:r,.,• '""' 11,,.. 11 "'" ·1r1 • hrn· "''tr rdn\· th11t l1P Mid i,:I. '' "' '-11111111 • -I \\ .. 11lot 1''"' '''"' l"'"fllt• 11 cha.nae ,\1 111111 \ '"''''''"'(Ill " .. 1.1tl\ "" r t11 ll111t 11111 111 .. 1111 him "''"""1'""" '"''''· I "'"''111·• '"'') v.11111 to iiornia-1 ·"I \\ '1 1 • 11 1 '>•111111,,.,111 1111· 1111· · tu• •11111. "I~ thr lr ~ '' ··'"" p••• •Hn1 Ill '"' n tlHlh t ', .... , ,, ... 111Uh •• RELIABLE * * * As Close As Your Telephone ;.D French Cafe Mt•F.c·IAl.IZINO II' ONION SOUP Cl'AllMF."AN) 1.-11 fur Uwo .q. "'(',......... •'" TotJ of Uwo Hiii, C"JH"f:ll MUNOAYS TOTS and TEENS S DOE STORE C'l\'IC' l'KOKLEM NO. I 'h•• • '1>1111111 •I 'l•un I 1mt1 it 1•'1.I A'RTE~IA, N M !UP) ·<'ii) "111 11>'\•I 11111 \pi\ S11nt11 1'1ro11• fa1hC'rs arc• trrlni:: Lo ligun• 11 v.·11~ ''" 1111 111111 klfl' l 111rlni: llw "''" tn stop th•· m.'tillng of lettr~ h~ I "a~ "~wkl11c 111 Nnrlh_" r._\ \'II ebsrnt-m1nd1.'<1 cltiwna in tra•h 1111:•. A.,11,lrn, 11·h••11 1111 An 1111 .. t 1 • Vud. 409 ~ Highway · i. . Corona del Mar I .. , :. (Polltlral Adv,.rlh•M'l:lf'Ot) ( l'ollll•·al Ad\'r rtltwmf'tll) ·cana. / so .LITTLE INTEREST seems to he' manifested in the City Election next month that a few civic leaders ~tributed to a fund to present the qualifirations of ALL the candidates run· ning for office. They are given in alphabetical order: • ' Isla nd and h as been a business ma n . . Only candidate seekin,g rc·clecti on. a f faJ.r~. ' there for many years. Active in civic and club DICK DRAKE, busin.ess consultant ... Balboa Is land ; active in Jun~o r Chamber o f Commerce and civic affairs. H. ROSS CREELEY, Realto r . Balboa, and former part· owner fairs. of. Balboa Pavilion . Ac tive in civic and busjness af- CHARLES K. PRIES-T, police official re.sides~ in West Newport. Former newspaperman an·d active in civic affairs. I FRANK L. RINEHART, incumbent ... veteran city official and prominent in couflC ils of League o f Municipalities. ELECTION. TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1948 ....... Your Voles Will Assure Honesty and Competency in Public Office ' i ... rlrnpfll'tl Ii> ll11rl n 11ark nf 1111111 wi1h h i111 ~111•1 Nn1 thwuy Wll~ II~ •In" t•• 1111• 111:r1h 1•tl•· "" lw •·)( • • I• 1•!1 11 '"·I''" 1111tl 1hm111t·l1 1111' lo I ,,,, 111 "" '"".. I "111•1111.111 1:11\\. •I 1 tirn111:h t 1,.. rn••ll :uul d t"'tU\• ···-' ·~IMM I f1H'' • ,,.,, t u S.tnl ,, t 'loU'-9'1,1 I h l'iit• I ,,1 ... k.1 . TOMORROW'S HOME ,. . ..;,, I r ''''"''' 11 u p " ti11n1'l1 •·I • 111 •• 1 ... ,, ... nul \\• ,,t1,\\• re·tl ·,.,(, .•. I h.. r rlnn• ti · "" , ... 11. • '"'' 't'.\ I•• 1 • 1 lh•·r' • ... ,, .. ttl;u·• 1111 •h· 1 u , .. ,,.,. tttl 1h111 ll•;o\ .. n\1•r-l1111f I""' .11\11 \" l•1•11'ht " ( .. , .. r •rink·· 1 .. ,.,,.1 111:1111 ti ·, 111 1 .. 111. k1•I, f•11 111r1 .. 1 11 m1111 " 10-DAY Model Open ·rt1•· ""'" \\•r•· .,,,11'1nt·d '•· \\ • r • 1 h• 1t '"'''" t'-:uul pnpp ,, 1\n•I ~h·1r ttl••n ~!••' l1• •IJl1 l1t :1 '" ltt'ft•... '-• \. ,, 11 .. r1h ,.f ... :111 l•1.1nk< ·• 11• \\•·n• ''" •And n1u11•·d 11 '''' '}t t»11t· 1;111 :i l"'n111I ~" I from llw J '"t """,. ·n,. n I 11rrl<'rM1 :i flr11 ~- 1 "r •lf1l1!'ni·1•\• with " l1\1'111f:!' ··l' I St111tn ' .• ""'"' 1n .ft ., r 1·d l'tUc1 1tnrr \\h1f1 \\ln .. h •I' "t uvlltit' It\ lu' lf1 Htiltu1\ Hrt l •1p •rf tlu-\\11tlft \\, 11:111 tio:I\ d •fl· II,., f111flt I· llt ., 111111!1•tl 1111 " ., '"' I f ., ''''" • ~II·,"''" \\ .... tfl ~ t ''''""I f't '" ·r1u ,,.. ... t •• rt,., r ,, ,. ,.,, d• .. 1 I ·108 Avocado Ave., Corona Del Mar .. . .,,., .. 11 l•·llor ti• l"I 111•111 ., t.11 .11. 111111 fto1 \\ur d1 d ... I t ':u 1J 1 f 01191 ru.111 f q ·~ ... ,7,..,, "',,,. .. ,,,,,fl ·,.,, .ill •' I'''''''" 1 1.11., uul tt,.-, h11\\ 1·01n• ~1. ,,, ,,,·, .1 1,,, 1 .... ,, , 111 .,1 I h• \\ I "' I'•!'.\ ''\\• 11 11 .. I 11.11 , ,,,1 ~k•••• 111 'ftltl \n•I J••·t, '• n 1•n•' lo :d 1~111I S:ll ••I-I \1 0 ,,, 1··' t f, \\ ti•· n:tt111f1t. J!11t I> ti" 111'-I 1h t11\• I .1 f'Jlif l'IHI I •"1q• ''' \\11 :ti'" t•t t :t Designed For California -Coastline Living And a Lifetime of fnjoymeilt fht i1f 11fJ• '' fr11rt1 ' 11• rut ,, ,._,,,, 'fUttll•' '""ti· fldl ,,.,. "' ,,,,,,' f "" I l m 11n ••lt••••t m• .. -~1.•••• r •• , 1i;o1 r 1 COG.,erating Subcontractors ~-J th· h11'"''"' I 111111• ti lo1111 ''''" n ' Snnt;1 1·1,.,. 1., :''" 1111111• '''" • 1111 'I CONCRETE rumr11• 1 ( 111111• .,;,. 1111, 1JI\ >'I.• r111.111 "'' II• II Larry Lhcht t11k1 · -.111 • 111.,1 • pro.111, •1111 ;11 to•• 11~ 1•,,..rl AvNJUf', Halt,.•• l•tand "~'"'"'" "' 1111/•'.. :1rirl 11111111 ;t 111111111 f I ~""'" 1·1 •• 11 .. 111 :-; .. ,1 h ELECTRICAL WIRING l'c1I• 'I\,, I\• ,1,,r1; ~ li 1rh. 11 11 i. ... 1 & FIXTURES 11011 111• 111 1 ~' :-;It k '''''"' 1n l lh<' w 11rlff H k" & ( I ., ""'• 11 ""\· 111• , ••• 1111·. '""'1 .• ~, Ets, $> Jn· ;a van <"hri~1 rn11, 11 ,, ,11, 'h"r•' "~•." '"' IOOfl f '.-l lllway, N-l•Jrt l'k'h. -TOOTll \(hr. so "':'"; I . FURNITURE C ll l<'A (;() 1t ·1·1 .l1"''""1N tL~ 't I ' -Srhw11h, ;,,h •h 1\•I """Ill.,.,,.,> ewpor rur:n• ur~ ~(). rnur t 1h1o1 ·1 , •on•h 1 .. ,, • ·1n "111" It?'! t• ... t Hlway, Nr•1.,rt "'IOC'.h " 1111 •11 1r .. 11l1I• · ~·, .,._ .t. 1 x11l11111•·tl 1hlll ,,.. :Ol 1 " I ,11111\ I> II Wflll fl l(AVI' h1171 ~II• h A I• ri 1hl• l t .. 1lhf1f h•• fhllf Ju h 1•t ,,, th ar1\, I :1 n t t1f ..,hu1ko )' 1 ft th• '4 '•II •l,1\ HI J.111 fl\r rlrunk• 11 1h •~ 11w ,. SCO'.fC'll TAPE NOW o..-HASU -"- NEWS· TIMES "01.P>' Uml.~ GRADING It\\'. CcClcJlan & SonH -:!IU'7 C'rntral. :'1-"WJl'•rt l'-'""h HARDWARE C'oaRt ('ontral'torM Sur>. 11111 '""'"' ,,, .... ,.. !\r•1• .. rt "4-111 h HEATING . Pacific Hcating- 1109 C4•11At lflway, f·or.,na d..a Mar • . ... LINOLEUM llanHon Shadr & Linoleum Co. rnl1 ·-2l'rd Ht ....... IA M ... METAL SASH & SCREENS . Orange County Uolsereen Co. Ml Mo. MMn. Han'-A- PLASTERING Barker Bros. -IM t:. llllh Ml..-t. ':'oo.ta MMa PLUMBING c;mman & c;mman 41 11 I ll l-1 Kl., Srw'8rt 8Nw-Ji ROOFING Orange County Uoofing Co. IU1 S,,. Ar1....&a. Kania ~na .. LANDSCAPING ElliH Brothers Nureery l?OI f'n&•t lflway, C'.orona dfil .... LUMBER Ward and H arrlngton · 11111 C~ 111-1,-Nt>..,.,C n-.. HARQWObp FLOORS Oew.ey Callahan .. ... !, lie• "· .... '-... PAINTING Ray Nlemey~r •10 Sa~ fw-& ... Illar TILE Ed Walter" 11\lh 11 Nf'.-pnrt Aft., eo.ta llllla BUILDERS Boort•y & Poirier 1oi. Jh<*ado AYe., Co,_ ... 11ar r • •/ ' • ., • I . : ........ ... -r: P _ -~ l W:oaT B;LBi>A MilWll-Tl;.IHl'~1MtJon,, ruu reco~nd~ to th4' Oprrato~. c:.u -l If· HllO Jud&t>: Elsie G. N~and a U8LlliE88 OUlDll H LU& 1119CSLIAHD>tr9 Plumbing Supplies PIPE ·• Hy-. FIUO.\Y N""port 8-f'ti, Calif. ,..,. .... !!, lMa ('lty council tht' acttptanCi! of I Opo·r ator. tractor-bull· Clerk: ~~: trr~h • ~ -11i.1d proposition and rt>COrruT\f'nd dozt'r, tamper, scrap. Clerk Y(• th Ar• I 22G-20th ~t,.,.-t, S1•WJ>Ul'1 IMKh,, · Call· thl'lf' tx'aclws iind those propMed 1 t>r drai:t po• ,shcwel or PKECINCI' !10-1 Ou 8 Oua.6 f11rnw. unl'ler-the ll thaou.a inn name . · l 90 15 ..,, "' ~ I oJ Neyp<Jrt t-i>alvn• l;Oml*'!. t u d for matt'hlng purpose be lncludt'd 1 bOom attarhm1•nts 4V PoWD1: Pla1~: • ) • • that a.ald l'lrm lt• cum~"' 1 d ~· In thf' Orii{IP.Cpunl..)' Muter Plan101.t•r1.1tur, tn ·nch ma· City lti.lr CContinut'd trom J>aae One' ~;::!::., r:/,,. .. ":; f~/~:;;. ~;;, .,., · 11r. rarks nnd"" 1.wach('S. 1 chin" l 975 15.80 Ne~ purl Beach • NOTICE ptVlTfNO SEALED PROPOSALS CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC'H 8T.\TE OF OALIFORNlA. DA M l Mar W«lnMdi1)' and, In the 1 tr~i ~ .... ~~'.i;'·'~r~sh 18!3 ~>l~~8: I Th<')' proi10iw 1 hf\ t the . <:tty 'J'nH'k dr1\ws •Jf dump t:l,..·tloo Otft<"n• BamiJ90 Room In ijnlooll \\Nlnet· 11•11 r. f'•ntral Bait.... trunsfi'r by JJrOJl•:r lllllfT'IJtnent in truc-k~ tit lt·~s than Jrwl>('tlUr Jrl'ne D. Woods SEALED PROPOSALS will he ...... •nd Thur"din -3ftl.'rnoonJ dn·,. \\ IT:->t.!<,. 1111 ho.ml 11\11 l.!•h r1•r ''' 11 r 11 ""ty's r.Joht 4 )'ds water lc\'l'I 1 .i25 1 lAO Jud"'C J11ha M. Eggert received at the office of the City ...... • • • Mi.r•h t!li~ • "'nnni: a O lt! '• • • .. .,... wwral thous11nd \"Acatlonlsts In . _ 1w,:-;!'t.n A ~Ot'!"O . tt1G· und mt1·r .. st m and to th•· ,\sty 1· I 11, ~ 1f1 <'allnn Clerk ~targuerlte Lester u erk, City Hall. City o( Nrwpor t organlzf'd 11~1·n1hla~c>s an~ ""'"""'~f.~·1J:r.V~ ,'j/\';,'!f}.;~I1A. \ ... ,\qinmolllli l'tll kim: L 11 t and 1 omltl•'d twro ·in n v t Clerk · Flora Crissman Beach, California. u n t 11 4 O() llanclll'd w1 thn11t It 1'1Qn nr lroublr. 11:-; Tii i~ l~lh ilk)' .. , Mar. II A. {1 II ''I ch llWAh"ll ll{'IW•·\!n Main li!SS than • I 3!) 10. 1•ttY.C 'IN('T NO. • o'clock P. M. on April 12. \~MR. Thi'" 11150 po1ntl'd out !hut tht' 111-1• 11~1"'" '"~ " :-.-.. 1 .. r-y ,l'uhlk 1" . ' ' '1 Ad St ,.~1 in Oul· I All 1i1tJ:i ,1n • 10 IH' "'lltlJIHfl'd on P.oUID" t•lurA', at which time t hc•y \N iii be µuhlicly ~ Hnr1 f1 •t ., .. ,. ' ,,,.nt )' Mt11t ~..... J""r Sl. t(••C 1UH ,, urns • r •. I .. ~ L· • " ... ,-• Balooll IslHnrl stm>t dancr la.st .., hftll\ •1 ....... , ... 1 11 N . w.rL.l.tAMW" hoa Wld ttw nwun tugh tidi• lino, thr 111"1~ 111 thP < 11y ,,ni,:incer I F in• .._, .. 1111n opened and rC'ac:t, for perform11u: nJnht hl\d rr<'f1'"d th1• almost· ..ii·t '"''~Al.I• A Y111 ''• 11""'"'" '" 1 ~·t 1 . r c·--'jfornla II\ '·X· i·stuTrnti• of 1h1· 11u:m11t11·~ 11f work 703 L .. ,,, worl( a, follows: ~ . ffl., 1 .. t.,. ltH" 1w-r •••fll!I •·h ·~ IUUn'a IU f \t• ., H t U 11'1 " T n .;t l unnmmo11i. r11r111rot·mrnt f"I Mt1rln•• "'" ,111,., ,11 ... ,, 1, 111 .. "'itlf1n '""'"' , Ii oroi.:•· (1>1 1.,•rtam pniix•rtli's to 111 l..· d11n" Balh•M Furnishin~ and instal m~ ,., r m1·rrh.ints "ho ront11hutl'd ,,,.,., •n 1 "' ~" wl••t .... 1 '" 111" 1"•1 ·tl 1 th, S t Bl • of <"a ll· Nro hut "111 111· 11r1•1·111t·d Crom " .... 1, • .,11.,n .orn~n VenPtian Rli11ds in t h c Nrw • Ill•\ ...... ~ .. ·I 11... ....... I~· llt'\jlllrr ·~ I n I I . I •1 L t 0 d" (' prl1•~ i.n<! •1111n") for 1h1• • \•·nt • 1, \\'IT1':~:11:--w11~:11t:r1t· 1 11~•" IM»IH 1.,1 Park purpoili·s in C'hina C11a1rhl'lor \\Ill• hai; r111 1t·•:n ~-lnil>('i·!•ll ,I ~1 "M. Leonard !\' unlcipal ffkt• Rull mg.. tty "Mrtrl1.1rl•. In Car t. ~hrotJ~llmn lTl'r••nn1 ...... '"l' hhlltl ~1111 •trl•~·I ll•Y I C'f'n~··cl In 11r1·1.r1!11n<'P \\ "h tlh' pro-J udot• ~Lill>'\' M. PC'rdu.vn or N('W)'lOrt !lC'llC'h,. in n~nnJ· • ' • ,((1, lt.t\ ,_.hi lltr tlH) A.11 I )'''&.I' in 1hl,. I H\f" r. • r-,.. ..,.. .1 d If ~ ~t'"ToOrl B1•1trh hr•'" f•nth11~1iull1C'-.-n 111,,,,~ rir.•• !'1 ... ,.~ "'""""· Tiii' ('II\ ('uurwll In ordi·r tolvi>iiuni; ol ('h111>tl'I' 7.U .. Statutes Clerk 1;,1,rl(<'lte M. Cort ani:e "'ith plani; Hn Sp<'C ICA· all>" l'nrk •• I rnir f'f l\1rl:. to v10,1du 1 -~•:1~~Af.,,,~11• r.1~~.~~i~.,, """' 1'1,,. 11,.. 1;111,1w nutlr•· of till' pro· 11r l!l'.!!I, a~ anwndf'd <Jerk l ~•lb S!)"ars lions on fill' In tl).!ccc or the • tie11lthy l~Jl" "' d1\'t•r<:ion for ,. 'II•" , .... t ... ,.,.. nl r th . 1 '11r11na lkl Mar Clv1c1 l'l;.n~ llHI) lw ~ .... n, 11n•I forms l'Kt:CISCT NO. 5 C'lty Adminlittrati rri~•'f ttwsl' kilt<' nra1Hor•I ~alrl :,r ,.:;;~1111a.oo•.n ~a.pi,,,,. ;o. .. , '.~:: ... 1"11111~. 1111, ,. ,.,.1 1 tw 5th day 111 i•nwo~:tl. 1.in1t<, 1•11n' r.:.'cl and Polllnic l'lrµ·o·: No Rid~ will ~· ·('(! unli'SS 1Th1· nr t prnf1t frn~ 111'1 rJ1~.m · r·11i. Mi"' 11 IJ 19 :?jl A1•r11 l , 1q18. ,.f April. !!~It!, rur llw llo•nrlni: "IJO•C1f11•11twn• nby ti:· uht 1111~ at W~lll, l:;irai:e It is madC' on a P ·I f' (Ir m IM!J''!\,,rJ<'ll''lt~ r111rl11\'. '"'"l•·r \\, r·k • •J/. .oll i.i;:r~(lrn; lrill'r<'~ll'd m i.ntcl t11c· nffw1• 11f tht• ( tl Y l.ni:mt:er, 153/J I·. 1 i·ntral furnlshcd..4.y lh<-City mini!llrn· wm h<' turnPd O'• r '~ 1h1• Gu I Pueuc ·NOTICE ihi,11,.r 11ncl 1111,,1• wlthh~d 11nyl ('itY. rr11ll, N1-wpor1 n.·11eh, ~1111~ Balh• .. i tlvP Officer. F.ac.h bid m ust be Scouts h1•ri·I '" ........ 11 "" ~11111 r11·l1t111n or tlw l11rn1n. t:1o .. ·t111n Offlf'l'U lll'Companied hy ll'BSh, cashll'r's LANDSCAPING 20 Years Exper ience \> Otl! & New Homes . MR. C. L: GEORGE DEACON 5979 33-22tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING ·co. New and Repair (Galv. i.nd Black> ToUetl, Bath Tube. tAvatOliel. CUt Iron Sinka '(~32 doublet! 2lx32 ledie t~. e tc. • Double China Slnlu, $16.50 u, S teel Slnlu 15.~ Up . Olrome Plated Swine Faucet& $5.95. Largeat Plumt>lna Stock In Orange a>unty. FONT ANA PLUMBING Phone Beacon 6217 Elden A~e .. Costa MeM 23041 S . W. Nc)"port Ave. »tt• C01ta Mesa Phone Beacon 5041 ------------• 22-tfc H .. M. LANE REAL EST A'fE 2006 Court Ave. N ur Newport Pier Est1thlishl'd Since 1920 . Hnuse or Apt: Till June 15th. • , 8-tfc -· BUILDING MATERIALS li Bendix & Mtlytags Just W alling to Be Uled at BILL'S WASH-A-TERI.A •7S N~0 Blvd., Co.ta X.. Phone ~Abort 5T10 1(}.Ue •, ... l 1 2 l 161 N Frnrlford :irlNd: NWOKOn~n lotMn•·s~rw·n until sul'h 11i·ttrin1: Thr 11pl'('i11I 11tt .. n11Vfl o r pro-lna""CI••• 11 .• ruld Ahrend t check. or bidt!l'r's bond) made "AftPr all, "'"' (:Cl Uwm t '~·~ """ 1 .. ,,.n hJ d. I ~r"'4't i\"t' h1ddPrs is cull:.'J to the r ~lullw F;enelon p11y11blc to the CJty of Newport ~ 1 In h<'n' r\';•ry 'F:rt~trr \\'ho I. !'\P 'TlCI: TO RI Dl)l<R...c; · liwi· II\ llrill-r or 1 hi• c 'ity <'c•uncil, "Pr<tJXlSlll Rrf111lrrmrn1.; unneicl!d ~U::k. \l:.n:an•t \\'ii sop Bearh •for a n 11mount eoqual to are ynu ~om1t ro tlo with iru;m• t11tlon 10 hid nn tht' 19-IR clftrh ~l1irrh '.!:Ind. l !).lfl to thl' hlank form pr.opot al. for Cler k. 1-.hnilx'th Waltz nt least tcn t IO"t, l (lf'rccnt of ASPJ!ALT TILE Lino. & Plastic Drainboards 30' ~-=-==:::::;:~A~R~H~O~IR;;:::;:===::~-~~• Ch Furniture & Transfer Qr1t11nl11~ n~lvitll'll prt>\'f' 1<1 my nf ON1111fh1H ~wt1roJflsh produced "FHA:\'K I. Hl!'\F.llART. f\111 dir<'l'llQn~ as t.o h1dd1nr.t. et~. the amount bid. such guaranty m ind th11t thPy'rl' not all hnd 111 Snuttlr'rn • 11llfornrn w111ers hyl City C'IC'rk Tht• l'ily 1if NcwJ><:>rt &ach 1•ttt:n 1'<'T :SO. I to be forfeit«! should thr bidder ind•·pl'nt1t>nt fishc•rmrn osx·r11tln~ I Puh Mardi :.m. 194R. rN;"rvcs thc rlicht to rc.k.<:L any Polllnrt l'hu·•·: to whom the conlract i1 awarded Pu&LIC NOTICE un11<-r a 11t11ndarr1 confrnct pl1m nr 1111 hitt~ . F lr1• SIJll•lll " fail to enter~o the contract. FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME Ill ho•r f'h)' tr nd1·rcd PUBLIC NoTICE ('JTY lJF NEW~URT BEACH, 327 ~l.111nr· Thf' City Q>uncll or the City of ct:AT1 ,.1CATE Undr1"1i1;mf'd will rr<:<>ive bids CALll-ORNIA BallH1J h lond Nl"wport Bt>ach r~ervt'll fhe righl Contractor .. to .Con_g1mer C'orner \Rth St. and Pomona St C'osta Mesa 33-5tp BONDED and INSURED A Good Buy ... Is a W ise· Buy L.rt Us Help You Be Wise -C'OURTF.SY SERVIC&-11nt1l Aflril-17th. 1941! ba.~cd on SOTH'E TO COSTRAC"TOR!'4 FRAl"K L RJNJ::llART, t:W. lion Offl<'f'n to rcject any and all bids and to- t ttw-und""1Kn"d J•,..ldlM n • prr,·ious ron!Jrnrts a nd st11tin1t City C1erk l nsn.•r1or \\'llson' JI, Fawcett walvc any Informality In a bid -------------Cannon ru lrt1111r •• fl•lhr.,. t~lan'1 ,-, ..-0.llfomla. h""by rertlly that I am pr loe• to lw paid to flshermrA for s~:J\LEO pnorOSAI-'; will he ))aM1· Mnrr h :.?5. 1948. Judg<': lion s M. Powers not etrectC'd by l1t.w. STRUCTURAL ST EEL 196<! llarbQr Blvd. Costa Mesi · Phone Beacon 5538-J . ~=l~' u~~:~.,~~~ .. tr;;r\M.)~~tsi;.,;! drrsacd llWordfl~h dl'llverro at rrrl'IVN1 HI thP orrir1• of th1• C'lty Puh: Mnrch :16, April '.!. 1948. Clerk: 111•!.·n C. Durkee Dated this '.!5th day of MMch, Anl(lrs-Channcls~ I Beams -or-°Bill •lt !'rol"lle'r. &'llool." -Ytth jSllnttt~llJ'll, Saft Pedro.-111 1t'r~ City Hall f:11 ~~ ~~.,... k"-:=:::\':::-io;;l:-;a;;;;A;-.~W;:;:a-t,s;".on:----1-1'-'94~8::..· .,..T>'l.,.,.u-...-""TOrno,,.,.,OYCI All sizC's and Shal)<'S Nt•\.\' & Used 34-tre r::f~A .. ::.Z ~ii,.z·~~-:::d.~~o~~'. port 11nd San Dlrgo. Other polnu H•,,•<'h, C1tltfnr~111. u~l 1 4:00 PUBLIC NOTICE r J•Rt:CISCT NO. '1\ •. FR RT, ·~·;ind ~ Rc inforclng Stal ty of Orul• Sia~ nt Calttomta qptlonal. o'durk p ~, un April I., 1!)4R, at .l>oWnit l'llM'f'! City Clerk of the City or --' ._,_ .. 11". '•'n"d 1~1nh~.ra1, n~u~h'!r .. h"'l"ll011 nt>u~~ Fi.sherm'Pn retain rl$!ht to ac· 1 1 which 11m1• 1lwy will tw hhcly · Rr-~mU 'TIO:S s o. 3$'U Stanl"" s Rrul Estate Office Ncw1Xlft Tkach. California HICKSON & NEWELL -.. m • P4' • 94R 310\ W 5th St. Phon£' 1404 EOlLSAl.F;&nly three portable electric Si!ll:<'r sewing. machinet lcfl. Frl'sh from fllctory. Call 1516-W Orange. 32-5t) C10n11«l~ wt•h '" lnt.,.ufed In •uch c-i•pt or• n>jllt'Ct any or all .bl~ ••iw•n .. d nntl rr11d. for )l('rformlng 615 l '11.is1 f\1<rd. Puh: March 26, April 2, \ . "":~r.s8 mr hllnll Mal"('I\ 2:nll t941. Swordfu1hrqm•n'11 Commit ttt, work fos f111l11w ... • J\ 1n :!'1 ILi ITJO N < W T l n: MTV Corom1 do·l Mar · J r:RALDJNr: R CANNG~ Uy W. L. Olesen. Ola!rmtU\ C ity of N1·wpC1rt Th'aC'h, ('()ll!'/( 1 1. 1 tF JrtU; l 'ITY-OF ' t:l,...tlon OfnN•n ~t~~~~?6·~1:;~IA. t .._ 369 Sant1t Cruz Street, \'Illa W ny, h\•twf'1•n 261h ~E\\'l't Jfff m ..:ACll Arl'OIN·:'· ln•IX't'lllr. Flor•'l)Ct' Anderson o. tbt• 5th day of Wa~h. ltu Pub· March 18. 19. 22, 23. 24. 2!5 Slr N'I 11ncl "-~th Strrl'I, It> tw 1:--1; ~·L~:<-rf'I )::>; <IFFJCF.RS J udgC'. :'>J;irt.ha G. Kendall tiero,.. "'" tM und•nll'IH!d • N·~ I s p -.S: ,.. llf I I Ix ,A r l''(" POL' c G l\t t d tary Public In ..,fl fot" aid CouolJ . an curo, ... a orn a J»1v1-d with p unt·m 1" ~ur· ~LI nE~l(;!'/1\' ... • ...-lttk : .rnC'I.' • WI ar and 8tate. ~""'na11,. •Pi-nd Jer· 26. 1948. fanni.; · 1:'\t: Pl.,\C'ES FllR T llf; MU-Cink: J Maxin!) Chamberlain aldln• a. C&nn<o" 1Lnow11 10 m" to . 1 I · ·--' 1, .,... 'I N ·ro BE I"""(...., ... ,0 • M "'" penoon wh~ nama t• •ub· No lud w1I w rl'<'<'l\l•·n un 1 SS :'l:IC1P1\I. ~.l.f' I II. ,· l1RE(' .~ . a • ., • o art~ 10 thf! within lnetnunent. yid PUBLIC NOTICE; 11 is m111l1• on a propo1rnl form JI El.D I:" Tllf! (')TY OF NFW-PoUtnc l'laff: ::=•ed 10 me that llhe ae«U'--4 rurnishr·d liy thr City En1t1nt•(:r. CJlllT IH:i\('11 ON TUESDAY. Eb(-11 l'li1h w ii-my II.and and official •al. PtTBLIC' NOT1CE Ench t11d mu11t ht• accompnnlro TH E 13T11 DAY Of" J\PRfL, -515 W Cmtral WM W. BANY'ORO. thft hy leash cn~hh·r's C'h1'l"k, (Ir l11d· t94>C. ANll PROVIDINt~ FOR Balhoa · Sn•·-Publlf In &lld tnc •Id N t -Ill '--r"hY -'v-n thDt ~ • . h ()" eo.::;.'1;. ..,d Btata. o '" !". ' ""' ' " . dt:r'" hond) mnd1• p1tyrthll' to t l' '111E OPENl:-.IG A!':O CL ~· FJl'('lloo Offtc-rra hnvl' herPtoforr prHenlt'd to th<' Rmou~t ('(IUnl to at lf'RSt tl'n I 101 T 1 t E ( •1 iM p~:NSATI0:-1 0 F Judge : C,,•11rgl•tll.' M. Gordon Want.· Ads The News-Timet wilt not be re- tponslble for more than one tn<.~r· reel Insertion of an advertisement, reeervee t h e right to corTectl1 clually any and all ada an4 'to rt'J!!ct any advt>r tllK'ment not con· fonninc to rules and r~aUona. 68-tfc PERSONAL Public Stenog rapner 229 Marine Ave <Harbor Inv. Co.) Balboa b land Harbor 1331 Houn: lQ:OO • 4:00 Be Wise -AdVertlu 14-ttc FIREWOOD CHARCOAL It BRIQUET& PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard ITIM N~rt Blvd. COSTA MES~ Beacon 5665 Plenty of Good Tiree All Sizee Mar. J.l:t-1 .. 31. 1941 Corona del Mar ('h•fc AIS()('iat ion ("11 y of Nt•WIJUfl &•al'h for Rn I I:"'\. f If' '11 n~ POL.I-':\ AND l napect .. r 1.tlhan LlndC'nber ger PUBLIC NOTICE Plnnnlnl( <'ommlnlon of thr Cit ~·"rCl'nt nr thr 11rn1111nt hid. such EU:< ·rttiN OFf1C"f:ns Clerk : Emily M. McGavrC'n .c&wrwr1CAT• o-r· •UllNESI or N('"1>0f'I Beach tht' propo1ltion i:unranty to hr for(1•1tl'd $houlct . ·Clerk: ~1arjorie M. Starr "CTITIOUS "'"M NAM£ of 8<'QUlrln1t ll Public P1trk In thnt lh • hiilr11>r to 10 lwm tlll' i:ontract Wllt-:fU:AS, 11 Iii. nC'CrSsary Pllt:Cl.NC'T NO. t E11~YL-You'rc going out with twice .J!S manr_ frllows t h i .i TOO LATE TO CLAS"IYV . month. Thanks. wondrrful cus-'Compound Motor Oil Gallon. 1'0c N E w APTS. -Tropical furn. tomers Qf Asi;odat1'<1 St•rvice. portion of Coront1 Del Mar, known '1!< 1 8 wardc·d rrt1I to rntn into th<' 11nli••r 1h1· ll1w for thl' C'tty Coun-PoUla• p•---·. TJIS llf\IDKRSICSED dOH h,.,..,b,. "'· Chin11 C'O\'t' on 11 matchln1t p --" • ._,.,. _,,,,, that 1M1 .... C'ollductln• • p c ('Ontrll('f ('II nf thr City or :\'1·wpo11 """""' Stewert'• "~ra"(' -11a1~ ~ni ,.,..,1 bm-•t IN1al11 and thll t the lanmntc om-. 1 • 1 i ., _ _.... r L'I 11 n d ~ '-'" .. .. -~ In 11c.-ror1 ann• "'II l prons o to hl)!lOtnt noaru:> n r. N ' o a n 333 Santa Ana A,·e. everythini furnished. lih£'n. util· 26th & W. Ct•nt . Nrwport ltles, gauge, for 2 $80. month, Beach. llArhor 1406 35-ltc for 4 $120. Casa Vrrde Apts. Be' Wisc -Advertise West.em Auto Supply Authortz.ed DNler SPORTSMAl'S LIQUOR STORE EnK\"DAY PIUCl:8 ON ' 6-YR. OLD.STRAIGHT BOURBON WHILE 9TOCJl LA!ITtJ Belmont, Quaker, Mill Farm, Barclays and Glenmore . fifths ' • • • s4~s 71/a-.Year-Old Beam ................ .fifths $675 .8-Y ear-Old Buhmills lri8h Whiskey $713 ·Old Taylor and.Grandad. ..fifths $676 • • • * For a blend MT. VERNON is an o6t- standing buy Sths 339 pts. at 7, 1 :.: pts. 112 • • • NOW • -• Ny;W LOW PRIC'E8 09 all POPULAR SCOTCH WHISKIES 8-Year-Old Grant's Scotch tifths ····.· $578 • • • tlpMtdlq llMJ"«llnd)ll and Cllam&,.s-lmportf'd a' Don-tl«-• . . of Chaprrr 3!17 StnlUh.'S of 1931. 1 1 .. d1·~11:natr th1' polllni.: plnl't'!I for Newport thr Cit) ~·ounl'll uf thf' Cit)' or I lhl' nllllll<'IJlfil l'll'Ctlon lo IX' hcld t:)l'(·tloo Offl<'l'R INh .. wport. ",•·111•h, halsl :sc1'rr11ttnc1n1~~ I :,'~ t "'1' c 'it )'I I of l~tf'lwpcd~yt lo1rr ;i<•\hpro1' ~ Inspector: Edna J . Jones ,. f' 1:rrwr11 pr1'\'U 111., ltr·-.1 Fl)', '" ,, _1 • ' • Judge : Mar.:aret Ste"'art waj!t·s 1111rh1·.1ltll· to the• work to l~l-11( .ind to fix lhl' rnmpc·n.,~tion Clerk : Ruth Oullock hi> don«-8S fnllv~s: tn "" protil IC> f'l••dtlln orr1crrs and Cl«k: Doris l"eTRUSOn C'llf-lfkatlon • \\'llEREAS. 11 1~ 111.;o m•t·rs~ar)' PRt:C'IS<"T 'NO. 10 / • llourlJ l'tt for tho• t"lty Coun1•11 o( the City PoWq PIM'f'! \\:&&'ti Ditto of ;o.;,.,..1,Mt At•nch w fix thr hour!I Beek'a Garage , l'l<"alr' \\'ac" for th•• ''l'W'ninit. nml •1t1~1nK flf Aaate Ave. .\llpball or ,·r11•hlnc th'c• -ixills for th£' municipAI clrc· Balboa Lsland plant 1-:nginf'<'r I 90 15 20 tion to IX' hrld on .tAr 13th day Elf'<'U-Offlen. Aic(lhlllt plan t dr)'er· of Aflril. 19.iR. • Inspector : Mayme Donnelly man or ftrrmlln l.775 \4.20 l"OW. TIIEREFORF.. RE IT Judie· Walter Donnelly At1ph11\t r 11 k e r and RESOLVt:D hy thr City Council Clerk:. Lois Zamlock iron«-r 1.55 12.40 (If thr City of Nrwporl Brarh. that Clerk : Lenora M. Jont'S Aicphlllt spr1'ndln1: mll· lhe (lOlhn~ plan•s nnd 'hi' cleC· PRECINCT NO. I I rhin" nP1•ratnr 1 90 15 20 tion nrrtl'•'r~ w a<'t Fil o•nr h pulling .r nr(lf'nto·r • 1 !lO 1510 plat'" sh.ill' lw as roll•m11, 111-wit: C.•mf'nt F1r11~h• r 1 ~17~ 1:1 t4tl l'Kf:('ISC'T !'O. l I F lni.:mnn 11ml "ntr h· \ r ollln)( .J'la .. •·: mnn 1 35 lOROI 1)1•1trwh'1t Rt•s1d1•m't: llo•a•) ti 1i I~ rqo;1ir· ;,l!I :IC'11h ~"'tro•ft rturn 1 !'Ill • l!l 20 :-.;, \\ 1~irt l\1•ach 'l.1thtH l'I I :\!'1 111141 <IHl\d '•If ··r:\n~\ 1 l:!:; 1~~·1 Op1·r11t111 , :011 •~•llll't"<· ...,,,. 13:.!0 1 l1M·r1111 11 11111111r pa· t rol 1:r.11i1•r ~II:.!:-, If.~ I '111\'o'r'·•' t-:11111pm• nt t:f,.,·t Ion Offltj"f• 111'1" ..l.11 l.11o 11 .. Jl, II rich .l11ola:r I ·111.1 l 'o••ll ('I• 1 k \";1b Sha.n 1:11 I k 1-iro• !'I 111••11 :!I'll~\' l'1·nlr al "''' ·• PolllllJ PIM'f': L)do Club HOUS(' ifll Via Lido Soud Newpor t l:lf'C'tlllll Offlcru hl•pcctor : Carl F.. Somm1'r J udi;c: Vrhtin111 n Killion Cit rk : Ors!<it• TPasil'y c ·1r1 k : Mnri::lrf'I ll ll1td1tock PRfX'ISC"T NO. If 'rftlllnc Pl~: Frdt111i's RC'S1denc1• '.''.'J Diamond Elf'C'tlnn Offk,.r• I n~flt'Ctor: Betty Fink SPORTSMAN.,s LIQUOR STORE l•pr•r .ot nr 1•h11\l'I, <lr:.~11111<", clt•ri1<'k. cll'r · t:1 ... ·t111n Ofth't•n 1\r1t11., .J.1"1~·r • .Jufli.:r : Ethel F rr1t.ii:: C1rrk : RAdwt \\'11c'r l 'I• rk : Mamir Frot•• ---THE ("OAST'M t "ISF.14T RE\'¥.RACit: !ill'OT rick ltriri.:<', clam~lwll Utl \\'T.8T CY.NTK.AL A\T.. PHONt: HARROR 1'100 or rran<'I • '.! 10 PRE<'ISC'T ~CU1' 1703 W. Central, Harbor 1750. • 3'1-3tc E!rlPLOYKENT WANTED 1838 Ntwpart t;Jlvd.. Costa Ihle --..;;:..~-~-...,-~~-----,. BtJ91ND8 OtJIDIE C WOOD FENCE CONT1t All Types and Styles F.H.A. Tcnna-Frce Estlm11tcy Anywhere In County Up to 3 yrs. to Pay. P h.. S .A. ~79-R. ~tfc .Expert Watch & Jew~ry R EP AIRING Fine Diamonds and Watches l'F.WPORT JEWELERS (Undr r new M11nagrmcnt I 116 Z2n<1 St , !':rwpor't , 17-tf< PI C T U RE F n A ~l I N G ltarl11 or I ';11111 \1·nter 40!t. 3:!nfl St. • Plt1in<' 1 l:t1 lll'lr :.':\~)11.\\' '."\rwport U Wlndlhlelda & Hatd Cover1 ml\cle to ordt'r. AlMl ex- f11 .. &: J,udte S!'eeta f?r u le Nu-World Pr~ucts Company 303 Third St., HW1Ungton Bea~ Phone Hunttnrton Bead\ 178 ti . 1'1-tt. WOMAN F RY COOK-Call Santa Ana 4824-W,' or drop a card to 1229 French, Santa Ana. 32-4tp LAUNDRIES WANTED-Done in my hOme, quick service. ~­ !ka. 6()9R.J . 32~tp Good laundress." ln or out, ~rn'• 1hirt1 a1 you like em, new look. blouses like new. d inner pa.r1Jel & buffet suppers. Har. 1973-Jol. . 23-4tp SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Some Models A'•allable NOW Balboa Furniture ,Store \00 Main St., Balboa -Phone Harbor 145 ~ Cout Blvd., Newport PhOfle' Harbor 116 14-ttc' POSm ON WANTED-Baby •it· SPORT TOPS -SEAT COVERS ting or companion to Invalid or Ta~lor's Trim Shop eldrrly compctl'nt ~ experlenc· Automobile Upholste.rlac «I. Call Harbor 2050-M. 31.Stc Boat and Truck C'ullhJons EKPLOVME.NT OF'FERED !9 1505 Wt'!lt Cl'ntrlll Newport Bch. Harbor 1940 24-ttc FIRST Cl.ASS Paintn!> wantod.1-------------- • John T S1mpsnn 5 12 -38th St. No·wpl'lrt lkach 31-lfc S1\1.J.::-;~n::-.= \\',\:-.:Tl':l> Lrads r11rn1qh1 ii ( "11:tl-1li1ntl R N1lty, 477 :"'•·\\ i1<•rt lll\•rl . c ·.,,,n :'tlrs~ 35-\ tc ELECT RT CJ ANS I Sint:'t' l!l'.?O I Contrartln1:-Rc r11irs R1·:<1d1•nt i:1 l-I nd11<t rial I ·Ets-Hokin & Galvan Scotch ta pe, various ~zet. on 1000 <'•)asl Jliwny B<'a. 5407 al,. at thP NPwa-T\m,,. . ~ 31-tfc ~I~. t·on !'IALE SO FOR ' SALE Paint spray s harpc FOR S1\ u · Ii'•• ho'C, :-,o lh.: white port:ihl(' A· I , nl!>n nu to overload pnr1-..lain ltn1•fl. pt'rrrct rondl:. ~prlnRs. comhination kerosene 'ion s:.111 fl l :.! ,\\ orndo. ( 'ornnA heat('i & mokrr Call at }600 r11'I l\lr1r ·34.21p Nt-\\'J)ort nl\'d, Rt.· 2 Box 63, ~~~~~§~~~§~§~¥==~§==§~~~~~§~~~-~(~lpc~·r~n~ln~r::·_l'llllll' I ti;1 t'nlllnc "l'lac••: r ook's Garai:tP 1300 {)ct>an Bh·d Corona dcl Mar ED \\'Al~TERS lO-tt• FOR SJ\l.E -J\pi•x \\'8.~l\(\r~ j!ood Cos'fA Ml'Sll. 31-!'itp rM1d111on ~5 00. 303 E . Bay, aoANTED TO BUY 11 Bal hon. "J2-4tc • Designed by ACKERMAN· ,..~,. for Outdoor LIVABILITY 'noee lleab wUl ~ better <'harcoal brolleoa oci a n-"SUit.a FeN Bar~•· It II custom made by •Ack•rmanN trorri att.racUvt> two tone brick, with built-In c:omblnaUon p!Me a.nd ~ ~Ue for brolJln& or1 teylnr, No m11ttl"r how unllll J'()Ur outd<ior 1Jvln1 area II, we wtU de-- lien or bu lld t o your spe('lflr11t1on1 • ba.rbeocue to lieet you r requlrt'menta. Cet read.1 now for awnmer Uvtn1. -• j ""'-... _ _._'"'lllii....,..,llilf;p~!jt:;.: BEAUTY · • PRIVACY • PROTECTION Yo. achl..,. all thrM whh the new . "Ack.,mon,. 1teel reinforc9d CO(lcre .. f9ne9, It mok• °" attroctlve back- ground for~ ond gord.n, glvet you p rivacy .. )'O'W OW9' yard and offen prot«tkNI for cMld,_ oftd pett. The Ackemton flrtcie II the I0"'9 on both ~ldet, no rvftMl'I or poat'I and bulh to g ive o M.ttme of Mn'kie and 1oti1fac· ..... ,....,..."'! tion. TM lnltlof coet II ...; Only co.t. --NCINERAT.ORS • QOTHES POLES • CHAIN LJNK FENCING AC~ERMAN THE COMPANY 2330-2342 SOUTH SAtiTA ANA PHONE 1743 \ ' ' 11 th• world tllei• is n ° weeter 1ugar. no purer. ' more tree· ~o wgor 1uns . h'ter d one 11 ..,, 1 ly-on n · 1"an . 91oi.n -n or liner in • 1.bor• Our ne 1g,n theW9°'Y ' h . d moll• 119 I in 'g row on , HOllY 1hi1 orto. Thal • ., \ ~ugor -intitt on ' l:tf'C'tlon Off!Wr" ln~rl<'Ctor: Ph01•lw F: ;\lullii:nn · .lu1h:c: 8"s!lit• L. B1•nrdict <1o•rk: Norn M. Httl(•S l1o rk'i · • Mlldrl'd · W ilson , TILF. CONTRACTOR Doth ltoo~. nrnin Bm1rds. t'lc. 15th & Newport A'~· Cos\8 M t-11 Phon£' Br Acon 8700· W -3. 18-lfc llF: IT FURTHF.R RF.SOI.\"ED: Th.ot e8ch or said l'lt'ctlon off1CCM1 LEROY SLATER all<>''" desi~natf'd Ix-paid I he sum . . . , r ~7 IUI r II com""nsnt ion for Mu\<' An)tl\Jng An)tlmc 11 :--"'"' RS U _.... T ~ 1h11r s£'n ·icl'!i in rofldur1in~ llllid I Spe!'IAll1r d In Moving m11nlclpal elC'cllnn to hi' hl'ld on Housrhold Goods & Smnll Roall T111 sda,y. the 13th llr1y nf April. I H:irhnr 391. 25-trc PLUMBING SUPPLIES Openg Sat. & Sun. 9 n.m. to 5 p.m. COMPLF.TF: TOILF:TS. lnduding !'f'At nnd flu~h rnl\-r $23 !iO. Wall huns.:. dos<' !'ouplC'd toilets at comp11r11hk-pricf'll.' Kuhh·r l.11\'ntnrin: $\:i 00 up. .Solid \'itn•m1s Chinn urinnls $4.75 rnch. _ Gnl\···111111•. ali-o h)ar k flit"'· C-hrnnw sw ini: !l('lnlll!I ~:; 7~1 CASH for USED Furniture & Appliancee "We Buy Almoet · Anything" GRANT'S Phone Bee. 5707-M "1645 Newport Blvd., Oleta Meu 4l-ttc. Will Pay Cash For your furniture or 'wt\11l havt you. Phone Bcecori 5656. IJl l)(, -. ~ Ht": U f1.'RTllV.R 1u.SOL\'ED: Tint th<' polli<'lf!'lrnll hr open at •I\ o'clnck A ~f nr 11:-i1d rlny. nnd HARBOR Plumbin~ Service I . '1t1'h1•n sink~ S:> <5 up • Lnundr) tray,., ca'<t iron Crawley Furnitute Co. tro NeWport Blvdl, rf"'t• MMe 111• kept oprn ('11111111unusly untll 17~ Nrwrort Rlvd .. Bf'Acon 6\ 11 ,,., 1•n o'clock P . l\I t hrrror, whi•n I REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY lho polls sh111l II(' c•l11i;rc1 j ContrllCtin& and SuppUee HF: JT Fl"RTI IER RV.SOL\'F.D: . 9-tf• Ill.it thr ,·otinr.t prrr1ncts as <'S· -------...:·------- 1,1hllshl'd by thi' A<'iard or Suprr-G B LOVEJOY 1isnrs of th£' C'nuntr or. Ornnitl' · · •hrtll constltutr thr \'OIHIR pre-F.LEITRI\AL mNTRACl'OR ftnrts for th!! muniripnl r lrctlon 111 be hC'id in the C'lty or Nrw· 1 1 t Beach on Tuesliay. thc l:lth <lay of April, 1~18. 's11id \'Oting prrdncts to t>f' numh<'n•d. Ohl' I 1 l hi ThlrtN'n M~I lnrl11s1\'£'.. and ~hllll be deiilitnntrd In nil procN'd· 1nc-i ocrrln RS "Prrcinct." 1 hereby cr rtify that thr ahow in•I torcgoinK Rf'snlutinn was du~y Phonr Stu)lll Ann 4!'39-R 33-5tc 12 YEARS SERVlC!: IN ntE HARDOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACI'OJV 274 Eut 19th Street Ph. Bea. 5413 ea.ta Men. C&ll1 30-tt• · Hnrl regularly pa~srrl and 11doptc'd h>· the City C,ouncll of the City or. N~wport QPnch n1 11 rr~ular Pai nting -P:tperhanging m1~1•tlng th<"r~f helcl• (\n .. t)Jc 22nd ny S nur or <'.'nntra<'t da...· of Marcl'4i' lM~. hy the fol· Bl'!'I mnto•rinls nnd w<,rkmnnshlp 1(1,~ Ing votr. Jo-wtt: Call M (' \\' AGGO:-.IE'R AYES. COl1NC'lLMEN: Allen, ll~RROR 2:-;~~·-\\" Sil,•r, Robertson. Rero NOES. COt:'.'l:nLMF.N: =--:one ABSENT. cm "i'CIL:.tF.~: lie· 111'11. ArrESt : FRANK L. RINEHART, City Clerk O. 8. REED. Mayor f'lf thr City of Nt'\\'por t Beach Pub: March 26 a nd Apr il '2. 19U'. 28-22tr 'Yall nce Calderhead MANl"r,\(-rt"RING .J'F.WELER • ~Ji ('()AST mqnw A y rono:-;A !)FL ;\IAR. CALIF ;l\-i:?tc Toilot ~··nts. glt•am1m: "hlle S6 85. S11rt pl1w nnd fittings Grt our 11rict'S. · lfot wnt,•r hratrrs. nr w. ,20-gal. $46.50 Rrhu1lt h11t "at<"r heatrrs 2(}.gal. $31 00 Any plumhlng ilcm ron be had throu~h our Jocal or L:os An- grlrs office. 315 Marine Ave. llALllOA fSLAND fONIC'~te Catholic C:urchl Cl¥r9', Tu<'!ld11y- HA. ~:.!16-\V. • , 25-t!c Silyer Plating COPPER. RRJ\SS, GOLD Polit'hlng & Refinishing • Bayside Plating Co. 1914 H arhQr Blvd. Costn Mcs11. C'alif., Brncon 5113 · 6-tfc • ' I , 92.tfe . . . \\' A N T F: n : ' , SCRAP rnn~I& :O.IETAL -l lli:l\rst. 1Jtit·rs Paid- H ickson \.~ N ewe 11 31 0\ Wt'St 5H\ ~t Phone 1404 nJRN1TUB I 01' 8-'LIC • FURN I 'REF'JN ISHED As Like It ' KF,N .. C ENSJ:ED 21311 Miner St. Cot'ta Meta. Phone Harbor 1070-W For Estimates ()n Guarontrcd Work 22-ttc if YOUR n.mNmJRE 19 n~t be-- m mini: you i:hnuld hr cOfl'.ling to the Jonqi; Co t'pholi:ten, Re- ~ty!ing and r«-huildlnit all work i;:uornntrcd. Phonr Bracon 6260, 25-22tc Do you went to sell It ? Adver· ti~ ln these co~umn.s. FOR SAL.E-Grlnd davrnport. nice strlprd slip covcr Phon!I' Har- bor 1256-W. 31-5tc Watches • CJocla • J""lrJ CHRONOltfETERS ~pairing -Prompt Sentae $(-rwlble Pr1on I v AN DRIMLEN . J EWELRY l 'l'M N~'J)Ort Blvd. Coeta ..... 3-tte f"Oft S·ALF'=""fi.I' Tr11pi<'11l Bamboo -na.r. with 2 l!tfl()l~. itolid built l1l-11utifully drtnr11tN1 llkt' new , complrte Sl:!:"i Call H 2176-W or romr by 132 Via Tuhaca. Lido 1~1" 32-5tc Be Wise -AdVf~rllse 20 s F 2 f .... 'L2_ 11 a&4L Ut:ATll a llf'.AL DTATE • &&AL UTATll • NIC WP.OST BALBOA NICW•·TllllC& t'KIUA l' N•"'J?\•r! "-4-h1 ('allf. Jllarf'ait !!, l!ff Pagel • a.u.z • roa aD'I' .. llJ:il ESTATE ALMOST NEW LOOKS NEW BUSlNESS SPACE -l-&x38. u P-h. .. 'Flirt SAL;: 4:') foot ,;tl;.:;-~an· ----- CORONA DEL.t(AR I ntv.d.. n .. 1t .. m ·~rl<'Ni t'f•hlw IV roSTA MBSA ---' """"' u ll&A.LUTATS • UAL_..A'n ,-~~---~--• . SOUTII OF HIGHWAY dJ\)~I miuki•t Ph &•"ron !'>126-J I... A<.""RJ.: "nd lwtn.: ClU"rt t'r• ,ml)' ----~------'' -' b h,.·k• frnm •h,l\>f'lnii '"'nlc-r c FOR THE "SUNNY" and •stain. llAlO l...ayfett• Ave .. p YOU CAN SAVE AT nll:S~ liar m1-J ~lt PRI~ · 1 Walnut secretary desk $90.00 FOR RENT -2 bedroom up per Must Sell at Once 111•M1-: I.I )'r.-; • l ·i.·~·· m. $1110 dn° 1111!' h.11111• hlll nh'!tt•rn h1111\ " I $~'il nw111h, tt1t11l prkv $7~0. {'1111 k1ld11'11 1.rhl \ 1·11r .:11rn.,;1• llonw A DENU"flFllL NEW ~ beelroorn 1 'ortstllll11t lt.-11~ )'. l\t'!.i•'m MKl 1w<'1I• 111 ti•' f111111hl'd on Ith' In t1<mW Fir<'plaN'. 1ar .. ~. patio llRy l\r •'\'•'nllli;!' :l.a-:.11e· ~"''' l't ··-··nt ll\'ln~ •11111r1t•1'1l or na1stone w11h ~t..,ence. I.OT 1-'l •n SAlJ: 1'\•1111111111llh• 1·11\•11.:h 1111111 r1'llt ~ TIME OF YOUR LIFE 1 Walnut swivel chair •• $30.00 double and twin beds. mai 2 Walnut arm chairs -• $30.00· room summer montl\s. Avallnbl 1 6-ft. at eel 11upply cup-M11y or June. Adults. Ph on board • . . . • $45.00 Harbor 273 31 -6t (' p ChOl>S•' this '2 llc"drlonm, ch<'t'rful --SEPARA'ft. furmsh..-d houit'k~ 1615 Coast Bl\'d .. Corona del Mar f\alboll Island llom<'. fir.·pla<'t'. largt' sunny Jivini; r oom . br1'ak · fast tmr. p11wd n n d C1·net·ct \'1•111•11an blinds, f\.IC9· ~1-:\\'P\lRT 1!'1.ANll -C'holC'T o•I "''""' .-1111 1 ... ,·,111111lo•t1«I )ti S11t1e1· on hit for extra r•"'°' •'\lrn<'r ll 'l h•t ShkWl\lk• and In n• 1 "''"' 111'"'1Y 1"'"''1' Ir•'<'• or n ·ntRI unit flh' ln11 ht11h 11ldr1. All utllltlt• ~ 1;i np•· '""'~· 1 11"' ~"""l:h<'r 3.\-3tc BOAT&. Sl. ....... lES A Boats Priced To S~ll iIUt t'Ol•m for one or two Phon Harlx>r I \!ll or Call pt 1:.!3 30t e h (' St .. Newport. :.?tr.If ' Industrial Building P11ul L1m1I, titWS (.)\ .. •Rn ~'N>f\I• I h ~ "' "'"'"'> 111 \ ,., > I: ti ti II N<'"i'<•rl l\t•u,•h, l ·i.tlf tf 111••J.:l1h .. t 11.-.~1. 1 •M•m 1111 """'""t hill!"" 11n1t .;11r:11;" 11111~ '4•1e.111 Pal m~. 1:Ar ili:•· 1\n: 1111rar ll\'t' !Vlndl'r n Prw1't.1 unf11rni~h"d SEF. (l\VNER t I l\'f• a l•ll>lll•'>~ 1•111 11rr f11r !-Ilk red uc('d to $10',300 40-ft. ('.om . Spt. Fisher 19421 ~5600 . (Shelton Fon RF::--:'T or LEASE -4,. 200 "!\:! D1thlill """. Coron• &I .11 1'11tv11 .• ti• 1 \1111 /\;·r11" '""" s S\7,(1(11.l I lie 1"1!>11 •• 11 .. " ,.,,n .. 1l.1ml lt••11ll). .·l'~~l ''""" Ht1'1111nl ll .i.uw~ lt.1' :t.' 1"11'"''· I I!•'.'.! I·: ll11il'k>11. '\•,I:• :\t, "•' I h•t•'I' lt•·tt•''" 27' Huni.•r Cru1s,·r $3000 sq.-Ct. W:!I S. F.. 16th S t , Cost 36-ft. Aux. Sloop (f'elloW1 . Mesa Phone Hillside 1551 Stl'Wart l $2:l00 . 30-Gt G. E. MINNEY . Mnr ITI N1'\\IM•l l llhol . l \~111 ;\11'"''' p 3r1 I 1t· R11yfront th(lt 1s ,:•xc·lu~h dy your!< Il }' ·u · I • 1 } I•.• I J ('It'\'(\ !Ht' t s .. ove y r11rm~ "" \\hl1•t ll 1•t\l 1'1tll 1t~t' "''" \lnilt'd Farm A,.r<'lll'Y ~ii V11111111·wl I '••rtl•'I' lllil~ , B<'ll<'On 6'.?Sr FOR RThl Attractlv<' oom -SN' 1his....Lil1u W•• North Ruy lw11dt t 1~111, 11t•11 1 1111o<•n111: 2 r e L ' 11 . 1 .. n ona del M_ar 1111111u1o1.. ..,,.,.,.. 11111r 11.·r··" 11,.1.tnt11l 111. 1 '11ltr X• "'' 711 Coast I llwa) ~ Newport ho11s1• M1~11hl<• Cor 2, lmmtodiat -26-ltc possess11\n. ~asonab.le. ®7 Is land A\'e . Onlboa. 33·31 ~run I 1•rn~Wtl l .,,,.,. unu 11at --, , ' 1 rwu ·x :.' nr.nROOM sTQ.CCO :i "'ur ~tinner s 1 .c•• ........ 11 ln•~um· c 3 sunny b<'<lroom~ • .:111'!1~ room 1 yi"nnJ~uld. t;(l-fl. ()('('81\ \'lcw lol 17tl 1"1·w1••rl Ith rl x 1. \ 1t· l\t• \\'I••· 'New Mitchell Sportsman 30' x 9'6"iio2'. Chrysler siX-115 or \\'ILL LEASF. for l }'('Ar. LovC'l} and mnilr s r('lnm. l-'1rl'pln.-1• nntl 1-:-c1t1t l.•r~" tklux plllio .l hRr· 1 --------------- rMe••d 1tir hc-111· Prlrut t<I !ill'll lh'l'lh'" 1'"-111·1h·nt ltl<'lltlon Sl7.!ll\I N E~'PORT HE IGHTS Gray 6-1-02. - Chair. Bait Tank. Bait Motor. ~600 - G. E . J.111'NEY Bea<;<>n 6281 71-l Coa&t Hlwa,y. N_ewport . 26-ltc 20 TON TUKA BOAT -"Half Moon" ... ;11 ll(' auctioned to htith· es t biddl•r Mondny March 29 at 10 a.m. al th1' Union Oil Dock. Coronado. C'11ltf For1'ur thl'r In- formation contact Crofton D<'sicl Eogine Co. San Diego, 'San Pedro. 33-3\c F OR SALE-10-ft sailing skiff c~mpll'tl' with s111ls. rudder , ccn- t('r boar¢ Call Ji11rl>ot' l:J85. ·--l.">-4tp -.. SLOT MAC'HlNG -V< suo. Ph on<' llarlXJr 1905-~1 or 103 Poppy. C<1rona dl'I Mar. 35-2tc -- F OR SALE -19' 10" Runabout cond1tlon. unfurnisll<'d homl'. 2 Y<'l\r11 old ? ht>droom!I and den. Douhl c 25 R·Q and fenced back yard $1" month Plt•aSt' call in person I Pw1wr 71\ l'oln~C'll la Avf!. tt'rms. -3.'l-41p (' oa5'l Properties Co . .no !'\('"'port Bl\'d. Costa ~frsa 33-31 APT .. 3 rnnn1!', tile blllh, Ph on Har. 5R4 , \!'130 Miram11r 3+-:.? One· ye;ir ll'lt!\C', $1::'~>.UO p<•r mQnlh unfurmshl'd :.? hOUSt', 3 ~ry l>Nfrooms & drn. out sldt• patio B4'acon 5587-R. :\!").If e FOR RF.NT EU-11ch~o11ni:I' fro m iO w:il.~ to J um• l:l. ·1~ ~;: Ph For tli<' R ii:hl Locations Call lfarhor 62-W lll 'B PO\\'F:RS a t .J. A. BEEK OFFICE Ualboa Island ~·crry Landing REALTORS WHY BUILD WHEN YOU CAN SA VE $8,000 On Thi~ Exceptional B~y Front Horne ThTs mool'rn -J)('r m11 !'II:.? Dahlia. c 0 M Ri1t•r<:1de :.?!'i39-W coll1•c1 3;,.11 l4-2tr homl' w11s built to unusually flnf' srrrlflcRt ion!I and Is In l'XCf'llt'n~ Ntnrllt inn thruui.:hout. -FOR RF:NT ll<'t•an Front, fo ur ---------~--b<>drooms furni~ht•d hOUSI', tw 0 car garage, for summer month. New Modern House· ~r by Yj'Or. Writ(• P. o. Bo -· fMM'4 ~ -"'r 1 .,, WANTED TO &&MT FL:RNISriF.o 110\!SE: opartm1'nl or dup rx wnnt<'d by reputabl x ON F:A$T BAY FRONT. Balboa c~'immnt·!'"'J'11'1Vl\W1111'1'""Wtth slip d float Five l~room.4', four baths, <'lClra bathing show<'r room Doubl<' garaitr Payn<' foret'd air <' furna~. 1wo flrrplllt't'I. Beat ,family Cor summ<'r~ r l'ntAI, fro m d is trict, excrlll'nt 11wlmmln1t newly palntl'd. gc>Od or ~ill 'trade on late car . <Aili -July ltot-41r l!ilh .to.. Scptcmllc r -hf-11ch.-The~ls only orm-Ilk<' this a\'ailable. 15th n('R r hay PIC'aS<' corrrs 11 fl'ntur<'s 11 ~rnnd llvfhlt room Wiit\ laritl' flrr pll'lt"C. rornl'r vtl'w window~. h11ml)(\(\ dining Tnom. J>('rfN:l klt(hC'n, 20 X 24 r11mpll' room with futl sl7-e pool t•b~. 4 h<'drnoms. 3~ hntht. aTrd hu many l'Xtras lnr ludlnR carp"/lng, ml'tal 'l'nl'tlnn h llnd8, G., E . dish· wn~ho•r, Pnyn" foc-ttd alll h1•111in~ w I th thennMlaf c0ntrol. rfr Th<'re is 11 pnvcd cAr port In addi- tion lo thr 3 e1tr garait<'. It atM'I has n p;w<'d p1ttlo. barb<'qUI' and l11nrl~c11plng · evenings Beacon :l7~ 33-tfc Z2' .SLOQP ~ S l('('pg'"'"i. outboard motor. i:linlOI, includes mooring, $1400. Appl>' IS. Ho..,land, 320 Alvarado Pl.. Balboa, or Ph. CI· 12-469, Gll'ndall'. 32-5tC' ROW BOAT-Nt'<'ds a little calk- Jng, and outboard moror, hard to ket'p runnin1t. Sf>O for bolh. 1404 So. Bay Fron t. Balboa Island. 32-5tc OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS NEW & USED Service and Repain on All Makes or Moton Dave H. Spies ponrl "'llh \\' 11. Wi1hl'n1poon J r .• Buick dealer , !»4 "E" St. San R<'rnArdlntl, California. stat R-2 Lot lni.: r r nt11l. J()('alion. details. nnd olh<' 34·3t r ON !':ORTH SlDE J-;11.st CC'ntral c A\'t• .. Balboa Pemmmln. $5250.00. WANTF:D~ TO . RF.NT Mc>dl'r rurmshrd :J nr 3 hdnn home n Corner Bay Front Lot P<'rmancnt. Call Jiar. :J4RO-J WlTH PIF:R 11nd s('awell. Thia b ask for Mn R<·rry 34>-31 c th<' Vl'ry bellt h11y front hulldinR WA'.'.IED T () RENT -5 roo m !'IJ lt• I know of ll:> x }(19'. ho11s1' for d1•n\u;1 & wif<' loeat New 2 and 3 Bedroom' ini: Jn C'ost.i f\k sa, pe•rmanr nt No chilrlrc•n Call Loni; f\1'1\1' 82169 »4t h c H 0 tJ S ES , 011lbo11 • P <'nlnsula. $12,R50.00 to $17.500.00 RVl'T. MIRC~OUS u F OR REr-.T-Garaac 303-B Eas t p .~Y Ave .. RaJboa. 3J..4t LOUIS W. BRIGGS REALTOR Th<' pm pert y f11cn a It r 1 n d swimmln.; lwt.1.Ch and hu a com· muntty pi<'r and n oat adjoining th<> propc~y. This spadou1 hGme could not IX' rluplk:ite!l fOT aev<'r&l thousand dollars more than we are asking. Thf' o"':n<'r rl'11l1y wants to t<'ll It and WI' ar<' ronfi<knt that nothlnll rl~<' on thl' marke t can approech thls valu<'. WI' have the key Prlc<' $.19.500 T<'rma If d<'1!tl1'd Coast Properties Co. nrmul nt'\\ '.! l11'llrm . ltOlllt'. In ''""'' 1wli..:hhorh011d n1•<ir s.·hc'lf1l~. I 'rii'1"tl tu ~·II 111 $.'<;ll)(I. i.,1w down Jli1~1lll'llt -~ \\'ant lo h\111117 1 it'n'' a ni''' lot in N1'\\ ~iur1 1 l<'i~ht s l'\'?'trh•tto;I :1111! :11111 111...: 1ww honws. $1:\.)\l. Tt•rm s. S l'l·;Cll\I. \'h•\\ lul <•wrluoking Nl•wp011 Buy. l'rh'\'<I t11 s.•11 • $:\ii('KI. . . CANAL WATERFRONT Al.I. Uf' Tlll-:SE \\'J\'11·:H-t-"HONT ll<lJ"'F:S WOULD MAKE 1'1NE lU:NTAI .~ COSTA MESA ' f '" 011'"' All 11tilith-s in. Orw nr tlw 1 .. st $1\jO(l 1 ~ 111·rf• 11n l~th St. -Good soil $1X~lll '~ A t1v~1·t11<,klng or•(mn. S .W . of-<.'•""'*' M+'AA $1:~JC I :\ BEf>HOOMS. :.! flATI I • $t;>lXI noWN C10S4..' in Costa M<'S.'\ shoppin~ <'t"'f\f<•r. Built in I!~~. Lar~C' lot . Total ptil\' ~"1000. You'll 11..:n'(• this Ii. 11 fin<: .rn lut>. Elton D. Barnett Peniel G. Barnett Barney Francque Brokel"!'I EVA F. RHODEN .Realtor Ph<>fl<" Ben con 5 71 '.\-n 470 Newport 1'lvd. Evenings, Harbor 1423-J 916 Cout Hiway-Beacon 5676-M WILL TRADE -New 2 bedroo m u Cor 714 East Central.:...Harbor 80 BALBOA REALTORS J 501 E. C.ntral Avt>., Balboa Phont' H11rbor 26.'l8 3!5· ttc 24-ttc FOR SALE-22 ft. cnmer, aleepa 2, V-8 motor out of water $800. Terma. Phon<' Harbor 0533 be· tween 8:30 & 5:30 p.m . Aflet 6 p.m. Harbor 589-M. 26-tfc l'iCT' 26' Seabird FOR SALE - yawl. nr "ill swap for good ae· dan. Writ<' Box "A" clo Ne"'11· Tlm~s. 32-4tp MUSICAL .t RAOIO ... Nr-w 7,l'nith Trnn's-occanlc port- nblr. ~!Y.I llnr :!!">61. 32-4tc h ouse. Long Beach, ama 3,'µ5tc hou."C on acreag<'. Iota, or like Othera wru rMd your ciua1tl.ed c eda u you are ?8d1nC t.NM. vicinity Costa Mesa or Newport Phone Harbor 1069-J. 3.'1-St 34-tfc U CRANOE u WILL EX('llANGE Girls' brsn d nt-W 2!)" h icyC'le for 24 or 20' girls hkycle • .1717 Pomona Cost a f Mesa ELY -t 3Q FOHll :.! door, '41 rni.:m<'. A-1 ruhhl•r condition, <'X c I' 11 r n t ()WnP!l hy nll'eh;lllll' n1•nel\ n :>f~1:i.n 32-4\c G. I. rl<'Sir('$""to !'oClll his MODERN 2-l)C(froom honw cnm· plt•h'I~· F1JHNISHED nnd will lake i;:oori I Int 'SE T ltAILEH.. Y OU takl' O\'<'r h is 41 ; LOA:" Color fully df'<'or:tll'<I. 1ile . do111Jlc sink. Sm:u1 hathroom \\'tth tuh 01 nrl show<'1:. 1'\Jm•ll't'; <·a r prn1. A t $Ill.~()() I his is a ~<><XI dt"Otl for somPnllC'~ \.'SEO PIANOS wnntcd for our RY.AL t:STATE \\ A~TY.D ~ r ent dl'pt. Trntll' your old piano \\',\:"TEP Ttl Hl'Y nm,et JOHN E. SADLEJR. Rea ltor on a Splnl'I. H 11:hC'St allowancr. O r will huy for spot cash. DANZ-• Main, Sant11 Ana AUTOMOTIVE a TIR.r.8 . Stanlt'y A. Smith 1 lawl M. Conrton 1''11 rlt•y :'-111\lit.:;in Associatt' Rrok<'l'S I !arbor 7~1 or J !arbor 2422 ~;)-1 l c SPl l'<ET mirror type piano. Lavtly tone. Fine action. You ~t pay out' balanct' of ''~· · Terma. DANZ.SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, FOR SALE 1~17 C"hrysll'r 1'rw ------- Yor kt•r I (lt1<•r $1'rlRn, A II ttssr~nr· ----------- TAX . SALE Santa Ana. < 19-tfc STETNW A Y GRAND. ''The Klng of pia110!!," pt"rfrct condition. 1orgeous lonl'. Save OV<'r St()()(). Dan:r.-Schm1dt. Santa Ana. 52t) No. Main. 19-lfc i1~ l n/1u in • Fi1•mmln~s Auto Rl'pa1r. l!lR7 llar!J(lr BIWI . Co!'lta :'.lrsa -I pm 10 ti p 111 Saturda~ 3'1-11<' SPINET for rl'nl All 6 mo. term rerrt---1tllow<'<I IC you bl.IY later. lM:t'' Pl\TI)llUlh Star 111n Wa$:on Yrs ju~t like a sa\'lnir.1 account. ·• l '...~~' · t1111 llnrh<'ir 190:1-~1 or Rent a Splnr l nnw . buy when 7\13 l'opp~. ("ornn;i d•·l ~tar ready. 011nz-Schmldt P lano ro. 35-21<' 520 No. Main, Santa ~l!:...19-tfc FOJU1 l'IC'K t'P l!l-t7-R11n only TIALDWIN, hl':iut\fully built Utii;, 750 tnil~. '-4 SJ'lf'1'<1 \t6nS .. 6 ply bunl{lrloW rtnno. n epbs!ledC'd. tir<•s: rwrythlni:: j\L"t hkl' new . N-E-W -P-0-R-T L·O-T-S This ·sale Will B.1 D S Last On ly FROM ---SEE --- a Pew . $3.g,._O W. J. HOLCOMB Days 1?17 .~6~~ Hwy. "W~tc Ulc i:iags F1y" Curon:1 ell'! Mar :>.3-3tc ------- HARBOR IN VESl=.MENTCO. . Realtors Phonr I lnrhor HiOO :1ot h nncl W. C.•ntml. If you want· 11 Bt-:AC l I ltonw without hnvl11~ loo mtlt'h mont'y inv•...,tt'll \\'l' havt• ~ \"l'tJ' ~1,,111 liuys lo c·hOI~' from \'i1111· dmici• of HAI.BOA ISl.ANI> <mrt Nl-:Wl'OHT ()(''t·:A N 1'1l< >NT-.. Balhoa Island $10;750 _Small hut vt'r')' li°vahlt., i.1t .. ·1is Ii. ~•)()II 1·1111tt1ti1111. '.l. ~ly. hnrnt• \\ 11 h :i. I 1111111-. 1-'urn low t11 rii,:hl h11 y1•l'. Ocean Front B~y Island 1 lomc Going7 Going Go - Bal hoa Island Vacant Lot '.l.-Sf111·v 11111111• wilh :\ l~'<h·onm~ Fitrnisltt"l -1.ow 1.v.n11s 111 -11 n·: t rrM"ST in I 'l!I\' M'Y Lai~<' hc•;wh horrn• In lo1•1111- l if11I -.;•tting . I '1t•1· 1'('111111 · 1t 'I I. -$7f>fHI l .111!. <•f ,,,,.,.. a nd -.hn1hs tr·~· a11d find 11111' ltk1• ii! l>o y t Ht \\ant Ill bll.V :1 ho1t1o1• ;II $;">~ JW'I' month., 11'-. ""'" ... ,..!.-. . J ,i i!·a to't'I in °1~ l·~~Ht(~·1·:l I I l:1rl10)' f ll'ighls Hra nd nc·w ':i hdnn. hnnw ha rdwfll ~I n, 101"4 f11.,·pla•.,. fli,.,,. h 1•11t1•r d 1111l1ll' l!:trlll.:l'. s::JIJ(J \\ill h.tndh'. l1a l:i11t,. a l I' I u.lli·J't.,,"t.. Ht •ittl~· I .. '""'" '"· Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gate• 212 Matine.Ave .• Balbo.a Island Ony Pho™"': llnr. lb"il·J: Har. 1034-J t-~·t-s.: llnr. 1·h}-M : Har. 1117-M \• BAI.ROA I SLA~D • I I If yo''.." a nl to '''~\t ~·11\tr h11111t• f<w nil or 111ir1 of the 1'l1tn1111•1· 11'1 11~ rlnc you a 11•1111nt . Wt hav~ n long list or d1~lr:1hl1• 111·oplt• ,, 11111111,.: s1mu1w r n•ntnl!(. CJtll "' a l 11 •11t y1 tlll'-.. ' COHONA DEL MAR l.ot ·10' ~111lh 1\1 llh~ll\\:t~· . '\000, nmh'\' l0t•ntlon. II 111'1'\' ! • ~. h1"(iroo111 f11rrn~h1o;I h111111• wlth f\1vplm "' nnd ~nr. ( ·mnph·1t·ly h·t\l\"tl. ~!t;11M 1 PENINSULA Hm nd 1ww ht-nnH"tl :!-ht'tlt'\,..,m hnmt'. fireplace, .n1lllt' f111111u't•, cllniu~ 1•1111111, pntlo, t•xt rn ~tllll !\how· er, rloubll' ~nm~l· nntl s·urnk"·k :_ u ,,.,.1 buy at $I ·l;lt)O, ., NEWPORT 1 IF.IGHTS (io1w".1us 11u11lc•mistit' ""IWtl(irl :\-hc .. troom home . I '11 rHy f11rnlid1t'<l. Fh\•plan'. About I yr. ollt. Lot.I ot 111pho11t'fl anti d1~·t sp111'1~. l\t•1111tlfully l11ntl"4.'Uped wl1h p111iu anti y1mt mlllph•l1•ly rc•lll't'tl. I l!Mlhl~ (ll\.f-' a..:l' 11ml )\'11~hmum. ( 'on~t 1,1dlo11 anrl ck"Ml)..rn the flnt•11t. A ~h'<ll for $1:.!.71111, $:..>tMlO rtown ..$-1!\ 11 month.:.! lx'\lmon\H, wood flOOl"I. lols .or ci.1pl111111'tt 111111n St-.' now! -BLA-NGH+; A....GATES-lloaltora-GiNNY GATDI 35-ltc Sell It Throujth Classified Adverti11in1 BALBOA ISLAND l\A Y t'HONT. :~-1u;1>1toOM HOME otr~ for the first tin-. .. Owrw~lt•n\•lnJ.t Call!omla..,Beeutlrul llvin& room. 11w •'fllll'C' pn'1nh•'M ju.JCt repelntt'd and re- d1"t'1)rah'<I. 'lwn-C'fll' J.tlll'lll(' oothf\nt dreal"IC room . 11nt1 ntlwr rc•nhm'lll. l'rh'C'CI fur lmlll<'dlate tl&le at only $2:\,000. 111lH won't l1ud lona.'Cnll Harbor 1776 . roun lJEl >HOOM llOM1': PRICED r..ow for tm- Ol('(tlUtC' "'''"· TI1ls lll'ftutlful homt" l9 In perfect ~ dltloo and locnted on ~ oC the bland'• Neill street11. Mnny outstjndlriK felrturc.'s, Call Mr. Adkln- 800, I larbor 1776. - BALBOA BA YSHORES FOH SALE. WA'n:HFHONT LEASEJIOt.D L0Ts. f)() to 100' on w111f•1iront now )lvulh1hh• w1th p6ltr 111111 f111a1 Jll'lvll1i:1"!(. 1 l l~hly l"t'f'f ric·ff"(I l'ornmunlty. t-•nr f111·Hwr lnform11tl1111 <'llU Mr. 'l"homnl', l~t'On fl7'1H, CL IFF-I IA VEN IN\'l•:."\l'MJ-:NT Cll'l'(lf{'l1 1N IT\'. HOxl:l«I'. Multiple 11w111111· 1·111·111·r 1 .. 1 /'.i1111o;I l•1 1•·1111 ll H llvlnic unlt11. Ad 111111111...: 11•'\\' .lt111111r 1 lh:h S. h11ol Nlh'. whf>rt' C'X· t'l•ll1•11I •'·111111-. 11111! .... 1 .. 111ly ()l't11l'lllll'Y mlly he Cl(· p1-.·t1"1I ::-1,1100 (':ill Mr. St·l111sh•r. H1•1won fl795. Hl·:."°T Bl Y ON COAST t llr.llWA V ln Corona del Mrir. ftlf 1·•11111·r Int. H11•• r11r 11'-vt'lclJJOWnt. $10,75(). < ~llwt IPrnts . Phnn .. Mrs. Mnmnn or Mr. Dnvlf'R, llnr- hor lli,1fi. .JPST 'r1 II·: 1'1.ACI-: Y<ltl'VE Ul-:1-:N t-'OIC f1-H1111111 horrM • i<ltual'"' nn vlc•w snm1• n •palr-.. l-:X<'f1ll l11nal prir'I• l11cl11y Mm""'n I la d•1r t1"1ti !./>OKING lot. Ne<-ds !'hone M "'· Wl·:·11 /\ V t·: Sl·;'VJ·:HAL It-I , H-~ 1111<1 H-;\ lot14' nvn.ll· al1I•• :1.,...n •avm111.lt· 1 .. 11ir~.--llkMJ11: Mr,;. M11roon or Mf'. I >11vlr•.., l l11d1or !ti Ii i -_NEWl'OHT BEA CI I ·. .... ... .. r. 'Bol8rfC<' cnn h<' paid on easy Phon1• tlarhor 1:.~~w. 31•5tp monthly pnymrl)tS. Thill is 8 TRAll.ERS 11 BALBOA · Or if yo11 '' ;1111 to...inv •:,I 111 1· .. -.idt'11'1al irwonw Jtl"Jl"'rt ~·. "'' ha \.1 • !11" Hl·:."i~l' 1111J1rn1"11ni ty In t11wn ... --rNMIM1·: ~~smtr.rfn.~":-:~ hrd~-~~~ gem :-l>an1·Srhmidt Piono C'..o. -----------~ Almost 100 pianos to rhoos<' from. !'120 !"o ~tain, Santi\ Ana 19-tfc SPINET plrino Brand nqw. Case damagl'd In shipmC'nl .Will not be told. from p<'rf!'ct . now , Sa\'c $150. T <'rms DA!'iZ-SCllMtDT PIANO CO. !l20 No :\lain, San· ta Ana. 19-tfc FOn SALF. KMhl' Bally Grand piano. 9()1 F.. n11y Front, Ball>OA Harbor \719·~1 32-4tc Ju~t Out-The ~cw . MOBILE COACH 11t0•: 1:11arant1·••<i f1l11 •r 1:l11ss in· . ~11l1<l 1nn 1-:lt•f'lrte if't• h11'C a II I.I h•':tl1·r :l 0omplrtl' rnom.~. 2 clnor~ \"1·r~ ll1:ht in Wf•11:ht Your !'111:i:•"lt0n" '"" 111• :q1prl't'intNI S Pf'('J,\L J>Rt n :s "" 111e:it11111 tr:iil••rll t111-. "'""k A ndt·r~nn Trail.cir Sales 2100 :" .. wport J11vd P h llrn 'i:.!l:i # REAL E!i!TATE Cfl!l!I ~1r·i;a 3:..11c MAPLE Spin<'t. r<'possrS!!ed. Gor· g('()U! tonl' TkAutiCul maplr fin· lsh. Highest izradc make. If you love maple you will never find anoth<'r to n<J\lnl thi!I on!'. Ju!t pay out bolnncc. Ea~y t<'rm!I If New View Home you Wi!lh nllnl·Schmldt P lano O\'"ERII l<lKI:-0:1. . Entire Harbor Co., 520 Ko. :\lain, Santa AnR. arrl\'. 3' hr , h~ n oon1. fireplace. --------=====3:::1::-·""7'.:tfc constroctlnn an!l IMide flnlah BU81NM8 OPPOR'"1'N1TID 6t u c<'ptlnnnl The flnewt we'vr t'\'l'T Off l'rffl F OR SALE:'-F:stnhlishl'd moncy- 1'Tl8l<lnit hu~inl'!'~ In Hnroor arn. RALPH P. MASKEY stock nnd fl-ctur<'!'. "'Tlt e Box S-2-?"-"!I • T 1 m <' s. Nl'wpe>rt 3411 W C'l'nlr81 Ph H1tr 40'2 , •• 9-tfr Beach, 35-5tc ------------BY OW:"FR • Furni .. hl'd-, 19.'o Goo d Going Gas StatiC1Tl Yl'Rr!I olt1. new 1::irni::t• with ra!lio o wn1•r ~l u•t Sacr lf1rt' , ' eontrolNl dMr .. $695fl. I'!'ml'lllat<' F nr n :-;t.Y S5Nl 00 r ash pn<>~l'4'4'ton MOI -15t•h S I . ('o~tn Fred Brig-gs M"<" • • 33-3tr> 634 Co&St llt" nr Ph &•a 5778 Do you w.;;;t;°o eell It! Adver· )5.ltc tt. tn -the9e colwnna. :1 l)('(lroom fumislwd .. h nm<' cm Bav /\\•' \.,. .. , neat ;incl in <'X<X'11<'nt <·ondition. F umbhin::-. in- <:111<1" S<-1'\·1 •I 1·pfrigC'r a t ion and mod<>rn n.1 llli!• · ;n11 ... is pri<wl t n !'C•ll 11uid <l y. ~J0.500.00-TEltMS SOUTH COAST REAL TY CO. H<~s Grt'<'ll'y. RC'<i lt o r -Mont" Grimr·s. Brnkrr J~~phiJ'lt' W~bb,'RN\l1or -Jlcl<'n 0 . Klatt. In-:11ran11:' :m2 Marn St~"N·t BALBOA Ph. Jfarhn1 ~11·: 1 ·::l-ltc 'BRIGGS -BEST -BUYS BL'SIXF:SS FHONTAG1':. 109 fl . "" Harbor Bh d. a pprox. 1110() fl. from Alph:i .&>ta, impr<>,·1-.I '"'h '2 R R. h o11Sf•, !,r.lntge and tnol bsc .. l Xx:\o sh111• l ·lrl:. C'<.•llC'r-$ I fl.000. lc'?1s. . R E:NTALS--.\\'c hnvr intcr~tin~ li s1im.:.-. c . ·Fred BR IGGS Tres sa 634 Coast Highway Ph. &11 . 5778 Res. H nr. 2476 ~5-1 le 111 11nils IXH fl frrint;1gf· on ( 'J-:;'\:THAL AVJ·:. l\4 .... 1 lt1C ·:.t1•111 . This i-: f'lllt\11·: int.,11111• with ;1111pll' n1111n f11r ad11itlnn01 l unit<;: l'H.lCJ-:U to ..... 11 .:ind lt ·rnii. lo '\lli-t THIS WE!jK SPECIAL SI ~i<H 1 l111y-. IJ(•a111 iful lluildin1~ "~'" in HAHJlOR lll"lt:ll'l'S .11:1\C'(I ~'"'"''a nd :ill<"y~·wcr •& CJ'l'Y ·:-i t-.lt VICES $500 OG.WN nr "1• \\ill find y111.1 a '11h1nr-.,-. .. l;\TEHIOl f f )I·:< 'fHlA 1"llt SI 10 1'- fttlly '"1'111'1 "~1 I 'ri<.:f' i d11d1"\ Stf.lf•k . i·qulp. anrt l1•:1s.t•. . 1-:1rrRI(' ~t<YIY>Tt J{EPAllt "SJIOI'--Sl<'k- 111'" f11r,, • .., .... :tit• of gr ng l111i.in''1'". IJ1'1lng })('fl.er th;tn :-:11n1 r•·r mor'I h. Fully ("(1u1pp1'(l. I l\ ' ·~ Harhor I nvc~tmcnt O>. I , I ' I I k I ' \ ' Reaftqr~ ~ ' 30th nt W. Omtrnl A\I'. I la rlJor I fll )() 22!1 Marirw. Jlnllrtlfl L'llan<l II arbor 1 :\31 ~5-1 tr n 111111, :!-..,l11ry h111J1 t• ·I ..:111:" frit·11dly llv111"' rnon1 with l11b 11f lh•ltl ';:11·:1 ~1 · 11lt1~ 1·:.1· port F1'fw'-.1 y11rd . Ur~ ~l ;11r.., •':ti] 111• ,.,.:idily 1·11nv1·rf1-.I h1t11 11 n apartment. f'r i1,. $~1.>Gl1, wilh t1·n11~. /c11 ll M11 ry Dkk~on nt I larlw,r 1111:1. LIDO ISLE A II rar1 l\lf' M-Oflill'rT11rtPa 11 h11m1• l"1llt 111 f'x11 rtlng i.l11111hU"fl-; in :in 1•xd11.,1v .. n••ll!ltl111rhr111d 1w;11· I .trio Sf111fl. ,., l11'<'lrYi<1rns a111r 111111!1'-. 1'1#1m rnmphtf'<'ly rur- ni-.ltt'<I. $1t),;>llll, l1lton1• llarl"''' 101 :1, 111'k fur Mr. M<-Kln .. ..r·y. I;ARL W. STANLE Y REALTOR CO VERING GRSAT•a NEWPO RT HA.RB O a - .. 31U W C'EN'TRAL ~ AND IR~ ifs. Nt"WpDrt ne.dl NewpPl't e.dl 17th IUW.'I COAST HWJ. 2Z MAR.INF. AVE. Ill COdl' llft. N~ DHdl Dalboa .Wand Oorona dlll ... . 3?5-ltc Sell It Throu~h ClaMified Adveitiaing • .. J • I . ·~. .. e Activities AMmea: Harbor 13 and 208 By Wlnitred Barbre !wsld,enre: ll:l rhor 1 fi:H · R Page 6 NEWPO RT BALBOA N EWS-T IMES FalOAt' N••')>Orl ~h. C.tlf. Marr'!., !6, llMK ·~rtu· ""'""n 11f I 11ri~1 . Ttw C"1ui.a•I• 1 r1 .... 1 '"II ""..: 1 h• ~n,1•·1 11111111 '" 11· l.1\•·•'" nnll " Easter Sunday, From Dawn to Vespers SHs ·s er¥ices in All Churches ol the Area 111 1,\111" ,\ \l••lin 11n1I r.-llo rluo 1 ll"llll•'l,111111. \\Ill I\,. t1I· kt• rt II\ llu \\ 1111.111" luulh• 1" ,\tfrt·d 111111 \ \\Ill \'"" .1 tn•m· lw1111· ... 1,1 ·nw llrih c '1t ... Mrs \\'lll11rd ).;,, 11111~ "11111·.111 ;.i 111n-"r .. ~:•t 11 uwl '''"'' ~··r\ tt'•' ~1' ~ Mtlrlr"" !'lw 11y will hi' 111 tlu• ~.!PO"" an Eutet' Sunday 1111t": "Thr Six•ll or F.11stl'f''~ dawna. "'Sinaln& from Chrl11 Ian Etc>rnal Oaw11." peoples new tribute to our. rll<'n Mr . EamPSt S!'hultz. 31'> :\3rd Lord. Altar Cr()Q('I, Vf'il<'d In· S tr'(!('l, Nrwport Is rhairrnun In mourning purple for 'the IOll'mn char11c of arrangc•mf'nt11. rll)rnl obeervances of H oly Wet'k, 11galn dl'C'Orations o~ phinnrd will rl'· aland revt'aled and churcht'tl arr qulrl' ovrr fo1fl' h1111drc•d whill' -decked with the loveliest flow~rl flowtrii whlrh Mr Schul17 hop"~ of·~· tn ron<>e• frf>m m<•mtx-r11 and ncm l\1l\rl4e to the vespc'r frlf'ncts. rt . 1 hour wrvlces will be h<'llt IO The srr\'kl'~ ~J l;>c~i11 "' fl.:IO that all who wUI may come and 11,m d11yliJ:hl i11wlryj: timr T o pl11no. ,.. .. '.111111•·· ~111 .. ···l111tl I f(•I\ ( '1111H11111111111 ,11 ., II Ill t "hornl c ···l1•hr•1t 111n 11f 111oly Com. 11111111••11. ~ ~1 ,, rn •• 1111 I I •• m 1\t 3 ;\(1 I' 111 "Iii I•• rtu• <"ti11rd1 SrlH••I ~-·"''"' ''''"''· p:ii.:1 ·111t, "'''"111:1111'0 "' :\1111' IHl 'l(I ~. ~·""'' r ("""' """ purl\ Ill th1• worship. n-ach thr sitP of th<' s1>n ·ici-, EM&« 8aariM' Mf'rvlf'M turn off \OB'!t H 1i;::hway nn Cliff • 11•'''' r With the cooperatlon of The Orin• or !Urn nrf Nr\;'lJOrf n oulr-I 'I• ..... ""' h •• I h.ol I ho H :\j ' !'fewpll't H a-r b or Council of vard on ~F"1fll'<·nth Stro•f"t 'furn 11nil 11 1 ~1 "•I•>< k • "r '.,.,' "" Qiurches, Easter Sunrise S<!r· off FlftN'nlh 'strf>1•1 on F.~ l.k.. 41,.l)'lr;il ;\t• mh••rs o( th•• Pnri~h ViOPS at N "wport 8(-ach arc ~x-dc•n_!! Thr p0hlk 11' Cflrduijtr 111• ~"'"' •lo1I '"•'"'ml 1h" fl :\ll p«'tf'd•t o be> m or(' impr<'UIVt' and ln\·ltPd. • . II Ill "I'"• 11 I~• ihl• l'l 1" "1''f lnsplratlonal t hl1 ">·ear than t'\"f'r Eiil&t,f't' SuarlM' 1'r n 'lrt• tu Ip r1 Ir•·' th• ''"'"lmr.: "' 11 11fl before. The sen •1C('ll will he hrld . Al Camp Baldy "• t>H k on the bluffs o r :-.;,,wp(,rt Hrhthtll Thi-21tit ;rnnwol Sunn~·· "·r· 'I 11.. I "'''' 1 • .. 11i111un1•111 "ill • overlqoklng th<' oof'an on the net' '"·m. he> hf'lrl. on F.11Ql1•r '" L'l 1111' ""''"'"1 '" '"' swk 1lte of The' N!'wport Harbor mnrntnr.: 111 7· l:l 11 111 11• S1tn· 101 111111• 111111 '' "' "'' l'I• 1" .-:ill LUtheran Church , 1027 c 11 ff ri<r 1v11nt jllS-1 nh•l\"t• ('11rr \ ' I l.11 '1111 .. l.'11 111•t .... , ... II \\ 111 Drive. Sunrlee S!'niet"a O{I the ramp 0Rlcly f1ps()rt In lh•· S:1n "11•111 ., ti.. 111"' . thlflllJ,! '"' . . ;\l.\K\' BOOTll· wlll tlf' 1iololllt for th.-t:&Atn l'4unday vn1r f' of tho• :-,, ... ,,.,rt Harbor p,...hytf'r- lun •·h urr h, to ~ hf'ld at 10 o'rloc-k In ttM-ltbrary of the Sr'-11url l ·nlnn Illich '<C'!,lool. .... r 1nl· r \\'nrkm tn will • , " t I a••I ··• 1 raclr r rtob- 'I I i; IW"' \\ill ·•l'P'"'r hurh 85 Pomona G rb1'9e Meets at Costq Mesa r wnun.1 Gra"n1t • which is the coml1111< d Cr11n1tf'S of Or~pge counl\, 1111 1 1:1~1 rtJKht In .Amrri- c11n 1 .. i:111n hall, Costa Mesa, ~·it11 -;·, 111 • ''""' for 1 hr Pot luck IUpJlr r R•·I~ 11 \\ ardinw of Tal~rt. ('()Un'' m•"t' r, pr1'sided and a mo11 .. 11 1•11 lllrl' was shown by a repr1 ,, 1111111\l' (Ir f-,tn·stone Tire and Hul1t11 r er, Th• 11••.11 or.:11nization has r{'· cenr h ,u .. 11111 .. d a G rnnt.:C' hl\lt the• l11J ll" t t'a!IJolic church at Thu• 1n .ind \'ic1oria a venues. whll'll 1< lll'init rerpodel1•d. A planu Ila" t.c«·n don111ro by·m ('m· ~rs JI ,~ , 'I~ 1·1rd thl" hall will !)(' read) f11r r hr ntlJI ml'<.'ting of lh<' !111111• Ernnomics club on April ti n1>·ml1t'rS to bring !JilCk l11nr l<••• 'I h1~ Wf'<'k the mec{ing was ht ltl ILi tlw h ome of Mn;. Mar)" \\ •U• oms. assisting host- f'IS"" t.. in.: 1 hi' Ml'sdames, Mary Kntpp ~ I <111.1 llutc-hinson, Dora F:ld1 , •I.:• 11111 BonntE• J ohnson. ·•·l•.t.i, • :1111• r1·11111,.11nrs1 i•l lhe· , 11n~ul•· t. I lw nrt::tn. :ind !he hour• :,111111 m~ lwtn~ Unfold Yt! P.or111'1. 11 :1111n()(f1, Thc>' R<>SUr· rt>cl 111n •='h• llyl, llallo•luja b. Chm 11~ 11,,111..i1 anrl by tbl!' Juni•, , I 1111 C "hr1..;1 th<-Lord Is Rl~1 11 1 .. o1 ,, ,\11·xamkr Tiiiey of I '" \ti.:• lo ' \\ 111 hr gUPSt Or).!i1Ul'•1 • n11r.-1• 11111111.trll"•' '"" IH· undr·r tho· ,t,1,. !11111•t111n or ''••nnl•lh P . l 'tu lft1h•'T' Jo:,, 11•n.· "1 'wr s '""' hP at 6:311 \\Pio \\1th.11n :'>I RWjl,On Cape COdcler NEW YORK.-!UP)~The New AZTEC'. N. M -1UPl-Alf. \Jt· ~ acotionin9 at Balboa .Yacht Club Among the 2().'30.()(XJ s tudents Eastrr vacationing In New1)0rt Harbor arell 1s one young ma11 \l ho is not abll' l)('ca}!SI' of the fact he hasn't bcf-n' "l"-'nding much time on the IX-aches and so far hasn"t got 11<.-qUatn!C'd with l'Ot:NG PAJlENfS ADVISED I GETS llJ!il CHOICE York City department of health, ton startro out drilling for' a watl'r hns Pf•'PHrf'd Jt 136-page ..h~nd_. I W('ll, bul struck 011 after a short hoc•k o n baby rl'aring which It wU1 dtstanN' H1• krpt o n, only to hit a lend <ts:r on n.'QUl'St to parenu1·ronlbin1111on of ~11s. 011 11nd wntcr . h:i\lm: a f1r;;1 child ---. ---"Oon't 1lrlnk H ~ou wnn1 a lont: · "Cod willl'd tt ·· -Mrs Mary llfr" Mr.1. I knrl\'1111 Lord. Bo- 0·1'.-111. W11\\11llu1-'<'n, Pa. ohsf'rv· go!u. N J , 1m•paring for lOlsl in~ I IO!h birthday. birlhday any prrtt )' girls. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;,;;:;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;~.:;;;;..,;;.;;;;...:;;~--a He is David Lawrence. s tudcnd al Stanford unlwrslly H r ronws from Carl(' Cod, Mass. Hnd ts a mt-mlx-r or BHllS R ivc•r Yncht C!lub, on thr south shore or the ca~. Iii-hilch-htkt•d down for on" of those f11mou11 Easter va- c11tions h<'fl'. but has l><'en sp<>nd· ing most of his time helping W . P . Wierlck t-N1dy his Light- ning for Saturdny'!i race. In "hich he, Oa\·ld, will cnw. • In the m eantime he Is hoUI(' guest or Balboa Yacht club's pub" liclly dirl'l'IOr, Vl'lma Barb<'r. Also dowl! from Stanford and staying at BYC-IS &tty Wht1r. lier brothrr noh, ntlendrng u.c., Is not h11\'i11K 11 vacation now. Othc>rs nt DYC"!hls wr"k arc Dr and l\lr11 Ed Rl1•s1.•n and son F.d. Jr l>r Rksc11. commodorl' or the• 11c·w Sout hc·rrf'" C-ahforntll C-ru1sc•r ao;soc1atiun, l!I s taff com - modon• ur nvc Cosfo Mesons leave lor G &Jam FOR EASTER! • BEAUTIFUL LILIES • COLORFUL AZALEAS • FRENCH HYDRANGEA • AND OTHER ~CITED PLANTS Cut Flowers.._Coriages-Bowl Arrangements . (next to c;an .. ~· Cafe) ~,. ~ .. traJ. Balboa Prompt FREE Dl:Ll\"ER\" ST. JAMES CHURCH B: S1 Ll w C l Pt 0 1! L at bl u ff • O\lef'k>oklnr the od'an Anlonio rnnyon. "'"'k "''' 1.."rrr 1----------llll&IWl.rAl'1.0ILtu!.-1he .. 1 ... 11 ... 1 .. b_. _ __,n ... """''-·_._c_..,R_"'Hu;C:,;ls.,1~·)~' _...p .... as:>Jl .... n,..r_.,11.._( __ .,... ... _11•1• r I• II """ "r\ 111 """· wan Church two )'l'&rl lllCO and the• Rro·thrt•fl In ('hr.... C'hur .. h i,:.il ll•fl "\\111 11 I .. 11l1r11wi'I r~·r<i111~ .\ft Jlu.;<o•ll \"(11111 < In Cn.'110 :\I• ~'1 I r nm Pomona <"olkgc \\lwro htJ ha~ 11p1)1•ar<'d rn1iny 11r111"• '"th fh,.. A Cn~tla 1·holr nmt 1lw !\frn'!< (;Irr duh ns 11·nor ~ule11~t . 11(1('111<1111· '" '"" ~··uni:: pc·opli· nn f!JC<P f ITI "\ 4 • i;tlvinr.: rho 1111 ""L'.t' n'r 'lh1• 7 :3(1 hour U.S S C1·n. :.i.11111 from ~un rrun-• t'isr·o wrn· 1\1 rs. J nm•·' l\lotsc• 11nd tlm1~hll•r :\Jar) K u1herrnr•. or Viri.~mm Pl11tl'. ('ol(la l\Jto~u: Thl'Y ure 01Ythi-1r w~y tn Gunm wtw-rr I h,•y "''111 Join M. Si:t MorSI'. now stat ionrcl on I hr• i~lcrnd. of w of th .-P-rot~~~-EpKcofH'~~~~--~--£.---st. have enpoyed lnCl"t'111lni:t popu-81 Vpland "~I il.-liv .. r !hr ~:n•l•·r n111,1 'm ,1k•· !111 1r 1·111111n11n11111 larlty 1ln('C The hc11utirul lp<'C· Ser vici-.· In 11drlt111•n to rnm· d unnt: l h• 111''"" If ~nu 1111" tacle of the dfty'1 dawnlni.: from munity .wni;::l<. s11d1 ILC. Tho• ri11i • 'lw F11~1• ' I 1:" s. r\ ,,.,., ruu • hill· top alt" overlooking the Rus:R;rd cross. Thr ( 11uri·h In rn:ly 111:1k1 } 1•11r rnmm11niri n o n ocean i>rt'tent.1·11 IU'tling for the thr Wildwood, nnd Cl1rist Aro<il'. Thl'lnulnr Apnl l~I ;if lll:O<t Euter Sunrlte Ser vice• which, thr \'ictor)' Qunrl<'I fnm1 Hl'llhth Am . nr s .11rttllt;!t11 A1ll'P !tb1 'l!.11 ... -----~-eirrirl""'it:-. ~ t'ftllil)' for-C'ollf'ft> of Upl11nd will J'COCkr ~ :Ill :i m ur 11 110 11.m. • . '.. Sotten. Thia •PPM" t-e bP lhe '"'"~r!H nwnlw-r11 R u-t-·h <'Hrr-y--· Oiu1 d1 ~chool • pupns _hr111~ reuon ror the popular growth of Rurn1 will r<'ad H C'nry V11n w11h llwrn ·'' :\::\Cl Pm. f.a~tl'r Euttt SuorlM' ,Servlet'I ti New· Dyl«-'s ."God of thi· O pr n Air." I >:1~. ltw1! ~1111• !l11x rind Flowc•rs port Beach. 39 In formrr yrnrs. for th1• ~.r"ro·r C 1·1>~!' , 1be Newpor t Harbor Luthrran.. Ampl<' parking spacr is rifo-Tlw Coni,:r1·..:11r.11m of SI J11mrs O!urch will ettVe 111 ho9t to· vlded a t th<' foot of t'h<'-11hnrf will Tm"f't-nn \~~nr ... rlay. ·April tM awmbert of other partld: tr111l which l!'ad" to Sunrl~" 7th, 7 :110 11 rn 111 Nor1on·11 flay patine t'Orllf1'"1alloru ,and viii ton. Point, -which is locatf'd ahout !:)hon• r11f1· tu 11du1JI n C'onstitu· 1be A Captlla Qolr of the LU-14 mllr above Curry's c 11 mp lion find Ry· laws, rh•rt a \'l"stry Olenn Church will 1ln1: .''Kile-Baldy Resort. nnd ?rflr111ll) ori.tnnizt• ns a baial Ctuist la Rlwn!" t>y von Th<' services ar(' hl'ld in the Pnn~h Sn\·r !hr dntr """' De· Lowftwtem, and alto feauttts 1hadow of Mt. Ontario. which tailrd lnformn11nn ·will be> m;ulrd • ipft:ia.1 aolo b)' ~ Roth en-acmunu for thr laten"ss or the )Ou nex1 wM•k . UtJl:d: ''Aa It Desan To Dawn/' hour. since thl' sun will not rilW N-pnrt lluhor Lutllrran Putcr Herber t C. Roth wU1 uae abov!'. th<' mounl1tln until 7:45 Mnry f\ooth 1s announc-1-d ns a tile theme at hill Easter nf8. ' a .m. Daylight Saving_ Tim<'. snlnl~t for !hr J-:air;to·r _Sunday Four 8quart1 ChurC'h 8l'n ·lrr·i: 111 !hr ="•'\\'IJOrl Ha rbor TOnoncT-6 leoidily Y011r Home <:!:!~~~~ New 19'8 ....._ OAKDEN a PA110 Funlt1lre B.UIBOO SHADES BEAOB UMBRELLA8 FREE ESTIMATES PbOM 980 & Awning C.O. 1818 So. Mala St. ~ ........ tu-l tll Euler Sundse ;;Ices will he Prr11hytrrlan C'hurc·h 10 he hrld h•ld In the FoulnQ are church, nt 10 n"<'h"IC"k in' !hi' hhrllr)' ot Coata Mcu. at 6 :30 a.m. Sunday the Nf'wpnrl Union llh:h ~chool with R<'v.· nnd Mrs. G. W illard '111<' ~lllfot••r will be> hrard In Stearns. pastors. officlaiini;: A n n•n<lilion or n 171h rf'nt11ry l't'pllca of the garden and thl' F.11~ll'r ll}<mn 11nrl !hr n11mllf'r tomb wlU ix. ronatruct"d on th~ "I W ill.Sin.: N1•w Snn1;s or Glacl-nr1111." · platforni bank{'d with. llllirs. Th<' . paitor wtll dclrvff"esnorl m<'S· Thi• ~llhJ••<'t of.,..Ult• sermon to 111ge' on the'R<'sUn-c.'Ctlon. lw• drli\rri-cl hy ltu• ltt-v. Thoma~ . "Fo~g the 5 e r " 1 c,. un M, Glh~on Ii; "Thr \.ri•nl,.~t Hr arl· Enter br('akra.c. sporuiorrd hy llnr nf All 'rlmi-.'' Church school the young Pt'OPI" of the church, will hi' ho'lrl Rt 10 n'1•lock in wlU· be held In the _.<'Creation the hh.:h ~rhool rofc.-terla. hall. At th<' r('RUlnr m orning (!nrnna df'I Mar WOl"lhlp RI 10:4() o'clock Rl'V Community c .... irrf'catlnnal Steam1 wHl s p r a k on "Iii• 7 IMI :i m ,.arh· E11~!1'r "•·n irr U""·" Soloist will be Mrs. Hra111tful •··'"''r mu~1r Hr i "r Esthi-r Coll'. · l'f'rnwn. "Th· :"llorninl! C'omf'th " • Pr~l.'d i1)' a mUJ11c11I pro-~· :Vt a 111 .ind 11 •• 111 DU'ph - , 1tr11m 111 7 :30 pm the 1111stor "'II <"lllf' S1 n11·1u1 "Ith "1•x1·1•11tion.; a." f.:l\I' ait 11lu~1r111f'cl m•"<!>llR<' cm r11lltl\"' l 111ldr••n',. Chnir will _ ----fiini.: nl !l :Vl nm lout nnl nt 11 FINE FABRICS • H11nd nL~ & dreu · fabrics. Llnl,ngs- Qulltlng. ('IC. PHONE HARBOR 2094-J·K 8'23 Corutt Highway Corona del Mar 11 1u =""" nwmlw•r" "ill · h•• rl'- rt•l"'fl at I h•' 9 ;\ii n nt ~t·n·rl'I' end 10:1r<'nt" "ill pr•'"••nt c-hrldr1'n rnr 1"1111'-• l"riltlt'n Ill httpl1i<m at thl' 11 01 11 m ,.,.n wr Tho• 1111h- J•«0I .. r 1 ht ~1·nnnn will h1• "A Nrw Hr!lurn•rtlon .. An lnn1at1nn Wr inn1.-ynu o 1tn w J:"roup I' p1•np " w o llrl' t o 11n111• with tho· t11urrh on En~lt-r • Spi•11k In !lw 111l11i~1rr RI t ht' r1<1s1• nf I hr Sl'r\"I!'•' ('•Mita Mr•a C'ommunlly Mrthodl•t ,~,tfl~.· -~ U""'" FAMO US FOR FO~OD llt1r111i;:: lh1' ~::1~11·r w1•Pkf'11(J I\\ n 11111~1"111 pr11~r:1m~ nf rntt•rr~t 111 lh•· c11111111111111y.," Ill h1• pn - '''rllo•d .1! lh• 1 ·,~,1 ;1 :'>l··~:i (·1>111· murut~ rl11trrh I In C 11 n ti Frrcl11v ,.,,.,~Ill):. M11rd1 :.'.ti. 111 I :ln. 11.. •·h·•11· \\Ill ho· 111 uni on 11~ 11111 d 1n111111 pt• '•·f1Z.•111Hl nf I •ul+\tb t"1Ulf.tJU ·~rh·· s,.,, 11 1.:1<:1 \\' 1• r 11" ,,, 1 ·1rrr,1 ·· S11l111''' .l••r 1111~ l'rn· 1h11•111111 \\ rll .... l 011r1"' B1w•t" h1•1 l111'//11·•11prnnP. !'11111h H11•« .. 1t. 1t·11111 :111<1 ;\l:iln•lm II· 111 1, 1rr· NO\\' OPEN 6:301'0 M P. M. CLOSED MONDA 1· ;\laJW will rcc;1ll th•' .iruipirlnll j'inlyini: uf. Roh.-rl Smurf, wl1<1 ~i:'n:¥t~: \ ue: q •ftnn JES( srhu!lu;,<1hip 10 !hr Curti!l!I In· ~tilutr of MWll<" in P1•nnslyv11nl11 H1•.;1ri<'nf-. of tht• 11rC'a nrc• wrtl ll'"ar" nf tlw mus1c11L a.e<'omplish · mt•nl" nf !\Ir and !\1r11. IU11•1tdwr. 11nrl )Viii IH' I hrrtl1•d nn1·1• n.:ain 10 hr11r 1 h r richly ht·iy~t 1r111 mi<'<' 11( M1.tlrolm Rrid in (\1<' hnrilonc> rolr R1·\· .J()!;i-ph ThomP"'On c>xlf•ncl'\ n 1•11rcl1al wdcoml' to th" public to Atlt·nd thlS proi:rnm ond thr follnwini;:: onr to bt' given o n Sunday aftl"rnoon. March 2R at -1 n"clork. f't·nturNI o;oloist or !hi' En~trr \'1·srwr ~rrv1cr will lw M iss :\l;;ralr,• llosti-lll'f. fourtN•n·yrar old harpist from S;i.nta Ann She· waS' rrffnt-ly n sol'lllil with thr i;ymphonirtla in that city. Th<' choir will be hl'ard In many or thr popular Easll'r 11n· thl'm<: Hlll''"ll which will ht• Fred \Vnring·:< arrnni::rmrnt o r W t'rr Yuu •n .,.ro• 11nd Th{' lloly City hy Sh•plwn Ad11ms. C'orrnl' Boet·~ lc-hrr \\ill sing lhl' N1•gro Spirit· u11l .. Thr Crucifixion," oQd Vl\•l11n Harmon will pri•:o1ld!' 111 thr organ. Thr choir tor t h<' SumJa)' afternoon Sl'rVll't' will hr undtr I hr dlrr·c-11on ••f C'orrnr flol'I • lchrr. m inistC'r or mll'llC' or the C11mmuni1y ch11rrh. T hr!'r Easlrr i:rn l!'C'S will be hr1'1 at 1!11• <"nmm11n11,· rhurch :\1..tr«h :ti' Th,.' hr-t. i1<•grnning at !l :141 am. will 1.. 11 fllm1ly sl'n 11'1'. "rlh all th•• dmrdt "<'hoot srhnol I'll.•"• pr 11!1· 1111r" n rrnrl ht•i.:innr•r-.· tl1•1l.1r1 m• nt", ~nthrr· l int.: 111 1 h• .... m1·1 u .11 ~ ,\ 1111111v- choir. Ir '1 Ii~ :'>Ir• .t II Thomp- son. "rll 'mi:. anrl 11.111• 1l1lh11.:11 wrll plfl' lh1• nri.:nn m11s11' 11 .. ,. .I 11 Tl11•m1.,.on. p.1•111r, '"" s1x·ak Tlwn• will II<' hapll"m uf c·hrldr1•n ;rml rt'l"<' 1t 11111 11r 111·· para I Pr~ nwm ,. r s At 111::\0 :i m thr r1•c11l:i r s•·11- inr d1111r · 11nri1•r t hr· d1r•'rlinn 11f Cnrl"n•• 1l1wt 1rh1'r, \\ 1 I h \·h·ian ,llnrmon 111 !lw nr··~11n. \\-.Ill ~ rntl1 11rrd ''"r~nl)<; \\ill .... n ·C' .. l\'1•ri Into full m••ml..-r•l11p :11 lh1• i;l'r· vin• Th" .rnnu 11 '•"·l•'r ~;or1·11•1· will h1· hl'lot :11 1 pm Chrl"t c 'h11rt'f1 "·' t h1· :-;,." ~-.•llom 11i.· c "111111 h •dh•>I 111 !\·:\I• I' 111 \\ 111 "' ""' ",., .... ' 11! M111111rr1 \\ "' '' ti' .11 111 :r 111 ;11111 11 .1 111 At '"'' '"'" .. r 11;. ru-i ,, , v11•,. rh. 1'111• 11' d1 p.111nwn1 "11' 1:11 •· •1• •·nl m•1'11•:tl numb<>!':<' l lun•1 · I ftt ,, ,., nd ,. 1 '.,., "1h •11 Wiii lh Ii 11'11'111 •lf Ii 11111 ~ Thi• •I 1 \\ill ''"t: al l"tlh SEA FOOD -. S'PEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN HE YOUNG l l>EAt.t Hy Mossier ... . ~ Alaska King Crab Charcoal Broiled SteH" VWt Oar Old-FMbJoned Orto Room . ..,.,tol!p.JD.- "°'*' h A..o.llle _, • , 1!r~ .. ;·~ ... ,::·;:· .. · · · :: .:: .. '· •It &>rnbabl,· look• to rou -Ilk .. I'm lnllflnc . l'op. but utuAJh I'm pnw'tlrlnc M"lf-dl!IOC'IJ11llW'. M1H'h .,. I "•nt to imt ~1v f1..-t oa t hat foot.•tn.•I. you _. l:m not dnlnir It!" · I l \II, C :irm•·I Catlwllr Al ~11 \ · 11111,.1 Catllolu.: church Hli:h ~\1 :1 .. ~·w•tl·hr c-r!Phrnrrd a t a·:Ma '&I!\ \) qh LO\\' ~l H\lS pt 7 a.m. ".1n1I I { am. ·· f'll. .fiohn ''lann•·y·rarhollr • At s~ Jo.top \"ianni·y Ca!holle cfruri-h. fl ilt..11.1 hl11nd. H i i: h MM:-'"11 1 .. ,., lo·hralt'tl fl t ~ a.m nnd l.u\\ ~l ''' at lCJ a.m . · SI. .l 11a<·hlm ('athol.-r Accompanyjnli( Mrs ._ M.o "s" north was l\1rs. Rt>dnry Willis -Of Orani:f• avrnut>, who vlsilf'd h.rr brother_ in L<'th•rn1an hospital and hl'r husband. T Si.:t. Wtllls, at EorL.Drd. Rf' Wis" -Adverflllt" · (',,..,," ,\I•·••· Or1U11rr II 20th Mii!'• "111 '"' c·l'lehratrd at 7, 9 an1I 11 11111 ll11.:h -Ma3s will bc.---------- 111 t 1 .. m ana 1hrro· wi11 bt' Picture Framing Eash'r m11-11· h) !hr c-horr at Protnpt 8en 1oe both!• 1nrl 11 .1 m Ffltht'r Fmdar a. E. A.'"DER80S Franc•1,r:1n fr••n1 M 1~s1on Sa~ 40 Lula Rt•}. "°lll <p• nk 7 Coast Hiway Corona ~I Mar ~ \\'1sr -Ad_"_<'_r_t~ _____ P_bo_ne __ k __ aco_n M!K r.:venlnp The Rev. Paul Moore \\'ht'<'kr. \·k:ir 320!1 Via Lido By Lido lsk l3ridge Easter .Day Services 7 a. m.-HOLY COMMUNION 8:10 a.m.-CHORALHOLY .COMMUNION & SJ::IlMON 11 a.m.~HORAL HQ~ Y COMMU!'\ION & S EHMON :\::\0 p.l'Jl.-CHURCH SCHOOL EASTEH SEn\ 1CE , The congregation of St. Jam<'S Church cordially invites vacationer~ awav from their home Churches to worship ~;th tti;; this Easter! D,ISTINCTIVELY DESIGNED TO YOUR INDiVIDUAL TASTE ' n,.. 1"1'l • 1110111-... 1 ln11h:1•t I ,\ ... k Ah1111t Roff•hard'11 :-il'lf'"' .. , (){'"tlltift I l I I 1·.1r1 "'"' ,1ff1•nl th1• 1t1"11~ 110:\l t ' · • • I C'lls nm-mac C' s indt• hy Bflr. • of .i llo11·h:u'd ~hr11l1• ·n11·~ Dt.;("OUA TIOS 1'1111 rd nnw ... nr choos<• from 011 r Ja rgC' r :wt on :· art rlr•llno'r"" artrl arll•lll'-.•. , ' ·t l k · f "' · ·t ·f I · · a lly cli••11:n··r1 . ,·111.•r1111, !"i·t,I(\ l l't . " 1 <' .s 0 11<'Uir.1 ot :i 1r11·s a nd lf'I II" l"l'\'11\ 1'r your 111.111 .. ,,, 1nd1yirlu;il "1-le. ,:r So t:,tr • q 1a rl(1' nld lamp ~l!:idt• ..• a t lowest fal'ton· pl'ii·t•" ~1111r i;rn1p hai,1• ;iml tlw """· Trlr1,hom• iil7n1a Ana v1n1·11 !';·iv(' •lc>ll·i i--~,n... I I: · · · ~e>nnlitv r•r \Cl\1r n'l'ln1 . 7 0 2 · ·' "' • s · " g<' comp mwnts from 111 no ·,,'Ctr~ ~·our· friC'nds. i. .. W..1. ANA ~ A~ lHI fA~ ~ SAW ~ ' 1 rn~m~oo~L;lrn>· . ~~~w~IDrn~ \ ~~~07 -N. DOADWai ·s~NT~ ANA ' . Borc'hanl lland-Sfo"-n l'h~ 8 n" Al'ICl Sokl In Bf.t14'r ~tor.-.. For 0.-U.-r llomM. Tltruui hout th.-~atlon \ , . --- to th tr \\' ~ w ~e -fl: di nc tr ~l: • t: H th p< a~ w oi th n• rE fa " '~ (1 h\ ti , .. :or ri- 11 I IC 11 I<: 11 '11 rn rn ~t It or 111 ~· ,,, Ill 1 t i f • ) .. . ' . .. ~~~---------------------------------------...-----..... ----.. f · ~ \ t MWPORT j_!.ALBOA , ~ .N E-WS ff!LJA\ES 'Ra.EPHONE8: 11.A&BO& U , 11 AND %08 _,.._Published every day, MQnday through Friday, .by Sam D. Porter and. Lucius S . Smith , lllr owners 8.J'ld operators of the Newport HarbQr ~blishing Co. \'()L. XL ' By Carr ier or Mail: :SO.BO per ~onth anywhtVC' in Newix,~t 't.kach anil Costa Mesa; $2.40 for ;J months. $4.80 for 6 months; $9 pc-r year Hy Mail In U1·11nge County: $9 P<'r y~·ar: to ·lth zonc, $~~5 : to 811\ zonC'. $~.~. -btered"r:B ~ond-Class mat tC'r at the Postbrrice In Newport Beach. California, under the Act. of March 3. 1897. , SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS S, SMlTI-l, Ill W. F. DIXON l CLYDE REX ) Pul>lishN Monagini; Edhor Adwrlbin{: Printin~ Plant,. 3Ql 1 W C'<'ntr"1 Avenue. Newport BC'ach, C;alifornia Official Paper of the City of. Newport Beach A Ot"1iendable Loe.al lruatltuUon for 0\'er 40 Yt"an ~ATIONAL E DITORlA~. 1948 ~.£:1,?~ Active Member of CRtTaCR or oeanrr Ollsdl ........ ....... L. U.Ue eutt1. ao.1a..-· Setvlcee:.Sunday, 10 a.m .• B1ble Study; 11 Lrn. Momina wonhlp. Chriatian Sci•ce FULBT CHUILCR IOP cll&l9T &cl&NTlllT ISOI \'la Uh at Vla Mal .. a A branch ol T)lt Mother Olurch, The Finl Olurch ol Chrlat, Sc;t. rntlat, ln no.ton, J.la.uachuaett&. Sunda'y School at 9:30 a. m. Sun· day St>rvlce at 11 a. m. Wf.dnetday Evvnlng Mt'<'t111io ot 8 o'dock ~&ding Hoom loc;ted at 111 Palm 1tr<•et, Balboe. la open dally from 1• p.m . to 5 p.m . exct•pt Sun· days and hollda)'11 nationally ob-' aervf'd. '- The public.-i1 cordially lnvlted to attend tht' church aCr\.1CCI liJld UR lh<' Readlni: Room C'08T A KUA ooaoimnT'r CllUROll .lowpaa II. TbompND, 11......- U• z.· !OUt St. Ph,. ~ lll•ll t.,1urch 1chool. 9:45 a.m. Mornlnc Worship. 10:!!0 a .m. Youth itroui.$, tlitch IChoo!. In· News of the· Churches· 1cn~wdlatl', Adult. 6:30 p.m. Evt•ning 1er,'1Ct', 7 :30 o'clock. T II \1.1\0A ISLANll <'ltAl'El. 1111 ..\c'at. A" ... ue • It"'" llA1r)' \\'. Wbltf'. AM<J<•l•l.-a• .. tor • 'h1n l'h ~c.-h1,.,( !I.SO ".m. ~!,11 flllll: \\',1r~h1p, 11 11 Ill , f:hri.,.tinr• Srh·nN> ·"r11•: t·1ucsm.r •·r.sTttAI ~•1mc !a~· T lt('mc• 'Reality' u1m.t: • m •1u·11 ""' llwl&ht Kinn"'"; 1•L•t•tr "l:""'"'" "111 h• llH• 1mbJiort or • " ~ 1 .. ! .. ,. 1.. •HI ..:,.1 mon lo all \I., 1111~ 1,·n1p1,1ra1 1 I~•' Ill' 1111· ~ •• ,. TllF..lisF.\\'J'OKT HAttlioa ; U rirHERAN t 'IUIKtlll 111:..'7 t ·11 ff llrh·t N,•w1>0rt lkl&ht1 "I\ f h1111i;..t1 .. a Chrlat fOI' a I 'llllllt:trlt: \\ llrh1I" 1 ~I :\11 ,1 111 •'allJ t'h M'lllkll, 10 .30 " tn ' tit\ llh' \\ "' 'llll' I(, , I I• 1 '" 11 1 • H111 h, putl'lr 111\.1 ~ \\ ''""" ~I , 1 \1.cn t.t ... e "i Hlth t 1th. \ t•U II \ \\tU4' \ i...nlU' ' I '"' •1, • "' '!'to .. \lo " Ju•r ('hun-h • 111 ll I 111~ ,\11', 1111.tf 1·!1111 ,•JI ,.,,, 'It ... I '"' 1 ·11n: !J nl t'hrt~l. Srl~n'. •l<·I ol Uhl (',,,,. '' ''""' u111I ' \~~t.:\11\1.U: . .-Ill" tlOU 1 • • ' t• '"" 'l11 .. 1:111t111n Tt1J1t '"''r" "'''· ~"'~'" ·1··•11 1 , I 1 • 1.. 1 ... "'l'lit•id,0 1 ~rd. II. ~. )11 \lill1'n, l'a•lor ' ,. ~ -.,ll tt1lh) ~l'h1\;1J, !I I fl Ill l 11 • l'l • "" llH•t th<• "OWt'r \ \nlt'n• .i.11 1 ... i;lun flail, l&Lb ,.. f \ "' sli1p t11·r\ It'•' 11 •1~1 11 Ill ···I •.. ' . ' 11· 11 th" '" 1or,: . .iin1 ""'' c·,.n1r..t .\w ... -, •I I I \ 1\1111: l'<'lll'k ~ !<II \ h't · ,ti fl.Ill. I , .. _, 11· !I I·•• a ll '"'' 1~ In II•' l\otlltl•' t'\l1n•'<•l1·.111· •1•-r\1.~·. ~~11111 11\ .,,,.,,.1 "l!'l 11111 "·•·•111111l tr1th•••,11fhl1 1hln•'. ~ ~ .... ' ''''"" '" •II•' h 1•!!•111111, 11.1.ord. atao\ ~ .. 1·1.,,·k. 1'11" 111111' ~··1 11"' • 11 • m t hrill '"' ,.,.,11 .. .i 111 h•·ad ab'ovl• J\•1lr1t•sd:1), ::1M~,M An11li• im ""'' I ,, "'"• '1 .111~:· h•lll' ••'fVl<"l' •t -NSWPORT BALBOA N•W•·Tlll-&a f 7· ncmA\' . Nrwport "-c-11, C'allf. Mu~·!!, lNI age t'KY.!iiR\'T~IUi()lrC'llCflUlll NF.Wl'Ol\T llAllHOI\ >11.:h ~1'111101 A111litl•riun\ l~•th ~ lr\'h11• Av1'. : N••"'purt l l1·l1:ht11 10 11 111 t ·h11r1'11 S\'1111111 111 11 111 l\lnh1t11i.: \\'11r11hlp ~•'l'llh•ll ~11h k1•1 " I \\ill Sl11jj tlll' N··" s•'"~' "' 4 ;t:utn•''"" 111•\ '1'1111111.1~ I ;111~1•11, 1>1111111r :\.'\.1 l., • l ;1 llt11l I '1111111 1\1111 .. 111 l~\111111 I lur\"11 :l;\10tW I '°'l:\'F.~Tll DAT AO\'ENTIMn. \ '1•r'1wr ll.1\1<11 ,.,(it Old Country Rd. ( ...... t. .., .... S1<hh~th •l'h11t1I, Si.turday n\urn· 1111:. t• 341 11 1·\owk l'ro·1wh1n.-'"'r\'lo'I', 11 • m Clllllll!IT ClfWIWll BTTtm ..,.- ~ OomlnuaU~ 11..-... ano \\'N& o.tna A ..... &ev. S.. D. Oood4111. P..._ n111r .. hhSchool. 9:90 1.m. Me1rnl111: \\'nr11hlp, 10 Ill l l a.m. ... '\c•rmon Suhjl'ct · "N1w Life In l 11rl11t " l'pl'<•inl Musi<" I>)' . ( 'llolr : "Un• I old Y 1· I 'nl'l 11 he," L:o1n11(]; "Thill H··~11rt'•'•'l 1tm," Sh,.11t•y, "llnllt•lu- J 1h ( 'lhll'lll•," 1111111!.•1. ,lllllllH' 1 'h"lt' "('hr>al thl' Lord 111 Hl.111•11 Todny " Mll~k hy Prlrnnry l~·pt. nt C'IOM> nt t1r111 ,.,,,.,.Ir,• l\npt 11<111 111 lla ht1•11 1ltrlt11< •CO- urtd ,. 11\ h'1" 1'\1·111111: ~-;,.,., ,,., ... 1 :10 p 111 . Rev, C:11t•11o'll 1i :111 I'"'. M··•h••lll<I vo'u th•' 1\,.;11 \\'illi<1111 !lln\\''"' \\Ill tl)ll'&k 11• 1111• ~ullllil lk'Hjtlt• tlll1'Uhjc'Ct Of "I ·~, ~ li't. .. till" I ;\ti lllll C:i)llOSA DEL MAB I nkr'~ 1;11,1•1•1 "1111r111 tlw l "lhf're · !\\hi "'"'" ••'t I'"', 'l'hur•1tny al II A . COMMtrNJTV \\ "" II \\ llltlllll \\ !111 11 bn·l 'a ·r•lrlt I ·1 l,i\l>Y .... MT. ( AU 'I El. . "'"IC" ''':""" FIHMT FUllMQUA&S VQ'll'llm "T, .IOA('flll\t C '11\fKC 'ti a I &:.!!I \\ ..... I l'Olra l '"''"'" • •• •• •11 1· 111 ""·'"('''" 19111 '""' '!Olh OF (10M'l'A MDA ('lfUIU.'JI, CONOJ~{\JIUNAL <it h~i• 111l1y 1•ld1il••·n 1 y1•ar". 11111\ P(•rry Fred,•rk k Schrock. l\llnlater. 11 fl:< 1111" ••it II•.'•·' 11 r. rrn1\ 1•01111.L In =--1111111'-'' Miu;'"'~ ~'I' .. t \ '" "' 1'tll 'IU 'll ('••la MNa 1 lrirnjlf' nnd Cnh•llh>, 611 Ht•hotrurl(• A\'C'nU•· nu "''" 1111 "" h· ·~··Ir Atlll wli'rh " H 111 :01111 \" ":ll 1·110 •. , ....... \ '1· I t'l!'IC ~···At. M11t111'8 1 II tn d111l~ rk-•v. Md Kn. o. ·wtu .......... ' Cocono ~I Mar J"""" ~a 11 11 .. r. h•·~""H"d lwr to \ 'unf .. u1t111s. Sstu11I." • I r 11 UJ 11 :1111 \In -Lliln PMto)' ... -him. lllHI ""'•I 1-rrn h"r. \X'om111i f l•• 1;1 !'l .30 ••r1il ·l 1111,'1 ';;\o i11"1-.1,,11,.,)l"h••t J •• l l aiullliir •I'·"' S11111l11~ M11111lllHI 111 1111i r111 .. 11~!Mlf Eas!('r. l\l:irc.-h 28. l !H~ 1111111 111·1 11111 ..... 1 r r 11111 1htnf' lnrtrmll". "" • ... ~ I 9 ..,. .. "l L' 1 F s 1 ' ~ ·''' 1• m 1 ;. 1 I ' ,111 \l,.,, \\ 1 ... rli,. \'h'hr <'1•11r1••,.l111110 Snt11r1t11y, 4 :'I 1• m. ~ununy Schou :..., a m. r:I~ 11.111 , 1·.ar Y .nst<'r 1·r\' ,.,. A11<I 111• \;11.t h« h.111•1• oi1 hPr: a11ct anil 7 ... pm M,>mlog w;inhip tl(!T'\1ce 10:& fkRlllrful ·Easll'r mUSll' Bri1•I !<1•r· 1 lm111 .. •lt11t• h ,.,, .. \\ .\'< 1111111•• 1<tral1'hl. l"l 'l.L CIO,..t'Y.I. t'lll'fl('l1 ., , •• "Ill 11 .. 1\ I."""'""""" . I 'r111111tr.r arr vi"'· 6 :30 p.ra. The anl)ua· 1 l{e<l Ct'()~" cam1)ai11n in the Harbor. m11n, "Thi• M11rn1r1i:: ("11m1'l h." 1111•1 r:l eidll••tl 1:11.1.. ~~Utl an1I t'Ad1·n. t .... ,. M·-· ~ :111 ,, Ill •• 1111 ·11 _,HI 1 'hnrnl .. T . "ClllN , .... NNlt., •111·1-"'tl 1•-1·c ••W\•j 1 p Let Us Not Be Short.Sighted "' I"" -\lo.15' a.m , l 'liurl'h i<<'hn<tl "ll 11111•1 bt' • i. ar to you tbar • " • " ·-· "' !Ill ~ .er .m. 'area today Jack:-; $5000 of r eaching its bud~ett>d goal 9:3(J and 11 {.I() II.Ill ' U11pllf';1l1• •I• kn•• ~ ti< no 111011• lhP rl'alltv or :·unrlu) ~chool, \l..t5: mornina ' .. li'l•r 11 ••>l,1 .. ( '"' ·I lo•I) 1 '111111111111• Ralboe l .. and •:vf'nlnit t'\'an11·llaUc,.11eTvtoe .. Of $12 .. ~~2·3, The m o 1·e tt1a11 0 11e hu1~ct1·e<l v o lunteer lwllJli! '""" 1.• "'"" wrll1'8 ~i :iry "•"Ship. 11 . t:\11111:1 11,1 w "4'1\1<'•', I II t11l :~1 1 1111:11 Sundtt)' Mn...... 7 .~I o'<'lock _ r ·1 E11st1·r ~1·r\'t1'1•s.ll1'<'•'fl111 •nol'nwm· Onkrr l:d·h·tn ":-;,•,.n,· .. and llf'Rllh 1 :111 pm ,l\11d"•"k l'l'll~•·•;11""1 ' ,\'t1•p111 1'1i111,11:-;,,,, •• 1·1'..1sl11 · Wt'Cin1'9Clay, 73() pi!t. ~ \vo rkers W·h O have canvassed ' the r esidential ~ections 11,,· .. s Ill lht• !) :lll :t m s~·· and \\llh Ki·y· lo lhe S1·rl1>1urP~ .. Sht> .ni: <'ll Wl'dlll'•tfo~. 7 .45 j•.m .; ~. l\ll'• l'.11 "'"' 1·,, ,, 111.1111111 "' ~It In. llntl 11' 11 fl\ ty<'11r round) .. ~rvl; ... o f t h e city have turne d · in practically all of the $700.0 :1;~~)()ha~'.~~ll~t\i·~1l'~:h·~~:~~/~11J!~~ ~~:Ii'~~.~~~. ~;~;,ht~n~~10~::~!,~r··:~:u~i :;:u~~.::.:~:~·l~ .. ~~·\:r~~l'llslk at•r\f\W '.1\11. 11 .. ,, '), "''"~'. J I .,,... 1111•1 r ~::·',1.'.~"~'i. m Satu~d11)'9 from I ~"~;' :','1~~ .. ~ci~:"~I m Ywth Nllht ;· that h a~ Been r aised to date. They have done their Ullllt'r rlw du't·('t11m of l\111n· 11111· ····:1~·· lhl(lllC'h ('hd~tl11n Srll'nl'f' ----·---"---------''111 I \ '" 111•· 1 ' 1·11'''' "'' l \\ ' 1111 ' ----------- h -of-tho J'ob\vet~-:--:----:--~·-:-:~=-=~~=-=~-::=--:-;::::~~·~~~·~~·~~-:;~·~·~~~~~~~c.f~~f,n~,~'~'~"~"~1fn~1~11~1r~1~1t~11~r~~ri'¥'m;Ti"~"~t•~Y7orr"~-~·~·!::::!•!::::!•E!•::•~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·t::!•:'.:!•:'.:!•~·!!'.::•::•~·~·~·~·~·~·~·!'.:•!::•!'.:•~s~,....~t--;;::;:;:;::;::::=====---=========-:::--:::::::-:-:::-----::-::=::----.::-::=:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;--.:_ __ s are -, . . I..~ Srhrock: .. A Nrw Rl'SUl'n 'clion." . a " "~lll't' A y iy If! Ill' r It r e m a in:" fo r the bw:iness concerns. who 111 tm: nr T ruth Rn•l l.011' \\hll'll )'Oii enter. c . R d. I~ AS---... w--) ,, l 7 :30 p.m .. St'ninr lli"h Pilg'rim tnln, you'"lll """' lhl' all''-." [ "~ J..llMDT tong run prosper as the C'lty pros p e r s, al)< ~l'OW ~S Fellowship. • 0 ml cs, . a l 0 • "f the c i ty grows, to do th()ir part in. s upport1!1g ~hi$ STOCK MARKET fl. Anwrad1:1 l'11q1. was 1~ hlgh('r ~ ...... ta truly Ame r ican <i'nmmunit~r !:iervic~. o r j!an1zatH?n , : llouslon. Coullnrnlltl, Lion.Oil e11d ••••••••••••• 1': ••••••••••••• jt •• 8'*' which i:" a s much ·a patt of the Amencan way o f }Jfe REVIEW . ~::;n~tra:~i<;~.J.• all ros<' suhstan· ; CROSS\\' ORD. PUZZLE .,..we• TO nn1ou• r111a.a i as d e mocracy itself. ,•.¥ • • • By T. W. IU.ES.LE..~ Sh-.•lii wel'e r:u•m . .U. S. Swd F or thl' Red C'ros.~ 1s a ll thm~~ to all people t 'nttt..J Pr.-Ftnan<·!aJ. \\'rlttt ro.si· 1.... ' • n -T•Uow rnn ~ . ::: :;:~·ue 19-M.ie 111ru, WiNCHE~lEi;: .~-.<iO CAi;.:'WIDGES \,Et( USED FO~ MONi .V IN \\fSH~ H"1Ht~ DIE --'WO ~eot-\E-M~r uw:1.11. 10 A 611i.'D AFlER/ I 'THE.'w A~E OE~O. wh~en need a rises, wheth e r the call be for a volunteer NEW YORK, :-.iar. 26.-il!Pl-. Motors wc·n · sready with M111·k !'eam stress to hem the frayed fringes Of the City's J'l;,lls and oils lf'd an •a'd\'unc.'<.' in Tru1•k UJJ 1 '~ for thf' h1•sl l(llin. -fhiu, or-for ffl6bilfaation Ofl a l1<l_~LOI1al ~e tO mt'Ct tlw StOCk markl't today flS UU)'l'rS Jlom('Stllkf' J\linln.:-moved Ill> ,.. -l1<•r11mr m 1lllr r1tl<'lY acth·1• aftr r 11, Jol111s·l\lntw11l1•, .St'lll'll H11<'· :::rn·Ji~ ... ti--• U -P'l•blloJ a -Anlaal't ,_ l AMtl<lCA I ------... ~87<2.J • .g.-rs .. (_ -~._,.,.,.II, diRaster . n..r .. nsl' S1•<'n 'tary .l11m1•s v. For-hu.·k: lnt,.rn1111orn1I Pap.·r. Anwn- it also remains for local r esidents who, through n·sta\ OE~f·rl for mor{' funds to 1'1111 'l\•lt•phorll' 11nd Firl'SIOnC' \\'l'fl' no faulL.of t heir own. have n o t yet macle their con-hu1ld up'V. s . 11rm.·d srrength. lrn<'llUllltlly htl:hl'r Goodrich l11SI trl'hut1'on 1'n this camJ)ai1m, t o come forward a.nd G1tinsJr1 r:iils ran11rd to 4 l'loints Iii. ,... d in !\lil'klC' Plat<' Ad\·aneos of a Thi' N .. w York' stock and curh shar e in thig materia l ~,Xp!"eSSi0l1 o f CQmmunity•\\'J e point or morl' notf'd in ~nnla f'<', l'XC'h11n~1'S and all 11lht'I'· ·1m11jHf sup port of the Red Cross. Tney have only to call Norfolk & W1·s11·rn. Union Pa· S\".C'Urll}' 111111 \'llfl111111Wl)' mnrk1·t~ Harbo r 1865. d f1e and Kansas City Southn n. \\'111 he rlos1•tl t1•11111rr9w, Good d I) · t Sup<'rior Oil or California ran up •'riday. There jg a goocl r eason . E\'ery o a r ,given o the Red C'ross is an investment in security. a part- pavrnent o f the premium for ins urance ag-ain~ dis- a ster. T o be ·sur e. this is p eace-t ime. But there .ar e . wars a nd rumors o f wars. and rlisaster has struck too n ften in the last twelve· m o nths t o-let anyone sa.Y that the time w ill not come when the R e d C r O!'." \S I\_../ ~,..,_ -""""' I I 1 'l==~~fj·!, I I 1-atlDAY -SOUTH nee rled h e re. - The H arber area has never failed to m eet the • r e ouest o f the Red C r oss for support. Let us l')Ot rtMo fOllM•'ln-s: fl~.,..,..m. 11> ... ('()flt. Heel ,r'fl,. r-.'()Ort• ~·;.... ., u.. ~.,. I i "''' •-urn~·· '"'-, •• ,. ·-·U•HH• fur l&at mlnUtlf c"anc•• M thelr M."-. \ kl' x -J.,11 Hmnb fail now. YOUR UNITED NATIONS QUIZ . . YUl.J K OlAl. lit:l'A • • • • .,... k~. k I t • • • • l l u ~r. h 'll'C • • • , • ., .. ,.. hll.. .. ... • ... !H• '"''• h , \' n .. • -.. ,. ... , ., , . h ,, ....... •••":~ .f'. J 1 • • I . ~ I ••• \( • • --• I.LI" ~ •• Q .• Js th<' l'11it1 •rl :-.:111111r1~ tn1 •·<1alillsh1•1 a< a s1M 1·111 ll"'l'l" aL:rn•'YI , .. ii•\\ """' hi\ar thr C".1:--• ... nf l "7•1rh11~lo\ nktu \ ~ .. f t tu t 'nn··•l :'\'.~•' 1011':' 1 1 1 ,, ~ ;,. \I f'f, ,. \ n11~"111~ ,, Actually 1h1, • irc:an111 111111 f ""'' , , ••• A. Y··~ ·n 1<' Sf'•·11r11y Cn•111"1l 1• 11111 \•'' ~. full f11.,!1.:NI 'l"'c'i:tl· ;, :1·,' 1 ":,''' , '' • ·~r. --J.t .... nu\\ \tllt•d (Iii' :\ 111\l ch~l'll'· l/"d ,11,'.•'11"~ i\q ;11lllrl.1 I-. 1111• 1111 h '·:-. ii Ill I.,,.."~· I. ti\\ II A 114"1' P111nC"M ~~~ -'«·~·;:,. ... ~~··' •:•t 9(....., r.1m•1 ,.,...,.,.,. ~ 1 • ' ·r. d tt. ntley t-:JIJ f •m "la KS)..-!'\~ .. .,. ': ··~·· t\ I \t '' • \l•nt• I(. t'1 1' .. 1•1 I• A•• .. '\Jnft7 I I 1 1,,.. fq, h \I I'• I I l\ll• 1;M •• I II otlt,.t h ''\ ,\f •• ff -AU\~t .. '::tll K l ,r "°''" '••h h • I \\ dtl 1'1HI• . ... Jn'O-Top Thi• ).\ 'll'i--Qvarl•l Kt ,., Y11u'" ~ n 1. tot •-Hurl h- )(Y\\ U--l.IU1o •· nc-rt K NX -U•n,,\ l'homu t :l l ----kMP•4 f1u•·u~ ,... ,,,, .. }\ ltJ lfrfi.1 I+ t ''''•"I.I k f"\\" ••• ,.· '41•• •• I'. W l.Af'" ' \II. ' IJ \u~ • hi 1 "~"1•11 ~ ,,,. l\1ln-'"'41"'. K 1"•'A l'i.i.1> 111• nu~1' ...... s ..... I z ~ ! ~s 20 !~ ,., rz1 ~ ~ !'to ., «<J Ii~ '1" 1'17 '5. $% 'j "' It> ~ " . // ~8 ., j ~ 'ZS ~ 0--00ffl ~lrl •eoll.I "-Prtn,.r'• -'6--0\WllDD .. _ ........... , ..... et>CIOIJ •-II ••II• fW -one M -l rel•IMI ~nut.ha• .,_ .. ..,..,, .. -..:-0,.... N -<:rt,,,_ ,, .. 8' •( . 7/ ,, •ti /:/ti ~~ IZ) ~ 1b ~ 79 . "' ',r ' ... ~ ./ '/, ~' // ~ '('l. "S ~ ~ .. ' ' 0 '!" ~ ~s JI> 1Y Q " ,,. . 'f//. /9 • '° ~ ~ ;" ~ ,.., 51 ~ ~ "'"' l-1'owantla1 ...,.. 1-11•••• l-To111<1l- 6-P'loWet ·-L1r1e_. 9-ln lt•i.fu1tloe ,_.._ .... UN ~ l -<lonJ\IJ\-10-S .. llH u -eolllorr :::-~:~:.-. 11..-1ci.t D -Pnmt1ri• D -1'9 ew1 91111 •.U. _T'o_ ... --To prol>llllt .__,.,._ .. _ te-PellM •-h11M'411 .... ._ ....... ,...... .ll-T9•et•IAMI .. _,.._ ........ ,_ ., -()Ill .. ,, .. *'-Trleltft u -r ....... t1-K lnd of 1Mll• U -Man·oni.a- t4-AD1one .. -Pau .. r • ._ , ,. ""rut! tl-Mumau tt-T<> drln-11o.i, IO-Parl of "Ml W" tl ~ulded n -f-"ran.ova M-A1flft•1u .; ... , .... ,1.,111,r t his imi••rl:in• ,.,111 . ii.I 1r•·tl •• , 11 1•11111 "1111'11 11 .• ~ ra n r1r1l 11-. "1 .,. h1f11r1 ''h ' S1''•''1t'11\ \11\lf\(,,I h\ t•11n~tttll'Pf), Ill)\\ (11Ut111JJ flit ,,. ;.,,!t ~~~um I\ \\1 '1 '•1•• • \lu•'c K' \\'tt '11 t,. ,, t11•n ,_, 1! h".. ft"il1' t .... ~------------------------ t•1111, \(11 • i;11-. 11111111~ 11hj1·(•t1nn,· :1111~.; :•r" rnrnl!wr' l1f11·1·n '"th· . , h\' t:•l• .1a . 1i.;, I "••lnnl \ ntt ti '' 111 "' (•1 titl 1 • •tllll"'fll• 111 t 1" l11'!nl.' 1 h1 ' ,·,' .... 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' , .• ,,., •• ,It • Jlft"e 1~1·1 A to11 T1h • ,~ti I 1t •'•l• t t'1i0r la KS .X -C'lul 1'"1 ' IO:U l(llJ \' 1111 I -.Jt.i1 A ·o .. II r M f • V~ Kt I ~'"' '"•• J°'1.t·A -~"""'1 ! •t W rtte "\.1•1t • T ... • \\'llll1i.m. k I IJ-P"·U11'1n I ... ""'• Jt. tltU J(l,Ar-f'lit f" !Hie ~ r-1 ""' ""'• K 1 I J -OrrJ, K NX-'ftah r°l1Mfl 11 ·u ~ .... f f'11•4 I ti f(\tf'# "''" KP.("A \t•i,.11 lOIJ· I•• •n t\ '''( ,, It .... , .• .,. 1~ . ~ ... . -I . . hi A \, ,; •~v l\:t I l,1\11 4 1 ol hi.+ i\ -\ I ~ 'l°f h.llJ ,..,,..,,_ "' k.,x -,.,... It , ... ,, h l ,I'\\; ..... • hi I \,.,,,,. h 11 I I \11 • h '" ~ • ._.,,. "• ' •I I ,t k ~ A -'llU " I S1 ' c:u h t.At I , I t ti. \I I l.. l ·~ , .. h·"'-•·•1• ' ·'. t ::.0 .-. I.A' ti .... , I"" 1~ r • '6 k 11 I I ,.ut,1,J1 hL• ' :-11• ,h ltJ ....... . .. "'·' >. •• • I r ._ J<LA,. .. I • ., . J< .. 1-llf I Q Jf I ... If I j l,1•• ••NII J<t-ct ·A t • • I i 01 hd k llJ 1 .. 1. tit •••u.1 K'' ; ""'-t •• ••·w H-flll1 Atu ion ... l<r"l-N••• r \\-• kt_.,,f ... 4 -h i l h• ,..,,,' K llJ I 'I !It. fl.,,, kFAC-~••• • r.• "''·""-' ... ,.,, ...... "I I Ali .. , , •• I• ,,. .. ,, ' ' .. '. .._,.__,A ~""~ •"• \~ ,•• k I IJ h•t l•wri".. • 1i ~ .. '' I ' ''"' "',.,,,. " n '1· h•• k~A C-M•o f1o • • .,,. GORI >O U;u·k to NaturC' 91-VERR-OLO 0. w. (}JLffORt . HR$ LIVED Olr/ 7HE SR/.{£ KRNSflS Ff/RM FO( 8J '!Ell~/ • _ N/OJHO C'a!NTV.. _ffAV:TED Sv (;E.xi;E t . HCCRA."TV, 61./, WllO HRS LIVEO<>IHISOWN FR~I Pll NtS Lit:£ .. •c,1v r.J: ''·' t ( ·1' MO G.~'S! ~ ..... ,(~·.· 'l::>t1.: ' (... •• • ,..f <E II' • E;:,1 ("'·•'· 1i,1. E• .':,(I~? "-.... ---~-....... _ ...... ,,..., ... , VI,....., l•U•O .,,.......... .. 1 ~t!'l V').t.L µ,\ IE TO v(E " rJ 9 EL t/.SLE! 'OW·l'09 II~ .. 'Hil ~NU ·A,TIOt-l i.•;0 OU~L HOQMS! O) J( )f •--C-Hed ft#>•• S.Et'A-4llbotl • Co<ll- K I«' ... ,,. KHJ-Trto ll :M Krf-M•rt '" f atN KMf r--e ..... THn• Kfl:f'A -J11•t l r"• I•« KUJ -T~ T'tf1\••n &1-'X-Cll•• • 1'Ue kl.,.,. ,.,..,, It'"""··· k r1 -Nrtl """"'rify,nf J\,., lt ....... . k •\YI\.-ltOnlt \.•'l .. e k :">c -t. A ,_.,,,,_, Your Ford Back· H.ome for Efficient ... Sf'"\\ t'-8at••tklte A,_. K '' • •• LAO PrPt .... K -t···n~•rt • •M•• -10'-*' 'I ..-h -T~· .:'!'...-.r-1e:a 1u111re>-81ar at•• I lt:&I krAC-Ne._1 IP. II. S:l • .AO-t-0..... .....,, .... JC,.I t arm n•t"'••\• &Mt -Jutg• 8o• . . ... '"·",.._.,.,., .. I( ,.\\I"-''• .... ,.,.,1. ,, .... .,.~ _,._,..., ~1-tti,.,,. K • ~ '1o41.. O•t• 1n-1H1 -. Cl••-••• ,. •.. ,... ........ Body and Fen~er Work. Painting THEODORE ROBINS YI H'H ~'f >Il l I I 1F:AU:R S~CE !'F."l'ORT BUCO I' . , -. l!f.!1, Motor· Repai1in9 New Motors ----PllONF. llAUOa II 'It ~ -· ~ ~ "? J ·. -. • • • ' I I BALBO"" NEW8-TlllE8 ftfo&rh. ('aJlf.' -M9't1tt INA I * * * IHE MOV·IE BARN . 858 South CoMt 8oult"\1ard l..aguna 84-tu·h 1 PHONt; LA~iVNA ~ Old. Time Movies --Tuesday Thru Sunday "The Covered Wagon'' -"\larrln&- • J. W/\RRF.S Kt:RRlloA ..... LOIS \\It.so:-. t:RSt:ST TOKRJ::St't: and Al .. \S• llAt.t: .and St:l .tX''Tt:U SHORT SI "BJtX'TS.. e+n• ctn (tu. lnd .t: Adult" 4k -<1'JldN"<n lundrr 111 1'.!f' .J;;.t ?a Mlk--. trt•m tbP Harbor ,\,.... Lobdell's Silverado Mineral Spring-s New Mdrn Hofe/ & Motel Accommodations BOT MI1''1iiAJ. BATllS-\1 1\SSA<it: I• STK·\~t 'IC00'9S f"\UnJ,bf.ct ('ottaa;f"' • ~'H"'k l\nr -lllnn,.'I•.,, Sat. and S un.· FOR Rt:KF.K\ .\TIO:'loS 1•1111,t:: OH ''°'it: Hi:!fl-'l·I ANGLERS FISHING lS FINE MAKING GAME• MY HOBBY AND TOOLS FOR THE IS MY BUSINESS I wW IM)C)l1 lJf' lo oprratJon a~io lo a nrw modeal ,.bop 1'0\\' RI 'IL))(NCi, makini litcw-1. and"~ ,..1uipmf'nt for an.:lus and hoatnwn -F~aiw;n~ ttw• 1~1--!i,.;hin"-'~ti~ on-the' ma:-.1. ·uarbor Events .. .. ... Guy Lombardo Sets New Gold fup Water .Record '"·'"'HI \1 'I I ) i I 'l 11•" .. :.. 1( l't \f •• ,1au (,q\ IJ•IUli.tt du, \\Ju• ... lw • 11 JI thlf1 • I• 1-0111' f11r t111n . \1 :11 lnoit fl·• \.L"'Cil11tft) q ,f \\ '' tf It I I fl~\\ ••lh ltttf.t\ I. ·11 .• d 11I.. "·· t .. I "'""''"' 1 ... 1. t I t.1 .k,. 11,. I •'·Id t ii' 'l" I cl It ••. , 1d I•' '"1\\• t.u.tf, )• ,t. t el I\ IJl I• ,,. , h. I· tr f'" I'. 1•. •lt••1 11 \\I' I t .... t, .M .... •' I• I fh t ' • • t r' I 1 1 ~. I 11 t I 1 '1 t ·, ' , '"· ' t 1 r l , • ~1· • ol • ' 11 11 :I 11111., I" r ,, n. ~ · 1 • ;,i1d < • 11 •• ,. , , J i1 \\ 1 Ju 1 '"'' II f, (·•I fHtlil '-t I 11\ l 11 rli \1, 1ul1tl"'••tl ,,f I •• tr 1111-u t I I I' 1. ft11i"11""111r1111 •I ttH•,, {\0 r1' \\t lfl•fl 111111 If 11 1 111. , ·L t,, l.1 t I• ill 111 d ,, h. 1 L. ' .t 1u1, d f'.,.p,l~· 11, 111 tt•rt·'1lll1 1 •\\hPh I h•1ld1n1• t1' ~ "f I I I .. I 1 • I 1 " • 11' I I ·Tl .. r • • 1 ''lT'~ • ·1d1 r•I w t11rh l"r I 1 I iii IH fltll ti Ii 111 • ii \1 t, I '' \ \\' f. I I tltllrl ,,, : .. t 'I• I• l'•U 11' •ii '"' :1 -.ut,....,111t. 1., t. I .. • 1 '' It , t• It I•, "' 1111•1•1•• u;•111 • u'· • ti,. "'' •. ,,. I di· I ~. 1 , .. "'' 11\ • f , .. I It d 1 .. tf' •ti • i I', .. I ..! \II J•11111• f, 111 .. "ill 1. 1 .. "' * * * ..., - They're Bitln' \'""'It KlrtuorJ lhunll .. r , of Al· ltufrn,., 1 h,. l "" l I• r o u fl I y .,hu\\ ~ ufl 11 lo•\\ tJ llw (11 ~ ·,,.( 11111• '""'t:hl lr11111 011' th·e Wt houl !'I"''' h l11i:. J11 ... ·t : ~ 11nt hrlt•~ 1 11111111\ ll11rrl•, Loe.• ,\tti:••h°'• ld t. a111I \II d r f' W Uurulh·r huht 1111 111111tlff•r """-· ur 1111 rriu·111l11 11111111: "11 h two halU111I f11k1·11 011 th,. ... 1111e flah. 1111: '"I'· 1•lt• •,. f,, \l.wMill/ln * * .... ,. .. "• .. BALBOA YACHT CLUB READIF.S • • '.II GALA 2-DAY EASTER REGATI'A Th.. i.;1ila t\\o-d1t) Eastl•r re· t h,11 IS (111 'I" hat 11<.• .111 1 ut'IJI!; l;••l I .1, :.Jlvn•11n·d by B,llltoa \' Jdll <'l.l'Sl'" # 11 rll lt1· "-'' .1tli1lol, In the l'111b .. ..i.·rll ,~hu\'" uft t1,1mur11<1". And duhhuuso•, 1t 1:. 111 vnll~"d -southhrnd' smlors. busy rnaklni: all l'rot<'•I:. "di 11.. Ja·.1rd <iftt'r ~htJ"'h~" "''''" h•l':<'rl) luoktni: •'lll'h ran• 111111 th• l'111t1tnlll<'l."s tur\\,,f(f tu ''"" or th" ~d1•i.1 1 rutrni: wrll lw l11i.d a~ l11r !Ill tro· v f I ht• i.N1sun':. yat h<int; ('V<'nts. I 11hi .. s n r t-1·11111•1·rn1·tl. off1<"1t11l; - Thi-\\di-ht• thf' f11'St f'al'tfrc s1r1·ss1•d. 1 cou~l du~> rt·~·u '' to 111• riH'••J I (Jttf' po1111 \\Ill 111 • ;111 ;inkd ~or un.d1·1 l~HX n ·\I ons·of !'\AYHL'lt-arlt l111a l c(,.f,•.Jl1•d, om· quarh·r. rult•!', :1i;•I a skt ·r's m,~nr.: •Wl)l ll0111l hunus \\di ltt· "" .11 d,•J frrs t 1 Ii•' c,dJ, ti ''' 311 ·a.m. 11in11.1rrow I pluc • ., und \llll' 1•unt ·,~ dl ht' gl\'c•n j.1.ur ti · 11uq.1usc u.Lc.x.µl:un1pi.;. iill-1-1h4>sc lm1slu11i.:-_ 1·hanf!.-s l.iy m1·ans ul a n rJlu,,.' I Fnll•1" 111r.: I It" d.1) ' "' ,•nls to· I 1ra11•tJ l'lrnlk l:dk. 111111TtJ\\'. u "lfllllr(• d .111<:1.· \\Ill be S1a111111; lttll' rur O<'C'~n 1·ours1·s h1·hJ tn tlll' l'l11l11tOl1 .. ,. 1111111 ~I lo 1 ~ will lu· off till' B•ll10a pl1·r · St:irt· p rn J·.\1·1~11111 h.1 .. ''" 1•11 111\rl~·d 1ng . .l.1.1w tor h.1rl11ir 1·uul'"'" \\Ill I hut \\llh t h• .. 11p11latu111 tl11•) wear '"' ulf thl' )'al(tll d uh fluat .l'uursc ...;;,llrni,: doth• .. 1 WHAT SIGN~LS WILL MEAN ( 'L.\S" F:S: :00 1» m .. :ti!\ , •• Ill. : to 11. Ill. :I:\ p.m. :'!O, J•· m. :'!,, I•· Ill. ;lifl JI. 111. ::~;. I'· 111. :Ill 11.m. : 10 .1 •. 111. :.)ti JI. Ill, COSE White ntuf' IC rd ft4'it· If> Rhlf' ""'I A \\ hil<" T" II \\hill'' \\hit .. \\ hltt-A. n11 ... flt.cw Hfup Rt•d R.PJ :;);; I•· 111. Ko-cl \\"hUP iif;.~.., ---.. -... \\'hlt.f' O<'E.\S \\'arnlrtJC l'r .. 1ourat11r~ ...-1urt On·Hrt R:wlnl." Ktart t'andlr11p Sl11rt hluntl ('ll111N·r S taut tUwd "' Sl11r• f>( ·~ ~1urt Slnrt Stnrt Sh.rt "'•urt Stnrl l .utlr r... 1•u · \tklrtl(' Int 110 1..l1thtnl111: BA\' \\'arnlnl{ Prt·1t0ratory !illArl Int 1-1 Start Srtllottrtl s._rt S11l1•· ~tart 1• 1-1 Sia.rt . l;1•h11111n Slurl l '1·nicul11 !"furl IJ~•·r l"turl l.Wltu l"turl IC Stnrl SMhot Sturl Hulh1111" :-.111 rt F11kun ... FISH LICENSES ADD UP[ :--K1 111 '1.u :n..-.._~....::~-.:::a::~!!L~O..-...---....:.--"'---------I f.t I. 11~1'";!'1 I 11 ~Ii L I\\" 1 .. \\ 11111111.: '"' Ill ... , t. .... ,. j11l1 \\1th tit. 't 1. .. 11, ... ('1til-* -TRAINING CAMP BRIEFS * .~\']i..l 'll vr11. ~,; o1 ·1·1 •l 'I'• 1 "·,11.111 ""''"" """'"r \ 1 .. 1:.i 111"1711.nnn1111111,,11 r••-' ... , •• , , ... 111 :-; .. 11111• 111 '1 .di! •r111a 11 1\•tl lr •ur• \pt1r" .. r11:" f111· 11--t111u.:l 111111tnti1lfl' \\• '' µr•'I•-:. d •••tLi:.1 IH'1 n~· ... h\ 1h1·, 1ut~.\1 Li...r l d••nth, I h~ 1111 ... , 11• d 111111• t 111 • 11tht1•• I l'''· f'111111•'1t*t ,1~ 11• ~·~:~ 111,,, d 111 Jll. lh1 1• :-t111'1't 1l I I 11 I . ...:.111.d 1· •• I \1•11t1f ~I"'""' fTf*()ii+tf# -\\I I'•' ._.,.h, 1f11I• d ,. h h11 l<11iJ.!I' Ht Tl11 • \\ , .. I• ,,.-,,,,cl I·~'\\,,.,, 11 1:1 l 11t10:• o111d I, "..1.4.1.\,.,1~~:;:i1"i...·Rl~•';.;,''-----~­ I' ll •ltt'lllt .. t,t. th 11 '11 uJ u•-liu\\I ,\11 t 11 t.t .. \\•I• 1¥••h·d lit 11 , , ...... It ,.,"·· \\tu• ~ 1111 ~"li •ti'f't ln•m Tl"r'iT11i.. \ I h IH ,., """'·•fY t40 • ,.J., \\•If ,,tl ~U•l\ ... ~I' tt rr11 '1tU'll!i•'li \Jt U •.I t.olht\ f"l, ... J•lt• ••11 llht , .... l t11n1 '.! 1 1~ ':i J11t I• ,,41, 111 IJ-du ... ,.., Suitt with tht' ~tlllf' t'<tn' ns a finf' 1'f't•I. \\ ith rontml nt th<' anglt•1"s ftnl!•'r 1i1 ~. 1\1:111•• o l hickory . lra k nnct hronzr ... an<t prim! 11nct1•r $200.(IO eompl.-tl" ,\·ith .1«ial clN·k l!l:tll'. A few in stock NOW! "' t h 1 lh If 1 ,, '. 11f1 I •. ,,, J, I I,, I 1111 1·111'11• :\ ,\ pf:l\1 •r ~ ... hnfil ,1 ,,.!fl I 1·:dli•d '' • 'lk t ft •I In 1 ...... 111 ... t..uut I!\ rlAl.\\'111 I• --1"1111 • .i l 'n>-u: Sr-11 1 ... \\ 111. 1 * * * A-h11rn •·11111tnt1111 ht• 11111 1111 - 11111: )'"'t•11l.1) "''" ,, 1hr,, .. ,.,..,,- lt1tm•·r 111 1111• 111nt h ,, ... thl· Phi~ TO:O.lc;HT .t TO~IOHKO\\ 'Randolph Scott George Raft Joan Blondell George Brent Ann Harding 1128 ~~ Capt. C. F. Stancliff Broad Ave. -Wilmington, C~lif. ,- k•l11•1.•: 11r ... It•"" f,.r "'' 11lt1 ... ar1111t. 1111 tlll't" I" '"' 1• n.1lt) 1111"1111•11 !If f:tlliolf t' fll dt1 "'II I I 1111 t11l' ·t 1'11.111:••lf t tm• '11111 1 arnt. 111 1-.1..., 11f 1111.;h '''"•••I~ tl111 uu· lf1'•'r J11•'-'111n" h••t \\ ,.,.,. q\IHrl. •ti' I ,1 f I' 1111 111.1 \ I:" 111 1111' I 11'11111 \ ••I 1 1 ~ I ~""" 11ml 111Jk t .. i h•• '"''"" l11•;1f t h1; I ".1111•, !I lit fi 1'Jt l•\I• fJ(t 'Ill.•• 11 R , thf' t '1t111111t••L:• 1,.,,.k .. 111..;, HI :-;, ... 1,r 1·1:1•lwd." .. ,n'i.:I,. unti ;i \t 11 ..!•· tl'I'• i.. ,, .. th ot "'"'Wint• r ti:irc!r•n. 'llt1nwr f11r th·· 1·:.n1 .... 1nilll'.1lln14 1• lo· I I'"' 111 1 1111 ·I. t ·;,..,.) "·'"' ~"r:-" th;11 f1r ... t -,l t:1~,.111·111 --~I a n Mq,1111 11111 ... 1\ ti t'",, '""' l,h 1t1 ... 1•·ll1·tl h) I l.t 1~ ,\,,ii I.I:-; ""'· ~1; m.i~ i:n h:tH< 1~1 t1111[11:Jil1m: ',• 11 .... , .. r, .,, 111• 1 ;1•••lo.l~11 l 1t11l1:1·rs' l l!Pi lltll \',.,,·k ''"n' r "' th•· o. 11 1111111;! 1 111'11' r .. d;iy _. C'li•\l•l.•nd 11111 1•111,· "·'' ,.,.111,,1111,,.1 SA:--1 Hl-:H'l.;,\f{lll:'\t t, ('.ti . 1\1;1r <'•"' '· :~-. ~· 11 ·dil 11~\h l lt:ttuli•r. to Arr1\1· l11·11· tutla\ to l'Onfcr with ' :.'Ii · tUPt Th•• hlt111u: of <'htwk It ttl 1· .. 111111.1111.it l•I '"', 1, pains in \ ('lt•nt11 .. ttti.:i.:• 1 1 i .ink C:ri ,.111,..ri.: SI ,,,.,.n•. lt:~1·k :11 Cir .. 1 hits>' ;, [( .. , J .ti\('KSOS TKO'ft 111~ 111\11 I 11.•h ,,,j, 1:1\ 1111' , , ..... '" 11hou1 11 .... 1111at'I v. ith lho' l ntli;in~ lln(• ,\1'111' Ill th1•-1111tll\I'<. Wits fl llttl.l.\'\\'tHll1 1l 'l't ftttdrh l1 .1r' "' •IJ 'i•lld11111 ... :\l••dw;tl t'X· G I I I ff d 1 l•ni.:hl lic.hl fnr th>' S t L1)1ti< I rr-t•n ;• 1 i: 1a..; t1 •pn u ••rr. ·1 1 """kltd1 1:11 •-1'11n Fr11rlt'!'('ft .lf1Hll:1l11>11 I•,,. ii·" llotllttng mur<' T 'I 1 I 11 I .,~ ~1'11\\11~ lc1rlay. l t't'h1111·11fl~ . kn:~·k•"<I ""' 11 .. 111"· ~rnn11~ """' '' r. 111'1n :i p11ll<'rl >rt >l~'1'11 1"1 tk. '111 · 11 t '''11~1 1 11~, S11:\1·ni. i;lamnwrl thrN· hit;:, twn 1 .l.wk .. 11n i:it•. \.l1•n\\oodSnrjna!l l rii.:ht l•J.' 11111•11• 111• h .... l••·l'n :!5 h\'ll '"1" llll:d"llt \~ll lhthlt'I"' 1tw m lfll\lhlrc;, In r~11d lh<' . • , ,. '"". 1..i1m ,. ... 1111 ) 1'1 'rn 1catr1J w c·t -0 · 3 rnl1t 171 j"n1••11'11 tn ,,~, f11r nt lrlt~t fl\'r ' 1 1 11 •. • rn\\ntl'l' 1 ·htl ll~!'l)Ull on thrrf' rln~'¢ rr or no "' '". sii:n. . pifrhrr11> for an R In 7 virlnry O\'<'r Sfarl;n9 . 8 I N 0 C U LA R S 1 \'1••11•nl.1~ 1111• ll1Hh!• r n ·i:ulnrs Thr l nduins .. "'~~1 1 t\\o 1:111~1r!'l thr Cl)ir111:n Cuhq yr'llrr<fay IL "TR' i 11..r •. 1t1·t1 lh• \'.inn••"'""'· I''' o \C'S lrrd11y. th• A t""l11 °''a trni:I -o APR , 't -' S C 0 P. E S ., thr Chka1:1• \\hilt• Sox. ~ '" 4, S AflAS< IT,\, Fla. l\lnr :!G M~R~ RF.PAIK ASO !ilt:R\,('t: t •flL.\'\:)111 F l 1 \111 !1; (UP I "hilt• thr "II" ~quad 111"' I•> lhr 11:1'1 Tlw Boc;tnn Rl'f'I Sn, h:ul SOAJ Al.I. ~.\K~~ l'otm 1--., nd< F11rr• ,1 Thnmf"'on. 1 'niV<'r.<tly of Snuth• rn \ali[ornia th" hr•t "' rfl,.nri· nf thl" \'l"llr on 1\i~ . J\11thort11'll Huu ... ·h • & Luml1 / .inrl -~1.,,11 1 • .• n -"' 1, ...,.1,..11ulf'd h) the samr ~rurr ptlc-hrr Ti•\ I l11gh~fln'c; u~m con- 1l"1r1h111ud • Optwul rn~1ri1· 111 l,11, h ,,,, th. \\.,..,111nr.;ti•n S!'n· c!1t t\in t1KI " ;111tl 11 wui; not rmt~!' llll'tl\ n•rw r. tt .. 1<. 111 •iit • ,111l1tr1 .. 11 r.: 1n11• hrrc CLEAR\\'ATEH. Fl 1. ~htr ~6 for '" ltohr;;c,.,n • -and HORTON '""'""I ll1t ll1111111·h 11i1 Baron~ llPt Rnokif' R1trh11· A"httrn Thl'.P\tnm1111 t11Ju•('rnrinnat1 .. d Photographic. Supply f'h,· ~· ll•tl"'" \\• "-Pllt In l•idny !IPJl'':!r<tl !I J.:•"•l1i.t '" rn.1kl' R~ 11 .. ,, .... t1•11f•I\ !:! '" 7. hut lhP \\ ~are · ·''' ni.; .. a 1o 1 .. I .i .. 1. ,, '' ,,, rclriy •hi' Phrl:iildphia rt11ltt•'' ~qu.iit. C'nc•· """' 1·1k1 n 11ft th•• 11 111mph Mar·,ne :l1r QuaJlt¥ l"hot~c • It~ ;rn•••h• r 111111"1 l•• 1:11•• 11•.nm, \\hilr Dick Si~l1•r ·"·'~ "' 11 t•n ht~ h~ 11111:1\~nn·, 1•••1 ~hm,·rni:. 111· U ~'":-S~~ I _. t.:·•'" ''fl 111111 111n .. n11 f1111r hit~ 111\ S . Ma1n. Kanta Ana. C'a11f. I RACE WIRE PROBE --,--'11111 th~'"' "~rn 1"" rnnrngs Christmas Eve -i•li•- ··f'aturl'ttc• - ··~sow < .u••:Rs" Kidd~ Maturda~ ~lalln~ "The ~erslayer" Starll' Saturct.~· Will Be Open IPaJm-Springs Race Wire · P~.obets 11~~·~"'1;:~~S~ ~~:::1· ,~:~·;\. ~~ 11,,. lrt..1DAYS , Newport Harbor I • tl;ikluncl ()11k~ will hr rr;,,rmhrr-';;:;p;;;p:;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j;::;;i~~~~~~~iiiiiji~;;;;,i SU1~ Went 'Next Door' In Bookie Raid r rl hy 111" Nt•\\' York (;11mti; fnr r--~~~~~~::"'-:-::-:-1or;;:rw~Jle1ne<._~...........:~~t-~~H~e~a~d~~u~a~r~t~e~r~s~~-+-~~~'l't'fo'~'ft'-~m-~tt-~-.-...,.,., ...... v......,,."~-....__..;:..._.....,. ....... ....:1:~'~'"~11~·~1:.imr t'~ f '(our . . . . . ht-l.+-+h~n'-1r'~ r""fm,.....r--::.------------------1----------'1---.L -or 1\·p, .\ll11rn.·y 1;1.,,.., .r .. · .. " •.• , •. lor. s1·11 t1··r··" 111•· in .. ,.\' .. n 'i11ninc:· R~ B . ,,, /'!~A·Wl~~r ca• .. r~ ""11:111·rt '" r:i1rl :1n :111,-.i:,..cl l Aftrr ihr confr rrnrr, v.·11rrr n :rn<1 l'ma•'k•·'t 11 hmn,. run hrm.,·lf -.JI. ~~~ 1 • • , -------..... _ ~1'-:~'IMNff'~ 11 .. ,.1-.111.11-.tni: • ,1,d ol1-.la1111 n t rn tlw t1lld n :portt"rs hr r•'•'l'l\'l'{I inf,,r-tn ll":tcl 1111• t hks 111,n t fo '..' trr· '~ CQ 'es a·lld ~e'"/·°"e 1'111111 ~1·1 11n: .. ·""" "''"' 11t"'<I cl•~•r m ntion th111 Spo•eittl ,\i:,..nt .l11hn umrh n\',·r tlw rw rinnal l1•:ii.:111 r~ l ~· n ,,, ~I , , \. tn~l 1•f1d 11 "·" <!ttrl11 .... " '"'' 1) H1i:i:s' orrgin:il rr 1••rt \H IS t"hnni.:1'11 (\ • BAL~OA I ,\11 .. 111•' <i• ,,,.,II F 1, d -...; 11'"'' tt1 rlrminntl' thr f.11•1 th:IJ lm1 -.t1-;\f,\1:-.:F:S CIT\'. !"In. :\1;1r :,i1; Seaboard. Equipment Corporation ""'r '''I''"""" 11!1• th. "l'"ttt.: 1t1.li:.1tflr \\'rlry 1lh11·k 1' t':irl.-ll p.•r-1 1t'r't T.1k1111: n1l\'11nt:ic:•• 11f 111 d1• ~-. ,, 1q .. 1t 11111 ,, ~11111·11"1t• •1clr11trd, "nnc! in otlwr rl'!<prrt« .. '"tlk-:irVI '"'' • rrur<, thl" n,, ... 11111 t111t'f lt \1111• '" ... 111.1.i 111 """''11 1 llowi>t"r tfl<'k f"rr nml !<:orcl 1har·Hr;i1"" rt·i:1•f1n d :t ~l ''' '..' '"''"') r1•r '"'" 11, ,, 1 ... ,11, 111 '"'"'"m";,..'Jf1i:i:s harl ~:-tnc••cl th .. nt••rt nn ''''11.i.,, "'•'r •h•· :-<1 ·\\ark H1•:11-. t ~o.'\ ('out "'""Y· &.Nln ·°"'U .. 1 .11~trurt1on~ of l 'ht•'f ~1w•1·1~1 A .... · ..... of IJou• ln lt rn.1111°n.1I l11o1J.:ll" tHL-•"'l ftHt•lll• Ill \\ I' ft1tUlu .1 .. l , ~-c-.,..~ • Sf'"JlOrl Rrarll. l 'aJlf. I t : \\'ult~r L< nil Ill' -'art1 l.!•nl7 f!'lt • . '' " "'I ""' ' '' 1•,. "" 1)1..;, .c 1111 'hnt CAdt·ll ha< ""' '\ ·«11l•J• ,., I•' S,\~ FJ~.\'\I 'l!'Q > .• \._.r~f. "'' 1h1111.:•d '•' "" '' "'"' 1i ., 1 J:rrat .Ocril ,,, ahtt"" 111 ll•'""· 1t·r 1 H.tlph 1'm .. r th" (•111<: presenfs .. ·1KE CARPENTER '" r f • • .. • --- ---------------------I n I \\ 11" 1 • "'"' m.111 "ii p:1f""N<. •'"IW'C'lalh rn 111•t th .. r11 t 'al-li11r'=.l'I .. 1•11 """' h1111w-r1111 1r11-1 and His Orchestra Rlcll1r \ot Wonn'1 Pet -Diet IN A -NEW ''llTTER THAN IVER'' Al Your Favorite Mukai , )ACKID IY L W. WOMN DOG fOOD COMPANY ltVRSIDI Finer • •• •• ( 11·1•.. 1fom la.'' · ' i:c•I flt, n t1•1111 d1111trni: (,.r 1h1 llct\\<:C'r :-Aili tlt.1! "'' 1111' ••nh ••:i<'on 1111d•r \\:t\ ~·<:frr1l:I\ \\1th rl11 I' tint 'J•I t .... _, 1hh ... hn11 nt t r I dtffrn·nr •' ""'"' ••n 1"11 '' 1••t I" ' 11111 -1·1•"t:• r fl11rmi: th•· P tr.11"" " ,, ""' "' ' ' ' 111, '• ·1111111 ..... .,•n ilirtntC'c! "" Hrrr.:1:< \\':1rn•n h "' "" '"' I<• 1 'll'fllr\ f•\'1•r I h1· S:1n Fr;m lll\••'t.'I' ., I 11 :,h '''"""I on r11rth1·r romnwnl. l'isrtl Sr nl!l. \Oql OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC "• llt:Al.F.R HH 7 l,>O l>t a: :.!-l>OOR .• \'cry 111\\ mi lcal!e .. : ........ .. rn.rn ('llE\'nOLET SEDAN · RaJ in ·--I k:i ti.:r. -Ne-w tires 19-1:! P.\l'l\.\IU> CLIPPER R ad tt , --·1 fra tL'r - -Good rub." J!U:? 01.llS SED.\N .. ;,r· ScrtL''· "nit radio 19~ 1 Ol1US ~EDAN "7~ .... cr1i.::' .• 1 lydra-Matic 2195 1845 1495 ·1595 1395 HUI ~.\Sii :--:Ell.\N 1095 L .. ·c-1nom 1~· .. ll · 1'1l0" with rad!o MCLEAN MOTOR .CO. I 11\'Hlt\-~l.\1'1( SJ:R\'ICE HEADQL\fCTt:R.~ I ~ t\ ~ ' " ST l'l "l'J 1!~11\'HI~ F h . :\I ir -·•~ II 'I'> 1''1:11 I•~ tl1 .. ili I n1 1,., ,., 111.:hrl1.1nd .. 11 p11,.l11·r .11•q111ro·lf I•\ I h· -...:.~\\ \'111 k v .111 k. I .. L11•nt I h•· ( ·1,.1 • 1.11111 I 11dt:in"' d11t llH: Th• I\ 11111·r. l1w1k1•1l t11d 1~· hk1· :i ~''"" ""' ... ,n11·n' . ' J.'111h1 •1 i:.1\ • Ill' nnl\' nn•• ~•'l".~11'11 "-'ll~ft· ltt .._,, lfHUlh.;. \1 "'-It 111."' 'I"' 111, \',rnk"', 1l.f1".1fl ii t h1• I\ rn1i1 f1..:• r .... ,; 111 ~' . () \\'1 :--r ,,,,u1~r\t·11 . vi, 'I ir .·,; • 1·1'• T•1111 \l trl'h11d·•n fl f' 11.;ht-!111111, I 11( lft, l'l1iJ Pl"' ptua 1\ ·, '' •' ''" lu" '' '' tn ht ... f f','u• 1,nh.: t •ns lru• t·••n1• "~ •Y tt' · \ 1'1} h1 ... I 1lh• r '' h., , .. ,, n .. u ... I\ .t 11 TltL' 1\" tr•• rrll" tm:l\', h11f Wiil pl ·~ ..... f',ttc1,,n n1 1\1 .. ht1 1n ~ 1tt11 <f:I\ ind ~Ill tJ I\ fir til• ""''' 1-, \I 11 :1; I I' It \\ ,c. , , i"'' ·, ,1 t~. r, t1•d ,, fl1 1t rJ" n.-...1,.n Jlr '\'1'\. "' 1111 1,.·,1 lh• ir •pnn.: 11 11mn1; ll• '' '' 11 t' r 11 l 1 nd•' '' 111 1, f1•r 111. r Hn .. lo, h 1• I '·•h:"r T h1rit 1i , ... , m 1n .1 •• :0:•111 •;1 1< l11 1.h•t.. ' I , ... , '"'! I' II lo. 1·h~ \\ .... , ·r'a..'" n '· ·11*1•r ... '''l" t• •.ti .t' \ 11' Hltl• l'I.\ l'\c .... t.t<\ 11 t: \ t:n"' \Tau· t ' \l:l :·'I \JI '\ \I •\'I'• Th, t J •' 1 • h ! t .. \ \fh: ....:., f' I ' r-I' ''I I f llh1111", \11 t ,,, ... '11 pd, .• , k I l '.. I~. j I l 1 t t ,,,,,'Iii .. , t : fl: ,, ., ',. I I• 11 d11"''Uh-··t ~ t }t•I• • EASTER WEEK FRIDA'(", and SATURDAY March 26th ---March 27th . ·f :U·N-· ZONE .. \ In BALBOA No~ Open SATURDAY and "8 u·N DAY I .111 '"· \1111 -l'h r.111, Sant" Ana Ill ~. '.\l!Un-l'h. ft.&tfl l-.o.-fl~u~"~~--------~-.----~--lllii--iplllllllll!~------------------J I ' ~ . ,..