HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-28 - Newport Balboa News Times• ----- hy YOu Should , Vote on TUesdaJ 'J1ae primary elerUoe ..-d ~>· ,_ I. •• ..._ ...., a ~ -• of C'.aatiar; yuur ballot " by fu, ttM-I"'•'"' •takf' I• port h c-h \,,,,.,.._ Th,.y M'll't lolul l'lllWpa. lnr ~...-1 t:.rt \\'. llpt \•u&e. lo tht-optaJua of ,......,..._,,.el fMaa.r rr..IL M. ,,......_ ...,. rWU... t 'or. by.,., do&llC. you •111. unN" qaJn If-I all Uw worW llllalAll,, for •lat .. "'".-"'-U\'C'; C'I>• \\al-. for ... .,. ...-ter. ,...., O.l"dlM!r, .,.. *-I ""Mllu._111111. Hi. alatUUl'Dt ~t"-r9dwr daaa # ' ' • , ..,. ..... ef ,_ ~ U..l ..__.rac-) .. u11 lh,... .. lhc' moat \ lta.I polltlf'a.I lort'I' l• ... '-'~" tcubo•rtf Clanhwr, for ....,......, ..... 11 ..... rlct f'*r. IO<'al Junior t'b.amber of c_,... • ..,...,... mw ___....._,.. w....i ........,, "-e ........ ,... ""°''" allcl l'Mipl!C'tM ..,.,... .....,, l)'pUy tliie .fty l(Ofq ht ..... .,. ..... ,_ wtll .. ,.. .. , .. ,_. .... ..., •l•lt1 and )'Mir naUc... A"' ,_ wtlt ,_,..._ ..,. .... - - "be autt to \'ult' lu.-I". ··-- -Uw llellot .,.,, TUNda~ •Ill at.acl out to NC'W· "--•·•Ubl? tu...,. lu.md la polltka. h ·• el...._..._.., ... .._,"" ,.._,........, .,,.._ .uu ,, ·• ... ,...... ..... , c m l•lft't'9l •f a.II ._ olU-. .. N~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----f Aac ONLY 0 A IL Y NEWSPAl9ER IN OllANGI COAST 'S LA .. GllST CITY J BALBOA -IM.ES ~ 11 A.IL. P&T. Dow ,_. Awr-.- ._.....,. o.. ·--&..A ...... a..- l111lui<lrh1l1 .. 19046 1tn lln ll1 00 66 1ln tllltl•i. :\'\ T!') 1111 \\1lom•· M.),000 11n11 .... 11 .51 .~I ()'.! EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE , NEW·PORT HEIGHTS , BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA Northwat Familll Flee flld voi.nu; XL-----• l"hC' c.-. ..... c...,. --------."SEWroiilTnt:.\('H. (' \l.lt-'OK~IA~ '1'1UDA\', MAY ... l lt~~ UMW P-. A-'h~pl!Dt• ·• ·: 1 !'WOE• - ' THE I ConDned SAND I Services C!~B i Sunday Dittmar,Swain Win .Boat Damage Suit SAM pA\lN(i:' \\'di. it ~·ms as if th<' NE'\\lX>l1 l{(•ighlN'!' a r't'n 't going to get any l)il\ - ing, fol' the prt:.'SE'nt at least. whic h is loo bad a-. tGr; or it.-. citizens seem to want it. You see the Council listened to one or two vociferous mi- nority individuals, alter the)• _ _.. hem ~ to llll9ller .. than 15~ of the Heights people against, and gave them more time to get more protestant.-. to sign up . At least that L-. what transpired at the public hearing and it means that in a few weeks the group "ill be back with perhaps isr;. of th~ opl>Of'- ed, (it takf'S ;,v ; to kill itl and a not h(•r Ion~ wait will be in p1'0<.'e'.'i. l hU." holding up th<' int1icatc work of th<• cngin<'('rin~ dt•pa11m(•n1. In ordl.'r In placat<' th1• lourt voi1·f's 1111• "ih•nt majorit ~ wanting pa\'i11g. mu..;l sufft•1'. 'Tis C'\'t•r l hu~. • • • NPW ~·tiool. L<'a nwd th1• otlwr cla v that t ht• l1wa I Catholic Chur ,·h is plannin~ to C'l'N'I a sch?x1J for its JTI('nl· hc-1~hip's C'hild1i'n in the nol ctistant f11lul'f' anrl that th<• site will IX' on its rnm <'r prOfX'l1 ~· at l :>th strN•t nnrl C<'nrral A wnu<'. At rui--~nl thi" is l<'aS('<I to Tl<'allor J. Miller. Via t hC' AAme under- ground heard lh<it Smith & 1\1thill. Santa Ana morti- cians. will cret't a mortu::irv across from th<' Catholic's 1<>. cation on the onlv rnc-.tnt comer left in that an'a. Also that th<'y will st:u1 huilding shortly. perhaps this year yet. • • + Vo"' TtJMda~·! !'ext ~ day is the first real ~ty and state election this yeM when we go to the polls for the primaries. General Ap- athy seems tq ~ in the sad· die. but it i~ hoped people _ will take tirlie out to cast their ballots for those secl<- lng nominalihn. which in some ca~. means election. Also It might impair your registration. be<:aUSP if you miss one or two election.-.. l.D'lder a recent state law. you must I"<' -rt'giStf>r again. which Is as murh or a nui- sance. if not mon:" so. than v oting. • • • PoHtiC'a.I Turmoil. Jn ttw midst of thi!' turmoil. l'Om - plicatcd by th<' di!'l r<ict ions or an f'll'<1 ion ramp<iign. it b1 import;int to <'XPN"'." 011<'0S feeling!\ on th(' situntinn in modernt<' terms. \\'c shoul<1. I think. rnlmly an<I prny<'r· fullv apprai~ th<' facts. o;o ncarlv al' \\'(' can judg(' t hrro to hE-th<' farts. nm1 fhf"n search for R firm m nrlu- sion in kN'pin,:: wil h our aense or juo;tice.-&c'l"<'tnf"'.' oC StBte ~i;.tc C. Mar-shaJI 1. \ t J~" Raym ond Thomp~on. p1 t'· 1 Tlw c11~1· was t r1Nt hrro r f' Judie sia1n.: J1Jdi;:•· n r thP Oranit<" Count~ 1 TI111mrl!lo 11. •'llhout a jury, a nd ~ur-.•nur •'rn1r1. l.1•! m1:h1 h:uut ·<I t;1,1t·cl fl\ 1 1la) ~. dunn1: whk h ~Mn a N ·f'11011•n m hi\o r or Hwli-llrlh' \31'11\11 .. '""IM·r tii l•'lltlrlrd ror Sunda~. ,., I.: n<wAt. ~f,,.f"Wl ,.rfi ~ l 1111m:ir :inti \,.•11r1:1• S\\11 111. t.11 1 h ,.,1,.s Tlw Ain11worth11 l l:11IK11 ••t 1/in• •II f'•t ~ H fl('>T<· t1orn\#r ""n•r• ••f lh1• t'un /'.on .. t.r11l1i;ht "Ill 11!11·1:1111: tlrnt llwy, :'II• mH1al ''"' 1nhu1. "' rht,yo H<~-i1 1· .. m ri;in). m lh•· <'<tl'C' or Ila~ •·h,1rt1·r•'<I 1tw h11:01 In Jl1l lrnnr nnd "h" h.". :1lr· Mi> an.,., r<.t •ho ,\1n_•"••rth ""ti ~11n:.1r»1 '''"'' S\\ .11n 'pn111 10 ,,,. 1·11mpl..t 1on. who «1111 nl ... '"' '""' I<.> tho tr ~nll'} ""'''h \<. l>111m.1r If.. S \\11111. No\\-n);ri'<•d 111 1·11mpl1·11• th1• bo11t In :-.; .... 1•11 I Jlllrl>ur r 0 .' ~1 ~· , ... ·•f'h. \\ h•·r· in th>' A111--l 11 "'11\\fll'lll\ rn11nn1·r IHHI care ror Am• 11• 11 t,.·cw<lf'I n td ="'•~p<orf 1 "''~•h• •n•'fi l httm:ir 11nd =-'""'"j 'h•• ~nnw 'l•lltm;u und Swntn, RC" n......... , .... , 6'iH;, \"•-1f""T"a'" of '"' Slt>.:;1•1-rnr •ht• IO'l'I c>r !hf' cor1hni:: In plnntifrs . W('rl" necll- F'm 1•11:.1 \\' .,.,.,. tu." )llUtrd 1n .ar · 1 ''"""' :'111'' l~•lt>o1:i, w h1rh l'Xlll• "1· ·1! 1 t.:••n t 111 I h1• ,·nmµh •t um :.nd upke<'p r;in..:ms: 1ho Ncnblnt>d ~~ sn thf h.:rhnr. on AUi("U!tt 4. 1!116.l of it , wh1r h r l'sUlh·cl in thr t'X· ~~-~u ·~~~ ·~ ~t ~ri~ ~•n ~drlN•cl ~~~ ~~1~ t ~ boat to ~----------------.---------~-----------~---~--~~,~;~~~=~~=~=;~~I~~ th<-oceall ft.cl of the ~ b) tht> A1n_uvorth11 t o Dillmar rind <'Ornl.' a IOIRI con11truc tlve lou. 11a..Z.-VPll1 n-.. 1u. '1 B •clta RUSS oou • un mn... l IWM:tt OCUI\ flM'I' 1"hP ~I 5-"ain Dittmar and Swain filed a _.,. Y t[ .J'_ C..... D. A ng ~U &'1' Oa)· srn~ wm w ....,_ u. ina--1"hP court aw-*d Dittmar and Wft 1d..ita... ...._a..:,a 'ENFOD~ MJD EAST -~ 'R HAl ft'af ~ .. • ...... a.. SJ1'IU)O ..... cmta Clfl their COU!'lel' tlalm for '500 the amount llNlllll8 '-All~ n\..I~ • "}\ T nittn .. ctuipl8ia al thr Amrrian cuuntn n.tm. ~ Hurwitz of lh<'y claim~ """" du<' th<'m for ff S ~ion ~talh"ft from lo-Snrpor1 ~at'h, and S amuel Hur· r1111iih1~ lhr bont, and all<'gC'd uge uccess . I.Ah~ S I '1 'I 'I "S M " _... 11 .. 11 .. h l.utol 1111 .. 1 Mnj<11 Aul11•'> 1'31 ("hurrll ~ trill a>optT"at .. wftz, of Oranitl' 1"'t'rr th(' attor-lh:tl tlw~ llU rfc-rro $."l,575 in IO!l.'1 or \'I•'\\.' ..i l'l 'I '1'111' 1'1111"1! Slul" 1111• \\ l·l1a11. 1•1.11•111·p11·-.1111111\1', l•ln"I '" l.la)lnl: f1t1ins: tn lJUU-tn th< "">~ r<'pr~ntm~ n ittmnr :incl conlPmpla tr d 1•amini;ii; du1• t t hr H•·lhoa P u•I 1~' ol 111·· II • \\!•11:111 l•Klll\ lld11111I .• f(q ..... lh• 11111"1> l""l•••ftl .... 1•·11111 mt"mory of 1~ •"ht! tt.a'"' ""' ~"am Thr A1mwor thJ1 wr rf' n •p. 0 bl'lrl th• 1r 111 .l111k' 1 ... 1 1111•111 111 '' •11 l""l"""I 1111.i 1111' l '1111• 11 N11 · .1111u •I """ "'"""'1 111 .. Jo·\\, 1111!1 dc'f'<'Ci full M'f"'K'IP' r,,_ntC'd b)· ttw> h rm of Eckdnle 1rar t that t hr hont "'115 nut 11~ rtw Hrnth Z\·1111, 11.rlll•••tll \\1tll 11 1, .. .,, :0-•·•11111\ '"•1111111 .... 1.1 ·""' '"'"1111i: 1111• 1••l11i•11I "'"'" 1111 C'ommandt'r \"1,,,..'Tlt C'~nn Ir Shallrnbe-rgl"r, admiralty law-I w11rrantrrt. pnrt kul11rly In r1·~11rc1 I 1 11 1 ,.1 .,,.,., 1 hr•.,· I ind ,\, ·•"' 1 .. ''"" t ,,.,,, 11w "" 11111 ~11111 Ii 1 t. .. J\ ""'" lu11, .. 111lu11 kNI of the Le~ pas1 and C""""'3.nd->•·rs n r San P1-drn In 1h1• •'nl:tnf'l'I I•. Ill°( ll i·nr "11'"' • ;\I, 11 .. 111 • ••I 'l•k 1""'"'1111' 111 111••11 \\ ur .. M' MOflU-Gnmrs ol ttw> \.*'°'''"""° - -----h•mdrf'd 1•·riion• I A1111 "' '" •I• I• 1 ''' \\ •II•" II I lo1111 "'"' 1 fi,,t "•" 11 "" 1111• of Forrii;n \\'arc..._.. 'fr• ,.,"1t:m · 'PREDJ~ LIGHT VO 1:11111'1 '"l'I"'· l•t•l•"H·tl Ii~ J\1t•l111 i.,,.k•d '"' s .. 1,.1 '''"I"''·""" 1,,,,1,.,.,,, "•I• 11,i.,1,,,., 1,, 111 .. toi:-r tlwr m N..,,.,,;1;,..,rr, 1f •ti-' \.JI.;:) ' TE JN NEXT 1;,1111:1· (;•ld wll 1111d hli< 1•r1mmll· ht 111>'f•l •l1<• I•• 1111 1\1,.lo••ll•l•••I :-,,,,""' '""""'' , ·'''"'" ,.,11 • .,1 I arr"nS:•'fllf'flh I Tl.' 9 1.. 1nd111i• ti 1111 .. 111..i • '' (111 .. 1 11111 I l•I 111 1 .. "l•I• ,1 1 .. 1 , 1 .. .,,. 1 "," 111 d • " l""•I••• 1 h .. ~:~:;:~ r~. ·:.r .. :71 ·,· .... ::·r,~n ·::,; ESDA y s PRIMARY ELE(llON ::·:::;,~" c::t 1':~11.:'.', ~.:1'.'.~1 ·:·;:1111!:~1 :·,;:" ,;~:,: ' .. ,· ·11:::,:·:: .. 1"::::::··,.: 1:'."111 ' , •• ~.:··1,'1','.,,'";;1,~·,;1 :·.' .. ,.'~: "\'. ,.;·~· ,', ltu "1•1~1" Hf 't f;11 1• •• ,:.,. '•fl• '"i !',\(it.,\:\.tf::"T••. ~tu \·~~ t l"P'l ~uul i h,•llf••· h il111f appl1r atinn"" d1111 11 ' ,.,,,~·Ut11•,l .ill ,.f 11 . .r plll""' 1111• \\uqld 1,1 t.111ri1 if ••l••I f•,1, ... 1,,., ,,. ,.,,,,,,It\\ urut •• ,, •• 1t .... ,.fll'"" .. ' , ... \ ~ ....... '-4 f"ft ftt\ nr !'•1t•. Fr~nk ,, :1r·· "" f1\1r IJl•'\lt lll ... ···uup,.r1t1l1 ot•1n•f, ,,, 1h11 .... , .11111 \ •• ,.rt ····l•I ,.,., .. ~ fl .i1. ., •• ,., .,., .. I ,,,.,., J•fUI ,,. '"" ,,,, •• ,,,,,, \\1•lt1 .... 1 ...... ,,i t _..,, ·:-•••.· .r J•rrf1n ''"'bl pnc1ir t1 '1 a ·r1 J.,.t , .. ~~ h\ ,, tfut• ,_..1,111 in:trl:tli "''· 'l\\t• ',, .... "' •• ''' 11 11U'11·1 t•t••til I 111t111•11l1•r1 11 t1\ttl•' ,,,l.,. •• n " t ,.,,, • ..,. ,, = •· ·~ r •,,, l\. h ·hr . ,,,,, "''' h· , .. ,\o, h \ =ntt · !' ;, , in1• ot11 i·nu111\ r·l··r k · .. it' I t.11t.-... 1,.' "' .. , "'" 11\1' tJ1• •d ,11t'• 1·1••tn l ltt <1 •• 1 .,• .. rr.n• 10 "'" T11fl~"'l\",,.ll1••1•••·d1o l•d1111 .. •11l:ilw111t 11 1 11 1'' ~1l1\ll 11\l'l'()I'• KL,11) f>L'I ~tJnd f\ • "'•ff .c•:. i'".,. r· , ••.. t. dd)o ;tlw1ut lM , .. r ("'I '' r1t .~ It.,,,,' t In" qf f111 t .,... •u111u.1t \ ,,( •I' • \.I I ~.,l, ' ~ ' : \ ) \s. . r~ " )(', )8 (o11rm "'''' I J•.·· ·-,, .. "• t 1;,I r•i.:1,1r:i1t1tn J11 ol I"''"" 1 .. , "l'lol\1n1· I"" i\11 111.1•11 lo .\l .. 111• '·'''' I""'• ,~l'l,l 'A'l,I()~· 'I,() t>L: (,'()NL,, IN 'I"() ("1h 11 ·t .. t1 \:1 ,1,f't , .. , 31 r d in d 1•f''j•1nt,f1 11pot'' 1h1' .1.'•I•' :1h ... •tll•• :q 11 ,1u·all••tt"'" tit• 1111 .t•t t111~-u ''" t~1 11 ,~ l, >r.. r: t! t•r~"'''''.. '"ff••,.,,, f,r .t•""•OI•• h1ll11f'"-1l11k :-·t.•d 11t :-dw11tf "'''"''' tt· It''• 1 .f Tlw J unlur • 'h.ulll.,. "' < ·111n, .... ,,... •·.t•> .__..4 t hnt tit•--.· 1k1111nc tr....-. l1tth"1 to th• t••ll" J~ I ... ,. l'All Ufll Hf lhr foHtN'IQC - 1""'11 111 llM 1r \1<•1ntt ) .... • car Wiii hr~ l'.• "1•1r1 II• •• 11 IC..r Jt'71 I ·11rn11n 11< I Mur Har T...'1'J. l\11llW>.t1 11.Jor 11."f.J f\1111••11 i..1,.11it . flat .,_, M tri;1 I• Mil•• •rnd l\t \\ 1••1 I I I• 1l'l1h fir• -,~(',~ 40~ TODAY Pick Up }Ian After He Tries to Ask Lady f .-r Bus Fare •r 11• ""111 ii 111 • 11111111" 1 nl I lu 11111111 .. 1 nf 1·1111 1 .. ri111n~ , II n11r r•r•1f11 \\ 1 111 •l· l••ll ' \\ ,. ' r. rn11 t'tf1•... ~tl•lt• ,,, \•11•· 111 '"'' Jlr lfn;", 1-.. "''''" n1<tr•• ~1tnd "111 I· 1 111 1 '-.i'' r ti 1:1 id •I ''" fl,. '""'' .. 1 11 1• "" 111 '"" 11111 1 ,._1 H ~c NIHf".kl" •t.. ... _,. 1,, d 1•1 111 "''""' t}l1 k• Ip' tOltu1· ,, a11iun d o .... ,....., ... ,., .... ~ In ft r' I"'' n1• •n'-. II• '''"rt" t:••·•"'' 111 ftt ... t••I\ tt.~\~l~t th:111 \\'f•c•utiltl h1\1 ,.,.,q,, ft-,. ,-. r• , .. "'''' ;.en l"HlOL: t11 lw I"'' '""co \\i~P" • ,·" '·"" ,,,,r •h•• ;\l•m•1r1ol ll11t ,Jmtlin '·t•d 1,. 1i .. r1 '"'" r 11\. t 11tl , •• I tf1t1iht 11 jl '-lt_'fHlf•'" t Ii• f k 11n· ,, • Pf • • l•·t'lt••U ,,. ••• line t .,~,.. n• • \,twr1 ~"• • ~· r. ,, =:tr 111'1 lluntan~·• .. n f'<1tl. rr .n -.., r. t • tf•r .1 .. ~u·n tnr•1• .... 1 11r • t-, r tr· "' , ,,. \ •• ,, , ... R• r•1rr• lrnm :-::in Fr11m '", i.rr.•t•d 11~ l4•h" \•~i·rtS...) .. nt11 • • ™" k·-<l fttt mt··~< ... '"""" Gives Lindy I I f, ,. "' 1w ><•~ UJJ ;af-.T .-. r• J"'" ·I • r<•t'C'I\ ,'(j from )In ~ Lava-I c~ec11t for s:n1no ''''"' P...au..,-•t ,.._• ''at..,f th<' ~ .. n h:.tt ra.1i.-d a• hi~ oo.-Atomit Research 5C:'l"k rni: 511 tx'flU ft1r buf far.. Sho I calh-d pal1""· l><'<'a._. ho> "a:.4 1n-I IOlOCllted. St•~ 1,. pk a &<d sruJlt)' an nt) rourt t hiJ> morrunJ: and Judg• Harry B lo1b:11" llnf'd tum f 20 tK four da~'l'I rn rount)' Ja•I MuArthur Spurns Return RequeSt As 'Politia' u '··'''"'l"" '''''""••I ttu ,1u t1 Juul "·'' un:1ld· '" l1nd .u\\ r r• 11 .,, ,, 11 ,, tft •h· . It,., l11tl • I COUNTY, COIN ~LUB URGES MINTING OF FRACTIONAL MONEY Goldsborough , Extends Rail 1Strike Ban I• •I t '• f I,,. 1111 1.J I ••ft1 , ... , \\ 1•ull111 " 1d'f!l 1111 I f t t d1 lql lo ii ,,J t, I •' I ,·.. • , , t hh I \• f I h I hot· f JI• \'1 11Jt f• Ill I •I I I 11 111 II 111 j t II lo I 1 I t•lil• !11 111 ,,,, t''' •'•·ti I h• ~1 .t. 'h 11t1t .. , t•I uf l h tt ~ .... , ~ -~ ......... te '' ~ti• •I 111 .i n •. '''' .,,, •• , .. u tliuttut IS ...,....,..... • ... I""' di d111u· 1111 i, .. ._, ,11 , , .. ,,, fl :Ml I' rn. \ •''I'' .. * ... ..... '' '"'1 niil 1 t.., th, 1 ''1"" • 111 r i1hl out •• I 11 If \1·.rif· '. ' II' ... f ft " 1111\ d1 t111ttttl h\ ttu -.1i,.1tu•;• .. 1 11 i. ·11 ,1 s 1.,1. , 1"""'", 1111• l~MIDI'.: '''' ,J , .. ,,1 l•••ulh ~·t\h1i·•F11n "I l.urut .. 1 t '•• 11•.d ........ 1 'ftH .f1 I 11J ttf fltt l 111d11U'lli 111 at "'"'' ttf ~lf '\t •,, '1"•' .,r ... ,,..,,11 ,•11ttf• •r1 1tt1•d '" Ut\•"'-1 1 tturt .. ,r Ill•>' f'lu h o•••• ',., •I•• '• J'•' ''''"' 1111 lh' l ,., th• 111 •••11t ltu·k ••r •-ftltil•• ~~-• ~1•·11 11 "'' .. l lUH h•1t '''"'"''' ,• t 't1.1 1td11 I , •••• , t • ltl :..; ,, 1h I I t. It • ' If 11 1, •• , •••• ~. ;.! II• t 1 .. ,.1 ... ,,.,, 11 lui. ~···· IPt1 I ....... , ,· .. u·r· ..... ''l-•"fl t 11 \ \\I 11 fl n•J' 11111" lt1 f "' \I" ti Iii"" 'lo ,,., ,,,,., ,,, '""""''' lt.1 d• '• ••• ' I ' • ,, , I., 1 ltt• -,, '"'•'• ~ ... ltffJ t)' : ... ..,. 1 '11•11• II ll1yl<l111.: '" t•• 1 .. I .. •II• d •-d' -Pq -.:.....--. BaD Clul Day 'l'be ptta ' Balboa Bundq ftcia1a I Wit.Ill NAYRl ~ eardanc and nm -= ,,. I Offld pm ch. • for nn. $prct be aval ftak~ , tJw ~. Meda I marks < -must pi theee n 'J'hta Nt1ft .. tJw Rh .me b Golf. Tom Ope1 LOS' -Goiter ... ~ 1.m An, tl'7 club ._t foe 8tata ( Of l} ber'e fa OBI>' 25 I Jlfa tlanaJ ...... .. tJw .la .. .-o Amon, --.n un .. SnU -.Gee ~ I 6inaJd s Oradntt, JDrtrwoo Md Will r R 11 I I ~ • - '• . . THREE GALA DAYS · at BALBOA Fun (ind Recr~ation for Every M_ember ol the Family \ Bt/l/JO(J Inn Cale Table D' Rote Dinner Sea F~d Bar F owl Tt'~R\' AT THE PIANO ~ lit. L I. L -~ TELEVISION AT TJH: SATURDAY SU~DAY MOIDAY MAY 29TH MAY 30TH MAY 31ST BW«; tk ~ 'd/.a4 and Enjoy the Many Deli'1ttul Recreation features TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO MEET YOU ON lk Fun Zone " Take A Ride Out On The Ottan RENDEZVOUS BALL ROOM Presents: IKE CARP-ENTER SATURDAY MAY 29TH SUNDAY MAY 30TH Sunday Dancing Starts at 8 o'clock I I #->-, I- ;._, .... ~ ~ ~ ..... Blue Room In The Largest .. Newest, Fastest u Dancing Cocktails Full Course Dinners Charcoal Broiled Steaks . . Swim irl "the Jay DRIVE MOTOR BOATS S.\11, BOA TS HO\\' HOA TS PAIUlU: UO,\lms Hav .-runt A Palm Str1•1•t .. Hnlhoo · Phnnr i i Opal k South Ha~. lmlhon Island l'hnnr i '.! VALLELY BOAT RENTAL ............... -~, I ..... CURIOS SOUVENIRS JEWELRY AT Speed Boat on The Pacifit Coast MISS BALBOA $1 .1 S including tax DINE IN ··THE PATIO ROOM The Grey Goose Cale 501 Edgewat er on the Bay Dinner from 4 p. m. fin 10 p. m. A La Carte Service 8 a. m. -I 0 p. m. BEER AND WINE See Bo/boo Bay IN A U -DRIV_E MOTOR BOAT · · (\\ii h ratlio I • Pedalos -Paddle Boards -Umbrellas OJtl"•'ih· Cirt·~ (tlM•'-4' ( :1 11· Tiil .... -1"1>-l"'"' .. , a,11)111 'ftlfH Mfl ...... noH1' • t• ilil •ft I• • '.-n•fll'r• ,,. ....... '-Ii.', Mn·~··• "'"'''"" "' ... ~.....,-u .. c "J'.,.. ft t q• hf f hu I· '' ............ •• • .... '"'"""' •• ''" •-..rt11 •..-of' 1tw ................. ... u,.,.~ t "' • It •• • ._. ,,., Uv '""h I"' ........... ... \\ •f• h n1 ttut '~· "'' 4ltte et •t1n1 ..... ,, ... .,,_, See The Sights Rent A Bicycle Sail and Motor Boat Rental McNaJ¥. PIER Free Par~ing with Rental 705 BAY FRONT Phone Harbor 406 Swim the Ocean TAXI SERVICE fyerywhere .. 24-Hour Service Phone Harbor 320 CIRCLE TAXI .. Page 2 NEWPORT BALBOA NICW8-TIM~8 FRIDA l' Sl'wporl Bf'M'h, Calif. May !8, 19-ta ND Harbor Boys' \ 2 1 Club Nears 500 I FRONT Membership r A G E l Th<· ll11rlior An·:i AP>'' l'lllh al I A R L y ~·' :'l!Psa lm•ks only ,,,1 .. nt,.c·n E • • • • I rn1•111ltc•r"" 11( l'•·,u-h1111.: ;,i t .. t,tl "" 111• I N • E • w • s l lwr~l1111 uf !"l<JIJ 1111 th•· t11 ~1 .111n1-I. 11•r ,11r) •·f 11s ,.,., ... ,w•· 11•"" Juno _ .................. ___.___..,.,_,..,.,_,. __ ...........,_, l. ;ind 1t •~ ,m tw111r1to•1I th 11 tli. W Nd t A ~)! ~, rn11rk \\ 111 "" n ad•·" 11~ th.ii • c; wpor ssn. da~~ unm>uru··d .. rr."'"' '''"··~a~ To Meet June l; 1111') pninh·•I nut tllllt 111•'11111\ r<h1~1 To Discuss Water 1s now 4R3 bm ~ fn1111 x 10 IHI ye11r:1 or. 11i::c" ,,·,· .. rai.:c• 11t 1o•nd:ori<·•· l\kmlJ<'rs of thB \\£4.•~t ~ .. ,, l••rt Rt th{• club h11s l)('('n 110 ~)S 1•ad~: SC'ach lmprol'ement asi.on11ion day. !llX clay!' :i "'"'k . Sii..t~ ·~i:s w ill itntlll'r for a r<'gular m ... ling nwmlot•rs hal'e . :ilready renewed at 8 II m. June I m th{' aud11111 1um tht•1r nwmtxorsh1p for un11th1 r >••a.r of thc Newport B<>ach Cranin~or 'tin<'<' :ill mC'ml••rsh1ps •·~111n• Jun<' I :whuiol, m"eording to (" H. p, ,H'h, llrst I a<'I m i.: pn·sid<·nt. Nc•w junior membC'rs in the past Ausm1•ss will lnclud<' a sprrrh 1~1'1) "''''ks arc Jatn<'S l<yk. Bobby by Judge J. B. Tuckrr. nf ~unta l'\rwland. Glenn Ja<'kson, Roscoe Ana. wh11 will clist·uss tho• 1·otinty l.1·w1s, Claude Sl\•\l•ns. T1•rr) wat<.'r situation. Rai::an. Lyle• Babi, Russel 1 lanson, OHi<'l'rs proposed by the group's Donald S<'lby, Eddie Berry, J1mr:iiy hoard of dirrctors ''ill bf> rire- lkrry and :\like H ayes. Nl'W m-S<'ntl'd and additional nominations tC'rmC'drnt<' mi:mbers are J::ddie will he aCC<'pted from th<' floor DeLoi;:<'. Edward Shafrr and Jim Peach said. as the assoc·1a1lo~ Cr('(!nway. Ra Y mo n d Lou\'1er, seeks to Sl't up a pcrmant>nt list Ornrl<'s Cheell'y, Jl'rry Blue, Jerry of officers. Lingo, Leon Caldwell and Bill De· Loicc arc new Senior members. U. S. COMMUNIST Plans are now being formed for con tests in summertiml' activities. BOSS ISSUES D.EFY Jr <>nough 'of the parents \'Olunteer WASHINGTON, May 28-IUPI their help two or more• hours .each -William Z. Foster, the nation'• werk. it is pla nned to ha,;e the top communii1t, said today th c club 01>en more hours during the Communist party would ddy a summer months. The present House-approved bill to curb com. sc·h('(IUIC' is from 3 :00 to !1:3() and munist and rrfuse to r<'gistC'r. 6:30 to 9·3() each day •'XCl'P' Sun-Foster told the commitlrt• that day. The Club is open a ll day tht• Communist party tx•ori< no Saturday, also . e mans roU1 C'ariC'ature·· the Mundt-Dixon Do you want to 1eU It T Adver· mPasure g11·<·s to the party's na . tis. In thew ~umna. lurr and purposrs~ FOREST LUMBER CO. HEAD JIOST TO GUEST LIST Of 90 AT :N.H.Y.C l!.1) n111ncl R \\'h1t1•. Kon~a~ l 011> l11tllh• r ly<'oon. und llf't•<:1d1•n1 <•f ~fac!"<·••. (\1rt Prtll\\'ll7, Wol<nn, I 11 1 ~ ('«nl1·~ :.ntl R uh 1• r 1 D. Burn, IF.1111,t l.11111l1o·r ('11 S .mla Ana. ";" 1111 .. r111111n11111 1• .1tl) \\tl h 11n,1I 1-=.==....;=======~ pl;on' 111 l.111n1·h f•!Jllllf'l'<l\\ ~ lllt:: l'Plt h1 el111n :ti 1hP s,.,,,., ~\n.i \.1Ht following :1 p:11·1.v hl'ld 1;,,1 111)!1'1 for "111111 •ij1 1.:11•'''' .11 1111· -'•'\\f•irt 11 •• 11 .... \'.ll'ht t h1lo t • 'fh1 •H 1-.1-..t••n '' 1 ht ~· t•un.S an· 111\c·r,:on f.,r \\ 11111 ' :'anl.1 ,\n:t I I firm · I \\hit•. \\IHI I" .1 11w1111!1 1 nf lit• ~:il'l11 duh lwn·. "II' 11 ..... 1 ,.,. " n. ;\td<1•(•, .Jr . \ ~ .• :.Pl'•'"•rl••nt I. nr Fwt·~t l.tnnlll'r < '11 : i'lenry B Cr11ndin. trc•asun•r : C E F'ortm '" ~1'n<'ral managl•r : G1•nrgl' <~loui::h. Cliarlr~ McCurry. \':oy ('nur• nt'}. R . .\ T immons, \\' F R<'"dt•r . J 1 (" :'llurrny. l~ R Olm~l l'llrl. ~: ,\ T odd, J:1mc-s Haydl'n. all employ1•s <Jf Fon•s1 Lumbl'r Co . • ,\ll1~nn Jlnncr. Frc•d N. :\IC· C"anrll1•s. V. J. And1•r<<on, Glr·nn R:1i l·,~·. Gnrla.nd 0 . Ra ni!(, Lyle We Can Now Convert l'uur l're.wnt 1 ~ Harbor 258 Les Nott Electric 2821 W. Cen tral Ave. NeWpOrt BeM-b Bl~~'"""· G. N. \\'t•lls .. Jos1•ph J . ===========~ C:1lh1•rinn.l'A. C C'lem1•nl''". Rich-r- nrd D1t1m;ir. Richard S D<mald- ~•ln, \\'l'!lh•y Farm•y, Gordnn B Fmrll.1y, A. 11. G1•rhardt . l n m r.1•11r1:1• GClrdon, H11rold F \\'al- 11Pnt11·ri.: . .\lax 1 lai:an , Lou K1li::ort'. C'h:os. P llaup1•rt : ,\ L. ll11ywnrd. I·. J Kastnr ( i p 1.rirlrl. G A l\ll'Kinlil". \V r.1 :\l,.aly II T ;\ton:an. Rny ~I•" 1-mC')l'r, FlnHI Sn••ll, (' :'It N<'\\'- lnn, F A P;iap. E I:. Pallersnn. Ralph S1·h1•nr k. Al \\'illrnms. A. P . H.1rrrt1,.-R.alpti \\'1lli11mi<. \\'alkr I In :'111'11111 t. J!(1n11•r E. .\lo•ltott' I .\tarru!I I' South, :'llr l'np" 1F1•1• T:i~lor1 . llomrr L•·i:::oey. \\';il!l'r l .1 :\tarkrol. B••rt I 111rr. I l11i:h c · 1 :'lt:ir~h:ill, :"1·\\'f'll [) ;\kl.1•nn · l.n\H·ll 1; :'lh I.• an I I• 1 h \"mmi:. \\' n l'alm .. r . :"11111 llun1 1. .... Pd,..1< P.w<, A lll·n H l kr'<hi•y. ll11 ·k llrak•'. ::>t.inl1•\ II l11ot1•<, A :'II l-'1L"'· l.~nn ~111rl11 , 11.1111 ll• .1df .. 11f. II in I •'"1;1 11, H.dph (\ I l\ .. •1 ( ·1\11 .. F" 1: \, \\ I· I 'l \1•11. Fr ink \\ ,~ (' \\' I It,•\\ 11. (' 1rl \],,., 1·-•·r I! .. I• l•11k :-'1111111 'tr \111• 1 r ...:~PJh' '' 11 u1 'f \' f 1· \t n ·t1t:11..; \1;t:STS .11111 ~ 1,1, <I II•,, \\ 1 ·I .. 1111 k F0 •Ill..:• r l~un I~· I 11n ltl<, .l I! I •n.f• 1 • "• 1• \\ 11 111111 .. n \\ '"'"" 011 I-I •1o f..,', '''· \\ 1•1 JI Fol· 11111 ,\111l01lld I ;l,.\ll ,111!111 l.1p 1111 RE-BOTT0:\1ING SllOF..S RF.PAIRED \\lflI,E l ' WAIT F.'<t4'f'l,.lon11 -Cn'Pf' ~le. Corrrc:t1oa.. -Orthopedic \\ork -CO<Jlf SOll'tl Fnot C'ornlort-RemndellnK Our ~oUo:.....: "Xothlng lmpcw.lble" 2002 W~t Ct-ntraJ St:WPORT DF.ACH RICCI ARI SHOE SHOP I '{:(.Purity I i:r Accurecy i:r Dependability DrlnK your J>Tt'9Crlptturm I.to UA with <'ontldf'nce. \\'e ha,.,. bull& our rP11utallon u JIF'N'rll1tlun, !la--l•ll"t". We alway• UM' Irr~ •tf)(>k" of hlah,...I quality ln1trf'CI· '""'"· Our 1•hArmacl<1h are hl1rhly Aklll<'d and rxpt'rlC:nN'd. DALH0.4 PHARMACY NE\\TORT PllARMAC'f RAMPTON IJA&BOB DRUO EARNSHAW'S A880C'IATED SERVICE • GAS \.f:EDOf, • l.llJRICAtlOS • WASH rousn 26th an,J W. Ce~tral New port Beach Pi<'k 1 · p and Df-llnry HARBOR J 406 rt >n II: m 1r h, 'h ·a ·y 's l'- \S r. •n it ') ., e a I• .t G !.I n I• , , J I, I. * HARMAN W. NICHOLS Woman Realtor I \.\',\SJ llNGTll:"', !\l,1~ '..!7 1 l'1'1 ,,,. .1 d .1rk 11111-,.. m th" nu1111n.;! * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON ll111.l \\\11o•I• \I\\ rn i• h1 \ \\ I " !SY,\\'POUT RAl.ROA NF.WS -TIMES 't IUll \\ '''" 11orl "'''"'"· C '•llf. lll•~ t ll, 19•11 ----- Pace 3 -John L u '\\ I!< I :>Ul'l"'"l'd lu "Ill u hi/\' "''" n Fnda~ "1•ar a lwttrl of l'oal. \\'I'll, 11 "(;, 1 111,11 ho) o n 1ti.· l•hon• mus1 ~ m ad1• or sufl 1'\l.11. lt.11 k, II t ... " I> 1u " h1r. ,1 J11nd 1r. And Husband Push Phillips fampaig-n C~l lh~ 10 I'• I l 1-1 f1'"'11•1,bh ~ ,,. , '"'u.,.h 11\ t h+· ,1,1u11 I 11 • ,, h• p ,, t11 r ''1111t1h l.1' l h" '' 1 , ... ,1 \\ I.,. It •• " lh. ',,, '"' , .. ,.,,,. I ~ I\ J h 1 l 11 ,, 11 ' I •• 1'" t Ith ht '11 "\ H e likt•i. ti<.'0(11". P11r111•ul.11b h1:; ullu••· · Tdl him Iv 1'\~n1< h· t • ~ 1\J.-...d..}, llftrn.1r) ..: r ," kids. Bui m on· ahou1 11\1• hum.in 1111111' l111111 ly And' 1f lh' "'un 1 d..• rwan'T' '"" s. ,.1,.n j\. 11 t• 1, .,, 11Jdc o f the' nc\\s 1111.l'r. , 11, 1dl l11m 10 w:.11 I II .. o ''" <k-ntl' \0\41 rt ,,, """" n '· 111.:r• ~" F or Yl'IU S, lhl' mml' umon dud ''" 111111 m.tn 1•1u.111.., r1 1 .. ,..,1,, I). 111 r Ry LA.\\'. has been known around U."' "''"!.-A '"" m1nUtC't; lat•·r. r dul. \\ho t•~nt>' and f•lllt" .. n )• tr• 1 • ..t ·~ 1 m ns rl 1• k A 101r,111····r '"'"'''' lhrr•u.:h N••\\· J>8p.·r Cl Y ruo · u ,.,.1,. 11rn ·. l!l>t'!' 111 ..i·hool in l\(•nhJm, k.~ • ""'" ,..-J tho 1r '1•"' 11 11 tu• ~ lni;. hard·ml!'l'd, lhundi-r·111n..:11•·d , · ".1lk1•d 111111 u •\\1S' uf1 1t:•· n ,;111 d 1u .. ,.,, r 1s tht m<"'1 1•11••ri on• l•'rt ~ .u·h 11" '"1"'r rl<t)' and fri'<lUt'nll~ (;1'111\ fl'lll'\\ lit• 1hrtlUl!h 1111 !Ill' 81h·nddnhi "•lh ,,j ,.II th. h""'<I'\> "'h) ti., m•'.l\T;'ll~ It,• 1'oll1\I' In llr1~k . l.•olon.: Oj)li· was so guod at du1·kms;: 1111• 1it101ll· Ilardi) tt qlll'Sltun ai.k•·d I :and fkpuhh,·<tn• ,,1i.., •h .. uhl ,, , f ml>lh 1tnd ~1 .1rh-d 11ut hurrlt-d. gTaphl·rs ul1er 11 s1•ss1011 w111' 1111' "I'm .:lnrl t o St'I' vuu. )t1uni; h•r htm Juno 1 , i.~111.111..: "''rn1••I conl 01lf'rator~ tlm1 llw tw~1 .. 1to1 0111~1 ... smrl J ohn, l'rack;ni: a ,.11111, '.\I ~ 1.1"}'1 t ~•\.-1.uwl r• .1t,1r 1 >\• Ill' ".1~ 111.,ul t o s14'1' off thl• shu1ll'r-d1c·kers l'WUld l:•'I "llS . 1 undt•rsiand , ou oul 10,.,-d 1 ti• .md m" m t•, r ,., 1tt" '.'··"'I'"' t 1 hi I '.•nin>ul.1. ;i nw111h•·r ••f 1111' a !<hado~· uf his h:1t•k Slrlt' In i•lhtor ktd!! 111 s~•lhni; du" n !hi h' I Rt•:i,·t> J ,./ln rt.11111~-t •r ·< "·n~rt •' Ch.imt>('r uf 1 ·.111111wr•'•' >hll'lll'fi front or '"!por1 an~ p<'O!Jll', hi' call-, 1 u,;,•d h> l1<· pr• II) twnd) ...s 8 Ctmu"\ltt• .. • fl~t n, r '.\Ir Ph1lh1~ t11111 .rnd a~k·•d ed John NllnC't' <.111rnrr. lhl'n lh•' S(X'llcr m}'lK'I{.. t ••'f'lt) >•a~ ar:o .md h• r bu·•· "r.f.l'fi' you Ilk•• 1111r flur rily !" vice pr .. s1d1•nt, 11 "lallor-h:1111n.:. Jl d 11 1 .• nc••.,•·11''\rtn.'T ttu_<J ... nt1 kn•"' h1m1• . ·1n·"·.1, .. ,,,,1,,,, 11-11• s1r11n•·1•r . " 11\\ ll )'VU Sp..' '('&lit(' )l>IH ~ '• • h' ' • " wh1s k}·drmk10i;. pok1·r -pl11~mi; k rt II t It I "h•·n th--1 ·cmi;r•-._~m.1n s honw i"llul ,,,11 .-1111 ~ •• ,. ri•ahl\ r.1r the evil old man." 1 ''" .,. ll' ini: 1 yuuni.: '") '" •as at Ha nmn..: and lah•r. •·h··n n •:ill l~S .. ' ' • Out not so man) hours ni:11. ~.~''' ~poris Jtn •k•·t and ~··llu\\ >hirl )tr l""'' 'nd ""' m th, r1·al ' ' ' __ John (..('WIS rd11x1·d. I g111 must rhat s lhl· '"'rd 1 """ on ••ldlr 1"1.•tno ., m 1)n1;1no Thr l 'nt.-s.~. 1·1>n<'• rnm.: 1h1· 11hon· J<1k1'. "'' ft<'\'l\t' I.!~ prvh'SIS fn>m "'' R1L•1"""~ ,\•~•><'1111 1111\ll. 1111 '°""'· ""'I kn••" ~::-:111 .1;-.;i-:s 11n•11't or th<' stor y Crum n small fr11•nd ':"uw . no .. :· saJd Lt""u" i;1out: Lt•\t·h~ h,.', k•pt up th•• of his. l..<'w1s hllfllll'm'<i tn rt.'ad m 1o·nni; a 111111'. "l t s U....-11 a ho0i: rT"Wncbhip. h> "'"""'-l•>ndo nn• :iml 11n1· or tlw Kt•nlUC'k) JllllJC'rS Wlll'r1• 11111• l'·••·l·1t·I Wini 1hm1; ur pl'f'S('flal "''"'"I •10<'>' ,.,,., "''"'''' orw Puul E&l:llnl, n~1·d J.1 . uf t lar-1111 lwr. IAXJk l11•n '. l JUi.t t t111)" 11u1 11•-r•• "" ~·au «i:" tun county, Kl•n1ucky, in 11w hl·arl 1)11• t.1i: "ords I don'! ha\'<' to "Mr Ph1lltlJ!f' 1• ~ '!'"'' '" h•• of 1he coaJ til'ld.~ down 1h1.·11., hndl km•\• 111"' t o i-111•11 'l•tn '' 11 .. n-•n.al rh.ti-.t«l•r ;\I· IJ''"I '"'' knock<'d O\'t•r 35.000 olhrr k 1dsj "All 111;111." smd P aul r1;.J111ng told 1h, ;-.;, \l'S Tm.•' " in th»• p11l llnio: Ur•111:tn1. In a s pdhng llt•1• h• hilrl 1h1· u1tp1•r hand, "h••" 1•f Ill' .. •-rk In l••lh. tu ... lru,I· A ll 1.n nil. th1•11.:h. 11'~ l1t••·n 11 Paul, the nollc<• said, was in ''"""' '11h1")ncra~y·~.. -.vt th1"'-.. i:n•"' ••n ~·~· 1nd hi• pl•·n•:inl ",, k \\,• iot•ri-u1tdo •rl ·was hingtup on s po nsorship of 1h•• 'l'lw min" ho!;s flddlro w11h 1ha1 l1kah1ht' \\' 1 \' 1 1 1 11,·nr for K 'II 'I' -· . ··~ 1 rn nton n1) ,, < •' • , nox\'1 I', l'llll,, Ntlws-S<'nt11wl 'o m• for a mmutl.' or so and foul1-d! Mr" lfll· land. fwnn u ni: up ltw 114' 1 1 1 1 . m or" A FEW Of OUR HARD TO · GET ITEMS Bottled In Bond OLD GRANDAD~.,, ... 1611 I. W. HARPERS F1fth 1611 ---OLD FITZGERALD F'Uth Straights BELMONT mths411 Pint 1311,z-Pt.1111 SEAGRAMS V.O. $5.35 Scotch BLACK & WHITE OLD SMUGGLER FUth nm1 1511 1511 PLENTY of CAN BEER -Eastern & Western FREE DELIVERY ... PHONE BEACON 5!90-W "'"k ul ,,,. J•~n l 'h1H1p•·i-',1r· 1 pre'!'•'n . a NI~ . an) . (• • ... ..11 fl<'"~·fl:.ch quo 111·~ (rum lhl' flu\· vnt:r•'~ < Ufl\111111• • • :a "-" • • Q :'\ I II think ''"' nf 11• r. allll'M h:t IW'f'n ·~i.: ( <'rfl'l>llo•nd1•nt. I' .• •14 I ... thP rrs:n.onsc ,>f .. ,,m.~n. 0.-mo· ~i"odi. 1 An1I "~· 1lo-ntl•'fl nrit 111 ..... nd R -·• 1 Th r ~t nwn111•n G11<1., t .n" 1h1~ "••••k 1 •Tall• a .,,...,,"an • ir~ • l dut) of nt'T) \Otn. m .. n "" wu- 1 man. i. ''" takt• at t.•a•I om· wo- man to th.· pnlb •ho •llht·T"' 111t• m1~ht nQI en. 90YearOldWoman Honeymoons With Farm Hand of 37 MOl\"A, S Y . MA\" Z1 -1t :P) )In (1an'TIC'f' )Jc("_.-, 90. WU on a honr)TillXon toda) a nd saad sh<> dlJt"""'' C"llT(· 1f ltW')' t:.k" tw-r o ld a.:<" po-nsw.in a• 3)' t)O'('aUSf' lliw- rru1rTI1-d " 37-}rar -old f a r m -.urk<'r ·Td ratht'r ha'• " )ntmg. lltroni,: man. I ti.an a f""T\Sl<)n an)' ""> ... 1 .. 11. ..,td '.\Ir< )kC.-. t.~•'ft at !hf' 10· •'<'fll <.t .. r• n nc 'hllf•-d on tw r l•on fml!<T h) h<-T rail. 1;an1:1tn1: I hu,t ... nif in tho •• lilt1n1: "''r"mfln> I in ;, r .-d 1.,.K'k rhurf'h ht•n • )l'51f·r · da) An11th1•r hr11:ht n o11• wnll thnt Shak1·i<po'11rl' !11dn'1 111rn "IP Thi' ml.l':<mi:: rah 11nd ctrl\ t•r . In whk h . a nd w11h whom, hi' d1•Jwtr1NI did rr-App'&r. how1•\ •'r, in llalbon Parkln1t Lot. nnfl W I' rullhPd ovrr to in,·nt i1tatr 11\(' dr(\'l'r wall 8 !l"Orry Bljtht. ll'prawlrd In th(' midi<t of a rol- laP1'4'<1. "TP<'k1-d cttla. No on~ !>f'<'mc'<i to ht-nhlr 10 1trt l'tll11'r to movr "\\"hat's I hr 1'1f'f17" W I' ask<'d. ''I'm wailing rur th<' Strtll' 10 t akl' m l'r ," tw sF11rt, "nnd l'Ond1•mn. 10rhu1m1: 1 h<• •'llh Thrn 1 hl' rom- plln) nnd I s pl11 thr tnkr,'' Hr t1idn'1 knn\\ wha l had hr- N•m•• ''' Shak1..,pt•arr wtwn• d~ 1 ho· man h\ f' • 11111 r1•mt•111hr n •1I. "II•· d111n'1 hkf' llw WU} I r1•1•i1f•d llnmlM'i; ~nltt("l'I~ " A dr1'o'n 1111: ""> lo i:••I ll hln1•k ryr • \\',. r1r·c·1drti ;11;:11n nnl lo nw n· 1111n r.1lda r.rn~ lkr1·'i-o111 11r>r• lo111·fl """'•'l'\'al1nn ""Our T """' !\11111) .. r u11r .. ,,.,.,.t~ ft\IUt: ... _\U. ('\t:"\~~d . .\~ d 1Ar" 1"1\t-d \<till nu ml1•n•u•n" 111 1:.1~;'11~ •l 'P • )Ir" ~-""r lall 1 'ldtio:io n • t r .. ,,.ctt< ... t•'f ._, 1tw mlJ- 1h«r of w\•TI ctulttnn ra ni.;1ni: Anc1 rhd )1111 ,., ... ,. nnl i<'1'~ F1•w I I h ><• ha1~ :· ~h• said "f "'"'" th<"11i.:h~ ••· "''°111 h«'" r1 \\•'flo1ini.: Ilk• •h•'· (1 .1r• n••" ha•n't I•• n ~1• orklni: m. \4'T) Inn~ .. I !rom 1""' tu 11 )• ·'"· all horn liy lf'mprrit :iri· imprr1\'1'<I h)· un lm - 1 t."41•-..anan -.-n_, pro\'rmrnt A11soctn1111n 11'11 in !hr it up wilh a -~->.,,, 111 ttw t'nd. hy-laoa·s: "No mrmhl'r, otlt'ndm..: Paul's nxwn .tMt ,.,. p-d;t<f and " mtttinJ,!. Is i.llowrd 10 n •m:11n I hl!t h·:.rilo r . )Ir< r I. r.r ll?i::•. in A i:ond humor moro· lh<tn tw<·nl) llf';unrd "'1th 11'f'llio· Thr k1<f ~"'·m· mmull'~ .. !'01•'1 ""'"k will h•• 1·hr1•rf11 l. l1t0 ' ' ... ,., ,, \\ l l h ,,,, lht•• \t',11, ...... ''"' '"· "•t'ltl ii\.: fl ' ' '11 1.f.,. "" lh I )i, I' 'Hit ti 1'11'1\I th t 'n l1'1h h I H•ll\11 ' Sh\ h_, .... ,, .1 d ..... ,. IP\\ If lfH' IUI ,,, h,. p "'' 'hf' l1Htt\h ... ltt'U . lt ,., '"' t)l\n'h Ht,, 1 t1. • 1, 1 ll '"t" ''"'I" h th·d1' l'''l"L 1,j, ,,,, CU.St1•rnc1 .. ''Ju• ,,.., ,, ,.1,11"t"'iit , ... ,,h'l·• 1•1 "''''°'''"' s.ht' \\ 1\ I t iii llh .. \\1 I' \\ ~, •• ,. ,,, h1 'irr.!."''""I '\\t t ~ '"' hnd \\\J," I,, I 111 tll•t I•'' , .... th d "'"'~ht ttltl ••'""It dilh ''""'II '11111 I 11.. h1i.:h I'' .... ,, 11 ...... ,,;,,. I. .., "' I I Ti t ~tt1'11n 1 1,,1, •• n ... d l, 1111 11,111\1' 1u ll t1·-.. lt•l lt1 i,,111 111 ,hl lhl' 111'\t \111""!1 1, 1 .,.111 II•"" 111'1 .t:\P 11111 0,111., ,11HI ho 1 "'l"il•t "•'"'" 1.,, ,,.11 ,,,1 ~.·no pb11t .. 11u ~1"1''' 1h.11 11 1 u1 " t1t (4\1 ""'' '" )I, 11ppttl ·•11 \\ 11 h ,.,,,,,, ,,41 lt•:ht' hc-r h H1ht '' •tt•t ,q -p1. ... 11ut J• ", 1 and ~'IU1!1• . ':ht ... I 1 ' 1·111 I. 1 I ,l)DQt '-Olletr.a span~I~ t,, , ••• ,, 111 •• 1 ••• , ·'"" '--~ "-,..~- tock 11 Mild ""I l.1 '1 •• , .. , .... , • '" ~ ()f r1·ros to D .• 1UJ1\I ~ "'I ll Ill• 1111111, 0111.I '-~ l>t" b~~:! ()pen Saturda.ys l,1 " 11.t l. t t ilt I lff hl drc'S..' ~uut " Sa11111t.n t1ht1 11111'-' '''''" th •\\ A thl d1 • f d ii '"' ,11ttH t ,,, '''"'' .luh I. '•1 '"l'• '•,l,,,t ,hiu1 .. 1 II. .. 1 t't111~' • t • 1 " 1ft. I'''' I t ·,,11, )'• i ''''"''' u1h111tu,11 di.•n i:1I 111·1· 111 111, 111.t ,\11 11,,,. "111 I•• logit· ii rtt.11111 111 1 fU• '"" '' lh• "'"''tt II '''11qUO ll 11\ Ulltlt I~' ll••ntl, I v+ay ,~.u .. ,, . ,,rt'"" " ,, .. H'-1 I l •1 H .,i1 1', ,, '""''" "'',hi• n1 .11• to h,, hit 1hl '• \\ii" d1t\\U ti 1 l1l•ltut·i ~ str'-"'' Wt' ti."' ' 1111 t. '" ~ •td II• ''' 1•, ,, , ,,.n ~• ••• .1 th.it 'h• txt<l~ ,, .. ,,.t 1-.11.tu .. lit \\11t 11 I t I hair • •• •Lo.• • • "' • -•·· u -••I 1u,1,ttn1u11 ''''"' tu th. t••pl1 11t l h1 11•111 Ho '111111 r ''"II •11, 1;1 i/111 "' 11111101\ :111ol l lh•I• 1111'• I• It Ill• fklOlh,h1 11 lllftt t tt\1d 1 \ 11 ti\ l1•···~·,,l1\ ill ki'I 6'1'1l' lfh• i.t lt,1111' Hui ~tu It ''"~l • tn h •'• 11 '''"''' ,11t1•'•• u.1 .. ·1t ••11 !-':1t tu•l.n (JUlt"tir II!•""• •ti\' Ill '*'"111•11 llhll ltllll.!'tl)lpt11 tUfUl\\\tllfu•p11 v.· h • r ,, th• ''''"'''" '' 11\nf• I I' M\U1t•1I lu t 1•·• '''"' '' htt U • '' ,,, J.. Jt"11' 111 • 1'· h 1·11111• 11 11111111, I• 1 1ni.; 1111'1 for i.t111l•·n1' .111• 1111.111· br:tc1•1••b '"''t I •.tit '"·•' ,,n.t I :1 ·• ...,,~ho1111"' tlur '"~ 'h1• '' •···k ''' c'• '"' H ' 1ilia ro hu1111" .. tft,.tal~ nf 1111• t'o•ll•'!l• "" 1111• Gill•·ri \\ 11 .. •11,11'1" d •• 11 I .... ,, .... ,.,"'"II . I IRS! )tAr I •I i'.1 p ''"' 1 •••• 11,.1, In ,,1,1, ... lo• l!•lll1 o·n11.1111.,. ll \\Ill wro l• •·t1.t111111 1•·1111 1~ 111 ,., t. "''""""n lo• I:" 11• lh•· 1111 1'01 plai'.'. '"'' 'llolol• 11 '" 111'11 111• r11lh 1•11111·\ 11111 .:al•' "1'1'"'111· ,\11:111" I 11, I M.1k. :'II~ ~11ll11') \\'tlh ~•n···· ·n ... :-:1•\\1••11 1 .. 1111•\111.1 llannnas I .:1111· \\ 111 I•• l11<'k1•tl . Cm·mN1 "11:rl•·" 1111 .. llw 'I'"' 1 A pn ·h111t1111n 111.·1•11111.; .. r I''"' lig~t nuH~ .,,, hr r ljl'W fr111nrl Pl'<'ll\•o• 't111l1•11l s "' 111 ""I'• ( • .. ,,,, l'U~ ~.and "'' 1111:, 1111.. l ('1•111•1.,. 1•• 111~1·11~" 1 .... i.1. "'' "' l tor 1 .. "''"r n" l1111r Ilk·· •·•i:111,111111: ~t111t.·111 1·rn· """' ,,, Dea.nna P111ll1r1, h111 I "'"'' 111 no•>.t 11111 wlll 1.., 1,..1,1 ,1,..,,1.,, 1 atorr N't ,., 11 1 1 url11111 1\ 11111 .. 1111 Mn' :\ 1 tH'•'••nltni.: '" "" """"""', · 1ha1 v.e11:I" 'd :l..1 '""'"ti> A111l ""' nwn1 h~ J 1t•r111 nl \\'""" 11 M ull" only lh111 t.111 I '""" 1,1 w1·1or """"" 111111 l1t•11n ur J\1,11 1-1 .. .i 1hos1• crn1~ lo:•'" nN 1·r1t·k 1 lul,.•r. "F•t"r)lh1111: IH•lon.:' ,,, mi· S l111l1•11I rrpr1 ·x··111111h1•1< r 1 ,, Ill l wl1h II 1:la11t1· lmll1rcl h"r '"'''" 11o .. hli;h ~rtw111ht 11ntl f1.,111 11111ni.:•· llne 1 nut h11w h 1 Ion.:" 111 11 ... t'111 .. 1 c' .. t11•1w "'11•l•·11ur """ 111 11ud10. S11n111 Anfl &nli F11ll1•r1'>n .111111111 "I mak•· 1111~111 11 "''"k 11111 f'l•ll•·i:•·< "'II m rl'I w11ti 1111. 1\\" ~ lhRI 111:.i.. 1111' h111•1•··:. I If rl<'stntt . lo Ill} pl1111~ r .. r ~•1111 .... 1 rours.• 1•11 ,.,,. ... 1\111 di I q111.,·t p11r1 lnpr111t•n tn 1·11ll1•t:" ""11\111•'' my )Oh'''"~ m 1t d 1:-.'11rh111; 1 •n 1ut111I u , ... n,1111-1 1110 '"" lu• ''"' f'\'C'l1 hc•l1l'1 ••II lh,111 1111:1111 llrn11 1111 .11111 ""'",... , I" I• 11 '1'111 bon 'Cau-" ... l'itO ,,,, .11 h1 111'•'i•tu•11• "l \tth'H'-tt)M111t tl 11I •··· and •'at II\\ 1tnl-111' t111ltt;1, "'It ... , .... ,. ••1tll"'""' G1ll.-r1 '·t\' '"'II 'l''UH! h•I •huttfH•U f111 \u1111u' ''U•t•nl 11•· i:uhrtlll'd , •. , ..... 11 .. 111~ 11111111 h11111• 11\1111•, .. ,1 111 11 '""1•11• 1~wh ar folks \\II•" 'h• !!•''' 11.wl( 1\1111 l.111., 111•1\ 11111• 11 .. 11 '111,.•l lih Thl' Following Prizes 14,ree )4~,·erv llour · on the lloJ1r at Our· 8et·ond Hirthday Party T·omorrow, Saturday, May 29, HMS 10:00 A. M . 1'0 111:00 I'. M. ,.°' AtO: ·~\'11'•:n 1·0 Arrt:NU IO:OO A. M. 1--."unht•atu Mbm&llitf'r '.!-t:lt't'trk \\'hl1•tM"r ~Alumln11n1 Uoa"t.•r 1 l:fMt A. M . 1-K ~ M 1!111.-t '11 TttaAff'r '!-K I> M Ila.tr Ur~"' ~~lR-Mti.t I"'"" s 11rln&\'4-r l 'Z:OO Noon 1-Natlon!LI tlcmw ('1rnn1•r 2--.,"\llt•' !'\tram Iron !i-'!r1-•'f. S.-dlon Cfar1ll'l1 m- I :fMt t•. M. 1-t:IN-lric• ('offN• Malu-r '!-Uomlnlon \\'afflr Iron ll--l't.-nl<' "41J 2:UO f•. M . 1-l•rurtor l'op.llp Te..,...r t-llandl-True-I' ll--Y.JN·tri<' \\'hlpPf'r S:OO V. M. 1-.~unbriam MIUOMlf:'r 2--4-Hal. 11.M.O. Tnollt.- ll--No. M IM-lon Hand Ma"· -1 :00 r. M. 1-• nl\rn&al t•op-l'pT__.· t•r ~"«-1•,., s.·t au .... ,. " . .,.. ~~lllk•r •'la.It!' HUd Dr9 i•:OO t•. M. I ~"iunhram MlxmaalH' '!-\'our < 'holc"f', A o• "Oki ( 'olo11,•" Oa ....... ltoUM• l'alnt or ltt...,.._ Paint ~lK -Ml.t I.a•• Mpl'Wl· lf-r 0:4Mt I'. M. 1-t :a...'t rit• ( 'kM-k 'l--< 'onib. T•llUlltf'r la "'alflll Iron ll--No. ,\ ~1-a..y ....... 7 :00 1•. M. l ~unt,..uu Mix.RIMI«' 2-l'ttp-l'pUart.pl ... poul •'•It ll--Alumtnum 1-fl'rl H:UO P. K. 1-Srhlf'k r.wtrtc-..._ 2-8"1 tuavr T....,.. S-m.lb ..... C'.ftll·bl-1'- ('n MtUttO l"alat ff:OO P. II .. 1--KunhNun Mla....-r Z--Rathroum ••• ........ S-(;I ('amp Mio\·• IO:OO r . M. l>UA WI NG Cal AN I> PUIZ .. ~ Western Holly "Cont.ine ntal" Ga8 Kan.re FOREST LUMBER CO. 2M·t So. Main St .• Manta Ana 1-.......MAHAI l •..t 1111-r•· 1ntM"<-slrd '" st lnnkl'f on l.i• 1• •l•"'k It • ..... 1·,1 1., ,.,1 !\I \' ••htr:t\ mld-· .. r ""'hr;u-.1 .... nn . r "'' r . unl1 ,.~ h1··,. lno tlumt. 1fl"'"1'••·1I '" f • .t.n I. 1,. "''" TI1• I '" l?O '" '"" t1nll. "''~ in " l'"k"1 AIL 1American Liquor Store 'h101: "i• l"'""'"i '• 1 .. "1~· l1\· 1'=·•m•· '"'h l1111r ur" kint1 82() Co•st Hwy._ Newport Beach \• "r' ,,.: .. '" ...... • m •n• r ,, I ... 1~ "' rl h I . I .I•• h n 1'1111111" <·i..i,. \\',,,~ .. , ·~====~~====~==---~-----~==-------:• ••n ... ••n 1n ;tn '""''r ,, •• , F' 1 • ;: -I t•n I I• •i-.},, • \' r •1n•' :.r ~!.ml• \ :md f111lo c:a1 dn• I NEW SHIPMENT OF FORD RADIOS AND HEATERS THEY WILL FIT 1946 -1947 and 194~ FORD MODELS During tJ1e shortag<' 11f lhC'!'(' ilt'ms man~· of th~ ca rs \\'l'l'l' not equippt'<I with H;1dio and I l<'a t er. Now is your opportunity 10 equip your car with a hcn t<'r and rartio hdorc our stOl.:k is <k>pl<'l{'<I. This will IX' the last shipml'nts "<' will r<'<'ei\'C of thes(' item!'. ;,(ltt.,,J tk - - LIONS CLUB FISH FRY JUNE STH AND 6 TH.; T heo.dore Robins I Your DPaler 22nd and CE:\'TRAI. • ~t:WPORT Bt:.\Cll HARBOR 2-1 Y· "'• '· "I• l~•..ff n.. fl,•\\ t'. .. ·1 f,. ... utt I"·"••~·· • '',.,ft• ,l t •'•ti • ft ,. f ..... J, tr.fl\ !i·! . .•. t it• r ~ \ • ,. .. • • t .... ,,. I I ''- ' • .. • ' •t I• ... I I ••• i' J, ,. ' I t• I . I · I • I J 1rt,_., • HOT SULPHUR BATHS I ORUt.u .·, '" \ t .R \00 "'''fl \I. '"'"''·" 1\ II '"llr \\II• ~ii•·, , l1l'1hl• 1 \ .... \• I f\' 1 ftJ .. (hi p I "I ,,,, \ U fltHlj• l\llh Ill oJ I I\ I• lflt11)i:f I \~f '1 .. tl1 d l\tt ft1 "· \\tf11 • ~ I .... , ' •I I'• I 1) • I 1 f :, ' 1 I ~ \ I f f f1 f d f11 I fj d Htlt • '1 •II tJ•d 1H bllf •1r t • 1111 " t 1' ..... 11 • L I \1 II •1 l ~ ,, .. \' \\ f 1 I 1 IHI ' I "'' 1~ ,,, ,, I fi • 'I 11 •ll \\ I \\ . II •f I. I d ,It I lfl .tfifl .. fHI '.Ill•. I I I h, \ 11 1 t 'hr 1 ''" ,.. f111J1pu1~· T r l•·pfw-O nnc .. .11; !fl.\l-1 -~~ • If ' I ' \\ size can ot regular price. ,._ .,,. ... , next can al only 1 cent ~ Gllddea Bee II-spar For ~ Ol!d oll i11terior _._ Olld geNf'OI "°'-" fi old use. Drift witfi dHp high glon~tthout Jwin•oge. Get your worn;,h 'upply now ot thi1 borpin f)'Ke. l*ttun... Rr"' ••n ·,!ft I. \I KIO (0.\.~T 1111,11\\ \\ :\t;\\'l'OHT n•. \C 11 USE GLIDDEN PAINTS ---------. ' (h\nf-r-. 11ntl ••1•·rttfur" ut ttl•·tt-.ur•· Klltl t ••1111111"'r• htl hit tat• ,.,,.. ,.,._..tr•·d hh: ft a: nul•· ftu llutit :uul 1w t r••h•utu 1•rfidu1·t• ... u1•1•h ,,..,, 11 ,. ur '•'"' l"'•r• ll1ttlt11r A" an ln1h•1•·u1l1•r1t tu"hu·-.. ... Unu "'' ,.,,, 1•r••ll•I 111 annotuu·•· 11ur "'-""o•·l1tllnt1 "'"'' th•· "'''"''..._' ftnlfU' In fllf"frolrtuu ltu· • ••1111"'"' ,.,,..,,,., tf1ruu~hu11t th•·"''"''"' 11111•11111111< 1tr1Hl11..t• 111uJ lnt•·trll\ "' M•r>ff'f>, f "flnlf" "lun, ..... ltl•· our f1to1tf fo r ••ttr "'""'' u1a·rtin1i.: 1'1tt11r1l11\ nrttt '411n•l1t\, ''"' '!'"" ..... 1 :illlh 11· .... ,,, ""'"'"' lnl rh•l1w1l11n "' \lnrlm 11 .. 11l1·r '"' '411\tlllnrol ttf ( 1'lH11r11I• t1t1o<l111·1" h\\ Ut'f' RllrJ ••I• tltf•tr .. ht t•Jf, .. ._,,,,, MUtl f 'UUUUrf' IMI fMUtftt \\t•'tl h 1t\f' 11 ••• ,, .... ,,,,,, .... , ...... ''"'" .. "''""""' .......... . th•· 11,11trl111• , .. .,. .. 1, ••t \ 011 w •n fnr•·r·'· \\ •·'r•· 1tro1ut I•• ""''' '""'"'" f h••\ r•111 ••1""'""'"'· ltl'\I .\11orln" Mtotur 011." lll'\t llt.1.41 llllt ... ,.I l .111eln•· L11hrt1·11ll11r 0111. "'"' II full llno• Ill -.t111Hlllt1I l'rtHIUt•h ,..,,.,., frutu ,.\ln•k11 '" "'""" '"' 111 .. tr \lr1" •••lnit• •i11•111,\, \\ ,,.,,. .. 1 ... , l•·11t11rh11C \11•• ll•tlrrl"', ( ""'""· aoil 11thrr "'" .. ....,,rh·• ••14 t. "" •1111rk 1•1111(• Mtttl flll•·r•. 11,. ..... "Ill 1 ... In• 1.,,1,,,, 111 ''"' "l"'t1h11t •ho 111.,11111, \t 11k t• "-rru•rtt11 h• \••ttr ''1•IMU .,f fhr ""' ;, fu \h,tt "" ~""''~'""· HAVE ROWBOATS FOR RENT-CHA-RTER BOATS FOR HIRE-ICE ANO FL YING FISH FOR SALE BOAT SERVICE, Inc. Som Colyer 814 E. BAY FRONT -HARBOR 1384 BALB OA , CALIFOR NIA Bob Salis bury ··' . . Bar Cla! DaJ ,,.. ptta .... ~ fldale wt• N.ATR' Olene eardalt ..... 1111 ...... -.di OOk Jll!l'I di ,.. n. ~ lie ava .-ak~ I u. .,,. • lweda ..n. Dal J u..e' nw -..... the JU eeri911 Golf Tom Opet I .. I .• . ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' • ' • • • • BONDED CIUIT.,ICATI 01' 8 U51,,.IU l'lcllll•"' .-1rm Na,... TJf1!: UNDERIUO:O:D dn he,..bJ rer11fy that they are condurlln• • ,..tall l'\lrnltu,.., b111la401• at 82!! C",,..t Hll(hway. Newf)On Rearh C"1lltnmla, ulld•r ~bf! flr llllt>uo rtnn ft.11'1"" uf NP:W • PORT r VRNITURE CO.. and that maid flnn 11 rnm.,......, Of the fnllnwlnl penon1. wlloee ...,,,.. and add,.-• .,.. u foll owe. to-wn • Leater M Blakeeler. W •••t-Bal· .,.,. lelan.,, C•llf. • 0-nlel v IUyM. 90I ColllnJ1. B&lboa 191&nd, C'allf. WITNE811 wr hand1 thl1 !Zth day or 111 ' l~nR 1111 BL.AK1:81..ET OANll':I. V HAYl:8 STATS or CALIFORNIA, I COUNTT or OR.ANr.E ... 0.. THl8 12'th claJ "' Mar. A. D .. INI, betnre ~. J ohn E Madlelr 1 NQiary Publlr In and for aald County and 8t1IP l>"r•onallr •P~"''' IA•trr • LICENSED bay escrow co., Inc. _......,...mcie - New .._... • ... ..., .. ..._ BWiJ., la Oow tlel Mar WI OoMt ~ ..._. ..,.,_, H16 VAUX' BALBOA Entertainment and Dinner Dancing To Melodies ol THE VEL ·-TOIES • • • • • • • • • • For ReMrvation1 Phone Harbor 131-4 Opening ... ~~ ' .. Saturday, May 29th THE ... ' -""' • ... ...... et 203 Marine Avenue on BALBOA ISLAND -fyerytlting Is New - You ere cordially invited to visit our new Fountain and Snack Bar One ol the letter Places to Eat -in the Harbor Area - Operated by ART SALISBURY and BOB GEYER ' . ELECTRIC RANG E 1 ApuT~t S-Ulr I ~F. RL\' ~EW • -1 I• ••''LY '•o rnon1t::s 1 burn· I• <s!Jf'Cl'Ull(" ~fl'fl H r f°IAI '--~1 W ill wfl for - 1.19 • ELEC TRIC IANS fSlnce 19201 - Contracting-Repair• Rtt1ckntiaJ.Jnduatt lal -- Ets-Hokin & G alvan 1000 Cout lllway Rea. 5401 31·tfc 8 II t ·oR RE~T. Apl'a, 11"4.._ ------------- Wizard Plasti c floats Bt>f<lr<' you buy y1•ur out ll<•artl "S110r1 ·1t•r." "l 'trhl)." "Spt't•d· sto·r" or "I lin~h)" tn\'l'~l\!;all• till' nt•W WJZAR[) LHminalt'<l Plasth: llN1ts. I 1N f'llSPLA Y AT t ll 'R AUTllORlZl-:1> IJEAl.F:RS UAYFRONT RENTAL Fino li.•drooms . .J haths. Su1tnh1,, for 'l familit•s if d1·s1n•d. St•:ii.un SJOCIO Louis W. Origgs, 7H l l\•ntr&I. Bulhoa. llA. 80. 79-1'-Rll $100 l1L'"h TW O 6-volt Willard ll~avy fluty. sot TIJ COAST ("()'.\fPANY :!:!12 C<•ntral /\wnue Newport BN11'11. C'nhfnmio SF.ABOARD EQUJP~!F::-.IT CO. St '!\l~IER RENTAL--3 hc'tlrnom 11<11.lst• with mnlds qunrt1•rs t:x- ,.,.ll<'nt )()(•ation Closrd in yard. :ll~ E Bay. T..-lrphonc Ha1 hnr 15-19-W 7R-c-~ f:x()f'rt Watch & .Jewelry REP1\Jfll!'\G " Nt::WPORT JF.WELF.RS Fine: Diamonds and Wntchtt IUndf'r new M::ina1trmrnt),.,.,; 116 2'.?pd St . ?'o·wporl 67-c·SJ ("0).1PLETI-: HOl1SEC'LJ-:ANING SF:RVJCE W1tll wuhinic. noor rh•anlnK and waid nit. window cleaninir. caulk· ln1t. painting, rug rlt>nnlng. F rf'f l'lltimatrs Work guarant~ RF.AC'ON 6111 ~L'S HOUSe CLEANING SERV 70-c-91 Silver Plating PEllSONAL I• CX)f»pQ_ mass qcJU> RE WARD ~=~~~ l\nyonr having witneu.ed ar t&k· rn photographs of ~k mt ........ rollblon on Highway 101 near a:... llem. cam ...... 51.U c .,rpJla di'! Mv on A.._, 1.8 ._ .. 1947, contact Clore w--. 9'1'00 ~!onttTt>y Dr\~ Rt. Ward' Wilshir<> boulevard, ~·tr"h 1 ice hos m "'*' shaPf-ctwap, l11lts, Br adshaw 2·1131. Tr~ 329-, ~ Aft., Balboa bl· UPllO~TmINO a.t and.. ~ • . lF YOUR F\JRNJ'nJltE I APT. SIZE c-~ -...... din- UIC WC. deplll on! fnilir nis. u Not BECOMINC 11'aa You kitdlna llilllt _. _..,.. ~ Should BE COMING To hold C'DDfli.. 121 GrUlll c-.1. J~!;~inc;>_:_ u~ ean.. w-1. I'll. Har, 59-JOC 1965 Harbor 81\'d. a.tA Mesa Tr~ BEA. 6260 REC01'"Dm OSED -£Jtttralus ~ 1 dramn m .. $tO. I Jl'ftllr S-· LO--n--AND--ro---111-.. -...,----.. --'-· .2G5 s-ta Ame Aw 8t'aaJlll aa.w. 'J8.c-C'l LET GEORGE DO IT! HARPER GARDEN SERV1C!:. LOST-Brown wal&et amtainin& fFonn<'rly of Pasadena) Main· imporlanl paprn ol 'lhlmas GIBSOS ICE BOX -Cood ~ tenanl'e of estabhshrd gardens Gilbert. If found. nocifJ Gw>-dltion. Sl.SOO. 432 ~ c.oro. Sµr11yln1t. gen<>ral lawn It gar· dt-non Drugs, Bali-. ~I na dPI Kar .. ti den clean up. Rrplantin& Phont llO\.ISC llUST SELL -~ &aeon 6299-W dl\Y or eve. 420 s m lATION8 1'',UfTED !I 15th St.. Costa Mt·111. 63·c·8!1 o-..1 s-a ..-.Ir cat with PedJ11trk and lnfant ..... •111 pmpers. E:stttlnlt 9lodl.. Wl'Y af. Y'OUR FURNITIJRE rl'palred or act u haby sit ter a t beb,-silh'f ftttJOnatr. L C Smith St.aD- rf'finbht'd. Vrnrlian b 11 n d s rates. day. nlle, or W'llll!lt fflds 4arcl IJjiHiiller. CID'llll nnditioll rt>finbhf'd. Make rho-e wobbly Nu phone kindly call ,....wl)'. e.bJ' ~tr. plmtit liftinc. ch111rt like nrw. Reasonable. am . 201 Dahlla Aw . at (k. an. HutMir U»JI.. 79-«'-81 Sturdlwood Products. 2205 llar· lillll' grry garace cottaee. Cr.ro- bor Blvd .. Costa Mr5a. Ph. Bea-na d<'I Mar 18-tfc ton 5'13.1 70-c:-9l y ( 1 U N G GRADUATE ESGI· II om..., rons1rut:11on l(X'rsonaJ NEER desires poe.ltialll in this supt'rvislnn, liet•nSt'<l con1rac1or11 'il'lnily, preferable • a sal•"' 25 y1•nrii ,.,r,.·nrn<'t' Ph°'' 19JS.J 1•n1:1m-t•r PhorK-Harllor 351-l t J C' Swafford & Son, 115 291h 1 714-tfr Sr .. JI)(}\ 01•rnn Fronl, Dalt>0a 1 • p .. 1 · ""D __.._'-73.lfl' 1-.X 1-.r{ E:\Cr. , .,,,.,,_,, !)"V- I 1st, nr i;rn1·ral office work. Pl: llnrli.or '...'fl7!'i·J . ~-l-1 HARBOR Plumbing Service 11'·1·'' ""'~Tt:o !9 6111 WA~Tl-:J) FR.St short ordrr 1768 Nt'wporl 1'1\'d . Bt'ac:on l'••>k •• inrl waitrl'SI. 632 ('u o'-1 REPAJTUNG OUR SPF.CI.ALTY 11 11.:h~ar. :-;,•wport ~ad\. ........ Contractlnti and SuWUee J lo-nr) 79-• 1'1 9-lf• W1\S lllNG 'J\1 Al1H NES -Oilrd \\',\:-O:Tl-:D \\'omnn for part 11m•· hOUSt• "ork. v. rc•kl'ftda 11.10 1•-r grr 11St·d. w11h m1m•r 1'dj11~lml'nts hr. Ph f"r iday aftttnoon ur $2.50 anyv.hrrC' lliuhor Arcm. I Sal. lhtf hor 13.1'1-W. 'J'9..r.ll(t JIARilOR APPLIANCE f"OR SALE -KnJhlrr dan npcirt It dWr. ltlOIJlll C'Olldition S..5 00, 3CM lbrine 79-t fc HARBOR Furniture A-Tramf er 00:'1."DfD and INSURED AGoodBuy .•. 15 a Wise Buy Lf1 ee Hdp YG9 ~ ._ -<YX "P.' l'lSt SEJl,,CE- t9f\1 I W1Jor Bh'd. a.ta lleel Phone Beacon 5538-J S ERVEL The r, A S Refri~ Sc.nr-..... AnAllllP "'1W 477 Nt•wport 81\'d., ll<'ac:on 6296 W ANTED-Experlrnced fom1uun 72-c-81 Rltl for work In malt ~ J . )I_ FERGUSON -------------Mu1t be fu t and ..,..te. 2205 Co.a RmL s-p,rt 'Study work. Good pa,)'. Apply ~..: HARBOR 116 J A MES O N FLO ORS Sanding and Flniahlnc at 211 Marine A,·~ .. Ban-W · 22Jll5 ewe ....... l'Caspwl and. ~ l"-n.t.wl.H Best Materl11lt and Equlpmmt UcenM'd, lnaurt'd HANDYMAN It dlshwaaiher; .._ Cl-tic PHONE BF.AC)N 5855 62-c-83 woman dl1h .. aaher .• MUil .. WARD •lffliltttator g ft... ._ 16 1teady Ir rellabl(' H.arTte.-.. fL 2 c1oor "'8dl in n6lC!ftatcr. Dinner Hou.e. 17th 1A ~ --Pub ow ••-u.. wood ED WALTERS TILE ::.-ONTIUCTOR Coata Mf'Sa. '74--dc ...trer with 9 **rip .... 11 EXPERIENCED fountain st r I llldll .,._. -. 4 imb jolatrr wantt'd. 203 Marine A,·e, Bel-5118 l'INr' print.inc prns motor Bath Rooma. Draln Boards, etc. 15th It N~ Ave .. Coata Keel Phone ~aeon 8700-W-S. boa bland. 75-tfc .._ wttll c:n-_. tJ'lll' cm.. 29 windoln.. 2-ft. ~-:Ill !>-ft. EXPERIENCED lunch 6' ..._,. a liltt'-Tdtsrt-Br a con • 18-tfe SEWlNC MACJtINFS -Ollf'd. clt'llnt'd and adjustt'd at our factory $7.50. Pick-up A Ml. 'b!s~p..~f1 ~: ~· 5CDl-W. 15-tft" -• 74--tfc HARBOR APPLIANCE WANTI:O Hil:h school dr1 to 477 NM\-porl Blvd., lk'ac:on 6296 72-C·81 do light housrw(lrk No chM'fta. no cook ing 3 houn a day. Cell Harbor 1905-M ~ Portable W elding Burning 'lEWPOftT WELDING SERVICE H. 1564-J 328-28th St. DICK SANDOVAL 6J-c.84 Cc>Mral Ouildinit C'Clntracton BROCKMAN BROS':' Frl'f' F.111lm11tN1-Pn•mµt Servi«:\' l">.1 BROADWAY. COSTA MF.SA Tkn('f)n 6378-J. 69-p-80 nREWOOD CHARCOAL It BIUQUf:IS PROMPI' DEU\'bt Wri2ht Lumber Yard r7M Newpor1 ~ COSTA MESA ~aeon 5865 \II a tches -Clocb · Jf'W*7 MIRONOMETERS C O O PERATIVE fWpatrtng -Prompt Sen1tm P.OOFING CO. s.n.1bt~ Prbs New and llepRir VAN DRIMLEN • Phom• Tknl't•n fi217 J E W E L R Y ZS73 Eldl"l Aw~. Cneta MNa I~ Nev.-port Blvd C<1eta ... ~tl•1 ~--~:-----~--J.._th_ 11rnn1!'\G PLA:-.;T~ r L 1 F P ,\LI. 1\11'~ . :\0(-dM & up I:' Dark At Ba lhna t11rys11nlh1•mum~ •th n . Frrlill1rr~ Bn<t J>lnnt f"<'<'d.~ Wl 11 \\'lllni,! Roy':-Blvd. Nu~<'ry 11761 Nrwport nlvd , Opp 22nd SI P llO!"f: RF.A<'n!ll 61 l;\.\V 74-<.'-9:'1 Flower s For f:\'ery 0rr11111i11n CorsBi:rs -Gif1s I HROAOWA '{ FLOWF.R SJTOP I lnlihut Arr n111n.: w,. I Ira.,_ U1r T1,ck.l1• Fi~hinJ.! Tackle ="••\\ StMll Arri\'lns: T'UIJ Ke.rs. Lockl', Ete. l'\rw anrl Ro'nt:il Bi eye leg l 00 1\lain Street nt F°"' 11f T\111"°8 Pi1 r Tfc-tlJ 1 H-.i DroBdway, Cosl a J\lt'Sa I Shop, twnron :'i~21-J ------------~~;~;~~~~l~~t~T~l'~~I Plenty ;.~-~-i~ Tinm &quipment For Rent c ..l M Do \'our <)wn Work or Call l'~ for ompounu Otor 00 f"REF. F-<\Tl'.\!ATES Gallcin, 70r .v~ Do \oncrr1r ('utrin~. OrillinF: Cl11y Spi1dln1t. Tamp~. etc. Contractor!' .Equipment & Supply Co. Western Auto SUl>plJ A ut horbf'd DNler 1838 N l"l\Wr1 Bh..S . <:'ott • ._ ., .... ~-i:.- 1..(M. PRICE FOR FIR~ONE STANDARD TIRF.S Sll..95 Plue T as sar 6.00 -1& -PQ-Giiiy 7X • wedL G U S BEA C H Yoar f°'lrn"IOIW' Distrillu1or 20th A-NetrpC>rt Blvd. COST.A XESA Beacon 5655 F R EE Car Coat Hanj!er ff$ new . -. it0 :: ideal for :-ummer tran •I f'iL, a II cars. Xo Ohli~tion­ Get Yo~ Toda)' G GS BEA C H Your F~t,_ flts•nhutor 20th & Xe"ll(lrt Bll"d. COST A lof P-'A Bearon...5655 11 :Ill • • • • 11 PLUllBING SUPPLIES ~ 9tcd in e>r-..p ~ 1!:?" Galv. StHI Pipe ~feot C1ra111r Plat ... 9wtac F..,.. • .50 qlDP -• 95 FREE PLIDIBING Layom Servitt FONT ANA PLUM~ING DM1 S. W ~ Aft. 23.132 Nl'WJ><lrl 1hr . C'C\Stll Ml'Sll 1,, hlk. S of l~th Strr.•1 l-ltF'F: F"ll I ~.\ '\J) A"<'. n.1lhc>a t11lAnd bor ~l5-R ~i~ ()nys Oaata .. .....,.. a.--IDIJ PhonC' Rt>nron 71()99 i7c9fl O D D JOBS HOUSE REPAIRS & alff'r11lio1U. ·prompt 1en ·iN' Fl"t'f' n.&Jmall'll Harhor ~1 .w nn)tlm«-~ r 1 y Har-JT-tfc i'1k-«> _V_A_a.Jt:-... :X....--a...E.A!----~->ERS------oo.d.-- l;;rF:;;:-.n;:;:-;O::X-:-. -;S.h:::--:-11:-1 r-,-. -1'-••'N"'--f-• .:..raU~;_t• dnDfd and 8Cljmt.d at fXl1 rnhlr '''I' 111:11.11.<I !Ill "lade of ....,... 13.SO P\ctt-up and ckl Pb'''""'· ~;o r...i!l(I Co11•t l lhnJ' RAJtBOR A.PPLJA.'l:C"E "'"'l"'rl ll11rt-..'r U 93-R ~ 477 ~ ~. ~ "291 6 p m tlO-<' 77-<'-81 200 Amp. balh'rlC'S Used 4 months, original cost SR1 each, •ith 2-1 mo guarantcr $55 ra. ~ 31st St., Nf'Wf)Ort. 76-l'·BO W'.Aln'D> TO B~ IJ W ANTED--SEWING MACHINES any make, any age. Highest cash prlcn )>llid. Call ~aeon 6296 72-c-81 WH! Pay Cub Far your tunutwt or wbat ...... JOG. Phone Deacon 56.• Crawley FurnitW"e Co. 1812 Newport m..a.. eo.t. II-. 12-tff CASH for USED l'mnitare 6 Appllancee .... _, Almoet ~ GRAN'rS ..._ ... 5107-11 ... Newpw l Dd.. Coata .... ~tk ~POllLU& • IL\l'l.£ bank bed. box spring m-r sprtnc mattress, $110; doublor IM'droom aet , complete, St25; poet er double~ spring & mattnw, $60; 2 pl~ bed living roam aet. $75; studio couch, $20; ~ box $10 ; lamp, throw rug, kitchftl ta.ble and utensils. desk. Kayak and paddle board. 116 Collins. 77-c·&O Callen It Sattler CP good ust'd n.nge $96, Gill fan small 1ize electric refrigera 1 or SR.5; day bed. 6 har stools. nrw lamp shadt'S. Chin<'!lt' mat rug, misc. By private party. SC'C at 123 Via Nice Lido. 79·c-80 LARGE S JZE Davrnpnrt, cream & rM<' cow•rini:. s:ood ('(1ndilion. w so 326 Apolrna Aw•, Bal· txm lsl11nd. RO-r-81 APARTIIF:NT S IZF. -kc box. Apply J.l09 Finlt•y, :"Jew1,..1r1 . $10.00. M -c Dining tablr. buffot, rhairs. two 9X12 ru~. l:imps Phon<' Har· bor 13'0-WK. 78-p-~ llOATS. 811PPLIJ'.8 . II S.FT. cabin crulaer. Must sacri- lb. Good condition. For sale or •i ll trade for home or Income. Phone ~ BC'acon 6129-M. 80-c·84 W ANTED-Slip for a ac:w 36' cruiaer. Phone B<-acon 5414. 77-c-~ 44' Sport Fishing Roat, rquipped and rf'ady to RO. Wrll known in fM local harbor. Wiii consider tradr fOf" quick turno,·rr. Apply F'ttherma n's Warf, 2314 w. Central. Ph. Harbor 2541.J . 76-c-80 OUTBOARD M O T O RS AND BOATS NEW A: USED ~ and ~pain on All Makes ot Moton Dave H . Spies '11 Coat Rlway-~ac:on 5676-M 77-c·98 . FOR SALE-28-ft. Chrysler ma· riM gu powered jig boat. fully equlppt'd for c:ommrrctal fish· me. utc:ellent condition. will aen for below market \'olue Tewphol'lt' San Dlrgo F-9-1135 or Loo11: BC'nch 682·68. 76-l'·!IO Sylon rlshing line, 25 lh. IC'St. 1!'\00 fr .. Jlrown or whit!', $1.95 plu.~ l!'i Ct'nl'5 postagr &. hand· lln~. "Survlus" [)(>pt. !l. 637 So. ArdmorP. lb.I Anstl'll's !'l 77·p-IH ~IARTIS M. 7.fi JI P. New. Rea· !U)n11hlr Ph. Lns:una :!:"lO:t. 317\!l Co11~1 Rlvd. ~n. L11p:11n11. 77·c·fll AT'TD\TfON BOAT OWNERS Replac:e tho!ll' old style Hr a\'Y •eight anchors with modrrn 30 lb Danforths A limltrd supply 1t\·ai111blfo al the very low price Of $8.50 l'R Rearon 6050-M. fi6,p-~ S~OWTHRO-Good condition S225. Ph Harbor 1546-J. 73-tfc: SPT F'ISHFR pl .. asur<' boAI. 16-ft Ionit. 4 cylimkr. lO horitr powrr, Srstr motor. frNh wah>r coolN'I. Harbor 71:5-R. 78-l'·RO a x J2' fin<' commercial fisher & Boor1m:-twm S(T('W hram1 nrw t<nginf''I, two yrar Lowm11n 1ypr hull . .., ton rrfrig . holrl ~lrrps fi. enl"IO!'ld 10ilel and hri<ll:r. fU!'I cap. 2 ,f'ttl\1 milt>s. A11k1np: pr ire 512,000 Wiii 5<'11 or trndr for smalln filhrr and/or proprrty C~ll own('?" Buron 6042·R. 79-c-"-!l Boats Priced to SeJl 40 \omm Spt F11h . 1421 $7900 32' Tah11iti Ketch (n<''A'\ S56()(') JO' Hunlt'T Cruiser (371 S4600 r.· Hunl<'r <'n1iM'r. 137\ $2500 LISTINGS WANTED SLIPS AVAILABLE :;, E MINNEY Beacon 6281 711 Coast Hiway, Newwrt . 6S-ltc IZ05 Coast J11i:hway Nrwpor t Beach. C'alifornlB CARVER CRAFT 1750 NC'wport Blvd. Costa Mt'lia. ('olifornia Distributor "WIZARD"' LEHMAN Sailing Dinghy M. L. "BARNEY"' LEHMAN 408 Eut Centnl Avrnue Balboa, California Manufacturt'd br WIZ ARD BOATS, I nc • 2069 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA, CALIF. 79-c·lOl FOR SALE-Electr1c motor and hilge pump, excell~nt condition $35. A-C Craftsman motor ~ h.p. 50 cycle, r.p.m. 1450. Phone Laguna 9475. 80-p-82 Eightttn foot New England dory. Thirl<'<'n foot racing paddle- board. Matched lrathert'd 6~ foot oars. Two twelve fool spruce fishing booms. Two boat bunks and brackets. J. Peyton, 2175 Lemoyne St., L. A. 26, Calif. 8().p Yachts for Charter DA Y-WEEK-MON'.nt G. E. MINNEY 711 Col\St Hlway-Bracon 6281 6S-ltc FLATTTE CLASS sail boat. Ex- cellent condition. 2 11uit or s1t1ls. 2 muts. Harbor 2680. i8-<>8CI KU81CAL a BAJ>IO 14 WANTED -Usoo pianos for our rrntnl dept. HIJ:h<'st price al· 1<1wc•d. Tradr ~ours on 11 Spinl'I or Grand piano. Danz-6chmldt S;inln Ana. 520 :>:o Main. 6t.t{c MIRROR TYPE SPINF.T-Ul!C'd ~190, r11sy trrms. Chickering pinno. used. StR!l Orher makes BS low as !65. S78, S93. Danz· Schmidt Piano Co. 520 No. Main Santa AM 6l·tfc VOICE -HARMONY .• i;ight Rrodini: Plano __, Otord ·Sysfrm Studio--.'!05 Third Ave. CORONA DEL MAR 67-c·Bll SPINET-Lester Baby 64, now $38.'5.00. S39 dawn, S8 mo .. Danz· Schmldt, 520 No. Main. Anolhet spinet. repossencd. You just pay out balance. Santa Ana. We havf th<' Solo-Vox. il·lfc SPINET PIANOS for rent. Try It for just 6 mos., If you like It Wt allow all rent paid on purchaM J)f"lce. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Ma1n. We have the Solo- Vox. 61·tfc BABY GRAND. art c~. fine tone. Uk d. Now only $585. A fine bar- gain. Terms. Danz-Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Also beau· tlful Steinway, l.llled, aave over $WOO on this. We have the Solo-Vox. 11-tfc ~ Wise -Advertt.e DOOS, CATS a P&T8 .. SCCYITIES-Black AKC register· I'd stock. 949 W. Highland. Snnt11 Ant1. R(}.c BU81N'E8S OPPORTtTNITIE8 4oO LU:'l:CH COUNTER ~.100 Double Apartment EVERYTIIING FURNISHED Including telephone. Balboa Inn Harhor 660. ' 79-tfc New, unfurnisht'd 1 · be d r o om hoWlc nt>a.r Santa Ana Country Club; year 's lease S75 month. Also small build.Ing entranc. Newport Blvd .. suitable for re-- palT, Ci:x·it shop. $20 month. H11Tbor 1815". 78-c.~ J une, July and August. Apartment on Grand CanaJ, Ph. Harbor 548-MK. TI·c·81 F URNISHED 2 bedroom apart. ment on water, by month or season. 617 38\h St. 78-c-a> BRAND NEW-J bedroom home Balboa Prnn. $450 per month'. See Harry Peal. ROY GREENLEAF JR. • and Auociates 3112 W. Central -Harbor 2501 Nrwport BC'aeh. SO.c NEW HOUSl-:-1 bedroom I ii!' in harh & kitchen. shower 11\'t'r tuh. Pan<'1ray h<'at. garage: Per • manent t<'nants. 400 39th SI /l:rwport l sland. Own<>r. 8().p Fl1RNJSllF:D ROOM-Rn·akl11$1 pri\'ileg<>s. nrar husC's. stur1 .. nnd OCNin. Corona drl J\!ar. ~ Third Avr RO-c WILL EXCllAKl.F.-Usc 11f r1•st· ful ram•h !lltnt C;in~on ar('flm. 7. sprin~ ;ind pool. for Rall!Oa lsl;1nd ur m11inl:1nd r111ta1:•-. 5 udul1 s. 'l w.-r•ks or mon• during s11m1rr•r ; Pyramid 1:.!:17() :.!(~10 Fair <)uks, Souht Pa i!!ll'na · !Vl·1'·81 RENT, MISCELLANa>U8 .. FOR RENT or len.sC'. v9ry desirable store, 411 Coast Highway, Coro- na del Mar. Size 16'x32'. Call J. L. Stamp, J r. or Harbor 2887-R or lltt your brokC'r. n-uc TRAILER SPACE available. mod· «-rn trailer park, 15141 Hunt· ington Beach Blvd.. Hlghw11 39, Midway City. Adults onl>'. no pets $3.50 per week. 79-p-Sl AVTOMOTI~ a TIRE~ 41 FOR SALE BY OWNER 1940 ,H udson Victoria Coupe Vrry clean, nC'at appear. Exe. mC'Chanlcal condition. Can be seen any time . PHONJ:; HARBOR lE;6,W. -76-c-80 Guaranteed Used Cars TI1E STORY: fo Part I.I to Say Goodbye, A Good BUY I.a a Bargain. My Car and I parted-- But Tht>n It WAS NO BARCA.JN TIIE MORAL: Make a Good BUY At Geo. Easton Co. 1420 So. Main Santa Ana PH. S.A. 9666 :55-ltc Wrll C'Stnblishrd -year round DODGE '47 DC'lux 1 door sl'dnn. trnd1'. Profitahlr 01x•ra1ion ror itl'Rt C'OVl'rs, nf'W tirrs. pr11-.11t• rouplr. Full inform:llion at 501 p11rty. Rnr1:ttin al $2,W!i C111l E C'rnlral A\'I'. On\t.011. 72·tfr llarhor 21197·M. !\17 Larks11ur MJl'ATt'RE r.nu• COURSE ,,,.,.. f'orona drl Mar_ Tf..r.fl<l $7,!)0Q I Fnn SALF. -19-lO Packnrn 6. i lncl11d1•s 1•lhrr mnCf'ssions. 1947 rlonr ~1·dnn. \'('ry clt'11n, r:irlu•. grns~ ~12.000 Full inforrn:ition mo ·rdri\·•', original (l\\'nrr 334 :it :'i(11 E. Cl'ntr:il ,\vi'. TI:ilhrni Floi\\'•'r S1rrf't. C'Mlil J\11·~11 72-tfc i>l-p-!111 ::F::-< 7-:lf::-l -::S:-:A:-:1:-:. F:-;-c=-1-,.-a-ru_n_1:_s_· h-o-p-. -hy I t ·nm "r t ;i hi r 11 ud~on 1 !\111. mm- 11wnrr. Phonr Qo•ncc•n :llr.2-R. pll'lf' mntnr {1\1•rh;iul. n"" p.11nt TI·c-81 Jul) ~> c.1sh. Ph r.. ;imn R.F:::-::.::-F:::H:-l"'.'.·:S::"'.1:-1~'.\-l E:-.-!"-T_S_T_,\_:-.;_·_n ___ O_nf' :;~I -\\' 'i'!)-r-8 l of llw hf'st cm n 11 lll<'le waler fr0n1. fully rq11ippf'll nwn<'r h:i<: othrr husin<><:s, un:ihlo• to handl•• holh Shown hy 11ppointmcn1 only to quahfird buy!'r. SHOE REPAIR SllOP -All (.'(lllipprd, <'SI nhlishrd husin!'lls Small living quarters. rt'nl ~70 II month. 2 ~Ts ICR!IC'. rencwablr Prlc<' ~~ includinit in\'l'nlory A. SA:-.;f)y STF.l~F.R. rt'altor, 634 ro:i!'1 lli11:hwA}', N n . rn1;, Com;t ll1i;hw11}. Corona dt'I l\fHr. 79-C·Sll R'A1'TEO TO RENT Sewa·Tlmee emplo)'('<' wanu 2 bt-droom house pr<'frubly Un· furnished on nine month.~ bull Cn II Lron Will I ama II t Har her 1~ M·tlc FOR RE~'T. Apt't1, 11-. U Gor~rous \'IC'w of Hnrhor from 3(l ft. "''inc rnom. rllnnmi:: room. kilchrn. cM'd!'n \\'ill ~har(' with eoupll' Srp.irnll' do11blC' bl'd· room by werk or mon th. 661 Cliff f'rivr 7S.p-~ FOR R E?'-1-RalllOR Thrre bed- room housl'. Horl10r 23(lJ -M 79-lfc ·.11 LTNCOLN ZF:Pl IYn ·1-rlr ('ll~­ lom 11rd.. 11nrlrr hlue h·i"k ~· CrBnrl f'11nal nalboa 1.,1.inn 11fll'r 6 pm i!l·I"• ' TRAILER.~ 51 2'2' ALMA Hou~r trailrr rxrrlli•ot cnndition. Bar~ain $975 onsh 410 H 11milton St .. Ph. AC'econ 53Sl-W. 79-c·~I HONEY TO LOAN II LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE. BUY, MODF.RNIZE. OP REFINANCE w~ Buy Trust Deedl NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN .ASSN. 33."'1 Via Udo Ph. Rar. 1~ 41.tfc INCOME PROPl:RT'i' 3 R<'droom home and Income in ?l:ewPorl Island, ~;th 37-ft. (If watrr front Ju~t right for your family nnd your . hoal. Modern furnilurr . F<'nl'Ni for privacy. comfortabl<> 11\ing $$!,000 down ownrr will fln1tn!'r. lmml'dlatr J)OSs1•sslon 39"9 Marcus Ave .. Newport Bench. 76-tf Be Wlae -AdverUM ~d ot 1e ie in fc m ry h. ce "'" .h. !M nt or !11 ·t· or !M •e. h. 1 ~c jq er r· I., -p S1 I'S ')S -c .t. !'· >a 5 1g 10 31 II l@ O- J. iR re :1- t· ,, y, n II c ,. 1. e II r (l 4 l. ·I 11 .. n I !) I. ti -I I. ll 1 ' c • , ( r , [N~(W.PQ8J~~8.f g~~9~:~~~9~0.T~~J::~~!.\$~f B~Ji~~615.Y.~Bt1~)~9~ ~M~P.(QMJ r. _ft_EA_t._EST __ A_TE _______ e-·* *tau_ MUTE .....,.._. • .....,. -_., I HE\'ERLEY REALTY CO. CLASSIFIED INDEX Corona del l\l ar $2,500.00 WILL JIA:'\llLE Priced at $8~50.00 YOCR ~EW HOME IS RE ADY ln lovC'I)' C'!•rt•n11 di'! ~lttr. un h·wl lot 30Xll~ II . t~ntrally l(l('att'd lo all i:hvp111ni:. l:.'(lll sq ft . 3 lari;<' IX'droom.~. hnng room 16 X 18 ft "1th f1 rc•phtC'<' S1mcwus d1nini: r.~ml. hardwood noon. floor furnar1', 111<' in kitch<'n and h;1throom A niN' P a110 for your rC'IRJHI t 1on, '.! car garatte This homC' was c1irE>fully 11nd t'X· IN:'rlly hqllt hy owner . Pri<'f' Sl3.000, h.11f rash. A Sandy Stc•ln<'r . Realtor -134 Coast lliwy, Nt'wport Beach 1015 Coast lfiwy. Coron11 de-I Mar Or Any Realtor ---------~-­~--,...,... --.. ...-..~-----....... &&. --.. taA8lr ........ --.... 'l'IL&,,......... --_ .. --~---n -..a!ft .... -----.. ~---.u... -----__ _ ...-&.-____ ----.a a WWWIWl IW ---~ .. .-.. -~ ---_......... -~ ..... -......._. ---......... ~. --... ............ _ __.. ft'Uitt1W._W& ........ ~ ---lftl9rAL ...... - --.. --.u ........ ---- ~11SW3W ;a • WWWW-WIWl4•11W a&"'"9 'N ~T ...niia. .. --_,.,_ ~ . -.. ..,....~ -__.. -·---~ n ,...,..._ --.. Ali ••••• .,_ -----•• ,"99 -- --.. =-_...... -. --.. ........,... ----. = ~~ -_-:=.,: _. ...... _,..,. .......... ---·~ ..-........... -___ ..... ,_ .. ,, ----...... ~ ............ ___ _.. ................ --· Sell It 11uuaP Clamified Advertmng Brand-nl'W modC'rn 2-bedroom home, lots or tile and ~ulll· Ins. Shower O\'Cr tub. Large fireplaCl'. New lkndlx. Half block Crom bus and shopping center. • ____________ BO< __ ........... ~ • -.....~ OCF.AN FRONT, Balboa, furnish.• =_:==-::=.:::.==.. _____ ...::..: _____________ _ Act Today LINWOOD VICK Realtor 312 Marine Avenue Balboa Island HARBOR 2042 1615 Cout Highway Corona del Mar HARBOR IMO ed 4 bedroom, 2 bafhs, 20x24 living room. fireplacr. garage apt. $22.500. Might tradie pm- sesslon. Owner, fr., 18847. Har· bor 271. 71-p-82 FOR SALE--C5 foet lot an O- BI"'-. BalboL Priced belo9 ti. da.Y• marbt. Ph. ne... 5J».J .. BEAlmFUL level lot on Poat- settia Ave. South of high-y M'tll" ~. Oarona clPl Mar, $2,1:50. for flash .. W. J. Holcomb, 1517 Coast Highway, C.D.M. an T7-<:-80 at.rC --------------------------BY OWNER-Qt Iris, Corona de! Beautiful Ocean ·Front Home 2 Bedroom1 In Corona del Mar. $23,000 W. J. HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags Fly" 79-c-80 45-ft. Level Lot In Corona dcl Mor. Zont'd R-2 $2650 W . J . HOLCOMB 1517 Const Jllp:hway Corona drl Mar ''\'lherc th<' Fl;ii:s Fly" 79-c-AO 2 STORY HOME Four twdrooms. hnth and a half. Near hay and Ol'•'nn. In Corona dl'I Mar. F in" lot Lown and flowl.'rs for <JUick sale\ $14,500. Mar. TWo bedroom, 1padom living ·TOOm. 1un dttk, doutw garage under. brand new, dif. ferent, room for raitaJ, unit $13,000.00. T7·P-81 BY OWNER -New 2 bedroom home, 1tucco, hardwood tloon. lawn 1prlnklen, double gara~. very nice. $12,500.()(). 704 Fnn- leaf. Corona de! Mar. TI-p..81 H.M.LANE REAL ESI'ATE m Court Aw. Near Newport Pier Eatabli&Md s~ 1920 8-dl Bt:l LDTNG LOT FOR SALE l"F.WPORT ISLA~D. Com <-r of 38th and Ma rcus Sts. R-2. Side- walks. pavinl!. all utalitat'S in Paul Lund. Jlarhor 1992W, 6606 0<.'t'an Front. Newport Bc•ach. tf CJ ) M. 90-fL conv. hse. sll'<'ps 8. nr. mkts. Bay & Surf. Sl6.000 Ownr r LU-676.J to Sat.1 M. !hen 420 Goldrd. to 6 11. 78-e-80 MUST SF.LL THlS WF.EK $55(J.00 bun NJuity Npt. Hu. lot 50· x.. 127.5' Bal. or $668.00 pay. W .• J. HOLCOMB able $30.oo month. Stt OWMI" 1517 Coast Highway ~3 Seash()J'(' Orh·e. Npt. Corona drl Mar Beach. 78-c-80 "Where the Flap Fl~'s.c-80 2 BEDROOM house. 2 car gar~ -----------_ on 2 Ioli 40 x 180. $4950 full F OR SALE-By own<'r, 3 lots on price $2950 down on Mantaret Santa Ana Av~, Near the coun· St., near high school. Ph. Bea· try club. S75ll end up. Easy con 5381-W. 79-tfc te:nns. Call Thomas H. Garrett Phone Harbor 7R7-R. 80-c Bill Hay _ Betty Stout COSTA MESA THREE BEDROOM homr. clOS<' to center or town. ~ acrc. $1000 down. total P,riC<' $7000. Spacious cor~ location, 2 bdr .. flrt'place, amplt' s toragt'. Nt'W. S9750. Lovl'ly new hom <'!I adjart'nt to Npt. Hts . 2 BR. f1rt'pla('(', kitch- t•ns "ith a view. Iota, brick work. F rom $2250 down BRIGGS •• BEST •• BUYS UDO ISLE. 11lis is anr al ...,_. -~ 2 bfd- room homP. lrilc»cm. ~. ldtdwn. ind ra.nce and ftfrip!l'atar. a.da. <pDrd .. tio. near dub. mer --.r tennis au1 . ...,. ...... bNdl. $15.750 ••. )ft $15.750. witll tftms.. To .. tbi&. just plKll_!! and ~ will pick JOU ap.. • SUIOllll Rlln' A.LS. Somr gOod oms lirft. Fred BRl<:X;S 634 CoMt Hlda••J' Blanche A.. Gates Realtors--Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave.. Balboa Island llQ' fh: .. lfar. tm..J; Har. 1mt...J ENL: Dar. 746-M; U... 1117-11 BALBOA ISLAND Modem 2 B. R bomP willl ~ L R. and ftn-. plact-. Room ·on &onl to build. Good buy. $13.500. BAY SHORES ~· modrm 1whaood homr with 3 B. Rs. 1 ':: baths patio. dining romn.. fitqa..... On choioro romn" lot. Kitchen is fumisbrd with Brnlfix .-ashM' and drytt. elrectric ~ and cW»wastarr. ~ ~ can hr :_for ~16..800 or~ hr bouJtht minus kitchen CORONA DEL MAR ~· lari=e 3 B. R. homr on -15 fL Joe 1 ' :: blks. from ocean. Dining room and largr lanmcaped patio. 'Jbi<; ~ bas all lhP dsann and ~ty one could ~ for. silh bankood floors. tile and flre- platt. for only 519.T;iO. Incxmp tmil. 1W9-edlttmdy at:tradift 3 B. R. hon)e •;th ~ and lup-pmtio. Gangr apL with living romb. kikhm .... hugip bedroom. ~ room and mlh besidP cloulJlr garagP. Thi5 homr l4' a real buy Oii tbp 90Ulh si«lr al biglnl'ay. $2'.l.000. BALBOA PENINSULA Look ! ! Rigbt on oaND fnJllt. onr ot Balboa's most bmuliful homr.s with 3 B. R.s. huge living room •"it.b firlftJlacr. dining room with ma~y bar and inlidp butlecur. patio. elm with fireplatt. Paynr fumaop_ hanhrood Doon. 4 ba~ laundry c:hute. doulW "~ .... ~ 8nd ~ spaa> ~-$&5.000 unfumishl'!d. 547.000 fumished. or malrit-otrer. FOR SAl.F Art '"l •'<'t11ll~ ~"'"'' huy in 111<·,.1111• l'"'l"'l'I ~ Pll l l"•an ~·,, '"' · \'\ft..;a ... 111t.; 11r ;t :apt s. I la1'\!!' :.! 111-.la'\'ll\tll:o-. It\ llll' 1'11\•rn, k1td\1•n an1I s1111 ll\11'1'1\. !'l•"'I ~ 1\) l'l'a'- "'''''· '"'"' Mllall1•r apt:--. •'•11·h >olt'l'l'llll.: ti t••oph•. l'\lll\f11rt.1hly llll'lll,lt."11 IUlcl "'nl1'll a t tm~'llt thaw ('1·111 .. 111 l'o11n1lation 1111.t f11r ~al1• hnlcl ~·011r h1''11lh Only $1 ~.~00 IN NE\X 'PORT BEA CI I Tiat•n• nr.., 4 lots •'" h\o of "hil'h th<>"' ""~ thl'\,._, 1'1·n t:1l'. not• ('(m_..;istill).! of :.' l:it"t"W\lllS. hvln~ a'l111m • rit'l•plan~. kltrtwn. !limn~ an<t h11th 1n)1ns. Ynt'l"l I~ hri1·k fMU"t'rl. nl1,•ly limel.;('llfll'C,: :.'-rnr ),!U111K•' with • 1\ t•r. h.in).!ini,: 1toor-.. Su111•r-th1p1,'r l~1 rllloe ii.:. Hou~ .11\' \\l•ll f11rnish1oel. Otht•r '" o lots fol'I• t 'c1:ast Blvrl. 111 C '""'"· I lh:hly rl.-.str.ahlt• for iru'lmW pt~p1•rty. ,\ ),!"•.1t af}\'1'Slnwnt for t•nlil'l' pn>f11•rty - Only $26.~00 R.-quiring S 15.000 (·ash. LOTS ON THE PENINSULA . 40 x 1 OO-.~r1!'l() LOT ON CENTRAL 11 x lCY.!-R-2 ~-rx-ar J,{rnmmar ~·hool $.\>()(). BEVERLEY REALTY CO. Gladys Beverle>y, Renl(or 211 East Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 17NR and 1~ BALBOA ISLAND >4()..1,• s.=..ooo r'.t...ti down (lRYJTI('nt will huy this South Roy Frnnt h()fll(' ";th private pi<>r. An ol<k-r h oml" with tmlimitro rn;..;ihilitit>S. Fiw' tif'<irooms. 2' ~ hnths. ~t apnrtmMlt ov<>r garni:-f'. llnpnirt hnlnn('(' tum· rt'4>tt l JW'r n-.nt or mon-Jll'r month at !\I ~ 111•r n•nt. inlt>n-..;;t. Estatf' lll'ing rl~-<I n -:1Stm fnr Sf•llinc Sloe• thi..; lociay. C:ill llarhor 177t; BALBOA ISi.ANO Rtt ... 1~-. nppna111nity. W11011•11'-. S 111 wl Shop. F ix- hu,.... and inw•ntnry appn"imal1•ly ~'.11 11). IA'llSI' in· d u1Wc; apartnu'flt :11ijoinim.: st111,, Nh,, dt•11n rh•ul. Don't 1k'l:ty Call llarhor 1771;. CLIFF-I IA VEN We• a,,. off<>ring a hon1t' of t'XC'\'fll inna lly (ll 1p11l11r fl<10r plan in SNni-melfit•m an·hlh,.·tu1i•. Sc·ht"tlllhtd for t'arly <-ompletion.. hut if hough! ltct\\' 11t•w uwn('r may ~lect rolo~. tile. linoleum. <'IC:. 5 MflllrlnuA rooms. aei>aratr dining !q>flce. hreakfMt bar. Lot.A of storage. big wardrol~. On 80' Jot. 0 111 Mr. Sdn~ter. BP:u-on 5795. · BALijOA RAYSHORES lmm<'dial<'IY availal>I<'. $.1,000 down. Att.raMlvt> 2 and :l hMmom honlf'S with rrRI firf'plnc~. Stnll shO\\'Pr!' a nd w<•ll planl'lf'<I kitdwns, hrf'nkfn .. 11t bRr. laJi,.--c <'t'fn('Ot patios. wardrolJt• dc~l-. and many other ;1ttrarli\'f' ft'alurvs. l..:tt)!f' ilouhlf' ~amgf'S with oe1tsidt• stall sh1M1•1 ...... For mo1't' <'Ompl<'ht ck>· tails m il ~1r. Thoma.;, B..-•ac-on ~7tlK CORONA DEL MAR e: NEWPORT BALBOA Nl'J1\'8·TUISa l 'KIU u · S f'"l"'''. lft·a.•h, ('allt. ,.., p. .... Page & &&ALUTAft • UAL IW'l'Aft • -------- BAL HOA l)111• :.! h1-.li'l11\lll apt .. '2 hodw.'lot'M, l guest room. l-'lw11a:o-h! .. 1. $I l,[t11t1. $.'>.!'l(lel t·n11h down. i f11ml1'lh'd l'l'lll:tl units. Ownn Front. Fine hl<x>me ~l>-(,\1(~1. Tc•t1ns . .t'ult111.w Buy Aw. t-'\a111lshtoel, SIC't'll8 fi to 8 ~ • $!1.oon. :l 111-cll'onm hnmt• 11ncl c-ottn~'· lt1Jmlahed. Lot 50' x J no·. n.:1 w 11t•. $11.7!'>4.l, An ('Xt't'ptlonal value. . U<io hdt• lot 471 .. rt h v AA tt . F:xt-clk-t'lt locaUon, ~.r.)(). . . Nt'\\'port 11.-1.:ht~ lot~ $ 1 ·1:l<l Rnc1 llJl. &1008 lot~ $:.!,tl)O and up. SOUTH COAST REAL TY CO. Rais Gre.ley, Rft.ltor -Monte Grtmea. Bnlar J~lne Webb, Realtor -Helln 0 . 101M.. bwunnae 302 Maln Street BALBOA Ph. Ha1tMr 8' 80-e Four new m~m homt.•, nne canst., cmtnl loca· tlon. 2 bed rooms.., rr. pl., dbl.· far~Of' Uvtiw Of' lnwstmc.'flt. Priced to M.fl from S 1,wu to S12,.IJOO. n~nnt1'hro 2 bd nn. h<lmf', cla.e tn Sl'fMO. ~ auh. Redut"l'd ~lOOO. 2 bd. nn. hotnN, hdw. ft., fr. pl., dbl. f(llr .. netlr bfty and view. Pri~ $11,500. 5 nn. dbl. gar.. comer 10(, O<'CUp&ed tJU Aus· ust bt. $3000 down, J>rt~ $10,MlO. Durk'x: rrew modem. dbl. KtU'. many ~xtru. 115.BeO Live with nn lm.'Olllc. IRvrl lobe -d<>l'e In for onl $1750. -flrnrlnm . N or lntc:>n'l'ltf'C'I In n $1000 month lncome from an ln- Vt:'Mt IT)(•nt or ~.i .ooo. See us tor the nl'M.'tSt nc!'W 12 unit upt. hot.UiC ln the arN. °""r Balboa Bay. F..x- dwdvt• with UM. 4i0 ft. x 100 ft. hwl. fmnt. Mldc11t-ol·Corona del Mar. A i-111"\' ln\'1'?-1.mt.'flL $16,000. NEWPORT llF.IGIITS /\ n111·r hnnw. ('(lfTIM'; lllfl..'t' llv. ""·1 nAPtone fr. pl.. ~ f'xtrn lnrl(t• l>cl. m u.., ample bfttn Rnd Ahower, J\11t l11. 11111,h•m rnnch hn,u.-. 171<'f> $16,:SOO down. O hly $til1 M), halant•• 4 1.-r t..'ml Rl $64 ptt month. THE TAVERN CO .. 1301 Coast Highway Cm--onn ctrl M"r. Cnllfomlft P'hon•• llarhor 1741 JACK SULLIVAN ' JEAt-l TAYLOR LES'I ER C. JONIB Corona deJ Mar I STILL HAVE Ol'M' or th~ llTUlll bNch h~ ROOC1 10<-ntlon and n falr buy 11t ~- R~I ("()NSTRUcrtON ln town, 2·bedroom homt fl"'J1'n("(', lge. IVJt. room, nloe kltchmette, bath ~ bedmom." ~ood Abe. dhlfo. Rttached prqc wtth larun-c1ry l'O()ffi. $9850, term& Large Lot $200 down Good Location. Totnl prict' only $700. Just listed -Corona del Mar'• most charming hom<'s. 2 lovely hdr. &: den pant'lled in Phil. magoh. See our good buys for both ~wpun Heights anc1 Co5f.a lltsa. Two ouLc;;tanrting a(l'111rncnts. One at S!l.9S(f :ind the other ;at ~J.l.'.11.IO. ~ an• c•xc't"l'ffingly w1•ll hullt and an• c•-<n ... lk-nt huvs. Call I fltrhor lli4fi. Mrs. Maroon or Mr. Dav~." A BF.AlITTFUL 2-BrnRM. HOME.~. lvx. room & flrf'plac--r : au tile kltrhm A: 11,4 balhA, nloe patio" RUil ciec'k with ft f'Of'Rl'OUI, view or <>a!8n and hil& ThlA <11UtHlJtndlng home In an e-xdwdve dllltrlct mlat....,._· --- G. N. WELLS, BROKER Remember July 1st. call us for full detailll re. new California drivin& law. ~A..CA~GATE5 80-c GEO. V, FOX. SaJesman JOE McKEE. Salesman F , E. Rus11l'I Office 1790 Newport Rl\'d .. Costa Ml'sa Costa Mr!H1. Ph. B<'acon 5181 80-c WARREN BUCHANAN HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. SAYS: 1101 N~A,t.}·.s~~n 6212 OON.T TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST----------------------------- NEWPORT HEIGHTS LIKE LOTS OF WINDOWS? Here's a new home built for comfortable living. The windows are from floor to ceiling and all room.;; around the patio.: hdwd. noors. 2 large bedrooms and a kitchen to make cooking a pleasure. $2800 down ";n ha ndle this lovel y borne. Full price $9900. New 2 bMrm. home. partial \'iew of Harbor. ronx-r tile sink. hdwd. nrs., dual furnace. double gar. On a fine com<'r lot. in restricted zone. Priced to S<'ll at $9200. T<'tms. We ha\'e 8 Newport H<'ights huilding lots, from $1350 to Sl 500. Buy safely in this lo\'t'ly residential section. but buy soon while you still have choice of location. '3-BDRM. HOME. beautiful and livable. Easy tcnn.c;;. COSTA MESA 2-BDRM. HOME ON 1 ACRE -Thi.;; little Costa Mesa ranch has 1 acre of the finest sandy loam you have seen. It's a nice home. well kept. on east i;ide.: dby. gar .. room for chickens. Has a row stall. $8000. Full price. Nice terms. Excellent ! :! acre. facing on two streets. S1350. IF YOU WANT WATER FRONT. here's a 3 bed.rm. turnlshed home. Has pier and float. barbecue. Many extnis. ~18.000. LIOO ISLE -Lovely lot, comer. near Clubhouse. $3800. EVA F. RHODEN -REALTOR 470 Newport Blvd. Phone BeaaJn 5n3-R Evenings Harbor 1423-J or Beacon 5T19-R HARBOR ISLA.""iD-Yes. •-e ha'~ a choice-~ ol propert,_· a\.watJip for the DISCRBfJNA11NG bu"'°"· Wf' ran·t tftl ~-ou too much a hnut it here. bu1 if you an> imenostfd in the BFSJ'-J::rf in tOU<'h ";th us. JUST FOR FUN- What do ~...,_, "ant wht11 ~QU huy a ~1te? Pri\'a te lPa~ fb~~. lMmic; rour1.;. nun;('ry ~. U~..:J"•mrl utilit~ ~I pt>liN> pmtf"<·- tion-all thr9:·. and 1'11'we ""'ltJO--:-a~ mrltrierl whf>n you buy pnJf"'''f1 y "'" UUO L'il _..: .• ., XanthP 50 x ~ on t:ndine 1l:l A~"" Wazien 84.500 S.5.000 ~.ono Fo the P.f--sf of '-our lifp buy and live on UfX) ISLE-41 ~ST FOR n..-,.;. DON'T LOOK NOW- .un1.t-ss ytJu ~~for a ~Thie; 1'F,. GL~ hcxnt> on BALBOA ISLA."'IID i" in t tM' BEST lot-.ttion. 2 hoJK. 1 skip and a diw from the north hayfrnnt SCP...EA..'l:IXG fM some Pflinf :lml MCYJllERL Y aftft'ltion. 512.f~. LITTLE MONEY BALBOA ISLA.'-0. A hNrh hou.. with 4 •·all-. an<f a root h""hat do )'OU~ for $9950~t neat a,o; a pin. Small hut~'>. FuO in. trith sparr for a<1<1i· tiona.J ~-S!Y;()I). n :u . PP..ICF..-$!f.'t:°/J •'fF YOC WA..,,. rr. WE JV.'."C: rr· J\ Harbor Investment Co. ~ Realtors ....... ('ftllnl &-...... ... -r---: I ,, I ~ • I ~:::5 .Let uc;; show \'OU n hou.-..~ nnrt garn~t· with future incorJ'l(' pos..;il1llitiPS. 1..oc..-.ated on a 1-.1nwr lot with ll soot.Mm ('Xposu!'f'. Thlc; prr>111•r1 y IJC•longs on· your 'mllc;t sec' list. Call lfa rhor lf--..Ui Mrs. Maroon or Mr. Dav~. i'ivc room hOl'Tlf' rh•~ a onl"-l11'llmom 11p11r1mrnt and an t'Xlr.1 room on a 7SA1111I lr1t lollolh ur the boul<"\':tnl. W1• atY' 11ff•·iin~ !Iii' 1w11111·11y few s;tl1 ... eith<>r rumishN"f nr 11nr11mi<:l1t~I ( 'om1• In and .,..... IL" about it 11w p,-j,,. '' 111 .;ur·1w"'· ~·1111 1 J'horw Mt~. Maf'O'tll nr Mr. 1>:1\'I•.._, Jl;1rl">I' 11;11; L I ()() I SI. E :'\<Hn1 I ~II< 11:1 ; \\',\·11·:10--HC 1:'\T FiV(' 111-.lrti••m'. ,,, 1..,.111 h •1111•· tfi;if "111 ,,,11,fy tlw most rli .... ·nmin.itinl' f;, .. t .. hl\111'11111'-I\' r111TII'"'"' In· <'lwlinf.! t.,'r.ind p1.1n•• :111.J :1 11 ,· <;:11~, .... 1 1111111lir11t1 <tl th1• -.lip ''"Id\ 111 1'11 ° I 'h••ll" \Ji ;\I• l\111...,•\', f J;1r· '">r 1111:s ,,,,.. .• n ·lf'l"''"'•111·111 '" ...,., • NE\X'PORT Bl:A CI I Altr.irti\·1·. \\l•ll ,.,.11.,11111'1 •"1 : l •·d1•rw111 1 h1111u • 1111 il ll <'xtra fa rJ.!1• 1111 J•:-cn ·ll••11t 1·1111rl1la1111. < ;:i r;11•1· ~·1·n1~-.1 yarrl. lrw·;1f1'lf i11 "''" ,.,,.,, 11·11t•·r ""' r wt /\ I.!'""' buy at ~·'""I \\1lh 1•·1111,, ('.Ill :'\1:.n l1w1<~111 al H;irt.or 1111'1 CANAL FRONT LOT La.'il n•m:iininl! watf•t1r'•inl 1111 . :111·11 l<l<I' <1n pav1..,I stl"f'('f. .Jus t a''"" 111 mark1·I,1hi11.! sl111.,., th1•af•·r 11ntl bu.c; lillf-.., Y•111r U\\ll pri\:111· t,-·:wh (111• $1i,H0() l'lv111t • Mr. ~kKinsev. lfarl1<1r 1111:1 SUMMF.H 1<j.~:'\'TAI$ :"1·\,. :_i 111 .. lr<it1m :1pa11ml"nts on 8'-al'hmv· ()riv.-.. Pnv:.1 .. h •:lf'h. I ~ Earl W. S l:tnl1•y. f1w• offi<'f' l<w><tt ion~ EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR C O VERING GllEA'JJCa NEWP O RT HARB O it nu w. CEN11lAL 15th AND mVINJ: 8'111. ~ Bw:t. l'f~ Bwft l1a Md CDA8T JIWJ. 2Z5 lllARINE AVE. 811 COA6J' RWY. ....... 1 .... Balboa W8Dd . OJroaa dll .... 80-1 tc be ll('('n to he ap~atcd. $26,500. Tenn. can be . arranged. $.1500 OOWN WI1 .L HANDLE the purchue of thla beoutltul 2-hcdnn. home on a 60-tt. comer; 2 tile baths, I~. rtcn, hnn.1W'OOd noo"' throughout; Ip., dble. g11r11gt• w1th Mervh-c room, tcncro A beauU. fully hrnctxn:1(X'(t, 11 reul hOfllC> tor the mOll<'y, lN RA YSH OHF:S F.ST ATF.S: n nnr 2-tlf"dnn. home on n ronwr: l~f'. lvi;t. room & rtn,>&a-.., cm & c11nlnfr room, tllf' kltc-hm c\ hiilh with tJt1txlclt> stull Hlmwt.-r; nl<'f' r)laf lo, f'Xtra lf{c'. ~urn~•'. ThlK '"In 11n ('XduA!ve rll11hirt. priv11lf' hrar h c\ monrinl(; 111 $1A,OOO lt'1 a 1(00'1 huy T1·m1s un• 11vallahh•, JN('OMt:· 1 huVI' ~ ... v1•r1d ~()()c l lit1y!' 111 ttnltJll fmm $~2.riOl'r to ~1 2!°>.flt'lO. M1~1 nr llwm wlll 1thow a net n •h1m nr t ()'·~ '" 12":' 1.100 TSU :: Lot ~1·x~ICY, nlc'f' l0<·111ion, $10.~75. thr IY>sf huy 0 11 the• lsla11d. Al.1. KINJ>S OF I IYT'S from $17:Jt) & up. BW'inMJ fronllll(C' from $200 fl"I" ft. 2 NEW 11<1MJ-:S. nlr'f' dhctrl<1, you can huy them or n>nt tt11·m on 11 yrurly h11xlH & owner will tumlsh tla('m for yrJU. I WANT : A :l-HJ-:1 >HOOM in Comna df•I Mnr on n 40' Jot nru11n1I $17.000. rnn pn y $!">()(){)down. A Jl()Mf·: r lfr.;t• to th1• ••ntninre to the harbor "'th a J>h'r, will ll<lY up to$:\!},()()(). 2 tTNlT'S ON RAl.OOA ISi.AND, duplex OT home A gnrng1• 11pt . pn•fem'fJ, nQt ovrr $20,000. J JJAVF. AI.1. KTNnS OF SUMMJ...~ RENTALS In nil IOC'Atlt)fl!> stnrtlni.t ot $..50 per wrek & up. J AC~ SULLIVAN 1205 O>Mt I IJghway ' Harbor 1037 Corona del Mar Harbor 1247-.J ~· • -.. a .DI -· .... ... -... • 118 a. ... ... .... ·-Of -c-, .. .. . ..... •: .... ... ----'nt --.. .... LOI -Gel .... .._, -~ .... ..... Clf ... :... ..... .... ... -... ~G = .... ..... .... • • c I --- ' ' 1 • ,, • ' AROUND THE HARllOR, OH THE MESA • Social PllON £8: HAJlAOR IS. 1411 &L~: HA. ... , •• 'I I Page 6 N&WPORT BALBOA NE1'8·TIM~M YRIDAV Srw1)0rt lleacll, Calif. • May t8, llM~ Mesa WSCS ExecutiYes To Meet WeclnesJay Ex«uUw board of C.0.111 ~ksa WSCS -a,11 m eet Wednt'ld.'l), Junt> 2 f rom 'J to 3 Jl. m a t th" church perlor for their N'b'Ular -'on. Mn. Ruth Barnt-I I will -------..... 1Pops' is Tops on Father's Day! Sunday. June 20th To really shO\\_'. your love few Dad give him a ftne watdi with a name that's TOPS! nJrS WA'ftl8 llSl'&lllllfO •iii aa w-••' tt .. All .... O-•t11I • a,...._,. Roberts Jewelers DI~......._ ........... ... ...,..mi BeYerly Groce Tapped lor K womos At U. ol Oregon l 'nivc•rs1f)' of Ort•gtm, 1-:ui:o•nt'. !\111y 1 S pecial l -&vC'rly (.;r111 , dnui:hter of Mr ond Mni \'irtor F Groct', 321 Alvaral1n l 'larr, Oalhon, wu one or JO frrshm1·n wonwn tapped for 111t·mh1•rsh1p tn Kwamas, 110phomorc a1·rvlc.-t• ho norary on lhl' Unlv1·r111l y 111 Orf'l?On campu~. 111 I ho• 11nn111tl Morl lf.r Board Bull last FrnlA~ 111J:hl. prL'Side. Cha.Jrmcn of 1111 "" rl•'• Art' f'l'minded to bt' pn"'<'nl. Rrgular meeting or I.ht> wscs "111 Ix' on Thursday, J unl' 10 with Circle 7 in ChllTgl' or dl'Vl'I loJflS And Cl~ll' 8 In chargl' to( Jun· C'h('()ll, di~ FINE FABRICS •On~ ·~ : ~ta a: d1"a fabrics. Unlnp.-Quildftc. etc. PHONE HARBOR 2*-J·K m aiut HIOlway Onna del Mar ELECTROLUX CLEANER •HI" Fletcher •. A..._....,.F_ .. "1 •1111 ncatt .. for llaliMtr ~· PHONE BEACON 6208-W WI Saata Aaa Avto, Coeta 111- French Cafe . Spedallzlnc ln PW.ENC& QNION SOUP I Parmesan> .................... ..... i.....rrw aik*em ••=-..-~a....u Olmplete Dbuwn et.II up • p. m. to mJdnlrtit ............ ., ... ...... ,_ ... .... ""<lltlialll>" -T-.., • -CLOSED MONDAYS Maine Fresh Easter Lobster Fresh Crac~ed Crabs Visit 6ar Old Fuhlonf'd Grill 1W·1ri1 Boan t to 12 p. m. Codl1aJk Anllable Oosed Tuesday f_A T MORE FISH T.~ey Are Rich In Iodine 111et of Dttp Sf-a Trout • Fil4't of Rock Cod • l'.Mten Sea.I.lops • Barrwoda • Abalont-Stnk!' • SN Ba88 • Flirt of ShN-p lie-ad BAYSIDE FISH MARKET --...-WDOLIBALE AND BETAIL - l'fSWPOaT B&AOB 11111 ft. AND IAJl'ATSl"l'S PBO!'fS BADO& Ill from the 1t·~1· FOK JU'' Somo· f'l'l•jolo· I" 110• t 111·11 ft 11 ntl,. IX"t'llU~" tho') 0·;1n I•• ol• 1•·r11l1 d • UJ~lll 111 11.ll~ tOHlld tr\ 1 lflt• 111 t I "111111 \\ • II, 11( <11111 I h 11t ' 11111 K•1 t 1111 Hut t h•· I•• o. 1.I o· I acl••n• :u·· 1ho ... 4• "111 • •an JlllllJ1 Int t11\ "h• n "oltll'I 111111: 1;uorl 11.q 1~·n· w 1111· o•I h1 I l••ll"" wt: .St:t:n TO K~O\\ Anil tli1·10··· 1'111 1 n111111·r 11( rompllm1•n1 ~· I kn11\\ folk" ''h•1 hrn~ llko· m11d ul11111I tltf'll fri1·n1b hdund t h•·1r liark•, hut \\ht•n tt 1·11111•'' 1•1 li:""lh tho"•' snm,. IJ"'•PI•· ,, 1·• •mJ1l11111•n1 1 ti;h t It~ lhl'lr f:tl•.., lh<•tr !11n1;111•' i;o•I stur k Th•·t<', n11 1u111t· Ilk•· ;1 romplmwnt n .. tt .. \o• nw "' 1111 n('('d 10 knl>\\ t h1 1111 o· t loin..:' othPr 1"'<>1111· 1h1nk oti.mt u' ,.., why lo•I !111· i;oud "''"' 1nr k lc throol(h l>l-t'(J11tl·h11nrl? Mt'PF.R MIND f.kJ('" 1t 1uk1• "1m1• kind of a s u- pc.•r mind '" mukr 11 o"t11\l'r11 c1u things fu r )VU• I lw•U~hl ti b(!Ok on pholul:""llf'h). 111111 ""''lr\I( I hat I w11s 100 1lt11p1ll 10 und1•n;ta.nd it all b) m) M•lr, J tm hai; rt>ad 11 to mc-thn><• 11m1•!1. c·xplaining t•at·h paragruph The onl) trouble Is that b) tht' ttml' ht• 1(1'1" to lh<' f'nd. rm confu•1·d about thl' tx·· gmntni(. M a)h<· I 'm JU•t 1101 ttw t)'J>I'. LIKE A SA.SOWIC'll Ru•h11n l. m~· 1111f' 11nol nnl) r hl'•'· 1Jc1. hc.•gnn t11s 1 rav!'lll wh1•n h1• wAs thn'l' month~ olrl l'or ko'fl tn a ba~kt•I l1kl' 11 ,.;in1lwwh, h1• "1•111 from Mlnnt'.'sotn to th1• C1•l1w111l11 mountain". 11nd h,.·~ llf'-.•n 1:0111.: i.I rong ever l'tnC'o• \\'lwn h•• "'"' two, Wt' hau1t .. 1 him '" M"'"'"o City, whrrf• ho· wn~ t humui.:hl~ huit~<'<I nnd kt•.'14'11 1•\'1·~ llmo• h.• a ppeared i• puhltc-, not 1111ly by M...Oc.-a11 womt'n, but by Amt•ri· ran tourist's who a lw;1ys t'X· plainl>d that they h11d l<•rt Hwir children ot home Md Wf'f<' simply d)1ng or lonelln£'SS. Lot 11 of our frl~nds think we're stark r11vlng crazy to ket'p dragJ;lnl( him around hkc thnl. but ht• Sl'l'm11 ahlr to 111kl' 11 In his 11tndr. And south of th!' hord<'r. you ha\'c sc-ad.~ mon> run with 1\ r hild 111 low. Of counc4', 11 h!'lfl" If said r hil<I has a c11~1 -1mn .. 1om11r h POP H AO TO Ht"!STl.t: I think hllll' k11ls' roonh -ihnul'1 h<-1111 11nh••tln"1111ish "" fll>'<l'thl" w,. '"'~I H1rhanl'!l Into n siltinl! r•w•m. nn111•li•t1• \\Ith II tll·rl th.11 lt••k' Irk,. a c111u·h. a tahl1· tih: "n1111i;h 1111' (11111• ~1111111-: at 11~1,. f1);:n '" ln\\'TI nn rinr1 l<'Y" hand\ 1•n t.:ro1' 1 \ ''""'. 11\h .. l\t'' At that 1••1111 I 111' 0111tl "'lo l .111 :u Ill l•• ·''" fl f II '"1111 ~:\Ith "H .. lh 11 I "., '''"" I '" .i ... 1o11 tl1•11l•lo· 11' d,, I ·h· It ti 1t \\ ""' ,, 111\ U11•1 1 Pup h ttl '''IHI II.• ,tf1HJf1d ,, .~h Ii I 111 tth tftt1 "'I\\ ft' , •• I 11 f1nt ... h1 d lwf1·1• 1111 phuto•t.tph ''' 11111\•ol 111 \\o·ll. 11 ~ 0111• \1 ,1\ t • 1 .... , t " h,. 1 ' • •II '' an 1 "" t ql • 1111111. ROSSI CAFE 1611 ('na~t lllway, c·orona del Mar NF.WL Y Hl-:!\100El.EO 1";1h R r1t>\h otm~phere) Si--tallt.lnJ In: Spaghetti -Ravioli Rcaloppini. Chicken Steaks & Uoast Beef Cocktails Glowing GoQtron Us.eel in War Now Glamorizes Swim Suits SI\ It ti 111 uni 11 nil I\\ 11 jJil'Ce nwo1.I• '' , I n• \\• '' t1• •n:n ·md in , l\'114 ""lor-. "11 h hh1l'k. or in 111111,11.tl o"''"~ lnrmnni!'~. the n<'\\ cantron l11r.:h·' 1~1h1hty swim SUllS pr<'l'l'ntt•'1 !hi~ Yl'llr hy G11ntn<'r of \111if11r111u 1trl' the "l1ri£hl sirlt'" o( n<·w~ ln hcach Wt' Ur G11ntron I~ uniqu<' amonc rah· r irs in tha t 11 1:lnw<1 from t\11wn to du.<tk with untwlit'\'ablc ra· dlanrt'. an<I In rnltir<: "h1rh "" •' tht>ir hrilliAm·t' to lltl'rnl r 0 1n\'f'r· !>ion of !'nl'rl;Y Ra'' nf t1 "ltr.:hf whkh cannot 1 ... '"''n /., the human <')t' nr• ''''Pl"''1 up in w aw· ll'm:th, I" ''"' 1111111ni: fohnr . 111111 '1 ·tlol1 ht Ji Inner w hkh h~< t1 111ht11ll\ h••• !I rnm· p11r•rl '" .1 11111·'1 111 1 h:1ll of (lr•· 1 ·n11k• 1o1 l1o 1 li1t1111111: •mil!', "hil'l'l l.'r<"' 11.11 k 11nll 11'"" at· t r;u•t" · \\It• 11 '" I r.: 1111 nln <ttays 111 itlt.ont 111 lh• "ti• r , 1!1\'ini;: the l11o k "' n <.0·111t1ll.1tini: m<'rmald, nnrl 1w•1n111t1111: tho• WNtrf'r to look ho •r prt>lt t• "' · "t'I or dry . On th1• lll'arh. lllf• !>nm" intense glow c-hnrnl'l('ri~tir or gantron np(X'ars to dt'f'pt•n n i.:irl's suntan '"'com lnJ.:ly Ganiron wnii first introouced to lhf' i;wlmmlni;: puhlic-Intl'.' last year by Gentner, aftt'r It had !lt'rvrd with lhl' nrmr•d for~. During tht' war. It wn!I widely u st'd ;u; n loni:-rnnr.:I' s ignnlling dt'vke in tK'nch mnrkrrs. s ignal flaJ;s , ldr nllfirn t 1un panrl<i a nd huoy +iarkf'r"' As gnntron r:in he i:el'Tl nt <1i .. 111nr l'' up lo :rnd o\'l'r two m1l1·~ 10-. ;m idrntiflnhll' roto r. II "a~ 11 ''ah in hi·· aid h> our f1£hllnl( men AftC'r th1• " 1r l'n<lt>d, \.nntnl'r or C"ulifnrnia ..... f in1•<1 111'· r ..!1ric. • nrlc1i ni: m ·my fN1!1.r1·<1 ln..J11<1111i;: a n ·mr1rk11hll' w11 t1•r·rr 1wll l"nrc• whir h makr< 11 pnrt i•'t1l:1 rt~ -i1111 :thlo• l11r •II•• nwn11L1..t11r1• nf !>Wim111111..; ~1111< l.ol•' oily I ho·~,. ll!ll'llh '" 1• h t n•"· m.I\ h1• (p11 nrl nnh nt Fit t p.11 1 wk'" 'rwport !!!Ori' legion Auxiliaries Ploy Court Whist ' \t '•If I I~. II" \ U t l It I I' I I ,, \'I' 11 f II ' ' I I I t I ' 11 11 I .. I.. I I ' 'lloo 1 I 'I· . t ·' \it\lll1t \ tl ttu ;\t\'l• 1 1 I• I • ... ·1111\ I lt I' \11 qui 1 \ ' 1 ) ~ c',11111 ''' , .. 1 ,, I"' 1 ,, •• t 1 f'I J/t ·• •lU 111 '"' I I I t ,, ' 11"tl I tt I~. H \ t I"'' \\ ltll •t '' .t f•I I ' \\ ,, '.,,I . :11 I, lr1 ..... hnu .. u1, ,, .... nd\\11f1,, , ntl 1 , t t, , '', I • .... 1 , , .I I. \11111 1'110·11111"111 1'f••11lort ,, I \I I\ "'""' 1 lill'-11 ... -.. .... .H '''"' h t• I" t , ... ,,,.,, fl ,,, r•·• •'Pt I '"I 'I 1\ t t 1' '" , I• ... \\ '1; 11 \\t I i Ul •f" • ••I \\ tt\ t ~I u 1 .. '"" n~ on Monday, Har. 1 HIO I Voe f. w . a ion ins ----.-i For Barbaro Nielsen --, "11 1u' 11r b '' l•n1 lh• , ~I,... Rarban E,_ IJ6R·- all, 491!1 t1owtt 8'L. ee.l.a ~-who ••Ill hf> -~ -lltinort"d Q.-ft of ('Otita ..,._ ftfoll'lf'I l!'i7. IBlf'...... ,. Or- dH or lob'• D....._ - .JUM 10 al IMllMk-ttii I a In AIJ'.M'ric'aa ~ lilall. Secretary Mars/tall To Address Clubwome.tt 01 Nation T oni9ltt PORTLAND. Ort> .. M•y 28.- CUPI -Tht' G<>nf'rsl f't'dn-ation or W ome n's cluhtl Announced to- da y that Sen-et11ry of Stat~ (;(-or ge C l\t n rith a II will •ddJTI:, the rl'dl'r1tl inn·~ :'l:all<>nal C".on- vention hrr1• t11ntch1 M rs. Rtl>t \\'ntidhu~. C'<JnVf'ft- tlon !'f1"k1•<.nv m . 'ntd th• r «n· \'enl l••n h.tt1 ro-N l\•-d \\11rd frorm W8!1l11nr.:t1111. P 1· that Mar .. hall ~111 "i'I" nr h• t" "11 h En r J uhn· 11ton. pn•-.ulo nt ••I q,,. !\lotion Pic.-tu1•· A,.,.11(·1nt11111 ,,f AmPn•·d. and 111 T ing i' 11 T ... 1:.nc::. Cht· n1>sc• d··l••c:it1• ''' 111 .. I '1111··d :"\a lions Sf'<'llrll~ ('0•111wil SC'C'! o•l.1n '1.or•h.111 " ,, .. ,·ho (j. Ull'd t11 'II< .1k ''' "' I' 11 !'·r ~! 1 at thr P111 t1.111d O'I\ o!ld . I •• Tht' l-IN ····h \\ 111 1. I I•., • . ' puhlir Jotin,.11111 '"II 'I" 1k on 'Th.- \\'orl<1 Tud" .011•1 r .. n~n·""' and I •r T1111: "1 1 ... , •. 111.. '"' H.L Gusta T .,.. Awards To Hear Reporls At Mesa lrid9e Parly 01 W ellare ConYention ' lriJf]e is laspi1ofioa ~ H-'-HospiloTilJ H.-t.ar • ••ws.. ~ ror. ..... to .... ...__, ¥f1Vlfl.ttl of --. ....,. -s~ wtth ~ --9 ~ pvTw~ <.-. _. ......,.. alfair was Charmin.ii> arran"t-d rto\\ <.'rli a.nd i. ddttt11h!t· lunctwon h1i;h bchttd th .. <tftern0vn ur brid~w enJO)t'<l b)' rrn·nd.li or ,Mrs. Sum Cra"·{ord on Tuesday at hl'I" JSota"nol1a a'\t'nu•· home in Coi.ta b(f'Sa.. High score h1•ld by Mn. llo· nwr Ml'lloll ~on for her the fi.nt prize and serond Wt'nt to Mn. W a)IK' Pickering of H unt· incton 8«-at:h . Consolatio n award was .&!so taken by a guest from Huntington Beach. Mrs. Wern·n Bnltol Completing the two 1alllt>S ~ Mn. Ray Wallace, !\1rs. .ArdPn Long, Mrs. Jack Col\'ln, Mn. Harry Burdick and Mrs. QaW'ford. .,,,el Mothers' Club To Meet Wednesday Juni:' Calkin~. 1>n·:.1dt>nl. will t,;t\" J n ·1iort un 1ht• Ca1Jlom1a Cllnl l'l •'m··· of S<ictal \\"l'lfare wh11:h con\'enl'd al Loni; Jk ach May :.lJ-27 "hr n !'\~·\\ 1ivrl llo rbor brurn:·h or the C111ldn•n's llom e liOCiety mC'rts next \lr<'k with Mrs. Alan Blum, l:l6 Collins H\'t'· nue. M rs. Allen Hutt a.nd l\1 rs June P eterson will w co-ho:.tes ... ·i. • This will be the annual mt't'l 1ng, w ith C'lection or o!ftcers and adoption of b} .Jaws. Mn.. Calkins and Martha Cald· "ell allt'ndl'd 1he cont .. rence and rounc1 or partir ular inlC'l't'l'I the ntldr<'l's of C1)d(' Ge tz, director or thC' Childrt'n's Hom e soci<'t}', who ~poke al t hi' adopt ion session. He guw stat1~tics us 10 growth or populutlon an<t 1he inc.-reaslng rt'- 11ue,,1i: for adopt ion of chlldr('n, io.lrl·ssins.: tht' m'<'d or gl"t'a ter ra. cihtl<'!I for this work. A mttting or th<' Mo tht•rs club.~=====::::::::::::=.::::==---. ol Costa Mesa Beth('! 157. Job·s Dttuehteh , will be held 111 l :30 p.m. Wednesday, June 2 a t th<' baaw of Mra. Charles G 11mm e>n. 535 Hamilton strttt. Costa Mt·su nl·Aa. acr.ua1so -auvlUl1:-o Ill ~o ""111~ 111 · Is"' f'!OiO llllAl'H"t:"' ,. A Cl'Ull CLCAN~a.~ ----.---I • HAKFO& Al'l'J..IASnr: uav1c11 4H Sewpwt Ehol. -ttM brW •I ~---' ~ Yadlt0 dub • htn-)In tlarr} w f' l<'h _.. Mn. IA ~ ~rff!Wd four laMn cl. -..·-._.-._..K....I...,.. ..,..._, • • • A8llCJwr O'OUP POii~ PATIOI A• POllC ... MAM TO 09111 TO PIT THI LtNU Of YOUtl NOUll • YOUI CNOlca Of EIAU'no fUL ..... lllMllL 00Loa •ilidt mf1 ,_ ~. dYrl time •dw-~-at llwlllionw of Jlln.. ..... S..iwo I ol C1iff ~ .... • ...... ,_ laWes ill play ••• 0.-., lfW ...... al Ow ,...._ .......... llllmr of )In ~ F......._ .._ l'ftaia. .....~ ..... ~Cant Wl'a5 F hiC ~ al Jllmct.. -. Tllr 0.-...-S -~ nap- tioaall) ...... .Ital. c-sts ~ pM>d f~ UtW.s far bridp and ~ for r-.i1 • • • Jin. Ralph I )I~ ~ _,.brT ~trt111. hot I ~ 311 P.anf'JC c-1 <luh Ln US HILP YOU IN.JOY SOLID COMFOIT THIS SUMMll .BeauWul -t:cenomk'aJ PATIO -HOME -PORCH -FACTORY -OO"ICE SPIES HOME APPLIANCE 911 c-t HJcll•·ay m a ~ cl ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for f'U:bt • • • le .._ 1nH11ben ; ~ ~t.tadn ~ -tio wrrf' ~ •br'll Jin Chartt<J Tur· llll"r.~ ~ ...:~. f'n-1 t~ .._ ·-~ tirik.-••• Odwr ~ ~ ,..,, at CIS'll ,_,_ ._ b final ~otPEO~•e"'I Jtln 0 II. llmn' .... attwtain- ~-~AB w:aakts at ..... 0.-.. Kar "'-: and Mn. ......... 5Picn "' lbrbM ~ ..._...........,. --{'Wljoo)-M ..,. ~ GJ. N.-C'•rd lflilJillfJ' To le DeOICOleJ J.-.' bn'l'.M'Kielti .,._ t...tQt Y1tt out f11r 1h· ct-~·-rrt rho> 11- t.wldinr 4 tbti: C!-J.irril By r h1 !';.·a .. tu.rih ••' r'l:k# pl:\,,..,. <>n ~~ J ,. ~' ti> t~ a m c..,..., ·y ·~mc,y •1U ""' C..-<lri.:• R.J1'trm....nd I;··~ r.t ~nn R.• -.11'\.•• 1h• rbtrrt; •r..~rlt'lft. rh .. r .. -.11, t. •f .. l~ ...,., .. ,,,.,11.n .. n.1r ... f ttJ "'"( -. ... ,,,.. ~ • n..-t tnr rh•· \\1Jt l.1,..r ·r:ir · T w !• ,.. •,.. "'°• 11 M11S1r h~ .. ~r --r ,...... ..: .. r rt\•\!"" .inti L""' • ... I GUPPY'S CALIFORNIA • Ceramics -OOAST RIOHWAV CORONA DEL MAR Special Discount on POTWRY DINNERWARE ... Complete Sets AND MISCELl...AXEOl·s ITEllS -~- ,\londay ThrouKfl f."ridR~--'I .\. "· lo ;; I'. )I. )'Oaturda~· :and !i>unda) -Ill .\. \I. to 6 I'. ;\I. "Ru11<1111c I'• .... In •1 • .• '-, •------------.. !Ur)'." I Rnh••• t 1,.11 111 1•1 h. • ':n , •1 ,.111, .. :-... « 110·· 1., ... i1. ,,. .. r n, {111111•<1 \\'11rhl I• ii· 1 .1,.•, t. 11 thr ~.tM)n .-.r1 ,.1n1 1 d'i•: · thnt l"~tu·. ,·:1ntt1'1 I"' 11 ••nt,u111 tt h~ dtj'llt 111uu •\ 1 l•trh r t I'' tt L• ,\ rrnmrnt nn .i "· t Id .. ''I mu-· !lUC("<-t cl Ct•\•llHl1•nt 11f' 1ion11l I"'"' .. If ) nu " "' "' 11 '" ·I • 1 L , • i:tand f11r w111ld 1·td• •I• ... ,fi .,~.., ):1\\. ynur :t• 11,,n "' 1:d tu in~plrat u1n 1•• ~'*'' «'111n•r ,,f thr !nncl."' l lumb· r ... 011:! I lmmt•d i11t1 l.1 t h··•• 011. t :1 I" po~11I w;,~ tnlriJ<ht•" d 1.,r t1ra'\l!H" I n re~nlo11nn "for 1111!1•r'-• m• ' "I lhr pnn1·q1lo• ,., 1\1 •1 lrt ·f,'f'I, 1- 11\ion " Rci<olut101n!> aL: 11n•r cnn11 .d• - picl i nJ; w1•r1' < 11111 '"d ti~ ti•• n•n I \ 0t'nl ion d1•l1•1:11 h'" Balboa"s ··~ Direct Tap Beer Corned ~ on Rye Dutch~ Specialties ,_ ,._ ... Op-n 1 l>"J'• a \\'f'f'k I · ~- pr111 rl ''"' 111111 lo f,,, It,,, 1------GENE'S CAFE Spcdali7.ing In French and Italian Dinners • HARBOR 1102 705 Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar :\ti·l"·h . ''lid• 111 .ti \\00~ .. 1· ,• \ RU,!:tnr~fi; ,·,,11,~a,:. tn~t ,,,,. • • !itll010lt I f, .,.,,,,," 'h• U f t\ 111 h •r l 'o11 11t .. o d1 1 \I ·tr hoom" \\, j. n•·~d." Jtl t•p 111 11 I•• ··nJ··~ · o'lt11111L: ""o'k' "llh 11lfll'r .. 11 .• t 111111m: (1 ••·1111' C'asino Cafe r and Co~kta il lounge -(:[ Se rving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS ' ...... 202 Ma in St. Balboa, Calif. ..... • I 12903 CENTRAL CLEANERS ( FOaMl':llLI. 880ADW" Al" C'LL\.!QJlat t 1S-OF.a ~~ MA..~MllEtU.3 I PICK UP AND DELl\"ERl- EXPERT MENDIXG A.'-0 SO-AlllDG ~ .. ..._.._F_ C.ULl:n.'L IAC"lll'Dln".-A..UA A..~A W. Central Ph. Harbor 552-W Newport Harbor Area ' ' '\ . ' TEU:PHONEli: HAABOR I!, 11 AND !o8 Published every day, Monday through F'ri.dny, by Sam O. Porter and Lucius S. Smith. lll. uwnors and opcrntors of the Nl'wport Harbor Publishing Co. \'OL XL Fll __ ID_A_l' ____ lll_·f'_"_'_&..,_rt Bt> .. ·h, t 'aJlf., l\lay '!_8_, _1_9-1_8 _____ l_'A_o_·_t:_'1 On The Ways, But- News ol the Churches BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 118 Agate A¥enue l'lev. Hury W . White, • A.aaociate Putor t"hurr h S.·ho"lh !I SO a.m. Mvrntng W"ca Ip. II a .m. COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHU RCH JoM,h H. Thompaon, Mlnleter 124 E. 20th St. Ph. Beacon &11t·M rhun h "'hool 9 411 a.m . Mununi; wunbtp. 10.60 a.m . Youth .rroupa, H igh .chool, lnler· m••tlMI•. Adult. 6 .30 p.m. t:•enlng Mrvlc•. 7 30 pm. I "THE FR I END~JR~~!';'TRAL SEVENTH DAV ADVEN!'S TS BIBLE C Cor11•r Bolo and Old Count )! Road, R~v. Dwig ht K•nm•n. P .. t?r Coot.a Moa . M .. 'ftlnK tt·m11t1rrar1l)" to Lhe Stvtnlh I ~r,ht•slh tt~·h1·ul, Sa.turttay m.11rnlna. I.Joy Ath~ntiat •hurt h , ('i1mcr lit Uld 9 :tu 11 rltf(k. C(•Unly r UB11 and B"l&a &\~nue.1 Coal• J',...m htug Mn·1.-tt, t l a n L • M~aa.. , --Sun<tfty !'rh""' ~ IS am. • Fl RST FOURSQUARE CH URCH w .. rahlp ..-nicr• .II Vil a.m. OF COSTA MESA Yt1un,.: l "(""t•t•lc s ~·rv1~e: 6 p.m. t:\t'OIHlC i-:\ahgPl1!",t• ~n lf't! T p .m Ora.no~ ~nd Cabnllo \.\.'~Jut•lMlbY !.t_., A tU\httlm a\f'OUf'. Rtv. and Mr1.~P~~to%"~.ard Stearn1, I Phone lk.acon r.826 ~UR•IBy ~ h1~1I 9 30 A fU OUR LADV OF MT. CARM~L ~l••fllllll< ..... r~h1v ""r'''"" 10 ·~- 1423 Wut Centr.al Avenue· •"ru••d~r S<'r\'1c•. 6 3U p.tn. Sunday M......_.,.. • I> n "' 11nd 10 'r m. ll•...-1111 M"f\'U'<', 7 pm Cvn(l',...11111• SulUl"lll)"P rrom f :OO 10 ~;venrng f"&nl'•'lo•ti•• ....-nt..e Ill 7 .30. 6.30 aud rrv111 7 .3u hi b,30 p.m, Wl'11n~e<ltty, 7 .3H p.m . 11rnyt'r IMll"VIC41 F rl<1Jly, 7::10 p.m., Yuulh :'ll"hl and lllllle Sludy, ~ULL GOSPEL etiURCH ZZnll and Elde n Corta Meae Sun<lay 1tehuul. 9.45. moniins c wor· ahlp. II: Evanr;ell•llc IM!M'lce. 7 30 p.m. Wld·•Hll prayer mtttlns on WednH• day. 7 :U pm.; )"OUl\g people'• evlln· 1ell1tle M1TVlce on Friday, 7 :45 p.m. $.T JOACHIM CHUl'ICH Orange avenue. b«>twttn 1tth a nd 20th. Co1la Mo• MUM• 7 a.m. dally. Sunday 8 &.m. and 10 a..m. Cunru1lon1 Saturday, 4·S p.m. a.nd 7·8 p.m. ST. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH B•lboa h land SundAy M~•· 8 am. and 10 a..m. Cnnrr111lcms Salurday rrom 7:30 lo 8 30 p.m. CHU RCH OF CHRIST Church .and Walnut atreeto L. Du•ne C•nby. Mlnl1t1r ~rvlc.•,.•: Sunda)'. 10 a m . Bible Stud)', ti a..m. lolvrnln1 ••orahlp. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SllA Community Mtthodi1t 1420 Weal Cent ra l Avenue Rev. E. D. Goodell, Pa1tor "'">' 31). ll'~!I rhurch s. ho•''· 9 30 a,nl. M urnlnK \\'vr!Chtp 11 n tit, ~rrnwn thr 1nP "11.,lo.l 1111111 thr Torr h" f:~r111nl' ,..,,,.111v "T hr Pow~r or F111th " Ml'thnd••I v .. 111h'• Fellu"'"hlp al 6.Sn In c:.1ud~ll lllllf. Mht•·•Pk l\lM'llOI' -Pot-lurk dinner anti .. vrn1111: ,,f ,. .• ,..,.hJp, 6 4U pm. Wed· orllday. ST . ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-NEWPORT HARBOR H •gh S<:hOt'I Llbr~t y l~th a.,d lrvon~. Newport HelghU 10 ,. m '"hur• h .!'• h1o1)t 10 a m )1 .. natH..; "'••r,.lllp Hev Th .. mti• t:1t•~·n r~tor 333'1 ,;n.n·t Cl\11M.l R-.ltHU\ l .. l.a11d 1 'h• •It•~ I t..rhur :!3 IO·\\' THE NEWPORT H~R~OR LUTHERAN CHURCH 1027 c11H D• iv•. N'w1>o•I He•ghU Rr¥ H.,h,1t C Roth, p~11or ST. JAMES CHURCH PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL 3209 Via L ido Phone• Harbor 1230 and Harbor 01 Rev. Paul M~re Wheele r, Rector 8 311 a m linl)' C'ommun\On, 9 30 a..m. Church ScbOJOk II ro a-m. Mom lns Prarer and S.r· mon 1F't1111 9unday1 lloly Curnmun- lon ) 10 00 a m Thunllla>... Holy CommUll· Ion 1&nd pra)·rn rur the 1Jd1. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHU RCH OF CHRllT, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido at Via Malaga A llrl\nf'h or The Mother Church, The Flral Church nr Chrl81, 8'-lenllat, In Boston. MMaachu,...u.-. !'lun•t11y S<-hnol &t 9 30 a m. Bunda)' S..rv1rr at II a m WednHday E\'entn1 M...,11ng at 8 o"clnck. H"llding R•l()m lt~atr•I &I 111 ralm ~I ,...rt. Balboa.. Is n~n d11.lly from I r m to 6 p m. exrept Sunday• and h"hdaya n11tlonally nbaenf'd. The public-18 c-ordlally ID\•lled LO at· trnd Ille c-hurrh IM!M'lcu and uae Lhe Rodine Room. f:hri!dan ~ric•JH'(' Trxt B.·1w1rnc·r~ ll~rmo1i .. m Tit~ 1;11111t·11 T o•\f nr I It" S1111•tn, f, .. ~n11 ~··1 1llnn 111 1111 lf1an1J1, ol o, Th" .\lolfl•'r t 'hur• It. ·111 .. Fl t ~I 1·11111• ll M 1·11r1~1 . Si l••n11-1. In fin~ t•t'I I <.I f1 uni U• \ • l:11 un *i h•I r•··•d" "II•· th:H n\• ro um• tit "' 111 ll1h'fll nll 11o111~· Rn•I I ,. ,11 1 ... hi~ 1;.,.i n11ol 11•· -11.ill lie 111~ ~"'" · \n• I• 111 ,,, •I .\Intl• 11 °""' r1>111a 1 111 •• ~ 'I· ,,,. t 1 ... ru !ln•t I I\ 1•1 ,,. , ... "'· I ti• • ' t I ··•I . ·~ . II 't I :...;, ',. t' :. I I It l •lf1 ,, lff0 \J •q • ,. r• •••• rL .1 · t• t •• "" ·'"' lfl11 1°h! ltlt •• lff I Joll I t 1f \\ t t, ,I •1 • \ ~I I· I~' ' t•" ' •• ,.,,. u 1 I 11°· ),, .ih ti h it'\ lfl' 1, ,,, ,, '"'' l•t · d no•J dtu • • l,1' f1 , ·• ,, I" I:· I I ' It" I h II! •• 11• 1·d ff lh• \ t 'l h 1o1 I• 1111\\ dn1l1 ne1t • 1 r 11 1 •' 11•, h\ A t"h1u1u··~· ~~ ( '}1n•t f11r JJ '·hhnKlnl( \\ 011rl•l '0 dlvln•i t"hur, h 'f• h• ... t !I :lo a 111 , 'l\t1r .. IHI• JH 111 rt. Hl 1:1,l1•ht1 h .,, tl1 d• if \' I I· " ~I •• ,, 'I •1•1i-1t1 • II' I • 1\,flw t ill•• \ •'11 11 C01UllP A~utn'" ASSEMBLIES OF COO H S NICM tU,,n, Pa&tOr" Anier1c,1n Lfl"Qt('~n t-1 ,U, 1!>th 4. C~f\tra l ~lund ,, ,.. h· .. I ~ •~ " m M.,rniu..: .. "'r\ 11 •• 11 u .n t-:\ Ptu na: P\ un~· tt~l 1' orf'rYI•,. I\\ 7 31•. Mid "'""k "''\hr Thur~r1•r 7 34•pm I f-11 I ti• '•1 •' t kit r1'••r11 1111 '•·ii ;u·,1111 1 t • t· I 1,,,, , h• ,,, •It l"••t ,.,,.,. \• I ti ... 1':&11 .. ' I n1 t S·1ti.n h'• '~ •!'\ '· 1t ,,~ 1 1 1 hlru•• 11 1 ... \, -•,di "" • hi• i., 1· •!•'II "''·''•I-. I nf 11 I , .-t u 1t It, \ll-t It\ lfil' JoJl;I 111 f:fl'I 1fit I CORONA DEL MAR COM~U NITY lh" I JH;i!ruu ti( t :u ! I c •" ,•• 0 1110 CHURCH. CONCREGA1 IONAL ~ 11 I" Perry Freel•tlCk Scl\rock, M•n••l~r In":-: lot• """'I Ir• ·d•h 11 Ith f\.-1 6t1 Htlt~,'.~~r~,. A;r~~; ~~'"0·~-~~ d•I MAr to 111•• :--: I lr•r tll •••" \1 i, ~ I~ th• ' I :.111\ !l •~· "·"' <"h ur• h ,.. ""''I "'111' · ··.J, ·~ 'II •I ''"' • \ 11 n11•I 11 (•I " '" !\1.,, 0111\; wor~hip ~ ... rrnn11 I h<·:111 I th•• • ,. k , j f ()J 1 v ,, I' }1• I'll )+\ Mr :'"• t11 • I }\ \n·•th•"r t•a)' Th"t rtri•~ l•itl .. dhn r Ii\ 1,, t1I ''\. l-'1••1rk~' • &Ii I• I• q, .• "'' • •1r "' .. ii,.. 4 7 3,. I' tn :-:.0111 .. r llh:h l '1l ~rt111 t''I 1 lu .. .-hti•. _.,_. __ • _'"_1_ .. _1 _·,_._'_·•_1,_i_''_'_''_"_'_-'_' --- Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~~e 1-al lmUtaUon for Onr 40 Ye&r1 RF.PRl:8E~TED SATlONALLV BV OEOROt: D. Cl.08f:. ~r. Saa FnadM'O·Lotl Anttl~Portland-~.at1Jf>-Chlcacc>-N-Tork-Ro!tton By C11.rTk r or Mallli $0.l:K> per month anywhw e in Newport Bc>ach and Costa M~; $2.40 for 3 month.'I. $4.80 for 6 monthA: $9 per yev By Mall In Orange County; $9 per ycnr:.to 4th zone, $9.25: to 8th zone. $9 SO. Ent.tted u SK'ond-Cla~a m11tter at the Postoffice In Nl'Wp<>rt Beach. California. under the Act. of March 3, 1897. SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS S. SMITJ:l, m W. F. DIXON l • Publisher Mllll&«ing Edi l or CLYDE REX ) -Print.inc Plant. 3011 W. Central Avmut', Nt>wport Advertlllna Beech. CaJlromla Active Member of I a.fl 4 There Is No Sub$titute • • . for EXPERiEICE In affoira of govwftMellll • ....,*"-~ counts, ju•.' os i1 doe. ift .-y .. life. 9' • no1eworthy thaf many -.... ,,....... ~· but comparotively few hawe oppaot ·1·11 el obit>. cOl'ltcientlou.. effi.c;...t ~p. In Earl W. Stan1-y, i~ Aa:A .... , .... of the 74th Di1tri<i of So4.Ahe1ft Or....,. Counfy. the people have an ~. c:oo_....._. eff'>- cient leader, of ~ ii-~ Oliod ability. Such men are too t.w ift p.Allic ...nc.; if is an uacting job. requiring~..._ ..... edod effort. It i1 not a job for ... ..,.,..._ It 11 to the benefit ol ._ Dililr-id lft ...,tiNlar and the county Cll a _... • ... • ,,,,__ legi•lator to ,..,.__. -.. No manhas ..-..... a ...... ~M tlle State L-vislaM9 the. ..__ ~ W. IJANllYI DO YomsBf , A FAYm ••• 1llE JOa Fm YOll EARL w. STANLEY I + Mt~Bfll. C'.\Ut-o&.'U 1.0-~TI'WZ at:ALTOll ... PC•~_, cun· '"''~ .. ~'Dl-.osr ..... I r -... ' •• -• .....,., .AllTdJ Me ..... Evet! .. .., .. A-, ~uni .. TtESI Of1lCAl TIMES. ....... l.gillolor k VITAi. lo ... people '-,.,,._ .... tr .. -piDlz .. T I not Oflfy of M. IM~. b.lt of 9M "'°"°" . . . oood ,.._ whole -w ... ft'ln' tw ~Hnfy -~~ .~O"\t ;., .,,, I JOHN PHILLIPS ~ °' q : .... rl'l!I ... ,~ ,._, COl'>l~-.d ;, ~'J-"'"'' to ~ prohl---, _, ...... d:ry Should le YOUR CHOICE ll OM of .... '"'··· Th~ o·!--~ i<i ·~.A, .. -:J •o·- tvn~ to .. ,.,.~ ,.., (,.., 0~• ~,.. 0 n # ~., _., .. C•· ~ u p to c'I •"• a .al fi<:o·~ ~..,Vl,..., ,., O'"' oi>'e p vbl c i.-•c-• H'1. weo-1-h c• _. •O-'·~~,­ leodeohlp. c~ I "Y • " <'-rt c1'd •~"-c• ·, h'J ,~ long ~ •• , ··~ or~ nevw fo..nd .. <:', "9- ......... ID VOTE __ , J_OH_N_PH_IL_Ll_PS ___ +~I j I ~ o ., s .-~1.1 'I ....< .. ,. -~8- ~Q6LO .... A ~'<O&IT ~ "' 7--£ ~ TIIE RERllYS ~~ ~ ~ON6 \"' fffM ...ot..I 61,11,1!; .-t,QJ ~EEN ?f.lNt'lNu UI££ -,...Af Foe 1" 11.A\.F HOiJiCJ C'ON"f YDV E E~ ~EE A Ct1N fOOt( A M'f,W SEF0i.tf5 ~ CURLY KAYOE NANCY ,t.UNT ~RITZI·-I WHAT' YOU BE TIER I F=OR GIVE ME A) -, '? SPANKING- / _j _ I. YO UR DI A~ ... ... ' ' : .. , ~ •• r t1 "' .. '41'1 I 9'tl.I ,, I I h *"'' I•· .. ' \I I u il1 \\ ' ... .,. ' t' \f •• ' ft I '" 1 .. FOR SLAPPING M INNIE HOOLEY J I o - ' I ' "• . YES--· THAT CALLS r oR A SPA NKING COM E I) HERE ,I _.~ . , . .. :.• ' ' ,. .. •I '· '" . " , t., ' . I .. "I I I 9 ,. . , '" • I• , ,, I I ... . ,..,_ 10···· 1(1 •. " ... . ' I ' . " .. • .. ' .. ... • I ., THFVISION I' t I ~ I I \I • I . "' . ' '''"' .. "' • I \ ... f•" I I I k f "l .,..--f h""" • '" ... I I I A I r I I O I I I l I ' \ ',, ,.j I" I' • I , .. '" fl ,. ~ tt '" '' .. ti ••• "", ,, .... ' ....... 1.t) . . : I· r '·· '• .. . " -- ~ HATa TOOl:SrC1filt1 ~'IR"'I ,,-OLI( AT T"•S l'OUR -8U r 1''T T"6 T1Mlt I R"ACH TH• Pt MA If 'LL •£ TIMa 'TO G~ T IJP NtYWAY- WHEN OVID YOU SLAP HER.? J .- \ ·' '-~ By Carl Gruberf .,,.-----.. -· I ' • ' •• '•. • ·<>.v NA~ '. ,, , ~ "o'l•TO T~ •'•1 •" ' · , ~ l • T -Ii : " '' • . .._ _,I' "'~· :r , 1· I ii 'v· I OH, I MAVEN'T 5LAPPED I HER , ViT i . ' By Gui Arriola By Ernie Huahmiller BUT WHEN I 00 ) SLAP HER I DON'T WAN0 ANYTHING ON MY MINO , , <et ;': ~(~ ··.~; \ \ . ~- ; I \ L 1 __ 41\ ' l CROSSWORD PUZZLE •r •oo I A ·''·· ...... ,,..,.I f ,, .~ ~::;·~, v ... - u M f1Vnl•fn I t lr1••n•\nff U I• •lrlt• It , "" .. •hti U)\.e .. .,. .. f •;l'lflC,.llllb ,,. ,,,.,, J 1 Y. ·~'' J> ; '• ·'" ul•r• fft '"' J1 'I,, .. '" IA••• '•'"" ,,.,,,., ,. \\1.i•tt JO •vh• ,.. of -<lion --- -- -I ) ·-II --... -.. •, --,,., --.. II// .. ..... "· ... .. c; -,_ -,., I " -.. r-,, •I - ·~ - - '· I " I ... ., '--'I -r~ . .; II l'ij . •. ~ ·-,... --VL « ·~ ,., ?a .,, --- '7;; --~ '· ,_ -, . ' I ,( ~ --~ ,_ . /., •I ~· .,, ... I/ --I .... ,._ l ,_ -i;, A""""• fO "•~Yl"I • Pllll.l.a . I -- -- .. , , .. ,_ - 'rl "' '"'"" 1-n,..,, •••th• t 11, ., tllh ,.,,.. : ;·: ~.;. t~'.·t~,·,:~· • I\••• • ,,, •11'4 "'"° ,, ... 1 M.,.u httm ftr; .. 8 l'•itlel t -H1wh r ud 10 -Ttu11111h 11 fi•l.4l"'•t;t19 IT 1 n """'"' 19 t lutt1• U1 ... tl ..... ~tll~· .,., .. U -l'~tl lo Ille .,,.,,n• 1• r ,1,1•tt J\-,ort "tr' 27_,.,,.,.,,.,,,. \ t !) l"n• "''" • rnoe Jt) Man • 1r•1 .,... 11 1n tlr.w tl f •lrl ~ .1 I l.lrht unt l l 11,1ur.a ii••• 11-0r••nht h e t0-ltln!1 Of l)•I U -'Jerdf'O Ov••f U -Tot.o._.I :::!,r.1:: ~m•o •1-rren1 tht" .._a1r1·• nomt r.-·-,..~~~-,,.~~~----~-__,,-,_ ..... :::-~~-:-:--~~..-~~-:::::=1£:~~s;==::.~---=.;;..;;;;..;;;;;;;;.;;iioiiiiliiiii;;;;1aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilm..;;;. ........................................................ llil11111111111111111111111111 I • t • < • -• • • Ii .. .. .. .. --.. -• - l -< .. .. 17 -0 ... , = .. ,., ,. • -.. .. ... -.. ... ... -- Ml:WPO&I' BALBOA NEWS-TIMES FIUJ),U ' Newport lk-...:ll. CaW. ~ay '!ll. llMlt 5fF THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ---rm S ortabout luilt h-,, Gar Wood, Jr. I One-piece Neutilite Hull unJlec#eJ by marine 9rowtlt e LI08I' WDGB'I' e EOONOlllCAL e I.OW ftlr8'I' ()()(IT e LOW JIAINTENANCE e LOW OPaA'DNG V08T e l:XC&PllONAL PERl'ORllANOE e lm0(1l'B e FAST e DRY 'l1le Seaboard fAtuipment Corp. 1205 Co.st Hiway Beacon 5841 NEWPORT BEACH I We Feature u~ !\ o" lolho" Ina: \\'11lt1·r 1'11li;:Pon I "·horah t-; .. n "If Wintq Comes" c•ump,111111n ft•arur.• , Rolwrl M1td1um Kirn llunh'r. D1•an Jni.:i.:('r "Petrayed" !iltarlJI lolunday E'wlyn KC'ys Gll'nn f'ord "The Matigg Qf Millie" and -.. \\'1lham ElllN 1 Jt•hn Cnrrnll C.ilharttw J\tl'l t"t•n In LMt Two oa,.. June !lover I ..on M<"Calliioter "Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay!" Start.a Sund.&7 For Four Daya Walt Dl!lnl'y"s Tl'C'hnirolor FC'ature "Bambi" and- J11ck ('nrson Ann S"1hl'm ·"April Showers" SWIM & Sports Wear ' 22nd & Ocean Front tlTZPAT & I 3' I f lll• · Newport Beach .... . ·crn11.:. of ApJ)Onaui:. R. I .. a retil"l'd )<l<'ht-man who. a1 1h<.' ng<.' of R.1. l'l ill rcJAin~ his lovt> of the ""a. . h<•t 1 ly lwfnrl' t hC' war. C'Ustody of I ht• I rnphy W8!; IN'llrdl"d to the !';3. I hln.ol A~socint ion or Engine and Rci.-11 manu(at"luren;. The AfTM'r. w.on Powr r noat Rll.."OOntion co- .. ,~·ratl"S in lillfll'l'\'it<ing th<• <'<>mfJ('· '1111•11. FIREMEN ACT rN RE\'ERSE BRI DGEWATER. Mass. <UPI -To speed up a housing project. flrrmen burned down . a Bridge- wa 1l'r home. The abandoMd struc- turl' stood In the way or a road being built Into the new Rowayne park development. 1 .... • Old Time MMies ., ..... , .. ,_ ~ .... --- a..." .,. "Luama Lo.bani" .... '-rile Great Train Rollba1" A1'111Mutt.-G I ... nro-.waJr11a.W1ae I BOWLING ~A ~ RECREATION ALLEYS ~ Beec!Dm 5l17 1818 New port Bh'd. f ' • A· CRY FROM THE WILD.ERNESS" WHO CAM lt&&D THE 8PllllftJAL IMPLICATIONS BEHIND .4L~ ...,..._To U.C. who cu "9d the "Hand Wr1lln1 on lh• Wair ... nre aOQC!I a!lout the tuture of their loved ones to ,_.~ ..... . .4L~ .&l'ft.U--To ~ that low Honesty 1111d Sln~rity more Olan ttvy do Worldly Caln. .4L~ ~To t~ who beUev-PoUllca ue Rotten. Thet ~ ~ a ·Fra--Honest Men lft PoUll1:1 to kttp lh•m from ~mlllC n11Jre rotten. A.~ ..\PPl:A.l-To thaw who respect a man who has lh• Courage to s•3.M up and f1~ht for HIS I OF.Ai.s-YOUR IDEALS. 11.000 PEOPLE CAN'T BE WRONG I l>~\e taaf'C! penc.nally to over 18,000 people In Orange County . A mAJOr.ty ol thfte people want a ch•nre, they want a new man In the -t• Job. IF THl'JllE ftAn::.ENft .t.PPE&L TO 1'0U -I IOUC'IT wons v~ .um orn:a 111' tlnlVJCU! CUNT CARY Riii CllY roa STATE SUITOR l'IUll.UlY, lt1N'I: srr· -- JEPSON'S ROTISSERIE DELICAT~EN and CATERING TO A DISCRl)IJNATING CUENTELE 0 COMPLETELY PREPARED FOOD SERVICE AND OTHER 9~LICACIES DELIVERED BY CROSLEYS TO YOUR HOME Oli YACHT IN THERMAL CONTAINERS. OUR POLICY TO SERVE ONLY THE CHOICEST OF MEATS, FOWL AND OTHER DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED FOOD- STUFFS WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TQ. ' YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR MODERN KITCHEN WILL Be WELOOMED Telephone Harbor 2872 -2873 "Tltere Is No S•bstitllfe lor Quality" r Agate Al·enue (by the Ferry) Balboa Island Parking for Patrons ...