HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-02-17 - Newport Balboa News Times... . . . . DNLY 'BAILY NIEWBPAPl:A AN•& DDA•T'• LAllllK•T CITY -~. • ...... . . • ••• ..,, ••• u •••••• NEWPOR~ NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 - Hubl)ard . Yacht-Landiilg Sol- Hearings on 'Hot' Issues Due Tonight Memben of the ~ewport Beach Oty Planning ooinmiaaJon are girding themselves for a long ses- ton ton11ht When they are sch~ uled to take up 1everal hJghly controvenlal zoning queetJons. They Include proposed rezoning of proper(fs in the newly-annexed Co- rona if 1ghl.,,da: a set-back ellm1- nation for bluff property on the IOUth aide of Ocean ooulevard in Corona del Mar; a request for a conditional permit to construct a bulldlna for the Ebell club ln Bal- boa1 and a request for a aet·back vanance by Dr. Leo Grold. Several protest•, both by letter and pet1t1on, have been filed on the Corona mrhlanda matter. ac- cordlnJ to Commlalon Secretary Ray Copelln. The objecUona, he aald, come prindpally from Shore CUit• property own.en Who fear for their beach privflqes. A peUtkm ~ Dine sl&na-tures requesUng oomplete ellmJ- natton of the 10-foot ae~back on the seaward aide of Ocean boule- vard wt1J alao come up for action tonlgh t. If the petltlon 11 gn.nt.ed. aJcnen indicate, they will agree to keep the roofa of any new hOIUla buJlt on the Jots even with or below the curb level on the op- pmite aide of Oceo bouleYard ln on1er to sreserve the vtew of the houaea to the landward aide. The petition uka the vartanoe for the lotl tnvolved 1n the much-~ proposal by Dr. Rob- ert Burt. H1a propo9a] Pl'O\lided that an accea road be built to serve the lots on the ocean alde of the boulevard. Councilmen, however, deterred action on the propoaal, and the Corona del Mar Civic aaoctation at lta meeting thil week. disapproved the plan. ~ opposition Is also expect· ed to the Ebell club appeal for a conditional permit to build. TM existing building and the 90-foqt adjoining lot owned by the club en both .1n the R·2 zone. which prohJbtu ~ of property by tn- 1titution1. Becat11e the building waa there many yean before the zone law was paned. however, it ca.n legally remain. Any expansion, however, must be by tM clt;ya le- gal permJaafon and It 15 for th1a l't'a.son that tonJght'1 application will be heard. Tht-fourth applJcatlon ls bv Dr. U-0 Grold fOf' fl flve--foot set-back variance for Lot 4, Block 2, Tract 626. It la understood that this too. wll l be C>Pl>QHd. The commJs.Sfon meet.a at 7 :30 p. m . tn the city hall councll chambera: overe11 aoat 11 Propose Plan Sold Again; Wiii Be Recond1tloned f All y · . Tlae llar7 ~ "'41~7-adverU.-or . ear eel craft wldcla ftcurecl la the de&tll of ;Jlr. ud Mr9. Walter R rt He OverelJ la Newport Barbor two eso re 7-.ra aco. .... been IOld .. ala. The r... Aacelee attonae,-wlao submitted a ld&'b blc1 of fltoO The Newport Harbor area can for tbe ISO-foot craft wtaa ti be dever into a ~ wu eol4 at aueUoe lu. IO, did = tn~e !.u,~a!1C:uJ: i: ao& follaw throuC)a OD _JM DQr.:_·t-O'l9~~meLJ:natill:l1L..-~--J. cll.ue aad Ulla weell tile boat Sorenlon, ~president ol wu boacbt b7 Attonae, Bay the chamber ot commerce, ex· Mayfield of Sootb Gate, Oallt.. pressed th1I optnion yesterdaY f ,1000 noon In speaking before the week· or • ly memberah.ip meeting at the Ma.Yf,leld laa4 t.M cru1Mr tall· Roumore ca!e. Sorenlon dted two m to a boahntPt la Souu. examples ot advertislnra power ln 0 ... b ..... _ A-·-•._.. ball h~lplng to draw outsfders into a a~e w ere •uv U.J--given area. wm be npa&.recl &D4 tbe boat LaJoUa. a small beach commun· made .,.,,_.. W1Mm at a. tty to the south, used to enjoy a ready-ta aboat ttaree montba-irood summer P8t.ronace but little fn the winter, he said. By a cam- be apecb to take • crulae to palgn or advertlsf~ putilished 1n Acapulco. large mktwestem new.papen, La· The lhl7 IC wu oae of tile Jolla'• merchanta were IUICCetdul <idef ..... .,.._ a. tile IB1lnler ln at tracttn~ people !run thU area . . \. and in persuading them to IPend VIAi ol C1'e Onrell'a d.aqbter, the winter in LaJolla. Now this .,._,.,. ~ aad bier "••oe. clcy haa u much towUt buatnw a.. o.n.m. wlao were aecn9ell ln the wtn~r 1lS the swmner, be : ~of oe ... •sul~~· aaJ~e other illustration Involved .. _,, wse aoq ·-.. ... the newly-opened and l~ er a leaaUa7 trial. Surf and Sand club at Beach where an unusually CIAPEIOIE REQUEST MADE FOOT FEllY PUIS IDVllCE Plana for a foot ferry to be run from the Balboa ma.lnland to the foot of Marine avenue cm Balboa Wand are progreaina favorably, accordin& to Monte Grimes. chair-man of a committee set up by the chamber ol commttee to 1tudy the poa:tbWties of auch a 1ervlce. ~tage of guest.a ~red wtth Waah.1naton ac:klrftaes on the Coo~ratioA of local reeltora In ooening week~· An investlptloll helping to see that each youth ahowed., Sorenaon saJd, that they group renting housing In the Har- had resl)Onded to advertlsementa bor area during Easter week ha.a printed In Seattle newspapen Ult-a qualified chaperone wu request- ing the attnctions at the South-ed t.hb mornJng by Dean Brad- em California beaches durini the ford of the local junJor chamber winter months as <XXlt.ruted with of commerce. Grl.mea said that all inerchanll Interviewed both In Balboa and on the laland have shown enthusiasm for the tnausuraUon of a ferry to run from the Pavilion dock on the mainland to a public landing on the laland aide. Proposed more than a year ago, the feny plan haa bffn ne&otiated without result. A conference la.st lllrinc wtth J . A. Beek, operator ol the auto ferries, had no posl- tlve N!9Ulta. Another such confer· ence 11 ICheduled u 100n as Beek returna from a CTU1se he la now making, Grimes sa.1d. Major question In the ferry's operaUon ls whether or not it can be made to pay or will h.ave to be subsidized. Some m et:chanu have eXDttaed themselves u being willlng to help with a subsidy ln vtew of the lncreued business IUCh a aervtce Is expected to bring merchant.a of both districts, Grimes reported. the unplee.aant climate of the Add.res&ing the realty board's snowy regions. breakfast meeting at Norton's The new chamber president l&ld Bradford said that the juntm'. he ls confident the same selling chamber ts anxious to provide a Job can be done for Newport Beach ~am and entertainment for with the reauJtant beneftll to local the annual influx of teen agers to businessmen and p«>Petty owntta. minimize any destrucUve tenden· THERE HAS TO BE A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING, JUDGE Every time a speeder llu COD· h-oated .luqe Harry Bl~ett ta local t'lty court. be hu pleedecl cuJlty. Evt'ry time until thla 1DOf'1l1D«, that la. T~ Robert L. Strat- ford of RmaUnston ae.cJa ~ pe9.l'eid before tlle Judie and boldly ,proclatmed hb lanocmce oa a cla&rl'e of drtvlq U mDee per bou:r l.n a 1&-mlle &00e nea.r the ITamm&r lldtool on Central ••mve.. Off'lcer .lack Prlee had dtfd tbe mot«lat. Aft.er r«"OVertllJ from hi.a nr- prt.e. lodp Blodl'etl Mt a (.'Om't trial for March n aad re- leuecl bJm on Illa own recopl- aaac:e. clea of the minority. At the same tlme, he f'mphasiz· ed. the chamber wants to be sure that the young people are prop- erly chaperoned. The realtors can be of real aerv1ce ln-'thls respect, he said, It they will requlre that a responsible adult be on hand during the rental period. Other matt.en taken up at the meeting included a report by Har- vey Pease on the vacancy survey. Forms were being malled out tMs week. and must be returned l.n time for the survey to be com· pleted by March 1, he saJd. Mn. Eva Mpen, board sf'Cl"e· tary, told of " secretary's confer· enO! 1he attended in Long Beach yesterday. Stanley Smith report· ed on propoeed amendment.I to the board by-Jaws and much time was taken in dlacusalng the cha.ng- (Contlnued on Page Twelve) Purchase ts· Made by 1Syndicate Sale of Hubbard'• Yacht Land- ing Co., one of the l&J'lett tn the Harbor area, waa d.iaclo9ed t.oda.Y. The purchuer la a syndicate composed of Ernest and Myrna SafU.r of lJdo hle. Herbert 'ftlom. • • ~ SdH1 .. mo-----ther) and Norman Wlllon. manq. er of the landing for many yean. New owners have already taken posseulon. The conalderaUon wu not dl.sclosed. The yacht landing, which wu partly owned by ownen of the South Coast company wu pur· chued from the original OWllft'I of the firm. Walter Fr-anz, Dr. Walton Hubbard and Mn. Martha' Howe. Mrs. Saftlg ls the only part- ner Jett ot the original South Coast company owners, Included in the transaction are the dock.a and Ills-which provide mooring spaO! tor a Jarp number of the more luxurious yacbbl ln the harbor. Wilson wllJ conUnue to manase the landina and bultnen will be continued aa usual, the new own-ers announced. Runaway Girl, 1&, Picked Up lere A 16-year-otd runaway etrt from Venice wu picked up by Jo. cal police early thla morning, they reported. The girl, rll'lt noticed by a atty. hound bus driver when ahe all&ht· ed from hls bus yesterday eventna with a sailor was plcked up at 16th and Central avenue th1I morning. She told conflicting atories of getting $61 she had ln her poqes- sion. At first 1he claimed the aall· or she accompanied to .a yacht here gave it to her. Later ahe con· fessed the money wu stolen from her sister with whom she lived in Venice. Police turned the girl over to juvenile authorities where It wu ascertained ahe had two prior de- linquency records. * Weather & Tides * Clear today wl th rlslna temper- a tvee. TDlPERATUBES Air (low. 24 hn. > ···-··---...38 Water ........... . ··-·····--····-.54 ~wa. t!:.fJ~i ~nr· 11 f~R-j_ -· -1 f :ill 0:1 Tbu --:I:02P 12·tlP 4.0 t :OIP LI 11 j@-112.40A 6.1, ?:IU 0.7 P'rt. ·----1 :IOP 1.2 t :«P 1.1 This Isn't Much to Aslc if Your loved One's Dying ''There ls IO little time," the man aald quietly. "People just do not understand. It Isn't charity we want, only a place to live. I can pay $60 or SSS a month, but when I speak of the children . . . they freeze. We.'' and h1I voice broke, "wouldn't Interfere wlth their summer rent.ala. We would be aone by the tint of July." The worker looked away, She cttctn•t trust henett to look at him. F\lnny too, for ~ WU uled to mllery and de9pair'. but somehow this wu dlUerent. · · ~ man had d.lmlty, pride. and nO bltter- nela. Ile .only wanted a plae@ to Uft. nte woriter rGM, and drew her • coat about het:. 'Tll do my best," ahe aald ''This area ta a wondertul place. Someone will understand. l am sure." Quietly ahe tiptoed from the tiny room with the ftttully sleep- lna woman in lt. 'lbe 1quare box ot a pull-down bed Jooftd dlapro-- portionately large with the frail form ln lta cen ter. How white the 1heebl were, ahe ttfiected. how VU, wblte, and the dnale room, despite tM number of lb inhabi- tants. wu never dirty. Where did tho d\llc!ren aleepT Then Wal IO little apace. and there tvere no other beds, and •.. the woman WU 41fn& ... June•• tM doctor bad NJd, "no J.onpl'. 4 The thJn tired face on the pOlow wu a patient one. It h.ad chang- ed. she noted. even ln the pa.at tew days, but the eyes were the same, gray-blue and determined. Death was never mentioned, and pain WU taboo. but It WU fO\.D' shots of morphlne a day now, the man aald Th~ wu so much to be done, and so little time. The lut vait the worker h ad made had been with the intent of tlnd:lnc a temporary home tor the children, ao that the woman could have quiet. Gradoualy ahe had been thank· ed. but the ofter had been de- cllned. Ohtldrm bdonp4 with their pamit.. and theme. well .. these were no trouble at all, and besides they were all learnJng to- gether. The worker looked poUte- ly puzzled. ''The houaekee.ping; game," chlrped a cherubic four· year-oJd. The mother smiled. ''You see,'' she aald. "l believe that the great· eat lift we can give our children theae days la sell-reliance. Ttmes are eo uncatrun, that the more Independent we can l>E-, and the better able to manage and tAke care ol ourwlvei, the ufer we are. The ~la have reallJ' done quite wen: she amllccl. ·.You. would be ::r lwd how well they can cook, they are IO neat about the home. I mn Vf!r/ frOud of ~ ln tact. there are da,_ when I know l am greatly bleat." That had been two weeks qo. They had been so hopeful. Of coune there was a house IOllle- Wbere. Just a tiny houae, It didn't matter, and they could cto IO much better. The worker agaJn looked at the aleeplng face. Then ati. hurried OUL It WU IO desperate. Some- Wheri! there wu a ~. Tbere had to be a hoUlc?. Someone ~ undentand. There lt.IU wee ~ . ple Who reniemberect tba1 .. w•'· IOe\'(!I" ahall do It unto U. 1-.t of thete, hath done tt unto -. " Hubor ~ ... or .•• B 4)!f 682, . " ,_2 T ennHJff Williams Ploy Next Offering al Laguna Playhouse -rHE YOUNG IDEA" NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES Thwnclay, F ebruar,. 17, 1949 Pltone Harbot .13, 20I: Res. Hatbot ''Tl·R Pomona Campus Club Enterlained o1 T ecr in S#ellehsen Hom• Mn. J . Lealle Steffeneen en- ter1atned rnenihen ot Pomona CamPUa club on TUelda)' afte!'- noon at her ~ In O:>l'cna del Mar1 ottlcen ol the Oranp cou,n .. ty ClUb bdnc spec1al IUftta. They ~re: Mra. Georp Mar- tlnl, pretldent; Mn. Marjorie Cole, ~ and Mn. R. E. Stetnberpr, treu:urer. Mn. S. H. Franklin presl.ded at the tea table. Pla.nl wwre dbeuaed for the benefit concert to be atven by the college mu.ak ~t at Brid&'etl auditorium on Sunday aftemooaL March 27. 'ndteu ~ be ootalned tram any men- ber of~ club or by calltn1 Mn. Franklin. Hn. Haf Will Smith. Mra. Nicholas P. Brettner Ol' Mrs. Stetfe08en. By Messler ANO MMT llHAI TO • 10\"WlltN(, WU. MIU ¥0UtilGf WHAT T01'a FAVOIUD L\.DIO 8TAU AU WE.ADNG FLORENCE HALOP, ''Mla Duffy" ot ''Dutb'• Tawna" ap- pean before the mJke Wedrxs- day nla:hta on NBC dreaed to the tHth in a raJnboiw-1ike,. wide- aklrted sw1sh.ln& taffeta affair, oamplete with babydoll lhc>ea that have red ribbon tJe.. Slx minute. flat after ~·· on the air, Florence ls the pf~ ol svelte elecance. emer'l[ing from her dreulng room cfreaed In black from t~ to toe. It'• all done with the aJd ot zippers. F1ottnce WMn her at.reel clothe. under the "Miu Duffy" ~t-up. Much pra~ at quick chanaes durin& ber atq-e career makes 11 no problem at a.l.Yto switch from Brooklyn to ntth Avenue ln a Jllfy. Marlon l;(ut ton. canary on "'Il\e Jack Carson Show." had a complete new wardrobe to tor- Uty her when the show took to the road a few weeka bade. Nevertheless she can't wait until they get to New York ao she can I buy some n~ clothes. "l have nothing to wear," ls the famlllar plaint. Th~ Carson troupe w1U be In New York for three weeks. MArton ought to be able to Pick up a g)ad rag or two in that time to make heT happy. Martha Proudfoot p re t t y i::chool tra<-h<>r on ··(; E House Part}" (she's the one Who pth- ers up the ldddJ from aur- round.Jng schools a nd brlnp them to Hollywood for the ABC net- work ahow) ls partial to blue. Says tt ls a ''tQ'mpathetic'' color and kids respond better when blue la tM predom.tnaUng color l n t h e gt"O'Nn-up'1 costume. Brown 11 anolher good color- when deallng with yoonpt~. DmYA ICNOWf That Ludlle Ball, 1tar of "My Favorite Husband" bnrd on CBS Frid.a.YI, gav~ up acttna at one point In her caJ'ft1' to be- come a model ln New York'• cloak-and--ault d1atrlct. Her Jft0delln1 abWty and un- usual appearance brouaht Lu- tille to the attentlon ol HattSe Cunea!e, one of the world'• fottmolt fashion delknen. and w -.nt to work ln the el~t Cllnwsi• ~ wMn Abe =yto:=11;"' ot u,, ,,.. Puhlic /nvitecl to Silver Teo Program ol Music ancl Fashions A dellgbtful musical program and spring fuhioo show will fea- ture the lilver tee. to which the public Is Invited on 'lbunday, Feb. 24 from 2 to 6 p.m. in the new Girl Scout Uttle House, 1700 West Central avenue, Newport Beach. The Zonta club ot New- port Harbor is sponsoring the tea, which will be a benefit tor the Girl Scouts. 1 • Marv Batten StNfensen, wbo Is in charge of the musical pro- gram, has some very fine num .. bers. The soloist ls Adriene Wat- ers. Miss Waters Is a major ln music and is a graduate of Smith College. She moved to Southern Calfomia last year hun Long I~lllnd. New York and is now soloist at the .Neighborilood Con.- ~tlonal church in Laguna Beach. Unda Bennecke ls the harplst. She Is now in the 7th s:rrade but has been taking lessons ~lncc she was five years old. She Rtudicd in Los Angeles with Nan- .nette Bryson Black. The fashion show ls under the direction of Helen Peterman and Ida Naylor. The following stores are participating: Nfna's, Ida Naylors, ~ mates. Knit and Purl shop, - boa Island; Fun Fashions, F1tz- pa trkk's, O'Brlens Specialty Shop, Petite Ville of Corona del Mu; Dorothy's, The She Shop, Surf and S811d. The Bobby Shop of Balboe. and Lorabeth's of New- port Beach. The painting by Thelma Pad- dock Hope can now be seen at the Earl Stanley real estate of- fice, 228 Marine avenue. Balboa Island. All rnembel"'S are sellln~ tJckets for the pelntJng,--0r they may be secured at Stoddards Patio Shol>. Hampton's drug store and ~l Stanley's office, all of Corona del Mar. The palnt-ln~ will be on display at the tea and the final drawing will be 80l'netlme in the afternoon. Memben of the hoe.rd of di- rectors of the Gtrl Scouts; Mn. Drake wife of Mayor Drake; Mn. Jel'T'Old Spangler, president of high echool p . -'l'. A.; Mn. Boy- LOUNGE Young Churchmen Paclc. Supplies lor Hollancl Family St. James church Yoong. Church- men'• Lee&ue met Sunday eve-ntnc at tM home of Miss Judy Allen, 314 Anade, Balboa. Three large cartons of canned goods were b~gl\t by the young peo- ple tor wrapf>lng and shipPing to their adopted Dutch f amity tn Holland. Ola.rle. Seeley, chairman ot the project, read a letter re- ceived from ttie family telling the youna people that there were three boys in the family. of 17, 14 and 9 yeara ot age. The lettrr expressed apprecla tion at their interest and &ratltude tor the work the young people planned to do in the Wll.Y of assistance. George Clambers, presiding at the meeUn~. introduced Dean C. S. Mook, who ls on leave of Abse nce from St. Luke's chu rch. Vancouver. Washington, as the speaker of the evening. Dean Mook 811d Mrs. Mook had visited Holland and were able to de- scribe the country to the young people. Further plans In 'aiding their adopted family were discussed bv the group who hope to have a clothes and linen shower in the near future for this family. Following tlre meeting refresh· ments were served by the h06t- ess, Judy Allen. Mlss Nancy Mil· let t was surprised with a birth- day cake with which she was honored by the gl'OU!>. The next meeting-will be Sun- day eve'l\ing, Feb. 20 at the home of Phyllis and Roy Watkins, San Bernardino avenue, Newport Bt>ach. The--executlve committee will meet with their a.dvtsors. Mrs. Alexander Hamilton and M.ra. Edward Karen. Thursday. Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Olartes Seeley, Co6ta Mesa. vey, prestdent of elementary school P .-T. A., and Ml"'S. Hazel Grant Klng, aponaor or the Z-onta club, have been Invited to pour. Mrs. Mlldred Stanley Ls gen· eral cha1nnan and with her com- mittees, has completed all plans for the affair. CHAIR Or~ DiNCtty ,,... Ow '"'-Y '" tt.e Cel.r ef Y 0..1 OH.Ice ••• 18 SOUD OOLOBS TO CHOOSE FROM RIGULAI PRICI St. 9S 3995 For Limited Time Only WW eel. ... Ptl•& C..W..U... M.M A .. Ju-J ••• m 00&8'1' BIOllWAY Newport Beedl -Ned to AD A.merba lllarbt OPM.......,. E• tr .. '1111 l:te -.HU ......... B-..1161 • n Sl to th• stc m3 tlu Lo do· Th utc Ch an bu th• -· Wit th• oft Ri· ca1 -l I . clc th• idE tin go YO' lee mE PC ne1 We Jw an• lan get "bl the caJ COi ba· to CVI tht IT th• lin lt no we It or ve plf ln1 OU De peo Yo th• ga u To bu aa: COi tea l'n wt yo th• ldE la1 yo ale [ ( .. • .. Thuftcla;, F......,., 17, 1949 .NBWPORT BAU10A NEWS-11MES lrom -flte By Germaine Haney SUD~Well, I WU going 1.o give voice to a few sublime though ts, but YoU know me. In- stead rm doing my stuff with the was her . Lots of hoopla down the block! T he next m.ln- u te there were Charles. Gordie, and Richard bursting l n t o t he back yard -with the gate w ide open a n d the dogs taking off like rabbits. "Hey, Mom.'' Richard said. "Charles found a can of gasoline in the vacant lot -and he sloshed it on me. Will I blow up?" Well, I stuck his clothes in the washer . But there's nothing like planting an idea in a feeble mind. I'm sit- ting here waiting for it to go boom. Olarles, I could wring your neck. Tha t brand new leather jacket smells 11 k e a mechanic's night-mare. G. S. P.-T.A. to' 06serv• Young Riders Capilla Circle to Heor SI. Jam•• C6urcA FouMlers .. Doy Pro.,ide P,Qg10m lo' Program' on India to D"1ic&le byF~~ 'W1~ ~ Boots & Sodclle Cluh Capilla arc1e oi 0orcma c111 Memorial Winflow tary ICIM>ol Parent~ UIO-0ne ot the meat J)l'OIJ'UnS en-Mar Community churdl wm ... datlcm on Monda.Yt Feb. 28 at a Joyed by Boots and Saddle dub meet Wedne9day. Feb. 28 at 2 meetin&' to be bela at 2 p.m. In memben waa that ot M~ p.m. in ~ hall wtth Mn. Corona del Mar school auditor· evening. planned by the under .John S.dlelr ~ lum. 'teen qe aroup. M n M. Mrs. Rhoem, diatrict ottlcer. ..a .. -r AMA hall rs. ""° -:r--1 Pl'08l'llD will be a~ guest an4 put On entea......_ the .... .,.vn , chairman, wUl 1ntroauce the .. ~tdents Will be honored decorated ~tely fQr the speaker, Mrs. C. E. Waldeck. who ~ ,.._ . day, each rriember wu presented will ctve an llluatnLtt!d talk on Assistance League ~en~~s ~~ 11!~.en J'!. In~ Dlle Wahl wm lead 1n de- ft/ans to E•pan-' .sephine McKee mw a number votlons. Mn. o. z. Robertson r A g for the door prize, which waa reminds members they ahould W ellare Program won by Doona Roclt. brt~ thetr mite boxes. Meeting for luncheon in the For the program. Ronnie Engle Mostesaes w1ll be the Mes- bay front home o! Mrs. E. E. acted as master ot ceremonies dames Wendell Hoytt Mary Boudin t Tu....... F b 15 mem and presented an old fashioned Dodd, R. S. Hampton ano Gordon hers o~ 'the ""f'i!:i>or e Asslatan~ melodrama. Parts were taken by Thomu. League discussed plans for a ~::'~rt~: =J1 ~C:~ 8 ----.--. --. -. --~~ expanded welfare ~ 'l'rompeter 8.Jl4 Pat Williams. r resbyte11an M'oderator by the 4'-voice chclr ot u.e 9aa According to Mn. R.R. Hodg-They ~ aillaied by Cecelia to Sp,.,.i Friclay Eve Frand.co TbeolQllall ~W7· kin.son, increased demands tor1 James. Billy Wame. Mary Bar-,._ Dr. Bal.rd ~~ of· assistance are continually forth-· rett, Bob Hall and Wanda Kas .. at Orange Church tice ln the~ ._.. ~th:W~tal ~~~ pe~ere were also musical num-Dr. Jesse H. Baird. moderator ~ ~-~ ~ schools are be~ met. bers by U~ S~le, accor-of the General Assembly of the Seminary. Thll put aurm•aar lie Mn. George ardley annmedlounceal-~~t. and rt Grt ey. guitar-Presbyterian church, U.S. A.. la wu one ol the de1epte9 ~ ed that a well equipped m to speak tomorrow evening-Fri-the United States to tbl World. supply closet in the-1X'hrift Sh'op After the program there was · day, Feb. 18 at 7 :45 o'clock-in Council of Qiu.re.Ml at ·~ has been given the visiting nurse. 19uare danclrig with 01ff CUrtia the Flrst Presbyterian church of dam when the World o.mdl .,.. and that notification ot the ar-playing the guitar and Mr. Ka&-Orange H will be accompanted fol'\Pally estabUlhecl. rival of five $10.00 CARE pa.ck-per on the vfolln. At the close ot»----· __ e ___________________ ~-~ ages sent by the Leeaue had the evening the young people been received. served cookies, candy, tee cream All League oon-espondenoe will and coffee. ln the future be sent to the Home Play D~ 'T'-rift Sh""" the m----... 'p was On Sunday Feb. Z7, there will 1';dormed ~ a mailbo'7'b: been be a home piay day with mem- establiahed there. Mrs. William hers meeting at 8 :30 a.m. for Holstein reported that the Junior break!aat and a trail ride, f« Aaslstance League 'WU interested wh.tch guests will be pennitted. in SUPPlYtng needed equfpment at Luncheon will be served at the Olrf Harvey school for handi-noon and the afternoon hours capped children, u well u eerv-will be devoted to a (ll"Bctice lng ln active volunteer cape.cl~ play day. · there. March 17, ahe also stat ~~~~~ ~r!:1~ ~e Ca/ii. Alumni Club .~r~00bet!tre::i 'o:t! =-to Show Mo.,ies Tonight Mrs-:'~chard Castle and Mn. ~ ft I Lu L D • Vtctor GT&Oe assisted Mrs. Bou· ur ro CA inner dinot ln the role of hosteuea. POOR MAN-That poor gard- ner ? Honestly, I feel for him. We're ruining hil reputation. He Just gave me another pep talk, and who can blame him. "It l.sn't that I want to make sug- gestions, Mrs. Haney.'' be says, "but why can't they play in the back?" Poor fellow, be just can't see why lite has to be a combination field hockey, base- ball, and football game. I aay to him sometimes, "Weren't you ------------Ca.litom.la Alumni Club of Or-ange county announces a pot. we'll get sued. Why don't you luck dinner and big game movtes haul your junk home-? to be held tonight at 6:30 o'clock ever· a boy?" Richard , you stop that swearing. IT HURTS -What on earth's the matter with Nbde? He's limping. This morning I'm sure 1t waa the tront left paw, and now It's t he right hind one. I wonder L! he's putting 1t on, or if it's hoof and mouth disease or what. Surej ott we go to the vet's again-ust when I was planning to spend my life's sav- lngs on a new dress. Hey, you out there with the brown Jacket! Don't you go .throwing orange peel in the street around here. You go pick It up and put It ln the garbage can. And lock tb.e gate, too, will you'! LETS SEE -Let's see, now. To get back to that sublime business. Whal was I going to aay? And what am I going to cook for supper? I've only got ten dollars left. and tomorrow I'm giving a luncheon. Gord.le, what do you want now? Well. your rolltt skates are behind the rocking chair. What wu \he idea of leavtng them out on the lawn all night? The tint thing you know some.body'll c o m e along and break their neck, and LETS SEE NOW -I was go-in Santa Ana ooUeae lounge. Jlm ing to say something brilliant, F= Jr., president, will be I know I waa. H ey, what•s go-in The ~ of thl.a meeting ls ing on here? Look. you chJldren tor a social ,et-to-Kether with had a jam session all lut week-other <>ranee coun~umnl ot end. Do we have to start that th Uni ... _, ot l all over again? Don't any of e :Ven.at&' om a at YoU kids have homes of your Berkeley . Movies of. the big game own? The nelgh f>on will run us with 'Stanford unJvendty will be shown. The Orange County out of here. Every day 1 ex-Scholarship fund wlll be further- pect somebody to come around ed by collecting a 35c admluion and aak me to sign a petition chara'e per couple. against myaeU. Gee, life was The dinner committee co-chalr- so happy ln the good old days men, Mr. and Mra. Pat Pattenon before the boys went musical. d Mr d ._._ Bob Wilde lt was so calm. AU they did was ~th ot s:'ta A;,7i~·will be usiat~ beat the stuffing out of each ed b Mr d ... _ W D thin y • an £YI.I ~. Jn. • other and P · Gresch.ner of Santa Ana. Mr. and I KNOW rr WAS-I wonder Mn. O\arles Smith ot Orange what I was golng to aay. It was and Mr. and Mrs. Carl PaacalJ of Santa Ana. something important. Uplifting All alumni interested in the ... You know, the soul, t he activities ol this dub who wish splrit-Rlchard. are you ever ootng to get a hair cut? You to attend thJs pot-luck dinner • should make reservations tor look like a captive ape. Be quiet, food assignments with Mrs. Pat- ldds-PLEASE-it'a the phone. terson, KI 2-8510 or Mrs. Wilde, DruHeUmo. ~e· I 'm r1in~.:'d HDrwnunh? KI 2-3681. """"&" • . . !HU • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii boogie-Well, you heard me. Drum ~e--woogie. Say, what am I ? A maniac? ITHEsE WOMEN! By cf Alenlo I RUGS, CARPETS Upholstery Cleaned FLOOIS W AXID & POUSHIO Wedi .... Ja p.., ..._,. • ..,, llao• ULT&& MOD..aN K&TBOD o_.....wan~ PBONS BAa80• DM-W ., .•. ..... ..... ... ..,.,, ............... ,,.. .... .. • .~1•• 's1to ... ,....,.. ..... din· at, ... ~ \ Costa Mesa NURSERY PHOHI llACON 1181 z hperieace4 Go ...... A•elle'-1• Hew &..wa1-R•oveti•t· Pnt11l•t ~lat· l.•t•tilUat IEDOIMG PLAHTS, ..._ Aillj/4 ALUMINUM • AWNINGS TO llMOVI adhesive tape paJnleHly, ·UM nall poll1h NlftOVer er deaning fluld. WASHINGTON lllTHDAT PUNCH tc....., .............. ¢11 1c...... ..... .. 1 ...... 1 c. ~..... ' .. -.., ........ ~ ........... ..... . ........ . Dl11olve ...-In water .,. dlNCI heat, .tining constantly. Cool. C.... bfne all lvlce, IVIClf and water IY"'P1 let ttand • .l•tt IMtot. .. rvt ........ with .. ..., ale and pour ever c:radetl Ice In punch bowl. Gamlth with pitted canned ef llHIRUdal• mentee. < TB.VI ~Ol_!llSIOJr) -----: ~o ,...,_. . . . .. MIY YIAI 11tote women tar they prefer aoocl Weber't Bread fot ftt treda sweet flavor. loft, tender ancl cl.a. dou1, Weber's It enriched, too, fer ntaxlmulft nutrition. Loo• for the tar blue and w•lte chec••d 11111••• wrapper. I • I NEWPOllT BA•c80A N&ws;.TlllP -=-------- • • • • • • • DREW PEARSON ON ' t)}.e WASHIN6TON MERRY.GO-ROUND DR I: W: PEARSON SAYS: LE018LAT'IVE PROCESSF.S COOL ATLAN110 PACT OON· ORESSMEN STIFFEN LANGE'S DETERMINATION: TRUMAN PATS POLL DIS-SECTOR; STATE DEPART· .MENT HINT PUSH ED FRAN<X> LOAN. the other day. , "It j.m had to be done." . Truman Indicated he had read every word of the book and thor- au&blY eoJoyed the~ the prea and the predicters were taken apart. "Herbert Hoover,'' remarked Truman. "told me M had handed out autasrapba all his life but never uked for o.oe. But I'm one President who 1a golnw to uk for an autogTaph. I want youn." Truman h a n d e d a copy of Ernat'a book back to him while Ernat lnacribed lt . ' t t;U!VllSIUfll ic. ~•· -t'u n. 1. • ::. .:1· l)o ooocs ~ .. -~1Ht>1 JO. I J-. ;) ~1"7 Mt. ~ . .:l-Nman" Youns ·, <..-Alau Dale 8 '.OJ-WorUhop 11 .JO-:'fa.mo Thai 80q ll 00 Wtndow "' world KNllU-Cllanael • '1 :oo-JUdJ 8pUoten '1 :l~ .... , ProaUer '1 ".30-Pbll Jnlidcm 7 .~,. ... 8 OO-Woma.n'1 WoJ'1d - F~ 17, lMt '.30--ChWJ Le Polil• I :40-8t&l'Ut.e Tlme t :OO-ebow ·nme t :30-Dwlnlnpr l0;00-8UJ>per 01\ll> KLT&-Cbaallelt 5::»-.Mewt 8:3G-T~JMCOU' 7:00-BbOPP'DS et llome 7:JO-Wnmu'I YilrU'\d 1 :30-CclmedJ • :00-Bnll.JWnod Oppar • :00-Tea..l'nruo> &11-n-c1aaa • .a • '1 :00-"8Uce ,,r t.lf•" 1 :ll-8top, Loot. u.ten • • • I c s 1 oU ml COi OV4 wa tet d:I f; Ch Ro J rac Ar I:'' aio pre ste • I a -- ] ( o: 17, 1949 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.nMES Sgt. lie Shorb Says •••• Two ·former members of the Newport Beach pollce torce have rejoined the Reaular Anny. Leo F. Smith, who has resided with his wife and three children at 119~ Marine "avenue, Balboa Island, served 52 months in the a.m)y 01dnnnce including two years ln the Asiatic and EllroPean thea- ters. He wtts enlisted in his rormer auade of staff sergeant. John J . Bloom, a former Marine. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie J . Bloom. 3Z'I Ogle street, Costa Mesll., ls aJso a veteran ot the Pa- cific theater where he served tor two years. A b1·olher, Robert, is also in the A nn,y, usigned to the Armed Forces Radio Service at Fort Richardson, Alaska. • • • City Has Stake in Water Fight, Speaker Tells Cham lier MemMrs J\ tomur Navy veteran who pal'- ticlpe.ted in the Philippine l104"r- ation campaign returned to the service ,by enlistJng in the U. S . A.ir I Force. He ls Martin D. York. 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. York, 1102 HunUngton avenue, Hunung- ton Beach. He was enlisted at the Lon& Beach A1r Force Base and hu reported to Hamilton Alr Foree Base, Califom1a for assign- ment to duty. • • • Orange county men interested in Newport Beach as well as every other Southern Callfomla com- munity has a real stake In the out- come of the current controversy over dJv1sion ot Colorado rlver water. This fact was emphasized yes- terday noon by John Mathewa, deputy dty attomey of Los An· ~Jes, ln speaking before the week- meetlng of the Newport HarboT amber of Commerce at the Rosamore. Mathews reviewed some of the facts upon which the C.alitonlla- Arizona dlaagreement ls baaed. pointing out that the latter state ls endeavoring to secure Congres~ slonaJ appn>val of a new ln1gatJon project which would. in eftect, steal some ol Cali!omia"S water. "Arizona lnteresta,'' Mathews said, "are attempting to have O>ri- gresa authorize a new irrigation project. It would cost from 738 to 1,000 million dolla.rs but It would I [l 0 ~ • r -' -' • .: • • ST Al.S In the llGGIST Tect.alcelof M.tiwh - ''WoaDS A.HD MUSIC'~ FREDRIC MARCH EDMOND O'BRIEN "AN A.CT OF MUI.DIR" & "RACING LUCK" . r /, l 0 I J /'. -E:. J '.: .! -• • .' • ROBERT MONTGOMERY JOHN PAYNE "THI SAXON Ct(AllM .. --Seco.4 ... , .... ,._ ABBOTT and COSTELLO "MEXICAN HA YRIDI" Afto~~~r=' , Gordon 8. Findlay OO~OTOa • ISMU)- CABINET SHOP SERVICE ......__ OAlllNm'l'B a JllLLWoml T. C. .JORN30N Supt. ., ............. ... , . applyt.rur tor aviation cadet train-not be 116id tor by the people In lng -will have an opportunJty to Arizona who would benefit by the take the required examJ.nations at project. It would be paid tor, if nearby locations next week they have their way, by you 1n the Through the courtesy of officials tonn of higher power rates. of local coneeea. examtnatiOM will "In addJtlon, and more import-be liven at Santa Ana college on ant even than cost, lt ·would take Feb. 24 and 25 and at Orange away the water we need for our Coast college on Feb. 23 under the own growth. The full now of the person.al supervlsioo of Captain Colorado river already bas been John L. Eichar ot the U. S. Alr completely allocated amon& the Force. . seven 1tatei, lncludJn& Arlz. ona, The teats• to be elven are the California and Nevada. that have aviation cadet qualllytng enmin· lidlts to water. There is no water atJon for those apPlicanta who left tor the new Artzona project have completed two years of col- unless It is taken from Calltomia'a lege. And, tor applicants who do share and that means from the not have two yean of college share needed tor our city and 27 credits the addltlonar educatloqa.J other Southern CalltomJa cities. equlvaJency test. The remedy llH. Mathews stat-.Applicants must be between the ed. in passage ~ Con~ of ages ot 20 and 26% yean of age, House Joint Resolution 3 . and Sen-ot excellent heal lb and character COLLEGE .FRENCH CLASS CELEBRATES WITH SOIREE . AB a part ot a aenera.J plan to encourage foreign languace stu-dents to use every opportunJty to bear or speak the lanaua&e under study, Mr. Elmo Shaver, instruc- tor Iri F'l-ench and Spanish at Or- ange Cout 09J1.,.e· ~ a soiree for advanced' ~nch stu- dent.I last Friday. A real French dinp.er at a French restaurant fn C.0.ta Mesa wa.s followed by a theater party at Long 8eacb, where the IP'OUP saw two new Fnnch movies. Slrnlla.r "tertullaa" parallelln1 these French aolrees"1'1have already been enjoyed , by Ora.op Oout WOIN'S DOG aid -CAT FOOD ~!~ 55°k ~~ CHe Meet lr-P,d•dl) 18% ProWD ate Jolnt ReaolutJon 4 which d an aptJtude for flylnr. submit the question to the U. While undergoing the 52-week COSTS UP V!llo& Supreme Court tor settlement. . course of tralnlng cadet& receive IN8TITVTION" INMATll8 Spanish claasea. VfT AMtH ClllAU CAllOTS IOHI MIAL Doctors. Urge Bond Passage m monthly plua $1 dally ration The coat of carin• for people tn allowance. at&te mstituUona in caJJfoml& hu Unif oma and equipment are ruen in nine yean from an aver-- free u well u a 110,000 lite in-age ot S367 per captta In 1941-4.2 surance policy underwritten by the to $928 est.llriated in the p1"0pOled rovemment. 1949-50 budget, a«'Ordin~ to the h ,,.,,,,.,. Mt. ... Phyaldans throu&hout Oran~e Upon J":duatlon they a.re ocm-CalifomJa state ta:xpe.yen usocl-~~ ~~~th~atc~~ ~dl~~t1.~~a~tl~on~·----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~ atatements today urglng a ''yes" Force Reserve, and placed on ~ - BIOUAJU)f8 . Lido Manet A.LL AMZRIOAN'8 OCEAN FaONT MA&KET vote for the &ewer bonds on P'eb. live duty for three years with 28. aeronauUcal ratJng ot pJlot, at a Among thoae endorsing the monthly pay up to 1372. county'B aanJtatlon project 'Va.B 8 Under the expanded avl&Uon statement by a group of Costa cadet training Pl'Olr&m. cla8sea ~ physicians who spoke as fol-~::i rery six weeks commencing lows. No obUptlon to accept t.hi.s The Costa Mesa area la one of tnlinJntt ls 1ncu~ by taking the the Orange county communities qual1fY1ng examinations. AOPIJ· that has sutf tted most from the canta should report on the dates · faJlu.re of cegpoola and septic lnd.1cated u 800n alter 8 a..m. u t&nka. Our only salvation ls a conr pomible. prehensive sewerage system. The --------tooner we vote it ln, the aooner will ~ '9l'Qblem be solved H. & Balch M.D. John K . c. Chunc~M.D. W . I . Covault, M.u. A. G. Hugh~; M.D. H . R. Ball, MD. L. G. Nelson, M .D . AUTO CLUB WARNS ON PROPER USE OF CAR'S BRAKES County Democrats Meet lext Week * • insurance P • a. palmer INCOIPOIATID . w. o. buck. lntyro'!C• c:ouftlMor 3 3 3 3 v I a II do, new po r t beach, co II f . telephone newport beach, harbor 1500 Ytsil Our Enlargetl * * RETAIL DEPARTMENT OPEN SUNDAYS ---r.... whole fish .. ..... . ..... 45c , ................... . hrNcttM, whol• tlsti .... • 2Sc L.•...,, · ltMk .._ ........ lie ...... c.4e, fillet .......... .It.. I Oc a..,,.... Cle• ...... 4ea. IOI ,.._.,. ......................•• Jlc t.MN 0,....., lorge ...._ th I.Mel H.UW ......... -........ 'Jc ...... ~~ •llced. ......... .._ ... y,... flllet ... , ............... CMw4er Fl• ................•• u • .. AU. Pl~H PlSH NEWPORT FISH CO. ,...._.Lo, All,._ Sud._,,_.. 111 ._ Oeatnl Aft., .... .... mi • ApProximate)y ooe-thlrd at. the students 1n Oran&'e Cout college are preparing -to tranater to a senior college Ol' university, ac- conllnr to Dr. Bull Peterson, p.cesldent Df Ora.nae _coast. The Coast institution otten the flrat two years ot unJveraity trans- fer .work in practically all fields. ~us. whUe living at home, stu- dent• who plan a proless1onal ca- reer In medicine, dentistry, engin- eering. teaching, lcientiflc re- search, nW'8lng, bualnesa adminis- trn tlon, applied a.ru, fine arts, and other fields, may complete their first two years of undergraduate study and then transfer .to the wU- verslty of their choice and proceed without loss at. time. Oranre Coast college ls eccred- lted by the University of California and by ~e State Department of Education. A still further service ls rend- ered to thoee men and women of I• Interest in YIC~l · l.ol I• the community who while attend--------------------------- made h!a ~t. Enchanter m , iNr hilh 8Chool, failed to satisfy available for Ute at. the loe race a1f entrance requirements to unf- oommlttee, be safd yesterday. venltles they would like to attend . Settienl local yacht.men a.re be- Ueved to enter tbe lft· one at. the eventa 8t Sa tv.rday and &mday at Loi .Anaelea Harbor, ft waa ftPOl'tlJd today u arranae-ment.1 tor the annual mid-wtnler reaatta wen completed. "J. L. Munson, rear commodo.re ol tM Balboa Yacht club, has Pa.rtlcularly outstandlna prizea Such penona may remove these have been posted for the wiDnen defldendes by attending O.CC. in the two claues, MWl80ll Aid. and coml)iet:ing college counes and there wU1 be keen competitJoo with aatflfactory s c ho 1 a 1 t I c in the event. Cootettanta wtll achievenent. To date. a number ot travel over a COW"le approximately students a.re enrolled for this pur- 30 mJles In len&'th on each of the poee alone. two da,ya. Fbilahing time is 2 UnJvenlt;y tranaf er credit ii ot- o' clock. fered In the fields of English, mod- Speedy service on your job println1 needl at the Newa-'nrnel. And our reuonable prices will aurprtae you. em lanruage, IOda1 science, math-emaUc:a. pl\ysical and llfe sciences, accounttnc, fine and applied arts, and ena:tn~. 'FORGOTI'EN M ll.. LI 0 NS' Here'1 the amazina story of mll- llom ol dollan worth ot estates, bank 8CIOOWltl and securities that go ~~. ~ad this fantastic 1lOQ' o£ UnCla1med bank accounts ln '\he American W eek.ly, that great magazine dlstrtbuted with next Sunday's Los Anples E)c-amlna. FEBR-UAR'Y - SPECl·AL See W•at Yo1 let For Yo1r Car at 1 Real Saving . . L ()omplete Vahe Gl'tad 9. Replaee Bead aad Pan GukeC. s. a.a <arboa 10. Cbaap EnaiM OD a. • 1111«'8 Plltoa IUnp 11. Olean 00 Pump l.lnea and 8cnen 6. ....... Plltw 12. ~ aad Glue Oombmtlon .. ~H\41ng Rod law1 u . Clean and AdJalt Spuil P1up 14. Re= Dldrlbator Point. and '7. .&djmt Oolmectbag Rod! Ume llotor u. Oleaa AJr C..-J' Cbeft'Olet ud Balek 18. Adjmt Clarbaretot- & AUp Ooanedtlag Bods 17. ReplMie MyHold Ouketa POITIAC ''8'' POITllC ''8'' S6785 sas11 (llllDladea pMta .... labor) (laohldea ,..... ud lahr) SPECIAL PRICES ON ANY MAKE CAR . ' TERMS • JOHN PHILLIPS Lnst Week I had the unusual pleasure ot being invited to a small meeting to hear a recently arrlved Englishman talk about conditJons in thot country. He ls going to Calitornia and probably can be aecured for at least one talk in the 22nd District and it so, I hope you, who read this, will make every effort to hear him. Hl~ name ls Cecil PJllmer and he is the BrlU1h publlaher Whose lilt of authors includes Shaw, Oles- terton, Arnold Bennett, H. G. Wells, and other names well known ln th1a country. He ls alv- ing h1a time to an e!f ort to make us understand Just what happens to a nation when national social- ism cree111 in. Don't miu h1m. SUcJdng to figures and fact.a, his atat~enta live us serious thought. Here are a few. Great Britain bought the railwayw for $4 billion, giving the 1tockholden, not caah, but 3% ICrlpt, redeem- able by the RaJlway Commlulon any time between July 1978 and Jwy 1988. The commluion an. nounced that the INCREASED revenue under government owner- 11hip would be $260 millions a year; la.at November it was hint· ed that the lncreaae would be only $136 millions-actually the LOSS was $112 millions. The trains are 1lower. the tares hJgher, the.serv· ice poorer. The railway unJon ls asking a wage increase of about $2.50 per week. It granted, the additional cost will be $18,000 000 · if refuaed, there wllJ be a t~a.na: portation 1trUce. Steel la the only great Industry not nationalized. That bill ia now before Parliament. It was said frankly, 1n debate, that once ateel wu nationalized, the "citadel of caplta11sm" would have been cap- tured. In 1938, before nationaliza- tion. COAL produced about 2Z7 million pound.I; steel about 10 1-3 million tona. In 1948, coal had been taken over, and wu given a quotit ot 211 million pounds Oesa than 1938>. while steel, still free. was given a quota of 4Q~ mJllion tons. The r~ulta: Coal produced only 208 million pounds, steel product'd 15 million tons. Coal prices are 145% higher than pre·war; at~l prices only 7% higher. Coal. in in it.a first year of governmen t ownership LOST $44 mllllons, in spite of an lncreue tn the num- ber of workers trom 718,000 to 726,000. SJ)ftce limlta me on other lndu~· tries. but l want to mention so- claliz.ed medicine. England went in with high hopea. Less than 3000 doctors stayed out. Today, 2500 have joined an organization calfrd Freedom In Medicine. to undo the natlonaUzatJon of health. There are 57.310 vacant beda, du.e to in- ability to pnMcle_ the neceu.ary service. The service, 1uch as it as. 11 eo1ting the working people or England $2,800,000 every week. Government services are obvious- ly not fr~.· ~lther In England or Ammca. Went of a. whole U.t or changes 11 the changed relation- 1hlp between doctor and patient. It ls bad enouah to lnake the doc- tor a servant o/ .the 1tate, but it must be understood that the Inti· mate recorda of each patient's case, now become the property of local committees. Then? was an ene6uraglng not<'. Mr. Palm~ told or speaking to the employees of an industrial plant recently where he wouldn't have been lnvUed a year ago, or lt lnvited, would have been badly heckled. He wu invited back twice. Today, of the 1800 em- ployees, unJon memben. 800 now belong tQ an orga.nlzatlon to bring back free enterprise to England. -. A.ccident & Health lnsU.rance You can't · ,buy accident insurance in an· ambulance BRIGGS & MacKA Y 40I L c • .,..._ ..... ....... 2161 ·111 ;> f 1 ,1 f~!~i ... §lk hn: ;'it•~ .:a.t~ I-i&E::t hii! ~1~)1 'i 19 · ; • s·s I&:. "'lllla2 0 L ~·.1rl · iis-:' • &~11 U!~ -~·! ~111 cl! t ras§~ '~!iii r&i . i a. Iii' ls.t lrli r "'· .. a.f\" ... if s'f~ s Ht Ifft I ~fllf 2= nu~'! 11~ ~,, ••I:t~ !Hf 0. ~iSi ~·ii le! .. ~ !JUI :, i1 ~ ,,, !I &'ii . rir:a f i;pf af iflf 111: . ~r -.. &. 8 ~ ~ P. i e ~.~ lS S JaO w~J if. ~[~ l.r § 8.J' a~2 tf,; li~· ~,-.,,. 11!1 _,_ n'""~~~-~~'i~~:~~':U~l'! g ~ ,~')~Q-.~~W..:;:>:;i~~W-~t~~ ~'"'*"''•~:~lKHf.,~.;re-.~ ... ~,,.~~·1·,.~· .,,. ~ ·.·:t --~-~N .. -x · --~;,,.~~- • 'j., :··s >· : .. ;: .• ·-~ . -~-~-~~~· fl 'p·t. .. ,·.~.·.''.~ <~~· -~i: X'~; ..... ,.,.-, '""-" . . ...~.. ... ..,~ ......... _?' l ,.' . ~f.'/;<\.'! i ,,, ....... !f ~ •. ~i "'.;er • ~-~· ~a ";'~; '•i 10 - )Ii 1': tft 111 1ii. bi . It~ aJI !ii · rll ;I ! .. ... f ... ..,, ... .. , IE'I ,· I I . . . ._, 0 . I . > I ~ i . \, Tomo11ow nlabt'1 bukeUMlll cho&cea. and it they are oo. could pme at Harbor hlP betwwl the beat the Sahita just u bad u they Tan and the Santa Ana Salnta dld before. could well turn POINT BAPPYf out to be the best Deen Ericklon ot Fullerton h1ih IChool pme = Into fourth Pla9e in~ ot the le8SOft tor . after dunJdna in U ti local fana ot ~ aplnat the Tara TUHday. ap-ball pareptly WU tJ"Yin& to pt to the T.b e Sa 1 n ta top 8a be .madi 22'" pages at the opened the sea-basket and hit five t1mea. 1htte IOI\ by ~ to ot bi.I ftve field aoeJa were ICOl'ed H u n t l n 1 t o n in the clotina momenta aplnst ~ Beach OD the1r Tar reMl'VH. home court a.. Of the leadlnr ICOl'en, Bob Hop. JO 11\e t ' kins and Oiuck · Wlnkler, Santa Frtday they hid an euy time Ana; Bill 7aduon, Newport Har- wtth Downey 6().2' but were bot; Bob Staga, Fullerton; Bm knock__. off b' ~----.. " -th Feldner, Uuntin&ton . Beach wW 11:.V Y ~. ~·. e retum to hJch IChool prep wan next 1\lelday and by Anaheim 35-next winter A.nahe1m and Harbor 29 ln the fourth le~ p.me. will have help oamJ.na up from Alter dropptna-. tJ)ree ol tour cham=lp Bee teams and •tarts. But McJCn1&bt hauled h1I Hun on ""Beach hu a number boys aboard the vktory train and becan wiptn1 oot fOC9 at home of retervs with pl'OIDlle. and away. 'Ibey climaxed tbejr up-The Tan have llOlne good v~ hllJ battle with a 53--36 declalon .Sty reserves who will be on hand aver Huntiniton Beach on the next winter In Glenn Griffith and lOler'I fioor lut week. Jo.ck Clark. The)' _wtll invade TarvWe tomor-GIBLSTS • •• row ntlht detmnlned to take 1ee-Georae Yardley la now seventh ~~pin reveflle for the 1n Padllc Cout c.onterence scor- handed them by the Sail· "'• with 68 polnts ln l1x pmn. on. . t bu uncovered a ... He la only aeven DOlnta behind new •tar 1n Hopklna Who wu team-mate Dave Davldlon who i. a lel\l&tJon u a Bee tut year at third in scorinc. omter. He bu devi9td an offense -------- Santa Monica Bee ToarKJ Starts which f1ndl the lean junior work- ln& under the bucket mr.t ol the t.tme. He II ~ ruponalble for the MVen-pme win at.Nak which the Salnta have ~ lince t.helr d1.sma1 ooen1aa -....,... In the ttuft~iis wtlicll the Sainta AnaMtm hlah'• Bee buketball- Joet, cmlY .ccounWd for er, uaured of a tJe ln lcque pl~. 19 pcm He Dien IOOftd 10 wUJ repreeent the sc Loop ln apiftlt Onnp, 14 qa.lnlt run.r.. . ton, 11 ~ Downey, 21 aplmt the fourth annual ta MOlllca Anabe.tm; 35 aphwt FUUert0n 13 T ..A.lm&mellt Whk:b •tart.a tomor- ap.lnat HunUn&Wo 8"ch and 19 row 1n the Santa Mon.lea hlab &)a. ~ ~nft try to dl8credlt The Colonlata, Who ' de.teated lnftM.. Do the S&lnt blib poblte.r-but be ~t.y4:n~;c~ '::! ••1111 , ...... ,.. ••• , must have IOmethlna' to c:onw up -..JI with a l~lnt awrqe ln 11 ~~ wtllt~:c\ !'t Ana.helm high'• &ff hoopstmi PD* alter~pla.)1.q the flnt tour 1 p..m. and 2.30 p.m. 8aturda)' with cinched tJc for the Sunaet leaiue wtth • ax-point·~· • the finals elated for that niaht at champlonshJp yest~ u they 'lbe Sa.lDta won t be the only 8 p.m followlfta the con.olatioo flnl.thcd thclr IC8.IOn wlth a 52- te&m an the floor tt&hUnc for RC· fhl&la Wtitch ata.t at 7 p.m. 2G win over Downey on the loser'• ond place honon-llarbor wlD be ·' noor. there and wW be Just u deter-Newport Harbor WU lnvlted to Newpor1 Harbor now trallt the mSned J.o win. AJtbouab Sant.a Ana PertJdpete In ~ tourney but Colonists by one game but wtll be drubbed HunUnaton l>ad, ~ OU-R"llph ~ turned ~ the re-tkd Lf they wi_n from Santa Ana'a en wet"e wurecf of the tJU. at the qU8t because ~ dldn t feel the lut place dub tomonow nlaht on ttme and weren't delperate tor vie· lo:ala were •tronr enou&h to ~ the local comt. tory u Uwy ~ wtM!n the Tara tn the tourney which fnlure. Wfn. -------plqed t.Mm. 'Ibere att man)' f olka ncrs ot ll\05t ot the •t.ronca.t Who IQ' iN Tan COUid haw beat· South m CaJJfopla ieecu-. The ·en the OUen 1n tbe.lr ieque pme Tun qualltl«I by tJeJna for fJnt at Huntlnlton 'It offidatlna had Wf lh Anaheim. been conalateit. Entria Include: Sant.a Monica, Harbor hu a record ot 16 wtna B<-aumont, Torrance, Palo v~ and rour bes and bu t.h.rM ~ the Blythe, Redondo, Atucadero, John ..vm blP 11cons1 ol the leque Burroup, Glendale HC>OVtt, St. DlaYlna under Ill colon. Sob Anthon.Ya. Anabelm, Beverl.Y Hills, ~a.ldle)t. Dan Ward and BW Jaclc-Lona ~•ch Jordan, Inalewood, 80D are all atrona all·ieque Lompoc. Otlno and Ventura. WAS iwe. FtltT AOrNOtl E-..s 10 use. A ,.,,,..,,!I I M! LATea lRADeD fT POR A SlODL! - Gould Memorial Plaas to Be Alred Over KVOE Pla.o1 fer the crutJon of "'Rod Gould Memc>rtal Tr-ophy Cuc will be diacuued tonJaht u a pert ot interview or Orange Coast ool· le1e coaches, Ray Roao. Wendell Pickens and MJles Eaton over radk> 1tatlon KVOE ot 7 p. m . The memorial in ho.nor ot Gould. Coa.at'1 football captain Jut faU, wilJ be establ~hed by the OCC Je tt~rman'1 club. Dick Snodgrass. a roUege aporta publlcJty director. "111 fire point- ed quNtlon.s at the conchf' about the Plrnte athletic prosTam "" * Sport Briefs Geol"I~ Y&rdley received a bani Up write up ln )'ffterday' I Daily Bruin-UCLA campus n Pflper. The BrulN lhouaht GfooTlc was one ot the best play n th~ faced all uon. .. . . Orang Coast oo~e ls J:ft- oaring a bueball diamond which head coach Wendell Plcktna 1a,ya will be aecond to non<? on the southern end o( the county. Pick wUl areet potential bueballC!n et the Pirate campus next w~ day. Prolpect:.a look very &oo4 In C!Vtty dtpe.rtment except J)lfchtna, whett there t.m't mud\ d pth. ••• An all Eutft't'I Con!~~ .... ketball tum will be-annouDC\'CI about M rch 1 . . . It will be picked b)' the aportawdtm of tbit anen eoUeSe dUee • . • • ••• Oranre Cout colleae ~ (Mam up a chen~ to play tn lb& Na- tional Junior col.leco baalcetball f'htvotra Mareh 8-12 at O:Jimpton. 11 U-. Plr6tes continue \Mtr-.... eon thrcJiulh tbe middle of M&J"'Ch. It will hurt tM chanco ol t),~ bueball tMm Whlch ~ to uu Ratph n-euac~ Bob N ttle11, no)'d Panont and lw.ud Hennlna. j • Februar7 17, 1949 . Yardley Ith Ip ~C, SD, Scoring A revised tally of Paciftc Coast conference, Southern division, &bowl Stanford's Georce Yardley in eJahth place with 58 points. n,e rangy former Ncw1xwt Harbor ·hlch batdwooder has scored 16 field coats and 26 free throws ln •ix camea. ''BW Sharman, USC ace, 11 lcad- lnr the scorers with 'an avero.ge of better than 16 points per game. The northc-rn teams, which lost I htte out of tour games In the &uthland last weekend. have the SouthEm members in their back- yards thJa weekend and couJd eaa-, Uy jolt the league leading B:rulne and Trojana. Stanford entertains USC Friday nJght and UCLA Sat- urday nigh~ Callto:rnla hosts the Brulns Friday night and the Tro- J.ana Saturdtut EWening. Q FQ FT PF Tf# Bbarman. SC ·-· 8 40 20 17 100 St..,b'eon. ~n. 6 2-t 80 26 78 Do.tct.'n, Stn ..... 6 30 17 18 17 SaW7er. UCLA -8 88 6 23 7:l Knnuib'r. flCLA 8 2-4 23 21 71 8tanlcb. UCLA _ 8 28 17 21 69 O'Neil, C&.l. ·--··· 5 24 11 25 61 Tardie;-. Stn. ··-· I 18 26 12 58 Baaler, Cal. -·· a 23 12 18 68 Wblte. SC --··· 8 19 16 19 53 Clu.st.k&. JJCLA _ 6 ~ 9 18 49 Nlcbola. Cal. ···--8 19 11 11 49 Free Throw• (Klnlmum of 15 attempt.a) AU. Made Pct. White, SC --·····~·-· 18 lti .833 f"tes>hen'11n. Bln. . ...... 43 80 .698 PelltaL SC ····-----·· 23 18 .696 Ntebo.., Cal. ·----·-_ 18 11 .687 Tarclle7. Sln. ·······-··· . as 28 .684 ~leld Qoate (Minimum of IO attempt.) Att. Made Pct. Ala4rott. 8C ·-·····--40 10 .375 -.II+ 11&9"1'. UCL& --·-100 II .. 183 °''141Ma, 8tn. -· U IO W Whl ... ac ·---·-a a .80:2 UPtwelPts In Seaso• Finals Newport Harbor Ctt and Dee baJdwooden will rtna down the curtain Oil their 19'9 basketball campe,lpa tmtorrow u they in- vade Sant.a Ana h.la:h'• IYfn tor a double beaM1' with the Saint. wtt..lch 1tarta at 3 p.m. Santa Ana'• Bob Hoplrln.a held n.e Dees, with a ncord of nine the 8COrlna lead of ~ 8UD8ft =r~~= w: ~ ~ l~ague tor the eecond atra.lattt which th~ automatically win by week today with 158 points tn 11 forfeit. Startina tor the mJdgeta pma will be Joe Atthuleta, the ~·· Agile Bobby leada the Salnta m =~wt~£'"~~ ~ their lnYUlon ol Hatbor htab'• 1• ptne.9 at forwards. Homer court tomonow nJ&bt ln the battle SchuJtt wW •tart at ~nttt where Which Will decide the holdtt of lieC'-be bu piled \.-p =ts and Jim . Jaan.rd, with 66 ta, wtll be at f ond pace In oonte.reace atanMmp. suans with Dem teffensen Harbor blah'• trio of Bob Yard.. 11.e hal"dludt Cttl will f~ce the ley, BUJ Jadtlon and Dao Ward ta Sa.tau who are aecond 1n Jeque still ln Uw top aeven u the temna atandtn& ln the 4 p.m. feature aim tor the tJnW\ wire tomorrow =:'·hJ&b ~~~~~ night. Yardley la fOUJ'th hilhMt. tOl"Wal'Cf" with newcomer Frank Jock.son fifth and Ward seventh. KJttle. Bob Nonnan will be at oen- Want wu l«'OOd hJaf\est ln J.ut ter and Jlm Roberta and Bob Ben- year'1 ~· bow at KWlJ'ds. Hopkins climb to the top started Hamm has 67 polnta; Kittle, 10; two Wftkl qo whm he potted ~ Norman, 38; Roberts, 42, a.nd Ben- ap.lnst Fullen.on. bow, 14.. Sunset LMrue 1COrers (90 polnu --------or mol"e)-~u. ":t!'~. '1.~ _-"11· ii ill CasaFrldabay'ss t"!!!!°' 1>Nn JCrtctuon. l. F --11 1Jt 11. f HIV"~ ,B(»b Yardl•J. c:. HM _ 11 lJ7 11.6 Biii Jae~ I. NH -11 U11 1L6 "WlmDJ"' wat.eorf. r. RB 12 111 10.t Don Ward, f~~K --11 JU 10.1 J1<'k White. nu _ 12 U1 10.1 Bot> Stqp f. r _ 1l 102 t .t :11uctc Wlnkle1', c:1._ BA _ 11 1410 t.I Biii P'eldoer. c. nu -· 1J 107 It ~raJd Thatdler. c·a . A 11 t7 1:1 Oon Weheter. f. HB 1J 1.. I. 7 Donn Moomaw, c-•· BA. 11 II ti Bob Fre.ndl. f , 0 _ . 11 to J VOLLEYBALL SLATED AT HARBOR HIGH Th~ regular weekly session of Newport Harbor Buatneumen'1 vcJJeybaJJ will be held tonl1ht at Harbor high from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m . The volleyball seuk>na are he Jd as 8 part or the hJah 1Choo1 night achool program and all noo· high school atudenta or the Har- bor area ue eUaibJe to parUct. pate. Buketballen ot the Harbor area PftJ)U'ed today for tOlllOTT'OW nJaht'1 rames. Ralph Reed'• New- port Harbor h11h Va:nJty five will ~ at full 1trength to tackle San- ta Ana high on the 1ocaJ hard- wood In ~ battle for second place. Newport Harbor'• Bec:s mun w1J\ the prellmlnary game from the UtUe Saints to gain a tie for the championship. The Bc!e9 are at top strength with the exoep tlon ot Arm.and Nettles, out w1 tli • <.'Old. Mlle. Eaton is still nun.in1 alona Ula at Orange Coast ool-~·· Bob Nettle., regular for-ward, will probably be on hando for limited action after rnialna the Riverside p.me with a se- Ye.'e cold. Carl Borge90n b 1tW bothered by an· Infected elbow. '!be Plntes invade Oialf ey for a le~~- PU8~~PJ#J~ •• .&.rt -. 11111 "II• .. an •• a a-t• 7911.-Just 15 mlnuta from the Beach RJgoroua protective measures to pl"e"ent expo9\D'e remain the chlef weapons qainst tubercu- losis, rattler than indlsc::rim1nate use ot new v.cdnet. Tbls la the opinion of Dr. Karl F . Meyer, director of the Hooper FoundatJon at the UnlveraJty of California Medical School. Dr. Meyer says that the sharp declJne in contraction of tubercu- loal1 a m o n g medical students alnoe 1 9 4 0 can be attributed t'h1efiy to better enforcement of sanJ tary 1tandarda in autopsy rooms and hoapital wards. A teo-_________ _.:;.. ____ .....;. ___ ;...._..;,__~--..;.....---------~--...;....;...;..._...;..._;...._.....;.._:.___......:-...;...-.... ondary factor probably la pro- (P"eU in the over-all aeneral con- trol of tuberculoala ln th1a ooun- try. I would rather be able to ap- preciate thlngs I can not ha1<1e than to have things I am ndt a~e to appreciate.-Elbert Hubbard. Note liook. PuaL1c NoTtCE NOTICE OF 8ALll OF Jll!AL PROPERTY BY TRUSTEES UNDER DUD OF TBUST NUMBER EIOllT WHEREAS. FRANK A. MIL- LER and JOSEPHINE K. MJL. LER. husband and wile, by Deed of Trust da~ September 10th, 1947. recorded February 10th, -------------------------------_;.. __ _ 1948 in Book 1563, paae 91 of Of fl cl al Records of Oran&e Coun- ty, California, did arant and oon- VC¥ the proper . there - hereinafter described to the Bur- row Escrow Co. 81 Trustee, to secure, among other obligations, the payment of one promlasory note dated September 10th. 1947, payable to JESsIE M. HODGES. or order, at Santa Ana, California, for the prlndpal sum of Sl~.oo. with interest a t the rate of six per cent. per annum, prindpa) and Interest due in monthly 1n- atallmenta of Twenty Dollant ($20.00) each, or more, on the lat day of each and every month. beginnina on the ht day of Qc.. tober, 1947, and continuing until 1aJd prlndpaJ 1um and the in- terest thereon hu hem fully patd; an~. default hu oc-DIXIE DUGAN curred ln that the priodpal and ~ ..... - Interest due on l&ld note on April ~.-.ICllC:-=::~::;.t 1st, 1948, has not been paid; and WHEREAS, Jeaic M . Hoda"ea. owner and holder of 1a.ld note, heretofore de.man~ that Mid Trustee 1ell taid property, and on Oct~ber 4th, 1948, duly re- corded ln the office of the Coun- ty Recorder of said County, in Book lTIO, page 96 of Otfidal Records thereof, a notice of aald def a ult and of her election to C'ause aald property to be aold, a nd more than thtte months have now e htpsed since the recorda- tion of 10Jd notice. The 1um ol $1428.77 prindpal and lntereat thereon from March lit, 1948, la now due. owing and unpaid on said note. and there ii alto srcured by said Deed of Trust the MARY WORTH'S FAMILY Trustee's , fees and expenate9 of aale, amounting to $162.55. NOW , TIIEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1aJd BurTOw Escrow Co .. by vir- tue of the authority vested ln It as TrustC'e undf'r said Deed of Trust. wlll sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, lawful m o n e y of the United States, on the 9th day of March. 1949, at the hour of eleven o'clock A. M .. Pacific Standard Time, of said day, at the South door of the Orange County Court House, In the Oty of Santa Ana. Cali- fornia, all of the interest con- veyed to it by said Deed of Trust In and to all of the following described property situated in the County of Orange, State of Call- fornla, to-wit: The Ea.at half of Lot 52, Fair- view Farms. u shown on a Map recorded in Book 8, page E 71 of MlscellllJleous Mel).', rec-CURLY KA YO ord.s of Orange County, CaU· tomJa. EXl.:,...,.X"""'P""l.-ING therefrom the Nor th 2~ actt1 of 1ald Eut halt. ALSO EXCEPI ING theire- from the East 145 feet thett-- of. Or so much or said property 81 shall be neeeasa.ry to be sold to provide a sum auttldent to pay the total amount leCUl'ed by 18ld Deed of Trait. Dated thll 5th day of Februuy, 1949. BURROW ESCROW CO .. By C S. Burrow. Presldmt. By Home-HmnpbNy, Aallt.ant SecretarY. P\.lb: Feb. 101 17. 2': Mardl 4.. UM9. * * * * * * * * * * * * By Ken Allen •• Friday •Y• a, ,...,._.~.-. ................ w • •••••• MINIMUM AD II• LIMB . ..... ... , c.e. a.... 4 u.. 1 .... •1·'' •. 11 4 u... 2 ...... 1.21 1 .. 40 4 u.. • .... 1.7J 1.tl 4U... '...... .... 2.fl PhoM Har. 13 Of 201, Olk lot #Ad Taket'' or tend od & reml ttance to NIW~ HAllCNt "'IWHINe CO. 1011 W• C ttel A,_.., Mao..._. ..... c:.11 .... The News-Tltnes will not be • llPOt .alble lot inore thc:n one lnc:on9ci aa.fy ony lntett1an of an ~l....,t, ,.. ... .w the rlQht to comtetly c and all odl and to refKt OttY ~IMftW'1t not conformmg to reauJattons. Conceflattona wUI be NCll-.d USt to 9 a.m. ~ rules and wlTI be occept9d up to 9 a.m. Phone Ha~, 13 or 208. C. ·1· ..... · · ·1""":'"' .. d ... ·1 ........ d .. · -11-iuit.DiMI iRYiCa &881 1e n es ......... .,... ......... ~ H Dll rt 1 ~ IT U; I * 11 W •t11tll M ..... A 1d-u a._ .................. .... 16 ................. .... Q ........ 0.-........ ·---• 1• 'l"r8 JI kt'' M _,_ .... 1'7 a..r. Ct ............ 1111111. H=Ale. .. ._._, lt CT '... Vbll a ......... AMia •A1t1 a. ft9 ............................ ........................... .......... w ..... •1 'fWalllfn • .. W..... •. &lfli'IDM ............. ...... .. i... 11 ........ .., .. ---...... .......... , ..... , ......... ... -~ ........... ,.~ ........................ .. .,....cw.. ... , ........ ...... .. ......,. .......... ...... . . . . . .. .. ........ II ~ ...... .. Bennett 1!81'Woo d Floor Company Floon laid -Sanded -.Flnl.abed and ReOnlabed C. R. SPOONER PHONE HARBOR 129 • 43rd St., Newpor ~ .. t Beach Free Eltimatel a>-ttc . HARBOR Plumbing Servi ce aeon 6ll'l PECIALTY up~ .• 1768 Newport Blvd., Be REPAIR.1.NG OUR S Contractlna and S ---• . .. lo-IUleNDS GUIDI 10 tt--~~.,...,.,...._. ___ ...... ~-t-..:"::.,.'.:':,:::, ~. ~7::': -. -.. -..._-. Rug Yld Carpet CLEANING AND LAYING • CLEANING UPHOLSTER.ED 1''\JR.NITURE Al's Carpet Works at Oranc• H&.rbor Branch Otftcc: l&e Newport Blvd... C.O.ta Mna Beacon 6707-M .6-tfc HARBOR FURNITURE See US for GOOD UHd turnlture HARBOR TRANSFER Local a. 1oq d11tance bau.Una. O>Mrteou1 8ervice.Ph.. Bea. '631-J 1966 Harbor Blvd.. Coeta Mesa 7J-e..41 NOW 1N THIS AREA: Complete SAW REPAIR Shop All work auarantccd to aaU.Cy. 1208 Cout ffiahwa.y Newport Beach Beacon 6106-J •• ........ n n ¥¥ 1l 12-IUILDlMe IDVICU l 2 ..... • WINDOW CLEANING • HOUSE a..EANING • COLOR FLOOR WAXING Harbor 2661 NEWPORT MAJNTE'NANCE 318 Osle C.O.ta Meil' ED WALTERS TILE CONTRACTOR Bath Roor.-... , Drain Boa.rdl, etc l~t.h 6 N@WJ)Ort Ave .• C.O.ta Mesa Phonct . Beacon 870().. w ..a 1.8-tlc QUARRY and Sfili·UN Beacon S5<>4 Beacon 'W.57M PAINTING and• PAPERHANGING P 0 . Box 999 O.ta Men 16-p-37 SOUTH COAST MATERIALS CO ~.dy Mixed SpccUSca Uon CONCRETE 229 W. Wlleon • Cotta Meaa Phon~ ~aeon 5346 34tfc 14 • • •• uu 1t¥uw"1o4':uw ... ~···"" cs. CUiTOM made oera.ml lnp In clq, deUped t.ute. ALSO c1aaea 2--5 p. m. 2'31 Or Cotta Meaa. Bea. 8068- paint- to )'OW' Fri .• Sat. ana-e Ave., Hutchlna. W,4Uzel 18-<>19 ymous Alcoholics Anon Wrt~ P. O. Box :561, Bal boa. Callt. 59-tfc .......... , .. ,,.,. • . ..... " ...... ., • • u • . • • ••• . TIONdaUy WANT T'RANSPORTA tram Newport Beech to arrive in Corona del Mar 3510 l:.ake A~·J. Newport at 8 Lm. BMch. Ph. Har. 2226-w. 34.c-38 .,,,. • • 0 "" • • .. . ll ...... Id 12-LqST AND FOUND LOST -Ladles' ao brooch. Heart aha sword running throu Park.I, Harbor ~ collect, Crettvtew 59123 Jewelled ped wt th fth. Marlon or call 33-c-35 ............ .... '°" 24 • .... • muatcal vailable on GIVE YOUR CHILD educa Uon. Leaona a any lnatrwMnt by teacher. Unlveralty and have lnltructed 1Cboo11. LaNoma Gra Karney, 128-B Broad\\ Meaa. Beacon 5634-R. qualllled craduate 1n pub Uc uel Mc-·ay, Calta 81~ u ..... .. ., . 11-SrTUATIOMS WANTID u • • .. • u •• • cu .... AVAIL 'IWO BABY Sl1'TE.RS Saturdaya, Sundayw ninp. ~uonable ra Harl>or 1767-R. and eve-te.. Phone In or out GOOD ·LAUNDRESS- Flne lronlng, 3 or m Own tnnsportatJon. 205().. It U no an.a. cal ore houn Harbor J Harbor 32-2:;~ 1973-M. d of yard WW w AN l'U> -Al\Y hi!\ work or a1trden1nt1 1arden or retainlna Beacon 5288.-W, or PO buUd wall. Ca1J Box o . Newport Bnch. e-u~ help with WOMAN WANTED to housework and cook. chlldMn. Harbor 2069-Muat Jove WIDOW want. housewor h.r. Expert ironJnc. my ~un. Phone Harbor w. 33-c-37 k, i1 per home or 690-M. 20-e-H HAIRBREADTH HARRY * * .~~~- 'naancla,., F...,._, 17, 1949 29-HIU'41 lt 11 IOATI, SU ..... B .. ••• .. ----·----·----..----¥·--·~~~-----~·------··~~---... .. ~ .. -· _,_,_~---.·--·-·-'¥•....---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-··-,-· BOOKKEEPER. SECRETARY - Gfftce wcdt. Good work General ELDERLY RETIRED TE.lalER BALBOA. 3-room Abt .• tum1ahed. Who enjoy_a ftlhln& wWael to ~.50 year roumf; utilities m.. . oondlUoDI. J.ncROY GREENLEAF JR. Omtnl .Ave., N·-ew-rpon- bu)' UMd anaD caoJn boat of eluded, 2 penoaa. 605 Bay Ave. moderate power. FAMlatiall are ~P-35 Harbar 2552 3112 w. aatety and ,dependabWty, DOl Year Rouad Rental-~ tur- speed « ftnlih. Harbor 214'-M. Dished Apt. $34 mo. 7110 Coast 3'-c--36 U Z ft ........... n .... .-.....~ 3l·J>:35 Hiway, Apt. 2, Newport Beach. -w-ANTED--------.-v-:ar...,.._1-ve~2-to_l_rectuo-~-M-c 10 _.LI. AIUSCILl.AMIOUS I J 0 tion in 1oocl conditl<>o tor ac>-rt. CHARMING 5 room house. Se-. ... . . .... OA GLASS CO. ••••••• BALB boat. IW'bor 441..J i veninfa: eluded garden. All glua solar- . tum. Balboa 'Island (Uttle Ia- Announces the open1n& of thelr 24' Tnu'llom Stem land) Will share with coupl~ or JIG BOAT ... L -··-·---J 1700 aln&le woman. Separate en-auto aJ.au deputment. Hlahw~. Bea. ~:l61..J 920 Cout 4<Y COMMERCIAL .FISHER- MAN, Double eQder, trances. Har. 2576-J. 34-e~ ING THIS AD BR . and RE CEIVE a 20CJ(, DISOOUN'I' 7 ton hold ···-.. ----· .. ····--6900 40' SPORTFISHER. NEW untumJabed 2 bednn. apart. ment. OOR in, Coeta. Mesa. Year round rental. $60 month. Beaocm 5670-Jrf. , 34ttc ~ s ERV EL YEAR ROUND RENTALS 1n Built 1948 ............... ~ ....... 11,000 Newport. Furnished or un!ur- The G r A S Retrigerato rguson Hdwe. Co. ucceuor to Eltua Hdwe. 45' COMMERCIAL, Diesel J1lah:WC $60 per month and up. r~o; re~erated ···-··· 16,000 2307Paul . Jones Rental Agency, Fe s 2205 Cbut Blvd., Newport NE HARBOR 116 Coast Blvd, Newport Bch. M~U.~1o~0mmerdal and ~'-··-·-·-·--..._..._ __ ..._ __ .......,34_~--36-· PHO c 45-UNT, MISCILLAHIOUS '1-tt SEE "ClllCK'' .,,,..... .. ,. .. ...... . . Used El ee.--Refri-· -.-ge_ra_to_ra South Coast Boat Co. D..FlLLAN &-ft.. .retna. $79.SO Newport Beach Pb. Har. 2600 SUITABLE location for SAIL LOFT or marine uphollterln1 lhop. Size 4-0 x 70 u_pstaira. 1 G OFFICE SPACE (25 x 45) avail- able upstaln. SEE 1 O'KEE FE A MERR.rIT. 4~-ft. 9.50. WANT CABIN CRUISER about S5 Thro nson's Firestone ~ tt. to 30 tt. 1789 Ne wport Blvd., C.O.ta Mesa · 28aM9 FOR EQUITY 1n five~ lot.a In G. E. MINNEY 901 Cout Highway Newport Bch. YOUR RAD"""'I ..... O_exper __ tl_y_reP81i'--ea South Gate. PHONE BEACON 6281 26-c-~ In )"OW' home at no extra char1e Well -experienced. boneet, con BENJAMIN H. HARRISON u ·-.-coAS'f RADIO SERVICE 308' o:r HA. lQ-W. HA. J.5.o.36 Oualfled 10009 Atlantic Blvd. South Gate Phone LO S-5~ SLEEPING ROOM for woman or couple. Call Beacon 5082..J. 33-p . .................. . done. ads DO aet the Job RENT A TRUCK DRIVE IT YOURSELJ.o' Phone OJltANGE 1343 p . ) UMPS --~· ... ,,, ..... 4-MUSIC. RADIO, TILIVISIOM J4 WO . PRESS RTHINGTON -.. i:oUJSE \Y: • siifiii-..-. URE -CENTRIFUGAL teacher of 1407 W. CHAPMAN F Sode ~ ~tion VOICE -PIANO 823 So. Loe An&eles St.. Anaheim Slsht Readlna Im~ n1th 4'52. te-.o.H 8>5 3rd Ave., near Lar . Burt Mansur U-Drive 37-tlc 1941 FORD aup.-dlx. sedan. only $695. Phone Ze wheel trailer $1'5. 'n50x20 Corona del Mar. Ph. Har 28-c-t9 ~2-1946 FORD Tudor. R . & H., $1385. ~be der, ffl ll'leeta 8 Harbor . A wheel "22. New PIANO TUNING It COMPLETI!; cabinet MB>. 8-ft. lad-REP AIRS New ~eb at a Theodore Robins, Ford Dealer $8.50. 3 alum. corr dlaco · •r 2'Jnd & Central Newport Beach t x 26 in $1.!50 each. unt. Bis allowance on old Phone Harbor 360 '37 FORD; ~w. .. 34~ uprt~~."~.}Ea 1940 PONTIAC STATION new motor. Plumblna 247 BROADWAY WAGON. Good conditton. Radio, flxt., tub, Table, div mllc. Mesa), S wa.ah bowl, heater Phone 604 Laguna Beach Heater, Fog lights, $1200. Har· an, laundry stove and or drop pmt card bor 1749-RK. Z7-c-30 20432 Lange Dr. (off \~~ 1949 FORD convertible. Red. Uke ahta Ana. 33-c • • • • • • • • .-new, all extras, $2295. Phone PLIES _ 4J-APTS. & HOUSD 4.J Harbor 1470 and Harbor 1737-M. DESK SUP Everdady pad •calendar 1t1rnd an• -· • · · ... · -.... "' 3-c-34 -dally "turnover" type pad SMALL HOUSE. 2 rooms and 1936 CHEVROLET Mast~r deluxe ~Jet~ • I.mi on I $1.90. &mAlll<> atltJ9c10rooCom. t$60A perNmo. coupe. Clean, good mech. cond. eather framed desk year 1 · ur ve., ew· TiiROUGHOUT. Excellent rub- y QuaJlton. Aaaorted part Bch. Ph. Har. l05J..M. ber. Excellent brakes. Sealed blotter b colon, 11 laraer. zet 12 ln x 19 ln & 32-c-33 beam headlights: good paint. Sec Mr. w Price $2.75 & up. FURNISHED 3 rm. apt. S34. 75 to Th.it la reaJJy an exceptional Ulla.ms. DAILY NEWS. June l!Sth. UW. Incl. 301 E. Bay buy at $275 calh. Phone Har- TIMES CeotraJ A OFFICE, 3011 Wea• Ave.. Balboa. Phone Harbor bor 1833-W. 34-c-36 ve. Harbor 13. t~rf 195g.,JK. 33-o-34 " . . . . . .. ,,,,,,, . . . ... .. ...... ,. NEW attractive 2 bedroom home. SS-MONIY TO LOAN SS Jl-WANT IO, TO IUY J 1 Flap tone fireplace, venetian • .. -• blinds. Some rattan furniture. • . ••..W. CAS H for USED l Blk. trom ocean. Ready for & A. }"" occupancy March 1. ~ Sea-Furniture 'We Buy pp lances aho~ Dr.-See Sundays only. Almoat Anythln1" 31-c-35 G Bea 5707-M RANT'S RENT AL v -1645 Newport ~u~ SPECIALISTS 1111111111111. ., ..... 44;;1 ••• J2-IU llNtTU ll FOa SAU 12 . •• ,, 4 ......, LAROE 3 CUSJUON upholstered extr~ pillows. Excel· Uon. $75. Har. 2686-J. davenport, lent coodJ 217 To pu, Bal. la. Z7-ttc DINING T ABLE, 4 chairs; Double I A mattrea; 2 9x12 ln1 chajr; high back chair. 424 Marigold. bed. 1prln, rup; rock occasional Call Edna CraJg Linwood Vick, Realtor Balboa laland HA 2042 33-e-54 YEARLY RENT AL 01' BaI1>0e Pen1nau1a. Small tundahed ~ S75 mo. Phone Harbor 315. 21.tfc B '":.,., ... . . . . .... . ....... LOANS LOANS LOANS $60. 'lO to $5000 ti SALARY * AUTO 'tr FURNl1 l. R~; Other Personal PropPrty "QUICK SERVICE'' eONte~ .e~ Corona de I Mar. Ha.r. 2922.-JK 32-c.35 BAMBOO RATTAN ALBOA ISLAND. Furnished single apartment. Y~ar round rate. Utllitiea paid. Ph. Harbor 1396-J. 29--c-33 eo#lfMJllM WINTER RENT AL--2 bedroom --r = or 8ectlona.1 Cb&1n value)-Naw '39.!50 =lto E. 7 9 P. M. Dally A &m. th SL, Lone Be.m ~ * F furnished apt~ $15 week. 311 2805 COAST r.L \'f1 Island Ave .. Balboa. J.3.ttc NEWPORT BEACH. CA LJF OR RENT. 1 or 2 bedroom apt., next door to Weatnr. l 'nion ort 1c~ furnished. 3512 Ocean Front. PHONE HARBOR 26.JA..J Call Harbor C1717-W. 33-c-34 r- I c 2 2 11 n ., ~ ... .. • . 11aanclay, February 17, 1M9 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-.11MES CLASSIFIED ADS ' a-AUTOM011Vll nus 41 62-llAL ISTATI ~nt~~0~~~:~ --------rn-·--.... c .......... o .... 8 .... 1'-~ ..... --J ..... M .... E ..... s-~..,. ................ ""'"_ .... $283 down. Beacon 6047 until DUPLEX: Stucco lower, fra.mt- 5 p. m. or 4-e Old County Rd.. upper. 1 yr. old. 1-bedroom each Newport after 5. 34--tfc with llvln& rm. and kitchen Lo- .... · ~ -• .. · · · • .. -cated 1 blk. from Blvd. on 2 55-MOMIY TO _LO~N . _ _ _ 55 Iota. Corner lot worth $1000. L'61'Ns' ,.o· 8\.r1w: .. rMP"io\Ji Full price $9800, terms BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy "I'ruAt Oeeda NEWPORT dALBOA FEDERAL SA VINC:S & LOAN ASS!'lf 3.133 VI.a Udo Ph. Har ~~ M-ttc-..... u"" ••..•... ,.. 61-REAL ISTAn IXCHANGI 61 ,,..,,,.. . ,.. . , ....... My Clients Want These Trades:- No. 1-$1000 Equity ln 3-bedroom stucco. Gardena. WANTS 100 ft. on Newport Blvd. or South Main, 5anta Ana. NO. 2-$7000 equlty ln store and 3·rm. house, V)sta, Calif. WANTS Harbor Area home. No. 3-$11,500 R-4 Lot, Crenshaw Bl vd .. L. A. W A:NTS liquor Ucense store, bus iness Jot. ASSUME FHA IORn on lovely 2 bedroom home . Large livlng rm. and roomy kJtchen. Garage. Rest neighborhood, close to high achoo I. $2000 DOWN SACRIFICE SALE -CompJetcl> furnished 1 bedrm. home--Gas Rctrig., O'Keefe & Merl'itt range. Yard completely fenced $6.000. cuh. fuJJ price. WM. G. HAY Ucensed Real Estate Broker Corner ot Orange & Newport Blvd (Wagon Wheel Cafe) Phone Bea. 5935 day• or eve. 23-c-25 NEWPORT BEACH PLEASANT small beach cottage cl garage. Sound con9tructJon. Near gnunmar school, bay, and ocean. R-2 zone. $'7900, terms. CORONA DEL MAR so. OF lDWAY~ room house cl CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT , * Daily Events * TONI ORT Job's Daughten-7~ p.m.,-Am- erlcan Leaton hall, eo.ta ir-. · Toutmuters -6:30 p. m.-Rcm-more cate. BPOE 1767-7:30 p. m. -EUt'I hall~lboa. Oiurch Beneftt benquet~:30. p. m., Costa Mesa Cbnmunlc:y church. ftlDAT Fr1d4)' Aftem00t1 club-12:30 May E. Gee , Costa Ilea . Leaion hall. LET ME FIT YOUR TRADES TO YOUR WANTS garage. R-2 Zone. Newly deror-Gas Po1·sonlng ated. Partly furnislled. $8750, terms. wru consider Jot as Pflrt~ Avoided by payment. See Mr. F.atle, Pl11 Tryouts lo Be lel~ Mond1y Couftln~ Post VFW--8 p. m.- Coeta Meu L«1on hall Cl.ab Scout Pack I~ p.m.--Pot- luck IU~, N~ 8Chool. REX RECHS. Realtor Harbor 2694-W Bay & Beach ~alty eo. F II wl Rules 1.5th & Central Ave., Newport Bdl. 0 0 ng Ph. Har. 1264 CUb ScoUt Pack 110--8:30 p.m. -CDM achool. · r..~ tn Oran _.... u. s. O..t Guard Aux.-7 p. m. ...... . . ,,,, . . . . . ,,,,.., .. 62-REAL ISTATl 62 LEASEHOLD CUFF HA VEN ..., .... .,.. . .......,.....,_...._.....,.,.. ................................. ,.. ............ ,.. ................ ,.. ........ -.... ,... LOT. Vlew ot-oout fl'om Dana R. W . BARTINE Real Eatate Broker 1806 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA. CALIF. Phone Beacon 5320 CORON A DEL MAR, nloe 2 B.R. home. Uvina room, dJntng _room. dbl. garage. Xlnt Vltw-$11,000. $2,000 dn. $75 mo. 6% Pt. to San ~. Beacon 6250M 32..e-35 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT 4 bedroom colonial. New home. Will cona.lder trade other New- port property. Martin Richards. Harbor 1855~ 29-c-33 BALBOA PENINSULA 12) 60 FOOT LOTS, good location. Modem 2-Bedroom Home $900 each. $13,600 2 B.R HOME on Orange, clOR to school, large comer lot, room for other unJts. $8,000 or would trade for Santa Ana property. 2 B.R.. HOME. new, dooble garage, dos<> ln. ~,250-$1250 On. Bal. easy. IT P AYS TO INSURE WITH US. BY OWNER. 1 year old, 2 bed- room home. Restricted district. F11rn. or unrurnl!hcd. Beacon 6250-M 412 Westminster. New· port Hei~ht.s. 32-c-~ S750 DOWN-OPEN 10-4 2 R<'droom hume unfinlshed. S297~ ru ll price. 164 Merrell Pl., bf.. twc<'n 21st and 22nd off Oranc~. C'o~I A Mesa. Beacon 5381-W. BuUt to owner's sped.flcatlons.- REDWOOD 1id1ng-inteTetUng wood lnterlor finllh-deslgned for good living. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REAL ESTATE -INSURANCE 30th St. at W. Central Phone Harbor 1600 :1: • ,., ... • • • • ... ... ,.. ...,... .... ii I supply you a thought you may remember It and you may flot. But if 1 can make you think a thouaht. I have Indeed added to vour atature.-Elbert Hubbard, Note Book. c.v~ryone ie county """o d.lnMf'--NHYC. Carbon monoxide potaolllng -would like to try out for a Dla.v Lecture b Thomu R. Muon 9 not suffocation -is the probable wiU be wel~ Monday nJpt at p. m.-~ewport Harbor Luth· cause of death in most au-the home ot Mn. FAlith Bame9. eran church. heated room fntaliUea according 122 Via Lora.. Lido ~-• -------- to Dr. H09mer W. Stone, pro-Followin& • mtt~'I\anda.Y J-..1-vf, M feuor of chemistry at the UnJ-~~C:U:.'u, Play=~ VUG.J S arkets verslty of California at Loe An· her home, Mrs. Ba.ms. the£r ~ (J!'rem JI a.m. [P.&T.] •1t1.t et geles. Jdent, announced that at 7:30 Mon-i..ter a Co... l!DP. LA.. 9tdl lb.) • Since these cold, un-CaUfornia d4Y try-outa · would be he:ld for thl'ff one-act piays. 'lbe Harbor In.duatrlals ···-··--.114.55 uP lZf night.I make it necesury to UM! a CommunJty Playen, a ncn-prollt Ralls ············-··---49.70 up .29 heater and sJnce carbon monoxide organization, bopH to have the UtWt.lee ··-·-·· ·-· M.59 up .18 111 a product of gaa cobuatlon. Dr. three plays prepared and produced Volume-760,000 shart!e. ~ Stone recommends the followlnK In time to enter one of them by alx satety precautions: March ('lO ln the Santa Ana TCJw-.. Arn ~I A Tel..·--···--····-··.148~ 1. wh e n poulble, use only namen 1'1 Plays which wt.ll be Canadlan Pad.flc ··--··-··-··· .. U" vented heating untta. held late In Apr1l Dupont ··-··-····-····-···-·····-183 2. If your heater b unv«.>nted, . In the preparatory board meet-General Moton...·-··-··-··--· 58" be 1ure it la equipped with flre UllJ& nWTM!~~Jaya were ~ ..... ·-···-.... ·-··--· C'6 clay. Thia insutts more pr'Ope>r d1scuaed and the le choJces K.ftlnecott ... -...... -.. -·-.. -.. -· '8~ combustion. acting as a catalyur will be two N and one mel-Seen .. -······ ...... ·-··-·-·---· 3514 ln the chemical reaction of com-odrama. Actual pla,ys have not So 011 Edt.on -··-·-··-······-30 .. bustlon. <Carbon monoxide oc-been nnaJJy choRn. Standard Otl ···-·-··· ····--··· 59~ cun mostly ln incomplete ,com-U S Steel ·····--··-··-··-··-·-· 72'6 bUJtion.) 3. Check the name In your heater. A blue name'• pl'obably all right. A yellow or BmOkY fiaJ'lV may mean incomplete combuaUon. 4. Always h8ve out.al~ venUJa- tion-the more the bettel'! 5. Turn off hea t when you 10 to bed, or open o window at top and bottom. 6. tr you feel a tightness aCT'Q89 forehead, headache. or dJzzinev -all symptoms of carbon mon- oJCide polso:iing-throw open your windows at once. Then check com- bustion of your heater. Rule for Placing Utensils Given The old rule for convenient 1tor- a1e of kJtchen utenalls--"kcep It where you use lt"--haa bttn Im- proved by houachold equipment apedallsu of the U.S. Department of AgricuJtu~ and various atate experiment 1tatJoru. ••Tllll BR.EWER,-To Mr. and Mn. Brownlnr Bn!wrt. ~ Walnut St., Costa Mesa. ln Santa Ana C«n- munlty hOSP(taJ, Feb. 15, 19'9, a Ion, 8 lbs., °5~ OD. P&OPDTY LEn TO DAUOHTEB HERE Combined Income with Gracious Living Nrw Mode>m s ta~gcred double with pit1ure windows, woman's drram kitchrn. man's tiled stall c;how<'r, central tiall, abundance of cl~cts and cupboard8, 2 bed· rooms <'ach apt. AH this for $.'1.000 down ror G.I. or $9.SOC' for ch.;lian Rent pays balance SEF: IT TODAY. I STRICTL y BUSINESS by Mcfuthn I Kltchen work studies have led to the MWC?T and better rule- "Kttp it whM"e you uae H nrst:• especially 1r It it a u~naJI med of tm, H YI Mn. Marian Prentiss, home demorutratJon acent. Fol- lowing thla rule. paM and kettles w1J I not neceaart ly all t» kept by the atove, u hu Iona b«-n tM custom. An ettote, conalatJnc of an ea- t Ima ted S 1000 i" pn'IOn&J proper- ty and a tt'lldence at 407 30th 1treet. Newport, will 10 to 15 ye-ar ciJd Aldora Anne Davis of the t ad .. cltta. Miu Davi.a wu left the -pro-pe--ty by her mot.heT, Mn. Anne M. Davla, Who died recently. REX RECHS Realtor Ph. Harbor 2694-W Let your rental pay for tht. property! COSTA MESA -New 2 bedrm. house & garage. Alao studio apt. !knotty pine ) with 2 bed.nm. on double lot. Eut ai~. cloee in. No brokers. CaJJ owner and sa-..e commission. $12,700. Easy terms. Phone Beacon 5670-M. 34tfc: IlY 0 \\ NER -J of 2 beautiful homes . Choice of Newport Hta R.estrlctrd, 1 }T . old, wit h view of ocean; furnished or unrum OR BRAND NEW Cliff H1tvcr with wondrrful v1~1 or codt from Oana Pt. to ~1An 1•edro Beacon 6129-M. 429 l l~-wood' . Dr.. Newport HtJl '26-~ INCOME PROPERT·~ STORY. 4.-famlly flf'L nu11 .. A buUdlng with e 3 bodroom hoUM and an extra lot. ~Mt r~ bUJJ"na. Priced rictat. Ph H•• 343 cEvct.) P'hOOC? Bearon MOO · M LANE. Newpm-1 Read! "'9Uc MERVIN FoT example, nucepem because th<>V ar. rirat ~ with wattt will he k~pt near the eou.rce of wetCT lthM' near ~ aJnk or nt'l\r the tn kttttltt on ~ 1tov . Some utntatl1 obVloualy wttl be mos• convfl\tent near tho atovt, othen near the alnk. mbdng cen- ter or 1eTVtni center. Several stor- eae plaet'9 may ~ eqoally good ror other utenalla, which are put to work at m0re t1'an one place. For IOme Jobi, such u ma.kin& cotf tt, the mott convenient st~ aae depend.I on the type of equip- ment. A cold-water coffee·maktt is flnt ulf'd "' ttM-.tnlc. -. hot wntcr «>CfC'Cm"1ttt at ~ 1tove. ltr rC' are convenient location• for tom~ ~f the moet frequently UJl'd utcn .. 01: · Neu "tAwe: Frytq pan•. pan- cake turnM", two.tint" JninJi fork1 pot" to 01' food muhtt, ladle anu coolln& rack. New iala.k: Dtatrpan, dlth dJ'aln.-ln« ra~. pan for tho radc, v~ table bnmh. ..,,deT and m-to- claht ·Inch w1r 1tr'9.!Mr. N..,. lllllbda.r s Rotary ea bHt , mtxmg ~It, ean opener, nvuurtn1 spoorw, cwtard cupe and CU9e'Ole. lf w llft •las emtierr Oranp and truJt 8CJU<'t'ft'f ant! brrad or 1Ue> ms knife. OMD ATE'8 AK'NtJAL AL&&ra LIST&D Averqe craduat•t from the C.Ollqc of Aarlcultun,'Oa~. Who araduatcd 10 01' mott y~ __ qo have an •verap talary of~; thoee vaduatlnr five to 10 yean a10 maJ«t approx.lmately StODO: and 8J"aduata of U>. .PUt two ,ean started at about S3800, ao- cordlnf to a ttee.nt 1urvey. ITA'ITS Oll11llC1l OOEUADftW The R.v. Paw Miller, · Dl'ftident ot Sac:ra.mento'a eouncl1 of ctnarcbM ~ w1th ntimatee that ~ 10 to 15 pl"r cet>t ol C'.allfomJa's IWf .. dmtl attend chW'Ch. "08TA IO':SA!f PIN&O ON DOO LJCD8• OllABGm Frank Dawna, Costa Mna. wu flMd l20 In Judao D. J. Dodp'1 O>lta Mesa Tmmahlp court ,_.. terday afttt pl-4ins SUIJcy to a d\a.rae of f aJlure to pisd\ue n-• · Ct'ntft far bla two clop. Jqe Dodi• ~ $10 ot the ftiMt after Downee boutht Ucemes for the~ • • Harbor Men to Help Jury Aastpment.s to comm1ttces for the 1949 Orange Co\llltY Grand Jury made yest£rday by Foreman Walter R. Schmld of Garden Grove included the naming of four resldenta of the Newport Harbor area. i Robert Allen, Balboa llland, wu aPPQinted to the committee involved in work with the district attorney, courtl. sheriffs office, probation department, detent1ot1" home, etc. H e wu also naIJll?d chairman of the committE'e on cities, county districts. roads and flood control committee, w1th Heinz Kaiser of Costa Mesa work- ing w1th t\iq>., N. M. Crawley of Cost.a Mesa wu named chairman of the com- mittee handling supervl8ors, ad~ vertlslng and fairs, planning com- mlulon, parks and park districts and beaches. Kais('r was also ap- poltited to this committee. · Walter S . Spicer, Newport Beach was assigned to the com-mltte~ handling county officee and was named chalnnan of the aud- ltini committee. The committtes wtu handle muy of the phases of the gt'ftt\d jury work. ~ in the put the grand jury will m eet u a group only occasionally to hear re ports of the smaller committeea. Hold Theft Suspect Guilty lewport Wins Another ~oun4 in Fight to Escape lsse11111enl for Water Verdict.I of guilty on two char&- es of grand theft and burglary were returned by a jury ln the cue of Olarles H . Swindell yes- terday ln Superior court. Swindell wa.s convicted of en- tering the home of J . D. Snod- grus, No. 7 Beacon Bay, and 1teallng two diamond rlnp val- ued at $1250 last Auguat 12. The Jury of aeven men and fjve women were out less than an hour determining the guilty verdlcta. Tomorrow morninr Swindell is to bear hil sentence as hllllded down by Judge Raymond Thomp- ton who presided over the trial Newport police, who captured Swln4ell at San Clemente il'rort- ly after the burglary, said he had a lone record of convictions and lndlctments on various charges. Wm. Poole, assistant dlltrict at- torney, prosecutor of the case, impeached a major defense wit- neu when he eatablished the man's testimony that Swlndell was ln his company at the Del Mar race track at 6 p. m. on the night of the theft was false. A San Oemente police omcer exhib- ited a traffic citation, signed by Swindell, which was written at 5 :55 p. m. on Au~t 12, the day of the jewel theft. - Bert West, defense attorney, did not Indicate i1 the convicted man would appeal the verdict. M matt.en exist at present, thet'e seems little doubt that New· port will escape a special aaea.- ment for the purchase of water to reph!ni.lh the depleted under- ground water basin. C'ity otfidals received thia wttk a copy of a letter addressed to the Orange County Water Dlatrict board by the Mctropolltan Water District board repeating its stand that no water would be sold to OCWD u~on a.a part of the coet would be d by coa.atal area such as Newport which are al- ready ln MWD. The let tcr would appear to be conclU&ive ln Newport'• favor and to guarnntee that lf the coun- ty water dlatrlct wants to buy re- plenishment water and auea all property within It.a boundaries for lt.a share of the coet, it muat first excJude aJ1 areas which now belong to MWD. The letter follows : Board of Dlrecton, Orange County Water DiJtrict, 1104 West 8th Street Santa Ana, California Gentlemen: 'on December 17, 1948, the board of dlrecton of the Metro- poll tan Water Olatrict instructed the staff to prepare and submit a form of contract providing for the sale of surplus water to the Or- ange County Water ' District. Thia actJon was taken ln reliance upon the representation that no part ot llgnil Fr111 lh1 Qu1rllrll11k _...."Nii .. wr• fw MN! a Mlaftll ......... 0.... ...... 1 ~ tile Jll"&dAM eul'W VII W •1 ......... lfaftl Air leatllii) ..................... ,._ llat .............. an.. P..a_.. Nani£& ......... ~ .... el .. Air,'' .... t... et a.. nemtb' ....._ ... Maftl .&..._ ~ tn'a'nc ~.J ............ t ~· .... d • --...... lludla,wtaatleuttwe,..n ... , .... J..sr, .. ,...,._ an •mm'ss'ma• ...,_Ill a.. Kaftl • 11at~ ••••I It IL• .ut. la .. llartae cer,. •••ne, an • ..,.... .. wlllp ... ........ .. hN 1ean• aettn .._. Cw.I •-r ~-~ the funds used to pay for such water would be derived from tax- es or usessment.a levied upon property witJtJ11 the Metropolltan Water District. 'nlll policy wu clearly 1tat.ed in a Jetter to Edward R. Valentine, regtm;ial vice-president, CallfomJa State Chamber of Commerce, ln the following words: "Fundl for paying for water so sold shall not be derived • from taxes or a.uessment.a lev- ied against present Di•trict areu for the benefit of special out.aide areu." It la now d11closed that more than one-fourth of the aaessed valuation ol your district Jles w1thln Coastal Municipal Water Dlstrlct and w1thJn the Metropoli- tan Water District and would be aaseaed to pay for any surplus water purchased by your district. Under these cirCWNtance1, the boa.rd of dJrecton of the Metr<r politan Water Dbtrict has found It necessary to retdnd It.a form- er actJon regarding the prepara- tion of a form of contract with your dlltrtct. In the event that the over -lapping area can be ex- cluded from your district, to the extent ttnd In a manner accept- able to your district and the over - lapping area, the Metropolitan Water District will welcome the opportunity to enter into negotia- Uona for the preparation of a con- tract for the sale of such surplus water to Orange County Water District. Verv truly yours, JULIAN lflNDS, general man- ager and chief engineer . Scout Program Told to Lions Balboa Bay Llons met in regu- lar ses&ion last night at the Ross- more cale. Nearly 40 Lions at- tended the dinner meet. A resume ot Sunday's dedJcation of the Girl Scout hc,use was given members by those who attended the alf alr. , Lew. Gates, who has been an ac- tive Lion for years and l8 pa.st president of the local group, at- tended the meeting. It was his flnt attendance in many weeks be- cause ol lll health. A new member, S. E . Brlgp, electrical contract.or wu lnstalled by Gates. MEETING ON CHINA COVE POSTPONED · .. ... TJmnday, F........, 17, 1949 A Cttle over tuition tee. to be ~ Santa Ana Junior college tb- trlct by Orange Coast junior col- lege distrltt wu ln the making today u the Santa Ana Board ot Educatibn instructed their secre-tarl to write a letter asking that Orange Cout COl\llder a check in the amount of S20,891 u .. part payment" rather than payment ln full for tuition of coaatal studen ta attending the Santa Ana institu- tion during the 1947-'48 school year. The Santa Ana board felt that it was 1Ughted S65 per pupil or a total amount of over $9000. They base their clalma on the assump- tion that a $65 charge for "use of buildings and grounds" la legal and waa agreed upon before Coe.It had a campus. Dr. Basll H. Peterson said this morning that the Coast board felt that the 6cea charge wu illegal because it wu made to the junior college district. He added that Junior colleget do have the power to charge outlying areu tor the use of buildings and. grounds where there l8 not an existing jay- see district. He 1ald that the $65 waa not included -becauae of th.ta fact. The $20,000 flgure was arrived at by charging the actual C\ll"nnt costa of $150.31 for each student attending Santa Ana from the Coast district lut year. Santa Ana sent the letter to Cout alttt the county counsel had advised that cashing ot the original check would constitute a receipt for the payment in full for tuitions. Chaperones for Easter. Rentals Are Requested (Continued from Pa file One l es belore their adoption and adopt. lng them. President Hadd Ring presided at the weekly meeting. NEW MEMBERS ADMl'ITED TO REALTY BOARD Five new members were ac- cepted by the Newport Harbor Realty board at today's meeting. They were: John J . Crowe, Tom Payne, J . L. Stawicki and HaroJd R: Srt)'der, all of the Earl Stanley offices, and Margaret J . Geldert. of the John Vogel Co. BURGLARY TRY AT MARKET FAILS Attempted entry of the llquor storage room at Richard's Lido Market was reported today by at.ore owner, Dick RJchards. follce reports state the attempt- ed entry was made by using a jack to force the door locks. En try was not gained. The Intended burglary was committed sometime alter closing hours Tuesday. 12 Harbor 13 208 A8 NEAB .AS .YOUR PRONE TO SERVE YOU Here's The Best Place For All 1949 OFFICE SUPPLIES Appointment Books -.~1.65 . Desk Calendars -1.90-2.85 Calendar Pads -.70-1.55 Inventory Sheets -.75--.80 per C Ledger yorms -1.70 per 100 -Up Loose Leef Post Binders-2.09-7.48 Blank Books-all rulings-.35 Up Desk Pads -2.~.00 Desk Organizers -5.50 Ring Binder Zipper Cases -7 .65 Pencil Sharpeners -2.20-2.75 Stapling Machines -2.20 Dictionaries -$5.00 Telephone Indexes -1.50-3.50 Postal Scales -2.00 Desk Trays -.80-2.25 Otfi~ ,Forms . . . Order Books Snapout Carbon Forms ... Labels ... rues ... School Supplies ... Business Stationery ... Printing 0011N8ZLLINO 8Zl&VICll WITHOUT OBUOATION AS TO .roua IWDY omOJl 8t1PPLY RZQUJRDD:NTS llewport Harbor Pabllshlng Co. STATIONERY STORE S011 W. 0..tnl Awe. Newpul't BwJa l 1 c 1