HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-21 - Newport Balboa News TimesDA I LY ........... u NBWPODT un~11 Phone Rates Increase in Effect Today Moet Newport Beach telephone ~ will ~ more mon.fy for their Ml'Yice IW-tlq Olla~ lna, in accordanoe with an Interim Increase recently allowed by the Calltomla Public Utllltlet1 commla- aloo. Theodore Hambrook. local man- qer tor the Pacific Telephone and Telesraph Co., aatd th.11 morntn1 that the new tchedule of charsee wtll affect bwtnm ralH, one- party l'ftlckntial llnee, eeml·publlc coin box phone. and eertaJn toll callt. Tw~a.nd-four·party res.Iden~ ttal liDft will 'not --dected, ha said. ~ lndt"1dual bu1Joeu llne ln- Cftued 75c to '6.50 per month: the two-party buatnel line . 1oee Up 50c to SS.25"; and the lnd.lvtd· ual line for ftlJdentlal use nae. 2!5c to sa.ns per montb.,Bualneaee Where a coin box telephone I.I In lft'Vtce must ruarantee 22c per ~ In local ealll lutea.d of the ra--t 30e. TM wwwtbly d\a.r2e OI' IWttd>bOlu'd 8el'YSct wUl 6e '8.15 m.taed ol the plW'lll a.50. ,,,... Will be no chance ln the toll rate between here and Santa Ana. the manacer aald. Hambrook cSc>M dot ba._ the ICbedule of rat.ti a1'Dl:rllW to all toll call.I but lnakatecf that man)' prevtoualy ln the 2Sc bracket will be lncreUed.. llOIDI to aoc and othen to 35c. FJve--cpt toll cbaraes . are belna ralled to lOc. he added. ~ ratee do not repreHnt the full ICbedule of lncreue9 ap.. plltd for by the telephone com- pany but comtl tute only an inter- im rate ral8e pendi~ action en the application.. The com~ IOU&ht additional rwenua of SSS mUllcm annually but theee chanc· • wW brine only '13 :: extra income. 1be ortatnal a caUcn ll •till up for COlllidera -Peeping S1spect l1~W on lsl11~ . BE REGISTERED BY SAT. If YOU WANT TO YOTE ON TAX 8-lclmta ol the Orance <Jou' ~ dUtrtctwM~ mclooM Newpwt Beacll Wlao wish t.o vote • tbe edaool ap&Uloa pbna wlalda call for a tax rabe of Z9 eeata. from 18 cent. &o &l ceat. per '1• ...eued valuaUoa, mmt be ,....._eel bJ Saturday. llardll •• Pfll'90U ~ rep•ter a.t eith- er ta.e N~rt Beach dty ball • tile e.Naty eoot1bome la s .. - ta Aaa. - TM e1eaUGa. wKl.6 1erVe9 the cloa.ble pa.rpGee of paulnc OD th apeNloe prosram an also u.e boa.rd of trua~ will be .._.~•I' of wo memben o' MW llQ M. 21-YI. FllEMEI llVEI llllUTE- Newport Beach firemen cele- brated the 22nd annlvenary o1 lhe1r memben• club at a gala steak dinner-dance Saturday nlJht at Otriltiao 't Hut ln Balboa. Loncmty badce. Wfte preeent- ed by Clcy Man-.er John Sanon to Perce Ptlt.tt ror 30 years• 80- vice, to Kenneth Job.nlon. 20 >'e&n.t C&rl Woodma.naee, 15 yean ana W. C. Noller, 10 )lttft. Mayor Dtck Drake and Coun- dlmen Rom Greeley, D K. Blue and 0. Z. Robert.on and their wtws wett suata of the fl:remen. Jui Briaooe ot the Balboa sta- tion presided a.a. l'\)Uter ot cere- mOnts while the P'OUP'• prest- dent, Noller. received his award. A television set wu won by C&ptain Roy Gehret. 4 C1n, 2 Power Poles in Crnhes 'r-o specta.cular acddenta ln- volvtng power poles on Coast high- way occurred in HuntJnl'ton Beach over the weekend. A. R. Ebrlte of 213 Magnolia avenue. O.ta Mes.a. suffered only brulae9 In the f1nt mishap which occurred at 5:45 a. m. Saturday. His car struck the pole, snapping ft off at the base, and the heavy wooden pillar fell acrou the high- .A man accused of beJiur a Peep-wa.y to be hit by two other can. tna Tom waa arrested l>y poUoe No major lnjw1es were reported earty this mornJnc on Balboa Isl-The other happened when a dub and. .a>upe carryina six men overturn- Geotf rey WUde, 47 315 Apolena ed after 1heartn1r off a pole on ave.nue, Balboa wand. wu booked Coast hJghway near the trailer en- at 1 L m. today ~ ot yto.! trance. The pole toppled over on latlon of the ltate a;x» va-the car but all of the occupants craney aecUon lntaxlal.tlcn, were able to climb from the Fri~IJ light lets Fint Grunion lun • Those double croutn1 enmton, sought by thousands of persons each time they are slated to nm. finally put ln an appearance ln their flrat "open seuon " .-ttack on the beaches. The tiny memben of the unelt family, apparently with mare bralM than their would-be cai> ton, showed up Frlday after con- vln~ a good share of the hunt- en that they wouldn't run by not a~aring either Wednesday or Thuraday as the State Fish and Ga.me men aald they would. The result of their m.aneuven left the beache. practically emety In compartson to the multltudee which would have jammed them armed with fire wood. flash Upts and rolled up levis had Lewuthee Tenula showed the flnt two night. . Old timers say that grunion very seldom come ln on the beach when the shore ls alive with aU IOl'W of lire, fire and U1hts. The grunion catch Friday rught was reported heavy In the nelah· borhood of the Santa Ana River Jetty and the mouth of the har- bor. police reoordl diacla.ed. wrecltaae. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . In dt.y court, Wilde pleaded not cuilt;v to both counta and re-- queated a court trial wh1ch wu eet tor March 30 by Judp Harry FlllL. APPROVAL GIVEI FOR L. Blodaett. Arresting offlcera said Wilde was Identified by realdenta on Amethyst avenue u the man they charaed had been looldn• Into USE OF BISE AS FAIR GROUIDS their llvi~ room wtndowa. ~ge county Friday was as- sured of a permanent talr grounds and a huae year-round rec:reation- ..i area when the War A&leta Ad- * Weath11111» a... Tid...,. * mlniltration approved transfer of ~ &S ~ 175 ac::ree of the Santa Ana Ann)' Oear •AA•" and ....... , .... t. p.-1... Air Bue to the 32nd Dlltrict Ag-'-."'-' ~...-.· .. ~ ric::ultural aaoclatlon. cloudy 1\acedey. No chanp ln tern· Informed of the WA.A action to perat\lre. U'antfer the land and 127 bulld- ADI TDlPCMTUm ln.p to the fair board. W. F . Crod- ' · dy, cha1nnan of the c;rounda com- Maxtmum ~-··-·---........... --M mlttee. Aid that action to becin Mlnlmum ---·-···-.. -·-...... 48 work on a permanent !air p-ounds Water ···-····-·~·---.. --··• will be atartecl lmmedlatel)' with ~lfi:I §¥j Iii ~f~olapd '; 'f:1aN1~l J!.. 1' ..... 1.; ::.r :-a The tract ol CT'"anc1 bultlllnp 'IL. _!,<mi l;fi ft H;lf"tl WM-=•=':: :::> i: ,-:; board for one·half of that amount, $130,300. L. A. (Dan) Patch, treas- urer-manager for the fair report· ed. Patch added that IU.ffldent funds are on hand to pay for the entJre transaction, but that onlJ 20 per cent wU1 be pa.id at UU. time Md the remainder at 10 per cent a year tOI' 10 years. The morl· ey comes from the at.ate'• pereftlt- agc of the horse racin& pari-mu- tuel fund. Gl~n Woolley ot Fullerton an4 H. Oay Kellogg of Garden Groft. memben of the boa.rd. aaJd that all utllltis alttadY are funct.km.. ln1 oa the new ta.Ir l1'0Uftdll. and that lhrtt of the atr bue'a.W.ter wella are located oa the propu b (Continued OD hce Twelve) MOYIE CREWS TO ST ART SHOOTING ON LOCAL SETS ftnl ICM• bl 1°lae Bleak Wall." a 4'am• • .....,.,.. Bfaaet:t pletare .... ftlmed •Y <Jolatnbla StaaM, wm be plaotb- papkecl Wa,y .. &.an. ....... It wu l_,..e-1 fff9l tM prCMblo- U.. scMdale ~t. Locale of tlte .._,. .. LGq i.. laacl 8oall4 ta New Y ol1l _. tlae local Mia ..... e bem ._.... eel wttai ~ loeatloa ta mlacl. Delinquent taxes on boeta ln Newport Harbor have"' been re. duced fr'Om '7.91&?7 tn A.:pril al 19'8 to ._,,329~ ~. and a sub-- ltantlal further reduction ta antl- dpated before the new tax bllla are malled out on M.-y 1, accord- tn,a to flauttt made public at the dty clerk's ottlce. 'Th.ere were 2840 bo&ta with a to- tal &Uelled valuation ot $3.~- 297 on the 19'7-4.8 •• emnent roll for the clty. Of tbeM ~boat. theft ~ 1 Nudn on #hleb- dt;y tum have not been pl.Id. Tbe delloqueat roll lnd....S. MaJ'b' 100 resl.ltrationa wbeft bWa 9Blt to tbe ••e•ed Off net ol ncoiil --been retum.d by tbe paie..m.,. with the notatMm •taot 'me sod' .. ar .._~fMa o"Wla DMl1U' bistances 6Xft .,. tWO and th1" ~· t.ck ~ ~ Iuanucta u the ilmaDel' bo&ta oltm c:banp .band8 ""'•al ttme. In • )'Mr, tbe problem ot tradn& ownmd1lP 11 not simple and linoe u,. tax comtitutea • um cm u. boat then haw been a nuinbeT ot lnstancn where an owner purcbu.. ins & boat= ta.Ith hU found that he not aoqulnd the boat, but alto a su tantJal accumula- Uon ot back taxes.~ ccmpiete roU ~~ t boat.a ta DOW befn1 and by ~ it wtJl tMt for dlatrlbutfon tO all brok· · en and boat 1&ndlnp tn the ..... IO that & potentlal ~ wUl at leut be able to aaure h1mlelt of a dear tax title. :; = ~v~:e:=t -ae WlllEIS OF Ill TIM mm producer .. Walter w...-. · ElllllT USTED Wimer Will lea.. \lilnnen 1n the •th ¥J1Ual New-• port Harbor Art Exhibit Wft"e a.n-... •td• D .... nl nounced Sunday by Mn. Ruth S. •DI IOI ..,. Flftllin&. director ot the yearly ar-1a1r. WllUs Warner. cha.lrnlan ol the Ji1nt prize In oOa went to Jack county boa.rd ol supem.on wu Locker of Lo. Aneela for h1a plc-lnted __ , tutt, '"Tenement Dtat:rtct." The llJ>l>O a~•au m&naJer al the hJgb award for lV&ter colon wu 91'9J\P Oxmty Sanitation d1ttrict won by Emil J . Koq. Jr., for "Call last week. an appointment whfdl of the S,L" beGomea ~ect:lve A,prll 1. Local residenta can lnspect the '!be Huntinrton Beach harcnrare P&Jntinp In the hfl'h 1CbooJ ll- man wu reluctant to take the .. bra.JIY Tbtlnday Ulrouab Stmday si t:lon but dlrecton •~ lmiatet from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to that the montha ot time be bu 9 p. m. Friday tor thole wbo want devoted to -aD phuee ol the aanJ. to 1ee the exhibit the aame eve-~to~ 1~~ run. u the hiah IChool ~. The pomtion . carries a aalary. GROUND BREAKING ON CLUB POOL IS DUE TOMORROW Bu~,Fall '·~~to Elater Market Ground will be broken tomorrow Another entry lw bff'n ·~ afteinoon at 3:30 o'clock for the ed at the Corona del Mar AUAiD: new swimmln& pool to be built for =. ~e!:.!...~. ns to pollCe the Balboa s.y club oa Cout --_ ....... hJpway, It Wiii reoortec1 this ·A merdumt .P9trolmaft ...... morning by JC. T . Kendall, club the '"" door a< the marbt pv. prestdent. tla.U) alt Its bJn,a and the lock Ma.yor Dldr Drake an4 Ot7 battered earl,y Saturday momfnl. Mana.cer John 8aJlcn an ....._~ The WOUid-be buraJen appumt- ed to partldpate tn the •r:;z ty .... friahtelled on before they ot tumlna the ftrilt llMM!I tll. Pined entry, polJce aid. 'lbe bet-tor the 125,000 luipaovcment. The ~~ doCir would have lifth club alao. 5 io··bemfn IDOlll OD UllS ._... acr!• to a oold ~ & .... cl wbk:ll :..wW c:mt ttar.,. l'OCD ~. the an.u. apprudma '15,000.. PtOrl 1tated: :.-.,....,._:. _____ ___,,-----~----------------... ......... ---------------------~ ... , WOMAN AVIATOR ADDRESSES · B&P WOMEN Patrtda Palmer of Western A.trllnea 1poke on Women ln Aviation whet ahe a4dreued BUllnea and Profealonal Wo-men-., auo a -fhe1r Thuncay nJaht meeUng ln White'• Park avenue cale. \ A U.C.L.A. p-aduate who 1tud- led mechanlcal cnlineerlna1 Miu Palmer wu with the Clv l 4Jr patrol durtna the war. She gave an lnteresUng aocount of the women •ho have entered thJt fl~d. Apc1 BlomqulAt presided and Irene Morra. was chairman tor the evanJna. Betty Handy and Kay Vaughn, who a.re a.alltl.ng Nath&Jfe Mi- chaud with the Bos.sea Nlsht pt'O-aram. made reportl. I)ue . to the l'Owth ot the club, mem~rs are llmtted u to the number of ~ta th v may 6rln1 to th1J l>fa ev~nt ot the year. An un-mirrl~ IN?mber who la her own bcm mav brine a bualneu mAn ot the area: or, If mamf'd and AIU8TO<le l&AOW mNIOM !* ......... &t u..er ...... her own boa, htt own huaband; ftt .._.. ... W ...._ IMM ta,A ...rte.a IASlea ..U. <>Mt& II~ or the may bl'lftg both her boa Left .... MU .... ·~ NMle, .......... ~ .... &o- and her hUlband. Ruth Gmiah Mn Ovdaer ..................... 11.n. a.wtu4 .......... .... la in charaa of ~et ules. -News-nine. photo Memben were Qlted to volu:n-s .t ci.. H· ,,,. ,, • -~·, B ·c1 teer u delcaate. to the· eonven-p11nf nopeoux 19 1gn oen'"' fl ge , ......... _t1on_TC: 18u= :::i=·hls_ GiYen hy J11nio1 lronch, Ani1fonce League clul ln 1pett.h and dramatlaJ Which rrlfftt each Monday and Ttlundar_ evening at ~ horM of UllJ&n Fox, 600 Avocado, Co- rona deJ Mar. · Dorothy Sutherland wu wtn- Dll' Of .the ~··~, Which WU donated by Graoe Downe al 8urt and Sand. JWM l"anv aked that a CQ&.. :=.3::~~ Uftt) 15.14 WU ralted. A. ~u.t wu allo made for the JoWwr-halt ol two-piece bathlna llUlta. UiHrologisl lo Sp.ale Toni9ltl fo County Rocle Houncls Jarnoe Underw~. pre.J~t ol Padfie Mlnenl IOdtty and cb&lrman ot Facetec!ra. a sub-~ ot ~ .oa ty, wtJJ •d-e&.. membaa of Oranp Coun- ty ll1nel'al and 1Aplc1ary IOdety at 7 :90 o'doclr tonlaht at Coron.a Oel Mar Grammar ICbool audi- tGrtum. H1I aub,Jttt W1ll be 9oPPrr Mlnenll of M.ontanL He will aJeo ~ the pegmaUc .,. ol the 1tate and ~ uppb1n and ruby m1nn at the t.rnlted &•t• He will a.bQ have flood , -I'HE YOUNG IDEA" O&Jmlnatiq many WMk.I ot =-ancf work the Junior of the Newport Rubor Aaktanoe 1_,ue preMnted tbelr leCODd annual deuert·bridae at the ea.ta MeA Leaion hall on March 17. n,e a p •cl a l feature of the afternoon WU a mOlt ~tlul bat lhoW prcsimted by D. Cath· J'7Jl Parter, 115 ~t °'&th •t.reet, sane. AN. MrL Robert OU'dnn-, cba1nmn ot the eroup, opmec1 the aftttnoonl fetUvttiea by an- lighted ~ta OD dlapley. ~ GO.On ha been ap- pointed'" by UMt local IOdety .. thetr 7t1:etent.aUw to attend tM inff np of the State Feder- ation ot Mlneraloeical IOdeUes, held each month at Ba.kerafteld. The 80Clety WU fnatrumental tn C"' lapidary and ,atone cu claaea under WIU' at Or· anre Cout collqe. TMre are now thtte, each filled to capaci- ty, and with Howvd Barnes, president of the aodety u te•ch· eT. A.nothtt dua wW be added lf eouah intettst la ahown. Nat ftel4 trip of the IOCle.ty II planned for the week end of Sunday March 27, at Rosamond Dry lake ID the Moja.ve cleeert. ?4eetinp of the group are open and ~ti are ~J~. ·ey Mesaler nounclna that Mla Porter would .,., bOtb imported and do~ ltlc orl&Jnall. • Outstanding amona the hatl were creatJona by 1 u ch na- tionally famous desl111en u delle Donne, G. Howard Hodce, Germain Montabert.. S I mo n Ruben and Levine and lmpatted modela by Paulett~. Maude Roe-len, Claude St Cyr-and Jacqun Satb.. Outatandlna omon1 the many d~ttul modela were an im- ported emerald green lhantung with •bite Wac and llttlc red !'OM budl caui,ht ln place by red sroaeratn ribbon. Th1I hat wu crated by Claude St. CyT and modeled by Mn. Marr LY- can ot Santa Ana. Two lovely cavtar tulcana In sable color. comumated with emerald green ribbon by Lcvtne were modeled by Mrs. Robttt ~en and Mn. Moraan Noble and were a fltUng cllmu to a truly outstanding nhlblt. 11\e hata were mod~ed by Mn. Mor&a.n No b 1 e , Mn. Roland Lqerlof, Mrs. Robert Allan. all of the Jr. ~ta.nee League and Mn. R. R. Hodgkimon and Mn. Georce Yardley ol the Newport Harbor Aubtanoe League, Mra. Mary Lycan of Santa Ana. A. piano accompaniment waa pl~ by Mn. Ralph Dffiyer a11o of the "Newport H a r b o r A.atttance League and the com· mmtatol' wu Mn. Grace Mm. lnga ol Santa Ana. Mn. Hay Langenheim of Udo Ille won the door prlu of a merchandise ordet-for a hat of her choslng at MJss Porter's •hop. A delightful a n d charming touch were nose-gay conegea of yeJtow or red rose buds sur- rounded by lovely aprlng violets t'Umlahfl! to each guest by Miss Porter. The hat &how was immedlately followed by tea served from beautlt\tlly appointed tables ap. Pl'OPrlat~iinted with St. Patricks motif. Shlmrnertni ahamrocb ed with yellow dalfodlla formed the elaborate cente~eces. Shamrock.a a n d ~ "-lences decorated the walls and windows and an enor- rnou. l1"Hn hat set ott to per- f f!ct.lon the St. Patrick'• day tllelM. 'Jbe tee wu followed by an aftemoon ol bric:!Ke. It wu ln-terest.J.na to note that the party drew many out«·t:• aunta ~ whom ~ . W. \V. Payne ot San Clemente-. Mn.. & H. F1nster ol ~ Beech, Mra. Ted Walbr, Mn. Dick ROl"- ton, Mra. Donald Harwood and Mn. James Musick ot Senta Ana. Mn. Mortan ~ Mn. T. W. ~and Kn. G~ D. Kel-J.oc and two l'*t9. all ol Laa ~ end llft."•Oon1Dli Roi· =•d ol LOI~•-' reJeM. ~~ ,.,_. ... Monda1, March 21, 1949 Annual ·Ari Exltil>it Opens Thursday al Higlt School Forty-b~e plctures out of 150 entries are being hung thia week in the IChool library for the an, nual achoo) art exhibit and on 'lbursdav aftemoon the gallery will open to the publle. This year the school is spon- soring the exhibit and h as of. fcred flnt prizes ot $150 for the best water color and $200 tor the best oil D81ntlng, both to be pur , chas~d for the lchool collection. Judging will be done by Fran Soldlnl. ThelmA Paddock ·Hope, Wade Zlnt of Laguna Beach, Evadna K. Perry, county art chairman; Shirley Lourie, art teacher and 1tul:h Fleming, school art director, who is in charge of the exhibit. Entries have come from Fres- no and Portla.nd, San Diego, Claremont, Riverside, Los Ange- les a nd many surrounding towns. Among local artists represen led are Riclu~~d Godfrey, Katherine Knox, Helen SmJth, Kather ine Orr, Rex and Joan Brandt and Mabel Hutchins. The Thunday afternoon open- ing will be in conjunction with' a Mother and Daughter tea spon- sored by the Girls' League from 2 to 5 p.m . and with evening hours from 7 to 9 o'clock. Th~<' hours wUJ be in effect U'lrou h Frlday, Saturday and Sun afternoon. 1 Members of the hJg}l school Parent-Teacher assoc.18tion will be hostesses Friday, the Zonta club on Saturday ahd EbeU art section members on Sunday. Friday night is the presenta- tion of Arsenic and Old Lace. wtth the exhibit providing an ex- tra attraction. On Tuesday night It will be pr~viewed by Harbor area service clubs, which are holding a joint meeting At the high school. Here I ~ ... :~ down' to ~C:-~1~e?1:d II Musically Speaking 1 ~ ~~~ tllm. ''THE t BJ KATllLIZN OOl'!MAN J 'n1e little ol' Santa Fe station in Pasadena wu never 10 tun of a,1amour u lt waa at 3 o'clock this afternoon when the Santa Fe'1 Super Chief, converted to the Shamrock Special took aboard hundredl of Hollywood's &1amoUr boyl and pl& Photo bulba 1t.arted popping when Dorotby Lamour, her h~ band, Bill Howard and young eon arrived. Dotty let the unusual gray ~ ot her beautl!ul eyes set the fashion color cha.rt-thunder- cloud grey for all three of them. Her two-toned striped grey suJt waa sun&Iy fitted, wom open In front, and had a neatly notched at.and-up collar. The belted black calf skirt wu paired with a char-treuse tame shirtwaist. long aleeved and French culfed. Not outdone, was husband Bill Howard (who ts to be compU- mented for bandlln~the hundreds ot people on th1a unket, so ef- ficlen t1Y and smoo y), and their darllng younz son ~ed 3 in grey flannel su.ltl with matching ar- l)'le hand knit sweaters. . . . A new twist on father-ton fashJoos. MRS. ROBERT ,PAIGE Cher husband is the actor-producer ot '-nlE GREEN PROMISE," is also wee.ring a two-toned 1\1.it .•• a mlooth double breasted lime Jacket with rpatching jersey blouse above a teed-slim skirt of dark green. The outflt was in· sptred by an heirloom gold neck- lace, a gift of he• handsome hus- band. Mrs. PaJge's accessories were brown leather i;hoes and a shoulder 1trap brown call bag. MRS. VAN HEFUN'S perky black Keneth Hopkins bonnet was a perfect foil ror her vivid red hair. Mn. Van Hetlln's suit ot black and white t.ifty check tweed was detailed "11th large patch pockets. Her &ccessorle3 were black suede. · JOAN DA VIS, who starts her next pictu-re ln May, was a sym- pheny In blue. Her two f!ece light weight ..-OOJ suit featured a . navy blue surah over a geometric red, white and blue check. With this long torso type swt Joan wore a blue mink coat. blue alli- gator lhoea and a huge under the ann alllntor_bag. ANDY DEVINE and hla charm1ng wife ~re not to be outdone by the Shamrock Special when they drove up ln their veen car. Andy fn a tall<>ftd Forest Gtten westft1\ •ult. Mn. Devine tn a anen and wblte two pece tweed IU:tt. Rer suJt wu d&DlcallY nm~ and with It w .... ~ .. IOpb1stjcated Yel'-.., ot the POIJUl&r PMant 8ty)~ blocw tn white cotton. Tru~ • SN&t illf tor ~ WMren ot the srem. .. ----. Stephen Foster wrote the words to many of hia ballads. A frlend. George Cooper. waa the author ot IODle of Foster's lat.et IOl1P. The two were &oo d friends and saw a great deal of each ot her when Fo1ter W 8 S living I D New Y ork. Cooper tells the following story, which certainly does not make a ~poser's Ute look like a bed of l'OS8. "Our songs we sold tor whatever we could get for them, which wu not vuy much. The song 'Wlllle Has Gone to the War was written one mornin&. After lt was finished, Stephen tucked it under him arm and said: 'Where shall we put thls one!' It W8.8 a cold. raw, winter day, snow falling drearily, the pavements covered with slush. Stephen's shoes had holes ln them, and he had no overcoat. but he aeemed oblivioua to dis· comlort and m.iaery. We passed Wood's MusJc Hall, and the pro- prietor hall~ ua. 'What have you got there, Stephen?' 1be song was sold then and there tor $10 cash, $15 more to be paid at the box office that evening." <Scrap book Item) V Are )OU Goins Tlll1I CHANGE otllFE? C111l11 , .. ti nff• fn• HO,l FLUSHES? Does t.bi tunctlonal "middle-age' period pecuJ1ar to W<mm <38-52 yrs.> make 1QU smrer trom bot fluabea, feel 10 nenoua, bJ1h-atnma. lrrttable, weak? Tbm DO trJ LJd,la &. Ptntbam '1 Vtptable Compound to relieve .ucb qm~ toma. It'l /amotU for tb.181 Taken r e1u1•rly-Ptntham•1 Compound helps build \lP NIJst- ance a1atut such 'middle-as•' dbu..a. n .. what Docton eau a • utertne aedathe. n poGttftlJ am~ ta1na DO opla~babl~f«mlna druD. PtnJtbem .. OcmlPound lldpt ...,._ (JOU lmow what we -..n). n ... a11o a sreai sknecbic Mmlct An7 drUptcn. LYDIA E. PINKHAM•S ~CIQJJULlb ---.. M - - s w UI I tl w et c Ct It e• 01 n n e' 0 ti v 0 b l'I n H S' A c t,; iJ s e c • Mondar, March 21~:.1949 ~ . l10m tbe yoe k9l t" NCllJ 1! tbeft'1 Pop.. Re ~ tor i..ana. Mr. l'Gn9l. pbO not only knon hmr to ~ he'• • ldOt• bieDd. ,,... •• . AIJen: who WU drummiaa 1D tbe 8dMJOl ordwwwtra. wt.en 1Udlmd aune a1on&' ••• ADm who mOftd .OYer with loocl pace. Allin'• fa· ly Germaine Haney OH1, (X)ME NOW! -Yup. Someumes I get disgusted wifb women. And for about five min- punch4'tmk, and when I club :°rerr. :::=-~ with people and events. He knows Mn. Tnaslow, music. Mr. why we vote the Wa)' we do. and .TUry. the ~. who ~ what bis anceeton we-re like. We what a pat on tM back can do. SPeCUlate With him u to hll poe-And the nelchborhood chllc!Nn- slble descendants. too. And we the wtld men who IQ', "Gee tell him smack out tha.t we 10Ye that's ~ ~· Lady UKi him. and that he's ROOCf.Jooldng. centa..-1" lOYet )'L -............... .. ute. at a time, I feel that r m the only on e who tm•t crack- ed. Or m ean, 4 r cra nky . Of course I knolJ' it's silly. For every h o r r 1 d one, there are nine m 111 i o n nice ones.. And even t h e J1ite ones are en- titled to a few ti&d moments. What I mean ls, just because an occasional woman &oes mentally berserk, it doesn't mean all the rest are worms. Every time I get mad at anybody, I say to m,yself, "Oh, keep calm. ntlnk of all the sweet little ducks you know." And maybe rm not always so ducky, myself. Just maybe, though. especially when clean. ~ ----------. people say, "I don't belfeve 1n telling a chUd he's handlome." No? Well, maybe-but what it does tor my morale to havt smlebody say, "You look purty ln that thar dress, ~ .. Aren't children the same? DOn't they oeea that build-up t .. .._. ..... Cine•• ~ldtll FLUFFY MACAIONI .rLUS IUPIRa CHllll PLAYO,.l o• · KRAPT ellATID LOVE LIFE-Richard is reach- ing the age when girls MEAN SOMETHING. And are my bi& ean sticking out a mile to re- ceive any and all contldences! I said to bJm the other day, "Well, whleh kind do-you prefer! Ser- ious airla, or ~ fOU like them gay ?:rHe laughed. "I like 'em gay," he told me. Good tor you, pal. Your Maw believes ln fun, too. YOU KNOW -I know some people who are so wroupt up about the-i11tate ot the world, that they can't' think of anything else. They just literally can't relax. And they feel guilty every time they laugh. Well, I <ion' t think th~ worltr iiS m " d rt"f.tftlY con-di tion, either. Oul I cAn't help· it by sit ting a round with my ch1n on the floor m aklng Lud moan- ing sounds. Anything I can do..1 I want to do. I want to plump 1or the United Nations. l have conrt- dence in the ~ncy ot p-><>ple. I don't believe any nation is ma- t erial for the human-relation• dump. I believe ln counting up all J.he good and beilutlful things human betnp do. Sure my soul writhes whu\ I reed of injua- tlet>, and people i;otng hungry and homeless. I want to make any constructive thoughts I'm lucky enough to have known. But crying out loud doesh't belp any- body. WHAT ARE THEY T -What are children llk;c -inside their heads! I know mothe~ who say, "My boy never tel.ls me any- thing." Am I kiddinc myself? But R1cba.rd tells me thlnp. Maybe not everythin& that hap- peens, but 1tlll-lota. He talk.I about school, w1 th his b'\Jcce&Sel\ all mixed up w1th bis fa.ilinp. But then. we tell him things, too. He knows when the budget ls OllECK. WBEEL8 IF TIRE WEAR UNEVEN Motorists are advised to have the front ax.le and wh<.'elS ot their cars checked immediately as soon as abnormal wear on front tires l• detected. The Southern Cal.1- fomJa Auto club says that. chances are, the motorist will find some ~ in the front wheels out of • itl Slffa" Distless rn. ~FlllALI ....... ......... BUUUP RED BLOOD? HURRAH-Richard made the All-Oty Orchestra. And ~ when -the notice came, I ''Well, you didn't do it alone, di aa-DILICIOUS-APPLES 3 .... 291 Use News-Times ---DA MONTI FlllT COCITllC · ::.~.~. 29' : .~ 19' THE ECONOMY-WISE PATRONIZE Everyday Values IEiL IALIES • •••••••••••• u .. CORN •. ,. ·~ 18' SPRY :auNS~~az1 SHORIENING PEAS Ne..::·21 1 1 .... 231 I .... 91' Mook Qol ..... 351 iiifl Q.T. -'-r Mia FiOiP6"-eLi: 25~ SPAGH'fl =:: ..__.., __ • 491 SviUP i -. .. 2 I RiLISH I~ 231 COFFEE .. -., --~.:: 111 OlM: OIL.: 291 MARGARINE 29~ ~_l_RC_H __ _ OLIVE.OIL.:251 s....enr.-WMOu N • .1171 !!.AR~~ !:14' ~ ... .., 311 APRICOTS ... STARCH 1 TANG ~::'" C; ,., R... 11-,. '~---·····.. 29' SiusiGEs 17' BORAXO ': DRESS'NG = ... s ........ ,,· TOtliT 17' ,..., ,.. c.-:z • a. ... 34' 0ae. n w... SOAP ~ 2t. P'NT BuT. '2:. CIAMSAu' c· E N-;,__Joo 19' ........ ····--···-········-····....2 ... u. -.. , ..... . SiiORTN'G !!97' QoPrtEA.,.;;. c· 511-'HE·s·-:~.~I 41 I !=::-:0-:--~~----=-::a:---~ MEAT10 ~ 101 ~ CLE'NS'R 2t- wH ... A •• ScH:oaNID 111• !;.35•. c:.••· .....,..._, .... f' AnlCOT -PINIAIPU 23· N'~ I 'R 1:: 2,. ,. \ -'--'·.. . . ·- . NEWPORT MlllOA NEWS.TIMES lwh, Coflfomlo OclrpontU.. ft. Oollep. Frank W. Abnum. d\aJ.nnu ol ....:.:~------...:,_.;;.:._:;.::,----------------~------------~ tu-nuna Standard ou o.n- pany ot New·Jeney, bu spent 32 1~~ 1n the refintna bot1De91 -hllhlY sucoeatuJ. p1oddiq yean, AetlTe Member of not too ~et. ~uured by out:skle • . Bectnnmg u a j u n I or engJ.nee-ln Standard'• F.aale reftn1ria 'l>'lf• n t • Abram.a slowly worked hJa way up. And bavtna .reached the very top of the world'• Iarsest oil cor- Poratioo, he be&~_ t() pt ready to retite the othet d(aY, ud beaan to ttallZ& how exclttns life can be. He aot contaminated flnt of all by alttln& clown Witb ane unt- venlty atudenta who were ll'Adu. atina from !Wnaelaer Polytechntc lnatitute. Then he met with teachen and student.a of other oolleses, beau to atudy their over- crowded condltion and their tinan· dal oeedl • DR J: W PEARSON SAYS: .JOHN F08rl'ER O~· CIUTIOSK ANGERS AC!W- !2!!.iJ!!•EGON'S SEN. MOR.SJ:; w1·,-...a-1'A.ND$ TEMPT A TI ON; 8TAND.4R.D 0 IL REPRE- DNTA'J'lVE WANTS CO~ --JIOJtA'ftON8 'l'O H.eL.P EDU- CATION. Al a result, Frank Abr&m1 hu become a qulet, i:onailtent cru· aa.der for educ.atim, "and 1n IO dotn2 bu PQ9ed an impartant quealion to the nation : "Can cor- r>oratiom contribute to collesee and univenJtJea?" .. .. \tnder cwT.nt co u rt rullnp they can't. II they have a buallMit lnterest In aendJ.nc ~ of their men to a cut&ln collep. or 1t a collqe la WWldna m a tedmJcaJ problem of value to a corpora Uon, then a corporation can contribute. But th ClOW"tl have ~ld. tbua tar. that a OOl'J)Oratlon cannot help a coUqe simply for the pW'pole of ald.11\& aenir'1 educaUon. H.owner, Abrainl, Polnu.n. to lnvaUpllOiJ and the abttt ot the ~_!.~-that the fnrollment of olhe.rla .. :l•'ra.nJc Hancock • ""u.;.-~ colle,et hu recent.I)' fn. . ettucd 60 ~ cent. apJ.nst a Sb<onacr than pacu -th tt • l~al PopUIAtlon J.ncreue ot only hem pJ nty ot oublldt,y attached 9 pa cent. clatrna that CCllJ>CWa· to the fact that NOt"Way hu •tuck tlcJna lboWd be perm.lttecJ to con· tu. nK-k way out by rebotrtna Rus... tribute to colleiea. &la And ag~Jn1 to a mutual-de-. tcOM pa.ct with lhc UnJUd Stat8. "Jbe r•<», PIUPftib' and 8e-- Unpubllcizcd, however, la the fact curtty-o th19 nation may ~pend that Norwo~ '-also quietly bu.Iler-u much on the w~ we treat our Ina tap rn.rnbhl Wftll the Uhtted leacben and OW' ttlllioua leaden Stat~ lhrou&h xchanae of •tu-u lt ~ oo any ot.heT .. alnaJe in· d<'nU ... About 600 Norweatan fluence, l&)'9 Abrams. We mu..t 1tudent.1 are now •tud.)'lna ln lbe offeT them more than bread and U.S.A. and. In reclprocJty, lhe butter a.rad a cha.nee to do ~ood. Urth cn;_lty of O lo ta conductina a ''The American people lhllst Kummer co~ for AmClican atu. that the leaal persona whJch we wnL'l. Th<.' Norwe&io.n teachen In-call corporatioN have respans- atruct in Jo.."'n1ll1h, and th.la aunr lbillUt'I to ~ety..,:_be, addJ. "In ll'\tt <udCnt1 cxchana-.. hclpl.nl our v~-: .... uae Amerl""'"can people -~--------------·--· are r1 ht: • .. CROSSWORD PUZZ•£ ur•wn .., ...,..n,, ... ,,.,,' At any rate, Abrama hu de-.... tr:.:-.: == .......... .... = .... i =-.::::... ::'I:.. --• tl!llllD a ..... aena. 0 f I a• • =-----.. h ..... ·~--. == = .,..= .. ,.. ' ..... eon ~ clded to make a test cue ot his theory ~fore the cou.ru and see whether It .. penniaibJe for cor- Ponltlom to make contrtbutlona to general education-there being no 1t.ringa attached to lnOuence the unJvet'fil)"a way ot teachlna . WMthtt Mr. Abram. is right or wrona on thb point, we don't know. But certainly, in hll generaJ desire to help education, he ls aincerely tryln1 to do h.ia part u a set'vant to brotherhood. b..U..s ,.,... Oommuaa.t. Generai MacArthur hu sent a long, attret report to the Army Department ursine the United States eovemrnent to do business with the Otlnese Communilta. He recommendl that the U.S. military ~ove~nt In Japan be permitted to buy coal and coke from the North Oltna m.Jnes now in the handl ot Ollnese Commun.lat.a ... MacArthur U!Jret trade with the Ommunilb t>ecau.e Jt will aavc Uw American ~OYft'nmeftt nearly $35 a ton on ~ ,prloe ot coal tor Japan. nt ooet.a S50 • ton to •hJo ~coal to Japan from the UnJted State., wb.lle the Otlnese Will mell It for around Sl5 a toe.) Ai.o M &eA.rth\.lr t.hlnka U.S. t r a d e wouJd tend to kffp OiJ.nc. Com- munl.at leaden fl"CllD rettJnc too chummy with M09COW • . . ... .. ( • ·- • .;- Monday, Marcia 21, 1948 I New Plymouth on. Display New Plymouth Features Beauty~ Perlorinance, Salety~ and Comfort ! -. ~ _,,_ . • • • I ' ' . 1'KWPORT llALllOA NEWS-TIMES S HEADS ALL:~FAGUE BEE HOOP TEAM; PEIERSON ON 2nd BUI Sidle. N~ BarhGr l\W'4 apot ~t to Huntlnaton hlch•a one man Bee buketball Beach'• Andy AJ\'erez. Meade, and team. wu picked u the outatand-Alvera are Junlora and the rest ing Bet player ot the year In a of the flrat atrln1en are seniors. Newport Harbor ....._ pJec;.ct >ll of Sunset Leque coach9 Tar center Dave Petenon was ..xJDd In the llUll ldiool'• cJM., and raoe-GalDS <Hunt. Beach), .. ., H----1.•ders &ken by the Dally Newt 'nmea. .elected at the pivot apot on the ~~-~~!!"~ ~~ Karb (Tuatln). TUaon (St. An-I 1 ~ Only one coach faJled w Dick the eecond team. Second ·~ for-'-'VUQ~ ~--.......... Id DMl6 .. ...-tboay) N1-'·--<N-porrt) ,..___ p f HB hJab ._. ..... Skiles .. the 1easue'• wards were Don Cardwell of Or-lan 1500 n1n IOAked dnder , ... J.ee 0 ' KMUlll ~ • uauH-.... or ou·tat,:;"'clli;j"pla,yer. Skllea a<iOted anae and Dick Helling ot Ana- SaturdQ afternoon at HunUnston J.ee St. .Anthonq). 2nl. Ta. • .. ~p 293 1n leadln& the Tan to 16 winl hefin. 11le second atrlng euards Beech. Pole vault-She~), Ope•r Friday ln 19 came9. It wu Jar1e1Y hll. were Anaheim'•, Ronnie Lemcke La JoDA. Well atacked wttb out--~-~ 'fL. t1eJ~), B. F= 15.4 scoring averace and top de-and Hunttnston • Francis Blod-= .ian. took ftnt D1ace. (O:>lton) Rancher (Claremont} Elsln Hall'• Newport ·Harbor fenaJve work which enabled the sett. • p(btl to Harbor• 21 • ..S ffaMe. (Claremont). 11 ft: hJp buebeJel'I went into serioua Tan to tie Anaheim for the cham· 1"lrit Tflllilll Seeoacl Team ftm4 up tn tblnl apot 3 In. prW!tloe today for their opening plonshlp of the leape. Sk1la (NH) F Cardwell <O> wttll' tt ..RO (ftnt raoel Kllmn'Wl pme at the *8lorr Frtda.v-~ In additloa to beinr-the-i>layer eade (A) F Hal&lng (A) Onl)' tlebt men ~ In the <Hew»ort Harbor). Klein (New-Hunttnaton Beach on the local of the year, Skiles JNU put on the Broward (D) C Petenon <NH > Jl.ut»or ICGrtna ind the four part Harbor), MvUn (Coachella). d1amon(l. 'Jbe Oilers looked strong fint atrln~ all leque team wbich Jara (F) G Lemcke (A) mu nl&J tnm ol ,_.., SYks (0Jron8do), EP1J9 (LaJolla), with wtna Jut week ewer St. AD-wu picked after pollln1 the Alverez (HB} G ..modaett <~> • Jerf'J llPI~ ONc:k BaMOD and 5S.3a, Second ~ (Hem-thon)"a and Bell Gardena. coachee u to their all opponents. Honorable mention : Forwards, Balt:Watta toall aee al two et), Moon {Harvud), Pattenon Halhpentmoatotlast week, the He was teamed with AnaheJm's Nettles, Hal'bbr; Sharum, Orange; 1oael ftnta. BW Xhmna iCONd (Hunt. &ech), Samuc1lo (St. An· tint of practice, weedinc out the CUrtls Meade at a forward. Dow-Ridieway. Huntin&ton. Guards, tbe mb other ant U be ~ thonq), Widmark (now-y), 539. Varsity prospects. He has cut the ney's Don BrowarirWb picked at Richardson and Lane, Harbor: the MO. ·~eld (Coronado). Mock original llat down to 18 from a re-center and Rudy Jara wu put Bonner, Anaheim; Bryant, Fuller- llobar'• t1lfo ftna w... well (La Jolla) Neal <Oiula Vilt.a), cord number of 58 candidates. on the tlrst string by shitting him ton; Burke, Santa Ana; and Reyes ...... J'4;11DB atarted the Nlq on SehrMpr • <Harvard). Sweeney He b keeping the following play-back to .guard. Jara, Fullerton'• ol Oran1e. · the ~ 1-, wbAch ~ (ftedl1n6a), 238. . ers, the remaining being relegated big gun, had to be placed on the " wt to l.llt 6da' tbe I 180 low burdla C.anon (Ana-to the Junior vanity team: first strtn1 but couldn't replace •ts'L S. J>ll•ed the baton to helm), Moorehead (~a>. Ber-Catcben: Bob Burdic.k•; Don either Skiles or Meade. The final IOll wbo put the locala out ln front ry (Newport Harbor), Swain <La warc1.• Oil tbe aecona turn to atve BPIN-Jolla). 20.41. . ... Pitchers: Jack Clark, Dick SPORTS s• A'l'r_ ler a aood lM4 u be took ... ~ Mlle-Riley (La Jolla), Davia Lane,• Fred Thomas. George La-&.ft l ·li. aUck for the third 1" of the D&Uo (Qlula Vlata). Coyle (Bonita), Bono. mU. event, ~WU weQ out In Leal (Chula Vlata), Balttcara Ftnt basemen: George ~vea,• Tt'JUDAY, lllAB()B It: t=:=front u he tbe anchor lea. ('CalJlltraDa) mL 44.!I. Ralph Well.a. Kl\ml!Wl atart.4 fut In a flela Bl&h jump:_Hames (Claremont) ~d basemen: Armand Net-~~::rt . ~: ~~ al 25 nannen. He wu aeeoftd at 6 tt.· tie amona carpenter (Dow-tlea, Phil Shafer. a a on, ...,.,.,. .. ey a ti» md ol 100 Y_. and 1tu94 >' Hern (St. Anthony) and Third basemen: Bill Skiles,• ancei Anaheim a\ Huntiqtoo tbeN UQW be went Into the lfna1 ~ea <St. Aucusttne>, 15 ft. ll ln. Georae James. Beacn; Newport Hlu'bor. bye. 1t:rallhtaway. He medl hla bid at Ue amona Gleed (Lquna) ACul· Sho.rtatopa: Bill Jackson, Carl-BaHibAll-Oran~e Cout versus thla pojnt and took over the Jeac1 lera (Oilt.on), Cutra (Colton), ton Mean.• · Palomar jayaiee at O.C.C., 3 p.m. with 18> nrda rema.lnlna, p.ilHQI Fall (Harvard), Slavin (Palm Outfielden: Bob Harris,• Gene FBIDAY, MA1W11 ta: away unt11 the Jut 10 Jardl wlMD (Palm Sortno>. Broome ('I\lltln), Ctane, Maurice Langdple, Harlow Trade-Sunset Le.que: New- & desperate flnllh by tam mate 5 ft. 10 ln. -Rlchardlon. port Harbor at Santa Ana· Oran1e Jim Kllne, who came '-'P fi'Gm MY· --yard relay-Newport Har-•Lettermen. • at Anaheim· FUllerton at n.___.. en th In tbe l.ut ao 1ardl to ft.nllb '--ft-tta La Joll JI. -helm t ...,.,_ &n;J I ~ l ell--' him at the _-, DUDJ • 8 • .n.ua • Huotln1ton ~ach. bye. ---. near 'I ~ Chula Vilrta. 1 m. 86.S.. M Schmitz Orange Cout veraua Olatfey at ~ polftt Wlnnillrt• alb ..BrmdJmnp-()dolin {Olula V .. -rL Ontario, 3 n.m. CEutern oonfer- tb.lrd ln the llO nrd Jaw ta), Weanr( Anahelm), Benn· T W t ence) ~ fourtb ln the llO blO wvd (Huntlqton Beach); Ue be-op$ 011188 8 aaMbaD-Orance C.OUt college h\dlet; Bob Watta. __. 100 ~ty.<~:~°'tt~8f:. SACC Course 3e~~ Ocean1ide jayaee at o.c.c.. t:"~: Al N'-l9on• foUrth Ma l"IDal IOOft9 La Jolla. 35; New-Newi>ort Harbor hJ1h Vanity • Wata ~ i;:-7JO hMt r.oe ~1 ... Harv·~· IJ: ~ !! Mn. Armand Schm1tz, Mn. J . veraua Huntington Beach Varsity with HM ln 2S.a 8eCOIMll but Ch• .. _, ..... ~,.__., .I.ii, D. Garibaldi and Mrs. Lolita Geo-at Harbor high, 3 p.m. Uatltenecl ln tbt tlnala.. Bob Huntbwton Beach. 1314 : Clar• 1haaan placed ln that order as Newport Harbor h11b Junior BTaledeU ~ l1xtb In the_,. mont. 11; Downey, 11; He"'met. the 54 hole tournament ended at Vanity veraua Huntincton Be. ach 1JoJd 8-m.Je Mawcl the lhot IQt 10 1-6; Lquna Beach. 10 1-8; St. Santa Ana C.Ountry club. Junior Vanlty at Harbor hip 3 •' .buf Could ODlr dace Ui&tla AntbonY•. lOicmBonlta. 1: c.orona. Mn. Scbmttz netted 232. Mn. p. m. ' :t:. team mate 8cab V...i:>J1mla I; Harvar4 tar7.:.:. IL TUIUD, Garlbaldl, 240 and Mn. Geogha-Golf-Orange CA>ut collese ver---~ = MYattll wit.II • DU"lr at • 1-8; R.ec11a.ftdl.. •: l,;()&CfteJl&, 3; ran. 241. . SUS San Bema.rdlno at San Ber-St. ~' S; Coltan. 2 M· Clan Bee honors were annex-nardlno thu U feet. Al SOUthWortb Oran-2~ r(.. ... i.-.-. 1 · Pa.lrti b . and ~oe Bl"Mt both dtd 5:0t in 9-a .. ~' t.6. -.-.... -. ' fd y Mn. Everett Lutz with a SATURDAY, MABCR H: tM mile ~ lilCCbtl behJ..rld the .,.u._.., 250 net; Mra. E .W. Murphy wu winner. Bw 0 Ult&f1IOn broad Jum1>-t.ra'• MHI DttWua • . second with a 253. Track-Junior Colle&e Relays at ed 19 feet. but. alao. tailed to Flnal eoaree Sao Dleco. 34%. Mn. Joblr Drury wu tops ln Los Angeles COUaeum. -Grwmoat. 22 9-H: Compton. 21~ cla.a Off competJtlon with 246 fol-SUNDAY, MA&CB !1: 8..a .lkl••I Dl•W• ~7:~·182\:1;~~ ~~ by Mn. Ben Hefltnser with Auto aact.,.-Hot rods at Hunt-... 100--Mock (La Jolla), Wattl ton, t!S~; &an knardlno, 12; Low put competition ended in a lhrton Beach Stadlum. Fint race, (Newpcat), nnteJd (Coronado), Exeelllor, 9~; Lone Beach Jar· three way tie amonc MJJ. F . J . 2_P_· _m_. ________ _ K1Mr (Oranp), W~ (St. Aft. dan. I : Konrovta. 19-1'; IUvenlde Parke, Mn. Paul Hall. and Mn. tbmiY). lo.& ~ ? ~'!.; 8°""""1 ., •.,!£ta~ T:a!: Blanch Andrews. Geo1heean, 78 ; thlrd, Mn. Paul U(J bl burdlel--Carl.:m (Ana· _,,..... • L. ..,.._..a Ana. S; Q9.u· Mn. R. C. HoUea took clus Bee Hall and Mn. E . H. Robinson, 79. 1 h!Jm, Moarhead <tAaunal, Wrlaht ta Barbu&, ::>; San Dleso Hoowr, competition wtth Mn. Lawrence In class Bee. honon for tint (Redlandl), Beny (Newport) 1. • Bemll leCOnd. Clau Cee honors went to Mn. Lee Role. Mn. R. Woodll (w Jolla), 15~ went to Mra. C. C. Chapman with Harwood and Mn. Everett Lutz- tt. 817°,\ ~ (~~ ML SAC Beaten. ~~. ~--~"!innen lo wi~!~~:ch·~d'dM~~~~:!: '8 ft.. 1"' ln., White (Chula Vilt.a), By ac:orlna a clean sweep ln the Oaa A were: First. Mn. John ha4 a net 80 and 83 respectively ,., ft. \ft ln., Blacketer (Lquna). bro9d Jump. concluded afta the Barnett. TT; second, Mn. Lolita ln class Cee play. 48 ft. 111' ln .• Prather (La "Jolla) l"elQ, Ola:tff!J colleae beat Mt. ---------------.,;;_.:__ ____ _ ti ft. 714 ln. San Antonio ln an Eutern oon-B (tlnt race)-Eatnda (La ferenoe SDlkefest at Ontario Frl- Jolla), Todd <Hemet>..!.. .~ clay. 81-65. In another mee~ Rlv- (Anarelm). Mendola (urwa Via-eral4e defeated Mulr Tech and ta), K1nc (Bonita). 2m 2.la. Sec-Lona ee.ct. Ot:y collqe, 79-~:19. Just over1i1•t to Ph.oeJlil .............. : .. ,... .. .......... . . . . . ... . . .... ..................... ......... . . . . . . . ,... , , .. .. . ----- 11111 WIJ IPranctlf I I \ ltl1 .. ,. If Caltflnia •!fat bell& tldna to pit-I I tins anew.,.tneunder the hood l• puttins Chnron Supreme in the tank.I Par dda pMt I bJend ot clan•barniq peo1inee ia clilrtt* lu'- loNtl to mit; your local ~drlnns condition•··· •••mini you faater plck·up ••• OlOOthel' dri'9fna ••. more pep ••• .,.. more mO.f. Distributed lry Cllrt11 T~o11pson lltla ...... O.tnl MwjW't ._. ft.~ 161 --- M m s. e1 rr 1' h F sl tl s e t• f\ ii F s li g t v y s c t l 5 " c t " ( f ( t ( J l t ( t l , .. i • Monday, March 21, 1949 B.v ROD MuMJLLJAN Tomorrow's Sunset League match between the track forces of Santa Ana and Fullerton at Full- erton will draw · many interested Newport Harbo high -observers. For this mee should show wh ther or not the Saints have t-nough strength to bowl over Newport Harbor in their me e t Friday on the Saint oval which likely will decide the Sunset Lea- gue championship. From this point it looks aa though the Saints and Indiana are very close-the Indians could win, which would &tve the Tars the in- side on the track championship, or at leut a tic should they lose to the Sain ts Frlda)'. The Tars have the d~pth t-0 take the crown and .Ralph R"'ed haa Eihlfted every Bee wl th a chance to win a Varsity point up to that class. Bob ~rry can beat any high or low hurdler 1n the league with the exception ot Pick Canon ot Anaheim. lnciden tally, Carson formerly lived ln Costa Mesa. Glenn Griffith should be right be- hind Berry ln any meet along with Chuck Hanson and Don Pridham. In this on~ ~ent. the Jocala are auured of at lea.at two of the three place• in any meet. Harbor la just as deep in each event u it ls In the hurdles with the possible exception of the lOO yard dash, high Jump, and rrille. When Jerry Lln1eo ls on hand, the Tan have the second best miler in the leai'\Je. So, with no actual all confer- ence winnera, Newport Harbor ii likely to win the Sunset ~ track championship. TWO BEST CASABAS Today's news columna carry the story o! BU! Skiles being selected as the Sunse t League Bee basket- ball player of the year. Last lfhursday, lt wu a'nnounced that Bob Yardley, also of Newport Harbor, wu the coaches' pick u Varsity basketball player o! the year-not a bad record for one school. Although Newport Harbor's Bee tied for the Sunset League cham- pionship, the coaches of the loop had httle respect for any other Tars. Anaheim was the only team to sel<'Ct a pair of Joe.ala on their first string au opponent five. They picked center Dave Petenon who srored 19 and 13 polnta against them and Sk.11". The other teams listed the lanky Sallor plvot man on their second string all opponent fi ve which net led him a berth on the ~nd string all league club. Nettles, Lane and Richardson, the other three starten on the cham- pionship fi ve all received honor- a ble mention. Although we predlcted the !lrst day ot January that the Tar Bees would win the bunting, we were t aking a blind stab-relying on the ext reme hight of Nettles and Pe- tl'rson. A team with one tresh- man, two sophomores, a junior and senior ln the starting lineup V<'ry seldom comes close to first place in the tough Sunset loop where just as much emphasis la put on middleweight ball u Var-sity. An example of the Sunset str ength; Anaheim waa nosed out or the Southern CallfornJa Bee championships in the finals by Snnta Monica ·In an overtime. GRID THOUGllTS ••• Al though tt>e openlnJ of the f ootbaU season ls 1tl1l aix months otc, we can't help but think of the KTid •Port as we watch what will probably be three-fourths ot New- port Harbor'• starting back.tleld roll over the cinden for th~ Tar track torcea. Present dope has Bob Bary, Be!> Watts and Harlow Richardton ln the ball carrying division with quarterback Don Cantttll Berry 11 the aecond best hurdler tn the league and by the end of ihe 1ea-~n. should be one of the outa1and- 1anang timber toppen ln th'l!J South- d. W&tu has nm the CftWl'Y tn 10.3 and the 220 ln under 23 aec- oods and Richardson. out with a cold for the lut two meets. abouJd be one ot the beat Bee hurdlen 1n . OCC Beats Wivy; Palomar Nl11e Here Tuesday PIRATE GOLFERS C6B Tr8ck-- ~~:~~R~ Forces Lose Pirate Goltert o1 <;lnqe eout to F•lliita• Orange C.OUt oolleee baseball-;').1i: :::=~ ~ Larry W'llloUlbhY. La&&n.:!e:~'!'1 'J\anwftw'a &t nt 1..-tadl era extended their record to three dlfto coll~ t~-2~ a.t WlUowlck K\llTQ Browa. l.nd Henn :sc:mmat act.Ion Ollltel'W at fi11't8 •lilt• win.a in five starta Friday In beat-Bob ·~., EvenOft nett.ec:i took flnt paw In a dual mHt a. the hdle• ttaJa dMI Wiil t rp lng Terminal llland J.5.1 at Lona a 72 tor......,. baaol'L twten C>rlm&'e a.st ~ ud _. ..... ., ... _ ... a.-.-.. a..;;. a...._.........._._ Beach. Coach Wendell Ptckena will AUo ~ loi the FuDertoo junior coUese ~ ..... _.._ ----;u- send his crew agalnlt Palomar were PIJJJ.~TT· BW= bu:c= O..t wu q1I br oould bMe an ........... •n-I Joayseec.c ~ lda prtomoactice ttttaf at the 85, and~ Nicol, rf. I ~.,:_._ 8M8 by the HorDetl at Gft u. •nut ..... .rt cl • • ue . now ternoon ~ b::alj trawl to San Demar-c '4UC'numa. *iP pliaielln. ,,.._ 9111lll ....... w1:::,::· "li~t~t u ,.vln dlno fer a -.tdi, J'lido>'. the~~ racier 3.. ~ ..,. wli_j'!I. .. lato ~~re were the big guns in Cout'a 13 1 • Brown ihe abotpu and Schmkli wet watti N~ ~ hit attack on the Navy n!M. H~ , ......... ,0 .. 1•1 the d19cuL %~.a=t'f~ :. re11 J:!wdered out ~ aa.fe blow. • •r•· •J .,. Meet resume· ca19 weM. OCl1llll *--ta ~ s~~~~{ ~ :gr~~: Ci I 100-~y ~QC). Olhome tM ~,., .. .. eluding a home run with one man 11JU p-ZIOZO (F). Bel <OC>. 10.U.. Ud -~ a _........,.. on in the second frame. •J /( 220--Knlcht (F), WllbllfthJ ~ ~. ...... ..... Coaat'a pitchlni force h•ld the <OC>. Bell (0C), 231.. ' ~~rate, u .. 111111t :tt.l i~ t1D hometownen to tour hill. Ralph Prope'l'ty ~ throuahout ~ 4t0-Ge.le (OC), Coda (F}, WW ~-a::=# Wla .= Freitag toiled the tint three Inn· &nae COUDt7 ~ 1MJ' are 26 per (F), 53.7L the l t "J\a dQ inga, Howard Hennfnt the leCIOftd cent ~ tban they we~ lut 88>-Richardl (F) Vidal (OC), Other m:;_. ::._a. -tdl three and Jule Marshall moved 1n ~uOn ~ ~en U10-Lawrence CF ). 2m. io.s.. Dow11iif1 at Onltl'e Dd ,......, ~ ahortltop to hurl the tut Tu8 levied by ~ county. Mibt-DeMonte <F>. Fou (F), at Runtinata BliMll Orang .. Coast nrmlnal ••taftd dtia, 9Choola. and apeda1 dll'tlicta Roce'r's (OC). 4111. '6.11. All " H Aa " H in the COCJnb' fot' 1M8-t9 total Two.-Mlle-Palmer (I') Rocer9 Bavln,ct t a 2 l'.cco.ct a o o $17~1 'Nlille the leYy fOf' lJN7-(QC), Rff'Cl <F>. Um. 29.h. Ra.mae,lb 5 0 l Nally.it> ' 0 1 '8 WU 113.951,864. · W h1&JI burdl8-Bou (F), ~·~b : I : ~~I i ~ Proput)t levy tor the county 1~ Brown (OC), 15.911. nomli ll 5 i a eat.n.111 · , o t •lt th.La yev tot&Ja 14.122,632 QI> 2'JO low hurdlee-Bou (F}, iiinbii1.u e 1 t VolSbt.lr a o o 2S per cent over the SS.357.•96 Brown (QC), Bell (0C), 28.k Hennlna.3b • 1 1 QM:u.ck.rf I o. O levy fOf' 1917-68. ._,man mlle -F\alle.rtan (J)e. ~1:tfr:.re : I } ~~ t &, g Pl\JP*l'1)' taxes for the dtim ln Moote. O>da,. IUch&rda. Kft10\t), --- - - ---~for-~9..emount to 3m. 3'7a. - Total• as 16 11 Total.I ii 1 ' ll.*'2-811 . wlak:h fa 15. per cent Shot.;i,ut--Bzvwn (OC) A.dama Scon by lnnJap " H a btdilr' than the J?s'!:.7.~·?1'1 levied (F), Schmidt (OC), 39tt. l~ln. Orance Cout l20 OU 2ll0-16 11 J loi 1N'l""8. 'n"9 US\lnl does not Dilcu8 -Sdunklt (()C'). KMt TumlnaJ Ialand ~= ooo 100 000-1 t a lncll..IC» d~ aal8 taxes or bualnea <F>, Adams (F). 132ft. lioemes and teee WhJch dtJes levy. Javelin -Green (F). McGraw Metcalf WlllS School d1atrict dem.a.tG tor pro. CF>, Brown (OC). ta ft. 7ln. perty taxes ln the oounc:u Broad jump-Knlaht (F), J~ 1-.dled '8.JJJ),869 an o1 aon (F), OoundJ <F>. 2Ut. llJn. Sunklst Serles 28 per c.t owr the $6,a,870 ~b JumP-11e between Slmp- levy tor 19C7-48. aon (}') and Betheru.m (F), BroWn Off NHYC Levlel for IJ)edal dlttncta ln the (QC), 5tt. 6Jn. OOUDt;y tor ~ total $2.~.-Pole vault-ne betwem Batel 8591_ ~~ cent more than the (F) and Swln&le (0C), Ue for Srd Darby Metcalf emet"led the wm-Sl.~lew-tbr 1M'1-Cl between w.n. toe> and Robert· ner ot the Newport Harbor Yadlt Ovtt t.be afai. u aw~ pro.. aoo COC>. Ult. club SunJdst d1nd\v aerie. 1n Ldt-pe~ t&Xe9 tor 1968-49 tot.al 21 per Flna.l score -F\illmoa Ja)'M.e, man clua competltlon, concluded cent mor& than f« 11M7-48. 83; <>ran&e Coutt ~collep~~·~48..~~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ yesterday ott th~ NHYC club--houae. lfetcalf wu in BucUt and wu followed 1n final atudlnp by F.d Mun.ey with Vim'a Vlnr and Kim Munbolland wtth 81.ncO 'SIDco. Noel Wl'OOUe took lourUa a W!Jo•a Dot ud Cbk* ..._ wound up In llttb p&.m ol tllle three wftk Jaac nchia ewet With Porqulto. The first five tiniaben wa> u,. right to compete tn the torthoom- lng challen~ aerle9 for the Hook Bea.rdsee OlaDmce cup. Other Su.nWat winnen wett Russell ~ ~r; Geoormre Car-rington, Ludcn; Herbert Wor- cester, Inter-Club; Don Watt.on. lntematJonaJ; and Paul Merrill. Sabot. The Bea.rdllee trophy challen,.e series wt 11 be aalled here on Sun- day, April 3 under the aus~ of the Southern calltomla Yachtioe associa Uon. the league with a 120 )ow ba.rrltt mark of about 13.9. ln back of tM9e neet tooted lads will be Dick Jones who lhow· ed promlle lut aeuon u a Bee gTidder and who 11 Just a shade slowet" than Watta 1n both the 100 and 220. Out Coast coUese way, they're raving about chunky Larry WO· loughby who bW'nl over the 100 in 10.1. Willou'-hby WU • star In Mark Keppel • strong vld ma- chine last aeuon and should he>p IU:ly Rosso'• cauu more Ulan a lit· tle next fall. ,_, l4' ........ ,., -ICNa...._Cat 0 .............. ~ fl I, ................ I • ing GOES in ird1" Wt i111 Jtl It 111 t~1 111' t'•I Fer' Tr11l1 111'1 ,1111 ~ J08 haal, whet•r• 109 hal for 1949. ,,....., ... dptied ~ .... ol d-1 1ti1 opdou. Ii" a job~~ rT"'--'ft'ft ...... righc Jdad « mack - · dcaUywfcho.J u.it. Come laud,. .. faca fioe U OD WW. ford job C099Np. Qecloachetc01aofud111IYel'oN'Dwk ,....,.. ...... .,.. 1a 80 ~et-* ...... .Aft.Gr~~F' Gordon 8. Findlay OOJl'llUDIOS a RILi>•. , . CABINET SHOP SERVICE yov ,....._ 19'49 Pordl cnck ..,_,. dliagf ol {act, ...... ,.. to .. dock daat bat..,..... to a loecl dliilWd Trocb c:aa't ,.aL HeW1 ., l'ord TNCb ha1 e+ti)'1 ,,.. Grit beam• eada ford b ao-. alUt wkb ema· tUeDp tD ,m k a wider wodt ...... Secoad, we P" yoa a .._ of O'lltr l ~9 cU•enac '-4 T&'wck model1 ,..,..-c...~ .. ~--.... Lllllll•=:: .... ·:m:ra.c: ...... * * * * * * * * * By McEvoy and Striebel Met up with the soft-,wpoken Pepito whose dellcl~us Spanlah ae-- cent ia always a delight to listen ' to. Gently chewing bJl etttnal black dgar this clever man (the. plan, artist (oils), mimic, sallor, navtaator, 1portfilhennan and m0re lately, boat desigMr) wa.1 critically examinlna a piece of marine hardware for his new boat. "You have a new boat, Pepito. Tell us about it." He did and -*e were a little amazed at hhis information and looked up ~t Happy Warrior, Ken Wilson of Chris Craft. After all 32 knots is considerable apeed. "Yea, l.ndeedy," mused Ken, "Pepito has got himself a dream boat ... all eighteen thousand dollars of new boat!" Pepito has apart fished Con and of1 in the beginning, but steadily In recent years) for over 30 yea.rs in local and foretgn waters and during that time he has developed certain Ideas about the conven- ience and efficiency of thlnp aboard sportfiahen and pteuure cruilllng power boats. He hal worked on many, has been gue.t aboard manv and has owned many of these veaels, but always there was, according to his notion, some- thina that could be chanaed. elim- inated or added. Someday be would design the mterlor and fish- ~ areu to flt in with the plans he added to or discarded as the years rolled by. Last year he felt the time had arrived and saw Ken WU.On and the Chris Craft people. He didn't want any chanaea Ln hull desi&n, but they might put IOITle more apeed Into the vessel he had in mind! What he wanted wu change In the Interior above the waterline. Plana were drawn and approved.. Pepito'• boat ran the usual Chris-Craft assembly line In their Holland, M1ch. plant and hull- men, riggers. fitten and engine men thought they saw a new and secret Chrls-Craf t coming off the line. The new spowtfisher is 34' 9" 1.o. a. x 10' 3' and ls powered wilh twin 165 HP Olrls-Cralt engines that PepJto and Ken Wilson aver will drive her through the water at 32 knot.5-410me 55 minutes tl'Om N~t Bell Buoy to Ava- lon Harbor t. real speed In the water! We want to see her and a de- tailed description of what the aa- gacious Pepito has done cannot be told In this small space. Briefly: The forward open cockpit hu gone, a solid mahogany deck ln its place, unencumbeTed by any gear and only a circular hatch- way. Chain from the peak locker below I• fed up Inside the mooring chock via messenger. There ls a solid top oveT the flying bridge and enormous plate '-lass windows ~Ive tremendous visibility. Heavy bTonze exhausts lead aft Crom hl!I two engines through newly design- ed mufflers. There l.s only ONE fishing chalr. placed over the keel forward of the transom. There is a specially built-In bait tank. Wheelhouse design has been com- pletely changed and the two big cushioned seats are gone. There Is a real tea tiler and chrome com- panion chair opposite Its helms- man's seat for an observer or nav- igator. The cockpit and wheel- house is deaivned for com! ort and efficiency. Below. the main cab- in ls not changed much, but the fore peak, whJch had a seat under the circular hatchway (which will pa.as his anchor) lJ now the tackle room where all flahing gear 11 stowed out of sight . . . and Pe- pito has nearly $5000 worth ot it. Some 20 rods will nest here. Outrigger holders are of special = and must be seen to be ap-ted. Pepito's "ticket," proudly fram- ed over a bulkhead, states he I.I Hcensed to carry tor hire and re- ward not ontS< ln local waters but any waters of the U. S. ' .. The vessel ls, in Pepito's wordl dedl~~ted to the sportfishlng ele- ment. He ts not interested ln an'/ other type of ocean crulJlng U. ta a director of the Balboa~ clutf.' 'She is named MAT Uiterally: killer) and thl1 ch'"'art""""-.. ~ t. available foT a.t Richard.son 'a Yacht LanlllS]dina.pectJGI~ Buena suerte, Pepito! 1 4 J ( ] ! Moada1, Mari:h 21, 1948 ISLAND MAN AIDS WITH CONVENTION • E. 0. WUJJ.tme. ~ North Bay, Balboa Jll•ry\ to4q WU reported workln& on committee plans for the Westetn Metal Cmaftu and Ex- politlon. April 11-15 ln Shrine con- vention ball. Loa Anaeles. Wil- l.lams, a author!~ on welding, wu belpln& to line up more than 40 naUoaal apeeken. who wUl de- liver papers at techn1cal seutons ol the American Weldin& eodety. He also is chalrman ot the Weldin& soclety's Loe AnaeJes chapter. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DENTISTS William J~ Dolan, D.D.8. 4:00-A lht Street N ewpori Beee.h. C.Wornla. Barbor !3'J-J Houn By Appointment llOBTUABY Harold K. Grauel Chapel no BHe.4way Phone: Beaooa 6010 eo.ta Maa PRY8101AN8-8UBOEON8-D.O. Dr. Edward W. Milum Pbyalclaa aa4 Su:r1eon 0.teop&Ga Ottlce: 8-ldence: llU'Mr tM! Beacon 1896-.J 8lS Goldenrod A venue Corona del Mar. California W. T. Mooney Ph,..idan and 11.fKeotl SURGERY OBSTETB.108 PBY810 1AN8-SUBGEON8-ll.D • .. Henry R. Hall, M.D. ~ _. 8al1eoe Hourw: 2.-5, by Appointment ~ BeaooD 18'.8 11111roei11...,. 0-Ca .... Wallace J. Miller, M.D. Eye Pby1idan • In the 8&rteber Bdcllna By Appointment: Harbor 1528 ··~ c.......... ew-...... S. R. Monaco, M. D. 81' BAY AVI:., BALBOA il&r'bo1' 11'U Office Baun: 2to5p.m. M~UU..PPrtda7 OPTQMETBIST8 L T. BOTl'L&WOBTB, O. D. Op1omelllat EYES~ LENSES DUPLICATED Glaue.a Rtipalred aa4 Adjuated 511' \V. Central Ave. Har. 2511 NllWPORT BEACH .... NEWPORT BALBOA NEW$11MU . MARY. WORTH'S FAMILY * * .. * . . CURLY KAYOE * * * * * * .. * By Edgar Rice Burroqhl * * --. . .. D~lhY ~EWS;JIMES _.Monday thru Fricley . .. ........ .. ..... _ · NEW'°'T. ~y POST--Wedwdeys· atA.S'l's£WAa!ro~T= 19f1942~u#1:!d~ m~~!:f~a.~. Chu•••.._, ..... .,._, _ _. .... ,...... W1tr 11111 ecaullJIQent. l.lvln1 quart.en. luxe dub coupe. RadlO. onpw home. lfuce lJvinl rm.. Ot>Or MINIMUM M •• a.---I.deal tor couple, Winter net ownera. BarbcJr l!517-J. 4012 fm'n. Bathnn complete wltb t al°' per month. $6:500 Otannel Pl, Newport Beach. maaazlnt: raek. dbl. I:!· Lot 4 .._._ ...,, -•~ Nf' A. ANDY STEINER. Realtor. -. ...... ---· .... ~ :ux v~'fl~ wm <:~ 44 ~ • 11 --11 .. ,1 -11.41.tl roABr lf1abway ·Bea. 5113 !':-~~.. ... . . . ... •! alder excha.n. p . Phone H•!l>°1' -~ • * PV v vv "1-J eW9. .v-tf 4 U.. ' ,.. I.a 2.tl . . . .. ... . .. . . ...... ..,. % TON all 1teel Ucemed trailer ..... Hew. 1-1Of208, .._ .. "Ad T~ Of llftd od ........... to 0:..wANTID TO liilfr h v-a with rack. SlOO caah. Can be Bea· utif' ul Home s1·tes -• • • @ , ~ 1een at 453 E. 19th. Cceta Me.a. - ' MIWIOln' kUW N• ••• CO. 2 3 BEDROOM unrurruaw ..,. W 0 C 1t11 W• Cr .... A..._ Msu,..t....._ Crll•• h!..-or apt. Couple wttb one !•:-~n·TC>.;,~:~~ -·: 1s In est range-ounty The News-n.n. .... -.. lllJDllll> .. for .......... OM lncotred dauahter 1'. Permanent. Up to er • • _..... .... C.OmmerdaJ acres ~400. $2750 tneerttan of an ad>ti~t, ,.. • ..,. the rtQttt to conc1ty da911fy Off'/ S'15 mo. Harbor 2M3. S3-p:S5 L 0 A N S 7 Acres of Land. Free water 7700 and -_...... and to ~any ~t not c:anfotnW-to Na. and Small furn.llbeCl_Apt--2'f"'...i., rental 2-B.R. house. commercial _?~c-;~;~.;,;,-~'}f .:~.~~:"'..:. ~=·~~ LO A~~ ANS ~~fifl~.~~i~~~ ~ ~~~ .,.~ ... -· .!~,~~~~AH~-~~ a.:Uii"·a HOUSil'' 'l(U .. a S5o.oo to $5000 ~: ::c,~e,. o1ars:fr .1:a.G~ Rua and Carpet CLF.ANING s ER v EL BAY*VfliW AP-r:·w~t'ii;;; Av"i. * SALARY at 1433 s. Lo9 An1ele1 St., Ana-Tbe G A S Re~ .. ator 8 ~ 2 b ...... heim. Phone Anaheim 5006 -AA"JrV& -ma.. •~ _aarqe. ..A. AUTO Open Sundays. Si-p-58 Ferguson Hd we. Co. Furnllhed. year round, SnM>. mo. -w- AND LAYING SUClON80r to Eatua Hdwe. UNFURNISHED 2 BEDRK. APT. '"'k FURNITURE LARGE ne~ 3 bedroom • 2a>6 Coat Blvd.. Newport Almmt new. Over prace. '65. CLEANING PRONE HARBOR ue 8 :E'n~ ~HOME, Other Personal Property VIEW HOME. UPHOLSTER.ED l"URNJ1'URE YOUR a.mo ~ ~ Udo Iale, available tor July a "QUICK SERVICE" Beautifully Decorated Al's Carpet Works 1JJ )lOQr bome at no extra charp A~ ED HEACOCK fJoc.d (Ill.I.I .J!OIMI A Steal at $16,500 of 0ranp Well aperieoced. b<meat, COD· ROY GREENLEAF JR.. & A&S0C. Sl!.L DAILY 5 to 6 or Saturday Harbor BnDc:t. <>Ukw: ~RADIO SER.VICE 8112 W. Central Ave., Nwpt. Bch. 0..dMVI, afternoon & all day Sunday. 16'5 Newport Blvd.. 0.ta .... JU. ... or HA. lf<8.W. Harbor 2552 (eves. Har. 1981..JK) ,--at 219 Tustin Ave. Beacon 570'7·M USED KENMORE .....,.;.~ FOR oooiiliiENTAL.S. i!b5: ~R~it:IcftVJ!, w . Newport Heights ;&.~c chine. Excellent condition. Har. and 4 bednn. homes few stmlmf'I' oat door to Westam Union aftlce 52-ttc ;;:_;,~--;.a;-........ ,; 203 or after 6, Harbor 2520-M. ~b"lr,vRealr::,~~1:"w~~~~ PHONE BARBOR ~ttc Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Lane ' ' ' . ' ' . ,,_ . IN GOOb CONDITION. A~ tral, Balboa. rn. Har. 01~;~56 wt&h to ~t their old friends SOUTH COAST 3-bumer stove wtth oven, $1.Si NEW untum. 1 bednn. apt. Lar.-NEED MONEY They ~ now acuve tn the re.al MATERIAI.8 CO :,._~~C:nai~~=~.~ rooma.No1are,ie.Year1ymit:t TO PAY BITJ.S? =~·bualnesa at their old n-..A.. -·--tb Balboa Block from Oleta Meu &bop-l\tVWt Court A e N t Sch nos....,-.._. rt. · M-e::i6 ptna dlatrtct. Beacon tw74-M see us for LOANS 'VVV v ·• ewpor · Speclncatlon FOR SALE OR RENT-120 bau 48-c-5 Ph. Harbor 343 CONCR.E1"E Wurlitzer aocordlon. like new. 3 ROOM turnlahed apl Encloeed on Auto, Furniture, etc. 229 w. wu.oa . a.ta .._. Abo 80 bau CUmen accordion, _ _. UtWtJ e.Jl7 ~ Phone Beacon ~ · &ttfc excellent condJ.tJon. Terma tt de-y-..-u. a. ., ..JU mo. In· uk for LYLE R. POPE quire 2001 OGean Blvd., Balboa. Bennett Hardwood~ Co •lttd. Beacon ~W. 55-e Phone Harbor 315. 50-ttc BAY LOAN CO .. • SMALL SUollne aeneretor. New FURNISHED. ana.ll 2 . bedroom IM!/\A WEST ~ ... , .aVE Floan laid • S.oded-• P'lwtrd luap1e trailer. 2 overhead l•t:· house, 1ara&e. Yearly rental, __,. ~ .... ~ " · and RdlnllMd aae doonM:"~te. BARGAIN adulta. 1107 Balboa Ave., Bal-Newpt Bch. Ph. Har. ~77 ' C. R. SPOONER 388 Del , ta Mesa. Pb. boa Wand. 5'-c-55 47--c-56 PHONE BAaBO& O&f».M -Beacon G87..J. 5S-p-58 LO~S TO e~"" ~ ~ROV .. 12$ -e-4 at:. Newport Bnda" • • , • ... • • RENTAL " A.I'll ,~. ........ ~ :w:; ~ti• z..J"!':~~~ ;;;.J! ~~~l8 :·=~ TD...E CX>NTRACTOR metal sPl"lno Is matt.reu, $25. Linwood Vick, Realtor NEWPORT BALBOA F'EBERAL Phone lhrbOr 2342-.J. ~56 Balboa 1t1and RA. 2042 SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. · IN COSTA MESA DUPLEX. Stucco lower, frame upptt. 1 yr. old. l ·bedroom each with Uvtng rm. and kitchen Lo- cated 1 bllc. from 81vd. on 2 ~~ C.Orner lot worth $1000. Full price $9800, terms ASSUME FJlA lMD on love!)' 2 bedroom borne. Large Uvlna rm. and roomy kitchen. Ga.raae. Best oefahborhood, cloee to hlgh achool. $2000 DOWN r:: A~~~·· =·M~ WASHER. Automatic Friiidaire; 33-o-54 1833 vt. Udo Ph. Har. ~ Phone 8'100-W-S late ''7 model A·l cood.lUon. attt Havm-New cbabla. 0n17 1 ~ttc WM G HAY HARBOR 18--Uc ~e :: c!iinH::. ~.s::s~ ™' ~~~ 6l~~ ;;An a~ ·,, Llcerwed ReaJ Esta~ Broker ~-vu ~carpe.t.ed floor. Ph.~ .;\,.~::ila• •-!.,.:._,·..__~---~,·-r Comer<otW~onnge&eelNewporCafe)l Blvd Plumbing Service ELECTRIC HWiiil machine, am-~ ._..w. ~""" .AW K" M-.-c& •IVUllC ... nu..1e ~ Wh 1788 NeWtat Blvd.. Beacon G11 &le bed. 9xl2 rus, antlq\lft and SMAIJ. HOUSE. tumiahed, 2 <m, , bouM. ~ &c:re, zaned for Phone Bea. 5935 day or eve. REPAIRING OUR SPEOALT'V n\amer'oUa other articles. Beacon room&. 1m Santa laabel, Coeta be st w. ~ Newport Ave. Ph. 23-c-25 Ooatnctint and s•• 5027..J. ll5~ Flower, ea.ta Mesa. Phone Beacoc 6227-R. .~ ~M. ... -· ~ IN BALBOA ._,tic Maa.. . .. .. • ....,.-~ !SO-c-54 62-UAL ISTATW 62 !EE THIS 2 BEDROOM home _..,,..Q--U~ARR~~'!--and--"""!:SHEFUN==~ a.a IOA11. IU...... IJ SINunGtBLEJunAPT• :2 =~ -:=r FOR Sii.E"sy owNER-eeauu. with &Uett house. Hdwd. noors. Be•eonP~G-:;d~ ~Acftii=i~r'F~ bra:;~·;; rental. m'""29th s~Newp:on ~= r=~~~~~ ~~;~~a~~d ~~~cein ~ez PAP'C'RHANGING foot GUde en.ft pl)wwd eldtta. Beech. Barbar 1012.-5et> chen A ba• ... H-... fin ,.._ district Pri(fd naht at $11 ,000. ~ '80 ..ch. ~ 10.foot NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Ocean and U!. """"" •• m . H. 0. PE'I1UE, REALTOR P. O. Boa 989 a.ta Mme molded bull • ~ 611 harbor view. Lovely location. turnG.l ., !'_b2.:.. ~ar$3.~endown. blinds. ~Jc1 504 % W. Central. n-n.-8 -.. , ., • , . J.&:~ Cout Hiab•&7. ~tf = ~nr:~~ S89Zt. J;71 ' Holmwood oriv~~ · Phone Harbor 0154:J~-c-S6 ~ -rO"HANDf~ ~~~~t.T=~.!i $~~~.$ ~ .!l'~1r~~ 8~o~~~:=: RACES? Prolealonal ba.n~p-for ftahlna. ~ completed. Phone 27x18 nJ ldtch all between 21.at and 22nd ot1 Qr. patio with fireplace. G rap c tto1i,Ji~ ~~!.ST!};'Dn ·W~-~ier_ ~ ~t:.~~ ~=e·an~~*af~~~ ~~n~ t= ~ $f~ ~= .1~ ~~. = aA.Nn ~·\LU-A.l ... • 14-MUSIC,, mo~ theatre. etc. Avail from or call Harbor 0592. 44ttc 16th S • own terms. 260 E . = r.,1f,· a: ~E.! :::\NQ ~~ ~~.j~•.a.r .... ~: -·-· ., ___ -• " L. C\Jota Mesn. 5'-p.55 ~':':: r • ~ ~~tf: REPAIRS. New apmeta at a 661 Cliff Dr., Newport Hta.. F o R mapz1w. etc. You will pt> dl8counl Bia allowance on old Newport Beach. 55-p duce l'elUlm Uke the expe"'ta. uprtahfa. """w.esT~~ NEW untum. 1 bedrmO apt. La.r&e Write to Bud Grittln, 312 So ~BROADWAY ~=~1({,.'f:·J;:~ RE s u LT ~. Santa Ana. Callt. Phone eo. Laauna ·Beach diatrlct. Beacon 5474-M. s _________ 51-...,.--c........;.-M or drop P<l9l card 56- w!l_cohP. 0.0~ .!nonymo~ . • • . • . .. . ~ LOVELY new modern turn. 3::::. n'-9 ~ -. BaSbaa. s.it~ I~ ~MCIMIMTI II apt. W.il to wall carpetlftl, twin n.:.n..nOMawAMT.' ..... 'si\vrnCi MA.criINE--::S·~an:~~~ CALL rate. Adult. only. 129Q. TWO 'BAB-r .. SriTDs 'Av'ili.. 'REPAIRING ~56 Saturda,YI, SundQI and w. LET A SINGER• expert tune.up ...:....,.,., Milcn•f..MiOus ... 4J ~~=ble rat& ftaDe ~acu~cl~ ::UC>~~ . -ciCEAN""FRON-r itoiEL. THE WANTED -Any ~ ot yard daarge1. Eltbnate turruabed ln ~ W. Ocean Front work er ~ WW HuOd adva~. Call l'O'll' _ _ _ Sleeplna and houlekeepln1 rooms avclen or retalnlna wall CaU with batba. Reuonable rats. IEWS Beaoon ~w. or PO Boa Ct-SINGER · Room eervtce~ c. ~5'7 Newport B•eb. a.de SEWING CENTER ~.~~· na• · • . • YACHT SKIPPER Cii9iN P*-Uon. No char1e for pick up and de-HERE tT isl't19'9 Blue Mercury Phone Lana Beach 101-27• livery. •taUoa wqot\, white mde walls, TIMES ~AMT8' "' MP,: D W~A AN1f·2*5 ut~~·~:~~~l~: BOODUPER an'4"'~· .;,;;{. ·~ u. '-Pat. on.~ Sar. Uta. 189'J-W ewnlna be~ ._1 p.m. ant. Able to handle coqMl• •• • -, , . 5;1~ ' NEW FORD TRAcn:·J>!? ~H A I B ·o R ~ doubl_! •!! •. ~ccouma. ~ ...... ._,-·--... U-DRIVE ~:rrat J:::/. N; Jti:s~~;,·; ~ ~wt: ALSO ~ ~~ TUC port *tic ll'OWll -waat 2 bediDL fur-TOR. ts ..... u WOMAN to care tar 2 cblJdre. n•1ct-home er ~t. ~~~.I*'--.,. 13 Hourt 1-5 except ... ....__ y~ ... BALBOA BAY AIRPORT u • ..a..-'Mfc-.-. OOl~·c nta. ~mo. Har-Phone Bucon se.s-w ~ 6i#Of ~ U19'KI .... W, 5trtf sa.e.14 -, ··---• .. - • I f • ( I • • ( E I ad th C< WI co at be Te' n m. ar • I r 18 l'1tAB8 AGO The grunJon ran Saturday nJght. James Sleeper, county auenor, predicted that 1n three yeara 2500 boats would find permanent an- choraie in the harbor. He a.ho stated Orange county had the low- est tax rate of .any in the 1tate, and vigorously dented that he fav- ored the large land ownen or oil qperaton. Anaheim dt)' park wu plannll\1 to erect a statute to Madame Hel- ena Modjeska, famous Polish ac- tress whose grandson, Feltx Mo- djeskl. was a realdent ·or New- port Beach. • F . J . Burke. owner of the Santa Ana Register was speaker at a meeting of the Inter-Commun! ty Fellowship in Costa ?Ytesa church and mentioned the "distant feel- ing .. that grew out of the proposed plan of Santa An11 to annex the beach communities. . March buUdlna pennlbl led tbe coast With a vduaUon of $3S,005 for 13~ A team from the 0Dmunlt7 Volleyball Jeque went to Loa An- gele. and defeated the German Turnveretn. Bill Baxter, Barney Lehman and Jack Streeton left tor Loul- 1lanna, towing thetr' Ster boat. J>y trailer, to sail In the Loedat•nfta Regatta. Mrs. 0 . Z. Robert.on WU ekct· ed head of the Newport Beedl P.-T. A. Mesdametl Robert Rau, C. M. Deakins, E. K. Kirby, N. 0 . Mel-lott, H. H. Thayer ancl Reubetl Day attended the coJden anntver-- sary of Buena Park Women'• club, oldest groyp in the coun~ Feder-ation. ftVE l'ZAU AOO Dr. Lee Russell bl~ the war (WorJd War 1) fo1"'9JUvenile de- linquency, when he addreued Par- ent-Teacher associatiom of New· port Beach and Costa Mesa ln a joint aesslon at the b1gh school A money order wu recelved by Judge D. J . Dodge to pay the fine of Wiiiiam K. First. son of the maker of Man candy bars, for speeding along Coast boulevard at 70 miles per hour. The Judge also received a check from superior court, ln a case handled 14 yean previously. when Kazuma Andrh!s wu fined for illegal use ot a trawl net He had apPealed. Three of 10 candidate1 for the dty council jtartJed the city by COnlOlidatfng forc:es and dralttnl a dvic platform of U polnta ln whJch they W"ged cooperaUon with the federal government to tnlUl'e wfnnfnr the war, e:xp.Mfon a.na -=:;:::=-:=~-==:1 consoltdadon of~ace time lndWI-----~~-------.....~~~------::--~~--~..:..._.:_-=:::=::: El Toro Marine Base in Expansion El Toro Marine bue a.uwnes an added importance this week with ~eannouncem~tthattheM~ Corpa Pad!1c A1r oomma.nd at Ha- waJI will be moved to the Ora.nae county headquarters. The air command's pre1ent base at Ewa. near Peart Harbor, will be inactJva ted, accord!ni to the report from WaahirurtOn. The Thl' chanre will take all but small marine unJts out ol the Padftc area. OZT -• - OFFICE SUPPLIES et TM NIWS-TIMIS STATIOMDY STOd JOll W ... o.tn1· A~ Newport B•cla 10 YEARS AGO Rlvo Alto resident.a wett aga.in appealing to the city council to alter lta plan f01' rebuilding a bJidge over the channel. whJch had been dredged. They declared they would compromise on a foot bridge, If they could have the channel left open for their boat.a. Harry Ellus aaid there wu no reason for a bridge at 36th street and that all resldeb ta nttded to ruch the avenue and a bua line wu the foot brid&ie. {They 1ot the foot brldfe). . A.a a aa.tety meuure, the dty coundl authorized E,,.tneer R. L. Pattenon to request the atate dJ- vllJon of h..lahwa}'9 to build under- pa&S8 along ooa.st highway et Co- rona ~I Mar. try tn the d.latrlct contonnatton · ~~~9c;~~~~~ir:n:ri:.·:: l11tington lac~. Still le1~1 i1 choragea and landings, matnU.-~=!'.~ =1 a:dt~~ m~:e: Or11ge Countu's Oil Production of mJnlrnum channel~ keep. &J Ing of the dt.izens Wormed u to Oran actiona of the dty eoundl. en-ce county froduced mo~ DaJly average barrel productSon couraRing procperity, dvtJ service tha.n 11 per cent o the state's te>-by the varloWI county flelcll fol· for cfty empJO)'eft and the 41. tal oJI productJon in UM8. accord-lows: couragtng of eecdona.llam. 1'!e lng to figuftl released today by lM7 1NI candJdate1 were Albert ~n. c . Daniel M. Waite. petroteo.m ltepu· Hunt. ~ach ···-.. sz,9159~ A . Knowlton and Clyde ShtTwood. ty Jn ?unty Aueaor Maw1co Brea-OUnda .......... 13,410 The aecutlve commlttn of the Ende'l'le 1 offfoe. Mor@ than half West Coyote . ·-. 15,.232 u.s.o. approved a ~ alte tor an the total ~ from the HunUng· West Newport ...... 6,613 artMX for use ot wounded vets. ton Beacb field. RJchltJeld .......... 8..486 County aupervt.sora were plan· 1lM 80-C&lled West N~rt field Eut Co)'Ote ......... 722 nJnr a planttn1 and beautiflcaUon lncreued Its production last ynr Seal Bffch .......... 2.123 prorram for a>.ta Mel.a'• new dty from an averqci ot 6613 ban-et. Yorbn Unda .......... l06 park. · per da.y ln 1947 to 6763 Jn 1948, 15,311 15.0D 8,'18 8,207 &.111 2,513 998 NatJonal War LaboT board de--Waite'•~ l.hOw. UNION PACIFIC GIVES AID TO HARBOR PUBLICITY d~ for the Peyton company, Durin& the )'ear there were 327 lffvlna the rtaht to employ any la-new ~U. drilled In tho county bor and nlllna qalnat the A.mm-and only elsht of them wn. can Fedttatlon of Labar. 'IVh.lch abandoned. u com~ to 550 had aouaht to union.be the plant. abandoned out ol *6 drtUed ln Clifford Varner sent a plu trom the 1ta~. The county's 319 new A doub1e column 1J1botoaub N01'th Africa fO!' coptn of the pl"Oductn1 welll ttpttSC?nted 15.22 lhowfn~ a ..ntnJr acerw In NwirpOrt News-nmes. which ~ promptly per cent <>f the •tat~'• total. Ha.rt>ol" wu J>Ublhhed tn the M&n:b dJapatched, by .b.ll .liater-, Mn. Vie>-Dally oil Df'Oduct!on In the ooun-wu~ ol Unfon Pad.ftc Bulletin, & Jet Cal~t of N~port HdcJtt.. ty, 110,911 bal'ftlt. re~ted manthly pubUcatJon whlcb la drcu~ I THESE WOMEN! By d'Alnolo) The Don McCallumt h<>1ted a 11.68 per ~nt of the total eta~ lated wfdety over ~ W•tem party on the 12th Wfddlnr annl-production, 9C9,.'S96 barrt!ll. Al United Statn. venary o( Dr. and Mn. ff. E. UIUal. HuntJn~on Beach fll"ltl I~ A brief ttpla.natJon under the ta.hler of Balboa in all cat,eiorte:s of 1taUJtte1. pro-picture polnted out that ..run. la un.it • c:staW7 ... ...:... ia ... t.br• life, ilD'l -'Doctor?" --, HAIRBREADTH HARRY * r ... - The Harold Fi.nkt of Balboa Ia-vldJn1 matt thtm halt or the coun· a year-around PQtfJM at ttw Jfar. land celebrated thelr 17th annl· ty total, an tneffue of !S924 bar-bor. Local obRTven point out veru.ry and went to see Blithe ~I.I daJlv a~e. that. ln addJUon to encouraatna Spirit. HuUngton Beach f~ had 18.'5 trtvel on the UnJon Padtlc rau: r------------out of the 327 new ~u. drill~ road. •uch publktty abo mtftatl and rt1M ol the 22 wells betna outslden In Newport ffut)or'1 ad-Sgt. 11 c Shorb Says •••• Major John S. Muir today an- nounced the .enllltment for t.hrtt years in the ~ army of St.e-- phen A. R.uah. 18. aon of Mr. and Mn. Verner F . Ruah. 830 Tem~ HIU1 drfve. Rush .Jraduated fr'om Laguna Beach bJp school ln 1948 wn.re hf' wu awarded Jettel'8 tn buketball and track. Pr1lfJ..r to enl~nt ~ had ·~ plied and been accepted for en- rollment In the dratting ooune of the army en~nttrlna achool at FOTt Belvolr, Va. Upom completlon of hla butc traJnJns at Fort Ord. he wtll begjn ttrl9 spedallzed t:ra.ln- ing. • • • Did )'OU f!'Vft' pus up a good thtng, lfmp)y becaUM )'O\I knew nothing at &11 aboUt ltf Well. men. that's ~ctly What a lot of )'O\I have bf-en dol.na. Your army en· U1ted re9e'l"Ye COf1JI otta. YoU many concrete benefit. for Which you are elldble-end 10'1 pt paid tor the time J'O\I put tn with 10'1J' local orpnbation! * * * -. drtJ1ed at the end of the year vantaacs and promotn the local Wnt Nt'W'pOl"t bad 4e of tbe oom~ tourlat trade. pleted Wflll, Wnt Coyote 35, -------- lktt-Oltnda 32, Eut Coyote 14.: Ca.Jl Harbol' U.13-208-ull tor RJchfiel4 8. Seal Beach 5 ana a claaln~d ad taJcer--yuu'lJ pt Yotba Unda 2. ttSUlU I Tonight's Television Programs , .. l(AB•••oa LIOEN8FA Ja.eph C. Humphrtee, 26, 1797 Newport Blvd, Jacqueline Joy 1'ay&or, 21, 391 Broadway, both Costa Mesa. BmTllB MlSHICA-To Mr. &nd Mn.. R.Obert VWtlca. ~ ·Orchid ave-- nue. QJrona Ml Mar, ln St. Joe- . epb tao.pltal, March 17, 1949, a IOft, 9 lbe.. 9 oz. Tod1y's Markets (a_... --ee. ltepOl't of Le9ter a Co.. IDr. LA 8tlc. l!x..) lndustrlala ···-·······175.61 dn .46 Ra.lla ························ 47.54 dn ~ UtWtlee ·····-··········· 35.00 dn .OS Volume----620,000 aharee Am 'l"e1 It 1'el . ···········•······ ... 146 Canadian Padl1c ·······-········ 12 l>Qpont ···········-············-·······186~ General Moton ·······-········· 59~ Goodyear .•........ ···-· .•. ...... ... .. 42 Kennecott ···········-··-··-·-···· 45"'9 Sears ···-···-···················-······· 36~ So caJ E418on ···-··-···· .. ····· 29" Standard OU . ····--·. ... . ......... 61,,. U S Steel ···-·-········-.. -······ 721' LESTER & CO • . ..................... ... I ll S. 0.0U A..._ ...._ c.JU. BuWr IOll DAD ornc:a: Ill& ......... L.A..14 • .. MARKET BANDIT SUSPECT FREE ON $2000 BAIL NOW WHO WOULD WrANT ~ SET OF Y X CH1 MARKERS? Delly i1 Action on PE Pia-Asked _ ... ...