HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-11 - Newport Balboa News Times.. I I I ~-----~...,._.--~...,._.~-----~...,._.--~.-..-.~---------........... -------------~~~~~~~_........h~~ C I TY l ---=~= ===ll!c:; '2-Power Parley On', AB C ONL Y 0 A I LY N E WSPAP E R IN ORANG E CO AS T 'S LARGEST .. Toda,·'• 11 A.M.. PA T. < NEWPODT-, BALBOA Onw J~ -'''"l'aCN ftt011 • .,....,, ••••• ....... ,., ' . ,, ..... '' ~)NCWS_...' !!!!!!!! ~IM.ESc~ l11d11•• 11 tt I{ .... I tttll I• '1•h1111o ' ....... . .. ·-· "'' t i 7·, Uf• ;,'\q•1• .._fl tit' --= lt II ••• Soviets , \'OLI "JU: D. 1.nsp1 ~ )lay 11 CVP)- ltu'"•• '""" ... 111 "" "n'"llt" tnclay Reorga.n· IZI·. ·ng· of ·c1·ty Gov. 1·m· pends :_· .... ~'.~~::~;!~~~·;~:~f.:·;f.€ ...... ,, .... , ........ ,,,, .•. ,.,., "nd •h~ "• ~· It ...... "'"" .... It , ... ,,,., th"' lJ. ""'" .. ~""• """"r 1~11 1 Dick · Drake Elected Mayor 1By J.2 Vote I L Ttw l'llY of .Nc_wµorLllt;adi h:ul, I at 11n1• 111111• or anollll'r, thr•·• (At -Trlrplaolol Predder!UaJ &c:ftCaly ~ Rom 1ncht1 haflda rrpttrtn~ to ,,,,. 111 IM llJf'UUtt onla llCDPd bJ Uw Protdrnt. diretUng lb Army I() oP- .,.~ t.tw drib>-~ ~ i.n Ow namt uf &be a onrmnenL FIRST FULL-DR~ ME~~ING OF NEW COUNCIL HANDLES AGE NDA A full-dn .. mt .. •um: uf 1tv· no,... tt·m1• r .. r~ a11f)tltntnw n1 :t" rl1•11111y e ll) ('(•unnl. ,.11 h a l! nv'n'lhf'"" IKV'n"-' 1·nll£'<'tur pn'li<'nl Irr thP f1n.t f tmc' Stn<"' 1 Th" <'•>11nr1I ~l'anto·rl ,, 11.,1ur ... 1 tht' m-.· l'll) l:'"t'1'1Unt'f'll IJO'f;an IJ) lf'UJlf'nnll'ndf'n t of s trC'•'f!I> \\'11- c·fh '<'li\"(' opt"nllCofl ~" fc>Uoa;nii:I h&m Cm,.n "ho ruik•·d 1hat \\'ti- t heir oelh o( offatt April 'JIJ. dis--liarn t; Brown be prnmotl'd lo p11tctwd with a ttlafh.-.ly -i.11 rrurk ttnn r in lhS-stn•l'f dl'pa11- agenda of. routine hula-,-.-.1.r-, nwnf. da)' afternoon a t thr nt)' hall. I S:t1lon1 •;iJ< authnrw'tl tn p:i~ a ~·o M'rW ol bids. onr_ le* I.a Ang,·IM law flnn $1::.llO lo J:l'anite ~ a nd onr for plant c:odafy and J>l'f'part> for prtntmc all nux Furf~ 10 bf' pow'f'd at lhr cuy orrunano·s Form('r cit) Ju<h:r rw•· C'll) hall ut~ Oft C'f'fttral A\'4" .1 Rr.tw-·Tt G;irltt'W'r h;id r>r"' 11111sly r r- Wl"rf' QJJl'N'd R W. )lc.'Clellan andl<Tl\f'd $771 for c'Omp1hn~ anct m- Sons •·u a •arct.>d a n>nlract 10 dt•mic th<' r 11y·,. la"'·~ l'UJ>PI>• ttw> irraml•' haw a l the r alr 1 UM .,...._, of Sl 22 '2 pt>r C'\JbKo )anl.. Sull> n~n Mt Rt•f'l°Wr. man;,gl'r nf 1 h•· M1lk>r •i ll pour thr plant mu' •talr Rhnrl Shop in San U1 <·i.:11. <'tin· in <'<ln"idoTatlOfl ol paymirnf ol frcmtf'ft thr munc1I "''h st ~f'rnnt1 ™711 Roth C'Ofllnlct" .-enc t.o the' Tf"Q~I to nht;iin ;i JX'rm11 for Jo-· biddc'R. hltnd ,.;il,....m• n to ~lint hou~r-11> m:t)•lf~ ~·1·~11•rrl1t\' llu1 n11111r1l111an l>ir k f)rak£', uf llulboa hland. \\uurul "I' tht• "1nm'r in a puhtwal i;;omr nf musical ('h;,1rs \\ h11'11 'a'' • '-nw~ nr Palla, K Hh11• "" ,. ·,, .1~ '" ft n1pur:1r) n1a~ 11r Hns,.. r.r1·••I•) \\ )111 Ill 1111'11 Ill!'\ l'r1 ntll In lllltk1• \\ H.' fnr I •rak1• 11 '"'111 ltk1· 1111 .. 1-·- 1!1110 . "' pri·chrt•·r1~,-.. ,,1\tl·" '''-°"'ti unrl1•r tin<·lut ·!i-•Wtlt•J' l •"·""fl' "' 111 h1·,tl1h (;14•,•lo\ 11·· htl " ,, lh•·n t'th• ... • n tt n1pot i1r~ '"·''"' llhl" l"llllH'<'tl l11wk \\1th !ht t1Hl111 n.tt11,n t•t I •r.1k1· :uul (;rt1f'•lt·\ ..... .-. nnt11·d II 1) Z Holio•rt,on ' .. ,;.ti "" <;111••11·\ \1'' Hhtt•. \r' l ,11 .. f1 r f'>l ... 11.°nn .• 11111 llr;ik1,' ~··~ 111.1~. ftl••\•·•t ,,, •• , l1l tt,,. 1·1·nr.·1 ('lt:t1t Tt'fllll•ll' H•r·klnit llrak1• th11' 1 •• ~ .. , 11\o·r 1111 ll"llll n;al ho Im nf 1111' t'llY Wtlh1111t tho 11nani11111u:< l1111'ktnc thut nrii:111all\ r"<ultl'li 111 llh1<• l"·tnc du1,.1•11 l.p .. 1 r\pnl :.!II r\t that 11mr. II h.·cirnw obviou11 th11t no councilm i1n. with t h1• ••xr1•pt 1un of Hluf' or Grrt'l1•y, t:oulrl hop1· to 11tet thr solirl h1wk- in11t o f All n( lhl' rounc1lmcn \.rr-1·· ll'y stf'adfaitlly rl'fUSNt th1• jolt 111 1hat tmw nnd again y.-s11•rrl11y I t n(\w r('mams to hf' i<rc•n how thP halanc" of pow('r \'r!lll'r1 tn thf' "nrw" nrlmini!ll r at ion will 011· c r al(' -0r whf'lhf'r It will t'Vr'n rt1n-I tinul' to 1•x1Nt. Thcr£' still r<'mnln~ !lnmc ctouht ns to whl'lhf'r Hhtt· will cuntlnul' to function o n ttw counc1l at all alllinu£h hr wa~ llrm in h is NJn\'1rtion \'Nlll'rda\'. r 'C· pr<'ssrrl tn his lr1tf'r 0 nf rt•sh:~nt111n. that hi' \\f1uld cont inur lo ~•·r\'1' I Shnulrl llf' rt·:<1~n. h11wr\'1'r, ht' J """''' \\11111'1 1 ... f1ll•·1l .... ~ l'l•l••trll O U 'K ORAKt: * * Statement From City Council to D. K. Blue * * 1111 '" """ ool '"' ( '11.~ 111 :'>i1•\lo • J•trl l11•;wh lht• t'tl) rouncJJ w1,.,he~ 10 t•xpr1-.>-tu 111~n· n .•· cn•t n1 th•• 111 fm·turw tha t l111i- hro11i.:ht hur1 l11•al1h t n~ou at thu. mo:<I 11nfnr111011t1· tlmr TI1r I'll) 11 .. 111•11 11~ all "' ti• 1·1t17t'n" h;,rl ~r.·111 hupt•,., that ~nur lwallh \loOUlcl 1..-nnit you 111 !'i'r"" 11~ muyor and w1· an· 1·1·r1am that thro nt11£'n.• :<h ori· our r"al rtll"appomtnwnt 111111 yn11 n tr unuhlt• I 11 1lt1 !'O It i~ ~..irlom th111 any di) h11• t hr 11n1q111• ruf\ 1111111~•· of ha,·inr ;t' It~ mu\u·r n O\Hn wh•• hu .. ~n1wn up ,",i th•·""~ 11nd h11' f11I 11111 rel 11.. 111·11.;r•'" wtt h '"''" i.:r<•at tnlt•ft''' lnr 'twh il 11111,.; rN·r11wl Ill ~ l'ltr' II 1, tht> ,.,,,., n11,f111111111' 11t111 '"'" t\••:olth 11111 "''' 1•·nn11 ~"" Hired to brttm )I.a) 1:! .-u )In hou.Cf' Thr munc1I ;ig111n rrmtnclcd Jll'lcn ~I. Jladunort> •ho .-,11 '1>" R,....Wr 1h:1t a pr1·iwn1 1·11) nr- •·rutr thr TBX s-·nm hoard al flw> tlm;im-. M:lltn$t r.1t·<lt1ltrH.: Hlltk•'< ,,. nt•\O 1·11~ hatl, at't'Ordmc Ill Ml) I 1mpt•"1hlf• f.,r ht' l'PljUl''I fq h1• :1dmtn•~t r;t11\" .,,,,...,.r Jotin Sai~ ,-,.,in11 <l Ru1 1·111m1·tl111.111 1111·k rn1·nl ........ r..-•• Orak,. 1nff'rrf'd rh:.1 ·1111• m,,110•1 "'"I"' '• ln11k1•rl mto '!"'' 1• rh.1pl' Ready Pl ahs for I. IH ... ,.n,. 1n ,., iU'll\•' r11J.n<·1t,\ .1 .. '•••• \\••r·•• \\ •ll1nf,! 10 ,,..,y,• \\ • "·'"' , .. ,,., .. ,. h··h:1ll .. , lh• Ru"11' " 1 • 1 m1i. "" n "f'r"""' Mf f••r th• t••l l""'"L'. l >t1t1-h Lund\ 111 ~t;,m :'t . fMll•.:t. Adtolph ,,,._ 1;r:inr1 ot 1..1 ... Anc• J.-... ,.,., "''II rl1 h\ • r Jir• "111• • 1. • r;,..rk• 1.. t\I r• un :. '' ,. r.,n .. • "'·• ~· n·111 l1f"t n-c.. ( "h.tl ,,. .. T g ,, •1 "" "', ... IOI•™" ,,. n 1n•Jt.u fUr• 1 t••,.. .ti Jf-., J';,.. \lh.r1 11 J: ,,1.,., • m•I P. l~r •.,11 R•.l""'· 1 1•·~ ~h··•· t •r•\• •· r• \t ·• I'' , 1 11 • 1 r: ri '"· 1 •. • 1 r• r• t 1 tr••~ '"' n :'\J~r ... h '' •.. ""• ~ t• 1 1 • 1ut···"'•·I• 1'l ;, .... 1 1• • t • 1r-(r' m • 1 ,;,._ .. J l'•Jm I H ••·' • 11 "ti l' \J 1t 1n• ,.\, • J~J''" , ::'. ut•t "'·• .. rt. tu• ti , 1-tr, i• I" ptf1.J.1.,. ,nt.• Ho:•· 111 •U ··~I HIU11 11?' 01 1• h B 1•a. .,-,(j I h• t" ;1I1 h ""l'"tl 'mi n• Rt r n .: 1 fi \ • "' • h "' .... _·r ., '• 11 1• rmrc;~r••n •• ·1.-..n .. ~· 1 t'" .... ..::t:rl• t'f•n••""'lnn ''"'" ''• l'u •.•·"" ru 111 :\ 1 'tn =' 1 1 l<t ll"Ooi .. 1 u : rf'<'• l\·1rt$? I ho I" rm1• .. l•m nl tho IJflh("(> "-'- p;;nm•·nt ( ·11;ir l•'l' K Pr1; .. t ,,.., .. , nl ril) rlo·rk ;,nd ;,~C:.·f,_<.(lf' ""c c-r;inlrd a Sailor Claims Attatk by Two Marines Here mom1n1: -..m.1h1r : \\t1rk"t1 "'" 1 ·n .. ,.. .. ,t·11.1•1"n . r ~1 11.11 • .i .1 .. 1111-31 st St. Pavinu ... .,r. • rr i•'• • ... rt 1n •If\ it'""' ......... 't 11f· ~ .... "· ·t:···p•·d •11•1 .. 11•• .. When Money in t1r11u..:h r r., \11f1 \• .... ,~ ttl 1\ II h.ut • Jll . •••U .. h J ... I n ,.n,,. 11 I ( H11\ ~_';tno I•:!.,, i i t11t:1I ,,, t ..... J1J1r11\•<I \\ 1 t pr11,.:11 .... 11.·1~· h.1 ... 1;1 ,0 tl•Jwt,1t.d "' , ... ,11 1\\ I•\ 't, .. •• •• r ... 01ht1n .: 1J\1·r ""1 :\i-.Mt l11 1pro1w1fl\ H\\J\•f"" :-11t1n,· :(J,1 :---1 P .rl•1f11 l11J" l.ln~ t '•• ,.,,, .,, ... , ,, ''h''"·''L'·••n••t \\lfh th1 ,.,., ,,,,,, .I f~ \\.t1li , .. tun.1t1tl t h•\ ••' 1l111:utrr•nt '" un1111•\• t l,,1 '•t ,,. f Ct f\I l lfll"'hl" \\ 11 I q llflftlh h f tit HO ,, Jllt~I tf, ti t1.1 ... I ... 11 "' 11 1• 1 • t l.1~ lllL. .: I 111 I l1J• ''''"' wh, \rctu ... '"II •'"''' ..... '11 r ,,, · ... , ... ~ ll1l•h\\ '' .1n •i f! 1 ~ :"t \I f tJ ·t 11 ,..,. t & J \ • fl •jf1f I f H \\'hit .... fll • p.tl IUL.: J•Ltfh· ,iltd .. ,_... t llH 1lu111i.. \\1lh l~1t lf1h OI 111 1.a 1111 1ftlf)\" \\1 lli 1tl• t•J'''I''' '"'1 ,,,1, 1 .. , .. , J'h·~ HI • 1·1nr•flth lu· ., .. 11 hf 1,p 11\\.tHlfH! t t11 111 Lill I llOn o f'"" main \:JI\•'" h~ .. 11111!11>1 111l111•ti Ill• 1•11\ 1111! l'to1tllllolll• :1IH•IJf ~l iO•V f """ tlu 11 'h t1t1 .... ,, .. ,. ;, ... ,,,.. h .. l.1fH'• , .... lfl •*nn1i1,111f\t1f Jth11 th t •II) 1•1tU1 ••I .,~r••tf ,., h.--dtl tth ·lt n c:ul;u ·nu ''1" 1 ''""'"'''11'111 1"111 •' rn•' •inc .. :tit• r rlLllnt'r .\l .. n1t •• , ''' \\Jtl 1 .. 1111111 • ti '" that 1~·• 111111 "' nrn~c. tw c u1nen.: .Jun• -; 'fh•· rt .:ta ;\] ... t ,:O:t '"' l.1•tu 1 ... ·r1111~ul.1 111 "'''' ,,, J •m nv..rini.:' 11tll 1 ... •It,. l.:ola\•ll• .11111 .:Htlt ~' Th•· tll\ 1 1•l\'fl"' .1lnH•""' .1 1ti1rd t•I •h· fil 1•J' 1-n'•"' "l'h '" pro\1rl1• i.:r .. ilt• r 1 rt\ lrotttrni· 11., f,,nllty for ;if 11•n<l11n•·" oof th•• p uli-·ir•:.1 11111" "'' 111' 111 111 111 t.:••r.l'rrol.' tn"<'nrtlini: 111 l1r:ok1· 1 ' __ . __ Extend $20 Bonus I r .·. Payments 1 Month ·~ • <0 11) ,.mplo)r·• 11t·rt· ru<l,I\ r•·ll'h· I mi: th•· l:'"M1 n""• 1h:11 ih•· r1t\ l h;,i-;,11thnri7M1 11 ttO•··m11ntt1'• ,.,__ r• n'\••n 1n lh•· r··~t ·flf·ll\ 1ni: 1••1111< I i::r on!• •t I,,, I•""''"''"'' I ntl• r r. rn"'"" nt ttu r ,,,., 1~ 1 ~ ~ah·ati<1 ( .. :s .. 1rt• 1·n.111f . r ,~ ...... "' ,,.,, nt •mt-''*'~""" h;n1 t,. • n fl•· :-0:.1\';tl 1'ra1ntni: <"• "" r 3'-,n 111•'1:• • • ,, 1r ••• n 1 >ct r a ~1'1 11 monlh nvrr IOJn ln<"al pOfiC'<" llt ;1nif ;ino .... r -11,•T ,r.,,,. 1lit'irn ·l0 •lf.11 , 1l 1n•. r..;11lot \Ot f"• "fll•"ll' fftlf'Tl LJ:~ ,\TI· Ito hf IJt i1..fra) 1'1!• h n:ht I • • •' ••1 ;;•·1"' 1.., !'<tn ''""I:" ,\1 1ht ·•;.th• lt\lni;: T"mp .. r;,r::-• m11I"~' ~ "1ol rnd•· in v-n1: u .... h '"'' rr.;,nnt"• .• r .. n .ot1rl11111nal JI '"n'' :in oll1·1t'd him ;; 1111'• at-.~11 I a rr l•1r ·• 1J11n~ ""') 11"11•1'1 I * We~ther & TideR * Tho•\ ri•lu -•1 '" t.1~• hi• I ;<lrh I•· <"RU~" .. 1 a •UJ l' ... ~I~ h rv>k• n "'Pl mi.: 1n • h"1T r or I-" :-.,..... th· \ty ho.. •h• fl •rll"' cln' m;: -4 ••I 1 •• • .r 1~ r 'I t11k1• lh" \\ti ... I 1~ ... I ,.. ,,, •• hTi>k•"n nS?h~ rt•••J ,· "',. "'"'-..... r~ ((If' :tll Of th1 rr •o .:• • t lllllj1 ... , I, tt ,,rt~~ ,\1 1h1 .... ,,.,~tt (. · ..... ,, .. ~.t...• .:• ... th" '"" m:.nn--.. 1mr• .. 1 hm .• nrt 1..,.:it Atm ,.,.., 1 tho hl-1111 "II· rl1·,1r 1,.11.1) '"nt.:ht :.ntl \\··~In• •I.I\ n.11 "''h l<iral m1ornmi.: I"" • i••l'l• l.11110 l'h'IM~" Ill 1• lllf• t • T t.\fl•f :IC \Tt'Rt: '""'''" .. ~ t f ,.._... ";' •1 I .l't\\ ··~ • r rt~ a"°• pt.a,4'd '" order of 0<.cur•nc.e L Ql'tt f1Qu"'' a m d ark ftOU• •• " rn 1 ·11~ ,.,,urw1I .111d \\'• ar•' 'tit• '"' .111 ut 111o 1 1111• rt"" th.d \\1 I••• h• •·nl~ I h1• In-. tff '''I\ t• ,.... tft 1111... I'·" f It 1Jl.1 f JN .... 11 lf1fl .. , 111\:d lfll"l\\11Jtll\ :1t1.fr11fl""'"" '11111 .... """',. .... , \ .1111 l'h1 ·.,111\ 1'Hn .. 11l,lf 1111\ \\ f ' h,I\. I• lh,. kt100\do·1h•• th 11 \ I 1~J.I Ito .illh 111 •1) I• 111111 \Olll )';', •I\• ·'"" ·• t'fl\ t'ntlfh 1htti1tt 11t1tl I h 11 I ... I •• \ 1111., , '" '" I ti I 11 Ill \. I \\ ,,,, '''" f I• f11 I .t11d lfll• I I I \\ •• 1 •.11111\ h••J 1 .... ,, , I :I. I<• •11~.HTSI I' lJl<'K I ll<Ahl· . L. L. 1snr.1.1. Hi·~~ r .ltl I.I .I-:\' Tiit.i i llt.l'Ot<'l t ,11 r It• 11 .. 1 ol• 111 11.tl 1·1111•lu11 111111 ,\,alth ""'' ... ~ t 11ud· 1. ,,, 1 I. ~1 ''·•" 11p;,ff1d tn 1"1!111 If, di.id.I\ • I" 111• ti I ••• l tl1t ftff nf J.._1(1~ f '11,:1 .. I lfll"I \\ t Th" tltdt t••11k 11l11r1· 111 32~' \'1.1 l.1rl1• ~f 111d Council to Hire $300 Consultant 111ltan1 1 .. 1 '"" 1 '.t111 .. i '"" I 1 ·•1>:11•' I 01 1·,,," ...... 1 .. , .. •1 •a11w•1 1t) 1h.· ('II) t'nflllt ii Ito I• ti ,, ltt'lll • '0111 i'll hf S,'\t• I 11h <11lh A• h•1tt "" '""' ·•Pl"Hrt ttn• nt , .1111• ,.,,1•Htt\ H\tl lht '''"'•''' .ii ~·uari. 1lt11 ., I • """'' 1 I. ''"j 11 "111 n nf'\\h • h 1 t. d ltld\11! I ••• l\ I 't th• find t +11jt\1 11111111 1: ....... I 1tt I !·\ •fid v " 11111. , .. 1 .. 1 , .. 1111• 11111~· C 111Jlh ht 1f1 t 1 Hutu'''''" \\.1 • ~llltl ll ... 11. ,, ... , S.J\ lt'I t)irt'll(n \11111••• 1 • \ !\I Molot"' la•t Tuo-s- .1 .. , "'"' \••1•....,.I thll('\_.._ Ill •, 1111• .... •hi I••• , ....... 1 ... 1 ...... n lhfolr Two Santa Anans Named In Fraud ,,.,, .. ,.,, ........ ,...... lnvnfdial•ly, \I·-·"" ..... 1 1 .. ,,-.-, hint wu iclv- "'" ...... 1 .. 11 ................ ,.,°"who ....... i.t , ... h • ,, ... ,,. I< IS AN1;1 l.F:-:. \J.,, II ti I '• t 1.1111.,·<l "I''" $••1 ,, 1f11 .... u.n anno!Ufti""'W'nl of nw .-.... k. a nd th1e• h i•t. .. ,. 1111.&.onlalW' •'1"-ha"Cf' uf l\\111t\ """ '''''·"'"" lt•tl 1t\ 111 •• d ... 1t.•.t•1tf'"' "' I' .. 1 •I ... I\ .............. , .... ,..,)' .... ~~ .. ,, ...... \\111 1lt.1tr•4' \\1fh 11 1llt1fu1.: Ult ·'"" <1N I •·t11pltl\ 11ti nt 1·orttl• "'·"'"" \\ lul• .\n1t•11r HtH'-• " .. , .. ti tu • '"" lht•\ h1•ht •I •\\H fnh... pla1nf, ''• 11' .l••l11r I Tlt<ti\t1 •:ltn f ''""llHll I " S \11,.111'\ HO\ 111110 lt1t\lll,.ll•I 1',1111""' S;onl• """"'''" ..... 1i.t 1h1 1t•l1t11\ ,,,, .. 111""' lh1 "· fllUUth " "' •• ,, , ... ,,.,I ... I I It "-il11\\1t "l"h1 11·11• I 1tl • 11tH1'liuu1 '"'"""''.I Uft•lt I tfh ''I \ II • fltl It .., I' tt lfU't llhUt u•I 1hu11d t lt1 Hhtl \\t tl1 111 i1,11ti· I tl"'t "'f1d• ttt• 111 .. o1tHI 11 I• i''•ll\ 1t1•1111111· tlu 1 It•• I\' h ltlttl""••I\ ... 11d 1111 '111 fl ' "-1fl.tl It '" ,\u.1 ,\U11 1 t I' l\1 , ... ~•Htl .. Aua , • '•tt ., .. 111\\ft ....... l'u, ..... n.t n ...... . lltolo11t1 .. 1 .. 111 lw "" Alhort I • It '"''• t I uu1 I~ 1t 11 J ,.,, .. ...,, I., \I 1110•1,1 .t I \I ... I" II ""' ti ..... t ' n .. I\ t ·,... ••• .... ..1ut """''"I ,.,,fi111Jt ..... t\1t t ttl11 1 llu 1•lli1I "" \\•I• ff11lt\ .... ,... i\lt ··111 ... UAILIU>AUS l(l N ON sr11•:u1 l .. E ,..,,,,.,.,, ... .,. "' 1 .. -i..-. and •"-• "'..\MIU NOTON, 11_, 11 1tl'1-h ......... IT,_,~ ._ ..... tlw ·~ ....... _ .................. ...... ....... ......... .. -....... .. ....... -..... -...... --...... -.. •tw ........ ... _ ... , •-•r-t .. ••...., "_...........,.,_ '""'"'"" tn "·"""'II",... that I~ ..., lu1ol 1 • .,.,.,,11\ flf"l'f•-.,1 l•<>- 1•*• r 1•·3f• •·•"'' ,.,,\:,· ·.~·.~" ·~\'.;~, '::: ,1'1,",1.t''.;1.~1·:::~, \\ 11'11 (~OV EU N M ENT AT Tll ROITt .. •: \\ ... ~.:=-:.~ •hry t h11t 11 , • ''\ 11 ... i. ti 1i, ii •· .. 1111 ... ·1 1 !••-.-•, W.l_f '"""...,I al M -•--· ~· 1nt·r ' Ill ·''·" 'I." 11 ",., 1111 ..... ""."'I'"'""" lr111ru<1.-i 11.... • r•-.......... r . '" \\ "I \\1th 1111 'ii\ 11111 \\ ''" ... •I NIWtfl ·-· ''"' 1~1 .... nlt-nin ... I Olti1 pf .... Ion .... 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Atom-Hlastrd llulk Of (~ruiser Li es At San Pedro 1 ·r 1 •I<• • \1 •\ I! I I , 111., ,1t• •ft1 11•01 t,. •t I 111 . . It • n tt'• I S •It l .. 11.o I ol I llltr "''•II l11•t1• r.!-'ld\ .1\\ 111111• II '·" "''l''";d 111·· 1•1 ·'. "1 tdd I 1r l11 u1, I I· "tfh,f•••I 1hr• uf;111JI• l·••ff 11 ,, . " l ~1ktn1 :itnrl 111 1'•1•· '"" uil I' l q, ,,., .... , .. 1hu11u· tt11 '' ,, ~.I\\ n l flt t.1 1 .. \\11t t \\ t '' '1<•r" fto1 llt• !'.olt l.tk" I 11\ 1 .. ,1 , ... th•hf'\' ti flt "111 ,, f+1\\. ·ff~hm·•· ;inti s11nk "'"wt111w 1h11< !ll•llll h .. I 1 ltt n I I ••I 1 1 .. '" •, t• \1, I 1dd1 11 •.,I 1 \11 l'.1111•1 "' tl•f•• f •1t '. I" '"' I ,, . ,, 111 11 .. 11·1 •I ti 111, . " '. ... ' . flit lld11 I i if f )u f •1 t I ,,, .,. ",,,,1f,f \ft I 1,, I '•. "'" . \'.·II I .. ft " • t ... •" "111 111 •, n.t I \'· t i 111• • "' 1 ur H, I 1 •. ,,,, • ~"I•., " l!t •• t I' I I It 1. , .... '•ti I I. " II .. 1 I .. , 1. 1.f II lo f I'• , .. , ,. I •u '' ··•· I • ... ,, If • , .. t I ,, If• fl I I I • fl I I I !! , ti • 1· I 1' ' 1 I • 1•tl· tf • •1 • • I t .. , .... ' .. .,, .. ,. '· I I •• I • f f ., I ' I j \' I J I • I ~ ' • I ·'•"'"" ...... .. ,t • I I I • I I• 1•1 • '"''' f ,, 11 1 I f11f ff+t fllftl ...... , 'I•' . " • •1 1 111 , .... ti •' ,,, ·~ 11 1 ' •t h "" • \i. ii I" .... 1 I ,, 11 1 .,., • 1 111 '!;I I:• 11pl 1••· It,, ,,, ··~·· t1d •• I '"' ' .. ,.,., .. .,,11 I ... t .. ,,, l•t ,, ,, •• lh 1 I .. lfllfl fll 'I.• \1 1111 I f 1t •ti '' I • ' Ii. I' f1 h 1f \1 ,, 2 Ni iptJ'li I• 11•1•1 t I•• I" 111 "'' '" I • u I '' 4 -NEWS ITEMS ;\::·":::';,::~::::::.::.:,:,;;.::::~.: .. ·:.: .. ,'. ;::. TODA Y 1fity Attorney. MWD Of ficiaJ~ ,,~ .... .. r· .. , ...... 1• 1 ,,. , .... 1: ...... •1 1 ••• 11'..'"~ WorkinJt on Plan ..\ ,. .. , I'' - , :, ,, t ( ·, •lllrtll 11' t '' '•••:·''"'' lftr• f 'tly "''••1 11•\ ft••l 1t1•I Jh•1rtil"-"'' f "' I 'foil I 11' I ',t )'I '\ , t \.' .1ft•ft \t "'' 1 I tllf\ I fl 11 Ii• I t t;f \JP" J ~11r1.tt.\ 111,dd H11d1 I 1••1 f•rlll\ \\Ht kfr1~· ,,,., ,,,.1.,11"••t\ ltt,n11rfd "' I'•• 0 ·••1111.11 l1l'ttl '"'" '-'l'h 1IJ• \1.t r••1••1tu1 I pl l'1q '• f, \\hf,, f•1-..l1ut 1t1 l .11 Ar1,·•I• f,, I ' th lo~t:r+t-f lffft 1 f 1" 1~11 f, It hlllft&• llff f11 flit f lft •at 1•t'th I ' ... f '·'' tl•1t111t \1•,lh•r> l •ldr1tfi tun f,,. ·•ll•1th1 t 1-••• LU! \I. IUClt I.., ' ... t• ' ' ' :--. .,. ' . ••'I• • • • I ·~ t ''I •t I I II ' .. ,, i I I'' 1111 \ , 1. ' ' .. , " ' I f 1 ... u11~•1t1 II t P • f "' 1 ... 1•Uttl ",. . •·. 1ttt• I ,,,,,II I•·•" · ·f 'f ,, ' t I '' \ ,, 11 ( .. ~ ,,,1f1r1~·, ""•·•"I' ., .... 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I) •• lllw rlfJ r9"111 '"11-In ............................... ., ..... . ..... _ ................. , .. , . .., ......... -,., ............... ·-· "''"' ..... ''"-· llor fh r _ ..... ,. flf lltot , ... ..... ................. _ .. tOl~ •-u-1 .. 1,. ""'" ... • IW,._ ................... '""" . ···-... .. ... . ... .., ... _ .. ......... . ... . ..... ..._........ . ,_........ . .. ,. ..... .. ..... .,....._ ...... ...,._ ,, .......... --·""" . .., ... ,,.. " ...... tllr '""'" 11111......,., r ll)' '•c•-.-. ~ ft. " .... rmUtrd a ...,......_.... "" ....... ..... ! .,,.., 1 f'•r .....,, .. .,f II .. f -llm.ut 0 . I ""'_,,,..,. •aM 1111 a .,.-rplr•- .,., ''*r-· ,.,,. aw••pt._.I In ""''""' ,,, ...... "'"""'" ............... , .. ,, ho .... i.r .. •oir"t n1• ....,, ... " ... , ... lJ ........... !- 1 h~ If lft•lttftaftl l•'S-Y""" '"" s• t • ,. 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'• It~ ~ ~l 'J. 6 Mount Nraurhnr Yolr~n" nn Nnr1h T~ln ntl 1nacllve '1nu 1r1Jll A 111 I :1M.• th~ \II/' • ' IM"'Wn H 1 I°'',,.,, , ,.,,, ,,,,,.,,, --:~1'' 7.• n t 'n" ,.ni:i' · r\I h 1tt't• n tm1nk,. Tlt' ''''"""H t1:.• '"'' '' ·· • ,,~ ll&r..., 14(J r • • J•••m l l1r rtlllt·r. 111111 hulllflt•rt •, VC"•Ptr llvl' I•'., lhr mQ\lrtt.-ln t 'JI' I rut• d /\•1••• \·\ ''' k• 1' l•,,l1n • 1 lff .1 tt1 fttff1•11 '''"' 11 t lu h'''" '1 ... i 1111/11 (111 \ ,1... (' •• ,, ... ri.111111 ftft,flljl fJltfl I ffl1tl~1\I ?•1 '-fl lkt• ,., .1 ., ... ,. \A ,, h lfftt\l\h ,,~ ,, ,,, •t ltf f I "' t1i1J•tfll ftf' f tlltt ti JJi •t l11f 11 I ht•I •1111 h lu.:J1I I" I< ill tit J1Jtt/I 1., '"'"' """' in 1uf'W~ ~ff'n'd "'1 .. •· '"' .. "' hit h> • Soolhn'n Pa- ,.,,,. 1 "'"" s,,111nL'l)' nt1thl JUrtwot tA ... ,.. ~" J • n 2 NSWP08'1' aALBOA NSW8·TIME8 'cage TtJDD,U' N....,.n ~ c.ltl. ...,. II, INI SEE CLIMB IN MEAT PRIC~ IN SOUTHLAND NEXT TWO WEEKS M1•111 prll'•'• l''"""hl) "'" 1'11mh h· 111·1 ;.,.rrat.;1• 'up In t h1• t1•·'1 (1" ""''K' ,,, I'·" k1, ,· l.l;\tA Ht-:A~~ i\111 .11.'.• 11111.11 romp1•1111t>ll lu1 1t'll111·.1f •11pph1·• n111 11ruhuhl) lu•lu\\ I 1•t ... 11 111 ll\1•l,.1k ""'"'"""'· th1• Lo, 1 •01111• l1uirl ~h1lt1·<I '" l<11t1f•\•ol l Ani:t•I"' C h 11111" r 11( <'.'1111 11""'' 11 .. l1o.,1ns Represealatites Get S97,620 More Tllall Asked DIE H L AND C OMP ANY Cl.LIS C OICHl \CALIFORNIA FARMERS SPARED 1 MORE LOSSES AS TRAINS RUN S A!'\: FRA:-.:t•ts<··· ;\l 1y II m~ht thf.') hnd lifted <'mbarno.~ I I 'P 1 (. 'nhforn••• 1 ·11 m"r' "••11 nn h' t·~1ock und 1x·rlshahlc fr•'l;:ht pM11·(f t"4h1)1111 Its nL•ont hl\ .1.:11 I 11nA!'l:C.t'~ :-,:,,,.,, "·•l'••I •· c-ullltr• ~llr\~> 0·11tl 11IM1111 m11t-M".' i-1 1~1 ''"' l 'r1·\lo•t1,.I) 111·~h.-t•1I :--111 1111.' nl ;-:,,\1•1• n1.11k1·t1·1I '" ''"'" 11111' t-horrtt..:,•' u( i.., I l ~·1·.11n•· •Pl' u 1•1n 111 \\ \"sd1 n1·1:1 ,., ttp , ..... .,,1.tl• ••I last ln••11th. th• t'h1t1111 ° .. 1 ' f.1r n1 ·, 11 .. , 1111'" ti. II ;>1~1 t. I••" I,.,, ... '' IN•• !fl. IU.1!11' 1 span·d un111l1t In""', 11111.11 ''ii II p1h d up ;, I s1dini;:s and ward101hl•·, Ma) 6. l!).1~ 1.111''' ll:1t 11111 t•I 1 h1 ""''''"" '"' ' 111 .-11u·1• liist T hursday whl•n llw "nl· ir· J:ll ,, :\ta~ 11 -• l'P • • \f f•r• l"''"•'WJUs roo • •!.•~ 11 ·'1 •I ,, btll t.;I\ SIUd\ ln1 \p11! <>ho\\1-fi >•··ti ''"l•Ht1•1tl • llll'n 1"11." "''.ill•• 1 111 \111 ii ",, ,,.>.:•''""l l1• •T1\ rut:s I\··• n 1 .. ,,,., lt!i '"'"' d•I• ""'' ri.11d 111l 'r.11i.111i:f "..f(f, 111\\ 111 (11 ,.1 li1•l1h li •t'• '"' • 1 ( 0•1uru. If " '''" 1 ~1: 1 H1•u d1 • I I;,. "I I . tl1t 111111 •• 111.111 ~•nkt' l"1ri.:1ws \H·nt into t>ffoct. All Thi• w~(', 1 ht," m " 1111 r .111 11111 • fn 1i.:h1 rr:<trwlinns Wt•ri• rPSl'lnd,•d S1>ulttl'l't1 P;w1 lw \\, ~1••1·11 l'Hr'!1H' A T '.\l1·rcler, 1)n•s1d1•nt o ( th.; .1mJ Sanlu 1-'1. un111111111•1 d 1'11•) ~11u1lwrn l'artfic. s11id lhP ('Uni· fron1 .t t1:u•• " ,,,,. 11ul ''"' l..111 ,,,.,, u.:• L:t rut .th t.1-.·t • 1 m C'h•·,. 1n 111, !-.1 • 11111 .. n<I '"'"11111m: STltA\\'Ht.Hltlt:s I" 1k ·I •• , lilt C'lilp<> f•lln\lf~lll) l.'l ,11n• .1 ntf Sotll l!ll'l;I) f \1Ut1!) In \l o\ \• 'fll1• pas1 ur1· lnml• 1 m,·11·11''."C: in • 1r.1ni.:1• 111111 1, .. , .\11 ·~1--r •1nsc 11 .• 1 • • • -. I' ,._. Cff7 .t\20 O\t • .... •t r ' ;h, nf•\\ ,, .. (' r -" 11•••tol.1r1<'t· w 11h )uur n'l1u•.,,t. we• hll\t' matl1• :1n audit "' I h1· ,11 (1111nh ttmJ l'l.'('Urt\,, Of I Ill' \\ 11ulc1 1110\'1' hlH!• l1.1t•k 1. '<!' "' pam had "1>01 h-d t h1• n!'C('!!>IHI\' t•xan11nU· . ( , · · . I f 1 u1ts, \'~'I:"' 11bl1•, .11111 11' 1• ... 11 •1·k 1 t) pt•S or re1i;ht c~rs a l sh1pp1ni; as fa1H as l.IVS~1hlc' points in '1Jntici1>a11on of a 111nk1• , ..... ,.,. '""''• ;"lOUSf.,. ' • ·~ -· •< •".: Jul) l t~-•ttu· •I .,,. '•.:-·-· ''"'"'° 1n 11 Wg~I" f11•'f.C ~• r lllfl 1.,11 torallr ... -~ . -. .,.,,, t'IT\ ('Lf:RK -(.'IT\' Of' S EW PORT Rt:ACH Thi' carrwrs 1111111Htnf'\'d !,,...I ll\•:.l punt·nw nl. 5'-hi.onalh hll.:hrr 111:.1 k••I tnl: .. nd 1;l'li·s C oun!lr~ IA.-r#lr ..... I lih J Of'n •It H "-'~· ~ Clut'f i.f 1'r&ll"TJ0rta' l'lll.. ~- 111•lMI b)' Anny ~ Kt"UDt'IJI 0. RI') •II t•• <•pf'rate U>e oaU«;G • na- rtoiAll~ durll~ l& p-riod U. "'°9- enmll'nl Ila. c.;<A1Uvl ol U.: 1IDla. '• • 1.-·111 "1 J ul) I l!H7 lo April 4/0 1~8. 11w uud1t l'Xllminutivn ----- proct-s~tn.lt ·,,, hoi;: ... 1 ,,,,.,1 "''"''" Slr<;AR Ht.t-:'TS Pl1rn11ni.: 111 ,, of th<· c1111l1· lihorln~w. \\hk h i.tro·•,.lnlf rapllll> f1n1•h1 <I Ill '"111·· boos tc•d prl<'f'S In lh<' lu1;hHI ll'V<'IS ur~·us. rond111~m~. i:1ui<f slm'f' Janunr) th<' <itam lwr A.:ri· f OMATO F:S < 1•1td11 lln \ di· ' C\lllurf' °"fJllrtmml 111Ht s111.,..p ~rup lo lu t full \11h111w 10 , "' '' and lamh sl11ughtcr Yt'lll lh<' lli.:h•· 1·19>' I est ror any April l\inN' l!t . .'9 Other crop ronditinns Wf'rl' ~Um· Woman Sleeps ··n : 2 m 1m zt'd as follow11. I l ALFALFA -<'ultlnR undf'r w11y Ca o·d u t•1 l In m nt!I dis lriC'IK; df'!Tl&nd gOO<t for r, or I n I ! N_D •·aosT PAGE bettt>r vadh: total grain tonn.ege Cops Dug Up Law • to dmp bttallM' or drouiiht I ALMONDS-PrMPf'Clll hriitht<>r: PASADENA, Cal . ;\111~ I I 29,2()(}..ton produc1ion or 1947 CJ(· t UP I A 190:.1 C'ily 11rdinan1··· """ E - A - R - L -y ptttf'd, lo IX' t<qualed dustC'd off today to 1·ml ~tr• 1 ·nr llehtrr this month. ,. • • • h11h1u and land hrr In 1·11 y Jail n .. '··· ;iJ ... ~" s.~. l:lf),9(]0, •r " •• • • ·-~ r ho~ .. , rff1ttf"1ll • f-. . .. • • th" ltfl'\ rrnrTM"nr ~r•n ' 4'..( .,/ho rh .. hhrary of Conv,n ... .nd •r .. • ;l<t•·"""" ~tiftc un;t r ·•· "'-r•·I~'" .. t"'lUICh wtucn tou. ... . ~ ,,. .. n~ .__ comnuntt left ur ...... -t..-d .. ~n.ilf' r"'1Uf'lt for Slr1 •.:I .,_..., ~·-· it f'lJpiaUwd, ' It· ..... .at'"''"'> •x.•mc her...., n , ..... •·I>~·· I• •'l't•-d tl~.14fj,.6115 for t h .. '"'"-AJr"-'.-h lhlm ficuft w;,. vr. "-"'' balctr than Uw budct-t • ._~ ~37'9 ~ INn t~ffouw , ..... ,,..-t fnr rhr n.net n.tul A VOCADO Dellvcrlt'I ' to be ckoll ('urr11nt's automobllf' 1<Jl'<'nin1;1 N E W S C'AULlt'LOWF:R-&>aM>n nc&r· Pollrt' thoui.:ht th1·y l• .. n • llO\\t·1. Ina wind-up, S llnta Marla-Gusd&· ff Ids ·· " I 1r111 10 prrv••nt 11 ... :»t )1 .ir-1111 "" I Edi·so· D ('o O • ...._ UJ>P arr a supplies adt-qwitc •"' ._...Trf1ft1t srnn tt~ r. , • ·1 .. •·1lwall) rl111 .. ·t•'<I th thl' \'C'nht·n11un o f at·c·o un10l111t1 y o f till' • 11 ''~"'l\t'll h) tht• City Cle rk fur ll)t' 11t•rtod. .- 11 ... int:onw I rom f.k'rmlls and lic<'nM'S was t'hl>ck~ in ddatl by .... •n• vi duphc-ate receipts and ltct·nsc..,, 0(\ ftle and all moml'!' l>hown 10 h '' ,. '"'"" paid lo th<' Cit) Clerk w en• confimted as havmg be('n ck· 1• ..... 111-cl w11h 1111• Cuy 11reasur'(>r to tht• cn-dil ot the City. 'flw tornl 1111 • offit' 1·ollecll.J from July l up to and includjn~ April :.!9 ror Licl'n!\es 1nrl IJl'nTilt~ w a ... $40,285.:.15, which amount wai, d{•posill'd w11h the C lly , ,,.,,,utt'r. ,,,.. C1tfC h•rk, in thf' capac ity or Cily Assessor. is rt.>sponsibll' (or •It·· rollt.'Cllon of un~'<'url'd pcri;onal pn>p<'rty taxes, which 1ax<'s art• m.1u1I> a-sesi.C'd on boats tn lhl' ha rbor lncoml• from thi~ source was t'h<'<·ked by means ol duplicate receipts and entries .on the as..cssme nt 1 .. 11:-., and bitlancin& t he total char~l'S a~alnst lhe c-ash receipts, can· • "ll:ll IOfl!I, and I ntllllft>rt1 to t he M'Cured roll: all monies sho wn to hav<' '"'"n r«rtved on accoun1 ol unlM.'C'Urt'<i 1-.·rsonal pn1pcrty taxes were ,.ruflt'1"1)' act'OUnted for. The following ii. a ~'UITllTlary or the coU,Ctions un B<'Count of unsecun'd l)l'rsona t propc•My taxt·~: ft''9'9t\&Y Of' CS8IOCllRF.D P ERSONAL P ROPEATY TAXES ttn . tN8 CT.LERY-Ven l<'f' h arw't'I und1•r ma n from slf't'f"n11 '" h..r l !fl~I • ' " ,,,., nl lhP ~ttw at.b- l _ _. II ( Cad1l111 c Nlrl\'t•fltl1lt'. p111 k1•d "" th 1 Ded•l'9"111tl•on of t.ni.af lhr ____....11_ ....__. .... •I T11tal Valuation w ay : ncrl'Hn.1 supp es rom Flor· n.ili <' k 1 1 1 '--~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ Exempt Prnno»rt) Ida and ottwr part• of C"allfnrnla •-c 1>3r Ill!: "'· Ult 1 1'11> "1·1 ' "'-' r-for ltw '4mpaJnw 11 -.- !J.7&1.932.00 58.850.00 ha\'f' depreaed r<'turna. lorn•')' E~l'lll' .. Youni:··r lrl\Pk•·•I 111 Great D .... 31•h Plant , .. ~ 1 .... l&oo9f-ilWWlb tu ' ~ '11- DATES--nloom' and pollln1111on old city vni: iirdin.1n1·1· f•' ul11u.: I IX' ' l4•.-~ ,,v.,.,,_ can... larg<'ly fln11h1od lrL CilachcllA Vul-"It 191l unl1twrul 11' 111~ t\r "1''''1' 'l'h•• ~ . .w.1i.111 t:..w....i 1~ J.Joi-Al f• \Oilrd to allos w '1rs UI• '" Tuxf'!I ti> Sl.64! . Jey: crop laruf•r thlln 1947 m nn n i')', slr•·o•I "r '1 ""~11. ''' 1 .,,., ,..11, '""'"""" .... 11 •·"~ do°'1J ,,-,., • )r.u-~ ii lofaJ of $J'"'i 1 l'rto r Year l)(>linquenc-1\"S and Penah1l'~ "' •'X· n t lw1 p11hltr pluro·i< "1!11111 • l1o , . .., 1 1~-'" ToW T pect<-d. 1 "'"" , , 11 11, 111• • I•• 11• '""" •,.. ••• ft<r ~ ., ..... cal& Sfon ~ ...,.,.,,...., FLAX-Full-1wing h~r,·1-t d po1r111t• 1tm11,. "' lh" ··••> uf !'.,,,, 11110 ' "1 ' ' ,, • ~ • i '-L .rs .air,......_ .._.,,_. _. -111 i l!H7 1948 Taxes Colk'Ctcd " a U(' df•na .. I . " ' • ·'"' . I. 11 • ' • • ~-, 'l " I f't l1tr Year Dt"hnqul.'nc-icil by late May. M . C"u k ,,,.,,,,n "' H·1'"111I" !\. "1 •DO'C. anJ Pena lttf'l! Colleclt>d CRAPEFRU JT-Sh1pmrn1s now ' rs rr,.nt 100 1" '11"'1111•..: 1 1 1!1· ,,, . ., 111 •'"' • "' "w •'•'• 'Tlir f V.0-of 0 -1a1iv"" h1•r l'llr Ji11•\1·ral w1,.·k• 1t l!t1 1tf1<•r I j ._..,..,_. raw' Can<"ellf'd, 1'ran-1frrred 10 comma from delert areas. In· 1 "'"''' •· ••" •I• • • • ,n· ••,. ~4T.m:arr ... Aaid.. -. U.. 001 "•·11n'<f Roll or Re fundl'd Cl'<'81t' f'XJ>C'C'lf'l1 aflcr m1d·tnrn1lh 11.11'' n •nlo•l1 11"r hous.• '." .,\lt'lil• r ' ' '' ""'"''''"' "ill r1~· 1 •' •'1 ".,'"•I t • .d) of lht-CDW'"'""'"' Tau•• aad r--naJtte. t 1nc-olltthlcl LF:MONS-Normal ln,·rt'asi· of S tw '"10 '111'. ''"11111111 .if11ord '' -1.i11 .. 11 f .. 1 l•111ol""" 111'1 • l....,f ,.,,._ ~ ~ -·'---' '" at Apr11 t?. IN8 hof•1• rtic)m lte•f•1tu~·· '"•' "';'' 1• ··.....--~ . 13.'JM,08!.00 50.174.:'6 1.115.02 $60663.89 2.321.14 $62,985.0S 551166 26 • 7,9lll.n ahlpments O\'l·r April J•r•'<l1t•t r'<i J!l} ma.: 111, r,.111 on ,, murl i:j..:• '1 p1111:1 ""' JAi) ,,,. <>lf.n.:.l to.ic_.tanao tr l. LF.'iTUIT. Sant ll narh11rn S t. I k· , , ''" •111• I ...... I •• • ,u_ .-.-lb rr,_ lhnr --fund-L ' ... r r11m lhl' Bu•lVI.' "ummary, ii will ht· notf'd thal lilXl'" uncJ J!t'n<.tltl('' County ha.r \'1'!11 1·11pandm1:, 11u11ll 1y EW Wist' -Adwrllse I 1; .. ,1 1 ""' • :1•"'" "' I h.111.1' '·· • "Tl.-t'Ylfntnfflrt> is -n awa1 1n tho· amomH 1lf :S7.91R77 w~·rf' unµaicl ;i,. of April 'l'l, 19-11( Ttw 1111 . "f\'1~111 lt.1\ 111 .. 1111 \ I •od•\ )f •· • '" 1) .. tv • '""*' sn,tht-~e "' 1•11tl 111-ml' r .. 111·1·--·nt unru1c1 t9-17 194~ tax"' in thl' nmount 111 ~.'2 19 :!9, I 'h •rl" II \\ ""' '"' "' P .. .odl~ rt .. ,. <AhnaJ tluf-. mon nbevs ar• 1~·nalt11: ..... on th•· alJO\•• Hows of $49:1.36 11ncl prior )f'ar" taxp ... a nlf 1io•n· * * ll•••wh 1nrl \\ 11!1.om 1 · \Julio ~.,., fr••p rfl) pul ro ii vtty a..id> 1 111 to·• 11r SI .:..'llti I:! "" mt>nl 1onl'rl In our pr1·viou" n•porl' uppro11rml<' 11 1fl•••n 1,1, ·••l• n• fl "" · 1-•v ,..... • ~ ClUf of thrir 0\11 . , .. I Inn 'houhl IH-tak1•n In rolh'<'I I ht•l't' un,.<'<'Un'(f llf'n.on11I pr11pc•rl} • insurance p. •·palmer INCOI POIA Tl D w. o. buc:t Insurance c~ns.lor 3333 v ia l ido. newport beach, c altf telephone newport beach. harbor 1500 * * GORDOI a~· FINDLAY Gml91 IUI 0.-. ...._ .._~all CABINBT SHOP SERVICE ..., ........ ..... ....... -., ldlll!Jllliin .. 1th• 1~ •.• 11t •" d,, .... ,1• J•"1vH ,,.. '°"'=-dist~ te~n. '·"''':met •• •111·c 1al t'ffort shou ltl b<· nuuln 10 11 .. s.•:;." anrl hill 1h1· 111x ,.1 111, t.dr .... un ,.,,m1 .. .," " .•• l"•••'•f • .-,.~ ~ ,, it a tx.drft •hit , p.1}•''' a<. 1·.u·I) tn lhf' fiscal yNtr ;i,. ,_,.thle "' ,., '"111''"'"' I-.. 11,.,. 1r.: lunc-t...,~ .,. ,,.. cw..nwnrrrrt-"11 Ollinioft th· , Our auc111 1·~:imm1111on d iclt».l'd 1 hat all ('11'h n'<'l'IJll C'd r.., IH 1111• .1 n •I '"''wlwt111•· 1 It • 1•• .. :tr• 1 -o.o.d d DOC havf' to --...... 1 ·11y C1rrk durmi: th<> p.•riod 11url1tf'(I wa~ prup.·rl) arroont1•tl ror ;.,""'' \l•lt11r~ "'" 1. to1k••n "'" ""' in· Tt.. ~n-. rut rhr l"J'\'f'T' I t•}' c1"h on h11ml at thi." tinw nr nurt11. ~11bJ<('(!ut•nth d"flO~ll<'rl ·.\1th th•• "t•·1 11 .. n 111 th• 1.1 .. n1 !·~ Jil' t.. ~· Jna'•m! alf'tn! by 13.392.l()i nt)' Tu•a,urc>r, nr h) cll'posil rn thl· City Tr<'a.~utr•r durini: th•· 111•nocl ( "harl'"'ICk. Edo.t•n ffilll\Ajtf'T ... '""I fbr l.Airary of c~ .,,. S I l .:m•'f'rin..: .!lil.~'-th--ard tntt't al t ht-ca11 ) Rf'~ll('<°f fully ~11lim111.·it, l'l1tmatf'f> to i.dd M J••1 Iulo-11<A b) ~1r.O. thr ('llpifot pol11·.. OIEllL \OMl'A~Y "i.11 .... r m·'" f.!f'fWT'altntt ~f) t-:. ~-.an4. thP botamr pnlrn t'MR UU Dt£>hl and C'om1)1ln) lo !ht• t::.dJSOf\ t')Sh'm, lhr ~ by .. to() • do' llC'&m Slllhlln 111 na9' In IWT'~ w1111 thl' ""'' , .. ., °' ,,IW' (illi/u • o_._ _ _._ H k 1l11~1111 "'"n··n tinar: Unifi< --~ ere ' To Rn Salvation Anny's Drive Howard W. Gaa'r' ! .-.a.-H ~. pmfm.t-"r"r al ·-,,_,_, 9 , t I ~ 8ndt h..14 ac"t'PPl•'ll rtw- 009TA ..... ~ ~ .... "' II ~ ..._ __ Automobile • Fire Atticlmt • Life I ·~ "·~-t":U'llp· 1.:n h)' ,. hktl '""p r.pr.,; :s-p!f'r fV..,ch. n aJ-lt.na I'~ l...ito. h:.. H 11t..:i f,! ind 1 ouwt •·a.or ., tin ":ir "111 ""''' lht-SAh~·-•rm)> """ t.•I ~ .. ~Ylf• dP- ferf""'t11 r.am "" ,,. h• . ., :ir 11ar. •u · JW!>-~m r.f rrn.1'• t.1.,1"'·-· VM1 l".J'flFIC: hwi.. o)f't tho r f, • • I 1ndt· Teen Canteen Advisory Group Holds Meeting Tttn C'anh't'n Junior a dvi!lory romrrull•'<' mt•mbers mt'I last ntitht al tfwo homr or th<'1r chairmnn's p;trl'nt11. Mr And Mr~ Don M1·· Callum. Sr . 45' San Rcrn11rd1n(1 a venue, ~<'wport llC'11thti1 Whistlebait ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~ "''' ··~ I I ' ,,,.. .. .t ~nlM •Uh r .. "' r ti '11111 man With the oprning of th<' "Tarplt " txpec.-t<>d in thl' nf'xt <11x wl'{•kii 111 two months. th<' junior IHxly. 1·11m- pr19ed Of !llUcWntS. dr<'W up lt•nta- tiVf' h0tt!'f' rulc11 fnr 11t,•1r duh hou!!I'. ~rll !\f('('allum . hu1ld1ni: chairman. llf<'l4ldro n\'f'r lltt' n11'1'1 • FOREMOST PERMANENT WAVE EXPERT ~ W'lll ...,. '"" 1 .. 11., .. " ~ •ub- 1 .~ .. '"" n PJ'lJ Pv1I \l•'lo•r•' \\I •'«'I· • ~ r• f"'-nl1rtir th• 1 hurrhr~ ff. 1 • •..n-·~ t:r •mm.or •1 hn .. I· •up- .... l n allendane<• W<'fl' ll:irold 1111) · ,.r/. ch:tirman nf lhr ho:rrd of T r·1·n C11n h '•'n a nd fn ·111 • Rllll 1 Gol'<lon. \'Olunt<'t>r hu11ding c•nnt rncr11r 11n thr project The J1Jn111r 11d,·1s.1r) hoard m•'mlwr~ "1·r.· f\nn ;\kt '.ii· him .. Ir . t•h111rn111n. Ar11111nd11 :\lo· n11rn. M:iry llAn1nl, l)('nn1~ 1 R11•k I Rt•Rn. JamM 1.l1m 1 K l11w . R ll'h.11d f O irk t .Inn<"< :i nrt L1•1 11y Rrl"' n OF CHICAGO !07 N. Broadway, ~ult~ 212 Pboafo8 2726 -27'?i SANTA ANA THE NEW Ranier Brush Stroke ' COi F Because the hair ls adroitly shapped into feath- • 6>' 1a)'en by Ranier's exdulive method, it will fall Into lta pretty, proper curia at the tlld< ot your comb or brush. No <Cdf coold be more heev~ t 1y to handle -or l'l)Ol"e RANIER BRUSH CURL CUT, 1.50 RESTYLING, PERMANENT WAVING FROM $10.00 Free Pariing Witlt Your Permanent or Tint 1 2.50 t ''""'""°'"' r•pc• « nt1ni: 1.,, pub-.,. ~-*· \fnnrr n ';ri,,..' ...,,. ,.,.. d•..n. tnd P ... -« • ·r"• 1. \ tra· ·rrr ... I nr""""' ant1 "''''"' 11 '"'null .. .11"'1 \\ ii•• r P... ,.,,, l S ....... ,1' IU r• , ... .-rr" ., • • W5· ;Rr•T' <4 •r• •t • I , .. ••;r r!""••• t •\, ,..__ t• \1Wk r"-•~ 1.• .~ • 't'" ... , .. '• •. r'" ck-'· ; .... • ,....-,. --· ' ... -.... r T • • \ ar- •• •,.r.,t ~· • •' ...... I • f ' •rf 1 ""ti• M• •,. ·,r• t '"' n•lt t ' qJOf't !\1r<1 Md '111111111 :11;:1111 n ·111•1·11t1•fl tho' nf'•'<l fur 11rlrt11wnal rtnn1t t 1on!' rn r .. mplt'lr anrl lurttt<:h th•· •·T a r· pot " \\'" rlo no'<'rt mnr•• 1111m1·~ .111<1 twl11 1\ll parr nls shn11ltl 11,,,,. " 11h11r1• In th1• )t>11lh 1••·n1rr. · ... 11,. !':lid .... ., s-J ..... ...._ ~.,. . .,,,,t,.1n..i. • t 1;wd ·""= -:. ••• •' ' • ! •her u · ~"" ... ,~ ~.... t• ,.1-.. .' ' t~ I ~If ''· r. .. ' M ., I In' Crntrnl ;I\ 1•11111· 111111 11,., ... (i1'!<1i,:11.11 - f-d l hr · rall ~lrttinn" fnr t ht• 1·11m· p:i11;n 1 1~ 11·l1•ph11n1· numllt·r• a ro· ll11rhor :.'I'< ""rt ~1 l••lltf ••• •• r"'-tn ·;., •• i, p '' ·rr,. nfl .,'•1'" t•;. ,,r r ,-I '·rut ... • tn R • '"""'""" .,,.._t'• • • •'' n-r . dn ·.f ·~-,,,. • '•' •' 11 .... pr " In ;-;~·, •· ., v~, •·· r. • rM Do you •-ant to wll It! A~r '"" "' ,.. • .,.,_ ·~ r 1'• t1 •,' 1 • •hf> ta.. In 0-column&. 1 d-1...:-"rr111 rf •• -# ....... , .... • "2 T1Y' n ... -A. 'f'• P. .. i.,n. ~ rd Manila r@ders at Ncws-Trmcs.1 I I l I l ' \c•"'"' ,. _:..,...1 •.••• • ,,. 1 \\ "'' ..ie a t the New-s-nmee . LOOK! FRANas J. HORVATH anneances thr marine of tu. real state and inconlt' tu office to the X. B. C. REALTY OFFICE • ' 'J, 3116 l\'. Central Ave. Se"·port Beach . Pleasf! Phone lor Appointlfftll T~one Harbor 1405 Associated w ith C. Bliss McCorkle and J ane McCorkle .. '[)esigHill/ 8119 fllvill/ ud Pri11tiq. .. Our specialty Is u n- usual printing of alt types. WeddJnir lnvt- tatJon~. social ca.nb II t~·pes ot prin t· ing and engravtn1 at mode!! t COit. CALL H ARBOR n or II Tiu Only Safi Pro'uction Againll MOTH-HEAT FIRE -THEFT Cold Storap Vault On PretniMI HAVI YOUI FUU IEMODB.ED NOW AT LOW IUMMll RA ml • . PHONI 171 218 No. Broadway Santa Ana Wiid Stwitpl WAof '-1 WA. fou go ' MIT /Jy fl/llYll(J(IN/J - Bttt Art !! Ltwtr f•rt•I Yu. happy trav· elere hail GreyhDund K onomy. They aleo like the ('omfort. con'lenten('e and pleaaure or Greyhound travel Gloriou1 1i1ht~t>in1 alone 1cenic hi1hwa y1 Choice of many route.. . 10 one way. return anothl'r Fre- quent Khedulee everywhere ... stop over anywhere. a ny time. No doubt about it ... G~yhound i1 your be'1t way Ea1t I VACATION TI P! Oreyliound Espen•• Pt.1d Toure in· d!Mh tran•POrtallOD, llo1ol1, o..So tnpe at one low p1ic• 0•1 FREE foldt r dHc robins P•• 1rr1nr•d toure lo all Amen<• rrtim l~1l 11en1,orWT1l4! Gre1- bowid. MIO 9. ~ An1tleo St .. Loa AnarlH 13, Calif. 25-•ally Tri•s £AST fre• LOS lMClllS (). (). Swafford. IOI CoMt BtrJ. Be. Mn GREYHOUND ,,..,, .... ,.., •. ,..J ,..., ""-' ,.,,,...,,. Ottter l.tw One W11 Fam EAST IOSTON •..• ~1.IO WASHINGTON 4UO DETllOIT . . . lUO DES MOINES • lU5 ... KANSAS CITY . 2'.10 NEW OaLUNS JUO ,,., , ,., .. , ,.., Adtl1••.,.el S."f"t' 9n l o.,nd '''P '•1•• .. It• hltr Cu1•t1 h w II lllfllt 1H1 l'l~ST 100 COVVIC1$ rD I N 17/Z $1Nd ~1N(I WlfLLID TWIH61LVU 1Nj WA!, GOV~ ~ TOINi SSU. ~ESIOENT o~ ™e. ~15\.IC Olfi Tl"ICAS, AlllO 00\/UN~ oi:: THI STATl ~ TS'AAS/ .,,.., ~'~~ ,,,.,~ l/fflf .. llhf ......... ""'~ - • - - LUMBER BUILDING •ATERIALS 1~ __ .: . ...-. ..... Bay Dktrici , .... Phoae Beaeoe 1'77 Warren Signals This Week 'Student Nurse Rttruitment' · JOYCE MOTORS TO SELL AUSTINS HERE Al Jf¥1~ Moton. 9111 ( 'ua<>I h1i:h-1 wa). h.u obtauwd dt>alt•nhip of Aur.lln autornc'ltnlN> for the <>rAngl' C'OUDI) ('O,Ulhn.' ho• "'1nount"N1 fc)-1 ...,.. I -nw-f:ni:l..,.h-mnd.-Auslln 11• now on dbpla)' with a '"""' rl'ltdy for 1mlnf'd1a1r <t.•h\'l·rv No trati•• i1 n·quirt•d • J t>)'<'f' s;ud h11 showTC•onu will bf-opf'n wvt•n da>·• a wf't•k and ~"y n1i:ht unlll 9 for thr ron- vt•nwn<'t' of CU'llonwrs ht'llM? ·,.m •iwn thrir raw u,, in roort nxt:'I month Thal 3.'i,l)Ul ~'<irt'. th••)' s111d, w 1.s JUllf hrly 1 lnoopr; • '111(')' m" a n t "rt<'Md.•nlal " Wheels Grind On Stassen Arrepts .. Invitation to ~~~~ Pehate Dewey Ii ,:.'!'l'<l I 'PllTI ..\' 11 I •II I ,, • ~·nln· 1 1I'I'1 I f.tr .. hl I :0-:1.,,., 1 :, Artd Mt '''fH tiwl.t\ ;ft t •• ,,,. ,f ,ti\ I •''' tu th!tt'UJi~ 1•l1··t'I htU *''"' t\t\•lt ttl\ "'-Hllw pl11tt-wn. """ 1;, ..___ ~ ····""' ••• :'\1•\\ \'+otl • pr.•,ul•'ntud h!rt.1111 .•tnt ... '' '""' .1• ,fh1\\tt•"' n ,•,uu"pl. 1111 I 111• I >1'1•1:1111 f("lllllt. .::_11lh+fl lol IN• •"'11•1'1\111 l\l.$t l•l;l I 11 " tl'l1·i.:111111 fl't•lll ""· t1 c· !"th~"-11 11 .. 11l1o•d I 1'1"1•·1 II 1 ht.•1:11111 1•1 II••• it l'1>rll11ml. lh:t l 111· h"'"'I''-117 c· a.,:.1ttl ' an, tflfllt•fl f11t II'"''" OUt'h • ~EWPOKT BAI.BOA NEW8-TIME8 P 5 fl1t:Mlt \\' ~-JMtrt ""-•ll, C'aHf. lll•J It, .... age aua. ~Ant • aua. PTATS • Must Sr II at Once :"F'W lit )Mt" In S·-1•""1 l lrichta 1.klO "('! fl •II• wnrv and fin.. l'I·'""' ~\~ Almatlo'na ~ I lo•h:h h .-.-,.,, •31r b)• OW1W'I" l"nl''nl tW lllC.llWAY l!t... ~p.iO CORO~A DEL MAR '.,.,, .m; Mfl'\TI1 oo.-and fur-l nltun• l'ltmfilt't1 A tNircahl. 11J A ut·: /I. l rn l-'\11. NF.\\' 'J bc-droom ""'"I .• '"' "°"" l111And. II arbor h·•nw l-'lr••µl1\l't', l[llrlllit•'. 1111u0 I ~4'1~ 61-tft' nr Ott&•l11fw with r..•n.-r1•t" frnN-.1 --urr tU R ~All. \'•·1w9'l111 hlhut ... ru11• . Nt-:WT'ORT L"'l.ANll -""*9 S f\/\l'I' 1111 lot f1•r t'lltra rcxim I tU"nf'1" R·l tot. ~alb ..r 11r rrnt11I unit s-vtnc both Udre .• n uttMI..._ $ J () 000 raul l .und. 8llOI •"""'-.-.-. ' N-iinrt n..rtt. Calaf d SF~J.: Tilli HOME AT W Oahlla A, . .,, Corona •tt.I Mu th Ttali1'. ttrll~ ,,.,.;..2 h .. <tn•om hon'l4'. nl11 1'4•11r l.11k t'. ''"" "lnnlar plar1• al lh1• l••arh Marnn Hird 110••. 34:17 Main. Rh•<'Nldf' Ptt IY.lll M-~ l 'I lSTA MESA F'lvr mom modrm mm11li•lrly furnlahfod. :.'26 Broed· way P rlN'd r1&hl. PhofM' !5AM-J 62-tk .. ·nn S Al.t: Llttlr Jlalhoa bland 1 n R homr ""d 11artt11r ape t 'rat11r"N1 I.. A. Ttnlf'W maa "11"' tton. h rlrkrd r ... 110. bar-h-<1ur. :..•o:.i Ahalnn1• Phnnp liar U!l·R 66-<'-6fl <"'ORONA llf.:t. MAR-~M Ju- mlnr S I. It)' ownt'r. N~'. ~­ hardwood nuora, lot• ol 111 ... n~ \'I f'W $14. !')00: 11 I ao 2 bt-drootn ho11111• with 1 om C'' fu.rnltun- $7,l'M•l 62-7tr f.'OR SAU: 4!'i foot lot on OoN.ft ntvd . Jlalhoe f>rt<'t'd bf.low le> day'a mark•t Ph fl«o•C'Oll Slll--J u MALIROU LAKE 6-RM nntN llSF. • ._, A ..._ ... """"' ....... hta. -or tr f « C'mlt C'T"6 ....._ Art J~. <itrw l:mT. ~- ST-Dk C 1.1 t·F-II A VF.N INVF.STI<:A'n: ~ re ............. romr '"'• 7__. I• .,..,.,_. dwt'lllnl[• l.arcw-..... 0.-.. ,_. Jun'-• M&lt w1-ll ...... '"'"" S.l.1••• CaU Mr ......... '"'"""" !tm F.AIU, W. STANLEY llr.AL'nlll C'OVP:lllNC: NP:WPO llT Glll':ATKa HAllBOa l&th ANT> lllVlllft! 91S. N-,.,ri a-rt. HF.AL VALUE ~11mt'll 9dV"'~11 an ,our cuick to f'fflrie-n: ir.••rl<Jmw: • ·1· 1111111·1 I 111· ,•,.111·1:• , , t I 11·11 ~ p T\\'11 llOUSt :S 1 ..... _ ..... fl<'W l[AT8Cf' lz.::11 wtU. ...... l1undry tr•>' """ -...... • fn&lt ,,..,.. <ic-to --.al . .._ shac1'4 llclt• For bean sigbr aod frftdom from unpleasant glare, shade aJI the bulbs ia JOUf bomr 50 dw lighr docs no< strike me C)'CS diiudy. Tbt glare o( bulbs is anuoyi"B (0 mr era aad ... ausa c7csaain. Shades rooaol and • .....,..., illumimrioo ... give you ~J l1gb1 from cbr 111nr amount o( dcctriciry ! Available Now GENE•AL.ELBCTB.IC. Refrigerators Flatplate Ironers ' Electric Rafte)M Electric W ashen Electric: Sinls Rot•ry Ironers Home Fr.nen Vacuum Cleaners Automatic Bf ankets Garbage Di1po1af1 Water Heaters Apartment Kitchens Electric: Kitchens •nd Cabinets LIDO ELECTRIC CO. St• ,.0 .'-4'T Bl".\\-1 THT. ARC'Hf:M PROSI: IJF.A('OS 6-.... ~ -~'> ··~,,. -~' I ~r'"• T,.1,.,.1.,,.,.1 J onu CnnhJA •abo\'t'l, fonnt'r Prank'r of l.llh111111l11, .,..,. dlac.,\l'rl'd al a Nt'wark. N. J .. fact-0 ry 'fl'Orltbtl'l<'h tlad In c111~l·f1N"lled nvt ralla and sh1p1na m 1t"11 for radio parlll at P O 1 •t'4'1t. Hr n111a1n•d lht' 11t- uaUon almply: "lbert waa a wu and I 11~ mone1. J am &o and l have ncllW.'' ~mlus. hit ""' and MID camr t.o lt•t' O. e. Aprtl II U. worltt'd •• a farm baud In En,l•nd unlll II~ h•d enouch monr7 for INU-"'11'· ---- Honorable King and Queen-Pint Size • • r ,.,.,,,,,,. r,.,,.,.,,"'"' Leall~ Pone Jr .. 13-month-<•ld """ r~ro1111 Tune. thr Aarl\I' 1>11• wrrr dttlt'd King and Ql.lf'<'n. re11p...-11v1 I\ of the m1mmuth Ch tr,,.-.. IJl\by conl.elll ht'ld ln Sen P'ranclllco Al,.ul 1&0 ti.blew l.<>'>11 part 111 Uu contl'Sl. largeat t'Ytr hrld In lhr Wt 1 tor Orlrntal blblP Wf'rr JtHI•"''' on their hel1hth, welghl, dlmpll'6, fr•-cldea, tef't.h, hair ll.lld '""'"'"''I Available J une I DENTAL SU ITE New Building 501 F.. BA\' A \'F.. BALBOA PlaoDe flartN>r 801-W Colorful Awnin9s OARDF.S ~ l'ATIO t ·umllurr y,_ f",atJmat--.f'honr fll4fl Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. ltnl li'n. Main Ht. Calendar Artist In Review of Acts 1 With Lovely Model lllJl.1.YWOC>J), M11y 11 1111•1 ('IJ11ri;cr11 nml11in1•d In 111111 )••111• +( lllllta 11nf1 r•mnl,.r "111-. •h·d 1 itll•ndar 11rli111 F:11rl ~ Mor.111 llMI morr• lhnn 11n 11rllllllf· 1n11 r• ·: 111 mrlflf>I <'hill Wllhnm~ wn1· 1:• r • ,,,,. ·' 1·1111r1 h••11r1nic today Mr" M ur11 Mnri111 ~. '"""' 1 ll•lfl1·I. 11-10J1n.: fnr "''Jl1trrtl•· 111 1111 '1•n11nr·•· nnrl Miir-rtn, '"Y1. '' 1ut, , ll\'<111·1· 111• Ill 11,,. falh•·r "',,.I r•'' l ~l!IO M••rHn Mno Muri1n l1·~11(1•·tl y•·~I• r <I.+\ 'h111 'hf' ltr1111J1NI in h i \f,,r .,, "·•''-' Yr1rk '"'"'''' 1n ltu 'llfl1lttt t f J!)43 111 f111fl .\J11fllO Ill •11•11 I< I '''~' \\'1lh11m-. 1111•1• un<I II•• 1111111• 'IC In l+ll(hl (1/lM1nf'd Rdl DO (t't lhr "" tone I All k lnlt11 IY]lf'wrl!rr r lhbon• Ir I ''" •I thf> Nrwt-TimC9 . ,.,,, 1•· "·''. 11" 1111111• ., .. ,. 1 1 COHONA DEL MAH ltHlhtU fltlffl C,1 1\ l •t \\1\ \\-- lllotlll"I .11 II+"" 1 11. '" •'""""' 1•1• ~ W :! fl.'ilrnmn, llvl1111 m1 .. ' \ '"'' "' ' '" •II k 1111""' "' Ii\ 11 1. ph .. 1uu, , , '•v•tt•• hRth. •howft' I l I "' '"' '""'' , ... , '''"' nn •• ,,, and tr11,..._.n.c.._ n.Aa • a · •• ••I• '' ""ll1t1111• "" 'I••' fuu •kl"'' t fur t .. 11 '""'''I iltlt•'• nt ,. .. tu '' .. "" , _____ .r~ _,.....-......-. "''"'"' '"-" ....... ,, '""'-...... '·'"1'•••11 •1•11n,1 ''''''fl fuul11rti lttt~ l1<tl1•1u l ltt\\ lft'"ftl tfl"'tt•f• ~1,,,,, ti ~dt 1 1uh 11 uf .tlllt11llfh ' 11 1111 \ I+ II I \\ roL1 I I II II '°"" t~•UtllHJfUl"-1\ u• "' ' tu I,,~ ti:••tt th \I I 11 I 11•tuu1tf ti \ 1111 •• •I•\' ,, ...... "' "" "'"''''' 1111..;1n·1I .... ltt •l•tl• 1,. , """ "'-'" ''' hk• If n t r"'f·-. ·•r .11n ,1 '''"'' t•11111.t1 1I\ .. ,, tt1t ,.,, l't11\\lfU.' u11·· S11nuu•r tnflu\ '·''' '"HI ,,,,, ft·rtU11 ·n.1 .. \l'ttr I'''''' 111 1 •t1lt.t\\ ftlt" lf1t~ '0••ltUtH1lll\.I ' J•dtf\ f lt\\1\ ltt 1ttlfllltlf1•t ' "f1ttl tf tUU \\'1 ,1lltt•t ftttt~'ltJlt ho ttcUrt'f't ,-1 I l•ll•t If '' • ftl' t11 lw7\-.0 lo dttti• , u ·' ,,,,,fl" I I I ....... " ,,, I•,.,. fl •'·" ,, " I t lt1Ur .11111 httf 'ttttltUf'I t "'Ul 11r'''' H .. 111 ''"" "H' HH .. , ' .. , p.uu~ ,11111 ilo••t•'I Ill 1,.11 11 II ti 1 , 1 lo If •I Ill 1:1,.lll• I •If fllll 1111 I lttrfw•I , ,,., .. \ h.1•1 '"·"'' ... •• \ 1111 .. "'' , "''"'' .... ~ . 1 ·,.,,.,.. "''''"1th1nt• '"''H•1rur ft\ ,. ,,,,,, :--;ta'"' ti', ~••·~u...:tft tht••u..:h ~ ""' \)f• "11111· ,. rt .. rw •'••1u l11l .. n• "Ill lw· "••II 11lrh l11l11l1·rnhlt· h•·r,. 60,000 Tourists Spent $13,000,000 in Southland in Mar. I 'nc1•·1 f1•(l1•r11I la~· " m 11n I or w11m11111 l111a 11 rll(hl In u..... th .. W • l••r . r-.111111l v With nttw>ra. 111\ft •ny lhln.: frum 11 pntlrllt•lwutnl 111 t• •11111111" rlrnft '-"•1 fnnf Jhl11 i• hrrt• 1·•111•l1t1•r•'.-S 11 '''"'"'I \\'11111 "'' ..... ,,, I• ll llltlt· "'"'" 1'1·1111} t;11 10 1'Jlh"•••u•· '"'1111 , 11111l1·r•t1111dln1o: " llllw mnrr 1 .. 1 urt1\•'tl '" !'•111ttu•t'1 ('1tltf•11u1.1 •ti •·rnn,••· ·rh•• ··1 .. •or u utn" ht ht• r1·1·1t~. fr11111 ''"' nf ••·•••· "' '*'"''" rt nthl 1 ... ,., '"'" •h•• 11ttnlr rt.:hf rlu11n.: M11rr·l1 111111 ''"'"' ~l"l l llM • 1 .. 11~•· ''"'"' """'n 1u ltw• nrh 111•• "hll•· l h•·) "''r•· ft• 1, 111• 1111111 .l1111o fh111111:h S.•t•lrmlw., 11,,.. All Yo·nr d11lt r•·1~•1 lr••I '"''·•\ ·1111, hk• h 111 i., l1o11r lnuwh lr•ftlr """' n 'hl:hf l:itllt •n fu t.11 o l '''''"'' fth•tlfll, 1w1•1 1\11.r1·l1 11,. ,,.,.1 lw f,11 , i\ ll111t r•·•l1 .1ln1. ,. 11111,. "'"" Mnrrll .-lh•· "'" r11rw 111 .. 111h "' ,,.,., •11n11 11111 ll•i:•·r..-.-. 11 •l1ch1 fft, !i-JOfUC \Jttftltnrt '-to111ti.t1U °"hHh ktttt\4f1•th'•• uf 1t.,-. ft ule~ uf tt,,r 1111• All y ,,111 • h1l1 '' """ l1111hl111i: 11111111 ""'"'' 11111k1· 1111111(• """' r lo1"11r<I l'Hlll~ "1th lh• 1"111' ,.,1,11, , 1111 11 lllflt h1., l.,1 111111 I• •l•-..1w•t1•f•• lt,h•~I ,iu11n1• 1 Juul "'"'' 1 ,, 11,,,,. ftlf ft lit t hu"nl''" II "'" '''l•h1111• ol '" \\'11 J. J. .! btr'I \.\ f\••ltt. pt•''"' 111 11f ff •• J \111\I.,. "' 1•11\• 11tt 11u11ti.1"•'t "''•••t• •·••n1t11urut \ '"J'Utu1ut1••,. '''' l•t•• 1 '" l•Ut UI••••· '"'"'"·hut \uu It t•f•\•· 111t1tl.U+' 111, '"'llhl,111•1"' <.·,..,, , • .,, lq ""' 11111.t fli. fl••\I t'••lufru l •Wt:, \t ,lf 1t1IUl"-f U1d11 .... tt\ 'lht1\\!ft t'ffnH"IH\I I S1·nlr•ll fhlN'. \11111•11• •lt•'A ~l••<'k hi 11,,. l'•·w~ Timr~ .r. .r: J. "" f ,P•t ''''"" Pl••'•• 11 t ... 11t ttu 1i11111tl11u tt•,..f ''"'''' '""•'•t•d t .. ··4..U,.J~ ....... ..,_ .. _ _.,.. ____ _ I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' ... ..__,_ Stop IAN»k t.i*n. .. ,.,,, ... -I -fh-· .._ . ....... "'' ........... .. .. ·~· ............ ,.,_ .... .,., hu.t 1 ......... •• • .. ~. ..... . .... ,,_ ................... .. ,.._.. ............... .. ~ ._,, ...... -..... ~ .................... .................... I 11111 '"' f ."... ........ ..... .,. . ~I '-•-· ....................... ,, ......... ·••t• ..... ........ .,...~ -....... .................... ........... .-.............. , ...... -·-_ _._ ., ........ -. ...... .... ....,.._, ,, .......... _... ..... . ................... ..... ...... .........,..._ ....... .... ......... ... . , .... . ...................... ._.. I I ·~· ·-...... ,. "' ' .... .._, -._ ..._ I ;:";~.:•o;;,:i ~ ' ::----: ~ :--:=-.:: # I .. _. ~ r .... ._._ ..... ,. p .......... -~,_. .. . ........ GREAT BRITAIN'S LARGEST BUILDER OF LARGE MOTOR CARS is pleased lo announce . flte appointment ol 90 I Coast Hiway · Newport Beach 1•11osr. BY.A('ON 82*1 ANU 6%H'7 as ifs authoriied dealer You 111-.• 1·orillAlly Invited to vhdt the Au ... tm "h'"' n•oni 111 N1· .... po11 l ~·;wh ... I() ~+c und 'lrivt' tlw· '""nrll•'lt•I) ,, .. 1 11~1~111-11, (•x1·1ttnl( new A11A11n M1,1or Cars. I n th•• "l'H11,-.I, roo{ny 1-tlnor J)fov09 ... nnd ll 'i 'J d 11111 •'<11111 .. anlnn. th•· Oonwt ... th<.' fint'f,f in tr111l1t Hiru1I ,.,,,,, h ·\\t11•k . ••nf.!tnf'f•rln~ rx1'f•llrnn-• nn<t tJtr:1111y a n • '""'l· 111111-11 I\ 1111 :1~1 111ili>i.-l1)-fhC:·li(81lon 'J111•n1t111~ , ... ,,,1'1fl1~ I l1111d1-. .. 1 .. 11pon l11mdr~ .. 1., 11( thc'til" 1111-°""· A11 ... t1m. 11rt· :tlf"'•adv 1•11 /\mrn• :1'., hil.!hwAy~ y,..,_ 1lw~ ·,.,. r•·:11ly f•11· I''"""'''' d.-11\•·rv Prl•'<'., :1t tlw 'h'"' l'!Jtlfn •·um- 1•lr•lc ·l.1 1-11111p1•·d 111•·h11l111~ lir•al•·• I cJ,oc,r S.·rhrn DEVON, $I , 735 ?-door; s..da.11 DORSET. S 1,670 The Austin Motor. Company. Ltcl. (Englancl) ' • ·~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~---~~---~~~ .. l' -.. • ' ' 1, , .. .TUCE Pl(,'JlEU . 1''0llll AG.UXST TOii!:.. ......_ ........ 8&1 ..... ('.W., -.Ile ......................... _.~ ... ,oe J'Mdy for _,... la -*'r .. fw ? " .._ = p 11f hie raU •trike. 8-M _,.. -~ ..._ ... -.. V&U. aMI .......... .\.rtL. ..._ .... -__., __, _ • .... rit•· l.f ~ .. _...._ ... .,,.._ -... ~ ---., Ule7 .... _.._ ...................... ., ____ uvea&te-.• ... t•arr-.. ........ -...... .. Ml t.111e ......... ,..._, _. .. ._ ................ .._ .\aw~ I pl .. 'tfAN GETS $.1 BDJ,ION BII,1, ~NG UP 70-GROUP AIR JORCE C'dy Moved Him But Failed to Fill Contratt, Cop Says 1a0! "in terribl<' shape" while th06e * Brief Gia .... atB•lkll .. Permits , at has formt>r addreu Wl're wl'lt ~V ... I pa\·ed. Summl'ra askl'd the city body to "tl\·e up to its agreement" Allet> Ann Christian, perrrut to 110 111.11 l'\'l'r} thing in as good a ccm-build 11 1 story, 1 ranuly dwelling d111on 1ts ht• had h<'for<' tht.>}' mo,·-at 511 Jasmine av<'nUt', Corona dt•I tod him. l\l11r Es11mated rost $4800. J .. < ~11mm"'"' 11•11r .. d mc•mtx•r lJr II A '-Oant1'nn n.•rn1it 111 " Hui Ralph P. :vtaskey, local real-· I.A' '· "' , I 'r• P l(lll<lr fJ<llll'o' f(lfC't' lll'rP IP!' \\horn lht: City trnd appointl.'<f build 11 :.! SI Or )', 2 family dwelling ~ ... r•t 1} "'k•'ft lht• I'll) n 1unc1I k 'h 11! l l <I 1 lp11i a\'enUl\, A1tll10a lsllmd. I I ·1 10 wor out , " monn~ c·on1r1<1·1. , r ~ · n•·• 11~ I''" I:<' 111 M'"' its 1 _ _. 1 Fstinwt<·d cost $16 000. h 1 , ~1111 lmrfl}' I ial no agrl'Pml'IH as .. L 1 .• 1• . •1 1 Id 1 • • 1 " 1 "} "" tti the condition of the sidew11lks ·-rat'}', perm 1 10 mr ii ' r '"' '' ,,ud h• h.1d 1111111 .. 1111 \\a:c m rhr <.'Ontract. He said that story, 3 r~m dwl'll~ng h i 301>! 3 1th _ ••• " • nr """ '"" •'II} In tradt• tlw <'II) hud <'Xf.>llnded 0,·e.r doulilr ~1i:_1·~11 . Nl'wpor1 Es11matrd rost .... . • ··n Co.i•I lil\Ci l \\hll'h tho: 111 .. m11n1•) 1111')" hac.l ullottt:c.l rur l;:-I~~ I • •"' · ''·" '' I••• ,,r • ..-1 "1dt·n1n~ > f u,.:.·nt· Non tilt ... 11ernlH to l•• "l'l tlw mo\ lllK Joh 11nd had put Sum-• ' . .,,,,· ... 1 '1 r • .r •• f • r "" 31rd SI Tht• l'il} •• n1·cu1 •l"n Ill '"· •~l'\\'l)()rt >oU ,, m• 1 ,· ch' 1·ll1n~ m ht'! tt•r "hllJ>l' ' 1 ""' rd-· ~ ,00 -... ''·l· n mu\t d t~ ..... h••tl'•' Jur l\:tf'( r ... ,t1nu1te' co.st.;,, .... r: ,1 11 "•Ill• 1h.11 th,. -uJ ... th.111 11 h:id h··•·n :\task•·> s:uc.l 1111' \\' T Wh11 n··~. pe1m11 to do ul- .. , ~· n fr1.c1• "' Ith nr•\\ honw t'X·Ct•jl ":<huuld ht• sa11~fi1•d " 11•rntm11' and n·paiN al 300 South t:lleif, all, '1°44 K~. s.,y Front. Balboa Wand. Estt· mated cost $800. H. Codlneer. permit to build 8 bedroom over garage at l~ 1 Ith strl'<'t, Newpqrt. Estimu11'ft 1·~1 $400CI. "" H .. A~rns. permit to oltc•r rir··~­ ent hv1ng room and add u 11\'in• room at 107 Pearl nvenur . B:rlh1,: Island. Estimated COl>t $4500 G. I~· nass. Pl'rmll to bu1lrf an advl'tt1:slng structure a1 fil'I ~: Central Aw.• Estimat<'d 1.,,1 '•• D. V. Alderman, perm11 fo butld u 1-story, I-family, -1-nlOm•d"l'll· Ing at 440 Dahlia avenut'. C'm11na drl l\lur. Es timated co~t S6.'iOO. • • TheD ail y NEWS-TIMES Summer ·CIRCULATION CAMPAIGN. Is Now in Full Swing * Bows. girls! It's easy to win one or more of the BIG prizes llst- [ ,. t \HI 11f t I rt •• )h. f \f tl• I 11 .. · '" fU'" ,. ,., ' \\' 1 • ..... Jllol •I I M ~' ,. \ ~ )\•. :--tjl t• 1~··· :\I rct Co; an~ put p ( .='·,.:.:;• ~ I:;:;-.:. ~::,. "i'"~ ed below. J1st get as many folks as you can in your neighborhood :.":n':!': ~,.;.: =. ':"n:' ... au:::= ( ..... 110t ALREADY reading the· Daily News-Times) to promise ~~~ 1wogram ~ p·a~un• c·arnrd appro pnli-t"inaJ CC'OllOllCJ~l -to start taki the News-Times ever da delivered to their d r p; d cornract ~IJ.l!wr:u;Uli~~JU....lil.lllalll!:dl.JllLU~~Pll .. _..._.J---:~-=-=--.=..:==:::...:=-.::.==.::::.=::til-=:.:.:=-.:...::.=..:.:..=...-=..:.:::.:.=.::=....:=..::..=:.:...L....-==.:=.L....-==.~:.!.!~:.:...:~~~~~~~!......:~!!!'.!!!~~~.!l-~~-. .... >h· thr• air forn· ant! the> •1-botll tlw ~ _. ..._.,. I... of I bo I arm 111 ~•ar1 hurinK ,_. \vted °''"'"". I "' ... a a.. •7 Giie Ollr carr er YS. f f-n-nol' «Wilp I ""'-el * l · • •. i·n1 Truman and St'f'TVtal') apprupna._ ..._ ft--1& accept an o . W 'II t k f th b·11· • llll-or °"'''""'' Jam••, F11rn-..1al uni::-Ali-· to .... WliiW tt..e..... UV.-~ y m ney. e a e care 0 e I 1ng. "''···. . ,.VH'IJ)nwnt dnim inally a,.k•••I uni~ f11r mon•'} t u bill ~ S8TJOOll)ID _,. IMr\ t<nftll, a~ tO tne Ul!Ual Wt><'k'!I lhUI the \9:\.R tranl»f<'r uf lh1• C'om· maml am 1111• air f11rt•1• :11 II" prr!<-the admini. ... tatiom llilllaL As SOOll as you get your list fixed up, bring it in or Jtave waah. pany to thl' U. S. Marhim1· com· 1•n1 ~•n·nKlh nf !l:> 1111 ..;rou1,.. 'J1'e ttouw t...s pal ils ._, *-> My wuh wu n~arly flniahed m l-.sion wai; "lawful 1tnll 1'm1twnll> I ,,..,. huw••' up1•·rl lh(• <tllf>l'0 tJrta-un thr -~ _... ....,_ I Dad M the ' h ti.Inc huna on the )lne wh~n plop. fair." tinn rnnui:h Ill i.:··· .. 1ar1 .. t1 "" a 7()..' - -• or 0 r p one it in -to the News -Times office at =!~1 fES~~~~n~r~=~: COEDS AGREE TO STOP KI~IN' IHit Dip. Comt 3011 West Central Avenue. ~u:r~a~~,~~~~a~~ ON FRONT STEPS IN DAYLIGHT Wlssue ~ HOUSE of lM PENNIES 1 lta UES MOINES. la.. Mu> 11 clinching on the campu~ m d<t' -ater .-.gut hish Mdse of bloomln1 rOllt'S and CUP> Drake unlvenotf t.'Ot.'<is light." " y.··~--w-ll-fUP • hlb68cua almoet hldln1 It. . asrttd today to stop kl!!Mng un the "I un1t .. r.1an1I thNt• had bt't'n "-3"'"~1"'"'-_, TWo ~n wUh plumber 1 toot. campu in daylight. com11lamti: fr.1m ""'11•• O.·' !'tfotnt'S -Opponmts 0 fa WI lo ..,., and 1..SCetl W«Te evl&ntly work-They anl!.l11led that only "n ft•v. r11111•n ... " sht' !.a111 . •UIJl'ftllf' ,._., .,.,,,.._... al an ln1 lhtte. ol tht.-more amorous girl.I" had Ma"" J\ndn1'on ..iiu1 vw "''af.n't Arimna.o.Jiforwia watn fi ir• 11' I ruahed acrou thl' lot and beeQ too publk In their nc-ckme. 1rym1: 10 Ill' a 'killjoy Sh4' sa.id ~ ':::. ~'-!' ~·°:' 4Sr~u.d my predlcaJM>nt with, Howev~r. they ·l!laid that IA'llnll An· th•• c·ampus loolu; better n<Ylli that ---~~- A. traae4Y "-ha~ at denGn, univt"nity women's dorm•-lhC!' >1ludents art• "leu df>monsW.ra-stats to ~ lthw ...., my pla~. Waah UM ~kt'. tory counwllor, wu ni:ht tn cull · tive." J . A. ~ Oplrw._ t:t•,a Both ~n look~ up. Ont' of us Ina a halt to "k i11.clng I h•· l>c>Y' on Thr Tlme1-0t•lr.ihic. " I u d P n t nwmbrr fll tlw c-...... Rt.s will 1-avtt. lady, and •ure l'nou1h the tJonnltory front slt'Jllf tn day-nr·wi;paprr, took nol1''1• of 1tw sttu-a.-Stllm ~"""· wu OW aw ol thftn with pllt>l"I quickly ll(ht." ation in Vt'rsr: tint .m-acam-t U. llill •• repelftd Uw brokt>n lint'. _.\tis." And<-l'S(m callt'ft -.01011!) "Rn>11tht•i. lht>n· 11 m1tn wtth a Senaw ~ ~ My .~er;tni-to P.Y was rt'f~ ulfkers tottc•lht'r 11nd a~k1'11 lh"m s.oul M> dNld. Callforllia becli<rn ~ tlw _ _..... with that 1 all r~ght, l•dy. Wt'tt to coopl'ratc• m lllOJ>tltnlit 1tw "11\1•1-"Who n••\c•r 10 hh ddlt· ha.. sa1d. IC0111.end a ('(JU'1 ~if~~ from Roy Schaff« I in 0.tll Mesa, 8HPC1tonate" conduct or i.unw !!><.•· "1111111: lh1• hnn and ltlt , .. a)' to llll'1tw , .... r ... with ~ ht''a bttn ht'r~ for tw•nty yuni rority membt'rs. , )our hl'ad • -abou1 ~·---al '11llr and u an old tlmt'r "''OUld hkl' Barbara Hon-man, Dt•,. Mutn1·:-. Tom Bwnt•m tinn Kc•no-.ha. Was . "--of thr Rkw. to help a Miir;hbor out and Wl''d pro:cid<'nl or Chi On1e11ta sororn}. lta:-kl'I hall ll'l 1 c•nnan. 'md lw had I ·"lbt' e'flttt al •hll ~01• want no pay for doln.:· what h<''d said "We took,,.1l up. an tt rhupt,.r no olr)''f't1on tu 1tw \11lunl!ll')' han •·ouW throa '"" -·~ nTW 1a1o do." m('('lini; itnd iM of u.' ai:r1 .. •rl lhRt "11 ·~ n11 fun n1•('k1n~ m dn~ lls;:ht ," I lit~t.IOll.-lloa..O ~-and ,._ To think that-today, a plumh1•r, 11 d0t'!ln'1 lc11.»< wry 0 ... ,. 111 lw lw ,airl. QUlrt' all autn •o .-r1 and t1'lft an old .timer. In hi• buslnt'58, Is --'---I det~ thnr nehts ro rn-er uslna hi• old time policy of llEl.P ~·atfT." THY NEIGHBOR. <'<'rtainly h<' CIVIC St;K\'l('I'; CUJB DIRF.C'TOR\' M.-~tulfo. ~""Jot l nrf"filr could nt'Vft' be a TWO ·nr.n:R R Cl b L1·ons Club J. A Kruc -· ,,.,. <uhc>.rr.rmtlft' otary u I a JlWSSA,£• muwni: '" ,__. ,.,. It wu a prt'lty blond<' walt- nM In Gem-'1 a newly-oRt'nt'd ~ and Italian caft' that ''Oil't'd t he third characteristic I ha\'P found in this a.rl'a of tht• N<'wporl municipality. She and her husband llvt> In La- suna. "Carnt' from L.A. to this n1•ck of the "''ooda .to gl't ewar from that dirty city. Hr work• in La- cuna and I In CDM. Propl" ht're ar. r«'al prop I(' consld<'rlll<'. f riendly and kind. TC'IJ you whrr<' )'OU can find a pla~ to lh·e 1f · I.here ll a plaC't' to be found. May- be tt.en> ar<' Som<' charact('ni hf'rt' and ln Lagun11 but thc-y and C'\'l•ry- one ell<' h<'lp to m11kr It a rl'al hornc--llke. end ('\'l'n GC'nr's pat- ron• who mey COll1<' from L.A. ll<'t'n\ to cAlf'h on to thr aplrlt of thl' pla<'l? with GPn1"s kindly at- -,t'ntlon. What more could anyont' want for a place of N.'tliden('('~ NP.JGH- .BORLYNESS. HONESTY A ND J<INDNES. Fram flOWt'TI to pickll'I, lmt'll to tutt'. That is th<' t'Xpl'ri<'n<'t' of Mr. and Mn. R. K. Kimmons ot Oleta Mesa. Leavhlg their t>S-.._bUlbed Oowt>r shop In Santa Ana to put lnto t>ffect an ld<'a which they had ~" aso. thr markl'tlns pt a euc:wnber pickle which Mrs. KlmmaM orlslnated In htt own kitchen. l(r. Klma)om, OD'ftrinc the tt>rrl- imy al CDll. told me all about II. ~ I tuted them. ~ were ~Atf.r two monU.. al prellm.lnary ~ the p6dtJe ln • bis ~. Kr. K1mmona .. ftllllt taklftl Cll'dln and cleliwrinl .... ol the '-l homemade appeu.n tMn ... In def~ to the .. ort,Snal makft' ol the pickle, It hu been I nuned KARY'S CRISP CUCUlll· BER PICKLE. aALll AT llDT lllllS Uke ~ ea-, rmta at tbe Municipal Trail« pull haw ---lncreMl"d And. Wr.e ~ ...... the tena.nta there howtfd. Tl~"'" fl:.'le 11."' :.:!,='~ ~~ .. 1'*'5 an thl-mtft'dat, f'Ui Kf11S "111--· ..,_ ......... said thlll onl)' lf ~ ......... Kiwanis Club l'M' ~JI lho-cuc•t~ 4 TCV1· , •• 111" """ IT"-'"nllll ~ nn a bt11 brf,~ .. C'C9- " ........ -........ l;.rt"'SI ~'Tune Up" to New Vegetable Plates With Cheeied Rolled Wheat Loaf SIK"h a "'111Y1. h.~ .,.,......,.,,: • ..iiW. "of ''"urc.. •<'\.lid ,.., IM ,. ~ ....... _. ltf. to N1ho~ ,.tdo m ·t-... ,... r 'n>- w-ny Ctu11nn;1n 1-ur• or; \f;I ... ~ R.... Co lo .. ulCt>d tl~t..-n J .... ...:~ rn-. Krui:'s SJ.'(lk••SJrwn '" -• • • •• ~hr ~Uboo-..llTlm>ll•• • •• I .--,..-. •! • itlt a repc..-1 f rvrn .,_. -"'"'• • .,....... fir did no1 ask Iha• K.-...: ·~, 1 ·.dr 11 ...... 11 l•·ld ....... • • ..-~ ..... hr fit.-uhttd ",~T•"'!T'W -•• " "ti.~..-rnia ~1onk<1'nll~ 11\•• • -# • -·~.­ ((1(1 aCTt> f~ t •4 • 1••T • a• -·. In ltl<' n•tHfV\•~"' --' I I ~;;;:::~ .... -;;,;,,::=:::-:~ ...... -.-......... .. .. _ ....... ..,.~ ....... .. ..... ....., ... ""' -... _. ---............... ..... .... Ii .................... _ ............................ .... ....... -............ .... .....,. ..... ,.... ......... . t• "'"7 D .................. r.-.. .._ ,__ .._ ._ ....... . ~ .. ~~ .......... --.. ...... 8-k ........ __ _ ~._..., .......... .... ,..., ... ~ ..... .......... We'll fix you up with the prize of your choice, pronto. COME ON GANG, LET'S GO <> GET YOUR SUMMER VACATION EQUIPMENT I I • • SWEEPSTAKES PRlZE •• r with knee -action, automatic stop, tail-light, electric horn and headlight. You get it for 100 Subscriptions! The Complete List of Sensational Prizes: Roadmaster Deluxe Bicycle Arvin Table Model Radio (On dl~plny at Crown Hardwar~'. C.O.:.U Snare Baseball Glove . . . . . . Regulation Fielders' Mitt . . . . Jr. Swim Fins . . . . '3 Fluorescent Swim Trunks . Diving Mask . . . . . . . . . Diving Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regulation Outdoor Baseball . Regulation Indoor Baseball . Admiral Halsey Caps . . . . . . 3 ~IOSTHS 100 Subscriptions 21 " 13 " II " 9 " 5 " 4 " 4 " 4 " 4 " 2 " Prizes Con Be Seen at ,, oll""P g~ Q"°"4 at ~4"'.Ja Polio CORON A DEL MA& • l Monday, the dty couadJ reePl\'ed ...-ktten protesUns tbe hllrt. .. _ _., .. ..._..,..........,_ rLT-....y~ ...... 1 ... lmlllmlllmllm;;:mlml!;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;1ia;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;a;;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;i .. .-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m_...I &Jll fol c r 1 Is ni'> had rt'r d Pt r11 •IT' I*• gu. had aw tra J II~ I~ of lhE ~·a ti.• ('h A.• I As ,,, I /\' (',, 1· .. Fl • , .. I L.1 lhl llp I f It I (•1 l'n ' ' I ''I ''I ''t ''1 Tr ,\ mi Cc rr \'i! 19 of i;p lh ('i Pf "F lo fu p • NEWPORT HARBOR'S GREATEST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDIUM f2oaLJC NoT1CE •••A. roa SAU • ~· ·"• 1·1·1.u ;" 11 Kollfn TO LOAJlf II NEWPORT BALBOA NICW8-TIMICll P 5 ::~--:--,nt<-.-a-nd_l_nl_ll_n_t_n_urw __ • -~---Fiiwst aoat'a milk !\ally 30 •'l'ntt 31-f! ·'''' ''"'I' ,.,,. 1•,nul. N\'w LOANS 'I'\) RUJLD, IMPROVE, Tl't :MU.\\ N""'Jiurt 8"w•h, c·.au. Ma1 II, IN.I age h onin;g. is a\·allahle as fo.ttt qt. Plt"llM' brin g ('\)fllatrM'r \'h'· 11111• .u11I 1 i.111~. I 1111 lw111t "'"""· Ult\'. Mf\l'>t-:fiNli'.F., up UAL DTAT& • RF.Al. UT ATS • mottw>r b) day. night. "'t't'k t ndil toria St . 1md <'imr ,111 l)rlw. nu>1i,.~ 1111•, , .. , •·•nk ,,,,,·ks, JU'.l-'INANl'1'""'. ------------- JAMESON FLOORS Sand.Ing and •·uustimc 8'-it M 111tor1als and £qw:pN1nt u<'mWd. 1.nsw-<...s orb>' •C'fll. :-Oo phont•. kJl)dly COii• Mt'N. a 1 llw-rartlo h'"'""I h••hll, ,.ii .' ·l····1" I, ~Yl40llo w,. Uuy Tt11111 l~'Ch Must Srll at Once N"'\\' llP MI-; In N•'"'I'°" I~ nih IJ"noDall)'. mornlnp, 201 6'7-p-71 \h•llo•t ll 11 11•1 H 1~; 1'·til' Nl-'.\\1'\ lllT nALBUA f"F.DF.RAL l ,&U') ~I ft ~II »1<'11rll' and,..,._ PIJO?'-'F. 6£.ACT>~ 5B5t:> I ' • 6:?-2..~~ O»lli.a """" at (.)ttan An. in WA ~ ''111\r: lll='-1'. 1.11o,,. S A\'INttS .t LOAN ASSN ·:! Bt•d1·uotn llomc• 111111..,. :\l ~ Almiid...,,a. Nt•.-• lutl~ ~""Y p rage rouav. Co-TO BE MOVED n•,. ' .. 1,·11. • h 1111111,1 ... 11 111 33.\.1 \'la Udo •'tt liar l!IOO lli•l14htJ1 """ 11•"' by ""'._· hna dtrl 1\1 "'. f !'\\ )\ r·n I \ )f' 1 llGll\\' A y &-p. lO ' • ar '"·I llt'l\ISt• and fUJ'TlllUrl' cocnph•tt'. A t"li•d1n1· • ,, • •11•1 h.11111 11.1111·1 41·th· AO\ r:RTl!OLVJ:!liT FO& Bll>R :-;1 •TIC'E i11 h<'reby giv~ that s,.;11,.J hid~ will he rKeivt>d for. si.'t onl\ un:1lytil'11l balanc.'f' Olamo- maiw hitl11n1•t• wltti graduatt>d nvtdil-d h<·am drawer Beck<'r No 1:> 11r 1•111111. l\•d npemn~ M~ 25, 19tll Sit.;nl.'d Bn!'il H. Peterson. Sec-r<'~"ry B11ard of Trust~ .. Orange c.~~I Junior CollPge D istrict, Or- am(•' County, California. pub May 11, 18, 19'8. PuaL1c NoTICE . ----- -;.:;:;OF Jl\"y;1''POllT BL\CH ~T.\TE OP' CALIFO&NIA SOTIC'E TO C01'"TllACT0&8 SFALED PROPOSALS wilJ ~ M:•·iw d al ttic office or the Oty Clt'rk <'4 ty Hall, C'ity of Newport B<'al'li. C'nliforni11, until 4 :00 o'clock p '.\1 on May 24th, 1948. at which anrl n•ad. for performing work u folio,.·~· c11 ,· of l':c:wport Beach. Cali· fnrni& ~· .. r lhl' improvement of 31st s1rr,•t from I..afayette Avt>nUf' ,,, :!~t h Street a nd includes i.;r,1dini:. !'Ubgrade prc.-paration. t'ru•h(•r r un base and plant nux••fl 0~urfRcing. :'\o hid will be rettived unlt>Ss it I~ rn11dt• on a proposal form fur- L \ :'l:l tS("' APLXC ~1·~ La'"ru libtal~d rnn: ESTI lJXTt:S Ph I U.1 bur 679-R \\",\\·~t: II \\'Al..KrR \IA:S. ~ WRITI:R. REtf.!'lTt..Y t>arga ln, 113 r ,•arl. Balboa Ial· f\o-.1 ""'' I .... ' I~~· 1'1111""'"·' I .~ NEED MONl:'Yt I ftrn:lt.~F.D 1-"°RQ)I llAWAI· ·and, Harbor :!•H :Z 61-tfc c .. roo • 1!0 'I 11 ll 111 .. .,-:."lt l'l ~ • -Ill IA.." IS LA.XOS WILL •:x-67 1 ... 71 SH lJ1 r,1r Quick. tlt>lptul l 'M' a Jlc'ndlx or Mllvtag e. I ..... L'\ _,.._, ft6.< .. ';o AnnuUOCtn2 ttw <•1 .. ~nir RCl\''S BARRER Sift tP Curona dd >hr . Ct1.11;1 llti;h"' a; Ir P«moua.. 67-p-';I ED " 1 ALTERS I TILE~~ Bath Roans. Draita ~ dL 15th Ir ~-.... A-.., C.... ... Phmw BNalm ~-~ ... LEROY SLA'!El llo\·r ~ .._...., Speria.._. • JIOVING Homehold eoa. Ir .._. ..... ~--~ CABINETS C"llA.~Ct: WORK ON EST ATt'.. ' ,;x•r\' r'I' on • uur r nanutu AT DILL'S W ASll-A-TERlA rou ~\l I -..11111111'1· \\I'll ltullt N-A-l ft• 1n 110 !.U: OR BOAT FOR ROOM '"'"" .oa.-1 175 N-·port Blvd. &aeon sm lti-ro.11 :-.,. '.u ••. ,, F1•r1I \' .. :.~ht Furn't Sal ROARD A.lloOD SMALL S ALARY C'osta )f('Sa 60-:zotc m11tnr '" • 11, 1 •·111111·~ l l11rl)(•r l ure • ary LEA\T. SAa.w. AND r 11nN1:: • 1>-:.,1-J 11•1 :i1.,1 1~""'· , ·.,r .. nu Car or Other Security ~<>. HAR.8')R lJ:l'T-\\' 67-f-71 --X --d.-1 ~la1 t'!'·ritr lfoura; JO to l and 3 to 5 Ellft.OYXDT onw:ll&&) D (t'IOM'd Saturday.I 8 p E c I A L ! ~ SM ALL l•I 1 ·1 .So1il111.; , ..... , ~\fl WASHING MAC'lllNES ()tied. GrnM'd and 'Thoroughly C'tl«'kf'd With Minar~ Adjust mm ta only $2.50 Take ad'"&ntac• ol lhll Spl'd.al and Avokt a C.O.tly Breu-Down l~~I~ 111 .. ·1 111.: $1~' l'h l111r bor SHI I! ti7 .. ·-111 ~ lltJMICAI. A RADIO .. WA:'OT.11 t•wtt rl11111111 for our n ntal ''""' I h1tht•11t (ltlN' al-lowed '1'1 .,,,,. ~ 1•11nc on a Spinet or Crnml µ11111(> n a n1-&hmld1. S11nta An.i. ~·-~• N11 Main 6 1-tfc • Mt:'\; and WOMEN acerit1 Part or ftlll lunf' Elf'<'trk homo· 11nd twa.11 h a pphan<'ft \' t"T) t111: h uMlr pniduc-t with vnan> uses and nttdrd an f'~'C'ry hnnw' Each salt' Wadi to anolhtt. Attract!~ a1111111. Good dNJ for en·•• m&n· aern. Holl)'wood Lique>f kT t nc.. ~ f'.a~lfo ftoc.lt Blvd . Los An· """" ~ 1 67 -(' HAROOR APPLIANCE SERVICE 477 N~t B lvd .. C•ta M ... MIRROR T Y l'r' Sl'I Nl'..'T \JIU'd, $190. '"'"' t1•m1ll <"hlck1•rln1 1814 ~ Nrwport Blvd.. C.0.ta 11 .. "BHcon ~ YOUNG ~.-.cl •·orkM"I t poct«'r)' manWM'turinJC Apply Di Palma C'~.nl ('out Phone BEACON 6296 Mott< !!!:'";Y~t &-aC'h~.;1~~ Silver Platll\2 ~"Nl!:a w.unu:ss _ M u.... COPPER. BRAlls. OOLD n.. Dlimn Howie. 17th A Or· Nllhlns A~ · ~ano. "'''''· Sl~1. Othc-r ml\kl'1i aJ ~· 11~ $fl;': $7R. $~ f)nnz· ~lm111h 1'111111• l ·11 , ~;:JO No Main S411ta Anu 61-tk \'()h ·i-: llAHM 0NY I AC!"09 from Alpha &ta Marut I 47-ltc lllONE1' WANTED .. ._. a.a. ....._ 41-ttc Bayaide P~tbur Co. PRECJ..9JOS' WOftR. U. •all =~......,...,---------------1114 R8l'tiar Bf¥4. and ct,·~ )"VU _. ~ l61 WOllA.~ WANTED -To care for a.ta Ilea. C'allf., 8Ncoa 5111 S l;;h l Rc'Adlni.t Plan1\ t 'tu..-d S) ~tc·m ~llllhlO Xii;\ 'f1l1rd /\\C' C\lltt •~A P t:I. MAH \VANTF.n rr1w1t1· m 11n1·y SJ:l('O Goud 14'C'Ond mort11,11:1'. pn1ln· 1mla rrntl\•rty, 1tflO!t lnt.'rt'Jl and t l'rrt\ll n.-uc "S.. N •'Wll ·Tl""'" OO·tH~ 21.at St. enw-o...., a...._ ~ faar and m ~an.. and •* port "'~ .. a.ta .... ..... .... with ~criL '100 per ------------Beacon 6225. S2'11p mo. C'all bmrttn I A 8 p.m. Har- For Rent - Hauw or· .\pt. 1'tU J-. 15dt H. JL LANE REAL ESTATE 200I ~Aw. Ne.r Newpar1 1"18- El•aN'stw.t SimlP Ul'JO ...... bor 151'2...J. 14-tfc J( • • J( • • J( WM"'J'EI) -ElqJnieneed book· PLUMBING SUPPLms .....,_ ,,..._t p11Mtion. 515 Lesat Stock in Oranp eu-.n11. u.t Ctontnl, BaJbo9....HA-'t.l6. %" Galv. Steel Pipe ----------~--20c feot -.. roa a.uz • HARBOR Fumitllft &: Transfer BONDED and INSURED A Good Buy ... la a Wise Buy U. U• Hrip You &-WIM --COt1RTESY SERVJCE- 19112 Har1lar Blvd. C..ta .... ...... '5.95 FREE PLUMBING Layout Service FONTANA PLUMRING 23Ml S. W. Newport Aw. ea.ta Mru Phont' S.aron 8041 37-tfc • • 1\7 ····Mlt --SPJNF:T 1 .. 0.11t1•r ll11hy 64, now S.'Wl:'lm $.'!I d11wn, $R mo . On n1- 8<'.hm1dt. ~1:...'0 No M ilin, Anotlwr aptnrt. rt'l-"IUl'SSl'd. You just pay .out bala111••· Santa Ana We h11v1• Ult-Solo-\'11x 6 1-tfr AUTO•OTn'K a TllLU • '41 Plymouth C'pt. N1•w .S1•111 < '11v1•nt < ·ompl..t1•l> I )w rt\"ukil $11 !l~, C'oa~t Motor Co. ltlOM ( '111\~I I llWH)' SPINET f'l ANI)~ for rrnl Try It lk111'4111 f\:.!MM • for just c; 111c"". 1f y1)U hkl' It "''" -----FO R S Al.t: l~I l'l)moulh 1~•nl'h pFI('(' 011n1-Schmldl P liino {'n , 520 No ~t:un \\'1· haH thr S4ilo- Vox 61-lfc FOil ~"I.~ .S11111ll .:_n1n1I prnn11, 3'~4 Am .. fh\i.1 l\11lh1111 hll11nd li7p . 2 MtHl <'I A Fords f oa.st M utor Co. HWlfl C 'u11"t lllWll)' 111'11("1111 ti:.~ nl~hl'd hr th<' Oty EnttinttT Each llA.RBOR hid mwa I><' 11ccompani<'d by leash. Phone Beacen 5538-J 14-tt. Wm Pay Cuh BAR\' I.HA ?'ll, art C'll1'C'. fuw tonl' Us.'d ~"" 11nlv $~ A fuw lt11r· gain Tt>m1~ llr111z-Schmidt, !'>20 No M11111 Santa Ana AllO bt'aU· tlful S11•1n~ ""· UMod. 111v<' over llM "" 1tus \\'•· haV•• thl' Solo-\'ox 61-tfr 1~._11l :l'.l·ft houJU• tr11ll1•r. 11h-.·111 rPrtlh,.d' or c11shi<>r's check. or bid-Pl.-bin« Sa Vite df'r·~ t.onltl made payable to t~ 11'8 Nfow,..t ......_ llwlm 811 111'.edlm • Oadla • hwllr7 C"ll> nf !'il'WJ>Ort Beach f o r an R.D'AIRIMC <JVll SPECIALTY ~ P'ar J'lll'S l'\ln11Hure or wt.at haw ,...._...._._ .... DOOfl. C' A '11' a PJ:Ttl • tW1\, hot w11tl'r lw11l1·r. m•w l)lllnf out"ldt'. h u tarll' 1tm· • ., '.."7 I E11~1 Hllh SI . l'1111l n M1•11i. t>-i·11-(iM amount t'<1ual to at least ten 1101 C-b--. _. s cs· ......... -..._... ~ pt>r C(•nl C\f the amount bid, such .._ S RP ....._ 1t11arant)· to be forfeited should the -------------VAN DD'l'UT ~ b1ddrr 111 whom tht> contract Is LET CEORCE DO IT! RARPD Al~ C ~ .. ru:-.. .• ' ~\"WI.:' (t"-JEW II: La Y awarrtl'd fall to enter into the con-~· .. .,o:.n , •'-L-..--_,,., tract ol Paaadrnat ...,.. .,...... • lmNt•,.rt..._ a....._ In accordan~ with the provl-Harbor area. Kain~ ol.. a.di t1nn' of Chapter 297. Statutes al tUl.lllwd car•eaa. ........... 1931. thf' City Council of t~ Oty pn.minc. IPMkn ~ ftft of :-:t•wport Beach, has asttrtalnt'd "1Jnuites ""-Bmbm C29-W che J;f'nrral prevailing rate ot day or r\• 420--lSdl St_ a.ta ,. ai;"s 11pplicable to the work to Una_ A-Zlk ti., ~1n1• 11s follow11 : 12TE&a~ IN ~ BA ... A11E.A l'IKBWOOD CRAltCOAL A mlQlJrn ........ IJEl..IVl:llT ~ng:~Jard aJSrA llESA ..... ,. Crawley Furniture Co. 181:> 111,,.....-t ~. a.ta .._ • 13-tfc CASH for USED Jl'umiture &. AppUanC19 ..... ..,. Ai-. Aio'ddlc'" GRA>n"B PtM.w Bea. l'101·M l&e N.wpart Blvd.. C.O.U M.a 42-tfc FOR SAU- piur 3...,. Mt1lll to• •£NT l~rk1•1 111 $41Ml " 1\Y\ll.'Hdo S t . t'1•ta 67·c·69 ':t7 DeSoto SNlan 4 f)(1nr rtadlo, lf1•111t-r <~J111l Ruhl11•r We-rt S111·1•. $.")\~• Coast Motor Co. lOOR CoNat lllw11y LOVELY BAYt-"'RONT f11rmsh1•rt &•con f\:l88 67-c •flU'lml'nl Month to mQnth or-------------~-. P A rallT\('r Im·, 3..'\33 _llJl.j __ u. __ .... __ A_n ________ ._ v i11 ucto. N•·w11or1 fk1n~7-t'-7ll New View Home Sl:!.50 wk nran pl<'llllllnt room. µvt. ahov.·•·r lfnd f'ntranf'f', utlll- ries and lmPn F:mp Rl'nllrman Want uM'd Studio COUC'h. 11Hp tw o pfd. 419 PolnRtllt1 AV••. ('nron11 Harhor 1525-M. s:>-3tc ~I 1-fllr t;!l.J tp OVERLOOKING Entl~ Harbcw U'ft. ll br ' hdw noon. nrepla.oe,, conatrul'tlon and lnald. nntab UC"Pptlona.1 Thr n~t ~·w t Ytt Off~ n a"lfl1•alloe A.•µh.ilt nr C'rw;h\ng r lant En~inN·r Asph.11• plilnt rtryc•r- tn 1n nr f1rf'mr1n '"ph;.lt r11 k1·r and u,m.~r Hovi)' Prr WllCf' OW. Rc-aif' 1''11C" BAR.RT RAJ.I. PAJNnJIG <XJlftll&C1'Qa 27• r.-....... -----------•-tt_c 1"111i.."1TU'aZ roa SAL& a FOR RENT -Douhlr 11partmrnt. RALPH P. M ASKEY ,h pli.il1 "i'rt'11dln~ 111 ll'litn1· tl(l('rator 1 • .. , , •• ,,,,.r c ·, 1•1• nt Fin1~hl'r r l.1.:m 111 nnd wntrh- ru u1 II• '" dul} n·rair- fl 1n L1•~·n·1 < hl1·1 1w•wPr !'lhovr l 111 •Tatu' 1.90 15.20 Ph 1 n ;:, 14 :.'fl 1 5!l 1.90 1.90 1 915 l 3.5 1.90 1.3.5 12.40 15.:!() 15..20 15 tv) 10 fin J :'i~"ll 10.80 .. Soll.I a.ta --. c.-... Expert Watch & Je.-eln· R£PAIRISG • ~F:\\'PORT J~"ELF.RS f"1ne Dt.amunds Uld Watdws 1\"ndt-r "' ... )J~fl l 16 :t.!nd St • ~·~ P-<-32 Portable Weld~ng Burning J,525 12 :...1\1 :<.:F:\\'PORT \\'"ELD~G SER\,CE JI 156-1-J ~-28th St. i s.5 13.20 OIC'K SA!\"T>O\" AL Platy of Good Tira All 81- We8tern Auto Suitply AutlloibilHI Dmler' ... ,...., ... t Bl'l'a.. a.u .... 11-tfl ApartmMlf !llZI' g;i~ ritnitt'. tood t'YJnClili<>n. 270 E 1Rlh S t . C'ostit )f~ ft6-p-68 t'!)..l.B ICE._ REf"RJGF:RATOR. 3 ROOMS -Nrarly rww rurnl1un· ~·l'arly rt'•l11I. lfnrhor 660. 61-tfr 3411 W Crntral Ph. Har 4112 9-tfr 5400. MUlt M-11 vavin1: S11111r- ctay for Ort·~nn Ph. °Rt'aron :-.19!1-M. A7-r -7tl .. BUY OF THE YEAR H •R RF.NT Summl'r mnnth11, 4 llt'droom hou.11r :.! hlo1•ks trom ----- hay 31!1 Gmdrnrod. ConinR lt1•l ('ORTA MERA $7200 'f11r 1!lfl7-J G).~tr 2 l'4•dn111rn I 1111111• I 1ouhl1• 1(1\rlll(<' H•R RF.NT ('J,.1111 111111 n ·a"1n· C.ood liM·11tl11n Jmm1-dl111r• flClll• r.hlt'. two roo m :i pr1r •m1 nt "'' ~··s"lon Pl111111• ciwrwr rlc>nl'<ln medlah· pl)ll!C•'"'"'"" 11nlll .11•111• I"• fll~M 1'.J-IOlr :u 1 bland Ave• . llullw•11 tif\.r 711 --------Ownrr ""' <111·r1t1r c· N jlllf)' In I-r 11R RENT Sumnw r month11. 4 lll'1lrn11rn 11111111· f11r $ IK.">11 N•·nrl)' l\l"droom h11111w 'L ltl•w·k~ 11 "'" "n•·w l11n11111n · Jll1w•k Ii um nl'W hay 31 5 Goldr•nroc-1, C'11r111111 rl•·I ,.11\ 111111 J•ti.,111• 1l11th11r 6f.l 11r :\lar. 1987-J. f";.,. i;1 l !\~11·11 M-611· f l m ~.\l.F I\} "" llt'f, tlt•W '.! he'll· I t)t •Ill '' tJt'1'fl1 tl11ut.J,. t,!Ufll).t'f'• t Y..'h 1111-. '1°1 I'""' 111 •• S I ' ''11!1111 CORONA DEL MAR I A f\EAlm .. '\tl. NF:\\' '2 tlf\dro(l111 luinw t'trl'11l11N'. illrllil'. 1't1Uo nf flaphlflt• with ~inrr1'lf' frn<'I!, \·1·n<·•11 hlh11t~. rn1r• ~fln•'t' 1111 lot for «>xtra N1o m nr rl'nlnl 1mlt $10,000 ~F.E nus llOMF. AT 432 OahlMI Avr, Corona dal Mar th' --------'f'r11"4', ,...11. ur lr1111t• 2 h • .cfroom nomr. nt1o1 u .... r l.ithC'. fflr 11ln11lar plaN' II t t h1• l11•11rh M llr\'ln 1111-d- MW', 34:l7 Mahi, 1Uvt>r11ldl' l"tl o:lt l M-p--0.'l n )S"J'A Ml-:SA •·1v .. ro(lm rnodt-rn 1•om11h•tt'I)' fuml1hted. :r.16 Rroad- way Prll't'd rlitht. Phc>M !INlll-J 82-tfr t-'OR SAl.t: Llltl<' f\alhoa bland :I 8 . R homt' 11nd K•r•K" •11t Fratuf'C'd L. A, TifN:'e mq. IN'• lion , hrk krd f'l'llu. hllr-~·11Uf', 202 Ahalurw Phot\f' lfar H 9-R (16..~ CORONA PF.I. MAR-$\4 Ju: mini' SI Uy nw!ll'r Nl'W, in<'ornf', hudwnod fln.w11. 11111 Of lllr, n'"" vlc-w Sl4,:'IOO. 111110 1 hrdronm houa.• with 11 u m " f\lrnltUN' S7.~oo 52-ltr 1-·oR SAl.E ..t!'I rnot lot on Ocra11 Blvd . Balboa f'rlf'fl! t..low to. da.y'1 marltet Ph. IWacon !U21-J u COHONA OEL MAH N 1'; \\' :.!· 1'4-C:lruum. lt\'lntc rm , kllr lwn. 11i11r ttr linth. ahoWM" nvrr tuh :!·•'11r i.:11r"1ot•'. douhl• l11111lrtry A II 1111111 h•11 In anrt ron· nN'll'(I, lrwhull....: 1••w1•r Prll'I' $!1f.cw1 T1.·\>111~ Multlflll' ll1t1na No :r.?•I Lt. {'nl. F. C. Venn Heal tor 11Altfl4 If\ !\1-W 707 lrh1 ~t , l'nrona cit-I 'Mar 116-<--70 ''"'' rn: M\l\'1':1l hou"" a ... tw- 11lt11rr• "'"'Pll'tl' A ~ lU 1'1'111 I, 11alhoa l\land. 11..tilr ~U:l '1-tfc- LOT FOR SALE NF:WPORT ISi.ANO -~ ~ R·2 &ot .. ~ ... -' pavtn1 both •ktra, .. ~ ......_ raul 1.und, .. (~ ....... Nf'Wtl0r1 lleed\, C'aW. • MALIBOU LA~E f\-RM n .11lN llUq "-«A...._ ms ftttpl. f1llh a ....._ - or tr for cala crul. ""'-Aft Jorwa, <'ltrw '""· °" a n 11-Dlr CLIFF-HA VEN INV•:S'n <;A·n : our re.... ,, ' .... ronw· '"" 71..., f« • ~ .... ""''••lllna• 1...,.." •t.a Clam• """''junior~.,..... Prt&w fr<"n Sl,<1111 Call M r ,......._ "" amn !\""" EARL W. ~ANLEY UALTOa C"O V!:lllNO GtlEATSa NF.WrORT --·••o• 15th AND DlVDIE SIS. Nf'WPCl't 8e.ti HF.Al. VALUE n•·w aarar 1211::11 wHll ......, laundry tra)'ll 0. -.... • frull t,.._ C~to ....._..._ •nd trane11Uf1a1I-TWa 68 • IC"' w1 1 t"K'<inlf C"..c.-1 4*" I , 'nflR IR REALLY A MIT! nto:-TTt-:R l.OOK IT OVDl -nlOAY Vou WClft'C .... ,._..,. •V I.I. f''IUCT. ON1~1' tU.1'9 1T.llllS n. A. NERESON 1 ffrl Nl"Wp(.-1 ....... Olillla ._ nrec"Oft ~L'\ ... Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny <Ates 212 Marine · Ave., Balboa Island Da.y Phonea: Har. 16'71.J; Har. tQM..I Ewe.: Har. 746-M: Har .. 1111-11 BALBOA ISLAND 1.lttlf' lidnn<f. Honw a nci lncomr. 1.pwty 2 B. ._ honl4', flrephu••'. ()fttlo. 0.'fluUIUJ apt., ~ .... lntc•rlor. Al,.-, c•,l(f rn room itnd t.th. 11"-'9 c-. #II th.-IM"'St huyR we havP to olftt yQJ&. CORONA DEL MAR ~7 .r>11U.OO ! ! ! A ~r·m w ith 2 B . R.111. Pa .... Ray tw.t. l11v••ly hri<'k4'(1 In 1.i1tlo und pnrtly fumU!hfd. ,,... lia 011 ltw 1-,'ltr of II dlCll<'t• lot with plc"'1t y of blcti( rum11 lt'fl COSTA MESA $~.!lOl'l.00 1luwu 11n1t $.">H.CIO p •r mn. :' D.R.a, ..._, ruom, r1t.,·11lat'f', hnnfwt1od noor'l'I, Ilk~ klt.ctwo ... llft th. 1ln•1hlt• ~nnti.t(' nntl yn n:t• landllntfll"d llnd ,,,,_._ ,"(f, flurry ror this on1•. BLANCHE A. GATES-Realt.orw-GINNY GATD t '1• 1 :t111r, :tir 1•om - l•ll'"'"f I 11w•1 o1t nr . <'nncrf'!C' rn•"-l'r 6.l-221c mil& play pen 11nd Jl3d. four .! ~In hl'JUSI' do<)!"" ('a JI Rt 500 Sanra Arui. N""''P'l'' I h'i1Cht1. lll'a\'ily con:111r11ctt'd 47 ft l'ow· rr boat Built and dt"1i1tnl'd ror Sportrishing in ~texiC'an Watt'n f:xCTll«>nt for rhulrr work If <k'· sirt'd NPW engirw N<'w itf'nf'rator ...o.new 1tainless 1IE't'I gu tank11 - Nvw ship lo shore r1honP. ExC'<'llent a ll·W('llthl'f' boat offc>rt>d at am11ll fraction of lnday'1 rt>pl•tt'f•mrnt prlCt' Anchorag•' of So. Calif , 3440 \'in Oporto, Nt•wport 0.·ach. \Ali( 64-:ttl' I 1 •R RENT :l hNlr1111m 111111"'· 11n· 1 urnl1h1-d, J.'t .! P•·m~"' I 11, c "•11m11 111'1 Mar, w y1•11no '""''' 111 ~11111 " month ('all h..twl'1·11 I lit "• 1•m. ,,.;,.,~ M ··~.. ti7 11.111 • ·-67-J\c :?.00 16 (l(I I 66-p-TO t •1•·1 ·11nr. motor pa- ' I Oii L;rllfh•r 1·nl\1 ''ii l''1l11pnw n1 "I" r;1tnr tshovd . •Ir 1i.:lin1', dl'rrick. '2 025 16 20 COOPERATIVE ROOn:NG CO. New and Repair Phone Beeftlll CZ17 ' ----SERVEL •I• 11 lf'k h 11 r R <' • 1· I ;i rn .., h c I I o r t I •n••• l 6 W1 13 ;!() J573 Eidem ·~ C.-ta ..... ...... Wallace CaJderhead t 'I " 1.t111r, pump 111• 1 ,1111r. rnlh'r 111• I 1t11r , t r 11 c tor- loi;lld111.1·r . taml)('r, 2.1() 1 6.') 1 tl'> l I ,., WA TntM AKJ:R n:wE1LR -1-r1q•·r. drnRt>'rr '""\••I or hoom at- t.u•hm•·nts '•1• i.otM lrr nr h ma· d11n1• Triwk llrlw•ri; o f <f11m11 trucks of It·•• 1h11n 4 yds. \\:. lf·r lrvel 1\ n ' cl11!Cs1fi<'atlon 11nuttl'fl h r r" Jn. 1.90 1 ~75 1:; R'1 I 42.5 11 4/1 not le·"-• than 1.35 )O.AO /\II hit\,~ to Ill' compared on the has1s nf thl' City Engineer's Psti· ni11t" of tht• quantities of WOf'k to ll<' do ne ~11 bid will be acet'pted from a C-ontr11C'tor who has not hf>f>n U- l'rni11'd in :'IC<'Ordance with the pro- 'islon5 of Olapter 791, Statutes c>f 1929. a11 amended. Plans may be attn, and forms of propoaal, bonds. contract. and ~Jll'clflcatlons may ~ obtaiMd at lhp offlct' of the Oty Encinttr. C'it y \Han, Nl'wport Beach. C11llf ThC' special attention al ,..a.. i>ectlve bldiiers 11 called to the "Proposal Rt'Qulremcnt1" annexed to the blank form or propoaal. for full dlrect1on1 111 to bidding. etc. Thi' City of Ne~-port Beach rf'- s1•rves thC' right to reject any or all bids. <ITY OF NEWPORT BEACl{ C. K. PlUETS, <'lty Clerk. DATED May 10, 19t8. Pub -May Jl, 18, 19'8 . E'GP.A\'"ER 817 COAST mGHWAT COROSA DEL MAR. CALIF. S4-2'2tc PEIUW)~A.L H Lt· r K \" MF:P.RE \\ll) not ('hi.nit" ptwrtJ<lr'S• C•<nM.-out on 10fl an the-mafltt of ~ f'- your ('ar ~ Earrur at Aaoonat· ('d ~'ICf', 216Ch and W Cnitral S (•-por1 67~-- S•·imminl in lhrtt ~ 17 00 Foot of Noetno. Balboa. Ra. 325 ANClfo. Ph. ~ 7198-W. Z..22tr IF YOCR fl,"R..,Tn.."RE lll Sot BEC'O)f(SG n-1'oq Shoukl BE~ To JO:-o."ES ro l:IJhois1""'" ~t)iinc -~ 1965 Harbor Bl~ Cost a lieu BEA. C2il'> 15<-37 8llMIZ rooa c.aa •• W AN1T.D-A ridlP to hiCh ,,-twJOl atta In '°""""'°" Hnc,tlu.. 8 a m from Coron• dtl Kar Ph fl.,. bor 1874-R Si-< alPLOY1IDT ...... • SECR£T ARY-~ J.l "Thtirowttt· Jy f'XJ>l'rit"nOrd m all oft-diP- tail. ,ncludlnc mtistjca) fJll&ft« and light book~ dtslres posi lion m Ban-• Sf'WP'lr1 Writt Box&>"~~ &5--p-10 , The G A S Refri~tor SC9P ......_ A"aUabir NOW BaJboa Furniture Store 100 Ma.in S t... &Jboa Phone Harbor 145 Z!m Coast Blvd.. Newport Phone Harbor 118 ELECTRICIANS f SUia! 1920) eo.itractlnc· R.e1J&1n Raidrtltial-lndultrlal 41-t/( Et&-Hokin & Galvan 1000 Co.t fmray Sn. MO'! st-ti• RUG MATERIAL f'°" braided and hooked. Nl'W En1· land drsicm. Hooke. framea. sw•tdws. etc. Information on rrqwst. P. 0 Box 506. BalOO.. Ca lifornia. 67-c El..EC11UC bottko cooler, ~ll'. 6-ft ltof'C 1 ~y 30 cun}, llkr _., O>O. Bat h tub with I~ $10 Ufetimt Mayh11: wuhn. crood candlUon MO. Rrat"On SOIJ..M 17-c· 71 ~!llF:RSPRING mattnm and hmr .,mt. Wlth I~. rf\aiT and Ott· m11n. 2 ~lamps. dinette table. ~chairs. 11:u ht>•ttt. small tablett Hart~ 111199-J ri.11 aftf'r 6 pm 67-c.'.'·69 P'(JR S AL£..-Good UM:'tl baby hUlt· o . ,..aaonahlt. t'.l35 W \rntrBI, :s-,,.,n Buch 67 ·!>'6R ffJGH CHAJJt. Ta>lnr T t>t. hllhy buinty, man11· hlcyclf'. ~lnttle •hfof-1 traJltt Cheap 354 Av1>- ('ado St . C"O!lt • Mtn 67-<'-69 a.w.-~ -1 l\EDR< M >M 11nf11r111,l1•·f'1 "'"'"' A'ilT.:'\OTI(l!'J nnAT OWNF:RS ,,.,. rl'nl 1;.n \\' l 01•n1111I /\\•". DHEAM LOTS R•'l'l11!'.'f' th°""· ulrt ~tyl1· ll•·:t\) -.;,..,..110r1 11, .. 11.ti 1., 1• i1t NFWl'l 1HT llAHll111t /\rf'f1 ;. m in """11.(ht anchor.; "'''" m11<l1·1n :\11 411 fron 1 H1•nrl1 At Ynr hl ll11rllf1r . on lh Oa nforth!C A 1Jm111"1 M1p11h "-'NTED TO aENT _ _ d111rmtn1: S1111f11 i\1111 Av" JHO 11\r11laltl<' nt 1h•· w r} 111"' prw• ---x :\(~I. f.l,:.•ut 121• x :\1-1. $~'1011 uf ~ 511 .... H<·arun lilC"l·:\I H 'E L p ! ~ ld1•1cl rur ft11nl'hll11 '"'lli;:hlflll ---r~,,..~I Rental Li~till)!:--11rntl~r11p<· """ n1•l(th l10rh1 ..... 1 Don Fo n SALE o "n"r 1.1· :r f 'I:"' J1tr k 1·111111n t·""'""'">'" <1uh, \raft 1,,,.,.._1tr,. .. ,. I ii<llln'I 11 .. :.i \I l1•r 1<1 )'l'llr'-1·x1,. r wnr •· 111 11'111111 :"1·w1"1r1 ll1 111'1! l\1-114'011 ~AA!'> w11h 11111•x1raii in1'l11tlini; !ilar1t·1 I •ni; llllfllm•·t r•·ti•·"' I h01'1 1' f>4.!'>tc ni•w ly p:unti-d ~ •. ,. ••\rnlni:" 11, l.1r1:f' list "' 1•111•111' "11•1 \\ 111• r a lhni.t fW.ai·•m filH:!-J AA , .. ,.,. 'urnm1•r r<·n1,.1~ 11•1111 l "'"kill' FO H S A Lt; 'JO.fl, runaho111 1;.111<1 C'Ond1tirin. n"w '"""' Mu'' "'11 j this Wef'k. ma.k•• offt'r S<·r l\t 3.51 F: tRth St . t'tld'l .1 M•·'<1t l 'h Jil·aron 5701-R •·w·nrni.ts AA· I (1 A n :w SLIPS av;11l11l>ll' ii) :o-;r"•~·· port'<; Ix-lit a nl"h<1r11(tl'. (11r li<•r•t' up to 14!1 h Ph ll1trbor :l.'\..'JI. - fif,..r-711 USF.D ENGINES f'OR SALF: Krrmath Sra Prlnr•· S:J!'>ll l Cray 6-Tl $2!'10 2 Chryslc-r Aet'S 'J . l rNt I pair I $7:141 1 Ucht 4 Gt11y S2IJ11 Balbt>A Y11cht Basin If YJI) ~c-7'1 16-FT. Sport motor boet. ~ win& enctne. New c:anvu cover, per- fKt for yadtt tmcler, s*uun or sport tl9hiq. Priced for quick t.ale. 11.000. Standard Oil Dock, 814 E. Bay. Balboe. Harbor 1384. 64-~tc 17-tt. fflaeM. UUllty Chrylle-r motor. Ulte new. Sell or trade, on OoroNl del Mar reaJ "t.at~ Ownft-3742 Walnut St ., R.IYtt· dde. or Ph. Riverside 3262 ~ app>lntlnfllt. •7 -221c WANT SNOWBIRD BALOOA Summ•·'T O,artt'T or Ruy Ul!('d Muat ~ •'ully Equipped Prf'frr nouitlu P1IO~t-PRotp~t 724:Z 67c Pilon(' 1111 rllur 1 7~ "' l 1>< Uevt'rlv HNdtv '·,,, 211 j.:11111 Ct•nf rnl HAI.BOA r.1.( 'tlflrr t't>Uplt• W()Uhi 1ik1• 11n1111I (ur apt or hJW for 1 yr or m•lf'•' tn I !arbor &TH. Man t xcf'llent 1ialnter, Beel ttftttn<.'81. Phont II a.rbor urn~. 67. J>-AA ;'l.'"wa-nrnn employee want.a 2 bedroom hoUff pref era hly un- flA"nllhed on nl~ months be1l1 <'all Lecm Williama at Harber 13. 51-tfc llEWT, lllllMm.IA-.0111!1 .. 4Jfl0 sq. foot Industrial bulldJn1 for ~t or IMl!r. Phone Hll11lde 15!51. Holl~. 61-tfl' n JRNlSHED ROOM -•. Of' hl.1111- ,_ woman, hr,.ktHt prlv- ll~n. ne•r hUS1'11, 11tor1•11, '""'"n Corona del Mu, A<~ 'thlr<f Aw• 67-c·6!l rNCOID PllOPWn .. .'I Redroom hofnf' 11nd lnromr• In :-.lrwporl b land, wit h :11 -ft ••f watf'r tront JUllt t:llChl for ynur funlly and your bo.it M1111t-rn furniturr F"t•nf'•-d for prtvary, NWnfortshl" llvlnl( $A.(10h dnw n r)W1"!f' will fln11nf'f• Jmmr'f111111· JlOU"tll!l illn 391' l'J ~ 11r ru~ A"' , N_,:iort f\c•s rti fl7 1»11 Coal-It J>rop,•rti t·~ \.11. H ,. a I lo r ~ NF:W onl' 11t•1r y, mnd,.rn 11t11l'co horn!' rin th,. llall.011 1'1·nln1ula Point 2 hrl'tronm•. ~ l111th". llv- lnc roorA with flrr11lRI"', 2 car ~"'"!!" $.'\.~ MW11 T otal prt~ nnly $13~. CoaRt Properties Co. R ea ltor R !'ill E. r .. ntrftl, Halh1111 lf11r 26M ~tfc You Ar" "RIGHT'' C 111 the BAY FR ONT With n r l<'r 11n1I Fl11"1 Crn f1itll11111 f\lnnd ·nir"" ~-dn.orm, l''vrnl11hrd So111h H11yf11rn1. SJ1.:u1 f"nr th•• nlRlit f,t)l'ftllr>n1 C'iill 111111,.,r f\2-W 1nm r<1Wl-:ns 11nd JOH N n PRF:NIJl-:RGM>'T at .J. A. REEK OITl\E l1all11111 b l•nr1 F'f'rT)' f..and1n1 fii>-c-G7 CORONA DEi. MAR Bay View South of H i~hway Beautiful New I lomcs a t WhoJe~lc Pric:es .JUST <'OM I 'l.l-~11-:11 Ht1ll1'4•r hnN onlv two l1•rt 111 this tlt.,Jr-dhlt• rlh;trii·t ""'' \\:111 "4·11 Ill whol•'Sllk-.~. ·n,..~· hr>rm"" hnw• 11h1t1• ~11111~ 1iidur-.• wind,_.., n11~i-tonc• nn11l111....-, c·o ld ("flfhotlf• 0 Uhl..W1f-'flt ron- ('(.'ft]C'(f llKhl lni.t In livll'l6: l'YJOm, tl<1ul.W noor fumatr<p. Oftk flntlrN. 'Own-11rr two llf'rlr<1om .. -. v.1th tJ~ in kit- ~ and tw1th nnd the ln1Nior ill rinl~ with t.d- we ll pla•tc•r thmuKhOul. ( >ouhlf> j(hrftJ.,,'W' with driw-- way. w1tlk,; Anrl ('\lf.,-yf hln~ 1·11rnpll'I•· APPRAJSl-:1 > AT $1:l,!"il() JO'f, DISCOUNT TH IS W ~ I fotru~tit>c•k..r'!\ • Jte11ltors · l 'lt·a1t1• Otll . Ira Goodpasture, Building Contractor ~ Rearon St., Newport fll'lghtA, Phon1• a.-.. ... ~ a .c-a EVA F. RHODEN -REALTOR S -P-E -C -1-A-L JNCOMF: PltOPERTY -N1•w 'J.-Htory, '/. apb. in good dil1tnct. Can Mhow i:l'i; on your lnW!fitmml.. ThlH Ill on n <'Onw>r lot, fi l 'xMO'. lloom feK anoUlf'r rt()\Jble unit. Full 11r1N' ~H500 . EVA F. RHODEN 470 Newport Dlvd. REALTOR Phone ee.a.. 5713-R Evenlnattt Hnrbor 1423-J or 8eeaw'I 5719-R ~ ............................................................................................ _. ... ._ _______________ ~------------~---------~-~----~---~-~~---~ -· f I . .- 1 · •. .. AROUND THE HARIOR, ON THE MESA . rHOSl:."1: 11All80 R lS, ttl R&."I.: HA. l U 't:R Social I P 6 NICWPOKTBAl.801\ Nt:\\!'\.f'l'lt.:o-May Festival age Tl't;s u.\\ !'o.t'~lMlrt '"'"''"· ( alll. \I:.\ I I , IHIM 01 G . I s t T 1 ' r-·----,·· 1r cou ro.op Costa Mesa Girls Honors Mothers Honor Mothers "tll ntl 1111 .. ,, ,,, t1.. 1 .... 1nt A# Festive Teo 1 .. , 1111 •• • .1 ... ,\1••' 11 .. 1 .. 1 ronuni; mo~• ltf'l'rt•f'I ·····I) Jll'' ht'furr· ~to1h<'r,. l hi) """' 1111• ''"' ht>ld Ft 1d11' fr••lll 2 ;\1 1 • •• 4 :~u pm 1n lht. kintfrri:ur1t•n ,,, 11,.. ~1am "l'h ool, < 'o!<la ~I•'"" Mo1 ht•r:-, "ho "1•rf' h11nur•·CI gu<11 111, W•·r1· m1·1 111 I hf' rloor l1y t h1•1r daui;l11• r~. 1•11twi r••al or 11tlt1Jl1r<f fur Ow d1t,\. 11 n<I r•·· crl\·,·d troru t h•·m cnr111111••11 ul pink 11nrl '' h111· f'11rn1tl io ns Tht> ro11m wn~ c11'<'1•r1tlt'<f "11h n\1111) lll•ll(IUt'lS of SWl't'I pt•as. r'<*'t and ulhl'I'· f~•'r<t r.nm4:1i Wl'rt' plR)<-d. ftlf "hwh JlrlZ('11 wr·rc 11wnrd•·d ~trs Ed 11h c '0011n wnd Mrs GraC't· K h1w Thi• proi:rnm fl'l•tun'<I numl>"r~ by th<' 81h 11rnd1· 1:1rli;' i;h•1· r luh and son"s hy t h1• 7th 8nt1 ~I h grttdr·~. '"" 11111no solOll hy ci1ar11 to'luke 11nrl numllf•rs h> th~ et1mhinl'd lolirl11' An\1 lluys· i:l<'f' cluhs Mrs t'orrnc l~w·t lrht•r nn11 thr~ numb<·ri1, Gtld M11cll' ·ntr~· Minr , Soml'l tml's and Soni:s M~ Molhrr 'f.¥iiothl t.ft' Followt1i~ lhl' pru1;r11m 11•11 nnd c-akl' "'"" srrvrd "11h Mn JI Roes Pl'acock and Mr~ < • M Ncl110n pourin5; St. Jomes Auxiliary Meets Thursday Buns Irr Crl.'t'lf•y ttf 1 hi' b landl'rll Rook shop will 111• spr11kr>r Ill thf' nf'X T IJll'('l In.: of 'ht• \\' ... man's Aux1linry of SI J 11mri< Ep1sropal r h un•h, "hll'h \I Ill hr> ht'ld Thun;d:t~ 1tl 'l pm "' 111•· hOfn<' or M111 A I> !'lunlf'\IWI :l(l16 t;llst OrN1n F'rn111 . nallMo.t -~ nNE FABRIC'S •Draperies • Uphol1ttty : ~tJI " drHI f&brb. UninP- Qulltlnr. t'tc. PHONE HARBOR 211194.J-K 823 Coe!ct Hl~way Corona del Mar I I I I LEY. ('LISTOS MA\\ I~ Symphony Orchestra To Close Season W ith Benelit Program '""fllc• (JS:tO&:• r,111nf\ ~\ll11'h 11t\ nr<'h,..,lra 11nolor 1t11 111•1• ''"" '''' ship o f I. c "lrnlrnt !'.<'• 111 "111 •~mrlucl.. ''' ,, •'•11111 '"' t t'"'"' l't'H"'on \.\l lh ti t1•flft11"I 11n \f.t~ 11 ~·ncln) "' th•· ="• "l••t 1 11 .. 1 '"'" ·I 'ru11n ll1i;h 'du.~•I m,11h1 11r1um ltl H I• n1 1:11t·,1 "' 10-1 w ill 111· M11r- ~wn·tha UJll11111nu. l.ll0t111 u f mu le itt \\'h lfl ftl' 1•1111<1!" ·n11• """''' 11 ,, l11r 11w h•·n··l11 of lht· N"" porl I l11rl10r t; 1 1 I ~1·11111 5' ancl tll'k• I• .111 .t\.tllothl1 fl utH eO\ 11f I th 11\1 n ,fw·t' I he·u· lolllllJl .. ;. Ill ;tf Ill" 1 .. ,, llflll I /11 <'t1r<l1n1: '" F1 otlll'I" .I "' •r \,11h uul•hl'11\ 111 .. no1i;t·r. lh• S\111 j1hitll\ 1111 h1 'In t 10, tl<''llll•·•I In '-• ···•rn•· urh nf tht· 01u ... t tl1tllnl' on·h••"1rn~ 111 St1tllh1·1n c·:i11f .. r· n111 t•f 11,.. k1111I '1'111· 11'i.11r1n11nr1 I~ 111·11111111111111, •nit 1p1 i,t· \\ll1·1• tu IH"iu·rw.iJJ> ,.,. f ) l''''''''"''lilfl '' r1·pr1·li0•1nlt"ft l'ln~··r~, \\llh ·'''ar'"' ut l•·•~t '''JJt 11• "' • trt "·" 1onj11') knnw11 nr1·111 '' r;1< 11 11 11 pl.i~ • r' ..,,~4·k1t1C ,.,,t t'• I ' trl I h•1 fl111'11 l1o lll tr.1\l'l lr"rn 1tll 1•111 1, .,f 111• •·u1Jnf) .. ti th1 tr .. ,,,, • ''" """ n •h1·11r .. 111,.. .inti t'<•111'••rt' ~tany r"'I"''''" h.1\1• 1 ... ,.11 1 • t•t•l\t•d fur t'ulh ••t 1 l\Ul•' 11th t 1H rani:•·m .. nr,. 1111\ t lir1•n m11d1· fur l hrt•t• sun1n11 r 1•nn1•1·r1... to I tit· g1\'rn at lhl' Jr\'1111• lwt\\ I I .111:un.1 B1·1H'h. Vii i h I. C'linttm S;t"' lrl 11rt1I izu1•st n•mlu1·l11r~ dm ni: th<" c11- rt'C'lln1t or the nrl'hN lrn. flt' Wis" -Ad\'l'rllse Srotch la pt!'. vartoua alas, 09 I aal• •t the N~'nmee . '"' ,,...,.. ..... OOSfA llm8A .............. w 1°MJ' •o•'t eo.me &oo -11. dell· c:ate Of' -u., /or our ellM't. • i-d•blll •• t 0 h r " p a I r 11enit,,,.. U'a doee RIHHT ..... 1'1.1 · \\ l ·i:'1 \',"' • ' . nlaanMATI: All W..tr o..n.-.. I-DAY 8E&\'1cr.: ....._ ••1e·--..i1e ~ • GENE'S CAFE Specla1izing in French and Italian Dinners HARBOR 1102 '705 Coa§1._llwy. Corona df'I Mar ROSSI CAFE lilt C-t lllway, Corou del Mar VLY RF.MODF.I.F.O th a fl"t'~h Rl mO!<phN·t'\ SpeC'lallrJar ln: Spaghetti -Ra,·ioli Scaloppini, Chkken Steaks & Roast Beef Cocktails M_Ollda)', Bu. , ... Mesa Upholstery Ha1Ty McKee 2850 N~rt Blvd. C.ta MMa Pb.: BeacoD SOCM-W Enjoy . Delicious Mexican Food at .ea Po.da Complete Meals from $1.00 t ,11f ;i-..1 ·1 ,r t •• 11111 It 't I•• "'''"' ...; ........ 1\. ·l~···' •1•"-' t I h,11 lrltt•o' \I t\ t-• 11\ ii \\ '' I''•,. rat• d ,, tt, \f111 tt• tt1 I• · lt•ll llt14 II\ '11 00 I' I '"'I""' J t. 11 ·h c ~11 J !---•"II'"'· I •r,11 .. ..,,,tl '" "' 1u1•hil 1·i.~l1h11• ... th• l'tt l" \\ho 111 ... t h 1.'1.1111 :-.Ill t\1 nt ... u·rt.-~ ,,, d 111• • ._ ''"' 1• 1ut1° n 1ll'l' tt11 \.,,.,,' .. 1 •h• 'I' 1 111nl-' lh•\.\t r"' tfu d1 1\H1\.' ''' t\ ••I .Ju·k f-'r MI 'llf ,,, ' "' \\ If n 1 'I''"'. \\lll<I~ th·· \1 .1111111! "l 1111 "·" 1 h1 ltlil 1 ... ,ttJl)\Ol" ll' "" flu\' I l ' t\f\,, l h1 t I llllrH' •• , ,,,. ,, .. 111.• f11tl I• ... F in\\• t ... "• I• .I. 111 Hr h.'l ... \t. - hn1l 1 I , 111, .. 1d r; tll t '11ll11t• :o'tur It•) 1\11n 11 .. 111'11':tn I toil• 11.t \\ 11 11:101"'-I .1nfl (;f iii 1• ~1,·f ft I t114tt J .l:ork l"r11~1 'I" 111' ""ll I' th\ \.1Hnl, l.tntla l ,1 • Crdf1lh l.111<1,1 1, .. ,. Aol.1i1 111rl II·,, II f\11hl111"'' I T11k1111: llw l••tl'I 111 Iii• \\o1rr11 \\1nt1 ..... , •. , •• l'11hr\n c: ••• .rlc·•·ll 1>1un• ,.,.,,., l.'n•t 1 p,.,.,... I ' t 111•·1.1 (;:111i.;hn I 1o 11111• 1.; '' lt11 I arcb1111 .11 ti Sl11rl1 \ s,, 11f.,11l t.,n•·l <~sh"'un"' .~'th '"" c :u f ... "' h•• p)~~ •ti t tu• I• ti'"' ' f .J.,. ~ F r11i.1 i.pn11·io :11111 \\ .11111 """'' 1rlcn :1pJl'"'1t n ·tl "' "'ltrtnt.• f1llf I• ' (n-.;111nlf•' \\1 n ti• 'ti.'H•·tt t., :\Ir~ II I' ll1111ni.;.1:1 :rn1I n• 1•1· )1\' "'"'"'I• "' th• 11'1••1• ll oolll n\i'' •·n.d" d~ • ti "' l11v1 I\ • .,..,,.,,.~ h\· ~1r" Ht1o::~t•ll t ;iii~"" 11nrt \Ir' t' 11 C.111i;hn '''' t:1l1~1111 ;\Ir' S r 1\11~·1·· rintl \lr" Ht•\ I ;.•wlr·dl ,Ir o1t "'rllf1l!t cl •h·· n .• ne11' :tn•1 p:1nt1 1111111'<\ ~11 .. ,\ ,.. t\11.111 "nl llu· tn\tlat11111' 111<1 tit• p1 •..:r.1111• \\t fl "'~'"''"' tf tn ,,, , r;.,. .. 1 •• J ,\II tth•fh•I' \\•I • J•·I•~ nt11f "11h '"'II I''"' ind• .111 lllL'.' 111.111° 1., "" 1;11 1- 11 ..... ,. '''... .1i llu t• ,, "ttu h frolltl\\o d tho • l•loi.;r.tlll \\•I•· \Ir ' t ',11 l \\' 1(11 l1otr1I"'" 111d \It ' Hales -Burt Vows Repeated in Los Vegas n', t ,1. ti I•""' ,. 1 1 h. " ,... ti• 111:'11t l.tC• 111 (;1.111.t C:rl'l'n \\'1-d· dine rh,t1•0I I ·•' \'q"t' oof ,.,, 1 11 Hurl nf 1 ·1 ~ .. c11ni1n o1ni1 Tait f htf•·~ ol '~ .. ,,,, ~1•1'•t tlh• ••1 I• motn~ lwm~ t••r(11rr11 .. it "" Fn · c111y, Aprtl J(I, hy ltlf' R"' Fr1mk \nrter Th«> hridr· wor1· n :<1111 t;f i:ra) Jtnbnrdinf' with hlur hlttUl't'. :t i:r ny hat with hh1I' flnwl'r'< anr1 ,·di. 11nc1 hhwk nrf'l'J<!tori•'l' Arlin~ :i• 111t1•ntlant• \\t•r1• :.Ir 1ind Mr~ Olli" M i.;,.,. 11( L:« Vl'J[RS Thr nl'w Mr nnrl ~I r• llnl• < rrturnr'ft In <'"''" ~.,.,,. at1 .. r .1 hnnr)mc"'n 111 l\\>11lt1•·r ( 011\ hnr1 n11: fkar. hu• \\ 111 11111 """""' thl'ir hom1• 11n1ll llw l.1•t "' ,lun• Full S~irls on Way Out Say Ca/ii. Designers I.OS A~Ct-:1.FS. \I AY l I l l lf'I Yn11 Wton '1 '""k 111( .. rlt1ppt'r in A 1>1'11 ni·x1 fall. ladlM Thro C:ilrfnrnt.1 •l•·,li.:n•·r• h "' OIX<'d \hi' tnH·hk .... k1r1, 11111 .... ha1·k ••II lt1• ,,1,111.;lt! •nil 11.11 , Th•• I •'I' cl1 •I h' "' ttt.t~• I.. h• I t 1111\"tl••fl lft"'' I ,fl f l•lll"n' ,, ' l••nla~ 1\nrl 11'111 •h• 11'11111" 1. hn\'1• htp h11c1·1r11• ,1,11 !· H1 ,, 11 ~hO\\ I'"' bttlC•'" '1\t1'\ I ... \li '\ hidcl1•n ntm Th;1 r 1< 11nlt ,, '"" CPf 1Hl •' •ti tl11• u1•\\ t ''' 1 1·•11 1:1nll1•, 1h1 o1ft1ll.tt• d I t'I u•111.1 ltf ( • tltfotl 111,t \\I" I\ Jiiii II' 1J,, I 'hu\\ , ... , ·rh1 1 t If 1 J•~• f1 I\ t 1f t ii! , , I' t f1 i1 ftlJ\• I"' ltt 11.•J, 11 lht1 It 1 \I• ••t1h h.ilr rt .• \\u ltl .. 1 If,, '""' nt't•· \ If I• I\ rual uh ho r<• II 111 It'' I tll "'\'-·h '•'fl\!tt . ,,, •• "I •J'I • ,. "~ . 11"<111•< l).tll"" •hill' 1·i1i1 .. 1 "The Young Idea·· Loco/ Business W'omen Outline W or• As Program lor High School Graduates 1"11 !o,I h.1nd 1r1forma I ltm It!' hi ani:c l 'ounl) Symµhun~ orclwst r e w h a t bu.!HlleM hfr cttn off•'r !ind will ht• 11 tit•n1>(1t wo._rr11m for )011t1t: ""lll"n \\QS offrrl'rl as 11 t h{• Girl Sl·oul Lattlr Huus(' build· SJK'<'Htl prP1:r:1111 Thur~rlrty It~ I hr ini: fund lll1sm1·i1s and ProCri:s1onal \\'o· Mrs . S u1hl·rla11d s1x1kr on 1h1• mi•n'<; t'luh. nwPtini: 11 1 \\'hJl•'°l' \al1fnr111<1 hill of r1i;h1s whklr Pnrk ll\'rnui• <·i1fc i:i\'l'!I wonwn an l'ltllal footin.: llun11r sludPnls of t ltt• llli;h w11h men and of soml.' of thr blllb •t•hool \\'1•rf• honorrd 1!.U£·~1i; \\'11h rominj? lw !or1• th(' 1".:isl111un· :-.1 .. 111 B:irhman ;is rh111Yman. wh1rh ";11 affc-ct th ... st;itus ul ml'ml>l'rs "ho uutlrm-d \'artou' women who work. f1r11h•'\l>1Ul;l~ wer(' Gra~l'l' :'1•\'rt r. \Vin1wr or the drll\\ 111.:. ll 5;, 11•111·hin1:. f't•rn llohbs. n ff 11·" p urrhasl' ordt•r on !ldnkin's which mn11ai:1•r . Dorothy \\'c·rn1•r , trll\'l'I \\II~ llvnall'i'I h) lJrani;e l\1unty • hurt·nu, \\'m1frPd Rarhrr . JOUr· pn.f11111: C'11. "'a~ F"rn llobhs. n11lrsm: [)orl}lhy Shl't'l1~y. lrhrnr· :.1·xt m1·l·1&ni; will ht' Install· rnn: JAnt' M ('{'nrkf'I. n ·al 1·.;111\t'. a11on o( ofCtc1•rs. to LI<' held 111 Sad" f"ox, nursmi:; E\'nl) n 1lidt•1\ ('lm,.1 Churl·h hy tlw St'a. 1t is C'l\'il st:>rv1('(' and Emma l111lt , l'"f"'Cll'd rha l Don S tandin g, huslncss owner. pt'.1<'1. will tw SJX'llker . S tudt'nls pr<'S1•nt W<'l'l' Ann1•t1t""--------------- S h irley, AIF" Klussnmn, Anni· RI t 1 t'J. C'Athar11w Andr1•wc;, Cladys Kol1•w. Hl'len Winf\:rs. Anni.' Frttman, Bonme N1•lson. Barbara Hollingworth. Conml' Shook and Bonn1I' !'olickrson All _a.re to Ix> graduah•d this > 1•ar and <'8Ch to ld-what shl' <'XIJl'f'lf'd 10 do. 'llSS UOllOTM' --4' ...... ......._ ... i.. .... -el ~·a fl,,.t ~. wu hMHJrecl'"1tll a Dorothy Sutht>rland r)rl'slltf'd and l(a\'e reports of th(' t'On\'l'n· lion, also anno uncc-d thl' com1111: .,....th ,_...._ _. ' A -· ..._._ ~1 •• ._ ........... IUq •f Lido hie u bo.t-. lift '" ricW .,.. 8 .. ~ a-...._ ••'-c·_. Y---.r. ~n. -..n 8 tarkr7, Mra. Gonlo11 Holllnc....,....: ~ 4lf ......... _ _..._ ...,, -.. ............... Mn.. H . K. Kine. Mia• P11t Ar · nold. ""'· ~ D11M. "'-'-._ -..._ pho to by Gerhardt South l'rn District confC'rl'nC'I' 1r. h<' h<'ld here on July 25. Miss Doroflty Do.M. Bride-Elect, HOllOrefl At Pre-N.,,,tial &ea1 Tiu ,,.nu n'l ~~ )!- l•oo1ulll\ I "idd "'U __,..,.,... • I f•I. I I\ Oll'lf'l•ll-~ ..... and "h""''"T' ht>ld Sa,,...,. at · • lu•rw nf Mr and Mrs ff IL RM Ill< \'1:1 \\'ar.H'". •· 1 t b M - l t11l11r,., Rini! llf' ~ .... \11--l1tl41d. ~ d '·- """ !\11' M:.rion ("' ~ <* .r: \lior1n1· 11\..nl)f', Ra»-~- '' 111 1,. rn<iTTif~>' • ~ · All1111 r .. unc.-. d Mr _. ~ • ('.11 I Y1•UllC 3 U t' D a Padl. ~ i.:r11duio11· 11f N-'peln ff a rl I I 1ch '-t'ht •ti and s-ta A· Jun1"r 1•1111•-c•.~ at-.c ~.m1.1 Hi.rli~ ~ u.tia F· ruary \\'11110 \\1-dd1w: hf'llc. '",. 1i1,,.. "li1l• ;md T°"* _,,.. ' 1~•11 1111111: atlft\'(' tho; 1.-lW •1t ''·•"' 1••nhtPf1 •ith •tu1.-• 4 1•1r1k '''""-' 1tnd "'"" ~ Pr• -1<111w "' rr 1tw· <'I'~ "•I" \I 1-. p .. _.4-. .,.., 1111' h1,_1,....c c:.11, '"' 1tw-1onc1t~~ •• 111 .... •! tlll .... JT1911 1abW ---·- ,, l'r•·1·· l llt"''f ,.,~aJ ... ht 111 :t '''"''l:d~ be'~ 111111.tl •"•m•·-,,.,.,, r.t•,..._ • lht• i.:U•'"' nf hnnur 'a~ 1>r111 anti t .. ·r "1t<tA-r. ,.._ ~ • .,. Dod<I. 111~ r •'(";•f\·ini: • pn.. Th1>11<• '"'' ~.,,. 1.nd~ • 'l'l • J::UN•I "' l•nn<tr M-~ Dndd. hrr 11)fllht'!', Mrs .__ P11dtl a nd lwr •1"1•.,.. )fo;,; ~ Dodd. !\tr!' ("' 1 r I "i 1llr\E' d Hu1·n;1 P ark. m"1twr n1 1.bc ,.....,_. i:rnHm -10-hf' M"' G<"""1-l fld. hni.;cho·11d 1.,T •ndmoth•t" <( a.- h1.,.l l'>-'-Mil'!' f'111 A 1nc:>W ... F\d)n R•·a. ,_,,cs P"'°"'-nurv ("nhllf'n, Mu'c R. •·~ F.nnu: ._ 1 • .. 1i. .. ·n R)d.•1111 M ·-. ~­ S1:.rkt0). Mrs H ft R.mc Homecralt Sttlion To Hold Fittal M~i'"l LA~\ "'°"'''me oot , h• " ... lo!T ll11011·1·r1<t 1 ~~1 1 .. n 1'1 l ·id" M · l••t n•••IJ 1 Iulo \\ 11 r~ on \\'•~ 1\,1\ ~,. f1ttN ,.-... 011 1' lt1• .r1 . ~ \111• r" '" I ~ L"'"' • ;J• " .... «~· 1 ..... n. <1 t·~ \11 • 1· •"i< \-6iors \Jr, .\,h•u ,, ,,,,, ;,· .. 1~ .,q,.., 11fltt'• , ... 1 .. 'I. .. , • ~ • 1' '""'h \lt 1 ,,,.~ 1·t· j )l:rJ l'hd Jt. lfj ..,, If f ' i.. .J"W .. l'l ' .... I• \' \ ' I • ' "l ,", I I • p '!'"I I\ 111 I •. 't"•..S· n• ... tf 1t\ 11 • ul ••11••0 t.t-=. dt itfj 1 •;"' I )lf'! ,,, • I ·it..,... .•. .... .. lo• ' .. . \ • ,1 It It C II I I I , I I I WJ : / I ./.1 / / . t / I , / , , , I . ' I 1 ~ ~ tll:m:: ~ OFYW ~ ,.... .t"t ....... tllr F.Woll r lull for Uw C'Olll· ~ ,...w ........ ea.ct .. risMI. :'Ill,,., O. Z. ~rt-. t rt'aM.ll"f'r ; 11...._ t r-6 Ta...._ ,,.,,. + a• • w.-l"f'tar)'; ~n.. Robrrt Kiili'- ~ .......... ._ llrft a. rtcMI. ;w,,._ H . :'Ml. \\'r l..b, _.ond \l<'r· ,. ~ .. : ....._ ...... Y.-..,., ~llC _.,...tar'); :'Mino. R4.twort I~ ~ ...._ _. Jin. ...... >14-BrWr, dl...,.tor and l"f'tlrin1t P"'"'· ...... pho10 hy R«'knt'r ....... ,_ ... ,.., ...... "" •• -l:r: :-. ,.,,.._ ... r _,,,, rnt .. •n 1 f .,. •.,.r• &4r -· nr "' r.1rlnnpa\,i. -••• • ,.., .. t rh .. •)pt"r,.ffa ''Tht> \C .. .-ii .:1 ~n t>~ •ht> hai.:h !'f'h11otl ,....._,.. ''-pt•r•"11'11• m •·m ho'r• 11r I,.... .,, .n ,.,.. ".,,. n<f••¥~ •n- •• • .rt ~· r riy l!lo~~ rluh yf'nr l"IMll'llm: ~· rh.. la:sT mt't>I in£ .. ~ •t; t~ tr. )lr~ 8nlN' l>kRnd•• ~~ti f'rf'r ntr1.,,.1 famly anti did\ fl!'ll'ft'\""" (nr th<>ar lo> :it ~·· ~, tflll'lnit h .. r ,.,,.., )f':trl'i 4 '" ·"r"'11p uwt rtwn htd f;ir•·· Tlw nw11m.111ni.: <'t1mm1 t1l'f' w11s hN1cl.·d h) :.tr .. l 1 :it Carn11ll<'ll. :.1n. (' L1•\\ I~ na111 :n1cl Mr!<. T l111rrl ~•'•·I•') '"rnnl' \\IJ h twr "'"* S"1'tlon I l\.111k ~ .. 1·111111 I '"" m1•1•1 1h1s "1~·k 1•11 Th11rsd:i~ 111 urw "dtK'k 1n 1 ht• duh h1111i.r l>t-S."t•rt '' 111 ht' s.•n1•d :it1'mlK'r" hr1ngini;: )!ul''tlS 11r•· aJ'k1'f1 tu n1111fy o n<' ur 1t ... r ()II r htlS\ .. lo~'l' Mrl' llf'l'llt'r t H:w1z. ~lri; F rank R1•tnhlild. Mrs. Arr h11r Ctml. ur !\t rs Harold W11ldl'nh1.•r1:. :itrs Ar1hur l\la) of San111 Ana "111 rt'\'i<'"' t hr popular play • J>r1·11m Girl." awll '~ ,~,. ~ w11h thf' ,.,. 1"1t9" Sf'1•tlon II ,..._ -ILtw'tt1nn wnr!k "Aloha· Book Se<lwn IJ will.m 1•,•1 \\'rd· (41t l.,.r ld:"f ofhn.. .. 1 a.-T w as nt>sd:i) of thii< WN·k 81 I:! JI) tm• r """"rdllntl • 11r .. m.,mhe-r fl m 1n th•· duh hou.'<1' for ;i dl'5· ~ '\ rb .. ctuh tn '.\ln C '.\I ~·n hml'h1.,1n 111Prr will 1'4" a I•~ -<lra-.mi: tnr a l.11f' .hook :tnd c.r-.ol'l'l>I•~ Mrs :WcBnrl•". 1·\ Pr)'hn<' hrin~rnl! a honk for ~ •1Hf'r f"4Mnrn fr"'71 t ht> ~t'W· N1c·hnn1:•• ma~ ~rll·rl uni' in rt'- '*1 I~ l'nm n tlttm ll('hool rurn ..-nr.1tt ~111 .... tri>m I~ Gilbn l F'nr 1111• prui:r:im. :itrs AnilA _. ~-C>P'T'f'tfil .. ,,,,. '.\f1· P f'r<""' "111 l:I\'(' a rrvi1•w of Srolt ~-•l"b ICl'f'a t charm iind ()drlr~ "l llll or thl' Ha\\'k" and ~J "111 :tdtl m11rh It• tw r prrs1•n1ation £..ta -et rlw nuw prtndpnl· .,f 1h1!' 1•in·1tmi: !'tnr~ of Early t:a~...t Ill 1'11.• ''' hf>r .. .-n P••rl (',,I I f •· r n I .1 11~ •tflrl<':ortni: m With dell'gale!' lo lht' Sn n I a <'r uz confrrence e l<>ctt>d 111 t he previous mrt'ltnl!. alt<'rnatl'S Wl'rt' elcctl.'d. ThL'y we r<' E\'alrn Rid1·r. Mrna Ht>rshey and Emma \\'111· krns 0fhl' con\'t'nlion will lX' hl'ld May 21-23 and dclC'gatcs ort' Agnt>S Olomt1u1st. incommi; 11rl'si· dent; B<>tly Ha ndy and Doro thy Sut hrrland. Judy Blum, I111 r rmt>di11t<' Girl Seoul, told of lhl' conr(>rl on Friday t'\'ening of this wt•rk al thl' 'hlllh school. It LS the· Hnat pro.:ram uf llw Sl'ason for Or· HARBOR~ tn cdl'hrallon of Molhf'r0s 0DA). ~tr and l\lri; Im Chandler. Mr~ llilda Chandlt•r and Mr :ind ~In \\'rllrnm Arnell \\ <' r l' d•nrll'I j:UN>IS nl thf' hflllll' nr !\l rs Frank Pt•rt·w llnslt•d by G1.lrd1111 I lulhn1:s· hC':i<I, 11 family p lll'IY wh1rh 1l111NI 111 I.ado \\'harr on :ito•hf'r 's Dit)' lnclu<ll'd M r anrl :,1,., (I n II "<' J.! nf Baf<l\\'m l'.irk. :i1r~ Huht•r1 \\',·bh 11nd son 11r Ch<'\ w1 l lllls. Mr and :\fr~ A G11nt11·r· son o r l1;1llt0a l>'lantl. :'-Ir anti :\!rs H R Rmi: and duldri·n l>olon--s. f),)na a nd D;1\ 1d. and ~tr 11nd ~lrs llolliniotsh«arl. Mrs. lrt•nr Lu<'<1S uf lh<' Point hol<•I drow down F riday for 11w duy bul n •turnl'd to L•J~ An1:t'lf'S Whl'rl' lihl• hall h<-C'n staying a\ rhc Chapman Park hotc·I durini: thr grand orx•ra st'mmn, S h<' at· ll'ndt'd llw In • Capadrs nnd thr OPC:'nlnll or Anni('. Ct•t Your Cun. also Wl'nt •n •he Rlackouls on Wf'dnt•sd11v. wht<'h wns hrr h1rlh· day Sh<'·"''" r!'IUrn' M n)' 'lO. 11ftcr lh<' T!'nms t'lub mall'hl'S Mr nnd ~lrs Cl)dt· 0 11n (If \\.:,. l!hh sir .. t•\ hii\'I' r1•111rnrd frolri ~an Lui" Oh1spn whrrc lh<•) \'IS1tl'd llw1r snn 1.Jick. who ts 11 studt>nt a• ('11hfnrma P11ly1t•c·h · nlc school. Mrs. F'tona Conant 11( !\!ouncl~. 111.. was cnlf'r\aini•d a~ hous1• 1-(Ul'St Kl thr homl' n( hr•r 1t11nt Miss 8arnh Conant, '.°l(Hi Cliff Ori\'<', Newpor1 lleighrs Bal-Isle NURSERY SCHOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Umited Nombftr of Openings for Children 2 to 5 • Attractive Ra tes • Phone Harbor H•·R ;\lomJq11 Sl1 M.ariDe Ave. Balboa laJand '"" PRINTING "' q/111/ity Wha tever your prin1. ing needs -we can do the "job" to yo ur complete satisfaction. Low prk<'S. CALL HARBOR 1% or II F..-b ~-•:t• ~thly pro.. '°' h 1 I ~~~~~~:~{.~~~~ ~~i;;'.~:~::~.'.:.;~~.~~.~·.:·~I fJreer:ifJestinqhouse " ~ !'!"'>l!<f • nJ••>-i hl· .1r1 .. rn1••n '""' \fr, ~ "''" '''"""''' "· ..!•ll'i'! f()UR NEW SEWING t· a-1 ',''" 1n ll.dlwi:1 Tra11•111 11 1 "'f •e .. ..,rr·u..nm...-n r Full t'r•~tf \.:'P' ... """ l11o-w llonr H1• ~ ... 1•h rh•·lr do ''II ''di 1 .. '.: 111'1" ti '111•<• of,· I MA{,ff JNE JS HERE' •1_11n;: 11 lo\ , 11'1n.: ;\Ir« 1\ ,\ I l • :•""'ff u11t '· •1\1 .r '"r~ .thlo t r: h t ,.,,. I 11 ti'" •I' .: 11\~t .. J .,,, " ..,. p • n 1 -1 :, r!I ,f;idy~------ Sri'r-.,.••r ,,..,..,,.. l. tr f n • •( I ft Ii f f " f • IJH\\ • ti ,..,,. ~r-l.."'TlfT' \ t ,,, ... (' ,, : .... .-1 -... ft • • • .. •~ '-\• r nt· I'• ~ .--~· ,.,_.,,,_ " H • ,,.., ••rl1•·· r -.. ~ .. P':..,: A 1 'I 1 M• "'-lift~~ .f ~ \fr" P ... I • r · 1-.illtl• • "1t" I ~!11'-.... l"··•t rh 1 ''""'"•I n( h• rl ~ri • r•I ·~ "1 " rh' 1 \r r ·. ¥•· '' • r"-1.: m 1 rl ,. b\ '.\tr-I • ..... __. l.L\t6 Ii '(a I ,,...... II"'""' I ,. tf ,. lfh '.\fr .. f..,. •• • • \I"' ')1" 11 l.n1·a· 1 if'".,.... .. t 1." pr• ... ,.,..~,. \fr"' fl:lrr" ft., ..,,.,,, \I • pr1 ""lrf_t "' :\fr ... ~ \"l.!1• h r• ,.nrdini:·<,.rr• ·~ )tr" F'r 1'\k T-. 11.-ho>ll. rnr· :•~ .. c·!.-1!' .. :-1 • 1r~ \tr .. , ' '"/ P~·., r •• ,. • •,r. r \fr<: R I ~ ...-1.1!'lr. r \fr• • F F\ot!t11 Pt.41 ;awhm·n· 1r1.111 \fr, H1•nr F"~ rf>r""'·r.or •nrt \fr, Rn1t·" )l.rQ~ dir ... -r.1r I .-.. """l'r'' •• ,. .. ··h.11rm• n n:imPd "' 1 >en K rlur.-"""r" ;\fr< "'''"" 1 ~' "' •> .. inti ,.,,. ·m.. :itr< T II• rot'·"·" m.~t--:-h1p .ml )Ir. ft.\t>.ort J l}rffl NlflTTl'!I~ I '1191".ll'Y •· m,....1 ,,, • ,·h.11rmt>n .tn.f .,.,.....".,. L• .,.i..r-"di "'' rn~n ...... ••• ancl quart of IAPALAC Screen lnamel (volue •1.30) 89 ... .,. .. -· ¢ HoMI ecr-. IW""r ..... ,,, .. ., ..... yaw r•n-the111 with 11on• dot. tptklr~ (11.:1;!'1;;~5 Jopola c Sera•" 1--' ... tha~n . ... )'911 NII bvy . ~lllili--1 Off If good for limited ti-only. COAST CONTRACTORS-:. SUPPLY Miil ( na,t Hl11:tm "~ ,t.\\PORT Rt:.u II Ph,,_: 0.-llt'ftn .'i'!6l-'.\I S~Htll·H:,,-:.,, qQJ«.psfec ••oaadlO ~· enmdl Stwt ....... and fonrud , , , w '-- • :-.'~vr.Lodr." ltirdliq .... . .• Flo.~ f\w 1ooc , , , Drop U..~€$1 ... ancl a~- fmur-. Me>M. ....... ·~•. Seuh.ia ... ,,...,, h0111C MY1111._....., Don 't Buy Ai1y Sewing ~lachine Before Seeing The A Limited Number For Immediate Delivery u.. Wheeler Shop In '°'""'" \n11 llttrr,\ Hnd t'lnrfnr Ta~ ln r, !'Wlll' °"'"'""' -N~ ~ COSTA MF.SA ,,.. ... _.i...,,.. .• ~, ... {Oilllli •M>OM IM1 <1C-S M ollday ........................................... ~ ..... ~ .... i.-.w .. ,.,._. i_.... nv•nln11 To 11~11 ~ 1111. \Ir. \ oun1:. d" , "" da1111htf'r ,. iru1td m atrlmon1at ·ri,'-• .. ,~, ,._. GLIDDEN PRODUCTS .. I.) S . !"~·ramon-'.! noor<:. ~.of Hanktn':' Ph. S.A. f~2 ~1 111'1" l lo11i'. !•"'11 111 ~· :11. S.11urrla~·~. !'!:;lo to ~:10 P. M. .• I 1 \ ( ( (' I f ,, ti \I l' n I: n ,, a (' ( s B ! l , ( J -. I * DREW PEARSON JOE P \l.001\ .\ \\ .\~ilt '\.l: !\ •'\. l't . •l<i· 111 :',1111h I' .1 ,. 1 f I ,. t '.111111111.'bl••lll'I " Ir .ri •• 1 • ' h thtfh ~IHI ' h, h~ , .• ul, '' .1~ •'Ut l~\•'.'t\&"'•' h•' .,t ... 1,• t' ... ,..., • t -• •n rt .1• "n' 11•~ J1 ''''"' ,,, t· 't P atil•') ·s TE1..t:PHO!lt'"l:8: HARBOR I~ IS ASU :!OI' =--~ ,, , .,n11 t~ 111 \\dt~ ho ,111tkcl. "·" .1 f n 1·11cl 11( Publl~hecl t'V<'ry day ~tonday thro ugh Fnd11y, uy S.1m lJ 1'"1 h'r ;uul r~ ' '' •f•f•11111 \1!0111 lt.•rlo"~ LUCIUS s. Smith. 111. (IWlll'fS und o r11·rn1 .. ~ 11! th1• I ~~~ ·' 1-I r.11111111: I Tho•n '"•' l'rt'Sht .. 111 Jlfll(~-.'Ckd :>;t•wpurt Harhor Puhh~hani; Cp ,11.1 ,111 1 •• ,, 1.111110 h ""' ·1 111 1111" .1i;;11n~t 1111•1 \'01" XL. ~ • d • ••I I It • ••• .11111 "' n.~--l all1 11<'1," h•' • r . it.-,S.,·1"'tur.,1 -~,Hni,:. l•l thr.i\\ iP\\ -----------------\ -I ) :'-•m. "'"' "" l••rt• • ,,, thr J\1•rl1· l~·~s .. ,\rut hc.; 1-t t>•I)\\' :"il'"lWlrt Hc•M'h. C'alif., ~b~ II, l!Ull l'\lit: l ~ 1 , ..;. , 1, l.,p,r• "l.t·ol :'.llll 11 hi' kn•''' :1 l:Cll"I ---I ~ ~ .. ..._, .. ,. ", .. 1 ... ,,,11 111 •• 11 ., .... n . "" '"' .... 111111 ""· We Hope · it's 1,ermanent -·· ' · ·• ··· .. n · • ,, ... (· ..... n'1''11'11 111'1••1•11 .. ··=--n., ..... n 11.-.11m:111 rl'ftlto•.1 thut at .lh1• I:;.. ''''" n 1 h , 111t •11u•n1 Ii,· 1l11t11't , lt111 1a 1Pt ~uh· .·• 1 l ,,,. 1u '"'IPrl uht 11HP, 1! •h•t r\.11n•· ••f t""" It'" p:u tne·r - ., •• ' l•' I ' I . "". ""'"" 'l\,tll1·1•k ;\11111111 "·"' ht•c•n i1 •t , '! t .-. '"'!ltu''-u1 .q•p•,tt1t.•d .tu1t~·· ltu~,1n1nu n'" t~e\\ ,, "I• 1 .. rn ''-""'' " 1•l1•r l.; ·'' tho· ·ill~lltlll'•' ti( ,11111111~· 1)1\IE nrc ;.\:\ 1'1. '"" rtl• n "''' !'.nil lloow«. 1111· J.1tl<'rt T11111111a11~· l1':111«r ~mfl h , <l11 .. r "' 1h• ~ •n ~·1 ""'"'"' "lou h.ul .:11·1•n R t1s1•nmR11 hi~ 11tar< • n. '"'"'"'an . 111rt H1d1·' ·" lltll n r:1r1 mi: l 0flnlllllSSh•tH'I' "' ~· '' \'"rk .11f11rn• 1 .1 tho• :"o•\\ \'urk IA'i;:t~l11IUrt' I~·"• .• r .. · 111111•. ,·,1n So l\Jtltllfl S h all<'i.'k ti: """" '"' ~ .... nt u~•· , 111,. n .. ~ ~nwlh h;,, tnt' rnut.• h• th•• Suuth P1u•1f11· \\'11h r .. u.:111 f•ll ·~· r th·· Sooth r .... .rw tum llS l't).C\•mmlHhtfl•'I', ii; t't>hX Thr !'1ah• l'l.•f"'1rtm<"n: thi•ui:ht K1••·s1n.:. rm anrhropoloit~· 1)rc1frs· 11 h..id mact.• a I:'""' s.•1,..,.11011 Ito\\· •or 111Stanfordl1nl\'t'rslty. Anthr<>· c•\•T. 11 n '\·kton.-d •ithmll Pn'!<t· pol11~) clc:w,.11'1 h:ip1.><'n to t•nh•r d.·nt 'J'rumnn •ind his frwnd. thi· mt11 tht> ('('(momk Hncl s11d1tl prob· 1•t.ulhrnt t:ct Paul•''' "ho madr lrms or thr Sout h PaoUk Out .~ .. !gjllllll!'"r• ~1.(~il,()11() i:nmhhn~;;;, 0,.. CHmm• .. much mon• tn1portan1 il1 lhr fat"I dit) mark'°t "hif.· •·o rkllli.: fur !hilt Kt>t-sin~ Is a tr i E' n d of ... ,, J tho• gO\'('rnmc'nt Jw;t a.-. Hn11 r.('n Pnull'y"s. . • \\ 0alJ;if'I' \.ral}am . tho~ \\'lut" ""UM' Quttit"d by the Nc>w York Timt•• dottor. ~unu.-s cl0«· 10 ·rru· ju.~! aftc•r h1:1 appolntmc>nt. Shal· man ~lit<" hi.c; •'Ommodit)· i;amh-lt"t·k <aid h•• h11ti """'-r IH'•'n to linit. so Paul•'Y. al50 amhl•>s in and th•• Pnnfil', k1ww mil h111;c ahout ' ~· ,,. out of llw \\'hah• llOU5«' •'hflfl<'W'r th•• P1wirk. had no mtt'rM!t in thP THE l>L,'J>J~\'~,., ho· washP!I Par1f1r. Howt>wr. h" ltt for the H'. \. \. • ..., rt•nonllnHllOn Of llRrr)' 'l'ruman. So whet'! Paul<"). t'M'ard tha1 Paul ..,_,. PrOblf'm ta Mlu&Mlptll Smit!. •·as to be aJ.IPOlnwci l<> ttw 'l'tmi column. n-portini: on C't'Y'· So o t h Pa<'iflr Comm1•1on. h r I.am race incidf'nts in Mis.<il!111ippi. callf'd on Truma n. told him that rf'~n!ly statl'd thnt ttw PT1•!<ldent'1 Smith's San F'ranc-lsc-o Olronidr Ch•il·Rlr:hts nwssai:•· 11nfortun11l<'ly had OPJ~'CI h is l Pauley'51 ap-had r.'Sultc"d in a rel1otn of terror pomtmc'flt to tW' U~<'lllr) or fnr ne i:rc>4'!1 in Missis!!ippi ttw-?'a•~·. and drmanded that Sint'f' thrn Crm1trN~nwn W.1- Smtth ~ '<'tood ltaml' 11ncl Abc>rnrth) or Mi!1sl!!.i1l ppi S1multanl'l:1tASly tlw Statc• De~ havP tl( .. ·n i;:ood ('11ou1?h to hrtnK µartmt'flt l~an to tiC't intimatton5 <'••rtam fof'tli tu m y a11Pn1ion which from tlw' \\'h1tP HOU!W> that Tru· sh"" that some• c•f tht' prt'Vious m;m cbdn't Like• the> Dt"mOCTalk n •purrs were• lncompktf" o r l'rrone · * Can You Use Some Good News?• C-0,mmissW-'Y'. Rkhant Welb otl.!' For instam'f'. w h 11 t' two Tllr T_., ""•Ur H-nc·i:rtl<•S wt•rc • haclly l.11'11h•n UV by Every cloud on the horizon may "ot have a si l\'er lininj.!, but at least they're not nece~arily all <lri J>pin{! rain. At th" Stair 0.'rartmrnr's s11~. th1· 1~1hr•1• "r .la!'kson. Miss, Y•'t. i;r<tivn. \\'C'll.s had plnyt>d clown ti.1th n1·1:rf•·:< hnrl rnm1111tl n't'c•rds. 111 .. fa<'t lh..t fl(• had surh mrk· and in vnl' case the nri:ro hy- '"'"''"' Do'mOn'.-t~ ll<'hind him as stando•r.; c·:ulw to lht' Aid nf thc• r••ni:rr-;._ .. ,,1"n \;,ti \'inson or ('.t'()r• whitf' IM•lH'c·n111n C, lh\'ious ly thl' GOJ>uo l!H• and Piii Orf"\\'c·r~ of \'tn(lniu polit" .. rnan was c11nd111't tnl! 1111 r .. ign \. "••I R~·ull1•"tl""' Dire governmental predidions being-the orcler of tht> day. it's somewhat of a :'hock to read that the r. S. Ilureau of Agricultural Economic:-; pre<lid:-; the pre;-;e nt lmsiness boom i~ g-ood fol' anotht1 r ~ii year:;'. We can't vouch for the accuracv <Jf their rn·:;tal ball, but here's what the etonomic forecaster:'. ~w when they looked into it: ln~h·ad ,,,. li<h'ff :t.!< 111• f'hto'f or ff'M'ttr •••••••••••••• h1wkf'f a (r.nn,•r """'"l anr · S<'l'T;.. In th•• rai.•• nr 1wu indrl··nt!! in tary .. r "t:oh', Ad .. 11,h ri.-rt1· Rt-rl•• K11!<r111~kn. that city has an <'X· otnr o• a ~1ron11 T n1m:111 man. mnr• ,.,.llo·nl rt•purat1on r11r 1;," ord"r r•.,...·1111~ jrnrn<tf rh1 R•)o "-• ,.11 '••y• and t au·no•,;,.. In tilt' c·olort•cl rAC·•• • ;.nrl a f,.,. n11ll1nn uth .. r JV"'ltlr• Furltwrmur.•. tlw ~uprc•nw 1·1111rt m hopml! Truman """"' ,,.,, run of J\11ss1s~1p111 rN•rntly lt·urwct cwPr 1 .. r r<-.1·l•'(·11on hlH"kward t11 1:111· " fair trrnl tu tJJro £,J('I( U/1£,A /Im, RAIN /.111/T F.AU, JAIO Wini TJ/E ~OMIN(r OF TJI£ rAl;N J'£4$Y)JJ. IT R/At.H ' P()tl« ON OtJll llUO.'··#OT ONJ.v ~~ "1 ~r l'llT. J.ITUAW./, tllJT ~ 111! .4r 1>1/f nM, CJi# ~,4~ r11..Ar /ti«. ,UTFMt~,A (#Q'VZ.AJ.Er, Mrll ~-N~WIO J.OPI, T.AIC'C~ TIMF OFF F/l!()M /</,If M:l'l () ;11/)f /11.JtlNEtt ,ACT1'1/Tlr~ TO Ml-KE To the Nation's force of producer!' and consumer:-. :~u million more people will be a<ided h,,. 1 ~75. even allowing for some reduction in the pr~ut high Lirth rate. St.ldd<•nl). ttwn·fon• Ht<' ~ 1 ,. 1 f' a n1•1:rn, S:mrl) )1111:<',., 11c1·Us<'rl ''' I "·rartnwrit 1.tk•rw'd w ..i1 ... a s ki-d killing a wh1h• man 'fhn'(' tim1-s \lo hi'lh•·r h•· shitrt-d Rt•rl•• • 1., .... ~ tlw c·rn1r( r"' ('rs.-•d a luwl'r l'ttOrl0 !1 a~••UI Trumati W n< t?,. hk('I> to• dl•<'isinn whidt gaw Mai.:t-t• lhl' •'nm•• our llt;;o1nst Tr11m11n~ And d <'alh <<'nlo•nl'I' whnt '"'""''has '''ll<'t rc•lnticms .. ;111 In 1·11•w of lh1• al1cl\t', 11 Ill onl)· R.·rl1·· Tiw \\'hit•• llou.w. it was fair to 1ytrn·rt my prc•1·loui1 mii<· •·x11l11an•'d. "ac t<iurhy on the• s uh-takf'n imprc'14!11nn alWlut thc• trl'al- jr('t ment of OC'£r<1t·s tn !\li.,:<i!lslppi 11~ s>P1ll1T~ ttEr A TIJOE~J.I lMMP#NIN(r. ,ANOrllElf ,Aft..AlllT ON lfO~PO J..OPIZ; Jl~A~f. A labor force at least 10 million j.!reater than now i~ foreseen, and worker output is predicted to intrea~ from 20 to 50 per cent. With a larg-er \\'orkinj! for"ct'. production of good~ and ~rvires will be half again a:' much as at present. · \\-.•II". •·M 1~ not an intim;ilf' ,,r wh1C'h I nm d1·hi;111 .. d h1·rr w l1h tu Jl<•rlt''" """'""'r('fi all lhlll lo th·· d i\ CURI .. Y KA YOE Living costs are expected to decli1w. "Real" in - t'<•me, on which li ving standard:-; are ba:'ed. will so;~r. Ry 1!'175 the cry will be for a chicken in ever~· pre;-;- :-;ure cooker, two helicopters on en·r.v roof-top. Jf anyone needed convincing-'that 1wace i~ a de- sirnhle thing, those wonderful predittion!' :'hould ;-;wa~· him. For they are ba:-;e<l. of cnur:'e. on th<' a~­ ~umption that Mar!' will remain on hi :-; own ula1wt. * Dear President Truman: Bv an avalanche of volt·~ -:!57 to :!~•-the Hou~· 11f P.epre~e11tati ve~ ha~ mack it~ rnnviction ulain that ( 'atifornia and her :-;ister ~tall'~ are entitl<•d to S(>curit\· a,l[ain!'t federnl ~eizure of tlwir mar.g'inal 1:.tnd" an(I land~ hrneath or~a<ljacent to inl:1nd waH•rwa~·::. Th(' • '11nat(• i~ ex pecterl to ~Jlf'al~ with equal f'mphtt:-i!' in t lw matter. satasfac-tl<'m <tf tho• ~!alt• 0.·1111rt· Mrrry-c;,._g,.und m••nt. and"'" tolcl to l!l't hi" f""!IS· \ · ~ ('irrml Jurfg,. J ll•m••r llcm•• l'"rt. l~J>ht•tcl l"""1.1l11t111n ;1ncl hc• r• .. .,•ritly !old 11 1:rm1r> of wri;I t'OH~1 n ·.•d> It• l•·rt\•• San F r:m ctM'" fur 1;1\\ \"r< "\\"· 11r1· '"" hy a group ~)chw~. Au.;1ra h11. "fl ;\!.,\ >C r•I "'"" """" dt1n't knnw whn t t .. ;\1.-:tn" lul• :. ~lr>tni.:•· '"""'" "'t· ctn·· Bon.-""r\'t•fl 11 "'"'Kl 11«'1 ,,, . .,r t hr \\'1111•· 111111~· Th· m:•n> >•·:tr~ in ""' S.•nut" '' it h ~1:.t" I O.'f'itrlni-·nt r-ot1ltl i; .. 1 "" 11:.rr~ Tr11111an Rq111hl u·an" '"'"""'cq''"" .. r a1•flo"ntn 1t·n1 f,.r f1i:11n1cl th•·>· had :o i:•11"1 rarnp111._:n • 1111• r \\.d i· "' ;.;rn111t ,\pJ••inl-'"""' 111 Tr11m:tn's h1wk ,,..,. .. 11 m<'lll In ltio' ~•llllr f'.w1fw 1·,.m-unttl t'ullL;r'l'S~m:on 1\1-.111 nf !\lrtr) 1111"•1<•n , ... ~. n .. ,.;1lar-~ Tn "r\o• , .. l.1nrl 111tr1 11hw•••I II lotll lo r1•1·111111• ,111 tt I ul !"tr• 1>:.tro.••t•nt y, r th• 1;, •11 L:•' \\':1~hlnt.:lnn'<; 1·11nttl 11••,d l .0..:1.c••· l \o-rctr'm• nl 1•.,11111 not i:•·• """ \\:1nl" S•lll l~WI lo n •s11r1·•') Iii• \11 T rum1tn. ( .... r.r,t ~llr\ ••\'IOI.; jolt <; .. nr).(t' \\'11,lt t 'rh·•d,hip a11«I !'>.1uth p ... u1.. 1n1:11"1 "'" 1 cl111' 1tn1t m11k•• 111" 1--111:.th l 'nrl•·r~ •T' r 1n 1_..,,.,, I C'll"""l""'k•· .11111 Oh111 r 11n;tl lti!" • ""''' '" tlw \\"t,1•• ""'''" -,, m 11111NI tnoMl"' n •••1tl• '"rtl "1th h111 c1 .. ,. •Ii• Pt•"'fll<•n t Iha! '"" '"" t'otm .1:,ncl' .111•1 ftlltnc ~1a11 .. n<; . I TARZAN rn1"-... l••n••r .... ft.tr! r .. tw 111 ,\u,tr:1f1.t 1 h•fJlO('r;.t~ n••" '·" th;t.f •f 1t" di "' \1:.' 11 11d1t rnr ltt•· H•·1111hl11•11n' I•• t •· '\:1·,1 ''··~ • l•tn• lt·· .. 11 t'1t•><I :11 \.c rlll• \\':1•l11nc11111·~ •·:1n:ol thr 11 11 • 'hr \\·1111 .. II•,....., ""' .ltttfc,. !".1111 :d i r11:h1 l••r ll:orry Trum«n tn I•' P.· •Y•nm'" n .... ;..-11ni.: .•• f111m.rn· .. \ :tltlp t 11 .. f1111nclt11i.: ra llwr's a1·d 11 I nn .. ff1n ,1 l•r u1n ·•r11•••·r T .. ~11h '"' tur • .t •l·· .. 1c n ..... r th•' \\' h II · T 1·ir111n •• 111.11 k"I 1h,,1 h· h o•I 11 .. ,,,,. l t '"'' 1; .. ,,r.:1· \\"."h A g-lancr at the Hou:-r voh'. '.\1r. Truman. ::hould '"" 1••r·" ''" ,,,, "'"k m .. k 1ni.: "11.:1 .. " ''"" '''" •h·· ··"rn··r"'""' ('t 1m·ince ~·ou that anotlwr n•to of lhi ~ qt1it<'l:tim lt·i.d=---1"1'11 ~mtll• onrl r.., h.orrl w .. 11 .. '" l lto \\'h olo• ""''" Int ion. ~uch a~ ~·ou once appli<'<l. will find litth· :-"llJl-1 p 111t from the peopl e':' re1wr::.ir11tatin:>:-: in Conj.!'r(':". * NEWS-TIMES FORUM :\mnn~ the ~tant 2~ opp<J:-:inj! ,·ot <·=-. ''!1 1~· 01w t·amt-l .1 1,1r .. H:-'-•,.rt 11 .. ,. , •• 1 .. 11 • ,,111.,1•1,,, m 1t1 i:'""' ,., .. tJ, fr11m tlw <'lit II'<' :-:outh : 11111~· on<' fr11m :"t•\\' En.cl111.d: •••-Jo·•''' ... ·ti. 1 ·rr .. 1 •• n r· .... , .. ,, 111 t1, ""1"" .111•1,,1 1t111• '"' '""" nn l.\· two from the far W<'A ; nont• fl'()lll thf• inh·nur 1•1oe:1 11· 1t1 J• "· t" ·•,, '" I''' -1 ll h.1• n" pl 111 ,,, 1• lr11111 <h.11• :-tiltt•;' :'llth a~ Kalli<(\:' N<•bra4:a. :ind tht• Oa k11ta:-:. ,.,. ,,, .'"'1 .:• "' l •1 o• \\• II Ill .... l .. , I 1··1·1'111~· "1 Ill ,1;, "•''1·" ,, '"'Ill• • 1fl, 1 "''••I l'r•' \\t ••" \1•1f.1 • i)f}i1tlJL'.h J1, .'~·•"'J>'t l l1 i n,_111ir.1 fi0I "' Jn other worrl ~. l\lr. Truman. t-\'l•rr :-:tat(• in tlw .. ,. ,.,,,_ 1 ..... ,1.-"' ~ •1t 1•1• • 1o. 1• ot··•• 1ro 111•·" '" · '1t\;11flt 11 1 u11 i1111 i:-: not on ly ali\'e to th<' thrC'_at of fe1h•ral tr.t•:.:p._·1:.:.:- 1 1 '"'111'1'' "'11•11'' ""'"11 i.'•'·m I l .l h "' t: \RI ... '""'"'' '•l11t•.11•h 1111-,, It lo1n1• ,, Ill• ... u · "·' .. \lJHtl) }II)(:: the,V ha-.:e O\\'neu :'Ill('(' t e ('oJl:-:lltUtJclll ( nit•·•t t•r-\Irr ,.,_.,,,.11t .anti ._ I 1 "'' "'" •• YOU~ DIAL • h Jlllll•I IU1 r 11r h1rlf'r1•h • r• 'lJ ,.._ t h J, 'lf'f • !lfl ~' tanw into hc•incr, but i:.: m<•eting-that threat wit an ....... n1 ~ ...... "'••'*«"' 1'"''""" ''"" ""'' 11• •n 1;,,1, .. ,,., "' · \ . :• .. • · I-I . .. ,, I 11 (h ~, unanimity ~eldom :-:een in national legi~ atum. 1~·1~1F "·"· ti ·1·1· Ttu ''"' h:o\• '" ,,:011 ~· '" .......... . 0 f , 'lf T An .• t•• .,n t ;.'P·•\ • r "ill f,. 1t1 .... q, : 1 ~. • • !~~ t; nc: mea~ure o a man:-; greatn(';-;..:, ;' r. ruman. 1 ... ,. •• rt ,, hr· ... 1 .. ," tw• ~ .. ir .. 1• "" a.. wise _ Adverttw ... """ "' 11, i::-; hi=-courag-e to C'Ol'l'ect a mi~take. California do('s rHNf'I"}' flT~a(fl rt .. 11.,r~ '" 1>111 I., • ." ·1~ ... not que~tinn your courag"e. But the fir~t tideland~ vNo 1'"1> ''" "' r r.~, •1uu·kh T•· rmwh "TRAVEL · " · 1 • k · k 'II h ••"'"PS.: "''h 1111, ""r 1 .. rn ''"'Ill ••• bJ all_.. , ,',:·1.,.,&,.;~.::·~;' W:t:' :-:ure v a m1sta ·e-a m1:-:ta ·e \'OU :-oon w1 a\•e 1r~ r,.,r 1111 .. arl) .-,1r1• -· • .... n..... ,.,,.1,> 1 ... :in opportunity to correct. California urge:o; you to '""' •It•· 1 .. nc h:.•11 r.Rr ..-.111 • AIR ~1 ... ~:·~ ':,·~:· .. :;~ correct it. h.-.tp t e SEA ... """"~· f 'h '\ I ltM II '"" l"•llltfal Jl'>I dooo«n't h"'l j '" Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A~ I-' i..tt...U-for 0.. .. y..,. UPRESl!:NTED NAT18NALL'I' BY OEOllOE D. CLORE. INC. S.. P'ruc!lltlO-Lol ~PortlaM~N-'l'.ti-....... By Canier or Mall: IO.S> per month anywher~ In Ne'WpOrt. ~adl and Colta M-; $2.40 for 3 moDthl. IUIO for 6 months; 19 per 1"1' By Mail In Oran_. County: 19 per yeer; to 4th .one, '9.25: to 8th rone, $9.50. Entered u ~-Clua matter at the Poat~ In Newpon BMcll. Callfoml&, under the Act. ol March 3. 1897. SAM D. PORTER LUCIUB S. SMTm. m W. l'. DIXON ) CLYDE REX ) Prtntt,. Plant, 3011 W. Central Aveniw, N~ BNdl. Callfomla Adlve @) Member _ f .......... -.. 0 •J\f'1' • RAIL .. I ,. ,, •• Ir let ' J-··· ' l'ltllll•• 1tw KO~"''"'"""' ran hf, rh1• • BUS ~ •t· "' ... hw • "1ta1m1 fur•h<'r 1nn111ion · '' .,. 11 •. 11.~ H ltw l'f'C'O\'f'T)' money citn tM--TO ALL POINTll 1 ,, \l•i•~;""11,.,m kPJtf from l1>akinic Into rllann<'I~ nf ,.._ ~ ... 1• 1"~' Jlllhtk al p.1trona«i" Lambourne 1 ", ~>: :.~·.~ .• At ttw> rnomf"nl 1tw p•.,li•i<"al Travel S.rv"ice , 1 : .. '\~',''.'.~··.~~. ciu• S<"'nf' 11 crJmparat1n •ly quit-I Thf' • '" leaden of tht' fl,000/ffl lt11h11n!I Ill~ A"'"~...,. ! ~:.'-~,"'.;: •;~,'~:; wt\Q \'otrd C'01T1mumst Lut rnof'th • • T""' \111 ar'* not hkf'ly to mak• M'TlOUtl 1 "--t•;·• r •. lroot:ilr fvr th<> 11:0W.'Tnmrnt •·hilt· " ''"'-N••• freoah suppl~ and morwy an-now-p ·ft J N T J N G 1 1 .• '.~·•1<n~·~111" .:.:•: mi in fr<>nl AtTlf'nra 'Oil.' <1hould ' " "•••·•• • "~ !ti'·~ Premitt Atndr cit> w_,P"r• 8'T A N DA RD I Z E D : ~ :'!:.~;!,:~ '.': ~.:;~· 11 t•rN1lhani; ~pdl m •·turh 1n wnrk ' • , ,. "'' ~ " • "" out h t• ('("'(>n(1fTllr r~f.-1rm..~ \ 1 • , "' ·•' '"'' ,. What "r" '"'"'' r••r•irm• ""d to save you both i hn'IO will th" ERP h••lr1 ll<t• !hnm ~ and money. an In 1 H""t . ltahan (~,, rrnm""' 11nd Anwnr,.11 •:m l•IL'-"' I""*'" •1.,.1,k I B E A C 0 N 6 I ! 5 n••"'lr·•1 1°n1hrof V:RAl~I\°""''; l•orm • \\h•n th,. i:••\•rnm•nt •all-~ •·f .v :H.\HI.\'.' rd ••rrr 11 m• :.ns l h•· ' A. C. Spencer 1115 ~ mct-wa1 .... \. rr.m•·n· t•l •ll' '" t1111lcl r• v •r· ·----~-------...,..,.- " ... A• I " ., ~ '' f.\'l~ION ' I WELL -I KINDA LOCE I>' l lG GOOF' ••• ME'S A GOOD 1<10 ! IJUT··· J'O MATE -T'S(( MIM f lGHT ~lJ .AN' WIN YER TITLE WIO A L·LUCICY l'\INCM! I 111111flotr C "" .... ,,.. ~rv 'rtC•"'""o r. AP~1...... Ntt~l ~ ... A.T • l AQS\...""t "'"'V" -.Lf 0 6Q1'lfl\t. V '100-. • "( ~10 'Myt~1' .. . . I • I I ~I h I • h i • I' " ; ,., " . I .. .. .. k \t' ! 'rn •Ht I t I h I ' /4. I,,,. I l•I II " I 1•lt k t ~\I I •I . ... ... , ...... ,. t I I• ' I ~ \' .... f •••I I·• ... I I ' 'I 'o f •lo .._ I \\ I 1 I • •+ t ~ ~'X I ,,.,. I 'I ' "''' h I ~,. I I I' Ill I II K I '\I pa .. • I K\U ,. I A .. , ; t.d I t\1•·•1'1 -.,:, "'~ k J.1 A v ,,1., '••1 .... "',. ,,.,, . W "; \ J•r"' t•• H1 1''19 ,. ., '' I " 111 • " 'I I I• tit I'\ ' h 1 I I ' I .... , II I It '" , , t-I A I t .,, •• '( \ 'I ,,, ., , . ... ...... ,., H ' '" . If t• '9 ~·" f t· t I 't ~. ,.._. e .. 't'" I "' • I l It I •t t •• I A v., ,. . .• . ' ... • f' t 1 • ' • M 1o•1t k tof':A f •t fl! •• of .-:•1re kJ'Vdi '· ' \ "''' I !,t t •• ' I I H • I • " ... .,.. • •• • .. j.t WNX -'1• 6 \t11 ~'·ntl • r " IC l .li I ~••'·• k ,.., ' •. t ' \h ., k '" ,. 11 •• , •• Kt,( .. , .. W+ \t .. 'It I 111 111 l<l''.\11 I I I -. , , ~ I I ... ,, •• t '' . ·~ • I I • t \.. \,ti• •f '" I • rt f'1 """-. ., u ... .. " ..-: ., f• • fl kl I .,, I fl Ao t, I(. I A '" f l(ltl ,,, 11 . ~ ..... ' .. II Ill 'J' '111••' ,.. """'' l 1e 1 I l'tt •/1e • \ 'J ' II l~ ... , •I t(t " I 1 •t )I "' 10 " .... '·~·"' , • t ... I •• "•1\ ,,. ·' •·•" r ' .. ,. ... ¥..... . .. \f > I •• t "' By Gus Arriola Hy Ed.car ltke Hurroudla ·~·~ W()H r AfTA(:k Ut ' $AJO OAllNO'T _ 'lllJI l f I S tff I ()JI Clf. ~llf ' • •I ... tvo"<lll !Hf M TtfR ' ~OWl f 0 WO\.F ..... . ~---·· _, ..... ...._ - CROSSWORD PUZZLE 111nwn 1 10 """"'• ,...,r,..._. ac.. .. 0 11 1-rt.•ft•t.Mne ••1bt••r1c. • t1rodUM I t h 1a U .... an 1 ...... ,,11d utt11 :; ·::·:·~,!'.t It l'\Pn flc•I t9bll 1• "''""'"' ....... I• J•w1n I ehlp >'J M•n • olt.taa .. JI ,.,,,,, ,, ""'•" U To 101 ... 1• 1 '"''''lee . 7 l ~ •j J& ._,.,,. r:ai. 1·1 _ ,..,,,., I t flllf UMn .. If> .,J~a:~' pt1le 11 a:mm•t •• lfl•h f)~· n -""' I& ft .. h llUptr- H -illl!>odll1lr•tr :: +~:ru ~'"' 0 In :: ~':!ri,,, ,,,,,. .,_.'°""' ... ~.,,_,, I~ - "° 1 " " 11 ~·· ~~ II; ,, ~· ~ aio ~1• ~~n -14 114 ~- i. ~ ,,, 1' 'Pf ~I~ ,, 111. ~~ !Ill '0 114 I,. 'l ~,. " l'fO ~"' lf2 ~ I.., .... ~~ ... "' • tO lie' ·-..,,.... "'-•\-' ., I~ II--'_,., ....... t -Pu,.hu .... I -t. ri 1n·'")ll'r1 .... • ....Jurn,•1nt t•n\e t --Obl'41 e JU n.e for -.ut.tw• ._..,... ... , ... ... """-,_ .. .,,. -'" ........ .,. ' t-Uttrl-lt -le ......... ,, 11-rut•n1,.. ,.ia 11-Tt• ,.,;,na t.J ...,,,ie •• , • .,lh ... n 1·ount" J11 .... ,a.. ;;_~;~~.:·trtn9 .._, ..... la-..LI••. ,,_,,.,,.. ..-.auroi-en lln~1l .._ ....... t r ...... 11--o...., ··-i:.. ~·-""­.._ .... ,..., ef Lll•nO.r "--' ..._.,,,, ... "' --~~-0-.. ,..,. reona .. -llv_C_I .. ~~ .. ,. " •:-. •• .... J , l. 1 Page 8 xEwroaT · BALBOA NEws-T111EtJ jOrange Empire T1'UDAY Newport 8-lll, Ca.IU. Ma,· 11, INA . Scouts Prep for Al Irwin to Come * * * Huge Camporee Back Here as Harbor I f~Ru ~~~ •• ~~~,~~~.~~~~'~'~·Li 1~1~,"~~~~n p11rlh~1·d his \\ Hk at Santa Anita m thc-Grand nt.-ss' first two 1n1·rts und 1in •11 l101Jt·ful 'l1·111r~ 111tv t lw fas te11t Cirn ut ITl«'t. Weswrn Harm'111' wid<' intnMtt. Outstond rni.: hurst•s l111rnhll'lon11111 in lustor> \\'1nnt'fll R.an n1e AUOC'ia tlon I~ SC'ht'dullni: Ukt• Cardinal Let'<is and \'1<'ton 111 tlw tn1·1·1111i.: '"'mini: u p tur the fuur stak.-s to condud<o th" richest Son,i: look 1 h<' 1rot11111: ho nur!> ,;1 llup<'ful Tr111 wk, tn \\';,yward, 8lld lllOllt pr t•te ntlous 35-da y pro-respccuw )••a ri; 11nd 1-.nsii:n !Ia n-l<1lro~. F nn·ry. :\l11:h1~ 51~1 cr, El\'8 gram '" th ..-h tStur) or the sulky U\l'r a nd J1mm~ Cl't.'f'd !hr pacC'. llanm l'r, om4 11w1i.:ht lla nover , $port. . This season the \\'Ntr rn PaC'e in I nmog o1)w rs llon l'rnntn, Tipvolo Football Mentor flto\ •''"Iii• ·Ofl!I l.1 odt I' "I fh• ttr on ., l.1111'11 • ,\1 • ·• < '1111uo o1 I\.·~ ~nuu"" ut Atll• I u ' ;11 • '-"'' pr 1 J olo I llh" I 111 111t• 11 0.1111111"1 fi .11111U:oJ A formf'r N.c"110rl llarhur Union High stud t•nt will re 111rn hc'rc next fall t o C't111ch fuothall < ·rnm1 11 < '111111••• •·•· "huh 1~ .. 111111111~· up 1t1 lo ••II• ••I th1• l·1r~1 '' • \11Hl"'-I t r•t "' h111d 111 I•• ti ( '•otinnl ht<•on I t has bl'(>n of(kialh clisclot<t'(l 111 1, 1, , ti 111 11 \In• 1• 1r1 .. \I ,, Ulat Al Irwin has u •°iidl"rrd hi~ Events I::. on.t _., 1••Utll111i.: ,,, \\'1llllll _'l'ht-douhle fea ture of lhr $10,00t'.I p:lr•irulnr "i ll l.1t• 1ntc'r<'sting 1n 1111d Pr111ws~ 11r S1·111lanrl un' a lso \\,f'l!trrn Trot and th<' SI0.00(1 1h111 11 "•II IJl"t hr fina l a ppt•aran(.'('l among tht' 26 rli1:1ulc•s \\~tnn Pa~ "'Ill h.· t lw h1i; <'On· flf 1h1· ~··•1.-111ional CrndrrC'll1• hON f', The• $:!,5(~1 ll•'mt·-hn·d P 11 C' C' <"Uld1n2 a llra('t1on un Sat Urda). Dr . S ta nton. and hrs h1i: fir ld or Lllm l's on Mond.,~ ~:n1 rh·• 11lr1·acb Roth arf' set for the> classic di&· rivals rnk•·n !'lho11 tl11• ht·!'lt n( thl' Call-· tanc" of R mile and a ciuar11•r a nd Tlw Slll,0(.111-add t"d llopdul ·.rro1 rorni11-prnd 11<·1•d thr1•1'-yt•11r-o I d 1 are eltgiblf' for the h orses tha t al a fla t mile Thursda) will Ix• that 11 111 i,:n 1n 1h1• t'\(•nt ovl'r the st arted a nd f111uh1-d no lwttt'r <'lost•I) otts<'f"\'rd to tab th<' proml-1 m llr c·our<:t" J t st'n rs Rs an In· tha n h f•h in the two $50.000 nc>nt ca ndrda tl'S from the Coast r•·n t 11 ,. a n rt <'nmurai:ement to Golden Wf'Sts . fur Augus t racing o r ttw ramou.~ California l>rC'<'dl'rs 11( s111nrl11rd- n-slgnau on (1\ \'alc•nl'IW llti:;h sdlool 111.,11 1 11,,11 JO .,11 , •I 111,. t ';,mp111» in P locvntia and has at•ec-plNI an offer from t h(• hlr•h s<'ho11J hoa rd * * * A ~1"'11"11 1 ' 111' '"11111 '111 ''•' .. I ,\ t ' Id' ""'''"""" t!dl _., h er t' to rt>p lac1• prrsenl nwnlo~ --.,.,,.,1,, 11.,1• 1,. ,,1, '"'' 1,11 h ;-, \\"<-ndell Pu:k<'ru. "ho 1:11<.·" to Or-10 Rd M • l'1ot1 11I• 1111111\• ti l11t.1l11ni.: :or1111nol a ngp C'oa.."1 collq :r 0 • • a1 n I '' • 1 I" 1\' I Ir win Jll8)'1'd footb11JI und«r A. A E ts Sch d I d (",onrprni.: '''" 1 .. il11n1 It~ ""'""'~ TII(' Gt>ta111·ay SJX'('ial11 produced lfitm hl!'to11111n. U.s t ~,,as o n at hn·rls. Sta&& at Collf'l:e of P11nfll' rtflrr Ven e U e 1111111n 1ltt• 11ttl111111 Tr''"'I'' 1111<J.o r lf'aving N<'wpor t lli.rbor 11~ a s tu-T • ht t 01 • rtu ~·1111 1..,1,., "' "'"' 11·1111• '' dent. and alllO WM on (' of S tai;:i:'• on1g a ymp1c l'r1oi.:1;1111 '"' '"' '" 111 \\Ill ('1.n- assi.atants a t C O P Ourini.: th•· ~"' , 1 1lolf111111 1·1111111101; .ind war he "'Ill 1nr.'1mmlni,: Instructor LOS ANGEl.F:S. !\1;1~ 11 11 "1'1 Sl'Otifl·r:oft 1.,.,111.,.., <-tin \\hll'h tlw at Grea t La~f'·I Na\lul Tralnlnj! Twn JO-round m1un 1•\••nt,; un· s,1 ,111 , "'" 1 .. jiuh:•.rl, id•mi.: th•' atatton. 5<'hc·duled fnr t.on11:h1 11 • tlu _ hA..,q "' th•• 11, ~ s,..,.11 Hu•u• .Reo. Olym pi<' a udltor i11m llhi:n•ol 1,11,111 ,.m•·nl' TODAY .... TOMOU OW &ONALD COLEMA..._ la Ille ~y Award ~ .. W t>ltPrw,..1gh1 C"l)d1· r nyhi.-u111I .l•uh:rm~ "'" '"' .,,, 1111 1.111.,"'"I: Art Arai;:on t11nd1· rn urn·'""'''' ... r<-d1llf· I H.11>1· 1 l k r m u n 1111fl :'\11 k S mith, li1:htwr1i:h•1'. an lh1' 11t h1·r Tor1111:ti,t'~ hnttls murk tlu· 111 •I hri:: nn·nu m ain c1 l'nt llPl"'.·•rnrn·•·' uf t h<' lour H 111n.: IJrnw r• C h irk M~11n11•r. 17'9, San I >1••i.:oo took '' l fl-rounrl n11-kn1M·krl•"' 11 11111111• frum ll11rn11n I 111w·<, l~ifl. I.•."' An1t1·l•·.11, I 11 -I 111,i.:hl tot 1 .. t1, rhl alhlf'tu• d ub. ~ACER NAMED TOP CALIF. ).YEAR-OLD 11• '"' S1•t111t 'l•ll If !'t'oU1 ft.1f1l· t'lplt\l"lt, ~(~flUft roft , J•;111 ul t't101p · 'I'•, l'1tll'•,1I 1·1 11011111~'-lor~ .. ond Jro 11lflt .11111 '·""') ·' 'I'll• Ju<h-:m.i: 1i1t.L"' uf t 111• µru· j,!f ollll 11 111 IN• llt11l1 I lh1• rho' l'lfllll "' ""' < ·,111111·11 ( ··'"'"'"i: ,i:, s 1····"i1 I l.11•nt• ( '111111110111·" "" nrrl111i: "oll I lw 1111111111 ,1\J••. \\1lh \\'.11111.11111 I 1•1111.: j,!l\1•11 l11r p1 o(w1•11•·> Ill lh• 1 \;lll••UQ t \t•1tl"- ("ltma '"'I: 1 h•· ,,rr,ur "111 I><· a ,\C 'T"'' . .\S Ql'F.t:s FOil .\ ,lf,llT. ,.,_ ... C ..... I , .... l'nh•f'ni&l-ln~ etv, •lU rWf' .. --~ ... .._ G.-. t:111r~ 11ar.&-at tPiM' a.,.· Cluh tw-tit ....... J ...... -.,. It. at 'J:SO p. m. \'v-la )IM ,_ et lllr _,. ....._ ..-.. .,..._ In thr a1u·adr, li1111Ach •1U Ill! 1r4 •) Sllrriff ~ •.• Mw 0 • t.:~nd rnan.haJ alMI llrle ~"' .,..._ Mlllr (".-rp. • ..._ ....._ fntlo\Oof'd b,· ..ih·r r -~-I m-.. t~ lllr .... ~1 ,...., ....... G"- ~lr•n11:,.. ·.-rankr n,.tda' et .... '°"'"" •Mf a.r _._ tw ........_ Tony Martinez In Spotlight At 0. C. A. C. Tony Martinez. M'n.~ational 1::1 J>uo hf'a\'}"Wf'ight \Oo'hO pot lht• skids undt-r Gorgeous Grorgf' bt'- f ore morC' than 21M.t0 fans last W (>('lit and (11ff t S wt•dt• I Olson. u n· def Patt"d Corona d<'I Mar \"etr ran who is doing a "~back" shan• the intt·rM>t to night at thf' Ora nc•· Coun ty AthlN1c cluh where Ma r- tifw.z t a kPS Oil Jimmy Lott and Olson facn Sockc-ye M eDonald in the thrtt fall featur('S of a four bout pr-~am. Lott last "·eek blazt"d his w ay tllrough to victor)' a t t he> expenM• of U>o t'Ilw Llo n l W 111l1e h, unlll rt'Ct'ntl)' holder of tlw junior heavy. TARS IN FIRST PLAY-OFF AT ANAHEIM: V ~LENCIA IS FOE La P ama park at :.':30 p.m lx'f'n 11hlr 10 l:<'I lo nlng in' Fr11nk W t"dnt'Sday afternoon Dueats , 60 whol<I" fn"I ball and s u1)('rb conlrol cents. Thf're arc-your vltnl s ta tist1n on the firs t of lhl' C.J.F southt•ru sectio n haJWball plar-01rs pillint.: thc-!°':C'wµort H jlJ'bor ll1i.:h Sailori. agafos t \'all'nc1a H1i.:h ~rhool from P la('('n tia. Diamond coach W endrll t P ick 1 Pick<'ns will shoot his nct' hurlt•r lnine "ins, no defC'a ts l F rank H a m ilton in what s hould ti..~ a g;:im1• the local lads will h a''" little !rouble handling. No tt•a m In thr Sunsl•I •l<'a i.:11<'. wh ich rs t'Onsidcra bly stro ngl'r tha n \'11ll'nc1a's Orange league, h<t1' ha\'e t'Ombin<'d to makt• up an f'X· tr<'mely Coff<'cth'P pnltl"rn of di'· ('1•ption for \\'ould·h•• h11trrs. Ham- ilton is 11lso onl' of tlH• frw T ars "ho c1rn ll<' l.'(luntrrl o n for a h it in thr d u11·h fwit nr,;s his lwo-bagi;:t'r off Johnny Fouch last Friday - onr of thr ·two hits thr S ailors go t 1111 aft ernoon nnd thr bcst1t1it \Jail on <'ithr r sidP). ' All<'AIJIA. C'11l. !'tl.o) 11 • l'P • J oiwµh Jnhn'""· "111111'r (•I 1 lw S11ntn An1t11 $:!~11> I lo1111·hr1·1I Puc-.· , 11111pl 1r1• Sul 111 ol .. ~. nw111 111 •'"·" i:• j 1Jf thf• Urd••r ol ttw Arr11w, 111 w l 111 It 1i;1r••n1~ 1o111I I 111• i:1·n1·r.ol pulol1t· an in1111·11 wright t itle bt>lt In "''hat ronsti----------------ll lutf'd a major Upst't. Apari from lho• l'Xlra-curricular acti\'ity with \"alPncrn. thr> Tart h rkl' on Oo\\'n<'y today and Ana- hc•im Frid11y in rcgulnr lc•agul' c•on· l<'Sts~ W ith Hamilton unabl<' t o "'Ork t'ith••r of thosc-games, Pick'a crew may ha\'e to droo one or hotb or lht•m (or want of an er. r<'CtJve SC'l'Ond hurlr r. Thr l(ISS<'l'. If any, w on't sit too wc-11, bu t the, won't affrct the standings . u.rt Lancaster Elizabeth Scott "I Walk Alone'' --«>mparuon rt'ntun- 'The Case of the Baby-Sitter' 8TAAT8 TOMORROW Michael O 'Shea Susan Hayward "Jack-London" THE MOVIE BARN 161 So. Coul BIYd. LAGUNA BEACH • OIJ Time Movies 1'weday n rouirti 8•nday {'loeed Mondaya • 1 .. os C'H .\S t:\ In "The Hunchback of No~ Dame" -plu- H AROl.U l.PAl\'U In _:_'Safety First" Mtdla Me -CllUdren I !e Utah Coach, USC Track Mentor from I I r;~ n.~ ReUJU 'I On the sanw nii:ht, h ow t'vPr , Manmrz ~t"d a itl~ualificatlnn triumptt O\'Pr lhe fam t'd Gorl:POUS Gf'or1t•· And "''hilr Martinez' wm rarnt" as a n up&t>t, 1t w as m ild u compared "'i th the o nl' Lott ra n1t up. The F.I Paso "rtr<'ha ll.'' it is general!)' roncedf'd, is ('Qual to t ho" task of pinning a ny m all In •h<' h"a''>""'•'t)?hl d i\'ision In '""" ,p .. at HilmtingtO• ._ -II '04 to '08, Dies j , SALT I.A l.;~ C'IT Y, \111\ 11 Ii[ 11'111 \'1 ll'l'llll f.-1llHdl ,,,;11 l llll"k 1~ 1•11:wh II 11\ P\ I( llotlnl"'. 7'>. lho•tl ,.,,, 111i.:h1 ,,, ~ .• 11 l..1lt1• <'111 h11<;- ~~ VWIAN SM~H· ~ Qt"AUt ''''· n•u: l 111t.1I • t 'a r . '"·. Urh·~r 11 .. 1111 .. , \\• ool '" 1111rk 1111 1 ·1.,11 .' St.rn ~n"' ( ' I " I >wk \ rnt•1 anl 1 11111 ,,111 "' I'"~',,, r •~ 1r-1 •>oll -11 , h ·r· ·t 1 111:.· ( ar. ~ .. Dt'hrr I;, '•-. ' Ii<.., BLur 1 ·, 7: • • Ruct r;r•-i:'•f) l.1 ,7 •·I l\IJ'I \"an ll aanen l I ro• It' 1JI Oil 1•11 11 •"·"lo I I• ,.,,,,dwd triwk '"I 11, .11111 lt;othmun 1·,,11 •1 •111 111 :-.. 111111 111 < \111(001111" :o <~rant Llrmlx•rt I"• • •·I C111.1t k st\.o'loll> 1: ...... , 1 ••· c ···II~ ='4"1"1<J;.:1n '""" l~I '" 1 ·~ ,\fnL•l\I: Ill:-',!.! ;\lwk1•\ n .1n :< I " , ,,.. I•'" :'1: ... 1.,.1 .... ~ ''"" "···' '''""'' 1 < "·•r"'" l';ir<11111 , :: 1 ..:11 Ball 1-. -I :1 li.<11 "'"''" """ f11,1 "''" k· 11 tho• !•Ml 1ard :1; \"1·1-n Sl.1nk111ll d.i,fo 111.11 I.. 111 111111· .11111 '" t,:,,,I" ".:I' llul• Lmd:-•'\ I•· ';'I T·om\\1lo" 1-. 1 j • ' 11 .• 1. 1:1.:4,. ''"'··~ "·'' 1 .• 1 .. ,.,, 1111 '"'' lh111·· )•'oll llhl (',1111111111,1 jl•Jlt l ,J,.~1·ph .1111111"1'11 lo·d frnm "II'• In \\ ll t+ t )f th•• 11\ll•• pat•t• ~· ''• r· <1111 11nrl .. 111·r 1h1· flr .. t q11.1rl•·1 n•·I ,., !rt anotlll'1 h11r~1 t't•m• dosf•r t han n li·ni.:t h I I• l1111~h•'<i n1 ·11rl~ "'" h·ni:•h" 11h•:id of ';1na.:•'r Ta:-~ It 1 .J. "• II• '<"k"r . 1·· '-.; •tJ t ;...,.t-n c ·.' u, 11.111 Tr;w,·~ I•• l : "" J ~ill ..;., , ....... 1 ~ ( ''""' c·a ... par 11 I-d I • •·kh.111 1 · ' -'"-' I'" I.. Ho nmn.g<'r I• • I. I 1,. '"' t ·.._,1.ar ~/fl C.1 (.111,tl r' mi: ll L~~ T ICOl"H\ D .\SU ln.Jdr S•olf' l'OlltU.. Chit-Mr ...... rwu.. I '1 >1.llY S( 'Rt IGGJN ~>-'" •H Ll:'l:I i:'F:\" c ·osso uno' L\C t: -•• L\'"" J u•· ik'<'kl'r 4th t"I Lem~ Ca~par •nut 4\h iap1 I 71 Dan T'rart'' J,t · Timf': 2:46 14 10 t.ar)' ..,_. rwaranet'll a 1 th<' C>CAC' hr w as on 16 49 the "'lnnrn2 sid(-1n rt "t a1t" h'am 1:; 71 joust 11ncl 1n sin1tlf'1C rtt•r,•1H1•1I f"a • I 15,63 ~r_al"}, l>ann • Sm 1d 1, B.!f lx•n I M 50 ~1nrgan. and Gror~t' I i;, I,. con.<1d••ra tiw loc .. 1 anrt N111rt>-~~ ~ 111-.df> intPl"f>St Cf'nlr r!' tn th•· 1 hrr-.• 1iin f'"..11 s.•m1 .'" 11h1r h C1tfl 1!'\\1·<1·" It> l)r' 1 •b•1n, rif7••r f;ur ~IH'l't-SS in orw If; aa' fall h<out <> in h1< "1·11nwlo:w k" t'illll· la i>l 1 !J:••~n ''"fl" u11 tu 1.1k1 · nn ,,,,,, or If> 57 th•> tuui.:h•""'' ht',l\~\\1•1d1t~ '" r II ~.-; furm1nc m !hi>-:-•~·t11on S.l(•kt·~·· l:\ldtom1hl 1 '''"" ""' mad•• lo ur <t flp~ar­ ""'"' 1tl !ht• I)(•,\(' fl•• \\foll t h1•1··• '"'T,.stl• d ,, fir:." I !t• may 11:-m.t): MISTER, I SEE A MAH HAMED' SAM 61VIHG- YOU f4998.00 .IH 1958 ! ............. r'taa=:__,,.....,. )()'.! 75 ...-; 4:.' 55 1>1rk IJ<·nnm g t•r Dalt' Rronks VPm S la nkant G rant C-.A•Pllr Rud Gn-~ory Kt:MJ-• . .UX &.\CT. ..r-· 1 44 •:tt U.C-kh.i,.., 69 Dori :"idu>L<-On . 100 Btll S tn .... 6th I .. Stan K~ lst J6 °"" Tr.K-) n mc•. 1 :47:61-25 lAP!' Noh•: Only 6 rar' I 1nr,l11-d I h" l"a()f'. )IAI '.' ILUZ M I.An ntit h" rl'ad' fur tnp bo11h :uori I 1oui:h•·r romj"'1111on Tht' :\l d Jon·· a id jou.~! !!hould prO\ 1d" t hr fill· 3rd 5'111.f'f' Kom a n Kudo. l ht' cl...-1·:-J ap- 2nd ant'SC' from Honolulu who on er headlrM-d OCAC card!! mtt'ls n• ..... rorrwr E n c •TIW' C"hest l Holm- bc-t-k m lht' SJl('('1a l Rnd tw o "'I<""'· I <'Oml'rl, M i.kf' Ca.W)', kid hrnt h1•r .. ,h ot th<' bl'ttt-r known StN·f' 1 Cru.,n- lrd er 1 and Jim Cast-)'. oppoM'S Tony :.!nrt Ross m one fa II C'luhf's. 5th Salmon Worth $50 Is Good News in E i ~~.~::.~m~•"' . 4th Z1 M rciu·')· Da\I' 6th 14 Arrit.N-n pcon period or yl"ars provide' l hl' founda- tion o f sl'it·ntlfrc r!.'St.'arc h lo con - sc'n ·e lhl" S tat••'s 'salmon popula- tion . Con1 .. s1 prrz•· mono") has lx'<•n dona tr-d hy the 'I)<'<' Club, w hilr Captain Rnh;'rt Tunison of Snn Frant'l!«'o prlolrd tlw 1·01nmerC'1al fishing ho11t pro\'idl-d for th ' •• ging crui~ h~ ln11·rna l1onal F 1!1herml0n n ~ d Alltc-d \\'orkcri. Union . OME HOME! Barbor Po.t !II CAN LEGION ._.... .. ~Dlot1 ... Y• I _ .......... ,.....l .... ... a.r ... _ ............. _ WRESTLING Tonight • 8:30 ·-·. T OS\' ~IARTISt:Z h . .JIM~I\' l,0 1'T S wf'd41 OltlOn ""· Mctc•kf>)f' ~lc·Oonald Klnr.an Kudo ,.,. f;,U. (rt-I ) H nlmbe<·k ~lkf' C°IUf'y '""'· Tony ft&." ~9.-. 99r. 11.39-J"u" Ta.x. Oranrr 1537 Orange County A. C. SAM'S SEA FOOD "Sign of the Sword.fish" 1 Mile East of Seal Beach, at Surfside t '-. t Open Daily 1) km. to 11:30 p. m • ! £'-:. COCKTAIL$, SEA FOODS .... STEAK DINNERS t £ t f'holle9: Loag Beacb M0-79, 80!-00 and 824-05 Dick \'rn1•v1'l'd G rant 1...J1ri11wr1 Burl V1111 Maan"n J im fu1lhmnn floh Ltr11l"'Y btl 7 1 Bob C~ 10th 23 Ed BaJJ _ 3rd 66 Coll))· Scroam - Tim• No Timr 50 Lal"' ~"''" H11r1• "•'' ''"l'f"'! ••fl •hf' 25th lap and n--'1an,~ It 9tJ\ ~lmon 'loll>or lh $Sit l!I itood nl'W<; 5dl ' t'\"l'n in I 11 d :i y ' i; lnflah'<i fish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pc-onom\ fi \\"ith;n thr n<•'tt ~• \Pral Y•'"r'. n..rs • ..-rfvl predldlon the Swami is · _ .. ..,_ and fw once the Swami isn't jw t talkiag through b1I turban. Jf you cu regularly, set uide u little u ·'97.!0 a month-through the Bond-A-Month PlaD at your local bank-kn years from DOW, Uncle Sam will be handing you the beudtfuJ sum of M.,998.00, tool ...... why: Under the Bond-A-Month Plan, JOU' avtogs att im•estrd in U. S. Security llcmda. 11aele Bonds mature in ten Y<'Ars, ttpay you $100 fo r e\'ery $75 you put aw:\:-'· And jtut think of what you can do with that money! You can make a good down payment on a new home •.• or send the kids to collPgt> ... or have a good nest t'S:g to start your own J)('r50!1al rctV<'mt>nt fund. \\1lat's more . hy savingtfiis mon<'y. ~·011'U he hc-lping to sRfr~11:\rd your country's fi- nancial futurt", tool Why not clrop in at your hanlc. and sign up for th<' Bond-A-~lonth Plan locfoy? ANIAICA6s 5£CURIT'I IS 'IOUR SECUIUT'I 8'rtw • d n h F ·d Sl<URtrv Every Evening, Mon a y roug " ay, 'O' THE DAILY NEWS~TIMES Only Daily 1'ew811ap('r in the Harbor Area Servin&' the Second Largest Home Community in Ora nge County HOT ROD NOTES I 1"'4'hrd .. : l111n11ni:1 .. n I\. ·11 h Spt"l'dw>a~ 1• :i 1 :'> nul•• • f°'" .. '' Th.-re• 1·111rl ,,, "' :-.; .. ,,.m1o .. , 11 •'1 1'•-17 i>tood ;u 11 !*''"'"-'.,..lap tv-1'1 b~ 1'.11 ~1.1h,.111 l'.ot ,,1 ... h..ftl •h· th rl'f'-la r n'f"t"'1 -.a;:, 67 Tro11h~· lht .. h "·'' """ 1., 1 '11lb~ ~i.:rn m •<ir :'l:u ti'. "llh ltm•' 11! I u;·li.! r111 ,( l:qo• 1111 '"·11· rt"Clfl Tr••f)tl\ \\a-rn-"''"'' "~. :\f:l11 H1•- l l11·11' 11[ S;1n1.1 \11,0 "·'" 11·11ii th<' "Ru•tn•"'' 1;1r1 "' •h· \\'••·k \\al ll.11n t; .• 11111111• J'I•. f ... ; .• thl' Chn1111 .. ·1 ...... ...,. ...... 'r ll11n•mi.;r11n n ...... 11 ,.,, ... , .... "'" 1: •. 1.. ' t o l ht> -r :.ntn~ It"'· I '\.-.. O ri,r1mb 11ll1111 -'" ''" 1!1 th•' C11trf .. 1r:1 o 11 .. 1 R•-• Ir.• Th •.V.n I,, .ind tl11\ I .... tt ti, I ,. t •• m•"'mt1i1·f'h.1• •• , ., .. h•" •• , .: .,,,, •• , •• .., If• r!1'l••rn111t•••t •·• 1111,.. II ' I' rac·1n~ ''11 ·' m~·t• lt-,,;1t 1r_ .... •n.-f h-tj"''"' ...... ; loh" lo,1,1• 11 • 11 :·I I 1< op1-n '" d i ll"t "-' • nth11·i.~,,_ t1'~· '',.,,,, th•• 111 , 1 .. •If 11 t• ·~· ttn ... f'Hn11nlt· tf I•\ ·r. ·· · · "t;... nt• .... '. •• J.f\•tl~ l''tt•t•'tl""'"' •tTr m'' , ttnd dn,,.,... p ,, ... , ... ·•. f,.., 11 1\H'U1..: tl,tl• I•• 11. • \\ 1na1;tt1nn H.-,.:uJ u l-11 ·'' ntLhr If r f:, .. f 1 :tc.•u•~....., 1k ht P• h • ··~· .. t for l ht· ............ .., • l'ul 1 1rthf"rl ~ 11 1-•1 11 .. 1" l•UI no c r .11 1{11.! 111• J.d: • .,,. ""''' m .1 •Ima.: I,,,,. m1111~ \\ 1• 1 ... 11 .. 1 11 o;artlPna dunni.: th•• I••.:'·",.,.-.. \\all I• d t I\ Hl).: """"'rl , ,, -~ IU" T•1•1·~n :oi:n"" •. ,,. \ I t '"I lf"'IJO 'h. • • • . • I f ••• ., .... t , -• I r ti t 1h '' lo ••'-• ol 111.. .... , •• 'I hnt harl i.:•on·· thnouc .1 .,, , • .:r.r•i. r I 11•ok .1 ... , ,·,,nd 1 .... ~ 1ht n01 t1i..:u1• '' hu i · • • 'f. I k• •" ,, .. \1\1t'•· h111 th• J 1 • \ • ..-·9 .... \\'n~n·· 1\t ~ •u-·u .... ..:1J0tlt~ 1• -• r ~ .. ho• 111111·~f hr• 1 11 , 1, r 4 •1, rr:l•h r o.rl fl, h:lfl '"'' "1 .. 1• I. • ~·' I 11 • I.tu t 1u111 • ... lh• "'''"'ii .. •, 1•ut u \1•r th•· 1•·11 .,~_. "1'~ .... "'." ... tlt•h•"" 1.1k1•n . •·ut •1n 1 ~t11 )•,,I\'' 'h fou r ... 191,-...,, .... '"4• ''""' ,, .. T_. ...... 1"~ If; "'l ... 111 1h .. 11 ..... p11.1l 1111•o1 1'•1• 1t " noon. fo:henTIC'n 1n C11l 1forni11·s <l<'r:ln ;mcl 1nla1111 '~llt o·r' will h:"" a n •'f•Phrt11111h 111 h.1111 on "'!!hi 111i.:i.:• <I -.t1m .. 11 \\oorfh •• loot,ol r•r s1»11 Ill pr"''· "11 h 1 h•• ~ • I urwl!1im•"1 I l1r-1 ·•"·"d l1r111i.:•ni.: s;.i1 Tho 1'1•n t• ~1 ~1••l1"1r•·tl h~ lht• r\ I •• t •1ttt• nl :-: .... , F r ;1nt"l'f"t) L:• ti 01;111• r \\ ··~ • · • • 111 I~ \\ lll'n th•• I ••· I 11•1o r. "' ~ 1-h 1rd < ;.,111,. 1 •t.:t.:• <I • 1.:lt• 1111111 ..,,111111111 11ff lho I ;.,fol• 11 (; ,,, t ·11"'' n1111n;.J L•'-!' "' ,. u .... •t, ;-,ntl I.,,, fH JI•'-\\ 1nt11u..: f\Uf1dtt , .. ~'fT• ti~ r••cnrrlN1 \\ t • '' 1 ....... "' f t11 n••lf '" fn th• ~ I •s\ '''"n ... f-• 1 ,., Hu1ldtnc ••ltu • 111 !".1n Fr.in• 1'""· • ,,, h numl"·1 11 111 1 lw 1 h• o k"tl \\1th lh•· pnt• .. \\111111111: 1t~r ,\II 11-h• 1 m• n 1111 111ni.: 111 ,,ol · 1 rrr.•n t.1.,: ... \\all lH ~l\1•n lh·· •. ., ..... r .. m 1r1 '' r• " .• rll 111111 h h~' h• • 11 .,!f. 1, .t t.~. lti•· J •1\ ...... " l••r tn''"' t ~·.tr"'" • 111· I R 1d1:1 rd ~ 1 ·ro•k• r .. r ~II·· Run '.1U of ~1 ann« Fl~h•1rt•'~ 111111n1 ' , ti .-u1 t h.it 1.1.· .... tt1rn•·tl 1n .. \',·r 1' I .. .t -·,.··n~ ,.,'"' '-.· ·--C't::'H(''"'~~ Misses Shopp~rs r ,4r,,.,. T rlr,.liot11J \\'hrn n 1.11:.-n.•'tot .-1 .1 -h,11dln" :i l!h"!1"r ..n1rJY"1 ~ '9C -• f"'I canopy abnTr ont-o f tht t ntrftnciea t.o ~I Ill•'• 1\1 ~ I'-'" i;1,,rt' .o: ~ , C'C''' ~ ' .. ~ 1 : 1! :-. .rt -11aJ r.o tm'&ld~a.llt. No ont wu lD· ·u:T'd tr Lb• ;'C9'-1h wt: ~l .. OFFICE SUPPLIES Here you'll find all the items you need for efficient office work. Our modern equipment offers a safe, practical and economical investment in bet- ter work. Come in and see the helps we have for you today. Commercial Accounting Forms Typewriter and School Supplies Pens -Pencils Note Books Filing Supplies Stapling Machine8 Newport. Harbor Publishing Co. Daily News -Times 3011 .\\'. C.atral Tt-1. Harbor 12 and IS