HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-21 - Newport Balboa News Times·-· ~~~~-------~--------~---·-~ ... --=·= 2, ' • • ree Hurt In ·crash Ne~r Bayshor~s CITY t 0 .. ANGE . IN NEWSPAPER COAST 'S LARGEST 0 N LY DA IL Y ABC --i '< ' BALBOA ~IMES ------------. 1 Car Rolls Today'• II A.M., P.8.T . Dow .loaM AV~f'alN fntttt 1.r•tttt • t•,, N•mt.t l. A 1'1t .. ._ C\• ·:J.s :::: · ::: ! In Soft I llolll•f I l:lf• lt.11h l I ilil ,,., \ 01•1111111• .·u•1t~-1 •11:1 11•, I _, =-""==""--------....:-_ -- EMIRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT , SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS . BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL .MAR, COST A MESA ShoUlder ;V:.O•L-....t:....;;ll:::E:::=X•L"-"==;....;;:========Fl="=e~C=m=ta,;._;IM'~r=:;,;Cop~;Y===========-~!'li;;'l:;,;",;.'PC;;;;;•;,,;a;,T;.,.;IU':A~;;,;C;;;"IL;;,,,;:',,;:.A,;;;U;.;,F';,..O_,;K~~;,:;:l=A"'.""t'1l .... ..,m,_A•Y•._llA-=\"'·=?=I"'-, _1!1_1_"_._ _____ _.;;;...._:l:_'"::.;";_::f'll l'N!M. Am'«' Tt'lc·ilhnh.,. ·~~· I County Tax Rqtes Down! I But Property r axes Up! .- ' '' \lllt:K 1,\ Thri-.· 1,,..r,.1111-•11rl1·11·tl minor In- ' j11111·11 111 rm 1•111 I~ 111111111111: cr1u1h lnd11) 11ncl 11 litl 11· I 1111·hsh11nd d h'<I 111 rho· 11fto·111111th "'"" 11 1'<111\'rrtl- 1 loio• 111111 ot "' 1•1 ,,., 1•1·111 tlmr• 114•· l1•t•· n1m1111· I•• 11 "'''11' 1w11r thr 1 11111 ,11.111 11 ,,.., 1•1111 ,1111·• 1111 1 ·vftAI hll:ll\\ 11) t'uh··· ••·•v·n •'•' ttu· ,., .. ,.h 111111 I,,, I ~' :"i 1111, 11111i111111: t111m Mnx St•h111°lllll'r. l~~I'\ I ',111111 hll(h'"ll)' • I >rll 1:1 "' 1 h1· 1·d1lr l1'. .11>1• C11lf•- 1111111. ~·~., "' ><:!:1l \\' Nurtnn a\'l'- ... -t-V-r.ange-Co.~ ~lnatt-With ~-i"!-t-"'"' lt•ll pi 101 -tu41 1...U.~~f-----1. 11~lo·1•p 111111 lho· 1·11r hit ''"' aurt Rate Average $4.28. $100 PropM"ty"tax rtttcs In California arr i:omg down dr!!plt<' ronstantl)' mer1•t1111ng costs of local 1to'·<'m · mrnts. the state-board of t>quali:r.a-' lion announotd. Jami"~ H. Quinn. Sl'rond district mt'mlx'r of the board. rC'portC'd tlu• a 1'l"ragr tax rat«' pt"r $100 of as!'Nlst•d valu,.. of tangibll' (W'OJ><'rt)' hll~ dr"<'r<'illlM 17 <'C'nts. or 3 3 p1•r <'•·nt in I hC' last )'<'llr A I 1 hr i;alnC' 11111<'. hr ~aid, th1·r<' has 1~ .. ·n an 1 n<'rro.1<r• or $78.1 ~595 or 16 R 11o·r <'<"nt tn ttw 111tal count\', ritv. nnd t11i;tnrt t:ix1•)l collrc-tl'C! · · Thr nSS<'l>S•'<l \'alur of tanJ:")lth• • proJ}('rl) 1ax1'd thii. \'rur an <."?h- i forni;i amountrfl 111 $10.993.f~Jl.'.!'.!'1 Quinn s11it1 Tntnl t n " I 1• v 1<'11 • nmuunto•d In $51:\.~l:t'>.~R ~ at a n I r11·1>ra1:f• tax ralr nf $195 Jlo'r ~HIO .... Thi' n1·l'rn,::r t:ox rntr fnr <'nUn· Pres. Against Atom Probe \\ A:;111:-.:c;TON, M11y -Th• ,, n.tf•• tuttu ' Mua.unn,1 Pr~11l1 nt Tt 111na11·, ,.,; .. ,anti klll1·1I a 1)111 \\ 1111 h \\ 1111IJ ha1 ,. •·111µ.111t·r.•rl i ti '" .. rot• r Fiii 11111•$t11:11t11111~ 11! I Jlll'f"ll1' •'l'l•lllif•·•I Iii k1•\ 111 1111111· I Jobi I Ttw l•tll h11o11 .. ..-11 '''''"'11 liy tit· Prt st•I• n• !':1turt1r11 n" 'unn1•1•1· .. I war) untl 111111 ,. .... 11nrl 11n 1•nrrrn1rh ~nt ••n 110 ,.., ... ,Ufa\•' hr:uu·h ,,1 lh•· l"•'I\ • rnm' nt Thr \'Oft• w,, .. 47 to !..".l, f11ur 1 "'''" kos1 th:in th• '"" thtt•I' 111.11111111 Ot'41 .. ,,,, I I ti\111 •d, '"' , ..... 1t1 '•U l tH1' \\11\IH ), I... o111ol \I, illt.0111 I ,1111·· '" ''" ... •l•lfh ... "' UI , ••• I •nl '" • "" 'h· P1, ,lft• nt ;\.1111 1 1• ti"" I o' \qf1tl lltlh ;1,~ lt>1t1 tf11i I ''"' 111 1 I I ICl1 f ,,,, \I 111 I ·n 1. II • l'~U•' ,,, •• ,111 h11\t' ••• ,, n 1 lho !'-•I II• 1111 tnl"•f<i 111 tho j.11111 _____ ... (",.""'''""''''"·'' Atn1n1r Eru·r~' •••11u ''""'"'''' "' I h1• l11i;hwn)' 11nd r11ll1•1I I 11• w11~ rtrl\'11111 ~1ulh to- """" I .11c11n11 ll•·11rh ht• •nlrt I ,.,,,·M 111:• r~ 111 lh•• 1•11.r. Mni. Ilana ·'"'"'"· :\ 17 M1·111111hl Ill 1•n111', lAl(ll- 1111 Hl'11d 1 111111 J11hn c 'urt11 Smith. l ' SN Air S 111tl11n. S1111 l111'11ct, \01•r1• hc•lh lnj11rrrt untl lakrn to 1-.im11111111t) ho~pltol. S1ml11 Ana. S11111 h '""" 1:111•n flr111 11ld and rf'- l1•1t•1•1I Mn .rwu·~ 111 unth·r ohtM•r>- v11t111n 1111'1 thl' 1•xt1•111 nf hl'r ln- J11r11•11 11n1lPl •·rrnlnNI, ho11pll nl a t- t ""'"'~ 1ll•1•h.1111•1I I 'olt·11u111 "II• l"'lll11\!1•d frOlll I '11111111111111) h1111p1tnl '" l)ranice 1•011n1y h11•1'll11I wtu•r,. X·ll11)'11 are '" 1 ... t11k1•11 t11d11)' Tiu· onlt t1111tllt) In 1111• •m:'llh-up ""' 1 ht t I•· I i111·h•l11md n1tnwd ·'"'' T iu• 11111111111. ~I 11111w1I hy the 11111•111 t 11f I h1· • • "'''· \\ 11nt11'rrfl on- '"' fl11 • hh'll\\ II) 111111 l\IU ~fftl<'k by Ultt ~f f11•t ~·IU * * Moves on Strike Fronts Over U.S. ~ 11r~ drt'l'rJrd to SI 9:.! th~ )<':ir. a t1c't·linr Clf 5.9 IH'r Cf'nt fmm tlw s~.04 rnt•· las t )'('/tr. <lt)' tai. ratl"t, ht• ~aid, il\'l'raged $1.69, a 11'-<Tf'll"I' I nf~.7 1x-r C<'nl from thr SI R3 rntr of a ) <'Br ago. ( Anroe Tf'lr,,l.tt1ol Nurse Ottld& CTOU of the Vtt.erans Hospital ln Dallaa, Tu .. hOlda a mlrt1)r for a man bt'Uend to be J~ Jam"' u he runa a comb through his bt'ud. Newsmen at Lawton, Ok.la., cl&.lmed they hll\e · "iron-clad e Yldence" tbal the 100-,ear-old man llated OD 0oT"'1UlleJli penalon rol1a u J . Prank Dayton la the uld M1->W1 delpendo. 0&1~ m11t11 lh• a11thont) 111 11111• 1 th• , •·111 '" 111\r''ifll::lll' lll'fll•tnl• ··~ '" tit•• ;o1 .. 11111· 1·n1•r1t)' rommiMi<1n * * fly \fnltrod Prt·M11 ( ·11 l Pa<'klnKhnwM> Wot'lu!nl ... cldf-today Wht-ther to "nd thetr t Quinn pointed out that thl' a\·rr- -.-~ •• .,.. ....... ~-------.-2 • , .. 80 t.bal be could loee hll ldenUlJ, that be bu beell a IOld'-ol ~ a1e tax ral4!9 ranpd ~ a low or S2.03 in Mono county to a high of $6.52 In Alanwda county . • 3 Unmnteatecl Iii School Board Eltttions Today ..,u ... , ............... , .. lbXll 1112. Pboto wu taken ln ftbnlarJ, wben be ... bo1pHalbld A county brrakdown ·~ Or- 11ni.:e rounty rollc-cfed S13,RS9,473 - 34 from propt>rty UIHICd at $324.- 150.98."i a t an AY<'rat" tax ratf' of $4.28 pt'r SIOO. The tax rate fiiurr ,..as computed by dividintt thl' a1- SC'SJl'd value in to th<' to Jt"ViC'll. ioflaton mt'f't In • pr-1!1114hlf' •how· down 11t11•mror In 1•1111 fh~ railroad 111'1""'" 111uf" '"''"I ln1lu .. try •pokf'9- 1111111 uut lh.111 .lnhn h 1 .. •wl• wu for a broken blp. THE. I SAND CRAB By SA M fKEEHOLDERS. Mighty public-spirited group of cit.i.U'ns elected by the \'Oters to study and p~t a char- ter-form of govC'rnnwnt to the citizrns of NC'wport Beac:h-all an• well knnwn nnd ha,·e l)('('n rt'SidC'nts lwn' for war1' and ct'C'clit i-; due th<' ·Junior l'hamh<'r or· llw llnitl'd Businr•ss Council or whid1cvcr group "as 1'('!\pon- sihlt' for prddng thC' list . SN·rn to ha\'c lx'l'n much C'as- iC'r to do that than find enough ml'n to mn for thC' t't'('('nt t·ouncilmanic elt•ction. Ami whiit' it was a sm:tll \'Oil'. it was at lt'nst unorgan- izro. and th<' vol<•r. lt•ft 10 h 1s own choi~. pickro thOSC' he or she knt>w and who had 1'c-cn in the public ·eye or achievro a modicum of sut·· ~" in thC'ir ch()S('n fif'l<ls of _ cncie:1y·or. - • • • Who They Att. As there are hundreds. yea thous:mds, of new citizens hen.'. it would not be amiss to givr a brief sketch of the 15. In the order of their ballot: Braden Finch. with his charming wife, op- erates the famous Corona del Mar CE'ramks plant. He is a former newspaper publisher. a past president of the C, of .c. and a hlllldwme. well-bal- anced chap. J. A. (Joe) Beek i~ one o f th<' dty's piont>('f-<; nnd is responsible for th<' ciC'- \'(•lopmenl of Balboa l slanrl. star1 ing whrn lots wert' S<.'11- ,. in~ for s;;r1 and l~i::. Hf' nmi;; the f<'IT\' ))(.'ll1·f'<'n the lslan<I :incl Ha ihoa . i-. !'-('I 'l'l'l:i ry of thf' C"ah f11r11 1:i .;tat•' "''nat.-. :1 joh IH• hns hC'ld for years. ;rnrt i~ :i slH'''"1 nn<I lik<':1 hl<' · pcrsonnlit~-. • • • Also thP l.a.d~. Mrs. Is.1- bcllc An<1C'rson i." a plucky <C.Ontmu<'d on P~ge 4) Reads 'Jesse James Alive'··· Woman Says 'I Told You' SAN rRANCISaJ. May 21 - ~t.:Pl A woman who l!pt'nt her I i;lrlhood in the Oklahoma l<'rri- lory n •ud rC'porls today that Jessr Jaml'!l still is aih'<' and Mid : "I told you so." '.\trs Grae·<' Sach~t· has ~n C'11.11mini:: for 24 YC'8rs that ahe ,.r1w thr fllmrd' outlaw in her 11nclr'!l ~l'nrrnl store 111 Rrd rork, Okl:i., m 19'14 .. Quinn Pxplainf'd th<' paradox of higher taxes and lowtt ratNI hv pointing out that "the value of tan-_ glblr prof>('rty subject to taxation ha.s in~eued more rapidly than th<' amount of tues le,;f'd by Jo- C"nl 'tOWrnmenls." S<'ho.1l l••·•rtl ••l1 rt1nn<: Arr lll'tnl: •••llmi.: lllt nn "nllhl '"' llOOlllf'r hf'lft tndAv thr1111r hn11t tho• 1·111111!1 , trtkr .. and In t ht> 1111'.11 i;rnnim.or ~r·hnt•I. S.· 11 h•nlf•nt of 1111· 11u·111 •I rlltf' hJath • i<rhonl anrl "'ffl•'I'•' <11~Trw1~ Ch k W •te "'111tltl '"'' thr tilllltllf'r uf wnrk•·r• ec n r \lnCO!ll(St('d fll•.,, \\'•'It t1rHl1•r":O} 1frlklnl( 11rr01111 llu• llKll1111 1tll1k•( fOf' tn1~lf'f"o 1<1 ltw \'11r1n11~ lwo:ird< In h1tlf Arral.gned 1·n In ttw-N•·'"Jlo•r• n•·11•·h •·••·11w n 11 ••r,1• nri• tho· 111 lt'lll f1p1·1·l11r1nwnt• ,., h• Co tary rnN', nnl~ "'' umlw·nl T \\",., "" lh1· lnlN1r ll•'1·nr • owns Ip urt ton J Ay i!< rnti•r<'fl '" l hr 1"1'" ·--"'"•I l'111·k1111<h1111••· w11rkrra l!('hool diJlrt1'1 .I /\ 11< .. ·k. 1111'11111 Ill Jac-k n <'11h1ll. ilrTMl•ofl WC't!nMI· brnt. i~ UllOl'JNl!ll"ft "" lh1• h11l111 t Tlflli:\''Rt~ Hltl~•·l "1 I'll T llY. \\ lllTt : ,. •• ,\ "\)'4"4 nn t hr ... ..,,t I w h ,;:'mflh•li• hllllnllnl( luday nn da)' by loc11l poh<'W' on 11 rh11r1. ,1f And, for th• l>r .. nr• 1· .. ,, .. 1 11111•1'• rt..tiln1 '•••"'· 11 .. ,... ... !hr "'"'""'" 1 o tt : 0t11ll11• t'"1n ... of 1,,.,. An -~ ~L. •'r,ti• nrN"fll t11'ff'Kt In lh4jr di IC,.,, ... , hol .. • "I' " ~., l"''''11frr •••11 .. ltt ''"''' ·\rt ""rll11'• \'·',.~la Iii. ,-• r ,.,. w ild1 11<•111111 l\1 11rd1 lfl 11od \OT1tin!: •·nrthl~ rh<.,'k:< "''"' ,1r. ~trirt , th•· t1nh· r·:rntlirlal• •~ 111 " ~ ,.. ., ·-1 I Bo Hf'lu"': ,,.,. T"rr.'' OntArt11, ""'""" ... lw• 11111 ... • )II '"""'""' hro111ht llU "'''" 111111 k•'•I 111 t1l1•tfty riot-' T p d rill-.....i thi< mornln"' 111 Nf'V-l•lrt rumbrnt n I• t .n" lw11rt 1 Ys own a re ,.,,.,, .. In frum lhr .,.,IN' h<1AI 1111• 111 1•1tr 11l1tll''I /\ 1'<in1:r•·~•lrn1nt tn"'Tll'lhip "'"'r1 "" 1< srhl'<lool•od F:lNtor< '";.1 """•••1 ''""" , .. "' ___ .011• • 111111111111·•· ronlhuwil an ln- T Be Bu •ed b to anno•nr l1<·f11r•• .lttd"•' 11 J I •l••t• Oranatr ru11nf\ 1r• 1 •• o11 .. 11111· "" • 0 n y ,,,... ~ "' l • .. f11'10lt1tll"fll1• •flik1·111 1111o'111o(O Junr 4 f.,-a iwr ltmmar)' ht· ong 5Plf'C'tinn "' tro1•1••• II· •l••'i"1' JC'J>AL'I All' L,()l'('L' f A(!N('ffL'I) 111 ol1•l•·rrn1rtt wlulh•·r 1111.,,r 111ww H. 0 'B d Bo ' on !hi' rhari;:f' m 11r1'f'd h.1 1·11nt••4'h in otnh Ill I,, I ~ \ r J J \ r \ r J J ' l'J "I 1:111'!:!' ttw\''ll h<'lil'\'t• m(• now," IS wn a ys 11"'" lii'"1' lllllt' '" ,.,. 11·111 ''"'''"'""· 'fl • na.il Wit.~ ~t ;U $,'VWI ··hlch \tax m .. nlilr)' •lt•fflo'I< ,,,., '.'.· ••• ·.,to1 ·.·.11 \..' f )L:sJ>L:J'.·\'l'L: lf()l .Y ( 'l'l'Y WA I' .,..,, lh tlo t·la111 ••• ,, .. 111'11 "' \V1t11•r ~11•· Sill 110 \'S 1'<)\\'l'o; ... I l\f "I lf11rw117. «11h111"!t l"")f'f, •. 11d ,h11:h '''"'"'I •I'''"' 1, J'"I r-r. \ r. . \ '"" I 1 "'''''II '''""'\\ .• L.1 111•11 Shi' said a !ilOr)' in thr Lawton, · · 1 • "'' 1 • ' ay "' woulrt 1 .. 11u1 lll• '" 11 ••• him ,.,,1,, r>ot111 •'''""' '' 7 1• 11 " J I I I 1 I t ti \\ill 1,.. h11r1r1I tnrl;l'·' tn thr 111 111· t t t t I 1 IC•ll•111t•I" 1 ioi• "' llt• 1w1•1otl11 Ok l:o . r 11n,.l tt 1111,111 -'·h wh l'•'lllll't "<I ti 'P I Fat h1•r Edw11rrl .J Flan:ii;::in 1 hf' ho arinc 1 h.· i.:ramni:ot ... It• .,1, J "' t 1 ,f \ \ '' ''"' 11 •· 1 1,., """"' 1 to11 t th• I '" '1''1 \\' •lit• "" 11 •• ~,;,· W!' ••·•·n nunc 11111 a 11' J C"ahtll 11 4 , •• n•·"•~I foll•"'"'I.' • --'I'll \\I\ \1 11 .'I •II '• •'1.•" '""' "''' 11' 11 ''' :1c-1· 11f 11~1 appr:o n•d "••nlirl'ly C'il~-\\llf'rf' "" proi·Nf 111 1tkr·pft1"" .,. f 1 • Cost M R d 1 .1 11,.11 ,, , • ,, • 111 1 '', 1• '" I"''''"" '"'' '" '11' 1 111"' "1 '"'' '"1'1'' ~"111 thnl "thrrt• I!' nn SlJl'h thint: ,. ... ,, 1"''"11 ... -,~'"" I\ \Ir· ..... '11 ""n l a esa e I 1., , .. ,. .. i ,, " "' "" 11 .. 1, "''I• 0 " I• ....... '"'" ... I • llu• •II•- ""' haft bor.':. nf th« :'l:•"1•11 t l1r,1ntl1"'.11•1·1c ( T "''""'•I·, ..... •''•' '' 'i I''''' 111111 .. "'""'''"'"'"""'' .. i .1•·~-.. \\;~-",.,.,,.ly r·11~t111111·1· ;ti T1 11r~ w l'll·rl m lhr ,,, .. 11f ''" l'lll ll•k' ,,.,,, ... 1nrl l;••ll• \,' •• I , ross 0 ype •'•Ill I ,,, I I .1 .. ,;,',', ·:l·.:'.;:;·,•,I ~:· .. ~::::: ... ,,,,I"''""'' 1111l 1i111 .. 11• 11·pr··~1'r1I lh• R· d ~ink ,t-.n•. ~1r' 'u·h.,• lt1111u·r ,.,u,·h h·n\'-of :di. r-·1·'"" :ind J uf tt;. « ···""i" ··:.r• 1: tll111•:t \\ •1f• t Blood M d 11 ,, • '• i • • -.., ,,,,. I'•'''""' • '' r1•'' ltt• rr1• '' .,,,, cl1•dan :d. ltt•l';til~I". ht•r 11nd1• \\ ·" 1 •'I'• ...... :... ''11 . H· \' I tl1111111il I • 111 " :1111 l" ti (".1111 11 ...... " I ,, on av " I I ' I \ \~ • 1'. ••• I :;i:," ··. · .. '.·,·,'I'. • 11. I '"' II I :111 111 " .... " t 1111 t " ·• .. r•tlntl P'illa\\'. huns,,I( \\ . .:11 ... h ••l•hr,1t••t th• <:ol•mn r•·· ('!'*'.""" tnut•1 '!• .,,,, ... ••f 1, " Th \ • • • ,1 •I ,,,.''If••',,, .,,, unt ,,.,..,1v.-tl ·"1·1 I l 1 ..1 J\nun ... ,n ·.rltl<••rr ·l'n•T •'' ,_.,.,..,..,,,~1 .... 1.1,1 ,.. •1• .,,,., .. 1r •• t 1 ,~1 l••~•· , o1n~· '-' 'N')~ t 111 nl•H• <1Ui('m nHt~~ (or th•· fll '' :1r·11ld , • ' • h i ' I ,\nv .. ru·:tn H••l f ·,, •' tlu "'' "''"'''' ••ul11• "'' ''It J.!nnO th:en h:um. :.n~\\;t~;· '-h•1J11r11.,1 \\ho l utik th•nl f ~nin th• • , ... , '' " '11 1,,,, ,.1 11,, ,,,11111111,,11,,11 ,,1 1 •11t••t111t•d~I· \'h1 tl1•1 f1u1h1r ,._. c Pl '11.,nr :t ''''""'''' hl11•1d 1,p r ''' ' r ''• l li,I , ' :tclilt~ '1'1!11 ""') r11t.h1·n tho i;t rN't. ' 1ty anners ,,..,. Mnntl:o~ ·~·""' ''"'•I ,,. ... t I ...... ''•'' I,.,.,, "" 11 ... ''" \"'" ,, ....... '"" ...... , .. \ll'aith~ Tilt'~ tnok fr1•1ll 1111' S1•n1C"1'' \\'I f /• r11nrl•1t•t11I f11r '"' D 11 ~ m lot lh•·l '.11111111 1111 •1 ''"''"'"'.'''I I I "''''"' ''""''"'"'II"''"\\ ..... t, '""' ,,,,,,, ,, 1:,111. rr•r1o1 ...... ,... "ft"" ra 11•·n" n >oy11t nv.~n fJrt\'a ,. \ . • • hnll. If \.\,1s """''""' • d l•ril • ' ,. ,,f '· '" d· '' ''''' tfu t• ' ,, '• h •h ' ''' ,1 \ ,,,, iu t111t1 \\I''""' ;1ml •• ,,,,. ti '" tho IMlllf 10'1 ,. f' I . t I eny ) ans for I H'IM'," I lf' l111:11n11lr ,. , •• ,I < "" I 11 • I I .... ... nl•rn1n~· .:l ;r ,,. \•'' S R .1 • Th"'"'''"' 1, 1111 • ,1 , ,., , •..... ''"'" ''" ,. 1 11 •j , .j,,11ti1 11.,, ' •• • •• '"'" \\t•• ,., '"rt l·n1111'11h1'"""'11f tt!o ,.,.,.r th1111""' 1 t11~ 1 1 , , 11 It• 1, 11,. •· "· • •·' •·· 11•1•• • •·•t 1 1 11 • 1 1 1· of IUl'lllfll: .r.·~''' (l \' !' r to lhr :0.t•i::r I' ifrtfk p F lanac.111 tl1 I 5-tory UI d1nw 'thr• R1•1I 1·r··" 1 .. loll "" .. 1.• .. I . . . ... ,.I ,, ,I I""'... •• ,. I I· .. '"' ... i I II• II • '"" ""'"''"II 'h•·rtff tl1•11d p11•·-r·~ hrillh'••r ""'" 111 ••l·I 1"t • 1 ,.,,,>t:o nr 1,1,.,.1 ,.,,.i 1 111 , '1 '1 •1 1 1" Ii,. If, \It,,,,,,•• .11·•·•" 11111111111•"'1~ 11 11 1 '" t.111td "'' 1111 "11ltl11 1•11 35 Newpa!d NEWS ITEMS TO·DA.Y ~t ·R~('RIBEJU~ who for aay "'••on do not ,..,..,..,." t hf'lr c-opy nf thf' S ••nc-Ttm"' a rt' &Mlrd lo l'all llubcor 171'7....I bfoolorf' 8 :1& p.m. A ""P'' ,.111 bf' M'llt f'l«bt out. IXSIDE Newport l111rhor Ch11ptl"r of 7..011111 Jntrrnatlonal ~celvc~ • \httrtcr Pai:r 6 Aircraft Enginl'C'r Vl~its Parrnt~ Hrr<' T'11g•• 6 l.o<'AL BRJEFI' rut-~ ttOt rvlc )lll wtll m..,.t tt• ~.t fi~,'.t ~.'uJ1t~~,,';~• .. l~~ ~~·,:~:~~ .. :~~I l~~.r ,.rt t',..1114 «•,~1nK '•llt "'h •fl,-l'-ft1'"n' ,. .. 1r•t• Thl'r 1t • ~11 t,.,. «Am""• knt1 • mtt1nn 111r t n~ f11r l hf" pr•1~n,n1 (•n f ,tit• 1 f I' 't+i )' "' 1 ~ •'f f Y. UJ ..... 4 ,, •tu (• ' t"• 1' ··' I r . I t 'l11t1 p 11 n•· ~r· 1,tn'1• f I t t 11 g11n11h n •ttt•rl •111• •lo• 1 1••111• tt•d 11 t I ·' I I ir H ,. ·1 pu ',.. t't"'tt·mo'"'"'' An ·•1'1'''' .• ~"'" ,,,, ·• ,,,. •. , ..• :tn nd'"'I''·'''' 11'-t ,,f ''I •' di .~ 'i''' "•·It I .,u •• "' • '11 ''"rt ,.,, th• ,,.,, i•' \. f ' ' ~ •"' I .. '"'''' f11tit F:11l11 1 Fl:o n;q:;:on c111·rl J\111y I ~• at J'1tr1tn i.: .• n•I "'"' 111 q ,, 1,. 1, I t1t ulh· "\\nlkini: i.1 •• .,1 1. ,,,1 ~.. , i· "' 1 111 ''" 11• \I lk 11 .. 111 thr j '' "' "'' "' ,. I • I< 1 111• 1 "itl1 hi• n I t• I I ,. I -,...... " ~I .... I '"' '•. • I ti I I I • II I I ' I I \I \\' I :t aml\" "~. it1n l'-~1111:, :1t ·• r hmt1~ f,,, ~.:t,t1t•r• ,.,,,,,,' J • It \\':•~ pn1nt1•t ''"' t t •' • • t "\ ',,\ ''' w ,.,,,, 11\ '''"""'' •11 ,., 111• ,,, tt•f ''i'f'lll1v,. m;1n~ ttf H t•11rnn:tr~ tff'thl'-l•ln "·Jul• ~tr111•t1nn \\,tc llttt..f fllj'fi t •I• 1 i tl fhtf';t• \\h'"' hltt••tf ""' ''"' 1,,, I \'• ' •' ,,, 11111' ''" fltfl f l; t111q ' f,. h••'I ·• f ti•IJIUIS' U+ \\hl•IJ J,.,.1ttf (n r ,,., 1hl1 t111"u l1fUlhirt s11r1•;ioi111i: hi' cn~pc•I of kint1n~o; to M r . ;ind !\tr... "'•ire• 11 I"·' . '\ I t'J)'V"ifir:•I '''"~ for 1!111 I ·,.. r •• .,,~ -I'• l" • • " .... • . fl I • ... • .. , ... II ''"''""' I ,. ""'' •.•. It" " I .. ' illllli, ''" II .. '""'' II I Iii "" ms~lrcl ~011~h altrr a Jl"l1t1nn Pf"'' <110.-t l1,. woulfl '"'""''' lo1 '""""' "ii""' • 1" I•"' d· t11 ''-' ,. Ir ,,"' I'" "''" ""' l11·111·tlr • "''"'' 1 ~ '"" •Ii• 111111• ol 1111· "" ~ 11lh"r f lani'll:lln. an Jri,lt tm· I <'hlHl~•·". ''l."llr-<1 '" 7~, \\ ,_, ·~. w. tirm u '" lh• sr ""'" ''"', lol·•·•I ''"11 11 "'"' l•1 t •''""'I! '" t"'' lliil m1i:r:mt, st:irtNi his work 111tl1,pt1n "''"'<l""'"· '"'" 1,1,._..0 ,, •• '" t)1"'1i '-'f f'I' f'('I L,S N( (JNf()N Sfl( I 11" S•111111•111 1 '11 .t 111•·1111 •1r~ lllC· hoy~ Ill " h11!f1•rrrt huiltimt: m :11th" nty r•l.onnmi: ,.,,111""''•'" f ' J \ ) \ J JrA ) ~ ) ) ''" '"""" '" ''' 111 111 11t1• •11nf•·r- run t11own s1·f·t1on of Omaha In 1917 1111B:irr) h11d """'i:h• "' 1.1r1·.r.rr Sovi•et p1·Jot iL:f.L;("ff()N,c WlfL~f>L~ ()(JTI-'WL;J) ''"'''" llflrr l~trTO\A'lnl: ~!)()to pay th1· flrq I in l'Xillllnl: hu1ld1111: ,.,,,,,,~ "'. ··h r. . r. ~ r. \ r. '.:;/'\ r. ""'"""'''""' Tio•· lf i0flll ""' t If'· montl. !I r l'"nt. 1'<"0Uld hll\"f' f'llithlNi lum , .. ,., •••• d Bums Plane I'''''"''' "' t 1 ... 1'111 I ~l·•r ,., t tkr• ""'"· ..... A ~1rr "11 ;Tfl.'\.' ,,~., ·.·1 11·1·1. I t ti I -------with ronstrurtmn nf " '"' , •• ry -"' " 11• '""" t• 11• I " 1·111 Auto Rewards-Mount as lhulldinit at lhl> f'Xtr rm•· '"'' •nd In u s q...,,ne .,,,,. ::.'11"11''' I ..... , 1'' '·'1'"'' Twf• 11.,11yw•,.,d 1\\'•·rk•·r11 "'""'''i' ,, l"'fntltlll'nf In- of thr· r11~ Pr,,.., nt n"'''' • 011 • • IAJ 1•"" l 111t• •I •••I" 11 11111 1 "1 111•1•1 ' • 11111• """ '" 111 ••1·•·111 1111· •111!1• nf Farm Leader's 1 hm11 t1111ld.1ni: t11 tW•t .. , •• ,.,.' SF:Ol:L. :"tfuy :t i 'I. I I '111 ,\I •1'11'1" ""'' rf• .. 1'''" Ill '"''' Writ ... ers Get :\11• lolr11t1 fn1111 ill\• "'t1'1t fln1t lhr S<1V1N Ynk'• l11o!hlrr l•I·"" 111111••1 \\I•••" tl11•11111•·11 •h••P I 1•1 •~111 11!••1 w1t1k .. 11 t 1 ... •11l 11ft1l'i11l• 111 Dt-lrnll Sh ti P bed I Do Bo Wh In Amrrlrr111 ,..,.,.."''''"' ..... 11t. '". "\ · 1 111 111" • .,ine Jail d 111111 '"' 1 '"" 111111 '""' "'"11111 .. 1 00 ng ro wney y ,, Korra Wr•d n""'"' 1111•1 ,.,,. 1•11•·' ·n ... l•1.1HI '"'' ""' it ~ n1lin1: ' • II ,,,,,,. 1 •• w 1•1 .. 1111111111;• ••11k1·1< 11n - M •ed G• I JI': burnrd thl' pl:•n•· 11,. I " "' "'. 11pplird In l~I "''''"' "lt1di ""\ • \\A':-I II ...,, :'I'•,..., M ,, :'I 1t 'r 1 I•·~• l411ri-.. , • 1 .,,,. f11r It 111 11 11tntr- AR\'IN. C".111., May 21-<l!Pl I am Ir .) a nnounr ... 1 11,,la y l h\1 l""'""il1f ,' •• , •·1·•110•111, llt• '"''''" ,, ... ,,,,,,.,,, Anothrr in\'r11tli.t11lor from th1• :it· F { Ch ' ' Tu.. fJl~n" rraJ<h lrontl .. t n<11 ilt •ii • "' ''"I' 'I'"'' ll•ilh '·"""' 111'•111' "'"'"'I ·••r tntlnr I '1 1·~1tl1•nt Wourtro1H tom<')' 'tl'nrr 111'11 offlN' tod11y llf· ree 0 arges T11rjrln, l fJ() m il•' , .. 111!1 .. r 11 .. ,.._,,,, I ... I II.''" ... 11 ......... "llutl .... ,. ,, '"'I"''" ...... , It\""' 11111·• l1 .111•l•·l1·lt ...... ·••1 • 1rll l•·Tll1 HV•·r r l\'<'d hr rr lo aid in thr prol•·I pa.rallrl ,., pnr1111ni: Iii• s,,11,., rrntl ,.,. , ,., , I ,,. .,, .. •I 11 ,, ''" ,,, 1.11-~1 , ,, Ii 11111 ~· "" ,,,,,. '"'" l1IM ••l•IH•"''"' .l11l11i 1.;,11n•, In !hr or thr 11hootin1: nf" f11m1 lah11r 1 J')(l\\":-.:Ev. r11r. ~"*> .l I l't Amf.rtC"llO ,,,.,.,.,,1111 .... ,,,,,., "" ,,,., '''" "'" llJ•l•I\ "Ill\ ill ,,,,. l 'I ill ,.,, ''•I ·•·1tl••111•' 111 ,! .. II 'II '' l"'"''llfln ,,, """"" .. , tho• AFI. lt•:trirr whll'h nfflrrnl~ 1111ld m 1i:ht Larry p,.,..f'll. 114 ~1.. •11 >1n"'1flnt'f m•nt ':ii<I !•' '' 1 1,1.,1 ,1.1• ,,,.,,, ''"'"'' •11 1 1 l11l•·1111111 .. 1111l'l\1.t'1i'l1tJ•f11rnl 11111n11 hA\"(' tw~n rtont\ hy Anolh4'r unt••n . "'•th J;, .)••Ar o'd Ruth ,,.,., • •• Kt1r1=-~n~ tt1•171 ... fl n.. fHI'•' i1 f1rl .. "•I' J1 , ,,. ' ', r1; rnl11, '""' 11 '11'1• "11 ,., •• '1 ~ ... , 11·~ \\, ,,,.,' mrmhl·r p rN· •if 1•hlltl·''''llltn.~· , .... " ..... turnl'ft him .. ,., r 1.. !f,. ,, ... • .... ·•I . 1"' II """ ,, " 1 ·"" "" ...... * w~I th & T 'd * \Ir n\11111· 111 ,,, I f I "'A\" ... ,,,.,,,, tJnN' , ......... t 1•111 f .. , 1'11•. 1•11111t11•tl ,, ~a er . 1 CR " ' • .1 ·• 1> r•";'r'"" '1 • '' r> r a 'l It ,..,.n~ JJ, t'l' nt1f1•d l'n n •If ' t J • 11 11 "t 1 ,,., \, ttff·r••I f111 ··''''" u 1 t h• h• , .. ,n k<•r• '""' trr11'!1 l\nn ..;·,1.,r,-•• ,.1,.h ,,,,, ,..,.j, t,,, 11,.• '1, '· 1r1,.,1, 1111.J•• 1 ... 11t1 1.I 'I•••, uh IA•" \nicl"f•· .. 111111 •lrl11lh: Sunny ,,. I I 1 ,.,. 111• •11•1 ,,,,.1111~ \\'lrlf1••1 '"""' 111111 \\fl1UHlh1; n! Pr,,., ,., 1k· ,, J'•"''' t ' •• ,. , r• t "• • ' r +I fl'• J.>"'•19' T'i "' pr• ••• JI· \\il, t!4 • 1 • , •• , .\JP,, ...•• "" u.1. ''' '1•01 1 ,.,, tt ,,f lh• l ••l '''~•rf'1"-.u;tnt••'••tt f• I •· r•t•JTO''' ,,,~,,\11 , ••rr1f,r·. ·~ •• ru i f i lo•'• •I I J • 'f,, ~.f· .. ·.t .. ,,. ,. n •/,'1 ~. ,:· 't ~rr" ,::'. (;,,,,t: ,. J'n tP"' , •.• ,,, ~:,·-,1" ftlf'I /t11Hrrl• ~'I: ,,t(,,). I• t • I '·' ' I I I " , , "'" •.. \' I • ,,. \ ,, I I , • , lfl \ H I ; ' t ,, f "" , .... ,~t •tf lt 1 111 111 '•'' t 1 l t'I ' I t ' ,'::;.~ :,';lf~!:";,d,::\ ,_~~~ ~lftf:;;~~,;~: , ... ,,, ''"l ., ll it._~ .. r-11 • •' Jr,,\\''' u-'·'-' 1 ·yt . ''•'J:•• •rrl••t'''' • " ftft'lf:ltlA' AKHf:'-'Tt.IJ '11 '.' 1 ,.,,. ~~r• ;1 ,,·;/,,·,,.·1;1~'.',;~,' A:·''' •. ~•, "'''' "'·" t • 1"" q,, ,,,,.,,,, .. ,,n •1n'1t ff1r1.r.Y\\'"''' \l t' .'I f "f'• ,.. I •·'•' • \1 1, ~l·"'• TJ,. \1 • l h 1 t 1.t 1 ,,,~. 1 • 1,• lr1011Ll1 \\11 h1n itO ••rt \\Ju t L1•h•t I;• rf,,,,, A,,,,,,IJ,,r1 11l.,,,,,.,,ff t1 •f r f•f ,. 1f\11 f,•)lft1 •' ''t ••• ,,,. ... ,n Ant 11' mu.:t.~ '"'"'•\•r 'fl''' rt'-'-1tl.1nt l f1xon '4'1t1 h11d th• , • \ f~k•r . n1.1,t1•r t1I ,,,,_,,,.,j,11,, f.,, , .. ,,, • ,,,1, 1 •f ,, 1t1 .,. "''"'" ,. ··~ Mr • 1 t'""'" . r ~··tt l1•rn , ,, ·nw In•·· -nc11t1ir c;iltl h•· unrl••r . ~allor ArTf'lll•~ "''"' 11 • ;lP A r:itl1•1 •11117 'ihfl\A \4 ,,~ ·~'''"' ,, • ilfo•i• I • •' "' ...... , ... ,.. II .n .. • •· ''''\ H"•t r, .... _ •Ill ''"'1 H • ._,,.,_. "u r• ,.,r,. th-• I h ma .._... ""-j •t 'i .,... I ·" d k I I I I I I ,,,.,._1 11r fll'"''i\ l t1•n,,,•• ,,,.,.t nr '°'' "' .,.... n t f't rf'JI..,_, tn 11UAnA, ·"'•' frf'1J't) fU'l ~UIJ1Mon rn Min V• tJ111,,1·1.011t 11l1 ~i,, rrttf f tf• ~fHf t ltun•h" n 'f,,.,..1 .. 1 MH 2~ Al t2 t:1 un1t111 \\h<• "•U1;ht mm •· \H1!1·n<• ~1utl h• ••mlrl ;i)K f••I .,, 11.n•1I· inir •:oul 11 "'" ,,,,..,,,,, ''"'''" ~h••I' ~·~i;:, nt Alm"11'1 • '"'• 11"r""' Mui•-in th" rti:ht·month ""'farm 11tnkr mPnt Jla1I '-'11' "'t Al S:t::t11 ''""''"111' In tlt•M· ~' lllrtlf'll ,.,,,,.,,,,, \.t1'1 tJ 11 1tf+•\ \\ltj ,,,11·· ~'1 HI~ :•f .. , 7 :4R l :M • • r t 1d ~ • • '' u • tuh• 1 .. ( tlu :-. •t rt M f, ..! ]..;.! ( ••tfllf•'llll f J• II f\ ffl r1tltl1l•••fl l S :1:._1 'I 1t7 '_' l r. 11 :11 f:M I 1 •111 1 •• '' " '"'"''' 1·11111, l1v 11 :l 7 I I 1; 1 1_6 I• •I• 1 .o1 • •·llr 1 1•111 ,,, ,, "• ••1111 Su :!:l !t ;,7 :l::v4 11:49 t :U • lt.111·· "' '' f11•ln1· '" •11)' wlif'llll'r :'l;, 1 'l r. I t 9 11• lo• 1o .. ,,., ti '" '"' S··r• •·n \\ 111 \I :ti 111 17 <t '..lfl t :tt 111•..1 •'r" <;1111d :'l 3 Io :> 9 2.3 •f Piiie 2 ~'!:0 ~~~!!~•c.:.sw:;7r:,~.~ FOR "LAUGHS AND DOLLARS PIANO PRODIGY, MOTHER FLEE --.~-g-re-ss-io-n-al-~a-11-Se-~-son _Begins tt10UNDIN61 JUVENILE OFFICERS And Ends Tonight With L1nament ~ • \\ .\$1111'\.l 'ON , May 2 1-(lJP) H()l.LY\\'000. Ma) 21 l\'P 1 -1n11:h1 ln~1· 1•on1rul 11I hr•r d11 11i.:l111·1 2 N D i-Thi> <'ongr•·s~ionsl bueb111l ie9-~ P'(idllj) J .iNJU•'hnl' ll11r nr·r. (lf11t'f•rM ro \1·i.l••d 111111 J rwqu• 11111 "''" 1~ l.'111' IJflfl l'ncl~ tonight io an 15. alld lw>T mo1ht'r, m1.u.1ni.: (Nim 1l1~1q111t·nn~I lrorn ,, s111111,.;r111111 '" 1fm11•1 1l11 11· """"Y """ polUlcs aod ttw-ir hnnlo . m.1) h.'l\'f' lt>fl t "11hl11r · "hu II tll'r moth• r h111l 11l.11v'(I 111·1 FRO NT I lln.1111• rat -to M4"3J't' 'lv>und1ng" uf ju-," 1111 •'••Ur i llfll""' 111, '''" "" h• 11 • l!"flllhll<'un va. U.•mocrals in Ynu.lir ofhrt>r;., P:i1il 11111. '" ll•rn .. y ·•I:'• T h• 1:1rl It (1 lht •.11111 II 111111 r 1\ (; E I ~·•Ill•' tt." "Ill (Jr41\ 1d(' dollars for rtw llorn1r , -ca1d t1id;i~ l "'•''"'""> fro 11,. "''h h1·r nw ll ... r I 1111 • haril\ 11111..:h~ for the spc•c-~ d)1ld. tl 1rr1f1rd mU'l lC'111n "h", \\'111 11 •i>lll' fu1kd It• l\'tUI 11 tu lh• [ A R L y ' 1tn1" :imt r h.1rli'y hnrSl'S for the tla APl>filred m M'''••ral JTI0\11·s ,111l,11'•'. 11lla·r·r:<1 1 ... 11r m«I th" muth1·r ! • • • • 1 ·.,,,_.,, ''111"11 ran a •a> from MnY-ln~t J11n11ar~ •l••r t'll h• r furnllun>, i.:11\1 up twr N [ W S "'·''"' r I" '9"111~J.:. lhr-H ouse ~ •~ •u 1ir.d .11f "tri.·t 1 hcmu· 1ind 11111k JaN 1111•lrnr• 111th • • • 111•tnlo1•1, 11111 take over Griffllh 6dlc:splUW' and hard \\ork ri-,iul tml( lwr 't 11lr11m hu1111• i:ruunds of the fnwn htt musu·al ("ar•'•'r !'\hr w""l '"''''"NI. i'S'li•·fi 1111 nit i••lrr t ~ l•ul I · 1 ,· 1 1 , ,1111 \\ •·l1111L•1°111 !"4'1i,IT11rs. a nd. try to ............. f . .~ • .. . 1•1 '' •'• 14t'f'' ' "" r IU U., • I th h ~te.1 a lf•r Iha!· t'M"llpai'J" in 11 l•·tin for lhl· i.;1rl's d<"1t·nl1un i.n1l "t t ' '11 ·" i:um•·n t!\ 1~ t e good .. FraftalK'O h<ltt>l In lht• co m · J I •. s . ~ T' I r' I 'l11t· illlllll'""'" rill . \'t1tf I )••1 •11 .. 1" \1111·1 H'illl wuy-•With basebaU uc 1:c • roil lld 11ur~r II) ur 11 St 11 ·ti 1 r , 1ot '", II• 11 t 11 .. ...., ot a t.ailM. I hf'lll Ing . 111\• ' 'I •• , "·•"' J-..hlW' was made-a ward o l _ · _ l"-•l•lll.1t1 .. 11 "' 11"' 111~11t 11t 111n' 1'' 11 1\• 11-w d. l111th stdl'S were pre-~· court March l as rt•,ull 1 .. tal "' ::>4.'ll.1 l"•t wnt.., ·" i.t ''''"'J il11"t1m: \1r111r) d lwr J an.wuy runaway Th~ JTII.)-AIJ Time High in ;\II ' \\'p'fl II In Ill a walk," said Rep. Giw, Jin. Cl;ara llornt>r. had rus-• l-;itdu'11n1: I•<'\\ ttl .1ml ~l1icl1·.,,l11 1 • \\'. t Hun! I D1shop,• 111', man- ..., of-n.i. dl11d. but psyct'1tllln J1tJ1 Mental Patients St:ttt• "'·~111ti.ls, \\hll'h 11re "''" '" ll)(l'I' of ilu• Jk puhlican learn. "It'll '" wndtd that t~ probation lh1• pron ·ss 11f 11C'tl\at11111, l hl' l)t1P-lw 11lmr-:-f as had as nf'xt Novem- ...,. ~ an acitv• parl in htt Treated in April uluflon (lj.(llrl' rqlr1·~··n1t•1l 11\'<'r• t .. ·r Tt ... only thig that can •top .......,,..... J~ A. A. Scott sald. M'OWd1n1: hy '.l'.l.1 1>1·r <"t>nl r•f thr 11s 1s a bla<'ko ut in the ll&hUnc .,...._.,. Hill Mid juvenile' of-SACRAMENTO. May 21-IUPI plall"• f1tt•11ittt•s for tr1•a11n~ lhl' ~ystrm." llan .,.1-rfttn'd'' CIONtantly with -The state department of mvnlal mc·nta lly 111 This didn't faze Rep. James P. • ,__,..,, Fl'Wndl al t~ Hom-hyga~ne r~porls rh11t 1.015 pall<'nls H1r hards. S C.. the Democrata' .a .., dw mottwr fear~ she -an all·llme hl&h-were admitted lW Wlte !... Advf'rlW lit'ld boss Coast Guard Looks Army Forces For Fishing Boat May Be Piiied Near Sta. Barbara 1 Oat A• • 1 St\;\ J'A BAHllAHA. Cul . Ma)' I 21 t I'• ·111" •·oa:.t i:u1trd lotl11y 1 By """r:s E. llOrEll sd 1r• 111 •l fur tlw :!:J·f111>1 t1sh1n.: ~F:OUL. M:~· 21 -t \JPJ -~ U. h• •' """ 1rl 1111'<~1ni.: m -l ~ts "''a S Ar~ has s111r 1"'1 •·\111'1J11 lms: d .. - f1•1 '''" d ·~' IJ''fl<ftonl Wl\'t·~ 11nd c-hiktnoft ot -11 "t• \\.or t 11,1s 1•11 rmtf<' Iv ,\nu•riran p<-rso nno·I a~ ""'°paralion ,\ 1 ii • t 1 "'I' l 11 Srtl \\Ii• n •II dis· for 11<1s..•11lll1• w it hdTil\lo <&.I of ••- 1111• '" 11 r\11 1111r•l··n11l 11«I m~m w;1s •'Uputir•n fr•tT•'"' 1n K"r•·A. 11 "it" 111•• "ii nnnoun1~·1f 11ff1r1;tll) t uday. ,\\ .. .,,,,.' .. 1up~ \\'1•r1• IO\\t'(I '" "' 1 ,., ... , L!u .. 1ci,11h•n ~·· ... t•·nl(•~ h ·•U '"'" IPI•" .thc'\11111 1111' -'»-fool ~ lol• 1 I I• "• r•• loruui.:ht 111 <;;ifl'I~ \\ 111 II I J11 -ht)•' llfll\ l'l''o1I Jlllllt lu k• ,\ _i1\.11i .. 1 1•.1h1n tTUl!l<·r "" n· , •I f ,, I 1r I II t-.ni.;l1~1t. Pas11dt•11a, '''"'""" d;·ad bulh•ry. Jap Nurse Tells Of 'Operations' On B-29 Fliers Tiu· ;1111111unt'l·m1 pt ~:.111 ~nd· 1•n t ~ '"'rt' ltt•1m: t•\l\f'U<tlt"li M · r;ip1dl) as l>lll>!>lhl1 "iollli a "'l"lk1-..- man said 1hr1t all "ould 1 .... ,,. lo\ .tl1m11 Aui;:. I. . Thi· or•·ra l1t)n "111 .. 1r1•arnltrw the Amcr1~un fore~'!!-·fU' \\ 11 hdra"l'aJ uflt-r es tal>lt.shfn('nl ot the KoreU. "''' 1·rn1m•nt l'lec·tt·d in the .)#.Ay 10 balloling in soulhl'm Korea Officers and non-romhalants 'who ar .. c·h~1hle for rolatlOll in fht• nt>xt thr,,.. monlhs "'ill be I i1Jlf'<'dt>d h.9fi1C. probably within t•·o weeks. ii was said. Cwthan ''"0- 1 men l'mployl'S of tilt> army dt-part- Junior Ownber Head Tells Y oath Views of Phillips Pf'an Rndtonl, '211>-~f'U-old pl'f'!i· dt·nl of ttw ~-')ll'lrt 8t>acit Jun10r CharnlX1' of r ""1JYW"r("f'. 'oda) Join- t d ttw 11~1 d 1ht' n ry s younl{er 11-adPn •'ho. tvv111) ,.ndnn,, C<.>n· ~n P tulhr» few "full f'lt>c- 1 lor · at th«-JWW' t primary Thar "1lJ r~l•. Bradford po(ntt"d out. tf '"''" R..,.ubttnim and Ot-mo-cr:a.tA ~1:.n-s prefl'Tf-nn' few him In lhc· Junf' t prunar). ••lft• •111 can:)" lhe \'OIM of )t"1nl:' mo-n and "'..,...,. n ~ ..... the ~x-)1 • .nrM". P'r>>sldrnt of 1tw Ray Escrow Company a nd fattw>r o.f rwo bo)-.. '.?3 months and 1 fNMlfbs. JWe- dteud. to a ~ .-xtf'nt rhan a l· moJt any othtt candi4:ate. ol ~it her par1)' and for any olf tn>. GrooP8 at .a ha\·e btftl mH"linc P''eftinp . bt4'1)'. and talkinc at busi-club and ~ IWK'twom. If •• had a motto 11 •·ouJd hr. ·~· out the bunk'.' In e'\'"ft'J' ritttive olfitt •·e .-ant a man or a •diiaan who c:aOs a spillde ...... ~ • P'fSll ComnUlltt to put IH<lenhip of the campaign in the hands o f Youns lt'eders. UNone," Mr. Maakey said. "have missed an opportunity. All hav~ found the score. for them- aelvn. and are making it known. '.\tr. Ptulhps Is fOf'lunate because th<' right truth w ll!I there fo"r these >0Un1.t lc>ack-rs to find." (9~ ... ~ME is the finest beer I ever d ,, taste ... .. Y'IK(IJIAMA. May 21-IUP I-m<'nl a lso will be St'nt home unless A fo rmer nurse at the Kyushu Im-tht'rr jobs are comidt-ttd "9etlt.ial. pcrtal hospital sUrtef'y clink said Army wivf"S and childttn now in Alktod ~ly .what that wt, • 1oduy she was prHenl al experl-sout!!!!:Ji Korea iota! 2 310, -~~~ ~ Slak mDcsr ---+me.M•l op<• et.ions on~ an 165 ten than a month qo. I man ~ 1 ' --. I« ~· 8 ·29 m era. It wu pointed out that thr Ow-.polky al £wl ~-our S hizuko S himada, 23, tl'ltifled United Nations recommended troop candidaw for lt41n:doa • Almem- by affidavit in the tr ial of 30 Jap-withdrawals within 90 days aft« =:::--._.,-::-llr. = :::: anne accused of the fliers' deallie th<' l'lt'W governnM"nt s tarts flllk'-And hr --,...._ · that she saw four of th~ eight op-tloning. Moving thP wonwn at Ow-t t ~::.::'As . .;::::;_ ___ ... inting nee6 --. INTERIOR WALU --- -..-. f\l.~;u-. ;;;:;. ---- WOODWORK l ,_ ' --' -~'11110,, . " --~'" .,(Ii --- . Ceo - • \ ./ / I \ ------ HARBOR PAINL& _APPLIANCE CO. 219 Coast Highway .,,,,.,..,. ... Corona del Mar ,, ,, Now features Dti1M &,. Blended Paints, Varnishes and Enamels Mr Every Purpose h \•l'.tr h 11t1:r \'Our hi r~:l·~c in\'l'<lmc111 ? Thu 1 it Jcsel\'l \ the .tincst r.i inr money can huy . .. "Dutch Lsor" DlenJcJ P.1inu ! \X't·'rc lt.1ppy ro announce th.it we now ha"e them-a fu ll lw of "Due ch Boy" paints for.every purpos~. •'Dutch Boy" offers you Western Colors. es- p«Ully styled fo r Western Homes. lk.i uttfti l buc rough, they protect )'o ur hvmc as they .. , L tr and "CJC ••• "11h1.1ut er.id.mg. ;'(.1(111g. pt'dm~ . c~im(' in .1nJ S('(' the cnl11r~ in chc "!" ,,,,h Doy" lme ... ~t( our tips O n chc USC of pun(S, V:lf• nisht·s .inJ en.1mrls ... lonk O\'Ct uur p.iin1ing anJ clc.in·up surr ties that makerou: ... e:tsicr, more fun . As 3 new "Dutd1 Hny" dc:tler we're c.it;er rn help you in every w:ty we can. ,, Free Color Consultation Let Us Help You With Yo ur Painting Problems er11tlona Pf'rformed in May and same t ime as tM army, it .... )' ~ A _.. .....:. .~ .__ J unr, 1945. w d. would cause a consadtnable man -1 _. ~ - The proseculion has charged the operations were e l m"nfa 11n were a planned t1•mpJ to kill the airmen. Snarsle-Tooth Bur1lar Trapped on Salami E 1\ ~ T M ILLI NOCKET. Me. • l 'I' 1 I '11111·1• ('hll'f F:dwa rd Shl't'- han ha~ II tn('lllOr}' ltkC' 8 bc'IU· Iraµ 111· lnuks at 11 criminal. and 11nn h1· i.:•·t:; t hC'm he ho lds on . In" "l•~fltlllJ! thl' thr ft of sala mi ;,t tlw ;:rt1<·1·ry s1or<' on OominitiU<' ~I"" .. n,, =-'lt1'1•h1111 not 1c<>d the dts- rnrrl• .I t.ut t of t hi' sausait<' The• •dl.111 11 lto1d h(·<'n ntbbl<·d hy a man "'Ith :• hrokf'n tooth. "Rf•t·kon that wo uld be Wallace Taph·y," Sheehan mu.~d. "Rccol- ll'('t hr 's i::ot 11 hroken tooth would !11 th:1t l11tf' ju.~t right." Th" :::.1.y,..ar-old paroltt was ar- reslt·d ;md confessl'd lo the break and lo 1wo o ther!!. Party Line Goasip Takea Priority Over Fire COM!=:T()("K. Mich !UPI -Har- v~y K ik, 11. ran to lhf' tf'lephonf' to report th11t the Merrill S mit h home was arirf.'. but 11 pair of gos- sl~rs had the party lint' tied up. Hsrvey triC'd three times to call the f t r p; l fil'parlmrnt, rtnd f.'llCh lim e the i.;ossipcrs would 111y: "We'll call the fir(' deparlm<'n l when we an· lhrough." When Hanr y finally got thr op- erator, the Smilh home had !)('('n destrnyl'd. Soys Trial Unfair _, drag on ship movMfW'flts as mo.I ot ...,.,... ca tlw Ooar. • bill .,._ lh<'m have fumlt -" by thr Staw · was tosed thsl plans for . • 8lld drfnted it. <'VllCUAllon of tm> &rm)' itM'lf ha\'t' \\"bat thr biU --• ~· ~ ~n submilled 10 Waahinir;ton, the. 43lO otf~ iln t • llllportant which has not y~t decidt"d the fu-as thr f~ that ~ (~t it 1urc-of the occupation forces. t~ frirftda ~_him h~ ~ lt '4'as ipd1cu1f'd ttw Washini:ton 51~ •"C.AJld ,,.. bis polaticaJ fu- dl.'Ctsion may be d r t,.rmm<'d b\· IN> tun-ML' had one ~ Aftn 1rt'nd or in1f'rnittiona1 pohliN and stuct>·-t... couldn"t brbn·e 1n t tw- thl' mannC'r in "·h1r h Ille ~rti bill 11.r roe~ bMti in.- Kor<>an i:ov1·rnmt•nl carric'f oul 1b 1 Rr~l'Wd K an n.amplr ol rtM> r~;xmrihilitie-s. poli<')· ol ~mnan r~lph p )fa.~ Con.mum~!~ h;.I\,. '""'" ct.mand· I kl') '" ,,;.. John Ptulhpt-F«-Con- ini:: for ""'Jm1• l1m1 lhP \\llhdraw:.I of U S t ro"ps t •nly t ht~ ", ... k in his f'XChi.nS(<' of OPf'n ll'lllTS ,_;th H l'nr y A \\'allat'f•, (',rn1"1"ah,•tm<1 Jt.,.,,. f !'i!:tlm ~id •lfhdra...-al or twn•t.iahon for~ from KMea "'OOld Sj#"Pd •orld p(-acr FIZ£NCH P62Fl.IHES- Ma·~TEO f!N AN ITAUANf ' . ~~Mma tWDu6WT ~Nt-A 1=1.0li(&.~ DIRF'-~ TO~E-ME oOP~ AA"Ctt" ~ ~E:l£- j1 ·~~ •11-' JtEN MUR.R.AY '""-of St-a.I Auh.1 ~ r;...., *a;JJ ..J CooH .U "°'"""" .. ., ·a1.1'*' ~ 19.[8-:0 Ask for ACME \t's ftovored with pri1_. 'ftlnnincJ hops -·-·-.... ,. ............ ,., .t•l•tHit tO -~~ .. 41...,·~ ~:tnla \na. C 'alifnrnla See Ths Valuable Gifts ( Armr T .. /~r1/111tnl Willis M F.\•rrrll J r Atl,1t1la Ga .. tr..-yf.'r nncl ff!rtnf'r i\rmy 01!1rrr 1 reads prO<'r <"d\l..!i;s rr11m Grnnnn war crtmrA tr in I~. £\ r rrll. •ho ' drfendC'CI 74 G r rnrnn.• run vttlro lo die for thl'lr ..-or cn mrs . .,.,;,: the meo ~celvrd an u11tn1 r 1rrn l Army ~· Krmwth C Ro:.nl 1ntl'n tn<'d a nd sta)•f'd thr r11rl'ut1on.~. penr11ng t a further lmestt1tntlon of 17 ol lht o uman1 doom("d to die. I No\v On Di ~pla~· 111 Our \\tindows TO R~ c~vEN AlVAY F-R-E-E! At Our :?nd Birthday Party Visit Boo-" 21 Orange Week Forest Lumber Compciny 25.U So :\lain St. Santa Ana Phone 0151 I . -· ________________________________ _..__. ........ _...-r.~ ,rt ••• I '• B1 LA. W. Events have pourt•d fast a nd thlck--11onw of them very thick- thlli week. T o begin wit h. wr h«'ard a gain from the ro\ling corrcspondC'nt. P. Q. Noddle-Noodlc. Last F.N D- LJNES day, you'll r<'m<'mh(>r. he flasht'd us news. at a dollar a w ord. W orld-shaking. The hand of Gilda Gray, former Shimmy Qut'<'n. didn't ahitke when 5h<' signed au10- graphs ar a S t<'rling. Colorado rol- Jege prom. This week · he wirt:'d from M in- neapolis: "Can lct you ha\'P, ex- clusive. what th<' word in m M ln- net.0ta." · The column, renwmbt•rinR his pay-rate, r r pli<'d , collt't'I : "If it's om• word onlr. \\'C''ll t ake it." llC' flHshtd back: "StassC'n." their huabanda would be out all after noon "on b1e m o m•y '"Lit's ·· Holl)'\\'ood Park, we auwnrd, and \\ onJC'rt'd whethC'f" an)' or th1· ho rst's had a StaS&l'n-l><•wC'y or1111- ion t radios in th<' stalls now. )\)U know l. · \\'h1IP Wt• w1•rl• s till Wt.St11ni: fvr n 'l.Jili n&nlC'' to quoh '. 111 "alkC'OI our old fri<'nd. W. Shak<'lpc'arl' [)( .. ploral.Jle. llis ruff wa.s unltd)• .snd a b11 crook<'d askrw WM t h1' uld word llml his l'y1• ll hit i;:ny. and bleary. Wt.' wen' shocked hut m at!" him comfortable In th<' i:rand- fathC'r's chair and askt'<i: "Who v.·on th<' d<'batt' on whethl'r or nol wc should outlaw t hl.' Communsll party?" "I shall quote to you." said Shak<'sl)<'are, "lrom my own \Hit· mgs," and rC'citC'd. " 'Sto nP w a lls do not a pnsun makf' Nor iron bars t1 cai:e'. · • "I n the f1 n:t pla<'<'," we an- swer<'d ~,.,.r,n•ly, "11 d1x•1111·1 mukr much o r 11 sl-nsihl" ans\\,•r , 1111d in lhP 3C'COnd plaet' you didn't --writ<' It " Wh11t cau~ed discoura1wmr nt 101 .. sPt m was. lhl' Nc•ws-Tinws husi-A lo t ~ou .kno\\, 1mi11 S hak ... n<'ss office refUSC'd to p;;y r.ir. SJ>t'llr<' "I wns trnnini: "Vl'r tlw Noddle-Noodle's d c1llar. Th'') iihould<'r of thP ma n \\ho did_ I clr11mt·d his 't•xclusivc• flash' wa~n·1 nudi.:t· ..,.,.rtlt'rs I sp1.·n1 an •·nt1n • n<'ws. <'' c·nmi:: one•". lw lpin.: T t•nn) son ~··t Next day we f1•ll a trirtr b<-1 Ir r Thr n lht.' Stass<'n-l)('w<'y rndlo rt,•. ball' sltrred up JX'opl<' \.\'(' t houg ht --1.---~ _14,., ~wey ~°''· 011 lh<""traST~l>rln­ cipl<' or fFe<-Spe!•ch. but WantC'd IO quotr an authorily. A dis tressing experience' follow- ed. We phon<'d th<''.homC's o f sC've ra l exfl('rls on gove rnment, law and civic ethics. All the wivC'S said lilt mto 'Thr Hrook'" "\\'C''ve <'n)oyr't'.I n-itdini: ynlll 11t•s 1 lmC's your own," "<' 11dm11n· i&lll'd . "hut we• don't find ph•nsuru tn-)'OUr-r~t -bragglni:;mooas ... "111 thnt so?" IL.,kl'd ~hake'· l'lflC'llrC'. "Who 11c1ually wnll•s yo ur l'ulumn-wh••n it's funny'" W C' s imulated courtesy, callrd a C'ab. lent him fi\le-dolla rs I our WC'ek'i: WOJ!l'SI and Settlt'd duwn lo rC'ad-nnothc'r 11uthor Worried Mother Appeals to Navy OREGONIANS CHOOSE B~IWE•~ Sf ASSEN, DEWEY IN PRIMARY NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8·TlllE8 t'RIU.\l' N-pen "-'Ila. t '.W. May II. IMI * VIRGINIA M~PHERSON Page 3 Pl:•tt n \~1•, P ro". l\t11 21' 1l1' • • ,,, •'"" H· j111hl11•an• chOOk' 1o4a, t~ '"''. II \ :... T h41f\lU .. : °'"'•') ul :-., .... \"' k and 1 larold F: Sta.'"'" ,., ~''""' w ta u thr•r cbot., I• I th• P•"rl) ,. l"''""1do•nt111I 1111n11n..;11,•n StUM n an,! ~·"''<') "''C'l"t' the> °"1) n nd1d ,,,.., "nt.•n'd m lh•• ~·•n l''""•ck·n11nl 11nm1U )' n. \ h.111 1 ... 1.:'11 •h·· lll08t b~ttC'r cam1o:n i,:n In \ h <'l(nn'll hiJIOf')' for I Ille "11. ' t.: •'\•nH•n11on drlr -'*''"' "'"' .:1 ... , "'•'n ' hr1n.i:. nnnwd I 1"' t."110 • i. .. 11 .. 1111.: t 'our dt'li"· I 1 l talt,. Aft rh t T"•I f rom th•• sl.t&h• , , at l~r..:• an1J '"'' from 1•11<·h of thr stalt > ''"'" ""'17·~•,.mtl d1•tnct" l\rl1·1: •I•• flf•' h .. ur11I hy lo"' l<I '"Ot" i.1 '"' "''"'''n""" for th" carwfol .i. ,j ,.,, n '•' t~· t11<· 1·11 .... ~. of J'\tl I\ lW lllh• 1• II\ th•• l'fl •I drnt11I 1•11111.11, "Ith \\ If 11 ·•ll•I I' 11 I I\ o•l••ll•h ..-f'2'fht I l ••t'• • •~I ,.,,l,totr\1 ~•\.t•t•• Ill.I\ I ,, ,,, ''''''' 11 11,,,,. l'r•· 1'h" I 'ft'C'1:,11r1' <'tthll'lt l.:n ''"''••li•11t'<I Into • dl'ai;:·oot. bart••knu1•klt• flt.th! 111 "h11·h SI 1111,..·11 d 111ri;l'd [)cowty, In alll•ncto w ith SC'n lt&llx'rt A TMft of \ lhh• .i .. 1 "<'Al!tl'rn 1111t·r - C'SI•," had llll'lll $:.':\il,lltlll ,..,II I hf' l..)rt'.:"n can1JH1h;11 t.1 stnp him. 0..-\1W)' aald thl• wu "rldkuloua," and , .. tlml\l•-d 111' hm1 s11<•111 '11111 morr thMn Sl't(l.11\MI lllll.l.\'\\'()(\l). MAY ~·o 1lJl'll l'\'I' t'\•llt'<'tl'Ct 11hout :lOO tt(IOf'da -\I 11111, lt11)) 'a tri1n~1•l11nt('d oC tt llhll'•' l Mllll' t.IYt"r hf'l'f'." IM:•1111ty. ·11r,1p1•'d " nh•krl In th1• Wtwn 11tw l•n't hom r to play 'em Jllk•• """ for "\ 't•nwnt Mbrr I o \l\'f "''d 1wrr, alw lup a tiny 1'11111 1'11111" l•ttlll\ 111111 •11111 If rM1tln nlon.: with lll'r 1md k~ Anw111•nn11 don't \\ nnt 11111 jt'1:t it tunN1 tn thl' lo11d1•at jau. lhe mu•h' un)' mort• h1.:h ~'"'"'I ) 111 ''"" rind on the' d i1tl H1•t11<• 11 111k1• It Al RKO. "'lwr.-1d1r'~ playlftl ~ 11'11 lw t •luff with 1111111111 11111 1·r1pplNI 11lrl In "W1•C'p N c1' M0re," 1110111111 ,.,. llw 1lrtrk .. ')<'tl 111·1n-111 mm•lt• lhr at11dl<l d••scrl'-u ~itlll Ancl tlw only th1111: 11ht• do•.•sn't "n lt>n•l••r. tr111tk. IRlt' uf love") hk<' about Am<'rk n la 111111 hr•I ahr t<'o11ta hark nnd forth from jRu 111 dyin.: 11111 A .:nl hm• t .. hrr wl11'f'kh1tlr to f\c-nny Qood.. lr•·k d "ftr 1111•n •1"1 h l \\ 11 I•• lwnr man'• hot llC'kll , ','Wh1< l'ut lho• l\c•n1•-drlnt• In Mnt Wf' mrnllnnf'd thv unaallon "Bl'· M11ri•hy'11 I h·nltlnt·~·· nr "llurr) 1111 l\<11•" 1•r.•11tl'd two Y.,ar11 a10 when 1 """'"· ll1111r). Tiwr<' Ain't N••hody 11 r1tdio 11t11ll1•11 d1'<'ldcd It WU Nt:WARK N .1 . MV.y :.'I 11'1'1 llnmo• n ut M••" Just plnln naurhty. maal c that A \l'l•·rnn p<1hl';. t'l\1•111111 w 1u• N1•\\ 1h1.'r<', ,.,ul \'""' "'' ""'"Ill' "1trou!W'd f1••1trrwrl\tf' ln11tlnrt1" and lll:tlll "Ith hlS o\\ II 111~1 111 Ill hi~ i;l"Olll 111 lu•r t')'•'. hi lllUAlo' lhl' h1111111'41 It lfl•lll lht' t1lr Ila bad fOI' ,,,.,1,. In n 1••111"<' 1'11\tlo•n ''"'"> "'nl 111111~ ""' yo1m1:••r 1trnrr11tlon. Police Captain Slain at Station; Nab Red-Head. · I •th• r I•'"'"' w11o'tl II pr1•lt) to•il· S hi• ~1••11k• \\tlh """''' 11111111\l'll) \'!'Iii 111thl It WU thr flnt lhe'd 111'1111 11~ ~h·· ran from tho• <'lljllnlll'" :;:1.,.·~ '"'' 11 ,-.1ll1•<'ll11i.: ""' J1111 111111 hr1trd Hho11t II A11 f1tr u 1he'• 1•!1 1<••· 1111.·r 1l1t• •h•••lrni.: I•'•• ~111<•1• ~h·· \<ttN 11 111111.:ly '11'<'11· •'<111•"'',"'tl, 11'11" ltt•"11tlf11l way f0r .l1•lm ll1<l1"r. ?'\i•\\:111.. 1••l1<••·1•h1o·t ""''' 111 111.I) 1.11'1 111111• ,.1.,. ~11 1111: "''"'' 111111 rh)lhn11 IOlt'lMr. 1<1111,u1n1-.~1 ""'' \'1t11t '1'111111111' •1 .. 1111110-.I, 1h1•1" \1111• '""'" 1111111 An"ll"'r thlni.: 11lw 1111._ tw.r I• 1 •' 111 "' ""' ;\.!' .. \1:•1 H""'" ~.,.; 11 :n y.•111 '"'•'1'1111 "' l h•· :!.u•i .111 1'\1ll1•l't1•1 ·, ''""'' lwro• Ill jlth·rl111u1:,rn1: TI11tl'a d"'-0 1f• \1 ,, r" ·••"t.-,, .. , i•·r , ... •nt ••I 1 "' ~·-- di<'•· .t • I• 1 •'• "•" 'h"' 111 llw .. 1.mi.u· 1 11' Tho• \\ 1•11lth) 1'111,.s 111 11111111 11111. t•W• A111I I ho110• l'Ontpllcated th. ,f•"'l" "'·t·~· .... tU••I "'\\Ill '·"' ,, I Ii I .... "· '•If Ill "'' •1 "'" ••II I... I~ '"''' 11 \'ulh ~""' '"1111'\ htl\'I' ""'I~ \'11111 lo·nrtl"rl rr .. rn lhl' A11X'r· I ™'II"" • I I , 11 ••• , ••I '" "''' 1'1 "•1111 1 1•1 1t"' 11·.:111.11 ""' J"" '""""'"~ "-lll'rr ln 111 ft1k•I~ ,111 th•nl'tl In Jtonw are ,.,,,_ T.I•...,•· , .,,,:.-.. •·rt ,f 1•·lltt•' ,1 r 11t ,,, ..,~ A 'Mt•r rrom PauJ -· .. •n• R lr'"man. 1•. to h'-__ ,..._ ln OolumbUS. 1aoo I• 1• r 1 '1·'"1'11 111•) '11 11r"111111 1111•1 h'1"11 1" •ll11r .:••ttlnK r11~tr • r..u., .. ~· " . o • llJUUft:"9 ' '1 "" "'' •' l'if •If\ •'\•rt f H'• IC •II• t 1riti.u 1t th 1t •t 1-.•lh'•' IH'U o Mklng pennl.&slon to m arry 1k•H1 Maolahlr&. left.• Ja~ sltt • •11h I•,.-;, , .i..m.: ,,11 , ""•' 111 1 •1"• 'I'"· 11... h 111.: 1 '••I•· '1'1 '''· "'111<' 111111o·rC'lr111a 111111111\a arl' 1tllJ lning In Ha••atl •·hrre hut la at.aUoned tn ow Nawy ao,!llanned )lulln.·ri 11,,,.,1111, ,1.,,,,1.,,.,1, ,.,.,1 1'11"111 "" 11111 ' "1 111' 111 '1 I'''' II"""' 1:1•o(l1111111,11111l A1lh'Sh11\\" Jitll•rhui.:.:111~:· •h1• •1th1 "Throw· h1..> mother that 1h4! aakt'd the Navy 10 bl'C!ak up &he nllllaJ'M)C. ·1 s •'llll'I "' ar·ol 111' '11''1 111 1 ""' · \ 1·1111 · l'1l'h·1111" 11k11 111 lhcl ll~.lhclf.41111'~• oV.~f-Utdr hf' .. 11•n Ulem my aou. • abe aid. MNOW I.be, ... twlp ---,., ... II l~m .......... '"1 in 111" ~ '1 • llili!.'.IJ lu..LU L1uw uJ Uu.. ........ i..uu.... T'tMJ. nm .:T\'i7!li1:"1(111111111 Nt1t• 111111 1'\'f'r\ thlni: .. -_,,.-=_::_ ____ .:_ _________ ~..;.,.-----------..M~ .. .._._.,.,..,.. n'="r-OTlff'Till•·r T•llh". 1111l 1·1111~hl th• """'"11 111 111" lil•••I• :'\!'Iii 1.1111 h· r , 1111· 11111'1" \' Ill f I I I tt Sta.(." r '""''""" •1 '"' 1 .. 111: ,. in1 "' "'' "' ''" 11··•1 " ,.,m ''"-~'" -II' r u II • Pl't' '1 .... ""'"''1 .,," '" "r 11 lr r11· Ill..•'. "111• mo•rm r11.: h1·.1111'1f llut 1hc-huD't. .-•1:n 1111111 "" olit '""'"""''" '"'"" H""'' "·" ,.1111111 ... 1 111 1i" 1'11.111 t h ,, I ''"' ~lo-111 I h•· M11r111111:. I lo-l.m···-k k krtl "I' lwr tll'.-la for over a· •r 1 1~•r ..... 1hro111..:h ''"""'''"" h·· "'" 1.ilu·11 '" ;-.:"""'" 1'11' "'" 't N n. I _ _. ·; ' "•• 111 the 11:111 . T ho· \\'11~· llo• v••ar '"ASJ-'l .... G T O!ll 1 1")' '!ti 1\'P 1 thr n·11kN1 h:iv•· lonlt cords t'C CAWM' ',.,,a,.,, l.~1 n1.:h1 1,1t,11 "11,.1,. 1 ... 111 .. 11 111 '> :1.· 11 111 · "' • " • • " • • -_ ... _. I F 1 _,.. l\111lt• .. • !\11· 1''1•1·1 M11k"~ Mo• S.111•·1il 'T•f ltk1k I""''">' allh• 1k1lna that -Coni:ress has 11 11ystrm fur not 1h1~ tmw John almost la~ n ........_!001 1" ''"""I"'"''"' 1111111 ll.1ll•·1,.1ulh1•\\1111hl t111.. ··h.11 1:" \\itti l1t·11 .. 111 '"~ •• ~~~11,. • , ... _ urn 11 I "'·-I ~ " """ ill I 'lrt1'11 "-1••11hln't I"" ~ht' al1hed 11.stt•nt'nn lo tis O'"'ll )'BkC'l)'·"~k tht' lane nr 1111 rolk>a••t~ 1n , .. -· f • l:••n' .: '"' 1·..:.1t• .... "•'to· ,,r tl10· 1111.-. 111111111" 111 1110· ""1111t11, 'II " ~ '" frAlll 'r~O\\:• ., t"UmJ"'filll\• h UhllllJ•or l.mf Hiii ii 1 \lr ' i\llll l ~.,,.,.,,r~~ .• "'.) . "' Ill/I 1rn<I lk• ""I' Krt• 11110• "All 1l111l)W11&1tl nli.thll'lllhll haVf' la * HARMAN W. NICHOLS throu"h thC' capitol huildm o und 11.-"8\'f' thl' proCC'Ut'tS t1' I.ht l(arn.,, '""''"-·r .ihl·· 1•ro· .. 11.:•· '·'""' Mr • l'o\\o·I"~ r!'fU~l'rl '" •ll'rl•IM' ' I " " "' It ill \II II ll1111k11 "\\'II\ 111••)' "11111 t1• Ill•' rt11nl1u l'-111 1r."-11t--- A buzwr-1)(.'ll sysl l'm µipt•d " .,. 1 ~ " '"""' "' A11w rw1111 folk 11111~k." LMlln 11111ah' for ltw lf.1tmh• and b I d . k ~untry thC' l1usi-~•. Ill' said hi" 11 '"k•· ~,, '""'< '" wm tlw 111 r 11••111•· 1111111•"'" 11r 1.ol'-11l k•111 " " ""' '"....._ both House orrice · u I •ni:s wa I'S "' ....... " h·• 11 1111•, I'll nr \1·1 1111do•notrrnd 1'11 ralhl'r Jlttrrbu11 " Th is hAs rC'allr twe n 8 low w('t•k l<';'~"~·r~y~hod~~)~' ~u~p~w~iit h~n~l~o~u~d~h~-z~-~zJ·1~-~z~hba~d~h~a~d~11~~10:1;o;f~f:11:n~mal;. :t~r;rom;~norru~~ru~~~11~"~n~;;:~~~:-~:--:,~f'~h~"~"~"~· ·~·~• 1~11~~~\~\~l~u~·1~1~-~l~11~· ~'~'~"t'f' ·~11~1 t1r~====~1;:;;;;;;;;::-::~~~~=:;'~~!l!!'e1e~·!!!!!~!!iiiiiii --1~---~~----c":r-i•=-:~.,(t---iH~~~~'!ning th<' taxicab com -or a r-r-r-r -i-n -i;: few m111ulN1 h•'· th•• 1ro J>8ny wantf'd to-know-"°"1'M'r ttTI:>fr imC'. 'Th<'y all sound ll:C,. ~ ... f1nt ·l.,~11 .. 1 •tr•·n1:1h "" "" "·'~" DEM •M~ driver a nd <'ah wC'rC'. Thr) didn't If no quorum 1s nt"'dt'd 111 tht .,. houprd John "If thf"y'n-so smart. or n1Jl'n 1'1• ,,._.,..., nn<I """""'"'1'"1 "''""' •' 11 .. N h .-mam ~ t JJooi wnrm to 0\Jr story a h o ut 1•11r m11m1•nt, Crw Hnus<· nw mhl'rs p11y "'hy don't lh<'y lake• up law:" <'laim-10. h1thni: ="'•'" \'ilf'k·~ !17. It•"" J111t1<°'I l lw "''" 111 k 1•"11<'" OW YOU 8Ve alaVICS a your \'ll'ilor ThcrC''S !Rik ahout SUllll: any allenlion . lh•' dC'\al IRkC' lhl' Thl'rt' was II lo t morf' prt> and ~I\'"'"""·""' .. ""'' l'l 111 l •kl •• \'"'I'" II\ 1!11~· II·· 1 .... 1 lk•rn ,.,,,... no W1DS . for lhr vnlll<' of th<' c11b-and w~ hln11mosl in tlw roll cnll con. homa Ill "' \\',, .. 111n1'111" •11•1 •11• 1111111' um•· .. '"' ""'"'"'"11111' 1•·1 FNln UNi JfAPH;MB W('rt' t:lad lo 11.'arn th(' d rt\'••r nu1 i( a quorum I!: ('Kl11•d r.ir. lht• A fat C'oni:rN"rll Hl '" • bluo f .. flAIO •1•" llln•' on .. l .. rul.1 l11rm1111ro• "' rllll) Harbor Area --o TOLL ZENITH ,,,. hasn't a filnuly. 1111 a nd s k11111y <>I lht• Coni:rP~~ i.:11 ~11mmC'r !:IHI. i>i!:lnl! In th<' bit<'k n p11drllC'·foo1111i: It out o r cnm m1t1 .'t' or 1h1· h11ll o n '"" Rc puhlil'itn s 1d- ronml' nnl1 cor.a.(11or~ to 1u111•· •'r 1·,.u td IX' hrarrf ~ norin~ clC'~r •11• "µrc~,,nl " Thl'n I h•'} s k1-.·d al1'1 l • 111 1111· 1•r <'Ss ~·:~lll'r)' '-d tlM1.;;f,..,.;t tw ttarborA..M ·s~fe•ulill 111vlce r•11 ho.,. ht!e t" ~la) bC' som1'()n(' c11n h<·lp 11~ :"1•\ ••r nund uliout I ll'Wf'Y 111111 St11S~l'n' h:H'k tu "ht•r<· lh1·y wc•r.· 111 11,.. ('u,111 \'OIC' llm ". nnd ti pit'!""': EARNSHAW'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE first-plllN'. i.:aw him a 5:•'nl I" nU<t.:•· \\'h o r~· d<i<'~ ShnkC'S pC'arl' livc l For 111!'l.tnr1·. ~"""'rlia~ T h 1• Th•• (a t man \1111-d jwit hk· L. A '"" ll1lllS1• Wa!o--l'ill ... t1 l'il n rrl1•r :11 llw l'\'('r)h•id) km ·w ,,,. \\!IUlol no\\ ... lw•w1 1d 11ni.: hnur o r Hl am h• r•11n-I ~t .. tch 1.spe, vartoua 11ue, °' 11111J1' lh1· 11"ha l1• on tl\1• l\11111111 l'Rl'('t:~f" HAM Mt:AMl..f'.A •al· "' lht• NeW11-'nmee :'\1Mlll lu ll. \\hll'h \\!1111<1 la!<,. I 1111 1.0:-.ll X):'\:. Mii\ :..'O 1trr1 nn • GAS • UTBRICATION • WASH POLISH Newport Beach Colorful Awnings O.UWEN A PATIO hnlltun Free l'AU-.--1'11toee ... • Pick Up and DelJVf'ry HARBOR 1406 Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. HU 8o. Main 8t.. EAT MORE· FISH They Are Rich In Iodine F'i,IPt of llttJl S4>a Trout • F'llet of Roc>k Cod Ea.4't4'm Seallo(Wi • Barra.<'uda • Ahalone Steaks • Sea BaM Fik-t of Shttv 11 .. ad BAYSIDE FISH MARKET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NE'WPOaT BEACH llTll ST. AND IA.FA 1'S'ITI: PRON'& llAIUIO& 111 FUN ZO.NE In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY < 'nmmu111i<tl' 1 am·~ l'rtnl'r!>.S l\ian:11n·t fliN' tu.• Tlw hu11<'r h11111'CI ;ilw1111 •1 I• rno•a,.1 .. ~ Thi· loo~·!' 1•11mp r11nn 1 ni: 111111 I h • Hu•'kmi.:h:m 1 1w1l11r•· nnnoun<'f'tf i:alll'fy shnu• ini: "hl·rc" 11m1 1 :1•1 lo!la) tha t lhl' 17-y1•;1r4lld prinn---.• out a J.:.11n 1< in 11<~1. lo111 ~wtf thf'n• 1s no rN1 \\'1th11u1 mN1nms:: t11 f.:I\•' ""' -..m f11r nnxll'I) thins:: a way. ma) h•'. Cnni: l k rr:1.111 p Etwrhnrl!'d or P1•nm•)'I\ 1rn1 a I '·· plainC'd 11. He s11id hr' thouitnt It was :• 11111 .. silly to SP<'nd I hrN' precious days of the fadlnR 11casion jUAt burnlnl{ lh<' eara or thc Reda. "£,·c·rybody knows,'' 1111id Ill'. "lha l tins tll'hatr tmsinC'llS st'ldom. ir c·vcr. inrlu<'n rt•s thl' final \'Otr'." His audil.'n<'<' paid small hl'<'d Congrrssm<'n l1kc to hear tlw m · selv<'S taJk, hl' s11id. Th<'Y like· tn it<'I thrlr s1urr in thP rccord '" CllSC' SOOIC' \'OtC'r g<'IS s noopy 11nl1 looks II up to S('(' If his SC'f\8111 IS !l<'n'ini::. Mr_ El.IC'rharl<'r how1•d lo I tw hand on I h(' cl&k R!I his llmt' w:.,. up Ills n ·nrnrks had n11 l'fl•'C'f Tlw d"ha lr Wl'nl on LouJ a nd hill•·r and loni:. 111<' Cnmm11n1i;1s w1·1·1· l';ilchin lt ii from :i ll cnrnr r• T l""' ""o "' 11• :11?aint 1 lh1· Munl11 lull m 11tll' •I clt·11r th••) "•T" ,1).!:0 111,1 .lot• St.!1111 Thi flH .1,llr•'. I h1 \ ,If i.;•1 ··d. j!lot'• 111(• (Ill'. I Ro•p l·:m an11• I \"11. r 111 :--;, " Yrork <111rl hr lh1111i:h1 lh,. 1•·11a lt1•' ''" t1pp111~ 10111 f.or '" lh• I· r1 .... I Ion ''''11nL: \\'h), l1t l••oni•<I. II "·''' 'Ii•"• 111111 .\1111 •· .. 11111 1 ... ~··nt 1 •w• d 1 .. 111 1 " .. r<: :rnd 11111 II '-l•J1 ••I '"' , \• 1 • * .,urity-* Accuracy 1:l Dependability Rrt-c your pnriorrt~ .. - with f'Mlf~ "'" lllU'IP' boallt our rf'putaUoa -prw-...... on· •1W""lal1<1t•. \\'.,.al••>• -fr .. ..,. "'"''k• or hleciw.t quality ... r-1f· IN'lt... Our , .. rman .. t• ••" hltefaly 111111&..d .... "'Pf'~· B.ALllOA PllA&JIAor NEWPOaT PllAIUIACT ILUIPTON 11.AUOa D&l"O -·1:1\. ,,,., r. ,., .... " , ..... ,,. 1111 111 .. I ____ _ )1111 l1 Hlkl d In :\111 .. ('ll\\ f,.I .-•11ol,1111 • .=:=:.....::....:==-==---='°-- 111•) I 1olllol '"1111 •I Ill Ill I•• J HI 1;,, }no , 1' :!110 \• ''' 111 1n1t1• "' ... 1111 ,\nrl fin•· h 1111 a • 1111 pl1 "' HI 111111 11.11 dnll:i r~" C'on c .John P..1111km nf TufWln, Mt''. 1\ h11'h) h:11 r1•rl 1t1an "'·•· lll• '" h:1t ll"°l:t .J11hn 1~ R I\\ 11 11111•111ph..,11 '"I" ·.1 k•·r Th1·r • '' rr tw11 ol '••rn ••n th1· 111111'" fl•••r "nil hi· i;k:1 t •·~ lr•~ll1 11nr tn th o 11th"t as lw lrtlks It'., hwk> liolh c1f Available June I DENTAL SUITE New Building &en r.. RA" A \'F- BALROA -=-------------- You Need Protection Our Service Is Efficient --------------------- -=--=-· -= --=:?7. ~ __,---=--~--=--=-:~ _--: ----i-:: Lobdell's Silverado Mineral Spring~ New Modern Hotel £., Motel Accommodations HOT lll~t:Kt\I, RATllS..MA""'AUt: Ir STt:AM IUH)MS ••• ,...,...... C 'o Uac.._ • !'4n ... k Kar -roa ~l:M\.ATIOSM MIOSF.: ORASc;r. 11'1'!0-M-1 lllTll5 • PAC.llJI' • w~ • I Four-Piece Set, 9-0unce Tumblers-Gay Party Colors FREE To Every Adult Person Attending Interesting SPRl!D Demonstration at Our Store Saturday, May 22 Co ~n e Early While Supply La See an expert demonstrate this amazing new oil P.alnt that ml••• with water. ••• avalloble In 91011 or flat. :s COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY co·. - 810 OOAHT HIGH"'Al' PllONt: Rt:ACON !t2'll-M . I.. NEWPORT BEACB ·. g;;1~~t~~:::f ~~B~;f;~~:'.i:~~/:'.i/'.~ · 4~ ~-4:-: !It ~ · ~,~~;N,~.'1'.:~~;~, ,J~·~·~ •.•• ~tnl/a!ci~ ll UHTll " l'IC'TOlt II J f. ii : : ! 1 • .. i.. 1· '' • " I• •1 ·• ~ 1 '1111 d '"' :'\.1111 .. 11 .. :.11111h1•r On.: MILESTOS E.S l l·1".I• ,·, .. ~, \I''." '"""'"II\• l .... ,.., 11 n., ... , 11 111, ""'" l:-·-.111.: l~.11111. II, ... ,, f.wt lhat ~I -··· . ~ :~'. ... '.J "' .111 ....... , '"' _, '' '" '"'!'· '•• ,1 '"''''' '''""" ll1<1r ''"' rh1•1r '1,,,,, ..,1i.t ) '""""' ,,( lht· hand s ma... ~ .. , ., ,.,.1 "' "' '""''• ' .. I., I l I I 111 ' I .. l'\ltr•'lll l•'I"'''""'" ""ll11·~ under •,1,~.1 "\fl•• I ,,_,.' \• d I ' tH I ,,,,. I "'t" \\ ltH: 1 ... 11nth • '1 ""'t 11 ,nan ' lt11· lu.·odttt~ '~I ... ,,, ,., lltUS•<.• •• CARJ.. T•• \Ir ar;t "" 1 rurr .... '· •n•I 1 ,. •• r .:• I 1 "''" •11111 ""' 1 I'll o1 1.;1•011 n1·1i;hl~1r" ~tr~ Isa-J imw~. "hoi "ill 11,, l!l'ard in C'.u1. &1 Clot l >r '-~ f\.-"I' •Lt11,;h•• 1 P ,1 ,-jl·,., ·•I th• h•1111o· .id IM·I ,\nil• r'••n '""''''"' pulolrd) 11 1 1t·r~u11 '"'" 111, .\l1h1t \l11k<·rs t~ in S1 ~~ """'•c-1 I. )Lt) 17 •lr· ,, h"r "'"'h,..t ~Ir -bl1t h ~''" • •10 1111""'"11'" '.'''~.'~'"'' of pr,.~··r· 111~11 !Y~ n11.hL ·!L..!ll'_Jkndczv.oua. l.s.&& a ~~·n -; ~ II w c 11mh 1 f11,.tft1•r~··1 ·• • .llr.:· \.UIJJtLJ.11 u..,. XAl~HAI. ~l'tc~ nf 1ir1~in1tll.) ''"" 1~ipul1111I) .-1ith hot 1---·-----llEA.,.----1'rum1>·11n.t ''"" ~•~t.·r~. S.11:ih 1·1 1~1 ~"~'1-:"looltn~ a n·;L~11n11lll•' r1-. J·•'-' mu,11 . hut in tlu• past few LA.,S,,S ~ ltr• 1"'1111 )I•~ lvr .. nd \ 111l:t \\'11-..m, ,,11 nf ,.tnr•11•n.11I r,.:tl •·,tat•• nnd h111lt.l· )••:ir-. 111,. loirnil fl,,,. l1t·•·umc more .._ 3l!t ,Jf ~1 f<•l-r.n tin•,. I ~lfl'hl),'1\n .. un1•ral """'lf'1"l-will 111· Int.! "11:111' anlt ot 1•ciur"• llJLI ... 11111 mun • '""'r,illi·ll &.st• A-. c.-d ~ w~ hrlft Saturd.:1y at 11 a m at 1\1 •Alll>S and rs \1l1rrn1: nl11n1• • .,. ., • b.ft>,."' Jdm lr\f't11n .. r.tt~r.m .. 1 r h:•i.-'I --.1th thl' Rr\' Ko·ll· \\hilt 1t l11uk man) '"""'''" to pul Today's Markets 5C11 Onincir ..,. __ ('-ra .,.,..__ nrth Tuttw off1etaHnJi? lnlt'mwnl o\t•r in 11 .. n11l11lu )l'llN 111:11. •h• ~ * •b ~.-d u ;a .-.111 tw-1n f'airtui_vf>I\ C'ffOCtery. 11boltt1on of BIJ.1.H< •ARDS, Took i\111 To•I & 1'1•1 157% m111'11 1•ft1lrt. lots uf p11ht1ral pull I ';1n.11han f'.111111· 18% ~ ~ ft/-' fJ.J., ZINNIAS~doz. • ,, & ...... c• ..... ) -(.1u')1UU1t1M-mun~ --·-•'-« ROY'S loalwt1rtl Nursery ... aw..ntoo• .. ,.... .... fl09CMll ----'°"' r..='I.= .n !ft9. ...... -aiiii' Llf B ... YOU lllJOY SOl9CO•Oln' MSW• Sfll9 -ApJ' ett -.-....... ,..._. -· 11nt1 JllL'lh I 1111••111 183 T.-o•l\'1• \t'llr ' :11:11 "twn J ",,, I ;,.n.,ral ~101111 ' 60% lho•r" 11 11~1\" Arintnli tho• h l.ol\CI (;••lol}"•lf 4614 •1f l >ahu. " 1111) ·s· trip. lc·i.:al '11<'\'ll h.•·1H11·1· .. 11 57\.1 111 .11. t\\o•nl) '"" 111111. 11 11 ""'·' I ......... , <Cl \.ii • '"" ~c 1 l11 .lt1u11rrl~ I -.,1 <'al 1-:0h:-11n 30 Tlw phr:1'•' 11111111111 11!1· ,,1,11111 S1 :'i,,.iar1I 1 hi 71 ''"" h:•• ,, "''"t• 111 '"''''I"' '"""n l l" ~ sr .. ..i RO 1111• j'UI '11'1 I I W11lf" art••r II - f.1ii 11.m• ... I, ln1t 111 th" hula l SAN[} CRAB ,\r .. 111111 th• lslantl" 11> 1nrlw :111 II 1, .1 ~111at111i: lup. 11rt1fd1 t•> 1h.. IC:cmttnu• ti Crom Pa~e 1 ) ,,,1,. "' •. h md~ al 1111is1, fr••t ~ind hard -1'1ght1ng 11ultlk s1111111n11r). 1:11'1• .rul ,., ... s t11rn•·rl beach artVtX'alL' :incl ha~ l1t~n • '"' ·•'" • h· . tu\\ drds c h <' i<111.,·-1 active In the CD:\I :-t:ite park '·"'" I cl .. 111 think t1t.·r1• •~ any~t'Onll'O\'l'l~y. Bui -.he• l'ilf'lfl'(l •w :• '' ""' "' lt1llhoarcl-. in thr her spurs during lhl' '':er in I ·1.u'l'f•1I t.111 ... , unlNls the law has I II ·t I I<~ ( · osr l)f•1·n d icing••d ('II > Cl ~ ~II I'. • '-.,' I' • s _ work. Earl \\. St<tnlC'y, ti.m- , '\"h 1 1 ... "-i ning aguin for till' Assembly, I , r·n u rt1h\ u• a•·•. r!"s , •. , .• ~ n h · l'!'HJ .rc '"''" 11 ma,1 OTlft-r: th.,, serv~ a ten.n 1111 t c ~ty 1 lu•r l111shand. Tlf,\T mllk•~~ :o-11-:w s. coltncil and _has lx'<'n a rcal- ::111 '<lwn ... h. 1111111 ... wit h hl'l •nwn tor here. His latest venture 1, ,,1 .. 1r•I that 11111k··~· SE!'.~!·: is Cliff Haven. J .B. McNally lkth' lla\ls .-,, .. .,..,.n lHNJNG is another vett.'ran and has 1\ ''" lrlf'nd m ::-;, ;,\ND 111 • other been in the boat hiring busi- dft> a t the llu1·'ey &II. nesa for yeers w\th his son That's an ITF..M. Bernard. He is also deeply . Ano1hr r duwr. root in :i ca.st. interested in the Balboa Ang- two walkini: 1ttr ks h(>side fu!I chau-ling club. Louis w. Briggs is "'u point rd out as n mover 11r1or. perhaps one ot the oldest Ont' or I hOIW' very prOP"•' J)"r· 5"1n~. f'\"Jckntly from hrr P.ost,,nian realtors in Balboa. ff{' was nt•<-.•nt. nn eutemf'f. whispertd. formerly on the counTy plan- '"Thf'rf''11 Grr-gory Pr.·k o v <' r ning commission and has a tlw-r1'. Hr hroke hrs ankle. Jr <'Cr· keen grasp on Civic, planning • tnlnl) liho~"S his hackj.lro1111d or " and political issues. !~ii;ii~ii~~~ii~ifiii~~~i~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~ Wt'lllPrn COWBOY. thr way hr Harbor lnvutment Co. 1 Say.: JadlorFan ..... ~ ,_ ...-C for wtwfl )'OU ...,... ... ..... club· ..... __,. ! -~.,. twllehMI .. ....," t! -• ~school· AJI UWR.. -9 _..too • .,... 1nrludfod at... ,_ -proprrty cie I .IDU lS IF. '6' ll .. -x-thP J.1,'100 5llY 1l W -t.r~ ~IO CY x ,,,,. • W aorn :.<l()l fnr t1w: REST qt _. llf~. buy 11nd tnv -LJDO ISi..&-J1.111t tor fun Tb~ .. 100 road to lt.'f"P ro nurseh..,. ~ ~ HO)(£ f1" l..Jtlio b lC" <l<'''"',,,orl "1~ .cood In ... A r-rf1u i:-tt<> nw•'I} ta..,.._aprd .-q, ~ dnn I It'll .tn.)••nl' 11. pr1"' et ~ J15 ;so Small Money BAJ..B')A L--l.A..'-0 a hou5" "'•th 4 "'·aHii and• f'fd -_., •a pm •m11ll llul ~ 6 -faD lot Wlth SJJ9("t' for arkhttonnl ~ -9!Jl!l50 -t111l """"" 59000 Upper Bay HOlOlllTE -111i ~ Wltb bdullflll viC'W -ftlll1 ll:w ---M'.!50. Clwap! Clteap! Claeap! "1FYOU wANTrr. WE HAVE m· Harbor lnvestm~t Co. ..... ~.-­---- Realtors -... 119 ................. _._ 1111 rc'111!' hLS """' on the tah•·~ when f'll lln1t Rf-ttUlar RUNKllOUSE MAl'NERS." ~ Direct Tep Beer Beel on Rye • Corned Dutch Lunch Specialties aam1•11,.. for,._ t::.•t • rat ~ N"4•,,_ wtl1 Mt .. rnpon•lhl• for more llau - llM'oof1'''"l laM'rUoa ol -... _.. U""""91. rf'M'n'N th ~t to ~ ... ·Uy 1•1aaaUy _,. Met all ad• p ol 111 rf'j<'c't _,. IMlvttU-- ml'llt out 1·ooformJns to ruJee Ulf r•·i:ulnlloDL Claaalnc-d Mb 1, Ill 111• "' 1·,.1114'<1 up to 9:IO a.m. fin th•• 1111) of lluhllc•atloe. Bl ~I"..,.., c.t lllt~ IO ------- -. BU8DfE88 QUJDE H DIPLOYXENT 0.-...aJ -------------~ ODO JOBS HOUSE REPAJ RS & alterations, prompt aen·ice. Froo ealinuite.. Harbor ~1 -W anyt ime. 71-r ED WALTERS TILE CONTRACTOR Bath Rooms. Drain IJoarda, f'tc. 15th &: Nr>wporl Ave . Costa MKJt Phone Beacon 8700-W-3. 18-tfc WANTED FILIPINO As g1•m•ral u1tlt1y man for rntau- ranl work. :\luJ!ot ha\"e plc-asrn!l f••rson;iht)'. 1, .. .-.111tn'g 10 •·ork <lrhi:••ntl_\' 11mt t,ik•· 11. prtd. rn dt•anlin••'" .1\l'f·I~ • BARCA.Jl'C-'46 °'iban Jttp, hy- drolk ldt dilc. plow, er-Irr bladr. aprinc'tooth, rfe. Exa-1- lmt oondihon C<>n1ider "37-'319 C"ar u part pa )'mf' n t. 332 Del •rar. Coata :'\lesa. Hearon. 6273-J . 73-tfc 1,111. ~' l''lll 'ltf ' 11p.01ri1I ur SL'\\'l '"r. J\fJ\('lll".''I'.",' • l \ ·' 111 t 1.111 I 1 I I n 1 l >' • r. ·' ' ·' " OilC"d, .J E P ~ 0 X ·s 1 :?2 :\,l!ato Ralhua l::l:m.d Silver Platin~ C'OPM:R. BRASS. GOLD Ptllishlng A-R4•f"lfl1Shing Ba\"~ictP Pl:tt i nl! Co. -?<Jl ' lfi•bor Rf\ d • 1 ",i,., 11 .,,., ""I.hi} rh·11nr>d :incl .1•li11-.1 .. 11 a l our f:w111rr . 7 'lll P1ck·llfl & tkl. 11,\JtHOlt ,\PPl.IA:"\<'E f lt \\ I ~I l!'-• llHthh• I l'c d I• 1,, :!.'11:1 I l:tf· t I "'' I \f, '•I , f'lo l!l',I· 71 1 \'·~I .. J Ii I f•!l • , .. 1 '""·" • It ' q ... 1 t\ •uni 1 :u·tnr:-- i I·• Jin f 'h•• I!•'.\.'. .f • di JI d ...... :-0.11tl, 11:, :.!~Ith : c •• •• in F11 ·1 1. Ralh11:J 73-tfc \ ''"' '• "''C'llJ:"\~:s 01lrd .,, , .• 1 \\1111 minor adjustme nts ._ 11\11h• r,• llarhor /\rcu !I \1:11111l. /\PPLJJ\NC'E 177 ,, "I" r1 Bl,'d. n,•acnn 6l96 72-c-81 c:l 1,\lt/\!'TEED HI 1'\IHJ:"(i. llELlUILDIJ\:G ---0t'-- \\",\Slll'.'-1G ~1 AClnNES !=:r:\\'11'.1.";-?.fAC'lllNES \" ACUU~1 CLEA7'ERS --e tc.- - IA~ll• •R APPLIA!'\E SERVICE ·l"ii ~ ''" JX>rl Jill\·d .. Il<:'aCOn 6296 72-c-81 12 YEARS SERVICE CN TilE HARBOR ARE> HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACTOR 274 Eut 19th Street 111 ~-:>i 13 Coe ta M..a. Call1 30-tft ~---------·-·~---Expert Watch & J ewelry REPAIRING NEWPORT JE WELERS Fine Diamonds and Watches 1Undrr new Management) 116 22nd St, Nrwport 67·c-82 .ET <;f:C>RGE DO IT! HARPER GARD'F:N SERVICE. Forim·rly or Pasadena) Main- ll'wanrp ot established gardens. Spr "1111:. genrral lawn &: gar· d1•n cl1•1rn up Replanting. Phone S.•,11•nn 6299-W day or eve. 420 15th S t.. Costa Mesa. ~23tc CABINETS PRECISION WORK. Let ua call and glvf' you our eetlmate-. 144 2lat St. BetwMn <>ranee A New- port Avf'., Coeta M..a. Phonf' BeM"On 6226. 58-22tp HARBOR Plumbing Service 768 Nf'Wpart Blvd., BMODll 1111 REPAIRING OUR IPECIALTY C.ontnctins and ~ t.ttt COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING SERVICE Wall w .. hlng, noor clunlni and waxing. window clunini, caulk- lni. painting, rug cleanini. Free estimates. Work guaran tttd. BEACON 6111 u ·s HOUSE CLEANING SERV. 70-c-91 JAMESOM FLOORS Sandlni and F1nilhlng Bftt Materials and Equipment Ucensed, Insured PHONE BEAC\)N ~ 62·22tc 1.1-:rmY SLA' Mow J\nylhing Anytime Sf)<'ci:illz(!d In MOV ING (',,.•;a }f.-c f I '3frf . n.> \(Vin 51 lJ T'-#'· 7"------------~-tfc -~~~-·~------~ foun• 11n c 1 r ; " 1111• rt :.'11il )larin•-A,., •• n;.,~ hoa lsl:intl. •~•!,. l·:XPE HIL:'\t 'Ell luni:h & dJnn-r \\:ll l n ''· tlJd~ """' p 'f'u,14J} El.ECTRICJANS I Si""" 1920 I <'ontrnnlne-Rl"(lain fu1'W nt111l-l ntfMtrW C<ritd ••IJ!' C'•cll 1h t t.,r :..'717 l-1f~I E•"'H <Jk1'n & Galvan -lp1111r hold Goctds & Small Boall • "-'r Harbor 391. 25-tl< -c It•"() Cnasr J!r.,.·ay Rea. 5401 Portable W elding Burning NEWPORT WF.LDING SERVICE H . 1564-J 328-28th St. DICK SANDOVAL 63-22tc C'l 11 •l '• ILA'fl . d11•1 .. ·r. full vr 1,0rl I 31-tl• tinh• \\"r it< Doi. J. "-=•"'"pe.rt ll.'\l-1--------------I ~ T I l's--a flt>ndut or Maytag "'" •• \\S· U0<"1>. •k·T°> .\T Bil.L'S \\' ;\Slf-~-Ta!A \\' ANTF.n P1'"'°'1 for part !Im.· 175 s--port Bh·d Rracon 577( work in nu~r) !'<'hoot Wori."nl C'ooa ~ff'Sa 6().20t.c with gm:ill ctiild pr<-krr•-C Ml I l~aron 5697 for inl<-n"'I<""' • • a • • • • 13-r.nj PLU MBING SUPPLIES WA?l.TEp-~l<Jthn-'1 bdptr.~-~ Sfot1rlll Otang• ~t7. ming prnruttt'd. u,•e in or out COO PERA TJVE KOOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon 6217 Ph. Beacon· 52167-R. TI<-75 •~" Galv. Steel Pipe I w.s· lllllCa.L&JnDOO • 20c teat Z57S El.,, Ave., ao.ta .._ »4h Wallace Calderhead WATCHMAKER JEWELER ENGRAVER 817 COAST JnGHWAY CORONA DE(. MAR. CALIF. 54-22te BEDDINe PLANTS ALL KJNDS -30c doz. & up Chr)'llanlhemum.<1 Fer til).zrrs and Plant f'oods Roy'i:; Blvd. Nun~ery 21761 N~wport Blvd .• Opp. 22nd S I. PllONF: BEAC'ON 6113-W 74-r -95 Flower i:; For E\'ery Occasion Corsages -Gilts DROADW A Y FLOWER SHOP , 108 Broadway, Costa :'llrsn Shop, Gearon 55:!1-J Home, Bearon 5100·M. GR-c-90 BUILDING MATERIALS ti Plenty of Godel Tira All Sbea Compound Kot.or OD a.a.. 1Ur We!tem Auto Supply Autbmtlled Dealer lDS N"'110r1 Btv4. Cmta .... JT-dl ELECTRIC RANGE NEARLY SEW 0.-Pbtrd Swine F•.ua18 •..50 va1w---115.915 FREE PLUMBING L.yout Senice FONTANA PLtofRING 23041 S. W. ~ Aw. c.o.ta ltleaa l'tllOIW ee.,,. IOIJ 37-tfr \"An."'t.'ll Ci.£Aib:RS -Oiled. «innrd and• ad.)wtf'd at our silOpS $3.SO Pk'k-up a n d del ti.ARBOR. APPLIA-'JCE ·ffi ~ .... pt>r1 Bl\'d., Buron 6291 72-c-81 l lSED 0:-.;1. Y t•·o month• .a bw-n- <'r!I, automat ic' mm t'IC' \O!JI 16' BACK BAR •·il.h refrigei'atf'd S?'~'fl W iii srll for _ ~ion. ~lau doon ·~ mirrors; small cil?11r or candy case. 5' 1tnm tablf! •;th cnpPl'f' bot- 1r1m; small tabl-.• ~I Anw>rican "*''~ sllcinS? mat'fljlll', 601 E. Cl'Tllral after 9:30 a.m. (1r Ph ff~ 1M9-W. TI-c-n $100 cash 4:l'..' Dahlia A\'e ("pr ona dPI )far F.LEn"RIC' bottlf' ~.cir)•. C>-ft. loni:. 2.-rt .-.;ck>. (Qapadty 30 CllSt'S I, like nt"t''. '300; bat.h 1ub '-';th lf'glf. 510 ;lif('limf' '.M."l}"'"l? wash<'r. gond C"Ondition. S(.l'I lie a- ron 5013-M 72<-':6 RUG MATERIAL LrMBD I.? RLOG. ~ATERIAL.~ 12 VOLT -'wrlli.ry genttator '75 . F"QR BRAIDED Ir HOOKED New f'..nrfand drsicm. hooks. tramn swatchn rte. Information ori r't'qllPSt. p 0 Boll 506. Balboa. C'alifomia. ~ On additions, altera1 1ons and mod- ernizing of your pr('!l<'nl dwell· Ing, or busin<'SS house. we c:in take c a r e · ot your lumber. plasterboard, paint. cement. lath. windows. doors, SCT('('n doon;. composition doors,· <'le. Roofing. both comp. and wood, some or latter for as low as $.5.79 per square & up; these can be had on e ligible applications on a small down payment, balance on monthly paymen11 8ll low as $.5.27 Ir up. Add that room or rooms and g<'t more rPnl than 7'20 Col&>nrod. CorONI drl libr_ Harbor 441-K . 74-c-'78 -~TO 9'1'r • RARY Bl'CCY $25. t.thrwtt• SIO. -----------....;,.; Phone Harbor 2890-M 70I Popp)". Corona ~I Mar 74-c-76 W ASlfJSG !>tAC"H"IN& -C. E. all ~·hite, automalk' ·~­ Com pl<'I el r <Y'"f'f'tuaulfod Pttf «t rnndition S65 TeWlnli!W Hdolr,.~ Ca.ta Mrsa 7t-p-75 WASIUNC MACHINE -t"-'ri- ran Beauty t Rebuilt, hu _. motor, agitator and Ct'U'S.. Onl>" S4S 00 rash-beacon 6296. 72-c-75 wm Pa1 Cub rar ,._ ,. ...... ar ......... ,... ..... -~ Craw)e'J hmiture Co. 1812 ......,_, ..... ea.ea ... .... CASH far USED Pwa4bae 6 AppH•ncw .... .., ...... you pay out, Paint, put on a new m REE PR 30x36 2 L T f"l"f'nCh roor on this plan. Copeland Lbr. wi~"'I ft 2.50 Pr 0 :'11'£ ~ _., 7 ' GBAMT'S Yard, 1804 W. 5th St .. Santa door. $5.()(l: Rx9 sh<-d., 11000. Ana. 75-c-77 -..._.._S'JU7-• .... ,._,. ........ c.ca .... USED washrn.-: mactunr. pon:riain PZR80MAL t• tub. water pump. automatic' re--C.ttc. Swimming In thJ"ff lessona, $7.00. Foot or Montero, Balboa. Rn- ~ Anade. Ph. Harp 2'798-W. "" ' ' 55-22tc UPROLSTERINO lt IF YOUR FURNrnJRE Is Not BEC'OMING Then You S hould BF. COMING To JONF.S CO. Upholsterers flMll~ -RC"bulldini: 196!f lfarhor Blvd. CostJ ~lrsa RF.A. 6260 66-c-87 leaJ(' •Tingn, c>x<'l'llftat shapr. $45 ruh. Harbur 1:805-J. 'lS<--76 2-\llHEF.L. Utility trailtt 4'.r~· book~. dwst of drawn-a. oaf. fee table. Zl 1 Dia~ Balboa bland. Harhor Z7~J 71« 75 \Vatdw.9 -Oodlw . J-.1tr7 CIDtONOMETERS P""P&irtnc -Prompt Bentar Sf!mible Prtca VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY One blur wti:itr dlan.md. ~ to 1 ant. with or wit.bout wttlng, or a diamond d rdrtt. N-..'J'Jmee Bos ttF". 74-c-75 W A~IED--SEWJNC MACHINES any mau. any •Cf!-fflctwst cub prit'ft paid. ran RHcon 6296. 72-c..Sl LOST Alll°D FOUND ti 1786 Newport "Blvd. ea.ta M1m maJl(11"1711E POii BAL& • t'()R SAl.t".-Day bed. RH StO\·f' .;rh h~h ~·en Lronard retrig· rnuor. ~f'llf'nf condt1ion. dress-- inc t:lblr P'1 lfMhnr 14X>-!'.t. or rail 117 T urquoill(', ;\pt 3. 73-c-75 ------------~ .... If I.OST -On~. 9 monthi: rild, hrinrl ll', .ru• nn'•'r. rt•mnll' f:Ars 11nrr11ppt•rl, r rill Horhor ~~H3-~1 or 61fi Pnppr. ( "'rona dr>I ~l ar 7~-p-7fi t:MPf,OYMENT WANTED !I R :'\. will !'it \\i lh 1•hildrrn t•\'C'· ninJi?S. Own transportation. ('all Tlr:iron 5313.\V. _ . 7·~-7~, COMPANION to elderly or in\'111id. prr>ferably li\'e out. Telephone Harbor "20!'>0-M. 72-c-76 l lOl 'SE\\'ORK wanlrd by day RI. l. Bolt 175. Costa Mesa. 75-p FIREWOOD CHARCOAL Ir BRJQtJl?n PROMPT DELIVERY Wri2ht Lumber Yard i784 Newport BML COEn'A ·KESA Be-econ 5855 ...,, HARBOR Furniture &: Transfer BONDED end INSURED APT S-17.t: ~ ranl?f'. walnut din- inc M"t. rlC"l::ant m·nl frPi1e rug. k alcill>n srnk ;ind Ofh<'r house- hold i;nods 1:1 r.rnnd (',anal, 1\.-il.,..,.,. 1~111nd. Ph lier. :->48-1\fK. 73-p-75 l.ARGI:: M'\MI font O\'rnilUfft'd i11- fM'T'llJ>rin1t daW'Tlfl(lrl. \~t 53.'l() F..:llttllnll condition PriN' 51 25 Bracon :;291:>-~. 7:>-p 90Aft. RPP1..1D • 24' FISHING BOAT -11000. Ph. Huber 1 J!fT. w. 75-p-T7 Enjoy and Jovr youngsters and f'l derly Sprriall1ed education A Good Buy ... ffiR SAL.£-14' Skiff. Otnp. Ph. Harbor 20Jl. 75-<"-T7 and l'Xl>t'rit'nrr> Call Hartx>r 7795-w -75-c Pediatric and Infant nunf', .. ca. tlonln1t. 111 11vai111ble A!I foettt molhrr by day. niithl. week f'TMltt or by week. No phon<', kindly call personally, mornlnp. 201 Dahlia A~·r. at Ocean Avf'. ln little ~Y garagf' collage. C& rona df!I M•. 64-tl REUABLE middlf' 111:<-d couple want!! motel managPmrnt. Can give top reforences. Call Harbor 203. 72<-'7C • Ia a Wiae BU7 L!t U1 ffr1p You lie W1- -COuRn.3Y SERVJCE- 1962 Harbor 81\'d. a.ta .. Phone Beacon 5538..J M-dl A I I ENT10l'l BOAT OWNERS ...,.... ~ old .st)'le ~ Wl'ldl• ~ with mOdem 30 •. Dmll«Oa A lbnitrd 9Upp1y ~18blr ., thr wry low priot ol IB..50 -. .&.9CIDll ~II. 16-p.9 FOR SAL£.-·41 Buick motor, wm s E R v E L ~trate In c:ar. $100. J5()t The GAS Refri-•-Marna Aft-., ar phone Harbar a~·-2497-~· 7J..p-7S Som.. Moclell Avallabl. NOW Balboa Furn~ture Ct•~ ~"£W -19' Uchtninc salJbo.t. 622 ,. ~ C1uh HOW!f', Nrwport Bhch. 100 Main 9t_ a.a.. 73-c-19 PtMJIW H--.. 1415 FOR SAl...E-SnowtJird f'XC'f'l)fnt HA!'IDYMAN & dJahwasher: also ~ eo..t Bhd.. Newpmt cordt1on. QeW tail CaD after wom&n dishwaahtr. Must hf' ~ H.tlor lit 5 p.m. at m Goldftaod.. Orona atrady & ~liable. Harrl"°n's CJ.tft drJ Mar. 70-tk Dinnrr House'. 17th & Ort.nge. F:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::;;::;;~~:;::;:::;;::;;:;::;::;::;::;::;:~;;; Cattta Mesa. 74-trc \VANT-Young man for wart'~ and dell\'ery "''Ork. ElCperil'n~ not nf"C'C'ftary . Apply In person to 408 ~ 32nd St. II to 6 Friday or Saturda)' a.m Paciric Pr~ \'islon Co. 74-c-75 BONDED LICENSED bay escrow .co., illc. -............. _ N_.._... .... _ .. , ........ 0... ... _ 1W 0.. ...... .._-..·a. s e D 9 0 \\' Jn. w. Ne I t FO CL. 'i ,I I ~ FO: h ~ FOi Y• PU • nf •• ft A r, 11 tx FOf Pl pc BAI cc m Fl T1 I • ,_ • .. .. . -~-~---.,~~-----------------------------·· ~ ..-=-.-.» ..... "'' I (NgW.P.QRJ~E~f.~~08:~~~9B~t,;fg~j~~~bA~~fE!~6~2gB]~~N~i ~~~P.(Q&i] 90.&n. IR1PPLID .. roa UNT, Apt'a, Hllfle. 61 &l!AL DTATS • UAL DTATS • * c L .\ s s I F I E D I N o .E x . * N EWPOK T. B A L80 A NEW8-Tlll&ll Pa•e 5 ......... _ II b II FOR RENT s· I d bl • • t'alD.\f '-r" ......... ('alU. 'l•r tl, .... ~ f f'IR sALE-Sa .. TulU<' we u I -ll)~C or OU f YOU CAN RETIRE -M-1.111•1 •• rMUU . ·--1~toor sp('edboat Ford V Eight room. Prl\'ate entranet>. No sum-SACRIF I CE 8t lU•t'<: ""' "•u• ., ,,. ... ,-• '"' a&AL DITAft • UAL D TATS ______ • mot-. -.-.a.. rt•-·1rs. Harbor mer rates Th<-Windmill, '.?()I.I N'l'\l IN,,.,,.\\ ha\'' =::.·.~,._"1""1 ' ·~ -·••• ,,_,,,,.,,"' •.. ---Ht.~. 'Ji9Mari;td. Corona l\liramnr. Pt'nlnsulo Point. 75-c 3-room housc on 'ii 11crt• Good 0~..,:~.~:,.1 r:n,:11111'.1 ... ,7.~··rnu 1~houl~ •H• '•et..'"' :: :'.":~:;-,~~:''"'•" •• CORONA DE L ~\AR 7., -75 --district ll<'t ll•r look this 11nt' ,....,. .. ..._, • 1, .. , '"' •-a.-.... • -u tt••I Mar. ~· C'ORO:'llA Df.L l\IAR brand new S•'"' l'n 1'<' ~!l:'ltll.I 111 "-lt;,1-ltl aoot'"G '"'''"' '"" ,. .,..,, •-••• ,..,,.,.., 1~ • ----------,,---O-\'·<'-r· toda)'! Full pr1c" llnl) _., '' "'" • .ii SPORT f1SJIJ!'JG BOAT -m\idt•rn apartn1t•111 , slN'J>s four, $3250. ,.,....,.°"""' :: ~;"',!.~·••'" :; 1-:quipp<'d and rl'ady lo J:O. Wrll I uvrulahlr Jlll\4' -'h fnr !iUOlml'r n ut pf Thi:' \\' orld ! ~.::.: ·.~ .. ·:·:.~ ,, • .. ......... .. ...... :: knu\\ll in th1• lt><':tl h11rhor. \\'111 r•·nlal:, :~11 1.ark,pur A~·· __ A"'"'' 11.,,.l lot ~;,1;n, Eui:t "'d" ""'°'''"' ''•111 ''"' :: ::-:::,'~~" ,. .... d f k ' i" ,. , 1 I t r•r• n \ •• ' • " ''" •· " •"1•!151 ... ·r tra ': l•r '1111~ ~rn· ,,_-•'I C:n.'W'I dls trh'I Pnci• lllfxl \\ 1· 11.\\'f' 111 ...... ,.,.,,, ,. '1~11111• 1\1' a-.r1""'"' , "11 ,, ::·.'.'!~~;4 ,, \•I• r \1•pl~ F l'hl'rrnun ~ \V11rr. HOU.\! '10 iU .:\T Gt•ntll'm.1n h11llh"• l'""'I 111•111 ~ll'>,IAKI 10 Ml.It ...... "''''"'. • ........... ·-·· u _•314 W C"t-ntral, Ph Harhor llox "JI" c:l o ~:::,101 1 1111 11.1•1t.1.-.11h1.1kin.: ~,:~;~\~:·.,, ··• .. , ..... , •• , .. ,... "" -·~;.-1l ·J -;J,..c-7:. t, 1 h 1 ~ h lP' B .• A... NF:l?ESO N tlft'Hlt \h\\ •• ,,.,~. • 1 .,.. ' ~·,:·.: ... ::·~.:,\~·:•· ~! ,,,. -......... '" .. ·~·-.·~ ... ii 1· I'' f " I :-,,.11,·T11 w .. 7:\-p 7 I Y arht~ for Charter --1 97:.! No•\\ port 111\ ti , t'11~t.1 \l• !'II '"''''. '·' •• -t ......... ,, •• ,.,,,,., tit 11.\ Y Wl F:K MO:-;Tii (;. E. :\llNNEY I 711 Cu:i<:t lliw:iy Reacon 62R1 65-ltr c.-•• 1\\ Oll!ll G1K"l t-..md11111n S:.!:.!'l · i'h 1lar!N1r 1 ~>-lf>-.J. 73-tk I •I< 1t1 :" r ·r,. ,, 1cwun t''"I •t:··...; .\d11!• ... 1nh ~1 :-.. 1 11"" ''h Y1·:1r •• f p•111•t. ,. ""' rn u n • · ' I n th' '-ftt.\\ If''-, I .':11'1 "' 1.:11il11 St. l 0u~1.l \!1 '·' 7:1-1• -: ' --llllh JI II .11111 \ 1.1.bJJ'' ,\p.1r11111 nl t•n cr ... 1ul l ',111.11, I'll I l.1rll(•1' ~>IS-:-.11.; 7:1-th71 \fl w 11:1"\I. FOR SALE Erl Erkk· R ENT, MIRCl:Ll.:\NEOU1' t6 '"" Owe f\91. Halh<111 74-1-.71i f '()fi llE:'\'r nr lo •'M'. \ vry 1k-.1ralill' l\t.lrl'. t 11 ('nns I l I 11:hw:1~. Corti- na dl'I l\11u· S17C 11\'.x:l:.t 1 ·.111 ·' l. S t arTlll. Jr or ll11rhor :.i&.1-R 71-lfc Boats Priced to Sell I•• Comm Sl'I F1!<h . 14:.!l S7!l<l0 3..' Tahaiti Kl'lch I n<'W) $5600 4 ;\')' Jluntei' Cl"ui5"r (37) $4600 or src >•>Ur hrokt•r 200 I ll<l• foot industrial building for rent or lcue. Phone H11lslde ;.:-: llunter C'ru15"r. 1371 S:lStlO LISTINGS WANTED SLIPS AVAILABLE ::; E MINNEY Bea.con Q81 711 Coast Jnway, Newpert 65-ltc NU81PAL • UIJIO M WA.,'TED -Used pianos for ow rental dept. HJghest price aJ. lowe4. Tracie youn on a Spmel or CTand piano. Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 61-tlc ~fIRROR TYPE SPINET-Used. $190, easy tent\a. Chickerina piano. UM"d. $185. Othtt maket u 1-u $65, $78. 193. Dant· Schmid t Piano Co., 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 61-tl< VOICE -HARMONY Sight Reading Piano -Chord S)'1tem Studi<>-805 Third Ave. CORONA DEL MAR 67-c-811 SPJNET-~lrr Baby 64. n0\11 $385 00. S39 down. $8 mo .. Dant· Schmidt, 520 No. Main. Anolhct spinet, repouetlM'(l. You just peJ out balanct". Santa Ana. We have the Sol~Vox. 61-tlc SPINET PIANO~ for ~nt. Try It for juat 6 mos .• lf you like It we allow an rent paid on purchue pritt. Danz-Sdun.ldt Plano Co .• 520 No. Main. We have the Solo- Vox.. 61-tfe BABY CR.AND. art caR, ftnr tone. Ueecl Now oaly 111115. A ftlw bu- pta. 'JWw. 0-8 p a r .. - No. 111aJn. Santa Ana. Abo beeu- ttful Steinway, UMd. aaw OVf!r $1000 on this. We havt> the ~Vox.. Sl-tfc DOGS. ()Aft a Pm • BOXER--Male. 9 ~ths. cropped. l.noc:ulatfd. AK C ~ttt>red, champion stock. Harbor 203. 7'2-c-76 COCKER PUP-Ml.ud. CAil Bea- con ~13-W. 7~-78 11119orat8 Ol'l'OS'ft7Jlf'f M LUNCH COUNTER '6.100 Well established -~ar round trade. Profitable opttatlon for oouplt'. Full information at 501 E. Central Ave. Balboa. 1'2-tfc MTNATURE GOLF COURSE 17.500 Inclooes othtt concessions, 1947 grog 112.000. Full information at 501 E. Central Ave .. Balboa. 72-tfc u Nl"A'S-Tinws employee wanta 2 bedroom house prefa-ably un- furnlshal on nine montha buw. 1551, Hollywood. 61-tfc l'1'.0~0T1U: 1;. 'UBES Ul FOR SAl.F:-V'.R Ford 60 motor, rompll·tc wi~h transmission. &'<' at llil';hway Gnrai:c•. 7'1-c-76 FOR SALE-36 Ruick. 2 door sedan overh11uled $485.00. Phone Harbor 89-W. 72-c:-7;, CAOILI.AC' -Late 47-62 conv. Beautiful gray. Nrw W. S. tires. llydra. air conditioner, radio. heater, Sp()t light, ~ miles. 724 Poppy Ave .. lfarbor 129-t-W. 72-c-76 1947 FORD-i door, looks like brand new, 13,000 actual miles, $1795 by ownrr. Ph. llarbor ~-J. 75-c-76 Guaranteed Used Cars TIIE STORY: ro Part is to Say Goodb)'e. A Good BUY ls 11 Bargain. My Car Rnd I partt'd- But Th~ It WAS NO BARGAIN THE MORAL: Makl' a Good BUY At Geo. Easton Co. 1420 So. Main Santa Ana PH. S.A, -9666 5S-ltc TaAD..aKS 51 1945 GtldeT trailer 27-foot tandem Whttls dolly, original price $3.- .00.00 for quick sale $1,600 tttmS. Or wlll rent to responalble pu-ty. Stt at 2~ Santa Ana Ave. Cos~ Mesa. Phone Bea· C'OQ 6208-w. ~75 MOMST TO LOAJf II LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE, BUY, MODERNIZE, OP REFD"ANCE We Buy Trust DHdl NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 3333 Via Udo Ph. Har. 1500 41-tfc aEAL aTATS • FOR SALE-By owner. R-3 lots close In on peninsula. Only a few of these lots left. Phone Harbor 1494·R. 530 to 6 :30 p.m. 74-p-75 MALIBOU LAKE 6-RM n.TRN. HS~ .• boat A dock. Btr tlTepl. Flth & Swtra. S8)()() or tr. for cab. crul. Phone Art Jonet, O tru1 12697. Glendale. 57-22tc OCEAN FRONT, Aalboa. 4 bed- room. 2 bath!!, '23x24 living room. f1rcpla<:(.'. Apt. o\'rr ~araitc $22,. 500. Might trndi-~!!<'S!lion. Call Lt'on Williams at Harber Owner. er .. tRS-17 Harbor 271 13. 51-tfc 71·p-R2 FOR REST. Apt'•, 11-. G Co~ta Me$a Lots ON Jl\IPROVF.O ~TREF.T 2 blkll from n •tnil store's. Will trade for hay (rm1t;igr, or will srll Un<' nr 11 II. IWa('on :.41 :!·J 73-p· 75 CL.JFF HA \'f:'."\ :-\f•wporl Rr:ich 1',·o nrw 2 TIR hnmi-« R,·ad) .Jun<• J..111 Rent SI:!:;()() mo. Ye11rs leac:r Exclu.si,·r Mannin~. '.l3fi62 Snui; H:irhor Rd .. C'IHf H ;l\'('n. 74-p-76 ------------------------Th•~ nrw 3br. hardwood floor. vi<-W 2 TIF:nROO:\t unrurnisht'd house, horn<'. iii not just R hou!lc, i~ year's lcait•' 0<-cupancy J_~mc _1 ri-al family hom<-, located where Phone Harbor ~M 14·r· 16 you ca n look O\'rr the entire Bay 11rc11. A home d<'signcd for \\'e ha\'e a 2· "B.R horn<', unrur-happin<'.SS and conti-ntmcnt. A nished ·in Corona del Mar on home you will ht> p roud ~o show yearly teaiw .. Thb is nice. Lovrly your frl<'nds. The 6()..ft . IOI pt>r· landscaped. 45-ft. lot. Harbor mits ynu to take a de<'p hrt'ath 1671-J, f-\'e Har. 746-M. Gates. without disturbing the nriebbors. TS-c-76 A very short walk to 1hopping. ------------We can show this home anytime. FOR RE!'oiT Nf'W 3 bedroom house. until Sept. 15, furnished. Harbor 2824-W . 74-c-78 FOR ~·-;-Double apertmt>nt. y~fi5Alft4 Harbor eeo. 61-tfc PLEASANT bedroom A kitchen, RALPH P. MA SK.EY MU W. ~tral Ph. ftar. 402 73-c-78 AT CORONA DEL MAR , nitt fOf worklne couple, $8.00 a 2 B. R. Home, partly furn-. ~Jc. wtnttt ra~. all utWUe9 llhed ....... $ 7,000 furnished. 516 ·W. Central. 2 B. R. Home, new and mod· TI<-1'5 em. Hardwood f I o o r 1 . -----------Near ~an .. 9,500 2 B. R. Home. new and mod· A ff'W aummtt ttnta.11 on Balboa em. Near bay . 11,500 b G t H 4 B. R. Home, 2·tlOTy, rood Island still ~Ua le. a es, ar-.. 1ew. Near Bay & Ocean 14.500 bor tm.J. 75-c-71 5 B. R. Home, Ocean Front · Georgeout1 view ......... -... 26.500 FOR IU:NT-Rooma with kitchen prMlegn, 123-28th St.. Nf'W· port Beach. 75-p BALBOA ISLAND -2 bedroom cottap with pi«. By Wttk OI month, until July 6. 403 K Bay Fr-ont. May ht' lft'ft Sunday or Tel. Sycamore 6&1Tf. 15-c LOTS-Good IC!Vel lou .. $1750 Hllls!Ge Lots ... . $1000 90-ft. Comer ..... . $2700 W. J. Holcomb 1517 C'out Highway Orona del Mar ''Where the F1ap Fly" ~·'1!1 1l4':\t'on !':·~·"\ ; 1.,·7\ ------~---__....!& ""' ... ,,, .... ,, ~ ••• ,. ,..,,, &:I t;, ~, \\'El.1 .~. l\H• II\ I 1: 1 ;1.11 \ I 1.•'\. :".il1•,111nn ,Iii! \l°il\l'I .. ;-;;11, •11.111 ~··I.Ml\ 1 t I -... ... " ..... ., , .. , 1 • I 1!11'" 11 1 111 "'' 0 1:1<;J:-\ALJ T \' IN JN('();\1 E l 'NITS l i''ijl '•"1"111 Hl\•I 1'o1'1!1 l\11•~11 , ·,,,, l \\, '" l'h 1 ~ •• t1'1 " .,,~, ··' .. OPE~ 11 Ol>'E : I'\\'() l":'l:rT Int'"'"" l'llllK'l'll•,; f<11 )OUr in,;(\\•etilln nnd rump11rii;.,m 011 R11lhuR J"lllnd ('umlt1n.1l l11n OC a t\\11 )>(•drOOlll ltnll With II ~<'<'Olld hn\ mg t hn'<· l1l'd1•ooms 1111 furmShl•<t $32,500. :ii~. ·'l"'lt "" u .• 11 ..... 1 .. 1.111'1 l'rw,.11 .ot _•,;-.,•I Furn ANOTifER hnving two 11C'p11rate thrN' bedroom units unrurnlshcd $32,500. ltl••al l k11d1 I IPlll•''< nr••n for I nspo'•'I mn Harbor Investment Company J..IDO ISLE HOME ANCYnfER with two bedroom, plus llERE IS TiiE BEST BUY on a one bedroom unit unfurnished. b<'nutiCul Lido Isle! $25,000. For tht' Rlglit Locations Anytime Call Harbor 62·W HUB POWERS and JOHN D. PRENDE RGAST at J . A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Island Ferry Land1n1 74-c-75 H.M.LANE REAL ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. Near Ntwp<>rt Pter Eatabllahfd Since 1920 LOT FOR SALE IJ.tfc NEWPORT ISLAND -Oder .,.,...-R-2 lot.. SidfwaDm UIL P9'11nc both etdle. an utlUtta Peul ~ M06 ~an ,.....t Ntwp0r1 Beed\, Cant. d TillS AII'RACTTVF. and specious homl" has 3 bedrooms. 3 baths and 11 large outsid1• playroom which would b<' perf('('t for flUClltl. TIIF:RF. JS A LAJ\GF. firt'plaCf', hl1td11 of rl1>5rt space• and the entire proper I y is C'XcellrnUy constructed. SJTtlATED nn on<' of thr best rornt'r IMations. thr lot hlll 75 fttt of front11ge and is com· pl<-ti-ly w;illt'd v.·ith 2 pa\~ patios 11n1• hns e complete bar· l.>N'UI'. YOU SIMPLY COULD NOT build this lo,·dy homr for Uw asking price. You ma)' hAVl' il furnilh<-d or unfurnlsht'd. as you please. OON'T PASS THIS BUY! Full Jnform11tlon and Key at Harbor Investment Company 30th at W . Central ln Newport Harbor 1800 229 Marine Ave., on Balboa Ialand Harbor 1331 FOR SALE-45 foet lot on OoNn Only 50 foot lot. zon~ for apart- Blv4., Balboa. Pr10fd below t. ments on North shore of Udo ~· snarket. Ph. BeaciJn 51»-J h ie for Hie. rt.one owneT H. u 2393-J. 73<·75 J ACK SU LLIVAN JEAN TAYLOR LESTER C. JO~ Corona del Mar A small beach home, good location, Ideal for your summers and a good winter rental. Price $5850. Terms. 2 Be<tnn. stucco. nice -living room, kitchenette. beth, walled patio, G.E . box. stove, 2 beds with box springs, mattress. a steal at $7200. Terms. Well built 2-bednn;-home. good location. fireplace. nice liv. rm .. dinette. Jge. kitchen & bath; dblt>. car gar. with service room. A real buy at $98.1)(). LihcraJ terms. A beautiful 2-beclrm. h ome. fl r<'plaet>. lgr. liv. nn .. tile kitchen. 1 ' ~ baths. nkc patio an<I sun c1N"k with a gorgeous viC\V of hills & O<"('rln. An 011tsta nrling h ome in an exclusive ctistric1 . Should he.• Sf'f'n fo llt' appreciated. $26.500. Terms can he arrangf'CI . 1800 ft. of noor ~pare: bf>;rutiful 2-llNll'Tl\. homf' on a 60' com er ; hardu'O()(I floor1'1 l~<'. liv. rnnm wil h fir"<'- pla("(', cfC'll, 2 tile haths. lgf'. kitchf'll. walk-in <'l"<lar- line<l cl()!;('ts: extra lge. ~aragf" \di h s.•rvi1'f' room: patio: all f Pn<'('c1 amt lanrlS<<1flC'<I. S!"~IOI) will ha.milt•. Full price $21 .000. ~ new units. partly fumishf'<l. he-st 10<.':ltion : :111 rentro. Will show lO'i(-net on invC"Stmc>nt. BALBOA ISLAND -R units. t>Pautifully fumisht>(I. TIM? best income ·property in Harbor are\. Will Jl('t better than $1000 per month. which Is n r<'turn of 12rf net on purchase price. LOTS -·both business and "-"'ldenlial from $1750 up Are You in the Chips~ 108·feet on Ocean blvd., overlooking entire harbor & jetty · • -the most im· pressive view In So. Catlr. A pier Is possible. J have the plans. Come and see for youl"!lelf. I WAN T : A 3-bednn. home in Corona del Mar on 11 40' lot. Around $17,000; can pay $5000 down. A home on east.cm end or Balboa Island or approxi- mate location with a pier. Cash for the right loca· lion. Will go to $35,000. 2 Units wanted on Balboa l..iand. not aver S20,000. Mwrt bf' In good condition. Duplex. or garage apt. prefen-ed. * SUMMER RENTALS OF ALL KINDS -tf -.-]1\CK SU LL IV AN 1205 c.oei.t Highway Harbor 1037 Corona del Mar ttarbor 1247-J 75-C76 1 \ \ I UF :\I IC n !'I'\\ t I " f 1•11• . · ·-~ ~ \'.,. I· ... t'~, t ~-.·1 11•1 " ... , !111• .. . ' ttf Th'I I t , . •' lJ 41 I, 11 I •11 .1 . . .. I • ·' I • • II .. 11 •I t .. , ••.. ' 11. h: .. 1., ;.1" ,,.,, r. "'" l ~H\ ,,~ .. i t• I "'' I\ r ..... ,,-.-011,11 ' I I -•41 od l ._,\',Cf"' tlf h l \t • • h••lq' 11( IF Y< •I ;,\ \ 'T \\ \ 11 t: n :• •'T h• ,. ..... t '. 1.,1nn fttmi.J1, ,J J.-.ol1 .... 1 ti, .. 1...-r :n111 fir-at mrt·.-,-.,.,. \t,1n\' "" ....... ',, I •• I C'O~t\tl l '<'I \I . \l-1 7 .. •~· .,,,._: '°If 1L1 .. 111<-.• 2 1 ..... 11111 h1111i.• :.nit .~.t.&.· ~ar •• i.... -.n1;1ll 11hllty blcfi! ltl·· 1l 1 .... \\IN· •OC" h~h• m h: tcN Ot.....,.. n.111 p n"· "-1710 1 ·nu, 1 ... tlt-:er tho· no-. ,,h h.,ll .1n.l 11•n -t 111ll~· 1 •• -,,1 ... 1 frl th.~ I fart............. . Cn!',T,\ \11 :.'A l °111J1'9•\. !tr.in.I no• '"' •.i·,110• t"f H1•n1.i1, •'.IM .J-1"" ~'\.•U 1-~ 1•-r ,,...,, "" )•lllr m\•-...t· mt'f'll 1:•••11! fur """oCht"f" lt\JJ.&r' ••no..-..., ... ·wn(l4'· inc 1111 .. fi11, • 1111<1 •1111· I""' 1 •·1·h f,.,. •('o1 • • • CnST \ \11-:S A I lt-n··, \••tr ohtn..... I .\•-n· ~ 1fh ;, ni· ,, :!.-1 ~,11111 11 .. c, .... tfltl • t.:.,r f••~t .. ,, ...-:•\!•' t>&c~ n M s1;ill. d 1wk•·tt 1t .. o ... • ;tnrt y:.nl ''WI 11 .. -.. J~J\••t 't""'t a 1111~ .. 1h1·r rrn,...i~ k•1tC """"'"' \'••• "1\J!'>f .u1 if ~11u ''.int 1111.... 1-i rll pnn •...., ••I. ;~nrt o -a""in.'\hlo,, f•YTn'L u nn ''' F . $::'<1ttt, E\' A F. RHOOEN R EA i.TOR 470 Nr\\'pnr1 Rh'ft BALBOAJSLAN D SAC'HIFl(r: AT Sl:t,..,.110. A ''"Y "'°''" honW" ~ lncat1"1 Lal"'gt" IJ\'in$: mrmn. fir'f'IJl.an•. '°"""'Y lawn. shaci1· trees. (~el>· f~ llud ,... qukk, im- llll'dia~ ""-. Ill.. Harbor 17'16. CL IFF-HAVE N fh·MookU..: S..1J011 I I.arbor 1bett is no othi'r disll"ll1 in c..,..trr Newpoft Har- bor that offf'r.' ttw> t"Omhuwd ach~ ol Oilf- Haven. ~" \<A s.. ~...-tn .. r'f'Sfri&1ions.. ~1'in­ a.tJ&e. prices.. "'ldr ~1"1 o1 homr ~ Away from tratf'r: "''""nt: stf"-f~. urufonn stiwt '"""' planting. Fer1iliP ~I. ci....-tn ~ anrt ~­ Call Mr. Sdl~<"f'. n. ..... ,'" 51'6 CORONA DE i. MAR Highway frontai::.-loc "'"° .. , .. tbhlf-at S:--~ffl. Trnn.~ $3,000 dwn. bal. at 6', AN•. hi$:hoa-ay ·~~ lot fnr $10.500. For rw1~ mfonnatl'Jn raJJ llarhor l&lt,. Mrs. Maroon or Mr Jla,·~ YOU'VE BEEN A.c:;JCJ~r. FnR rr. HF.RF. rr rs~ A place to clf'an up anti rmkr .-,,..,,. '"'""'Y ,.., 1'\'l bedroom homP at ~¥• T~ Call Hart11..-lf..16. Mr. Davies or Mr.:. M;il'"fl(Wl We have SP\'ff'<ll R-1. -r..:: .inti f~-1 ""' a f ,..>:,,ttn· able pri~. \-"OW m .1nrt ~"' •r-. • t-111 t ht>m r,r r-;1JI H1;1rbor tf.46. Mr I ~, ........ •.r \f,-.. \f. nirn BA LROA HA Y~llOn E~ CorTIPr lot. :'. '""Ir,..""'·"' 1th :! 1 .. ,1ta .. h .. 1nr.u1nrl nr-. bn-akfast room ;m r! "'"'' 1~•'11• ,.,,,... ""'°' ,,..,. \.1r>I 1\p· proximately H;t li 1 ... , ft ·.f llo•<f' 1••' • I "'""' $15.000. C'..an ,,,.. h:•ntU•"t u1th II 111 '"'-"1 r~1\mt·nl Call Mr. Th1lfl1;1, l\t·;, ... .,, • -; ; ... NE'X'P<)l<T BEACI I CA N AL FW r:'\T I'll I ' \ ·.1 1 1-1 tt \T y, .. ir own privat(• t•-:-1d1 ,.111 ... ,,. "--=-•• ,,,.. t t .. •lr-tt.n1 hOfTK'. CorTK'r lu4 r·n•'f• '1' ,,, f-•,r ltirfli<•r '"''•r· mat ion <'all Mary 1 ,,,i<..;.n .,, I t •• rtir" 1111 : BALM A ARTIS"nC ~·(,,rllli r. 1m1t "'"'rt an ~iirrflrnt tJ l\:1yfl rental di~rict. sh·~·, ni-;oh $7 '~'' ,,,...,.omP An f'X· ceptlonally good huy "' th•· ;e•Jrnr.: po-~ ,.,, ~11.rm.­ CaU Mr. McK.iruley at 1 IM1"...-1'H3 RENT AL LIDO ISLE Udo lw 1'ome. 4 brdr'"'"m.' .J baths.. t:ht~ patio. Available NOW until A~ I~ for I.hr total ttntal ~ ol $1 .000. SryJff'n'll•-r ;t\";e&L'lbl-> ;eJ ~h>. O.JI Mary Dickson at 11.arlJor 101 ~ Abo other~ mrtaJs -.. EARLY. STANLEY llSAl.'l'Oa C O YSalWG G&•AT&& N SWP O aT RA&aOa .. AJID ............. .......... • HJ-:lll't•t·:P ~1 111111 ~c\\ ;,..,,1 hm 111•11r hav & l-:1\ \It'\\ l-'11.''1.'I . h1h\ n.~ . olhl 1:a r:i~•'. Nnw ,,ni~ 1 ~ l I ,;ltlO A H .. :.\1 .TY :\"". 1111ict1'n1 ·, 1111 1111111 ... fi tvpl111''( ,.,,,.llt•nt 1 .. , .1t1<111 $!l:.50 l :"'l '11\ll . 1.,11'1••' 11••11 C l11t• ·; 1111 .v t Ith•~' till 1t (lf .:,~,' 111 ·~J(~I 11 111 11.111.lk l ~.d :il :.;1111111\11. -1 IU11. ''I:-: """ h 11111 .. lt>'I 111111 llt' I I.ill 1 ·"" '--: 1 ~111 1 t-,,, .1 1 11 r' , . 1111·1 "' 1 .. ,\" -: 1;:-)0 ('\,,1,, .\ .. ,., ''\'It\\ 11111 1111111 A ''1':11 '~"~11\l T ,\ \' 1: H N C 0 . I :111 ( '1>11 .. 1 11"' t'h ll11rlior li ·'1 7!l-C :,:.1 ..... 1"111111 1•,.ft.w1• r1t •111· H:t~ Fr1•11t. $111,tllMllMi. :~-1 ... .,tr1M•tll lt111t1t'. l \;I\ •\\•'1111•'. ~IO.~.CIO 1'10, :!-1w1~11l 1111it... Ha~··~"'''""'· !St:!.:.'1'111110 ; -11·111111 1111i1 ... , kt-im .,,""''. ~ t ~.1lflll no. :!-t .... tn•lfn hom1~ l\11llwvt l'1•nin.ruJ11.NL>w. $13.250.00. C.oiwt huy!' In Hnyfrunt hoo11•s urnl 111ts. SOUTH COAST REAL TY CO. ~ \.n-c-k-y. R1•ultnl" -Monte Grinw. Broker J(R'flhinc> Wrhh, R~1tor llrlC"n 0 . Klott, Trun1TRnce :102 Main Stl"f'('f nAU~A Ph. Harbor 2034 75-C' ----------BR IGGS •• BEST ** BUYS 1.lnO ISi.i-: ·n1ts l' <n-oC thOtir ""1~" 2 hro- nwim h•ML""'· hnn..:room. c11flf'th•. klfrhMl. lnd mnstl' an<I n•fri.:1•rntor. hath, wallc"Cf pntlo, rii'f1r duh. ll('flr ni•ar tmnis murt. 04"1\t' l"thtk hNwh. $\!\,750 ... w-s ~ l '.».i~,o. wlth t1·nn~. 'fn ,..... thl~. Just phOfM' nnd "··· " Ill pk k you lJJ•. Sl 'M~11-:H HENTAIX Snow ,.ruorl 01~ lf'f't . f rcd BRI GGS Tressa fl."\-1 Cmst I lli::hway Photlf' llc.>m'OC1 5TTR 75-<' Bla nche A . Gat~-Realtors--Ginnv Gates 2l2 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Ony ~: llnr. lf.71.J ; llnr. 1034·J •:,·~: llftt. 74fi-M : llnr. 1117·M BAtBOA ISLAN D 2 n . R. homr and n1wu1nwnt. rumWled. Eut Bay Front'. I~ f&nd n oat, $42,.500. 3 B. R.. home, fumWwd. No. Bay J'lu\t, 136,7'°. 2 8 . R. h<>rrw-. t-xfm lnf"Rl' llv. room, ~'-"' to build, la~ front tinm wlth lrwtt. C'omJWtely fenced. ~ thl~ for $1:\.500. 2 n. R. homr. _pitlo, dht. gar . roniitruct.ed for M!C· ond lrtory. $17 ,!500. 2 unit~. :4 B.R\ ,.;."'1, ·rwwruwt tlC'MltltuJ. !16,500 nnd $Jti,OOO rnt-h. or hoth for $.12,000 Lo\'l'fy lot n.•ar suuth Hay ror Sf\900. a>RONA DEL MAR Nrw :l H It honlP nnd apt. with .-xtra lar&e tx-d· S11flf11 Aflfl hv. mum. Room ruwt h•lh ad,JolnlnK double ga~. MOfil'm un·hltt'rlure. ThlA wu drslgrwd by ~ of our n°""t archlt~ and lH lll1 cx~tJonal valut> al $22,;l()O. South (}( hbchwoy . Oo you wnnt II rhnnnlng 2 n. R. homt" OM poUo for I.hf-RUmmf'r, :UKf O ~OOf'I n"f'ltnf ror winte r, for S7f)()() IJ .;o, lf't IL-. Jdlow VUU thli; Vllftlf'. Sofnf• (Um. Int'. .-IN-. "''· a.n<I Jra."' rnnl{t>. \\'~ havr VHllC' ~ontl tWll 1tnlf Vllhlf'<', fiOfnP henutl- f1tl \'i1•w h1im1"'. arnl 11 f1'\\' d11tin• lotx lo l>lhnw you. NEWPORT I IEl<a rrs COSTA MESA T.1k•• "'"••r <;I l•.;111 l.10\\ "'"'" 1111y11wnf a n<t l'mnll m•.lfllt1h , .. ,,-m .. 111 "" l•·;111t1 !11I :.11111 ... f rn•w ~\ B.J'l. t11.nw I 111 11rw '~"1111 '"''' 11( Iii•· 111 kildH·11 and hnth. F1·n., .. 1 y:1nl I .a111l-.1·:q• .. f S."• '" :11•pn,.·la t1• 1..ovrlv ~t H I< ll11m1• a111I h.1lr ;wn-. M11t11n• rnmlly ord1~11"t , 1·ar.,li·n In prn1l11di11f1 "''J>:tr11l1• 1!'1 1t~t room, rhl1 k•'fl and r:il1l11t '"1111pirwnt 11n 'mall fltmlly l'Cl\.le. Gnr.t!.!•" ·Mo..,. ~r11'mcl if clf-sln'll. BLANCH F: A . \.ATIS-~lton.-GINNY GA~ j 75-c LOOK ! LOO K ! LOOK I ..... BRAND NEW 2-STOR YDUPLEX Just Completed . Not Occu pied ONLY $9500 Will Bring $1 30.00 a Month Owne r -Bu ilder Must Sell T-H-1-S W -E-E-K Located on a nne corner lot 6hl40 on the comer ot Eldrn Ave. and Cfidt Mace. Costa Mesa. Jwrt 1 block from N.....,,ort Blvd. Plenty tq>ace for another dupln. Both UPPf!t and ~r apt.A. have 500 feet ot floor 11119ce, f'tll"'1 wtth living. dining. kitchen, bedroom, hallway. llnf'f'I doert, wardrobes and bath. Beeutt- fuDy ~ ln Ivory texture. .upha)t U~. aD modem CRhlneU. VenetJan blinds In 1.'Very window. Separat,. laundry mom with double lRundry trays. Fenced. Aldewalk.t1 am tlrlveway. Upper part ot bulldlnK lA redwood tddl~. ~ part Is aeam lltucco YOURS FOR ONLY S9500 Uve ln on@ ap u1ment · · -Rent fnlm the other wtU pay for both! SEE OWNrn. JflE> CF.CIL PLACE. <X>STA MmA Phone 8mcon 6(Yl3. w . 74c 75 .. .. MOUND THE HABOI. ON THE MESA • • • - l'llOJID: •• NI ... ---=~~ Social Activities "' 'ltliMJ-1 8~ D.--' ••••oaT a.aLao.a JllSWB-Tt••• Costa Meso Cub Scouts •• ~ ......... !' 0 ~-... Olm. ~ II. .... H G I s .J ave a a unaay l'i t.lo·l'ltis HOllOI ~ M~ At Irvine Park Are l'l'Oitad 6r "• l'IOflillCe l'retiflelll' Coun1m1: 11os1·s, 11w r!' Wf'n • Mn, Ehr ~ _. Mn S R Franklin ~ ---Mn. .Aus11n D Sturw...m ........ kr Ba.lbee -(.-t .__ .. ~ IW'lldll)• to thr ---. • ctl ~ O>att ~ d&6 ctl I'\ 8ru Phi for thrir Ila)·~ Pk'Ol' • ~ o( \hr ... JJdoul )~ ........ '-1»- day ca.kr. beu.d bF Mn Ss_,,,.. \•ant, ~ hcnoft4 u.. ..uo1 annh'i"nllt")' ol _. ol u.,. --. ~.Mrs £rDeos1 C C.-of Lacuna Bnda.. .A llUTprllf' lihoa" ol c:d'• '* to.'t'd for Ow .__._ ..._ Je&\W ln Junr for S.1~ ~ &he •·ilJ ,,.., hrr -~.,, Carman, nc:M' t.Manc P.-"~ uate •·ark in lllt~t-.J P.dlt- tlont a t ~.._ Durint Ow buiumw _... t • tfiscouu1on .... ~Jd om 1~ -ol w~tion OOll«• wwwc aL!.__., clubs •'hich will lllf' <Al thr ~ at the-Pi Dru Phi Xat --t ,,__ ventb to lw beW at Fnr.:lt Uclr SpriQCI, lad. hw. J"-P' 71 \0 JJb .J.. In hrr -tWy lrfteor to ..__ ,,_ duba Mn. J ~ ~ Mu ~ ~ ... ,_..._ .......... -5oatll c-t ~ .. haviflc ~ ltw ~I .. crew An W'lllbrt'--. ....... ttw PM t ,._,. ol ~ ol U.-D dl6. in Ow JlrO'iece. Lea ~ -- erptf'Cl. -Cl....._ ihB-._ ..........,.. )'Mn a t pc 1 1 m. JlrL ~ o. °'8mben ol Ullo .. ·~ ~ pwl ~ to tbr -· a · preUdrnt. Mn Mario Twucti.a ol Lacuna Br-adl. 19-ol Balboa bla.nd n \rTt"'l'f1n1t · i.c 9ttffta.f) ~y-flv1t Pl &ta Ptus at- --...., tac-from rtw H ;ubnr -i.r..c the ~ f"ham- llirn. Euw-. Fr aruc l1n. ThomM R F~. Wa~ B. fbrpt'f'. &\'ttly P '--t% Jr . 8rUtt Ma th<'son, ~ aad Stur~'·ant. 'JWo -mnn~" frl'lm Santa ..._ W'f'rp WPk-onwd. ~n 0 W l>liino. and )(rs B H Britton Fireme• s A••ilioty l'IOllS 1 •• '"' Gi,f Sea.I Troop "'-f« ~nt"rr~1111n~ (;1r1 !Www.Jt OUtlp R of whk h lh"Y 'If• ...-ir .--. mMlio> by rnPmt .. 1, el ~pnrt Be-act!.. f.:u:em,.n·s aU· JD.liary Whrn lh<') '"'r,. rnlPr: ~ ar Ow ._,,,. of Lois Wood· ~ JI o •a , llaydP-n prrsidM 10011 Dn ~ff"LDC w as fl"l"Sl'n lo ti tnu. a .,.,_..., ha\ Ina p&sM>d h•'r ~ptnad.. ...... •• play~ a nd a la rii;,. ~ el prun wu prnvtdrd hy U.,. haan.. <"hoMoTI by pulhni: a rillba9 """" Heh ot t he p!:.~ rrs "1111twtl • Altf'rW'ardl. anitPI fOO'I cMlf .... eolftt Wf'rf' M'T\'ffl "'"-tit •en-Vivian Halt'!I. '"" crwt •• and pr~nr for thf' lint ..._•a JWW_))"Ctl\'p m<'m- .... A-. "Jlliomp1nn. Oh''t' N-ar- ln. Jlolllliiw C'onnrll. Jran Mr· o..aJd. ~a Zutw>. J u n " ~-~. Daynard. Zenoh1a F ni.t... lllim ~l'Tlnit. Mona llll)'- .. ... Lo6s WoodmJUtStt TaJUnc atr_. wiUt Mn. T•- tqUo att· )I" l'loa-.nl T - oi Santa .Ana.. '~ Mrs. Ct-orcr ff ,.,_.. ol S--- por1 Be.ct\. tn-~. Jin 0 K Brown of Sanu Ana.. ~--.. ~ mid llr&. S ff_ F~ H's l'oppy Day lor Mno r .F.W. A1uiliaty _ T-.1 as itnn u.•I P1>Pfl' fl:1) f11r · \ ~ nl f',lf'.,1\?TI \\'.ir~ t111'(1l- Dr}. (",...,,. lolMtd. 1nr! In 1•hari.:r .,f Plffl'J ~ ~ Alm.:i S1&.1ru. pn'fl· *"'-' ~ ••• 11i .. 1rirr m••rtlng and "'Wtkln 11( 11ff11.,'r s. h .. lti nt c..., Ann n .. i..i.:.11•·« n11m1'<1 ,., •11#911 ~ <"all.1 \0 1f'I<'. LIK'1llr °"*I -9 P..arl f'k,.,.. n som1·rl11n1t l1k•· :.!Ull prt·M·nt w hen C'uh ·s ,..,•uls nt Pnck 106. C'osta M 4'$11, "h1t<h 11 sponson-d hy Vet - «>ran~ of 1-·.,ri·11:n W11r11. m••t Sun- 118} at lninf'-¥1trk t.\••r)'oll!' 1411S t h••r•· from Crandrm 11nd Grand- ma down tu lhl' fuur-"'<'••ks-old broth1•r <If )OUnJ.? K1•nny T1•mpll'. As fam1llf'~ i,:11th1•rt«I, t h1•y si1tn1'tl a l""'k :ond 1•ntc>ro'<I a 1:u1·J1~ cm numlif'r or i.:rnms or rlcf' in a h r. Hilly llart prm 1n1t <'I"'" 1·n -st f'lltlmator As mnthf'r" s.•t t ho· 111e'nll' filti1r>s d;1ds and ~on'< hl'ld 11 1111:-nf-wa r At lunch I tnw 1111' S1·u11t.< JX't" "•nfl·•I th1·1r rnMhns ""h eor- llllJ::PS, Jn ftHl 11flt1rnfW•n '''•""14' Th•.' has•·· ha ll i.:anw!>. thr1••· i.:11tni.: ut 0 11e1• 1111'1 -.11h th•· pl:t)·"" "''n h) :\1rs <:"n" \\'ai:i:nn•·r ... I 1t n fi ·n wn • '4AS :11"0 " p11 .. 1·1111n~ <'<•ntrst, v.on h} Rw hnrl1 l.l'IU\ll'r a nd a 11t111•11 y ral'•· 10 "hwh ;\lar~hall St..tlrr \\ 1u; 1 tr lnr Pl11y -h) ·r•lll> d••I 1111" o f I ho· Rf'· tl\'111«~ V.f'fl' llrn11rk1,...t h} m1•11ns or a v.'.<illk.e-~>1lk1.-lo11nf>d hy Pnramount ~tu1l111s 11nrl hr011d- <"a51 ovo•T a lt1ud ll JJf'llkf'r sy11t«m from Jay·11 Radio shop ("Ubrruu- t1>r R11J1,h ( ·r1k1• ";is in t'harg1• or thf' day's proi:;ram. ~ C'11s 111 Mrs;1 Cuhi; mrc> d11rin1; I h1• 1<ummf'r mont h11 1rnd n t t\1· 11g1•nd:i t!' a fll'I 11how, h<·ar.h par ty 11nd n11111aturo· nutnmohlll' race . Santa Ana Quartet To Sing Here Sunday A I Chris I !'h urC"h h . t l\t• S••ll on Sund:t) 11111r111ng I h•' i.1·m11r qu11rt1't frJ,>m Spunt•••m ~11•m1.r1al r hurr h, Sa111;1 Ana, will i;ini: .. ~ 11 • ... r,,.1•1al numlw•r S1lo•nt S.·11 11} :-.:1·11lloni.:•'r Al lh•· m11r111ng "''rl IC'f' lhl' RI'\' ~ I• l~ww.1.-11 "'II 'l•'ak un tl11• i.ul•J•,·1 "J esus. SJ111111r." :.nrl in 1111' 1•11•11111i.: ho· \\ 111 t~·i.:111 11 ...,.r ;,., or tli<1l'uss1nns ;, ntl 1·x11la na t iun ... of 1<ymh<1I• 111 t 111· dt11ro·h, m .on\ or \\h1d1 hlt\t• 1 ....... tnrtirpora l•·d rn th·· rt•'" 1•hurl'l1 li111l1lini.: "111.•h 11 tll h1· ll•'<l1t•a11 11 n•·"t nw nrh Hewporl Harbor Cl.apter ol Zonto International Recei~•• C"arler, Installs Ollicers W eclnesday Newport Harbor 7.onta d uh, nfflhate ot 7.on ta Intttna11nn.1I. h~d 111 official "chrlaten1n~ and Charter Nl1ht Wedrw»dli). May 19 at Nt!Wp0r1 H11rlw1r Yacht club with nearly 100 mrm· tw-r11 and gueats prt!Wn t to "'11· rwss thl' charter P"HenH1t1011 and installation of offlt'ttJi Th<> PHadena chapter "a< sponsor or thia newest "Bah}' r 1uh" I Pasadena be I n S 1 h ' "Aunt1c>" club1 and H aul \.r:in• Kinic. chairman or Diatrlct !'\11 !> • wns c hairman. She lntr odul'I cl JrUl'lll!I arh•r t he Invocation 1:11 •·n hy thr. Rev. Paul l\!ooro• Whl'<'ln, rector ot. St. .l nm•'' Epii;C'n1111I church, a nd la tfr pn · 111•nl<'d tht> cha rter of the club t11 thr prc>sldPnt. Gla dys Norman. Nina Davidson of G lend al" 111· i1tnllt-d otriC'<'~ ot the new rluh Prl'~idl'nt. Gl11dy1 Norma n ; 1ic- prl'~1dent, Ruth Hum~ll n · rordlnl? llN"ret1try, Mildred ~1.1n· ll'y, c•orr1'11ponding aecr1 •.in , IA·I ha nr11lrt : t re1111urer, C 1 ol) I ' S<·vll'r: •'Xrrul ive hoard, 81·1 IHI'" W111l1. M11rg aret Bru ning, l.\1ttli· l•·•·n C"ull'man 1 Th" •irflrial ~nta club h.1nn• 1 " a " prei-rntt'<l by P ua1kn 1 r.1..,1dal1• 11nd Rurhank rluh ... I >I hn 1w odwill 11:ifts wtte f"""" f•d fr11m Lh.' Aniteles, San F1·1 · 11ant111, Fontan11 and Rlv1·r~itl·· d111pln~: •from Mrs. Kin~ and from Mny Moyse MacElro' 11f \\'al'hmi;ctMi. D . C. Mr11 .r Maria Pier ce of Pa~.1 drnn 7.nnta WPICOmed thP rluh inln 7.on111 International, 11 r•'"' inl? 1111 rod<' and Ideals. S h• ·"'" tnld of lhP conven tion "h1•·• will IW> hrld at Huntlnrton llot1·l. P11~11tll'nA, June '16• .throuRh 111 with Tnday':t Action for Tomur· · .rnw·,. Pl'aC«' as its theme. 01 hrr cluh speakeni 11 ,. r • Pnulln!' H andy of Puaden11 h· r <:11hj1•r 1 lo<'lni; Zonta Fel1011 'lup ll1rri1• ~t11ri!' M ar11h of Lo~ "1•· 1:•'''''· s ,•n ·iC'<'; Bess C11mer•"' .. r C:ll'n·1al". lni;piralion. J\111ynr nlrk Orake 11pok• foot !111· d ly, invitin11: the wom"n 1°1 1:.k" an nrtivr intere11t In rt' 11· 1off:o1r• 1\~<wmhlyman Earl !--1.rn 11 ' r•·pr•••••ntl'd Ro tary rlulo :rn•I .I 1, ..... 11,. S tc•Hf'n!ll'n and l.!'111' c;.,t••" '"'r•• from Balho;o ll 11 '-'""" d tth ll••n R1·11dirk was from I\ 1 \\ ollli" oolld Sam P1>rter. pulil••h· I n( ='••w1w111 -Rnlho11 l'/('Wll T ttt>• • wa• fr11m thr Junior Chaml .. •1 .. r ( ·11mnwrf'1• 1 lornc·" F:nsl.:11 r• 1 r•••rnt1•d !hi' C'ity's l'duc.111un ti Aircraft Engineer VisiJs Parents Here On Way to St. Louis In tcmn JUS1 for the day on T ul>sday was Lupton A. W ilkin- son Jr . .son or Mr. and Mrs. Lu pton Wilkinson sr., '10th street. Mr. Wilklns(ln sr . m agazinl' 11TitPr, puhllrlly man for thr llr puhllcan Central committee ;ind Nf'Ws·'rimrs columnist. w.is ~o t.11s) Wllh his many activitit'S th« only way he ('()Uld ge t time 111 11,.11 his son was to take him 1d .. ni;: t1n his jnurneyings . ,\ n111n11raPturing enRine!'r on '""" to !'>tan ford univl•r11ity r ··- ...,.r1rl'h tn:<111u1 .. 111 Palo Alto hy L••·khrf'd A_irrraft Corp. by '' l11d1 lh' has hc•rn e mployed for t•·n ) 1•ar~. :\Ir \\'ilkinson was on '"" wa~ tu St Louis whl'rr hl' "ill 1•nt1•r lht• f1dd o f produc- 111o11 man:oi:•·m r nt rl)r :\1cDonn1>ll \ 1rn 1rft I ·n rj), , lln"k-T Tallman "'M aPJll11ntMI -~ ,.h;,1rm.1n nr :. ro't"l'nf -.rtlll& .and '™""'~ of rhr ..._ c-omnurt...-namrd wert> ea.a \-ww and P\-u l Bn.-n, fond lilllr: J1-l Younc. nammact>: .....,. lbitn,,..., DllroOly Jacti. -. 1:1-. ~urnmi and Dob-es News of the Churches Al St1111fort1 hi' WllS m11kin1: II 'lllcl) 11f th1· potrntiallty <'r tht• ;nrC'rnrr in'111st ry to produrP ,.f f1c•1f'nt nirrrMt for rhl' 11rmy and n.!\') 1n rasr uf ii suddPn m ohll- 1111t 1on "i'c•I too i:ood" he said. 111 nni1w1•r to 11 qurry r1>gard1ni:: tlw <1tunt1un. ~lr. Wilkmsnn, who is m ar- r1r d noel hns a ~nn 11nd dnught1•r. is no strani:l'r tn NcwJ)Or t Bearh for ht' l!t'rvcd on a Coast Guard hoat hrrr durln11: thr war a nd he rrcnmmr ndl'd I he II arbor arra a.~ A mOJ<t d!'llirnhle residr ncc 51'<"1 inn "hen his parf'nls l:X'camr intrr!'str d In ll!'C'king a new lo- r.1lil) ~ ,...,. ... oni. French Cafe ........ .,_.,.. ~ 80l1P .... __ , taAl.90A ll U'.ND CHAPllL .,. ,.._ "--...,,, Harry W . White. Aeeoctate P•-r C1Jurrh S.-"-1. t lKI L m. Moraine W onhJp, II Lm. "TH!l FIUENDLV CllNTltAL •t•LE CHU .. CH" .. ...,. Dw .. ltt Kl"ma", P-•r MMtlllS ~rarllJ la I.be lie~ Dey AAl-ua chun:h. coner ot Old C-.tF r...t tllMI Bot• aftAue, eo.ta ·-Bu=bool. 1:'6 .. .. w 98n'IC8. ll :00 ... . Y--.r le'e lle"lee. • p.a. .._.... 1:.-.n.-el!Jlttc S."lee. 1 p.a. WM.....saJ. 3111111,Aaabelm •-· l llVllNTH DAV ADVE NTllTI Corner .. , .. aftd Old Count y ,.Nd, Cotta Me .. s.bblllh echooll. Satuntay monil~. t :ao o'clodr.. Pn.chlns Nrvl1 •. 11 a m. Fl .. IT FOU .. SQUARE CHU .. CH OF COSTA MESA Ora .... and Cabrlflo Bal. Isl. Bride.fleet Receives Many Gilts At Kitchen Shower Junior-Senior Prom Is Tonight's Festivity A1"~.:·~~~ .. c!:.b ,. .• , .... · .. ,I N 1•\\ port Harhor t 'niun I lti.:h I school ·ass<'mble tonii.:ht a t S11nt11 Ana C'ountry cluh for lh"ir ;1n nual prom. thl' colnr schemr in d!'cor111ions will be gold nnd w h olP but !hr themf' wlll h<• a llC'Crl't until they arrive Juni~ <"lasi; otricl'rll. i:irls 11nd hoy1<, ha1·!' workrd a ll day in slac ks and hlul' j<·11ns cit-corn t ini: the• pl11('(• hur tonight the girls will hlossom out in thl' pn·~fi"lll or fprmals 11nd r njoy w ith othrr" I he frui l.s of I heir rffurlll. Broiled lobster Fresh Craded Crabs VWt 0.. OW l"n•+lllill' meNI• Grts .... ............. ............... a...- • MR-U' ....... ...v. atwll Mra. Q . Wlll•rd 5tMrN, Putora PMfle Beacon *" Buaday l!lchoot. 9 3() a m. M om tns wor1h111 11en'1rr 10:'6. Cruaader Wn'I•·• 6 10 p m S.rean ee.rvlc~. 7 pm. On lhl' comm1llc'<' a n • Bill .f.;l ll!;~ri:111n, juninr f'i,l!IS pn •sidc nt and :\far.1 Rnhlns. llf'<.TN11ry· J ran Wt•ll R1'"d is In l'hUrJ?r or ti<'rora t ion.; !<Uppli!'d w ith J:lldg!'IS llnd Jo11 n l\foscm is rl'Sjlt1ns1hlC' r11r JP le~ 11.-up .. .._ ... .......,.,. .... -1117-11 ............. -a.ee. .. -T·., .. -0 05£1) llONDA YS aNTRAL CLEANERS (ftWMWMI 1" ..0"9W°AY C'LEA..'U:IUJ) U.'ma ,."ES llA..~Md*k'T PICK UP AND DELIYER\" mw:&i JID~ &.l\"D U'l~G ~1a-.....a-r. CUID'TL Ui ~Wl-&.L.'TA A...~A 290] W. Centr•I Ph. H.IMw 522-W Newport "The YOllDI Idea" ByMouler .. _. .. ••111a11,.,.n•us • -_. _., • ---. .._... ~ _ .. ____ ~ °"" U'.DY OF MT, CAltMllL t4D W-C.ntrel Amfl.,._ 8woet.er X-: I &.m ... lft.111 . Coor-o .. : S.tu"1af a from t :OO to 6;JO •nd from 7 .lKI to 1.30 p.m. ~·uLL GOSPE L CHU .. CH Su=: !.":00~_1";"h ~~m~:-" wor · llfl1p. 11. t:.-&I1«eh•t11: eemc:oe. 1.lo p.m. Mid·•~ prayu n1Hlin1 on Wt'dM ... day, 7 '6 p.m.. )"Oun.r 1*>91•'• e•en-a•h•llc ,.,.,.. .<'ti on t•mJay, 7 '5 p.m. S.T JOACHIM CHU .. CH Or•., .. aven-, bet •een 11th •nd 20tlt, Co1ta Mua M .... J•l'a 7 Ln\, dall)'. l'lun<IAy ll a m .., .. 10 a m . 1•unl ... •h>n1 ::181uf'll•>. 4 ~ p.m .. end 7·8 pm. ST JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH Balboa lal•nd !lun,1,.,. M..-e. ll a 111 ttnd IO L m (\1nr .... 1ou1 Saturday fn,m 7 3() lJ) ~ 3<J Pm. CHURCH OF CHRIST Churclt and W1lnut 1t,...t1 L. Ou•n• C1n1>1. Mlnllter Sf•Th ... Sun.Jay 10 a no.. Dlble Slu•lr. II • m. Mom 1n1 wurahlp CHIUST CH URCH a v THE S EA Communit y M•t ho•••t 1431) WNt c ... tra f A¥en"e Ille.-. I[. D. Goockll. P -or ... y 23. lli411 Olul"O'h l'\<hool. 9.Jo a m, ll·•rn1n• \\ ... ,..,.h•§!· 11 "' m :i:"'rnwn th~m.. Jf'f'llfl Nl\'lnur .. 'l:\f'ntnte • • "rl(htp t;11)tfUllltluu ,,, churo h •Ymbvla 18 ·~':.i":t1i'H":i'i~tll'• •'~llo•ablp at •:ao Mldwfttr. Meet1.,_ -l'ol·lucll dinner Uld •'""'lllC of wonbtp. I 40 p ... Wed-..-,.. IT. ANO .. EWS P l'IES•VTll"IAN CHU"C*-NEWPOl'IT HA"ec>" Hleh Scltool Ltbr~ry ltllt 8ftd lrVIM , rw.pert Hel111U 10 Lm.. Cbuttb alloul. 10 Lm.. Mom tns 'w<>r'Mtp. Rn. Tbocnu Glbeoe. PMlot' ... ... Gt-aild au..J a.I.,._ l•l&nd -Pi.o.. Menor ~ W THE NEWPO"T HA"ec>" LUTHE"-'N CHU .. CH ,_,. Cliff Ori ... , Newpert Height. "•"· ... ,...., C. "oth, P•etor w~:.4~1-<....,,ri•I ror a l~ns Chun-b ll<'h(l(\I_ 9 aQ • m , dl•IM w1•,...hlp, IO;IO am. · C'I-On<'• You'll Come .\pJD~" AH EMBt.IEI OF" GOD H S. McM•lf•n, Putor ~le.an L._•Oft Hall. ISth & C:.ntr•I 9uadar wh<'<'I. 9 o a m. M.-.m 1n11 w"ol'e. JI a m E-ntl\jl • ....,, .. ,..,lie """'t<"e al 7 JO Mtd·-ll _.",.,. Tbu.....ia,. 7 30 pm. COl'IONA 0 £1. MAR C0"4MUNtT'I' CHURCH. CONGrtEQA TtONAt. PeN)' ,.,....rick k hrock, 111111.,111., 111 Helfotrope Aw , Coron• oat Mu ~ .... 11 .. ,. .... ,. :'3 ·~~ t '5 L n\.. Chun h ,. 11.-..1 · II 00 L•. Mono1nf •• ""htr ~l'ftlnn by Mr &bnod I I ,,.. \\'htl,. I 1-,,. l':"Mlln11 f'VAIIJC•ll•tk .,.,...i.-r al 1 :IO, W~Mllday, 7• llO p.in. P"'Y" M"lctt J'rldaJ. 7:30 I' n1,. v .. u1h N11eht end Bible Study. $T. JAMES CHURCH P .. OTl[STANT EPISCOPAL 3209 VII Lido Pbon,.,. llArl"•r l:!J<I "D•I llarlH1r '2t Rev. PAut Moo~ w11 ... 1.r, Rector 8 IO a m ,.,,,), C"t1nir-rrno1on 9!30 ft nt. \,.0hU1' h ~ fH"'il II tocl am, M .. rn•ni! l't1\'Pr •nd Ser-mon \1'"1f8t ~HnlH)ti II I\ ',,mm un .. Ion.) · 10 (IO am Thnrl!d:o)" II 11 "·immun. Inn And 1•nty1·1,. f01r t tw 2'1• '-. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH Of' CHR1ST, SCIENTIST l303 V IA Lido •I V • "-'•'•11• A hrMrh h , f Th" ~1 .ft •• r 1 'l111,~·h The t'°1rll'l ( 'hur. h "' • 1 111•• :-.. 1 .. 1tt1el, In B t\f'tt•n MIUlA'\• hll-''\ft!f :o;undA)' :.;.. h11 •• J nt !•:tu A m Sunday Srr,•trr M 11 A m \\'•1!t11~ ... 1 •>' r-:ve1un1 MN•Ung at R 11. l1llf"k, l<<'"o.llni: !<'"'" t•·• •'•'•I 111 11 1 J'ILlm ,it,....,..t, Hnlt1un .,.. ''"' n 1tn11y from 1 p m. tn fl f' •n r x, •Tt ~unrl>\y• a_nd hnltdft)'Jll unth•nnl\v nl1•~n·~1 Th .. puhll. t• , 11rt1 a ll} 1u\ ""' to at· ten1t lht r hur1 h :iw•n h • • M1it u..e the R~•dlnK Rfw•m C:hri· lia n ~I'·, ..... ,. Topic 'Soul at11I Ho::•.· "\\'h.tf 11c11 • "" • 1 ·t t:1p t4'nt· rl1• ft( t :ud \\ 11f1 Id ,,I lttr ye Are 111 .. 11·1111••" nl th·· I · c God." T hi• 111111•:1111111 fJO•n1 II 1 '" 11thlan11 •Ill h" l h•• 1:,,1•,,1 I'\' or the ~Ul~tlu) I • •vo11 ·•·t flllt'I 11'1 ••Soul anti llot!y"' In n I I t .1" h· • of T b t1 Mulhn t'h111, h. 'I h·· F11•t l'bu rrb ·or l'h rt~I ~.·1rnlf•I tu llo1•1nn. 1'11111 "1 tff'J1 111. h1~ llr., l••tter 10 lht• \'nrln\h lan• "\\'t111 .. ''"'' ~llllb. I Am of l'l\111. 1111•1 ~ll•t'h••r I am Of Apnll~~. lift" ) " 11"1 I ~·11:11• ... r h,•1 f' f!lanl• •I, A1•,,ll•I• 11 .. i .. 1,•d; b ut (,011 .:n•r 111 .. In ",,... . Now hf' 111:.t pl,inlrth All•! I" thl\I 11'1· t.-trth IU •' ""'' A"il , \q ·v m•n •h•ll rr11•111• h•• 1\1111 1, ,.,;rd a•" ronh nir: to t1u• ••'•ll Lthn• 1 ~·or .. e Ar~ f"boun··~ '•'C•·•h, 1 ,, •a God: Tf' ~rl' (;o;I • h """~" ">. r e are r.1><1 ~ h111l•li· .-1\1 ""' )'f' not 'hRt Y•" JI 1 ~ 1 h1' b 111· I 111 li111f1 Atll1 lhnt lhP :O:j•I II 111 1: .. .i '' letb In )'Oii ' ~f •ti y f' 'i • ' i I\ t '1 usrl • r 1• •' 111 '' 11. '·1, " , '• "" to t bf' ~ l•t'' II 1 °.1 .. I •«hi or fal•t• "" .• ' I .• , . I ' <IPO("('~ in •n•1• r \h •' ,, .. :~ f • ii .1rt8 nf ht·trc 111 , ' ·' ··; , • ,, : • 1, 8Tf'IU R'L• 111• 111 b\ fl t•f \\ !6·h 1'f' •'•di ""' " ' • 111 .. IAhf' anrl . L' •· l•I' ' ~ ' ,, ,, , , •. , 1 iuu• ""'r f1' 1\ • t.111 i, •· L !1 ' roo101P .. "' 11'·'• " ' h 1·'· m1kr r I• I: • I · nl'rr~sary for thl' kilchr n nt ~l'fn•!'hmi•nts l\lona \\'incirin~"r llonrym o!'in Cottn.:r is norc~th) IS p11hlicity promof(•r lll)d G ('r11 ' Dodd nr R11lho11 Island. lmdl·· R1•1•\'1•s IS in C'hllr ' r ,. !: f'l••t·t of Alll'n Young cif Aw·n11 :i--. i.:P o inane;·~ Pnrk: for nn T111•sE111~ r vr nini: -~---=------- sl11• w11s h11n orc•d wirh a kitC'hPn MANOR CARPET CO 0 F ·d II:.. _._ showl'r ,., thr horn" of Mr• • pen tt ay l;Yenin9 Until 9 Rill11• K1i>th nf \\'hillll'r C'n-ho ... t- !'SS with l\frs K1 .. 1h was ?\11., ... Rosf'm:ir~ Crihlw n t•f Oalhon J~land. Two r l1•1·1•r i:111•i;sini: i;:rtllll''l hml h<'•'ll pl1111nNl liy th•' h11st- 1•s~1'.:. f11r \\hi• •h prir"ii 11, 1 ,. n\\ 11rd1•tf t •• ?\I r~ 11.,nn1r St :ork1•\ n nt1 l\frs. H11h,.r1 C:1mpllf•ll ;\I I h1• rrfr1•iohnwnt h(H1r <",tko• nnff it·r cr.·.1n1 "Pf•' ~'\r' •'d :1nrl rnr h S:ll•''I ro•c•1•11 1•d as n r·1111r n ci::iinl~ lkllrt<'1 rlnw rr. Gu··~ I~ fnr htr11•cl I hr honor1·1• nnd h••r lll(•fh1 r . l\lr~. :\lnr1nn f)(ldd; l\lri; l\lr1r11• Yo11ni;. 1110 1l11•r nf th!' l1r1clrlJl"c~1m-ln·hP ; t h ,. l\frsdiimrs i\'.orman .:\lilk r, R:tlp'1 Dimmitt. Rolw•r t Cnmph('ll, Krn- nrth Porrr r. T\<inni1• S •11rkl'1· 11nt1 the' :\11 ... ~1·" I.a\\ .tncla 1:1"nd1 AIWI' .l11h11 nn~1·n. ~:l1•:onor .fnm•" Marilou N1•j11, ~hirh•y Chnnn1•ll and Alisr Ailkf'r. Scotch tepe. various slU'I. on •lock a t the Nl'W1·1l l'TIC'I. llt'AL llErAtlllSO -•Dnt.nrso ---9'- W..UIUNO lilAf'HIS DO 8 It WINO !llA<'Hl'\P'~ " "<'l'l'lll ('11.A,.'Y,. .... _-,..~.---I _,,._....._ ArPl.IANfl! Hll'fl('S n 7 N~ Ill.-.. 8-ftM We Can Now Convert l'ovr P....,.at TABLE LAMP Les Nott Electric I I SALE of impo~ . FashioneJ by SAilled Hands ol Oriental Arlists Unpr~edented Values Room~i~ and Satter Rugs from 2'x4' to 12'xl8' 9'x12• for only $113.50 If you_ love C:Olor ... YOlfll 10\-e this nl05t unusual colll'Ct1on of 1mpor,ted room-size rogs. lik~ treasured n('('(llc point ... all are or lo\iely patterns and colors ... ha~d hooked thru th<> bac-k .. , supprtati\'f' crafts- m :rnsh1p and outstanding ,·aJue. 5onl(> "ith be\-eled horci<•r.; and C"am<.'O OltflifW'<; of drii<'ate rolor blends. avail yoursell ol our delerred payment pion CUSTOM INTERIORS TO ORDER ., Manor Carpet Co • \ 7 Jtl Pm ~nh•r 111.:h l'llsn m fl~1-lo••hlp, Do )'OU •·11n t to 1ell It! Adftr. , 0:-:811 \\". C.ntra.I "''"· I Usr In t'-e colwTina. NMt-port 8--h 14'27 S. Main St. Phone SA l525 Santa Ana ~ .. ---' } J ( t t t t s $! e p h tt e 0 .. - .n tr \\' ,,f I~ Pr I 9- 81 ( LU UJ( w. a.1 Prim • I~ - -:it- bie le7 lu 211 •k !Iii 'b nd .... Dr. ii t - l'S, ... ., !ir at l'- h a p. d !- l. TSl..Kl'll01Ra: •Aaoa IJ, 11 AND .. liubilllblllll ewry dq, Manday thnqib Frida.y, by Sam D. Porter and Ludul S. Smit.ti. DI. owners and operators ol lh' N~ Harbor ~bUshina Co. VOL; XL Newport ~la. Calif., May !l, INI ·1--* Dftw PEARSON W ASHINGTON -It wlll be in- tl'rl'ttlni;: "to llt'<' what th1• St•nate dot'I about the !k'allng ur W1llllom Ft•n1d , appoinh>d t11 t h C' v11cnm·y ld t hy tht• la11· S<'nlltnr 0\'1-rhln t•f Louisa nu hy 1:,1v1•r1111r E ur I L11ni.: 'I'\\" 1"f"'l't .. 11f :'>Ir F1·at"I " !'.•- ,., t'I .. Hrti 1Ult!ft1Sl · lllC 1111<' IS till' &. bri:1· 11111<•1111 1 .. r • .1,h h• 1-.1111 r1hlll•'ll i.1 l ;,,, 1•11111r Loni:'s c:i111p.1li:11 ~ .. ,,~ncl 1-. o c1 .11111 j11ry JJ1'•k'1•1·1lini.: ll<'lil "" "~''' .1111 At torn• ' (~1·1w1 .1 I .1111111 H11i;i;1· tn 1 !139 i-ho\\ 1111; t ha I ~·, .111•! \\as 111 'ol\ .,,,-In .• h1i.: i;.1.. 111•.il \\II It 1;m 1·rn11r l'il·k L1•d 11•, \\'II" ~d '1•11 a j111I fl'rrn 111 1·11111wct111n 111111 :11\ 1•tht•1 m.l!t•·r · gone back to tht' job or battllns for his conatltu.-nt1. NO'IT.-Monroney ('(lf'M9 from Oklahoma City, whett oil we-Ua Almost sprout from l'ltY. 1trfftll. v.-1 durln11 thr war he had tht> C'OUriige to f h:hl th!' oil lobbf • c-lamor tor lncr.>111ed prices Came' •'lt'Ctiom. a nrt lhP oil lohby tried t•• grt r1•vr n11f'. hut th<' pl'()Jllt' of < 1kl11homu C'lty \'oll'd for Mon- r11n1•v's <'OUH•lt•' .. , 1•11 1 huui.:h tlwy <11rln;I All Rltrl't' \\'II h him. l)f•acl ~an· .. ~tnr1 U•·ad m«'n trU nu taJra. But IH'fnrt• (;"4.lr&r I' 11 I k , lhl' .:\nwrll!&D ..,"" <'Oflllll"Dtahw. """ 11111rd.:,..... In .. ,,..,..,., 111" " roh · U r " w l'l'tl r,.."' """'" 1hn1unlt,..lad••n lf'tt1·r" "hl<'h n~A\' tnm•h tbr fu.,• to tht• tuas-•mould .. rlnc altt1all1111 In c;, .......... R....a an11thf'r ln .. tall· mrnt of a d••ad nt'Wapaprr- man'" 1ot11r)' In Dr,.w P .. ar.,tt1'• t'4olurn11 lotnnrr~'. L11111shm1.1 11coh t u•os :1.1) ! h.i t :'>Ir Ft·:i'lC'I wus hy 1111 1'K11b t Ill' Ian:•••! t'1Jntrihutt1r to 1;m J..,ni.:'i; 1·11111- pai~n -dnualcd 111 •·r ~:!1~1.111.ltl. Louisiona, irlc•icll'ntall~. 1sn'1 lkllh-Lf>"l•'• C'•J•th·,. St'ftator C'rC"d about limit~ tu Stnl<' Cum· John L. u'"ls hall soml'lllll<'S paign ronlrih111iuns. ht•ratt•d tl,W hig !<h'l'l !'omp11niC's Jn th!' past. lhr Srn:i11• hi1s lw>f'n for h11\'ing "raptin•" ("OKI mlnu. cranky ahout lnr1:C' 111ncmnts or hut 11 'looks L\11 If John now h11d a monry inrlu<'nclni.; Srn111uri11I 1•1<'<'-"captive" Senator -naml'ly, Eu- tlons. Senator Smith nf 111inois l:l'MI' Millikin or Colorado. was d"nied a s!'at wht•n his ('am-For lll(lnths Millikin ha1 bt>cn pa ign rontributions wrnt o v r r blocking St-nate ronflrmation or $100,000. Senator Lorimer of Illl· Dr. Jam~ Bayd u Chld of the nots wu J\Ot seated for the same Burnu of Mines, due to the fact THE BEl{RYS · reason. S e n a t o r Newberry of that John L. Lewis la oppoM'd. Michigan finally r"lgned from the Boyd wu former dean ot the Colo- Senate while hla colleacuH wen1 rado School of Mines and clea.ttd probing his large campaign 1tlft1, with Millikin befott h1a appotnt- and Senator Vare of P ennsylvania ment. The Interior Ot-partment wu denied hla wat when hl1 11rt1 phoned Mllllkln. asked If he ob- ran around $200.000. jt>cted to Boyd-they come from All these were Republlcaru. Now the aame atate--and Miiiikin uld cornea a Dt-mocrat who was not OJ{. I running for ortlet> but ht'lpt'd hand· That, however, waa bef~ the! SOm<'ly to put a Govt'rnor In office. Colora!)o Republican knew :John_L_. ~- L--ll============================f1"tJenlllat eovrrnor f\Jrn5 rouniJ wls was opposed. Lfowfa nam and put&-hig chief monetary bene-the Jut director or the Bureau of factor In thl' Senate. A Republlran Mines, Dr. R. R. S ayrni, alao hAd Senate may want to think this hi1 own brother plAnted Inside over. thr Bureau a t a juicy salary until n k . . t ~ 1 t * THE WEST SURPRISES No matter how much they've heard about the growth of the· West, it seems th2t Eastern indus- trialists and financiers who visit here f or tne first time are almost invariably surprised at what they find. One nationaJJy known investment counselor from Chicago after his first look at the Pacific side of the Rockies, expressed the customary astonishme nt and then declared : "Anyone looking for an unusua l opportunity will surely finq it here on the Pacific slope. You have broad diversified industry .... , a high per capita income, young and enthusiastic working population made up of ambitious men and women from every state in the nation, tremendous markets for your western made products, favorable climate and genuine hospitality." It is only natwal that we should like to hear such statemens. But we must never lose sight of the fact I -especially here in California-that regardless of bow much has a lready been accomplished, a bigger job stiJJ lies ahead. Considering the size of our in- dustrial empire, it h.as probably been built in record time. In a comparatively few years we have built the world's largest bank which has greatly aided the economic growth of our state. In agnculture, transportation and commerce we have made vast strides. But this very economic growth attracts new growth. People are pouring into California at a rate e:-timated to be as high as 35,000 a month. These peo- ple must be given the opportunity to get jobs, build homes and enjoy the California hf e. This can be d one only as our economy continues to expand. To, this end, then, we must devote our ener~es and endeavors. We cannot a Uord to rest on our laure ls or we shall soon rust on our laurels. ~ TRY AND DO IT A New Hamp~hire traffic la w read!'\ as follow::;: "When two motor vehic le~ meet at an in ters('ction. <'at h :'hall cnmt> to a full :-'top. and neither :'hall pl'u- ceed until the other ha~ ,l!One." Oid n111 know that a \alifornia law :':\,\":' that .\·11u h;n-e· to ha\·(' a hunting licen~e to :'et a mou;-;p- trap? \\"l• hope th<' micr don't lu•ar ah<iut thi:--. ·•A nation who;-;e eitize n:' can read and \\Tile hut w hc1"'l' rE>aclin,I.! ta;o;te:-; do not ri:-:e abo\'e the level ,,f <lt ·;-;ire fo r the excitat ion of acl nle~ct-nt emotion!' 1~ r a:-:.v j!ame for dic tator:'. "-Harold W. Dodd~. Pre;-; .. Princton Unh·er:-:ity. "By claiming-the moon. two Americans have :46len a march on the re:::t of mankind. Indeed. the.v are the fir!'t persons in history who havti done an.r- thinJ? ahout j:!"etting the moo n other Urn n merely ~ij!hjng for it.'• (Syclney. Au~tral ia, M om in~ Heralrl.) Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A DepfBlallle 1..-1 IMU..UO. f or Oftr 40 1'Ml'I llEl'lmSESTr.D NAnONALLY BY Of:ORGE. D. CLO!llC, INC. 9-a rrw.o-Loe ~Portlalld-8e•~C:AftO=New York-Botltnn S, Carrier or M1tl .. SO.i.> ptt month anywhHe In Newport Besch and ea.ta Meea; S2 40 for 3 months, S4.i.> for 6 month!!; S9 per year By-Malf In O'ranee County: S9 per year; t'o 4th zone. $9.25; to 8th zone. S9 50. Dltefttd u Second-Cul matter at the Postottlce tn Nl"WJ)Ort Beach. CalJfomJi. under the Art. at March 3. 1897. LUI D. PORTER Publisher UJCIUB It.~ m Mana(1na Editor ~~~ : .-Advert.1aln1 Printllls PIM!t. 3011 W . Omtral Avenu., Newport BHdl, California J:!b!~~ of~ On top of this is the fact that SN-rl'tary or the Jntr rlor Krug when the J ustice Ot-partment wns cleanf'd thC'm hoth out But now probing the Louisiana scandals. with Se nator Millikin's hrlp U wls John Rogge unearthed the ract wantii h i11 rontrol back again. that ~1 25,000 had lll'Cn paid by NOTF. -Dr. Boyd, who has Unilrd Gas lmprovrml'nt Corp . nn SC\'l'ral chilclrl'n, has bc'<'n patrlot- Ek ctric Dond and S hare subsi-lcally serving t hr gon•rnm1•nt w ith- d iarr. to Tom llill, a hig Nl·w Or-out pay sine•· IRst summrr. v wis lt•llr.!I gambtrr. who in turn pns!lt•d ho(>l'!l h1• will S•K1n Ix• !llRrvNt out Jlll.Tt or thl' mom•y on to Gov-Tydlnp' Rrotht'r-ln-La" l'rnor Dick v ch<'. µart 10 Loulsi-Who•n St'notor Tydings of Mnry- ana's nC'W SC'nntur. Wilham Frazrl. la nd. D<>m0t-rat . rosl' on thc-Sen11tc• and kl'pl part for himself. floor lo oppo111• the conftrmatwn of • Reason. Cor this unusu,.lly lorgC' Oklahoma·s J c•iis Larson for t hC' "" thanklrss juh of War /u~sc•ls Ad-paynwnt by a hig cor puration to thrC'<' interesting Louisiana fl~Ur('tl m inistration, hr dalmf'd hr h11d ne''<'r wa·s rl'''ealed. For about a~lutcly no pc'rsona l inter('tll In that time ROOliC'Velt threw c·old the ma tter. Among othc>r things, water on the Louisiana prob<'. Tydings SUf)poscdly had no In- H owever. the present Republlcan tercst In Amr rican Potash. the Senate rray want to continue t he corrc>any which Larson ruled ll- unflnlshed •tor Y or Louialana gainst when It sought to buy the where tht Justice Dt-partment left government'• Kalunlte plant in off. Utah NOTE-Govl'rnc;>r Long would However. herl' Is what 1)•dlngs CU RLY KA YOE like to a ppoint his ntphew Ruuell dtd not te ll his fellow Senators: ............. Long, t'ldest son of the late Huey Tydings' brother -I n-law, form<'r Lonf.'(, to t he Senat e. But RUUt'll Brig. Gen. John M. Eagl'r, happens is only 29, and under thl' law a to reprt>Sen l thl' Heyde n Chemical U S. Senator must be thirty. ThC're-Corporation,. a largc stockholdl'r fore it's repor ted thst Feazel will or Am<>rican Potash F'urtht rmor•'. m ake way for Russell later . it was Eager who actually aign1-d ModNt Mike Ko.r011pY the l<.'tters on bt>half or AJTl('rlcan tt was like Congressmsn Mik<' Potash protesting the fact that 1t Monroney or Oklahoma never to did not R<'t the K11l unil" plan t hre11t h<' a word a bout thC' foct Yet Tyd lng!I said hi' had nn that PTesidrnt Trt4!Tlan orfi'red h im prrsonal inter l'st in th1• m11111·r ltw job or Secrr tary of Agr iculrur<> P C'rh11ps in M11ryland a hroth1·r·tn- Jlowevl'r, hr did ju!lt after Clln-law isn't considl'rf'd [)"r11nnat. ton Anderson rc-si~nl'<I. -• - It was also likr Monronl'y that Viaitora to Boot Hill hi' turned I he off r r du" n II ts G rr fusrtl was on thC' vrry simple· Grab rave Markert 1,rround I hat h" didn't kno" "nnui:h l >Orx;F: \ITY . Kan •UP 1 ·n 1r 1thou1 agricultur(' or !hr farmrr11' stTaw• mark1•r uf T11ot hll'!ls N••ll h11~ TARZAN point of \'il'w, • di11aJ11H'Arf·d I r o m B11ot 11111 In ",\J my llfr.'' hi' l11hl Trnm:1n. I 1<Kl1:1· Cit.) "l hil\'I' Sl)l•nl dd 1·nolin1: thv •'nn-Al'-n :1mnn1; lh1· m1-..inµ ;ir1· tho· sum.'r nnd thmkin1: >ilorn11 h1' 1• mt m:irk1·rs .. r S1111lo·r Hun .. ;ind t\\11 nf \II'\\ Tlll'r•·foro•. I Jll'' ll'11ul1h1'11 01h•·r l11n,;·l1111•· 111·1•111111111 ... 111 ll wl 11<• 11 µ11od 11111n 111 1·h11111p11111 1111 11 11111111• hllll np f:trm••r<i.'' • I ,., ...... r ....... , ... H111 11 onion '''" I S11 \\tlh11111 '·"mi: ,, \\111ol '" l1•il11n 111 th•· ll•••l 0 11111 \Iii-."'" :in~11n1 , :'>1111111 .111 ·~ n111 .. 1 •h• ,., .. ,, •"'' '" lol 101• Tl11' '"" t h• Ip 111• l1 "'"'i••l'lo'f) 111111 111 ('1111..:n· ..... h"1111i.: up '"11'•'1111.; A Stumble on the Steps YOUR DIAL .... ' ... -. hi I •• : • -h \lt'C • • ••• "llJ • • • • • .., ....... . ... \ .. -.. Kl II ••• • I 1111• \ Y HUlllT ,.,. ~ .. ...... , : ... , ....... -.. ltti• ... IJ;W ., • r. • 1.:,\ '''*• . ..,,'""'"--.. Kt I f •lllllfte \\U• h • • -·1,ttn & T w-nfJ' .. \ "•l>f:' 1 IJ• .... I, i • ,Jc1~-.'f' Ann "I I 11-tlru n •1nl.t•n h -k"''' M•nn•n• Kt 4''-8'-r-..n•de ~t.l ft-"Ct U•1t1•• IA .... 1:11 "'' \ u~,11," • r .. e ... K• I ~·"• j I \ _,,,.., A l'lrat• f(lt -lt1.1CJ<trrtt,.n ~ • ,. •• ,, ··~hlO. .,. t\' 11 •In All•a Kf"t <·•-. ('~1at • • -~1Jlltn•~•111flt XII C.~1 ~1Mn1•llt k l • "'., ••• ""' .... ~ l:IOl5 ~ 111.-0... /JM' ~ IJQttllf"T Ull ""'~: ,. fl'l6MT·--alJ ITS $UY b ~: ~ NllM> SAO O' fA_..... CN ~ L0111 ...... r-ecr! ~n , ·~~~s e."Lst:>..t. P!JiO~llC. CJ" •.YA":> ....._l • , -P'·•1l .. ~ ·-< i;.::. ••• ,_ , ~· ---~~ ~ T*"f.f •'! .(~ -.,,c --~ . I I I .. .. I I ' . .... I .. t( f , \• ...... K f I 1.. ,t, " • j( t.• A-~l • • t '-1911 •',.. ... .M ff • -•• tUIJ-Jol M .,'1Ji:-t., I ·•• , . k I ~AU--1•1, •f\'9 ~ h f'J.-fUll •••• _.... k J.'f••• I •hole• "' t•t n K r i-1. • • • ...._ &JO -(;J.._ ...... arwtt-•&_.,"". n "., & ')( -J ltfU•• f(h•f I r. •. Kf Ar,.-N••• ft.-.•.U IC ..,-1 fil•,i;•• r· ult .,..,., ....... ICf!:' A -t •• Me• JC HJ Ah•••• 0•-M ,..-W ft Hni,,,, Al'-k , ,t t ••I 'J"l tt ., •r•r-r,-...,,,,. '" 1t trr.tn-~... .,, 11 •·u K f .AC rt•-1,., ·1 .. .,_ .. ;_;~.: _:: _ ... ~ • ' I .. ~ . ' I' I llh • • . . ' ' , , . .. l . " • • • ,., , ·-•• S -•,....... I••• .. r • S t I t'" f -••• .. , • .,.-i---· . .......-. ...-. ....-,_,_, .. ,..... . . 'If~ r-.. • " • • ,,. ,,.,...,,.. -.... t ·-·-· ",. , ... .. d j ,...__.,_ It .,..,.._ ... • , • t r ._ ..... ,... _ ... ••~.J -.. -. _.. I • t" • t -.. r.,., It: .• ~ S U •-r ... _,.. ... . ..... r"''Y-• ;, r ._• • tt f A'' ---•llfl 1111 lr•r K I fli!1m" r~•tt>r.si ··' ~x--~~:~" ;:~~I r • .,,. , ... F Y • • • • ._..._ f Ac ... T•l•plw,te) Br1dret Watttt, lr1lh war br1de, 21, convict~ of tht ,.1ay1nc of hft AmPrlcan hutband, l\umbles In lHVIDf U'9 tr..aa which broucht her from prleon at Cal'IOn City. Pie•. Paroled art« aemnc 11 months ot • onf·t.o-ttve-rear t.enn lor I.he' crime, Mn. Wat.l'ni and her thrM- Je&r-<114 IOO are be1nf taken to New York for depOrt.alion w London where lb• plans to rtl\UIMI career u n une. K'' •' T •• , Tun•• •rto Tr"' Wh JC' -:it·•· •'·'tr-· -r ...... '""' • r . •· Kl \ -'• ••· Je n .. IC\'O ft'\\U--.:o_.. tcr 1 1• ... Pl• ,.,, nanar t( t • '··· I ft lle lnl•I lt•e••w K' t.f1•t•-n·Aff1..,.h• fr\ -\tt1•t(' M t (Jot ,.,.."' .... , ... , ..... .... ~ ,. ~ -,.,,., 1<.u.., Kt •-~••• Kft I -.. • .,.,.,., W:!(·'I '1•011 T,.l't TELEVISfON .. II \ -•"6•, I ,,..,...,., KMI.,.. f •• •'t . ,...,.~. ., . •• k l.At'",. '111•• l't : ~·,;-n::l1~. !~ : J aiu~rA v. 1 ., r K flJ-fft '" .-.• • x~ , ....... v el'• R!<X-t1•'""'• t~ •• ·-,,.. l(J.•f) • • I •-'•1' kl'l -r·~ ··-· IC\4 J"'(" • •-• k t • f •• t .,. tnu '-'•• • k~ ft f• • • • f"tJl'etN lt1'1. '(: .,... .. 4~· f IS • v-J ~"; .. ' ·'•t'9 ' •• , l • f'4'•. ••t ' ,,. .. . . . ..... " ffTo _, •• I W jf'j ' • 6 ... &T ... -...... I ....... • • .# • ... .. I ft " I .,. . -· #n T••-1 -,.. r rra _.1 ..... _,~ ... --.. .. ... ~~~~ .. : . ,.,:.,,... .. r •-J-• . ...... -~ ... K"-•· I-•• a.JU_... ... ·--· ..... ... T-..r. ..... -.. ~ . . -· .. -· .. I C HO~SWORD PUZZLE I • • -' :• , ..... . "'· ... ' . " ···t -·· . . . ' ~,. ..... . .,. \_•. -· .,. .... f '""''·-;.1• 1.---- 1 I •·• ,, t .. • • ' .. I. ' I"' 'IJ ,. ••°'1• I • ''' •u me '' "" ,. , . ,... .. ..••• 1•''"' . ... , w ..... i, ., .-;, rt.,, ... ,, ••• i • ".,, .... tut •" MJ,..., .... .. ff , ••• ,,. ,. " ' . tt ,.,.,, .... ,. .,, ,.,,.l, t t h 1• •w••,.rd e By Sam Leff IHtM ._ l , ... , •• ,. ....... lJ IU, ••·••• I f•1 ,,. • i.• l -llf U•t1•'' •hn• u •""I 4 1U I''~'°'' •l •ln • ,..,,,,u .. 6--l'f•U H nJf"ht 'I M••t,,..,• ._ ___ .. --+---1fYr Y-Z:ti...-1-¥4 -"--L......1.. : r!!!,7.':~::~1'!!&1 I ~·· -. , ,, ·I I ~1 --- -, ., . \ -~ ~ .1 a ·O .. ~1 :jf"" <c ,._ n .rn1rn\ 11 ·I ef.-•• l8 Mt ••Ir H .... tn ,.,lll·l• r~ror• ,J f ••• , hi)fti•• ,, ' -·· ...... ,, t'• ltt .-U 1lr\• ,, , • ""' ... " lh •tr Tl ..,, rlt•f ltf.# I f af • Jl • •1...t ,,, ,,44,. 1.6-(\rH·· lfllt_ff ao-1tn1ll•h ••l11l JJ-l'lf'tt• ol .... ,, .. ,. J O.l••ot• ln<IJ .. 'J._llf<>c<.alln n -!Mlh null• 11-Tolnellt ........ 1 .. ..., ,_,_. ............ •1-'Tll ....... ..__u...o .. 11e ..._n._,. I , ' ' .. • ••••o•T a.&Laoa ••••·T•••• nllD.AT ,,_,_. ._. Olm. ~ ft. 19U Culver City Ace Favored in Car Fare at Oceanside "WUd Bill" Sh'VE't, CUiver O t) 1~u·r, ls favOttd ln Sat\U'd.)' n ight's rond.Ut>r racing program al ()cMna1dc ~lion-P~rk. Sl4'\t~ ia out aftrr his tltth main ~'ftlt \'lctory, but 1s probabl> du» fOf' plent.)• ol troublt' from Bud Jlt'U· ler. who hu lht> fast qul\hfytni;: time Jut 1111~k. but was forC'f'd <.ut y.·1th motor trouhl" Mam c-vc nl 1tart1 at S:JO p.m. Last wt'c.-k'• program WM ham· pl'rt'd dur to a lar k of rar~ S<>rTll' elpl of lhc> r~ m1tt>h11WS ,.'f'Tf' put on the.> sidellnc.-s m 11 Spr<"laC'U· IAT crash at Culvrr rity the prt>· vio~ night. but ult 11rP b. mg rr- J>lllrt'd and promotc•r 11 G C'ardrr promises a full fidd for thls •M-k'1 fie<'. Sf'\-'t'r11l nl"W <'>'I~ •• rr undrr N>n· atruction, nmon.: llwm 11 M«rr11r ) 1peti11~ tr1 IW> drl\'l'n In &1turdlt)' rA('('S hy Doh Morton or '-"l:U'.l.t R<°'Ach. LOMB~llOI MOU) * * * Harbor Events *** Victor MtLaglen Motoreytle Corps In Santa Ana \'1Mur Md ..:;i:J. n • "'orltt rtl.tm- pion .moton;<W-dnll ~>f'f"' v.111 uC· h'T ttw>ir· thnlh <tnd 'P•ll• ''• 1 ..... 1 ·~in t~ ~l'l An" mun1r - •11'll 1>l1uh11m I• ru;;hl .\I I-11 m Spt'°'""-'d t... o,. !' '"' , .\n;, JUOIOI' • hamt; r • r • ''" .... r•. '"' I ~h·"' uff•T~ rn. .. 1t11f •• r ...... ,, ,. " •!till' :1n<J '"' $('f1 •lw1n1t '-'"'''"'' ''f'\m-1 nr I •• r f lf'll •• OAKLA!"P, :'>t•~ :.'O ii-Pl Ti· kcu :.1 • "' ...,,J, ,, ''" 11.,.,,, • E'm1t> Lnml~n11, l11111:·t1mt• maJOr I AllJAl•oinoo ('<Jn'llMR) .lt'1 .irvJ flr•i.1rl IPOR'\JC cnrchmi: i:rc·ut 1od.1y "'"'" "M) ""~-1 \ I 11 1, I ... h h s 4 ... o;poft_ft .., ""n1 ~nt ... t riir...) IO" y I (' ACTllm• ntl• !'t•ICln~ to SIK>fl. ,;1r1 :\I un <I r-. I ~ Ul' I .\n;i tht,< Oakland Aromlt for an Untllll· \dru~ -r duJ ~1 ...... .1 amount or ... ' .• un as,, r•nh ••r a ts ~ UM.'U l"1"''· 11n<J : 1 '"' nt .. f•.r rnrldn n Well, Will Ya Look Who's Kayoed! * 0.C.r Fr•leJ Reports: NEW YORK, MA.Y 21-(UPl- Stlllman'a gymnasium ii a ram- shackle building whose soul cen- teni about two stained, worn box- ing rings. In It, you'll find tht> motli<'St collection this side or Sineapo('t'. Throuahout th<' attern0<1n It is hoxang's hllliiest tJ<'dlam And a l'igarf'l haze cloaks the fti;hters, lrom champion to uncertain pre- liminary bow, 8ll they 1 huff I e through tht>1r shadow boxlnic. labor at calisthPnic's and Ix-labor l'&Ch othC'r with 1lmuh1tl'<i fury. In th<' midst of this. a happy Rocky Gra2iano wound bandagt-s on his fists and muttl'red; "J1·zz. It's good to be back." The mjddl4.'W<'ight champion was just in from the qult't of tht' coun- try. 'fhert> hr had tried to 1·eady himself for hi& June 9 tltl~ fl'ns<' against Tony ZalC' at Nl'W· ark's Rupfl('rt st11rhum. llis muscles hud hardent>d hut in thl' unfnmili11r quiet lhC' Rock wnsn't at (X'aC't'. 'fhc-k id from thC' Enst sid<' had to 1,;omC' homC' to thl· blisi;ful nu1s1• • ·f th<' big city. "ft WaJ> llllll'l Up therl' for mC'," lw i.:rinm;c!. "D<'sidt•ll, l Muldn't J.:l'I uny s p11rring partn<.'rS to com1• uµ to lhl' <'Ountr)'." Rack in lhf' l'ru wdcd little cuhi<·lr which scrvrs him 115 a drf'ssing room. thl' Rock strippPd TARS STOPPED BY POWERHOUSE SAN DIEOO' HILLERS BY 5 TQ 1 A powerhouse of 11 baseball tum IUIW Su ~ tnm Wftt a1J u. from San Diego High achool s top-~ to the 1-... o1 Uw uttk ped Frank Han\liton and Newport Workl Serin in Uttlr Roal. Artt.. Harbor High's Sailors in tlX'ir l.ut SUl'.nm(~ befOIT -... ~2. tracks yC'Slt'rday afternoon ~Ott It was a fitlUIC dimaa ro 1111e a whopping crowd at the ~ta 11101t sua::eMful llPMCIB i1t S«W<- Mesa munidpnl park to take a port history. 1lM-Tan W'OD i. C I F. play-off game by lhe score games and &mt cnl)· 5. •innilic of 5-1 regular k-acw play with a ~ Scoring two runs in the first or 12 and l . innmg, the Hillers went on to put -------- 0\'er two more in the seventh and a homt> run In tht> ninth to ef- fccth•t'ly stop any further ambi- tions of Coach Wendl'll f Picld Pickens and his SunS<'t ll'auge champe. "'- In spite or the .rour-run margm put t<>1;ether by Coach Mib M~ row's tram, Tar are lefty Frank Hamilton pitched one of his b<.'s1 amMt of the year. givillg up only eight hits (fj\'(' of which w,•n• of thl" scratch lnftc>ld varit>t) 1 ;ind s trikinr. out r l<'\'<.'n. Are hith•r on th<.' l1 1ller1;, thl'lr .shortslnp. Rrown Wt'nt down swm1:1n1: thr<'<' ttmf'S us llnmilton hlawd in \\'llh h1s fast l)aJI TI11' ~;1ilurs tmt OH 'I' rheir lone t ally In the laM_,half of •h" ninth innrn1:. They madt> C'ight hill In thr i.:nme. C'o11rh Pirkrns today was not too I unhappy with the. showing or hi!' <'rr \\'. II<' poi'1trd out that thi" ea...,... ca ieblleW M~, aa .. lnitatio. .. CIUCAGO n rP•-Lrft-winc nu. dent CJ'OUP5 in Anwncan ail...,_ are I~ cround.. ~t Hos- ard S. Mcl'bvld ol Bricbwi Young Unh'ft'Sll)' ~-es.. fir .-. most educatoB agJ"ft that C.. munist campus orpn.izatiom ~ an "1JT1t.lklo" n,ther U.. a-. •Ct'. ~ r... ~ ·ROBERT YOCSG MARGL 'ERITE CH.Al~A....: "Relentle88" alM>- ----------------· RffiSI CAFE down and st ru11 cod 11round In his r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ muscles. Jn troopl'd Lee t>mil. "PhiJo Vantt Returns" wio..i--.. ow-... ..., NEWLY REMODELED (wttll . fifth ·~) ., ,, .... la: Spaghetti -Ravioli· Scaloppini, Chicken Steab & Rout KAa ... Qx:ktails a-. -·~· ...... Casino Cafe anJ Cocktail lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES anJ DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. HERE'S HOW CARS <i)UALIFIED LAST FRI . AT Oil CITY Hl'~'TI:SGTOS Br..4CH til"IZIN' A y eu-s .. :.!3 16 'l5 66 JOO 20 '28 fiO ~ 36 5 69 4 61 71 74 19 :t6 75 :!2 6 J((J IS !Y.! 44 141 64 121 VAUX' BALBOA Entertainment end Dinner Dancing To Melodies ol THE VEL • TOIES For Reservations Phone Harbor 1314 *BRIEF GLANCE BATIING, PLU S PITCHING, PLUS AT BASEBALL 'GASHOUSE GA~G' ESPRIT--CARDS ........ y .. , ..... ,. ~......._ .. Rotton 4. Ct1•vf"l1tnd 13. Washin«ton 7. St Loul• 17 Ptuladelphm 'J. O.-tro1t 4 Nt"W Y<X'k 13. Ch lcitgo 2 ' I c.H Rv C'ARI. Ll'NDQUl "T 1 •1 ,,, d 111.11 !':•~<'~' should h<' re-- . '\'I·\\' YO~K. May 21-'.l I'• 11 11<1 lr"rn 1tu· i.::tm<' "" aritued fak·• 1hr 11'11t1onal leagU<', '"'' '" l11nc th111 11 .. "a!< thrown QUI •1 1u1d1mi.: stitff. add a hittlni: 'I"' 111111'1 II .in t11111-:11a l ~1tu11tion for 7 thal hn.i1 bo<>st<'d the club's li.tl1111-1h.,_,111hi·m:inn<·r1"I T.('Xiln I'•·: '" 1 mi.:·· ~'.! point• In six c •II• 1'111 1•·p11o·r~ P1r;,t<'s 1111<0 put 11 ""·•k•· ·~ a ~!Ill<'. ~r the old 1 • •• ''" ,1 1'11; l11111ni.: .. tww a l Boston, 1-,, ""'I"' C .:in1; jlfllnt 1tnd you m .. 1 1;1 111111; 17 ~"''' hlow:o: including Ii • hai. '' J~·nnnnl formula. t~ d11h f.:1111 r·, 11111th hom<'r in a ,\1 l•-;1<;1 lhnl "ll~ what th. lo 11 I'.\ '" 11 triumph n11•r lht• Rra\'<.'S I Jiii''' L'"' in '"" n. managt·r I '''''' I . ~ l•H ) I\ f ti I II C' I ·'"·h11 p1t1'11111~ h\ llm•anl Fox , 1 1 • """ <'flnnrm ·111 111 1 1• 1 I. ,1, 111, l(.otJ, ,1 :i 1., I 111•1 in• 1 "'" 1l1111kini.: tnday 8ll hi:' anrl th• . . 1 • 1 ~ h11.:h-ltnn~ lli-'1 R1rc1s ll'ft f, .. I '' •h• '•'·'111' al;-._,." \.irk \\Ith : lun un;I nn 1mpor111~t lll'rll"· " · 1"'"-"' \'ir1:il l"l.dli·up 'llflfll)lnJ.: ; I '' 11 1 lt1o 1111n1 11 1111 t hr•·•· "111i.:l1·11 anc1 ;1 • •• l.t\•''" ,, \\' \\.ilk. 1' 1 '' wi·r•• fhlr 10 'llilr I 1 ' l'tw t '111'•. I• 11•!.1 d 11\ 11111 :-.= 11'h11l-t\•~ in1I """ .r 111 •. Jlllduns;: h1• I 1 , , 'I"'''"'" I 11:-k /or muC'h rnor• , , t '"11" 111pl1 ,11111 rli111l1l1· .ind Ito) -'f,.,,,-: 1-:dtlt!' nftrr 1hr• C11rn• 1. "1" ,11, ,·, '"'' mup.•r 11"•~•11• ht.m- c;n lo«rcl,-<I t hr lxwii:c.-r!I, 13 to 1 1 • • 1 '"Pl 1·rl 111 .. 1'1111, a1 l'l11l:11t .. lpl11:0 sw1·<·p of thl' t hrtt gami-"'''", 111 ;, 10 3. Rrooklyn nnd the cluh's ''"" J1"' 111111111:!.!10 hnd h11< h1i::1:rs1 ~·~ t;fr}11..:hr \"ictnr\0• da~ ot th1• !"•·•"on al ciucns:o \\!h<'n 3•, . 1 · Thr "gashous<' spirit" bo1lrd up h1• 1111 f\\11 ho11wri:, 1t ·tnplr. a 4 . Yt:'lltl'rd11y whrn thC' Cards 1.'<':1m1· dn11hl·· Hnd ., !linr;lc'. hnt tlni: in six S"'-ln('('nsed ovc.-r what Dyer 11111•il'd runs a• thr Ya nkt'<'l'> mn11t!luCrl'd thi> 61~ w1111 thr lntC'nllon111 tw-1u11n11: or Whilf' Srx, 13 to 2 on 22 hits. 9 C11tch<>t l><-1 RicC' h>• n •hl'f 1>•tCh<'r Th<' Tis;:r•ri< won from 111,. Ath· llu1:h Cast>y Caiwy nnrrn11lly r1 ll'tit'!', '1 111 2 at JH-troit on fiVC'· control expert. prr n 11UJ.ly had h11 hit pitching hy FrC'ddy llutchinson Whit<'y Kurowski in tl11 h.1ck with ind a 15-hu attack 1n which Boh a pitch and wh<'n Ric(' was felled S" 1r1 1111 u hom<'r and twl-i ·i;ini;:lrs and 11haken up hadly. I 11C'r pro-nnil Gror11:t> Vico and Pat Mullin 70,000 FANS MAY CROWD L.A. COLISEUM FOR ANNUAL RELAYS -Oma fll:'hts a-nl'gro comer named H<'nry (Snow> Flnk<'s-at the Gar- dPn on Friday night. Flakes IK'at ham the last time-out. "I got too much 111 stake to fool around. for this one.'' said Oma. who hOJX'S for a h<'avyw<'ight title fight. "J was out or shape last timr and I almost had him. H l• puncht'S good1early. that Flakes, but ht> runs down quick. This Ume I'll nail him." People kept pushing in and out of the littlt> room but ev<'rybod)' stopprd whrn Oma ask<'d: "How do you think you'll da this time against Zale?" Thr gym wa.'l like a big barn now. The flghtrrs hnd quit for the day nnd the crowd had drifted out. "This tim<'." said thr Rock. 'Tm out to J!<'I him as quick M I can." With thn t thry followed the noisC' i.ttt lo the :<trr<.'t. Sarr"d "hit" r h·pl111n1s of Siam 11nd nurma nr" not a1·tually whit. hut h11w ~k in la('k111g the· ordinary 1liirk 111i:nwnt U C'h•phants. so thnt flw} 11 re> ptilc•r in color. ,•aeh i.:ol thrre hits Th<' Clevt>land Indians went a i:unw-:rnd-half ahc.-ad in the Am••rl- can by trimming the Boston Rt>d Sox, 13 to 4, In n ni~ht gam('. Sox pitchc.-r!I Mickt>y Harris and Maurict' M<.'l)ermott ga\'t' up 111 walks. equaling thr major lrague rC'cord whilt' Bob Lemon roasted to his fourth ~;n . The Browns battered six pitch· en for 18 hits to whip the WMh· 101:ton St>nators, 17 to 7. In a St. L.oui!I night itamC'. BOWLING N.u-..1 i,..- PUtsburich 13. ~ton 0 Oncinn•t1 3. N-York I. St. LoUur 13. Rrooklyn 4 Olka«o 5. Philadi>lph~ 3. By ~ard llamm,.rlMdl p.lc '"isl by con\'rrtinit the-<'Vents LOS ANGELES. !\la) -~l -(UP> I to m<>tric dist11nc<'S. An add<'d at· Sr vrnty thousrin.d l.111<. t h~ big-traction will l:X' tht> W('~t<'rn h<'m-1 11:rst crowd •t ·rr tu ~,.,, a non-l1pher<.' marathon. Olympic traclJ mi>r1 m thr U. s. · 1 Despite the-lu.~h array of 1 r:irk wru• 1·"~<'1N1 in -'l•·n1o•ri.1l Col~-talt>nl and rolorfut pr~1:rnm. th<' GENE?S CAFE Special.izing in French and Italian Dinners HARBOR 1102 705 ('oast Hwy. Corona dN Mar I ~t>um tnnii;ht for th,.. 11nn11al coh- 1 hug!' crowd's lltt<.'ntion "'ill hr ~c·um "''"•)'!' rocu ... ed on ii lll-~f'('Ond ll<)rlion or Prf'-ml'••t twkrt '11• • .11dkaif'd the four-hour program the IOO- tl11' 1·r1mtl 11 1111111 11•1• '"' Yt'Ar'!l ''ftll't<.'r c111sh. ~t arnni.: nw t<'nn c :\11'1 attc•ntlrtn•·" 111 '"''" • 11• aome 'r"'n.tton 11ntl '"" 1fark-<k1nnr d r i\'al. :!:!.llllll Jamakan Llo)cl LilRra('h 1 II \\'1•ul'1 IN• lh• t , .f tr11t•k Th<' l'\'rnt \\ 111 lw :1 r•'lll':lt fflr 1-r1111cJ Ill Th" n;11 1 .. 11 ''"'' \00,000 lhf'• !'<fl••c•ll~ p:11r' of l:t,.I \\1'1 k ~ frin~ Janm11·il 1h, ', .. , 1 1t\i!l('llffi \\orld r••1·11rc1 lir1 .1km~ 11•·rf11rm for o1•'n1n.:.uul tlu .. ,, ••r•'monif's i'lnl·~ :ti 1h,, \\•~I r":"""' r,•1,,,, MESA RECREATION ALLEYS l\f lh1• l!l:I: I 'l~ If)"• 1, 111•8 Tlll'r1• 11.111 1!11 'll'•'.1k1•tl 111 11 !I '.\ l'hnrw B1.,1Clln r.:117 TD , MOVIE BARN .. 8o. c.... Bhll. LAGUNA BEA€11 • Old Time Mo.,ies ........., Tluoeafl ..... y Cloeed • ....,. • RENEE ADOREE and ALAN HALE in "The Spieler" plus CHARLIE CHAPLIN OOMEDY Adalbt t4e -C'ldldrtlll J.%e TWO ~HO\\'~ SITEI.\' '7 A lMuta 8-. .. ,. !I -.. , KEN Ml'RRAY"S "BiU and Coo" ..... Twe ...,. RANDOLPll SCOTT BARBARA~ "Albuquerque" Hn colorl 8taft6 ~ -!lay !:I CARY GRA.'I LORETrA Y<X,-SC OA\"'ID XJ\'DO ill DON~ MISS THIS SENSATIONAL SHOW VICTOR MclAGI EN WOBLD'8 CllAllPION Motorcycle Corps at ta.e Santa Ana M•llicipal Stadi 111 Starting at 8:00 o'Clock One Nigltt Only ••. Uoy 21st THRILLS GALORE -All-STAR ACTS * Motor Acrobatics * Drills • Sensational 60-~. Tunnel of Hell "LoacHt ,. \\'CNW" Admission: Adults ;Sc Chlldttn UW' ~..,- ' SA1-'TA ANA~'IOll CHAllBE& OF COIDIQICI; c;r:T TIC'Kt:TS AT rou.cnnxG Home Appliance Co. The Posey Shop Srd ~ Broadwa~· II• 8. .... llC. I I fr,"' 1111: .111 1111. 11 1 11 ii fiC'ld. !<rc·11ntl "in 111 tlw J1!41 ~·:ml cl 1~h 1 ~18 Nt'\qlOrl Bl\'rl. th<' m1••t "·" h11 • 11n on Olyrn-w ith l.all•.11 h ,, ~·:_··~11~1t~l·_:·~·t_l~··~·l~11.'..'.11~cl_!1====-==-==~======~~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~§§§§! PENN'S , Everything to Go, Regardless of Cost or Loss LIVING ROOM SUITES -BEDROOM SUITES -1- 0CCASSIONAL PIECES -MATTRESSES-SPRINGS RADIOS-WASHERS--GAS RANGES--BREAKFAST SETS I FLOOR COVERINGS & SCORES of MISCELLANEOUS (7 All~ •1nal! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT! No Pltone Calls! I I e REDUCl'G LOW TERMS1 FURNITURE SACRIFICE • PRICES SLASHED 20 ... -30~ -~'Jr -50,... AND MORE! _free Deliv•ry .Any Place In OrolHJe C011ttly!