HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-29 - Newport Balboa News TimesBrit. Go-Between ndTruce 17-Hour . Cease Fire IN OllANGE COAST 'S LARGEST CITY I l A B.C NEWSPAPER DA I LY ONLY Toda,J'• It A.II.. PAT. Dow loeN Av...,.... ~ALBOA r IM.ESc~ fhult l-. •hr & ru N .. 1nt .. , 1 A •• ...,,.~ ~'"" ln1tu .. 1r1111, 1111~\t; 1h1 4~ lt111h !>It ~-; 111• Oil 1·111111.... 111r• '1•1111114' 1 11\ill.111) '"j"'" EMIRACING IALIOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST~ MESA at 4 o'Clock VOLUJO: :u. l'he Ceata ~ COp, NEWPOKT BF.A<'H, C'AUTI>llNlA. THU.-DAY. At't<ll '!I+. 11+~11 \!altf'd ..,_, A.-.-T ........ ,_ ....... 1 Nt Mftr.a ,... Jl-:RUMAL•:M , AIWll 5-(UP) A DrlllAh a.,.bt-l•"ttn ananpcl 'l)le *-rt. yawl' SU-, tilllewa kre "8q takM ln •-by UNI -' suard <'UfWr hl"WUll a fl"W --•'-al~r a broken ruclder q&9drant fo""'4 It out o( laAt wfll'k'a nK'e to £ ...... ..ta. WM deatroyrd 1-t all(ht "'hf'n It <'raabed onto tbr ""°"' off Qc't'anUdfl · ln hfou·y ..ea• and REPORTS THEFT OF AIR GUAGES, VALVES FROM GAS STATION J . S. McMah11n. 2406 W. Cl'nlral, Newpor t. rt'port<'d. to pollcl' the thdt of two a ir gu11j.tu and \'Rh'l'5 from hi!! !ll Ation ll!lf nrgt. - tnvi'sth::a tlon sbowrd air h()9('5 a t McM11han'!> ll<'r\'ICe 11t1tllC'lh h hd lM'l'n cut and the ~uagrs :inrt \'al\'es rr movcd. PLAN OPEN HOUSE AT COM SCHOOL • San Juan Man ~ Saied at ) ana Point 1 9 I.fl, \,f,t.l.f';.,., Alwll '!ff ,, 1'1--ln•I • 11111 .. "" .... ''" h) '\fr•. t .l•I•• \ l .. lllf'ln, SI\,..,, uff .. h• Ir.Ill I"'""'" l~al lhr •Jt~rr t ,.., .. , ... h•·r ''' ,,....,. '""'''-' of h r f' I •I '4 h11 h hll a JtarltN t nt ... hl•r ,. hi• h ,. •• ltn1,..ltr4 !I\ ,_., l•lo 1U111lh~ '"''"· \fr• ltalprh• ,. a-taJI-lo ...... ,.. ...... ""' .. h1fttt h•.-pllal Mith 8 ftadnrNf ltftN" -d ofh'"f ...... , ..... \fr 1U1M1tllr .,. unhulaa•·'" ,,. .... .. • ,. '" ' ..... h .. , ''"'" 'h ....... _ •·•·h lnr h•~oll•I lo -··tfhrr ·- •«ollhl...t '4lth an .,,,,..,.,,.,11,. .,.d .11,..,.,,.,., '"h" r . f'u•k " ... •• )Orrct •h1htty. A IW't'••lf amhQt. "''" .. · had I•• "" -•I for Mr•. tl11Jprta. • 17 hour lr Uft• lM'Clnnln1 a t 4 p.na. loday In thl' hlood)' battlf' ot Jalfa r;., an 1ett1•in11t to m4'dlate' tm ™''"" .. '" Jf'wl•h and A.rah le.den. • ' W V ~1llt·r. Tirltl1h dlatrlct 1•omm~111 r of JMta. 1ot a "' ... fir•• -tllt'fllJI' rum I h(• 1 h11anaH' com- 11111n'1 In Tl'l Aviv 11ftC'r • tru-... huur 11iaru111lon arrnnl{C'd by the may11f" of Tri Aviv, larM'I Rokah. Whlll' tllf' auna arl' 1ll1•nt W\lll ff " m tomorro~·. FullM" wU1 t17 tu hrlnw tlw Aral111 and Jt'M C.-- 11nd1•nita~. I Costa MeKanM Ask $52,22RR1 I ( 'ra.~h Damages I \11 11 n•I Mr• ( ;1llw·11 It H11n1• •1f ~ ·r,..ln !\!"~" ltrul 1••111) ftlN I 111· ''"fl 111 " !'\11nt11 A11r1 "llt1<·n .. r '"""' I '··~ •htn,1111(•" 111111llln1t s;,'.l,n k HI ,.,,,.\ 111•· 11~k111i: 111111 11m,,11nl f1rr j lh•·111.,·lv1.., 1111•1 f,.r lh1•1r l wi. •mllll •l:tul(lo• ,.,... 11• I' r•·~11u or lnj11r1N1 1 'll~l11ln•.,I 'in 11h 1111111111••hllr rolll•· I 111n ""''• 'J whwh lnwilvr•I IAVrrnr r. Jnhn•ton. J11lin,lr>n, llw •l••f••r1tl11nt In th<• I"'" hll• l""'" n•k"'I 1•1 I*> $20,. 1 111111 l11t lrlJ11r11 ... llurnN 11 ll••IC"" hr hm1~dr .,,,,,.,,.,,, Siii r111 fnr 4· vr·tor·••lrl I J r11t11 Ir••'• lnjurlr•/i, f[il""' •·torh for hlN w1l1., J•,..••1il1ln•', 1.11011 '"' 1i.'y1•1rr-r1lrl c;111 .. ·rt11 Ju)', In I 1t,fldil. ion '" •1.,..inl 11nym1•nT for "1"'1ir11I 11nrl hr ... ,.11nl 1·11111•n!<•' nntl for 1ll1mll1(" to lh1• rnr LAall: 8l1(1(1U#t, N. \'., A .... .._11rr 1 -n.. Ar• ...,.._ .............. ...., .......... .... W.. ef a 1Ja1W Na ..... Tel- ••-'""'"' ,....., fw I• I t!-Mt ..W tllat .v ........ ..... nr ........... " .... , .......... . ........... , "'''· ,..... .1-w. ... ..,.,. ... ., ... .................................... ..... r~tllr• M MM7 '9 wuo4el ......... ~ ..... ....... .. .lf'f 11 ..a-... tta WJ,....... ORDER REVIEW OFFICERS' WAR PENSIONS W ASllJNGTON. Aprtl ~. - I p,. I A h• IOJM• 11ervtce. •ul>-<'om- 111111 .... "'k•'fl C"flflCrf'lul todAy to or- 'In "" ,. k for 11 n111 hf•r tlh ya I cal • ltf'rk1111 nbolll 10.000 Worlrl War JI ""'"""" jorn1k11w1I for dlNhlllly. ·n""''' "'h" h11v1' r1•r•1Vrrrd thf>lr hr•1tlllt ~lllMll•I IH· rut hnrk t o wortc 111 1111• 1tn11y 111 n11vy 1ir l•1Jt~ o(f 1111• 1•·n~1iot1 li'h . lhl' "1.1licummll· ,,.,. i.11hl 'f111• 11r11111• pn11w~I lhnt ron- i.:r ,.,., lunk I hr• frn· .. ·nl ')'•h•m al 1 r•t11 lnl( uf11N·rw f11un1I unfit rnr f11rlh1·r 1t11t)' 'Miry "'""' 1(••1 ~ l1<'f 1'1•nl nf hllNf' flit)', l ll'l•fn•t• for 1111• i\1111 II io1111I •ll~11l1illly C'hl't'luJ •1111111•1 If• l''""""I "''' '"' llw Mme ''''"I' l••r •irfh•• r• 111111 r•111ialf'fl ~n.. i\11 'h"""' lw• rnl•-.1 111~1nllnic t.o lltt• •·xl1•nt 11f lhrlr 11llm•·nt. and 1111111 1wn1rtll11i:ly, lhr l(mup rt!· 1r<1rt•'<I Lift All Power CA.ntrols Except Daylight Saving SAN ffiANCIS<'O. April 29 1 lll'I Alkc-nn trol" on lhe Uac? of . 1•IM"t rlc powrr In non hem Call- r11n1111. <'X<'C'pt doyllicht uvtn1 I Im•'. loday Wt'f'f' onk-M!d Pf'Tm•· rwntly 11U11pl'n'1M1 r trl'C'tlV!' May 10. Th,. oriWr-:-1"1uf'd 1b~ ~ P. <l'llr lrn, ftnt'ritl'ftr.Y powtt di rec· lur, mitk1'11 pl'nl\8nf'n t the ~por· "'1' 11uAprn11lon1 11t1I In f'rtect lut April 12. Jn orlrtlllno It remGWe 11 ll reml\lninir ""'' M('l lun11. prtnd· r;11lly cnntrul.11 nn nr•w h1111lnc·a.~ con· ,.,.,.,,, .... !!, INCREASE SEEN IN CHILD ADOPTION SM'Jt.AMENTO. April 'J9 IUP) Tw••nly m11r"" ll<'r11on1 lrlf'd t o 111li1pt 1•l1tlrlr,.,1 In n1llfornl11 durlnir ~1111 lo 1111111 11 mont h' l'&rllr'r , the ~•Ill• 1h·p11rt111rn 1 nf 110Cl11l welf.-e r1'J-'.rft'll. Thr 344 adoption ~ti­ t Inn• rf'N'lvl'd lnduct.-d f'21. MW 1tf rnry curt and 150 1t~t pt'tlfloN ,, f 1 t "\?. ,_ f, i'\ Rule ., -,- William I. Cammac~ P.U~ns•; • DF..C'ORATL"l>G AS D P.\l"ERllANOISO . 2·PIECES Sofa and Clab Chair 58995 EASY ,_TERMS To Suit Your Needs I lf•n 1 11•1 1 hr I• M' pn1'f• "· ..... •\.o l '' • •'• ,, .. • ''J ., .... ,..,_ \ .h )hal "',II ;idd rhr1nn '".on~ h ·1111• ,\II 'I . 11 hrarrd nn<I n·1nfun·1~I to .;I\• 1 d • Tiw t·u<Ji111n~ of hv1~1.i• • ,.,· •1• 111,. !ill• I 11 d ••'•·•it.I. ,.,.,,. flnral 1.:111 .. n1 (1m1r uni~ ~l !(i n.· ... ,. , tP • th .. ti "'· • ' ' I 11 \ "l11lt 710 SOUTH MAIN ST SANTA ANA .. ... -... MOU'rWOOe lOllOllAOI PAIAlllMA POMONA ...... ...,,, ..... IA#TAMOMCA ~1IPll ;b,~- -·---------------········ JI,. J::;::!""" -"'~! ·---------------·----····· Joe Nickertz 34 f SW. Central By Lido Theatre Hnrbc-r 5 I 0 LESTER & Ca. . ~ lAt A•~HJ Sloe• Ex~MI' 111 IJlll& C.tnl An1., IWboa ....... Ziil INVlH MIHT ucu1inu lO MHT nfl INVl~tOIS' NffOi ; j I I I I I I I Exclusive Not · Expensive ... 1 1 l"lrhu·•• a ·~ 1nttn('M"IM .,.,., 1\f"n hou.,. ..Jn• &o 11 ,.. 1-n 1.11.0 "L& •• "''" fur -.air a "'trpvts. hi"' for Hl·I Jl'w •• llMMl# ,., ,, 1• .... xr r.t'4'1VI! but SllT t:ltrf::>.•IVE I • ,,,.'""'., ~""h wttb ..-• I •:::~··.,/~m. ~·~• d1n1,.. I TfflSK of ""''"c • I h'lu ... "" I.fl"' l "I I I ~:;h ;:,.~~. ·~:;:~ ,t~';;~ I '"'111 W1thm , l•m I• I W *'Wt f"lHH \\ -It I•:! )•111 _,.,. thr •iFt• llf Ill• # ,t,__.,. th#" h~ft•ttlf\tl I \111ou, flaw•l11or ri,.. I .1,1~~;, .. ~~nd t h• 1ntn1o1r I \1.1. th•• ,,,, ~ I ~:''.~'· ,.:.~:~ •. !~:·.' •• I I I h· , llllMUl)llJt dO•I ' I ' I m '"' nt h,.r f• atiu• • I ' Tfl'f A!\'I• ,.,,,, '" I "1·r lf r n 11 Yy 1·11 I \t11s1:'f f:IB l;W-Hf'llt:I f'Kft't! 0~1,,.. :.1 'lift' I I ~ p.a . palmer ••• "f!) realtors I •oil th• world ther• It " weetef' purer woor. ftO I e irtt• No suoor runs mor . d non• It whiter ly-an I oroln -tho.,. or finer n . h"'or• th• suoor your ne1~ r.,. d alt• 11gh1 1n grow on ~hot'• H<!>llY, thlt area. 11 1 ' . ~oar-in1i1t Ofl _ 8~/N/) I VIOi.iN MRKE~, WMEN CMAfl.£! M. 8A1<;1l, "e!EICEEPER.CA~ ~ FIOOl.E~. LOST MIS ll~T AT 68, ME' FASMIOllJEO A SP£0~L MT OF TOOlS ~D MA~ b6 FINE VIOL.INS/ H! MO AT tl), WMIL.f PLAYIN<J ONE~ HISOWN . IM5'11a.JM!NTS/ ' 3731 Pensioners In County Given $210,314 in March SAC'RAMF:NTO. April 29-fl r > -If CAfV EVEN PllEOICT Tl-I COLOit ~ OlilCH!Od IJUl)ti!£ THEV 61.()()N ..• ocation HOLD DOWN YOUR FOoo ·coSTS AND STILL ENJOY A FINE STEAK TO BROIL OR BARBECUE T-BONE STEAKS Cut any thickness you wish. .65:. PORTERHOUSE STKS For Broil1ng or Barbecue 691. ,\I.I. (TT t•R())f ('Of,OKAOO n :u (',\Til.E \·our Complf'tf' S:itl .. farUon Ouaranlttd BULLETIN • \\t> Arr no"' frahtrinc (.t::-.;t·l ."l>t: a B \H\" Rt:t: .. -aad at pric-rf. )OU w1U llkt>. ,\II Ow ... • R.\8\" tn:t :1· r ut ... ,... from ratt14-Oft"'9 to ~l~hlt>t>n mouth" old. Suri' .to hf' ll'nilf.r and S:<MJCI. CHUCK ROASTS 7-BONE ROASTS (of'DWIM' Raby Bttf '. .::,~-.::,, ,49t. ROUND BONE RSTS • .1:-;"::.,54~ RIB STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS 69~ 69~ T-BONE STEAKS ~·::er 89~ -PORTERHSE ST'KS. &;::, 7S~ = SLl • .BACON t'amw~'!;..!'t!'.!8 .... SS~ SLICED BACON ~~'°:::' t:fMh 49~ Your Complete Satisfaction Unconditionally Guaranteed C. 0 ... PAI" FLANAGAN West Coast Meal Co . ar.Aros·--~s-W.holesale Meau~1-.. -,-N---,..-, ~ta M-and Provisions ...._.. ti L • c . T 3 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nttttport-Balhoa STORE LEASE * ~~~o~~:roE~~~ ( 11""'* 'Jt/Jo/, ll Pill OVERDOSE •1 "'RlTCll" NEW. PRIME CORNER HOLL\'WOO(l, April '..19 t UP ) Patty Flt~trick I Fitl.ptltricJt'•l 1-Mon<' noo::"'n111n Lon l'han<'Y. lt>1r!l'ndary and venenablf' •ton' 1 Jr .. 4;;, \\'11s n •1...irtrd ·fully n•· owner haJI an l'nt~I family . t'O\'l'r1•fl" 1od11\ trom an owrdOllt' ~ lni. to bob up ls Lonw I of 1IE't'l-•OK wbkts his son llau1 h<' l~uycke, n rphMV. <Maybe theee ~wallo,.,J ,,. , 1 :~ till ",th his' n<'phe""I a nd IM'ICH are compel· LOCATION - - -NEAR II IL LION DOLLAR CIVIC DEVELOPl\fENT- ... IDEAL RETAIL TRADE LOCATION ... 3100 SQUARE FEET OWNa WIU. Dl\'IDE , "'lfe in~ with l'lch othft' ln their thl'ft I Tiw lat" Lon Chant y·s 5-00 whoj storea-N.-wport, Corona ckl Mar r wu unronJ<'IOUJ! f<'l' thn•t' . d8)"1 And .pa1t:dl ! I. It aeenlll.. Matn. thl' * Harbor nlt<'r 1111. ni.: the 1t1ltlt-ts la."t Thun· Balboa lluyt•k(' had an klra •. <'Oft• day OIJ.(hl , \\'!IS dtsmiS.':]t'd from....$t. !<ldt'rin~ most "yedltfftl ClafJ9' U•r;• JOl('ph :1 ht>Sl'llal )l'l!terday. i.tr1rtl) spc•Rklng, sloppy. The .. lnvestmel)t Co. 1 Navy hN1d~('ftr 11 •tiff. but bttan. lltll .. ""· ""tra.I NEWPORT BEACH .._ -Harbor 1600 I \\ ou· ci£Tl!I 818 \\'OI.\ EM tht• mark of official rank .. WhRt . _ , , . , . happenNi 10 IOlll(' doogM>r s Ide• CLoQI F. • :O.h nn. • I 1 br t of a "yal"htlng n p" aftc>r thal, , •\'O!f -k. :er m C•11 hon (\.uni) . L-i I 11uitC'd solllt' pt>Ople finl', but was j \11 ~p'1 \','1•1/ "hJ rolll'Ctt>d $:.!'l!> anathc>m a to othen. n '"' 1111 nimw' lluyck c>, and apparC'ntly Phrlp11·' 'fiorckl'I, h11d 11n 1dt•11. You r l'mrm· ~'!.!.~!''•' ... ,,~ .......... ......... •" ... ,.,. ·-=::: .......... COAST CONTRACTORS SD PPLY hl'r t hoM> p1cturt's of Gu11d11lt'flniil. L<'yle and lht• i;uhstoqu1•nt invasion of Japan 11howin11 A4miral Mil~· eiwr with· a C 08e:rtllilt:.l<halti rnp. with a lnni:. long brim Ito kt'<'fl sun and "md out of his t•y,•s~ • You can now h111't' '('m . M11d•• with tightly W\)\'t'n NII\')' wool IU (1111• as any· "YR\'htsnwn's cRp," with F'r('nd1 1w ld braid on t hr foul I'd a nchors. t hry 11r<' a good hll)', apd , if prl\clirahllity is a. n<'C'· 1 1-ssary rC'<)ui11itr. thry may wl'll i.t art a nl'w tr('nd in y11chtmi: ht•adc<'ar that so01<' unknown d,•,. signC'd during thl' war. to ke<>p Admiral Mitachl•r's kl'en t>YC'S nnt only in th<' shndC', but out o r tl!r wind. We> didn't lnquirC' ttw .priet'. nwrt>ly hl'lng lnirii:u<'<I with !hr dt-sh:n and the good workman11hip I You'd tlt'tl('r take ll look! . :t :t :t • Things • that • -should.· hr · looked • into -d('pt. Is the H11rbor lll'ing polluhod by illegal ww1tgr disposal? Why can't Newpo rt R<-11ch gc>t thl' name changed to Nrwport Harbor! What hu caUll<'<i th<' death of blllions of eo-callC'd !lOrt uiruese m 1m -o-witr ( ~llyflah six-ciPsl on the br11chH ovc>r • 100 milP stretch? Why can't NPw- po rt IH arhor l hr made ll Port of Entry? Th"s" and other qw>11tio n11 11r·l' likrly to bC' Rnt1Wl'rC'd to t hr hc:t!!t of our ability in '-the nl'or future>. :t ~ :t Charllt-Pt>yton s 125 t on Cor~ 810 COAST CGBWAY NEWPORT BEACH nado left 1111 moorlnp thl' ot hrr night. crttpl down the' Bay and h<'adC'd for Dume P oint lit <"Rn grt \'C'ry du.cty up there!l. With 11 hr1lliant full.moon. and a 11tlrf hrrPw, th<' Coron11do m adl' r Pn· <1<'7.VOUI with t wo fires burnini.: "" the bl'Ach hdor<.> dawn. ·n1r rrst of thr d11y was SJX'nl in thr moom'pkhl'r husin<'SS, whil.'h. sue· r1'lt11fully ronC'ludrd. · the CORO· ~ ,..._: ...... UCl-111 • . U S E G L l .D D E N .,, I N T S ( EIT_£HE1' T!lCX _J -.-..... ·. ,. )....(: .. ~ ....... ~ ~THI ehe ell bocll te the ellvH ,_......, ..... -4 .,,eerana. '"' 2-•-...... -. ..,_,fhe-.,Wlnlhe .... .... .. -.......... . a.lfy • .... .... ... .. ~·,. .....-wed. JlOUSEHOLl> HINT J c;.rr)....L ~ ·-·· ·.·... . .. TO DAMPEN A FINI ILOUH fer # 1,.nifl9, wrtn1 out a . z .... _ wet tewel, roll up ""' blouH In It tl1htly and let stand for 10 111lnute1. ~::a~·-:-) unovt• etaCKEN STIAIC le. ........... v ............ ....... 1v, .. ....-cr..-"'c....... I no. ........ . ......... ..... ....... ,_._.....,_y, .. ..... s.lt .... ~ ...... _c ..................... •I• well, •-••• ••d fe,.. Int• lndMduol ....... Dwst with levr and fry untU a1tp..Ml.1Neww•etteh.W.. cm TB~ J~JWISI_) -1~S ·~· "I.·.~ MT A DISH ef ..ty etr~~. ........................... _....., .................. .., .... w.., ......,, .......................... .... .... ._. ceelMN el the ....... s. A ,..e 4etlc•q-wlttt fr••"• tHtl•r ...,. ........ ---------- I !'ADO hPadrd for horn<' a nd Wll!I foumf tWl'nty hours lat l'r, "llf Pl) ~nui:gro h11ck 111 h<'r hr rth .. I 1·hony smok<'st11ck and all! I M a x F'le*ch~11.fn·1 f11buJou!I llAJDA ill 1trltin11 l!-001l' faC'<' Hft. I ini.: 111 th<' Count y. Oock. H('r hull, h•ry crumbly lookln1t from 11crnp- rr; will i;oon ag111n haVI' t hRI I j I l1nllianl smooth hlu<'. It costs 11 lt11rrr•I of doui:h to k<'l'P 11 hnnt hkr tha t in first class trim, hut I hl'r Captain l!('('mtl dr t<'rminrd to k<'t·p a brautiful ship in h<'11u.t1r111 ~hap<'. S he is a d C'flnitr aequisition 11• th<' Harbor. :t:t:t . Jor 8"<.>k 'i; CALPANIA. runninl! I to San J°""' dr l Cabo most of thr wmtf'r is now 111 thr limit of hl'r I fwl i-apacity, brini: sent by JC'.l4• In o ur old i;fnmping ground 11( I ~:dina C'ru7.. Mrxiro. This ii' 11 hiut ~t'lll(On t hf'rr. jU!lt insidP I hf' I 1o1rP11t Gulf of Td1nuntr p<'r. •rnd furtv mih·it from thf' C.uatr m11l11n IM1rdf'.'r, wh1•ro• tht• tropir11I w ind!' "111 nigh on piC'k you and lhn)" • 1111 ;;rnund · Advanced Real Estate Course At Coast College ,\ rn11r<;r In J\1tl'11nrN! Rrnl f-'o; latr l~'lw will ll{' coff•·rN1 nt 01 · '•ni.:•· Crnt~t rnlJ,.i.:•· on Mond:1) y ntl :"h11r<;<l:iy c·11·nmi.:« rl11rini.: ~1 ") J\rrnni.:f'<l in roop<·rnllon w11h N .. w port ll;1rh11r-n nrirrl nf R1•nl· lt>I «, lhf' l'(\UrM' "'ill Ill' IAUf;!hl hy Mr J (' C'hommil', profr!l<;nr 11r l1ow ;'l f L<K J\ni:rl•·1< l 'niw•r,.11) <'lttsst:s will m eet frrun 7 :00 tn 'l :v1 pm . li<•l(mnlni: ~lay J Or- 1:11ni1N1 ''' mf'rt I hr n•v-ds of br•rk· 1 rl' for arrurntt· knowlf'clf;(e of r f'.'111 r11tate law, thr rourM! ilL open tu any inff'fl'!ltert Rd 11 I t without d1t1ri.:r Entrnnrf' In thf' r11mru11 for tlwsr tn<'1'tinl(s Is Crom llar hor hnul1•\'ard, OJ>po!lltl' Adam11 ~trrf'\ As 11 part of it11 pr<~·rl'~i!ltrnlion rounM-lini;:. Or11ni:r C"oast roll••I(" will 11dmini11tr r C'Oll<'gl' Aptitude I h•11t11 11t Nl'wport lh1rhor H I g h i;rhool at 9 :00 8 m . on Saturday. May I All pro11pcf'.'tivr studrnt!I of I c 1ranf;(f' Con11t cnllq;:r 11rP rrciur11tcd to a ttl'nd thi11 ll<'Slllon. RJ1 romplo/ I lion of thl' t,.~11 is " part of thr 1 •·i.:ist ml ion pre>«'<lurf' Stµdrnt1 Crom otht>r high M:hools arC' also I mv1trd to <'QmpletP •tilt' IC'Sll at th1S tim e. "TRAVEL ... .,, ..n _ .. ......... ~ •AIR •SEA • RAIL • BUS -TO ALL POINT8 n-. I...-IMO Lambourne Travel Service !II 0.... A.._ t.c-....... * VIRGINIAMaPHERSON lll)LL vwnoo. AP.u'L a - \l 'l'1 l\111'1 laugh at tht' Uttk •·1•ml\n ~-11•'" bonnra, lt>Uera. WaU till •h·· 1 .. 1,,.!C II otf Whal'• Un· d••nw111h "'111 lie' t'\'t'n fun11ltt. will t!f' a·t"arina t~ for eleaaot'lr. / NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -~IMSll pa .. a ..... .,.,...u· N-..n ...... <'alll. A,..tt n. 1... -a" ~~~~~~~~~- t" X tr A * . . * Tlw 111111~" 11<!lt h n 1 r •t)•lbt1' ~u1ld I''"'"'" 1·11 tht·1r llt'W 0h11lr·do'111 lll~I nii:t11 Arni. \\llh " IJC'rff'<'ll)' s1r111i:t.1 l11o• .. llwy 111<1 rvrrythlna ' \\Ith lfh 11111.tlo• f1111 b11I atlr k a hon.· lhr1111i:h 11 1'111 ~ ~\\ 11 lo•;I II 1111 011 t \,llJ of h1•1 'l..1111 11111 J11'rl"IWl1 n !lirtl•C'lll>«' llli l"I' ,\11of 1'111111111i.: 11\t'rl 11) l\Wft)' \ ,,. 1\.,, ' 14•:11. li\1• 1'111\llf) •IM lho• 1h111i.; f1<r llu•tt•' h1tlmy ~pr111i; ol ''' ,. ,, n ,. ;I 111,• hlllr- Anottwr mncWI hr•~ twr hair Into a falw &ll1tlall. ..-·iahNS It around htt chin. and ..... ._.,., phrl• throullh 1t 'flw <·nd uf th1• t•'•t I nt'<'klAN' dr11pc'd cto-'n ""'r 11 ti...r.• ahooldH Stw lookC'd 11 111 1>" Ilk·· " h1•11f'll t'd l11dy "'ilh lllni.! '''i'<I datwl111ff hut stw• "''"' •I ) h ... h, tl1<' hah dr"8f'TJ ukl Ancl"if )'out mtuus an tntl'n'!'lt d In p01111!'1', t11k1• t1<'1ml' 11 lo)' r h' 1lh1tnt 1~r 11 t•hln11 •kltlk•')' S hr •'•Ill roll 1111 h1•r h1t1r Ilk•· " 'hlrd't '""'' 11ml ~1 1 111 .. 11111111111 " ..... h ,· .. am.: fnr 111 I h•' N'n h•r :i; I 'I I ho ' .... klo•d n h II ' l1 111 Thi• j)fl('lt "'f' """' .. ,., •. I 1•1·1 .... 1 .... with rlhtwm llut If ) "" '"'' ' 1 h· hi, n1l1 " • 11 1 .. 11i: , ··llH\\ •'IJrlL Th,,, 1111 ' p11 ... 1 "" 11 ... hurk of M'lh'•• I.ti"' ~1•u ho•tt"t r•'<~"""" mt I t M'Ol<'tl t111w "I "·•11 1!ltl fll'"l'l•'<I Ill' ~Ith 11 Thr r<'llt ,1( lh<' h•o11 •I' I•, "11 ' II '1111 I" ,.;llo· II lhrtl "llll· Wl'fc' A 111111• lllo\l t' f"''' llllO'<I rt•• I"'' 111111 n." '''"th· .. rr,.,., .. \In· I i:o·n··rnl ""'" 1,. th1tt mill;ih 1111""' tlUHlt• • • "" "~rll h hlt• h•1r ht•,td U\ I h,· 1:111 11,, 1 "''•II I 11111111..:h \\llh kilo h•·ll ~Ink 11• 'h•"' II 111 p11hh. 1 tl 1 '1! "' l'.11 ,, 1111111 '"'"'" \\lll1 l11n1· h1111 th., '"lt••I • '"" I•'" tuho• In 1~'"""'•• 1.11,.. loll•"l1111p"11h ROl.l..l'>l•J'I' ~T \'U~ Tt'""T "·"'' 11 I -111.~ 111 1111 11rd111I \\ATFH\'1111''' \" 11 1'• \ I•" 1111· '' 11' 111•'1 n u1..; '"fur•• rPJhn~ I'"' n t t.•u't h•• , .. , .. , .,1t1 I '1 i, "t I \1 th. 11ht rn.tn tu,. hun1 un(t I"''''''" fh •u1. 1 r .... "'"'' .... tlh 1111.i .,,., 111,. -1~11,.i-un:w•. 11m1 1 11,11,~1 '"''"'"'"' "' M1~ ,1, .... ph h1 II h, '11r1t 1h1•••t ~'it'•" l-~u .. tuu1h'4I ''' ,,,Jut 1'11•·1 t \ \\ 1111 1 .. l•••I. hko· M 11r11• An "<'"''· tlw r.1lh11i.: p 111 '''"'• ,.,.1.,11.: I f11trh 11, iu h1 1 tu•\11.1~"' 'l'ht•n """ t ••I tu '('"lu rn 1'1u •••l1 f1 •tn1•t•·t ul ti•• * • insurance It••· 1t•IMer INCOI '01A Tl• w o. bv<l. lnlUfOMe c~ 3333 via lido. newpo rt beach, callf. felephone newport beach, harbor 1500 * • Before You Bui Id or Cc:modol \'Wt Our l•&r,....tq Min1•,.. anct LUDLUM ( • I' I. II l(\lll lc"M, pian- 11 "11.: ••lll'l, l'UIHI~ 11 ,. -ctt .. ·k or ra,,.C. "nc t llnolfoum Carpet Works , .......... IM. ,,._ ...... "---LUllTA MA !"It •I'''"' "' "'" 1••11'h 1rrll1• 1tn•I AnwrH'nn 11o .. 1 I '1•-" M• 1 '•·· "1111 ""'' h 111 "'!"ui:h that Thi· 1:1,.111 1:1••111 111'""' "' \f1, ll.01 1 .. 11 li 111 110, \f• 11,, l\lld lhu) \\•'r•• ••I -1111 u ..... , II I•• 1"'•11 '"'' l'h' ''""'' l~•!h "'''' '"•'ftr 1111 th1• l11dl<'l1 11nd C'Of>kit'I' ••=~~-==~--~~-~--~~~~==~~~~~~~ r SEVEN BONE, BEEF CNllCK ROAST SPECIAL FEATURE -· ''· .,.,,,, ,,. Shortering 11oyoi ~ ~~ I.II f 0t bQ.lo1ftQ Of fty1"Q It•• (°" )~t I Shortening ,, w:o ';!' 1.17 fOf COl O OC"'J o 4\ ft 10 '°"• '4lct Semi-Sweet Morsels •·••· .... 229 Pie Crust Mi~ P.11,_., ~':: 17• Pie Crust "'" \.no1,·, ~:· 13• Pie Crust :~~~ 1:.-:· I .. Devil Food Mix c -.... 1::•· 21• G. b d M" IH ........ . inger reo 1x -.. , °"°"'' ie:r., bro~ a1r11A111 Nescofe u ... I.GI ·-· 31- lnsfont Coffee B<>•0tn·• a .... 319 Block Tea v~~;:'' ~!' 239 . 8 .......... . Teo in ogsc,.,, .. "".,s'°'~ .,.,.. .. ' 8o Con•«b.lrf ... , .. 11• Teo tn gs c;.,....,.,. a1oci. ,....., •IEIKMIT IHll 0 Shredded Wheah ... .,..~., 1~· II• Corn Soya Shreds • ...... IC• ic .. iovo·• "'""d Post Tens ~~!'."::': ~~;--31 • Shredded Ralston i ,'; '::9· II• Shredded Wheat "• 'l<o •:;:• II• ,,,,, Chicken Soup Pon•"° '0:t.-· 13- So Rr.no "<> 10\fa-. 1•• Up (t'\1ct•" t. llQ#H• •-• h So PO"<"<I 10\fa-, ... Mus room up e•o..., -. •-. 1ov,-. .. Tomato Soup R,,.,...., •• Vegetable Soup """'':°'~-· 10- 1,llAll Peanut Butter ~· .. .,, (hotet of c..,vn~ ot ,,rOf'"; rw-.. t Peanut Butter ,, tt> tot. l~; Sunpybonk "'"'?"' •• 81ue Bonnet M•·•"' ..... Parkay ic,011 Mo•oo• ... Durkee's Margarine "-J II (n'·'~'""' °'""ape e y """" "'0 Jelly '"'''"'"'° '-W., . ..., . Gt-"',..,_.. P co1o1.,....o reserv•s. ...,,..,"'O .. II-.. . .. .. .. -a;:-399 ·~1 .. ,~·1 .. ...... i<et o.P.od\. ' l«rv Preserves ,,,...., 219 . Co114mlo ......... "O ......... ,..,. l_.....,, (Sf•owtl9r'Y, 12 •Or , )4(1 IR..sll~, 12 ot, Jlcl TOMATOIS Gard"n"dr. ntra stand•rd. on puree. 2 ::·· 15c ' ' A Saf c way C huck Roast provides i?C'.'~roua portion• of tender. delicious mrnt ... cut from lop, U.S. Government graded and inspcctcJ beef. lt"s 1ot the aame 1ood meat Rav°" u a rib roast, eal1 tender as a T -bone .. Juat you •-te and eeet . Stop in today at your neatby S.feway Store and .a f« a 7-booe beef chuck roast. Guaranteed fine eating or your money Mck. ,,,,,,.,,., ,,,,,,,, ,,_, ,,,,_, BOILING BEEF :':: ~ 15c ' SHORT RIBS .:u-::. ~~I~ SMOKED PICNICS. ~ 49• LAMB ROAST .:a~= .. 55° "' GROUND BEEF=~ ~45• limb Breast r ut LaLina "' Lt••·u·~ r-:"i:.~,:-;;-;;;;;,.;--l t... 1rof9't< , .. 8Mple tlocb ..• ...a. ett4 i' · I prk ... Y--• 1i.... end ~ 1 .,, •"°9Pl"9 Oft Mondoy.. rtlCIS lfflCTIVJ THIOUOH L MONDAY, MAY 3, 1941, IN ,;__ ~~.!'~ -~~~!-S!~~:.-- t•ltl ,.,,, ,.,,,, Jor Ud1 •• .,.... -I• Jor Cops •...--U- Paroflin , .. ,':,""' ~':. I,. Certo Fruit Pectin -21 • W -~ P ........... .. ..... II' oxwu aper """"' ,.. -~ " ... '·" .... Woxwu Poper c..e •·•• .,.- ..Windei o-c-::: .. s..-1-....... ··-...... ,,.(I ..... 11-. ·Oregon Smelt N •111hrt11 h·h t·.,,, •· ••h , Beef ROlst •. n- ...szc Cri.p. tender, fvn.L.oted •.• tprlft1 ..,,.. duce i. now •l k• '*'t. R'*'-d f.,m.freeh from 1r~in1 areM to '"' 1Marb1 S.l-a1. ' Evaporated Milk ~~-Go11'\0• ~ Mt;rnonq l .. I CH 13- Evaporated Milk c._,uib btun<t ·~11 to,.,. J '""' t'>\ • 2.~ 21• PEAS...:·= .. 12~· ""' ... -TOMATOES POTATOES 0 : APPLES ':wt~RJ: ······27• ,.,. . •. 5~· ~.·10- llW 'lltll Ill IN/II Mii tllAllll ,,,,.,,,,,.,, Tollet Soip C.•htnrt,. ltirnufurt u-.•~• .... ft SAFE'WAV •toHl TO LIMIT IHHVlD. NO SALIS TO Dl1'Ull. -.j Teo Timers .... I ......... .. ._,~ ·~ (•0it••1t Pork Sausage c.-.·. •--W Soy Sauc• "''' u w.... ·~.;:· I .. Mustard ,,.,.._"', \otod ~ I' Grated ch .... :::=::.. ~· 11- Groted Ch.... =· '~· I~ ... ,,..., Fresh Mille l-_. II~• .__...oiod ,tKl..tW\e.1- Fresh Milk L"'-.:a:, n-..._..... • ..i ,.,...., .,. __ • Half & Half Luc-,,., Red Table Wine ._...c ...... -.-........, w-.................. _.,,,, ~._. ... ..... .. "'"ii To ... .,.. -i!-1 WW W\ Ml c-. -•Yf'9 ..... _. .... ,,.,.. .... 10'1(, -..... 810 &. Cea&nl, ..... / I l . , ' I / . .,_ NSWPO&T ••L•O• Nswa .. Tl 2. Small Fires in Corona del Mar 'l'llt7llllDAI' Jll .............. Calif. • .... WARREN SPAHN FA~ 0 Y 28 Fire dettroyed a storage ahed lwhind 1100 1~ Co1Ut boulevard, Corona dt'I .t',iar early this morn- ing BA'ITERS IN 2-HIT RPIECE NEW YORK. April 29. :_'cup) ___ ..,.... _____ _ Wa_ro.>n Spahn Is a b~bllll l"llrltl(. ri . * * Origin of the fire w11s undt.'- h•rmint'd at t>rt.1• tlmf'. Damage "'·os ronflncd to the shl'd nnd the m1scellanrous articles storc.-d there. \'liluc at the tools, palnt and ntis- ccllnnrous gc.-or was f'Sllmttllod to 114· 1.pprox11na 11·ly S:.10 a lefty with rontrot He w&JI the * best leCt-hancW pitcht•r In ba!'f'· hall last l'<'llson and nft<'r a bll °'.../' Ha bor l11te s111rt It began lo look l9"1t)' r "" 1r h<' ••as rt'ady to 1:11 09' and dcfmd his honol"'I. Capitah:rJng on ~n)I. th.- slender s linger for thf' llostoo Bruvt>S pJtchl'd a n;>ft~lfiC'l'nt i:umt- )'t'8terd11y. tad!)( onl) :!ll hnttl'ni. walking nony nnd i;wini; up cml)' t wo hits i,!)'B 7 to 0 triumflh,uvfr the Ptll!)r<'~. Only thf"l'l' m•·n got lo fin.<':' one on an error. 11nd t"''O of ltlt'Se wl'nt down stf'llling. .llP >"cldt'd no hlti: until the fifth wh('n wa11 tni:¥Ni ror anothf'r "Incle by Blht Donnelly in lt'e Nixth, he rt'· Ured the next 13 batters In order. He also wa11 helpful at the plait", bNtln& out a bunt and droppinc another for a sacrifice whkh ad· ~two men ln the l)Ltdt-Bos- ton att.c:k. BlU Salkeld led the hittm1 with a lrlple and two .tnclft. driv1nc In two Nnl with f1J1 th~t>aaer In the Bnavrs' nw run fifth. n-e Buffalo IOUthpaw wasn't the only ~ft who had a cood da>' )'fttft"day. Johnny Va.ilcirnMt"r. the old doub~ no-hJt hero ol the Rd had ~ of hJI ooculonal sood da.yl and topped the Oaba. 8 to 1 a t OndnnatJ. It waa a bitter victory fer the fttodl, ~t'WT'. be- caute thtir Iron man catcher, Ra.)' Mueller. sutfe~ a tnctun!d npt , &nit», 1lldlna In to fC'IOtt In the flt th. Mu.lier earned hll llUI man Utle when he wt an aJJ.tJnw ma- jor lt'.,w r«0nt ol catc:hlnc 217 atralsht 1ame1 In UM3 and 19". b&ncWn1 all l M pmH tor the Reda In the lattt'I" YMJ'. He wtll be lost to the club for at lt'ut 10 days. nw Tilft"& meted lhftr flw pme losln1 1trMk with St. Louie. df-. fMlins the Browns, 9 to 4 with a 15-hit attack that Included a horn«, doublt' and &Jnclt' by pact"- wt wr Pat MuWn. nm Events *** L'io;t nii:hl, 11 small llr11 brokt' ou1 al an All-Amr·rk11n market t'<Jnstr urt 1011 1iroJPr t u 1 Jasmine a1·cnu.-and Cnas1 I l11:hw11y. Coro- 1111 dl•I Ma r. Th(• fire waa llmltt'd 10 com.tnwtion dr hns tit till' ~i i<•, !trcording • to firt• insf)('CtOr Phil llayden. Ef"GLANCE AT BASEBALL • .. ( AC*e r.a.,,....J Clta'U;n, fHond '° wto Amarlc&'• \urf o1wic, t.b• .... ..., i;:::~ l'OIDPI bOIDI Un~ ID Qaf °""' Trta1 blld ._, Cbwchlll Downt, wttb ~ Arcaro Up. ... ..,. llOODd a,i;id 1111Je LOoll W ID Vandals Do $200 Autographs in Fresh Concrete MAJO" LE.AGUE ~idlo L-..e ... W L Pc1. T-Cleniland Wulut\&'1c>a -St l..oul• Sew \0f1'11 f1llladf!lphla o.troit ..,.._ Chk .. o • Natl-..il !I 0 I IUJ $ J c • J :.11 • a n 1 • • !.IJU • $ ... 2 • -I C I U urL · l ~ • • • • a a . ' -~. ' ""ia $ oe tbitd. 1111 &entuc.kJ Dertl1 will .... ..... ~ .. I COALTOWN TAKES WAGERS FROM . - i... CITATION AFTER DERBY PREP Soggy Grounds ~:,, · Hamper $35,000 ,I, Bl u :o H. l't.:Tt:R~OS B••n J unl'S, who will be li.tted In 0 Ull'IS\"11.J.E K). Apr-11 '.!9 lh•· D··rhy rl'COrds as the lralrM'r Calif. pen •1 ·1'1 A ,1al1l•' m.11 .. r11m1· u1 1., of ho th th1· Calumet 1tara, wav- e• di.> 111 rhnlf,.nt.:•' 11 ... h•111 .. ,1 1 .. •1. ••r.-d a hllle in what otherwtac ha~ l'~.llllLE Bt-.:.\CH. Cahf .. April 1, 11ng a K••nl u1·k) Llt.•rl1) tm«--n·M" hc-t'n his Cirm belief that thel"l' _'9 • \ I'• Rmn and soi:gy i;round ~ huoJ ''"'' a lhrl'l' year oM ln the coun-\\1>r1• .111<1.-rl hnzardi. today as 123 :, All ,p11ng Own• ha,n·1 1""'11 un)· II) thal Ix-longs un the S&Jnt' track 111 <" 1hl111noa· ... top ~olCers pre-! thin1t aroun<I Iha! look1-<I hke a Wllh C tat1on. 1.:11 .. .t l•I to•r off In lhe Opening :. C'hallc>n1tl' '" Cnlumt'I·, "tar 1hr1'<'· Plain Ben sllll tbJnka Ctatioa r1M1nol 11C !hi' $3500 California yrar-olrl n1a11on anrl th" IX'llin& will 1:e1 the blanket of l'Olt'll Sat· 01JO•n 1(11lf 1uumaml'nt. 72-holes oe 'll1ia11on bc'<"aml' Mll'h !hat a 101 unlay. but now he f~ls that hf· uv1•r 1111-lnml'd Pcbbl.: Beach golf of hookrrutk•'rs 1n11k 1h1· h!I} "'" will havP a battle to do It, r nUNI' Vandals did $200 damace to a con!truction project at 929 Via Lido Soud, Mrs. May 0 . Harris. ownl'r , reported. AUempting to leave their mark for posterity, the culprits engrav~ combinations of initials and em- bl'ddl'd thf'ir footprints profusely m the fresh concrete. The extent of damagf wa1 es- timated by the contractor who said it would take at leut $200 to cover the mutilated s urfaces. ~~ off ttw WllJ:l'rtni: 11,_1,. "I nf'vf•r thought thl're was an,>'· \\'11h 1l..t1·n<lll\J: r hampion Art %'~ Hui th••r1• w.·r" 1n<l1ra1111n' 10-lll1n1: that could catch Cltalion, 111.•11 and± 111f1 of intl'matlonal BIRTHS r• day thnt !111· :>1hml1t•u ma) rh11111:1• hut 11ft1·r wh11t COllltown did Yet1· 11:"nll111i: ,111 11n hand, thre<'SOfl'les SMIIB-To Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,, bt'foM' 6.30 JI 1r1 t:DT Sn111r1lay t..rrtay , rm hPginning to bellew wrr1• .. d 11 ulo•d 10 lllkl' oft at 9 Smith, 308 E. 18th S t., Cost.a Me11a. J<, ,..,,.., t •m•• f11r ttw 71th nnnual th111 ho• might he able to do It ." ,, m , w1\Jl pla)' on n ml'dol ha.sis in St. Josl'ph hospital, April 28. ,.&SULT• va•TUtOAV running "' th•· f),·rhy 1 ... (·:iu"· 11f t ·oallown, with his Derby jockey. 1t11 uui:h Sunrt11) 1948, a daughter, 9 lb .. 2 oz. ~ Lue• anolher C1ilum1•1 'l"'"'°~t··r. Coal-~rwl:lfllrl J>io•rson up went six f\lr I 1 II I 1 · · .,.,.,., 1• 8'. c.....i. 4· j • I l~ 2/5 .d lll'd . I<· "'8 " ""fll'CIN o r('C(>tve LUKE-To Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Wuhl.,.i.oe., N~• York. pnetPo""d ""'"" nni:~ 1~ · an pu up 81 ,1111 l'om1)(•t111nn from !hi' host of Luke, 2448 Santa Ana Ave., Costa rold w.O.W. -C'onlro" n. who nrv .. r r.in ai. a a mill· in I ·41 f 1· d a.nl&ad .a Pllllaiklpt11a. p<lll'll)V..i •. • • . • •. I J11-.i •·•,ion11 ;. 11n nmlllo•urs en-Mesa. In Santa Ana Community cold ••I.Mr. 1wc..y1•ar-ol<t tw>ccrn~· or 11 hr .. ath· Thi l rn~k wwi very deep 1, .... 11, inC'ludinK Lawson Ultle. . ..., O..ei.M al. ~···-~~="4iAff-1lm.n1. hat.-b....in-~ -"t'+"~~"'philil•:d ... So hla tJme ol'.-f r .. nno·r . aniffJnlTs~h~O""pt>=:n-i--u.=:os~•t=al, April, .. 1918 a dJWahtcr _, .~· 'UJJPOrt irrud111<lly 'inr" h1' ft'· l I~ 215 wn~ hke 1 :10 215 An) •·h.miplon : Smilry Quick: oncl.' a 6 lbs .. l 1' oz. r'tllla.(\el:i::-~:,•~ ronl-br.-ukini.: win m th.. Blw• pl::.N._' .'''"'-. . .. 11,,11 nmnlf'ur and now 11 profl.'s· CHAPLIN -To Mr. and Mrs. nu.-~" 1 n~ 1. Grns., ~111k .... 111 K1 .. 'no·l1tnd la'' C 1-.l111"n ,,. ready to run now. ,1,11,..1 anrl Ellsworth \'ml's. for-Rohcrt C'h11plin. 3311 Marcus St .. S•• Turi. "' Brouklya. p .t....-d. •-nda). It ,.1111 "'a~ mlbhruonuni.; . v1u1~vill1• hook~nkers took th•· I mi•i· world t.-nnos king and now Nl'wporl Bl.'och. in Santa Ana "''J: L":::"a1 P1tt.llburir1> P'J«punood today ho"'RU"f' of 11 s.·n!'>l1t111n:tl h1n1 :i.nrt wt'r.· la~ing 5 acaln~t 11 rroll'<i a~ 11 turrranking pro. Community hosp11al. April 'l7. 1948 It "'a' ~U<'h a good on<' tho1 1•v1•n try "'uulir"run"'onl'-two. "1'" rnmp..iini: fi~r th<' prize ?re HARRIS-To Mr. a nd Mn. 0-BUY 1<'1• uf lh" na1111n s outstanding Son Born to News-Times' Dave MaeMullan Dave MacMullan of the News- T1nws iltop fortt, was absent from work loday. He had good reuon 10 be JU.SI before pn'Sli time, word WaJ r eceived he wu the.protid Clilhcr o{ a liOll. With O.ve still 100 excil t'<I to think about 11ny- tl11111: IJut tile boy, the news was rday,.d I hrough his landlady ;ind d1•111ils as· to WPighl, nam£•, and uthc>r (•sst·nt111I statistics a rr lack- ing. Mr. a nd J\lrs. Mal·~1ullan l11·e 111 :!J.I South Lyon strl'et. Santa Ana. L. A. Harbor· 'Forgets' Claims. For War D&mages LOS ANGELES, April 29.'"- I UP)-The harbor commlulon to- day "fo"iot" claims for $17,500 damaite caused to Los Angel~ harbor facilities by frei&titers and troop shiPo' during the war. The federal government turned the claims down yesterday on grounds the commission couldn't name the shlPo' that broke fender piles and logs while berthing. The commission withdttw the claims, acknowledging that the government had Jl]ready hono~ som~ $85,000 in similar cl.aima. Meat Co. May Replace Strikers Holding Out CHICAGO, April 29-(UP) - Wiison and compariy loday threat· l'ned to replace all employes who continue to participate in the na- tionwide meat strike. ..ln~orm kittOI' tbe firm warned Its striking workers that "any em- ploye who has not returned to work by Monday takes the risk or having hi5 job filled by a new employe." f/' RAYMOND Hill RECOVERING FROM SERIOUS OPERATION R.a)~ Hill.~°' the locaJ olfioeo ol 5outJ1tn ~ Ilea Gas Ollmpan)•. hu bttu ,_ cuperating at bi9 hmnr. lJIO ~ FJo:-'l'r 1tl"t"f1, Sa.ata An&, frGftJ ~ le"IOUI open Uon PftfClnlWd 'ft c~...._o1 Ltbmoa -..tat lfe ls °""" up ADd ~ mJrt ii n-ceh-mg ~uru ,l"Olr) fnmd.J. a m<'mber ot ~ ~ .i;.. nounoed. * Brief Gl·ace at Today's llarkets Am Tel A Te-I ·-ID•: Canadian Padrac _ J.5•. ~· ··-------m~ GenH-al Moton --56•. Goocl>~ar ··---__ u•. Kennecott ··-· ~-:. ~an ···-· -·--- -J8 So Cal ~ ·----~~ Standard Oil . ---a U S St.ft! ·---n By UllitM Pft9a STOCKS irTecular-la moclerate Ira~. BONDS ~ llilber; US rovemmmts did eot cnde. CURB ltocb llictw'r. SlLVE1l IW'.tWlpd _. 15,c ~ fine ounce. COTTON irftplar. WHEAT futures dead ·~ c~ to • 2"ltc. SHEEP actJw. CATn..E 51ftd). HOGS dWl. .................. Robert Taylor Audrey Totter "lliP ~aD" _...._ "Blondie's Anniv~J" MOVIE BARN -k Celilt --IAOIJNA Jl&A()B ra.111 atMt .. ..Id ....ii.tt l'arly mnm1ng "''orkoul yt>Slc·rclny. b.·11111' •that the Calumet l'n· I a son. 9 lbs., 8~ oz. ·coLLEGE T ""l:rl• 't""'· Ted RhooC'S and Bill-Hl'nry Harris. 23471~ Santa Ana P. E. EQUIPMENT GUY LOMBARDO SHIPS TEMPO J\' Ave .. Costa MC'Sa. in Santa Ana -;======. l sv;~1.~I ... '" ll lhrN''lflffif' With Emil' Community hospital, April 27, 1948 "' . / ...... ,. iW P9CJCJY' Am G.mer "'°" Mcc.llisfer ~"Thunder id S TO PE T a daughter, 6 lbs .. 11 12 oz. At thf' n'){ular mttt1nJt of ttw> T() AL N SEA FOR S ED RY l'1o•1••r JI , anll Rnill~ ~lnomquist. hoard of tru11trN of Orange Coast ""' 1n t\'t' 11rr a1 12:.14 Pw(X'r • Old Time Mo.,; .. rol~ April 216 19-IR. contracts . . wn' once• ~Ill!<' amal<'ur and <lp('n \·ed for. t .. _ ct.a.sin... C.u)' 1 .. 1ml11tr1lt1 ~ T1•m1•i VI 11r-·----•we appro .',.,. pur ~ riv.-<! Y"h·rdny nt l'>l~rrt Af>ach mu,.h1rd II a t Lllke Conlston •·tmmp \\ h1h• Bloumq111,.1· 1s a Sar. Tsl ·,n. .... ..., n-.t ......,. of .addlt1<.nall phllysc~ =.::cts on th(• Sslton S.·a ror an Alll'mpt F:n~land. '" 1939 Wiii be the parr r;1m1•n111 'tar. rqui~~ 8 hf' io.· 1 b ddf>r lo bN•nk Ow worlds unhm1ll'd L11mha rrlo "tll try 10 Ix-at for th1· IA,w'{ln L.11 tll' was 10 IN> off a1 • wCtt a~ to t 1~ ~ 1 nlt'9 5J)l('O'<l~I rrmrrl. 11rcorrl•n• to world's ~l>C<'d. title. 11 ·06 a m in a 1hreesomt' with for 1111 ltf'mS f'f'qUt'S P9 Kc•nt tlltrh<'<tC'k chnirmnn or thl' Pholo-elttlnc t'quipmc.-nt 11 Ix:· 1Jt1n Sf'arlo-. local amate ur, and CllVILL& ............ "Yankee Clipper" who ~ awarded contracU In· ,... ' f · ' ti d " 11 S t Zl'll En111n, 1)nCe a lop-ranking elude the folto-in&: . Rannw: ·' omm1ssion o Amf'rtC'an ini: tn&ta e Ht .. a on l'll o ac- Laa -Ance-ls Splf'tlftc GclOdl ~·f'r Boat RPOClation. curntl'l)' record thl' SP<'roS ma·de b) pmf P11s1nnal Crom Los Angeles. Laa A~ Lombardo haa two marks to Lombardo. One mllr of fuhmarhw Furlh••r rain 11nd a damp course ~ WAWWIO!f compaal•\19. __.~ Goodll Sa" ta llhoot a t In the.-runs to be made <"able and <'l~tric l')"l'll ar~ betnc weren't expected to produce good He .-... nc ·• Monday. May 3. Gar Wood's long sl't° up, Hitchcock 1ald. ac"nrl't!. -m-' "Roaring .Rails" ....._ ... _a••••Ue • 90WLDfO la A U'OaT TI>VLL ar.roY a A 8ll'OllT !WAT llKln lllZP YOU Df GOOD P111'810 AL OON· DITI01'. Mesa Recreation ~ s u Goods Lona 11tandln1:, unhrokrn Amf'rirnn rec· ch cw por ng • ord of 12•1.91!'\ m.p h t•stnhlishl'd Bt-.:i. · SPQl"ti Goods "Sant1' An.l at All(onar. Mirhi£an in 193'..!. Gar 1 n~ 1·1' Good&. W~s r('('Ord i~ thr old1•sl stond- Armstron1t p o r n g ' Ing rN'Ord on th<• hoolss «f tht' Laa Angele&. AmeriC'a n PO"•rr &nt as.'l()(:i111lon'. ' GENE'S ~AFE Specializing in French and Italian Dinnen Jl&IUIOR utri 705 Coast Hwy. C--dl!lllar R~I CAFE 1111 OIMt ....,, C-dei llar NEwLY R.Df'ODELED (with a fresh atmosphere) e,11r·ea 1a: Spaghetti -Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Roast Beef Cocktails 1l1e farrwd spor•~mnn hR!I 11fll'n said that 1( his ro•c•urd is rv.-r hrokMI he-"'Ill hu1ld nnothl'r boat to rttl1'im 11 1-:xptr tio> prro1ct Lombard<> "''II brl'nk !hr Am<'ri· ran r('('Ord with hi.s All1son-1l0wl'r· C'd TMnpe Yl Sir M11lmlm <'amlW'll°s unhmitro "'·orld rl'Nlrd or I t I i I. srl m hi~ BOYS' CLUB MEMBERS IN PRACTICE GAMES l'l<i)i< duh mrmlH•rs nrr par- tir1 p1tl 1ni.; In h11J<l'hall nncl ~ft­ hnll protl'l1•~· 1o:11m!'1' \\"•dm•sday •'H•non1: nml ):;n1urol.I\ afl1·rno-..1n.". ncrord1n1: Ill ( '111H'h "•·n l 'y•·~u~i A t1<•flh11ll i:nm1• 1~ "rhN111l1'<i wl1h l~r Loni: 11-'llf'h 0.1~·11· rluh 11r>x1 Thur~dny and a h:inlhall 1!11111•' •~ l!'d1rd ukcl \\ 1111 llu• I lollywood Boys r luh c11rlW lllJI<' afl•·r Mnv l.'l. (Inly lhCl'<f· 111•'1llh•·r~ whoo ha\1• prllC· I 1r1•1I rq :ularh "111 ''" 11llnw1 •d f 111 r1•pr1 ~• nt 1111' duh in II!< lnl1'r· rlut. ,., nt• ·•'. l ""''111!1 s.11rl BUY CONTROL OF 'NEW YORK PM c.s.-1 -• ....,.. .... • •• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! :'l't-;w Y•'ltK. i\pnl :!~• n·r 1-; ~111,...h11ll h· Iii 111 ;mnc~•Jnl'\'<I 10: da) lh 11 ti. 11.,,· '"!ti 1'\onlrolhn~ tnll'n-.:1~ m tlw ="'""'l'"l""f f'~I In ):;.m Fr.m1·1~1·11 All1•rn1·~ ll11r1ky Pia!. ~o~w Willowick Public Course 0. WMt &al 8t. ~ ... P.-t of llart.ar 8-lnvd PllOM 8uta A.a l%6S Standard 18-Hole Course· 6100 Yards -Par 71 SAM'S SEA· FOOD HSlgn ot the .Swordfish" ( I Mlle Eut of Seal Beac~ at Surfside t '* t . ()pen ~ 11 L m. to 11_:30 p. It" .. 'I. t COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS .. , ... STEAK DINNERS i£i f ............ "' • (. {)'11111 111cl J ,.,.,.1.11 n amr>s. for-. mrr f .. 1<11:11 ocl1t11r "' ll1o• :"'1•w Yn1 k I I• r111!1-l'r1h11nf'. Fit'ld will : n •t;iin n mmoril) inh'r•·~t I I ·.n'" t l11r:11:fl n11l11,111air" has h.'l'n I 5C'<'kin1: n•'"' finan1·111I hnck1•rl'! for 1 lh•· nl'" ~1•111"·r <inn • :\lnn·h 12. Wht'n hi' nolifH'l'I thf' !Cllltf lhAt lhc> pnPf'r "l•uhl h11w ltl Cl'a!lf' publi· C'atlon 1f n purt'hnM-r rould not be f1>und Nnv~ Gmun1I <'11111 rol11,,'(f Ap- pni.;wh unilio> in 19--17 hrou1:ht AAle-- ly In !hi.' i.rrouml :!.~-.'9 W1'Al hrr- bound a11·t'rafl. of which l·U~ Wl'r•• cl\·i1111n planes. •. ... FREE PHOTOGRAPHS · - SIZE 5x7 INCHES OF -YOUR CHILD Age 2 Months to 6 Years 3 DAYS ONLY! Thursday· Friday -Saturday .April 29 • 30-May 1st • CHILDREN 2 MONTHS TO 6 YEARS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS • SELECTION OF PROOFS • NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY • NO OBLIGATION TO BUY ·To All M~fhers ol the Harbor Area This off<'r uf :i fn-..1 I 'I f( 11'(X;RAPH of your child~ t~ken by u natin1mlly kno11 n specialist in child photog- raphy-is mnri<' in npp"···i:1 tlon ot your support of our stoN'. ~o trouhlt' ... n1 .. 1 brin~ your child in during regul:ir stot'f' hour-. .. \pn l .?9. 30 or Mav 1st. inclusive. anrt sittin~ ''ill 1i,. 111.111•' 111.:ht in our !'tore. "'-• . Store Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 P...JD - Western Auto Sap ply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Bh·d. Costa Mesa .· . ; .. IZAFHOPPl:R8 TRACED BERKELEY. Calif. (UP)-Five more leafh<>ppf'rs h11 ve beeen dis- covered to carry California aster- yellow virus which attacks celery, according to Dr. Henry H. P . Sev- erin, Vnivl'rsity ot Califom la Col- 1.-ge of Agriculture entomologt111. He said this makes 17 known lc.-af- hopper carriers of the·vlrus, which also damagt'!! lei tuce. carrots, parsley, parsnips and potatoes. / The Valley" in Tedmioolur • -ai-- Glenn Ford in "Framed" In the Harbor · Area There's : an EASIER Way With. --- PESULTS the 'Next Day PUT MORE PUNCH IN YOUR AD APPEAL -.. _ _J N . ow that have DAILY we to a serve you for week-it is no longer necessary ,. to wait ends to tell your merchandising'story. JELL Them Today • • SEtL ne. To•01Tow Your Home-Town Newspaper PROMP.TLY, EFFICIENTLY and EFFECTIVELY TELEPHONE HARBOR 12 OR 13 · ,_ .._., ... 1 •m 1 I#-_-~-:!!P --11CZ!B£~\CI:' "l'JGl~·'°PZ._...,...., 7~ ··-· • • ...._ • •-. • ' b:'A id'" - AsA lor on AcJ-T aler -Every Evening, Monday Thr011p Frldar, It's THE DAILY NEWS. TIMES -· - - Pu c Tll n •rtlt -1 f'\..• c .... ..ur.. ..... t .. "A (.4~ .. ...., 1;1r nr:t ,.., A;>rtl 1'T ,. . , ..... ("' ,.._,_fo-r f"Ubl ~ "'""" "' bo .,.rtb ........ llw [!(" ........ ,,,,,.,, rttU 1SI ="o pd ., U6L .... ~ T ~ Sch -"5 I pd 1~ 18-~ ligtl bid. ·tp 'boa whl rPa1 4 • NEWPORT HARBOR'S GREA TE CLASSIFIEB ADVERTISING MEDIUM Pueuc Ncmca · re~'Ulations. A trade-In a.llowan~ on bw Ford Modt'l 19JO AA, Motor NO. ., .._. AA36093.~. licrnse number 96:.JO, ~•T•rtc:An Of' eua1Nau equipped will;) smootlt ~. should •~~·•i-"'"" MMM> bf> submitted with bid. Complete T1f£ l'''1'\£R.<11C1'.'T.t> o\.1n be~b, S'Jl('(ifirnuons and hn of rqulp-,.,,.,r .. 1rui1 h .. L• r""""'"""" • !',..,....,. ment should tw filed with tht' bid. ...,, n•.erl<#I t • ..,,.,,... I 112 M• ~ wl•J•n I . ..,.,. .. ,., 1.,., ,.,,, "' ="""'P"r1 Rf.f\rh nnd lnddl•r should Clle a .statcmt'nt c .-.1-r.s "' O"'"".. Suut "' Callt,,m1a as to lt'r\'let> ta be rt'ndered by ....,1 , ttl• t1rtt1i""" nnn "".,,. "' 'ds II "-• ( .. \".\1.1.f'V '~\ J'O<\rt MART htddt•r fo\lowlni: sail' Ot \\' I ...., ..,.,,, rt 11 '"'" tum •• r<>mpo ... d "' th~ r'·~·ein•d up to 4 p m Monda)'. 1'111)' t• '~-1n"' ""'"''" "'h,... nan•• In full. 11) . Ix d r h 11 h 1 p.1~ _. ,,f r,....art..,rut-'" u f.-llow1· , In thl.'" )ar n ...... 'tll <• l C' \ ~ a.n;;11y .._..,.,.11 .. y ~10 ""'"'"'''' R·•ul•· sl'hool whl'n they will be Opt'nt'd rtJ"i ,.., .. , 1111.... c •'tr"'"'" d d 111.TTVf:!'~ my hl\n•t thl• mth d•Y nf un n•a . &rr>t rt.t~ Th1• ho11rd r<'St'rves th1• rii:ht to tW'T l>VALLET I ids Ith •'th t ;tr \Tf: OF l"ALIFOR!'<IA I nt'C'C'pt I w or \\I OU s ('()l:STT or ORASt:E I .,. 1rod1·-ln nllownncc or lo rl'jt'ct 0., u u:o :?owh ,,,.,. of April. 19~8 t d II b'ds t.t•.c<t -· Rtdt-• r !'lmllh a Noury ;1ny 1ln a I . Publv lll Arid r .. r Nld Ce>unty a.nd A. J . FITZPATRICK. SbJ.. """1dl... itw-"'1"· duly r<>m· Clerk """-''..,... Mid •• ,.m , ~noonally •P· · P""'f'd Ctr'f vVAl.t.n llMW'll to me Puh: April 22. 29. 1948. to ~ ~ pt...,. •"'-...,... I• .Ub· ..-rtt.-.f '" tho> w1thln 1r1•t~nt. and .,..._....,....to nw that he n..cuted IM~~ WJ1nror. 1 ha~ .,......_,. _. "'' hand &nd a.rnaed ..,,. tlftrial _, tlw day and p ar la thi. f9tt •~ ftrwt ah<>•~ wnttee. iSEALl l'tlDLET C. SMITH ~ Plablk' ta aad for Mid COW\11 -1 State. .,. c~ .. ~,,.. 1 .. uary 111 ~ l'lab """' ?2 ~ May I. 11. ,,.. "on<'E TO BIDOEU ? fte Jlll~n-wUl*o be ~ble -,. -fl . - ~t taw..U. of ....._. ~·· ~-rtctit '° ~•1 .. , ... all ........ " ~ .... ... -· ... . ....... to naleo ... Cl.Mldl4'd ... ::~~~ ..... ~ Board of 1hattt1 of t~ 1$1(81NE88 GUIDE 11 p,;('W}JGl't H a r b o r Union High HARBOR lktiool District ttqlWStl blda oft .., iww 1948 • 6 cyU~r L ~ad. Plumbing Service 115 horw-pow~. 114" ·~ b&tt'. t788 Newport Blvd.. Beacon 6U1 pickup. A tradf!• In aJIQMPance on REPAJllING OUR SPECIALTY J~ modtl pickup, ~or numbtt Conb'.cUnl and a .• ....J'- 18-5623054. licenw B68'76. lcaa fog ~- fights. lhould ~/submitted with I --------~~--~-tft_ bid.. 8idl wiJ\.'."'~ rttelved up to ED WALTERS ·-i p:m_ MDycbY. May 10. in the TILE CONTRACTOR )board "99'" °' the hiith Bc.hool Bath Rooms, Draln Boardl. etc. ..,_/.,,.,. will bf> opmed and l Sth Ir Nt'WJ>Ol't Ave., Costa Mtsa Phone &aeon 87()(). W ·3. board r('SttVes the right to 18-tfc Jttt any and all bids. / A.. J. FTrZPATRltK. Munson Bros. Clerk . Concrete Work Pub: April 2'2. 29. 1948. CE~lf'ICAT£ OF •USINEU FJCTITIOU" 'Fti.M NAME 2028 Santa Ana Ave. COSTA MESA _ Ph. Beacon 5221-W or 5757 52-2Ztc LEROY SLATER Mo\'e Anything Anytime SpcdaJlzed In MOVING Household Goods & Small Boat.a Harbor 391. ~tfc CABINETS PRECISION WORK. Let ua call and give you our est imate. 144 :li st St. fkotween Orange & New- port A\'t' .• Costa Mesa. Phone CWacon 6:l:.16. 58-22tp BU81NU8 Ol lDE 12 YEARS SERVlCS IN nu: HA.R80ll ADA HARRY HALL P .AINTING CONTRA.CI'OR 77' Eut 19th SU.t Ph. &a. 5413 Costa M .... ~ RV-EL A S R~.rerator Models AvallabT~ NOW Balboa Furniture Store 11\> N aln St .. Dalbo& Phontt lfllrl>or te 'J'l{'6 CoaAt Blvd.. N~t Phonr Harbor 111 •t·tft ELECTRICIANS <SI~ 1920) PUMPS \\ Oll11 llNC1\1N Plll-"-·W1n: -n :NmrFUCAL ~•Or nit Prf'NUl"t' S,1tft·ll lll'frli:1•ratlon 6'.l:\ S,1 1 • l• l\11~f'h•a St ~ Anaht'lm l'hl'lh .'1 111th -It\. .. :.: 4t•·llC' ----------~I\\ \•) 11 l.1..:h1n111.: ~"""~t:.•oo •,I 'h \\,•11•!111 111111 ~·r11l11y, \\'"11•.'r S int 1 \ "" :11:11 1•1 1•nll 1•\.,•nini..-,. 111 "· ' •'hilt I l1•ll'<'. !':t'\''l"'l'I ~-~\(· :I 11...-11 '"'"' l\<Wtl"' and _.._ - l'\t'\O poll I 1 .. t .. 11d •11t. T. 0 c( \l'11t,... ,.,..,, Ju•t nrtit f-. <- f m uh nnl1 , .. ur l••t ~ f 11 rn It UI~ • t "<"N'o'd f 4'tr 1.-n ...,., 1md n '"1fffl"'I ll!lh,.. hunt ~' )fulrlrlr U.tln~ Contractlnir-Repllin R~sldentJal·lnduatrlal F t 11t :-: \I 1 1 l~11 I '.\ht~f !it'll '..'II-ft run· 1 t I • '•H'f'I II f I k I ,.,, •Ir ''" ,. •n ,. d<""'T1 (>Wh<T "'Ill f\IUlnt..,. ..... M "rf'11JI A \f'• • 'II:,._.,....,.., l"'*'IL l.t C~ t' C Vrnn. ~altar f"~'U·t1lliVf' atrMtt ' RY OWNJ.:lt Nt•w 'l-bcldrotim ~p !" ..... 111 :.:.1 F li:l1h $1 . l-.w111 l\Ji·,,1 l'h 114'111'\lll t•701 -R t'\'t"- 1'-hw ~1 -W Fw 7Rent - "House or'Apt. Till June l~th Ets.Hokin & Galvan 111111:, :'l..'\-tfl' Fl m n t:l'l.'T rt<v"" and hAl•h ffl \llfr ht...,W", ...... ,,. w ,....,,., l thf>np S A f!'lt <-. ..,.g at 3>1 ~th St • ~-,.,.-1 n-tt. 51-5ep lVr lr-. Con.a drl MAr. ~~ ... H.M.LANE -ft l"1ht11 1"1'111114'1' 111 .... ,. 4.·~ h 11 l 'rl~·l 'rnl1 11wt11r. "'•'1:11nt condl tlon A h.1ri:ntn t:..><'IM w An,.:' 1000 Cout H lway e.a. :M0'1 :l>I Sl·tfC Coallt ~if'" Co . REAL ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. -X SPECIAL!! lw1111, 1.nni: ll.·1u·h Phon1' 00(>~ JllfCOllEWWWWll • ( R•altor" Near Newport pter- Eltablllhed Slnof 1920 8-tfc WASHING MACHINES OU.cl Grt'ased and 'Il\oroUshly ~ed With Minor Adjult.JMnta PD80HAL t• PIANO LESSONS in your horM. l..nchet:lzky mt'thod of tech- nique. &ciMers or advanced only $2.60 1tucknll. For lnformaUon call Tab advanta1e of tlua Sped&I &aeon 5131-R. 57-5tc and Avoid a Costly U...ak·Dowl\.. 5;1mmln1 In tty-ff IHION, $7.00. HARBOR APPUANCE SERVICE Foot c1 Monttte St.. Balboa. .. 77 N t Blvd ea.ta M ... Res: 329 Arc~. Ph. Harbor ' ewpor " 2798-W.' M-2Ztc Phone BEACON 6296 M~tc 11 ·fl lh1:1:1't\ll l!tlUty Chryllf'r mntt•r, Ilk!' n•W ~II or track, on Cornntt dt'I t.tar' r('al f'atate Ownrr :174:! Walnut St .. Rh'ft'- aid#, or Ph Rlwri1ick 3262 for 11ppolntnwnt 47-22tl' OUTROARD MOTORS AND BOATS NF:W It USED Sf>rvlrP and R~paJn on All Makrs or Molon UPHOL8TEIUNO Da\'e H. Spies 16 <"uast lllw11y n ucon 567&-M .. B-tfc 9 9 x 12 Royal Wiiton velvet NS· 24-tlt" IF YOUR FURNITURE la not bfo.. comln1 you should bf> comln1 to t.M JonH Co. Uphol1ten. RESTYLING and rebuUdin1. all work suaranteed. Phone Beacon~ A-1 condition. Electric router, co good condition. 331 Bay street, Stont' Vll¥a Tralln Oty, O.ta Ml'lla. . 57-3tc- MMl"ll\I AL 40-f1 Clahln« boat With C"hr)'lll!'r Crown mo\ or, to· \I" l>f'11m. Hold~ 6 tons l<'f'd fish lf..'lO Nrwport Blvd • Coat• ~22tc LOST AND FOUND n Silver PlatinS[ COPPER. BRASS, GOLD Pollahln1 Ir Rettnllhlna LOST-Jn parking at West Ct'n · Bayside Platin2 Co. tral It McFadden, Kmnedy 1914 Harbor BfVd. tackle box contalnln~ 2 r aal1 & OoU.a Mt'Sa, Calli .. &aeon 5111 other fishing equipment. Uberal • I-tit rt'wai'd. Wm. H. Fawcett. 440 -------------E. 8th St., Pamona. 57-3tp xxxxxxx D1P __ w_nDDfT ___ w_A1CTZ0 ____ 11 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Employment wanted part tlm<', l..aT'gesl S tock In Oranae Count)'. houaek<'e~r for adults. Have 1 ~_." Galv. Steel Pipe car, rood laundr<'ll, 3 ot morl' '/'. houn. Hubor 1973-M. 1617 w. 20c feot Cl'ntTal, Newport Beach. 56-5tp DINNER W AJTRESS -At Har· rlaon Dinner House, 17th Ir Or· anre. 0.ta Mesa, 47-ttc MAN OR BOY ChroJM Plated Swin1 Faueeta $9.50 value .. . ............... 1:5.915 FREE PLUMBING ~yout Service FONTANA. PLYMRING 230U S. W .. Newport Aw. Colla Mesa Phon~ Beacon eo.t M t•M rhnnt• lll'11ron 638l·J 11ft!'r 4 pm or 1111 d11y Saturday & Sund11)'11 36-25tt" F OH ~1\LE Dy1•r Dln1:y. 2 .au.Ill t•l fll\.b. :! llil'ltl ur Tlll\SIJ. <"Om· pl1•trlr "'"•nrsht>d. with 2~ h.p .John'''" mulor, $400 Call liar- hnr 177 58-3tt" f\(-WISP -Advertl~ flflllUC'AI. a llADIO .. srr:-:i.~rs· S l INF:"f"S! For Rrn1 Wr• nllt•w llll fi mo rrnt If you h u y lnfrr nANZ-SC!IMtnT l'IA:'\!1 ('(). !'120 No MRtn St. Santn Ann ~,_,fr WANn:n ~.O wir'fi piam~ (1,r .. ur bli.i r1•n111l dt'ps1rtnlPnt · llil{h111;t pr1r1·~ Trndr yours In on """" Splrwt o r Gr11nd. DAN7. snrMJD'r PIANO ro. 520 No M11in, S11nt11 Ana. ~tfr STF.INWAY Grand. AlmOllt like nf'W ~II for ti.I- ~'R SAU:: AcJw1-.11 ~ ~iltlnc al I ftw--.. t ._ ~ 1 ~ ~ tridt Sri- , .• ," hath. an -~ ,.._. All furniturf' .... i ' c l"!rft_..,• t ipn. all han• ~ .... W-. <-omrr W.tiaa "' ..,_, ""' .... ho. llOrWd ,~ h .. 13..)00 fM'f g_...""...... .. ~ 301 E Crtitral A'T , ~ 51~, U1IK'llnl a ~ • BIGGEST BAR(;AIM DC f"ALD' tl2 #taY'9 \'.,.._,. 0r...,,.. CM_., F~ to I 's 10 0 AllSOUJTI: STF...U. Top Lo<-•tkill for S' I I,. ' w L. MORJUS RF.AL n en ~ -...-Y. -*"' ltUttO ...__ . .._......._... ..... , ... WWW. 2 ... u. ....... ... ,_ with ~. 2 mr ....,,. ll\.T.50 .,.,._ Tot.a prb ..., '11250 Comt Properties Co. R•altore 50'I tr r..tna, .... Har. alll M-tfr LDr -"JR SALE •H£,..W•H)k.,..,_T 111..AN'D -~ --.. , ............ -" ................ .a.-u. .... a...A. -0..... rr-t ..,.,.., ..._.., c•. ti Anahritn. <"'llUfonm New View Home __________ .. _5tc_ OVl!lll..OOIDNC ~ ......... llOlllCW' TO 1.0AJI • ,_ ~ lllr~ ...__no.., ftuptw:. 4lttOllOllW& a T...a • f"OR SA'l.£-lDJ C1w1 ••• trwtl.. 11-i ton, flat ....._ Ol'lllt meA- t kJfl. $.155.' 71<1U "'-• A-. b ............. w -· I 'nw ....... .. "'" .......... · RALPH P. MASKEY NII W c..cr.I ""'"-·• ... tk lt•s • Gr.and Buy ffW $17,000 Custa Mna ~ y-._ -htw • -~I" ,..., ~· 41 M.Ywotrnt 2 6lor ....-. .,._ r-..._ °" Ae.lboe laland at lwi Enciftr ~ .._ _,, t • '17/JM -'umWwd. or turnltlh- N•-paiftt ... ............. "8117. -.ca .,.,ra. ...t ~ Thia honw Must w<U ,.....,. alflrr ,...._ lie_, Mid ll•Y and you ~Id 132'.!-W 12S Apt1. a... Ill-~ , .. -f,_ Uw srnund and. •pt ~ 1 st.5W • T~ II ~- ·~ FORD ~ Los ........ .. " ~ ""-" ....... 212.. hnnw ~7:1 ~""'" Anll Aw .. C'.~la Mt'IA, Atlllfhl"d ~artp, tllr, dhl laundry trft)'11. Imm"Cla· at .. ~~on. •1000. do.,, n. Maki' nfh'1' " AIMl t Iara .. lot• l7?'tO Ir up • 9llO down. Thomu II. Garrett. Phone Harbnr 71'7-R ~2'tc RF.AtmnJL VIEW SITI: NEAR UPPF.R DAY. 157 • - •ppro11. 1 '4 acn. RDTIUcn:D. 14.200.00. HARMR TNV. CO. 229 MarlM AvPftUf, Balbo9 ...... Harbor tMt llPrlte Nrwport law unall honw, knottJ """'· fll'f'pl•C'f', ~ 1ar .... R·2 tOM ~ t~ aell. tllil !\9th ~t lnql.lltt 3801 Maf'(!U9 A,.,. 59-ltt Spacioiw P'eninsula Home t 659 E. Ocean Blvd. ·Balboa OWNY.ll oft"'9 thla h ... utlful ' ~rll001 homt', fum'•ht'd wttlli maf'k!. new carpeUnc. I ..... cl..-ta, plrnt)' of cuphMrdl. 01Unlln1 llvlna room with n ..... plaC't! and • lcwrly r•f'dton. 0. 1 ~ Iota, trnc"t'd l.n. Reaeonablf prlttd at 113.000 CiUh -tf'l'llll. J'fiMi" Harbor 1-..r. !tt-2te L0'1" on Mqnolla SlZIO. 141 h.t r~t. lndu.trlal dlatrict. 0... ,..... W ... t'I the UM Ol ~ rmt T Modrm t bt4romn '*- In <'net• w ... for 9MC)O. T..--. 0 C. MAC Kr.NZJ1! 10 Nf'WPOl't 81\.'d. < "081' A MEllA CORONA DEi~ MMtsa For General Garage Work Wall ace Calderhead · - WATCHMAKER JEWELER CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. 11noe. 37-tf( Re~. AtllO ~lt Orand Ch9w D AN Z ·S<"lrMlDT s.a.r MODF.'RN C'O'M'AOI'! In nnf'dli. aiadttlon. Thia two .,.._ hcxtw prkff .. a 11.000 ('llft ... purmlllM'd ror '2.000 dawn _. monthly· pa"""'ta ol SlB • _.. °" lhe Mlanee. Call 1tlR. Man>an « Mr. Davte.. 11..w , ... SOllA 6 •ARCWAHTH ~ Pv•ty In and for Mid Cnunty ... ..,e ENGRAVER 30th It Central l'9 · April • 1$, 2S. 2t. TI\e Board of Trus!N'I of the IS_,.,r-1 H a r b b r Union High 5c:hoof District rf'<1IJ('!lts hids on DIM' school bu5 In hr dl'li\·f'red a:r; '°°" a., 1>05S1blr aftr r July 1. 19-18 1 J1w. bus is IO hR\'(' II C8pacily Of t2 hidl school pupils llnd must conform in P\'f'ry ~·ay 10 lh<' I'S· !ahlishf'd CahCnrn11t "<'hool hus 817 COAST m c HWAY CORONA DF.L MAR. CALIF. 54-22tc HARPER GARDEN SERVICE :"'ow available in harbor area. Maintenance or established gar- dt'ns Sprini:lrrs cl<'a!U'd & ad- just<-d Spra) mi:. landscaping. frPP l'sllmaH•s Phon" lkacon 6m-w. Gt'<'rJ:<' Harjll·r. 4:.!0 l:lth S1 . C-osla !\1l'S3 57-3tc -1 N SUR A NCE- e YACHT 58-2tc MAN OR WOMAN dlshwuher, steady emplo~nt. Harrlaon'1 17th and C>r,Jiite St. Coeta Mesa. 54-5tc FRY COOK a n d fountain man. houni 2:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 6 days a week, no Sundays. Ask for Mr. Colden 1217 Coast Hlgh- wny, Patio Malt Shop, Corona d<'I Mnr . Phone Harbor 475-J. 57·3tc "'ANttD-St<'noi:rnph~ 1-;;-En1tl· nPf'r init Orri<'t'. mJ W. C'l'nlra~ Pho~ ltarhor 160. ~3tp \\'A~TED-Womnn to do <'lraning 17 dny a WN'k. llarbor 135R-R. hOUSC' Phonf' !19-311' SOI.AL ~LARCF:R OUTFIT. N!'l::tli\'(' sl1r 3:'i mm. In 3~6 x •I '-+ cumpl..i ... w1U1 lcnst.'. !':..sci n nfl nu1m11:1 ttr t lnwr llan:n1r I lrirlt0r 17:!.l•\'.' ~1'.l·.'l• l3e WIS<> -Advertlae only $48."I PIANO m .. ~20 No ~bin St . Santa An11 . 5.l-tk USED PIANOS. Mnny rlnr 111t1k~ S49, S6k. $76 up tn $11;~ T"rmll or wlll r1·nt. PAN7.-SCllMIHT PIANO Cu . 520 Nu Main St . Santa An11 ~'\.tfr SPJNF.T• A l1<•11uty R•1~J11><111h"1 P a y out hnl11nrr Al~n mtrror- type Splnf't, 11.M'ft nnl v S~~ Terms. JR on pPr mo f)A:'I' • SC'HMIIYJ' Pl A NC'I t"O . ·,:..'U Nn Mnln , Sanln An11 Annthrr Spinrt JlttlP d11mn1w In rtl~I' In ~hip· mrnt. RC'pnlr•-d r-.: .. ~ rh .. np ~\:\.tfr roa &ENT -.. FOR RF.NT A 11 rrlt'I h••• twn rnum 11pnrtmrnt. Utt•· or p11ti11 \ 'ntil n Y n"..,.. r ::Jt I 9;tll ,-. t r Studr S.odan i. 'ny .,.... -d11ton I. L "'--,....,_.,. H 54Ri-M ~ II 11.'7 •. s..s. .. ·47 f"l1rt11 Ilk• ,..,_ 13''n art-.! mil<-<1 Mak,. • lff" "l:n ttlr.aSrn Ph ll1tr1"1f ..,.,,, J "'"'~ .. nriirnn ~~ """'"* ~ fin.. \'M1r ['IH"t\ Sl ... lc :itt " "'"'" 11o ,..,,. f"•..-d no0 e FIRE e AlTTOMOBILE e COMPENSATION • WANTED TO BUY II Junr t!'lth l't lllll•·~ pnl1t 3lt llllnnd A\'1'. 1\1111•1111 Adult~ '•1 f•l l' :\11'1 I ""' A•• u..,,,, .. AJA !> "A.:?'lp "STU" DUNLA r 2f)5 Marine Ave. llalho;1 I~l:rrd Ph. I larhor 200.J Sell It Through C'lassifie<l Advertising Ready for Sixth Venture '11111111 -• ......,_ lor · ...... umic. --~ ... Ir.,,- ~~ ~~ .. tin .. ... -.... ..... ... U1•1ll ...... ._ ... ... HARBOR · Furniture & Transfer BONDF.D ftnd INSURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy Lt-t Us Jlr lp You Be WIM- -C"OURTF:SY SF.RVI\F~ l!)f;2 Jlnrhor nlvd. Costa Mf'll Phone Reacon 55:J8-.J 34-tfr •uatchn -Oocka -Jewelry CIIRONOMETERS Repairing -Prompt Servtc. Senalbl~ Prt<:ft VAN DRIMLEN J EWELR Y I ~ N""POrt Blvd. !"1\!\t P TRAILER fnr ~nlf', w11n ltullt-ln sink 11n1I kitrhl'n nprni1 up t<: i>tRndlnii rnom $:.t!"iO. Ph I lnrt.nr 4110-M. !:l 'J 0 ( lrd1ld, C'nronn d••I l\t:;r !'i!l·21c F(IR SAJ.F. Kl'lvlnntor, 4 comp. cl""P grrl'7<' ror hocnr ,nr com· mf'rclnl 11~... Prir"d for quick ~all' 111 ~ 00. Hnrhor 1384. 58-3tc FIREWOOD CHARCOAL It BRIQUETB PROMPT DEUVERY Wright Lumber Yard J 784 Newport Blvd. CX)STA MESA Plenty of Good Tine . -All Slzee Compound Motor OU G.ilon, 1'0c Western Auto Supply Author11lfd OMi.r 1&18 N"'1>0rt mvcl, Coete .... '11·tfl Be WlM -Advertile WANTED: SCRAP ffiON & METAL -llighr!lt PrlC('ll Pnh1 - IDCKSON & NEWF.1,J, 3101 WN•t 5th St. Phnnt' MM Santn Ana ~/• , ,, Will Pay Cash For your turnltur~ or What have you Phon~ &aoon 5656 Crawley Furniture Co. 1812 N--iior t Blvd., Coeta Moat 91=1tc CASH for USED Furniture & Appliancee "We Buy Almoet Anything" GRANT'S F OR R'EN'I'-t lnl11rnli1hNI :1-r•••m aJ)llrlmt·nl, 111t7 Mnln <.t rflf•t , Cuarant~ ... 1 t ·~1 <"a~ TIRlho11. Y1•nr ~ltnd IN1~·· ~11111111 ·nu q . ,.~.,, month. lltllttl"l' f11rnl~h1•1I l T11 1•;111 1• '" .._.) ,.,,..fir,.,. ~1 ·~•t•·1 A 1,.-J"f 111 Y 1• "l~•,.~m -W-ANTJl:--~-S>-T-0-R-E-PfT----ti :'oh ' " '""' I 1'11' •..S -------------1\111 'lt .. n II \\A "··•• UARr.A""' \"F:TERAN nnil "1f• ""'ti l11•tt"' Yr11rly lin'I' ~~~' m .. 1111th !'hull• llnrhor 41~,1 -, H .1fl• r i ,, '" ··"' -,, ., I MUPLF: with !'> )l't1r r11I "''"' 2-hrltroom hntt"" f11rn1•h• •I '" unfumh1ht•d, hy ) ""r ('1111 lw tWN'n fl 11 m rrnrl M pm I lao 1.,, M ,,., , 1~ • .., flt:Y At 1 L'f• "-• \bin ~~-A,._ I'll !--A <4U 21M-W '•l :>1•• er.u. DtTATE • Nl'Wll·T lml'll 1•mpl••'"' "•onl• .' hc-drnom hnu~ .. p1·l•111t1h un , ............. t11rnl11hr'ft nn ntn•· '"''"'"~ h•1cl• C-1111 Lron \\'1111:.mc 111 ll 1rl••r 13 ;,J If• • 1• in u1 f •• ~ t,. ''t • • P r • " • ' • ,.:,,•, (7_-t~ , • .,, • "' .v. w ·,, I r" Phone Bea. !\7CY7-M WANTEO 2 h•·tlrnnm h11u~" fur 1645 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mf'M r h 1 ,. t 42-tfc nl11hed or un tJrni11 ,., ' '"' 11 I' I "'' •l'T 11t' 411: TY -------------:--Mr"n or Nt>Wf~:r•. :.! rh~lilt~ n H• "'lt I I•., ... '\f.,. ••• "'1~ -rt ro ~XCSIA~<ir: ftA Phnnt' H••1t•'••r1 '·~~ ·' .• 1 "l'I [\< ti I ,,.,,..._, ,, ''" V • ''"" \\"ANT RI >OM In l'XChanv• rnr WANTF.I> T() ftl-:r"T h 1r I ,., :11 I'"""" '•111" J't, ,,, l l~...-tl l'\'f'ning wnrk. hnmu·work, 11111~-Jlt'rlcx! or limicrr. rurnlk)tNI "r l l :V,4.' ''1 "'' ,,,. .. ,,'} 1~7,...., ini;?. r11rr nr d11lo1r<'n. Wnnt rl11)'• unf11rni11hNt h 0 11 ~ ,. • ""rr"'"' Iv ~lr7 ,.,.,.""""" ,..... I "''"' .... """' rr.-r Mn•uri• wormtn-l111 rhor new minimum rC'qu1t•·m••n1 J:\1111 1 MM. f'1111l Ill••. AV •n ,.._ :.!3!):>.w . ·,r, :ltp 11q. ft. with '.I tl"dr,,..•mN V,:tll p11y 'A.'l•c> T wo slni;:I<' mC't11I b<'d-with r11.111tlc up to $200 J"'r munth "ntor•· -Ff1H (14 'J<"K-~U.l.I: coll sprinR~ tbr ~' udlo 1•oui h; ·anyiunt nf lt·n'"' ln 11<h·11nr·.. '·,,11 , Tw•i '"" ,.nt ,,.,. •e> '.....,11n y,,.... RISO lnrg•· wudrolw• trunk r11r Jamt'!I J f"11rroll, n .. ur•m r.Y>7 In """"''""'ll r~n ...... ·~· lawn mow1•r nr whnl t111v•· \llU ·~ .!I• lnr:,llun '"' rv..nlcrq~tr• ""'-'· Beacon 52R3-R. ~·:\tc APARTKENT!'t a IJOU8T.M U n<•u • n 1' "r..a1•rrwT<, ~ I".'.' 711rv A ,....., lArrA.io f.,w BOATS. st:rrLJEl!t II FOR' Pt.EASL'RF. ~Sl'r lhiq 1nm :.l5 ft. cruis"r Sr>a•·101111 ""' k111t Good 4-41l Gray M11rin,. mu••ir Fnctory h111lt , rt'f111r hull. rm k rram<'s, twn hunks, l,.111lw1 1·11~h· Ions SPf'cially pr1rN1 only ~ IWlfl SP<' ii 11t Udn Cn\'f' L11n1ltn1t. 3112 Lar:1y1•tt" llnrt,,.r 1 11~11 W •.x ·,, .. \\" i\:'\'Tf'.D f r •> m 11wn1·r '1'1rtll rru1~1·r ttl $15fl(Jf)I) c11~h :1>!1111t hR\'(' mnrlnt• rni;?tnf'. Sinn<\ "1r - \'<'Y 1'cw11.'f1mr11 T\ox "K " ~,~.'.\tp 1 Chrysler ('r<J" n llkl' n.-w 3· I re- duction. ·1~ W An11h1·1m, l.1•"1 lll'11ch. Phon(' 006:l87 ~-Ste .... ,. l lf•.!/"J nRAND NFW .1 M MIU.FP.. P.r-''"" TW O nt-;OR()()M 11nf11rnlch"'11 l ~•th At < • n1n1 f"h 11..arbr.-l:lllW homf', on rornf'r tn ('oruni. tl1 I .,_.,,. MM YN1rly rrn111I SI'"' lil"nfh t1Ann< 1n 1:.1<11 J l.OVF:l.Y BAYf''ftt •ST fttrnl~h"" er,11rtmr nt M<inlh It, m•1n11t 11r lf'HP P A P11lm•·r l nr :\..'\:\~ Via Lido. N.-wport n. ach 57-4tr aarr, ... , 40 X 40 R llllnM11 Oulldlni;: fM r•·nl Newport Blvd , !'t.1t1t11 M• ... •1 ~I" Onvry, 22.1 F: 23rd St 5S-3ttf . ' nt ·r1.t:X ~ 1 !',.!ii.,, .. " 'R~JSlfID• W . L. JOl{DAN Rf:ALT O R 7r~J r. r""11nl. ~ 11.,1..,lf' J~3 6tf~ " - JRTR POWF.RS a..t EARL W. STANLEY R.EA.LTOR C'OVF.RINO OREATl:R N·ltWPO RT HARBOR 3113 W. CZN'11t.AL Nrwport 8Hdt t51h AND IRVJN1; 9T'I. NewlJC!ft a..dt .lt>HN A PRJ:NDDutABT lT.,_ _. OOAn Hwy. ,...,..t &adl •l J. A. REEK omcE ...._ bti.nd r""' t.andlnc Ziii MAJlTNE A VE. &.Ibo. Island al roAST IJWT . Conine ck! Mar CORONA DEL MAR f ..;t'll'P homP OVt>rfookina bay and OCl .. tM. t-tmom..;i. ~\ hnthS. Extra laf'IW" comer lot. at ,.,tra111 that mnkr thl~ 11 n>AI huy- $30,000 Sf.f' 11111 Shlv.•rH -.- Four LoodA NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOTS COOi). I .Jo:vt:L BUILnING SIT.E $1 ,JOO BALBOA BAY SHORES Tilt: Bt:S'T RllY IN nu; TI<ACT f,.,fl{t• fivln~ mnnl, :'\ llf"ffl'OOrM aDd 2 bfifhR; hcoUtl• fUf Jtftft() Wlfh ftiofl'\ n( J1fllflfinl('\. ()Ver lf;<I() SfflUIN' frrf •rf mr"'t livnhk-. hum•'. I f11ntwood noo~. Will v-11 rurni.<ihM-- $14 , 900-Unfurnished Set> J fnrry p.,.111(' LIDO ISLE CORNER LOT W>-F~trrintn~.,.. &'St lorntlon on th.,. Island . 1lw> prir..-l-; rll(hl-Conw in nntl Sl'C-- l lal Shiver,. COSTA MESA INCOME PROPERTY ~ hung1tlrttes. PlumhinK in for ~ mon>.'Trallcr ~ for :;_ Lot hAR ov«-r M500 ft'<'l <>f hlac·k-l_OJ!: Only S 10/J()() dnwn. and it '>lhould gl'Of'." over $8500 .)'l"Or fy-All thi.ti a rw1 owner'-; qunrtrn;, too. SPf> Harry P<>stlr ROY GREENLEAF Jr. nnc1 ASSO{:IATES 3112 West Central, Phone Harbor 2501 Nf.wport Beach ... . : • I _1 AROUND THE HARIOR: Soc·ial ON THE MESA' • PBONU: llA&llOll U. tee .... , HA. 1111-• - -- Activities "" "'-i/r I a.~ .. Page ·6 ,,, I:"' POST •• Lao A •B•S-Tt•B• THUILID.&Y N ...... ...._ c.m.. ..... S. - .., ...,ii lnJge Mds $200 fo T ~'1 OI Copillo CiKle Cltildren's Home Society Stresses AiJ -To lollt C ltild ren and l'orenls •uih .i ~t.MnUt) Iii•) . out:Slllr ~....t m)rtidt r.t rto•• n 1~ A meetln£ ol ttw Nl"wport Har- bor Auxiliary of lht' Chlldren's 1%oov Society •·a1 held "'-day afternoon 111 lhl" homl" of Mn. Harold Chmth•r, 1611 Balboa IVt'JIUl", Balboa b land. llW' N...,.-port Hart.c.-~, ~ l'l ~ 11 r .. paLL. nrcw·5 of thf> ~1ldJ-o11'~ J~ ~} ~ krJrtl!" •<• ln>I) N'prt'- ia UM' ftnt ol 1U lund • •Jr.-p wlP•~r .. 1,f II\• <o;> '''"" •• nd ov~r rount)'. and a ('(oft~-9 t., • .. l•(> tL"boJf' '"'"'"'.," .... r .. pr,...n· San Olf'CO Dwtrlr1 'ltt1411"5 a<> .. T......dll~ ro <-n il) th.-,,!f;11r lmporUtnt S1f'JI m tt~ f~bfy _... "'' I p m )(o • , ~f f"11mphell Presiding at lhl' ITl('('tinit. Mn Wl"ndll"I C'.alk11'1S rf'ad 1t ll·tter rt'<'<'l\'l'd fr o m ttw Childrm'a Hom.-Society. San D1t·1to c!as1rict. announring t ht' ll1JJ1ni11tnwot of Frank LmdM>y R11nd u Public Rl'lah ons dirl"ClOr. of ack>poan ~·l()r' m tho nr>1J1t;"' ... ., r-.. m~ .,/ ~r r""""'"'""' !n lhf> 56 ~an "'""" ,.....,. -n .. d ,._,...,.rr " n d .-.,!(,.,. 111 r<"n'• H omP .s..c,..,, t-4 r •'.:j • ,.,,.~ ,.,.n, .. ,...J •lln ~k4>1.!t of began its ~l<Cl loir ncw r ; ~,.. 1,,.4-......,_ than .14.(ffi bc.-oi i...,. 1..,..,. pr~ •ii pillu• shJ)!f )l~\fe bfw>n ~,J~"" t~91 bt~ ..,t,. •. ..., r>~ }Ir" 1. L hi• fl •'tfh adnpti\f' ~h ''"' "•" _. Jin t. .. ~ ,\hr,..f111t \lrs: Con- e-an-~Qr ttwm )!(11:1 tA tbr-r , .. ,~. Ind ............ \l,.. nv.m .. ~. ..nfl tiny m1antf> •~ JA•-C""d ~., •:..--)bot -f;.Hir<J~ S'4} 1nr ~!rs G F: Thi• nl'w b}·la'4·s of. the Aux- iUar) Wl'f'<'.rl'ad hy Mrs. lta~old Chrlatl<'r. cha1rrnun of lhl" Oy- L&w11 commillt'<'. S()('11'1Y uctl <An<' (4 ,.,._ • H ""''"*' Iii ""nr" Ana "'·oo tlw a twlr>k>N rtW4.. f.rau: ui • ~ Dl'r.-t> .~ onS. r Jtt\t'n b\ p;.~-...;-,;.-,;-;.,;;;-~;;-;;-;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~• ~ta1n f uturf'-if bOI «<• • ~ at.r-~'-J\•-tJ'ftf" ,.,_~ vi C u r-QtUt 1n1t hand 10 ,.-wdor hat1 ,<--•t x.w • ,){~ FINE FABRICS •. Drapt'ries • Upholstery •~n1 • Hand prinu It dreu f1brics. Unlnp- Qulltlne. etl". PHOJllE HARBOR 20IM.J·K 123 C.OUt HlJ:hw~ O>rona del Mar Phone Harbor 2522 .... 8t1IJ.t1 -. ·41.,. ... 61.p •S.CJNlnl, ..... (next to a.l&e,-Cafe) lif f' tn a ~ c.llTf ~ulJ) ~ for him 'TIM' ··ff• >Mli 11nd ~u: JTM'nt11 nf thi• _.,..,, 1!11 D " onl) that ~ ~·· ,,, v •· ,...,_... a rt" pl l>('l-d m n#'S haml • • .,, "' )'l"ar hut 1ru.1 hundP"'6 ~ Nir- ents "'ho <kt not •'1ltl" i.: ....,, with thn r rluldrom I~ 1~­ antl) ~id. lo Cl'-1b>ri .. an-• paN'd that <trdo at •br<llldt I hl" hd p and Ol>Wllit-l t.I '!bl' .._,,,. lrty's ••rll-1nurv-d 11 n cl q. path<'lll' "Sta.ff. Th1;11 It ran boo -tbat CW Chlldrm·JO H 1cnr SoclM) d <"»- forrua. ont• o1 t..-o Ill)<.__ ~ ('('f\M'd tu OlfTl _, _...~ lil'rv11'.'f1 in thP Stat.-h¥ a Urtt- fold functlon: to ~· _. lecaJly cw• ~ "'-c - ~t-d for pl~ lo ~ adoptJ\'(' CY~ • lll'IUDc IO lM:.t chlldrf'ft tn ordrT 10 ~ ...,.. ,,..~ ~ 'ln nMr' •·f'no• Mrs f' £. BaTrll<>r. No) f"1nch <"t'r• .-w lLn ~ Sa~lor. candy h ecn Cflf"Olla c:ti-1 )(ar SuJli"r· i:::..vV• lf" Hun Wr~h. ICT<>- f'TT} ~r fnim Can.non F o o d Jl.wb.f )In R.a.r.b..A \'...ddH' ruv1 )IN C.--~ ~ Sl"W lucky num- t.n -,_., ~f'ly rakn and )In. c~ Shn<* .. Oil a Labk' bcp. · AD aMo-d ff'aturf' ol the party ~ ;11 ~ food sai.-•wlud1 was • ~r al )In S W Blac"· ._... _. 11n Wf'ftdrll Ho)'f _. •brll ..... '"°"' SUl"ttVful &nfs. Jin A. ~ Knnprr and ~" .--......... ~ rl'wnnm. ~H -n s::'J'.'> n"Ct'tVll'd from dlit-,._, te=.--best ~for t'adi dliW ..... l°""1 c1., .A..o..ces ~. and to twot., tMM-~· •·ho •'an1 to M"'P .-.. «t.M Cltmlw loaq•ef Date bu~~~~. :._:r.,.. N-. C~Hee Heads ....... ~Cat,,..... ........ r&a DID.IVEllY lnit •f'ft• t,I~ A \' ~ 'n.r -ty arP11bPct ~ ~. W•'ftdt-U ("....._ lbnlil .._... z-c.. di*. llfiliattl!d with C'hrilltift'. ltaroW ~ p K W\'th 7-ta lett"r'aahOftaJ. a wo-...... Ba.ue1t, R R.. ~ .J-.ctl: _.-. ~ ctub ~ o1 Jlillnuu1. W. R 11.illfT' • .ktm ~ ~•&1R .. Mid prolnJN>nal wo- 1..ksHf' Su-ft.~ E B --~ --. WM a m-11nt.t Apnl 27 Han••·>· u~~1 and E C ,._. ~ rrw ..._ ot 8"-nia B&Ju Upllolstery t m ..,. C"•0taa ..,. lC.v W'lth Gladys Hany McKee IUO 1fwpw1 ...._ ea. ... ..... ...... St. Jooclti•'s G,,;IJ I.Ad-o(. ~· JoMtum . r.w 111ill hold tht'U' nt"ll1 ~ - Thunda)'. Kay ' ., tht ....... llChool a udl1onlml.. ~ ---nue. at 7.lO p.a. Ser' ~'. prftldlog .Jin fta2P'I Craru K i n It o( ~ t6smict chauman of 7J--.a l1Jfn'ft:.af10n.'tl and orpn- ~ el l lw-loraJ C'haptn. R3\.> . taw:• .. ~ fGr ttw Cllln« ._..t .and tlw Pf'•>- 0-c. uw ~ --Dr . ._ "CM"c• al Pw- ........ lfn. 8"llah Pri.-nt • c.,_ .. ,._ '°'"'" ltW'llfs. D98t' llade.D1 :-l.l. you at>oU\. t tote Ju&t ano e i.aid sui,_6 •• 1llR<>l1 gl.etl p 1.ch ! '[beY .our t 1.o 1118 tth toP cos separatelY· '!-b. e purchBsed o modes\.-can . d__...and s it ao ~sire '"'· 7 5 each ••• r iced at 1.Y P ·n 5 aon. - D come l. o SincerelY· -~ Tllr--,,,...~ ~~ .... ,_ ~ f~I )I fl4'T'lmfin. or- ~ Ac'ftM BlomrjUl.~f. ~­ ,_.. n.--tt F...,.aJ S;t,,np and '--W'Q~ a n c1 L!K-.111• ~d ol tbr J>llt ICI Shnp 'J1lp ('ls.1 rtn' boft<fUt'-1 .. ill t>r llrW at ~ H..t>or Yarllt rim& -K.ty J~. W'lfh miin) l•\C"a l ... ~ -.Ut11-. Pl""""'"' ,_:f,_ n..'"""" -~ •111 c:sTy ~ fl!# m:ul~ :l("t"'lt ll"1' of Olr dlll> wn" appnntrd ;u fol· --.... "°"""'P· R.'T'ntrr Ra It 1 : !k-nWP lilarltllft't Katttt lk;µn- mc -t lh'w Hamplnn : Publl<' an.. ~ srafll" of 9".invn. J ,.._,. ~ 1·()t"f\nn itrwf ~lyrtl" Rri"olll~... Pr~nm ;uwt Puhh- "'J 'fi.\flllH'n · C .,,,, m.'tn . n...,.1 . .._, L .r.i:!4<!' Hamhl t . F1rutnN'. ~ti '"'""~-lnrrrnar1oOnAI Rr-·..-.~ ,,,.,.,..bra S.......I•') l\nd In· ''"T-i'l1'' P.>I •'"'"" \l1ldn "' '!'t :\n· Ho,f,o, St°' Cl•b M~s Moy 4 at CDM 'l•r!-. r '' u • 111 .-111 ·'ti•·• 7,.,.,f;n \l ·~ 1 v l'l I'm 1n (".,. -"-l ~ \t ,, ( "imrm•m1~ • h•ird1 ... .._,., ~ • ffo•rP-"~-. f••r ~.,, • \• -,.,,. • "" \fr" P.r~,n;\ Cull Ir .r~ ·• f ·•h· r J 1 nn ... >n <·•I'll• • ti• 'll~"i tfl, r lh• h USllWS!I eluvJM e. dJ.'PfU 1l11MOl4,,CU Open House Every Day Tiroud1' May 23 '' ---------Ft-om 10 a. ~-to 4 p. mi----------. .• Al bis beod#il11I monsi01t -~ "-seo of 'l • 205 OCEAN BLVD. CoroM del M. "(( This incomparable #tome '-6ee. sold '°' 1125.000. hut Ur. Fipps desires lo oller CM opporl•.a, to •is "'°"1 friends and to tlte public of ~ to •isif ii. (A ltosfess will sltow yo. t610f191tJ I ·~ FeatureJ will he ~ 6eoetlil•I l•,,,;J,;llfJS lrom W. I. Scoff Co .. 4141 Aflo.tic llnl. ------1..oefJ leoclt -------- )-·- J I . -Atwater /Wnt Winners To Appear of Hollywood low/ Holidpy Sfo9e Director Add,esses federolion M 11sic cS Drama Sections Har91d Turney, Elltt\ltlve Di- r~tor ol ll~iday S tace. lpokf' 'T'Uesd&y at ttff> sJll'ing meetinc or tl'M' Music and Drama sections uf the Orani:e County F~tion ,,f \\ onwn's Clubs at the ~II <'lubhoo.~· in Fulk-rton. lntrodU<"f'd by Mra. J . J . A.Jex- andrf'. l."halrman . Mr. 1\arney MW-fly outlined the 11etivttln pla.nned by Holiday Stace ICM' it~ sumlTM'r M'a50n tll pr'GfHsional at&Rf' pla)'11 beginninc June 28 a t the Tustin t!lrh school. Costa Mesa Circles Enjoy Social Ev~ :in9 Al Clturclt Holl MembPn of Circle 5 and Cir· l"W 10 of ("09ta llet1a W .S.C.S. 1attitt.d 'TUelday night at the M>cial hall of CCJmmunJty Metho- dist churdl for a pwTly 90dal t"\'r ninc. I •r l'arl Weci<l"r. gener•I man- 11~wr ol th<' Hollywood Bowt ASIO- c1 , • 11111, 11nnuunl't'Ci tod•Y that the ""' llrst-prl:u> winnera ol tht' 1~1!4 Al"a t<'r Kent Auditions will ap1>1 ... r ll~ 1:ueit soloi1U with the I l111l)Wuud Rowl Orchestra thia swnmt>r. Tht• y..iung 11U1n and woman ~tnl!• r' "ho will win lhe top -1~·'' in 1h1· $15,000 audtllons n•"' m proi;reoss are scheduled t o 1~ rr .. nn clur111g lh<' rl'guhir con- '' 11 1·1111dUt·lr•d hy EUKl'llC Ur· 111 1mly •m llw evening of July I~' ·n"' I lull)'wood Bowl Asso-··•·•llun pursu1•io 1d<"nticnl lnt<'r<'Sts '" r II llh•M· of the A tw11tcr Kt>nt ~ .. 11111l11t111n," Dr. \\Pecker sa.1d. · Jl.,1h 11q :11n(uitions slrive to giv<' , "u n i: rir11s1s or outsta nding ; ,i. nl .on 11ppor1umty to IK' heard lo~ ·'l'I''' 1•1.111\'o• aU<ill'llCl'l!. \\'1• h"'" f11llowl'd the' proi:ress , I 111• K1 nl Auditions ror St'\'eral ,, '"'· 111 \\'N·k•·r rontinued. •• ntl "' 11;1\I' come to the con- ' l11•11m 1ha1 the 1ot1fted vocalists "h .. \) 1n ttw first prizes merit 1111 a111ll'arnnn• at our summer 11.,1,~ "'"id 13owl series." ('h .. ,\l\\i1k r Kl"nt Auditions. "1111 t. "111 ht• roncluded durln1: lh• :1111 "t'l'k or 'May. offer ten 1ir111·~ IO non-professional v<X'al- ''" l••1w1•1•n th«' ages or 18 and •8 • fh• rt' 11rl' two priz~ eal."h of ,:.~0 1 $1i!'llt, $1500. $1250, and '11-.r' 1 >'•'r .• > 'I ,111pli.catlon11 were re- q11••Sl"d for lhl' 1948 Atwater >'• nt 1\ud111ons. 1 1•t }l'llr'~ wlirtn<"rs were Miss I :·, J\m11jo ofl Costa Rica . end 111• • .dor l lppman or Palo Alto, I· 1l1fnrnin. Luncheon to Feature May Marlet at St. James Church lest Sellers in Fiction and Non-fiction <Compiled by Publisher's Weekly) neu. Eat:I<' in the Sky,· by F. van Wyck.Muon . Raintne County. by Rou Lock- ridge, Jr. HOWi(' Divided. by Ben Ames WiJllama, . Thc Idea.of March , by Thornton Wilder. ~ . East Side. Wt'St S ide, by Marcia Da\'enport. Noe-FktJoa Pc•11ce of M ind. by Joshua L. Li<'bma n . _ , Information ~l<'ll5e Almanal". Ed. by John Kiernan. l nsldr U. S. A . by John Guiher. Sexual Behavior In the Human Mele. by A. C. Kln.sey a nd othPrs. A Study of History, by Arnold J . Toynbee. James I of · Scot land was "tleld <-11pti11e for 18 years by llenry v or Britian bl."forl" hp WU able to ta ke hi~ place as ruler of the restive country to lhe north. But during that period he bt>came a scholar end 11 poet and met and W<'d Joan 81."a ufort, noble blonde beauty Annf' Fr~mantle ha.s used their romancl" in a historll."al novel or unusual quality. James and Joan (Holt, $3). Balboa Island Girl Candidate lor U. ol R. Student Council REDLANDS. APRIL 2S-Her - bttta Johnson, daughttt of Mr. a nd Mn . H. L. Johnson of 1111 North Bay Front, Balboa l•land. Is a candidate for the poaltion of wome-ri's representative on the. University of Redlands student council Elt'Ctlons will be held M~ 4-5. Duties of the two reprpen- tatlves elected will be to air Edyt/Je .1Jflvi¢Son's MOITH-EID CLEA4 RAICE Ladles' Better Apparel Greatly ~ Redaced to Clear Group Better Dresses Group Better Dresses au•. tl.N , ... _ Group Print Dresses ''ah-u '° ... tr Group Suits ,,u-to .... 35• GrQ.UP Slack Suits !U5 &o u ... v.a-13" Group Forstmann C--Oats •• ,,.._ 55• Group FORMALS Greatly Reduced ....._ Group 100°/o Wool Slacks ~~., ... 5• Group Bath Ro~s 1ua v.a. ,.5• Grp. Lastex Pantie Girdles artua.a.. 3" Group Handbags l Pritt Group Umbrellas I Pritt Grp. Nat'n'ly Adv. <Msme~-·l Pritt ,. , .. ~ Group Cera~cs_ AU joined in e.amts led by Flor"nt'f' Devey. Ott BdJ. a mMnhfT Who is movinc aWa) from town. was pn'fpnted with 11 farewell ,Jtift. At the cao.. al tht. ~inc ,...frt'Shmrnts Wf'ft 1ened by the halt.-. Attaltt ~ and llltrian MllXWt'D. Enjoying the affair.• special ~ts WM'f' Alitt F"ashtt, E dna Gof'mtor. Revttly OftMllg, Pat ~ ... and Ptlylllll Fowl«. lr.stitutcd last year and prov-s tudent complaints. work on vari- lnj.t a hilt suctts!l, thl' May ous committees and bring student ~tarkf'I will this y<'ar ht' held opinion to bear on all W.un. Group Wide Leather Belts t• Group Better Handkerchiefs SOC a t• h> th1· Woma n's auxiliary of St M111s JohntK>n is a member of J:1rn1•s Eµ1sr<1psi l church on Fri-thr llOpho~e rla.u. All Sales Final 1lfi y, '.\lay 7. in th,. church C'lois·<E-----..=;:;..._ _____ _ No Exchan9es -No Refunds -No Lay-Aways )L>mhen piilii"nt lwer. Ewlyn Cnem«>r. I> o r i $ Tay\or, BNak Potts. Luctllt' •Knirht. Mildrt'fi W arn,. . \"ir1tini11 LAnr. Irm11 ui2h ~ha•'. n o t t I e Georgr . RMJlah ~r. \'i .. ginia Hocland t..iura J°""'· Marian Ovf'rmAJt .'ran Patrit'k, AliC"t" Whitman., J t>:trtnco ():uw..-. RM-ni~ Hadlf')'. '"r l.11n1·h·~•n "ill a)!ain be a popu- 1.ir f..atun'. to be Sl"r\f<'d from 11 ·:\11 on 11nd on th•' ml'nu will '"' hakrd Sr).1nish b<'nn~. sal11d. •;1nd" iC'hN1, 1rr cr<'am ;ind <'Off('('. Ttwrr will In addition lll' a booth fur thr ql1• of \'armlL~ c.'OOked (o'lflds rnn klt"!! ;ind C'Rndll'll Pl11n1~ ;i nn cut flowns will IK" for ~Hi•' at thC" plant hooth For lre11~•1rC' 5C'l"k<'ra. 11 white <'lcphanl t:.hll." '4;11 be-cnticin2 11nd for thn-;r thinkini: 1th<'ad Jo C'hri.stm:i•. lh<'rl' '1ill IX' all kinds of h11nd made-artirl<'s both for lmbirs and ndults '.\tildttn Rmok.s, lr<'fK' Peter- !!On. Jf'llSIP Roling. Eleanor Ulk. Jane Rrid. Hrl"1 J ltC'C'.lh9. I r e n e Wood. M ary Andenon, Nonna Nesbitt. Nancy Card. Ramona Hartshorn and Mildred IUtxtikr Cat1n.e Offerecl Mothers AnJ Scout Leac/ers A 24·hour Nlllr'M' nr 1r.i1nini: for da ~ ram rii n c w1 II hri: 1 n '!"ftr< • cby. '.\l.1y ·I. ;,1 th.-.\nt• n r 1n U>gion Hut. arcordini: 10 ;,, an- nc1onc"nM'nl madP :ti a '"' • lln..; or lht' lJ<arlrrs cluh. 'l.:1•w·p.1r t HAJ"bor Girl S.C.Xll :t'~•1''111o ,n. ht'ld TuMda) mormnc '' llt. lt11• .nas.~ • ill he· h··M rr .... , •l ,., 11 IT\, In l:l JO I> m. NH'h I "' ••I"'' and Fnda) for a monlh \m 111- IM'fttrd n\()lh••n: nn· ''" 1•1 tl ''' .1nm'1 a!' •·C'll ;i.<1 ~111r I• )d• rs and "Firkrrs. Girl ~I!' "~111 h· ..... IL '""" aftt•n'"on' a nd all 11 1, "·•'llr da);.c. c.>llini.: tu-kr ll' '" lh• '' 11 NTI '" ht• pr""4'nl•'f1 ·•' 11.. t I h c~I auditorium :\I I\ 11 "' ,,,.. n ranc.-Cou:'ll\ :--'" "'·""' or rh4-<lra Th•" ,, .• 1 .. II• I • I•' t .. rm.mN' rir .. ,·..-.·'1< 1:11111: '" •h·· l:i lll•• 11 .. 11"' h111lrhnc l llt\rl .uut :\hs G1~1n " in rh 11 ... 1 • .. 1 u lt'S. ,;\n.1thf'r t-.. n• :,1 tt • ..; .. p:.anntnt: " 'h· hr 11t , t. u•t t '"t111,n .. th•\\ i,, '" t11 11 \l ... ir1 Am• .. ru·.•n 1 • ". • rt t • I 1 •• ~· 1 "'""' .uw1 \11-J .. lln II ,,. •• ,, •n th '""C• nf ''• ~. t , , , ... \\nil< "orkmc f•·r 11 • r1--l\ .. < I h·· ~"out-. ilr•• .11'" i J 1 •-,i n.: 1 ~ othrr'-tnd ;1r ... ~ •ft ' , m2 klls f· •r 1'111:.1r • 11 • •. r •. 1• Pil!!ltC'rs 11r1• appc11r lng In all l{'(.fion!' of to\\'n 1h1~ WN'k . Soml' h;l\,. bto~·n mad" by Walt<'r Hitch- man wh1l•' oth,·rs w1•rr made by )!rs. Crum1ry. Frnnc-••s Graham 11nd Orner \'tlln~ana GPnM"a l ch111rm1•n in chnrge of thl" May Mark• 1 :ir•• Mrs R. Don· aid Hall 11 nd l\lrs. 1 lltchman. Surprise May Q~een To Be Crowned Friday At Costa Mesa Schoo/ Thl'rt''s i;:olni: to Ill' n Mar · Queen 31 CO!lt<1 M~a MAin 11eh0c;l Who will Jlrt'l'1clr at r.-~tivi tiC's •·riday hut hn 1dentil~ 1~ 11 Sl'C· r«'I . She wi II lw rC"V<'a l(•cf whrn fC"slh"it11•ll ~tnrt Hf l :l:l p.m. at th<' plan:rnund f ii thr Wl'Al hrr m11n d<l"Sn'1 frown t :ind w hich ,_.;IJ la!>I ror I\\" hour.; The-'Jlh't'n will hil\'•• ~1-c llllr nd- nnt~. thrt·C' rndt (Mm lh1• ~<'''l'l°ll h and C'ii:hth i.:n uh•!t Thr ~<'htv1I Of('ht>l'I r:1 "111 pin) anrl t h1•n • will l:I(' dan('r < rint1 »~ t•nt1'-T't:nrr- ml'nt lty th" l'fu ltln ·n. "Ith pa r- c•nl!' nncl llw i:••n••ral p11h1i1• •n· vitro. In cnnj11nr1 inn with lh1· ~!." D11y procr:.m llwn • will '"' an l"Xhihit in 1 h•• ~t·hool in "hwh ('\'('ry on" !lf t lw RI 1(1 i;f 11rll-n1 i; will hll\'(' a p;art &·WIM' -Advl."rtl$<' • O.niabet perspiration odor • Checb penpiration moittute • Ci;~r;'r-l~ng·protection ... .. . '• ~ • Gentle tO WQ and Clothing ' I • Keepe you fragrantly dainty 1 .. ,., ... -• Sc.ays.cream,r;NDOOth .iA &he jar Newport Hampton Pharmacy · Harbor Drug - EDYTHE DAVIDSON'S 213 North Bro~dway Phone S.A. 1486 Van de Kamp's ' 33rd Anniversary Celebration 3 More Days of Great Valaes! HmldN!d" llll'f'ady fla'e jolnf'tl "" thJ11 "~ In f'f'lf'lllratt.r; ..,r SSrd hlrthda)'. O ur low. 1tpttlal pril'f" on a ~rifot, flf lliif"'--1· Ina product. "lit l'ontlnul' through ~aturda,·. 1'9ay ht. Our 1tuuantttd fr"Mh hcUled l{ocld11, eholc'lf' randiM a.41 n- IN" l'l"('am. art" df'flnJtl" "mu~t .. " on ) our """IJPlnit 11 .. t. \\'" •-• you to t>elrbratt' "1th u." or. II ~·ou·,... a Rl''lllc-onM"r . to r;l"f .... quatntf'CI with Ull. That· .. "hY )'OU'll find {'()('().\:'\ l'T ""('A- ROOSS a t II)(' a dMA-n and tem1•tlng <'JSS.\~O:'\ ROLU4 al 6 tor 11•'. It• nanw only '" o "icnoat hu)"•"· dn ·deKampS 8 A K E R I E 'S MARKl':T l'lPOT-RAJ.BOA il'lLASD ~~EY~l'~G ll>E.~· By .~fossler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----c-::-~~.~--;-. -. ~ ......_ Highly Becoming*** Try the "New Brush Curl l .....,. ,... tMak 1·• .-kf' morr of .. IMO ...... • Grecory r.dl. II I -t W. .. ct.-r ah ..... Mr. 8 r rste~" n D I ' May Day Permanent I 9 Special . ~ . Including Hair Styling Shampoo and Rinse ~ For Appointment ~ RNh.M'j.lon Phone Harbor 1781-J on a11 1tl\.on I and up Pl"nnanHlt. 1) 11 .. 'J ff. t:VF.SISW~ R\. APrOIST~EST 11 t •• ;, .. ._ "' f: Helen's Beauty Salon I r. . I i l~:.::.:::t ... ~:::~ .......... .::::::...."""~ # .. ' R D \{' al th " ft 1 in p: al .. , . • hr (' .. I< ntl It a1: ITU 11 •• llr ha i• 0 tu u w. a ft' ' 1! ~ * JOHN PHILLIPS I JOE PALOOKA A DIME 1'...~Tlll' iWC:W .&1' A Red Century Plant Blo9ms ~ an Iota o( thlnp thl• '1'Hll wa1 coromlttl'd for ont' ~ "'~kly letter would like to talk oril)'. It dl1CO\'f'red thr lntt>nl to about: lhfo vote on the olf'O bill, 1tlv<> 11way 3 bllllOM ol lht' &old at wronetully 1pokPn or aa a tax Ft Knox mat.-r: thP tldt>landa bill, Just out W1' knt'W that we wt'tt ex~ted of committ<'<' and on the floor . to suppl>' farm l'(lUlpmt>nl. u pl&l"t \he bills on various fa rm pollcit't; of thf' F.C"A ~lroi:ram. It wu lhW SPIJ"oprlations : a hurril'd trifl a· Utlll' ortlef' whlrh unOO\'l'rt'd tM PAGI: 1 <'ross ttw lint' to Nnrri,;t11wn, tn f,u·t ·111111 th•· \'nltl'd ~t att'tl is .e'lt-· Sfl('n k' to a i:rn\11" nf prt'f"mrt f'IC'C1rrl' "' pmv11k fll1·m 11upplicA W.,..kC'n< and impn•s~ lh«rn With to the t'Xh'lll or ~1 :!:1.fl()(l,000. o( II\<' s<'rlo11sn1•ss l)f the pr<'S<>nt situ· whl<'h ~.1:ioo,111111 ·Wl>rth 11rt.' to n tlon : th•'( impasse in thl' at· i.:n t.• Frnn1•,., \\htk ut 1lw i111m <' i.•mph..-1 "'h1111111 (fl 1 he• (\1l11r11d11 llrtw. F ran•"' •-ll• EXPORT tt-l ''w Hhl'r <'on1.1·11\t•rs~, 1 1•11111<1 thmk 1111ll111n 11,,11111·, 11.1r1h 11f f n r 11l nt ;i d111<'n t•llt<'rs lns1 .. 11d. l shnll • t•1t11p11wnt L1•t's K•'' 1111:1•ttwr 1111 1:1'1' an,1t h•.-r w1•,•k's ll'ltl'r 111 1-;l 'A.1 this! fo~ ~('ai;un.' \1hil'h I huP•' "ill l1t• Tlw~· 1tl"' 11\Sf;i\\•'f1 cl th!' f11l10W· t•\'tdent 1n.; q11pt;1t11111, lA·h1d1 1 h.l\'1• lw1•11 S.-veral i1r us \\W1• distur,l.)('d 1..i11111: y1111 11l}'\alo n 1c thlt( lhl' IH\IE IH lGAN to) tht· ''"''' on EHi'. It ";1s not so "11ri1:i11al listi< of nt''<'dll umtk r th<' ~1uch ,.,." 1Jrl'p0nct.·run<"t' of ..l,•}'ey. Mn~shnll 11h1nl ""'rl' • ... ct111·1111•<I m :i l"l>nl!TPl<!l "l11ch 1s s11pp11.;1•cl 1111 t:111·~,1·s.' nn<I that t~t'Y will ~ ha1•• 11 l\\o-patl) ;;ystt•m. with urw I 1'111m1:l'd IK'rh11ps ract1r11lly. Whl'ff party ask111i; tlw oth1•r por t)' to t he•n • 11n• s111111· ro•nl f11t·h1 to .:o JUi>l1fy Its pn...:n1111~ and its l'X· on .. Thul's 11111 ~urprls.in~: n11h<>dy ()l"nd iturt's; it was moN' the i•vi· i •~•11lcl look fnr in the fututt, but dl'nt'>' thnt m formnt11m 1:ivt'n th!' ii~··· why flu• lon1: tlnH' fin1tndn)(" ( 't•ni:rf'ss. nnd ·th<' 11t•npll', wns J n· I Why not :ti low for 1·hn11~<"~. In,; <1cl1'(1u11tt'. or inac·1•11rrll<' l'lutflns: fl1t"1 <'Pnrllt ion~ In 1 .. 11r"pt• ("onsi'ttlll'nl ly. 11 n1t•mhi•r I t'<>m Anni lfl'r: Sonir · uf I h<' llgurl'!I, ='••w York un!l f sl'I up, hr•rf' in on 11 hu·t1 111' w1•n • .;upposc-dly mnk· t h<' huilcbng, n 111 I II• • ll11ri•1111" i1f 1111! i111r ii1•1·1 .. 1on. w1• have• n ow vur own. siatr .. d wlllt lt·•lll1t.iran ll1s1·n~···!·1·1i Wl'rr nut rr1t:1tsrd hy pt'()plc'. to ehp·k 111w tlw nrnt<'t'l:;l j th•· l nitl'cl Nations ('nmm tll<'t' Un · from whidi the• suµpor lin. l'VI-111 l\lar<'h :li st, lhl' rlny ti.•fm·r \\'I' tlt•m ·1· \\!IS SllJllki:;i«I In ('Cl~lt' lfl \'Ot!'d. ltrlll ottwr (1).!1lrt'>t,, 1tlso :<Up· stmwh<Mly l(lhil•·s a rt•pnrt. t h <''l'i l"'s"dly 1n hand. 11'111 11111 hl'~n,•:ul· tn''" a nd W tlnW n l\r<' 1.tld 111 ~"I :ohl1' unl II .lunt• ls~ h1w k and SC'<' if that is .. x;w tly . One nation. Rrttlan. l!I kN•plr1iz T11 E BL".J>U\'S "h1tt It did say. and in what ron-1ts~lf 111 t h•; hind<. this ~l~c-111 y1•11r. r~ 'n n<'<'tiun Ynu ):!Pt lhi• idi•a ( )ur by th~ pnrf's dHll').!1'11. ond thr d1•sir.· u I first \\ :t~ t II ~· nw ri1t·rs I I 8!u:s ltnpil~•·tt, 1111 'lw 111hn~o !lllp· s traight. fnr •f\fl'l"'"'••s. A~ '"" ph1:n 1h:ct .... untry 11111h•r ... C'A. 1t;,~s h11\i• i.:or1t h\:. mm·i• m i•ml1<•rs ~on1• o~ th1·~·· nro 1·1i11I 111 t lwn~· ,,( ttw ( '11n1irt"'-~ .. ;.,. turoin).! tn this sl'lves: ti~ ~1p1pl~ thnl t hr~ tlo n t sourr•• fo r mnll'rial lhi•i· arl' U!llni: [add up tn conf1Clt•rw1• In such 11 1 011 th<' fiiior. · ~n•i:ram. 1\11 11 loni.:;.t.l'rm lrnsls: 1 nsc tu rt-mark thot th1• ltah1rn 11 \\ llS l)w; Sr1_'1f'('1• \\ fll1'h l'hl'l'kl'll , ,,l!'c-t ions W ('f(' f'Ol'Ulll'llRill).! 11ml f tlw first C'X<"<'llll\'<' nrclt·r ;ind found hope:• that ECA m!£y .b1tvr had some It l11trcl th<' n.,:11 w1111n~ nn rnak· 1111111, Ill'•' thPt'i''. i.·\'t n thou1:h It 1ni; cuntr:wts t.1r ,.uppl1t•,. !11r nhH't' wai-: t11d1r-.'<'t !Intl 11.,,: thlln c:>ur -MAY DAT May Day is a great occa!lion for marching. In RtL~ia it is· kno"'ll as Internationa1 Working Class Day. Lots of parades. Ditto in other European cities whf re the •·commies"' can )!et enough people toJ!elher. But the march we like be~"t of all is the march around the Maypole. Of course. the kid~ lo\'e it, and they make a pretty picture i lithe May Day =-ettin~. What" s more. they march for the fu11 uf it, not to further ·-.·orld re,7olution. ·· TAX CUT REMINDER Let us remind you-aJrain to sa,·e the reduction in yolD" income ta:( which will show up in yow· next paycheck. Uni~ you ~ve it from the ~tart you· aren•t likely to do so later on. The extra dollars each munth you will receive aft~r May 1 can do a lot of things for you. T hey can be attUJDulated in a bank account until you have enough to buy a U.S. Sa,;n~ Bond·, or-t hey ctm be sa,·ecJ for some other special purpose such as .. '3 trip. hotL-.e repairs and impro,·ements. needed household appliances and so on. .,, · Sa\''ing money· to buy the things ,Ydu want is a sure way "' geUinJ? tho~ thin~. At lea.~· part. of yoW" savings. howe,·er. should be helcl "-" a reserve fund for possil>le future contingencie5. The people who lick their financial worries are those who always make· a practice of :-pe nding le:::;:- than they earn. It may only be a little b jt les:->, btlt h~· keeping at it. they wadually better themseln~, enjo~· greater security and make their money work for them. ~ * HARMAN W. NICHOLS than uni' ~.., .... Snnll. hut ml1·n ·:<t · j>C{lpll· l:t"ncrall)' twlll'V<'. Any li ttl!' in1: 11 lwn tnmµarNI with th•· rom· encourageml'nt Is welcome right m1tt1·('·s .,tat1·nwn1.s t hat lhl' Con· now. No Railroad Strike Date Yet fl COMfS ·o \I[ TllAT '.:'II i\RE A ~Nol.GlR OF A F'AMC..iS PRIZE ~IGMTlR ~ TARZAN .\N\ HO U\' l.OO IUNll!' Hr.JS!. M'I' r r1£flCD -• 1 Sff. TROuBl l AM[1'0 Fort vou •.• TME 1Nll•Al 5 s. L. SHM TO 8E TH[ C4U5E ... --wAStfr.';GTO'.". APR.IL 111 -1 h1tt w ho-f'rrrrumph. is r>kl"r than •t-P1 -ll<>k<11 Oous:la..c i.c a n <'ll· ~nUT "rl":•nl. "Whl'n your m :im;i r--rv~ J~-Llkt-)'OUT lady ' U.<t...S to );II<' ~tllJ :I ntt'k1 I ""'t t!'ll I I "t'u. FINO TliE611ll S;1Ali'ZAH $AID. a nt! mintf ~ho, •:tnrs h f"r m .. n.,,·,. vou to r\ln clown anct C"' th•· mr;11 "' r fh ~~· S(l\f'S Thr hanan;is. al for ""Pf"·r· F'nnui:h '" f•·•·cl "1 ...: "'IU('>r71' -iih ftmmh and Co«'-1• o pl•'. \\Ith «mv l••fl m nr r,,r ''·' thnn 1'\•T I'll•• ;,)-..u lwforr '11 11d \1t1I ht,u1pt d 111J11 th1 h lu qJ i•f h:1h.\ t•ot d , l11r ._·•·•, . to d ,ti. \\ ··, .1 \It "rift nl \\'it..,llll lL'.lt1U 'h' •I •I•• I r It I di • fir.c~ NlllV' fror-1hr tnm;itn."" :ln<I thr' t'at ?" " ·~•imh •hump on the !Tl('IOO"-j '.\Ir< Oouc la,i;. k•1kinc rrrm 1r. Ttw l,n\1 ~ rnrn:::rf"!'<l-'lcl) fr " m h1·r Tnodl.,_t •ltark!'km ~uil . with (" -lliforT11:t hnokf'd a m-'lrkr-t h:1s-th" ck irt ttlct ju~• ffl!'ht ''' """\' k• • •on ,,.,,: arm and IT1" on lh" •he nhl lnnk 111 lri.:" thrn111;h l h•• otlv-T and ,.,. all ..-,•nf in mark<'t n1'\\'. mo\'NI a\\ a v rrnm 1lw Iii ..i It .-a_, r-arr nf )h~ """ fight rl"f'"lrlm,.nt airau\1't •hP l\l~h l'fl"f nf II\ inc 1 PTl•'fi (lrtlll""' :i ''"•·I~ <fl<.11 '.\It" flotJ£1all will t:.ik•· lhl' Th1 ~1~ ·l\\o l"•·ni-11n<i•·r OJ',\. ~>I ml9"1")' of tht' ~;r" f'lflfl), thf' 1'<'nl« l:i~t ~··ar \ml trvl:iy 1tho11t fi•..--r of rtw Hrn,,... 1h1,,. '"'r~ .1twr th·· ""m" ~1m1· r• "~""' fnr ii :<•ch l'lt*'ft. lllool! 'IOlh the ha.,k,.t of ma)~ 1 "\\'1 'r.-~·+•lrlL: I("! t••,it·b 1h• p••Hd 11 lt••rt• 11t• h :t\_1' 1111111 li;tl>t"' I h·11 ,\\1 hil\f' h •<\ l11••fl," 'h•· ,., ll'd \\·;n lfl~ },•,th !1 1ntf, ' nh \ 111'1 \\l•H II• 1'1111 I t • .i.,,, ind 1• .,, ,,, ' I 111 11 \\1• k••:• l '"Hli l '~ l t1t 1111t "I' ·'• nulk ,1t1tl h.d,• t '"' ". ,,. r;i•~·· ,, 1••11 \ ''" I , \\ •ll'lfl • \lu1!11 •1ht' 111111 ,t fl11 I hl.11k h.11 .111d 11""''' I I• '•II• 111•1 11 .. ~hf \\.llflt11d ft· 1<11••\\ \\11 •' Hi t I 1 j f 1•1 I 1;11._ I I 1!11< •111 ,\l 1. J 111111• I' '' ti \l , ;.•. 'I I I • I 111 I• ' 11"1. l!IJ1t'.l1 II .cl111 I• "'I • 11d I •Id I 1111\ ""'" \\11oil1t1I I 11 l• \'"' ·11 d11 ~ .. '"' HHio· ,,h,4 11 cl, I 1 • l" l iq ,flt '" :"-tr -11111111 1, • o1d '11." 1,.,1'1 1• II '"•r i..·1· .. \\ d JI I!. , .. 1. I • t' REFLECTION~ / _, ,, 1•;trltlft1 '" I .,.11\'.d t d H11 lfl I f ,,, '. '>tEEP T11E SAFARI MOVING ANO I 'lL ...()IN 'lOl.I OH THI T~IL AHEAO." YOUR 01/o.L "' ,\f .. • ... I\!,.~ .. kt l 11 1 ..,,., "'""* l•f' .. --: I ' t • "'I • \ -• -:'Hi .. , , f\ It .J _ • j1 -'' ~, "' u _. • . '•Jitl ... ,.., .. tuff .,ht-hnul:llt ShP '"'" hold Aut 1;ik1• rnun<1 l'IViik. wh1r h :tl· f t a C'OUpie o( pound<; nf f'flffo..-·: :'\.Ir.; l)ft11el;i~ d•-r1clNt lfl t:ikf' t11 and !-3>' that~· undc-r OPA. 1'11!11 1 prn\'f' " pnint \'n•kr <~PA. thr1·•' 66 C'l'Tlt, f or two pnwid5 (1 was pnu:ncli: !'<•I ;1 prrson h:'Jf'k St :t'l ~ N"nts 1-t )'f"ltr. 3m1 nnw at tlw Lac1 \N ff 1tw Jlrl<"f' Wa< $207 T 11 O.·lu:x,.. S1oo~. •'hat .do yoo f'-'I~ ~ 1fay. 1n lh•• 1 .... ~1 ~tnrl'!<. you'll ki1•k A dollar and 14 ('f'TlfS. \\"11 h .. ut I m·--~"7 <TP3Jl'_ Anti l'". n n :.ntl on Thr 10'"1}' ·n 1••ft\ I" 1\0 uh'''"'' l 11J P4 '1 ,,,.11.tH'•' • rt I·~ :111~ , 1 h• • qq,1' ', ·rt.1•'• ",,,·. 11 ,, ,·.,,,,1 .. 1fllJf''' '"•'P l ,,, Pnln~ lrt U l ~l lll I a~:tltt t JhJhllt1 ~,,. ftj •'''' h ,, ........ 1•1,11 .. ,.. I kl \I' • . I I.I•~ .. -~Look at thP5r C'Ut"Ul11hrr<> .. s.<11rl \\('mf'r ... irttunct 47 N'nlll ll pou11'1 )I~ Dougia.!I'. hncsrinc onr in ra<'h \\'hilr wr w rrr up to Oii( m1~- hand. -A dimr a piN'P.. I l'hirf. '.\In [l()ueli'I:< "''••mhTl'll ont•l And ht-a'l'enl> cb)..: -· !~ th•• hah1 f11ocl dl'p:irrm,.nt anrt "nM; priN-ol li'Hr C"al\'es lh·f'r olcl ln rly. in :i hl>td t coal. "'l""''k"'. ic :tnJUnd S"l 21> a pound. rich! :iway \\ • nt into 8 spr1•f'h '"llntwmbl'r:· :ukf"d ~In Dom::-1 nhour th<' hsihy fl"PJJlation TI11;c<'r Offidal Paper of the City of Newport Beach .A D ; ' t'r ....._. lwlll n fw <>ww .. Tean ~ JIATIO~.u.&.1' 81' GDMGE D. CLOfJF.., INC. 9-Pliaadw:o 1.-.t.celd ... ., • ~New 1'orll·llotttot1 By CarTirr or llail: I0..80 per month any,,.•hfore in Nrw1J9rt l:kach and a.ta lieu; S:UO far 3 moaths. S4 80 for 6 months; '9 per yttr JJJ Mall in Orancr County: S9 per )'t'llr : to 4th zone, $9.25; to 8th IOt'K'. S9 50 .. f.Btaoed • ~ matter at w Po&tcllfltt In Newport BHdl. Ollifanlia. UDdel' W Act. of Mardi 3. 1897 . SAJ1 D . f()it I EA Publishe r UJaUS S. sxrT'R. m Man.acing Editor ~friE~ : Adwrtislng ........ Pllmt. 3011 W. Central Avmur, N~ 8Ncb. Callfomla h''" 111:1u~ 11''1•'' llu: .llt' d1•f.•,t1i•rl h••\ ltn:dh .lt H\• lip 11·'' I I tli1 t11p of rip• l.1dd111 !'1111i.•'1r1'''' tl 11pp•·;1!''-·haf tf111 ;1 1 11 I d••n hlJlfk \\lln\1' dtH\ ,.., fo 1t•'l ll\1•11 thl•ill~li .d1 '(;''"'•·I •I r111u·,1~iru.: i ,, ... 1 H'fH'•'" 'l"hu .... · \\'h11 1•tt·k ltwlll'-•'I\• .. "I' 11'1' ,!, l1'tt1 a nd k··•'l• !)fl t f \lflt! :111 1\1• i1Ud 'h·· \\OI Jd f ,..... 1 ~1 1\1 J kn•'\\ ~•HJ f'fl!ild d11 11 ~ ~n,. htdd•·n ~1Jlf"k l1·t nn ''!'' I f ~r(;.9\ ac·h1••\•·tn• nt '' 11 hn111 1•;1· 1111..: lh•· I"''''''""'''"', 1, .... wh(t c-nn·1 l.1k" JI , .. 1111111~ tin r111I mal<l· I h1• .:1 adr HARO LD K. GRAUEL C..'IL\PY.I, II • . .... ,. ..... , ,.,,. •• \f• .. MODERN . MARINE SERVIC~ SHELL DOCK ;, Tiii "'" • . ' I " I '\ I I I " 'I '.\II I ' I h.f \I Ill ,,. I t I I '· ti It I \ I I fll .,_ J• ~ 1 . " ,\ f I k.~,\ ·r •• I r, fli J\J \(• f I• > ft I I t , • ~ I " I •' I ' Kt \I \\ • I ~·n •.•• , '•1 J\ '"'' t •• ., f I •l •I• I • ! I f 1 ~·I • """ ,, ~ ,. Ill kt ,,. • 4 .... • I ~ I .. ' t '' l•I I I \\ f . ' .,._I ' \ ' ' • • ... , ''• h ,,, 1: .•. ' ,, k'\( 1 •· II M..-A• t.111• ,,, KMI.,.. I• ~· l \ l<l'I ' K l" ..... tt I ,. T _, ";If< 1c:r1 v1u--. • ..:1 , ... , ... 1' I I I I "' I' I • • ' . . . \" I' \4 " . , .. • 1 ... f,, .. ~If t I• I• ... O I ' '" • w " I • ~'~. k ~ t I t 11 ' j ll " I \ lt• I II \ I I k • h . ' I ' I I I j ' I I I f I 1 I . ,. ,, ,,.,.,,. I 1,.. I . " .,. ~f \I I t I:• '. 1 WI ' .. .... " ' 1. ' "Ill tc1·1 \)11 lio I • • I I \ ... ) I !.• t• l('>)( " Kr 4,r ' I '+ j I \ ' . ' .. \I I'• ""' .... I 1+11 ... " v 'tllN\ t t 1\ II • lr•1 t• 11 .. "• k ''K ·,-,p, t-.--. a Yrt . ,. • "'If' "" K ti I t .-1 l•.-\1'9 Kt Y.H ••• ,.11 • ..,._, ,, I I I .. f I I \( 1 I I " J .. I 4 • I •I h I ' ' .... ' ... ' .. ". 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T1•hUr 4t••• .. -1...t.!lnl ..... rtMM a1 ••wt•" IJ ·~•••n• ...__ .,,,., lM...,, ••t-• •10 .. • &,•• ea Tit .,.,,,. • le'*.,'" • "'lln• .., "'"'." ~ 1 18 ~ .. ~ ., ~ IU; . ·~ ~ i .. 1• 0 )I I '· 0 •1 l+I 0 ......__ .... ~ •.I .. ., _,. '~•. ~ ;;-- i::_!_ ~~ u 'lj i~~ ~~ • I >& ~~ -- I >I .. .. , ,..) -. -·---- l ,(; ... 0 ll I) H '" ~ .... ~a s.. ., By Ham FlaW By Carl Grubei1 ., w H '""'" I -'T'a fumo t-rbwn flf"fOhM 1-M•rll of •ulH•• ... -ltl•H In &d•n :=:r:11~· :~::"',. 1-P"'rt•,ntn1 li>'·~ ~.00.untrt noru1 or tndl• t l •,.nthu11 &O -r'r•l«ri".,' ,,..~ :• u -11,. .... '""• ll-Outr•~\ 1l 8 t11i()f)rl tt J ullf t J l 'r 1I HlfY• " r.~,~~·•hl• It A~Vtl#CI n r .. 11, n 1111r•d n 8f"hr,,1• II -81111 v' lot!'•• 14-..flotd'd J• 8 p1cl0\I• I I fhuf'f•n t i ftmafi 'flH t ":• ti M•r•t1•t of f'ranf'• ~ Vl•tt .. _ n-. ..... . •• _ ....... •JOO•• .. -•u•b&ll _,. •1-~ M l'roltt .. -Toue-it n -0,.111 .._" ........ -"-'"''' ' .. . ' J ( -"r SpeciGls for Tltursday, Fri; riltd Sat. - -April .. 29th, 30th and May 1st . Our dd1utcam dept. u h'.~ ~ ilMOrtmcnt of ~I')' lAR~ rr<"f'Arcd (c.rJ. made in our own clC'..n lutd>Nl, sud1 .o • &kcd Meat Lo.l f ... Twky . . tt..m .• . 'and • varkty of ul .. d.s and trtt..dl la 'ua help you m;a~c me4.I tunt :a ''f:"DS~ 111 Rood r.1tm£ ... \.\1th ;i muumw! •rt df .i ** Domes#ic-fWISS ·CHEESE 69~ Our Owtt-roTATO SALAD 23:. Sliced or Wltole Meat I.Oaf Hun'fs Prepared Prunes SOAP POWDER Silver Foam targe · 1 gc Pkl-. TEXSUN , Grapelr•it Juice 46oz. 17c ca• I larlleH-Hol•es Pears . .. ~-~ )21 ·19( . ca• . I ·_spry LIBBY 'S-S/ic4tel or Halves Peaches ~· 3 lb. tin ... -----#0 97c 21 can. 23c I Danisl. Cann4td Grade "A"-Quarlered . Milk J 1a11 ca• 12 • c . Butter 'lb. asc I • T" '"u \\I• n m.1l..111i: R1,h.1rJs m.1rkct your m.1rk,·1. \W, \\ h11 ,...·cv,• )'11U, .trc J,'l·pl~· gr.1tcful for yt'\!r "''"J. rrul • ._._,·pt.m..-.:, 111 our cllorts to rl. uc you, lk .1s.surcJ th.11 we will cuntmue to main· c..m ch.· "1m.· h1d1 -iu.ilny .mJ .:ourtco11< "·rvice at the low..:$t ros-~1l'>lc .-usr Ill rot•. Our deli.,ery service is available Monday thru friday--ond lor your c01tYenience we will continue to remain open daily including Sundays (rom 'A. M. to 8 P. M. ossorl4td llavors Sunshine W alers Ice Hi-Ho Cream 1 lb. box ·l9c pt 27c A line selection ol HAU.MARK Mother's Day Cards An assortment ol gilts suitable lor Mother to- gether with a new line ol gilts lor the lciddies--ond various suggestions l9r the /tome We carry a complete line of Cigars, <jigarettes, Tobacco and Pipes at Popular Prices Daily Papers-Magazines -Photo Service -Postage Stamps Open daily including Sundays-9 A. M. to 8 P. 1\1. ! ... Our Swiss b;akcrs arc gaining ~n cnviahlc rcput.1t1vn for their cxccllmt qu.al1ty aml varn.'t)' of cakes and pastries. Thq · arc working long anJ faithfull)' Lil dn effort to develop th~ kind of product )'Oll will most ~JO)' •.• W e invite your suggc111uns ur criuc1sm regarding the btlcd goods offered in this popular ckp.irtmcnt. Rcmcmh..-r. tl"'· th .. t WC WllJ he bappy to Jlf OVldc }'OU With any trpc of cake or pastry, whether fur a birthd:ir ... wedding, reunion or annive rsary -' Assorled Cookies doz.·33~ c.41 Instant Nest~es Cocoa ' can 24c l lb. Zee--Rolled Paper ·Towels. ... 2 tor 29c 1' I ' Sea Feast-Pinlc Salmon· No.1 tall can O ur frC"!'h rnxlu.::c IS h.•111!ht Jl\1lr 1•11 the c.1rlr Lt >< Am.:cks m.1rkct .mJ J,·liv.-r,·J ro\1 r h,· •r .. r,· l•y "lll own t r11, k 111 r ini.· t "' " \., open 11! th11< .1~•llrHI!! }•111 111 i;.1rJ"11 frl.'<h1 "> .11 1111 111.-r,·.1~· 111 1.•"l 111 y1111 arge Solid Head ettuc.e . 5cea:h Strawberries 25C&ox .. I ' ' 'j r t t t - B Iha hel dri mil "net sta the tra pri tu ad ... bal the fh( OUI an elil or o( tm en roe ma s de! 51<1 up af1 liO no -.. ~ De: ho I ""' Th I ah •Cl & , po sm I\; I .. lilt car re an ho Sl• 76 tel Ai 5ll re his roe d n all >lo th a ne no c:a ini be co I.A: be 1' m ca pc .-! tit