HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-04 - Newport Balboa News Times:~,, China Cove Park lndorsed .By State A B <; ~' . THIS PICTURE OF DUDLE\' E. WILLIAMSON, 45, "'bo fell dNd 8unday nl.pt of a beart attack In ~ ~t of cale o~ Emll Fa.ust at Lido \\'barf here, wu snapprcl onl>' "''" minute. lw>fort' tbe fatal •uue b\· -of f'au11t'• IClJC't'ta. ln1nc Manotr. Manolr, t'a.ust aact \\'Ulla.nitlOll, who ~·.,..a prominent radio muter of t'l'rt'· monJes, were dl11euM1nc pl&m1 for a cruhe to t.IM-South S.-at llW' time the pkture wu taken. ;\ few moll1f'ftt11 later, juat u he wa" remarkhac Plat he had rt't!P.n·auon.11 for tlMI trip, Wllllam d.roppl"d dMd. -photo br Irving Mano1r LAST-DITCH ATTEMPT • TO HEAD OFF MAY 11 ONLY DA IL Y NEWSPAPER Capt. Veers Off. to Av.oid I The• hui::1" S1C'C'I m111<,r schoom·r I P i<lm•('r , nwnl'd by G<'ori;t· \'an· drrhilt, of 1"1•\\' York. plnui;:lwd I mto lh<' docks of l ht.> NC'wport Boat ancl Yarhl Co . this m ornini.: whrn I its itkippcr. C'1tpt. W. M. l111r1. 111- lf'mpl<'d to 8\'f'rl a ho-.>.·-on 1·01- lision with 1.1 C'rt•fl and Np1·ill1• tugboat. A lil'l' hail boat. Maucll• 11. and ·a day fis hrrrrian, Cornllr . I Wt'rP damaJ::t'd. al1houi;h nnt <·x· ll·nsh•f'I}'. ii was bc hf'\'c•rl. 11s th··~ l11y 111 the dotk s. lla rlH •r dPparlm••n t offw1:ils. who "1•rc• 11 lons.:~1d1• I h p l 7'..'·fn111 ~d1001wr as 11 wu~ twmg mm Pd from lls lit•rth a t !lw \'11} do•:ks 10 1ww moorings m tlw turn1ns.: basm. said the tug, which wa~ IN OllAMGI COAST'S LARGEST CITY • BALBOA M.ES Today•a. t I A.M., r AT. Dow .IODH Avf'raK" ,,.,,., 1 •• ,. ' • ',. 'l·mh•• l. \ "'1 ... a. ,., l l\.1'1•111.ol• 11-1 "' 111' '" H.1il~ ·,•1 JI up .' \ I 1111111•, t i 'II "I' •II '"'lllm•· 1 .1~1111'11-i '"·"'' ........ .. .. , ... l'J't:I' ...... , ==-====-- HEIGHTS.· IAUOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA Hints Move By Vaunted But Court Fight .Still Impends AAA1•111hly111011 t-:url \\'. ~l1tnl•·y 11( 1'•'\l'I•" t I l111'l1or 1••111~· d1114'lnt1•'l1. t hnt 1111• ~t r1lf' p111•k 1•u111111l!l,.on hu 1••1111 111111~• .... l11f1•11flt111 ,,, llC,'tll.lh'f' 1i111111\'111•·111 N1·w1••l l llnrb11r u " 1~11 I 111 lh1• 111~'1"'"''1 1 '11"•1111 Itel M111 Stuli' 11.-m·h 1111i:k M1 «•1t111; 11• 1 .. ~ A11,:1·I··•. th1• 1~11·k '"""'' "''''11 ''" l •~·onl 111(11111 '" '''"'' 1h1• .. rn..tnl 1n1r11tlo11 to ""11111'•' flu· lll•lfll•I f\ whld1 h1 lllll•'h Ill '"'I""" 111111 "''"'''•• ,,. ... , '"'" 1;11111 1Mn1'I"• 11 1!'1·11111 """'' t'll· 11•1~ .. 1 >111••1 l11r 1'011rt tu' hl1wk the• po•nrllni: 1•1m•h11><1• of lhl' 1m11wrty. I 'hin11 < '11v1• 1,. tlw only h11y µro- ll'"''"' 111 hf' lnt'lud1<tl In the COl"ONl cit-I M11r ~1111t• lit'ftch p11rk MCl'~ul•I· tlot1 Othrr Jll"Opl!rt)' l• lllon& tho h111·ho1J" m«'ky c•1t1t!1.•m buundary 11n1I lnrluct.· ... alM1 lhf' world·f•m· ,.,,,. <'>ron" cl<"I Mar lllr•nd at the .lo'tfy , 1'Wo hoo"'"' 11l~dy Art' undtor l'tlNll N<'ll<>n 11111111 I h t' J>f~!pl'rt.)f J>fUl•.-d to bt• 11cqulrc'll, anll the llfftlf' hllfll'• to h1tll llUl'll <'qfllll~ tltm •~· ft lnt4'nda to acquire! the l>f'OIW'rt Y. by rondemnaUon ol lh4t ron1 ln111'11 drvl'ICJllfllf!'llt In '0 ,_IC'lf>nllal UIW" WOt1i(t m.."'I)' mt'M lnrn-11.M'd 1,11,.,'11 lhl' 11t•tr would hnvr to I'*>' to acqull't' It, Rtan- 11') 1k-<'IA~. It would alllO alnw th•• ftt't1ub1Jt Ion I~ ProJJ('rt y ""'"''"' auf'd ('I I y ol N1'WJ)Of"t RNrh ov1•r IJOM('tlllon ot <i1l110 ('nv1• 1111d thr 1'•.llC.' it up for- lw4tr1na l'tt.y :.tO. Thc-city I• In· vulv1•cl h)• l'f'ft!IOfl of II" announced lnh•nt Ion to •lc.,<tl CTrt•ln prnper- 11•'11 to thr "'"'" In n-tum fOC' llf••111l•ll l1111 c•f th<• pork •II•• 1 .\1111111<1 luur >''"'"' "Kil. $!l00,000 WI>' ••• , nwltlf' h)' lh1• lt•J{ld•IUl'f' for p111 k 1lt•v1•l"t""""'· bul with ln- 1·n•1111ln1ot \luhw11 11f proprrll~. th&a 'uul. will '"' l1111orttl'lrnt to maim th•• rN1111n .. ·I 1111rrht1"4'1I, 8tllftleJ il•'('ln1 •'<1 ·ni,. city 111 Ill hA• lo Mc:l•re It· --u~·t-·sTOPPACE FAILS i;~~~~: ~Lr~g~~~~r:f::!;~~~l lell on ttu. locatlclft o( OWi met.._ ----,--.rl Pd sharply Rnd hit the clock~. I No cstimatr was mnd<' of th!' I ~. UP) ...... _ .... tt 1 .. _,1.... M-"latl da magt• 111 th<' Nt>wport B<>at Cu.'s I ,, CIDCAGO, May •· -I -• ..,.. ,-.a. ona .,... ... ay """' on · JI· ·-· d ' • k lloerd'• lut-dlk h attempt to head off a natlon"1de railroad 11trtkl' tnsln ·1110ns, accor mg lo spo. <'!;. Ut.-cta medl•tlon coUas-1 today. m r n lh<'r<'. ~pp11rrnlly only rrnnnr The •t.rtke by 150,000 enl('ln"'ni. flnotnwn and ""·l'.c-hmfltl hu bffn damag!' was. do~<' to llw 11ftc•r mil 11ebf!!dalfd for May 11, a week from~ of tlw Corah<•. I apt. Ha rt w as un· PIC'TI!ft.P:D HF.RY. 111 tM 17!·f-t •• ...,., wtiwHrw r'lowon. _..,.. It,-• .._. .. \ n t 1MH ................... Into dOC'k!I, and •~·o h<••IA .... -ml•c -It• ........ r. « ...... a .•· Hut,,_...,.,,_ I p • 11 r ,_., with ('roll and Sl'\'lllf-tuchCNlt. today. .1 LABOR VIEW lll'llllllhlt· rm C'<'nlmf'nt on th1• It('· Chairman Frank P . Douglai; oft c 1d1•nt ttf for a ~t 11trm1•n1 on (111111-OHJO VOTERS STREAM T{) POL' C' UTILE MORALS tl1<' mrd1<i1ion board imnouncrd at DARKENS IN agr to the Pioneer. .. ~ T T E 8 nrws cnnfr r<'n C'e thnt tw will n•· WJTH TALTI' STASSEN AS LU RVC' HERE. BU HER 'S A • Tr Ch r.. r,...., MOR FOR s E ,,.,., K1111• i\l~tulli•h "' '1'11111• RAILS AUTOS nb-ust arges -A AL UR -'· ........... 1 .. 1 ........ "Ill(•· ,,. ""' (t~~S~l~!:~?~~ .. n~ ~:an!~r-I Thr n1111on/l:it~u-pi1·1ur1· rla rk-Filed Against Six -~~~;~\-~~~~~\,~.;;.r ~~::'. , 1 .. p.;:·t1: 1 ~;~·.· ;;~-:.:~~ ~~-~(~;~~;1<'\'.:;-, _·:·!:-:!·.:=·· -~~!..~..:.!: :.:·1::.:' .. :~:.;:~;','." lt.;~'.'.~'11:.:· 1'~;~'. ~;~ 'tatlon offlf'iaJ 9'&.ld today hr ....... IC'lll'd C'1ms1clt-rahly today II~ ff'df'ral Optical Firms J:('nrrnll~ f'11·11r thr11ud1<1ll f ''" nnrl ll11rold t-. S ln'!M r , .. , 1 .... 1..mi: ' ......... ·-........... , .... , -'''·'" l11n1'"""' llf\'f'll thr lt•Wf'rnm .. nt ha.-1 pcm Pr I mediato r \'irlually ga\'t' up lllllM" or ~fil l•'. \\<·nt '" 111. 1··11, Ill 11•'.tt "' 111•• (Jti ... <I· I·~"''"' ,,, II• H· __,,.. .......... ~ ........ ..... Al•lull 111 .... 1 "' •I , ,,,,,,. '" 11:--l to .... 1z .. and opt'ralPthrraJlroacb nw·rtini::11 rail s1r1kc11nd thl'ClQ \\'ASlll~GTO!". l\h1y 4 tl ll'1 n •f'orrl nt1ml"r~ ''""'~ lo •l•·•·t p11l1lw1m :-..;,,,,.,,,,,, "''''''"""n ..__.,,,..,.,.,...,.,.........,.,. "•·•n ·t111\ 1:•n•rul 'l'1 \1'•• 1.1• 111111 If a 11trlk•• tl('f·ur!I. I l 'nltr" ,\11111 \\'ork<'r.~ d1•mand<'d _.. f ct.•11 g;1 tr~ 111 tl11 I\\" '"·')"r p:trf) If ltw l•T• d 11 ''ii I : .,1.. '"' •' ,_ ..... ,., • --. ,., .. , \ •l1111r 'r 1•' lnr 1111 .. , "''"''""'' " Thi· i:;-0\'l'rnm<·nt l•K•<•Y !11•d a nti· ..--·-----------------111 30.·c••nt h~i.irl)' w,.,,.,, ln<'r<':is~ pro·~11f.·n1 111I 1111111111:011111.:. 1·1111\'l'll· 1~ r•·artwd It w••lllol I• •Ii-· 1 .. 1\1•~' lu hnl! flu· An 1l1 .h •w l•h w 11rf11r<' · o .-oru f'm ) o '<'S • • prim ary """' ""1~· 1• .. 1.. ""• • n 1 m l'ttl• 111111" lnc &Md r ; II .. -'919 ... ,_ a JW1r1h1I Jlfl)'fnf'ftt ·In th4' chi. A tWWon "'! to U.. Joc11tlon ol U-.. ""~"" or dry hNMI PfV'Pl"rfY MU h•• frnui:hr with fll't•t1•11IA no miitln wlwn· Ill<' rlly rouncll rvrntu•lly 1h't'hl1 .. '" '-"'' It ™" Wllll llVI· 1.k!M'l'f1 by flrry prolOtLl.J f1v1n1 BAJ. IN.IA l),1•lr-11nw•n N'cent I) whm thl' llaft11W1 parklnJ lot w11,. 1.u• for r·<>n~1'1•r11 1t .. n In thr "lr11d1•". A1•1•ump1111y t1111 Slftnlc•y In Loe An1wl•·' W••r•• Jl11lph Jfoylr : Jr .. \\'1111111~· llur-1011, Mn< nJchard I 'l••l(••r, Mr~ l\lf,..'(I (' l'lrl(f'r, and ~I 11o I; I~ Antfrrw11. Warrant Issued In f-0sta Mesa for Stunting Pilot I L .. .. 1 ... • trust chrirl(f'S :is.:11 1ns t six nml· 11,,11~ ,,...._.._ a ,......._.,..._ I turn tn \\'ash111g1on loml(ht to re-1 r I ) · · wf'sl 11p!1l'al firms and all cl(\{·tori< s . 1 , 11, 17 1 1 -,..,.,.,....,. llh .... ,........ Tii· Tr.in• .l••t•l •II 1._11,1: 11111 11.,t port on 1hl' d l!<pUf!' "d in•clly to Fr11 nk I' Onu~~ss. r hn1rm.11n_ 11r who iln husin"s" wit h tlwm Tlw • '"'"' 1 . ..! Mt.Ill Kt t• 1 "'11~ ""''' ,.,. ·1·1' P''""•"~ c:.~• '"'" '" "" allrc~J ...W .,.. •-a ,...._, A 11t11nlln1: ~•11'1"11'1 pllol who Prf'sldr nt Trum an." j thf' N 11 t1nn11 I R1trlw1ty :\IPd1:it1nn f')•' do<'l or~ ""'r•• ;ill"l?"d 10 hllll' 1w·1·11·rl '" '"''' 1r1 lh• I'.! 1111111~ •h•· v •m ·1ar ) "' '1"" • .. 1111.. url .,. ... , _.. 111,_11..,. .,..r , .. 111 .. '"' 11 .. 11, '" """"'' t11\111lo• th• 1oll•·i.:•·clly 11111~1.11 ~·~• Nr•WJlort T1oui:;las salrl I hat "nl'itlwr side I hnar<I. ~r1w<l11l1·fl . frnnl mC'<'lmi:;s r •'l'f'il'NI rf'hat •·~ frnm 1hl' cnn1-:ift1•r thr• p11lls f•1w11• d "' 7 ;\It 11111 i •111<-r h 1i.:h '''''~ , ••• i.,•I "' ..,, ... , •·•-'" ,.,.....,..., • """'"'·~ 11 .. 1,.-!..:.'."'' II•• lo·ld l.1•· II•·•' 1 ... S11111f11v. t11d11v w11~ H11• •uhjtoM ol h.-,.,hU ... "!'d"'1n thl'war•1•andwork· h<'fwr1.·n th•' carri!'rs a nrl r1'pr<'·,p11111tsontlwi;11ll'ttf1:l:iss!'s. 1.11T II~ n11rkm••l l!.!.!'h·~1 ... 11 .. n 11t ••t•" m r<'<~n1 ~·"f'" .. t.,f i......., r ,·.-;,• r"lifh 1 .. ·.:11 1· flt• ,l•·w~ '" u \\h1rr111t 1-~111•11 hy C•111l11 M1••a ,.,_ "' t f I I I f 1 t I ti r 11 'll'l '-'i" In l 'l:\t 'rMI I ,. '•'I '" . l\:11 .. 1111•· 11111 A111t. n.o11n1111lt !v In in!? rul('s dlspu!r which thrN1lrni1 ~rn a 11.1·,.~ n I l ff'" r:i1 w:iy opt•ra . Tlw j11sftrl' dPp:trlm•·nl fik<I 11·111 " :111 "''1''11 •·• 11 I• It' pro· . . • • ' ' ' Tlw ...... r,., __ ••an ... t ltim . ' ""''"" ,,.,,,. ,111111111• roll llHll .111~11 .. , 111 tl11• p,.,.,.,. I• . .I f>ot11{r. to r<'sull in thr second na tinn:il mi; u111nn' Hui h•• f'Xprf'SSt'ri hop•· fo ur st•pr1r:i!1• c11·t1 st11 ts ns:;mn<! ih1•1111 f11r1111111 ""llld 1,. '•111 ill• d t't;~~ '"J' '•''' ·-'" 111;. .... , .. , •··-\\'Ith an lrnp••ntllntl fin•' nf a rail stnkr in f\.\"O Y<'<lrs. r 11~'.1 " ""1 t lrm<'n1 cnuld "" rrad11•d I 'ht• i·11m panH"' nnd t h·· <ltoC't.•r~ .,,. pl•""''" l t.,-!111.ol I""'·"'' ,,,. ' I •1 1 ",,., '"" ,,. .. ...,...,. .. ,n.-... , ... ..,., "'' '"·"' \\ 11111· '' r • 11J .. , Ins: " n11111lrn1.1rn ~ltNlll hntwlni;: nyrr l11m, ·11 lot•k< \'Pr)' m ut·h Ilk•• tll••n •I l\1 11 \\•I • ltl•d Ill t 'hr•;i•• ... Pn•• 111' A!1l11•111·1t 11h11111n'"'"' "",.,""·'' ·1. ltl'1 1"''"''"'1 .. 1 . •. I••• 'I h .._ hr ,, •1••1.11 "'"""'''"'""""'1'"'11"111111 ll11•1•tl"I lllt'1tllfli·d11~1lld111rrlll11y "\\'r ~lopf'>C'd nPt;11ti11f irm~ t odn~ I I I I k "' j I! I I I I I !<'. ''''' , ...... •c I ,,,.,c,. I ""' nut: ll l•:, it n;.i t1n_n:1 r:11 \\;1~ ... 1n 1 1 ~Jtnni•:i rw·h~ :i nd 011,. Hl (~olurn· ".'~ "(ill • 11\10 . ·•flt H·nt1w r.11h ·' ,, n 1i y •·••-· Jn I •i• ·11• •• • • .-..+ .• ,,.~,...,., f , • .......,. ,,. '' A t d a l / :•'"..tllfl ~p1t t1ftlhH' ''''•·ntu·· 11ntl rin• £lltni; tn \Va,111r J!1110 IV· ;\l•I\ II. ""~Arri 1 111~. I) . '"''nd1d1I•• 1111 ~I ii••. ('l •lfnf~ 111111 1•111' II"\ 1111n ... ,. l1r·1·1· I •• 7°·1 I "" t•• "'"'" ....... 1,\1 .. 1111 1 ... ,,,. H1 1 .. 11 I• •lt1111•1·il "Ith vlnl•: nit-hr '" •.''"·r· ''"' P r1·s11lo·.,1 "c· .. 111-· Ti I If I f t 11 11 1 1 • " ""' ... ' H • ~rh11 tlrll'"'ll~. r1 11r•·li:r·n1tn:.,:-,-),, I rhro nplH'HI f1r111:ii: \\-•'ff' 'H'Pll'-d'" ,..,, Hl:t .......... 1ltlf ,,,, f 'tlll)'I•'· 1.t• I • j ,, II 1'\\I"" I , .. i 1p 1 ti~ II ''''" .. , "'' .... , ,,, c·11ufornln p h·l• rt•j•>r! f('ffic•rrm\', hC' s111d 111111 f'n•'• .. r "' n ·1nr' <-\I,,,., I I l I I I t II T ., v .... 1. ·I· , •• f., ,,. I Ill •11111 I \\II Id I ' t , ' I I I , "" • ..: ~ -. fl • .• .,... n11•·1 ~. 1n · ,. • I ."' I '" 111 t ~lfH* HIH t l• ( ·;i•·,t1q-..... r ~tt·· - -, I (JUS(' rdl er .... II t•\j \\ •I• I "'"'~ ti ,., ... ,. ft 1111.1171"" .ind h.,,,,.d m mt.!! r I nw n. ~n1d 11wy 111111ld l<':l\1· th11r 1·,.1,1 111..: 1t1 • .011 , 11f HJtlll•JXim~t<·ly IJ SJ , , , , , '1 • ''" l '''~td •111·1 1••J1•J l1111·tl 1111•11• '" 11 A. (I :'\qi[ hq,;afl !lw1r ~·.!..'<'mp! '"..J••"~ nn 111::11 nn!r• l!_nlr~~ !hi• mil-lllilJ Jh1· 11).11'•' •• r '')'1 i.:h1,.,~1·$ MJld l {I t ~ \V AU UUU>h GETS PAllOLh.-Ramm..d -iR Nirl~ ""-=-'"."'' M .. ,.. -l!Jll r , .... mH~irntlfll ''•Nt1fJllfln11n·• In n• a,·t·rt tlw w11lkou1 1:1~1 I hun<1l11~. rn:irt~ ~nn1 1•tl tnclr d ,..m:m i1s f.or I 1 •. i 111,. ,.,.1111.,1111 .. .:-0 -1,;11 1.~T • · ~...-· --· , • ' ,1 1 ,, .. • •L'• 11 ""' A l11f111!1oh "11• 11 N A \\' 1 w v AFJE y D \I ( • h • I l111ffr••1 t Ir· ,11uu• I' • iq•rff I ,. r·41t . "\\'c• ha\'rjw-1 conl'lurl<'d a ;:cr11•$ 1•h1mt:•"' 1n ,llw wnr'kins.: r11fr.< nn<! th•· "''"'"I'' ,,, •).. L,AJ> .()I SO"'''S ,,, .... \ . ••rn1n•r ras ... ,... ... , ... ., roll • ..... , ••• 1 "'"' '"'"'"• 1\rt1111, .,, o r rn1•1 l1t11.:;: 111 an f'fl nrl In ~··t ".111 1··r ('l•nl \l'!lS.:I' 1111'1 • ··~·· T h<· j11;:t 1l'r rl1•p;1r1mr n1 ~"''' thi< \. •> r~ \. ~ l , ' ~ ~. , ~ ..... "•I I ii .. '"'1 1""' '''' ll\1111• ""'"" :11•1 f .. 1 "' 11 .. vr· .. ·11111 citlwr the• r~11lrn11cl~ or th" uni11ns In n•h••r l:ohnr rl11·•·lnl'nwn1•· ;i1111n1111 .. 1 .. prw,.·fl\1ni.: anti i'" l ',\llSI >'-: t T ll . ,,, . ;\I r) 1 1,.,,.1 ,,,,,.,,11 ...... , .. 1 ,. , " 1 1-, '·•· '.t, ,,, ''I •• 11•.t '1 11 • l•.'"'1' "'"111'1 .,.,,•It· ...... ~1 ,,11 1111111 • 11f :'l:i•wv-irl In n·c••d•' frnm 1tw l"';:1 111rn;: wlurh 1 llff1<'11il~ c1f l h•• 1·111 l 'n1t1'll , 1,.1,111.111 111 '''" :.n11.-1r11 ... 1 1:111;: , '· , 1 ,,.1 ,, • .1. •' ''" J·••oll• '"I "'"'' '.·· 1.,.1 ,s,11111,,v -• 11'1'1 l\11d1;"f \\':111 1• J11.,h "'' ''" 11•·~1 ''""' "r I•••" 1 1 f I t 11 I I ~~~?~ ~~~~ .. ~~·~·:~tl~t,';:; ~~·.:;'" tll'T'I' ii !~~·~~~~t~'.'.~pr~~·;~.:k';~~ .. ~;"~ .. \~::-',~1 n· .... I . B t 111 ir l·· .... ,.1 "'1'' d .. 1 ','1•Y"l.i1 :ol '"'". I' ' l.1t· I• I• : ..... ,..1 ,,.,., •• .• :,'.. • . I ., ' " ••• : •••• •• ·.:.1 •111"1 .i','1:·,· ,:.11:.:1. II II ·, I. ,.~:·:i' ~'1'..~ ::1.:.';,·, ll~1lr1··:·.ii:~.'.,',':",;.11l11~l- lg Ying Oa 1n i.: o f h•·r 111,h11n• """" ~r ~trlh •f • d•· pn"'m '"''' "" • '· · 1 • • ,, •11 ,. ... -. " . \\1· h:1\f' fail1•rl in that .. <1rikm.: \\'llrv•·r< lt:irl nnt ;off1·rf1 if . I I I I '' I ' " I ' I·••' '" t • ., ""' " •I.of•"" 111 " ''" "' '' " 111 111•• 1\11 "I! A~~ •11 lt•N ... lylna ~· "''' nnt1nn\Vld P rn1•t1I ~frikr. D s nn Utlr-~p•tt'lt•• p.1Jn I ffH .t~ , .. , ',, ' J .~ m mti.:.1a'•'tt .. I .... I,,.,, • ...,,,,,,'UH' ,,,. ,.,,,, vfhu I I ' 'I' I .... I1w umon~h'}\'C'rll'ma nd1·d 11 :ll) ''i'I 1·· cl I'll '! ownNearU pl .. :111f l11·r t h 11·"''"""'""•1illi11 f'orm) ... 111• '"' •,t ...... ·fl l•••I• ""'''''•I , .. ,,,1 ... ,1 •l••ll'.1\\ .. 1•1,111 •• 111 "''"''' \l11111•t11il A li 1~··· •~1111: " !• i 1·~1··n1 u 1µ .• 11rr:1) • • I . ,. t i I I' I II II r ()f r C"f'OI \\;q::r 1nrr,~n5f\ \\·1fh a ~ 1 I .., f k fif•v.ant1•d 'nH u111111nt~ luu ·k horn• '•' '-Au) ~·h··u ''•··~, ......_, ' r 11 t•' rtttr•• ,• 1 •• •··•I•\, •t..J••rti •'"' v.·rniivl , ,. "• 11111 1uf 1 1~ , ••• ,,, u·u l,."'IJC· mm1m11m r:11:<r ot $3 P•'r tl;11· T ht 1 '.'('•'11~.''"1: 11'.." 1 ' '' '":•U!<l~y ~ ma • Base at Pauo Paao """ nit' . I ."'. 11) \\'<t1cJ...r H·+-··· t "'"\ ;1!" r '~"'t"''""' '"·''"" ,, I I I t r I' I , .. l••l··tl 11111· ''"" '" f1.r1 ,,,, " ~11111 t <11lro:ids ha\1• i;11wk to t h1•1~ •.>rii;-•n.i:: .. p11 r~,· rlr 111 i;lm .~ ""r pr11·•,·• ,... 1" j 11>" "•'\'IHlt1 ''"'" 1~1ru1'· 1 ...... 1 I 1 r<o·w·n """''' t/ • .. r ·• ,., • ••n11" r '" '"'' "'' '•• .. ~··''" ,, ... , ''' "'""'" " 1111 .,ff,'"'' . h 1 111 m <'r!' ~111 nw •oxmg or Pill· · • 1 • ,r1., 11 •1, ,, .. rth ,1,... ,,, ,.,.,., 1• '1'" 1 __ _ • 111111 off<'r of 11 In', 1•1'111 our Y ltr ,.xhihltion." S ll>:"EY. J'vflly 1 1l 'P 1 A hil.' 1·11t ••rl t:i~t 111t:ht 111 rr.,.. M1 • \\'.11 1• 11•' rww. "'t11l1• lo•·" 'i ' ''' 1 1 T rt , 1 l ri q,. 111,.,,,.,i.11, ,.,,11,,11 11.,. r11i:<<' .1 Snff ('n;il op<'ratror~ ITifl\'(•tf ,,, Alls fr11h11n flym l{ lwlltf r ar r yins.: 17 ··r~ But !hf' l.1<.:1rlf ,;1111 ~Ii·· '·"' .... 11th "'.''. '." rf"l'Tl"f• '".r .'.'.. ''. ... :~: ;':: "i::,·,::~ ,:i:::~, "~"' :::. I '1111• rl ~t;ol •·• •• ; .• 111• "' flj'ltl ,,,, Warn Tahoe Game il -~Th!' J!)'" cc•nt '11i;:ur<' was ap-hl<wk ,.,.,_. n,.w WR"r cl<'nrnncls h.i· prr•nn'< was dow n 11t ~•·11 lndl•) s.:1• rr.'.'" only 1f_,h•· I' d••1 .. r11'(l tr11 ''"JI 1~ a141•il ''H I •····· •r••><ol r ·-.: ,,,,,1,,,1111, ,,,.,1 •1 .. 111 .. rl I L I I I t . I I ,, .•• ~i--l "'1'1 " ........... "" .,, .... 0 :b {.( ()\'('0 h\' f'rpi;itl1•n1 Truman's .Jo hn L Ll"Wi~ ancl hi~ l 'ntfl'O r.t rnf' r1mong th•• r.om;mf.IC' islnnrts nf lh•· m.-. lll l•· ~ ''l .r.0 1{ :1n1 I !l II '"' "'"'' ··~.... " • "' '" .111ol Ill If ... ,. ,,,,1 11111 !''11"1111 pera .)fib ,, f · M 17 t .. ii 1... f.111~ "' :tl•I Tf)C,.H • 1r•1tn•-.I "'''' . n.. ., ar t -frndrng hoard l•~t arch :.. . W orkr ri;. Th!' O(ll'rtllnr~ annnun('<'d ~0111 h P :1r1 ftc'. r11d1n r<'p11r1s mtl"t· 11w hn11rrl s 0w 111111 "'"' a ' .r ·• ""'' •·~ " '' • '4 " 1 • ,,,., mhl> \"" ,,,,.,.1 .,.., Will "' "I' I I I I • I ., I I·, 1•1rk1"f1 tn rr .. nf "' 11.. (J 'Sq' n· ' Doug as ~ale! tha t lhl' rnilroai s ar <' 0Jh<'_\' h:1cl S""nl $~.fJ()t)/)0() f11r ('f'Pl••d tll'rf' SHid. priv · (Inly II ft•"' h••ll r'-•·hl'li"• 11 .I • , I ... I , ...... ,, .. n ,, ti• .. ""' J\111• 11• Ill 1·11111 ~e uara Ice d ,.... • .,,.. • _.,,, r r.mmr•1 •' 'ur ... ' r :. n ~ willing In r1cccp1 1hr r<'Cnmm1•n a-~uppli<·~. rr•pai r~ iinrl nPw r quip· i\11 11hm1rd . m r ludmi;: I"'' m n\'if' h11rl :in nounr•'<I th:.t a d1'!·1~1 .. n "' '/'h<> ho)'. Fr .. nk Ku ..,. 1 .. n \\ ,,. ,.,., i'V ~~rm r.:.rkM "' "" ,_1,.. .. 1 f .. r ,, •r11•I• •''"I' .. 1 .. r 1111 f '.,I•·~ lions of 1hf' fact-findinR board. but m<'nl t11.Jring 1947. Thf' sla l<'m<'nl f111ur<'s, nnP 11n Am<·ri<'11n. Wf'rv• 11 ... .-M-<'nnd 1•nr !ll•· l'l"IUI '-I "'"'"' • 1 Jr . ha• l>M-n t1\rr• .. " " • 1 •.,, ... •t-lr•'-• } 1,,., would nol "m11kl' any clca! b<')'ond. W:t~ Sl'l'n 115 pitvinr.t lh<' w11y to l>f'hcvf'd r.11fC'. 11nd thr r11dio r<'· h1• po~tponrcl unfll a hoa,-,J rr" 1·1 ,,, ("11» famil) """ 1, ,...,., • r n,. hto<tu . tr:.rl• r 1 1 I l.1• """" 11o.o1 .. I\ '"" 11l11 •1•ol tlw t hn!lc• r<'commendat inn~" rl'fU~r dt•m >1nds for wai;: .. rnr r NoS('S port~ 1n<l1c:il<'d th(' plan!' h ad tax· hrr r<'cov/lr<-.1 frrim illn<'<i~ ._,. .• loprt.-.clf'l ""'•·• ,, , ... f '•r ,.,, 111 ,,....,,_, t ... I• 11 ·;!:,..,~·;·.:; ''"""l'•· fr"''.' A~;.111111111 111 •l··I•• Costa Mesan to ·Work Out $150 Fine in Jail Wh<'n th!' minrr·~ contract comrs ir·cl inln thf' p11lm -fr111gr•d la~oon Thi' rr·d·hliir"'t ""I""'' will lw • n 1' "'. W('('k.,nl:I •f .. T,,1,.,,, "''"'"'" ,.,.,,, r.l•·n•lnl• .• •1• • .. r 11 .. ·" I • '".111111 1• • up for r<'m•wnl Jun" 30 nf T AU In !hr Amf'ncan 5amoft rolltf' hr.mt' l•·s~ thitn 1w11 ~"''' lnmat("'. '3r•t h• 1 ... • • ·~ 1 ...... "'" r '" •t .. ,.;,,, '"" "'' T h• t '1111111 <.;11111 ' '"''' In th•• 4 ln !hf' o nly nptim1~l1r nnlf' i.:rn11p Rfl1•r 1111· tJ,.(ifh of h•·r h11,hand •~•OR "\\li) •J•,. '.;.,, .... t '" 11 · ''"''•••I 111 '' "'·'" th11 1 !111· •·•111n-'fh ' d. d t I . · ' Alt• 11 'rvtrid :.• l :t7 '''"" Jl,d rtn lhf' lnhor ~C'!'n!'. !hf' <'ommuni-I' r rror1s 111 ICalf' 1 l•' 11g Frank \V111 .. ri-. Jf . on 1;1t.11r I 11•1 ••. ·11y 111 th• 1111( "". ' •• •1., ••• Hll t I ',, ''"'"''' I'"' .. ,. 11• ••trorl" '" k r cl fl">n" hoat 11 Rritish m:icl <::;u I 1r '" 1t1 .. 11·~.,.. ,.,,. '1"""· "'"''1'""1J•ir• If l{,•rl '" 1; ~ r 1 1• I 11 Citt1nn~ \\'OT ('T1\ nr Amf"rll':\ j n ·"' J """" • • • • # r • n·l J110 -f ••...-::. '1 .. 'f•r•"f'f MJ'• at t1 tlf .. 14.1::.t ;.r.tt '4..... , r ' '•fl -·· ,H l''''"''" ""'''fr t, ~ 1rnno11ncrd thry will f''Clf'n(i thrl~ rl<'rl11ntl fm1r !'nr.tinrcl f'l'llfl. wri~, ., , . ,1 1,1 1,, • ,, , • 11,,. 1,1, •1 • •wt "" , •11 • • r , l•l ••I•·• t ./1·111 t't>nl r11rll1 w tlh tli,.. f<'l1·ph11n•' in-lor,..,.cl clr1\\cn nn lh•· wall•r . np(>11r • . '· ii•'" I 'All.SI 1N I 'JTY. N••\ . Mny 4 - 1111'1 'n., .. 1(1ornhl1111i r1·1ir••Rf'ntn- 11v .. "" !111• N1·v1ul11 '"" N1mmh1· ~111n t•otl11y ""rrwrl l.11k1• TftlH>t' 1rtin1lil1·r-. 111111 lwnr d11rtl1 UH•y n111~1 . "11111 11•11111n• 1i l1•,. •mil rn•w 111·1·1.-foll llH• I 11l1h•1< " Tl11 •'••111rnh.~l111wr "'11N Willtftm .I M'""'" ••111·r111111 nl lhf' Hotrl I .11~f l'ro nllf'r In I.rt~ \'1•11:ru1. 111w rlu!'try for ·~hror• pt'rinds or t1nw" ,.nll)' Ii} •'n~1ni' f:ir l11rl', hut m_Rrl•·t HOUSE SPEAKEU PREDf(.T'S J9-2.) * W th & T1"d.na * ·11 .. ,. ,. " "''"" 1•~"1 11111 • Judgl? D .. J Dodi?:<', ~!'\\'l•lrf In fnr<'<l 1tH :. n11t11onv,;l(!P l1'l<'phon<' a llRf,. l11ndtnl( and l111d l1Uffw11•nf ea tt .:n ti,. Am.'" •ti l•l"l•1'lil '" "' th•· l11n:<·"I 111HI rno~I 1•l1tl10rrtlf' t owni;hip justk<'. finf'rt Gc'<lrl?:<' E l'lrrkl' P"'."'''r t<.• l:tl(l llllln~ lhf' su~fllC'f' '"1YEAR GRou~ U'(I L BF.., r>R ·\fTl:'f) ,,, ... '~ .............. : \ ,., ...... ,n •.. !'. l'llantl \\'tlliamit. Avar11do slt<'<'t. C'oltla Thf' uninp r••prf'«<'nf< 2:Vt.ftllil r.,11 1,J,1n<f . ... ~., ll .J ~ ~ ('~ ,1 . '·•i:t ,1 ., "••,•I••, •··l • I .. i-,1 ,.11 !lo• 11,.,111111111,. ?.k~ii . ~.1;:.r1 for drunk dri\ 1nr '" ,_. 1 \\t~rki·rs t-tnft 1ls rc1ntr::.r·t~ ~·1th t hr ,\n1unt: lh• p:'"'·'' nc,.~ "'••r•11 · ., .,. ~t • r J ~ i SJ, 'h. ~, 'fi.' t 11f 1h ,,, , rr11...it .. •·, • tru• ,,, Ir ~::ttt \\'illiams "'"~ 11rrrl!l!'d hy C'on-(Continurd on Page 4 ) .lt.!1;111 1•111'1\l•·r. ~-rrnch movlr d i-, . \\iASllJ!"<;T<i~ .~1av •1 •t '!• 1. he-A.111d •' "'1 '" 1•'' •.·•' '·~ .__',,.,:r.;',;t,. ' •·· •" .. 1 1:.i,-...,11 .• 1,11t 11, 11 pl) 111 1,1, sl11bl<' Frank \'a•11;h11 n :it :0-.1•\\-rJOrf _...... · ri·1·t11r, 11nrl hts w1 f1· anti 11 Holl\'· Spt'ak"r J~rph \\ ~J,,rt1n ... 1 I• 1 dt>bat<' · .,. f,,,• '"' I• "I '"' '" .,, ,.11.,., •11,,11 • 11, 1,. ,. 11,,1 bolllC'\'ard 11ncl Old S11nla Ana BRITISH TO ST A y '"11"! ITI't\l• dlrr·c t.or whn w~ .. prr'<ltclf'd lo<ITty t h1tt th1· 1111"" I dt>n't ., •· "' • ••" ' J • •' TF.Wrt:Jl.\Tl ar_,. , .. 11 •1 '''"'"" .. ro11rl ~hortly 11 1 t••r midni1t~~ Mnn· IN BERLIN SECTOR 1cl• n• 1ft•'rl rml) a~ Mr Jacnh~•·n l "iii >1 pprr1\I• thf' h ill '" •h 1•l1 "" r '• • ' P"" h• "''''' '1 ,_...,.._, 'f•..t•• "• , , .oJ ,,, 1, 1 • .,,,, '"'"' 1,, 11 1,11111 day mornini.. • T hr mr11 11· mrn rt'f"'rlr <lly "''" 111 1 h•· I ~I I hro ui:h '.!:. } ,.,, r I:• ' 1 .). 'l'11F1wh1lr. ,..,_ r• , · ' · • • • 11 "" ;-, 1,. ..... .. '" •l• 1 .. '"' t ''" 11, 1~ 1,.1 ~liq, , ,., 111 H c WSJI rommill<'d to cm1nty J .l >:"DO:"'. May 4 11·p1 Fnr· lll'rn ~"'·kihll 11 rnnrnnlir lon11 !1111 lnr m tlttl'l ry !lt·n ·r,..,. ., •h11t lf'-'l"' 1"1:• s. r ., ...... .,,.,_,-s • ,, . .,..·.,, ........ "'. •I W•·••l•I 1.oll ,.,1 lh• l 'N ..:•·nrrnl jail followlnl! h1it l?Uilty pl"a and •··rn' Sf'C'rc•!>1ry Ern<'i<! B1·11n tr•ld 'ior n IW" South S••ru; mm lill<'<I M11rtin did not c1imm1t h1111.1 ll "' "'d llC'Uttlf' •n) • :1 ... • ~ ... • • .-. .... • ., ••• "?., .. • • ... . ... 1,.t.f. '" ·•f'J••ir'11 rin ·', m,.r 11ent!'nC<'. Dod~<' Mid hi'.' ~Ill he'· !ti•• Hou~" of C0rrimnm l•.c!<1r thR1 'Thr W!'ddin~ of Lili," which Wit!! nnr· w:iy or Rnolh<'r on th,. 1\\" ''' •tw-dr•fl: t111J 11 t!J ,,., l I:.'£ l .! 1'C •.at l!:ft i:1·n•, 111t'}••r \\.lo•• ,..,,11111 '"'"'•m•· credltr d with ~2 ;i day un1!1 hi' Bi111~h tronJ"" '"II ~rnv In ll<'r lin to hf' m:irlf' hy 11 nrili~h f irm ~"'' drnll proft"rAm oka}•°'1 ()\'or , .. ~., for un1\'f"f"UI m.I '111r ·r ~ • .1 't I·. 17 '• i ., .. 11.11 t1• .• of ••I .I• 111vilnr1 \\l11·n aettlP~ th" finf' His driver·~ liC'C'nsr dri<pil<' any nu~!'iAn :111rmpts 10 Th!' ol hr'r ~"""n p;1~vmv·rs W<'rc' whelmms.cly yl'll<'Ni&y hy t ti , 111r ~ Harry L T•f'A" f' '. W > fi t<t I 11 l• 1?:51 1 11 .. 1,.1r>'• 111..r1<l11!•· , nrl~ 11 ill•}·~ was susprndl'd for ninrty days. IC1rf'f' !h!'m 10 l<'&\'t', not idrntifl<'d JlouH Arm<·rl &·rvicl'S commit!"' t ;,. 5ald.ht· may prop ""' •• ~~· 1• 4 '> '• 'J '1<1 '' ~ hf>n,.•· l!ll' •'ll'lt1•1• Ill llw 1uo11tlwr11 N1•v11•l11 '"'Y ~ .M••11r1 l~M111·1I 1111• w11r11ln1< to "'""ii '.!;, 101111f1l1·r-•. """mt: lhf'm J· tldu· Snh 11 !l 111111 Elmrr lllonf'~I lC•'tnmo•r nl S11n Franrl•cr1. who op- ,., ,,,,. <'11~11111• 111 tho l.11k•• Trthor 1or•·io. nn ''"' N•·v111fo -< '11llf<rr nla lo•11<l1·r 1111 h1111r·~ rlrlvl' 1mulh nt H•·nn 111 t •Iii !h•· 1:11mhl<'r~ hlunl- IY !lout tho 1·111111111J1~lun wo11hl 1111\IC lnv.·y1111:,,11w11 in 1111· flt•ltl <'onlll"nl- lr t11Jr lni.; 1111• 11ppro11d1!ne: summer t <mrl~r ll<'11J1nn In kr('P a watchful ''Y'' on 111<'1r nrtlvilln I . \ I • I 'f • . J' . . 88:118 VIA LIDO Nl:WPOAT •EACH. CAUFD•NIA ,. takesyo•toall these wonderlands , ( ... '640 ( ........ - _ _....Chicago, too 1be OM led oaly Gtud Caayoa im .Arimm. n. world'• ..,... boW1I ~ocmd _,, • - Cubbed ea...-u. IOUdma New Maia>.. n. b.ilcoric and colocfil1 I.Mil ol Pmbb im • .+.n Nnr Maim. You cua -~ cbel. ~led emaom- icalJy, oo your .. cation aip diil summer. Then, enjoy Chiago -~ thctt ia ~-ciry CJOl~mmt aJ,.•ars. Your rrip on~ Sa.nu Fe rain iJ f'L"t ol IM fua. And chett are 6 daily Sa.nu ~ a:aini ro c::booM from -n c:b.atr1C!I a colorful !.,;u:~ ar. and• '.!mm& ~ S<"n;ng d~Lnous Fm! ~cy food. ('. D . Ll'Dl"C\. T.r .'- IOI S o. \lain ~'-n.-•olt or Saa•• •·~ saauoa. ML 111& Ji'AST \ AS \. t U .U . ~ ~ Santa Fe ~ ~ . , ..... Jewish Children Get New Sc;hool Subject I 2 Children Sole 1 Survivors in Bus SEE ANOTHER BOOM IN TQUR SEASON, BUT LESS SPENDING ( Acm4! Trl,.plst>tn) A 12-yi•f\r-old Jew11h bof ~hrs n girl or t"lrmrntary school ~r the nwch.1nlcs or operaunc a S tt•n 1<u11 Tile l&d as nn exr>C'rt with Uie 11.i·a1>''ll Chtldrt"n living In th~ J1y,1~h N:rh ullura1 i;e1Uruwnt ur N• \;th V:rnkn\', Pulcsttnc, lt .1:11 >ll'f• IL·!' 1111 •"II'~ 111' 11 • Arab at· W1;lo. 111 .;dlllllun t.o Ulc, cl.. •I • • H'!> vi l<.1\l,1 • .,, \\.lltlli; :>ltd • ,1u.,11.•l. l Crash Killing Six. I 4 'llA;\'.111.E lt. Arlt., :\l.1~ ,, •I(>' t 'I'" o d11lcln •n, ~oh· s un'1\'· 11rif ,,f 11 11111111~ ul M" "11 Ill\ n l\'1'11 •n ,, \'11r -hus 11t•t•id1•n1 n1•11r h<'f\' ''''' 1111.;ht. W•'r" rqw11 1,•<1 r .. 1·nv1·r - 1114 l"day 'l'h1• 1·ra,.h luuk sax '""'"' F11ur-) 1•11r-olcl < '11rnwn C'11r1er. I '•H>irfhW. Ar11 , was tn 1h,, \Villioms A11 F orC'•· h11~1· hosplt11I HC'r l1n11h!'r lll·)l'lll'·olrl Ounullt, was 111 lht• :\1•·~11. Ar11 , S11ulh Sod,· hvs- 1111111 fl) 1·n 1t1-ct t•ri..,~ i.howl'<I thC' following for Cahf r- ,\rwth1•r l~i .. 111 111 l11ut '"' 1r;n1 .. 11111: \\;1'< pr•dll't•d 1 .. 11 ,,, 1ol1houi.:h 1tw l Souttwrn l'i.t1fomia TTan•I liu- ;o\1·rai.:" \ltt'.ol l• llll'I Jtl11l1,1hl) \\Ill l1Hll~ ':lid 1111• d .. m and ll> for C'h.a •p1•ml less murwy. trips. Trailer ulN are up A sun 1·y .. 1 111.. nut 1un ., pn n-111any [J(•oµl1• arl' planning dwa c1pal sunu1w1 t 1 m ,. pla)~rountls 'mnpmi,: tripli. TII<' &1a1e ci\arn ~huw1 u 1h111 r<'s1·n 11111111s In m.ill) "' C't•111nwn·11 11nd C<oltror·nians, Int: 11n ·11s 11lr1•:id) 111·,. !:"1 ling lii.:111 11 1w n-pror11 or.:ai1i7.J1tion "'hi or w ill so11n. h .1111l11•l' w11n,1 traffic >CJ.11.·1.'1 Trn,·1•1 hUl't'HUS sll\11' offa·1nls rc •n•rd numlx ·r or tourista t o 'isl ' I lhl' Slall• But both ~OU"" pr nnd n •,;orl u11<.·raturs pr1•d1cll'd thHI 1 1 •- 010 1'1.' 1w•11pl.· lha n t'\l'I' \'tll 1aki· 1 ll'li•t \:ri'aliuni .. ts •·ould k ttp .... umm,•r trip,, lfl 19-1~ .' ~ght .KnJ> un t~1·1r purse s1nn Also in th<' nir bns<' hospita l J\fanr hd 1t·wd 1 hi' tot11I amo unt "'••n • nin1• air Corre suld i<'rs. Twn of m on1>y "p•·nt on tra\'el a nd ':t· 11f llwm. p,.1, ('1trl c T ablar and t'allons \\uUIJ st•t( n n •cord But 1111.• ~oulht·rn ( altforrua AuttJlll(>. lt1t1· l'lutJ pr1'<11ch'd IOW'lils • .;.p,•nd S600.<Xl0.000 f thc•y sn1d 111,·ri• Mf indications that P c Jam<'s A Sapp, \\l'rC to I><' NeW11·Time9 ~ an. your culde to efndent r.>mdbc fl"" n 10 R Rc•1tumont G••nl'ral hos-mch\'ldu .. 1 tounMs wall SIJl'nd kss pita!. F:I Pni;o, T<'X .. today for mun") lha n rlwy dad last )<'<tr. lrt'atnw nl Tht'lr home nddr(!S!'l•'S Tr11vd hun·aus r<-porlt'<I I It a' I Srotch 180(', \'arloum ~ 09 "c•n • nnt imm• diutl'ly 11,·:ul;i\Jll' mor,· JA•uplt· art• 1n,p11n ng ;,bout stork at lh<' N~Tbnes.. l'hl'i11 .... r 1ra11s Rt•sort 01X'ra10r~nd T1ihlar su!f<'rrd a hrok<'n leg , s1111,• <au1hon11t•s rn Sout h D<1kl'l:1,, ,--------------·. Sapp a bro k1·n jnw Ttw ulh<'r ('allforni;,, :-.:c•w York and PISl' I '!t•\'t•n r•·<'C'ivC'd only-n unnr hurls. "hl'r,· said thi:fl tourists are "get · P R J N T J N G In all. :/3 pc'n.on11, 19 or thrm llni: t•11r..rur· ho" much llw~ ,.1,.·nd <;oh11l•rs. wt>rl' trc•atl'd itl th<' air force ho~pital hist nigh!. Th<' \'acat1on S•·ason 111 Ill.on\ I • rt·~urt aro·ns ,,. ·1ll'tng l<'nKtlwrw<l. 01·11d Wl'rc Mrs. R L. Cartl'r, 13. ht·r ISrollwr-l n-law. T i ,.•' s n1K·111ng ,.,11-111 r and dosrn1: lalt•r I I '1·rr~. ~3: 1 hn•c• t>f :\Ir.:; C'arll'r's Tr;1\ Pl hun•:1us n •1iur1t•d 1 hat t'l~•l•1r••n, Ruth. 17, I li·!t·n. 1::. nnd the numlx·r of persons planninR ~llt' 1\ 1111. ti. and Col•'flllt n n \Vin· ! ~'I'" .ahroad has 111crr·t1S••d sh:lr!Jly. llt'r', :lfl, l'hOl'lllX. ,\a [~, dri\'C'r Of 1111• Jil'tt'I. ftl 11\ 1'1'M:<is I rips Ill.IS dl'· lfw bu~. I chm·d sl1ghlly, whlll· rail 1111d l!us , , 1 rul1•:0. 111 1h,• L'n111 ·d S r:ll<'S ha \t' I hi' car. llnvr·n hy r1·rry. was gun,• up. · 1 I .,lnwk hrn11d .. 11l1• loy 1h1• h11s ;inrl I Thi· s111.,.,., fur \'iinolion i.t;;lt•s ":1s 1Tu~h··rl :rn rt li111111 d "lw n it • • P11°11 n t1 a n rn"'r'"''llnn w lthnul 01lu \Ill).!,, 'ltlJ! 'll•n. th" ~111 1 1· high- \\"' p.11 r111 11·p11rl1·1t Tlw orc11pants .,f I h• · t'i.r· \\ ,., t :-. t rt 1\\'ll O\"f•r t ht' lllft I ~1•1•l 11tn STANDARDIZED to sa,-~ you both time and money. BEA C ON 55!5 A. C. Speneer · llM eo-t ...... , j Tl1t 111111· l1t"l"t.ol11••ft "11h11t•r" I), f (,'. t•f .JN G BY \\'.·\I\' ·\SS L;'I'S SE_"'_E_"_"'-,,--1 ;::.::1 ;',\',"'~~. ·~:~~.'" i:."~.,:;:;~111·k:."'~l: I _... • .. .. r.. l ~ .1..... , ..... 11 ttu.. ,.,, 11a."'"""' ,,,r I \''J1,}I "1'fME~,' ,JL~L~J>S () .. "' Bl.OCK 1 1i1-.r""!•llw1ol~ 111 .. t r•porl11I "" ~ r.f'. ~~ • r11tlrl:11~1w r'lllH11l\\•P•lllll ""'"'f" 11w "1111; fl~·"' tll'l1•ndan1s W<'r<' Paramwnt. '.,l{)fh Crntury • Fux. l...nwt>'s: W a rn•·r Rroihf.rs a n d R-K-0 . Unh'f'T"SA I, C'"nlumbia a nd United ArtL~fs •h1rh do not own movie r hrill<'rl< "t'r<' rn-dt'fl"ndants. They ••'r" nanwd in thr• suit bccaW!C ttw)· i1v,. <·'lc!US1\'t' n1thts to their ftl~ '" thl'af•·r< 11wn1•d by thc ••I.,..,. f I\ l" prnclur·"r!'I. Th•· ~11prrm1• c·uur1·11 d rc1slon w:is •ntt••n h) A !l."«lllll' Justtct> W1I· ham O llnui.tla_,c Jus11ce F ehx t'rankfurtr•r d1ss.·n1r·d J u s I 1 cc R.ohrrt Jac kson tonk no parr T...,.lttrft I<> Lrara Drh-l•lf :'llt:W PALTZ. N. Y. tCPl-A drwCT M111r1'111nn proi:rnm fqr hii.th '<'ht'iOI t1•ac•h1•r.; n1Jl'nt'd a l l'•'" f'11tr 1 Staff· Tf'nf'hen College. The ! I 1.f t\ I \1 t\ 71 14\ Jf••11)1t 1\ 1• '·I··''""' \\'•tr A~'''' \d I lllli .. I ' ~t fl C • .. ,I unwr,· :-.. • t t flf I ... ·, \\' , •• 1 \\';,;.) f ~••U1• \ If d 111 1 l1111t11I pr11d.1m1111nn•\\ .i. l•I \ ltm11. \\'AA D1i;1r111 llt· t •''"r ~· ... t•rda~ n11n1f't1 lh• cl.tr•• "' th•• Ill"'' l11i..: ~air hPre 111 "Ir· Jtlu~ qu:1rl•·1-111n 4x4 tr u r ks I J1 •1•11S 1 for ''t•lt'rans only. ltn lh(' hlnrk for dlspos;ol hy ('Md IJid !11\IP Wiii l:O }9() JI 1•pi;, :l3 jPe(' amhul<.nc1·~. \~ ~;iati:r~ and 1wo jeep 11tatlon wo11:oa.~ Meet 1tre 1943 mo<kl11, hut tbef't' _. ~omc 1944 a nd a r"w 1!>15'1. Sall' O~TIS 111 IO am,, hut VI'!· 1•r;rns will ™' :idn\ittc-d until t h•• la~t of th•• 3:t•I 11rms nre sold. PrC>~l"'t'I iv<' 11un·h11st'rs a r c re- mindl'd lo hrini: proof or dis- charfo?I' \"1•h1Cll'S may hf' insp.·cted M th<' !\tarlnt' Stora'11· U<>pol at Rar- ~tow, 9 am In J 311 pm. :\londa)'ll through Frida~" un11I da) before tho· s11lr• ""''k·l11n~ 1 r;11111ni: 1111•.:ram. spon- <11n •d h~ lhl' 1·11llri.:r .rnd lh<' Auto- mohilr l'luh 11f :"11·w V 11rk. to train 1••-trlwr>< 111 1·1111d11ct dra"rni.: courscs tn thr1r hiJ,:h 'l'ht><•I~ GORDON B. FINDLAY I ,,.,,,. .. ~.,....,_,, ut CABINET SHOP REHVICF. CAlllNl.:TS AND Ull.LWORK T C JOHNSON, Supt "'--: Karl••• t NU'·J c;o c;NEYHOllND 1~1 .. an:/ REI.AX Y-. 10 Greyhound and ta.W U ~I No traffic worriee, no drirui. problem1 •.. ju.t 1t.ep aboard ad relu. Frequent, dependable eervice euerywM~/ rh,.~ At. .. ~~,.,.,,,.:·. •. ...... " ,, •• ._.. ' !.\ ....,.ft '' ............ 'h ~•••fk lit • •I ...,,., • tn14'n10 \ \u __ ,_ AllelTIONAL U\#INOI ON IOUNO TllP PAllt C. C. Swarforll. CiOX ( 'oa."t llw~. 1'4'. :.a·!'! l'ronl 't1•·•I •I .1 \\".11 1\'-1\0;1•t' M • L \dn11111-•1 '''"" '''" "' Tu11·111w1 ., 3ftne eague \\ • dn1·-d. \. .\1 1\ :l .1t lo ,, 111 D t h t 11 .. t··ri ·'" 11•·111 .. ~. e ac men • !~l\•1 t••Uml .. of TUil• · T F • s A II l11<1k•·d hk1• a l'l'tthlt·m in rl'-0 orm In • • T h,. S1111t·1 Ana d.-t;ichnwnt or lall\11\. nt1 1 .... ., If 1-: ••111.d..; :\IC "1111•1'• ii • t • n •pr• '<•·ntmi; 1lw "'111· 1•11) 10( lii.:hl 1 how rniwti ,huulcl -1 lh•• :\T:irint· t'orp" l.t':ri::u•• '"II re- no pnurrt11·~ hidcli·r 111 ;1 :o.i11:•I hid r t•l\'f' tlw 1r dwrtr•r lh1" Thur..;da~· Mtli• ofti·r for 91J00 pounds u f night in e•·rr•moml'S In hi' h1>ld In tilll•'? 1h1· ;iutlit or1um nf lh!' C'omm11nlty The prohlcm was solw·d withou t Ct'ntPr huildini:. I HM W F:ii.thth c r•·coursc tn INtrnt•d physicists wht'n S 1 . lt<'J:lnning nt R p.m. the !lpcllln11: of "time" was cor-Pn·scnt11tlon of th<' charter will n •ctrd to "lh}11w"-a dr iC'd herb hr madC' durlnit the nf)<'n m<'l'I· ust-d in s1>asoning food. Dc<:larcd mg hy stair IN1i;:uf' commandant surplus hy thc Na\'y, lhC' thyme CharlN! A. \\'1'8\'rr Ft'aturcd l'\'Cn l WllS pnrl of II S7~16.000 h.slini:. In~• or 'ht• ('\'l'nlnjit will be 11n address h1i.: ':1lt' nf th•siraltle nil\'} .:oods to hr drh\'l'r<'d hy Major Gen. 'chl'drrll'd for this area. A. 7. u 1u1<1 F: \\'nods. commandini: itrn- 1 >:1v1s. Hrant'11 C1iwf. said •'rnl or 1 h1' Fil'lll Mnrin<' Aircraft Also 1r1 '"' i;old \\-.·rt> 45'.l ~ui:ar Wini:. El T oro bo" Is . .:1w1 p:11rs or lhrec-quarlt•r Also pl11nninK to a tlf'nd a rl' IC'ni:th ruhh1·r hoots-just in time Mnynr R C11rson Smith and the for thc r1 .. hing "·:ison 30 rubh<-r city council or Santn Ana as wC'll 1 Ir""· wlwl'llK>rrow ~ :! 19 i:al-11" f>1 ht•r ('1\'1C nnd mnrin<' corps Ions t~f l11mrn1•u" !1".' n I. 1~.000lnfficial~ ~1un~~ of plnsl~r ~·.m_<nl. I~> ~11-1 Thi' Manni' ~nr!l'> u •ai:u<' Ii; a l'r 1 lrnt11~ hr.1c• I• ts. 30.~I() i.:nl-nun-pohlwal. 110n·Sl'l'r1>t ar111n or- ion« ,.f r11s1 prc,·cn1 ,,·r. 1500 i;al-1 l.!HlllNtl1t•n 111,..11 tn nil' honorahly Ions 1•r ropt• pr•'!H.'r\••r. lcl.000 c hip-I disrhari;rd marinl'S and womcn rt'· !"nK hamm••rs. ~101 fl) "'\.tlll'n. s•·r"'" a""''" as tn tho~ st'r\'ini.t :.!O OX\'l:l'n ryltndl'r'<. 1!'19 m1'1.!:l· nn arll\t• duly whn ha\'r nnl Sl'r\'f'd phon1·• l~w "I 111111 h1>11rm1:s :1nci Ir•<" th:in !lfl ron~rruli\'r d:iys. ~HlO.fw •I \\orlh of nut'<, ):C'r<'\\S Thr Manni• C'orps Lr111;111>, 11 nn- 11nrl llt•ll". 11nn11I all-rnarinl' or ganl111tlon, is nu1 " Ill'" ''r trrnn" uutr11. havini: La" nmo""r," ~ladr l.lihtf'r '""'rt org11ni~;oll :ind in r11ntlnuo11s T F: 'I' E 11n11 n (I, ~ .J. I CP I I "1•·rat11111 .;i nc•• .l11n1• 6. 19:!:1 Prr- Kr<'p1n..: th•• lawn It imm••ll won I l11111nary pla n• 111 form thf' ll'llt;llC', hi' :<awh 11 <'hon• 1 111~ <prini: 1r Y•"tl h•"'""'r . '"'rt' m11rt1• 111 11 nnlion- Pll"h .1 lfl·I~ rr111d1·I inm,1•r \\'ho·• I "1t11• 111111111" 1•ot ps \'t'll'r 11 n" rr- 111111 ""'' fr111n"" fo11 111 \\' n1o1d1·I~ .or,. 11naon h••lal in ;o.;,.w Y•irk C11y In h<'tnt: 1·:rs1 rn•rn til 1..;111 -11101 .•1111 I 1•1~':! n11 th•· I 17th annl\'l'r<nr)' nf 1111111111111111 :cl 1h1· 111 1i:nt·,;a11111 11111n 111 .. m.ar1111 c·•·rp.. 1-'11· .. 1 na1111nnl rlr) di\ 1"1"11 11f 'rt nrlix ,\\ 1.11 '"" , "11111nnd 1111 '' ,1< 1 h1• I.it" L t Grn C111·p· 111'1'1' fh· Ill\\ llltt\\ ··r \\Ill .1 .. 1111 1\ 1 .• 1··•tn1· and lltt• r1rs1 Iii'· w1•1t..:h .1ltr>11f '.:'I ''' :l" 1••tu11I" nr '"' '1111• nt ••I thr• lt•:ii:1t•' tn !)('. 1•ni~ 1h11111 h.tll ,,:; 11111.-11 .cs 111111 r ·1 '"''ii , , It 1111•r " 1~ !'\t'w York t)fX'll. hr·11·h111111t "'' I '(ou CA~ Wl<ITE THE NUME..R~L.,. 6 W HH . .E MOVING VOUI<. J:'OOT CLOCXW15E•w I' YOU WlllTE TME6 CL.OCtc.W1SE/ E#'I. o. 8C'#WPS- ALTHOU~ TOTALLY 8 LtN01 19 AN EXPEl?"'r Pl-'NO TUNEIZ ANO ~PA1r('E~ ~ ll .. 0 105.' DU~NG WQRLO \\~IZ 11' ~E ASSEMBLED l(!;t..010 SETS ~Of( .._,,,. "l~CAAFT PL ANY ... •• io6 l11r,9'l1~ ... white lllletl •••••• •ean ... tter~ , Good light pro<«a precious cyaight. e, rcpbcing me dark-colored lining in a lamp shade with a whill lining, tou an get up to twice as much light without using additional elecuicicy! There are two ways of doing this : Spray or painr parchment shades with white or light-colored pa.int, or roll the lamp shade on whice paper and pencil ma1k co cut, as shown. Then fit chc lining inro the shade --~ and fascen che seam wich ~ scotch rape. For fabri c shades, _: use white o r light material. Available Now GENERAL ft ELECTRIC Refrigerators . Flatpla_te Ironers . ~ Electric Ranges Electric· Washers Automatic Blankets Garbage Di-sposals Electric Sinh Rotary Ironers Home Freezers Vacuum Cleaners Water Heaters Apartment Kitchens Electric Kitchens and Cabinets LIDO E~ECTRIC CO . 518 COAST RI\\'A\" -AT TllE AllCllJ;S PHO!'l."1: BCACOS 540$ .. I , ' l * HARMAN Wa NICHOLS 11 tinned "Glni:t'r\Jr('lld M11n:· in onl', 35 000 K1·1owatt A'. --J --~ J ' th•• G O.M gr111 l11nu,.•lf l1<1i:i:lood up ' ~ 'kJo/t:M. WASHJNCTO~ \tAY " rr '" lh1• rnd b)' a lll•'IHI nht ~:'II. thM G t Cut a·n • • • , \ > 1 k ariwd I r's ht•('llUS•' <11 the news-d • k ... 1 ...... " t1· 'Hiil enera or "=-,,~ ·_···~Tt'tl" --Attornt')' C.:N'ral Tom Clark pnp<'r~. rndln nnd m1>d .. rn tl'achini: ~·:n 1111: I ''' 1"" '' """' '' 1 • · , --= cracked 1.he other "ay 1ha1 rnos1 I nwtt11id.~ ,,c awful thmi:ir Thr 0111 r ,.,,1 .. By Edt"son Co_ • Id I I .,,,,, h'•' 1 h1• ,,.., n M l''nlln•• hnck ,. \\ I folks dotlt "''~\\or 11n1>«m:. '!'hi· i..idi"r~ hinti•J rath••r J ·~ " " ·''"' 11, 1111" 1h1• '""' .__ h h . h11nw "in111 th1' nrms 1"1 lh•• 1111 "' I' . .s,1ul ht'rn s11••I •li1r11 ~ ,,, """'•Uk' ltw> art'n·1 t•p •ll1 t ··1r ht• ulh th it mom hlld pop nnght Th I , • Ilk • ti 'u·111.: ""·"'"' 111111· ' ,,1 '''"' hist''"" I · I I I• I •k • "lc1 ''""'·'" '1 " m ore ' • 1'..111.11 11L1 I 1h•1•11 t on11wan) till~ sh.-, ' ·• 1 • •ll•t " • .,,,. "" ~., i:• t •11 .. 111111° • u p" 111 ) 01 '"·" 111111 if 11 ,,11111.:,11.1 h.is h111h h.,.,k~I , 1 The blasl 1uui:h1·d ufi anolhlr 1.,,, r Jlll>1lt1, ,.huuldl'I "lllll' lw:;; 1 ', 1., kn'" .: ·~Jl<'l 1111111 111 .• """" "''' 11, "''" .1.·.,111 "1 kill'"""" Nl• tal 1 , • •l•·I I..••••' r .. 1,,.,.., on.. out oC Ch1c ngu S<·houl t1•r1i:ht·r ,.111 •• n t ,11 h•lllll' 11,,rk Ii" ''" '1 ' • • • i..• 111 i:itin1; 11111t 111 H1.: l'n'C'k otli••t 1,..1, ,ti th.11 .11111 111 .• nl.. ""' ttk>TI> ttCht·d l h1 1r di.m kr for al 110.1~ •• ·I···· • ,, , ,,.r-1,111, ,,rl l"'""'hou••' ;-..,, .I 111 01,.·r11t1on .• n•''' 1111.t •lt •t '• 1'11\ 1·1.11.. •'ll,u That'~ not 1110 •'n"., ~nnwt1m1•s. I t r .,. 11r1 I , • • .. , I I'-I I n1inu1.-and th"n ~a1u Turn n ui:ht • ~· .. .' •1 · • , . • ,\,hhti .. u:il 11., 1,111 "''" '"' 1111111 1t' "' •' 1 .. 1 , ,, ,, ~ "' 1 1t •• •'""' lw n ghl as !.u .ti e1h1· uld folks [•,.,,pfi• In lhi• no" "Pllll<'r hll~I· t h\' I hri••· I.ill I. I 11'' In '1111 . .,1 " 11,.r "hwh '"'Ulrl otlw~is.· htll .. t •1 '" '',.I 1 .. ,,,. '""" 1 .. 1 go but Jhat th• Allurn1•\ l: .. 1i.ral n.,, o11• tt .iin.·d 111 writ.• sirnplY,1 tla t\\u "111\ 111•1 1..i·r~ "1"' 11111111 1,11111 ·thll iu.: '"' .in111u1I ru11111f. 1:011,"' .J'"I • \111• 111 \\,11111.t JH~lt>d our ktJ• :\10,.1 h;.:h ,..r11,,..1 1 !M• '""1 '''" t h• '''-' )oun.: C"llll tht'li h<1n1t·• "1 '11''k• ttml '11 t~• '.','I 11,11,llh 1,,.,.1111 111..: ·''"'"' 1111 .. tanw )land•f 11. '' ""'' h """'" t .. r •••ni. atud«'nts. th•· h ,u!wn; ~.t1d, knu"ll:•'\ at a 1:1.,111·1• 11 h.111s ra•'llnt m t11itl1•<1 1rnn p111t.•1t .11111 t'.1t 1n ~ i•tlhi:)l'ttr \\t>-• 1, 1 , .,. .. 11. m~:. "''' m o r (' than 1h .. 1r 1~1n•111;. l'\'1'r 1t11·1111nt .. d \\'o•rti ,\r;:11t1tl !<.•1lll'nl ... tho""" 111 .1h.•11t l1<•r.llH'~ -.•111•·1 I'' I ho ~ll~t~ll ll(IU thrt'<'-rn•• n ... ,,,,.,1 ... ,1 ...... 111111 -1 11111• 11 .. 11, 1-. '" 30 \\'l)1d.... 111"'' l'sc·a1 .... t11 ll11h· np l11111JI~ 111 til ·•It •I t •· . • 1 u•h th• '"'' .. ..,. Dl•traA.~C& 8D I ---------------Tit.ii 1,111, 11111 1111,,1 thl' irnrl•• th•ll ,.111111 1 hr1ltl111 11 1111 111.1111 h 1• ''·" •'•'ll't1u1·11 .. 11 1;r·;~::::~~1.::;:11~1• • J rall, lh• "1• 11l1l11 l1t\' 1'.1\1•.:ury. !ta1111~·'. ••(. ~"\''~" 11 1 ;•;:1~''.~11 :~~;111:\~,. :::~'11:''..i:";,;;,.~~·, ••l.,"l•'fl;t11m, th•· \\1111 .. .,, .'.olrl\.;nc •• -)U•l•c Howard W. Geni8h .... -1111 Automobile • Pire Accident • tift> Uc:ftl9p end Conl1'11C1 Ronda Wrlt tftl ~ •• \\h.1t tl1• lh• hi..' ll<'nplo• \\'h<' ,\nc M• 1' ·' " • • " ' ti I •'•lh•'I "''" JI n•'" l• ..,,.,.,,,.. '"" "httu'4l 1hr a \\ 111•' IH~lk• 1111' ltt 111• kid,; du' Ill lh•• h"111'' "'01 1.., '1' 1"11r','~~·11:,,.,i. :•; 111,1.',:'111, r 1 t~trnk. 11, 11 ,.11.ip 111111 luul4 1 .. llarloo•tn•••l•·r Ku-·I t:. Th·~ 1•11 th1 tr ~111ff 111 su1•h n "11 '''·"''1'1• 11'111 11 111,,,..1111,1, 11 itt ,., .. t lll'l"•'"m1111•ly <'rals t .. , ~ .... 1,tnic. •• ., • .,., c ...... c•on1plw.111·<l 111.tn1h'r 1•\'1·11 th~· hr (or i.:ra•t.· 111'1· I 1 11 ti .., , t\lMI llOl.l ' P'~ltll), "''' heri::•· ,...h••"""r" In lnlk~ 1·:111'1 und1'rst11nd It Fur tn· "1'11111"''11'111 11 lltl<' ''' '11 ,11 1···. ' . , ., , .. tll•· Harl ... r \t:(o\, t'IO!IOF.F.K, "li'lnf'C' llflP Sl'llll'OC'I' in "Th!' Gin-""'r" f.,r 1111.lr '"'"'" !\tar) ho11~ht ~ 1l1~•1tl " ll1i.: \'I• i•k f\<l"' r t l OOOfl\\ II l •n•I t:'.\t 'H \~ T- 1 °.,'.1ht1·.·icl .\1 •. 1-,1 .. rtm • 10 nr:1rl\.· JOO 11 tl"ll .11 tlw <.111 r .. r 3 ,., nl• l\'o111' \• l_••l'llll'llt 11t 1ht•" wah'r !r.••m ta g t I• II I l d r 1n11••1 Ar!'ft at:."'· 11n.1 ...... ulh .. r "Ill , .... I I t 111 I llJI "' f1\'1' f111ll ,., •• , l'•'"" 111 ••I .. .• "·"' >-'llllfft' 1111.. " .. . '' .. , • ... "" '' u ··• . ~. 1,11' !'> •• • u1 th,, 111.,:h :-\1.-1 ra "ltff"r:ioht•d . Jr m.a.la ttt ,. *'" tt•"''"-'· or ", .... ,....,., ···•nlnl;,... 11 11· to ...._, ' .. r f" T .. -,. '" ti''. 01, ... Ar·n ·r,·, I••'"'"'"'"· 1111~ pro••11l , .. n,1,1, .. r,"'"'n.:1·n··rn11n1:11n " _..., ... .., ........ ...... ~ .. 1 1•111\ 1h:11, h111 ,.,, ... d I .... ,, I ti ·' 11• 0 11"111 10 IN• hrou,.;ht Up IC• l1111t 111,t11l10 d 111 tl\1' phrnts, 811 . II· ,. • a """ '1 "'"""' r~ 1 · I \ml'"" k """ ,, h:o\1' c1111 1•11 •'Uh' ~ t 1 I I k '" In ci...... 11 ....... 1 ... 1tucl"th•'t' "-'" Ill""" ,11111,. ,,1 t h• ,.1 .. rto·s "''liked At1~hod) "ta u h115 h11u.:h1, 1111~ 1·lt11l1« 1h1•·•· lll•J••r t11·11 t•·.li 11. '·: llAID\, .,.,, .... 11.,. ,.,., ... , ... ,,...1 I t dlllls lllh'I.\' km•\\~ yn11 ••• ,,,I J.:•" '","·•Ill' ·""' 1.i..:ht tUll1H'IS fh.•. I,,,. ~"llll!:llll' Jh1•11• lll'I' •!I •'llS .. ti If ( ra.11: ,.,,,. find "'rnlf' , ....... 111, ,, r, .. 111, ,.1 11,.. ah .. \'l'·lllt"n· c•ni• for •I l'<'fll!< Am:I 11~ tlw t11111• M'rh·• .. r 111•· 1••\\1•rhoUJ<r11 u11111 11 ... 11 "" 1 111 lut n nf' at 1i; rC'lt•a!Lt-d to !"II 111•"' U\J &.•..,, lhr '!"'"' 111 th1• S1111 J"""""' \',ollo',\ 1hrm 1i;h· """' n n•lrad ol ""'""" ,., .. ,., ,.111 lht' year .-ial) •. h1· 11-..n ... d•H' r rrocllt t 111· s1•1•t1ml 1:rt1111•r h11s flllllc11•rC'd tlll• Siii\' 111•1:11'1'1 of t h1• ll11Jk qf llh· <la\'. i11f111111111 ht• hll~ for· .:1111 .. n 'r1w orri.:rn1tl 11u•·st1un So 11111 Ins 11ld mttn, "h11's hdl'"'I: "Ith l hr h•1mt•work for .. hl\I 1, no\\ k'""'• .. , .... I"''"''""' '""t hlcc•· .. c , ......... (pl•"M11rr 1 ha.rh .. r In th.-"'"''~f Eai-t~n ''"I"'"' 11lra-•nt•: J. J. J. Th•r )-'"• .i .• tt.a H..... 1t•·,10 r.· th•' Jlarl<WTI ,, •• 1 out 1ttt• t • !' ('"nru.t Open House Every Day Through May. 23 Had< a r.·w 1111i:f·S In t h<' RRmr i:rndt' tw('). ~)flOk 1~ 11 8<'1 of fii,:urH. thrN> d•'<'P.' f'.uch w11)' It's ca)lcd "column addition " Up aJ. th1• top 11 uys: "Add up- ward~ C"hM'k l h<' work by addln1 do wnward .. ..----....... _... .............. ...._ ........................... From 10 a. m. to 4 p. m---------.., At his beautilul mansion overlooling tire sea at .. \!' 'tlql 't:l'l'' qt •t:t:' . . .. ... pno4l) rat .\1 ........ ' nhr ...... c -·... ......... ...r1., ...... a ) ... __ ,.,... ...... , ... ,..._ of U... ....... W.M) , .. ......,. eotlttt°" ,._ • ......_ .. m ... ...... I• ............ aC ........ _ __, -•hi-...,_ al ,..,. ,._. l"...Cfk>. •ii-c1a,, Ma) '?etll , .. ,..... ... , ..... NEWSREEL OF BANK OF AMERICA MEET TO BE SHOWN HERE lNEWrOKT BAI.BOA NE\\'8 ·TlllE8 Tl·.1:""''" ~""P9~ "-'11. C'.Uf. May '· llMI Page 3 * VIRGINIAMacNIERSON II•., I'\\'" •I I ~,-t\'1 ... r' .... 1 •• " .1.~ .. 1 '""" II '"'"'"~ w11h - ·····-""" t•,, .. ..,,,,.,,,,r \t., Htu ••U Jhurn\\'t t "" wuh•\hh •• t 1 •• 1 '' tt, J"'t I tt' u t t1t h111'1 tw ul,·•t \\'r1te'r 1 t'-"•11.ftt,th •th 11 ·•fh \ • Hlt~H • 111111-.,:l ''' t1i 1111 1lh' rttffh• llt01"1 .:t tfhlti: •• ~ Jt,1lh\\,"i.MI -. 1tHtlht1' HI • to. !'t• '"' pHtd lut\\ U\ fh\l11•·1httl~ •••1t1lch•a I t• ••t•I• "th• thui1' ti•'" 1l.-11\ \1111at \ •h ' •' tt11tp•'' .er1d '' 11r1n ,.,.,.,"Pna.t.tl4' t '"''' ..... , ttt totl l)h, ,u lih, f,, I•,• th. hf,\ .. 1 ~• uull&nn pnr tu•w. "" 11111 t""' 111 ,,.,1 "' "''"" "'' I l l11t 1111111rw p111 pll•~··•I lttt\O(' tl••U f ttu•\.,. \\tth tu\ ''" 1.11 ltl•. l tu11uu~ "1t1CI. \tul th. 'l'ttl1 'f 1•\\1 ''Ill \\, U \ 1. ... • \\ ''" tll111I, ".1 t~ J'"l 1 1t,1111h •• ,. •• rll11\ ,.,. h • 1,. ,. u It r11\\ "•pl· ' ,, 1,, ... 11\\' \\ '•t•ltt 'hil\\ .... 1111 t lh If •f\UUH1 I• 'tl\til ...... "'"'' u ..................... , 11, ... 1 1lunh1 1" 1thl t t\4-Kl'l•l•· li.tt1• "•'t"" ',, ,,,,rt-.. u 1I f·•I H tUt.M ' '''"it:' lhiot llHtl' .... """ \\',• 1'1111 ..... 1 "" 111. '1t:l11 \\ r· \\',•1" \\ 1•11 , I t '\,, .li•ol .1 \\ti•· I .ii.•· A l lo1I•• 111 t 111• 11. ul Al••• llu 111111 ul~1111 l'hr' •·11 t "t!h llw rta11 .-llh ": I,,., ''"'' "' f1u zt.> tlh• ,.,.. ,, .. "\-, • hu J.'\t ti:••.: \\ rll•·r '' ... ,,h t•t n•...-t I"'"' •Ill"""' "" t h .. t t' "Ith ''"' .,, IHI\ t•f tlll' llNll 1<'11\1111" 1•11, I• 1111\•' I"-"" r • 1111tr k•. ll11r , ...... '"'"'~' tl1111f llo1rr .. w·11 la tun 'Ut•ll•• "ll11t th.-h·"·-ll•'f m) 1••mt Ju C14•I '" ttw """"' 'l1tn• ''" ·rm- '"""' r•c1h• •Tlla., in· lhr hm1lnria1 .,.) ,. I """' llu• lw••C prottri1111 nn llai· IUt 111 ll\o•I. ho•'I l a \'1 110 l"it.T I 111 "" 1'11 ''" I 111· ,., "I~ S11t11r- .1,, 111 t.1 ~ .. I ''''" 1 i:••t 1111111•11 to I I I I I I I I I I I I ' . ' 50-50 1·•·· 11· 1• '• ,.., Uui.n A ,,. .. ,. ••• th ........ '""' , ... • ''''r , .. , ...... ~ tt•t• h••".. ••II 110' U '"' ""'" \h,. ........ , •••• h..... )t•h '"'''' ........ l•u•t.lfui •••• ~· • r •• 11,11 •ll•llt• ,..,,,. ,. .. ,. ... u l11t ltut •••h• 1 .. ri " .-.... oh• on +.~"'•~~ " ..• ~~r_.\,~'.'.~ ~!,'! HllH IW'lS llt•1t• Urf'W 011 IU A1'T lf'l11. IJl•t 1-.1 r' ... ..-11..r it. .. I• .. ,,,., ••• W 1.,...,lt'..,o• ••kl •t1•1• f'INH" k.1u• t•u111 •Uhlo " lar.., ••I _.,., w ''"U•• M """' fM ..., ... -,,,.IHI r1111nd Ut • 't•-." l111n~ •tit h _. , ,,,,,....., 1111_,.. t'•••w -.nu h• "' •r•lhlttelr1Uflf~ la¥•'" •.,,trot._ "''*"'• llh• •l•H •ho•...,. •n4 a • ._, .... •Ut-ttht flt h a .. , ,, ..... ,. .. ............... f••t • t .. 1at1111 ... 1 nf •M • •ht1t• Alau '"' h...,,.. .. '" ...... .._. l"t-l•t•tel"' Mw.t •••• ,,. ..... 11 .......... •• ~, .............. .,., ••. u •• • 205 OCEAN BLVD. Corona del Mar M ('rcy! How d o thf' tea ch<'1"11 PX· lll'Ct pop to Add tha t· big a bunch of number s . wlwn he has to co 10 the addln~ machinP to b•l11ncr 11111 own b•nk book? Out. b) ROii)'. 7·)'t'8r·old junior . i:oini;: 'on A, <'Rn do it w ithout o'o unrlng on hlR Clng('rs. G uard 111tt• 1, ti 1111.1111·1,al 1;1111 "'"""I d11m1o1P 'l 11•· 111,1 '"'' 11111• t11 h1tt · t('N'CI Jhll"' 1t1ul \\ha t t' l•'rlTlC'd llS "hl&h l'rl• .. '• . '1111• ""''"d \A 1•5 d~. It '"'" 1'11um•..:I th••) d111n't h'\'r II l;t•o<t If t1m1• "' '""~ •''I· pt'Cfrd " If \\" k Ill'\\ II It 1111• nllll •' Sp11nllh 111111 h11t1 " hll 11• m o•r•• 1111· dent 1tftdtr1i: uf tlwar WA)' o( lift> prl<X'S C\l\lltl •·ft~lh I:" ru• .. ·n. and 11 bf'llft' tun• m1i:ht h•• h"d By and l.111:--rt "'"' 11 \A'1>nd<-rful r•l"f'. I/Id 111 \I ~ •·ar 11s Oflf'ra lon will hi\,. 11n<11•uh11-dl~ lrc'lf\f'd out man) a' IT't::tn wnnkl•· 1·n 1or1n1 Tt1..,1'1 all r ""'"'. to ="'"""'r,....I 1...-turMO uf 111 .. rr<'f'nt .,,..,.. ·n •• 1. 11h" cti.. f11·1 1h1C a ua1r1111dr manttKf•rno•nt n •'1l•TC'n<., .. t "' n1,.:h t r luh ....->nM"dJttn• mttlcr 11f llllnk 11f Anlf'rt<'• ... 11111'to'Ct 111 " "' 1n,,; rf'·lt•ll1nec m ) )nit,.. '""•• .ahru biL a.tNJ... 111.........._ 1...-llt• wu11t IM tttU~ Nu\' IC llf I t"th • uni, ••• ono f 11Mltl ""•" ,. " ........ _,_ -tr Tltis incompa~able home has been sol~-lor $~25,000, but Mr. Fipps desires lo oller an opporl.u?.tr to #us many lriends anti to the. public at larg~ to vmt it. W<''re rolsinR a am•.rt bunch .of ~ oun~ Available June 1 DENTAL SUITE New Building (A hostess will show you through) "'" Featured · will be the beautilul lurnishings lrom W. 8. Scoff Co., 4141 Atlantic Blvd. 601 r;. BAY A \'f;. -------------Long Beach--. ......... __,. ................... __. BALBOA Phonf> Harbor 801-W --~------- RAllROAO SfRlKE ~~~ trl.dB~~~~"'ft;' lo ~~ d I Jn rnnlra•I, tha 8mall f{roufl of railroad Ok Who 'e~I.! l.!queel"e ~"~~~ ~~~l:~:.,1~'~, ~~:n;:~:r:ay1Du:1i:irt :c:. I';, ~I I.I • _ :~;~cl~~eveLh~;:,~: !"r:olrzlng railroad Yo u will lie lhc 1•1ttim~ IJ1ioi leaders representing less than one-tenth of ranroad empJoyes reject recommendations of Presjdent's Emergency board-refuse to 1egotiate except on their own terms-threaten to paralyze nation by strike! II""' f,1(,, •ill lht' Amnlr.n puloliC' 'land fnr lhr 11ntlrmhf'r111ir. 11rhi1rat\. a nd li~•u'i''" u, .. nf ch .. tirht In •lril.r and· the dl,r,.rard nl lhl' ol1lir~tinn In pro\ irfr Cran,pnrtalion'! lln" lonir n n thr l\mrrir11n J>"Oplr prrmit a ft·w di1 lalnrial uninn lradN• lo drfy the prur1·""' 11r0\ iot,.cf lor f>('arrfol IM'ltl;lnf'lft ol •li,11111r-:• Tm: t.L\DEllS of lhrtt railrnad union•. rrp· ftSftttinc " than onf'·lench of •II r11ilroatf _,_,ea. lutn nllf'd • railroad ~trikt that ...W ,.,.iyu tJw nation. n-ln den rf'fo~e to acCf'pt a 151-: C<'nlS 'I. an hour wagf' increa..~ relroat'ti\'f' lo No\'C•m- ba-J. l!M7. Thi.1 in<"rrase wa~ recommt'ndrd ~ an impartial Emergency Board appolntf'd b,. Prni<Mnt Truman. nu incrftW of 15111 Cf'n'-' already has been ~ ~ the 19 othu-raUroad unlona. But die .Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginffn, tJ. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firf'mf'n and ~ and the Switchmen'• Union of J110rUi AIMTb won't •ettpt what more-thm to'1. al .U railroad employn have a~C'f'pt41d. Tlwy have cal.It'd• strike to gf't more. -# Uaiom maw rules discussion Cftf8ill niJea dianca demandf'd by th...e .... ~wllklt _,d lnnn.w .. ,..,. ... ~ -wnr '""'"""".,.. by IM ....._ ••die.,...,. leadns want more- ei.y ..._.. .... OM nDroad• put Into effttt .AU. ... ~ t1wy _.1arc1 for. lnrludllll' .._. ... 9-4 ff'lt shnuld be df'nlf'd. O. ... el tilts. ~ ln•i't that ttrla1n TUles ..._.... ,..,_,.. by thf' r•ilroacfs he wllh· .... ___. llfie• ef tlM' f•ct l.h•t the &ard '" •4 tlwm~ ~ union ltadf'n .. " ~ te eecoCial• u«pt upon thf'M arMtraryt~ Grcatn waie incrr:i~c not ju~tifird Eni;inttr-and fireml'n art' 11nv'n~ th(' hh:h· nt paid of all emplo\'<'S In Amrrira. M figur" in the box show Thi• fink" th·~t dMcr:'t jwtth-&!I\ 1• -r a lfl'"""'r inrr"ll~C' than n•hrr railr,..d "'''rktn l'f'r.elvrd Emf'rgent'V Bt>ard.~ 11rr n mt'nn• pt•wldrd bv the ftail.;:w Labor Act in thr pul.11.-infrr· eSi to avoid strikes. 'Mlle Pre•idf'nl'$ Bo;mJ, o{ler hr:irini: ('\ 1•l1·nr" f,,, :i:i ""'''· rnntl<• rrc-ommrnrl11t1nn~ l1a~r·ll tm 1111 ti"• fm '' in the ca.~r Thf' railroad, haH' 81'rf'pl•·•I lhr ,r r<'<'ommrndalinn• . Who's to blame? Although lhcy dC'plnrNJ so luge an extrn cosl burden, the roilrMd.~ nrt'!'flll'd the rrport of the Board ~11use lht'y felt It wu in the pub- lic Interest to uphold the spirit and lntent of the Railway Lebor Act. .... ,. 1· •l'ltlnm proouc-M \f'fllemf'nh lhal are rilht·r foar nr l11•finr. Mnrrr1\'rt . a p0lnl II 1tftc.,1 rrllChl'd "fien pt't'4'1Nll rntrr"'b mu•t be hr ld w loordiruiCe lo thf' IT,..lrr puhllC' w t lfatt'. 11utl i~ "hy Chf' niilroad~ ha''" •c:· repled ch .. t:merr tnty Bo.rd remnt1nf'nda-flon~. That 1, .r.., ••hy thf' leeden of lht'MI lhr~ ttnlon• llhould rttonalder their derWon to nill • per•IY'lint dril1f'. Compare these 'wa1es with what l!! make! Here i. • romparl1on nn ,,.,.,. of a ven1• a nnual '"'" 1 .. 1.,. 1 ... 1 .. .,.1,,, eamlncs of en11.n..., INC NIH I and ftrt'man fnr l!f.19 1 5 ' <pre-war I I nd 1947. Road Fr~lcht .......... ·ti.Me a wn Ls what 1941 <Local and Way) would luwe Ro111i Pa-nctr . . . . . . >.alz the ISU, centl lto;\tl P'reiaht 1Throu1h1 l.147 prr hour lncn•11.<•'. nf· Yllrd · .. ·" • • .. • .... • • • · • 2.14'1 feT'f'd by the railroath flllMIN and r~Jtrlf'd by lht> MC!.1.t f rdaht ........ tz.n~ "" ....... ,_, ,,,...,. ... 112 S,.llll 4M:I 4,07• union luder•. had rv.cal and Way> """n In elTt'CI throuf h· Road PUM'n1er ......... :l.,7:.2 4,1144 out the ~ntlr~ yen Hnat! Frt'i1tht . . . . . . . . . . . 2,0IH s.u o 1947. Y11td ................. I.HZ 3,1111 tMl ........ _., ..... , .... , .. ... , ...... hil:Jt• ••• , ""'·-·· ..... ... 1• •.o• •. ,.1 4,740 Ra1lroraol wai:rs romputr<t h orn ln!,..-.UO\t' C.:omm~rct-( •·rim1 .. '>1•n Si.trmf'nl l ,tH . ..,. ..... M-31•• \II\ \I °" "I II I IT • f 11 1 • \ 1. •• l 1111,1118 We "'t pul :11t.111~ tLil .1r. t nit • r " ti., rt.v"'"" rii t ln tul~ ~ th yr1u et llrst hand alxiut' mal~fr> whu h 11 r 1mr1ort.:o1'!1 tr, <'\er )'ll'.-1)' Mani;i:o·r II M .11,,i .... ,... ... 1ho-..... v "llnlt)'.c'l,.~I f"arl\. to•M'n llM'i.I C11 lw11t ltr11nrh of th<' l•ttlll<. ·t11'1 Roi I l11nla llou ru• ,{ WA• t'\'f'n funnh•r t• ._,.....,. than • 6ft M th .... ,..,.""' .... , .... f -,.,,. 'l>nn,1" Wiii tm<f \\'1 trhl of th<· 1':1·"'J••rl l•r1anc·l1 11110 1 tlw-1111 ro•l..-11rat-d antic-. of ~ 1 .. , .. ~a. palmer 1NC0trou• ..... .,. ......., 111 .IM'lc I.a-. rrtM .... ~.,.... ""' In I•· '"""' n tot I lo•• I.HJ.• ""'•l••r tlwtf ••h1tlr1l"•i:l1' 111u1lrn.: l(IU-11111 ,., of th .. M f•••t '*"""' aall4T lu·r•· 11n M '' •1. ltt ;an.I I I l'•lf'll•lf" ll11rr .... ' .. "' th(_ ..-rrnnl"I h fr MOKAll \, I• l• 'lruuM ... T ll I• hf thr rtMrt"" "' I. M 1 ;111nntm ,.f ""\ """'"°''"td"' t'lam l>11kr l•tf' ft•r ... ,," IHouad to Ila.--., I"' ••tit·nl "' It..• c.,.,,1c .. h1rh "' l1m11rr than lw hkt'<I 111 think "'""If p_ ... ud '41..._.u,..t .,......_. t n11 t• •I n.atu•ra,. ldt· •tt•·nllun ,.,., • '"n h•wh lllllli?IM •t '""' n1..:ht Wh•·n ~,,, ......... , ....... , .... ,, '•'••·· ......... .,. ........ ~-·\•• ,. a~t ~"h tan .. llP ~ •111l ""~r.:~:~C•:1r~·~·~·:•~1:~:'~":~:1~----·~!':~:·.':~:t~~~~~:n~l~•~·~1:~~a~)-~A~l~t:r:r~l:h:a~CJ::::::::::::::~ oa.. "'1 .. 1 a"'"' -"'"°""· 11.... I rr-.. , .. h ... hf"F -a,.....; u ... "<''uhM Sa\) .. h• .. htoor'll l•\•11\..t. l~r t. a bill acai••t MORAUA for ... lhocr ..... d r ................ ..... laAUr-'f" trll" ,., ... lo "la\ off." .la .. k '"'"I" d•·arh ''",. "'" MO· t llAU \, 11111 llw llln•I of m•lftf'Y, that l•rrtllni: Into \\hal , ...... .,.,.. a tiC•>WI •hll" i" oul<I maA.,. Cilaa· alal •" lh• l\aalc <tf A.....,....a ttn .... """''"".. ....... .... ........ advlc-. uad -" .. .-ta, _. aUH ...,..., ••.Illa ,..,_.: .t .t ! 'h Al Ttftany. d•'!!''rt1 .. 1 11n'1 w11 · oul 11•lrphon•• 1n hi, p:al rallal rtlff Sh11n's rl'lll<l•·nc-1• 1 J'"t <'11"1 nl n r 1rl· ti F 1nd1 ' , .. f'IH llll"' t• ,,, .... tn t roo1L11lr \\'Ith i<t'I Miii' •11'1<11"'" 1111• I'·"' "'intrr, 11n<I "1111 .. 111 ti lt>lr-I 1111,.n,. in 11 C;iirlr ''''" 11 .. 11 'I•••. ,.,. ,;tr 11r.:l1'f1 t llrough 1 .. r• t hi• ~ptn .. '" tr .. uhlr In n hart .. ,, h• "11ndr,-.; hi 11u11d plnnllllll' ... •10• ",, ,, rr1111h un ••rH· t1f ,,.,, ral ••'f•l~•n•· 1r-IJ.-l't t "" 1 w1 II Ill It-a'' h1 •"<•nr• n1.• I n ... 1 m n,.t1•r ol 1111 11011.11 'M " ju~t i::•1f'tw tn 11 1 tl11tl 1 .. 1111111~ hoitl. Illy 11 1 m1w11 rn1·~ f·•r .11 l'""t ~"'> rlfl}'I' ;!. .t J. Hlrhal4 9 . ...,.,,,.., '-•" ~arl••• . .... ,. I ah "r rrtallu•" '''"'~ ,..,,.,,,,.r, C :on•mo.tur,. "' ft. ' C · .. and "'· '" ,., \. nfflrlal ..... nnally d•·• i•lrd '" ··ul thl-fam• .. 1• ..... 1. anlf "'"""· lh·,. hrr .. for ...... .,... "Ith ··nt.·k " -llr 1 .. afl,....11•"'· .t,.lv kan" n "Ill ~. na CuraJI). hi" "If• a"tl \'"'•I: famlh ltlrt. 1 .. 11 thorouili:1t,.l•1t .,.11,~ In hi" '"' n rlethl anti "Ill "'"'"""'"· Thr a•ltl•'fl "ltral'll<lft 1.. .,.,." , ... r1 I flHrtH•r). ""'"' •.\ '"'"' ..... ., "•" lllo totn and '""' \ft&' t .... t in• hut ln1t ..ir1,C11nr Ir•" •·I) Tiu II••'"" \\Ill cr·t • \ alu .. 111" l"m ih In I h• ToppinJts on ~ew York Lap Of Honeymoon . I\\' Y1 11!1\ \I • T1irn• r 1111'1 ,. ' I t • ·J \' '' \ arr''' If f ' •' 1 ... • I • )I I 1fo1ll\\\o•~l l1\ I! I' 'O I ' ,I I '11n" /\ 11 11111· •·f It• I• t • ••I 1 • 11 .Jn~· t>111u•t11 ,,qt • •111r• I 1 I , l1funp:tf 1n •· ,,, •• I ' ,.. • I t '1 • ,:l r,n ,.. h• ,,.d " 1.t ,,1, l f'nj11\ 1'11\~lf ' ,:, 1l 1 I f , I • .,.,. '~''"'' ''" I I I ••• If I , .~, ,,, '•u1 mp1tvn• f••r ·f. '' 1· • 1 • '· I .,\ "''"'I\\.\• it ,. I• ' ' t ' 1 lt;n on t tw 1 ,,, t '' ""'' 1r 1 ~ rn:. 1 t 1 •' ·~· II tt ··ti .,,. 11 '"'' I'' ,,,,. I 1• '. t. 4 fl •• ,,,,, I • 1· h .. tlttrl I•• I ,.· ,_.,, ·! " l 1tt:l'4P:I. i"Tt fl\ l'ltll\fllTt'.lt ll llM'i\ •• ' r I 11,, r .. ''' t•nl'Ut•, .. ' t \ ttnol If · I o I · l 1 • ,\ "' •' .... •t I J 1 I • • !I I I I •• 11i , •• ',.,. '•• r l fl \.\f I k I t '-\fn1"'•'l''" ~ J t • • •" .,,. t ·,' pr,,,., '" :• .,, S1·pr I ti' d ,· .. ~ , ' ,.,.. ,. •,, ,,,,, I '• ,,, , .. ,.. ' ',. mnr• • ft, • • d ... , I r tl!'llt•, 1 •' ,· •n' tMt\\t•n" 1h •'ry ,,,, ' •'''- .... , ••• 1:. All kinda tYfl""rll"r rlt.t.nM In u lt •t t.tw Nnn.nmee A MERRY CHRISTMAS in MAY To Tlte Ladies ol Harbor Area TI~ Sport Shop \Ii Kiv\Jl)( )'OU " Chrif'tmH ..,.....,, NOW; SoutMtll nl•urd'! 'llMtl'• r1';tht, ,,.,, ,, n11t II ,.1 •. , .. UHt't• "'•"' ot It '"'"'''' .. flltt'I', 1 ...... 11111 ""'' It I• n11t If t ••t•ttlut ••I tLttuu.:•·•1 ..:•wwt-. All '"" 11.,ft ''"'""''' u1t•11h1tr' • '•"' Tn hc•lp ''""''' ttw hl1o:h t'fisl nf c.:l··•h··' h ll\'t• t'111 p fit,">: fll 11.; 111111 \\'I' in 111111 :r1~· os••111tl11i.: """ """" in'"' 1111 n ttr11flt In 1•-nnlN\. ·n,,,.,,,n•I' o f won 1t·11 h,,,,. '""'" a1111a/1'fl If you :1n• 1101• 11r lllt' f1•w whn h:.\•·11't 111.,•n """" tn tlw ~f•"1 S h1rp htfl'I~· ~·nu ~1.:;I d 1111'1 kn11w wh111'-1 1••11111· .. ,1 Thtnk \\1•'1l· kidtlmc" N11 •·v1•ryl 1t•I~· h:t" :r"lw fl "" 111 put lhl~ ;,,f ln 1t11• fO:l(•'t"' ·" .1 1111loli•· .... ,.,ii -.· '''flu• lt 1v1•ly ladl1.., .J11~I 11 s:11npl" f111/ Length Slips ••! 11111lt1ftl.1111••11t 'I' J•· \\1t h \\ 11S.· l.11'f• '"I f11p 11r11I lioll1111t ...i·Jl..i 1111 11\·1•1• 1 ... ,., ''" \nu•·· n1.,, h ·'"" l " .... ci·I c "'''''' t 111r 1•1·wt• ,2.!04 Blouses - f '• •11J,, I ..... '''-' 1111 I ·1 I•,. Blouses - I 1111 I '1 1• ~ • Hand Bo1s - ( ;..tlllltl•· '1l.,l 1• ""'" '' ··:i ll •11 I•·"' 111 I t111· I 't'l•'f• j 1.00 Swim Suits- T t t• • k 111tl \ • '" .-.. •• • I 11 r " I 11 ' 1>< t >ttr I 'rkt• $a.OO Slads S l11tf1·r C 1111 h \·1·1 rlt• .. I ... .._'IX \',.1111· t n 1r I 11 i.,. $.:i.00 Sweaters-. , All l lJ(i', J•11t'' \'111·111 \\·,,,,l ~~1 '1'{ t t11r l 'n•·•· • '.11 rl wan ... 1y l1·' ... 111 >-11\'1•r sl .\ '""· f{1·;;11l11r $2.!I .. Denims ... Shorts ... 8ras Pedal Pushers SAirls and Jode ts - St .' 1 • ...: tho1 t :1n• ''"'''" 1~1t ,,f lh h. \\'twllf Come See What We Mean by a Merry Christmas tn May THE SPORT SHOP 212 W. 4th St~Santa Ana Where All Smarl Women Shop anti Sa"• .. , I I -- \ f , .· \ ~~:·~~:!t .!:"8,;!•.·.~1 PICTURES IN THE NEWS Page 4 · ;_::t~ ~~e:! British Guns '* w Giana .'9 1 Bllldin1 Per•its _.,_ R>ITH M. 1'1<.'TOK West Newe_ort 1 __ Gr~u__p to Form In Meet Tonight CORONA DEL MAR Th• rr>11t IH lt)• •M • tJ 1 .. 1 m 111u!. U><•lll\I: uf lho \\,,1 ''"1•11 Am T~I & Tel 15..'\-'4 E f • \ \ 'anadian Pacific tSi.,.n n orc1ng A.dlra &.~.perm.it tom-l>upont ._.. ~i5 •y cro.-i.Sot' Ow ~ al :"o t5 Ba)' bl· Crt-1wral Motors 566.,. aJtd E:stamatMI cmt !!500. Go1.i.lyear -t I Sh k T W;aJtn· lh,son. pnmit to build K1·11m•co1t ;,5 a y ruce I "'4Wl 11a.r~t> at 418 Santa An..i ~~a~~il Ed1~on ~~·, ~-;::-CU:~~ Hl'1;;h1s Esu. Toft Popular in Home State, Atty how 0 1 On Hw '"l'··•r• I r .. 11.-..t 11 A llt,uh lt111'r"'''"'n1 J' ""''"' Jh 0Ull(4• \\Jt h l•11H • ... n \.\all' '"•r t.•k•' I 11 • h +r\ '·' • •" '' lltnt Hid 1tnd \\ f:'>(W I\\':' l.'"llu.-• Ibo• •0 ' ,ffl I ' ' • '.,j,h I •'' \1. '" t '' ,, .. • • tr, • 'l •I • • 1 !'11u 11 ,. \\ nul• ''' '· r f't·L•Ol!'h· \\ 1t'I· do"~· If• n.i. '"rnl·•"'· inti II\• ll1tlr r-nuntl '""''""' i-111111l.t11w port ·ho1h' •h• • "'"I'.' ., l1rrlf1 1·11 n1.ut11·al l•hh I• t.tl T St;md:inl Uil (>fl'~ JFRl'SAI F\f \I ~ •CP• _ II Pnl"·· pt'nrut to con\t'rt anti l ' S Stl·t•I -11;1 . • ••••• ll'.' I ol d l I · llri ~1;..h 1·wn1111.1ndos ;rnd 10.nk , .. ,.... '* "r l"-<'M>n '4t> hni.: al t1u 3 ST('"'l'S Jll•Ul td 1111•• l'all .. 1111( t.i<i .. , '" F <°•T 'r 11 "''nu..' F'.$tt1Tldted ('O,.f • ~ ' 111111 111 m 11(.kn1tt· !rad· i. .... k up ,1 •ha'k' 1rut" v.111J,. dJ~ ''""" 111~il:"\lJS " 1 IJ .. n1.1111-.1ndm1hi1r~l,.,d,r ·'T"'' l".an ,\ t\:.pharr and Ch.irk· I '· 111 •·1:11 ;1tb l11s.:h••r, l' S I• 11• a111l 1n Tr.11h·J<1dan 1u Jr.JI • l•on• ·••r P' rmit "'build a s1.,r -ft I I ,,, , f• '\\. I .• I •t1• l ~. ) t • t • ,, I . . \ : ,• i ' .. t S.:11\"••111nwn1-. did 11111 11 :1111• 1 .... .. ;,,:,. t.Ahkh~ at 5f l 31st str<'«t ( •t"l'll k · I 1 IU1°11lU .1 1<11" • r.\.Uns= till' w.;r ._..-' st•><""!> lll"l'"'' .,,. I I J ... ·,~ , ... -.-r "'l"''"' A '"f l.fl<lt 111 rl••\.. ''"'"1 11.. S<'N>n'1 ~1111' 11••\•· th• h liJ•· f\.11n1- rd rw r 1~ 1••1'1• d I•> o ~Ill 1:• l'Upnl11. ttll "11111•·"~ :"n rurtrin~ or f'\1dc>nt-r iii f 1.1rn~h1n1-" 11.\• I '•? •. r rt. , ' ...... \\ ...... •''· ri•t , •• ' ' . ,, \\. ~.,,. H\•I 111•,, •• I ,,,,,f •'I "IL\"""I' I .,_I ' \', I''\•' n •\r .• I~ am J<'v.~ • ·• n ·~ "'..,.., ., r. ' uni· 1:1ni;1·r 111 N a l :-.; ~ • I llo-ard L But1t>rf1.-ld. p.·rnur 1 71 '·•· a frrw 1111111'1• 1 ·, ··i.: 11 1 1''111 1m" "r 'rAlt ndJm: rn-• .. t w :d dla.thn-' o\,·r «arr.···· ,1 \\"}IF \T f 1 l I I ~ t • 11111. ~ I 1« l't·as1'· 1rc· ord< r m ,. ,.. 1 '\, ·: ,.,,1~~!"'• ,. ':'''1 111~,, 1 J, 111,,alt•111 hon• hltll• frwt. f1ur-II" Erno. ra id a\f'nlW. Balboa l·l· f' .......... ·~I t, r , .••• r, .,. I f " .... ,. r , ..•• t ,,,.,.,, "' ,,, t1\1 •-"t.• • > 1orr~ 1 0 '' • f" ~ t • ,,,. • t. 'f ntkt"'I ,,, .• •·•1• U• ( ur th•· ho't:il.• Jt1 .. " th h ..... , .. ft\ I ·11··· ,, 111 I' "' ls 11 111:n Rll( •'.\I~.. ''""I: ,, tt~ \11 ~ 11. "" 1 111•' JIN·•· "11'> ,, l11•u ... •• ""1\h ""''11 l11r windnv.s rind "'Od '""for ,, "">m \\'hal ;,n uull•••k its ''"n«r. '.\I ~ Blanch\' !\hmr Qu11l(".•hu on 11!" Ll~t Wt-..·k lhis haPJIM'('d ln Fltz· i-trick'1. It rt1(• +I .. 1 \ • I tt\1/l'to.-'t f I• f,lf \ In •ttf1r u1n '" ,f ... , .,, .. ,ttn t1 .,n1 tt' tlfJt•r. s••\f>r;:,J ,,f Hu ~"''"''' '" •ll••I ,.,11 h· ..,_~,d 11. "I" d_k Re veal Douglas 'Skystreak' in Fatal Test Crash She lonkr d through thf' pl:1I "· S)au. fmnt s~ ~"indow Her onl)' sarm<'flt. a waa•t of 1he Gay Nint't)~s r<'' l\"111 stylr, rf'ar lwd jw.t a little ""luw M r waist Arms '.\ll'Hfl<" AIR H •ll<"F n,\:-'F:. caN'lt'al)0 strf'lrh«I on th<' n oor. C"al . '.\IH\ l r I 'I' 1 ,\1r for.-.. h<'r hair too • ft1r• rs lorla) ..:.1<t 11 mu!'I llf· \\'p M'f' 10111> of prf'lly. tanrwd f,r "''" that a l ><1•i.:h~ Sk\'~lr••ttk,1 MC~ ll'i;t" (In th(' 1ic1Mo·11)ks <"1r "hH'h ht1!d' 'ht• ",,, ltl ' 'I". <I rt •.• In the sto~ 11rd. M"ic-h•-<I 111 1 1. '' f11~h1 ,,,,,, · It was th(' nl\kf'd l'xp.-lflS{' of harr k11i.~1 11~ 1111111 llmh thlll i:r11bbc-d a ttention. Tl·· •"r.1C'h " " 1nnn11m •<I 111 PN>Plr s11;ppt--d, starf'd. sm1lrd \\"<o•hinlo(l"n h~ lh• 1 ... 111111 • .t ;11.l· and p&Uf·'(j On \l.Sllr~ f•nmn\\tt•~-· fur fl•·n tf1!1t1ta.-..... Sht• did not IM\'f' Shi> .. ·11.1 ""huh'"·~ 1 ........ .: llt• lr .tllv• .. 1111" 1nJ1nnrqt1ln diC'r;.hrd to hf> rr-drM.'i· !•Ian.•' nrnri 11' h• II' f• f ll~N1 1•\I 0 ed. This Wt't.'k llht' \lhll 51Aln'S (f\J( '" f..,Oflfll n1 1lt4 •I''"" -l>lll '111J thr windnw. 1\(1" Cull)' c~nrd ltut 111111 11 lh" '\.\(';\ .111nn 11111 .. d lh• ln 1 h<> hac-k1:ro11ntt ,1r ti ••$l••r •T 1•h 11 11111-1 I" •"'' gnt11p. $marrh out!1t11'CJ 1n c-un ,,r · l lu\\ •l•I l.1.i\ :II• It• .1..1.' \\ • Jl)A)PUllS \'-i Ill< ''"' ,,,1.,1 Ill If• '\.\l ,\ A df'(Vlrllll\I', i:uld•"fl sun "m•l•-!t l"" ''''"'' '"'1 1''1'" ''''•rol l\ down on 1h1' fMnln1n1• h1:urM I t r I •I llr• i:•· 11111111• Ill• ol111. h ,.,, 1 \\'(' m11) ''OP A<tmlr.· •Ind , .. ,,. 1 •• 1. ..... ··II .1111J \\ " ... '""'' "' d on. f I •tu ··f ' I .... I ....... , ''11• .~ ... I m.-ill•· h~ I h ~·~l.1• 11 .. 1.i .... Ii· I\"''" ?.!1<11 llm" 111 th• ~. "1inr1 Har-•I•• •I 1 .. 1 I .. f 1.;,.11, n d·.. 111 bor 11rr11 le M • n """' ·c I 1rnr A I IVl\lr JlO!'l llHi<·• II\.. or lh• m. ,. th• I Lt1 \ \\ .. mt'f'tlni?' pl.1tr" few rHidrntto. nru:h· kill• ti 111 11 bon, nC1'1u111nt11nrt~ :ind thf' trnns·! tor~ lh• '"'' ,,,, 1111111 1 ',, \\" ,,tf \t ,, '"' '"'t P'llotJl,1ti11n Thnl' le n11 RlJTtAL PF:LI\·~ llY • Tw ,1 G·rt Thr ~nrl r1s•c poc torfi"" ,,..,... I 0 1l Ore I S II undrr Harry Rose Kins: Th• r• Add to Equ1·pment le t hf' u'u" I • t 11 nru. rd t'f1 ui f'"lt1" I . but II nr:ll h<>1.nr-malfr rn.,. I•)" ~fr For G1·r1 C'-outs Ktnr; le for (.; n llf·I lt•llrn i\nd L)I(: fruit hmcr"'. thr han<t1r<I mntrun- en ·for P'IC'kni;trc Evf'T'yt)(ldy w h<"t lc som<•hMy ha• a P 0 . box. Thf'r(• arc-ow-r M"'"t"fl hunctnd. Ttw •lit• \n Ow partltion drnote .. AIRMAIL'" snd "PAPERS" alllO "'ORDlNARY MAJL.-n m tfmf' I ha"t' f'\'Pr run IKTOQ mail la- a,.w "ordinary.'' I pok<'d m)· hnd to tht-f\llr- titkln .. 1ndo-A". 11nd uk.-c:t lnno- c.ntly, "h0 ihc-rf' any F:XTRA- OROTNARY MAIL.~ Wlthnut looklnr; up thf' 11ul!U11nt. t1«ltn1? '4-ttP" dlrM'trd "'l lw the' nirmAil alot. hid} .. 8111\dinr.: Jif'rmitll in Corona drl Mar outnumhf'r n nd olhf'r dictnr t In thr h.1trhor uc-11 Arrillt1'<'1s. Nlf>· tr11C'to". huild«'n 11nd carp-ntM" att tiwy but th<'rc-Ill o thf'r huil'11nc c1mw with p11ln«taklnir f'ftf'rey ftnd JM"'Ml'llll tnlM'{'ll\ by th<IM> Hl:ILO- ING tht-lr own llOMF:c:: ~tly a •·ornan C'Of11J>l11lnf'd of tlammc-r inr.: ronlinuln11 aflf'r "''ork houn Jt v.-11c 11t opprd Did i\nyorw f ind oul thr r••ncon fnr 1hoe4' llOUnd1' or h111Mmi;: • 11lf' 'torlf'< ol lndi\'idu11l rffort hac-k "' thAI t'tllmnM>rani;: • Ln~I .July 11 h"mr was •fart('(! I t 111 a union-built hQmp nnd '"'"" of th•' l'tmn1?Ht unl<""- f:t1111rm• n1 11f • h•· 1 ;,ti :-;,.,.,11 l.1111•· "'"I" h '' '""'n n11cm· 111 .. <1 h)· tv..-.. c1r1c "'lnn<1unr••(J 1 .. <1·1) 11) Mn< Lonnie \ 1or<·n1 . hu1\dmc C'OOl· m1lh't' C'ha1nn.m l'nruitrd hy Robf'Tt C'allsn<'f'. of Corofta dt-1 '.\fur. '" ,, .">II ~Allon walf'T hrns• r .. inrl I l•·nr' llr:im•·r<I o r SOS ft111l111 •h "I' 11 tlh"a 1~1 :irnt. "111 •n't tll :i Jllllo\h ' '"'''""'' s)-,l••m An-•lh< r i:1rr ur •~1111pmf'nt r ..... ntl:-,.,,, .... nl• d \\.tC' :l r.:.rr.·rs 11nd ,"·•ttll'r r :incr )l.n n1h 'l"''""r•'fl Ir)' J .. hn \"oi:rl nn•1 I ii• 1;rrtr1 r• ttnd ~111t·r romp.1n.r '.\1111 •· hm•I" •Ir•" n• ••I• •I f1•r 1·•1111 11lr11 .. n "' !lw l.1111•• llnu~. .in.I m .. r,~ \\ut" '' 10 '"'"" (i,•n(t h41\\r\•·T" '.\In \'m"' nt irtr~ /' ( ..4c-Tekpla~1 Ohio Senator R11bf'rt 1'. Taft funder '"ClnclnttaU wan ti Bob few the Job'" ban~J") la welcomed home bJ' Cmcmnall fn~nds &ft.er two-wret sµc111'tnc coote1i wltb Harold ~ tor Ohlo coovenuon deleca"'9. f it . t 'I .. ~ , ... . ,. ~--•.l ... '"' •.• t ' 4rm,, 1 r•lrn"1nrnJ . "" ~, ... I \". .. ,r ,, .. \t.tJ 'H. IU~UC \ TIO.t. •·KO\\S I~ \\.\S llf'"TiTOS-.\:00 A :\lt::\IC>l<I \I. Tll l"Al.l t-'OR:\I \":00 t1t:1tot:s. < oni:;rf•,.,... • ""' ·'""" l'hllllt•' "' lht' :!'!1111 111 .. trfrt. "'t0n111I ''""' rh:ht. 1mrUl'i1•t4"< In 1·1•n•niuni1· .. 111 \\ ..... hina:l"n llr<ll•·•tlni: lo !hr uwmnr~ "' C allfnr11larn ... kllh'<I ur h1j11r1..J in thf' wa,... In \\ hll'h thl' I "nllMI Stnh.., ha,. °nw'Tf' hu hN-n no tnll llf'l'1le>n no •Ufl('r\'il'ion. nn 1ntc·rh·rrn('('. nn pid<Ptini:. n" !ltr-ikN. n<> drmilnd for hic.h1•r "ni:r< or til'Tlf' nnd o\'ifT' t I Inf', no were I ITW<' I in gs. no rnn· ff'rt!nn'!I wtJ..h ml'mtlC'TS nf a Ilk,• union but !ll'rfN"t ("'0--0Jlf'!'1tllnn. J>('rf<'<'I 11nclt•r<lnndin1t. rons1<t.•1 • ation and a mutu11I workini: out "' plans anl1 rrhy<"tl\"M A 5fron1t tJ l\'1 o :". 1 hf' wr. n m:n l':" ro :" 1 1mr11> l1a.;11·•I In 11 .. ""' IUO ~··i&r,., lh•· nnl,\ N<.,111uln i:h:11n ll1-., lrN' In \\'a~hloi:l11n. I,,.,, tu rh:ht 111 llw 11""'" 1tr1• hh\IH1l .•. '··run. \ \ 1'111..r "'' ( "alll11n1la: I r:wl. It. Cion"3h 'f ..... •"11111\\1\11\k•r or th<' \ rlf'rKn' ••I I '"'i:n \' .•r..: t 1•n1tr"''m:i11 H. \. 1 ... 11rhnri 111 I .11ifnrnla. < .. n1r~nuu1 •'hllll1..-. and Janu"' t:, \'an Z:u11ll ••I l'•·lln••ll llnl"· fnrnlf'r m\lh1111tl n 1111111"111lt•r ul lh•· \I\\". \ Ht'lt'n llnd W 11}nf' Rrllmc.rr. n youni: <'•Mlplr' n111rrrrd nho111 n > rar and a hair, llr<' roru<1n 1rtinc. v.;1h I thf'1r 1 1\\':o.; hnnrl• th• 1r horn<' I• is At ~ IJ ll<'ht't r<'f'C" Plans dr:t\\ n h)· I hr hucl•nnd W('rr work:il•lr wrth ~hi:ht r hnn£•'j by 11n 11rrh1t• ,., rr .. ·nd lht founliJl- Uon. N>rk. hnrk and c-••m1•n1 wnr'k all 1hrlr <'"--0 I ''"'r Thr fr;m'\f' ind thr prrhmm11r~ 1•l11n ,hin.: nn:,. h.ut elJ't'rt nrd • .. 1 .._\:. \. '-1"\ ... .._ Uf' ~ tn -··c..· f I ..,_nd F 1..nialf'd C'Olft •~' o \TS ~ 1 .,,.. -• l"lt"'> o \In t•nc,• at &·11tt<-rcod points • «'"'60"' ,,; 1c;s u~nri' s~ ii;E~• :tcll\'I' in PJf{•i.t mr c·m 11h1t.<.11•-d th<· uri;· J •-hn ar.d f1on-nce L. Cole11" CATTLE ,1 ,,11c1~· r "'") c•f th,· M'?rc.-h fur Pt'31X' J•'flf'.u '"· hwld fur'ther than aJ. · A l 'nl1C'd !"ations trut-e C'\ml· IO¥>•d ""' #\n i:;anal pt'fTIUI at :?J:.!!1 [~J1=~E!fil ~~;~!,~ ,~~~:~~~s.:~:":=~ ~;r.·" :~lo:~:Jlt·\>~: sc-h1-dulf•d talks with Kmi; Abdul-: bwld ;l I s tory, 1 family dla·ellint: !ah ;ind .Ahdul Rahman Azzam a! 510 llar~nle annue. Coron·1 Pa~ha, Sl'("n •tary g('n<>ral of the d<·I liar. F..stm\aled C'06t ~­ Aral) lt·:t)?U<' Late i:" the da.> no J~ E. Porttt. Pf'l""llit to bu1ld word h11d l)('('r. r1'<'<'1\"Ni from ttw a I star}. 1 fa.mal)' unit a t Jl5 :O.:ar. mission. CtSSUS a• t>nUf'. Corona del ~lar. ~rlaa~ µ""'""" Fr•'l'mnn Alg<'nc F owler. Jr., 20, Palm Sprin~s: Stiirl<'Y Ray Rt't'\'t'S, 19. nalhoa Island. RIRTHS '.\IYHJLL-To Mr. and Mrs. Jttck :\lyhill. 3/'l5 '-. '.\111in SI.. Balboa, in S t .lo..-rph hospit11l. April JO. 1948. ii son, 9 lbs . 4 oz. - llEATll~ SI IUrr. Stanl<'y GMri:<> -Ser- \ ll''"S \\'t're hrld Mondny n t 2 p.m . in Rnllz mortuary, Cor ona del Mar for Stanl<'y Gcor i:c Shutt. 55, who 11 ... 11 S111urdny at his homr. 517 I \.ulrl1•nrod 'llt'.. after ;in illn<'ss 11r two m o nths. lit' was n nRll\"l' n_f ~fll·nc-l'n·illr. lnrl .. n refirt'dpull- lic :wc.-rn1nl1111t and hnd rrsidf'd in ( 'nron:t rll"! :\tar !11r two )'C'nn:. 11,. '' ''ir' iwd lty hi'l \\ 1r1., Shir· li'y : l\\11 sio;11•r'l, ~!rt; .• John R. 111111'11 nf n1•rk1'11•y, :'l!ll"h :and ;\frs I llat'Y \\"o•hlt 11f Sp••nr1·r\"lll{'; ;il-<n on,. lo1111 h1 •r. John P ~hull of ~pt "'"'1°\'llh'. I II r wi:an 1 ;1 I I hr " r\ 11'1''1 w:1s Hll' n .. , I" rry ~··hr11r·k anrl 1n11•rm1•nl ,,~, .. ln F :1i!I' •'• n •'• 1n,·t•·•~- 1Labor View ,Darkenin g I l\onlin111 tf from Pai:e 1 1 l'omrl.ini··~ ,.,1111'f· l hi~ rnnnrh Th" l'111trl{'il .,,J<, d rnr ;1 rt:.r ~l­ ' • 111 h1111rly fl'I\' hr111<t anrl "frlnl!l'0 ' h"t11•ril !; i<ll<'h :i:; h<'allh in~ur:tnC'f'. r 1.:11ar:11111 t•tl Wl'l•kly wai::•'. :1 1hn•,._w1 k ,·ara1ion ''1th pay, i quali7allon nr j"h rlltl'S. a 10 P<'r c·rnl nis:ht '11ff.•rr n1 inl nnd r .. 1urn .,f a paid lunch hour Fiw hundrC'd Br1ti5h ~tarilw f:Stamatc-d n»i !lZ.000. rnmmandus. some of the toughest ~ Stl'UW'r, permit to build -:ol~li("ri; 1n the> world. and a taok l\4v h ilk>t roonl$ for r~taurant Unll from the SU<'Z . Canal zonl'. at 6l:! Stare tfagh•3)". utimatt-d n ·a('h('(f Palc>Stin'· )t:'St~·rday and "'°'' 5611'J. 1hrs morning, R1•li;1lal<' i.vurc<'s said stall mu.""'\' 10 <"'On\~· tho> J,,.. ,and ,\robs troops weTr l'XJ)C'cted tt'f\J~ht from ,hat .,,.. trun-ampost'd on Jpru. Cy1iru'I. Th<' influx brought to un-, salt"fll shoUld bf' extended Tht'1r pressiw proportions the> Bntish '• fforts .. t'Tt· reponcd lagging R··· n'\"C'rs:.l nr lh('ir pullout from PaJ· ·P"ftSihlt> quartn-s pttdiC"1ed that t•s1111,. 1111 1•mE'ry:<·ncy b•d 10 sta•e ti th«>)· failtd alt~fth«'. lhl:' J''"S o ff c-11110.; in lh<' last 1.-.·o •'t'ria' ·~Id n-surtlll' th eir ortcnsi\"l' or tt1L· 13rill:>h mandate ·a,;:)11bt Arat. qu.arh'rs· outside rhe Brill~h army 1,·aders !wn-~ha 1 uld n o W"all. * * • insurance p.a. palmer w. o . b.K1.. iMurance counwlor 3 3 3 3 vio lido, ne w port b each, col if telephone newpo rt bea c.h. harbor 1500 LUMBER * * BUILDING MATERIALS Tht' nrw was:<' dt'manfb by th<' nc11lnnal UAW council reprcscnting· wnrk('rs In 40 Fo'rd rilnnts was in I lint' with th<' union's dC'mand~ for workPr!I at olhC'r comp11nit's In 1tw aulo indu~lry 1 Ford Willi thf' Inst or th<> "hig 1hr<'1'°' nuto producers 10 rl'<:f'h"<' I hi' union's 1948 round of wa~c ot.·m.mcl11 Thr union alrrad)' in ne- ~011111 init with G<•nt'ral :'llo1ors and lhl' \hrysler c-orpor3tion. ·. BROADLOOM There is still time before Mother's Day to choose the appropriate Broadloom Floor Covering for HER pleasure. P M. ini: hy 1 nnlr how fa•I thr roof i• 1 .. •in.: "'"' .:l• d '.\l~ n. 1- linit••r \\ht!•· Fr111.11 ll11•lo,1nrl 1< 111 h is dail) wm k (')..;•wh1·n r• <"arn . ln1t cm nlonr unlit "'"'krncl" t• "1111 join hf'r l ,, ..... thr "'lllhrul aJtill' fil:lll"f' n( ;\fN Jlrlhnc.rr. bammrr in h11m1 c-lamhrnni: O\•'r I the unfinl$>h•'<I n"'r Stw "1• 1.~ start the first r~· of 1hin1:lr~ nn the front !llAlf"c. IA~ T_,.,,...., ~ plDMtttd tfrlbamaD doel all rtshl on ~nJng -of ~ erout-flshln« aruoa to Rmo. ~ ~.,...... .. ·-_J I "·atrhro lh~ "hmcl• c rxprrt- ly flttrd nnd hammrr<'d m plac.-. I "To I: t>t to lht' fop ynu ~un· ha\,. to •tart at lht' bo11om: r (".~llr<! out. .. VI'S." ~hf' lj1Ul:twd. r~r~ :.i;low, • oouplf' of mills In ht'T moyth "but we'll h a,·e a roof ov<"r bur head ... hf'n rm finished rl ftda. -hll ~ exprflllld llll!d uw tour crvu& oa h19 uoe lbOW. fUno rtY• aU UW kSdll a ~ bJ mctan• a ~ lldlOOl ho\ldaJ • \he nm da.J GI &be .uoa. l 'T .\11 ( lft:R1-.11t:' ITS ART ~ Ttll.RTt:t:~-1·00T 111•.ll llt:l'l.lt \ ,., llw ,,.,.,,, ""'"" "' ( allfomla. mlolatur.-.. nf l'lnttn"-. l 11rl •ml l"lllff'r " Miii. and rlt.."'111'•'• l•I lhf' ml111·r,. i;a111l1t.·,-... p111l r1••, llhlian•. ("hln•'"4' roollt.,. 1u11I 111hrr 1•11lo r f11I • ~l'lrll<'lf'F" "' th .. l:"ld rn•h 1••rl11d 1\r•' ""'''""'llni: lr1•h•rl'• ut :i hU&f' Uoat n m • ht•lni: 1·11n .. 1 r11r l•'<I h.' th•• ( allfomla ( .. ntf'nnlaJ .. r1•111111l•-.Jon 1u11I "h'"' n lwn• 111 1111 :1r11,,-., •kf'ff'h. T h<' rloat. "4"hNl11lf'd fnr 1•m11- .....llnn .iul~ I. "Ill boo u\Rllahlr to ~uthrr11 California ,.,,111111unltw ror e,·,nb honor1n1t thr .. ta tp•,. Cluld t l'ntrnnlal. Rap Se n. [)0"·1~e~· ~10,·e to 'l{ailroad; Tidelands Bill - ('fttl\1 1. 1°1,•h •l"I'• 0111• 1 111.;0 \\ \~lll'\:1;f1 •'-\\,~ •l l'I 11 ,\I\..• r.. \'J. CaJir,,r111.1 •• r 1111:-1\111.' 11•p111 1r 11m "" ' Tl . n.m n. ~ "'""""tlt•rl Ill I.:• 11 tnr.: lhr' ,. hill p\11 o n 1lw 1'.1li'nd;ir, h11t 1h1·, r ,I l''Hl1 .. ·111 n nl l "1ah ,111 kn11wn \ h••ll'<··•l'll•'"t ', "' 11\1• 111111"!..ol •• \\ )",.1,, l' h 1• 1 .. • r .1••C'mhl1 <I l•) Brlc.h:-am 1111, tci 011-rwh 11 I• .ud• ,,, 11\1 I t •1 ~I It 1 t·• .. \\ l ' t 11 t I •, \"1•ung 1 "ni•·rn1ty 1n rro\'O. Prof. i<l:\11'5 t.1uc-twst nl I .tu ,nt:r'.' ••111· 11 F 1-'\r,...n. c.-ha1rt11'\n "' thr nrl hur•I 011 lh1' ,, 11 ,,, 1•,.,1 ~· •kr· ,\I..• 11 • '"' I " 11~ •' • 1 w:is c1"11nli' 11rl. 1:< 11t.11 1•111 ""J• •"''"" '"'T'·1r•mt1,t. N'f'<)rfC'd 1h.1t th<• M l· ti ,, , n 11, ., •• ,..1 " 11•111• 1 11 it. m,.,. I• ;h 1 111 l• •I I l •'ll'· ill rnn11i:h rn k1••·p n ll""" \1111 SC()'fCff TAPE I•, ll••n n••" 1111·h11I• ~ 11111r.• 1h:in "4111 !'1 11 !'It• 1111 .11 I' 1 ' 11 .1 t.'.111-1 1.:"1111s l'I "• • .t111. • \ • • '· · p it'<! · from twin~ i:rnt to C't'mm11 1rr 1 !lf~W 01'1 llAXD I nrii;:in.ilJt and 341\l full si1r prints in..: '111'1'•'1'1• 1 • l •• l 1 m ,'.'ii 1 . I ' ' 11-. 11•1 •1 "' • • 111..1.-. nuJ J1"\\ 111'~ 'c \'il'1•'1') IJ'l""l1'1•d unltkd~ ''' ).::111'1; hm1 1n\ tl1111,: an thi' lnni.: run ~i'll !"1·111 1 \\" f.111•;1q, _......_ or 1>3inf1n1:"11 tin l 'tah 1'uhj(-cu or11h:-i1 11 1,. I''" ••n ''" <,-11111 •·"· -'"l"' -.it th• 111'"""'' •ok1'<'1 l h~ L"tah nrll''~" ·• 1 f'ndar 1<1 .;11. 11 '''"' "' • ·" ''' ri rn·1 '•• I 11 l "' ·11, "•'I~ , • 1 'If•" NEWS. TIMES -Bll'nd 11f h••111t.: '•"' 1 .. lit• 1•1°!..-1° '"' 111 f"!i' ••11h·11nrl111s.: 1,1\•I'\ lorm · ~ 1p Ht p j Sc.old\ tape, Vartoul ..... • i tir) <'Ot11m1llo•t 1t11 c,11i.1J,1.1tw n ••I "\\,• ~·· 11' :i.:1• ithl , , ndt•d L..--------------1 Jal• et Uw Mew.,,.._. a nil ho 11 1n.:• I 1 I I,\ I' Hit.~. 1l1,11 ~··111l1·m ,11 frfllll D. Ill . ~t•r\1•d n"''" '· "'111lrl mo'·" to r1•f1 ·r 1hr hill ro11'1111w11111•1 nt th(' r1rsl <\pportun1t~· Rl GS for EVERY PURPOSE-VISIT Ol:R DISPL.\ Y ROOM -Our broadlooms com<' in 9. 12. 15. and 1~ foot ";dths ... in beige. peach. rose. r;t"t'y. limr grc'C'n and fm-c>!'t l!l"\.~n. All width,. lo frif'7.A' rarpPtln,; and dttl), "h~y wan-s and h n ·f'd c.-ar(lf'ttn.-c •.. wall to wa.11 or room !'IU'. from s5 to S 13~. ~·d. Immediate Delin~ry I MANOR 1427 South Main Sant.a Ana Phone 3525 ... • '· j .... PUBLIC NOTICES I p N I i::rnrral prrvallln~ rntr of w aa;cs -------------__ u_e_L_1c ___ o_T_1_c _u ____ 111upllruhl·· to th•• w.1rk 10 be donr CERTIFICATE 05" BUSINESS S OTH't: IS\ ITISG BIO~ as folio"~ 11\."SISES~ onni: .. "41.lt MIJ«'ltLLAl'f1llUtT8 • Ml~ ..... " ~\l.t: ·1 NF.\\' l•o RT n A I .RO" N EW8-TI M SH Pa 5 .:.....::..:._.:.__r-.-~-n-1_N_E_T_s____ __1_1_A_l_{_B_O_R _____ ~ 11~:.~11 ~c.·~· ' 1 ·::·: ,' "; ~::\.··1;.;::~'.'.· 1 :1;:~~:: To :.7:;.;·· -r ..... ::11~.:"•·~~~IM" ge • FICTITIOUS F"IRM NA ME 1 Hoyd y P•r Ol•m Tllf: t:!'t1F:ns11~~f:O ,,.. '", .. I•) c1 ..... ,,t~t1on WA90 Sea•• Wa11• l'lti'X'JS I••:" \\'t\l!li l..c'I ua call f'ur11it t11't' & Tran~fer '· 11\ t.1 \\ '''··~· 11 .. i. .. 1 ., ______________ .;..,J"' 1111ll 1:1\•' \\•11 111tr 1·s11111tlll' \44 llt1">1'l'1' tend l ~Sl'flt:fl :q , '"' ''"' 1. 1•111 •·I :.,, 1 ''''"' l"tnt•"' '1111'1"'"' "•nh ... ritfy that th•>' .,,_. •·u111tu11111.: 11 ='t\TH'l. l:O: 111.HFBY C l\'f:l" \,1 h lt ',,r l 'rte-hln~ f\~fll'4.itr.• kn,s t&J'l'h u 11 1• .u11un.-i.• nt I I I (, ( .. , . I lf ti Cit\' ~ • ·• ~~I , • ..., •• , llu:h" ,, c, r •un J. I ~i.ir 1 1•1t. 1 h It\ 'llO• .1 1 l!' · 114~ l'J,111t Eni;11111•r 1 !lt) 15 :!(I Pr-om:" 1'• 110.1\ l'nhl ~1. ! 111,.t••r 11 .. • 11f ::-;, "l~•I I 1\1 ;11 h. l .1hf11rnaa. \\Ill ,\,ph•lll plant rlnt•r. ,, 1 11 "" forrn "'""' 'r·'"" ll1r• 1 .. , •• 1,, • ..., II• it httl~ (,1r th" f ur· 1 · ._ ,r•· .u ht tl1 •I ,.._. ·I r n • • 1 ~ .... •t , IUitU or tlre•1nan 1 Ti;) 1 1 w t>f 11,~ 1 .11 ..... 1111; 1 .. ,. 11 .. ,, ..... ···:· 111 ... 11111· '''. d·•"'ll11"'"cl \.r:m1t•• .\ ... ph.tlt rnJl!...IA ,tnd ar•I ... 1o.1r .. ••P• '"" ••. ! •' ' 1 " 1\.1•" ,1 'I;,\\' l '11 \ I !all ~ti•' In -i 12 4(1 t•R.\~K A Jl.:'>l'I':-7HI I ••f~l''" · 'f 11"1111• r _. 1 !'\:-1 1-. '"!'': d··! !! ,, '"'"'' '"·' .. \I.Hf.HT 'lu ••lti •II"• \l 1•h plan~ ·1m1 'l"'<'I I 1 A .. ph:tlt ~l'l•'•tdu11.: 11111• )lo>Fft.IA' .... 1. ... 1..~pur I" Ila J t>I r;11t11n< "" r11. Ill 111" ,1([11'\' 11f ll1t· . I '."'I 1r. .• :i•1 M ,r t'"aUfnrrui. I . . \'IHfh.' t'1h'I '''''' " 1 -' W IT:->F.!'~ .. .,r 1 .. 111•b Iha• lor<I ''")' I II\ 1 n.:in1•1•r t 'llrp.•nl• 1 1 !)(I 1:> :..><1 1 t i\prll I~~~ l',u•h Iott! ,h,dl h1· tu•1·omp:tllh'll , • 11 •n' r1111 Ii •a· 1 '17"' 1" 0 " Al.Ht.HT II• WPM AS . k ' •.• • I .. ' ' .) ·' ''" F rtA!'\K A Jl':'""" b\ a "rtittt d .... ra~hl•'r i; l'lll't' F111~11u111 and w 111d1- f,,1· ll fl f"'I' <'"'\! t l tl''i l 'l'Jr lht• l'T.\TF<W<'\l.1Fon-.;1A.,> I 1 h 1 r1 d "II · C't•I·-.;~· f'lt' flHA'•:t: l "' amn11111 n I ,. II ' ma " 1111~,11 I 1)-.; Tltl:-t 7111 ''"" .. r .\prll Au 1/f 1lw nr<l1•r o f tlw t'11\· nC Nl'W· J9t~ t ... r .. r·· Ill" ro :'>• 1urr l'<tloll· In [ 1 • d I 11 ·1 1 d a~ht r .. r .... ~ht t •11un\\ ""'I ~H\ti• ,,tr-I" •rt '• ·,tt'h ht s ~ \h >e ~t'f\ t• "''""0)• tll'l"""~'t t'rn11k A Jtinkln~ a n<l 1 i111ll f11t-d w ith tlw City f1rrk nt Alt\'"" 11 .. rt1111•11• ~""'"' 1" "'" 1'' he tlw C'i1 ll;ill m ~ •w110rt ll<'nch thfl J.K"rl!k.•nfl wt.A-.. n1t.11w ,. ktf' 11uh-) \ ... ' · • mnn J lt'11\·y th11 y rq1:tirn111n l.11h;1r1•r tl1l1•r , l"l"•'I' ~hll\f'I nr cranr 1 3!'1 1 \)() 1() fl(I ' -1 lt-<llt~•m "•'II'•' l•11f11.1lal\ 1111 :.:1 ~t s1 ll••t'"~11 111 n111:1• & Nrw· A (;1111t l Buy ... ""'T .... , 1·1•1 u, u r•11111•h··l , 11 11111. 111 .. 111111 1°1.-11• l"•rl A',. . t \•st ,1 ;\l•·tctl P hotw c• »"tp J-..· ',\ \\' 1' .·'"' 0 ll'' n ...... ,.11 !;~-~; .... --~ "'. n .; I r l I 't I ld p ,.,,II fl<· \\'"r \'11\'H F\'H:"l'l'l 'HI" rrpnln'<I or 1'tll'HTl'SY s t:rt\·11·..: rt.'11111 .. 111 .t \'nwtlnn bl I nd• 191>.' 11,11 .,,, 111\•I 1 ·,.c111 !\ll'fit l'lo 111wd ,111<1 n·1~11rt•cl !1111kt• I""~" \\ o•hhh 1·hu11·s llkr nr.,. l1h111 lt' B11:1l't ll1 &!l:t~ ... J ll1•11l'1111;1lol1• · S111r1l1w1>1xl Pr o-:J.a. ,,, 1hw1~. :.::i11;, J lur h•ll' 1\1\'d, (\>Si il r.1 ... s11. l'h lkn1'"n ~13.1 6 1-:'tt<' .T.AMF:~ON FLOO R~ Strn<lin~ 111111 F111L .. 1ttni.t ll•·~t !\l.1trn11ls 11nd t-:1.1u1r11nl'nl U i:rni:<'d, lnsun'<i '' ~to•ht~ l .. nrk• -J ;wrtry t ·1 1 t lN<. lMl-;"T't:Jts n~p11lr1n PY...'"11'1 ~n1C'IP S1•n•lhlr Pr1oN VAN PRIMLEN J~ \\' E L R Y 1'1116 Nt>wpo+t Rlvd \neta Mf'M II. \l I Ct rt 1 f .. 1. . ' ... \\ I " ,, .. II • ''''" I •I• . .... ,., 11 ... 1 .. ,, ' I •'" •• t t tJ! ' \I I t t ' , t •; , I f l\ \ft t ' di I • "" \\ 111t 1t1" .ot 11111 t• .. r I I •I II•· I Nt:~T. \tl!"l 'f:t.l .\,Y.01'!'4 tA 1 .,., ""1 h•<i•t •oltt ., 1 I \•Ut l1t1u~ ,,,, t .... , ,,, '· , ... , t ''''""• t lt)htih· l " 11 .. 11, ...... 1 lo ! 111 I• ., • I '' h ""·· t'h llA1 f,.,1 \ 1 It• 1,, 11 ""' 1;t .'Ii KF.AI. F.l4TATF: Y.'1'11.\Sllf: ti! , • •H ~ ,1 1 _.. 1 .. ,,11:1~.. :-: •• 1 :~ HU rn 1 'o ,\f 11 o ~·11·: 1,..,. 11 1.f, .11 ""' 111.111 J'-' 1~ .. it I:\ Ill I I t I ••\\ IP 1111111 111 I'll I Pl ""I" '' I t u ...... l 'I •• h.11 ·'q t H r,, I,, h .u1, I •·1• h•·lh• IH I Ltl ••• ,, ••1 '\t,· ,tit t l 'l11 •h1 ,lt11Htll• \\J\,•11 IC1 1 ----. --'"11 1h l 1 P f r .111\ it·••H p 1";11 llt.:i:•n" l'llhf\ t•hn .. lrT .... ,.~, .. DllPLF.X t lN l't'NINS\JJ.A $I f1,!lOO Ft tttNt~nF.n W. L. .JOHhAN lt FA l.T O ll 71Ml F t '1•11lr 11I. lt11lhc\A I l1,1rht1r l !\:t. 4!\.tfc ( • na :-<t Prt1p<'rt i1·~ Co. H t• n. I t o r ~ •··rib ... t '" 1 h~ .. 11111n ln11 n1111~111 . a11<1 <'.il1f11rn1a, o n or b«fun· May 10th, arknc•wl..,hr~<I Ill> ml> tl\at th"Y n · l!).IS lit .j .00 u'clrl<'k p.m. und will t:c-ut,.J th~ sa.nu~. 1s W IT:->F.~" WllF.RF.()F . t ""''e !)(' op•'ll•'d nnrt puhltdy rC'ad nlnud bel"f'unto Mt my h .•nd a11•t 1<trlHd at or ah-Olli ..\ :(l(I o'clock n.m . of ID)' .,ffl1 l1;I """I lh" tla)' nntl p•nr in ' ,. th19 , f'nlftt••t~ lif"llt almve •Hiiien. that day in thl' Coun('il Chamlw r l!'IP!AL> ~=--V N>SKl.IS an ~h<' \ily llall. r\r w1>0r l DC'ach, l'J"'rnlor, n 1 r Nm- pn•11sor l l p ,. r n I o r, c·oncn•tt• ITllXt•r Ottt•rnlor, moto r patrol ~rndl'r \ 'nw<'r~al 1-;quipm••nt 1 r.s 13 20 16 00 P l H'!'l:t·: l\EACO N ~ 62-Xllr F.D WALTF.RS Tll.F. .-ONTRAn'Oft nath Rooms, nra ln Doarda, etc. 15th & l"l•wrort Aw .. Coeta Meea P honr lka con 8700· W -S. 18-tlt 3-tl< FIREWOOD (1tt\R<'I >AL Ii RRJQUETS Mtt >MPT Jl f:f .IVE'RY n1<1h tr . hk.-nt w ~II ·~ l rtllk. "" < 'o•r••lli'I do•I Miu rc•al ,...!Air INC'ttMS: l'llOl'f:KTr .. NI''\\' """ •flrry, 111odrrn •luN'O luiliw on llw 1lllllM1a Pf'nlnaula l't1lnt :! twf1nlflm•. 2 \1111 h•. Jlv. 111.-n••ll\ .,,Ith flrrplM¥, 2 rar i:•\r111t•· J.'\,'n\O 110" n T ot Ill price 1 '""''' :tH~ W nlnul St . flt,·r r :\ 1<11\r. 11r rh ltt'•'T'J<t1lr ;\.'t1:' f1•r I ftf't••tntTTM·nt 47·:."l tr -- tl.·.tr•"'"" h .... ,u ""'' a1h •1 •1t\•' '" l\'1·\\I""' 11<1111111, \\1t h ;1:tt uf "·'" r fr1m l .111,t 1ii:hl f••t \1•11r f11n11I.) 11n1I )1>111 i. .. 111 M111lt•rn l11rn111111· Ft·111•••1I 1111 11rh.u·y. •"•lllf1•rt11hl1• II\ l11i: ~'C 1110 1lnwn "" n••r wall hnnn.-.· lmmo'•111ll t' '''-'•·•.,h•n :t•ttl!I ,.,,.,.,us "'", N•'WI" orl IJ;·twh 61-!'1111 S ntarv Pulollr In and fair Sa1oJ C'ahfornrn. County and Stat~. Tht' alio\·I' mrntlonl'd check shall M y Cnmnil...,h•n f:3'ptro Jan 13. 1~% . Pub -April 1z 19 :16. May ~. l!H~. hi> J:IV<'n as a i:uaranh'l' tha t lhr CERTIF"ICATE OF"' BUSINESS F"IU'ITIOUS FIRM NAME TllP. t ':->llERSIG:->F.O 11n..,. hf'N"by ttrtlf)' t)\oa.I lh'> arr '"'~1u• tin.: a J--11tnt Se.1,.8 1i 1Ht 1_..0Ult \ •1ntr;l1 llnl bu.•ln"""' at lf>Sh • Irvine !'ltr•.,,t• :->~w­pon r: .. m It ""'' ~~:. "" .... Iii\ 11 l'tl)I nl r-llt'f1n1• 1JpJ )fAr '"'''""'>~ f•( Or•tiK'· St3t• .,, c"'1.r,1rt1ln UJHIPr thP fti•Uttnus flnu nu111P .. f l"ltflWS l'AIST f"O!ol· PA'\:Y ""'' th:tl a.,a.1 ftml I" ('t•ff1&)11,w•(I of thr. fullu-.1n.,: ·~f'llrJlll(IUJ' wh1u•~ ObJnf'• anrl nJ•l~lll.__,.-t Hr•• u,_ fnll·•W" l t••'\l.1tl Rt.hllrd 1-· Ti•vl .. r IM h & ln·1n~ 911""~111 ="""/w1rt ~'"'•' h. f·i.11f11rnla. A n llut1" 11ns l'o!h It l"1n1· ~trN't~ S~"''\'"rl B~1>~)1. ("nllf0ir11111. W T~:~:!'~ rmr )mn•t~ th!~ l~lh tll\)' of Arml 1!118 HH'llAl11• 1--TAY!,OR At.rWnT H lll"'ff'lllS~ ffl'\1T ttF ••AJ.l~'•lll~IA I l"'t ''''-'TY ',,... t 11> \~(:I·: ,,. .... • '' TlltS l~llo 1111 vi /\11rll A ll . J9l' l·•·f .. ,-,. t1 ,. th•• \1t1•l••r•1d..:u••tl • _______ s~".:;·l,.!.•~r\ l'uf•h· Ill Hll•I (1 r ....... ,~ .. UUI)' .,,. :--l ,r;. r·~ .. r.1mr:-rn,...,....rrr nutr mm• l1lll'l"'l1 tttt1.I tf1•I "'"•If ti l'•'f~ •rialh· •P· h1dd<'r will Pnt<'r mto thl' contract if awa rdl'd to him. ;ind will he de-- c-lar<'d forfeited if thl' SUCCf'SSfUI hidd!'r rl'fus<'s to t'n lt'r Into said eontrn<'I aftt•r lwini:: rrqurstl'd 10 to do hy thr C'lty Count'il o f the Caty .,f ="•·~pearl l"WnC'h. Thi• City \ouncil o f 1hr ('lty hf :'\l'WJ'lOrl Rc·ach n ·srrvC's thr ttj!hl 111 r1·i•••·t a ny ;ind a ll h111s, l•t IO wai\'(• any inf11rmnll1y in a t.111 C K PRIEST C-ity Cll'rk. l iATF:D April '.:lfllh, t!).t R 1'11la ,\pril '.!7. :\lay I, l!llR ('IT \. o..-S F.\\'l'OltT Ut:.\( 'fl ~T.\Tt: OF ,. \l.ll-'OltSI \ jl\;OTU't; TH <·o sTU.\( TOllS \t";;,1,1,1/,1;,:~"ri!11.~~.,.-r;'.: I·;:,., "~'.1 1:~11·;,~! SI: \l.1-:1 > PRI IPOSAl.S will lK• Jlf"t•J•tl• ""'·~· n •• ni.-• 6~ 11tuh•·r1t•,.1t 4 •• ,., .,,.,, .1t 1th· cllfl(."t" or 1h~ t"ity ,., J,, .. ""hlli lntt.t n ui 1-11t 11n1l .... ~Ut1\\1·1 • • I • r .... r.l•·-1 1 , 111, th ,1 11 ")' , .,., 01,,,1 tlw . l1·rk. (II\ tin I, C try " """ J)t>rl ..,.,, • 1\1 .wh I 'al1f11rn1.1, 11nt 11 I o't•lowk , .. WtT-.:•::~ Wt1•1wrw I h:i~t' . '1 • ) I I'll" . •I I h .. , ••• I .... II·) ,,,., .. 1 .. ,.., nffU"'' my f' m ''" _, a~ I . ,, .11 \ lh I ""' ••I •• .i 111•• •I •" 11n•I 1•·nr 111 this ttnw 1h1·~ \\ill tw puhlirly opc•nl'd :-~~.'~j--~1p '"11 ·11···•• ,. n it•" 1tml r,·;111, fur Jl'•r l11rn11m: ,wurk I!' t••.A-.: 1· llH,\1••·11n11 Ctolloms an~ ·~--~~;~t·ut-11· au i,rn) f11r bl•,tll ("nunty 'l'IH• t·nnsl rtlt"ltnn o f pl:.tnt-m11( ... J"'~:> ,. wr;,1""''' 11 >: ... ,,,,,. .. A•u:W't 3 ,.,, -..ur f,,,·,nl! "n 1•orJtt•n ,,( l'ul• Al•lll J1 ~·• n ll.u· 4, 19•8 3:.!ntJ ~lfl'l'I :m rl 11llu•t :1rr.oi; Creeping Paralysis· Top Probl~m in National Health By PAl'I. f ', t:Ll.JS (U.P. Sdene¥ Wrlt .. r ) :"'EW YORK (UP I The disease commonly known a;. ··c1't'<0pin~ panilysis" Is one o r the naUon's top pmbl<'m~. a nd medical sclrnce ho(ll'S to do l'<>mNhlnit 11bout it . Th,. d•~<'~•~". h 'chn1ct11ly called mult1pl<' ~lt·rosis, is much more common thnn prl'viously believed. n!'<'<'nt rl'"<'llrth rl'vcaled. It also adj:i<'<nl tn lht• nt\\' C11y 11.111 . ;-.:,. hid w all 11<· n ·<'•'l''"d unlt>ss It 1'< ntadf' C".O :t propu~al form fur- n1 ... h• rl hy t hl' ('1ty ~:ni::inc·l'r E:wh hid must hf· acrompalnrd by 11·:i<h. rt'rl lfi,.d nr c:rshil'r's rh,..rk. or laidd1•r 's honrt l m:1ck pny- ahlt• 111 th•• City o f N r wport Beach for ;in itrnount t'q11al to 111 l<'ast t c-n ('t'r('l'nt t 111': J uf thr amount bid. ~uch guarnnt y to ll<' for f<>lled sh o ulcl the.' bidrl1•r I() w hom the con- tr act is awal'd<'d faH to r n1r r In to thr rontract. I f n l\CCOrclan<'<' with prodsions of Ch11ptC'r 397. Statutes o f 1931, the C'lty Council of lhl' Cit y nf Nrw- porl EW;al'h, h a.'1 asc .. r1a1m•d th1• is on lhl.' m crl'a.'le, according to or-run> a nd very little mrnnq 10 ln·al fo•1als of lhl• National Mulllpll.' it. Scleroo<is Society. Thl• o rga ni1a-Still nno lhr r ·r<'M>un·h Ill PJN·I 11on. now r:11~ini: funds to l'Om· to be undC'rtakrn in 1•uo11"rat111n b:tt th1• ailml'nt. has about 7.500 \\Ith th" l'. S Puhht• lfral1h s .. r. m••ml)('N. \"It'•'. '" a nal ion-\\ 11lr "'a• •~t 1ral ,\~ an t:'xnmpll' of how 1 ht· ~1>('tr-, ... 11n ,., nf th<' prl'\'1tl1•n('f' of mul· I) 'IX'nd." th1• t'<1n111hu111~n ... Ctl-11111 .. · .. rl,•rnsL<. 1hrnt1ghou1 thl' lumlna t,;n1\·l'~1I) \\,t ... l:l\'1•n ;t 1•1111n1n·. and thl' mflu1·nrl' of d i· i:;ran1 of ~1.:t:-~) tnr n thrt'l'-~1o;11 m.1t•• ~nil oth1•r foC'ttars u po n 11" rl'l'••ar'<'h Jlrfli:ram Th•• far.it n·· 1111 ... 1 r1hu1mn. f:4':lrch clinic w;i-np1·m'll in Ro'>-Jn atltht inn. a manual nr in for. lllll at th•· l'Wth 1 .. r;11•I and llt)st11n mat1o1n ro r d01·tor<, !'c>ttinr.: up Sr at•• ho~111t:il~. I crill'ria for " unarnrm l'landarrl n w ~·ic•··.t) ;inn1111111· .. 1l •hat 11th· nf di.1gno .. in:: mul11pl1• "·~··1 ..... , .... l'r dinte"' \\Ill lw u1••111·<I \\11 h th•· :it1tl g1nnr.: br1·" 111f11rm111111n nn nc" !-dwdul1•1l lor ,\lluon~', N . \' t11>alm<'nl nncl c ::trt'. l)::ts hl'o•n Jll•'· wh'rr1' n1•ur11l11g1,t • 11f t lw A lh11ny p11n•d ''·' t 111• '-tll''i••I ~· ti I~ o'Xpt'C:I • 1l\lt'<1icRI C'ollo·gl' \\ tll cooprratt.' a•rl 11\ h•• "''nl 10 Ki fOI 11hy-<1l'ian!>. \4•111t lhl' cl1\·1s111n of rl'<;l'a1-ch and Tlw na1 1onal IH'adq11a1 '•'I'' of tlw la hornto ril·" of lhr• N1·w Y1,,.k ..,o<•11•I\' I' 11t,• husldan~ t•f lh•' ~·"· S ta''' d C'f-.tt rtnwn t nf h1•al 1h I Ynrk 0,\1•ad1•111y 11r :-t1•tl1nn,., Fr11m Rolutlon t 'orl'fll'f'n 1h:i1 11wd1c;il r"nt t'or. lht' ,.,..,,.,~, {)fftC'ial' of tht• "''l'll'IY h"h•'"' hn1••· tv roordinat.• th•' progi;om th <1t the d1,1·a~" can bt· •1)1\'l•tl I l"r l""'t1arrh 1n m11111pl,. !-l"l1•no1-1~ thn>m.:h ') .. t••m:ili<' 11ri.:an11.1·rl rl'-and j!iV•' m:in lh•• llt•P•'r h111ul 11n "':in:h. f\l pn• ... ·nt. thf'n' ts no :1no1h1•r crippllni:: <11-.·a ... 1• Roots of Culture :/ts'Z: ~ r -. MAY·· THE CMERAJ.D ~ '• rr-... -2'=--~ _f\l.!i-;--·~ FlllS'TEMERAlDMIN~S'· • '>il:;..11-... ~-­.. ~ WEl?C IN UPPER ECYPT. CLEOMTllA c.AVEHER FRIENDS VIBRANT CRl'EN EMERAJJJS. CARVED WI TH HER K£NES. • •Al.THOUCH INCA TFMPLE WALLS' • /JLAZED WITH EMERALDS. THEIR. M INES WE'KE HID/JEN. • •• THE S PANIARDS SEAROIED •:. YEARS TO FIND EVEN ONE .{lsss) •. 11(1<'r 11t11r bho' 1•1 drni.t hnC' drrrl<-k. drr~i<'k hor1:<'. rlnm~h··ll or cranl'I 'i 10 lo~ 12 YEARS SERVICE Ori.'ra1t1r. r ump I fl!'> 1:l :!O IN 'n{F HARBOR ~ Oprrntor, rollrr 1~. 14.80 Opl'raror. lrar tor·bull-HARRY HALL dotl'r, tampc•r, s1·r11prr , PAIN"n:MG CONTRACTOR drn~ty]lt> !lhovrl o r 274 Eut 19th SU.t hoom ntt11rhn11'nl11 T.90 15 '.?O Ph. BeL ~13 Coeta M--. callf. ()pC'rn tor , trr nch mn-11).tfe chln r . .. t.975 15 f!O _ _:_ ___________ _ 'tnic·k dr1\'t'n1 1>f dump lrllr ks or l1•ss thnn 4 wt~ wat1•r It'""' 1.425 ·n.40 Any rl;iss1fil'nl lon u1ni!l1'd lll'r1•in. nut k>1s t hn n 1 35 10.80 :Sn hilt will h1' 11Cl"l'J1lr d from n < 'untr:ll'lor wlw l111s no t t>C'cn 11· 1·l'nsNI in 111•1•1•nlanrl' w ith the pro- \'i~i11n~ or <,rnpt1·r 791, S tntutl.'ii of 1 !l~. n.!l nml'ndl'd. l'l11nii m ,,,. 111• s1·1·n. :ind rorm.s of J'rtllKl~al. hond!I, contract. nnd 't•·(·1l11•at inn~ m.1~ h1 1rT•tm111·d nl 1h1· 11lflf"l' 11f lh<' C11y Enginl'er, ( "1ty I lall. N•'"'t••1 t ll••:trh. (,':th· furn ta. Thi• !'J!l>cinl ·n11• nt111 n11f fltOS· Jl<•1·l1\·•· lo1<lrl1•f" ,~ •·:ill•·t.I 111 the ··rn•JX\"al H1"'1111r··nwnt-." a nnl'Xro 1" thr hl;ink form ,,f Jffl•po~al. for full d~ 111n~ a~ h• h1dd1ni:. ct c . • Tht• ( '1 t) nf ;-.: • \\port Tk ach r l'- ... n"" tlw raghl 111 rt'j<'«t :r ny o r all htd~ t1TY t tF l"l·Wl 'c >llT REAC"ll C" K. Pill EST COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. NP.w and Repair P hon e Bt-al'lm 6217 2573 Eldftl Av-.., ('oeta M-.. »tt• For Rent - House or •Apt T ill .lune \51.h H. M. LANE n F.AL F$TATF: 2006 Court ~vr NrAr 1't•wr>0rt Pic-r F:stRhllshrd Siner 1920 HARBOR Plumbin~ Service S.tft 176R Nrwr>nrt Dlvd . llo11ron 6111 REPAIRING OuR SPEC"IALTY Contra<.'llnR and Supplle. 9-tl• Wright L1,1mber Yard \ 7M Nl'WJ)Oft lllvd. COST A M:ESA IW>nl'Of\ ~ 83-tfe Plenty of Good Til'M All 8tZ88 Compound Motor OU GallOf'I. 71k' W et¢ern Auto Supply t\ulhr•rh•·d ~•I"" t'n tc 1·1.t:As t ·n ..-s .... 1111• tram .'\ ft .-1"Ul"'r S 1•11·1o1u• 1.,1t·kp1I 1 ~ .. J ,, 411 t~rn> :'<I 1nm• 111<1h•r F 111·t .. 1 \ lnu lt •••I 1r h ull, 1><1k ft ''""...,. tv. •• hunt.... l•'l\I h••r ,.,1•h 1 •• n .. s, .... ,,,,h ,,, .. .., .. , 1•nh· s 1141111 :o;:..,. II "' l.l•I•• 1 '•" •' l.l\ntllni:. :ti I.' I tf11\• II•' ttu rl~·r 111'.~1.\\' :-'14 Mo· 1113g Nc•"'l"'rl l11vd . C'omta .. ,.. '°" lM !\tt-'IU 'l t\ I. 41 1 Ct f1~hin1t hclal •1th ,,1r-,lrr l't·-n m••lr•r. llf 9 . ,,..,.,.. 11"1·1• fl lf•n• In-ct fl•h 1f,•,o ~."I""'' l\ln l , ('o•l1t !\I··•:. l'h·•n• 11••1""'" tl.'Vll J at t.•r 4 1• 111 .. r l\ll d"' S11 h1n l11y & ~un•I·•)" :141 :.t:\tc I 1T·tf• Oll1'1U)AHH MOTOHS INF l I\ I F• 11 J'I' 1:1,.,.,.,,,,., r<'f . 1 t\\ol\• lo••I td k ohlll.'11111 1 mrolt•I :11~1 I 11 .. , F1 o•nl , ••• 11.· ·~F.HVEJ, A~n ROATS . "'!-"\\' !ft llSE P ~ r \I•,. tut/1 fl, 111•11 • "" All "'""' ~ 11f ;\t11t ..... 'l'h" <, A ~ fiefriJ?erat.or Som•• Mn•lt·I~ "' '111nt.lr f\;1 IW Balh11:1 Furn iture ~tort' 1 " 'f <111 S I . l\;ilht"I l'h11m I l.1rh •t I ,I~ ?' .. 10~ 1 ·011~1 lllvd . ="''"'l"•rt r hn1w lf11rl1<•r I If. Ha,.,. II. S 11 ic>~ lit~ 1-..11 .... 1 llt\\1t) ll••nt'tm !11\?f\ M :H ffr I "''"It. \I. A ICAlllO .. \\ \' 11 I• I "•I 1•1 111"' r .. 1 o~lr .! I• Il l •I •I• l•I 1.111·1., 'f !•Ill• hi• "'"''' 11 .. t. '"'""' .. n 1 ~l •tth·r ...1.1fc I ' t • •I 1• .t 1·~ ..... , , H\I S• lt1t11•lt :-' 1111 1 1\u 1 -, " '" \1 oln hi If<' ELF.\TRICIANS I '<•nit 11•1 lni: -ll••p11lnt R"'1'1r nt ln I· t ndtt!lt rial ·-------' \111<1 :"1! l\"t•t !"l'l "'l '"f 1· ..... 1. <l•ei 1 ' •"'\ f • ffH' I 1 11• h• t tOf t•• '"" '''' d '(lk""• t Hh• r 1tl.tk•~~ ··' '"" ... "··· ~.,. •• , I ·~•HI '-1 }1flUtlt 1'a Ult• t •., •,_"tt ~ .. !\1 ''" ------MONET ~ LqAN II NEE MONEYT • Stt'fo \11 for Quirk, llrlptul s.-m~ 0tt Your tmandal N rrda -t.o.na on Furniture -·Salary Car or Other Security lluur·a 10 lo \ and 3 to ~ 1110IN'd S at11nla)'ll I lllMl..t NrWJlflrl lll\'c1 , C'oala MMa I lt-1trnn 5:120 'AtTO•• from t\tr.t•ll r'-'•• Markr l) 47-llc l.1 •A :'\S 'fl t Ill 'I I.fl. I M l'HOVt~. Jtl IV, Mt lflEllNIZF:, OP IU:flNANCF. -w •. lhl)' 'l'r11111 flN-dl • Nl.\\'l'f IRT 01'1.nO A n :OERAL S AVlNC .. ~ A I..OAN ASSN SW Via Udo Vh. Har. lDOO 41-lfr <'ii\· C'h•rk nNir:n Ap~1I '.!6. IMR, Puh. Aprtl '.!7. Mny 4, l!l4R Mothe r's Day Gifts El'-· Hok in & Galvan """' ·'r·· _ "1 ,,,. ~~ 4VTOMOTJVSAnau If'«) l 'na<I ll1wny Jll'a ~1 :-:l 'l'I I' ~1 ~••<1 Hah) l'l, n.ow .. SOTl('F. ot· l'l'Rl.U ' llEARINCJ nm~~. \\'111chrs, Pins. \n~tun11• J•·wrlry. S• l111rnlt.1 •,_,, :-.v Main t\n.,thl'f l'ttlnl, ttro .. K<te.•I Orl«ln"I own· • NF.W P( 1n·r JF.WELF.R..C) ~, •• ,,.I ,.., .. _,Jll •I Yrn1 !u'I IH'Y ,., H11rhor U0 4-J . 408 F:"'t lluG M A1,ERIAL 31-tfc \ ~Uol~• l•l •$:1'• •lt •wn, $M m••. I hrn1 1~•'.11~ I ~ 11 l(:a·: •rtl1111 M11t11r ro•hulll. 1 Undc-r nt•w Monagr m l'nt) nut ,,.,'Y" .... S anta An. w .. h ave t ~an F'ront. 61-Mc ·n11· 1'rwport fko11 r h C'ity P l An-116 22nd S t , Newr)Ort (.0-22t >w br11ld1'f1 unit h•••kt"I l"••w E ns: tlw ~·It>-\'ox t;J.ttr F' 1r• ~ L• ninl( Commission will h uld a Pu b· I J c1 • I k r - - ----1 '· Al.r ... 1!141 f'lymuutt1 C.."0Ad1. c lw lfr;arin~ upon lhl' OJJpllcatlon nrw "~11in~ I "11 ~ .. ra.it""· Sl'l:\'~T l'IA!'l/llS f"r r• nl T 1y 11 N1•1A p111q_t ; .. to i:•w-.1 llr1•11. lt1•nl· Wall,,.,, Calderhead 1tw111('h1•s. •·t·· Jnf11mi:.1to1n ... q '"' 111,1 ,; "'"" ii , .... Ilk·· It "" , r~ ,.,,11 1r.i.11 ... r ·11~; H.l·4t•· nf (' F H•·x R••rh~ for a change n"" 1 uf 111m• 1•l11s~1 f11·a1t!ln frnm rt-:.! tO rf'ltUN<I 1' ( 1 l\n\ ·,.w;_ ll:tl "'•' .111"" alt I• 111 l"'"I "n l"llrlH"• W AT nlMAKF:n J F:WELER <'allfnrnw 1;i1 II<' 1,,.,,.. 1,,,.11 Sdu>tult 1•11101, '"', TJl411_..,. __________ II C-1 fur Lo t ~. lllod< ::!:\, 1'<'"11()rt F,N(;RAVF:R !11•11rh. t ':altfnrna.1. nth;•r\\hW known .. ' • U"'' a ll••nd1x 111 M.1 \'ta~ -... ~, -,:,. \J.1111 \\, h<••• thr S.1111 t 'll\'l ltl-I• \Vt\f;qN llo1111r T r11ll- as ~:1118 W . <krt1n Front : Nl'"llOrl Rl7 \OAST HIG lfWAY AT flfl.l.'S \\'AS ll A TER I A \ "" • f.I tfr ••r, '.!:•fl S low'. lw nlrr. lf'CY bo•. H1 :.1'11. C':ihf11rn1a. for tht' puq'IVS<' CORON A DF.L MAR, CALIF 17~ NC'wp11rt llJv1I 11•·111 "n ~'"" II,\ 11,. 1;H\,11 ,.11 \ '"'' 1111,. lrnll' •·~t r 11•. rli·l'lrlr hn •k•'ll ,, •I""" of l11uldin,1.:"'lt'111 unit :i<ld1tmn to · 54-22tr t'•l'<I• M•"I ''':.~•t• l'v•I .,,,;," ,,111\ ('Joi.", i\ ltn•• lurr "h•••l,SIOIWI E11N'llf'l1I Nlntlltlon 1 L· JI I ---------------l1<1l1l11•1•k, ('nnyon l tr . Nn ot 111<' t11·r•11n r r o nt otr 1• FOUR HIM tM S. of t••nnd rurna· 1·:,an 1••111• ''"" S1h11111)t •,:,.~1 u 11 I h 1· PERSON.\L • W 1l"'in !'I , 1 '°"'" M'""" fll)-6tp r II J IC' witrans.: upnn 1 is app I· turr l nl"lud111.-l'h1l1· .. rd . rn111;,... '" ~I 11n !" 1nl • Ana 1\1-... '" .111 cal111n "'II hl' h• Id Thur,rtny May 1,. F rit•u• t·;arp•1in., t lis.:h•"<I ufl••r •11111 .... 1. '"" •\ •I""' '""''' ""'r lw \VI.,. :!O. l9<1~ at ?·3tt pm tn lht' coun-W ILL OAHE tn hn•"n 0 4ick who takN a ll 11 .. 11",r l)(!i-1-H •tltt ''"" "" 1111' \\,. "·"" Ila• -A ---------.- cal C'h:tmhi r. C'tl) II.ill. :'\i•\\-porl trft hlnr k hill( ""'·knnw-wheu :!nd "''" lw1""'n \l.1ni.:•'h1 & ~1 .. \ "' "' If• Ill': 1' JICl'TATll: n .. arh. l '.1laf111111'1 !'l'I' Earm1· Ill " ...... Hllrd S<:rvlt'<' Orch1cl Ill • :l111 rn• at:NT lly 11rdPr 11f tlw Chnlrrnan nr 1hc :!f.rh nnf'I \\' C't·nr1,1J Am k;...p- :-;, "port Bl•1td1 C 'tty l'lannmg ins.: phntn'< in s.1f•. hut hurry. Cl•tnmls11ion . WALTEH M LCl!"(;M(JOR. 1•1111.:-n:n .1 ..:J.t.i-:nmu 1E1.;:, t x S PE C JAL! .. HA LB< )A ISLA NO 11 ' •'I \ \ti "'i\ ..... ~ "' 1 '"'"' 111"'1' 111 Ft 'It~ l "I 11-I > '1 h•'<lrtw1111 hum•· '"" 1•1• '• h t1'fna,h••t -'·°'• t1r ... ,c1 I,,., JI, 111 •~1mhll11n l<l'flAnntthlr " ,, ,., I•. •I I .. I I 1 ·1 ...... '.><X."i I ,., ,,., 11n1I l1·nn~ fl.' tit S1\rr••t:.r~ l\1.1~ •l. 7, t!HR. ( ·.ol hni: .ill 1' S• ,, 1,.,..~ In l'nlil' 1n ro·~•'f\ ,. \\·, • kl\ m l'•·• ini.:• with pn\, ~t,.·1.d 1:11 I h1 I tnl(• :anti Niu r.11 iun In m.,,,,. <ltffrri•nl ru·l1b S /\ N1n:al /\11 h11s ... \\'t•f111··~ <111~ nh~hl . l<l:\11 Fnr 1•1f11rmali11 1•1111 11r 1'<'•· /\111..i I P.1•r1·1n11 , l•tO G~!~l~~;I ~~1~:1.,11~.~~;•\,~~ I' 11: 1:1 '.I I 11l •1rnt•l;:-I-:::;:; \Vlth M inor A•l111~1m1·nt• 1 1 • ~·11• t11 .. ri•loh I \I l• 11••' EAHL W. STANLEY :\OTH"t: flt" l'f.RUf ' llf:1\f<f!\l(l Tiu• Nt•wpnrl n1•11cl1 ('tty l'llln· nans.: < 'nmm1. ~11111 will li1 •hi•,, l'uh· h1• I lo•nrani.: llfl(1n tl11• ,q 1pl11·111111n nl· ;\l11n• :-.; ( :1"1dn11w anti ·Thom;os < ·1111n1 ~ Lii· \\'11~ N1-w1..-1rt : ,.,., rt1111:~ c~l!P , v ·n n1r.1I l'il-rit 11 I ,. H l.yn11 fnr ,, ~111• 11•r11 ,111rd !>• 1. r tA:-.:n LF:S~<t:-O:S in your 111\tnt' l11w k. 1. .. t ~ •. n1 .. , k A. Tr ... •t '."dH },t'i;c·hPt17 kv nw thnd nf trr h . only $~.r:io Tak~ ndrnnt:'ll:•' .. 1 •Ill~ SprMAI 11nd Avol1I n <'n~lh llr••nk l'l<1w n H Allf\()R APPl.IA'.':IT SErt\"111 477 Nr•w purt fll"I . l '..it11 :'-1•·•11 1 ·'•' '11 tlU'• ,\\f t I •,,,,H ~1t•Ciiiit f't If I fl f .'f<; It ·~:.: tit 11.1 "\·111 ,,,\, 11,I.\' ll•u ·la··l•1t '4 f • '' • t•• .• , ,.,. t• h t ;1\" t•tuuu1 ~'r tdd,, ' \\.11'• .... , I J\" N••\A A I "" ti'.: :lq o I I ,. I I ' I'\, ... f(I '"'T :-; .. ,11••'' lk111to . 1·1i11111rnta nirp>•· Tkcinn•·r~ n r 11tl\·Anrt'<l Phon(' BEA Cf)~ fi2!1fi 1•u1111o• h1 ·a11111: llJ••n 11o1~ "l•J•h· l'tuclr•nl!" Fnr inrormallon rnll 1 'o:l '''I rnt1"n Woll "" ht•lcl i\111\ :.!11. 1!-1-<IR Til'llC'lln '"1:11-H fi7.'1tr· ------------ ·'' I :i.1 111n "' 11~. r ·..,m•·il < ·11:11n--Silver PlatinJ! ''"' •rr • ttP \1uufh ,,.., tn•111ft1 Ht I·... • ,. ,\ l'.1111. I 111•· ·1.YL1 \ • I "'" II•'" Ii .... 1t• h•' t .,,, 11.oll :-,, "l•1r1 11. "' h. !':" immlni-'" tltr"'' l<'•~••n•. ~1 111 I M PPF.n. HTtt\S~ r.111.n t · . .i1f11rn1., Fow1t it \l .. nt1·1·• n .. 11 ... :i H•' :l.!'"> i\n:otl" I'll 11.oll••r .'7'1"i \\ I Polh1hln~ ,_ !l•·fint~h1111: th 111111 r 11( tlJ1 1 ·1r .• 1rrnr1r1 tof th• '=•"t .. n• Ht ,,h <·11~ J'J.1nrun1: -1•• ... ··'' BayRiclf> P latinJ! (·o. t "'lllllt"'l"rl l'J'HOl.~Tt:RISO Ill \914 llt1rll,'1r Jll,·1! \\,\I.Tl It :-t I ! 1:-.;r.:-t/\AR, I C'011t11 M l'llll, «nhf . It•""''" ·,11:. 1'1111 .:-11 r. ..t I I.I.I 1t1m1 WK, IF W11·n Fl'}l~J11'flF. I' nnt I" g.1fc 1•1 • •\I t ., 1 IT,\• .t V111 ""'""! t•~\l,J ,\,.,,••I•• '''''' .·,,~ta -.1. I 11·,, l't\I I 1.,':llp ,-,-1, '.1-.1 H I • 111 "•\1--;;::r I.,, 111 f •I t.., t 1't t f . p \A. 1n t tr• '•I •I 1 11)11• t Ill,\\ .,. '''· •.I-,,, n r." t.Tt >n f'OVF:RI Nr: N f: w r r1 n T (; n f-~ A Tf:R 1fAROOR :111:1 w <·r.NTitt\f, I N1·w1lurl JWnrh l:'.llt ANI I lll\'INF. sfs fl:r"t••rt H•·nrh 17th 11n1l l 'OMIT llwy !Ii< w1 .. •rl flfo1trh 2'.:!'i M/\rtlN ~: AVF., lln lhrn1 b lantt f.l"i 1 'f •t\ST HWY f"11r11nt1 tll'f M 1tr r.~ , ,. ~.,.,I I ~t \ I ~··-· __ ,,_ .. _,_1 rnnuni: '"'' <;h1111l•I hr rt1m111a.: t • •h" .lr1n• • <·n l 'phnl~t••r-1 RF!'TYI J:"C :rnii r rl11tlli11nc 1111 I • ·I: HI·. I t 'I• 111 on•I t• """ .•. . '·' . , .... ,, .,.,,,,,I H f tftl ·1 v.•1 \it' tht '*•'' ntt t lt • nn ,..rnnt Ill ti"" rtt .. \\ II ll11ll1<11t fo:11<'<'1l1·nl ''" ,,, •. ,. ,,,, , •·tt•lonrtn'''' •••t•l 11•" " 11 •I •I•" 1 m1•111 loulllllnll 1- 1 r"~W"''"''" fttr m••rr than on" ht«nrr•'< I ln,t·rllun of an .JUlv"'· ""'m "nl, ""'''f\''" lhr rltothl In 1 ntrt'<'ll\ 1·lau"H)· 11ny 11nd all 11<1,. 1tntl In ro·J•·•·I Rn) "''lvrrll"C- rw·nt nut N111fnrmlna: to rulN nntl '"lllll11tl11n ... C l~ttlftrd ad• "Ill '"' 111"'''1•1•·11 1111 to fltloO a.m . on 11 ... tin~· 11f 1•11hll••atlnn. -'"rk cu:ir :inlr·N I T'l.nn•• n1 nr(•n li2r.tl P:Ml'IAl\'Mf:ST WASTP:U \\' •' "l;T I 11 11 ·~1 \\I 1rtK "' 11 ,, i. .. 11r 1•11 .. 11• B•·111•ti11 "oli"1>< \\ t I .. m•·n·~ ~1111 1,, • 1111;1111 ll:ir 1'17:\ ;\1 I •rt , ,I h,t\• ' •. lo, IJ• l,ttrit•'lll Sl•t< k II! ( 11.,'' f:a k . ~t,.,·I J'1p<· 20,. f1111l \hr um<' P l11lt•I ~""I' I 11•1r•·IA S9 ~"' "•lri" ~:. ·~. FHER l'T.T . '.\1 HJS <4 .J 1tl.\"ftlll ~l'f\"i('f• 10 F;!\ff'l.O\'Mt:ST flFrr.rcr.11 2n FONTA ~A l'U '~1HING 2:\1111 S \\' -. "'l"•r l A"~ 11.\1t1 •1-:1< •;,\HI •I' s 1:11nn: ,.,,,,11 N I • ('1111111 :i.it <n l'h""'' llt-arron 61'.>41 I I ·•· • • • ,. ' I '•ft ''"'ti .•. .,,, I • • 11 I ti \ • 1! -''"'I I 1 ·'· r • rl' I' I ". I I •••••ft!• tl1 '' t n '"1 t• :• ~''"' A It ul hru ~:t1n for 11 •I t. t ·~~J I.I llL i 111 'il'lll \• I , t • f 1 t U .I M \I II .I .'1-·n .• l1"11lton l '.11t Al •" 11•1 .rl l'h l fl11lil1r 1:.!f\tt .__._ ___ ------- 1 Ill I •I!' 11 1•,1 1,, •t•• I 1ol•1. hit . ,.,,.,,.,,,,, :1 .... i... ,,, ·••1• ru•it1th 1n ,l11lv •r ,..,,,.,,., l 'I• \\al111v t, I .,, •. \ FT I HA' 11111 \\ ol• 11• •ti lot••I'<'' V1·11 rlv """" ~-,,,,,, ... •hi\ l'lr••rt• 11 ,,1.,,r :.-·,1-. H 11l••r ·1 11111 ~~ ~.q. ..., I fr 1,1 fl' Fr Ill S t\l.E 1' 1-:W l'' 1 fl T I<.\ I .A N P C llttlt'• •'1tr n1•r II ~· lni ~'11l1•w,.lk• 11111' 1111vl111t '""" •i<I•«, 1111 u lltlll"a 1111111 I 111111 l~I~ 7 l•••·11n F r0111 Nf'Wpt11 t ll"tll'h, f 'nllf It ••nly JI :l.21\0 " ConNl Proptlrti<'R Co. R t'nlt o r~ !\01 E <'f'nlrlll, n AltlOll. liar. 2«111 • M-tfc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 1 IOl m l.F. r.ARAOI:. Good loca· lion In C'utta MNa. Pr Iv at• t)" rl )'. JT.XlO. llrtron 61 "9-M, ( M-10tp Nf'w Vfew·Home nvr.m .OOKINO P:ntl,.. Hart. Arf'A :\ hr , hdW nnoni, nrt'plaee_ <"!tn~I rlll'llolft And lnalde ftrme. f',cn-pllnn1tl. Thf' """'' we've rvrr 11rtf'rrd. ~ RA 1.PH P. M ASKEY 3411 W r•rntnl f:·nn SAU> ~ foot Jot on Oc9u ntvf1 . n111tthta Prl("f'(f below t,o. d•Y'• mark\•t ph. RHeon 51.».I ti MALIBOU L.AKE- 6 RM •1 1RN rnu:. hN(f A ~· RI~ fl...-pl t •1.t1 A Swim. S8000 or 11 1111 1•1111 l'rlll rhnnf' Art J on1•<1, I 'It ru~ I '.111\17. C:lrnctale. M -22tc HY f lW Nt:ll Nt'W 'l·~'- l1tln\4' :..lfY.'17~ ~11111• Anll Ave., <'nt1I•• M• .. • Attartw-11 i:.an111. tllr, clbl. l1111n1lry lr11)'9. 1mm"4l· •If' JW19~ulon, JIOOO. down. Ah10 4 IArl • lol• S1M 6 up ·• dawn. '"'6mM H . aa.-u. Phone 11arhnr m . ft. S.t2tC' TC > n f-: M()VT.n h n11.,. and ~ • nllure complrlr A hara•ln, 113 Prnrl, f\•lhnll laland, Harbor :l4.-4;r ll·tlC' <Ill '.! l\tulllplr unit lot• doae 111 N.•w1•1rl M111t 11ell llN'UUnt "' •lt•k nt'll• MAkl' °""'· Owntt 111 1:1 W ( 'c·n ln l, air~ ~ p.m . I l11rhur :\:r.\ H • m lo ~ Jl m . 62-J Ip <'llltl 1NA llEJ. MAR 604 Ju- m ini' S I lly ow nf'r Nr•w, lnrotne, l111rf1w1•Mt flllolt'll, lob of tllf', nice vlt·w 114.:'lllll. 11lao 1 bt-droom 111111111· wllh •om r furnltun s1.r.m .fl2· 7tc AU C TION - Mt tlll-:llN llllN<:At.< IW In 1·111111 M1••11 S11111rtt11 y. Moy R, ~ JJ m. 1:.m Vlr1<l11l11 f'ln<-.. < ·11• t 11 M1·M11, f 1111111(•' ("o I 11tN•th•11 I mll,. 1111rt h 11,.S11fr w11y 11l1•ro· 111 1 • ... 111 l\f<o~n nn Nl'WJlOrt 1111111 :1 1 .. ~ll ·••111, •·xt rn l1<·tlrunnt ur n1111f1ll•-''"'ll•, w•1rk 11111111 Lot 1:·1 ~ 11·, T··· Ill• 1•1t11lo H\•'I $21110. T1 11•t 111·1••1 1•1••1·11•l11n I 1r:AN s 111 I 111 .1( IN. A11rt l11n1>1•r \ II~ W 1,111 S I . I. t\ !ti T lll11f1 y 11'411~ :\E\VPU.HT JIEJ(;JIT8 1111.\'\I• "'I\\' ~ lo1 t.111111 11r .. 1tn "' w. • '"""' '''" M11,.1 ••r •o ld tlot• "'" k MAKI" t tl"Fl-7H N1·:w 1·o w r BJ-:AC:H I ~ I( lo•"' Ii I''"''' l 't 11 •••I In M'll •• , ,,,,,, ~'\1(,I Jl !lfl ,..,,.\. t11fffl• C '11,la ~f 1•!-!tl :, 111! I J• 1\1 1 1 ·1,.~ .. ''' ""''rY· tlti•ll' 1 h• "' "' 111 .. 1'1111111111 tllf' \,,it, I'"" I I 111 '" '"'' thl" 11no t 1 o1l11 \ ot ' \0\ 1111' I 111~ I lr1111: l-'11(1 I'"" • 111\ 'II."~' T .. 1111• ll. A. N t-:HESON , ••• ,. .. ':"\\ 1•11 I lll\11. , .... , .. M1·M11 Ill' At ·1 >:'1 :,:•:·~, li'.!-1 le :-,, " :., ,,t1.1hl• 111 I l:r1 l111 r nn •a \hrnl••n.111• • ••I • ...inloli"h• d l!Hr · "' n .. S p11nkl• '' t·l~cl :J.11d 1111- 111•• · rl :-:pr.1~ 1m;:-l.1nrl~r:iplns.: W ANTF.f) TO ftrY II k .. • 1•·1 11'" an. 1·•••" 'd "' I 37-tfr ~I ) ' '" •I 111:-.::-.:1-:n WA .. rmi-:ss J\1 1t1r P.E N TAJ,S Rl anch 0 e /\~·Ga te~ -REALTOR S .. Ginn y Gates ~ 1 • • • "' ltn'l'' • l'h•1111 ll1·11r .. n tt.t.:'• \V d:t\ 11r ,., ,.. ':•·t1rC.f· 11.rql' r, 1.!IJ 1.·.11o 'lr1·1'1, 1·,,,1a ~Ir.. I :.1 3t< ~t un~nn Hr w:. C<Jhcr~tc< Work 2<~ ~nntn Ann /\vr. f'I ~~T,\ ;\1T:S,\ P h Br11r1•n -.~~ \\' "r 57:i7 52-2'.llt' l.~.nc I\' Sl.ATF.R Ml)Vr· J'\ll)'l hlng Anytlmt- Sfl"c111l11t'd In MOVI NG H OUMthold Goodl ·& S mall If arbor 391 Boai, 25-tfc rt:Von fJlnr11 r ll<>Ullt', 17th & 1 r nni:r, f'11~11c '.\fr~a •17 tfr \\·1.m1111 t1> •lfl Will Pay Cash V•F: Altf: r1•ntnl~ P'or ya.1T fll"'6tur~ M _,,., ha.,,. \\'I-. HI-1 1• , •I •"'•fl• rt 1,, ""' 1,f )'OU Phun~ n.-anon 5fM >'"" ,,, .. , 1,.,,,. t •\ "'"'•r•linv ,,, •Ii•· Ir,; •'l"n. ~t1 .. v.' Y'•'tr :l l:l M:1tin•· J\\'I'. n 11ll11>:1 h.lr111tl J 'h11n•" Har . Hi71-J liar. 1<1:\,J • .J Ev•~.: Jlnr. 7'1H-M 1l•un1nc 1, o·.v" ""I< J1,.r1 .. 1r l:\'"1)( H II• 11 ·s1 ·1.;:1 I Pl.It " ,,,,,ti lnr;: lt"IJ! I''""" t I< "'"''I pn\.1'• ''"'"1 hu'l1 ,,.,, Tr I Hr :i1·••ll r.i-,-; \\ Crawley Furniture Co. 1812 NrwtlOl"T Rh·d , ea.ta ..... 1"'•1•'"''' i f 1l1 •rr•-<I nu•I h .. Ji, Y'•'I ., 92-tfc • '""''" '''"' l•·n:rnl I HALOOA ISLAND S< 11 'Tl It.It:>: 1·r11 ·',I11 ... 1,.\. I• I h11~ n1w n1'1~ f •or I• Ill ii• l'I• I k • ' p1·r 1• n1·, 1h t,.,,,\1-kv '"' r 1r11l •• · ••f 11ff1r.•· m:irhm• \ '"'' n11 ·ol .\;• l•I)' :.t1.1 l•11~m i\\t l11tll1t11 f.1 \•r I 1 .J-:A:-O:T:O-:<; \\'I l~f,\;'>: '" "'"'' an --- ---------,\\'I-.\f .t..;' 1 k• • 11 11 r I 1'llltf1• 11 r• •~lf'•I CASH for USED ••I •·•1r 1• rmnh "~ '" th• 1r n• ••I~. Furniture & A pplianefJB I ........ ,, f:i1111ly. nn•I 1tl1llil~ ,,, "Wr Ooy Almn•I 1.:.) Anythlnt(' Pl.1-;ASF ("t\ I.I. 1r1 I"''"'" GRANT'S I Phonr Hr a 57'17-M 1645 N~t ntvd . C'Olta _M_ 42-tfC:. I EVA F. HtlOI>EN rlars l'h11nt• ll• 11111n ~-J'f.l·W Sf.II t hat un""·ontPd fi l·2•r throurh N•·~·Tim<'S adL artkl• 1 On T.111!1· f!-l:11vl I .riv•·!~·'.!. llf'(ll't)l1m ltorn1". J .:1 ~<' • pa l 111. lrNt11tlr111 ;11•• Thi.; .... 11111· r1 r tit'· 1 .. ~1 Wf' hnvc> ''' oflt·r .vr11 1. l'ti•-rt right. t 'om" i1 ntl St'<' us for < 'orona <1"1 Mnr . Nf'WJlOrt nnd C't>"I :t M I'S.'! pro1.w•11 i'"'· Blanche A. Gate s -REALTORS -Gtnny Gates •• .. 62-ltc t • 1 I • ' r- ~·1 ~. ' -1 , .. AROUND THE HAUOR, ON THE MESA ••• Pff()~T.8: HA&80ll ..... Ila..: ..... ,...,_. Social Activ;ties "' 'IV~..J 8~ Uniq11.e Colledi°" Inspires Trip la1 Girl Scout Troop I Rot. "" H. 0 llllJW7 ... -D aJ cat ._._,..._c.. --i -. Ellm ~ PalQ ...,., L. ~ ~ S-W"a Tl'w!Y. • #r .N.alnbw ....-_,,_ ~ir t.aww. A Saturda)' outing !or GJrl ~ a.c-. Slfi;.v1a y~~ Srout Troop 8 t<>QJc them 10 l"JI"• ~ H1ll01.. ~ ~-Stah­ land wht.'re they \l>CI'(' entenam«I J.cy_ ~ k«n»t-D\W Har· at the home of Dr. J11JJ>K \" bn't. .'-•~ >bJ StMJ6. Laliml·r. rN1rl'd misi11onary to aor' ... ~~ •lalI.ocJL China. ._ __ ..... ____ _... __ ..... ____ _... .................... _..._,. ...... ._.. __ ..... _... __ ................. --........ Page 6 NSWPO•r •&Lao& llf&WS-TIMStt TCE8DAY l\-pwt .._.._ c.-. Ma1 4. IMA Hi9lt Sc#tool P~ntation ol ·11te Milodo' Acclaimed as f •ce//enf Perla1ntGnce ... _._ ..... Olllta... ft.,9& -. ......... ............ S a on ..... r•••lr --.. ._~ ..... , I I I • f'~Oun"JI) h Ill! IUI "\•n· tty. C'Olicwtul r<l!>lurn•~. •'>.I• rt rr.Ak.-vp "rod • ~,., 11. nT ut'llni.: <V"cnhuw-d V> mi.k• Tiu :\l1kMl•1, Fnda> ,.,.ft\Ul6(S ~· •tn 1a1111n hy lhr-mu:.W" do "°'rtrTl1'n• <•I 1'• \\ l•>rt Hvbor t'nion Jr1i.:h •• lv•1I, a 1m 1- ductK>n •or•h> nf h1.,:h1• .. 1 ~ra~'. p I r .. c I • '1 tn '.\IJ. ~ !\lllrt•· HJl"bkh . t~ opt r• 11;, 111 1imM1 I ~ th .. hr1~h·• r)f a prof•'~· aionaJ pt-rf~n<" .As Pooh-Ball • 1.n nJ ff I £ h E~ tun~· Jun Sn}d«r was _,.1 C'Jtn'Un1t. ht>th In ~pt-ak1ni: and t tns:uiz pat1S ll hilt> Sid 1>11· ndlon playf'd t hit Pl-\1"' nf K~Ko I Lord ~ Eli.tturloncro •ith a nwr ('tlmfd) rouch J-ROndc wa.s a hamhom<' Sanlu-Poo. a h t11n1: IO\Pr for P""t ,,. Yum-Yum And J llTI W ooc:l<I ~-~ -'" Pwh-Tush. JJulr-J~n """'a C'h&rm· lllC Y-Yum and Phyllis Wat- kb and >brs:art't K ipp •'<·rt' the ~ dl.anrwlc lit t~ makl<!. Pln,--Smc and ~"~"'°' In COO· w'--c C'ODIT-1 ro thfoir dt>mure ,.._.h •• Ow-t'lcin'ly Katuaha, payed by Sane)• Andrt'WS- . 1..-Uonbarltf'T' nutdr • ITI09t ~· Mikado. with Larry ~ ,U)"'anc ftw lackadulcal 1'ola Bui. Ow ~•Ila ca.rri«>r. A t.:iup of prf'tr)' dane"rrs In· dudoPd Drwra Dodd. Pal F rahm. Durill Catn. Mary Mon.Jn. Bar- '--Stribblmc and Alic4' Vooctir. 'n.. ~ was Wt'IJ lTalMd but too msr. "J1wir IJaway C'C»- ._ ~ to anottwr ttw a..u .. ·'II-··· SM,, -& Olrmlnll. ...... (-.. ~C..) 1£5::.-:.·" ............. c.a ..... . ...... ._ ........ y _~other's Day Specials Cold '1•vc .......... _$750 ~---· ··-· ••. J Machine Wave ...... 750 Machinclcss Wave 750 ., Harbor 0533 Vi's Beauty Shop llo:J Cout Highway COll05A ~ J1A& E\-erdngs b)· APpOintmem $l.1J.:4' nml a nuni.:loni.: ol pllitn c.'Qf.ors would hit\ I' IJ1.·1•n a r.-111 I Pn•1ivndt•rnnll} l1l1J111J1• w11h l11ni.: 1·w I} 1 rt''"'~. '' 1·11 a palpuhly I al~. .irr" ni.:• 111• 111 11r hir1i•l.. II 1 ii )ll'l1Ulcl hit\, lw • 11 1111.r, In k1 •1•11- 1ni.: \\llh'll1.-··i.c,.11• rol 111nk .. up'••I lh•· principals. Finl! h!'l'nl' "1" 'llor courl)llrd ol •• J,qmn"h" h •1ll1•'. ,k1 l1 1111~ ch · 111i.:nNJ rand p.11nfr•ct 'l'hr ~1·1•u111l \\ '" II J.:UI cit 11 "'' 11• \\ 1111'11 h,1!1 lt•I ttw h.11 ki:t •ilHHI ,1 1111-:h I"• d "'><..J1•11 t•111h;•· 11 1111 "" 1-l.111•1 I Clfoll r•cl ~'"' 111 1111' rl1,la111•1· Bt1ll1 "''rt' tJ,.h1:h1f 11I, lh" "J• 11nd h.1unl· inf;l)' lwau11lul \\"1th' ll11rh.ir:1 :'11nwr .1~ :1d· ''"''r· M'I" lo:.tl 1 .. • 11 ti• .. 1c n1 d Ii~ RAiph, "Jforwk, Ball Sk1h·s and J 011n ·zu1 ... "'"' ""'' 111111 ti~ \\'fl. l111m 1-"nnk ar11I ,,,.~,,1.1nl• Mu,u· "11' •'\l"• 111·111 .11111 m· eluded a 17-pwro• on•h1~lr1t rl1· rl'C'IN:I h} l 'hnlim Sawin whol1 :\trs Cfadys Srhu'1"r wa~ 111'· rump11n1~1 . h,.r 11"1'>lan1" l1<·?nll D<1r1J Q1lhn1:' und Juhl• l'r1·11t1l"'· J1't'• M·· .. k "·'~ :u.sl~l:anl ch- n •c1or and /'.('lm.1 S lwrman dt· rf'Ch•d rhf' d11nt•t•s1 .£dna Lar.1· ll u ("•JfilUITif' manhi.:•·r . llSSISIN I b) Pill t"rnhm nnd Boh Wh)h'- AdHsors ""rl' M11nj11n1· l}ninil· lwff'r 11nd Hulh Srhm1dt Maki-up waa by lhl' dramn t'lni;s, dtrt""H d by Robert W1•nlz John Curry wu propl'rl)' man11i:t•r w11h ,\1· lhur Wordl'n as advlMir I.A-Roy Br11" 11 was l)us1n1•ss m.nagrr. L<'t' Kn1i.;h t tH'1ng as- 1111 ant rmd Mar1tm Harryman ad· visor. Ot hf'r a1111IS18nl dlrrC'lors w1•rr R.alµh Rorkk. Rall -Malllni;l}, 8U«"k B<-an. TuC'k R.abb111 , U.m· nir Ward. IJa vld Conchola end Jamf'1 SteUl'nll('n. · t>penmic 1on11eh1 111 Sanra Crut 111 the annual ~lion or Cali· fo.-ni11 l-\oder11llon of \\'omrn's cluhs with 110 unorrtd al dmni•r or the Em<'ntus club of whiC'h M rs W A R1da or Sucrnmc·ntn 11 pr<'8id,,nr 11nd Mrs Will lA-t• AUlltin or Laguna Rl'8C'h is lrl'nS· urn . Followini; the dinnl·r ll rl.'C't'P- tion will honor Mrs. Earl B. ShOf'· 1mHh. Rl'rording S<-crrtery of lhl' C.F.W.C. and Mrs. J. C. Brad- bury, S tall' Prl'llldl'nt. and ml'm· bt>rs of hl'r E11rcutive Board . fllmlwni of lhe local board will I>«' holllea.eea. with Mrs. Kalh~rlne F:. Rinjill(Old as chairman. Mrs Rr adhury. Stall' Pr~i­ drnl. will opt•n lhl' firs! r f'l:'Ulnr 11N.sion on Wf'dnl'scfoy mornini.:. GtwSt 1pr11krr on th!' nflf'rnoon pl"OjtTllm will "" R1r hnrd Aikin· l'-On, hl11 topic, Our IH>mOC'rney at W ork. Distr1et Dinn!'rs WNinl'!lda)' nijilhl will ll<' follow<'d hy a mu· 11kal Pf'Of{rnm. The program Thursday :1ftf'r· ll(l()O ",II frnlure lhe Junior• '"Junior Mrmhnship On Re\·irw•· •·Ill hi' prN1•ntf'd hy lh<' Palo Alto Junior Wnman·s C'luh At thl' nnnual dtnnl'r merrinl? THl~ ('A~Al't:!4 didn't la.ai a... an1un1t a•1roup of ll&rbor HJ -1ora at Beverly Rlaarpe'• MrtMay pa.rty~ t ... rt to r1cbt are 8111.teJ Shl~rc • .la.dl M•tllt-, Mary llau&I, Cbwk Mart.lal, o an o '°"" hau ... f\f'\"f'rly ~bal'Pfl (~ f or Uw olh·e.), .lul~ Sortbrup. Ronn1e Oth.nN'r Qoaaa Keller -4 Riii Rrowulf'. <"f'ntertnc tlae tablf' 1~ tlw-.,.rthday cake •1U. apwaya of ~~ a.ad ~ Mffaclp)· Rlrthday Be\·f'rl)"'. -photo by Beckner . friends Fete Hostess Spring Seminars ol Episcopal Women With Gay Dan'ce Party American Institute To Obser~e On Birthday Date 01 Family Relations <;orporate Communion 1.A•1• Knight. Shirlcy.iSh .. berg, Th<' American Institute of Polh Wi<"nl'r and Ma~anzal F.1m1ly RPlat1ons undl'r the su- J111111·d 111 planning a birthday IW'· 1•·1\1~1on of Paul PopenO<', SC'.D. pnsc party honorlnfi: Beverly •~ pr<'senting a series · of five Sharpl' al hl'r home, 1242 West 'IJrlni.: seminars on how to live <>cl'a n Front. MJ<'cl'ssrully kginnlng May 3. The A h1g C'llkf· decor attd with l'Ollt· t·our~cs will feature "Marria~ huds c<'ntered the retresrun.nt < 'vun~eling," '"E11ploring Y ou r tabll', whlrh provided an Inter-l'<'r~onality," "H ow to Live Cre· lude bl't"'"l'<'n danett. 1111,rlr." "Measurement of Tem- Among 1 hose Pf'Hent t.o wish pt'n1ml'nl ." and "Getting Ready Shirll'y "llappy Birthday" were «•r ~farriafi:e." Jul1t• !'orthrop. Don na Keller. Th1•sc rounes apply moderl): Ronnrr B1rtC'hl'r, Ronnie O thmtt, ~r11·nC"t' to personal ·problems In Rill Brownil'. Jim Ashen, Galen 11 war thal Is inter estlne. under- Norton, Don McCallwn, Dick ~li1nrl1thle and immediately u1-B~Jch .. Chut·k ltay, the hoeteun ahlr They pr.ovlde lnlonnaUon Members of the Woml'n's au11 - iliary and th<> Altar Guild of St. James E1,l11copal church will pre· aent thl'ir thank or!er lnga at a special Corporate Communion to be obst'rved Thursday. It will be a candlelight serv- ice at 8 p.m . and all communl- canu are asked to attend The Vestry meets tonl&ht at the church at 8 p.m . at which lime committees wtll be named by the I«>\'. Paul Moore Wh~ler and plans will be dl1euued for a drl\·e to finan('(' the parish ho111e. ArriYes in Sltan9hai n~d thr honoree. anli guidanctl~ to increase the .+.,, knowll'dge of \Korsonality and be-Mrs. Belle Sinnott of Balboa I h11' ulr thet is rkl'ded to live auc-•~embers W1'n ftr1'1es hu rl'CelVl'd word of the safe "" , r 1"·s.•fully. T hr sequnars w ill ~ aJTlval In China of Mrs. M. R. when f AC Bric/ge , h1 Id a t 52R? Sunset boulevard. Sinnott, who n('w O\"Cr to join L11~ Angelt'll -GLadstone 5131. h h b d Section Met fric/ay, er us an • Lt. M. R Sinnott. The licutl'nant 11 statlonl'd in Mrs p A ( 'hambt'rlin, Mrs Mountain Lion Killen Shanghai. l>t•nn1s llo£hind and Mrs. Harold Wanted in West po-"-.<'-r-.-lr-r-ii:_a_t_io_n_n_n_d_!_lood--co-n- Bt·ehc wr rc• hosh'ssl'I when thr \\'ASHll'GTON (UPI _ Th<' trol. Rradi;c SN"llOn or i-"r iday Afttr· \\' Id I As was foresel'n when lfOO\"l'r noon duh nwt in Amerloan Le-1·~1 wou we come anyone who '"111ts to ~hoot mountain lions. Jn-Dam was built, the Colorado River gion hall w11h six 111hle11 In i>lay rrrior Departnwnt officials rl'por t now. drops virlually al.I or Its silt and Mrs. Blanchc Gates giving lkrnu.<1r pr thl' lack of hunters and sand load Into the lake-reser- instruction. during thc war yl'ars. the prl'da--voir. The Interio r Department Swret pcas Wl'rl' UJll'd for dee-tor)' nrlmels have incrl'llSl'd In kn~ws that the accumulation or oration and thl' dl'!llll'rt counc number to atlOIJt 6,000. That isn't S(>(i1mf•nt in th<' paat 12 years has w1111 le~ cre11m a nd cookies. m11ny romp1tn'd 1,, lh.-days of lhl' l"au11Ni some rl'duction In wet.-r Holdini h igh scorl' w1u1 Mn. wild \Vl'sl. orricrnl-.; s;iy, hut li\'I'-s rorai:l' sp11C<' but not how mUC"h. E H. Seibert wilh Mr11. D. · C. 1tc1Ck In lh1• Sou1hw1•st is suffl'rmi: ·-6-;,-;,-;, _______ _;:;...;:=::. MacKl'n?ll• second Mrs. Boyd mo1 r lhan 11•ual Roberls \\On consola110n awnrd Mc·•int11in hum•. or CllUl:'ars. k ill and Mrs. J r rrQld Sp;1111tll'r car-1hl'<'Jl. 1·11lls rind snml'l1m1•s 1•vt•n rll'd orr t ht.' tran lini: praw. full-1:n1\\11 c.111t.• As manv ns 3{1 1he('l1 h:n" IM·•·n sl,11n hy · onl' of the trr1·-rats as I tic• rrsull of a direct nll:tC'k 11r a st;impNle pro- vokl'd b\ :in allnC'k St. J~mes Club Elects Ollicers, Hears Prize Speech :\torlnnd L.-irholc1 w1u1 <'lr<'ll'd prrsidPnt of thl' :'ilrn"!I club of SI Jstmrs Ep1scop.il <"hurr h 111 a 111"''1inj! ta•lrl at :'.'Orton's B,1\._ shnrt• ~·itfl' w11h 2.; prt'!lf'nl - Most 0 mnuntain lion hunling 1ic carried on hy frdl'rnl 11nd state gamr ron1111t m1·n who kill for a 1al11ry. S onw w<'stt·rn slalC'S o!fl'r bountirs. < "11lornrl11. for ins1 ancl'. wlll pny ~~'" :1 hr:irl Mesa Upholstery Harry McKee Objt>ct o! the ,·isit V.'U to 9l't' ~ ..... ail ,.......~ h .-a. • dir ~-r-s . t c mtc•f't'Sting C()Jll't."tlon of ..nuJ!.•------------- bottlt's C'Oll(.<Cted by t t\e Ii• It.' Jd.n. Lallm<'r O\'Cr a penod of JjJ )C'&.n in China. The ""''''est o! the bot t ll'S is :Ji() years old and som.> of tlwm aN' over 500 years old. Th•'~ '"•'r<' acquired at 11 cost or rrum ~ 10 SSC.I eaC'h. Thrrt' are 1311 !i>Pf'<'•· 1 mens In the coll<'Ctlon and tht»' ar e made of l\'Or). ~old. amt*'" pultrry. por('('lam. ~"tl'r and othPr materials. Dr. Lalim<'r. who v.·as ~n>lith lnteresrl'd in thl' C'hild.N'll cl ~ina. · entertamt>d th.. Scouu and adulu who a~nM-d lhl'm at lunrhron m tlw patio at his home uaders of Troop 8 a~ Mr' Everf'tt Nunan, Mrs W llhitrn H Trusty and Mrs. Gk>nn \\"h.1tJo.:Jt Reprt"Senting I.ht' troop ~. Newport Beach F~·s aUXll- iary. WU .Mn . H cri>ert Thtln-T~ aon. Others accompan)"lll~ th, glrl1 wer e Dr. and J.trs. S;x-i\(l(";- Boyd, Mn. H. P Y~u and Mm ;;41t....,•' g• .... .....,, . .., c-1 ..... I ... .,~, LOOCK Slofia••rr 1111 ~ .......... c.-la .... LIGHT AS A FEAna:& COOL AS A IWl£EZE DRESSES THAT WILL B E l1iE PET OF YQl:'R 1'" A1tDR011E EXCITING PRD-75 . . _ ~"81'.:RG SHEEJt5 FOR TH£ YOClHFt:L HA1.F SIZE A.'"D nVE FOOT FIVE A.'"D t~"DEE F1Cl."'R£ SIZES 10 TO 20 A.'"D 16'-a TO 221.s Ff ances Nortai Shey ............... .,.._._ ..... ...__ .......... ·Bio-Note Music Co . .......... I I I .... •' ad ... ---- • .,,_. 1..arir-t ~ ,., •n,..-cn•r:ii•_. ......... • Or-.r ,-.. - 3CM W. 4th St. Phone 3511 Thunday n igh! John W iiiis Shearf'r will ghr 11n a ddrNts : '"Tomorrow Ill Jlrrr:· c 11twr orron•rs ;ir1• llarry Bhxl- 1:.-t 1. Vll'l'-pn•sid1·111 11ntl proi.:r:im 1:na1rm:1n. 11nd F r.ink Pn I lrr~cm, NA VY PUTS "FLEET'' ON LAKE MEAD WASlll'.':CTO:'.l: I l"I'\ Th<' FOREMOST PERMANENT WAVE EXPERT Thr convenllnn will clos<' nl noon F r ldny Or RnllC'rl Gordnn ~proul. rrl'!lldrnt or lht' tTni\'rr- lli ~· nr <"nllfornia 111 UlS Anizdes will 11" !hr lllX'llkf'r on !ht• fl n:il lll'll!lion 1 11~ 1111hjrC't will hi': "\\"1• Ar<' C-1l111in)!. Almn Mnt•·r. :!(\(),(lf111 l\forf'." r A11 n trihuir tn Mrs E11rl R Shc1o.>:<n111 h. a 'p;1111 pr1•s11lc•nt of !hi' (' F \\' C" 11nrl nt"" r•'t'or<l1ni.: l'CCTt'I llr} of 1 lh' C1•nt'r.ol F1•'11•r 11t1on. llw 1'1111r" ""l1\1•n11"11 \\oll "" dN11rntrrl lo hrr M1•ml.,.r• "' 111.. \\""''"°' 1111 \\"nmnn"c 1"111h "111 111• hn•lr<S•'!' nt nn ""1•·11 h••"'' ·'' llw , htl•· h lUSo 11f 1111' :;: 1111 I I '1111 \\"t1111.1n·~ l'htl>. (t1llP\l lni; 11'1"111 111111 111 11i •h·· \\ r1l nt ""·t\ .ti,. I lhMISI ..... ''HUI Fur I hi' rroj.!r;irn n onnlrl Ill•>"· ·Sum, ll11ntini;tnr1 l\f':lch pol11·r 1•h,..I g11vt• fl hu11111rn11~ ~p1·1·1 h '' hol·h n ·crnr ly \\ 1111 I hr zon1• •'h11111p11in:<h1p fnr I h, To11~1 m11~- 11·rs' dub G roup 1<1ru;111i.: '''"~ l1•1I h~ <;•'••rt.!f' J\·t nr1 111 1• 1 N1·i. I 11w1 I ms.: 1 •I I ho• 1·1 uh "ill hi' ;\la) :.111 Thimble Club Wednes. ;\Ir• Jt,1h11I l\ill·f·r \\Ill h·· ho~•~·,, 11n \\•tin• 'd 1\ In nt• n1 ... r<: nl rh1mhl1 'lu~ r .. nrl ,, • P.1rhtr; .t ht J l\ttf'I•" .JtH f lp ,0 F1 c-•nt H.tll•• 1 \\", t I\ \\ 1H ).., ,, .ii l•• , ru 1nif 111 n1• r11f,,r, 1 •• Navy hns l.1t1nr hrd n mon1:-i1ure flN•I on I.ak• ;o.1{•11d m Aro1nm1 and N<'\'lldn fP rind out h11w lhl' Sl'OI· mcnt i!; pil111c up in !ht• world's l11ri.:l'i;I ar11rw11ol l11k1• A hnri:t'. so11ndl11i.: h u a 1 11ncl other i;m11l l n11r1 1~111ipp1•rl with undrr\\:~11•r pholni.:raph) NJlllll· ml'nl. dl\·rr~ nnrl ti•c·hn11·1;ins wrrr• h11ull'd :\1)(1 m1lt'!< m·r rlantl Ill un. dl'rtnkr lh1· J11'1111 '.\:,t\ \ -lnll'ro11r ) flt>p11r111wn1 pr11j.-c1 -• 207 ·nil' op<·r,111on i~ '''llCrkd 1nl lnkc 1\1 mnnll1' i.nrl o·nnl•lo• llw lnlrrwr \)rp:irlm• nl In fmli 0111 hOW mUl'fl \\:llo r In lho fl1Hl\'1•r D11m fl''' n C•lr I~ :l\ ... 11hl1• ror Be Wi!M' -Ad\'l'rtlse OF CHICAGO ~. Broadwa~-. Sult4" 212 Phones 2726 • 272i SASTi\ ASA . • NEWPORT'S ARST SELF-SERVICE 1 "The Young Idea·· -Wlossler MOTHt:R'S. llA\' -MA\" 9 THE NEW • Rani et Brush Stro~e LAUNDRYETlE NOW IN OPERATION ,. 9 A. M.. TOR r. JI.. -~t:D St~'DA \' • 20 Bralld New Be•ix Wasllers . . Dryers and Ma1t9ln also A~ailablt! 30c Rental Clwp incllltlin9 soap 50c en Hour f« Dryers .-nd Mengles 1lle Plla•e HARBOR 501-M LlllllYffiE "' -11111' 81Wi ,.--~ • "T ~ l Gift of All GIFTS CANDY and BON BONS Made Fresh Daily Shipped Anywhere By Air Mail Desert Sweet Shop 813 C.-ntn.I An•nuf' BaJOO.. Phon.-Harbor Ri.t MOTHER'S DAV • MA 1· 9 C 0 If B«'aui;(,' th<' hair is ;u!roitly s hapf)C'i into f<'ulh· C'ry IAyC'rs by R:mif'r"s f'~dusiw m<'lho<I. ii will faJI into its p1t~tty. prop<'r rurls <1 l thr nir k of your comb or brush. No ('Oi ( m u Iii he m ot't' h t':H"en - ly to h:rnrllf' -nr moT'(' 11<'\'0ming! RANIER. BRUSH CURL CUT, 1.50 RESTYLING. 2.50 PERMANENT WAVING FROM $10.00 Free ParA:ing With Your Permanent or lint · Please 'ltoae I« Appo;,,,..,,,, l 1 * DREW PEARSON It··--·•......_. . TELEPBOSE8: llAJUSOa It, 11 A.'"Dr!OI ~~ ~el)· dny. onday throuih Friday. by Sam D Porter and Lucius S. S th, m. owners and operators ot tht' r-; 1>0rt H arbor Plitbl..tshini: Co. \'OL XL T\."1:8 DA\" Rt-.,·h. l 'allf. ~··~· I , I !»II l'AOf! "I Still Nobody Knows • \\'ASJllNO'l'O:'\" S •' n Rolwrl nnr rll\'i~1c·n ,,f thC' Gitllup poll I T .. r1 worr1<'d :ihuut his 1100r show-thllt "hk h h nn1tlc•11 fl"h'llf<' """ in.: in ,the pr,•10l1t.•111lnl 1i.1lls. hns sr;irrh P r r,,,.11.:I' Gallup. hC'ad "' Ii•'" n c·unsull111i: th•' pall. 18 a !'loir.r frif'nd uf Gt>\'· "Ith pr1•flo,.,.w1111l ••rn"r I'"""'· ... 11n1l fn'(1111'n1ly ad· .. p1111N1 n•iw111·t·h· , 1~•'" h1111 ,;n pulllu-rrn('t\\~ •re Thl'1r 11d\'H'• Rattlf' th i\r ~)TUP 1111~ l><'<'n th1tl hr J\ !<mnll .. c·:ik hnlll•• ~lrnilllr to t~ ""1111' kn<""' iul thr oh'l1mnn:nr1111' ft-111\ Ii. In thl' 1 I ,11,.•rul " 11ffm.; 1111< 11t111· ,,, •·r m11plr I 1110• or T 11l 1 's ~yrup .uh,, .. , s '~ I' a· 1. \"1•r11hV\1 ' '"'"''''H•r\th'"" ~•'nf\tor l 'l.111d1 t ' Ho•t1111-c .•.1r.:1• ''"' II, \\ '"' "·'" 111•!•••'' f'\U"' '"" ol I '111w1•11111. \"1'1 m 11111 111;1pl1 ~'nip (r11111 nll 1h1• ' J . J•1'1·~•1k111 I '"llh.•t w •11h<l1IUl1•<, \\Ill rl'IOC'k t11 UJHltll•JI ,,.,_ ·tli h •'lll'Jl\•~·aOHU, ,1·"'''" ''" I P"'l 1\UIU1\t~ 1hHt 11(trr 11 /tH ''·" 1·11111 (lo" np1n 11•lt' "" T.11, tll:lflfl · ., "''" "" '"" llll'llll. tlw n 11 IOlll •tll ti\• 1• 1\1., <'10llt111") I -. .. 1 '' '"'I ll,~ r11p ll~J11t•111I t - ~ "Is "'5 Q. .. ,,,. --~"'«~ •• ,.._ :.."!'!'".&~ 'Ql-l...0.- &'lilt 1 Hort · \'1111 ..... '" 1111,> "''" '"'' l'""'-1 A1k1111 h.1• :1lr1•111l~ 1·1111,1111<'11 !hi' IJl\IE IH '(;A~ lh'.d ~1111· 11r 1:••'1·n1111.·111 ." h•• 111ltl ll><'<I 111111 J1 m: 1lllmlr111<t r11tlon 11nd 111 .. ''.fltll11r. "that }Oil htl''" to .. t tho• h 'll"n 1I trn1t.-1•,11111111,;slon llt• ~~-!J1:Jl~~;&(i;I! !-l!!hl 11J '"'' 1111·1 1h11t J•'o•Jllr t hink 11r.1Z\ll'S 1hllt If rl'~l1111r1111t8 """.:et ~ I NOl>E I CAN'6«ftN "' t 1•1111~ of 1;11;t1,; Y uu ~h1111ltl 81 '" 1 1 a\\'a~· '' 11 h p1t1>sl11i,: 11ff c·orn 11yrup •· ""''. vv•T""'1T """"Uol6 l<'ltini,: 11•·<1pll' kncwv OJlll you l\rl' rt< tn:q ilr ~~rup, lht•)' will s111rl "';f'" n 1aM I.JI' "" th1· "hit· ul 1111' 1,.1rd " ,1111~111111ini;t m1trit11rl1w for hullr r ~l;!t.AfJWC II•· "Ul:~"''•'ll that T11t1 r•·\1•111 ,.,. ~~·on 11$ th" In"•'~"" }dl<"IW m ilt · '1":~ h11n~dl In hi' "f rue• rolr" n!' 11 i.:.irlll\' 11r1• hft.'11 .SIG"1/\ 111,..1 ,11 111111 ~Ir•·,.~ hi~ ,.1nnrt fur lhe l nt'1Cli•nl11ll), A1k1:11 Is A (l"IWC'~· '"" puhll<' 1:oc><I. l hal lt1• i.uirl tn e.>rnm-fut nwmh•'r of thr ~··n11fr .A1:rlru • "'rus& 1111'•' t'nmmtll•~· "luch 11111J1I pi\U f 111111): Ill(' 11111·'-Uon o f \\ 11111 I" II l1lwral and <ll'fll1ini:: ii ,.~ 1,nr """ "" lho• r.•11t•11l of man:r•rin•· Ill.XI'S """"'''!\ in ltl1t'rt) and hii.:hi·r 11-.. Th111 hnlll<' Im~ "nl) p11"11c•l1 thr t; ' m i.: st nndnrtl" Th<' slr:lt<'.:Y th•·n 111111~1· i" onl)' h11tr \\cm 1s 111 show that Tnft piossrss<'s l hr o\lr t 'or1•,. Walt• t 'u r Taft • Jlrlll'ltl'lll i.•·n,.,• le1 ar htl'\I' llll'SI' \\'hilr Sf"11nfC1r H11IM·r t T1tfl Wl\5 J.:•lllls h1:hfln~ fi•r hu• t10lllk1el Hfr In ()11111. lw still tnc'(l In r un thr ~"'"'''' hy hmi:-d1sr1111<'l' tl'l••11hon<' J)r Rohinsnn "nrnc'<I that tlw 1111hh1• •~ s till fr:trful thal ftw Rr•· puhhron pn"rt> n ·rn:s•·nls "rt>ac 11on nnd lhr \'l'i;trd mJrrl'~l s ",Ill' quot- r11 n I Hll('n I <1pininn fr11m h11s :-ur- \('Yli that "n11 pnor rnnn should hr n l1<'puhhe<111 .. Th•• h<'«I wuy 10 t•omh11 t Hus. ht• r rn1mnw11clt'll. is to l'• I Ufl i.:11111« 11nd l'llfd\ fht• l'YI' nf lh<' romm nn m:m T11fl C'1111lc1 l11d for lh•' lc:'atl1•rship 11( tlw lnw "'r1•\'0 lul 111nu r v" m ow•1111•nt th<' r1•\ ulutlonttr\'. whi1'h s~11rtl'd .t11l y 4, 17'iH. 1111\l"·rl Jlr 1!11'1111. ... m. 111• k<'fll Art mi.: N 'n111t· I .rnd<'r Krnnt•lh \\'lwrry 1•1111,fnntl~ on lhl' !'nil nf 11t1• w in•. nnd m"illl<'d upon hold1111r ur all runlr11\'1·r 11il m1•11t1· ur"" uni ii hi' ro11hl .:•·I hnrk and pnss nn tlwm A~ ·' n ·,1111 , the ~c·nol•• "as for""'' 111 r .. ~111 In· ti•rmil 11•1111) do•'\Jllt" 111 .. furf lhnt 111 .. sprin~ lo1:J11m •• r hilt~ waa TllE BEHRYS I "'-........ _ .. AN OUNCE OF INSULIN The idea ha~ bel•n a<IYanced that reduction of the nat ion':-: liYe::iock population ,would be une way to consen ·e ~rain for human u~e. This may haYc a ~uperficial appt•al, but an Cc.~:tmination of the facts 111• 11ls1) I ri<'d Ill 1·11ns11I" Tnfl 11\ 1•r I 111• tr·,1111.; 11( tit•' ( ;,,th111 poll \\ hh'h r1•.:1s1i·r~ hi< (I 11 I I I I ('!I I st 11•ni::th ;11 11n :tl111111ini.: lnw Tnft'll <11m11tni.: :t~111n'<t Prt'"ttl .. nt 1'r11- 111o111 \\:IS Jll't Pill' H1•11uhlk1rn con- li·mJ,.r n1:;1in~1 rh" # 11ncl1sp11tt'Cl D1·11111<'rnt 1r n mclid:1to', Or Roltin- "'" 1v•mll'd out rr Taft W<'r<' th<' "'II' l1q111hill'an n111111n1'"· t hr rt·· '"''" 1\1•111<1 h•· 1l1fl1 r.•nl wnrsl" thnn c \'c't ,\1 1<'11.<I till•' Jlq111lrllr:1n, h<H\· \'\IT, S 1•11f1l11r S l ~l·· .. n11c1i.: .. s ot :--;,." I lampshll·•'. r..r11 ... ·d 111 ~lo() I II<' l1·i.:1,(,1I11•1• \\ h1•1•I' lllt'rl'ly IH•· l':tlls•· T 11l1 ""s loll'<\ 1'11111p.11i;mni.:. h :n .. nn1: lho '"'' ll<!hl l l'n1n Ohio. Hr11l~··• h tu rw1I 1!111111rh With h111 \llal 'l'tir np1111t11m l•rll, i.:ran11n11 runct-. '" t''J•!lf\ll lht• !t lr fun~.'\ hi 70 i!f••l•f•' • I B111 T .11'1 i.:nt 1111 tlw 11111•111 ni::cm, :iml •f...m1c11d1·1l 1 h.11 \\ h• n) k•'•'P 1Jw lull t11f llw rt•"•r 1111111 th, Ohio prlmari('f; wcr<' t"-..r f ;( •I< I •( • l . " I prorluce:; a n ry different corlclu:--ion. . There a1·e :-:omt> 1 .~105,000.000 atre=-of land 111 the United States. Of thi~. ~:i.i :J.000.000 acres-one- half-can be usccl for food production only by pasturin!! and wazing-. It produces f eecls that are not suitable for human consumption, and that can be utilized onlv for livestock. JI "'I~ 'hnrtl) :1fr1·r ccm•11l11n~ \\1lh )Ir fl\1l11n ... 1n 1h.1t T .1f t l'nnw •1•11 \\Ith hi< pollt u•al no·w f(\11k ," '''•I I m~ orr with n <.rlf'i·t'h, "\\'hnl 1-. .1 L1IX'rnl ~" • "It's a polir~ tlllCll"r und mu~I r-':'::':':::""..__-""'::~~-----r~-----------~-11(' dC'C'ldl'd lty t hi' f)t1lw) rnmmlf. fOY!··WAl A SKY!-· .. · ~.. i .... rNOW,11' ~ l 'X)l(ED '"'" insrsr.-u T:.rt. "'"" 1s 1iol I')' OP IAOClE.~Er~P r.-:.er. 1•h111r111an T~EV COULDtJ1l LOOeC c 1hC'di1'nl I). "T11ft's 11rfi('(' ho) OOWN ON co from Nrhraska" lwrd1·cl l\rld1w11 ~ ... ~~.., TEE~! into a cor m lf' 11nd 11sk1~1 him to :"t ITF. Dr R11l11n•1m works for I hold off a '""' d11y11. Tiw 1c nator 11nrnlorl'd olro hl\s sold for 31c. from N t•w J ll\mr..-hm' ohjN•tt'<i, but rolor<'d h as snlr1 for f>9r yt>t lhl' Wherry thrt>alr nro lo hlock the t11x wn!> nol O''"r 1 lc' 1'hr t11x had hill on the n oor lilllr to do with thr price. only So the U $. Air F orce. which 11 supply And df'mnnd Every tax laRginR: bf'hind RUlltia i(I •bulldlnit cv1uld roml' CTff. 11nd o lro could, nl'W plan l'a, was forcro to wall 11nd proh11bly w ould. go op wheh ror T art • ., dl'mand 11 abovr supply. and g o Tht1 Far-'1uac ou LnMI)' down und<'r n •ver 11c conditions. To und<'raland the ra.mlricaflon1 FVrthermore, though it is not generally known, an unj'ustifierl rlrop in our livest-0ck population and slaughtering would create a serious medical problem. As an example, it takes the pancreatic ,J,rland~ of 7,500 hogs or 1,500 cattle to make one ounce of insulin, which will provide a sufferer from diabetes with 40 units a day for forty Y.ears. 'Insulin and other glandular medicines are available only because the meat packers save the ~land s for pharmaceutical purposes. Without an adequate animal-popul~tion, dangerous shortages of these vital drugs would develop. I've go ne lhrou11:h 16 y.-ars th<' oil lobhy, you have lo l"t'll· 11riwmrnt~. Thr 111x w11s or igina lly lizr H111t It h11s 1wo J?rra1 roal• CURLY KA YOE put 1m It' .ur11tl'C't thf' coruume r Arahi11n oll am1 lidc'lt1nds •111 'Tltl'l'•' from ol<'o madl' from r h«'A P. for-<'lm1prlsr thr 1wo .i:r~nll'St untar>· l'rl!n oils R111tl'r Is I hr h11lnncr ll(1d oil r<'snurr<'ll In t hl' world. whl'('I or th<• dairy industry . When It l!'n't f:ur lo put rwry Am•·r · J"'<'IPI<' huy Rll thc liquid m ilk the 1ran oil r o m1•11ny In 1111' lohh)'. lw• rfa1rym11n h85, hr dOC'lln't sell In C'llUSf' u lul of t hrm only 11uff<'r lhl' rrramrry II' makP huller All a rrsull nf ltw hiu' puhlinf\ \\'h<'n the cows gl\'r m or r milk , or sltrrl'd up h y lhrir C'OIT\p<'l ilc•~ •hr <'\l~IOml'rl' huy INI~. hu!lrr ran A<'tually, SrnnrlArd Oii <•f 0 111 lw• rmtdr, anli ir;to rrd Thi' f11rmrr forniH 11nd 1h1· Tr:u. 0 11 com1>11ny mr.) •<'ll hi!> ln111t•rfat nnd I'll! th<' "r" th<' primr mm·, r' in llw Johlt) Mll'lll)('r <1lro, fn r 1111 I knnw ' with t hl' Gunrnnl\ Tru~t Nlmpnn) Ir hnw('\'rr, Jinyt hin~ hurtir; th<' and !'hm•' 111 th •· In~ hnnk1·r~ put- h1111 t•r mnrkt•I. nnylhini;. l1kr suh-lin.1: up <'onsid<'r11hlf' nm ounta or ~111u1 ion In thr r l'!'louranls or thr dou~h hom""· of 11 c·hl'llfM'r prod11r1, thl'n To •md<'rl<tllnlf ""'' plrn~1· 11f """' thr· d 11irymnn dtX'~n·1 krrp n n m ilk -thr lohh~ work<i. ynu n"''" only ing too manr <'nw• H r ~··ll<c lhrm """ fhr r11ll "' l!"'"rnnwnt ""'" This country needs mor~ and more meat-and it needs the by-products. Livestoc~ raisin~ and pro- ce~in~ a re the backbone of our aj.!T1cultural economy. They ha\·e been developed to their pre~ent peak efficiency in a free market. The inexorable pre~sures of supply ancl demand and competition have g-iven American consumers the most scientifically pro- gre~ive meat indu.c:try-from feed lot to dinner table -that has ever been known. This is an incontrovertr ible fact of the weatest significance. • Total control under the most ~werful J.rOve rn- ments has ne\·er re:"ulted in such concrete advance- ment, nor in makin1r goorls of all kin<ls so readily available to the people. tn lhr hutl'ht'r 1111. l'<IW r t·ni;us luls who w nrk•·lf for thr Aruh-TARZAN is d own now. Aml'riran 011 •·•1mhm" r ltlm••n "''r" * JOHN PHILLIPS I -.The \11nl&ritc;·\'otcd lo t11kr the I F1-d1•r11l 111x '" ~ ft1r n mnntr· I ta~"" off of olrom11ri.:11rinr--nnd faC'tllr<'r , a nrl ir 2n rm•k"r" r nn thu!I "rrdur<' itll rnct Tn !hr hn1111r-1 •1><•ntl S•'\·r r nl m 1lhnn« In )!l'I I hill v.1f<' ·• Thnt t~ wh!ll llw h1111srwi\'I'' hill pnc;.,rrl T <.U•Jlo«'I 1t 1•n'1 '"" v.r rl' ll'd 10 hrli• ,.,. ~·"' tn \\htl"h l hrv nh j••r•t Th•' J fl'<'C'il'f'd p<•I Irons :tntl !1'11,.r• \\h11)1'•:tlr r I"•.\!' ll F••rl,.r;1I lax o f All si1tnrr~ w nnt•'tl llw ~·,·cl• ral ~ 1~1 "hirh i;o h11~h Jor crlhnc rol· t:pc rrmo14"1. '" 1l1ry l'lllllli 1111) nru f nlr ... 11111 nnh ~:.11 ~1 f11r un· olro mor1' rh<'lll•I,\ ""l•11•rl :mrl tlw rrt:11ll'r P".'" ~4R T tlnn'I h lnm" ""' mnnufnr111rrr. r .. r -:r lllnc rnlnrrrl. or onl) $f> for nnr nny 111<1 r1hu•n r nC1r a n~ t:rnrrr , 11nrr•l•>r"r1 Thrrl' i~ an """''" tax for \\llntm1e 1t1 1;1•1 rHI .. r a n\ '"' nf l tlf• "n rol11r1 •d ol1•t1 :ind 1,r for l'<l l1kl' Ill i;:rl r11f 11( 11 f1•w I p11) 11nrolr>r<'l1 r oncrr.;s rl11r sn'1 rlr· m~••·lf. ll111 . m y do•:ir :\Ir• l111u•r· r1•nl1 th1• IR'<<'S. lhry "'"'"not p111 v.1(1., ho\\ will th1c; \OI<' !':l\f' )011 111n lo r ai11r ,.,.,., nur. nnrl lh<'\ r·11<,. mon• \' Ill \'n11r l111tlCl'I n \ •'r\' lill 11' Th,. i•<lll' i~ ('()!.()fl Tw~nh·-i wn <111 1•'' hn"" l.1w!< Th•: m<ikf'r~ of "'"" <''nnt it 10 l·~1k v. h1d1 If'.'< l'llrn OT pr<1l11l111 1'ol11nni: ltk• h11flf'r, in th" horn<'~. in I ho• ii :o.v>llr)'w C'nhf•1rn111 proh1l1lt<i thr ..inrPs . in lhf' r <'!'tnur11 nf'l ii•olf'I of rolor l'tl m11ri::irtn<' Tht· At I h<' m 11m1·n1 .111 I h•· olr•11 mn.rlr 1111a 1 .. 1ax i!l SltrC\ fnr manurnr turrr. i• l11 1nc ~11lrl ;di. th•· ln1ll• r mn/Tl' $:)(} fnr n whol,.i.;111,.r rw thinl( for '' lor'in<: ~"lrl n1t1lf'r 1• 11bout ~9~> a ~rl)('('r. 11n rl t•nl~ ~~ fnr 11 rr!'lllur-lwr• rhc• (arnw r i;:r l< l"'rh;q"' !)Or n nt whkh \\ .1111 ~ ''' 1"r oh•o Thr' n( I h:t! ()11•<1 I!! $4:'i t(l(fo). \\'h"r" Offkial Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~able Loclal luUalUon for Over 40 Vea" Tt11• /11i;h1·~1 rll"r r11111rn 11!><' o f t.1111 .. r "Ill' in I !l2fi, Y. lll'n wr llV<'r- "t.:"rf IR'~ pound, Thnl Y<'>1r AUii· 11 :tl1:1 anrl \anntln n\·1·rniird 30 l"''trllic ~;n~·hin11 :!II In :!:'> p<•Unrl•, .i 11 cl N••\\' ZN1l11111f 47 pounrl!t P, 11pl" hkr l111ttr•r · ln n t<'~I <'llf· "'''1'111. w 1lh 7><:.r> r11slrn-r1l'r•. '<'h1·n h11 111•r pn t• w 1•rr ~,. nnr1 11l('f1 l<' '1.'l• look h11tl1•r \\'hrn h1111"r ""~ l•· ;ind · ,,1 .. ., \\11c; frl'r . !IW : i-1111 I ll(1k hull rr Ft!rt.\ r•·r r 1 n l nf ,thr m ..:11 rm '"'tr t1.J1l". :'-fl• ll11u•••\\1fl'. rom•'< l1nm llw rl 11rv 1nrl11 .. 1n· \\'ll<'r•• <In '~'" lhlnk tlw "'''\ h1rl1• 'r-nm•"• from . fror 1111' l•·:11h1·r 1nrl11~t 1 \A Thi• fr r. 11til:-tti pul tlw1r nwn oft lrtill~ in· 111<1" thr l:t"'"rnm••nl. th"ll 1lr11w thrrn out ni.;11111, ,11lrnoM 111 \\'Ill f:;1 11·~ "'"'Y' lo <11'1• how lh1• l11hhv 11111•r:i1,.s w11h i:r•·11~t·<I ltghflni.: 1•f I fi!'i•·nr v "h•·l lwr 11 IM· 1'111 .... 11n. 11r s,.11.ing o\0i•tp1 ll'<'ll nil I Jl1•fo• I~ fl 11~1 l•f k1•y 11fl11 1111• r \\'hn nt H"•' Jun•"' ''r onn•h• r \\111 k1•1I (nr I.nth ~1<11"'· I 1\rlm Anrlri" F C ·arl•T i,, ·111 "'I 1111• Arm~··:"n\'Y l"l'lr11lo·11111 ll '""' """ with thl' l\mrr"lt-:111 1\r;rlol 111 1 '111 c .. 1mlr111•· 111, l1re11 h• r . /\•Im \\'1ll111m .I (',,rt• r . \\n" In • h '""I or·n ,, • .i '''""'''''''' :irul ""'' r·" •1t· I ,\r.1!•1 1n "" f1or "t111/1 I h•• '·•' \ 1 pa u1 S:\k. llhfl ,llhf 1 t "" m 1 ir h I ihll•r l\l•(p<; cro\\' thl' ,, .. l(j, \'!•II .hill•' J lru 1•. j., m l cif l/1r fnr' It'll . ,, · I'"' .... , .. ,, .. r 1111 p, 11 .. 11·•1111 ·''"'"' , ,\n :1mt•nrlrn1 nt ""' rlt f• 11 lr•rl t11 lr:illnn rn1 \\':tr t• n••\\ \ ,, , I,, din\\ 111<·0 111 t .. 1·1°l11rNI Ilk•· h11t -tl••n l nf 1\11w rw:in l\n11il 111 "" I• r 1•111 111 f11t\'<' 11111 I• r p11 r • •'1rn1rr, (' F S n• "h'I '"'• "r1, •I ""'" 1 t1•rl 11l1•u p:1I" f lllll'lrl 'lr lrHtnr•11lar f ltlf'I• Ill thl'(ll\"fnnl• 111 I ll"W .\n ·11111·nilmf'11I 111 1;1k•· 111• t:1n l f ''''" In ••, n:1 11Fi:.J ''"rt • , "i• 1111 llu rnl< "'' d 111 11l1•n \\R4' 111•. •rt'" 111111</ th r11l1111n 1"1-111.• l"1IHI l 'n1nrlr llal11h ~""''' .. t •to \Ir • """"""'''' tf )••II \\rOf•' nw ;\;a\\"" f•1• t rll\l•1••n. 11·11 11•11"" ,,t :inrl ~111<1 )"II """'"'' lhl" hill 111 lh•· no 1•11ri .. 11"'" lo\• "'"' t. ti. l'""'''I. 1,. ''""'" yeo11 w11nt"r1 r lwnp· :'1:.1\ v p•1rr 1111, .. 11 l111:h p1 ,,., •I \1 ,i, • r 1111 •• I h111i< \'totl 11 not 1,.. r~lfl· l:in ••II, I~ n ow • m1 ol".'' d 1. ot lll'l"•inl1•rl J 1i1I yo11 r"ttl ly w11nf 'to 1\m1•rir11n-l\1 .ol•t1111 t ttl ""I•'""' 11111111 nr••• 111tl1rN'!IV th•· q11:1ntlf\ I.I i '•ol I I' J(.,,:rr1;011,•t , 1 •·I d11nk11w milk r•r ,,f t.111t1·r. cir 1111• Arm~·!°'::.\'\• <hi l{n '"' ~'"' tn rim fh1• risk 11( inr·rc .. ~F1.n1: lh•· 1 'l'"''rll l prr«r111. • 1•11 1\111• • 1 ,,, 111 \"'' nt m ilk, ••r hllltl'r , or m ea t, Ar:1l11:1n < td 111 h•11l<1 11, ,, ''"' 1 , UPtESt;STJ:D SAT10SALLY BY Ol:OROE D. CLO!llE, r.'\('. •1r •o( l•11lh•r i.:"•Mt~· \f1yh" ~n11 JI,. n11\\ ro pr•,•·nt~ •It•· ... 11 1, .• 1• S.. ..,._,.lllf'O-l.A>t1 AD«1!1M·Portland-8eatU&-<'blcafrO·S-Vork-Roooton <h .. itld "r 1!1• Ill•· Sc·n11!11r ' "'hn \\'a•h1n g 1 .. 11 , By C.,-rier o r Mnll: SO 80 Pt"r month 11mwh«<' in l'J('wpnrt Jl<'11ch 11nd Costa MK&: $2.40 for 3 moaths. 54.80 !Dr 6 monthll; 19 f'('r yeer Ry ¥1111 In Or11ngt' COUJlly: S9 p<'r year; to 4fh zonP, S9.2!i; to 8th z:one. S9 50. n11" ha\'" tit<· hill :1nl1 11•1\ •h••m ~ 111n1 '''" <.;, t.1lltt11.' \\, 'I l·I ~"'' rl1rln'1 "'"''' 1111fl1 r•t,.nrt .1n•I f·:;,,1,.rn nil 111tar l11· rr1r th• "' '" l h111 )l>'trl llk11 an :1nwr1l111v n1 l1•1•i11 tm•n l 111 <':11r .. •I ,, \1 lt1rh wr111ltf Ir I yn11 1111\'I' ol•>c• <lr IPlfff• fJ:Om lh1• rnl ""mlt111• 11· 1• t.11111 r. a~ 11111 \\11111. nnd ""''•t1•1l 111,v. h•wk w11h 11,, 111 tol101f\11t1v.'111t ;infl w1thn11I l't'C•C .I Jf••\\;1ril \f o1 I tit , ,, Entered u ~d-Cla.u matt~ at the Postoffice in Newpon Jl(.acl:i ""' "',. h ""''ltJ ,JI""'' 'Ill'""' 1, , ,,110.., 1 r .. r '"' '" 1,,,1, ,11 .\ 1 ... CallfomJa. ~T the Act. or March J. 1897. ITl:11<1 It I'll') (or \loll lo kn11\\ If II l''i:tl tl>ll f11r \\ :11 '' 1•t.,l II' h • Puhll•her ''"' l111 lt•r or If 1t ":t~ •riot• T hlll S Lonrh rrl <111 ,,f 1··.iil••IO , ~fan~ng E<lllot " ,, •ti• r • 11 '"""' -..;,, m:illrr """ , ••n , , • Advenl11ln~ --------'"nl• 'I ''"'" 111;1\ 1 ,. ' 1 .. • 11 SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS S. SMmi. m W. F. DOCO:" l CLYDE REX l Printinc Plant. 3011 w T n Th• \\ •r•i,.n \\lt• \\•• k •l1fl 1• •;tt '''' :1rr· •• 1,, •,, •t• '• 1• 1 ~ntral Avenue. Nev.-port Beac h. Call!omla •· " 1 r 11 , f!i\l•l•nc 1111, 1,. ,...,, , 11 ,1 ,, \\ 111 ••t1r ,,,.,,..., 111 inr'lm" ron. 1 "'"'' ;111 '"'" tof,•" A k :11 .. 11• 1' t • 111111 > .onrl <i•ll'. 1' l.i· ' :'-f1•tr•1pnlltttn'" lnn .mr• l 'l.111 .,,,., fr.'ln~ Si;•1oolii:•11'1\ I 1 I h I •• ' n~irk'• '''''r f1111J r•· -..:1(,-. J .. 11111~ tulrn1 r11 .. t1 •'•1r • f ' • J• \\ \RRt:' J . \\'l:l~f:R '"''' •11n A•lm1nm1.1111,n. I 11• 1 l•r<1 • •TI~L.~~fTORIAL YOUR OfAI. m:-:· :-:-: : 5 s: u• ..... •..,, . .., ..... -... ............ -- " '"' ..... ,.,. t Al' ••••• ·-P:COfljU' "'" ltT .a P .• :~~;:::;,· 6" ¥! , J('~t'A th tr" ,.__~ a 1t1 ft o t • J • If~'" " """" • ea )( 'V k •• rl• t 11 1•"-~l" ....... _ k l.*!• I ""' t<f •• • ... , k l':t*A 1 #t•v 6 1•1,-.... IClll ~I ·f\·V -'11,, II 1 • . ~ "' at v · \i,. , ... ,rMI "', ...... • J ih k f:t•• J•'" ••t'"'"4119 9'i. "I ,.,.,. tif "' '• I<~~ f 'tlth\•• 1 .,.4f' \\t •• I !f Ol•t. ... , X V I'' 1" t '•;r• ICllJ-T.-.'tl W • It\~-'"' • • p • .......... 1-..-.. ,., •·· . " ... ~, k \H•• t I \\I 4' •• kt ' ,. '• •· •'• • W\e k ltt 'ht· ff••••u =~~' \''IA": I a,,, . ,. k \~t , ,~,., :r.'/-;:.'.·. :. ... I t \f" ,4J h• -i. • \\I\ ,.. ,_, k l t I"'! • .., •• M ,.,.. J \tt·• .~ ... "·•d .. TELEVISION 1948~~ Active Member of ~ ~ S07 • ;,;,nt l"t. s .. .-.,.,,.t ,,,,, '"''' ·"' in•l.H d "' ' , ' . I llTI \ '•••• ' ll1utw1r 'lfl'l·!'f '" fittl<tlJ) lo11 nt1•11 Ii• r110.111t1I lllA • .... 1.1111 ; Ml'tnlpolltan ur .. IJlMlraaf'fl ('o. I t utmlr) mm • 1111111 "'' 1 '•111JHto, I ar• , ....... ......... •11. •·· ~ "'-<1• .,....... . ., ..... -"'% ., •• ._,_,_• .... ...... ' . . . ....... .._ . -··· .... ,. ... • tr'.,._.,_,." , .... 5!..~_:.·.,,~:· lira 1,. • II p •-I .A""' f • ·•(• " ..... ,., .. ,,_ , ...... ·~~ ., ,,,... .. .. ~IP't..A • .._ •• ,.. ........ .._.. 1 ,., II U (£,. .,,' p .'·~· .. A V -A ,,. ~ ... . ..,, ". .. .... ••• a=. , ...... ,,. I .... r.,._.. ,_., .... II .. ~c •r'• "'•"""" _,,_. . , "'"'"·"Y -P..et • .. ,. ' ... ..... .;::, ... -,--" __.,,__ " " ' I' -t· . ·:-.. . , ,._., .. _ .. Hy McEvoy and Striebel 'Cl """°'" Ti¥ !'AMI J".t'\I ..I COuPll 0, llt:lolOIUO 1111.cµ1 r,1r TD 11111 N01tr>11 '~Tl ~P111'r ;/4~1'</,-r ltOIPO '-OIV Z #./ A ',l.lt/IJ.1.1.r ~;I.I.Pr.' ' CROSSWORD PUZZtE AC91> .. t--T••'• ._Pl•ll -·· ...... 1 ... _ M ''"dd•r IJ " .. .i••· ... ,,.,. ··-""''-•f ,.,. , ... _ .. ,.,...., ... ,._.h ,.•n<llloq Jo Min 1 11ltt n• .. JI to "•ro! J) l n •lf'I ; .. ,, ltlp.,..i Jfl. .,.,, • nr<.1,,•m• t "'""'' •u••n n -ettutM••t •tnd I l'J. ) .. -- .. --: ~·l •l '• ,, "' ~11 ll i. " 0 JO / )2 ~fo. ~ ... ' II ~ .. ... ~·· ., ... . "i . .., ' 11 ,. . l •• ~ ~,, W"~ -,. ~ ., 0 " ,. I'" 0 .... .. ~ • _____ ... t fj 0-- " 111. . ~ ... " ' l'J .. r• I"' IKU"' a-T~ h•ul I -<Jop•-'• 1-Co111U•'t•Un1 ........O·nm"•"' pnl.nt t-lloll ;:~~::~t~~·h•M 1-hnn 1•,mh I •-lltypt1en lt-Wh.,• n11r.i-to•"' 11-1 .. una 11-IMlni.d lt-lflm.i• 1'-IH •tlOft It rf)ft~•n•"f IJ ,,1t•br1t.Utlft .. th tt boU >• reth•• of U.. ... ,.,,. ,._Drlllln• ,._.,.,d, &::. AU lUl(lfft .. :.:,• f n u•~r':"k. 11-AddlllQnel . ._ ... .,,~ ,....,.Ii•''"',,... tl--01•1 M-4'h••-•• llmd" ta-Mu"'"• .... , ..... 41-0..ro I intllon .._ .... uaa1, .. r J I• . ' Page 8 ~~:!:>·~~=:_:••Ji!•~= GIANT TROTTER, RODNEY TO HEAD SS0,000 TROT George Ruby Takes W ith '"" S.'"'"·'ro Gotdl'n Wl'iil 1~<· t 9-l6 llambtl'lonl~n winner, 11..-niali-a~d .. on<>-quarter route, First in May • PITCHES NO-HITTER, BUT LOSES GAM~ wmbanlo Misses ·On 3 Tries at Speedboat Rttont .DESERT BEACH, Cal.. May ' -(UPl-Bandleader Guy Lomba.r· de} \Oda,.y-t empora.rl 1 y G II \'II up lr)'. Ing• to brcok thl' Aml'rtran speed boat rf'COl'd. JI<' t o o k thr\'t' c-r11cks at It yesterday nnd miSM'd <'llrh t ime by l<'\'l'n mllN an hour or more. Th<' 1>3ndlc·adl'r's l.M:-111 avc>rag'« wu 117 "4~l on his first run OVf'r the chopp)' Snlton Srn courst>. Gar \\'nod"& 16·yl'o.r-old Amrrlran rroc- ord Is 124.915 mll .. i; nn hCJW', 1'nd Sir Malrolm CampltPll'1 nll'K'-)'t'lll'· c>ld .. ·orld mark 1i; ?'111 '74. ------------ TD MOVIE BARN ...... C.OUt ..... LAGUNA BEAW • OlcJ Time Mo'fies ~nroacti~ a...M__,. • 8UE OAROL-ALAS BAIZ ... WILUAM Bo,·o -----"Skyscrapers" ... 0 DOUOIA8 FAllLBASU. 8'. ---"The Grinni~g Gringo" .... Keystone COp Comedy .&elltllMe-~Ue Did Powell Signe Hano "To The Ends Of The Earth" IMarta ,....., ·- William Holden' Glenn Ford "Texas" ~FeatUtt­ Jean Arthur WilJiam Holden "Arizona" ••• and quart of •APA LAC ·Sere en Enamel (wilue'1.30)89 ............. ¢ ............... ......... ,.. .. ............ .., ..... .............. ... ,... ..... ...... ~ .. n_,...,,_....,_ * * * 'II.arbor Events *** r at. 'ATlffl•n into thr r l'<'Vfd hooki.. < h1~ll rfo,.n. in lhe IAorld·r~ 1Att1h the da.> s second. Important p • • th. tip>,tla:hl ,. ill tw fiw'U" d u n 11n1• 11( :: lf.t '.! 5 for a mile and (, ,,11.11· ,. ~I Ix• the $10.000 added engu1n Series trr.11,.rs tht• S1tturday :it ~11111 1• 11110 "'"~nth 11111• llll I ace at one ml.le. Thla Aruta p,,rk "~wn w ,.,,1.·rn l11trn•'•' <.1ws1t·r10-.-.'TI, .• -.-.inner ?' 1-t ,. ... 11.11 :1-)1'arrol<f u1 traction will P..a.-in: OL»OCIO llUO yr•·~··nt< Ill • )1'111 ' , h llW•I rlA (1·Mtlt• rrot at l'I in1• 11111 ~UC'h CU11d1datct for the 'l>f"t"Und r"n'"al of th•• ,-111,1•~1 lt1•"~'''1t tt.1c1·w11r , N Y .. will be 1.111!1 Brown Jug SIUk(•, the K en, ALHAMBRA, C.l., May 4 - I UPI-Costly 'f'ITOrs b)' his team- mal~ today cheat<'d Pltch<'r u ·r oy Me han, &>II G ardens J hath school. C.Jld<·n \\ ,. I Trvt. HI I h I ,, .. ,1111· lll(Ulll Saturda,y, 1111 '\~ l l1•rhy or pucingdom. .. t • 1 1 1 1ln11i: "1111 "11 h otht r Im~ 11t aka. ~ 11" ''" ·•r. Poplar Volo. Gu!n<'a A flt>ld 0 I' •~ ''11•' 1' 1 h ',' "1n111ni: It 11rt1•rs "" Proldmlcy l .. ,t<l. l.J.M 1J1re~1. E. J, H.lll. ~Qt 11n'"' 1 r •h•· lms.:I•· fur I ''' 11• '> I ,.. s v . R ..,,..E 1 1 H 1 1 ;1 .11111 l'.11.11 •. 11·1ur) ong, "". '.\l• f,. h Th" f'fn·shr r a nu. mplre ot a ll rr1111111i: "..._..,.u-.. \\II 1 ",. .,f 1 \\ • .t••'I' :-'1wnc•rr, Lingo Direct :-1 ,,, "'' """"' ·'"~"1'1"11 ' l(Htril H• ii· S• ,;r .. 1111 l.11tl, H••d Tow~r. Fron'. .-..,11,1 tl:i) > p1'C1i;tr11m l~ rX"prCtl'd n• > r •p1•ll\ 1!·1111111~ ~,'•PfM" 1 "' 1111,111,,11, IJ11n S1·ut1 , Uut ch Har-1,. ,•q 11•1 11 thnms.: or :W.000. Gates rtv ''"'''~''''' ,,. •• fllll• •I "'' lit' s d 0 I . d r ,.. ... 1 1 .. ,, <'Itri• • 1wn1·1·r, Kn no ec , 1<11 ,11 I l a m. IHI 1rst post- First in a m onth-long scrk•s or or a no-run, no-hit ba1>1.:!1nll came. Pl'ngu1n r aces was sailc•d Sunduy Mark K<'ppel lllgh of Alhambra off the Balboa Yacht club and won lhl' game• Jl<'Stcrdoy, 1 to O, George Ruby took honors in a dt•spltl' thr fact that Mch11n y1l'ld· rll'ld of six rntr it-s. cod no hits, s lruck out ri~h~ m f'n With fl4'et ac tl%ity schfltulrd •and allowed only one walk. I from now on through Ma) :.!3 1 tl'n• In lhl' ~1xth, howe\'cr. Bud llall Ml'moriar D11y sl'rles will Ix• snilf'd of K1•p111·l ~01 on has1· un o n c•rror. ~lo>• 301, Pl'nituin mariners shook out thl•1r cun1·as Sunday In a three-race· c•vc:•nt. In h" ltr•I ~•.•• 1 ;,t lrw rurr• n I . .. . I 111111111 1 H11dn1 ,. I.1st year wu a • ., , 1 l :111 p 111 I hr sport will be l.'}-tl:n 1·1 inti ' •I•"' 111" '"" 'I• 1 · f • Trnll1n~ Ruhy wen• fi\'c otlwr ROSSI' CAFE advanced to 1ttOnd on a ••c:rifiell slellc.' tht.rd ba.su and scored on Ca1chl'r Bob Flo1a'1 O\l'rthrow to s<>eon(l. Cluaitled ads DO .pt U.. - done. Be Wise ..,... Ad1·e>r1i.e · ' \ 1 h h• ''' ll.111111•turu111 11111r1tc ~nd , .. 1 •• '• 1! •1~ tfo)S w1•ekly the "n•-an•-·. 1 ...... I" .qu•t '11n .,f .. u n •1t• '' u ( I I . ". u ...,. BRIEFGI ANCE -. ""' 1l1• '"'' 1,..,,, 11 1 us c ass1c , 11""11.,ks, "1rtd1ng up Sut-lilt ,r.1r.th lt•.: '•end'-111.:h • 1u1•· ••••" • • T in.-,1,, II.ti 111, ,11 ,,,111,. l ·•llllil• Thi ~·,11 1 ~~1 1r111 \\Ill ht• ov.:·r 1 l 1 \l.1~ l:"i RcC'd Scot!. Sl·~·ond; Gordon II ub- hnrd. third, Monie Cfar«', founth; Ch11rl(·S ll1t1nm1ll, fifth ; 11nd Gulh· rle W orth, sixth. Hll Clout BhH)', Coro-del Mar NEWLY R EMODELED (with .. fresh a1mosphere) AT ~5!'!ALL Bums Win First in Double-Header Charge Sande \\'ith Doping "' L Prt. ('1M'c>land .. : ·-· l'hllttdi lph111 • -, •Jtl St r .... w" -. ,,,; !\:•""'' y,,r k r, '• _,.., .. fJe troll " I 41"..: ~.srnn -, r, .;'"'~ \\'a•h1ni:1on :, -; "' Cfui-ago 3 ~ :vn ,. ........ ~ Pillsburg '."t""' York IS1 l.nu1' Hrur1kl,_n '" .. '"" I 'l11h1d, lptu .. ( 'llll'JnfUi I I (l une<> •. L r.-t. ,. ' "" ~ 1 »L1 t> '\ -: .; .. .I> r. "· r. 'J -. .. '•n -... ~ ,_ .... L•t Ii •l x. Xe"-'.,..._. C'"t11ras:o I. SI 1-3. ,.;,.,,. York 5. Cmnrn:titi 0 i <ml y Galnf1> SchrduW t GB I'; 11 , .,. • J ~!.., 3 .. 1 •. 3 3 3 1., 3 1, I ~~~~ y~e.r~v ., _ mr1- I •I :-;,ind1• l11d11y Cm·Nl thC' first I "' "I h i" Ill h1•r\\ l'I' l'l>Ollt'!IS r llC· ll.. I 11 • t I •I l1'fll'ral l'hllr$:(' or •···•· · tl111" tu s11111utall'.Onc oC h\!i ,, ... I •:I•· fl,, nd~ -;, IHI) \\ho rodr t hr<'t' ],, 111111 k) 11,.rhy w1nnl'rll durin~ I t• I\\ 11 tl<'l'ildl ·~ 1111 I Ill' l Urf HS ti 1 J1tt,, \. t r'.Unt r ilncl O\\'nt'r \\·as , t 111·• •I 1n llrnokl~n F1•tl1•ral court 1111 h "1••i.s1•si:ion 11( narc·o11r drugs "" it I• .r 1 Jw st 1111ula 11on of rut-c Be Wisc .!.... Advertise OV"n '1 011.,t'S a \\'ec-k GENE'S CAFE Specializing in French and Italian Dinners HARBOR 1102 705 Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar ... . .. I 11111 ,. ' II ':;;;;;~;;;;~~;;;~;;;~~;;;;;;;~ {,!. -1, I Th" 1·11i:r rl'1nlwd nround Dii:: 'I ' :-.1 •I:•' a S:m cfr·-<1wn1•rf horse which . ., • 11 .. n tlw third rRCI' 111 Jamira on 1 .\Jlt 11 :!I Thr rnr ini:-commission '11•1 ,, rout 1n1• i:11hv11 t<•st revrall'd I,,,,..,' of "<1n o p111m d<'rivlate" in 1111t' !'1 ·1~1"s moulh I. '""'•·rt111y S11nQt' w as nrrr!-lted hy ~!~&~;~;~;-~-~,. f, d1 r.ol nart'OllN' 111:1•nts in an un-~~IN~M~,~;ii:.::!ltl ' '" pr• 1·..tfrntr d mo\c• nnd take n be- ''"' I' S. Comm1s111onrr Edward r Fa) Hr wm,'rd <'Xamination 11111 aw •• 1ll'rf .1rt lf•n by a frdf'ral i.:t inti j ury. H 1r11·d 11nd com·ictt'd, !'.ond1· t•nuld 1(1'1 from !WO 10 n\'(' fA~ T11.p1,.,., Jadt~ RobtnlOn. BrootJ:rn 9'C<>nd ti.aeman, lll 'C&U&hl orr third lf\a Witns a t.npk. In Ule flrst 1nA1n1 of ~ flraL came. with t~ PbUbea, • a doubWhNCkr. catie~ro of the Phillis la abown m,aklnc uw .-,. 8roa&IJD -Uae fl.I'll M; t.be PbWw. -.oo t.be tec<>DG. I-~ '' ·"' t .. 'hind t.;ir~ · The :irrl.'~t markrrl th!' first tim<' 1h:11 " hors~-dopini: hAs ll«'n mad<' ----------------------------• 1 111minal c:"'' 1n :11:<'W York. OPEN I A. II. TO I P. K.. • • • SHEP'S 1011 ()()Aft BIOBWA1' N'EWPOST -n. ~ ot Goof ~ OLOtmD ON llONDA1' LI ~P~· • II; •• ; . • , f 4 I'; ' '" QUIZ SHOW ON AS MAJORS POSE QU~ONS FOR MANAGERS, FANS I "•11:ill). lhr r11cln1: commission h;111rll,•'> such m11ll<>rs. ' ~T ... J v.n Johnson June Allyson "The Bride Goes Wild" •• 0 I , --0.. .. , .,.., •Constance Bennett• Roland Y OWMJ "Toper Takes • Trip" -C"ornpan-. f°NIUl'f' "Topper Returns" ••'!!..~!!'•' :::--~:----.... .......... _::: ............ ,_. !'>F.W YI 1RK. ~l;iy I t l "P l &scball's 0"' n tus: quiz i:tim' 10ok thapr tod.1) 1111 m a1c1r l••at.;UI' l•·nm.<> l'!l .... rf'd ofr tn 1•1L,f ·Wl'!<J W;lrfarl' ,..,,. th•' ,.,,, llmf' \\llh 11l••nl) or ticklL•h q11••,1 wn.'< lo II<' nmm o•rc•f'I Fol kl( ".int l•1 kmm. "'hr n w ill last )'t'ar .. c·ham1"'. thl· Yank•'<"' and lloc!S:"'"• M-tlle down to win - ning st rift, ~ SAN F RA'."11 . rt\ ~111y ·I - 1t:r •-Th<' twst drH\\tnb t'ard in rN'Mll Par 1fw t •O."lst IPal!ll•' h:t<l'· hall trn•t1-.r) Apf"'ar·"' lo I'<' n m an who JM'Vt'r hnic Sl<'Pl•'d nn a pr11· frsJL1onal dinmond 11s a J1ln~1·r 111 hUI Hk ~ .. 111, II 111 lhr· Jll'l1111lnl h) ~,() l(:t\111.'S 1( that \\l'rf· JlO!<"l1h• lit• did nut fro 1• .11 11nt I m nl.1· Ill<' ~l:llMT11·nt l 11t.11 1h1· "S,.:11, w11111cl "''" the J• nn.1111 h~ '..!~1 ~.11111·.,·· aml nr11hrr I t11d m.111:.s::rr 1 A'f t) < r n 11111 l rt ltk1• In \1 111 r 1·1·n · i;nmr \\'(' trs P aul I 1 fnhul.111•;1 F:ii:.111. pl.1). · ~·"' F:•i.:.111 ... ;111r1 ,, 11·<' 'IN'-prt'S1drn1 of tlw ~1111 F ra111·1s1·u 1~111lil "111 tlw I" 1111.1111 h~ :!~1 J,:am1•s St' a ls. 'IA ho hA~ I hi' fan• 1·111111111: I \\ llllltl h1• f,,r 11 ' out in rtr0\•11 in n n nllt m)'t '''ht•· ,\< ,1 r•'"llll ••I ,11,.h 11ttt<i••k"n httlrhL« l!),l~l'nlr) in lh1•1't't. r1m1111,,, tho' t,111, r1""!.>-"in lh•.:o F "i:an "h" wnnt< n111j111 11'.IL!lh t•1 Sl'nlll• .1r1• 11f 111 .. •'l'fltnllm th.It l>.-u,,h~ll 1n Sun Fr:ioc1~1:n on.I h1• Fai.:1111 1~ ~' ..... , ly 11 ,.111,.r List ct.--n t r ;ir"I ".ho know~ 11 11r h1111 \\ ,.,.k_ .I.I.I ~-:111 t ,11 L'" ft•t in<1at11"<'. tw-l(f'f!I •t. fl·· 11 IHkt> 11 fl~ •• 'h1n ~r ~ .. :ii• \\ .. ,.,. Ill• , ••• I 111• J>llillt hy lma)Or ll'llCU; 11 1th thrprt''.''nl l'l'I. i•i1J,,11, 11ho ,·111111 IP h.onrl 11111 a ~I ·UJl nr II 11 h "''" Sa n ~ r •• n1·1~1··· r 1111 It.'"'' ti I ·'" '" l rl nnd L~ 1\ni:r I··• in l h• m .IJ11r .. 111 h I I II A111l th•\llll ll•ll 11111 111ltopu k ~•t a n•" •. 1..:u• '"' ,,u 1n~ ••U"" · 1 'ton .tnd t ' '"·•'· T··' •~ ~· t rtt \\ '' ''"' ''' 11• :trl~ '~· t y I 111i;h 1 "" th I I•'"'' '" 111,· It ~;o 11 •.•• 1 ... 11 .•111it l1k. '" ",,, 111, 1 ,,.. r .. 1 11,. .i\ ",1, ,.1 p:.1, .,1 . ----1·li1d 1n,· l't "11 '"' 1t , '-'uttlt\ 1,, n "TRAVEL ... by .. , mf'._ .. \' -.. .......... ,,,.. .... •AIR •SEA • RAIL hill l'h1l\\o•ll•d tl'l•l•I'<' If tU 1\1 t <oo l\\ I '-•ft•'\ l!11tf1••- l '"\\ll , .. , .. ,,. 111.i .11 11 ''"'' 11 '" 1\•f' \\11r\1'''d 1 l 111L.'l1• tll\ .. 111 1~ 1·1.1111 I GI.FT SUGGESTIONS • • • • • • • • • • Radios All Sizes Electric Mixers Vacuum Cleaners Pop-Up Toasters Electric Waffle Irons Electric Clocks Deep Freeze Electric Ranges Elertrir Refrigerators Electric Fans ' ( 8pec.lalldn& In : Colorful Awnings Spaghetti· Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Roast Beef Cocktails G . .\XDE:'\ ~ PATIO t'Unalta.tt t·,_ t~ .. Umat-l'hooe 989 Santa Ana Tent & Awn ing Co. 16?6 So. Mal.n Rt. C1oeed on Monday, Dar. 1180 SAM'S SEA FOOD "Sign of the Swordfish" 1 Mile East of Seal Beach, at Surfside . ~ ~ ;f; Open Daily 11 a. m. to 1 i :30 p. m . ;f; ~ t COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS and STEAK DINNERS t ~ t Pb0De8: Lone 8Mcb 840-79, 802sOO aad SU.OS Enjoy • \ Delicious Mexican Food at .fa Poda THE IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER ' COAST CONTRACfORS SUPPLY • BUS -TO AU. POIXTII ..._...,.._IMO Thi< \\l'O'k 111 .. :-:;, 11~ \(Ill ... 1•1 n- 1111! at 11 .. 111i• Tlw ""l11J'o.l111111 111111' 1.. f11rn"h• t1 ,,, t h1 '-•'1'1 •nrl-1h\ ·~i••n l'11rtlnn1I l\i-:i\•'I"' 11111 , '·" 1,1 a h1,.; rlr1111 1111: •·11rrf. h111 i:••><I • ;i.:,I h 111 p1 11h;i l1ly 1•111 ~>11,\)l'tll 1h1 .. 11,·11 ''•<' tun11\f1111 ... \\'1•r1th l."r ,.,M,111·r,1•th~. • Reve re Ware Kitchen Gadgets 818 OOAST BIOHW A 1· rt.oee: 8"c-oe Ii.I-JI USE GLIDDEN PAINTS f!J.J. R~ General lklilding Contractor • ,. Lambourne Travel Service J11,,lh• r 1 11 1~ S:in 1 11•1:111•111t1··~ Sr11t1 ll'. 1 •.1kl.111d i;:rn Q '" :;: ,.,. ,. m•'nl11 anri 11 .. 11yw111"1 pl t''-"""' 10 LA<i An~"l''' Muaic in Elevators Kttpa 'Em Smiling CJI IC ,\1 ;o ti ·p l J'q 11•l,. ,.,, 1.,_ pini; 11(( •'11" ••I !hr 1•lr•1 .II• I< 1' 11,1' f'11lm11lt' •' hmldmi: a 1 , •1111lin1t th•'~•· d1t1• ;\lu<1t' nppar• ntll h~~ rhnrm~ 111 ''"'' 111• 1 tw t111rn1 d • lh1'i' "11rk1 r Curl I-111111 11111l.tin1• 1i. 1· ·~· r, h:is h.111 .111 1 'I" r11111•nt.il 11N <1 ·- pl:i~ 1111: I, 1'11l<J'lf':1l..1•r ·~ q, m t,. ~1;1 lJ,•cl.1n ""' 11f 11t1• •'I• \,11 .. r • Th<' m11,;11• 1~n·1 "'llrl . 1n f11 • l•1 r .. ,y audthlr \ 1lln ••111! th, m\l<w i• .,, l"'r ,. tar 11'1lh lh" n•I• r• lh 11 .111 'l'<' •''"'·1111r• p1 t>l•,11'h "tll 1'<· •<l'·'l l"d w11 h I h1• I rnn•1·nhrd n111•11 11 ltwh t~ p1pc'll rn .,, <'r 1drph .. n1 111r1~ • • • A Comph•t.-\'arif'tr Gas Ranges Carving Sets CROWN ARDW-ARE Corona de/ Mar 825 OOAST HIGHWAY PHOSE HARBOR STANDARD MODEL $19995 DE LUXE MODEL $21995 No nt ht'r wnshC'r h:-ts done sn much wash, for so m<1n~· familit~. <1nrl don<' th<' joh nuto mnt - kally; l'<lVN! l10usC'\\i\·~ so m11d1 hard work, soapi:;, hot wat<'r .. and wash<'d dot ht'S l'Cl thor- oui::hly. Y<'t gcntl~·. With th<' 11<-ncib: :lllt•)ma tic w asht•r a ll you rto is put in th<' dntht''· "'' thf' diaJ. :ulrt sNlp ... :-tnd ~·ou 'n• TirROCGll~ All h~· ils<'lf tlw Rf'nrli:i. washC's. rinSPs :: timf's .... ;mr! ciam1).rtri1-..: dothf'<;. rt ("\·rn d('illl!' il~tr anr! thrn s hut' off ;rnt11ma t1.-all~·- , Very limited Quantities Generous T rade./n Allowance CROWN HARDWARE HZ.'l COMt Hi"·a,· • Corona df'I ~ar Ph. Harbor m