HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-21 - Newport Balboa News TimesToday'• 11 A.II.. r AT . I OR ANGE C 0 A S T • S L A R G E ST IN NEWSPAPER DA IL Y ONLY ABC ... Duw ,..,. "'·•nc--. BALBOA IMES f ""' ••••••• "-• .... ' "" .... " l111h1•t 1t.ll• ·~· 71' "I' ... n ... 1~ :-.., -:; u" u•' I 't 1111 h'' 1 1 j 'i hj• ill \11h)#Ht •t:llntlJ !>hrtt •"°' ~ .... , .... -racr •·- u . EMIRACING IALIOA rENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEW,ORT HEIGHTS . BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA Sl:WPORT Bt:A<"H . C'ALlt" .. WEDSESDAY, APIUL ti, t!llll ..... , ,,.'I ..... u Asserts 'No Department Changes' , &>alt.• K IUW-).-.lf'T'M) .... 51 M·11· B H ~~~'-~,;!.)·':~':.:. 2 · 1 1oil oats ere ~:?.::?~~~ . Ill•· .tuulftWltl\r t...,...-taorW ,.._ Pop. 14,660; Chamber of Commerce GiresrA.___.k --'--'-T_t _I ---Pr~ Bulletin Report I s s 0 a ~lar} ol U·.I' chambPr .. r ~ AM-orrtini:; 10 chambPr or com-Man power ~. Jlany Wel.ctt. uviay re·· mt rt"t' r11.,'11rt~ rt'll'll-'t'CI toda). tlwf't• ' le-a...<ed a bull.·11n m Jlf'Ob"l"\""" rt"-wPr•· 41.'\5 '1·i>~1>J, of a II l)llC'" ,., ahng-latf' facb and f1gun,.. prr-l).or th1'<i m 'lh1· h:irbor hl'I'•' 1>11 • ta.nm;: to '."...,,on Bt>ach I ~l.aNh I Tile a.-._~~ wtlu1· t'r D ft L Hlnung that I~ populauon here • boot• m !'f'wpoM llarbor rnr l~I~ ra aw 111 • lll bi.> rnrt-ked otficiall) by a 1,,. "'llma.tt'<f at $.5.500.000. "'n<u« count m )la, 1 ,. n••• \\'l'lc·h wd tha t in 1934 thl'rc arnund 14 9iO Wf'kh ~tl'f1 1h.. IA'l'r'\' ahout 69.'l vrs.<>el~ ol 1111 l fl'lf•!! fol~'l.n;: hgu~: ,.; bo·rth•-d h<>rc· w11h an t>Stimat!'d I-"--" .........._ a.'""'"-f'd valuation or $500.000. C,.,.., ~-,.n ~ F1)!'Urt'!' for 19'16 and 1948 are ,_ ~" .. n ht>IMll·: t!<\6-37 SllJlOO.MO-am llM8 1916-17 :!:.!..:rlS.:.'SS O i.«tomhou.«"-Jl um· 19'17-a8 :.!4.138.7~ h .. r.-d \'f"'&'b 1429 1793 \\'ASll~:'\CTU:"'. April a.i1t'P I Dr \'ann<'\ar nush. lhr• 6 '1\erry mt·nrs lo p sc1<•n11s1 . said tod~· r-wry man will h11\'<' to be ctrir11•cl to 1•11ht•r wock o r figlH 'rtt thc 111'1'1 war. ! • , ...... Junt' 19'17 J P; I~ $59l.500 r_ • .incu1 ... ~1nwn.· ~~J~':~·,-.:~. ·Lo;no 1!16 216 11,. ul-okt·d r u.,-,:rl'ss to pass such .• ~"' ~.,.,., ~ a l:tw now nrnft lrgls lation und<'r t • s. ~ 1940 motor and rounl)' re-, study by Congress r<'presents only 111•""1 ·~·,...._.,..,. ,..._ ~ lloti:hh •• lhr ~lo 0 & 11 ... ~1 In ht• '"'' ~ .._ bred of tM ••'> "'"'"""'nt '"""' .... *"-1· n•n•I h• i.•h 1tndl"f tlltn that -,...,. .. , 1 • 1n "'• daN:#'T' cf k.a.c ttwtr •·•Iii.-II· ~ ... 1 In <'""" 10.put a .... l o • • 1 l •ln i:r•I-"'-,_.. f\o th•• •II•" I lho-tr "'.cf\I ... A ........... Uj• hi •• f1;<1fl ,,,,, ..,._.,_.,.,., I ..... , , .......... , -of, ...... ,.. '1 ltf'n• • 111 hr ....,_,.. -"'"'°'"' on 1non .... lrl1' AftH tt. ,,,, .. ,_ ~._. -- t lt•ll•~ k r 'W"-t, •'hn •UI ~ ._. t"il) •'6rril ...... J A ~I • .tlO ••• t n W.-t...t In---~ t~ -·~. lb<· ....... rowM'11 ~ ..... mrd1a lrl) alt ... .,,,.°" Oii a .....,...r. '"'" > .. tll Cl' •l4'1r wuh ~ ..,,, llY'l-•• ,....,. ,....., , ... ........ ,.. ,, ~,. .... ..... ,,..,. -'""1""' °' ea-•• .-~''"' ol -)-.. ~ "99-~·· .............. lf"'d8--ton Ml ,,_,. nt1 WI ... -tlw ............ __. ...... .... 4 .. -138 gistrntion IMS nuHt-a stvp-i;a p nH'MUrf'. ht' .t!'l.d thr b.-n.I 9().1 659 lloUSt.o Armcd 5"r\'lces commilleel 9.396 Rowboats rt'J!t!'ll'red in a lt'ller. Spt"("ia.I Ff'dtraJ crnsus Apnl ·~ THI~ JM THE t 'lllHT t'OKMAL PICTUU ot· SY.\\' C'IT\' C'Ol1S('ll. 111tu .. h. tn&f'ltwr 1111th 1·lly ,.a.rt& ... rlt) t~"'r, a1ll ........ «ftte f:n.analt' lb.nil 19'18 14,660 •'Ith U-~ n....pt 1()()7 1074 alfaAr1o h..rr follo•lnc ..urrt,. ...._ Apnl II MhJf'h p41t n,.,. of UM' nwa "9lo•n hrrr In uffl•..,. """ 1,_.....c --.er fr.. ....... ef "'-· port 8-f'h. lift to r1jtllt : a.&r'-IL PrWat. rtty_clf'rk; o. Z. Bollf'rt-. lwwn"""'t f'OUnf'lln .. n ; ""'-U""'6f'J, ........... •-:...._a. ..... ... ,,, ...._. 1941 ""'""" ~ Rush is chairman of the g0\'<'1'11· Mud. rooa-1>oats, f'lc. m1·n1 '11 n·st•arch and devt·lopmcnt m.yor; Uu·k UraJ.(I', t•ow1<ilmaa; a-wr IJ>llf'll, ln1·umh•nl N1uncilmaa: aJMf '· A . Cl•nl, tl"l'atoUl'f'r. •'*'°'" h) C"...m&rdt ('-............. ,. ..... .... dtr~ .................. .... lf.U 1915 1916 ~1 1!M8 JUIU&r)' 19t8 f"~ 1918 Kudl .._...-w_ ..... 19'11 J~ 1M7J~-- _.Jl 160.122 unre-gistf'red 531 550 I board, nnd as such the "chwr vf 657.550 BnrgN> 23 staff" of • go\'ernm<'ftl acientlrie 2.0'71.760 planning. ._, 4.115.fi0t 1T.tal lby act. rount) tel1 US5 ·-"" 7.8216.3t2 Of 1tw above about 500 were m recomm<'nded that Congr~ TI2.851 commf'rcial or sport fi .. ,hing boats <'nact now-for USf.' '.'in cal<' of 88&,910 ' •., need"-lcgislatlon 10 prO\'ld(' unl· 997.15:.t versal &er\'iC(' in the event of U.w CHIE1 <'ith..r wa.r itself or an lmmediatc threat or war. RECOVERING Tiw H~ Arnwd ~com- ,,. llmdt 1 --·--· - 3.Klj 5.0f1 ,,,., . mlttee ii ~a l~throuch· FRO. WOUN. D 25 draft to boost total manpowt>r of lh<' 11rmed services to 2,006.000 2.9321 by 1950. 6-Gea~ 19-11 J_,,- 19'17 January 19&8 >brm 1 4.854 I DETllOIT, Aprtl !1-Cl'P >-Rush indirah;d that an air for("(' --·--•. 5 472 ......... ......._ 1111~ we"' d ' ,....,,. tedaJ far tlile .,,...,., aod 11111 I' IJ(I Of the• prNent C'On\'l'n· 1-Tell;' a I ,...~ of tlN-•'oaid·be . .,.. I •irinnl homht>rs could !)(' obsoll'tf' 1941 Janual) 1.li6R , ..,..... of W.,tf'r P. RMaUwr. 1111 R ff'w ycnrs. 19'17 Janual') :l .&20 A• .. \\'o,.f'n ...__ Bu,h nlso \\'rtrn,.d ll$!1liMt "dnn· 19'&8 K.arc:h 1 3.800, l:<'rnui. ratl:wy" thnt l'drncf' has ~ C er OF.TROlT. April 21 1 l 1PI r limtmtl!'d 'lhr nt•f'd for m lln(IO\\l'r 1~1 January 4.:.'03 W altf'r P. Reuther. 40. d}-namk in "ar 1~7 January 5.lA9 l":idrr Of 90(1,()(X) (10 lln111'(f Auto "l'u~h·liuttnn" wttl'ffln•. lw ~aitl. 1~ )lard! 1 6.2~1 \\'orkl'n< Wa.~ pronQU"C'!'d hlll nf IS 11ool ~1·1 h!'rl' And, hi' !;;iid , tlll'r1• I dani:l'r Inda} rtnfl SI 10.500 tn re·. 1,, lut) "gh·Ht "" 1nrfin1ttion" to h<'· , "" ... I ...... a .. ·ante ··l'rr otr,.n'<I fur !hr llrf'l'SI ,.,.,,. th• l'mto•fl St:tlt'S WOUid IJC' ~-lJOM Ekoadl Grammar Schon!" .. · f h ·h • ' . 509 :in .. m nncoon n t <' 1:Unm1111 " o 1114 nnl) ltu~ttm p11~ni•r. 1911 January -n.11 him down rr .. m amhu.'h l;i,1 . 1947 Janual')' 1.1i:4 ni ht 1 '.\l:iJ G1•n Jnhn l 111 hlqu11~. 11rm) 1~ f"ebruary 1.:.."6-1 i: , . , • 11i.·t"lf111<'1 ch11'f. loh1 the· c•11mm1l·1 n.~ tn:"" •ho. J'l"rfnm u <1 ·'~ np-fr,. thnl nh01Jt :t.000,0()() m<'n w ould :"'-pnrt l lartJor L°nlOfl 111 ~honl rra111m upon him at ""'1 (,rnrr 1>1• rf'f1'1tn ·rl i.~ tht· urm• d ~rn 11.,., 1lnctudr-< C~a )IM..'\I ho<pltal rarly . today. <;;ud how. :mri 111, rt<;•'r\•'< tturmJ! fo:c-lll 1~119 , 1·\1tt.\\t:1.1. lo ·r\\o l.t:.\Ul'c; c l\'1(' o•·t tc'IA I-"'. l 1o11: rPllrln1t 1'011 J anuary 529 M>f'r lh:ll he m11:hl IOSt" lht· U'" or 1r thr Anrirrws lull I!' !'n1WIPl1 ma~ .. , 0 . u """I lhhll tl~d.rrnl '"" fllr.~-4'll'dlon 1 r "'""'. t ........ 1~.'l-; J anuaT}· "fl7 h1~ nJrhl arm. !>h:lllf'rNi h~· :i i.htlt·· • 1111111 I"'" tl•· ... i. ... , ''''"' 'ttu111·lh 1111n O. 'I.. Hotw·rhon "f"' '"""" lht• l!Wl '.\l;irch 1 fl01 !!"Jn hl:t.<ol al hi~ homr Rrlltlwr .:\l"a.n\\hlh·, Rc·p Alh,.rl .J. F.111:••1. 1 .. ~,,,. ..... 111 1111111.1 on IH"hntf of•'"' r111ploy ..... nw-1 111 """"' 111111 .... ,., ... , :if..,, wa< "·oun<:k-<I m lhl' ch·~•-R :ll1rh , t·!'l1msit•·<' ~t hat lh" r 1•· with Rl .. '11 lh~ 1oru.I d11ht ,\ .. 1tr ... H1~0111:: ('1111ntjh11•n IA·~h·r I."'"''"" ~ • ' u \' ""ti Arulro·w~ hill w oulcl h<"''' h11nth 1111f'fll1ni: ..th ••f1·fl< , .. 1rrun I r1tnlC I. Kln"''l•rl " ,Jr11ll•r 11111 of '4'>P'l"r~1 ~·1;p,,..1_,1 Thr CA\\", :t'.!·m:tn 1·:1.•'<'Ull\'" ''""' dof•l1~• roq( h\·ahnut ":.' •l'I""'''""''"· Hh 11·h·1rl, "h" h1" "'"''NI hrr .. 11••1.rh "''""'~' "M' Rit~n-· . Ru•m~-l>t~lrrt fl'l"'lt>d a ~100.000 """:tfll r11r !:.o:-1w•1 l'WIO . lllr\, 'lf't"''t•,.,t \ 1 .. 11.h ....... , .... 1 h1 lhr ......... ,, •• flllh 'I' '""" "'' ••• 11 .. .. ~""1" l'rh ·~vi l52.25 s.J:l.4'>951 rt.•111h.~r·, ~-.. .. a1 l:m1. ()rolm11, 1·11) · _ I ,,.,..,,.,, .. , 111 ''"'•II\ h .I' 1•1'"'' l•1 1,, 1r. o1d1 ....,..,"""29 311'!1105 rn1m1·1I not<'rl $10000 11nd th1• • ~·~·,r1r1 ~7~~~ '.!J·;,t-,;;,<1 ''wtui.:;in r .• mm11m•I 1o;11t1 1111· Lido Isle Woman I \•or dt>l '.\lar 9 991 51 17 X'o1 _'9 r. t I) a"•"f,.,I l·~ 'h" um"" h· 111 D • c A :11fll, ti an111h .. r ~.oo f>o·ltnll .. ··n· rives ar way T·, •I ,1,... pnl1c" (urr" "n' m"hlfl/•'fl fnr F 11 • s h t r \r• 11 .~·•• "44 1.:; "111 l'\:l 17 •h· no:inhnnr 0 ()Wing mas , llr H;o~ m "11tl 1\ ~"k"I•• \\ h1o tl1· r• • ,,,f "" •·1~ 1.11 1 .. n upon fl • 11th· \!t' ~11r111111 ll•·a n ..:os \'1.1 * ""eat her & Tid~ * . r·· :or m ,IJl•I II I·"· "'rtllllt ('tlf•<l l'.olo 'Ill• a\. flll• l.ttl .. h t• \\ ,. II .. '' .-1r.d .11 :'\•" ,;, tr.-. hl'l"-r11l:el ... ;,ad \Ph• d 1n •• u ''"t :.• f"Uh nl \• 1, 1 • IP.. \!It: ....... •""' rlrinlt~: '"''" ft• ,1h ,·, '"""'""n "·'' i:i••I f.•11 "" ;oll•rru••n ""'11 th• 1 11 .i,, · •. "•! , ., rr.:hl .1r •I TI1llr<· h h 1d f1,,,.n 1111 iltl" '" tlo 1o·n11111• :·'·' dr I\ 111 . l\.I" ,1111, k lo\ 10tl• ~· d I II 1r1n...: Jt'1 'l1•• ••••••• •I· ',t,t'ir~ u( ti i01 11.."• t•• 11 11 flt'I \• ~ flt 1\1" ,., .I tfll' .... 'H11 n H1•t1. I.urn· 11· 11 '~"''''' tn ''' n • •r.-,, ,.,. • 1rn~ I I• ... nd .•ntp•.• .. ,.,., I~· 11 1 .. ·•' '"'"' and C"•·nt r ,J .,,, ... ...:.._.,:h'h ?•·l•'f' ;tff•mtl('tnc ,_ 1 .. -0 ..... t .. Jn ••n ... ,•J·r·•I ittl• H··u, h 11 r ';c.,, ''""" f•· nf c ·,.n1- T f'tllP",. t""" Tod•> (.,1)\\ T .,.,. ~.--C'. ~....S "'I orO~ l. ~ .. " f Q""'" , d1"'• of oc.cvrit~c.e. f1gurr • p m \\ ~; -; ,:"; '"1 M :; OI 0 1 •:•• 5 7 2 l!' . II:~ ft!' 59 l :M 0.3 !:1! 01 1 •• t1 ,;11tl l1 1lltt\\lrlL: li.t• 1t ·t11dt'"'f11 m11n1·m ~)thin 111· 11ni11n, 'llH1•rrd '""1 lo· f llf• 11 '" .. to~·'" lh• '·•' :i "''mt•>rm•I fr;i!'I &.•· ''1 111" arm 111 lr,,111 ••I lt1m If' ti r:on11· I•• :o :ind .'"''""'' \l1.1.11s.:un, 1~·ll1·t • p11rn'- n1n.,f hi• r·h•"f lt11t tl1rl n1,1 r • ;wh h i· l11no{ r:.\il ~ 11,. \\ ,, .. r111 """'TI \\ hll•' ... 1:1n<l· .. t"I' .f 11 11111111• d 1111 111'-h1 1k•' lo 1· pl••11.i ,, 11110 lit• 11 .11 .,r •It• II• '" iPJln:uutul• m:: m t hr k it1•h,.n nf hf" hnm•' B"l7' • or '"'" "''' n~I\• I\ <l.1111 r;111nc a la lr !.nnrk prr1~1r1•t1 hy I :tC•'<I ;inti h sirl 111 11" lto~\o•ll 11w11y h i' \\If". :11111' Th" i:unm:in r1rNI :llr < l\o•·:on'" \'d lit"lr• W ll• !lrt\'1•11 lhr<••11:h a wrnt1r1" ''"·" "tlh nnlv n11n11r 1!;0111.11!• WARREN SIGNS NEAR-B.ILLION STATE BUD·GEyr ~ ' ~ACP.A'.\lf:;\'Tfl ,\pril '.11-rP• llli1 "'II t >tlll)t':ttt d In l11r11l ~l'hll'll ~f ~"111.IUt "" _ (",r" F:.'.tt l \\1'ln.,•n annC1Unf"f'<i t tJ-d1•tnt"I~ hrflJP the' currl'nt f1•ral 1•r .. pri '''''" l•1r n S:\ri<i<1rlt'~1 :11•· •• -...... ~ Lo• An~· 1 .. , Stt1t• ..... ...._ d 1• t · ~ati 'tent'<! a ~'lf•3.~1.nJfl y«•r f'nt1c; .... 11, 1:• l •A>.:'' .,.,. t •l."C'<f in thr <l.1tr'50 \\':.rnn'c; blur· 1x·nr 1I m11d1 11 s-... \\'.irri n said !ht·,_,. four n •hw· h a<'N'} ft'lf th" 19'1A-49 fiftca) 1\.12.~-'ofl rC"dUr llnn in thl' Slt1,lt:\'.l,· 1 1IOn~ \\'f'fl\. m11clr r On lh1• 1:rn11ncl > .r. a(l'r m1kins: 1t rut of $36,·, 500 \'Otrd hy lhf· lr (:tJlatun• fnr 11 that no more• th11n th1> m•"'1''} hr ~;i~'ll in lh" fntal budget and mt>dl<'1I ~,.hnnl :i nd hr,.;pil:tl at thr ll'fl 111 tlw lo11t11;1•1 t·ttn lw •p,.n1 r11r ~i"'< 11 "l>i"""fnl•inn h tllc p:i•vod l 'nt" 1•11y n( ("·1hforniA :.t '""°" th1 ••· f•llrf~·''' l11 f11rr lhr l"l:t•lu- I·\ It' :. £••h tur" An11..Jr• \\'Arr< n saul h,. thnught I tur• "''"' rn"" n1 xt p •1tr SEE AFL-CIO FllONT AGAl!'ST COM~ll:~IST \\'Ol~LD LABOlt '!O\'E · \\.trr<n <r.;uti th~ rut mart,. ct;itl' lhf-N'ntrr shoulrt h:t\'f• thr l1tr1ir·r TI1" g11\'Nn11r e•hmrn:lt•·rf r11m-'I" ndm£ fM •hr-,nl>lll f j•t",il ~· :ir "llrn And !>:\Ill ht• rA\'OP "fl :tdt'ltl111n· pl 11 h :1n n rl1ltl1ri11;ol ;q 1prn pr111l1100 c-on!nrm tn t•i• anfll'lUn<'>ti 1nt r n· 111 approprwtir•n• "14 h• n thl' f1-1 u1 S.'"•t1•-1 f•.r nn• n·• n,.y f1rr ~111 • 11 n 11, in<urir: 1 Ml1tn!'Ni hud · nnnr•' 1A 1trutntr-d " pr•' 11111 •on t h• 1•r•••mrt th:ol th• Th• cn\C rnn~ at~.mnti• :1'~:! .. •11•1 •I th• rh .. 111·h1 hart rd•"'"rt f ' • Jn afit'.i'I•,.. 1, q1,. burt;:n \\·ir· •"" ""' ,.,., m ~I 11(1/lft 1. \fltt•d rur tl11 nttfl"f.,r 1 ''r1 f1Jnd., r<r.' "r>f<r•"....i •r• f'ILnz of .~ l.':l . ltl.,.,r;nl arH. hr1mrhr• or . lhr t !nl-' It•· 111•11 thn '' ro11t S8:il.J..W1 fur r.i.. .,.., ,.,1rr•nt (1,rr11 \•·ar ."r''" <or ( .d 1!11rn1.1 :.t Tl:i,1• nnri N't11•·11 w1111n nf 11 '"" '"m1J•t 11llto _, ., .nni.: · • S" · • J>'t.~: J•.r>' 3' Thr· r1..;11rr rq1rl'· p ... r•HI• t>l:i•lt•'CI s:n •J.fl'O off -• f 11 ·, ~t. I \ 11t '"' '·,I\• r•1I\ ,,, ur.,~ 1 ..... r c:1;,..,fW'•1 from I•"•'••• f.or •II• 1111rrhAAJ nntl r"n-<"1!tfolr1111~ Ac11f·11111irr1f Noll•C• ttl ,.., "·--"' . ,1 t, rt,. l"S!l•la••iN' •lrllf'llton <of n "'""roll~" to !ll'f\I' I 1·1\1• l• ,.,,.,._, lh• unl\'t r•1f\ hntt n r • r'.rr ,...,. r '.\rr• •.UI of II .,,, • r1r .. n11:• anrt <r14lll •·A<I• rn ·'"'"' An · m.1111• •1 ,, numl .. r !n nn ,,, ""''' fu ••• ~l'f"' ; ,. ,•,<on fnr 111<1 ,,... c• ,,., '"°'""'>" m 11dl-an 1dcnl1cal i ''' 11"' 11nrl Tli" 1Ti:i~lr1111r•· 11ppro\'· d.••r~~~ ... ~·I d1•ffl('I• f'm'lnN' ttJ' (rnm 1'\~l•#1t••1 (or SnrrA· r-d •1nl~ lfu r1µ1 ;.1 11111\rrMI~ f(;, offtcia1J ~Id rt'r' TT! trr f.3."> 1;-n:. ·m• n• S ~'' <v.tlri.:t•. and loppr-d IContinui'd on Pai;ie 41 \\' J\:-' I II •If' iJ, I 1 ' ~ ('f I • I "If. 11 I "t1f ld l,tlu •;T11:-. II 11, ,, '-'fl I r I'" 11' I ' 1\1·• ti • I ,,,, . tt .. \I ! ... ,,. I I t ( ftS' t .,,, .. 11 ... ol tf : H l11 t lf1• I rl.o·, lnl; 'I r· •. ~r u ... ,,,, t I \ I I ' I f ·-ftdt'r1 .It tt I It , .... ,,,.... Ill• ti ,.,. • "' • 1 ' 1 ,, '·~, ;u n \ol ~j,, ,,;,. I f:•r • ( '](. "'-.-:' l•·· 1"1 11111< I 1 r' ,,, \I ·I frt t l•j 1'J1' "H• ,: A: t di ·11 t!lu \\'••dd l l\1111; 1 ~1 .. 1•' II\,. 1n l .111 •11,. ,. ,.,. ,, r•. \: I ,. V1 Ult1H 1tl•I ,,. ,,,., .. " •ti· rnll 1 "' "1111 I \' 11 I fl t , if . ' . I •ff! ''' 11 1•·• '1• '' ft • , r fl ••J •I 1t1 f 11n° II• ...... A~ I. , ., . I• ' .... I lu•m t,, .. ,, ~.,, •. ,., l't• 1 •1111 I;,.,,, a.:• ,,, ,.,,., 1 J 1•1 I t\,f di •• \11111111•\\ \\'roll on•f 1;,,,,,.,. 11:1111 ... '" ""'""'I\'" l1'lllrrl m•·mf•' ~ '-'OtJhl nt '' nrf ''''ti u , ••hf• t• n1 • OLD CITY COUNCIL HEARS FINAL REPORT ON CENTRAL AVENUE The• I'll)' t'ftUnt'll )'Ni1t•rd11y tlt'erd' I! fi111tl rt'tlOT'I nn thr.' pro l""' \'ttle· Re E. D Good 11 ••hich k1fh'(j II prok'('1 °W11kl• 11< v e e e IJM'n M"I 1111 lo r;oqic·nt1 ~:wo.ooo fur H ored . N " projtct wtueh had hecm "'' up on m aane to upend IM0.000 for I~ ()f Ch --L ff II mrnt or II mnJof Porl Ion of Ct-fttnl Bren a A"" l'rCtlo•i.1 \Ill"' 111 .. l..1 lhi~ \\ 1111 o II Clrnl ·,-; t'tf, IM I t't nt 14 111•r 1•1·111 ·rut11f ft7 j,,'H tw•t •f I 111 111 •• n..--~-~·a,.­·-jortty ....... -t ....... It,. OlJlllW ..,... ,..._ -· ... .. ,,. .... _ ................ .. lhr dtakY 1 ~c.-...,. ......... ... ~· ....... ,. ............... ~ 8lw .... ~ lll ........ 0 t .... ~ ltt ,.., tlw .... 2 , ... _ I • 0 \JI ... llllhrll ................... cs ... -~--· , .. .. ........ , ........ _ ..... ... .. -...... .._.. l !"1-..... -__.,~ ..... lh•t l h• ,_,,. ••IUW h.w .. "'"""' ...... ,......, f' ...... , ..... ·-....... , ...... , ....... -.. dloirw. ............ Hlnr J•lt.,. up thr -~· r...r 1 .. 11.0WI• ,..,. 11rpw1-., o a ft ...... •it<· •..r-•...t ....... ,,.... I Jn uttu•r-lu1"lrl• '~ tl11• t'4 •Utu•ll cr:•n•• ti :1 p• n1111 '" .I '··•'I"'' u ru1 Flu~tl 1·.,,1,•r 1t1 "I"' t ••'-• a 1 uf•• r.t 1;,;.q t ·,,,,,, ll1i:h"·'' In lf11· • on tlw• n f) ,,..._,, ..,. dH-1-- 1111111 ... llf 1111 1111 .. 1:"•' 11 .. ,.1 .. ·"' .... 1 1111 lt11n t•f IH • ,,, •• f•••'"I f1' lh , 11p f•I :1 I tfffl uf lo•&uttf \ 1 I ti• k-. t~ ) t• It\ S.unlar \ I ~,tuuh \ rt•• '•••lh• 1~ ,11t1111r11 .. t ,. •• 11f11 ,,.,,,. "r "'' , '''" I 1mny· ... Ul 1H1'1t"\ •h•I '"·· ff1t•k1' 1111111'1 I \\,, 1ltt11 1"111 111111 II olll"'i h.ul .q 1plu d '"' •h• I" t r111i.. t•• tun •&:••" "' t«....t ,....,,..f'W-d ,,, ar ...... ,. ...... T •I lhr ......_,, ,.,.. jl8t ., .. 1111 o<f ...... tn U'""'"C ...,..,..._ ""'k'" ......... , • .._.,.,.,.. W\th•• .. ..... , 1foj ,...,. ... ~ -h)' "-ii· 1n11n'flttf•1•.-o11 •ht• IOMrd on l»- half "' t'!I) *"'lf"°').,. A a.inul•r w1 • .,. .....,.. tli. •• '' ''"" ,...,, a:<•nc "''> Mrtll. t , .. ,. ,\_ i_•.J.Jlh n 11 .. 111 11 111m1fH •r uf f •t ( :t'1 I (I\ ti I'' ''f" 11 \ u\\ 11• I "' f •tt "'' , .• ,,,...,,ti• lt1trl ··f tft .... '.. , ,,,.,, I• 1ol1(111 i"'I t '' o\ ti'"' 11 1111• dttf llul\\••t1 l '"l•I•' o1ritl \l 1q1 ... 1t•I I IUnr.t1,.~I. If)' t ·,.,....,fl'Nln ,..,.._ ...... ""'' , . .,..f'..,... fhr •PP"'"'-· IMifl\ •<f n f ) •"Wlf°"'>....,. Wllh •twJrn Iv.-1-•••k-f ·~ ......._ • .. ,rrr·~ n 1 t l""'fr•rttr ft1° fiT r, 11 ...-·n, . ",, .. , ,, .. ,. , ... ,,. ,... •, r ., ., 1 o\\ ft \\ 111• h \\di lh tlit uf• d • I II .... ' t I 'I'.~ "I• ' • .. ,,, u f '''" •l•11•t 1 Ht.\ t. II. t ,f H 11tr.U. I''' f " . tl11 I 1 rl t\\11 1111111 ,,. Ill•' t•f I t•·I,.' I I f I t, ti lloo f 'I 1 I' I .. ' ..... II I ' ol ' ' .1J ' I I -If• f If 1 ~I 1 I 1 I \' + 1: 'I • 'I \ t 1 I , I I •I ~' • I 1. I ' '; .... , 'I I I ol • " 11 11\ • 'I''. " •I• I '' f, I I ' I .,, , I I ·' 1 I o \' 'j ,, ' ''I ' ' I • I·.' I ' .. ' 11 ' ' I' I I 'f f11 .. , .,,,, , ... '. t lo• I '• .It .,,, ,, . I•, I '• I •I •I . ' f• .. qt I I .1 •• •' ., ' " . ' ti' I ,_,,, ... .,,., 1.1 I , .. •ii I• ••h,•t' ti r " '·. ,,, It I ,,,,,, ,,, ~ Ii I t t I' • I l·t1,• ff ,, 1111 I'\\ ..,,, ........ u II ,. I I 1ttq1!• 111,jt 1 !i • " J i 1 'I Russia Halts f t1111 1 I f, ,, ... '" ,. ''*' "'• . lllJ\4 • ""·•·'· 11 ,, d· •tu ,1, d "* hu•• 'I I ,1, I t • I Jtt 11 ft I f11 fil ti , , I I '\ I I I .. •11 ' I"· , I,, v. I It f I tu 1 11 t 1111 it tl,1 ' I I ., ' j' ; 'f I I I t I 'I I I If'' I ~ I. , •'' h , ••I,, I ....... t 1:. II ,. '' II f ••• '" e f 'I I ' ". .I I'• I. I I I • '"•••I• I 1 "'I , 11\ J t f'i 111 d 1•1d ••• f I• II , .. ,,,. ,·.•I , . •• , •t f ' ' • " ~ • t .r If.,, • f "·1 · I o f ,.,,. '· jl f l J i.d I".'" I '' I • I '. 'I 111 •• ·• ll• \)tot. I I '·.I I I .. ,., ,,, i I If ., •, f f ~ • • U I I , I I ' ,•I II tt1f l 1t fl I t olff'1 II ft. I fl 1 I ~ I J 1 I If I> t ... • h I tf tl1 '. ' ~ . I I f 'lfll I I h' '""'' ,,, • '"'' "'' ffllfU'-'' ~ 11:,,· 1;1.1,fl1 ,, ·•11tl1••t •' ,.,.h , ,, .. , •1f -,,;,,•If• f +iltl••I tit t JI,, ftt,t '1~·· ,,,,ti• "'ft lh q ,, ,.,,, ••• ~ '" \St1°1M• I ltt t ••J• J-. t ,,,,, J • ,,., I~··' Fast-WC'st ( t erm·1n '" .,,, II I' I• 11111'"1 ,,, s., .. n,,.., n ' ~ • I c \Hid lfll' t, \lft,• .. , ,,.,,.,,.,.,I•·· • ••• "'" ....... 7 ,,. .,. ......... t •·f .. ., ...... '""" .. ,.,,,,Je_,...,., J A t;""' •Ill 1.__1t., "I• al...rr '" I• f• ••II '"' anOJll•• Im,. - •>i i\ ''' u•nn Anti •'tnrl.M. K I 'n• •t " •I" rvim• ••4-o ) ~'"'rtfl../Pi/ r t lw ,..,., •""1 ,.,,.' •' •hir t-1.ir r ~ • ff· f11. ... .... ••••• ,., , , ••• ,,...,,. ,. n •·•• ~ ,, •• •w•\ ~t".-""''~'•"n s ·INJURED IN .SANTA FE DERAILMENT fl\k .. 10"· ...... \.nt -:1- 11 ,,,_,..,. _,,.. ..... ··~ f .,," .. ...-c--r tr.._ •-•· raJ...... -.r a,,.,. ,...,, ...... • .,,.,.. .. racc'•c •~ It. '-'-· tl•r ~ ... _ ........ th,.... all .. _ r•"' _,, tt. trw-t.. ... , ... ...-..... • 'I' ....... .,,,, :.lti, .... 1 ... ~,,., ·~ .. .,, "' t 111 "' ' f••Uli'f fLun ,_..,.,.,,.,,~ f t'"'' • , .. , •r•• ,,, 1"91 A".!'"" .1ntf .,, ._ r .,., ••""' ' •ill 'I" ~n..:: "' '"' •h• ti•' ,,,,,.,,. ,.,_.,,., r nrttr ff ,' t .. , f .,.,,, .. , f, YJ ,, nt I f•JJT) "',·at er Trafft"c 1 ··",",, , 1 "'"···1 " '•••""II ,,,.,lt ••\• r ti•• 1•·•111 \h•" ·• t•r • .,... • •in.1m ""' "" '",no,. •·•I ''' Ui 11•·,11 h rHI lf1f t•Ul'li '"', f '' '''"' ._,,.,..,..,. ""4'1" •' •lft1 •nil ilrHI 1~1 fu .f·. /\f'"' • f •l 'l'J 1111111 .... 1 m •t .. ,,..,,...., H ' Ii t 1 *''' t •• 11 "" tlt•I "'·"·, 1••11 11\''"1' .. ~ .... •Uti•,. •h•I Uf '1' J1, J'1J•U •""' ... ,,., .. .,.,,.,,,.,.,..j by t11fl1• f,1 •\\1•11 1 ,,l1fn;1rid v.••'t 111 f••lttt•' tfu ''''1t1t1 '""'·I)•''''-. .,.,,.,.,...,., •II 11• flfl "''· 111rl11dir1.· ,~. tltr1 ' ,.~llll•h pt•;p• '· .. , .... fl••'.\'"''''''''" """ ,., •............ 1.: 1!.'lt I S L. d I ,, pl• I•., ,,, .,.,,, d ,,, ., f1 I .,, •• ,,, • ,. '''""'""'''' ••• ,,. .,. .... 40,JI") ·~I If \\I •• .,,, 1•1\ It' I I .,, •.• d ~ •• t ,,,. ,,, I"'' .•••.• r H ,........,.... '~ "' ...... ,,.,., n .. .aic: • I , ,, Id • •'' 1·u t "' ~1 r11J t •• ,.J, rt, 1' , ... ., •• , .. , ., •• , ft"-•'"' rt•itlJ• ,,,,. ~ AUtt ·ntl ,,.,,.•e"t .,..m" ' •• 1 It •It• 11.,1 1f10 ol tit• l!rrtr'lt II,"' Ill 1 •I• '•I'll''° •I \\tu 11 1111 •'fl f,,,, k 1'nt0l ·"Tll• q r'''' l•l•••nt ·\ ,,.,,, ,,r 1••11 ,111111 •1111•• ''' ll•M"f tit•'"'""' ""..., •11"-. ttun1 ,..,.Al 11'.\5 r • 1d•fl•' 11:q1o1·r• ''" tn\Jtltd ""'* 11 "' '1 Ht1• '''""' ''''•' l'•''' h r1fl ~,qt f, • ,,...,..,, <li"•l('t"• t.-uh"4 on II I ,. •• ' r1•" .. '·tr \• , .. :1t1 tu f ••• ,,ti \\ .~ , '1 • , ,.,.,, lut ,, 1 1th t.-.tt1 , ... t • 1 1.1 1 .. 01 /\ 1• ti• I'• 01·t '"1 '1"f "\'""' I . o ,.,......_ "',.. ~c•nt. 1,,., ,,,,, .. , .,,,.,.1 u, f.•tht • •, •·d "' lk.~t 1t1• I•-'• tn•tn•"""'tlt•.,,.,,,n,.,t 1n f.tlt frorn ~1 .,, 1),, ''•\l•t 1Ji••l' J1'•11il _.t \(1 IJ1•d 1 I 1h1u1h I'-••JtJ11 ll11t1 tf1• JJ J•f .,.,,,, \\ ,,,,, .. ,,. •1h lfli f!1 •r I Uo '' 1ild•1 fh"'' '•t u1;•1 ••••O.i f . \It fMJf ~11 t.trt\• 11 ' 11•t 1)11 \ \'Ill liltft 1·1 J~I Hf f\l/•tl . fll11 f't• •r1 ' t f1•fl1f •\• #If 1tt1 fltfr#~j t"l f• 1 • , " p 11,. 1 I, • •lu,~· , ft4, ·" .u ,.,,, '" ,,, • 11... • , 1, ''''"'Lt,• ,,,., \j m tar.. ·~··'I u I l·•I ,, fll , •••• , .. ,,. ,,, ...... , •• 1••f ,,, ,,, ·~· It•\ Hu'"' n ,,, .... ., -"' .,,, arr-J-•11.antV s(Jiftlft ''"' ''''•I• 411 1 v.t.11 "' • •t• .. l 1t1••t f •·f t~ .. ,tt ,,.,.. •• ~l,,.,.. JL'C lr1l.11ul""''' ,,,ff" Ii:• ,.;,,•I '" 1t. ,,,,,,,, h11f ttt1· t.11'1tllnt• '-•·n1111 .. "'"''"""'f 11\ '"' 111·1• • '"''"' •wn• ti 11111•1• •t I• 1 "" f'''" 111 I•'•'''''. '"" All ,, '" '""" '" 1hr alJ-<"Ol:ICh 1,. S"\I" 1o111f f\111 1 h ''""'I"'" • '' 1 •1111 • '' ""' : .. ""'' 1111•1} loro ll lrllln ,.,.." ~but nona.infd •I l•·f' 1n J 11rt• 1'•11i 1 f•or 1111 I •111i;1•·1•l1<on I upn1,-t1t Employlnent, .Real. Esbte, Ba·n·k Debits • ID DroP Page 2 ' t \\' I' 0 ll T BA I. B 0 A N ~ \\' S ·TUI ~ S \\ t,l>,I;-'"·" 'l''"llU" ....... ('allJ. -'a•rU '.!L I!...-But Soathlaad Building to '!iighest Level' Boys' Club Sends Attendance to New Higf;t.of _202 )-8J.t "t'IJlef.1 1, .dllnt!ff11t ND FltO~T PA(; E f'alt~ ...,,... HoU)•o..cl ('orr...,....s ... 1 110 1.1.YWl){>O, APRIL 21 . . · .. .. FlMlt 19-19 f"llrtl In lhf' •lllJO-:, motlYf' lnrlu,,1ry lhr C"•mplc•l,.ly fM'W LlnC'tlln anl Unroln <"•.,.,M•~­ poUtan modC'lS Wf"ro• 11nnounl't'd ln thf' county !oday by C 11 "niC'k- «bockl'r. Linroln a n d MrrC"Ury Sates and Sen 1n', 1111 N 'l11ln St .. Santa Ana 1 lJPl \\'lwn a mm''" f'JUN'n 1m· p11rts. Ill th(' world I h•~ tc>nck'r nt>W!I lhal Shi' l111 nMUI to ~ i1w ~· <>11r11 will llf" 1hown In &altt 1ho~Toom. tomorrow from 9 to 10 a.m. FIM'lnt'u, rll"l(11nro, mmfor' and performim<'t' kryaot~ thr two Lin- colns which ar<' offf'rf'd In l"lrht body wt ylH and two M:'p&r11tf' pri('(' ""'"· ~ Llnroln C<>11mopoll 111n h1111 a whtt1b11M' or 125 tncht>s : thr Lin- eoln. 121 )nchf'•. Both arr powert'd by a n4'w 1~2 horscpo.-r 8-cyl- lnder enr lnf'. lar&l'At automobile ensine t'Vf'r produN-d tly F~ and the culmination of 16 )'ellrs n- Pll' ... ltlt' wHh V-8 f'flllnf'W. OUt.tuMfln• In ltlf' nf'W Co. rnopolftan 11nd Lincoln art' their Jane, 1wttpin1r llnn, low ovt>rall tletsht. "pkt ure window" vislblllt)• and lncrC'IUf'd roomJnt"M for alx ...-nct>n and luna&t". ROSSI CAFE Newport Harbor --Headquarters MW!AM'l Sates and SerPice Seaboard Equipment Corporation ' 11• "'• .. ·n.., tl14 tr .. · ••• r ..... ' " .. ' ... \• .. l !lloltl•• I h• HI ' ti -"h• n \I•• 1 ·1 ~l .. .• ! t t·' ~. . "' \ . I• • ·• • .J I i.:11"11 1 ': ,, · ., _ ~ I I Cit"'''. '·~1 ....... 1S 1\ ••ht l ,... I - .• \' . \1 ( ... ., "'\\"1 f •\1 I f --·~ Wt> are <-quip~ to trive you e.xpt"rt qornce on vour m11tnr ..-hcthcr it i.a ju11 a ruutuM! clu:~k or a N mplele o\·crhauliug. Wr !pccialize in JOHN~()~ &<'n ·irt' anJ urry a atod: of JOllNSO:'-i paiu. Thi. available srn·ict is one of the many <''tru you get whm ) ou make JOJINSO:"i )'OW outboard motur ct1oice. ~···•N tn ·vi•;• • .• ., Ill c 11•1 .. , " ,! ..... \l •• ' ' ' ,,. 1t rr•h1' Th• I 11>• • • ·•.-• I • '~r" M 1rt"' 1 '"" ' • ln' r<"11· •, r ' r ..... ~ht \~ • r • •' .. • (1 ,. • ......... . tu 1'•1 \\ t ,, "'•• t •• • p 't '-: "" lo.•''' \;:11 I n ,, r~ ''"'' n. .• • • . '•i , .. .. \1 ,·1c · • ~ \fr.c; c-. .: ~ '4 • , ... • '• .,, r ·~' r-... ' " ... .,. '~ , '• 't • h,.,...., , ~. ~-• '-t •'\ ~ ("" • '" ,,, ...... ,q . ''r w'1 \:· '" ' l 0 11 .. 1 \ '"' , .... ,_....., .. '• T! " l • ,, • t ... r ,, 1 .,. -.,,, ~.~ ,,_ '" ~l1• n-1 South Coast Company ~-r'll •T 10 a c r 1 arr thM "'1111 I RC\n'\M fl1rl.: • 1' •I •1< •"· d"T'l\rt ~.,.,.., • mf'I .. , • -1 ,..., ._, "" ro•·Nt ~l.IY'O In :.-1•1 \Jr" ("I •f'·" 1 fnr ft nn<'-<ill \ ·dd h•Ao >w •nd I 1• .-if(' n"<'f'h <'d Jan 1 MAJUSE AN D OENE&.\L · HAllDWAAF. llrd at OMtnl (''ontem ())·er Bii rnflux of \' eterans Into Labor ~tarket ... - .t .nv-",.1,.,.; .. ; •-n•u•~ at fl · • tlil•Wn.ta St;1'• -r.:in jl)J \\·. . ·-· -.. ~. • Ano. for It\# '" -<f • • I nutr..bloy ()( \ , • .. .. • • r ~ ro1a..c... ar1 : · .-.. • ·" ! • f'w-r f ra..i.ra-ftc 'r, •.r •t.•~ r~ hit,. r Kills Two Children, Attempts Suicid~ I - -f Amo. f'akpAol•J ID to. ~lel. Calif .. Mn. Helen Nortl\way, 42, amolhered her t~ chlldren, U1ed w kill hentelt becal.IS(' &he felt ahe had ·c111craced~ the dllldren. Aft.er walUnc for 30 hours for a dealt} which didn't come. mbt cio.lled f or help. She II shown In a hosplt.&l where ahe waa t.alten by aherlff'a deput.lea.. HARMAN W. NICHOLS Announcing • showing our premier of the-comp I ete ly new \ and APRIL 22 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. IJ~COLN ~IERCCRY ~ \t.f:~ A~n st:R\'l(·t: Inc , Ill,_~-JI.~ ST • ~A~T...\ ASA. CAI.IF. • PllO~f: i 171 .. HISPANO-AMERICAN Bloc· Argentina Promoting •Neutrality Front' In Southern Hemisphere . ' R,\ UIC t:\\c •·~: \NSOS I by hrs 1lt-l1·c1• I• ·s '' 1 I \111:111:1 Th<' Ir Ar t.:"n111111 1~ 1·•m11nl_lmi; IP "'v1 k , n11t•n1111: i.;1111 m .' ho•lil '"1m,va1gn l•;wk.<lkl{t· .11 llt11.;01a 10 Sl'l u1, a lo l'l'l'lll•' 1snl111101111~t Sl'nf'lpirnt 'lrong "nl'tl11'.tllly front" Jn l'USl' •was llW Ari.:••nltno• nhJ•'""''" to any 11f arm,•d 1·111lfliC'I IWl\\'l'l'll I Ill' "t•vll«C'~I\ l' U<'l 1ui1'' It' t/k Anwri-L' s A. and l's s.n. I "an ll1·11Ul1hl"<, llr4',.( nlt'd duri9g I Allhnui;h P1•ron's tolahlarwn, lh•· C'onf1•n •nc1• s .. ,;swn, <•n April 5. 111111-IJtomocratit· rrgimE\I~ t ht• only I Thi' rlrlih1•rn1 .. p11rpt1S!' .of the ~'1\'C'rnnwnl act1\'dy lnvol\'ed In A1·g,·n1in,.~ Is '" null11 y •1r qualify lhis plo t. 11 has all-out support "' Ungola 11s pr1•ctw1t•d in !11Y from majority political i:roups in s tory of ;\lar<'h 3(1 llw 1111JIU1tl-8C'- 1hrt't' 01h1·r countrit•s. plus som£' frru." n1mmit11wnts agn'<-·d upon ~upport 111 half a dozl'n m or£'. but nol 1mplt•mr nh•d cturlng the Tht• fom1ntt•>n of a "l11spano-P('lropoli11 ronft'rPnct• last August. Am1•ric1m B io<:" 1s a loni:·slanding In 1h1s t·onnl'ct1on. it sh.:>uld be dn•nm uf ultra-nationallsl r ruc-rt'.'nWmlwn•d tha t (I mnJ<>rity of lionariC'll nil O\'l'r Lalin America. \\'C'stcrn llPmisphPre i::m·ernmC'nts llowcvcr. 1 hi~ idC'a ncvl.'r WC'nt including those 6f Ar~Pntina, h•") nnd t ht• propaganda s tage un-lJruguny and ParaJtuay has not Iii Pc•r nn 11>0k u\l·r Ari;:C'ntinit. No-~1·1 r1111fird lhl' J)a<'l drawn up at Ihm;.: ~Ul't'l'l'ds like success. 11nd It t hat c1>nC'lavr. "itS a llt'f!) shot in thr arm for To g1•1 nn idt>a of what this 1 lwsc• f:t~t'1st ·minded isoln1lonis1s n•'U!rnlt ly mnv1• nwans. picture In sr1· nno• of thl'ir own kind rl'11Ch wh111 ii w11uld nw1m IO Russia it lhl' 111p through strictly "l(·~iti-Cwchoslovnkia 11nd mu j o r 1 t y ' m111<'" C'IC'clions. par~TC'S 111 nuli:ann. Hum.mia and Srnc<' th" l'nd of World War II H'uni::ary \\t'r<' no-· proclaiming 11ri.,.ano-Amrn ran stock has had th<'ir intrntmn 10 ndopt n hands· :1 hull m11rk .. 1 in Ari::rntino. Uru-off 11~tltud1· 111 c·a;;" or w11r with 1:11ri~. 'T'11rni.:uity a nd Bolivia. But lhC' U.S.A. 11 '" only during thC' past six All t h i !' 1s why rommunists mnn•h~ or sn 1hat concrC'IC' pla'ns lhrou14h11u t South Am<'rlea are hli'" l.K'<'n mappC'd out. µrt>tty C'hN•rful at 1h1s point, de- T ht> prPi<t-nt go\•rrnmt:>nl of Ur u-spite sum1rl'sshr mc•11sures di- t.:uny, likr 115 last few prt>drc-Pssors, r<'Ctrd 111:nms1 th•'m In \'arious ·~ str1uncbly pr()-dt:>mocratlc And rounlri<•s no111hly friC'ndly to thl.' t·.s . llow-The Joh or makin1: d <'mocraey ''''<'r, lhC' prC'sidrnlial cand idate live in 1111 tllC' AnirriC'as w ill take wlio i;:ot 1hr most votC's In lhe a lot mnrC' lnt rlligrnc<' a nd posi- l~ 16 rlrc111m, Lujs Alberto IX> th'<' poliry-workini.: than thC' Tru- ll<'rrera. lradr.,.of 1he jini.:o-man admrni!'trn1ion ha\,. drmon. hnppy n:itionnl1~t ~rty, h11s an· s trated in th<' 1mst thr«c J"l'ars. nounl'f>(f hi~ opl'n support or Hls- pnnn-Am1·ric11nism ns a "Dt>fense Asininst Y11nket• lmp<'rialism." On !\larch 24. ht" went further by prnmulgllling rhr official slogan ":'\'o :"ltallf'r Wh• W ins ... " as hr!< part) 's po<;ltion In casr of war h1•twrC'n Russia and the Wrstern D"mocrarlrs. Embryo Olrta tou ln Boli,·ia. mrnnwhile. the muni- c-1p;,I l'll'ctions four months ago gn\·r a clrar-cut virtorv to th(' na1ionaJ d!'mocraUc party , run by fnrmC'r assoc1atrs of Dictator Cual- l)('rto \'illarro<'I, ousted and klllro 1n n 19-16 popular uprising. This l(roup is anothrr a\'OWC'd bulwark or the Hlsp11no-Amer1can "neu- 1 rRlil)' bloc." Th<' P araRuayan situation is simpler. Thrre, Dlc-tator Hhtlnio Morinii;:o has no \'Olce of his own; hr Jus1 tnkr~ orders from Peron. th<' man who 1(11\'C him the arms nnd monC'y to win a loni;:-drawn c·1,·il wa r la!tl year. The> lli~pano movem<'nt also has rC'sprc111hle 1ttrrni::th amnn1t well- hnck"d l'l<'m<'nfs in Ecuador, Pr ru nnd C'nlnmhin. A 1tood mrasurc• of 1'1•ron's conCident·c that hc can f'11un1 nn '' 1dc11 pread 1<upport for his proll'('l i!I the stand t:ikrn Riverside Man Admits Burglaries Over Southland UPLAl"D. Cul.. April 21-<UP) -PoliC'r today sorted throu1th thou~onds or dollari: of loot r('· cover<'d from onr susf>C('I who ad- mi ttC'li n !ICrlC'S of buri::l:iries. Wrldon Lafayrlle Jl117rlwood, 55, n1vrri;ld<', Cal . would first "casp" a hullding for l11dd<•TS and skylh::ht11. t hl'n rrturn 111 night, drop thrnui:h I\ '<kyliitht, load a truck found inside and drh'C' away, Poller Chirf Eu1tl·no l\11ll<'r said. C'hargrd "ith huri::lary and earryinK 11 f'Oflf't'alrtf weapon, HazC'lwood 10Jd pfric<'rs he had spent 2.5 years In s tale." p<'nlten- tiaric>s. 11ervin1t timc on burglary chargl'!I In Wyoming, Colorado. Nrhraska and lndian11. Poller 11ri1d hc 11dmi1tro hurglar - ies in ntoomini;loll, Rrola nds, Corona: Fontana. F:l!<lnorr. Pcrris • nnd Upl11nd. Oranges. unlike a pp I C's and pears. do no t rifl<'n :ift f'r pluck- ing. • Before -You Build or Remodel \'Wt Our ud Dl9play Roomt Color guide&, plan- ning a.1~. C90)PIJ'hefl.~ tve stork or carpet!' and linoleum. Rap&* Oarpeta •• Oleaned, .. Repalred ' LUDLUM Carpet Wor~s lG! 8-Ull Main l!tL Pboae lleata Ana UM 8Al''TA -ViA I --~ ~ --- ; IST!WHicMn JEW~ .. :] I I I I .• s:-.:>..i 5:-~'H'S~CH .\,'.> s~o~ .. ... ... .;::: ''i ... ~::'£',"'$, .. .... "'> .::\...,;E .. £.."i ,:i __ ,..::,"-...... " ...... wonHL.ESS 1111 WO!lL.0 WA.rl. I- S fOPPED wo;ru, \\•fl. iI / MAl(Y L\"O~ ~., WMO IN 18~1 l=OUNOSO l=;\MOl.JS MOU~ .CL\,:)l(E COLLEGE ,i\ T SCUTH HA OLE\' t-' .\SS., iAUGHT SC~OOL l='O~ 75~.A \\iE.K AND 6CAK'C' ·- ANO R'AISED M ~IC?ST t1 :>OJ 8Y C.S.N\.\SS1"1~ n.iE MCUSE\\.1\ ES 0C: tPSWtCH/ ~· I ' ............... PEARS -x....._A...ku..,-COOKIES "~-, .... ~•:\\'l'ORT KAI.RO A St:\\'S ·T l\1 1 .. \\t.U 't~MU\\ ~ .. •1••rt ""-h. C alll, \11rtl 'I lt•t'4 Cant1ed Goods • lt 18 "'· ·-.. \r1uo11r'• PORK&BEANS ~ ... :•1 23c .... llunt'" ""•lkt , ...... TOMATOES ·~ '"·: 1SC ··-'Give Them the Right-Start in Life' Ml o•llt'I)' •· t'l-C C "ut STRING BEANS THl'K~UA \ S l't:t IAL :-\Tl "RU.\\ ~Wt:('IA I. PINEAPPLE CUPS d.:.. &&c Pl\JUFFS ....... 18c t'IUD.\\ ~l't:( I \I, 53c ORANGE CAKE ----~~ MD '"' lt ,, .. .... 4c ..... , ... !-lt .,.... . 1&•, ... lt ..... Prepared foods SPAGHE 111 ~~· .. ' · 2 r .. r 27C . SANTA MARIA Ml 'i\C .llt-rTI A> Mt; \T U ' 1 "' 2 T \'t,\l.t." k\\10 1.AM r a11 fM 2 .... 33c Sod,,s -· 92c Cleansers '''" """" ............ ,, CiiiPS-'" :.::: 21c WHOLE'CRis 39:. i4CON'''-""'"~··· '""' 75:. · ....... . T- 0 --., ......... rp___,IN-, G---... -,.:'8-.. ~---ram-1-4-c. fi'Ni(""S'AiJSAGE 59: GROiJND BEEF 39:. ~~ BREEZE .,.. ..... a:.. _ ... ,... 34c ....... , ... , ,, .. .. ,._ ...... ,,_.9n1a1:r -.-~ ..... , _!:-27c BACON Ho n'.\I E!/8 ~11 ~.N~:~oTA ~"'11 .. ~r·_s 0 1tto1.E 65 C C'CLEANSER PEACH ·PR£S. l{Al II S l hl>AR \ALLI·,, Lh. SOIL-OFF 21•r gc Delicatessen \_.,..·1. l'la~ur KOOL-AID ~ ~ ''Where Only the Best Is G ood Enough'' ______ 3_'"'_2_9_c EDAM HCH0EESE . \ll·H t•-d• DOG FOOD .... , .,.. 59c \l.,Jor 1.ro·~ ggc :u CHUTNEY I II• ··~. I .. , 3 , ~ 25c , .. ,\ ... · .. DOG FOOD .... ·~· Condiments SllDERS c \T"'I 1• I I M t•uttlr t Hl I.I l'i \I ( t: I ! '"-........ c O('h T\11 .. u -c•: ·-= "'· btl,11•· _, 49c C Utl \lt11tk -• I h•· \\ ur ;•I ' I Ill• -..t 49c II• FRJ:NCH DRESSING "' \t.:•·LI NIPPY CHEESE 49c 1'4111 ........ 43c M ff/ FINNAN HADDIE 11111. 11. flt• ""r ' , .. , .. k,•11 hau~llUll!t C tuh CHEESE -- Our "Fanl·y Foods .. ar~-gl'tt~r'tg more i n~t'rcstinJ.C dail.' ... Househ«;»ld DePt • .:. Mezzanine l.ar ic•· \\hltr I ntwmm"'I 3 100 :O.o iw·ruh •. k1w .. 1. "''"..: "' •t•ln•I• 298 DISH TOWELS ,.,, MINUTE MOP "":' .. :'.:,:,·:·;.: 'l"tt'"f•t>f,. BRUSH "\ mu .. 1 fur •»rr~ klldu·n 7c LN'Div':'aisKET \\:::.::::~,: 475 \\·e han• a t om plete"' '.\l ot her's J>ay .A.~~·i. of If.\ LL,1.\ HJ\ ("~~ H llS \\. e ~arry a tomplet<' line of CigarH; ( 'hca r.ettt·~. Toh:rcTo a nd PiJ>l'H a t_ Popular Pril·c·,.; l>ai l)' Papers -'l agazin~f' · l'h11 to Ser \'i('(• . Po:-.h1J!t· ~t ;unp~ Open d a il y ind udi ng SundayH 9 A. '1. to >< I' .. \I. J '" .. '"'" u. 11 .. , \\ 1.11. h tt•.: TOILET SOAP •·•••lll\\h1' ... AMMONIA Veqetables IJ-.ra.t• '••lltl l l•·~ul 5c LETTUCE .......... , 4 ••••• ft ac ASPARAGUS -'• "' \ "11,., fl I .._,,, 5c GRAPEFRUIT '" \\ ltt•'""" t• I 11111 \ H• .. I ~19c__ APPLES . ~ \\11th · f( ...... -'" t ,, ~ &c POTATOES 11. I II• f h •II I~ "' l 'l "I \ Ill \\\I• IC \lt 1.11'' "'"< \\\IU 111111 ... \II ""llllfJO\t._ 1"8't \l'l'I t "' \' II \ \IC II I \ f I I I It I 11 "' \ "t \ I 1 .1. I \It I t "' l " f' .. D L 1r \', '' • • no 11 •• , '1 r. uJ,,,._ 1 lf'l. ., ·' ft ( ti: ,f i.Jr ,,. ,,, .... 11 •p rl•• \\ .. • ' r .. :· •. I .. '· r .. I "• !. •t t t• •I ! ~tLtr ~ ... . ,, •ti t •u .t.•• • ~J-. ~· '· ·'I•~'"'" Ai 1 •' I• I • ~I• •I :" tla.'S. I · l 1° .::·' '""" thrc~I 1"1 1:1:rr \I .... 'l "I' I ,\ • I, \' ... ' ,. ~ .. ~I ..... •' \! It\ \'ft ! ,, \ t ~·11 I ,. I ' .... I ' • . I '; I I I I l. •' I I '., .. -. . ..... '·"· I 4• •• \11 ii l ~ I~•;' lit.A Tll" I I •I II I . "I .. ~ • . , .. ,, ~ ., . I ,, ' \\ • '"'' II\~ """ • , 11 'tl f111 U ~~·ar' ,. ,, ,_, ... ., ... ~t ••'I I If• -'Ir• t ,.t \•'.\I •hi• • • •I "'1•h 11 .. 1 •• ,,,., :\tr,, .. I•, ... '\.''I••<' II· •i.:hr-. 1 -,,, ,. ot 11·. h•·r I q,l.;1ntl , I •tl• t '1 •• 1d.t1~··· b t ........ ••!•.,,. \fr. r• '"" ;inti '"'' l111tth<·1~.1 IS C'LOSE H.UlMO S\' .,... nmi.h.-·hloe4 nw>ntt.!n of the doublf' ·----~·1;n~ • ( I -...... 1 ·1 :\l···a nntl R;t) qu•rtf't whl.-h (a\'~ with 11on1r .. ""'"'. and otd ln ollo ad• at Coeta * Br1·et. Gla1-.-at , .. f ,, "r~·rt HNI! h ~-P.-T .A. pl"f'llf'ntatlon o f "C'alm \'ou~lf" In MaJn w-.hool l"'-C • * Brief Glaace at Santa ~a Main Today's Markets St. Bus1n~ssmen Am Tei" T•'I 1!'13 To Associate ,11th '111u it. "'tii!ll ,.,uJ d' 1· .. r h·•' tH't '"'-""'' n111•ph,lt• ti \\ Hh lh• • ••tt• pl• t 11111 111 111,. c 'I 11 11' I ' I-•l'I"' l homf' n' :t'tl~, t >' '''·• u ·•'' nu• , < •nrona d1·I :\tar 111·,•i.:11• 11 lo~ H1d1.tr•I l'h·i:<'r "' I ('11r11na tlo•I ~\.,,-tn ltt 1111·• tit• for 1· u r th•• l'lrlf 11\1°rh:111,.;111i: 11,.. t ...... ._., • •1lh· u\\ 11• tf •·~ Pt1l1C"'e' LM ... ut Fr· •I II 1;,p1, " rh1· only dot;t u I '''' 11 "'''h " d1111r~" aC't'OUn1 '1(11'1" r rlr"I"' 11~ a UroadW•y drut" '''I• t•\1·1~ (j,f\ ft1f 'I Jf'flOI) of IC' , ''"'m (11r "'""'' h1 <i OWIWT pt•)"5 , t t t"' • nd "' 1 h.. "'•'<·k 11 1 h 11 11 a uditorium. Ldt to rticht •l"f' .\lb.-rt IUdf'Out, Hart1ld Knipp. ~•n B •1d• p • t ..... " .... ,\\I ,.. :··at "m I SmJth. \\'ally \\'at.on, ('hl•ltolm Rrown, Al ~lorrl•. Don lluddleswn UI 1ng erm1 s '·~"''I •'h«;Jt·I. ( n..rn. :\11"" .. m l and Harold ~lttk. pho to by Arlmiri.11 • rm• n• "'ll ho· 1n \\1•,tm111-<trr - -- •· ~ .. ~i .I ,.u1< . 1 PLAN. COUNTY CONFERENCE ON st:r/~ r~~·l~Y ~~~::11~0"~~~1~ ~a~ "'""~" f',<;fiS ('ot·sT · gar ni::(' at t916 \V Ocean Front r.• oc,tL"Tf:R \'t •l"I'• -Thi' YOUTH WELFARE JN SANTA ANA E s timatl'd cost S,6,000. Canndlan Pac1r1c Dupont Gt'nPral Mc,tnrl> Cood>••ar Kl'nnt'<'Ot I Seo.I'll So Cal Ed1wn S ta ndard. (hi ll S Stt't'I 11~. 174 56\,4 42 ~ 55'.. :\6' ... _,. .. \. 64 71>1. 9} l 'nittod Prt>" ~'J\)("KS. llTN?Ulnr In m!.o(l•·ratc• 1 ra11mg. R< 1NDS m ••J..rularl) h11:h"r: U ~ 1t<•\l'mm1·n1 ' rlid nol lrn<lr•, Cl 'HB ,1uc·k~ lnl'l:lJl11r S il.VER unl'har1i;r.I :11 7 1'\.<' a f lnf' OUO('I' ('(IT'l'O;".: firm W llE AT fotun'!! d1~1-1I up a.,. tu 1a.,.c. flN'k) ,., ... ,tlutt. t~\1 ry ft1f\\t'UI• ,., • N1•Rrl) 151) P""ll'-'rty ll"''lWr< ancl knu \4n 111 "'"'l1•1n .,11·llll"•'llll•' .\~ tilt.It .\S l..OSG ''"""''''') rn1•n nl S11nt;1 /Ina ·:-South 1111, 1. .. , n 111ol11••1I t•• • nh.1111·,· th• M111n ,.t r1•1·t 1ll1otr11·1 n11•t h1s1 ni.:ht \II'" \\hrrll ,.,,11 '"' .. 10:11••11 lr11111 11~;; \1111'.r "' l 1 •LP1 Cu. In r<11"Tfl II hui.lnl' .. ~ a"-.ocinllon 10 1•\1'r) r•••lll •• r 1111, r •• t.111 .... , "·~· \:1 1.,' .... , "' ... •, 1" II MIX'\. I turlh••r tlh'1r 111u11ral 111t1·1'1·i.t' "'""' ro·~td•·ni·!' '""•' 11111 il11 "' • 1: '1 hi~h f"••t ·n, .. group m••t 111 1/11• .\11111 1·1 l .lu>tl \\'•~·ti l111ild• r . l11ll11\\1·rl 11; )"ar•. t It• f' .. 1-~··ar-old °"' I h.tll. 14~ Sn Mmn ~lrc'<'I , Santa l'l•·i.:•·r·, 1.1.111, in th•· ... n,•rw 111111 \\ .. 111°' • 111 •• 1 h , .. dtlt\..-rf'd rna1 Ana. It "''" t11'<01t11•d t•1 I""""''"' ,..h11 h 111, .. 1,1 ,j 11,,. I•'' 1, (1 ••111 tJ .. ,. ... • "''' l1l11rk ruut~ in th. th•• '\11m1ni: or 1lw i:11111p and 1•l1•r-1 111,. i:·"·'L:" ,,1 ,,1,.,.1 11,,.1 t•i 111" t.11,111•" d1•ll••' I I inc-h.J«it-6 t h• 111111 or rM'l1111111"1lt t11fl1'1'I' llnliJ Ito"' I I• II 11 , ,1nd 1111111'"' P ••lll l! •l.,I\ l-1• n lllt.; l1t11lduu~. t 111·) mc'f•t ,1i.;.1111 in :\la\ 0"4>n ' I.I\ 111i: ,., 1.1•• 1 "' th• h11111< '' hm- : r:1 '1~'':!.:.,~:~~;;~:;ni:·~;~~;•:~1~i . • -a ~· ~~r~:n~t~~~,it;r':;~l'~~n~ui!~ 1 n .. ,;1" ll:in•'n<·k :.mt \.rnnvil!P On Thursda~·· April :..'9. the Or· Sh1lf'r\'1sors: Marion Roth. youlh 127 N. Bay Fron t. t-:stimat<'d cost •. •lrni 0 ,1" durini: E a'llrr w<'t'k Hnj;:i-County C nnf<'r<'nct• on Youth rll'l<>i:at(' to Gn\'!'rnor's Conf<'rt'n cc: $7500. , 11• "ho•l l>llJ,HI' hnm: a n <>gg. 1 w . ..irar e wrll be held undPr the Cl•·n Lt•wis. principnl. Fullt•r ton W a rr<'n Scott. J)f'rmit to build • "" .. "'' 111 c·:o•h. 1,, dais Thi' )Ornt spon11orsh1p or th<' Orang<' t ·mun J1 1gh · school : Jaml'S A. a 1 story, 5 room dwelling at '1111 , ,.. • .. ltf ,11 .. , .. 1~11 C'ftllf>C'lfod <'ounty Youlh Coun<'rl an cl the :\lu~it:k. ~twriff. Orangt• eounty At W .• n ay av!'n Ul'. Estimatl•d cosl I lh• 1 inti." "nt tu nad \"er -I l-fr11lth CQlJn<'ll or Oran~f' Counly t h1· ronl'lusion or lhflsl' rrports, $8()00. • , , ,, l•Jll•rl •luhlr"n 111 S11n1a An11 111 th1• Cqmmunity r"·" S<'ttion me(•tings will be hl'ld. Curtis I'. Pritkt•lt, p<>rmlt to r~ \\ •'- l'luh llouiw, 111~1 \\' )(th !t., a t Followmg lht> S('Ction m('('tini:s build a 2 s torx. 4 apartment unrl! .! 110 1J m The· t•onfrn•nrc 1s lll'mg ,, dinnl'r m<'<'tlni:: will hf' h<'ld nt at 1603 E {'(•nlrnl R\'!'nue. Balboa • 11"on\'<'n!'l1 m accord •\nth r••<'om · \\hk•h 11111,. n·rori~ and r r·cummrn-~~st11n111 .. d t'ost SJ4.000. 1 lu ntc•r, l11r111111r•· tl1 .ol• r "·'' llJ'l· 1t, ti 111 th•· 1, 111•·1 "'" ),.,,I• 1•11nt1•rl 11·1111•11 .or) pr1·~1cl1•n1 of thr· I· 111,.1111,_. Iii• honw ,11 Iii• 1111111 25,000 Fish for These Fins m1 ·nrl;11lono; d1•\'1•lo1wd 111 th" r r-cl.tlinns from thl' Sl'<'ltun ffil'('llnKSI Richa rd 0 . D avis, l><'rmil le p ·nt -1a1r wide• conf1•r"n<'t' o n "111 IX' m:ide. Thosl' r<'ports will tx-lbu1ld I story. 4 room dwf'llrng ·11 ,.I "'.'\llh \\''.·lfnr1· C'alll'd h) Gn\\'rnor 1 .. 11nw<'d by tltt• pnnc·ipRl sprakt>r :?·1fil Cr<·s t,•1cw. B uy Short's. Es. •II ca nu a• 1• •n • 1111 tnn· "'" ..,,, lk .. ,,., • • ••lt1IH n 11 Jttfl "' llh. tttttlf{ d11u1,.· ftMIJU :'\~,." ... hoc·h. ;ind Jtr1 r• ,,--.1ant ''"•ch Ill• ",111 ,., ·,11J••1 h\ 11' It'• r 11..:ht i~ 1t'i1u'' ""''tu Ina• 11 ·,11d ~lulut.: "'"""''' ,.,11,1111,,. 1\\u h\ 1t11 ~t\\ un\''''l':.r. 1uaflt• \\all' \•f ttu t•••ttl f•p•rUr\J! ontu "I' ••I 111 i.1)• r' "' i.:l.os~ duth, tho• 1w1•1111 ,11111 1111 rn.oln ll•rrul'I i•·10:1t1·1I \\llh 11wl.11n1111• I•'''" :in•I ,1111 11 .. 1.. l11••1!•1r flt•••11r:i t11111 'd11n1• "' ··~•11 , .. , .. 1 .. 1111 ur th• f \\ ·"[''"· fh1•••11cc1·~s nr thnt <'on· .. r lh•• i·onfi·r•·n•·c·. :\1rs C'arman J ltn111 t1•d cost $9500. · 1°·11·111·1• fli-p1 •nd" upon thl• 1•(forts llu) Ir'. ;ottornt'y :at l.iw, rnrnwr Ila mid S B1ssn1•r, pt•rmit IC o f 111(-.11 communrty lt·adr•r s 111 <·on-1 rd• rt·•• of Jh<' L<•o; Ani.:<'lc·s Juv•·ml<' 1 build n 1 o;IOry, -l rOQm dw<'lltni:. I <rd!'r1ni.; a nd cnrry1ni.: n11t the find· •·uuri. :in<l 8 1 pn•si·n t 0 mrmlw r or at :.!·171 \n·st\'11;w. Hay Short•s E"· m~s mad<· nt that 1111porlant con· 1 ft ,. Cov<·rnur'-. C'Ommillfl<' on llmah•d <'>•!II SSOCIO. f1·n ·n<'<'. y 1111111 Ju'''"' Tiu• ""hJi•c t l•r lh'r J llunl!•r Smith_.c lll'r ml1 to hw.ltt Tlw prni.:ram or 1hr . Or.!ni.:•· .uhfn "s \\all '"' . c,,ltffirnia'it Chtl· i u l'aban11 .incl tool i-hffi 111 1:!4 Srt f" 1 O mnty C'11nr1•n ·n1·1· "·"' o utlim·d dri•n A Prnltlt 111 1tnd a Prnmisl' .. ph1rr A\l'l'l1h', n alhoa Jsl.mcl ~:~. l!PGS 111·11\'I', 7f>r · I U I hti.;lll'r .1 '-----------------' CA rn..F: ttnli S llt:t-:P 11r11',. .: \\ II ~"'"'""I'""· I ll AtJ;111t11 ;t\f llUt , l.t1Jf\; f;j II 11, h,t, ft1111f\\•1il 1lit• ·t• •• u 1 ... t \I ••ti• t n l1n•~ .... 1l1111ti..:h •t1 ' '~' •~1. r1 rt \ul\sn..: t~h .11 .• 11-l•l•llol 1·•1·•11) \\llh th •· \\ 1111 .. 1• 1k I' tit• 11111: 111 I h1• fn,1111 r n11111 I' 111•·1, •I 1: .. 11i.•n ~l"""r fl•·· '1..rn nnd \\1~.,-1 P·•1 .. ·r · \"O\•'r :1n It) c:1·11•·rnl C'h111rma11 r 1:ni<I R :\le-l >i1o· 1,, thi• lln1t1o·'1 fncahtii•• at tir-..11l'rl r1Ji.t SlOQ. '1111.tn, O r:rni:r• < 'rnrnl' Proli:111un olf rC'!'r : • 1h1·:.;. 1111.1 ,\na <"umrnunrty C<'nh'r.J •1 f-'~ I 1lltWtn ,B. 8'""" I aboTt), heed ol tM ~ COIT'eCtJonal INUtu- Uoa at Stislewood. Oolo .. haa been namfd new ward~n at Ak at.raa Prlaon. S.n P'tanrl8<'o Bay, w auc- ettd Jamr11 A John~t"n, who re-ure. April 30. nl l11•r ".all I ,\ 11n 1•l.1•, .. f F1pp's 0\\ n tl1· •''fii:" f11rui.... .1 t•t••k txt\\• .. ·n 1h•• "' 1111: "'"I 1\111111.: r •o<•m!C llackrni: I tho· fin pl.11·1 111 th•• rl tnlni.: "·rtl111, 1• ,1 i'.1l11n• t "''" ~11\••rll'f1r 1:1·"'"\ 1r:•n•·lh A '"'.,.k lour hn:c h1•<'11 1n - 1'nr'1•1rat ••<I 111 th•· ll1111n i.: i;,•r11nn . ~~~~~~r k::::::~1.i: ~~.~·,l;:~:~\'t•:: r fnot t)(\x 11111! rlo-<'lrw r11ni;t> with 1•1,..1·tr1c i:11rl•·•I:" d1~11n~11I 11nd d"'h· _ "'''h••r 11r1• rn•t.rllr-11 An11 sllll • llh' l!t'fltlllflll tlt'l'lll1 \'II'\\ --I I j S11•tn1 au· i\m..rk an-! Sl1nln1 aJI :\li11d', 1111:1rt,.1 < "1th shnw1·r Amrrh·ana! Tllr S..<'tullJ IA&• I• .11111 ";uclr ,.h, •·nd r "" "'•'<ind I•''• I ,..r "' •• , lmp.,lanl btnlw.· ,. 1 "'"('" .. p1 "" ""'·' ,;o , ..... or •c.r-1 •ar . four rounlrJ'• M'<'llritJ la I• r1w1·cl ..:artl1·11 you ba nd•. \'ou r an Mlp lir'rp P l1•1;• r ·'"'I FIPJl" h.1\ 1• a«"llr•'fl 1 A.,erlt'a atronr h)' ~u.M111 up r our ''"ffil'l•·lt• 1 ""', nfl'n1·1• \\ 11 h th·· 1n _. 811a11d ol •lrrniftl &.bna tbr Pa)'· J ( 1 I 1 roll .... , Inc' l'lan for huvlnr 11 !>l. <1Ul.:UI II lllfl " Jiii' 1 Ill Inn f'llll· t Sa't'ln1• Hond8. l<a¥lal• bond• are lrol c•f ••tlt,1111· 11.:ht .. , In OJ"'fl w c-urtly bond" bt·l-aU"''" &ht'\ ""''idr i) ......... "11111 '), ........ lh• 111. t•U lh·· L:. • future w rJ&rilJ for JOU, and a t the I ·•!:• .i111 I 1111111 .. m1111 • ntranc1• In. .. mf' Umll' ht lp lo maintain lh<' r e• \I r1-.1m11111111<·.1t111n "'•t;m 1·11nn•·1•1~ '"'mlc M't'Urlly of nor r ounlrJ. !Up ''"I, r.••rrt 111.i rlr.· , n tr om'•· up now for1 thr ahutom•llc Parl'o~I • .\ "hot• "tk p.llli n, •I ,t,tll "·'' Ra vlnp P •o • rrr J•• •or •. I AMt:alC'i\'!I l\F.C'l'RIT\' I~ YOttR 1• ,,,1, 1•' 1h• thiril I•'' I :tnil t it• 'lt '.C't;RIT\'! 4 •I• 1•p1111; q11 11 11 r, 'l\\11 l.11 >:•' I• ,J l' { }.,., ... ,p,,..,, .. ,., t1 lO\~ \\flh .1n •Of\f• \\ 1ll up~n1tt' or,._ th, 11111n ... ,.,, ... '-.inti 0\11 k1111; •11·· r•••·k~ t..111'11 """ ,, l1.111t 1•0111pn-. 1111, I•''' I Thi m ,, t• 1 1~ •h•"-·11• I '' ttl•'"' •h~tn ~" PH\'81CIAN8 -!UTltOF.O!li8. M .U. f,,, 11f "1ttlr1°la. 11111 .1 t 11.pl11• PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DAV f'CHOOL Mortlnter School .., c.nJ ""' Balboa bl. DAY SCHOOL NOW OPEN 9. A. ... TOI-. a . A.. --.... , ......... 1tAa90a - Df;STl!ltTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST net~ W. <'•tnl. Harbor 1'141 NEWPORT Bl:ACH GORDON E. RAPP. D.D.S. %111 Weet Oelttral ~De Harbor Ul.,, N4!..-port ~ MOllTl' ARY BALTZ MORTt1AR\' LAD\' A1Tt:SDAST tao C.oaat mway Corona de.I Mar PtloM Harbor 4! -~Ja.M S&pt.) OPTOK'E'(IU8T PllY91CL\..""8-8URGEOS8·D.O. W. T. Mooney- ...,.... .... 81111 ... X-MY. U.llov ..... M a ()etltral Barbor d A. V. Andrews, M. I>. PHl'SICTAS and !U'llGf;OS 411 Coaat Hlirhway. Harbor~ Corona df'I !\far H. R. Hall, 1\1. I>. PhrJ<'lan •nd Surpon llour.1: 2·5. hy ,\ppointm<'nL T.-lf'Ph~11 8-ron 61Ull r11. lnlh '"" 1.1\ ...... \ .1rl' 1n1lr 'tr11mll\ .1 •. -. 11 .,fr ".11h .. 1 .. 1tnc ~'·"' l'·•fl• f, \\._,,, fh1• nllllhlll I 1111n t..:h11\\tr .11ul h1f)1 '"" .1n ., 11.111<1 r "' f••• 111. kirhr1'-•111 ,\nrl ,, ,11 11111• h··r I•'• I h:t• h····n •ult1ti1·•I 1••1 th~ lll?11l't1' f'11\f1' I 11 1··· 1 111•1t1·1t 1 .. 1 h1ll1.1r11 1 1111··• fh1 li'<tll , ... C'tUUh't h 'fl \\Jfh thf' 111 11 t .,f '"' h•>m•· h~ , 'l'ir 11 ''·Ill • 1 • \\ 1111'11 111:ok1·" a 111rn trHI ,, hilf 111 11·, "'ncl 11~"·1rrl i\ll lr\1·1· 1·o111lo<'1•nt•t•1l qlh•r (111111 \\1th111 11!1· h1111'1' fll'1•1w·r 11r (11•m """'rl·· P l:in1t•11 1t•rr111•1 .. ~11rr1111nd th•• l11,11<1• l .. 1n1l,1· 1p1n1• ISi ftro1whniy C'otila l'lf'M .., "JS 11°•!1• II\ P 1rk H<V'•l"n or 1'or-i----------------1111 11·~ 11111 '• ry, Cnrnn:o <lo•I :\!:ir MU~n M. Max"·f'll. M. D. 18(11 ("oaAt IPway C'ornna dt>I Mar ()fftc<' llru~: 1().12; 2-5 rhon.-Harbor I CMI'! 111 11\••r1·,.111111i.: llw tl1H1rt1ltu ' 111\.>h'<'rl '" ..-.· .. 111pl1<h lhl" ht ""' ur t h1< l'lrff ,,,f,• "''"'"· Fr pp~ 111- <1•II•11 !111 ··lo·,.tri" p11111p t11 1.1k·· '''".ti.;.~ t\I• I\ I norn.t: "Tll.I. w \ITIS(i J,.\l.1111:-; '."fl tl 'P 1 Thr S R ~·I ~[ c:":nr.'r 'r.iiinh-1 ... t '' '"." 1·11111 • • l• onaco. . . \}ol< f, l1·d i., '"'' 1 ..... 11 .\lllt'l h ' "' ~14 Ba,· "''f' .• Balboa I . Cl• II 1·111 •I •. tt 1rl1t11,nnl 11.,ttl· R arhor 1'7'!.. I 1°•f 1·.•..;11.11· "tu. h 1,:1 11·· ~ tho· 1.1\o1, ()ff1<'<' ll1)lll"!'l ' 1·111•ii ~··.1r" , .. <toll 1111t•'lh'l1"1! T he :.! "tC'I !\ p "' •'lllh \\ ''" "' • tint• ti h n '' tr' u:• Mondas throu.l(h f'rtda7 "1th the ~l>a• 11--t I 1\1 (\\II '111\1\111.: 111• 11/111•1'~ <;t<llltl _C_o_n_r a_d_R_i_c_h_t_e_r_, -M-. -0-.-.1 "ki 11 1111' hni ii. .i ·-• • • • ,.,......"' llnu,.. I l\ltllTllt:ll'i)TE \'I l "l' 9 :301l,m .-l 2 l\1., \\'l '."•'•''hl P~H I\ \'t •\'l'' 2::\0 p m. -4·;-1() p m. t90S..(' \\'. ('f'nlral 1'1fl\-1 ri·• 1 "'"1. •, 1t :-:1 \lo Srwport n.-""" • t , .. r~ t ".•11· ,., h• 1 • I ,, •' hr"'"' r' Ptlnnfl Harhor 2403 • 1 111·11ll1·d 111 •h·· , ..... ,., l'h 11 '" rl ·----------------1"''"' 111 l"I' ''"",,,·rt. 11i::l,t11 \T.TF.RISARIAS "''" 1111 hrfl• ti 111 1 h . hr. 'h• 1 s r.'wroRT HARBOR , VETF.RISAIU'· U08PITAL Ho~ l'artler, D. \'.~. Paul O. Rutot'her. D.\ .. M. HMI II . 6 1>&117. lft<'I l!un 10'7! 9.E.. M~ Drtn1 \ J roflTA MDA "'oep. BM. 50'71; Ree. Dar ... h tfl)'\ U• ' 11llf1 f l1•1n\ 1.t\fl)"' 1l i..1and t"•' ,,., ,,f 11111" hr<"th1·r.: fl t\11\ ~I·-~ 1d '"II• 111.1 I , .. , ... ··< I' .1ti-t111r,• '\ ' t\\111• I :-.•"~~a.-1111-.ulio 1..w r.'4 \t11!< ""'" I fr1'lll i:• mi.: tnt1• I 1111°•< h •h'<fft•«11'.: <:nlo•n-. t11 i:•·I "·"'' 1•1 h.11r 1111'· 1111:• ---..... .. , A...,- --.,. .-( -'""" Trlr,.lintn) l.onk .-hat ur,. Oua.rd LM't t ~ scOOpfd up . . n m•·rrnntd who ln;1kc <'XAC'll)' Wtr M'tru.< A:ln Bl)'lhr A mtTr IOO·ilo•und ir.llp·N·a· f L'h hl'f'("lf. M IM 8 \) lht •• u s lhLS ~tum .... htrh SC:\tM Bl ~o P"Ut1~ for Ulc-fun hcnm :-~ monr. -w:r Pnl>ldy and th!' M!'m1n1.: - _It rcv.t hrr studin flOfllt I~ r'()O, a tot of ml'llC'Y tHn fnr a "lnnrtr• ll,•thllt~ >Ult v.lth fltppt>rs 111tw dftop-M'S llh 1>11:\llUHl1i• " ; l'.' 111.'ll :iL t;atota Crur'ram:'IW 'lratf!"'lfntn'a.l, .a U'.\Yl>tl lh<' B .>y. - Probing Proves Tragedy f A~ T,.J,.,Ji111eJ Jn't'fttlr'IUnc an <'r <'cit ,.!I t.'"t .. tns off a San l"ranct..KO pttr. po. Ure dropptd a wn; l ..: . .: I c: uMt dftW up a Rallwaj Esprf'M Oo. truck &nd Ule bodJ •I IU ~m·r • .ad.IDs an all-daJ ar&rch for I.ht m1U1. Dr1ftt Ed•ud M ic .:i $3. ~1.IJ bad babtd thf' l.l'Urlt. Jamrnf'd hb f,~ oo lhf' iu •h<n 1& llll"lkk an 11-1.Jxh ,uard rl\tl, the ~ \be.u plunclne LDto \be ..... !kn JlW'(t.atora crowd uw P1'r C'dle to wa1C1a t11e ~ I H••ports It) d1·I· i;:it•'" \\'ho :1t - 11·nd1•'1 I ho• 'nrlUth "'''I 1t1n ffil'<'t • 1114" or I hi' Go\ l'rnur '< I ·11nl••t cnCt' ,,11.•n'111111·1· w ill h1• hy i11\'1tatlnn Oc>~l 11n11 rharcl S<'<'d Sh(luld he 11111\ l n\tt:tli""" \\tll hi' ma1ll'd t'n pl11nt••'1 """ pl••nty of SJ>fl('<' lH" t ht;,,. 1,. 11•1\ <''1 to 11<• :1hl<> to lll'sl Clllhl' •·at'h "~rl'd" r<>ally i" ll pack· "''r\ 1• Ill 111" \':ti ll111S pl1'1,f'S ur rnm· Iii.:(' 'Jf ~•'\'('ral St'fcl~. I ••n Ymllh . \\'t>lfar" al S:rcr:im••nt1• 1lll .tanu:iry :..'fl und :\11 l!J-J)>( Thu!ol' nrnn1t) ~' n ·11·1·" f11r 1 lw ct}1ldr1'n .111!1 ~l•llth nr tlr:oni;1· Ctlllllt~ Th!' rr d l'ral i:owrnm<'nt grnrl<'I m1·a,1 ch.u!C&I, ~oocl. t"n;flm1 n·1al rn 11111i1r. I cll'lt·i;ut<•s :1r1• \\'ii Jard Smith. ch .. 1r· mrin. Orani;<' \nunl) Hoarr! ur Hr \\'i~1· -Ad\'C'rtise -fr •• Every new home owner is a prospective purchaser of many items he doesn't even ' . know by name. He will buy them, .here at home, purely through eye-appeal. Buf ypu musf lef him know fhaf these 'nationally ad- vertised if ems are available --·-fhaf if is. nof necessary fo leave fhe Harbor Area in search of merchandise-· needed here af. home. your home town daily can carry this mes- , sage to customers promptly, efficientJy, ~--anMffe~tively ... TnEPHONE HARBOR· '12OR1-3 Ask For An Ad-Taker Every Evening, Monday Through Friday, It's THE DAILY NEWS-TIMES ' . --·~·vi '.I ., .. [ s T . . ... .•I "' f.:1 .... 1 .. pr l 't 1'1· lt\ fo1 Pc lh bu IX' IC'r b('o m1 1111 ho lh CT• nc· 1 ·A \\'O~IAS'S PRJ\'ILEGE I SEATILE 11..iPl -Womf'n h1'l\'<'I bl'<'n known 10 k n11 11ny plal.'<' th1·y m11y bt'-ut th\• mo\'iC's. prize· fii;hts and t•lst'.'whcr(' A local rrsid1'nt. • hO\\'cn•r . cam(' up with t h 1• 1m1• I H 1• i;;;w a wuman sitlini: 11 1 11 ('T'O\"t.krl t11\'r·rn har., h<'r kni It in.:' n<'<'dif'S Cla1<hmg away. I 'A~ T.-.. •• ~frs Rt>~D 0 1!:t·ldt-Hinn .a. al Sp11nji'l1r·d JlL a u n nr;wcs ~­ tr;.H> ~11 1h~r of · ttw \"'9f 1rJ UllP Amrrican MQ:hc-n C<am:lltt.tt c lh • G'lct>n P.UJt> f'ou...'j<U:.on.. 5rw 1!" r-• • "': o1 .JI!'\' ... t 12ruh .~ · -c :11 • \' 'h" ir A""'"'~ Sc.t' r, • t.·,·~·· ··n Desperate Search for a Home •f r-7;,_,,.._.. F .1r1N1 from 1hr:r Chtri11,., 111 n11mr !'>trs Anna ,.i..hu .. no ... .;:ht 11 nc; :.>tic· rt.a.drc1, 'l , Ii-· tl riv '-trt·• , ... ,~ Ch:c--aa: ... 1n., ~,·~ ->t - • 1 .' • •1: : ~; •• t t ' f'I 1.1 ...... ·.~m· .. :-;-: ~' ..... ::r .. • i ·~ :. '·••· I. ri• '1: :-·. ·: n .,:r., '' .•. ;µ r. :)tJ' -r1w~ .... r , I 'I fl; \, 4 .11 .t.· Pr.emier Cheers Victory ( ,.,, '"' flo,/1., J .. t.1'4"*"' l'<mlllnc lhhl'.1111'. r· I •)•' Prrp•lrr ... ,. r!r r!• I . .. J It.. .: • ~ \ • ' ~' r t11 t •h~ th \. ,IJllJ .. 1.1 P,~.4~\ •• J ~· U)1 'I ;, I• ~ 'l t. \·At ~• , .. llENT , ~tlSC'F.l.1.A~P:OU!il U Ft lit llF:'\'I' I ;:11111:•· :11\1 11 ~· "1\.1~· A'". 11.,11 ~·11 !\~:lip ------ e 5. EAl~L \V. f-;TANLEY I' 1 I \' F fl I N fi Nt-:Wl'<'RT <:R P.ATF.R lfARRO R t~t 11 I' I;,.,., f\1111111" ""llll'l•·h'. Ft11l ttt :~'l' 11n,. 11r '"" 11111:1.·· th,• 1'1••111!1, l •11thr1•lln 1ulj.,111111.: ~ulo•t 1 .. ,·1111011 Nn -11m111rrT11t"" "1'1w \\'imlmill," '.:.'tlt.lll !\lira M11r, 111111i.•11 1• .. 11111~"'" :\:l-11a• 311 :l W CEN'T1tAL N.-.·1ior1 Ofoadt 41-tfc Pueuc NOTICES x x x x x x x ~:·'-'•' ('111\dlth)f\ 1·h,tfh• • }l'hf\J.:t• I 17 \\' ~.:t.:l1p N1•w T111t11ltl l.(1•1d1 $6t;.111 :t11' <'rh1-1'rnfl t "l:.!1 $~'1('100 ':7' I h 1111i•r < 'n11~··r 1 ·~1 $3000 '\ l.ISTINGS WAN'rF.O IN<'OMF. ... orERTl' ..... ----•t 1!\th •nd IRVTNF. STS Nc-wpOrt ~. 17th and 1-"0A...q'f HwJ. N~1~ Fnr ~11ft> l•y-own•~r ll11lho11 bland 1 Z-1:\ MARINE AVE. llatholi I.al.Md ~·· 615 ('OAST HYW. ("Qrona ........ CERTIFICATE OF BUSI NEU f'ICTITIOVS f"IAM N,t.ME COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. PLUM RING ~llPPLIES :f 'l"' A\'ttllnhh• ~'I() t'l'tllll fl h '" MI NN 1-:V ll••111~m fl~ I '™~•m•· P(t..-r.I )'. :l hrdn11·im lw1flll', Aparfn""n•?n rur, douhll' l:"rlll:i' t\o tJ1 t'Otnplrtr ly fur- -Y1l~l!.f-rl. 1 ~'111 "'"' '" hoy 1'<¥ any llml' l IO P1·11rl Avr. ll11lht'llt hl- TlV: C);QER~h;SEl> d" h~o#l>)I • ~jtl:,t~1b~~ *.7s1~'!~ .. ~:·:~~Kh~ •ay ••uy ,.( ~ ... •P"·r1 ~·h. Vuunty • ,f Ot'iLnP !'t:..t .... ,f C"'tJt'f,1rfiU•. unJf"r 't' h • htl•~ t 1 r m. oatn.. 11f t ... ITZ· )l"Kkl:" l<t:Al.TY t'Ollf PA1'Y an•1 1ha1 ~ tltm ui 1umv-~1 1°(.lhi!" f111lu'A•n.: , . .,.ra. ru wt\.~ n..m ... ~ an•l f\.IJ1trrJ1.1W! •tr u f··H11•.:!I t1 ... w lt AP.THl'R t: t'I TZ»l•HHI,., 31'1',, \;• l.,.,. .J: A'4'Ttittt"'" R..•1t••-f_\ 1,.111.n•t. MA· Tl~t. _ f*IT7.M11H!tr>-311 . Al."•1~1111 \t.'J .__., 8;JtJotM l•l-..OJ1 \\,T,;..t.;.."«' ... u a. ,nll,9 tt11 ... :!0th Ja) r X .r•h I~' Al:tTlll'R r: t'IT1.MOHl<IS l'ARIP:I. t'IT7.)f• 1Hltl!" •'1'ATf'.•1•·•"\l.lt'1ll'qA, I ' • •: 'T' • ••' .,R.AS•;t.: > t'it' .. :. T IU.-. 'Jf~h •l,1} ,.f Jh.r1•h, A.O .. ..;..._ t,,.-t ~ .. rtor •· 110 F' Brv•n. o '• '.·;. f"uh!. In •l•d f• r iuutl t"o Hnl )' .._, J ~!':.tr ,._.,h.Un~ ltu•r .. an .,tuly l'VO\-~ ••• '°"'' ..n.I ~-. ru ,,.·r~uoall)' M'1- i·• ··~·J .Hn Hl 'H t. t ITZ~f)ltltl;'; ti.nil .M\h•.t.. ttT7...)l_,,l<Rt:o:-. kr1·1•n t t1• ru~ 1 ·, ~· ~·r .•'~.~ f~'~,,~ ....... ~,'t;': 1!~~i1~:n,.~~ ,1 t .,. lrt.h· .~ r-•lJo.• I I•, uw· tt1,tl I h••y t>X- • .·~,. t.h-_,r...ilfl,tt , '• \\"IT'l..".-< \\"Ill.Ht:• It' I h••"" ; .. ,. .. nt , ~ ... t n•) h.1or1•l ,,n•l ut(,;1.f'•l 01) . _.. ..s _ _.j 1h~ •l-l) 1tn•• .)..,.1,r lu thi• _._.r· •1 .. r .... r,n1t ,t. ,,.. -a•r u t--n. ·t \l.• • ,1'< •[.J '> f" fll{I 1W:>' ;\.• t ,, y t'ut•U• tn u..rul l• •r .MUt.••l ~. r• ~~r"' A~~\~~,~~. )..~ 1~. I .. r liil:a..t :)\ .At1n 1 -; • lt . l l ·1~"' .:-"T"\-:-t'" ,,,. •"\l.ft'••t!,IA t --.:.:1r,;~b·.!.:~~\·~·j.'": ., llu;·., ",,. .,, ~-· 1-n,... ·• ~11t.i.r, l 111hl11 tu • ' ,-..," t • ,l '" 1n1I . ,..;1 1f• 1•• r- New and Repair Phone Beacon 6217 J5'1I Eldftl AYP., a.ta .._ »U. For Rent - House or Apt. T iii June 15th H. M. LANE REAL "5TATE 2006 Coµrt Ave. Near N<.'wport Pier -', •E1tablish'l'd Since 1920 PJ!:R!iO N AL 8-tfc H llUNEY t'lllLl>-1 enn wait but ho~ nh<!U I your Cllr~-n· ni-Ccl~ ~rl.''1£1111{. Ld Earnil' 1fo 11 nt A~~o<'lat••d Sn\'iC'I'. :!6th & W. X'1•ntral. Nl'\\lJ<lrl 11•·/leh, Har- ho r 141 Mi !> l -ltc t 'l'llOL-.TF.RINO 1t Latg!'lt Sl<)('k In 0rnni::<' C'ounty. 1 ~ ... \.alv. ~te<'I Pipe ~Oc feot C'hrom1' l'l11l1•tl Swi11~ F'"11"rt1 $!l ~I \'/I II II' $."I !)!\ FHEE PLlJMTHNG lA1~·nut ~Prvirr FONT A~ A .PI .UM nt NG '.'3011 S \V :\1•\\1w•rt ""'' f'11!tll,l !\I"'" 1 'hotw ll<'ll<'•,111 l;().11 F.LEr'TRJCI ANS 1Smrc• l!l:.!•11 , I 'nnlr:.rtln~ fto-p11ir~ R1·s1rll'n.1 i:1 (.J "'""'' rl11 I :l7-tk Et~-Hok in & C:alva n 1000 ('111<<1 1 llwny 8 I I E ( . I 'A t ' ' ' ., ~.,. H »ll )' Jo. tt \f:J.f,,• 1~ 1f)1f \\ ll \flt ( ... ••'i "''•"°Vt l I 1111' tu lo-* ~ J-•-. • •h1 .. t1,,.rt•• lt• •1.JJIJIU t1~ ... 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RI 11.U \\ ITHUt'T T .\Xt:!'i c h\f1 1ran ... p1 1rt.1ttitn "'"'-11111111 1 11n r1J.·~ 11r h;ilf• 1 •111>1~·r.; I!" 1,..,. 1!t7~-?.1 :.1. -.1 ,. only $:,!}10 Tllkr rtrl\:tOl:OI'• "I 1111' 'I" i'l'ol 111111 A \1111( II ,· ... 111 1\11 ·k """" llAnt111H Al 'f'l.11\-.;<·1 : S l'lt\'lf'I 477 Nt1\\'JH•r1 J!h d , t ' .. ,t;, \1•·"' 1 ·,;'\ If 1· ----WANTEO TO nt,. II ···~· "•"-:--\{i "'(1 • ';.r1 .... 111· .I ,,f •I r ''"'" ,,, l"111d1111.· 1 ~Ill. F:.~U'l.<>\'~lf:~T OYt"f:ltY.U 29 C'Al't WANTEl l :-;111 "''•'!' ~-1111~1 --;-; -::! ... 1 ''"i' 7;,,j-.\;'.,.,, 1-lim1 111-llf:'.~R \\.l\'TTnF.~)';-7\ 11 --.,,..!' 1, i1111sT 111· 111 i:•11wl , . .,,,.11111111 • an\ ~L,tl.L.< 11.u.111Jl>.. ~"''"·' ri< .. 11 11111111 1 111111"'" 17111 & (Jr. 171 h & nrnn~•'. 1 ·.,~1 ,, M• ,, 7 1 I ('1111111 ll1w11y, N<'wporl :\ t · 1 tr 17-rt ll l.:g1·11~ l ltllity C'hryslrr flll>lllr , Ilk<' llllW S.-il or lr'lttk , on l'ur••fln 1l1•I M11 r f<'RI r11lnh' 11wrwr :174~ \\'nl1111! St . Rlw·r· ~hi'" nr I'll Hl\•1·r,.l1!1· :l~:.! lor 11ppol11tn11·nt .11.:.r..>tr Fein SAi.i< I 1111• I ·1 fl ('It•~· 1·111ft pl•'.1~1111• l•11ol l 11lw1nr1I flh ll>1t', 1·11~fli11•<, llj;ltl~ 11I)11 , ... , ... !' \\ill ~ .. 11 r .. r ••1111 ty l\1•11· n1n tlt11: .f c '""''' "!ll-:H1· Oll'rBOAHD MOTORS AND BOAT8 N I·:\\' & U~F.ll _s .. n (I-,. 11nrl Hrp11 lr1 '"' All l\luk•·~ 11f l\lutor11 Mt'Mlf'A J. a RAOIO Si 'l ">;ITS ' Sl 'l '.;l·TS' l"••I .. \\'.-idli•\\ .ill f, fp 11 l•HI i( \••ii "'" 1,o1•1 l 1\;».;ZS1•1t\lll 11' l 'l 1\!'1:11 ,.,, .,_,,, "'" '1·1111 St . \\ \ ">;'l'I I• .... ""ti I"'""' I• I "'" nnd $111.:'\00. 4lMk MONI!:\' TO LOAN II LllANS ·rn m111.n . IMrROVJ: . lll'Y, M0 1lERNl7.F.. OP JH·:l'INAN<T. \\'"'Huy 'l'null DN'CU NE\\'PO ll't HAt.:J\O A n:nERAI~ l'AVINGS 6 1.<>AN A,S.qN. :\.'\33 Vl11 Lido I'll llar t!!oOO 41 ·tfr A l/TOMOTIVI: a TIJUCl't .... • ( ;uarantN•cl t ~··<I t'ar~ TllF STt tHY · '1'1• 1'111·1 I~ lo Sa\' t·;•w1<lh)'I'. A 1 ;.,.~1 lll'Y •~ 11 llnq.:nln ;\I\ ! 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"fNI 3 br • hdw ftoan. ftl CJ' M, l"lflltMM:'tlon and .............. t'AC'f'fllion•I 1lar llnret we'• f"\1rr off MY'CI. RALPH P. M ASKEY 3111 W <'<'ntr•f I , ''. ' ' 11 ~ 1 I • If ' I I ' I I 111 ', I I 11 •• , ,, ... t ... 1,11,. ·11 i•I• , .. 111 , 11 "" 1,." At'TOI" \\'ANTJl'.:U H F1tfl QU1c1<' ~Al.£ n• \' I!• , ,,,, , ; d '-'• If I• +t t .. .t iftl f \Ii 11 'ti • ifl ( :1 11!d I 'It , t' •·111 "i'" .11 ,\ ·,I ...,1 11\111 1'!' ., 'I\ .. • I ' 'I ... 'ft \,, \f 1tf1 •..;, ~•irr-~ "i Htr '-1•111• • , , 1 • .i 11111 I• \ ·; ., \\ 1\ "'1'1'1 I• Tl 1 Ill :y 19-17 Si••flln 'l'w11 '''"'""' loh "" Ot'f'lln f"'rollt ""'11\111 •'1' l 'I \~" 1'11 ·-'" "" •••·1~1111 .t.it .. 1;41 111,Jtl'i. 11r Sl•lll" In 1t .. ~'11t11wn ll11llotN11 E•r.la-.e '1 11n ,...:. '"' 1 \r1 1 , ( 111· f·ukt , t '•tHUn'•titf1·i pr••f••rr•\'t 4lurutlon fur rt..nhlnaUt'lft bull· 1'111111 .. •lnyN ll111 lt•.r llH:l-W or """~ 11nl1 •1•rtmrnt bu!..._ • '' 1d1n:• ll•·n• '"' ~~1">11 .I ~I ;t1,. (' 2 7.nn« A r•·•I ll•rc•ln for Tll1'1~Y.ltH ., $lll.~.OO .I M MILU'.R, ru-.11,._ l ~1lh lit '"·ttlral ,.,,. ""''""' 1:.11114 -ft:tfc_-=:__:m ''LI I '\\,\\' 1:1 .11rl \ 1 ....... I I 11•. I I· l 'I \ ... ,, \I , .. \ '"'' 1 I ii. -------------... ,Ill Sii I .t-: 4'i f••lt fr•I Oll 0cNe -·, r.i •! ord I •'• r i•, •!." .f I.\ t • •I :111):•'. ('11,I;, ;\f"'" "7-lfr t. r .. , \\.1 . 1.-··nit• t1• d \\tth 11un 1 ....... ~. 11'1 !jf,• -~ t·• (1 ~ ~if , Uf• "' <"ffi~ 'J', I It•· I ':7 1 .... 1 l'•l / •l•·•·l "' ~l~.-.. 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" I I" I lfh I 'I ,.j I ~ ' I .. "'" •1 I 'J • t 11+ ,,.. t11' 1w I 11111 ' II\ 11 t I I I' I ' .. I I ' ., I \1 "" I t•I', f11 t I '"" ",,IHI 'I~ , J I \ '' ~, l•t''' t l1q1 '\11 ''II f '11"11• 111 IH'Ufl I'; I 114 W , d I\'• :'11 !>I p '" 1·u·;x :! BEi >HO<_lM HOUSE I,. ol 'Ill.I 11 .. 11 111 1 "••I•• M •'ila 1• r l v 11 t e 1 ... 11\ •n."~' ll-""'"' f.IW.•·M ,..,,. l()tp General Moves to Civilian Headquarters .. ., . . . HARBOR MIS. t 'OR S ALf: CA~H for lTSEO Furniture & Appliances I ·w.. nu:v A lrn'"'' Anythln1:(' II • 1i .,. GRANT'S j flOC,.;,, C .\T'I A ,f'P:TM 'lll\ $I f1,!"itJO v1 ·1t ~1s111>:r1 Y• !1 1111.f hrclf ••lrt 'l fl,>d,,.,:;;,~ 11111 1 .. 11111w r h•I. Sll.K.-1 J~ \\'••II• l 'I . I""''" M•·•111 1 ,,_.,...r. ft, ,., 11,. 1~:t:1.H r r,J 5tc l ,tt\'I l.Y -.:1-;\.l.;-llt•"l~1 ho!JW '"•1111111 •l•l M 11r 1;t lil•.rkt frTilll ~,,,,.,.1 111<'• I)' f11ml•h"d. or wtll t •·111 ,.,,,.,,,,,1 .. 1 .... 1. 'y•·1t.r'• ,.,. ... •11111• t; I 'l ~111rl1:01<1, Harbor :'14.' I It ~.J..31c l · •' .:.. Fur11 iture & Transfer nr >:-.;n1-:n sinct INSllRF.n Goncl Buy ... Is a Wi!-<e Buy '"'' 1'11 lrl'lp Yr.11 n" WI~•· ,., 11 'nTr:s v sr:nv1rr, l!lfi:l ll:irli<tr nt\·d Co~ta J\1• 51 Phone Beacon 5538~1 J.1 I f( Sil ver Plating \(}f>P f:R. nRASS. r'.OL n Pnlishln~ & Rt>flnishln Bays i<lc Plating Co. 1914 flsirhor ntvd <'<111111 M"lHl. \111lf . Orocon ;)1 l:l ll-tfc WA1rh!'4I . 01'1C'kR -J Pwr try <I mr )Nl>:\H7JT.RS R.epolrln1it -Prompt 5'!rv1oe ~··nrllbl<' Prlc:.>t VAN DRIMLEN JF:W E L RY '7AA Nrwport ntvd \-01t11 M,... 3 tfc Phlln,. Jlr11 !"i7<l7. M 164~ N ewport 111"11 . r C111t11 Mf'!I" 42·1fl'. WANT J·: n : SCH.A I' mnN Ii.· ~11·:1',\ I. -lli1•h,.q l'rl•'•·' I• q d J rtn<snN & :":l·:\\'f-:1.1. :\IOI \V1•1,1 ~•lh S I I 'li"ll' J 1f11 !"nnta An:o -;1 I•• Bl-:]'>.;h JX 111ll•irn;i'1" 1 .. ' '• 1 l"~td c•<1nrt1ti1•n Ph Jf·11 '"'' •",J.< ·1'• ~". ; 0'111 -,,.-;,,~1'11 ti Jid'-;;; f u-j -.. -l fl 11 I t.1 ·'' \ d· tt1t·· l'••r I 'Mr't I '•• I Jf1 ·11\' 11) 11r11 ni tl'flJI •·on llP:f'\T I I •I' I' I " I · .... ' .. ,, •• )11 1f1 , '' 1 .• ,,,, 1n t ,,,1; t If ( ''•' t 11, I l l t•d"i /? ., f ; 1 • r •• r ·.1 ,, •. ,, 1 .. ,11.1 r1 ""'" t., •t• · "' -.. 1r I· t 1 ''' d , f :• ''" • '"" fl f •lr~I! ~ •• ,i ~jlt't I Pt. 1' I 11 ., 1.,, n .. , """'"' 11 k': \\' F'tJn!'.;IT1l1U: IO·:VJ':J<:frri::r;-·~,I•• 1,1, ,, t\1 I t •I' 14, : •• ,. It ,,, ••• 11• ,, I I .:1 :1111 W . L. .JOHDAN It I·: A I. T <I n 71"1 F: r·,,111rn1, 1111!1,.,1, ll11 rl1•1r 1i:i ":> rfr BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY l·:XCl·:J.U·Nr ';1 v r Siii ,, • I ,()(. i\'l10N AL:-:.t > /\ o;l11<'k r,f 1111•1T li;11Vll'·"' th;1l im 11i'""' a l ~l .7fll'I mllv '"' lll''f tlin'<'I ;11 11 I.IL: di""'"ll'll :111d o n w·ry fsew1r.111l1• ..!.'.:rr·~· ·n , .. m1·rd1:1ndf1.,1 · 1·;111 1,.. ""'"' Sf•10:1r:1 h ·ly :it n n :ut-... v:111f:11:1••11L" p ri( .. i ,;, ft1,. lr11,v•·1'. T Jll·; I .1-:ASI·: <'on<:ir.;fc; of )" ..,,1l1-;l;1n l i:d , ''""'"1111-v lwir·k a nd '-lllf'I'() l111ildin~: wilh '11111 "'fll:m· r .... , of l'l"f'I' "fWiN> :111rl :1 la ri•1· :! /1Nlrv11ir11 ;1 r•:1r·t m1·111 at the· 1-.•;ir nf th(> f 11 tifdf~;.• I SI'' t1f Jll'Nlf•n l ri,\l lllY«; 1':111 fl(• lllT.IOJ::fod If dl ... ll'l•d . St mv lr11 ·:1I i1111 ·tlli I< ' '1•111 r:tl , H:ilhon. COAST PR OP f~RTIES CO. Rcal-t.ors !"{)) E. <PDLL'.Ttl , Bal~>OO -.Harbor 2658 50-tfc , . .. I ________ ....,. ______ _. ............. ~.-£~ ... ~&- AROUND THE HARBOR , ON THE MESA . 1'110 :\ t.S : 111\KHOR Ill .. 20ll tu.~.: tu. 111:n·R Social Activities ·~W-~8~ ~~ ........ ~~~~~~~ Page 6 N E W P 0 RT B A LB 0 A S E \\ S · T I :u 1 · ~ \\ t:u ' Y.SU \\ ~ .. '4 llOrt h<-M·h. ("allf. .\11rll ".!I , I !t lll lusiness and Prolessional Women Elect Ollicers; Retiring President to Head County Council A t a dh.~,.!1 nt.~·11111.: loll nw111· ht r .. t10I). Hu~rn•~,,. .111d l'rulo·~· Sll•nnl \\ omw11' 1•h1l1 h1•r11 ti , ,.. ports u( utrll"l'f~ .ind rlhllflflt II tor thl' )1•a1 .11111 do·l"ll'd 1111 l\'l"l 1' 111 &•no• Cur •h• r .. m111i: ~<'Or Th" m<'l'llrl!:' \\a.-. ho•l<l fll \\ hll1."i. Park a\ 1•nu1• t"Hf•· 11nd I lur111h~ Suth••rlnnd pr<'~l(l1nl( H111 h Cl'll l'li I lo•lo i:a "'' \11 I loo ''lat•• N \U\• nt\ou ·•' ~ .. n1 t t 1 tll ~l.1) .'" : I \\Ill lw i\1.!no ' tll10lll· •1111-i. H1 t1) 11 11111) ,111ol J 1,,1111 lo~ Sut11r·rl11n1t 1\11tu (; 11 rt " rt , 1111 1111 ... 1 ''"'' d 11111 111.1n, f'"I"'' ''ti 11"'' "Ith Iii m• 11.l11·r \\1lhclra"ll11'. 1111"1 11! t ht fl\ loy 11111\ 1111! 01\\ •I\. Ill• f'ltJh l111cl i.1111 lt•ll •h• ~· ••• \\llh ;~ rrl••mlM'·r~ anrl ''' d "'' twd 11111 Jl•IHI Ill' m1•ml11 T~ Girl Scouf Troops 01 Costa Mesa Hove Play Day o f Park \\1th I•\• 1t··n1•1I, ... 11u l '·' I !t \• ,.,, ~'' •I•• 1 : "'' f •ttl Hlll•rl." 't • ~I 111 L n 1 • , ,1 ,., , ... • \? I• ·•l d·· u ,f)f\•1 I .. ~ I\ 11.\ '•' luit.,, .1t Jf\Hlt l'otk l n •h• uuu r,.ni• ti ••• "''' ,Htlh \\l\fljlJ/t f\\1t d1tJ 1lf ""UH 1u: l .tu wt • uu \\ ,.., ,~ t.1 •·· \\ 1 I tt I• t I 11 tff 1ftjl j t1 (' 1 .J t •1 tt\ t ··"' • ,, .... ,,,,ft •• •' '"' •' •. \\~;,,, h ~''I• ,. I' •t ·•'•it H•ht t t•••t,. .uut 'I" f' 11 • 1ft• 1 11 .. , f ·•· tu ll·tfllf• .,_ltHh t ;'°"'u .,.. at 1 \ ;tn ,•U' ott 11\; ,,, ' orr1c .. rs 1'11·c1t•d \\ ' r I' AJ.:O"" Blomquh1. pn·~ldl.'ll l : 0 t' I I )" H a nd). 11rst 'tt'l'·prl'~•dt•nt . Ks.y \'au1ihn. st•Cun(( '1r .. ·pn•s1l11•nt . Su I I)' N<'" tin, ('(lrrC'11pond1111: Sl'<T<'tary: 1-:1alm• \\"• 1.,s. r rr.1rd· Ing aecrl't ary 11 n d trl'isur<'r. llilcla Rrls('O('. 1 lllwr rh111rm1 n r•·purlml! w1·11 Sui• I lo 1r\'1J t II , r•"'""' 11J 11111~ S 111J• I-ox, h1·allk Hori;lu ld S 11•\1•ni<. 1nlt'lf1J1l1tlrit1I rr•ll111u11'. M t· I 11 B tt r h m 11 n . 1-ducut w n 11nd n '- 1w11n·h ; M1tdrwJ Sttcnlo')', 11·1:1<1- 1111 ion, Jrt•n1• ~torn~ 11nd S:tll) :-;,."ltn, fimrnc.-, Nnthnht' :-011- chaud, prn~ r c > I Park. p11bltr•1111111i. an1I f'mlilt•m W lnl- fn•d n urhrt', 11uhlkrl}". p111lltf' llf· lairs. El11in1• Wl'1!1s ;\1•t ufl\(J.UI\ Ith.' It• '• • • \\• f ff ll'flJ1 ft t1d1 I'\. .tU't ,f,ft t fl' 1t dlllflrti: ~j,.,_oJ tltlo • \ 1 I I ' I ~lu l lt• '"· t l.1r••ltl "'"l'I' (( .. 1. r• • Shroto 1 II• I• n I 1 ••II\\• 111 I'•• 11111111;,111, IL1 ~111n11ol l.ttdo ._,,,, '.':111n1o1n Al '•t.!tl• 11 .J11to11 \I ·••• I 't \\ u t I 11 I ""' •• r "'-""" ..... h t.lrwrnt•F) '"''"°°' PT.\ ._.,." ln10tallf'd at a meellnr; hrld In ("o- ,.,,.. ,, ... , ''"' ...-11-0o.C u.........._ 1,11 to rtc bt : ,.,..,,...'"") H . o . Boy\·f'y, pn.adt'nl :·.IO'>t'ph Hamblc-t, h•~l<•n an ~' " ...... IK. a..._,. ,.,11,011wnt,arb11 I ,,..tlr1111t p"""'41f'nl I: .J. R. !'Ol~mmuu.., a uditor : ("llfronl Ura~. ttt._-rrr; ff. r ........ ,.,.~ pr~at &Ad P•n-y lla1-.., IM'Crelary. Ent hus1ast lcoll) rt'ct'lw•c.J "'"" tht• announN"ment I h 11 t Mrs Suthrrlnnd. r·c·t mn.: prr~11l1·nt. would bl' uuitnllNl llli pr.•sufo-nt of t)rirn~I' Counlv < 'lttnr rl a t t h1· mtttln& of MA)' 7. 10 lw hPlc.J at 11.1: 1l y &II I nn, 1.:01 ona d,·I l\J"r. New Officers lnitoll.d by Newport Beach P.-T. A. With Dr. James V. Latimer as S~~er N.-wport JW11 11 "111 nlsn ht• hos• •'SI club for So111 hl'rn Uis- • t fl('I ronlt'rf'n('('. tu 11<' lwld hl'I t' In Augiut. , By-law11 '4"Pr f' 11mt'nd<'fl to ii. low for I h(' cll'CI Ion of tt SC'("()nd VICt'·Pf't'tlrdt'nt, the Initiatio n fet' wu rai'led to S.'> rrnd r<'<1urre· ,m enu Wl'rP dl'linl'atc·d a11 to pro- cedure to ~ followc-d hy cAnda- d•tee for rnem~rthip and their l ponlOrJ Elected a1 dc.>lc1ate1 to South- tt'n Dlalr1C1 mtttlr:ijt ai Coronado on May 1-2 W('re Dorothy Surhtt- Jand, N•thall<' M lch11ud, Kay· V•ughn, Marily n Whcclt'r 11 n d ·~ .-.;;;;;;;;;;;;=....,;;;;;;;~--;;;;;;;;;; A~· FINE FABRICS • Draperies • Off1cPrs r•·port11\g \H·n · Mr' Suth1·rl11nd Mrs M1c-lrnuc.J. \"I('•'· p·n·s1dl'nl , K11} \'11u1thn. r1•r<Jr•I· 111,.; srr n •l11ry. ~tartl) n \\'lwt'lt•r. rorr<>_spon1lm1: "<'c-rl'fo r} . It u 1 h Gt'rn,h. t rl'l1s11r1 r Hnrl Ai: n ,. '§ Blnmqu1111. pnrh nwntarl1tn Mahd F1amaunr 1· w 11 ~ nr· <'l'fltl'd all 11 nl'W mc'mlwrs With" A,.;nl's ntumq111~1 ut thr plnno. ~a1h11llr Mlch1111d lo•d 111 i;roup sln1:11111 nnd also pr•'l'l''nlt•d mc·mhers In art~ Crum 1 tw n ossrs' N ight show Sh,. nlso Au<·t ionl'd off ·•white t'll'J.lhanti;'' to-11cld IC> tlwo. '"O" to Ft W orth"' r\Jn Jlo'nor 1:1rl tit UdN1ts o l I ht• h11:h llC"houl will ll<' i:ui·stJO Ill tlw ml'('\· Ing nr M11y ti anrl n l'w t•rnn-rs '\\rll I><' 1n•t11llc·d Mi1y 8 , 1 /\d11 ,\l11l•lt'}, I I• 111 \ ~Iott t .. JI l llorr) ll11l1.1rd u .. 1.1... n ... 11 , •• 'I I' ~·1·ath•·r''""' I-11" ,, \I• c 'lo•llan. !~11 ,.,. 1 1.•""'"''" t .'•1• N .. 11i,. J.11ni:. II a r 11 l ti ~ lnwt M.11,:•1• "'' Pl 1rrn1hn. u .. 11111.. I •it''' \I 1r ,.;hr• I ,\rt•). •c;111 tl•m,~l.1lfs I )Jo .. SIHt\\. 'I' :"o·l.., 111 I ;dill<,., 1 I-f• oJ nck~11n. 11111:11. ftl.1n11,. \\ 11i. .. 111 ... ()ltfHd.... \\ 11ncl.1 .ho k~on J-l•or· t•nc .. ~·111to'r~. Sh•'Jlilrd. S.·h• h: .. I 1-:dno ll1ort. tf.11 \1 \. t 'unntn.: h1un . H11tph Mo·c 'J.•ll.1n1I A l~11 :\1r :rntl :'>!rs Jud <."" .Sulht"r l1tn11, \'\'1111<lru~ t 0IMJJIC·r 1tn•J Mr lit Sh:un Y's Men's Club Hears Conclave Reporls At Dinner Meeting ,, • 111.111• n : no "" <Afioen, thf. .. ,.,. , ....... n •·t •ri.-· )""rJd"'S. K't.M- •• ~ •.• • n rn '~ • h_&..StOl""Uln 'a ,..... I• p "'1 .< \I\ ,1f I ,lk IJfl ntna b) l .. J • '"'" \ L.. • • •mt r •-en hich· • > •., • I tr, "1"~ llJl£ ol lbP ~­ f•-t • fv<r•t. ~t•:nv rtt;i.ry ~ I' 1 ,\ n> •h· ,.o.td1•nr:tU1n al the • -,.,..,n. tio I \t ,,r ~.,I on April I" \Ir• l~"'""''°'J K Han-t')._ ,,,. • ....,,tltn;,: \Ir-. c 1au-t. ('r•-'h) of Gv- •I· n r:rm 1 l ir-~1 'l<'·-pr~t ol '"'"'·' 11 I •1••n n ('1o11.._7,>g ol Par- • r1•, •orl T• ti-hi f'> 11\StaJWcl tho> r• "h • l•ortrtl nlf~ who will ... n • dunn~ •hi-<'Ofttlnc )~ "~ rt .. •> ""il:if'd t h r (.to' th.,f lht' C'nnJ:TPSS of Pllr· , nt. 11nd T ···•rhl r-. "'~'• noc for 1 lw f"lfJ• ,.:, of hrn..fittiftc ln- tf1• 1fl•111 t1ul<tr< n ~•111 to hf'nrfit •'' •I 1lt1t• n .,,. ,t._, n"Cil...t the ·n 11' mr•nt hl~ dlnn1 r m·~ t111L' J•• m Th• ll ••''",...,··to iJlmtni1 .. Mothers and Children u f thi· Y"s ~··n·~ ('Iulo "1 •It· '"' I.ind "' "•'l'k '™' c _PT :"••""l'llf"I ll11rl1o r 11rra ""' holft ~tr .... ,,, .,, •'4"1'11'1i"lt Help Kathie Smith on Mundie) ,.,, 111n1:. Aprrl .:1 111 ..._, ~ ..i1,;, r· m~ali.-d wrrr • Uphollltery • C a11JeUng • Hand print• Ir dfl'SS fabrics. Unln1;l'- Qulltln5:, etc . Celebrate Birthday <:o.octi·ll 11''11· 11•r•·• <"1mr<i• ,,,. f<tr-·1 • • 1:. " •. , pN•ridl>n1- I rho· S 1·11 1lmtu r lw•1ni: '-"f\• ti I" , t. • Ir. II 1• y irndl. '°'""'° Mr,. C. l' S 11111h .,f 1-.1 t'•011 11 tho· '.':••\\J~•rr 1•111"1•· (I( \\" Sl'-"' 1,,,.1.i ~· \Ir• P F Ra.riws. \\li1111111 .. t .. c•n v1~11 1nl! h•·• lll<1th1·1. 'J'-\·i·nl\ 11"' m• 11111' r ' amt ... 1 ,,.. \tr r11ft •r-f flnlkP, PHONE HARBO R 209'-J-K 823 Con.st J fighwlly Corona del Mar Mr~ R.·111· K S1111111ll !ti H.1lhuu . .:11o •t' "•'I•· ('rt"-•nl ltt h1 .11 r• ,,, ,.,,,. ··I •"''I i" th.'.11 •·1111•rlhtt>l'tl rn hnru•r uf '""filth 1~1r1,. ''" th•• ri l;H•n.ol run•''" " .. ',.. • ,, \fr· Ra)~ t1111hdfl} 11nl1l\1'I"·"} or ho•I holrt S:.111111 .. , 11lt••lfl•••n .. n•l •\I " II •. t ·r'tnont "lrlan and d1<u~ht1·r. Kllthh· 111111: Il l ~ .. 11th 1;1•1• s .. ,. "'" r •• '••1'1 111• .. l•l-n• .\Ire Jo.>ph llr•l111nl! K all1tl' • nJo) tit" d .t) duh" "•'ro• ro•j•r••!-f•nt .. (I ''1 '1"' II ,1, 11, • '''""' '" ;1rvf lhfo In· ".-re· l\1 r,. lluun und hl•ll I 1111, o•11nrla" • tho I hu·lw•r rlulo 1.. 'uml• " ,•1tf11.,r ,j,... J n SIMn- Mrs. < ·nrl F1·1 t•·n· 1111d d.1111:111 .. 1 1111< n ·p• •·lo'·rll••tl 1') M r nnrl ''" "'' ,,_ '.I r• \\" l" )Jc·C~1h-y, art Luis·, Mrli l.1 lhnn \\"h1t(• u n1I snn" F rnnk 1 '11"•·1 • lllld llr ant1 Mr'> h ..., ..a... affl Ph H bo 2522 l{.·r i:•·n I )1:\ .~. < '11r11n11 d .. t \l.11 r •t1nn~n pr•..,. "1"1 1 l'l•·n tCWT one ar r Sii'\'(' und Oilly . :\1r~. llulh nnti..-An l'Xhrlo1l11>n uf 11k1ll Ill •• rrh ,M '.\Ir-f'"ro ... I \ •1•h • «'OrSllS:P bont' 11nd dJtUl:hh•r L1ll1t . Mr:-i'rff""L'.• .. 1 fMnk "Ind "httt> c:ar-8al4oo MlldrNI 1\ll'rr1ll. Mr~ M nn 11n c•ry w11~ 1:1w•n Ii~ "ortd .-11;,111 """""~ M&naur, Mr Muwn11 Mrl.c-lln. pmn-. h•1th mr·n and "om"" on """ mo ml""" "' '1~ "°illlarw 4'•111 ... -~ Mrli. Jl11rr1s 11nd "r Hndduu•;h,,.r S111u1d11\ ~1fternoon ,..__ t ,. r •·•.,•mmi-n<I• d hy th•' c·Xl'<'Ull\'1• •·..irrl ~lrs H<·~ f:~~<'rt . n ·crr· · ~ '" rh:unnan in C'harsw of I hi' :-·h amt ll1h i;ralh• dan<."C's ht>ld •:" rhc:-h rst F'nday of each m onth, .,.,,,d that th<' pt1r l'nt1 c111l for "• 1r 1 hrldr .. n promptly at 10 1 m ~htn) ch ildrl'n hav.-h ad .. .,. v • .it-fflr t h<>ir p.,ri-nts. :'.!rs ~ .:•·rr ;.skr rl lhf' fUrlhl'r C'OOJX'r· ~•wn •·f f\'lr1•nt5 In not S<"hl'dul- a'11.' Pf'"'''" parl1t"!I thlH "'oold r •··n rr. •11h th11t r>arl rculnr ~ n d<.) rui.;ht. \Ir< lfaf\'t'y inform.I'd lht> par. , n1, rlrnr rhrr.,, ,.. n· • • ''' lhl' l(lral unrt Ill lhr \rnl Fourth P 11trirt m<"'ting .\n "" •rfl "lie mado• fur th1• M• nt-rchip drt\'I' ronductl.'d by • h 11rm•·n '.\Ir" F: .\ Dudlr} i1 nd \lr<o ~ L GltW>J.:•' Thf'ir vr ry 1· .. mr•I•·'•• prin11-d prn~am fo r fh(' ' •• r l"tJmplll'd h) Mrs. H 0 Roy. '• \ ·T•h•cr11m r hiu rma n , rr('ci\·l'd ~n •"" nrd Thr htRh<'llt award tC'· "l\•11 at F••ur•h 01s1rrct, th1· i.,,,, n hhr•n. "fl!' l.:"'••n In th1• l'l1l•lw1I\ P.•-N>rd Hnok rompil1"1 1,, \Ir• \11 .. ·rt S Paino•. p11hlt · ,, • 11;urman F .. r th•· 1·11n\• m ,.n1•r of I' T ,\ n·•n1h•·N [lf•..,nl. ~Ir~ Jl;,n") 11(.,rm• •I lho•m th:11 ~lrs. Rnlw·r t \t, ... .th '' .-f jC nn hantl fn ,.., cu~l 1 r ,,;,, r"' lnr 1h .. nl'n11ni: ··11 <·tinn,~ ~n ...... \\hu \_\u..h tu rt•t(t'(frr fn ht"' • l,,1.•H•f• ftl \uf1 lo.-:ell\ m.1~ t••tfl..- l)f 1 \!1• ~lrw..t~ a r Ray '..!I, Bay. !'hon c·.,mp "" ltttl'r fh,on April ?J Ml"" ll<>)' l'). proi;:r am ('hair - mr•n._ tnUDduc.4 Mt10.. Mari:rtn·, I Ht'Mli'nrekh. ~llpt'r\ 1sor nf. mu•w nld."" s1rnJ l lr L.n11nu-r 11·· quot· c'tl tlw grc•a t L.rn \'u-T 11n1:. rwlhor 11f ~ry. t'ountry 11nct M} P·~•nh'. 1n 1(1\ 1ni:: llw t hrr1• I h)rn.:h I hat "'kill Anwrrt'Ans al\' 11rs ho•ini; 111 a rush, r-xar r no•ss 11nd ~11pt'r·<'f­ fld<>ncy" llt1<1< ·~1·s (11r th1· t1•11 and C'of- (('p hour Rt th1• ('()nCllL<iOn of lhc pro2rnm W<'n • ~1x1h and SO\"t•nlh i:r adl' room -mo1lwrs n~si<t ini: l\frs Rola nd A Wri~ht . chair- man of room mo1 hrrs nf t hr Nt'Wpo r1 school nnd Mrs William Trus t y, husp1t1tlitr chairman. ThrS<• moth,·rs wC're !\tro: Wm H. frill, ~Ir!' Jnc k Raull. !\IN\ JI. E. l~nl'dlt·t. M.rs l\torgaret Sc><'I)', Mrs . C F. Sulli\ Ol'l. Mrs. J ohn Alll'n. M!1' F. W. Tunnell . u n11n , rs. Raymond K llnrwy ttnd M rs (1audl' C'roshy pouf'l'd t'Offl'('. Mrs B P Yarnrll and l\lr~ E () W it11i1ms IJOtrr Pd -.. , th« 1h'B lahl<• C1rl ~.·out s or Troop 14 who r11n'fl for 1h1· chrh1rl'n durtn~ the m c·r.ting "'''rt" Judy Olum. · Mnry Ro~ <'C. ()l'nnn U.·rrnu~h. K .. nna J ohni;nn. Kathk•·n !\l1llrr. !\t1<r111n Ml'lft•rrl. '.':ant·) Tnt I 11 nd P:i- t rid<l ..JJorfm1m Hawaiian Pictures By Volney Hay Sr. on Komaalna Klub Program \\'llh (.)'!)p;in:i ~11k11 llS h11~ll'SS, h:urn,1. 111;o h:htlo m .. 1111 .. '' a11tl t h1•1r hu"ih:-tn<t~ ur 1•se"r1 ~ ",1n · , 11r«'rl11 111Ht Th11rsrl.1y r\ Pnin~ nl !ho• h11111r ul :\Ir. IA•on \'u ll'S, :-0:1 \\put I 111 1.;ht' A I I 11 .. Im llH';.s • ffit't'I mi: )tar)' l'rll'!' · and llarlo,,ru Hu 1l;11•trh \\•'I'•.· \'•Jtl'<l in as rww Ill• ml•·r~ Pn·~··111 11roj1•e1 of f lw 1·luh 1:; lh• c:1l h1•rrnc or rlut hmi.:. d1~h··~. h1 thlm,.; and ~1m1l11r r1o·e1·~~1t ... ,. fo r 1 ht' 1>;1rl'nb o f " eluh nh 111111·1 whn ln1.t 1 h•'ir homl' fl'(,°t'n 1 ly In o 'fir<' Proi:ram o f till' C'\'t'ntng w us tlw showin1: of 11n hour of mu11011 p11·tun•11 nr ttw H :tWfllt(tn ·~lrmds hr \"olnl'} !lay sr . with n.1rra· tions a nd music Afll'rward re· (rl'shml'n l!\ Wl'rt• S('f\'l'd . F.njo)'ing t lw cv,•nlni; Wl'r<' Mo•ssr~ and :'oh>sdamcs J im I ll'm · s 1 r •· e 1. DonO\·an Sou1hwor1 h. Kl'lly Mika. Leon· Y41ll'S. J o h n Linklr : l\1 C':;dam rs DC' I b <'rt a S tor y. lfa1.d R1shoJ>, ThelmA Ricke11s, ll11lel French. Ruth S nydr r , Roots Kl'r.n<', MAry Prrre. RnrbarR ,Rurlacich, Dco Ro11ch : Miss Lrt'' J ohnson and·Mtss Shir· lry t.uughlin. Coming from Hollywood wr rc :<.tr nnd Mrs. l\J . Jcs1'll'rson. Gro\·<'r Sowd pr and Mrs . Huzl'I Sp:1uldlng. This afl<'rnoon Mrs. K l'<'nr • pn·sidr nl of the cluh, C'n'tert ainl'd m <'mhc>rs at a tea a t ht'r home in Balboa. Junior Choir Now Parlicipating In Church Services St. Andrews Church Organization 'f!inishecJ And. Olficers Elected .\ n 1•r1•c1 11111 111 111111·1•1' ll•r the n, " I} 111 i.:1111110 J ~I ,\rrdn•"s 1 •1·t·,h\ ..... um '·11111 .-11 ••I :--.. wport l larll<ir W:\i. lwld !<Jllll'\ tnJ.: the J111 rts!d urg 1n1J.iltitr1 ...,, 1' h.'t1, a nd 1111" ft1Jl1t\\ Ill).! \\•It o I• t'I• cl . I lt•fll'lllll's;,•·-;\11.. .l.1111 .. , :-01. C.1\\tl", Mr~. S11l1.11 H i: .. ,,,.r n nd :\f r, Ir\nn \\ ~111 .1.·111 "i-:111,·rs: L;1rn ~:· lh••'\n. 1t .. 1,, 1·1 t•amp- 1>< 11,. J ;mw~ !\l """" . 1 • A. K. 1111.-kl 11. ,\ \" .11•1 ,:1 ,. ... '"· :"1•lson !\I S1af(urd. a nol 'I ho•OJ,o-A . San· son. ~\1l10\\1111; tht 1·lt•1"1"11. II WOI .m1111unc1·d Ii~ tho• Ito.;\ Thom a.a ~t. C1h~on. pa~tur 1h;11 n·~ular c·lturt•h S1'f\0h"t'• \\ ullld ht> held ,. a« h Sun<la~ morn•ni;; 111 10 o·..inrk 111 tlw hllrary of Nc•w. J>Ort lfnrhor L'rnon l11gh srhool, wi1h churc h St'houl lo be hl'ld at thC' snnie tarn<' In th1• sc•hool cal•·h •ria . Tit~ ur1:11 nlw 11on ·Sl'r\"ict' for t ht• nc•w chui ch "as pr<'~cd O\'<'r hy I ht· flt•\· cr1•nn \\' Moor e, t•M·l'ul1\1' st•t'J'• tar). Southt'r n 1.1ro·11. Syn\'ld uf C'ahforr11a. I lit - <·.!111111111.-c tndud«d Uunalcl R. La Moll<'. PMad1•na, Arthur L \\':i ltnn. llolll)"\\llOd, R. J . \Vig, Pus11d111.1: J l\I Hust. Los An· i,:1•l1·s. l'h•'"'''r 11111\ k. Santa An1 ond W. \\' .'l\1ut:h,.,1on\-::-llolly· "ood. So. Cal. Play Tourney Draws Harbor Hi Entry , Commu,,ity Players- O pC'nmg 1on1i::ht at Santa Ana Ebdl club is the.> :!:lnd annual ~uth<'rn C11hform11 Tournament of 0nl'-Act Plays and toni ht 11 oo night. by t h e tN'n-agers attending T aking par t be high -__:~'"P'-~~fi=-~-~-~~~::1~4:»::,:'~~~~~~__:~~~;:.~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~t~·~oill~n~~~·r~n~ .. ~j'h~c~'~h~u~~~in~<H>~s~nti~ii'C'~t~-~~n~~T~n'"';.l~•';~~~c:.~i~rl~""~~~~u~!~~--Sualr, t:rant"ll' P1u·.. a nd M lkr ~ u "--,. .. IC, 0..tral, Balllfoa . ,. rp1 Inf,! II Tnlf, l<'d rn I~ n ~li: "l!ulr lrt- Gr!'}h<tllnd hu~ rnp thrl"IUCh •h• ''"'"''"" •ac Cl\•·n h} thr PJ"· 1n I~ I~! rl1·nwn1ary l'rh~I"···~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v. ho pr•'«'n ll'd ·:inrl d1n'r t1•'1 th• I .-iflh (ir:id4> 1"hnr11< itt l hf· sini.:· f:XjX'rlm1·nts on tlw UM' of faUow show th1tl uni) :to to :!:'I rH'r ,-.·n1 "' the 11vt•rugt• r111nfi11l c11n llC' storl'd I 'nih•d ~!:tic-,. r11ntp ll'f1'(j Iii..' I'\•'· f" Jl r~JI. JllOUl.Jr tJ1 Chrm n ini;'i1 l'lllf'rl11 rnm1•nt C'ltur<"'h b> th<· !"."14. :"'-iorirt Claamtled ads DO cet ~ .ton.. ... Salvation Army ,oo Ma•es Reporls, AcJcJs Local Coll Station \\"ldt"'()rPAri nnrl i.i1hc1 '"'' r:i l '" • rmnpli"hm1•111c rn 11«l<:r,1nr-• 11~11 11'1111lul1I '''"11 I>\ th• S1l\;1t1. 11 1\1111~ •,. l<nl"l<tl -1<·~\ ,,-, d1·1\llrlm• n l srn 1111• r 111• '1" t 1 w t t ,,,., lli.•1 \\'1lh t ho• c•i.1Jloli.l11ni.: .,f ·• hlt',,I 1·:111 ~'·'''''"· w1•r1• .1n11n11n1·• •t •h.- w1•1•k lo~· l\l,oj11r (lrln Elli'·"" dt~ • r1r1 n1a n;u:11r I I•• r1 I'•'' t•·•I 11 r-r •I 11\ 1r:: ri ,, ... ,n~f· ti1 llllM d, tw•i:un 1 1· ·' ri.onlh• 111:11 (11r "l•nrrrh1111 .. n<: •I 'llll11lolo• rl111ln111• f11r nd11l1< ,rnlf ol\lltlo 'fl •n tl11 l'lnltppln•· \\I " \\ j If 1111 t ti· iio:l 1111Jf h\ ''I t· .. ,, .• rut (l ... ~1 ",., .r tlf1• ... ,,f \..-" u 1111·nt" anrl l •••l '\!'..11 ..lw• l"d \ .. 1•:11·~· •I ,ml ;!,,!',:;; 11 lo• 11• .. S:>I \11l••n \Ill'\ :..."'1 tl '-"•f \1 1 tf1 ''''n''"'"' ,, ~t. ""\1 n1 ' 'I I I\ l lft' I t I •' ft I t h 1 ~ f \\ I' 11ftd• I 11\t I 1 o lfl '"· I• I I 1 ' • I • ~ f "' I I 11 I • "' .... ,\ ,• ,., t I \ ~ 11, I ~ t \\ I ... •' ' -' 1n. ' ·• ... ' . . ' f'••ll<""" rni: thr off1n1"5' r• prwtJ nn<I thr a nno.:il r.-por1 nt IM 1111d111w. Mr< J R !'l•-rmno-n.• rlwo h1doru n. ~'" P f' B:t.nt~. m i.di-hf'\'" nnnu.,t rrporr )Ire R"\1 0. .... pni.s.>d ttt. "'••rk t"lf lt1" t>X• "'111\"r• lll'lard (1"14" hlt\1~ CIH 'O th; Ir IC!'!'< ;,rvf d' ,_. tn hdpinr;: thr l•lrctl r T \ I.~. In furth<-r th<-r.--. .~.,. ,.., 1 ·t " :"':i tlnn;cl ConCTM~ , I r1~rn•c ltM T• ~~ Th·~ 1 !t,. ... , 1r• • 1 I To pron-vu ... ·~· _., ·r r. of • h tlrln n and , ..... ,, 111 h,....., '4'·1-of,.,I tn lTC'h l!n<I "''"'"" t"!'• •:• Tu rH«r ·•h• ... 1r-1t -qc hf•ttu lif • •3 • T n ., ... .,,n, ,, (,.,. •I.• •"If• Hwl I• If 1Jth t t'1 tnt! \ • t•t • 1• T•' l r tr J 1un tt,, t '•f" • ''"' !'",..,..,,.,. ,. 1 t •l,,. r I ...... ( ,·,, T1• •t ... It"• r.., .. , ! • . \ ' . I . ~· , .. i . I' ,,, . '' ,., ,., "'' t p fl\•'•; •••. Tiii'' f ''"' ... ",. .. ',. ·1 "TIU: Yot ·:\(; IUE.\'' r111 "·· ,p,,, \ti·•• h 1r1d 11 ,. l"' 11 •' .t .. 1•11 ,.n 'fl•J.! litd. t·I ~1h0 t1ti•n \t•t~ t·· ···ri· ~ ,,, 1,, \1 1 ~··1 '·11 ,; ,, ~ I 1'1 .. , ~111" Jl\ ti\ ~,, 1h1· ... 1 .. ~ .... 'h' ,. ,.., ,,, it :\1 ... '~.f'Oll JH1Urltl' nf '11\ I~• "''1 1o..-1>11 .onrl "'""'"I 1l11n11· 1h1• l'l'•'•'•'i'd tth' l\\• f\1• •hnnth ....... ''H 1.:11 nt<t11 h•lltt • "I " rk 1•r• '1•1· •I Ill 11111oJr•I \\l 'o <; ;\l'-:;J:, t.:'11 rn••nlc: ;\I •~~' 1"111" 1•1 '"'" • 11 ::1 t ;or! "'I•' 11f l11rn11ttt ,. ·111d 1-:1 '.: .. ' l ft\1'1 t 11 \Ot"illl"-H 'h }1 ' n r :urt .. ,l t't flni~h••tl ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ;n ::;; 1n,•.t1'-' .inti ,., ,,-w1 lt'('h:.tn . ., pr"\ id1•rl fr···· .. et nil 1i 1 1111 n 1 • JUST .. \J'Rl\'L~I)-, 1t.11>tlttnl1't1 "•' •11r<'• -.<fully :it tlu• ~ r. '''r\ ... ,. 1-cnl• r thal lho'\ 1"f\11ltl I ~ Dorl·s M1·11er 1rie, ,,.. !een-A Ii-,,, r1•1m1t1·tl \\Ith thrtr r.m11h1,_•-ff'-+-:::::::! cAJ_ _,,,_ .,J..___ ~~~"'""·H--...,,m 1111.rltr~ 111r r 1 ~ P tti '"" d C . I ·;J.llQ(l .. ·r1 11. e coa~ an amu~o t:'R ~ ... t:ll ~.I\.... ( ... n,. r •lnl•'•I M:1i"r F lh•o111 '1~ Ii·• pl\ Slumber Togs Westward-Ho T A IU1 •\t ,.,,,,rl 1n ttu' rc.t ''' t..:~ni· ' for een gers .,I :111 llo•no•r F .1rm f,,, '>I•"•"•' Denims 7 to 1-1 • to t o tc. ~-- h'!' rm1I I• h•'I" fltl th•' •\!•;' prnJ•\' \\lll t~·•'tlllll' .o ro .l•\ t• I ht' n1'"1r fllt llf•'. I L ( 0111/o 11< fl I\ 1111: ,111 \ l..11111 •' ~"'"\. ,•' 1c.-· ni:1•• 11,,), ,,,. ,., n•t '• •'• 11'1• .1<:k• d ti' I oil l'ho • I:• I I' • l 1•1•' :'\11\'plc;;; f1 l• l h11r11"" Ji 1 • .. ' :-: .t111I :11 •• rtml th. ''"' • 1: 1 !"}Ht l~l ltlu~ \\1 •'I 1' ''• tf Ht• \\ll "''' \\. I . ' ,, in2 ol rhr~ numl"lf•f'll P1•t• r B11m~ of th•· rtfth i:rai1r nn-I "'"'IW"Pft rhl' num ht'rl'. "0 11n r1• S.·ni::· \\"hl'n .ll"lhnn'' ("om1" M 1rdun.: IJumf', .. a n<l · Rr-ihm 'I Lullah~ · T" 1ll•t•lriit• th1· •'"'rlu"linc qu.~ltt~ 1l>t•t1t lh1m:s. Chtnrc:r.' )frc "'"'' ~ lnlrl hnw <teomr :_lfij y r 11ra ;;.:11 rwu lar gp pa«('f'<: nr srlk •· • • "nt t11 h• r fnmily f~nm I O un;a Tiw rln~-m11d,• frn m tfl,, .. ilk tr• •Tiii ac ,.;ond as 1'\rr." I SI •IPd \fr, nop•·y T hr man I •hn ct·n • •hr cilk frnm C'hrn:i " 1c th. ·1• 1k. ~ , f I hr da\. ltr . • I J:urn"l' \ I .:111m•·r. Pr l..-•'1M• r \\ho c!"'nl lhirt~· thr•'f' ~· ·1r'< in th" F :ir Ea<il . " a m 1c,111n 1r~. \\rt Irr, :iclm ini-I rr 1h•r Y ~I•' \ •'',Ult\•. :.nrl ., n, " • JI , I'. r •··•rn•cpnnrlo·n1. "!'"""' UJ ·~ •t,m I th<-I "!Tf'"Cl"'l'!· ... , I •r lr J•in I portr:"• ol tl1o ct1 .1•1\ i .. \ ..:111f1L' IC••lf'l"i' 'lurH n f 1 t • I •t I • ..._. ; • PJ f, In 11 hUnl•tf 0th \o f r .•1 • 111'hoor1· tl l\.-•t\lo 1) 1' I 1'141h n,·,• In 11; • I• 1 '1l ,,( J•h111>~nph \ m •· ,. 1, ..... 1·1 11 • ho• n··r ,, 1fr.1 1•.•1•.,"• '••'• to • 1r. r Tt. ti t ''. n ... 1d 1•1to1 m1ct • t,. ft, , ' t r,,, ;• c •1 r rt -<\ti '.. • \ \\ ,,, ,, ' ' 11 111• n11 I "h1111 '-• l 1:\i•t ~· .~, By :\loss ler .. 1'l 1 '•rlll't• '\I \ 'I ... ,1u.1• , ,,. h 1nL. qu thft• ~ · 1! t h • " 1' t1~ • ''•• .. h• "11 ..,. , ....... h~ .. 1011u1h. \uu'11 h••t t•·r ,..._, .. 11 '"" roo ... ~---t. \lt...rt "· A-gift tnof so perfectt, much you love he< ... chosen from our gallery of porent-pomperers. /\ccesso ry Shops ... street floor. soys how '• p ,. -- I • • t ' \ 1 I • ! a .. 1: }1 v t" t: c 0 tl n c 11 k ti a 0 tl e: h ir n tl fc n· F cc IH Ul lll nt )!I \\" ('( m. W l n· rr in · 0 : I Sa• By t Ent SA LU w. CI.: Prll H 19 '• ' I ·. .· * DREW PEARSON '\ ,, WASlll!'l:c;TO:'\ No lri;:u;l:rnwl nwn 11~ • i\1r !', 11m•m," hi' rom· h.1.u 1.. In r ...... n t ) •• ir.. hlls " I I. pi I hlql 11..1 I 1 lll'y ln1I i.!•10l' b11Ck 11'-•-d so n111.-h h.H'k~.1.11.:1· "111•0 1 "11 him, 11r~1·1.l that thl')' dl'll\)' Tt:U:PHO~f'.8: HARBOR I:?. II A.'liD !Oil Puhl.shed t'\'C'I')' day. !>tonday throui;h Friday. by Sam D Poner ' Lul!lus S. Smith. Ill. Oi.L'n~ and operatu1-s of the and -• ~ n~11~h ,·rm1s.1n 1•11 I F1•1·1.,. 111H 11 lw .:•it 11 1•1•11<1rl from • ,.., _n,· c.•WncL 1111.:ru-lUc J>•Jlll dud:.. ul 1<~1ll ~j f•l1iltn;:. ·' n d Stl llh II 1\1 "1"'~"' r.1r (I 71t-i;rm1p Air • Nt>wport H arbor Pltblishlng Co. VOL XL r ... , .. ,, t:ir1• as th•'] • \\'.· h:l\'1' hrl'I\ J;•·tt111.: rt>~1<•r-ls '~ \\ .. , •. r "·h··•lh._•r . n 1tlt,_ fPt \h r•, yt ,tr~ ... ~nnppt•J Wt:U:\ t:SU.\ \ ·~ ti ... l 'SA.;.h1111hli }'u1"'"' ,Il l' 11111J1w<l fo'orr•'lll31 \ -~· ·; ' . .s, 11·ml ... 1 h ~·i1t . .1 II-111 .. nth• .11.:1>. (~1•111 1.tl E1:;t•n· * EXIT _. , • ,,,, i.:r••lll'-' <.! h1•\\1 r 11 .. .i 11••lil1t·ll t h1d tlw Air 11111111·:.ll~. 1tw F"'" :t."11hl 11••1 h · ,\ll.•\\1·.I 111 foll '" 111 ""'' f11111lly 111 "''' ·'' .:r1•lll"-ni:1 n. ,., .. ,1 t h"' ~:,,, nl11m •'I ,"'..rod \'111~11n hlu!ll • •\•r\\IHlllHni;:l t:lj l.\, "•ill'll\.:h \'lti.•I "' ,..;111(( flit •nl3 hou .... ,, .. ,,. f•'r a ht.: .t11· 1.1ny nh • "·'" lh1 :-;,,,~ ·, 1,. •I 11 11·h1I 111 l't•n · l'i•ll -~011111011 Tatu•r .;1. ''-' ha; tJ-11~·na1l,. lti-p l 'arl All"' J.1111111; "11h \'!11~1111. 1-'<•r \"1n ... un 1•1 r..•nr1:1::1 r1•i<l1d 11•''1 I 1' I l' 11 111 ,.ull·St.>llp ·n11· H·l••r:in d1•m11<T~1t '"'' ••nl~ n I,. h I•' -11~1,,.111~ appn1pr1111 lnn11 Itri•" '"'·It th1• m••asun · thr•111~h llw 1•ha1r111.111 1'11l>o•r "h11 11s1111lly cu11·1 ""us<•, but t>UI fu:\.t'd St•cr .. r an· Hf ~ •. ,. h1) nml 11 d'i•ll11r "'I:" Forres · P<'f••ns., jim Forrt·sHtl •''"r} ·!'11'p lHl's 11nthnwl1l' 1·n~11\ co nvi11ctod •f rtw "U) Fmally,, \'1rn••tn l'\'t'n T11t~·r th11t 7tl Air· C~1mps ' would 1•·r,nrnw<I th•· mir;iclt• :>f "111nin1: l' o s t 1111•m•y. rind tw prompfl)' l'"nny-pind11n1: J 11h11 Tal1t·r. 1'hair -s1art1·rl· IO pnm <' f11,wn tht• Atr man ' ( th,. a1111ropr111tion~ ,·nm-, Ft•r«1· appr .. pri11t111ns hi 11 Tlw n1111 ..... "'<'r 10 a 70.i:-roup Air $\1:..':..'J O l,tl(l\I rwn•s,.11ry for llw 711• fi•n ·<> i.:r••lll' prn1:r11111 \\'ns 111n1tfl'd. lf••r .. 1s th•· 111111111111:. twhmd tlw· St'an·.-1~ hrul Tal>1·1 1·1•p11t'lt'CI th<> ,,.,,,h -s ti' 1 tr y : 1-"tr ) t'llr~ as d 1;11rman "' I In> I !(•UH' :-;;,va~ Artair~ Commll l•'1'. \ 1ll~"n h.1~ i;mw d .. wn th1· hnl• for 111 .. :-;;"~ II.•,'\'•~ 1lh'1r h1·~1 lr11•11c1 111 ('<lfli;n -ss Hut thr .. <' "'"''ks Ill:•' \"tn!'f'n li1'1l<'rtNI 1tw :-;:ff)'. ml'i~tl'c.I upon lwar mc r h" Air ""'r"'··ii s h•ry 1<1multan • .,..us with rln:um1·n1s for th•• draft and un1n •n•nl lramini;:. Af1c:rw:irc1, (-;1-ord:i Pemorrnt \·in"''" hudc1h·<I wtth T•·n1s f)(om11· cn11 Lynclon J••hn~on, ;ml'lhf'r :"11\~ man now ;m A ir 11rl\11('fllt', '1tr11I tho•'"" ,,rr:;wlt·c1 :1 n''••lu111in <m th1· li;,r k .. r an otftr-.• rn1•m,-}, c-alhnc for 11 71~i;::roup Atr t 'nrcr :°l>l'Xt d:l~ th•·)' hamnw r1'fi lhi!I r N"nlution thrnui::h the 11nm"1 St'r · \l e'>...,. r<•mmitt•'•' hy n '.':\·tl\-0 \ol~ )lnu lln1t Symlncton llHWl',·r r. "h .. n !i'•''T•'' :lry for Air ~tuart Symlni.:ton ap(lC'nrl'd hl'for<> t h(· committl'f'. C'hnirman Wnltf>r Andr~11. !111·w York r P· lull (>U t ,,, '"'llll!lllll'I', ht!Wt'\'t'r. titan \'1ns1•11 t':Oll1·tl in .l11hnson rmd K1 l1fa" "F1:rro ''"' hn~ p11lh·ti tlw nti: llUI rr.1111 unll1•r t h1• Air F111T•·:· ht· :1111111ltr1Ct'tl ":'\"" '"'II l111vr to pull th• nti.: nut ·1 rom und <'r For· 11•:<Jal \\'•''" 1:111 tlw \'oil's hut F •wr1•,.1111 ha~ T11l1<•r ,.All \'" lw\'"' tu rto 1!< 1;1'1 Tal1<•r Th 11 t !<anw 11lt<'rnnon \'ln~nn hutt11nholo•d TAh•·r tr '1'11hPr W1\t1ld "lll'l•ll'I JI ill-i.;rt•llJI Atr F pri· ... \'In· s11n s;11<1 th:ot h1· "'"uld b:ir k nn •·t·o1111m y lll•"""ur1• 111 tr1111 thl' pro- rur.•nwnt 1·oi:ts hv $1114).()()(),000. Th1i; 1'1111ld h1· 1!.1111; h) rt•invokinic th•· wartmw rl1111~1· "htr h s;(ll\'I' llw Air For,-,. 1111t h11rl1y to r1•twR11tiut1" pr11l 1 ts. In 111 lwr \\on ls. tf H mnnll· flll"lllrl'r WtlS llhl1• In prndllN' II 1·h••nr~·r pl11n1• than 1•,.11111alP1I, rlw A ir For('r rnulti r<'·(•x111111n<• thr Cn11tnWIU1tnc1 t'lll l'Al'\'SS prllflls, T I< bi· r 1·11 ll•·rt in Symlni.:ton. Two o f this city'~ public :'el'Yants wou nd up their 1111hhc-an. w:trn<·d· him ry>I lo mrn· ff · · t l ft · · h <l ' J "ttl urt •ion 70 ~roup;;. lit• mus I only a all':' ye:-; t'l'C ay a el'DOOll Ill l e mgy l e CO ,-t<>stily r<'i.:ardlni:: th<' draft and H~k .. rt \\lwtlwr h1• l'nuhl Ji:f'I i.lcmi: nn SR'.':! .no• 1.oon fnr 70 .l:TOUf'S. The ynuthful 11i r 1<f'rrl't11ry. hnw1•\'f!'T. ~nlcl !11111 9:!:1.l~lll,000 w11~ lh<> rork· t:w'•ttnm f1trnrr. N••xt mnrnin~ \'In· i;on h1111i; .. lf cnHNI S~'mini;tnrt. fl t'- scrll><'d th!' plnn to "''n!'gntlatti prtlf1ts Symington thl'Tl nizr<'<'d to do hls utmo!<t to kt•rp within th<' SX'.!:.!,no11,1-l(J 11~11r1• room o·r the old, soon-to-be-vacated citv hall build-n1T. Andn·"·~ im11rut t<'Ci. An- ing on Ocean Fro nt. Before a small c·rowd of on-dn:·w~ w11s Pll'Ch·d tn ronitr•'Si< by looker~. re1)otters and 1)hotom·aphers, they quietly 1111• P"<lrtr or n 11rra10. N. Y . next r:-· donr to th,. ri1111:n'!lsionAI distrtC'I welcomed their political succes.c,ors a nd prepared to of Symini.:ton'io r a , 11 "r -in-lnw, turn their backs on two places at the city council <. n P .lim Wad~worth of G<'nl"Sl'O, table which only a few minutes before they had oc-:-; Y l"t·\<>rtht'l•-si1 Anctn·ws did ' d · h h d 1 f ·1· •t not wan"t S)'mtni:;lon In talk. CUpl~ \~'It t e ea~y assurance an Ong amt 13rl Y ''Walt a minutt•,'' sn•Vll'd Vin· Of f aVOrJte a rmchatrs. l'On ''We• don't Want aytt N'nSflr. So a n l1{lll·ndm1•n1 Wlls offrn-.1. rr11-:in~ th<' plnnr procur1•mC'nt funcl hy $.'l:!:.!,(MJ<1,•-)(t for n 10.group Air Fnri'<> F\t•ht>v1• ii or nnt, hut thC' Author flf th•• 11m .. n•lnwn1 wi.i. Trtllf'r, him· S<•lf, One af the m en was 0. B. Reed. 1-!e h~d been. i;h~~. Se<'Tl'tar} ror Air.·~" cl&im- the mayor. The other w as Frank L. Rinehart. For f'd. had a rii:ht to say Wh<tl h•· nearly a quarter of a century he had served here ~ "i~h<'d F'1na11~· Anc1rC'ws e:in ·1· In city clerk. As n ~.-suit,. Symlnglon WA~ ahl•• tn flrltw·r h is S4'n:-alion11I warrf· N11t<' Whilt• th<' llous.-wa5 But be f 0 r e they slipped th'rough the swing-tni.t That Ru1<~ill I!' hlltldln,g pl~n<'s passing lht" 70,grou p Air For et' JOE P.\LOOKA DIXIE l>l '(~:\N THE BEIUlYS GOIU>O ing gate Which 8enarateg the S1Zectator rOWS from 12 tin11~ fastl'r 1hrm .tht:' U .. S A.. by a 3-13.to-J VIII<'. Pr<'sident 'rrU· ---,-y-i_;;i_.<;_2.::.:..:..:.-.,.-.-.r'-:r-_.&::. __ --r..;._-~....-_.,~~.,...,,.t::":=:zc=-=:-=-=-~--".2-l-~~-t't'tHtfl''lt-Mmiiftt!o+1-.+..ttl-, rn11..QJ>\!!lll-'-L.l'-''-'<'-"h"'u"'k,,,_<..._.M..Jcw.WJ1....,u+-< the c,?uncil table, co~nc1lman_ 0 . ;, RobertSOn ~alled SN'retary of 0t-r .. ,;g ;~~:~· for upping t h" 11dmlnlstralio1.-11 out, 0. B .. hold up JUSt a minute. And councilman Actu:illy Forr<'Stal had tak.-n sldl'S 55-i;:roup program l ronlc111ly. Tru- Lester Isbell gently took hold of Rinehart's arm. "'ilh lhf' admir:lh• anct did his !Kost ('mAalnl~1'1mlltw·1~th111llnl<'nthr1\·. llw"'m,·1"1111poc1·',1.'.~: • t11 AAtJOfllt:•' Svmini:ton'll !Nit;.. r ' An<l while the spectators a nd members of the m uny • • . \'Ito M11rr1tntonin. •'-''() l!'llltC'!IOn. press and the new, yet-to-be-sworn COUncilmen Ftrsr 11<· !<"nt nn llPl"':lf to \"in· nnrl Adnm «lny 11111 Powdl, tit• looked on. councilma n Robert son unwrapped a beau-~on. ur~inc him '" f'lln1" O\'l'r In only ront:n •i:snwn who Oflprnu•d ,, ... h1< nlf1rr 111 th(' P1·n111i.:,,n hmlft.l l11n•,. Atr ~·.,n·•· App:-tr(·tHI:> T ru tiful pen de!"k set and han ded it to 0. B. Reed. In Int: at on<~ ·nw~ hnd h··•·n rln~··I m .in f11nt11I 111~ ;\t:irr)I 17 Sj)<'•'I h a f ew, brief sentences. }le 'expressed the good \Yi~es :1111 .... in r11:h•mc rnr :1 l"""'r1u1 111 """ 11 "· If, .1 .,. c1 h·· 111.-111 of the em1)lo,·es of Newport Beach \\'ho, most ·of '"'' .. "'":in ="''1'-Y. "ntl F .. rr1'"'·" k"111c '" 1·u~ '"1' 1'·11 1 •>f lll'nt' .J hop .. d tn :lppr:il tr1 \'in~on" o l<1 \\,ti 1 ...... them. hatl worked with th<" mayor during the pa..::t :-;,"~ h·yalty 'f•·rr~-c; ... ft4•u nt1 eight year!'. lltJ• th•· l1·11 th1·n (-;,.•nn.:1.in ....... , II 1r11lll ~1 , ...... ,,' f1r~t d 111l1'1• , .... The a))plau."e v.·a!\ gpontaneous and \\'arm. '",,,, m•".•d 1" 11'"'k "'"'" II•· w.·nt 1"' .'"'' "''''ldo·nlt:tl flllllllll\.: 111 .•• ' • • Iii "-"' l-111n,,1.1l. LUI h•· br•Hh,:hl IL' !".1•11 It:~ lb l1ht 111 (1J f',,111w• •1 Then councilman Isbell turned to Frank Rrne- 1 .lnni: '"" •. 1 .. -. rri .. nil• 1···n"::1 .. ,,. • ,, 1;, 11 .J•ol•n 11 11 i11itn 11.: hart. ''Frank... h<· ~ai<l , his \'OtCe so Im\· it wa~ lo4 11.' '11 I.\ nil .. n .. ~ .. hn~· n aiill l'a11I Ill.I\ ,,., ... ,.,•I 11 ..... , .• ,. I .1 .. 1 '""" . 1· h. f . .. f th h .._ ,, ld;t\. t ... , .. r t4' .t' d1 ll1f llf·r ;if... \11;•'1 u ·11n .,, ,, s· .,. fq th• 1 ·n1' d 1n a s.JJ:!: t murnn1r o l'Urpnse, :'ome o e oys1,1 .. 1m:..11 11 ,it •·n •.t 111 111,. :-;.") """'"' ., .... 11 .q.1.,111111,,111 an<l l!irls down here got t og-e ther anrl houj?"ht y<m <1111 ini: 11.. "..r .md 11.11~ .. 1 '" .1 ,,,.,, !'1111'" 11 ""' .,, ,,., , .. ,1 . th is I ittlC' pre!'ent as a token of tht>ir a ppreciation · • r •• ,l"i•'•" ""' '1 111~ ·" ,, 1 ,, " " 1 ·" '"•"· 1 -· 1 .. ,, .,,, n. '"11 f or all \·ot1\·C' do n" hurf> for !-lO loner." '·' 1 '" 11 111'' '' 1• •· 1• c-'-,.... f-Hlt°•"'!f.tl \\"""' •'1t1<hd ln J1 in· l \+:,1 ,, p,. 1 l t u 1\ 1 11.J HJ pn1=-secl a ~ecnn'd p.rn (\Psk !'f't into thl' hand~ •.• ·. nt I!·,, 11 111. '" ,,,. ( ... , ... ,. ,, ... " • 111111 \' CURLY KAYOE TARZAN of the Yeteran citv C'lerk. There w a!-l a paw~<'. Thrn Old-51)'1e.£o.ruLEnough · i. .,11 11 "1 11. ,, ,,, • ,,11 .. k, Trank -n1nrhart ~aitl : "T!~ank~. b or !'..-T na-nk:-:. 1-~ , , .. , ,.. -----~.__....._....,__ can't mHke anv ~1)eeches. A=-ht> turned awa.v an<l "1 ~"11 1 :-.i. "·Ii ,,.,., · ··1o1·1 1111" <'•11 1·1• r•·111 .. ·~l 11n 1 ~ \'.l1.r1 ~,,. 11 f,,,, , ..... f,;1t1 •t1 ''' •' I I I I r ff I hent ')\'Cr the counC'il tC'lhl0 :.-i mor.wnt. hi:-: <'.\'I':' ' • '1 '"" " ' ·"' " " w•'' '-' tt 1 ... t ,,,,,,,d \\ H 1 IJ1• ul1f~d1 I, H. '"'"' '" !"flt ,•\l'I th 1 ' j.!listetwd " ,,, · ,. , .. · '" 1 •• , .. fi r·• ''" ,, .. , .. 1 I· ••• , •i t A ft.w moment~ latt·r. th<' nr"· council and a ;,·, , .:: •· ' '. . 11 11" n·;:'..'. · 1 • 1 • 111 :.11 Ill'\\' C'it ,. C'lt•rk \\'ere :-\\'()I'll in. Thf'\' =-at down in thf' - unfamili:-1r l'h:\ir~ aroun<l the emmcil t:ihl<· ancl t11ok I Bevin Signs European Economic Pact up tht> "l1f'''·· ln1-ine!'-:." P.!! n. R. J~e1•<l ancl f'1·;rnl\ lti1wh:.lrt walk"d ~lnwl~· out thro11L!·h th <' eri •m l. ·tnppilll! h<:n! an1l thf'rr tn g-rret "Id friC'n tl-=. r·ltt~<'liinl!' tlwir c-ift=-rather awk- w:irtlh· rn Hkr t l11 ·i1 1 • • Tl •·Y t11 rnl'd a <""rnrr in thf>' corridor anrl w1·n· L'"'1'.. · I I I •. ~ I 't'1>l 1R UIAL ol 1t•I \\ IUll to l'I< ... 111111 ''"\'I' 1.11t.:-!loo\\'': 111111111 \\ lu•t I '11mt'\i N•lur•lly \t llH• !<40111111 11r th .. l"·JI ) , 1 .. . " ' .. Two l!f'ntl<'mt•n \\''111 had ~rrvfld tlw i1· frllnw m<·n well. • I .• <4 \ t t"if kt AO • .. flil• • r ht I • .. . n•11 "' .,, h \tl•t• .. .. ... .)11 ltfll. h .. .. -• • • 7114, .. ,., hU' .. _ •• "'''' .,,., ~. f \\ 0 • -• , lHll ._ t> "'' ..... ,,,.Ht iff'I I\ I U ' .. _ • _ 1 \1•t .,,. " .... ,. ""0 1'\ ,,, .... ~.' . ' ,, ' • I •• . ~ . _, 4 ,. . ' ,. Ill . .. ' .,. rff' • ' '" ,. . .. ., . 1'•1 k .... ~ I , • '411A If! ,, , • ,. • • It C.·C.O'::'•.,~ ._,,, •"II '~r1 .., >10<.l"'' &i"1< "tl!Y • ~·, ·co >11> '..J c.~12· .... o ·. ~cc r:.~. c.vinc r ALL '°'cu DO'l'r \.IKE Tl4~1 ! .... , ......... . .. Hy llam Fisher By l\kEnt)· and Striebel By Gu Arriola "' Ry 8am Ldl -t-S11-~__.,...<U>~""11.oL---=-.<:4r--_.------------!.,-1----==----'--.• ,:.r• .>11£ r "Mii;> • ·~ OOwN ' •• ~ Y\t V ';T lJ'\f lP '"Ci 5"'·f ~L l"o A"D U THA • CROSSWORD PUZZLE ........ 1 y,,,~1 1 ' •I '"'•'"'· "' ' .... ,. ) 'I j ',, 01 I 111 IU1f1 ,, rll '1• 11 f '·f 1•rt r-.1irt •I t( t •ir f,• ••fe t1; f•;1 .,,. f '" ' I 'I ,,, . . ; .-.,.; ~ . \ . ·' • t. • I ~ •, '• 'r 'r. A rnil1'11ad al!rnt in India h:1<l lw<·n :'<'YPr<·l~· rf'pri. manned f11r taking: O\'el' rJuti t':' nt11!-i c1(1 hi:' fl•1m:ti n "·ith1111t nrd1•r:--frnm hC'arlqwU'ti•r:<. H1• · promi~(·d tn rrfnrm. ~nt lonl! ;1ftr rw:11·cl . th<' t<'n tral <•ffice rr- C'<·h·e<l n ..;t;1 rt Ii Pl! trl<'1.mrn1: "T il!f'I' nn platf11rm eat- intr rond u('1nr. Win• in~truction=-.'' I I' II I ' I \\ + A• • ~,. .. ,,.. I I• "' H •• • I o •••• l ·"t'. '"' t• I•·• t lJ I •' • ) l 11••'1, •• Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach __ A~.!~ !~•l_!!i'ltt._hJ~nn fnr Q••f'r 411 Vt9rW .«._ ___ _,_, Rt::PRF:~f: ... Tf:O SATIOS.-\1.1,V RV OEOROF-0 . n .of4r.. r.\'T'. 8a1t-Fnanf'l"'o-1.o~ An1rf'IM1-1'nrtll\nd-~ftttlr-<'J!lracn· S""" 1·nrk·"'"''"" By C'11rri••r 11r M'lit· ~M J>('r mnnlh nn~'''hN',. in :."""·pnrl ll<•AC'h And Costn M•·~n . ~:.! 40 for :l month~. ~l ~ for 6 months. !.9 pn year By l\!11il In Orirngc C'ounty· ~!\ p<>r Y"llf, try 4th 71>n•'. $9 25: to Rth Zftn" ~9 ~ Enr.en!d !I!'> Srconcl-C1a.'ll! m at tcr at the P~toffit"t' In 1'~'J)Or1 Be11rh. C'nlifomlA, unde.r the Art nf M11rch 3. 1R97 SAM 0 f>ORITR LUCIUS s s:-.m1-t. m w. F. orxo:-; 1 CLYDE REX l Puhli~h"r Manating F.111'• • Printing Pl11.nt , 3011 W. Central A\·enue. 1'eu1>0rt Beach. Califom111 A .® ctive · Member _ of ~ ... HATIONAL E DrTORI AL 1948~~«~ I .. \I 1 I ' .. It • I, ••• , A II I p I • It. • .... ,, .,,,, .. f:tt11 ''"''''' ... '\ lf'l•1 I t.1nt I f AO--IW •• ..,,..41. '.,. I,,.. I' "'''I"' -. ' P\••• ! I I-A , .. ,,., • 1-., •• M ) ~ .. ,. .>( ~u.1•1 1"1 t • .,, .. -r 4+a... 1 I A t;-fl" 1 \ !j11n I I A 1t I•~··' t I \ ~· • I'\ •••C I •• ••t t <i1 11l't• -A-~""•I ',.._ v.•.,, IJll h 11i :i•b & :f' \f': ~1qn la...ltef' , 1 f, f r TtJn•• I .•., •· 'X -f •l"n At.,• ' r" .. t A""-trrit•-• Jtf l•r.tt q i I Kl Wll •• ,... ' ti I• I '~ • \\ I . I f '" ·r • 1•• fll; I ti ,·~ '~•.r;rt•"f~·~~:, ¥Ar Mo• 12 ~I • u ~I N••• r , , ,, 1( .. 11, A "--••• ........ ~""" I \' I\ -'l •II l ••f '\)( 'tn,,. ,,,.,..., •. .,,. '' t •• " 'I •• t I i1 1•• . ,.,,, .. ' II •' 1•f h • ' ... , ... I "J " \ I I . ' j t I '. " \f J" I ll·••''• t•. ,. .... ,. ,. -"' ,,.,, . "'•'• I •+•i • I' .. ... i • .. .. • '41+1•• ,. ' ' " .. , ,. . ..-...,..,"' . , ....... ''. 1 I , t •••ti ,. , ' II • WI \( ~ I I • •t H I" t( ... \h ·-· "~··"' I •I I • ' • 'h th . . ~~ • ~ ' • f ,,. .... , ti\. I •I••'.;•.'"•' ,.._lft9 a.Jr()( ,, '""'"--· . ·~ l(f t . t ... --~~~----------~- rF.LEVISJON f ... t • . J•1i1f t.. •1nh 1111 ~ ...... • I "' • • ·-"''' ....... " 1 j I 'I I •, I ·~·· I • •• •• t .,, f ,, ·•'" .. ., '•• I ' ': t(~u If,."' k ~A' 11•• u, i) 'tit! .. .. f ~l • lfl1. ' " ... "-,.. f jJ 119\J .............. . 10 • .- H' ~I MI I • • " • ",,., .\ J I "'!• K UL l•,.o~v..<u• f(1T~ I 1111 , ... , K •• I "' ''• .,,11 # K It j I •I 1 • y, •• k •;,\ J • • ,. ,,, ••• It I' .. KI '• ' • • •;;1• I ~I, I I I •1 t .. h •I Kt / • ,. '•t J >'••'' . • .. '• ,, ll•U k I Ji') I I •1• t<• t M 1•1• tOU;1) Ji( I ' A 'l '"' •h1I t("j 1Jf"t• fl(,C~ "'··· ,, ... ,,. 111• .. t( ... ' ·; -~ , •I ''fl' I "'''• (••,•l\e f( •.-;;1 A • '" 11 • "I '"' A• n1•un Ji(,..., ,., ... ,.:A·'·' K I t .. ,.,,...,,.,," h -..• '( •t•• .. .\I wn MIUl'flu llT ,...,_,..,.. "' fttr ''"''..-it fT-···· t) "'• f.lu..,.. fnr f••• f 10 M 1 .. A, f'•'' .. ft ~· t• ,, .... ,,., , . .,., .• , t~-Mu•tfi. f"•rt•f"• ft •. 1 , •••• ,. 1 It I ; •••I •t·••t I I I tlf •; lti 1_ • .)i.U 11 t , . . , ' . .: ~ I <, --~ >--- ----. ~ ---' ~& I ,__ . 2• ~ . I L ·-.~ •I J'I --. 0 .... ~ ~' ., ~~ ~) ojof ---.. 't I o , ,. " -· "f I I ) 1 I fl I •' I l 'J 'n • t '" • . ' . I ,,, . " ·~ J· i;• 0 ,., .11,.. ... . ·--.;;;;.. .. _,__ I ----~ I •I '. " I J .. ~·b r0. ·9 72 ~/, H -~ ... >----~ .!I ~ l.u ~· ~~ Y.> 0 ~ .. I i8 ~ i9 '41 ~s JI ~7 --,~~ ............. ·,. ·,., .... ~ ~ I . .... "' I f 'I 11 O • fl.,, " ----------,.. ' , ' .. .,. I " , ~\I ••I t1•1d ... ,. • I '' t•t) r•),jf'f"U'4 I '"h•tp tn I••'• 4 I'• In .,,,,.ti.• , ,.... .,~, ,. . ..,.,.. " "·ih .,..., " '".u•r•rn1h.•• M f .,,., "' flto(hl)Ol ..... , Ja ,, I'll" ••'•f••t lhC " ' . ' I\ t'•• II W ,., .... , .• If (IJflft _., ,._ v .. , ... tabl• » --llt1_. .. u of SIMI J1' .... A"lm•J'1 .... ,._,Ii ..... ........ 7'-Tlil•I 10-Te •lOP 11-Atwe~ Jl-fftll ....... =-~~:.=. n .. 111a-' H -°"PC..._ • •1-..a. ..... U-TM ~l«O ..-rnu.ta - . ~ . Paie 8 NEWPORT BALBOA NBW8-TlllE8 WEDSE8PA\0 N_,,ort 8-rh. ('allf. April %1, 1948 'Big Duke' Outlasts Nick Moran from Sooth of. Border LOS ANGELES, Ansil 21-1 l P> -a.-mard I Bl~ Ouk" I DocuSt·n. New Orlt-~na. flnlAhcd str'oni:ly after five fairly ~..-n t'Ounds to win an unanlmoo." 10-fram<' dl'- dsion over Ni<'lc Moran. M<'Xlf'o, Mre last night. Fou.r thousand fan~ i;aw tht' h<'8V)1·f8\"0re<f OocuM'n. 145 1'/, C'X• ten&d ror the tlrs1 hul( or Jh(' bout age.in1ot Moron. 1453•• Thf' * * * Harbor Events *** No. 1 weherwelghl con l en de r l HUNTER OUTBOXES proved .ioo mut'h for the gnm<' . Ml'Xicnn In l111rr round!-BELLO I SE : IN I 0 R.Hult.~ or other fight . H1'nni•· • ~ ChAVt'Z. 119. Los An1:c'l1'l<, l'>Ut· CL.EVELAND, Aµr1l :!l <UP! pointed P epe .GonialC>ll, 123. Mex-.Steve Bcllobr'i. idl'l\!4 oh•lut ko O cy t41: Gil Mojic11. 1671,., ml't't1n1: Sugur ~Y Rnbmson 11n S tockton. tl'Chnkally knocked out lhe ro11d bJick to rn1rldl!'wf'1s.:h• "Jimmy O>leman, 165. l...n!' An· ctian1pl11n.~hip C'ont•·nt1on "'''N' 1f1,. 1reles <l): Tommy Vl\rga~. 135, pt>llC'CI today. Los Ang<'lt'tl~ ·tl'<'hnicnlly k nockt'd Chu<'k J luntcr. n hr11n<'·i:ruwn out Joee Luu, 135. Los Angel<'I product from the rank" of 'th<' 12); F'..dd.le Scale. 157. L05 Ani:elr!>, Gold1·n GlovNii dirt the displ'llliig outpolntt'd 8nJC't' Rlchnrdson, 152. A 1 to 3 undcrd~ In thc lx•111nl'(, Los Angeolf'S I 4): JWnrf\e ll1:1ck. llunter rompletely ootboiu~'t:i lw·I· 150, Los ~lt'S, out po1ntC'd 1-'rc>d-to1w here 11.1.M nigh I t,., .,. II\ n IO- di~ G&rcla., 15:.!. ~ Ang('jf'S 14). r11ul)<I split dec1i.ion. FAMOUS .FOR FOOD NOW OPEN 6:SO TO 8 P. M. 200 Gra-Y Friendly Indian8, Leaders In Itvine Pk. Rally Two hunun.'<1 Gia \" t'nLn.11) 11.. di11n ho)'" llnrt thrir l~act• r n t· 1 .. n11t·<l rlw '"'' ·"""'·'' < 1\.-f'nt,:h• c;r11-\' Fr1t•rnll) lnrlo.on I'"" \\.i ... hr-Id 111 fl"\ 1n1• 1••1"k l.1-t Fl 11l.1} ;,r11I Satul"flH\ C111l1 }. :ttl•·:• T,_.,, TI111mp .. ;1n R.nlrll It•'<• llllri Jr.• k I 'hw1•n. 1or1k •111 .. 1r dut, rn••ml~·I' f!">ll'\ th•• ::"1•..-."(>11 If 11l•01 •II• I lt·;o\'mt.: 1111rrw<li:1l•·I~ :ol" r •• l.•••I 11n Fnthf\ 1oft o•m11t111 ·nw j::rt>UJ• 11111\1~ al II •· , .. ,k I ._,11 llfl lh1•1r ('/Hllf•" llJit! j•l 1 l'"'"'-<i th!' l'\'l'nlni; m N1I :11 .. ml,..r• •·I 1•11C'h rl11h ... 11 h r h1 1r l•·itrlo r J•r• p:1r(•d 1Jw1r """ l•••I "'' r .• 11 ••!• r. fir•· F111fo,wrn.: th .. "" .,1 r1,.. I··~· ,.,..1111.n·d 1h•· '"'' k 1·1·" ,.,, r '"'' .. mu! ,. .. ,k -h111 t h1k•"' 1111111 .J,11 k 111 ... hwh lmk 1lw • .• n1pl11 • "'"' li>;hh"fi 1-)f••~·n mrnlll•"' '~~!•!·' 1, Iii•· ~rn.:111~ 11( n1mr1 '"''·· lo.IJ '" lnJ.: """"" ,.,.,, 1:.I •loll•• l•P-. 11-.~1 •111111" <"rt·1wi.;,. Mr t\t1h1u :Jlt.•• <1111'1 H•"'I F•·:11 h• r I 11.it r•••' Ill.wk ~·~•I I nrh,,n 11•:11 1 r• :.I J11. 1111111 •IOI")' 1•nlll l••I . :o-;,•,11 f "' Th•• 1nt1•,,-,ltn,.: ''t'l' ·,·~ t. ltn.r l•IJllH•J'<; uf I h<· fl!• .tntJ th" "f• I 'kY ahu\•\ h••Jd thf• ii't••n1u1n ••f tht· :!00 1;..,,.,. Tn , .. J, ... , th,• r:1r"JI l tr" 11,.. t~1}'-111111 1··:111• ,, I• n1 ·•I 11 l11•i:•· I rt.l·nrJ,hq1 1•11 d•· 11m1 .... ,ni: .. T.1r"'. ·1,, .. s .• tlurl1•\ nu•t1111l).! 1• u1.!:1•!"f ,,,,,,,.,, "1111 1)1• ,.,_,kuii• •·1 u,, 1 "'"' l111·.1 kl.o•I lo\ o 1111 t11ll""' I 11\ :. pwnw Ir ·" 'k Ill•• I 11! 1(1 "\••rtl• ;11ul 11m h••11111i: .onrl f1J1 tlll'r l"'l•lu11111.: uJ 1.h .. 1~11 I. •• 't11•u\g tfv• n111nk••\ =' ··' ' 1 • J t•hltt' \t'ok nint"f'1t1.· hdv"' J,, ~·. 111•;11 h~ hill-i\ft, r ,, t"'" tun• h BALBOA YACHT CLUB GEIB STAFF, COMMIITEES FOR RACING SEASON B11lbo11 Yarht ' C'luh tod11) an-\\ln L. Munsey, ::"rwp<>rl n, ach: nvuneC'CI its ~rnff offiri'r s nnd com· Dr. t-:. H. Rl<'S<'n, S11n Marino: m111 !'<'S t'ur t ht• c·11mini:: .yacht .r ile· G1'llf~<' T. Rub). Pasad1•na: Pt' I er in..: !if'1tsnn R1d1:1rd Fc·nton. prom1-Srrn•ll, Pasad1•na.: l>r. C \\'. m·nt P 11C'if1c Co11st y11i:lllsm11n and Sn111h. Alludt>na: ('11n H•rsc \'. n>s1d!'nl of San ;\!:Irmo. is commo· \\"urdeman, Httllio.1 h land : F.arl don ._ Dr L'. \\'. Smith, Altttdrn11. S. Yu1mi;, San ta ,\na. 1md, t' W. \'1c1• Comm od<1n•: 1-°r<'d 13 Sm1:1l1•s. b1pworth, Jr. Los 1\fll:l'kS. Fulh·rton, R<'ar Commodon•: P<'t<'r r.n1er1 a1nml'nl t'umn1111t•1\ ;\lrs. S1·rr1·ll. Pasadrna. ~•·t'rl'Wry, R:1~ J ;uw l "<ilkm~. Balh11.1 h land. l 'ha1r- JI Loomis. D1dboa l41and. FIN•t m.111, ;\kmt11•ri:. Mr;,. \\' A. Il<'rls, Captain, Bl'H·rl) I' Li1•n1.r, Jr . l111lt1oa h t.ind. :llr" H11·hard Fen- !111lbou I s Inn d. f'urt t '11p111111. ton, .San l\111r111u, i\lr,. F:. Frazer, Jam1'S :ll L1·w1s. L o~ Ans:"'"~· f'11sadc·n11. ;\!rs. HarlJ1•11 R<'nd<'r· Jurlgi;> Advocal<'. C. \\". Lunworth. son. Corona 1>1·1 1\lar: Mrs. Fred Jr. Lo~ Ang•'fl•s, Fll'l'I :-t1•11surc·r. R. lfunll'. Laguna l:k1wh ; l\lrs. TC'd Thp hourd 1 rl1n·.-1ors Cur ctw J11nuson. l'um<tnu, 1\lr;t &•wrl> P. cnmin.J! Yf'ar 1 dud"~ Ccimmod11r1• r.i.·1111, Jr, Hulboa Island, Mrs. Fl'nCOn. Jud..:c LC'" 1 ~, C11ptmn R11v 11. Loumt~. 81\lhon lslund; l.oom1s. Rr ar Cnmmodort• ~mnh•,., ~fl·, 1-:h\ •iod :\larl 111. llalboa ls· \'1rc• Commodon • S11u1h, und Gc-r-l:ond. ;\lrs. n nrhy l\11•\l'Lilf, t'oron n aid M<'Furhn. Arc•11difl: \\" A dt"! f.1111', J\lr1> t '. \\". Smith. Alta- Rrrls. Balboa lsl0tnd. K<'nnt·th F dC'na. .. Morgan, Lol\ Ani;l'l•'S: J. L. Mun· JJ°u u i-. r ('nmmi11r.c Ch1u r nmn, scm . Cos1:1 Ml's:i. e:ip1a1n flay II Luom1s. Ha lima DA\'IS A~.D,.GAY. LIONS GIVE BOYS' CLUB TELE\'ISION SET 26 Boys Turi:-Out For Club's Summer Cha1rm11n And nwmlwrs of I Ill' h laml. Mrmt.._.1, of 1 he Ad\ 1sory \ltrtous 1•omn111tf't•s ar<' us fol-I Suh-C11mm1l ll'C·. Slloff Commodor(• lows· Rq:ut111 Comm11tt:•'. Rolwrt Tht~uri• John~c,n. P omona. L. A :It All;on, J r· San Gabrid. Ch:ur· I 111,.11. C'(lrona dc•l lllar. :llark ll<'aly, m:111: l\li•mh.t•rs. W ~· R.•rls. l11tl· R;;lbua ls lut1d: F1 <'d n. llunl<'. La· hoa Island: rhoma;i .G Butkr. Lo~ gllns. l\ell<'h: J>onalti w. K<'mp, An..:1•lrs1 L1 un1•J E. F~vans. Los An· \\"hiltwr ; Dr. E. 11. Ri,'Sr.n, San I!• lt•s: Mrs. R1chrt~rl F1•nton. Son 1\lnrmo. .:\tarmo. P c·tt•r Ficker. Pomona; Edwin II. f'rn,..r. Pasadrna; :\lrs H11r1 '"' t I h ·ndN·son. Cor ona drl :\t.·mh••rl'htp Comm1rr1•P. R f' a r C11mrn1•<lc1rc Fr(•d 11 Small"~. liuJ . l•·r1on, l "hairrnan . :..le 111l1t•r ..... rami.·s l" K1'mf). ln.:lt•\\1><>d . J.inw~ :ll. L• l1s. Los ,\111: .. 11·~. Ctirth \V, .'\111«m. Sun :llar1"t1· I ll'nr) J\li1ri><'. Lo!< 1\ngrh·i<, F J !"11•\•·n~1111. Bal- hou Isl:in1l. T JI T1111rnan,.Los An- I •' . ... ,.,. . I I\ -' 1ub. throl.IC · :~I ·" IS and Ca~ ,,j I 0•..sla )I,..., · •.. ,t. h '' t' a brau · · \ ...... r _.., in thE·tt • ·' t .... ' .-t 1" l't•-.r· •. r1 , ... ..-1.Ule1ion ~1h 11·• ''"'" ' I -~ t )t~·· bal 1 •I 1 , •• r "t."'·i:uon st>t • " •• i .• •I •In ho-half of 1hP • ...,)!> D-6'-ball Season I ~tar: Roll('rl w Kyli-. San Ma r ino: · ll· n' h.,,,.,. r. l~•)s· l1ub pn-s-l>Cl:te W arn •n S Loud, Coronn d..J l\lrtr • ,, 1 .. 1• :O:math LI'•n sclubh<?ad T"'•Ol}·S•X IM1},., rar\..:1111.: 1n ai.;1• Dorran<··· Mc<1ur<'. co~tll l\frsu; •• 1J,. 1ir•....-nt0l1t0f1 fr•>m I..! lu II '"·.rs. :in"'"•r1·d 1Mrs. A L Crum. San Marmo: A • t "" 1n '"' tho, L&vru<. l forn5 l't.a~.h K1 n l ')ci-u.:1·1> ('OJI II• '"pl.•> L. Gram. s1111 Mnrino; Ro•land ><I•·. .1 1r • .(f•J('>'d <i'akrro; ,,,, h<tll la~r '"'"k1·nil llammon<i. llullywond : .Ju,.ti L. I 1·• .,, h•ll 1,;uk <"r>rnom•-;; P r:inw1• w.,, h<·ld Saturd:1y aml ~ltllli·r. Sanlrt ;\Tunic-a: M rs Kt'fl · I 1• • -v •f f' 'l•O"-"•l"'C .. 1 lh•• ·• i::om•• \\,1' pl;o)1·c1 Surul11~ Ii•· ni•lh F ;\lori.;.on, Lo~ /\nt.:i•lr~. F.d· • .,, ! r<I 1u:h1inll! ••I 1hl· l):•rk l\\«•·n .1 l1·.1m tw:o<lo cl liy l.1·1iri.:1· gt l(•S • t L1hr:ir) l '••innu11.:1•' I for(lfd ~: f'hr1st ll'r, ~;ilhu:i f,f,111<l, Cha tr· man. '' h1c-h v. ,,~ ~··rv,·•t ,,1 \ ",·I· .. k t • • ~11111p 11·1um.-1J It• An.oh• ian lit.:! '4•ht1ol fqr a ... tu•\\• r ...;"111 '"''11 '' \\ r I • j,.4'j JhP Ptw. • ·-'' :--1,1.r u11r.•nl11i:l•·:ii:t,.r 1 .. >rton :ind anulht•r 111a:rq.;a11ti,n l • : ;· .:· -~~'_,"'·~·.:~.~;~~~~ •. ~:~~ ~;~~·~,.~~ 91·;~u; J k~u111 1.or10n·s1Tars Add F.1fth I Tr11f)h) 1 ·, ,mnu t I•, • R11l1t•r1 lit All.in .• Jr . S;in l;;1hr11•I. <"l1111rm11n: )I• mh1·r '. Huh111 \\ K) h, San FL YING STRAIGHT , . AND LEVEL BusineBS Stability .. •nw Dm Summer High \ 0 5 Winter Summer Higlt \ \Vinter Low Low * _ .... -* Yes, g reater Newport Harhor-Costa l\lcsa's retail busi ness , ..... Jlp \\ ~11.1 :: :..: with a new st ability. Gone are the s harp climb s ansi sud den-ll<l5~ J 1n ·· 1.t previ ous years. as this second-largest home community area in OraIH . .:e C(•UC· ty n o longer depends on "seasonal" business. ... l ,\.1fl•.;.:-l1m. h .. -.11 rrtr r1i:ht ~··n~l .. •r,, l•f.L.w111n·,, n1n.• Wl·~('1Straight Win 5-3 -r•I " ,. "1th th•• [.,,.. An-J .H·I. h lk•:r. ( hud1 nr1d~1·s. 0;1v1d-. ' • ' ',-• I• l••il'I•. n ,. an Hndl;i"" .• .Jim Lor111n. Fr.ink lit· Over Anaheim l • r•i·, fi , •• 11 t S:•"• ~.r of th<' "'wr a. <1•urs:r Sd1u1r1. G,1rdon Sut- t -Jn•• rn ,·,.,n ,f A. n '.\la nk•T. IN'ridd an d Ct111 rll':. ;\lc-Ca1·rc•n '> .... .ir.rl .:"l.IP"f,...,. ( ~OUTI :lh•ml,.·r,,; of I h•· ki!'10~ nine \\err ·''··· l!1•t •1• GarcJn.r •as a n P aui ::-;1·h1111 1. R.1~m11nd T:i~lor, r ..... J ._..,. 1 • C.-orx1 Sh1){1<k l, T1•ddy Murt1r1r1., • '• -1 a '.\l.<a men+.ants a n d f:lt\} .:\t.irt1n1 .r. n 1 I I t "ml<'rwood. Fra nk llamtlt1•11 11111Jai<t 1•rl 11 So'\· .. nth inning rall) Ii) An1tht'im le• pitch 1h1' ;-; .. wport llarlt11r lui:h Sailors to lhl·ir 51 h , ronst·cu1 iw W iil. 5 IO J. 1\f.1ri110. l 0h.1rl··~ ,,;,,1 .. r :->:on :llnr-' 11111 Hui'"" :-\ nu~'~ 11 :-\1·\\ port n ..... 11 llt11 li.;t'I 111111 ~·111;i111"1 ( 'i1mm111, '" C.1•ton.:1• T Ruhy, P,1«;11fl'nn. ("h;11r· m:m l'nil••,.r I 'nmm1t '"'' A L I.ram, S ll n ~larln11. C"h;1ir111.111 Edllnl', :i.~ • 1 • !.fl 1 ... -t:1on 1~,...1 ..:.:> pla)·KI flill) n amt•rr. l.i"\l 1s ,\11bol! nnd 11 .. 1~111-'l i..-.m. on the .,..... dia-,J1m Rol,.•rls '"""0n•t "l1lr m.rl"h.tnts. · w.;1h two CamPs "•II l1t• h..Jrl nt'XI So. I· · ""' run-. •t.·I• a••-d ttw l.ef;ion-j urda) aft<·rnf)(m at ',:. 00 p.m. and t •' "\...' 1 S11nd.'l) at •l YI II wns a h1tll i:;amr· 1111 tlu' ..-.:ty. Cluh P ul1lw11t11m, .. T.tl1• \\"md " hut thf' lc·fty Sl)('('dhallrr. whn .•~ Mrs. Frnnrf's Smith. ,\Jl1Hll·n a. rll•ar ly lhl' ctn~-i of II\(' conf•·n ·nC't'. :Otnsh•r Plannml( Com111111w. Stnft had tho• Cnlonis.ts undl'r eontrol Cummodorr L: ,\.·Rish. l'11rnnn di'! l'lll'l'pt Cnr a C'Ouplt• uf outhur!'!I~. J\t:1r, Ch:11rman . :llc·mtwrs P l'tl'r Tlw Tars and 'thl' mlrinl) Inds F1rkc·r. Pomonn, r W Lap\\·nrth, 6 OLDSTERS Wim TOT AL OF 69 LEAGUE YEARS WIN OPENERS Jr. Los Ang<'lri:. Junior Ac-11v1tir:1 \\'1•rc · a ll 1ird up lhrOlll!h lhr s1x1h. rommitrl'<•. l\:ornvin II Wakl'nHl n, '.! to 'l.. But C"oal'h W 1•ndi•ll f Pick l P:i<nd<'nn. Cha1rn1an, Louis Rl:it- Pick<'ns· heavy hitt<'rs pummrlkd t ermAn. l. n s Anl!t·li·-.. a~sis•:ont out thr('(' rUl\'I in th<' firs t half chnirman. of th<-iocv!'n1h. H amilton wrak-I :-.;J;\\" '°' 1P.K. A.....;J :!l •l"Pl hut ~•rto~ rlirln"t C'omC' until thn'<' ·Tld c·gatl'S to s .. uthf'rn Ca ifor· ,.... • ·" !'nrc1 mom l'ntarilv and nllow,•d onl' I If '· .. ,.rh mu't ha, . ., 1~ nm .. on ~llf"" ....... ,1\·I'· "'""IC"o.° on<' h.v Hal · ni:1 Y.'tf.' 1ting 1\.a;<nri:111nn. ('C\mmo-.. " r un ''' nnss llw pl11tr for th1• C'ol-maJ'lf i.-a~ Pflt1u ni: rnoun<:b tht." h1m-..·lf put aero<-' 1hrl'\' run" m rlor<' Frn~on and R"11r Commodore ......... "' ctv-n l'l'1lo>l~\ ti.-11.·r tell ' •h<-nm th. onisls hC'for<' twar1ni; down to n'-Smalf's. Alh'rn111t·"· R "h ,. rt :ll. · t ire th<' sidl'. llw old ant\ t>X('erit:oced Je.IJoic LludMlA~d...m-.-;wi~~~-,_i...;:=,.__!.!!!.......,<='-"---------T*·ll1111 .. Ir. S llff'(ilflll'ii'171': \,.-GTif- _..._, \\' _ .. -· h . h h ,.. Calchrr Rill \VC'ath<'rwnx wrt~ din"~ • -A "Al ~ \ I c OO&JUUI 11 \Ill ;1.,..,,mgion in w IC' I c• "'''rlll· .. ~. LA•S n,. •. f'n. I A . ,ram. F ew th<'Tf" ·~· !'U gu)s •'1th a ~ ton l!Ot ('V•·n "l lh the Y:mkt't'S fnr h11 on on<' fingrr of his 1hrnwing San Marmo; Dc•nald \\"~ Kcmp." I tvta.l nt ~ )MUi-.,, ma,or lf-ag\M' I ttw1r hum1lt:it1on bf•fon~ Prr!'1dl'nl hnnd 11nd suslaim·d a ch1p1wd W hitt il'r. C \\' L11pwortb ... Jr . Lo~ I tostrn •"ho had rhe t>ti; op•nan~ Trum;\n b) !IC'Ortn& a 9 to I win. pinky P •ck<' n ~· said lod:iy ,\ni:rlt•s. Jul' Ii ~1111 lf'r. Snnta Men- 1 d;iy prtlO"am pr>'11)> m!Jf'h tc:>l ~-Dirk>on. n nmi' .)'<':'Ir nm n wllh ii I.~ doultlful hr'll ht' ablf' t o piny kn J L M uMon. (""o,.11t :111•!<11 ; f>r. 11r·I\·~ }' ''t-rda~ and ctw-llXls jus't rh,. Cards. put·hN'I rm1,.trrfully 1n rtgain thli: §S111<on. That will hand•· f: 11 fltl'srn. Srin ~fortno; P<'l<'r ,.,""'"·'in 11 at.all I th•· pmch•"· 1hnuGh hr i:r"'' up !('I <'np thl' Tars rons•d<'rably wtwn S<•rr<'ll. Pni-ad r na I nw n •l•"'l'"<ln' '"•·n· ~II 1R1p1 h11" in ;i 4 ro 0 1n11mph OV('r m -1hry 111kc on lluntini:;ton Iknch f)1•lo·i:afr~ tn Sourtwrn r:ihfo r- Sfov.4>11 • ..,, r.f tt"· Plr:it~. t::nul • r1nn.111 al S I Loot:-· Friday nn lh1• C'n!<la :llrsa drn· m;1 C'rut!'mg l\~~11 .. 11111 .. n. nr F:. u "in:ird ;.>-of 1ho· Ptul•-. '.\furra) ,. Lf><>nani. 15 )l'ar.< o f ma.19r mond st nrtini: at 3 ll. m 11 Rwi;1·n. S.an ;\l .• 11no. Fran k Dtrk"on. '.\I ot the Card~: Sid lt•a(,'1.J•• ha,..tiall nn his J>lll:C' 111 thr Rut•Jll'rt. Pnm•ll)a. 1111111!< Strait. HUli.'-Oft. Ju "' tho s..n..100. and "'"('t>rrl hook. cob!.~ the• hard-hit-Golfers Protest l.11~ An°1C"1P!<. o( .-·ou,.... J~~lh\ F.11.-r '.II> of thr I uni: Br.1H~ "1th l>I' hii:-in a 3 to I Ind.Jans '1l1'i 11:.1 :--;~-ti<~. Zl, 1 1num11h ;11 PhLl·1tlcl\1h1(1, Use of Course ot th<> T 1:1 ,, 1 ~·"•·II. i;1 .1nddadcly of t h1• lot A' ~ t•fl•'n '" •h·· rorr•I ,Ft·ll··r. •1th ti; ~1·:ir. a.i; n m:tJOr l1•a1:1ll'r. For Roadway 11.z )f'ar"' :t may..-k-al'U'r. •-a.' tlw ram•· ow or rrurrm1•nt ·'' 11 COIH"h .. ,h(ll"" ~···11-·r.. Ho·fl'f",. 1tw l:tri:-and m11tl" )lanai;1•r 0111 :lie·.\ 1•r";. '"'1 op•run..: r'.a) t-n,.·d m m.1y•r f>lr:H•' rf .. hur 1r1 P111 .. huri.;h n win-Ano\hrr pnllltC':ll Cii.;ht mav ht' M-a:;:uo• h ·'••!) 7'.U6.'.\ r " l 1 f' r nm1: on•· h) p111'111n..: 11 i.i '(·hir. J s m nldf'ring in t hf' <·ounty ow~ 1 hr p11•-twd 11'-IO<tl.ln~ '" a 1111•0-h1t. 10 :: 1numph m·<'r 1h1' Cubs. ancl Co11nty ~llJ)(>rnsnrs' rcr•·nt rr11- • 4 '" O '"'"!) •A•·r th<• UrrMn. rQU11dl'd oot th<' i:::iln day hy hit-po~.11 to U~•· p.1r• of \\"Jllo\\wk a• ("W\··L ntf 11ni: n homl'r. p11ltl1c i.:ulf ro11~,.. 111 S:mt11 1\nn ;o.;.~h•<U ... 'f l !)JnC t••, ,..,..,.. h.1ck Th<' J)ndi.;1•r<. r:mw Crnm lwh111<l for 11 roar! to a !:mall hnu!'tni;; unit •• rt.•r .-i cla...:ippomtmi: •t'll>l'ln 10 lop lht• (;i:int' at ;>;o•w Yn1k 1'11 lhi• r•:ir nf lh1• cour:-i·, thf' l'ttm"ll i\n ,..1i:ttt·hll. 5 tn ~ ,ic'to!) -; crl!Jh 11n n fnur-run !W\'r nth inn-1·011rs1· m:11i:11::••m1•111 drr lnrrd 111 1" ,.., .. r 11l<' \\1u1" !'<·' al Chirai:n. mi: rtlll). \\'C'<'k. L.B. Woman Pacing Lady Amateur Golfers --------------.--\ Bcr~•w-t• \\"1llnw1c k ,., thf' mnct 1 ed OI B k c1•n1rnlly ln1'1\t1•d l>l-h111.. p11hlu• I Sw e son ac ltnk!'l in .,h" ,..n••n· cnunl.\ :inrl .~ I ~··m•r:il l) con<trlf'rC'd a county r~­~-CDM After 1,.,.,a, ..... '""111 1_\ J!lllf•·r" 1111 l)\'l·r rh" ('nllnl\ :1r1· inl11• "'' d m l h• 1! ~,\:-.. n t ''t ·1:-:<.) 1 -'i·r•t :!1 · • t "I • • f:.aa: • r· :i unin.: 11h~ 1 ·r. in 1tt.· l. 1ltl•>rn , \\ ··~--n • ,\n cit•·\1r (;<JC 1·hC\mJ'1•-n•h1p t••' r.tr In~ 'lll3M• r-l1n.1l , .. un;I rr.11• "" h·,.. 1 .. ct.1) •Hh 1J. 1· n-tin..: d ·-•mp .. •n l fl' J,un.~ F.-.1.. f,..fl.: fl,· 1rh ·'N''. "''' '1 I• I. f•: rr \\t • 1--. · 1. t.!.·1 ·-•t •I 1'· r f11,1 '""'' ''l1,.""•f1'""'-, .... ·• •!,, "att-l • •'" :-;,.-. 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And t hat's OU ft-tms't,.,,,n~eno:s...-s.-.-n-:e=m=c~m~o-::c-=-r---rtt-:s..n Fr.me,....,.,, ~ 1"t"rt11~· pla~ • )In William '.\l1llar U.. All.:• I• The SAFEST, SUREST.-QUICKEST way to MOVE YOUR MERCHA:\-Who dl'!t,.,U'<',-l1n Ru•h '.\tc<\J1. DISE is to ADVERTISE in a-hom e-delivered daily newspai)er that rcache. ~ 1::.1e;1a)1. ~~" ~:.:'°~~ all parts of your trade territory. ;,;..:: .. t·... l ·f, .j,.'\. ~ .,..,~._-::._ --~tnrk Rln °";:o and .:\ta!) ~ -~-~---... Kt-rrnll f'•a,...>n S-an :\tar<'<\ The Daily News-Times offers yo u PAID CIRCULATIO~ t no t hrow- aways)-which means GUARANTEED READER-INTEREST -through- Out the Newport Harbor area. • The NEWS-TIM~ is the ONLY daily t ~ewsp,~r .. the one basir essential selling medium for any advertiser who expttts to do a complete job in this richer-than-ever market. 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