HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-16 - Newport Balboa News TimesKits 'l1nmoral' Use San DiegoH.ousi Today's I ti A..M . .-P .8. T. Jlo"' -1ocJ. A nrape BALBOA t J ll• ft•!• 4 I •• G.ambling, Disorderly Houses Told ~ iiiiiilllifjl MES ,. II••.. I \ ... ~ • \ l11ol11-111,i1- l\,11 l .. I iil111o·, \ 11lutth' IHI 117 111' ~I ;i.; 111' ,\t i I Ill• lill 1lllll ~ ....... , 11 Mtot ... ·t 11 .. 1 oft 1•...-1-'our MBRACING !.ALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWKJRT. SEASHORE COLONY. UDO /SU, JIEWK>RT HEIGHTS , BALBOA ISLAND , CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MQA '5'1!:W"l'OST at:''"· C'ALlt'OK.'ilA. ramA'f. AJllllL f&. l!Mlt t 'nlt ... t , • ..,....., A~ ..._.............. ·~· , ""'~·" lWl OLUM~ XL ' \\ i\SI llNC'1" IN AtH'll 16. ~.LASKA JRQQPSM.rs._FDR~ Jr. SurVives ·PiltOv~r~o.~e ~RE MOBILIZED .. . -~ft~~vi~i il 'l 'I t\ •'•111:1•'°"'10111!1 t••Ollnltlft• Ill\'"' •~1111,w I •''t lh•'li ''-"~') that 111~111 '"""' 1ln11' In u Sim l~o p11lolh• li.111•1111( 114.U,....t ""''' ~ }"1 i.:11111hltnl:'¥'' ror th•· ntlf'•'1ttJon 1 •I '"'""''"' t) h1lllM'' 'li1t• lllVt"'li1t11t111', ,I fl ob e r t Iii"" II, ~l;.'111 l"'\l'l'UI '"'"k~ lllWI'• I i~t1t 111til 1M1l11i1• lt11U,111i,; 1n,1)1-.·t11 In llt1• !'1111 1 •h·i:o "'''II l1tl•• lf1,t )f'•r .11111 ~"I,\ thla )''llr lk told hi.a '1111~ lo II h.ullM' "''"'IJll\I' 1\lb- l'•lllllllltlN' ,lll'lMl<-rl 'h). ll••11, f.'or. THE I U.S. Moves SAND To Bolster CRAB 'Back Door' U. N. Rm• es 'IE·er1wy' Holy la•d Talk l-:'l:ITEJl :S Al:I O :O. S IL\U. riu-h1ni:. :s ,. , -'r•n l u;. .a f' 1 Tilf-l·ru1f'd X.11tJL>n' r ....... ral .\.~­ ... '!Tihl~ i;i.umt~ launrho-d t'ffio·r):~_., mt'f'Un,,: (jft lho flo;,l: • By SAM tOSPITAL. The beleagur- ·ed a nd non-existent Pre;- yterian hospital came in for \\'ASlll:'l:G1'C)~. A pril lf. 11,,... tltnJ:l.f' tod.i~ 111 ho -ti.Ks. .... I U.PI nu· arm)' mu\•>d tMa) to of ..... fn...tt -~nunr ..., J,1h lh.lt boL~ti·r 11~ drfrn,....., ;11 Ru.-., ... ·,''~.: ... u -f'Jdr1 -a~-•~ "11:'.-- backitoor h) ordl'nng ~· R.()()(1 <UT'f" fnrma1Jnn "' thrtr •f.oi) l-")ftf'I p-nund lroo..>pS tn Ala,.ka. ~tatr At llw ...-im" llnw II derucod As.' thr ~) CCtft'<"ftPd r"C'<:umn.: n•por1,. of So\,f't air and 1 ~ «· t.•.orn."1 th.;tt z,.,.u.., J,.-3<1o r ~<1 aclln t" In am1 ao.Kmd 1 h" Chi.am \•;,..nr.3.11 ~ ... n ~ nuc ...-~ JN'nm~ula. it .AAl<I lhl' n•~·t~ -O!Ci< .. r-J nn th<> l 'nltt'd ~ta·,... that thr 1 '°"' •htfl of comh:it t rriope.. anti· J ..... , •i ll •'lrtffJd to full~ •ar· rurcnir1 umts anll ttwr i.:r .. u.nt.1 1 fa.n· thrtr t<ff«1• to ''""" ~ • r .. fm<'1' If• Ala~kll 1,.d, ... 11.,-no-d onl~ a.rat" "tat• to "h:ila111"1?" l '. S '' n-~th tho-r•• \\-. tJ~n otr .. ul' n "' .1r...t 1't1" M.tlOO ,.:01,11 .. ,.,. m\•olwd tn I twtd a ·rm .. ,,,. n;111f..,..'111"'1" "" ,._ 1lw ,\111,.k,un mo\•' an-7.000 ,...,,,,~ ('\{·of tht-a.~~.m.t) 1nr1 •~ •1rto ~an 1 h_.., "mm1mum dc·fensc -\l'<URI R t.imm duef.._A.1-!l:lllcaJCl-__ -::"~~ urk•-d 1tn Congn.'S.. rt.-a'flll) b) d<·k~tr 10 thfo t-,.; Too Many' ~\;\:I',\ :'lltl~I<',\, 1',\1., Al'ltll. 11, 11'1'• :\t1 .. ,tun" .. l,l"""'\1•11 , ,\..'. \\l11 ul lt••.)rtl•' l"'"ul1uf ~ ··h••,,'' "'"" \\1t4 •• ~ ..... 1 ,, .. ,,., .... ,•u"11••11t.u1ul "''''"''' 11f ''''•'PU•trit 1 I''"' 1 ••lo1··· I , 1•11 Io .1 I ;\I•• 11,., ... \1•11 111111 lw•••n lukmi.: 1111· 1lo ".f .. 1 '"" mhl"•' 111 1 ... r 1•h\ '" ,,.,, It• 1 Htl"'-t '"" h 11•I nut 1 .... II .. 1 ... 1'1111( \\··II .. 1111~· "" 'h "' 111·1 tlttrtl "'""' .11111 Ill, 1t ........ , .•• 11 1111!1 I .I < '11111111· Mnrplo• 11\ thr 11 .. , ••1'1) 111 11~ I"'"'"' ,.,, A I ln111c-N1, It , Ind • • I It'\'" n Mill ltt• hntl "1 RlkM lo 111,111) l""'l'h•" •I" llll I ht• "ll'TI'IU· l.11 tltr-<" tn th1• h1111"hll.: <lf•H•l;ip- tlh "'" "" ""'' "ml •'111•r11tl't.I b) lht-..:n' ,., Htttt'Ut "'1'11\I .tnvo•r.,. 111111 puUc'f' lokl Inf' n ho111 I h1 • .ii. mbl in.i and howlrtt of , .. ,.1..:11111 hlll," h·· h·•tlfk!d 11·· "fl 111 \II"' •rdc-1 Ir hou...-. wtte I" Ii.• f,.111111 In IM•ll1 thl• nt'Kn> and """'' ..... ·111111 .. "I 111 "''' ~""' tht•M' h•l\l--· •·rnl 111111 ... Mml "''I" ll .. 1rt•am f1I 1•~1111•· i.:11tn11 In nn1t <l\ll," l\nlwa Miltl ·~nw nt'll(hbo• com~ '111111• ltlth"Tly ." Ill' .siw1 lw did not n1akr • P"f'· \\ """ h,. 1 .. 11n1t h111 wit,. 1111· ''"""' lnw"'lllCHI Ion ul ttlC' • 1Cunb-1··•11., 1t1UJi, 1(,.,.., \f•ll •<11111111n11NI 1111 1111.: 111111 i 1Ch1•r lllr1111I 1UM1 tu wtUda 11rnh11l11111'• 1.1 ''"" l\••\•·11) 11111" 11,,. '""'""!>: unit" ~,,,... pul be-- h11m .. 11 1 ·, II 111 Mr" lll.llt"~·\'rll 1·1111M> tlw 11 .. ·111 fo'lll Mfl'~ll Mlvl!IC"d \\llS t11k1•11 lo SI J.,l111'a lt1)SJlllnJ 0.:11111"1 11 . I'" S11111u M111111·11, wh1·11· lwr run· Aaik .... t. &.-. .... U 11111 .. 11 "•1• 11•1•11 lo •I ltnpr11\1-d Tiu• t••n)o..-·t mi.n11awr •••• llalwid 11.,., .. ,,, ··I•, """ le l'll11lr1111111 nf 111 1,.,,11 Into llw ••hatlnn, Jlrvwn tho· t '11111"' 11111 r..11111• 1IN1111c-rntlc -i111I, 11111 th•• 11111nll.i:t'r h11rr re- ,.,.1111111 1•1111111111 ll't', ~ttltl hi" wl(r I"" 11 •I ht• wu_1o umtbh• lo find ~- 1q 111111 •nil.\ 11w1k mu· '"" n um y nf th l111; WJ'1lf11(, 1l11•' ln\'f'•t&sator tho• ,1.-·11111,1.: 1 1111~ ..iol•I "" 111111<•1""""1 111111 In one. U · ·A, r1mrJ:tttrr, Annn t-!lt'nnor, WH i.ull J~ l ive• unUa '••I'll .11111 Ill'" Mn. n ............ ,, lhf' ,-, ....... 1 h\ II 1111111 11• f•nuly '•nd Owt resounding wallop a t the !.'-()f C. meeting Wednesdny. fter Dr. Pease submitted a eport or lack of progress. 'he now of l'Clll<lrks follow- ig his· sla.t<'mcnt u.:a.s_pcc.L.- y critical. not onJy of the . loard and the non-att<'nd- noo of Joc•ttl cli r'\'.'ctor~. hut 1 .iJl;keP.~ _p romiS<.'S of ach:1- lit v. Newport ·Harbor as 3rd on thC' ,,:ovemm<'nt's st in California in prn\'id- 1g the S200.000 alloca ted _gainst the raiSC'<I total of early $600,000 subscribed :> dale. One re-ason why a tart was not made to build nly a 40-bed hospital. was hat Washington might not. ome !n with it-<; share after he institution is startro. 'hat the timC' for delay is ast was evirlcnced by going ·WI' the heads of the bo., rci .nd appeal to the congres- ional dl'lcgation for ft'd. ape cutting. Gt·n. Omar ~-Br.uik•). arm~ chtt>f Tiv> ~ .... .....c:t WC"IZllDIL nJn- of ..;Jilfr . -~do'T'~ t•• i... .. n.n-~.1'"' Al 11"""11' llw army ha,. on 1111¥..,1: 7>""11·• J.r~" tnld A u" combat troop!' In AlL<;ka.. The-tin t-h<· .J,......, au.Id f..-:tu -no IL3t 7.(U I ml·n l'Mll,.n'<i th n.ui;h<ll.11 1.-r •°hal 1~ t •Nt-"lt SUlf"$ t~ .lot: \'0 \\\LT Ut:DTIU' n ·o AT 1.1,t. ,In ~,.,.,.. thl" limit r11tc•h nf hut11<'11da uU dN·k uf landln1 at Kine'.., TtK• nwn. trom l..,,,.wood. mad~ lhl• ltl111l lru111 ltw 'l•o rlll•h,.r \ ttlNWI• umh•r Kkll""'' ~--, ,.,.....,.... ' -11hulo "' llu11h \lr '\t llan l11r11h·1 lt11h1..i1. S1·1t1u•11li•1 ·nw •lour" ~ .. n • 1•111 th'rnutth for Uwo lln"M'\'••l IM 111~11 h 11\ ,. I\\" lltlnll, ,:, •nvo•nlf·nt 0111·r11t lufl of 11 hllWdy 1111111·' 1111d Ml1•h111'1 • l111111W , . Allhou.:b Uruwn .aid po~lcr blld 11°111 lum ntw,.11 thr nmttr t , hr ~ ''' u1111 .. r •1u1.,., lunlnlC hr 11.,,_ 111111 'lh••y mml•• flll raid. wtlile tw + • 4 Victor)· IWuons. Presi- icnt R<ilph Maskcy c;ilk>d •n Councilman-Elect Ross ;rrelcy. who s.1irl the int<'r· ~t shown w~s mnnifestC'd by 60 r, \'Of ti ( 5i r,; COITt'<.1 ) .nd that a ~m.-s.-. admin- :;t ration would be forthcom- ng. To this retiring Coun- ilman Mason Siler intimnt- d th<tt thf> pt-eSE"nt council lirl quit<' a Cl•w wo11h-whil<' hings and that there \\as 'Onsidcra hie more t n l"W' IOftl'. So Huh Howe declared h<' la r gl' \'011"' "as rlut'.' lo 1 hf' <1:-0·C'Onsdous public's lat~<' 1ills. to which J\tr. '.\tas k1•y '<'Pli<'rl thnt the• dty's t;1v-s n•1·1• nn liii.:lwr 1 h;m I\\ n ~':1rs agn. \\ lwr1. :!0' • \\a:.. rldt•<I : nnrl hot h a~r'('('(I Ow '01tnl y';; 1 n'nwndous hikt" m s ilw C':l\ISl'. A\id llc'rh. (1•11m· poun'fl nil cm t h1• rn11hi1'<1 water':'~ pointing -a tlw \'n ht<' ~)f tirg:rniza 1 ion n "inning tly• t"l1•1·tio11 anc1 ha 1 t ht"' ;;;rnw pffo11 must I)(' X'stmwcl ·on tlw for1 hcnming rn tt•r vote'. if \\ <' arc to g<'t ..iwo water. • + • Poop Crat.-... fn meandcr- ng arounci Balboa thC' othl•r la\' ~'"' some• rather odd- ooking stand.; ll('ing Cl'<'l'fl'<I 1ext 10 thC' Saf('\\<Jy. As tlwy l1'e right smac·k rlah in th<' rnl<'r of town, \\as \\·onrl<"r· ng \vhcthcr tlw pC"1mits to )Uikl \\'t'rc approvt'<I by tlw ~ity plnnning C'ommission. If ;o just why arr su<'h st n1c- :ul"('<; permitted in I hf' hl'art >f B.1lhoa? 1-:""n if they are .emporary pC'l'lllils some rt'· rtrict ion should in. ist ott :>uilclings in h:lnnony "ilh rurrounding sl ti)('l U!"N'. • • • Nt>w Grammar Sc>hool. RC'· m ,.,.d cri 1 kism of t hr nl'\\ ::;i-ammar -chonl sitP. .ll<'- cau~ outs11ll' fh(' city , to Prindp;.i l I lor:11'<' En!-.i~n. anct hC' rt'plu'd thnt if <1n~ · one can finrl I ~1 lH't~ in orw pi('('(' in~ick> thC' d ty limit-.. woulct lik,p-f o ha\'<' it pointrd 1 C'on.tin1u•cl 011 Palo:'" q • ch•· p.·nin~ula arr ;i...,..,~l-d t<> .... r. to d<• to IJ)(d a J-~-tr .,.1, 2 Pro t• • ncm;.: and ~uppl~ mi: I h{' air fun'• . \\ • n...t mo 1008 ID Th('ro• an:• ahoul 9.()l'JU air forr(' I ..-.nnan' ~. ~ 'p 1• D Th" 3 force 15 coin&: ahead I of t hP s. l mtt'd s-1-•'"Uh ttw IJl.•rsonnd there. . .,,h Au_:-iu:i nlftf"?'°tofd dl~h I 0 lte epl as 1 with a ·~.000.000 C<lnSUUc1Klll reai·-°' t.hfo job ahmd of •hrm.. Dropped, 3 Hired job to provide radio ODllllDUnic:a-~ WitJI .,. 29 ...,.. .. ...._ tions, ~ and f'tdite-planr • ~ t.hfo ~ ~ C"'tl~ of Poftno R. R. Hodekln· ba."<'S a nd radar in.,.taJlation" j ••1<'<"1"<1 Dr ~~ Arn-ot Arlt"'~ Hln !M'l• rr•v.-al~·d a h•t or pn1· ~· •ma pn-->d111t f,.-tho-~ ........ mm1nn .. ·,n h1' c1<·1111nmt•n1, 1lu1 Th<' anny sajd th1• fonhromanG ""°" and buridtd doa-n to th" h,. "'"<t h·· "'II :t\\;111 1hP n•''t troop mO\·c·m<'nl I'-mtNlilf'd • 10 ~JC.i nf 13 OC~ ~Y M · fTIP<•lin2 ur th .. t'tl} r.11mc1I h..rur" ''h.il11nc€'" l ' ~ fnf'1""" -a nd tn tram I hc.'"1° ..uhm1111n.: :i noe•otnnwrnlat mn for i:n)Unfl 11n 11>-m ('nup<'rallnn ~·•!h ""'"" f'4o"Mton UJ""1 th!-bt~ th.· r••pl.u" m .. n1 "' o1,.,k S.•111.: .. rinl lh<' air fot"Ce I"""""'' 1•li<nnt111: Tho·) hOMt ~ C'h:irl•'"' i.; 1'111·~1 "ho up:-1'1 \'"' Announcement of the trnnt• ndtd infunn.;iJJ,-to ln<'t~I T F , ran Frank I~ R1n1·h:irt in :; ~tun I ran'(('"' ranw "1thm a fr"'' d:t}' T'u.ns: "' <."tuna a<. ........ ~ •• t>ur I n1n1o; \ trlon f11r' t h•· """"' of f'tl, of """' :ind w 1df'I> <tf'('Ulat<'d rr-th<> -'0 l.:ot&n ~ ~" clrrk 111 T1ir•,<l.,) ~ munac 1pnl .. t.-<- porti-lhHt t tw Ru! ... 1an" ti.aw· N '<'Tl i."IJ a n:>O\" •bxtl z;;k\f' rhr Ar· raoon il<'ll\f' H\ Ala~k<t . tt>nttn" df>J.-ptP :\1 qt ttw> 5.1 ,r,c,, Prnm1>11"1 "l'rr \\'1111.-r l>)-.1111 R<'p. ~tari:arf'I ("h;i,,. Smtih R I ra.·~ trt1m :t•'llnl.( 1.. r1<•rm1m,•111 c·111>- M r. Nt11I nn Tu""d:t) that Sf"'M•I C;it}I" )1unu ~ Brazll mo.u;,:. f.it.n. :in<I John L I'll"''" rrom acc. I jo·I pl.'."'"' haq• .. , 1111111.-.d Al;1-.kan uratrd tho• ~~ ~UttC 1~ ,., pPrmanf'fll Sl'fl:•'ant !<kw• •"Jth .. f.-n"l'lt aw "Olll '" 1~ 1- \\'1llrnm L Rak"r. pubh"lwr nt • rW-of l>;t"""1mr u. ;arr-on -,hr lhf' i.;1•11·h1kan (11mnacl('. 'l'T01•·.11ntaJ ""'"f"~Vl'f1~ ~Hit•-·· -· m an l'dl111nal 1hat a Ru'"'an , th<· l ':S can • •Alt a ,..... ""'. 'Uhmnnn•· W it• '1.:h1•"1.I m K1•ka <·mm.'fl• '"" tho' l<.f) La~nd. h:irh"r '"'" 14· r" k " acu I•> an I Am<'rt!'llll p1lo1 , l\.,ko·r al-., n • 3 Marine Stat• ponf'ft :i~ "c-nmmun k no" ll'Cli:··· IC)D 1 lh;e l ;, H·'...~l \\:1• "fol"('o'CI rifM 'fl Ill Ope 1 111" \\llrlf'm•"'-'-uf n11rn1· 1.1~1 ,,..,.. rators l.AJsers 'J7 '"'h it ~\ 11•1 "wll Ill '"I 1 f I\--.--s.• llrll) ' 0 VGllldf;e it 1 I''"'' \rr. Lt f".r'fl. ="'ath.an F 1\• 1r11n~ • .. mm.andmc t"n•'r';•I ••I Th,..... , • ..,. ,,...r p.,~ rr-•' n· 1'1· l ' ~ nm 1f'r! fnn-•-c m Aln k'I "'" 1•• .,,..,.~, •-p r':\1"'' f:t1 I .:1111 ,,., • .,.,. 11(' 111" •hrll-Jw'tf""i Grv"'1Vf"!)k• J<~ .Atr•an :u1tt •' Jn a harth,.r .. hull hni: nl 111• ''""· lf1odgkm"on dr-.1r1"'fl l11iln1l- m:in R#\lph C<>m••d rhu• 111 his lnrk .,( r-1tlo•n•" rt"11t11·•·mt>nl~ untlf'I i'lnl """'II'" 1:-tw . h1n'<l I .rc1 F Smith a• a ru1t.11m1• 1~'llrY•lm:111 h1ro'Ci 114,, m•'Tl \\';irr·"n rt <"a"•1·ll .ond •: ~ fi.n1,.,.. ,,.,,m 1 h<' rx1 rn 1 h•t and pur th•·m nn pr,,l.;1111•11111) ""'""'r <1111) MORE ON BEACH INVASION BY SMALL, BLUE MARINE . LIFE 11-:..~ a nol H11-.~1an '"' p l.11w• \\• r• I • p,,... :· .. ~,a it:r: .. ..i.,~, <•·f'ft"t' ·r.,.111 '"''' " IVN..., f,. h • ~· """ ar-., n 1.,, !',.....t-... of hlur jt-11)-fl"h \'11 11 ''' -11·,11••s.:1-1-mrl 1.1 n..: d:.~ •.:" >l'T •.!'!·--::,, c-_-~. i'A•· "''"''" ,.., .. t..-n '"'~llnr c aJI. t;. n '"'t:.:h1 JJ E 1"•·nh1.v.1•r anti •ty.V, nd 0 1 ,-... • • ·~ • f'!':••.... , • .,.-.,. hir-a•h•""' ha\•· t..-•·n foun•I 1;,•n ,I L:l\'"l•lfl ('11lllll• d• plll\ ~"' •• ·'"""~°'1 1;•• .. ,. 1-r~r ir tr. '""l'"rf lf11rt'"' llnol h:t"' .-h1••f "' -.1;tff. h;l\ .. I•• n "'"m . .::•• "'. "' ... • ,-·~.. "'-l<tr•flf...,. ... , .. .,.11,. "''"· 111.: 1 .. ,. '""'" 11m• t h.1• \I ••'-\\'•~n<--i:n t,.. ~ Oourt ,.... .. .,., .. ,.,. h)•lr•.t•I .. "hlr h In· <f, f• "" <.. ,11, 11,.,,,11..,1,h "' :.k J u<!::• p_,,l"" .... ~ '""l'"'>n ,.. rl...... T lhfi,h. ....,. ...,, .. mono., ... .-~al,,. alftif"MIC ••lJt,~r t htnx,. , Accuse Fullerton 1 Man of $59,000 Oil Well Pipe Theft I.I •S A:oo;r.FISI". ,\l'IHL lfi I l'r I ;\l:tl\ Ill I. Jlu;.h) Full· I t •-.o T I ...... • '•:lot . .I pl •· I -, I ..••. t. , . I• •I. "'H1,· f1•'1' ,_,.,..,,. .,. ... -·.~~-··':'11'-· ....... r • • !"',II r. r • I r.)c t 1·. -rfl<-'Ahl • ~ " ., ••• '1:: v : ,,_. ~'' • 1'•U:. Ji, -.. t•S t..-l-• : ,_ .. ,.,.,. +~.-t ,, ~:oll•-n• • 4 11.Jo..f ;.n ! •-'4' • a•••n.: ''"" lootlJ\ 1•lfoa<l1·d 1;1111•) tu <tl':tl· !•of ..or ,.,., ..., 1..,. .,.-vS, • .,r •t .. 1 in..: .... , ... ,.,., ,,_ur•h "' .,,, "' 11 p•1~ 1t, •' •!"'! ,.-, '' n,v n-h.31"1 n-:- frt1tn t.1 ... , JO( l••:c• f'-Th,. l'r1111n • ·~ ,,,, f'lo•! ,, ·k.t "--,.· •• If· ~,, t ..... (•O ...... flf.-. ,.-,· ... ~"°'~ •_..•A•~ •tri·t j !'111• 11nr .111,k~ Tli11m.1-I. Am· '""' I•~· 1 !:-,,.,, ~· ,1.,.,., ,,,.,,,, I h1 "'•' '' 1 .11111• l • tu r a n1·;1r1n\: ttn, f),,~•'1i J .. Ji f " ?Ji ,0 ,.,,.t ''· •' 1 1 '"r luo pr,1h;i 1 '"" 111<·,. < I i\11 •'"<I Tu .. "<111) Jl11~I•) ~ ,.c ·. -r" "1 ....... ~u.•irv ~1""\f'>"'' ' itr•·u~, rt nf rl1\t'rf1nc m t"T• 'h;tn ._:(,• ,,-,,;. ''"" r Jw1. ,-,,,. .... "r ~ir•! l.-,J ot••• f,., 1 ,,( Jlllll I• l"lll:llll! ,,, •.t•JC''l l I•• -~~ tt,.. f'Tt;:';""' •·~ t 'mnn I 111 '" h1~ ''" n purr••'-•" ••a!"'f1°'1 Ta..-• .,,. f r ,. ,. "" lmmlnac • ·.t•,.lal 11nln11•I,, •m11llo·r 111111 ~ ,,, ..... ,., .~ .. ""'"' fir th•· , ... ,, ttl .... _ m•• of ":.r \\hit .. , . .,.h "~°"' 111 ••• .., Inell\ ioluttl, It i• In r ... aJit' pi rt of " f ulon \ ur pr .. ,.,... th .. hl11 .. ,,,.1 tH·ln11 '"''' P' .... p :on•l """" uf I h,. fll1tm•·n 1 .. '-"nr: " "'"'"""'" P"IH•· Tllor tr.-per .. nt ,,u1 ·~ k•,.·I ,... ~,. lop of tltl' ;11,n,h Mid If 'llor ' .. i..na lat a two. .. "".... up~•· I ht , ...... t4a\rf' It 1 .. 1m11hlf' 1 .. ricltt u ...... -d "''"' .~ - Tllory ....... ...._ .. , ....... ._ .. "'"' .,, ~··lll•r: ""t"''' \\Intl .. ""'I .,,. fWfti•arll, NMYtmo• thl" tlm• -.f ),..r ,., off ""',.."· ,.,....,,. "'"lromr. . --- DOUBT COMMUNIST COUP IN IT ALY ELECTIONS I R\' \ IR<.11. l'l~IU.t:T 1 mrri· t 11c oth~ .,.,~.:~ mm~,. .,... mrnr••,.r nf ~ "" 11n•I J•r"t•• l t'1111o-tl l't•''• ~1.1ff C'•1!'r••J"''"'l•nt in.· rl •111•" •4 f•· eM t-=-· 1n •f''I • "Ii" '""'r•oll•rl ;oll 111" f{l 1\ll' Apnl 16 • l'f'• Q\J0kli· dH :jlo"1... '·~"!111'• ••• _..., • r -.. I •J• • '""'" mrw 1/ln•' f," ff1•rl ,,1 ..... r\•P· <J,, nu1 itO"tr1J.:t1• '4-""'--tn ., ,,,, .... _. , .. ,~ .. ~,.·.n "'''""'1'1'•'l fU'~''"'" '''.' c"'1,mr-r.•to1 .. • rt1up 1n l•;t h tn ':rtri"'1 '" ,.-• ,.,,'' "' •• ,, ou ... ' f1r• nu• r ~ • htl\ 1r 11, 11( ~'r "f"f '10f HI• f\"-Wt fh J.tr· I -f I •• f" I"'!"'-.... r .,. 1 '' • ·' .. ,J,I ,. !tit t '1,ffl't1 U n.iflt•n 11 , )•'4'lt••h"" S1J',,f,\~ .in1t '' ' ' ·. • • •• ~~ er;t .... , .... 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I ,\r1 •ti1t 1m (,r1rl,tnl fffl~ttf .,,.,... rJf--~'th I t} I ( '11Jl'm•.n1<.' ~ ., llf l1f •"'1 -.... ~ • _ ... -• f \ P.:ll'"'I tfl '''"'''" JlO"•·r tn ('"/•-rh,,...Jt,\·1"'1:--1 t •' •' ,.. ...... ... .. ..... , • , , ,, •t, l.,,,,1, ,, ~ f 1, 1 • 11m pl., !111 "''' '~"' h• ri • t I 1 '• t ,. t• I Tt 'r1• 11rt "'' ."••n1r11i:n1'"'' an ·t • 1,, .,..,, , .. ,. 1·nli1m 1 '"•mtn1u11.i~ df, nut <'<>n· ., r•: ·"" , • ffl•I lht~ .r-r ) ''r •h• ;.,.-1)J('f" ,..-...,ri!' , ! , -itS a.~ T• ~ '" •ti• .• r 1 •t "'' r1( ( 0 /1 t hn\l1,~. d I 1 >n '''' ron1r11~~ th<-1?m,.m ·, '"~"" • v' :t••,• •'f• ··--·r"'I l\o, tr .t111111n l t;ol\ I' 1 .. 11111d ·~'*' T'hr rr .... n.~'•r tn .,..,,_ "''"' Th•rr AT•"'' r:.•.:tl ,,, ~r,......-f f•I'• ..._ W )• "' 't f{ ,,.,I ~llf h t'-f XI"'' If 1• ''• P.•~H ~ So 'Kadi ,.,,. 'h• I••\ '1kll4 • --- * BULLETIN \11!'' \, A1trU Ul-ll'l'l - Tlle ICu-.l•ft• .enwl nollc'f' oft the Am .. n.-a-aBd Rnu .. h to- ...., to --rd&! ana.a .. ,...... ... , _.,....._ ... ."'9 ... Lurline Tics Up After $19 Million ~1odernization ~~~~--~ ....... ~~~~~~~~..:,_~~~~~~- <;ENEllAL MOTORS TO SHUT ·DOWN '1 PLANTS ~UE TO COAL SHORTAGE Wl~~.~~-:;:,~:~ohf\-T. ,.., ... ., lll-:nu •IT , April 16 1 UPt ahopa •nd pnw room. ln all •ulo-llw ttUhlw ._ ... 1n1i1 ~i.m.aMa IGell<'ral Mutun C'ol'l> •nnC.u.notd hltiov' dlvWGM •Ul be kJM4 by-told the ~\we M ..... tN111y tt'llU It will ,.,,_. 1t11 trw thr n"'1t nr Aprft 23. c · taA&. ""NJl+tat. rt ·· ' .... 1 •1111 ""'"'"''' l11l•11t·11111111 pl11n•.•. ltll " Ii I~ h111J'•d 111111 rf'l'<'fl'f• Will Hrllon" ,ti. m1tkf' '"" ~--.. 1111· !1111.1 ~~1 I\ "rko•i., It\ I\ prl I :1:1 111·1•11111 th•• 11•M11111p11 .. ,. .,r "ll''ll•· ~"'1101111 Thf' JIJllll~ dol:fillr1"""" - I, ., ,,.. I 111 •• fl•.,, ••I ,,,, , •. ,,,, I I ,, , I I I )l n•IW mnkmi.: •n.l!lVf'ttl ... tion, IW' 1 • • t ' .. ~ fttn'( u lP'll••.. 11 1r1e·ut_1uaic J• un • t.1tl•I • ....,1 •- •1 •h• I•• \-f,,y I I ;\1 •ti,ul t ·\I • 11d 11 "·" '"""'"" "''' ,,f n,, .1"' 111111,\ 11111111~ w lll ,.,,n. JIU' trutt .u1t1 '"•I 'UPl•fl•' it' ;, ll"U• lrt ''l "'flfflitfl u-c liutt.: ••• itvotl ''"Ill 111 tfi, 1n 11I ,1111., 11111 11111 11111,· 1111111•1111111 111•r111l1~," tit '' Iii.. 11ul111t11tl•\i ""'''•ntd\ 1•tt1r1t ' 'fHf•1t11t4rtl 1•1u1fh1ttt••I "S••nu• u f l.llS A:".1; .. 11 !--\1'1'11 11: '"11ld '''""" 111 "I" '"''"11 11• 1111 11"" "U'""'"fl\•· 11111111• wlll 111 fin•"' n 1r .. 11ri ... I th111 In •nutlwr "''"'' • 11 11 • •·11ull11 t1) 11 duc.111r .,.. 1•·1111111 ... 1 '" ••···1111y thn..,. •r•r1· 1111•111 11n11,. "' 11 "1i~lruluu11()'" ~ '""' 'l'\o\" .. r 1111· 11111111 on wtuch tit•· •I•"''"' 11nlil $."II !'iO ,_.r month rt·n•. "rn· ...... 11 r .. r offll'f• llPM'f', lln•wn •11111 'rlw third "'lll 1-.1 '" 11 r"'"l•·nt·1· 111 11 monthly ...-nlal 11f $.1•t .1 ·r1 Th·· s s I ,111 lo11· '"'"' •• 1 .. 111· "' II\ •• 11.11.1. 11111l•·1 l11I , •• , '" IH .. 11 •••• ,,.,, • .,,,. f'rlll'lllV•·JC ur 1 h •· n1111"11' l.111•• ··• 1•11• ·"'I\ I ""I' •·w 11 plr111I "'" l1t• """rt"'' I\)' the• 11\\0f\d pru~,•·n.:•"'r \'1·, .. 1·1 1u•tl llJt 111 ltt a 11d i1I• 11u 111 flu• t'Ol IM•lltltun ln1•ul f1lar1t fUUIUt\:•'fflf'Of U• to I "~ Anl(••lo"' lt.111•"' l•ul \ >f l • t 'I '·•Iii lhHI lit• 1"1111111 I•''· llllH'lt1111 • \\ht II lltl') Wiii lu• 1tlft•f'l1•fl " ... l'l,(1(1(1,IH-I lll•Hlt•t lll/:Ol U•ll Jilh Th<' 16·)4'1•r·"ld f,l:t'"'' \I ll INVESTML,N1' DANKL,R T{) TL'f I '" hrur .1111\•d ln•1n ..... 11 I '.,, ~ D l'J J'J J ~ N••1:nt i11ll1111• """' "'"" undrr w1y '" 1111 ... •h•· d•w·tor· .. tol•I rrnl to s~·.i1 II '''""'" A .1 .. nl"i•t who ~Id •1111) $Z7 ~J(I f111 Htri<'t• .,ltf lfvfnc ~:;;;',I ~;·~~ ·;::l'.: .. '.·1·:.:·:·:·· ·'1·;:. 1'::':,:·;I KAISElt -FUAZEI? STOtK DE A LS •·pl""''~ 111. :\Iii"""''' 111tw lo '"II 'I'"'''' I'< 11nw l11•t111; ll"kMt lo r•Y $7~1 " 11111111t.. 1 11~'" n ''"""""'"!. 1.. ~·1111 * Weather & Tidr~ * '"'"' i\nac•·h·• "'"'' ''"'"" \ · \ ' •hlP htl:h cl .. u1lu11•.. uul •. w '"' ,, .... 1 "''Stnn t·~lh~ •••rr1ch• ·••••' ' • "tl.1~ Tt:\ll•t :tt \T l let , . ...,,,.rd1t\ Tutla\ I lti::h ·,. .. I ,.,. • fff"t ,,,. fll.1(4'> t I t Hfl' t Qt'!l f 1gUt #• .1 lo f1 1 11; I I" I• I ' • 17 ., 1•1 If Ii II .' 1 Ii'\ II Ill I ·, I II 1 '- ·, 't'i ·,., " 11 •I 11 1 I .' I ' '~ •• ·, t .. •i '" .. ·.,. 1. . ... I '' !1':111 I '' 11'1 I I ' :H . ' (Ar'"• 7 r/,.t.linlnl ~ WC>rl!t ••beiV". f••rlll"Tll ,,, Loa Anl"'""· now millll#rr flt ui .. ~llhl'ed A•lall•m ""'"""'' 1••11 • t.AP at hnrtn'm f'.rr ••, fh' ~urvtvnr of " '"'"""lirlll• '' r r •'" at ShaJHl()ll Alrl>'•fl 11111 1 v ..,,.,,. klllf'd U \.hf' bll[ pll\ 0" II I• fl Vl laDd Ulf'r-o, '""r"u"" lr•.rn li1nl!11n ' Ill Ntw y,,,_, \\ \~I 11 '\t; f't 1-.; ,\I 'l(J I, 11; I·,, 101 S11il I-111111 ,., • .,, 111111 11 11·1;1~1 • l I' f I ffll t•f Jiu 1t.1 f111t1' I• 111 I J••h f l•t • llflt ••t tfu• '"'' 11f lf11 lfH' H\\•"'-fffl•'UI h .111"''' \\lfl t.11 \lflflftfl Ol•i l'fl h ut"'•I 11 11111 fll"' ,..,_., \ hf tfu• 1111•u11·1·1 ~'f11I • """"'"' 11\ftu k ''""'' 1•111 h tft f·•'t·l1 I\ ii"•.! r-f• IH/t I 'l i1f k 11ff1 'lrU' \\ 11111 1 f llltf Y ll1t "''f'1H il t•' ~ t ,,. .. HH'•· l'flltl I ""' h· Hf,,., .... \\ol ... Pflff\t'tlt d ,,.,,. u 1"-,11u1 '' 'IOUt'' Jt' Ut\• r1~H t 11 1u '' ''' 1d.t) ''l tft• 1. ,t u u••tl) ,,, )(11) t '"• d···•I l •1•,•l11t\ /\ Ht••""''" ''"•t11tt'\ '"" ... Ir•• I It• I •1rr1rt1I'"''''" .1t1f1n•tt1• • I tt, 11 f 'uhl••f HI 1 Sl rt t• l.1flftli( 1 \ 1 flt a 1 ''''' t ·''"" ptu1t111.1I ''•11Ml11.lrl·1 \'"'''• f•d lfli '" ''" '""'•llut1•11i •1f 1•J 1 111 , A,.,, (·J11\•l•t1•I \\•+il•l 1111 't'''''"•ltiu~t t'••nt11t1t, fh 1•fl- ' •I I "" 'trld \\I~· fl 1,, •• 11~. •• ,,,, 'fll11l1 d t if••tt ., ... 'l\lflJ 'Utt• '\ • f. •-• fu •" f1h•fi pt' ~'•Jr,.tl \ It ltf tit\ t I I\ \\ l tf1t t11 ol If 1t1lt1 lfit, rl1 ti li1 11• ft,, I t 1 \\11 k .. , 1,,,,,,,.J'-C '~''''' 1•f•rr •1I ,,, 11 "'"''"""'''"' , .. 1•)1 •I I .,~ .. ,, ... ,.,J. 111 ,,,. j ,,,, ,., ,,, Ill ,,, ,,,,,,I lt••Hli fht• ti· .• , ·~It' '1 ••1 ~,1 I, I ""'''"~( tl•11f •••l· "'' ftl""I 1;ff••••t 11, ,,1111 It I 4 ttl,jft I J•·• I " ' •• 'I.,. t f ~ ,, •• ,, ••• I ·'' 1tlt1 d1f1.' ,,,,,, \ ' . '"'I • It ' I . d1 f••I h1 I I I..... \\ .. .,, ,. ' I ''". ' th· I 1111 f 11 t1\tL\ llt tfu J( tlllfit•r t, 1/•f , •• ,, •• , '"' d1\ '"'"'' S.\ YS REU~ :~ LATI\ -· PL A:\ I I PIUSIN(; IN A~lEIUf .\\ fOI 1STIUE8 ll•·r• n 11111 •• , I\ ,.,,.,, ..... ,, R.. 1 ·111tl IJ•klllh·1I lw•fun· th•• ~ • ••11111111 lt•t• 111 1..rl) fff• l\Jtld Vl'tf'r· ""' 111111 !•'"""'" wtin quallrlt'C1 for 1111• ""'"In•~."''''' ~··1111-d '""'"'!I to ti \\loll•· nlh•·1·, wl111 w1·11' •1uali- f1•1d ~··••· ''''"""'' tu•t , • .-, t•• It 'll1•• "''" """"'' '"" wooand llfl ltil ·~ .. 1h1\• .. , 111111111' h••ftl lllj,;~ "' ,,,.. 1·•1111·1!1"'"" "' 1 .. 1111~ ·~ 1 .. ~11rn11ny. $!J:I, F(HHtstuff s Stolen from ·Local B«iat La.~t Night I II• It "' 'l't ···•'" unfl 1111 ..... 1111n · t t tll I .tfffff .. 1•1•.-I• IHlft ftl'fMf,fufftii; fr•111,-ch• l1t1.itl f\1 Si'u,!Klft" ltf I~· • • fl, 1 ft•'" t :-.; •• ,' •~ ,. lundinJ.t "·' t• I"" 1 .. 1 ,,, 1•1111 .. 111 11 5'1 1.,,1 r111•flt Ur''' • "\• • ''"J.:'lf•" ' .• Ii \\ .t ···k• rt '"'11•'1 •111•1 l h ... 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''I"' J11 IU1t.: "I•• ttf', ''' 1t1•f• 1 d 1f11 t • nf ''"'"'" in ,., ,., > 11 I I 1t n r \ 1111d 1 ;1l111t\ Ui tJu \\ ,.,, • ,, 1.", J•••• 1• 111• lit•lu1r f Ii,. '111•· d 1 ,,, \-\1Jlt .... ',,, ''"''" 1,f II• r1d111 1 1rul Hu• I h 111111111·u 11 J11 p11f d 11 I 11 II f 'u .1dt. l\Hlfl ""''I 1.,. k '"""'" • "" l111ik 1111-it It•• u ,. 1111111lwr '""I '''"''I 1h•'fl th•'nt '" l••llo •' ·" IH'lll1: "'""'' IH And I'• \• ,.,, •·Id ,If, .. "' "' j••11n' un•t ·r t,u 1 . ,,,,,. ''•I lu·111I 101tl ttv• t1ff11 I d.1tk f•ttllt•t• lt411 ttU' fl ,,ft'k "J' •.di (,,, 1111• ,~""II" ' COLLEGE TO REMODEL; MIRES 7 INSTRUCTORS 111 1:1 1 ',,,' , •• ,,,. •• t,,,,,,I •·I t••''''''''''''''' \11 1'-l1."\r111t ~1 ,..,,,,1,,,11 J1,fd,· ''"'' .. ''"'' 1ottf•••wnt'f•S 1 i •1 I' t1·t1•1 ·d •1, • 1::111, f'•\\•lt 1 1 '" ''"l'1 l1 h• lu•rt ind 1•1n•~11'11t 11111' \\Ith tr'\••u iltrn J" • •1 11 1 • '"'·' ti, 1,, Ii• fjl 111 • ,,,,.,, ••I L lh• l•••·n d ,,, l'r ._, I ,d lfi1 • .,11. •"• 11d 1111111'lfath•• Atllff, 11il •• •' ,,, 'f' '"" ~,, •· · •·I '" 1r11•• ,.,,.,,, '••Iii•'• ''' I., •d t\ .inti '""''',,, ''"''~·, Jn ., I • ••1 ''' • ' • 1 ' • \110 11 •I··' I• t• • • 1••11111 1•1··• I•''" I tlfl• • •I•\• l••1u11 .. · fl1• r 1 in• thi· urr tlUtrt •' \! ft. t ,,,,.·••I''• ''· ,,,,,,.,,, \\h"h ~ • """,.'" "'"'''"'"'''"'''''"l"11 tll'4nrkW1th ,,,. t1 t 1•1• 1 •1 •I n ti• • i •,•tin J • t 11 , fiu ti. I"'' Hu :-·r it1 f •i\l"t"n 11f Srh•Milttn\J.M'"' 1 1 II ·"·I•'' J 1• If+'"' I• '"''" ' ,,. t ',, 'I ,, !I~'"'"' ,.i ti! .. ht1\\ l 'L Ulflltll' •f ,, •• I 1i •I j ., ,, r.,, q ,, d ,. I' I •u11· J1.-dd 1t1\0 '"'" .. '"'" I lu 1 ...... 1 "'"'' up11n.v.-rl th" np- "' 1, u1•J •1 11 1 11 1 • ~· l•lu · •t1d ,,,,,. t I• '''" • 1 ''"''"' "'' •it ~· '' n :1tl1l1t l11n111I ln - '• ''• '"l•'t"" 11 • ·•"'"' ''' \' 11h •• '""" 't11 ltt 1"" •• n rl lr11rt10, 1 ,, tt1•· l'.,1H I'• l't•f'M:tol ' f '' ;, " , '1 1 •• ••1 I• t 11f • '•' I• •I ''' ''' t .. 1r1• JirtJ• d • ·•• In; l11tl• 11 1n th•• ttl't•uUtftn('nt.J\,, 1 • •1 '·'''' '• 1• I ., t ' '1 • ' 11"''f~ll lhJ t I ''"lf•h f, ort•I • tlH f• ffl,~tt \1 •ff •., 1 1 1111 •'•. ,., •• 11111 :trill '".''·' 11dl1 l1'' ~1l 1 t11 \1·l·•l•tll•rit j ,\1•1\•rt•· \1 t >1nh1·1nl. ('hhirman ' d I ·• 11 1 'I •• 1, "" I•'" I'"' I'' • ''' '" "111 1 .. ti• \f'l•11 .. ·•I "' llt•· 111"""'" 11( ~:n1.:liJ't> 11nd 11· 1•1 • ''' ~·I'' ••·'H 1 I l'•Jlc •·" 1 ·• I"' ''"I ,,, 11,. "'""' •·l1<lil j •··r ntw,. ""'' l11••r1w111r 1n f:~- /11 th• ""''"''"'" 11,. 1.11111 11111r11 1,. Tl .. 1111 111 1111111 111 f i rm IC 'unllntl<'d 1111 Pltlf' IH t f { . .. . ' af-Crimes Trial Comes To End . For Hide.ki T Ojo Page.2 NEWPORT BALBOA NiWS....TUlt-;N t'RlllA ,. s-port &ac-h, f'allf.'" A 1•nl I ti. llUM · 2 National Parks Looking for Men, Women Employes Ray \lit1he•\A '"" lo><·.i! n111r1a1t1·r or the C111iform.1 Sl:1I<' l"mpl11~· • m<'nt !"•·rn<'e hllll•tllll<" <I l<Klfl) t hat. ;1 lt'f>f"l.'St'lll1'11\t ur •ht s ... quoin nm1 K1111:• c \en) on :"';.I 111nal parka "111 lnte•r\'11•w 11pplil'Anl!l In th<-C'SF:S olfirl' at 501 W Filth at~·t. Sanla Ann on Mondlly. April 19, I pm ·~p m. Op.•mni:• f11r 1rwn ar.. nli,:hl walchnwn . hushc'> s, i.:ru''"r} l'll~h· IE'rt 11nd d C'rk11. 1md11 r11unt111n porti>rs. c0t1ks hl'lp,·rs. k1trh••n h elpo·rs. and .m 111111 .. n11nc•· lll'lpl-ri. ND FROI\T PAGE E -·A - R • L • Y N-E-W-S Warn Veterans to Name Beneficiary In NSLI Insurance 'OJ>('mni;,. for wom<'n nrl• room i\ lari.:e• 1><·rf:'••11111i:1· of \'et1·n 1n11 c:lttks. rofrN· ~hnp calihwr~. <'ur111 h 1\ ,. C:.11(-tl to n11m1· a l>t•n..r11·1 .. 1) clerks. m111tls, "llllrf'Sse·s . ~1Jrt11 lnr 1h1•1r :-.latw1111I S1•r v11•f.' Ltf•· )n. fountain c k rk11, 11ntl dru~ de·rks. "1ri11w1• umle·r lh1• n•vi~e·d luws, II Employmf'nt w ill 1tar1 In enrly "'" "1 nn1111ncl•d 11td1t} hy Mr l\.·11 M ay and termmatC' a fter Labor L.1f'l1<•rm11nn, t'f•Unty ser\'ll'r ut · Day. C·lOd "lllo(C'S with nwals 11nd .111• .. r rcnel d1rrt:tor of \'l'l<'runs ur- lodelng arl' rurnh1hC'd. Thrn• are f:urs of Orange: count y. no aceomoda tion& for qiarrh'd M11ny Sl·rvil'\'ml'n d id nnt hotlwr ('0Uplt•i1. Mon • infonna.tion on the to rt1•s11:nok b ... nd11·uir1t·s IJy nam1· jobe ii 8\'Bilable a t th(• CSES of· 111 OW" ntri•' thl'1r li. J. 1.,-nnt't· fic:tt. was I\ ntten a1 !ht' law prov1d1·d New Dean of Men To Represent Coast CGHege at Meet · for 11111omatic 1m ynwn t or tho· In· sur11nt'(' to t ho.• tn~urc•d's ch1s .. s 1 frlntl\'('•. Now lh1 • 105uranc1· " 1>1t1d in a lumv 's um 10 the· c-stah· of t hC' IMurf'd unln•s a ~nrCk1nry 1s SIJl'Clf lf'd b} nu111<· A~ part 11C an l'UJile, IJlJIUTancc IV!Ws tis 1dt·nt1t} llnd 11 sultjl'CI to IU\\S i;-O\'l'rnmi.: t'l!t11te•t1, includin~ d11irns or r rc·d11 . ors, ad minlstrulors' h 't'" and P1111r1 Oraniie Cout colll'ge will he repr~ntf'd by f' r e d e r I c k R. Huber, r ecently a ppolntPd l.>t.-an of Men, a t the M>m l-annu1tl C1tl· costa lfornla Junior ('ollr1:e S tudf'nt Jr the• 111surl'd ha.'1 ,., h«'I• ti 1he Govttnmenl oonfer«>n<'C' .• whk h wlll mi.tallnw nt nwthud 111 11ay11wn1 11 be jointly SJ.IOnson'd b y' P 1tsndeno is importun l I hat ttw 111s11rNI also Oty colh•i;:p llnd Joho Muir col· nnnw 11 c·11nt 11'11(!'111 h•·nd1t•i.11 ~. leowt'. and will bl' held April IS, 17 olh1•1 w1 \' the 111suran«1· lll'<Y i.:11 and 18 at t~ Gf'('('n hotel in Pat1· In llw <01tlllll• ur th1• 11r1mnr) h•·m adfona. f1crnry Thia confcren<'t' i11 hr ld evt-ry -11f'rinc 11rwt f11ll : r arh junior col· lege 'ln th«> state acts a1 hosu to ~ convention at Ont> tim e or another. Dele1atf'S to the conven- tion •N" the> l'tudt'nt body pttSI· dent aod ~1ce-prnldcnt. 11nd the 250 Complaints of Violations by Contractors Noted I . 25 Hlgll Nippoll !Officers AwaH T11l1 1e Verdict CHARG~ 'FRAUD, CORRUPTION' IN SAN DIEGO FEDERAL HOUSING ,. \\,\:-.lll'c;n1'.\:,,\pnl lti tl'P1 In nddi\lon to charging tha t , 1·1111.•11.111 l-"111• '' 1\ lf.tt111t''' nf tlwrl' hnd h1'1·11 \liolatlons of the • . . . , 111111'" ,.,, 1·1111\,. I· \pll'hllt111••..I ll1tt(•h Al;;I in tht• Sa'n Dic•i.:o of. T••~'°l'1 ,\JJrli I!> •1 P t -Th•'1,ulhu1111111llot• '""l 1"d11~ 111· 1!: fll'I'. Bq~\\'11 l(''llfil'd th1.1t : e •r n im. ~ rri.ol ,,( form• r Prt>mto·r , ""' 1111·• rl I I, 1 • l1i1~ hi'• n '.1 f,.f I I S!fa'.000 WI.IS pl.lid to th{' ('aJj. fl In T .. J!, "'hi> P'•ll• r1. 1.~e t ri.:· , 1 11 .• 11eJ au.! , , ,, 111p11n11 ' 111 1 lu tc•111H1 lmpro\'••m1·nt Corp. b y fro. r•' r P..arl fl.trbo.r "lnr1 -1 nth.·r 111.enai:• llh'n l .. , 1 .. d,•1,cl p11lol1~ • 1 ;ii nffk1als, l.(l\'111~ thC' rom11any 1-~=--J api'"'°"' J, u f.·r, •·ndi•d 1!1111,111.: 1ir1•J••e·1~ 1n 1lw So111 Dt,.1;•>. '"'" hruke·rn~f' r1i;h1s to the com. ':; \~ ... ir .. r rr.•;r .. lh;on :!J mon• hs 11 · . .i ar,.11. 11111 •n·1aJ anm of r h1• Linda Vi~111 ' ~ ... u=t(>CI> _ Tl11· lnd1a11a n 1111hlwan 1111.,,•tl Ju..; h1111-ani.: projC'ct Tlw c:onrracr 111. ~,tar,. .. r rht> :.!.> Jaran<'St' ,.,,,,, nwnr on 11·:-11111u11y J.:l\'1•n 1h''l l"J.:•dly was c:onsumatC'd 1 w o :-tl">"r:i~ ~inl•. diplomnl~ an~ -u1 .. ·.,111m1l l•'l' II\ J Jl•)l~·rl Brown. 111 .. nths beforl' lhl' com))iiny was # '•rcnl>'nt m1.111,•.-r-. "'" p l..C'•' ,uJ1t·11mm111,.,. 0 1n\'e•.,11~1.11or who 1·l1;1rll'l'<'d. ..r •i'\, 1".<Ull"i..• nf I h.. t l-n:111on Fa r k · s I ., 'I , d f 1 . 1 :\!'I 1'r'b-'JI""' ,,.,·t·ra1_1""' • 111 ·an )a•i::u • ·'any t(a ants 1111 apartmenl.9 ·«+' nr.-rnari..na • I llnry 1 . l'l'('l nil). Bl'n\\'n le·,,lllll'd y••s t1•rd1.1y In 1111: for thell' ·ncl•ds and some •-1. -~ ~ t'lf~'ct. d 10 hand 1hat 1h1• "Ul1lle· hou•in .. c·m11ln•·l'S d1cl not l'\'en Jin• in the unit th d< .. o If .. ~l't'dl~ tn SU t . h i ,. " ' · s C'Y ·~ 0 eig h1td \'11tl<tled lht• Jlatl'h Al't in 11•nf('d n-., d>t .. l'!ldanr' were ch~gPd \'ontrihu!lni< 1.. th•' c·ampiui.:n of 3 S. H Price. manag,•r of the C'h11rlt·..; Dail. a San Diego polltlral 1111prm·em(•n1 l•ompany: rolf<octcd a 1111111. ~ •:n. n-unes rnni.:ing from d d c;en . 1 ate :; f>c·r cent <'ommlsslon from the 1rodo-r r~ cr.nspiraC) to l'nsla\'e II •t, -Id. . row n will continue his 11•sti· roH•rnnw nt for n ·nting store build. na•ny todjiy. llarnl'Ss said ano the r 1ni.:• 1n thC' commC'rcial a rl'a while ThP rinaJ prl')8H'Ufion plP3 urged tt.; ~ ta make th«> li..tl•nd-w1tn,-ss at today's session will tx-a 1 1h1' ~Mnt-llml• collcctrng 0 com. John T Egan, µubhc housini; C'Om· 1111--1e111 from rhe rcntcrs. In some -'" ~ rM p>"n.<tlty for thl' iruilt · 1~s1onf'r~ ne~•·s fJricc controlled some or the IA a. chowP 11\ar p{ungt"d h11lf the •. , r.i;:an will lw quesllonl'd nhout ~ton•s hl' rentC'd, g rown h'slified. •MW mtf> war Thf> pr <KrC'ution I ~ DO dirmand tor thf' ckath 1 '" all .. gt-d m11!1wacticl'.'s 111 the "\\'h111 a s w1't't deal that was,~ S;111 f>ll'J.!O offu:'" I Uirness 1..-omml•ntr d . .,.._rty f.w a n y or the deff'ndants. _________ _ . ' ·--, "" ..... ~ Nlirhl "" ~ \\\:::r II'' •'{)fl• ':lho.. ! '' tl.rr ll lllt: "'f\;at~ b'l""ft De fore t hr -.;r,.. York 5.,,.1; E't• !Ulm-r u tbiP' -nw,. madP r~ · chOICC' for ag· D.._ :tnd fr.r w ar ," lh<' prost'· ~ liald... .. ~ •hey madt-it ·fr• Pf) and voluntanly For this 1 ~ lhr) mwr llf'ar rht• gujlt." WIL·L HOLD CONFERENCE TO .SET UP UNIFORM COAST PORT RATES pk:1u : 1.-•1 , ;r1: • ·1! l''-11·ru t 1!:n \A.t u 1. 1~ n~ ltt lJt;;t~ , ·t.~ , _. d: a ; :.ht-f"1k ~ u,. tr .Jni'. '-• 1~ ?1 ... ,. nl \' • ... :n UH. i. ...... ! (".y W c,u ell Lbt I.A f\ :n lJJt. k.t·LS ·---· ------- CORRECTION 16t AM ERICANS IN MOSCOW ALL BUT CUT OFF FUOM l~U~IANS \ .. ~:. rda ) ·,. ;,;,.y. ... TUTW ... c~ ,•o r) he·ado'd H r,1 PJ d Pllu'I MX'l,elol 'tfl•d . 111 \A hl<'h I' \l .. ~ H-.-«! 11 .r H11rr} \' !\t'""m 11 ·~ 11~ '"'1:1l .\1 .. , H1tlln~ l•1a.nd ..._ \\'A:-.lil" 1 .. 11~. ·'I'"' 11; ol 'I•• '""·!"'"''"'hip a nd normal 'j "' ... 11,1 •·I le.I. ,\llh 11 ·' '''''""'·. ~llltl h re1JOrtc-d. o'lll Ill I I"• II \II 111 .11 \11 •1,!111,,j h1t',lkdl1\\f1 Of I, f''8fy S of th" 28 or1g1nally in- d..ctotd •iar ~ sunl\·ed the _.,. hlf) ynr~ lhf' tnal ha." been n.wllllinrt. and nn ly ::!3 n( th~ werl' ~t fod:l} wtw>n proo•c·~ings ....... I~ • 'I •• 1 II I 1tl t'h 1tlh' 11 .. 111 \ lh I " lft 1''1llll'1llo111 In \10!>• '" '1'1> ~f .. ndilnts d1Pd sinre the JruJ 6P'ft"d )l:ly. t~~ Thf'y were ""'9n:.al ~mt '.\>;ucanrr, former rl"...,.1 (J4 rhce. n.'l\a.I "' 1wral ~taff, •llllf Yi.ink,. }fa IUSll> 1k.1. J a('\afli'5" •1•"<1 l"r fd,.111.: "" • '" .. ,. • .,_,J t·•P-rzn )l1nl.'lr"'r 1n 1'>111 a nli 19-11 I I' clhc\,, Hldn~ ' r -•-! • •·~ A r h •rd ri.-r~!'vi:ln 1. 5humc1 '1 •''•I! ·' \ lud, ... ,.t,.•..1~ ain <ice--. prnpnsnrvh'' \A hn a1h·l'~'a1: "I~ 1 111t1r·~ "'" 11>-<· ai1!1 h."~ .4 -pq{~m nf thr wtr11r T;i(.i. 111 I ·1 -11 .. :1 "111 • .. 111 1"1 Ii I• 11 lh 11 1t 111l'lulil'8 68 , 11 """ I t •• 11 "''' I•·· i., .... , 1~1 "111nl'!, 1:! r1 .. 1,,.·ndl'nts 17 '•""'' d 11, ! ·~ 111 u' .. 1 •• -u.t\ ·'' f" r~11nn•1l. ~"'~·A ,1,. S AC'RAMF:!'ITO, April 16 I UP.I A thrt'<'·lllate confere nce to set up uniform rates and preNicC's !or P11C'1fic coast ports will ht• hl'ld 1n San Franc1S<'o April :l3 h "'111 ht' nn rxc·l·uti\1• St' sion uf llw w ,·:-.11•rn Tran.~porta1 1on t•o nfrr<;nl'C'. with represl•ntatlves prc·•wnt Crom California. Orri.:on and \\'ash1ni.;1o n ns wdl as l rans- JIM! ;If 11111 anli rreighr nanrlling .1i,:•·n1s Thr i:a1h1•r111i.: follows rei::ion;il m ••l'l[Dfil./wJcJ..in Si'i!UlC. PorUand. Los Ang('les nnd San :Fran c.lsot The coming l'Onff'rl'nce will r e. vic•w rei:ionnl n•commt-nrlntlons nnd try to l'stalihsh a coordinate flo•li <'>" for 1111 1t. .. Pacific ports. Tl11s coordination the slate d 1.imll<·r of rommcrce says, will hrlp rc>movt• "u num oor 'of dis- :.drnntag,..s forini: offshor(' 1-hip. 111ni.; from Pacific ports" Thr W l"sf('rn 1'ranspor1a1ion Cun(torcmre w as form<'d last f'eb- ru111 y at u S:in ~'trrnl'ISC'O mN•ting ji1111nl<(1rt«i hy 1 hC' dmmlx'r-. -------JJ1J1f• i)1.d h' • lf1•, fl, 111 r•1 al'~' 11 lw 1ul•·r11 ... ''x 1,·pn1M1n t atl\'("'S 11: 1••rl1 .r 11t.1t 11 11 I:''"""' """ I !"' 1111111111·n ·1al firna and onl' , rt)J1111~,. I ·" 11 .... ,.,t •.• , an<.11 It 1h' ti• ptrul1 u' nua. i\nu•ru:an con ,~ ''" 1111 ·''"'." .111 I H1h.1,<) h 1\• r•m11• 11h .uul fl\~· d~·µl'nd<'nrs. "" t1nlr. 11 1\• ,,, "1th11•1• '""l'l.rn.1111111 "11i.:in,.••1, :ind 11'\'hllll'lll pcn101111• I Anti H11i"11111>< 111nnrrly fr1 r ndly •amt 1hrr1· 01h1•r Amrrlcana. t• 1111 ' trrAD A.•i.l. 11< l:i Nlmm1lf1'd In itn .\ 1•·-<'lht'k .. , Ttw-·1~ '.Jr·, r ...... ,,. --~'\.l>l1T1 and ···han:., illf:ciru.1 JAMVC'_ROOSEVELT CHARGED •I ••'I"" Iii ti ••n ~ 1 I..,,.:• '-d.c-..d •ir' drr.pprd. ~ • · 1111~1 )"•mi: .\l-t"'on "•• 1'"" ~ r-• T0tthJJtrf> l'm..-.nt "ho ir.rn· WITH P'AR. TY DOUBLE CROSS "•'ll: ,,., "I~ r • eK ~ It< •1'1!1.< I~ rll !\.-JaJ!'l~ ~urr .. n1f,•r :tl)()ard ~ • 1, ;1, a lso po1n1«1 ••UI '" •• '1..$ Ma wPl.o> fnrtr,...Pup lt1~•1J•Jri 1n T11k)u faculty ad\'llK'r to the student S ACRAMEN'rn Ap r 11 16 ------'~' ___ • _ _llll!l 'O.W h~rP<t -ftfwt -f1fty Thto purpocK' of the Junior .Cot.' complainls arcuslng contrar tors ul Jesp confPre n ce la thrf'C'Co ld; 11 1 \'lolntmi.: sl:itr rrgulations wc·rf' to provide a mt>an1 for diS<'Ultlln& rc•c.•l\'l•d hy th<' ~1111<' rontrnr torll problMTU of lhf' mcmlx-r schools l11•1·n11t· honrd clurln1e ·J11nu11ry 111111 ptttalnlng to 1tud<'nt govrrnmflnt Fchrus1r>; 11 w ns nnnoul\CC'd t()(Jrty. and 1tudt<n t acllvftlH; C2 J to ~ The numtl<'r for !ht-1amr p;rriorl mote better relallona betwc~n the IHt yf•ar wu 177. ,, n11t a 11111-r"d 11nd I• •~to ooc ><l) r.rvl> rhr,,... )•"lr" .11:n wa.<11 1.11s ,\:-0:1.E LF.S. April 16-tUP I dny nii::ht's J ackson D!Y dinner ·,c , Tf'l"a-rt'il' MMTII:' 'iJ1h •J,;:n '"-~ ft..m ruurt tod:t} ho;r:iUS(' < ~hform;i f~ttc Chmrman prnmbtl• lrc'moernlic party unity, .• n11 l.1111•, irn .. 1' m • \I ... ., ~ •4 ~ rant'\Or ••p.>r"l r" n J .1m,..., Roose\'dl was charged by faih'd to mt•nt1on Pres1dPnt 1'ru· \\llh All1•11""" 111 \111:-l'll\t 1111 ·~· In 1·111111 :"1 t • llllll(' <!.~·•rt · ,ll'll'IJ1f \( '' '''" ·IJ1· m<11t 1•·1••11t·'1 lhHI ni·arly \•• p.1 rt11·1~ 111. lo 1 11lf1t 1.d •011h·r-. ~""' 1 , 111/•·ll,. ,1r1· 1n thf' Uni•• ti 111111•1.tl' 11• 10 '·"" 1111 ''' n•I "·'' :-1 .t11' 111.' 11wl11cl1• cJ1plom11!i• d1•t••'1•tl ,,.,,,,, • ,,,,, .u.:o \\h•n f 11ri ... ul111 ,. l•UITh.1,,nt..:. )'ind M IM1 t i-1rini.:1•111 Sotoi• I ... ·11111) fl't.:111:1· 1 ..... "'" I" ""r,111• l .ind lhl'ir ti• fh•O"t ''' ,,. rttJt int , f•ttrrl Ho1 • p•r•ndrnf"' 1h1 ~ ... rnl 11 .. ,.. ''""" h,,, "" n .,.,. :-1111111' 1h,11ot1ut1 labl'llt-d ,,, "' 11. 11• 11 1-d •h '' 1 •, rt-.\.loo ~nr "''" Te ... h ru Shira-·' '<'l1'r<in rm rty mt•mher today man •n ht!' Sflt'ec·h but brought ;•l10t11• ii 111 '" r••I•"' '"'"-f~r .. emh:i..";;1<1nr '" 11aly. "'I~ rt1'11hl,.·<'.rtl"1<in~ lht• pnrty. clwers from the• crowd w it h hi1 •f-..,, t!::H "-"" "Uff•·nn~ from a <II) ('nunrilman Ert J ,AJ11wn-prai!'c• or Eisenhowl'r 11'L \SU "'1".t:nr.S :.ti:nAi .aJtm.-nr porr imid Re;1>S(•Vc'lt. a ~li1 ic11l "Roosrv,..lt a li;o -d oublr-crossed .l.er11n. \\ I'• '•nr "'.~l ~ nai,. ~ iatr 1,( hun.ti-1 rt." 11r m•I· e•:1q"·1ltai;:J: .. r." wa~ tr) 111~ lo r un his nomma1or for thl' !'late ch Rir- 1 " 111 I:"'' ·• J,, m::I Y. • n ••d l1' • ~ ~ w r,._ rnr, r• r1 '" lh, r~c-G•·n 0 \\ ii.:ht D. EisC'nhowC'r for m1en~l11p: \Viii RogC'rS Jr.", Dn\'1:'11· rd 111 lh• I"' "' "'"1111" OI< lhi 1,", • ilk-.:.1111'11' mad4.' ag;w i.i l"'l•t" 1 . ol•J• ,., ,wiu -~ m .,cy •-nl IYf th>-rri ol "' r .. ~;,.ik··n loy l'ri·,1d•·1JI and h1msdf for vice•· p1.1r1 said. "Bui thl' most tragic '""'I"' •·I ti; .. 111 "'' i11.1u11111I 1 ... 1.·ri 'l·1i.:11t .. 1 ~. :1o~row cor1 1'· ,· .. u11 .,.. 't 111··. "' ·i•'-d~nr II• an :-er WallA:trn \\'1•hh "' A1 L•lr<11!:1. pr1·"tl"n1. t·a~ua lt.\" w11s u grl'at gcnc•ra l and junior colki1tC'S of the 111111•: 131 Most or lhc" l'OmJ,falnts charge' t.o efl.abll&h a atatrwldt> 1tudt>nt or-that ron1ractor11 lirpartl'd from canlzation to promote t~ ~t pll\N or 1pedflcations or abandq,n· ,,,_ ____ ln_t,trftta_a(_ the. 1tudenta.. oo •;work hel&f'e complet Ion. ntty-flve jwUor co~n In the ..... ol Callfornla w\ll be reprT- In 11 1111 "••t.:•' '" 1111 <lfl"' <1•· 111.iml• nl l•ll' Jh" :'\;ifiunnl Brv~rl· 11i,. :!:'i '"'w ·11 7'h :U>d C•'f'.l,rid !l>oa.t oC ti'lop rr~I D:1w nport, 11 flr mocrpt for 25 a nntiontJ hcro. 1111rtm,.111 ~<'<I • 1cl:1~·. Am••rif'on ··n:-trn~ t'o \la!i_!clo•l l o; .M1ch1kor1-I 'd h " I' I r ,.. I · · ""J1wo friban.11 r.-u·r'<'S115 JUd1<:e· 1"·1f'S "'" •·was bolting the party "lfc is guilty of a n incrC'dlble Amh1"'·"1"r ~""Ir' r "1 ,. I ;-,mll h 1<wn s•'C'rC'I .r~, .\II~, l°•'Cllla !\• 1. c:t .R:'ll \ =""" .\Ill: IXt.C..~IOl-A t u1•·nl} .... 1..n .... : • .ri.:1•el th" r hnni:rd !snn. \\h11 1111\\ 1s .1 ~<o\'iC't citiun. p;IRTALI.:-. :-,; ~I •l "P • J 1dl: ~ and -UI :wfjoorn until a time 111 proi.-•s · and contC'mptiblr rittcmpt to 4"t \ -.ttd. News-Tbnle ~mmu .,... yuur rul~ to etndeat ~. HUNDREDSOFFEKBLOODTOSAVE 5-MO.-OLD BABY MOTHER BEAT UP • 10 a:... fp,d and ann<>trnt't'ff," w .. bh "S.-lf·S<'C'k1ng James R ooscv<'lt off a demand for ~ ticket with • S<t\'lel 111111 11~(' Cor lhe first time .. we"" •I l11m or 1 '-l"""·•i:l' a••n~I P a tton. hW'dT uf ..... •1·~ :s ~-~ doul11 ...... ·rnssc·d Sl-n. J. Howard Mc-E1sl"nhuwer for f'residefit a nd "The·11· 111 • l•" Ame·111'"11' h"' "· !l1t 5,,, ie I l '•111•n l\1•·1'tl'o 1 '"11• I!• • 11 .. ~ " <">IWct-Grnt h, t he nationa l chairman, to J R llnci d11rrni.: r1·1·,.n1 rn1111th~. lhroui.:h "' i;-;~, n1i h.enwal J•'N·1l•, a'IJ dd· 'Jl>» tnfanon)' mctudr• 10,f){X),. whom hl' sworn unswnr1'ng loyalty lltnl'!I OO!!l'Vl'll as hjs running nu di''"" .. 1 • 111· 11\\ n 1111r t·onln<·t• '""lrh rni•'. v11.r1oua f1Le9. GI r1·n ni· 11 •· fll "'' ,, ,,,,: '1 n '"T' t:;,..r. •• >.:llnli ot fr.t.mlCTlpf. ~ummat ion ~· • mnt« for vi<'<'·Presidt>nt." ~~j riv .. 1.,.rrm.,nr.s ,1( J52 ..-ir: 111 Truman only 90 d n Y s ago," OthC'r d<'mocrrit11 including Rog with So\ I• I "''"' "' IHI\" IH·1·11 ,,.•n "' II'" :-:.·ws·T\rnt'e n11u1~ '' ,,.,.,,. ,, ~~u"" .,,..s roailr ~-ii. .. ,.., ... , f>f rh<> rn.11 has ho'f'n Tla\1·n1url chargC'd. f'ri<, had cril,1ci~t-d ROOSC'\'l'lt'; lrn1111·1I I'"" h '" ult wml rd.11111n' n 1111•, "' • •1 .. n• l'u " "?W°1 • ·.:"-~··d "' rwarl". S:.'ll,000,000. ll111i,,·,·dt, 1oas1mastl'r of .\Ion-orn1sl<lon •1f Truman's namt-. ltlljl \\o .1. I" 11d "" • ··~ ••llwr r .. r n. \\'1~. -Ad \·erliS(' I .. nd II Ill 1k•' ., rul• I ------------------------ DENVER. APRIL I&-!UP I - Hundttds of J>('r~ona o!rcred blood today t o save thtt lift-of. a five-- month-old baby 1-:rlously Ill after brin1 butrn by Ilia mother. surJ,?<'ry 10 rl'mow hl"'>d clo111 from hi.a hr11in ThC' c\0111 fnrm rd und<'r a ::Sm11ll · fr11cturr In the l;mek nl his llkull as a rt"1ul1 flf the t)(•fll •• In~. doctors s111d. ~:otcrs Carried Varied Arms at Bogota Demonstration Th ,. 3 Arm>: ~u:nal rorps film· 1 • .., h';'~ e...-; !•H .,, !1lm <)(!he• pro-t:utTOR IHlf:~ Ill~ !>!Ttrt "F I w t p k t ··~· I Hl'(''YRl'S, '" 1UP I S••crNilr} I arren 0 oc e T""~ :-.; II'• nh< r l! tri.11 '1f (d-r-\\ 1llt.1m r.111 hnr a th'll'4'<1 lltl'mhr·r~ v t $25 000 n·11 --. • • lr r •• c:t. r'I 1:i .. 1N1 10 .. f 1h. t ·ra\\ rnrd n :urym<·n·,. nsso-e O , I -··· .rt1 I• •l.1~' fh,. T nk}n •1.1111111 1h.11 11!1y 1'11111<1 r•·MI llw T•d I d Lobb Dot'lon at Dt•n\•rr Gent-rat hoe· pltal said. that IM'Ort•s o f IX"Ollle telephonf'd that tht-y wert-rendy to help. Sewnlel'n pint• or lilood Wt'l"e donat•'<I )'t'!tll'rday mo rning. Doctors took tho namM1 or other would·bco donorl. Ca41• a lso Cllm<' J rom othC'r Colorado <'iti(',S as wt-II a.s Loll An· ~ll'I, Boston and New B rltlan , Conn. Thto h11by. W illinm Terrdl, J r .. net'da thP r11r" "O" tylJ", n u l'lf'iath e• l.iluod '•'he·n hl' und('rizocs Mrs . l!<'ic·n Tl'rrl'll tnlrl . pol!e" shu !Cll'uek hc·r h11hy on 1 he iil<lr of lhr hrnli and I\\ i~ll'tf h1~ nrm un 111 ti h1 Ok•' h.•('All!lt' '"' \\ • •1111.l lllll 111ke his <'vd hn·r "'' "h·· 1< 11 .. 1c1 nt 1h«-N'11n1y p11il Th<' 1nrnnt Willi fo11nl1 ~-!Hrch :::1 h\' l11s fnlh••r. a flC'r the• m olhl'r h11d 11 .. 11 rrurn !111• hot111e. f)o(·1ors icnid t hi"~ wouhl ntlC'r· ntr on lhr f'hlt.I .e .. ~non ns h1 .. l'Ondittnn ,Jll.'m11111. Tlwy snld 1hr 11po•r11l l11n wns "'"'1'll~11ry In pre .. 1'1•111 111"111DI 11lll1C'l11111s lnlt•r 1n II fr French Cafe NEW EnlarRetl -Rfom-.lf'lro 4 p. m. t-0 Midnight PH. BEAC'O~ 5 11'7-~ ~PF.CIAl.JZISc; IS ONION SOUP (PARMF.SAS) Look for the "1p "C"babll•" on Top nf tiw' Hiii CLOSF:D \!O:"fMYS FUN ZONE In BALBOA Now Open SATURD.AY and SUNDAY I f, '"" T1 ,, ."1.,.., .... , JUoi.crs "'11\t' mul'h••tt'll and r .• rrnt r~ d11r1 nl! trl'nlull"n rit n .1rr•I ~ C''.1lumhln :i flrr <r'I 1 1, : .t • : .. 1.-•-n- n11•11t 1>u1ld111g "'h11'11 w.1:. ;•u11111lf'kl)' dllll.r'u)'f'li. Destruction Complete 1n Some Sections of Bogota 'A• ... ,,..,,,,..# ... # WarrhoU-<es nnd bulldln~ on I.his lll''t't't ln re\'Olullon -t.orn Bl-'l!n:a ....,_ onmplf'tf'IJ d~ A ca·!>- edral I.I ln the background. The In~r-Amertcan conff'~rlC'epn:.nued .. _Ule cJtr ret u r ned Ut IJCCIP oonnt.1cy a nd Quiel:: •r•f.11 lit•' 1·. rl•)~ .h .. rr 11r 111111111 ..... r lht· l:l"I 11l"C'tjni: in thr·I I e an . y • 111 ri·n1 1"111· ,.r 1 tw l)hio F:trme r. 1n1 I 1,...: r ""' , • .,,, r"cl Th· '"" 1nrt ,, h:11f p;11.:e· r.·1Kirl. 11 S,\C 'HA~IE:-O:TO. Apnl 16 tUPl • r •• · r J ir· '"' '" 1i.;r<'s, •h• 11 .i. '' 1111• .r h:ul 11 , ,. n , ... n. c; .. ,, r11tor I .. 11 I \\'arn·n has an· .'1-, 1r\ l'l"n .,f 'la n.11fo11"1f fp (nllr hn1•S. llttllllt'ocl h" \\llf JHll'kl'f·\'C'IO II t11fl 1 .. 11 •hr .. •J-.:h 111 .. rap.. ' 111 l'I\• lh•• ,11,.1·n1 y i.:1·nt·r111'" n!· •O• 1k 11 f;i1•k t~Xt l '~t: Sfl (}(l(')I) flt't• d S:.'.:i,IHI() "fothhyint:: fllnd" £or Texas Would Limit Red-Green Lights To Trarr~ Use 'l<•Vf'EHFY c'al 1t'1'1 p 11• , .. 111rn nl n1l-111·h 11rt• lands lo C':il· l"" l.11 111 Fi rnk .\I 1rin• 11,1 ~:1w :. 1furn1a I f' 1.1r 'fl•'•·ct p;i ... 1 h1-; ~p1,1rl ,. 1r. 111111 ... ,. T IH' l•tll, 111111t1l11c<'d hv As· lh It 'I t._ ,lfltf lhll'k f!o1\\ ti II 'iclt' '' mhl~ Ill.on .lohn \\' ~:\·an'<, fl , Los ,,,,, 1 Jf,. 1•111'"'" anol "lllL'h• up .\11L·•·I"'· 11011ltl h ;l\'1• n•quin•cl no Tl1o 1·;,1 , th i\1 r. ~:<l\\111 cl S111d-,.., n11n1111i.: ur 1111\~ th .. monr\' was ti 1rd ''l•l.11111 cl "[ tlutn'I ha\1• " 'I~ 111 J:\', "' '""' 11 wa~ In; <urh th''• r '< Ii••'"' .. \I 11·111· 11.. '"''" 11<1' " "pwk1n • 111• hrnd1nm I 1111lljl\\1th •I lll'k• I f "I t h.11. phi' '111 1·k, fnr Pllll.!lt "lllf'n " n •. ,, 1"1'· 'I• ti .. I 1•11 "I"' clrni.: . I "'"'I• lh1• f, i.:1<;la l11rc· 111~1rtc .. ! ·· ·r., • • 1••f ..... 'f r d jnd ~r· • n 1 nli,t11l\•'.'' \Vilrn n ":ud. •·in pro- • # t •• • "' "'" tf Ir "' 'It •'Ir" 00 yo u "ant to 'll'll it! Adver 111l111c 1h:i 1 lh1· C111vt -<hnulcl n•>I he ... ~ "I ·t-• • .:''-r '1·• I""'• 11 ... '" lhl"M! cnlumns. •llhi• ,., lo ;1111!11 ., .,. .('!• • r n..: 11( n I .:-.\ • -• ........ ' H .... If• f\ 1 11nf• ft Ot'ft _,, ) "' ,. k: 1 ~:.:,; ;: 1 .1'.·~=:·: \'1'::·· .. ,. 1--,.,..-..,.,.-j i/-~[-,-j~ 'T~"/r jA r '/.,,, llNISTj -rt ... ·rt ... n fl""''' 1n -Kii/TVA AJ ·~ L/FU 'A/ HIX • • .. • -• r " n.: ''" prnhh n1'\ ~----------'·"'~'-'';_;c:;•·..:.•..:.• _____ ..=:.._ __________ _ · • ert1r ,., n• r .. 1 11n<I r"'r-•r' ,f n• •• , c; , r-rn~"''•"'• "" ..-n-:1n•'t.rtn.:. f ·r. '"'"'" 1rr-•rr 1nr .,ff, r• .r • • r ~ • ..,. ,... -r. "'1 '· , '"" " h .. h , r • •1 • ,,., -t "or ~r-"• • ''' r •lfl' t.,'-= -• .. ,..-.. ,..._Ill\.• 'l\'ec :· • r•''mrrr!"d,,t·· thr ,,,,m: I ·1 " in 1t• lnm:· -. '"' :''tft Jfa1.:h\\'tV r -• r .... "-" t .... ·1.rh "''•••If· • -l I • r · • • 1'1on.: hich"·w~.1 • -• .. ··'"' • • ..... r• n"i'' t1 nr ',.,,...I -• ., .. •.... ' 1r.. If •f ,1t (•"Sll11r rJ' • •:'\-&.-... ,. ~ '• ., "'"''" t'T• ·d ·· ~ ....... •, ' 1r \. r 1lf1•'" h. /• ... ~ ~· -,-.·, '' ., .... ,r.tv '' '"..,. .. a ,...,. ·~-m,·n•f.1ri••n--I ·-~ r .. -•• v, u. ·• • ..,, munir--. .. .... ... ~ . --., -· . -' .... __ , ... • f•h1t~r1 p<1 • ""' • \t •'" ! ,, • 7•1w11 .. r 1 •' ·-I •r•I 1r,rf•<' ~. " ,. •I• r r•,. • ,.,, l~ -" ( i!"" • r~. r • -,. .... "'",~k1n.:--"' ,.., ',.h..._ ""tf"!ti n1i. .. • •· • • 1 r· • ,,. f • ,, , ·n1n~ ,,f -"' ··••I ln•li• 1;'•\nq ... ---, ,, ~i" ,~P' ,. , , ,, n "l< n , _."° .... • -""'~· ~,,, "1'•'"· ('. ~ ·-t' .. -.. <;·,i .. H -'""I\ n. pnrr.1 -· ~. r .. ~ .... ·t t , r• ~rnr, thr • ~ U -•! <ff'onl. 1', n r f!rt\ •' It "'""''.. ,.,,..,, • <tnrk -"n thr '-•· lf'.4 • l~ '"'"lr "Tl ·· 3· C..\RAT Ol~MONO 111J A sot.:10 G.:>L.o c~~e. ... .. M "'C'E 6' • ,'Si"::-" f3ul<8~1(.. c.i. .... ;::~' .i. ~r1,c.u;~·· -~~ .. S ,,,;::E . ,, .- A ell! prroict u nkss C fl'Wt'I' t111\'1• l)t nnd s•1 111quirn·I h a\'I.' )t us1ni:: t them o i;oud dt Eh•cl all hap Tursdn! to knm !cction ~ \\ .. ·dn men1:; nl·1ghho d {Hlr, II i.:ot 1. f~tl.'t' rt. ('If 17.1'11 t u l'Xpl, p r1r1· .,f The th•JUght tr'I IX' ri partnwn n ot tu I~ j)l.'Rr, \\ bits to wn~ \\'t corrc•c11< s11me h~ Our " oftC'nl'Sl l'JX'Ar<'. day's w shl' ren sm itrt hi "Isn't ell go?" "Yt>s." "Only ' r .I- s 2106 *SJ - • I Thot broil 1t I.I attrt coml bro JI . your ••irn bnrb Gel Tl- 233 - ... I HOW u. N. WORKS /UN~O Regional CA.nferentt Is . Set by Prominent Californians ===== 8 =,·=L=. ="=·="=·=· ====:!J ' l'!-.;f"_l:;('(l I~ Ont• or. fight SJW'("-1 Jo•na c .. llturnll\ ldahCI. M<llll•~· A dlstlngmshl'd dental UVlhunl,\· t01li/\-d u,: .. 11CJ,•s X..'COi.:nlU'd b) tlr 1 :".-\lilda.. Un·~on. and ~-~~ redicts that in a few g<'nt•ratlons, l 'mh'fl -.:ath>n" &rn1·ral · <lSS('mbl~ Th• )o will rq.irl"M"f'lt labclr UJUCllll .. nlt·ss An)l'r1,·11n< <: h 11n 1., d1,•1 1 i,. m ••r-1111. loni:-ranit•• prop-am tiu~tn•U. ,,, 1c. ltldW>tnal C'bur"rt Ce\\ er soft food~'· \\ r i.lt.ill e11rh 11wlud"~ I th' promotion of all a ids a nd o 1 h r r j!Td UI"' and f-.rc.aru a\t' vnl)' '"" "" 1t•1·th. '" upp1•rs t.1 .1ni1 1h, rvm l.Ja111ni; o f all t•h-11ations nd SIA low1·rs, "th•· "1111 .. ,uc a •l;l(·1 .. , '" f)roi.:rP~s IJl t'ducallon 1 Th<-th• nw of tn.-"-'Dl•T•~ r ~u1rrl'I." Soundi; 11l11r n11n1.:. But '''ll'nc .... ind cullurp throui.:hout ··:\1 ... •11n,.: C'ru.11> ">1tlt l "ndrTn..nd a\"e )OJJ 1•\'C'r w atclll'd " ~lflllrTC'I 1111' \\1•rld , I ms: .. w1tlt ·• sul>-tl1o ~ \'vu ~-.., ;ing hi,: s1·1 and ·" h.o 1 h1• u i;es I !'IA nllJ•'<'f" ··~ for 1 ~4~ "C'n' nut · ll..t1> · "fh• 1.u11•..., .,f W """ iem on~ lie• mh:ht olll$\\1·r thll, h111•rl .11 I h ,, l'~J-:~('I) lntf'r -1 f1·r0 nc-1• I' It• dt•I•~ ........,..!v .1od d11(·tm, "l"uts!" · • n11t1nn11I C-1,nl.·rl'n <"t' Ill :\t. "ro procram• "h1C'l1 lfw d. lt·i: •tt--. ,.,. · r (,'lly in ~0\1'111b<·r. 1!\-17.' HrtC'0) l!<\l\Ui\llun .. 1·<111 t .. rr'} "ut w ~ 1111•, ari·: !hr m1 .. rnat1<1nal l"'.'1:1:::54" • 1••• . , . ... t: y ·-. · If. ,hi ~ \\ \ .-· 1: Eleclwn. c1'-frc·1111n. ~<'l<'Clion- 1 h11p11<'lll·d rn ="•'''l••rt 1\\-ach ucsda~'· Bvt wha t \'ntrrs wan1 • know is, "\\'ho' i.: .. 1~ 1h1• con · ction ?" I· T;o s1imula1e and CCl<'rd111.th• Jt'C'I Thi·· 1~ m 1,,.-.,,.n~ •Jth t t• 111l1 ro "'11r·d t•\'11stC'd nr<'as fur n • · 1:1 .1"·l"t••t•' 1• h1 ~ 111 t-,.;F...S("'I •· ... r,1n utnil\ t'tin~lr11r1ion and rt•hahilitatmn 1•f ,"h11·h mtl\«I~ 1n«'t.1UJliS:•.., i~u-~.ty'iur) th•') •'<'l1t1·111w nal. SC'1rntirir a nd cuhurnl 11·11);lttnn II) tlw c11~ qf 111rc-•o..r.. pimipan~ .. • ' •N t:\\'POH BALBOA NE'W8-TIME8 April If. IMI ~­Pap J . •. K,UA \' ""'"" ... .,. a.-.. ~. ( 'allf. * HARMAN W~ NICHOLS 1 I ftltf'tl l'r""• Ntaff ('•lf'rNpoed,.•t 1·111lt••l1 vi An11'rlr11n tt.llroadli St.. \\'1\Slll '\1:·r11:-... Al'ltl l. hi I r.•1111 11 11);hl 11ur nf 11~ honil 1be ll 'l 'l Tlo.11• •1·~'11 ~ltt• h1 .. .;1 ... 1 l'1 •·~11t.•111 "'"• rlirht Af'd a ~ al 11111, ttl tlt Ill llto• \\ot1hl In ll llllll t:1lh•,.1il "11'11 \\hH h11d <"'""' ...... , hdn •• t\ \\"l•lt'tl \\tlh 11 whlh• '" 1111 \\111t1•. lt•"I"" '""" lo ~ j h.11111, 1~ •I.mi; 1•111 ~I 1t1~· 111'1'"1 1 1lw11 I"• 1111 ••• 1n1tt'lll'd 1iu11ht to ... ,1 I"'.-!,• I ,\II 111". l "l'l~·•I 1., 11• ""1111•.: n'I fn<~ I · '1''1'1'' 11111 :-.1. I 111 ""11"111..: 11 l111ud·nw•.df,.,. ,\If '11111• • '"'' I ttl 11 ,1 1•111 ht ha1 l'lto "11~111•" 1, ""I' l\11 T'na-1,.,,1;,i; 111.'lll h1111ilo•1I 111111 11 1111h,1ml l rn.1tt il11lt1 t hk" Fil• fU" t1rw-. too. I IH-'&lh't I ' l'tt\t thnf lt~tkt•tl ••lllh '- lfUUl' '9kt It t'l1t'" ht l \\t't'I' f\ t•h,•f ~ ' '"'"1 .. ·1." .·.11 .. ~ .... 111111 ••• 1111 .. •11111 Former Sant.a Ana l 1111•k 'Ptlt '••t ''" •l11111I ttp 11•1 11 .. ·1: ~:·"' ""' 11111 1• .11n :0.11 , ........ "."' .. 1 .. 1 College Hea6 '"·· " .. "''"·· "'' n," S•·•"rns R.aturn Sll111ol ll1·~hl<' 1111• .. '•• ~ 1"•11111•·1' ~rml /e Afl11 t '11ll1•i.:•· l'lf- ' I '"'' ,l .. h11 M<'C 011) lllt"''"J ""' ..... \\'t•dnC'sday, t lw dH~ ufl"I' ari.:u· ent:; l>C'canh• \ol1•s. Pu).:I.")'. 11 1ii:hhor's rloi.:, ":1ndl•rt'<l .in tlw H'lr, a h11bit \\'1 h.1d h\•1·11 up lat<' ·l?OI up 11111• l'ui.:.:y·~ t'lll!:ll!llll! l't' n ·1·oi.:n1t•·rl hnp...Cully, "Ah, 11 1 iwn iakini.: hi~ , ,.~,." \\',, hurl • <'Xµh11n hu\\' llungs ur<', "Thi• ·ic1• o f d ogfuurl 1s still thl' ;101111•" fll(•1ilt11•s. .ind 11m111l •'"n1mumh•~ <d ttv' 11 •'rn.• ~-h••l 1 '.I To <·11n·~ nn a campa1~11 '" 1m ·rnho'1'-n athrn!' '·'~·I "'hl('h 1~ prom111.• tho· rr,•t• fltlW uf infor-:\Ire 11 .. nn r Ru-11 wf ...... ,~. lf•I m m:o 11tin '"''" •'l'n naltons. and to F1 .tn1·t'"' 1c M1a1rn1<U1 ol th-C ... <0· .\u.:1r .. :1 • ·+ 1 <J I 'l'h·· I '11••i1l1•111 1•! lllt• 111111··.t 11 I t1t' 11 I t1Ut ttU Ut\1'l•'1'1tt••"t1 ti '"· hlotilo" )I, l11l•ll••1I \\lllo '"'" l'ol)' II 1111 Hilo f11t11tf \\ llllt lt"lilllll' nl f 1111 . 111f. 111 .. r .. 1--t11 .. 1I~ 1·>"'1 IL <'1 ,1•\100111 a111I 111._ ..S11nl11 An.9 1\11111.I "' I i.l11t·nt1o111 Ill 11 14"U f'f' I• 'lo 11111\ Ill "l111•h flt !<~Jlf' •l··~·h111~1 111 r .. 111111 '" 1 "" lnttltu~ fl••ll "111·1.. t.w I"" 11 1• 1 m•""'l t'umhAt nh.11wlf-s,10 1h,• fn· .. flo" , .. nmi: C'ornmut .. ;. ;..hH"tl &],.., ,n .... t\o\·, uf 1n!1irm11l 1o n. i'ludn I •r . nari-nc. A I ~.l..~1nt n t I I .wt.:· 11 I 1 ..: . " 1'-•"a; I •r"" T•l•-~oin, 3 To 11 1 11m11 t 1· f.dtic-a11on m f'rt"t~t of tlw l "m\1 r .. ll) ,11 l·,._, hl:U: ~ • • .,.... , ... im1•l«•I • I ht'\1.'d hll1~t.1n. o· .,;•, UMW 11reflltlr11t J.•hn I. 1 ..... u. 1hnm11llrnll) unrfrr-rl""'lnp.-•d ar.•as. C"<lllt'•'t ,ind f<orma at Lo!< Alu:• i.~. ll.Dd )Ir... "'PPI> .t I •nn. u11rra Ul&t an aarr<'m• 111 11 .. u.•,.n r .. 111·h Pll wlUl th r 1111111' u1._ rl11<"•m111.11" 1nto rmat1on on mod-p,•a rl A \\"llnjUTULkrr. ~'"°1' • , , •·'-' .. "'' h •1· 111 'r~i. 1• 11n<t' I.hat tw h .. ach '"'C1 hLI 400,000 m111rr1> lhAt thrtr 1.rn· •l1o l<lf'llh'll nl th" I''"" \\llh lht •ith11 l'th• tk'lttht ch••J'P•'d un J,. 1"1111111:1\ 11\1'1 111' ,..lll'H ulHI 111· 11'"'' ''''"•''<•·•I "fl 1u, ,.,, . ..:.'"''''' "\\' • 1 \ •' •'•'' 1t 11 •1 ttf • nt.:ttl•'t'l '-1 •ti u1ai: ,.~ •ui It'"'' ut·•••r '[hl' night h1•fn n•. ) o u'd h aw• ought lh<' mol'to o f our city, soon "Ill nw1fu'll,. ot «d ult todU('<1flon. dent nl l>IJhh<" 1ns11U("!KJn f or ''" ... .nJ. "• •• 1 ,11..~ acu on 10: .. IHI<<' ~irranlcd At Ll'••lt lrft 1~ ~n Styln Orlll11ra. nrw11 anrt to ~Pl uµ ;in intt·rnat 1onal a.~ "'t"''' 1u \\ a,.h1~ori Dr A~1. ..r •• •, •·;-1.,1,. , o m•,. lo I •Pl• .1.1• q 1J1-'1'i't1al m f'mlwr ol lhf UMW Wl'llare l"u11c1 rtu.1'""' •·1•'.,11c:;o~~,~~1i~';."5~~;:" inh'rna1iona1 ~'.1"'~'~;~f"ht'·n1~~~> '"''~'m:.:., :~.--· .--:~-.··--.. ···~' ··1· ".·;l ... 1t =-·,··~ ),.1t·~ST ... ,t~ .·-.. _ . .;y.~ "~a~N·'la l~Aa vManaJtuc nP1. ·'H"°kEr'nR1•nSrorO "'N" ('()al o1 ... rawr ... 111 ''"' ... 111111\ .. '·'"' 1\11 '1'111 1 111.111 "'l'h., 1111 '"'' Ir I \\1•1"•' lhl• hnl Ill II pli'llm -. 1""'1•11• W1111ld f lllflk l'tl ,1,11 1111 1.. 1'111111~11.;11 111 "" 1. 11 .. r "hlo'l1 ~•• madt- p11ltllr, !\kc 'oy 1111ld that .... • S1111t11 An" h1'"1r 1•"> nt'f' llftd tU· fl"\1•r 1 "'""' If•• ro•nfl~ a. t II l11•L flu ,.,hll"lll l"nlll Jud£f'ftV"tlt "' 1'11,1111•" nhlhl> ol Iii•' ma)nrlt' lt11•1111 .. I\ • •I I h1· )11 1-.1·nt hoard al ... 111 .. 11111111 ••r th1• 11u1"·rlnt~ nrul ·~111ftl 11111 lll:ftlll lf'I m) ..... ~ ork for tlwm " be first ·Cla~s I Post Q ffi('t• D<-· ort meni s11ys so 1. was "To tw-or •I to I.it·" But th<' frllow, S hakc:,tt- ·ar, \\hn is uh~ays ic1·ndin1: 1141- ls to E!'DLlNE.S. phont'd this ~~ \\'<'dnC"Sday, too-a chrrring rr<-c110n. "Don'I w~rry. N o t th<' ml.' hamlrt I wrote about." t'Xrhani.:<' nf c-ultural fal'lhllt>«. In· • f \ h • C'.-n 1ral P l4lllfWlC l~ 1'1111hni: lih·raturr. a r I, thl'al•'T. 111111,, l'lr ftolitort :'\ l~ bo .d and musu: fac1htil'5, t'tc. "' 1h.· Stanford t 'm''"""\) "'"° • J c-. ' y,,-. •' ro'!'r.,~f ~fa. lnlrr~ll'r•-ll••ll)l\•k•1I If, I I 5 To promotl' l'lquir i<"S with· l«t1D m.-nt .~T'\")(..,... ~ ~"t 1 ., ..... ·~ ,r •n.. ..,,..,.... impnrl· • I"'' • 1 • t• .. 1 • • 'I' 1 11 m n wmlx·r n11t1ons of h:ns1o ni1 M'CTl'lal") of tho-c•vnf,.,.,._... <r• i r t ,. rr t,. •r ..: rh. '"'°"'.,1 ,,. I .. ,., "'l'"llll•·nl .1 .. 1 111 •11111 '" 111 II\ l " \\ h1<:h would 1t•nd tu ('ndang,.,. I -11• •: I '\\'" •I• ,\I 'I: 11 11; l.111 I ,111 \ "'" • \'lo. 11 ... 1 I "I h 'tl world r•Plll'l'. 1 Maki~ Fattsm. '0 •· _.._.'~ .... ,.,on,.,,. ph'dct' I\ I'• \ '. "illlllot \Ill .. ""t '"'"'' th•'""''.'" ••• t I\ tll ,.....,. ,,-.Ur =o • I 6. T o stud_,. mass media such . • ~ .... 1•1 .. 1 .. 1 •• 1 It• 111111 "111 ~i.111 l•tt ... ,1 ... I• ,,o1 .. 1 """" •1, 11 .. 111 Mi f(o ..... '"'ocrS bo I as motion pictures •nd pub11.1 rrorH•'-"~ .. -'11 a.ad ·-1···· ..... 1 ........... i-1111111 .. uu ,.,,.., 111.,I .. "· 1 ... "'"· .:1 .. ,1.,. Our wife', who ls the column'1 ('Ill ions, ~·i1h 11 \"iew to informing ~lfll' ·~ ~f ... m 10 ~lor' ~·•I '"Ill" 11111 \I•"'' 11 l111t•k-1.111o1 • ""''•II 1!..11 , .. ,.1 ... 1 "''"' 111111 lrnPst rontributor, after S hak<'· fhC' P"-OPl~s of !hi.' world aboU• People UTL-~-1 ini: ""' '' 'I ••11i:h .;11 \ l.1111wl 1• 1tJ· 111 I.•' I' .. , ""' '" •'"I h11pp\ orar<'. tells this. When last Su.n· o lhl'r n ations a nd areas. n l"1 ~lift' ~-..a. "' f'Nl6. S t.rod. 1 11.,11. o1 1 1 i: h I "'" 111111 i\1111 111 .. "' d •I II· J ol11 1 111.1 .. ~ f D rfhcw n I bo t I y's WC'C'k!'ndcni h ad departe-d l'~.·r.sco ~ c-1 ........... l ~1IN''.''E"•"""'" • .,. ...... , It -·1· 1111 11 ~tllll<' 11•1 ~""'"~ 111 .. ''"'" o•I 1 .. , 111. f'tl ... 111111· <' r C'markC'd , Monda)I, to the TheP11clfkR<"gional Confer ena-un'~ua~ .. ~~~u tnMu.ic ;:,.:.:°'·~~= '"' ~111.:i:lo tl '1•111 nl u~ f•lr '"'''•11••·1 .. .111111111111 .. "• 'u•UI 1ar t blonde In tl'le M alt S hop: In l 'NF.SCO "111 bt' held tn San ftrani:r fat't'I! in a ....., .. rmnigr at _. '"" •"'11 pruo1 f. 11 .. m.11'..1 .. h'd his s111t , !Jll'll) "1111·1111.: "I sn't it nice, after th<' vlsllor~ Fr;inrlsro Ma}' 13·1'4,15. It 19 t™"i tlw Cni\·c-r.siH· ol tii~a • ,_ ,~ IO'•.lf...-t ~II ~r•:I. 11 111~. 111111 111111· i-v-1ts 111 1. ·1 ·11111111,.. lt11• 11 1.,1 1 .. 11 •. '"'" go?" fl~sl major l"N ll}ttt in11: on tl_M' 11 ic ont• · cd ttw> rW'\"T' _.._. 4 1 '* 1 111 "' '1'"'' •I "" 111, 1·1111 ,.1 .. 1111-: :->111rnl• 1 ,,1111 11111 111,· "'Yes:· agreed the blonde: \~ f'i;t C'oa~1 s~nl"l· 19-15. I t '111'111 tht· l'<'hool 1, lt")linJt OU1 •to cur-~~~ ..... /.,' ' bnks '1•1111 i.: .. lc! l11in h .. 1111• .. 11. ll"" 1, """, 1," ti 1., 1 ,. "" "\ "'Only th<' characters 0 lefl," Include· llflfJroiuma.~el)' 3000 d<·lr· stuttt•n ng _t. • .,. 1 rh.a~·I CfUJh..t '"'h .. 1~·1111 .. 11n1I 1 u111.... ,111 11 ,1.,11,,,,.,.1 ·IJ"'""I lf,,11> ~L.A. W . 1'•1"5 from Ha wat1, Alaska . An -1 t;;.lrt,i )'t•ar. tlw Uftl\"""'1)' tn>1lt .... ~~ • • ~ .. ~ 'fht • .:• "' "h" trilk~ ltkr n htl77· "'""' i.:• 1 11,. 11 1,1,111, .. .,1 '111,.~ ~555555555555~~5555!!5::!:5553E?5555~t flllflU! 6ll t>IUfh'f'fTll and llhovf Y•• ; ..... d-:;-:-c,: \\ RR• .. ~ .. lf'l°!!I :~~~.1j;~·' 11" "1•·"' llM•k" ~'"'"' 1'"'." I ... ,.,, 11 .... 'I II ... 011111 FAMOUS FOR FOOD mlwrs ""™' ~, ... ~ dt<ttt"U "'• • ~ <I>"'' •n>-l "°""' t~ uul ,of 'I I II ' ·I I) th• I""'' • o I• ,•., 11 .... k 111 Tiw "'"-~ f,,.,-tlw nu~ -, ... , •ho IY<-·· •-.d rr. m un•""r th.-r• ·•I/• • .it 1111, 'dk I' "1" ) : ' f•lll• ... ''"'' I""'"" .. ,_ ~ u 1n...11o.1..:n1l1• '"' Hl 1111, .11unih1 ,,,., .... 11 rrflr<1< h ah11.s inudrnt• ~. na.. S 1.1n<I• 1 1 1•1• .i 11 .. 1 11 ·, 11", 111111: '. "· "' '' '"' "••h "11" .~l'Jon.'(j tn thf>tr f•_..t DIA tu I ' \\ lll ft"' 1lllt<'lh111 I"'-...., 10 think 11~•111 lot1\I I" t1J•I• \\Ill ~Uthr '°'·h ,,., dfv-p l1F'f"111inn:: \\iU_J\\J f?. Tl?rrr c;r. r-TI ... •tr·'"""' In 111••' th1 11 llll•lt•ttf ..... 'h•.·~ \\I') t •·ii ........ ·hflffl •">ttllrowtfti: .,..~ •tw1hrr_ -n-,, --r. . , ... , \11'•.1 ~ni• .. ,ft,, ~ ' (' N0~~:;.~6:~:\~ M. •hn-.uch tlwir 1f'('1h ~\. • ,,,. r """ h 1 ... p >-4 ;", I 11 "" .r, 1111 .. ,, '" , ,,.,, I n .-tll n·· trl~ 1 rt io ~tudt-n1-. -~ "'• ..,,,.., • , r ti-. t tr.:.""' 11n fh•· ,.,,., I 1 it h~· It• ti f 11 flt '"'' ,, t..-1\•t .tl rw •n·,t udt'"f'tr, ar,.. 1n ii.1rd "llh rlml(' fitrilth•oc "arlt \4'1ll ;\hr" .. 1 tho m .fto h .. 1d nC ht"' ,; ••r•d ttt t 11),, ttf lUJt.trt• " t fl .• J.,. "f ,... '•1r ... ""'""';r h:it\• hf.a.rd ,....,.,..,.... ... 1·· 11 r I ' ''· f I 1• .. Ultil ltl' llUtJtllt U Orders Trial SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN ·1 J.ir-•.ntinf--1 •••••n ••f \\ttrd< • r ' •' h' r • •t tr• nnt .tf •!· •! ·tu I .~, • •• rn '1rt "' f If 11 ti ••t11t1t h1, \ti 1111 I Ii 1.1t l11 d 11 lth1k \"tlOtl .. I • lfh I 11 I I ti,, I f I\ • t • 1 It I lt1l ••1•1'1''" •• j "'t' ti ,. I 'If fl' t '\tl'-T U O: TO O 'f ''' ;.1.1~ 'tl "HHJI ·~ ,._ t,t .it-· \\ f ., t • • ' ti I l1 I \\t 111 ,,, I ti ;-. t .. t ·ri· /' : !'~ I' If ' 111 ,,, t h1 I""' ~.-lif (If 1 .. ••'1 Jl 1 llllk !Ii i\ IHtl tu H' SAFETY * PROTECTION · DEPENDABLE ' \11t..1·i•1• rqu. n • .tn n d• I 1• ... •. un'1 m•'"'k" "h<"Jl "-' J••rk~ ,.,. I nr .. n t h• "rt me f\ld-· '" !ho ~1rt• I ll1• fir•• ... tr11~ 1 •·od. "n m'"' In II\ r r ;i-.. tol j> llto Ir ""1 ' • p ,. ~ .. 1 • '" "I a "ali'UT!-.n -For You-_.. LU ~I BER MATERIAL '•• impro\'e your htJrnP lrabilll .. L"-. roofing. f-..mC'irldl 1<1<tition-.. J!ar~. utilit) hlrtg!' .. paint. On pa~mmtJ 11·i1h long term r•Y plan. C.H. CULL\. ........... ___ ~fl-............. .... (. Designed by ACKERMAN for Out4<!or LIVABILITY Those tteak9 wlll I.Ute bc.>lttt a)1 ~ broiled on a new "'Santa F'e" Da ·~·ond1t1on Ra d io. hrat<'r. frnck·r " ... ttcl""ln• "'""'"' \\ t I I ~1 , I \\ tll.ill' thlt•·I' lHH t,. h \ lh,1f It I I liA• t o I I 111111 \II 1111)' ~01.:Y •m •huulcl I o!lumt1 r. "lo.•, 111 11h,.lll~ 1111!' of 1 t• .-..1abU.sht'dl Ill• fl\1 1 ll11f1\\10HH'I .. ·11u ' \1 h11 ,,. "1'lJ "'t or fht ...... n1•\ f, lt1 1d1 q p, "' I d1 f I ft •• ~~ '"'"r ""'' 111 I I••'. 111111~' l1o h·" 1 rl1:tn1·1 ii I • News of 6AL.ec4 a~a ... & CH,.PCL 1'Q ....-"-----_.,, ........... . .-...C., ..tt:c I> .... a~ .. _,... •• '.!I• • rr: '1. 'a ... ,.. t fl , rr • .J T .. t '""•C•;~V CL,_.TRAL ··~ C-H\llltGH '' '" 11·1 •• k ... T JAM[., L H U n (;H PROT£'>TA l l.l'l'iCOPAL 120'> V1.1 L•dn I \t'f l'h11ri~· ""'' , .. ' 1 •• ,,, ""'' ",,,, ,, t •j ~•v r ,,.ut 1\.1 .. , •• Wh1r1,., n .. c1~11 ,., ttt ' ,, I f··h. I II lfltltl ··Ju 1t "' '·t.u1 I . , J,. .... I t•• , n ~ , ., "• I''"' 1 •~··• • , ~ n 11-'tr•t !'•u ''"' If 1 f•ll I Iii "'") I flfl " "' ., h•t• ... , , ... II ' I I •• '" ......, O. .......... ,....,.,_.,... P .a.tor J~·~ .,,.:, .. .;.'· .. ~·~~ ~.Zr =:,•---,n,~~ • .. ,. •• ,., .. ,. , .. r r •••• ' ti tti/:.'" ~ ...e ..,t. P .. lM a.••nU#'. f4114tta '"""IA.••~-.• ,. ~.,._ 11 ~·~ -.. -'""" ., .. ti "•• a..m 1" -' -.. l. I""' 4 .-r'iei ~ ~ p m ~ ,-.... 4 , • W"I, ..... "1° ~•n 1·~ 7 I rn .. _. ....... ;. ..... \.ti ..ri.-,m ,\~n, .... •CZ'l ..... c,,..-~tr_.I A-.-"\.t4" ,,.,,_...,. • l M QQ•t J it t " 4 -. r. ",• .r•t• • tr n 1 f 1t '"' :-"'... .. • 'b • ., 11 '-' n r~LL C.0-.PEL CHu ~CH ~~ ..,......, £~.! ... r ~ .. u ._..,.._.. ,. ' .. • • ,. i. rr •·rn111 .. W' 11. r ••. j.'\.f"4•f" "•r-1,,,.;~1 fM r . 1J • :r .. ·-0--......-!•L,.. 1 f \A.r1h t • <. • ~ • • ~ ,..... f' ... • • ,·..-t -,-' ' -. ,,o--.r._-• Y ':!"'fl... P~H C-• ~· '••* .... ~-·---· ·~f'\ • If 1'l·t.., r ...... i... ..,., .. .. '' •• "I ' ' _,, t. -· ..... • • • 0-.. ; F'IRST J'OUn .. ou ... RF <HU !"H or CO.,T A Mt .,,. O rrlng• All(I CAbrlllO flt~v a,,d Mn 0 W fftoud .-._._ .. ..,,,, Pa1tor 1 Phonfl' O~Jtcnn ~?f, lln•ht\• ~"., fl• .. d 11 (II ,1 fl \f11m lua.t ~··• .f,it • ' •, •'nuit,.•l~r •• r \ 1 • •· 't11 11 111 ,, ... fHh fl I'll I \ fl t• 7 j1 II+ t \I f11fl ... I \ hf'J I ! t I t I\' I ~· I '\'•·',"""d" I·" l''i)•' 1tt f"rl1l"Y 7 co 1 ,, .... ' 11n . •• 1 '" ~1 .. 1 ,,,. .... 1111!\ ('f'l'>'TA M('IA (0MMIJNITV 'HU il' It J o•tPh H 1' h""+I ,. n M .,, .. " • 124 (. '°1h ~t t •H ''"'''"'~II• M ' hu ri 1 •• , t, , I 11 1 ,, \T .. f't1l nt1 \i.1 r h lj 11 I •1 • "'Ii • t 11 If I 1 '· .... ti ,,, JI''' \·I ,II '• j 11 1 •ti "'' •• ' I '' oAO,.._,.,A Ori ·~AP 1 ()y••1 ... ,, (H V Hf •~ r 0'-f,f'!'(,I> 110..,/.I ft~f, ~ r I f'll.-•ft .. "' f • , .. I -.f• I • 1 M •ltt t1 1 r A v1 r '" •~ 1 If~ 'I 11 -.:111 ,, ,, '''" 11 I" l 'tl>-. ,, \I. . ' •h I I ,, I I I I ,. . • . , . \ .. I• I I i••. Ir Yi. II l•I• I ''• ,.,., , ... '' 'I \\. "'-T.V,.,..,•I ...._. ludse T . Alan Oolda- bon>1.lirb <above> II lbo11rt1 In bil Wa.ahJn(ton. D. o. o h • m bf!n ltvlrtl1 alt.tt he 11tt1f'rN1 UMW PrHldl'nt J ohn L. Ll'wlt II• •U.nd tl"IRf J>ll R t'flflt~tnltl ltf t:"lllH I char11r '111r Jlllll(f' 11rch'rl'd Uui 00111,.mpl lrl&I 11flrr hr111 lnl( 11111 11· tnrntA uf UMW 1111.t•rtl•'Y" 1111<1 l .rwl~ hnrl nnt dlllflbryrc! 1111 l\11r·11 3 couri or<ln t.o ""II "" ~Jw -.,11 ,, , 11 11 J ,, I " I• I' cu11I 1t..rllle. 'if II " ". ,. ,1 ,, ,, I ' I I h tt t lh • n.:a111 • t l1.11IPI ' \II uf 1111' ltll l'I" 11• 11 ••II ll 11111 I.. I ~11r .. 111 .. 1i.11~ •l.1) nn th1· Whlh' I lt111•1 I"' 11 A '"" 111111111t' 1..-11111·, I I ll!itllf\l lt.1111 h1'1 I l'hlJl!l:l'tl Ill' I '••nn~\ I\ 11nl11 '" rnttt' to <'llll.. f lh· ""'''' 1111111 ht • his 11~ n front ~uni '1'111• t r11l11, 1111 1111l11111uhlh• \\ l1o·1·h1, \\II~ 11 r1•pJl1 ·11 ttf 1111' 1111\ 1111111 .. ,•1 "h11·h l11t111<'h•'<I < ·111 1·11111ltt rl~,. tu• thr r11ll t'llpll11I 11f f11o \\ "' 111 I 1•1 )'t'llr• ni:n It \1 111• 11 ~•uni t.1 11111111 1111 l "hl· 1·11.:,.·~ t 1111t 111ul f11lr to ,.,: lwl11 ht "1rnl)' t11w11 111111 ~111111111•1 M r 'l'r11m11n lntlil'l'l ll-d fto'd lnv1• ---.-----~ Mrt 'O>. now M•~l1tan1 t o .......... 1lr•nl 11r t 1N·1drn11tl 1"1ll1·~r •nd 41- '"''1111 111 p111lll1• r..t11llun11 ,...._,_ '1111 1'••11111ln llll'rr lf1• Wu• fl'lllO\'l'fl U hfoad fil S1111l11 A1111 '""''Ill" 11 yr•r 11CCJ .., 11 :1 '.! '"11· uf tlw M'hool ~ l!t'fM'l't'lll<"I""" h1t\••• fnll~l'd ...,_ llill('I' In drop 11m11nd to lf'I' lttl' 11tmw ttl-.--------------- 11\'ltll'lhln.1: llkl' 11 pull1lf11I <'lltn· 11111i:n 111r1n · 1 1·1•111·· 111_• _1..:·~; ~1..:11~k~·-·~t~1~1m4f--;:::~~~llf::::::---iiiii:~llir-l'ls1•\\ hl'rt'. Th" pr11ntHll11n 1••11pl1• h..t1ln1I thr 111\\11 111111\' I'll llw \\'hit" 1111t1J1<' '1•• l •·t 1lro' 1111111' 1 ml••< 1111\' f11n1·> lJhk,-r 11111ln11 thr 1·,.rht111 '"''I') •II 1 'h11•111··•• flt'lol lrt111 ht1r•" nnrl J•ll'>•l'lll!l'I I' .. II ,.. h tt1rn11i:h th1• .(1, .~. '' uf th1• t 1n p1tt•I \\"'111 n C'f't•\.(' r j t1 u111 f 'h!..>11·••• f1r'f ri.11r .. ri1( 111 .. I < "111• 111'" 111111 l\orl h \\'f•t1frrn 1 1 '111o \ "• 1 • 1l11ll,.1I Ill' In 11 ... 1'1•4 1 111111•~"11>-IM I' A 1\1111"' '°'"'In ,., ·~•111h1· 1 .. 1 .111• k \\ i···•··ll·• "' \\ 114 I lot • 111:111•, I Athl Nu111111 S) k1'~ l•llt\• ti llko •lit \\j1w II f\11l1•ul 1111• .. 1)1 • 1 111 11,. 1111\ 'l'I"'' ,;11 l•~•k•'<l 1 1 fl11 , .... I .•• H • !\11 '1'1 111111111 •h11\\t11'""111111111111 It•.,,,,, 1 untl 1t11 110\' "' tlu• 1u•·•• 1 '"" tl1ii1 h1• 1tn11"~ •11nwthln11 -.... .-1 1u11t01111 f•·r'"" Snttu·l"od) 11\ru l•• 11 r1•1111trk ulonUI 1111' """' c·n t l'lw r '1'111 '" l•r1'! 111n •111'11 U1i11.: 1t• " '"""'II I di• ' .,, lfl f "'' 1 •11 ·•'"""' J lo• "''"' 1r ''"' 111 .. 1( If 111•, v1111'll (11111 If '• I .11. •I I .... ,, .. 1 \\' IJ "' •• 111 .. o1 I !\1 1~-1 ·11111h .. l h REPAllS M9RllUl°LDlll .... ... au. --•••• 'Aft .... -.. .,_,.. .... • Ml.-.., ... • t "11111·11 111. hhr111 1n11 fi,t 1111· 111<.•o· I'----------------• 4~eate . David, Martha, and A. C. Almond I For Your Eating Pleasure I !I We Specialiie in -Southern Home Cooking Steaks Poultry ~l 'NUA \' UINN t:lt.-1 TO !f Hakl~ llam, lloaAt Bet>f, Turkey W e Make Our Own Bread, Cales, Pastry IK:iO llnrhor Hl\'tl, In Uownlo"'" (;0111.a .,_ ( ( '11.-..-cl Tht1"'4la~·t1) YES! ' .. It la C'Ustom made by •Ar kerman *k1rts SN" Jack W ilcox. 13.~ attrocUve two tone brkk, with I ''\\·,.._, Ci•nlral. C'iio;i-:\ta r Apl!l combinatlon plate and mesh 111 I louri; 11 :Iii a .m • ;, ''' V m Ill t~.< S l h , d111ty S11111rrlay 9 l ~I a m .• 3 :111 bro ng or .,,.ng .• o ma t<'r 0" .1 f)m ~1'l-lfC' con11 t rurt ir.n t-ccept iona 1 f'\·er off("l"f'd . RALPH P. KASKEY c~ ....... >• ~ #111.,l "'". 1tr••t• l O .•-• •_.,,. ... ta, •• .... ,. 4 ..-"·• • ,, t • , .. t • II, • •11111 f'HRt4 f IA'I "°'If •• , I F'U~\T (H I f , .. rn I ftHf'1 T .,.,.,,,~, PufSTAURANT OWNERS your outdoor llylng a~a i.. we \ '\-,. ... ,lO, v I I "' ,, v .. '-I I •O' sign o r hulld lo t our •Pl"Cltll'al' ~F..AUEll'TATE hnrbfx-u!' to meo<'t 1 o u r requln, ·----------------• 3411 W Crntnl fl'h ffar .(. .. CC ,.. --.........-r1 v,,'""'d •t •q. A,"t4~-t·-l>• •v .. .-.u, •..,..-. € D ~u. Pa•tor ~ .. \ I -r ,, • ,, ' f 1 , \1 '1 • • t I 1 I 1 , I ,.... f 't111t lo f I I f •1 • f,I I 1t .-~•n )1 ,., ,.,,, 1!11 o I I" Get ready now for w m mer llvl1 BEAUTY • INCINERATORS THE ACK! • 2330-2342 SOUTH MAii' SPECIA L 3 BEDROO '.\f HO~tE \\'ITII A<"R E O F GRrJ~:'l:D llor~f' 11nrl <'nw Barn "1th llay 1\Ttm ah.""' t'h1t·k1 n F:qulrim' nt A STEAL AT $5.00U G. N. \VELLS BROKF.R 1790 ~rwport Bh·d m=:,v·n~ !'il~l · 49-2t<" <:--- Rf.autiful Ocean V i.-... Lot Jn ~h"re Cliff r,; x 1 ¥> ( )Y;'nf-r '"'" 11 l'lo4P . . ... . .. .. ",.. "' .... -6 • ,,. ... p ll -\ ""ft •• ~ "4----.. # ; f'I• ,, n- ~~'-TH 0A; AOVC••Tl\TS ~"--• •.11' -."""1 01~ Cnan't ~ R ll").Uf v tt.o ,..,_..., .., ... 1·• .,, "'' • "'"''•-"'•'"'' n rn '~ I • • ,., ___ " •• _ ... ., , .. _j_I. • 9' !.~ A'-C>All"W'\ P1111£~aV'T CAIAN '-""'"'C-1£•POWT HAlll90111 .. ~ k h--41 ...., ..... 1 .... ..,,.,. :#f. ·----; .. -:;:-r""" . .,..,.o.,,• qun1tr1v ~ '' .. t ,• '• '•11 1 r·· ... .,, I ,. • ,, Ir,. •• 1 I I ,, '\' ,,, • I ' I \1' \f·,~;!7s1n::• 1~. •11 ; k ,., l · • 1 r , ,,...,, fl1ill•• "' ... • J•• fj •1.,1: ~ ft II , 'h ... ~. 11 Ill P'¥ I 11t ,...,,,,,,.., llf 11 f lrlttYl'll f1Afl1 fl ttlh 11i1~1 I \1•d.1 ., ~r!',.t~';'•~I ;;,I;, .. fjl I-',':\ '/,1 .. ",~:,~~''',1,~:· ,'1 ', ' '• ;trfln« J( •' m r •HllllT IA N f>C IFNCE TFXT 0 0CTl'llN£ OJ' ATO NI "'' .... T' Th• 0 •1lfirn T,. .. , ,,f th• •1mh I.• • n·~rm-on ''" ''"•"itJh• • f ·"' h• , '""' • 1n .. 11 t+r _..n'• ,,,.. f•t I,,,. M •' ''' 1 ·•~h Th,. 1••1r~• 1't1iar tj t t ,,, • ~nfl"' In H•1•t1,r t• ,, 111 I I uu " dd >h:r : ... ,·.-... ":'.,,,...~ "~,,..:-=.~r,,,,.. ,,,...,. I Yf" •••• Tt ... , •••• 'I ,, otl hh'I h• ·rt•"'"' •·· ...... ,I t; ... J "'' I lh• 11 ••.• '" f'hrl111t ,,.,. .. .. UDO J ~LE Pl!l ~!E l<l-f • r r,.-,,.. · ., 7."Z",,... (AA~f'R ~AT~ ,LU. ' w .,. -.... ·•-rr ~ r,,. Any .. 1-. .... , .. ~ "·" r--: .... r \ '"'', .... .,, ,, ,, \~ ... \II • . :. ,, -:-· """.. ...,._. ft._ P"41 .. m ,. "'""' , ~'\A.<IJ • ,,1-I t-: ...,. H.--r....,.r-2:1-t ·-t •.c·~~T .. .&111901111 ~ ...... c,. ..... G>+ulltC. .. '"tJZ-~ -o--...-~ ... rt .._..o"'' ...................... ~ '=-lll.t,-t'-.... ,0 .. r~l•t• • tt, p ·I• 11t • •h•, I ••,u• Tr,." • ,. , ,,,,, ... ,,, 1 t 1n'1 wp, ... ,~•I Ahtl rt • 't ...... I I t \\ vlna r,, tt ht•f 1 ••#I•. • '1 • • 1 fh f1•)1t " ft, .. t 'It n It'• 1 t 1t1 t I Th1tn •AtO, u # • .... • 'Mt\ thtn#t ) ,,, I Ar.·t f ,, •r• 1 t1h "'•I , •• I •• >-,. • ••• ft;• • lt1t->f Ttu I 11 • I t1 of ..,. • • ._, t • •ntl tu l•I 1 ,r t• ,...._ • ' •, :'l:F.W '.! ru:n R<)(l;\f h orn" in :-;rw pnrt lldght~ Plast.-r 10· tl'rior ~tnl'f'Q "XtC'rior. ~ Ltm rl<J"'n payrr11>n! f\ra.v1nahl" T!'nn" E,·11 F P.h~ 47'1 ~rwpnrt Rh·d Phonr Bt-amn '5713-R f:\eninit~. Rr11ron :'i~R HA n1~0J' J ~\· CO · 49-2tcl _..., 1' > • • • • :. .. ~ 4 .. ,. ......... -.... ...... r r ~ ,~ ... •ftf'f'l6 ~ ...... ..... ., • __ ,, tt•'" '"'I -~ • 11 ,.., ,. ,,. .. 4, .. " ._ th,.\. h tttff1t ,,.,. '• t tt H•t1 •I• t •f;• .. ,I.... t I ,,, q, J11 'fl, I "' ,, .. ,. • 1tf1•I ,.,. ,t rt"'' I, . ., ._,....,. hor. "trt•I f1• t •"' •11 tf '" J~,.. ,. •• ,_. • •. I I I • I Y~h 11 \\' ,., ·not :-; • ..,.'l""' &"1'<.,._•n <>' oop ' Rf~OR0<1:\t f'11m15'fvod h OU§I' for I 2..'9 ~lllntl' A\• n .. :1.. 1• .-wt -~ ...... --,._.,. salr. ~23.iffl 1559 East O<-r11n :. J•,.. .... ~ ~-=-;-u1 ~":" & c;. •• ,.,., Dh·d, By 11ppo1ntmPnt only Call ------------------------'IE.,... ·1 _..,.,,. u ,..111 '\UU~•n--'1 t1I• n1•• f r1 ' •I , • tn•l .. •tt•f'I f 1 I q •' l.t t • ""-rT ..._k~r ..... 1•1) 1t1 ·• 1t1, • t1 tl~.th •Uh K,.v ''• 11,,. "•ti•·' ,,, .(), • ..ntte II• tAU1thf ttl• f1,flt,._1 ,. It •1 I t u 1: r.lt•••·r1 ''"'' "•t \lt• f•11t ~ , .AND MANAGERS . I -.f THIS SPACE MEANS PROFIT FOR Y()U .. Watch It Each Week • HP-TDH ,, ,) • 1295-J. "8-Jtr Be y.-°"' A~ ' -•• •• ....,.. "'• •"1~ .. at 1 ~ ·~ ·-· ... .., .... n. ·~ 1 JO ... • "I --- •hlrh •1•1t~ ·~~t ''''' ''' ., ~r1•I l••1•~i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,. ti\ O..-. ••' 11 a nrt 1 ti• 1111nrn nl( ~ • r • •• ,# • •, • Page 4 * ._rlef Gla1ee a~ Today's Am TPI & Tr i ~ C'an11dian fJnNft<' Dup.>nt Cent>ral :\foton. Coodyl'11r K .. nn·~~•tt Srnr< ~. \;ii E1f1,nn s1 .. n1lu nl (Ill ·t· s St ..... ..... 1th Notice to Contractors fl Builders HARRY B. CAULK s~ !'\ r WJIOrt ffNk"1 OO·H S'.!nd ~t. r;. 8prtnp, A_.lat,e t:nst-r Prompt Service Tetl'pftone Har. ~MO-.r Boan : l :SO A. !M. to t P. M. Evealap or 8a.Dda79 by Appolntmmt COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL OONIULTAftON • DE810 NI • PLANS • 8PECl1'1CATl01'"M • F.STIMATEI" Announcing· the Opening HARBOR PAINT CENTER Wall Com plete Home Decorating Supplies featuring S PAINT Pa per Free Rental G lau Decorating Floor Sanding · Picture Framin<J Service Equipment . .. . - f acing The New C ity Holl 408. S2ND STREET PtlONE HAR. 28r'41-\\' NEWPORT BEACH,. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING APRIL 18TH OF TH£ UNIQUE FOUNTAIN AND LUNCH ROOM Specializing in G enuine Prim~·· Ribs ol Beel-Tender Juicy Steaks, C hops, Shrimp, Scallops a nd f is h 'C Complete Fountai n Service OPEN DAILY 6 A. M. TO 9 I>.. M. " .., 410 • 32ND STREET NEWPORT BEACH (Nut Door to the Nt"w City Hall llt•\·elopmt"nt) ALL UNITS , ( I in this new deve1opmcnt facing the new city ha11 ~ Ere cted by D E A N A. KEPHART GeneJaJ ~ontractor 1710 PLAZA DEL NORTE ' Balboa P•nlnsula Phone HARBO R 318-R I ' 1· I l ALL PLUMBING IN THE New Buildings Facing The City Hall on 32nd STREfT I nslolle:J by . HARBOR PLUMBllG SERVICE I 7 68 Newport Blvd. Costa Mew ** Phome BeacOll 6117 JERRY MILLER Plastering fontrartor · on the new 32nd Street De\·elopment ** 20721 SANTA ANA AVE COSTA MESA ( Phone Beacon 5877-\l YOUR LANDLORD unaccustomed to Public Spea~ing • · · sends 9I~etings and good wi shes to his tenants on 32nd STREET . e/,,pl,ee. s~ Harbor l~b1aent Co. . 30th & W. Central, Har. 1600 NEWPORT BEACH RAVR Al.t TH6 sorr WATER YOU NEED AT TH E TURN OF A FAUCET WI TH- In ~~wport IWac·h at I to . :l·!lld Stn'f'l~l"h.-.... lbrhnr 11 a!• In Santa \na-1 IOI t:. ~t St.-Ph. !" . .\_ G-l~ft ... .. • II .-IJm'US GCWE II MIS. FOR tALJr .. D>WALTERS TILE ~IRACTOR 8aUa p~ Dna Bouda. ftL 15th A s-prn -''-P -C.C.... X-. ~ &....... Si'Of>W-3. ~tic LEROY SLATDt .... .U,U..C Aaft1- W aJJace Calderhead WA.~t."f" AC"TI:Rl:-:G JEWEL.ER · PLUMBING SUPPLIES Opens Sat.· & Sun. · ., 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. IJJ7 COAST HIGHWAY C"URO~A DEL MAR. CALIF. 31-22tc COMPLETE TOILETS. Includln1 scat and n ush va.l\'e $23.~. Wall hun5:. closf' ooupled toilets at oomparahk> priCt.>I. • ,POOPERA TIVE Kohl<'r W\UtOfl<'S S15.00 up. ROOFING CO. I Solid vltrl'Ous china urlnaJs $4 75 each. New and Repair I Gal\'. pipe, also black pipe. Phone Beacon 6217 Chrome swln5: spouts ~.75 l5i3 act.ti Ave .. Coeta Mesa K1iC'hr n sinks S5 75 up. ., :ll-tl• Laundry trn)"s. cast Iron. -----------I Toi ll'I seats, al('nmlng white $6.85. For Rent -Soll pipe and flttini:s. HOUIM.' or Apt. Till Junr 15th r.N our prices. Hot water heaters. new 20-rat H. M. LANE S46.~. REAL ESTATE Rt'built hat wat<•r heaters 20-gaJ . $31.00. ~ill 2006 Court .Avt ... JIOVING Near Newport Pfet' IL • " ea.. A 5-11 9oe111 Eatabllahed SlnCt' 19'JO Any plumbing ltcm can be had through our k>cal or Los An· i<'lel olfi~. 315 Marine Ave. e.t.w ... ~de __________ s. __ tft RAIUl()R 91U.aZ YOUS c.u 15 . ''c 8awiee GIRL Wishe9 daily rid~ to P asa· df>na. will share expenses Ph. Harbor 1668-W. 50-3tc MALllOA ISLAND <Oppo!lt• Catholic C:ureh) -Cl09<'d Tuesday- HA. :mo.w. I .... !C.r.wp..1 ...... ._ 1111 llD"&lllDIC OIJll SPIPJaALTT ,......,._.s can I s.• 12 'WE.US Sl!llYICS DI 'IRE &•--. ADA &•RBT BAll. PAllllDL aBl'llACftJa ,,.~ ......... Tllla.SOI 0..--.a.r. .... LANDSCAPING 20 1' e9n Ellptt lewww OW AS--a.-. JIR. C. L GEORGE llEACO!IC 9'19 D-22u P I CT U R E FRAJl lS G - Harbor P&mt C"ntrr 11 IF YOUR nJR."fJTURE Is not be· aiming you should ·be coming to tJw J~ Co Upholstt-rs and rebulldJng, all RES"nLIN work ttUaT&nlttd. Phone Beacon 6260 . 25-22tc DIPLO'l'W'El'n w A.JlfTZD ti MiddJe aged man desires part or full tinw bookkeeping, or clC'rical work. LoCal references. Box "K" s ... ,._Times. 49-3tc EJIPLOnrENT orn:ar.:o ft EXPF.RJE~CED Lunch and dlnnrr wa itrt"H 6 dA)"S. Closed Tursdny. Good pay G()od tips. 32'2 Ma· rirM", Ball)na ls l. Har 274 50-3tr Dl~l'ER WAITRESS -At Har· ra:t0n Otnnt'r Hol.IM', 17th & Or· ange, Costa Mesa. 47-tfc Ledger shccts at N~ws·Timel. STRUCTURAL STEEL All siZl'll Angl<'li Channels-I Beams and Shapca-New It Used d % Rcinforclnr Ste-el CKSON & NEWELL in an HI 3101 w. 5th St. Phone l~ Snnta Ana 50·1tc HARBOR • niture & Transfer NDED and INSURED Fur BO A Goo d Buy ... I Let s a Wise Buy Us Hrlp You .Be Wise OURTESY SERVTCE--C 196'.l Ha rnor Dlvd. Costa Meat Pho ne Beacon 5538...J 34-th . co ~Sr ~ ..,__. H~"'.lr ~~l'· -:."ff'Wpllrt f:.~f:RJF.;.;C'EO WA I T RE.SS Silver Platin~ PPER, BRASS, GOLD l11hlng & Refinishing Po Ba. yside Plating Co. 1914 Harbor Blvd ~Irr \\.1tntf!d=-C11ll a t new ...Un1quc j Calf'. .UO 3'lnd St , Ne\l>;pol't "Costa Drieop <"ard'lllly-Span a Uk. FWach 48·3tc Mrsa, ("all! .. Bc1&con 5ll3 6-tfc ---. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY -' Wat ches • C'~ · Jewelry CHRONOMETERS ~pa . ..-,......,.., f'WYMC'IA.~8 • 91JSGEON8, M .D . lrtng -Prompt Servtot 8<-Mi hie Pr1 Ct'9 VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY f JI• tj fl' SC'hool -Cini .._ ........ .DAY.-.ooL I ~~ l ~A WiiLW. a..._ __ _..., ----~--- Dr. Ohal Lara. ~· nm-, •-c-... -·4'-!CUI ..... , llE.4Cll GOmlOX E. &...\PP. D.DA ~---(' ...... L I ......... el~ ~ .... 1lflll'Tr .UR ML1Z ...-n:·ARY ~ ... ,~A,.~· ... , ...... .,. ,._ .. _ ..._._._I! ·~_.~, . orro~ E. T ... trawwa.. 0 . D. °" ..... • IEYDl r;x Ulr.Q'.:D ~.,_.. D£n.IC' ATED a......__....,. hMW .._ ·-----·· ,......._. _.,.. \\·. T. llooney ft, ......... _. .ll-&.\Y !......_~ ... (" ...... _._ .. ' l I A. V. Andrews, M.D. PllY81CIAN ... 8M&Gt:ON •••c~....,. Rarlllor5ae .. ..___ . H. R. Hall, M. D. ..., .......... 8ars- Haun : 2.s. by Appo£ntment Te1e,11 1ae 8-ltt 6MI .• , ........... y eo.ta Meea .... M . Maxw~U. M. D. lltl (JoeM 1Dwa1 Cproaa dt-1 '4ar Offit't' lloun: 10-12: 2-5 ..._ Barbor IN! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 8 14 Bay An .• Balboa Rart»or nu Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m . ....,., tltroacti 'Friday Conrad Richter, M. D. Pr"'H'nl Roure 9:30 a. m . • 12 M .. 2:30 p. m. · 4:30 p m. ZMS-<' ".. Cf'lltral Sewport "-ch ,..._ Harbor Udll \T.Tl:RIS ARIA.~ I I I ., 1786 Np wpor t Blvd C'-09ta ~ 3-tlc FIREWOOD ARCoAL & BRIQUETS PROMPT DELIVERY C'H Wri ght Lumber Yard 1784 Newpor1 lllvd. COSTA MESA Be&ron ssr..s Pie nty of Good Tiree All Sizes Co w mpound Motor Otl Gallon. 70t' I 1R36 eStem Auto Supply A1~hor11rd Dealer N--r>ort Blvd., Coet. Mt91 17-tt• I SER VEL The Som G A"S Refri~erator " :'\Tod<'li; A\"nllnbl~ NOW 11 Bal boa Furniture Store 100 Mnin St., nnlhoa I I Phonr Hnrhor 145 22 05 Coa!lt Rh·d.. Nrwpor t Phon(• 1 lnrbor 116 41-tfc xxxxxx x I PL I La,.~r. UMBING SUPPLIES ~I Stn<-1< in Ornntr County. I {, - !"ll'T.l\"PORT HARBOR I ~OY HOSPITAL I aw-Partier, D.V.M . " Calv. Steel Pipe 20c foot \hromr Plntrrl Swint Fn11C'rts S!l ;,o rnlt1t• ~ 95 PRiii O. Baf.f'IM-r, D.V.M . 8"' • 11 O&ilF ln<'l !!011 le'7'? &E. !II,.. DrtTll ~" •taU ...... .... !Mr.8; RM. Bar. "8 , .. FREE PLl :\113ING Layout Service 'FONTA NA PLUMRING 2:104 I S \\'. :>: rwport A ,.e. r ni1 tA Mr!la Phnnr Rraron 6041 ELECTR ICIANS <Slnrr l!l20l Cont rncl I n1t· Rr pnirs Rr!iid<'nl inl·Tndu!!trlaJ 37-tfc I Et..~-Hokin & Galvan 1000 <'oni.I lfiway Ar11 5407 I 3t-ttc !'TR \OAT r~nr ~air. \\'Orn 3 tlmrs. 'I <'all Ill 32m C'OA~t mvd. N<',,W· I port Rr;i<'h 49-;;itc nt.f.1. Fruit :>:lrklr Slnt M;i<'hine fnr !<:ilr, li:l:i Orr:rn Ol\'d. Rnl· hn:i I 49-21C WANTED TO B -, ll r.-,. Will Pav Cash 'or ~·r ttll"Nru...: .. ,.,. wtiat havt Yot l"tione BeaMn !W556. i Crawley furniture Co. 1817 Newport lllvd., Coeta .,_. 92-tfe Scotch tnpe. \'11rlous ~IU'!!. on 11\le a t the News·T lmrt . .... [ffi w A.'llTED '[ CAR WANT C'&Sh. must 17th & <:1 CAS Furnitw "We c Phnn 164.5 Newpc TO EXCHA TRADE Yo good out 31st St. n1JL"lft'UR GRVNOW 6 condition bor 1649< BENDIX at condition. FOR S ALE- nut bcdro sprtng m months S2 nation A,· Mar. FURNI111 Aa K E? 21311 M i• Phonr F( On G h."'EN:'\IOn F. with pum Swing lOIJV bor :tM5·. McClellan ! set. two chalrs. ha seats 207 and Jtnr' 2 Rood dout tresses. heater. f, mat)rcs~. thlnR for or ins1dr . nblt' srat~ W rdnN'dl' \'lrw Cor• FOR SALF ";th sli[l 649-R aft FO~ S ALE 7 =.:.. Jt rl I() Harbor !l FOR SALF plntform 210 Cora BOAT". IJ1 17·ft. HIR~ motor, Ii on Coron Ownrr 3· side. or a ppolntm OUTRC At ~ Sen1rr M1 D:: 916 Coai;t G. M Luh ( Phon. ;'\l<•'..! LHfn~ nn ~:'.'i< C'0 :'\1'.\IF.R< \\ith r · 10' 9" b fish 16!'1 M<'1!a. 11ft rr ·1 r & Sund: nYF.R nr ":lrf(l 9f <'alif MTSICAf. l 'SED PT rrnt d<'r on 11 Sp Orwill ~ ~rnMrr ~fain, S1 BALDWJ1' bungalo• Balance monthly r:cm. [). A tTJ:tO!lt from. !l: SPT:"iF.T I damnl?N he tnld t: S150. T0 PIANO ta Ann SPl!':F.T f rent an I t'll just Rent II rrady I !\20 Nn MAPLE ~ 5?t'OU5 le ish. HIR )O\'e mE aoothrr pay out \'OU ~i: co, s2C ~~WP.0.~J".".~~A~R:S.~~~9.R~Af.~~I~~~~A$~$).~~P. .... AP.Y~Bf~~fN.'G~·.M~P.~Q~M] 11 llVSJC.U. a llAJ>JO .. 1 R£AL F..4'TATE ~:llLU.. t:ST~'ft • llf\I ... , \H' STEINWAY GR,\!"n. "The K ing :-O:f.:\\' '"" \><'droom home ObJ• car . T 'ED TO BUY --V ANTED-Nol O\'C'r Stl00.00 • mus t t~· in Rood c·ontlition. & Orani:;l'. Costa :'llo·sa. .a9-5tc :ASH for USED niture & Appliancee "We Buy AlmOlt Anything" GRANT'S Phon-e Bea 5707-M Newport Bl\'d . C'Olta Meu BEST RU YS of pianos.' jJl:rfrct condit ion. hdwd fl .. or<;, du.,I furn N>nwr l LIDO BA' rno~'T LO RRl ~~cs i:ori.;('t11J.S r~nt> Saw O\'l'r $Jll('K) 1 11t.· ~ink 11 .. s1 rn:frir11-d rw1i;h· &.• h"n· .. ~· ,~ ... ~.-.-tac ~1.atMl ; \'I ~If• ir:i ·~. l.o•\d,\. ,.,,1111,11t'I,\' modi'l'll 1~11n1.g~hrn11l1. Santa An11. ~2\l U.111t ... -..1. n •' :i 1 M h,,.,\s and l'"''' ~ l•.uldirw w11 I~ h· 11111' I 'rt•'' l'\o ~tnin 1Q·tft'j d11m•lw~ llai< partial '"'" ,,f 10 .. 11 l •~li u •m ... .' Ii.1th' 'hot\\ II "·' :ll'fl\lllllU\!'llt C:p]:'l'r f' ... 1rror t~p1.• (ll;tOCI Ul\'l'l•• h1trl11,1r 1ln~ 1'1(\'Rn •• $9000 ~IT1NI I ,. 1 ·--1\\1111 l<'I Il l' ~ II • U'\ II ~ 13 R ~ \ 'nlll"~ n. ll _..,I :\ l'.\I ~ t:.· ... 1d1•11t 1:11 .111d 1111'""''-' ton•• Fin, 11'11vn 'l\•u just PB>' « ' -, · ' -' ... · °' ' t tl11n1 ,. ,,f Sl'.!:'i TC'rm1. I •~•n :l7 •. 1.n 49-2tc I O.\:"'. -SClll\11!'1', ~~u ~o. ).taln.I Jo~h 1 \\' ·"T',nil ~ S ama An!\ 19-tfc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 1.:....,. )hnn.-AH•. lla1booa blaPd I ~Ste FOR lll:NT &J 1)0llOLF. GARA<";E. C.>Od loc'a· ------------~------------I lion 10 Costa ~ksa Pr 1 ''ate BR IGGS Tressa Fred 6.14 Const I llghwny c NE\\' l'ORT HA I.HO~ N EWM-TIME8 Pa e 5· t>'tHU \\ '"" oorl H1•111•h , ('11tlf. 1\ trtl IA 19'1t \X'll.l.IAM G. llAY · us.,odah'\I ''Ith ~·a rrcn M. Buchanan tn :AI. •·:S-rATE \';°\II !\:1•\\ I'""' /\\c•, l 'osta l\t1"S<t ... ~ •' COSTA MESA ~' . ln1h1,tri11I pr11p1·1·t ~. I m't'\' on Nt•w111u1 Avr.: wltt'i Fo n RF::"\T -.\ttri.cth·e 2 ruom l partv $7"~ &iu'()fl-(;l~M l1r0u.r Oft i;nrdC'n patio, till · -&8-5tp . 42-ttr. DUPLEX Ph. &'ft. 5TT8 Rt>S. Har. 2476 t'"' li.'flt-1111\11 h1111w' 171i ft frunt11i.:1• on N1•WJ'l011 A \'1' Holh l11>11..,.~ I ,1,1n· f1·111111•: !\ nus. rth'h. Oflf' \\'Ith II,\\' lli\\11,_ B1111t ~11 1•1wh, ..:111t lwnt .. KCHASOE au -E Volgh\tind••r Caml'ra for I out-bo:ird motor. 106 ·~ S t. 49-3\p mJJlE FOil SALE a OW 6 ft. refrigerator. GOOji Utlon throughout. Call Har· 1649-_J 46-5tc IX aut•101atlc wa11hl'r, good litlon. Ph. Harbor 258 49-5tc iALE -5 pil'Cl' blt>ached wal· bl.'droom suitt' with lnnl!'r· ng mattrl'ss. U11l'd only 5 ths $200 00. Call .. t ~ Car· an A\·c .. A pt. 6. Corona del . 49-2tc RNT1URE REFINISHED As You Llkr lt KEN GRENS11ED 1 Miner St.. Qista MeM Phonl' II arbor 1070..W For E1Umatct 0 n Guarantl"t'd Work 22-tfc l ORF. W nshlni;: ma c h 1 n e. pump. \'l'ry good cond ition. n R iii" wit h motor Ph liar. :.IB()5.J !l0-1 tr . lien solid m11ho1:any dining two hOSI 11nd four sidC' rs, hAnd CM\'1.'d , "ith !rather s. 207 Pt•11rl St., Balboa Isl· JI arbor 13~!)-M 47-5tc j douhtr roil sprln~. 2 m at· . s L'S • lori:I' rir('Utatlng gas Cr. fnlrlini;: c;pr1ns: rot nnd JrC'Sll, :? i;olid oak d i\'iln!', tht.> Jot for wn111ni; room, Porch , nsidC', i:nn<l l'prini:: dl'muunl· i;1•a t<1. \rn• l'lt!lil)' r~\'rrrd n1•sdn.>' or Suncll\y 1402 S1•a· :l .., Cnron11 dt•I Mar, 47-4tc SA l.F: -R<'d. dh nn & rhair 'l slip rn\'rrs Call H nrll<'r ·R nftl'r 6 pm. 4fl-3tp ALF: t lak rnlh-<I tnp dl'sk . lll'li'!I n•pt'. C'nrnna ell'! Mar, s •bn s r 'J' 51-J 50-3tC ALE -U.•rl·d1vnn. minor orm rncker. C'alt Sunday, Coral /\\'C . Rnlboa I~llmt1 50-ltc • KUPPLIZ8 • HiRltl'OS Utility Qirysler r. tikl.' nPW Sc>ll or trade. oronn d,.t M11r real N\ate. 10 C' Tl C'r 3742 Walnut St .. River· ', or Ph. Riq•rslde 3262 for lntm<'nt. 47-22tc f T ROARD MOTORS AND BOATS NE\.\' t,, UST.O •r ''kl' nnd Rt>pnlra on All Make11 of Motoors Dave H. Spies ai;t Jliwny-R<-;iron 5676-M 24-tfc -- ~PECIAL ~t nr r.n,w '.\ti\nJ:-:F: AC' C-13 _, ah Oil F1!1"r" 111 ~I 25 p L hnn1' I hrllQr 1(120-:'lt itfll~l"ltl' "'"''port n r11ch R 'YI llf OIF:SFI. SF.Tl\'IIT. F::'\Cl:'-:F:ERl:-:C. C'O IR-!"itc F.RC'T 1\ L ,to. rt fichini: hont C'hr)~lrr C'rown "'°tor. " hrem 11111'1<1 6 Inn~ Ir~ 16:'il) !'\rwpnrl nh·rl . C'nstn Pnonl' l1N1cnn 1\,1.Al •• J <1 pm or All rlny S M urrl:iy 1nd11y~ 36.:?;itr f)l:"iK • P1•rfrrt rondit inn 907 \\'r,<;I St, O<'r11n«idr <llVil p .U , .t RAOIO M PTA:"J()S \\'llOIC'd for our II{' D 'lt d<'pt. Trnrlr your nlo1 plono Srinrt Hi2hl'11t 111low once. II huv fnr spot clf5h. OAN7.- MIDT PT Al"O C'O . 520 No Jun.· 15 Llt11tt1C's p11ld. Adults. 311 bland A\'f' Balboa. 46-51c FOR S ALE -:.! bt'd.room rww F OR Rf:'."T-Sumnw r months, 4 hrornom houS<'. ~ hlocks.. from bay 31:i GoldC'nrod, C'orQna d••I Mar. \9ft1.J 50-ltc buAgalow to b.• rno\"t'd 1mmrd· i11h'ly, 11nrrifirt• ~ lA'U Patch. l"f•wport Cit)' Hall, Ph day Har 1039. 6fnlngs &-a 5629-)t 48-31(' $15.500 WANTED TO II.ENT d TWO Nl::W llO MF..S IO ,..,.,.'JX)rt w. L JORDAN _W_A_N-"TE_D_TO--RE-N-,T--G-a_r_a_gl!' Il<'ights •-or .al<' hy O'll'IW'r a EAL T 0 a (or family car, prl'fC'rably on lloth h&\'1.' ~ l:M-drooms. hrTd 'lOO E. C-cr.I.. ....._ Little' Ba.lhoa lsland, or nur n oors. !l<'pa ratt' l"T"\'kt• room. ~ W • &dC' Marini.' Avl.', Duaifl('U Dist . Call -i:tifagt•. d ual furnaet• Large front wlndowli. \'our <'hoacP ot POil SAl..E--45 '°"' IJOC -am.a Har. 27~-J ~8-Jtc c>lthPr hom<' $9950. Plnar c:aU Bh-d_ ....__ ~ ...,_ _,. WANTED TO RENT -For o~ In Pt>n0n 470 Nr•'}lOrt Bh'd •Y'• _.,.. 1"1L. ..,__ 5Ul-J month. eithC'r July or August. 2 -----------·-~-2-\<' -------------d bedroom home with uU11Un.. • FOR Qt_,CK SALE close to Balboa bay shore front. 1's'o ,'W:llllt IJOCs -Or... ,.,_. Write-J()S('ph Grt'<'nfeld. 220, W. CORONA DEL MAR In .,.._.,. Balboa Esorllr9C 5'h. Lot Angeles 13, 'Olllf locatiaa far uwlwatiml ...._ 47·5tc SOU"nl OF HIGHW AT -• • d ~· tC. 1 C-2 z..e.. A r-.1 ......... I• S10.!!IOO Muat Sell at Onoe Bt'Sl:-.lf".SS MAN, wif£' a nd daugh . t<'r d1•sir e yc-arly rPntal of 2 or 3 hf'droom furnishrd house• Ph. II arbor 33 or It arbor 1183· W J. ,. 111LI..Dl. ........ A BEAlJIITFUL NEW 2 bfdromm 15th A Cnttraf Ph· .ff.artltqr UM home. Flnplace, s.,....., pade •ttr SO··Uc · nt naeat~ w1th C'OllCftW 1-.. ------------- APAJlTH£ST8 a HOUSES LO\'EL Y BA YFROJ'iT fuml~hl"d npartmc>nt. Month to month or lf'R.4'l'. P A. Palmer Inc •. 3333 Vin Lido. Newport Beach 47-4tc V~M•n bllnda. rup. Spa~ on lot for eJttra roma or rl'fttal unit. ' Will Acet>pt BHt Off<'T' 0\.-er $10,000 SEE THIS HOME AT 432 -BaMie Av~ . Corona dlll Mar. dr PRIME INCO)IE 10 l~ITS .,u. lM f-1 al In.t- ap-Gii c -trai ......_ 1tn1 ao. catloa. ~....,...few ..... u.aJ Ullitw ~ to wO - and ,...,.. to -t ..... ~ th.it to bit IM_.,._t 0pport_. I ty in tCJl'nl APARTl\IE!'IT FOR HF.NT-R11l- l10a lsl.,nd. by wc>ek or month. J•inl' l 10 SC'ptrmbM-15 Phone ! I arbor 384.J 49·3 tc C'ORONA nEL MAR Harbor lnn-:itment Co. R•~T -. "'" .. LL •• TWO LOTS-R-2 r1'!litk-nt1aJ. 30' • L'" ._ ... _•_~_ ... __ AX_._E<>_u_s __ ... _ x 118' All utlhtift P rint.-30th a• w c-1ra1 111 s-por.. FOR RP.NT' Onr or two l\,\lr&C· parly~ C'E znr.o ~5tp :.!29 ~ .A\f', ca~ lsladd 11\'I' n•oms. h.othronm 11djn111lng Q111 r 1 loc·;i t h•n =-:11 ~um1111·r ra It•, I ... ni,. \\'1ndm1ll." '..,)(l()(l :'\Iara M;or. WE INVITE YOUR n 1t1hon l'l•nans11l11 !lO·:?lcl , SCO~F. PROPr:RTl' 50 INSPECTION For !<:t i<' lly O\\"Or r R:ilhon l~lnnd I incom1• pri•p<'rty. 2 l1t·droom Oprn hou"" Snturday a nd S un- hnus1•, Apnrtmt•nt in r<'11r. doubll' d ay :it 210 Opal A\'l'n\M', BaJlo03 i:arncr Roth rompll'lrlv fur-l<1l11nd. A ctw<>rful. 2-b«!ronm nished, 150 fl'cl to_ba,y. i&l a.ny hnm<', nrrpla('(', larc(' sunny lh·· time 110 Prarl Ave. R11lho11 b l-lni:t r oom , hrl'al<TAat bar, ~ nnd. $1~.500. 49-tfc and fl•net'd patios. i;aragr An at· MON"EY TO LOAN tractive. Modrrn 1t)'°k-d hqnw 11 Prlcl' SJ7.000. LOA:'\S TO Rl,!lLD. IMPROVE. -- RUY. MODER:--rIZE. OP I F:XIT.PTIONAL Vl~ LQT RF.FlNANCT. I \\'C' Buy Trust 0.-l'ds l'nohs trurtl'd Harhnr 1md OoNn NEWPORT BAI.DOA F'EDERAL ,;,•w · M fN. t .hy 110 ff'of>t drof-p SA VTNGS & LO A:S ASSN IA\'<'1Y I lnmt' nl'ichhnrhorod Pri<'f' 3333 Via Lido Ph Har. 1500 nnw-~.R">ll 41-lfc OPES HOt:SE: 315 Al'°""' A v : JQ[hoia l~&and <~ f lfr lmp"t'f llCJ8 ~A TI.-'ll.OA l' Ir S1. ~"DAY JI) to t BRA~"DSEW . 607 Topp~· Corona del Jlar Sl0.600 !'i'"'"" . I °""-\-....-. .-...cw u, • Rnom ad;oim ...,, Son """1c I llanhood lbw-J fsrf"Plarr. qn;vt 1nt"Tlonr ~ rr...n 2 ra:r c> raJt" H. D. TlTrl.E IY.I Cc.st lhdrw'ar Har~ r;u AVTOMOTJVE a -TIRES Sl'w·rn 1 Rnyf nnt bntn<'L lota._Mld ·&1': 1 t COAST MOTOR CO. BOU Ffl()ESC1 ILF. lCIOR C'on"I I ltCh\\ :i~ TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS SALE PXrrpllnnnl li•tincs In "Uit your ------------- jlart •<'Ul11r prnhlMns F or thr Ri~ht TAl'allnns rail llarhnr 62·W LIDO l~l.E HOllF: HF.'P.F I~ TIW Bf:C:T t...,,. rwi t1o 1•1 " tifut LMSo 1..- TiiJ_c; ATT'P.ArrT\'1: ..-rvt «JWlr!"Jooo tv.-nr hM :\ . ,,. dSo· ·-1 '· • 'to< and .. ,.,...,, ... ,.cllio• pl~· r ,.._ 3 :> Ponlla(' 4.() ~ ... 11 5W:-i ,.. tlf.rtl • •.,)If ""' p "Tf • .-r • r ~~ts 36 Pl~ 4. I) Sl'd :0-:c>w rni:;irw C:nnrl ruhhrr ~.~;; 3 7 nodi;;I' 4.1) St•rlan lllSI O\l'T· lrn11t1'<1 {)!)~, 3 7 ('h,.,. l·l-D Srdan ll.id10 ~c·;1 t !'"'<•rs. l.!OO<l r11hh1 r 42:> ~H Fnrcf t 'lllfl\' R:'!rl in 111 l 'tw1 ..'·I 1 lll"H POWF:RS anc1 .11 111:-.: 1t 1·m::o-:nF:nl.AST at .J. A. ·J;JEF:K OFFICE lhlhna I«l:m" F.-n:· 1-'lndJng Tifntf" L<:; A l.Af?f';f'" fr-·• lNod. r4 ........ t •;o-• .lt"t1 ''° 1!r•11 Jrt~~' ~ •v.._ t,r-•; •tnJMut I sm ·An:t•"",....... _.. .... ,_. 11-''f" .,..,...,~ ,.... .._#II ... f f•,.. 1 '" .... ,. ••· .,.r'1 I•\. It h ... ,., .. ~ .. I • Ii _ ' . : COAST >tOTO~ CO. I!~ Co;1-1 I li1:h\\1t)' n EAC<I:"\ f).~ '"''''~ ...... h. .. , .... .,. .. .,.,.,, • • • •' I 47-) I(' 11 Pl.Yl\tOl'TI I :.? rlnnr ~I" rhl r1, .. 111..: :"r w paint jnh F:n$:mt" Jll!ll h1 •1•n nv1•rh1111!1 t1 Ila rhnr 13'..!:?·\\" l.!:1 ,\i.:ntr. n.tll1on 1 .. 111nd. npt :'\'o 2 46-5tr I/YT' f"OR ~AU: ~F:WPORT T~LA!'\D -Oinir. !'Ornl'r R·;! Int ~ldrwnlk"' ant 1111\inl!' ""'h «id•"'· All u1 1llH<~ PAu l Lunrt. ~ fkyan f"r(lnt :"rwport l\r11rh. C'olif tf New View Home ~1111· ·FllHV ("I II 'PE Fxr 1 II• nt O\.f:YtLOI >Kl:"\C: f:nttrl' Jl1trbo • I ,..,nditurn Ri.rlau twnl••r f• ndl'I', 11r1>11 3 h~. hrlw n 1w1rs. flrrj>l&N> 1 tw~ y1 .,. :-.1M11 .Y f"I ··u •. t 1 ~ I• "'• • ;~ t .. ,,... • ~ ,. • J41f1• • 'fu lJ -.,. \ • . . -...... ,. • tr ,,,,,f •JTT , ••• .t \ . : ~ u:i;r ..--•' • rt! •=· Jlarl¥1r fm·•·....{mPnl f ·,, k 1 s 1 k. ,,.1.• i :n~ Mn~tr11rl1"n a nti uui~ finkt, ' ar < • ,., •• Ar I I •I>.. •. ( JCC1' l1nnnl Tho• f' , "}1 111 ~, \\-, .. r •t a• , • .. , . \\ ,.q Co n t r11 I, r n"fl '.\lnr /\pl~ p ff " I04'St w e ,._, ·• "• \b ri,.,. .\'' •4'1 l!..~t.. .. • ! lln111s ll 3'111rn .;,1~1 pm r\'r r o<'r<'. 1·· .• rt;11h· ~aturrlny !I''"' 11 m • 3<1•1 '-------------RALPH P. M ASKEY n. w_. ""'-"'Tl-l•nl ~'" '"'' ------------I 3-111 W Crntrnl II wt ·H lln . Santn Anll 19·tfc KF.A L VITA TE a Ph lbr 40'.? J ~tf(' VfN. bf>aut ifullv built little D\ ng 1lan int 11low pin no. Rf'JX>SSC'llSrd. N ('An hf' pnld on PllSY hly pn~mf'nts This I~ II m. D<lnz-Srhmidl P klno rn " 100 pl11nns In ('hOOl'C SPECIAL :l BF:DROO;\I HO:\tE .. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A I."<) ,\ ... 10 .. k of m1•rch11n<liSt' tliRt in\'nk'~ nt ~ 1.700 may ht• :wq11in"I at a hi~ rliS<'OUllt 11ml on \'11ry favomhh• tt'nll<: OR Th .. m.•n·h:mdi.~· l'nn hf-sold ~pnmh'IY nt llll nrl· ,·antni.:~.; pnt'' to th<> h\1yt>r. 'TI W. I.EASE • I ·nn'L"t.s Nf· n !'11l~tantinl. on<--story hri<'k nnc1 ,fllf'\"O huilclinK with 900 scttlll1'' f('(•t of ston• KflR<-.. anil a la~..-:? llf'(lroom a11i:1rtm..rlt at thl' 1~nr nf thr lioilrlm~. l '~ "' p~nt fi,hin-s c1rn h•• a1Tan1ot1'<1 1( cie""tn-<l. S l11f'\• lc10.-;1tlon-1!1';' 1-: C'<'ntral. llnll>oa COAST PROPERTIES CO. Realt ors I lnrhor :.!t}~ 5'1-tfc Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Dav PhonM:: lia r. 1fl71 .. T: llar. 10:-\4-J 0 E\!CS.: liar. 7·1n·M: llnr, 1117-M RAJ.ROA ISLAND ~:.1 .. 1 Bay. F ront. 111111\1• ln1·or11<'. privatf• r it•r 111111 • rltw11 l~v.111lif111lv f11rni..;h1"l Pric-."I ni.:ht a t $-12.!'ll"lel. . 1-; :14111 f111111:-h1'll. l .;1 r~1' livini.: ruum. fl"•pl;u-.'. pa1111. I B IL, ;\ hath ... '11th: i)'> v1•ry lovt•ly and OfW , !•f rrur l•"t h11ys. V2~~nc·autiful homP. 1·ompl<'1t.,ly fumish<'<l. Tu S(.'e this i~ t o waht it. La1i.:t' p11tlo. 2 n.n. nnuble gara~e. W..-hnvf' 1\\'o f'XN'llPnt hi!\"'° In :.! unit prnpc•rt irs. ,\.~ u.;; nlit1t1t th1•n1. · Two arniltthlc• h11ilthng Int.. CORqNA DEL MAn &11111!111 11!'\\ h111tll' '011th of l11~:lma~·. 1;111; l~·gnn ia Sf. l.:11"\!t' II\ 1r11.: 1"1 10111 ~1th fir1•pbc·1., ll111i111-: 1'nn111, heau11r111 k11d11·11. l;fn.: .. l1 •111;'CI p;itin. :1 l11'fll'ucm1N, 2 liortfh, d1111hl1· 1:.1r:i ht• f\ ~··m ror ~l :-l.~llt. Sti.!")IWIHCI '""'" nf 1111..:ll\\:1\' /\tlr:!l'l l\1• hnnw. ~110 ronm Fin1'h"d 111 knoll~ pi111•. nn full 1111 :u '' 11 ~ Sind •• i,;;1r;1h1' 'J111, 1, " HJ-:/\1. liuy. :imf ~rn 1 had llf'lf Pr hurry " s,...~ "" :1hr111 t t .. ·:111l1f11l li•Hll•" on \'II'\\ lt1f~. \\'1• h aw• ~·1·ral, :ind lh1· 1m1 ~·..; :1r1· HH ;11T. T :1k1• '"""<;I \', l1i;cn 1111 111•\\:.!1mit 1•r11111•rt,v ·1~1· lo t f~·;111tif1tll \' l.11111...,.,., •. 11 I >rn1hl1 · h:ar:w.. l<•11m1 tn l1111ld ll11rd 111111 S7,'14~J lift elem n. 1111111111~· $·1!11/0 rw•r 1111 •. ,\pt 1, 1,·1111'11 t11r ~1;;, 1w1 t••r n111 IP11\ i11~ tw-i1111 1r11t :.! H H !111· "" ni.·1 n.-•:111l1(11l l11t \l'I'\' f , ...... '" flt'f':111, ''.l~)I) \'1'1~ lrr\••I\ :tlrll""' tl••\\ :.! H H h11t1 I•'. d1111l1l1• 1':1r· ;1~·· ( ·,.,,,,., 1 .. 1 lo111tl ·• ·lf••I I '11.,·d l11r ll!lllJ"<li;ctr s;1l1• :11 '-'t lMM I c:os·1 /\ /\11 '.SA (;I 1··:1\111" ''''"' ...;,,,, t11 -..·II Ii" lw•:111 t1f1tl 11111111'. .'.\ B H . rli11rfl'· t'•tt •rlt ,,., ' l.111••· I . I< \\1th f1n•1•l.11 •·. on)< f111<11 ' fl•,•11 111111 d •11tlll1• 1'.tl'd'"" f ,,,I t,;'°1-.;J'\;'°1 f'f)fl1J>l<'11 ·J\ l:t1ld" ·l(••tl (!1•.11 \,ll'tf I'll!'""''" 11 tlh f;' \.\hit•• p111• l••n• ,. Tl11 ... pl.1•~· lt.1 ,, I'• )11.111 :ii r.,;1tf\' 1111 11 tit.i t , ·'" 1,.. 11 1n,l•·n1·cl '" t.11p ·r I •''"' rwtnthh ft".' 1111·111 , Bl.ANrJ fl·: " ';/\n:.c::.-l tl"alton; -C:JNNY I.A 'ff:<; '.'"10-I fl' Don't Fai.I To Set'. !'iW '!l:n -l'F:T m11 nld ~ AN plnnn :\Jain. San tn Ana. 19·tfr '.\ 11rnnd .1w w . C'111c- 11•11 '• :onrl ('••" J\ar11 \\lllo ll;iy to11 .1hi •\• <'hwk• n F '1111pm1 nt A ~TEA I. AT $!l.OOO c;. :\. WELLS R1·auti(uJ OcNrn Vi c•w Lot In f'hon· .Cl iff r.; x 1 11; THE MODEL llOM F ~'Ill~ PERSONALITY ll!C'd In ,<;hlpmrnt \\'ill Mt rrom J'l''rff'{'I now. ~A\'(' T<'rm11 nA 1"7.·~C'HMTDT n CO . !'i::O ~o Mnin. S11n- A nn 19-lfc ..;r.r nt for rrnJ All 6 m o. tenn altnwr<l if ynu huy latl'r . ust lik<' n !111'1n1t~ acrount. s j •nt .tdy 1'l N 11 Splnrl nnw . buy whC'n . D11nz·S<'hmidt Piano C'o. o l\fllln. ~11nta AM 19-tfc , Splnl't. rr~•l"!l•l'd Gnr-=>LE 'OUS h. I ve lOth l)' 0 ,·u tonC' ll<'ll11tiful maplr CJn- llll!hl'st 1trnrlr mokf' Tf you mnpll' you "i ll nrwr find r r tn l'<lllnl !hi~. nnt' Ju~t ut bftlnnrr F.1111y tc>nn1 If "ish Dnm·Schmldt Ph1no 20 No 0. 5 Main. S11.11ta Ana. 31-tfc 1 RROK~:R 1790 =""wport Rlvd nr.,\r·c •:'\ ;".1$11 :'\!-'\\' : nn m1 •O:'\t hnm•· 1n ='•·w1 ••r l II• tl'hl~ Pll\~I• r 1n· tf'ri•1r • S t11f'l•11 ••Xl f'rwr !;79~.n Lc.\1 1lrn< 11 flit~ nwn Hr n ... tO 1ltl1 I Trrm~ r\·a F P.hrw!r·n '1711 I :-.;,.Wfl'•rl Bl\'t1 P him.-HN1r•11'l .'l713-R I \ rninc• Rr •1"11n :iT7'l.n 1'l-:.!tC' I )V.'T)I f :i/)11 f;11ld1 nc •"1 C"n rona d• I Mar <1'1 ,,, unn l:O:LE f>J :Dt E Tll 'Jl.IH:\,; .TfE'. "'"'' (j11 n< ' "f 7.1'u 11 h ''".-'~fl "AY~ 'I I.I. llAl!HOJ! I:\\'. f'O. 2101 Ocean Rl v<l HAI.IV•,\ 111 11,111 1~ 1~1 ,\I. rv JJt 1t l,' H · 1 '" ri!r :d 1•t •·f1• I I 111 ... r :!:-111 ',L\\l''•l!I' 11i.A1 1 1 :)11.111· CORONA DEL MAR '.! :-.lm·y fri.unl.' hotr!;c• rn1 01-.•1m nlvtl. :'I · ht'<lroom", II.\\' ~. fm•plt11'• St•w1•1-,;, Ut•n11tlful 1)('('ttn vlf'w, 1·11111111t h11ll.I in front. 'l'1•111t.\ 1·11n ht• nrrnn~•-d. NEWPORT 4:? rt \\'11t1•r ft'(lflln~t'. ht•11t'h hou~ wUh one bed· f"OOlll, Ahnlll !'( ~·I'S. oltl. Vl'I°)' Wt•ll hullt. "ocklJ18 ror 2 111· ~hunts. l..c•t ll!I !!how yott thl" pln<"'e. NEWPORT HE.IGHTS, I.owly :1 htlnn. home, fumlshc'<.I bMutlf\.ally ln ttn- rst tnNh'. Woll to wnll 1·1111ll"ra. rtn-pl1u..:.-and tumaoe.. :\ l111w• winnows ovt•rlookln..: N1'\\'&1ol1 Harbor. PatJo ''Ith Bnr-l11"-c11w•. lnncl"<'npt'Cl to pN'fl'<11on. Ovt>l'!Wled tlnohh• ~""'~''-Wt' will llt' pK'a....-d to Khow thla home tllly Cit' 1•Vt'llin~'!I. WM I. llAY firok<'I' s1c.nm M KINr. Snltos 1-R ALB O A WARREN BUCHNAN B"*t"r :t~~HJi.!.-:t --;:---. :1-&irm hmttl' phtt; two nttlc· 1'000111. Furn.lshed, ! I.~)( M t.00. T1•rm.;;, :?-1\.lnn . h111111• p1u1l~· f11mL...,1-cl n nct 1 hcim1. npt. f11rn l..;h1•(I. ~I ~.;)()(),00. 'l'('f'tllN 7 1v ntul ttnlts rumls ht-cl. ~1~.!NlO 00. Tt'nnH. .. SOUTI I COAST REAL TY CO. n.,.._.. Cn~l••y. lt••altor -Moor., Crinl(!S, Brokrr .Jrll'IC .. phinc• \\'1•hh, lt1•11ltor I M<'n 0 . Klntt. ~ :102 Muln Strwt BAJ.HOA Ph. llnrbor 20.14 :l().. J1c • BAI.ROA I SLAND A ll('t1 t1tlrul h11y front h utTM'. Complf'trly fumWwd or will '*'" tmf11mil4h('(I. Privnt~ i•k•r. 'f\vo bl'drootna In main hrlUlle. J.iu'l(~ livln5( mom. AlLon une...noor. __ N(•wly constn1Mtoe1 Income• unit.A ln ........ ~ bed-""lfll nn<I IJ<1th flnwn.11tall"ll. Two room Rpartment. I 1,. haths 11ps l11ir'N. ('onrllk•ntl11l n'11110fl for ..iung a111f lt11· prlc•• is 11~r11 111 $-1'.l.:'1410 fl1mlidwd or $.19,000 11nf11t'f1i,.Ji.-.1 <'nil IJ11rhor t771l. CLI FF.f IAVEN Overloo king Newport Jlarhor · < h1ly om• 'l-'\lcrl'~· ltnmc• n•n11tl11..; tmNiilt1 In thl1t l'ftf>lrt- 1~· tlt•wluph11.: r1..,lcl1•ntl11I ari•a . Sl'I~ thl~ C'nflf' Cod hnm" 'l h1>i l1·!111111s 11ncl fl1•11, 2 ltnths. i.1 m fk><·k. MlllU· d1111s '..!11\:!ll ~;1'1'111:1< l.11rl(1• hrl. Sdr-c·t your own l'lrlll!'.._, 11)1• ;11lfl 0 1w1t' l'fl\f'liliJ.: f'{irY'fl ll f only $17 • :-11111 wltl~ f1 •1111s ('all Mr Sd111 .. 11•r . lt.•111'1>fl !;7!t!'l. ' BAI.BOA BA YSI IORES B11~ 1111\\ f11r ·''"'II' ,.;111111111•r vrwa t111ri. ${.000 clown . N•·\\ :..' ,rnd : lw ·tlrcwrm ltom1•' with .prlv11\r he•nf'h :ind "''"'""1~ 1•1·1\·1l1-g1"', 11~t rl1'11 .. 1 ,.,,mmunlty. For (1 111111·1· d1 •l1til.; rnll Mr, 'lltrn"''~ tit J~·;u·on !';74H. -\.ORONA DEL MAR l:k•llL:ht(11I, 111•>'l1·mi"ll1· h111w· \\ 1lh 11n•1111 vlt"'W. J ,;111:" J1.1t 111 :111d 11111:-.td•· 11:11·1,. .. ,,.. l·:ndo-..-cf y11nJ. t•'.111 h p11• '"' 1it 'd l i.~illfl. 1t1d11t11 .... 1·;111•·11111-: an<I tll':'I"'' '':ill I l11 rl111r !ti Iii Mi· I )11vlt•N or Mrt1. Ma t 1111n BALBOA I NC<>M 1: A l<l·:Ar . M' 1Nl·:Y MAK 1·:11."I "'"'" 111 i.!'"111 ri'flt11I rli-.l rwl l 'rin• 11111.v ~1 1;,;i1)(1 !11n11,l11'(I, with good 11•1111.; <';all M:ary I >l1·k-«111 ;ti 1 l:ar h11r I HI :~. NEWPOHT BEA< :11 '\\1•11-.l lt'ldly 111•"11·1'0 Ill"\\ '.! lw•dr,,.11 11 h1111 1,. 011 1'01'· 11r·1 l,11\·1·1.v f1n·pl:1•,. itt 11\1111' ''"•Ill <:,,n11:., .11- t;whNI :rttd 1·\tr:1 ,1.,11 '""\\1•1 I 'li••.q•·1 than v11t1 l'Ollld l11 11ld 11 ,\'ltllf'._.•lf .. 'X,!l~1rt. (';di I l:1t l•1r li°1l :I. A.;I< f•w Mr· :-.1"1<111"'"" EARL W. STANLEY RF.Al 1'f >ft C O VER I N O C R8AT8a NCWP O RT HARBOR , . 3113 W. CDn'R.il. Ukli Am) IRVDIS sra. N~ n-cti Nt'Wpaft BeMt 1Tth and OOAS'l'HW7. m MARINE Aft. 111 ~ mwr. N.wJQt e..dl IWboa Wud 0.... dll -50-ltc . .. • • ( .. r -~· __. St .. Andtews Chu1clt · -~ ~:!, :r Qlw!_.: FwHi Didlicl 'reMIHI lllflolls Officers tompletes 0;9ani1olioa llit" m•mbtn Clf die u .... OI "'-''" H•6ot '01'nl-T.aclte1 Association Af S cJ S . drt' l< J ~·c. pv « •; Clie9.-. -Un ay eTYICeS ,,,,, 11 •"'k. Sanb Ana,-S ..,-W_-J!'lt!l.., llrL Arthw sq,twrd, rl'I !rn for P.·T. A. meeting at Harbor Social Activities l'llams: Halilor 13 and ~ By Winifred Barbre N'l:WPORT BA'LBOA NE\\8 -TIMF.M Fall>AY S""'i-' BN.f•ll, <'allf. April II, IHI Newporl Ho1hot Git! Scout Association . Heon EYelyn le/I, Child Psychologist "lf you w11nt courtr1y and hon- esty from )'OW' child. wait for it. ettaU-ll but don't try to forC<' It.·. aald Mn. E\'elyn Rell, noted .. ~t ln a atlmulatln& talk aa..,.... ol her experiences with ,.0... ~ when she app<-ared titfort' f'llMlti.n of the Girl Soout ~at.ion of Newport HarbOr at tMu aprinc luncheo.n held "l\anday at White'• Park avenue • .. ·mie:. Said Mn. Belt "Since 13-year· ~ are normally lazy, expect U.. to be. P lan lazy acUvltles for that qe level. Girl ·Scout klldrn have anl'lopportunity to aert a:reat influence on their ~· They ,Npst be partlcu- lllrt)-aamut hOw ·~ u.e this. ~nor ... Tiie 1p .. ker concluded with the thoucht Uwt the supreme t• • -o1 Ul1 adult mir ht well .. -!"llltftltnc to tM '°"' of • ltttle ·P'I • lhe roes happily ..... a. roeCt afWr having uked ........ . lln.. Ralph Deever pr..adtd at • t1111 -U..C at wbJch • IPldal ---wen ..,.. ol 0.ta .._Girl acou .. and, • .,... Rcglatration fur nay Camµ to h<· h<'ld a t lrv1nr Park Junl• :ll, :.13. :l5, 28. 30 rtnd J uly 2 ""'s dl'· clarcd open nnd t ht> max~mlJlll number of girls tn he 11ce<•ptt-d will be 234 on 11ccount of th<.' cn· p11c11y of the huss(·s Rq;;1.~1r11· tions will tx· acet>pted until thE' mnximum number is n•11<'hl'd or unlll May 28. Country Club Women · Enjoy B1idge, Plan Coming· Election • Wltb lh<' tea 111hlr lwautlful In. a tocks of varyini.: co lors and one or the largt"1t gathering• of recent months enjoylnR the after- noon. the r<'irular bridge tea was held Wednesday 'at Santa An11 country club A pc·rfumc· holder w111 prize at each or the 23 tables. Mn . Earl Vinson and Mn1. Ralph Mukey were h01tt>ISc11. . Aulstln& wu ?tfta. L. 'L. labeU, April IOdal dlaJrman, Mrs. W. W. Gates and Mrw. Vinson pout"f'd. Offlcen for the cominit year wUJ be electl'd a t the bridge lunc:ht'on of April 29 at which Mn. W. W. Gate• and Mrs, Boh Callls will be hoateun. ~idcnCC': llar!Jor rn:l7-f! rl\1· l1111l1l1111: 'II " any ~_.11cuy. {:111S<•11u·~11 11ct l••:1tl1 r~ 11. • r1•· 11111111• d lu ll!lll Ill .ti! h11.11 •j, 11110 I.I..'""'\ 11o .... '"'•I< '" J\"lr" L.-1·r<'t1 :'\lllldll, .'II" :\li1h ,1r1•1•!, J\:1•\' f°"lrl lk 11d1 11011,111om. 11111.\ h" '""' '" :.11 -. ~11n,111 <ii 1o1 :.tr~ Lc1nn11· \'11u. •1n1 . 1 ;,e1h~H• St. A nd rew ll Prhb~ 1 .. 1;,toru'. H<~l)Yoaid; Ar111s pl"aidtlllt ol Four1h Distric;t. Cal-any lime. · 1:hurd1 uf =-: .. w1,111r1 )'!arbor !rill L ,, 1'lt•.n.. Holl)'~ J. IL don:na ~ ol Pattnta ~ Mn. Kennt'th gtewart r<'ad the h, l·urfw a -11art ur t hl' , l}llfioaal H -· L<, AN:d otS Uld tbr ~-T ndwr:I prnJclinc at lnstaJ!;t. annual historian's n!J>"rt C(.ffi· 1 hui ..i·~;r1:1111i .w1iun followi.nc or-""' :.! Cd.wAJ, ~1or ot tbr uan Cft-• · I. <.ffaoer.• ol St·\\'· pi'«t by Mn . Willard Killi•m. ,. '", 1Huri'1d «•nit·•· s1'11r•dUled at 111urdl pon Ha.rbor ~School Parent· ~la.u Marajane Brandhofor of '• ;)., '' 111 S1.mda>. A11,.ll lt!, ln the I "•" lrl£'. thf' ~ ~ T~ wociatlOft ~e i~t· l•w home t.>t.'Ononucs dep..-irtml·nt '1.1111\ •I :t .. • :'l:••,.1.1urt Union . 1,. ~und4\, w--o~"' tJw _.. rt H the annual m~hrg h~IJ i:~\l' a fl\'c·rrunute anfornu•nve •, •I;! . .J 1 1 .,.11j t.<-tA"ld ~IJ' at" "l'unday ~~mg an the hi&h t0llc . 'ii .. ~·crn111111 •lt"' Crum Los An· l 11 "" 11 .. · t&Lna)· al the hiCb Khoo' elll~ • t-or the program. Mt!>.> lhath •'' '•·~ l'r1•sli~1· r) in chi.rge of the 1<,•h d m:ril ~to br TaJtinc olfiof> wtte: president. &hmidr of the cloth!ni; class.s • ll11 til, 111• ,.,~.: \1 dl be headed by 1 , s• 11,. high school at...na >In. J4::TToW Spangler; 1J1 ,.~ dirt·cted a stu&>nt style show ::1·• ( ·h·1" \\ Moor<.', vtCCQ-ill)< t.c.w prrs.idttit, Mn. Edgar H ill: 2nd ",Lh Bonnit-~ickeson as narra· 'l'la'-presldent, Mn. Roy R<Alsh; •ur. recordiftc M'Cr~ary. Mn. B)'Tnn ~cl ing as modt'l1 Wt•re : Caro-w~; ~I: ~tary. lyn Schmidt. t"rankie Paull. Imo- Mn. hJ' l.\-ldson; treasurer. Kn. gt'nc \\'illiarru, Alherta ~lcClean. Yraaca HarvaUl; puiiarnftatar-?o.;ancy Snydi>r. Kitt)' Taylor, Shir. l8n. ~ Harry Burdk'k : hi5toc· lay Thompson, AliN' \'ought. ian.. Jin. PtUlmtt EI~k. anJ ~'Ta Dodd, Doris 811lini;11. Ada irucbtor. Jamrs lliller. F'rankel, Gloria Harris, Rt'l'll Tiw prt'Sidrnt was pr~nred llaatt .. Ann Pollins, Mary J o '"1.h a pest-presidecat'~ p10 by Quarry, Jean llollingworrh. J oan Mn ff.any Burdick on briuall of Dalabout. 1'orma Opp, _ Mona mr.ntwn ~ the ~tive board. Bird and ?.tary ue Lauri<.'. ~olkM·ne the 1nstallati.on new Play clothes, drus<'s, sk irts. ~irmen •tte lelNdttttd and hats and suits for both Miu or ral.&4 Mrs~ were modl'l<'d. all having l!lrs. JenoW Spangler, ''"ty> was bttn madt.> by tht' gfrls of thr bo(h Pft$idmt . ana pl"t'Sident-('fa_qes_ On rhe stud<.'nt commit- Mttt, prPSidrd. , ltt for lhe show were: Ann Po~ The f1ac uJute --eiven by Vrl ~u ol lnte~~el Tror.p No. 7. Taking ~ were Brtty N«1oa. lk-verly Ma · , "' Sharon Shttri.U. :Sancy Deawr ...... Staan Davidian. ~ t heir 1-d::T. Kn. Jtaw Wtenqn_ Phone Harbor 2522 BALBOA ~gt.op- Jm-«>otJoo •II!! gfv<.'n b)' the ,_ E. C.bal, .... .._ ~-Ar:'lm-.ktlMWI ol Our Lady hiext to Galley Cafe) o1 ,._,, C'arnw-1 Catholic dlurch. * Cors.ges , NEW Ot'f"ICER!i4 OF SEWPOltT HAKROU P ·TA a rr: 8e.tW, (left 1.0 rictitl Jin. r...ilipr-IL-.. ... vk.-·prf'tllldrnl ; M "'-J errold Span&ler, prsadent ;. ~ '"'l. Roy Romla_ ~ ,.~-..._ 91 £ .... to ri&hl t :\I r<. r.!·ron \\'•II,., ,...,.ordln~: ,,..rl_'t:.ry; .J:.lnet!I Miiier, ..-Or: Mn.. .. ,. ~-...... - 5 ' In& IK'C'.'rr ta..,·; ·""'· Yrand• tlon·ath, trra .. urer a nd .\I:->. • ....,._ Ellf'rt>r~..,. 1-.. At the ~ nwefing the .A. W dd" Bo t prftMlrnt ~~ a l'ftimD" ot Ow H 9 Ing uque S ,,_.., •orlr -.i •hanJu>d mem-"k Funeral Sprays bin ol .. faealty .... -pu'ftlll • llna, cpalrman; Bonnie Nick~ and LH Fitch. -For the music proeram. the P.-T. ·A . .Muthersingers eave a group of sell'Ctions under the di0 rcctlon of Mary Batten S teffen' 111.·n and with Bailie Lkawr ·as ao- cvmpani1l. Particul{lrly liked was the Brahms Lullaby. Members vi 1hc Mothersln~en1 are: Belly BoyYl!Y. :-.iancy Cal- d!'rhead. Martt• l'll·nwncc, Helen Cscnar, .Mary Oodd, F~rn Fratun, Harriette Horst. Ct·l~i;tine Har- vey, Dora Hill. LQu1se G<>4win, Ka1hreen Gookl'n, Lilha.n Lipp<-tt, Mary McClymounl, :.tury Miller, lr<'rh.> N,ewlin, Josephine 'Paine, 1.~l.1nclw Rogrrs. Arltn•' Spalfgler, Ruth Sc•l'ly, Jam• Stuard, J ewel 'funn.·11, :'lturtha \\'hltlock, Vlr- g111111 \\"1!J 1<1ms. Anna Murphy. lJorrL' Ragan. A I t ltt C'IUS(' ol t hr ev('ning !\trs. J !.,(•slk S1c·ffrns1 n :ind Mr.s. Pa ul Norman. freshman mothers, prcsidC'd al a 1.>e.iu11tull)' appoint· l'd tea table on whieh floral ar- ·rangements were' of sweet peu in dclical<' shades. Chairman ot the retrcshm<.'nl commit!<'<.' was Mn. Harold HoJtz. Members wer<.' Mrs. Edith McMillan, Mrs. Richard Pl<.'ger , l\lrs. Roy Mar- shaU. Gilts ltom lat 'n wide at THE CHALET 1N 8outJa Cout Boulevard Lquaa Beat-It. (.'allfonala ...... ,,_ two local IPOMOl'tns ............. NaUve D9UChten .,.... Coldlll-wiit and the Uon ,._.. dllb. WW. ol Balboa Bay u... -ft-. a.ta Mesa Scout Ol'Pft-.............. Lons and Kn. ' ... ~ .,.. llan71 LllCll Nominated are Mra. M. N. 'lbompeon, IOClal chairman; Mn. A. S. Rlch&rdaon, vi~ chainnan; Mrs. Robert Mlll<'r, 8eCl'etary; tin· ~le Faul, Santa Aqa publ.iclty: Mrs. Geor&t'i Lowe. Harbor publldty. 12" tbrir ..,. ..a thr pest year. n..ta -,.._..Cut Flowen ~ ~ ~ invited :to~::::: ........ :::::::::::FllEl'!::::::::::DELIVE&:::::::::::::~Y~:::::_~~~~~~~~~~~~ = = ~idd.:!n. ~·J; U..7-'a. ..... Ed lllll9tt, trakdn1 chair- -. "'lad DQ Caap traW ..... mt 1Mden to be stwn ..._ a. erecuon o1 Kn. Al- ..,. '*-. l'lllPCUtlve dlnctar .-on 'luy a loor.cJ' Campaign Closes, UHle House Needs Mote Funds 'T' ' JIW * ~ t~t Thl1 wttk will bring to 11 cl~ • -sh fll · the "Buy a Board" campaign to P'i0t'0 S all detalll can be ra~ funda for the Girl Scout ..W oat. It wu al1'ftd to wnd 0 , , 'Mil lln. Ralph ON-Little House which It und..•r con-~DlpltJ Commmklntt ~ 1truction 111 17th and Crntral .,,__ avenue. , ,,..,....t_ and Kn. Alfred The Girl srout11 and thl'ir lead-~ to tJw Comm1-loner's Con-<'r s have workrd hard but arc ......_at .A.lilomar May 18-20. 1Ull nurly S.1000 short of their llrL Ted Hambrook. the Ma· goal of $7000. It is hop<'d the n.. .......,.. looklna very smart last mlnute -donationt will con· ~ ._. llslntr uniform. pve a ---IJll!U•s•c~••t•~•-11•a-t.1&M-.i~actculst.WU..le11--e1ofll-~•;..l,;;.:..derably reduCt-this dt•rlclt as the Utrtrmmretrprocrcmn • ...._ lleoutl.. She t.okt ot beautifully but con s I d e r ab I <' ....,_ ,...,..tioaa for CCJlnl)eU· ambUnta of materials will still ht• -.... 111.nn. Gun to bl needed. .... at a. l..allil Badl Marine The Balboa Bay Lions club has ~ • ~ '-4. bet-ft doing a 1pl4"ndid Job of ron· plam10 farm• Wini s tructlng the Little H9tuc. E\•l·ry -. ~ ror twnJor stria -~ ch1c organization has gC'nt>rously offer<'d their assist unc<' , ·Ovlc mlndl'd U ons. Girl Scout fatheni and fri<'nds who spend their Sunda)'!I constructing th<.' lovely new buildln1 report t.hat the i..ue. have been aervtne hearty, dc lectabl<.' luncht-s. The cver·tt'mpting pies, cak<'11 and rofff'<' Ill ll1\Y hour of the dny kttp the' mc•n "whi1tllng whl.,. ;\tR. ASU MKS. COi.iS TKA\'f:R!ol l'rno: llrhind "Nldlq cakf' ...... ~ ....... manlimc• .. ,._ .. Mar Communlt)' dlu~h. Mr.. Tran•r• I• tlw< fonnf'r MIN,... 8&fof~ thlr9'-* •" ... ,.... ,..._...-* C'orona df'I Mar. ,,,.,. to rl1tht an-: ;\Ir. C'hun•h. Mr. Tru·•,..., ,...,.. Tra~_... .• ltr\. Prrry ~ ... M,.._ ('hur•·h. __...,..II) , . ..._.., Ba,-;. they work" Carpcnteni are still very much Colin T rave ts and Mild ted Stelonil ,United In Cetemony at Corona de/ Mat Chutdr ln demand and any man "'ho can \V\th ptnk l·h,,rr) • hl.-s!'un1s spare a few houn to v.ork ls mini;:llnj:: \\1th m s. hr1nul wn•ath. urcfd to phone Mn. John Pet<'r· orirns:c· lllt1!1$0lll1' ann pnlm!l as R • IMln. Harbor 1359-W or t o just dE'eornllon for th<' whilr C11lnn1a l ('liy. ;\Ir~ \\·ondwrir.1. l..ai:una l1••11c-h nr11sl: M1· 11nd Mn; 11.k•• .Smi1h ot \ 1ran£r. Tr• a1 llin~· murr• of r ;1s11d1·na anti M r .tml M r!I. Anc11 Pa rkl'S of !'antst ,\n.t iiii~~·iii~~;;;;;;;;~~~g~~brtn;;~·~hia~-;t~oo;l;;s;a~n;d~com~-~e~o;v~e~r~to. lnll'rior <'r C11r~1nR nl'I M11r Com· j munUy t'hureh . P.t ilc1ri•c1 SIC'ph1mw ,,_.II --,..._ ... ean.r ~ . . ;\ prPI t y i;:r~l\Jrl' w a• I lw ~• n<I· · lllJ: t"o) 1111" IJ••XI <111) 11f th1• l;.111• 1;11r l!> 1'1 tfi,. hn di' nncl m.11r .. ,. of lton"r 10 1tw1r 1.:1r••n1~ in I '•·nn') ti a n1.1 • i.bdell'1 Sllverado Mineral Springs N.,, Moilletn Hof.I & Mole/ AccominOJatlons -.r mDfDAL llATllS-llAMAG!I .t 8T&UI ROOMS ra , ' I c.ai..-• l!lltMk Bar .. 8 VA'llONI P80NS: O&ANGIC l'fio-M-J CENTRAL CLEANERS ("'9MD•·Y llllOADWAY CLEANERS) mroa NEW II.AN AGEMENT PICK UP AND DELIVERY EXPERT llENDING ·AND REPAIRrNG Apata .. ...,..rA,.For CAu:nrL LAUND&Y-SANTA AN~ 2903 W. Central Ph. Harbor 522-W Newport Broiled lobster Fresh· Cracked Crabs Vlllt Oar Old FMblOINld Grll Room II-. ' to U p. m. Ooelrtdl Avallallle .. Std111nk tM'\'111111' 1 hP limit• 1•f · 1.'uhn TTll\f'r~ uf H:ilho11. n111r· rlr1i:1• \\I\\~ 1,. 111~ rt•p•·111 .. d kt '2 pm ••11 Sri1111d.1~. April l d h··· for,• 1 lw H1•\ l'"rr} ::5d1rork, 1>as- tnr •>f tlw c-h11rch. Tlw lw1tl1'. "11.. " 1, t .. , m• , , ('onf1rft nt1 tf ..:;.,.r, r.11 ~ to th• ~·1 u 'l'h·· hrad•'. '' ht1 1~ tlw tl<111i.;ht1·1 , , :ii .. r ;\l.11'111" c · .. , 1,,. ·•·h•••I· ti 11( :.tr 11nrt ;\1r~ ~1rll•1l11, .-:11•f· Q11an1 11·u. \".1 1111r1' a •1i1 1 .. 1 11111k of Cnhlorni;i, Pt nn . 1111rp 11 1l11n11i1L"T> c11h,1rdtn1· ·,1 1t h 11tJ:t• ~rnt •If p1uk 1:11h:1rrltnr• 11nd ·' ll,11 11111 11 ''" lo II ""h ftt•r 111:,. \\hilt' 11 .. 1 111111111111 1n i.:nlol ;11ul hand t••r .1 """'""""II ·11 1 · 11,. "1th 11 1 P1 I nf 1•in11111n11n hr11" 11 naol11 .111ol I " \, ,. • •• , .... HP1 gi\•I"' 111 ·1·1· plllk .1110 nllhl ~ •:\11. T1 o11 .. .., ,. '"1111, r.,j \\I'' RC<'E'Jttvrics r«'j)('lltC'd tlw tll'lt• ';.f -1.1:~·11·r '.111ol 1 ', .. :11)M11\ .. 1 11111• .,, .._ hl'tll\11. ~'h•• 1·11n 11'\I ll lllt"•'l:•I) t1f 11111) 1•n 1 lll•ir r• flll'll t I•• , "'lrh l.1llt•s ••t th•• \:ilf.~ 1111.I "'"'' ,•.,t1pl1· 11 11l 11 :il«-111.11 ,.,.,1., ._.,1rnat iun~ :,;•~1 1 I . ..._., (~ ... "''ti t\1 11111 l\lr~ .• lm·k c 'h1ar1•11 .. r l 'fw1111:i • dt'I :.1111 .. :<1~1:·1 .. r .' 11 .. hnd • ., 11 ·" ·"THE.., "'(){' 1111. '(, II )L' .\•• OH1tn•11 11! IHHhll" Slw 11u rf' 11 1<111t ~ I .~ • r •. of ~pnng t.;l •'•'n. r1 ll'htlt• mtl.111 1111 1 trin11111•cl 111 gr .. •·n. h••r 1 ··II and· At'{'r8i<nrl!'s hf'rni;: 111 1·1m111- mon hro11·n. Tm~· y1•lh•w in" ""'"'' 11 pn•tt) not" pf 1•t•n11·11:<t m twr rtll. ··~a~ h,wqtl\'I. i'lt'lln Complwll I)( n11lhn11 11 11s hr!'t m11n i•llfl F1 :mk Ag11r 1•f Pasnd,·nn ·;ind t ·11r1111a ckl ;\Jar wns ushrr Miss :.111rg111'"' ~l'h:irk. d111r r h nrj::nnist. tilayrd I r1111111nrrn I 11'••<1· ding nms11· and m:irc-hcs . A r1'l'Pf'I u111 f1w :'">1) fnt'mls 1111d rdul l\T~ "as ho•ld 111 Pili;rrlm hnll '''h1<·h hnd ht 1•11 t unwd 11110 n oowpr nf tnli11!>, ~locks, !lllJ•P· c1r11i.:ons ann ntlwr ~prin~ fl ow- ers hy J\lr~ I )('11n C11mphr ll. Mr!I. Jim Rt1 1•hi.•. Mrs (rank Ai:nr and ~tr:o c;11~·1t1r11 Tohill. Thi• l1<·m111r111 11r r<'!l (\·«'c1d1111: cRk•'. f1nu 111 ll(' h11kt•d at 1h1• I n1•11 Rlrh:1rt1·~ i<llll!'r-mnrk<.'t. w 11i1 !11•n ·r t1 ;i• 11 huff•·t wlw rC' l\lr~ Cnmpl'<'ll 11nd Mr11. Harry Oct-: wllr r p1.111r.·t1 Roth Mr. and :\IN< AJtnr hrlpro srn ·t· ---1 Gem CuHitHJ Topic I Fo1 ComitHJ Session OI LopiJorians Tht· an <if ru'tmc .,.nd r....,,"" at<"m 11trnJ1~ .... n ,,,. ~ by . an f"tpt -n uf • • '.. tr.. Ang;rk~ Lapidary $<forl) ~n tw Jtt . tUJ'PS he fc<rr th-· t in.nz.,. Coast Mi~'ral ~nd LaJl<d.u-,. t.fortf 1n the aud.11orlum '' tht" ~_r__ school m C£<t<<f'~ do•I llM af ';·.31 M.ond;,~ M ·~m..: Afjnl 19. )J.,mho r• • ! ·1. ,,,.)IL~ "'"httiir ),,ct Mln"C tor::-cn •i th A. B or <: att ~·.'Cf to t.rmc fhPtT choioP Ill"" ,Int.~ ,., '.... '""'1tn::; to help & 1"nm ....... in..-._.....,,..~ display l"r !ht r1f"""T~I ~~n­ tion 1!'l;,11'fi 1 r ~ Bradt in Jul~ All fl-To<('"• tn"'f• .. ·'d =, &D- \"itc-d h • 11n•l'd ·•,. )l•--XS. .. ~ .,~ • mn,c-ITI('('f mi: I .1. Aum1 STUDIOS* CONTEST R U L I 5 : ""-l-.al "' ·~· _. ect. • IN,.. ,_ _. ~ ~ .. s • ry . ,.. .... ..a.c.... "'-,_ dlttrid. ....,~ .... ~ .......... , .-...... Aefwt22. ..... c...... .... wi ... ;-1 ....... . AUSTIN STUD·IOS . SANTA ANA aM'-z X, Mahl St .• ... a "' ,.. Qmed Tuaday Mrs. t ·11m1lhc'll wnN' n nw~t ~tunmnf i:rrt•n h11t wl11l<.' :\fr~ f'letwil<'r w11~ l'lllllrt In a rlowC'rt'<i ~ilk print with hnt o ( black . J\tr~ . Agar wort' r°"<.' hclg<.' Ct't"JlC with blade a<"CC'saoril'll. AmonJ: thoi:<' Altrndlni: l hr wedding from out of town Wl'r<' J\tnjor and l\lri; Harry Dt-twilrr. Mn. Ula Hoffman of Salt Lak<' {t "OPEi t L .._ •o IP. m. Da.lly ~· tr . !'&at "UI II p. m. ~ ~ , . as _ ;;,,t" 8'ulcb,-. by " appntnt-t "'Ar ...... ~!!lil-~::......J~~ ,v---=c-t .. ,._~._. ... t...;---* '------------.... I .. \[ "'/A6T ... ,-# •. U.$ ~. 0-_.... -~-.. I .............. di-~-: "'"It -... ...,. ,<Ate..., ... ..... •tt -11c1P•t ~'7"' nr CAll.FOINIA ~ .. ~ I too.,.,.... "alklq •~.....t ... ......,.. ... J1at1tt I " ri r"R " I ' G-'14 UTAH of fwt, II \\ .\M ; 0 ... , :-' ------------------------------1..-_..;;. __ --------- ' -- FRiii *I off resc prot of t fom lay< mit1 nes.i: wee tha1 wa~ E!COI pra1 "sta pm: mee to c pro· I me:; mar nun con: vice in e l er~. the corr for *I Th· CTf'~'\. rn:in·~ l )' :-. 1!:• 1-. i I \\ :i ))1" llnt•1 I 0111\ f11n~t_I \ i('\\'f inc 11 inc . thr I Ill St" upon r !'n11r SU<'h p;i~c·r :1('('1 ·11 4);o'l/11' nnd h;il1il. in~ ct. Off RE s-F By C': Coe Enter SAM LUCI W. F CLYt: Printl NA 194: ' xat.S~il\Es • TEu:PHONY.8: llAIUIO& II, 11 AND Me Publshed eve!") day, Mondn)· throueh Fridny. by Sam D. Port.er and Lucius S . Smith, 111. ownel'I and operators of ttw l\cwport Harbor Pwblishlng Co. VOL XL FRID.\l' • .\prU 11. Itta ..,PAG& '1 * PREMIUM ON LOAFING It has b~come al mm~t a truism to say that most of the dislocations in our po~t-war econom~' would be resolverl quickl,v with the achievement of sufficient production. ,Because of materials Rho1tages, the management of the Kaiser-Frazer 1>lant :-tt Willow Run recently found it necessat·v to curtail µrorluctiun. A four-day layoff was planned. But the union bargaining com- mittee held out for a fi\'e-day layoff Instead. . Whv did ,the union insist on an extra day'_s idle: ness? Because a five-day layoff entitled the men to a week's unemployment insurance-greater in amount than wagf?s for a day's work. This -tnci<lent is only ene example of man.power waste that has slowt>cl the nation's prowess toward ~conomic stahility. Common in many indu..4.ries are practices that. require employment of unneeded "stand-by workers" who produce nothing but" higher .pr-iee ta~s. . In California, petition circulators report they are meetinJ? with wide-spread public response in a drive to qualify a new initiative act repealing make-work provisions of the railroad "full crew" Jaw. This antiquated la~a,·, enacted years ago as a safety measure before the days of the airhrake, makes it mandatory fo r trains to cam.· two an<l three time!' the number of brakemen modern efficienc~' requires. ThP consumer pays, of course. for thel'e stand-by "s.er- vices''-to th<' tun<' nf mnr<' thnn ~~.ooo.noo C'ach year in extra tran:-::portation costs. Union membC'r:o: arC' con:-umers a~ well a::: work- er:-. 1'1am· :tr" rnmin~ to the Mnrlu':.:ion. along with the genei·al puhlic. thnt the rost ,of li\'inj.! \dll neYer come down \"Pry fa~t a:-: )11nl!' a:-: prt'mium:-are paicl for loafin(! in:;;t<'ad of producing. * Editorial Circuit Rider . . - ~ -PEAllSON I JoE.~_ .. r_A_I'°°_K__,A_~~ ...... ..._~ w~ i.c., ,....,~ ~ rrom w.-.· :::, pJe ha\'«' -~ a tiirff 1bnW lftSTOll ~ ,,,._ U.N. dtbale la Sta-'fl·1 <'~ filF!-ww-.r .SO.wmt>n. I ronm11: fl'CBI • AM tsa-rinc "'"'" told boW IO nv-.... ~ ,._...,._. _.t,"OC.4> oe Palfturw lut ,....,. l~ .. •....ttt;,y -. ~ now doa't lilu> to be 1okl . h..-... t la~ so 'ot• th.to othrr "'*>" 'llwY C'Oft' J • • t two :rqsw tlldrT thr~h.., .O\"l'l'OL'ign 1talf'9, 1 0 U r I 8 C 0ir ~I ~11. "N lnlt 3J l 'nc-f<c San\ J . ,. IP a D. ~ tho> Whip llnd t>llllll ttw roll j I•• adJ .. 4 I It" ·'-"""-~ l t :'A •'l•b -.1 In 1Jlplomntw <'trrlrs, It'• dis- l"""CJI l»-4~· CTfl fl) •tnte~t that oothimt hat •·1~~-,.. • .,.U't A,.. .. ,.,, •n pr .... li.i•· m.•r•• th11n I -"1~ •t a 1., • ·~ J1t..d(t. n ""m• rs.1ult ''" PAlrt· '1:111 .ra!J} rl\1t •.-c .. n-p.1rini: l"S for~·ti:n poll<')' 1 ........ ~ Tbr • 1 r h flr•ll-"h v••ho . d1plom11tt m1:tlh'1" •1' •ho ,. pus• up 1b .,.,.,,,, •llJf J h.1 r ltw Rritlllh "' lo'm1t 11'\(lOI') t~ lJ11lJ{V"1acn1 C..1 'ho ,ot ... :.,r .. ,"Olb.,.ttmt f:\ 1'0 th1'll(,:h )'O\l puhliC' ~·" · 'tll'tlh tht.·m . Y•IU 1tlWa)., M""' 11f St•Lli4"D • t~ 01 ~ know • n.-r .. ttw f'ritioeh stand. lit• rt·H·1tl<od. ,.,.., t.lw-..t.p ~ Bu1 AnwriC11T1 polit')' ls unJlf'f'· 1m·n . 1ocludiJ1l: IOOnk ut tm c>W x-dict11ht.> ft IJI one ttunJ( Of1" day nN>OtH n. u::hl"n ~,..r..J oe tbr and 1u..01ti .. r thinic tht• next. group. it &hc.wd bit' ~....S. ~ .. ...,. I FIX man) )'i'l\nl \\'Ntrra F.ur<>- 1tr .. <:1<i\'t' 1d4·d and ~ ~flitwl pPan Satiom wPrt> In tlw habit of rdationf •·1th w_. ,....,;. .,... tlw foU•-iae Br1Han'11 lc•1&d ShP 'll''H rtllP( Mm,,._t• moe ..._. SI»-tPw •t~t nation in tht> W('111· M'f1 • • nn world.. Rut rio-'. with thfo 1it'nf")' E Al•<.«I. .,,.,.,,... Bl. Umtrd Statt'S the fT1(181 powmul. Fin1t NataonaJ Bank ,._ 11 • tbry pnf" to follow WI-provided Julian B RaJrCL ,_ ....... ~ l1wy ~ whn--e ..,. .. -art:· ,... •. NationaJ Bank. St ..._., n-n. II hurts any nation• prf'S-tb to tmvt' to explain that lt1 Harry A Bulb&. ...__ al ... "~" --f PWT'!W'd br<-ftUM' t~ board. Gf-n,,-aJ M.sJk.. hit l'mtf'd Statn turnt"d a hand· Fb-8 <"Olll:J'CJ"•. pu w6:at. ~ Minnf'llOt• \"a.llir) ("~ Co So<f'-R.rmulu>d one diplomat: DnnaJ.d D Ila,,. iM< ... aL ,...._ -nw l "mtt"d Sta res ls llkf' tM nMOC>ta and Ontsto PllpT C"e. baalln "' a lm311 town. You bav• O.niri C" CawT. pcai6:at. J«... wy ....i:pen on othft ~·· tf"ll MaaufllC'lllrillc Co lliameL So "'"' al•·ays tip our hats lo JU11. Mid muaJly YOtf' with' 1QU. J•>· C. Honnrt. ~al* Biii u. ..n-1own bankft' ..., •• board. Gfo A. la-t A 0. ~ aiiy ttw peopko who ~ to w. .... ~ ................. __.,., and thllt'• why Min~ Ni.illc 6 ~--._,t alwa)'11 love you." lnc ea. <' •• _,,. ., <'-er- John S. Pillllbur'7. dwil al 'nw fiD! at ttw trn Hollywood the bom-d.. ~ X.. l ac. MTtta wn1ns. ctuarel'd by tM 11..... ' •••• ...,...._ cmnmitttt w I t h t>elnc A (!llnttJ»n• ~ n.-Owmnnniwt1 .. is now oo trial. Of plO)'N' .-H hf1llc ~ 117 a 1Jw t~ U.ide word 111 thac six la•')'« In th4.' -..,_ tww-. .. "" mused to nnswPr q~llons "Iloeoa hf'~ ro ..,. llmllll'r· ~ ot ~t comril'tion that i:roupd oriamz.a,._~ ~ dllt ~ had no riKht to uk a in\(>st.iptor. llliln •Mt party he belong lo. "Yf'S. -..,.0 )f'llrS "itO. II D.C. jury tt- ""'1hidl ~·-Thr ~-fulwd to con\ict Dr F.dward lr ant"d forw. .... ~ a-ly tor rootPmpt or rongttel ~ NadonaJ St-~ _. W'tlf'tl ho> ,...fu.wd ·to aMwer tiU8- riMy.-tW-about who mntrlhutf'd money "\\'hat do its m: .... n ~ to tu. commitli!'t' tor coru1tltutlonal in!·· Au.r~ ti¥ puaW ~-~-t 0°1lw')' tlpfrialiJir -fJw ~I lbimr~)" "~· bl\Ckf"d h)• MJmt' ol of Ca\'e5and t 1u ..... C8ftftlL-t._. ~ ~. hy ~ at Ow Xotf'-1>\rinr: tt. .... tW bllr-~-na11•'>fl co t 1 n n c x:r- ~ rr ~ ~rf"ct ..... _. nstw"' and by Frank G:uuwtl. a stud)·~ t• .S 4"3'~ for tJw -S.-... York~• powt'rfol <'hain ~ d<-r.aartnv'ftt with a .._ to mialc ~ pubh•ber. R umt>I)• h~U tho-m for '1orav • ~ fll ~ had M"Ot"d ttmr a rtn bein1t con· hrombardimfm Ywtftl for tuding \Oith-Ct>rmany r • I ... • di.wilt World W11r I. • .. Ac dt>~t-. '" •Jw. t:...,_. ~ ~f!r. ttw jury let him off 1inm1 aQil'ml•l< ~ X-,-Ot'tl to wlw'&I hr ttfuwd to tr ll consn- <'On11idfT unpart•tllOIWIC ~ who has f!nancial supporten were. moc1 "' thrm will halft .. .... Whit mnu..~ t~ Jury ... haclt..d thdr --...~lladL-a-~~ Judge J •mn Prnct«WJ-:~.;;.~~-:-::~~:::::==:::::::....!~~==~~~~~~~~!!!!.,..!~~;;:==:;,:::::~~~~~~~J;;~;E~~~~~~~~~~----~ stage tNnca w.1*tt • fl _,, .... tlliat "1Jw jury mu.t lw ronviM'ed CURLY KAYOE B · 8 T ~ ttw,· r...., '-oced ffW JiC*dliaiL ~ "'did aot willrully default Mt~Rf:l.V A NAP J . am I.AU For il'l!Sfan<W". Ow l..ilwri:ml ..,,_. in faalin« to producy tht> n!QUIN'd r-mmf'f!t . ~,-dipe .. al -dw ,_,.. .. and·that "lhe word will· l"nitt'd Stain Mid tlw Y~ fully-• bo> intl'rprt>tPd u havinll! Rut~ Cnnt>UI)·. ~ win!~ r:or '-'n donf' know1n~ly 11nd with 11 1.tiorw-('llll fl'"Cllll llan~ f°"WW"-""''' int .. nt." "'°"" a!'J(1ni: that ~'""I)(• f~ Judice Proctor ha!' now lw"'n f}art111t'll'I l l&.iti. ai..., -J!':ally prtim0tPd to t.tw-rourr of 11ppr111.'l do·1"~t on tfvo l~A. O" a QJ1 ()or Rt..trnPI)' 5ttll hl\JI fatlC'd tu In· fr<"11 Atl"ltlh ~'fit: fr~ _,_ ff'/rm rnnttr.-u-a.~ now rf'Qll•r•-11 rent "''<'T'rlllTT nf ~2tr ,,,,_ ~ b,-!lw-""Jbbyinr; ac1-111•ho his ri· tn trn· l.,..'l'id<Ttt ~ 11..ttt n.'lnn;tl ronlnl>utors ;ir1•. :wd n Thr Fr•-nr> ~ ...... ~. r..,e.. ""• rnntrmpl-Of·<"Ont.;n "ll (';1'" •~ lr~"nC t11nl' f"'1UJ ,,~,,_ ~-n. •.a t). fnrr the fl (' l'flllT! Jt \\Ill "'' "' fn•-n<t• ~ rt"~ h--1nl• r .... linit lo ~,. •' wh• '""' -n1 t o ,,.,,. 1 ,,. 1~1•..-r n.... JUI!.:• t:dw.irrl <'ur ran m ;1k•, 'It• t l\1m o;. :w>tr ec.4~ d.~ rr>..-.--'-•m.: ·,,jJ 1nt1n1" d 1ari:1• In •h•1 \I•""''· " .,. 7.; ._,..qct •O • ..,... 1r) "'"' Jwtc. Prc.rt .. r J~~====~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~b==~~~~;~~~~~§~~g~~=;;===!J::::=/:}.~~~~~~~~g~~!. pnr\•• lu u• •t ,. •-,-,,.,-<f! r• d-:r 111 11 •l'I •>Ur ,~, t>tlt - -0 RWff O;uly ="'"'· f11r ··"ti.11 •Ill• ,.(, rft"'1 )'''" '""' fl.I.'.'!« •I 1111'1 • • n IO'•,. rn<¥1,. "'""' J ;in11,,rv, 11 •111 h:.pp ·n rti.11 ,,,,. f1r<:t nr tl. r , r h•l'tfW'" "111 hr ;, ... 1r.-h 1111 n ·r• r•\•ntll' Th·11 rr111 lrl '""' '' flf'nmpt rl'">l•1r:it1on r1I 1 ho • 1 '"I rll..'\t :tr•· n••W 'a hoUI 111 ,.,. 1 o1 •11 I •·(f lh•• t..-... k .. <11 lht• H lll•1'<l ftHI ,,( nr" ;uwt rltff<'r• "' It•\ I•~ '""' '"'' ''tk• th•· ,,..rr,. m•,11• y 1l111 1tf '"I f• .... k· ,. OreCJOn's Teetering Rod Vanishes Into Space Just a Family Matter But Police Interfere • TAHZAN r - I I ~· --- .. .. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ·~ .._.,. ._,,Hl,.n\W up4renl ~ .... 1 l>-To •llol 1i-w1n••d l~hrt "'•lrtt.n l.._Tl•• o9'lor '""''•' houn "-L'• Jnlnl 11-llrt,,t r t•-Lr>• ,,.,.,ne ll-i~~~!~ .... U -A Dumi..~ M-Mou.,,.. • Lntu1 •PU• , I ~ tL IS 11. !ft .,., 2b 7{ Jll ,_. . ~· » » 2 "'J .. , '(ff , ... ~ "ff' ,, ¥ Ii ~ II <(7" ~ •) U-PdJb~• pl•n' »-Ulr l • n •tn• U -T,, one 11tM ••-C• IJ ••.• ltlOll .._ ,,.,. u .arr• or ,,.,,,,., lnalt ,,,..,.,, .. , ' 18 I •rt~ •nl#lopM .. I •• rd•U ape-4. •• l••f ti\ t ht r >r1tnt •• Wltod lnJ\r\olfil n t 41t r.•11•1mn •• l'u l of f•nee 4' ft• and .,,_ Pf•lln m•taJ ll-lll1h U -Tht 11•10 0U1 tJ Pa \fJrlt. ,, I " I•( •7 -'" ~, ~ ., .. 0 '• '/}. :_ I --1-• t ....... . -•II• "r ,__ -"'I " -~ .. ................ -... , .... _ ._ 'I ' " -~ .. '"! .,.~tta:a ro .,.,,,,.. • .,, ,,. , ,, l'I ~ -..- -- ' -- OUM'" I O•~·hf 11 • , 'I ., ... I ,~. , a .,,,.,,, '"'' • ''I If ,. • r II. t 111 t.tr•r • 11 f/J~ g .,. "" ' I '• 't '"" l J••V fll!U fl .. f I I I f • •ll"f 1;, ' '' ,, ,, '.' I " l·" )I• llf ,, t I ,. • ~ l11t ,, JI". ~I . . 11 • ,, , ,, J 1 • • rrn• H U I '" ' ,,, • 0 4 ~ .t • ' I 4t • '-P ., •1 • 4l I ol ' ' \I ll J< DIAL hi• A , ... . "'.' '· .. ...... (. ... . ...... .. . ...... , ... ... . ...... , ... "" ... "'' . . . .. ,,., ... -· .. .., .... u.-, .. I lllllA' ~11.tfT ' I'. t I I \\ ••••" • f'H"r•t -~· fJ l••I' 6 f •Ul't I I •"A ff•lt f t l1•4l1• k .. , ".. ....... ... ••• ''· lit. I \\ It flll '' i lai. t , .. t( '~ ~ ltlt1t IJUAl • f ".. .... I •I ,,.. " ,,, .. h i "' 11· •II'"" K" I 1°'••• ~ .. ,A 1.,,, A I ., .. .c It' '••• \ ,_,_ .. ,.,,,,, h !MI J ! \I ft-. l\lh•O MI I All ,, ..... _, I t I ... J 111• ~ A I,,•' fll •. \ '-••• ,,1u , .... "~• .,., •.t. ' ., .. "'' w 1,,. 11111 .. .,j t I A' """ 1t .. 11•1 r<,Ml•t I it 1110•1 K Ii I ,.., •• JC ~IX I '"" I o "I'* . '·" "I -"'' • • • A 1e ••le '' I\\ tt ' *• ' .... '••tO'• \\It• ' ' \ I '' "M '11 • te u ....... ,.-"ti -<;·:,-K.;:,; M~~·t~ •••• • I ""•••,. h • .... , • ·1 ' ' t I t f lol I If •n•ll fl' '\. I, .. t tluft "..-\\ h T•ll· t •M •• ... t ' ••• • •• , . \ ......... . .f\\tf ,.,, ••••• ,. .... I 11 t '•ti' (h,.uli• t ·, I •Ii ,•••,.,.. .... t( f I llt•o t ,.,., • .... t A I ••• • •••• ,,.., ,,l\j .... 1(~3t H••t ..... Mt.At -ft a1 ... • tt~e k ,.. • ••• ,... 4 ,. ""*-"• k t ' A \tu•I"' ''' r,_..,, •ro h .Mlt, l-t1W•1rtt•• h ttJ 1;,.,,_.,,, lto•tt•r ~~.' ......... .,. .. ... ... ~I Af '"''* H I• "-' I \\ ..u.._.cm. "\t ,.. ' '., ,.._ fl I , ., '" ti\ I t A I lit lh.-r iff ... It; hd•1 t,l••H ... t I \.\oh ..,.,,.,. t>1f¥1 KN~ , ... ,,, • ••a1ri.e ......... I ' \I l'\•to • 11. I I II•••• .Sd ""'• 1'1 ,.. ••• I I 1 A "'"Hie t..t•nh a .. ""'''' .... ~ .... ,., .. ~ ~ w11 Jl,..onr ,, ... k l''' -1 riria" ""'°"'' • Mtlow t( f A0.--( ,,,.,.,., t • t.~ It' I • •1U Kl.AO:-;'. la~ ..;. •1, UI"° f f I I lfll• -t it l(f""\\1'-"UI""•• •cat KI' I fit-'•' 1 t • •• , .. , I \.II 1: ft,. .. 1,a u K t 4 A ff 1• t u I'••• I •l•••t k14f KVWU ti:°••• ...... k • .. " J•·"'"• 'th•. ,, ....... k ,.., "',, .,., .... • ,., '11101 .. ,, h t' ' • •• \.t•tt Ill ftJ ......... u.m. Mt-Wh •• , ..... t~t ... tre ••• \ 1 ~,.,.._ .... k . t \\ ht ""'·• • Mutt., TF.U:VJSION -f .--.. ... ,. ll>tl•t .... t 1--ll1f1N •• , ..... ......... u,, ... .._ ... ._._. •tUA.::4h"M' • -- .. ,. Kl u ' Ut1-t\•tl .. t I J "I' It'• K '"' t'•••, ,.11 .. It A \1 ut ~fl I k It f ftl1tt A·t hhUe ~· Wll l '.r•1'1 • ' f•, •·• • TI-..·•rt•• . ... k "" U ln•tVlh ...... .. , ... ltl,Af' llo•HU fl( .... , f't fttfUf'•f ,. k~U •' 11 .... , .... Kt t A IH·•~ the ••at Mtt 1 N••• k • Wit fl•n• Nt11rn•• l«t ti I II••·• tliln•i'"•"• lift-" ._.,. "'• ti) It .• ..... t-I \t l'il•••, • ttl• K •u t ' fflh .. 11 I lh url•ft ll0\•1W It :141 ~~I "1tll••• tli•atre kl ' A 111•1 T tl1l1 K I t ' 1,u lr1• ,,f "\"'>rte ~'OX l'I••• H\ ..... kflJ-f OJI t •fl~ • ftM k •/ '( .. ~•I IL \l uo••" II r .•. ~l \•t<llW ''"'••I kMl1U -ll••n IJa,.,.. I ' t It "'-~•• K tfJ "'U"''" ,_. ... ''· "'" I( 1 A' -f1iflft •tft Kt I \t 1•1_. """' 1-'t' Ji I • lie ... ""'-''''" ". ~ ·~ l• • , .. ,. • II :W .,, ····~ ..... ,,., ,. , , . ., ... I ,,.\ '''''' I 111 Jh1 A•ftf\S1H . " .. , . .,,, ~., .... 1110 l I t \h·IMl•illA k k• A ''''" ""'"111111 ., •I e • • '""''" T"nle'fltt .,......., ,l ite-nor• ... ••--..... , .. _·Mt-......... • t I t .. j .,___ 8 xswPoaT BALBOA Nsw1-T1••11 J=--\.1·ekin Wins & m&'-nuDAV Newpol1 &.IK'.._ Calif. Apftl It, 1NI .i UIUll · --~ • 'l'th wnsecutive No rmter SportB This Weekend Time at Arcadia LOS ANGELES, April 16. - (UP)-l"oar or impouiblt> wlntqr lpOl"ta condjtlons at moflt Sou1ff. t m C ahfomui moul)tam an.•as AR.CAl>l1\ \,1li1 1\1'111 11; "·et'\> n-port1"tl 1oclil> hy 1h•• C'11l1· qrp1 A f1111rtll·ra•··· '"'rnn , .. ~ rom 10 SIRll' ( i 1rutllwr nf Cvm · 1,.Hhl\ m1oil• th• "l•·n.11 1111ll1'1 rru'l'('I'. ,lsn1m.l<'k1n 1n1I ,llmm) C'ii~l'I· I Thi' chambo•r S11ict ~1111 Crt-ek HI 1• 11rtin::. i. .. r ... • ,,..1 •J• ', r t••tl " • J Ali: IW111 , ~1111 ft om 1wo to f1\1· 11,.. \\1 ,, .. n , ll 11111 raq1•1. "''.' . fl'<'t M 'no"'" 11nrl Sl1tl1• l'Pak "''"'''!·'' :-;1,,.,,1 ,\ 1111.1 • Dlfg-of-the-Week 100 Sail Yathts * Osc.-Frater Repar~: Readied for Epic u,.atrct rr-......... •·rtt.r . •tu.t_ tw .-as badl)· hurt th• hnt R t E d NEW YORJ(, APRIL 16-4L"P1 I~. lor II •a.a the ch.amp 1111•ho ace 0 nsena 8 -J04' Lows had Jl'r'St')• J•,.,• WaJ-wa11: on thl> dttk 1wic.'e. a.nd' not 1 , 1 10() sallho111~. largr a nd 1 cot t 5<'1 up 111 tht-~thcr allt ~ tcday ttv-dlAJk nger But t'Wn w a I h ,11 ,1( 11ri• oHlcl11 lly l'ntercd In and tlwrc llllN'<' 1ndJcatrom t!.at IAuLs rrus.sani; he had a taste of ~"', rn111 's Cu p nill'i.'. from I hr homl1: i M.'<'Und-tir11< arou1"1 tlw rrfff'l• J)()IA'f'r "h1ch 2-1 timt"S r 11 I lttrbnr 1 11 Enscnada whAmm.> 'l~r.-ad' was at w<>rk hM dt !1 ndcd lh(· ht'a:\") Wt'1ght • r 1ltfnrn111. lo!" anii \alifor~ ;\lu\I ''' 1..c.uis· rl\ali> h ,, .... M 1-• h,m,~hap or the .-orld. Sn''" \';illi;>), w11h a l1H•·l l•ul lolll'k f l ,.,,. J1111111" l.111, t1o1.1 ll1 "11 \ll't•N' !hr on l) nt"1rl1) 1111 .. 15 °ff••r-..,. Miil\, , 11 ,.,,... ,1nd ('111,.,.' 11111111 "': ~~-- lnii i.pnni; ,.kun~ T11~ ~ on mr ... t "111 •II• itwr o r t hp most important 111•-d for On<'f' Af•cr all. , •. , oob J,.,_.) Jo.' kll<l"" u wun't bt> I 111•1: • '"nts in lht• n:Jlion 'rhf·l 111''"' ~ I ··• r.1n1· ,.., u~., ... ~L-u11-•an~ 111t ni< And ii UI possible tha t r , I· 1 "' 1 ntri1•s far P'l(("('fiis n ny-1' n~ Ira .. .; him Ill!!dn an , r• turn 1 ... h 1~1:•nmn~ to think th<'r<' must •I •. • ( !Ill~ kand ('\'l'r bdort" 1111tt·h .• \II n.n,. " ... ,. t:"&n HI u.it 1. ~ ofh< r 1111·ay to make a la\'· 1 .... I , •• "· 11fft{'lal, or the· Ocean Thi· ,, ... hf.ulh ... " .. r ,. I' pp111., IOI; than faC\1"1: '"'~ IP3rini; tan I' • I)'"''''''"'" hf'rr said 10.1 likt• ~1Jn.1• r lli:•.•nan•· ,, Lum-''''' Th..,...· nm.• names in tht• 11.1 I and \\'akolt ~•i:n<.-d }<-Sl<'rday ror r•'t"'ord lJ,.•k 11ro,,d,• nc·n ·t'-,,haking •I" r.t11un o f {;fJ\t•rnor Earl •hl•tr J u·11 -~ 111lt• l igh t. And. "h1l, "'''""'n > r..h Maa-day lflf l h1• 1)1)11'1 ,j,,1 'l''I"" \\trt .,,,,, f.11 .. 1111• :0:h••jtp.u f!llH1ft\t l c-losc."tt fuf 1tu• , ........ 11 \Von ,. ,1 •• td\1,, ,, f1 •.i•111• d H•\1 1 1iw .;1,111' t h.1mlJ• I !•otlllf'd "Ill ,1(ff' 'IV'll \'; lo'I n l 1• ••'llH' •I ti '.' I Star Michigan End Signed by Los Angeles Dons \ U> A='>GELF'.S. Ap1 11 16 - 1 l 'P I · Lf-ona rd Funt. i;1an1 Nl'gro ··nd or1 1he '.\!1ch1i;.rn Ru~l' llo~ I h'am today "IL' &tgn''<l hy thr ~ .r\OI(• ll'S I Kiili 10 pin) pruf, .. ;s1onnl fhcu ball . ,\II hfl11gh primanly u tl1·fl'v~i\'t' • n•I FMtt w11~ u ... 'tl cin both of- kn-... entl rlt•lf'n"• in the 49-0 ,1aui:h1.·r o f S11ull!l'm C111lfomia. th~ <'a.rr1NI th•· hall 1wirl' 1ind mad1• :.'I yards. \ Lon McClllister P999y Ann Garner "Thunder in The Valley" I th11t tlw north '"•I•• 111 ;\l.111111110111 A 11.11 n"•rl "·" n ""' ''"' 1 It Ml in (ht··lll)'1 ;\lurttt 111•'11 111,.. ••• " ..... n do•lolll rn Ill•· (tflh I fllrd Skllnl-( n11 All "ll:ltl 111111 11nt'• hull Coot 'n"" lflll'k CUB PACK I I 0 WILL GET KITE-FLY ING AWARDS TONIGHT 1•ll•1lu liy C:1•rhnrt11 T hi• ",,,.,,•, 1lu1:-11f-th1•·\\H'k la • lnll ltt•""''''I l"•lnfrr .. \ ft'malr. "'h•• 1.. " ,,..,..and-half old. \\ ,, r• n ••f C';olofornaa and Covr r nor l :It .. ""''' m,,} h.1\t· "fC"t:f'(f dP-Fuvr of th<m. t& J .. rst'). JOf', \ ,, .. 1:111•1 .• Gon1nlrs o r Biija ""f•la\,. 11 .. , ... on 1ht> lac-.· oft~ m us t bt> pa.rtK"Ularly 1m1a1an1: 1 .. , rua :\lo-xic-o. hns nid,'() an P•nll••ni.:••c" lie· look«d a ~ut u.r •• n ... } w11Vld bl• ~la" S.·hmf'lini:. 11 :,1111: 1h•• r:.1·1• 1iosJ11blr and popu. • !.L!..)'. Arturo Godo). Bob Pastor and ,, '' "l"'rt I l1arhur Yarht Club J r r s t• y J cM' hrkrd ha.s hpi ::"atM' Brtltl-n lf"ortl ~1111 is l'nrollt'l.I"~ Michi- i;an liul wiH rq .;ort rv Coach J11nmr Phelan Jul~ 14 wh1•n the lJon• OJ>l'n ,..u111111,•r t rain mg at K \"c•ntUra. Ca.lif. On Technicolor) -alllO-I '"'"' n •nol "ltll •• \\ llh llnN aad m1trldnac.. uf a po-tllttri¥, •hfl '" t 11.. ho~I club and tht>y rap11t-d his knuc klr..,, on tht-tabk• Srlunt-hng was lM onJ)· ~an 'I Love Trouble' Franchot Tone Jan.et Blair l.alt.'Sl ra1 Ill rl'lll'US flKUrl'l' ,_hO\\ 1h11t dairy produr tii mnkt> up 44 p('r 1-.·n t or th1· total valm· ol No•w York stat<• furrn prudut·t:1 uni! poultl') about 13 pt>r Cc nl 1 'u I. "·• 11 11 t •. "· h 1 I 1 · \\ 1 II h" I ti II' nt..:iUHr tll••fut.; ft1IH:t 1 ti.:,., I'"' 11 •• i. (. '"''· • UI• 111 ••• 1. t II\ I "' II ~II• I •t I :11 ... 1tni.: pl11c• '"" 11•• t 1 ... ( '""'"'', il••I :\l,1r I :r 11rn111.or' "·111101' \\A11rtl• f••I llo• \\'lllf1•'1' l •I fh• Iu lo I I\ lf1L' l'<llH• -S \\ 111 lw• I''"" '-• 111• d Ill otlltftl h II flo f!lt' 11 1'111111 "<1111il "" 7.11 hh·lll JM•I fur Mlalf' '"""l:'a•·r. "'· \\lih lraJnJnl(, a i ln·· h11nll11w hound. S.imt<Qar la r.:ulni.; 1 .. "11nt to adu11t thh• doe fur 11 l"'I. If 1h11t ,..•m•""'"" I• ynu, clrt111 ar,.11n1I t 11 t ht' ('or on a d,.I \111r:,. lltti; anol C'a l tl1•pltal. I ' ' ..:""' .ill ou1 an plaDnlng for nrr\'ousl) and smiled uncc rtainJy. t"'ET to d f' r f' a 1 Tilt> c-hampio n, 11,, r;w•• 111 rnorx·n111on "'ilh tJic Old llombt'r J OP sat th<Tt' flow: knodung IJt.lf 1he ltwn 22".)"t'ar -old ''"I'"''' I lr1•an Sn1Hni: Assocla-and tmplac-ahl<', until th<' Cafl)('f"a -. J0t-in 12 round~ 1n ~i! first • • ·1•.n,.,t, of th1• r .. i:alla . mrn a.ski'd lht•m to limJle ;ond mt>et11_1g. Hen-)lox luted l:~ of ·'I h 1 .on• \\i ll start 11t I :! noon. c:hakf' hands. · tilt-hrst round in tht-1r return 7 Athletic Fir(lls Awarded Contracts By wast College r I•'· \p11I .!3 Tiw $111rtlng Jin<' T h > . Id '---·· houT B~n. C".odoy and Pastor I . t r(' 1.s 11n u s CJ n J: auuul hke J J the d ,, • "' llll ' ••• IH'•'Hn p1pr at Ral· "~milt's thRT m u kl' )'OU ha ,.. . f'rw) Of' "''"' . t."I· Thi' h<•rird "' ITllSl!'('S or Orange 1.. t'I' 1111.: 11iosl' on s ho rr a vlt'w That ~· 't ,.__ , ~ .. ~~»· I ta~ '" Th4>ir inaucurnl~ Th<' Sl'C· Cc1a~1 c·ullq;1• awardc·d contracts • -asn UK· On(' ~ ga\e ond t• .... I _. r . ..,._ • .... -JIOL•,..... A.pl'll 11-1 .. !t Frt.·S.I.. Aprtl 11·1'1 t•Ohf'ft•tl ••\4'1"~ t,.. p.11 t 111 Ill• * * * ,· Jeanette M'Donald Jose lturbi Jane Powell G rt>gory I 'M·k Dorothy ~lc·t~wr 1• J ohn G11rfo lr1 111 Geailtinl&D'li AJtl't'4'nwnt Harbor ,. -In- 8ue. -Mo. -T,._. Aprtl 18-111·%0. l'ou l'f'q-t.ed Ila rf't.um ·~ .ioa.oa stor,"' ... rnrr1n1: Lam Pnrk ' • BALBOA THEt\TRF,...-Ccim-, Daya, SIAartlnc Sunday * Events * * FL YING STRAIGHT ' .... AND LEVEL * .. Busin.ess Stability .. Summer High \ Winter Low Summer High \' • Winter Low .. * Yes, greater Newpo.rt Harbor-Costa Mesa's retail bu si ness is now soann ~ with a new stability. Gone are the sharp climbs and sudden nose di,·c. 111 previous years, as this second-l argest home cornri1uni~y area in Orange col111 - ty no longer depends on "seasonal'' business. The buying population here is greater than ever .. increased tremendously ... all year· 'round. buying power has ' But there is a selling job to do. And that's OUR busi ness. Rem cmbcr- The SAFEST,.SUREST, QUICKEST way to·.MOVE YOUR MERCHA N- DISE is to ADVERTI SE in a home-delivered da ily newspaper that reaches all parts t>f your trade territory. The Dai!y News-Times offers you PAID C IRCUL:AT ION (no thrn\\'- aways)-which means GUARANTEED READER-IN TEREST -th rou ~h :. out the Newporr Harbor area. · The NEWS-TIMES is the ONLY daily newspaper .. the one basir. essential selling medium · for1 any advertiser who expects to do a comple~e job in this richer-than-ever market. •h, 11~1 o r mort• craft in line \\'ak'Ott. 11 was a gnmare ,..··turn llJ'lt' "-> a.~1 ... , . our. ra., .. t I'" S• \'1•n ~port an~ i:nocts com punil's 1 1 •Ii• ... 1.,ri 11 L~ <'Xl)('Cl<'d Pl'O-pr11mt~'(I ro•trsbu1ton for th.-man .... nd 11 round!I n"!fJ>t'ell\rl) tor tho• purcha,ani.: nf athl1•11c And i'' lr"rn .di 1111r1" nr thl' southland "'hu nrntJ.~ him look bad last IX--r.w. fl\{' otlw~ d1tln' l~I at foorh ill i~1w1111w111 for lhc• COJ11· 111 '''"" 1111 10 \\tlm·~" thr sl ul'I , t't•mb<•r. :1ll. euhrr tilt> fu-st time out ur in1: y .. 11r, it ~"~ 11nnount•t'<i todny. 11 I ' "•• th•• lnrgpgf flN't o f . '''"' ~ncl. :ind in f'ach <'3M' lh<' Th1·y ancludt•: • I ' " • i' r ~ i<<'hts "''<'r to cross -~m•·hCJ\~ \~ ;Jl~-011 had t hf' ~P-··ha mp ~;<-rt"CI lhe boom more Arm'' rnng S11or1 ani:: Goods. Los •h r 11 11111.: hnf' 111 110 oct"an rac-<' pt aranet> o r a conc:k-rnm-d man. :SOt I 'JWC'kl~ •1ul-.· la king an encoN'. Ans:t'll's. HARBOR ATTRACTS FISHERMEN -~-----= Chester Jones, Herman Sharpe Back .to Del Mar I •I I. :11Afl -C'h<-Slf'r C. J o nes. Newport 3rd in ~assenger Total as Spqrtfish Boats Bring in 35,455 Yish ,, 1. 1 1n r.wani: official and Hrr-Fifty-four hc',.ts cal'T)1ng 9147 oprrators. ""''' !"h.111~· a mrmhc-r of thr D..J O<'t"an !'IJOrt fl ht•nncn cauchl 35.-Otht'r sponfi.shini;: ~ntt'rs r<>- \l 11 nffw1al fa mily 'inl'r 1he flO!'I· 455 fish in Cahf'lmia roa•tal 1111a-JlOrtt'Cf fLSlw>rmf'fl rot:il(mg: " 11 r: ... in.: rt'"llmf'd ns 1hP "''3· '""' Ii•'' mooth. lhl' "'"''~ di\ a"K"1 103.I a l )tontt>r<')' hay. ·h"'" tr:wk. rrtum t his !'<'3<;t)n as <of fi,h a n!l g-am<' n'flOrttod tf'da~ 478 at •San S inw.,1n. CayUCM. 111 •·•1d111i.; •tl\\4'ard and racing !ICC'-!'f'WJ>Ort llarh(1r "a..~ onl)• t hird )fort'(\ hiy and Ania r1•1.1l' r·1·'i"'C't 1vl'ly d01111-n fhP list or numb<'r of sport-34.:t a t San I>ietco. 1111• nn11ounce11H•nl that thPir fishr•nno·n hrangini.: in th:.t total.•· •fhto sun·t>)' ~·t'n tilt-first p1 ••1111nwn1 fnr ttw 194R ~a~n. 11 wai; nc>tro Accordi~ to t he'-th ot tht> wmmrr spor1f1J1hin1t ·• 1111ni: .lul~ :lO. harl IX"'n a~ c:11n·rr. 146.5 hshcrn wn wrrf' car-sra§On l'K'l!Jlllt' t~ re lath't'IY· I''"'''" '"'' marl<' loday by Wil-rird on btl«lll 01,.•ratani: hPrf' dur-~,.;tter illst'l.l'IC'(' from ttw lll('tro- l 1? ii F r 111111 1\innry. Dr•I Mar ins: t ho· pa~t _month . ., Jlflhtan ('f'nlt•r<i around Los An· '\II'• -p11•,1d1•nr nnd """<'rlll man-Santu '.\tnm ca 1,oat~ carried~ 1:1.'les. the local bna1 operators an· .11:••r. on ht' r<'tum from th<' !';in p;1ss.•n1:1•rs durin1: Ill<' s.amC' pPriod n>ntmuir111: to dra111· • ma;or shnrc '' "'" rn<·Pting or lhl' California I or flrn•· a nd l.o.: Ani:<'lf-s harbor, of tht· btJstnPS._c;, tht' sun·ry m· R.•1•1n:: ho11rtl. • hofll« r:1rnro 19.19 to_ k'ad local die-at" PICKS BROOKLYN, N.X~ANKEIB wllege Hires IN ANOTHER SUBWAY SERI~ . . 7 lnstruttors ....... :'\!:\\' YUHK, April lh-tUP J-th:it '.\t1ek~·~ llitrrt~ :mri P <t"I' r <T· 1Con1tnued from Page 1) :' ''' up som .. · nac kf'ls--thf' htrt> r as" """ arr <1u...:111°n m ukc m1t1· h$h ;tt prt'S<'flt )tas5 Dr ;,h,.tm 1,. 'l'" h•· a !lam<-by lh<'n -for i:atPtl n1:aans1 ~..i. , .. ani: th<• P.ro \e>0rcfjnatnr t1r Ocnipc-ttional Cuid- ,.,. .. 1 h1•r "lliway '\\'orld &•ri<•S next Sox. J OC' Mc<"arth)" c-an I ho1• t<• '111nCT'. S l<f)ho·ns \llll"'l!:r. Columhrn 11,111lwr. "'" thl' pt'nnant unl<'!I~ t.·o of1 '.\11•~r1. Silt-n>c'>·l\'f'd her.Ph J> I h<il ~ h1•W thl' {94R MAjor lhP<o• hurlrrs COf1'W' back to th<>ar from th<-l 'nl\'er<lt\ l)f Chtr:u:o l • •.!II• 1~·nn:m1 raC\'S sha!X' up to 1'H1; form Th<-c•h,1nN'!' an• ai:a1n.•1 l~t5t H·ar • th1' """l'r\ Ir, who I!' Pll'king last t1. J~I F CmtaJso~. instructor or I" .1r's e h11mp11ins 10 n•11t•at -the T ht• Yank~ also ha\'t" it O\'f'r hfe Kiencf'S He is prt'llently a I •11(fi;1·rs In t lw N11t 1onal and the th1o1 Ro'<! Sox an rC'SCn'e IJO"'l'T. j:n.t craduate atudent and assistant at Y11nk<·t·s •n lh<' Amrrican. a.o; lhl' Dodgt-1"'( haw• 11 O\Tf'T ttw ~tanfonl l!nn·E>rsaty ·Gustafson llerc's how I thank l hf')' wiU Cardan&ls. hnld!< a Pti D from St•nford in bio- flnlsh : Clrvt'land could be th<' Arnrri .. -an I~> Xatlonal Am•rirllll IA"1tl:~ ~l('('pt'r. Gt\'(' llw'~ a :!'>-rr~nklin f'. ~loon. 1m truc1or in Urookl) n · Ne•\\' York s.:_am .. wannf•r to i;? ~·1th. Bobo)• art. His prt>Wnt pc»ttion is t hat St Lou1 · l~111n t f'll .. r and the brst ~nfN>ld 1n baM>-of lnstrunor in tt'ramacs. San Ft'r- Bo,ton Cl1·\·rl11n!l ha.II 11nd ma nas.:n Lou Boudttau's I nando tri~ Khool. Siin f'<'f'Tlandn C'1n1·lnn~tl DMrm1 '':''..,.. N1ul!l takr ti all Don ~lack I CaJaf<Wni.1 ~loon rf'C1'1\'rd his ~I.A NC'\\ Y11rk Ph1l11rtf'lphi11 or Hoh 1.rrnun ma) fall tilt-ptch-1n roocatio n from lh,. Cna\f'rsih .Pit1 shurs.:h Wtt1<hing1on me hill. hur lhi• lnd i1m: •-ould lor Souttwm California 1n J um• • Ch1c11s.:o l"hi<'111:0 lr•ok IM•ll<'r 1f th•·.\ hall a l"Mll C~TU5 G, Rockf')'. tnctructor an Philarld11hu1 SI t,.11111< f1 no-.• h11,1.•r amunc ttw•ar outfwld-f'ns.:a~ww: cfra'""R 3 n 11 Tl'Ch· Thal'!' jlll'kms.: uwamsl th<" odds <'rs 'no~· •f'Pt .... >ntly a s porting i:oods for 1h1' <'11rdinals arr favored in !1o•irol! 1111" '"'' pit<'hinr;: to •;n, <t<!k'sman an<t l!'Ull5TTlilh in Onta r io t he offlc111I bc.•ttani; hs1s at R to hltt 111 11" 1'' itn \\i.th ll Tiit' A"•IC.111Hnrnaa Rockt>)· holds a B.A· 5 w1lh thl' Brav1•s at 'J IQ 1 and all'l• hH\•• Rooc:I pitdun«. but • drgrt'I{' from San ta Barbara ml- thc Docl1:<'r11 hl'l!I at 3 to 1. In slm\ ln:ht halting infK'ld ~ ~t' in indmlnal t'ductltion. lht• Am<'riN1n thr YankN's and k•'•'p l lh•m rr~m c-hmhlni: aho\·"J lt•<'hard A. S t·abPrt. Chairman Rro Sox an' co-favoritc•s a t 6 to 5 llti·~r 1 '~1 ~l"ar s fan.sh of th(> div a$1"n of natunr+-Ka('ncf'S It could bf' two or th1• cl~·i;t 1 111 !"""81"r .. r..uld stirprur for 1 and in5trtJC"tor in c~m1str) S4-1• ="lt'al S rorlini; G111l(I~. Santa Ana Al's S por tini; c;l\l)j1i;, ·s11ntn ;,\na Proctor Spuri 1111: Goo<ls. Long Beach ' Rathoa Island Spt•rting Cooct~. W ilson Spurlin>: Guotls, Los An· J;l'l<'S. \\'m. Lano: •'11mp;,ny, Los An· g1•lf'S. Total <"ml r:u.,, .i w 11 r11 l' d :imr1untt•cl HI np11roxirm1tl'ly S3000 * PCL S~ndines 11N' T..,.._ San 1-'rllncil'<'o San Oar;:o Lo,. Ani;t•ll.'l' Portl:inrl Oakl:intl lloll~..,, ooo Sacr.iml'ntn S<':illlt• Slandlnic~ \\' I, ~ !\ 10 7 Ill 7 7 7 7 R 6 7 5 i 4 9 t'C'I GB 1\15 ~ 5AA .500 l'z .467 2 .46:? ., .417 :?a,.. .~4 E\.l'I')' 38 SN'Onol~ nr(' hrf'eks out in th•· l "mkd !'tail's. ·E,·t'r y 1wo manu11·i: ~·n ,\nwr1can dwl'lling cati:ht's fire . Newport Harbor Headquarters f'IAYNMWI Sales and SerPice Seaboard Equipment· Corporation 1211 c-i m-1. a-co. 5841 N_,..n 8-cll, CalU. ROSSI CAFE llU. C09Al Hl-y. Corona del Mar NEWLY REMODELED (with a fn-sh almosphcre l ~ 8ped&llunc In: Spaghetti -Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Roast Beef prnnant r.1ct·s in h1l'lt•ry llnly lhc• th .. \ l11.:ur•· 111 h:iw· Rood JMtcti. hcTt ~ """'' tn<itnK'lnr of r h<'m· C'uhs 1md Phtlhcs in th<' Nat1ona1j 1"': a nil ar '11"'' ro.lkirs •"Ofll<' 1ctr~. i:' o Io~> and ph)-s1cml anrl Hw S<'n11tors. Whtlr Sox and ~hro11tl!h. '"l",.'<'lal~~ Al Nll7~•r at SC'H neor'5 at ~;ilmas Junior coli('l!r. Browni; 1n the Aml'ricnn sc·t'm out ST'f't•nrt anrl <~•I < unn '" l h• out-""1'""'· C .. lllforn n II•· ha5 a Ph D C1o.od -M Ha Qf it Th«r<' IS hop<' Mr all oltH'rs I fidrt ;11·' m:•> 1"' tous.:h• r than an rllt'1'T1istry from Stanford um-•-----· •onda•-iiiYii·-·1111'.·-.111.80.- Cocktails The l>o<l~rr.s nr..""' m)' NRt1o nat m'?'' t•n~ think. . \fT51t~ -rh.~~" fwr11ui<1•. 11;; la~t y<'nr. lhc•y 1 ,. 111" 1''"1~1 ,.;.a<I "°"111 '™' \\nil<' f:lmo Y.lt rm Sha\"i'r . ln.,.rurrnr ;::,11' 1md ''"" ll• 1 h•• h..t tc•r llw\ ,.-· will h;i''" tlw strnni:,.st hi•nch m 1 · m rmrh anti ~r•amch Pr<'Sl'ntl\ ha~r all Thl'y c11n ha\'<' nrarly "irn!lol put "" qu1tr 8 haul .. 10 m<>truc•"· 1 f th.-two 1.inl{ua""" a·t any "11f tht•ir kc·r play,•rs hurl s .. \\Iii lmii,h, ... '" lht' ~llar Pnnnpi;,. St L n•11c. )fi!o.4-0tlri and com•' u11 "11 h a suh~lllllll' JUSI ---:"h.t\• r ha<> l•••h o R ,\ and '.\1 A Rll i;odd. Tl1<•y ha\'I' tho• halnnro• ti an ttw> f"Ol"'lhan•'<f l:\Ol:Uac<'!< 111· lllko•s. 1l··~p1l1• tho• ;oh,f"nl"I' or ;m •IUdwd Fr • n.-Ja .11 th•· l"nin•r,11\'I outc:tnnrl1ni; "'"•111·1111 h11 tt•r Tlwr• 11f l'an" m I~ · 1trl' nu '1r1111s.: ... r .Hn1."' lhan thf~t· If, nr~ r ~t Jt>hn. an•tructor an I l.IO~i;i's<Nl hy th" I •od i.;,.r hurl•·rs fth~··" M:tlh• 1r:1t1t" •1 n '1 1 n· l~asl Y<'al' tlwn· ""I'•· no '' 1lcl1•r ctn<• r1ra.: ,,, \·.:ill• J+• ,l11n1<•r rnll .. i.:t•, • •>n«c. Plllt1 r. hut I h ,. l1r•M1kl\ n ,.,, • i' C'lf1lor m , :::· ,l .. h:i t• 1, ,1 hurhni:: ka!l ... 'ih1"' prnm1c:•• 11( h.1r· ~1 \ o.!rt:r• c 1rom :'• 1"1f·•nt um I nc·s~1ni.: tllt•ir •llllf 1>1 lt•·r this .... ·:i-\• ""' an l'fiur.1 riun 1n<i !4"11o1'114' I ~on. T"-· •~ 1r'1 a -• •" ·•r<I•" ron · Thp 1 ·11re11n,i1,. .1r1 Ilk• h I•• r1111 ~ ·• 1• 1· f .. r ·ta. 1·•1rr h.1-. of na111r.il u11t' lftt '·111'*' 11 .. ultl·· , ... 1,, .... ,. er .... , • .,_, ~u11·t1•< •• nrt ••11upm1nr 1111 •h•'•T• t'Rt• 11111.: ;111d t .... i, .. r I~ ... -•. , •r·!• " r. · , !I· to THE MOVIE BARN 1168 8o. Coa•l 81....S. LAGUNA BEACH • Ole/ Time Movies "--4ay Throui;h 811nrlay Cloeetl ~londa)"' • u ;:-.oR t •l.KU In ... "Tiger Rose" ~IAR\' l'I( Kt.ORll In ''Savage Love., I "'~····'." :11.or~a.:· r l-.cltl11 I)\. I • 1'! I •• c · t .. t.t. r nn I'• rr" •llf'f')· mninr 11111:< !11,11 :1,1 ) •' 11 1 ti• \ ·.1nl '"cl Th•...,. ,.., ,r '""'"• p.1r111•ap , 1. I 1na1 ... h.1ol lh·· ht 'I llin•"m:1n li.111 ''\.' ~ .... l\l ., l II •l•!· ,, I • 1.1ost:1, R \RR\'"ORF. In lj ..i1111 111 111 •• 1.•.1i.:11·· 1u111 111 ..... "' r• 1., •u·:· r .. r1~ "· r. "Wt.fe 1'amers',_ f,.,, \\h1• 1h,p Ut• •I t11, <'I.um Bui l hr<ha v. <ii. m1r:tl I lhllt ,, '"' \\(I.' h1'< l'lllli ~hap ..... 1111 ' l. !hn_• n .\ .. : L \ 1·1:. n 1rnl I .,, And I n11;iin 1 ht• ~· .0~11n 1f 11 k"~ m .111 1• 1':ne>" 1 \\11.1.1.\\1 l". 11.\RT In I hurl th1•11• 1~n·1 an lllli11\lall' n •-Th ··'"''' r•·nrr.c<I· .• ~ard•'<I "Everyl Inch pliu·,·n1t•nt :t\,11l:1hlt· ,.nA4n'• d to •Pf""'''1r ,,, I~ .., lo .. I Tl':lllh tl1•11 t ofl I II \\ 111 1• nn 1111> I •. I . a Man" I• 1 1\\ilh11 n'<,k11• "h••rti-t11p .111rl n 1••11 1 1hr11w1ni: u11t tll'lrl. ~., 1t1.11's "l" Sand Crab Actulta '"'" -C'hltdrc!n 12c I 1 lw Ur:n •'• ·,:in• i'I rkrtl f • •r t h 11 'i ~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;::~;::;;;:;::;;;;;;;~ Thi'\ al~" m." h,I\ •' I r1111hh• 1·11rn· r · 1 mi:. up "1th '1•n,111,.:h pt11'11111.,: 11• C •n•anu.<d from Page l 1 back 111111 nr thl'Jr. 1\\11 -'l ·l;itnh' I ltllt Anyhow wict<-rstand ;\f)- w innrrs. \\'11rr1'n Spnhn 1111rl .loltrt· I Boben ~~~,r'.=, ph,'atirn has ~n made to m· Sam l!ln'Wb~us OClrllontiao ~ .tnJ'l(''.' Cliff Hanm. )Ir. En-· 1111· Rt'<!'. c>n tho· ~1n·ni::'h ,.f •••'91& at air.o.cow • ._ .._ · ~ Elnw r H11l('k\\l'll :cn<I " lair Ill· ~ .,, b.111 8!!Cl'l!UIY. Olcl9a .'-•en l!a\' fnrUl "ith a f("Y.· fh•lcl :inol 1•utf11'1d. n111~ n11~1• tho l'eleon. a Mkblpn strt wbo ,__ 't;1T i:_~. thus: O\'eraJI btL4'· I ' Gi1rnt;; 11111 c1t tlw far"I d " 1,1t•n mer1J worllfld 'far Uw 0 . S. --Uk~, co:-t.s han .• increaS('fl I r-:r" York ha" pl• n1~ 1•r I'"''' 1 ~. ol IPftns <111 Uw ~OD-"''' •. whik-l ". S . !'<'h OOI I but nu pttchmi:; ·n11 1'11 .11.' 1·1•11111 Ian. The ~ ... madr ID 'a rh:-tJ'l:l~ ha\·e oained fi41 ', WU. WTtUel '° lbr i<Hei......... .... hr danp•n111". 1•111 •h• 1r 11 lo111lrt1m.: ~ InelUL accordJns ., an<! an Oran~e t'Qtmty ~} ', pr11.,;rnri1 pr1•hnhl) "11 1 1 .• k.• 11111~111 Uw lelDI olnct.i '!'Ml~. And to tot• it off he rf'\'f':ll· ••r ~ .. 1ir Th, ~ 'llhl' .1r.• p1<'k• rt •'' 1.1 ('(i that in ~ewport &-aeh th<' l'h1llt••"' 1 .. ..-a11••· tho•\ f1..:1. R \RR£.R Kt.t:r-. Rt.,., tht> in<.'n>a~ ha.." only br<-fl I 10 ha\1' tlw l"·ttt'r jlftdnr1c .!".!.',. II M11nn.:1•r Hudo l1;1rn~ cl.11m-·,11-1 l" " 1·1· ,., •. rJ 1• 1;1"' Ynnk1'•'• 111·· :..'"•I" r 1'\•n1 tt o1n1. l~.111• i,. •I'' hit•~ \\lth no trouble rr 1h11n lh•' \\fr,• 1,,, ,,..,r .1nrl ,., • II hncki<ll11p\\lth 1m1-• ... ant.:•'"'1n11' on .1..:ht·m1t 1n11r1-' m•ttl l'W'U' F:t"Gf:::"E.11r. •\·r 1 ~lrs Rn~ Cisii10 ... cate ancl .Co~a il Loun9e Servinfcomple#e LUNCHES ancl 1DfNNERS * 202 Main St: \\',.ai;r1•1 •1thh1m111rl11tu~pu•k l1 •1•r :-1nrltt k~.V .anduamusi-Foo h..1~ah.nth;i!doo.sntsnm l I] I hr Y11nk1···-ll\l'r 1 IW n.•d ~ .. , I I L•fl 11. ·~•n<lll• H .. nd l\rT:tOll'N :n-1.-to makl' up ht r mind '.\Ir' 1 l'rt' il l!' ad'"'"~ lh ot l:~~ llui:r,,111 n·•:• f " h 1• ""., .::-•11• I\ a ,r • E.ant~ found ttlrf't !.111'11.§ on "" 1 ••••••••• &ii11iiaE!!!!!!!!EiiiEEl•E5:EE;;;;;;555!!E5=:=e=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=:===::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==::l!i·-nu" "''' l>t• ahl, I•• • ••tn•· l>.H'k ,11•11 All \ :111 I trch,...•lra • £1" Balboa, Calif. . . •, • EMBR1 VOLUlll SI A' WALTt: to "i n t !Nldf' 1 .. • NEW-( (TUI wlll dOI manic p -there pl<1titud• n<'w me of old, ~ Jen. Ma pl:lC\'S \I lcv. son J: J>. G city dac <'!'an bu port for tit't>d. 'l tut'l' or tics and give the kn<>W h their a f th<' thirc IC'ss an hC'r<' Cl II ;rn hill• dl'l'idt..• c ThO!'t· R<'t.>d i~ Y<'ar~ o: during I h•arn<'d <'fforts · fonnanl' thC' \'i.ll fronting with pa The sarr AllC'n. grown ~ th<' ye; bh.tntlv : rather t exp<'dier mC'mher was hcj: duties at thnt mu growing even ke. vote the nesses. Cth· < of Fran qunrtC'r S(.'rvice. romm<'n th:m th• coundln plain. !'f lty. \\'hf pomp 0 1 i;tathrrir anti ace (Co ' .