HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-05 - Newport Balboa News Times-=zze / -· ' "' LA9'GE5T 'CITY MANIFEST ALARM IN 30 Kille _d, Score_s' _INCREASING GROWTH Wounded ill E aunt OF UNEMPLOYMENT -_,,.., A ...._..,. ~llC JTOWtlt of .._.,plO)'f'd In thf' population of ..._ .._ ... neete11 ~ra~ ~,,. Oft tbf' p.,t of thr IO<'aJ of· .. -' ..._ <Alllen6a MMe t:wmplo~•t-...-nk.>r. Kmy M•lhf'ww n, ..., --C"" .... ..,. loda) t ... t •909 ,_.,.,., lndudlnc !989 "·onwn, -...,_ti, ~l'M. A -•raW rifort '" bf'tnc madr to di"""'"'' wby unf'm11lo\·- _.. • -~ • ~1~ Jitlu'... ....-rtaan t'la~fk-atlo1tt1 .,,. o\·r"r-aww-...._ aa1 • ltJ' eUltt ,.._.,.. .,... f'Otnparalh· .. 1~-lo-. In numbrno. In -*r •• f''\'.~f.f' ,.._ for an lftt-.i\'t' Job dt>•f'lopnM"nt proi:ram ~ .. , ... •••••Rik makf'11p and thf' IM'f'dJ> of tbh• ('()mnuanlt), a "'"'91 .....,.,...., .ant'' wa .. mad# of thf' <'Urn-nt applk-.a.tlon ntH THE I ·.SAND CRAB - •1 SA II In thf' ~•nta Ana offlrf'. ( ll'C'Ul';llion rtl hr r:1kdo wns IH.t\'<' ht-r n l'<rrc-fully rt•\'IC'\\ rd ttnd Sl ud· ied Tf)l'): pr•'Sl'nl som;• ralhl'r s t;irtlini: 1nf11rmrt1 trin . M11th<.'wson bi•l11•\'l's 111111 1•n1plo)1•rs. liusml'SS i::ro11pi; 1nll IH' m tcr <'SJ4'.'d in l:<'t· fini;: lhl' 1ru1• fat'l'i ronC'crnmi: this stu~. "Thi' p11hl1c should havt• W(•Jl 1;roun<lro infnrma I iun on local laho r m nrk1·t run dtl tons. a nd on I hr numh<oro: 1rnd k inds of (>('Oplr wbo arf' on th e labo r marke t in this 11r <>a ." i:11id !\flllhewson. "morNl\'l'r. I nm ~UrC' ell will want t o purtlc1p;HI' w11h us in altt'mpr- ln~ 10 find )Ohs for lh<'!!<' avail· ablr workers " PllOPA~A. Another I n part. n rrpor l made on <XMmdbnanic election is survry follows: tm the boaJ'ds for 'J\lesday , 182 applican ts, includinf,? 45 WO- • NllMBEa ti •' -· """"\"" otf c .,,.,. M,...,. .• tw.-.ln ..pnrt p&.-ate-r~ ,.__..,. at Ni> Ha..._r al'1"'ri. f"llol"• ~•• ta f•"'CN9IMI WM lllu,.W "'"'l.a..l4"1) out nf tlw r-1 ... '1 tttrtnr INMC1-ru.t ... ,. ..,.,, ~ o·~ral ..... ..,.. ..._ p.. Mm1v"'-_!__th~hy _<:.·~~nit Russ Pilot ARGENTINE, U. S. SPLIT ON lt11!1..r1 1 l'N,.111 and F.arl R.ePft. · c 01\'ltft Mru fl>"'". u .. ln a.at.a Ano 1 'nmn111nl1y h<t1111t1al '*' w Uh 11·rloWI lnjurlf'll fulkwriftl a I tnk•""" r r uh at S ky ·tlarbot U.... por t, t ... ,. Neaa.-~trrcSQ-at l:l llO pm O'NHI, &J6ktt o( tt... ltftllll -· almod 1'mm ......,...,., falW '"' II oll Uw p'OUM ......... ,. .... ,.w.. I& -... .a ..... a 13 and hen r men a re look In f,? for em ployment ...,. .. · w · one lS-In the manag<'rial and professional tens to aD the statements fwldl. TI\e majority of thew ~aw and ~ variom kinda ol mip'at.ecl li'Olll other arftl&.. and alddwss. tt ...... )'au~ c>pportunltln for them ere infre. H1trt:" oper•tor . .,.Id that the if ·lt ·were not IO lttious. quent. nOC.oTA, C'olomhla. APf'll ~ T port j ptlot had llttlfo or no control at JLeedinc lbe Yidous things Of'..U-al Derua.d ANITA C'OASE. BAUSOA ISLAND BJ:AUT\' Ql:F.E,"'i, ,_,..._ •ton1 Cllle Cftllo\'Won rMMraa A<! "hr ' {If' I Ar1.wnt ln11 ft nnnon<'f'd In rans hi• 1•l1trt(' on thf' t1dcr -c1ff run and. ~ Comnmists utter about Althouf,?h a ronstan t deman d ~··Row Marifo K8'CI •wim -at. In thf. ra,.htoll pef"Mho •lard ,,. .. , .... ~ l'Ulop In C'Oft,)&uH·Ui•n llhf' lntr r·Amr ttn n mnf,.,-,.nrr ,,.. -•nfr.'r l•<1lllli1ni.t -ln fll 1tw-a1r a' the United States, most of US for qualifird srcretar i<'ll. stcnof,?· wttb tlW' 1nnd OPf'nlni of Dn i!' & Clay MllAffo a11d ApptltlllM' c~c"npany'• -11tntt ln ('-ta M-. ,,...11t1H' ll111t cir" """Id,,.,..,., .di c-o1I '""''''' ,., 11m, .... V4'f'r ••l1 ""'' .,. .. .,. taR the aUack.s •ith grains rnphcn, gpl'('dy lypisls , honkkl'<'p-f'ntll'f' t•roiram ~·aA t4"1f'("aal O\·r r •l•llon KTl.A on SaCurda)'. llllol" h) )\.~ k rw r lo•t:ll\• •"'""" """tt'I"" lhnl I• 111<' Lt t;'l;I M i:O-:, i\ 1 ;._,1 • it:l'I /\ , •I v.lllu•UI Jllllnlnl( 11llll11ftr ol salt, but there are millions Jl('rs a nd olh<'r ~f)('ciali7C>d r h•rical ---• '"""' 1·l1•nw111 ,,, tlu •111•·r •II•••· .. f.,r 1 .,. 111 . •i••k•~n"'" 11,.1,1 ,, I«!:""· ,, llt'•·n~toei 1,11,.1. imd OWJt- ol just wo rk<'n continur~. 431 prn1on~ I i\r ·••nlln.· ''"'''!:" 1, I '11" 11 .. 1 1. .. 1 ' 1• " '' ·• ' )'Olinger ptl"SOnS com-I ·r· d I l I l t H d d VETr'.RANS j; I I I ' 1111:111 1111• llr lll•h l:"'''rnnwnt ''"'" 'I "' •h·. 11l1u u•. •11H1•rr•I 1t•rl1iue n-into their majorities, who c ass1 II' n c Pr Cll ocrupal on.~ un re s t-C --. _,..fl (11/1( 1• I ... "'llf•·lll•'ltl .. "':I"" I " \t'I) ,, ,,,;,., ,,, .... "' 111 .. ""' 1 .... I. lnJttrh·• I l'Nf•l\I r4'<'t\IV"4 =-~-_.-. of the =--•..a•ous Rrt' C'Urrrntl~ a n 11l1111lc 'rhr jtroup I"'"', •I '" tini~ n l t 'nt•r-•t s 111t•·M 1 ___ ...,.....I .. 3S the truth. ls SOm l'wh:ll O\'Crcrowdr d Wtlh ceans1 e .l\.e8 or, a er•Jn• W '"I",. ••f " '1r"lll: it11l t-1~•lllnllllll•I 111 •1111J ,, •l.ol•11t•t1I qfl flu "'" V.1" I 01l1tll~ •l••m•11l~l11.,f laAe' u111.A;11 u~ ~ •d D,.. It F th • La I . 1r1 '''' ..,. u•h h•·111f 11r11f k l( lnjorl<" Thr pl"ne \\~if"'; a bit ha rsh to 326 w o m <'n. :.!19 of thl'm nrc C'lns· R I"'''"'"""" ''' Iii•· , .. "''':r·i11~·. '" h•• 1111 1 .. n .. ,.._11rl '"' m11l1.• m """'"'""" 1• .... 111\•1· ••vldN 1<'<• ,.( ""'~ <'1tUM sifil'd for $!1'nr ral officc w ork only ·1ot·1ng ·1n To Be Tr1"ed for GI Hous1·ng Fraud 11Nlflllfl('t••I all ''""'""'"' hn\1• 1•,.11 I I I II compare the Russian ap-Jnd1ratiomi Arr-th11t morr n 1ttd i· · .. i,1 i\t 1:,.ntm .• "n 1l4"""' ,1111, ·· 0111"1 r11" " ''" t ."' """'' ,..,,.,,. '"' llu· 1·11t•h """ 11111 '"'''" ~ ..a. •th what i.<> being I ·r· i · ff 1 I,.,.,.,• 1tft• • 11,, ~ 11•1rr r~ .. ·u "'""""'''· Mro)fl<'l•I •1•111 tlf'ndln1 proeu1 \11."l emp oy1•rs Hll'C1 1ca 1 on!!, 1nsu •· . 1 l(''-".A ',· .• "rr i•· .. c· .• ,I . Ai•ril ·" 1 111· "l••ll•• 1 ... f,.ri.: •h•· ftl"lll '"''" ..a--b~ --rtam' grouno: m' . b . t . i l "k r I r "'~ r • I I I I '""'"'"~'"""" hy l '!vll A1•1'1tnnullC8 uuo-=-.r ...... . ..-· c1ent usm4'SS r ain n~. A~ o Al d •l'PJ \\'iJl1:1n' II r-,r1-h ."" • m1llt'"" tit•·"''"''"''"'''' 1••t1nt m 1: IH 1<1.1.~ /\ ~11 !\, 1;,.,. the harbor district. it stilJ is quallfy fng work C'XJ)Cri('nC'I'. nnd • r· I " ,. . . ..... F D l D t rlu• l1tl1lr ""d .. 11 .. 111111" II """' lh• . ,.. •tll'I i\11lhm tl) IOV•·••h11111°r• "'Orth consideration. because age And locn lio n far tors nro.: r <·· exan I~ I ( ..... :;ns1dc· rf'ltll~•r. tmrl h ill (lllh· r-Ire ep ' oc or ,.,.,, "' "~' 1l1•('!11r1111nn In H1" mn I Sil 11111111 ftul•·r h .. n, J\d lhth m lll- Jd ta··-·.ponst"bi~. r-r th-mo•.t nnr\. fo r lll·)·m . Alhr r t Za t .. r r !ii ()rrrm · w k v . I 0 11 'I I I I I f11n ~ll\••111 .. 1 ""'''I"'"> lhllf ""'Sa t H tel many fie'\\' VOters COtJ J\A.9 ~ .-\.-,. ,, I"" • • I or a1n y ver 1•r 1•nr1• U t lf• r \It r )' Wf"f"'••n t tt·, • cramen 0 0 it ,,...:. r:a.,... _ tb-•· UO""',..•lo•mi·"' ~•<f,. h111l<l••r. w1·r" fr.-·c on S2!'>11fl , , 1 .... ..:. , ... .. . l 1 111 t•t•I• "'"ult1 11~· flttltlrr «'tlt'tlf"t IUI 1._~ -"'-" .,v..,, _, •o.t.t ~ t l'Pt :\-< ---• -+ c..01 •:u. .:>.1 lh .ct 11 cu, nl£.lll IDll.. llOt ""'1. 1'n C''ur11· ....... ,52 wo~n hA"'" CJ\HJ1 1. J\prrl . • -I l 1ha1rrrwh h ><i:I\ nn :i fr dr r11l lfl· H t v· t" H I f I I t t for tt11•ir "'"""'~ nnh l ...... fttl:ll!Ultfl<'-Fi T On + + • "'" T .... ..~ ·~ k I I ""'! ear IC Im er4 \\II~ l•'Olllll"' 111 " I..... ,.,. I ire rapa e .. __ •-H 0 rxperi<'n<'C' m \'llrtfl\IS n s fl e , 1 1 1 . ,,,.,.1 ,..,11,,.111 111 ,,. . · kl d f lt'A~I 311 l><T~on!' \\1'rl' tll••t . m nro d11•1rn1•nt t lt11n.:1n1.: (rrHl<I in C'OO· '-. ,. l "·l 'J 1 l·111r ... 11ll"<-<I 1/lt•nt It frt'(' nw-rldnr i:t -----ome. n e SAll's 11cllvlt1C'!1 lt h;J.xJ)('Clrothal lhnn .'!'l \\1'r l'S•·ru1ll!') \\OUnf ('( n1·r11nn \\tlh '"''hf hnm•~ lo I A 1 1 I ' I S tn1111•l 11•11 .. r 11.r1111 A Tw I. d method~ employed in the a nd h\Jnd t ft r;m !I 4 1 f-'lrt• d1•J1nr fm1•nl n wll llntl I 1r I ~··u,llll o ltlll I W nlf•~ ' flth"'1 --g () n1ure t hP summrr m o nths will h rin1: _-:r V d ., \I "l'I•'"", h• 11f1 •1I '"' ''"' .,,m, ll1r\• I n ..-1 camn<>ign is the morr onnnr1 un1'11'M· for ll1nm tou11y rn ftt1ltn1: at Al••x1111<1ri.1 l\Pm'h \\llITAnls fnr l l11·sr nrn ... 1 ,\ . An ''""'"of <"''"'' •11 I "' UI l'I l1' J\1 rn • 11'1'1 /\ r~·· ...,_.. r·t"""' ,-;'." '-. .. k "f tl •f , •l'•lf1111t11•\•t,\t1'"'''•u1t1nUl1)'\1J1 1tt 1 '· ' ' I JP house--t<>-house aJ>Peal being In fhr pe~onAI 11ervlC<' field. wh"'h Arml'<I r.1:}1•ll•ln troops w rr•• w r n • i~Slll'll Rfl••r II f<'<ll'frtl grnn11 ""r "" r14nllk•·11 '. "" ~1 m1n11h ~ llu~ ••••nf••r,.nN' t ll u -.11111-f1i.:l •l"r I''"'"' tfl\•••I "" "' S /\<'H/\Ml-:NT<•. /\11rn ~ l ,. mack-by some workers in <'f-lhl'rr i!I llh"'' n II r11pldly lnM'rnsin1t sN•kms:: io qu"ll Jun· in 1--m Am:"'"~ ·""t11rn1·d nn 1 ',""rt "r "'~"· ,•:n s,.1111111 Al n:on m .,.,,, ""' '"' I '111r•·d s1111,., "'' l!r ''''" It ""~I"''' "" '' l""''l'llr,.11 ''' /\ i:• ''.'''"I 111111111 lfln• 1'1m1k>' nut fOrt_t; to innuet'lCe voteTS. In numlx-r of wnitrrs~l't<, k itch4>n Ft1th 11n 1: rm d loottnl? <·nnlmll•'l1 int11rtmf'nl \\'1•1lnf'J11d11y llnrl th" run I "1 '"'1' '1r",> tt•un• "l' '1''' J"• i"" in '"' ninth l'">Off'rt•nN• nr !l .11r.1 "''' l••l1t)• ltntl '"''" 1•l1tn•'ll 1 '" llw' l11y 1un 11111•1· ''' f "m" '~ snany in.crtance6 deliberate workcrlll, And o t hr r r r!'t aurAr.t nn11 '"'" I h r• ,.,., mni:. hu1 """" "Uh .. ld1111: p1111 "urrf•nt11•r• rl lo f!'d <'r:tl 1111 I ~•nar ; :;ir• > ":. nro•I "' "'"r f 1~ ;1\' l h•· /\ m•·r " .111 '"' t '"n' •• ,,, 11li'Ql111 '"' ll•h• •I ll1 lluw ttll I I 1•·• ''"n" ''''"' m J11r Inv "' """' nur prr- attack.s are being Olade on hot<'I <'lal ."lflC'ntto n!I. Thr Int al '" '•111"' d••L:rf'P 11f11·r lr•ll•J~ f1rt•l1 ' lh11rit1<·~ S :1l11rl1ay in S n n l li•'C" ' '"' "'" Ill ro·\l.Y• 11111 " ,,., ,, II •111110" ''""II• /Ill ''"n' """"''''"I"''"'' lho 111 "'''' l•IPl'f/111 '""' "'""· •w 11 ~·'f'l•·•Utl) "' , .. ,.., one in111 ~,.,, r;tl ••111up"' 1 Thr 1nd1r tmf'nl r hnr£f''< tlu m•'ll m ll8p!!N1 "'''". '' h•·torl ·•'''" k 1 1 1 llu· l!ll"t' ,, 1 ti 1 t•''""" wn~ •1111 h nt•111•d In ttMr candidates up for ~lection Jum1ll'd from 21~> in No\'rmh"r 10 · ... • ''""''""'''" ,,,., '4, ,,..,,,.,11 '"" " • 1 •• and a..a.·ocates of other norni-'4;l('I 111 •hr lim r lhis rounr WA!' l'rcm 11·r ;\tn hmrn 1d :-.:nllrn~hy w!th rnn~pir:1r} _a nri w111lhnl1linl!i Thi• vk11rn """' 1'1°111 1111·•1 " on\ ,,,111111,,1111., "'''" ~ .. ,,,, 11,1, /\fr., 1.,,,1 t,,,1,111'1111,,11 11,..t '"'.'.•111w 11111l•l1111e u~ l m :tdl' (lf this numhrr. 21'17 a rr Pa•ha f l"" 111 i\IM;:1n dna 111 t nk••1Anrl tvinN••1hne 1~fnrmAttnn from ·~••hn (I Ho .. •11, f.'•. 1 11 ""r111no r ,_111 111 11._11 1,11111,,1 ""' lt'1~~1,,.1 ,.11,11 11 .. Ill• ,,1,11,,ro·11th ~l nrfrd In neE'1i suggest the all-or-ooth-"Onlf'n ; Adl1rd In this. in thr ,,..r. p<·r~nn:ll rh11 ri:r o f fhP f rf11r1i; '" rh" ,.,.,,.rnn~ Rl1m m l"'trnlinn In thr· "'· S nn tn /\nrr A1 1••n1 111.• "1111• l•P •l1t11n111t1 f•·• ''''/•It ·· .. 111•1 .. 11 111111 t111 .. 111t•••I tlu• 1111101 1 .. ,.,.,.,,.,, ""'' lmm,.d- ing method of presenting a som1l s••rvlc-1• i roup. thrr,. a rl' I l :l put l111wn 1!11· lilo<l(l,lu«I »nt1 <I• .. ,,.11 o f (IC'f'nn,ld" ll<•ll"'~ lr1 ,,... l'h f' lt<t<I~ \\/" t•·nl••'' •I '" II il11 ''~ '•l•I•"'''"" '" •·•1111111111\""'· '''"" 11 11-.,,.,, ••t 11,.,.,,., • '111111 Ho \nl ntr 111 11 h •"'I'' 'II• '" "'" fnp flfWW' slate of threP as the best pr'r~on~ looking for cinm r o;tir , prn· s trt11•11nn 111• dm·c-lt•t1 i.rmy f11rc1· 1•·r an!<, A.~J~tnnl l' S i\llftrn••y 11111r1Ullr)' •'' l 1'111 llti• d totll••lll .oloh \\Ill ,,1,1.,., tho kinil ,,f 1,..,, '""' lll'l•l•t l•l rn•• Wiii ""'""'''!''' tit•· '"' ~l111y lt11t11lln11: .-ay to \;ctory. That suet) ll'f"liw• nnt1 huilctlng Sf'rvkl' jnh'< ch11r1-:•·tl with r•·~1•1rm1.: orfl•:r 1" R••l ly l.rnyd nn !laid h11111n "'"'l'h It\ 1111 1 'nll••(I .S111r1·• flitll'h 11 1n•1•irh •ml"'" 1 Ii , "t' k l'11•l••l t11 •·ld•·rlv h nl f'I cornbiJM's are a n unrep~n-Mn\hl'WYIO 11ddl'<I. "T111s c roup s h!Hil <m '1£hl ""·''""' "'"" di' ~tr11 l.ni~·1l•m 1111111 llwv .r.r• :••:: M . Lab t 'l'lt• '"'" I 11111 ,,j ti·"'"'" k '""' ~ .. , ,. ,, l!ll:Orlllll••• ,,,.,. l•ll~•"l"' I rl•·r l'f'f'•,i\'t•(I " 1""•11111• frnl'lllr· tati\·e form 0( government is \'l'l'Y IATl:f' All johs in lhr J)('r· O~){·)'rd orrlf'rll n r ltt•h;w n l '"n Sil' f'll•• d of 111:1"•·pt1ns;: tll•'f"lll lr .. 1111• ar1ne . f»ra (lfY ... 0'111 1 •II Joi ""' flit• .... ,,,." "'"' "'I .1 .. ,.,. 11.. '"''' n .1ll•1n,.1 "'r ror· ,.,, •111111 -.1 ... n .... f·-·· "''""rr pl~ and ~t." an infiltration Ftmai ~rn 1cc r1rlrl ha''" '"'"n picmus m<tnn...-l r11vmr·n1~ in thr ~1tl•· 11r """"" Prohi·na Repf>ri ("f 1•o1 : l"" "'''I'• ,,1 11..r1 •• 1 ... , .. 1 ... '" lt.·rll11 ,,, "'""''•·1 1 .. 11 11 .. m ,,,.. w111"r ~ ... tha t sma('ks of pc>\\'-~r11rC'f'. PC'r<onnl l'flnlal'I" \\'tlh Thou•:lllt1' of , .. r~nn<1 1'1•'tllt1ll T h• IH'lnll•• .. ~h•' •111'1· runr• •I''"'" ,., , Ill (it ., .. 'I II• I • • .,..,,,. ltrtlt'h ··r tit 1·11mln1t 111 .... 11. •I '" "'"" "' ""' flt -I nnor er politi~. ~~ without AAY-r••"ta11 rnn1 ;ind rnf1•11•r1:0 m\ ncr•.11 •lr:otrd nnrl 1 t .. to·d 1n i.upp,.rl 11( ·'I ~:l1 ~1 In ~~111 AmL:... • L'"I d "" •,,. ,,, d• I· 1· ,,, , "" f111, 11 I' ,,, .. 111,1 1, 11., 111t111w 111.1,..rl , '••I 1t1trf l1tn•I• •I ,.,1.,111 1·1~ ''" hi-ho·111f • ing. Then too. threats h a\'C 11nd h old m:tn:il!rr!'. lll1'•' rncl11•t1 f· r nmplt fl• v.a lk••ll' 111 th1• polll'• E•rr n"· pap<•r:. fii•il "'''' '' 1,.,. ~fgflS (' n u.1111 111 ..... 1tn• il1l•11t11111 111 ,,..," li•r ttnll•h l'nll•tl f't "~' ,1,11 -.;,.,.,.,.,,,tit•• t•:tu11lnln1: lnj11r,.tf ....... n ........ _..a-b\' ......... o r t\•·o or-rd 1h ;i1 111rn1wrr .... vrr v i;m:ill ror<·1 lf1 r:i.:n>•'• l'•l'l)ll() t'itf i\l l!llOll Hrac.h !tank r••pr""""''" Iii• r ... "•.!t••IW ·"''' '"lfllllllnt•I t~''' '"""'"'"'''"' ""'' ,, •r•v. "'''""·Yo• I• ,. .. t 1111m•·•ll1i!1•ly 1tV111l1tl1I" ~· ""'''-""' VI'"'-• , 11 r 1 1 Whr.1 m:., 1i1o, •• 1.,. 11 ,, •111.o11 1 1 • with prl'!'C'fll Wflrk1•rs holdin1: nn n11rion \\1<l•' i;rrik•· nC pol11~· \,,,..__~". '"L! Jrrtrr nr I I" inn~•• ,. l•JI'"" ''"" •r•l1• ''" /\rrwr~•" or t••'t•"'' "..,111w ""'I t.•11 ,1 '"''' rtarn•• '"" 11 •II """ •l··~•·1 llw·•l l1y fire .. gani7..ations that the boycott 10 I hr1r joh• /\!' a rf'!'Ult. tho<" l rnll"d 10 h nck llJI d•·1111111•l~ f '" l~rmr fr1>m ~,()flf'_ In ~!l7;,ii, ~Jr< ~mount 111 umt •• q•tt• ~' ·" ",'".,".'1'1'11 "·'"'"' fl • 11 • ,.,,,11111 .. 11 111 1)1• I '"'"" 111111• I)' 11 1·~ r•l•"1• <I 11ft1·r ' "'' " "' l1.11llv h111 11••11 " /\ 1111)11\rr 1''0U)d he in\"Qkro i!J?;ilinsf. ( r• \tllln 1)1f ii f1l 1 I I •rt.cf wastt• (f II)• !Ill th• I laid nrr br CllU!W o ( ~l'n~on11l in· htl(hl'r pay Alo•xand rw V.;tll lhr l : ·•.. '1 ,. • .~ :ni ... m·.", illl• ",, ••• 1 ''"'"'""IV llflltllllll'"" tr1<•l1l11r "' " f1• ltl .,_, ,,. .. 1. '"'' 1 V.•11 k lr11' It•""'',,, lh•• ro11n1\ Jum p- thc:Jtl;c who oppose them ir. 1Con\lnul't1 o n Pagr 41 1ron11nuf'd on l'ai:r 41 <hiircr~ rhr•I th• H l•r:oll" '''1 "1~nt<ld•• 11 1'1''1 • 1:· :;(J.';"''1 •1;1 1"' "l•I••'•' 1! 'I t.•''"'',.,,,,,~,· 1• ,,.,,., •••I• 11;,. ll111J•h , .. .i.11 ,,r th•• rlly 111 •I••"" 11 ~l 1tlr wl'fl from fh~ and when their slat~ wins, r h:iri:"n "linnu~""" In :it1rh 111on 1r, ;~ ~,·;· 11"<',"r<h>(~t " '' 1 •1 · "' lrk• ll-1,, tit• "''"'""" 1~, •tpl• ,1 11,,1, .,; r11111 1,, 111,. K•''''"''' "'"'' rt nd fl',.. "·hidl Le; simply another ille-u s MARSHAL' Cl SERVE LEWIS '"" 1111r1h:t«1· Jlrirf' I '.'n I', ~ , '~; .. :O rth•· /1 ... 1 """' -1 1;.1m11n\ 1 •ll·I~ ftiw ltrr•·•I u 1i 11nkl1· A wmh11n gal Olanncr of gaininSt con: • • . L.A.:) I T lw fllllr ~·ill "" Arrtltl:flf'll la t• rk,' oorO~ll ,. • ar Rl(Jd.;.ett to F"1"ll I .,.,,,. ""I''""'"'" ..,.,,11. rr<I •I•'" ia' ..... •' r • '••l\O"tl '111111•··1 ~111nrt1. flre-tn>I. [)par \'Ofer. separate "w --th111 "'""k in Lo1< An1:1·1f·i1. Mrs ,bil4i~ln1 1 w ~11 irl m1on • 1111•·l11•1w· ,., """' 111111, ,,1 ,,.,,.,,.,. .,, , r " "''''" l m .. n ,11111 Uk> chaff from th~ wh<'at WJTH ORDER TO CALL OFF STRIKE l.rnydo.n s111d -'l''.'lOf v.·tll 1,.. foorlh• ••1111111· "'''" J f W t • rut11t1~ <lnl) fll• ,.f •h•' 11 .. 1 .. 1·11 t nn roo"1!' and do your own thinking: ----\\ 0!1htn1:1"11 flflo•r ''" """1' ••• "1' n or es In Hit. W1.. I W••ro ·~·· .. ,. .... , Ill •Ii•· lln 1r llf lhr • • • w AS llINGT ON . Apr il 5-1 UP l I Rrrort•·r • '..rllt"r hat1 ar.-n'llt'(I Pasadeoan Na med 1 ':•mPINI h•· for" :1r1l··11 ,,, I 111 ,..., s . (' rt flritld1 "''''"'''''"~ .,., .. ,,.,, '<•ol•I fir ( I 'nlnh r11 11ml 1•npt'rh1tn 111rr11 .rt..---L ._ • .._ ... For ... , long--J ohn L. U>wi.~ today 11crrptrd Lr w1s HS h• walkNI '" his 11(fll'I' ' ''''""1 lnlt1trrolnrrt>~ ~ uper1or ,OU 1 rontlnt1•~ on P itflf' .,, "'' ,.. "' w1°rk In tlw "111f'I V ro1•11111. "-~ _..,. " State p . ..I t Wan11o-rin~ 1111 ulll •• 1 ,, .. rt l.'.11· f:Une "°"" efforts have been Sf'r\'ic(' o f ll fedr r AI C'OUr\ ordi•r d i-hut hr h nrl no rom m,,nl on anr · reSJaen l11 r huhllal lho• "l"·rn1 V.h,d•, n1tir• • l 'tl\ .J11•l1•• llr1rr\ lll1o1ll(l"ll w1JI made by one church d('nomi-rrchn R h im 10 r All off th1• 1-'..!·d;iy thm~. Of y GOP · r r•·"<1•· ,,,,, •h• """'It,,, s ui"·n t# 1 Tf DEf ANDS . c ll<'lf1 C'll:tl ~I rik1•. Ai;lli!llnnt Srrrc11u;y or ('-om-oung . ' l.' I ., ' -' nation to persuade the on-R -d ltalldM <'r• hwfa\' ''""'I-• ""' 1 • ... 11 f .J111h-• r 1 :111111111 t; ..... Ii t . 1· t to m ,,._ r a e Rut Uw1<1 itavc no lndica1io n mrr"' Jl;w td K r urc !llll . · mPAn· f 1 v. "" t• "'n ''""' '" ni. h•ffTl•• w ilh 1 $660 1,tO GRAB WOULD TAKE IN TAXES FROM COUNTY grega aona 15 !' "' " 'lll'hl'thi•r hP inten& 10 r rml(ni7,. w hilf'. that 11Jc1>l prndur111.n th " SA~ ~ilANC,srn. /\11n l !l • IP•"" "' • M·'""' ••h• '" ,1 •ilh them. Last week the I k II ... 75 t f I {II' 11 L s l h n .. "aahf'd ubnr~ f(atur•la\ n•·•r ll lrw.. ' th" or-'rr. 111' maintRin!l th11t hr ""'' "1 urop 10 · pi'r Cf'n ° ' om"r · m 1 · r·A•·•"•·na • Il l• Jli" 11 "111 11• 01 • '1• r •·1r111Jn ... ··r Coron .. A-) "'tar Community • .. I I 1 _.. ... .. •h .. "-·· An• """' j<-tt)'. r " ... I " 1111;· " d id nothini.: 10 lnducc the wnlk· c11pitMI)·. or r it•. un ""~ N'UI min 1 .... -.y 11r l11 lhr poet of ~'"'' V'"" .,1 ,, j•ll, 111 .r "''"' •»••I• 1,. oy 111 So 111111 "' 1·.,ur .. 11111. ~ 111lrlrontb 1 111.~ "' llw '''~' of 11.rnl 1111c1..,,. church voted 54 to 4 not to out. . I r-r" ~o lrnc-k to wor k. 11,.nr 11( lhr Yn11n1ot Rr p11hhr;in• I I• v.···~• , , .,,1ri "'"""' 1o•M I .'1'/11.''I~• ,,, ,,., 111 111•· 1hr111tl(ll f1•1ti:r111 11wn1•"11;1,, rro·lf- afHliatc. preferring to re-, . H r snil1 o ur put IR11I wr"k f1•1l v.·nlll "ll'M"d Al final ~''"""'"~ ''' '•11"n frnml1 '"''"''""n :Iii l1r1·rr'' f• tf, 1 •ti 1 • .,,., 1 nrn• rfl • '"" ! ,,·m pt ••r w I. /\lt•Jirin<l•·r. ~'""' r111 m an-rnain ;\ S('p0f1f'e entity and \ lrlunlJy nJI or lh,!'.400,()00 ITIIO· 111 nhnrst R7 JK>r 1"11nl O unnl( lht• lht• ~11111' ('''nvrntion \'f'lll1•r1l1t\ nrorlh 1tnt1 ilfl tl••1•r1"'" ""ll'h ti( !hr f11ol1l1111•• "' lh• •l·ol• 11n•I ••Jt f,.11111 n111•r ,,f \h1• ll~K11drt llt1n llfllnt"fl ou t continue the {'\'(>fl tenor of N'S WC'rr r o•malnfnl( RWllj' from I flr~t 1111nr11·1 of 1 ~\R It had A\'l•r· ·n •. l'YlO\ 1·n llfln A,,;, e l,.,.,, ti ,,,, • '1'1'11"r flto1tnrlo•ri·1t .... 1"'' -.h ' ..... * w Cji lher & Tidcff * \\ u•l1lni·•••ll c IJt ntll•orol ~' IJI "' thAI ( lrllnl"' N1t1nl ,. 11rto111•rly Wllh Its wav. In ('(forts to per· wo~k d rspit" ~~ ro~rl or~"r I RJ;"d !'!'.\ ft"r rr n t nf rnpArlt}', ht· '''"' ·riri•sid1·n •• ·nv·y w••r" .l10'")1h 1 11 •' °lN'llC'h """~' ''' '"'1' 'l'Jiur.,lin '""' '"•"'"'.a nd \ lrlnlh: 1•.11' m.,r,. lh.on '"I• I" r ,., ... , "' Iii•• I"'' ··~t1m11 ''"' 110,.,~,.,1 v11111P o f suade · the , Congregational whirh WAii issur nlur 11~· nitpl a cfded. 1 llnll, l.11« J\nll<>I,. .. , Fr nnk \\"">ri 1 i.:hl 11 / l•·•1rl1 ''"'"' 11.n1,·11• 1111•l '1~1.-. •IJ••• ·,., 11•11• l11n<l 11r• 11 1111· r · .. .,., I $.'l.'13'1,fllt.'I I• ''""""' '"'' Wn11hln1l· rd th -"0 K. 00)'5. he a CCl'ptl'd 11 II\ I RnH'" 1rst1f1Nt ~·fnt" th,. ll••ll"'' .tnnt1. Or1tngr-ro11n1 ~·: 11n .. 11r11 1 "lot nn lv \:ol1111l1I•• 111111• 1•11• I• '' '' ·,,,, 1 ,.1 •I '"•" 111• ,, ,., '' S•IJ• 1 ~•~··•' A.Mut'·tttllrni ,,, C'ol I "'n : brethn-n to dis~a r ('tr s .. 11 :'..!:.!." twn l' · m Ar8h1tilM ml .. fnll'r~111•r C'om m•·rr< r·nm m111 .. B1o\ 11 1\111n11 d:1 R11l11 r t Sl'I nd •IV. I• ind In 111• 'I" rrn 1• h:rl•~ 11111 ,. , """' ti"""" 1, 1,., 1111 foo11 .. , • • i. m "' •I ,,, lh• lff"l"'rly (rum ---foundation. datln.., OO<'k rh • f · .,_,. ,... Tf'pGrlrr~ Ill' C')' Pmrri:••o rllnl on n•'\\ drmnnrl~'fnr ''"''II\ lh< ~Ion ~rfH"'i°'l'll , Hnl1 .Jur k f'1)pplf' '1~'"171 Oil, lrtkr n fr,,m lh1 v.1111•' )'4011lhf'r11f11lll•1mlJt .,,.,.. l',11 • 'r111 •t•\•~1,,t1••r. f\O'l\lollflf't'tJ l ltt•tl111•1,) fltlll rtollc r••11r"~"lll~ 11n f'tlli• to the Jandi~ Of th(' Pi)-fhl' ell'\AIOr in l h<• L'ntlt'd :"\tin f' prlrOlf~ltn tnllu•fry !if' r AllNI !'-.11111:. C'latlt l /Hl1d, 111 11 w•q ltll'h 1111'"1 .111d h oJ1o11rh l •~l o\ '""'•'I•' 1111ol 'I'll" !i•l•l.111'1 "i ,t," loiorof 11,.ft "'n 111111,.•l nnn•t ol !tilt'''"~ of $f1'\ll,\4() griJnS. larRt' J!oh!<; of lit<'ra-\\'nrkf'r~ off Ir(' h u1ldin1? !h•·•• rlf'm nnl1• ~t nrt hns.:.. 'iu, .. ,. nffit ... ·r~ f')t•rl •·d W•·ri· I ll(h ·J.trn•I•• •til. t/" •I -,ll lln• '" •I·•. ,, . ....... ..,,,, I•''" ,1 I• 111·-·I 1.r I ,,, "'" ('m inty ~ and pn:>poR:tnda "'('J'C T h r m.~r•h;il'<. H R Mrr 1111l• \ 1.nvrrnm Pnl rifftM:i l~ h..Jww'f1 ~f'f'r<'l1trv .• l8n" ~llirm. l ~l'I J\n. I •trum1·n h , M•.<f1nil1t· -"•" l ••1•• •" 1 • ••t "· ••lf•r ••I ·••,,,.,,.. tl1• n•, •I ••· 1,f,1111n 11·11• I ,,,1 ''ul1 Th• ('11111 .. rnw 111"" n ow I ed-broa~st a nd f'ffor1.!" mack-11nd ;\flr h:td <"nl11!111nto. t nld rr· L•\\I• "'>1Jlrt ;,ll11r k \1t)1rl11r11f l h • l.:"I•<. ll~~t•t tinl ~··rrf'lllt}, 'J-;1,lr·I ~() <lfV' Ud \:1\•lll •n•·•WI ... t .. t• ., .... ,,,,,,, ••• ,. .... ,., •••• '"" '''""" "••m11•' ....... 1 ,, •·•1·11.I ''"' ••r 11I l111n1t. irwlmhnit mrf opoll-.... to in0UPn<:'l' the rank and file porlrr~ I hat l...rwl~ h11rl ~mll.,rl' Anl'I ro <tr;11 <'In t: ,.rtf• T \\ 1111 h " •~ t•~•t• •I ~ ti• r• San F 1 rrnr 1,r<1 Ir• ,,~tat• 1 1 • \11 i:r t 1 wh ~•.ti• •I \1 "• ,11111 i• \l 1, ·1•1 r. I 1 U I :%1 ,, " v. lu• I , ol I/ii' '" ••\ ,,,., t "" 11 11'1 i tirul h•ilrllnr~ r"I' llf'ntJI in the ~ "BaJ<L._ of ":11t1 '1h,1nk)'Otl.1t••nllf'mr n"w hrn Hl!'\ln•l hnn 11nrl :r ll "!1'"'' :1n1l l .11l,I .l .. hnc11n lh '-/\ni,'d••.1:•11· l1oo'llUJ1· II ""' l111,lt 111 111• ,,,,,,,,• It, 1·; 1 :1 111 10,,,11 1 •• -1,n.,•· 111,1111 ill llt<'••u f 11 .. i.:~:"1.1,!l:lll tt 'A. Vnion." That the CD;\f ron-thr~-h11ndl'd him ll C'Ofl)' or thro 1·mplfl\I'' •1f lhr I 'nth t1 ;\!1nr "r'lll 1•1111n,• I, t'rRnk l ni:r n 11ll. s~n 11hr bfo11r h flntl '"'' mo11 ~ 11m1tll w .. ,'I 1; j l l ) \-.' 1:~9 • :.·.,-, I\• "" • )(ltlllJol• ,,, ,,,,. f111 •·l'l I 4fi R4 prr l'<•nt Ii~ \hi' •tat«-'• fOJntinued on ~ •> ordf'r . wo rkr r11 :'ol••'"o \\1•rc pnklrw 11n.u11•I •h• • ill'll"' of 7 I :1 1 1 1, I ,.,,.,, , '" n ,.,,,1111v ••f c11llrnr-rt11t lrm1f ''"'"''" " . f '~ --· I ' -60;000 M.etal Work.er~~ Ready-~o Go .-on Atrik Page 2 NE\\'PO&T BALBOA NEW$-TUIF.M MONDAY S4'"''port ,nr .. •h, f'allt. Apr!I 5, IH,_ ~D FRONT PAGE I Sailor Killed, 2.Wounded in Fish . BOa~ Mutiny E·A-R-L-Y ·N-E-W-S High School .)\oY Drinks Ant Paste 'Coclttail', Dies B t;ROANK. C'KI . A pril ~ 1l 'P1 -Leaviilg o note-:.n);n2 "this isn't the kind of world I w;int to law ln." Wlllhtm Bru~ Ruff. 17, hlich ·IChoot senior. dtcd after rlrinkini.: an ant pall<' ''rocktail," poliC'<' rr· ported toda)'. I SA'.:1. t 11FC<1. c·1.r. A11r1I ;. •l'P • Cini• M•1l11r "'" lt'J1Urtt"(I kill• ti .11111 ""' 11•h1 r' \\ullndqd in ,, 111111111) ahuanl un i\m<'rll'.tn fi~h- 1i11: ll\•111 <11f lh<· 1\11•\l('lln cva~t. I •l1t t'"h'I i.;1111rd ~1t1rl 11111,oy • F11•1-"m• 111111' ntrl111 ro pnrh from 1fi,. ~" I•••' \t·Ssd Ann •• " 1nd1- r .. tt'fi 11 111 '' h:ind r n n ho r~.-rk S.1l11r<ht) and kn1fo •d 1h1• r<oJ)ta an l••fun • 1tw 1T•"'' 11hol h11n 111 dl'alh, 11N 11rd1111; '" th" roast i:w.rd c·a.,1. ,l11rold Jlanat•n of Slln l>wi:o. \\h11 n ·l'l'l\1-d a iw o-inch ~•;ii• \\ uunrl In I ht· hrarl 1111d a dt•o·JJ l!:t~h in 1hr nfht shouldf'r, was bt. .. 111i.:_ tn·ntt'd by his tTt •W under r11dln<'d lnstruc-1 iorn~ trorn the <"Ot•SI i.:w1rd. 'Ille youlh'll i.:Tandmotht'r, Mrs Anna L. Rru<'«'. said ith<' ru.~hrd to Th<' 1111tlur "ho rt'Jl<>rl1'tlly knifc'<l the r11pt11ln was ldcntifu•d in th<' rarl11' mt"s111'l1t<'!! aJ1 '""''';. 7.1.1mora. a' M1·>:lo-11n pi<'k1'fl up at ( '•'<lr°' Newport Harbor Headquarters · Corporation I.Ill o-t ID•aJ"· ...... SM I N ....... ....-.o.au. 1slanrl ( ·arlt•:-C. Assn ".c. n •1>0r1t'<1 c·rallr1ilJ~· lnjun·d Tho-, ln1•ld,.nt 1wt•11rnod n ,. a r C'o·ralho 1~lund urf Lt1 1'111. 111\\•'r { ·111tlornH1. M •• L &Ort!<• K.Cl mai.-. from twr.-The Anna K , ownf'd hy All<'n "f: Humphro') of San Dlri:n. 11 <'Xllt'<'l"d 111 ro'I urn lwr<' The rrn1~t guard n1111tic-d llw flil nm! U S. At111i;n1·)'11 ofitt~ her<'. A r1'port alsn \f•i., m11do' to LA. P111 offi 1:1 Is. his hflUS<' aflt•r n1'r i:rnnthoo h1lr· phonf'd hc•r h" took 1 tw ~1son When hill mothc>r ttnd lilt•pfathf'r, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hur kl". wt'nt to vl~lt rrlrnds Sn1urrlay nla.;h1. STUDEBAKER SALES • SERVICE • PARTS New Studeb.ker Commander Motors : $225.00- New Studebaker Champion Motors $178.75 Btl'IUll' WHILE TREY LA8T Joe Nlckertz Ml 5 W . Centr•r'°' ly Udo Tlteatre Harbor 510 ·'Help Youlzdell to Aatety fJf1P-·PIJojlt . . ~~~J!li~ . ....-................ --v0u clo-ftOt ~- -profit 1fl 6*r-t, '"lefetyl S.Yiftf• •t WOtl ... ,. '""" riberal .. ,,.;"'. with "'••red .. f.ty to our thrifty ,...,.._ NEWPO&T BALBOA FEDERAL ' SAVINGS••" LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. Palmn, Pmidnu USS \'la Udo Newpor:t ~a.ch, California A 2.14 VA.LUI llaroor I :\00 Pint of GJid•N Uquld Cleaner and Quart of 1111•1111• II e "-,_..~ ........ ....... .. ...._ °'* _,,.,...., ";.,. ..._,.., ti••• tH1er. Att4 for ...,,., 4w.....i.;.,. i- ... Olitf-H liquld Clee-.. _..,. ni. _......, 1""'94 11-.... ,. Serve Porches ••• SPEEDOLEUM . ., n.GBEllMEL -~f.:=:~1~ COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY 810 OOAST monw A\" NEWPORT BEACH l"lllelle: 8eecom SUI·~ USE GLIDDEN P41NTS .. Disaster Flies With Human Cann~n Ball Wage Dispute. May Spread to nree States SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - <UP >-:-Sixty • 1housa11tJ California m etal tra dt' workrrs Wf'rc ready I lu 1tr1ke today 111 a wa~l' dis-pi.ft(' whil'h 11 spokc•sman suid might spn•1111 to !()(),{)()() r11t·11 an thre.- 1 ,s lal<'S. N1·i.:01i11tlons h;•l\\,•o·n ind!'[lt·nd- l 1•n1 machinists and the metal I r11d1.'8 l-ounrll bwk1· up last night without n •i.chin1: a1:rrl.'nwnt. and 1 I hP marh1rusts said t hl')' would I ~•rikt• 350 Sun Fra nc1sl'O ).~ay an•a 1 pl1mt11 today. Tlw pl11nls <'mploy . f :.!2,•l('!J men~_ If thr s trike h<'i:ins. 33.000 AFL t>ualt'rmnkt•rs and an undctl'rmam'd numhcr of moulders in C'alifornin, I >n·i:on and \\'ash1ni.:1011 prnbuhly \\111tlc1 support t hf' walkout. of· ffran l!l Stl irl. I Snn Fr11ncisco machinists have drm11nd1•d a 28-c1·n1 hourly pay hoo;;t,, O\·e~ tht'lr pr1·~l·n1 Sl.6:i juu.rn1') man 11c;il,., Th<' hrnlarmak - ONE?\VAY o!AL. Ask Taxpayers to Put Up $!6,000,000 To Get Back $7 ,000~000 Federal Aid ('11.tifornia's toxpaycrs would State chamber oppo&ltlon to s c.:mttnlJutP S:.!6.311!.00U a year in 47:.!, to Muuatti, la for the follow: 1.rd(>r 10 n'CCI\<' S7.260.000 in 11id Ing reasons: 11 S. ~7:.1. tile fcd.-ral 'aid to NiUl"li-1. Education Is a state rcsponsl- 1111n rnensur11 no" near a vote in hility-assumcd b)' state cons1itu- t h1• U S. S£>n.11t· :thr,uld h<'-4topt-tlons. No stat, has requested u- 1·d. Janws M\Jss;11t1, l(t'neral '!-nan· sistance in n:i~ting tllis responsi- ago·r nf lhc California Stflh.' Clmm· bali ty., ht'r of Commt·rn•, point<'d out to-· 2: Jncomt• und r7ourcc·s. within day. unnouncinit srntc chamber op-rr~tons. have tended 10 •'<iuahze Jl(>!'•l1on to thr mf'asur e. in recent yeors All s tates are now "Initial C<ll'll of this program lx•ttl'r ahlr to support good schools would bf' apprdX1m11t1·ty $300.000.· than before. • tJtJO n year to 1h1· frdcral treasury. 3: Federal contr ol. through ad- and it wo uld 1:0 higl11•r each year," ministration of the 'subsidy, ls ~lussatti dL•clarl'd. "Tht• di(frrrn<'e incviLablc. bcrnet;n what California taxpay-4. The proposed subsidy could "r~ \\nuhl pay. nnt1 wha t IJl<' statt' 11ot ll<' u~Ni to mE'et thl' building IH1Uld rl'<'1•i\'<' would [)(' a n<'I loss' nl'cds of f'dUt'alion. 11r $19,080,000." 5. Existini.: inclfic-iencies In state w:i:s :dso lisll•d as u posslhil!ty. school systcms-p()litkal ar;id or- i;nnizatiunal would IX' frozen. not r<'ml·died. OPEN I A. 11. TO I P. 11. ., rs." ant 11 15-cC'nt ha~c fro m thrir (Ac,,., T•l.-pltol.J J•ro:~,.nl SI 65. nnd mouldcrs are Oaredt'\'U Rot>o-rto $8t'rhlnl Nn<'~<'ll trom-mouth of ca1l.DOD' u eadfrl\Ct' watches breat.NeulJ at l!lbrlDe ·-nis1<1ni;: :lO C('hfs from o $1 .62Mi Circus. Burlalo. N Y. A momrnl lat.er he frll into the DM. badly hurL. At right be llea on lowered I Sl':Oll' C"()ntrnt'ls or ull lhr"<' unions "The· s trikl' is 1:oin1-: to s111rt on :\tt1nclny ... on1• union offki11l s111d .tu r1n1-: no't;nt ia t 1on~. "mayh<' 111 h,11( a doll'O shops It's goioJ.: to sprrad "hl•n it starts. It can't be qoppt•d from spn·ad111g" A Jttst-minUI<' n<•~lia tion~ .!tell• :-ion in San 'Fr11nc1sco hrokc• up 111 Iii 15 p.m. "11hou1 stoppinJ.: tht' thrr:ltCnl'cl sink<' llnion officials h11rl said thr st rtkf' was df'fin111•ly "on" unlrss agr<•f'mt'n t was rrach· "d lay m1dniJ.:lll Inst night. • • • Mt 11f lliJ; moUttt 1w r\'l'llJll& dr~1, f~ <left) ·~ aiAlr <.baDd t.o.f~el, wait tor help. Phyalct&DI "i•h th<' metal trndt'I: t·1.1u11c1I •'X· la1d U>t human cawion ball ~ulf!'r~ ~nactund dJllocaUap of ~ nec1t. His &Uttt, Sylvan-, wbo ,,.. pir<'d March 31. SHEP_'S • .aJ1ol r...-caDDOD ol& the ..-U... wu unln,bued. ;A~ T.Ji,....J Two Anny n~Wft'e ~ when t.bdr P ... l Black W1dow tlrbW plane, hit a tr~ N It approe.ched Ml&cheD P\eJd. N. Y ~ for'• landlnc and craahtd onto an .,.Jolnlns IOlf coura. No«.e wbeel o( the p&aoe _..tiDd the llama JD JM left~&er ot I.lie picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Demonstrations Puzzle Stockholm-Police ( ACWI• RIHlio-T•l•pltotoJ A pollcnnan trlth a drum sabtt prods a r.nuth N 8 toc:kholm'1 latl'Si lmprtwnpta demon.•trntl<m Is broil• • ..,_ About 80 per eona bnt' bttn arrrs~. all.housh pollre 'aUrlbu&.d &bl out.brtalr.s to "youth$' Jove of adventure'• rather Ulan poUUc&I moUvt'L Thomus Rotl"ll. Sc'cretnry of the Pacific district of the m1•ta l trad!'s c-ouncal, said th1• .strike would spr1'11d cons twisl' if il one<' bri:an. "Evrntunlly." he ~aid, "lt ·may uf- " John F. Sht'll<'y. prPsidC'nl of th<' S11n Francisco AF"L L nhor Council. sold th<' mi.rhl_nists had ~n prt'· IOH OOAft' RIOllWA'I' -NEWPOaT ~ e--o1 o-.......,. Machinists In Southt'rn Califor-to 1~ crnts nn hour. When thr nia also were reporleod studyini.: mrl'l1ns:: Inst mi.:ht brokf' up. Shl'l· ~=~==~=====;:;;=~ strlkr ac-tion, and neitotiators said 1ry ~airl, thf' <'mr>lnyr rl' ctidn't 1:i\·e Wn~hl11gton and O_r~on m11chln· thr union an opportunity to m ake c ' • c f ist11 W<'re followinll suit. A bay thl' nffr r. Thi' rnuncil hn!I OffC'rcd a·s1no a e ar('a strike t.y cio steelwork{·ri; :111 di;:ht·C'Cnl hourly incrPasc. • * HARMAN W. NICHOLS WASHINGTON, April 2.-IUP l He was granted an audition hy -What do you suppose Eugene a New York radio station and soon McNuJt.y wants-to be when he wns on th<' air. It happt>nl'd tha t grows I.IQ.!._ M&f'Y-~i~lont', wl~-of Jn~k- He wants to be a juvenlle. .&-nny, caught his first show and Mr. M<'Nulty, as you may know. askc'<l the skinflint 10 have a lls· is 11 juvl'nile already. He's the ten. D<'nnls o11y of the radio. R4.'fnre •you could spell out "I want to stay that way," hr "n-A-Y" ht' found himsPlf on the said today. ''I'm lYJX'd RS a kid and Sunrluy night Benny proi:ram. He• proh11bly rouldn't c-hange my style Wl.L'l With r adio's famous tightwad if J wantrd to." for Sf'\'l'ral yr11ri1-untll he put on Dennis-who actually is 29-was a sailor suit and went ofr to fight in Washington with o ther s tars a war. and Cocktail Lounge * -S~rving -C-amptete --- LU NC.HES · oncl DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. to help give the 1948 National In prh·at<' life. Dennis, a little Campaign or the Am9rlcan Cancer KUY wit h black curly hair. ll\lk• ~============~ Soch!<ty a good send orr. 1 found In a soft, low voice. His kid fa!-• him at the Wardm11n Park. a lit· setto on the air ii put on. WORTHING"fiQN ne peeved because h<' and his bride l'l'ht1. inte rview was going along couldn't get the hrldal suite. He fine. when In popped a bell hop said he wasn't awar<' !Mt they str uggling under a tray or ginger W<'rf'n't on<' brid11l suit('. Hf' w as ale He. WM paid. tipped Rnrl, casunlly dr<'SSt'd in fud1-:l'-hrown i;hOO<'d out-ll'lwing a ,Toomful of rlannt·)s. Smart hut nc•t flllshy. n il'<' J'W'OPl<' w ith a lot of bottles llr> ~aid hr sup1xi~"d ht' should, ()f i;zini::rr al<'. hut no hottll' npl'ner. hut hr 11,,\,•r J.?l'IS lart'<l or macl at "Just sit <till." s:ud the ju\'rnil<' H4•ani: l':t~t as n nnl·tno-hrii::hr llf' tri<'d out thr '''llt<'r spouts in ;;m:irt :i Ir" on t hi' :11r Frrsh up. I hr• ha I hroom nn!1 I he hnndl<'s on star•~ m ·ok1• 11rtll\ ''ol()(I Ill n •v th!' df'sk ilrnwf'rs . lff' ('\'rn i:nawrrl ' ·"' 01 ' '"""hllf'on <' Ith' h Parr 1c·11larh youni.: ml'o hkr Do'~-,.... a np wa 1 ts <'Y<' l<'t't , . . . ~" li1t·k "'" J)ny. l\ ho I!' 11• 111\~IX•ill'rl l<S • " • • 0 0 I :i n\linoh ~1111·11 fan•I 111 IHi.;iuni· ,.0.1 Ancl f111all~. F:urC'ka. __ ll'rl:unml•nt. II•· opr nrrl tlw hnlllr on thr donr hld1 111< t.tl• n•• :1r1• m.1n) rind ,·a-· .. . . . .. r11·<1 II• ''"I:" Il k• .on 11\'flln•rl '0_11 lrarn n .Int 111 thr :'\i\\'y. J:u_k L.an I ra•la """' 1incf-J<:""tm<', h<• s:ud.. suC:.C:c.cd1ni: \\'hero th<' "~- 11f !ho' Ill·~! 111101.,., 111 11,... 1111~1• fJU 11 n~1·tl i.:11oi: from 1hr prrss row " I · · . hn~ faalNI II•"<< 11 OIH' p1t•f'1•. \\ .111 l la'-ll"\I'); ':\I• Ind) T1m1·,' h1· 1111po r-.11n:il.1•d I'\ '!•II"•'" a nil r111111o cl t JI,. 1• r- for111111wo· h,\ <;anc1ni.: 1 1)11.-1 '' 11 h h1111" If ::-.,,. nl•'.11\ .1r o'o.m pll-.l1111 .. n1 llo• iJ,.,., 1rn11:i111111• "1"·'11' '" 11 111 Fa 0 lll"h. 1~111.:lish, r.. I m :.11 .1nrl nu~. •I 111, '1111 Ill flll fl llH11 f\1 1.; f.11111 IC I lo·nna< h;11Jn'1 1·11mo• t11m n all. 11 .. 1•111f,,1ltl\ \\l1uld I• a ),t\\\"r I 'o~b) ,\, .1 )"lllh ho• "·1111;. Ill 1)0(; :\IOTtft:R~ PIC.!' l:'lllH.\:-.:,\Plll.11' -1t'P I rr lflfl\. a rru~1 rn1rrl do~ \\'1th no) l'''I" ,.f h••r fl\\ n, h-1~ :arl11ptcrl t\\'rl IP·clay-nltl sui.:s Thi' p1J:lcti; h:n ·" I r•''JN1nd1•d 111 th1•1r f11,1c•r molhrr "' 1•nth11~i11'\lol':illy J h:it r. \\' I llt1hn u ·p.irts lht•y "s1i'1N1I lalc(' m:id for I l11ppy "lll'n she· J1·:t\'l ~I lh•m . . . - Ref rigetation PlmOJf ._OJIU> • ..... 1 ..... Air Conditionins .......... Preuure Pumpe Centrifugal Pum1J8 .... All Pa ow ... AU~~-...._ Call .... 11'111111 11 oh""" :in.I l 11•r '"'"I.ow •11 1t\ "" lh· lui.:h 11011 , an Ila" \1.111- 11.111.111 I,. \' • ("1111"'" ~·lo" l'luli Sl'otch tape. \'anous "zea. snl,. et th(' Newa·Timem . 111 a..._.&.;&. aa.. #., · on I Phon,. 7A-nlth 465? 1 111• • 111 .. 11•d 1.1\\ "'111•111 a l ('11111111- 111 1 .rnd 'hoa 11~ .11 1. 1 \\,11·d I• II all. I"""' h• \\I' f•\•1 •111' 111 I'"',,_ I 'l\llllllllllC '11,k ho r) lh 1•11111 had• of f \\ n1f!tf It, 11•0 1 • t tin tit f 11\ f\. h, I 11"1·· l 1'1•1 ,,, \\ 11 h11 H tf1 111 In 111 1111t 1 pr1 t th" c '1111,l1 t11l1>m r. I OPENING OF OUR NEW OFFICES Firehouse Eleven 519 Coast' Highway Newporf •• <C' New Phone: \ I ' BEACON 6477 .. ' . ' 4 ~ • •• .r _LUMBER BUil.DiNG MATERIALS ( frmr I ~/•p~lll1• I Jim Wl'l1,1m• hurntlt'l<t &nd rrrnt"r or "Out Our ""''"" N'>11!• 1 n, 111 11\All\ blr.I'•' •> j;r~-r1.n1rs ~nt h.m ~n>m 1•uhll>hl'TJ. rr11'::: aro.. klna-11mr f.1 .. ~•llf'rs of htll rart.-bn ~ ht' r rlo'brn11•1t hl...\ f.l'\ll "' '! ,, at Ju& s.10 ~:tnr.n. C1'J bcmt' Htuzt' b1rthrl!'ll' rt\lct' :.1 h >.• n~h1 ., wp1>('d ••Lh llU.l1la1UT(ljt ot lui. cvi111r ch-irilt't. r~ (Arm• T #ll'pbofnl Jt'g 11lmo.•t 11'1-lnc ll'<l mur h or rvt'n :\ OAlmlllllln mothrr t(l f rro 11 pupplt'i<. r•r • .Jolh· 111 hrn t hr~ 're nH bt>Wl<'lllS: t><>ysl Sn Mr• Harrlr' Adduccl dl'f:a nnd ~u1u1g tfn.. Ma11·bt·tf\ and Ed'll":\rrl. Qf CltlMf!O, hf'tp Durh<"<.• durlni: 1Plr lunrh·hour ru•h. And lhl') Tf' all pro ud ol &Mtr pt.rt In It.. t>«au..oe ll uua of one ee.1 are CODIJdettd very rue. 518 OoMt lllcbwaJ Attbe~ 1. ... c:e No ...... cbam t.. • caace techa a don man)' thr d thr· r ~ aatur tAblim , lleard that I all ti may Somr may I lain deonof WIUTI for a ftat ndia caJ., all kl ~ thr . ... 2. Cl Re cano .. .. .... ticm thr lun thr. lem .. . w.ti darn t'Wr' .., hni• thou habi 3 ( II n n • r T• st or Ing ,._, CUM llllfc atu lnft ~ cam told tbri: cm .. inc f'ff~ Imo> orgc CB' . . ' IAl I • , • Cancer-KilleT 01 A~ericana Mobs Wreck Communist's Home FOUR Qmm'IONS ANSWERED -· , Total numbfor of ••thl Crom cancer 11 lnettulne t'Yt'ry )'C'ar and ~port• for comlR& )'e&rl con· • tlnue to lhow that trtnd. To n 1. HM 1tWW"d1 ,.... mi7 with the responai6llity or-tthtrlb-creat extt'nt thl• o\•erall lnt'ttast' JWGSJ89 tAlllnrd ~ tJw lldnc ~ facta ot C&l'ICft'. It f~ll I.I due to amt Md are al caaca! an tqUa11"ponslbUlty In brtoakin1 l. An aeln'1 population. (The No ·QlllwnaJ ~ ~ la ID clown ~ mua ol -mialnformatlon li&bt at the pftlftlt timP. ,,_ about the diH~ that exllt• tn longer you I \'t'. the ereati.'r thi.' dulaoea ~ that tlwn -w mwr the pubUc mind. It la for that 1tatl1tical oddl are that you will ti. a lincw ~ for all ldlidl al ~ ~ haw colll'Cted heft' at die 0~ cancer.) w-. Rarardl .,_ JWoridrd ...... the nat1onaJ ottic. ot the Society 2. Bl'tlt'r dla&n<>1u and more' ac· tedmiQues al -.w>'" and rd-at ~tt' fadllU.. u pauibl• c.'UUtt' ttportlnc In tht> cllUk't of •don that ~ ~ ~idbic to -..Juate_the tttulta' of cancer death dut> to a creat extent to ......,. c:urft. SiDcr the 'nature al ·~ with the mo9t respon· the lntt'nafvt' t'fforts of the mt'<11- the di8fw 6-unlaiowb,. ftladl al siblt'---.0..,0fk authoritlff In lht' cal ~uc{ltlon dt'parlmt'"!t of tht> thr rat'Vdt WClftl cianifd 09 • f~ld. Our medical and ldentific mer.lean C'an«'r Soclt'ty Dl'CftUrily al a trial and ft"nll' Pft'90Nlit'l and our extf'nSWe Ii· 3. The proportion of C'ancer DatUl"t'. ~ haw bttn ...,. brary on cancer art available to dPaths to the total population in- tabUIJwd ip miny &ldl ot ~ an1· writn O• the 1ubjt'Ct. creues as olhC'r disease's IUC'h I\& 9Nl'd> -the probWm al ~ 4. Do valid and responsible I TB, typhoid, polio, t'Cc. art' comlni;: lhat 8GllW' dQ-, wflen ~-*I tJwm rewarc:twn and facllitJH re· undt>r control St11tist1<'5 are now all ~lbrr and n-aluaw Uwm., I bringing to light the fact that may providr the ~e ~. q~ Uw lncreasine amounts, th<'rt' Is an improvPml'nt In ow Some t'frtttiw, ~ric tttatllient ~f money Wt' ask, the Ami.'r-\ C'11m•cr d<'llth rat_r in som<' tYPt'S may ti. found •'hid! will cure CW· tcan public to COl1tribUte? (of l'llnC't'r and In C<'rlllln RJ,(f• t.aia l)'JlleS ot cant'.'W. Clinical «'YI-During the past thrt't' yt'ani. f<l'OUps -for uarnplc, womt>n drtlCle to elate is ~t to ovn-six .-Mj{on dollara of funds undl'r 45 lt 11 lx'C'omin1: apparPnt WUTanf any cYims brine m.se ('OfttributJb). tht' American pub· a trrn'1 hl\1 ~en dt>wlop1n1t in for any ol rht' n"Cft\t'rnrthodl al lk haYt' bttn madl" itVllilsble to this d1rt'<'t1on during thl\ last nint' trealment Qthtt thaJ'I swcny and rt'Warcti projf-ct11, w h I C' h are )'C'ars O ur st ntlstlcal drpartmrnt E~senada Returns to Normal After U. S. Motorcycle. 'Raid' -. .. ndlation. MWI)' nspomibl.e medi· scr~ and approvt'd hy thr is <'Urrcntly working on ttils plrnsl' 1-'"SI-:~ APA, I .,14.,.,. Cnhfornla . c:al authorities rm tbat t'¥ftlnaa.IJJ Committtt -on Growth of ihe Na: ancl l'M'fore lhr Y<'ar 11 out wc ~t,.x . April !'i 1l 'P 1 Th•~ quwt all kinds al ca8oer will ti. bNt-.. Oona.I R.towarch Council. Tht"Se hoJ>(' to ha\'e more sp<><:iflC' news r1 ~.,'rt and f111h1n1: ,., 11111.!1' 1 et um· ~ this will 1.U flletlrln cnmts ~ bttn made for ft"llGW· on tht> 1ub.J('Ct. Tile probah11itit>s Pd almost tn normitl t oday aft<'r the "r'8" futw. or ft'ftl In a.. th.Isis mainly to youne scientist• ar l" that rt'lult1 .can bf. largely aomf' 2()()0 Amt'rll'on motorcydtat. .,_...don Is a. C1119tion no one and docton and are th• plantlne attrlbutcd to bcttt>r techniques In took ovt•r for 11 w .. ••kmd frolic ma .,..-w. lftda ot fUtUtt research and to suritery and radiation. mett com-PoliCf' used their mt aoo4· 2. Dots ~ know what ~vidua.I l't'Warchen. ~ tlinr Pt'lt'ncy In the mt'd.lcal proft'Ulo nt'lghbor diplomacy to kt'i'p cu -e-. cai:llClft'! hu _. Come-to make fu.nds avail· both In dla&nOlll and trutment ualtit'll dov.'ll and tt'mprrs unruf- Ree.di bm 6clo¥n-ftl that abW to lnltltutlonl dlrt"Ctly to of tht' canCPr patient and the ev~-flt'd during th«' two-day t'\'t'nt, an ~ ma ti. ca...t or inducird carry on tb aome conclusion the lncreuinc tendency ot Pf'Ople to annual outlne of Southern Callfor- .. ......_ by maay c:twtnicals. by facta . that haw ~ out or Inell· leek med.lcal aid quickly on the nla "alcklto hounda." MlwJ Md otlier "de c•tnr w-~ nteard\. The American •lllhtt'lt •uspldon or cancer. When rain can~lled an otftdaJ timl WGm 8PDU. ~ Sodety la DOW ~-:~ha:'Pnr~~~:t;~;;rlit--.!:'adnc t'Vent at Eaten> Bt'actt, U. IMllk c.-a.e al QllCIPr tn the auch sranu. At the prftt'ftt tlmt' ~l miles llOUth of ht>N. Enlt'- ..._. licMlJ rmaai.. • ~ • the C'cllnmitttt on Grow1h hu •P-SERVICE OPENS nada'1 dirt atl'ffta 'Provided a 1ub· U. Clift. nu. _ _.._ la • --Jll'OW'd a.,Pkatlonl for felJowwhlpe .,_..._ ... _... and atltyte. Exhaust P'PH thu~ lfm for lhr admdlk pbDiegpwy cnnb-ln-ald for ttlffJ'chen A new ~rvlce for Newport c~t'f11t• 1o ... k '"' r, t.1 1h•• r 1'1111<!1111 "' nhtl\•'" 111111 to11rl1111 11llkr Thi 11111~ ~··• tt111~ Injury '"'t'llrrd wh•n ;\l .. n11· II :-:1•wcll .nroflno. C'1<f ' "T'lllrrl •m II l!WN'1*n1' <'Uri/CL at lh1> f'll\' rr>ll llr><'t' Pol1C't I 1111'1 Arcadlu Encinu Mor'"'" ~Hlrl h" took his rue> for tht aof1 1;luq • 1••h1·y from " 11lm· Uor rvrnt n•<'••nlly at Jlolllltt'r, CaL. Wh('n C-)'t'h•ta d«'flrd pollC'f' and 1!1C>k 11vpr 111" cl 1 )'. :'M•>hi' th•')' drank loo much," Morlt'la 111ld. "hut lh«'Y'rt' not u bed •• fht')' ,.t•rr htte two ~an aco and wr·d wrlC'Omt' tht'm back acatn "" s1ml h•· m11dt' no arrl'•ta but "just lt't &umt' rHt In th«" ~ 11<-t ll&IH>n " • WIPIJ • the llCtm reacdi ID-tbat -wUJ ~ t~ amount of Bt'ach. Appllan« rt'palrtns 1"l"-u the hard-drlnklnc, hard-drtvin& W!atiptor. A r-haw Mid that lllOIWy ' amlabw by OM million bulldlnc &Qd n-tlnJihln& v.·ork' WU -------------------------- dormant canorn ._Y lie within dollars. Tht' Somty hu avaJlablt' optontod U(fl wttk o 411 N~t FISHING BOAT p d Typ ~ pPrlOn. Othrn ti.lin-t' that for iMtitutioNJ cranu at the Blvd., Cost11 Mt'Sa. DIS ..t.ppe .. RS ..t.G "'IN asa ena-e ~bility may a-ftlly ti. in-prewnt t1111t' OM and one-ha.If mU· Calltod the Harbor 'Appliance "' "' "' "' Sch I S t herited. bcQkd adlOOk hav• lion dollars and application.a for ~rvlce and optorated by H E LONG BEACH. CaL. Anrll s.-()9 YS .em tboucht to blGIW' a ~. a ..IUCti ~ch eranu u yet not Woolever. the entl'1'J)rllt' wlll ·lt'r~ ... Dra p habit. • diet or -f'llZ)'1Dl'. • fully .crttned of twe million four vice. the l"nlirc Harbor IJft'IJ. Th<' IUPl-Tht' COllll KU&td li(•llfched WS raise r'Wtly clcJfC tbl' lUhfffcan ~ houMftcl-doUani. Tha'° is ,-ep111rtng imd rrbu11dtno work wttt for• lhe Caro Bob, 19-ton fbhint ... • -CalK'ft' Soc:if-the situation u of thl d t d • bOat, a weelt overifor fn San Dit'go. PASM'lf-:N A, Cttl. Apl'll ~ •• 'Y ~caution _.__ · 11 a e an be dont> In lht' new. shop. assuring Thf' Caro floh madt' nl'ws thrff 1\JPI Or .. 11n11111111n 11nd nff"<•t1·-< In the pnnting al l'ftt'vdi ,....,. into account the Vl'ry close rapid, local 1rrv1("(', Par11 for most .. ' •· "'' _._ stories .that mi&:ht be coo.,tta_t.ion of .the American Can-llpphanC"l"s are now a va1lablt' rr-wet.'ks ago •·twn its mastl'r N'port-,,.. of •hr ••·hu"I •yst<orn hi'rl' to. misintttpn't"' b)· the public l'ft'' Society •1 th the Go. vrrnment's garrtlPSs of aae. -. t'd on March I:\ that hi. two ~w 119>' rrrrt'f<fl '"" r1r111~,. of th1· :Satlonaf Ca c J t · " rnt>mbert d<-sf'rll'd lit C"ffil"OS i•land ptttldf'nl of th•• Arnn1rnn A~lltt· •a_. or wnutional <Vr'l' • n er ns llUtt' '" If!; S kiJlt'd appllanC't' mechanle11 plus bfc!'U.S<' lht'y ohjl'C'fl'd to t'nfrltt In d1tlori 11( ~ch•M1( l\clmm1~•r1111lrs for tht' 4*"-! support ~f r('S('arch projl'Cls and rn~l'rn ~1uiprnl'nt anti •J'i!'cial T~ ott"' durintt n'C."(>nl decades monlt>S aHtllable from othr.r funds mnd!' prl'clslo!' tnoJs llnd tl';;i;;a hls lof( rc1:11rdini;: thl'ir bt'h1ivior. Wllhml l.oslln. i.upo·nni.·nc!Pnt stones ha\'t" be'l'ft pnnlf'd t'fltirely IU<'h as tbc Damon. Run} on '.\fr. instruments assurr fht' b<-st In r;_ i-:n roult! to S11n Oit'go, lht' fl1h· of Minn"fll••hs ""'"'"I'. "llllo·d tho In good f&J1h on ~ed rncatth moriaJ ~un.d ?rgah111'<1. r<'sca.rch µairing and r<'bu1ldi11i; of an.. lnl? boat wns rt'porlt'd two days Pnsatl• nn < y ',. m "lhor1111~hl)' ftSUltS that indicatt' ·a cure for on ~n 1nst1tutional basis Is Just plianct'll •· O\l'rdul.' on Mar<'h 23, a nd loc11tl'd cood .. Such • cettang under way and th b d hy coas1 guard plann out of fuel "Piu11drna 1111~ mart.. n ((rf'11t canc:rr. rrwmdt findincs, le rlnUK'I I e roa Woole\'t'r Offt'tl frl"t' pick-up at CC'drOCI l1land. Fuel w.u dl1-c:ontrillution to llw nation," aald mifort~. fnqunrtl)' do noc ~ Cttd • rcqUirl"ments ~I servit't' and delivery and further 1>11tchl'd 11nd thr Caro Bob headtod a.Mn. "by aho9.rin• that the• 13th Urges· ilke' or Some 'Liberal' For Demotrats NSWPOST aALaOA NSWl·TUllE8 MONUAl' Jli_,_. ...... f.W. AJ11i1 I, INI Page 3 FIRST 2-SEAT Jt:r TRAINING PLANE TO .SAVE ARMY MONTHS GRONTON, O>nn . AprU ~ - l l P 1--A lorn\f'r t'COnomlc atablll· z.atlon dlrttlor aM.tf'r Bowin n\IRUANK. Cal . April :"I f\lt'I With the -trelner ~-wlR uld In a natlonvl'ldr r•dlo talk Anwrl1·a hoJUh-d It• flrJI '""°' ""'"" .IC'I n)°*'I u aoon • they 11111 nl1ht that Gen. Ow\pt l>. M'ltl jc-t lrAlnlnc fllllrtC' Coda)' flnWl bulr work •nd wut he and- EllwnhOWf'r, or IOmC' othC'r "lib· 'n1r l.t'l(·kh1't'd ,,.,_,_1' · wu tit-· u11trd 111 upcorh'nc"t'd P -llll shoollns toral" candidate. ahould ht-1\001.1· al11nrd II• 1rll'<'C\. J•llt1t tralnlna for Stu rll••t•. l.t Cul. Edward 11.,.., natC'd b)' 11\fo dC'm.VT'ala In pla<'t" •ll·Jf't 'l\lr fur~l11ht>'r JQu11dron•. be-.. tralnlna dlrN'tor at Williama OI Prt'lldent Truman '""'"'-'• uut An ln.irur tor now t'wJd. ::hAPdl«, Ana.. aakl 'fhe... 1lw-H ·OPA C'hlC'f addl'tt, how. wlll l~· 11hl•· h• i.:n alon~ un all T•'·fWlt • I• rllJllC'('lf'd lo .. .,l' trum ,,,~r. that hf' will not bolt lht' lnln!nt ml~•h•111 1n !ht' lfllMI 1,,11 10 ~·· l!\ pr-r C'l'nt ot tr.lnlnit c:oo.IJL democratl<' party If Mr. 'l'ruman Ir<*~ •hl1• Similar h• a 1landard P...809 la nomlnAt<'d fl11h11•r h111 :\ft lnc'hH lonat'f', thP '1l'IC' Anwrk 11n pet•p14' aln<"l',....ly cratlr l"'rt) 1•11nnot and "111 not 11l•n•• >11111 "" a1''11)' "'Oh tranaJOon llk1• H arry 1'rum11n." Howlra Hid unlit• IM·htnd him .. fl)lni; In """''t'rftlonal lll•"fS· n. "but thl'y """not plannlne to ~1f~ l~•1ll1r J.:l1Wnh1•wt'r'• 1t11trnwont "''" tr11lnln1t l>nl<'t-dUtf' i1 t'Xl~t; for him Mr '1hunan·1 ch h •'<I '" l.w·11h1 wllh dt-Un•r)• of ~ ot I di . h .. _ an<¥' I at hr Ill 1101 " i•anf11d,.tr. flc1w1,.. 11111•11,.11 h101l<•I• In '• .. t,-'~r ... 'Iota •'a n11 I '' ... ·moC'ntk 1>arty lo 811ld , "Ir It ~lfllH l'll'Ar thal Mr "' .. ~ r1 victory nc•t No\'4'mht'I' lire' Vt't)' Fi,t'nhuwrr'• \io•"''9 art' •r.-s will 11r111hh•I•• hll&r monlh1 IOOIWf' 1tllnt1hln1dtt'tldi IHa IC'ha~ an• •lim •h't', I l•llr'"', that thr pc .. ~ v.111 th1m in ltw old <>fl<'•Y•'Ar rou,..r, o " HJl!J('ar nit point ~'llUllC' drnuind th1t ht' AC'\'4'1•1 tlw d4•1f\O· 'l'lw 4111111 tr11llll"'r hA1 a lartte aJr rlithtly ••r wron11ly th1• dfomo· 'l'r1il1r J)C'C'ald1·ntlAI nomln11tlcln .. '"'nch11<•nlr1,.; imd n ·friti1l'r1ulon •YI· ----__ ...._ ________ 1~ ~ •••vrn·foot c·11novy. You. don '-t. need to have a large-Ai zed egtate in order t? ~e ~rved by a t.a.uct departm.-nt. Many medium. ~•z<'d ~r;tat<>:-1 .are ~rvt•d by llt4 Ill'! Executor-Trw¢ee. You anti your attorney ure invited tu diNcu1414 your eM.ate t>lan" with our Trwct ·offieers. Nnd up undn' licht al dinicaJ ar t'X tho!!t' ot '!><' lndhtidual statl"ll-"W e are appliance-nw-f S .. ~tion. 11w puoblicaUon al ~~chers who_ po111t , out the .cf,aniC'S, not appliance •alt'Smt'n .. or an Dit>go ·where 11 wu due ud 14th l(radl's can IJC used et • ~ ltarit's ruws thr hopes ot ,.__that organized rcsearch can ---;-----------· __ f>_to_n_d_a..:y_. __ ~·~-------ff'('flvPly." cancrr sulft'ftft and rnalts in un-follow. , , • Th<' rl'ft'r<'nt'(' wi11 to P.111111drna·11 told mmtal anguish for them and HOLL YWOQO ,'lys-trm whrTt"tly 11tudrntll trt two their famn-and wriously tuindi-•• Seventf'f'n. mllllon persorui. now addltlQn11l )'••er~. In Junior CX1llt'11;1• caps the m<'dJc:-al man •ho is &-al alive. v.ill di<' or rllnC('r uni<'!!$ m•w Mrs Murgatroyd M T. k s t Inc with t~ Curi with the ITIO'§; lrCAlmt'nt a nd cures ar~ found. • ay a e a nor f!ffttth'f' mMhodl °' t"atnwnt But She's J t O M W LATIS llOl.f)" 11'1'1 OWS knml'n, F"°" the•bpgm.ning of its In 1947, It was l'Sl1m1tH•d th11t us a ne• an oman C"LJJl.'1'(1N,. Y ll'P I 1.ittin appar<'nlly hm·r 111t111:1•thl'r a d<'111f ltingua~" Afr.•1 11~1111: l.:Hln un d1rilomlllt for l:Vi N11llmrnt>1•onrn111 lll\mflt11n Cnll••i.:" l11~t )rar 11w1lrh: ~anization. thto American Can-930,0()0 pl'r1<on11 wt'rl' sufrr rini:t etr ~y h<\S • duirgfd itaelf from ('fUlet'r, ft,\' \'IROISIA MAC'PlfF.RRON JIO LLYWOftl"I, April 4 1llPl ;\fr" Muri;:alr<oyd may tnke a snort 1no mnny now nod thl'n. hut 1<h.,'s i:trir lly Tl nnl'·mnn WO· .. * H_,.., I lty vl11th'I yew ...,.... A""y post M Armery en April 6 LOC'AL llf".clll'm~G 8TAT1o_x. " ...... ,., Ptf.-r, Sf' .. llOrl 8'-M'h srosSORED .,. REED'S SL-PER SER\'JCE SHllL STATION 30th and Central, News)ort Beach Salute your Army 11 Anny .Day c~D&T_..._. ...... .. ,.. .... ~ ....... .. ... _.,..... .. ..... . .....,,.. ................ .. .. ,., .. _ .......... Ammla't ... ,...._ ......... ..... • ....... -.... I ......... • Git ...,_ tr' II wtlb ,_ -.., al JOS .... w ....... Ail l•I ; ........... . . . ... .. Local Recruiting Station FW·l•lnl!':o t'xrlu1ivf'ly it) Rillv tx--w .. 1r ... whn hn•« h1•t 'to I hnn°k for hi~ n11w.1 hrl\ •nf.( movir r11rr11r Inc "''" ho11sr, :in'1 his 1941! IJl'JlOl;.•inr r :illf'<l "1)11isy" 1l1"s M i:rnrrful to Mrs Mur1?11· •ror rl hl''s "''<'n ropyrii:htcd th<' clnmr . "l 1'111 In," 01•\\'t!lf1• '''fplnlnNf "~·, f'ry nm11rr11r ••nll•r 111 1nr r in lht• u1unrry wan11·d hr r." ~l'~ITI!' lhl" tiC'l11r's llkit Of 11 l11rlv ch"l'llC'r Wh•· Cf'IS t illf'y in A h11r o~ l'lf'r l~1h w1•dclm1: nnnh'f'rsnr)' I "111wk nll \\'111 1ld·llf' PomNli11n• ns s111·1·.flrr stuff. Th1'~f11rlNI floodlni: P11rnmo11n1 "lt1rli•"' \\llh rrqUf'•lc for r11j)lf'll of n i·\\'nlf"" <t'r1 pl < nncl prirr" nf 1 h" rn\'f1ltiP< thr) 'rl h.,, ... to P:I\' Thi:t t Wfl'I lwo y1·11ri: ni::n. aftt•r "Riii•' Slctr~" w aio r• ll't1'1r'1 And I hr 11'1 · tr r<: nrr i:t ill rnmln-g In. "Lnclit'l' duh wnnrrd if," JH-o. \\'f>lft' sairl "So tin rh11rch 1?r011fl!t 110<1 hich srhnnl dramn lln<'ii'lif'!ii 11nc1 1111m"'rr stock romp11nir~ 11p In Nr w F:nglnnrl Jf thl'rf''•I l"IN'n j11~t two nr thrrr I m li:ht h11vc oknyrd ii nu1 l hr!!r hundrt'm nnd hundr<'ds...of <frmnnds Kc11r('(f ml' " Jfr 1:01 In rhlnklni:. WhAt If hr ditf 11 pPrson.i I 11ppraranr1• in .. ""Y Mlnnr 11rlfllis. 11nr1 hlrNJlf'rl his ""Y throui:h thr Mr11 M11r11A1royd roullnr nnd horrd ,.vrryhocly 1111ly hf-r11uiw lhry'cl srrn it lut Wf'f'k whrn tht' hli:h !trhool seniors put on fhf'lr C'l1m1 pl11y? "~n 1 hnrl lo turn 'rm 1111 down " T>r\\'nlf,. Wt'nt on "Mrs '.\furi.:~· ti:ny~·,c f'le<on av.'ful &ood In m<'. r\'l"n if I 11m IP;<'ttlng tirt'd of thP old b111t." ~hr'• turnrd Info a kind of fl"· m11lr Frnnkrnstrln Peoplr slt'lp nrWnlft' on fhf' 11rrrf'f with. "1111r· don m,. hul nrl'n't you MM! Muri::· 11tr"'rf"" Jft> ""Y", 'yf'1', I nm," 11nd hr'c hnlfw11y dnwn th~ hlofk llf'· fnr .. hi' think• hq-..· ~Illy thnl rntJ'! •011n<1 In hy•l:tnd,.r• M..~l'.CIPAL PIEH l-:\'f'T'\' !Im• r r"'~ ,,, 11 -rrorrr •ti,. mr·rn··m:1k1 r• •rrrnm for I '1111 L' ilrt1\f1 NEWl'ORT BEA<.'11 j '•n I• r~nn .r 1•PP"11r1111rr 1•1111, fit f•n' •\••rt ... ,•. h•llu'' htfttrt Thi' Ad S[lOl"l'<'>rcd By: •h• n11q,, 11• 1· ,... 11. 1111n•li11i.: '.\l11rr1• -I trn)·d. CULBERTSON CHEVROLET "'"· 1 ,,,,1,~· ,:'.1;· 111 ':t~~'.:::~\ 1~.~'~;1• ..... A.'°"D CD"TKAL ~~·Wl'Ol<T Rt~CH I l lf·\\',,lf•· "'111• 1<111 h•·n··~t. T 1'11"• ' nlflf'r l11ltnlt1 1 1111 ,n .S"•ll lmprr-! snn111 Ion of 11 !im;ill-tnwn "'-•tlnP•~· m11n ll<'~·ln.i.: lhr· s1.i.:hrs in a hli;r rll)' Or " Indy nf l()(ll<r virtue in a rock- la1I lnungt>." nut h<''s ne\'t•r hnd tn copyrl~ht thOll<' Mf to f-:m:hllh Htll <1Allll nl 1<14>1 llrAcluatf"S \' o t •' d to ri'Sum1· th1• Lntlnl7.1•d v1•f'1ll11n "II'~ m,,,.. 1111 proprhth•," !hf')' nr~urd ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE REPAIRS ,ANDRE Bu I L DI NG PARTS FOlt ALL MOOE1~'1 •••. A.Sl' MAKE OR AGE Specializing in . REASONABLE WASHING PRJCEs MACHINES • • ALL WORK SEWINfi GUARANTEED MACJU~ • • VACUUM PICK-UP and CLEANERs DELIVERY H~RBOR APPLIANCE SERViCE 477 NEWPORT BL VD. COSTA MESA .,I BEACON lb6296 "Oui-Ford • • se"-ce 1s ·easy on your ' p~k.,thoOk!" . --- Jr! e . UC ""' tlw I rmnN.I nu-n, tlte 1trm1irae Ford partt1, and _tlw ••/m.ow-lwUJ'' to 11~·rc1"-e your Ford at lower COHI! ---~o cloul1t you rrali&c clial •f' wit•• malt" ""r'I" our l111"i"""A all<41 makr ii 1111r lu1 .. j. 111· ... ~ lo k 1111\o lll•1rr al1<111t l•11r,J •rni.-.·. Hor toll•' "tl1n t_l1i1tf,t you .. 1,,111111 r'ot1~i1lrr 1 .. tlll' l>1•11r1111! m1r "''n ;,.,. t•Hlll) 11n,. "" .,11, 11,..w 1·ur 1111 .. in""" l•1111 .. rr11i.. fl J!'"''• "'111.,,111 ""} 111.: 111111 l r,.pi11g ) •111 .. .,11~1., .. 1 ~1,,.1111" k1•t'J'lllJ: ) •Ill a J.',,r.I <'Ur l'll•f••~llf'f (or \ l'it~• ffl t'folllf'. A11•f tliot'• 11 .. I!'""' for ''"' ·J,11.;. ut~ a11 ii &,. f,,,. your I"'"'"'"''"''" .. · Ami ic ~'"'1' willmot Mying that nur ~ •.• ,..,1 ar.ntt-e ••luntagee Nve . ,~ Ume, lrouLle and money: L~ .... ...... s. •-...er ............. .... :a. ·~ ........... -.. ..... -t.N ....... all' ...... 1,._..c 15. f ' .. w•at..ac_lltMl .. c T•.._. We f'ord Dealer·s .knOw Fords best! "ft;vt, ,,,, 0,..,,.,1., M•l••t ''"' fn ,.,,_,_,. , ...... ,, ... ,All "' ,,,,."''I o" ' ' ,,, ,, ... ' ' .. A •. ,,., "I• ·it' ""•" -.I) •. s~, '··"'"'v• ~•c '"", .. .,.,. •'\•' \.,. , • .,, ,,,.,, "'" • I ' ,,_ .. tt• • ,t., ''°"'4 THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 22nd a <:.St"'1 . ......,_ ~ U S~rt f'e_. ........................ ____ ......... ______ ...... _____ ~~~----£-~- .• .· .. .. 4 .. .. NSWPOST BALSOA NEWl-Tl•EI MONDAY N-.ort ...... c.111. AprU 6, lHa <ConUnued from Paae 11 -gregation had the-C'OtU'HJ..~ oC its convictions was shown Marke~·~ ~ Glance 1 · Am Ttl .. 1"1 .. 150, SAND CRAB can.dian Paelflt" ·--U '- Dupont 174~ Genf1'111 Mntor"S !'J{; l.,. Goodyear 11 ' .. ~n~tl 5~·~ Seara . :16 '• So Cal Ed1,011 :.'7 i.,. StandJd U1l ti~''. l' S Sh•d 7·1 ', • in its a lmost unirnimou.-. •vote. This att~mpt was l't'- i;:a nk-d as church politic-:; JU.St as tlw local door-to-duoi 1·ouncilma nk ('Umpaign 1:-,,._ g anlt"<.l ilS l"C\\IKll"I lk •.idl po[i I ic:~. R~ l 'nltr~I ~ " Si'OC'~S l11i.;1J1•r in mo<lt•rn t • trading BO!'\DS 1t'rt•i.:\rl.11I) h 11:lw1 . l ' S. gll\'l't 11m1·n1,. 1·11~) CURB ~tuek, 1n 1•s:ulurl) h1i:lw1 S lf.\°ER lllh.'hotlll;,!;U UI 7•1 I ii fjn(' U\lr1l't'. l'ilTI'O!)I £11 m • \l\'J!E,\T £u1111 •"' ,.i,,,,.d up "• It• 1 %c. HCX::S ,1.,". CA01·n.J·: ano SHEEP •t•·:ul) -' • • • Waatt-r t'und,.. Whrn 1111' ~'ot t•1-s 1-er t1SC'<I to a pp rm ., 1m 1won'mt.•nts It> tilt• \\,1lt.·1· ..,~:-ll·11i la:-t foll. d i v 1111 1· C'IHls Wl'l"C 1·onfrnntN I with t lw probll'm u( a S4 • rn iv:-. ln·t-akdown in plant :ind mains, w1less repair~ \\l't't' • 1wumptly made. Th<• nnh· •d· l••rnalive ~'<.'ri-1('<.l to lay i·n· an incTf'll.S4.°' in walt•r · r11tc•.., \\ hict\. at On<'(' (>I'll\ 111\1'(1 ;; Alarm· Felt stonn ot objection. rn some In U -1 1 qwu1ers ~tifAI '1ouht 1~ nemp Oyntent 'uggf":o>1 t.'<I a s to '' h:tl 1r1" (Continued from Page 1) : i·ity d~ w ith till' Sl_ll 01~1 activity in bt-1wh nrrns or nr w c.'Ollectcd. from the 11uhlw. So ClOmft'1I tu thl1 ro11n1y. h"'" round ~ohn Sailors of the pun:hns- Job bUnllnl( 11 "'"" nn'1 mrHt'f'lh'" tn~ department \\ho ~l'l'fllS J>t'OCftS d11rm1t ltlf' 1;:1~1 '"" 11r l o t~~ h t'aded for tht• hol l""t thrft n1onrha," uf t'lly m a nag<'r. has pn•...,.·n· 'Mw surwy 111~rh• .. t'<l 111 th•• snml' NI an i.ll'l'Ounting , shnwrng time th111 RlfTlculturRI ct11s8if1c11· 1 what the mo""y is ll(•ing lions, Juml'f'd from " ver y lnw 104 Sp<'nt for. all nf ,, hid1 in Nowmht•r '"" hri:h I 1'16 Th1' s houldJ,>c inlf'l'f'Sl in~ 1'c•alfi111.: lnchJCtn 71!l :""·11w 11 The· 1•1r1trr' to-th<> ,\·afrr pavin • ·;::"" ,_ · number c-nn h•· r• 111111) ,.,pl:orn•·•I Ii<' · g · I by the "''""'•nlll v11lll'Y for 111-trr· S. cultural orx·r11 llnn~ In n r n n it ,. 1 ••• + + .+ county a t tl)I~ tlnw of yl'llr Litrlr An t;i.. .. tf'rnt•r \\ ;1s \'bit im.: • . , Russ Halt Traffic to Berlin . ." ........ - f Ac-RaJlo-T~l.,,,..,.J PUM'n11,.n loot out of wlndov•~ or U. 8 . train hnlled b7 R1111lanl u M B1 l.-1tl.<lf'ft1 Oenrmny, checkpoint In blockade which cUt !Jl• OermUa c~p1t..u1 urt fr.,m ,.e~trrn allle~. A{nerlcnn orfl<'l'T In charae OI \bit • L11u11 rl'IU.Sl·d to ulluw So\•ieL trw p.s aboa.rd. chanr. f11r "11' lw1t1•r run ht• l'X· O~ of his 1· om p <J n y ':- pe<"ted hr fnr1· M11y whc•n ''"" \'11· brandws o n lh<' C'0;1-;t :. hit ) ... .. How Fast h a Snail? INJURIES IN en .. ~• an .. v1·1:l'1nhk rnnn1·ry nr· ago and his l()(·al w o rkl•r g<rl UvtUee w ill ~1nr1 in the halJit of "kictding" Say1 Mile a Decade MESA ACCIDENT SPEED1NG TO PUT MAN AT MERCY OF 2 COURT JUDGES him nbout ho w nk("thc di-1·11 11 .. \1 11 1 1·111.\ o1 ·1·1 sn.111 r m"l" wa•. ht•""'. \'t'l'.··tis· !hi• c ln1· 111.1n -111 .. rr1! m1n11r injurlt•• n .... ~ 1~ _.... tHUtlUH I' J11tlt!IU,. flt \\ lH >C,._,.)t'i-tr• t c~ast. So tll" (','tSll'l'll 111 in ..... ••I• n1 al t 1" m tl'rteetl()n ' lllatJ .. Id I 11 I I• 111 ~ 1\ 1'111•11111 '· <·urutur 111 :'\•"I"'' 1 ,,, •·nu1· and 18th St . Wl'OI<' hn<"k in this \\ bo1·· tol 1111ollihl\' .ti lh" ,\•' 1d• m)' 11f • d r !"11~1 .. ~1· '·'· S.otur 'IY n tl'rnoon "f"\1<"(' dim:11t•-a 11d a lilll<' =" •''"·" !"i·1··1w1 ~Ii•1 ' llr~ lripa to Jt11·;11rlu :'-1 I.Nm, 30, Rt. t, Bo'( Rodney M ~> ln'!ltl'r. u >!I An· 1 bit ~II~." 1111 '"11 1'1"' ,., "'"·"" n<'t lum Crum :l"ltt Cn~'" \11 .. ~1t. wns taken Ill sels, found htms<•lf In douhle 111·'"'11 1" .:···-~1 ·1• • 1111' 11' .... 1ml) li"'I"'·" following the col· trouble s11turrlny "''hrn h<' w11.~1 HOOKt:n A•1't:K ' •·11it1T 111• "·'' lw • n lt1111t111l'. '-11 111!! :11111 11~um \\llh ,1n .1uto <lrl\'t'n by J ew picked up for SJ)C'C'rtini: nt•nr ('uro· Poltt'l' IKaJkt'd Llunnlrt T nr I•"' t•lh••r lt1\\ II m1 m l1o '' "' llw 1tn1111al \l 11m1 ~I. 111 1~1\h and Monrovln -clel-Mar on h11thu.•ay lOJ-A. :'l:orw;1lk~ :inti Uarn 1\ll 1n fl,,,. kma.:1111111 ltir tflr )' ·"' .11111 now" Ill ~r .. •·t ~. c · ... 1.1 '.\11'l\I\. Muniz l'!<- Syhtptr r w11s r rtf'd lb apf)t'llr I croft of 111 ... na Pnr k . fnr 1tr•turi1• Limn. P• ru, om .rn11!11o r 'lU<'SI 1· •r~·d 1nju1 ) lh two dlffl'rt'nt C"Oort11. t"or c hr I Ing tht• JJt'lll'" folio\\ ini: a st rl•c t J 11 I'• 11-.11111 ', """ ,.,,,mall'• .1 Corona del Mar v1olat1nn• "" wall fif(ht l'i.rl:w Sunrt.1y murnrna.: .sn.111'~ par •· 1~ ,1l•llll """ mil<' 11 .1 .. 1111 I'• •· 1 1.. chrwh , In i.. W ----~ m d ty cour t. lo~or .uu:cuin~ Both men ~crc IJ!Ckcd uµ .dilr-1.ki:allt". ll)• JJ.1w:~ rhe I'll·~ l 't ntrlll "'' 1111•. w:olkf'd into tho· spt"ed outsldr t hi' inmrporallod 1ni: t ht• :t11i'r1-.11 "'" 11n :'.I.tin st rt'•'t. plaro• 111 -011111) t h1·1r 1w1t\lt il'S But lt1<·:71j .. 11rr1• "''a l 1un and reported &l"f'a ot N l'wport Rf-111.:h hi' will ap-011lboa al I 05 11 m ~undu}. I Ire h~ \ 1~1 1t'<i mnn) 1•1111ntries on hrmi;.·lr· mtnx11-.1tl'd. .. r Pf'U' ln N <'wport Towmhip'1 J~e I hi• ~nAll h11ntli 1rnd thr!C Is his Ohlia.:~ni.: ofC1cc·rs ngr<'<'d and D. J. Dodg1>'1 ~urt. Bf' W l1P ;_ AJvPrlla.! i;1•1·ond .rrlp to P t•ru. booked hlm. -.._ • Build Your Own Home ' Today-yqu-can baDd a home that'1t' ttally moclffn. Aacl • mbdern home hM lnnum.-rable r.-atuttA that add up td euiflr, more Mjoyablc llvinjt. Start plan· nlng now, for .-arly plannln1t llN'aJ\.'1 ~ttf'r hullcllng. t1nandng ~ be arrangf'd. r:-· ~ Ttus Message Sponsorec:I by the following : Barr Lumber Co. Saal.a Ana. C'<011ta M-and Mis Olhl'r \'anl' Bayview Lumber Co. 1tU Shl 8t. -F.a•t of hint'• l.andlnr; Costa Mesa Lumber Co. 17th A Nt1"J)Ort BIYCL C"nt1ta M,... Crown Hardware Co. 1''?1 ('n .. t Hwy.--C'nrona d.-1 Mar Vaniel Paint & Glass fo. l~.t Sr"-port-Bk'd.~'o<otA :\tf"tla Ets-Hokin & Galvan F.lrc:'tr11'1an' Mln!'f' Jt!G-1000 ('oaat ~'Y· Gordon B. 'Findlay Cabinet Shop •01 1001 •t..-t Orange County Builders Exchan~e Sfic'ond I; Broadway 8uHdln1t• -~anta An11 , Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. Xewport. t"ult,.rton, Lal'Ufta. 8N'a. and I.a H•~t Amon West PlumbinJt Co.-r· %801 C'f'ntn.I A\'f"-Harhor 1 I M..J --'· • .. • ... 30 Killed I In Egypt . Riots (Contlnuect from Pqe 1) heaviest 1utre~ In a countrywl~ ,__."'"-__.::----7"----....,---• ruh of l"f&nlrestatlons. Mo\llng in to take the placeo f Amrrk n 's first JI'! pfnp l'l'r! t 1 1 / 4rm~ Trl~1.lrntnl 11 11 1 th p P, • • !'' m 11 nir pl-nr. ~·,•1rrc1 Tr-~n ~ll·••llns: ~·tr :i tv.n-!'o('atrd cou111rr-~11 '11 • " k. ' "':'' 1•11 ·~!to thr [):f'"K a: 11 1: 1n1<. C.tl!f An , , r , i .;it cl "bulJbl!''' ru,•r r"' I IC CO<. !•II.lo Loc ...... :td s C!11ef £<""11.t "r llall llibb:ird "'.I. •I\ .... Ill\' : .... -.. ca\lni; :\fljll_;<'lllCl.l IO ll1 .;. Gl·n. 1 11 '""'· C QjTC)' 11 l 1.: '· th<' 111rltcln1t police a t Alexandria 11rmy unrfs. including armored \Ip: hides and tanks. tired Into the ranks of riotrrs afl<'r warning shots wl'rl' lgnort'd. Lr1h• In the d11r: thl' ''loll'nce i:uhsidPd soml'whnt. A"k ('urfrw l"1>krnshy recomaw nd<'d that all civilinns stny lndonrs Aft<'r 7· p.m , Thi' ru>trr.o for thl' most pnr t W<"re 1 ~\'mp11tl11zc•r1i w i I h thl• policl' I s rrikt"rs. A r hrck or hoi1pl1 11ts latt" In 1hc 11ay showt"d 1ha t, 20 fX'rsons Wl'rl' I kill<'cl 0111ri1:ht or dh'd or Injuries.• Hospit al 1111thorllil'!! ('Stlm atPd . thnt minnr cosunltlc•s •would run I into thr hunclrl'ds. nnd t>erhaps scor1'S were lnjur('d srrl.ously. The troops first firC'd Into thr air . Sf't>klni: to lnlimldat<' t h c I riott-r~ Thl'n thry h11d to lowl'r th1•ir gunF< And flrl' into the human massrs. • I l\tnny huildini::s werl' !tl't on rlrc hy lh<' mohs. fin-I rstimatrd at 10.tlllO but iiwl'll<'rt to far greater -· ------------------------------- numl>C'rs hy n•c-ruits Among them wa~ a polict' s tntion. and four mo- t ion pk t url' ,lwu~1·~ A numlwr of tramcars w('n• hurnrd Ci!I to s~~Up Vc:s~·AidProgrom • Prea!d t Truma ...... (Acme Te/,.pltotoJ en n c.ee.-..l •lcna the M.ON,000.000 Olobat Aid Biii t.o hl'lp t'COnomlc reco\o?ry abroad and Th1' mohs w1•r1• lootinit in the ril) ·~ smarlt'~t s lrrl'ls. such as Chc•riCf Pa~ha a nd King F oud. ' Mnny \\'tnclows w('rr smnshC'd. Thf'rr h1w<' been rt"crnl publi!lh· rrl rf'port~ ofCirinlly rll'niC'd -thal fill~Sinn fli:htf'r.\ OC('ASlnnally "buz., 11rd" Rritii;h nnd American tTaru· • r1 planl's O\'l'r Gf'nnnny. It was not knnwn wh<'lhl'r today's ac· <'idl'nl rould h:wc l:X'cn causl.'d by such nn lncid<'nt. "Thr inform fltion wr-have -is tmt the R ussian fightl'r plane flo•w :t<,·oss thl' how of our plane n!>-ii \\ i\S noout to land." a Drillsh ~pnkl0:<man !!aid. Thi' Rritish plane wn.~ op<>rated hy Br111~h European nirways. It "R'> on A r·l'~ularly schl'dUl<'d daily round rrill night from London to H amhurg to Berlin. ~i communbln.. Shown Uelt to rl&ht1 around the President are: Scnl\le Pre.~1denl Arthiu Vanden- rr -<R .. Mich.I, Stcret.ary of Tre85ury J ohn Snyder; Rc!p. Charles En ton t H., N J ,l , chairman of Houae :;e1111 Affall:S Committee; Sen. Tom Connally t D .. Te:u: Stcretary or Interior J. A. Krug. SJ>('aker of HoUle Joe llarUn UL, Mau.>. Rep. Sol Bloom • o .. N. Y.>. and Sccrel11ry or A::11cultu.re Cltnton AD• deraon 1bchlnd Bluom>. . ' Cancer Is the No. 2 killer In the n11tion. eKcceded only by heart diS<'8.SC. -18 Joh to the .oce1, .001Un\: .nttn1 to pJ>in• dur- ' --- • ... Jf thbly ' tA: J?"ro· ,!!IL .er lca .. alu' ·6 .. ~Ion .-tluct or 17~ Timu . TED, $8,000 TO $10,000 GO- ; flrl!t·Ci&SJ reC,rtDCU rt• .erful future. P 416 Ttmea. dusiness ..iA. lnve. NEWS • TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTf Will Solve ·Your Problems READ THEM FOR PROFIT USE THEM· FOR RESULTS -THEY PAY 1BOTH WAYS • . , Newport Harbor's Qnly DAILY Ne~·spaper Member Audit Bure.au of Circulations Delivered by Carrier Day of Publication \ I! PHONES HARB9R 12 or 1'3 " ... tj ' I Ye r-;., , . ... Na· W i p· """ It St.!l I? mat r<'pl fiv" anrl siw 'l w ill l'· l'h Ol p, Al . fl\ Boa Coa ang Jo• to. M .. the bid! for tio1 bul AJr pa1 Ing bui dls C'd Bu old SBJ for pul • • Yan~ Block Russ Rail Control Center informallUet In any bid or 111 the Jllt'uurt• 1-to be.> ".ottd on at OW ~ . • ~ • . ~ --" -- or: to Waive any irftsularltl• -m· GJ\'EN that the foUow\nl bePLql.lfENT Ol"P'UED "/ Ul.J: 11118C&LLAMD011a • blddln&. -VII 1:1•1wrAI municipal tlecUon to bf-. ·'-' l-.lllf.N< ED \\ A IT RESS Sf'\Jlff 'f\Jf'S SF:t\]' CUVERS NEWPORT BALBOA lf•W8-TIM88 MONP.0' N .................. (Jill. Af!! ... IM! Pue&- Pursuant to tht' Ltlbor Cod<' 1>f hdd In th~ \It)' ot Ntwport 8Hdi WANTED -Owr 2 \ ~Ttt or ~1· Tav)or's Trim Sho th<' Stat<' of C3hfnrnl11. thll said 11n T\h•sdar. tht' \3th df)' ol Apil. R"•SI l'rtlt>, Hl\\ ('past llrto:h\1.11~. • ' P Ml1MU'AL a a.&010 M a&AL DTAft • Ooard of 1'rus htl', has aJ1•1·r11111wt\ 1 9'1~. II)·\\ 11 · t'l>t 11111\ dl'I Mor 38--lt•· i Aurumvh•l.1• \lµl111l1tcrla\& MAl'l.t: Spirwt. r1·1~~ Gor--------------- i;roua tnn(' lk·•ut1t111 m"''' .. nn-co»oNA DEL MAR dl1•m wagrs for c"l.'h craft or IYIX' ~h111l 01>di1111m~ No. ~'74 of tM MA:'I; hir l:<'lll'1ul 111'l'\h'.' 1>l.1lh•11 I~!!\ \\'1·111 l'l'nt1"11l Nrwporl lki\, tht' ~<'nt>ral l)rt•\l1ihn~ rate oC p.·r 1 .. ropt..&tl-No. I · . . I l\<mt 01141 l'rut·k 1'l .. hlon11 11111. lll11h1·•t 11r11d.-mak~ If-you 7• I.iv" m 11111t• you \\111 l\C\'cr find t'()\Tnl OF IUGHW A Y uf workm11n J1t'C'd1'f' h• ""'•c•u11• tlw I'll\ vr N'"''J"irl 1}(>1tch. providln& ""rll Must h•· "'1"'11-•··~I 11111·, I t11rlMor W·m 24-tJc I 1•1•ntr11 c1• ''l11ch ,.,11 lw• 1iwllrrl1•d t1lr' llw Ip\')' u11cl rollN'tJon. for Ult' I~· 1 H t<'li!il'ltl Stuth•n llli 1-, " rlw lill<'<'<''sf1tl l11dd1•r,; rmcl 1h1'"" fllll'l~•S1•ofpr1•\ldin1:"ndmalnta1n· ~1111 •11 · lll ;ll l-.l.F.\THH .fANS pn•\•111lia i.: rttl.'1' .tr•' ron\all\Ni m 11ni.: )111rks 111 lhtl l'tl)' Clf Nt'wport 111'11' \\ \'l'I l ' l ''l'"''•'ll\'•'•I 1Slll"1' Ill.IOI / ~ard s1l('1·1fir111ions tt•loph•ct lw th1' l\1·1wh. f c>r 1'111·h rl11r11I }'\'Or, of a I h""'" k•" 1 •• ,, .,:1 ""'' ,,.,1J.1r>, :: 1'.11111 11.-1111~ H1•p111111 B1111r1I, 11nd Ill'•' ns toll11wi1· 111\ 11r l•fl<'•'ll 1•1•nls 1 \!'>r) on each "'ti!, h1hh • 11 1·.111 11,11 1.11 ."Ill ll'1 -.11h•11t 111l·l111l11~1r1111 f -r1.•\!'l\'41YH \\TIOS ,,i1u•1ll\ ,,, Ill•• llHl'i<SN'.I valu"tlgn II :111 1-·1\ffl':">ff:-: i\11 f1·n·nw n n11t 11t all 1ir111 .. ·rty In 1111· ('rty uf Nt'W· -• -Et....:.J{t1ki11 S: <:al\'an lh'r• In S• p;u·.111 h 1·L"<1f1 ... 1 ~h.ill , .... 111•11("/I \\ 1111'11 IS 111x11h)Jo there-I ~t... 1 ·0~ ~ \l.t : IO Hli~· 1 ·11."1 I ~1\\ 1\ 1\1•11 :1-1111 1 1•1· prutl nc11 l1:M th.in·li '• n ·111-. 111 l·•r 1111l1l•<'i1111I p11rp11s1•s, and l'f'-PI 1' '.\l l~IN '. SUl'J"l ll-'~ :n-1fr 1•·r h11111· ,,~ 111 lh1• SI" n/\Slt. I" tl1 11" ( lrd1n11111'•' ~(\ Jf!() o r the I . . \I • • " Tl1APFS. 1111.t t:!•·: ,•,·n1, p.·1· 11 .. u.-1 ·1 1, "' :-.:1•\\Jl<1rt 11,•:11'11, ht• lldopted Op1'll:' ~at. .~ ~\Ill . r·• 111 s \I 1 '""t..:1 II l~rrt''"" r.. ' \ 0 I \' ""'" ''•l• "'' \\Hh n l1iu •h •• ~ '" '"''. SI ·n TR·' 1 lFS 1rn•1•1• 1111t• ''· M11r.··.h '.!.:, I~ '1"·· '1 .I"' ... ~ I' Ill ' l""ART ""lit ~I :•·~' l 'h1•n1· 1l1•1H~•11 '"·"' 111. J••11n1. )m:i11 ',,, 1 .. 1 th,. i-_n,~:-.:.h 1. n1~1-•. ~ • IC'\1\11·1 1 n T 1 •llFTs. 1111·111111111 11.1f1 in'''""'' c 11~ t h·rl-.. r th1 Clty ot ,,,11 '"" 11u,h '·"'" <'.!.'.\~~· ·,.;:"'.I ·"·11111 ' JI ;., ... an1lthrr I•• f'llllftl thhr f•nl' Jutl I"'' out l•Alll11•"' l :t111)' l rrm1 ti ~••It \\ 1ch f 1;1111 ~1'11mhlt l'IJll1tl 1 't1 , ~'.!1t No ·P.bln, Sl\nta Ana, 31 tr.· \\I 'Ill I l~'I I! '411111·1 I"'""' lit..1• ""'' 1·11.11"· tt111t. .. r lw J ,,,,,.1 1 I I' 111 111 ~rt. llOti-.. f ' \TH ~ l'r.T!'t IA -;.. _, F'~ 11t s ,\I 1 · s,·,•tt 11 • "i.;1 • 11 ... : I• 111111 1 11 1'Ii 1011•J .. n '""I< 1'111 S1nnl1·\ i '\:•'.\:\. ,,, "'"'" 1141 1 \'Ill ""I'll. N .. , Ill l l1llt) \\ ... 'l'I, t 01111( ,I : :•t I' I l\l'l'HF:'\Tlt '!-.:' :\111 \ h.• 1'111· °"'"' 1~'11 ll1•11d1 I \\':di h1111.:. 1 "'"' 1·n(rpt. ti 11111111 ~ 111 "_'ANTF.lt ,.._, 1\1'\' )1 11l11y1'<1 111 '"'ltf•\r1111't\' \\!\tr S1'1·1l1111 l'11iili•li !\11.oh :.'!I, ti11r!I 5, 19'8. 1 <~•11 1•.i•ril 1L tirii·~ .• ~ l ---• ~ ·~ 1·•111 "'"'' ... , 11.11111111 11111!. 177(!'> of lhP (',il1fnrn1.1 l.11~11 K11hl·• I""'"''''"' ~1~,1~1 up }') · ) }' • • ,., .. ,,._ wa-nt Ads ~·lid \1t1"""' •'"'"'' 11ru1111, ~1-;:. •• t'dl'I{'!\ '.l\).!llH't'rtllg "' •I .. 1.t 1·,· 1111. i:··,~tl '"'". hlf.I -. :llhi 111:-:t,•111•,\tillll 1"1 I'""' 1•··1""" "' '· "1.,11 ('l>L,.,.lfll'afl1>n tt.1 .. I"'' llr. ' ... h I I 1 t ",11 \ .,1,.111111 , 11.,,1111 ,1 .\ir 1011l 1•11t•r11lor $1 !'.'> Gal\ 11•1• .1!'1' lol.111< 1'1111' \\1111·h,,. 1'1 1 '1\,,1 l"li··· f:q11lp I l 'h1•1w 111·11"'"' :.11,.1 .1:1"'1t 1• I llrrl'klr1n•1>tt :! \\ti 1 • <nr • .01111 •11 1111• 'I'""'~ ~r. 7~1 I s .•an•h lh·hh t ·,1111· 111111 .. rt.·~ I · · · l '.1rp1•ni1'rl', J11t1nwym.-11 I 1ql\_!. j n l<' N~·T1m<'ll will not be ,.._ 11•111 11 •1111.., ~. -;~, up 1· If 1 ~ Hrulli• Ti l•'l'I""""' Mo•l•'r" l"l'F.('1.\1. ANSCU1Nt'F.MF.NT1' Ill 'i '1·11w nt frnl•h1•r• l • ' l.1111 I 1 , ._ fl · • •t10n,1hl~ for morl' than one lncor• T 111 11 1 '" ''"~' 11 ••n I·'"" 111k• ''·''" I 1,.,. l'ln111" '1 ·1 •1:1 It · ,, •'rte ·1 , 'h 111.,,. of Mwt Sell at Onee A m:Alfl'lFUL NEW 2 ~ hoow .~lrl'rl11C"4·. 1ar•1f', paUo al napeonc-wUb t"tlftl'ffl• I~ ,.,,,wll•n hllndA. ruas !'p.,tT "" 1,11 tor 1•11trn room "" 1 ••n<nl unit n•<h1,·t•tf to $ IO,:iOO ..... F1 llt SAL .. : 'l h .. 11ranm "4-1\LW. no r"ntnl •'t·lllnr:. 'l hll1•k, 11htw1• the Arl'lw" Wiii tnl1t• ln hnuar trail· ••r ••r C•"Mt l1•I n• llllrl l)lt)°lflf'nt 1•11 1111 , quit) 4~ Short :-1 • ntf N1••"Jll1r1 llf\·•1 "' 11.,Wi A\'<' 31-tfc J.(Yf .. 'OR SAl.E '--' nll'nt Of"• f1n1-c;h1n.: ma-r1•c-1 rns..•rt11ln of 11.n adv~Ttllelntnt. 1111• 1 ~. ·11' ~·I· 11111 111; "lt1t•· $Ii~:,• .11111 \\'n t.•r S'""'"" I ·liin ' I , , 1 ·• 1•1 So 1 n.tutt• l iut• "'' "' , h "'•••• t lh 1 ' 1 oxt.i i>r • -• 1 ..... _,,_,hA rl<>ht 10 ____.,_ 1 1'11"•' :in•l t111111l!s I •:F lt11l11111l111l11r' N~.\"f'l lfl'f l ".t.•N"' ,...._._ L'I 1 · i '-"l(t · ,._, ·-~-• ~"'7 r-. I n.t1111· 1•1 1111• I "•'1111\•'1111•d \"nrl1t r. ,, ~ " • • '......,. · r . <'{' rte :rns ' I ••t,-••if" anv ftAd -'I 1..a-and to ....,.t o1tr \11'11'•'' • ~·1 I \\ I I <:1.1;-1r ri; -I :\.i """ ,. . °"' '" ua H111 t I t '"' 1 ·" 1•w1rr . 11m1•r rn<f 1111111111111. M /\'"INN.\ l'\11 ~:1'..':\<l l\I ''' C'orttf'f' ft 'l lot Sl&-walkt aad r<'1•·ct anv ad1·1•rlll<'mt>nt not con-11 11 •·r 11'·1 "1 '· lh'W '"·Jiit lf,.!11" 1"11v1t11• ll·•llr 1 'I 1 i\ltt -..:v 1l J pa\'U\.C hoth 8.ldt-tr, all ut111Uf'IL frlln wnrk•·ro;. ~•rlwturnl 1 \lil r ll • rult•t 11nd re"'uJ11tlons. $-U\~'l(l I h·•hl1·r 1'11·111 11• l'l.1111'< l!nn ''•>rk1·rs. ri•mt11n•111•• I ~r;'.) '"" ng to • -u Rl-h111l1 11 1 1 1 I 1 '"l I ~l);ll<'•I P i1t1I l .wf111. ff.O!; <lNlftn ...._,t ~ UCP" c ·1 '• 11 wi. t'f'll ..,, ·it• I I 1o11111t111° t"r tu11k ~"" .,,. N t Jw h r UI tt l.al1<1T1·1-.. ,.:.:n, r • .i i•r f1•n· --------------$31 l~l l'h"'" 1· ... ,.,, h ' 1'\l;•I I :0.1 l..11rktnr I <~1irr ,_,.,.. " . • ,.1ruclipn I ~;; I 1n1ArNa8 OfTTDlt U Am 11111111?.1111,: ll<'m nm bl' h1111 'l'h1.,. 1' .. 11 .1lol1• T .... 1.. 11 1'1' ~lfi-ft LOT ( -'c-R.A.f'.i.,,.,,,., Ameriean ottlcer o.ck to eameral tn comm~ ol AmeJ1cao MP'9 wbo bkx:Pded RuaiaD rall beedq\l&rltn ID S.lla,, ta lbotrD wt\b U. 8. tnt.erp'dft (UtrelDI Id\) ~ au.iaa ottlos (oeD\er) a.ad RlllliaD driftt fr11b\l ~ en&ertnc bUl"''nc. ~ llf ._... l.11lhl'r( mr1t1I I !l(l J !11111111-'.h '"" l111·ril 1•r I"'" An-J , " , , '\'Ill' Ill ~J'11NS Jlll ,,.; 1-·11,. "''>' ~-;.~':;:;.rsic·~~~1r cin ~~:I WOOD FENCE CONT1t R.J .. , "''"'" 1m1:·~~~} .. ~0•1~1\~~., ,.:.._ ~11.~.~~.~.~l~·\l\'1 "'"1" "11"'" 1111111 Ill\ ""11· 11111" 'l lJl l\t ·tri'nc Ave ""' .,,,,. 1 .. n 1.111t. '•of"•t -:.; l'UA 1 f"itint1•rs,hro~h 11:.1 1 · • • • :\1-ltl' l'iuntl'rl', S\lf'•' ._,1~1 1 All TypN and !'lfH 14Al.ltlli\ ISLAND 1 __ 111•\•11\ II Md·111h111d II ll pl , i-· H.A. Tcnns Fr1•r F:stlmatet ) • 1·1a.,1"n'rs :! nc. 11 P1··~1" 1·nt1io11c ~.urcl\) ~.ASH for USED ... ,,. k ... ...-... 1 f IN J'l-'.NINSltl.A ~2750 H-2 LOT-HAY A VE. . • JIKA ~apba Al ow.•... . . Anywhl'I'(' '" County ('I I ·r d A ', r• • O'•A. ... l1lash'ri'rs· ti·nckrs 1.70 OS•·· w·w. uy ' Furn't & A Ii ~ (;c II )f) 1..n.-ATIOt'J Navy find a New State Will· Coat in Flags Nol i<.'l• is h(·rC'h)' t.:l\'l'n that th1• Board of TrtrSl('('S of lhl' Omni::<' C'oast Jr Cnlll'gt• 01!llri<'I of Or - ang<' County, herl'inaflrr refrrrf'd Jo as the "O wner ." \\'HI rCC<'we up to. Dul nor latt'r than 'I. o'clock P M .. California Daylight Tim<', of the 20th day or ApFil. \948. sealed bids for the award of rontractsls l for thl' altl'rations nr:ad/or ad<li- tions to ct-rtain of the f'Xistln1t b\µldJnp of the old U. S. Army Air Base ne11.r Sanlll Ana. also pa.lntlng of certain or ~11ld build- ings and d<'molition of two•oc S3id buildin(Cl!> located in said sctrool district Sum bids sh11ll be rtteiv- <'d in thl' office of th!' "Owner", In Building M. Orange Coast CollPgc. old U. S. Army Air Base, near Sant11 Ana. Orang<:' County; Cali· fornia. and shall be opened and publicly read aloud at the abovl' E:11·h l11d '<hall . ho• 11rromp11mro b)' a <'1·r11fi,'(! or cuh"'r's t•heck p11y11hl<' 10 rtw Own!'r, or imtisfac- tory Bid Bond in favor of th<' Owner, NCl'CUll'd by the bidder as Principal and a satisfactory surety compan)· as SUr't'ty, in an amount no t lc'llS th&n (Ive per ctnt of the bid. The ch~k or bid bond 1half be givl'n 1111 a guarant~ that thl' hidckr will t'Xt'cute th~ Contr11ct 1f 11 bl' awarded to him· In con- formity with the Contract DOCu- f™>nts and will pro\'idt' the 1ure-ly hond or bonds us Sflt'Ciflt'd t ht'rl'in within fiw day!I aft<'r noti(lcatinn or the award or tht' contract to t h<' biddl'r. Tiw Ownl'r C:CSl'n'ri1 t hf' priv- ll<'gt' of rejecting any and 1111 bids Plumhm; 2.00 Up to 3 yrs. to Pay Jl,\ :.m&:w " 25-t!r l ure . PR ancee ITTC\IS,llLL! Al'r -..~ $111 Powrr l'qulpmrnl OPf'ratnr•: f'h. s A 2579-R. ~!~ "\\'•' "11• Ahno•I "'. k \\tlll"I I 111· .. 1111 """"IL t.;\)r Air l'<lmpn·si:or~ i 6s -ilo Siln~r Plat1nJ? .\nrlhtnir" .1,., 11.1 1·,111 S t N 11 11 111.I llulldOT~·rs r 1 go F.x1X'rt i '111·rr·n. nnAs~. ~c'lt.n G RANT•s ll1.1is1-;, m;itrnal I)(;) Watch & Jew-lry r1 1llshi11~ t, rlf'flnlsh1iii.: l"hnnr """ ~7CY7-M Al'AH'l'Ml ''ll'I' 1•.u rh· 111rn1,t1t'tl I "' B · J l•w r.•11t 111111·11 .Ill '"'IHI( r1Mflll .:'111:-.1·rll. i:krp I 775 HF.PAIRING nr:-;11 (' Plating Co. If.I!\ N~Wpi)rl Blvd . Co•lAll M... l11111ll11r1• f11r ~ .. 1 .. l'h••ll .. l1111h111 ~ltxns. mn1'il1• :! tMl 1!'114 ll11rlior Oivd t:l-ttc, : , I •lntlv ,.,.,.,.1,1 'f'l,,..,,1,.,, ·rr111-1nrs, '"'" n11 :whnwn1~ 1 90 f' niamundJ nnd WlltchH C'os111 riku. \llh( 1 R<'On 511:\ •fl Tr:w tor s, st•rap.·r ur dr:il! NE\'> l(i· l}Jlt' ~ho\'1•1 :.!275 lt1ndt•r I')('\\ Mann~rmenll F"or your turnllur.-or .-bat haw R11o ft•rs J I 75 116 ~'nd S t . Nl'wport 17-tl< W11tchf'tl • Oodtt · Jl'Wl'lry you. f'hnnr ~aC":MI ~'\6 S •·wl'r P•r<-' luyl'r '•'Xch,1rt· OIRONOME'TEns Crawl<'y Furniture Co. I"• lit llJ-·:-.;·\ Sn111ll IHHI"' •"''""''' t11r •• 1\1·111l11hlf\ 1111111 ·'"'"' '~"· :1111· 1~11111\f "'"'. 111111••1\ 41 -t tr 1n1: ra11lk1•r I 1 65 ED WALTERS. ~pairing -Prompt S«vt<» S1'""r pip1· caullfrr 1 uslni.: 1m.E C'ONTRA~R S<-Mlbl• J>riC"eS 1817 Nr"'l"'rt Rlvd • ('.Nta ,.,.. t·a11tkin1: 1on1sl • 1 .:s~ VAN DRIMJ.EN Y'J-t.tc SJ-'l 'AllATF f11n1ldt1'Cl h1H1ark...,.,_ lni: n•onr for 11n•• fir '"'." I~ ll,11 l~1r 1&!11 nr-C'i.11 al 1:13 :10th ~I • Nrw1•1rt ~Hr Rllth Roorm. 'Drain Ronrds, ~tc. • $"""r pipo r11ulk1•r r 1•m1•n1 J E W ,.. L R y P'llaJlilTtlRE FOK MAl.Ds' jmnts 1 •it) 15th & Ncwf10rt /\vr .. C'Clllta Met11 .. • Phonr fW'RC'(ln 8700-W-3. I._ N_,..,..rt Blvd C I M T11blC" powC'r Sll\1• or11•r11111r 1,975 '°" ~-,,... OI I l!M ShN-t mr tal work1•r.i 1 75 ,, l8-tlt 3·tfc Tar man and mc,rta r m nll 1 40 Ttlr S('tl{'r!I • 1.80 T1lr ~l'll<'rs hl'l,JK·r!I ' 1.25 'T'ru<'k drlvrrs, 11nrll'r 6 tuns l.425 rut'k dnvn1, I> lrJ HJ tuns 1.45 Trur k dri\ rrs, Ill to 1 S tons I 50 Tr11r k drrvc•ri;, I!'> In :.'O tons 1 575 Trurk drl\'l'rs. 1 ra11s1t mrx, 11nd<'r 3 yard11 Truck drivers. trun11i1 mix, 3 yards or mort' Floor lay<'rs Soft noor l&)'<'r!I Iron workt'rt, ornam<'ntal Window clt'aner Wrld('1"9 {recc-lve rate pre· acrlbed for craft perform- init operation to which wl'lding ill 1nr id<'nl11l 1 165 1.775 2.10 1.85 1.775 1.50 LEROY SLA n :n Move Anylhln1 Anytl~ ..spt-clallud 1n MOVING· Howehold Good• & SJMIJ Bo.ti Harbor 391. 25-ttc HARBOR Plumbin« Service 1768'~t Blvd., BHcon 6111 REPADUNG OUR SPEClAl.'rT Colltnctfnc ud SaappUee 9-dl 12 YEARS SERVlCI: IN 111!: HAABOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTR.AC"n>R 274 l:alt 19th Su.t Ph. Bea. :WU Cotta MIN. Calif. »trt Bendix & Maytags Jus.I \\'11flmR to Bf' Used at BILL'S WASH-A-TERI.A m Nrwport Blvd , C.0.ta 111 .. PholM Beacon 5T70 10-U. FOR SALF.-Ov11l l1tbl1•, f(lrmlca lop. ataln & burn Jlf'OOf, chromf' b.tM, slu 30 11 42, & bat'l•ln. Phonl' Hllr. 2711-R. 3R-4tc HARBOR Furniture & Transfer BONDED and INSURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wi~ Bily vt u~ JMp You nr w1 ... -em·nTY.SY sF:nvrcr: • 1962 IJarhor Jllvd rm1ln M<'St FllHN ITtlHE RJ.:FINISlll-:U A11 \'1111 I.Ike• It r<~N GJu:NSTED 21:\11 Mln1·r St . C'Clllta MHa l'hctnr llnrlHtr 11170-W F or t:1tlmRtN1 < ln r.uorllnl•'f'Ci Work - ---n:tt Fe Ill lt~:NT :t 1.,..tnw1m lwll-nn 1>rnl11•ulft SIOO 111•r m-•nth Rru· nnhl•lt' 1111mn11•r r••nt11l tlllrtiot 171:1 \V 36-tfr F1 11t tt•:NT ·nm ... alM-plntc rooma, __ vdlUllc ~lrtUllX _a.lld_t11tth. Call 11f1t•r ~ ,, m lfilr..! r11rlii71>r1Vf', IF y011n FllHNrrt.llU: la not he--('11rnn1t do-I Mar lR-51tl r.1mlnj,t yr,u 11hnuld tlf' romlnlf to tht' Jonl'S Cc>. 'JJ>holt1lf't1. n,.. WANTSD TO aKJft' U 11tylln1t and rrhulldlnr all WOf'k c ~II 11'1.t: with h11hy Wllnt t1ll'O iuarllnlrl'd. Phonl' &aeon 6l&O. lwodroom hOUM', furnlahc-d .-un- ___________ :zs-_22_1c rurnlahrd ~ llarh« 1219-W. Mlljt-.llC' refrlr<'rotor m 00, 137 41 ·ltp . Topaz, Balboa bJand. 37-5tc WAtin'F.D TO 1U:NT -On Udo FOR SALE-"O\arlM of London" 11\.. S bedroom~. for.,..., aof1, custom built. nttdl r~.,-. of July or AUl'\llll. or both. ltfttt· In• Alto l•I• Victorian walnut al to l600.00 prr mo. 419 N. fr1trl'll' Jovr t1•·nl 11nd mitlchlnr Kllkra Dr . I •. A , Wy O!llM. ch11lr, uphoh1t1•N'd In blur Vf'IV~t. 38-lOtr 2 pnir 1l<'f'l framt' tJfd• ~ Width w I f h lnn•n1lf'lll!l mall r('U('I. C"11ll nflf·r 7 1• m tlnly, lfuhor 332·.I 39--~tc Mlddlr .,,,. ~mplr want · 4 tW ~ rnnm hou.... by )'f'IU', O.lboa Pr•·fl'f·ntily untumlahf-d. llitr 2 1111; W 3#..4tc Painting -Paperhanging Phone Rcaton 5.538 ... J llOAT1'. •UPPLID J4.tft ----• EJU:ftANO& ,5000 I W . I. .. JORl>AN nt-:Al.'ff'IR 7C•I ,.. I '••fllrnl, "'"hoa l111rl111r l!\1 3!1-tfc Sunny. m<wl1•rn, r.,..._rfUI. Ralboa l'llnnd JlrJfl'N', "'Ith 'J t""dmom11,. llN!'sit'9<'f", •• l1tfli'-11Unny ~ room. llr'f'ctkflllll l'l!r, Jlll\IW'd and ff'f'l('f'Ct twt•h-. It"'"""· and ~ •I $1 7,t"(l() Call lla.rbor 12-W 11nd wt thl1 plal't' llr'Oft ll•U 11 flnr ln,•11tmrn1. Jfub Powttn, Alfrnt. »-lta .HAI.BOA flAYSHORF.S' lMMEfllATl-:l~V AVAILABLF.. Allr11rtlvr 'I 11nd 3 ~ honw•. with r?lll nr..,ial"'tl, •tall ah1M•rn. "''"II Jll11n~ kl•ctwma, lu11.-N'fnl'nt J)All•*· wardrobe ~._.,....-..,. oi-... attrao.-- llvr fritlu,..... P'ftf fUrlhfor ~ tlnlla,.. mntar t Mr "'9omw, fll'•ron :n.ui, \ EARi, W . STANLEY RF.AL TOR COVERING NEWPORT OIU!AT&ll H41l801l aua ~. C"E'N'nUL N4!WPCJC1 S.tleh 'Bi""'NO IKVINE 81'11. Nf'WJ)Of't Beach J7th and C'OA8T Hwr. NrwJMWI n..di :125 MAJUNE AVE. haltio. l1land 815 roAST HWY. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY' Except es noted In the wag<' ~rhC'11Ult', thr r/ll('S or per di<'m wai:l't{ fur rnch or the various cl8!1iiirio 1tions or work shall he lhc hcrrlnbcforc S<'l f<>T'lh prc- \':tllinit ratrs of hourly wastes mul- l tplrf'd by C\Jthl ·rRl. E11tht 18) hours shall constitute n day's work: it bfoin1: understood Iha I in lhC' f'\'t'nl tha t workmf'n er1• <'m- plnyl'd lt·~s than ristht <RI hours By Hour or Contract Bf'll malt>rlal1 11nd workmanthlp \all M. (' WAGGONER HARBOR 2525-W AIR-WAY SANITI ZOH VlVA F. J'Anf>O<I< Rondrd 01'11lrr OUTflOARD MOTORS AND BOATS WfJ.J. F.Xr?fAN<a: Glrla' bnnd ni·w :.!6 • hlcydf' for :M or 'll.J'' ilrl• ltl!'ycl,.. 1117 Pomona I 001t• M.-rw. t:LY • If C"oron• del Mar 41-lte DAV SCHOOL Mortimer ·School IO% Clora.I Ave. Ball>M Ill DAV SCHOOL NOW OPES o ... llOaTnUt•. 11. A., •• ,_ rr1 ... 1.,.i llAllMR Mt Dr. Obed Lucas DE!\TIST HO!~ W. c-traJ. Hart.or 1480 ~"l;WPOKT RF...\Cff GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. !W \l'est Cfltlral PhoM Harlior 4Zl ...r S t<"-port &-AC'.11 PR.' L. Y ARWOOH o. C. l>ttC. 1&.1\6 Sf'\\"port 8h-d. Collta M-Rt~!M'on ~'Wl1·R e CHlROPRAC"TI(" e PH\"~OTllT.RAPV • Colonl1'1< MORT1'ARV BALTZ }IORTt'ARV UOY A'ITESDAST 4 I 0 ("oul Hlw.y Coron• del !\lar I"'-Harbor U (Day and Sl,tll) Ol"Tf)MF.TIUl!IT E. T. Butterworth, O. D. ~tTht • F.n8 f:XAM"ISF.D LENSES Dl'"PUC' A TED ._...., .... _ACl- lllt W. _...., A.-.._ I'll. ffwt..r tall l'Onl'~ORT al'..ACll PBV81CIAS8-81~EOSS.D.O. W. T. :\looney Pll,...cl_ and 8c&l'CN>n X·RAl. U -Bour Sen~ O.rbor t8 per day. thr tH'r 1ltr m '-'st.:~.; i:hall lw d<'emrrl In lw lh><t lrncwin of PBl'81CIA..'li8 • 8UBGEON8, ILO. 1 h<' per dl<'m wugcs herein l'S· A. V. Andrews, M.D. PRl'81CIA."" -d ~tlRGEON 4 II Coaat B1pwa1. Harbor 566 Co..-. del Mar labiji1hrd thRt lhr numlwr or hr>Ul'll I or ··mplo'."ml'nl li<'ars t o c•11:ht 181 hours. - O\'C'rlim1' ~hull 111• paid for work 1w•rformNI in ""('l'i;s of llw rrr;:ular o :i) 's or w1•1•k '" work r1nrl nt thl' I rntr for O\'t'rt1m1· of th(' r r:1ft in- '---------------· \'nlv<'d. H. R. ~all, M. D. TilACI'OR WORK -Gradinit & Pfowinit. C'<ln'l"Tf'I<' work nf all niiw f'rcl' 1"111lmat£'9. Call S11nt1 Ann ~-R :W-... lG.tp WaJJace Calderhead MANUF Ac-TIIRI NG Jf:wt:LER R17 COAST lilGHWAY ('()RONA m :L ~AR. ('Al.Jr 3l -22tc 1 l!'i Antt•th}"'I /WI', Dalbo11 18l11n1l I t11rhor ~:iW> :19 ''" F1REWOOD CHARCOAT. A lJR:TQtlrT'I PROMPT DEUVERY Wri~htc Lumber Yard i'r84 N-i>Of't Blvd ~A MF-'iA 83-ll• NEW ft. llf'Efl Srrvlt-r nn_d/ Rr•p11lr11 on All MnkXrt nt Mllfonr llF.AI. F-'4TATF. WANTF.D Dave H. 8 pi<'R 1•1m·A·r:;:r•AHTY--w111 pay !116 ro11>tl fJlw11r Ul'nmn ~711 M ~'".nll ,.. "" h rur unfurnl•hN1 ____________ :.!4· lfr l111u"'' n•'nr h11y In alrrv flvr '" 1MMt-;.1«.:iA.I. AU·fL-11Jilun11 h<Jlll \\'1 II•• lln~ "N" r /n J'frwa·Tim•· .. wrth C"hry,l••r l'rnwn mf)fflr. · 41 :.tr I ll' 11" ,,..,,,,, ll•1llb fl 11111~ k rd '"" 11:•i11 N1·w1-..1rl Jlh•tf , r°"'" MOHl'!Y TO LOAJlll M• "' l'l1<ir1•· llrncun ~~1-J L11A NS 'I' 1 111 •11.1 1. IMJ-;;\11v•: .. .. 11fl11 •I I'm 11r 1111 1l11y S11urd11y r ltl 'Y, MC,)Jll-:ltNIZI-:, c lit l<I S11111l11>" 36·2!\lr ltf-:1-IN!\Nf'F Boats Price'! To Sell \\1,, lhrv '1'111•1 I l<·•·•b Mlll''T SA<lllFl("Jt~ -Jlcoaullfu.l nrw 'J tW'dmnm bomr. paneS..S ·UN'1tl11<'f', hUllt In h1111k <'ua. IC..1tm 1-..-llln1t In front room 6 llCdr001na. Sff to •AJrlrlale total Jorli<t• ~I Oil, $1300.00 down, hHlnnrr $~()I) month. I~ lrv1ac. <.:ua.lJt Mc:u.. -41.Jtc CoMt Proj>ertiel'l Co. HeaJt.on1 El Rayo Ray F'ront Hohcmys :1s tll'rL'in r!'f1·rrcd to .•h11ll hi' dp1•nw d 111 hr -.;, w Yc11r'i; nn)~ n ccnr-.ir1r;in t 1:1y. l11<lrp<'T'ld· 1•111·1• l>ny. 1.;,ltnr l>l'I). Armt~ticr Houn;: 2·5. by Appolnttnl'nt !lay, Thank!!l:htng t 1ay, and ~ T~~,. Beacoon 51143 , \hrio;lm a« If 11 n~· 11f llw nhm·r Pll~Uld8~ LANDSCAPINC; Plenty of Good Tiree All Slzee '\II' C 'rl,.1 ·r11fl I '4:.! I $'i1UI :V. At1'I S l•••f' F /ft ~ J:"V)lt :n· I •tll\ S J1I ... ,, .. I'l l> $7rn 1 N f<:WI 'OltT UA I ,HO A f"f:OF.R.A L S0A VlNr.~ A U>AN ASRN· 1133 Via Lido Ph Har l!llV) ~ th111 11111dnn two alr.ry 1lUCC'O, •h: Y""' nl<t, h1ty frrml tw1m1'. uf Rroadlfa,· C'n.ta .\fe9i h11l111:1~~ t all ,,,, ~;rnrl.i\ th1· :\lnn-.._ _____________ 1 I dll) fiill11\\1ni: ... 1i11ll h" l'On•lfl•·r1•d I 11 l<'l:HI hiihrl111· • ..--------------Jr •hnll 111 "m:i nrl11lc1n 111•1n thr Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. ("rm•rac111r 111 \\horn ,, 1111ll1:w 1 ,.., 20 Y•·ar~ f:1CJ)C'fi•·n<'1· Old & Nc•w ll<>m1·~ Compound Motor Oil GaJloo, 7rltl' r; J ~11 :>..'\'l 'Y 111 111.,n li'.!HI 41 -lfr i i I c '111"1 lllWh\, Nrw1~•rl AllTOMOTIVE • nau .. :l'I 111• 1-n--,-1 ----"I.' I I IC\_)Ll-.H \\'111•l••1f H I'"' llOI Cout mway :t'4 111 clP1I. ;111<1111~1n :ill .,11l1o1·unrr:w-1 Corona df'I Mar 4 ,.,rs und1•r him. 111 pa~ nnl h·s~ -------------- 11"1" ""1d I.'• ,,.., .. ii 1w•·\ 11\ini: 1 d••<; f'OOPERATJVE OUire llo11r.o: 10 12; 2-5 111 I• r 1h1·m '"•!:', t•• • .ti "'" kllt• n W'e!tern Autn Supply Aulhorl11·d Pritlrr 1836 Newport nt~d . < '09t11 Mf'M 17 tf• I 'SJ I 1 J 'J /\.._-,JS \Vlll;j";'"I f.., 1111r ,.. 111 d1 t•' 'fn11l1· \ ""r ,,!fl 11l11n11 14 •• 111·1 r • •11111 1.1111 ... h• n h •r . A I ,.,.,1d1•1 .. u • · .. u n. :.• "'' :.-"" 1 -t I ·~11• IT II AS ( tMc.ftr11m11a, :\ .111th•, a l11rtc•• llvlnll runm with rt;,,,i•rw, <lrt•J•"I, v•·nrlfnri hllnd• ••le.~ ln11·rl•1r l••11k11 Ilk" n<·w throutrh· nn1I Iii ftrran11f'fl f11r l"l•fTifllrl"hle llvlr11c orwf 1-ompl••l1' •·n~YJnf'nt uf 1111 11• llvlll•·'I ll1nl tn11k1• " t1a7 l r11111 11 .. 1111· "'' 1l•·•lri·ulil1• ... I" .... , ...... , 1111·1 .. .,,, ~.lh1w11 nr1· l·:f •1< s.\1.1 I llfl• 't i 7H ~11l1on w1-: llAVt-: '"" kc·y "'"' wlll tJe • 11111111'"'1 ir1 111• , ,, ··111 111n "' Ill•' ROOFING CO . RERVF:T, ''' \\111 l••I\ f11r •I••' •':a h PA'>li'. •I•• 'i.••wl 1•11 •1 .. ·r, r ,11!1 ... ltt•11lt·r 111<1111.t'fl 111 1'h Hw thl' f1ru1W'rly at ~t "ll\1JJ tr J•fA'-•t t 't• ",:tt1 "\;,. •!• .. •I tw••••r ~ •• nt k.t'"~ '''''~''· ttfl)' run• S. R. :\1onaco, M. D. RU nu,· Av.-.• Ralhoa ll~rhor 11~4 Clrt1q-Hour<:. 2 to 5 p. m. .\lon11Ay th.rou~h . t-rld"1 I l1 at11" ('0,1<1 .Ir I '<rll1·~1• I 11•11 11 I < 1r;,nc•' 1 '"'""' ·"· c ·1111ff)rni11 II) JI 11 1'1 I 1•r,c111 1'1111 /\f•l'l f ~ •. I:!. l'llR Conrad Richter, M. D. 11 Pueuc NoTJCE f"f• -n• llt'\I,... ------~ 30 a m · 12 :'>t • 2 :Ill p m. . 4 .:lQ p m. 200~..('' W. C-tnJ Sf'wpnrt O..Clt Piion~ ll•rbo~ Hes '°fl'llS,\TIOS t 'OR l'l'Rl.I(: oFnct: ASr> MP:A!<'t"ltF. TO RF. \'OTt:r> QS ... , '' >Tl<'E JS llF.REOY G in:~. 11111 1 lh•· fnllov.111~ 1w r,n11. h."1• l•t1 n nu!hina11 •d for llW n ff11•1•.; I h"r•·inafl"r mrntionl'd 1•1 lw f1l1•·tl, ,---------------1! th•_.l.°"ll"rtil m11n1rlp•il rl••'IH•!l SE\\TORT HARBOR ... h1·'l1• hi Ill th•· ("11 > o;( ~· \\ r~·rt \ l';TI': RI S .\RIAS \"E'l'!:IUSAR\. HORP1TAL 11•-.u•h "" T t1•\rl11 11.1 1-;1 1i (1 11 Ho~ Par1lt'r, P .\'.M. ••t •'Jirtl J'rt~ . . Paul O. Dnt.c-Jw.r. D.\".M. ( 111111 •. 1111wn e... 11 ,, ... .,,. tnrl lluo ' ron ~.r.. M,... Dr1ve rlnhrr t 1\ 11••11 1 ln1·11ml·• 111 I f'O"T A Wl"A.4 f1 I. i\ 11 • 11 Hot1~. 0.. 3()18; Rea. Har. 4Cll SCOTCH TAPE SOW O~ fl.\!"U _,_ l\r:\VR -Tl~1ES f' uppl y UrnJ u.d l••il.•"' K Bh1• I 11• k I rr.1k1 I Hil)~ F (; , , • ~ f?,,~" r.rr, J, ~ ('lh Cl•·rk F'r ink L H111,' It 11 1 I 1n• •11)111• 11i I <' I' t<1 11 I• \I 1'11"1 .I ,\ r. 1n1 11111 •tf)1 l• pl I "' 1TWf. I~ ~ 1 "HTJWP. llf:RJ=:. New anct Repair H.M.LANE RF:Al. f'5;T/\TE 20flfi rnur I A vr r>:r11r l':rWJ¥•rl J'it•r F.'tnhll~h,.d Sin<'" 1920 R-1f1 \~;-r~.ttA~ 'fl \'•·nro; w r•h n:1''' .tnr k nf 11\1 t~nrlr' """d~ 11 j.1h M11r hln1"t r11 r111•nt f'r, nv·I ;d,mP It ~n t11wriln Wr111· Box ~:.Jt ,. • • ""..,.,"';Tlnw" :11 .:.111 ThC' r, A S HPfrigPratnr '1 "'' "111111 """ 1•1 tr•' ''"'''" 11 • .. "'t•1r1 II•'"'"· •Ii·~· snmr M•<1t,.I• A'1dl1<t1I•· r.;11\V s /.t:-<1:1· '""'''' •YI"'"'""" l.11v1·l v :l'i :rq, ('oast f'r11pl'rtil'~ f'o .. Balhna Furttit11rP Store 11'"" "'"'' "'ti .... vi.u i11•1 ""Y H •tt "'·" 1 ·11• '·11,.\Y " 111""'" He·1JtorR "111 ''"'""' '' • r $11 •-· TM"nu , .. I : •1•••1 '' '' 111 1'~\k 1·1·11• •• ;111 ,,. , •• 1111111 'U1tll11111 lf11r '.l658' 1'11'' M:1111 s-r "'fl11llt11n Ph1•fV''T lnrl•ir 11:1 2'Jfl~ ('1111~1 nh.. Nr·WJl•trt l'honr 11 ru I" 1r l.l fi '11 ,,, l 1A-..;z <.,rt1Mll 1T.~1:t11 :-;., ~1tln.1 1·1 ,.1111 11.,11••1 l"t'1l I: 1111 :•1111 ' ' :\7 f S1111!11Ann \!1.tf•· "'' ''"'"••11 :-0 .11•1 .. UN /\t lir.1---_ '·le s f'l""f·.:r '"' r•lll.,/\ll ,, ,,;;-.-;r,;;' """· ' .. 11.1111 '"' :\1111 1 •1 'H• .... N(•w View Home n r1t 111i11w1"I II y1111 l111y 1111,.r 11!1<1 t .. 1 llCI • r 'l11t. • ""'' 1111lilo 1·••otl 11 ... i•r•t ltl-•· 11 •11.,111._, 11,,.,111111 , ""'"''"'' lit;s 1 , , 111 ,. ,, .• 'JVF:R.l.IJOKINC; F:r11lr,.. Harbor ~TRl 't •rt "lt/\I. STF:F:l. ll••11I II ~Jil n• t.... """' l.11y Wll<'ll r "'''' ,\I· •/1 411 ''I• ,., ... 3 hr. Mw. n oon . nr<'plal'.'e, Ani.:I••" c 11:1nn• I• r ll••um• 11·:i•lv 1111117 S d 1111i1J1 Pl11n11 n, COO!llrucllon 11n'1 lnllldf: flnlah All 11111·• ''"'I !-:hnl"'' -.;, "'lft 1 ·~·rt r.~r1 ~·· .\Tril11 S1rn111 Ami 1n.rr1· 11 I 'I.\"' ti 'TJ I ·' '''"" •r~' "" •I• •·.Cl'••ptliin"I Thr fln"91 we've I \ ~ I " I I I J ~ f'Vl'r offered. 1~ 11n<I '·~ lfr1nf11rr 111" .Sl<'1•I I · I 11 • '" 1"'111 r'' ·"" n•· "~'I I U('l<Sfl:" ~ ~E\\1 ·r.1. ·I •H S A I.I . l't11 l•·•1 i 11l1111•·t r:11h11, J,.., "'" i rl11111t .. i1 ll11d•1r I'!;!'.! W I"""' ••1111Jr1 l1.11 l'l1•1n1· Jl.111,.,r , 1:--. "'"'''' H 111 ... , 1•11111•1 "''' RALPH P. MASKEY 3\0T W :1th S r l'lt••n" Hf~ w .:1 \\ 41-llr ~· 1 Srinr.1 /\na ·\I 111•! • ' 11 »••· 341 1 W f'rntr11I f'h Jf.u . 40'.l llA I r tWl'J, lv•11•1t1r1111y 1,,1111 hllll' T'NAll.F.RH-flt I___ 9-ttc x x 11 " 11 x x I l111n1111l11"" pl11n11 R•'Jl""•1·~~··d _ --------- • • • 1111111 111'1• r 1111 ·h<· )111)11 11n 1'111)' ~ 'IT!..\11, l<.S Vllll lt l "'T rn,.111r1• F x ( r PLUMTHN<,. l PPLJES I "'"nt11h· rw1vm•·n1 .. ·n11• •• 11 '" .,. .... ,., , • .,,k 11rr, .. "'"""''' , ; '1J SI VB l ..11rg1'!ll Sft,tk In <11 ·1111·• l 't11fnty ~"'" 1>11111 "'h•rl<I• 1'"11111 r., '1'1 .. 11., P.11k, 1·.,1 •• 1. ll11:liv.r1y, II 0 1' E L s I T E 29 AIN1'"'' I"'• 11l 1n••' In rh•••" ::. "'I"•'' II•'" h (1-.,.,..,,. •,1 ~1 ----------...,,-.---, 1 ~." f.alv. ~t"rl l'ipt• fr11111 '1:.'ll N•1 M11ln ~""'" /\n11 ,,, lil p Al •l.41 '1\TI l\IH:A .S/\J.l.~'11· '> I lH \\'I 1\TI -..; F nr -20,. f<i<>t 1'1 If••• W IT H ~tAY I ti1 l~'l'M:J·: :"\1"'f"•rl "'' ., • "'""'' ••• w1n1tl ------RF.Al. r..STATE • ,\:-;11 Jll Al TH'I I. I 1('F/\N \'JEW ''ii I ll n1· •111 1 11111111111\11, I• 111• , , i., ~I 'I' 1 "I ''1 '"'' 11' "'111 n•·w < ·,,.,, AT • ~I'' ' I 11 \hr•1rw l'lri I• •I Sv. 1111• I a11rl'1 ~ f).,m.1;•• rl 111 ~l11p111• n I Wrll n111 r "f 11111:-; A 111-;r. MAR "~,.,'.~n ~:·:;t11·;~\,,'1,:~'.""~~11~;11.I ~·1 r,i1 "1l111· • $;.c,·, ,,.. 1 .. 1o1 rr ... 111 1.1r.1t "''~ i-;,,v .. ~ BEl>HOOM ll<H JSE ~1.w1,1111T m ,,rir, <'ALJF. ... I F'J>t:'t:" J J l '"1 '"'''(' ~l 'il l 'I• ttni. 11/\:~i'. S("Jl:\tlllT l><1l 'lllJ·: (;AHA<;1-; (;,)t,tl Iii<"-, IM '" "r 'lf•IJ•·l11l111• nt <11 (\11, ,,.,r , ~ , ,1 B •" , ., l'IA::• r r I 1 . •,;.ri °"" ~l1d11 '-\:1n I tl•1n In (',,~t:1 ;\f•..,I• I• r.J v 11 I r \\II.I . Fl 'll'>:IS tl l••••m Ml•I t111'I• J.aynut S('t"Vir1 1 111 1\111 l't If•• 111111 ~ "-7'1111 11 •• 11.,.11 t:fl-l't \f 1•1•1& '"•;1rrl 111•l ,11i•1ll ,11•1r v l'I ~ '-'Tl!',\\,\'' l ,Jt;\'.I• '"11••· l<ln" :)R ')rp 11 I I n 11 . Fo,.·r 11 ."'A l'l.{,''.fl'J ."'(,' .. 7"•'<! """ 1""1 1 •111•· •'• 1···• 1t1 n I\•" ·' ' ·" .. c 1•1 '"""' I""" 1 "'•11•llll•1n. I· fllt "Al. ... "~' ''"'' 1,,, ,,,, ()t.,.11n ,,., ·~ • 1'1 h •n:.:1 f,,, mt•' '11 t "' t11 Ir .. r 231..-11 s Vt* ~ 1 A ,,. • I · · • • ""l>'•r ' · l •111·• "11' '"11' :-.1" • nvr>r ;:.JI-ft Jll\'1), ll11lh"." Pt,,.,,,, l~lc.w to-ll• '1'111.. ,. \I'·" 1\11111.. 1l111h r.o11 h :'.1 l'I n. f.'1•A1 I ,. . ·~ • l'''1 111111 ,,..,1,,.111 ,., 1111•1 S 1111111111, "'"'"" 1\1111, ;,:.111 1 1foy'1 m11r_l<•·I l'tr lk11l'on 512f,..J lf,1rt. .. r ~.17 . :1!1-!'i•c :n-tr• 1 ,.._,, .M111n 111.lfr u l'n 1J1«rtie~. J nc. W V. f:Ml'IE 11111 St . f;lll An1wl• !I, C.:altr. MAtflllfln 7:.tl I 4l-!5te! AdVt'Ttlae ,.. '. \f I HarbOr Activities Notili.Lol Uoden' Institute nie Leadtn lnatltute al Or. anre County, afflllatf'd with the ~ Q)t1nct! al Cau.. olle W:omcn ~111 meet 1'Uesday ~ 6.. &1.10~ a.JD..~ St Bon1facP. Anaheim f:.P ~~~~':t ~ ~t ~ ]IHfit Springs Honeymoon Follows W eclding ~;~:~~a;: ~~t=-niA::-~mee~ 01 lloY.n• Hutcltinson onJ Yinnie Brown . 1ng. plt'ase contact Mn. Clyde Honeymoonln1 at Mlulon Inn, dreu and hat of Mn. Gall Saw- yer, matron ot honor, and ahe curled y,IJow rdles. Brldetmaldl eowned alike In turquolee lace trimmed with -pink uttn. were Mead~ Dorothy Hutchinson. Mery Hutchinson, Mary Stefford and Dof'othy SPt'vrnan. Th.y tjomecralten Ent•used , 0Yer Hew 1ooA Lamps The prospect of havina lamp By Winifred Barbre It 111 a rY10TnJng aeulon oftly and MN . w arrt"n G. Knittiem Of P 6 ltll:WPO&T BALBOA NBWl-Tl•&S _ ] age 11e>NDAY . N-.en ........ c.111. A,..u a. •NI ~ Music•lly. SpeekincJ • ~~ , ol I I J ., llA'l'llJl,,&BX ()9U:ll•M usiness w r essiot?o Women Ho J lesl ott -"THE YOUNG IDEA" Al<lwh. Beacon 6129-J . RJverslde and Palm Sprlnr• an Mr. and Mrs. Blayne S. Hutchin· '°"· WhON weddJni, attended b)l- !IOO l\K'lts. wo solemnized Wed· netday at 8 p: m. In Flrlt Meth· 80l.TH DAMOT..\ PICNIC -·-, The South Dakota IU"'IY\er JJ'c.. nlc "111 be he.Id at BJxby Park, Lnng B<'aeh. on S unday, Apnl 25. By Mouler odiat church, Downey. li99est loues'· Hi9ltt luf laby Steals tlte Show Thr mcidf .. t ltttle cuckoo hU . docll' mu('h 10 prnmor<' musll' In r.~::--::.1::: .. ::-.. :-::......,~::,:""..,~ .... -:,-, ':'1 .. :0.~4":'=------------~--. Al any fond mottw-r could have pndlcted, It wvu Baby ato.le the ahow wtlen mem.,.n of th~ Busl· M99 and Prtl4t1lona1 Women'• .dub held lMlr Ull'IUlll BouN' Nlaht dinner Thursday evenin& at Newport Harbor Yaclit club But ~ will conw ba<il to Baby lat«. wu Bubbles O'Toole, the•Irlsh 110nS1trn1. w~ carttt waa cap- tul't'd -by the bridet'room: Juan Fernr. an amazlncly ffalt.tfc Ctiarlott~wooct, wu anoth· n f11Vor1te actrffl. Junior made hl1 ar>s»HranC'f'. • healthy and compl11ct-nt Infant belnl( fl'd from a boflle by hi• nurs<'. Hilde Bria· roe. !Junior bein1 WHtOf) Jay.) Junior grown up as a slim and tep dancing youth. v.•u Ruth Herstwoy. the world ('onsdously or f!O'. 'I& .. U.. I.'-'· Olt-'111 olfllll The bride was the former Vin· nle Brown. deurhter of Mr. end Mn. Victor Guclielml ot '~nla, New Je~y. The brldecroom, son of Mrs. Helen Turner of Downey, la president and &eneral mena&er It wu lhe bluest nlt ht ~er. with 188 ln attendance. Some aald It wu the best procnm ever, but that ID't poulble for each one Mftlll ''top1''. Dcrothy Suttw>rland prHidt-d and a chanct" of by.ta,,... to In· cluM the position of aeoond vice· pnsl~t n~ltated a Vf'TY -.JIOrt"t>UJI ne. R'lltolf. -'ft:fowll:: tn Fft'fl Hobbl' dellirhttut drawl lif lhe isn't trom Dixie IM 1hould , ,have hffnl, the d nder-dry by· • laWI tt90Jutlon be<-ame an IUTIUI· inc put of the proc:ram. JudrinK from the many chudclel iUcl ted from the mm. Fern, chairman cl the nomlnat· Ina committee whlch also lnclud· ed Alda Gorton and Meta Bach· JDU. prMftl,Yd_ n&llltt_. ol OUl• mn for UW com1n1 ye.. They att: ~nl"9t, ~. B'°rnqwt. who held the olfte. In 193&-1940; tint Yic»-IJIWidlnt, Betty Handy: 8K'Olld ~ • preal~t. Kay Vaupn; ~ lea"etary, ElaJM Wftml; COi I eepondiq WC- -· HUta .... 0...-. die introduction "' ._. and nwtnlliei .. Lie Barnes Md .,._ completiac hill job on tile Ws Family ~ It lookl'd Die a ... aiu1 .u .wun'L ~ bad ,....._ ·to lnltall pu1Jqs to ..... U.. cm'tabw and the open· Mf'mbera ot th<' rhorut aJIPt'ar· f'd first In old faahionPd coetumes and l11 tt'T' In hula 11k1Tta. in cl<'\'- er 10np and dances 1ta1tl'd and dlrt'Ct l'd hy Kathll'f'n Col<'man. hi the i-horua Wttt> Mrs &lem11n, Fl't'dllh B11te1. R<'tht'I M11 nlf. Ruth Hrnhey, Lydia Shf'f'Tnlln F.lalne Wf'lu wu l "ncral chalr- mu llnd Evalyn Rldrr •UJl('rvisrd the m111k. Working out the 1cr1pt Wert' BMty H11ndy. Jfekn T)·ner. Lyla BauJCh, · N11thfllr Mkh11ud. Fern Hobbll, Agnes •omquist enc1 Joyct-Piper. The art commlttl'e ronai•ll'd or M.atl~ RDlli.rut. 8-uc HorYtth. Ma· rte H•mllt(>l'I. E\lelyn Varntt, Gw.-n Brown. Betty Handy. Vlr· alnla Shlr~y. Mlldrfd Stanley and~ Stone. • A~ Blomquist medt' tht' din· ner arrancementa and ticket• and "8tt'VaUona were ln charre of Su. Horvath, Vlrstnla · Shlrt..y, I Pick. Coltwnea were y a um· mtra, Jlethel Maris and Ir~ Monia. '- Prosw'am cOordlnatlon wu by Hiida ~. ~ lt'I WU de-- a!llM'd and built by LH Barnes ancl the huse portraits lnaJde ttw> coven were by Marilyn HUI. .rompoM"rl have bttn Infill('~ b)' tlw tWO·nok mf'loch of the~· ( I r I d IO\'lng birds. and ban• be s••d ma n y IUIW'S nn tht.- 11m11 I t• cum· tiint111on uf tM _c.11 e k o o <'all Thi' C'hvrus of 4 t h a t f11vonte song. "Th" ..r .. r111nHf' Sandman.· USf'll thP llo\O n (Jlf'i! C'lithtf't·n lim!'S m JUC'N'SS1on lJN>thon~n employs the .1wo-notc romhtnll· lion In h•~ Pru.toral Sym1lhon)', ••twr1· h1 1'f1mlurws· tti.> ('\lrkOO them" lo\'llh th"' Of th<' qu&1l. H11ndrl "rv11r a \cinrnlo v.1\kh h<' rail''() ·~111 .. C'U<'koo and thfo r-:1ichr lnl?H If• '\'t•IUm(' 11'rtt of Ori:an \onl'( rtos 1 In llaydn'a (1llldrl'n's Symphnn)' thf-C"\K'kOO plll)'S an 1m1 .. •rtan part IJnN>n· 'llrlou~ly W•· hum11n~ rmplo)• the <'llf kOO C'lilll to arrt.-, allf'ntlon. ~15:mund ~pa«'th ~ ttl°lt t WO-llO( r mus1ra I utteranc:"e u "th<' ct<"mal C'OnlC" hit~ wti• tie of thf' human race. Surprise Porty Tops Business Me.ting ol . . Star11nr u a bual.-mttt· Inc held at tlw honw Ol Tiwlma RJcketts, 309 Alvarado Plaitt. a ,,_Unr ol Kunaaina Klub later lwcamr a 1~ party for Hutl SpauJdlnr at twr £.dcewater ~ . ot All·Amencan marketa. The ceremony wu pt'rformed ln • floral settlnr of whJte stock and Easter lillles by Or. Elijah H. Lqn1brake. Tht' bride wore Ivory 11lk satin trlmmt'd with Chantilly lace, a Chantilb' lace head~ce but no V<'ll. A larre orchid, tiny butter· fly orchids •nd lily of the valley were combined in the bridal bou-• Qllet. Turquoise satin forml.'d the To Hear Bo/boo Flower Authority Gard('n aection of Friday Aft· ernoon club wi'll meet at Amerl· can l.t'gion hall. C<>11ta Mesa, for a Pol luck luncheon on Wednes· day. Mc:>mbers planning to att<"nd should <'all Jean LawrenC<>, Bea· con 6348-W and tell what they plan to bring. to &·Yo.id duplica· tfon. Mrs. C. M. Deakins of Balboa will lecture on flower arranre· -ment1. Members are asked to bring fl owers and containers and M~.-Deakln1 W1U 1ho\r.• how each •carried plnJc r<>1e1. Rine t>toarer wa1 Blayne M, Hutchinson, son of the bride· IJ'()Om. Best l1l&n wu 1ohn Saw· yer and uahera were Carl Hutdi· lnaon, Jack. Hutchinson, Glen Hutchinson, Les Co&clM and S. Allison Stalford. Mrs. Petl'taon pla1" Ave Ma· rill -u a violin solo llnd Richard Thoml*>fl 1an1 0 Promise Me. and Becauae. Or1anl1t Wll w.1. l•ce McKellar. The reception was held at Rio Hondo <;:ounrry club where the flve;tierd wl'dding cake wu served "'ilh champaicne. punch •nd coff~. Afterward there wu -shadet with the New Look drew out the iaz'leat tte!ent ttwad- antt wJwn Homecralt NCdoa ol Friday Alternoon club met Thursday. . Mn. Guy Peterson wu lnltnac-· tor and lhDM' who did not &Mb their lhadet took them home to complete. • Some ot the mem.,.n wW com- plete their 1hadet at thla week'& lllt't'tinr. others will do leatller work and 1tendJIJnr. They meet at &merlcan Lecion hall at 10 a. m.. brinfini noeebq hmd~. d ancin& to music by the Spa.n.lah Serenadera from 01\'era 1trecL The bride. who 11 a &raduate or Pratt Institute, New \Tork, wore, a bel&e sabardine aUlt whlch matched U'lat of her husband. when tt,cy left for their honey- moon. On thelr return tMy will live at F'ourth Piece, Downey. FAMOUS FOR FOOD ... NOW OPEN 6:30 TO 8 P . tL CLOSED MONDAY SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN ...... A.. ... .,... •tarted wtth him 1tlll t.adac .. equipment. .. -..WWWJ• ...... "'~)fcWaJn .. ftnCff opened ~ cl tJw tq album and out -n.pp.d •tJJda and Hor•or c Ar· In charae of ttw> ·prizes wrre Selly Nrwlln, Helen T)'ne'r, Lyla Bauih, Vlrclnla Shirley, ltuth WUmes, Vera Franke, EveJ)'11 Varntt, Marilyn Wheeler, All~ SlmioM .• At the opmlnr lftllon 14 mrm- btts ~ .,,.._, and two cwsta, • Delbttta Story . a n d Eleanor Unklt', botK ol wtiorn Wf'T(' \'otf'd -..ana-~ ~Per-1 wtiO t ook .....,. plama at the side and ptt- -.t.d. In IMl'll picturee, scenn -flt thetr oourtahlp and mamace. On the ~ t"Qf'ltmfttf'(' W'fft Mild.red Stanley and G~the Tubhll, co-chalrmt'n. committee memhf>n beln1t Jlfttt pl"f'tlldt'nt1 e.nd IT!t'mben of ttw> exPC"Utlve board. • Nau..He Michaud and Jean .,OUDI Wl!'N the couple In their 1'0Ulll'er daya. Edythe Uppencott p;;;. .................... .._.._~ Rummage Sole To AiJ Mesa Scouts Colla Men Olmmunlt)'..dlurch 11\JOHIOriftS body of Boy Seoul Tr09P 6 and ~ Exp&orer post 308, la plannlns a rwnrnase l&le ·to be Mid In May U"' a bmellt for 1wnnwr camp procrem of the Scouta. Mn. Ruth 8ul'l('tt, president ol ttw> Wcmen'• Circle of Chrt.- Uan Sttvkle, i. 1eneral chairman of ttw> lal.-. Articles are .,..na collected by Scout.a and stored at 274 East 19th 1t~t. osuooososoeeoooeoosco oeosesoe osc- CENTRAL CLEANERS (roaMDl.Y llaOADWAY CL&ANl!JUI) ' Under. New Management PICK UP AND DELIVERY Expert Mending and R~pait1ng . Ac-• la Ranor Ana For CAREFUL .LAUNDRY-SANT A AN~ 2903 W . Central Newport Phone 552-W Harbor NOW OPEN· DAILY GENE'S CAFE Corona del Mar 705-21. Cout ffi«hway EVERYTHING NEW! -49 .. ~ a.I, '"""·" ~~ Prepared by HEAD CHEF CHARLIE DeMARTINI Pastries by ADOLF Tea and Pastries Every Afternoon Luncheons by Appointment Dinners 5 to 10 p. m. * PHONE HARBOR 1102 * -\-.- l.n u rww nwmbers. Mra. Spauhli1ttr4 -1"'9K. recently bttn and atw Will m.ake tw>r homf.: In Newport I l('litht•. I continuing aa a dub mnnber. 1 howf.~. FOii t two s urprise part)', 'fllf'lmit Rkk.-11• wu holl trsa and df't-or11. tiona 11nd refrfth111f'f!ta had br<-n I .,.,.anrtd by Mrs SpauldJnl(a deughttt, J.taniM Southworth. Prtotent wne Mt"Sll"L and Mes- damt's Bob R.k:ketts. John Unkie. Ro)' Keene. "''Uli.am L H~ and Ludlle IUdt.y. Hu.Im.hop. DoctJe E•inc. Mandt' Hematl"fl't, Mary Shay, Delbtorta Story. aJiio ~iu S hirley U.uchlin. Ballx.: Mr. end Mrs Larry Spmctt o1 Coeta Mt'Sll. Mr. and Mn. Killy Mlka and Mr. and J.lri. Donne· vtn South•'Orth of N-'POl"I Hcta. Crm·tt Sowder of lfoll)-v.·ooct. fl. an<"f' or Mrs. SpauJdioe. wu &Mo Pl""t'~l O'Ornnlll Mika •ill mtttlain· t~ dub on April 15 at htt hc:Jmt-. ~Z7 R.Ntlandl Ave . s-,,ort He1gh11 with Mr a nd Mrs Vol· ney Hey ar. u tpf'cial ~·· Mr llay will a:lvt! the procram. an hour ol colored motion pictun'S Q( lhr Jlt1 ll',111an Islands. Hemet Volley Residents Prepare lor .... ~ Romona lo9eont JIEMF:T-SA:" JAC1~"JV I Thall Wl'<'k. bankt•ra. ll'1u·~n. t1hot>- kf'l'I"'""· f11rm<'rs and hou.~·h·l.'S of thl' \1t:"tnif)' 11rr pr•'r-arrng to d!ln 1:n·11it•' Jlll ant to l)o'<'Qrnr R<'- t<ini In 111 .. 194S <'••ntrnn111t pro- du<'lton 11( C11hlorn111·s h1"ton <" pin}, "Riimnn11-· Th<' fnnwd outdoor dr:im."l v.111 hf-llflll:t'<i for ii~ :!h t M'll"4'n in thr H11mon11 Bowl hf"rr in maU· nN' pc'rfonrnmc.·~ oii April Ii :ind JR. April 24 11ntf 25. nm1 Ma)' 1 11nd 2 by thr l""<•rlt• of tlw '"'in citlN of lff'nwt 11n• S11n Jarintt• M " rommun1t~. non·proht l'n· t<"rP.-IM". R.-hr11ni11ls for thr r.ul ol aP. Pf'O'ltm111rl)' J.";Q local rn1dt-n1s 1t11rtrd 1h1s "'ttk 11.ntirr 1~ sup. rn ·1s1on uf \\'1ll1Rm Ot-NM·n. th(' dfr<'Ctor. . a<'<!ordinti: to t:dv.•11rd Poorm11n of San J adnto. pr4'1i· dent of ttw> Ramona Paitrant Al- ~atlon For thr fourth ynr. JU:tnlta En~ll. fontw'r rt'Sidmt llf thr valle)' end a nint'-Y<'ar IT!t'mhc-r of th('>. Ramone <'Ut, •111 portray ttw> title rol<' of Ramona. Wiiiiam Pulll'n, W11rld War h w tf'ran and now " PQ9t·1ndu.te student of dramatics' at UC'LA. la the nt'WrorTWr H lf'<'ted tor t~ rok! of the-Ill-fated Alll'Slllndro TIM-~tacle is a dra"'3ti,.,. tlon of the laf(' l lelm Hunt Jack · r.on'g bcat·5C'lllng novel. Ramona Plana al"C' n~· being complt-tl'd, 11C't"Ordin1t to Frt'd M. Brudn'hn. 1, ~l'n .. ral marutiter of IM play. for an rlabrornl•' Jl"('dU<'llon In kffp· Ing with t hf' cc-ntrnn~l'ftl<'mt' in ttw> \'('f'). i<X'alt' "'""'"' blstor1cal ('\'f'ntl' of thr at<'!")· to.,k ph<'f' Rf'S<'r\'allom fN lhf' R.amllfla outdoor play may ~ m:ioc at all Mulual t kkf'I 111:<'n<"IN throuch· out Snltt hr rn C allhlrn111. or h>· mntl or ph.inr d1N'ct to thf' R11. monn P11 i::• ant A•~11u1i-n, R.a - mona l~·I. ll1·nwt ,. ~LD Goose When she ~ent out to drive .. Obeyed .all the rules And ~anie. hoJne ALIV.£ ! Mother Goo. wa no goo.el Wile dliwn eojoy Jmnc enoach to obey the ~pie driviRC ruJee that uw m~ for their lafety. 'The tragedy ii chat t.oo many ... ~ to take chanca jmt to •ve· • iDw 8CQOOde. Result PJ lliOM 1,,100 u.;.;-u ~ • 0/ '"• ,... ~ 1 You Mlo.U know the rulee of the roeCI; ii JOU doa'9 learn them. Behind the Wheel. remember them rupect them, and the di80Ce8 an JOG1' drift free froa) -oc;iMqta. lcoore them mad J'D'I pmble widi preciOU1 li•a ~ )'Gal' own& SPEND SECONDS SAVE UYU Cowmhte4 iw tit~ fntblic httn•JI "' T-he Dail31 News-Times SERVING THE ENTIRE HARBOR COMMUNITY -SECOND LARGEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE CO. EVERY EVENING, Monday Through Friday Telephones: Harbor ~ 12, 13, and 208 J- .. ' 4 • ~. ~~~~!~!!~ar~~,~~L!~~~ual part~r. but .J r-ClrcEudllttorR .. idel r I ~~~!!.~: ~'~~r~ll\!~~~~ .... ,. of tlK' \~··~ the v.·orld 1l1u11tinn th•ll the Con· tua lly 1tlvin1 Rusala 9oriw or tlK' I'" ''" With Jll~( (Int' ho111 ··~ nrr 'a ·~:•'H\I••· .. r lh1·-.~, Ull\"h ··har~n gress ot t.he Un.It~ S tftt('J ahould poAtt'Mlona of China to which RUI· •• .,111-..-or lldllorial -'11·11 I"""' ••n !hr• 1m..t11" "I:" ,1111-1$...,.l rl(l I"'' tn.inlh rn hc-rth •·for1)" be n>quin'd to dt>,·otl' Holy Wttk sil'I hitd no r lcht wtuiteYf'r. '"""' ~ ............... , .. 11110 .. ~ t1 ··~ta IU1\i1l Jn_U · l\!QJ.)"•1111 I llfill'!,111 ·~""!:."'•""II to a dlscuulon o[ a P}an, onlY 11 NC/ tf'('()rd of that aecrc!t ·~ ., i . r.-.. •.iA,•o•UJf' N1'''l'<ll't n1111 l\111h.111 111·•·11..~ I 11 '' "''" m i.111 1•th<'1 """''"· '" "ITTtw .. little 1hort of actual w11r. to &top mt>n l, hy Mr. ~v.tt, ~ .,.....,. ""-....,. 4'a z• ' if-ll1<>.1~llnl.}ll. ~~ 1ha1 ttu1 k t \" ~""" P<-'<1f'l• 1"1' •·tw-..,hn "f' th~ pl'nillf:'n( f'ncroachm ent• or &IS\Jtt-d Mr Stalin that he •-ould rh.-r. ,, '"' q11.11 l'l'I \\Ith P rl'l'I-I lr•r r<'lk1•t11 llh' \II'\\ '"""t ,.( 111111 ' I. "'°" fft'I thae w. ._,,.. IK4• MI 4 ... ti.-nt in ~~ ...... """"nf' tallw: buf lbn'e Ill • llnllt 10 ""'~')'th1nc""'nd •• acJS lhlM IJ1•• '' jj hlleh llftW' ,..,k:lr .. ~ out lo \9 a nd ~IC'!)'. \'N)" ~ ~------,,~ "JI.Mt t~. -=----.. n ph.llosoµhy whic h dr11tr0)'1l lht' i:u11r11nl1ot' the a('('('ptan<'t! of tlK' I dt>nl 1·111111an·,. r,.,.,.1111111.11c11111,,11 •lt•«I' "' 1•lh1•r l>t•al •'" rM'r;. 111•11 b Chi a~ I I k U 4 0 0 0 o 0 4 o o 4 0 U 0 S C b U U ¢ ¢ d U O U c U ¢ U C U O' llOSDAt" Comics, Radio .- s--,.n ~ ("aMf. April .\. INlt PAOlt 1 fr•••-dom of lhi> Ind ividual lour hum lllalln& tcrm1 Y na, ,. tor ,:r,·n..:1111 ntni: 1 h ,. nnlwn'!l ' ··ar 1 1111 111~ l•11•ttlf'" 111 ·11 ••I! ------------+--+------------------..:....--forbl>ars_ ~poke or th<' .. divine ri&ht 1• .. a1 ~ in any Sllltl' Ofopartment 1r111, ti 1,.11.,., th•• ''"" n·i:i r•t 11':''" 1~1r1 11n1I 1111111 ... , _ ~nd In An Eltttion \.ear, Too .,r th1• individual .. \ 111u1:hl h) lh1• Jo~·11nwnt Th 8 I llgl'f'f'ftH•nt Cll~ u ..... 1 • •• 1r1.•r111.1 r·\lltr•I' .~\pr··~~ Is 11 Ill un un1lu.11u1. ,, .... 1 1li •• 1 - Christ to whom thf:' WN'k IS dl'dl· ('(ln~hlt'rt'<l hr Mr. Roouvf'll to Ix ll\,11 th •• U"llt•ll t•ttJll<'S 1.1!111•r .,,,,,.1 :-, .. \\""'I I t11r1 ... , I~ llh r1 ...... t 1 .-111E'd tt po•rs(ln11I d11<·uml'nt, and 11 w.ton-d 111 11 .• 1.,,.,, -,Ii h•L<'ra wtnin.11 ~1111. ~ 11111 lo.11ho11 o111 •h·· 1' 1• 111t· ,•,111-1 A (h•r n•11rnn1: llw tt•rms ,,, •hi' ill l l\1k Park. with olhcr 1()-{'al\t-d lllr II .11111 II " \k•r tllM .. r •h1-11&.11 I• rl ••• s. ••.•• 0 -k• ........ ,. •• ~.... ~ •••• a ";.rail__.. "IArshall Pinn nnw l 1"'""''11111 1111p1•rs 11f the IAll' Prt-tl· 1~ n· ,.,lilt•· , ah1t•• ,11 ,. 11 l1tt1 11"'·' ,.1, • '. .... ,. • r • . . I' I 11·-··· •• \\ ·~ , ... .,,,,.,, 11111 Ian• 1·11llvd thi' 1-:Laro""Hn n,.,.,w,•n Pr.•· <lrnr Ir• ll'rnts 11re known. ""• I 11 ' 1 111111 111.11 ,1111 •~•.11111" 111i.·1 p11"' .~ .... I ; ' ' pi .~\.,'I '\'"'"''.. !h't "" i:r11m, 1nCTl'11•u'(f hy nt hrr countrll'l' \\.lll'll I h•• Marshitll Pl11n "48-' .n.t. 1 1 '"' t 111 , ,.,1 "\.r 1 ""'~· 11111t 11 ;1r.· ;nJ··~ 111.: • '111 " Ill>' hrl'""...,. 1hnn tho~·· tlrst 1111111NI. 1in1I i.:r:ul· t arsi rplkt'(I nt, RuJ1s1A w 1111 lnvltro 1• "'•' 111111.-111111, , ,;.,1111 '' "" l'hh 1'1• 11t h.•.11111.: ••Ill• 1 '' lh• u:illy r1•-.1Jll"'llr rnR n~ n pl(ln h • 111 J••111 tho• pro~riun ft _wsll RWI· 1b 1 'l.t t 111 ,,.11 ~I ti.~ 11111,1 ..:•·I •h 01\\111..: , . .arl '"' rll "' '•1 . .rli;• pr11ltot•I It\(• t 'nilt'd St11ll'S. 1m\lt'al1 •'111 '""' n •h asNI, not th1• l ln\lf:'d •r.11; 11 ,11111 l<I'""' ,,, Ill" :"•l\lt'l.l ,."""1 ~. '"'.'"-=•·I·"•"'""'" H"•' nr a plan tO ~IOIJ l'<lllll\111111~111 I 1'1 111 1·~ whtl barrn t th11t llDtlon. '"1•1,I • , ,, 1tlluilh \\Ill ):•I lullfli "'1tl1•, a111I ~ 111 11, 111.111111,)>' >'•11111 "hich it ll\'Vr•r wall, J r\~1· to rt'-p14.~1d,•nl 11-uman cam ' to t he' "Ill ", t 1,41, ti ...;1,,11., t "'' !111"" r•I ""' l••.11 '"' 111·1' 11111rk th1tr 11 mar hr "il!ntf1c11111 I Cc,1n•~•'A'I'~ r>n ""' 17 th anil .. lalkl'd 11 I .,,•1111• 1111 rltt• , .. ,, Ir 1•111 l111t"'l Ii.I 111111 !hr• 1·11tr will prnlttt hly l'llrnr 111111:h" "' Ruu l11, for whlC'h he .... •II , .,. .... c""' \' llllll I f'\11111111 .. "11 April F 111•ts· Dny, 1!+18. 1 \IM llPl•laurtro 1ten<'rnlly lty t h<• s, .. ' """ ''' r•lhr·1 " 11111.r .. !hr• Thr 1••••1• 1• "' 11\11' ,• .. 11111 \ "'"" \111lr• 1111 I :1111, 1111 "t la<' 1 .. 11111111' 11 I l I T h1it (lrN'S nbl n11•11n rhat 1 i;holl P"''l'I••. "ho fur s;:ot 1h11t the Con· "1 " 11 11"' '"~· 1 Htt•' 1•·• II• f • 1'ltlt• t ' ~'L""'''"" It\ tth• "''r\,I l I ti I I I I \Uh ' ltl:ltlnl•l 1111' 11lnn I 111:1111• •\01' l!n ''" ha" '"'''" 11skin$: him ,(o lslk r lllll .. 111 •• 11~ h•ll•UIU ' ,, I .. f r I A th _,, " I< I • 1,•11 t!l.111 ~ 111\1•11 llll:rl\1t•d l11r .. ft•1•11\ \lli.t•' fl.,111 1la,••1' \11 :II 11 l'ny 1n(n'11111'nl !lJK'l'<'lll'S on 1111•, th111 w 11y 11r 11111111 is I t' ~a"" I , . UPJ\' 1111•11 ,.~, \\'t•l;''f'I ' "'''t'l llt-p \\ l\•'I' Fl oor , las! Mr111ct<1.' ;rnrt. \'<'r.' lrnw, 1h1• ~1111•' l 'k'pttrtm<•nl w1111 1 I I '''" 1 •I , • ' "·""' ,, ... II 1111111 1111\ . ·1 hrwn~. my plr11 "'"'to a pproach lll'l.!1ll1atrn1: 11 r1•1·ipr1><'RI 1r11 d f:' !lun· 1 \ 1 1 . • l-11r !111•r111 .. 1•1·. "l'l""'"''"t•·I.' Ki t I he f1Wm11I 11i~rll,,~lfltll', \I h i.oh 111 .. 1 :ll.!1"'<'1111'111 \'; i 1 h C'Il'rholovaklll. ,Ir I 1 ' _. ' ' lllllh i·oll, ~II\,. \\ ''"• llt'I l'<'nl HI Ollr ltn)I ~ nn• r•\\ 111 •I1 i.tnn Tlll'"dny, w11h un 1•1ll'n min<!. 11nt11•r \\l11.·h l ht1t lillh• rounlry .11,,1,, 1'111 11 k111•1•· 1••r 111 • "' \1111 1.111.: 1••••1•1" \".1d111111• i- i rt I l I ( II II I • t ". llUl!IWllrl' r11h ... ~I "1 "'1'",\\hll ia cl·1··ud ""lntll j l.L'' ll \\'1•11llh)' 1111111·· J!'l~ll'I. 01n l'•'f'llnl , 10 I(' llllll'S WI I 1 \\'I l' llll llS l< H '!'. I: · · •. • 111 , II !•'& 1111 ll.l"lttll r1f I h•• , , . 1111r s<'h'1•!i ·n wr•' jQ an ux11•111 rn l1rr f11()1\\,.:11 . \\h1lr• wr -~lllJl In 111111 ,1 ,,.. "•II 1, ""'"lllhlltW ,.,,11 11r .. ,, ... 1111111""" "1 •. "• 11 10111\111 I l•1L"lnr•>1!< thnt If ~1111 '"Int '" tn • ,,·11:1n~1· f;ir111 1111plr•ml'nl~. 11utos. 111111,.,, ,\, 111 dh .. ,,., dttt .. ·idl 1,, I r~ 1111 111 1111• 111,,11,111111• 11r 1•.,•r•I" Ir• r ... ,1 Y('lllr 1'rr1111~·1 i1tir• 1h11t 1::, l l'IWk• ,.,, ... 1. 11111! II l1•nc II~! o( ·h -11 1, • Ill .(, ""''' \\llh "'"•'I ,,, ... 111 •• 1.. ""II ''\"'': 11 .... l llr. 1•·1 l'lll'<thl•-. 11111 <•nlr a 1 .. r~ •l11piJ ··1 1111·111. 111111,.rial". 1tll vrr~ 11!<rf11I 11111,.,11, .... ,, 1.,1, '>"" 1.,,111.,. 1,, I "''·••11•1 1111 111 .. 11' ,,, """ ,,. 111 ..... j ' l•11s1n•'"' m 11n 1r11·' 11• 11><11 hin1., 111 H11• .. 1a. and ,nwr1• 1111l'ful In ,.,,11,, '" •l'I'·""''" 111,,. 11,,··.ii1a , ''''" 111.11.1 tlr. 11 ll\.l1h··1rl ,,,;111 Irr Ir TI111t has l'K'f'll 111y !l••ri1lll!l a·;a-.• 111 \I .Ir 1111, 1~ 1.,, , 1 1111 l.u~I \\, 1 ,. I• ,11 •·•I 1lr• 1t .. 1.i1111 ' I <'hnri.:r :Jl!arnsr th" St11I<' l kp:trl· Thi llu~'H'lll ~hip 1 ·h11kotkR Iii ••1• 1 11 11 "" ,, ""' 1 ,1~ 11.,, 1,. '"'' I '' \1•11h• It""'·'"' .. r "' •11" h··., M ~- m1 •nl :ind Lhc·i\tlmini~tr:rt inn lltt•\ ,1·i1:h1 n11\\ n 'J>tu·1r•1l lnal1ini.: al J 1•r·, .r,r ,. , ,,,.,, 111 lt,1,1, r\llll 111 Ill\: 1 .. 11•.t I"""''' 11111 l~·ul' fr1tt11 ACAMllllR t lun .. lfr~lil~r1111'fy 1rl1•d to )lll:<l .. :1d "\ (-.I\ 1\1lh 111ct11s1r111I m:trhim.•ry 1lo1111 ... 1,, 11 , J,.,1111• 11,, 1,.,11, . .., ;-.., 111~111 11111~11 u11l I ll ,111.:• •'01111 fl I MU 1 h" Am...rl1·a11 }"'"''''' on thlq •'II· 1\ ,·,, tl1 • .... '_•0 ·_1,nrv.. f r '-:. """r "ad .... -1 1 I• Le I li'"'.'" /'tl'!l"tf1 JD~!'\ ===::::=::::::.~~---.. ~,.. 'r"' , , ... ,... J' ,... 'u , .• ,uru..lt ut ,· ,...,.-._''\••f\ .~.~nntr\ " ""--'''au,...""\\• ,., •. ~·•Uh:, ~,.·':'I ,.,.,~,.,_,,,,,.,,,~ t1rf' qurst111n. I n1r·n t 1<1 thrr•111 .. n :an~ llf1tl1,n, and ''' .rl• r1 11 ''" ~ '\ " II , lu.:h ··lt .. H· .. 1 14 lltt· 1.11.· "' ,, .' • 1~ r1 8 V /$ Th<' philosophy or thr frl'(' in· al th .. !'~llll\f'~t mw "lf'l'IY fh:ll nR· 111111 .. '""''•cl ,,;,h r·tl If 1•ilm ' •• r fltt•I "' '""" i1111:1lt ,.,,. 111u11th II "'-val ~ .... ,, rli\'itt1111l, on whirh !hi.; na1i11n w11~ 11or1 "11h 1hr· ir11111t-11wi11~ 11{ w nr . '""' i, 1111 '""" 11111,~ 1 r1wrl•I• r 111<•' t•I ~1 1·1•n1<.' rur twrthm~ VJ•IY ~a.IV, min<'.~ nmm~f1hl<' w1lh In~ II ":a~ ~~w mr~nHs t • • u•• ,. 1:at~iii7.~.·~ •. n.~:~~.~.·~·T·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ philOM1phy n( mil<:~ rnnlrol. whi('h l 11 a~ st1ll tinnr lua~irw~s in l~HR 1,c 111.rk .. 111.all•" ''"'~•·. \\•• l1•iu 11 * THOUGHT WAVES --, ... This world may hecome a j!i~antic J!Olrl fi~h bowl in which no one--nu matter · who he ig <1r where..Jre Jives-will be able to preH nt the deteation and re- Russia hlls ltN•n •rrini.: lo impo~·· I 'l'lal' uplnion or ,,,,. m:1j<1rl1y of , , II t 111111 ult '"' .. 11 .. I 111111111.•1···· ""'I rlO l h 1• worlct sinrr 1917 •. Thi'rt' lhr· 1111·mlt··rs; .. r Cttni.:ri•,,it. II!' ltll' 111 '" '"' '•I ',, •• r,, \Ill r .. r • h r'lf.:11 ,If 111 , .t,111 I •1.,.111 Ii• 1,,.. •If pl.111111111: •lit lr•lt•I\\ 111~ ~Ill! 111 "llllt• ll!I nl'\'f'r )l('l'n tiny J;i'('r<'l -nMUI f1,.hllli' h1'l:ins. ill lhll l lhl" prt'Sl'OI n 11 ; lh1• philMophy ls prin1c<d 11nrt Mimln1;;tralil•n hias I•'" rhr roun · 11111' 1' 1" Ip '·1•rl 1h•• J\l.111111111 I clia~ammrd for t'Vctrynnt' Ill r r ad 1 r_) 1n1u n 1mpMss1• 1n \\ lt lch 1 hl'rl' Tim.' :-i '" · '"' ·•" 11 Ir I h•· ,.,i."I' l~ I ho· 11111r•• 11<"<'1•11t 11hl1• 'F11111k I)'. I YPI Wf' sUpJl(lr ll'd Rusitl11 ;incl still is ni• c hok•• hut 1C1 vol•• for F: R P. lltin "' " l1 ~1 "IH>, lty 111 11\1•11 In 11 u• •lllr r•11nl••111lt111 tlrul \'•·n I•'\\ I ~upport her . rl'ahllnlt thal i•ur j.ih ii. In k e«p 11'1111 111·'' l•1 l"1111111w.-Jll,111> llw \'1~ry, l'••r) frw. h1w1• 1111~-1111•11 cordinf! of hi.'-innermcr.-1. thouJ!hl~. Sounds fantastic. cloe~n't it? Mavbe Aa .Jnpan Wllll h<-inc for<'r•d Ill up !hi' co11rai;I' 111 llw l"~•pll.' of <'limn. l)i,. 1111d~nf\-nt-"1tfr 1-,c. ,....,,.,..... w .. 11.n• ~ul11i.:. or ,.,,,." In h<'r knctt, Russia inslslrd on 111·· lh<' nnt1ons Cl( Wl'Sll'rn E urope. l••rt• '<hu 1111' """ 1111w1tl1111: ntr "hnl 111n .. ·t11<11 • "'' 11r r• lwmlln.: ins;: ru·t lnlo that ~11mr Mr Rornt('. anct chnt nhNal 60 "lll'r rrnt of ·•Tl' nurh111>-; ltur l•lll" 11nil ·iam JJll• Tiii' pr1·11ltk nl 11puk1• 0111"'llh 1•om -it is--and \r•lr t1I Yol!a so ld Cha nu down the our lwlp will hf· \n lht• ror·m of 1110111111•l11rnk• '11w 11111"1 11dj1•clh·•• m<'nd"bh• r1nnn<•111. ri\·,•r , givinit Russia not only th•· (O<ld Thur"s a 11·ry ~horr C'ttm mcnl GOJ') mQben~ - In Denn~r a radio exeeuti\'e ha!; re\'ealed the adva nce made in "ultra"Onic ~udies'• which are d i- rected tow2'rd eapturing tho~hl waye~ a nd recording the m. His thw ry·is that 'hot on1~· can the thoughts of Ji";llj?' per.::on!' be percein•<I but that even the original thought!' of Plato and Chri!lt ancl other $!Teat me n mi~ht be reco\"ered. . It appea~ that every thouj!hl 5:end:; out a minute atm<M'plleric wave which the radio man belie ves may continue•foren~t. Thi~· is based on the "!'cient ific belief that all matte r and enerj?y cannot be d e- stroyed." . Well. it would be mOl!lt fasdnatinJ? to "see" (or should it be "hear''?) the thouj!'hts of fam<lus .persons lonj! dead. But in other respects it woulci be pretty touj?h on tho...~ of us ~ill alh·e. There might be a lot more divorces if wh·es "tuneci in" to find out L~hat their hu.c:bands reallv thought. of them-an<l \'ice versa. ~f a ny people mij!ht be out of work if their boR~-' cheekefl on their opinion: a hnut their bo~~e:-. The RtLc:;sian :'t'eret police wnul<I firnl it n•ry • hanctY in clE'tecting •!traitor:'."' Rut thr ·"traitl>r:-:;, ·w oul(t know iu:4 what th<' :'<'Crt'l police wC'rC' planninl!. -Thr re <'flUl<t bf' nn "Pearl H a,.hor~." ,Wlwn 'a ~tate;-;-J man macf<• :1 ~pE'ech peonle cnuld dwrk i11 and :o:N· i f • hf' mf'ant '{\"h:tt he .!-=ai<t. w~r mit!h~ ht'C'"mf' im-1 po~c::ihle. :cROSSWORD PUZZl.E I I 2 \ "" c; .. 1 2 ·~ ~ • '8 '9 ~ 2• ~ n 73 N 2"j ~ • ~ :0, ~ '2 '.0 "M y; ~ '7 '6 ~ ~ "' ... ..., """ 'lb "7 11q '° ~ ~ 1111 ,, ;le) ~ ~ ,, _ ~ ~ ~ vii • Ml ~ ~. ,, . ,, 1t> '° "'' 1-r t.tort 1-"tncro 1ninc > -lt(niJE' t•umu •-l '"' '''"' 1 -L r«:t .... e ..__,. ~1'D T-&tr 1-#.Ja nrHh•r •lde t-ltl<.a,,, I -1 10-W'" 1n "tl.l'-l l -8 p l'f)llp "11 -~tl~~., t9-l 1Q ior '1-K r.d "' hal 2'-P"nt mau 2'-0 .~rr • 2~-C'r~ u 24-W,t!,,,,CS :;-l1r1q .n 21-10cjjf,. ,~;~~!::·:·'· JJ-AN1'81l~'t Jt.-r • r •r~"' J)..-.8f' •• J~Ttn.•• 11-.J .a 111-v. rd rn~lc•lot Ii-A , ... ,.,~ lor • ••t• 4J.>-<""-'' t..1 •1 z:-~ r~~t ltd• •~ c... rl'• "'m• Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dt-~ ~ 1-ua.t.ln• f ur O••f'r, <Ill ''~ By C a rrier qr ;\IJ11l; ~' 'l prr monrh "">"h'.r> an :"r·\\pnrl 11rnrh :inrl Cotta Mc-sa. S2 -IQ tor 3 rrl<Jflth.'. "' l() (nr fi month~ $9 p<'r Y•·111 Br ;\laal rn <1r:1n1.:•· C•".anlf Sr• po r Y• "IT. 10 l•h "'"'. $!'.l:.!5 ; lo ~th 7nn•. ~9 ...,., ~~~~~~~~----~-----~~----~-~----~---~I ni~rt-d iu S<-con<f.CJ;iss matler at the P0!1toff1ce in ~''"1>'>11 D"arh. Callfo:naa. und<-r 1he Act "' ~farch :l, lf!':fi JM\.'I D. PORTt.n UK:Jt.Js s s:-.un L Ill w. F. orxn:-.: ., CLYDE REX I l'ubll,ht•I :'\l:tnagmi: E.lato1 Printinz Plane ~ti \\" \Pntral ,\,-cnu<', '.'•·V.'Jl>1r1 1\il\ •Tl 1'-lnlo: I I'J.f>ach. Cnlifomrn • llAt!~~~rTORIAL 1948~~ Mlive .® Member of -~' I ---; I r 1gh1 to join rn thr pl'a<'I' m•i.:01i11-on n ''e ry rompllralr c1 situntion . 1 ' )0 MOND~ Y -IOV'IJI "• ...... •• I I ,.,,,, 9 I! t l·VISION \ \A U--' l1Afl. I I • ur1fct1fl u ,..,,," 1m ' L. ~J ,,, .• ti.11 \ •••An. I 11untc,,t l -----~---""-'----- l~w&IAl- 1 ..... ~~:~~ .. a.:.i." .... A l ~·tlJ..\..A-h.ll..1 .!\••• K..'.\.-Ut"""'u"' t-tc..a.a. a .. A tJ-11u 1 \\ •l.va: 1:!6 Ul·K..'IX-:-..,,, ......... "7-~•'1111,• h.l:..\..A-l.lualo i.11.1-w.. • lbJAe , .. l'n -1·1•11•1 ,.,,~ l(JtJ>C-~1 .. 1•""4 lAwlOll h.1..l.A-Jar~u 6bl>ot a..IJJ~lu Miiiet IUIPC·.U..lt "I' •C-,.,-oq 7116 , 1''1·1UtJ--'•'"• ll~1·v-1Jlo1 i.;.-1>1 U.~A-~ll• lil&n.o-r9 L'A-<A.immeo•• JiU. ~\iJ-\\yU1&fla I" .... .,.. .. .. . &I ... \<.. "-''' t -~••I b."1-t0hJ \\artna h..UJ -H1H • dh lGe n.J ... <,.,A.-li9'Cel. t..."b .... \\ u-1r ...... 1rloc ....... ~~~~r:t.:»w :'"C:~,-u. l :U f\ LAC-I Sa; ra • at 9'.U.. h.l', <.:--t\llll '-• '· 8poM.a h j.. \\ U~t1-<I,_. "--="~-L>••n \. a. l ilt 'llf'l-ln•ldw ,fie ,. ... l-l! r-o-wu110 ti.' \-1" a :--'ut&bell .. I \II, ,,_,-At. :-0••1 .... "> 1-bam 11.,11 lo..IJl'C-G1t--.l.ll9 ... \\ U-11•.<DGe >ti .. k .;\X-l.h1111 Tod&.1 llU" .U.l-1. nl 11 ..... &LAC-:'\,..,• 10 1-111 ... 4, T1me K~ll'l.-1 .. d uoa &l.t:A \\ .. ~m• Tr•"t ... XUJ-<.,.,.u Jtrqw-e ~~~·~s~11;~~"";. .. ~~t IU '#oC-0.n<>•rt t ill l[LAC-Roc1n1 ,.,_, kHJ-M1rtln 6 ll-W ll,W_I t-llac.M lllNQ • L "lt-1., I I Dloe .... llL~C-~•'t.dlll k H-J• • llercll Ille>• lt&CA-1 .m Urlb- K tfJ-.:...Suor'• 1 •••rr Kt'"'WD-8rnl' n ,.__. L"X-0111>~ !<:am , ... l.f't-l.auta 1..&lFIU9 iuu-s .... kF\\"I\ l\rt.,,,l,ll.ft L~x-n .. m1r-1 II.&..._ ., Jar?W . ' ..... l. .. J .. 0. s .......... . i\.UJ -b.•l• at:...1lb IU.t:A-U&lea l.Jrue )fj.\\ u-o.,, ., ,if Oou.e'la L'X-11 eoa, Wiut• U :U JLi.C4-1tl(.I Al._1<104 .IUiJ -\'lo Wr, ~ ..,t.c .._,.X.-.&uat ,._ruu ""' ~C4-Mt """ 1 1.ory J.. HJ-.J<Jtlomun t u uur ).lo WU-Ma1.u1<'• lJ•rl L '\A-Uelwu Tt•&H lla16 k l''1-Chuta. '-'""dlu .IUIJ-M•IUCllU .h..,,\.--\1&~ d wnd17 U"°AC-H_:I Hh T~ u .... al-A0-41 Jar~ili b &-Uc,,auu~•D IU.C•-U.117 l.r{lcllar ")JJ-h a 1 a, .. , .... IU "\\ U-.l.laufl<• ll&r4 "-' ·'-u:a ll101or U~A..;-);i"'I•\ t<.t SI;• U IU XTl-W/,ar tc.o 1111 ~1·0-1~.,u. ,...,,tee a..L \..A-t...iuU l u11-a llllJ --Orllf111 6 Uwl&a L "X-Wa • etklnt 1 U ra lfJ"'J-Ne,.• k~t1·C-lv'4 In r~u~ t\ ..... '-A -t IAI LU•at KltJ-Th1 ·J.u .... L.,.Jlt-ln MaJ,,u• U1'6 a n-..10,.c• <lllJ•t1&• ILLCA-l.'.1 Girl• ll..:-Olt-Cu14rn1 1.1,1>1 u "'"'~ IC.L.A.0-At Jana• t.• •-"""'•r • Cn11d199 ·kMt"O-Wc.ma• \\ woderf111 X l:.1.'A -U11 .. • "'"• h llJ -ll•l'S-1 o.,,. X .. '\\ U-M•urte. Uart L'<lt-2nd Mr .. lrut,... Kt'AO-C:On~1rt <I U rU &n-Woiman 1t1 W'bJC. &ECA -M.,.le L"lt-Jc•errr llluo• &11111 ftl-Hotlr Bo•.&M Mf>Q-.N••• ~,A-U&u1rt1u1 TaW a1 l lU-1.,N .. 1 faff • ~1 \ !"ifX-Sr.-ra 1Jralr• u ... ~rl-U.bt ol .WorMI K Joi l'C-ll u •!~ Xl!CA-Ett•41 6 Albert L"x-11._ o oro.-k ~Ao-~~-• I f'.•. &I.AO-:-••• ~10 C111• at r-r u t'tl •t•snr•er .k.,.MrtO-.UA11J her1.-r IKU;A -•r~11 .. ,. ... k HJ-t-.e•1 C" »-u111 • .,.. lt-~bl• "' •oUat. 6 0-.lluote _te I r8 -1111 ..,,_ .. , , ....... 111.U KJ.A(.;-1Jo,u Hll• K l I Mi.•11 1'h (.I ~f I J.-•-t•h I ).. HJ -,,\f~'• I "'• C.. ... b )\;'\:'\.-' h 1 ..... ,. II ::N )(.I,_,.,, \ •h h \llt" (111 I I l '•••tl• '' ,,, ... ,,, .... ..,_!It. . ..,_ ........... ~ "' \f t\t h U \ • I '· ~· h • '-~1 .. , "' .. ,, 11,IA tc• L-l 'hl I • uh ". 4'C ~I ••'f' I 0 MIU'H•U1 Tl .i-. ~· ltr I j ,._ f\1•1)' ~. t,t,.,. ;,,._., .... (1 "" ·•-II I • I 1• ·~ JI, );.,_ ... "'. h\11• \Ju. IUU-8 ta1 Arr•rJca 1111 tcn-•·•i"•' v ur • AM Jit...CA -•·~ \\ U• 0 .httJ-''""" '· .• , k~X-liuu• \Ja(jliln• . ... • .~a -11., ~ ,,,. •• "•ht h.HJ-)1°'';'.""" k .,.X-t.J1 au1 f l'.111. Kl.A~-; • ~1 1'1 C• Y.1• -ua., ... ,.,. \\ U• ~lt'C-.'•""• 1 A l•IUI Kr~ U--HUI •n· h ~~ .. \.-& h""'I d .ur JU 'AO-Mu"o 10 ~W • 1:1~ J'l.AC-:,-;v l j~fJ ~Fl-tlt•Ua l •·l•I 1'UJ -~aHt7 I •ol ' O ,,.- ll_F1-L.ut .. ,,,,., J 1j•• lit.t.~A-H11J• • •tC...,tl &HJ-NvlfhA f liUlll *'·' X -ii \\ ''"'ii.-r l :U J'-)J-\\1tlch 1 , ~n I t'.111 1'.LAU-.~•'A 1, A1ua-J• u ·1--uu1 ,,.,., ... .. J.t1 t,,.. ·1111t • A1•lln ~(,.A-f.-'1tf'ill I.-fi'-wa•~ X UJ -tl .. AIC . tit •h • a l "\\H I 11 At•••l1 L 'X-\\ 11 •• '·~fl A.J k FAf"-Mv"'' '° :,. l•J i 110 arJ-t\ul.• t 1\ .... t.1t• ,, .. ll.1"1-1 .. lalti ""' l.Jill1C-l1hr~1fl• D tJ r f ll ... t 'A-:-.,,,t• 11 '1 tta kJU -.4rt1) t • ., HL.vW ILNJC -111." ..... I ••• "" P •·Fr•• , • , art.U kM.,0-.11n , 1 ... •1•1"°9 IUC4-It~ •r: •'l: u.11 lltLAO-ltMJ·v-• rw ILl'l-R<.aa .. r Lrh .& U.1 -H11 ••t ,., •. t1er1 &IWB-a. U t.J1 .K •e k.NA -M•t t·1• '1 .._ 'klAO--litu•1t '" • Ml t rl6 &1...AO-h•l1• War\iail a_n -u r. 1i..a~1.tw1 &Jf,..O-J•1nn• ••••t k &:OA-A ' t .. -. ''"' a.r·~ U-lt· '' • "1119' . '~ Ill.AO-ha"' I I '1up a.:r1-Auri1 ""r' ........ 0-1; .. ,, •. ,,,. .. &£CA-\ •t1•1~ XllJ-ll"'l II •~ U •• \\'tt-t.1 11•11: L t.tX-At U .,. 'l ,,,,., t :U Jtl.Ao-Muo. .,,~Ota lit U \. .... ....... . -t11tt llan.lit• .. ., ti ....... r_,, ... I I TAHZA:\ T~..AJ ·~ ·~ "' " PAV A":'&., •. ~ .,.,. ;.- IVC\.f (· • •,.r r c,·v t _ 1°l"(N~' ,f r-f/\ ~. ·, TO ClSi.I\ I r,.( 'Wl!lllRtCo;. SAr M>t Had \\'c:athc.'r \\'hi1111inJ{ l '1> AT Tl!£ ... E ... nO•; C.t IM115'CfV Ol.0 If S.h l !> M l~~c;(.\YfO <.AH 001 #tt' GO ~I ..... 6'WHT6.0, ·i.o.' ~ CAVTIOM'O 'Wll/T nu. l nu vov • By G• Aniola c'Wl l I 'f\11 .. f A14 ( /\&' ~ (/IMP' IM11Ali t'I ('), 'IV<') (•1•E f"'Q \llt/I~ • " /\"I() T"f (-~ 5 fl I 111'\l'<C[ l11 lo!l '>l • ~ -'• ,, .. • ~~ . . Duibchen Adopt Four-Year.Old Joe Louis-Clia-rgeCI With Lo¥e Theft -FULLERTON SINKS SAILORS, BUT -B~AND(;E~-DU-ALMEfil' . . > Fullerton'• Indians ran up 'la.al •.point win OWi' ~ l"tVpOrt 'Hllrbor hlah 1n a dual track meet U... Frida)', but eo.dl Raiph ltHd'a thin-dads manaaed tb aal- YllP quite • bit or honor and &Jory when hll JkoN and c.. took ~ ftrsta in tMir torUee to wtn 50'it...S1il and 40-36. 'nie varsity Wu hotwlelaly 'OU\- d&lled by a fine. an:reratlon of atlalelft b'Oln the inland IChool. MOit outatandlnc pertonnanc"P WM Pete Noww'1 Mave of " feet, 5~ lnchN with tM ahot put. But R~ Beel, who hue 11 :rrt to be dl!feat~ couted In ;.c.d by Carleton Kean who dominat.d ln' both the ~ Jump and the hllh hurdlel. Tomonow, the Sallon en1ase ~ ~ ln a dual event which ftl\ll'h to AN the local Y_. lllt:)' and \)w c.. cop honCJloa ~ the a... in Reed'• opinion, will be aabject to Uietr most crucial taet ol the year. SKY BOBBING ·Acatn It trts to rain but with- out 19Ult nmpt to ow ua a few O\ift'cut, dark ~ Today ,.. con· 1Tatulate Wll- Uaril Hill, Fran- di ~ttner, WO· ,·*** ·Barbor Events *** National Amateur Boxing · Affair Draws 171 En:tries.- BOSTON. April S-IUPl-The National Amateur Boxing ehAmp- lonahlps 1et underw11y today. ro moat of the record 171 f'ntric'll the thrH-day tourney w11J be mrrely a f)unch-for-punch affair. Only eight ''Simon purt>" IOCk· en from· all thl' trRIT\ll rc>JlrNlt'nt • lnr 25 AAU a1111odatlon5 will wind· up Wednt't!dsy nh::ht with 11 lnurt'l wruth on their lumflt!I. -Then J une 28-29 th<'M' cnn r<'· turn here And br11wl with a Oood of lf'<'llonal winners for 11 CO\:CtL'<I bf>rth In the Unlt<'d Stairs Olymplr Box.Ing tf'&m that fights In f:nR· lsnd on~ rummM". wrl-e on hllnd their tlt\es 11nd new honora. . OutatsndJni;: nmnnir this qunrlrt C'h· .Ola nl1hi1, and <'r of S11n Fr11n<'hcro and fnrmr r C I ark Folden. llchtwt'lght klnR Johnny_ Gonsl11v"" I Lann Wella, Donald Ferguson, I of Oakl11nd, Cal . now a ~rltrr· 1..-lJe Hall, an4 Philip Fr~tefer wC'litht ront<'nd1•r l'°th arr mf'm· ,,. obtalninc f!Wlr .Private fllot ber1 of thr C11llfornl11 tram. ...utlcatet.~ all under the G. I. Anothrr slui:grr •who st-rmrd 8W with MU11n School of Avia-dntlnrd to be' "fn" was drfr nd· tlon. f Ing hr11\'~""·riitht rh11mpion W1lllr Walter Franz of tM s th Clrmmnn11 of Jnc1l11n11pnlls. Ind • Oout ·eo.t Co. i. the new ~oud This du1ky dyn1tm1tt'r hdif•vrii hfs GWnft' ot a Bttchcralt" Bonan za princlfllll thr('11t "'ould comr from and .... already learned to n It 200-pound Rill RRnit('rl of St tit Y LouJ.a. C'l<>mmons hl>ltt'd Dangrrt out1n--th" trlel llPUnd last )'CA[ I ODD FACl'S ABOtrr FLYING: Formr r felltht'rwelitht champion .Althoulh hail only falb to tM Wallace Smith of Cincinnati, 0 ., WOUl'MYI ..... of a field of~ ........... '-.. ~ . (Ac-1'elepllo10J Mrs Mattie Carle Paullrna, 28, photograp})er'a modt:I. ta shown a& . nl'r New York home with her children, oran <ldt), s, and Matthe•, 4. tier buab&nd, a minlat.er, rlled a '600.000 ault In Cblc .. o acatnai n,.a,·y-lght champ Joe Loula for rep~t.edly allenatlna t.lle atrec:- 1 '.Ntll ol bls wile. Mni, Paulllner •• and 'Louis. who la compleUnl ·a I bo&lni tour ill Europe, botb deg.Jed Che cbarsea. ~ at mallvely ff'W tlmet1 In haa l1'0W11 durin1t thfo piist 12 houte """ .. '°"'°Anita ,.... ....,, ... w .......... ..... ~ ~ the number or' rain months and now must fight In At~..., Its third_.,.. Gnl9d Galt ....... .-~ if-Yen ro-lte Claude Ramer hMt to ~e out f~~'::g 1',::f,~~ ...... bail aduaUy forms and ii the 135-pound dMalon. I A.etko'i foda .. -.owt.e IPOff. the ......,. .... w .. _ the. nd to r.l.op Oelroll'a Jim McFadden !left front> In Stftntc-y Ci.Ip ......... M'OUDd ln 'man)' lap F°i)'Wt'lirht flrl'work1 were NC· • 3J days for $JOO.OOO Ill --.es. ..--• .._ P'ayorr e:ime at Detroit. ~ Winc1 won 3-1. Raneers· In back• -.r llillll cloudl. llut In moat caw pacted to be produced by Ruf1,1s I .--· -P'UUDd are Udt lo rlaht) Fr'<! Shrro. Pe&.e Horeck, BW .JUJda a.Dd tt IMhl' W.. ttKhlns the HolUday of C'lnclnnaU and Eph--o;~;:--:-;~-;:::--=-;:-:-;-:-:;;:::;--:-------------_: ________ · __ _:P~bil:__:W~auo=:n.:_ _________ _ .... -rtam Grandenon ot St. Louis. Do you "'""' ••• .... II 11 ! -uJv.:r 80W rr m DONE: OM tblnl Younc Holliday la the broth« of UM ln ~ roh1n11" HARNESS SEASON ENTERS ._ ...... 'IP u. llll!xpnieeeed Bob Holliday, lut year'• tlywel1ht I -- .... • tlle la C .... t.trlt pilot kins. IW Wise -AOVl"rll!W 1l't' world's fine9t harnem ._. FIRST FULL .WEEK .............. ,_..__ II Ml I · l mt1 to JINPllt7 -......... CNalc ,., ... •• to ~ .. owrtaldac ...._ lldpa ud ca..anc either a New Rusi-Ambassador ·checb In n awinc into thP Ont full wlllt'k 411 tpit:m=eeii1:m::ee:iit:::m::eeiii::e:e:e:1t:St:st::ill:=ll=t:ll:!Sl:ll::C8:11~::Ce5 thftr 1948 mtttlnc at Santa Ari s A M ' s s E 0 this ~k. with four iml:iar1t.atJ A F 0 D ,....... calUllan ,. hll havfna to ... uotbm' drcult ol the ..... Mudl pl"9CUce lhould be ... ..... to .... ftlPt. beUW can- .. to bold • at"9ft altJhlde whJ» .... talatns an)' dfttred. qJHd fl'Cllll nonna1 •tallJns to normal Cl"llllllblc. When clrtvins a car, l t la • .....,. MC '"Y to CICIDtr'Ol the ..... M trafDc wanaftU; but .. mut>' pOota do not ttllbe that 0.-IUm la bnportant and can be tlam with an airplane. st~::"':~ :'7 ~~Sz,500 . dmly fl"~lurr stllfting Monday, and on Thund.'ly. April 8, the nftt at th<' "'N'k .• four ri'aturf' f' mu will be offrrro •·tw-n tM S.-iOOO San f'emando Pae? is contNtl'd at a m•l<;-RM onr-~1xtrr-·:· "Sign of the Swordfis]l" -l Mlle East of Seal Beach, at Surfside t ~ t Open Daily 11 a. m. to 11 :30 p. m. t ~ t COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS and ~ qUfStSoaa on WI INb'-t ~----~-......-lt d1"ctid to~ Tut>-f.!l.000 Lon1t BeaC'h Trot will tl(' 5ta1tro on Friday, and t••o S2.- !lfWl stakM addrd to th4> prorram laict •N'k b)' 0c-nf'r1'1 Mama~ Rrmarl1 Krllrney "111 he> preM'ntrd S:iturda)•. Arinl 10. Th<'!IC' will be a frrt'-for-1111 p!l("I' and 11 frre.for - 1111 tri>t. whiC'h •i ll hr rR<'ed O\'Pr ~ -mile c:hs.lana' and --.·111-bnntt out ll\Om" of thr l<'adtn1t rontendrrs for th(' $."11.000 Gold••n \\'<'St PaC't' on :\bv 1 •:ind the S.°ijt/lu1 \....,1'1,..n \\'•-<t Trt•t on Ma)· Iii STEAK DINNERS ~t '-l tlwuulb tlda PIPll'· So lone now. Do J"Cla WllDt to 8111 tt T Act.w. tll9 Ill tlllw mltrr • * Sell It Through Classified Advertising !\t II ( )rmilb)·. m11) or {If ArC'lldia was on h.md to pr~·nt 11warcb 10 thl' w11UWrs or la<tl Saturday's f Patur<"1 ArC"11dit1 Tr•'', 11nd oth1>r rh·il' l<'ut!··~ ha\'I" 1 ... , n ln\11rd to makr th(' pr~·n1.1thm" I'll th1~ "'f't'k'« :0-:an Fem.1ml1• ""'I Lnnf,! [\.>11••·'' .. ~· Pllooee: Lone Beach 840-79, 802--00 and 824~ ....... Sell It T~rough Classified Advertising Bill Gulick Wins. N~w Anny DaY. Dingh)' Trop~, Ann Curfis-Led Swimmers Take AAU Ladies' Meet ·Bill Gulick today held lhl' win· DAYTONA BEACH, F'la., April ner 's troph>; as the dimax 6f Army 5-(UP)-San Francisco's O')lstal Day races sallt'd here Sunday Pluhge S w I m m I n g club, built afternoon. The handsome emblem around ahapley Ann Curtia, rank- waa . presentt>d the ·smaU boat ed a1 the country's outstandlnc chump by Harry Welch. ~etary female contingent today after win- of lhe Newport _,'liarbor Chamber nlnit top honors In the Natlonal of. C'ommercq whose body posted AAU'1 Women'• swimming mt"et. the new perj>etual award. • Miss C\.trtis pu<.'t'd the Crystal . Taking ~o Lehman. dinghies, Cul-club to its winning 'total of 32 tc~ romp.1led the hon's share of pointll by sue<;caafully defehdlns ,points over such" veterans as Ed her 220-yard freeatyle title in Munsey. who won the first race 2:26.2. In the 3-ra~ l('rlet1, Barne)' Leh· man, who·-won the last two e\"ents, and champions who indudcd War- ren Blinn, '5wede Johnson a nd Chuck Ullman. • The Los Angeles athletic club and the Multnomah team from Portland, Ort'., were deadlockl'd for Be<.'Ond · plaC't' with 'r1 point. each, whUe the woi:nen'• awim- mlng allOC'iation of New York wu third with f3 points. The Atheu AthletlC" club was fourth w:lth 11 points. (Ac-1'et.pllllfo} Joaepb Jerold "Uttle Joe" Vf!r- d1w1 Cahall.), aLBan. ~ was named new 8~ Mary'• Collete • Moraca. Callf .. fooUJall coadl. The fl-year-old creator of champion· ahtp teama at San Pranc&aco'I PolJt«bnic H t 1 b Scbool, wu cbolm from amonc appmtma&elJ • la candJdatea. Sue Zimmerman of Multnomah • cracked the only rl'<'Ord In the final day of the champlonshipa yesterday by swimming. the 100. yard back!t roke in l :08. She broke -her own mark while swimming on one leg of tht' 300-yard medley reo lay, an event whiC'h her team WQn in 3·29.7. Tht' Los Angeles A.C took st'rond plare In thr ev<'nt and Cry11tal Plunge was third. Carol Pensc of the St. Louis Y.W.H.A. won the National Wo- men't AAU 100.yard brl'ast stroke 'title In 1:15.2 and Zoe Ann .Olson of b aklnnd, Cnl .. won the t'hree- meter divine C'ha mpionship with -U9.2 points. Be Wise -Adverti.e Rogers · First Love Silverware .J UST ARKl\'Ell: AllllO . SUNBEAM TOASTER t'ISI'.: W ATCH R.EPAJRCllG AJI "'ork G uaran teol'CI • a Open Sundays Roberts Jewelers U S V1 Marine, Balboa hlaacl Pb. Harbor U?I (Opell E"9.) THE IAGVSA BEACH .JUNIOR CBAMB.EB OF COIDIE.RCI: Prood.17 ..,... .. THE PEPSODEIT SHOW VERA VAGUE 8tarrtq . BOB HOPE Guest Star -DINAH 8BO&E n:RRV \\'ENDELL COLONNA NllXl!J And LE8 BROW~ -d His Orchefltra Tuesday, April 6 Irvine Bowl, Laguna Beach >.dmis.c;fon: $2.40 ana $1.20 Ta:X1rtctudt«t- PROCJ:Eos TO LAGUNA BEACH YOUTH <%NTEJl • Tlck.-t11 on Sale a't Balboa Ph&nnlle'y The lal111ders ~ook Shop, Balboa l11land WOOLENS '· CLOSING OUT St a111n.: t h1<t "' • k r "" Gr.m<i Ctn•tlit '!••rt wlll t~· pr .... 1·ntr'c1 <1-c da)l' wrt•kl)1 :\lm1<i "' thmui;h S11turd11~"· rnr th•· fir<t thrN' "''"'k~ l•f th1• mN'l1n.:. and fl\·r d.1~~ '"e. kl.> thc-rt'aftrr To Fashion the Season's Smartest Costumes!_ , .. S .ALE ' *** Tff E, JEWEL SHOP 411 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar *** _.,. Every Article Must !Be Sold ** EVERYTH.1.NG 40 3 ro60 3 OFF REGULAR PRICES . \ * Sale Starts .· MONDAY, APRIL 5th .4 .. .. F1nit 1iust t•m• , .. I :W p m c1.11I~ f.A~T-..... 1 Plaldmt "l'nman nominated Om. . llD7t .. Yandm...... C~) '° 8llrCft!d Oftl. cart _.ta aa Air Pol'tt ~~Staff. --CL ID • lnta of realsnat iOn '° A.Ir Stt- fttaly W . 8Jua.rt S~ PT'e llO ~ for W'lllhlns to T'f'tl~. a.4t<a '° ~ ttllnt'd from at u~ 1 dutJ f'rftctlVe' Jul)' I. Vandrn- bcll!. fW11ht"• cf !k:D. Arthur \'.ln- ' dtttbf'rt: • R . IMch I i. nnw \"IN' • CIMrf of Sufi oe ,.,.., Air r .,rc-, • , '· lovefy Pastel Plaids lor Casual Suits , Sk irts and f?re sses And they're l<XV, yam dYea woolens in spring- mindro pnstcl shncies t90! Gorgrous plnids! Yes, and a wide assortment o( designs from which to choose. Indeed, they're lovc>ly woolens which bring tO mind new. exciting spring costumes! 6'4-in. wide. "--- to $795 -Yd. 4 " THEYARDSTICK STORES Santa Ana 11'4 w. '4th Ph. 6688 Ne~ Door to Bank of An;ierica ,. OTHER STORES AT CRENSHAW BLVD .• LOS ANGELES-PASADENA-LONG BEACH -. ' • ;1 I·- ' -.f EM ..,....,,,. VOl J~ l I . I rf'\'C le" ln • MW "' rl'gF base Wa1 Apr thl' The E func -~Jan rat I! fun< C<'S tax 194~ u Ill a $10C E'Xl't t irt' h _., arc will 1941 full It cor1 ca ti to ace• l'Xe T tht' not son agc- onl: In 1 _jh'i flw hlrr fttr ti or I' cer thi~ ton nt'V for age tio• bar f r<'n ~H\ cla son S: It A ~ II• ('11 C'I) Cir ('11 I ass ~ the an• Pa ly n.la 11la N DI • IU rln "'h 11iz fl<" Tf bu Mc rx asl rlr