HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-07 - Newport Balboa News Times--- O·N LY ' DAILY. COAaT·a LAR•••T CITY l ~-]( w EMIRACIN& IALIOA ,ENINSULA, WEST NEWHJRT, SEASHOIE COLONY. UDO /SLf, Hf*' aawwww---.....-u.w ~ .-. "-T s on tae PolitiCal · Fray· Her~ N~ars C I • l $340,000 Central Stirs 'Protests As Fire Sweeps City Block; Hav0c in Marysville, Calif. Avenue Hearing Project Nears •' ~ U &.II.; P&T.-.,._ ,__ ·~· •. ._ ...... ... ....... , ... ... lnduatriala 111,~ dfl 311 ~ Ralla !W.Wl ull .40 Utl1111..,. M.!'>.'l dti .03 VohUlW' -at0,000 Jilal"t'I, .................. C' .. k . PRll:fff Warn April 22 · Is Deadline for Registration T-akes .20~ Dltegate : · Triu•ph . MJLWAUKD. A,..a T-(UP) ~Harold E. ltwla. who= aft old·fal...... ,..,,, ...... a. __ _ ~ ............... .....,. t~ In Ow.,......."'"' II al eol«Uon that wt 'II • GIL Doullu MaeAr\lwr "' ... ..... tlal• and .......... ., .... -··. ~ E. Dewer •• t--r ~ l"ONin fa Yarite. • ~~-•latlll• Stwn tr*llph. The ..... . ..... that wtwft the n.aa ..... ... <."OUnt..S he wouN fall te MW a aln11fo mftnb.r ot U. 2'1·•••'• Wi.co..tn ...... u ... whklll wUl .. to ttw GOP conr!'tlaft in .J-. Wllh ttw w te f""8 ,........,.. ,,.1mar)' matt-than thnl'-lot.rtlll rompJ4otfld, 11 .... .-.. to tellt :Ml of Ow •lesat• ~ ·~attd ~V!.,_~ ~ otbll' IM'W ft. Ot•W't')''• W'8coftMn "-... lha_rp mnt•!ft to tow,..,.._.,. ___ ..,. ..._.n .ti-ratTled aU lT ........ p1.q.,a lo him. And Aft 1MO M won all lhcl w-.... ••t .. 11• The VOit' WU far ,..... adlf)ll. Inc. 100. for the N.eAttlls .... 'llw~~'­favond Uw pneraJ ~ ol WASHINGTON, Aprtl 7-<UP> -Aul~t•nt tJ. R l'ttorney O.n· r•rn I J ohn 1-· SonMtt hu ~ C11llfornl1 AttornH Genera>~ N Jlow11rr wllh ·f 1tllurr to act on "' 11 l"tlfTllJl11lnta flt 1nfl·lrutt Viola· tlnn11 rr frrurt to JIOWIN'r by Che Jwitk'• d1•p11r1nwn1. A lr llr r frnm ~llflfV'.tl to ffOWMr 1•11nl.!1lnlna th1· rhua•·• wu1 placed In lhr 1vnl(l"Ml•i11n1al rr<'Ol'd l1y ftlop. ( 'tw l I follflrl_d, (), C•I. · · i'1mmw111'tr11t 1Jf1 thr 11-rb. :ll 1 .. 1. '"f, I l11llfl••lrt 111ld: ''M11ny f'1thf11r11lu pr1iplr who "' •· ""'""''''' lo m•mn11<1llr• would llk1· ''' kr111"1 why Cri1v. f F.1rll W11rrP11 111111 11111 11rlf111lnll'f', Allor· nry <Anrr1I llOWkr, h1vr fllllrd lo pruarrtll(' th<-11 lntttatate 1111tl -tr1u11 vlnl11tllm1 which have hN·n ''"""Khl to Mr lfowtc!r'a at- '"''""" hy Mr SonMtt." Slight Damage As -Sun's Rays Cause Fire • J -P ~ w;WPOKT BALBOA NEW8·TUtt.,.. \\T.OHESDAY N~ ...... c.ltl. Apnl 1, 1Na . 50 Organizations . - ~Protest All Forms Of Military Service , <>wor ~ organlutlons ~· .nlinll I h4' 22nd ~oni:r<'\Slonal Distrkl ~LSlr11ive Confrrc>ncit, unanlmoualy Ol)poscd -any fonn of mllituy training, dra ft or •lec- ttW MTVk'<'. 11t 11 dlttrlct con- fennc'P twld Ap.ril "-• at Eagin Ball. Rlvl'rsidc. Cahlomla. Promlnmt apeaken irom all walka ot hie ll&led the-Ir reuona f« oppol.lna w mJlitMtzatk>n ot ~an Youth. C. E. De\1114', executive aecrf'- bry ol lhe Crntral Labor Coun- dl, Ora.ni:t• County, S)'dnt'y 0 . P.llfow, Anaht'lm Grange Society, Harlan L. Saw1.1e. l>rt-sident of ·Stat. Coundl of Oilworkt>n and t or Local No. 148. Mn. Adnma. Pr'etlldt'nt RIVC'I'· "* tlonal Auociatlon for the AdvaftC'f'mf'nl of Colm.d ~e. Donald T .Sawyt"r, National Fann- en Unk>n WeN' among the g\H'9t llpNMn. L L Carlile. secretary at ttw Rtvel"'llck' Ct'ntnl Labor Qiuncil, rhalred tht' mtttlng 'nMl-. Cont~ un1U1lmously 8dopted a motion tn &end wtret to Conlrf'tlllm11n PhllllPIJ, St'naton Xnowland and l)nwn<'y 11nd th<' Qalrman of lhf' 5«-nste Armed 8"vlttt Commit!('(>, urglna th e .,eat of any military measure. Redondo Station Gives Edison Co. Added Power CABINm Por Every Purpose 2 ND FRONT PAGE E-A·R·L·Y N • E.· W • S Boys' Club Growth_ Told Dirffto!l> In Mon. Meeting =-----...l~~EL.llll!l'!!!'-'1!3:'!~~ ....... 11111 75 .. won_ . ' . -OPENING --OF OUR NEW OFFICES 519 Coast Highway •• New Phone: Newport BEACON 6477 LU#MBER BUILDING MATERIALS ..... .. I Tt08 D&AWING. fl ..... to bl' ma4fo of 8allta Ana'• pr f e ----~·k ... C'e. .._ ..................... .___ Mtreeta lllMlw. Ille attJaJk1'1'to ('Uft(lep0-of lilow U.. ............ j°";,_.a llM' ,.,,._ !Waft M p ·• IL C. W •• T ' J M&nlll 0 SOtJa, that pl-• aad llp9C'lnc&U-for -• w•• S ... ..U _..r "•J ... .._. la C 0 I .. .._. ....... - mu or -rly fall ~----------------------------~~------------------------------------------------- DELEGATES OPEN FISHERIES MEET 2o Per c..t County Health SIMia F•ls to Assn. to Meet Halt Power Dral1 Next Monday 2 Well-Known €1ubwomen Die In Crossing Crash MARCH FINES OVER $3000 TOT AL WITH HIGH EASTER TAKE Fin"« Ml i.•rlf'(J c111rini; :0-lftrC'h hy C''lty .Jmkr IT:trr~· ntnrlgrtt 101111. lrd ~~fill) :""1 Thr lnri;P increa~<' O\l'r n1•rm:il mnnlh• \\ilS lnrg<'ly tfur tn thr F:i•ll•r \\'rak arn'Sfll nf ""' • rn<lclrrs Rloor.:l'l t "n• lrnit•nt with th(' I ~n11th~ Hr fin1-rl lho•m fift<'{'n dol· I l11rir for 11l{'i:;nl n111ffto•rs. but sus- f,W'nd!'d '"'"''''' of !hr fine Sp<'c>d· rr~. drunk!' ;mil ninrfals werP dc>alt 111'ith morr ~rrlou"h with fine!I ns hii:h ii~ ~1~\ fnr drunk dri\'lni:;. ' EXTERMINATORS AT WORK IN COM: ASK PETS BE CONFINED Protests Ban of Books in Japan NEW YORK, APRIL 7-<UP) -The Author's League ol Amer- ica protested to Gftt. Dougla1 Mac- Arthur lod&y the alleged banning In Japan of five boo.lul by Ameri- can authon. In a teletram to "the general' a 1'~ heedctvltf'ten.--ttw-&MrtAe- aaid It had been advised by the authors that MacArthur had ban- ned the book, Hiroshima, by J ohn H'°rwy and four boob by Edgar Snow. "We vigorously protest thil ac- tion and uk clarification of your policy on ~fl90nhjp," 'the telegrNI' laid. • .. t 'Informal VisH 1 ( .4eiM .,.,....} The N&TJ announced at WUb-1.ncton. D. o~ that a taa rorce under command Of Adm. R1cbard J . ConoU1 <abonl wU.I vtalt NOl'· wa1 1ai. \h1I mootb.. Led bJ a he&TJ alrcratt carrter, tM force wW bt on what Is termed an "tn· formal nalt" although oble"en •1 It wlll al80 constitute -a abow Of power to dissuade USBR from attempUna to put pre11ur1 on Norwa1. TO PROTECI' and Beautily Your Home Colorful Awnings Rf.8~nce -Commerda.I N.-w 1948 Patterm GARDEN Ii PATIO FurnltUft BAMBOO SHADES BEACH UMBRELLAS FREE ESTIMATES PhOhf' 980 ' Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1826 8o ...... 8l. QllMltJ ... lentee ..... ... ... .. • f• . M8at Specials " .&IN Stieciafs· la~ei'y Dept. ifROUID BEEF 39 ~ .. ~t . ~ 'llf JLliCciFFEE ·.~ 470 ::=u~ CAKE -1 WiLSON iiA•s 55~ M~. :: 341 I :t[TEI :.. BSc AFFr · · 2 ... at P1iiE 11B • 55:. TOMATE·.:· 1.SC IAYOllAISE :.:370 PEACH PIE ..... ac . CiiUCK ROAST 49 :. POR1i:iiHOUsE . as~ T~BONE .OR CLUB 79~ Boii:iNG BEEF 2s~ Canned fruit Del lloete 1• FRUIT COCKTAIL N:.! ' ~-'"' rW v.a., CARROTS Soaps -Po~ders ~DSJ ·Z.~ ·ilX ~ 27c ~ .... , ... ,_ Rich Bade MERRILL'S : ltJc MUSHROO•S --------~~ PALMO LIV£ """""' ,_... ~ 14c PEANUTS --------------'~ -PALMOLIVE a0UQUET :::' 2 •or 25c a a. ,,.... ,_ .. Delicatessen ~peciafs ROYAL"· · SU.PER SUDS ·-. 35c ~ _;.._.._ __ ~~--- VEL ~. ... 31c ~ ~FES(. -11t SiiiRP CHEESE 49:. ~!.*~:~:. '".:' ______ Pki_·____ BISCUITS _. I.-1'-W:, \RHt' "c-oMr a.r:n :' u sr. L\JNCH MEAT _PE_ETS ___ --~-· __ -_4_5_c iiiiRING SNACKS•!; 41' OF SPIGE--JSLAND-SPICES PiJii:~JEii'iE-$-!,_ . to~~ ================:...=::::..::-:.._:-::=..:.;=: ~J~OC~ ~N~!'.!''..!;~_ 44:. Cti;iiN > '.~ 1~9 D1A_P_ER_w_1TE __ p11_":: %5c · Richard's Udo Paclcage Store .·. BOND eLeNo · C~n. Vegetables. ~-frozen Foods yr• • ;ow~oNE Mia &&& SUNNYBROOK ~ ... 413 ....... , .... ~. .... ...... 2 33~ m Polar 15c ...... ., I ' PEAS ~~·, 'W)A '"' 'w PEAS 12pk";: JC.• 676 SEAGRAMS 7 ;,,r. 'l93. • -• ..... ,.™" --OLD CROW \J-CHILI BEAN S ~~~ · 15c 81Ln1IMteyeAB.a>By EANS ,., 35c · .-. 678 CALVERT RES.-,;,,. 39. 3 -.. u.,-, .• -----____;~ . -- ---~;: . I. W. HARPER .. -PORK & BEANS so .• ~~' 19c Aiw-SPcuAa. aRT!r!GUS t? lftc . 678 HILL & Hill. r.t h 413 ,.., ... ,.. \\1'ct1 .. ,b,,... i;"'""" ~ ... 17c . __ !'~ II?. .~-PEBBLE FORD ... . . GIN CORN . '~::':.~·" .. : RASPBERRIQI$ ::-2gc KENTUCKY TAY. ... 676 FUISCHMANNS ... 327 Canned Jui~es LOGANBERRIES ··...:: 1gc SCOTCH • GILBEYS ... 3i2 APPLE JUICE • QI lt' SiiAYiaERRIES '".:;. •• WHIT£ HORSE -554 iNclENT BOTILE ... 161 JUiCE ...... ".;;;.' gc !:. 19c .._,-RUMS We Reserve the Ri9ht to ' iiiGHLAJtD CREAM "': 565 n-m OR GOLD .... 3.'9 PEACH . APRICOT N~:.! 1oc Limit :u•nlitia1 HUDSON BAY -5~9 I P.i.' GOLD .... ... 310 CiTRus cOcKTAIL N~~: 5c Our· Household Mezzanine is Equipped vvith Telephones & Rest Rooms ' . . I ':..• I I l .. Mawroaao 8AL•OA NBWl-TIMSI watllfll9DA1' N...,.n .... Cdf; A ... '· tMI SOtJTHBllIOOE, Maa. (UP)- Man would bt burnf'd to a criap In oM M<Ond if all the lnviatble ultraviolet ra)'11 In 1unll1ht ttadl· t'd the earth. according to Dr. E. O. 'nll)'ft'. Fortuna tt'ly 1ald the re- wardl dlrK tor for the American Optical Co.. most of the lethal ra.ya are ablorbfd by ozone, a form of oxy1m J>""fnt In the u~ rf'itlona of the atmosphere. O ty ~uurer. J. A. Gant. hu bffn a ·Newport Beach l'fttdmt and propttty owntt 11lntt 19'.lO. He hu held public office since 1928 without lnteTMJptlon. Prior to comlfll to N~t Beach , G~t workt'd fop ConlOU- dated Lumber company In WIJ- Roa GN"f'ley has bttn a rt'1l· mln1ton and In the 1hipyard dur- de-nt and· property ownt'r In lht' lnit World War I. Harbor Atta ovtt a period of 30 Eltttt'd to the m uurtt'1 poet years. In 1928 alter operatln1 a 01J'OC'l'TY It WU around 42 Yt'af'I AKO that he~ for l'ICht )'l'Ue, Gant hu Uie tract of land now knO'A'JI ., held the poet continually. In addl- Balboa wu purchued by .J. p lion to belnc tttasuttr he has Grttley and a croup of ·UIOClattt Ml'ved u auditor and deputy, tax who had vi1ions of the place ., colleoctor for ~ dty. a rnort arH. Lattt. the 1troup ~ Gant and M1 wife huilt the Balboa Pavilion which make thelr home 1t 1111 W. Bay today 1tandl u a landmark Dur-Avenue, Newport. Inc hit earlltt school yean, Roas •~nt his '~catlona her. worklna at odd Jobe at thl' Pavilion boat docks. Rail Workers Ask More Pay, Fewer Hours Born In Santa Ana, Grttley 11- tmdl'd IChool thtt'e, and '" tt'r l':t\rolled In the Loa Ancfls Mili- tary Act1demy. F'rom there he went to hl1h actioo1 In WhittlC'r · ST. LOUIS. April 7-(uP) then In S&nta Ana. flrrlahlni h~ Q . E. Letcflt:)', prftidmt ol the education •t Pomona CoUe1e. Mar-Ordft' ol J\allroed Te~. rlfd at the qe of 21. · Grttlt y announcM today that non..,-.t- workfd In enafnffrlns and road Ille railroed emple'Jft9 wW lttk conatnction tn J\JVU'llde and Qr.. a w-ae lftCl"MR ol 25 emu an &QP OwntJN with H. Cl1 ~I-hour and.~ o( the buic '°"· -.u known 0...,,,. County Wiil'll ..... 10 «> boun. ~. He jotMd the Mart~ IAtlht:)'. tpelkMIMll for p... 1' durtna the nr.t Worlcl War, MrV-lebal' Clf'pldat.lcml repdltntlna Ins two )'Ml'I. and l"l'lurned to .a.at 1.000.000 rallWQ warbrl. B a Ibo a upon hAa c1i9charv In ..W the wqw clemandl wwl4 be 1920. ...,.s on the rall!-oedl oa Allril It wu thee tw 1»ea1M ~ 10. * Brief GllillCe . It Todly's M1rkets . Am Tel It Tel. .. _ ........ .e..: .. .uo" l>qecflen PM:inc "-·-.. -..... u~ Dupcmt ... -·-·--"-·--.. -.175~ Gelwt'O lloton ... --.... -....... M% ~ ... ·-·····-······-···· .. -· 41 % Kaneeott ... -.~-.. -............ _. Soi San ... -...... _ .. ,_,_ .. ____ ,,"" .... 36" So c.J Edbon ................... _. 27 Standard 00 ... _ ...... -...... _ .. _ 63 ~ U S Steel ... -.... --.. -.. -......... 7311 "Titer• is no Substitute lor Experience" ,_ le-Eeet-·-- II L. RllEllAR---- CITY ~LERK 8-e .. W dtJ oftldlll wM Cl *teaUy eentl9 the ,... .a al...........,_&. ud recordl are &twafl -..-..~~ ... ••JS-Pldllllllli~---~n--1 ., wriee ._°" florided tlle uperi esperimioe '*""" ..,, .. -* .. h ....... ~ "°"'P-lo ,_ I D ...... 7 ..... -.. ~ ..._,... ~= I J ,,. ud .. ~ holden. Gownlol" Warren recently signed a bill, now a law, mabling elected omoers who have reached the retire- ment ~ to !lel"Ye their entitt terms.. This law applJes only to electiVe otnda.11 and not to appointive ones. Y 911r "°'" will lceep experiencz.O officials on f lte job/ I . r Electio. Tllelday, Aprll 13, 194 8 Wiac•-Y• Vote to-tte-~a----~.--­ COUNCIL•AN ROBERT (BOB) ALLEN BOii AU.EN._ .... ,. f..pt mu-ceomly for the city:'• eoatbnlfld pwww~ . llOB AU.EN ._ .... ,. 8'homted tile dty 1DU1apr form ot gov- _. !at. llC>ll ALLEN ._ fa"nlreli .._ pngru1 ot more city para .-d beau- tlftceth-. 110B AU.BN ._ .... ,. ... wfll eoaU.. to repnaeat the EN'ftRE _.,. ti E -r ...a.•s .,.. wttb • m1ICb care ud thought M be ............... __ __ Incidentally he is the only merchant seeking that office, .. undentends the problems of the busineu man, who ""4s repreMntation .on the council. 7 Read what Federal Appraiser and Lions Club president, Louis Getes. who recently withdrew from the council.Mnic race, wys of hb Allen: ................... et.d,j ... •••flpdoe ol .. ·...,... ...... .&Ilea =.a m1m,,_ el U.. dt, ea•ell wl load u.t .. ._ c P '> •w'e.141• tile powtll Md~ --..... --..,, ...... ,......_'M.7 -...... .a :::•_,9A7.._.,.._ ft••..aJI Pnlltllatlfeel ... ....... = .. ra:;:z.a -..._aped•• .. .. , "M-.. ... • I _, tlda ......... c:iem- V,. (SifledJ COUIS. f. GATES· . -I D.ECllON TUESDAY, ORI~ 13, 1948 det ... with the N...,..n 11&,J lft •. ,TM .......,attne .......,_are vestment Co., u rnanqer, o( the ........ ta all dUlf'I ol wrvk» .-¥Won ctanc. hall for muy >'Hl"I. oCMI' ~ .nuaJ traJn oprratlon. 'r.••••••••••••••••11111!1••••••••••••• .. ' .. • • , -------··----· . :o.,..-----......~~---~!lllll!lll~~~..._--~ .... ~Nj5~11111!!1!11!11!1111111111111!11111~!1!!P."9 .... ~~-~{~~~ ................. ~ • \ II ,,,,...-I• \ Rocketinc to Moon Held Practical ca:;w.~o:J r.r..-.-=r--------------·--.......... ·• wwww ... MUI • JlfSW•o•r 8AL80A lf•••·T•••• P•n 5 ButScientistsSeeNoPointinlt a~°i'~·l!-w.W.T'1cw• ~~t. ~~"~~==-.:==r ,, ............... ~~:~ ... ._._ • By JOSEPH L. MYLER nw ratio ol P'GM w.llM.to.., = ........... ~~ ~ ... &ml!G G4tp •t)Unc wl nbulktlnc ~ •'OR RENT-Ytar round, llnl .. r<>ft &AU: • toot .... omit United Pr"9 Staff Oarnspondmt loed .. •about 1.000 to t. u uw o. .. =--= .... ,,.,.~ = ~ .... DI t .... 2 a ..... I a.a-. """*' l'*antt'fd. Phone ~ am. apa.rtnwnt cio.. In. JnQWn 1 -81¥4., ...... .,... ...... .. WASHINGTON (UP) -Rocket rocket w.tched l ,000 ~at.._, ~ .. -~HD. ...... lU: ,._~ Wl'Clal' ~ ~ Z.22t~ Laa~ Av• .. Lt.ta M.... clia,Y1 mubt; Ph. a.u. IDl.J "'" believa the~ kDOW eDOUlh •tart, It~ ........ ~ CIDI ~ ~· ~"' ,'::..._..... Q • ..., ... _,,........... roR iALE...:. .. 0uu-1e:fot Londoa" • ~Hp ti light now to •hoot a mlale u pound at OW end of lta Journitf. ~"=..,. _. • 'ue ...-... Ila pl_ rMll ' ·' ...._ aola. eu1tom bullt. nHdil ftCDYW· ROOM ~)R RENT _ DoubJe • ,.,.... .. tM w . One tMonttcal Oestcn a.DI far • n.c>l"D 0. soaAJfD -VAN DROOD ..... Al90 lat~~...... ,..... ....,. e..-u-. Cell •·non CORQNA~SI. MAB But .. an otndal °' the N•· a nve-1tep rocbt ~ ellouf --_A -!t~t"."fla --...... I • ,. ftanw lolle ... , and rnatctu-&IUl<>.J A u bl .,._ .-... tlonal' AcM.ory Comml1w fcw 400 tON wllh an lnltlal t.h1'ASt of ~~~:U-l _ •-_.. • •,... ,.. -C'hlltr. uphobt"'"9 tn w-WI~ -· ''• • ~ --t-... ~to , AeronauU~ pull It: 3,000.000 pounds. Ttw 1'-ton V-2 ONTKU ~._,.~ ....... A.~ •tta 11.-. 01w19 ....... ..._ ... ~t.... 0... .._ 2 SJotlr lfttl tramc bfodl "width - "Nobody cu lhlnk of any sood dewlopm an lnltlal thruat ~ onlJ ~::'...::-~ • .:.•""i = ua. A Nww1Wt A-,. Ollla .... •"' w 11 h lnrwnprlns matt,..., F<1't R'EN'r nR LEASE -w.n ttuon (Of' W&ntlf'I to do it. 55,000 to eo.ooo poundl. ........ rt.On> 0 . ..._ ........... HARBOR Olli altt'r 1 p..m. only. Hfrboc' IOC'•l«'d for •lo~. 4tl (\•t "II would bti lnterMting, •II Control 41Mrultlet ~. tt any. ::=r,~-to~:~ ... 332.J. •Ste fllah~·11y, ~"ofttna dfol Mar. CaU rl .. ht" be .. Id "but It would comt thins. touchll'I' th•n J>OWfT peob-and ecboww.M '° .. tMt • •· furniture 4 Tranafer J . L. Stam11 Jr. Harbor 419. 10 "' ' ' l Wiited UM -•~y -a.-8()~ .,..A_ 1-U a lot of moMy, t•ke • lot ol flgur~ ~1n1"1'0 hit the moon. the rockrt'1 rH WtTNltM W'llDllOr J ,.;... __, -•-•~uc.u and INSURED wv .... " ,.,..,. D • to 5 p. m 43-5tc Inc aild.,.. up a Jot ol time that P'th would h•ve to lnttt9«t the '*-•to Mt •F ._. ... ;mu..,. ....; _.... ~ A Good Bnv · Boata Pri--.i· To Sell l''\.lR RF:NT-AttrM"tlv~ two room mJCttt be betttt •~nt." "!~lllte'1 ortltt. • ~~r:-'ft:: ~..,~la lWil .. , I • a ._ . • • "~ .__, Ort aud!-n -•lo tlll Amon• .... _ bis dltncult.lel would In otlttt worda," the NACA. , ..... ,. · • G la • Wile Bnw • 30' OU-Craft f'4ll ..,..... .,.., .. """' -.. 11 eo• --llOVIN • -,.. ~ ~ Jww 1~. Ullllllt's n.a\d Adult• be J)O'Wr and control. To esca~ man &aid. "YoU'd llhoot the rocket ifOtar). Pv~ ... •• _.. ~H • •i ......._..... A .... ..... """ U• Help You Be WW 38' Aux. Sloop F. • S. ~·· St l hl•nd Aw . ~lboe. 42_.t th~ l'llrlh'• cravitatlonal JIU)I, a out Into ·~ and let the moon Oouaty u4 ...._ --c"OURTESY SEltVJCZ-:tr er . Spt. f'lth 1'4l) S1'00 rocket would have to hit 25,000 cateh up with It." , l' lb Ooe••e.+oe lblll!-M.udl t , a.... -... -Harbor m¥11. 0.ta 119141 G. E. atNNEY Be-aeon &281 SEPAl\ATE f\1mlahfd houNkM,,_ miles an hoUr. 'tb•t WOiWd take tome fancy ca). ~:-llal'Ch 14. ll; Apf'll 1. 14. 1M -Jl'B'~"R Phone Beacon 56384 Til Cout Hlway, Newport ln1 room fM °""or twn. AleM HIP 8peot'd N...,. CUl•tlna and •l"!ln1. To COii~ ---A....UV »-He Harbor I Wt nr C..11 •I t23 30th The best rocbt ·~ yet ,t. the rocbt'1 courw It would be c~~J~~~~: :.~ .. ·":~':.":-PhmlDs S..Ylal M-tlc ------------St • N~t. -.1flo ta!ned tn testa u a.m m11e11 an llt'CeClary to h'aoe tt wt.th Hodar --1111 • OUTBOARD MOTORS hour A captUttd German V-2 •nd to enersbe tta ltHrinc mech-THS UNt>SllSIONSD do ......,. t• Nc• .. t -wn»~OOD ¥OR BENT bfdrooorn ho\-. Oft 80q'nl OF HJQHWAY Mult Sell at Once A BSAU1VOI. MSW 2 Ila~ rm ............................... el "-tow wttll a..ate ...... V..wUan ....._ 1'\111. Spew on 1ol far estra roam « ""t•l unll. Will ACC"'Pt 8"t OffM' Owr i10,ooo · •-.... _ ... _ ~.,,. that tbeJ' "" ~urt.tu • ·-·-----cw••n .. ~" A"T1"'\ BOATS -n1n1ul• Jtoo ..... -th .... ..._ went that fut at White Sands, •n ... ., .. ,a r....... .......,. bwl-at u........, a , "--w-~ --_.7 £ ~ "'v .... ..-• .. ~~· • ""'-- N M tut year .... "-u...a... port BIKllftcto.-p c-al)', Cahf~ c I I -a SS ... P'80lllP1' ~ NEW A USED onablf' "41Un\ITlf'f l"t't'lt•I. Hvbor LOT f'Oll ~ 0 lt ~~ntll4ml1~almo.tatraJ1ht Army alcnaJ CGrJl9 ~neen ~r~n. '::d8.~';";~~ 'f s.rvttt and ~pein °"AU 1713-W. •ttc: NEWPORT 18LAND _~a.a.. up .na thf'n fell back lo e<arth. An have boun~ r•dar pulM9 otf the ~ of tM ro11owt... ........ •• -.. --·-w~ Lumber Yud Mak• at Mot.II NF.W 'l Bf:DRM.A DEN llOMIC -•.2 ,_., .....__ --. moon IO It lo .. t .. ·t I • .._ -.... 944,_ ...... fol· .. ·-·-... -..... , .._.... ... ---Heape rocket, lf It m.iaed the • .. .. nown ... u tr• lowe, to-wit: IN nm ...... Am& ...... ,.., _.._ Dave H. Spies .Ji> hf' lt!Ut'd lo1tNpon.lbleo pilrt)' peYf,ns boua ...... aD ........ moon would kttp SQlnc unUI It high frequency mJcrow•w. can be ft. S. HAJl9190N. Ml '!Wlla '"· COST.A llEllA "'II "---1 Hlw•v-n-........ ...,.M for 1 war JIOO,()() month. PleUtt Paul r .-... -,.,,_,___ -, ' b -a.....t....1 far1nt ..._ N•wport Jleei'h. Callr.; FAT RAUi· U.&DBTB.&f..I • .......... -.. .-n''" ...,,.. ......\..__ -.._ ...-. .,.._ wu c•ptur~ lY the sravitatlonal ... -r>"..,. 0 ape...... SON. Ml 'l)lse111 ...... N_,_, ._.... o.n.n· Beealll ,_ l4·\fc <'.JI In V""'K"'· 470 Newport Blvd. N~ a..eh. o.m. tt field of aome other pl•net. But t,he manifold problmw of Calif. • PADn'IJllO ~ D-ttc ------------Coate Mc.a 42 ~tc Or. If It• velocity wun't quite ,navls•tlon. lMtrumentaUon, and ~=our ba.a4a tlli. _.. .. , ot 174 ~ Ila .._ ., FOR SALJ;-.J ~ "*-· M eonougll to kick It enUttly frff of control llff a•lon'C way from belftl R. a. JURBJ80N Pia...._ Mii a.ea ..... ~ Plenty of Good ,,,_ OPEN SUNDAYS WAJfTa) 'IO~ • ""nt•l celllna. 2 btodm aboft U. the earth'• pull, It would become solved.~ are other dltnculda, rAT lU.JUU'BON .... AJJ a.1--0\JR rnMrL.F.TF. marlM hard. WANTEt> TO RENT -On Udo ~Will~ ln '*-~ a satellite, ..ndlnaly following an too. Such .. the f•ct~v~ at ~~~?A-1-m'f"A. > -~ w ...... llorr a hc,.t mart wlll bf' "'" 3 twdrnnm tiot. tor IUOL .. Of' lood Jot u put ,.,.., elllptlcal orbit around this planet. mathematically-that rocket n09eS ON TRlll 2llth day of >..-:tt11. A..D. Painting -Papertaancbtc ---· Ofl"n for your mnvf'n~ Sni.11 ol July or Aucumt. or ~th. ft.mt· on 1"Y equity, 429 8bart It., Oft To hit tht' moon a rocket uslns would tend to mel! oft •t the '"'· betw. -· • Notu? hbl&e •• Compaund Motor OU tlO.lll <Tane Hrvl<."t'. Sa1urdaym, •I to '600.00 ~ mo. 419 N. N";WJ)Orf Blvd, at Bolaa 4Ye. the beat fuels now 'avall•ble would •peeda requ.IJ't'd. =:...f;'~~~'l. ~J'1~Mi:. e..t :.= :. c::-' ''I co.na., 1Qc SundJYI and hnllda)'J. •J<llkf'a Dr .. •L. A., Wy 08!'te), • IT.tie have to pack aomethln~ lll<e five rnf:.':tch ofh-:i .. _~nt wrlhtten_:1bou1 nt rt!Tpe~~~ = !~n:t:n:: can II. C. WAOOOICD -•tote or more powerful punches. " ,.....,. '" ._ t •t -· Y .ci 10 "'' wftllttt •--1. :i llAIUIOa .._.. W-.e"! Auto SupnlJ The South Coa~t Co'. With st'Ve>r•l fuel chamben. continuously around the earth-U:"::...~ to -U...t lhe7 •--• SSll!ti-Au~ D.W r -:."n'J e,.n,,..,.1 A~. WANTF.O TO RF.NT-2 hfodruom one flrlnr ~atety aftttan-unw told vitl ~adio t~ descend~ tN WlTNES& WHSJ\W:Of'. 1 ............ ...--__ .,_~ 6 -N-iiort av... a.ea .._ ._,._11<" Mull f1r apa.rtmmt. H •rh o r other' tht' rocket probmbly could thf'lr target-and of rocket 1hJpm hereuato Mt mr head ud lllnPd 9?' •-"-•~ .... v-.... _ ---------· · ftN'• Yf'a.rly hult n,. a c 0 n ac~~e the constant aCIClelttatton plyl~ lnter-plmnetary •pace. ~~-:-in~.~ ~tt::' 19 '* ~ cwa* -.k ., • '"-· JT-411 C"OMMF.RMAL t0-'1. tl1hlnc bo.lt !'1322-RK. ' U.lt<" neceua.ry to boO.t It to the moon Government rocket men. here <SUL> 1*c. Prw •' '= Clill._.. SERVEL with Oi.ryaltt C"rown motor. WANTF.n TO RF.NT-3 bt>droom If the chamben W'1't' dropped off are Inclined to comPA'! •uch talk :~ ~ ,,. ~ '°" ..., ,._ ~ ..... The G A S Refri:_rrator 10' 9" beam. Knldm S ton. lc.d tionw.. on ~.,.. IHM In Hamor after exhau.Uon with the kind they heard during Couittr a.lid a.te.. flmh. 18.'I() NC'W'pllrt Blvd .. a.ta l!ll't'a. W~I Pl'Y )'Nl'I ~t '" lld- ,.._ ._... ... bombl of H P\lb.-llu. II: April T. 14. p . l.... ~ --ucn1---v•nNJ all Mr IUley DHC'Oft 35.ft LOT ON Pl':NINSlJt.A . '276Q .. R-2 LOT-BAY A VE. 0000 LOCA'MOH 16000 -u .... ~ • --the "•tom.le &lily Ruon" jul1 after lly C<>mlnlaaloa ltlr:pl ... Ju!r •. lllO. w-"--Cal~----d ........ AYalJ• NOW t:"·· PhorM" lj··~ -1-J But wh•t wu left ot the rocket 1""' .ne lro9hlma. They . ..· .. .__ .. ,_, _ __.. -.-Balboa Furniture Store tn 4 pm.°" I c\•Y twda,y ~7 ~2 after loanc It. wel1ht ot tuel and remember the itoriem t~y heard u .. Tlf'ICAU Of' eu••N&aa -..nur-..a"'_._.. ., .... _ a Sunda)'I. M-25tc ---·---------tp W. L. JORDAN fut-I chambtts wout• be~ little. about drlvtn{ Jlrplanee with bits P'ICT1T1ou1 ,.,,. .. NAM• 100 ~_St:•l lte.lbee 4PA•TllD'nl a ROIJllM " k EAL T 0 • ------------of uranlwn tht' l1u oC uphin nrc tmD&lUYO?CED ., ......,. 117 COA8'I' BWWWWAY "'-w Hartier 145 -18 ft. Gar Wood utility compl~tely ... Judre Rerreta Caitiff tablru.. • r~fL...t~---~ ~~~ ~A oa. MAii. c:.:-za Cwt BM... Nf'WJJCll1 reflnbhfod, lncludlna motor OYft'-Furnished One Btdroom ".::. ~a[.fttnl, ..... tf9 . I W&F City ot N~ ~ ea-ty • • PflOftlt H..tiar 1 ti haul. Owner l'W'chulna larcer 'Apartment Cot Awa,. With t Puauc NoTICD ~ ~OUlllU~ r°!. <::..~ = tl•tlC' boet. Hu. 1.19t-J.. ~Ste N VI II --...C::•-->C.. -==:::.=-========~==:J llORRJ11 R&ALTT COJIPA.N'T ... u..t LANDSCAPING w NT • Vlf'W "' Ray. Martth to "'°'1th "' •• ome I CJ!ICAGO (UP) -...... Ill....... ca .. Tlf'ICAT• o .. aUllNSU -.Id""" 1.-"'*'P•lld ot-U.. '°'..... . ll JI ll ll II. ll A 1'0 &UY -Uv•blf' .. n (W IHM!. p A. P•lm.r fncorp., OVDLooKnlO lllldrt -- Appellate Court hu ruled Jhere I.I -·· f'ICTITIOUI "'"M NAM& peraona. •llOM -....... _ • y_.. t•; _..... boat. Muat bLn-.ll ~"44i-<-ll..l.&do1C1G,,,.-&!IN1C&Wpm:wpD1Ul...Jft•·:·~=~t-~~~!,-o-Will.J~~Jlll~~~-_::.J no lrgal way to deal with a "cal· . ..,.u~-~ t~R1lut. su16 OM A Jilew a-. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Pl•nd iurvey. Around 18.000 a.ate CIDMtNetloft ............ tiff." , THI: UNY>RJUllGNl:D d-~ mi.na A-."9. Bal~ lalaM; llA· lArtftt Stor-k tn Oranp 0ount:J. <'AMl. 3-4 to 40 lt Boa "'J -2," - Judse Geoc-1e W. Brlltow hand-~:~'; ~=~.,~~ . ...,._..~i.!RrJ:i...11l" •..a-II~ C. L GBORQB Nf'Wl-TI,._ 42-2tp UAI. ...,Aft JIJ[m.ura9 • • 11 It' • fte ,.._. _... 1 down the decil,ton In the~ ~Ito~· ~ .... H•=io.~ .,,~~3 ....... w. --.. r ~ BE.ACCJlll 911 ~l:t Calv. Steel Pipe n SHTNG ROAT-.?4'd',~ A 5 room C'alW honw Oft a 50 by -.......... o Henry Factly, r., who wu ac-::fr of c. a T. ELmcTRtc ud UuiJ AttTRUI\ &. rtTDIOllAta --. 20c f eot Inc moorlns. $15:!0 Photw Kar-140' lot In Ek'ondido, Calif R.jLpff p 11 • a..w ~of plllYfnch pran~ on l!.if. =-~~ .!811.::'s::!..o'.~ ~= llUHL nTDIOlllUI bor _tt97-W. o.:ttp S~te (U ... , ~ achool9 Md • ~& -to.-#1. tt.....to UR~ .a.ni aa...JoUo~id~M-: M'ATSOFCAUrotunt. > • OOOPBR&'l1VJI ~PS.ltd s--. r..,.u market. Str.et lm~imHi. In MU W. 0.Cral Pia. RAif ... 411!. house lhe deeded him. ~· ea"'ittc;LA. t:Kft c ~°'.?~·. ·-ON THIS ~ X1> --~.---' ·~ valur . . ........ es.ts E' 0 -•..! I W'.'\ ~ .....I •nd P'lcl for -PhoM 8foMon -F•ctly •&reed to allow hll ~ ffUbor .1~··. Saiitt. ...o~,t~ ...... .,.,_ -COL11'1 •. BROWM. • .nuv• &nu w ~ ,_ ic.nnc.a r,.n neennc l-U!IL~. . _____ ;.._ ______ _ ther to •tay Oft the farm when WlLLL\ll s:·cou ~ ..... Tran: N~ l'ublk In ... for .... Oouaty .... and .-... ·-air FREE PLUMBING and lmta ation Ex c L u--n I v E she deeded him the property fn ~~~'&it=. Rlpway, N~ ::'.!.10:::· ,:::'49!':fo.~Ci=r. 0C:: Layout Se_..._ nmAl'R • .., I 1936. But Jater he chanced hi• WlTHUl!I OUR RAHDI t.1118 uo. PMrect A11THU11 s. OIUt~ .-. ..._ -GIT rYJ ... .-Wlndwa-C'-0-TWo nr. Equip. ff 0 T E L 8 m1nd and ht to mak her 4.ay of Ma.Pell. tttl. kABSL nTSllOJUWI II.-. to -..,. --..... Ollllm ... • -Seardlllshu -£1ddt Battftiee wtLL DCRANCE Glris' .... I T B llOUI e . D. w. CL4JlJC to be th9 ..-..,.._ -.,. ... FONTANA PLU-..nlNG IC"·H ,... ... .Al_..._..___,._~--""'· •· ....__._tor )t • 'Jl.1' a.wwnu•-•••• leav~. R. c. TRQKil Mabecribed to tlM wtdlla •--. ml" r. -v ~--,.,__,..._ ~ """7""" __,_ ,.1 ., _ Arnone other thlnp, he ahut ott W1LLIAJ( a. OOLll :::,:~·~to -u..t tlllie7 •· For Rellt ZIOH S. W. Newport A.... FalrbuiU-Mone El.c Ptani. stria~. lTIT ...... 0-, \Vl'nf BAY FRONl'AOE the w•tei due up him mother'• llTATS or CALU'OlUflA.~ JN w~ wmat80r. 1 IMlwe -• c:r-llf'U PhoM a.... IOtl and Watn Symt""' "'-· SLY • ti AND llEAt.rnnTl. OCEAN vmw nower Sarden. bWJt an obltad• OH TRl9 1ltla dq ot • A.O .. otnM&t ... the c1a,. .... ,..,. •• UM ,,_ ~ .... -'~~ ···~e ._,..__.--_ ...... ·-·lnllU .. ... • COUHTT or Olt.Ufo• -her.AftCO ..... F ........ air\ ... my ----.. _ -,_ ·--.. ~E Do.A&-...... _ .... L _ ... _ ~ ... T coune ln the front yard to mak• '"'· .,.,_ -· N-~· ,(>fftJnc. .. nra alloft wrtt..._ H. II. LAMB DJQIOftE w......_ lhdlltw. S -Warner tftlb'umftli. PIUVATI! PAltTY -WW ,., OON>M• Da.. Ill.AA • twr m-bllt, and foreecl • bull to ~~.~er fer D. w. IUALl OC>UM •. ~ DAI. Dl'A'ft c.-_...._. ..... ..... ==-=ta ..., c .. h far ......... 1'11.'WPOitt DAal. CALD'. bellow to ~t her from tlftp. Clarlt. It. C. T'bomae. Ilea&. Cole, Noury Publ~ I.a ...r foir aid ---.. .._ 59-J. • 0.ltp ....___ ....._ .a-- tA-!mown to -· to be the perw ~ 0owttr..::,: ...._ -~· • 1.Jqutdnwt~ tank .,.,_ ,..,,_ IW9I' -Y to -.,.. , . .._ "•· --.,,. •becrlbe4 to tM wttllla lly c-Slrplrw Oct. 1', --" ..... , .... ---·-... __. ..... _ Jo W ... t_ .,._ ...... cl .. _ ---Sa.Id the Jurilt: '"'111ett ii no iuc,,,..1. U4 .a.-.....,. to -1.... ~; • .._ _ FOR SALE-~ wublnC ~ .-,,_L>ln:vK: pt t "F .._ .... o ...._, __ Propertf-, Inc. remedy in the ebu:rt of Jaw to lMri, ~~· 1 .... Pub.-llar. et: .4pftl T. t.: 21. .... -·-. --a.tit mar. .... rood COfldlUon $«>.00. Thor Pnrta~le Toolil •1..a.t Jll. v. DIPS dHJ with such a calt.ltt." he""8to ....... ,. hand. a.ad &in&ed .•7 NOTICE or PIJlll.lc llUllJllfo ._ It at ail ~onia. Corona Et&-Hokin Ii GalvanllO --.,.--,,.,--LO-o-----. TJI 1 . HID It .. a.. A sr1-. CIW. · A caitiff, Websttt say., ls a ~~~~::-in::t°' ::! .. ~. l• wa • --1.-r .._ ..... a MM•. ~ti tOOO Coa1t Hlway ~aeon 5407 IU* 1 mt "base, despk•ble ~n." IBEAL)NORA a. XAJlOWARTB '?be Newport Beach Oty Plan-LOST--OGW Swtllll watdt. dia· snttJCrullAL STl%L Jl·ltc L 0 A N ·S U-lte Do .)'OU want to 1111 It? Adftr. tt.. In ft.-columns. Be wi.. -A.Jw.rtfme Nola.ly Public In Pd for aid nlnc 0Jmrni96on will hold two .. _._ -.. i..-t D--• o. r. IPl'!CIAL Count)' &net Stat•. • Publlc Heartnp upon the a mondl -.... p1i1-stnp.. In -"'""nne ._.... IR7810AL A M .DIO M M•~A. YINANCE C'OMPANY hieO DVIN MllO t.:,~ Comml.aiilo• bpi,... Ja111WT •· cation of Marsant J. du. Birry --c..w drl Illar ......... Har· AD llw and Sha~New A Ulled USED PlANOS wanted tor our UPSTAIM • thi. MW. 2 b.d.':.. ma::.."'-: Pub.-Mar. 17, 24, 31: Apr. 7, lMB a.nd Georse H. du Barry OWMf'I ._. UOl-J'. G.ltt ~ ~~:=~tftl ""'' cl.pt. Trade your °'4 ptanq N4'W C41ta Mf'M Bank Dulldtnc Nwpt. ffta, 8-l n.tpbort6' -------~-------------=----of Iota 3. 4, 5 Jnd 6 ol Bloctr N, -...OnlllllT &WW • l10l W. 5th SL Phom l404 on • Spt-t. H\atlftl aUowanc... ANDJU;W L. Wlu.IAM!I, Mp. f:va r., llhodfoft, rreltGI', f10 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Seashore Colony Tr.ct, West Santa Ana U.ltc Or wlllbuyfor•potcath.DAN7, I ~lie Nwpc. BIYd .. ea.ta....._"'- DAT acBOOL Mortimer School iii~.( ... w- DA.Y 8CROOL NOW OPEN .. 4.. ............. ...... •. =-::.. Newport Beach, Califarnla, ror a SAJ.EQ«PN OR WOllEN -Far i:;cmnwr PlANO co .. ~ No. LOANS TO BUILD IMPllOVE ... 5713-Jllt. Ew. STr'f.k changt' or mne clusiflcatian from Newpst ...._ &dwlloe ....-.i. IPOllT TOPS -SEAT OOVEft.S Main. Santa Ana. 19-tfc RlTY, MOOptNiZE, Ok " a.ate R-2 to c-1 or said 1ou ..,. !O ~ • c wlt7 ~ bJ Taylor's Trim Shop sPrMET mJrnir type p&ano. l..wly REFU'ANCE ----------- r&1'91ciANa. 81'1WSONa, JU>. rai11e the helcht limit to fl~tory ...-.tlnmt -'7. wr &I ..U Aut~ Upholltertnc 10"4' nne •cUoa. You ,._t p.ay W• 8u1 Trwt DNd9 2 BEDROO. M HOUSE BJ>'rt~nt buUdln1 with ~t abaft SWftP. Ph-. Cir'lldU lloet and Truck cu.hlom ctUI bmlanc. of JJll&. Tft'JN. NEWPOltT BALBOA FnJl:ltAL hou~ on top. Ol5S f• ...... tllllmt. tl-3'1> 1505 Wm Omtral N-Sch. 0ANZ..8MfM11Yf, ~No. Main, •A'~ 6 •~ .......... . A. Y~ Andre~~ M.D. PBYlllCIAl'f 81'1W-toN ••• o-.t 811trwaJ' ........... ow-. .. Mar The lint public Marine upon ~~--.. "~ """"'......., _.. thii •S'Pteetiort wtH he t..kl:nwn. WILL "1ltNISR ...._ _. beth a.t.ar UNO "-tic Santa Ana. 19-tle Jiii Via LJ6» Ph. Har. UIO day, Aprtl 15, at 7:30 p.m. ln U. ~ ~;-,_.= ~ la AIJt:W10'-S*N1TfZOft-Sl'J..N£'l' far...ttnL All..l mo.. t.-m 41-tlc Council Clamber, Oty Hall, New-t:lldlluip-far ~· ~. VIVA E. P"'DDOCK '""' •llt>Wf'd If you buy lttn. AIJTOllOTIVll a ft11m • port Be•dl, California. _,.. " •lt'a juat llke • Nv1np eccount --------------By ordeT' of tht' Olatnnan of lhit ~ ..,.....i ._.. dally. Banded ~aler R#flt a Sptnet now, buy wtMn FOR SALE-l!NT Buick Ett•I" Newport B t' •ch Oty Plannlnc II-'-511· .. 5ct U5 .A.melhyst Ave., rHdy D•nr-Schmldt ptuo Qi. Wason, flOOO mlln.Jully equJp- t>OUDLF. OAJl.AOt.:. Qood S... Uon I" C'Olta MNa, Pr I ya t e perfy. f1'200. ~ ........ 'Mtf nus JS WHAT YOU-HAVE B.EEN LOOKING FOK ,__ ___ ;;;;;;;;;;;;.._:;;..._=.._-........., ro-Mm1Wl1on. W~---"'-8aJboa laland( Hubor 25.'56 520 No. M•ln, Santa Ana. ti-tic Pf'd, heatn. radio, .1pc>tllpt, to -------------.--.------1~ ply llN'tl, thla C'ar cannot bf. told ff. R. Hall, M. D. WALTER M. OONGMOOR. Good wcwldJc OJndlUom. Mmt ITT SAt:F. Pfillct> cibtnrt . '""" n_.. tfr.-tIM-J Bllndayt NEW HOUSE · 2 • D•:t>ROOM!t -OARAOE Ynlr.PL.A~mRNY.R LOT Dr. Obed Luca.e DEN'l'IST GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. 1111 ·-O..tnl .._...,._Dl-1 N..,.,.n9-dl DR. L. YARWOOD D. 0.. ftO. llN N...,.n...._ o..ea .... as.e-...., .• • OlllllOl'MO'l'IC • PIDSIOl'mAPT • o ....... MOJr1'11AaY llAL'fZ JJ()RTVABY LA.DY A'ITllJ'fDANT •1• ~ BltlPQ a..-... llar ..... ...... " (~ ... !ftela$) OPIOMSIWI &.T ....... wwa.O.D. O»i' kM --aAllDrD ...,_ D1'PIMJATID _ _.... .......... ............ ._~_..-. WI---- W. T. Mooney ft;'" ........ S-&AY I .................... ••CJIMl9I ....... ...,.... .... !'-•-- Hours: 2-5. by Appointment Ttilept•• .._ .... Ill 11 ....... r 0.W. ..._ llllt.oe II. Mu...a. II. D. 1•1 o..e llhraJ Coroea ... Mar PHil..MER J. ELLERBROEK. haw,... apedt...,.. ar tharaaCb ELECTRICIANS il)()d rnndlllon. PhoM Harbor •II day ~3tc Sttfttary. 9Choo11nc. 'Bow 'T' News-nm... (~ID» 86."J·W 41-tlc ---~-------Pub: April 7. 12, 1948. o.5fp . '41 PLYMOU11f 2 door epeclaJ cte-- OontrllCUnc-Repain BALOWIN. ~uutlfully built HtU. lwr. Nf'W J>'lnt job. f:nctne jult NOTICE OF PUBLJC ll&AIUJ(Q IDB. .OS ML& • RaldtwUal-Jnd\Wtrlal bun1•low p6ano. R#pc11!9Nd. ~ Mltthaulf'd. Harbor tm-w. 1llt' Newport &•ch O ty Plan-'J1wrmodar eltrtric ~ • ..-rt· IC'.A... -Balance can -JMld on Mty 125 Aa•tr. R•lboa bland, •Pt. ning Cornmiuton wtu hold a Pub-meet .... ~ CCW1tro1 MS.OO; E1Ut-Holdn & Galvan monthly peyment• 'nla • • No. 2. 41-Stc I ff • ....a u_.._ 1000 ~ H ~ arm. 0.nr-Srhmldt Pt.no Co. · le ur1n1 upon the e..,..lcatian '41 _.tic comblnation ~ ~• lway Bee . .,..,, Almo9t 100 Jlt•not to d W>OM f'OR SALF.-ttMO Chf!V1 2 door of S. R. Mon•co. M. D. for con-Phonr '15.00; 9 V 1.5 90IAd blue ... 31-ttc from 520 No. M•ln. Santi Ania. •l)f'd•I chlwi lf'd•n, •JW:ellent c:af'f', ditlonal permit lo txtend pr'11!9ent NC. .A.BC,. •utomatlc: _....__ FOR S.ALE _ Mnd4!1 D Gr•vtlY lt-tlc motcw •nd Urn A·l , Wiil wll II bulldln1 for an off~ fM ~ C.aU Rubor 6\53.W. ~ swdt.n tnctar w1th atl•c:h bar1atn price Call dayt ll•r· price-St600 BAY FRONT LOT C"'ORNER.-1'-J PJUC'ED RIOJrr Roy Greenleaf Jr. omce Houn: 1~12; 2-5 ............. 1111 practice of medldne on Lot t, IDPnts, ll~.OO Phont' Deamn SPINF."r pano Brand rww. CMe ,bol-20ll. u.aic Tract 884. Balboa, o~-PLUKBING s~ SGPrJ ~np. 41·!Hc dam•1f'd In mhlpnwnt wm not ,, AS..~.ATEll known u 816 w. C'ftltn.J Ave.. Opens Sat. & Sun. ~ tolcl f'rUTI ,n'ffct now. Saw n•n mt e1 R#altort • Butldert Balboa, Callfom!a. a to 5 ·~ 'l'O M7Y a $1!'!0 T"""' DAN7,.S<'HM1I1J' TE"'• DROP TR I'~ 3J12 W, 0-ntnl Ph. Har, 2lJOl Public hearln1 upon thl.t appU-' ""Lift. p.aa. PIANO CO, 520 No. Main, San-~ A a...r.n. -C".ood NMVJ)Of't 4J.lte s R. Mon•..n M D caUon will be he1' 1'tn.1n.. April COllPLET£ TOILE'l"S. 1• I a I CASH for USED I• An• 19-tlc rubber. boll •princ metlrw, • ..__, • • 15. lMB •t 7:30 p.m. In the Coun--t and nUllh ftlft.... J'urniture • Appliance. rupboard ,, ahelv"· table, •tc. 81C Ila)' A.Ye., ....... di Ownber, City~ Hall, N_ewport Wall hunc. cl.-aqiied tea.ta at STElNWA y Gil.AND, '"Thi' Kin1 Call 1309 F.ut <Mltr•I ll11lboe. ..,._ nM Be ch Olllfomla .....,..... prtea ...,. ~ Ai.c.t °' pi•,,..," perlrct oonclttton. U!0.00. 43-3tc omce Haun: :y ~ of the .Chairman 0( tJw KaMft. Laqtoriel $15.00 up. ~ llX'l.wl tone. S.ve owr 11000. ------------ 2 to 5 p. m. Newport Beach Oty PLannblc SdlW wttrftium c:M89 .......... .,, GRA.NT'8 O..U-SchmJdt, Santa Ana, m TR.Atl.J;R.S P'Oll RENT-lnquln II~ ..,..... l'\IMar ,. ___ ,_,_ ~ -...__ ... -... No. MaJn. 19-tfe •t TraJJer Park Otnel. Ba)'9hon '-------------· '-"'•u•-a.IT _...._ ,_ • ..,, -Trallft' Park, Oout Hlctiway, WALTER M. LONGMOOll, · ~ -bad..... M N.w ... t ...... c.ta 11w MAPl.£ Sprwt. r~11 -.cl. Car-Newport Beach. ~aeon !M!IO. Conrad RJchter, M. D~ ....... ._: 9~ L m. • 12 JI., 2:30 p. m. • 4:30 p. ID. 1119.() "· OrlMl'lll ,, ...... _.. .......... ,.. PHILM!:R J. EU.EJ\BROEK. a.a.Kl lwtDs IPGUta 15.15 Gtt.c. lf'OUI tone. ~autlful maple tin-40-4Jtp , Seocfttary. tc1ma ...._ 15.15 up. •· w.. J11cbe9t rrade make. Jf YoU Pub· April 7 JNI ~ trQ.. cmt iron. WllJ p,aw ,,,_.. .lovt rraple you will ~er ftnd OU.. wG1 "':!,':' d'ldW . . . Nld ..... ~ whhe ..... r. ,... ...... ..::. ~. ..... anottwr lo equal lhim on.. Ju.t .... ,.... .. ..... \want' Ads SoO pipe _. ftttllrp. ,_, .._ -..._ pay out bel~. Euy tf'r11W tt -------- d.t tlUr pi1ta. Craw)q JWnftan Co 1V'.1 wt.h. Dem·lk:tlmAdt Plano UAL mTAft • Rot wats ......... _. :a.pl • C.O., !IQO No. Ma1n, Santa AM. ...._ · mt 111~ -.a.. a..ta .._ 11-ttc Cout Properties Co. Cl,JFF HA VEN Selected Lot Values RJl:SIDF:NTIAL 12' ~ .... $2250. . RE.tUD£NTtAL lnoonN' up to I unite -u,,oo, AND A . n .-W chol~ \1f!w Jota nverlooklns bay •nd ooemn whJda may be leuecl. Call Mr. Sc-hutt"f-Bu.on 511& EARL W. STANLEY IU!'ALTOI\ f&IWAmAlf 'N&WiiMI' ..... f&IWN&aY Wli:AL _......,,D.Yoll.' .... 0. a,, • D.Y.& .................... -n. N..,.,,._ wGI Ml ._ ,. ....... , ........ thu_.._. rect ., .. tlon ~ -...... u .. ,....... tlu rtpt to c:eneeQr d.-lt)' an.j and d .. ... .. IWlu8t .. t water -.... ..... .. .. W\11U,JTZEJ\ ..,uwt piano, Uke ReaJtons ~ tr I Item call ?lie .._. Wi'IW .. aAL9 • new. PhoN Harbor 115-J att..r CO VERING O·ltEATEll ,.___ .._, --4 p. m. .0..5tc 3. UNJTS, lood Income, MU' bmy. NEW P 0 RT ff A k ~ 0 ll '"' f£FwDltN ........... J ....... SCOTCH TAPE MOW OM llAND ~ NEWS-TIMBS ....., ........ ---crur --• Lm Aa-.. ~ L\L&-Tiab~ top 1toYe, tof•, &ela oftlat. Ro07WOC>d bed and mlllctllan· lmAL A1flf0111lfc--••w • •14.150 an1 w. Cl:NTRAL j rwjtiet 8117 ··--t' Mt .. ......torua. ......... tt.m.. au; Karine Aft. ... Jterm. Beaeori UJ&.W. PUBLIC N<YnCE -°"'-np °' 3 UNITS, • ~an olcl, wwll tum. Newport 8-dl MUIOA Dll-'ND 1 41-Jtc nanv. I lntmd to c:twia• tht' '11.500 (()pplidee catlitlllk a...9) 11...,. 6 ~ JtollywJod b9dir nUTW of !he Oocurrwntf!d YM:tlt • ~ Ti-L.!J A ............. O..ap. JOI Up-MADONNA No. Z2Mt to OCEAN FRONT, "1ce home, J II HA. ~·· a.lit •tier. BeJboa. G-Jtc CLEA.JUNE n. bedroorne, larp rum,pua room, ------..,.------, l!Ucned 2 beU., J car 1ar.,t', wall~ WOOD FENCE CONTI.. 8ilftr ~ "1JlNmJU JU7JH1SHED L. M. Lockhart~. peno. • IOOd buy. "'" --.... 1...._ <X»,f&R. mt.•• ~ Y_:~ Pub. Apr. 8, 1, ti, 9. 1M8 128.SOO ,.,.. .,_ ~,-p M ?' aAR4!, ?'I _.. .__.... •• ~ 42-'tp r.H.A. ,..,..._,..._ Elltllllla• 11.111 ...._ •~ o.ca.,.. An~ 1a o..~ Ba~~':f...Co. "-;..;,"=.:!'°'w . .. . 0.C. ..... Ola. -SUJ 0. 0..MlUil Wft ... ... Uth AND rRvtNE ft'I. H.wport~ • t7lh and OOAlr HWJ. NIWpOl't Beech 225 MA1UN'E A VE. o.lbcla r.laDd '· "115 COUT RWY. Oarana ... - -. -- . I~ ·~ .._ .. I ·Harbor Feminine• Activities By Winifred Barbre Residence: Haroor 1637-R If SWPO&T a.&LaOA Jf&W~,TUlU S•iin9 Attracts WSDNDDAY N....,.n...-. o.111. A,na 1' •NI Balboa lsloncJ ,loydoy Wi1t11•n Presen#.il Award, lricJe and Groom M loots and Saddle Club's Western Do11ce 11av1n1: IJ('nt thr •r honc-yrnoon 'n. weetnn ~ ctwn by u.. .._Boots.A !...a. club .. • hush eUC'CNI wtth more. tMD ZIO nwmbn9 ud'-.JU"ta attendina ttw affair. Hlsbl!Pt ol U.. ewninc'• ft\· tertalnment wu the prt"Wflta- tlan °' the Amoc:Nted RJdlnc Oub9 ol Ora~ County trophies to the Mcb point wtnnen ol µ.. Round Robin pla,-clay IHIOft. Pftoc Full« ot EJ ROdeo IUdlnc . dub Ktl'd u mutn-ot CJeTe- maniea. · Junior ~Y winMn wt-re: Patt7 wm1-.. 3rd plact'; Shir· "'1 'ftMlmplon. 2nd .place; Unda lt--.ell. lit pa.Cr. SmJor wtnnen we«: Bill J~tt. 3l'd place: Bonnie Snldow, 2-111 plaot: and Royal Norton. lit place. &pedal lft"Y1ce awardl were ,.......tl'd to Mr. ud Mn. Al Slwnrin ol Trt.Oty Wran1len and to Jltn WIJllamlOn, P""idftlt ol thP A9aodatl'd IUdlnit C1ub9 "' ~ OJunty. a dinrw.-party prect'dln1 Uw weatem dance of the Mesa Boots • Seddll' Cub. Placn ~ laid for: M ary . Barrett, Patty WlUlama, l..ou Ann T~lor. Ola&. Ryan. Robert KUWfer, Larry Shttwtn. li>ick Shenrtn_, Toby 'ntomplOrl anct the hOlt ... · Al90 hOltln1 at a dlnnn wen! Kr, and Mn. Cecil Rosen of 22711 Rost!l"I Place, Ca.ta Mesa. who entertahwd ·Mr. and Mra. Bruce T~lor of Breit PC'f'Cl'dlna Ow dantt. -Carol" Bun/id Will Be lritle ol Corl R. S#eYens Mr. and Mn. Harry C. Bur- 8t Sun VollC'y. lh~,-. n<·wly-wrds. Mr 11nd Mr1. l.A>tlll'r M Alakrs- ley of 12!'1 Ai.:111,-. it\'<'nur. llalbolt laland. h11ve tw¥n returning to tlw anow as oftr·n 8ll po1111blr &nd haVf• spt>n l all their week end~ 1klln1t 11 I Diic Bea~. 1' ''Mr11 ~l11~h,•y Ill. the formrr Nonny F:z1•ll. daughtrr of Mrs. R. F.. Arlln1tlon of Long Reach 11nd Mr Rlltkcslf'<'y Is co-ownPr ••Ith Van Haye11 nt !hf' Nc•wport Fumlturf' rompttny on (' o a s I houl<'verd, lft Js th<' son of Mr . and Mrs. F. nlok,-.~l1·y of the' . Troplr llo11M, Lairun11 8'•ach. Th<' wcddlnr. whlrh took plact> ('Orly In March. waa 111 L.nkr wood \'11t111w 11nd w1111 followrd h)' 1\ tour 10 RPno. Sun V111ley, S eit Lakr C'it)' 11nd home' 11)' way of nrirf' Cltn)'ttn Anti 7.ton Nis lional park dkk, 232 Macnolle 1trtt1. C.O.t11 , MHA. an .announcln1 t hl' c·n-G t T fh Cl b 1a~nt of their daughter, • • oge er u Caroltt, to Carl R. Stevena. aon /s EnferlainecJ of · Mr. and Mn. Ray Stt'vf'ns, Af Np't. Heights Home of 2l1t ltrttt, C'oata Mn1. form- erly ol Dl'trolt, Mich. With Alm~ Thom~'On as host·• : • ( ,. I r:c UA1.:.o:: .ua:.\ &rf' "''~ at Uie ...... ._. x....-....... c •· • 1 \ ·~h: • • 1 ... I· fl: \ ",lcr. Jar aa ., _ _.. .a ... _. el T..,~, ri h • r. I. n , -" n the !t'' 1h or 11-.-l:f'ftd tr h'f': 11t ~h are Dr. 8. a. ••--. lf'r11 t.:, • !· h . ., • ,. r:~. f{ 1l11h t: ..... ''nrlnn Dncld. ·Kay ..,......_a-llft: tilfll...,• lr1r':1 I · r r11 ,., r.v ·t,... ...,,, ... 11 hn 'u1wn 1• t)Mf --6c; ... ..--. ~ ......_ '°' Lid.Supper Follows Playtlay For Mesa RicJers Mftnbl'n of the · Meta Boo 6 Saddle C1ub enjoyed a pla~ and potluck 1upper at their club groundl recently. F o hones and riden partlclpe ti --rty ted In Ow Grand Entry parade and ~ races and c•mes whlch fol- lowed. Mm\ben in charge of the talr _,..: T. R.-wnuama. Arvinc and 8. E. Balley, even Byrt EnrJt-, a~na director: af. Don ta; Geo. _.,.. Seaven, announ~r; Don AJ wortb, Judre: Art Wlndrln quadrille: potluck. Mn . Forres Paull. UIUan Balley and 1er. t . Mn. Byrl Enrle. .. HARBOR~ rcet, Mn. J. H. Miils. 19th 1t Newport Beach. ls In lmpe Valley for the week, vii! rial t1na friends. • We.I Mrs. Mary S tanley of ~Ira! avenue Is rccuper from bronchlAI pneumoni1. 11tln1 mo- etho- Mn. Ge<>rgla Zimmerman, ther of the peator at thf' M diat church. Encinltu. hu- a houM' guE'llt for aeveral been daYI . E. cean at the home or Rev. and Mn D. Goodell. 3000 W e 1 t 0 Front. She will rl'lurn ton her son coming for her and ight, stay- ing for the regular Wf'dnesda , e\·enlng churc.'tl dinner. Making hi• debut at 12:45 p.m ouna on Monday, April 5, was y Kenneth R ichard, 1 o n of and Mn.· RJchard Torre net> Mr. I 419 - - 11w hall WU bHuUfully deco- ratfod with crttnny. Hand-woven ~ blanket• trcwn Mexico and our own 10UU!wftt huna from U. walll ud ratters. rl\1n_J a Mill Burd I~ k ls Honored t'H nnd t.1•111 . McMillun n~ ro- QuHn of J ob'a Daushten. Coata hostrss. mr mb<•rs of thP Ce1.To- Mesa Bl'thl'I No. 157 and Is o~ f t'tht'r duh rnjllyl.'d 11 lunchrnn ol the molt popular rtrl1 of t he a t the hnmr nf Mn. ThompMn ~ Wt.· $he II a sraduatl' Aprll Fool'R Oay 11ettln1t th" ol Nl'WP!Wt Ha~r Unk>n Hl1h theml'. Edttb)·c l.ip;>tncot:. .IUD l' ... 11, .:\ath:iJlt' !lrb&IMI; f ront row, ara.lall ...... ._.. .. ,....., .... _ ~-­ Siii', .• Eat 19th 1tret>t, Coata M_oa. ~~ .......... dff'ct .. A 11Jwr b luawwwl bladt aatW)e WU plattd on ndl 86* ol lM 1tap aad a pa1r ot black boota hunc fJ'arn the etntn, canyinc out the ct.lb'• anblftl ol boota • ........ IChool and Coata Mt'• a Ete-Af!l•rnoon hour11 wPrr oc<'upir<l nwntary IChool. . with f11ncywork 11 n d <:"hattini.: and gJ'andlon of .Mrs. Flor T~~. Nt-wport Belch. welftMd aeven pounda, 11·ounciee and wu born at St. Joseph e nce Ha hOI· ......,,_ MrVtnc on axnmtt-.._ wwe : HaJJ, 9and)t s.ndft'. -. lln. T. R. Rn, B11'W Enlle, Patty WUUum. Band P.,..U: re-- flMawn 'J'.._B. ~ Mm,. Mr. 8teverw J'l'tttvf'd hl1 f'du-M.-.. Al 0 11:drn rf'<'t'ived a sp<'cial eatk>n In ~trolt and latn wrvl'd prl7"' And Oorl!<f' J e1ko had 11n wtth tbe U.S . Navy In World annivl'r1ary gift. War IJ. He now la m1ployt'd by Mrs. McMiilan rK't'lvtd both u Ow Genttal ~troieum~!LJ:mJ;ig[::...-w.eMMt...,...1lift-.'""'"ll'l'f~tlPll'rcoo50f"- a Uon at Balboe. priu whllt' Anothf'r Apr il Fool No date hu ~t been wt for prize Wt>nt to 7.f'nohl11 Frost A the ~· ------b irthday -alft-wu.-IM'flt-t&-1~­.... ,.., llr. ud Mn. .._ wa-. _. ._ Oa•· 'of Lud Dinner ~: -... Mn. Cl,d. Otto. Ella ' -ncltes C __ J o-te7. a o. HaD, T. B. Rd. a.vu ruwve FCll"rftt Paull 8ftd Art Wind-For Church Furnisltings ·,,linpr: doalr roam, Mn. ByrS. ...... FClft'ftt Paull and T . Jl. Arnn1t~t1 are bt'lnr rom- WllUaml; ct.an up. Cl,.ck Otto, pletfod by the many commltttt11 . T. It: Wtllliliii, or t'M p'llQri'ed-pot~UCICllrnMr ~· ~. FClft'ftt Paull and . to be ht'ld on Monday. April 12. n't!d Wernn. 1:45 p.m. at Christ ~urch by the .............. o..ee ~a-.• 111111 Blml F'owf-11. dauichtPr ol On this ~'<'nlng the final cru- ble Bf'lmont, WhO WU 8WO! Special fUHts ~I' Mrt. Al Osden and M.-.. Charles Ogdc-11 Jr. M P m b I' r 1 pn'lf'nt were thr Ml"5d11mC11 Lt'onora Zubt', Nina Waltera. Dorise Jrtko. Mlldr<'<l Mt'rrill. u nobl11 Frosl. A Im 1t Thompt<ln. andt:illl '"'1.1CMillITTl. May MarAet on Agenda for Woman's Auxiliary 01 Sf Jomes Church llr. ud Mn. Robttt -Powell ol 1a&> '"" bt' 111rled for lhe rAla- 111 W. Ol'ffn Front, wu hOltee. lnf M funds for the furnl11hlng1 to a croup ol ,-ouns triendl at of the nf'W church. R.f'v. WllllAm Tht' Woman'• Auxiliar-· of St -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.._iiiiiiilii!'• F. Koehler, pestor of Ml!llllon J ~ HllJa NethodlaJ Church, S lln J am e 1 Epi8copal church will ~o. will launch \hit cruaade. mPl't Thursdll)', April R at 2 p.m. and W111 be .. lltl'd durln1 the with Mn. Frank CUnninlothttm, t~Wffk period by other min-1000 South S.y Front. Balboe ,Jaten and layme.n of tht J'far-bland. ' bor atta. Mrs., J, B. C.ookl'n, Thank Of. u-,.. ..... - land Aft llr. ... lln.. 0 . -Sddotbaal Jr_ ..... ~.,.. a4 'HI • April 4 al •:J pa. .. tlw * OM.rcb ol ~ f'lo9ll!n,. F~ Lawn, Gll'llllalir, .... '*'. , beiac PftfCllWlll ,, Dr. a.rtiea • P8lillc. 11w lrilll" ii .. ~ ~ ~te L 0 n'IJ' _, P ' • daushter ol llr. _. lln. A. D. Pleak ol ~Aw'-... dlr briclrpocmn • ..... -., lllr. and Kn. JCl8flllt 0 . $4i'oft I I Sr .. Balboa lala84. A cowa ol J'1'i1os milk dllftGa --&:---CDll-..Gy ............. widl ii 1M •-ott aa ordlid fiat ... glo\•ei, CUT)iai ordlid ~ pl'U. She WU li'-ill mwTilip by heT futUtt falhtt-..... aa... Jlr. &hlol~ Sr. Mn. Leo Kearm.. -troa ol honor. •'Oft' 1w-quot.> allt daif. ton and canWd pmk ......,, prM. ~I CJain ot Clmano was bnt man and ushl"f'll Wft't' Ebner F• of Puadma and J~ aa.tiD of Temple Qty. ...,. Ullo. 1tcd. glacleoha map. Mn. J. L /shell ..... _. ferm madr a lovely_pl_ta_J. _______ _ llaral ..tlillc far tN Oth'DkW'IY ... ---------- Orpa ----by the church •1*9t _. Jin. Dmtr Fox ......... lillPic 8«aUle and I~ Yoa. A.he tlw aa-y a~ ... llirW at U. J-sifl llart1n a.-.. Templr Oty . A .. , ol W. wool c:nope with ~ aW"ift ... ct..... 197 tlw -lln. Scholtbom for .,,_ p111c a-., costume. nw ~ IUCTllCAL IPPLIUCl ~ REPAIRS --IEIUILDIN G ,.... map. will mak thrir ...... at m East ~ •trft(, •Am Na .au. _. PJew' •••• AJIT ..... -.. Episcopoliows to u .. ,-~,--J-... =-.......... . T Ollit" '°' ll.taD9I 'orislt O,,l11ization = Ml mbi-rt ot St. Jllmt'I Epia-.. ~ copal c:hurch are reminded of a&u1a1 the pmrish orianizatlon meet- ing 10 bf' hrl4 tonight at 7 p.m. al Norton's &y Shor e cale, o-t hichway. • • CE m nw puiah will 1>e orpruzed. a fJ1111W1ltution and by-laws adopt- f'd 8llCI a \'f'Slr)' elected. Tue mtttinc staru al 8 p.m. for l U....-not attffteting ,the dinner. '---------- Mrrpbft1a' of the church and ft'rin1 ch11lrm1n, hH arr11n1:l'd ottitt. ••ho an lntetteled ln rot 11 ·apeakl'r on thal 1uhjC'ct the cruude 11nd who t111ve not but moat of tt,lr time Will h.• Is COflnfry Cl•b 1 - httn contacted may phont' for devoted to aff11lr1 of thr Mnv tht'lr r'ftt'T'Vation to Mra. John Markt'!, to be held April 30 11.t the C'hurch. Elliott. 2137. or Rev. Goodell, TIM' R4>v. Paul Moor~ WhN"lrr 1999-R, or the church l<'CT'etary, wtll not IHI pr~nt 11t thf' m N't· Mn. f1onnoe Andenon, 235-W, ln1. tx-ln2 lehedulrd to 1pr11k to Be wi. -AdW'rtn women at S t. Luke'• auxJll11ry. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ Monrovia. on tht' •ub,Jttt of a.I Ouiatlan Education. Tita'nium Hailed Aa K., Metal \ Social CltaiTnta• Mrs. L L lstwll has bft9 named as toda,I ctWnnan (m the ~tb at Santa Ana Country club and .-.U bf' In dl.a~t' of the b rid g t' lea for mnobtia a8d gwsta on Wtdnrwday . April H . UMOMA VIT8A .. la; ........ Ill,... 'a...._ O.. Hoatftln for the t f'a will br ... "-7 ........... ., ... ....... .. ...... .... ... .. Mn. Earl ,-imon and Mn. Rall* .. -.... fJI IN hr ... W -. _, Allla. .. I 1s flll Muk~y. ~-.tioaa lhould br .._. .... ......,.,. ef ._, • ..,_ ..... __. .... ,... ~at the dab. ..................... _ ............... ,«... . Plla•e Harbor 2 5 2 2 8tJl,oa di-~ Slu,p •&c.tna.••· e) ( aut to Galley Cal e CORSAGES . e WEDDING BOUQUETS e ftJNEBAL SPRAYS FAMOUS ·FOR .FOOD TAHAwtJS. N. Y. CUP\ -A ..er C.Uf ...... ..,. wflltli .,_. 111lht-.~17, et._.. "T'O-. I . l.-hu11d11<d }'t'Bf'S" airo. trotrlnt..,.. __ .....__..........._n.. ,-., • •CM '·~ ..... awns•-~·_, In New York S tatf''t Adirondack lfldeda II ...... •-"1 ~ tlie ...... el ......... Jeclllile Wllif. ~ ~ tenwlf ... -FRESH CUT J"LOWERS - NOW OPEN 8:30 TO 8 P. II. · CL08ED MONDAY ~SEA FOQo-STEAKS-DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN A 1.14 YALUI ....... llitl-1 Uctulcl G••• and "-" ... " on "• .._ .................. IPDDOLlull ................ .............. .............. ....... ,, .... ......... u.wa-............... ............ u.91 .. 111 flnllh ... ...... a -....... .._ .... I P ' • • • .. :... .. ,. .......... ... • llDVHICI Hou•• Paint ~"== =1 -"-· , ....• , . ....... ·~··· ---.............. -- CQASI' OONTRACl'ORS SUPPLY lit OOAft lllUBWAY NEWPORT BEACH ,._, ___ _ USE GLIDDEN P41NTS Mountain• 'reurded Ilmenite H a .28 per omt al anodMT ...,_. By nulaan~. Slightly lt'P than 6 11<·r t'•.n• as ::;t ·rr Chitf Menace 1945 he .... produdnc mouch far ML Harbor !5 it Today. the vul Adirondack heavy ns s!t'l'I. 111aneu111 '' ""II to In Nicht Driving .himM'lf and 4,.45 olh« pn-. •t~ of this titanium or• 8~ be slrongrr ~han c1ll11T .1111n11m1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~ ,,.. 1 11 1 1 11 ,, • • :ti!··.:: ·1s1·11 n•r1 trowing in lmportAncc u govern-or mn~n<'~ um, l:t!( '<'• n t'R ru ln<'nl and private lnduatry M-arch-tht' world s fourth 11111~1 11111.nrl int Gin c .·: · 111· No l cnt my of ttk-rni lllbor ovrr t'Xpcrlmenlti Which .. tpuctural metal.a milti(•M Of motqr'iltl .,,who dri\·c may lorn titanium Into one of tht' Tilt' llmt'nilt• mini· 111 11 " 1lw at !'ir,l.1 . :-ccor.d'ini: 10 a n'porl country's kl'y structura l m1>talit. \\'flrld ~ lan,,1,.1. at'•'"td 11~ '" :-;,1• of 11·r C'itli fc>fnir~ Slat<' AutomohilP Somt' rl'lt'llrch mm -an-lllld 10 t1on:1I 1,. ;id Co., "lt11•1i h,,, 1,,1-. n A..OClation. bt>llev1> t1111nlum. tonit conal.<k-rro somr !l00,00\1 Ion' t•! 111 ·1111·nt-Flndtnit~ from 11 n11t1on-•i df> the "world's m 0 ~ 1 nt'Klt'ctrd pri'11111·1n1: 1i•Hr11111" 11, .. ,,11, I p 111 sur\C) of lh<' Anwncan Autome>- met~" mAy oil<' day rt'plll('(' lll•'•'I tht' hilt~ulr :11nr1· l'.111 bile Auoc.illtlon charnclt'rtU' the and fT)"lnt'llum In the frame?< of Expl·rts hnt•' 111 r .. 1111·1 1•, .... 111 exlstlnf.? 1tltw11ion m rr gnrd to nu- hiich l fM't>d 11irpl11nt'I 11nd may ht• S.'5 n p»uml pr.111'11·111111 ('•"' i.1 :-.o lomohlll' ht'ad1i1:hts a.~ a "5"riOW1 I. Ul4.'d In automotivt' plstol\ll amt ttnls u """""' m 1"" .,1 '""'" fa('tor ai:ainiol 1111fl'ty, t"l"IUrtrsr an"d kxHlf' 11plndl<'S )'<'llf" of r • ~.· .. r d 1 1"1 ' ,,, "'I• 1'l1•fl law." "THE YOUNG IDEA" ' . . "I tlllak 1·11 ahr•Y!I IN-C'Oft4'tdf'ra1f' nf my ."'"nan1.., 'ra11• I'll rt'mf'mlM-r bM'k "hf'n I hMt tn 111•rt11rr11 I ti.• taAk' or huu,....old dn1d11rr~ :" Th<' !IUr\'l'Y ~hol\\C-d iha• ab."1111 II 1h1rd of' r1 •"•I!' ;11 n gltt t•11 h1•r Sorl{ol ·Or rt•fu'"' 10 rt1m · h1•11 hr:.11· ti i:hts for npproarhmg car~ Olhf'r fmdm.:-. nf lh• 'lir\ ··~ 1('\'l'lll1tl thRI. 1 Aulomubil•• ho ndhi:h ltn<:". lone I in:idcqua!•'. 'fi:i~ nl'll nrnrl~ !\<:"pt • pac<' In !lnfrty nni1 cfferirmc~ "ith ol hl'r aulorf\11hri1' lmprm·l'ml'nls 2. Too m11ny rl: lwr~ arf' lax in dlmmln1t t ht'lr lliht!I. 3. Jle111rds 01 1111:1\1 dri\'ing are grl'ntl)' lnrrc·n~1·<l h) th" l11rge number of car!l with lights inror- rt'ctly AdJUllW'd or f0C11srd, or \\ii h on<' or morr hl11ckl'd out and DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. 11,,.u,., CcclM•i• , • .;II,~ Home Decorator Service At No Extra Cost to You! \'our '--can now ha\"f' lhal NEW LOOK .. l"Pdl'<'oratr w11h Shatlr i; h\' 8on:'hard • . thr-)'n-IO distinctive and art111tically del'ignl'd ... c11rC'fu1t}• mad(' to tndnidual st}'tfo of )OUr lamp baSl' and pt'l'l'Onality of your room. Just gh'l' '"' • c:-11 ... Santa Ana 7£112. and •·t' •cill ~o to your homt' nnd rlliicus.~ your -df'cooratinc probkm-... at no extra ~t . BORCHARD SHADES sn:DIO-FACTORY 207 N. Broadway Phone S. ·A. 7072 Santa Ana I \. t'i • . I - ~ . I . . • . ,__ ' \ \ --- - I . --==-· -----r •.m; * HARMAN W. NICHOl5 • ~ ... , .. Ill W~tta. K.uwu. 0. nurw "'Oandhl"' lf'llf'rtd OYtt "-• m1lh•iet dollar. frum Uw U. door. Thal would 'bf. much ~ • _.._. "-'r..-,n •·o..~-nr ..__._ t ......... tt-t ..... a ....... d .... aald. 11.a ..... ,.,._...,, °"" •' t.a Tobfoy Mcwria al Oldlt1•--di,., ..... v•• • ~-..,.. _.. -n nan ........... ,,... WASHlNCTON APIUL 6 -tW' WOUid likf' to l'O ,.... ,..... :•'llld ct.> "*" ,..,...ard '"'nM-Maha1n1":· h«' rondudc-d, • ...... ~ no.r,,,,,,.: llw-~ b«'IW«"•n ··wu • 11mplC" llttlt-man In a IUP>-..... He lived 78 yean In a trlbutl' to ttw I .; "-n. """ lndu '°'" t"lo lh Wh.\ mood •lmJ'4• tl\lnp and withia t.bat lllU tiraupt a who waa eut ...,_,. bf • • ..::.. • ~<t\ .-a ..,. ........,_. lie aa ~ al in .bl• llh .. ~llti& wtadom to U\e ptop&N ol bul~ •·~·OD hilt ..,. to ~1; '" 1,., ~1n1auwd b)' t.,: unw. aod ha1J 11• di.-Ill t\rov .. • Uw WOl'W •... If w. haw ... ln~~-;-1-• ~· . ~ •·'¥'4 ""' _.. _"...._~ ~ _ nt and proper to l'rttt monumfttta Gandhi. He ._... ..-' __ _ to leaden ol Y.'ar, then la J t not ot thfo Cl'fltur)' • _..,.. ridll • • \\'EDNESDAY l'Ml&, ('Qually.. ~ flttlna to «'N!Ct a rnortu· to our II~. and will • .,_. a. 0 • • • .-= • • e c e i s o o o o o c o c c c e e • • o o .,.... mtinl lo a leader of pek'ef" hl1tory 11s onf' Gt tM ....... _... c • R d • Jt WU a solemn tribute to a ltlCJ"tala." e om' . res I a ro· litcle man. A y;luned little old 11 wu NI)' to we \Nt * ;; , . _ • fl'llOW who W«'lshl'd ~ 1han a commiltl"t' was •>'m.,.athc-tk •o thr = _ BOMB OR DUD? hundrN pounda; but one IO re.olulion. ••hich m'lll haw llw ..,,,. !' '"t. * .. 0 0 •• 0 0 • 0 0 0 ° 0 ' ~-? P 0 0 irttat·in mental hbtt tiYt 1w 1'0IW appro\"al 01 tht-fiM arts cam-~---1 ~= '::0:1~rltuaJ ll'adft' of=~:'..;~ tlw joint 011119111Uer •. • .• '. J_~ n .. uw ;·: The ll'Uloo wu In memory ot Commltttt O\alrmaa C. W. -----=-/ilia ~-_ Uw lat«' Mohandas K. G.ndhl o1 Bishop ol lllino6n not calW • India. It wu dellvl'rtd by ~p. J . J. Slnsh. Mr. Sinch .... i l tmt v '~~ / Emanuel Ct'Uer of N~ Y«k bl'-of the India ~ ct ~ ,/ ,, COC't' tlw ho'* adminlstTatlon com-.-nd has bttn in UU. CCMllJ7 22 fl 'If mlttff. 1'hl' group wu ronaldttlnc >"U:S· JU ii a tall. pleuallt. ..._. Cll'llll'r'1 rNOlutlon whlch would 1ar min with cnY1nc curb' IIIUr. erant authority to thll' India Ill'•· He uld that ttw ~ hM ._.. ew ol Am«ica to ttl'Ct a ~moria.l In existf'nOt f« 10 ,.._. _. to the Mahatma hl'fil' In Waahlnc-numtll'l"I amona It.a advi9cll'y·...,. ton. many clUtlllC\ll.twd Amttiqlla. lt Mr. CA!ller wenl on to aay that 11 an lndf11f''Niret •• ... .._ ~ didn't lntrnd to bore tM com-•tiich hu lfo truck _.. .~ mlure with sentlmt>nt..,ty. But Tht' ldN wu te, ~ ~ 1uch a monument to such a man. rt>lalionahlp bc>tw.-n dw Ullitel he tfioUtht. would be i n.'CO&fll· States and Inell&. tlon of values \hat -we; •3 In "A memorial -to • ll""tt .,... danger of lp11lllg. A monume to llkr G1mdhl." ~ed ~ Gandhi's mrmory would ala u 'tllahop, ··•-oWd bf. ''ft')' .-..... Bui , constant rt'mindrr or "what man'• how mlX'h wouJd It ex»t our toa-:-.. ~ .. ~-:. , __ * CLEAN-UP DUE IN COLLEGE$ goal ought to be." , f>a)'f'n!" "We are all husy," said Mr. Cel· Mr. Singh ~ an e)'t' ........ ler. '"building armll'I of hate and It •·oukSn't COit an><thinc. he Mid,. instruments or destruction. Su~ly, Not lhe \Jnilro Stlllf"I ,~ .. we:> can pause to pay tribute to anyhow TIM' monry •°OWd br the most Potent force for JX'&Ct' raised by publl<-~ '1116 In our time." It'~ J4-adtt Mkl that ,... tt. The commiller thanked the way hhc 1,,-oplt> 19Dl4'd tt.. !le Mid gentleman from Brooklyn. Rep. he would rather~~ .....,. ,,.... * NEWS-TIME$_f0RUM Rl'ltarding a atatem<'nt made by of the~ In 1umnwr and-t Mr. Robertson and \lerl(led hy Mr. mud In winltt. they a.O'f'ed to do SaUon1 that the merchants ot Bal-so if Wf' would raiar ~As, .. boa had only $840. In the BaJboa y.·u In ttw 11prin1r:· ol OW' ~ ... James B. Conant, president of Harvard, recently parking lot while the city had th<> mrnitant.a had had • Nr'4 said: "The nation bas a right to demand of its edu-0"~~r.s~~~rs and Mr. Robl'rt.son ~=:e:-:~-:.S :;~ -::-.:·:: Cationa) institutions that the teacheJ'S dealing with were d.ependlng on records In the work "'il.h the undenU:ndinc contrQversial subjects shall be fearless seekers of city hall tor thll'ir rnfonNinon and the d t,y 11hould oo11«1 :& ~ the truth and careful scholars rather than propa· did not understand ttw dn:um· until •ud\ Hnw • ttw ~ · · · b'l i.lances; not belng ln office at that wu .,.aid up. gand1sts. But granted honesty, smcere1ty, and a l tty, .time. Bt'fore..thl• .... ~ .-. CROSSWORD PUZZl0I there must be tolerance of a wide diversity of Flnt let me aay that when tlw 11 was found nKll"M&r)' to men.. -Opinio~". parking lot WU fil"ll talkl'd about the alu ol thl' aot and Ow~ t= , u-. _,....._ ..... ~ h ........... 1 -~•Lthft· -,Joctri·no and i· our d ty attornll'y aald that t~ -~ sulfk:Wnt. t.he cmandl ecrftd IS nv vu,.-'-V'lr-~...._.w&Wi--... \i ·-.-dty coutd do mtthtnc about"'tftet ~~Ulr undft" t.lw..._ _ !'~ could well 'serve 88 a model for any university in a property u it did not ti.tone to conditions. • . . ',;;;z- free country. However, it is evident to anyone who the c1t"y, and the city could not Today the dty bu .._ pUt ?'!t•-- d hi imprOVt' private proprrty. • !>.ck ..vtty Cftlt which Wftll Allto rn = has even a cursol'f knowledge of mo ~rn teac ng Oum""' atep wu to persuade this projl'ct. m; ... that much of the instruction on control'ereial prob-Mr. Burlins•~ to ~u hll tront· Wil' ot Banioe fttl tlYt -.,.._ Jems is warped and biased. This is dor\e1 .in manfi !Wll' to ttw dty Loe. ~ token ~-aonally peld n'ft'Y bu a1 tlli9 .. b · d' ·d a} h h tryi to I mt'nt, this he finally a.creed to do, amount. Newport had• frft ,.ts~ ~ cases, y m tVl u teac ers w o are ng se strictly for the beMfit or U\e P!J'k· lnc aot. Balboe merdianta u.r.. • :rs some ism or otfier. And it is done in many other cases lnc lot. -r0tt had to alt• •t ae.ac Zic ~ by text books which bend the truth in order to hew w e wtte not ab~ to ~ l~t to petroN '-._ 08 to what amounts to the narty line. ' i Mr. A11eri to do the same wfltt an.;"" ~ ......__, ........... ·-- 1 · h. f r h th d t b1a 111 front ot the hotel. u aw ll' pr Y -..... ._. -t 18 ~n~ t mg, or mstan~e .. to s ow e ~u e~ .... afraid of the ettl'ct of tM to Uw dty, and pUI tor t111r ,..... what soc1ahsm and communism and the nationah-poulble nolH. anc1 tock)I Lher~. la ~1 Jot. for wt\Jdl ~ ... dler'pid I zation Of iJid\).Stry invoJve, as COntrasted with 8 ltlll I blink Slnd lot In, front of tth c~lfllto~~ becat.mrt._· d -. ..... ~l ho-4--1-4-f~.,., .... +--llr+-t-4-l-t . 1· -I ' d'ff th' the hotel no att .-v~ .., ty .,.., e&P.lta 1st or free economy. t 1s a very 1 erent mg · thta land .way. I to tleJiberately make it appear that the su~er state Raving procurt'd the property u It ~ not for ._ pm1Unc ... ..,_....,...,4--4-4. ...... ~-+~~ ... · h 'll f ki d f we lhen askt'd the council to build lot tlw city ol Newpa11 Bnctij lS the answer. to t ~ I s o. man n I ~n un ort-the lot and were told thal If Wil' would not now own '"" fn.tu•-unately that 18 an lmpreSSJon that em1nates from could raise $250(). U\e city would \lllued at mud! more tho ttv many colleges today. It is all very well to discuss •dd stcx;io. makln~ the total S3500. •PP-•iled oost ot the China CO".- h b . h th A . ste B t the en(lnttr'S" ll'Stamatt'd co.I. prdjKt ,,.. W at may ~ wrong wit e mencan 8Y ':"· . U ' Thia-we dJd and the city engl-Bal~ 1s very rrlmdi,. taward at the same time, we must honestly teach what 1s right neer had thr lot m1ec1 and oiled Corona c1e1 Mar'• Pl't proJM1 and in the American system, as prqved by the results it by the Grittith Cb .. who by .•tw I .rt'('~ tt)at •·hen U\e ~of th.ti 3S achieved for the maSBeS Of peopJe. way was one of the prinetpal diilrK't understand aU Uw dr· · f d . b i h f donors through Mr. Slier. cumstaftet'll thc-y will realiZiP '™" Academic ree om IS ae as~ 88 any ot er ree-Later on we requested lht' <'OWi· ln.Justi('t' of tlwlr accu5ations I om. It must be protected from fanatics on either ell to black top th!' lot on ll.CCOWl! _,_.a likNAlLY. L~-f-.;;.J:~-f J'.iihl._or the left wings of political and economic ------· -----·--- t ought. But if must purifY itse1f, as Dr. Conanl-8a1d, Marine. to lake Part fn PacffiC MafteuYen fearlessly seeking the truth-not by tearing down WASHINGTON <UPI -The Plans c•JI fOf" the> partkipatlonl-.- _ .. __ ....., .. Som~thing to Look Forward to . ~ ... .. ~' \ ..... . " I ~I f\'l~ION Dy G1111 Arriola t e principles which make possible the freedom of fir11t Provisional Marine Brlgadt• or •bout 4,000 Na\'Y and 11.arinrl GORDO f · • A • · "t' t te and Marine Air Croup 24 wlll takt> ~~ pro essors m !Der1~an un1!ers1 1~s o. promo part with Arfiphibiow Group Threoe person.f\el. 12 ati1.-and .:ri ptanrs ..-----------------------... oht1caJ and economic P,htlosoph1es Which, If adopt-in training excrctses In the Mar-Air support pUnf"I will ht-~ WI\&.~ d, would destroy the hberties and opportunities on ianas lslandll. durlnit April. vided by Marine Ai.r Group 24 ' •M:, ':'f: hich our "nation was built. ...o ~ / 'Buried Treaaure Taln Lure Gold Seeken Rival 'Phone to Bell'• Goes to Muaeum READING. P,. <UPI -Even HARRtSRURG. Pa. IUPI -An "folklorr trrastD't'" lurt'9 tf'ekrn original l!'lr phonr whosr inventor After easy wealth. backeni or the lost n U. S Suprrml' \ourt ra- Reading-Berki1 Vounty Blcenten· trnl fii;thl "11 h All'xAnder Gr11hAm nlal hnvr found. Bell has ~n ~ivC'n to thr HI!!· Dr. Alfred L. ShoemAker. cur-torical Soclrly or Dauphin county. ntor of the Hl!!torical Society of Thr tclephonr wa.!! dom1ll'd hy OC'rkii County, pr!'pnred a serlet1 M W. Jacohs, Jr .. 11<>n ot the at- or wldC'I)' puhlishrd arllcl<'S for tomry who rrpr('t1f'nt<>d D a n 11' I the hlC<'ntennial on old Prnnsyl-Drawhl\Ult'h. the invrntor. \'ania-Dutc:h folklorl'. One told of Ornwbau~h r h11rJ.'(rd 8<>11 with J.'tOld hurled by pion~r formers infrlngC"ml'nl of pntrnt rlRhts and 11ndrr hlU'n!J, In wells and other carTlrd thr c:a~e to the Suprrml' pfal"('S, then lO!lt whC'n the whole Court. The ruling was In favor or fnmily pal\.oied 11way without co11-Bell. rlcling thc scrr<'I hiding platt. Many talcs Br<' spon herrahou~ nhout 11uch burlrd trrns\ln!. 11 Clflf.DRt:S I~ CIRIRC'H llU'.\fPHREY. Nr b. (\JP)-Thr Not tonii: aflrr first publiCBlion of 0 . A. Windolph, drUt;:J.'ti!ll hcrr Jlt'Ople t)f'11:an to appear lhrough-fnr 35 yrars. brouitht attention to th<' r11c1 that hii< 11 chilrlrrn havr out lhr ro11n1y ransacking dr· dedlc11l••d their lhri·~· to church scrtrd huildini;ti; 11nd digging under ~rvire. The !'Ix girl< arr nuns. th1• likely marker tr~. fi\"l' hoyii i.re pril'sls. Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Depewlable LoMI IMUt.Uoa.for ~ 40 y_,.. By Canitt' 0r M111l: I0.80 per month an)'Wher<' In Nf'WP()rt &1ch and Costa Meta; $2.40 '°" 3 monthl. s.t.80 for 6 month•; $9 per year By MAll In Oran1e County : S9 J)l'r .Y<'ar; to 4th zonr. $9.25; to 8th :zone, SS>.50. En\eM u Second.Qua matttt at the POltotfl<:W! In N"'P(ll"t Beech. California, undeT' the Act. of Mardi .3. 1897. SAM D. PORTER Publisher LUCIUS S. SMrnl. m Manacfn& Edltor W. F. DIXON ) Advertl11ln1 CLYDE REX ) Prtn~ Plant. 3011 W. Central Awn~. Newport ~ach. CaJ!fornJa Attive@) Member of ., Mac's Man Votes ·. ft(Tllicao.-J.t C..-Y l'IY A IANAJ. l l OIO Tl4f TllfT 11.0!'f S ..aD •S .,.,_ ft..IJllllln'• MH<tO~,,_~»O f"l G«OVP ~~~IN 1.a.o wfr •~llh'. '----- By Sam l~ff Ry Edgar ltic·t• Burroµght1 I ~. , ... . ,, ' I I } II · -. x•••O•T aAL80A NSWl·T•••• --~ Jf..,_. ...... Olllf, A,.a 1, lMI a-RODEO. RIDER, lEXAS, HURLS 1-BIT BALL; L ~BEA~ OAKS;3-0 · SAlif J"IU.MCDOO, Aprf1 1 -lnllAap tied It .. lt wu ttw an-<UP,>-._, _.rain rider from dlllt ~tt'• 2>th pltd\lna \'ff· ~. Tes., put In .. bld tocia1 tory ln JHcue eompetJUon. . ,_ dlit ror. ot "_... one pltc:he.r T9MI w L PeL oa .. ttw P9dfte ~ ...... Su~~·· ' 0 1.000 JOfMt .....,. ~ u. onetJam ~ -·······-• 3 .sn 1~ ............... and ........... ,... Loi Anple9 ....... ' ' .500 2 ...... tM di• f1 lllt i.. Mr Su Diep ·········· ' ' .IOO 2 ....., ...a ......._,, __. "' ~ ···-····· a a .aoo 2 ... .-t "1llut ..... jab qt ... ttle -··-····-··· I I .500 2 U.. ,_.. -1Mt llilht to O.kt•nd ·-·-·-.. · I C .m 2"' ._. MrtMrtt7 to .. dalla. !Ctn rnto --··· O • .000 • lie........._. ()dlead J.O ~· NWltl: wltll a ...,..perfect perfonnanoe Su ~ c Hollywood 2. .. , ..._. ..,..t. _..._ ltahll IA Mples a. Oekt ... d o. • • _.. twa-•:a ~ fllf the ... tu. '°' Seen.awnto a (11 tnn-.. , .t Mtft1ld• . Jfoidlr ..... ). - ...... out Dim ~ ..... ,,. ....... ' San Diep s. .. mtlj tW9 11eatuntl waJb ... ___ • ____ _ fWll ~ • battttL' . D~ tball. StilJ N..-17 -~ tpn·• ...... DilBAe :-...::=. : queri: Dominates Boys' I 5'1n daat' the loop Md le- " LI P _Q . " . .. DUn·DEt.RS • '"''·Q!!, . • . . ' *** ' JI arbor Events *** Public Links Play On at Willowiek SAHTA AJlfA.. o.a., AfrG 7 -(UP._'llle El Two _... 0.,. ' Air ....... .,_ ... 1MI ...... :'101 MD t I nw n..lit ,_ ... • __.. llildJa .. die ..... .&.. , ..... ...... 'Ille art 0 I ...... -..... .......................... ..... A-. .... 17;. .. • • UalwwwilltJ .1.,._ at s..ta ..._ (tadadw), .... 3t: .... ... A.nllFAlr ............ Oct. 2; •' ........ Air •• , ..... Oet.9:0.1 ........... .... ~ wcond ~ ,,, ....... •t °""""'· Oct. 15: lbft ...... Callfomia hblJc Unlm Giit .. Na"7 .......... Oct. 21: .. IOdallon play pt...._ WQ tMI .._. ~ P1lln at s..ta Am. wttkmd at the w~ ecm. Oct. a: -·• , ....., a... . In Santa Ana wtth the t..... '-Nnal Air-al ..... Am. Naiw. 5 factns ffuaclma la Uw ...... r' -•: a... p a ......... .. ship ncht. 0... Pr , lwa. Jrlw. 11; P.a& Roundins out other p!lbk llBll:a Dwtso;cua •ts-ta A-. Naiw.19; play, tM Santa Ana "C" .._. PIS .. DfiteD --. at ._ DWpt. to FoJl Hiiia for a -mw. -tdl Now. ~ Mid th~ Wlllowtc:k 11" '-------- travda to Mont~ for rn I Y8....,.S Fl&llt Re1illls w..... •.,... 100.ooe .,......., v. a '11911 ..... -'* 1a,...... et DarUld tDMlltiW"&be.._ ........ , • ., .... J b 0 '•• -.. . ~ ................................... .. 'I I '\ WQI.I~·RT'S ~I.-"""•• o/ 8•111'/Ml·'lll.Jlpapww > """ Showing • Distinctive C.pe Cod, Convention•I ancf · French Chermant Patt.ms, in New 19.,S Colon and De1ign1 , 1 SeataAaa' • ·~-.. J llA&IN1I: AND Ol:lQ&\l. llA&DWAa& a... a& 0..-.. N~ ..... . Get Ready for ~ WZ CADY A OOllPl.ETE UNE OF W All 8UJIPLU8, F1.811- Uf0 ~~CAMPING OEAa.·llADIO PA.&T8 a CLOTHINO· . .,-r West Coast Surplus Stores ~JOE PALOOKA Back from the wan, reedy to defend his heavyweight title comes Joe Palooka.· favorite of Gia bi all parts of the world and favorite of the folks at home. Early in 1940, like so J1W1Y other American boys, PaJooka entered the fight for democracy and continued in the thick ol it until he received his coveted 'homtnc ~·· Don't miss a single~ of Palooka's post-War ca- l'ftr. ~ to life, It's a mixture of humor. pathos and adventure. ,Reed JOE P..ALOOKA every day in the Starting Monday ''