HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-06-07 - Newport Balboa News Times-. --I :a; Cal Kiwanians ·Join Convention I A. c ONLY DA IL Y !.." _OR,!NGE COAST '~ LAltGESJ1 CITY I I BALBOA NEWS~A~Elt IJ\\ES .......,... II A.IL. P.&T. .... ,_ ........ ... s-•o-....._L .. -11 ..... l~1n. .. 1s 1119 9'.J rln .~ R.u 1. :J9 '8 itn 'n \ uh11ro ~~ IJ dn .00 v .. ti.-M 1.0011 "h•n-tc. ....... _,.....r_ ~~~~...,-........ ------~--....,;-------------------..... .................................... __ ..... ~~~~~____,;;.:..,.,;,.;...;,-..;;.-...-.;;..;..;.;.;...-.~,;;.m~;.;;,;::...;.;;.;.;.;.:..,;;.;;.;;;...;.~~~ 10,000 Oe~gates Arrive S.tor. than 10,000 Kl"'anl&u and thdr famll.lft ""•nn.,'Ci lnh> :IO U. An&1!1ra hote l• HWS..Y for lht' flnit fiiU-0&)' M!NltM1 nt ltw :\Jnl l\nnu•I runv4'nt Ion. larae11t It\ tj1f' 011C•mt11tloo·11 hl"ory. J,1\t·•I ' Klwanln111. ht'tllk-d by 1•h,1h 1>1Tlihk•n l Jnr k HnulJ u1d H11"" IJ.a1'11nc, of Coetn Me.a, ,lfilnf'(f tht' ck•lea"tlon In Loi An· I ll•'ll'tl thl• momlll1i1. "'"llturnl• G<w. Earl W•mtn •Jt••rwd t M l'Oft\'t•fll kin propl"r wt th nn llddm.a •I ShrllM! aud.ltorham 1hl1 momln11. L'lf' C. 0.Car JMtuion, St. ~ J>n'ak1"1t of t!w Workt BaptJst .U.. Ila~. tu£d a ~Ytfttlofl M- Mmbl¥ aa..t .nJcht that mu cu THE I 7 · 2 Decision SAND That Law Is c~~B Discriminatory P. A. Palmer In Real Estate Charge "'"'" PMO' Jue• .. tul)y u he can war. ·-n. .prttual cry for .,..._ la Juat u rH.I u Uw malnial thlftp we touc-h. We can mal&• It )M u rnat•rl&J u man. th~ ... tt'ria1 thlnp, hu mac» war,M ... ..ad. JohMM callfod Uw United N.,. _.loM "the brtctlt ... t lllt\l upon u. ~-·· SAM UNllllO&EN Record. For the 23rd time the New- port Balboa. Federal Savings A Loan Assn. will pay its semi annual dividend at the end of June. its directors ordering a 3~< usual payment. In its nearly 12 years of history the )ocaJ home-building group has never pa.~ a dividend and its reports. inc;pected twice a year by United States exami- nen have been found to be meticuloully COl':nrl to the lat penny. nm ts a ft'C'Ord of which Prelident Palmer and ~board of directors arena- turally proud, while the assets ol the organization in that pttiod have grown from a few thousands of dollars to $4.- 695.384. 'The association pays out nearly $100,000 annually in dividends and has been in- strumental in loaning funds to build hundreds of homes in this area. • • • Wakr, Wakr ... Pleased to note that the city council and various civic bodies are bestirin~ themselves on voting for inclusion in the Metropol- itan Water District when the municip.'llity caJJs for a ballot which \\ill be shortly. Note, alo;o. that one local organiza- tion donated SIOO to he lp de- fray the expenses of the forth- coming election. which is a move in the tight direetion. While one might be classed as an "I told you so," still it would not be amiss to remind llur good citizens that had they showed a like intere>t at the previous election on the same subject, same would have paged. and the tax pay- tts would have been saved the expense of the next special ftection. But such ls the work- mgs of a true democracy.! • • • Gndaat-. More than 400 y~ in High and De. mentary schools will gradu- ate to higher realms of leem- lng as Harbor district lnsti- tlltions clo&e their year's studies. Some 162 High stu- dents reveal the dist.rlct's growth since Principe} Sid- ney Davidson handed out pardunents to the first class of 54 in 1932. A like record is shown in the Newport Beach schools as 117 boys and girls graduate June 17 and PrincipB.) Horace Dlsign says the schools close with an enrollment of 1200. a far cry rrom the few that took commencement i n l 91 2. a.ta Mesa has 133 grads. •ith a n cnrollJTl('nt nearing 1500 and Princlpel Evcret1 Rea points to the Mesa's gro\\'1h as against the small enroUment when he took over several years ago. Just another index of hO"· we gro\''. • + • Low Ca.t HC>UMag. One or the large statistical buttaus n!'pOl'ts that while high- priced hOWieS are slow in .uq, the demand for 10\\·· (Olllrtinuld Oft ..... 4 ) A. ~land Catt.in, Betha.twm,. ' WASHINGTON. June 7-<UP) -The supreme court today dt'- cl11rt'd uncon11ltutional a Califor· nin J!&me regulation that deniea state commttcial fishing llcenllel to Japan<'M' and other alil'nl who 1trl' not eligible for U. S . citizen· ship. Attorney for P aul A. Palmer, Udo llle rt>al estate broker who hu ht-en a~ by the Sl•I<' DI· vision of Rt-a.I E1talt> of teochnical violation of the broker '• lie.nae act . said today that Palmer hu withdrawn hi1 defenM' lo th<' charge and i_n effect plt•ad<'d no conl<"st. vntlgatlon WVft'lll weeka ... fol· lowing • complaint by FNd L. Hmihon. of Lons Beach. whoae lot an.pdly wn purchatled bf Palmer ebout Lnat aco and w• latt>r aold. Pa., fOl'ft'M'r lntemaOonal .....S· dmt, i.ct """'10riel ..nkw tor K.lwaniana who died durblc tM ...t )'f'IU'. Acrordln~ to R. C. Ml;uo, S<'nior par tn<'r In the Santa Ana law firm of Miz<'. KrO<'S<' and Larsh. Palml'r hu been accust'd by the stall' board of pocketing profits in a rl<'al in which hi' was ch11rgl'd with buying a waterfront lot from 11 cllt'nl at one pric<' and selling ii 10 anothl'r client at a mark-up. After the accusatlona had bffn made a1t11ln1t the r<'11I Hlate op- erator. his attorne)'11 fllt'd notice of Intention to ck-fend. Howevtt counsel for Palmcor haa withdrawn t11'ff'n!W:' plana. SPNk•n dunnc the wMldarc ronVettt Ion lftt'ludt fomwr ,.__ mut•r GftwraJ Jamft A. ,..,,_: mew~ ~r c.dl B. O.Mllle1 COLUMBIA RECEDES W•Y'W Guthrte • ..ai.tant. mtHNll• JustlcE' Hugo L. Black wrote the 7 lo 2 decision. Justice Rolx-rt JI. Jack!'On joinNI in a dis.-.ent writ kn .h) Justic<' SUml<'y F . Rl"<'d. Palmer'" counl!t'I h11vf' preec'nted briPfs to H earing OHl<"t'r B. H. Mnrlin of th<' Stal <' Division who will mitk<' hi1 rt'COmmendetlon. prc1h11bly within 10 da)'JI. 'to Actln1 C'ommiHlo ner R. S. Davia of San Frand11co. Atty. Undertakes Private Probe of Salt Infiltration Ina •'4ltnr of the-lndlaNpDUe Nf'W•: 1 ... 1 .. r 8 . rMnon. can.d- l11n Uftdjof'll«tttary ol ... ,. tor fun-Im •tfalrt, and J1.111tln MW-, prt'11kif'nl nt the National AModa-SLIGHil Y AmR ;~:::; .. "Lttd). "''" I d11: II h11l1 1n \ ••UJ' bac-k yard~" Th11 I qw••llon l1·d to 1••hf'<' 1n. Black 11aid th<' basis used b> California In denying licenM'll to inelegible aliens in discriminatory a nd denl<'I t>Qyal protection .of the law to Pf>raons within the 1tate·1 borders. 11w! law hu been attacked as unconstitutional "racist" legt11a- tlon. Mize said that' Palmer dors not deny the charge. Howcvrr. ht' Pointed out that 1uch a pncti(.'(' 111 "not illl'gal und<'r l hl' law and that such deals are quite common· place." Specifically. Mize Mid, the broker's 11~ act tedvtkally for· bids such pract Ices. R<'pn·8"nl11ti\'<'ll of the State Divi~ion d<'clared that OW ec:tion In erlttt would be "throwfnl tM case in the lap ot the COl'T\l1UMkln." Juri.dlctlon of llc:u1e ~ 11ion or r<'vocatlon. Jr thoucflf" * Jl"Oprlate In lhf' CAH, can be a.vh-d hy Acllnit Commlul~r Davia. 11 w1111 reported. Vt'Slign ltun of a man "'ho J:Jt'',. hilt namt' u .:dmun N Sloman. occuput 1un. attorl)('y: add r C' 11 • )' AIW8 Apartlnnt 9*«'4. I Wi11hlt't'. t.c.i Anpk-ti Tvna Himlelf into $3 MILLION DAMAGE~!~&HG Black and four oihrr ml'mbers of the majority refused to pus on this cont<'nlion. Two others, jUlltiet'll F'rank Mur· phy and Will'y B. Ruth.•d'1<'. how- e\'er would ha\'<' thrown out the· rPgulatlon on that ground h••r than 1he r f'M.On c-ltl'd by Bia Th<' rulin~ t'Am(' in thP c11sc Torno T11ki.hashl. \\'ho C'unll' I C11l1fornin from J11p1m in 1907. Ill' madl' hi!i 11\·ing in m mmt>rc'111I fish· in~ ir. thl' Pacific ocr an. In 1!H3. the i;tnlf• amrnd<'d it~ g11ml' lnw~ tn forbid aliC'n h1>t1· nl'!Cr In ohtnin liC('nSl'S. In 19-15. 1 hi' law ""'' amrnr!ro 11,c:ain. 1ft·nl • ini:: IU.'t'n~<'~ to all Alil'ns inl'liJ.:ihll' for citizPnship. '-s S..-llt Complalat The stale board bf>gan its in· Slomnn told pnhN" two had hin-d ....n.4.'• -._ .._ 1--41T>-1'11P .....,. ,._. ,.,_. ., U. rontra<'IUt Jwm-t. 1. <:all111:t14•r. lf'l'I c ............ •· 11r ,.._ _..... .............. , .,tin ........... E. :lbt 111r1•..t, "'"''a M•~• "'"h p--· ..._. .. rr.,. ... paprtJ, w ,_....,,. hh1 two truMI,. 111 d1i: h<•I•·• ,,,., .-...... .., • ....,. °""" -........ • .... -.... _..._ ef U.. JOHN L. LEWIS BACK IN CQAL =~~1 1~;;' .~;!°'~.1\~···~·~=·~11 111;,~~1 S. A. Molorrytlisf r 1 "'"''"''" n,,. "'"fllhrr 1tin11'1(h· WAGE TALKS WITH OPERATORS Hf' !'llld tw "111 ""'"'"l!••I•· "''"In: __ Af ,.. ••II •h .. ·1· .. 111mt>111 ¥11l •r,tw1I Hnt ;:~~:1:~~·1.~r•'•"'' f .. r '"' ""'" '" u~ ftt . 'P \VASIUNGTOl': .. lunr 7 q ·p 1 aMociatlnn lhf' JCfOUP Lewi~ r···1 ~a • ..,..., Collision I I'• Th· Jt. •I t ··-UllllllilOl't"'I John I.. u •wis looav r1 •11t•w1•d fu rot I . 'th h k Polil"<'"'llld to<f:i) h• lw d nlr••:t1h ,, UitJllll.6' tit, •'loll• lw-rn 1tnill1h• 111 l rnro• • • it o lltrg:Hn WI 1 "'''' ""' ' dun <•'V•·n1I h"'''" il•tn" r ·,,.,., I -. I"• f" -• .,~, ar••I l11n1llio-f --1 11r1:1it 111t11in~ 11·11h n11t·n1111r~ fur n rign " ~ " " • ··~· In• f I . . . l llJCh"n~ Mri-I~ II• I~•. 641•1 "A'l.'TA A'A r.r.t. .. ,.,.,.., tc. ... 1,.,.-, kn! \"an1••r1 C11\ fur ,,,.x :<II I •'Oii ""lo:" t'nntr:tl"I Lew1i; r('fUSlll In b.aritnln l•-<f '" ""····t ,·,, .. ,, ....... \\I•' •••• t •• ,, ••• :"i ,; •• ·M n><•• ... nrlr• ., Ir .... . i\n< ... •1 f-.. I 1 r I J I J I .. '-n h ~ , "'h• m rrll1t1111t·• hrul h<'<'ll '"'"""• ~• in~ a , .. ,t•rn rn11M 11r<c·r f'ft'. rn N)11rt n unl'l.•nn 11•! '""" r('l'~rt 1,,, •• ,, •• 11,.11, l r''l"'" ,,,,., ... ..,, .. '"' ,. ... to l'araaj I ~ ' .. h I h I d h ~· ~ • ' ln•I I ,.,,..,1 ur.r..,1 1 llllf,,.lll• lo 1111 , "'" n. ~w1s 1111 .. a 11~1' "'" w 11c n~1r11ct1• 1m to ri "111•1• . 1 '""''"' '"'"'" •'-,,~ ,~ "''", "' i:o>11.1tin1: <'omm1ttl'I'• 1 ..... g•m ·n1•w <'•'nlr;ir1 t:ilks wilh tlw c•11t1r,. 111 Al·<~·r~l1111: ''' II:\•''':'''''" •I I ' " .. ,.,... t. •r-"-f , ·~· '""'I:'"'' r~•t \'·'"''"'' rt·fu11•·••11 111 lalk!! 11ith tlw c't'1ul ind11J1trv i:hnrt· ttu<tr.' fh.,•rs, ~lo11111n '"" •11111111• 1 r• I •1··•1 1mm..,f111t0·I> ''' 1ll"1"tt'r .. ,_.,, ... .,,.-ii "~"' ... •to'!' r• hi-.L t I I) afr,.r II :i m . IEOTl. \\'h1l1 1 •• "''' him~..ir 11.·1' n•t1 '' port '" tl11•m "" 111• ,.,,,1,111·• \\II• 11 I 1 t ""'''"" ,,. ""' t h ar• r ~· t J• , ; II'• _.,. ' .,.. . ,.._ ..-J nclus l ry spnk1-smrn lHtlrl llW) 1·r11lr·<I nlh1•r ~111·1·1fw cl••rn1u11I~ II• 1" 1111 llmi<h•-rl '''" 1'" :oi l'ft 1, . .,,;,1,, , .... .,,. ... t• •I \U. , I hoped In ~rt rll'fln11 r idr11~ HI In· h11~ l>t•1•n 11rgNI 11) lnc11I 11111 11• llul for If,,. pr•'""' 'h••\ n .. 1 • ...i lftl'\J<~ '"'°' ,..,1, I "·'"' 1ulm1: lnln htlu1 cl1t)"ll m l'<'tini;: llhOlll What I h i' to <f'f'k 1)1 rt•d1Jrtl11n nf Jhf• l•I" tll' ""IJI' "1•)11~1\1 1'rt•I '-•'flolo • 1 •IU "'1 f' _,,_,. .~ \I I A"'°" In •·O~!.-"t W11-hlnl(t11n, H t Att k Mini' \\'ork••r!' want lo r Ppl:t<'•' tlw t'nt fl\•"dlt) w .. 1·k iind •·•1:ht 11 .111 wh• n 11i.kNI lo , 1,,1 •. , ,,1, .. n I ,. 1. 11 Artl ,, ..\t>1> '". P.· t 1:.., l•Lohn ""'I Brlll•h ,~,.fomhln. ear ac c·onlrR('I whi<'h l'l<lllrf'i; Junr• ~) dn~; 121 h1gh<·r \'fl('flliPn (lily. 0:1• lll'll\'itlt·~. Ji., 1 ,,., " ~ lovr t,..• .1r """ Cnlt11nh1a, ~lrninln" lll(llln•I Fells Man on l...ewis. himself. hm1 no c·nmmrnl ht~hl'r hourly w11.:1•1<; (1\1 r111d • •• ,, ;"·•t • ,._ ·~ .... .. .... r ''"'!.'."I l•lltl ''"''IHOll fllkto• "' hi' ··nl••n d lh(' mc'f'ltnl: \\':111-, IHH)~I tn thr 111ll'rl\IOf!! 111 Cf•nl II L1·ons to Host ,, "' ~..... -.. ~ .. ",... ,,..~, 1tlr•lOJl(hoo11t ,,, ltM1·r rrrirtlf .... Balboa Island mi:: rnr l11m WC'rl" rrprr·~1·nt11tl\'l'll 1 'nn contrlloution to th1· Wt'lf.11• "''I·~-,, t .... ...,,.,. ,., '''"f'f'"'' ''"'" ~1 , .... , ~lln•lay '" or !ht• Soulh('r n Coal Produccr8 fund. M be f SRA .. .,. ... ~ t"f'lll~ ,, .............. , r•1r , .~ ... l<otla) 11n1I will fall to 19.:\ Inhalator ('J"('WlJ a d D A v em rs 0 in.: lull• '" .,_ .......... """' l \\•'11\#11'&..), """141h<•r ·~t'1'1411 ftM'I" Anrlr<'w~ f11 ilcd lo r~vive r~ h~Ar1. 'CZECH PRESIDENT QUITS• At Y ht Cl b '"' "_.., """' tho-~..., •11tl •• ,.,,.,. >:lm..r "1•h--r ~i.·trd attack vict Im. Louis B. H<'llfen. . , ac u '"'" :•" '"""' .,, • ,,.., .. -t"'"" I Hur '"' Th1t""111y 11 ... ( • .. 111mhho l'll'in. at 215 Onyx street Balboa RU~ MASTERY COMPLETE .,..__ , i., ~ 1 Jt,,r .. ,~ ~ ,, ........... 111 rllm'1 lllJWnNI lllCllln, l'f•ftm. l I d hi . , .,.., locaJ Lions dull v.111 1.. ·'"""Ii' !'w~ ,~,.. 'Tl!. _._., tl\11( ., ~t 29 ~ IUl't ...,.•llilv s an . I ~ morning. b09t1 t()m(Jrr v. rr . nd -·~ ··~ ' HellfE'nslein's homl' ad rt re i; ll I 0 ' ,. •·rn1"111 :. th,...... bun 10 ,..,. Pl"'~' t1111,._, •)•hrr "''''' wa,,; listt'd by police 811 4 26 S. PRAGUE, June 7-<UPl-Prn· Phair. H r had l><-rn at hue ,umrn•·r t'VC'ning to th" ~'"'> .. r Jl1><11 Roo!!t"•elt road, Pasadena. tr1rnt Edu11rd Benes rulgned lo· homl' at SezimO\'I' Ustl ~11uth "' <k>nll•I APJ1raiM·n1 "' ""' :-;-I CURTAIN RUNG DOWN ThP attack occurred at about day, cll'arlng thl' way for thP Pra1tue !!Iner the Communlllt mup port Harbor Yacht r lulo _ 7:15 lhil! morning nnd for an hour {'ommunl8111 to take over lhl' la.c;t Thl> new C'ommunu1t p.-.rl11t· Early lll'Tiven or tho• S1l A v.111 1 M N . Dr. Andrews and the fire depert. major office in Cze<:h011lov1kla m<'nt. ~Meted elaht da)'I RICO in II be p-eett'd by l..loM· tw•d l/OUIJ I esa-ewpurt Lions Look Back m('nt inhalator crews attempted which eluded them In their coup 1dn1tle-rlckt'I Communist h1tlln11nc Gata who h111 •rr1tnac•-d " 1 .. ur In vain to revtve the man. He was lut February. will el~t hi1 IUCCt'lll!Or Prrm1 .. r Of the h•rbor hC'forl' dlnrwr I ()n Greatest of Annual Ytsh Frys pronoun~ dead by And~. The r<'tllgnatlon of Bf'nf'I wa11 Klement Gottwald. romm11n1•1 Formal f'ntf'rtainmrot ... 111 lor I announced offld8lly toward the ch ll'ftoln who englnl'f'rC'd thl'.F• h irtn at 7 p.m . 11nct will ,.nd ,.1 111 11 A ltr.-d ""'' h.11...,-rT""-.> ,, pn .. Mtr<t Mll'r ttw fl•h frying "'" MILLAND8 EXPECTING end of the day. Authoritative ruary coup, wu understood to I• •Pfd•l 1howln1C of ti).• film "C-,il <"•t11t• ,.._ -.:-yow• l.Jll-a.r po1ri,,,.nr .,wl flf'lllt 11111 taily mor Actor Ray Miiland and wife , 1ource11 had rePorled earllt'r that, In line for Jl"("lidl'nt tr h1• w""'"'' lfornl• WA¥ ot Ufe." nicht •V",..,...S tt.,. ~ ,.., '"" ..,. .. ttf ""' •tkll(")' 10 thouunda parent• of • IOI\, Danny. 8. expect weary and broken In health. he the past. Third A"-1 •~-''l!11• f'Wi nt rwr~ P.vl'r)' mrmtw-r or a aecond child in Dt!ocember. Mil· had signed the documen t maklnr The M!COnd rnotlt llk•'IY rh"'' • Workman 01·es Fry •lllt < -.oi• •I .,. •·'°"''• ,.,._ ttw rtuh •1111 ''" ltuty In llf>ml• ""· land Hid today. The Mlllands tonnal hi• retirement from the wu undtorttaod to ht> 7.di•nek N"· •• 1111 UtdJr•' .. .n s--r.d t& 0 _. t ,......,,. maintain a home on Lido Ille. Czech political picture when the jedly. m lnilt('r or Pduc11tlon 1n After FaU From l•n• ... , "'''•M...w• ..,... 1t1•-,.,.. Communl1t1 took over. Gottwald'• Communlat cabln~t ,, 111,. , , ,., ,..,. ,. ••• do-d for rti.-"11w ,..,,,."'11""" rot undrr way l nJormanll wd he n11d been Un· Gottw1tld read • •lllt('mf'nt. ltt M B ·1d· l'\Y'ft! •' 11 YI II m Saturday with " dr· 4 I NNJ.-·•' •bit' to carry out hi• pl1n11 to r<'· the> cab.IM' rneellnc I~ f'Xlroord1 esa UI Ing. l ~""t"aJ eta>~ _, .. c..,p... t-,.,. helWI ,,....,,,,. a p!!r•df. or C'hll .,..,,.. •Ian. They rt>ported that lately nary 11<'Plon which d111d~Nl . •h• fur a ll t>1U• ,,u .t ...t ,,.,, _, *-'• P"• fmm th,. vtrinlty ot NEWS ITEMS he had lapl4!d Into lon1 periods realgnatlon or Bfonn, 64. " htrlt Lynn G. Goodman. OO.y ... r~lt1 tA•" ,, ...... si-.. 0 ,..,... •l U .. ,,_. Al~ Brta •ttw~ tn thf' ('llr· of uncoNClousneu. a nd wu unablo more t han thrt'f' months 1tftrr 1/w workman. difl'd Salurday 1.-" r,,. fA .Uval srnundl on Nrwport Avr . to move about except In • whN"I Cammunlat 1eizur" or pow..r 1Ult ot a fall rN>m 11 ro~t11 ~,...,1 krwJ'ATI 1"'' •tllf.,. •~ '"'1 ..,....t•ln nur brr'""'"" t;l1hlH-nlh 11trN·I T 0 D A y bullctin1 ~ f\co Wll' l'mplt~ tlUtt tJ,. "' I ...,,~ It •II tt,.,. ,._ml •rwf t~ M•)'fll'ltl 1l1>r" f.;v,.ry ••••• .a lhlncUni the roof '•' ••II • ''"4 '°1 ''"'"' "' IM' Y"'" \arwty "' poot lm•1ln•hl" Willi on PROPERTY TAX RATE UP 17c ' """ , .. 1c1 • • ....... 4 ... ·..,.,. r-w dnrpl.y 8UB8CIUBEU. wlto for u7 DNth ,....ullf'd !rum 1nto•mi.I "' 111,.., 1., 1 ••··-~ •L llM•..,, '"' d 11ot ~ Mt o l Jurieti and brok h k r, .,... r " I~• w .. r•• In Hw m11 jtirlly unit :.~ H4!...-..n-":r: ..!;:':! VER W AR-TJME WW OF 83c oner Eerl A~y u~ II<' ' m · j !7~"'::'::'; ";.'~ ,7 .. ':::""~~ .. ~ ~•rl0--1 f r•,m hhH' hloodll to ,,..,, -" H---....... t __ ... Goodma wt. 1 Ni • 19 ,.,., •• •rll ltWf'd bot o f lr\4111 .,... --11 bf'tw--0 . "· 0 t\• 81 ·l "'"' , •••• , .. 4. -: .... '1 .. , .... ,,, t :M p.m. A -v. •·ill ~ -• ranitr county s pro~rly titx M'Veral whl('h 11r!' ll'vlPd nn1111,,, 1 ~AJIUidf' 11trf't't, Santa An11 r,.11 •1nirt11~hiihj., •rwr•try Chlckrn11 • -r f $1 00 r I .. If ,, ... ,.t... •'ttL· , • , . .,, .('T;.rtlf ' II r1.ht -·t. r11tl' o . or general county propPrty in anv oommunlty." 111.. rom the buHdln" FnrlA) JI• P"'•••m. r• •. tur ''"· • rnnnk,•y, ·-, .. ''"°" ........... :-'t ·' ·~ tM.11 purpo!I"" for 1947~ Wftll 27.5 Taxpayers' alUIOciatlon said. pn1 n1 waa tall~ lo St. Jov·JJh' tw ... 1>1111 1 d iamtAd ,,. A;•, r·•· ,.,~. '\M r11~11 P'trll """ ••thn .. ..,rtNI ISl!JIDlt Cf•ntl lowrr th11n lhl' SI 275 rah• Ing out thR~ In addlllnn to lh• Oran~. wtwrr h,. d1"'1 prt• ... T,. f11Jlow,.'1 hy • h111f dn1 ·••""''' f • , ..... ·-· I .... , bl11nd lmpro\'enwnt A~lln for 1946-47. but l7 Cl'nl• Rrl'atrr local tu 111 I. •11111' and r .. d. I ti -n l(lr !I r .. unr lhl•lr P"' hor1M•ll to r cvh·<" ml'etlni11. J>llltl' 2 1th11n th1• war-t1m1· low, rate· nt R:\ 111xrs for l!M7-4R.hroul(ht 111.>.•" *Weather& Tides* t i..i. -.... •• • .. ,.c,."° •n •·111i.,.1nv, •hr f111h ttlnnN·. 11 Ac tini;: Sturlc•nl ~y Govt Nini~ h•\'ll'd for f1!1cal 1943. IM4. to 8n 11\'l'flll(P of ,....)(16 l'l<'r r11111111 '11· • • ~ '·· ., .,., ,p,,,.. t ... nt1 f'<tnh·t'I ,.nl,.rtl\IN'tl f•ir 11,,111, undPr ... ay 111 C'nAt1t c-ol· 1945 11nrt 1 ~16. f'111ifornin t:ix~) · for P\'('ry man. woman. llrM! , >n'•t 1.-A....,... _. ,..,.._,.,: ,.,., 1 ,,.,.,,,. ,.., • ., .,., P'"1 """ 11ntl th<'n ow bnliy l"<•O"''' • lege page 2 r~· 11~•<)('11tt inn i<l\lrl 1•"1ny, 11nal)1· In California. ly rlnudy t(lftay. 10011:111 ,.n•I Tu•.. '" '"'1 ' .,,. ••• •' •• o1 h f•·lf,,04.,f 1n th1· J•tnlnr 1t1vl11l•on tnr! lax trl'nd'I in r111tf11rn1h Nllln· Warnlni.: th11t l hl' l111<k• ,, """ dlly, with fPW tfpnnkl••i. ••r ,..,.i,. ,, ''\' ~· . • • """_,,_ Jvt't p,.,,, r ...... MrK lhl .. ·n Wllll ltWllr•l<•fl 1 P;;~o~~·,n~·:~n~~;:, ;~ ~11 11,.,. ll"lng NJn!!ldrrf'd liy "'""''\ 1~,.,.1 ""' W11mwr llorla\ ',. •" "' ti• ..,.. • "' ·~rill fir;• •~''" •11t. T••rrv J-;rlw11rd T." rRlf'< fnr i:l'n•·r:il purprtll('ll r f 1 "1 ••·1 1 l'I" ·.-s ,.,_., '1 ~•htlhnic lh•• ""'"•n•I l•I '''' "'""'' 1 ~~~ .. ,.~ :\fl"' St1tnlry pa gr 6 fnr 1!>47-4M ar•· h1i:l11·r th1<11 for ;~:~:r~;,:;r~;,~~r' ;;~~',"'~,~\ ,~; ~·;~,. Tl:NPr.aATt'IU':l'l •II•' ' -.,.,.., "· • • • • ,. ,.. ... """'''"' t<n1 hlt..-n ~U.tfll1nt• 1 ;11,..ri11 1!1 11;.11 1n th1rt> <"11llf11riw• •'•1t1n· ho1trll• w lll dlr,.<'lly llff,,ct 11,, "•~ ,,.,.....,,.,. y .... ,. '•''' '1" I ' • .,. " .. ,~I '"' "'·•• tt11rr1 fn rh,. S"nlm divl~l•on. II•·•. "h"'" nn ( h11rl(1• Ill fl\• 1111<11 ra.tc 1tn'1 !hf' 11l1r nr "'"" \'o .•• ' Jligh r.; ,,,..... •,i. ~I,,. It ,.-., .... -••• , •• 'l\•f "''"'" ,, .. ,nft.,n ...... n , Ir .. t prt1r (>All'" #;j nrr '"'"'' in '"'"nl\-thn'" 1·1111n· tax hill, th,. TllXJtfiyrr~· ,.,,11,:111, .. , '" ,., ..... t'J'\ .,,..,h J't\1111• '"'r•11u .,.,.,mt1 nntl F:ncaicr Ill• nr 11( \"i\·ian \'11u'1hn annnunN"d 111,,., !hf' 11Hoda11on found i.a ld "._ .,.. ••MIM 1,. •r-.. _,._ <.o• ~~ ~· • .., • ;...,.,.~ An1111 ("hrtlk thl' rhlrd 1irlir win· LOCAL BltlEF8 C11unly lax rllll'S in f'\'('f')' roun-1 "[J ' t I IL'•"'"·-..... ; .. r ............... , ...... ,do_ , ....... ,, •••• pt,,., .. M ,,.., n~ n1-11nir "' N••t;rt tl•rlff1t ly fnr 1947-..SS """toed w11r ·llm1• tnr Ar Ion I)' thr JJl"<Jpl• M 7 9:42 J IH 1 :!1 !:U llll•'d m •bl~·.,~ · • .-"''°" !~~~A .:::-i-~l~~~,":ff~ •"" Jl(l9t••11r lowl!, the auoc1ation I"°"' to hold &O\Prnrnt>nl f•XJ.l"nr11 j 3 s 1 2 f; !\ 111 ~ Ill ....... ~ ~-'{I'•-po.11.o.t n1ns. Ju,,. 16 w1u. J' lll. Dn>~t of reported. IUttt lo euentlaa. will kM'p tn.irt'9 T 8 J0:34 •:02 •• l:M (1/f ar &it-JA.w-'' ·~ (T')'Jndo ~ ... ~•., ,.....,.._ Oii A.rt.. 01 '"The county tu l1 only one or for 1941-49 within reuon. JA -IA t.!i 2.2 Hriflis ~ • -thrl • ,._II rn lhr hatry 1T11wlin1t ront•·•I. Jrrry Pott"r wori In • wt1lk vr Po891bl)' °"" WIUld .. Y • crawl (0.tmued Oft ..... 4) ltNtt. WNtmlftlteir. tCM* ld9 ... lit• .. r1y SuncMty momtnc """" he walkfl'd Into ttw-bedcyard ol hla hnmf'. pou'"1 kf'f'OMM °""' hi• hod)-. and •I ruck a mat.ch to hi• r lothlna tlorrlflf'Cl nelahboni ruaMd to the-lll'f'fW' 11nd ~It'd thf' "lf'd mltt- 1111 t'llM' In blank«'t•. •tlrmptlftC '" «molh4'r lhf' rlamell. C)ri.np county <-vnincr, F.atl AhlW-,• ll'MTil'fi lhf' lk'ath .Uk:id9 """' th•• mien 111"'1 of lhln1 ltf.- i.:1111• l111n111 In Or11h&•• County '"•~1•11111 Tw~anta Ana Brothers Die Honible Death SANTA ANA 'hl-11 ~"nln Ana hrot h•·•" 1t11•t 11 f1Jtmln11 •lt•lll h yn- ••·r•ll•l wtw-n t hi')' wrr,. 11lnned In lh•·fr l111mlr•JC lnir k rolluwlnic • 1•rn1h ''" Mnnl'h•.,.trr l>olJl1-vard nrnr lhf' junrtlun of 101 hl1hw"Y 1111rthwHt or !\nntu Ann In A 11nd AHi•• M Mrott, lr11V• ••llnJC "'a1th t1n Mane~tf'r. C'OI· lltte-tt wllh 11 l"llr tlr1vrn hy Rr• L. C'uftnll, :\12 S Wr•I atN'f't , Anll· hrlm. Thr Scf1t t t nt<'k C•Ulhl Ore lmlnf'f11atf'ly 11nd th# hrottwtl ... ,.,. ptnned In thlt <"ab ~ 11ttf'mpf• •-fut ile and horror· •Irk-km hy11t11n&on1 wltnt ...-d tht lirothn11' dHthl. <'••lflll and h I• wt r., neaped w11h minor lnjur1rw. 11'e ~ •x·rulTl'(i wtlftl ltw ~t trudc. lft 111u11lntr anoctw-r vr,hlcl•. craahed t two )(oft '"'"' .rid ot the Coone c:-ar. Wit,,,...,. aald thf' tnac:k bunrt Into rt.mete elm09t tmm.- dlaa.e1¥. r.o~r Earl Abbey MJd tM bod.lft .,... ln Rrown mortuery. Su 1ta Ana, pmdlntr lnqUftt tnlo th•lr d<'ath11 . L. A. YOUTHS NABBED WITH STOLEN TIRE Twn l.oa Anple11 UN juWftllft wrN' "rr'IL'fltcd on J)f'lty theft chllll(t'll Siiturd8y nigh t °" the tJp 11f 11n llOOf\Yrn<>011 phoor CAii. po. lk'4) n>por'\I r'f'Vf'alf'<I 10<1.!ty Thi' rallPr ultt two ynoth11 w.-~ "'""""IC " tin-from a rnr 111 the 1.ltlo Rkhflrld atatlon On 11n1- w1I, ntrlcf'ni took ttw twn ~ Into rmtllll)'. Thry h111I lhf' tlr'('. t11k1•11 frum a mr nwnrd hy Otto (' f\n11lh<", 12."I Vin J urnr. Udo hi•·. In tht•lr l)O'IM'.'l'siun · THIEVES RIFLE VISITOR'S CAR ~""' T"""Y''-1217 Y. lOOrd l\t.., '"'" Ani;:rlr'tl ln'<t hi"' wnllrt cnn- 111lnln1( S20 nnct In P8Jll'N, " pair nt f'lllnl11 nn<l hi• wmt watdl to lhff'V('•, ~ltlllrtlll)' , Thi' nrtfrJr11 Wl'I"\' taken from hi~ cnr lJl!rkcd hf-hind KHnt''• U-· t1uor •lfltt, Palm and Day A.._ n\Wll, IJalboe. Entry Wlll pJned 1hrouah t~ trunk by cutUns throu1h Uw btlck ... t, poUoe -.Id. West Powers to Give Germany Self-Government Page 2 N&WPOKT 8AL80A NSWS-Tl•&a s-.,..n ~ c.m.. a-l. , .. MOSDAY Isle Improvement Assn. to Revive Meetings Friday SANTA A.NA -Tiit-aupr bttt ecreap In IN art!ll that wppUn the Holly Supr c.or,.or.11on fat:· tory Mtt at Dytt wtU be about H pw °"'' CJ"Mter this )'f:V than In 1N7. accordina to T. H. '"TOlll- Lacy, Holly aupntnt..._t twn>. Last ~ar. Holl)r Supr Corpor- atJon'a (our r.c1 orifol In California albd •UC•I' beeia harwstcd from a .em llCn!'a. ~--Amme-...., I .-·: .-.: "'llAl=-r= -=-I .. & CllJll'll ft.M --------u-.uft.l&Ml9 -.... •n._....1111& ...__ OLIVER Termite Control Co. St&te l.Jemaed Oantndon - , ... w ....... .. .... 11 ...... - Local Rd~ FuncJu• Our Specialty tlMlB W. bt St Santa Ana ~-Johuon, MncT. ................. 1,000. Americana Die .._ .. Barbor Area -·--·lllm·- K ill t ho• 1,. r------- .. ·---..,.ha•' -__ ,. . ... ....,DDl' ..... kwp ............... j• t;.: o .. gs d ·e • Ooaw...._.~.­ IN aa .... • • • ia l.illi.a ............ ••oc• ·•• o•r ......... , . l • ' 0 a.e...~ ;•• - llcT ._ ,55..._ft: ... I .. .. °' ..... ... WORTHINGI Refrigeration 1'111'.0" AMMO~IA .... t• ...... Air Conditioning ........... Pn81UF" Pum,. Centrifugal Pumps ... "" .... .,. ... All ........ 8 ... c.m .... grff of &OOW'ac)' Whee Ow Uli- vene will end. Such aa ftM1iDc woWd lft a p>eat ~ n-- sembll,,. a haniDOUI baJl. G:llllpa5-cd entirely ot" radiation _. ao physical matter. That would be the end ol dw unl\'t-rse. includin1 aJJ Ow physical hodles. of whim tlw t-anh it OIW II might be pld that it sum a datt· for thl' ending ol Uw um. ''f'rM' could be wt. it •"OU!d ~ 11uire a newspaJX'f" C'Olumn s-- 51hly a mile v.i de t (I 1101 bi pnat th<' number of )'f'llrs In ctisita.. So that makK thfo end ol the univrrse a long, l~g. lone W'a) off. lhl' sdentiall belie\~. mined by 11-0me degrec or accuarcy by US(' of the spectograph. an l,.. strument that n"COrds light and transl11t~ it In what type of ele-- ment caUM'd the ray. The 200-inch l<'lcsrope here . twice as powerful as the MOU1ft WilllOn 100-lnchcr. will take over I where Mount Wilson left off. The sci<'nlists hcrt> arc not sure that j the rC'et>ding 1<alax1cs will continue' to i,::ain V<'loc1ty or whether they , \\ill f'Ver allain llw sJX'('d of lighl. I Th<')' hope:• 1he ~'OIHncht'r will 1<'11 thC'm thl• un'\'<'r Th<' ~fount Wilson t•hst'n ·o1nr> IC'lt>SCOP<' hM f lrnilNI i.:al1t'll'" "" fnr awa~: a$ 1urc lh<' Re publican nomination r1h11u1 :lt~•.•••1.1lfNl lii,:h l ~1·ars. Sueh for prc•sident, he trl<'d hard to l1i.:h t ~1·ar" n·pri ~··nt lhl.' <11sl:11W\ I "hum:1ni1,.·· hirn!l<'lf and his he· lig l11 t ra\'•·I~ in a \l•ar :ii l h<' rnlr liefs. ,. . ..r 1xr..1u 1 111111•, 11 ·"'<'11nd Ttw tlii--\ Jlf' jokrd 111>out 1h!' rnnk·and· tam·(· '"'''1'1•<1 1n lr ttn" nt 1 111.:ht file mrmhN·s who p1rkrlt'd his ~rar :1r1· lttll111n' "' h11lhms nf mr.·linf.:•<, ht• r10,:r d wj th i::lrl SIU· mil<-!< dt'nts at Lindrnwood roll•'t.:" in Thi' n1•\\ I• 11 '""JM' 1~ 1·x1,...r t1•d ~1i.,souri and w11h poti11r1ans in lo !'rnl><· 1n111 'II·'"' rnr-uh11u1 11nc• informRI !let'nl'S 111 ela mbak<'·l)JW' hilllon hi.:ht >""'" ~urt1 " µ.•n ... mrelini:11 l'ls<',wlw re throughout trat111n m11~ 1..t l wtw1t ... r 1hr t<'· 1he counlry, and he wrote 11 1111111-Cf'dmg i,::11l11x ... ~ \\ 111 real'h t h I.' phlt't entitled "My P oli11r11I SJ1<•ed or hs.:ht Credo." H s11eh 1~ l•111nrl In ll<· tru,._ ·r1- llis l'fforls to rf'arh into thr l'net• ran dc·11•1 n11n1• \\Ith .. om<' de-1 at regular price •••• nut am otonlr 1-" Glllllle• Bock·1,u At.Mr• Md...W.w'-••4 ell l.teri.. -'-_,, ,_............, .. _ ...... ,,_ .............. -..0.... .at..t ............. ... ,1-G.t ..--.w. ..... , -••hi ........ ... _...,., ...... COAST . CONTRACTORS SUPPLY IHIC...t~aJ ~ El\'l'OllT llEM:ll ....._:.__ ..... GLIDDEN PROD UC ~S ~rail~ ro)(lt'I (nr "JJlport wr rr ell---------------------- PRE-PHILADELPHIA STORY Mrs. Eastman Praises News-Times, Talks New Clothes for Convention :'\I'\\ 1•1r1 ll1·n1 h " ", 1•1• • 1 "<1 paprrma n who scn ·ro on t h <' .1111·n1111n 111 '"' p11t.l1• "1, • 11f Phillips romm1tl<'1'. und ~lrs. \\·11- ('11n~r1·i.,.m:in .J .. lin l 'tullq•~ 1\ln· llin~on. l'Qnlinuro: n•·r J un. I .111111n..: i. .. 11 1 I!· 1·1 1bh· .. 1 1,·k !ltnndarrti1 \\ f'rc· 11ccordrd 1·:in an •I ll<'11111111ir u ,,.1, 1• •1•111111: 11nolhrr l!•'!Od !urn hy lht• nr w!'- t hr 1·r1 .. pnm.1n 11. • 1,. rti 111 p.1-papcr"s supporl hrrt' 11f thr two t•·r• nf :1n\ .. 1111•1 ''' •"~· • • , .. 1 y home-city N111did11tl.'!I, J11rti:(' Gard· 1·11~ ;\Ir• 1, '"' I ·••111111 111')' nr r and i\ssl'mhlyman Earl Sl11n· d 1.11rm 111 "' 1111· .1 .. 111 I" 1 ,., • lf'y. Thr l'nt1re counl) ~hnrt'll your '(nr • 1·n n i:r• '' 1 .. 1·11111• .. , a appr ffrn tinn of thP~C' mt'n nnd be· \ 1o;;1tnr m :>.1·" p .. 11 1:, • 1 ' .J1,•r· tlf"VNI thC'n• i!< nv roof. non-poltt ic- da), 111lc:I frll'n•I• al or political, m·<'r c•ilhl'r or thdr J\flt•r pr.11,11n· t.w 11 I '.•11•1111 11,•c progrl'111sivc hl'11ds." . C"ha1nrn111 H:dph I' ;\I 1•1•1 111d Mrll. Ea.stmlln, r lrctl'd 11 dclc· r11llini;: th•• Sl\1•1·111111: 'I•'"") 11f gate pledj:<'d 1o Gon•rnor Earl J11rti;t1' R('lhrrt G1m ln<'1 11:·11 p.1r-WatTrn for PrC'sJdl'nt. llb wrre all t"nn r:in1hda1t• f,,, ~Ill'•• r I '1 11rl Callrornla's dl'l<'gell'!I 10 the Re- J11d1:<'shlp ~('I 1. '"lh• 11'• ,. 1'w 11-publican National Convention in ini: <'Xprl'l's1o n 11r \•"• 1 • • 1>1 hus-Philadelphia Jun!' 19. had heen 111sm for roun~ lt•:11I• 1 ~h11• 1\llh pralSf'd for twel\'C' ho urs a day n11•rit. in our C'()llfll) t11•111r). ;\lrs. work dur ing the Philll(M • for . E11Mman Mid : O'ln1Tt'Sl! campaign and in her "I rind lhe f'nt1r1• 1·1111111' 1 ilk· Cllpaclty It!! Rt'publlcan county Ing ahnut thl' hr1ll1:o m·1· ·,,r thl' chairman. "I'm goinit to Phlladel- :-.;<'""S·Tlm<'s' wriun..: 1111d ap1 .. •ar· phla ," ihe said, "lo lt'nrn. Pre- anet> itinN> its 1·han!o?" 1,, fl\I' d:1rs perallon ! I did what any woman a Wl't'k.'" Mn . Eastman. 11 cnlll'r :n the would ha\·<'-look a dfty off )'t't· home of Lupton ,\ Wilk in, .. n, tf'f'day. wen t to Loi Angele1 and local maga1lnf' "nl•'r .ind n1·\\ s-boU&hl some clothes " .. * IN THE POLITICAL ARENA mnxrd wh1•n h1· o;h11<1k h;1nd" a nd ora ted on :i pn-r mc·t 11'\'<'I durml! lh<' day11 lll'for1' ~ 1\11o·s primary l'leclion. 111~ eonlrol over his horn\' st11ll' lht>n \\'3 $ rhaliPn~ed hy h 11r- old E. Rtai<M'n. fornw r Mlnnr,;ot •1 go\'crnnr . wlH)SI' hasie Jtnlitk:il stratrll:)' is i;:r ass rools com11J111:n· ini: • T aft's secmin~ in11l11li1 \' 10 dr- velop thr glad-hand lf'rhnlq11f' pcrft'<'ll'd hy !IUC'h poll l ician~ ns James A. Fnrlry prrhaps ma) hr due to hls background. Tht> f>S- year-old Ohio senator w11s horn St'pl. 8. 1839. In Cinrinn;ili. th1· son of th<' late William llownrd Taft. Th<' lllttC'r was Prl'Sidrnt from 1909 to 1913 and WM th•' only man 10 5"n·r bnlh ns Prf'<1i· dent and as chief justice of thl' U. S. Suprcm<' Court. Thi' youni:tf'r Taft wai; gradua l· ed from Ynle nnd Harvnrd. :ind wns ndmltted tn the Ohio har, H is falh<'r·s n11m« and hL'I O\\n prnft>!lsion. law, markro him ;11· mo~t 111 on1·•· for polill<'l' Ill' S1'n '- i'<I in lht• O hio houst• of rl'prl'- Sf'nta lh••s frnm l!t .>fl I•> l!l.!li, :incl , in thr <1l11tr i:rnalr for nnt' trrm 19:\1-:\2 Th1•r f'11ftl'r. Ill' f1•ll '"'" cclips" duP mainly 10 h1~ ltwk .. r polltu·nl fl l'J'M'AI n11t in \!)~ hC' ran fo1· ~l'llllft>I from O hln :11111 lhl' spark!•' h• IRl'krct \\'II!' pro\ lr!1•rl hy h1q "ti•' i\lnrlhn Rowkc-rs Tuft. a will)". t'f· 1 fN'tl\'I' !'IM'Akcr in h<'r own r11.:ht They won hnnds down ovt•r n <11•11· sonrd rnmp11ii;:nf'r. Underaeaa Marine• Brave Artie Ice SAN DIEGO. CAI. I UPl -:'\tn- rint-Corp!! underwat<'r !lwimmt'r~ trnin<'d durin~ the war pC'nelra tt'd Arctic IC'<' and slu!lh for bdnf. s11rfllet.• forays in r ('Ct'nt Al11.1kan m11nf'UV<'rt1. Vi~ Adm. GrorJ?e D Murray, rommandl'r of the First T 1111k Fll'r t, disclosed here. OperatinK from submarines off Kodil1k bland. the rubbl'r-rulted swimmers knifed thro~h slush slx Inches d e <' p and hru!<hed RJo?lliMI four-inch IC'<' to r11rry out aSl!il'nmcnts. They wert' able to rt'mllin In watf'r E'!'tim11ted 11t four dt'g-r<'~ hi-low fr('Czin~ for p<'rloru of morr thnn 11n hour, r1•-8urh1C'· !i'f'9ator Rohl'rt A. TtUt Ry t·n111-ct r r,••i. ('OU ":'\llH"S. q , o\ "I" '-'•·n. Rohi'rl A . T af1 h.I\ h.1rt :i rhf•w11lt I llm <' t rrmc 11> ,.,., ... 11:111• 1h, ._.,,.11t h ulk of Anwr ..-fl n• I h1ol h• " nnt lh<' 1'0lc1. prl'<'l"• 1111!1' 1111.: :111n 111c111r crl hy '"" •'Pl""''""n Labor lt>&den werfl 11rou!led \o inlol 11ft<'r missions wl'r C' N1mplrtl'<i. fl1htlng pilch. for f'XHmpl<', over The ml'n wore !ting undl'rWl'nr tht' Taft-Hartlry act to put the "n de r thl'ir ruhbt'r s1111s 11nd brakes on union MJo?11nlza11ons. smr nrNI lh<'ir fac-es with p<'lrol- Hui huth hi. It ,..nil~ .111r1 ,,,._ pnnf'nti; ~II•' h11n n 11l11 f1>r l 1ollh· r ti.;htn .. ,~ m h1 ... '11 "... 111 tic~·• nl\t (l(t<'n hdl,J:!' I'll ,1 q11t•<th ll T11f1°' 111.•11ul;1r1t~ 1.111n., m 1111h- h<"' 1•pin1nn I"'"~ " " n• \ 1•r h11;h 11nrl II IN'k pr11tnhl\ 11' low.-~t slump rturin11 I lh 1·• 111 t r11\'t•r~111l lfl1Zisl11th C' mca~ur.·• la hn~ \\hill- pt'<I I hrnlqth thl• H"puhhcan·dOIJI· lnat«'d 8Jlh Coni;rt•111. T h e Amcric:in Ft'dl'r11tlon of •·um jl'lly . Labor \'Otl'd $3.000,oc.> to ram-Th<' ~wlmml'~ wrrl.' from thr palm for thl' r t'Jlf'nl or th!' 11ct. First l\11.mnr Oi\'ision rN.>onnili~­ whlch the labor ICftdcrs ca ll a 11an('t' rompnny. It'd by Maj. Char- "tlav<' l11w.'' lrq A. Ri1o:11ud. Swimmt'N from th<' OptlOllf"d lty Rrt1tltf'r N11''Y undr rwalf'r rl<'m nlition tcnm Wall<'r Rru lhf'r . pr1"<11dl'nl ('If nlso took pl!rt. I the l 'nlted Autom ob1lr Work<'n M11rrny said 1h111 nnl rwn dur- C CJO. 1111n:t I hn, · IM'forl' hi' wou ld inc J ht· "nr dul !<wimm•·~ (lpt'rate e,·r r rc'ach thr W hite llm&'. !IO f11r nor th. Underwater ICO\ltiftc '"WT'IJ ~ Tllft in hl'll ·· · tt'nms wcrC' dflve loped br thr :'\1a- Undrl<'rr<'d hy such bl11s t11. T nft rml' Cor(M and the N 11\ r d unnd 1M>1an 11tumplni: th<' rountry &ft<'r World WRr II to hlM t oh~tnrlrs I the cloae of the 1947 roneresslonal from eMm y be1cht't In pre-lnva- -.iOI\. Starting hls effort to cAp-slon m issions. --·--....car .... -. ......... ,_.__ JW.,,.s-..., .. - ' -. COllllEllCIAL RSHERMEN OF NEWPORT BEACH HELP Sf OTUGHT THEIR INDUS I RY'S 'WEEK• - Arab Village Maintains Peace Pact With Jews NEWPO&T aaLaoa N&Wl-TI•&• MOl'IDAI' ............... (.... '-T. IN' Page 3 ,,. CddDtf'rial nshin& industr)' * * * * ~ 1::«';. ~ ..:11.= !'::;: FACTS ABOUT STATE'S FIFTH INDUSTRY .. ....,. Ollifcimia tilhin portS ~ '"Catifomia eon!wrcial Lois An&eles Is the nation's lar&cst cornmt'rcfal Clshill& po11. lkr ftllllltc i.ti.try Wttk Is ~ 1 f~n catch tuna, urdint'll, and mA('k••rt'I. dlillll'd tJly kll'al dvlc iteden up 1 San Dlt>go 1s the world's la11tHt tuna port, but C'lltchf'S no .ardincs _. ..._ tbP a*t. at all. _ All tlww civic ~ att p&r· UM1 t:AT<'H IS POt'ND~ ddpMinC ill this caWnc ol attm·' Los A.n&t>IPS Um 10 Califonua'1 5th largest In-I Montt-re)' dllllr>' 8lld tJw t~ role It GlouCHll'r 111 plQillc II tlw economic growth San Francisco ,,, dlia ....... Bo6ton Primr attnation loca11y will be San Diego foruRd -NfoWport Be.ch'• ~ I 4 ~Ros.~ and camwry lffd-Commt'rcial fishing 1s tht> ri(th lal'lt'st ...,. -.~ Mittd tJw public ol this the tenth in the nation . ~.500.000 50.415,000 uw .000.000 766,000 ~l.000,000 155,575,000 I Industry In the stall' and ..,. to t.ui.. a )oclk at the watt'r-J Memben ol the California F~ Canners Alllodatlon. Inc .. haw 11 ,,_. 8t1.iriCia iwxt wMk. 1 capital investment of $105 mJllion In boat1, bulldln&•. eq1.lipn1t>nt. etc .. Offr S..000000 c...-. ol tuna and in Southern California. 1315.000 ~ "' iardines Weft I Membetli or this orennliatloo pay $1 \. million 1x•r Yt'llT in state IUIO ~ bt' memben ol the Cali-fl'dt'raJ taxes. . • . fclrai:a f'ilb Canlwrs Aaodation 'I Twenty-seven compenws operate JJ cannerlt"ll in Southern C11ll· Ille.. IM7 911 per <'ft\t ol ~ Comla, Nlnetern of t~-se canneries an.-at Los An&elt.'tl harbor. t.atal :ldl.. · I Four thousand eight hundrud workers and 5000 roml1lt'rc111l rlshc-r· men. plus O\"er 60.000 other P..'1'110nli art' dJreclly dependenl upon the Glouceslc:r. and Boaton, top easl· commercial rishin& lndu1t l') for their hv1na. en part•. did tar lft.I than ~C An annual payroll of O\·er $10 million i1 1>8.id these peoplt'. and cl t)iip tGtal catch of the Callfom~ sptont in the communities in which ~ llvt'. parts. • An a<kied 520 million JX'r year is spent by the Industry on new Many a~tly unrelated fiel.ds l t>quir,ment, cases, boX('l!, labels, oil, salt, tomato sauce. t•tr . aft arrvitt'd b)· the commercial J Over~"'< of tht• C'.ntire business in \h\' San Pcdro1art'a depend;. di· f.illliac ~-~ftlly-fin per rectly upon the rishfog industr). • Cl!'ltt cl thr to trillion uniU or Vit-, F1shlnK boats ro.t up to ~50.000 each and range as far south as ... A. and 70 million Ullit.a o( CentnU America. \-rtamilll D ~ In t~ nation Mort> fish are produced at Lo!> Aneel~ harbor than in the cnUN' IMll J'NT, cwriir from Southttn New Eneland States. * ~ < rift. Ninety-eight per cent of the catch goes 10 the canneril"S. All fi..,h HARMAN W. NICHOLS 3 Families, One Related to Me88D8, On Lone Voyage is in.t1p«"!ed by state and ft'd(>ral authorilieli, u W<'ll u the canm•rlt'S' own 1killed laboratory technicians. All tlsh!ng I!; done under state and national laws. Fishermen <·atch only the apecift ot fish 'they an! tishine tor. which (t'neraJly run In schools. / Southepi California produces four varietle. ol tuna (aJbacott. blut' fin, ~Uow' fin, and 11riped tuna I as -u u sardJMS and mackettl. WASHINGTON, June 7 <UP) MaJ"Eart'I 1'ruman can take ht'r hiih C and puk It In the back llt'a~. plH~! ~·n11· ht"k' kul 1111111 11 )11\"•'nili> dt-hnq111•111·) h.1mr.1" 1:111n~ lo ~I "' ~01:1.i·,,1 "111111 .. 111•1~111•··· Thi• aw11rd will I• 1~1'"'" •>Ill to "h11t 11 kn<,..11 " l ">l•I" F1·r11 . N Y., C'hll- Jn•n' \'111.1.:c• II ~ 11 home for maJ. ad)ul.tc-d ch1ltln-n ~ Los Anct'IH harbor hu $10 m.ilUon invnted in lu m.iehly nttt of ,.,._ lamilin bHdird thtit 50-150 purw Riners Whidl cost from $45,000 to $200,000 t'ach. In addl- ,_. .t 119f'r. Uw AJoha. west· tion thtre art' 1SOO to 2000 one and two-man mackt'rel and albacore Jap FlaJwr hu a MW hen>. "Magje'1 okay, but I like Bob Feller better. Who wouldn't!" 'nlOee are JOH quotet, not JnlM. Joe IA a 12-year-old red-halftd chubby from Wuhlncton. n.. fact lloh F•·lli-r 1~ .:cwng to kN>p hla lllldl<'I ' mHI 11(( that Clllf', ~ hi~,. in 1111· "'hool will 1Mk lht'-6r o"'" h••1 .. , anrt th" C1''vt•land pitch· ....-~ [)wjcf\t At- wasn. JJ. i.... 8ndl. said ht and llil wif• -.I tllnt dauchten ~an­_.. to _. U..ir honw In Aua- tr111ia lln. A.twain II llw dauch- ttt cl Mr . ..S Mn. Janws A. Har-n... 215 Rodwsttt A Vt'.. Coet. .... To llhatt t'llpt'rwff he took Mr. and Mn. KllUM'th Harmon, Laa V~. ~.. •ho are going t o Taitliti. Miii Mr. and .Mrs. Rou C. Parr. Ann Arbor, M1~h .. bound foT ~~ •twTt' Parr ~ks his masrrr's dPlo'tT4'f 1n literature at ttw Cnn·enity of Melbourne. boats. California residents, and mackt'ttl added another half millinon dollars to the economy of this atte. n..tt art' 125 tuna clippers opentln& ou1 ot San Dl"IO. C01tln1 up 10 US0.000 each. Ovf'r five mill.ion ~ ol tuna wer? pecked In 1947. Boat yards, enclne companies. can companlt"S, paper companit'tl, oil companies, marint' ln~urance companies. ship chandleries, all are de- pendent to ll great t'Xlt'nt oo the commerdal f ishing industry, thua making the Industry tremendously importan1 lo 1he entire rommunlty. * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON Indians can plldl bPtttt'n he e11n ho)' "h" wui-"111 hav" B ~ood Job alnc may havP llOl1W(hln1 to do "''hl'n lw qu11~ ,,.·hnol. with hl1 pttfrrt'nce. t •111 , , 11 ln111·l1 fril'nd, Jo•• hadn't Not IOftl •KO. Ml• Truman hN11tl .1h.1111 1h1~ 111• f1•lt rhr mw •. smlWd her CUl4'!'1 and pinned a r1, .... "" th" 1•111•hin.: nnn uf Mr ~k Jnt'da.lof onJ thel brown ~al Ft•ll .. 1 anit """" 11 !'Otlnd<-d ~"'·rll jac et our <><". t was a •~· award for Joe'• hobb)-Vtng , i\n1t ''''''' I~••!!•''' ol1out ,. ,..i. lives. He had risked hla ttlck by I 1"1 '"" 11"" I m ,11 l'l'nll'rH··~d··· nln I d d • 8 oth"r H11:ht "'"' h111t1n 1u·<>1m1t h\10 · nm & ou an rael{lnrt n , ' , . kid from under thr whl'('ls of a ·RP \\'I~•· _ Adwrl •~•· <'ar. Latt'r, hC' took anothC'r can-- HOLL VWOOD. June 7 I UPl -A Eighl-)'l'&r-<>ld Marl ha nskr-d ll•s.ci littl<' on<' hy thr !'<'ruft of tM pioneer mo\'ie produet>r lookC'd up Griffin to please It'll Hollywooc1 nr<'k and S11Vr him, too. l'amt' wny a bunch of kids to IK'<' what he lo make movl<' ror kid!I. YN>tt•may F"f'lh•r h11nrtro fol II•· C(lUld do about juvenill' dcllnquc·n-.. There's so much St' and drink· 1h• Jflf' nnntht•r m1'<1HI. nlso .1:111'1. cy nnd got 1 he surpnlo<' or h is lift' ing ar\ th<.• onl'~ t hC') hav<' now." f\(11.) hlohlwd o lill 11' 11s h<' pn'"""' • ~0\"1:11.'4 ASC'f'~t;j,TOR Thi' kids hll<I lx'al('n hun to IL she si.:lwd. "l R<'I 1ir<'d Of IL" NI lhe 00\' With II frnmcd r<•rtl· ~"DIANAPOUS 1 UP) _ Her-TI11•y W<'r~., F1 nnk C Griffin rt'-Mary Ellen, ai;:t>d 11. is ~<·11 rni: ficair nnd n ~100 Mvinl!s t?<md. 1 man Robbfo of th(>' National LI· ports, aln>111Jy trllin& ~rown-u~ :i hrnd J1l11r1 on citiwnsh1Jl. Sht• This nnt• wns cnllNl the pnp111cle what thC) Were' doln.: wron~ and a nd h••r ~1x as..,islants op<'rlltl' th<' youth award ......,. Blndrry Co. MIW the pkturP "Why don't ther get h<'P. fer gosh "Junior Mode' Shopp<>" In S11n lli· The !'IOI r !)<'hind thr Slllf)' State Qets Plaque Foi: l~a~ing West In Traffic Safety S ACRAMENTl 1, Junr 7 -The natk>nal ... frl)' ('(IUnnl ha• alllardird <'•llfonlie • plllQ'W for lf'ed1na all WNtc·m atatf'tl In tr•f· fk 11aff'I)' rn111tnf-Min1 ad,'eftl"t'- nwnt duriftl 1141. I' dtn-ctOf' o1 rw-1c1 llt'TVIC'f'. f' ..arl • fr-om 0..k'aao to ...-.n1 th.· 1olaraur to ~~ f.MI WarTI'n "" ht'· hair of ttM-board of Judti•'ll "hk'h n111k~ th.-aw•rd racil )'f'ar Disabled Vets fan Qualify for Autos Unti1June30 s. • ""''" .u,..t.1.-.1 \\'ndd \\'•r If '""""•n<> •hi• ••• ••h.:•t>J.• for ""'"n" 111'4"' al ¥""'' nlnf"nt •'" 1..-n-.r "•',.. '""'~ unlll JUSW'o 30. I~ tu t.t1t.m11 ltwl~ a1,.•hrnlh-OJ1 11..,, l.h 1 ... , nu•nn •~MJnr, ... , V'lt'f• It \.-I Th~ ,.,_,.•nnl ofllc111I Mid ••fhN'r-"l\nu'tf tnd"1 11 .. , l.1" pro4tkL.&ll ~1L.umob.ik. 11 farm tmplf'mrnt or olh4'r ve- hlc-h• 11"i>f11I In th,, \'t•l1•r11tft W4'!11'1t at • .... c ""' c.1 •'•l'I·•~ $1600 tor ""> \\' .. rift W 111• It '1·l1'r11n who In.at '"" l1tt1t thu 14M' of. 011.-or lioth h'tl• at or •huvc-ttw an~le r1'llUlllll6: 11 um 11+•1 Ylt't' llH'urTt~ injurlrs Utwnn11nn 11ch1l11ed rll111blt• '"t• •ran• to •l'PIY for ttw-rr ,.o,.. at lf'A•t I!\ '111> 11 ht'f11r•• clt•1tdlt11r In •trltt•r to """"" 11111111'• llnW for llfi)('t'lllln.: tlw ava1llr1ttlfl11" \\ •· h••I"' ~-•" .r• ,,. 1" ,,.. Srotrh tapr, ''atlo11s 11"'9, on l1lllo,. •'Ii b\ rW•IH m<1rf' I IN·n1 aa14' •I llw Nrwi.-T\~ ""°"''' .1n.l n"'""" "'""'' I ·•hlnro1n'• _____ _ f11o;ht 11.:irn~t ••Y•d• "'' and >"" C"lAN1tlc'c1 MP DC,) '"' ~ JI* ,.,... •~mn111 • It• ~-l> do14r1idl;. · •tnt- All Metal -Non Corrosive Ahl.a.. Aw•l .. s . For A LifetitM of Beauty and Comfort Shaded A~ With Plenty of Usht -'"""I W-IDiR _ ... l ·11m1ot1..tl <"flml•hmo•ntt"Ct I hf' rAno -llO•& -l"OllCll -FACl'O•t' -OfT1('E ~ ..._ .... ,.,. rn. ~...._,..,_ " .,..,... l;O\ 1•1 nur Amt ltw st at" for IN' "i.;ri•1t1 1n111r11\'1•m<"nt" 1tk1"n •lnro W"rr<•n 1-r1·111t'41 " ro1..-dinallnc t•omm11tl't• of •Jiit.. ufh1•111t• tu 1-..,rk SPIES HOME APPLIANCE SPECIALS FOR JUNE 7 -8-9 of ui anaslor fo1• the fin& tune i.akes !" \•go, Cal. The~· rollttt old rag!< hasn't l1e>en tnld up to this mo- ar an arl eu11b111on He ,·iewed . t Th " I 1 " I 1 I ttw pamting of Hiltt' Bobbt'. who Th<'1r su1:ges11ons were '° !:<>?°· from thP nc·1i:chbors and tum out ~ , e !< <' c Jl""Jl c ma> no -....____. at 1 ..... atakt' jft. •'--Gnrhn says. he got logt'lh. er w11h children's clothl"!I on a llny !l\~·1n.: like ii. An) WO)" Standard Stryker'• Granuleted --_ _.. "'" ·~ .,.... he k d re I'd $50 d mnchlnr G<-t 50 crnts api('('e for Rob Ft>ll<•r. who now mak.-.. 10 17th ('f'Tllury for knowing too 1 1 s, 0 er praws an lht>ir crcatlona. or 100 timN< mort' than most or lnUdt about boolu a U. S. bond for the bt'St ones, ...i h · and la now 1.n the proceu or mak-John, 10. and Edward. 15, l't'll U1', 5ta11ed hill cor.-.:~r 11 a .,.cc -------Ing television movies out or their wind<>"' boxt>S and nower potic to rr 1'y procticln2 l>Phlnd • hem un ideu. their Alameda. Cal.. cu11tom<'nt. his father's farm In Van Mrter, Jn WATCll -H•OWll • --............ ,. It ... It .. , ... _ .......... -----· ....... , ... ,___ ,...., ----flllC ~ .. __ ............ Tlleodore Robins "Tour f .;,J Ot .. lcr ma 19~ 1 aaJti-ti ~-.on ' ~ ... c .. tra.1 Th ... · made 'I'm 001 or discar<IC'd You Rll know lhAI. So he 111«'!1 •l u• "ll's !W'nsRtional. as far a11 an -~ audJence goel'," he ll<'<1ms "Oui ga~ tanks ond tin can...:... • unsun~ J:'ll)' particularly kids. 1 "'' ooislde of tha t it'll "how olh<'r And nol only 1ha1. C.nffm a coupl<' or toddlPn< of his 111\11 children how '111 ke~p out nf .chuckled. "ThCS;C-kid:o; are h .. 1111ng both Americ-11n L<-aJ:uen; lo 1.. h• trouhl<'.. f11!hl 11cfult dl'lmquroncy. too r.~-says. f)N'1:illy thr on,.s who won't hlll' Roh l:t:JI to lookinR at t h1• '""' Th.-~ m11ppl't~ r1~urt• tl1••y knm~ 111,.1, ""'~'' Tnk,. ·Rillph 11, ·, 111 nilC' rtehn<Ju"nC'y l'("t'Ords nnf1 ... 1;11 I· how tn htinill<' 11np1!>h k1 rt,, tlf'tlt•r \nit ht• hr" 11 cani:: of 511 hl'll"'"· rd 10 •hur!rll'r So hr f<'<•k 1111 ,., • 1 1111111 lhr1r 1'1111 I'll T:ikt• llw 10.,,.,11· 1 fr,.,,, (; 111 Ill, r lN1n lui: ,,(( \fu·;inl f)lllnt• to I"•'" York nm! 111:ir1 I• I old h<t) "h" 1t11ri C'h1r111:0 •111·1111 lot!'." rli;:ht Into th•· front pop"l1•·I•• .. 1 l\'{lrkr " "" """""" •h•·11· f1l.1). I H ilt·l'I ""' fll't1t •'l1) ""."''"' h••'lt tier 11:r0tmd.., \'""' at"a)"' ••mpl). '"''"," <•ff th"ll Int• """'I~'' ilw n "~i::on1• 11," hr ,;,;.i "Th'"''' ~h<k' :mrl "\\lllJ::' HI'• lhl' r11 " 0 1 ll.'lrtrn1•nl \\OUltl l'l>l111., 1:11)~ ltn\'I' hrf'n 'i\l'OOping in nirk· oltt 'luff." hr ~nnrt1•t1 "\."" u• I ,,1tl tll") 'II ':I\<' !hi' fir<' ha1anl <'I' fl <t,!'ll 11 • "' t.111 .. ''" n• '''" "'Hit',,,,. •. , ;ind l1r 11·k· 11nd 1l11n~· lli•l" lhAI \HI). ll~f\'l'n'I )HU~" \1 I' l'lltl hll dtl Wilh lllld "" \\JJ:I\ ",\nil ,\1>11 Olll:hl 10 "'~' lhfl'I' Tiw .. ,,i·li.'' hlt:h f'Hllllll 11111 l111111wnio." I'"'''· r.1 d li11 'rl)'. "Thi•\ i:•·• 1111 , r1vl-"1r<•d ;ind n1wl1l1•1I. nw ~rn,1·11-up• did .c;11ff1n •ll,\.S. th••1•1• 11f1 .. r .sdH~il wi1h nlrl 111"11 "Th"n " •h1111rf1·n••I n ull··t 1 .. 1 I .1nd tlll' \11) 11<')(1 S.1111111.,) thrir 1l1"\\'1•r:.. •II\\"•-. 'rt<.SOI' ltrl\l)ltn~ 1 "\\h) fl,.11·1 )1111 Jll\'f' ""Ill' ••I '' plan:rn11nrl \\"•· Jnmnu~t 11t.11·11 rllop On1 • 1111!1• :\.H:: ..... tit hark 111 "·m?" i\ l l·)l'ltl'·old T1•11n•'1>~1·•· 1~•) 'nlll'-a\\'lt) w11h 11 '">" l:l\,:n m n\\ I \\'i1hn111 ""' 11 mui·h n11111· 11 • r:1m1' up \\ilh on" :in;.wl'r 10 wh,\ , r that 1ln<"-n '1 r 111 11n\thinc 1111 1 :1 ho.,nl m ... 11111-:. lhl' '"'" I•"'•· I k1d" i::n \\-roni:;.. """ -.ork" jus l ns hllrti 11,. th•• 1111: in lhe bu"'"''"' h11rl him--·lf '; ... "You'n· 100 l'a~} t'n II"," hP kid ... " fl(J() to hl'lp thl' kul ... \\"" •• t<>lrl 11 jurl~r. "You "houldn'r rak<> Griffin d0f'sn'1 h:tV<' to worrv h11d 11 rh11nrr• In i:rt In fir'' I pity on us bc<'ausr wr'rc young nbout plot1o for hill 16-millinwll'.r Tiw i:rand Jlrl11..,. nr(' rnllrt:<' "11 .. 1 Thnt makf's uii fii:J:rr wr can get mov1!'11. Th.-Mary Ellens nnd nrshipo; 11w11y "'ilh ii. Take oway (l(Jr mov-Johns and Ralphi; arid Morlht1s It "111r1"fl out on thl' ht'rn "·•·• • lf'lt or our hicyclrs for R month have flooded him with thou!;llnc1~ whl'te it 111111 is llul in ''"' • Th111'1l do It ." on cnmhatlini: d<>linqu<'n<'}. pro-wi¥ks. it's gnmi: to hit a new lit k I "And It did," Griffin 'Ulld "Now mntmi; good citiZt'..'nship, and In· th.-y run I\ rontPSt In thr M'hools vrntinl? u~ful gndgl't.!'i. t o llC<' who get!' the llHt d('pOrt-All of a i;udden he finft.c: him· mc nt r('Cord. Thi' kid who winll c:rlf with a tPlevision pnckni::<' irets to s.11 oo the bench with the spon.i;on1 all over the country al'f' Judge nnd hand out sentence11. itching to lt<'I th.-lr ha.nm on Only thPN•i; not muc-h hu~inf•i<it "Don Ameche. Richard Arl1•n. an)· more'. Evp~· kid In tC>wn Is be· .fac-k ir Coogan, and Oliver lfnrdy ha\1nir h1ml'<'lf. 111•in;: In i;tPt to air goinir to narra1r thP fir11 frw bf' judge.'." fnr ml'n." h<' !Utl<I. "I ha,x-thr) 'II tum 1hrir J11n l11rl<.,. e>vrr In ''•W•' rh:inty or IPI m<> ~prnrl It tr> "n•t rood to huni;try chilrlren." Griffin winks WhPn hr '"" "hopr1<." ''I'll sound 0('m 1111 0111 l1r~t If •h<'Y won't i;::lve thr1r ftoe to ch:11ll) I won't '"' 'NT! norr:.•• '"' movies." TOMATOES No. 2 l/2 can 2 For 29' u ...... ~ FROZ~H LOGANaUtRll.t 19' pound SOAP POW. ler9e t9' THE ECONOMY-WISE PATRONIZE - MEAT Shank Enda lb.39' HAM A .t AA Lamb ,.lb 57' CHO.PS lb ·- Pl•te Short lb. 28' RIBS - VEGETABLES 01ABBAGE lb 2' QUASH lb. 7' EAS lb ! 17' PllO!\E YOl 'll OIU>EU GROCERIES Vita'·' Pin~apple v ............... SYRUP 27' lb.39' :.27' JA1il:!!2 fw 25' 12' ••-t -Cat FOOD 5' • ... A .... G ... STARCH O(L MONTE CATSUP ·!:c.19' B•ku'• iOist•s :.19' \\'t; Ut:LIVEH ~•o~. TllUt · •·1u ... BAKERY OHDAV, JUN€ 7th .. , .. ,.._ c~ • 38¢ for EDNE•DAY, JUN£ Mh PUFFsm·~ 18' IJELl<.;ATESSEN Wfepf'tde Garik, •mok•d" .,.. "'•'" 39' CHEESEp .. ~. Hom. llt•de Cole SLAW lb. L,.1c. £nelleh Gel<kft SYRUP 21b tin 19' STOltE HOtrns 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 7 l>A YS A WEt:K _____________________ ..,. ___________ ----- / Page 4 N-&WPOKT BALBOA MBWS-TIM&S I MONDAY N~ lleedl. C'aMI. ,_ 1. IMa D£LllQUEIT TAX AID ASSESSMENT LIST City of Newport BeM-h, State of Callfonda NEWPORT BFACH C'ITV TAXES A.~D ASSF.SSMENTS Dt:LINQt 'L~ FOR FISCAL YEAR 1947-48 STATE CW CALIFOR:'\IA COUNTY OF ORAJ'\CF: 1 <. ClTY OF ='F:WPO RT BEA('lf I. R. tt Jlud1:klrumn, as ~:x.t >flan " T.1 ~ 1 '11111•1·1•11 in 11nl1 1111 ti• Oty of :-;1'"J.10rl Ro•a('h, C"1111nl)' ul ( 11.1111;•'. s 1.11t' ••f '"11hl•1n111 flt-:REllY GP.'~, NOTICE th11t , ddnul1 h1n in~ t ..... n rnnd• in 11 .. paymrnt or 111~1·11 and uss1·ssn11-nh d111· '" 1111 ('II) ol "" "f# 1' Bc-ach rur t)lt' f1!Ca.I yrar rnl1ini.: .lunQ_;lp~94~. \lf10ll 1111' l•IPi• I I . htrrin11fl<'r dt'SCrtlJ<'d. and tha.1, unh·._, ~Hid l1tX• ~ :tnfl ,,.,,,. -.cm .. nt. IO delln11u<'nl. tugt'lh<'r "'1lh all p1>n11llit· 11nd N,,.ls dur llwrl'"" I• paid at the Tax Coll('('lor's OHIC\• In t h\· C"tt) 111111, on 0 1 IM•f•11 Wednfosda.y, June 30. 1948. AT TF.N O'C"LOC'K A ~ of th:.1 da) all of aa1d propt'r1)' dt'9C'J'ibc'(J In thr "11hin 11~1 nn whim n id "'"' ~ a nd UM'Umtnt1. ptnaltlt-t and l!'OSll art' lht'n un~.au1. \\'Ill nn 1h.- datt and the hour aboVt> 1ptdfled. DY OPJ::RATIOS ot• LAW, i,.. sold to tht> <'lty or Newport &11rh. and tha t such ul,. "111 tit' 111.1•1• In the OFFICE OF TiiE TAX \OLU:CTOR of sllld C"ity R. R. HODGKJ.NSO!ll, Ex·Offidp Tax \ollc'f'lvr vi Newport Beach, C"altfornu1 Lot NEWPORT BEACH TRACT C..taon. D. ~.D. Jtldt. !Wtty Jane et al Landtield, Raymond L. B1'11d)', F;u&tnla L. Re.. E. F. 1 'l"l 8 2"2 9 24 3 28 28 :l9 SEly 33' 9 32 TNIRD WDITIO?il O~ldtnct', A. B. Omdtnce. A. B. Cln14kn<lf. A 8 . Oevtdtnct . A 8. Hammock, Graet> 5 6 I 6 3 RIVER SECTION Burkt'. V.lle J Thomson, Minnie.> A. t't al M~ton, Alex C. Riddle. Arlene M Mt'rrlam. Ch11rll'1I 16 17 16 HJ 't'.! LAKE TRACT PontJng. 'Mwodorc.> A. Mack. Cf'nrge E Loek>. f"herl<'11 M Boll!M'ranc. l.R<in ,., al F'. et al 1.a ·I 6 CANAL SECTION 41 37 4.! 13 13 14 Tetal Ddlia· 516 _.g JI ,!U 3Jl7 13 tfi 11 !lV 4 69 3 .... 3 "1 11> 71 :in :t 11:1 1a;:i lot I: I I• I Ntt:I t:l 37 11 i.~1 1; tu I'\ '\J ,_... .... _ 1~·· ~ ..in \\ ... ~ f• 1.11•11 '4JY \\.1 •• ., ,. I .t. 11 " U1 \\' • ,,. l ' 1-r.•t .• l!I. \\ •Cr J• l,.nu.1nw. \\ • .J ... ~ J' l.,i111' I• •tST 'o\ • •r I' t "''f , .... i"T" -\\ ~"'nn-.. I 1r .,.,, ,.,. ".\ ••" I' If• '1th t l .. ,,.j J! II• "'1' f t .. ,, 1 II II• M• t ,,.,.. 1t•t I! ..... '\.f r I l ti II 11 13 ='-Fl> 1, 11 7 IUed1 5 5 5 5 5 ~ 5 5 1 7 1 OCEAN FRONT TRACT I.•• ,\ ,., .: II ~... \ ' ,! 49 ·, 49 RIVER SECTION \,! •Ir· t. r ,,1m .. & n .. n ",.,,, lt n1 • lit It\ \~. 1 t • ·I !I \11 •Inc "'' •.1111•· & r •• , ···J--Itri.-II Tetel o... ~9119t'J 4.62 15.66 3 79 3.79 3.79 3.79 19.45 4 6~ 4.6~ 3 79 1847 563 14 SI) 3.79 1.32 FIRST ADDITION TO NEWPORT HEIGHTS "" ,, .. , • .... ,., rr· -. 5 · n 58.38 \kl .... ., i -« I I J 1 :.llJ 13 ~.46 '-'• ,, h •-t I-' :!3 13.93 I~~· • " ... '.\ 'I :! I 8.37 T" • • . • or I I :.>.i 36 ~ 1:1 "' \ ·.:.•~ i • 1:1 '.!6 9.06 J'""" ,.,,,, ,. !i 30 7.00 ~·· • , .. \\,," -_ to 30 17.62 h .nltl·~•l I l:l 31 4.94 \'.'*' .. >) J·•··ll 7 34 24 .. 34 T.\tl\'<¥> •k• I tr'" ·~ lt) 36 9.15 H .. 1·"·~ tt (' 'El 3R Z7.08 I-A.Ir. f ltUI,,.. B 8 39 16.98 )t11m.-11 R.>o>mo>M A 13 39 10.42 \t11""'1I P..'1)-mond A 14 39 33.36 )llt.-t.. 11 P-A)mnnd .\ 15 39 8,37 TRACT 444 56 TRACT 919 9 fta,mUSSrTI. < ·,1, an S w,..dlin. }brtha e et a l Tubtn. £ddw s t • al. :-.O'Wly Jl}IY or SEty ~ 1W I Eli: ~'T.ly M' of :0.'\\1)' 135'1 ("ntr.ml1 Rl.t..-rr J "' al, SF. I>& 15' I E.x 5 A ~·: 129 15' of SW 150'' F TRACT 907 -LIDO ISLE llttrtin"...-}larcar .. 1 n 1 Ill 1 rtwv-"1<. K"' r R S..J.-.dfl }h n, ...... es.. ~alrldt• 'lllf} l.1•11~· Klu ~ .\t .un •·• P Khrk \faun•'• P I.Hit• 11•-cr~... In.· I J•tn llt'lfl)'·· I" S\\1y '2 S Wly Lo, 594 595 695 696 715 SWI) • ., 71fi I ·n u::. Rw-.. II r • ·r 111: R•~ll t CORONA DEL MAR R J •• ,,"'. J u \f"W'° It• r• \I All-rr \f F 1r1.1r I ~"' \· • .-n. ,.\II • fno· r••f 11f .tlll'y A-32 A·:l2 A-35 A-3.5 u 13.67 9.73 18.13 207.07 132.25 63.20 42.02 6.26 3.38 7.34 36.44 6 .26 3 :is 30.69 1 RR 40.71 13.17 Slplr. Gordon G Turnrr. J11cks11n Turnl'r, J11ckson I:! 11: 113 1~3 ;l•tJ alfl' :.'fi 443 I ~. Turnl'r, J11rkstln 'I 11:1 Lotllc. Charlr11 M rt nl 5 :l.l.'l Ben~'. William J., 1 336 Bnlbow. William J. S W\y ''t 3 336 Patt•non. Elmer 1 137 Paul•)'. Harlan R 5 437 'J'rutblood. J . W. r. 537 LANCASTER'S ADDITION McCallum, Donald D Bnlbov.-, Wilham J. Williams. JOSC'ph Albl'rt Hoffman. Alhrrt C. Hoffman. AHwrt C. 4 11 1 f) I-' 13 SECTION A Commt>rclal Fish<·rm11n roop. As11r All i Inc bet same & hii!h tide llnel 13 Oornmt'rclal 1--i11herman Coop. A.'sc H Commercial Fisherman Coop. Aase 15 Comnwrd al Fillherman Coop. Aue. 16 Commercial Fl1h<>rman Coop. Aue 17 SECTION B :!19 219 219 219 Scherf. Charin F . 14 , 109 SUB. OF BLOCK A -EAST NEWPORT Tacquard. Rober t L. 17 A JohNon. Gtorge L. et al 52 A Cr'Olltt. Frf'd J 75 A Hoet•tler , Lt'on11rd S. 90 A NEWPORT BAY TRACT Stern, Deborah K. 16 BALBOA BAYSIDE Bllu, Mab.I M .. All <Inc bet 1nm<' It hilth tldr line I Rom. Bo C et at. All (Inc bl't "<1me & high tide line !>uqu.ttt. Eugene. N\\ly 29' I Inc IH't 2 same.> cl high tld<' llnl'I 4 Rooe, Bo C. et al f\ Roos. Bo C. et el 7 ~ellyn, 1-'renklln E . YI' Int in ~l'r 3:i·6 Ill. l\d h~ lot 6. Blk 3. B11lhon Dnyllid<•. NWly h~ Adams St .• NEly hy h ii;:h tld<' lln<>I BALBOA TRACT Jloyt, Helen M !l 3 Hvct.ltr. Ira C". l 5 Wt'th•rall. Olarlt-s L. 9 l; Brady. Eugenia J J:.!. 6 311 3.! F uru I~• \ • "'' ,\II 1 lnr pnr nf nil•')' -'"' :)<I ad) I ~ 11111 l .!7M 1><6H 611 3:'~~ 3! .!..1 I-' 91 111 I! ... ;_• a!• 1.i- : 1 u e;.u 102 1 6 41 l:•H U "9 Z.!91 13 fr..! :.'4 ~';' 73 ~t> ~·-~ !4(, "•.'\ ..... --·" JR t:1 1 ~ lf\ t""rr"'r 1-• \"•TIW All I Irv pnr or alley d JI 29 A·35 , ..,., n Fnnr•.-. F All 11-:A ~I) One por Nf alley adJI 11; A·36 <1111.._ f"at~I Trust A Sa\'in~ fl.lank of '""' .\~1'1" R-3'..! C ·1111.-"" "' .. 1vtn.al Tt1~1 11 SM lnltll l'\.linlc ,;f IJoc ,\nt;i>IM 16 R-32 RE-SUB OF CORONA DEL MAR l'h111!. '. l~·h )I ~T.I}' HY l6 13.5 'h11•IM' l .1-.•h )f • 'tul'-" P.1'21nakt I. n ~ l'. .. ~nµid L '""" u t J, '1n R"' '"""",.'· J~n Rn' !'1.-art. ,Jnhn f?n) Kw•'· J ufln ""°"· J,~n Knox, Jntin SW ly :5' lR 135 NT.ly 20' 28 136 S\\1y 1n· 30 136 NEly 5· 13 t:l7 1:> 1:n SW!y s· 17 l:l7 NEly 2 5' ~1 Mtl 2~ H ll Z'> H O R 143 CORONA DEL MAR llrnry KA h-'T'l nt-)f NJ:l y 20' 11 llf'f'lry. tUtht>nnr }f S\\1\· 20' 13 )tulllns. 1..urili.-20 f"1f1P1. t'ilar~ r Fipps. Ch.ar1" C- f\1uW,'. 1.l'tM Jrr.,,.- f\a1~· ulha lrC'nC' WhilC'. JA~ T Carroll J un. l.1rJ1fH W >ol'T•'fl R I tr"(ltfl. W;in-m R :'m1th Ki.rl JI '1'• '" ..: ul JI 11,1 .. c·k 'l"'"" T r..,....,.. .-;. .. :.i \\" lt11,.,,1r <~ • 1 •I \\" ltll rtlt• I~. r 1'<1 \\" ll•M "Ir.I :'1 .,~ • \ • .\ nd-•f"< "' Fl ,. • ,,..... '"",.,, ~\ \ Pttli:I>:'" F J , "'"'""" \fun_"'" )far) R F <'1l, A<"na C. 21 23 6 R 1 :'> 20 :"Fl) !l' 11 l:l 11 n 1.$ 1R 16 lR ~o 19 2 tn lR 2 21S 23."i 23f; EAST SIDE ADDITION TO BALBOA TRACT f"o~ AMl.3 C. ~l('WTl~. "' L G1t.nnnn. W i111J1m J Rmror Ed'a'llt [) ~ F:ct-1n D ~-f"..dw,n 0 ROS('(W' F.dwln n Wf'lt<'f" \ \\' F.JtN!. )flk .. (AM~ Froatact-a4J) Storms, Rob.rt M. J r. 4 Storma, Robcrt M. J r SEly 30' of NWly 1:.'0' T L. 5 16 IR 12 H 16 19 18 5 07 5.07 4.83 917 3.1 7 I 15 ;>'.,! 12 r.1 6 Ii; 3 llt1 41 7;; :I Ill\ I :Y1 !'4 17 37 37 ;lll ti;> !1:1'1 1: Ill ~llliq :; 07 5 07 '.!l':l'i 17 :II !'i ;lll 1:\f>I-< I ~l 11;1111 01711) "l•i 7 .. ,,, 11j1 ~ '" .., '" >' 11> Jo.I f'I 11 ;,·, '.!~ 1·, '\ i"~ H S! I:\.' 34 .1 Ii <;~ fiK' 6S'.:! i; !I~ ~ :i-1 II Hi *Brief Glaace at SENATE REFUSES TO WIPE OUT *Brief Gla11ee at Today's Markets RACE POLICY IN ARMED FORCES Balldlng Permits ,\m T• I t. Ti·I r 1ln:J•h11r. J'.t•'•f h' 11111,.n• 1 ;,.n,,. .11 ''"'"'' I :tlCid)' ••1 ...:~·at' ..;0 r· d 1.t11,11n .... t,1flrl:11d (It! I -="'" • I 157To 17 IBJT. 6:J '1·11- 56 .JO"• :l9&, 691• 78"'• Mrs. Harriet Hill Died Today \\'ASlll:"l:GT0 :-.1, June 7 -lllP t -The S<>nale today refused 10 Wtpt> out raernl s1•grega1lon in the armrd forrcs It did so hy killlng a proq<)St'd amendment 10 thr Draft Oill that would huVt' bannl'd s1·gn•galicm 111· discrimination based on ratl', rt'· lil(1on or n11tlonal origin. nw nml'ndml·nt. sponson ·d hy St·n William Langl•r, R . S n . was t ahlt'<i as thl' Senate rPfuscd t o lrtjl'<'t 1 he c11 ii rights issue into llw 19-t hruugh-:.!:> Ora fl Dill Lan· J.:•·rr ha~ soui:;hl 111 attarh Pn-si· Jeni Truman's l'nttre c ivil rights prog ra Iii to thl· ridt•r-a move j+>oµardi.wd c sional ~H o thi~ st'ssion . as a Top ~ally project among y~. ha\'e t•rday's bWldmg ~ts was the $80,000 Griffith Comp&ny project at the Via Lido and Central ave. nuc site. Continuing their plans for a complete shopping C't'Tlt<>r around the fabulous Richard'~ markN, the Grltfit.h firm have un- der cons1ruc1ion the omega in drui: slores. Ttw <ll"l'ision to tahle Lani:er'!I contro\'t'l'Sial umcndmcnl came on a motionl.hy Cnalrnrnn \han Gur· ney, R , S D , ofJth<' Senat<' Armed Ser\'i<"<'~ conlmf'lt<'•• who sAid ci\'il rii:hts lc•i.:1sl1111un mus t "s tend on HS O\\n f<'tt." ~ Gurn<>y itssur••d the SPnat•· lhat progr<'ss 1s h1•1ng madl!" hy the arml'd ~·iC'\'s 111 settling ral'ial probl<'m.s. Final plans were submittf'd to Lhe Newport Beacll city building inspt'(.'tor yesterday thout:h t h~ foundation and steel framework Is already completed :\Ir• I l.1rr11'1 RIC"l' 11111. 89. died thl'-I h•lnllll( Ill Ill<' huml' o f hl!r ,1n b h:•IJ It 1 ltll, 615 l'fa Lirto ;-;oi1ct, "11 h "horn sh!' h11<l made Ii. r ti""''' fur th1• past y1•ar and a 11.111 """ \111s 11 rr.~ttV•• of Milwuu-t>•"' 11 t 1 h 1• widow o! lht• late Dr f1h:.ir I' lltll. funner pastor of •h• I , ,, l'11••IJ) t1·11an church of p.,, 11.11111 amt n:i nunul secretary of 1 h•• I \l•u t ii of Etlurauon of I he f'r• ·''' ,,., 11111 rhur<'h. He had pl•'',. »i-1~ hc••·n 11• 11f<·ssor al Mc· , • .,, 11.wk Sf'm111ary. Chicago. SURVEY OF COUNTY MOTORISTS WILL AID IN HIGHWAY ROUTE Also issued by the Inspector's department were permits to the follo"·ing peof)le for spccifit'Cl pur. ros~·s. }\"endell Hoyt. permit lo r1•1)8ir und alter thl' lnkrior of th<• dwell. ini; Rl 31'.l Heliotrope uvenue, Corona del Mar. Estimated cost ssoo. "'' 11111 !(raduatrd in 1871 trnm :.l1h,1tukt•e Scmirrary. ·She .rnd h• r hush1tnd. who d ied nine \flit" ·~··· c11mr-to Southern Cali· f11rn1.1 :.!:l y1•ars ago o n hl.s retlre- 111t·1.t I rum acl rvc• work. Shi• all survil'ed by two sons. Ed>:11r n. llill of J.tdo Isle and Or 1 luward R. Hill of Los An· i;elo·s; three grandaorw and one i;n.11 i;randdaujhter. Prl\,1te servlc~ will be held In Los Angt-les with Dr. Johnson , va,,1ur of EmmanuC'l Presbyterian chun·h vfrlciatlng. Friends are re- 'fU•·~ted to omit sending flowers l!\lt tu g1l'e to the American Red c'ro1s" 1nsll•ad . jjnsettled' Is Prediction for f SACRAMENTO -In order to de· dl'termlne . the bt'st possible rout- ing for any fulurt> relocation of U. S. 101 through San Diego and Or· ange counti<>s lo Los Angeles the Division of Highways will under· take a spec1aJ traffic s urvey be- gmnlng June 15. State Highway Engineer George T. McCoy an· nounced today. The student, recently authorin>d by the California Highway Com· mission, will be conducted for a period of several months In cooper· ation with U. S. Public Roada Ad· ministration and tht California Highway Patrol. Il is proposed to stop several hundred lhouaand tnJc:k.s and pas· sengcr cars and check wht"re the drivt'nl are eolne. from whence they came. and wt\y. The answers obtained from moloriats will d•ter· mine tht traffic habits and traffic requlrements ol th• areas to be St"rved by highway locations wh ich will be studied. The SU.Ney wiJI provide data to evaluat• traffic seNlce to be offered by several contemplated highway locations In the south co&lltal areas and will be ol value in determining the selec· So uthland Weather . . L< 1:' ANGELES, Junr 7-tUP> City College .Gtrl l "n" lllrrl Wl'Rther was in store Called Prettiest f·•r S1111l h•'rn \nhforni:i today in 'B• G• )' • Sta 11,.. "·11<•· .. r 1h11nct1·r-showas tMat lg Ir In te I •II• rl 1 lw r··~lon lust night. I l1•1·trwul displ11y~ and hrirf, SA:-O:T1\ MONIC'A. Jurw 7 I, 11 , r int'l f.tll, w1·1•i· rl'portl'd from 'l'P ) ~IX·fn<)I Arl('•·n u '())l('t', ,, ,t1 .. 1o•cl .or .. ;is ta~I n1.,:ht rang-l!:l·Y•'!ll'·11lrl urt ,.1uc.ll'nt nt L<>S An· •••..! 11 .. 111 l\.tkt'r,fio•ll1 111 ni•11t1mont l:•'l••s \it ~ <•OllC'f.:1'. 11><1:1~ 11 11.s ra11·d l<•11 h1r.k nwa~UI• ,, Ill inch or ttw 1•1 1·t1 i1·~1 h1i.: ~t rl tn Calafor - 1 1111 d1111111: llw "h"" 1•1 L.1s An-ni:i • J1 , h.1•1 .1 1 rar1• ~h•· w;L, nilnwd · ~11,s C'altlnr· I Ju , ,. ",.,... ""' n ·µurts or I nin Trr Tuppt•r" m a h.1tlurii.; I. I •nin~ tl.1mai:1• li.•;1ul) r.1nl•''' :11 ~111 ... d1•s n .. 1c·h I •t•lt 11 r-111111 n·11<•rtt'd l11.:htnin1t yr•,l«rrlay for .,:iris six f!'f'I or 1 1111 1rwl111l1•1l Santa ~letmea. tn lll'r. MLS:-'"'1111''1' "ill ('pm1~·1" \ 111.1mhr 1 l'.1,a1l1•n.1. San Pl'dro. 111 nnt 111na l Ttp Tnp(X'r fina 1.. n t I "ni.: n ,.;wh. ll•"••rly ll11ls. Dow-Chir ai.;o July :IO t • y and An·n1ll11.. .Junf' <..'Ul·n'11•1. '..!II. Rcdonrln n.·ar h. was ,,.ronil. and Ll'ah ·'l•r. Manila folders at News·T\me1. fri1·~. '.l l. lluwthnrne, third. Aul"WM'd (h\ n••r Lot Blrll'k TRACT 1026 -CORONA DEL MAR Kinney, J11hn R Kinney, Jo•hn I\ Kinne)'. \'1r1.:1111a \\" l'I :ii Brnin<'rrl. Tlorot hy \\' Brainerd. Durol hy \\' Scars, M)'rl '" F SEly •, 7 ~I S F:ly '~ '..!I Total D.-lla· QUl'DI'~' (i ~ l l fl7 l:.!1'17 6AA I:.! 87 H 71 RESUB OF SECTION I BALBOA ISLAND Egbert, Charl1·s H 1 '.! '..17.51 Go~erty, Frunrt•s E et al Goger ty, Franci•s E Gogerty, Fr:m c<•s E My<'n. John \\' Myers. J ohn \\' Helgren, C'"iirol) 11 Brady, EUi.t<'nlfl J Fosler, Solon R Hardcastlt>. \\'tlhnm R. Breitkrcul z, F.m1I \\' '..!I) 1 1 :!'.! 15 .i.t I 35 9 18 :.!3 .i 4 7 7 8 Thorn, Roll<'rl R. Bonham, Ednn f" Haldl'rm11n. Guy E. 7 NW!y 41' 24 HJ II II 11 14! 13 15 SECTION THREE Mar pll'S, P<>rc .. Ma'rpl('s. Pt•r\Ct' Smith. Alll(•rt D ,Jenkins, Fred U 8r('wster. lf;ury l ' Spacer. I lri1h ,\ Towl'r. !11111·1 C SECTION FOUR BALBOA ISLAND I!( 1 :.! 19 I:! :.!u 13 ·~ 17 3.1 17 f> 11 :.'II BALBOA ISLAND Watson. Rni.:1·r S 1-1 '.! East11111n, R(lltl'rl A 17 I:.! Phdps. Anna A :JS I'.! Reid. Karl n E ly ;::, 13 11 Reid. Karl D Ely ;;;· 1-' 11 Jame11. Velma P 19 11 James. Vr lma P \\1y 12 1() 14 Harrl!IOn, JanC' \\' Nly '<J 72 1" SECTION FIVE -BALBOA ISLAND Atkins. Thomlls Dc"•tl 1:.! 6 Whit<'. Stroller All I Ex Allt>)'l 20 7 TRACT 742 (VENETIAN PLACE) Facto, Leo R. 6 Duncan, Carlll Tomuo 46 11 I'..! 11 l'..! 2:!37 :n.69 19.98 6950 29 Ill l:.!,01 258"1 1Vll 1717 116.1~ 26 71 37 Hi 13 7R 56 !1.' 37 70 5.! .Jli :>:! 9'I 3.!:11 1:3,11; 131 5'.! 79.6'.! 77'.!ll 15 311 6.'l 86 18.21 17.~ tion by the Highway Co~ission or pn>p"r rouring. "Motorists will nol be appreda· bly delayed 111 the in1erview sta· tions," McCoy said. "Cooperation of the driving public will be ap- preciated and is ntce~~ if the correct answers are to be obtajn. rd by the agencies cooperating in the survey." Lions Look Back On Great Fish Fry Rufus Ovt·rby, permit to bullp a I i.10 1-y, 5 room dwelUn&. 709 Goldenrod avenue, Corona del ~far. Estimated cost $9500. A. W . Hookway, permit to build a l car garage at 244 Heliotrope avenue, Corona dtl Mar. Estimat· ed cost $1,000. Harry Goetz. ~rmll to build a 1 story, 5 room dwelling at 619 36th street, Newport. Est imated cost $8,000. Leonard Graves. permit to build a 2 story, 5 room dwelling at 210 ·(ConUnuecr from Pap 1> PMr st!'fft, Balboa lsland. Esli- wit I;) Kathleen Suzanne Gibson mated cost $10,800. and Donna Marie Williams failing Mrs. R. J . Schmit. pennil to to respond u well to the en-build a 2-story, 6-room dwt'lling treaties of their mothers. at 229 Pearl 1trttt, Balboa Island. A sum bubble-blowing con lest Estimated cost Sl 1,200. brought cheers from th• crowd J . Mac:G.lllvra)'. permit to make as Teddy Maninez succeeded in additioM and alternations at 439 blowing a bubble about tht> size of Carnation avPnue. Corona del Mar. 11 basket ball from his wad of gum F.stlmated cost $800. hcfor<' the hubble collapsed. Sat-Ru.~sell R. Jones. permit to make urday night half j.Of the $1500 a l·l'OQm addition at 1209 North worth of prl2'ff were awarded Bay Front. Balboa Island. Esti· with the most valuable prize. a mated coct $1500. wire rt'corder 11elng drawn by Mrs Russell Lee-Pruett. permit to Postel or 473 Broadway in Costa build a 2-story. 5-room dwelling at ~lesa. Dancing followed with a 1005 Be-aeon stn!'t't E.~timat('(i lloll>wood orchestra playing. c~t ~ , >n Sunday a group or bicycle James E. Cunninghom. perm.it to ridr·rs kn1~wn as the Los Angt'l<.'ll hutld a 1-story, 4-room dwellin~ at Wh1·,.lm1•n rnd1· 1he1r t11ryrl<''I 513 Jasmine a\'enue. Corona d1'l frpm lhPir s ta rtini: porn! at \\'II· Mar. E ... umatt>d cost $5300. shir,. nnrl \\'l'Stl·rn a\'enue in Los I Dr tand Mrs. H A. Stt-rm•. fll'I'· ,\ni:1 I•·~ '" C'11~1a ~!l'sa and rt'-mil to builrl a l ·story. 6-niom lurnt•d 11fll•r t'aling a lish ctinnt·r rlwrllini.: at '.!9 Balho;i C"nv1'' E'· ;ti llw rnl'fll\':d i:rounrls. During ttm:llNI <.,.,., ~19.~. 1 h1· ,oJ 1 .. 1 noon .1 prni.:ram "as prt" F (' Tumo•r & C'ro•hy. 1><'111111 ... ·n1,•ll b\ ni•·mlt•·r~ of thr Rc•prr· '" .. n~t a nw tal nPon "'"" at :!90n '"'~ l'rod111·111m~ lnr \\hO \\Ill \\' (",·ntral :1 \1'nll•'. N1•w1w1rt l:::•t1· 111·, • .,,.,., 111 1~-. rlc1 n ni.: tlw 'Ulllm••r m;itf"ll 1·11,.1 ~1 ~ .1 1 11.crlK!I' I lli:h c;1·hc,.1l 1.-r nn) t )'. \l11111,11n "··~··nu····· for 1111• 11ro-CLIFF OLSON HIRED 1;1.m 1 "1111'!1 pt ,..,,.nft·1i .;oni.:• b> I llann~ S11111111 .u1'1 h;1rmnmr·1 "'· FO~ LEGION AFFAIR J.•c·1111n., '" ,Jt-rn ,\dlt•r . ·n1,. c·nm1,.•11111;n 111 th•• hllthini: l ltH Oli<on f11r.rn er wnr~c1:t 11,.11111, ~h111, wll1<·h tirad :11:-.urwP ~wa1·~"''.'1i.:h1 . wr1 •.;thni:: rhamrrwn, C'ra" i<'Y 111 rhnri:" nf i;how w;a~ ts nnw m1:r1rl1~g th•· ru•lr11~r ~~111c wry k;•t•n and thl' Jurlr..: .. s hllrl a In lh1s ~·rrJml)'. June :... son harrl tint<' nlflkini:: a choice but will furmsh t~e mu~1c for thr Am· frnull) aw.11·ch••I tlw lui·inJ! r up to rrirnn U-gion s gain affair a t Roh :'lturplw'< Rrn<len·ous ballroom. :'111,.s ·'"''" ~ma t h ."r lluntmi.:t.m Alnn"i.: with lhi!< e\'ent there wfll Bf':u·h "t I h <.l'rll \\ ol1·\ 11r L11guna I I ..,_ · l1 It 11•·:11 II a nrl ~all) .l•111si fl( 11rani:1• l<' "r~·.s>ll '"!:: ,,..xang nn nov~ Y 11r1.; , '-On 1~ an •'~'Pf'r1 rnus1c1an. 111\ 1rl1r1i: "'.'"'lnrl :ind th1rrl m11111') hrl\·ini.: plaw-d m etrchP.<I ra« for In 1lt1· ~untla) 11rn"ini.: lor prll· th . t 1; · arld'tlto 10 • 1 e pus ;, > <''1 rs. m , n ,.,, t lto·11 } llohm~on nr Ba hoa ht., wn-sl Jin. dla ...... rmship ab ii· i..hn•I "a' 1m ;irilrd 1 h (' ~rand it y i: ..... . 1.r111• uf :o tdl'\'r~inn $t't with in· .. 11111.11 1on f'hari:•·s paid Strl'l'I ll;am·1ni.: w11und up th•· '''l'mn,::'i< fun :on•I 111,. carm\·al Bridge Collapses Near South Gate; Truck Drops 30 Ft. ~' tl'Tll GATF:. Cal . June 7- q ·p , ,\ hNI\~ '111•!;,ol ~cmHruck a nit 1 ratl•·r :inti 11 l'aT phtn"l'd 30 fr1 I 11110 I ho Lo.; Ani:o•lc·~ r11·r r to- day \\IWn a tm~.ft><11 s1•f'ftetn of t ht· I rnpo·rn1 I II 1ghway hri<lge col· laps 1·l1 Tht• Jra\'rr~ 1•sc:i11t•d s1•r· i1>11~ 1nJurlt·~ MEETING SET FOR WOULD-BE ELKS I A flrt11.io,;ccl F:lks lodge or =""'' · pon harhor will ltctlcl thl'ir t'l'J.:U· Jar ml.'••11ni: m 1h1• olcl t 'SO 'Jll:lf· ,,.,.._ at :'>la m llfld Cenl rat avenue, RaH)Oa Thursday night at 7 ::IO. TI1f' F:Jk, ha\'<' p<'ltl iom'<i for n r har11•r lo funn thC'ir nY..'ll 1001:•' m 1 ht• harbor area. Int erN-lt•cl nwmtwn.·to·be meet the s1'<'ontl and rourih Tltur.<day11 of l'lll'h month m lhP clubrooms aho\'1' Gunrlr1"'0n°'1 dn1g o;tol'{'. Be Wl.se -Advertlllt' Pueuc NoT1cn NOTICE T'O CREDITORS No A 16.~n Hn~s S t rain. I :ai:1 Lus Ana:d•·, nu1111ri.;1 1'111 11n hi' t11'l'k :mrl hoth It.ind~. ~.1 111 h•• ~·"' a hla ct,. .. r a h111h1111• r IH·1111.: haulrd !11 nw I t rurk ,, '• r• • 1•1w "' t hl' h~t•h:• " s11 p1w1r1 am: lwam~ .. Th• tw~t r hrnr..: I know. tlw ""'''" ht 11li:1• i;rl\•' '"'~ Stram -<a11t F:!'T ATt; IW !<T A:'llT.F:Y o;RAllAM •I•·• ~n .... ·n ... ~TA:"'LF:Y \\'Al.l.llt"'P ~;UAllAM 11.t.1 '-m,nr.n a.• !' y.• l;RA llM IWC'EAl"F:f\ :"'l 1Tt<'E I!' llt:RF:RY 1.1\ F:S '" th~ rr,.•tu .. ~ 11f antt :..ll ~r .... •n• '-"'"''"' 1 laltufl uaco11n•t t hP ~nlcl fl,.r,.nd1•nt ul ,.,..,, 1'4,1'\fV f11 filf' thPm \\ llh th_. ,._. .. ,.,.. l'Jlr\ \oU• I•""' trt thP 11!f1t ,. •• r th,. •• ,trk ttf \h_. ~up••r111r r•1U tf •1( lhP r-.,1nlV nr t •r·•nt:.:> ~i4uf,.. n f r f\)lfn rnht. ••r tn s•tt• l'Pnl tti•• "•H"'" .. ·tfh Olr n,.,.,.l'N'M \'••w h•>r!I l •• rh'' 1ttuJrr:-1c11•''' nt hi!' ,,, fl• r• t•I~··•• n ( f1U!"IOP~!'. t11· \.\ H Thi• •1111k tlr111 1 .l.uk ~1k••s 1 34, \\'1lm.1r er awlt·cl from hi!< \\r1·1•k1 d t1111k \\111111111 .a .. 1·1.11d 1 ,lithnlh!ll ,1 l>IL' 111'.ttn It'll 111 re•~' I 111" , .. ,11 I Sand Crab II 1 Continued from Page t ) Al.II'~; 11 r:RAll<\M •·X••·•1frt" r•c Mu-.: lh•Ml'H7. Att•+rnr\' st 1 ... hv. :-~11 \\·~·• r"n' r"t A \'•1nu,.. ~·-·•·r11rt n~"• t\ C"nl1f 1r ttth a lt• r11• \' fur i'i\lrl r'l(f't 11tr11.. "'11ti1n •11( ttw''''·it 11rt"h u, ...... r1r.-i ruh·· f1 t11nn 11f •ht" li•'ll•.,. 11 \T t'f' "". 11 l!'-1'1 A l.lt'F: R <:RAii.A ~ )-,,.., utr1" , f lh,. r.,•nt1> ••f -4Al•I ti~ ,.d,.nt r'11t> :\ta• 17 ~I 31 11n•I J un" 7, "'" Nfflandl. Anna Dartford. Allan Ooclttt. Frank W. ___ ..,. ___ __.,........._.+.-:,,...,11.L.. ........... L-&.._ __________ _._ __ __.;t:LJ ___ ..t&J<_..,,-+...,,. ... can. Carla Ttimaso ... 48 19.27 9.35 87.01 15.:.!l cost homes is J?l'('aler than f:'\"<.'r and t hat residenC<'s from. $4000 :rnd less than srn.ooo are in so ~r<.>at a de- mand that it \\ill take sev- eral yt-ar.; to !':ltisfy home O\\TI<'l"S. Sale!' of homes for S20.000 or more in this area are slow, but places of [iye _ rooms or lt>SS that are put on th<' markf:'t. are 'snapped up at 00(."('. AU of which indi· tates th<lt housing for thf:' great m ajodty of people is st Ill cti ti cal . fte N"" ... ,,_ will not bf' ~ble for mort1 tluua •" lal'OfTf'('f laM'rttoa of aa adYft" UM'mf'ftt, rf'lln'VH tltf' rlpt "' c-orr l'<l'tl y <'IUtalfy llD)' a.ad all ada aad to rrJl'c't aay a4Yerthe- mmt DQl caaformtnc to ml• a.ad rf'CU1atl0111. Cla.Mlfted ... wtU bf-attf'pted up to t:N a.m. Oii the day of pabUNtl-. 18 H &11 r. ~:! Duncan, C"11rlll Tomaso TRACT 518 16 &11 :l~flt B urnham, John D . B urnham, John D. Netbltt, Kathr>-n C. Gundenon. Donald A. Glau, Harry F BatUt. Patricia MarpJt'll. Pt>rct> Padway. Florence SEly 16' 4 n 3 ~ Still. 18 &I I ti S.' 5 n R H Stall 20 f..11 t1 : 30 --F: 6 ~ G••'ttuxlp, lftlMn \' JR fi l;l ;l "-1 18 f" 10 3S Tt'fl"t'ff. \ttll (; rt al 1!5 7:'-1 ~; 1 2 I 11 6.1 fluffrnan Ra. h.\rd J ~"l:ly 15 R 1;n 26 L l!l 49 llulfm~n. R•d iard J 10 7:11 s 1 0 f\ .'f; """""" Rl'tvrt A Jr 17 P ~41 ~ Grws._ur ~rl i\ Jr S\\1r ~ 19 TRACT 948 Bodman. Harvey E. l7 TRACT 772 Warner. A. F B. 6 l I Ehret, Rudolph S . 3 U Warner. A. F. B. 8 28 Wamtt. Joan A. 9 28 SEASHORE C OLONY TRACT ~by, Alice B. 4 f' lieeby. Alice B. SE 15' or NE 20' 5 f' l • ,-, .~1 :::t:'tt(', d '""'""'t.a ' ~"' s 1.1rr n! ,-,\lllM'nt;l TRACT 323 CORONA DEL <M AR t f\,,!l r.. L • 3 1· ;:;,,,,, .C C\llf""11a All !Elll H •:yl 6 :-..; TRACT 470 -CORONA D'E.L MAR ~f 1'""'f'll 't Itron 'f All tDc H"'")'l 1 1\ TRACT 673 -CORONA DEL MAR 511;1,. F~TI A 33 A n 11 7"1 • I 1 2.._, •:\ , .. TRACT 1116 Wells. Kenneth D. Irvine Beach and C'ounty Club Estall's Irvine Beech and Count)' C1ub Estat<>s Taylor, Harold F Purt'i'll, CRrl M Shipl«'Y. L.•0111 M 6 26 27 i4 !Ill 11 7 19.26 7.99 7.99 196i 294~ 37 76 TRACT 1136 Pickerin)o!. Gl'or~I' C I ll All Prnpt•rt~ hN't•mhl'for" c!»St'rah1•d 15 •11111111''1 In l hr l'nrp11r.1 II' limits of thr CIT\' \.)F Nl:\\'l't •f{T m:,\l l I. CCll'NT\' c·w CIRAN\.J·:. STATF: ~ W C ,\1.lFCHt:"l:l.\ Da trd 1h1s ilh d.1, nl .l11nr 1!\.I~ R J1 110n\.KJX:::t lX t•,.c •rl1t'111 T." l "••ll• ,,1 .. 1 :'\r wpor t Bc:irh. C'allf.1rn111 MUS IC MAKERS \\'A U ..ARl .t: for D.\SC't:~ l'artll"l yid F.nt .. rtalnnlf'nf Cliff Olson a nd His Dance Ba nd t '"ll lbrht•r '!!l'!.,..,i 700 lfr·llotM111' C11r11na dC'I )tar 12 YEARS SERVICE TN THE RARBOR AREA tt HARRY HALL PAINTING CON11lACt'OR Z74 !:a1t.l9th Str'Ht Ph. &a, 5413 Coeta Meu. C&llt »ttc I 1''1MPLETE 11<11 -~F< ,y A:"l:"l:G ~ER\"IC"E l l\';oll \\ :i,l,11w n n<'r rlr~ninJ: And I "r1'8nl'.' \\fnrl• "' <'I• ;inmsz. C'aulk· Inc. p;111111nr ruiz r ll':tnin1: FrMt j • ~t1m:tl• ~ ""•rlc i:u;ir:inlr<'d RF Aro=' 6111 I ~L ~ 11()1 '!'F 1,t.F:,\:"l:"\. SF.RV "------------· i().c-91 0 ers i\:'Af i::r ~'.,l Iii ::AL ur t'll Cc or L£T llA IFor IC'I Si: dr Re 15 \"Ol re re rh St be !'O C'on c. ltl p JTI Ko SI 2! J s 176 RI F R. !St ~F H 2 F .............. -~~~ ..... :ms ... .-~ ........ ~ ·--~~---------.............................................................................................. 111 ...... ~~ .... llllllll~- lB~~W.P.Qfil~~86~~~9~:~~~GB~!.\I~~!~:~ht.§1E~~Q~b.P2~Rf1~j~G~~M~PlQM] CLASSIFIED IND EX ec•sl.N'EBS ouml: II 8U81NE88 G(TIDE nra.NtTtTILE FOa 8.u.& II I _llAL& __ ll_UIC'&LIAlQIO ___ ~_c. ___ •_ 1 * \\"ASHlNG MACHIN~ -Oiled MALT SHOP. Hamburi•'r Bar-& greased, wjth m ina.i{djuatmentl Q. Ocean FN:in t. N1•wl) r.·mo<M · ELECTRIC RAN GE == 0.~ai.u .. i'·::-::--:-_ -:~ ~~!'Ill rmywht>rl'I Harbor Art-.a. t'd. 2300 fk'<•an F ro>nl :-.;0\\'porl I Af\artm1•n1 ~lz.t'I C'IH'llC'll lllOTICD ···--· .... • 11 HARBOR APPLJAN(J: 8'.!·tfc :"l:;ARU" :\'.E\\. =="'~~. (4a·· .. -.. :: Iii :-.=1•wport Blvd., Beacolt 6296 j -------------TLOtePOaTATIOI' . . •• . B:k:-102 L08T AND P'OUJ\'D . n l 'SF.D O:"l:L'\' '""' n\Onths ... burn· aoorT!t!O C'C\!CTMfTO• -" I --'rTT Al.Ila •• .• H .,., 1t'"'"J) ""B'')' .,..., ,.,l·ki•t IM <'rs, au1on1ath· •W•'n t>tc t\•st r raolJ'TRl}llO . .. _ ....... 1• ~'I I l 'S to n•~urfa('(> floors old r ·' ·~" 1-• · "· .. " • • ~ I"' J I 19 S:?'.~l Will g('ll for aULTa AIDll .• •• ·--•··• "or Ill'\'"· C'om plrt<' lln(' s11nding "'''•'n c-11 11nc th ••II C1•n11al tANtT AJtm rc>t'ND . .. . .... " \\' '.\1 1~ o"n r 1 1 ~100 h 11ntoou a l}lllfTarmofll __ .. .-.1u1pmC'nt. Bodman " Harris I ' • ·•> •. ~l\d) , ••• Ill ti' cas """"'"°"'" WA.>nat -_ .. <"•, Phone eithrr Har bor 2559-W h) •'allmi:. llnrhor lf>~·lt1' aia.r WAMTD ·-----• It\ -ALSO ULS ._..l.l.Al'f90l!S .M or 13t'aron 5!>48-R SJ..trc-·II TO uraA!tf<Ja 1••1-1 ... •• Ll:.I GEORGE DO IT~ I.I >!-l'r On A1cll101t 1,..1,.nd. ru1uuJ C in.SON ICF. ROX ::,.,,.•:: f:: uu ···· ~ l lARPER G ,, ROEN SERVICE. l.10l1i:hlni.: hr u~lt fur floor polhh· 50 Lb Sit<' G,'1.111 Cnnditwu llO~rrt'M,rrt.nll . _: • :--· .. " t c· II 11 t " I •t•lllt'.u . a aAblO ., (Former ly of PasadPnal Main· ini: mac 1111'' ll ar 11>r ..,Ii $1011(1 00(}9.. C'ATll A Ptr:Ttl .JIB - tf'nance or est ablished gardens >l'l~c··"7 .. Ill .. •• .. •• .. .. ., •• •• M Ill ,.. M IWI l\l ,. . .. •• •• IU S praying. gl·nc-ral lawn & gar· 1 SITt"ATIONS ".\STt:u '!" drn clran up. R('plantlng. Phon' PcdiAt ric nmt 1nfan1 nur5" will' IJtl :-\.)f{'l5'>US A \"l'OU•' l'oron11 d,•I Mur n t-:i\ I ''rIFt 'J. 11 I( I:! l)\'IJI rui: t:' "" 11• I I ,;::.I 7:"1!1 .. ~." I \'I ll\Tltl!1:1; Fl'll'Nl~lll<P Jn.-h11t111i.: 1o·l··ph1•11t• ll11ll1o•.1 Inn ll111 h11r 111;,1 :•1 llr ffll. ,_, ... t ••ttt,,hHU ,.\\4 . 1 ·uf -tU+. tf••f )f H ,.,..I 'II .... lu $11 .... Jkaron 6299-W day or eve 4...?(J I ' · ------------- • 0 C t M 63 c~ act as baby t1>i tt<'r al bah)• s1ttl•r u"'RBOR blh "'·· OS 11 t'la. • rat~. day, nilP. or Wf't•k c•nd!! ~ ym·n F URi' ITU RE repaired or l :i.i11o phom• kindly call personally,' Furniture & Transfer refinished. Vrnetian b 11nd1 om .. 201 Dahlia Avt• a t Ocean, & p111! !~·ti:•' .. 'ri1•11-. llkl' nrw P·• 11i, ,1 • • I f··1 I.' lo I' Ill•••••• 1 Inly ~T.\ P h llarhc•r ~MK 01 • 11• 1 '"' ,.1 1 •• , .111 \ "" "1-c-ll'\ 1· •• 1 1: •• 1 .,,111 •11 \p1 ~· ;14 ~ ------------~. C.1r11.11 "I \1. 1'1111•1111 .11•1 ;\lat l\•.lllllll11I I• \o I 1 .. 1 Jti'I "' tltt:h" t\ ••f'\ 1· •• u1 ... tt•• l.4•1' ,1( 11111111t l•"' '"'"' ~11 11 .. 1 •111it'k· I 1 ·111,.1111 ,,. 1 \I"' l . .' I 'ol• ..... ,1,, ,.\,,. ;'lot '\\' .• 11..h n 1 h•"'"' NI'•" r•n.:t' .on.I •II tlo•r ,.,,,.,·ln1ot11 ind . W(• h' 1t11 Ii hr•'l~ih'\', 11!04 -.,uar .. fl 11, • .,. ,,~,.... 1~ .. ·•rf'd •n ~I'' tlr. '.,.,. Joi l'ri."f'd ,_._lt•I umirf mi.rkr l ( 0flll Har. :•Jl:l K-1 , ... rl'finlshed. Make-thoe. wobbly little grl'Y garagl' rollag<', Coro-BONDED atlld INSURED rhairs like nl'W. R.t-asonable I na dC'l Mar 78-tlc A Good Bu 'V>n& ' "I ... Sturdlwood Products. '&!VJ Har· I APARTMt.:NT or mot•'' rnanai:c-· Is w· B ron 5433. 70..c·91 oouple. BoJC _ .. 0.. News-'I'imes ~ Ua ~ You Be Wtae 80ATR. MUrPLI~ I'°• ,. IN 'wA:•nr:n ·I'\) Hll\"-R11lhea sail· inr.: dini:hy Erl<' J Welsher&. 1118 N Laurl'I A\'I', t.. A. 36 Wl11tn1•y 5..1:.!? R'2·t"A6 ~11.\l:l\ HI l :\T:-; 11 ,., · ... llr .111.J "''"' .1 .... 1 h 1 ·11 .. 111 11 ... :rn \\' """" ~ ... , ~ ''" H Jo: NT A J, S rli:h1 I •1 I ·• "'' .. , t•lo·""" ,. \\\• l11t\ ,. " 1111'\• ~··l•'<'llt•n hut fi,)f1't I A:-t-. \T A!I:\" ltt-" ft ·H~ I 1wt-11 ,. ... •n n ... :."'t- ~ ... .,..., BA 1.HOA l~LAND \' Al.UE SEEKERS , .• •t "ff nu:ASI ·~ .. : lllTNT IS o \TR t5 ' MO <lC"t:AN tior Blvd ., COtlta Mesa. fh. Bea-1 ment wanll'<f by sotwr rt'liablr a lse U.Y CALL !'>rE 83-s>-85 I -COURTESY SERVICE- Wht'n you Wl\nt your house to COUPLE will gi\·e hgh t M>n.ices l 1982 Harbor Blvd. C:C.ta Meet ' htivc-that I and pleasuN.· of car In l'Xchange 1 Phone Beacon 553lhf NEW LOOK • for hoard, room and gasohrw. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS M,ul" It •II• I' \."' tho•f' 1,,111.• -Curo h1,.1w .. 11h lto••ull(ul lt-nl't''<J Lt '' II 111 • • , 11•111.11 , ,., 1 • p~o.-rfl .. 1111111.. ·11,.. 1 .. ·~1 ~·· h i,., I I 1 .F \" ~ I< 1111 !.· ,..,......,.,, a.rm11t .. Loc;.ro•rl ,ii l il h 11011 1\11.1111•1111 1\11 · 111,.'TI •nd r~ ~ l"*ontt•. NEW & USED 1 '11~T,\ 'II·:'.\ Ww·t111; l ~land Ht•alt\' ('o. •vll<' •mall• .:ra,,,_ "''"IC,... ..... nto:-.1 110 Mt: snv. II )•Ill .,,. r .. atl) lnlf',....lf'd In a rr•I •ah.w rtw.·k wtlh ... rompll'I<' remodelling service. Box "P .. News-Tim<~. 83-p-s:; I ____________ M-_d_• ~rvitt and IWpaln on All • '! 11 h f tr•1••••¥ c .._ °""' hand" MakN ot Moton 1 fllt18ICAL a llADIO 16 l 'AIU.. It. Al;ATE. llAl.1111,\ ISi. nod 1., San Ft ar~,"°'' l'rk.., Ill, ( 'oa.'4 Properties C.o. Cabin<'tl a nd painting done sep-I GOOD LAUNDRF..SS -Your homl' I SERVEL ttrately If desittd. or will c-1111 for and delm!r.. Th G A S Ref · to ~I YEARs F:XPERJENCE I Promptly. curlatnll H arbor e ngera f Dave H. Spies S'IT.l~\\,\Y JH'll•AllT ·1111-In· ~ !!tOI) •1th 1t·nn. Call llarhuf 918 Cout. Hlwa1-B«>acon 5a7f,Jil •trun1o•n1 "1~1 •H'" 11l~m1 $1'jj11)() I Al'ARTM F.NT S11m11wr rf'nt•I 1776 Rt:ALTORS !'hone Beacon 6177-M . :.!050-R. If no ans\4WS call Har· I ~ Modillll ~able NOW ________ 84_-_c_-8.'5-_H bor 1913.M 8S-p-R9 J . M. FERGUSON T7-C'-98 \\'11\ ~·II (.,r" f1 1wl1o•n or 11r1r.:ln· J;'urn11hl'd, anct will •lf'f"fl fnor -------------- al t•tW1• !\lah111ot,m) 1'1tS•• \\'110· ;\9(')!l Mnrn.-/\n·. N,.,.,"""' hi· EARL W . STANLEY ATI'EN"MON BOAT OWNERS dt-rful !'to-111,.8 , tni1t· "l11t• pitrn•• 11nd "' j>-85 REALT<lll ;.01 t: t ""1\lral Aw •. Belboa •• ., 1l5M ... ~ C.ttc 5EWIJ';G MACHINES -Oiled. HOt:SEW O RK w ANTED . By I 2205 Coast Blvd., N~t r luned and ad~usted at our woman, 1>11rl time or full da,y PHONE HARBOR 116 factory $7.50. Pick-up Ar del. ! on Mondays, Fridays and Sat-22IXS CoMt Blvd., Newport HARBOR APPLIANCE urdays.. Phont' mornin.cs. Beacon I PttOM Harbor 118 in :-:ewport Bh•d., Bea~~ 5993. ask for Mrs West . 85 1 U -tfe H ELP WANTED !9 V ACUUM CLEANERS -Oiled, ti o m e construction (penonal WOMAN-f'or housework hoUr· clf'aned ud M,Juated at our supervision, licensed contractors lY no wubinc or ~I Ph I shop9 S3 50. Pick-up a n d df'I 25 )'ears experience. P~ 1938-J., H~ lll-R. s:i-c--86 HARBOR APPLIANCE J C Swafford A Son, 115 29th I HELP. W. ANTED ~ 477 Nf'wport Blvd . B<'a~n 6296 St., 1004 Ocean Front, Balboa. -83-c-102 • 73-Uc EXPERIENCED fountain g i r I -------------wanted 203 Marine A\·e·. Bal-• Jl Jl Jl ll • ll HARBOR I boa Island. °1!>-lfc PLUMBING SUPPLIES Plumbing Service w A ITRl-:SS D1n1ni: rr}(lm §C'r· I Largm Stock In Oran gt' County I \'II'•' :0.1u.~r hr "XJl..r n1•11r Hll-1 ,, I S Pi IWplaCt' thaw old 1t)'I• H••V)' or '"" 111111111r1111 nrtl"'• \l11tod Wfl&ht anchors wtth mode1"n 30 T.•rm_. 1'11n1 . Srhmldt Nano lb. Danfortti.. A tlmltfd aupply C'11, ~'~'1 "'' \I.om s 11n 111 AM a vailable at the very low pritt 82-ttc ot 18.SO ••. ~aeon 6050-M. --~----86-p-88 sn :r"' '". 1:1tt\:-:P \'!'t-d hut 12' BOAT . outboard motor 5 h.p. for sale. ~ Dahlia. Corona dC'l Mar. Phonl' H arbor 1161-R . SJ.p-85 torw nntf wt 1uH urul t'\'t'n th•~ ("3,,. t'-JU'-1 ll'-.t• '"'"' Y•Hl , .• ," la•o· '''' 1 ~1 101 i\n 11111,1·" Plltll•I I• oil/ St'lu1111l1 1'1un11 1 • .. !'i~I ,,, ;\l,11n, S11n1 •• An11 If.! If•.' (2' .x 3Z fine l.'OflUll<'rclal fisher A WA~TI I• l'"•(l l'l·•lll~• r11r .. 11r Dooring-twin !ICT<'W bra nd nl'W n ·11tnl •I• I•' llt~t1< ~• rw11-.· nl· l'ng tnes. tWO y('ar Lowman typf' )O\\ t fl \"1 t!lo \••Ill .. oon II ~l'ln•'I hull. !> tnn r l'frig., hold lllec~ 5,, or t :r uni po.11111 I 111111-sd1111ult en.closed lolll'I nnd bridK•'. ful'I Sn11t.1 A11.1, .,_.,, :-,., ;\l:im I<.' 11, cop 2,00(1 m 1IM1 Asklni: prlCt' 1---------- 1768 Newport Blvd.: Beacon 8111 11,..,r:.rn.·r 1115 roa~r lln.:h,. ii) /~ Ga V. teel pe RE'PA.11UNG OUR SPECIALTY Corona drl ~lllr R5-1>-H7 I 20c feot I Contract.in& and SuppUea ~l:!.OOO \\'Ill 11.-ll <>r trndt' for '' lf1 .,. l 1Alt!\10NY smnlh•r r1~h\•r and or proJlt•rty ~•rl t llo .1rlt11i:. <'1111 0"1wr fl<'11ro11 G().12-R 1'1:.11 .. · 11111111 sv,1··111 9-tf9 tit ll'S~:i-:t:t-71'1-.R & «•l()k f11r l:im· Chrome Plat\.'d Swtng Fsuceta -------------! 1ly of l~our (~o h11m" n11:h1" 1 $9.50 value $5~ 79-r·><R ,..:r111f111 XO'' 'fl11HI ;\\1• 1 '••It•''\ 111 I . !\11\ll JAMESON FLOORS Sunrla)" .. rr ~111 1 ~1 11' 1 ""' k FREE PLUMBING 11111, 11 .. 1111' ,11 .. nit "' 3 111t1111h' I L t ~ · I C:ARWI l()J) .!>'-fl 1:1-..lft 1'1111ditl1111 for :iq11:iplnnl' or wntrr, skiing SRnding and Fini11hinR B<'sr J\fRll'rials and Equipment Ll<X'nsed. Insured PllO NE BEACUN 5R5:S ~1-c-105 ED WALTERS TILE CONTRA'CI'OR E'1••r1t•n1··· & rl"fo 11·n1·1 ,,.., ,.,. ayou ,-,eT'VlCe or f1..~h111~ ~mall 1•ul11n with SPl;\1 I 1•1 "'" I "•I \l.l)tl" 11111-11 i:1wkpit $1 ~><1(), nr rNIJ'•)!lllhlc-or-I Jt, I•" •••• ·I \\ 111 ···II '"' 1 ... 1 ""') :.!•\I I 11••) s ti .. n· 1 •ri,·•· H• 1w11n ti411'.!·:'>I K'·r ·Wi FONTAN·" PI .u '•nJNG f1•r Phom• ll11rlKlr R'.!!l-M nn... \11• 11 .. I Ill """"" 11111 .. 11 .'1. -JU I" 81-1)-85 y,,., \\ I th'' I 11111\ ,, 1 .. 11, 1 (, ,, \\'A:"TEI> F,·m.ol•·. "'I""' 11·m .... 1 23041 S \\" ::"rwpor t Av~. . ·~ .. . 1.::1111 "I'""• \l11111r I\ I"' ''"" ufl ,,_,. <'Ink. mu-.1 11,,, ,. "" n C'osta Mf'fia Ph(lne Beacon 6041 I FOR .SAi.i-. , -" rAhtn nuisi-r, 4 $l>o."i 1, 1111~ 1 ""' I\ 1,.11,. 1, 1111 fransf"l' 1.11111n ('1111 llun1rnu1 .. n , 37-tfc t·ylinrkr. C.r«y mlilor •tO h.p I Schn11rll "-'" '" '"""· ..;,111 1:. B<•arh 31>4 K.'l-rfc -------------C.1'1fl(J c1111rl11ion l n11ulrl' ;i()7 1 ·Anu ~.:II• 'in, i.:111 .. • tund1• ~..,(Ml, l mans' I::dj!r•watt•r, Allll'loll Ph. H arbor --- Bath Rooms. Drain Boarda. etc. 1WA:--;TEO 1;oud r 'ix•ru•m ·MI n1t.. hoc)dr• ~1't •• :\l:l '.\tontl'rn Ph :z.1!')8.W 83-c-85 S Pl:'\l·r I"·'""" for 1.111 1· ..... 1 111• 15th & Newport Ave .• ec.ta Mee. chanic-. ~uud pa)' and th•· l1t·~1 llarlior t!l-17-'.\I X.t-r .ft'l rlo:hr' ~-, 111·r "'" T1 > 11nl' 1.11 Phont Beacon 8700-W·3. of working conditions A stl'ad> Wizard Plat1tic Boats 6 mo~. It y<iu Ilk•· 11 w•· nllnw 18-tte Job for thl' r ight m a n 111l'Oliore , UNOJ.l-:l1M 1 , h 1ul r1•111 on f1r,.1 1•1•~"" nt ll11n1 R .. L' d d 1 d llt if or(' you uy )'mlr outboard 1 1 • -------------O;otns. ~or 1'at•r, "l:ln OR'lAPFF:LT ASf'llALTTll.F. ··s 1 .. "\'I .. "$.-.-...4 ~r1ml(I '>:!11 :-.;., \l1un, ,S.,11111 1 In LHto bll' IM·nutlfully fom111h•-d 3 11 n " 2 "" l1<'1l!H' n,,. l• nol IOI "rdln..r·7 n •ntal 1l lls hun-. ~1>11rkh'1' \\"Ill "'111 lrom Jurw 1 !:'It h to S.-pt l:'lth I' 11 1111lnwr 111.-nri•"'"''"' ;\.'\.'\.1 \'lit lt(l.o. 111',..l•lrt t .. •nl'h K'.1 <"·148 ---~ --- Summn Ht111t:il:-1 :-o;1o~· 1W'l•'<'l1!1n ""'" S/\l •1.1 llt ""'° S).trnt. 1;,11 1·11aot1 11 11:1, .. ,.,. I 1 °11111n11 111·! M•.r ll.11 I~·• '.!4.". K.1···-1<1 ll Ol 'SES & APTS. A \':ti la lilt· 1' "w <'na-.t Pr11p1•rl it•:-( 'o, '•II I ,\ST t 'I"' I 11 \I 11.,11 •• , 11 •• 1 •• , -~··"' X~' If• ST<ll!AI ;1·: Sl 'AI 'E I I •It '' y 'I I I • ~,tl7 :11-1 SI '""l"'I' 11 •. ,,.lt ~-. 11( l<.\'11 ~ l'""'" II 11 l••t .':\H'• 11r "ril·· 11.., .1•11, 11 •• 11.,., 1,1.11111 I HI 1 \II.! RF.NT. MllM'~U-U•&o•l,.-----.; I l:(;\·Fl.Y n 1" •M F 111 ,.,,nl In ,., I r-11.1111:" f11r \\ oork In I h•· ) lilrd I 'l11.r10• It• :ir 11n 'ti .'7 t< K.1 c H7 C'OV F.RING N E WPO RT C ltF.ATEa llAllBOll ..!.!:1 M A tll...:t A\'t: lll1th ..... l11laNt t 'OST A ~I ES A II\ r II J Rt:J JflllOM HOUSF. -Old llut In t'lnr J.IC'ati."', nrar W y 6 ·-"" t"hw rf'tll i."'9tlotl ~ ,,~ ............. 11!11\0 W . J . HOLCOMB- •~•• <'•-• .. ..,_.,. n ~flNA Of:t. MAit -".,,..,... rtw "---n J"' IU·c• S M,\ I I. 111.111 ; h1 ,,_..rt ol ""'"'" r.t •'"-'i• t.-,,., .. ,, r. nt • .,-Jt .. a• '"" '""~ .. 11 1111111 .. ~ ""'" H. II. lANE '""' 11111. :I H.,,. lillod .... .; fur lll:AL ESTA~ S.'J I 1··· '"'"''" ... "1.Je( l~\ t• JIJOI f"-1 A ... (1111•'14""'' In '" "'"'rd f'"I) N_. Ne.,.,rt .... Sl' .. I • ""'' ll1o 11 .. 1d rt J,_,,, I Eat~ Slftor I.., I ' 'I '"·· .... ..... • ... ~ ... I ~di • · ....... ,. '''"'H • ·i4ht •• ·,.._., .. M,....__ ... -,-0-.-11-_-1,-1~-•• -(-; -1-J-rr-.. -.-11-n_"_A_l-.t:-.-,, .. ,#",. ,..,.,,.".,, ....... J l 'nit1·tl Farm AJ!t•au:y .... ; t '" •B• ',, '· ..... ' Ul·t.: "·~'''"t t: 1·.111 I ~··wT'ORT ISi.ANH. <'om#'r ol ll'•h anrt M arf't• ~'" ft 2, S.,_ "'•lk' 1•• lnir. all ufllltlf'tl in. l'a11I l.11rwt llttrlw" )!)!'rJW , ....,. I"" lllll t llofll :"f""'J•lf't 11--,.l'h lf -''""'"' '"'''''' ll1tll••• f•,mn"''" 11\\,l It """' ••II,,.,,.. thrt .. • 1..-d- I·•' I.••• >ol•• k • .,, on llh '1 ''""" '"~,._.. 1!111dw••"I llo•IMI 1; ... ,,,. "'"'"'' 111 ' \\ Jltu '-'""' 1 .. 1 ... ,, """"'' 1; I fl· '·"'1•·•1 1·1 11 •• , ... :1:: \\ 111 ..... ,,.,,,.,,1 lfdl(t•r. '""..,. w • 11., • It. 11' "" • .,.._..I H!'>·lfC JACK SULLIVAN JE AN TAYU>H LESl't:R C. JONEJ Corona dcl Mar Portable Welding C1•n1ral. ="'""'1X>rt ~al"h P~unc Ei.JJ"rtl.) Jn~t:olh-d ~.ris rr.. 11 ~1Y·. '""",..I Ana w,. '''"' 11.,;1 ~ .. 1.~\·.,, Burn).ng I Jlurhor it< or JfiQ. ~~·tfc ftl'r or 'P1nghy · m v1•11tlga1c H , 11 . H1·a~nn;ihl1•• I. ,\ Pnr.-~ h<· new W I Z ARD Laminated - ' ~F.\\"PORT WELDING SERVICE MIR. FOR 8 ALE .. ('a ll R<'acon 5!)~fl -R l'h1slir R<>llU llABY ~~~II. 11~ .. 1 !!-IK• Sptrl•' ,u•To~oTl\·r. a T11tir:-c •"I HER E IT I --~----~ : s TllE RUY OF THE YEAR ! H 156-4-J 32S-28th St. FIREWOOD ""' r.• ( 1:-.; O IS PLAY AT (')UR Ari <' • d.onu•i:,.rl Ill '11111 DICK SANDOVAL AllllO RIZED nt:ALF.RS ml'nl, cun't '"' 11.lol 111•111 n• '' 841 CHARCOAL .tr B~UE'TS ELECTJUClANS srn1·n 1 rn/\~T COMPANY So•ll or r" n' 11·'"' st·hm1i1t ___________ 63-_c_-_ PROMPT DEuvt:RY ~ ,~_.12 (~r•ntrnl Avi•nun • l'iano ('p , Snntu 1\111, ~·:!•I :-, .. W h L be Y d 1$in~ 1920) ---• ~1Ain H.' ~I COOPERATIVE rig t um r ar contractlng-R•J>air• l"1'"1JOrt nr:ir h. ca11rnrnia ROOFING CO. 1784 Nl'WpOrt Blvd R.rsidentlal-lnd111trlal SE/\flOARn F.Ql IPMENT C'O ,.,,,.will ui\\;l\-. fmd lt;."°1111.;r••I COSTA MESA 1:105 ro:t.•I ll11:hw11y l•HHl<I hllri;:11m :1n!I Ill•· 1 .. 'I New and Repair '"'-aoon ...,.,... • & G I :>:1'\\l.10rl FW:wh. C11ll(orn1·11 11111k•-ll 111 l);,111 S1•h1111dl ""'"'' ~ ........ Ets-Hokm a van "'"'' ... M Phone Beacon 6217 11-tf• I C"ARVF.R \RAF'T 1 " ....... ''" :11n. S:i111:i Anr. '""'13 El.._ A ,.._._ ... __ -------------1(1(1(} C'.oaat Jiiway ~· 5401 "1~·ri1tl Cnorl 11r111 1w. ''''"'" "" """" ve . '"""' ... __. CJock9 Jf'WelrJ 31 t 17:".() Nrwport Ill\'lf ~tft "'•tchetl . . ·t « ('nsta '.\f•·~n. < "11hf11rma "~I Cllh••rs fur ~·1r, ''' "1w·, -------------CHRONOMETERS :...:~:w 7 q11ar1 Flr ,.!'ral c'\•okf•r-1 K' 1"' BEDDI NG PLANTS IWpairtn& -Prompt SerYlim o•annr-r 11,;,·rl t" 1 r ,. SI.! ;-111 01strihutor ALL KINDS • 30c doz. & up SeN!ble PrCClll Kr•l<'l11••rh1l1 1•lul1 rh;m. matrh· "WIZ ARD .. LF.l IMA;"I; <'hrrsanthemurm VAN DD~LEN inc flt111m;i11 ~..!:;I~) ll_arhor S11lll11r.t Dini.:hy Fl'rtiliz('rs a nd Plant Foods n.uu ~ n !\1 lrt x R7 J E W E L R Y 11· 701 · 11rii:.n H "· t M I.. "RARNF:Y" LEHMAN Roy's Blvd. Nursery '1786 Nt'WJ)Ort Blvd. ~~I '\"f:\\' 1> .. u.1tl1• •111• 1nn1•r •s)prini;:I • 408 Ell!ll c~ntrul A\'l'nUC' tl P. II \ \\ I I I I ... _ on •t nnlh<m. C:illfnrnl11 tli61 :\'ewport Rlvd., Opp. 22nd S t.' < 1 •'' ' • "l u·1 11r1~0r K!''" ~ PHO'.'iE BEACON 6113-W C L I FF I l-C· I Manufactur<'d hy • 74-c-951 J B k At B Jb ,\0(" \\:i~twr ~111 P uk1·r t11hk 1 WIZARD BQ Flow~rs For E\'erv Orcaslon Corsage~ -Gifts l'RO AOWAY F LOWER SHOP lM Rroadw1w. Costa l\tl'sa Shop. 8'•ac(•n 5521-J llnmr, ~aeon 5VIO·M. 68-~90 CONCRETE CUTTING I Equipment For Rent f'o Your Own Work or ('11\l l"s for FRF:E F.~TlMATES s ac a oa s .111 Phcirw 11 •• rt><11 "~1.w " ATS, Inc. with Downin~ R!'>-t•-lf7 1 :.'Oh!l Jlorhor Rlvd. B . ('('IST1\ MESA. <"Al.ff Holll•ut r\r(' 1t1n11: Fl ll"B 11 "Bir· ~-r 1.;1 h111:t1nr ~.-, 7!l-c-Hll \\'•• I l:wt tht• Tackle-1 ·111', r,111 ''"'hon~ m.whm•• S:!.1 Fi3hing Tackle .: .. 1..-\llr .• m1rr '" "• ll:tlh•m Fr >It S1\l.E 11r1wt1c11lly 1ww 1:r !'l'w S trl("k Ar ri\'tni: Daily H!l 1• 1.)'m • .n r1111;1l•••11 I l•"H'I "'' "11 t. -- - --, I ln:m Ill h 1• lrlr <"t>t•l••d m11lu1 Keyg, Locks, Etc. ..-1TCll~.:-; RA:\'.f;t:. t:il·li· H'lf•. al· i·l••r'trw .. 1r1r1.•r 11nd rev1•rs•. 1'lw 11nd Rl'nl'll m••!'>1 n• w ~··;, Ill 1·,.nt i.l11t m11· 1 ~1111:1hll' ''~ \lll'hl t••ndr·r ll:n Bicycl e~ rh•n•• "'"1 ll.11l•••r I!••-, ;\I :to;\ ~"'" ;.;,.;,r,1111ul l':q•1111ni•·nr <'11rp l'uf'p~. ('1111111.1 rl1•l ;\I.or R-,.,. \:.!1,-, i·,,."' ll1d1"·•). :o-11·"11011 100 Main Street 1 11 •• " 11 Xtl -•·-~ nt F ool of Ball>o:i 1'1rr 1 ·1.1 \H,\;\.C'F ~Al.~. -------------- f•t .tllf). Ot \\ tll"tlll, f'HOk• F:lectrical Engineering 77<'-9R \\ .• ~timl! \lrtl'h . ,\mnw;,n UllOM, C"ATA a Pr.Tff ,\ hr rl'l:i,..rrrrd "''ir·· I l.111 .,.,., r 11·r llUf)!' !\:t:\ ( ;11111'-11 J ,n111: ll•'IH'h Wi.,-K'.1 I •• •( 'K f R Plllllll•·'C I',. rt I 1· I •• ,. II <.;11x·kd1th• · hlr11 k ;ttvl 1.1 .. n•I• 111a\r & h•m:ilo•. 7 "1•••k' I l.11 I nr 11%-.1 1(-, r Ko" " \NTEI> TO RENT -.;, .\·1-Ttmf• Pmplnyr'<' w11nt11-2 I •odr«1m how1r 11rdrr11lilv 11n I 1rnl11hrod "n nln•• rn11nt h \ h11~•~ • nil l A>fln William~ 111 I l1t1 h.1r t:l ~1 Hr )• l'N1; <'tll'l'I.~: \\-;,-;1, I 1 ... 1 ,.,,,m f11rrwdw<I '''"'" "' >1•11! r•11•111 f'•·rm111wrir \\'di 1• 1\ q • • $.lill 11 rnor11/1 \\1 1!• \\11 h J:t'iSPn, f~•X ~'7f t -•H t•tt t ti•! 111r w·1 ,. "!". I . I,,, & 11/\Tll .... 1 ·.~"""" I ltol ~' 11( S .\I I \'1"\t, h oHI 1 .. 111• f 1•h•• lu •ft 1 ,, .. ..,1 1 ut.t .. t '''''' '""'' \\ntk lt•t•tu t lh•"" -"'"• • t !\1· 1.11 1 · .. ,1 , \11 ,.. H.' Ur ~111! ..; \I I I I \t ,, '" ~. 11< :-: ,, 1 1 ••t I \•th ~ '' •t ,,, \.C. ,,, 11 .11 •• , ""'"'' )\,I f • of, i t•HI• II·,,, t uul t .. 1 ... ~tr. f • •• 11 II .tt .... '"''' tit ~"I ,, ... .,. ' I \•l ii II "''"·' 1,1 •• 1.•I >;•,. l'1 t::l1 ~,.~~ ... , .. ,.-,:-;;-;,t """' ~.T1 I 1t r "" f .ulJ••. t1t Jtt•·t t '' 1 II• ut t t •1111l1l1t1n j,1111 ltHI• .... , t '"'"• t ;-..., •I• ti•" M II. ,, "" II.I\ ll.11 l••I :flt, I oll• 1 1; I' 111 H", 1· M7 1'1;14, 111 11>1,f· l'A!'\1 1, Jlllti. f • •\ 1 I 11 I tit •t f \ I'll . t••I ~, .. ,,., II•_,. tu•"" ,.~, If 1 <; 11ar:111t t•(•tl l '~t·<I ('a~ "Jl fl '-''f I II ()' J tt f'tlf I ., ttt ~U\ f :1 .. .t!ft\t•, 1\ 1,. • .,1 l:t'Y 1• " 111111·11111 l'ih 1'.11 1111<1 I I"'"'" f:111 ., ,,, ,, ,, """" ~·' llt\ltf;l\11' T l 11 Mtol! ,\I '\11'1-• .1 I """I 1\1 ")' A I I :1•11. Ea:-l 1111 r "· 11:•1 '-•• M ''" S1111111 An11 ,.,, :.; A '""...,., I !i~ Irr \\"r Oo Cnncn•lr C\1t1ini;:. Drolling Clay ~padin1t. Tnmping. rte. Contractors Equipment & Supply Co. Plenty of Good Tirea All Size& 1·" 11•1~ 11 l1tll\I S;J5••1 \\•''\ \\":u <I "'"h' r. '"'•nl· 111• t• I) r1 hutl1 lllll) i;1Jaran· and Installation \\'tnl"tlf'~ ('.().'f'wo f"lrr r.qulp .Sl'RrChl1ghl!I Exirlt' 011ttl'riM1 f:.JI.(; R11cflo·Tl'll'phonr!I Metl'rt "1l11n•d mUJ•I \\di I>·" ·•l•l•I••' Tll \11,Y.ll-C 'llr•t<'ly $;".t) II m•11lllt I all ;\!1• 'rf' \II I I! '.l1•ArttA1. I l"rlior 1 ·,:1 K, • ><'• l'•(I. IU ·I· I I"' I 233.12 Newport A\'1'. Costa Mesa t~ hlk S. of 16th StrC<'t Phonl' Bl'aron :\099 77c98 Compound Motor Oil GU.loo. 10c Western Auto Supply · Author\lll!'d DMlrr ACE PLUMBING 5 11 31st St . NPwpor t • 1836 Nt'Wtl0r1 81v4., C:C.ta ..... 11-tf• C ontracting-Repa irin~ SATISFAC"TI0:" GllARA~F.n~ 79-c-lOfJ Silver Plating COPPER. BRASS. GOLD . Polishing & Rellnlahln& Material Handlin« Bayside Pl.atin~ Co. " 1914 Harbor Bivd. NEE D S Coeta Me.a. C'allf .. ~aeon 5113 1o 1-<I ~.j !)IWI llMrnnn ,\PPLIA'\lrf: SERVIrr. 177 :"<'Wllflrt 111\ ll . Ph BF-: 6.2!161 R.';-r.R9 R<-WIM" -Advl'rt lse .. I Will Pay Cub FM YoUr rumaturt c. lfbet haw 1 I you. PtlOfW' &aooa 58. Crawley· FUmiture Co. I 1817 N ""l>Ort Blvd . c.c.u M.911 9'J..ttc Hoist~. Ovrrh<'Ad Cranes. Monorllil 8-tfr 1 ------------- C'all S AM EUBANKS Rummagf' 11111'. l11di"" A: C'h1ldrrn·, Haroor 798-JK or Bea 5107 1 h All · • 'l8 E S"·f 79-c 98 (' OI rs. 'llZ('~ .. ~ ~ CASH for USED Furniture &: Appliances "W~ Buy Almo9t Anythlnr" ---------------I R3-r -Ri • f'OA SALJ·: t;JCcl"ptlrln11lly str•oni: hand mAdl' bunk N-d.~ n .. w i;prini;:i: and m:it11·"~'"" )l11k<'<> un Int<> ?<ini;t•• h•'d!: 595 compl<·t•• ODD JOBS l!Cl\'~F. REPAIRS & a ltrraUons., prompt srn·irl' FrN' l'slim11t<'9. Ph Haroor 31R-.J R.1-r-~7 1 GRANVS Ptlont' BH ~TOT-rd 1645 Nf'WPl)rt' 'Rlvd . C'oeta Meu 42-ttc l larhor !Vil · W 11ny1 lmc-. 80-c t"PllOLSTERISO II 1947 f'turli h<1k• r <1'l:im1•1•>n. '"m' PRI\"ATF P,\TlTY W;mt• t•• lotl) --------------(urni!Urf' B•·nMn ;,f16R.\\ • '"''' m<"11 I , ,, rtnr r• rnsr•·r:itr1r JF YOL'R Fl'R:'{JTURE R.3-C'-1'' in i:<'Wtrl ro.nd1l 111n ,1l><111t ~. In fl Is :"-:n! RECOMJNG Then Yo uT\ --,--o--r,-,1-11-1-r>-n_1-_.J_>_S-. -~-1-11-in-1.:-.,-.,-nrJ I etihlr ft ~11,. f'hr1n•· Tl• 11•'11n ~hnuld RE ('()'.\flNG To rna ttr"'~· nl•n boy<. hir>i i. w,, 'lt'...'7-R Rt ,._..,., J():-\F,~ ('Q I 'phollltf'rC'MI ,.,.,.,, p • n•1m <' lhr· JUI"" "'"" mnv IFI \\ \""TI'!I s.TWJ ~r., \I \<111'~-" P.•~I) ling R••tmildtnlr I I 11 1(: f \I • ' · · ]!16.) Jlarhor Ol\·d Cost.1 :'>f<'lll l'uronA '•I '.\far ar -.+' 1 · • ;,m mAk" .1n\ ·•i'• ll1d 11 q r.1•h nE 6""" !\3..J>-X·1 1 r•r11·r·• 1111 11!. ·c ,dl II• :i1·11n li.!'"i ·A-'""" 66-c-87 ---Be-,-,-.l•_<' ___ A_d_v_e_r_t_IH___ RJ.r !fl:! .. a f'11lrtJ11nk11-M<lf!ll' f:h•r Plant• Am1 Wnr,.r Sy1tf'ms G-F: R.ldln-R11dar S 1rw11rl· Wnr mor In~1ruml'nl11 llohhs En1tlnr-llour Ko hll'r F.lrrlrk Ph1nt11 lJ'IUidmrtl'r l11nk guall(H Pho II)· F.ltttric Piiot Tilt:lr Port11blc-Tool• l"l>R RENT, Apt'•, ff-. I 1 •It RF.NT -011lhu:1 'f111 • • ,,..,, • ·f ,.\.d f·;fffl ,.,,n11 .. · ,,, ... ,. "' .. ,, I U I•" \M1lr• 11• .1 I' 11 ~ lfuo '"'''II HI I' J<', 111om hntll'L<', H nrl,.1r :t:l11J \I 7'1 ,,,. \ "Ir homp nw11y frn111 1111111•· \\'N-kly or monthly, "' 1• 1 1/lllnPnlly, IWtJ •lfl11ltl1 1•••111' I., ac h fr<•nl fn•·lnl( 1w1·:011 1111 '"~I \\ ' I , I ,_Ii· t l , ...... , •• '' 111•' 1t •'J '""" J .. 1 1 n 'Pt ltH' t ·•'II• I ""•'• f ,,, .... ,, I •1\' I t 1 :~1, :ll 1 I l 11 '""'"'! I. ,IJ., ·• I I 111•1 I I 1rlo111 I ,1!.• l111lh. ~··pnr11tr• / 11trr111• • Et&Hokin & G~l•an , :11ra1re. l:ll3 J-:1111 c ,.ntrnl, n a1. 1000 C'.oA.\t Hlw11y Bea.con ~-~ ___ __ ><1 .,.~. 1.t1/\"1S ·1v1 111111.l•. IMl'llf>VF:. 1 111 :Y. M<tl >F;H:'lllZt:. 1,p _________ __,;:..__ __ &&-_<' !If 1.l'XE 11p11rtmr-n1. 'I. 0111111~ $7~, Jlt,l:'.[:'(J\~1 1-: l W• H11y T111~1 11< .. of\!i N ~.WI'' •ftT llAl.Jll 111 Jo't-:J>J-:R.Al .. I ~A VJN<';S A. L/)AN A.~C!N :\.'\3.1 V111 J.ltSI, J'h H 11r ) :inQ BoatR Price<I to Sell 711 A11x Schnnn,.r t~l••ll• 1 $11.~illlt 3.! .,,, Srr .S•·d ( ·r111s• r 1 171 ~9.:..>i ~J 3:!' Talrnitl Kr-td1 lnl'WI $5f.JOll :lfl' llunt1·r <'ruisl'r 1371 S461l0 r .ISTTNC.S \\'/I :-..11-:n SI.IP~ /\\'Aii.AHLF: .1 E MIN:"f:Y f\t>11ron fi'.2111 711 '''"'' lli.,.11\, =''"''"tJOrt Jti " II YachLc; for Charter \\I I K "I 1\sl 1·. Ci . E. Ml~NF.Y 711 1·1,~•I 111\''A\ Hr11ron r.~1 k;,.,..11 111011th lltilltl1•1 11rtl1I P h <;ur- •l•·n G rl)VI' 201R R'\-r .R7 "1111!1·,f. BU 1H< t< 1\'f. '..!.h .. 111 111111',. I 41 -tfr ••r rf•nl .• JunP I~ 1<1 (Jct :t., ----- q•1;,i1 ln•1111r .. 17(1:\ f. t 0••1111 .11 !'\f"ffMt: PtH11't':HT\ M t::dl.l'lf1 lliorlw.r 1'.l ll H-1 • Wt • • i> n~.1.n1><1:-.1 "'"'~ ..... hirnl~h• ti, 1 .. 1 1 • ni 111 1 •• r lt1n1• ltnrl 1111 qf .f1tl\ I f11t l1• I '11'1'1-:'>1 7<•:\ 1'1•1•1•) I·,,, 1111:1 •l•·I '.t:tr w,, >U, ----I' n1 ~T l:t1•1rn •n •,, '• f I • •I• I \l"r lor1n1• ~ r•r1 '\ B• 1h••1n1 • n , 1r1•t .,. ., •· u1 •,, v I"'·'' r l.u,, ...... , •• f,. ,, ,,, \\ • ,, , rr ., .. , r , ' • , ' ,, r \ ,,,,, ,,,,..,.., .,,,, ,,,, .ti ,, ,;."''''' f1u ,....... I•, I I •f r , ,,. 11'"\ " r , • •' '""''' Ir l'• '• 'l ' ,. d I f •ti ••• I JO'''' . Jf1 :t \.\#'• k fl 1t t~ ,f • .. ' \' t• +r t I , ·.. I '·•I 1'17 \f k:I I ~i I • •I' \I I I I' 1 1 ·ns1s 111 11 "' ,1 "'' '-1 "' '"" ·•''J" I,•,• •1 rn r11 • 1 m1 .nlli\ "11" 111; r..1rk~1•u• C'•11 •111, ,,, I ,,,,. ~ )t l<t1U ' !'~1 1 I ,.,.1 .. 11 ~:\:"··, ~I < )'8 l ... •lt'M.. ., 't1 '•I l'I ONE IU..nc"K n tOM nu: OCEAN-A :l-bfdrm. tulfll4•. lot-. u( ro•m & rwh-nt")'. 1-nri••tl'fl \\'ltU to wall. '1 01.11"· funa:en..., L'll'l.."' klttit Ir t~th. All fenn!d :m11 l:1rwtv."lf••I An 1..lfll-r ht•._.. trut a tlttlc-'¥ork \l"lll m;Jw 1t :1 ht rnt'y l'nn•. ~!KWI rn~T <n:-.;STim<Trtt!': ln """"'· 2-hfodronm home. n,..,.enrr. ls:c· ''le-mom. nin• kltrlwnrttr, bath and hrrlrorlfn." Jtflflft ~-dhlr alt:uitftl gam~ with laWl· 11.-y mnm 5!lfC!'Jli. IMTR.'- Nl\t: :l-nFDROOM 11o~n:. t ..... ""' hbchway and <x"t-an ll:u·•~-norl f1onN.. tUr kltrhrn Anti hftth. Dtn· ••Ur . I ..tt.,,• llvlnR ronm with On-plan-. n oor f\Jr. M•"t• Onul*• .:arngwo •·Uh IW'rvk'fo room. N&oP patio. FNlN"I antt l:trvhr-:•t•"'I A ~norl buy At Sl:l.7!'10. '..! \ 1N n~ ti ·u:-.:tstll-l> n •Ml"l.f-:'11-l.Y. ll:mtwnnrt O•lf1r. Tall• kit1-hlon :.Oft f"9th Urrot'6r ~n n1~P "1th i-h1~,.,. .,,,....,.. '"''' 1u11ftl :.n· fht• tw-..1 ln,.<IOlf• f~ 1•·rt~· In lt11.; 11n-(1 \'1•rv 1·9'•-.n All h•flf't'<I nn.t lnl'lf'f. "'"'•I•"' ·nw• ... fl•m= pn 1"' ,,, $1 ;'• ~""'"'"'''''nut dupll- 1 :1t1• fh•'fTI 'fl11· l"'flf:tl <J ltfll' 111111 "111 lll.1kt• Ith• ~ '""'..:•!')' 111:1~ 11w·t1f ''' t1uy tlu• 1""1"-rty. rN HA YS ll' HU::S J-~TATt:S a fin.•' 2-llf'flnn. home f lf\ :i '"'""'r. h~·· lvg "'"'"'If, ri ,..1~ .... ..,... & cUnU. ronm, t it.• klt1ilf>n Ao f.;1th with 11ut!\i1"• 1otall ~; nlt-r r,..tlo, •·11tt r:t IJ;•• ,;.1r:1~:·· TI1ls b; in 11n rxrlwd~ dist ,;,1, J1r1valt• l•>:lf'"h .\-n>t•1rinr ;ii ~ HHlflO It '.s a J!l)r)l1 hnv T•·nn· .. a n• ;,\·aalat~· JN<Y 1~fE I h;1w• ...r\"••ral K')l.trf J141y~ lri unltM from $.'\2.~10') '" ~1 :C>J1'11 '''"' ,,, tht>m will Hhnw " net rri11m r1' JW~ to 12.-; 1.11 >'1 fSl.J.: TI\'f't rlfl"S RT-c'tfY. nif'f' location. Jlolh r,,,. ~JIJ.1T.l ·nll" lfi'.I tre1y hn thr Ltdruvf. A Lf. K 11''1 IS rw r .fYT'S I mm s 1 7~ & up. BmltM.'\1111 frontagf• fr•Jfll $~ J1rf" rt I WANT : A :\.Jlfl)Rf)f)M in ConiM dPI Mar on R 40' lot arriun'1 $17 fJ(fJ, 1·a n '""'Y ~fl)() 'lown. A Jl()MF. ,.,,,...,. t f) •hP ''"'mn•"' ''' the hArhor with a pirr. wilt J"•Y up tn $..1.'l.fft> J JIA\'E Af.f. J<f"'flS o,.-~·W~f~ft:R RJ--:NTAI.S tn :ill lor-:rtlrltfl' t:rrtini: ,ff ~-:11 r··r "'"'k & up. . .. JACK SULLIVAN 1205 eoo. ... 111~•-ay H~rbor 1037 Corona del Mar Harbor 1247 -J AROUND THE HARBOR. Soci·al ON THE MESA . PHO~ES : llAUOR JS, %08 llES.: llA. 1637-R Page 6 N E w p 0 R T B A r. B a A Iii E "'s . T UI I'. ~ ~l.OSUA\' ~et' J!'ILrt fll'aA-h, """'· """" , . _!J l8 Pre-Convention Meet ol Pi Beta Phi Council Held at Home ol Mrs . Stanley Chambers Mr~ S 1:1nley, jl_miur.pa~I pr•·-•· c\ent of !'oulh \1>11-1 Ah1111n.11· club of Pi fk1;\ l'h1 1·nH·11;1in1·d m('mb('rs of 1lw an·a •'"""' tl "' luncboon at h«r home nn L1d1" l~I<' n-<:l'nt ly. Repn·s~·n1111 1''"s \H·r,· l•N'•«n1 from alumna•' .-h1u~ of Lnm: Reach. Slln( a \loruc11. \\'~··t '" •w1. Gl,.nd11l1.>, Snn Fc•m1wdo \'lo ll••) Lo!< An,_;..i,.,.. JIJnlOJ'l'-,111•l M'•ll"'' Pa~n-lPn11 . 1u111or"S ,ind ~··1111•1 '> f:11n Di<'i.;11 1<n1f :-:i.wh 1 'ua•t }t'1'0n1 1h" l.11t1•r 1h1I "'''"'th• fH'('•ld1·n1, ~tno. ~I.an" Tur·•:1i;lir1 u( L:l"u1111 1!1•111·h '.\Ir' ·111.1111." R Fru,..I and '.\11-.. ('hamf,..r~ Cnr1vo>nl1n11 ll1•lt·~ II•·• 1 .. 1111 • '" h a rra "hn \\W ,1 l1 •'llr1 I tw '"' 11 .. 11 ul 1'1 1•111 <'""'"nt1•111 .11 ~·,, 1wl l.1ck. Ind 1 hr 1,1,1 "' .111111 '" c,,.j,·"'j th1·11· in~l r 1111tun :11 1111"'' nntmf~ndtif '""'"' "h1,·h 1 ht' :tr h1 n'lmr1I wislw' tu ha1·1· fll •"-•'ntHJ to 1111• 1111t111t111I n1t11"·nll••11 Or 1.·n·at Jnl•'I'""' I' lh· pl"•· posl'd "'1abli~h111t•r1t nf an uh1m· n11e horn<' for ('ldrrly Pl Pt.ls. An outrii:ht gift C1f 10 nr r•'!'. t•f or- ange grove" ru: a ro~~1hl•· >llt' for th<' honw h11" ht'<'n ofr»rl'd the_ ,JI~ FINE FABRICS • Drprtes • Uphblatef')' =~ts " dreu talirioi. Uning- QutUlng, Ptc. PHONE ~BOR :2094~J·K 823 Cout Hl1hway Corona ml Mu ---.... ,.. ...... .. Service Club Directory Rotary Club TUESDA \·, 6:80 I>. M. Whli.. Balboa t .. land Lions Club WEDNESDA.)', 6:SO P. M. Bl• Room -Balboa Kiwani8 Club FRIDAY NOON Wbl~'• -Balboa tr•11t• nut\ h\ .111 .,1111pr1 .. n l• JI ,,,,, Pl Jrl' B1t• .di' .1d~ Ill ,. HL,;J • fnr II g:11 d1·1t ""'~·"· I• I• '" 11 in t h11 fall n~ :i t-. .. n .. ! II '"' 111• C:r1pplr•I l 111lrir· n·,. ... ,, I\ I ,,. J\tJ~' ),., [..;,,,.,, ~' 11 -_ •rd••n I• t 1\':il h"'d ;, t 1 •" /\ni.;.-1 .. ~. n1·t- t •uf t JHlliJ,!h ft1 ~l\t lhl' ~·"I• 1\ H }fil If &llU \.\'il).:'•0~ Tlu• ln1111 n1 h tl'!!o lu I .. , 11 Ul }H i n1111I 11h1J.1111l1rn1•h ;1ff1111 In \1 h11 1 tlh' pnt11'• IJ t t t 'CJlUiiJJ J'-it I 1t·1p.1f•\'- 111P H1•Xf J•·J,.:1tl.1: Uh • tOh' 11f !'11•,1h ("0;1 ... t r·hih ,,,:, 111 h• td 1r1 '\ '""•'?'. Rose Luncheon Is Thursday f ete For Get-Together Club )(n"'-1'' \U I• f, ~1,tJl1 If .1 1 lfl• lt:nc·la.-111 \\t1l1 "11111. l•ll.1 'I• M1ll11n 11nd ti• r ,.,. h'"'' ,, ,\lt11.1 ·n wn11.tMm. L'11t1•r1111n••l na·rnl~·r~ ul th" c; .. 1.T11,.;1·1h•·r duh 111· 'l'hur-<1i11 al 1 h1• :\II '.\ltllo111 hum1· •tn H1~i1an11' ,,, •·ntw :-.;,.,,1'"' 1 I lt-1~h1• llw 1uhlr l>t•rt' a ros•"-l;onkn 't'I l"U\•·r and w11• r.•n1,·rt'<I Wllh roi:· ('"· "'hit<' fl1h1·r' "''re used for nur <'upi. and ravurs. all addini.: i.1i:ht OJ>Jl('lll I•• l hC' dPlt•rtatll•· lunchron. Annivf'l'Silr)' 1;1ft" wl'rP prt'- ~··nl•'<I !'.t n; !'.tcM11lan and 7..A•no- 11111 F'ro,;1_ wh11" DoriM· J1~ko N'· ('i'l\f'd fhP l>JIN'llll pri7.C. PlarL~ W<•r•• maOI' for Ofll' nf thl' rwo annual ~umn11'r 111cn1rs.. 1h•• fir~! to lw hrlct .July~ ;,1 Or- ani;e r11y p.nrk I 'h1ldn·n "ill ar •·nm pit n y mot h,.rs flnrharn Md~1n.dd "a~ J::Ut"1 nf !'.1•"-.ll'-k1r and Pll1o·r nwm- t~·1' pn•.-.••nt "''"'' El11alM'lh I'• I· n 1nnl l\nlot.11• l\.·lmnnl '.\ldd1"'" ;\11'1·11 11 ;\I.al~ 'kl •11n.old z,•n• .. h1u l"n ~1 anti 1 h· h11~•··-,_.., Sc ience ol Mind Group Now Meeting Each Tuesday of Balboa St·1··n•'• .,f ''ind L'f , 111p 'i 1, 11~ 11 f,.1111•.,l Ill 111" 11.11 1"" !II• I 1 llll'l'l lllt: • ,,, h !'th •ti.I\ ti I' l' II ,,, 1~11 ~, 1-:a,1 , •. 1111• •I ·''' 1111•. ltd hna ~Ir~ ', ·ll ,t.1n" • ;, • "'" "' ~11n1 a i\11:i '' I· .1d111~ 111 .. ,, 11111 1·l;i,,,., i\nvnn•• 1ntt·n ... , <-ti ...._ \\'flt.-.nlfll•' tn ,1tti•111I .111.t rlw) 111.1~ •''111 ll.1r- l••r ilill '"' l1111'11•r , .. w1wul:1r- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DAY 8CBOOL Ol'Tlf'IA S~ MORTIMER ~('11001. l COAST OPTICIANS Summer School Prt'S<'ription.<o Fillt"CI (29th year) G~'W'IS lk1t:Ured Opt'.n• Monda)', .Jun .. '!I, !1 ···~ ., ..... """ CMttaa ..... "'"' (for I week•) l'hnn.-u., lio. 4; ,\ ... " GRADES :rncl CC'IU .Et~r: J'Hl I' S tu1!1·nts willinlo? to work! I PRVRl('l.\S).;·lOl'R(;f:OS~-ll.O. II•'•'• 1111•11 :'\t ·~11\EH I .DI tn :P Rri::\~lrr i-oon to • I \V. T. Mooney Rvnid d"11ppt11ntmr11t IOZ Cnral An .. Ha ll:>oa bl11nd I Mlywlr l&n and ~l"p(ID G. A. Mortimr r. M. A ni.:rorcl X-RAY Principal !-1-Uo ur Srnll'f' tth a C'c-n tral Oarhor ,. I Df:STISTfil ----- PRY81CIAS8. f\l'ROr:oss. M .IJ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST A. V. Andrews, M.n. Int~ w. C-tnJ. Barbor 1 '8CI PID'8JCIAN ... NEWPORT BUCH I 8Ul&Ol:ON •• t c-t mcta-1 · Harbor all 11 C'..orona.., Mar GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.8. from the ,, •' 1:1 •ll~I· •u I ·r ''°' I J • ',, ·~' ' -... ,.,, ""' • • • ,;· •" ; I• .. f 1j I 1• I • / • f ),. • ' • • • • • • •f• //I ·r,.. ~, t t • r \ • r ,r \ .. ..... " ~ ;•· f • ,.,,t , • .,. •. , r d 111 ... h t• .ri1on • ··~·· 1 t "'' f: J •• I. ) ,, I J,_ .. , .. ,·· "I• ..: .. r:. -.t d ,,,, ,,. •• nt•·~h ,,.~ ... rn• n 1l111 ,. • 'J &•#iJJ ..... t ~ ~n 1 t: ..n..- l<•lk< I• <»f11'' J • ..... • ti.;-• •I r- 11 11,,...,.jj :-Ot11 .. ·t,11 .. • I n : • _..,.n••"'Uf)t "'· I m th.i.-f fni •t..•o;: , ... , h;,1r I••*'· rl;11k •t.. n-.v 1• \..~ l 1~ht • '""" I "'.,: "';,IJtinr ,.,.,...,.;t in It rumltUJ"t" _,,.,... ..,,,, "'ho r. I '<•"' m~ ,...If tn a nurTm' I ...... ,.1 .. :-,:,, .... "''h" tn ..... •h<-k..,,,., ~•ha•~ J'm 11i.-i •11n l kn.r,... ~ -r.1 hr t t; l ho• r fl""l'lt' dt 1 t h..a t II Ii •ht••J£h \\'J:'f> ,\l.L .'F.l:~1 <"P..ACKED Ifft\(• \I 'I.I I'\ t •r £:Uf1' th~J£:h 1 h·· \\'1"' ..,,._,,.r u,...,.,.. • I ~ a hUl!t ' t•IO J•I"<"' JU•' ••Ut•-Nfl .f·~· S.-u .th \\.tnrfl.,<t•,, }••1 knn111 ~ <lr• :tn-..•l 1! U J• F•>r :er. ' .. al" :-h-· k•'J•' l"il~ .&.~ a ht>-· l>u1Mtni: 1 h:.t 11<,.J.. ·~,,_. • nrif~ UJ• w11h " 11.,I• nn:turr.ar•· ,,.,_. ,.,.,. r-.. ,, ••• , .... ""'' tw· l•)• ,..,,.,,. I•, l ,lJ .. f t-.ut d •1I 111111 ·-'"'' IJnn' •I r:-•· l1h.1• f1,1'fH•00;,tt '°" ~., ... .,•J ,11i~ ~-""' ..... ,," t..dt ., "" ,, .. t ! •• r- '" \' IU•t . . • I ...... 1 t \\ f h r \• ~ ; t 'l • • "' t • • ttl• n• I•'. 1it ' ' ' r r• p•if 11 f. '1· I l• " •' .+,,.. "·•· .1 11111 .. ''" Ja .. j Ill "l• 1 •• , 1 11 t-. II \\ • ii~ f -1 '1 • -~ .. • r- 1ftil .. :• ' l ,,, ......... -.t •• •, It• d i•1t1 \\ .. 1J~f -··-• '4 ._ •• ! T l':\ l\A •Y!" SIX l)('IG,:; t.Jur l1\\fl .... ,. f •1 .. ·tt..-·~·'1 ·'~ •· 1,.1,1 n 1.•• •• 11 ... t•• "'''I'.,. •··• 11 1· .. riainly in·• rl~ Wlth Dai!f- a!' f:•r a• '"' 1°..-,.1 """''" r-a~ N>nl'•'TTI<><I 1">· r. ""' "...,.,.,' l•• I~' Jn lhfo C tO"P ~U (r.()!(- h ,111 \\hat t,,,. '., ,.._.,, .• ~ •ft• i'n.e,·h· -·+~ •t : ~ r. .-' J1"4Ut ,11J1ho -1 • \• I<• T•" bo\ , • .., n •• , 1 ..-. ' , s-~..!· Ut1 '" •h,,. • • • f "' ... ...,..,.. ~ \\ 1t l1 •1 1 I f .1 ' .. TI'•' • t;.,., .,._ ... · • .. ··n•t , .. ~· •• < ... · '-'11111 t •1·•h1. !\J ..... ,~ f.•• '· r • ~ I ,. .,.i. Th.11 .. h .1··! • n , ,. , . I 1 ' ... It ,.. J I '\I! • j t I •• i ,, .j • 11-• I ' • I• -. \\ ' .... . ..... - I :·~I· I 11. ·"I t •t• --. ( • I of 0 t I f't t • \.• 1 • •••• , t l '1 t •; : ,._. .,, , ... ,, ~ 11 .. ,., 1; ,. • .. .. • • ,.,, ! . • L•n• h-· ·;\n•; \\ .. ~ .- t '°' f 1 • \~ J -v I l t • •• 0:-0: '1Y I ff\ I • \\ '-~ '"• I·· "'i u11 ~, .• .._ ..... etr ·1 h· •·5'"'1 ! , .... c••hi· n "·'"'· i ·...-• •• • •• --~~~~--~--------------------------------------------r ~ . . ~ Costa Mesa Graduates · Mu11cally Spee ling T 0 Have Class Picnic BJ llATllLEEN COLEMA.1'1; Wnh baccalaureate S<'rvkes 11~ rails on his knc ... ~. he dl!nc·h· I'S his hancts a s in prnyl.'r: "S1•c- ondi \'iolini, sl'<', I proy you. give m<' planissimC\; I <k~lre<I. l pray LQ on my knees." , It is not rasy to be a ml.'ml:M.·r of nn orchC'Stra con- ducted by Arturo T oscanini. ll u t, the honor of be· longing to 1hat orchestra makes up for thl' hard t i· . work it involw;. '·~ lwld !;uncla, in C'c>Stll ~k,,a Communi1y clnird1 lur s tudents tu Ii<' )!ra<1u:i tt•d ln1m Costu .Mesa Elcmt•ntan· s<'hool. other stud('nt l\Ctiv1ti .. s In follow thi,; week in- elrrdl' thr cll'ss prcnk. )!raduation rrhl'ar.:::>t and ':'Ft1dumrr111 e;ocer- ("l~t~s. \\ Pdnr~d.11', .hlr1<• ~lt h 1s 1 hl' St h f.!r:illr pwru~ da~ All Rth grade pupil .. 11·111 n ·por1 ((l th1.11r rooms at R:30 as u!>wd. E'"r\one \<;n llr•~s ftlr u 1111·nic 1 j.! 0 irl,; may w1·ar i.lacks 1 and lw sun• to bring rh,, food 1hat lms beun agrft'd upon. -- t_,oTlf ,.,...,..n-~ES A~D IWRJl.11 t I \ 1\.\1,l.t:l Sl-~IBF.KS f,...ture 1>4Jl("e-&UoRJJ of llM8. to be ,......._lrd ~tanlrly "~ at rhi' Ind• .. 1·h11Cll auditor ium unclfor lhe auapl~ of S t'wport 8'-a<·h Eh·- --ea~ .,......_. ra,...t-Tear.,,., ,.,.,., uttlun. "Assassin" is a fa\'onte krm oft· en hurled nt the hC'ncl or 1 he nrn- sician unlortunute enough to sound his lnstruml•nts ft fni<'tion 100 soon or too la1l'. Par<'nts urt> inl'lted to th!' pic- nir if t hl'\ wil.h to Ct11n1-. It ~;11 be held at Oran~<' City park. All pupils will go in t hr ~chool bu~. hu1 p;1rents mu~t rurnish 1heir own transport11t ion. • CuJloms ol Na~ajos Is SpeaAer' s Tlteme for St. James Auxiliary ... n •• r r .. r :n.'.in} )'f'ar-"' . •1 t1+0.• •1f fh•• ~G\.;1, • ; • \t1 .I '.\1 Droh·t ot I ' ~. ,, ~· ',h .. p ;1t C-orona '11·1 ~1~· • .& f·· ·:• .1k··r al tilt> next m. · r . I th•· \\'11m;,n':r. Auxilian : ;;· .i. m · ... t:p 1•......,pal church ·,.I'· tni: 11{ r hf't r r>'ligiOU."l CC'N'mt>r • .. ,Ol'\,t r.1hu ..... n "" m• .. ·t mg w1 LI bt- li' · 1,..., L.., fll :.' p m . Ill 1h.-h• ,. • I rh·· """"' pn '''h'nl . .M"'S. ~ .. 1 ··11 \'1ll:li:rana. 125 Abalone. 1 ... • bo"" l•land Mrs. Richard DiHmar ls Hostess At Desserl lrid9e )lrs Rx-hard Dittmar en···• taJnMi rtt'f'fttly with an t'Yf'ntn.: dt-MPrr bride~ at her honW' •'n Full••rfon aVPnUt> taking ad\ .1•- •at:•" nt kwPly Jurw n>WS l11r ttt ........ ra r ton.' :\tr-J .. rro!d SpunglE>r won !· · h1i;:h .,•or" and t ravrling JU I/• ;\Ir-I 'I••• WPSt rPn"in>d ~-. nd a •01rd .. mt ;\lrs. ut.11rd '.\l1>'r1ll ... ,,~· ''''""''...t Loco/ Dance Students To Be Featured /11 'Dance-ations ol '48 ' • •~"· .f 1 •• "f'll<''" both to . 11 .( ..t11l~n·n 1s thr rf'\'Ue. , . . 11 ".n 11f l!l-ti:c to be pre- ' ,J .i' ~ p rn Snt urd:iy l'Ve· •1 '''" 1••rl Harbor Un ion 'l ., .. h1>11I 11111h1 onum ur1d1•r lh•' r ,., • nf ~.·wport BeaC"h Ele· 1 r 11' Sl·hool Parent-Tea cher •·•+('I ttJOO 1 "1.i, .. 1 11110 thn'<' !'f'<'tions. The 1 ., c ':in1p . "\':wal ion Frolics d a li;,ll•·t. L11vl"I)' is Spring. "'" t•ru·1p ;inrl solo dan ces art' "·''""~1. w11h nwnerous costume han..:<";.. \\hilt• <'hilc'ren from all over 1.1111.:r l'ounty will appear in this 1 ·:irta Wangl'r Dance studio re- '"' !'4'\'era l local children will 1,11;,. part. severa l in solo num- ~ 11 I · lnl'lucled in the number are \l.11 , llammond. Patricia ft(>gan. ! , 1 • Davi~. P<>nny Lill'. Conrue .,., 1 .. ~. Pal;.')' Thompson. Judy ''" !Th. Gloria rross. Carol Ann i''.1'1.•r ~tnrl Alhl'rta Ea!'terly. :::<'otth ta(l('. ,·arious sizes, on ,, tttl.-N('w s-Timea . Small-Fry Ocean ~E'W!> T. r I :n!c·~. ,.~ .. "-.dhls plnt...lzed eea. Behrttn splashing J>("•' • • · · • .... r \· w T "· pJa.. llellllon1 the pood folds into 11 1m11ll • ~ J>'>I' I :; · 1' '1 •'r i· "11•ed by ftat bundle that can bo tucke1I nwnv • h·r l • • • I " 1,., I" .... -· 'Ii r .. ,-· ':. t •• , .... 1' ""th--·· ID almost no apaco at e.11. Its hC'a\'V " · • I' 1 • "'· 1·~ r.. · · • ~.il'fl" r r .. 1 r '""· r ·n "toCa duty plastic requlrea no spcctal care •· mt .:-:.: • ,, Yrnr. ~ •. fi~flllalR and will not neck, peel or stick to- . ·':le fun : :. I ... ' I r< .. 1 1 :tinted oa ,..ther even when folded and 1wttd • t• ·: :-1 l -: a ~11!:r tv ... ch to thlll for lone S*'foda of time. ..\ ui;I:' lltU."'-•' h. -·· ilht•r ~I) If' 'it .... ~ 1 e • 7l ··w. if T111u ut:rt:sT·~ i..l""'''1t.' .. '•" •l .P • TI1rr• \\ ..., ·' J . ::1 ;t ·r.~ "'~'"' 1.-.r h••re. ,,r n1:nh11 •-, •• ,, .... , dul1i t "'fln f tt\i' st ufr rrpo.1rtl'd !;ik1'n from r tw Hobart La)1·r hom•· Thr l.;t)l'l'S June Shaler Returns As Holiday Stage Player and Comedienne June Sha ftt, versatile young character player and comedienne, signed another contract with Holiday Stage to appear in its professional stock company at Tust in. opening a 10-wee-k sea· son on June 28th. Last summer Miss S hafer was seen by Or· a nge county audiences in a var- iety of roles. Oliver Cliff's sweet· hE>art in "P!'lticoat Fever," Ster- ling Hollowny's wife in "3 Men on Batons are brokt·n "llkC' m a td1 11ticks." The' most l'llllnl'lll t·on· ' ductor of his p<'riod, Tosl'aruni is remarkably modest. I It• look:- upon himsl.'lf ai. nwr<•I) 1hC' l'X(JO· nent or gl'nitJ!' i:reater tha n his own.-"l am uni~ lhC' ~·onductur. it is not I. it is Bf ... •thu\'C'n" Born in Parma, J1aty. T oS<:an1n1 rarly won acclaim as a c1·llist., When only 19. h(· wai-caraµultctl into the pot;ition of conductor (1f Verdi's opera Aida. ll happent•d in Rio de Janiero on )he • sf'Cond night o( the produc1 ioh . The original conrluctor had been hissed off the stage. nnd Toscanini, on a ccount of his mar- velou~ memory, was hurrll'dly subst ituted. Bundled at thr h1s1 moment into a frock coat much too big for him, he won t rl'mend- ous a pplause, anrl fame was his from that day on. Now 80 years young. h<' lives in Riverdale, N. Y. Abstemious in habits. a bowl of soup. makes a fine lunch. and he rloes nol smoke. "I k issed my first woman and smoked my first cignr<'I le on the same day ; I have never had time for tobacco since."-His d<'- voted wife whom he marri!'d 50 years ago, looks aftt>r everything. S he is a buffer betwt't'n him and the world. His creature comforts. hi!' trips. his finan<'l'S. all are in her capablP hands, a JIOl"l'f'," T om Drake's house· ~O\'lf: SllOW S('RA!\IRLED kP<'f)C'r in "Ni~hl Must Fall." Whil<' still 111 h1i.;h school. JunC' PETC'IS KEY. !\lit'h. 'l'P I Pa· 1ried ciut for a l.:ih produetwn at Irons nr 1hr llullywood ltw:ifl•1· Tirnr~day, Jun" 10th. all 8th grail('~ will rE>por1 lv their homf' room~ at 8 :3(1 as usual. Gratl- uat ion rt'hearsal will take place during the morning. Sch ool will hP ou1 a t nron and ~tudents "ill rc•('t'iVl' r<'por1 car'ft' a t 1h11t timl' A II ,X:r.;ons who arr pa 11 ici pat· ins: in t ht' gradua t t0n C'Xer<'iSf'S mus1 h<' on r h1• stn;::.• al the hiRh "choul a I 7 :00 p. m . shn rp. Boys will w1·11r luni;; Sh'<'''cd sport shir1:-and dark trou,:,•r'!<. Girl~ will Wt·ar s1ockm~~ or not. but no bohhy so;oc. No high hC'C'IS will he 111101\l'<l on thr ~mgr. Engagement Announced 01 Vivian Vaughn And Billy Hinesly Mrs. Lcttir Vaughn. 1321 West Bay avenue, Is annooncing the engagrment and ~oming mar· riage of her daughtn. Vivian Jacqueline Vaughn. to Billy Wayne Hin~ly. son or Mr. and Mrs. William Jess<> Hinesly, 22291 Santa Ana avenuf', Costa Mesa. M i~s Vaughn is a graduate of Nrw port Harbor l n ion High !'Choo! and Seaside '.\IC'morial hos· pita! school of nursinJ?. Long R,•nrh Al pr<>~nt ~h<' ls a nurse in 1 he office of Dr. G11ylord To- hill Thr wr'Clrling will 1a k!' pl11c-e 0 1 July 2 ill Christ C'h111·C'h by the Sc:t. 1hl' l'a,;;1dt•nu Pluyhoust• anti wn.; "ho wPnt tn s1•1· "Tlw S1•nator l' S :-0::1\')' p••r<;nnrwl 1•q11i1•fl"O ('::t1't 111 th<' rot.• <>f an ~\ )'l'ar old \\'ai: l nclisrr,.•·t." """ ll:df ,,f 1 h1 • "11i1 1-.11111•rni:, '"ll'' i:-1nn :im1 <la-pth ;;rundmotlll'r. Jr i' :i hnppy ana· show 11nd wf'rr 1n·a11 d tu t h•· 1,,q ~ounrlini.: <'•1u1pmPnl .... ,. f'oml11nµ chrnn1~m that a)' sill• i.:rrw <1ld1·r half of lhC' "S•·tn ·t B··~oucl 1h" 1hP ho1tom pf L:1kl' ;\l.:•rl f<'l'\'I · ht·r r111t·-. 1 .. •1·1111w ~01J11l!l'I', until ~>c•r." f11r !hr r1· .. 1 11f th•· pr11-voir. !111011•r ll/1111. =-'• n1d:a tht• n"<:t•ntly sh!! pin<·h-hi111·d for a l O gram. Film c":ins lrnd h····n "" i1..t1-world's l.iri::c~t ;irtitil'l;d l<1k1'. le y1•ar ol<i Jar1. Wh•·n th•· ~(Jtlllh,..t.•r Mi soml'whcre al<lllr:: Ill<' lin<' 1n d C't1•rmin1• \\ hal flt'IXl~1 •• of •ill fail.·d to :l Jll:M·ar for a rndrn pr11-rransit. and sand arc doini.; In !h•• l;ikr. rluc1ion· nf "Why 1lw Ch11111•$ .... --------------- Rant.:" /\ft1•r 1wu ,....;1~ons ill the Pia~._ hous•-. .l11n•' Jotnrd a smi;ini; trio "ith Fr1·ll Wanni:"• f:imous band a1111 rf'fna med with 1ht' ori.;nniza. tion thrt•P yC'ars. touring 1hc la.rg- C'r titi!'S of the Unilf'd !'t:ltl'>' :ind singing in a l"\1•w Y11rk m11s1cal t•om••dy. Durini,: rh .. run or thr laltl'r -.how, om· 11f lh•' .!-t:lrs h;ul an 111t11ck or laryn1:1 11~ :i111l .J11r11' wi•n1 on 1n h•·r rult· 111 111 m1n-1 "'''' nttf 11··· 1 hf•n ·.11 1' t pl11~ tn{! t111• p.111 r,.r 1t1t· ...... , ,,J th·· ... .,.;i .. ~,n I !"--1Jl1 ..... ·qu•·n1 I\ •'••n1'•1f1 ''· '1d1t1 .tr\d '1.h.~·· r1tl•'" .. 1u n• 4'h ti• 1 h,1, I 1pJ•.111d tn '•'\•11·11 I t "··•..,, - n~iiri1... 1H1 "~u .. ,, •.. ,,, '·:•r•. I 1 '.11'H\ an "J l,.11~"'" d l~.11•n J ~.uH·• ;u1d •ith1 1t 111.t1.tl Ht1·- ,ho\\ ~. 11•'1 'I., I ' I t +.1· It. I .... di I··· !·ttH\ · H·'• I\··· ,,. 1lt1· ,,, .. ,ti '< l111··· 111 1 I 111 11,n . · ~. ·~ I < ·, ''\. ;irtl ~ 1'1n:1l ... 1.f1" l •:11 1d ll.11 · 11111:· • 1i1111•\ 1'1111· '"'' :-•1 tnh "<'1:11°111 ... " 11111 T l1t· T"" 1111• ... .. id tll+ 11 h-'"" "••' loo1•·41 nf ,.,.,._,,n,.1 fl"li"'' Sll ~•tt 111 ,.,..._It ..nil .1 :t ! PaJ1l.,•r n•\'111\'rr Thi•' n••\1 d.i~ lh•·) !1111ml th•• ltt'm!' in a p:ip• r s:1ck on I h• II' d11nrs1 t'P ORANGF: "cot '!\:TY'~ Ff:'\EST SJ·:n n n.; * An Ideal f'l(O\I Tiit: llARBOR .\RE .\ Zenith 4344 Graduation ·Gift PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS to.\. !;ttrk II' rl11\ D' of c I YOU~ 81~iHSTONt "oots u ture ANDITSMEANING follow 1tudenh through.. iehool ond out Into the buaineu world. They ore compact, light, easy to carry and yet retain most of the big typewriter features. SMITH CORONA -~IOSl /; L :· *1 < 1 a r~ th en :-kin succ· ict:-'ff tlwn n ·r1· talt•I (lo n tlw 1ma· 1lwt (.'1 •Ill h:tl) th1· t :-en,. • and d i!'C j .... a a I 11 111'!': 1 t ·:---:' f'J1('• pn ,. ma1 In 1:- :-t• 1 f hc>f dt1\' llll'; 1111~ :! 1. :t l'l · :-;t•\ HU ('out ID,..w~y H. R.-Hall. M. D. CORONA Df:L MAR P!tolle Harbor 1090 .._,.... and'&arse- Hours: 2-!I. by AppolntnlPnt J"The Young ldtta" Come in and tf'y thla "best. of all portables" •• • that'• the only way to lea:n how ftne it really ill s .. ,. ,.,.,,,. "d••im1. rt•l! f (•\ .\n )11'• l : 1 I I l !11 \\ 11 ,...,.._ .__ 5N8 I ISi Broad-1 C'-*a 111- Boan 8 tn I Ph. ..,_IM'nn a08 C. A. JACKSON Mlltoa M. I DE~TIST Maxwell. II. D. l'JA.5 s-'P6rt Bh·d. llOI C'vMt Bhn1 I I Medka.1 Bid& .. C'o•ta ~IND ('1trnna d,.I Mar INBUILAN('f; Office H ouf'!!: 10-12; 2..:> ~-Hamor IOI! BE SURE • INSURE I with Wallace J.Miller M.D. Maurie Stan1ey %25 Marbte An. Balboa bl. Eye Physician ~ llArbor 1776 ltl~ c-NY'tl. (' __ ... _ •1 A-'-"' Rat-H~W MORTr AR\' BAL'rL MORTI'ARV 'S' LADY A'ITE'SDA!\'T · • R. Monaco, M. D. tlO Cout Hhny 814 Bay Aw·., Balboa C'4»ron& del Mar Harbor 1'1~-' n.one Barbor 't t lffirt• ,JI ours: OPl'OMETRIST~ I / -&-T-. -~--"'-ortla-.-o-.-D-.-, 11 Conrad Richter, M. D. ~lrtllt , ......... no llnu,... STU DAMJN"ED I J 9·!\1.1 a. m. · 12 M .. I LaNl!IS8 DUPLIOA Tm> 2 ;1() p hi -4 30 I' m. -....... _. .._... t90S-C \\'. C-tnl nsa •·~ •-... ~•n I Newport BMrh I NllWP08T UA<W I ""°"" R• rbor ~ ... ------~·--~~--~~~~· (0.1 and ~l11ht l 'J 11'\ 5 p. m Mnnday thn:iu&'f) f'r1claJ , . - --~I J -1 ..... •-• ,., "'-'• .. .,, f ••o nft..nt. l"~"""' 11.,t 11 " '"" ..... C'an' :· .,,,, -....... , ..... ,...,., .... c. frl' hr ••ll .. ,., ... ,.: .. -, , Your oholc:e of tJan. model& 81LE~T -8TERLINO -CU PPER REMINGTON RAND 8usinewmen, 1tvdenh, reporten, te<hnicion1 and thouton<h of other bu,ineu and profeuionol workers swear by thla mochlne. Mode lo stand up und.r hctrd use. Easy! Speedy! Accurate! And equipped witk feal\Jres that "'oke it turn out office niochill9 relulhl DELUXE MODEL NO. 5 -NOISELESS MODEL NO. 7 ''EVERY GOOD THING FOR YOUR OFFICE" ... ' 902 N. Main ..,.._ Santa Ana Ph . 743 '(. Ht\ th;- ft•f ttpr \\'h \\'J• f 111 thE di R Saa Bv . ( Ent SA: Ltr w CL. Prl. • 19 P.\GI: 'l *THE CLASS OF 1948 '1 * DREW P!ARSON WASHl:"GT\.IN It ha,n"t h•"'" F1 1·~n1' Cl\.hf 1mc1 H T \\'1111111111• JM,1bl1C1.1:<-d. but 1h1• l''""""~ tak .. ,., 1 .. r .. \\'FO~ ·. Gr.•1•11nlh'. S l'. m'' hav(.> unt'artht'd thl' :J11,.·k111.: (111·1 1111.111i.;111i.: 111n11ly 1tr<1i.:nv11~ I 1 .. >111 that lt'fl 1111111011 I I> Jlh'oil \11ll'n1-.111 m•1i.:hl•orhooth Amerknn adult,. 1 .. 11tn11 t-:uropr nh .. ut 111 .. 111 tlh' ·~n™''' 1 .. a d .. 1 It '.S.A \r o.11 l.t \\'1111' Orw1.t1'o1~11u..: "l'llr 1-'uu11<lnt h111 18 11~111~m111111~ tlwm y ,. 1 c1111~1 "'' •h· •1 1" rn ,. 111 !·'11"''"' Tiu' "tllmi;: 111 ,.p,•nit lt11 h111<•11ol. \'o t •rof1·~111n,1I 111,.ll· l11ll1Hn" 111 11111n 11111· J.!••I Ill' .1 •(~'<·~,ii 1••lllh•ll i•t 1t• \nu~ sn , • ., 1,,1 l1ulli•..:•1 p.1p~~1 1n t-1·,·n"·h t•' h•1 '\' ~.ir h n ~ 1-.111 1, .. 1, 1'lta11~1'<I "1th ~·1••111'11 •d 11>11I• and "I' thi• ~~•lt.i1.i """"1'11.,.,. :\It~ • t....nhl'lla I ltll) md-t1\.1'tlll•'.I 11:1•'"ll'"'·' h 1111: r .. 11111•1 t ""J.!I""'" t111n hill Ill ll~otn "••111.111 !011111 1\11/111\,1, h.1• lt1•lp<'~! ~PlJO~ Oh 11 ·'"" "•'""'" fur l'•'.llV ,.,j.!.tlH/1• > \ 'Jt.1tU1hHt ,._. • .,h .. '1'.h '} 1;1-oi):t:i·,. ()(>mu .. ·i~llh' 1 • .,11i.:,., _, "1111 h 11111 ••Ill~ h.1~ ,..•nt 1vl11·f Ill m,m n.111 \\.hN•h•r 11,1, "•' n '"'&.: F1m•1•• 1•111 f1•ll•"'' II 1.111 '"'" gmi;: f111 ~l>l ol tw. 11"""' Iii.ti•, t o>: f1" nd'-hlf• 1<'111'1' t,,·n.-t•"'' ... 1i.:n a dr•i·hars.;i• 11,,111111n 1,, 11111 , l '.•1•· 1h1· "'''" \'111•k 111111.111 Jlllh th•· F.,1,•1,1l-,\11l-tn·Ec11w.n h•n hill 11,11,.1 . II." ho•l1••d t'\1n1h11 •1 ",.11111 I· I I •"II or tl11• , .. 1u1•111 11)n unrt inl'"' "·"•' 11.111• .\llan111· r:11h11 1•,11111•,t 1 I <'1•mm1111.,. "'"'"''rt h.1 ... ''"''" ,,,\1 '". Ii.th "" 'I""' ''' \\ 111 th1 ··II ''"'" II\ till' G n p l1•ac1o't . 1'1·.11·1· ''" t :lt11k" I )1•111 .. <'1'111'~ -hip n 11'1 h.: h:i.... not t>.• .. n .... , •. 1 .. l.1\I" t\11 '-Ill I• ,,, ..... ,., .. ,\Ill' I ·•·r11r·· llJ• lll•W•· I h.on -1:1 11.lllh'). I ·11.11111 .. 1. I ni.:··1-.. 11 II .o tdh'' 11.~ I <iw·r .. 11,.1;,..1,.,. 111 ,, :'1 • .,,1,,. .. .i ••. 111 111. lt11l•" 1 t h !ton .. "~~1.-111•' ~.11· 1 :ll.111111 nml :\h11<•rll\ l.•·:111.·1 t 11:11 dt ••II .fntt1h••ll '"'""' ~ hl'l"'1"0·"1 II II II k I I t I th •111 ... \\ """ ·•1111 • 1·:1111•1 "'" 11111111 ... ,, ·• •"' • " h P Ut\•' ••n ,.,.~ ,, -·. ·.. 1 •'>mm111 • .,• n111 t•• '"' t h .. lull ""1 I'"' h:ih h noi.:1·1· .J, """~ 1 1' 11 t I ,\l ... l, ihi•, IHt\\' ii:.ii.si._,I \\Ord 1,. .\u,.1111, l'o•\. :ll.11 1in l~n11·11l~•on 111 1 I n,.1>4.111111.an· 1111, '" i.ii.:n .in\' ,11• s.-.111 ,,. :1111-k11i.:1 .. ·. 1 •kl.1 111-.i.111-1 1 .._ r ,· 1•a,1 mi.: rompan~ all hnvc:-ron· 1 t.ir.:r l'"l1l 11•n . 11 :ir ''" ~ ""' lhi· lt.·ili:ou 11, .. I lt"1.1Ul.llU':'ln ha, c1i·fh'(I th•"'' 1,1 I 1 ll•Ut1•d l'rl/1'' II• cl.•rs :-.;11r11i l>:•k••l.o,. Bill 1 ... ·mk•· llhot'l',11·~ •'11t1I•"' Tho•) h 111I 111• 11 ho jomf'tl \\llh I:! n,.011 ,. ... 111,. at 1hm1~hl nf hu<1111·"~ 1:11111 . l•t'<'llllM' rt'ady un the P.'lllh•n 1h1•11· 1111 •h11·1, :11•·11 I '''let 111 I I.ii) Howo·\'l'r. Mmonty I ~·iHlt·r Sam 1 1h1, " Jui.I 11 :<m01ll rnos' ...... Rayburn nl~o has qui!'Uy hlQCkt'CI llf'll of \\'h:tl 1humu1ntb 11f Anwrl· th•• po•tllion anct haJ< >U<'t't~'<i in 1·1111s. w11h no ''"1'"''111111•11 uf 1-. .. kt'('f)tnJ: Tt•'Ca:< and Vs~mia Ot•m· ";u"l'I ul hl'r I h11n h1 •lp111i.: I lw11 ocrats from ,.ii..'Tllni:. • ount ry, ha\,. '""'" drnn.; to "11..:•· 1,,... Ulerate n.a llUHla the d 1frtc111t ba1tl1' of i-·n<"' !\tt-anwhllc:-. lill"rary in lht:' l'ni.1-~le C1'apl&.ln'• C'on1rrt1pU- N'I Sll:tl•'S ha" ... 1111k to an nlarm-Kindl). If.! • ~-.·ttr · nld Martha Ing 10\\• probably I0\\·1•r than s.~111 i.hOC'k•'fi th<' l'nh<'l< uf !){•nntt· Russia What thP publiC' al~11 cl~ <.,,aplam Petl'r M1u"'<h11tr' Pn-,.h~ • not t"('a!Jzr ls lhlll thl' na111l11's tf'n tt>ri11n churd1 lhr oth1·r 1111}' whPn million lllitrrall'S ovrr :!-I )••llrs shr shnw1-cl 1111 at their wf't'kly tl'n old arc not southrm ~l'l:fl"''· but w11h a ~1')!m 1111"4' Thl"y wf'r.• :i major11y of nar 1\'r-bom whites. l"\'<'n mon-~hO(·k1'<'I wh"'" Mts:- Offkial s1at 1~t 1c--. stmw th:tl ·l.:..'00,. !'1·011 nnnoum'f•d l11'r 11111•11111m nf To a million o r m o re youn~ American~. s chool 000 adults. who ('annot ,. .. nd or ('t>mllll: lhl• follt~ini.: Wt'{'k with clar=--will ~on be but a m e mon·.' AIL that r e mains for "Tlh', 01"1" whitPS horn Ill this hl'r rolorrd nlll"I' • • country. AnolhC'r :uon.ooo nn· ror-Thc:-l!u1if:'~ cnll1'fi n f1an111· ron t h e m t o d o. h• pack up their books. pick U() their s h eep-l'IJ:Tl·hnm whil,..,. Wll<'N'll~ only 2.· f1•r1'n"'" ai.;rt'('" th11t lh(' n11r;o1· :-:k in=--. and i'Clecte rl th(' o ne in the da:'..~ ··mo~ like ly t o 700.000 Rf(' Ni'J;:rtlf~ Tho• n •lllllin· would hil\'I' '" ,,.. harr<-d A dl"ll'L;ll· ~lll'Ceed ... Then the y \\i ll :'('t forth w it h tn"eat enthus-mi: h andful arP l;llm Amf:'nran-tion ~ol ll ll lh•' phon1· ltl nol1f~ ,... an<! Onrntnl!< b y h1rth M l'-• !"•·ntt i:1:-:m (and some trepidation t t o can·e out car eer:" f o r t'11rth•'rmnre. 01111 .. rnrr 1sn'1 'T m •11n ·y," r""'"'" '"m"""'' ,,, t lwm~(·h·e:' in the ir eho~n fie ld :-. \\'t' wi~h the m w e ll. roun't l''\clUSl\'('lr Ill th1· '-()\Ith For I lhl' otlu·r <'1111. pr11ha llh lh•• 1111p .. · Fn11 unatf>I.\' f or tht'm. a.' f<•r other crraduate:-: in l"l\:~mplc:-. mun-lh:m on .. lllllll•IO 11 I 111 'llJ"l-IOllll "hut \Its• =''"'" .~ .... -. ,.. htrm1c n•htlt~ Ii\•' m ;-.;,." York ••I a"·" :111 ho111 .11;11 · l'l'l't•n t \'4.'ar:-. th<'\' will fin e! a r ea ch· m a r ket f or the ir :.nn1 hr·r li!lf.,1100 10 f'•·n11·~ 1v:m1<1 I · 1:tlt·11t ,_' Ame rican indu.4 r y. n ·1w he.nclinJ! en•r·.\· l'ffort :ind 1r.:.!10 1 111 lllrn11•-"""'''-rr I l I · · · :V. l"'r '""' "' 1~1111-1.111:. -1<•tal Grade t 11 11wet t 1e enorm11u :-4 t·man< ~ up<in it. 1:-: :'t.·anmnJ! t lw :1 rnw 11f L'1'ctdu:Ht·:" fur t ho:'t· \\"it h ahi lit,. mul ""f~\1;::~~,~~~1n.','o'.. 1t·;~::1r:;'.,;; \'..'.~01n1~ 1 Doesn't Mean A Stamp on Meat Much im:t!!il1a t it1n. • • \\•-.~l.110111 ;~)1 )(.11) \uUflL; OWi\ \\h11I \\',\:o;f(("\I; r1 I"'\ II 1'> . T h., ... e .\·ounir p eo11lt) ;;h11uld rn1t a-.=--um e. ho\\'1.•\"(•1', '"'"''' r•nh .. 1..:n th• tr llilnl" \\ •lh ••• h1·11-. II O\•' ,.. .on X Pf th"'l'. 1~1111 1(1 ""t• pl.I~ Th• ,\,•ou11l1111• I•• t '' ,,.,, ,.. that ht•l·au:-:C' of t ht• p re\·:iilin)! :.:it11:1ti1111. :'lll'<'<':-<:-< "·ill ... """ 111 1 .. --·~1· '" '"' .01111\ .. ·~ '"'' -1 .. 11111111 I ·" 1111\ ''"''" I l'l•llW to them attlum ati<'all~-. ThP :-arnC' (fual itit•:o: and h111 ~,. ,,. t1, ... ,11 .• 11r1 ... 1 1 ..... 111-.· ,;, 11 .. n '" '"' ,., ool· \ ... 1.01111• ""'" h:tliit :.: whi <'h h a\·e ht:t-n t·:.::-ential to acl\"a nce ment in l;u·k "' i··h1•<1•11•n ·• , ..... i .. i11. ''" ,11 .. p r .. r "'' ,1 11 "'11 i•nh ''otan·r~ ,,f .1ppn1,1rn:1tt·I~ 1.> d 1\t •1111ltt'• '"'* th1• pa:.:t are :.:till tw <:e:-::.:ary tod ay. S inc('rity. c1Jmmon ,1 .. n.. T ti ,. n111rl.1n~-"l ii:11 t1· "" ,,, =--en =--e. n eat ne~s. willingnei's to a ccept respon~ibility. YC't llOIN' leadl'n. a"' n111 will· ·1;,,,.1, ,,, · ,.1. 11111 111111·1111 :llld a C'<\l)acit.\" f o r har<f \\"(1rk-thc-:;,e <'3n n e \·t'r be 1111.? t o "ll<'ncl a fl"W milhnn clol I L'r1d "' lh1 rlt•orl1t1•11I ~.1111 laf"' .. n n lull :1lr 1·:0<1) I'·'""'" 1., ".\f,..:11 n1 "l.•·•I f :1 1ti• 1\ 111 ""' di:.:C'arde d. rhr :-; .. rwt.-.inti 1•!111 tt 111111ld """"" .,t11r1· 111.1111 1 ... ••I "'r' tlolf•·n ·nt Car e in the lrnndlinj! uf nnt-'=--f inanC'ial affair=--mak" 1\11wr1ca 1h1· m• ... t 1•nl1 ;.:h1 111111111) rh.1n ""'' 1·11111"<1 \.rndt.> A · I · rt t ,. h " • I 1· · h 1•n•"<i natum Ill lh• \\nrld 1•1 111,.111. 1 .,,.0, 111 ..rr11 &.ti .. 1,.1 " a :'<> 1mpo an . ·"ot mg 1:0: more ' emor a IZtnJ! t an u, tat-....... , .. rt-. nt· .. L·-1,1,. ,.,,1,.... L · 1 1 ~ ,.... '-""" •-•-.--.... r ,..., • r .,1 "''I" 1 rn1' d ort t 11,. • t :t lna<l o f per !'Onal d e bt!" broujZht on thro uJ?h care les.'-:-.=nt ,,, )""~ ha, t't•ni:r,.ss ,.,.,.,, 1. , .. '" s:r:.11, "'' ,,, 1 ,11.,.0.11. ~ .. 0., 11t''=-'· It is w ell to early fo rm the habit o f s p e n,linJ,! r;iur.:h1 1111 h a twi1 .. r "··~·· or '"' 111°· 11111~• ,, io:o hl· '""1'1•111\' i:111t1 I th I J I t th <l "ff m~ wnmr.: than in 1h1· 1 Ull•·n l 0, 11i. . tru·i .i i.;i.iumi: ')'" 11 1·.:-;.; a n one earns anc to r eJ?U a r y pu e 1 er· .. 1,1 •• ,h1,1,. 11\hr ih·· ,,111.,. ,,, ,,111. 1 1 ..... ,-I ·1 •'U• I .... ,.. • r ••ud, nHUUl• rt'I ,, f•IH:e in the bank. This rl('\"elop:: confide nce. It a lso ca Y1·1 !hi' d1pl1•m111-. hn\••fl't \ .. "" .111<1 1itif1ty prr1Yi<les a r esen ·e f und for emE>rj!encie~. o r might alolt· ") m.1kl' rh•· pui.11,. o .... 11 1. make it po~-.ihle f o r the in<lh·iclua) t o establi~h a 111"1 1··ms:r•'5· "'''th,.. 11t111"11111 1)(1 you w:i111 "' ... ,1 11· "'""' .111· ''' Mam<' t1~ In th<'i<I" r11l11mn~ I 1t1:-i ne:'S of his own. L;1~1 .\••ar R")JUhhr:in "''"""'' II E,·en · g-raduate :-:houJ.l ::tot a high ).!oal for him-I··,.,. rut ,,It' '"11,.. .•..• r ""'•·1 w:.·· '"' If • h ". h f ' J I f f h k h I l•N•J1n.1t1nn 1 .. rthh~'"'· l1•l1I ·111• ... 4• Ill !~ (' o~r_i le ' . . e 't't>p :' t at J!03 e\"el' I ~1:'111' I ... , .. '\rt nwnl ,,, lt111.1•!· ' I h t,for e htm and 1:-not dt:'courag('d hy the up=--and 111 1••111:11 1orl\·at•· r:11ho ..i1:imto 1 d 11\\·n~ l<':-iding to it he i ... :-Ill'<' t i) attain a ~Ub:'t:rntia l TI11• !51111 .. nq1:11 1m•·111 1•1• .. ~··" 11 ll' · . f ~ f.tnT11'<l 0111 l..:11111 .\1111·111 .111 1.111.iv ol'il:-Ut <' o :'UC'ce:;...... p111i.:r.1111~ i .. i lw ;-.; ... , .. , al 111 • .... 1 * CONVENTION FEVER 1·a,11ni.: """''"'"). """ h 111, 11 1 1 • • <'•••tf.-<I 111 t•t•fH"fWI .t ~·t'I•'" i1f ... ltp .. 11 .. 1 pr11~t'1m!-th;11 rn-11111 d '•·u .June ha:-comE> thi:; y e ar ju.--t a::: in other y<'ar:-:. ·''';:" ,11 .. ~. natw • :i1,. 111.,.1 '" Hut there i:-; ~(lmethinj.! cl iff P r C'nt a b out it tlii;.; tim1·. rnt1'(' thl' :-;1:11" l'l"ft:1rlm1•111 "'" .\:-k an~· p n)itiC'ian. n. t ... ,1 111°·11 1o1~1. , ... ·1i.. ~ ..... I \\' • ,t ..... rs .ul lu•t ;e11 .. , lh• ''.t1t• J h n a :o:h tnj!ton. coni..rrt·-....'m<'n are Wf•r kinl! with p;urn11•11 1 t1i.tn1 h"' •ni·o ·h n .•io lll\al'l'U:-t1 1nwd 'P('<'cl tn dear t h t·ir dt·:-k:' lw f111"C' .furn· . , '" 1111 .. 1111·11 '" """""' 111. :.! 1. T hn •m!hnut t h(' ('I 1\mt ry ~·\"t•r:il I h11u,:\lld pf•r :-:1 on ..: : ol\ "' Ill.'•' ,,( \\ .... 1. I\ h ' It ' (,I ' :11·1· 111·n ·11ti:'ly prc·parinl! f11r :1 trip to l'hil:11l1·lphi:1. .'.",.1, ''.','.'.'.'. ,.1'11'·1'· '" 1'" 1 ''' ~ :-'P\'l'l';tl milli1111 art· a n '\it•U:--h· dwd:inJ.! t h 1·ir r:ul in:-:. H111 •h· '''"' I•· 1•a1111. 11• , Jt', ;ill p:111 11f th•· 11ati1011al iitt•·r ' tha t l'<'l'\11',""k 111 1.i ''"'"''"I•""'' 1" n ·t:ular h · f•\'('l'\' fr ·u r n·a r::;. J1·-: kr11wn a :' c 1111\·t•nti11n :; .. ,\,1\1 '. 0 ';:1~'. :~:: ,,'.:·:; l •· ,-;; '. • f"'"'r . T h i:' y<;ar tlu ·'c·p id•·TTi iC' i:-p~u1it11larl.\' antt <•. 1111• 11 '"'' i11 11 ..... """ r .oit• \ rn•rlll! th11!'t• 'llff(·l'inC" thf' w n r .:t fnom it an· !'U~·h -.;,.,.. Tito 111"1" ~ ... , • "' 01 •• 1•r11mi1w11t nw n a :-T h11ma:-D t·\\ t·\". H a r11ld • 'ta :-:'<' II. "' 1 " 1" 1' .. 1" • 1' 1' '' •t '1' ., • I 1111111 t "" , ,, I. I I 1" I J l, 1\ " l:1 ,Jip1·t Taft and E a rl \\"a1Tt'l1. T h <:\. ''·'111.t l!t-t 11n·r it , .. 1. l•··k 11.1\1· 11 .0 ""'o ,, , I·'" tt11 t il -ainwtim•• la t <· thi:-m•1nth. Th~n t hc·\"11 fN·I ('\'('ll • 1 "· 1 '''11 • •• : 11 '"0" '"'' ·• 1 "• 0r:o:P -if :-:om"l>"<I\· <'I . .: ... •r<'t.' th" 11omin,at1" "n. k1"'"1 ""'111 " "' '· .. 11u · ' ·1" "' '--.. , ·~ ""' ,-'' •fl•·t~fl\1• ... 1, f!ti:.rlf1•'·'".:.u11•· ()f C'Olll':-.(1. wh:ll mak1·:-t•\'t•l'\"1111(' ('!'fll'CiaJI\-:tn'i-1'•·111.t" I..,. Tti.-lr """ \ul<'f• i10ll' ah11ut tlw P.c puhli<'an t·•1n \-<·11ti"n i=--t he f N·linl! • l11t··1•·•1111i.: t:i•·1 """"1 -.:1w ' I I r · I "II 1 I } Tl ' \ "'''" .. r Am• n< 1 i.,..,,,.,, ,,,, 1, l l:tt. l H•. n:'\t . !'<-::H C'nt WI • h · 11amt·1 t 1~1'f· .. 1Hl·rh.it If ;>.:!IC nrw•r.i 11~r r .... 1,..11, 0a1 ft•Pfing-1:-11 t Jtm1t«><f tn th<' ( ,()p l':lllk:.:. Jt I~ !'IJian•tl ~-,.,.,, nr 1; .. n.•r:ol ;\1"""' "1111 lh• 11p1·nh· o r ~<'ereth· h\' m11:-1 0 f'm11crat:-:. '·1111•• ('ari·I· "'111'~' '"·'' •h· r "1•rk - T hf' :'ituatio.n i~ qitc· :.:i milar tn that <•f 1 !'1~11 :~: .. ,1:i·"i,,.'1:~:~ ,1:;";1,11~;~;:~: 1 .'~'.~' \\'hen the r :t('(' f o r t he f!c puhtic:m -nominatinn W:l!' lik" dl\1tl• wl~ r:o1111• .oh• ad t1f I''' \\'i de n1wn an<l the defea t o f th(' D<>mncrat~ wa:' a I 111"11·m f l • 0 ..t 'f f • h h ' · In r"n1ra•I th••ll•:1ntl< 1.1 111-11 1•l'e.l!OR{"-e+Hlc u~1nn. n e 111 f'r<>n <'<' 1;.; t at t 1:: t1m(• \l•hint '''"'"":in~ h:iw 1"'"" 11 •. , ... t he R e public an!' h a '·<' !wen nut o f the White Ht>µ~" I 111i: 1•11t-. rw""" "''·~·'"' , ••.. ,.1 ~:ond:1 !fl I lll'"P''. "llh 11" f111anr1i.I Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach 11 .. 1p. no ;.,•111rlsinr .. fr•·m 111•· S•:tt•• A 0 , Me ....., ._.1 ••• ,_ Oftr 4e y_,.. 11 • J•1rtm1•n1 anrt n1.1 • ', n 1n~ ope th:1nk ... JJf"r"" nr•· ''•tn' ,,r tl1••n1 Rl:Pllf;.,r;!\~ !tl.&ne~ALLY BY Gl:OllOE D. CiL08E. [SC'. Tilf' t'nll•'<I ~ .. 11 .. 11• fft'll1i'tl •·I ~~Loe ~~~-Y•rk·"'-'°" l 'lill>t•lrl1th1a I• 11 ... ~11".: l'.1iro11• By Carrltt or MllU1 S0.80 JI"" month •n>'Wtw'"' In r.tt>WJIO"I Brll<'h and "11 h I• I'"'"' ;inti t'• '1111:: ' '"' • ' Costa M~; $2.40 for 3 rnoaths. 14 80 fM 6 mnnlh-~: S9 ~ ynr r 11 • r• ,,, • 1••n 1n r • "" 1• '·1 "' 'l• By Mall In Oranc• Count7: 19 P"T )"l"llr: to 41h ZOflf', $9 25: '···II• ••WI "' :-0.•-•11"11 \\I;,,, I. tr• tolthllllllW.19..50. •r:1•f•r f'.1 1'.01IB.11•l•"""' "~·1:1 'Arme T el~ploorul Mrs. l>•rothy La•l11r, the hat.chttlr atrt 'll'ho ofltred h"™'" &11 " .... lie tor ule" •price &10,000, rll! h on thf barT~l 11 .. ad1 ~till h11im·1 m1de up her mmd At V11li"" 1;· r1tom, L. I . nlahl rlub. •hi' h11l<J• ,. 1111 ()f the mall rrp!rtn11 111 hl'r rln• ltl~ll ad, d "liR'"' 11 l•nnl th11ir•·, SAM D. PORTER Publtsher twir<-a -. l11nJ! a .. th"~· had l11·"'l in 1 !•~11 :111d t lll'.\ 'r • ll'CllJS S. SMmt. m M~nir Editor W F. DDCO~ I Advcrtwnu Cl.YOE REX I • ... PrinU,. Plant. 3011 W . OrnlT&J A\·ftl~. 11;.,..,_, 8"ch. CAl!fomin :e=r @). of -·~ ., NATIONAL EOllORIAL 1948~~soc~ j 11:-:t twi1·1· :t:-:i11 \ir111., l11 l.'"1 l,;.11 I .. \\"1·11.,wc· 1.:a n l1111k f 11r th•· p111i•ic·al 11·rn1r1·1.1t1111 l11 r i'" :-l1 ·:td il\' unt il lat 1· th1· 1111111th Tlw11 :di th1· "h11• :iir" "ill !11· 1·1'i1w1·ntrat1·rl 1•·111111•1':1 1 ih i11 l'hil:id1·l ph1 :1 Thi-. will ('a\H· a tlt1111-:1 •1d • ·• · • •· il1·lt·t!:1t 1·-. ti 1·1 • 111 "~o c'l':tZ\' \\ it h tl.r· lw:1• " \\'l.111 .1. '!.;1' • • 111d iti111 th(r \\ill 11ii-·I< t ht·ir 1.111ni1w•-. It · ... all p :111 11f "h:il '"' 1 :di 1111· \ •1wr wan \\ :1 -. f ,f lift'. .. JOE P .\l.OOKA Thr t ·-. 111,,..,.,. ~ l"ltC'· ll~, ~IS f'3lt'>ol4 · r.J!f M111vb M1tlil OllCAOO N " l>c l A.!H <1...« I """ .... , -...... n.( l'\-T"'• s"e.r ~ \llolll .-e. 11\l-OIO OOWltlT>ll~ •. t'UHLY l\A YOE YOUR DIAL If' I f • tfl .. \o I U'f • • • • • !tft .,. I • ' \ • • • • • 71K. • r I 11J • • .. • -tt UI t.- 1 \\ft ..... !tMl t.11 I ' IUfti k,. I t \t • • t UI Ii;~ '' .. "' '''·01 , I' \f I to11 I• 1111 I • 1 e '\de I 1, & ' 1 • h ", \ I •t i ~ l'••'•• I •1111•.-t' 4 1 1 II• I •" •·I I M•"'"'·• ..... , f't•1• •1 ......... \ 1) f 't l'i f I fl" ... 1~ .. ' ,.,,., •• i.-,,.11 "' ' •I 11.,f l'"'ft ' "' I • " \ ,,, ' I , • \ f "~ A• U•• I nl \ 1•• .:t I '""' .. ,, \\' ~I Club ~ . ' • , I h r I l; t iflttl "' II -.... ._.,•• 1 1 ' , ... .. ' ,,, ''·· 0 ' • •t '. . " '• 1 I "" h I I. t 1(1 I I . ,. ,. " I • "',,. • .. ,., Mt, • II t I t f • f 11t •f • I •' I I •• , .. '' ti.\11 O I k . I A l I t • t 111 I I ' ' " ,. " • f I j ..... I I •\ >4 '' t 0 t • I. ,. t-I \\ ll J t .h \.-J, •• i. ,,_, r· •• I 1011 I . \1 I 0~ I • •t I ,ltt K • • • '• 0 ,. I '' I t I 1 . I I I • ' r I ' I I I, I I J I I • I I I~ I \I f ~ I .. . " • •• I 'llJ ft ! I 1• 1' ' tt t \ • I ht ,\ I, I I It. \ I ... , 14 , .. I\ ~ ! I ' • 0 II ·:~ I It! • 1(1 . I( ... f' ,, 0 I A .. f ii! ' t • ~\ ' ' •• I I \ ... ,. ' I ' '" 1·. Kl I • t ~, .. ' .. " . ,. I It ~ J •' '• I. ~ .... II I' .. /·' II I\ . ' II I 0 I ._.,., I• H f . ' v. •. ;.J liO.J 1~N 0J1 .. £ UC.Mf~ \\.,lN f r;:( l Nu fill l~~lL 7' •...i.,rt '54.I~,,. •t4Jt. "•1 ... 1>.PflO ---L...o~ ~.t.···~,. ·~'\·Ii& ... r·r "'"'' ~a.t _,r ..._.,, ~a. ., \H '1~S WOHO P: 1 /./.U : \• I "~~ .. ,. . ... . ,.,. . . ·' .. .. '.. •• I• I •f . . , ... ' ... . .. . " . ,, .. ... '•. . .,, .. ,. -~' ....... "" .. ,,.., . ..,.,.. It) ,, • ..... .., ... ,, ' .. .,,,,,. •f' •• , ~.41 I ...... .,, I • .~ t• •-A '*' ''~ •i'J ..... "'' \t I ,...,., I . ' ., I ~ • >--_ _, ' • -~ r ·-,_ 'ii' ~ ., ---~~ I 71 ~ ,, ., ~ ~ ~ ,., . ,, i. . ' " ~ •1 >-. -,_ ,_ ,_ . . -~ 71 -,_ -ij -' ·-,__ "" r,; r ·~-~ •I -:r --~ ~ .. -~~ ·~ .... '.0 ')) ~· ,._ ...... f' ~· .. )o, I ·~ .,, --.." .............. ~ ... ~' . I ICy Sam I A."ff ... ' . t f"t I It P' ' 0 ,_ --, ~t -t- • ' ... -"' .. • I ..... , I ' .. , .. . . .. ' . .. I • I -I. . ,.. . . .. .. • r:.A, . ~ , .... .-. .,, ... ~ ... • ) f .,, •• ,. . .. ,. .. ~.,. ,.. , .. , t • • '• ..... • t~ \f • ''' ._. VAN •• I • rG ,....,. ., ~ •' .. . . .. .,, 1 • "' •'-' ;• t 1-1 or. l"lr l • •-u .... IJ-'9#11t. •f • , .. .... ,,_., .... ._ L nlr4M '"'"' .. •. ~ t f ~ ' : l ' . l I i • ' I I ' ' I I I ....... ~~ ~-~-._ ..................................... 11 .... 11 .. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .. 11111111 Page 8 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS·Tlll!.:81 llO~"DAY N-,,ort Beadl. Callf. ,u_ 'T. llH8 Frank Parker Bidding for Kramer Crown Dfll'SSEI-<:;, Bl'lglum. J11n1 i IUP >-Fr1rnk Parkl'r .. r l.r" An J:l'IC'!I, holdf'r of t\\n nl "h-.. C'ttollr· rd trnnis 11111'1'. """ m.1k1111: ,, spirited 111'1 H><IR)' 10 ~u.·t·1•N1 Jnr k Kramer 11~ th1• l••11f11n1: 11m111.·11r playl'r In lhr l 'nl t1•d Stnlt•!> Parker. tht• war -tlmC' ll. S 1lnglrt champion. v1 r kt•d up ltw BeliJan championship }•'1'1<'rda) 111 10 with the Fr<'nch title hf' w11n a week ago. In thl' final round nf lhl' Rt-l i:iun compctlllon. lh<' ~tf'11d}-pl11y1r1(i:, deadly-hitting \'Ctcran ranw from oohJnd to trim Y•lllnj: Rud.:1• Pill I y * * * Harbor Events *** Duke Dinsmore, Rex Mays in Al\A Track Smashes j " 11 ---Auto 'Rell Show' At Oil City Oval Tomorrow Night •• \J.1n 1n .... ,11 p1 "°"' n r '::2 1, ... 1--f} 1n11 a<'h" in a ~pt-t>d\\ ay Sh .. v. · 1<Jfl'l01TO" nri;h1 at • 1 .:•on RI'~· ;,:IJO'<'dlo'ay in a " • I. ,.,fr:r fur l«cal r.l(>lllg I ~·I• \\ drf" i.1•~"1v.-a) unpre,. 1nn .. 1mn"1 l••la' • •1 anfhn£ nrh ~ 111 111dmlP lluman Baltt'nni: Ram. mo- 111mp '" • r i.1'11 mf'n. th•· i. lur W e, the Auto Dive- 1 f IH r Cr.L'h, H11rry Woolman, : ,..., ·•~~ lltoll)"ll''lfl qunl man. run •• r h) a fh<'·lon truck. and leap •1 ht' rnottol'l")clf' 30 ftt>I lhn.a 111 u11u ;. ... ·all Qf fire. and r• tr~ \l..rhn. I h•' Jk lie\ t'·it ·Or- ,:-... , s1un1 kmi:. attempt to halallce 1 on on•· v. ht~l. also 11r 1.011 Ani.;c·lt•to, ti·l,1·6. 3·6. Mll.\\'Al'KEE Jun•· i 11·1•1 6-1. 6-:l .MN1nwh1lf'. nno1 hf'r C'flh· Racing rlrivl'r ()uk1· I 11n•m11rl' I,,. fornla.n, .:\In . Pa111dn C11nn1ni; bum.:, u .. wru. in c·r11u ii , ,,n•lita1111 1 Tudd 11f La J olllt ('1,1 111ok th1• 10011, ,1r1Pr ~ufrr·nni.: 111•11 lplt• women's crowftry t,..allni:t Suzi,, friu·iur ... in th" 100-nul• ,\,\.\ tl111 Knrm<>1.-iy of I l un~ •• r), (>-:! Ii-:! lflll'k l'hilffiJ)IOll~llt• h•·•· ::-111111 .. , ~ * Oscar Fraley Reports: Park• r and P11t t} "un ti.It• I ••n•m .. rl' "'fl· 1, .. 1 1.~•111 ' ml'n's douhlo•s, fl.,1, nm.: < ;11m1;1 trrir-111.-...-1 ,k11ll 11i.:h• .11111 1n•I I• 1 • C'ucdli and M.1rN 1111 lkl Ill llo ur ~11, .. 1111 .. r "h1•n l1• t , , 1,., t 11 l lal). 6-3, G·:! ;I ti '1 i \la, :.I 11\ lh• ,, \t'lllh htf• t! 11,. '''" It•' Arnuhl Pri•nlt"' 1°1 ~ tn 11 .. 1 nar · .\I r~· 1 ;i, n·l.il• , 1 ,,1,. •I 1111, II dinu. l '111. ll"lllTit 11 \\ llh f •1 ti,' 1 llllfllll! Ul :'L1lo l-.111 t••I r l•lll \\.I '· " Yo1r k. J 11n.• i -, t •r 1 - n 1)'1r m'""'T)' .. r th•• 5f'll.!rl" •I ••"11 \ • "111" rnt'd the f1•1tc "' 1!1 I\)"< u.:ht champ1rm 1•·111• "''" .1n h hP or 15 111 •·r1n • ta..:h• ;,n\mur1--·· r>l .. 1 n v. ... •11<1 h,1111<· 1h .. FRI lur I !•111 •• 1-.•nds M111r of Y11~1"I''"'' 1 .. 1ak1 th• 11111111111.~I mucf'd d11uhl ... hr h1·1111ni: n11rhnrn S<-ol11>ltl of M1hm1. Fla, on<J I BRIEF GLANC£ Ph1hpp1• \\'1ti.h••r Ill lkh:rurn. 7-~>, * 6-1. ---I AT BASEBALL County-YMCA rA<n·•c c·o\!'IT u :""' •: I """' •I 111 tlt~n·1 nt'i'd ;, C'd k- n ti 1.;.t!t> rn·n 1h0ui;h h•· i~ I • · 1rrl. d ;i• a wa. .. ht'd up 'old man· •' 1111 •)·four I H •' 1111• I h4'<•r~ ffi:t) spring from . Camp Open to ~~";,;nc-lsco r71. h ~~.'1· ~'.R Newport Youth LAI' ~~g-Plcs-~!l .~ -~~ 1'-'MARSE JOE' FEEL.ING FINE AS Sim Diego :w; 31 5:17 !l 1 , 1 • •••'mini; s .. nihty nr his act ion.;;. : ·r IJJUt< '" ha \ mg morf' trouhlt> " ••<in~ UIJ his nUnd lhan a U.-Otna.n n 1 hn• "hop \ c.1nll'r through the caleud. r I''"'' 1dt>s an mll'rt'Sting, and ill· •:nunallng, 5t'qll('nct', to wit : Onnse C.OUnty VMCA Camp 011kl11nrl . :17 :i·i :i1'i !l•., RED SOX RJDE., ON FJVE ~ Oloeola, located a t an f'l.-vatlon of lfollyii.-oorl ~ '.ti 4:11 I'.!•.., 1' u,S -l~~~~.&JOO.-f.~..--4A g..,.--J~'IMlftli~µ.Ju:tlillllCllUL~....:.1__.:1.:.L_,JJ·-1. .JJi __. U.:·c.-5 -Loui11, angry •i th tum- mountaina, 30 mllN abo\•f' R.rd· landa. la to be oprn to thf' youth ol the Harbor arH. Tummy 111omuon. Y dirt'('tor, and Frank Powt>rs, pres1dtt11 of.- thr YMCA board ol thc> Newport Hart>or a tta. have visited i;choola tt.tt announdni the camp and ahow1ftc the film. "A Dfty at Camp With Johnny." whk'ti rould bt' any bo)• or sirl. and telling about lhf' camp achedu.l.e. :t1:1 l!I "'' C .UCI . 1.t ~•~• J.;T 'l"h. lnduns ~brm'd 1• .. If ;,flc>r a poor 1hollling as he AMl:RIC AS 1.T.ACil t: Tf'.-" 1. 1•.-t. C11•\'l'l:inrl :n 1.: fill:/ Ph1lnd1·l1.ti111 ..'i Ii •i 11 l"l'w \' .. rk 2fi Ii f.lti Ori ro11 -~ 1 ~· 1 4~ .... 'l WA.<Jltnc•nn ;11 '.!I 15:°) nos"on ~'fl '.!4 l~S St Lnuis 17 :.01 ~:!'.'• ChiCif4;" 1..: .'R :VlO S .\TIU,AI. l.t:\Cil't: T-W I. Pc-I. ~·-I Alllt• :'\1'W Y111'k Pittsburi: n""'"n Ph1h1dC'lph111 Bnx1kl.\ n Cinrmni1ti Ollcago Ii Ii l!I 1•1 :!:'\ .,., I~ '.ill :.'I 15 :..'7 Rl';8rt.T!' n :l'ITt:lmA ,. CIR "' -, 91,. Ci ff "~\\ ''1111~ ,11111• -: •11'1 l• .. d '" .:•~ c;anwos • thr Anlo r l•f<nfto-d t h(> title by a split dP- 11. ... ~ .Ji• \It'("'''"' .. 1 "'' B• ... 1•'11 I •• n ,,~ .f.JlllJIDlt Ow-_..,.... pl .. ., .... in froni JPnWy Jc.-\Va.lcott, )ll'tl :-;.,, "11 .. ,, , 1111,..:hl\ '"al'I'' \1ni.1-5 10 3 __. 11 to 1 ,. '"""'l(.'\-d that he 111·ould fight" just 1lr1">'4·1 '"' ,, '" lr•h ''""' m .. 1 f'h1 l:.O. J1o1ua "" .. m(Wf' 11"14'" ' ""' 111,,, '" .11tot •h.01 d<iul• • 1 \1 :-.,:. "' \·,rt_ thr Ya.ltfon n •: · Fe>b HI -"Porkchops" Louis, I "'""'''·<! ""'"ti '11 ••• "' J ,..1,, t '' ''' Y.t•h:n ~a itanW of Ow A· •pt<rllni.; a hrand nM"-chin undc-r- 111, ".1r•h "'" .. 11. • ill • n.... t., dPf#afflll: thr &vY r• """'h lt'w-two othl'rs. sailed for \\ lwn 1lu ft, <l s,,, "' nt u •., i ••· .'\ and 3 to 0 1..untion to J;11·e ~xhibitK>nS. °''" '''"'"'""" 1..11•1·111 •I 1• Tl· C 4rru...aL~ r~ I · I I· rc>1tPr arf'd tha•hewouldfight 'l•ruw llu •• ""' 1 , .. r·· 1'.•' I '" t •t,, :Sat-1 by top, .• '•nl) Onct' morc>" and indicated hi' ~l1'(',1rth~' 1 t1 l"1 ",. 11~ .. ·111111.-I''" I•-,. 11 '"I and 2 to" ,, •11'1 •nl•·r poht11"' l11m frn lh:i r •••Ir tH m.· • 1r11 • n• " I ·' ': ,.,..,"'" t":lJ# Jllfcfwors. '""I) Joe• ;11J<l, <I th;,1 tf \\·alroll lou1 1111 ll11rt 1J. Ir t•l.m.111 h 111 r· • If,.,,. r '1 Al Rr~k. turr.r. 1l1dn 1 lo.nUt·klf' Utt" n 10 has 1enrs i-<m ICl ft~ I •• 11111. Ill• ...... rt . 1r 11•or• ,. -·~ ... St ... ' \<.••rltl rr..:h• C•.t.<> Lt>snc11ch l•wl.I\ f,. < ''"'' 11>1 1 1111• \\ ,, M l , t-rl l >u-• Al ~~I~ f ·~ '"' ,1.:.1111, "11111111• ,.1, .ii. I .... •'•t:h••. ,rwf l°*T'ftal 1 Eqwn . Apnl I.' Lou1~ only hi<: !hin t I '.· 11 hm '"fl"nm: l nom malnu1r11 11 .1 \\'I "'" • I 1t • ....,, f' In a ,,._a<" :t ,,,t' ft r••I • t1t \V.i-. '-°' ,.,, --r··· 1 f h r .tit th•''' • \h •lutiun,., r(ltur11- :t 1-:l"~I I'll• 11111.-''"'I l11111ni.; ·'' 11 .. ':· .. ~ ·~~1:.·n '::::; ~ •:::u._: . • t1 fr1>m I-uru1•· and s.nd h ~1 ''lllto 11111< 1'1• "''"'" "l"'n 1hr thought" hr'd onl) f1i.:ht (J1111• ptldlln~ "'" ,h.1rl' th; ht'1tnt.: "'·•· footir hi•• m ' rirst canw' • I !l'. 11111, nr \11'1 \•I'" \'1-..1•~tl1t\ n ..... Hr .. ,), <t t.d . II ,.., fn• an •• ton 111p1"·tl lh• T11.'<r'-. ,,,"~ md ...... ntt ~"hi •fl(IYns1 haid qwl•' lll<Jf'I' Aprtl 13 Orw day IX' fore I hf• sdw•dul1>d ~1r::ninr:: for the· S(•c.md Lows-\\"alcolt c>mhrogho. nl'g .. 1- 'I Wanna Go Home' :'liaval Air Rcs('r\'lo;ts jninl.'d rorces with a 'l'l<'run·s 11ssociat ion lo aid st&Tving !'n\'llJO and Hopi I trih,•s in Ariwnu r(·<'•'nlly whl'n supph .. s, cn ll .. <·1t«I lr) 1 lw asso- 1 ci.p tson . "•'••' llu\\11 lo llw r\'Clpi- enls by R•'Sl'n•• JJllols uttnchcd \to NavAI Air S tatton. Lo§ -Als- 111~ So"· !ilhu" lnir Gar~ Cno11t•r uncl P:1111C'ttl' Goddard -rn La11t Two Day .. \"1m .l11hnsu11 J un1• ,\II~ -on 'The Bride .. Goes Wild'' SP.EEDWAY FANS ATTENTION! TUESDAY NIGHT· JUNE 8 t:I' HUNTINGTON BEACH SPEEDWAY ST~RTISO AT 8 .lli P. ~I. JIMMY MARTIN PKl:Sl:STM '?'? DEATH-DEF\'ISG IS HI!'! Al.L-t:AMTF.RS 0 0 • • • • • 0 • ACTS "HELL SHOW" • 0 0 • • • YOC'LL SU : THF.SE Ol'TSTA:"o:DJ~G ACTS: THt: Hl.'~AS BATTERISG RAM. :\totorcyrlr Jump OH·r SIT"mt•n. THt: l"l.IDF. t •oR Llt "E. th(' A1'TO Dl\'t:-BO~Bt:lt C&ASH. Harry Wnolman, lamou, Holl)Wood stun1man. run on•r hy a n,·~-ton truck, and INp •1tll lllh motorc-)·<'lf' 30 fN>I thru thf' air lntn a "all of ""'·and '1MMV MAR· TIS. lht-boPll,.,·~-ll--0r-not !'ltunt Klnic. <1llf'm111 lo balanc'f' a f'ar on onf' wheof'I. Th·~· and man' 11th1•r unlwhf'\'ahlr :11110 ant w~ •ll<rnl!' "11h thr lo\'nhlt'. mirih-pto· \okm11: l'I•"'" "ll!JMlrkpluic". -'"II v.ill ,,.,. 1111,. T111•-w11t~ nli:ht :11 1111• Huntlnte1on RC'IM'h ~·•.•. y,.u·,,. "''n 111 .. n ·•t. "°'' "''" thf' l><••I Thf'rt' I' ;ilw:r)' FREE PAHK I:"\(; nt 1 hl· 'l'<'l•dw,1~ .111d d<1n 1 1111 1.;f'I t lw rc•r::ul;i r FritlH~ nix ht richt .,.,,.nl hol rod ~lni: proarram ... Racingl~ YOUI'!-, ROB WARE Camp •lgn-up day lor all ho)S and 1Prl1 ol the area wm bt' at the Newport Beach PlrmCl'lllU} l'Ch<t01 on 'J'ul'llday, Junf' fl ()all'~ AN' a<i follO'N11: Oran1otC' Counh Oldl'r Boys. endcs 9-12. J un.: 12-21- 118..25 ; Jr. ffl·Y. l{MldC'S 7-~. Juni• 28-July 5. $1500: Y\\'\A Youngl'r Girls, arades 5-8, Julr 12-19- 115.00; South Omni:r County Youneer 8c)yll, grnd('!l 4-5-6. July 19-26--115.00: YWCA OldC'r Girl•. sndet 9-12, Aua. 11.27 $20.50; Oranp County Younier Boys. sndel .. ~. Aue. 27-Sept. 3- 115.00: HJ -Y -Y -TN'n Offlct>r'g Training. iradel 9-12. Sf'pt. 3-7-- 18.00. "_ .... _ ..... a.cw' Ckvc>lnml !i-11. Phih1rl<'lfll1111 :t-1 Otkai:o 10-1 1. W;L,hrni:1on 4 -4 °"-roll 4-4, Bolltnn 5-1:! 1 :! In •I llfl<I I.,, IV. Ill \\ '" 11\ll ''" tl.j\ .:· 1nn.-1w• ... ......, a l. "I~ i•luli in111 ·• thr<'• ""' 111· h•1 "''t• lt1< l'lrcrrl m rtw oprtwr 11nd fm1r1 h pl:i•·•· ""h 1 .. :1r011 "ndj add1ni: l~o ,...... cloublfs in 11Y \\'a~hm11t11n I"' ("(<fld a::a.'"" ~1~ a1~~1 ~~~~.Tiw '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Louis ri1mp "'M ftemandir;g a ~ da.-pro\ldmg for a r<'•JJrn Tht' camp applk atlon. whkh wlll be s:tven out at achool on Mon- day. mutt be rt'tumed "1th t he pe.f'ftlt'1 algnalurt' wilh S.S 00 to hold a place ln camp. For furth.-r lnlo~Uon. call JaC'k Powt>ni, Y I Upervilor, Hamor 1902-M. . SI l..cmls :\-0, Nf'W York 4-3. Satl~ ll11«1W !'o:l'w York 16-:t. P111,.hun;h 4-1 llo!tton I. Otrrni.;1> 0 Phllnd.-lph1a 1-0 . .St I .<>111s 11-:! Brookb n 5. ('am·innnll 0. I 1(8nw rnllrd rnd 51 h mm :!ntl i:nnw ra111 1 Hollywood Fii Sh l ot th• •l°r" n I• •.11<l ,\ 11 1110 m op I''''' I "·'" k1llotl uncl lllt' .. n11rt' . :nuli•nf'• ... ,,.,. .. t up Uhl th•t"t••I By PATRH'I.\ C'l •• \R\' 1 Sm· clnd I ". 1 1h1t '' "'"''' • t•nitC'd Prt>ll• S111rr Corrl'~llOndrnt lllah••llt'AI u .. ath HOLLY\\'0 0 1) 1 l'1'1 I S1.111 Th.-111•"' 11111 •• 11, .ti 11•, "" f• 1 ford Jollry, 1-.•11•ran \ 1ll.11n. h,,, •h't•"llll! 111 .l1•ll•) ""' 11 :'p:1111i.h died TI l lmc>~ In 11¥.l m11\lt ' h~ It• lnq111,111nn •1lolol111h 111.11 ""'' 11• dlffercnt 11nd lnt::•'nlo1111 mr·t hod< 1111,.,. 11 ,., '"'" 11 d"'"' ,, ",ti. i.11 1 · "Dylni: m11w~ r111111r.t1h Ip 1111 lll•<I 1 .. lt•'th••i•l••I .r.11 11 o111 •I• now," hi' sny,, "I h11\'o· mnn II\, ... , "'"' '" 1f1 than 11 roomful of cnt11." ,\ (lit t 1 h •t .t:HI ' )•t1••lth , 1 n fli'• Ont' dc>11th J1,llc>y '' 111 ""' r·r f11r i:nl 1111 ,. 111 ,,1, '"'" 111 .u-.ui 11 ht. h ll't W8& thnt In "Tlw Apt'. .., '"" l•I "'''' '" "'" '" 1,.11 h 1111 "'J wv standln1ot outiilt11· th« 111l(·, .. rt m ,, "''~1,.r11 "ri.il cage, arnokini: 11 rli.:11r." hr 1111ul ''TIM! 81)(', rtayl'd by Jim \c1rrlic11n. reached ~twl'<'n t hr h n r 5 and llartC'd In 1ttrnn1tlr nw In fl<•ini.: IO. )\(' j&mfn(-d my e1i.:11r u 11 nl} now. '"J couldn't smell nnyt hini: for n month." Jolie)'. currf'nlly th~ hl'll\') cif Columbia'• &<'rial "Trx Grangt>r."' •topped ol t Ollf' dll)· to M'<' hlm..wlf at a unall town Saturday m11tintt '"'Ille klcbr board mf' when l <'IUTlf' GENE'S CAFE ~ln French and Italian Dinners llABBOR 1102 705 Coast Hwy. C-cW MU' Casino Cafe ancl Cocktail LourMJ• * Serving Complete LUNCHES ancl DINNERS * 'F1111d 1~ th•') ·"k••tl 1111 t11r m~ "1'1111011. ' .1t111 .. ~ '·' "' "I ~n1d \\Ii\ tl11n'1 1111•\ t.•1 m1·1 i.:••I tlw 1:1rl ·i·h, n I 11 tlr;•p ct •. 1d · j Jolt<'\' hlL~ l1<.01•n I 1 i.mpl•••I '"I dr 11th hy hon>•·~. pol51•rwd. drown, rd, thrown O\'C'r 1·hfh nnd hani.:rd ffr'!I llN'n h111t'n Ii• dP11th hy do)ls. hlrd to death. slahh<'d, spcar'C'd end chnkf'd Ht"l' '""'" ~hot in be<!. In prill-On, in a har. ''" htir.;rba<"k "I'm about thl' <1l'Rdt•i:1 m11n m Hollywood." ht> "1ud rroudly "M y crowninll ambition,"' addt'd, "Is to dl" ",lh my hoots nu:· I R~I CAFE 1111 0-.. ... ,. v.-..... ... NEWLY REMODELED ~with a fresh atmo&phe~) 8peftalb:lq •• : Spaghetti • Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Roast Beef Cocktails \'rr·n Slt•ph• 11, 1,041 s 11,11 S j•'f\<• ! R.alpf1 K nv"T" .. I Uh hon1t'T of tho• i.:nt hnm1·.-.. 111 •'1'•'h ~""" s1,111,. ~ru c·u• the r.rat" "' I lo 3 '\ic- ""' 111rn•'(I fl,,,.,,, 1111 .. "'°'"ti in t•rr) a.ntf i...iritrd tho Gaants out th•· "l"'"''r ""' 11 '"' 1"" 11111 1,1 _. .,f :'"'I"....., m lhf' ~a1-.al aftrr 1n thr ••11;h•h 11 ... 1 '"' '""rt 1-~11 ' thor ~ • .,., \·~ ~~ltd out :.m1 hr• ~111~·1· 111 I 111 nrn1 h d r<"' ·• 1.; ,,. I hr"'t C"""' U rfflf')". ltt 1hl' \\ 1nnmL 1110 In rt, ",. n<i l•-t'n!'~ Sa.tn po 1rhtd • fuur-hit. i:arrw. T• 11 \\ 11111111• I. <I th• 1. •1 • '•rt«' I•< rho Iv"" a l "''uuh ''Ph ,, h. rth r tS••tJt•I· ·n.1 , i. 1 ... • ~nd d:J. ,, '" n·. nl)' run '"" ~Uh*I•' :i-.t .. •11 h• trt• •t •, ,, I p•t•·huu· I•\ I ., t J,,• ••-s. •f •• , .... 'n .. • J· • •"' .. ,~ '" t ,,, J '•'. h ... f .,_. :r ...... Utt f\1.' t •I I I' "!u I,. n , • •• tt,t\ ti 1 • I If J, "''• • ""• t '• r • .. , h.1 lt1 d ,,.,, , , I\ I • 1 '.-t.·· • -"'' . t 1 • .. , ...... ·. •hort- -C-in- Middies Graduate. at Annapolis match v. tlhrn nuwty day; 'fl••~ ck>spl• Joo•< st1>ar1y ja";ni:: :10011: th•" hcln~ th• ·last .. A1•nl 14 Tlw 11rt1r1al ~1i::nrr1.: beforc> lhfo ~ .. w \"qrk R<\~141.;, Conun1~'l•'>n "',,.._ rl.-'l.t\ ··d ;,n h• •t: •rtul" lh•· I.Aw<> a~d \\":illc.11 board" • ( •t ra '' L' "1•r.-•li:ni I -·•tit: 'I · rtl•irn 1 .. ,,11 · .i .• u•• 1ocludt-fl April 1.. A l.1n_·u1n L•u ... <>pen.·11 I • • rpm tr\ 1 r c11m ni:: •n Rloonunc<I ,. \heh . •trll 1n,.1<>1. d I Iha! 1111~ "' o, rt '"' hi' : 1n-il li.·u· )fa) l' •~·111• '-l:er1 .. t "'11"'•· trainir' ,. I •·: I''"" l .... '1k•... ='.I "'·• 11 ·1'-1'1'1· 1L 1rtl pltka:m 11w .I•~ tn-tt'f 'Pl• .. •o r ' I ..-.aul tt h• j,,r, a nd I II '' • · '" 1'11· ,. nt\ lCf f t~•I I J 11n• ·• '•··.ii ''"" n '" ""t•n1• •h1nc r• .. •· 1 1P 1t1•' n rc1\\n Bornhf'r / r •·'•I. 1 ... 111< 11,• m hr ·: ~tt • .,..., .. •r,• •. · ,,,_. ''' 1f• r th.t:1 ,t' un) t1n1• ... ,,,.,, I '• <'"<'m•· PUT Pl tlw Arn1\ .. "~ :i -"'·'"' r •• r r.w1. · 111 "a•t1. I 'th•' m·1~ 0111 I~· m~ I 1•1 t1d11 Substitute for Cotton Studied in Australia S A1' FRA:"ClSCO 1 lJPl-A1~- l 1rahan scwntu•I!' a...-stud)in1t the fibn' al a plMt • h1ch j_,. !ti roni:c>r than C'olton and. 1hey bdievr. n't'fttually may replace cotton In m.vl). tnu~. t .,_ 1"' ,.....-, MMnbf'MI of~ irraduaUnc d a .. v of lbr u s •....i An ~· --'- 1iapnlh . M d . u.a thru ca~to °"' au 111 Uw u.dn r , '.T~--­ af"°r t"f'«IYIJIS Uw11 dlpk9au at~ nr-c_. • •ua~• a third of toda)''• afr tran)tt11 -cl, ~~ •tt··•-A;r Linea hH OPt'"t'd a bab)' lou"ge ft LC9 A .. ,.." A .-; "-1 ... -• eff ""'"• to all t''Uept ,..,,..,ry ... gt travt'lt'"9 a nd 1~., a:_ :.. .. -• ·~· TlW' nprnfTlf'nls. l"f'poMPd b~ Radio Awitraha. art' nt>anni: l'Om- pil"hon and will be continl.Jf'd in Encland. TlW' plant is the l"&Dlie, which ... planlf'd SIJC'('PWUll}' i.n AU.•· tralia four )'N1"5 al!() for the f1nt time. Although the plant h.1$ bttfl known to textilr l'XJ)f'rts ton ~Y >"""· fwnotofon' it has not l:>et>n prac1kaJ lo rt'm<l'"i' f1t"'r from ramw bark and rf'mOW sum tram I the f'llM'r An Au.,trnlian in\·f'ntor perfe-ct- I f'd a ~ he h<>JJN' "111 s<>h·p I 1ha1 proh'"'"· I zoo ()\"'J;&C&O"'DEll I MF::\rrms. Tl'nn. ll "P1 -A I -.oanni;: bir1h rat<' hu forced Ow llnnpht. 700 to orr.·r fur .,,,;, I Ol'll" bab) hippo. four hnn n 1h<> I four young S1ka deer and llbl bah\ N'd fo'lr5 Otht>r n<-w addt-t1f)fl.~ :irr IW(\ h1h~ 11'lldi1d':.; ;1 j pA tr <tf Rn~''"" hr'''' n n. tr .~ .'"" anrl :i huff 1111 ··aH HOT Tl'fF. I~ !'IC HOOL ,\I.HI• •'\ Ind •I ' P • I ~rad< .. r.cl t .1~:l 't~h .... •J J'l•lfll• J,, I t t 0_)1•\t r! I thr .. ·111~ ,,,,.,,1 ,.•n 1 .. ,.,,.,., lh• • ""'~'"•f•"-n'" \\•1• ""'' "1rm \r1 '"' ,,_ r11 n•. •I J.1nii.•r turnf'd thl' \A t•'n.: ,,11,, ,,t 'h• "'t t;,,. ........... :\m r. t•1r ... ' . '. J· , .... ,jj·, ,t n •• :r 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. pttny tht m. Abovt. Stt•ardne Martha F ..... .ci. ._.,~:·ta· "'•"'• 1 Ecele1. l u1an Nt't'I. 2. a"d !.year-old tin"• •••, a •' ,e>-••• c••• catch up o" lht'tr ~olhtr Cooee. Th.e lc-ll"'Qt' •• C•!' ···: .. • ··b9 bathl,.ttl, bau•,.r t•. d1epcaabl• d1a~--s-t:~ ~ • 1·-·-• ,_. ,•h•r tqutpmt "t to ",.~ t' baby'e wait Mt'"'tt" r·•~tt --=·• r • •u·t.. 'rtrnt1zre ... .ti.•\· ,, .. , '• \.: •• "fnArk Do you •'Mt to .,u It ~ Adwr- nw iD o-e eoiWoQ... SOMETIME in the very near future. a finger will preH your doorbell. · The rina will be for you, in more than one .ense of the word For the doorbell ringer will be a volunteer represent- ative of t he U .S. Treasury, aidin£ the Security Drive to increue automatic buying of U .S. Security Bonda. For your future, for your aecurity, he will urge you to 1ign up for one of the two painlesa, easy. a nd 1ystematic plan• for puttinc part of your income-rt>gular/y-into U .S. Sec urity Bonda. One i1 the Payroll Savings Plan, for people on wagea or salary. The other i1 the B ond-A-Month Plan, for thc~se not on payrolla but who have a checking account in a bank. In all fairnts1 to youraelf, you 1hould welcome thia man ••. and llaten to him well, He i1 offerin1 you peace of mind-th• peace of mind that can only come from n1ular uvin1 for the netd1 and want1 of the futan. AM£RteA'S SECURITY IS YOUR $£CUR/TY •1 Read Today's ~ ews in the Harbor Area's Onh· Daily -.. . The Daily News -Times ~ul~·rillf' Toda~ -l"hont• llarhor I '! or J;{ :incl it \\ill 1'4• Ht•lhr1'1'CI to,\"our l kMlr ~lont.la~ ThrouJth Frida~