HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-13 - Newport Balboa News Timesl ABC ONLY DA I LY • NEWSPAPER IN 'ORANG• COAST 'S LARGKaT CITY '· • Toda1._ 11 A.II., PAT . Dow, __ A~ "-._. 0... ...._L._._.._.. ltt1ht~tri1tl~ \~;i;\ U j> \I( tl"ll• M .89 lln H 111111111•1; :l.'\5.., 1ln .1'19 ~·11lum1' 610.tU ) !dlnn·~ .....,t llll -r..,. Four 1County, City In I Actiqn .,,,,., th4' hatt111 ovf'r C!hln11 ('ove EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WESl NEWPORT, SEASH.ORE COLONY, LIDO -ISU, NEWl<>RT HEIGHTS, IALJOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA ·MESA ~~-~~';~· .. ~~~· ;;~;. n~"11~.~~: ( 'nhr, of fo'ullt'f'ton. flk>d an ln· (. V.;;O;:L~VJR;::;;;_;XL;;;:= ..... ===..,...==::::::a_;P'l;.;,;,•;;.•.,;;Cea~~ta;..:;;P"'~,;;;Con~~=""""===s=:=-----.;;,N;.;;EW;.;.;.,;,PO.;;,;•;.;T;.;;;B&A;;;;.;.;"~"~·;.C'~A;;l·;;;.lt'~'O,;;;U;,;,;ilA.;;;,.;nJa;.;.;;.D;..A.~il' ..... ...,._,L;:;l""S"". ""iHa~=--"""'-.;t~Jw~M~r~t'~l ,;,,;il;.;.,;4-•._-;;;;;;;..,..;.; .. ;.;.~',..;;;;;,.;. ... ;;.;;_.,.'.;;~,.:1~.· ~1111, ___ ...,. __ .,.;;N~UM~;.::u:a::;;;;;~n I Junrtlon ault on llftu•U of Mr. and = :=z--=:-= -P.lr• TI K lli.nagh,aa. •~ktn1 to .P .. oil. s .. Report_ He_ a~~ Orderly --V ote 1~~~g§fi~ U11• ~It~ bay bc11dl IM'Ctor of • < '<lro.1tw. ltf' I M Ar Thc-y <'Oft t f'ed th11t thci ctty'o r ""1mnwndadon ln B • • · h T ti l1wor of n"C'al ln1 a 1tat• 119rk rlt S r 1111·11· I• lllttal. l oops w~~,~:: (;:; ~= ~1! ---•llt'dal bc:-nrnt clliltfict WM ... ,Russian Road Bloe.k .1 solates ELECTION RESULTS Results May llEAIJ T llE"Fl!'\AL EL£('. ti TIO:-; RESULTS AND C'O~t- PLE:TE 1'ABLUATIONS IN 1 Be Known =~~:1U*-Dem-an:J ew -...... ..-..-~~'TMrrnr----iir:.;.;.,,.-.~~~~~~~-~----7-~'liA'i'litu tC'QWft Uw pr°'*'t¥ r.. " -~. lM ~------.... COPY FROM A NEWSBOY, I u By 9 o'Clock ££~tfoef!~~~0~: 1 ID Cards Newport Beach's r<'giitered vot-I One old timl'r ~I precinct 6 wiu --eRr"s""t~roo~JX'd>-ft"""to,.....•Mh~e,...po~~t1~1a_1"1~o~'~·('~r~l~'._.?1~11~n~g~·~o~f ~h~o~~~·~·~'~w~as=·~·~n:.:.:Jt9~1~6~ . .::....1.4-'-l~~·Br•1t•1sli lhe city today, and 110metlm" Prc•ccnct 7. Earl Stanl~ real st i e 61 Coast H1 hwa • of their b~ll~tlng will dctrrmlnc Cor?na del M,ar. was t . busiest Civr major public office holden . polltng place rn the morning vot-VIENNA. Aprll 13 -(UPI" 111&1 WC'r1• IC'rmlnal .. when a.. ~111 Uf UIOl't' lhaft half Uw llf 11 rtp 1111 t hi-' 1wuptl9C'd cliatrlcl objlcted,, McCabe Mid. At stakl' are thr~ council seats Ing. At noon they had 106 ballots (a m ajorltyl, the office of city In Mrs .. ~lorencC' Ande~son, one clerk end the office of cit t re as· or the off1c1al1. kt'pl b~)' tntroduc- A number or 'erltlah troopt Wl'N.' rl'por!t'd cul off from their Vlrnna garrison tonight hy 11 Ruulan road hlock on thC' hl1:hw11y to the' Brit· PRO .. F.JlT\' oo;·.~t:u .. ..., ..... a.tr.I An•.'""'"'"-· .......... .., ......... , "X .. " ..,, .................... a\' ........ , p,,,t4'at votft tlatta._,. te ..W .. ,... 11"1(,. ,.._, ~• .... ,,,..., ..t ,......,. lie alll'Revi thf' law t>.n U. l"'ON't'd1nv• lrom tM!ln1 ·~ "II"'" Within one-yf'ar, but thM the-t'lty now haa ~"4 to 90- QUlr• thf' propeorty for a pull • rH'Ofl1mt•1ldlnr 10 tht1 countJ ....._ C'rvl1on and pl1nn1nc ~ •Ion that the prbsittly hf' Ind~ rd In thf' count¥'• m&1lf'f plaa tn llf' lrnprov~ u a ltate .,.. rount y park • tlr ' y mg, ell the votr rs to lil'r·ro-work-~lso being voted on l1 one pro~ rrs at thl' pop . Rt>altors in t h~ of· OAition which would levy a n In· ftt'e went on with .. the.Lr business lsh • operah'Ci Schwechat airport , t 1•a!<t of the city, unJ)('rturl:M'd b>• the acttvlty. CT<'a SC'd tax of 15 cen ts on <'ach Prrcinct s. F.bcll d ubhouse, 515 Th<> Russians wC'rf' reported to ~ $100 of a~d valuation through. We11t Q>ntrel ifvl'nue, Balboa. was have bri.:un dl'm11ndtn1t photo-1dt'n· ou\ thl' ~·~~maintenance of \'rry still et 11 :50 hut hall handlrd tity cards at thP road block \Jt>- parO 11 1'n . . tht' ballots of i5 votriS up to that-tween Vienna 1md tht' airport f tht'ae fa\'e candldatrs. thr<>e . 1 11 ,. Th~) •('t up 111~ hloc:k to acr\'e tlmf'. A I po I tcXJ>t'Cf their harvest ' n • v.•ill sit on the city coune1I: Rob-rush this llftl'rnoon afti>r 4• a chl'ck pornt yesterda )•, Pr t <Bobl Allrn, Dallas K. B lue, Precinct 9. Stewar t's garage. 333 Thr photo-Ident ity cards const l· R L. Allt'n, Ross Greelt'y, rind S 11 n I n Ana evenut'" Newport tull' 11 l)'JX' or ldt'nflftcatron wltlt 1 Dick Drek~. H . h b d s·~ th hi h B h II Eitht'r Fr 8 n k R inehart or <'ri.t ts, . 11 ' average voters P w c rtlls t roopt a e nera )' Charlt'S K~ Prll'lt will aerve a l11drc:s s111c1, with 11 l11r1te <'leme nt Wt'rt' not rqulpp<·d . Tht' demand forthcoming term as city clerk. or first time vott'rs. Young J>CO: for them WU said to have laolstt'd Jr-A. Gan t Is officillll)' unopposed I pip commit Into m11jor.1t~ and tak-a number of troopt 11t thr airport for thr offkl' of l rrRsUrt'r but init a part In their city s govern· Earlier lht' British rcportt'd that ......_ I St I kl b'd mt'nt. their military traln1 wr rf' allowt'd c nar t'S orml'( s mn ng a 1 Pr 1 1 lO n --k'a ·1 1 did t C<' nc • °""' guage. 10 clear through thf' Soviet zon<' I as 11 wra l'~f11n8ar!.!; Agate street, Balboa Island. had without dt'lay. but motor traffic Early survc~ or. the po 11 a only 42 votera throuah tht'ir vot-on ljl~ hl&hway to Vienna otlll throuihout Newpor t Beach pve Inc at 10:40 aDll wu very quiet. wu blodced. tndtcatlon or 11 ht>avy but ordttly T•: ~el dw ~ ~ The Soviet policy of puttlnc ~ vote. No last minute campallfl\lnai In 1 e city. prl'11urc on th~ Americans and waa In evidence and thr rt> wr re no 11 ~~ct 11· :J:0 l~le C~mu~-Oritlsh in Vll'nna by lmpt"dln1 tht-lr distur~an<X'I at the polls. . 1~~ c~gti;~;:d vol~r/\~· :;;i:ir ~';/ tr11nsport w rui fluctuating. No fur- Ladan hendlt'd tht• voting At . 1 h d 1 h h •1 t hrr oh~tnrlf'S hsd lx-ett plact'd 111 moot polls. S~'Vt•r11I Stll tt'd thlll t hill cbmc n t -~u t Thmug I ·r '"''1 '~,-, th~' nr1lh of lhe Amrricans afll'r )' noon '"'"" "" oo · PXflh ,-11ee.ml'd lO Ill' ft srr.ious end hl'fl\'il)'· thrir heavy ru~ late . toda\' . thr i;rtllni; Up Of II Check potnl weag.hrd \'Olr .""!hr l)('Oplr m 11kr PrN'in<'I 12. Freitag r:..:arienri', nn 1h1·1r h11{hW11} to t hr WNll y1~. 11tud1ous ~t'lPct 1on 11nd dtscussa~ri :tl:l Dillmood avenut'. Balboa l~I· trrday. has l><'<'n run~tni: hNtV)' on mrqt~ nnd. wtlh l'(l ballot!< ca!'I w;ci-~··· A Rnti!lh spokesman said train" or. thl.s candtdlltt' or tho otht•r, f'ond hiJ:ht'~t In thr dty at n""n wl'rt' allowr d to pass the Soviet said O~<' rei:r~lrRr. Prrcinr1 12 has appn•ximal C'I) 450 checkpoint at Semn .. ·rina. on the• Central Ave. Improvement. -AoParentJy Doomed The-'''urt la uked lo icrant a tfftnilnlna ordC'r and tf'mpof'UJI lnJUnc-tlon to pn>Wnt Uw dt7 "from C'arr)1r1 out the Pl...S ~ arqul11tlnn and lmprovnnent and unlawfully upmdln1 C!tty f\amla ... .A .wrn. ..., rater!IQr J.be .dO roun<'tl t•ndoned the plu ... O('nt It• rt'<"Ol"l'lmendallaa lo U. bfocalM nol~t )'f'tltttday ThC' c-l1y'1 roniuJlln1 •nit""'" munty plannlntr bou'd. Sutndat that ~rt)' ownr"' In th<-pro-A ll Monr<>f'..-yt"etf'l"day told 11 mftl"hln1 land to conawnate the pGlf'(t Cnitnil Avi-lmpro''""""' Jamn'H'd thron1 of C'.-ntr1l AVf' tt.-111 hu Yf'I tu hf' lunwd up after dbltnct art> nnt w much 111tnln11t prOJJllrty cJWnf'T"I that tlw ~ • ct.lqatlon ol O.llMNa d~ ttw-ldf.a ol lmprovrnwnt •• ttwy NI lmJlf'OVrmf'nl of th111 thomuah-hlttm-ly pmt-led any lhouiht • .,... 11JtaJn10I whal 1111·iu l'Ullrd "lhf' farr had •J:ll .. rC'ntly llffn klllrd thf' per t of thf' d t y fathen a. rrand~ plan" which rm:itJOl&4od to hy a majoilty piot"t \'Off' rt>rnl~ iuch Ult! uC that ._.,.,_ wklrn !ddrwalka. ln1tall om111M'tl·· Mun"lf' addr..-d a larac-•fld dlltr~·1 parklftl lot. tal •tn'f't llatit1, landlclllf' a » lmpaU.nt ct.te1atlon who pM"kf'd root CPI\'"" s-rklnc. ~ace two thl-ama11 munc11 room of th.I city 'Playful' .., ~-n _...ce pumphlc 11tatlmw. u wf'll MU to hear the 'fate of a . plan.-.n ~ • wtdlft ...S pave the~~ te wNch Uw vut Wik of them 'fry ~=-.._ CIC • _\bpr.:~fart~. . a'dn•4 1lltl6da ....S have ""' · ......... ... . . . . . ot thf> throng who · ,.f h11111 or f'rntul Av~,r;;n '=-... , hi dty ("f1t1nrll >'~'"""->' th111 " mndl· L· ....... • ri .. 11 flf'd pl11n. c>llmin11tlng thl' rrtll1 r ....... n llc:r tu •ll't't't. O AKLAND, <'al., Apnl 11 - and Pf'0\'1dlni.: mnlnly 1111 Im· ArtUlll IM1lyln11 of ''"' votra •111 llll'l Two wclfYW'n lnld pollal to- "prov""1 "In~' 11ni1 1•i.iri·11•" 1111 hr mmplNNt hy ni••I T'uf'sday "' day llM')' wrrf' "J1111 playln1" When thf' )'lf'nln~ulo. wuulrt ""' un•I 11 I:""'' whlrh I lmt• I hr r ll y r<11rnrll wlll 11 ... y r~J,..all'dly plJllhH 11 buclY r hnn1'r of i.;olniz throui:h 111111111 """""n•· to lu-11r thf' flnMI t"(J11l•ln tn11 11 16·nl()Olh·old baby \\'h••thf'r "'rti 11 1•11111 .~nn lo· ,.,...,,., 1111 '"""""''" lnlo th .. INtlh nf apt-.•cllnit out°'"°" 11ally hr ln llint1.,I lor 011" \••nr fol ~h1111Jd th•• pr11l••111 v11tr ht•, iu IJll"9 Prec.roct 1. B S. L. Dlf'trlch's \'oter-S so Uds af~emoon's voting British-Soviet zonal border . with· rnidence. 223 Diamond 11venue, i1hould be very heavy. out milita ry per11onnel showing Balboa . blend. hnd h andlt'd the Precinct 13, Cook's ganige. 1300 photo-Identity cards. l'l'!ltrrda) ""Ot('ll;•of RO proplC' at. J'IT't'U time Ocean boulrverd. Corona del Mar. without u plsn&tlon thr &lvu•111 klWlnlt >•.,.t••rri") ·~ 1l••l••111 I" n11t It """' llfll"'"l"'I In ,..,.,..,. 11f :'i! •I '"'' of Uw wornrn wu Mn. rl4'1tr. ·A f.() ,,,.,. c-rnt fl"t1t111n frnm 11rr •:<•nl of 1111• 1ir11pnly ownr n ~:ll1al'N'th All,:n. JR. thr mottwr thr "''m" rh .. lrh·I mH) ''''°'''' 111 i;:rt lo tlw 11r•111e111f'(I 11111t•u1111;nl c1h1-of thf' IUthy In the• hu11y Shr and ..., ..... uv..Jfh~d J.IH>JI.~• IJrww.h_ ~-trlt-t, 11lnm• frrr tllf' lmprov1•m .. nt Mni IH1Vld vr A114'n, 31, wrre today. ThC' 1111 prt'crnc t of the 1011111r<1 49 vot('!; at 12:50 to<fA)' · • . . I d ty ha!I a total of ne11rly 450 M f h ·11 . d' _ _. 1 rrlAXC'd lht' r uin t o f)C'rmrt soldler11 · O!tt o I r po " rn rcaku C'S!' r<'Jn!<IC'rt'd VOie~. . than 10 J)('r,C('nl VOii' of rt•i.ti"t('f't'd 11p IO lht• rllnk Of ror ponl to pllMI Precinct 2, Fire st ation. :lR17 W. votrl'!' in lhr re~tivr pa'{'Cincts. unr•hallrni:l'd. Central avenu<', Nl'wpon h:icl 6'1 ------ LEWIS THREATENED WITH NEW COURT FIGHT BY O~ERATORS voter!' by 12: 15 looay. w11 h 40A in lhe prl'<'in<'I. Ot hrr I han Jlf'O- pl<' walkins: off with nll 1h1•ir p;'n· ells. the day "'"·' routrnr forf poll officials. Onr Indy rt'm inll•<'<-d ebout her poll duty bnc'k in Ol1-cago d'urlniz 11 prt•sident ial <'l<'<'li<tr). \\' ASflfNGTON, April 13-f UP I rnnlrmpt C'h11r1tc11 fllC'lnit u •wis "Somr rltrfrrf'nN'," shi• <'Om· .John L. Lewis was thrr11t•'n<'<1 hu1 l'\'f•n thry WC'rr f'XJX'C!ed In -;nt'ntf'<l . t11tlt1y wn I\ n nt'W court fh(hl ow1 "'""(' ~J:.lj.lrn-10-wnrk ordt'r PrrC'inc< 3, city hnll. Nf'wpor t, ln:nlily 11f thr m1nrrs J>f'nsion plan L•·wr~ rl' ~dwdulrd to i.to on trl11I rl'<'i'ivrd thr hnllo!s of 57 \'otcrs 1111opt<'d y<·~11·rclny in sl't1l1111; llw at lfl 11 m EST. tomorrow ror <'On· at noon todny. On<' of thl' f'llrly ~!l-d1n nlil ~or1 mnl 1trikC'. lrmpl nf an Aprll .'l Nlurt orrlPr vo leMI forgot hi!I s:laic!<Cll nnd w ith As · thf' 400,()(X) miners ht'i:ao whtt·h dirrd•·d him tn CAii orr 1h1• !liASCV KISC. mA)' hf' IN'fUrr tlltt11 1tir. ....... t1'r4C1'HI '" Maturday at Ktnir'• J,Andln1t IMll ...._ l•n't n,.,.. .... n~r. T1w Uou .... r tlptW"d t .... llf'.al,...!\t 15 pound•. phn••• t., ll11vl1 \!• \,.ll1ttt ------~ LOCKS HANDS IN I OWN SET OF 'CUFFS; TRAPPED 4 HOURS ..,.. and s-"'.,,...,._ tt.11tnn Rall of T11butmt. C'allf .. trappood M..-lf 1 .. t Ftlclll In • Ill• """ n ........,, .. °""'°""lraUn1 Id• prnw-t .. frif'IMI• In lhr Rall1t1a Inn al mkt•tchl .... nlctit~ hr ahtu·ltlrtt lit• """"'" wllll tllr rurr... Hui whrft hr •l•rtrd to taltf" ttwm i.ff, Uw kry faii...t t.1 wnrk. I ..:w-al pollc'f' offk'f' "'· If a rr)' 1 ....... I~ \'. l'tlrlrl111 and l.eYlfln I ,.,.,,......,, •ortlrd n ... rly fo41r • llt10,.. .. wine ttw """n"• h•nlJa ,, ..... thC' a id of thr lnd1rs il"I. charitC' strN1m1n1: hark lo wor k. 11n in-strik,. "forthwith " w orkt'd out n i<ystt'm of fcni:rr rl11•11)' spokesmnn said i<<lfl ,.,..,, 1-"t•dl'ral .Judi?<' T AlAn \..old!<· PROPERTY TAX RILL IN COl JNTY IM • T t rE'aC'h for sp.ictni: of nRml'S on thl' Of'l"rRIOr!I smn would ask l ht' frd· horn11s:h. "'ho wall hr er thr cue. I ar1ne. ram;por ballot. If hP didn't fori:••t whM 1•rnl court 10 hold up o(X'rat1on of. r ul"d lhMI trrmrn.,lton of 1h1• 1 • ~L Wh tingr•r rt':tC'h \\'II:< for Whal ('Rndi-1 th1• pl11n uni al t he QUC'Sl ion. of (X'n· stT1kr y.••t,.rd11y 10 rln)"S era,.,. AVERAGES $64, ~EAR DO UBLE . '42 \Jr. a~ues . en datr, hr prf'SUmably cast lhr \'Oii' s1nn t'lr~lbilily .undl'r thl' T nfl· th• ()rdrr -<ltd not 1"101u • l.rw1l't rif • A I w ~ hr want<'d llRrllry lew IS clar ified. !ht• (•11nlrmp t chllrlo(I' hrnu11:ht hy Propt'Tf)' tnx Ital! tn Or:.nrt' Tolal ''""fJf•rh ,,,, I·\\ 111 ( -;,.( I eron Ire .~naps PrrMnct 4. firr 111allon. 703 R11y !'P<'clfica lly. hf' said. t hr op-lht• i?O\'rrnmrnt. county r.tr lhf' N111nl) '>f'l)OOl1. 11n<I t••m1" ''"' NJ•trtt1• • ~d"1<1I'. r.n•I SllA...:t ;ifA I Ap1 rl I 1 tl 'l•r evenur. Ralbtk1, took 63 h11llots up l'rators will ronlrnd t11at thl' plan ~P<'('11tl dtslrwt• tnr rh111 YC'llr '"" •1"'d "I d1•trir•t• 111111otfntqJ 111S4'."1J. I.I•\"'' Arn• rt'''" Ill·"''''' '" 11 to 10:30 this morn'inl? Dool!! Keene 'tolatrs •hr law prrmrtti~ pay· * Weather & Tides * r r11i.:rd $&! 61 p ·r ,.,,1 .. ,,.. romµ.u. ·1."J.R47 fur 11~17 '1H '"•1t1t•11r• rt w11h .,. 111r• ol 1111 .... , '"" ,.11,. "'h•" " and HezC'I Spauldtng wC'rl' the mrnts to union mMTill<'rs llOl. Pm-"",..1th thf' f..'ll 7:l 1..-:r ""fl''" llill '-""".22"~,r l••r J'•lt; 17 ""'l ,, ,,,,1 tttr •r:•n 1 •• ,, '"''l'"l: :v1 firitt votf'rs at lhRI station Dolh ployrd by opn11tors who con tr1hu1,. I'°" Anp!M and ~1dnlty : Vnrl· for Jn~t yr11r Ancl thf' S.'\H .'l2 Jlf'f' I s:.!."~.! .. rt f.,r l!"•-fl ·1:.! I'• ' J'q ;l. l~"'\:'11:'''' , r ·1 "' I ''"'"'I( o l1111ol ar" poll officers for today's clrc-10 <'<'nts 11 lon to ~he wdfar t> fund t1hlr hi1:h thin clnudln<'l'l' lod.ay. to-r11pit11 rr1r 11111 ,12. C"altfurn1n T~ war-lam• '''"' ro l••t.tl .... f:'·• 11 rni; '"''"' ·'' K'"'"'''"'"" l11·1tl "' Hon. , T he rrturn-to-work movC'mC'n t nighl find Wr'<lnt'!'Clfly. with IQ'o\ pR)'C'n' ll!<~O<'lllt lon salri Inda):. 4. at)' ,., Pf'r '""'"'''• 1,,,,1,..,1) ,,,,. l•·vyl Shurii.;lll•r\ 11, 1tit•111 ovt,kltl' Prl'<'inct 5. F:rniC' Waltz' g11re1te. In thr coal fields brouitht ~IC· <'lnudtnl'<l'! tonl«iht 11nd Wf'dnf'S· profl"rly l•·vtr!I> itr•• n•Jt l.Rd"ulfl'd fitr 1._,. l(o\••rnm• nl "'""'•n•••lf l\n '"'' r .. 11 , 111,1•· • n 111,1, ,. r1 1530 Ocean boulC'v11rd, Balho11, had ~ion11 thal production would r e-dRy momini: Sll~hl ly warmrr 10-For 1943-44. v.j:l.l>fl'1h1• prr <'11rttt11 ''' '244,.\R'J,t rf'.K '"•" '" "~ "' nnt "h••11 !111 •·'''"'; " ( • 41i. r1·111•t1'.'" 79 balloL~ in at 11 :55 tod11y. The turn t o normal by tomorrow. St~l clay hut coolrr W f'dncsdlty. II'\')' for thCll"' J( o v r r nm r n t ~ rn~.ludt-rl, ''"""I'' '"' S im ~' tn''""'' "" ulllluol•· "' .. o111•1 ,,.,.,. "'''"" .14 voters were Indust riously quiet lndui1try l!pokrsml'n prrdk tt'd It T--•.,.,, throuithout thr ittalr wa• 111 11~ Local liud~·t ,,,11.,,11 ,.111 ,111r1 I n1tl1•' •~tl'<ltl•· Sh11n1ihr11 .. 111•· 111 1•11 and orderly. would lrtke from onl' to two Wttks _ .. ,,..... wef 4fl'i\y I or $'.l9 21 th . ·•iortly l.ornl pr••I"-' 1} lit~ I••\ 11'1' SI M11J Ktlllf"'""· '"''' ltlnll'd hltf'k Precinct 6, firl' 1t11tlon, 327 Ma· for Sf('('I production to reach lhe Hr'';;"tf'rcla~O Low Tod~J4!i. '.<'Rpitll 1n ~~18 rnu~;Y • avr~a:;;::, 1,.r l!MA-.fg ,.,11 11, r• ,.,1 •m 1111.:j '''"'"''' K1w11nr.:w1tn 1.tl•·r ttw r11hl1· only 49 ballots In the box at 10 :35. Some governm<'nt labor cxprrts --.-' -· · •hr llae()('hition ••Id T lw 11M·••1•••I •·111.1,. "'r111111••tl II· r lne · avenue, Balboa Island. had pre-1trlkl' level, g -~1 _48 ,11,. of locul IC•Wnnm,.nt ''"''""'~· 1.1 .. k1· ~ No one wes about but thn oftle<'rt were rrutul of new disruplloni; In 'Nelu an plafl9(1 '".,,...,of oecunnre, l)(-ac111nf' for lhl' M'<'Ond Install· "ft' t 1 1 1 • ,,.If r.rt1llntl otl1t·r 1·onlnrl wir1.., 11~ ~ r rt • Ki r11 n ·7 • no ttO r11r v 11r t n,.1myC'ri1 In ch11rae of the poll, E1rcllon production If Lewi1 and the Unitf'd .t1rht .-uro ~.m.. • rru,... p.m. mr nt on 194 ,,,,. propM'))' t"x"" ,., lntr nMlfy lh.,lr ,.,1, of 'rl nn1tl 111 .. plan•· l•·wll••rl ••II f•1r 11 Jami· time brings out city pride, It Mine ' W orkers are p<'nallzed for T 13 U :l1 5 :54 10:64 4:'!2 lor thrllf' 1tnnrnm1•n111 i• April :tO 11 •. t 1 .. u •n t 1 111., within .ii:ltt 111 tit•• fl••l1l ·n,.. 28---"2 5 2 22 T t 1•. I t blll ( h \tit af'W'f> 1111 1tr II-<,...,..,,. 1111. ., M'Cms. F:very poll's conver1111tlon1 th1• pcn11ion 1trlke. Some m lnrr1 -v. · · o 11 Jll'OPf'r Y 11:1 or t • r t f'fl .. 1,1:.,.,. lirfh.,I '" ,.,.,,,.. '"'' ,,, 11 about civic nffalrs &nd l\i11tory. wt'rC' rl"portrdly angry over th(! W' 14 !:U 7:07 11 :M 4:60 l'l111nty, M"hool t1i•triC'111. and aprd11I I: • ar~ ron('f'ffl 1,:.rik unol •It "l'I"'" In ri 11plrnl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,=[~~.~~~S~T~ ~11tnct5 i nt~· ~unt y {~ 1947~k SMALL, BLUE FORM Krn11~~ "'"nhr.:•~ ''' IH·lly.lnr1ol NEBRASKA PRIMARY TODAY 'IS REAL VO wa• $ll.tn.9fl.1. romp&rt'd w ith th•· pl11n1'. lull II 1·111t.:h1 1111• •rntf 111.r.9n.47f4 for 1!~·47. and $.4\,312. OF MARINE . LIFE 1 i.111 , .... 1 . Ll1'C"OLN. Neh. April 13 -111111 W('('k, where vot,.rs could cMI nelthC'r r('(Julred to flle peraonall)·,:l14 f11T 1941-41 f"or 1943-4•. proJI INYADE VENTURA (UPl.:Se\'en <'nndldAtC'• fought hnlloti1 fllvor inrt G<'n. Douglu Mac-nor pl'rmlttl'd to withdraw. I r rt)' 111x hall fnr lh••5r icovc-rnrT!f'nl today for top rat mi: In Nrhr111•ka'1 Arthur .Harold F.. Stauen. and Thirty-five N~brukana. ranrtine lrvrls 111 thP .rounly wu · SS.162. VF.STU&A. ('ellf~ April 11. GOP priml'lr; and th11t feet 11Jonr r.m· Thomas F. Dewc-y but rould from thf' lleutrnant JOYernQr to ~ H -(UP)-fte r ... "' a email, . Non-Red Section Upheld by Court of I '••111 r nl Av1· 111111&1 Ill' 11hf'lvNI J11ll"i1 fur lnvl'atl111ttl1111 of alt""pt· fur Hn c•ntlrc· y1•11r unk u a pell l'd mw-de•r , 111111 of flel Jlf'r rrnt of thr Jlf'Oflf'rl )' 111f' rhllc1, fl1111marlr Smith, wu / "" llr·r,11 111 lh1· "'m" dl•trlrt Jlf'f l· t11lw n lo tl••tr 11tlnn homr tor 1afe-,..,... llnn r .. r 1111 .. ttwr '""'ru mrnt 111 .. 'IJllllC ~ T1111l•I• -d TunH I Wll111•1111t'll Hid thr WflfT)MI 1tood 'l111t*. 11 projf'l•t whMf' h111t11ry 111 lhr n 1rh1tnnt' •l_,.Jt tfu~y 1t r..t lttu ""''n 11111rkrc1 hy twlah 1tntl lnlN'11rt•tl110 11nd,,.,,O thr l111hy car- 1111 ... i11 plll1ll1• ttplnl1111 r•·ll lty th•· rlHl(t• rolll!JJC' llf'ro•• Uw •lrC'•m "'"~t'1l1· 11f ~Ir Om'f>, thl· balty rar- 1•11111• for thr lmpr11w•nwnl 11f rt116< Wll• 111*"' and •Vlllrd the tlw \cry nr1<TY on 1t11lho11 ~JJ . u&Ly on It•" Jl'IVl'fn4'ftl. ..,. ~t1l11 "'''rt' f1r111 ftlr111ul11t1•d ·~l'llrll Pl1wlnte h1•t h11ek In thr car· Ill:""''' 11 1h1· hind 110~ ffir M'nlr r r ift~•·. th•• IW•t wo"wn •tc•ln pu•h· 11f thP 1 h1;rnt1i;hf~-V,.1111 purd lltK•·tl 1•d llu· huhy lllllCICY h11rk Into the ltt\111 tli1· 1·1 .. -rt11• ,.:ll'l•trlr s 1111...-• l rnlllr. 1••111"' 111ld. W lwn hOt'· lft••n HUm"r'•llll rlll,.•n11' 1•onu1111 • •fw•I 1"•0 •'111 hy 11r 11t1·•lf'f1, the t• '.> h1t\'•• 1t~k•·t1 111111 •1tttwtliln1C w1111w 11 lolrl th1•n1 lo "rnlnt1 the-Ir t ............. 1 •• 111,,..,,, .. ,,11rnt l ... 1111llfy ""'II 1111•1111•0 ,". 111111 mt>VP•I to 1111 tll'h' ,11 ,.,.t wlllt IU '"" n nrruw 111111th1·r •1••• 1wo ltl11('k1 11way 11,11,.,, f11t ,.11,. w11y trnHlr :-':hn•· lhry t •·•11n1NI lhd r l>Alllmr. 11111 llutl llti• 1~ ,.,.1 th•· 1111.,. 1111') "'''tt• 111r•·•ll'll 1h11rtly 11flrr. • 1 '1'11• y lttltl 11ul11'f• llwy wrrr "J ... t t•• 1111t1,.rl11k1• II ,,..,.,.,,.,. 11luln >''"' I• r•lll\ l'ro·1•·rl~· ""rt• r• ml1111ful plAylnl(" .. r tit• t" ,.,.,In• .,111,. 111x """""'"'" '"'""'"''''' •'41d th•·Y lrnrt llM"n "' r '"""' v A•••·••11r M11•trtN' 1-:n 1 •(1111k1111(, . ltut 1111•1·r .. n•1I ilruok .. ti•·• I• "1 w1.rf1tl 1•rr•1ll1 tltm lhnt "" .. '" ., , .. 1111111••11' "'111 .... 11r "n"'" (:hester .Rowell • 1 '~' 1• r '" nr '""' "' !•'"""'''' 111 I ' ,., •• ,,.,.,, ,, .. , •. , . .i 1 •• , ..... t'·. '111~·r1 Jc,amed Editor 80 nrtl 111n111 11..r. ""'' "'''""'tr.... 1111-' t • pl11v•·ll mukt-11 111 .. -.11tt•f"1·11 .. ~ wit h Died Jal Ni•ht 111•· S:l-11111n11 ,.._,.,. .. ,,,,,nt '''"" Pt A_m .. •• ..._ "":tuo:r.t:v. A11t11 l:l mr1-·n ... r•l ltrt Wl•llld h11v1•, In f•M. ',,..,,,.t II ""':"''II, •'Clllrtr rmc•rlllllC 1 ..... ,. •111 ··1111 1 ltt• w11y · 11( • 1111• Sim "r11nrlrw'fl Cllronlclf-. J 111 11n "'"''" lrontlnr.: lflrr•t'lly ritl•· ·& 111•• f.,•1h•h•nt nf lhr Rull M• 1·,.,,1,"1 Aw• Irr 1h1· lmirrovt•· M'""'' lt.r•1"1ltllt'1111 mov1•m1-nt And m,.nl 11i11lrlr·t 1111• 1tur111mrnt wa1 " nf'W"l"'llf'rtnMn for 1ir•rly :5() flit11r1•1I 111 11 p~n rtxlr1111 l•·ly 111 <'•·nta yr11r .. , ;4t•>tl •I 10 :10· hr.r<I nl1ht at u 1111u "r1• f•101 hi• h•tm1• hn'f' llfl"r • lone IU- 'J In •tn nrNt 1•11111prh1lnl( thr nt•u II•· wu HU l11J"ln••1111 7,onr not frr.nlln1e nn rrn-'"'"'1..rl1•' lllnt'M, IWwt'll k.-pt up trul /I.vi•, 1111· 1tt1M'tlur11>n t wo fie· hi~ •l11tly c~tlumn In th~ Ch mnlcle ur•<d 111 11pprnxlmt1tdy ""'' ci•nta •1t1ll~ '.' y«11r """ l,U• tint "~fll"f'· 11 ;.,1.,.,..,. trwit. '*"" . w1111 In . 192:l when hr llOld :l Jn "" 11r1•11 rt1mprt11ln1C the lh•• I· r.~no, 1(-'llllf ) ftrpubllcan ot rr11lt1r nlll1l 7.1tnr ""' fr•>nllnir on w .. ,"",~' hr ~•.t11J11•hllwr Mnlf owner. ,. 1 f A , n• 1nr.: 'r1•t,rrmrnt loo lll"ftlU· "n r11 ve. frll' AJ11U'llJ1IT1r nt W111 nii,," hr 'h<-c•1tmr rdh1rr r1' the.' rli;urrd •1t 11rrpr•1x1m11lrly four f'tir.,n wlc-In l9:1:l Aftn 193.5 .,. """11 • 1111•t1tr•· flltit wn .. rdl111r 1•1111•rllcu1 An ""''rt•r.:•· rt1llm 11 trt1 1111<·•· ,,_.115 11 victory for RRymond A. not f'Xprl'l!!I thrmsel\'CS on Sen .111hnr unron r••pr•·"rn1111iv,.s. wrrr I Throt1.llh1111t Ci.llfornlta. the P' 1 w-. ....,.Un... fnrm ltf ma Mc<" II J 32·Yl'llr·old l'dltor Rotw>rt A T11ft bccaUSC' hr had not Im ttl'd to Jorn thr C\?!Tlmltt .... 11nd r 11p1tft rrtnfll'r-IY I AX hill f<ir 1947 ,._ .,.. ....7 •• .,,... liar f thon~n~ol: ~ournBI fl,CWl!papc'nt l'nlrrrd hrlp f'1rn.alnll' prl ltlon11 fl)r OOlh 4A fnr thf' ~Untirs. SChot>lt . 11n1l .... R 1 ef \'-l•ra .-1nly mf'f1I Hf"•~·rt11oi.: ,,, n t )' EnR!nl'('f .I fl W•·l1lt. fl~:•tnil 11, 1..-l w•"'n 'Ii'• 1111•1 ~1·11 I'"' '"'· 1li•11••11ttlntc. MEN'S SUITS TO COST $I • $3 MORE \\ A!'fllJ'<;TI 1;>; Aprrl 11 tl'l•t 11( , . ..,II\•. •111 tltt "111 11n1I 1•.nf• .... , ... 1.11 '""'' -Jrnl11,. t'•1•1rl ,,, NF:'W YI IRK. Arirll 13 -<Ur> 0 ~ · d 1 /\. 1, Ml'ConnPll orii.:inal· thr vnllrng 11nc1 rrlurtnnt f'and l· i •prrtttl cll•lnrh 11vrr&i.:•'<I• $44 9'..' A....._. ~ .., ..,....,.,, Mc<"onnrll 1-ecamc r trrmtnM I 5 11 r<'cu · ' . dlllt>c romp11r l'd ,,.. tth S.19 69 for 1946-47 t!M .,...,._., ,...,.,_. .. ,....,.._. m11ny monlh• ni:n thnt 1h" namr f'ti Rno•dl'n that turned lhE' prrm.u-y t:nl""" 11 r111')rlic111tf' llJX'C'lftr11lly 11nt1 1..'\l 34 r•1~ 1941-4:! Sta1rw•rl• llWJ ........ a,.,_ of ..... , .. ,. ..... f . nncsihlr c11nd1d11tc ~h1)Ult1 I tnl(l /1 frN'·fnr ·1111 popularity con· . ' ,.,... ,. 1 0 f'VP r) 1~--· ' • rulrd h1m11rlf rtllt, M c11rl (rf•n '4 :tr-t1rr.r Jo'"' 11"1" r11ptlll WIU $~.'I 'T1t.-y ., .. .,, ................ -d noe~ be on thr f>llrl \ hnllnts !Ir w11n 1rd; •1'•I I If' nri;:nn11rrl 11 !'lelrw1dr h1· "-· 1 1 L 1 . h 1, •• ., .... . I 11 t ill to put It Into "'"'ti: II 1 r.l"'n '""'' r, '' nnnv tn ,,.,,, • ..., ,,...... .. '-cf• ,,..,._ -lftf' Nebrask11 voirrs lo lf' 11 11' ;_u I p:ir !"11n comm re t w 11,.. •~>•••'<! inln thr hoJ)l)f'r QQv. l <'ltr "'"''"· 11nd fMf'ri.I tax.-. ... a ...,, t,. ••,_ Int hr• exprN<s t hP1r rompll'le op1n1nns I ... tr.-..t \ •11rl (' 11rrrn hnd nl'lt plannl'd to ltrtni: t hr 1' .. 7·4k t"ll litll to 11r ~ Uiiie ...,r Nie .. nf thr H r drd not ltk<' th<' idr11 of pr i· Thr rdl.tor ln\l'Stiitatt'd 1tatr l11w r n •rr hr•r,. hut thr. 1~1mm1lll"' dad 1 • i1llmftll'ff ~!llrf) Jlf'r 1•11plt11 for \111 ....., .. a IMrtl ,..., ., Mm.a. •Uh· marles such M· lh11I In \Vl1con11ln end dlscovcfC'd-th11t candid11t<'I are It tor hlm. 1forn111n• f11r 19:1'1-~ ......., .. •I•' 111•' ••Id •Ir• "''"'•'•tt11•1111 ll•v MASONIC ORDER M•·n·a •ull~ wlll iv"'t from $1 to 1t! 'I•• 11•••••·rrnn•ir11•t "·clt•1n 111 1 $.1 morr• nr•lll l1tll, dothlnic manu- ·• • ·1 d ' "'"II•' 1.1~.1 lr1w [EADER DEAD for 111ren ••1111 1od11y 'lilry aalct 11 • .• •• I ''" • '''" tl1• '"'' 1111 J•rt<'••• 11f 1,,tlf,.,.,,,~ nnc1 hoy'1 C'loth- 1 '"'"""ol '"' "' ··••• " '"'"l'I""'' Ill \' .. l<l.Y Jiil.i.i.;, t',11 A1n ll 1111< "'~·11111 11r11l11tl1ly r1·m11I~ un- i.. tf•• ,.,,, '·"'"'"' \t.11111111•:11 1t 'r:1 !i11ln1, K. 1 .. hn11H1,~. l'hunl(vf'l •lu•· 11 .. huyrni rNllatafte'f'. I 11n t"n thJtl 1111 II'"'•• ••t111t1•trll•I pr11 j trl'•11nn••' l1r11k .. r 1ind M101ontf' Tht· rn11011l11t•t11n·r~ rnf't hf'rf' tor "•"•"" •·I tit• ,,, t '11.1111•· tit•• 111n 1 tt•l•·r li·11t11·r. •11•"1 ••f 1t h,.urt 111. tlw tr1111 .. 11Jlf'nln1U1 In fall clolhJn1 ••rt11•1••n ''" k 111111 11l11ht llnr11 . ' v -. ·3~Day-O_ld Emergen~y · El~~tric Pow~r-Cat Lifted ~ Interurban Collision Hurts 25 HUGHtS-.MEYERS PROBE ROW 'T Page 2 2 ND FRONT PAGE E -A·R·L·Y N-E-W-5 Ask Bathing Suit Co. to Throw Out Three Directors ~AN H tA:\t1:-;1·u .• \11111 1:s I LO~A:'l:GELES April 13 1UP) 11 ·111 ~'.1llf1 •11111-. 1111·1 ~1·n1 1 -~' A 1tOC'kholrl1 .. .,. 1>u11 t.oda) do·-111·1 "I Ill 1~11\• 1 • 1.i \\tilt lllt•-fl lu • m11nd1'd remo,111 11r thr<-r din«~-flay onl~· ,, 111••111 h nft,.1 '' \1• 111 toni nl' C'utl" or r 1111rornia, Inc. on 1n1u dk«t h..i·,,H,t· 1111 ,.1n1 .. hi•· i,.'Tountlll tht')' never voted dlvid-l•Vitrt"I 11, hi' in tor Its "' "r " t t•nds but bought romp11ny presidl'nl droui,:ht 111 .!4 )";'" •·rf'd N Colt' n $190,1100 mansion N••11r-r l't'<•l'll r:111111t11i, 1n ;\!1111'1\ 11nd let him Uvf' tht'rl' rt>nt·fl'l't'. and April. \\l11•n tlw i.tal•· tt1 d•· Atomit Weapons Base Strut' by 70 Carpenters LUC:len G, 8al•r. \•Ice pre!ident 1 111trily lll'a11' 1n10 Iii. Iona.: dr) '\t1m· Of the COmplln)', Chllrl{f'd !hilt the lnl'r, \\\•rt• !ht• m11ln rP~ttl1 directon "oll'<i to buy Colt and I Ste tr Em1·rw·nr·)' Powo•r l>1n•t'l· his family"' a pre tt•ntloua Beverly or notwr t I' U llrh-11 a11nc1unn•d I • Hilla mansion bec11use of "the' h11t-S••·~t1·tll11y 1trn1 lhP drastic.' bW'den el\t4.llt'd on thi; president'• 11 u ",.•, r c..n1t'rv111tun nwasurl'I ALBUQUERQUE. N. M .. April femlly In havlnc the r ntertalnment would he rl'iaxl'd 111 1('11111 until 13-1UP)-Work at Ow hlltlly-of CUJtomen and the lhowlna of Junr I, MAY EXPLODE INTO OPEN FIGH W AStlJ:-;r.ro~. A1Kil 13 - 1l 'P 1 A heh1nd-tht>-scenes row owr the• Sc•n1111• War lri\•estli,:ating 'The dC'mi>crat commill~'s . l<•ni:-awalled rrport filing a rni report or acaopt- on tM Hul(h•-s-Ml')ert inquiry Ina tM tt~'• venlon. Sen. threatened tolliiy to explode into H FergU10n, R., Mith .• who an open fight. cled the Huehn 1ubcommlttee, nw.-rommitttt has JlftPllttd said tw la 1tUI hopeful of s etting thr Senate a scorchjnl re on democratic 11uppt>rt before !lending Its hearings last ll And fall the findings to the Senate. on the war contr deallnp of Sinct' its or1anizatlon under Sen. plaM-maker ard Hughes and f Now PrHident > Harry S . Tru· Maj Gen. t E. Meyers. man, the war lnvest11atina eom- 'Ibt blk-an majority a~ mitteoe has 11tnt only o~ minority lht report ._..,,, yestent.y. report ~o the Senate. That stem- t .. aemocratk Sens. Carl A. med frcm tht> Investigation of the Katdl ol N_. Mtxico and Clauck late Sen. Theodore C. Btlbo's rt>- Pfopprr ot Florida said It wu .. no lations with war contractors. AU 10" u far u they WC"tt ODDCft"fted. other reporu were '¥"anlmoua. and Sen. J. Howard McGrath ol 1bt HuahessMeyen rePlfrt orig. Rhode laland reportedly w a• lnaUy was IChedult'd for aubmts-· equally diapltud. sion by Jan. 31. But thf.ee exten- ~t Sandia Alol'IUc Weepom ITlt'rchand.lae In hla holl'lt'." Gui• \'.CHI l'l<tman Qf Nl'vad11 ~ hn'f'. canw lO a near-stand-Bur claimed that the 1arment qu1cl<t) fttll• '" ,.d i.u1t. rrl11xin11 C'\m- •UD today .. 100 workn'J ob-compeny had to borrow money to 1rols tn thl' \\l•Sll'1 n hnlr of hill ~ • pickt"t line throWn up by buy tM home and hu had to bor-!!tat<' Tht• ar••a In linked c-losl'iy 10 uniGn ~tan wbo •truck row money 1lnoe. to C"r.hrornla w1t lrr and r111w<'r aou!Jlbut,&Dd lnt.enubtn e few mila J rom fw • «> • t'ftlt ..,_hour wqt ln-He demanded the reslanatlon I supply by 11 n<'twork or rP!W'rvolrs I -' · 11\t democrat~ objections, it 1ions have been granted the com- we 1 lea.nwd, centtred around mlttee to complete the matter. Uiese Jl(Mnts: Jn hearings lut July, Augwt ~ of Cole, Loyd Wrlaht, aecrctary, ond llOWPr l)lunts in the SIE>rta REBELLING DEMOb ALM 'n.r. cmpmttn walked out Yft-and A. C. Incram. treuW'er, from Nrv11da Mountains I ~ =· =~n~::ac;.~ the board of directon.; l o·~;~:t ::~~~ o,~~~{'('~~l~;r~~~I JACKSON DAY-1NTO ' ~ the ,Jhille besaa wJMa Cotton State. Approye 1 no.rthcrn .t.nd central -Califomla · ~...,:::iu.. ...... KWwit _. .,._ euMltac• --~ H}'1irot'lcctnc moor . LOS ANGF.LES, Apr-ll ~IUPl 11, )'rs!" the crowd howled. L Omi-.lon from the report of and November, Hughes denit'd ttw ··you·re--a-llar-you're-anothft'' diaries that M went tcrhiah 1ov- ex.c:ha.ncet beh1·tt11 Huehn and ernment officials and even to the Committee .°'8innan Owftt er-. Whttt·Houw to ane con- ~ft .. ~:~ ~YM tra--as WfiICh-ilrl~ experts had 11tnator ol lJ')'inc to use the in-turned down • '1 ew naec I er I reuon, he lltld, Wiii effoctlvl'nl'U -R··heilious democntlc ~ade cGrath paused, obviau&ly u~ ....-., WILMINGTON. Del. IUPl-of daylight aavin& time C(ll-rv-;ilmost ' turlled t-fi e $25 e e set. _ ......... · ~ -aa a Mblackmall we.pan" to Gen. Meyers tint wu c.lled u <UP) -gain hla support for a piece o1 a witnt'98 in the Huahea Inquiry, Too many communities, likt too .teglalation M w• sponsorinC. but later found himself the center many people. depend too much on 2. ~ferencie to an lnl.ttn91 rev-ot another rommlttee investiga- othrrs. in the opinion of Dr. C. B. enUit" bureau auesvnmt of $3,501,-Uon.. Out of It came rvldence Loomis or Oklahoma A. & M. Col-000 on tM earnings of Huehel' 'lll•hid'I tbf> government used to con- lege. companies. nw democrats say the vlct tbe former air force procure- U-. ..,.. smet1 Mk! that WM Els.ht cotton-producing 1talC'I have 1n1t 1:iower. Powl'r piped from Juckson Day Dinner Into "You have the right to aelect U.. ~ ratt unrtloned In gone on rtt0rd u recommcndlnit SOutht•rn Cu11rorni11 to thl' north-howrr rally last nl 11ny candidate you w11nt if you ....,. .. ..._ wttll tht N_. Moko tM IW'W lnHCtlcldt', toxaphi>nc. for rrn and central systrm also wu r.c·n<>raJ Ike, formtr chief think you arc scr\oing your ccfun- Amocadcm al Ccmtnc1on. control of major cotton lnlt'cl a factor. uf ~WI. w Cheered Iona and try tx·st," he added. "Truman will 1be flrikt wu ~eel to CCIII· J>HU. i:xcept ror "voluntary" cor.srr-roundly • ldent 1'rwn9n wasn·1 I.I(' prl'sidrnt only so long as we Unuir until oft1c:ia1t al tbe con-The Hercules PO'N°dt'r Co .. which 'atu:m meuurl'I, wlll<:h t>'Urirn nwnl f'd until Democratic Na· want h im to be. I'm doing my fl.nldlaa ~'1 youJd arrive manufaclW'es the lnlC.'Ctldde, tald watned wrre still t'Uentrnl. day· ul c..l}alrman J. Howard Mr· IK'st to guid(' a unified party to tram OllnllM Nd» L)'li\tll S!alt)' the recommendaliona were bated light aavln.: will be' the only m Grath sroke. -victory." ffGlral ~ oondU.tcw, uid ~ on rnulta ... oLrxtenalve 1947 field ory restriction to stay ·~rruman 11 tryln1 to do what · John B. Elliott, vetrran Cali- Loomis is lhr head of a IJ"OIT&m bureau's action did not imply any ment orriet'r of subordination of sponsorrd by thr college tct help crime or fraud on Hughes' put perjury. He la now serving a :I(). communities hrlp themset\•es. 3. Inclusion in tM report of months-to-five-year prison sen- Thr purpose of the program, lo nwneroua accusations alle&edl.Y tmet'. '1qlfCWd to ~ with prindpall lrst1 by qualified en tomologlst!l n Go\' Earl Warrrn ma i t plain h1• thinks F ranklin D. Roolc•(l'('lt 101111a dl'mocr11t1 c lcad{·r. one of In the dllllpute today or 1omoc1ow. cioopttatlon with cotton growers. he hart nu intrntlo r('turn1ni: 1s rnllini.: down from heaven," :O.k· thl' 11pcmng Sp<'O krrs, urgl'd on . 'WJwa the ten t>esan The 1t11tes whkh ~rcommcndc·d the• ~tat•• to i1t11 rd t1ml•. llr wa.s c;, "th said, "hut he lacka th" 1h1· dt•mot·rats 1 he old frontier ........ ~a• toxapht'ne, or chlorinatf'd cam-1:iv1•n this WC'!' by the h·g1sln· <ll"rtm·.-~ or t hr master ... nd. I 1 ... ·.1n . "Don't shout the 11iano pk:lr.rtlflC .... ~--weapons Al b A k · · ,.. ,.. .. hew othtt workn'a n'fl.lllf'd to phf'nlK', are a ama, r ansaa, turr, unl'e n·movl'd daylight "Ills hr nrt is JWlt u alnt<t•re 11layl'r, he's dolni; the• tx>st hr tJr...d. Uw pic:ltu-t lbw Enei G<-orgla, Lou11lan, Mississippi, i;a ·· It tlm" rould not ht• rdm-and his purposl'I ere foua.ht . ror 1 c1111." 1,_ten and ~ ..; North Carolina. South CaroUna <'d without anotht•r ll'i;lslafll<' just As courageoU11ly. Ctn.we ask Not all of thr othc•r speakers tlldr work and a.ft ttw but and Texu. nuthoriu1twn, for more than thi1 In leladenhlp!" heeded him. ------------· _ llM'cul~ aaid toxaphe the "The prl'll••nt rd:1~11tion or rr-------------- Loom is' words, is lo show "state ctimmuniti/.s the way to bettrr liv- ini: through s...ir achievement ra rhr r thP.n dc•p •ndency on gov- vrnment11I 11id." .. \Ve do not do the work ror any rommumty," hr hastily rxplained. "H thl'y h:J\'(' thr Wiil, wr show thrm the way." first i~cldfo COnct' 11te devel-strlct1on11 i~ depcn1fon1 upon thr opod fGi'-CDQ ~ ~ ron11nut1t1on ot ltn}1tght 11m-tn1: cotton lnsec t1. One of the limr and ltu• ~~ontinU<'d USI' or pow- f'r rrom Southr rn C'nhrornla," _ Se~ent~'-r1,·e c1t!!$ns 9r the Vic· Well-Ai med Pop_-Bottle Say.-Human1-shouldn't tor school district nrar Chand(er , Routs Store Bandit Tinker Willi Biolo1y Okla.. have ta ken eagr r adva ntage JOHNSTOWN, Pa. IUP)-Pop MEDFORD. 1\UllS. t Ut'l-SolTl<' or A. & M.'s guidance facilities. Warren said nt S11cr amento. · Karllnsry packs a mean pop bottll' day peopll' may marry \\'.Ith the . lmprovf'ln,,.t• Uatf'!d At least on<' thug hu &ood proof primary idra of Improving the Residt•nts of the community _de- GORDOI a~ FllDLAY om.: stuc..-.... CABINF:I' SHOP SERVICE CABDml8 AND lllLLWOJL& T. C J<JRN80H, Supt. major caps In cot ton IMeet was tht neceulty of ualng ty ot combination of pot.ans and corttrol methodl when. more Oum ont type of lnte'Ct i. Involved. "$4-condly, It is npparr nt thnt f'Ven Ir this were a reasonably Wl'I year there Is serious qurstlon as to whl'lh<'r W(• "ould havr suf- ricit'Tlt po'lll'er to st•rve our lncrras· t'd po~latlon und to attract tht' nrw lndWltrles that are essential to full employmt nl." or the ~.rrar-old stottkttpl'r·s racr 11 Turt.s College anth:ropolo-cldt'd they need school yard ~ aim. . gist 'prt'dlcts. provements. a hot lunch program.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pop, otherwise known u J. D. It may be 500 000 years away, belle~ road!l a.nd recreational fa- "TRAVEL . .... .,...._ •• ;,!f-tf __,. AIR • SEA IAtL IUS -ftAU.NDifi ............ ~ Tr ... I Semce ................. P RI NTI N·G ITA!fDASDIZED to •w you both time and money. 8SAOON 5115 A. C. Spenter ... ~~ ·LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS 618 Cout ~-·~· At thf' A l'<'h~ . San Francisco and other major northern California cities la11t nlricht were 11111 putlally browned out. Offldal1 d'larat'd w1th rn- fOrt'ftnt'nt n ld they had not yet bttn "officially notified" of tM actlo\'I, but some ~~t 1t0tt windows blaud with light any- "'ay. Startlnit tonight it wu be- lit'vt'd tht' cities would take on a more normal peacetime appear- ance. It wu also pre1umcd that plant• which h11vr htld orr workrrs be- callS<' of thr powrr ·cuts would be· gin rehlrin1t. It Depends Lar1ely on Where You're Sittin.s PAWlll1SKA, Okin. <UPl-The JIOliC<' hlott<>r c;sint11lned th~ ver- sions or a minor traffic a('('ldent. The r('port from driver or Car No. I : "Stopped al stop-sl1tn, and Jhe ('Ar in hAck of me ran Into the rrur of my 1•1tr." Thl' rc·1Xlrl fMm driw•r of Car No '.l: ·~tnpf)l'd nt stop-sign and lhl' <'Ar in frnnt of mr backed into my car." ' . dillies ror young people. KarllnM.'y, owns a aentral •tore on Pror. Frt'derk k R. Wul11n says, Under leaderahlp or a IChool the John11own-Ebrnsbur1 road. A but~e day social pressure may t h M Dor thy Murphy man r nterrd the place and an-produce such a situation. ~ac er, . n -, 0 · • nounced: He al110'beHeve1 that man "will citizens organ1ud both young and "Thia 11 a holdup." coll'lt':to l jpkt>r with ht. own hert'd-~dult committees lo work out an KarUnsey, "'alklna 't~ lht. lty •• _.. hu with irreet effect improvement .plan. Then they call- caah reslater;114>ppC!d and ll'6bed with tfle heredity of anlmai. end ed on Loomis for guidance. . ....... ti." • . Soon a landsca, ping spedahst an empty pop bottle, whirled llnd ..,... divl threw it In fhe· ..me motion. tt "1 don't look to see thlt In the from t~e college 1 extension . - c.ucht the robber on the head. im~iatr future," he says, "nor slon will visit Victor and explam The thu1 turned and ran. Al he do I approve of 11, for I regard at-thl' ~Oii ~~:iliyv:,.;ieans of better- reacht'd the door another bottlt tl'mpta to linker wtth. hert'dity as m~ c 5 t ti · f th A & M crashed through the window just f'Horll to take over a function of h 1rep1r~rn 8tl vedo re1_,_· t •• '1.11· by hi• heed. t " eity. hrip Victor rrsidrnts work ou\ a I h d · .. p ys ca '-"uca on epa ..... -n .. "My ilahts wercn·.~ .quite adjuat-reC"n •ation program. and Loomis ed to that dlatancr. Pop 111ld. Bt WIN -Advertise will aid the community Jo gf't sur - • plu~ army barracks for a youth Soviet Ship Sails ·Without Cargo ·crnter . AdviC(' will br oHered on working out other plans. Ot fl~r• 8-'< Aid Looml~ has corre11pondence from scorNI of oth<"r 11m111l Oklahoma communities-most ot then\ too email for chambrrs of commer~ ond othrr l'i\'IC' hodi<'!I. but all ";th a williniznl'ss to fonnulatr their own lmprovrmr nt programs. hr said. • Thi'. n,·,..yl'ar collrit" proi:ram r1•l11 tes th1· 101111 rt'1'0urc"('$ l1f th<> ~rhtiOI to th(' dc\·clopnwnt or bct- lc•r communit y Jirr thrrnu.:hnut thl' st;ct l', th<' ctlrrctor rxpl:11nl'd. * * • insurance p.a. p•l111er tNCOIPOIATID 3333 via lido, newport beach, calif. telephQ11e newport beach, hortior 1500 * * BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ llarlNW 186% u s Ir 0' 8 1 " ol w ot bi tt If G d1 Is oc D B er A fl nt H llC g1 ti! Ill cc: If Cl pt d• IOI h. G lt w lo! c Cf e1 Pl Ir m tr p ai L. a1 re M w w tt ·k1 st w tc a1 m de 0\ er ar u, te ti· YE pl Ill' or M Cl pt si; Ql •i: ar 8 11r tu in .. Hard Money" Times Chan1ed in W eat Althouizh this is a dcmocra<')". mnny Am.-rlc:ms h:wr dPvrlopl'd the• hahi1 nr turnini.: ttwir thinking I m·l"r to thl' st111t• and n;~tional rap1-' 1111". in Loomis' opinion Th11t i~ what thr C'rlllc•i;<' proizrnm ~··<"ks to th , ~--~~ » !'F Arru·: ti P l ,, ~mhl'<'rlbt'r h> a ltll'ai m•\\'Sl>'J IX'r µaid lh<' C'ar· r11'1 \\ 1111 11 i;11\ t'r J11llar. Tlw )'<>uni: mnn l•><ikl'd nl It. "I~ th111 ~ood?" hi' nskl'cl. •Jrhat Is t.hr rt>11l coin of the rrnlm," h•• \\As l(llcl. Act'Ulllorll(·d to paper money, thr 1'arril'r "'n-i 11urpris<'dr "I'll k<"'IJ 1t for n souvrnir," tw ~aid Enjoy DeJkious Mexican Food at "\"l~IT'' BV RE<'ORDINOR ADERDF;NE, l d11. !UP, -Mr. nn<1 Mrs. n~rold Ross nf' Alx'r- d<'l'n ,·f\it ROU:..silter In Los An- 1tC'la 'tAch wt>ek. But th1•y lion't hudi;:l' trom thrir hl)m e he rr. Thl'y makl' ~rdings or their ron\'l.'r- 11atlon. 11lnitinir and piano 11r lcct i(lnit 11nd srn t. to th<' sls tr r. Mn. T. 0 S""rJ). who Is 11lm1H<t blind. .fa.Poi/a . CAtmplete Meals from $1.00 -·-::-·· ...... 0,.. I.. ~ a.t.OC>Jllf IMl COSTA MESA a.-d llo ... , ~ B<- Notice to Contractors & Builc/ers 0 ,,_ ..... T n ct •• .,_.-.fin HARRY· B. CAULK SelUUce ll. s,.t.p, ~te ~ P,ompt Service ....,_: t :M A. M. t.e ' P. M. E....._. er .,...._,.. bf Appelaa.-t Ne~rt BNM •I0-8 r.nct St. T~Har.!~ ~COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL WWWllll4..,, -.... ~ -PIA.~8 -_arscmcATI01'8 • a n MATI:8 f Ac-r.i.,iu..1 S.Cb of mall. awalttna ahlplmnt to ·~. OS8R. atand OD tM pier In Nnr Yorlt, N v .. alt.er klollhoremen rdueed Co load c:arwo aboud tbe Soviet Unrr RoM!a. 'nle Rola!« wu forced to nu wtt.b• out 6.000 ~of mall and 1,IOt aom of lnduatrlal mach1DaJ ~ tnallJ ~ ror bu bolda. Executive Tackles Biggest Job f Ac-T•l4,,,.t11•1 :bl e wtlJt.e RoUst cettmon1 wt~ bf Prelldmt Truman <oenterl end membc'r~ M hu rabtn~t. Pew O. Hoffman llrrt1 tAk Ml hi~ oath • SRP admln.lstntor. Cb»1 JW11D1 Pred II. Vlnlon <rtsbt> admin-" "'°''-.. oeua. comba t. At prri<<'nt . thf' A. & ;\t art1\·· lt1C"s nrl' lim1tNI to niru'-C'ounty urrn n 111 n nne-d:iy lracl<'r~hip tra1mn11 ronff'rl'n<'<' i~ N>ini: di5· f'fl"!'l'd r<1r r;wh or t hr four l"X- t 1•n<110n <1islrirts nf tht• i:tatl" Rl'J>- r1·~"nt:11i\·rs of 1ari(IU~ farm and 11i:riC"11ltur<1I ors.anizations would COO!X'r&tr. 1111N.......-&111 .. 11.,. ClOtn'A llDA' n.-a-1m Automobile • Fire Accident • Lile Uc.nw and Qirlt111C't Bonda Wr1tt111 MEfl-WOMEI ~ Prostate - - -Pelvis .. ,.. .... 2 t ... ,,_ ....... .,..... .... ,,,~Aft,.._ =-:-.a·~-:..:.-: ..., ........... ......, IT'S YOUR GLANDS .............................. .-> Rt_...._,,, .............. .__Ne_,__,, • .......,,_ Dr. E. F. Bell. D.C .. Pll.C. ,., .... N.. N.--t ....._ ... --ttNfw _ .. T-Ills 'P '• .. Ge...k ...... , ... ~ .... a ... .. ........ ft ..... . --___,._ 701 Si.t St. Newport Beach ili[l(E ~MO~ Mll E5 0$ RAIL~OAO ~ACK l/NtJVl PENNSVlVANIA ANO\\'EST )'l~tl\llA ~ ftf!,CNE Gl('Ol.JN O- AMElirW GQE.\TESTC09l MlllltN6 STATES/ WHISTLERS GRRNOFRTHE~/ MAS~ IOHN '"'41mE~. • ~N();:'-lME~ 0: F~EO ~IST JAMES M£ NEILL WHISTLE:(.' • WAS A ICITISM SC\.Ot~ IN T~~ ICEVOLUTo.1-~ftO IV W4$M1"~S ~. Ht !.~TE~ ·30INIO .,,_.,All~~ TM.-'T C.APTUll£0 1-11"1 l_,.::> 'N~ .,i15 SON Air•ER 1T$ c.:~1~x~ -GEO('GE u.~s" A~r.:Jv .""'l'Srt.EIC I ' 4 I U,inox hu ~led and our winte r Is al an· f'nd. nCt'S nr" Ne\!.110rt H11rhor pass qoletty Into a tong. hot and dry summl'r if we l'an Rel h)' tht' nut t hi rt y days. If nol a aou't>as tr r may drive up 11n<l show us u thing or two. • • Thr tnAlllrr ral"nd11r of thl' S. C' Y. A. is still not forthcom· Into:. Our l' of C. has built up its o"·n Nrwpor t 1 larhor 1·nlrndar and thl' dL'l ails, g11thcrrd by llarry W l'lch. will he found on page 8 or this issue. You don't have to worry 11bou1 lhr {irst lhrer months of this yrnl\ end April :?3 snould tx> your ynrhting stitrtini: Point: the Ensc>n11dn R11c<'. ~oml' df'lails. U we> can lay a hitch 11round GeorJ:<' Michaud, will be in Thuni- day's assu<' or this nc•wspa1ier. Anothrr . loni: race this summer ls May 23. with N.H.Y.C. on an oct'An voyage to C Y.C. a t San Dit•tto. (Both clubs are competing l. B.Y.C. Is honored with Independ- ence Day, with an om ctaJ r<'gatta. Augus t 1 is the F.F.S. I famous flight of snowbirdsl ... but maytx> now you'd better turn to page 8. • • OLLYWOOD-- E. T. Meakin, president of th<' sardine associa tion, told the Na- tional Fi11hcries Institute a thing of two tlte oThe!_ da,y. !le f the blame for pilchard shortage squarl'ly on the ba cks or the shore gunners engaged in this constant target practice. "Shelllng, bombing and m ine detonations In the coutal waters destroyed the vege- tation w h I ch produces rtie ml· crobea (algae) from which the pilchards feed" he a&ld. Bl& fish devour 1ma1Jer fish. Ir the little one. leave, the bi&ger felloWI have to leave, too. Ten White-Haired Old Ladies Crash Movies With Razzle-Dazzle Rouline W e have lone wondered what Government official decided upon By \'IROINU MM"PHEB80N HOLLYWOOD, April 13-IL'P J -Ten whll<'·haired old h1dil'll, who'll nevCf' see 60 again. ha\IC powdered their wrinklet. straight· ened their apectaclca, and crashl'd the movies "'i th a raule-dazzle chorus routine that knocks 'em dead. · 'nley're IO good producers all over town are kicking thel'T\S(')ves for conce11tratlng on cutlt'I who still have wallllinea. _ these military lhore lnatallationa when Anacape,-Sant. Cruz. San Miguel. Santa Barbara and San Clemente lalanda could all be 1uc- ceufuJly , uaed to fire over the empty wastes of the Pacific. AJI The "Eld<'rlovellea" are fat and present shore installatlona are fir-almOlt two times 40; they have Ing dire<:tly at the fish and (when double china and crows' feet; 11nd -not ·a-dvtudt ar the en:ormou1 Rlr a1 l"tJTVf'S they ·bout ll1T put traffic paulng these 1horea from there by whalebone and canvas. Panama (southeast) aod Seattle But the Raia have an act few and San Franciaco (northwest) to shapely 1tarlet1 could hold their Loe_ Angelea. own (lgalnst. Eapecially t h•e Ir Unknowingly, on a recent voy-~lbump" routine. They have more age, thll dept ran afoul of the to bump. rocket shore station ... Po In t That's news to nobody except Mugu. A Navy plane butted UI the movte big-wigs. The "elder· with a loud speaker. We were Jovliea" have been wowing the within rang•. but could do ~ cuatoml't'I for almost four yurs thJne but keep a 1teady course. In in· Ken Murray's "Blackouts." ·~n hour (we were fairly well In-'nley do their 1tutt right around 1hore, becauae we didn't Juat know the corMr from many a film what the rocket men were toml factOQ: to do that day) we were buzzed But it wa.~ a Paramount pro- agaln, and a~tly pa.aed Into dueft' named Danny Dare who more secure waten. 'Ille coat of thought of maklne movie queens ~latln1 1ucll 1hlp1 u thoee out ot 'em for "lm't I~ Roman owned by the Matson Line, Luck-tll'!" enback. Union. Gener.Al Pe troleum, And If you think these hlRh· and the lumber ~hoonera plying 1teppln' grandmas (one's a ltTl'&t· up and down the cout must be grandmother ) are overwhelmed by terrific. sudden fame you can have your- • • • selvt'11 anoth<'r think. You ought to take a look al They're· typical chorus girls. this Tidelands questions. The law-Hate to Ret up before noon - yeni have really IOUM'd up a very even for a movie role. primitive and simple matter It • "We're troupers," "elderlovclles" seems, and you may have to !ote managr r Mah<-1 Hert aa id. "Work on It aome day. all night and sleep a ll day - • • • that's ua. That'11 what 3C) yun Tnlking to mast<'r fisherman Jim or show huslne11s will do to you. McNally of the Balboa Angling Betwe.-.n 'em the ladles add up Cluh we failed to get any fishing to 630 yeani worth or talent. predictions. Ask any ten veteran There'• Ma tti Rooney, sister of 1portfisherman, he said, any one dancer P et Rooney, Sr .• Rose De question about this su.mmer'a pro-Haven. or th<' famous \'audeville 11pects. and you'll ge t l<'n diffort'nt IA..• llav('nii. Sally Hal<'. Ju I 1 o answl'rli. "However, he contlnueid, Or tt10 Wright. Ethel Weaver Getty, 8 Rood fisherman 11 an optimist. Mabel Buttrrworth, I vaflelle G1mt- and when optimism and oppor-ner, Perle Klnl'aid. ond Roly-Poly tunlly click, there's a reel kill-M11h<'I, their lady boss. was booming.'' MrA Hart SR)S. "Then it was cnllt d !he "Eldt'r· blooms.' ·· K~n Murrey ch11ngl'd Qur name bt'CllUll<' we follow_ the 'Glamourlow li1·1!' In the showf' AJJ ten of the spry old grand- mu m I n c e out o n the stage quavering "Da-a-arllng, I Am G~·in& ,0-<H>-l·d.'' Their pastel dresses and wh"'e chiffon 11Carve1 and ·fngne gall make you thl0nk or Whistler's mother. But Whistler's mother wu never like thl.I! With a crHh or cymbals these fu&ltlvea from a whcelt'.hair leap OUL ~ • .iive 'lrrV!W Qt. "Flat- foot Floogle." Then they rive with a peckln', truckill', tap dancing routine, complete with cartwheels and a sexy "hump and grind" by 200-pounder Mable that always atop. the show. Fan mall from bachelors and widowers pcura In. But the grand· mas say they'rt' not Interested. And don't sell the "elderlo,·ellcs" short on wfllatlea, either. Th e y get as many u the young glrla. The only difference la that the wolves who whistle at the "IM.'arly T0'1" do It through store tttth. nunols' southern tip ls far enou(h south to have a satisfactory climate fOr V()Wfng cotton. yet Is far enough .north to be beyond the holl w1<'vll') northt'rn limit. Casino Cale anti Cocktail Lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES a.nJ DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. Ing. The Angling Club 111 ready for "The act itot started hack In w hntl'vrr s hows up In the ocean the days w:.:..:_:h:_en:.:._:t~h:.::.e_T.:_own::.:.:..:.::"":.:n.:.:d:_::.P.:.la:n~~~~~~~---=::-:=~-· this S<'llaon." • - Pint of Glid·I· -.·- Liquid Cleaner and Quart of SPEEDOLEVM Linoleum Plnlah 2.14 ·159 POI VALUI -IOT~ ,,.., ••• -"'' ..... h ..., ""°'-....-.. 0-W.. ..... .w. .......... a. .............. '-te ffllcate llMI-col- 0.iM _,,,iglif te .... ell; ...,. "'-'-c1-...... ,,... ....... witlli.....,._ COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY 810 Coaat IDP"'•Y NY.:WPORT BEACH noae:~5!11·M GLIDDEN PRODUCTS ·----------------------~---------' I I I Cuts bills in half Folks using RPM DELO Di• .. 1 Engine Lubricadns Oil, •1 it cuai repein 11 much u '00/~ The compound~ do et In compound• reduce ring· sticking, corrosion, carbon and sludge. It sticks to bot 1poo. There's nothing to it To uve money, 1ddc with the oil thac reduces onrbaul•, nally prottcu your Diad. A Stoncforcf of Callfornla 'rocfuct '---~-------------------' .Clayton Thompson \VhOIM&ie DhtrtbuttOa Pboae 156 Rea. Pbooe 109' .. NEWPORT BALBOA N&W8-TIMS8 I Tt'r.snA\' Nf'"pM' .,...,.,, C" .. u. April 11. 1M1 PaseJ 1 * · HA9'MAN Wa NICHOl.l "' llAKM <\N \\'. NH'HOLI' lrnna-. fl!A•I llC'('f, anlnda. fnm·y 1 """'' ,.,,_ "t•ff C'on_,...."41t \'1tl..1·~ i\ N1U1>lo of humnlln l( \\ \~lll!\l;T1 •"\, Ap 11 1:' t l'l 'I hlnl • l1•ni:11ric. All l11dl!llrd b)• a l'\• ) 1•11 0 \\ 1• t ht• J1•lh''t f111111\)' \'\•lllllC of t\QZCD l'Sµt.'l\Jll\'c Wal- 'flh' l-'11111 hh 111111 1h1• l:11l1llw•r11• 1t•1' ,\ l11ll ••N'lu'lltr11, "Ith h11q>..-" I 'ha• " 1,,, 111 1•1twr l'•"'P"' T ... 1tr11I nil i\ f'h1un1>1t1tnf' fn11ntal" 1111111~ 111 plt 1•h u hu..,down 111 "l11d1 \\O~ll'tl mor.• of thr •hlff, \•lllr 11\,. ,,,.,111 11111 uml h•'hhl1•,, .11 ~:!II 11 hotlh•, th1m 1(01•1 down I i111· 11111111 J•!~' 1•111111.' '''"'" """ ,.· 1111• ~11111'1 I\ floor ahow. hull 111ul 111111 \',111 ll 1111.1 h•• l'11nncro a f<'•.- \"1•11 •I•·• hl1· '" 1tv \\ l111t th•• 1·1•1.1 lur r1·~··m rh Thi· M11llr1' () llotlr ,,, \\ n .. h111a.:11111 ""'''"'> 11.,,., "Ill ltrl\ ,, 10 ac•nd 11n l'!ll>O'rt l() h11\1· ~'"" '""'kl.•li p11r t) "' mu· '''" 111•1111, ,,, •'<lll1Ct•·t111 111 look up 1 ••l\lh1· 11 .. 1,·ta S11) 11 •1>1fl) j.11111 Ila.• 1•11111 "' urm~ of tilt' vt11tlnc Ilk•• ""' l\I••> t111w .. r , "hh:J1 1~ n11 111.;a.:11 l'h1•n ,. 11m111l """rft' of a lll\l'l lllllif'lnttl 1•1 0"~ \\1tlll f111 111111 4'•111~ or l hr1'4' h111Hlr1•<l dollaJ'I '""'' "' t 111111: • 'tt n fo 1111 11"'1· 11rulptor to ! 11 .. w 1111ll'h "Ill II ~··• ~"'" .,.11lpt th;• in~li:nln 111111 11 froir.ly h111I.' \\o•ll. 111111 .... IM'llth ""II '''"'"'l'hl1'•'o \\hh•h Mtd(I IJh, ahot 1 .. 1 111 11t111a.:~ 1111" f.1111·~ 1111• th• """ 1 '''''" 110111'<' 111111 wouldn't 1"°'"1'11• \l•ll \\11111 In 1•1111·rtn111 · r"<'••t.:Ull•' It h<' did \\""lit tlu·) c ...... , '"·hlml ~·1u1 \ "" 1•11.;h l to hi\ 111• 1,0llO pet>-"'"I. 11 ~·111 '"''" t '"'n 1• 1·1111111 111,. ,,, 1h 111 1111r Chy ••nar,.vC'd In· 11o1i.:1w" \\'1111hl lh1•) ••·Ill" 1111 thi• , 11,11110111 RI about $:10-$30 per a.:11rcl1•n \ at'lo'I ~ 111 h111 ~ 11 •"'"''r•'• l'l'l'Mlll. ~hi hllJI, 11trhtll)' 1•1•il'f), 1111\ l 'l' \\I ll jllM'·fl Ill hlH'llll llrll\1'1111( olll h f 11 a.:r111M·ln111 "" h •11t hpil'k-' N•' l111f11•1, flll lllll'lh'A '1'1<kln11 thl.' l1n.:1·r flg11N' to mull<' 11 11nud 11tory IM'llf'r, th1t11 l1t• S.'°.tlOI). rr.t:KING TUllOl'OH THE •'UIW>W. 11·~ U... ,..,....u, ....... T .. • ... T-,._ .... ,.... t.W t.t- ""' addJU011 to ('oroaa .,., ...,. ..... -c-1-c ............. en. -.t ..... -• allFW'UYr h• '""'·"""""''" II ,.11, tlw "''l'r111:r hotl'I In \\'1111hhu.:111n. tlw t'•X-kt111llni;l'llt 111 .. n 111 llU' ,.,1rhl. "111 '''' 111" 1<1h for "'""'' $I a hriu1, hu•h ul l&ad. '"'"'" lo~ c;.·rh11nlt 1 Inter.view Herc 11111 '"" """ " "111 " 11 ,,.,. '°" llrullc.1 wl••»1•11. 111J!lnl""'"' •11hlr · [n• Ai" ... Par·• "'~ I.Ill'' lt'"".'11 ,,1111·1i..'tl .... ....". --I~ A ~ ~ fr 11111 1hf fl"llM JmllTlii -..., ..... .--.--~...,,.---.r-----i1-v::,)~U;-r;:-n·::n::-,,-,. 1111l1•t Ht ll1· m•1t1 LATIN TEM~ERAMENT In iµl\•ancc, pk-UC!. t- ... ., " rt.aA•tJU ti •• .... ll•t1 .,. ..... k . oo.l 111 lh~ lllC#T -· <If • $1500 a--Week Chilean Night Club _ Singer Solves Muddle as Housemaid .. or 3110 """ 1h,• '''""' 11 l'•rn N111t )·nu I• .$"l':tlll• Of rotlnw>, l'l\11) 1.,. ·I I I I I I I I thl• tU.IC""l:1)'" ra••• • ,., .l'elllornla • wn llOLLYWOOD. A,>nl 13 -1UPl -~t11re11 Galle-a. Sl:-'lilll a v.·ttll ht"r d'"'l'f• "' ·~. and •"" ~ id ah.• "-""'<I .... m~ truuhlr Ch1ktrn mghtclub sin1owr u to- day i hl' had 1101\,rd Rll twr prob-I "°"' ""0 "d '-1w1 ••a> '"""' I • h I 1°1 • wa•h •d d119-at m ) car•• r «nd .. 11 •h 1--••IPYns fOf' l 01~ \lo I (' l> { r ~ a '"1111. 1'ho-id $!\() a lo\'N'lt, ' M Ann<Mln.~ m"nl \(J" ~ l1iltroy I') Rio) \liothc·"'"''"· ht<' .. I m"""""r ,,, 11\.-1 ·,.i.rorn1n 's1a1.-t:m11l11)'· m• n1 l'<·rvll'f', "' joba \•prn · (Of' hn ""..J atrna ft •nd 11r t·n1tlne m.>rllAnH"J> an th" S11n t"nmd M'O Hrt'" tor a n•ll<>n10ll> km''"'" 11lr• M1s1 Ga11ra. torn hy tile diWm· U-.... ~ V-~ a.,.... rom&Miny. ma of a carf'<'r 11nd a ronu ng baby, l'flilMJn8., rMUtferD ln addition to ttw-thrl't' l>'lll'• of dt1111,.wart"d without warrunc .,~,.._ Star lo Hold '"",,_ in uw, appllrant1 mwit day lier hushand found hrr tut h .. \f' at lf'ut onf' )'f'ar of pnr· night workln& u a howlrmaid. Dot•' .. .-L Dinner IM"lll f'l.Jlf'fl4"n<'f' A rf'pr.-ntatlw Th# 27-ynr-old O\lleen ~ £1 IAICa of ttw ('(lmJNlnJ will . lntrrvlf'W lht'r<'Upon gave nottCt' both to Ow A poc-Jurit cti wm hf' ~ •111al1fM"d appllnnt1 on Aprtl 12. Hollywood houilt'wife who em-f'Ttda """ · 13. and 14. In Loe Anltf'lea f'ull ployed her and to the awanky Mo-Y *" 1~ Coate Mfte c-lnfonnatklft °" thf' Johll 11 av•ll· cambo nightclub whfirt" w n-~,,. ttMatth ~nc a~ ' 301 ablt' at thf' C"Sfo:s offl<'f' at !IOI Ct'ntly ~Md an •na81etnmt. !>.~___.~ 1~,}!.....,_ di9trwt w.._1 f'afth at..-t. Sant.. Ana . _.....,nub,_ II pat -t· D\lrinc her four daya do6nl me ""°' thr c.tft'll St.-. housev.·ork, lht' aa,ld, lhf' h..t dP-Jt.n ~~ --H--,551.7A7 MoN A•••-- cl&'a l o&f\'e UJJ hPr' C2ftft' ttc.. •Harbor 190-Wt pnar to Joie FialMtmeu Ranlu I he chlld. Apr;I U. "I will ~n twrt" for lhr IN!Sf T-tOW'i ft'CUI--tlftc WASHINGTON. 1\JPI Exactly of the "''~k until tt~w. a who de"° hal bef'ft mnCPIW. t,..'\..,1,747 m«f' ancwn iot around hired me can get elw," to flllhina In lakN and 1tr•Un1 tn •he wd. "•he WU IO n '°me DC'l'R M 'U'IU 1~7 than In UM6. tbf' lntt"rior 0.- and turned down two o cfrls H O t;S T O N. Tn. tUPI _A 119r1mrnl "1JO"ll. for the job. JOUl'C man told F~ Jlllllp nw ancltts l'!"nsaf'd for ttw ''Tht'n I will conw home, but I AJlaa R H.-.y U.t ,. W\lr •'•'"' •nolhrr Sl.663~~ In ftahlril "'on't go back to tM nlptdub. Md jult ,_.~to a hmptaJ 1~ ~un. Altoet•thrr. 12.· I am cMnc up my carM"r." to tw\t> a MbJ wtw. ...,. ~ OMM .-.. w.nt flahlns In Mlaa Gatka'a, huaband, Adv«-Mked 11 ..,,_. _..,. '°..,. --tn.tt .,.,.,.. Mid 1tatf'S made ll'J.· tial"I EucuUve CUrtla E. Fell. n..d from ,_.., ~--n.. whit Ill .JOI Ml ~. Ofll)' ~1 of 'rm "Ill •h11w 1111 nut the-"''ho do. )110 r11n IM'I th1• 1111'.r nl lllf' rho .. ·k ... 111 hrlna ""'"" • 1-uu11lr ~1f frt'f' lo111tf-n1 fo'olka who J11111 h•111••nl'd '" !lrop In for th•· w1..-k t'nd. wr <'<•uldn't think of lr avln& th"m homt' So you'd bl-ttf'r flaur" on $1!\(IO, tu t,.. Hfr, for th«-t'hfo•JW'lt r .. rty for that many nut If you rf'ally want to Im· prf'M and lnfltw~ p!'Ol>le, )'OU can't ~ that 1kln-Olntlah about It. You'vi rot to puU out sonw morf' 1tC111L You outht to 1•t llOmf' mualc A violin, iruH ar and bull flddl• will 0091 another m or 1100 for a coupl• or thnt> houn. acrord- IJW ~ J:tQw_CMtv htdllo..J-1e about the union lhl• for that IOf't ol lhtnl. Thf' bill ,.__ up from thttt>. If your rurat ol honor hap- pena lo br a fOl"JTM'r kln1 or a vt.ttlnc ambuudor, you·,·e 1ot to •hoot the worka. You'll have to loed a 1001 table until the lf'p fairly sroan In protf'et 1\&rkf')', In • .... .... """ ... ,..., •• htf"ftl• ....... , 1f'l.a--t• "··~ ...... .. It"• un 1.UlO l•La •• ._ ..... ..,i ..... ••••ti'.J .... ._..... • .... ..... '""'•Ill ...... ,_, ......,... ....... , .. ,.•I ..... JtH-.el •"" ...... lwtt• ..... '". "'1••"' ............. ........ ·---1 ... -nl ltol4 All ................. u ...... •1111 _... ··-*' .. _,_.. """-""" .,,..,., I ... U... ...U --· ...... --__ ,.__..,.. "" ...... ....,.._ . .,.. ... ,. ........ -... .... ---·..., , ......... lea ............. -·-..... 1a .TW• lltlll"llll• -_r.:i.. ....... .....,_ ·-...... ~ Ito .. , .. ...., NCOlf'OMftD ,.. ..... 1ut ·•• •••• •••••" ,, .. , ••"• , .................. 4, ....... .. WU ca.l.Uns ~)' who h..t are ,.._ .... llllft!-... .... lltieNc• hed tM .,_t flahPr· advertlaed few a ~kftper W-. -*8' 1 _.,. __._. ---.m. But C'allfornla made hll wtf• called h.lm. SM explained Ow .,_t ,,_..,.-'l.7111,086 from SP·ECIAL lh<' had aecn newwpapc-r 1t~ ol 0--w--Adww1iw MR.441 proplt" ·I HOW WE GIVE YOUR VOICE A "LIFT" 4. Y ••r t•l•.-lt••• It lftore ••l•• .. I• to411 rhea enr before. for eieu 19.a, t«lepboeee o. th. Cou1 have iD<Tuwd 71". Todly you can re•ch IDOf'C peop&t .•• ._, ~··rle can II'' In rouclt ,.;;,h you f.ech nf'w Hlf'phOtH edtl<d nut..,, your tf'lf'pn-a ave. ..J~MrYM&. 1. • ...._ ,.._, ud loa ol k, to push •Uioea ol 11lephw aU1 tlilrou1b our com• pm equipatftl« nny day. We~ our eltt· cricity, .. ,OU do. from .,.blic MITICC eourceL "-co ••lie 911.R ca1b kttp 8oiog througlil ill CllWI'~ we lane many mocor-dtinn 1eaadby ~~n•on to •rply our own power _•htn Dtt"'8.IJ- "'* Pacific·Telephone (!~ Ind Telepph, l:ompany ...... l'Um ............... ,.. 11111 ....................... ... FOR ·ONE WEEK Brake Adjustment • • • . .. . ENGINE TUNE-UP ELECTRIC Brdke Adjustment Chevrolet Brake Reline • • . -. • • • • 1'111!<-I 111 rt · Chevrolet · Valve Grind • • Lu hrication Washing Polishing Simonizing • • • • • • • $125 • SJ75 • SJ95 • .. Phones Harhor 513 and Harbor 1884 CULBERTSON . CHEVROLET CO., · Inc. r •. L. HAGAN. Scrvlcr Manager . CHE~LET e OLDSMOBILE 300l Welt Central Newport Beach • 1 .. • " Page 4 ?iswroaT aALBOA Nsws-T1•s• ft'DDAt' ........ ._,.._ C.... Apr! II. IMI if AN-AMER. * Brief Glance at TALKS BEGIN .. !Today's Ml!rkets: ~~~ .. !<~~~~" t Am l'M •T .. t 'f,!:·. 1l 'P 1 O lll·f ddq ;uto·' "' l h f', 'C'anadm.n Pal'1f1 r " ninth lnfrr·Am1·ri1· 1n t·r.nl• n nc<' I llA TEllEL llSPE~TIOI Du~nr 15674i,. ""r<' sdw<lukd H• •··~um•· ;, ~•Ill· • <An.·ral !\tutOI". 1 41 '• t.l1111t·t• •11 I 11rm.il ,,.,~i"n" l<A :1) I • G<•tfl) ""1 r 1t1·~pt lt• ",, k•·nrl nt111n,.; t h a t Allc.t ..... ,.,...,. ,_,,. BANKot AMERICA .... <•ss•"8' •ti ... c •" ....... ..... rw. .. .. ,.. '8hwoy 1 ....... of L-. poc °'"' leoclt .-th~ s-Wit Obispo, Cor-t. Ct~ l;toJf Moo.. loy ._. •••r the Golden Gote to Pt .•• ,, • ._ fort l rogg oftd beyOftd to f•f'dole. Along Highway 1 Y~"11 'find 65 ., brOftehes ol lonlr ol AM.r- ko lo ...,. .. you. At home or 011phet• in C.lifomio. -a.. this bank your boMt. Yow IO¥inp or d:Nrti•••<iaf OCICOUM for Oft)' _.'°""' ii ofwop webMecL I« &lifenli6 (jjs Vt•T Kt>n n•<N•tt ~1 '-"n ··k1•1t rht·tr , ""'' '"'"''" nty s.-.i,.... :w; t,. l>t•l1·,.;:1ti'' "111 h"1.1r th1· r .. porl So Cal t~hwn ;;~:·, 111 a "µ1·1·1111 c .. rnm111•t' "l'l""""-d StandwJ I J1l .. ,., , l'SSt•••I 751• t'" dt'l•·rmtn• \\h•llh'r 1111\a1lin,.; t'Un!.11111111~ mr1k• • "'" 111u11111in of tlw •·•·nl•r•n11• I"'"""'"' 11 wa"' . R} l "mt.-d Pn-s~ I •mcl•·•~''""' ,, rnaJ"' ''' 11f•th•• dl')t'· STOCKS 1rr,..gular in 11ui1·1 11ad i.;1t lt'i, fo\111 1•ontu111;l 1un 111 •It•• •n J: 1 1·unf111. ru, 1n Jln>-:111a H0:-0.l>S 1rrt1,'lllar; l ' S (',,w 'h l U nt• 11r 1l1t· 11r,1 111•rns 11n thr l rud noc trndt> 111: .. nd11, 1f 1111• «Onl1·1 .. n1·•· •~ 1-on- n .:RR stocks Irregular 1 • inut"tl, IA II!\ C'\lt<•Ctt·cl lo lw ("Oii· SILVER un.changf'd at 1.11,c u i.id..r111111n of 1in .int1-cummunisl I '"Ml' OUnN' rt11Ulu1111n 1·011d11·d in tlw stroni:•·"t CO'JT<>P.: higher. , 1tQ!!s1hlt· l<'rms. I . \\'HEAT futu~ clOM'd up • lfl S•·1·1t·l11r> t1f Stair G\'oq;1· \. : 2,c. !\lorsh11ll, ar hi;; fir,1 post -riot I . CATM...E aciivf'. HOGS llncl flr'''S "1•nl•·1t·nl'\' )l'~fl'rduy, blam- 1 SHEEP •low. •'<l 1111 .. r111111unul1 <·11111n1unism for th•· ""''k• nd ul luot 1ng and hl°'lfl. Quic•-a~a-Flash 'hl'Ci 1h •• 1 c1 •• ,,,,.rn.,.11 do ... n1own Coo~.. A • llo..:01;, und l"l•U,,•·d mor.• than 400 '"9 rrives c1 .. nrh~ CAMBRJDCF:. Mus. -IUPJ _ !\lorl!>hall mad• 1t ril:un that he 1lw day may not bf' 100 far dis-hl'f1,.\1•d th• •'vmmur~1:.ts dl"ftb· I t .__ 1 ... _ .. _ .. ___ .f hi t·rah •ly plannl"\l th\" rioting to brl'ak llJ1 wn.-n ,,.. ,..,..,......,,, P c11n w I> I · up a full OOUrst' dinl'M'r l)('twi-<•n u11 I k 111nl•'rt n<"t' In this way. 1~ tlrnt> tWr hlHband 0 na the :'-lar.,h.111 1ntlw1tlt'd, tht' commun· .(J)Dl.__dooc aad i;el.-his ~fl •,ls llut••I tu tvrcsLaJJ ..pp,-u=l-,. h 1m 11ntH't>mmu111~1 rr-.olu1111n ~ UOf: Up h l" j . lt"a ~. •;lh el ctrons. j ·'' I • '.im .. l•lll<' c•mi..1r.ra"~ tlu.• • At d )' d Ir A h n \\"('lt!r'fn \\I'll Id nml In lo innu, nc1• 1 teal Y. a~r kl~lo: 1"fi"rhr •tr k 1111· I t11l111n 1·l•·c·11.,n~ no·i.t ~un-1 .llfl~ nc. llll c ·llJHI· II§ ••no • 11:1) '1~! ~ ~~d,. 11 rl'lllity 1'" ~!"•ut Tiu< -.111111111111 m11,t 11u1 h,• JtHll(· ·~• ,...,1, . .,. nn rrstnuran "· ... an> 1 f 1 ... f · h · 1 1 1•1 "" 11 l1w·al ha,1~. hlll\ ,., c•r 1 r,1~11• ;irkory ~ilhPt,.Rria~-11''" '' t~ runit• •h•• 1n11111•1l1.it•· rc·,.1111 '" tlw ('ofum-1 ' ('Of> lnl: _, (' aua rl\nll:t'. I .. 1....., h .,, f 111111 fM'llfllt . ,\f.il'h.111 >-11d Ill 11 •1-'rl!lln~ In t r r11uar rNJll<'n-, . thf"SI• •'IN·tron !llo\'r!I will rook .. 1,11. "" n1 •·• Ill\· utlt• r ii• I• ·"•t• ~I '"·a,i-. k 1 .f". 1 "h1t'l1 "'' r•1•111.t1tu1111· 11,,.,,,. i • ~tf"t<"'r .. sh •1t " ·' liif"(">n c ~.or •.• ,,...,. tMT\lf f• "'''' r u• co. J;1r lu1• ;i ••'-l'"'llHt r1t. rn:i.~t In h\u min· }••ntl c'1>l11mh1.1 11 "11;, ,;,ni.· d1•f1· t Ut•'S ttll• P·" f1 f11 ''"" •#f t•tJr1 • fh t' "llli'h \\ti.n "'lc•k••'1 lhf' rn••nt ha~ 9 l•l o\"k"I 'lllk•·-. 111 h .1111'• .ind wrt ot all,) appcarnnrt! so a Wlll I I I 1 d. <t fl h '" \. i r11I th 11 •• • ••1111• l\urtni: 111 1 • ltr"" '" 1:1\'C' 11 11 :i~ ·iwar fir• Jttclw .. th• '''"'''••111 1n Italy • lur, n it•l..ini: l""1k:o 11nd rns1~1 1 1 ""ti ".-~ .. "ll . It "11 r ,. •' fl"t1 .. 11' "il1 t,1k1· plilt.<' I hkr 1t MlarNlal r• ,.,.,,,R ) 11n .\IJrtl IX '«'IN bf'ltt'r. • s,.,·rral rarlnrirs h11\·l' lrutalh'<f . In .t1 t1<m, "' 1 ok•· h• ri• rc .. ('Ofn..()r• ra r.>d rans;:<-s ro tum out 1 ~ ""111' tli. I'"" 111 •ir11·111""· ""'" ti1/1<ul 1"•"7 P•••v•> On~ O~r. llenUJ, fw OM O.--A-'-...._. • .....,. la Mat&& fr_.. Ute •-.er.......,. canter V88 t"rallll.Ua D • .._.... - 1m,rnaed by Ute •oe6dt .... '6r<°' • IU11pwat, YaleUa, ...... d .... ,1~ attetr r...wara&, .,.. .. .., ... , ,....._ ,..... • &Milr .N•Y7'• bat~ .... 11/h<ul ,.., • .., P..,.ar••> RMe Art Ora-san.,.._ne. Ille Amrrtcaa dttlro,-rr tlSS0 -C.rry 'hrJted Saplem wia. Urie l'Welfth flrr l lhe er-m rmbf-rs showa uwd parl of their Uten Wien, .. •samlDe &A wlctaal ,.,._Unc 11Martbe4 In l'on>JK"U, INTERUTIONAL INCIDENT ,,...., ,._,.. 0 ... .. 0--' ............. ~ ..... , ... , ................ .. .. ......... an.o. ... ....... .. ............ ..,... Im P'Tallflll8 D. a111 eftla la ... --eil a ...t.tt _, Ute T'tHINI "'-' .. Ata.e• .. f&ri el a :,...._t• ... ........ ~ .. •Ni~ ... aen.. I .), Palllloii of Paledl 1 ls Falt Acco 1• Election Service P•y Held Merely 'T oUn1 FRANXFORT, Ky. -IUP> - c:;o.._ Eartr c. Clmlmu believes lftla1 the taxpa)tt coatribution ot $3 to t'l«Uon officers for a day'1 JERUSA.LE:lrl. April ~•rn» wn1Ce a. only a ··1oic.n PltYTnmt" A J-iah °'Cenc)' Spokftman uidl for patnohc wnic.T. • at a press cont~ today that T o inert'_. IN pay would "not the partition of PD!slil'lf' had bttln tmproH• the qualuy of t'lectjona achin·f'd. •1th a J-ish 1ta~ .-t, nor .add to the t'ffldenc:y of I.ht' up and ful"IC'tioning, •·k-c-ton al mariunt-ry," the gov. The spokesman. ·Maj. Kichael' ttnor said 1n ,·~tomg a bill that C'omay. said tht' J-ish stair •'OU&d h.a\·e. ~ .the PllY of would ht' iO\'tt"IN'd by a 13-~, t'ltt1lon olftct>rs rom $3 to SS cabinet. • 'a day. c.ornay uid the actual &'O''~ ------------- rrK'n t ltlf'lt had bt-m planned. and would come intq brin« as a public I hody .. IOOft .. the Brililh lr&\'f' t ht' coCantry. I '"The J.-Wt "'National flallw • I riP" t• u~ ~." he said. "We can IO'"S"a ow wtvw and diffend omwlws. l"m'titiml hu bttn ad\ieowd." CiJm.ay said thP .,.WW Wt.al setup" lnd'*d mimst~ for for. elm attain. drft"nW. « -.-• • and finana!s, immicraU.. cmn- mt'T'Clt' and lndwtry, labor, acri- rol ture and rllllwria. publie' W'Ol'b. intM"i«. justicf'. education and twalth. Atom-Treatment The proclamation that • 5"uite J-·lsh llale -....-a ft'ality • AD t1P8 ot 1tatlonny. an-.__......ta. dl· rttt mail circu- lars printtd heft, lowest pdca. Vitamin May Be · <'&me as Jew. .. and Arabs <2n"W' 1 on tN-ir haltillties wbicb the)· rr-Jn New &uree i:nrd as t hr r.nt 11age "' a show- -~,. war • Palt'9Uee-- -l;e5-ANGELl-.!S. Apn.I 13-tUPI I A JM''1llh corn·°" on Its way tO T he state of California is f'x-1 thf' Hadauah hospital outsidf' ' ' I t r t c 8 J , c ' -· t t I a -t t perimt>n ting with .. po!!J!•l>I<' "-J•·n1Sak-m W1" anedtfod .,,. Arabsi Newll'MM'it H'a-rlior source of the vitamin r ompoundj in the Shc.>ik Jarrab quartM" An';:::::w P ru1in. usdul in trl'l.1tini: llfnmic-ortirlel announcement laid threor D..Lll-11..l .. Co. I r::11ii1ttion \'IClim~. Dr. :'ttonr1w c. lo 11) \'Nlidf'S in the 0011''0)" W('T't' r•UI~-ri I 1.;idt1t r. hr:td nf th<' 1a .. 11··s drug knnrkl'd out and thr otht'rs rt'-PublWacTJ of ch~ ra nd 1111 111an t fl t·\ "'""rn··nr rJ 1,·i~1on. 1111 nc'<I ro Jc·rusaJMn. Newport Balboa h "<1irl todav __,,,.::;:======='-----'----.r--.:.....,....----------T.t I S1 •\'t'nt;° 0 :tl'rt'S .,f 1111 .1 i.:r:t\"('·--n.-·wlSP -Advenlst-ews -1me1 lnlt'n~ [tlanf in Wfllf'h tlW "Uh,t;1nc .. , --------------------------- IS fuund in 11s 11;,111rnl "'·•I •· hlt\t• h1·•·n pi:111t 1•rl a t C111ir .. , ru a P11ly- 1 ..... 1tnir u'lllri.:•· . .&an 1.u1~ 1 lf11,11t•. :•nl'l •·xp .. r11111 nts n••" '·•rl· utlll.•1 \\a~ to d;•f<"rmin1• 111 1u:1n }1l'ld fN'r arr•'. lw ~:11d I R111111 ht lp'< \ IC'lllllS nf iltfllltl(' r:11h:11111n hy .. 1rl"111~th• n111i:-tht' 1 c-1'11 wall" 111 lh•·1r 1ii. .. X1 \t·~~· 1, I Ri1d1.1rinri 11orm:tll~ ,11t;wk~ th;'" c-t'll \\0111,, w••ak .. 11111 · t lwrn :111rl Available Now __ _ GENERAi,. ELECTRIC Refrigerators 'Flatplate: Ironers n x: fi I! z h n ti i;i c p ~ot-h;tmhu . .ho .dog 111u.q kt, I'• lt·.11 I~ 111 1111nd 111 .. 1111·1 .~ ~,. ~--h A I If . !hilt 0 11.; " .1 "•>rltl 11ff.1fr not-• r rnrur • .., 111 •na, .. Ar:<~ t ur-1 . · _.u.. ....... o.c.Ju.morrhai.: • .,. "l'Uch 4l\"Wll-Electric Ranges - Electric Washers Automatic Blanhts Garbage Disposals Rotary Ironers Home Freezers Valu..n Cleaners u tl M ~ A c T Ir de 5< tt c de • C-, .... f!IA..-...... a..-.-....... ,_ ........ . .... ~ ........... ...... 1111 Wlllt -.W.allw ... __ f h~ od . 20 ........ ) c .. 1 .. 111••11 .. r 1..11111 ,\m. l'I· ~-11 mas .... r,.. uct In • ra." Whar '-" a m inorlry'.' Thi' chl»('n lwrOl"'S of lhl• <'11rth ht1Vl' IX'f•n in a m1nonty. The rl' is not a 10CiaJ, poht1cal, or rt·li1dous privil<'gr that you f"njoy today .•hat wa s not bou«ht for you by the b&ood and Reds Putting Together Top Air Force tun and patient suffering ot lM WASHINGTON. April 13-!UPI mn-ity. It ia the ml,_-tty that -Rtw1ia II building thr world'a hav• atood In the van ot f'Very "greatest air foret-"' in or~r to moral eontuc1. and achWwd all "re-ach a dt'Cislon with this that 19 ~ ln t he hlstory ot country," Air &ocretary W. Stuart thP warlcl -Joha Ba 11 en t 1 n" SymJncton aid today. "*'-',,.. ......... • « uwa.~.._..,..,a. • .i .. .....,. Coush. Whllt h a Minority? S ymlnrton told the house armt'd --~------------------------services rommltttt that IM USSR ~ 1119...,... ,.... ................... llqllllr .. ,.. ... -. _, ._, wta 'hftlala ......_ ne ea.m. .WW bmlr • .. _.... ef .. ....,.... ....... l°I I "*• is bulldJn1 12 timM u many war pl&MS u we arr. He added that the R1mlans "11ttm to want to ..>... Sell It Through Classified Advertising · J... rnch a dttla!on with this country H 1-C a nd tM)t want to reach It ln the ~~t:S?::s:t~~l!=l:!:::l!::s..t:::t=*=~eSl::st:l?=!.c:c::!t::S':1e:t~~~~ 11ir." TWO ONE Alt'ttlnr with the 1tatt'ment tNit this country 11 In the gravest Jl('ril of lt1 hlatory, Symington u- M•r tf'd that the Sovlt>ts "are bulld- 1/lit the h t'att'lt air force In the WOf'ld." .T A. Sim!nitim ,,-Htlfll'd. Repub- lic-an lcad<'rs W<'r<' riving top pri· nrlty to lc.-alalatlon calling for t>oo11ts In military •pending. First mPUurl' Jeht'dull'd for houiic pua- n11e w1111 a 1uppl<'m<'nt al approprla· lion for purch!lM' of adltional olr \, ft,rre and nav~ R!_anH. CASH •MIR COMllNA1ION ....,,., ...... • WWICI RAW ·~ • ClONIUrCftm FEATUIES . ,,.,,. ., ..... _ .... ......... .,.._.., ...... . • a.. ........ -· P":!L ....... _ .. ..... .•1tss111...,r• 11 •Cu ' l•H • .,.., .................... _ ..,. ................ • 0.. ............. I lt 1111 Ip e D 0 a I I ' 's dJZ ..,. ....... ..... .... ------------------------------- No C'nalPo&a While house lcadcr:s ai:rol'd-1.hat morr dl'fl'nsr iipc•nr11n,_ I!! n<'C<'!I· sary. thry pooh-j'ln()hrd suizi:«'stlon!I thnt pror1uclinnJt control!! wilt !)(" n"lulrro )n lh<' nN•r future. I SymlniztQn uri:l'd quid•-<'nnct - mrnt Of 8 draft h\W to provldl' manpower w ith whkh to kl'<'p lh<' nrmy nnd na\-y m h:ilanct' .. ·Ith I lh<' air for('('. Thi' nlr fOT<'<'. he said, want11 to tioo.t its str<'ngth to 502.000 hy the <'nd of 1950 to g1vr It 70 11lr lm>UJlll It hu be-en Asklni: for this bdmt for thrN' )"t'ars . he said. I Many C'Onltl"<'uion11I l<'ndt'rs f('('J 1 . <'fforts to 11chlcv<' t hr 70-group goi1l 1hould h<o 11tar1ro now. Th<' administr ation. howl'vrr. hu llm-N lll'd Its n'QUf'lt1 to ~'i groups on N the.' grounds that too rapid.-'t'X· pa.ntlon now would throw t ht' a rmed sen 1ces o ut o( balance. l • WASMTNC1'0~. April 13-H P l -Tht> house approprltttlon1 com - mitttt todAy ukl'd congress to ,. o t " $2,376.100.000 q u I c k 1 y 110 the air forN'· and navy c11n buy mor.. plant'I. Rf'publicnn lendrr~. who have prom i:of'd fn8t 11rt ion on dl'fl"nllt' Sp<'ndiniz. T'(IU!l'd lhl" rr(IU<'Sl co the hollll<' noor for d<'bllt<' to- morrow. RPp. Carl H iniih1tw, R.. Calif., \'It!' rhnlrm11n of th!' ('Onirr<'ssionaJ · 11\'IRtlon poll<;· hoard. 'lrn-t'd no- ti<'t' that Rtt<'mpts \\i ll be m11d<' to l'IOOflt thr rrromm«'ndl'd amount hy Rmrndml'nll' orfl"r<'d from thf' hOU.~ noor lfl' !tllld the Bmount fall" short ··hy 11 jtN'd mRr~n·· of I fnJ't'tlng boa.rd proposal• . .. TI1 ink nf P · <'nl11111h1.1, l••vely. hnncl-p111ntf'd ~111r rnnw~ m a wtrl" r.1111:1• 1 •I i.,•:111111111 dl'corn ti\,. "~t' 11'' 1•olrirc 11ncl 1f,•h1'nt" r1t•1111 :11, c.11..ruily wo1 kl'd inro 0tlw ~h:11f,• d o th hy hnnd 1\ t.:"nrio• -; .. ni.:l ng with ~nap nnrl \\Hl•'I' kN'~ lhl'm fr,-..h :incl 1'11•an itw yHr 'muncl Drop m toda~ nnd lonk :11 t111r ,,,1,~·111in 11r Columbio w1nd1n" •h:1d1•.:. 11".; nn oppnrtunu~ \ "ll r.1n 1 .1r1 .. rd to mi!''· A Price Range lor Every Home BAN·SON'S SHADE & LINOLEUM SHOP I a The approprl11t1on!' C'\'lmmittt'f' dld not knock so much AS a J)t'n- nr off D<-fefU(' S<'crrt11r y J11mes Forrntal's pll'n for 11n ln\mf'd.late adv11nr(' llj!Am•I 11nflr1p.1lrd 1949 111lov.·11n<'t'S for :d rcrAft purch&llf'll. It ok11yro wlthoul qu1hhlmg h is rt-qUN t that I.ht' purchase hlndl- M laln111ly hudgl'trd 1tf $.1 ,6.51.000,· 000 h<o incrc•1111ro h~ $.7~:>.000.000. Be \VIM--AdvtorUH Cor. Newport ..... a 23rd Sl ~I :=:::~:::,:::~=~! u:1 llv lt•ad 10 drn I h R~lin. one ot m.m\ !>11h;;t:1n<'t« knm\ n fl~ \'1t;imin P: 1s ohtain1'<f from r111• oil. rxtr.wtr d frc)m th(' rura pl:int and u•,.•d l11r )•'~r-; 1n . 1l('rfum1• ma n11f:ir t •11 •· ilnd t ro•at. mt>nt of rrrtaln <'h•'K\ :illmt'nts Dr. Kidder Mid iw1«nl1<:t~ in thf' i;tatc•'s rlruiz-plant l11l1<1ra tory a.r.! now <'Xlractin~ rut111 from thl" plant to d<'l<'rminc how much thf'y Water Heaters Apartment Kitchens Electric Kitchens and Cabinets can ge t J)('r acr <'. H e addro that ruta hM ICV<'ral advantages over buC'kwht'RI. the CUM'<'nt principal source of rutin. ~ UDO ELECTRIC CO. I Be Wise -AJvrrtls.• t • Al OOAft ..... -AT m ..,..._ /J ...,,..~ ... t~D Ulyouknow . that electrical applio,nq,s n£ed cleaning, too!" " , Your tlectrical household applianca wl work be., and JU< lonBft if JOU clean chem rquJldy and • ~' aood att o( chem. So ctoa•r lot8'f 10 iadadt cbtm iD J'O'U' bous«laoifta plans. A tiuk rime mkm now will mutt you ol dficitnt ltt'V~. Hett art.,._ .-' ...... ~aabk-­....... dodl. lltftP .... ., ... -~ . ,,.....,..,oaio.-. .... -.i-wsicwb ..... lltftP _.,. whrn -.. ·-- ~ --.. -t:tlOft ...... ""-'·--.. '--t. Nc'Wft "' -,,. edit .......... _,,,..,.. Oil 8ROld ... ., -..._. ... _....__ • I ;~Oli TllER:< <:ALJFO&NIA EDISON CO >!PA ~·; "' (~ C' p 1! " L OI le Tl Cll i:; '" <'• oc 01 1' 1! l:i n PyaLtc NoTtc£ NOTICE 01" TRl'STl':E'8 8ALE "' PUBLIC NOTJCD CERTIFICATE OF 9VSIN~S9' F'lctlt lOUI Firm N•mf' IERE S d f I h .... 1'11& 1•s11>:11~t1~:-:r.o ,,,, 1,,re1i1 \\1 .A , " au t as "''en r•r1 1f\· .thot lh•·>· u1~ \'1°11111.11 1111~ • madr In the , paym<'nt of the In-.:;n .11 .. 1 11 .. , .. 1 l•u•t11•>1@ 111 M19 ~: 1 ~n dt>hlC'dn~ IH'<'Url'd by, and In the !·':i'11,.~~;: 111:,:i:~~'\11~0•;::\~~1 .. ~~ouf~~~ performance of the covenants con-1 uJ\n ,. .. f 11,\l.RflA >'UlWF.fl !'011or •a ln.,,, In that ~r1aln trtL~t df'ed '""1 '" '' .... ,., fu 111 '" • ""''~ .. .-.• "f "' t'1 "-" · t hr ft•ll11\\ tnt: , .. r~•·tl:t "h••t# n.am~~ dat~ F t>bruary 8, 1947, madr, anol Mhlro·• ... " al•' •• f .. 11 .. -.~ , ...... 11 tXf'CUtC'd a nd dl'livered by RAY lt.~t~:.'.;" \~ •• ~~:.•;.~ .. ~ '· 1-. i-.·utr11I Au• .. M. Hf)\VARD, 11 sinitlt m11n as llolly K M1lh-r !>If.I E. Ce ulr .. t AH·, ....... , t CORPORATION O F 1i .. 11 .. .., ~· .. 111 .. rnt~ u ... or, o . · \\ 1•rsF:.>:o; .. 111 h1md• thl.11 Zbth 1lar AMF.RIC A, a C'aJ1fornlR Corpora-.. 1 ll1wh 11~~ tlon. as " trustel' for RANK OF f~~I~ ~ M~r;~~l AMERIC A NA~9NAL TRUST STATF. ()f' C'Al.WOR!'>IA ) AND S AVINGS Ass~ATION f'Ol''l:TY CH' ORASGE l • • \J\.. 1 • • • 0 11 thl~ ZMh da)" 1>f lllart"h, •. D .. Thf' S•°'u-Tl11M'e wlU aot IHI rNp<1m.tb1.. for mor,. t .._ - lnC'Of'rf'C't latM'rUoe ot aa ...._. U11•·nw1tl, r...,.rn• tll• rlpt t.o C'«ret·tly rlaMUy uy aad all ads and to r•Jftc't uy advttU- -t not ronformlq to rulN and rf'C\llatloaa. Cl...utfld ..SS wtll be aooepted Ill to t :It La oa the 0y ot pull~~Uoa. . ,.. • •UTDwo_,. •-ftlam:llT ea NE1'0 POK1' BALBOA NEW8·TlllB& p 5 -CASH for USED--.. « R.l ''Tll 'R u:.\S~ Wr ll Tt'W:l"llAl' Nf'"fn!' l'Ht·ll, r.ut. April, ... INI age PLUMBING suppLDIJ O~ns Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. COMPLETE TOI.U,'TS, tnc:ti·- seat and flt.WI \'ah't' S2S.SO. Wall hul\i. c-1~ C'OUpll'd tolJ9t!l el romparab.,• prl<'f'W. ""--· L. A -= -_.r;,~ t.•tr .. r .. r.. ·HI (\JtU!f \11TOMOTl\'1: A Tia&& II IU:AL UTATID • ~ Wll.ll\re • pp 5 -Iba•...., "·ur.>n.t <&.•I ~111.r l 0all --------------.°" '' 1-...., _.__ / i:... ... r .. m (' Jr U.arh.>r 41!l. II\ '41 l'l,\'M11ll111 1 do.•r •pN"l"l 111·· AA1~· ~ P m "'1·!\t1· lux N1·w Pftllll ,l.1h. 1-:n1thl4• j1111 GRANT'S • 111 .. •n 1•wrl11ml1'<I ll11rh\lr l:\~2-W ••~ '-T "' m••nlh ·•r ,..._"lfl 1..':i A1t1tll•. l\illh••• bluml. "I'' c'oast PropertieR Co. _,neaJtors J'twxw Re.. 5"'1 .. 164..'I ~.., Bk>4_ a... ... 0.-C .1...-I r • ._fl, 'I) '""" '.! H R :--;,, .2. 46-~t<' J UNITS. wood inromc-. rwar ~. .._ I r.,-,.,,,_, 1t 1; tr.1.:., 11 1 $14.~ ,....,tf'I l ••tH R ' .. l'''"''hl r ll&AL DTAT& II ,...,,.. • ' l'?'t Hlll•••t.. 7>'~ 3 llNJTS. 6 )·c-"" old. w.ill turn. Kohl•·r La\'11torif'tl S15 00 up. Solid \'itl't'OU9 china urlnalll "-1S -- t-ach. Gah-. pipc-. alto black piJW. Chroml' •win& spout. $S.75 Kltm«-n 1lnka SS.75 up. Laundry trays, CMl lron. \\ A ' I I I • :-n, \I' ll!toS 6 90;,-.u.. l hi;tw.,,1 Pnnrt P!lad Tolltt wats. clnmina •1\i~ llA Soll pi~ and ftttinp.. :lWt \\ ,..,f :.lh • t ~·· ll!lo"' ~ I••• a1·~-r f'\.1uhl•• '"''"' ·-\llt 11-,-.. 11 fir, .. ..," "-'>41-J A•~ ~rtrday ·.f7.Jtt• • CORONA DEL MAR SOlmt OF HIGHWAY MUBtSel~e Sl6._:'JOO I \t 'F.AN 1-'ROl:(r. nlc.i home, I bedrOc•nt11. Laite' rwnpu1 room. l baths, 3 <'ar 1ara1e. walled J)AllO, a Cood buy. Pl.~ a national ba mg a1soc1atlon. l!HS 1>~1,.,,. 111• 1,-,u1~ It. R1t .. h1• a beneficiary wbich trust deed was Sn1ary l>ulollo' In and fnr •Id County ' and ;,HAI" l)era .. nlllly apJ>"ared JunH recorded on February 25. 1947. In C' 111111 .. t •n'1 r> .. lly E. Miller. known book l~ page 253. Otrlcla l Rec· ~~ m!;.1!,::.~r•.,f"'::'~na .... ~:f,:e 1: Get our pritts. S-i. .... • ~'"Tri• TI I IU.="'--r For (WW •._u_ADID8 ____ e_v_1o_s_· _____ H Hot watf'I" twetn11. ,_ »eat. r. '" ~ '""'°'• JW) • A11cwt :: ..,.._ llto:imr Wltl\ Ulllit\Mt, A REAlmfllL NEW l ~ honW. t'lttplaoP, IVa.&f', paUO ot n ... t()fW With l"()n('ttl• tenoe. \'f'rwtl•n bUnda, rup Cout Propertlea Co. ords of Orange County, Ca]lfornla; m•nt. and 01·kn11'll'lt'1l11•d to me that and thr~ e:'l.f~~s~hewm~Eor. , • hm WHEREAS, on Dccem\K'r l:S. h•~unto M'I my hurul •n<I altlaed my 1947 Bank of America National ufflrlKI ... al ll1t •••Y •nd Y"•r In thl• Tr\ll't ... d Savln11:s Association. \rie certtrlot~,.:~[!'11~.r~ve R';~~lf;;. owner and holder of said deed :So11ary l'ublt~ in and for M id ('olunty and State. and the debt M'C\lred thereby, My c .. rnmlMIO)U uplr•• June 19. ltr.t _ aiipll~ to and directed said trus-!>uh M•r• h '" A11rll 6. IS. Xl ltMI If'<' In WTitlng to exl'cute the trust CERTIFICATE OF FICTITIOUS by 111id . trust deed Ct'l'ated, and NAMIE to make sale pursuant thereto: 1 r~ and 1. th• und,.r.11111<"<1. Rirh&r<I J San· WHEREAS. not~ or such ·•J.• .... t '1~. 1 ...... 1-y ~.w,. 111 .. ~ I .... b _.__ ~tt obit_...,__ cunrJ111'lln~. U. W lUlll ~,t.HllDll l•U•ln .. •a rt'm:n · 0. ft ~<'"VU Iii 3zii Z l ft fitr-1 ~t'WJ>llr1 l\rurh trustor and of the b<'neflciary'a Ornnr," 1· .. 1111>1 1·n11r .. rnh u11tl~r th• -•-~•--... Id ... _ rJ.<'lll "U" 111rnu· l'r :s Ewro f!T w~:1.u­~.,.,,,.,... H>-e!lllSi' to ,,.. 10 tr.., 1:-;1; >'~'l!\'lf'F: that I uni th" .. ,1, prop<•rty b e Io w dri1crttx>d to ""' nPr .. r .,,..1 11.-• nt1 1•"'"''n tn I r 'd 'l' i h ._ __ ' 1~rP•IP<I 111 ""''' hu~•n· •• ""'' lhM ITIJ sat s y sa1 oo 1i-:at Ollll as ..,....,n 1,111~.. ..r ... ,.1~111 ~ ,. ~1111 ~f4h"" rE'C'Ord<'d as l!t provided for by !•rt"' ="•'"""" K~" h r •1llfurnl• law, and mor., than thrl'<' months ,,~"rP.1 A1::ri~1At?n,J.e:t":-:IA 1 have el11psl'd sin<'<' such r<'cordn· 1'11t'STY rw nn"sr.~; I "" ti d th t t d · .__ tj 1)n 1h1• w ol 1• .. r Muro 11 111 thP ,.,,,., on 11n " r us re e<'!Tlll It ..,,,.s t!H~ 11pr,,,,. ""' 11.,. ~11.,1, .• ,.1111MI. • --in rn ff11• r<'al pro rx•rty now re-:-; .. , .. r, 1•111>1t• '" 111111 r .. r ~ .. i.1 '"'""'" 11\atnina 6111,;,,,..,,,1 I~ !ht> Trwit ' •md .l'LntL l.ICl'"lllllly "l'I"' 1r•·•I Ill• i1 •r•I " "J"l"C I J ~ut11l .. \1,l kll+•" O t•• 111" li• lu• 1ht'1 D<>••d ns :i whol<'. In orc1rr to tul-'"''""" '*"""'''"'"'"I• ••l••·1"""' '" fill t 111' n\lr"""{'S lhl'r('Of. ll•P ( r r.t,.111.: I' •I 1,,)1111•'111 Hll•I M• • ,. •~ k11••v.l1•1h:•·•I tu 11u• lh .. t h•• 1 ,, .. HJlf"•\ NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE• ir..-'n111,.. IS HEnEUY C.l\'F::" th:it on thf' ., WIT'~-<:!' ,,.llERI ''" 1 ""• ' hPrt•unt•' , •. , 111~ 11:.tn•t tn;I \ffl"'"'' 27th day or ,\prtJ, 1!).18 , at th<' II•\ "l!ro I.! "" I lh" •IH• ""' \0'111 hour or 11 o'clock in the fore·' "' II I• C'• '11fl• ·~·"~''";\,."i'1'\~;;.;. '111"''- noon. Il l th1· South rm nl door or1 ' I I ,.,.,., ... ,, .... 1 , .. , ~•IC lh () •l' 1 ·(' ·t i!., , ....... , .... ,,.1 :-:1•11•· (' rnnct ouu ) our ous". 1,ut' M .. r. 11 .111 Aat' 1 •i n ~1• I'•'"'· sltu:itC'd in lh< C 11r or !"nnta Anro, Ornni:;f' \f11.lnty, ( ';1hf•1rn1:i, COR- PORATION OF A:\IERICA AS CER'Tlf'l.CATE OF BUSlll.E\S FICTIT~U!..f'IRM NAM,£ ...truslcc. under and. µurs Wl.nt to .TJJ~· 1 iu£1.1.-'>.ll:XE1> \I • -IJcn:IJy the trrms nr s:iul l rll~t Ul'ed Wtll ·~rt•h thil th•·r ••f•• '"1"1"'1'"" • f-••llll ~ul• ._ •II• I• 1 flt •· .. nirA1 liflt( sell 111 rnihh<' flllf'linn In th(' high-1.11,.11•.-•• ,, l'otlo t. ll\llo•' c•1•"'• '~v.- t .. ldd f h I p \YAllLE r"'•n Jc.-.,. It ,.n,1 ' ... ", 1"••1~t Uh ti f'l\y I'S " r r ur cas / ,,f 1,.,,..,1, ,1, 1 M.or .... 11111 v .. 1 O"-"'ol" AT TIME OF S AL!': lN CO LO :<tut•· ,,1 l"olllort1 .. 111111.-1 thr 11• t1t1nu-roJN OR I A\\'J. .. t•t 'll >~EY OF t111u 11. m•' ,,f t•J<n \\·.....: l '\t~'T r o M • A,...> 0 • ' l'i\-:Y ""'' tl11•I .-:11<1 firm IJI • ••Mllt,11"'"1 TIU: UNITED ::;TATES i all thl' .. , ,., .. f .. 11 .. 111·1n11 !'"'"""~· •·h-~ """'~~ lnterHt conveyed by said tru.!11 s1"1 "''''"''"""• 111P "" r .. 11 ..... ·~ '" wit· Ill• lu.ril t' T.I\ l"r tMh • Irvin,. deed In and to the following de-:..:11.,.,.1• :o.;v" 1 .. 11 n •. , ... h. c-.. 11r .. "!'1a. scribed real property s ituated In " H ''"'' titn• 1~01 11 " tr-.1n .. Mr,.~t• S .. •11H•rt f\lrtlO h C"'ttlt(OrftlA the' C'.ounty of Ornni;l'. State of w1T:o.:>;s:-1 .. ur ha.n•I• thts tZlh llaY California, and mor<' particularly .. f AJ1rilRl:~~Rr> Y TAYLOR dt'scritx>d llS follows . to-wit : Al.R•:RT R. llUTCIUNS Lot 58 or Tract No. 114 m'ATF: Ot' C'Ar.tl"ORNIA ) . COU:-JTY Of' ORANGE )M "South Sant.a Ana SubdlV11loP ON Tilts 12th day ..,, April A. o .. No. 1;· u per mao thereof 1'48. boofnre me the unde,..111ned a :0.:1•\J<ry P11l•lh' In 1111•1 fftr ""Id C'••unty recorded In Book 11 at Page and St.at~ ruldlnr the.-.in duly cnm· 14 of Miscellantout Map 1, nilulnn~d 1U1d •wom . ~"'""ally ap· Or Co P"•n!d ltlrhant F. Tayior and Alb#rt record.5 Of said angc Un· R llulrhlnA kn .. wn to m• ti' hp thP t y. ll"'reoruo wh""" nani" ""' 1Nbwr1h..i . Dat~ at Los An~C'ICI Callfor-t .. '"" •1t h1n lnotn.11nenl Mnd arkn .. wt-' .,.htW Ii m"...flhal IMy U e<>Ut•d It... nia. March 20. 1948. earn•. --!SEAL) • 1:0.: <\YIT:"F.~!l WHERF..01" t hnf' "'""'"'"" ~l my h1111d and affl.ud my CORPORATION O F AMERICA, ,,rfl•·••I ...... 1 1h,. 1ta1 and y•ar In lhfll 118 Trustee ~ tfl1·ftlp f1ni1 Rlo•we wrlll•n. By A. G. MAURER, iSEAL) n F.A:-: C' BfUOl"OllD Vice PresldC'nt s .. 1-.·y Put.lie In and for oald C"nunly and State. • By V. MEEDER, Wy CnmmlMlun Eaplr~ AUICUll1 2 Assistant ~<'CJ'elary. 1961. C'R-13599 Pub April 13 )!) Z7. 114•: 4 t~ Pub: March 30. April 6-13-20. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO HLL 1948. SILVER CITY. :-0:. M. fUP) -Silv<'r 'City polt<'<' h;w e 1: o n<' "•>sll•rn Police Chief Denver l.1tt ll'ftl'ld sa)s hluc uniforms are nut 11( place' in a small wr str rn 1ow11 and tlw poltN' force should T<'tntn ~om<' of th<' wl'stcm flavor on ii~ drf'ss. Now his om ccn W<'ar i;ab11rd1n<' r1rl ing rants. f) I a c k lc•11tlwr jar k"ts 11nd 1ypicRI ha ts. ~attlr Cltl,... Rttord Vets Burn Commur.:~t Li&·~;-o t;.;r\? • WOOD FENCE CONTlt All Typca and Stylee F .H.A. Terma-Ftt"t Eatlmate1 Anywhere In County Up to 3 yn. to Pay Ph .. SA. 2579-R. ExJ>('rt Watch · & J ew~ry REPAIRJll!G _ _ Tine n111mondll ancrwatenn ~RT JEWELERS !Und<'r n<'w M1rn111tem entl 116 2'InirSt.. Newport 11 -u( EE> WALTERS TILE CONTRAC'"TOR Bath Rooms. Dra\n Boards. etc 5th & Nt>wporl Av<' .. Coi11a Mtu Phonl' Bt'acon 8700· W -3. 18-tlt LErtCW SLATER MoVt' Anything Anytimt S pl'<'111lm -d in · .. MOVING lous<'hold c;ood11 & Small Boau H11rbor 391 25-tf< ... HARBOR Plumbing Service 76R Newport Bh·d , Jkacon 6111 REPAIRING OUR SPF.CIALTY Contractlne and SuppU• 9-tfc 12 YEARS SERVlCE lN TIIE HARROR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACI'OR Z74 Eut 19th Strett Ph. 8tL ~13 C.0.ta Mee&. Calif. 30-tf• LANDSCAPING 20 Years Expnltnce Old & Nl'W HOfl'l" MR. C. L. GEORGE BEACON 5979 Wall ace CaJderhead MANUF ACTIJRING JEWELER 817 COAST HIGHWAY OORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. 31-22tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO:- New and Rflpair Phone ~·c;on 6217 ( .!5i3 Elden Avt .. C.O.ta Mm • ~tt. For Rent - Hous<' or Apt. Tiii June 15th H. M. LANE REAL F.sTATE '2006 Court Ave. Ntar N<'wpnrt PleT Establlahcd Since 1920 t·rnoL~Tt:RISO 8-lf1 tt IF YOUR Fl'nNmffiE ls not be· rominir ynu i;hould Ix-coming to lhr Jnn1•s C'n, 1Jphol5ll'rS. RF.STYLINr. unr! r l'huildlng, all work iroarantC'«l. Phnnt• Rr Rcnn 616() 25-22tf' P1-d1:itnr 11n1l infa nt nurse-. va- rntiontni:; is 11vR1l11bl<' 11.!1 fosf<'r rmil h•·r hy dny, nl1:ht. week ends or hy wr•f'k N r1 phone. kindly call prrsonnlly morninits. 201 l>ahlla /\\'I' 111 ON•an Av<'. In 1111 11• RTC')' l(llrlllo:" cottage, \or <>- "" rl•'l Mor 47-Jtc \\'AITRF:S~ \\' A!'.'TF:O F or part 11m<'ework w•'f'k f'nd Apply in prnmri rnc1ny. Sllturday or Sun. r!oy mnmmi.:. nRlhoa Yac-ht duh Phnrw l111rt"'J HR4 44-Stc R~i~\., watt'r bNten ..... "11L1im w .... ... • ,.._ r.. ......,.,. "'-7 • ..,.. .. front ... •rv .. ..A-f*I c.,._"'"kJ. ~'2J) .. W -1.00. ......... GRl"N<lW f\ ft R'f~ ~ kill. ·-Anp ... '3. f'alli. Any plwnbln1 llem can a.. -C'Olld1t11•n .tbc<~ r~ "-• 47.~..- throuch our k>cal or Los »-lxor 1r..a!l-J -..Sow-------------- &tin offltt. --------L - 315 Marine Ave. BALBOA ISLA~ • (Oppo.it• Catholk Clmda) -Ooeed Tut-.day- HA. 2'116-W. W a tchft • C'cxial -Jewelr7 CJ IRONOMETER.S R#palrlng -Prompt Sen1ar Senai~ Pr1oN VAN DRrMLDL JEWELRY l786N~ Dlvd Coata .._ 3-tfc HARBOR Furniture & Tran~er OONOF:O nnd INSU RED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy ut Us H r tr You JM-Wlw- -('('llffiTF:SY SER\'lCT..- 1~2 H11rbor Blvd. C'011t.a Mae n ·1t.l'\rn.TR£ ~ F C 111 :-\I I '1 ci.i. iurnr.... l da) """ \\ ·-dno...cho~ ......... , .... Lido :-.. i.d 11 111• '1 -H J r. J!;.t :..'~··'ti d~td ""l ... ~ : "' •• u......... 111.,t •·lf'~hr~mr c:• ho ~r., '• d n .. -,.,,,.U\l ••II •"'~ ft\J111•• ... """ td ual.. 4 .,..., ... ,., Uu1a. It \'\ 41.~ .. • r.., ..,,., .. a A..' TI Tl TI I IU:NT -t m l.Jdo .... J. ...._ ~. f« me-. "111!9 M ......,_,. M boll\ Rrftt • 4 ..., •'WIN> P"T _, 419 N IUl:Sbo-. r,. L A . W y 09!!() lfl.101r STOIL.\t;t: ~PACF. , .. ...,,. ff~·,..,,.. .~t ••~ ,.. r1I,. .-." .. 1t..u.. r,1.1nJ .. 'T :llll lit ln•ort• I • 'j ~II U\o, o. ...... ~ .. 1o1 ..... ,,. , ..... ,,. ~...-4 , .... , . ., .!"l rn· l r•••m•.i:-1 .. omt \\ .. -d11•-l 11 • .,. ~.r.nd1n 1 ~ (' c;.. • -. •,. '11'1 .. ,,.,. 11.rTor •Tr' ""'°'" ,....,., . .,,.,n .. 11o l M ... 1. ;;~ w ... , u ,~,.,.rf'l~J $'\:\tr --~:..VLT\ p· ~-n •RF: or 11fll<'" OlTBOARO MOTORS A~-n-OOA~ ~ t:\\' • us1::n ~'ln' and R;'Pl'"" _, ?ot .. l<·"f ctl ."" ... a ~l't'" t~ J't1tl••bl,. '"' iUl!1) 6 ~ f't~ftcr~ uf poi:lt1n1t "j>I\'"' _. .,.-~ ~eo-' M4.,.I , ~--· • "'-'"·' ~J1r f!o • llV f 1 « RI ,.,. 1.-art.:" '''""• .,... l'>••m •, •-h•lfnf" hrrnk(RJ\I ~,. fl,.1t..,.. ir,1.t" "" ltlt-1tl r11r I SpeiC'f' on lot for •••i:• room cwr rf'nt al unll Wiii Aettpt Ont Offr r OVC'r $10,000 !'F.F. nu~ ltOMF. AT W O.hlLa An. r ctroaa dPI Mar • th' $1 ll,500 F\rrtNISllF:U W. L. JOHDAN REAi.T O R 71111 f' r .·1111 .11. H1tlho11 J lnrl,,1r I ~.:t •~ttf' ('OHONA T>EL MAH :-.:1 .. ..iy l1w111 ... 1 honw ,..Ith f11r11111·c- lu·11 I 'I'"" '" 1lr111•11111. ltolh •·•· •'•·1111 .. 11 .. ttv 1111 i:•· • c 111 :w1.f1 lot l'1111n (,,, t'll .~~•I l'ltv1"' lln1hur l&lt\ Mn Mtu""" EARL W. STANLEY ru:At:ro n Realtora :'IOI F.. Cf'ntral. Balboe, Har. -42-lto < "( IRNF:R LOT -On Udo fa'9 $3,MO F~a F Rhoden, 4'10 New~ llnfl fllvd.. c. M. Ph. lleec.ut :\713·R F.vrnlnp llncon 47Tt-R. 41-'to UALilO A ISLAND On AbeloM Compl4'tf'ly fumlah.-d I -m•td'• rn1, la1 I" Int; V'·• _.......,..., ___ .,.. ahlc-. "4.!I00.00. ftALrn r . M~KEY, ~tt-W ~llt rtiof'" «D -..ato l'ORONA OF.L MAR- TWO f.(Yl'S R-2 rNldPntlaJ, IO' 11 118'. All utllltlee. Prtvata 1111rt y C"'F.. :n:wi. ~Stf Ft llt ~AU~ 2 1tdjolnlntr buall\HI lnt11 111 Yt1(.'1'11 VIII~. Prtftt• p11rl\ <'111l ~11nta Ana 0'188-J. 48-ltc 2 TIEOROOM HOUSE llOUlll:l: OA-RA<U:. O(lnd ~ llnn In <'nllt11 Mn", Pr I v a t t 11nrty, S7200. llra«>n 8199-M. U.Stf New Ylew Ho~a CWF.RUXlKINO f!1'ttre Harbaw UN S hr., hdw. f\oon, ~ ·ron1tructlnn and 1.-.. n.- U<'f'ptloflal. nw n .... t ....-.. ntt nttmct. Phone Beacon 5538-J M-tft Da,~e H_ ~~ 111 {'QU1 ,.., ... y • ..o. ... ~ .. l'ldr ~ : ,...,...,,.,,,.,.. G\I ~J.1 .. f\111111, , C I > \' t: ft I N (; Nf:Wr1iHT <; It I•: A T J.: ll llARU O H FIREWOOD CRAROOAL A BRJQUrl'S PROMPT DELIVERY Wri~t Lumber Yard 1'184 Nwwpm:t .... OOL'!rl'.A lttaA Beacon ;tfl16 Plenty of Good Tlrm All Slzel Co7 mpound Mot.or OD -Gdcm. 10f Western Auto Supply Authortlltd 1>MI« ta N-iiort Bl,,._. ea.t. .... tT-dl .SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Some Modtt. A•allable NOW ; Balboa Furniture Store JOO N11ln St.. Ra!boa Phonl' Harbor 145 2205 \081t Blvd . N..-port Ph~ Harbor 118 41-tlt SPORT TOPS -SEAT roVEP.S Taylor's Trim Shop Automobile Uphol•tmnc &at 'end~~ 1505 Wnt \<"nlral Nf'WpOrt Bdl Harbor 1940 24-1,c X X X 11 X X ll FOR SA~rz ,_. m.-.__ mala sail jab .U).... ~Ar 12500 Pt-... JfA-U5-J 17 li:ti OYER Of?\."K -~ ~­ISM 9'n .--1 ~ Ono.._. Ca.hf ""\II .. 10 Jf()ft.~f:J"'nl"Elt E__., -· ho.rd ''LALtttf~" •"-'"> .,., '°"« •h .. ft f:.,,,.. &'M c.c. 111::'9 Ulary l '~-d ~ boun. C! ,- "'mlnO.. flli.fl.,..,. 1C:S.' .-;.. ~~ • ·.-r • ~...... Rt'::w-on N' .. t-R 47-Jt.- NBD MONETT .,, u. .. QiiM:ll. JktpN ~-.,.-~ ~-a-- r.awibae -SalSJ Car or Other Secwi&J ...... " ......... , . to.-4 5etw .. ,. ' an.-. """'...,,, ...... C"IWt.a .._ e.--SD> •aa-fr.-...... ~ta ac.rtwt I 47.111· C'f).AST MOTOR CO. IP.t'.,P. f"P.f Jt:Srl rt..!: fU-14 r _.r Jnstiway TP.#.\~"S"Pf >RT ATION ~l"TAI." SAl.F: COAST MOTO,R CO. • fT·ltc RALPH P. MASKEY JI l.'\ w r t:N'mAL Nrwvort l\c>11c-h 3411 w Otnttal Ph. Har. 403 .... l~th and tRVINt: STS. LOT FOR IALS Nn1·port llco11rh 17th &nit C'O AST HW')'. N_.port Deach NEWPORT lSLAHD -~ CICll'IMr R.-2 1ot. ......... .. ,.-..r..oth....., .nuta1t1a Pa\11 Lund. .. 0... ...... . T.r.\ MARfNf: AVE. JlaJOO. lat.net N.wport 8eMh, c.ut. ti 61!\ COAST llYW. rnrona dfol Mar P'Oft fl~ ,.... lot -0-BIV'd.. Balboa. Pric-' Wow t. da'/1 m&rbt. Ph. BMoon I~ 47-ltc Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 2i2 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Doy Phonf-9: Har. 1671-J: Har. 1034-J • Eww.: Har. 746-M;"Har. 1117-M BALBOA ISLAND F.wtt flay front. Home-and Income. Comp. aM beau. tltully rumll'twd. Pr1vntr pl1•r nnd noat. Thia la a buy for"°'""°"" who wnnu the tx.t, Md the pri<r ll riKhf. $42.500.00. Trnm . 2 unJt" «"omp. rumh1hm. 2 R.R. f'IRrh , nhout I yr. old. One or the.• tx'ftt lnC'On'K' pmprrll•'ll 00 the lldand. -2 tmU"-New And twaeuurul. F..ftch unJt hu-3 B .R;, lan;:r livlnl( n.IOITl, kltrhm, dl~'!.t areR, 1 % bath1, Ben<tlx lmctnlll'd on. MPrvlre J . l~t one rental JlflY tor hoth. Hurry for thl" on<'! 2 B.R. homr. Fln>pln<'f'. n oor rum., double 5fRrftP N>rl.'lfnJMNI for ll('('On(i Rtory. About 17 Yl"fll"!I old, hut lookR rM'W. Nt'8r North Bny. CORONA OF.L MAR Tlrnutiful rww horn<> So, of I fwy. Very lnricc llvlng " room. rllnlnK mom. Fl"'l'li""'· r1oor rum .. ~ bed~ room.'1, '.4.lmthK, lnrg(• Mll' ''!""<I tltl\1hlr gnrnRf', tM:l"I· mtwl•~m 11rd11tN·t11n-. flf•1111tlful tilt• kitchen, J~ ol n1pbnnnl rmrl rlew?t !qlf\IY'. two hot wnh•r lweten.. Thi!~ L'I 11 lowly h()fl\(' hullt for i.cmMOWJ living, and rannot hr dupllf'fltr<I nt thf> prf~. $1~.~.00. Nt>W two l.,.lrnorn. So. or I fwy. Vl'ry lovcly. Sec to • nppl'Y'f·la ft•. $12,;,Qf>.OO. NOW Wt: J IA VE IT Fon ~i.:'">00.00, 1tnd So. ot the hl"'hw11 y too. Attrac1.lvc on<• B. R., llvlnK room.- icl1111..q,'ff In '41m room a<'l"flAA front or hOWlf". -dining l"()()m. anti klh'hf'n. Sf•rvlt'f• JWH't'h. Rnth room hu tuh. Sin"'lt• i:1tntge. F'ull lot Jt .i 1.11nf>. Sun n:>Om la knotty pin1• lnlN1or. You'll h11v" to hurry for this one. Wr h 11v,.. two vh'W hfm~. lw1t h lw·1111tlful. Prl~ $21 ,000,00 11n<t $2fi.OOO.OO. r ... ·~ 11.<1 "how y11u. We h:ivr a l.M•mJtlful lot, fln1.,;I o.;fr'f'f•t In C . 1k-I Mllr for $11000 00 , V<'ry d~ to nn•an. On I.. f. loan :1t 4 ';~. Nrw 2 unit inm m" property. On 4!5 foot Int, hrn11tlrully lnnt111rnpr<f. Dnuhlf' ~ar· AK"· Total prln· ~15.MO.no. $7.~IOJJO cfown. bnln.nce ~!l.fll'I flf'r month. COSTA MESA On r. 1. loi111 11t 4 r;.. llf'nutlrul :\ Jl H. home. dlnlng room. flrrph111', Oo'>r furn .. wn. blind~. Grounds enUl"f'ly lnnd'"'f!Jlffi with fi rt . fMlN' f'n<'IORlng rear yam. Lot f)S ft. wlcif'. Tilr In kltchrn 1tnd hath. 1\ab nnrl f'tall f1h1r.W'r. Six months nkl. Thill i11 a rt"nl buy. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Beautlrul 2 B.R. hOfl'lt'. double gara5tC. comer lot. Ahn08t new. J.and8cnped. Thi~ IA a steal tot $900.00. BLANCHE A. GA'JEl-R-.Jton--GJNNY' GA'IU 47-ttc ti '*' . -, .. Harbor Activities P ..... i N&~P0•1' UJ.•OA sswa-Tl•l!tt Public Health -&"' n'"EIWAI' s...-. .._ .. ,..._ .....,.. u. •Ma N . W L Leo. Ware. A.tit« al H_,,__Ano Stor,. Sltiltin9 WilWls. fo Speal of ~· T «1 Leon W lll'f'. 11 oe nra1 to ~Ullu" acht>dulf'd tu i>JWU at tbr I~ en Book S l1<>11 Autb« • T• .IP.-b.1ttt1 told thP c-haldr<'f'I of Al'n"'f"M"• ~hr joyful lift· th•t a chijd U-.-. rnidet an our H..-t:-ur af<t'..A Watt'1 book. ··SMWI( "'"mdi- UI a jU\'t-r11l1• .. 1or,· of W• Ill s-~ port• Harbor llnd 1b r~ m'W· nt ii from Ma:.1lt to f~ yean Thr ~)'C"&r~ •'tw• ll&"or raet'd an t llf' F'l.&&:bt u1 tbr Snuw- hlrda tn t~a.r C'&J"IM"f" ')Nin ..,,. ~)'ioe thf' book •ith -. ... • lht.llium, 11 """""'· than lilt' YoUDeer chlt41rftl fer •'h<a cw book •• •Titwn 1l\f' i1 Of') Is an ('V'f'1W.,, - ...... 'Illa J .-.• n\:tkrll for a Ju· ,.._ r..,.._ n:;, '"'ii rJi>J>t r<r Un· ~ •llr at.Apo<~ •JI Th. r ... 1r1nrl ~ h •., .,,,_ ' .,nrt 10• r •1•·11k _,, ~·~I I~" I• t ""'r'· .... )b 'AU• "'lll ""'" f"UIJ!•' nf la~ Al!ilo ..,,.. 11'1,. "'ilT" pr11t.:rai;n will t..--fbf•• o P.r)rrvKld .• rnrh11r nl -£.st """",4 rho-~I ·, .. flint.: -~ eolwit•T ~rw f)!>l,,.lln.." l\nd '.\tr a--~'''ht::s w hol'I<(' ll.1)11 o( ....__. • muT .. 1-lak .. ""'"I or ~ w .. ha• JU&I b• .. •n puh· ...... ~ .a -~L~~•.,n '"'" fnr ..,_~_. rtir l'IOUT 1.11 'J pm °' itt .. in °" OCJn11DUDlt> Tbr-A -~-_._. T II boy 11,.... •n C'G'CllUI drJ ._ ~esv0 #WRO#I e s leanw to Mil at I.hr Balboa Y..U AJt.. Sociefies al dub, acqu.,_ a S-~ _. "HQllr al r~,· IOf'S on to •in 1 ~ f1.ICb1 • U:w • -' -cUmu ot ~ •tor)' n.. txxJt6t' • ak:illtlllD)' -- tr.Ced ht' f'tMrridi. c. n.""-.s-• ursmg ee~ Th• •'T'llU'• t'1111. ti -.:1,,• ...... .. l.,lflUlh" 1ll•tf 1 •11tl fth•r'• h• ~lh t'UO,f'HH~' • .rul 1nlt l l "" 11 in Hi• pro•\'1•1111<111 11( tl1•••11M' 111 nrdrr to 11t••111-111tt 1lu µut1h1· ""h ''" • I thH'• 1• ''""' •rn•''' ·•• '''' h 1 1 L' 1.:1-ct 1n ttu ... '''''k Ith· \\• • i~ 1 1 Aµ111 11 111 17 ''" 1~ • 11 .... ,,1•l· l11r 1•11f1ll• 11 .. 11 111 ,,11 ,111~· \\" h It '' l•,.1111.: ~lt<•ll"•rt•rl Ii) 0 1.HI\ !Jlflllllll• Ill 4~"11'1" "tlll•trW \dtnftl :in \Ir, II 1rt v S T111111 111, :Ill'· t"r11nkhn II H ....... 11 . 1.i1111 ( •r .. ,ti\ utU #'1 fl 't • '" \\ t1Ul1l t lnd lho• ,\Ill• I If' Ill ,\IC"ll,11 \ In (ll.1111!• 1utml\ lit• r. 1111·1llt ·11trfolw l1• 1tlllt nut<•., 111111 f l\'I' tn 1"" !':r·"l•>fl 111111"1r iro :i r.i ... -. Tilt': (:llCI "I' ('UOIR of ·sL .lanw f:pl11Co1,.1 f'hurrh, -..·hJc-h on Sund•)' jolnt'd with chuN"h .chool dUI· ~tut,, ,...u" "h•i ..,, '' 1'' 1 ht· ?':•'".. drt•n or t . '"' \n~• :....._. dlM~ I• th,. annual ~Sitt-. Hu ' r•lly at ON'ld..ntaJ ( ·ollfl'«f' Ro"·I. t•ront row (If-ft 11t1r1 ll•·1u·1t .inil ('wion.i 11.1 !\l.ir 1 •• rla:ht ) arc• l ~rtta \\"llllw_ SNrlfi' Ann Hourtitan, Ann Cllbllon. Lorna J ohnM>n, Mf'llnda •.eltli1ohl, r;rnmni.11 "luH1I• ;\Ir'< lrr•n" :u.1; l~u ·ru 1rch•: lmr k row (left :o rt1;htl. Mar) (flltw~·. Olanf' Co\'f'.,. c1all Colllru.. IJllUlf' HJU~r1 and Snnr1 .. , .. \\ho ... -1 1 ··~ lhl' ('<1!1111 ~un ~·1th •rland. ~ .. m-n llOl In 1114• 1-'rturf' 11r1• .Je&JI Bri1t1ta. Tf'rry .la)". .loa n H~cf'n, Rart>ara Jnma11 !\to-~a Gr11mm11r ""'"'"Is :11 ...... anti Taju ('r1hlll Ulrnl'lor of Uw. '"°Ir 1,. ~,... Alf~tl 011 ... on. photo by Gerhardt. ,_for1:11n •1 Fr·~·n111n who srn'•'~ - thf' N<'WflMI ll::irhor t'nlon 1111.:h Ch h S h ' / Cit • srhnol And a\!'I) •h•• ~:im1• ~t'Ol'llll urc c 00 Olf 1m•a 1111 11 1·ot1n•>· publir h••111th Toles Port in Rally nu,.... Mr• .J11<111h Jorg_1•nsnn A 0 .d t / B I who 11t•rvn1 thr ('ostn !\t1>S11 11r1•:i f CCI en 0 OW EBELL CLUB NEWS J ANO. NOTES G irl Dale Dance At fullerlon Jaycee Is Saturday E~en# Newpod r .. -1. A. loonl To"'-' Wetl...lor \\'i1h 11 thrnw of '"AJ)ril Shrw.'- ers:· plans ror the Fullrrtcm A~soemkd \\'o m 1• n Studc:-nts' '"Girl Date-'" d11n~ are ur'*"''B)'. Th .. 't.ii:,,:rol of A \\'S danN'1i. a nd 11n onnual uH:ur, it ",-u be-ht>ld Apnl 11 In th(' Womt'f\01 C)'1D from 9 o'd o<'k until 12 o'cloc:'k On lhf• {'Ommlltl'<'S are IWO IOCM1 girls. Umbrl'lla>. sprini; flu~ li'rs and other de•'(Jral 1nn• In kl'f'ping • 111 be-used to carr} out tb<' tht>fm' ot 1hl' danet'-tllctl ~ to bt- onr of thl' most elaboratf' 11nd ('ntc>rtaintnl: Of lhP yrar . J oe Darby· 11nd his orc-h~fra from L'SC will pru\'kle mus.1e fur smooth danl·mg Re>fl"E.'Shnwnt• will IK' s<'r\'rd DT<.-SS for the 1:1Hair .. ,11 tw da te drf'Sic, lC<'m1-fonnal and all girls h a\'e l>N'n urgt'd to littt'tld hy their AWS prt>si&-nt. Eltiw l Baker ot Brea . Co-chulrmon of t hr rommittf'f't> I are: Publicity, Lorraine C"-"lwl· mane, Fullrr1on and Pf'ggy M- 11m5, Fullerton; bU5iness. E\'f'lyn R11umstark, F'ullt'rton and Na-I live ror music and include rh)'thm and music In their lowli..st tasks. d1N' K.1.1• ... ~ U Jllo!!le...,, clrcr6s a1.M:ll¥, ~ .-... i.oc. ~ aad Gf..arp.11 Blb<OI IWbioll. _. n-- 11 .. ...tun. G', I..:=;;.-,-~ •lltit· uer . ..and ~ t'~ l>utn1~ A ~I" of tk dr<or· • 1 anJ; tic.mm:J1~·1t H lrtUy di Gnu .... ~,. I ~ I\ .... ~ critics 9'11 .... -1--~~--tec:Nlliea:l-ft..tt.-W.-Ur.....-"'Jllil"'. lln. Jl .sa-tw-z 1'n"'"1l1nt'd ..,.. w ... n ot rtw Alrar IOCl<'ty cl -.r ~dww ol t )Ur IAdy of llt. c--t -..I Sr John Vuan- ~ • ._ .,~ ne .s~wv•rt J'"· ._. ...... • -• th.vi :.':> brine ,..... .._.till& btT at OW ~ ....,...,~ luncM<>n Ill! a rounly puhhl' tw1<lth nur"'' 11nd M~ty Vmmim whoe-hl 1h.-vl11itin11 nun1<· for lhP harhor ar1•a. • Thkin_i: part in the ann'ual, Church Schi .. 11 i;r·rvice and Miit' ll11i. 'rnll\' 111 (kd d<!ntal Col- lt•l(1• Howl on S unday wu the C1 rh ' C'hn1r nr St Jaml'fl Ept.co- rml rhu1 r h, whlrh jolnrd with rhlldr.·n of l:'il pari!!hH and ml1- s1nns M U is Ani:Pl1'5 dloet'le who rnm1• from Santa Marlll end Snn111 Pauln on the-north 11nd frnm thr Mr xk an border. on thr l\alad • Brldce • Rummy Ucadln~ the. ~dar of t.:\'enls tor F.tw-11 club this wtoek ts~ the (itlnd luncheon, bridge and rum- my party to be given jointly by !h1• nramft a nd Musk St'Cllons Rt tht• club house on Thunday, April 15 I:\ nwd in).( in ttu• C'lub house at "hil'h t 1m,· mr mtwrs will bring 1:ursts. • Mrh Arthur May of San111 An<t will l'nt('rtain ·with a rt•\'IC'W of the popular play "Drrurp Girl." Hostesses wm be !\<lrs . ..Atthw : .. Gant.,...J4A • ...HAN:bel'& B:tl'~.i:. Mrs. Frank RPinhold. and Mrs. Jlarvld Woldenber~. MPm- her!l nre askrd 10 c11ll on,; of ·the hosll'!l~('s for rNlervatlon:s. She also told about their C\ISs toms aftd ·everyday life u 5hto knew It In the 18 )'t'8n llht' "4'- 11 i&-d tlftte, when the late Mr Mt'Brlde was he•d or ·the Rous- ing Coriiililmon o"l the lilanai. She aang several Hawaiian amp, In natiw tongue, and aeconipan- it'd Mn. Kathlttn Colf'man •'ho gave two dances bi oostumr . .. Kr. 'WU't' wW .--PW---u.. "tedl. Oft ........... ,//~ '1ICE FA...,. •DI ._ • w· s ·~' ................. ,,..._,.,& Q' .... ac. PllONS RA ... •1 ~ ll m a..t "C . a.-.. 0 ---FOR lmHDAY l~C>KES ........ __ .._. ........... • a a •••• .......... ., .----... .-.. Ourodltt. ... arc n -ot. bus11WM -....... tlw prnidrnl, ~ OJ* ...... .......... Mi. "-Ma ....._ ot Jllltnanilate llr91 ~ el tloO}WOOd H · ....... ~ ilwic..tioa to all ........ tw lk+wtor ill ttw ..... ...... .._ "' ........ ~otioa .. 0. ..... fll F.U.. throuch ... _._"' -... ot praTW .. ._, .... iim ...., SCAI Bowl •' ~ ... ~ 0., 9"bDll. ..... .:--... ... 2..-n. -.2 ... ~ • a •ll•Aatl i M&n .................... ~. ..._ "-Seditti&, JllliPb ot 0 7 7 -o.-:11 ., OathoUc .-. ............. cmlW ... ._., atllllhour ., ....-r .. -._. -KsY• ...... ... -~ lilmt.. llw IJMri.. -...... "' -atrift' nu. ...... ., __ ......... nainc .. -"' r ..... _.... • ttw ... ....,.,,.__ .. ._ DU l6iw .. Fat1mL ,., a • 1917 o. lAllb o1 ~a 1 •-crafllpntt ................ people ... 1 ..... cintMa ~ ............... -Wbr .. .... I mi.tt' ....... • 5 • 1lilllt ...... ~-~~.~Holy 0 --DnC S.ta.wday _... .... 9L 'Dir -WC .... wtll -May S .. 91P ._ 11 Jin. Art Su-p. m Olnl. ........... at 12:30 ~ ....... H. E. o.dDe -_, a -'Dir_......._..._ ... "' -F1"niah ,__ ... ~--....._ • ..... Y• B 11 • •••Idol ..._ O.·S' a a ..... , ••• ! .. = , ... a a ... ... Qu5 5 a n a n • a .._ .... .__ .... ~. ,,. Thr prompt first nrd rart-to lnjuriric r-('('1'1\ rd in llnt' of duty ln lnduatrit'I has \'Rstly cut down thf lnu nl man hourtt and lht• Vlut1n11 l"un1.-s Association prr>· vldn bt'dairl<' C'Rre In homr11 whf're a full tlmr nurl4' is nut ~ or whPrr lhr family 15 flnalw'uilly unttbl,. to afford onr Th t> s <' nu"'<'11 11rr Nlpt'<'iall)' tralnf'd for thia work. In m11ny rural artou in lhl' l'nltrd Sta irs thf' public health nurlt'I bring tti. only mf'dlc11I aid that many ramUif's h!IVe evrr known. They fttqurntly make trips on horlE'- tMlck to rf'mOt<' pl11~ School nunlnit 11 an lmportllnl ph&M of publlt' hulth nurtlln&. 1lww nunn Ilk<' other puhllr . tlHJtfl nurWi havto 1pecfal traln- lnc In t"ting vblon and hurlne and In lntc.-rprt>tlnit flnd1ng1 to tHcfM-" and parent• and In If'· cwin1 corTectlona. They aid In Mttttln1 signs of rommunl<'11bl(' dAM-. and o tht>r lllnH1e1 and uai.t In their ron trol. Coda Mesa Matron Hf1! Stanley Porly Mn. Frank Panone of Par- ION Road, Colla MHa. was hoat- ,.. at • Stanley party Friday afternoon, Mar1t1rt>t Kimball of Garden Grove ht-Ins the ~ atrator. Swttt pra• and PoPPlf'!I from bn 1t•r~n wtort' USM by Mrs. Panona, who l('rvt'd fruit a&lad. coolillft and cofftt to her g'\wsta. ~nt Wtte Mrs. D. C. Mac- Kl'ft~. Mni. Ruth QJ.rnett, Mn EdNi Hutchlnt10n, Mrs. Sadie Bland, the demonstrator and the hoatesa. llARBORim Mr. and Mn. Walter Hitchman •t>nt to El\S4'n11ds O\'r r Sundny on bw11nes1. Mrs. BllU1C'h1' Harvl'y Rrrlvrd lut wer k from Snn FranC'ii1ro and I• 1tayln1t with Mrs. 0Mar· pttt Phratt for s('\·eral days Scovt'ral perllrs wrrr plannr<t In ht-r hooor for the paa_t wttkcnd. sou.in: • · ' It ,..lil! n rolorful and lnsptrinl! prn<'f'S~lon whrn the ~ dt'I~· 1?11tes, with crul'lftt1. flar and hannl'r hrnl'f'rs, marched to the 11ltar tn prrllr nt the-offtttn11 '4•hich totaled • $14.000. lar&Ht t>''«T givm sin~ ~ rally •tertt'd The bishoP;eltct . the Very R..v Francis Eric Bloy, ~an of the cathedral. ltll\'t' " brle-f 1ddttas and !hi' Rl'V P11ul Moore Whe-el: f'r, -clrllmna n of the ~n di· vl1lon of church lnatrucllon and rrctor -tolrct of the local church, rt>ad the 1ervlce. Acting Rl1hop Robert B. Gooden 1tave the messaae end the Re\'. Edwllrd McNah' ot Studjo City Hlllted. Mn. Robert Vlllagnna, auprr- lntt>ndent of the church achoo!. • al'COITlpenled thf' _ choir · u did Mn. Burrougha and Mn. lJ)man Mn. Alfrt'd Glbaon, director of the choir. wu not able to be prfWnt. Membtts of the c:hotr ~ Luetta Williams. Shirltt Ann Hourl&an. A.NI Glbeon. Loma Johnson, Me-llnda !Althold. Toni Burroughs. Mary Gllbt-y, DllM Covey, Gall Collins. Diane Hll- beTt. Ann Sutherland, Jean Briggs, Joan Hllgen. Terry J11y. Taja Tohill 11nd Barhara rnman. T1rkC'ls are $1 ca('h 11nd all m<•mbl•rs 11nd their frlrnds aro1 "~kl'd to make reservations for !hi' l:l:JO luncheon by calling ~1rs. Constance Jayred, Mn. T. !ford Sffley or Mrs. Frank Perrw Prtll'll will be awarded anCI proceeds will be dona1ed to the C'lub'i C'harlties. • • • NomiHtiq Commlttflfl J"~ Mrs. Bruce McBride entertain, rd members of the nomlnatin& rommltt4'e of the Ebt-11 -club on Monday of last wePk. Those m· jQyll)g lunch<'O!L ":l.!h Mrs. M.c· Rrid.e In her home were Mes- dnmet 0 . M. Campbell, Lew B11ltz and T Hord Scoeley . • • • Author &rvl_,. Author review• will be heard In the Ebell club house on Fri- day of t his week at 2 o'clock. Sehedult'd to appear are Leon Ware-, 11uthor of Shlftln1t Winds, a story or youthful yachtsmen of Corona del Mar: Louis Stewnl, wt,oae Day of Prom!~)• a pan- oramic picture or America and Dalton S. Reymond. wtioae fl.rat book, Ea,..,hQuncl ia on ~ na- tional best seUer li1t1 . The! public Is Invited to thf' Book and Author Tl'll. a 11mall admll111ion fN' bein11: char1trd. • • Rook ~ti-I Thr 1l1i:hop·s Mantle hy Agnes Slt$!!h T urnbull was thr hook n>· la/boa ls/one/ W ile viewed hy Mn;. F. E. Reinhold Sal.ls lor Clti·na on Thursday, April ~. •for th(' Ebel! <'luh Rook SeC'tlon I. In onr To Join Husbanc/ of the outllt11ndin$!! rrvirWs of the , -~ti th<' reviewer krpt the Tllnttt•<l. Chinll, 1s 1h,; dl'l!tln-lh<'me f'Vf'f' in mind. f'mphaslzingi allon of Mrs A. L Eichlrr of thr purposr 11nd kc·Pn ch11racter- R11lho11 hl11nd, who sa1h•d on •he iwtlon of the 11uthor. Navy lrllnllpnrt \.rner11I Andf'r· M"r tlnR in the home or Mrs. son lo join hf'r hush11nd. A phRr· Harry W!'lsh. Corona del Mar, m11('i.\I m11tc, now In lhln.8 the• Jtrnttp r njoyrd 11 onr o•ctock · l\frii 1-:irhkr w11s f<cC'OmJlllnird dessr rt J\s!l1s11n1? ·Mrs. Welsh to San Frnnl'l~r11 hr hrr molhi•r durmg 11'11• afternoon were Mr11. Mrs Clinton Ro~"'"r 11( 5&nt~ H E:_ F r<'f'mfln 11nd Mr!I Holt E Ana, hrr s\511.'r. Mr" ~tilton Slo'I· Condon llll" and dnu11ht"r L1nd1t. -.\ s hort hu11inP!ll\ M'l!llion fol- ------------------10\\'<'d lhl.' drssPrt 11nd mrmber:s Holiday Slag• Signs Oli~er Cliil, Supporling Ac~or With Katltarine Cornell rc11ponrl('ti lo roll call with hrir f re\'lt:'WS or I h(•ir rrlldtn1t durin1t the p:ist rnonth A tmnn11nC1us ,·otr w11s gi\'rn Mn; C'. M Orakins end Mrs. Roscml' { '11111l''ll f11r clarurman and !ll.'rr1•tnry-1r .. ns un•f, rt'l'lll'C'· tlvl'ly, f ,>r I hr I !liHl-'19 ~uh )·rar. This WN'k Jlol11t11y StA£1', Or- anitf' rounl> 's profrsii1on111 s11m- JTW'r I hl'lllf'r At Tu"''"· r lns•·d nf"i:otiation~ wilh K111tmrlnr CC1r- nell for lhr lnnn of 011\·i-r Clatr to play not m11r1• llurn fl\·r l1•11d- lnJ? rolrs hr t" 1•1•11 lh1• d111 .. s ,,r Junl' ::~ smrl ~··1it••mlwr 4 l 'ndc'r •'lCrlu~1\'1' Mnlr/H"I 111 ~l>~s l '1•rnr ll Chrr I~ lll'l""'nni.: lh i~ \•in1 r·r •1n h1•r $1~;l,('OI r•·· of If> ""•'k• 1,n :'lo•" York. thr Cnrnl'll l'how1ni: of ' 1\nt11n, 1111d Clt•npa1ra " ''I"'"''" r• '" nlh 1n Phill1c1dph111 ~••lll II II 111 ~111\1' to Ros1n11, lhr 11 11' \ 'h11•1i.:o fnr its d 11,.1nr 111~.tt.:• ,.,, nt .lim•· I. Cliff "111 r}' ''' r11,11n '" 1 .. 1:111 pr••p11r·1t11°n ... f, r '"' (11 " '""' \\Jlh 11w.l l111td.11 .-:1.1:. pl.l\il~. ,l,,tl nr ~nk•'"i>"''r•·~ .. Anttln) "THE YOl.\'(; If )L',\" nnct (11'11pa11 n " l·'.urla, r lw hurl C. !1Upp.1r1rd 111 .. star 111 1111.•1· 111 hrr ~<'llh'!tl prr•1•111111 tons ·Th,• B.1rr1'1l11 11( \\'1mpolr !"tr""'• .. "t '11nd1da.'' find ",\nlli.:orw ·• At llolulny ~Ill!:•' l.11<1 ~11111-, ITll'r . {'hff l111t'rpr1•!1•c1 roh•ll .111 ~ · flw (;In!<~ ~lrnni:o•rt<''' m111 .. f"lhth1> Spjrit " ~11ppo11 lt•d Slrr l- lnR llnllown)· in '"Thr"•' ~frn 1111 11 Hnrsr .. 11nd, "Thr ~ltlky \\'n) · Oli\"f't Cliff 15 11n1• nf lhl.' ron•- mo~I d1s<'l>Vt'n rs And proh'i:rs of lf11rClld Turnr)" n11w rx('(·u1h·,. dirtttor of Holiday Stage•. At - ttondmi.t lht• 1't'l.ll\tlmt'nt or dremit at Los Ani;trlrs l)ty C'ol- lf'$?e, Cliff muirrrd h1; s111i.;1• tM'hn1QUl., and ita•nl'd wide <'X· P1'r1t•nC'e umtrr T11rnt•y's n111•. l11gr To lln1111(~· hi~ rduc11thm, hl' workrd m t hr Hullywll(ld prn- c1urt1on of "The Drunkard" for 111>•0 yrars. 11nd tourrd the wrst- rrn 111 111es In rnPJWlrt of Vl\wn 1A'i1th 11nd Laurenl~ { lll\'IC'r m "Rom''" nnd Juhr t." From Los A11111•lrs, <'llfr 111· \•11dt-d Nrw )'11r k nnd ~·as Im· mrdi11tely sir:nr<t rn 11pprar' 111 "Otllf'llo" star:nni: Paul Rohe- 110ff. An<>1her M-11son hr i:nmt'rl "''Ide 11ttrntlon a1 "Th<' Glo\'r" In the Theatrr Guild's pr0<lur· tlon of '·JaC"<IMwsky 11nd thf' Colone-I" "i th l.t\u1s C'Alhern 11ntl Mrs ObC'd t.i.11•11s. r l'l1rtR1? chairnrnn. was 1:1\""n 11 r1"1n1t \ otf' o ( I hnnkii fur h~r uni iring o'ff11r1 and 1·np11hlr lo'al1n!-<l11p dttrmi:: the r1:1~1 1\\11 Y"ars Pinn~ \\f'r1• mnrl" for 111 .. :llriy By '.\lossier Oscar Karlwels. "1llat'" o•hl Aftrr a rt'<'llrd ·brrak ini.: nm '!': ffnt-.' \\•'tlh of ... ba" al"•'' ~·•tt•~n y, twa.'k In ~Ollr h11111W WfON'!" • • S-d Book Sflt'doat which •he learned from naO- Thc Sect>nd Book section met teachers whf'n •he wu in "-ail. at the club house April 7 for PTeceedlnr Mn. McBride's talli luncheon and e lected Mrs. Edythe Mrs. Aneita Per_. ga,.. a llhal1 Matzen of Corona del Mar u review of the "Band ol lhr 1'_... chairman for the com ing year. .!'nd told of ~ work St.a Ka.- Mrs. Robt-r t Killt'fer .,._esidl.ng ton ls doing In brincinc a -.,. kind of music to ~ worw_ wtaidt at the..busineu aeaalon. he calla "Pr<>C'f't'Alvt> Jazz.•• Sue Horvath give a colorful Guests of the afternoon Ultll fGr review of Tht> Unbre11kable Doll. the luncheon wrved a.,. Uw .._., In the book drewln&. Mn. Lew M Wallace won The March of MUI· Hlft ra. Anetta ~ ... kovy by the mum~t author Mn. Roser Woods. Woer.: Mn. Alice BuTt>tt, Mrs. ~ ....._ Harold Lamb. recent speaker at l'nf'f'lttt. Mn. Gratt Webb. Jin. the Book.I and Authors Tea and Ml11 Marcia Coombt-1 drew Petf'I' J. H . Woods. Mn. Miriam Dl"i.. . Bourne"• Drums of De1Uny. Mrs. Louise Gallqher, Jin. "Jolla Neblett and~-Jrostessea for the affern<>on P lallS' ~e a190 nwde for u.r wrre the Mesdames Richard sttUon'i brldct> party to ~ heW Othmer, Vlrgi'nla Caslle. Lou he Ebe Wl0 htman. Vir ginia Hatch , J . A. at t U club houae Allril U. .. 12:30. il&lad luncheon. ~ Giiiis, Edythe M1tzen and Fran-tlona are to ht-made to lln. T . t'ls Horvath. . Hord Seeley, ·Harbor 2311-J or The next and fin!tl ml'<'ting or Mrs. Contt~ Jayrecl, Hmilar the year will be held May 12. 104-J . Mrs. Frank Perew wtll review The rlf'Xt m<"f'li"C ol. ~ 9'1C'- Scot 1 Odell's Hill of the H awk. Uon ~1U "be held May 7 •t- ...., ...... _ ... -. ... --~-- SP' ....... a r•••lr_.... ~ thnlling talc of the California members or~ Wit.do CM1 r.- of a century ago. Fascinating in Harbor high achool wO.I sine W¥· • ~WW • detail and epic In scope. it tells el'•I numbt-ra. ...._a S' of Am~rlca'1 Invincible youth.-.---------------~------------­thru1tlng against th<' alluring richnt'Q .and decaY1n& feudalism of Speni•h California. Mn. Perew. a Californian from C'ar ly ch ildhood and the wife of 11 well known mining man. has tra\'l'llcd the trails of th.is state for many yrars and Is familiar with the locatloni1 a nd cha ractrrs slmll11r to t hOM' in the bOolt. All membt'rs 11re rrque!ltt'd to notify Mrs. Klllefer il unable to ellend or If they are bringing 11 guest. • • • Drama 8PCtloo Mrs. Frank C. Pcrew was elected chairman of lh<' Drama and Pl11y Re\'irw sc-ctlon at thr mrl'ling held Thursday, April fl at the ciub house. A drssert l11nchMn was ser\'ed hy th<' host- PHPS, Mrs. Fr11nk P11rmenter and Mrs. Crace Webb. Mrs. Sue Horvath presidt'd and Mrs Margare t Dearborn gave an Amu~ing revit>w of l'he play Thr Sf'mnd llonrymnon. Mr!! GNiritr lkid. 11 past-prri1i- ,dr n1 Of lhf' clUh. l!0\'4' Sl'Wrlll r1v 1tAllons frnm th<' works of J:tm!'s \\'hitromh R1lry J\1~ Brur,. Mr llrid<>, Ebell pn °'-ul1•n1 , .. 11ni; nnt.• of thr humor- ous ll;i\\ailH n sonl{s that shr lt•11rrwll 1n lhl' 1sllrnds ctn Tut •d:iy, April 6, mr mh<'rs ol 1 lw Drama S•'C'l Inn wr rf' heard ...... r l{\'c 11-:. Sa11l:t Ana r11d10 ''''""n. in a ~h"rl play l'nlillr•!l Th•· \\'••1i;;h 11f 1h1• Flr'~h. authnrl'd It~ \Ir~. (;,.,11·,,:1• \\"hNtl, il.1~1 pn '-lrl••111 11( • lr:om:" C11unl) F l'd· 1 1 11 tt•n 11( \\"nm• n·~ rluh~ I \11\ nwmh.•r" of Eh<'ll duh "1•hmc In J"'" 11\1' t 1rnm11 ~C'C"­ t '"" .1s :ir11,·1• nr in art"" mrm· 111·r~ arl' r1>11ur~l1•d In rall Mrs l't•r rw 111 1'1Hrh11r 6:.!:.!. ' )1111\lr l'IN·llon "Lift• And i\lu~1(' O( l111wo11·· "·•s rh1• ~11hjrr1 uf thl' talk i;1\'rn . t" :'\tr~ nrur" McBr1rlr hrfnr1•1 ml'mh<-ri: And il''"~l!I of lht' :\lu. .. 1r St•rlion nr F.hr ll rlub. i\lr~ !.frRrulr Ot)('nrd hPr prn- i.:rnm, a~ all m•'t:'ltnJ?!I in Jlilw1111 Rrr opo•nrd . ,.·1th thl' .. mJ?im: in llAWAlin!) I\( lhl' nntlnna l 11nthrm l\Tll ll'n 'It~ Prnf Jlrri:l'r Shr r1·· ln••'d hc•w thC' ll<t~'aiinn Jl('<lplr REFI='ISI n :-;c JONES CO. t 98.'\ l.IMtler BIYd. ' n~a ~Ma Ph. IH: l'!to Piia•• , .... ~Cslr) ·- ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE r REPAIRS •• ANDRE Bu IL DI NG PARTS FOK ALL JIODD.8 •••• ANY JIAU Oil AGE Specializing in . WASHING llAClllND • SEWING llACIDNE8 • VACUUll CLEANEll8 • .. 00.&U.N I u;t• • HARBOR APPLIAICE SEIYICE ·irm 4TT NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA~ ' .. T1 I i "* 11'. s} f ~ cc 31 .. ~ tr Cl Ft • e1 fl G rE ti. re B. Tl pc rn re di si· th ac ill ht pt he i~ bt n< cU h; a1 1n br fr * [,('· ' tti( to !'hr , tr-A SPF nf't' shr spi Cot 0: • I ~ By • Dtl SA: LU w. a ; Pl1: • .19 • . . 'D:LEPBOSE8: 114&BOa U. U..A..'ln DI PubUahed t'\lt'I')' day. Mendar through Friday. by Sam D. Porter and Lucus S . Smith, 1 1. owners and operators or the Nt!wport llurbor PublUhin& Co. \'OL JU. ~ .. \\port e..·h, ('.Jlf. April 11, I IM8 l'AGI: i His Favorite Prop .rf * D-DAY IN ITALY In a s hort time . ..April 18, democratic and com- munist force~ in lta(y will converge at the polls ip a showdown that international observers agree will be fateful for the peace of. the world. The stake in Italy's 'National election i~ future control of the j!overnment by the -~mmdnists, whO. are now excluded from the cabinet. ot cootinued con- trol. by ~Jllier . .Alcide .de Gasperi's Gtlrtsli~mo crats and allied ·party groups. A communist victory would pave the way 10 a possible eoup on the Czechoslovakian pattern. Worse, 1t would increase the grave danger of world war by ·extending Ru~ian control to the Mediterranean, out- nanking France· anci England, and confronting Greece and Turkey with new peril from another di- rection. T~at America is alive to the explosive possil:lili- 'ies hinging on the Italian election is plain from every recent move in t he international chess game. With Britain and France, We are backing a plan to return Trieste to Italy in a .frank bid for popular ItaHan sup- port. We have told Italy a communist regime would mean an end to aid under the Marsha)] Plan. Even the reversal of American poliey on Palestine is traceable directly, jf only in part. to the worsening internationaJ situation. Whether we Jike it or not. expediency has become the ruJinJr force of the moment for American ciipJorn- acy. Many of.u~ wouJd have it otherwise, but aJJ of us must concede that unless the new D-Day in Italy hrin~~ victory to the rl ernocratic forces of that nation. peace will slip even further from the world'!' grasp. Cancer i!' a ~neak thief which attacks the human hodv bv ~tealth. U!'uallv it i!' well advanced before it is brought to the attention o f a doctor. This js tragic. becau!'e the ~imple symptom!' of cancer. ~o often ig-- nored. cnutd !'-!~We J 111ut of every~~ Jive!' jf earlv ex-amination~ were madC'. · · .. The human anrl trng-ic p:.-ychology that 14 Jt can't happen to me." rloe!' not ::.pply to r::.ncer. It ~trike~ all ~egment~ nf our population with rqual impact. ki11- ing 1 peri-nn en•rv ~minute!'. ancl reachinj! evf'ry age bracket. For JnHance 1.400 children unc1Pr 1 F> diC' from cancer each year. *·NEWS-TIMES FORUM U-ttr r In Editor: \\.nat c-ily counc-ilmnn, now th;-it thr d('C'tion i"' m f'r, wnulrl hkr 10 do 11 r11,•nr rnr rrs1dl'nl" or Si•;1- shnrp Colony~ Thlrty-!llxth strC'c-t. only rn· • tr11nl'P from Nt>wport Tlr11rh lo Sr11~horr0 nri\'r, i~ full ri( hnlr« It n P...-ls rl'p11i r hnrlly !"n cln1•"I s .. 11. !lhorr C>Tlvr. rrir th;it mnttrr. dC'- !I pi tr lhl' r:irt t11111 th<' narrl'tt th11rou1:hfar<' ;i (t<•r puttini: in th" $1•a .. hnrt' Ori\'I' i• '1111 or hnl"'- ann nt'cds rc•p;ilr now l!'St m11rr t1am:n:t> rl'•ull • rrnm nr1?li£rnrr M•m~.tbiln a yrnr hAll pAl>M'd sinrl' rrp;11r"I of 11ny ~Ori hn\'t' ill'<'n 3()- plii•d to ~th slrrN. Lrls havr ~onw nrt111n now that tht' ~lrort dl'pnrtmrnt ii< 111 work in thP \'tr1nily Sii:n,..d. /\. n \. REPlll':~l':STT.O SATIOSALl.V RV GF.OROI': D. CLO~T.. IXl:. .,.. FraaC'l!M'o-1.-Antrf'ltti-rnrtlaltd·S#•ttl~-Cltlraco-Se"' l'ork-~ton By Carrier or MAii: ~ 80 pc'r month nnywhN'r in ~rwport Bes"h 11nd a.ta Met1R: 12.40 for l months. $4.80 for 6 month!t; $9 per year By Mail In Orangc County: S9 prr YPAr ; to 4th 70ne, $9.25: to Rth znnP. $9.50. SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS s. S~Hra. m W. F. Dt5cON l CLYDE REX I . . ,.. . Prtntlnc Plant. 3011 W Central llATl~ EDITORIAL. lfUO SSOCIATION ~ . ~./If~ • * DREW PEARSON \\:ASll I ~C'f\ l!\: rr.~1A.:nr 1·hp.'rlll1' With lht• RunlaM -aot Tn1mn11 1·1•1111o111t< ••·II~ "mf1J.•111 .. 1 .. µpin1< tllL!ln du~'n u daumicd ltY • 1h11t hr \\Ill lw11d Ith' do'mvc-n1111• th. '"''" ur .. 11n1I lll'nr)' Wala.te· rwk•.<t 1 h i" ~"i.r. tlt'"l"l1• h1•rh l "'"''· 11 .. 11111 ..... ·1 .. 111 &u nu~t . •11111h .. t n 1111rrhc t 11 oppo,..tt1,1n ~r.11111 h111I lu1.t ht• 1••11111'111 plant I le• m11c1 .. t ht>-1111t to' d1•ar cl11n111: '1·11 ,., .. it 1111\ l11r r h1• futttn'. ll4' u t'hllt \\llh yn11n~ l'l't•rl'M'lltlllt'•' """' '"l'I"'"~' rn 1.1k1• 11.•rhn b)' a r;,-..r11; S:m1o1h1 1 .. 11f Fl1>r11l.1 th" "11.1111 .1..t. 111 .. 11~1. hii< uffr°'1''<' 1lll11·r 1l 1\ \\ lwn S11111h1 r~. llN'\1111 d• 1:1\• 11 '" 1,11.. \'11•111111 111·hl<'h r: ,11111·rl II\ l.1-.1111'1' 1 1,. al''' "11111t•1t Th1•n wtwn the' ,. • L -• .. ~ I ··~1·nd11· 11--.1~1 \n11·111•:111 :• 1 tn ~ , 1•11.,111n1o: 8,...... '-' int nclJ11r.1111 1•1 \\llh 11,.. '"'' m11tl\•• 11( winn1nl? 1111' A Ill•· rt,. 11 n llw \\ .11 111 .1 h111•r }. .:111 to ttM' • •h·" "' 11 .. 11111. :-;1ahn st'nl orw ol I \ ~ II) 111ltln.,,.s ,,., .. , ... , ~.l\,11:•' """'S '" h11t0f'Y , -~ 1111nnt to\ln,·1·n111>n II••'"''"'' n·t·,.h1•d ii the' daY , J01'.: P .\1.001\.\ -1h1· L··~tun !':11· 1 '" Fl II! I ~ th'XI l)('l11h1•1' 1n ll1•(11r1• lw d11•d -It Wltl IUU~ >' Mlnrlll \\'ilh(IUt 11•1 h1111 l11t1•r . l >l\I E l>\'(;.-\s lUlttnJo? on· •'Yl'. Oii 1!.M,y X-.ch fkouCtl f'l·u11111n n •11ll•••I. l\11•r1• t hun tirlt' k•bb)'l•t la "I'd C<'rtalnly like-to ht• thrr<'. 1•nJo?1•rly w11tchin.rthl' row h«>t111'ff'fl hut I'm Jo?Ol ng to be in 11 n •uson-t 'ahfornt11 conJo?n"SSrnen and Call· 11hly hot political c11mp1d11n at fornl11 st1tte off1<'1al1 ovt't' ttk> th11t tlmt•." 11ul'St1 <>n 11t how onl' pha~ ot tlW Bccaus<' or this, h<' add<'d . 1om1> u1l lnhhy 1s i;oln.: to bt' paid. pl'Ople might think hl• w111 u.~init \\'h••n California concrea:mt" lh1· lt•1;:ion convention 115 a political h1•11rd 1 h a 1 California ta~yft'S p I at f o rm. Howewr. when Wt•rt> 10 he-nk kNt _l.25.000 to pa)' Smathers an'd lrgc-ndr<' suggrstNt for a hilth-power41ft' Waah~ )i<' could make a atriclly nonpoll-publicity agent, plus th«-exprnMI ticsl •JX'("Ch. prefl'rably on prt>-or Stat.-Attorney Gerwral Fred part'dncss. the prN1lde nt prorniM'd Hauser, th<'y h<'ld a protrst nwt· to think It over. Ing COftcr<-umen Dick Wc'kh ~ t gay mood, he took 11 l<'itinn San Francisco and John Philllpa St'rVIC'<' cqp from his dl'llt drawer of Banning were appointed a oam- a nd donned II at a jaunty angle. mlttt'l' to urite Gov<'mor WarT'ft\ Pointing to the lnslgnl&, "lr;ide-to veto the $25,000 . • pt'n~nt't!, Mo., Lt>glon P<»t :.!l." They pholM'd him lmmediatel)'. he rt-marked: Warn•n wu ilJ. Thrtt tlnvl 1h'K'I! "That's my real post -number 21 they ha\'e tried. Up to thia writ· -thouith J also belonc to Poiw34tl in1t. not~ --- in Kan1u City. I'd prefer to have Meanwhile, Everett Matton, elf-. um r 21 on my convention cer-puty · attorm•y g<'n<'rsl or Callfor· tirlcate, if th11t can bt• arrang<'d " nia. callt•d on W C'lch in hlch Not<'-The pre111dent nl10 showed dlthrr. l'Xplainl'd that tbe mol'tt'Y his Jtllt'!l18 soml' of th<' rN·1•nt gad-had 11lr1•11dy ht•c•n spt•nt rcw thf> l:<'ls lw lu1s r l'cvlvl'd throu~h lht' 1•xp<'nSMi of C111itornh1'11 14'eal malls. ln<'IUdlni,: a how tio• that staff to <'Orne to \'{a1hinicton. Al90 lif.?hls up with thl' sloRnn, ''<•le<'I ~50«) 11 Wl'<'k wns promuwd to Eu· Harry Truman .. ' ~c·nr Kdly, Wm1hl n1:ton l'X·~'I· ft,oo.~\·rlt'• Ora,·r rnnn , for hi1:h·f10W1•n!'d tidrlandl- F'ranklln n llnosl'\'l'lt's R r 11 v l' olcl publicity oon tlnlfl's to nttra~t jX'Ople from "Thr m<H)t'Y mi It h t bf' nN"· nil o\'er th<' world. It al50 con-Pssary,'' ).?rowlo·d \\'rlC'h. "but llnlll'S IO llttrHCt tht' intPrl'Sf ()f Whll'h is mui;I im)lllt"ll\nt-th4' mo- llW gn\'1•rnmt•nts nf the w1~rld. nt·y or V<llrs~ You h<'ttcr f<>fl!CI Just rcCl'nlly, thl' Chi~ "°"· alJC"Ut "f'tw· lfll5ffi'Y"--. rrnmrnt founcl1-rl n notional llr ar1:u1'<i that """"" of thr lob- \hinrs<-lihrar}'. unrl has wriltC'n byinit fund had alr1•ady niused a to 1he R0<isc·velt l\tl'morlal Foun-lot of damait<'. ctaiion askini: f11r ,,om1· of FDR's Muftoon trit'd to hrllttlr thfo p<>r~onal possl'sswn«. ~L"'o so m r statc•mrnt or· SC'nator John E\·c-n, r:otlio rrC'orcYirli?s "' his ,·oic<', <'5· lAS Ang(<l<-s r<'puhiican. thRt tht' pc•dally his SPl'""h. "Rc.-ndn,·ous fund wouht Ill' usC'd to pny tunm- \\'tt h n1•stin} :· and rvc.-ry typ<' ron <'tj<'C~g for mld·Wl'lllrrn ron· of hook 'l'Tit tt'n ribout ROOICVt'lt. l?Tl'5Smrn in Washini;:ton l\nothc.-r int<'n·~tin1t r e Q u <' s 1 "Any C'xplanat ion you···-mi&ht ramC' from Llbr rln reC('ntly--per· ha\'e.'' !napp<'d Welch. "rouldn't mission tn dt'dica11• on(I winit or ht> mad<' on th<' noor or the houll'." a new llb<'rn1n h°c>Sp1tal to FDR. Worrll'd, Mattoon n .. w hack to Who Go' to ~rlla nntf Sacramt>nto to try to neutrallR \ol Al<-xandf.'r Jeli11aro\'~ Rull· th<' California dt>lr1tatlon'1 at- si11n drleitnte nn the· allied c:ontrol 1,!.'mpted phone call~ to Governor rounC'il of Berlin, forgot one Im· Warren. porta nt r11ct Wh('n he boasted S..ate Ff'lld that thr Russl11n11 alone liberated One or the hottrat lf'nAte reJ,ICll E urope' and that If the British 11 between two New Encland tt- wc.-rc worrird about Berlin, "why publlclan11-Toh<'Y or ne111• Ham- didn't they get thrn! fil"l!t?" p11hlnre and Brf'Wltn-or Mahr If<' forgot that, thrl'(' yMrs ago On the surfa<'f' their bantn-rNY tod11y, Am<'rkan troops were In 5N'm pleasant. but therf' 11 ttal Postdam, th<' 11uburlu or ~rlin hlttcrnt'S!I hPnl'alh. They diUttrN' Sudd<'nly, thl' d11y 8ftr r Pr~IMnt on jw11 ahout "Verythlng. ROO!l<•\'f'lt'!I clC'11th, thry wrrc.-or-Tnhry was prt"Slding over tl'M' clrrrd out, hrick to thl' ri\·t'r Elbe.-. 11rnalt' intC'nlllfc.-commerct' "''"'' Thi' ordrr rqmr art"r vli?ornu.~. mill!'f' last w1•1•k wh<'n Brf"~ ... '""· 11lmMt !lH\'agC' prnt<'sl11 hy thr Rui;-11 m•·ml>l'r or th(' m mmilt<'<'. P"'" «i11n11 that lht' Rrd nnny. not t hr sislc-d in r hallrnitinR cnmm11tr" i\mrricun army w11s to <XTupy (lrOC'f'<iure. R<'rlin Th 1 ~ <'omm1tmrnt ap-"Thr sl'nal<>T Ill just m11kl ns: s pari•ntly h;1d IH'l·n maclr 111 Yalln. 'II Ump Rf>"N'h," ol~rvl'd thr shr1ri>- H l\n\l'rirnn t r oops hai; rC'-luni:ul'd Tul,.•y. "Thr !"rnat<or 1• muinl'c1 tn l'Wrltn, lhl' prt'!'.1•nl lh'· l?O<>d 111 ·1hat " nnm111•-laclrn l\iluntrnn 1n thRI ritv "Rut not thl' rq411I nf lhC' it• n•· m11:ht hit\(' hl'rn rllffl't l'OI . lnr rrom :'l:rw Hnm(l"htrr .. Br•"' llowr\'rr, rho111:h ""'" 1·un'1 turn strr·~ 11rir1 rl'ply • I CURLY KAYOE te'Y, S&.flP'Y-.... II:: WI (i()TTA "1 TO O' AlrtNA .... ~ ,.,5HTH T NlGNT ! • Ry Ham Fi1her h:irk thl' •'IO<'k. It ill imt••rtanl t•1 ''I'll arN•pt 1h111," 11 h o t hack .-.. rail 1tir11 ;11 thnt 1lm1• th•• \t !'::A Tul\f•y with1111t 1·~'l'n hntttni: an ~~~~~~=====~!!~~..!::=~~====~~===:!...E:~======~=~~~~~=~~~::::!!::!~~=!!!!!!::~::::!!,_ wai; 11•11nlni: m•,-.r hnc·k"·anl to ro· <•yr. TARZAr\ 1• .. '* • r * Editorial Circuit Rider .. \•r.Ho. ...... 111 ............. ,.._, .... ~ ..... &HJ CAt•••·• Ktfi' u. t a 1•1 W-• ,. ICJt1-llt 6 'tt•e lit6't• ••• .,..._~·'·r· ••• Kl ... I; n.. • r I ~'1 ~M• •• 1••• ..... --·~ ......... " "V.• ' ' ••• ' ... , .l(IJJ ~ ••• kr•u • ·-•• I """'' ". l ... ••• ,.,.... I •r • "'-.. , .. ... .. " "ITM I> CfN ~ b61, 'nll llMIT T ~0 C1/>lt1Cf ~Ol NfO T...-,.(0 TO rA(t TM!f. T~IS­•<> Tloll1Ul'l,_O TO ~ 1115 WU. I CR~=~WOR?. :.~~~LE 1 llM•I· l•I•••• It .... nt S~··· • "'t. ••••••• •• ~ ... e '""'pore tebM I • -Tit -I• ... t> 11••-.............. . U f'ta.tUte ......... f .. , . .,., ·~··''.. . """' .. ... ""' .. .,,.,.,.,. ... ......... """' ,_ '11,.ftP\ •·l~hC. .. °"",. .,., ... ~ r~:r~:;'o'•h' 1•':4 ., == u r •leUGtt .. ,.,_, ... ~ ~;;;,, -.t•••ure ~ ::,·.~· ::r,.. ,. to •n"IU I• ...... c:h ... 2~ fltl1tt•r1• M Manu~t1P' J'~ f'!'ln••r• ~r• i1h4tr t '" Hr.1,. • -.11ore M rh•d J 1• ... ,,.,nl • ·11 •'urttnt1Unn I • ,, !> " h I/ H :p ·1 ·«.. ,,, ~ "'' S2 •••••• Ill l'ae.-10118 P U/£A.a .,.,,,,, 1 ,.,,,,,,." ••let I tltOllm' . ,,,, . .,,.,,,.,) ..... h ulu•ttlal R#•nhtll"" .,, •·••fl'•th .... .., .. : ::~:.;-=.'~::r .... , ... ". " ... I WtllUtl ln•u'''"··· . ,\,,,. 10 ..-11•til• runft 11 , •••. ,, ... , ... m•n " 11 ... , ,._,. ...... . . ..... ,.,,,, ... ti 'ln •f~U\ oft t4 Cl•,..., of oll,._ 11-T• hen1 ..... W-lnJur' IJ l'llf<I,. n -1Ar1• lu• ·~-· ..... M-Ylala• t'-Youn .. "-MIJ'llt .. ,....... --A"NMM9 •1 -0.. .... :::::::= ............ ..._. """'1_,. ....... \ . ' t r \ .. ••••o•T ••L•o• x•••-T•••8 INTERNATIONAL RACE TO ENSENADA HAS COLOR 'ft:WY !la,_1 ._.,. C..W. A,.u 11, INI *** • When Thomas Weh!cter fir<'• his hundred entTit's officially made ln I sptetators a chlUICA.> lo I«' m<>&t bomha 1111 stttrting signau trom the 1m fK't•an race lor blue • watn of Southern California's ocean rac- Bi.lboa pll'r 111 noon. rrldny. April y11rht.li. Ewn thr yachtS~JLll:Mm,1 ill& l._achtJ .PUfini In review ready 23, Newvor 11atlj0r will .onoo selves IU'e somewhat dued .by the ror an lntematlonal race. again utlr3cl naUun-wide 1Hkn· n•s1XlnS1· to ttus race. Approximately ~ skippers a nd _ JJ.on.-Jiull. 1'111t• with the · C.uv1·r· Thi' N1•wJ.1Url Harl>Q[ Yacht club. thtlr crews will pass in review. nors' Cup na~. I host rluh for t~'Tirst annual )tony of the Honolulu vetvans ..... ..._.. r1w ld1 -fll Jn l11uk11Ji.: l1111·k thrnui::t1 tht• •''•'nl tvu• tl('('n confronted with will he entered and a lot or aklp- Frmk Berne. Ne-w.,..t Harbor )'t'ar~. l•>\·111 y.1eht!<mcn flt1t1 ltwr!'. many prulllem11 untor ~1.i-nav~ir-boatt--ur~11t1- ....,_ Sl9lrw ~...... n.. IW\'t'I' lK.'t'n .. n ~an -race tor 111('('1/fltl•d the• rt>ipon.tllbillty ol the I eovr•rnors' Cup Race that could ; "· .. \ to ~ -~ th"' t.11.: s:1il1nl( yadlls 1111rnctmg rn~·c. llowevl'r, the club, rklh ln n0t spare the time neceuary for ... •' f .a.-il ... la U. Even•.... tht• 1•ntnf'll 11! th IS ract'. Thl• 1mnual I h11~J!ll 1tllly, desirt!S t.o further I th<' J !onolulu race. Thert• will be a 9-!e .....,. ~ U5 Fl11:ht uf th•• Snowbirds has luni.:l yrichtlnS) 11nd has backed Cornmo .. (ev. gl'tting their first racing ex- ...._ Amm_ Ji••lto••1 c~ l~'t'n cr1n.~1d1 r"d as being th<' lar$· don• \\'alt1•r 1.<'wls to the llmlt. I periPnc~ some ha\'ing their first .. .,.. Ollda 11'-*D (ftdll) Pldl-* * * est sailinl't rael· tn th<' world It is. \\'hf'n the E!"se1111da deatlnatJon cbilnce to see what · their boats -•a~..._.. lo..,_ of cour8''. a onl!·des1gn clAss rn1·c l \\RS fin11lly d1·1<-tmlned for the look like ~oder racing canvu al a. tmm ~· tMl alaata 9nd mu<'h of 1lit ar1Pt•al has wen G•1,rrn11rs' Cup Race by the New-nil;hl. Thl're will be a t least five ~ ............ ~~ ~~ Two Jn11key8, due to the encouraaemenl $th'l·n porl Orr11n Salling AuociatJon. e,scort V('uels keeping the starling _ _.. ._.--. .,._ yowiptf'rs to llail tn the race.,Pri•!i1d••n1 C'litr Chapm~n appointed fine clear ot sightseers. Among -. • ii .. _.,. .. '-... Tnine Banned 8<>1nt• •·f tht• b<·sr skll>l-"'".s of rhe F.wr1•11 Morris 1u1 chairman of thl' these will be Dean Banu' 83-foot ......... ,.,, I ~ Hamil-r <luy ha\1• p11rt idpat<-d in lht• Flil(ht Go,•rrnor's Cup Race OOrnmittff. La Serena and Phil Bergs' beauti· ._ ,.... i-W.. _,, iMm o__ State Tra-kS ut th!' Snowl>Lrds and th1•y ~rt· nuw :\'torris selec~<·d a group of men tut new 118-foot Savlta.r ... ~ • a .......... t... r...,... " saillni. and racing in otlll'r class~ lo work. wilh tirm. lncludlns: Ensenada will be dressed in (('S· fll ... U.-__. ,_ p6died and crewini: ror ~kivi>•·rs In many Russrll Crali: .. vice chalnnan: SAN MATEO. Cal , April 13 -lh'(' garb and eagerly awaiting .. "1' dllt -r.n. Dam Wmnl *-·-• of the OCl!an ract'rs uf today. The G<•or~e Michaud. e'~ies; Lotan thr first boats to arrive. The Gov-ia -_. dllt '-1111 ~ .._ (UP)-A jockey and • \T .. ner value rannot be 111t•1uured Ill dol-Hendrirksan, crew pbpl; Leo Ben· ... .._ tJi'Clllt • a walk ~ wen denied pennlUj()fl to raC(' Ian and c<'n ts and tlw rt'turn fron1 zinl and Cror-g<' Carrlp1ton, tro-trnor or Baja California. Altonso ....._... --in p.b.ronlia for the rHt of the h L·u h f h s ll ... 1 d fl Clift ,._ G11rcia Conzalez, will present tro· _ _ jock t <' T g 1 o t <' now 1r ..... 11 not p ilt>s an nances; ~napman. phies Sunday night at the big bar· n AIJi ... ~ ~ niun.. J'WS, and 11110t.her e~ wu to 1_,.. corw.dered In a~vertJsinK publicity; Dr. Salvatore Monaco. bl'<'llt' dinner fhat will start early ..... .._., * ..._. oa lM u.der a m -monlha 1Qapens1on t<>-valu.o alone. l'nt1.•rtainmr n1 ; Thomu Weblter. . h ft Th h 1 Ollila .._ 5 I ta' tC al *>'· Y1tchting Is -11 vl'i:_y dr/inllP part racP rommittrr: Erwin Jones '" 1 ~ al en;~"· h e ~ .0 e to~ a.-. 'l1w California Horse Racini; uf our JMnK and.thbt 111 dr11mat1c· llnson ttnd Charll'8 Ullman, handi: is enl er ng d n ~lit e ~pr:~ o( i 'te l"'idlml"a ..... ~to dat~ la ....... r*'d Jock('y J(-ssie Hiahlf•y ally shown wlwn Wt· consldt•r what rnppins;-All nf thCIK' men are New. ext ·ras onhnl n wi thmill e . e v 51 d- ...._ "-£. ~ ~ -~ aad Tr.u.rr J ames D w..,... uff h h 1 f .. () S Iii ., ___ _. n~ yac smen er wwes an ~ .... ---• .-.. .. ...._... to . ~~ BM llJ.ll"'nN II lcr 1111' 11n11ounc1'-(JOrt !'f'lln a ng """""''atlon r ' d r I '1 Fl h ' I .... ._ -· llamilka. Plt1'! U. tndDI alter Hl&hJY ronfesMod mt>nt hy lhr N1•wporl Ocean SaH-ml'mlM'rs nod ell ha\·e work~ hard rien 5 C't' we come. ve 0 e 5 ......._ nllitlllllt llmlR JWer. lllM to ....... a hone that r~·d ul ln6: auociat wn th HI Rn annual on tht• job, devotini: many houn wrrr reservt'd for this atfair ~ly , ...__...a~.-. aml 80 Galdm Gate Fields lut fall wh1lt• race 10 Emumadll, MP.1uro. was to tu trips below the border and .. to fhr race committee and al! avail- .... II * ..._ ._.... • aw"* another hone in the laml' lie hf'ld A racl' wilh 1.>t.'rJll'lual \'11r1011s custom und port officials nhle rooms were taken within a ... .,j ...... Pldl as-a -,.._ 'nw board revoked Wyw'a trophies ll it s ponsorc•d hy ttw Frlrlay morning bofore the l . I wel'k nfter it became known th~t ...... -• ... s-s tlllia _. ...._ foe regialerinc himlell as governo~s uf California and Baja or rhl' racl' th<' contestants :.i:~t ri•iwr~:::ons sh~~ :;e ~ade. b' 1~9 -• ..... llllft to rat e-,. tJw OWntt of Hl&hley'a hont'. <•alrtornla. 1·l1•ar <'ustoms and then will pro-rxpe_c o~er . ou ('rn 8 • .... • .._ ... ~ • tlw . ~ Alan Gray wu suspend-Onty·yacht1'm«'n <'an fully reallzr rrrd thronl!h the jetty towards fr.rn1anl1 wUI tis tn Ensenda Qn tht' -· -..... .ti . Oops-a-Daisy! • ,.._ r ... ,,.,. Olrl coutratn Edna But.on <tn &In II kmed tnto a Laa ~ OM.. crcell: bJ University Olf C&llfomia a.t Loa A.nselel c:nw w 'en re- nearsinc tbe &radltlonal dunklnc. SdDa ia oae Of UCLA .. ,_ 1111 coiuwalna. who bO&b .ere aao.n for &.be JOb DeCame ar &lldlr ltlbl ftllb&, ----.--------------------_ue' wnnrt Harbor Historians ha\'(' a.:ained knowf------· +....,-,_.-----p·------i· D •....-------edge of 15th and 16th century !me • ' $ • ! .ed..h!L•si.a-nns in the Bax.Meacb wha.t.. lLmeam to hav~ over_ one the sta.rtini.: 11.nc. This ~ give \\'eek end of AprU 24- -... .. -. jodi.ey room durln& a race * COASTl.NG ALONG -t:*~w5Car rra ev Ma t . Persian dress and eusloms from I I 8' H ... ~-i..;c...:a;..;y;;.::, tnr mlirars: <Septcnn-g-~nes Reports: Racln• Calendar Of everyday life. found in Persian l!ll ruins. edtt ttw lnflumtt ot liquor. BJ E.D \\'ERKMAN Playrri-in lightweight wheel Ualte.1 p._ Sport.a \\'r11.t!r chalrs t'an stop ahort, pivot and VAN NUYS, C'1tl., Aiirll 13.-nrnk1• fnst starts. Sometlmft there NEW YORK. April 13-<UP).:...._ AprU IUP> _ Wh('('lchair 1tlhlett•s al 1irr spills-and the game 11 stopped His famed dead pan ,spilt by a 18-23-lnformal races for Sll'S SEA FOOD Be Wbe -Advertise Birmingham Vi·tPrana' hOSJ)ital an· u~til the ph1yer Is pulll'd back into wide grin. Joe Louis was in high all classes enterlag 3 or -:::============= ~--~~-------•~n~~~~~~m~-------4~~-~~~~1hat It s iris u ~at~ oo the ~111 ~au-~YC than paralyzed 11',;s to sttfi<' the L~ allow"d two puahl'tl on his afll'rdt'ck of the mlg ty ueeD ar o J. ..... 91 Seal B•ch, at Surfside £6£ o.ll;r 11 L a to 11:30 p. m. ,6, COCkTAaS, SU FOODS ... SIEAK DINNEllS '6'. . 11 .......... ~------_ ...... till C1at ~. Cenna del Mar Nazir' r .. 111 .t - -MM • ltetlt fllmospltere e, t·'zlta: ...... i --R.violi ~ - -Chichn Steeb PrW Roast Beef COCKTAILS BAIQI081181 IZFI old CS! Ai I Ek WE INSTALL A BRAND NEW Cilillac Engi;ne ... .&Jn' CAM.I.AC llODl'..l.. "S'7 'l'lllfOVOR •n llllw9a .._tu put new Iii~ in your J car! 1bls entirely au NOi' nllUIJl--Cadili.c-engine will add new pep, ,..... .... pafcw....-. 1o your pceant moiiel. n ·s fac- •> l • uilll .._ materials througho4t-includlng qlad& ...... a-Dhaft. timing chain, plstom and miL Alld -. ma lmtaU it in your car now. accordlng 1D <>Rs ~ llJf'dficatlons. McLEAN Motor ea.Pa., ........... .............. . , ..... Am<'rlcan youth's· lovf· or sports. w111-e1~ hefori:o he muat p8.q .or Eli711beth~while she shouldered her • NKYC. • Tht'le coura"f'OUS V('teran par· rlripple way up the Hudson past the statue 25-Dyer -Penguin _ Challen1'e. "' I h or 11'--rty NHYC · SDYC. aplrglcs haw f o rm ed athletic n t e put two aeasons, the • ..,. · 2 2 teama that hold national wheel· Birmingham basketeen, of t en Back home agaln a.fter elghl 4· 5-C-Ommodot<' Serles·· BYC. chair amplonah.lpa In basketball playing agalnsl abl~bodJea players weeks abroad in which he gave May waler buketball. who. of course. also are conflned exhibitions in London and made 2-9-16-23-30-lnformal races for a claSSE>s enterln 3 or more a variation of watc:'r po o, t e • boa H Blrmln11:ham tum remains unde· wa.11 undisturbed by a $500,000 15 · N YC. . fH led In competition with water 111trnation of affections suit filed 2-9·)6-~P<'ngutn polo teama, ei:ainst him In Oiicago. -BYC . Volleyball and archny arr i:amt:>, and won 23 out of their -26 "Pure nonsense." he grinned. 21-0pen Club Race from LA;YC othtt -rom)X'1ttfvto wportrl'rijoyt'd tilt~. _ "My lllWrt'" will tak~ cere of to openln! NHYC::: OCC_!n rac,mg, by tbf'lt' :'nl'\•er say dle" athletes. On a 6.000-milr national tour. lhat." ::t~~:ge, handicap and pre- Being able to compel<' In sporu. thE' wh,.elchair-,.rs won elrht and But then somebody m~nlioncd :.!8-St~t of 8 fr NHYC ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ evw-n though their locomotion ls a lost on,• 'ftlC' single defeat wu by J(·r~ey Joe Walcott. to Co.ronado Ya~h~ ciu'::.' wheel chair, has been good med· a srorr of 18·7 to the parapleak . And the smiles disappeared. :l9-30-31-Mcplorial Day RaCE' !cine ror llhe V('teran Whose lt'Rll l~mrr 1rom Cushtng OeneraJ· ha!-"I think I'll catch him this Regatta -BYC. have been made Ul<'l<'Ss by battle p1tal, Boston. This Joe. ttSult~. time," Joe grunted. tugging \'le· _ .r-e wounds. th1• Californians complained. from iously. al his jaunty green hat. "I 5-Clyb Opening . BYC. "Self ronadousness of patients ht>lng forcrd to play under won't name the round, yet, but 6-13-20-27--Junc.Series -NHYC who are bound lo iae ia whffl chair "n11mby-pamby" rulct that slowed I'll gel hirn. 6-13-20-27--June Series _ BYC. · hu been greatly rellev~ by com-down the gam<'. instead of the "I don't think It will be a hard · 12-San Clewnte Island Race; petlUve perfonnance before spec-rough and tumhle ml'll'<'I In which fight, either ." he growled. ''The ocean raciflg percentage taton," Dr. Ernest Bon. medical the Blnnlngtiam team usually en-last time I waa In shape but r · .r.i1 · chief of the hospital's paraplegic gages. wun't in top condition. I wu dead 3-4-5-Fourth of July J«>gatta -~Ion. belif'VN; Leading scorer for the &ocal in the drNlllng room before' the BYC. "Ille patient s ~Ire to play team It S tanley Den Adel. Cort. fight. I won't be this time." 3-4-5-fnde pendence Day Serles hukt'thall or wate: polo. bowling Madera. Ca.I .. who was honored by You could aee that his split· de-• All claues. or archery, ia mAktng hill mental the Helms Athletic Foundation as dsinn victory ]Mt Dec. 5 had made 10-11-17-18·24-25 -July Serl('s and physical re~ahflltallon a vol· the Southern California athlete ol a d1•ep wound in th1• Louit pride Elimination Star Class • NHYC. untary pleasure. _ the month for February. He buck-So much so that thl're is a pos-14·25-Festi\'al of•Arts (Laguna 1be moel ipectacular sport for l'ted 188 points during the season. albilily. drspile his reiteration that Beach 1 . :=:t~~c~ ~:i;~~:tlra=:t: Den Abel, who played high he'll retirr nft('r this one. that hl' 11-li(.4!5 -Summer Race Series. ha · 1 1946 Rob .R . . ~ !IChool basketball at Oak Park. 111., may flgh~ again. BYC. m. n. · ynearaon., and Tucson, Ariz., also is a good "I 1aid hefor<' I'd retire after AU«U•t hoeplta;. ~t.hJe~I~ ad~. :~le oowler with a hitih game of 179, this _Ont'." Louis l'Xplainrd. "Bui t-rli~hl or lhl' Snowbirds. , a wt o ru ea t • ma e pro on they told me in London th a t 2-8 -SCY A Rt>gatta. f04" the iublltltutlon of free-wheel· and Is captain of the watl'r bu-..a-n't mC'an anyth1'ng." """" 13-14· lf>-Newporl Harhor Race Ing for fut footwork. ketball team. °R(>veng" is Uppl'nnost Jn the Wl'cks -N HYC. *CALIFORNIA OUT-OF-DOORS SACRAMENTO. APRIL 13 - IUPl-The 1kunk market held its riwn In \allfomh1 IMt year. But lht' hollom fell out. of dl'8d hOUSC'·CRt prices. Thi!I odd Information i11 p11rt of the a.nnua.J "mark('t rrporl" on fur bearing animAls just published y lhl" KIRI~ divlslon of fish Anc1 1t11mP as a guide to trappPni. DI vi 11-I () n offlcinls <'mph11J1ize th"y'rr not paying for skunks- dead or alive~ any other furry ani.m11 l Pri('('$ th<'Y quot I' ft r" what deakrs wilL 5!U'I' for thr pelts. · On that basis the most valu- able rur·IK'arini: anlmnl In th<' alAI<' last )'E'llr wn11 thr Modn<' Counly martrn. II!! pc-lt11 hrought S27 11piret', 11!1 romp11rrd lo $25 fnr Inyo \ounry nnd $20 for thr Mm1· fur from El 0.'1rado \ounf\' ·ni,. st11tt'wiclr R\'erlH!<' wa.i; 11h1l;1t SJ.I Thr division rrport d(lf'sn·t rx· flll1ln just "3h11t comm<'rrinl valut' lh(' f11r or II hOUSt'-cat hl\s, but If you're i.ntt'rNtcd. thC' worth of Tahh)"s fur range!I from '.!!"l <"•'nts in Monter<')' C'oun,tY. to 11 me1111ly nickel In But tr and Humboldt l;;,ou n tin . ~s for ~uhks thl'\' f('tch th<' brst prlC't' whrn lr•PPro In Mono County, briniting In a $1.08 as romriarcd to a slatl'"'i de RVl'rage of fa() C'<'nU. will "pro!>ably result In the year or l{l'l'at~t fire hazard of the present c.:ntury." ·-0- 'Tll<' ~title w\11 stt something new In fish migration!> this month. The division of fish and 11:ame, In coopl'ration with the fcd<'rnl fish l\nd wildTife ~rrvlcr. is goini: to provld<' truck transport al ion for thr spring spawnini: run of salmon llfl th(' San Joaquin River. Riolo11:ist1 <'Xptain that f•Xlrl'me drought conditions hav(' C'l\Us«d lmpaS.!llllblr sand and i;:Tl\Vel bar- ri«'rs lo form in thr river. The barrien chl'ck thr vital run of adult salmon up strl'llm on thPir egg lnyini: mission Futurr fish populations or tht' Snn Jn11r1uin- on1' of the hl'st s11lmnn s trramtt In thr 11tatr--ha\'r twcome 1•n· d11n~rrl'd hy th1• rrcnrd lnw WAtl'r lr\'el. Sn tlw hioltli.:isls S••I up two sl Ill inns \\ h••rr ( ish c:iij ·hr ta ken from th1' w111cr and pla1·••d in tiink tr\lrks. "'lilr main l'lttti1•n '"II bt> nt San Joaquin f'lly nra.r Ripon. Ir there'll 1>nnui:h watrr for the s11lmon to 11:1•1 hy thRI point, an allrrnatr st11tion 111 Hln5 F1'rrv, 30 miles upstream, \\111 l'>r us~. The tank lrurks. i:11ppltNI h, 1he US. Burl'llU or RC'clnm:ition.' will carr y the salmon 11i)strr11m 40 or 70 mill's -dt'prndini: nn which -0-loadin1t lltAlion Ill usl'd to 11 point The 11tate board of forestry has wh"re lh<'~· <'An find l'n•'lll:h \\'1t Irr appealed to the fish And ir:amr to swim thr rri;t nf th1• "'"" to rommla1on to ban d('('r huntin1t thr spawning ~ounds. · during St'ptembc-r becauS<' of the Di\'ision crrw11 exfl<'r t to work Brown Domber's mind. Knocking 15-19 Flallie Internationals · out Walcott. and quickly, amounts BYC. , almost to tantacism. The mention 15-22-:..19-August Srries -BYC. or the only man who ever madC' . September him look bad hnd ruin1•d his homl'· 4-5-G-Labor Day'Series-NHYC. coming. 4·5·6 -Lahor Day Regatta - So therr were fewer a nd mo~r BYC. feeble smllc•s as hc plotted hi!' OC'lobn ltln<'rary, which includes signins:: 27-Na\'y Day. for the fight Wc'dnl'sday; doing Snvl'mbf'r pttliminary trnining at a Criend'i; ThnnksRi\'iniz Day Races. farm neat-Kalamazoo. Mich .. nnd Dfoor"""" flnishlnji? up al Pompton Lakrs (nr 2"327-~Christmas Regatta the June 23 return bout. Jl.:l!YC. "I'm not thinking of anythi!1» else until aft<>r 1h11t," he Sllid sl<1w· TourMmrnt or L11:hts-July 17 ly as hl' trudi:Ni down thc proml'· or 2·1 1 ~ i nade dl'ck nnd w11trhrd the slowly. passing Nt•w York skyline. Somebody mC'ntloned th11t Joqked thinnrr than whrn hi:' and Joe rt>plied · • A tan <"All i11 r omposl'd of 98 per lw cent sf<'C'I and two prr cent tjn. left "You c1in't fli:=ht ~ rxhibition rounds and no/ hi' in l'Jt>ll<'r shAJI<' .. But th<' Bomh<'r still showNi a trace• nr JOWli; :ind thr wind 0111· lined hr:wy. huli.:illl! thigh~ Thr toporr th111 Lm11s 1s fighting n I08ing h:tt • 11• ag11ins1 "'"il:hl cnm" whrn hi' s11 id hr sc11 lrd 211 f(lr the last hout wilh \\'akoll nnd 1•x. peeled to go :lJ.I or 215 Ibis tim<' "I ha\'rn't Wt'l!'hrd sincr J ll'H." he sAld. "l stay away from thost' scall's." * Fight Results Sen Fraobbrl11 11 1701 -Zek<' t.uN'to, J:\4'-.. S11n Francis<'<>. out- polntrd Rrubcn Rl\'t'rs. 13."P-,, Chi- cago 1101. Alu Amador, 142. Snn Francisco. nutpoinled Hal Robbins 1~. Vanro11\'<'r. B. C. (6). ' 1-t 'n-. TMlcM ".loluuly o'Clock" ... ........ DulPI«" --~ - DIDllS ···-II!: Coml11« 8'nlllay: •"'J'he .lo18oa Story': THE MOVIE .BARN 858 So. C-* 11119'.. LAGUNA BEACH • Ole/ Time Movies 'hltaaaJ nm..p 8-day ao-4 Mo ... ,._ • u;~oa. t •LRIC" In "Tiger Rose" MAlll' PICKFORD 111 "Savage Love" UONF.L BAaRUIOllF. la "Wife Tamers" ... WILLIAM 8. llAllT la "Every Inch . a Man" ·~taUe-~Ue <'Xt~ fire ha.za[d. J 1111 night when the run starts. lx>- The appeal "'"' f,~1'1 und<'r ea~l!f' 11almon mli:ration OC"cur con11ldentJon by th<' commission mO!ltly nrt<'r ditrk thl1 ,,.'ttkc-nd a t Ju Los An~ell'S --0- mHllnit. It wu presented by J~ The litl'l'<'n·hradrd nrnll11rd _ EL PASO. Tl'x.-1UP)-Eadol- fo Q uijano, 170: Ei Paso. Kneckcd Emil' Rios. l~. Los Angl'll'A, <6) SAN DIF.GO. Cal -<UPI-Jer - ry Mcswain, 188. Anaheim. Calif .. outpointrd Ccnr Felton, 191. Los Angeles I 101 . FAMOUS FOR FOOD s. Hunter. chief of the bureau of prllC' t I\ r g I' t or th1l\l~Rlirl!' or aame cof\ll'rVatlon. as an altt-r· sportsmC'n-nwkri; up nlmost one- nate l)"ltem of dt'f'n 11eRson!ll nlong third or th!:' pnpulntion llf \\1ld •1th a f>oulble rontlnufttlon of cluck11 nnd gl'<'~l' in tllC' l'ntlcd the pr<'M'at system ot cons!'rutl\'<' St11tell. Be Wise -Advt'r tlw NOW OPEN 6:30 TO 8 P . II. 11ea)om for ttw>' coa.st range and Thr frdr'rnl fish nnd wildhfr lhf' Sierra Ne\'ada. s1•rvlre hn.i: rurni~hrd that ficure ~ forestry ~ard points Ollt On thr hn~iS Of R \\'Alr rfowl in. that Sc-plemhl'r "combinrs 1 the \'l"!'t1iry m11dr ln~t Jan11nrv Srl'- wont fire rondltions with thr ron-ond m('i-t numrnms ~1w•c•1;·~ WAS ditfons of mtoc\mum • inn am· the plntnil · mabillty of fort'!'! 11nd w11trnh~ -0 - CO\'l'r." TI1e hoard addt'ti lllRt the :-.:o 511C'Cf'!tJ>nr 1111~ !ll'•'ll nAmt•d present dr~1gh1' indicatl's 1948, )'N f\•r Emil \Ill, rxrruti\'r offi. «r of thr slat<' dl\'lslon of fish and 1tam1', Who turnrd in his l'ftlgnatinn r"ct•ntly The rl:'signn- tlon. <'H<'<'li\'r M11y 1, wa~ 11<·crptl'd "with rrluctnrrce" h~· the rom- miulon. which ndopt<'d a r":tn- Jutlon rommrnding 011 for his "in- valuabll' ~er\'IC('" duriniz thr thr('(' and a h111f nars hi' hrld lh<> pmt CLOSED MONDA\' · SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN NEW TYPE Of SALT WILL MAKE FOODS TASTE BETTER "Ille •·orld"s Jarg<-st ro.e bush la at Tomb6tont'. Anz.. A white bank- •1'1 abuut SO )t'U'I old. it is eight f"-'f high.and an t>Stimated 150,000 blooms CO\"f'r n 111 May . WEL<X>ME HOME! ...... _... ..... tm AMIJ"C&N LDHOK ....... --·a-·-............. ~ ...... ... .... _ ........... .... ,, 111111"1 A UMAIN itl-YCMIR PLAftS I .......... ,.. ... ~-..... 11,_ 1n plmminc to baiJd to.iay. you natanlly aped to paylDOft loram..teft17- thiac-t.brm..JUU. ~ -... r-id ia 1939. But you t.w. Gae'*' ... -.prime abwL Wbm youlp!Ci(y ps-tlme i• a real 6ar•oi,. in your plua For .. odually eatt1a ,... ... bloy tAaa ill 19391 ••• Tbanb ~ lo ., many --~ the c:mt ol ....... ,... low. Addi- tiGiial N¥eDlle &om u. ... o1.-to JDOl'e and lllOft a.- t.oa.ra ... tlOllltrillia&e -pmftto ........... .......,. rime ia apt? New ca.- ..... lttlp when ...,. ...,. J*1 to lift wbere.._,.cma ._ ....... by ....... f.acilitillL On the otbs mnd--. --emte"l8 eltl to OS operatia1 n.,..._a. Aed -~. too. Takias are fll u.o....da ., ... i.o ... located where 1u,maia ................. -to ...... tJmn. a-. -2~ ... 3 .... IDOft than in 1939. Matsiale and labor ... at ... all-time hiih ... and ta-. and payni& and ewn the c:mt ol pe in the fieJd-t.we cfimhecl--.tily •. • • • Addinc ..... cmtonwn ..... ol coUne. incr 1 aed the de-- ....t for pa. So-lo provide -additional eupply ol lo.- co.t ... ror thie ~y 'll"OWiDI area, we partic-• ipated ia one or the ,.,,._ at lllltllral ps projttU OD record. 11w m ammoth $70 mil?ion Tes:u . Ca?ifornia pi~line w as const ruct4!d from tw ne.arett practK:al •ource , M>me 1.200 miles away. and is now in opera- tion. • • • MePt.U., rillinc c:oet.a .•. serv- ing mOre a.a.omen ... pro- vidiac ..._ ps ... u.-... our prob&ems ju.t • ._.. qinc • bouilebold bud_.t ia yuan. So whether JOU .. pLtnninc ~build ... lo -a i.-already bailt ... or to ...... ,.,. p-.t hew ... l'f'IDelDIJs-...u1n11y·• ...,.U11 ill YolD° p/oM I . ... •on •••• •••• YOUR llOUllHOLD aAaGAIN II GAS --·· .. ·- c .t • ·1 , c ? E E I i: t 1 c • f! It c • f. IF • t n 0 b ti ,, ,. 0 t• ..