HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-09-12 - Newport Balboa News Times' , • SUNDA. Y. SEPTEMBER lG tnarke'CI tbc ~cation Ael"\rlttt!i a.t tbe aewly.buflt St. Aftd,,;'w• Pnw. bytertaa chnrrb.. Top pllo&o taken lulde tile ollu.rch ttho"' port of the audleace llatf"aln• to Ute l'l'N'dnp bntol'ilt by Rev, \t',_lnin WUIJa.lps .from the chutc.h f'~~·n...,lon bo9.nl; of the~ Art«"'k!e PrNbyk'ry. The &ev; ~rrwe Glbllota ls abo\4·n at the far ~ft. ln tbe butt.om ph•to, mMnben of the SL A.dreM..S choir Ult thf'tr vok!ee bl joyoua 80111" under the ~diutioe of &belr dtrec::&or. Dr. Bach- luad. " (N....,._TI-._) , . . • --·-• •' • •• ---... ~.., .. m,.··----~ - 300 A ffiND DEDICATION CEREMONY SUNDAY AT ST. ANDREWS CHURCH More t.h&n 300 parlahlonen and gue.sU occufi1 ed th& church chopel, corridors and court or lhe new St. Andrews Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon when the bt'autiful structure Wdo! dedicated. Rev. Thotnu 1.1 . Gibson, pulor, led the call lo worship ; the Rev. Da..lla!J Turner of La.gunk &ach Presby- terian church, read,jng" the holy &Cripture. , Mesa Cemetery Asked Again; Planners Set ·Hearing Nov. 3 Costa Mesa proponent.a for a cemetery at the &<>uthweat corner of Harbor Blvd., a..nd Glaler Rd .. wtll ho.ve another ~hance to plead their cue foUowtng a new propo881 lo the county pl&nn1ng contmls- •lon l&at week. The plan board rtet the ~lition for public hearing al 2 p. -m. Nov. 3 at Ill: regular meeting Friday, but only on the third vote. &vcral ·'weeka •So lhe plan- nen and t..he bo&rd of •UPE"rv190ni rt"JectaJ the peUtJon by the Hat- bor Re3t Cemetery, Inc.. a.ner ownen of all hutd within 300 feel of the att.e flied objecUons on the gro~d the pro~ develop- mrnt would damage their prop- erty. • Thf' new requPSt propo8('a t'o eat&blhih a 301-foot-wlde "buffer" area around the C4"metery de- velopment which the variance committee sa.ld .. apparently ls for the purpoae of eUm,inatlng the re- qu1remeht in the ordJnan~ &f to protests within 300 feet ot the propoaed ~metery.·• A motion to Ml the peliUon for public b(\.Yin_g, wa.a loet by a 4-.3 vote. Another motion to deny the application &lao wa.a defeated. Arter comklenble debate. a. new moUon Waa made to caU lhe pub- lic hearing and It WU carried without a .. no.. ~. but wit.ti. IODlll c:ompU•ionen not Y'Otinl'· New Mesa P. 0 . Group t o Hear Hospital PrOCJress George bacor. w11J outline the pla.n.1 and prospttt3 for the Hoag Memorial Hoi.pltal-Prt>«byteMn at ~ Thur8day noon mee tln~'6f the Kiwanis club at Roesrporf' cale. Bacon. a forn\er Pon1ona Ki- wanis ptt8ldent. 11!1 now n1a nagrr Ot the hofipltal t1{'re. Kl>.Ai.l.n.13 board wtll hold a fl\C"et- ing tonight, TueSday. al 7 :30 p.m . at the home of Chad Twichell In ' Balboa. Santa Cruz convention reservations will be malled fol- lowing the m~ting. Lut Thuraday the KJwanJ&n.11 hNJ'd Commander Joe. Wornom ol the Loe A.n&"elft Nt.v•l dlatrtct dl8CUS8 "Unification ln Action ln Kana:· which he •Y9 l8 working fine Identification for Disaster Workers . . Ends, 1hursclay to Op1n ·0ct. 1 ;..:~:·:e :::-:.:; . --~ -~--Omla ....... -pl -.. ... .......... will be ....... 'l<'i -~ b.Y 'l'llm I IT ol -_._ Oct. 1' .... •• "" .... -.... ~ ,_ . ...,. ,. ., .Ille ... tonna• r...,,.. '1' D 'e ~••I Ell 11a Mn ~ te ~ ' ...... ......._ TIM .... -.. ,.,I 0 ... ....uni =--_.,..., .... -.. ._ -... -..u. taM llUt ·-·--OID lln'!ee -.. -llftl 11-'baa~JloW'IP-~lo ............... - Ille -.,..,ura .. to Ille ... .,, • ..... t• ..... , - la;rod errtnl ot ~ • -. I p. -. le • p. a. ... '!:. llodldJnr -I: lltk .. -·-I 3, •............ ~ 5000 ~ ~ -tft.-p 55 F atr. 1'w ii¥, ~ .-.. _., .. two 8t.or<L • ltlellle-*'lf ' ' ' A 8Urprlse guest WM the Rev. Irvin WilliRmJ, ptelenUy at the Covina Presbyterian church who dispatched Mr. Glbaon to Ne\vport Beach from Loni' Beach to found the-St. Andrew• p.irtah. Mr. Clb-- !KIO was uaistant to Mr. Williama In charge of education for the mf'mbers ot the COllgregatlon of First Pre.bytertan church In Long Beach. The call came from Lo8 Angelee Presbyterian lo round ,. church In this community and the Long &:lch pastor dlapatched his aaslst.ant for the tutc.. A welcome lo the community with the fine church facility wu given by Hay L&ngenhlem, sec- retary of the chamber of com- merce of Newport Beach with Le- Roy Andenion carrying-the pttl· Inga of the Coela Me96 Chll11lber or Commerce\ M~ P"rom Oovf"mor Creetinp were alto conveyed on behalf of the SUltr of CaJl- fornta by Governor E&rl Warren In a le.le.gram to Mr. Clbeon. Kf'y11 lo tho church were pre- 1te.nled to Mr. Oltt.oo by Edgar R. Hill. chaJnnan of the building C(Vllmitte-e. Thr local Pfl•tor n"..lde a Par· tlcul&r note of lb.ank• to thi Jl"'OPle or the community who bad made J>OMlble the tine church In wch a lhort Ume. '11\c th&nka of the conl'"lption were extend- ing to Earl st.a..o•1 for !\la; cori- •idera.llon in pro.t4ln~ the land and tor a. 'coa.elduab&e don.&Uon' ro... UM landecaplflrl'. Bullden ot the church from atchltect to con- tr-.clor 'to cra.ttamen were lnd1 • vtduaUy th.anktd. St. And,...... ehllrCh la located ~n 16th ru.et a.ad SL Andrewo Place acl"Ollll the Attet rrom the Newport Harbor "CJnlon hJgb ocbool In altf S.ftl\. Hoag H0spita' ASSAllANT to be Single HASfS GIRL, Story Bldg. ELUDES POLICE Ho&I' Memorial ho.pit&!, PreAl- bytertan, w1Jl probably be a one- atory building. Meeting Jl'rtd&y, Sept.ember 8. ·'lt their temporary office, 2202 Newport Blvd.. tto.- pltal d:trecton1 decided that a 11.ingle-alory structure will be the m011t prac.Ucal type to build. A vallable land, bed capacity and economy o r operation were the taclont con11ldcrrd. The decialon wa.11 re11ched alter YiaJting other hoepllal• and ~eet­ lng with prominent hoa:pllaJ au~ thorttlea. The ho.pitnl board bu lnatructed It.a architect, Ha.rold C. Cham.ben of H . C. Ohamben a.nd Later Hibbard In Loll An· gelea to complete his prellmlr.i1ry plan. These pl&Jl3 call for " atruc· lure whlch would cover approxi- mately 48.000 square feet of floor space. The flnt unit of the Mvcnty-n'Y'9 be<I ln•Utulion will call for an expcndJlun!· or ovf'r ll.100,000 according to John Murdy, Jr .. pru:tdent of th• hospttaJ boanJ. Ha,. Sl .000.000 Murdy aJ.o •aJd that the boa.rd now hu over • million dollAr• available fo r thl! work a.nd I.! planning to r11lse ·tddJUonal fundn after work hu l!lt.Jtrtec&. M~}' a.J,.so pointed out that th~ twenty · acre site on tpe northwest cornet ot Coaat Highway and Newport Blvd.. a.bove the Arches, owned by the h08pltal. a.ffords a splen- did location for the type of •truc- ture decided upon and still Jeavui ample room for extenaive addl- Uona contemplated for the future. The elevation of the hoepllAI site la approximately eighty feel above &ea level. Thi8 a.ffords draJnage on all !Lide• and a.ssurea cleat •lm011pbeN. Roads to -,,_ . vndllt pawa: .. City, county and stale oUtciall a.re cooperating W1lll the hotpltal aulhotiUeti tn the road procra.m.. nan fin!! protection Is assured by the City ot Newport Beach. Am· pie w11.ter and sewer facUIUn will be worked out In cooperation with city offlcials. AB Indicated by the new sign on th.., property, con- struction work Is expected lo eta.rt early in 19~1 . League Sets 1st Meet Date . P'trat regular meetlng of th@ newly organized. League 'or Civic AuoclaUona of Newport Harbor wlll bt held Thur3day, October 15. membe,... de-c:Jded at la.st week'• meeting. Organizing memben met la.el Thund.ay at the home of Augu.t Pflrrm&Jln, 1~2 W. BaJ. boe. Blvd., Newport. At the m~tlng turther dlacu.e- alon wu had on the flnal draft of the by-lawe and foUowing • few minor changea lht' by-law1 were formally a.dopted by repre- eentatlve. of the Weat Newport. Corona df'I M•r, a.nd Central Newport groups. It was agTeed lhal a Jettet ot Invitation be llf:.Dt to f'Ver')' civic orga.nlzatlon in Newport Harbor uklng them to becom1 members or the League. A cop) oC the byJlawa which •llpulalel that eaeb ueoclaUon la entitled to three delegat~ wtU aJ.ao bt malled. The d@leptes are expected tc be e)ected by the Oct. S mieetJnr and Leap~ offktta will tbt'n be cboeen. Tbe Lea(ue will eventu- 1.Uy be lncorporated undtt tbC" l&wa of lbe State' or CalifOl'n!L Viciously .attacked by a youth with a sha.rp object In hill hlLDd on the Corona del Mar east beach Friday night. at 9 :32 p. m. Wl18 Carl Pott.er, 21, of SILOta Ana. At first it was believed that Potter merely had a bad cut on his right temple, however, he was taken t<> Community boapital in an ambul1LDce and it Wl18 later found that he suffered a fractured skull. He told Newport police that h(' wa.s walklhg at the water's edge wtth a girl friend, Nancy Fut- .cher, 17, of Oran, when a young man walked by them. The man then turned and u hr went by •gain he hit Potter lnfllcUng a very deep cut and bruise. The mllft then tried to •elze the girl but l!lhe ran acrell11llng to her frlenda nearby and lhe at- tacker flf:'d . Potter and Mlea Ful.llche r had been atte:ndlng a church picnic on the beach and were only a abort dl.atance from the Cll11lpnre when lhe attack ~urred. The· a.ua.llant wu deeerlbed by the young oouple IU!I a.boot 20 yean; old, t.&11 ~ thln. He had an object fn hla fiat that extended between the thwrtb and forefinger and a19o extended from the finger ln the center of hLa hand, poll~ eald. Offk:era coul~'t locate either the object or the brutal a.uallant. 1\.vo weekend fires cauaed min- or OOma~ according to tin!! and pollce department reporu. First occured al 8 :17 p.m. Ftiday Jn the alley back of the Balbo& lala.nd Variety 1tore. 213 Marine Ave. Police said the fire wu made by putting excelsior and card· board under the gas meter on the north aide or the lot and appear- ed to have been aet by 80meone. lt ~·u dlacoveted •hortly alter it Wt'..UI started and quick fire de- partment action p~vented any damage. Poll~ were unable lo find any wltneue11 to it.a incendiary ortgln. Ftre depa.rtment was called by Mrs. M. Ptice, 2115 M.arlne Ave. Second fire cauaed a.llC"ht <bm- age to clothu and linen In the clOflet of Apt. t Jn the Farm Houee Motel, 1304 eo.n hlrh· way. Corona del Mar. Fire de- pe.rtment wu notttted at 8 :08 p.m. Saturday .Uld at 8 :18 p.m .. juat 8 mlnulell later, the flirt" wu reported out. Arrest Runaways on Stolen Bikes . f TINY KA.UN McCAftTHY, 10!5 N. "1t.h St., Balboa. is not too aure wbethtt iJm klnderprtf'n bualne. la Ml lt'a cracked up to be. ltt-a.Murlnr .. her Is l\liss Bo,,·Jes, ber tNCller-to-be. (~~e"•TIR&e9 Pbot-OJ. MORE THAN 5000 HARBOR STUDENTS PACK SCHOOLS AS FALL TERM STARTS Police Nab Thr ee Robbe ry Suspects At 2 :08 Monday morning, New- port Beach police netted three Camp Pendleton Marines wanted for strong-armed r obbery by the Huntington Beach police. ThP NPwport police etoppt"d lh<' car ln answer to a call by Hunt- ington Bea.ch police for "Utree untd~nllfird m'en in a maroon Buick." The men ln the car were Cpl. Ja.mN Finnegan. Pfc. Syl- vester Schultz and f'fc. ClarcncE' Caasatt, all a.re mcm bf-1'3 of "A'." Battery. lsl 4.5 Kkl. Battalion, FMF. Thf' car and Ill: occupants werE' Identified by the . victim and were tu.med over .lo the Huntington Beach police. At 7 a. m . Monday part of thE' vtctlm'a property, a silver dollar with two holu drilled in It wu found at the entrance to Balboa Covea, the pol.nt at ... which the ~led car waa halted., . . • . \\'ELL. ntATS BETrEIL K&rea fttl9 much better about ldnderprten. We think that Ml!i!S B<M•k's and the eudd.ly rag doll tmpt t;:a,·e had 3 Jot. to do M'ltb Jt •.... {N"""...-Tlmell Photo Group Again to. Discuss Oil More than ~.000 Newport Har- bor -youngsters began the tall l'lchool term Monday at the N.:W- port and COBta Mesa gran1msr school~. unlori htgh echool ·anti Orange Coa.!lt college. The figuce was a record high for thJ3 ardt. At noon Monday the high sch001 reported 1,018 enrolled wtth re,:-· latratlon 1tlll contlnulhg. Corona dPI Mar grammar school had 4.9.G, Newport &ehool, 572, Horace En· 8lgn, 437. COfJta Mesa grammar schoW.1 reported 1,950 compared t o 1.8"11 la~t year, Orange Coa.!i:l c0Ueg1· was expecting over 700 studenw as against lut year's :>OO. H·'l rbor High \cld MS rt'glstcr.cd tut .year &nd W'hen the rlnal "'- rollment le announced, It waH qr;; peeled to be nearly 200 more tha.u that figure. Corona dcl Mar had 620 enron· NI J..11't year and a change .111 bounda.rie& accounted for the retts- tra.tion drop lo 400. Newport gT·l mmar school with lncreaa.Hl boundaries jumped from 450 Jn.o;t year t.o today'• ~72 or a galrl or 122 student.a. 1beae nguree are lf'ntallve as 11ome students were still being en· rolled at prea. time. how~vPr, t.h..! tota.11 al noon Monday were 5.16;; with pethap. JOO more to be res- latered. New Pereottnel New teachua at thE' Ne\\').JOrl Beach 8choola have prevlour;ly been ·'ln.nouJlced but the foUow1n~ new peraonneJ at th,. Costa Mf'fta 111choola were listed by Supt. E v- erett Rea UIJ.a weeek: Main 90hool: Mn.:. VJrginl.11 Kidder, m\&Alc ::iupel'Visor a.nd Mn. ~thryn Sa.ucerman.. Ubra.ri- an. pep.ut:,nent teachen: ~ Jeai;:!'tte U:oUrnan, artUune(JC; ,Mn!. Marlo'n tnneol. ooclal ...i- eneea; Martin '-On(1'9Jtt. EngllBb: MlllO .Jha.Hanllall. pltyaJcal edu- """""· -pde: 111'1'9. -WUn. Raymond ·va.nderbufJ. John 0. Bull. l'\ttb pde: - CJ:ptal l.Plbert. Kn. -DM-IA!r, Mn. -·McCartney. "-por80l\Del at Hai-pi,r ID- ~:~Mi........., --r.Jalli>r, tlf9t ....... Kn. 1:1&1 Ooolll!o. l(\ali-lf&ey - ·' ,_{Cooll~ ,, .. hp,, .... ' • ' • • • 8.IP.WomenHMr • • Cotwention Reportt aftdPr~w~ ---···-u.o-lal' -5 -•••'' ..... ~ •ICl'llP'• .. u. ----·---~u..-·-u.. .wue ., ... '7 &tll1rt• at ta.. tint ................ ol u. cl9 • ' Ce1111nu~ffy Playeri to Meet Saturday for ...... ck Supper ....... Jlanor CSIAl11JU111f7 ...,... ...... Will --tint ·?·"'• .... ---I& .... llq e: .... ...L 11 a! l:lS .. _ la u. -of Mr ...... ~a.....,.....,mv1a- .-. LWlo -· Thlo "' lo ... • ,_ laell 111111r _and ~ii • . . • ~ Two California Books Top Fidlon List af Newport PW>lic: Library ·- ..... rF tua la -.. Alt t" ·Tie Newport·-f"l'lle' llbruj. often a fine .a1ect1011 '11 .,... BM and ... --ail a Rt u• ._ lllt .... and ....... 11111. month tor p&lrona: ""' admlrora or Robert Nauian. 111. Xoden& Ave.. Newport 11o1t111i • L\lo A.nce>eo D\7 ·A.rt Dlnetor, le '1Tlla M&nlod <Look." a -UMm OIJIComla •tory; the neweat JCm. were deloptea ot the TrlnllJ 1..u. wtD ~ that 'l)>Htlon •ben eat Bemtngway, "Acrooo !Jie River and Into the 'l'reea"' tor~ wbo thf"&I" ·dl!Ue\> of 'Lan&' -·lo a.. IM't I tM ~ OouaC1 tO"-B.emJ.nrw&y· and a very uiterwUq new novel .. About Mre ti.a f.Ul _a.asaa&! coov.U.. ot tM A.rt a..odatloA at tbt optn:Soc' J•~ ' ., • • ..... • .. ,_ 1 --~ .. ~ ot their ~l ...,..,. t.oolte" by Vina Delmar. a !uclna.Unc atory of a Mra. Lealle who """'" -~ --ot the 11,,-"' nut nun6.1 nenlnJ-Sept.em· & boardinc houae tn Beverly Hilla, a.nd her bOardera. And many more Calltomla, U. L. C. A. •• •hi~ wu lier,. at I,... la* lectWe ....... .a.. . • •••• -~""*"" 4-..,.._ -II Illa l'allorWa Jllbllc ... ~ ... the ncm·flc:tlGa la "Tiie .w &!. ·• i; a -a\ -· bruJ'. · · llo17 ot. lllmM PylO" "1 Lee )(II· I rln. l>eepwoocl; IJ&rgent, TM Goocl port J1ai1oor Ullloa .Rip ...-. bi. Jh. 5 -::..-:.. alllle "'::' 11 lor. Admlnre Of Ulla !aeouo, .Woll· llhlpb-; lloott. 'nle :llai'lln; WU eled .. vlee· .... •llooc ot Ille u · la~ 11 ""f rt": -Amert-wtD tDjo7 Ullo In-Shore. The Witch or Bpl'lll&'; Olllfomta SY ao d I col L>-r i::_,.,.., ~-Loa !!P':.'-botll tfm•'• ~1ogrt.phj'. On , the '"mu.st" Stevena, Oregon Trunk; Thane, League. Re t. ai.o prealdeut at M ... N'l ntUe-I• Ute ncwapap-uat la Kor• Today' by Geor&-e Melody; ~Whitcomb, The HW of U. · Learue at the Lone Biia.ch en and &o. mUM\UQ acttvtUel. U. MeQl.ae, .a 16a.c-wa.lted and com· 01UI; WillJa.ml. Owta . Olen; cburcb.. 11ao ---t&I ta ,_-.. PN-ve otlldy -117 the le&dlnc Wormaer, Pun Weddlnc; and Kr. orul Kn. K. A. --·• -*U-., -. ,. .. ,......, ~-•pedd• on Kona. A Yerby Floodtlde: o1oo drove tq Pl>onla for I.be _. ,_ ot Ille Hewpwt a.,.; ._. MM ..., Prlrt1'1''UJ ......... cl ....... Park .... .., .. ail- •llrlltsa--&&dt.Mlr -IMlo --llvol')'Onl bl· ....... ,. .... ,.,..,.., srouP Ja ...,.. valualllo odclitlon to UM -Cor· ' ventloD, &M/ wl>lle lll<tt weeo ia. · ln Loo ~. lnclllt!Jq Ille ,.. ne• ellelf at ti.. ll•r&l'7 le "Ship 111'.yoterlea are: Brand, Cat and ,_ ot ltov. 41141 Mra. J'ru1' ft. cent exhlliitlon ot the 11\llllcll"'l )f---._ Ge , Jolin-.Mouae; Ftocher, Tiie Silent Duot; ci.ota ot tlM -cbllttb ft* Art C•ll'J. I.a Uta i..o. Anplu • -~ ne • JeplOll, The Hij.111"1")' Spider; Mac· -. wen bGuMd wftlt other ..._. city h•ll.. All -•lion &ad .U..r Adcled to tlM UllNJT durtnc the donold, The Drowning Pool; Moll, sat• of tlM ...,_Uoo lnUreal.cl penona are invited to mQDU. ot A_.l bldvdea, MW NtrJtt•WJtbout Sleep; Po11k)l. nw . ._ , ... ild, ~ ~ wti. ...W to be po •L M&be1 J'ltmMlrril P" ,,, ... -IMn> -..ict -ftatloa n:..i.!. If!>. Al -ai ~.,.April_ ... ..,.... v•rtim• umnae _.. ill' ,.a pr t..,.•, -.u, •~ Meet Tuesday lluOJ. 111t --.a t11at u.. w.....: M Ch 'st· 1'l4wport .....,. -baa plaM rm rs. rt 1e a Npub-tli>oupO!li ·the etata llelt& Gamma .A.l\IDUl&e l[;1'0Up for t.UU MD•I CbrlM.mu Prie-"" On.Ac• COW'ltJ' wUJ bald lU virw. Tbe Nte convenUon held flnt fall meeting on Tue.day, at s..nta Bubua hJ May wu re-Sept. 19 at the home or Mn. ported on lty A.pea BlornqUimt and Ctem Chriatie, 23601 Snug Har. Mabel Jl'ttamorrt.. 1')Me: national bor-Road, Clift Haven. A pot luck bUnnla.l OOQV.fDtk>n it &In Fran~ IUpplr WW be .erved at 6:30 p. dlco wu outlined by' C&rot1n Ill.. and. llni. Jamee Ray wJU be W•ber. put at.at• ~dent aM llMU*lac boateu. After-ward Mn. Mr•. Fltamorrta. Leo.a WU11anu: will pruWle at the The theme for tbe naUonal COD• ...,.,... meet1;nc. v~nti.on wu "Seen• at the ,._m of the CODtlll'J'." snn.t .... up 'Iha women'• place .b:1 the world at tlM turn ot the century and th• J)fOo gre. ot traman. 50 yon later in hoZM. b'.-.tn.a UM1 poUtica pro- viMd bUlpl"Uon for the Joca1 group. Plano !«: the Chr!atmu Pra: viow to lie hold at IN Rendeavouo 8aUroom IA December-wne di> CUMild. at lanath .by the Cbriat- mu Preview ch&Jrman. ·eetty Jarvi.a. Nati.onol Buaine&1 Wornen'1 w .. k wtD be obtaerved Oc:.- 15-21 tt WM announcM with. Uaa 1960 tMlPa 1'1UUJ'e Up fo, hJI Pa~p." Tb.le will be UM 23rd ,.u lb• nation hu Mt ukle a wee)t t.o. pay tribute to U.. ae.. compliabmenu of lb~ bn•ln ... and prot...Wool women of the natlon. • The nut r'Qular meetinl' will be beld September 21 at I.he Par-k Ave. cafe, Balboa Island. Mrs. J. S. Berrett Is Hostess to Catholic Women Kn. JalMo S. Banett· of Boy Sbona WU boate911 wban the • .A.I.tar IUdety ot ¥.ouitt Carmel cburcJl IDll: Tt.unday, aentns a bu.tt•t IWlell.an.. Preeidin• owr tu 11.Dd toffff urna were Mn. 'l'b«><lore Rol>lrua and 111'.ra, li'ranll Rocco. It waa reported that summer tood sales. held in t he church patio every Sunday, had been a huge succeM an<l plans were made tor' faJI meetlnp. Next . Miss Lois Holtz to Enter Anokie One ot_ the buLat rirt. on Bal· baa lala.nd thMe <lay• i. Lob Hol~ 17-yffJ'-old da\l&bter ol Kr. and Kn. lhl Holla. 30I Apnl«na. who LI wor'klne at the VapbGild Hou.e and at the t.'lmt1 time pt,Unc ready to co to Ano- kJa School tor Glrll oo Septem· bu 18, wbePe ah.e will be a eenior-. FILI: DIVOllCll: lltJn" ~I' u-t.ttme cnae.lty o.nd ~.. cuatody of a O.-year--old JaucD,ter and 22-~ aon. Kn. Rachel Naomi Moore ' of B&I~ boa. 'nlunday tiled superior court acUon tor dlvor-ce from Robert lAiP Moore. She aald lhey mar· Med .lt OovlB. N . W:., November 8, lhf. separated 1-•t July te and that property right.a OOve been setUed by agreement. MILESTONES BDITHS MlJNOZ-To Mr. and Mr-a. Cb!U• 0 . Munot. P. 0 . Box 43.f., ~ K-. in Sant.& Ana Com· m.waity ho9pltal. September 7. lNA & da.upter, !iii Iba., I OL STOLZ-To Mr. and Mn. John B. Stoll. 323 Co1Una Ave .. Balboa laland, in St. Joeeph hoapital. Sep- tember 7, 1960, 3 da.uchter-. 8 Iba., LS OU. CAUDLE-To MT. and Mn. F orre:at Caudle, 219 Jumine A ve., Corona del Mar. in St. J08eph hos· pita!, September 7. 19~. a daugl't- ter, 1 lbe., 5\-s ozs. CRANFIELD-To Mr. and M ni. MB& l&Jt,'JlAJIU STEVEN BJRJ.'l:\' Dorothy Rempel & Richard Birnie Repeat Vows in Candlelight Rites One or the flnt tall weddlnS"~---------~-- wa.s that of Saturday, Sept. 91 Tu F)-ank Leonard ~ent iJutiE:a when Dorothy He.len Rempel of best ma.n ancJ u.her s w ere '°"9ly d&u&'bler of Mr-. &Ad Mn. I James Edgerton, Harold Findlay, 1 Thoma.. Mc Fadden, Arthur Hl"n· WUliam Rempel, 1 1~0 South Bay :tell a.nd Robert Rempel. l1'roal, BaJ.boe -•-.net. repqtecJ A.ssembUn& at Balboa Y11cht· vowa at an tl&ht o cloc:k candle· club, 250 lflle8U were ferrlt.-J to Usbt cenmooy ln Community the Rt'mpela' Balboa l.lland honlt> PrubyterhU\ ffrcb. La I u ~a \VhC'rt• t hey were rect'ivec.J by the Beach , With RI rd Stt ven Bir-I"~"-.: ~r a.nd ~1rac Birnie nnd nJe. BOil ot M . Frtlncea \\':-"d th1•i r ~arenls. Birnie of La • Bea.ch a.nd •f r Out3t&ndinJC on the campus or John .~· B lml" ot Parac.Jlse Val· P c.imona college, the bride v.•a.s tey · Nevada. choat•n Queen of lhe flitay Court Dr. 1'1errimon Cunlng-ginl o( an(.) "ice president of tk¥ ~tudent Pomo na colle&e met the youn&: body. She is a n1ember oJ Phi couple at tbe altar and ~rlorm · s,·ta Ks.ppa and or 11-l orlar Boartl ed the ae.rvice, the bride being )fr. Birnie \.\'&3 also · gradu&tt!cl l[iven ln kffplnl" by her f&tbt't" rrom }>nmona college where hf' The deep ~en or woodwardia \Vll."1 prt·i:ildent or l ntu·Fra.ternily t'tr'nl contrute<i with the autumn CoWlCll and member of Nu Alpha color-• of chryant.bemuma a.nd Ph. sLadk>lua to .et Ole color theme, ~ollowtn&' a honeymoon at San and tlW center alal• candelabra Fra.nc-liteo and ln the !\anta Cru:.t MW l&.U · f'or"Hl P'ffn candles mountains Mr. &.Jtd Mrs. Birnie a.dorned with rold aatln ribbon. will make their home al River. Dorothy'• bridal robe wu or Id ~ e:aqu1-lte Ivory Chantilly lace over 1 • •· Ivory .. satin. fashioned on prlnCC$a --- lines with long tr&ln. Heor ('ucac:. Family Visits Son ing i\luaJoo veil wu hf'ld with a j . N I H . I coronet of matching lace. twatle<I In ava osptta • meetlng ot the croup will be on Oct. 4 at the home or Mrs. Colin Brown, Bay' Shores. \\·ith pearls and she \l.'orr a ne-ck. lace or pearls. H er bouque-t ~:as or tuberous begonia.a and lfi''* or Cecil Crantteld, 181 Merrill Ave .. the valley. Costa Meu, in St. Joeeph hospl· Deep green \'elvet f'<'n was "'om tal. September 8. 1950. ~ daugh· 1 by t}u.• brldelt: attend81lt.a, n1atch- ter. B lbi!I .. 9 or.a. Ing \'elvetef'n forming their hr-W· Air an<l MN Gl"-orge V Fox \vith loi!r~. Fox:.s. parents, Mr. and Mrs (' ~t Bunch and her sister. :0.l rl!. B D. Heath. all of Co.<i tB Money Mena9ement Is September Theme For Homemakers . I band coronets beaded with pearls. MAll&IAGE U<.'ESSES j Their arm bouquets 1A"t>re of ·Robert Ccor1e Joye~. 23. 205 1 ap:der chrysanthemums. chsm· 29th 8L; Nancy elLire Want, 19. pagne for lhf' maid of honor &.nd ~t .A.Jl.o Ave., both Newport br onze ror the bridesmaids. Maid &•1ch. of honor was M iu J ean ~lknap :0.fe."la. wenl to San Diego 1\ t't'W <Ulys aa-o to viK!t Mrs . Ht>alh's son. Billy, who Is co,n fined jn ttu: N nva.J h08pltal the~. Mrs. Donald Kennedy t o Join Huibend The excellent advice t o "'Think Betore You Buy" is subject al the ttomemakers clubs and i'arm Butt~u Home departnrenl tor September-meetings and diacm· alon w\11 Include the i-eneral prln· clplea Of money management tor • tamlly. These m eetings were planned because so many home· maken tffl the need to ~ plan ahead eo that their f·..imiliea C8ll get the things they want meal from UW family income. Ri.eh&rd Blanton Newcom, 28. and bridesmaids w"re Mrl'I. Fle"t-~rs Don.lid Kf'nnedy of 219 103J W. LaVeta Ave., Orange: wood BeU 1Na.ncy Strohe«:kf'r l , £roadway. Costa Afesa. Is leavlnc Marie f"rancea Church.' 28. ~ZO 'it M..iaa Roanne Doll, Mra. Chancy by plane this Wt'ek ror Honolulu 1umlne Ave .. Corona del Ma.r. Lot. Jr. (l.tarjorle Smllhl, Ml,M wherr she will join her husband, 1 Barbara Reche and Mrs. Robert ~{ajor Kennedy ot the Marinf' Col:ta Mesa Homemakers will meetl September 20 at the Com· munlty church, 10 a .m. with a uCk hlncheon to be served at noon. Beacon &llp1. the eveni'\K group. meets on the .!"·Jme date at 7,30 o'clock at the home or the cbai.rman, Kay Webster, 432 W . 18th •tr'fft.. . Choose Beauty at f isheftTlan' s Fiesta DEATHS -,IOI& ALICE 1J, IAllES ' Mn. Alice e . Jani'H. 86. or W Broadway, Coata Mesa. died early Friday In Onn..-e County hOlplta.l She la •urvived by bet hU.b&nd, I W. S. Jamea; two G1u.rhte1', Mra. Helen Booe. ot Corpus Chriati. Tu., and .Mn. Fay Kierdorf. ot Santa Ana; a 90ft, l:me.t W . Ja1D4!1 ot Shenna.n Oalu: &n.d NV· e,..l .,.-andchildren. RoeQ.ry wu recited J'riday at & p.m. in the Grauel Cb&pel. eo.t.a Mua. by Rev.' J"r. C. Cronln, of 8t. Joe.cbim'• C.UM>lic dturcA of ea.ta Mu&. i"un•ral .emoe. wen Saturday at t Lm. In St. Jca- ctum•a ChYrch Wilb r'r. Cron.In ol• ·~tin&'· ..... ICAllG.ul&T QJ:LDE&'l' J'unera1 aernc. for Mn. Mu- ruet a.tdeft. 113, ot Corona '4•1 One do&m American beauUu Mar, who was k1Ue4 In a tratflc bve alread)' 1lped up for lbe i.ccklM.t w~y ._.,.. be.Id in "'$dpperette of 19$0" contest. MUroae .Abbey SatUrday at tO · .tr+m whSch will come the ftar-a.m. •Ith Fred Brtgga condue.tln.• bor .,.... loveliest girl to rule the Chriatlan Science Ht"Vice. Th.I anr tbe 4th a.nnuat Fisherman'• car Kn.. Geldert wu drtviq J'l•ta at -Pitdro, Sept. 2Ss24. turned ont' Hnral ~Umetl on a ~ to Kn. Wyn A. Rob-alippory pa-ent, 40, miloo ho!n ....._ prutdallt.. Womm'a Dlvt. Bantow, , neiar Red Mounta.la. Ioli ot CM Ban Pedrq Cbaalbcr of ll1tannent wu ln -AbMy ~ • wbo ia aervtnc u cemetery. • cllr' aa et t ll e Sklppentta Mn. Gtldert wu tM Wife-ot coe•tttM, 12 can<lldal• M.ft the Late W-1\fl' L. a.wtrt.. di> -.. .... the ooateet:. wb.Jch hu • trk:t aupertntendent ot U.e Soutb- 1 tt ? fill I p. m. lllonday, Sep.. ua OountM OM 0... .,,bo tM-4 uat If Jl.. • f'Jom a bean au.~· about' ~ a.b' •trr M<(Ulnmento ..,_ ,.._.. -!Ille -~ In Clll-+--. pretty, between Jf-IO m.p. a..~ was ·11ndltid wttll ,..... --... \M -v.....-. Rial -t· q..." Iii °""' .... .Glrlio· ~ -by -· ... 4ol ..... ---.. -- --111n. -ot w -ot c.nrom1a rw oe ,_., -NI W . Malit It., 8u &Del llDW 11. ~ -ap 11o4 ..... " ll'w..s la 9uta Ana. .... ,....,... I 5 !llln II -•-... ' -.1oi.c "" ---.. ----,.i.-m. Ot'l1 \. 11 °""' -· ..... 14-.. .,.._ ~-... -·-···-.a a &It .... a --:::. = ~·••rt~ L. Oslt t.. •Nat: ! ~ -• • ~ ·~~ ·-°"" two .. ... •11 'DP•~ ...... --.. -of IUta Tl'! ... I :S Stir '1 11•1 Am.: ... ViL-. •1•ow fll .. .. 2 ...... ----..... a.ta ... ; .... ,, ,,,,, .... ...., ~I SITZ. I a ward Tltrtte af Tu11• • Rempel {Janie Pace). Jcorl>5. • • • ~· •tten4 what --I<> be o flctloa: Cudcel; Rinehart. Ep!aode of the hJl'hJY inter ¢'Al' nenlAc. · a...n.., BWlt W'or HMven; Bl> Wandertnc Knife: and Ruuell, l'few•nmu a41 have lMu nM 'lbl! Oraa.f• County Art u.o-aeU. A 8t.n!ICS on .tbe RJver; CU-BetWej:n Us and Evil. in the flaitlor for over .0 ,..,._ daUon Bept.amber U!ltb&Uon .. • pery_ The Weeping and the Non-tl~Uon book~· are: BU.U, •lecUon of paJnt.llap fl'9Qll the Laucht~r ; Chlltterton, Homew11.rd J·ine W elMh C&rlyre; Crichton,!==.===::::::::::====== U.ivelJJIJ' ahow ot th• C&Utomla BonM:; Crol'lln, The Spanlah Cud· The Marx Brother11; DeVaucou· Paul, Spria.ctlme in Paril; Mc· Wat.erpolor-.80Clety and i• well ner-; Debnar, About M:ra. ~aJle : leura, The Planet Man; DocSce. cu.n.e. ltoc'9 Toda1; MHDan1H, worth viaittn:r. 'nte exhibit la e1.1r· Ehrlich, The Bir Eye; Cu~hl , The Crazy Glulpecker. f'auJ.k-Anybody CU Do U~i'" ..... renUy on dlaplay in the lecture The LJttle W orld ot Don Camillo; 1 ner, Plowman's Folly; P'Orsyth, ~! ~UA.LoG m awly; ...... room ot the Fullerton public Ii· Gordon, Reprlal; Heckt>lmann, In.ahor-e Sea li"iahinl"; Helnaann, The ~ of ~ Prie: O'J)oa- bra.ry. 10 a .m. to 8 p.m. The pub-Let the Cuna Roar; Hemlngway, Creative Table-Top Phot.oeT'l.phy; Qdl. "n.. Old B&ility ud lta lie la alw&ya welcome. Acro.11 the Rive r and Into the Holbrook, The Yanku :ExodtY; 'J'railli; R-eu,. 'n.. .....,.1 REP. HUBERT SCUDDER, $<. butopol-'1'he fiood or drted eggs ahls>ped ln from Communiat China lie now beginning to engulf Call· tom!&." • 'f'reu; Hueaton, The Family Take Jne-e. Come Bac k, Utlle Sheba; Book; Srb&IMctt, dowrte _. A WUe; Miller-, The Horns of James, Dicllonar')' ot the Ckrman c::u&.; Tn&ed9no, .... ol .,...._ Capricorn; Morvi..l. Two Adolt!1:1-and Enetish Lan(UAl'i; Jorui.,n, IOfl ; MP-tmaA. The WIDd II cent.. Ship MOdel Bullding;t Ketcham. l"rff; Woodbury, TM StorJ ol A Mqrphy, The Song of the Cave; 'How lo Uae Color a.nd Decor&ting Stanley 8U&mer; aad W ";Wee, Nathan, The Married Look; Per-Designs In the Home. Qua.ken P\Dd A. Way. ' THE WINNE.R I California's own World's Fairs, both San Fran- Better I • ... ,, ... • cisco and San DiegQ, awarded highest honors for Excellence -of Product to California's own ~r. • • • • • • l EaJtside, the Gold M!'(lal Beer, has .maintained itt reputation for excellence d0wn t:hro"lb die yean for more than half a ceotury-the lint choice with millions of Californians. We proudly diaplay tJi.e award medab on die n~ label of nay boafe. The-linesr ingredien11 ·die world aft'orda, bre.e!I under .cbe strictat la~t0ry ~trols-p.lieatt,, fllllur.Jly aged -which Mlcls up co Jusr -JS;., _ just two little words -b11Ur u.u, • • U you like aood beet, lultw ipu l!Asnm•. Pick llP • few bottles or .:ans roday-&lllf you're laeacW lw real beet njoymenc. • . - ·) , • ; < • ( I I' < I I 1. I ' • T1•!'r· Sept. tz,. ·19IO - HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS ~UlJIWb,.~¥ .. e.,11-.•1,.~~..,..._.~"0."".IJ----A Rftes at Lutheran Ciuch Unite · Mar, Jo~ and Peter Wilsori Q>a!dns prott¥ u a ll(ct"'"l ' ln her a.rt411il~ ~ ot• Ndt ltM ,.._ by l:ua'ent: Qua"1 aad wlllte ........ --. -...,. # --. UJl>er& Q11on7 --dawn -Adolilble Iii her role · ol now-"'* c the ~ · Ho~bor Lil· lld WU -llltlo Mlcllltle 1>11- . • . nleee fll --.. -COlW'l' ~ -to opoak ber ~up-J'lllow w; ~ --•tY'°" t!41 -w1Ul"1114r-~ la 0.rlrJ -K4MJ JM ftlijr ..... Jilil9 ~ le Ule Aarr7. • 11 t W Of l1'e •rtde, CU"' doupc. ot llfr.-Mn. K · ~ rW lllo -a tln ~. pO· Quaily, llJI -AMA • .o\~ ~--Mrs. ~ ~ Mn. Oootf X-. Mn, lli!1'11 .._, Helu WU.On jolru!d tbe JU.t-wado 64.1 PrlDC«a Av.,, OMarle a.Ad and lh• "'1dal p:1.rt1 In the recoriv- Clo.ude WUoon Of llalem, Ore.. ""' in. Une to ~ the ,...,.. ·who .-....... ot the bftdetrroom, llnsem o.t the e1>..-to dehlge Rev. Robert Roth performed the young couple with best '"9.h- \he recent double-....,. c-...mony e.. agalnal .. &ovely a.&ckp'ound ot Mrs. Quarry'• smart cnen tar-· atca~ cathedral t&pet1 and feta auJt waa complemented by tldkete l.rimmlng ' with wh.lte brown acceqoJiH, Mn. Wll9on d.ahliu, ptnk JladiolJ. and blu• appeared ln a b1cornJzw navy-btue delpbJ.n.lum. . IUit · 11nd while accet19Dr1ea. Cor- The bride's beauUf ul eown .,..., UC•• of snowy prdenlu were fuhloned with sweet.be&rt neck· wor n by both mottMn. Une outlined in pea.de, k>ng potnl· AulaUng tn ~ dutiea at ed. aleewe and long ance/uJ train. the reception were Mrs. Eugene Her Wl&eioo veil f rothed· to n nr-Long , Mn. Ea.N Sheflin, Mrs. er-Up leftcth from a pearl en-John Paten, Mn. Tom Quury. crusted Juliet cap. Pln.k and .while M.ra. RaJph Myre.hn and Mn , Roy carnations were combined with Balley. Mn. Bruce W ilson preaid- alephaJlotJs ln the bridal bou· ed at the guest book. quet. The four·Uered wedding ca.k~ Pl\£P ABA.Tl0N8 for be reoea.t ~.'lie 4ante at Uae !ffw,...t ....,._ Yaeltt ehilt '"" ••wlri· od with • ltl,.i1 ~ -· .. Jo7<d _, ,....... oollop ,,.,io .. Ille -·---&'- ... In -.-.!!JlDff -.,.. fldt'to rlSfll) -Htfl'loo. Milo U..bars Oah'Ori Mil ... Tl!-•f Bal1-I load, ud M1M·-..u,. OUmore or h n<11<>a. (Plloro ¥1 iodt.er) Mrs. D. G . Arbuthnot In C harge of Fa ir Exhibits Mr11o. D. C . A rtbuthnot of La Ver11,. and £.Uboa la kl cJ..,-ge ot the dom.-?stlc a rt.I bUikJinK" at Los Angele" county fair a l Pomona. September J5 through October 1 and has been preperlnc-t~ the event for mont h•. J COM Pastor Dis~u55es Two Philosophie ' in Sundoy S.lrmon S peak ing to a crowded church .Sororify .Benefit to Aid Cocint:Y . Polio Patients ~ · • ·. '"' . . ff you should docid~ to withdnw ,.0.... moaey ·before completing your saviogt g~ you. still get full interest oa every doL• Iar, and the only cost is a small cha rge for , the insurance 'protection you have enjoyed. Hert'• liew 11 wwbl JwtsaveS2.ss,s10, SIS or $20 a month in• Life·{nsured Sav· ings Accou.nt. At the end of a 50 mqn,di iavings period you reach your goal-$100, $250, SSOO, S750 or $1,000. You earn regu· l•r bank interest on every dollar ..• aod oil the while you save you ore protected by Whe ·can op•• • Ufe· l115ured Sawln1s FREI! life insurance for the full 11•P"ill 0.,/. Acctunt? Any man, woman or child in •""of your savings goal! follow this plan good beal~h under che age of forty-six. aod more than 4 years oflif-e insurance pr~ (Except ~siren under three ~nths who , , ' --• , ... ~ .. .., _,_... . -. '. ~ ~•w "' " . > . • i. ,, • 1 ~ .. ,, . . ~· . . • • < . ., .. •• , ~ r • Pn!cedlng the tmpreulve MU. '4"·l.B ornamented with a miniat ure Mn. Gene Roth, eololat, sang bride and groom s t&l\ding beneath "Beca.UBe" ~d .. M y Hero" ac-a beruffied bower. companied at the orpn by M r!!. When the. popular young new- Jean Van Dremlln,. wJto .-, play· ly weds left for a honeymoon ed lbe tn.dltlonal wedding t'n&l'Ch-Jn ltle mOuntains and at Laguna ea. Beach Mary J o l':-.id donned an He-r depart ment Is divided lntll 19 scct1oru and If a woman were to enter an exhlbtt In every c!.'us, &he would have a. tot.al or 1,490 a.r · t\cles ranging through bedaprt"ada ceramics . .Atuffed doll_, and plum butter. at the Communlt v Chu rch of Tv.-o philanthtoplcal preject. Corona del M.lf' w;t Sunday, the. will bmetll from p?'Oeffda ol "The Rev. Pa ul Edward Ba f?bttL usect Slfvfr Whl•tle," hU&riowi comedy : u hts aubject, "An A dequat<> t o ~ pM!•nled by the Kapp'.1 ' FtJlh For T beae_ 'l'\mea.'' "'Each A lpha 'Mteta A.J"mnl l'1"0'1P of pne raUon 111ust choose Its own 1 Orange county, a ccordlns to plana phlloeophy of Hf e.11 said t he Rev. madie when memb!nt met re:aent.ly Mr. Babbitt. "T h roughout a.11 ~.1 at the home of M:"S. William Ho1- cordt'd history there have b~en 1t.etn, Udo lale.. rection is youn 4/n11Ntel1 frtt! a nnot be 1nsOred.) ~._ .f '5- Mn . ICla.ine Homby, a.ttt a! a.qua blue -enaem ble Aet oft with •the brtde, attended u Matron of a. ~ ol g a rden,a.s. honor, atUred in gtt.t nal Md After being graduat ed fr om lace de•eloped e•er aUa an4 Newport Harbor Union high ca?"rJfn.I' a Colonta.l noM!p )' In .tchool she. attended Orange Cout pk!iutns ba.nnony. cgllrep 1ut year, aerving a8 vlce- h\ the entourac e of brldeemalds prealdent of the freshman ca.ss wf!re Mtu Nancy WI.I'd, frocil@d Mr . Wll90l1. wu prQtdent of his In po.le blue orpndy and MJn cla. at Orance Oout cotJege. A nn PoWna, who choee pink Mt prevtou•ly studying at OT!ta.rio over -.Un. They loo carrkd dain· h1Ch achoo! a.nd Arizona S tate. ty noeep p and all wore crowns He hu been called for army train· of pink Ute,.. 1A tMlr hair. Ing at Camp Cooke wtth the Na· ·Fulfllll"« ,beat man duUn for Uonat Cllard. Younr' Mrs. \Vilson hi.! brother wa.s Bruce Wll.9oo. bus taken an a partment at Orcutt Gue8ta Wei'@ eacorted to their whlle her huaband Ls a t ca mp. Rex and Joan Brandt in First Joint • Exhibition at Cowie Galleries., L. A. Mrs. W. E. Nickell is Br idge Hostess but two phllOMph.ies or t•1ltM I The comedy will be •I.feed Fri- which have ever guided a.nd oon-day even!~. October 13. at La-troU~ the J1 vet1 of men. One of cvr.-l P1ayhooee -.ml \lcket. wi.111 these Is Matertalislll"I , t~ Ide• that ' be available from · member• •t the wUverse NI fundo.menta.Jly ma-$1.l>O each. ,, terlallatic in c ha.racter and there-P&rt of the proceedll win l>e tore m\18t ~ c.J(•lll w ith by male ri• ueed to buy equipment tor Ore.nee aJ force. The other Is a fa.itb that county oonvo.luctnc-polio patient.Ji. · dlll"ea to ae.tert that there •"' the be.lance gotng to the sorority There wu fun and friendly j h lnsU chntt('r at Mrs. W . E. Nicke ll'• torcea in the u.nlvera '1hlch can-por eel. t e l ute ot Logope- nol be aeen. hea rd, f@.lt or meu· dies• a t M chlla. Ka.nau. 1 Co.Ala Meaa home t he other eve--. ure<l; but which a rc none the leu rreunt lo plan the affair were : nlng when lhe talthful g athered potent .'" Mt11. Robert Whit ten. c.ota Meaa; for one Of the-Ir regular bridge U•lng-t he Hebrew e xperience of Mrs. Fred H:endr1ck1, Santa Ana: J>li.rtle8 A dessert course of pine-overcoming Cana.an. the nations Mr.. Ruth Vedder !llnd Kn. ~ a.ppl€' chiffon pie, let> c ream and near them, the Rev. Mr. Babbitt ~.'·lrd Chapmah, Jr .• of Corona dfol coffee prtteded the card dealing. told hls concreptlon that lM Mar: Mra. Joseph Fe.rwu.aon and Mni_. Jerrold Spangler walk ed J ud~Cb--tl C Ith h -I Mra. Wiiiiam Holt.stein Lido victonou81y a way wtth the first ...... '... an 8 a.a. n • prize while Mrs. Charlu ,._ Hand t-b .. lo with.eland the dewnf-.11 of I.tie. took the co9&olaUon .:iwal'd. ,the •tale becauae the PrOpheta Other M•t.A with in-between 11nd Prea chers have cried out Mr1. Jerry Lingo scores W('re Mmea. Pauf V. that the 8tat.e hu fallen becau11e Honored at Parkrs. Bertha TIIJot.son, C. H. of the lnlqul\y ,of lta peopl~-Th-ey p I Rldl1ty, Gunning Butll'r and p A. have al"'•aya callc<I t heir people ost Nuptie Event Chamberlin. to repenta.nee. T h1a haa reform the church f rom w tOdn and hos A.9 a post·nupua.J rompl;lment Two of the counl1'7's top art-... ------------tumed ddest Into victory. to Mn. Jeny un.-o _ t Joanna lats. Rex Brandt and Joan Irv~ the California watercolor Society, Mi ss T enita Mantz "ChraUanlty la an aVOW«I en•-Shafft), a Vf!r'/ dellglttful tlbower Ing I Mrs. Brandt) of (."\)rona 4el: bu exhibited wtddy ttnd 13 reptt-t AH d U S C my of Materia.Jl.lm wft•Nw.r tt I• event 'tfU '-°'anp:ct Tu.Mdia.y by Mar, an bavlnc their fi1'9t joint •nted In numef'OWI pr1vate colltt· 0 en • • • found -whet.her ln FucWJa.. Na-M1i1it JO&n o..a.. J.n tM o.ta exhlbitiOR lhJ.A mentb wtlh a lions aa well ·a. tn the Metropoli-MIM ~nlta Ma ntz., dau&hter of Ds m. Communiarn or in Dt:moc· M-.n home ol her mother, Mn. _ group of as pktuns and eenunkll ton mUWUfll ot Hew York's per-Mr. and Mra. Paul Mantz. lelt Jut racy. U•I°" U.e a.rmunut ot H enry Davta. CIU•len of dabllu on dle,pby ii\ Cowie Galle"-, UM! manent collttUon. wet'k for u .s .c . when: •he wtll be fll.llh, llhe: conqUOfll not-only tbc wer. earned out In UN colortul Biltmo re hotel, Loa Angele.e. This la Mra. Bn.ndt'e ftnt Los &. student thla ~r. IAat year ahe tnd!vidu.J but naUona,." he aid. Oo~ effect.a. Mr. Brandt will .Ahow 1~ water AnpJu MMo ahowing and hf>r was promlnept on the ca.mpua of lkfore • Pf"OCl'M of cunu colon and Mra.. Bruidt 15 gouach· fi rst aince 1til$ when she e.ta.b· StephC'ns college. S lie la a Kappa v· 't G d t play and the •l"YtftS' ot ref'rtilh· 1s1 s ron poren s m•n•-th ho --ne.i her e8. In addiUon there are •ix cer· Ushed a record by hanging a sell· Alpha Pl and wilt "9.ke" pa.rt In Ute ..... e n .... .,,.., 0 r- amlcs bu Joan and one b1 Rex, out abow at the Laguna. Beach ru.Ahlng 9"'ason . ,,.._ 11 HI 1 ,_ ht -a..rn.y of kJvely llft.L The ehann· ~ '-'Vnne e nt-t. y, ....... ug er "' l.n.c' 1'0CJ1lC bride ii the d&ughter of while the latter al.o ha.a one on Art Aat>ciaitorn g aUf'ry. i..,r. a nd Mra. Oou,l'lu H lneaty of Mr. a.nd Mn. R ua1e.1l Shafer of in the show. F\nl Utt ot the S ea. M r. Brandt Is a nat \\•e of San Ea sterner Retu rns E . 20th St., Cost& Mesa. tuu end· Ham.Jlton SL Coeta Meea. Enlhusle.!!Uc abOut tbe work of DMgo and hill W&rk8 in water col· Aft M v· . ed a visit In Huntington Park 8harin• t he . occasion we r e the local arU.ta. Mr. Cowie says: or and oil have been sh ow n In e r e se ISlf With her f rkndparent1, Mr, and Mmea. ·sh&fer, RuueU Allen., R. "Rex Brandt and ht. wife, Joan ev•ry important g·illery II) tht Mrs Cla~nce BcardaJey. B. Un..... mother of the brlde-lrv\ng, paint .90me o( ~best. wa-United Statea. Hi8 plct urea havr A fortnigh t'• aojoum In C-.Qflta •-t~r co)ors In America today. Moel ~-t t _, In uch 1 Me.!la ha.OJ been brou.ght to a. tin.ale ----rroom; J , R . Davla. Jl"nnk Vlele, -.o• ea ur~ a magaz. ne."I F I WllH&m Blue.. Mtue. Helen Keat· of their subject.a an found neat .. F ortune, Llfe cl Mademoise!IP by P.f rs. ~arffia of Peter.!lburgh. am i y Visi t o rs in•, Ulttan Wien--. Da~ Per-- the California cc<Yt. ~-•·· ~"• colored nproductio ... • or Penn .. wh•J \VU th!'! hou.w gu1:i111t & .,....a .,...............,. wnu ,.., • '""ft. Lavonne Pete raon. Nancy about Newport Bay ·-· .,, .... _ ... L.i-work .,_ CUl"Tently •P an' ... of 1.1rs Mary L. \\'1ili-.'.l lTW. t v· I H ~ ·-nm ...... pe n,.. a 1e e o me Llng o, Connie OU'hn. J erry 8 tvl.fer. they make U>elr hone. on the covers ot We.st\V&y& mag·1- "Their stylm are mut-.U1 com· Sine. in the Fo rd Times. the Lln· Miss J ean Re ed Pa t RumMy. P8t Burton. &tty plementaey and lt •ould be a coln-Mereury Times and In the Rtt-eTll guests or Mr . and Mn. Stuck and Lola Lou O..vta. _ruh per90n who rated one or California. Artis te Cards line. Is Stanfo rd Student i't-ank Vif'k of ltlmllt on St .. C<.· Sending girts but unable. to al· these artlatl a bove tt.6 olhel'. If Put ruld t of th C !if 1 ta Meu, we.re lhrJr &ons a nd tam· ~11d were Mt8Ka Ann Crawford. tt,ex ha.a ~tered \he clilttlcu.lt art p en e 8 orn 8 Miss J eAn R('ed, uawsbter o f tllcs. Mr. and M~. Max Viele a nd Manon Bayer aAd Betty SUltsPr qf ,auqimlp--~:~ ~i:tfine In ::!e~r~t~~t!~r~:;:d~,~ste~ ~~o ~~. ~;;·.mZe:;,~~ ~ =~~ ~~e!J,1~~·:ftl:r:: of ."U~tl~on ~~h: ·:, r~br:.:c:~~~~ eow~~r~1~'1:~.h·H~u l~do•rlkph•1·.·ufonr>Yehr•,',.,...,. ond )'Mr al Stanford t.er SuuJr1 \;f ·sant& .<"na.· 0 t f T G t .... ._ ....... .., 13 Bot h Max and Willard Viele U -O '"' OWn ues S tlally lively ertect, Ja&n la muter N!pru-ented In the perma.nent col· :...._______ A d • • • ot a mdre .. ""'cld, 1UbUy..eo&ored 1--tione of th< a_ DI Fl work at lhe-Doug las Alrcraft tten M8et1n9 ..-~ 09" ero ne -Be wi8e---tell people--adv\"rUk~ ' L •••••. Arto (o.Jlery, Crocker p!Jery. ____________ ?_= ___________ of Me511 Rebekah' . The hid\ ctuallty In lhls joint Sll.CTamento and the California exhlbiUon-'8 due to t he. ract that Water COior. eodety. nettber of lfte 8J"&ndU ha ve had N•tlonal.ly known 11.s t teacher 1-maa Mow9 tor the put RVeral u well u an artist, he hu bee n years. n.e-.pkblftl on Ttnr w-e.re Invited lo teach at a round dozen ca rehaU)' .tected trun the man,. 1tehoola. inclucnnc the UnlverslUee tMy ..... pelnted durt.nf tlMI put of Vennont and Southern Callfor. decMe." nla -U\d Chou.Ina.rd Art lMUtute . Mra. Brandl WU bon 1n River-Kb boo1u... Wa ltir Color With ~x alct. an4 ls mother ol two young Br.n<tt and W&ter Color Tech. da...ptus wt.o fM.ture ln many of nJque a.re w~y ueed u text. her pteturee. She la a member of boolu on palnlin1 techniques. Pleasure· Riders Provided Correl at Berry farm Mrs. Pinkley ond Betty Home From Ea,t Home aaalT'I w t th glowing rerai- nJscea.ces ot lh«ir vacatJon trav· A f'equest from Riden ot tile ets atoe lilh•. A. L. Ptnkley -.nd Sa,.e Inspired HWMt a.ddlUo. to da"""tv, Bttty, of 153 Broad· Knott'• Reny Fann, a 324.le sto.ll W"J.y, eo.ta Mesa. cotn.I whkh 1\69 juat been bUl.lt New Orleane wu theft tin t in back ot th pony rift« and dectinaUolii and theft tb.ey fou1ld where pleuu.re rlden naay Ue I Inter¥( ln t.be Q\.ta.lnl atttet.a u d thelr horaea. • ta.mow rftll&Unltt& OonUnuln.g IUdera of the Sage te a newl1 t.o w~. D. c.. lbe Meam orp.nlsed ~• wbJclll bu t.ua wue n t erto.ined a. sueeta or moltlor tt • .,_ to p to l'tep. ....i Kn. Jolm l'llllUPo. Knou '* about once a moaU\ oe. , From the-aaUca'• c:apitoJ t.hey their r<guior -1 llisbt nu -t Oil to N -York City fdr on4 tho cornJ WU O .. Jll>J' ...,_ -ral ..,. oe "<loing' the towa." p-lor them; An.. ........ !he mojatlc a Musical Career _,..,, ~ hlla ..... hod a atq Ill c:lllcop bofon u.. ro- hlm ,.,.,,...., w.et-1<1. . · Foretold For Phyllii DeCarlo . UnitarienJ to H~ar """ ,_ ~ .. ,• .1 , _.;..,: About Cafftoric1Sm wtll .. --·IT - -t• J1oA ............. ~'HUI, '1M REMEMBER THOSE DAYS, MADAM? Clt.l.L-..- Fuchsta colored dahliu &ltd · pompona were uaed ln decoraUnc I the IOOF' ho.JI, Coote M-. -·I : the Mea R ebektlh lod&"e met Jut Tunday. P10ttnce. SwttaT, no- ' bJe rrand. preetded. A d:l.lttnsutahedl g\lftt WU fie. se\ Ryan, chairman of ~­I Uon. department a.uoda.Uon of I Ladles aut.lb rtee. Pat,rtarch MIU· tant. Aecom~~ Mn. Ryan was htt moth"tt, Mn. Katherine Clarlt. 8ot1' are membert at Byc-- amore lode'e. Santa Ana. Otbe.r ~ were Mmea. Ama.nO!. Sor- e.naon, a put noble ~nd of Coleman. 4. D.. and 81lvta Fe.kl· "'°" al Star Lig!lt Rebel<ah lodfl'!. Coror..t. who presented two tn· te tttUns ra.dinp during a re- oeam ot the lodge. J ltlmeT Sm.Jth, Jhrf'7 Wa\llol'I &nd Claus Backa we.re honored by th• p.-nto.Uon at clllo from M rs .. Swlt&er for Ule.lr won: In ma.kln& a table a.nd ward.robe tor lhe lodge. IDdw<U'd Wlllcatt -Fronk Ginger oloo otded Ill t.b• *1>rk but were noit. J)l"deftt to l'e'"" ce.lve thdr ptta. . -Mr. ond ..... lllmcr B. aaull\, -aou.-....~ ltwu,w•re ......,.Uulo~byt.be ~ --..... 18-to tl>e 8aturda7. a.pt. ' _,,... "'- &Dita ..... ., ......... .... autta Allen. Pl sellka.t al. the ft.e.. _ ... -·---......... -.. .... klliil Del oou.. .... _.... at U. dme ol. t.M •• r'-. lllJ ...... 11 1'tata -. Cl !lf#rl' l""'r t!fi!./11sumil !:wings /la(Xlnt#f ;111y bt'#ncll ~ sank of~, ., . ~ WEST'S FIRST TELEVISION NETWORK · , .. ~ Relay system to operate between San Frant:isco and Los Angeles L Amplifying -equipment like this ir connected wilh the bomliR rntcnnu above to relay tel... 'l'irioo pogramr Of loog discrna telq>bone calls fiom oae,port of the oounay IO rno<ber. Enginem ail it mlao-won ... for it UICI bip·&.quenq adio ... -. rnd it gas io nickname, "Jump.Jump," be- amsc the beom. lap-frog haw..,. relay swiOOI loat<d oa mounuins 28 ro 6' miles •port. . s. TIM N11zrch whkh producm thir miao-wOYc 71'-wcmclacml in BdlTdepbone hbnniori<s -. .qi•....., of IO llWlJ elearoaic dneiopmam. !fiiodR.i. of dll!ln bnc led CD beau te~ ieulce st lower aw ... md haft ptay.d a major part· .. _li.., ,_ crlcphone the bic ...w. ir lr roClo7, for iro llpitc of ..ilrias pci<lor, .. lcphoae -hayc .,.. "I' atdi ._ dim oar CllEl7 of p<O'ridi&!g *"' lot. Os -··-....... prias line !nee up--. .... w. _. .. -... ol.Jmac a-DJ· .. ·~ • • . ' • t \. .I ' .. _ .. • .I l I t "-i 1 . ,, ' • . ... 2. Televirion programs can be relayed ~~e . .'.:. point to rnocher by miao-wove O< by ronPI czbk. The fua f<g of & ~D ttlnilicft nerwndc •ill begin opctating betwcm Sm Paacia:a il.d 1.ot· ' Angeles Sep<anber 1' mer the newly-cam~ uJump-Jump" system. And we're going &held.with L survey• ..,.r operimma "' tnend the mniiioo DU....0 IO ocher at<U of·lbc Wac. '.' • ·' · • • • ' · ·,, ; -- l'rict inc;rcascs sincc.1940 . ·• ·)--... -. ~-t• . --. •Rt COD Of . b ._ .... -':.ll:': • • .. --...... ... a N¢ c tl9I JIB, 7 9 l't~v..rt.a ... lb flf ~ PIQ• 1lo0oll.. -., .,,. .... - -at. .... -~ ~. --. :-t... l>ICluio. UI Mr. -Mft. .... ~ U. j711l:::A. llCllta Mi 3371 0..teb 7 at.. tq -•1 ... al : .a""• .. ....._ ,,... ............. I s•wUI --.. -....... l.. Ell 9a I If fll ........ ......... a1 •°"5aC.. ....... ...._ .. ,. ·--· -·jjl1'11--M'fl.w_...,, ........ • 1 ·cnulf .... C n 'd~ = lfC••4fsa 0 ..... ..... ----lo-__ .. __ M_ .. -.liie .. ~11-.-·-=·u~ -.-'7!i'9 .. ,,"_ ................ ] .......... -..... lllrupra( ....,. -..... -:· • .,... ·r ... ,_llto~ ~. PKific ·Te~one .. -! ..... •~..., ... ·x· ,.,.._. , __ :..._~~::::_ ____ ..:__..:_:..:_:.:..::_=.::=.::_..::-:...====::===========~~'.!. ..... , . r..sa -._ - -....,. -lie ..,.,., I· • la~·· ,, .. t .... JI • .,, .... u •• _ .......... • .. ---I •>i.-W""b ... _.. __ ,.., ___ .. __ ... _. ..... JI 1A ..... ta sis. ............. ]...................... • l: • • • ---·--~ ~ .... ta -Mfp' 11 ..... ···-· ?T I Tl. +-for .Printin.? ol Higlt~st. Quality; Phoite H(!rbor 1616. • I • • .. ' • , • • • • • • . • NEWPC>Af~IALIOA NEWS. TIMES I ... Fair to. Honor : Q•11c1 . •••pUfllag N, e. wft.ort Ha~·. I Acezz• ., -;.irti.t . .. • -=-~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~~.;;;;-_:'_, "I' IU\11, nwUet ot m.llla .'-otor., ..,._ 117 tiio HWMllT ~ ll'lfBI.18BENG (JOllPA!Cf . 1 : , • · booked at ~ C<IW\lJ Joli T!Jun. James M. Keeler Frid Sep 'll Rul>J K. O..Cbola, .M, of 1lat l'aPf'1•-SlwT Tg ~ta7 M N¥rwt Bs1J*. Q1°'9;. • ay t Placentia It., c.ta llCMa, WU ----..,,-,..-"'"''---·-~~,---;....:.· ------· -•r----1 • . do.y ottemoon, pOUe. rt""'"ed. • umi.l;.-0,.CALU'ORJilIA tnlWllP.:lPER PUBLl81lll:Rll AllS'N. la' ._.uuoa of Ito tnwut Oflken Aid u..,. ..,;:;i..d Ille u. James u:. Kff!u. is, at Me • ..... .....:.·'~= .. · -,,-"'-----·_N..:!-'_:n~o_N_>_>L....-Ul_cl'J'OftlAL.:.__ ___ A880CIA.-:.:_ ___ TJ_o_N __ .,...a putlclpatlon rn.sa, .. llopL 211 woman at Ole ae.o. -ancJ Rlffrolde A••-Newport Helgble, Called to Active Duty With Navy •' • Offlea and Prliltlllg_.Plant at 'nll. ~ Boulevard bu -oot .-u N~ co. st.on al ~'11 8. Main Bt.. all· hu been ca1lad from a<:Uve Nov- • • . Telephone Rarbof\ 1818 H&rbor Day at..J.os ~ OQun• er a clerk •w ber tak., teWraJ al Rue~e lt&tUI to acUve duty ----.,.-----.--"---....:....-------,,------lty l'atr 19 'PomollL OUter 4'YI ii.ma. 'Ibey M&d abe admitted a.a a llatt oommwrlcat:lbna otticer '.i:.,1.,.ed u ·-~ Halter al. U,0 Poatottlce tn ;Jewport lle&ch, tor tbll .,.. .,.. u.,.-Day taklns I~ Of . clotbln&'. rrom wtth the ~•th Nll•al dl•tricl 1n -C&llfomlll un-u.e Act Of Mlln:ll a, 1879 ,..._y, llept. 11 ud COela Van.S.nnut,. Montgomtt)'-Wml Honolulu. ---'---~-------~~------------1 Mea Day al8o ~y. Sept. ti. and Penney"~ Tot.al value. of tbe The Naval otflcen lefl.n'ueaclay RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor Spol:lal "!•le b&•e be<ll ochecl~ llcma wu ~ at •11.ee. by pllllle from Ban Franclaco tor ·~ • RALPH BORGESO}(, ~verUsing Manager ulcd ln anlld}Nttioo ol tM larce Police aai& ahe had $28..01 In Honolulu. Ftnt joining the Navy ~------------------~~------1 numben expected to be on 6and cub with l\e-r and • be.nkbook tn January, 194.2, Lt. KH.ler aerv-~· to Pabllala Leal-Nonoe. aad Ad~te of all lll.Dda to ~ew· t be countleN uhlbltli listins $301.81. ed. abol.rd eblp on both the AUan-I ~--------------------------land entertainment ftaturee otter-Sant& /..na •pollce cl&Jmed t.bat Uc and Paci.fie .u a communlca· • 8tJB8CBlrnON RAT.r..8: ed by fbe 23rd annual fair. The •he ~rried eft.tpty boxea Into de-tlons officer. He waa d.tacharged NEWPORT-ll.ALBOA. NEWs.TIMES 0¥"7 -T pt.. wm be thrown open euly p&rtment ""?roe llftd took out lrf 11H8. ,.. 'Oranp touaty. sa.al' pei ,-.,; ...... .ts me.ta; 11.U tb.rft and every\hlng wUJ ~ lll. fftd.1-dresaes wblc._ •he had removed Lt. Keeler haa a wife, Mr-a. '..moat.ha (AJAO lncfud~ tbe-~BT-BALBOA PRE8& 'l'llllJ"llCla,J') ne• to receive the tJtronl:a. from their racU with a view to Manon Keeler, 11.nd two children: :. _ '~, OUtalde ~ Couab' f4.00 per ymr . ExbJbtta diaplayed by counUee trying them on. Jamee 3. and Susan, I Y... living. . I wtll be the focal point. of Interest The woman expla.lnec:t, police at the Newport Beach &ddreu. .. 111 • • • a.nd cornmuntuea from t.ht. area aaJd. ll"·tl ahe "had •een otheni During clvllhut lire K'eeler .}>ENNY ·WISE, POUND FOOLISH for lh• vt.lton. Thlo la partlou· Clo tllat" and so did It horaelf, wo•ked Wtth his fa the<. Marahall ., Tti ,.. · h . t 1· f San F :SC 1uly true or the beauUful dts-. but ahe denltf that she had In-L. Keeler, In .1ri advertlalng spe--· ,e average ome.owrung axpa,,yer o ranCl . O I plays in the huge palace of agrt-tended to co'fmlt thf!tt, officers clalty agency at BaJboa laland. ;,now knows exactly what he will "save" and what he wtll culture, which thl.8 year bout.a aa.id. Keeler wu graduated rrom loae if personal property taxes are abolished 1n California, the largest d'id moat eompre.hen· Newport Buch high achoo! and . th will be 'f Pro ·t· N 1 ts t •Ive agricultunJ and nower ahow Balboan Among rrom Santa Ana Junior col.lege Jn ~ . ey l pos1 ton o. ge a yes VO c ever preae.nted by the big expo-June, 1941. Jn November. _ I . alUon. E p I Afhl -----.. . He will save exactly $9.44-which is the amount he Of "!'."''al lntereet to the I'"'" X• 0 y r etes BOBBY RIGGS, Gussi<'• new now pays in personal property taxes on his -borne furnish~ cnta or school children iA the Of the fourteen men who com-manager-"We expect a fine sea-.. · mammoth tK:hool -work dl.aplay son or tennis." .,uigs. which repre.enta the etrorta or a pHal!'d Califoml& State Polytech- He will LOSE exactly $85.20--which is the amount by mtlllon pupil.I Ln Southern ca.ti-nlc college's rtm graduaUng clul!I 'Which his real estate tax on his home will be INCREASED fomia. Fo• thoeo planning to In phy•lcal education h•l spring, LEGAL NOTICE ' build. the f&ir otter• a home eight atart tea'chtng and coaching 1------------- tmless No. 1 is defeated. I ahow wllh a $18,000 model home Job8 thla month. ,, Subtract what he saves--$9.44-from what he loses--built on the falrgrounda fl&nked One la a Marine comb.it Oler. -ea:c:::.20-and his net loss from passage of No. 1 would be by Lnformatton booth.a where another Is h&vtng a g-o at pro ~ -, question" are answered by ex· football, ' and four are dolnl' exactly $7~.76 per year. 1 pert.a from every aect\on of the graduate work. San F.ra.nciscans have this precise calculating-machine ' buildlng lnduatry. Between them, they repre.sent 'nf ·t · f · R U L W l ' · I The apeclal day wtll be replete some of the Mu.st.ang'a cho6ceat l orma i~n rom_ ~ . o den, veteran. San Francisco with apeclal reaturea Inc luding .J.theltlc talenL There'll be aome A88e88Rr, W~o 8&ld: 'The average San Francisco home atay conteat.e, pa.radea, mualca.l pro-j big hol~ .to ru1 In the.tr wake at be ~ed to _ have an assessed value of $4000, with ar. ~ma, etc. There wlll be a beau-Caltfom1a s natlon-f11.moua learn· h · · tlful eoclety horse ahow t h e by-doing college. assesament: on ousehoJd ~urmshings of $250. Th~ wo_uld night.a or Septtmber l~lh to 2Jrd. Among the 14 wa.s Byron Cul· result under present tax iaws in an annual tax bill of $9.44, ·and a auper mualcal extrava-ver, Balboa. footb&ll letterman, or a total of $261.04. U Proposition No. 1 were ado11ted. iranu. September 2<th to October who will «»ch at Newhall. this hOID&'Owner would ha.ve a real estate tax bill of $336.80 · Jal. Every afternoon the"' wlll · be both hameu ILnd running Obvio'Wsly, therefore, this average bome-c;>wncr would pay racee with thrflllng clrcua attrac- a.n annual increase nf $75.76." ., ' , lions between racea, Shaded plc- These fi<mres should be ,., pe · ~ · t t t all . nlc grounds and b .. uuruuy ·1llftd· . . e -~ rsona in eres o .caped gardene a.re provtd~ along Califorma );lomeowncrs; for, while real estate taxes vary with lee water rountatns and with localities, the owner of every home and farm in the beneben In order that the vl~t­ State. would be very'l substantially out of pocket should the i t,o••t may view the falr In com--• 1· voterB fall for this penny·wi,,.,, pound-foolish measure. I Potential DNflees Can't Get Jobs 3 Anchovy T ypes l Medical Care F · · d ff c t l" •t d t v t GovernOT' Earl Warttn hu ap-oun 0 oas 1m1 e 0 e s I ::~:~g lo ;:~~~:'uo~ 8~al:; R---'t.a.llzaUon and .outnatl t veterans and olhen facing lnduc-At i,:a,t three dlltlnct k>c&I ._,.. r--en tk»n into tae a.rmed tOf'C-. population. of ocean "anchovleJI In· treatment provided by Veten.tul I He to1d " monthly meeting of habit the waters orr the Pacific Admlni.atraUon ~re NO: available hi.a state department heada that coa.at. according to Dr. J . L. Mc-to memben or veteran 5 tamlUell, draft orriclal8 had told him thev H VA said In response to a ntsmber · ltgh. asaJat.a.nt ma.rlne biologist or inquiries. • 1 11avc. l!ltopped using the l·A draft at the Uni.verslty or California's M 1 1 1 class1rlcatlon becauae manv men Sc j •--Ut t · 0 any w ves o ve erana were . -. r pps Ulolll u ion or ceano-treated by Arm d N d _ 1 so e lluuuflfed could not get Jobe. graphy·at La Jolla. _ Y a.n avy oc "It's an outrage," W.-,rren said. One population la found .be-~ni . while their husband~ were in ~ "It these youngalera who are tween Monterey and British CcJ-0 ~ic~l~me thwlve:i now erro~~-J going to be Inducted Into eervice JumbJa. another between Point e:;s ~ e~~ 1 eyt s~ are e~t -are d•prtY~ of making"' a llvlng ConcepUoii a.nd Cedroa Island' (off 1 VA oh ":1e1 00 rea ment rom I white they're here," Bajk €al1fomJa), and the third 0 f ysic anai Hla remarke followed a report between Ced.roe bland a.nd .the If ~-y ~x-se:; cemen and women, from Jame• G. Bryant, elate em- south;ern Up or Baja. Calitornla. I other1~h:~g dleh:::erbl con~itlo~~ rloyment director. lhat m&ny em- The stocka do not intermingle. tilled t h . 1 1'" tme, a ,e e player& aow are refusing to hire I I I o 08p1a rea en un-comp ete Y· der the followtn . It perAOna under 37 yeats or age. He The differences between e. l . g pr.or Y 11-Yl!I·, P.1.ld older P4!0ple &nd peraiona with pol!_ul&Uo-18.Jthough qui e';\rsl-em rgen I h&nlJicaps are in gTeat demand. Unet, are 110 alight lh&t the can e cy cases. b9'' detected. onJ b 8 lal , . ~ond-tho.e RU!ferlng trom Y Y 1n1unea or dlaeaaea incurred In method.a. The dlatlnctlon ll! m de or aggrav-ited b millta .serv- by meana of .statlatlcal studies of 1 ict'. y ry Ill rake ......... o s a...,, un er Find Two Youths Drunk on B. I. count.a or vertebrae, ftn rays, anli I Thlrd-th~·· wh l •-d g "'· . oath lhey are unable to pay hOll· i'he ao,di.ovy hu 30metlmee pital charges ror treatment of 'I\vo 15-year-old Loe Angeles been conaldered as a possible aup.: non-servtee-connectcd dhsabllltie!' youtha we~ booked on lnlo:ldca.- ple~ent to U,e aa.rdine catch. At or lllnc.ui. These veterana. tr not tlon charget1 by Newport police praent It '8 used . as ba~t and for In the emergency category. mul!t Thuracby after police said they c&l'Ull.ng. Very httle ta known w...:t.it until a bed becomee ava.ll-had conl!lumed a h•lf-plnt or about i1.s life span, food, or able. wh.lakey They were later relaaed move:nent.a. • 'oUtpaticnt treatment h1 aVllil-to their parents. In addition lo the ocean an· able "Only for veterans with serv· A report wu received by pollc<' cbovy; two other spec~a of an-Ice.connected dlsabilltlee, Each tha.t four youtha who Gppear~ to chovy occur in the bays or Call-vetetan'a eUgiblllty mwit be de-be Intoxicated had beached a row forala. lt"rmined by VA before treatment boat at S. Bay F'Tont and Crystal of this type can be authorized. I Ave .. Balboa bland. Police round BOOKED AT .IAIL . the two at Gmnd Canal and ~rey W . T~therton , .fOJ, 333 SEEKS QUIET TfrLI: , Park Ave.. BaJJ>oa Lllland. The E. 18th St .. Coeta. Mesa. was ar-Quiet tlUe to a parcel or real other two round. at the boat we.re rmt..d by Santa: Ana police Fri-propt!rty wu aought In iuperior rele&aed with a wamlng. day &t 7 :45 pm. and bookM at court suit flied ThW'9day by the ti the county Jail on a charge of Newport Mesa Irrigation dietrtc t DRIVERS BOOK.ED' ~ driving. I against the Montebello Park Corp. ' Two men were booked ln the -r.:::::::=:::=::::;:=:=:;=:;;~;::;;::;;::;::;;::;:;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:==::::::::;-::. . countp Jail on eharp;m of drunk I THESE WOMEN! J ldrlvlng. occorolng to Jail recor&. By d"Alenio Held were O«>rge A. Oleta. u-. . of 219 Second St.. Hu.nUngton . Beach and C1lfford K. Monroe, 21. of 516 38lh St., Newport Beach. Both were betrtg" held fOT New· port townah.lp. Polio Well Below 1949 in County The poliomyelltLa: 1tituation con- tinued to ahow improvement In Orange rounty during the pa.at week. No new ca.aes were reportl!'d since last week end. thf! county health offlce dh1cJ0&ed. Total number or c&Aes ror the year to date la 27. Health Officer Dr. Edward Lee Rueaell &:ild. A number or theM wtre reported In Ja.nuary and February and art not conaidf'red an the present epi- demic period. Tota.la tor .f:hla yl'ar are expect- ed to fall be.low the lM whlch we1"9 np<M"'tM for tlMt, alrtce ca8CJ!: normally slac-k off In the fall (110n lhs. Pleads Guilty, Asks Probation- Richard Knox Brayton or La- KUna Bcr'\ch, "'ho came to court Frldl\y on crutchea 8Jll reault of an automobile accident. pleadttl gullty to poMeuion of demerol and dolophenc, In violation of thP state narcotlca laws. He uked for probation through a t t o r n e y Owen Kupfer, Superior Judge Raymond ThompM>n set bis hear- ing ror September 22. Office~ 11ald the bottles of narcotic had been found After Brayton waa In an automobile accident in New- port Bea.ch July 13. Ask for Bids on Sprinkl« System Blda will be received by lht> county aupervtaor• October 3 on the contract ror inataJUng &n GU- tomatlc aprlnkler ayatem for fir~ protection In the main bulldi.ng and J>l!Ycho bulldJng at the coun- ty hospital. Plana aubmltted by Arc.httttt Wlllla.m Faulkner or Santa Ana were accepted by the board. UneelUt'd market quot.a- Uons prevented "tln eaUmate or the coat being made. It waa aa.ld. CLOTRJNG STOLEN were stolen from h~ auto while It wa.a parked lo hi• driveway at 14.22 Meea Dr., Costa M@U, waa reported to the sheriff'• office Saturday by Klrk M. Richa.rda. The thief wu seen running .:iway from the ~ne, RJchard.a told deputies but he waa unable to catcb him. "EVENING ON THE onudn:" Evenlnl' on the' de.ert and the \'\1nd 18 bk>w'lnl' And it'• oun jwrt tor the breathJng. So let'• nu up. you and me, And never Set'a be leaving, while il'a all M> ff'ff. ...... Eve.n.ing on the deeert and Ute a.tr ta Jut Uke wtne. • And It aeema Ulc:e all creaUon wu made ju.at for me and mlne, No hou.te to atop my vWon, save my ne11b.bor"e rn1l8 away, .And lbe lilUe adobe sban\tthat IJdonp to me and Kay. · l!lftnlns on Ille -IUld I have the milunlalno hen. noat .nro put ...,.. tust to, p-m• with lhdr -·...., cbMt. Tbey"re waJ.tt.n.g wheft tlie .aummer aun geta too ..,..u,.. bot. And ""' j-. 10 Ollmpin& In tbem wttb ll ,... and CGftee pot. 1:ftnJnir on tlle -.<. I eon .....U the aap bnM11 -·,. I llale to' ... bum1ns llut the -..,req maot be -._ IN TziE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATF. OF CALIFORI'll,A IN AND FOR TifE COUNT\. OF ORANGE No. ,.._ 11M2.9-2 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PE- TITION FOR · PRO BA TE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the Matter of the Eatate or Hugh Clement Cann, Decca.sed. ·Notice la hereby ~lven th11.t th<' petition of Addle Vincent Cann tor the probate of Ule WllJ of the above n•m,ed dec~en1 and for the Issuance of Letter• Teatamentary to the peUtlont-r will be hMrd at JO o·cloclc A.M. on SPplember 29 1950. At the court room ot Depart- ment 2 of the Superior Court of the Stale of Calltornia in and tor the County or On1.n,lt'e. Dlltf' Septcmtx>r 7, 1950. B . J ... SMITH. County Clerk A. K . Phe lps ~7 Coaat Highway c;orona del Mar. California Attomey for PeUtlone'r No. 137-Timelt Published 9/21-19-26/~ CERTIFICATE OF lllTSINESS F1ct1Uou.a Firm Name THE UNDERSIONED do here- by certify that they are conduct- ing a 1-11.dlo telephone f!erVic<' bu!.t. neas at 6~ Coast Highway. New· port Beach, O'.lllfomla, under thr fictllioua firm naml" of· BUTCH· !:R'S RADIO TELEPHONE SER· VICE anrl that said firm Is com· po&t'd or the following person"' wh<>el!I names 11;1 full l!.nd places of residence are a..s follows. to-wit: S. E . Clark. 2909 Angwi Strttt Low Angeles, 39, California W. S. Thomrson. 4420 • 7th Ave· nue. I.µ Angelt>.s 4:i , Callfornlr WITNESS our hands thit11 11;· day or Septem\)(lr, 19~0. W. S . Thompso1· S. E . Clark St.ale of California. County (If Orange, M , ON THIS l !t day of St'pt~mber A.O.. l9W, before me. HARRY ASHTON, a Notary Public In an<' for the eald County and Stale. ~­ siding U\eretn. duly commissioned and awom. personally apprv\rec.l S. E . CLARK and W. S. THOMP- SON known to me to be the per· sona wh03e namee are auMcrtbed •.o the w1thln in~trumenl. and ac- knowledged to me thv.t they ext"- cuted the Mme. JN WITNESS WHE~F. I have hereunto set my han·d affixed my official 3001 the day and year In thll!I Certlci· cate flrat above written. ISEALI Hai:ry Aahton. My Commiaaion Expire• May 18, 19~. No. 13:>--Ttmes Published 9/li·l2·19·26/M NOTICE TO RIDDERS · The Board or Tru8te.aa or the Newport ll.f,rbor Union HJgh Sr.hoof requeeta blda dh the follow- ing: 1-Whtte CO.E. truck mont. 3014 Power-Litt c.ftuUI, 129" wheelbue with atandard equip- l--l'x12" aolld al.ttl t!..it bed. 1-Set U" side and end traclu. t-set 90lid aldea and end gates. t-Palr ol A.lb aklda . l-Underbody bot.t and automa- Uc body Ioele. l-20,000 lb. winch with oulaide con trot.. l-8 .. ~pe acroes rear. l-D45 .. A" frame ·maunted. i-S:na.r.Q b&ocb fot" winch line. t-l;)ollble drin .....,.bly . l,llpodal -.... hi~ front -.... 1-llpedal pipe rad< on front ol t?uclt. 1-a.-nb1o -duty. lnl<k asne ·mounUd.. Additional .,_._u.... ... •-at4.lleotflc>e.ofU..New· P>rt --uni ... HllW -. lft'UL BAB TOm d A bedopreed Md •.two b&tb towU ~ talfen fn>m her doth· aa °'le In tlle ll&'ot four or n dayo, Mn. Roy KIJ'.I&', 122.l W. Bay Ave., N.,.port Beacl>. told PoUce Wt Tllunci.,.. &belt •Miller, of Loa Angeleo. lald bwnpen, 11· <:elUIO plates, aktrlJI end rlppl• dlac8 were taken from hl• cu parked In the. Fun Zone. U:!ITER A. BECKER. D. D. 8. DENTISTRY '1786 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Medical Bldg. Bea.con 8752/ 500 E. Bay Ave., Balboa Hul>or 327 .J . I Harold K. Grauel Chapel Pb.oee': BNcoo 1610 110 Bro.dwa.J Coeta Mee. 1 BE SURE-INSURE wltb KAVRIE l!TANLEY -Onl7 Pboae Barbor l 1T9 HI Marble AYe. •Ibo& .blaad STATE FARM lDllW'&DCI! Companle11 LIFE e AUTO e nKE W. L LANDIS ll05 \1 E. Bay. Balboa Bar. U8t-R W. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE Courtcou8 lnfarn1afion Zlll Balboa Blvd. Ph. Jlur. %4 HA'.M'RESSF.S Boat.A--Hume.-Trailt•n lrl'Pplar Shape. BEACON &(Nil Ooeta MNa Mall,..... c '.o. 2150 Newport. Blvd. BRINO l'OUlt CllEVROLET or OWSMORll.E Baek DOME for Mlnrice e Cite•. Lu.bricaU• I.II e Old9 LabrlcaUOD LN .e Wuh aad VMIUUlll rn.e..- Lnir t.60 ' • s ...... Cl...W.ir • Radiator Service • l'alat -llod7 Dept. ! Compare our Price. For Quality Work --- Culbertson Motor Co 1u1 Clout Wrbwa7 BeeconltU Fr&e rk:lr.-Up and Dellveq WELCH'S "'"' HOTEL DE'l'ROITER And ll'I • ,.ti.7 ....... -..,.... ... ,. live. -will lie ........ up to 12 . Kit ioaot tut qp U.. beut;J tb&t UJo .-OOll bu to st.._ • Eftalnir OD llM -ud tllo -lo eeUln& -· ""'"'-' bu.all --of•·..-: . ' ; I-. ........ Clo -Wllll ~ --ud - ..... lta -,... ,... u. -!>'nc. .. -1111 .... 1"" --- -.__. ...... i-. In Ille otDoa Gt U. NewSN" Barbor u-111111,--·wtn ... ~ 1111d ta U.. '-rd room at 1:00 l.'.X. OIL Do -.i.y. • 'ftte 8oud I I ¥111 'U... rlcM to ~..,.-a11-. ..._ ----no -·. _ 'INen -· Ciotti _, ~ DU~U ' 1fo. 111--, • ....... 1.o-. . , m • l8tio lllnot, Newpjrt BB-Oil. P 5 5 'IS f ... lt/llO ' . • ' • ' • ' , -... Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1950 . Pia1111 JHJ~ 1H TOUR l!ona oa w11111 · TERESA RENN~R I Mrs A. Renner I Ounut!rt ......._, er ft~ OJnu.a ... Gnwl...., BWdeat ol Dela - 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171..J • Coroea Higtllands -Co'9flCI def Mar Mrs. Kcrihle~n Coleman CERTtFJED TEACHER OF r•rA NO "MUSIC FOR EVERY CHll.U" GROtTI, ISSTRIJC'TIO.\" JS Pl!\S() l!\'TERESTING -EDUCATIONAL . INSPIRING Clas~ No"' Fonning Enrullmt•nt Limlt•·d 414 Tustin A>'e. Newport llcach Beaoon 6949-W If no ans. call Harbor 3163 = • FUN ZONE . OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and lvouAWIC PUBLIC GOLi=' COURSE o....~a,,s~,u~ F>e~-ape... D>..e.t.. "'~ ·-· ~~~ L.__:=:__\.Jest 5th Street at Rodio Towers SANTA ANA PH.Kl·Z597'f THE HOTEL LANKERSHIM IS IS Tl-IE VER\. CENTER <>F Sl-10\\'lS, SHOPS, AND Bl'SJ,..'"ESS ' .. .. .. DINING ROOM -GRILL ~\·enth and Broadway, LoA Angelf"lll -14 For Resen.'&tlons Call TRlnlt.y 5181 E'RAI'\rirtl R. WJSHOS, Operator AMERICA'S LARGEIT COUNTY FAaa l lOGt:IT SHOW ON IAlfH ro• 2S ANO so Cl.HTS •L ~, l~l - ,, •• COLOllUl • IXC.f11NO • EOUCA 110HA1 • CUAN • COM,Ol1MILI TEN MILES Of EXHIBITS • ALL N[W • ALL D!ffEHENT ~~ ,. ' ,0,.'~.1, All •Hf A~'-1 •-.:.PHf?! AN!, '...:ti A~·~ 'i iftl ~:~J ~-.;. -~; <.:•,; , ~ .. • .... -. ~ .J ... , ~· .. !· " l'.~·c.~c.1, '..~.,,.. -.. ) --~""" 5' • .. ... ) ,~, , o.;, .. -,...,, . .. ,.,~· ,. Y . ... '• . I l ·, ' ,•Jd, .. L ·~,., f . ' " .... •J•, ' " y ' .... ,~ ,,_ . ,.. " .... ,, .... ·~u • I . " '' ,...,,.. .• ·y '--·"'·"' A ~'· .,.. ... , .,. fc: ·_,,-.,., ll\ I .r.• A " ,. -., ""' v·~ ... ,., .. ,.. * HOISi RACING DAIL T * HORSE SHOW (first nine nights only) * GORGEOUS "CAVALCADE or STAU" (hut •lght nights with faR1ed waler ballet) LOS ANGELES COUNTY • I I I • I I l ' Ta111le1; s.,;., 12, 19so • • Taltnl W"""9 .t M11a 11l1al1r toApp1z OllTY Nila T. O,..,.t\IUICI, well lmowll tele"'-Son Mow muter of etn· monla. 'announeecs lodoJ' uiat bo will arranse ~ for wlnM.n of lhe Oronge count; talent con· tata to it.art at the Meea theatre lh eo.ta M-Ob September ·t&. Sam Crooke wt\l dJrect the week· y contut.I. Sl•eraJ Orange county theatre• !nc1udlng tboee In • HunUncton 9eaeb. IP'ullerton, Santa Ana. and Oran.re. a.re on lhe. drcUlt pre-- MDUnf weekly eontuta for Jun· lora over U yean of .. e and tor adultll who dance. sing, play an tnatrumen t or otherwtae perform. Thoee wtah1ng lo enter the ste.ge com))et1Uon Me requu ted to contac t O-OOks. 713 Main St., Huntington Beach. Optimists . Nine J=inisheS . Season in 2nd Place • • , Wltl> ""' octl.,.tl... "' ll- -.... Wiiia and -"' VoluntHr ~ne Roaerrilla tMtf.nc' Ol'dem to acu .. dut)'. ICI Ton>. ,... .ilroad:r are cicperi~ a Mrtouo houalnK ohorta ... Capt. Palrk:k c. Downe. houo- lng orn~r for Marin• corpa Air Station, llCI Toro. reported today that with the Influx or ttten• aervtccmen t o th1a lnlt.allaUon, all of the I U rentaJ and public qoor. ten have been tlUed by Martne and Navy ramlUa. "We b8.•e o. , wa.ltln• Uat for houalng that ruemblcs a com-plete ro1ter of Marin& Corpe perwon· nel. ·· the Officer dee~. .. Again we're calling upon Orange county remctent. to offtr a ny available rmtal unlta in wbJcb married en- Ualed men or officer• may live with their families~· A pJea ot th la type wu m ade eeveml month.IJ &1;0 and met with a One tt11ponae. Capt. Downey ex· plai ned. However. wi ld the coh· Unulng expansion cf tlie Et Toro A ir Station, the nte Of s vailable untu ha1 been depleted. The of· fleer asked t hat anyone fn the county having hob ac11 or ..tpart· menta ror rent call thia ofr(ce u 900R U poalble. . MOST POPVIAJ& GUY la Newport BMab Sap,ir daj "-'&f. telcwl.R on oowbo7 Ital' l)oye O'Dell w•o ~ it ttoe .... o ,<M ui_.• ~le ud Con>11 .. dcl Mar) All AJMrieaa ..,.., ....... Doyo Ill pl.,.,,._ ed ...,..,.,. out a.u t.osnPhed photoe to blS many y outhful admirers. (N~Tlmm Pltokt) • Colst&1 Me.;._' hit the af,..aP la a big way Jut. Monday ..... _~ radio audience. Ot 5,ooo,ooe•••• ens h eard -a Coat& }(ea pro 61 d? lauded ov.::.r the· "Quffrl ,_ • Day" prog,-am, brcodcut ft"!9 KRJ, \iollyw'l"'I and wltl> ... lill• dio a'tat ioru1 on lhe NBC utlae- wide hookup. ' . , ~­ The popula.r prognun. , emeiad by Jack Batley, har a Utle ~ each L·1bor day. 8e1ected .._ ~­ major p:ir.c filr the "Kiili' ,._. .. Day'' was R l Z..foot bo&t ...., by Wizard Boat.a, Inc .• 201I Jpl.r: bor Blvd., Coffta Mesa. -· Accompanying-the PJeeelltM:l!l:ilt of the craft to the Klftl', BiBb announcE'd in part: ""fhiai~·""' W iurd C<'tJnomy boa.t is the ~ fi~h<'rtTll'.'n·s model and bu ....... tne Fiberglas plastic -hull. ":''Hit means it's the tougheat hull tn 1tlte world. It's shock-abtJor~. ~! no seam~. \viii not dry rot and W\li not waterlog. ~;t · "It IA llght, durabl e and •"'9ib'· Your Wizard boat la made 1i Costa Mesa. Calif., by W\atd F.. G. BLA.K.E st&IMh belllnd tlle bar w.11Jcll ~-once-pa.rt of the n.xtui:n; of th~ old USUcket of Blood" In. Wyomlnc. The .,.,. lA one of tht" many aoui•Mlrs and mementoes tbal makt" u9 the-Lone Star ~xblbtt on lbe Cout Hlgh""&Y In Corona df'I M.'\.r, The Newport H arbor Junior Optimist buebaU t ea.m ftnlthed lhelr aummer league pta.y In se<:- ond place. Thl.e Wt.I their (Wat year In competition ~d compe--· tent CC•lChlng by Rod MacMIUlan helped fashion the youngsten in- to & amooth working combtna· tton. I Boats Incorporated and ii 1Jae Pal·r Arrested M~ton L. Ga mut!, 27, a Cam.P l DRIVER FINED bes~ all-purpoae boat built.''. . Pendleton marine. Alberta S . Crller, 263 8 . Van O tficers of the Joc.J corpoD.· More Than 5000 for Ff...1.Af They were releued on $30 bail Ne& St .• Loa Angele-a: waa\flned lion are C. A. Hcrberta, Br., Jftlll· (ConU~oed from hi''" l J ~11 ft9 «'&ch ror court appea rance Mon-I SW for drunk driving Monday tn 1 dent: c. o . H orne, vlce--pruideD-t The Optlmi.8t team 1089 their first three· games but rebounded strongly to wtn five out of their la.st JiX garne11, finishing with a M6 a'lt'1'gt'. Hawthorne wu the wtnnln& team ln the league which '!so Included Sant.a Ana, Pomona. Br<"a 11.nd Anahe.lm. Newport city court. H,rr drive r's and sales manager and Cha.rM9 a Mn. Joyce Hiiiiard; littOnd grade. Arreat ed for fighting on Ma.in day at which time Judge Frank license w u suspen ded. for 90 Melone. (Ne"·11-Tl.mm Phot o) 81 .. Year-Old Cowboy Blake ·Keeps the Wild West Alive in Corona del Mar Exhibit Mrs. Virginia Schult&, Mra. Carytl St. a.nd Balboa Blvd. ln Balboa Linnell qillmlssed the cue against day1!1. · I Springer, MIN Anne Dunn, ~~·,at 2 :10 L m . Satuniay were W es· Gamut!, while Smith fa.llcd to ap· Ncws-Tim<"s arts have been read Kate Perkin•: third grade. '"' .. ley E. Smith, 23, P omona. and pear and forfeited hi b II -People do r ead the want ell Ruth Buckner, Mn. Marilyn Mc-1 11 8 · a "· in the Harbor for over 40 ye&l'L Lithe and tough as the loop o! ::a. lariat, 81-year-old E. G, Blakr keeps t.he Old Wc.st lusty and rip-roaring u ever In his Lone Star exhibit on the Coast Highway In Corona del Mar, JU!\t weal of the Grt>yhound bus dt•pot. Ever)' wiry lnt'h a Tex.an frorr~-------------­ hls tall. tan Stc~aun to hi" ~nd­ tooled boots. lllakc ha:; ridden thl' range for IJVf>r 35 ycar4 artd also ap)>E'ared as a bronco bu~ter with Buffalo 1311!'3 fnn1ous 101 wild w est Rhow . • F <Jt th(' r l.<;t fnu r yrar~ he had dedicated h1n1Sf'lf to bu!leling up an l'Xh1b1t which '-'·ou\d be a.111 W c!9 l<'rn a.'I a running iron, Rs fr1 ~ndly a.~ 11 fh•<1ert campf1rC', a!' populdr a.-. <i l'huck \\'Rgnn. "Most- ly for Uic kids." h" explains. Bu t his <':"l.h1bit hal'! never ~loo<l tn h is \\'ct,v whr•nc\·C'r thcrl'.''s a ro<lcn nround. \'\'hf•n we lalkrd to hin1 he had ju!'lt rl'tUtned from ·a r ut!C'o in Ton1b~lone. Arizona. "Somct in1cs I'll be away for Weeks a t a. tlrrte and this place'l\ be cl03- ed tighter tha n Dick's hatband," he drawls. Sf)f'nd An flour hlnrl lhf' l>•r, he'll pull out a handson1e s six J:Un Kl'I you'd ~vt•t \\-int to st"e. "G-Ot lhi.!1 fro1n T om Mix after I'd known hlm " lnng time. That Mix fellow wa.11 th(' real article," he ad~. The pll'tol ls a . .Cl Colt and Is made l"n that it can be loaded while titlll ln the holster on the g-un-toter'l" hip. A !\olark~man Blakr Is still a ma1·k1'man uf u "squi rrel's e>ye out fron1 Hl'rn.~1< the .!llrt·et" r 11lbf>r. Although 11 natural port-l'Jidf'r he Rhootl'! with his right hand and can rope with either hand. He ch11n1!-I that ct t akes a-kl.Ag time lp.., .LiM\s:n....rnp~ Ing a nd shooting and lt"s be"l to keep your ha.Rd In with thO!lt" two art.s. · Talking about roping w e ""·on· dered how thOlle hard-riding r11..ni:::f' men ever managed to rnpe the But whC"n "Blakey" ls around tough T elt&J!I longho rns. "Blakey" there'ri no better way to spend an points over the exhibit'!!' doo~·11.y hour \vith thC' vivid past than to to ·l steer head with a 7-root. 3- be i:u1dcd around thf' Lone Star inch spread. 'W e n('ver tried to I cxh1b1t by thl' gallant Tc.x:an. get the loop over both horn!," he With a swoop of his SletMn and yys .. ,_hat \Vould take about a ., r11urtly bo'v to the tadieB "Blak· sixt~n-foot loop We IU:"\U&Jly I ey .. l'tl\r t.q his thll r \ll'ilh a visit t o thre"'' 11 loop aro11nc1 one of the his two-stnry. t\\·o-man jail. horns and then half-hitched the ThC' ji:t.11, \Vh teh he :i.1rns woggl('d I rope ·~round the othrr." from N o{:',tlc:;;, Arizona. 1,q not j "Blakey " turned h1~ range-rld- murh rnomter than two t('lcphone , ing experience into a job "'Ith l bnoths ~lackC"tl one on tn p of th" the famous Buffalo Bill show. He 1 othe r. ~f any nf lhf' ininatc..q havf' was with the ~how for about four scrF&wlC'd th<'lr namt"s on the wall'J years as a "bronco·bU-"ter" tnd and ynu can make out the names one of his acts included rldlng the of such worthies as "The Hurri-famotu outlaw. "Rickety Llght- cane of the South. Mothe r Grant. ning." Lehigh Lil . and Pig"-cyed Pete." He knew Annie Oakley, Buf- ·•stakcy" points out that this falo Bill and Emmett Da.lton. one hoosegow ha.~ no sta..h'!I. "They of the infamoUI Dalton boys. In just pulled t 1ck the Door ot the hls Lonf' Star l'Xhiblt. Blake h·1• sccnnd story. thre\o\: a nOMf' a pair of Buffalo Bill's snakeskin nround the jall blrrt a.nd hauled chape, complete with a matching him up tn hil": perch." vest. A winter Optlmlat league ma~· be formed If game.a can be eche<t-- uled without lnt~rlering with the players' IK'hool work. Motorcycle Officer Hurt in Spnl Police officer Warn-n CaMt'I. 602 ClubhoU1'e Ave., Newport Beac h, surfert'd a bruised left leg .tnd t ore his uniform when he took -'l .11plll from his moto rcycle at Park ""d Agate avt'nue.e at 11 a.m Sunc1ay v.·hlle attempting t o avoid hilting R car drlvrn by Rob · ert E. Trefry of l..Ofl Angelea. He was successful In the at· tempt .1nd no contact wu made. Damage to the cycle Included a broken wtndtihi('ld, dllm&ged rf'(f punn,ilt lamp a!ld ecratched paint. CA NN WILL nLl;D \.\"Ill o f Hugh Clement Cann· of C'oronfl del Mar. who di~ laet A.u- l{u11t 8 at Ottoawa. Ont .• wu of- fe•e4 .. l fH' .... prot.J...,. tft-:euperior eourt. He left h,11 e&tat~. Hated u ~.000 In personal propc!rty, t o hi• widow, Mr1. Addle. Vincent Cann of :il 1 Ha.set Dr., Corona del Mar. Gowan, MIM H.1.z.el Wlghlma.n, Mn. F'rance1 Meome.: fourth grade, 1'U!ls Joan Alta, M rs. ltdna Walton. The two new facuJ.&3 member<; who joined the at.a.ft at Llnd· bergh tor the en1ulng y.-ar ar(' M~. 1'I 1rgurrltl' Cnnner and Mm. Ethel Scharer. • Prop. 6' Won't Affect Welfare Orante county's .$70.10 av-erag,. aid per n .. ecty Aged .per90n anrl Ile 179.70 average aid per needy blind pent0n will not be affected by the defl'at or the paM•ll'e of Prop. No. 8. the gambling lnltla· tlve on November 7, California Taxpeyer:'I' aaaoclatlon aaid today. The Ta.xr 1yen' g-roup aays vote NO on Prop. No. 8. Aid payment tlgure.11 11re fo r July, 1950. "Prop N o. 15 propo1'<'11 to set up a 'IM'ni.ton and welf111re fund'," the a.uoclallon NJd. "But there llJ noth ing in the Initiative with re· gard to the: amount or aid to b«' p1ld eit Her the •tred or the blind. or re:.ldence. prope1·ty, or other eliglbtllty requlreml'nta. ''Thf'Sc polnUJ are already cov- erf'd In Callfomla law. "It hu many bad features and no good reatu.re to redeem It." the a890Clltlon tleclllred, urg1ng defeat of the meuure. Bett.r Than No War I Marine Believes An cxampl(' of the hi~h monalf' of Marine unit. now thr K9rf'an the:itrl' was relayeli to El Tori) thiti ""'eek by Ad\'ancc echelon unlt.11 of the F"lt'!l Marine Air Wing. Accon11ng to a slnry rN"elvetf here, a ci\•lllan correspondent I wait vl8itlng •1 h08pital and stop- ped to speak to a yauth!ul Ma· Mne corf>OrtJ. "WeJI, how do you ll k t" the war by now'!" the correspondent queried by way of making con-j veraatlon. I "Poor war. \'ery poor war" wu I the youth'.11 complaining comm enL "Still, he added thoughtfully, '"It's bet ter tb.ln no war a t a.U." TRVCK ~AR CRASH Another t ruck-car collla1on oc- curred at P"int and Ma.in SU . Santa Ana. al 9 :1~ a.m. Jl"rid1y. The truck wu driven by FTancLl- !'Jcxt to the j.1il the only hE'droom In the world I once fea- tured In Ripley·!'!! Believe tt or Nol) that Is completely decorated with atutfed pouches of Bull Our- hlt.m tobacco • The:y·rf' not full of tobacco though. "Blakey·• ha~ smoked ·'lll of that tobacco !lnce his youth I. There arf. about 3,000 pouche8 in all. on the walls, the flo<ll". the bedspread. and tht" cttaln. A malchln~ tabl(' has been . t.2.~tefully constructrd out of emp- ty match boxes from \vh!ch came the matches th.it lit the ei,l:'arettes that werr r.1ade from the Bull Durham that cante nut of the pouchc!'I that line tho walls, In the Anothe-r 80\lvenir from a weU- known star Ls •l stuffed black and white aett~r. It wtut once ThedR Bara'! dog. When It died she had it mounted and kept It for. awhile in her living room. But It looked so Ufe--11ke that It made her cry to look at It. Sbe wanted some- one to have the stuffed anJm1l. but want ed to make sure t hat "It would have a good home." She heard about Bl&ke and now Theda Ba.ra"a dog b.ia a "good home" a l the Lone Star exhibit. 1 co Lopu. 84, ot 447 Adams St, Santa A na. Ofllc~rs were told Lo- paz wu "lte:mptlng a r1ght turn .lrom P'trst St . when he collided wttb th e ten front of the aectan c.1r1..t.•....,..,... ldrl;ven by Herma.it L. Taylor. 41. !'mt)' Rwh Romaa, 20, is one ol of f28 Cabrillo St .. Coot& :w .... teem of Loi An~les Hatbo< boa ... I ALMOST LUCKY l"ZLLOW ri<S competing for tide of 'SkiP!>'I'" Ed,wlld P Smith otevalor op- ene' of !he 4<h IQllual fiJbaman'• entor at ~ Clunte' hotel ~ eoc- Pi..., Sep<. 23·2~, Son l'ldlo. ,_ 1 r&IMlllo, coMld•rod blmoelt i turi03mo~~:r;-r i fo<tunate follow-for a -enL bou~ that Blake built.· ~ Stttr Horn Sofa. .. BlaJtey" ~pe In conata.nt touch with hlll range-ridtn.c bud, dies as a member of the National Cowboy'• &llOciaUon and the Chuck Wagon Ttullera. whoR !he !WO-day -is '° II' ; B ll! Wffkly po.~ UllUally ..... ioo.ooo apccb10'" 1n u... .,_,,t ot .uo.ao ...... m&!IO In another room. Blake's pr1de m6Dben m ult be able to provr ud joy Is a eofa made mtlrely that they rode the range for at from strer horns. The horns.. per-!rut ~ )'Un. When these or'-6 f ccUy matchrd, are Intricately fit-ga_niaationt have their apring and ted together to make It a com-fall round-ups, th.ts tlmelcae T!"x- fort&ble a \Vay to sit on a steer "" t.a.ka oil «nd joiNI tUa "pod- horn as ~Ible.· \\'itb th~ uP"' ne:n" around the ounpnre. GoT. Earl W arreo will aene at 1 out tor Jl0,040.M. • 'Honomy Slci~ "' die 6ohln1 . Hot.el ottlclala. denied hill -a-·. BlalU., ol !he .... bJ Aid>. W lto<n nloed bat tbey admit· bishop J. Fraacil' A. lldaqJe abo ii ted U..7 nee~ aew cbeclt m&k· ldi<dultd for Sandq, Sepe. 2~ IDC ~t. · • surge of popularity or ~ W eft.-O.e ot bis O:ienda has made em-type fllma. the movie com· him & bddle wtLkh,., la & featured-the 1883 Chica.co V(orld'• r~. panie.111 h&V(' been after Bbke to exhibit tn make"• .tlOWTOOm. The But nothing a.bout s. a. Blake"a ttnt thr sofa tor tt.8 tete. but he bri<De tqipk t/lne \J'Ul'9 l<!, make Lone Star uhfblt " u W..,._ won·t let lhe aofa that tar out of and·ta ma. enUrdy &i>cn cJevh· aa Blalt:e hhuelt. He wean' a Sf.0 hla sighL ly bmlded llonohalr. \l I• lhe only Stetaon, a ButtaJo BIU a-tee Uld ... Blakey" hu M n round theee QJ'le hill friend, hu rve:r made and 'llouat.:.che CQl:Dblaauoft. _a .beaTJ' , pa.rU f or .ame tlnle now. Jh. built BJ&lre bu refUed ol'fen of S600 lln.ked watdl dlial8 and fMr. and his Corona del Mar home tn ln&, tor tL f fe.ney b&Ad·tooilad "111oata. AJ"OtlJtd In w h1t was then the: middle ol a ' hi.a wallt .. a \ leatbft' beJI. enUf'e- liarley and oot r l<ld. "Whon I . Gold lfoaet U.s 1y eo•eted bJ" -.w..wn llad lb.et...._ bollt; I could Ore A.notllor W e •t e r n oped&Jty -dol>e In -.!. ucl In hill .. ""·~ .... ...,,. ~ !fortb. w.iq ~ -lo -.. PocltKt ..• lil"Y -.... .. _or South. E&ot .,. Woot. • b9 -. a rlnc made ltoln Sold nun-u. llbout j;wo P"'M .WU.. "UWI-tH..-. _, 1'e a -.1 lllalie 11ao round oil ct -.... l!CMplns i-. we11t allft bu ....,nd to duclt." .... .., tba _... U. bu bad -a pwt llilp 18 -1 'aC SAM ' s· SE.A FOOD "SIGN OF 111E SWOIU>nl:lril ·-·-·"'--.. 9 :?II OPIDIDAD.Y 11 a. a ~ u• .. a Cocktalla, Sea Ji''ooilil ' Steak Dhuaiia • y Whoa lee lltarta fo tallt a--lldte ct -V"thod .m4 tMa -.-..t.t ll;""llo +•z to -• ... thlo Tuaa:o 1>100 ~ w -.a -..i ~ .., •a --...,.. -lit .a am *1! • ••• lfMllf lfPt up and be'U \aka ya MW to a pit •ua. .Be.,._..,......,. tblll M9 i t ·:, r'1 ol. lie. .,,_.... b .... .,.. ...,. ... .,. -1"" .'1llin'oml, IMll:r-lloUJod liar. rillC --It .... oott ...... to ... 1lllt. -dq O'I • .., - "Got tbla (ro~ -'Old Bucket -UJr -~ • --...... -.. --..... u.. and -· • ., pood" ..... ~ _,.. .._ -... 11&1 .......... -~ .,. .. --... ~._,1L~.::~,.,.;;: •• J Ir...,. .. RMdol'llf -.... -blilf .'--.--. tba •:r .......... . .a treat's no~uble ~ ~ ~ whert you coo k euctrically ! .,._ A FEAST FOR THE. FAMILY, or a special spread for gues16-lhese needn't mean you'll have to devole your day to cooking. Not when you have a modem electric range! You caft lea ve the whole meal to cook, set the conlrols and forge1 ii until serv!ng time. Everything will be ready when you are. and everything will be just the way you wanl ii lo be. Thert art a lot of r~asons )·ou'll likt cooking on a ·modern electric rangt . It'• /nuinnsl•• lo op<rat<, too. Ask your d•al.,. SOUTHl"-.N CALIPOINIA IDISON COMPANY ' II Clioose betw.•n 51y1.1;,,. anJ FIHtliite Styling 1. • .· r ~ the Otdy car to 0:::::-:-~· ti1iml • ••• .. • • • r/cho1ce ' and at the lowest prices, too! a-.. ._. .. S...-.i DrM-' IUW@a*. Avfolwflc Trmi1 I 1 ti• ' I • : A.~1 · Best Buy/ I •' • •• ' • Pk11 l1ilc•·6t41 • l ; 1 1 I I . ' ' I I HUGH ••SOO'i'T'Y•, M;ci.YMONT Scotty McClymont to.Address C. D. M. Men's Club. Th~rsday Hugh "Scotty" McClymont. former Corona del Mar ustdent. will l.ddress the Corona del Mar Men'! club Thunday, September 14, a.a regular meeting-a are resumed alter Ule WJf!mer. vacation. Mccty- mont is well known for his repertoi~ of Harry Lau~r 9<Wll"s. com- plete with kllla. He will rebte the adventures ot "An Immigrant ln America." having come tD this country trom Scotland. Jenet Perry, vlollnlst, will en.+-------------- tertaln wl th several selectk>ns. State Reports Miss Perry. niece of M anta Perry, Corona d•/ M.,, ;, a member ot Hi9hest Revenue the.Highland Pery Symphony or-An all-time high revenue of chestra and resides in Glend:lle. $8~3.632,3 l~ o r a per capita reve- Group aingtng will be under tl'le nu.e of ITS.2f per person, tor lbe capable leadership of Les Steffen-fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. sen, club president. ! wa.s ttported today by State Con· A .bl troller Thomas H .• Kuchel. n intere.Ung exhi t or. geo--The state's Income:. Kuchel logical and mi~.eral s~c1mens •aid, wu SM.tHui,983 over the w1ll be shCNm by Barney Bame! previous year, or a.n lncreaae: of ot Orange Cout Gem Crafts, Cor-7_11 per Cf"nl, "'"hile the ptt ca.pi· ona del Mar. Barnes also teach· ta revenue, hued on recent popu- es ·several classes in ~e lapidary lation esllmatea, lncreued from &nd jewelry art.a at Orange Goa.st 74 .94 over ·the prevlOlla y.ear. college and at San Juan Ca.pis-State tax.es mnounl to ll)Off_ trano. He hU been active aa an th.an ten t lme.e t'he tot'ill of ~ otNcer of the Orange Coast Min-years ago. Kuchel reported. Tu· eraJ and Llpldary society. es pald during that year were Reaervation• for the dinner tn ~ $82,&le.607 . be serv~ at 6:.,v in P11grfm h.e.ll . Major revenue for the state 611 Helitrope. Coro~a del Mar. came from the three per Cent should ~ placed 1'1th ""Woody" sales tax, Kuchel said. with more Harw ood secretaf')', before than a third. or $321 ,673,938 ·of Wednesday, September 13. by I the state'111 monle111 coming from calling Harbor 2444-M. this source. Jewelry Worth ss95 I Udo Islanders Head Stolen in Costa Me5a New OruCJ Store Theft of $591 worth of jewelry was reported to the shel1fra Of. flee WedDMd&:x by Daphne c. CUpp fnll'fl Mr ~de.nee o.t 402 E. ~-y. boot& 11 ... 1'wo· Newpon Harbor men &re among the lbne men who will operate: the • new Pring\e Drug Co .. to be opened In six weekJS at the non:la.,_ corner of 4th St., and Bn::4dwa)' \n Santa Ana. They are Ralph Prlngle. 201 vta Jucar, Udd Isle, who reur. The: ttwft occurred. she told ot. fi<;ers, betwttn 15 p.m . and 8 p..a when 11he was at El Toro Marine- baae. She said she had left a baby sitter with her two cblldren a.nd ed at the beginning of the year as ~e ...... boy friend had stayed • had ot thr Loe AnpMi8 dlviaion "~a.I' flouae. Cone from a dreaa-J or_ Safeway stores a.ner . 30 years tng tiabte was a set o( earrinp, 1 With the comp::iny and hur son-ln- pearla and & fountain pen. law, Craig Cadwalader, also of Lldo l3le. ~- ;; pu aLIS HERS APPLAUD .JOURNALISM EXP.OSITION • • \ ' . " ' - NEWPORT-NIWS-1'IMIS • ·''~QldyACcpres ...... .i ~-,. ~ Hwv Ri"lri:.ftf.w:iiy ,..,.,.. 111 ",,.,,. Q.Mrw• '' 1 yt!f-V , nu la - -.,.. -otata ::" .=s.::i 1.:;a: =,-: -ol U. ~-Way"'! a a>IFC' 1•-"r""' I.it •pe.abtr and ti. _.. ....._ p11'W ID -iM'IPt SL IUld 1W 'ti • a •i-..t -& • ta Nil -llJ' t..m.. ••--tllllnlt ftd .. a1 Oa<1cn qrove ._ .......... m -J P" ... 16 lltaU BIPW1 ~-Bl..S.. r .... & new nodll-.th b!P, -If 111o ...e o4 __,i. 0-.... T. Jtci017. -J' !Mt-#-Jlancl>otttt Blvd. -,_, -pi-.i ,.... 1"' d<ltao tor com.pletl<n oC tlw' lln4 c-t Blll>-Y baa been ac, ... attn-fOr ..... --pi;JOl:l 2n ~ _t,. -'llllhd b>' the OOllJlly Pt WU di&- .... lit -.., -~ .. --.. fl' ""' -tut week. • lllt -iioollQ' --.. WH n-.1 -..,,....... a.I Tllo boud of aupervioon ap, ...... "' QJ'" pN fir ---ol fl~ ltl -._. provtd payment of H ,100 to-the -I -u..t -111 -UW -~ cit,)' lldllta ., -~ of llarpret Vllfl lilaen for ~ -la ......... -Mo•-""'""' -•JIUll ..... • portion or Ute 11(),footrwlde '"'•hi 6aC. ta.. t 01 .. ud UIM ta' ~ a.di. * ..,....., rtlbt-of·w&Y required for the cut· ta ... ol ..... biroJq• 1PiJ I&, at & -· ol "'1,-. ol1 be-.n the two roada . ..... * fttrt z1•, .W~• i ' Rl•ht-or-way Ateht c . E. Dow- ltft Rt illftua:tlal.~wM Z _._ .11-_,:__ ·-' tile aatd on})' one ri:i.ore parcel IUa fM u..t)d"'di' wW "n,'1N ___. ~ ~ would lH! required to complete the °'; =:"'ec1ate CM 1 folter -I Sfelt• HIN >' ~. county propooea ti> tmprove -.. -Mr. Nell wtti..-. __ -· _.., two ol wloid. Ute Wrlght,Brookhurat highway el KMrulra M~UC. CM\-.1...--all the way from Manchester lo •'rlain ha 1l(Ncll be .,._... tM Were WV MltplQ9 ,W..C..\lta ul Cout Hl&'hway. Jv.t weet or the -Ulq ........... la Air-Ap & he!M"S' 9'jll ..... It.ma ...... Newport Beach City with a fed· .-••n,r. 1 wUl be lnt.¥_...S 'lb. M at.aka With ~'Wport ,_. eral-state-coun\y funcb . ...... ~-pl"id. o-pera~ 9:1 WedlaeiM1. However, Downie aaJd the coun· I 1U10w ltre.,.... b&•• .._..icllM 'Pandt;\lla were tall:en tl'Oal ty-tAt not .ttarUd acqUlrlng ro&d-~ would Wt 1'.u to .... • lo e&n ot CUI-Sbeeden o( ha-w;ay for the extreme 90\lth -end 9'Mr .tat.a. ,__ "' . ·· ...... puked ~•• m -~ Aft.. of Oie htghway, pending deter- Tbere t~ no creat.er P"'9f ol Uae Batt>o:i laland and Vletor ~>' of rn.lnatlon by the county sanitation value of aviation traJnil\.s t.b&D ~ ~~:.. ~d c:~ .. ·~ diatrtctl ·of the tulw"e location of the fact that many pa_tent. bl"e ..,........... '" a HW9.1't~trealment plant up- actJvety encoura,-tn.r µ,etr· dill· "°9.. ~ .aid • bfOWTI C!an•u atre.am from the mouth of the dre:n to take up nytnl-. They are car ~WA taken "from the 0'11'" Santo Ana river people who think a lot ot tMlr of Mni. Rkhard O'N!'ill, 207 Sap-· eons and d&usbten and who ce.-... 1 hlre Ave .. B&lbpa llljand. • t.Enly would not allow .anything Mn. W . L. H&r(lllOn, o~ Paaa, Horse lace Rehlrns which. they thought would be dan-dena. report6d • black, ·two-IJM!ct gorou, or harmful to tham. In 'Lutex batblll8' ou?t taken lrom a Drop 10 Perc:eflt many cues. they, the perenlll. ck>UM:a line at ·2Q6 Abak>ne A~ .• them.e:lve. ny and t.be~fot'l!I Balboa Iai&nd.. know dil'eCUy that nytag ilHJf ~------ la not dangerou. and lha.t 'With the proper .elecUon ot a t.ralnlng school and with the ex.hlblt ot the proper uampJea on thdr part their children will U9e tlyinc u a mean.s of sale a.11iatance to t.Mir llnanclal and physical well betnr. Stowr"' of CDJll POW Claims Are Slow In Coming Former World War II pri.1on- en of war and clvlHan Internees rlQW In Orance county 1who hdve been wondutns why ... ll'ley have not yet recftved th~ war claim11 bulellt pe.7fDCDU for which they made: fonnal application several J:DODth.a &&'O are be.Ing Informed by e.n Uebermann, Orange coun· ty arvlce otficen that they have no choice but to be patient. A drop ot more than ten per cent In retu~ from pari-mutuel horse ra.clng to the l;tate or Cali· fomia was report~ for the fiacal year ending June 30. State Con· trol~r Thqmu H . Kuchel an· J\OUnced today .. The: state'• revenue totaled $14,282~g2. I decrease ot $1,719,· 216 over the prevlou& (Lfc&J year. " . Tuesday, S.pt. 12', 1950 ' 7 - There Is J ohn Stow-era of Cor- ona del Ma.r. Wb08e 90h, Terry. whJJe 11ot yet old .enought to Oy solo. la nevertheless competent to handle several types ol aJr- craft. There Is Norm F'08t wttow daughter, Mary Lou. la aleo loo youn. to aok>, but who Olea Urie suppdsedly "hot" Beechcraft ao. nanm entirely without u.slstancf' or any kind. Her handling of this ship with Ill retractable landlnlf ge11', f1al)9, controllable prope:Utt and many other gadget. certa.tnly d.iaproW. the common belief that nylng i• art extremely compUcat- ed ..... The War Claims commlaslon In Wuhington. D. C., Is badly under- •Wted; so far they've been able to adjudicate and pey only about one claim out of every ~ re· cdved. It C(lll't be done by a ma- chine procedure like the recent G.I. Insurance dividend, alnct' each cue hu' to be itudled In· divtduaUy. Larseat contdbur.or was the Santa Anita track, which J>9,ld In 14,278,907, followed by· 12,171,810 from Tllftlforan; $2,070.934 from Hollywood Park; ll.S19.~4 from Colden Gate Fields; ll ,174,63~ from Del Mai'; $l,l6g.~30 from Bay Meadows and $1 ,790,242 f\rom various a.MOCiatlona. the state. county and dhrtrlct flJrs. ' Distribution ot the monies In· eluded 111 ,254,401 to the Fair and Expoe'itlon fund; $3,000,000 to the Wildlife R.Htoratlon fund and S:28,191 to the State ~eral f'und. Half a billion dollars at work for you There I• Dick H11i8ter whme 90ft, Johnny, will be old t'nough to solo near the end of this year and who has bffn proficient enouch l o do so for over a yea.r now. I e•m had a mother come in lhe: other day lo (&ll'ler "aellfnl' )dnt••• to a.tft• her In ptUnc her aon lntere•ted In aviation u a hobby to kttp h•~ mJnd occu~ and to pnYerll hM getting In any ot...the troobt~" W'tllch beftt juven- ile• ot toch~y. A.Ir Saff'ty Anyone who ff.:ir.t to take a tT1p via airlines should read thl' repon as ju.st releaaed by the gov- ernment covering alrlllie travel d"Vlng the year 1949. There werP over 16 million pa.sse.ngers car· t1 ed over a distance or mCJn! lh&n 9 billion puaenger m.J>-. l:n 4JJ lhla trave.I. ther~ wu bu.t ONE I 1) pau•na-er tat&Uty tor .-ch 100 million pe.uenpr mlleL 1n au thi.s huge &ll'MJW'lt ot &trll.nt' operaUon. theni weN only tour a.ccldents In whic h f•taJ l~rin reaulted. Ce rtaln~y one can ..e tl'om thla that the chances of belng killed In an airliner are rnucb lea than whU. rt&'bt at home It la a!Ao interutlng to natl? that tn 1g38 there wer,e: a little over 13 raiUion miles tlown J»r ~l&J acddent and tha.l thla bu steadily l.mproved until Jn tlM9 there werf' over 38 mlllion mllc.!1 per fatal accident. Now 1 k.Aow that tlaie a<;cklent rw.t• ln pri .. te plane ~ratJon e&Dl'lot t ome tMar this record, but I am positive lhal il could If aome method could be devised by ' which the ~tte pUot ~ld be convl.nced of 'his penonai limita- tions. _Government 11tat1a~lcs will provp that acc1dent• are not cau.'I· eel by UM u.aatety ot a.lrclUtt. but by the poor jud,gment of the pl· lots, just u comparatively ff'w •uto ..icddent.a are caused ~)' other than the lnattenUoa and eaNIN8llw of the driver . .In Ulla ....,;!. I am "1nnlJ' -vtneed that there ti .. ~ ..,c:reater ra.Uo or auto-a.cddenta ,.Q.Ued, by fa'9Jly 1 i..ak... Ughta, llte.. Uoan b7 .. , t,Jpe of actual ...,..b .... In alr- araft. -. UIC99 •-:::1 Dar,. t t m Dau· "'°"' ,_ W a dt ... •••:dlllllli liUt ....... ,, .. Only forma1 cla..im• are being conBidered by the commission: In- formal clalms, such as letters, do not count. Claim fam1s are ava11- able at the Oranl'e county .ttrvice office. MJOnca. TO' TALK Chief Bob Meyers, popular tlg· UN! In local Coallt Gua.rd activi- ties. will outline' the org-MIZJ.tlon's duties and responsibilities and narratr l!IOme of his per.10nal ex- pt>rlence11 In the service at the regular Yachlamen·a luncheon to· day, Tue!!day, al noon at lhe Ney,·- port Harbor' Y-1cht cl•b. --Clu~lfied ada are read by folks who are look.Ing to buy. -~ do read the want adJt "Three On A .•. " Jinx Defied by Fishermen Three ntarltn irwordfiah were bl'OUl'ht In by one boat Labor day, ~ LH Jona.a ·of Balboa Angling club reported I.a.st week Two of the fl.eh were hooked at the aarne time and boated five minutes apart after battling fnr 30 and 35 minutes ea.ch, Jona:"! 1&ld. The angleni. all from Han- ford, includt"d Paul Murphy with a 1521,4, -pound th1h . Orvllle Ben· net with a 113-pound fiah and John Held, 139'Ai pounda. Heavy tackle was used by au three ang· ler!I and the1 "'"re: on the boat "Done Workin ."' • This pictUre shows what Standard of Cali, fomia has spent, since the ~r, on f.aciliries • needed to bring you more and better ·pctro- lewn products ... and to compete with other oil companies in thiJ exuemely competitive bwtncss. But .. :what else has this money accom- plw-11 lt has helped every community in the West ... created jobs in many industries and made those of our own people better. The mOney has Spread to other businesses, large and small. and tb every profession. Homes have been built, automobiles purcb:isW., educ•· tioru planned and started for many of the '."''est's yowig people. We point this out to show how big com- panie5 make money work for everyone. And~ cutainly, the public must share the credit .. , for the public alone can make a company big. Ova cM years, you have found Standard . ' ·11CKET"MiAIS SMllTHIESS ! "llClll"llEAllS ECONOMY! " 'llCIET"MEAIS POWER! II •• . lllfE TIE fllSI C "II" Ill llSClffl 1111 "llCl£i" P£•FilWCE 'IUIS JI Tii l -, . . • \ . ~ Wbm:JOU Mat"Rorbt" ••• wbenyooaee"Rocket .. ••• ~ </ OW-.. ilr. For ciely ow....i.;i. .&r. ~ 1.....-..i. i.;p.. • ..,. ...... _... plutl I>iocio<tr for y-.df whr (he "Rocket" baa the' ...... -try 1a•a.g. Tiy thio tlirilliag new kind Ill .1'~UI NIAlllT OLDSMOllLI DIALll • . . • • ' products good and have bought more and more of them. You' .. e m~de us gro"'· A large share of our profits each year is rurocd hack into the tools which mtan still better prod- ucts and more efficient service for you. An<4 perhaps even more important today, the tools which give much added suength to our nation. ' S1ANOA10 OIL COAIPAN 01 CALIFOIN/A y """' lllffli ,, ,.,., , .... ,,., • AO-W ....... Y .. • of.~ in the-tioo>al Oldamobile ... "I · Fuid oat Jlow -1111 Oldsmobile Bydno.Matie Dri••' deli.... thO faioouo, ~ pow« of the "Rodtet" E.g; .. 1 0-,.... ... you'D ... ..,, bo aatiobod with an)'thiac eloel t • I CV BTION llOTOB CO. • • • •••• Ce9il • • • • • ' ·' • • • } • .. ... • • •. , .., • • Tu if111. s.,r. 12. -TtlO . '"" J \.-. -. '• II &&£!!!;;. m · !·~~·~·:!:...,!.~P~..P!!~•!:!'~·~·~-~_:r~-~~ a...-ft1Ull'IJU ._ MUI • ~ ~I !tf ~s:5 '!: ! . , • &M*Z , •• BUt "., "· ..• ,, . ...,.,. o a z a w a;&AJQMO T'-'e-'-:--"---'ce Dl?IDI° 1100M ..,., --. .• ..-... """ ......, "'111 'a ,., , ., C'ICRA!f ni<>M'r-ndrm. 11am11111-= 7 ---· --Cl .......... ~"' .......... -· ---~ .. --021 7 ilol oil -tor .. _ Wini.er • 11 ' l ..... --1• RADIO REPAIR& l•r'nr ---u... lllal-.··8"!-wl.lf-jMt --w. Otfta r-t, --...... ---.... -. Ill -BaJs' -...... -Bal', J8l1. ·· IMYC ..... 111 o4. ... I'll, Blltllll -,ft. lflPIJ btCta. Opoftt.d far -J05IO 11pU 7 LuT7 -• • -··-... Ulla con-w.t ----;;;;;;;;;-~;;;-:-::-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:Jiw:ii5A::Uo::;Uio:=M:;;:t;;;';;';;:: Al .. Bowle • 'D.... ' --e RX. 8UITm, I'~• -r. -· ...... to fT,llOO WlHIW ,llATal ·-flmllobed, BA.LllO.A ,18LAND-llarlM 8vo., ·-MMA RADIO 6 n::i..mvuroN lpoltr)r, ...,.__ ,,._ &nJIUllllJ, sood 1ou1, l'ODt '40. newly docont.ld 1.-.,.,.,, sood --.locotlon, oultablo Clelinfnr Co. 1C11 Bl<ll-. 0. J(. -_., ..... -taNJ -.....•and C8oll mwn, Pllont BL DU. apuim...ta. 1112 ~-0..... for &llY IYi*buoineM, wllb Uv· •Sr•• t:lll ..... . "' eottr I ... A.L80 2 ~.,... llell .,_t. . llpll m,. quart.era. ·eau Beacon ·-~ malbt•c• and truuct on.ai------------~w 13cl.6 -W. lllCllLL Pamting Contractor ! -·--cu AWNINGS -· UO -. I'll. Hu, 1&40 ,... UlfJl'U1UII8JIJ .API'., I -. I ' uc1i _u_w_ ...... __ ™ __ TO __ m __ rr ___ 1 flropjoct, llri<kad ,.tto, PIS mo. 'R'• It 7 ,.... • • • Cul'fU SEJ.I.JNG ALL NOW ........................ ..... .. 'p 0 tM • 0 Patio rtlrs , Ss;pon -· Urie~ l'IJL, --ltltdlea, n..,., SANTA• ANA tr/ lllnl. IOtcbaa waro, cloUloo. Do You Wi.sb To, Rent Yov.r -. or aputm&la lllru uUL pol4. .A4u1to only, llt~ Pappy, Corona ,dol Mar,' 1 \Cl s Ibo -or for tbe ,_._ TWO UMOOK l\lftl1 tllrnlohed dor ot the oummart Wo .,.;.. 1~1, prlvata beac:h, fin• cl!Ol>la ..tllDc t.. -·· -from lust dtclc, uUlll!ff "HONEST" CarV~ues • ...... .....,.. • e•+•.Sft.&n . ' • Costa Mesa G. I. Resale Full Price $8750 Good ~tion ne.;. new shopping lliatrkit.' Larp cheerfu:I • llvin&' roo111,, dining room and kltebea.• , Two bedrooms. . PLUS API'., r;.n~ for $10 week, · Double prage.. Cement drive way, Lot 6li 1' 133. , $2000.Will Handle; 4 '1'o Loan Monthly payment.a are $55 including tUA!li &lid lnllirance. . intereA. i • • elc. Wiii 10 Ulla WftlL • IOS TENT c\ A WNJNG l'.....i.at .. o.D.M. Bar. nc .. Mr -1t11 JO -.-5 , 11c115 -----.-----~1 11126 S. KAlN, SANTA. ANA 1 ·DIV--AN--11rt-1b_ma_tc111na ___ chal_r.-t Pleul contact paid. '15 MO. 1400 M:&rCU.I .A. Ye., Bay and Beach Comer Nib BL. Nawponl~ 'fl CHEVROLET' lsdoor aodan with radio, n .. t and economlcal For appolntlllent to aee contact Harbor 1013 91' ,Harbor 2888sJ, Mary Dickllon, . -· a !u~~-~!!:-=~~-~·~·~w.!!cs~~·!---I Ruos LJKI) MSW t" U. TA"'· ... and tablao, 1 floor lamp, -1enen doOr, OM pue1. door. · a.ad portable baby waabf!'r. Pb... wltlt __,., PIMlno Lquna Harl>or 10JfsW. lkl5 Realty Oloden t'ay, ~l:u.tt _....._ FURNIBHµl 2 liedrm. houoe $711 ~-1 mo. to June_ lit.. li& Topas. l'red or ,. PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN lll<S, 12pl f lCllO Ila!-Blvd. 8-UM Bal-~ ltpH PHJ.t.00 l\D'RIO, 2 ycoro old, 1------------ $1085 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach · $4250 Full Price • ... • • ·1 ' • l'B -RL. Coot.a )(- -114i{7.)(. !Met 7-tt. USED SDVSL rel'rieetetor. $TO. Fergus9n Hdwe. Co. 2200 Balboa Bllld. a.1.00. 1"'bol' wubtn& machlM, 2 i"R&C ll.CNT-Blngle cottai«e to .oA ••o ~-· It ~ -• la4y &Ion•, for collectln&: rent YTL -'!"' , ~r ottoman. • l•fttil't..rll f41i, New Rollywoocl twin bodo , '.!:ill _., ~ of duplex. complate SJOO, Harbor :zM4,R . ff!;'.6JI/ •r• ... m ALSO rum. apL '40 mo. child 'fl DODOE "LUXURY LINICR" SEDANS, ( F,..nch 1'"1 and Hunter areen> ma.ny extras! both smooth "Fluid Drive" cara, now priced wtlhln your euy reo.cb ! Take your choice. $695 CLIFF HAVEN $2000 DOWN ' SMALL FURNISHED B IC .AC B • , HOUSE, 1 block from ooeN1. ~ eeau'tltul brand new 3-bdrm. Nice condition. '-42.50 tull prite, H.. B. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBJNC ·~ •• , • .. llen1li4 Malatam.11 Phone Har. 110 Newpon Beach ' lSclDi and Harbor •~, IJpl> 'I'"" I w t OK. Mro. Howland (rear) U-lloAn, 8UPPUU M 4 f;\$1 I a 11 ~~ , __ 820_ .. _,_-_-__ p'._"_B+J_boa_i_2p_H u-.u>All'IMDIT!I a llOUHll Balboa Island home with unobatructed vlew .of · terms. aurroundilll' mounWna. Quauty :~"::::· 11:i;:~1Y1 .. ie:~ . Lilo Isle Bay Front car C&nl'•· Ila a real buy al BEST BA YFRONT BUY JN BAY • • -• ,_, 8-1.U.W llOl a-n.. Bavd., Newport Beech GAFFERS 6: S.A TTL.ER white table top automatic stave. Har· bor J5»-J. l lcl3 Chrysler Engines Used RENTAL 11 SPECIALISTS We have MVual yearly rmt.Ua from STO monlb It up. 'fl CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE R AR plaat.ic seat cover1, etc. Recent NEW motor! Here ~ that moet popular pre-war mod· --el club coupe you've wanted; and v.1lbout paylDJ" a pre.mlum! $595 only $11 ,600, 6% lnt. OD bal-AREA. 3 bedrooms, 2 balha. ISO ance. It jwit won't lut. Yes, ft. bay rrontage, beamed celling. ! DEEP i'fUtEZJ:.-lAl'C'• double vat, wit.able tor Mme or cate. 3 yrs. old, rood cond. $1:50. Pb, Beacon OflOrR. 98tFC Crowns -Roy&ls See John Harvey • Stanley Hadfield the price la 2 fireplaces. Con1pl.etely tum-' only $11,500 lllhed. $3',000, terms. • INTERIOR .-EXTERIOR PAINTING LICllNBllD -INSURED Glenn Johnston rw>l -Slat St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297 -J 13p2& CARPENTER WORK, truck and power toolll. Union acale or bid on job. Harbor 11&4-M. 13c18 G. E . REFRJGICRA TOR, e cu. rt. $40--New model IQ bp. John.Ion outboard, 16 f't. ma.hop.ny boat. 412. 39th St., Newport Beach. Pb. Harbor 3021.ft.. 12_pl4 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRA1LER WE 5'ILL BUT A.NE and at Seacraft ft2:G COAST HIGHWAY NKWPORT IIJi!ACH PH. BllACON 11711 2t!c 22 FT. FISHING BOAT, Chry•ler nia.rtne enstne, at N ewport. Ta.ke be•t ottier or rwap for houa trailer or about 12 root ot equal value, $900. ' E. V. Park.i, Mll·S.(\h St., Rlveralde i0p18 COJI Edna CraliJ Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Island. Har, 2fOI UcCH MODERN 1 bedrm, apto. FrliJtds atre uUUtleti paid. $50 pe.r mo. yearly. lnquJre. Apt. No. S. Dal· phln ApU, 16~ W . Balboa Blvd. 4tlc BALBOA Penln. 2 or 3 bedrm. apt. very attracUvely turnlah.ed. \Vlnter or yearly. Reaaon&ble. Har. 3019·R. TJ'C 211 IUJUNE A Vlll, Balbot Wand I'll. ll&rbor 20 BALBOA 18.. rum. yearly, $96 month. Muter a.na a.mall bed· room, PJ'., paUo, elec. retr .. wuh. mach. N'Mr ahop. dlatrtct and bff.ch. Tenant re.n au"eaae ln summer tor $400 a month. Ha, 21118,M T.F .C. '40 PLY. SED,<N. R It H. etc .. NEW MOTOR l/i '47, renectlng the VX>d cart1 ol 1 owner. $495 '33 CHEVROLET TUDOR Bilr DAN A Running Fool $285 '34 FORD SEDAN, original 1us· troua black r1n1Bh!l in a 1000! $185 Beautiful Home Close In A weU.conatruct.ed home with a fire place a11d ata11 tile abower. 3 yn. old, detached two-c.ar l'•r. Olntnr room. Thia home recept· ly appraiaed for $10,000 a.nd lhe selllnr pnc. ta only $9250 G. I. Resale Trade LAROE Income unit. localed Co--: rona del Mar. 12 unlU. Excel-~ lent looo.tlon. Showa big return -on Investment. Wlll exchange $29,000 equity fQf buslneu prop- erty or lit Trust Deed. ALSO HA VE excellent 20 a.ere ranch. Equipped for 13,000 chickens. 12 ac res In pulure. WW U:· ch~nge tor bay a.rea property. ~ • • •• l'RD a« llCKINO u::RVICWI BAVWI TOUR. WATCH TDIED l"OR ACCURACY ON OUR NEW TDOl MABTll:ft WALLACE CAI.DERHEAD J.,...eler PROPANll TANKS Complete lnatallaUon, Hp&lr a.nd • Hrvice of &Jl Trailer Equipment. Herman E . Samuel Elli• K . Porter 24·f't. Sport riaher. 9J.eepe, two- n~w mo tor. rruh water cooled. Live baJt tank, gall~y and he.ad. $1,260. Har. 878-R llc13 MAN will ah&re apt. with YOU-Al man &round 20 yn. old 1119 W. Balboa Blvd. Call Har. 19'7•. FURNIBHED apt., eecond noor on water, lovely view, ca.ra.g ... J or a adult•. $80. At.o lower Rn.cl• tor couple or one ma.n. 135, 817,Mlb St.-Ha, 891-W. TFC 6"k Terma (me.ny others) Open to 8 p.m . ; Older 2·bdrm. )lome in' exceU~ GREENLEAF & ASSOC. condition. Le.rre Uvin& room ... .;i112 Newport Blvd. Har. 2652 all Wortr. dOM ln our awn lhop 11 T Oouc llhd,, C'.i..-dol Mar . t8Uc Alcoholics Anonymous Wrlu P. 0 , Sol,< 19'7 Balboa Island, C&Jlt. Phone Kimberly 3-5393 U-LOST A.ND FOUND \ LOST-IO-rt. skiff. creen Inside, white oullide, pluUc coatt"d bottom, call Har. 2108-J. Re- ward. llcl3 LDll"l'-Gray Penlan female c.&t. tan spot on top ol ~ Child'• pet. Reward. 314·32nd St., New- port Beach. 13p 14-8CBOOLr-IN8TRUCrION JACK ELFORD, L.C.V., vioUn tn- atnaetlon. FormH broadcuter BBC London Symphony or- cb.e9tra. Fffl moderate. Har. 2431. 13pll5 U-all"(JA TIONS WANTED W ASBINO or IRONING tn my -. llnlobed or roup dry. By p1iect' or bour. Phone Beacon 12Q.S.J'. Tlllc ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Coeta Meaa, Phone Beacon 8224-R 12Uc Good Values in Used Refrigerators General Electrica, Westinghouse, Copeland, Coldapot and many other tamoW1 makeo, $49.50 & up ·STROOT'S Te Winkle Hardware 1802 Newport Blvd. Coata Maa Beacon om I rr. SERVEL nlrtauator 1960 model,· UMd 4. moalha. Barfain. C.Jl Harbor QIM.M. J2cl4 FOR SALE-193& Plymouth Cpe. $~. Rubber tlred lawn mower $1 5. Beacon 8910-R. 2004 Ha.r· bor. Costa Mesa. 12Pl4. WHJZZER motor bike, xlnt cond., $3', Maple dinette table . .SlO. 1204 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa-Hdrbor 1396-J 13p15 16\> F"T. SPEED TYPE HULL with 18 h. p. motor A trailer W. L. McCann 873 Victoria, Ca.jta. Meu . Beacon M98-J. 12e 14 12 K P . Ot.rrBOARD '49 model Hiawatha. $12~ or trade. Ph. Kimberly 2-1737. l2pt4 SICA 8K1FF-14·f't I tor outboa.rd) 3 monlha old, must aacrtflce. .SI26. Call Har. 1432-R alter Sunday. llc l3 JSClD FURN: 6-room hOUN ln center ot Balboa, MO mo .. yearly. Phone Mclntrye, Sunaet. 26622. 13pl!) WINTER RENT AL-almoet new attractive. turnlahed 2·bdrm. house. re&Mlnabl.e to rlCht par- ty . 2150 Miramar. Balboa, Har. 3122-R. llpl3 YEAR 'ROUND RENTAL A l bedrm., garage, near good channel beach, $60. LEA VINO FOR COLLDl&--Muat -B--2 bednn., centml location on .ell M ercury aailbo&t tncom· Balboa Blvd., ~ mo. plet.e. Ex.ceJlent condition. Bar· LOVELAND, Realtor caln. •Owner, IO Olive Miii Phone Harbor 1<K6 Road. Santa llo.rbul, lSplli PAIR CHR Y8LJ:Jt Kati.De Royal EllSiftea 2 to · 1 r*1uclkm rear•. Intact, l'Mdy to run. $660 tor both. Alao p&Jr ( 18-20> propai. Call Ha.rbor t52a-MK. 13cl5 -People do read the wa.nt &th. 1 ----~~~-~~~- UPRJGHT PIANOS from Term• a.a convenient u $.~ per month al SHAi"ER'S MUSIC CO. I Slncr 1907) 421 No. Syca· more, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672. llUC ATTRACTIVE 1 bedrm. upper apt. for a. marrt~ couple. A.Do t bedroom lower apt. to bualM.U couple. (SepL 16-June lG) 117 Sapphire. Balboa. laland. HU· bor 1520-J. llc13 T\\'0 BEDRM. APT. -Upper. Clean anti attractive. Garage. Adult.. From SepL till June or winter renl&J. Very quie L Al 222 Collins Ave., Balboa leie.Jld. 12pl4 Lido Isle Bay Front wtnter rent.ala. b&y tront, 1 • 2 bednn. rum. apta. Prtv. beach, Shaver Motors Phone Bea.con 6$07 i9Sft Harbor Blvd. Coat&. Mesa dual heater ... Ntce appearing trees .,....... 2-car g.arace. Down Pfyment 12300. 4o/" Inter- est. run Price . . . '80 and up. S~ Via Udo Soud.1 ---------~-- Karbor 2162, Hai-. "2914·M. tfc $8300 2 B&DRM., turnilhed bunp.Iow, like new. 1232 W . Ocean Front, Newport Beach. $65 mo. Creal· view ._...88 or Har. 063·W. BALBOA Penln. furn. gar. apt. ocean view. very attractive. $60 mo. · with gara.ge and utl"tlea. Winter ra.tes. Har. 3019·R. TFC NICELY tu.rntahed cottage wit· able for I peoople. Call at SM Broadway, Coat& MS-10cl2 175 MO. PERMANENT rental turn. newly redecorated 2 bed- room&, lo.JTt llvtnc room &nd kitchen. Util. paid. Gara~. laundry room. fenced play y&rd tor chlJdren. Blue Top Motel. 401 Newport Blvd. (just above the Archa). .. 9tfc FURN. 2 RM. hse. In lovely court t.ratler tactlltles. ~ mo. Al.80 large tnller. $SO, adult.a. 1741 Pomona Ave., Costa Me&a.. l 1tr.: FOR RENT -Winter monlha, comfortable ocean front col · tag-ti, two or three adult.a. Servel; attached rarqe. ~,per month. 1009 E . Balboa Bl»d. 10p12 French coovertlble Sime&, '47, like new, ~ mile.a caJJon. $4.M. HOSSIES SPEED SHOP 8908 State H lway . Har. 2518-J llcl3 FOR SALE-'37 Plymouth 9eda.n. Ph . .)iar. 2899-W. llcl3 CHEVROLET. '50, deluxe con~ v~rti ble, all extras, excellent condition. 12.200. cau Ha. 14.32-R after 1sunday. -llcl3 1940 FORD Station Waeon. New enctne. car In excellent condl· tion ln every reepect. '660.. Har. Phil Sullivan (Formerly C. Galen Denison G. T . Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Cost& Mesa -Beacon 6243· W 3167·W or Beacon M:i8·l Owner Wants More Room Good, well located ·3 bdrm. home. ·wu1 trade tor 1arpr houae. Prater ocean frolat cw De&I' 'bay. 2861i·M . , .. ,. Bay & Beach Realtv Two G.MC l ·toD ptckup tzucka, lf:50 liaJboe. Blvd. . ·Barbo/ 1ff.f a IMI a.nd a ten. . 13c15 TAKE YOUR CHOICE AT '4901------------ Sun.nymaid Farm&. 11th a..rftl Ha.r· bor B!Vd., S&nta Ana. Phone Klmberly Z23.31 13cl6 1946 FORD TUDOR, radio, beat· er. plaatic seat coven. Ft.built engine. OriKina.J owner. Phone LIDO ISLE HOME 3 bdrm.. apotleu, sacrifice 116,· 600.: 2 bdmul, $16.000 N .B.C. REALTY, 3118 ~ewport Blvd. llcl3 Harbor 1159-M evenings. 13cl5 ------------ 115--MONEY TO WAN ' FOR LOANS BEST BUY in Corona del I Mar J1NJr: IftO~lNO -Pick up and , __________ , __ ;. deUnr. Kelp wtua dinner par-G.E . AUTOMATIC &ink diah- ACCORDION BeauUtul 120 b&aa, lovely tone. Medium size. Itall· an make. Suitable ror child or adult. UIOd about 1 year. Sac- rifice tor 1200, lncludlQg ooae. Jell Bey Shore Drtve, N. B. Beacon '480-W. llcl 3 SMALL FURN. HOUSE, 1 or 2 atlult.a . .S45 per month, utilltie. paid, 2 block• h"om pier. 1910 Court Av<'.. Newport, Harbor I0fi3·M. 13p15 BAL. IS.. untum. 1-bd.rm apt., $76, 2-bdrm. apt .. ~. yrly, o.k . for bual. owner. Wa.rhUr."l. 250 HWI Or., ~ron& del Mar. Ph. Har. 1S39. , l l c l3 PHONE Har. 1577 $9,650 • 't.Jle. Mn. WtB1'mll. Barbor wuher, combination with di•- :.., laD-M. 'It no ,.,.._ eaJi Har. poeall. One only -)(, 83tfc Ferguson Hdwe. Co. BOOKJCEl:PER-wllh conaldera-2206 Balboa BJ•d. b&e arcountinc e-xperlence hu Phone Har. 111 Newport ~~: part Ume avalla.ble. Harbor re9- klent IOI" al.JC yean. ~terencll!fl. rut..J.., y A trrOMATIC CROSLEY Phone BH.. 6881 9 a .m . to 12 N. Electric Range. Late model, 12pl4 perfect coridition. Deep weu. II prt.P WA.NTED ALTl:RA.TION' woman lo run deanJ.ns .._bop. AttracUve fi- rw"f"';I offer to right party. A p- pl)' in penon only. Newport Qlaners, IOI Tustin Ave. 12cl-4 WANT D18RWABKER and klt- c:Me. lltelp. CUrt'• DeUcateawn, l• ,)(Ilia, Bal~ II p11 QJJlL or WOMAN with one cblld ' t.e ca.re for 2 childttn after- -6 8Dml: evuinp. Uve ln ,. out, -llO~J. 12"lt Ill .... -IOI' k•u,.I wwk In ~ • ~ boopltal, a.u bes ~•a.m..andap.m,Pb. • 1 -OO'TI. 12clt ir.-!IMAID, Uvo IA ... IM'Dt. Pb. Bea. or out, e;ae,)(, !Jc WAJft'llD.-Woonaa dlall .,..._ -"" ... ' w--t.. .... w aft.or 5 a. ra. OI' ••i• .............. p .... $160. Hal'bor 2360-R. 13pl.f COOLER.A TOR, a beauty. eo.t $69.90, Sac, SlS.96. See at 202 32nd St.. Newport Beach. 13pl4 WRECKING BUILDING Lumber for .ale. Balbo& Yacht Butn Bayakle Dri•e Pb, lkrt>oc 1342, W . R , Smllb • 1:1pia ------------· BAR-T n. cu.atom built, leather uph. wiUl Mck bar. Good eood. No otoola, tD8-PIL Hu, 3059-R 13pH n-nJllN1'l'UlU: roll ~ 8Al(B()() R.A Tr.Alf !IBOPS Comp1'1ta Un•, fulp<)'·lorl'<JU, Open 12-t dally 6 81111, Bank Lerma. ~ OoKn Ave.. lAcun&- Be&ch, tfc ---~~-~~-~--WDTllRN ROLL Y t&ble top 19.Dp, Keln)sC at.Ml, rrt1L Good eondt:U.. eaD B•coe 1121,,JJL lOplJ RENT A PtANO $:i per mo. A II rml of term &!lowed on pur· ch.ae. DANZ..SCIDCIDT PIANO CO. r.20 N". Main, Santa Ana. ~----------~ ELECTRJC ORGANS. Uaed. One ror 1189, anothef' $223. Af'IOlher bls-b CJ'&de, beautituJ, llke new. at a blc uvtnc. For ch~h or home. DANZ,SCHVIDT '111ANO It ORGAN CO,, Santa A.o, G20 _ ~~Main. 'Cor. 8th. Euyllern1a. WINTER RENT AL -Ball>Oot, :I.tr land. nicely f\.lrn . 1 bdrm. apt. Water tf'Ollt and "' block h:om bus. section. WW le&ae-rrom St>pt. 15 to June 15, $70 per mo. Apt. at 3 15 ~ Grand Canal Owner CL.ad.stone 5831 . 13pl~ ------------ r-;E WLY BUILT 3 rm. houae, partly f\JrnWl~. 140 mo. UUI. ~xtra. 600 Victoria St., Colt& Mesa. Beacon 6936-W. 13cl!5 NE\VPORT HEIGHTS Untum. house, 3 bc;lnn ... 2 bathS, lowly view. -4 Ii Redla.nda. Npt. HU. 13pl:i SCHOOL TEACHERS WINTER RENTAL Reuonable, excellent location near So. Bay, J 13 Coral, Balboa Ula.nd. 1lcl3 WILL RENT a.ti year through Newport modem turn,lahed l bedrm. apt. on ocean front. 4711 Sea.ahore Drive. O\vner9 on property Saturday and Sun- day. Wttkdays call Churchill 97214, 12Cl4 RENT &n lnatrument for sthool, $5 per moolh up to 3 months rent appJiq on tuture purchur at StfAJ"CR'8 JIU SIC CO . (Slnce 1907) 421 No. Sycamore:, Santa Ana, Kl. 2,0072, -----------.--~~--~----- Balboa Peninsula A -Quiet 2nd noor apartment. view of ocea.n and ba.y. 2 large bedrooma. Extra larp Urine $30 TO $45 MONTH Furnished 2 and 3 room ap'..:":. wtlh bath, elec. r l'f1·I::, u l ii.1 pa.id. Winter rent._!$. l lll J:ii.ot Bay Ave., Balboa. 13c l l\ room, be.th, kitchen. and aan ------------- WANTED; S5 uaed pllllloe ror deck, flt}. month. BALBOA ISLAND-Modem apL. our rul&la. MOllt reneroue al· winter S60 mo. or yearly $6:i. lowa.nce ln trade ob Splllet B-l tModroorn, UYinpoom, bat.la, UtUiUH included. Call Beacon piano or Grand or on a wonder--kitchen. l.&rge private p&Uo. ~ 121&-W llcl~ tul Televiak>n. DANZ-SCRMlDT Ga.rage. MG month.. PL\NOB. 620 N. Main. Banta-1325 E, llalbot Blvd, Har, 221&sW AnL Aloo on li:leotric Orpn. 13pl0 r>&LUX.E tum.lshed 2-bdrm. apt .• Caaa1 trontq'e, bar kitchen ICAOU.y plne ll•ing room, ftre- for quJck, courteous aervtce. We may loa.n on your car, furniture, hor-ses or catUe--whether paid ror or not. NO CO,SlGNERS REQUIRED Convenient Free Parkins BAY LOAN CO. 2804 W. Newport Blvd Newport B. LOANS For· Homes with 4 '7< -51/2 7o Int. Lonp, term. LoW' payment !:p0c ialiUng ln F . H . A. and G. I. 1 ·1~n.s.· 5~% Conatructlon Loans CALL BOS SATTLER Har. 31Q for Free Appralsal It1..p. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. t.1!!lro. Life Ina. Funda. Kl S-518!5 4-4ttc LOANS TO JJUILI>, IMPROVE, BUY. MODERNIZll. OR . RJ:J'INANCE We Buy Trust DeecU NEWPORT BALBOA Flllll:R.AL SAVINOS It WAN ABl!M. 3338 Via 'Udo Pb. ffor', 1600 OR&AT ORAND PIANO SALE! ON BALBOA ISLAND -yoorlJ pla.ee, pn:p; auto . wuller. Steinway. Kbnball. Knabe, . i.-. tllmlahed ._.., S bdnna., • S'fO per mG. "° July Jot, 4010 ------------ ·Oable, Wurlltaer, LHtu, Scboft 2 1>au... 213 Ruby .Av0r, Bal-ru-•ve:. "''Newpon lleacll, Real ~-tate T ,,,.,..,,. Broo., Remy F, M111tt and 1o1and. • lltle -.. ~~-lSttc JClllJ ~ m&i!Y -rs, P>1ced at Atll, _ • ROJOa, APl'll. .... _ prop. 14 ak' -&Dd •~ Recc>ndlt:loG-BALB0.A B.AY ll"RONT attnctl.. .... -lh. IUell r..- "1' ~ 2 ~ di-'-' M!:::a~OOll~~·~._~-~'llSl'IT~!!_,---ed. 1lik• new! &uy termL tum. _...... ~ ......... : .wu.-.~AllfltMltyO... RM!tol'.9 ; I ' UcU DAm·RCIOODT Ills Pluo Bua porcb, PriVlle -H-••-~ ......... ~·•or Oouc IOI W .• l'IUI. -...... JllS.TtU I ana TWIK ..,.,. .. eon· .~, ... ~1-..... .----•••• D ----a.nu .__.. -~' -tO -Ila, a ft. Pllllco Sb>ftr 1119 N, Maia. SUia AM. -...,.r._ ~~ ~,' "" "" collo.. Muc!Jn;. PriftU bath • 9'tlc •«IOL aDU. lo lift IL Nic<o ' . . ...,.._ ---· ......... """""' 1111 lit, . • ~Ii ... -? Bar. ne.a UclSI-,----. ----~-- NEW 2 BEDROOM. CAPE COD. Hdwd. floors. 'Clever laundry arran.:ement. Spacioua kikhen. I Lota ot tile. Clo8e to every· thing. See It t.od.ay ! Earl Chamberlain REAL EST A TE Loana ... Insurance .. , Build&ra [)()() Cout Blvd., Corona dt-1 Mar Harbor %288 THE POST THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES Orange County's 0 u Is ta n d1 n g Real Estate Advertising Medium 11-n•n••s 14 rT, ROUBll TR.AJLl:R, all llffl -... compi.u wllb .. , -fUnl1bire It ,.....,, •i-e No. 5, Mlllllc:lpol Trailer Park. . Uplli .... --,.. Hu, 'IUrW, l . . U.15 -•ll•I• -oo-o, LOVl:LY HOMS SIU OR.AND 8.ALBOt' ~.~ lfl!lJll L.ARO& ROOM C100J to REAL ESTATE L04N:; '! ~ W~ , -..... -fOI. -Pluo bl fine -'616. tlon, 4,bdno, ~ .,.,_. , -I« ot O<ioC& -• Home IDteftllt Rate t 'fo. -5 \1(> A '6,0ll-;-...nt NOW will DI Kl**'8D llTllNO. W put 1-----........... to 1 .. Cd ..... lhls,. Rrnl."M -. · lkH -· "ar"o•" l,JllCO -Torma lllO _,. ud_QO poi' 1'\ml&co, fUO per -Ill J-, pri.OOSO-, 1'12' ~ An,, -~ -•-~ rotunl ot ol. -., ...... -llOlllla. -u. at 811An:R\:' JWlllC 111UL c.n -.-.w. a.ta M& BoaO'lll .a&l,JL 1-~ -'la Ille -1 po-a ·-um 'a.,jr11awi•• u.J *11 I Helt 4-Uld a.,w. 8laPo O< • l~,bl t ~ omplo ..,..., -r 00. (-lteT) 411 ~I ------------• , lkl't -en•,.._ -,. .... .. ltJ'. Wall •r••+ed -.i flnL -+· a 6 -11 ...... -. -~ a::L 2~ RD Tlml-MOVll DI. -i -•••&-llOOll ,. --wfoo ---, JO ftur•-s , ....,. -... e/o U00 ..... 11111.,,... 1111 e• D~a jWfn1 1,allal ... J. lJlil B. a ....._ 'Ne ... ,_, ·..----~·_.. ....__..._ .a...1 Mu' ·~ 111t111M: .__ •· -· .lS.U • I -I.... aPINST PIAJrO& All 114 ... .------~ • .. 2 .. M I I • II • ..,... .... -.. I •• .. .... --. .. -tllo ..... ' ... OU, ..... = Ol3 -9117,w 47' p. ., -• rs ' • ' BALBOA ISLAND OUTSTANDING COLO NIAL HOME-on · double lot , nlcely lancl8caped. Thb le an ideal ye&r round home. A vallable tor a r.hort time only At $27,500 Stanl~ Hadfield ' BOR 20 or atop n at °'e office at 218 Marine BalbO& llland CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX- 11,i yeara old. Good income. CJoee tn, immediate poWM"&o.n. S1600 equity, tat M+rlpld, A CHARMING HOME 1JCl3 Finest location In Costa Meaa- 3 bedroom&. 1 ~ bath•, fireplace, double garage. larre fenced yard. Ju.st 2 yra. old on a huce tot. Sensibly priced at llft,000. Horace Mazet Nelda Gibson 304 I> MARJNll: • BaJboo laland Phone Harbor 2950 * * S 0 L D 'ft, * 531 RED~~g .:, 0 1 • Newport Helghta Jly • Mu!Uple Ltatlnc Realtor • Two C-1 Lots 140 F"T. ON NEWPORT BLVD .. acrou from hospJt.al alle. Ideal fCJr B-J.>l::i., store. or offiee b"1ga. Our best. buy at 17500. 35x90 ft. lot • \Vlth perm~ent unobstructed view of bay. Full price "500. Bay and Beach I.' Realty Gloden Fo.y. Ethel Shirley Fred Croeier 14&0 Balboa Blvd Harbor 1264. 2,BEDR!JOM un(llm, -11rttlt with furni.lhed gara.ce apt .. So. ot Higtiwa7 t l0,500. Ul Irta. Corona del Mar. CaU owner Har. 29'l·J. 12p14- BALBOA LO'l'S • L&riJ• Rsl , __ ,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ., .. .$2,590 R4 (apt,) ·-.... -,, ........ -.. ,P.600 Baylront ... ,,_ .. ,_ .... ,, .. _,,,sa,ttt Bayfront near Yacht Cblb ,, __ ,,,,,,,,_,,,,,_,,,,$1',000 7 '' ... , ., ,, 7 , , ' • - • .. ,, ~ ,, , •• • ....... _ ....... en:;,:-:.-: =-::re::: ;.::-a:.·:.... ._ ~ .0':.!.• .. = 'm:b.,-.. =.-:. u:. , s, ...... lk11 : r•e'...:-:. = ~, =::·· ..... "'.;-~·=~ .. . ,_.J._ ~ ..... , -41r ..._'at••• _ _... . ~ ....... •··~ .._ 1a......... __....,...__, , ., .. , .... -rs t'sss,.,. ._, _. ~ p 'ta9 Pta. ~·szt• ... 1. -LOVILT I: .... Jlll9t =llL4fti9.l111kJ.-........ ~a llAY BOUWDfa.>lil'A. .... ~-~~ • I ~ ;!S+·;. ... .. . . ..... '°Cb e, .. • .... ... I • .. • •• s-• ... ?' ........ &LI ,., ••• =-0 I' p' t '\ DOW• nwr...... ~ ' 1 1ba. W\.. -W-1 Dale'• J'andture -"'--, -Q:•n a N1 I , • ·= .. -IU Rr:b -· o..ta W. ..,_as... WUIW -CH. .._. ·~ , * *,SOLD * * _ • OfJll' sr .. --Caola--, ., . ue -.,. -• .. alsz 111 e• a• •an· •n•• 2111• ~ · ~ 1111.._'-'!I ..... .._ ....... .. 0 I , Ua1I = Mii,, -. , . • ~ * r ' '? tt•ll 1 IC S ••- 7 . • ' I·. ' • \'EAR-A.ROUND 8PORT-F\Mll.1tI boal11 lt-a'\'P N P\\port ff:1t"- bttf" and IAns' ftrerlt harbM ~''"J' day lft the JHir, "ATathcr permlttfnK a.nd thl:-rr airf' ,,.,,. clayA ''""" Uto~ boet" do not briniC" bM-k fliJI. ~ plrturni herr, takrn on f\\"O 114;•par:1tt> trips, OM to Cat&lloa bland b&nh and thP othrr to a rloi.e offi.hor& n.Ntlnc •pot, !lbo\t• IM)°"' of lhll!I re11ulta. Tht-phot0& "-t'"tt takrn aboanl thf-lttlandt•r, ""''. &&-rt. hf-:\.t ~tty put into ~n·loe by Pl.-rpont Landlnc and thf' IAln'lla. formN' harbor ldpt9"'inl" craft n-bulll Into a n1th- l.n. boat and no1'' belnr oporatM by Pacific ~poM8fil:hlas Co. fl.cl ow: Chonunbtg I• the dPCkhand'a oon•tent ptoblrm. H .. mu.t ll~p tbr> 1e.Jtool of O.h UOttad tbe boe.t. .. k>nr .. .,.,._ llbll!. Tlt.t. la 84>1» Blunl., decJir"Md oa tbe F.etrella. Top rfpl: W. Kokn-(rf(hl) oklppor of tho ,_,, &&tel W. G. l•r«m. a· reno.,. & Stewart t.l"'GU.~. pol.at to a .cbool of alhiMioTe M the bJ30dtr c""-9 off Cat•1lM.. _..,.below b 0.... lulewlca, .......,,.. -ptf· lac u ;Vbacoft for lobn Meredith. faltlltd i.o. Anrelel por- tral• """'°-· The N ·o kN·f'r rts:bt KlrQif!I& Mow a dttk.,.d plfloc a wblte 9No bue for -ansltt &bQard LM &t~U. aod a akqty &n'r catdt.l•c to wtnb "ill.le the Eatrcli. rol .. alotll' toward home late •• t.hti attunoon. ' -..... / • • • • ' •