HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-09 - Newport Balboa News Times' ' . ! I-· r • r· r I r I: • f •. 1 ., f t atJi.uxNo OONDEMNED-Ptlll Haydea. flre bas pector. no.ta a eoa~a ttotioe oa tbe troa& ( ..... ,,, • combl•Hoa tnller, aua-rdom. ..... ck-ttke etnacture beloastns to no~ ma.nan at Bay --Tnller OOmp. .Looldq oo ,at tbe· rll(bt lo J. M: Bn>wa. uolstut to U.. bulld!ar lupectar:. Botto. pMto 11ti1towa llayde• ai aa lllq'ally plaoed n.:..:.~r I• Klnnaa'a lllll ~ BroWll l9 at Ute tefL b the ~' can be 11eea the trall "r •"""'"' whk:ti KlnaaG buUt b.l9 ap.rSwtta1 .a.ck. (Newe-Ttmee Photo) SHACK;LIKE· ADDITION TO TRAllf R CONDEMNW· Bf f:IRE INSPE~J~R St~ley· Pri>P.Oses Blltmr Doltar b v.c_ Bdnding Program , A bWion dollar bonding pro- gram tb finance local public works lD California Is being 'f>N'pared "" Aa&emblyman Earl W. Stanley fpr lntroductJon1 in the leglalature tilts week. • . S\a.1lley. a Republican rrom Newport Harbor. aa.td he will uk the .lawmaken to approve a con- StituUonal amendrftent authorizing taeuuce of a billion dollfJ' bond 1-Je to back up legtalatloil ·grant- ing loea.1' governments authority to iaBUe revenue bonds. . -Suell a bond iuue would re-q~ ultilnate approV&l by the , -.Stora. . . . ; UAder Stanley'• plan. the local ltaiidi-...i.i be putcb&Rd by tile iia.t. :trOm .rm 'of the blWon dol-liir ~ boci<t !Yue. In turn. the -.iate would otter the local bonda .loprl __ ~ . . ...._ .... _ The • prognm. Stanley Aid, 1"'>Uld pr<>ride tllnda, for local go~­ emmenta to ttnance w eb projecta u dams. cana.J.s. airports. parlc·.'. Ing projects and •lrAllar .works. Gu, light and power project.a could not be financed under the JegtslaUon. Thie plan would be a.dminlatered at lbe •tale level by a local agen:- . (t,•n:Aued oa. Pac; .• , ... A violation of ~tically everyUung tn tile' building code'" D 't F t &L- wu the opinion of Fir,: lMpector ' Oii. 1IJll 4 ~· • PbU Hayden alter viewing th~ ' ~· yt..t& ~mbln=~i;;-;;~ ~ ~·~F ~ !.J .. ,~. .:roe&s Kahter s a;,. Shore trail-..,.. lr ~l flle, Bed er camp Friday. --· ~ Ill~ Mil W la The bullding , waa conduemned ... -.. ... --.... by Joint a ction of the Fir~ De-~rt H • r It o-r .•.a .... __,. partment represented by Hayden, Jan. 18 and Ute ett,-rCll of eve117 and 9e office or Building In.spec-abf@..bedJed cltlzee tr11' k neff. tor, represent~ by J . M. Brown. ed to mttt tile Mab. ·IOO plat. Hayden ,Jtated that the bulldin,g qµota .et for U. dt)\ Whole was discove'red in a routine chec blood Is ~nttJ Heded la by the Fire Department which ln-Kora a.nd ou.r h eotmt7 lloepttalll specta build~8 regularly to eltm-mu.t keep their lll"PPlY Jlp. inate fire h rd.a. Bloodmobile wllJ be at the '11J.UI 8hac I.a the worst one Olrl Soout Ko~ 1100 W . 8&1- I've Come ac oss." sa.ld Hayden. boa Blvd.. Newport, Jan. 11., The bul ng sprawls a.round from S to 1 p. & For A ap- K inman's traUer and uae a log re-polntmen.t caU .llanor 1MO. the I Coiilaued oa Pair• ll local Red Cro. oi&e. All Doctors. Dentists Must ~'!~!!~·~ •1¥ ma.le medical doctor., denllltf and veterlnarhui.a hu been Mt by the Director of SelecUve Serricea u next Monday, Jan. 10, accord: Ins lo the Ne~rt Beacb Regia· trar, Mr:a. Marp.ret !:l'e. Sbe .. kl Ute Harbor medical men · m~l recllter at her otnce ln tbe New· port Harbor Chamber of Gorn· merce office, 102 Eut . Balboa Blvd., Balboa, on Monday • bet- tween a a. m. a.nd 5 p. m. Every mAle m e d I c a I doctor. denU.t and veterinarian m u • t regi.tel : 1. Wlio ta under the -.I" on January 1~. 1951 ; -.>:. 2. Who ta not a mrmber of a re- aerve component of the armed . . . . forces: 3. Who did <not regtart.er under the regbltratlon ot October 18, . . . ' ~ BADLf DAMAGED .,,... lbe "'-OO<'upll'<\ by lour oalloni t hat tumb~ ...alter a.I.DI' oft the aouthwest ~p _or th bN' Saturday nlsht. The ca ·IM•t th -amra rttel\-ed only at.LnO r !turh.t 1:'the lr ft. '9 Mn. Nril Keuels, port1 the c ... h W police, then rushed OU I: be~p •her\ buaband lr.e the m 1900. Those subaequently re<leivtnc de- g ree.a In lhe above mentioned pro- feaatona muat ""resf.•ter t.be day they receive wcti degrees or With- in .~Iv: ::;.:~:!~· to regtater M' Mar·1ne on January 1:5 la out ot the coun· try on regiatratlon day, he t. re- quir ed to regi•t~r on the day be Kill . 1•0 Acta·on entero the United State• or with- in five day a thereafter. I Allena Exl'llllp& Memo(lal aervice• were conduct- Allen.s wbo are ret.ldtng· in the ed Sat.wtiay at 11 a .m. tn El Toro United Statea aad have not de-Marine Corp.s Air Stat~ c~I clared their lntenlion of becoming for Captl, Jerry E . A. Mlller:-321 dlizena of the Uni" 1 Sta.tea and Rocbeater S t ., Coeta Mee.a.. ·Capt. .... ' . who are &I.lo ln one of the f.oUow-Mlller w~IUed In actiori in Kor~ Ing catepriu are ~empt from ea while aervtng wtlb, VMF-311. regatratlon: • Offlcloj « the rlta . was 1. Alle n student. admitted under C9mdr. MarteU T . Twichell. aenlor ellbdlvlolon. l•I ol .Bectlo~ 4 ol the {.:·~ clw1,~ ~f .lhe Marine (C--.......... , .. 't . Th ~ wit department =, .• O. -. ~r,di'-'. · • . .'~"".~,Pl>( 'M'llMt • -nuwa been kllli"f Dec. :I&. C.aualty u.ti I pe"'· Jan. 26 the ~ before reported C&pt I a Miller "'ilu.ing In act io n. · -Survlyt>rs include hla widow, Jo ~ Annual Costa Meaa "Commun.lty >:n.n. an~ their 2-year-old daugh- Gaper11 Show" will be premented at ter, D~a. They W'lll remain at • UJe Harbor High echool audltortum the family borne in Coeta Me.ea. on Friday, Jan. 21!1 and Saturday, Jan. 21 at 1 :•~ p. m .• acoor<11ng lellevr1 Albacore to Kn. Helen McTagprt, dlrec-:. \qt". An entirely dllterent a11o--: GOlle Till Summer wtlJ be presented each nlghL " The entertainment feBtlval will Still o aJbaco"' have be«'fl ' feature drama, mualc:, dancing, caa(b& by local fl.ahermen IA 1pecialty and novelty a cta, Ticket. 1151.. tlr Balboa Anctlnc Club tor the event wUl be on sale ·IOOb reporU..I Many anclen wert1 out In CO.ta Meaa. AduJta' admilleion 8WlU.v but no one brouc.llt la will be '80 cent.a; ehUdren 2~ cent.~· the Prhlje tuna. SpfJrt f1Mcrm.e11 ''Community Capers Show" w llJ now ~rally ~le,·e U.t tbe. ' be sponsored by the Cbwt:a Mesa alblicort are eone untU HXt Chamber of Commerce and each ...aJff but t.he,7'U atW be out evenln('11 entertainment wiU con· there ~Ins let UM oes:t few elat of 18-act.e:. day., aa,rway. ' . • . I . . own ' a steep embaAkm:dat rolled O\* lle\.'f'ral tb:nea t 86 Balbo& Co\·"8i who re· lrom the wreckap,. (N e s-Tlmea·i>hoto) . FOUR SAILORS RECEIVE oNL ~ MINOR INJURIES· . Four .,non. inlraculoualy ~. ee;t: dea'.th pr aer1oua lnJury 8&.tur• 46¥. night when their am.all jumped iJte curb on Ute aou i-amp of J.be 6'-rchee, eo 1 ~ the. -tees> em t an4 came to re9l on lte eide ln the lland liy the BalOO. • Covaa IUb- d.Jvlelon. . The. Neil Ke.el.a o'f 68 Balboa Cove., ruehM.· from their botl.M .:t the 90und ot tbe crull. and wttJa, Uie help or _.-.by, rljgllte<I t¥ overturned vehicle &Dd extricated the. Navy men. The car wu b9d.IJ' amubed, &e ll had. rolled over two or three tlmea. but._ l!IOmehow the occupant. recidved only minor . . . cute and bru19ei. · · Newport p0ll<>e 11&ld the quartet bad ,been ~ming from Huntington Beach ln a 1939 Chevrolet coupe when the .accident· occurred at 11 :01 p . m. 8Aturda7, Ottic~ni: staled th&l all were ra.lnon and we re very drunk.. . 'Ibey included.: Jimmie Oeborft, the owner and drlVtt; Charles-Brown; ·Henry Turner. Jr., and LeOn Muon, &tJ stationed at the U. s. Navy Train· Ing etaUon ln San Diego. · , I They were releued to lie Shore Patrol and the car wu impounded .. at the H ighway G&ra.ge ln ea.ta ~ Meaa. , -A<x:ldeat .l_~unday at 6 p . m . L. C . All· '"""lrh• 209 • 6th SL. BaJboa, hit the buJb..llke end of the tratnc lolAJ>d dlvld1ng Bal-BIW., at latft :at. ·imd blew out both Urea On. the left •tde ~f 11.18 car. Thia i. Ille .oecond time In two weeko that E ban hit th• curblnl( of · tnttt<: laland. Allliough ·wu lnjUred tn the acel'dent 2;~~~ ported ihat he wU nm oft U. road by anoUler car neu T'u8ttn Ave., on Cout Ht,ghway. La.man! reported that the car which ran him off the road a1ao aide.swiped a atation wagon going ~e other way. Tbe hit and nm driver turn. eel off the Cout Highway at The Archell and continued towardl Costa Mea.. Police were un&.t>l• to locate the hit and run car. Gets -Tenn in San Quentin for Abalone Theft , • ' I ' • ' • • .· • I I ,., - ; ' • • , ...... •' . ' I J/. • ~dscaf?irig Nea~ Completion ". ate~ Cf.Urch , -0 Lanl!-lnt Of Ibo 0 --yard of Cbdat ~ by u.. a,. ' ls nearing · completkm aft.er a ' year'o work anli"ettort. A JUT ... the-yard> WU llimply ·a aea of und' • wbtcb basJ to be hauled away be- fon , .. u. ....wi. r.. '-lit In. WU:b the exeepttoa, f!Jf_ tbl. eut •-and tba raaa ra1*n. plant, 1m4f la now aMrl¥ ffmple'9d. '!'bot. mm of the cburclk' u. -..inlnc' U.. responall>Ulty llor puttlns la tb.e. lawn an• me~ Qf Ute Fell-- lowahlp claaa are colnc-to be re- _.u.io' f01t puttlJo&" la. llM -,_ TIM wllola-pl'Oject llu -a l"Ml_ coatribation to tbe ""77-. ..,.,. Of ... _ -.. "!\ - come 40wD ta tM. pea•w•le . . Comm.unity Concert ueoclatloa membera will be Ult jg bear ·one of the moot popular pro...,... ot'- A!red Wo :rear tomlJft'OW nipt (Wedneed&Y.) wJleu De Panr'a·!Jl. tantry Chorus wlll -.. Saa- ta An& Blgll· acbool audltortwa. --. ~ ~AM C. l!JLEIUCK . (Pl\oto b)' Coll<en McClosky) . . , DriUod with ...-.. and mlll- l&ry p...:lslon by lbl brilllant COll• d...,..r, l.Aonard de. Paur, W. group ol N earo u-0.I.s hM an un-... m•tchtld record tor CODleC'\ltive pretonnance on three trana-con: tlnental lours. Thia la tbelr eec- ond appeanace · th.I.a WIGG la Orange 'COWlly and one which B&rbor ueociation IWtmbere will· not want to m1u. Roberta Tayb & William Elerick I ' ' -.. '· ~ - . ' • 0,.19, 1"<!0rulD, .now fe" wu fonµ.erl;, rt Beach Flrot BACK J1'ROM JAPAS--Jay S~ 115%-,~pole-Ave., 118'boa ·I sland, mod .. ls a h'rlda.I k~ wbkb. abe r.:.ouctiit bMk 'frnm J'apan. She "'orked as a. propam. dlrecitor ror Anny 8peeiel 'Se.rvicea 1a Yok.a.b.ama. Jay IA Ute dau~r Or Mrs.. Ruth Paddot'k G~ Wf'U-k:DO\\'b .mu~ U.Cber and CO~rt vloltafAt., '"O n, .• at 219Y1 Maf1De A\'t' .. BAiboa bland-t News·Tlmes Photo ) ' . Jay Sutherland Likes Japan; Rev. G~bert Ne e' Addresses Union S~!:~~YW~m ~fh~~~_pe_l _by_th_e le_a_. to A'tn~r-Mbc Nee Says People Eager ·to : Learn By l'.d ~·en ~ ·. "Never 8fleeze in front or a Jap&Q.me" is the <rhym &-llke advice ot J•y Sutherland, I !ti'~ A pol<:'na Ave., Balboa Island,-who rece ntly re- tµmed from lhe Japane~ homeland. "Sneezing is considered very•unmannerly," says ~Jay and beUevee tha t the reason ror this Is the inDred love of cleanlinesa &nd wartnea 19)' germs 'that ts on outstanding41------------- tralt of the Japanes<'. J ay Is the dark-hair ed daughter or M.rs. Ruth P a ddock Gibbs, mus ic teacher a rrd con'qert violini&t w ho lives 'at 219 i;.!' P.larine· Aw., Balboa lalantl. Mannequin -slim and poSMSS\ng the lithe grace ol a trained ..actress li-lht.~-studied dra- matics as a pupil of Oliver Hind- f~illar. _Even in the bl~ citie•. it aeema that the.re ta just a thin veneer of civi\Lzauon. J a pan reached its peak or developRl<>nt in 1900 but hasn't progreued' much sillce then,.. exCept militarily;" s))e 91>lain& PHmlttve!~ ... 7 aeU and Maria Ouspe.u.skya) Jay ''The women aUU cook on. char- sipent two years in ,;apan, most of. coal over the most PrJmJtive tn>e the time as a progran1 direct or for of stove called a 'habachJ'. Even t he . U. S .. A rmy·~ division ot today in many hospitals there are Spe<-1a.1 Se~ce.s. . , n.o central kitchens tor the prep- . .\. t1Ue h~t! 'Aro~rain tJi rec~or' araUon of food ror the patient&. can n1ean 1nany d1ffl·rent t hings Relatives or friends of the bed-rtd- to many di rfe rent P•>l1plt' and Jay den patit:nt.I simply-ton1e In set is of lht! °:pi.qi~n that 1t arfecled up their 'habachi' and cook a ~eal th<' Army likew ise. for the nne who Is ill. "Everything under the Rising "Japan is also·ve ry low on elec- Sun seeml:!d lo come n1y "'.ay when tric pow@r, anti the ir school rooma l v.·~rked for $pt·<:1al se:v1ces . ~y and hospitals are unheated, even duties ra.ngffi f'tom putting on l1ve on the most bitterly cold daya " talent shows to handling rerugees says Jay. "I tion't aee how th~y 1 ron1 the Kor('e.n action," she re-stand it." m arks with a ' ren1ini.scent !imile. 1-'amlly Trait J ay v.1er;\ to Japan in Novem- b,,r or 1948 and 1·xp l.ains th(' move "as son1e sort of a· ta.m ily trait," J LOOlt> frorn a rathc·r t·nt<'rprising f:i.rnily anti thought l 'd like t o see what waa..,..goiog on." She r~·.wen"t ovr r as an em- p loyee o{-fm\: !knl)omlc COmmod- 1 ly ContTOl 8i1f, l::D. son1e manner •\Vas mov.ed ov .. t-'tnto the procure- mint tiepartn1('nt ror the Eighth Arn1y. "\Ve hailt!lf'd everything from coal to rcrrigt"rators," says -Jay. . "Japa.nese homes have no fUmi· ture to s peak of. and the family still -Steeps on the n oor. But the average J apanese woman could certainly put t o shame an Ameri- can housewife 'A(be n 'it comes to keeping a .home clean~ You can W&:l-k all day in a J~se home in )JOJJr stocking fef!J. and never get. them even slightry soiled," she comments. Jay stresses that the Japaneec workman is very poor and that it is ~ ilifficut't lo rind a well d ressed Japan•'&· &1t It is to t'lnd • a Uusty com <'r In o Japane8(' horn('.· of 0 . C. Methodists The Rev. Gilbert Nee Of Wuhu, China, WU the speaker ~. Jan. a. llight aa a ~e crowd or onaace county lib-pt1>- erec1 .. Cllrist ~ by tM Bea tor lh8 moathl;y d1amr m..u.g of the Orange Count;y, -t Un!on. Bia duttiptjoa Of ~ u- .. -oJ' l1la family In glY!Jlg up home a.nd country WM on• that left tile audience wit.b. ~ qt- pnciatton at their bom.es Ln:i thb country. I Dinner tor 1the event waa Mrv- ed .by the Women's Society of Christia.n Service of ebrtst Church by the Se&.. It ia tbs tirat tlm4' tile county onuti.a.t1011 ev.e» met in Newport Beach. " ' Mrs. Frank Perew Re views Aey for EbeH Section The Happy Tune, Samu.I T~­ lor'a new add popuJ» play pre- sented last ytar in New York City by Roger and Hammerattin., was ,;ven clever nvtew yeeterday ·by Mrs. Frank Perew wben the play reading section ot Ebell chlb met at the home of Ute.• cUtrm&a, Edythe Barn-. 121 Vta Ktntone, Lido lale. ' Tlte play, wb.icb. deala wttb ..,..,.cb pe<>pl• Uvlq In c.n&da, called for a coll8idiHUle &moW'lt Of Fr-enc.b dialogue, lJl w:lticlti ltn. Perew waa comfortal>Jy "at bome ... A deat.ri. COUn& WU MrVed by th• ....... ~ tho pro(r&m. • are Mr . an.d Mrs: William Colin Absent Members M thodi Elerick, who repeated vows at tv.•o o'clock 0n TueMl&y,. Jan. 2 1n Send Gree. tings Chapt!l by th.e Sea, CQrona del Mar. Mni. Ele rick i• the former t o Newport Circle Roberta Jean hylor, daughter or Mr. and Mra. WU.lia.111 O. T:ay&or, ' !.Looking Ahead" waa the timely 117 -30th street~ Newport. ~her toplc uaed by Mra. John Pfitlhchner husblnd la Ul:e eon of Colin S. as she Jed devotion• when members Elerick of Vi.ncouver• and the late of Newport Circle, wscs of Christ Mrs. W illiam ~ey. . Church by the Sea met at the Roberta was ,given in maJTiage home ot Mrs. J ohn U'Ren, 3512 by her fa.t.her. the Rev. ~auJ Bab-West Ocefll Front. bill, pastor of Corona del Mar Greeting:!! to r the new year were Community church, performing read from former members Mrs the double-ring rites. Gonser , now In Michigan:' Mrs: M s. ~Gilbert 1ee ot. China will b(>. eaker toda at the l :30 pro- gr of the W men'• Society o! Chr tlan Service, Christ Church by e Sea . Thd business meeting will nvene at l 1 a.m. ln the Up- per oom and w ill be followed by lune eon, servtd by Newport Hei ts circle. M s. C. M. Deakins t.o Address ' . Li o Club Women She wore pink lace In ballerina Wllllam EIJls of Porterville; Mrs length with matcbblg. lace jacket. Edward Burns of Solano Beach; A coronet ot aee4 pearla crowned and Mrs. E . D. Goodell or Los An-A · members lot Lido Lele Wo- her dark hair and h.tr beautit'UJ gele.oJ. · men club are Invited to the year's bridal bouquet wu ot deep pink Reports ·ror the ba l( year were firs m~ting 'of the garden see- rosea and while baby . orchid&. given and plarui made tor the sec-tion, to be hel~Thursday, J(J to Servtng u maid of ~or was ond half. , 12 -·m: a.t the ome of the new Peony Haley.· atJlter of the br1de-Mrs. D . w . Roltby reviewed the pre.s ent. Mrs. ·a y Langenhelm. groom, w~ wore Ice.blue , slipper flrl!t thr<'e chapters of We Seek Mrs Stanley Chambers ta section satin and ca.rried a cok>nlal bou-H im Together , t he year's devotion-c . She will present u QUC'l of yellow roMbuda. Match-81 boOklet, by Maude White Hardy. er Mrs. C. ~-Deak.Ins, whoee ing the bouq~t wu her headband ·During the social interim Mn. l will b1i 't'I'rees." ot rosebuds. Jack Qufsen~, u--P . L. Higgins uslsted lhe hrQst- sumed dUtie• of beat man and Cal es.s In serving refreshment.a to the Fuller wu uaher. Tall buk ts f ladlol following membtln: Mmea. Holtby. e Q g WI and Ptlachnt>r, Redfern and tbt> Mi.Sses mixed flowers, toiether with tall Adele Beddome and Elsie New- candelabra~ provided setting-tor land. the ceremony. Mrs. Taylor. mother ot the bride,. cfl09e-tor the occa- s ion, a tan dress wl~ cocoa -brown 1 Uf ian Danie ff acceMOr1ea. Mr. Elerick, father of the bridegroom, c&me down rrom to Review · Vancouver for the ceremony and ~::.nt several da}rl! wtth ~ daugh-English Book T he new Mrs. Taylor waa gradu- ated from Newport Harbor High school. Her husband was at O range Cout college tor two years and a year al Woodbury college . New Bo"ok Sec:iion Planned fer · · Mrs. Taylor wore a black velvet Ebe ll C lu b Any EbeU members lntett!lted in torming • new book aectk>n are invited tp a1tend the meeting or sui t and her orchid coraage r or the honeytl,oon. spent: at Glen Ivy, in Mexico and at Big Bear. I •' ' "' Van Chambe rs Home for Weekend bor Couaeil ot 'WbolclUaelr..,. She finally ended u p producing r hoWM anti got ::i b ag kick out or helping th<' Gls by providing lhem with ~reatlon tacllil les. book section 2, to be held Wednes-Arriving Saturday afternoon · '"l!trey are ve ry ha rd put, be-cla.y at l2:30 p.m. at lbe club from Sap Francisco where he ts house. Mrs. Grace W ebb ls chair-1 ht d t 1 t · arborites En joy Open House Pnt-.Y•r on reb.. !Ant. .. CbrllO Jay found J a pan a fascinating place and says "I was ve ry favof.- bly impressed by the land and by th<> pt"Oplc: 1 ma<le n1n11y Japanest fr t~ds and think tha t the Jap- anese people bu. v1~ done a marvel~ ous reconstruct ion Job." cause o f thei r low Incom e. 'f'vh>nty on n g u Y U n t>me at San dollars a monl.h is an average sab man and asks each to brine • Fra.nct.co hoeptt&.1, wa.s Van sack lune heon. Ch •-o ary, and one quarter of thUI -amu.;:ra, eon of r . anp Mrs. amount is take n up just in provld-Sta.nley Cha.mbera of I.Jdo lale. in.g enough rice. There ta a quota Leadership' Schoof With l\lm aa gueat ror the week on rice . and-ea ch one in a ftU'l"lllY -end waa Mlu Marilyn EndreBOD Oile n! the moet delight.tul holl- ls apportioned enough. rice ·ror a ... Christ Church of Los Gatoa. "Into a boat" wa.s day affalrs enjoyed by ·Mre. Frank two meals or the day." ~ first desire' of Van. who ha.a been Pcrcw or Newport and her gueata, at Laguna Beach , Despit~ their cleanlinesa, the The annuaJ leader.Ship acbool &l home only ,.on ce since sp~ M~. and Mn. Fra.nlt P erew, Jr., fapanese have a very high tuber-Chris\ Church by \.be Sea will open Stton4 eon oC: lhe famUy, 8u%., wa.s the oockta.11 ._party and open Cl-.L _ cular rare. anll the primitive nat-. next Monday, enrollment.a having bu returned. to Michigan State bQuae of the Pike Muons ot Bev-· Lll>S ure ot their 98.Il itary racilitit's ma1· I been taken Sunday morning. college. He WVttkt have been ~ sen-erJy Bma, who recently exchanged I f · have a gteat de al to do w ith the Coursea .on the Bible. church work lor this year at Wl..Ua.mette Wberc lbelr Capi!!lnno ,o.range grove tor 8 Or b.igh incidence ot the . diMBM!. and. church school teachtng WiU be wu a Beta Theta ·Pl, bUt ~ans-a bea&lutut home on Temple ~ t L . -a· ys. Jay was well cattd ror by the convene through six Monday eve-ferred to the tormer colttie ·fu ~ Other mubi.al K.W _, • ,, .. ' -. . ' I• .. .. ' 1 f • 1T£.,. Ju 21 FJ " ·1•r · , ' ,. • -- . . . 7 • ' • , ' . . '~· TO Y2 Off ~JANUAAY ClEARAICl . . ; ' ~ ~ ARTKJLE8 lltf Uss 'l'llAN l(&LF, j Wlf1"'l 'J'BJ:Y LAS'I': · WJ...---'s• SH OES, BIOURS, Glnll..,. s-..., ......., • ,..,kola, S-P.ectal _.., '' -.. Qullt«I Robeo, ' V• TO .. !-> OFF DR.~STIC &EIMJCTJONS WOK.K and DRESS-SJIOES, ..... alllrts, T-8b.lrta. t r t·=r·· 81'1 I••. llhurta. \\'001 90X. uad .. ...,era. WOrk soi, cord trouers. walkln...r ' ahorta, l~tbcr work "'"' t• bat.a., -· """"' ~ % • ·!"z· ~. 1tau,.t•: SWDI SETS, whit& lltlrta.. M.td' ---r·~ troURra. jacketll.. 114 to Yi OFF • CHILDREN'S AKI> lNFANTS' ._net and -..... paje..lnaa an.' c;owa& D1ec11t1?, wtent, .-.W r,obe8. .uppers.. ' . I NO 1a.y aways or plaw orcle.n. OD T&JfJ. mere......,,. NO exch&Dses or refuatlit o'fl sale meft'lltndl8ie NO. Greea. Stam1P9 sf\•e• on sale ine~cllse ALL s.u.gs FINAL EWPOR DEPARTMEN'r STORE tr11£·,··' j: HAllMOID • .. CiOU OIGAI • v .. Can Play , Rich Organ Tones ~ 'at O.C• wm&OOT ~e~o & lllNOLS lfO'l'S OF lft181C :w-arpa•~ Army, ,and mentiWled that Uvi.ng , ninga. •tudy hotel and reeort mahage-friends from Beverly B illa were peration ol 1local •rvlce eating anct sleeping under govern-I:;;:;;::;;:;::;;:==:;;:;;::;;:;::;;:==:;;:;:;;:;= ment. ! : J pff.sent ta tn&ke lt •'PY occa.aion. el wit.-the. ardea 8ecti8a ot D ~tal BUpervtsion WB.!J •·lot Uke f' · the Ebell lub f N rt n--•' Sh • nd J b th -•-many people kill~ many people ' . ~ ~ ewpo UoC-.O•&o. e .ou ape.n rea t-.aingly living in a $1l1&ll American com-~ M W L li'!ff!_ l J I ~·---gh th Co del "-o-~ Jub beautllUf: Ila people frank. Bin-munity. WW be killed. Even your God who rs. • NJUQ ~ myrt e ~ ter an~ th;"~. ;-~ ... i"::":.c~n ' "Yokoh..tlma 1Jay ~pf'nt most of her time lit this Iarge n1el ropolls ) w u practically h:>vf'lt't..1 by bomb- ing, but It is bt>ing ~built rapid• Jy. It g ives lht> opp1..•aratlce ot be- ing an under-popula tf'tl a rt> a rath- f'r thaA 11 place that has been de- molished,'". she co1n.m Pnts. Thirst' for Kno\,·ledce 'IU1i ftftti·• ~ llNOA core. and not without humor ... la To mWtary peroonnel au Jap-:: =::.:-::i •. ~ not get train to be Hrosstess • b o· f .. ely . for tbe ••le ' "~;lt .. : popularly suppooed. •"fhe Japanese anese eating placea, and most ho-to e . irec:t or 0 , er parkway• . lllaeArtlwr. have a tttmendous thlrst for tels "(ere off limits. But theoe J~ al8o found tl>&t the Japaae.. t B l S .&! 1' L B H p!.l ( bou vani. adj t to .Corona del· li ·•a ·. knowledge and wtU stop and watch Alles <!ldn't apply to civilian ~r-b&ve realised. their sl41<• In the 0 0011;8C:TIOn I • OS rrA Ma•,· report&.. ......,, w • (., •. "' In ""t d I Kott•• -•·1a ·-• cJ•--the follow-, \ 'f' .---!-'.... " you w, ever you are o n.g aonnel and ~ay ate at ·many Jap--;, ....._ --~ 1 • • chairman. _ 1 .. • ,,,, 6111' . ( , -I _.. wlth l!oaeat and unabashed int-aneae placu_ and aeema none the l:ng ex mple.. Mr .. 0 . Z.._Robe.rt.lon ,,.qi nYlew llf'L. Kyrt:Jte Slaughter, mother lt '9~·boped at·~· hJ.......,_y f!i:'ll LIR• Q. t•rut." worse tor it. ''The food ls very •'Wben the Kore&ri war· broke Joy Stree.t by B'rabce. ~k:ln.80ft of M,.-; W. B. l'lahcr of Shore ..,&~ tatO ~ ~.;,,(, 1 ! ' \.t. :-. ~ "Many atudents worked lri our tlloroughly cooked, and 1 thooglll out the blC J_ ... ordnance K~yea Wiien Ebel! clUb boolt aoc:-Cliff Road, c.o.on. deJ Mar, in-..e.leca~DG\ be .-.i ~r•-++---:--"-1-"--'-"'--"", _.__ _ _,,__-,-~i'r"':--"---• • offlcea ad that . they could loam Ulat my ,chU1<ea of catching any-plaau .na allli!Yarda wen work: Uon 1 medl Tbumclay. at the --al>e ~ to allodly but Win ,.,.. l clean-f>C debdM. 1 • , EDgtlah, Tile peopl• """' forbid-thing were worth the adventure," Ins at ,,_ pMk. productloll. No o~ Kn. Wlllard I. KJlll~ 901 Via ~ dito<tor ol 1-6 -tnJm ~DC' ' • Tbe clUbe.llJ'Of .de:n to -lunl and •ak El>sllah alle say&• ai>Md-vp -"!lwted 117.o\Jbm. Lido Sowl. '1'bla WIA-"'I' a. -~~ -----•akt'!C'-q;. stlon Of mo-I dm1a&' the war by an edict ol u.. 8lle t•~ a utue atory about the -&llilloriUoo, but Jape•-•'clods clt111rt M4 wi.tl)ic --llOr.. toe a...-,.-. ~ ~ -lo· Ullo ' -~ alaO a Em-. but they'n> plcklng It, up Japan... taiJWay .,;item with -keno atarted, tumlq Oil\ wlilaii -wtll be Mn. llllltla 'Ii ll.ur-l""8 abl\ fsaii ~ Aww ol a, prem •IO tie cllaril qulclt\y," alre adds with a lllJalit t,beU rli:RtY "'Pllpm"'ll, 11 .. foot, llad -~ a•-• wodi 1.....,.t and Kn. 0.0.C• ~-_ ~q i. 11 ~ f 19 1-• I . 'M .,.... · ·-• ,_. ... lit ,....,..,. touob of --...L She ca>-four Inch long oleeplng facwtloo, la""':.~•-__ .,.,... P '• j. [ • ~ ' ::" 1tu.:!uher11e.J~i.:; ~ow U:.=i1:-=..=--1th. -z-.. ~-.,_ -J~ ~ Fist. c....rTia.y M Faaaorril· ·..., •w' ;;,;~· .........,... ... aialt• ID'°!"" --DJQl<ll'DWI. ·1e •u..;: ta.1a did - --.ia.e ~...,. wm pi.,. .r. .:..:.~ ... -· • I.:• :;. ' · • ~ • """•-.....,...._ · ...... .1b•16"the Japan•· • ._ malatain 116 aclle4ule----.... \Ml tk I • at ~t.--.. ,.., Reo.ltalil:g Dale CID*' yoa ...W Co loto e'ftll tM t•'sd ~ : ,,_, I .........., • ! pld ·• ~ -. . ,,,..,.. ca.ta. UMt..-11••'4 Japu·11 ~ ~~ ~ *Alsa ~"n. pllillic 'Glllfa-, plzpe4.'fw . ..._ '5 t I P 2 0 .. _l<l"e •~'".,.jlltaL -~ .. -Poot cM11. -"OM -.Ulen -a _.._ Jer *t a "f -t¥91 1 ~ ft~ 11 h • ~ -Q .. M - • 'P p 11 , ... fa-= --L -•-11op,aula------~ _.,_ --t •el -·'• t!oe •-.-ellll.' ... • -,.-... -· · -.' , --la.-· -... -......... .,_, .. ~:-..... I 1h -~II• n t .... 'DI .... ....: !.,.::;_:.. ::...::. !...... ...... 141 ; ·--' A ft• i:ii~ila.1' ;,r;;. ~-t-• ~11le•r:=:11 7f:+ -~ ................. :.-....... ·---r-;Tti: .......... 11111• llL -.-i-.11 - J 1roZ;l~--~ ..... ' .. ~ '!!!.,.ta.!;1'!'.:!'%,t: ._i; ~~~--...... 4 ? 2 ·-... , ......... ··-·-U•-Wll ~-I ...... --119 -~ --• --"""'" • ..._1 • ._., -111• t,,a. ...,_of llM - --.., -----••-•-" llf I>oertlilw ..,tbw -4NINns at a8 IP "ftoaja dW ~, -_.. ... Ol'llll,. , lfal r, _ ..,_,_ L ..... -~ d l't• Ja1' "' . ' , • l • l • • ' y -. •• • • \ I I , " • I .. ' I .. L-' I i I ' ' 1~ . . •t I • " • • j· " i " ... ' ' ~ · EW5-'TIMES =,. _ ~ -'j LO€al D.~1(¥ ~ ~-:.ebi. ~s::~:: ,S~te-. Regelit at L • • ' 'I • ' ' ~ ol lf_..t Btlgljta, ... . . • -. . ' -· • of. tlloi~ :J)&y Ad ... _ • -MJ1i. W & '.l'rltl +---~4-..,.----...i<.-l~ ""'-' • •tloo on '.·'Sat:t. lY· Tiie COi. Wllll&ll'l calldl, ~P-~ •In JoctJSan,,.l ;=~ ,......,, e.: 1 · 1_1er ot tlle Dauchtera of the Amttf: .. ot the D. . 'l o. Tiie · • oUlcen are 16 '· ·..,, ReV<!jllilon or Newpo\-\ Barbor anal and. ~ · bulldlnc!' :Jn ---,..--++----+-~---"--'----.,-. -.-:.---,,...,,- ·-: ......_ Mr L. V...pt. w. L . ..: ·. . Washlngto la.ve beal outpown. r.==:!=;::l*::i::;===1==:i:;::i:::==========:i:::::;;i ~ *-" C. ila..me , .. ~ rf.eok· pan .Jan, 2 1n • feClproelty A;rrangeme ~i. tor• ,'l.&rg€ q~n I k < • _, Dr. f ..... ller ,:."'&. Rut.;! ...,..,..._ at th• Hole! 1-. !A-tO bOll>e •"""'"""'" bnno$ ot AN .~.· . • tedp, D.. ~ w 1 ..... .,.u: .,..... -" ... ~ heaoffil -aetivtty .ar~ ·htmc ""'"'· D. .•"'vi . tad A,.. •s U; ~~ ll:fa. .~ A.. Fu!eP, ~l'J'ftt, o( ~(&. 'A.. R. lla;n 1 for f()!elpera ~ · ~ t. ·~ a. ci.:rton "' Mordca. . lo pr\Jlte<t 11 dlfr~iencu-'fh. . . ~Of Offlces~by VMCM, Ml....:.-aM>L xm.,.· ,T1118 ..... a e<>-lllffllq,of all°"' •s•• WU ~ """the :.u<u-~ 'I • ~==~: eierk, .,..; ;Dg• _,. cbajl'?" w1t11 Patt-. .,, •• wu ·•t'?-' '° •ai\4• "' ED . A·&Dj·· R. RO.ISON !Idea a.. . mluioDa>Y lHde• •net Wrlll't .cbp::c< o( i.a,eaa .....,, tt. , , "" ""' Dr p "'•teb d' Beecb aetla~ .. -: aDd Col, set!atact WU ._ -· ' l1ID.IC 'J.ccouNTANT ' -~ai...;.. · ~:r it'., WJ!I. Cabell Chap(tr ol Newport. the 11\terest t>. A. R. c-.pte"! are ··1" ' . •. o_ JI& .-dioir iead.r Mral I:.: llojan Clhlpter of 11'11uuioa ·!""I taktna-In the' welfare · :J._ the !!p.!cla.ilsl"fl I~ A......,... aad IMome Tax PVllUi>: .... Kn. A .· VaUJbl~ ~ta Ana Oapter ,ol S&ata Ana ~lua dJsn which lo I of OfftC<': zsor .w. Bait+>& Blvct; Newport -.... B•r-S'TO -DP C Jilmmeraon aalotlnr _al 0.. beau~ affair. their peat rojeete. . • , - p lllo4j<lln . . 1 , Mn: 1 l'lllliu r:: -amp.~ by la c. . ·Mi's. !>-.illtt •*'e R: .... ,_,., l'lloat: ~lier 141!-J ror · Q.e I aa..:e...t.b acbool super-the f~S et:n.~ ot '1er-.tate eaa read-'• . t tbe job ~ng dofle latCfilll, Dr. C. L. Sihitll:: J\lnlor boa.re\: lb•, . Aitll& W . Jillt.wa., _Dy .lhµted ~atione to'\reha tate di•-, -L. row· prbnUy cllap.~ Wlll\tler, lllr•. Edllrftt orpnanod· oj)d. --c n, ,, Ml-a.-··•-'. • · H. G-. or~ oec>et.l:PJ, -tor altf: ""''thy!~­C. · i:fumereo~: plan:;:; •. 1 ~ Pu.Hen• snd MFS. John l:.. Cham-. eompft~ United Na" · .bet . ·~N FA'.MILY..,.. MrLL.W .s.uer:.us \(.la·Nie.;,-Lldo '1...:.1s .bo.;,,'.;.lth' twb-y---~ld • ..._ u18 .. .-M. -...n~"'Jif.._,..1n 'N-"·unt•.O-O.·e-·-·._.~.,_ .. Ht-s t .. .. • • ' • • ....... Mukai.;lllr. Seu.er.~• C9ni~*'n ~.hnM, hotel ua,.,...,... s_t.ore lD tW tlil7 ·,&IM.. -ktil W. *·•ltr. 'the ~.f;t'9a!W 'II""' jll ~. Al8l'lla.i I•• m · ,_.;., ' !P~ Pllotpl BUtch:er· mtaton.ary lndel' Mre pie11x. of Alhambra, reg"Wtta.r. let os s. d staW\chty , d K perrj '' ' Recent, !.'I~. Tl;lomas B. Ken· thesn. The are 166,000 (,AR) · · nedy aad her board oUiclall,)• wonu:on that 1 e know are int rest· greet¢ all guests and 102 were. cd In the ~tll'r things of life. seated. at ta•les lovely with carna-, Th°'<!se are tJRe women wbo b neve tlona and polnsetttas. Kand palnt· in the t>tticsfy ot pray~r." Dupff~ate Bridge Winners · Told ed plaee ~arda .by La.pna Bet!ch Sixteen ~mbers ot the ew· . arthrt member, Von.ml Owinp port Hnrbor.,;Chap':.er attend thf' Mra. Margaret Holmes and Mn. Webb and cer-emiC dove pieces by luncheon. y will hold thti;.fr Peggy Jobnaon wen wipriers Kay (Mrs. baden)-JPincb pf eo. next local t ing on Jan . north·80"1h and M.q. MUdttd rona del Mar, member ot Col. Ca· Lytle and Robert Bro-..'11 were hlgh bel. Chapter made a dfgtlnctlv~ set-J w·o: Al.ASKAM RfSIDENJ,: :·NOW .. ·QN·· ;·UDO• · :?E~:=~·~:; ~:,~u~~:; =;~;~::~~!~~~~:.::~ O toiamson I ... .. . ' • ., . ,• -Rumten·up north·seUth ' we're the room. Responsible for the 'H. J s·· th'd Tf .. ·us·· -.... S~ORf·.· .. ·.·.::Of:. ~ .. CU.·· ~·.:.f-· ·.··~·1N·., .· ·K·ING. · . .-S.·ALM· .· .-.·'O_N :~~:~rsBr~=pa;~L:;,dc~ ;:~lye ::·~.~:c.::'~~:J:;:: ·.0 PP~ ir a . , . D . ,W <Lherby·, Mr. and Mre. Frank Webst"er ot Newport Beach. J ,...,,. b · o •. :J"'-• .;att • .:;on \Vi11 e se n • in , . . , , ~ ~. • , . . _ Reed; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gas· At the offtcial table with Mrs. the role .or. ~ddie Bemis, the one· ·' "llfY;Jtfe bas. been one of cipiiti.-..U."~aya-Kn. E. °W". s.Aer .. a. dltl'Jr-Plairedl &'pd Yivaeioue woraa.:. "wno ser; Mr. •nd MrJ, J oe Wilcox. Kennedy were State Regent Mrs, ly Ubra.ri&n1_Who decides to take ·l.al~~of lhe.,newest tt~lA ot Lrdo Isle.'~. he'\ soii-.Jt.Qg;z &Ad: two-yea.r-oli&' daQPter, Uta. ate llving Runnera-up ea.st·~'Ut were Mrs. I Fuller, ?.lrs. C. A. Neighbors, Mo· herself off If-he shelf. in the. La- a l' 113 V~ Nice, but only tem.porartJy.~~r tl'le echoot't!'rl'D eods (Mrs. Seller imptatna that sM came to Oaaie C?osela.rid and Mrs. W. A .. fave Chapter Re.gent: Mrs. Charles guna Beach ;,Comml!nlty Play"oUBf' ...)..... Houston ; Mrs. ~enry .Eggert and K. Bbari;tman, Regent of Newport ~ Ne\Vport>.so that her aon· could go tO' a g'f""" school, there bei.Dg no Bebool iJl King Salm.a., Ala.aka., where Mrs. George ,... ........ JI; Mr. and Mrs. I Harbor Col. Wm. Cabel Chapter: pres~ntat on of ··Happv BlrtJiday" the Seiler ak thei t born ) -•-1•-will t "el A--"· <-b h •·-d ~·v wh;ch opens Jan. 24. This aJli>eal-, ,, · !i m e r pennanen e .-..e. '3'I:" mr ~ Yrn -to ,... r 19-.l!J't aume w ae Wluai.• Ben Baum tytng with Mr. and i·Mimc Iva Welah. Laguna Chapter: fng l'oJe· v;e.a created in the 1g. Kdwtn runs • hotel, rest.aur-.nt ..... ----------'------'-------------Mrs. M . o ·. Minton·. Mra. A. W. 'Mrs. \'Y:. L.~raeton, State Regent . I , month New 'Y~rk n.i:n of the play a.ad ~:neral store. · Seoeb o..i..--t. -\r-ulc Ill. · An. ch-are -'-'• found Tummel and M:-s. Charle:s Bo&rd-or Colorado: Mrs. C . F . Landers. b H 1 H ·~ a.ti' ~ olµLU N B h '! Ba y e en ayes, '\.vho enjoyHI her .£xjtl&inlng the "contrasts'' In lba.t Ure munici--1 .. 1 _ _. ·there man. e\vport eac : .ors. ~ncy -_T ~ H.-.... Mn. . . Mrs. Setler ha.3 apoken ·before ...-. .._.l'V'.. Th N H C 1 ma R t t Santa A iongf's~ Broadway run in t hi8 ve· ~ -Seiler points out·tbat Many C>'Phuna . and •-·an u• ... -had more trarnc than. La Guardia e ewport arbor Duplica~.? o e n. fegen Edo I GI na hick>. ·. ~· me WM born·tn ~rto R!co (her &"" t"" ua ...._,,.., fleld.'t . -Bridge club w111.ho1d 0 \tt; next regu. Chapter; i rs. y,· n a.ss of n-. "" t · I -' •--u I ~ n.uunding out the _1a1•re caa who "1£A&llah still ·has a Latin Oa.vor) mem...,r 0 civ <:" organu.g. ona n ''T. I •· ·i 1· lb -'I tar. meeting on Friday evening at . Paaaden:i, 1.frs. Anna W . Benson e Alaska. She is a fiery exponent fer ~·•on y coun 1.0$'. e sma1. Whl . M Jdhn Ch I are appearing undef the gul ding ainn<t,.baalu'~tv. ~d the last seven yean lhe pr-rec<>gnttkm of Ala.ska... er planes, too. Most of.the Iarpr 7 :30 o'clock. All Interested bridge of ,,;,___tt1er : ·rs.-.. ampcux hand pf guest director Majorie .... -r-· tran-.orts and army 'planes land players are lnvitOO. of A·mambra and <eP" s, Cecil King· \\'illlainaon are these newc ers She>add t ... ..A A1--k · "We Deed more high.)¥ays and -.-. ie-o: ma.n, Mra. Gt>orge Bigelow and ~ ' 8 • oo. u~i. _,. ~ is 8 more scheola a.nd more 'lndustries at th~ tlc;.ld maintai)'t~ by th'!' · and old tavorltes: Dana es, 1..(1-ot eoanasts .. "It bas a ttt· . . , Army. Jn 19{>-l-, t•e tMne•t atr-Jennifer Jean Mrs. J ohn '"· Kinkaid, &ill of La· Judy Hcrric. ·auss Davtdson. Ben· raaa-.is •ao.ge o; temperature& aad we need held from the federal porit in th-e wttrld '¥ill be--completed .,, L."Wla Beach. ny Tut.ner: Vivian Grlset, ohn fXolJl the hf:_at of the summer to give~ent to ~~ll:fn . the~e in Anchorage." • -._IS New Arr·1va I ,Grace was pronounced by Stale R esniek , Eileen H8llgarth, Jlenny the winter's sub zero thermometer lhl'nga:, she 98.ys. It weu!d Se Dis8usaing her hu.sband·a actlvl· . . Chaplain, ?.trs. Anna Benson tol· Hicks, Stella GaUehue, Jodie raul, readings .. we bave the highest w1ae trom the polAt of national ties in th~ Far North, she com· at D1'llon Home !oW,id· by devotionals by Mrs. F . PI . Kton Erltton, Robert Duin.ant Sue · mountain oil the NoPth .Amttlean 'defeue to bufld up Alaska, and I ments that theiT-anm-al store Billings and flag rit~I by ]drs. OOntinent~ too. And.n.lso the._ big._-.. am quite_ s_~e ~at Alaska Is ready doesn·t get much tr<ei!~ from the Jo~ Champl.eux, state reg!slrar. ~u;;n1ell;,.~odtt dy" ~ahva, Ksar~thn ~Kerr, geat ·gta:ciers:: -f'Or statehOOd. k Clo f That long-awaited newc<imer in Thi> address of welcome was made "rt ..;,o,;o ' ~t ur mi ~ f l I .~ry war-er.s -W1Jl: up. ~am the the home ol Mr. And Mrs. Arthur b R t .,_ Th B K The settings a.re being ;des~ Two l\'ays W Travt>I ~·"'" urgues ervent y and w th a States. "They come fr.om vlaces -1 Y egen ...... s. omas . en· by Mrs. M . E . Hinson· &nd Miss great enthusium. I\ ls easy to tell where the atorea ha•d a lot more Dlllon, 1012 Orange avenue, a'r· nedy, who Introduced all present. Lorin Barton. Rosalie Wa is Continuing, ahe says "that to tAa~ she bas the welfare of our '° otter t.ban we Mve," .a. aye. rived Friday at St. J~ph hos· The guest of honor. Mrs. Fuller. stage ma.na.ger. c :are McCullnugh ~netrate the tnt-;ri.;>r· regions of nonhl!rn ou~poet at h~W. ··sut t..be Aleut.a a.ad the Elkl-pftal Sh• welghrd aeven pound.e, was prescnt£d and g-avt> a most ::::i~;; , A.f.a:a.ka, then are only two pncti· She says Qiat tn King Salmon mos bU)I: at our. tener&l alOl'e and six ounces and has been named inlereat1!1,g and inspiring addreM. and ' Barbara Marx are ·ha in4" , 25 YE RS'IN BUSI S ut-o· Painti -ng Fa ory· Ovenl Bate Enamel Point Job I . $i . f jll Price " • Any Car-Any ·Colar • In at 9 AM- • Al! la-· 1950 colon . Out at 5 rM • Requires No Waxine • 20,000 Satisf'ied • Written 1 Year Cj stornen , · Guarantee hone Reservati~n Fot< 1 Day Service · A.LL Bd,DY & FENDER REPAIRS , DONE AT LOWEST COST! ' ., ... GENUINE Tailo..,.li•e Plastic slat Coven • s14ts ' " . cal ways to. travel and they cer· there aren·t~ enough ch>ild'ren of have a pUsion for t'&:mera equip':. Jennifer Jean. She r.eferred to the pr~stige ac .. 9 jerties. · .. ' ta· , I • .th h _,. --•--1 , ' t •-•· ro-.ded m·m•-rs of n D. A . R . his gay comedy will }:lol the tn Y cen ras .... w1 eac u• •. uer. :'"LIUU a~ .,o wu_rap > SC-.-L rmel'lt and dark: gJ..-.. :en. the ~ ~ Be You can eitherilllle a dog sled. or Eight children are needed, a.nd North. d~k gla.sM• •flll for Neut New Sori Born Cbaptt>r and thf' importance of LAguna . &ch Community lay· NOT FIBRE NOT SLIP.ON ()OVERS ' .. Aft Up an a.irplanf," she says. t)le".r~. are o.o.Jy three in King Sat: $1~ anti t hey can get them at our plans no'v bt>ing made for the ~~use stage !l'onl ,Jan. 24 t pg_h "But _dt:m 't J,t>t people get the mon. store for about one titt.b of that to Wm. lesters forthcoming year by the different I lrnpresaian that the Alaekan.s are • ~·K.iog S"almon is more. of an air priin." .. groups. 'there are 2601 chapters • • aJ1 usfrlg dog sfeds and yeBin·g traruire-r pPint than anyfhlng Ute,'"' throughout thC' country a.11 work· Gt ESTS AT PL.A.C!:.NTJ~ RllOe8& Nat:kes Tht> WIUl•m Le~t"rs o't 227 "·! M ' J E · rd~ d 'mush' au o.f the ti.me. Qup bi.g-sbe says. "Our canhHt:• ~ ....,... :n:; town.rd the samf' goal. Alt , .. r. and rs. . . dwa .so n.n , &-OMtway, Costa Meaa, started out ct M . •--G Ba cit.lea are op to date and modcrb. nms·ftom summer until the month "The natives are an extremely are n1e1nbers ot the unit ot big gran son, 1c1UM'I oorge of I· • the new y~ with a brand new · Tb.ey cnmnArJo ..... 1.,,.. fa.vwaJAu .of c.::.... ...... m..l:r.e..r. and the onl" way honest rwople and they are paid j._ bustncss that iS concerned with•· boa, v.:erP recent guesta at the ----..__... .r ~ .J .-· son wno arri ed .Jan·. l at St. Jo· with any oi the cities in the 48 that cannery Y.'Ol"kt'rs get to our for their work at the end or the the welfart-of this nation. The ' homE' of ~fr. and Mrs. Le Ed· states.·· region is by s.ir. The workers are I cal\nlng season wlth a check usu· seph hospital. H e weighed six orga"n!utlon takes a definite sta.nd'l wardson, , Placentia, iui: me ber,>11 The word ··stat e" brings a cru· flown _In from the States, and also ·auy o"O"er a thousand dollars and pound.a, ten and a half ounces. agal.nat Communism. of a holiday party.-, sa.ding llght into ~trs. Seiler·s ey~ fto:n ()J.rt.s of Alaska for the can· about ten dollars in: ca.sh. This and· she insists that Alaska must ning ~~ ne bfg tra.nsperl.! eeem11 to be an aJternpt lo M ld be given s!.atehood. '"Why living land at Nllk. Nek Air Bue, &ftdtl dbwn their weleat pura1i...e. and ln Ala.ska Is almost the -eflbodi-·from there tra.nsf.el' U&eir p:ueef!~ to prevent thet:P beittg exJ>loited menl ot the 'Tax.alio~ithout gers to smaller planes.·· · 1 by unscrupuloU&i tnckni." repN.Se.ntatton· cry of our~ • Aa.olber Piu "The. Alaska Native Service usu· fathers who fougbt tor and woD . C ally sends a man dewn who acts ae our independence from tbe Brit· ThD fa__ another ~opportunt7 fM a gu&rdlan ange> or ,.Dig brother i!lh." ~ · · tJils ALukc--tiooeter to get in a to th@ na1tv• and &dvi9es them to .. You can fly from Seattl~. plug" ~~ ~he does so w1tn great rceep1 away rrom. Uqaor &nd savt- Washington lo Anchorage. Alaska gusto. theirf inoney.'" ~ in about eight hours, and Jose your .. My"husband llJld I Hve<t in--4!1· Prlces, in general,. are ·a lot ..pr.vil~gf' to vote in the aame .short chorage fqF abow.t aix years u:ad I ru.gher in Ala.ska than in the LEAVES FOR A.LASKA Vis"lting" Mr. and Mn. ~ Walk· er of 27t1t, ~eet on 1'1esday wert' t .. e l r C..u,tltera. let& Robert Ehorn. her· huakru:t ejtd ~lly o! Santa Ana. 'Mr. Ehorn left 'Wed· nead"ay morning tor Seattle \Vhei'e he Will be Jt:rined by two othe:r men, the trio flying to Ala.ska where they wlJf ~d three weeks mak· lnC" eKimatft e.nd designs for elec· tr'lce.l eoatn.ets . ENTl!RTAIN DAUGHTER • time," ant adds. "The A:IB!tkan ts can trutft:f\IUy-say that A.18.ska Iii State. $J11.YS Mrs. Seiler, and ahe ·•tfiOUt prtyilege. We..t lhe ma.at. ail:-mlnded spot en LA.a Ulhtk.t illal the ,high: trinsporta· oc ~ ',bl. l:iuf.~~sn't g:'"o~. Some experi. came-up artd tion cOat.s are the rc-.sponsible fac· . . if-~•, Iller." \' y ;.r <fut. a. """"~-0..-'ol.~ ...au· ci>m,.wtll!y. "f they usu: Mr. Md l4J"'.8.: Charlea C. Cra.w, torcl, .13ll'Weiit'Bay avenue, have tr.Jd •~Qeh-dllU"'i,t .. r EdJth. a.oW .......,., in New York. • -. ' ally "l;.4'1.e retun without any ,.y ~cl,.~-._""tte-.{!luet pay the dif· fennice, ·• ~aM coNlbeQta. tar. ..In lliaa-Salmei: ll]e boat • mu... thrM trips to ou:- ...,..ere-t.t. no ttteb milk · and I'll ._, of ke'fd C09t9' :sG cents. When J n.7 50 eeu., f m~ it coats ray .. ,..,.n• &o Hnt.s, and we &ell it tor 5lJ" cent.a. .. . OJMly Wate.rmelon She rememlen Uie Uine she bad art lnatlabb! cc,a.vtng fOr aome wattJrmeliln" wrdle ln Anc.ftorage-. ..J went... to ·the "ltoft and·Uked the m&J1 t• cut. "'9 a em.alf slice of melQn. Onl,y aftttt Jae eut the slice, did I uk the prio9 Whlch WU 15· ,-.. ~'J'-lt hom~ ~ ~ '-I'· l!aolloaiil u.. price. he wg.- . 1wtst! ta.t I . '9' 1t with a tea . ......... )4 It • • .. BM; J Mis UM: am.mer le&J¥>D, , ..... la • w 'I _ IUI w.rl~~y l of · .... •• _. wptalil•• ln .~· "ft lo ~ 111! U.. Ume "l'~ II ,.. _.., ,_ -co ou~ and -~ p --• 2 o'c:JoC 1 m ' dlle a , •"' ¥ • .; °'!'.Iii .....-aat ln Alea.a · we .. ye _tlle lwd t ca-..a1.u --Iii u... -i.s.11~ "'1""1 . • Ulle ('fMC 111lrated *"*-.... , . -C" .... 4 • t• :·: ... la. ~z;art Dr1elt a~ 11 ! .... ••'*' --tire -,.:--to ·----Jl;-jlllal.er . tllll* .. w1,,: .:-;· _:._-~ . .. tllo --........ ,_...,. ,.. -II( .,. . i .,_.. ____ ...... ............ :aw .. , .. wt.Mia: ... _..,..,._ ............. _ ...... "D9 ......... ~,.,., .. -.... --.-... -..: ..... _ ....... i .. TzZJ eta.... tp ................. r. .. ...... ' ' r , -_, -. J • . , • Ge.,.;,.,, Cwtom · Tailored LOUIS HEN'NIG ' 200 'So. los Angele, St., ANAHEIM Phone ANAHEIM 2407 Collect • ~· El • • ' •• .... : .. " .... ' I . ' 1 " .. • ... " ' • ' j l ..... ' ' ·' :. ' ' -. -. • Dep sthle IM-.I~ b9Ututloa tw·Oftr FortJ' Y.-n . ~· .......,_ l!:\'Oey Tu-.:r al Newport Jlleedoo . o.Jllorala i.y · u.. 0 NEWPORT W.91!~ pUJU.riihtNo COMPANY ' M•mber ol CALIFORNIA. NlllWBPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N. Member ol tbe NATt~NAL EDITORIAL AsSOCIATION Ottlce and Printing tl1ant at 2211 Bal""-Boul.vard Telephone H&rbor 1116 " ~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::~~ Ez\lered u ~nd-ctau Matter. at tbe postofflce in N~ Beach . .. ~ c:;aurorwaia under the Act of March 3, t8fv RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor RALPH . !IORGESON, Advertillng Manager ! Qualified to Publlsb LepJ NotlcPs and AdverttRme.nlli of all Kl...S. 8UB8CRlPTION RATES: NEWPORT-BALBOA Nt!WS-TIM:l".8 every Tue9clay , .. · In Oranp County, SS.MJ &W"r Yrar; S!.00. six mo•th•; 11 .. %5 thret" moatbs (.\Lio lncl11det1 t~ NE\~PORT-eAl..eoA. PR.ESS, ThurMay) Outside OMlDCt County 14..00 pet year • .. ... • ) 1 / \ • • •• ' " ' ~ .. A WORDIY BILL . <l,REi\T AMBmON wu -11,..;. durlaJ lite N.,.po_rt Barbor Yacht ell!!"• a.rte-Rep .. wbell Earl "Tommy"' Thomu doffed "bbl ~ntJy doone d U. 8. Navy u.alform to mI 11• ..... Nim~ ·No. 4 to a wlo o"er that dl11COuraslD•ly conalAten t chantplont Gflortti ,,d~ ~ Lo8 ~~" .Yacftit club. Balboa Y'\Cht c lub's vice-eomrnoclort', Con\'enr. !Wunlemaaa, I• No. 11 •. Ila~ t hird la the flttl•of twelve whlcll &urned out for the aeries. H•~la.a .. Hook"~·• 8ria Bee. No. S. wu ak1p- P"red ~ BUI Mc~-ell, of Lido ht.lit", In this ~ptta. (Photo by Beckner) • I I· . Presentation to the voters of the State of CalifomiA • .. of a bill authorizing the State of California to guarante<" up · to a' billion ·dollars wortb ~ public improvement without I ' I . cost to the voters is asked by' Asliemblyman Earl "Stanley of Newport Beach. Assemblyman Stanley proposes (he creation of a board to administer the fund and authoriu the purchase of revenue bonds of lesser political bodies for ' i,;,provements within the cities and states. Nearly any improvement °"cept the creation o( elec- trical · and gas distribution facilities could be accomplished under terms of the bill. Stanley's theory is this, the bondr could be issued and repaid without it ever costing the ta>a- payers a penny! The Assemblyman 'believes , ·for ins tance. that we could make a deal for Upper Newport Bay, vote bonds to improve it and create fa~ilities, then pay off the -, bonds out of •revenues to be deriVed. · Soundne8s of his theory is sho\\(fl by the proof fur- . nis hed here at Newport ~arbor. Practically the whole county is encompassed in the Orange County Harbor Dis- trict, and as suc;h Toted bonds for the creation and im- provement of the beautiful . _harbor. All funds, interest charge5, cou nter charges ·a.,~ b allooned costs have been repaid. NE\l\TORT HARBOf?e DOES NOT O"\\'.E THE COUNfY OF ORANGE ONE PENNY. -· Each year the county reaps a bountiful .harvest. way above 'and beyond the cost of the ha rbor department and commisSion. from the operation of the Harbor. But lhe .City of Newport· Beach pays the bills to keep the beaches clean". policed and lifeguarded fo r the people of the county . ' o.nd state. We might well support AsScmblyman Stanley's pro- posal and in some way or· another through the legislature run such a development ourselves to recover at some later time tb't ,mollira w~eq>end. ·for o~tsiqe_JS. :~Keep Records at Hand, Vets Told : I t is Important ror veteraru5 • keep availble Important personal I Veter'-"" 'returning to service .._ papers \\ hlch may . lx> n~d~ by may apply to t hi£' VA, through ~.lhPniselvE"s or lht'1r dependents. their service of(\cen. for protec-Z~Inc lude-d are man-iag~ or divorce tiOn of CQmmf'rclal lifr lnsur&nCC' =:certificates.' birth records of chi!-pollciea up to $10.000. The VA wUI :·d.ren, changes of name and the pay premlum21, prqvlded the appll- ,.. Ji.kf'. . cent meet.8 rE>quirC'mt>nt.8, but these ._, . With many veterans re-entering prf'miurTl.! must eventua)ly be re- E scrvtce, It iii advisabl{' that these pairl. to -the VA. pa~rs, together with dctai~ on H~pitalizatlon of dependent.JI of ., acUon the Veterans Adminiatra-veterans returning to service IR •lion may have taken on their bene-not available under prt>aent law~ --. . .,fit.a. ht'< stor~d in a p1ace that is adminlatert:d by the VA. Only ex- "'" .!~re and yet ·avallable• lo their 6 er v Iceme n and women the.m- dependmt s. . !-'.elves, dl&eharged under conditiona \ The VA s hould tM> notified ~m-other than dishonorab?e, a.re cn- medlatel>' by vet..-rans r..--i:ntcrm g titled to v A bcnetlts. £ervice, provided sul'h veterans are rttelving l!IUbalstance of com- pensation checks from Che VA. Thi.a will prevent over payments and the need for eventual relm- buraemcnt or the VA. Maim Street A LOYAL GUY ~n El Monte girl ha.a Jwrt gOt sou1elhing spcciaJ In the way of • husband -he's Loyal t Cookey Yep, that's hi.a rmJ name. . . Civil Defense Director t~ . . Answer Atom Attack Queries "What are wc e xpcclcd lo do?" J"hi.8 and numerous related qu<"s t lona .1.ccount tor a large part of thr daily mail received by ttfe Office of Civil Defense from worrird com1nunities, la rf;e &n<l small. throughout the t1lal<'. Anl!lwcrs to mdat of \he qucrl<'ti'•-------------- were made by 11t:aj. Gen. Walt<"r' cllltlC'.s In their control center~. M . Robertson, slate director of supp?cmentcd, If jlOMlblt.', by emer- Clvil Dcfen~f". In a con1pl"f'hC'nslvC' gC'ncy radio rac111Ucs. bul'('tin to mayoni and chalrnten - of coun ty boards of super.visor'.'! Cuntrul Crnter!J rele&!'".ed today. QUESTION -"Where s hould Typ!cal of the Infor mation control centers bt-localed!" , sought by cqmmunitics about their ANSWER -In target areu role In prf>j>a'flng for an atomic control crnters should be located Rttack are the' following QUt'8llons oulslcJe the WnC' of probable dev- and an!llwers in the bulletin: a.station. In such arenli It is hlgh- QUESTION --"If our town ts ly desirable that alternative con- outside a de11ignaterl targCt area trot centers alao be ~tablished. In can we forg('l about preparing non-cr:itlcal areas communlca· for an a tomic attack?" lions can be hand led from the or- A NSWER' -The primary ob-fl cr of civil defenM". jecliVI' of towns ou~\de the tar-QUF.STION --"\.Vha t invcntor- gf"t ar('as .....:... induslrilll antl met-I~~ should ~ takl'n now?" ropolilan CC'nl('MJ -muat be the I ANSWER -The F«lcral Office s upport of these targets iC the:' ' of Civil Defense is preparing a arc a ttacked. Entire contiguoua manual of requirements. Until It and mctropol\lon areas n1u11t br ls available. city, county and i8lale considered. as units in defen6C' agencit•s s hould fulty invcnto(y all pla.nnJng. These units can be ctly-major items which may be re- wid<', county-wide, or rcglon-widl'. quired for l'ivil defense. EXcC'p t s.-ndln• 1 Fund fo r scleetl'd \l('ffi8 cal ~ed for by lht• '-r· 9 0 11 Office of Civil 1)(-fen~ -<heee in- QUESTION -"'How Car should ventorics should be held at local we go jn !!pending funda for clvil levels. dr{"Mf> be-fore the federal and QUESTION -"What iJ!I the slatr govt'mmenta have eslablil!lh -ff'dt'raJ ¢'overn1nent going to do C'd Onancial policies!" about stockpiling supplif'e. par- ANSWER -Necessary funds ticularly medical supplies!" should be expended lo set up thr ANSWER -.:__ F('dE'ral funds for orJ:lUllzation and con1plete plan1'. stockpiling or supplies Is depend· Appreciable funds should not bt' rnt upon congre&Hional approprta- expended for the procurem('nl of lions. However, It ~ expected the ctvil defense mate rial until its ap-federal government will proVide proval by the federal gpvernment. llmltl'd quantities of~ supplies not New federal specification for such norn1ally, purchaMd in pt"ace t im e equipment will be announced . In a.nd will bear the principal cost t,he near future. Until then. Ul!i<' of slockpili.ng supplies. cxistlng equipment. QUESTJON. -"W ill the U. S . Civil Defense Of(l~ l'luply u,, with emergency radio equipment and emcrgqncy stand·by i;eneratore ?'" ANSWER -It la possible ttu: ft.'<lera.l government or the !late ma.y aulat in purchulng commu- nication equipment although no policy · bu yet bttn eetabllahed. Meanwhile. I~ ls felt that local ctvU defrnae-organizations •hould plan their ow" communlcaUonl! ayatema and make ncce-.ary pur- chUes. \ QUf.s'TION -"Who 21houldl re- CC'i v~e air raid warnings ?" Worker Tr'91nlng Q UESTION -"What should we do about tr~inln,; Instructors and workers?" ANSWER -All local lrain13 nt ln•lructors and workers s h wait the arrival of fede ral intru - llonal materials lnsofa'r u stand- ard clytl defeTIAe course material ill concrmcd. Howeve r, U)ose &er· vlcra already , poe&e~lng tnlnlng matl'rlal. such as police auxiliary. flre-flghUng. nu~· aJdee, etc., may begin instruction at once. QUESTIO~ -"How can we ex- pedite the pr<'paratlon &nd relh.e of fed<'ral Instructional material?" . I ~vernor to Appeil · on TV GoYemor Earl \.\'arren will elaborate on the principal topics to be dlacuued In hl8 ''at.ale of the union" meuage to the 11tate j leglllature when >t convenes Jan. , 8, when he '.make! his eccond monthly exclualve Los Angeles televbilol) ap~aran('c on station KECA ~TV. channel 7 .on Wt>dnes- day, .Jan. 10, at 19 :30 p.m. The telec&at wlU mark the g9V· t-fnor'• flr8t public appearance Jince hla inauguration for a third term u chief e xecutive. The eovernor I.a expected to dis- cua1 at· l~gth CaJlfornla's p!ans and progrea in civilian defense preparedheaa. · Pedestrians Ur9ed to Watch n..ir Step Now that the yuletide holidays arl!' over, highwa)r patrol comn1 is- -,Jon, Clifford Pel ertJOn. urg..-s [l<'- deatrtana not lo let up on ·pre- caution. • Peterson urges ~eatrian~ to be •mart and give motorls~ the . . . • • A mighty toocl friotd of du family bqd, ur ~phone af~re man u1t.1ice than ftl!V'-at bargain. rata. ' WHERE .· EVE.RY DAY JS. 'BARGAIN~. DAY Your telephone gives you more for your money than .in '1940 f ' -. ' • • I I. Whe you buy &!most any of the thiagiyou use. every da , ir seems thar rhc prices you pay have just about d bled in the lasr cen yea.rs. But diis panern of inflation doesn't hold i:ruc with .youi telephone. For ln spice f higher cosrs of furnishing telephone serv- ice -9.'a • l~cls chac have doubled, materials that have sh up sharply-telephone races ~ve increued· far less n the cost of li vin~. ' . .. . 2. Every lime you use. your telephoi\e rooay, you gee a most unusual bargain. T"·o ways', Rates have lagged fu behind the increased prices of most other things. And the amount of relephont service they buy has practially doubled. Today, on the average, you an be conncaed with rwice as ma.ny telepho nes as cen yeus ago. You caii call more of the·pcoplc you wanc.10 all More can sec in couch with you. right-of-way, even wh..-n the mo-3. lo th se d'ys, when our oarion aecds a scrong tori.flt.a clearly are ln the wrong and ~ffi enc' telephone service ro help speed !he job One out o( every three traffic Price increases since 1940 rooo UI" 170"- fatal.ltin: I.a a pcde8trltlll, ·P ctetson of def en c, char service is available-and ac bargain aayl!I. ' > prices. d you can be certain thac all of w at Pacific · Telepho e will keep right on working tO build your A:L MAIL BOX I b . a.I till . . ' --'-. till L-Mr•. e Pollock. formerly of I re ep on s v uc s more-ro 11u.a.e it as oeuer 001 'ii y St., Newport Heights. 5Crvant r you. And for our n&tion. reported that her mall box ( includ- tna the poat l had beton taken frvm ln front ot 001 Clay Sf., 0during" the put week. She is now living in Sa.nta A.na and when s he re- turned to pick up her mall, found out l.bat the mall box 14'8.8 mlsslng. Pacific Telephone Your telephone is one of today's best bargains • wllow et/If . · . - . . ' ; My automatic 1ai· clotfi.1 dryer removea clrvd .. ry,., 1lvu Me fine drylnt w~er whenever I ch0oM to waah I 1'1Nll of !onl• .._.,. dod>ao liuba? "-ao nut ot dilupou, ao Jlla·&dias. Tlloci o( ••._;q ap dcidleo &ad adtiaa . --14ryl .. isoomudifwr ... oo -dbwal nee,.,......i ... au-ic ' ANSWER -Air 1 a id warningti should be dissemlnatt'd lo a pre- arranged list of perso11.5 and act ivi- ties. School superintendent.a and all/ lndlvldua111 or agencie11 con- cerned with m8.88 care !hould bt- included In such warnJng llata. ANSWER -It b suggested ... . .., dotbao drre< ! mudt better. Aad the U.otau.d price o( .,. ,. 1 aUtocnatic ps dotha d.ryet is loWtt cha.Q Air Raid W&tDIDp ' QUESTlON -"How should alr ra rd warnings be trami:mltted after they have been ~i vk! ?" ANSWER -The normal order ot tfansmitting alr raid wamin(fi 'If l>Y telephone. leletypwrlter, ot radio. However. any rapid and se- cure mt>lhod la permiulble. QUESTION -"What ls our :-esponlliblUty wtth ~pect to or- ~a.nlullon and .opcraU:on ot tht' ground ob&e.rvatio.n ·corps ?" ANSWER -It ls contemplated ll this time that local rovern- C'ach community care(ul'.y select the persons who will do the tratni ing. The Office ot Civil Defenee will then 8.J'.r&nge to train lhcM future Instructors. QUESTIO_N -·"How does board of education fit · J.n_to ,traln!ng picture ?" .. the Ill• ANSWER .-No lrairilng pro- gram ahoU Id be undertake.g. with- out the advice and uaiatance of local achoo! aulhorlUH. Auls~ l"ect'fved hr'"'the ,local civil defenec program from a acbool mily de· pend upon gra'l}A from federal and It.ate educalionaJ fund.II. Accou•tallt Opens Offfce ill Ne;-pO!t me.nt will bear the eapen.e of or-Announc.lng t~ C>penlng or· bis ;ant&ing and maintatnlnc perwon-Jfflcea ·ln Ne-NpOrt 8eM;,b thta ' "'• ,,.. • is ·-ia -doches dlrea. that o( atbu rypa of dryen. 'l1lc _,.._ *from wri.qu °' autoa\acic wubU .• • • iG,: cmc: is alao lower with au ... ootr 2' tht mauol ••. ~ lo • mauer o(·~ , ro 3¢ ptr dryu·full. See the displars at .....,,., 1""' dried dodto. y..., lauodrr _dalen' or )'OUI Gu Company ·-· Learn bu been dried pally, le'• tOlt. lair, how Jpa Can wia an auwmatk ... dodia tWM...Uift,, 1'baw are DO wind-corn . drwo• an'd other vabaabk.pri-, • \ . ·1-.,, . ael for ground obeervaUon post.a week ts F'..dward R. Robeoo. public and ftlter ce.nt:er~. (>bee°rvatlon lOCOUDlant. Who bu been a rest .. poata wUJ be under the dir'ectlon Jent or Newport Harbor for et&bt: .... ot chle:r obae"era and the Conti-year&. H1a -office wUJ. be located nent&I Air Conlmand will be lD it 2307 W. BaJ-'oc Q.lvd.. New~ :barge ilt filter ~tart. port and b• WW .,..,i.use In In· QUESTION ••. !.' "Whal type ol dustrlal accowrta and • 0noome .. I " • Jbelt•r,. la r.qul~ !or -. ground taz... 1 • lbaerrat.km ~ !" Robeoa WU !ormorly !ldfl aadl- ANSWJ!R -1 Tbe OonUnen&.aJ ~ with the Eleventh Na.ft! DJ&o Air eommand::;; "AJIJ'-._.,, t1'1£t and WU ~f ,of tba -· lltott, ranee. 01 N-port D~Cd. ~ !df ~ tbe,tpp of a .~Ibero mb7 YH.rw In Ille a..,...nilaC ;o.., ...a.tructacF-1n an c11-· 11ae1n-be 11u 1teen ~= rtetlona Md, • ~te telapbeae by -Of tM ~ la --~J1!--..ur-"""" In Ule -1Ty. < . . ' 1nl( •-_,, '11111 meet Ule · • i • ~" 7 ...,.._I"-: "'1 AIIll111 Si11i1 • f Qvl!inON ', "Are Qlt ftdiriaf j w1 uta pin•-'" ...... to ._ ..._ ... S .111 •r I' ...-.: ···-~ .. u.e......... .. ... 9) • .. ~ "-...t et ccmtrel Olftt8nT"' 'J\.: 1111 ·•' eeudt'tor ..... ~ AMS111(M-,.........·-. .... !'llns., Oidll\li---J •r· ' -"" ':!. .. ~=-:.ii.= : .. :-1 ..... "l::C:s 9' "" ..... "'' : .. C!C1" --.... -·a... ............. 'ia;«w1D! t9"en wawa i ••=ttae ta-..-•fWP~ltf.'& ~ . -' .. , .• • ~ .. , T 1 •. ' • • • • ' • . _· 4qry ~Deadlock . in. , ·, ~' Mesa loan Case; • 0 . : . . . ... Na\y . D•••' Slot .i~ck:~t• Blot' :..-...... at N~-..la \a.s ~<lot'po ~~ ln u.· ... Dleg0·.,... ta" -~. or remoNd in accordance-.1'tul t.be new federaJ anu...iot ru&uM act. Which problbfta tbelr Ule OD - ! . i • r .1 1 • • • . -.. ,, ' • . • • • • > • • • • • • 1' I I ' ' . I ' J r -Wili Reset.·T rial· ' ' 1 I f . · 1 • -- • ' l)eadlockcd evenly at 8 to 8, a fec:leraJ p~. ,TO GO WFJER.11 THE Wlt..D G<X>8ll veey ~ authority that he --~ excell'ft wor)t! 8o it 'you need COEBf J bear ·via. my· atool pigeon• Omit a eea.t covers to protect your nice new a:bo\Jt or ~ve burned a poCI man1 __of the brighter geeae are boo_kif'I boll! iln the upholstery or need any wor..JI! of' thla kin'd,-Mr. Taylor p•sa•p· South, to the ruvs,ra and Appl~ V.:Jley la Your man! You ,can welco01.e him t>.: ~roftl Ohio a.t ~ylor's jury-of St>VE'n \\·omen and five men Preaident Tnuna.n 1lgnelit . the was . dtrrutt'ged Thurac.:la.y after· antl-aJOt machine law lut w~k. M!rven hours of deliberation in lhe More than · 200 •lot macbtnm '""' VINCENT'S TRAVEL !llJREAU. Well Trim Soop, 1102 lndu,strial Way, Coal& Jjl•sa. Beaoon 6930, . grand-theft trial of Stanley ., C. have bee'n. ln :u.e tn NaYy and Ma~ - R ttd. San!a Ana painting con-rinc Corpe commU:sloneci offtceri tractor. · and _ non-commimtoned offlcen Usten. Gooeey. Gooet!y Gander, if you would P . 8. You can i;'et one--day .erVtce oh ~our ordep! • ·,Wand«, call Charlotte HoUIUhead at Vlncml'a a e ~ · · Travel Burm.u, and ahe'll"te:Jl you w~re top! THE PAPER SAYS FOR vOu TO GO. OUT -TV ~ r · t Superior. Judge t<cnneth If:, Mor-~tuba at ~an.I ·fteceJYing Sta- rl:ron d'HChar~OO the jury at 11 :30 'tion, Naval Air Statton, Nava& pm. afttt F ore man Mark R. Cook TTal.nlng Center, ~lne Corpa reported th(' group was "hopeless-Recruit Depot, Naval. Ampblbloua ty~· dcadlockcd. The case had· been Bue. Fleet Sonar School. Camp MJbmltlcd to lht! jurors at 4 :33 Pendleton and the Naval 'Auxiliary p.n1. · · Air StatJon., Mlramar. ' ·. Charlotte la now bookln&' paiaage ror WonderfuJ ' an . ~~ ijyou ron J 1 to Euro H wall,. Atrl AIUka. the yard d dig a big bole on Bats. and una. Well, na y. for cruse , pe, a ca. t.bia type work, ·_Hou'll need a · pair of · lcks. Be 'elack appy' Weet Indies; oh, you Jus~ name it. Now la th~tlm• to get youraeU wkile you kttp from getting 'alak hap'p -Is th19; gen~ idea: lined up tor a ma.rvek>ua •Prins voyai;et I want you lo tile this . · 1 tntormauon ·under .. Important" _ VINCENT'S TRAVEL· !ftIR&AU, The Jo-~ Sport ·Shop baa sharp alacks ~m $6.93 ,on up. _Theae r1...«.t h , . . -"bo --"""' • th ~ tra 1 q.ctude corduroys. rayona. gabardine•. worsted cheekll. The ,.... ere lb your own ne1... t<hQod can •"v" you e ve pair of li#k• that looked especially sin Md practical to 1118 wa.s The cot.rt reset the trial for Rear Admiral Wilder D . B&kt r . •rvk:e and accommodations that you can 'et anyplace! Mra. the 1 Unldure, wrlflkle-reHistant. These 1 k.. ~ike_ · a heavy linen or Hollinaboad can cet you anyplace ln lhie country or any_ other by era.ab.-&Jt4 ... are 'Washable, and ~nly 48,95. Cameron.rs man-tailored aea, air, oi' rail. Go Me her ,and get eome travel folders to d~I wonted checks are a good buy at $8.96, and 80 are the Sun-Roae over. VINCENTS TRAVEL 'BUREAU. (ln Meuanine, Vincent.-g&baf<llnes aJsO ·at $8.95. No modirn~,,.woman Mould dare be F ebruary 26. · Commandant ot the Elevenlb Na- Thl" clutrgc gTCW out of a busl-val ~islrtct, Mid that alot raa- lre88 transactio, Jp ~·hich J . B. chine& which are the property of ,Richard of Coata Me~a &.d~anced any ai;en.t:y or lnatrumentallty of Reed $1.000 for labor and mater-t he Navy will be deal.roped be-' . Udo Drug Store) Harbor 1248. caught without several pair of these gqOd'' alacka from JO-LEE • e e e SPOR-T SHOP, 1813 Newport Ave., Costa . Mesa. .. lal.s on a painting contract . Dep. yond any pos1lble usfulnesa.. Ma· HURll.AH! CURTAIN CLEARANCE AND REMNANT SALE a e a l WHEE! T\\'O FOR THE PRICE 0 1'"' ONE!,/ HERE'S A SALE YOU REALLY will be smart !to attend. T\Je BLlTE SAii..s in Balboa ta eel.ling-aU Christma8 items at two for the prtce ot one·. This In cludes ~auJar stock Hallmark and Norcross cardA, Rais. ribbon•. wra-pping paper, tags, t>ist. Atty. H . Walter-Steiner chin~ not owned by the Navy will <'harged that Rf:'ed used the money be remo~ed. AT RICHARDSON'!!. CURTAIN AND· DRAPERY SHOP IN CORONA DEL MAR Jeuye h~ a · llhopfull of Fabric samples and dleContlnued materta\ lines in vaiious elr.ed pieces tor· 26c to $1 .00. She'e throwing ail these remnants on a table and aay1 you can paw lhru and mess them around to your heart's content. l think you'll enjoy giving these • pieces a soocJ going• over aa there are faille.a. antique satins. ·Pebble-lex, crashes, and other mat.erials ln many patterns. Now tor the CURTAINS. PRICES ARE· REDUCED on Or1"arulle and muslin tle·backa, cottage and Dutch muattita and others. There are tome slightly soiled floor ample• at COST! So 88ddle old falnl aiid ride like the wtnd \o RICHARDSON'S CURTAIN p for paym<'nt of other obllgationi. ------- and did not use the-Sl.000 ad- ·vllncc for· the purpose intended. H e asaet"tcrl. t~s \loo!&.s "theft by trick ·or device" or tfiat it was em- bezzlement. DRAFT QUOTA Dcp. 'Public Detenrlt>r s"a!riuel Dr~izen clal1n(.•d the CM(' wa., not one for the criminal court but.I 8hou!d ha Vt' ~:en a civil tran.sac- t ioo. About t ,800 young men wilt be d rafted for military service in California during each of the first three monlha of this year. State selective service headquarters an· nounced the California quota after a national ·quota ot $80,000 tor ea ch of the three month.8 wu a.n'· nounceQ. AND DRAPERY. 1203 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. • • • • BALBOA 5 " 10 l:NTIRE STOCK etc. Some or the ribbon you could use rt(t\t no'.¥ .. ot q>Une. _Herc's a big savinh for you--and tcilk about a chance for early A1na.s &11upping! ta It! STOCK tJP EARLY, as we say at the BLUE SAlLS . 308 Main. Balboa. Harbor 678. • • • ThU. '------- M ilk G oes Up Coet of UY-:ng W<'tlt a notch higher bt California fa.st week wht-n a onr cPnt a quart Increase in the price of milk ·w('nt into ef· feet In most art'as of the state. Dalrymt'n,-who dctnCJnstrated to. the dcpartn1c'nt of agriculture's •. satlsfa<:~ion that their co~ts had J.!Ofit' up. will J:C't all the increase. Distributors also askr d for &' b'g- ger margin, but were turned tlown tor -tbe preM'nL The agricult ure department Mid that hearint,"l!l held this month ~bowl'd the.Cost of producing milk baa ri~en a I m o s t uniformly thl'ougbout th(.• state. LESTER~ BECKER, D.O.~ DENTISTRY 1785 Newport.DJvd., Costa Mesa M,edlCllJ Bldg. Beacon 67152 C>-05 E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J lo ·Harold K. Grauel Chapel Pltone: Beacon 5'10 110 Bro.d.way Coata Meaa BE SUR E-IN SUR E ... tll llAURIE STANLllY .,,.,.,...._ OnlJ Phoae Harbor 11'11 · U6 l'larble Ave. Balboa blud w. Stuart Foote GENERALfNSURANCE Gou rteo1ts ln/ormation 2117 Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach Ph. liar. %-1 ' KATTRESSE8 -I-ff-Trail..,. ll'""&Ular Sbapfw BEAOJN 5081 Coat.a Ateu Mattl't":M ('.e. 1150 NP.wpo11 Bl'ld. SA ~1 'S FOOD SEA "SIGN OF THE SW0RDF"l8ff 1 ilDe Eut ol 8-l Beacll <at 8arl- OrEN DAILY ll .. m. lo ll:St p. llL Cocktails, Sea· FOOd ..... Steak Oinnt>rs l'RQ!'IU' WNO BEACB ·s.10-79, $02~00 and ~4-05 LEGAL NOTICE Ncmm: o•· SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER EXECUT101' In· UM' MiUUelpaJ Court of the City of ~ Anples. Cou•l~ of Loa All~les., .State of Calllontla. SHZRIFF"S SALE . UNITED STATES CREDIT BUREAU, INC .• A Corporation Plalntiff va, HIRAM L. S EBRA AND DONALD.H. MEKEEL. Defendants Under and by virtue or an Ex- ("CUlfon lssucd out ot the Munici- pal Court of the City ot Los An.- 1elea, County ot Los Angeles. State of Callfornia wherein United States Credit Bure•u. Inc., " corporation, Plaintiff, lllld H iram L. Sebra and Donald H. Mekeel, Oefen(jants, upon a judgment ren· dered the 3rd day of November, l 9SO, for the sum. of One hundred and twenty ··one and M /100 1$121 .55) Dollar_s, Lawful Money of lhe UniteO-Stalea, bcside.s CO!lt!I and interest; and sum of $26.32. makin( a toi.I ot One Hundred and forly·seven and 87.(100 Doi· laJ'a, with int erest· rrom the 15th day of Decembf!r, 1950, ls now fat the date of this writ} actually due on said Judgment. I have, on the 21st.: day of De· cember, 1950, levied upon all th.:! right, tiUe, claim 8.nd interest of §Bid defendanlJ! (or either o( them) in and to the following de· scribed real estate-. to-wit: .. As appeani· of record ln Book S. Pages 41 &: 42 of Maps of Ori.nge County, known as Lot 7. BIOck 642, Tract CO'rona del Mar, Re- corded 10-29-48, l.n Book 1722, Page 395. .• • This property Is not regist- ered under the Torrens TIUe Act. Notice i8 hereby given, that on Tbursc;la}'.. the 18th day ot Janu- ary, 1961, at 2:00 o'clock P . M -, or said day,, I will proceed to sell in front of, tho court house ·door. South Entrance, in the City of Santa Ana, at public auction to the highest bidder ro'r ca.sh in Lawful Money of t he United States, 11.ll the light, tlUe, claim and interest or said defendants, I or eit~r of them) of, Cn and lo the above described property, or so much thereor u may be neces- sary to raise sufficient t o saUsfy said judgment with interest and coats. JAMES A . MUSICK, , Sheriff. By Carl R. Edgar, Deputy Haye3, Sietz fr Lawson, Attorney5 for PlainUft. 125 South Vermont, Los Angeles ·4, CaJifornla. No. 162-Ttmes. .. Publlah Jan. 2-9-1&, 1951. PAINT AND.ENAMEL ~', PRJCE 300 MAl1' ST. BALBOA ..... • ) • WANT TO STEP LJVEL.Y?? ! WA~"T TO HAVE A LOT OF BOUNCE AND SPP..fNG? BARBEfi'J) B6oTERY has a big, neW fresh atock of Kedettes~thc U. S. Rubber Co., Boostcretle Oxford. These ox.fords ~ wa.ahable-canvas tops on n ice, bouncy crepe soles. Really neat lqokln~ ,and such foot con1fort ! These con1e in blue, brown, white ind red and are sJn1ply ideal for casual we8..r. bba.ting. • • • di•h-waah.ing, and ping--pon_g ! Barbar's has Ule.se for mcR, and WOMEN AND GffiLS ~TODAY I DRlNG YOU AN ELE· women and the price is ONLY $6.50 pair. Also. If you're a man, 'VATING . MESSAGE'. So curl up .around a cup or Ovalttne while woman, or a child, you can get fitted \\'ell in regular tennis 3hoet1 I tell you all about "Operation Uplift." LlMOme Nora O'Nea.I and or Oxfords here. While peeking ill' t he windoW ot this faffiily shoe I wen huddling over the brasaieres at the POLLY ...,APPAREL-She atore, I ~ked at aont¢ good·looking sprtng like ladies' Grace Walker ehO\\•ed me a wonderful bra called 'Pet!!r Pan H!dden Tr¢asure'f-shees. These l~ked like very good shoes in high & Cuban heels, Which takes.. bravel,Y up where Mother Nature leaves oft. This· strape, pumps &: .sling back walkers. Take care of your pedal braeatere I• made of nylon with smoothly built tn contours. There extremltJea! Trot over to Barbar"s Bootcry. 1795 Newport Ave., d'1! no pad.a or puffs. The Peter Pan bullt·ln magicUp Ul!!Ure1 you Coat& Mesa. Beacon 5639-W. of a pflrfect fashion ri~ht silhouette at all times. This <hlviously • • • .. ' divine device Is only $.f..50. The 'Hidden_. Treasure' al~ comes ln a "IT TAKES A HEAP TO MAKE A LIVING" as Edgar Guest strapless, stayed brassiere tor tomtal wear at $6. Those w.ho wear or some thotfut· old party once said.j The fact that It's .taking this say. tt's the one bra without straps. in which you can feel a bigger heap · by the n1if!t1le! I was ust having a board meeting confident. Polly Apparel a.130 features Peter Pan and · Helene ot with Virginia Read over· at RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP. She said, Hollywood brauteres ln various other cotton and ny lon. styles and ''Margo. I don 't:> belt~ve in scare adver1-islng,~ but the honest truth prices tor youthful or m~ure _figure&; Jacey types -and low cut la that all our beauty l!iUpplies have g~ne up tn prl,ee and seem to nylons.. Drop by the POLLY APPAREL and look oveT the~ unbid· be .atilt 80aring. We are going to be forced to raise our pricea the den t reas1;1rcs. 1835 Newport Ave., Costa Me'sa, Beacon 5333. firat ot February." Thus I lay bef9re !you the cold. hard facts - e e e and tip you otr to "please get over ,.to Ruth's betwct!n now and the C<YrrON CAPrURES THE RESORT MOOD 1st of Feb. for your permanent or · bl~ach job or any type repair FOR SPRING! CAROLYN SCHNURER cap-work you need. Virginia Read and Ha~iet Dopyer& are very com- tures the exotic splendor or the Orient In petent and experienced In all lines of (luly wor:k. Up until the her new creation -KA y NELS.ON ca'pturea flrsl, you can ~t a Rayette short)· maneot for is. R deluxe Carolyn Schnurer's newly designed East Rayet\e $1 0, a Rayelte Pentreme for amaged switcheii $12.50. a Indian cotton prints! caroyln Schnurtr h&& Helene Curtis for $115 -20. Bear In mind that these present prices really designed some fabulous Far East lncl\Jde hair trim and everythlng. So p ense get with It. Tight away town and reJj()rt wear featuring wrinkle-'Curly"-..:..._ Ruth'" Beauty Shop. 338 oinsetlla: Corona del Mar, · ffar". 2901·; realatant linens and dramatic apring prints. Oncei qaln, KAY NELSON'S LIDO DRESS SHOP st~ out with high fashions tor spring and summer-Here you'll a l>A·e.rs find superlatively eophlstl- cated wearing apparel. Want to feel smooth, smart. urbane - CASUALLY DISTINCT? My dear, t 'hen KAY NELSON'S Is just )'our cup o( oolong! So. so long ool g. See you at IVLY Nelson's Dress Shop! 3.f.40 Via Oporto (aero from Udo Theater). ' . . . ALL HANDS ON DECK! EVERYfODY TAKE SHORE LEAVE and row over to the QUARTERDECK!1 a big SALE Is Jn the wlnd- Muk-Luks for men and women are reduced to $1 .915. 'Men's sweater•, wool and c~hmere slip-ovens and cartllgans are ~ price and sonle even le~ than that. Other sweaier I apecla.ls at $2.96 up. Men's v.rool gabardine and wool plaid Bhirtp. argyle sox. &nd tee·ahlrts ar& aJl reduced 1/3. to ~. Now ror yqu women. there's 1/3 OFF on Balboa denims, alacks, clam·dtggers, horta and jackets,' and aJso Hawaila.n. swim and play suits are t /3 ff. !Oops. careful!) Oh, yes. and women's turtle ne<:k and pullover sweaters are on the bargain liat. Thia is a1 good sale of q u I i t y mer(!handtae at the QU~ERDECK, 630 Coast• Hlwa)·, ewport. Beacon ~2.f.8. Open • • •• • . . . ~ "SHAME ON YOU, ERWOOD," r criCd, pointing an a ccusing ling-er. "You ~11 be &ugled out of th Boy Scouts for this'.! This trick w'lll cost you your badge~" DR. ER.WOOD HATES TO OUST! Th.e other day I breezed into his sbopj and discovered him sulking in a comer willfully tearing an old eathcr duste r to ~bits! He poti\.ted at the various beautiful lamps J:>ravcly blinking and beaut!· tyirif the toom-"I refuse to dust anott"er lamp!" he spat defiantly .. Then Ln a pleading tone he said, "Tell ptoplc to come and take these lamp~ away at 1h 1 PRICE -less than ~cost aCtually." All right - these lamps are beauties -· a variety b f period piece lamps. C09r la.mpa. table 1an1ps, b~ lamps. Theyj start al $6.95 on up. Dash over lhere before DR. ER WOOD blows fuse! ERwoo_p·s. Fumi· lure, Fabrics. Art. 407 E. BaJboa Blv Balboa. Open eves, • • • ' HARi<. HARK TO ALL LARKS! VERA: WU.LIAM$ of the Patio Studio. Balboa Island Is no\v a liable for private lessons In voice or piano. \.·era has had many y rs' ·experience as a teacher an d concert singer at home and abroart.}.M1·s. Williams Is also offer- ln~ a vt>cal-training scholarship tb som talented person aged 16·21. and 'o. ·acholarahip l.n piano ages -8-16. his is a splendid opporton- lt y tor young people, .as Mrs. Wllllams1 has theatrical contacts and Sundays. . l I CARE TO DISCUSS A LITTLE MA'ITER OF GOOD TASTE WITH YOU. ln a vrord--FOOD. M:~ glorious pastlnie us roving haa pt-evtously helped many youngsters io success. She will audJtlon walkie. talkie finds me ln many . d fertnl parts o f lhe county by appointment the remainder ot this mbnth. .~ if you have a oh~ld around noon·ttrite. Well, I llke to pl my work 80 1 can be at the or ~ ot aome deserving one. e&l J!.Mrs. W1lhan1s for further in· ANCHOR CA FE tor lunch. The bill 0 fa.re here is really fine. The j tormat1on. Mrs .. Williams al8o wishes to annou~ce that sJ;ie ls two girls who openate this cafe, Gladjs a.nd Dee. seem to U.ke ·ex-. forming a group ~tnging c lass In Frettch and Ita.han for teen·age treme plea.sure in turning out stoma9h-Happy dishes. They serve Kfr1s. There will 'be NO CHARGE for l~is. class, so get in touch a great lunch for Mc and thia inclu 8 90up or •salad.. (Swles steak wtth her ~t oa.ce It· Interested-Vera. W1lhams, PATIO STUDIO. on Thur~ys.~ The palace is ,.ery cle and the food ta home-rna.dC. 313~2 Marine, Balboa Island. Har. 2647-JK. The chill and salad dressing a.re eat ' deUght& The bdttermtlk • • I •. hot cakes are home-ma.de from aera te and yoti can get a plce big ~ TESTIMONIAL: Dear Ma rgo. thank breakfaat here any time of day. I s gest you wlaely ln'tst $4.60 you. }:Otl 1charmer, you-thank 'yoq. for (+taxi ln a $6.00 meal t~kel at ANCH~ CAFE. It's llke , sending rne to the WASHERE'ITE/ ! laying up treasures ln hf'aVen. The i:e open » a . m. to 5 p. m. I took )ibUr advice and dropped my dally and from •a. m. to 5 p. m. S day. 711·0 COAST ,HlWAY, A'/~ la undry j:>ver there the other day I NBWPORT BEACH. .c. f ~ ,P~ l '·) didn't have to do a thing! They di • • •' 1 T-"" ,, It all forime! .And rfid I enjoy'h.avtp FLASH -BAM -ALACAZ OUT OF AN OR1~GE-~ the extr' .. time to lsnift up the' nlcet ·cot.OREO SKY ~Loucks' Jewelers aJtn unce a aale -_ H&rbor sunshine. When I came back Earrings . , , 99c pair ( ed. tax lncl.) _by tor n~ laundey, 1 it wu beautifully Costume Prece.s, Bracelets, Pina. Necklaces clean, drjf and all folded. Whal aer· \1c Prtce . vice! A4d -the place Is dellgbtlully and s:lean-The tub111 a.:-e purexed after eactt wash. I tell you I'm really NOTJCE OF INTENTION Big reduct.1.oru ln all t wrist watchea aold ·on the WMherette. l 'J!I alllO tak.~g your excellent advt~ and . TO MELL . LOUCKS' JEWELERY 1788 Ne rt Blvd, Costa Mesa taking my old, faded drapes, bath ma"'-etc., there to be Ttnlex,ed. NOTICE IS HERBY. GIVEN • • I •w eome thlnp they Md dyed there, '"d they looked just . pursuant to the provisions ot Sec-great! Well thanks again -I 'm ae~dlng all my friend• to tbe tion 34.f.0 ot the Clvtl Code ot the OCTOBER I TOLD you a WASHERE'ITE. .f.04 Coaat Blvd., Co~na del Ma.r. Har. 2566-W., Stale of· California. that FRED chan:nlng ry about the TAYLOR ped; A Grateful Reader. ,HARRISON and ELSU: HA.RR.I· family. Rem mber. f :U!d th-e Taylan a.re e e e SON, VeDdoro, of 17th SL, and loadJng tbol ~ lltUe cblldrin lnt.o th~ , ora.n-avenue, City of .. Colt.a famlly Cad ac an(I ate drt~ thru the Jilal Muson's eta..• In cljealive tlng will re1ume Thureday, 'M•:eounty ot Onnge, State woods · to · hiO to ·~aee ·au.n.ta, .uncle&. January 11 at 7 p. m. Thlli class ts rt ot the adult education ,at California.. intend to eeU to coustu. dmu.. .e.tc. Well after drlv-~ of ~a Bea.ch and conv a~ the Laguna ~ach Hieb JULE C. AXELSON, Vendee, or • ~ b~ and' rain, all tile Bcl!ooL Mr. Mauoo ha.a ~ publiall ID Ballp:day Ewnb>r Poot. c/o Mr .. JOiui Hall. t!lll 's . Spring '. blJ and ·Ji /l'•Y~ are b&d<! · AND Colllen. Tb!• Week. Ond .other lop ' e& Ouut Speaker J/lll. StrttL City or Loo Angeln, l3. HER&'S YQU COME IN! Mr. 11 , will be Mr. John Weld. we1J.lmo · wriW and' ,j>Ublloller ot C tv ot = •·-•-State ot Taylor operat• a TltDl SHOP.· Ulla trjm ollop, ho. ~-~ · . j'' OWi ' ~ .._ • ...,. cu...,....v SEAT co~a ""'1!:8. A °UPHOLSTERY WORK. , 11.ey one lnwated lo Invited t.o Calllornla.1 .it that certain per--•-• _,..., .,,.. -·•• i.""'nal pl'Op!!rt}' eonalaUnrrenual· and ma,1£• cOnY•rUble opclrt '.IA!"-·1(11) automollilel'. I ba.., It °" fo.f.,......, ~ , ly of an ltoCk ln trade, ~ • ; • ... ="=~~~~co: fGir l•l••d •~ . C•••• ln.cre1111i :~ UARRL80¥ DINNJCR i!OUBS ., ' ~....l'.,,_~~~~~~~~~-'-1 - and. 16cat;<I at l'llh ·tit.. and MllG Ac:cid1.t J~ 1, ~t":. '!.., ~:."...,. 1a-~.iule 'l'lll\fa:r.eri· ..oe1at1on at ~ • .f.l"""" City of Om\&· . " i 'rA.i.:, · ' of l2 pO. C911t from .UM 1~ l • .;-,, 11-1!::.;ot OraAp, 8tata ot At abciut,_ l}:tO P.J/1-• ·. ·W . _.... la-tho ....... lllJO 1, ,.[,,~, •• 8• -'··"-a•••-paulornla, that the ......... 1llJllWa7 ~ ..... ~ ..,..,neoi "-"-~--'-.... -' ~ ~.-_,,_ -r. ~ t11e.-wtu.,. paid ai· 10:00 UiAt -Coot& ~ drinn·,. -f .,..,_,, •••""' Clall-wtlJio. ,.._ ~p,m~ ·,n Jaa. i: o'clocl<. a.nl OD ·u.9 llllll .1147 or ce1...;. ·mlllof ti\hlrtoa In a 000$-fonda ~ 11. "..,_-"""·11111<.'aa _,, .. •.a .,....c:ent Januuy, .,, l$t o..np 0.-ur at Onirp' •-and 1ea et:: JION.cl t..lar. · . In ~ atae -lllo .._ ~ J\prll tm.· ~' at)! Gt .. seata Colla..... • . '. . -) ccmt ...... llOf~ a& popa:-~Cl FIB flail ot t& .... m. No 1 an-1 ~ eou.· J pt 0iraw. "<!ltate <if • ~ _ _,, J:)aa m.a.or W-Iii ..., ~ dlllllta \lie '"3 1• ,, •• Gt lll!"11 ....... mi ft,..J tlMf CoJllonla. I -:--r--· . ~of l~ .laorlPI.. -IUdl&rd --Ule ! LIS lata W .o ~'!-II~ JI"' at Yei1i19 l*'( Dloled ,_., lrd,,1111. ...,, Qlqlm, .. Ji!!~ -Ill:; tloo • u., ~ 9( a.. ... -!--"'!. . _, . ,.., .... _ '' --·· -lio'-to -' -... " l;J'a • •• -,_ .... llf'1 '.-i CJ attn 'I:"" •J. odMW JWUU8cllO llm• W I a.~ l --llO,'!" 110r ....... fl( t•=lflll..=t · --'I ·-. · . • 9 • •• • I · ·. J9M. le llt,111 ......... ,JtM. !"14""' ... ;c a !> I.I - nJl.ID C. ),gw-a I 5 . ..... rtwl a 11'1!' --IH•( • ,..1-11111 FM • . , o. 8. ·· 1V-~ .,,,rut ~IL 7 ,_,.,_ '1f * di, -, L ' . · ... NO. ..i»-nm• ~ -1-si 51 tir ,_. ... .i Qia -lit «s -""4/11 1 lb ti V 0 I I la -- "' __ ._ _________ _,_ P 10 • I 1Jl/lll !--a s p-........... ei..... ~ ,-.. h•P Ull . , • G r"W WWW j,11& , • . ' • ., . r • • .. • • .. ' . :_. f ' e.,., !} ~-.\ ~ ... , .. ~q~i~~M~k· ~~~jn :~ . . , Nriong, Lo,~st~,e~~ O~~ af'~L~~ty ·_ .. Boll.rwood. tile dttam i fac\Ory: . · . · · ./ an antropologiat lool<o a q Ill~ :n.eau.; ·Boo~ of tbe(Y-1949·. m<>Vie-maken, by BorteMe f°"'' 1950· Powdonhaker ff1>11ywood, de~er ls a d~ion ~f .t*' tn1 'the 'orcanl Ftft0ry;·.Pu~, An· d"'try ~ a :.nflecUo'"! ot ~eft.aln \onin Dvorak;~ym~ _Feellnp purrent tendaQct~ b:I. the ~· S , and Enlottona; -Ra.)'JtOld:S. Court· T~ author ex-arplnee the ovle r.oom; R.1Cb; My Neck ot Ule atar11, the writers, prpducen1 and Wooda Scha.tj. ~ bt.stofy of a directors and relates theft° per· Movie: Stewert, A ~ Half O!'itt.twY !UUona',, their pet ,f'!rmulaa I and of ).-luritcipal Rt>forut,; UDterm,e;r.er: breaks under whidJ the_y .wark. The ·Best .1-lWDOI' Or 19.f.9,.1960; Th~ ta one-of the ll~rbing new Van dcr Elat,7rhe. LUt FJawertfti ~ boqk.s among those ~dd~ d 1rin_g of the ~fiddle.' Age:!i; an~ Zatderi- December to shelve~ ot NeWJ>Oit berg, 'Die Qra:w Ann::htng .Book. ~h 11brary. • . .. · I , I ' I lnle.re.oUng new lcllon lncl~des: .·so Yfedd1"&ftc T-. ·. A.mold, Walk •Witb th"..: D;evll: -~ "-:"11" Ba.rk:er, Rivers Pa'rling; tsenUey, . Q .. Ol'llm.: Carrolle, c I\ r Is t."1 ... :Divorces .2 to 1 · Without Johnny; Daven:porl, Can· • dy for Brt?akfast: Henry, No ~\IT; Da~ C'1pld wo·n oul by better vivors; Keyes, Joy Stroot; Uock· t.han 2 lo l o~r the divo~ CO'!tY ridge, Foggy, Foggy {)('ath: 1Lor· in Oi'ani::c rounty during 1950, rec- ing, To Love and To Honor: Mobrt', ords in lh<' county clerk's office ~il~~~ c::;~~~~e~h1!:~kR:i~1~00~ ::~!°';f:;i90lt~~a~~~~· 1~!:s ~e: t he Bl'ach : Shirer, The Traitor: Pd, thrrc v.•cr<' 1;0.16 diVorce au.Q. Stolz, To Tell Your t:ov~; Ulln1an, filed In ,superior court. River of the-Sun; and \\/rig ht, Divon:.c actions a.e UBual led 9.11 Love can Wait. other catrgo1 ies or filings in the Non-fiction books are: Sllp('rinr court, it was diaclosed'tn ... Allen, The Truman Mcrry·Go-the rrports of Chief Court P.1ei'1t Round: Ba.in, The Clans and Tar· Mt~! Head to the st..Bte'e JIJflic:tal tans of Scotland; BakeleSA, Th~ counc'l. · Eyc8 of DiscoVery; Britaqnica During the year there: were,' in Book of the Year 1950; Burnett, adtlltion to the 1.046 divorce -.ac- The W0'(1d Best; Chrll!tensen, i'The tiQns fi'cd, a total of 886 1 ordinar'Y Index O( American D cs I g n ; civil suits and 998 estate pro6ates_. Churchill. The1 Hinge of ·Fate; Next high total '\n filings w ere ju- Coop<'r, Your Holiday in Ireland; vi~ni!(' cases 296 -and 157 crim1- Cuppy, The Decline and Fall of nal C!i.B(';S and-371 insanity aifd .~ Pre<:tically '.gvcrybody ! Duvall, ebriecy co:nplaints. . , Facts of Lif(' and Love for Teen· Ili~~<'1't n1unlh for diVo rce-. wu agrrs: Eliot, Sclectt'd Esditys: the tra.dit1onally-n1arrying ~onth Friederich, Scenery Design for th~ uf June, when a total or 102 di· Amateur Stage; Gunnerman. Cab-vo1·c"." Fllits W<'re brought in the inots, Bookcases and Wall Shelves; Oranf::<> c0unty courts. Next high J:lamilton, Cry of the Titun<J_e:-· month~ v.·t"r'! April and Marcb bird: Hatch, An1crican Express; with u:i and 92 f,l1ngs rezpcclively. Haugan; :An American Annal'" of Jn ('very~onth ~·:-tcf'pl March. -dt- Christmna Literature and Art; vorccs toPJl<'d all other civil pro- Hovey, The Practical Book of FoOd ccedings filed. l , . Shopping; Hutchinson, The Fra- ser: Joy, The Animal World of A I be rt Schweitzer; 'Lane, Th<' ' News-Tin1es ads have been re&d l in l hl! Harbor for over .f.0 )'ear' -s o.ory. of Mountains: La.tllmore, Ordeal 'by Slander; Mcnaboni, Menabonrs Birds; Nathan, The ..:_ClasSJticd a<L~ 8.rc read by who arc l ~king to buy. ~ ' \ ALUMINUM WALL TILE folks SAY .. GOODBYE .. TO CHIPP)NG PLASTER. PEEhl1'G PAllfT AND MOLD. INSTALL GJ~EAMING LIFETIME ALUMINUM WALL TILE ALL AROUND YOUR T UB OR SHOWER;..- 140 SQ. FT. OR LES~) FOR ONLY- .( $45 Complete on Easy F. H: A: Terms ' 103 ·()()\'f.N -30 M(>~THS Cunrjllltecd against chipping,. crackin_'!. dis color ing or ruat. Al.Id Value to Your Hon1c tror l"r~ E8tlmate call. Beacon 5251..j ur Bcat.-on SMtJ..'.W COASTLINE FLOOR C O VERING " 1101 NEWPO~T AVE~ COSTA MESA '. FUN .z O ·NE· ' · · OPEN EVERY FRl~AY, $ATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA -o.....n..v-M<#;tl""";..M,.,"68" • .111.~.,..1 ~· .. ~~f'MINa . 4'bl~' JI0.6#'11'. \Jest :Stn St~t at~odio Towers L-...~-.. S~TA ANA PH.Kt 3-8311 ' .ACE SALVAGE CO. .Location Taken To Make JWom for Freeway 1252. W. Anaheim .St., Loilg Beach, Calif. 1 TJ(URSDAY, ,JAN, 11 -10:00 A. M. MARINE EQUIJll'I'. -ELfX!RIGAL SUPPLIES -MA· CRINERY -·MAOHL''"E j 7001.S -PLtll\tBIN"G S1JP· PLIES -BRASS & BRCl!\1ZE.G00Dli.._-l:IGBT PLANTS -RADIO & l!:LF..cJ'Rlc,AL GOODS -BOAT B•'ILDINO llQ(TIP'T.-HOP TOOLS -'J;RUCKS -ltl,00'• Scm<:e lte..,• MACHlNERY: f.ateniol-Ra:nd Ii> De)'llbl~ Alr CompteellOl'W. .. 5 H. P-. t H.. P.....:-UUUty Double End Gpo(le.ni--Portable Drftla, Grtnden -Generutor5. Etc.. ,, . · MABIN ~ EQUIPMENT . , ' Allehpn •· Aachbr ~ftr Brooks Thermo Oom- p......Uon Stl~l/8" to 5 •1 ~~ Olbl~la Rope. ll&RINI!: TACKLE: Bloc ,. ..L 86edc•eS-SbelMre'.s -Tblln· bletr,-el<:. Larp.-I t • ' ' . MMtINl'JI dABDW ARI!: '. '4'00 .1:.Jn.. ·~ Martai& ~I' ·stock-1000 G ..... -Wood Scnwo 'Bo~ ; Lcold--'-Mapeto Witt. El<:. . ' . OAS ENGINl'..8 &: P tJMJios i' NOv9. A W,6iooti91• Gu ' • ' ' : I , . I ' ' • • • I • • • ... . r ·' , . ' • • . NlWPORT. Mt KM HlY/S. TIMES~ I • • • . ' • ~ty.AfilSYo '.-toJOll . _ i..ft.~"t L_ ~ ,.::...J~.~; _tj: .MWD by Huge 121o 1-: E" ~rd:~ ::r..::--. A::j ~ 1 ' · • • ' In J. cltlell &ad !If tun. a1lo44lng -a butanO . ~,S..:~("°1,tltlpJaH wW • .• ~ , -. By a majority of .bet..,. than. ll to 1, -(!JeJ. k lnilde the dwellln be rue ti~ ~ io '.AdrulaL ~·· Ill' .U. Weot °""" .. .-.ty•o "!'91 ..... ~ ---foimaµoo. of the,·~ t . ~t-. , .I•~ "the,¥'andaofJ110Ull'IJi&'de-BaJllOi . .I dot• .... we~· p-.. COllllty IJ(Wllclpa! 1 ;!:Valer ~ to olllah! ~ondo ru.,.,r KJn . . also u...i his neighbor'•· (enAI!' lp•eparatfona; ~ Clyde Jiln. ,,. bl. the B&Jb. ~ -· water aappU. few> a th1retJftl' .,.._ ~ I . DUtlide wall aa -... inafde .. wall for Doy)e w&a notified~ ~uhJn.,tOJl 1.. L. J-. WN~ re~ ' 1 Tlte Wte, tallied tn a apeclal ~ec.tloa '1a 15 ~lda\ed precinct.a, hill aun: room. \Vhift the n~r lMt tree~. . UU. wee . co 1 wt. 10,t:IT y .. ud l80 no. 'l'llei< • ::anie • over-tlle w.u.Dd he Do)'.?.. ·quoted N&V)'. ~ ~ trop ... for 11119 wlll 'llo ¥- .,.. tlYe · &bleatee• remaliltnc' to All .' Doctors looked u.t ot ·11111. •ide· wtnQw and Francil; Ma.th~ ... ~ta~ · ,, t pNiMnted &a4 llM otftean wW I • ' I. I k l ' o..V D for•tbe l'eCC'Jlt formal p181"..Aeatloa of U.e Ne"f Yiirlr: YM\lt Clab'• sllviei' oap bo counted. found Jooltllig rfg!lt . llitD would be put ~ Into • .be lulalll with -~ .... .. Vote turnout averaged 31.2 per • · ' combinauon aun roeJD the 1 earl~lt ~ pouibte d&t.e*' "Ud lnvJted. '· a&ates ot 12 ...... . . cent of 3&.0\)0 eUgtble votera. <COil.ltlmiJcl' ,,_ ftp l) ..OOm.· that all departl!lellta wtll IM> oper--for oev Poolllona • on i\bot - Territory formed into the new ImmJcraUon .Act .-»Proved May ullding perm.ft wu• ever at~. . baud of dlftcSon far~---are dtat11Ct. which now wtll 8eat mem-2" 19M,. M ' aJMIW!ed; l • ~t for the a\nientr41. The 1 ls ('.]Cl>ected 3,600 men. will be "belnC' \JIOt.ed upen by m...,., • benblpa in .the M etro po 11 l an 2. AJieOI ~ u dlpto-atJon order will prevent employed by early ewnmer and They iac.:.u4e Ed All~-~ Water Diatrict Of Southern call-m~c,, COl\llllar, 'mtlitary or ctvtlls Ing .being used for OCCU· em~loyme:nt will be turtber es-Bre~ Gebr_se CeWa1e. ~ ~ fornla to get a •haft of co1lorad:o an olt\claJ.a or e1ppki1ee1 ot a for-panded aa the •operatJbna require, Charle.a Hop&oa. Leo?laN. ~ Rl'Yer supplies lncludel ctUee of el&'.Jl 1overnmeat and •members of Dolf9 st.at.ed. . • baker, ~lpll i.....rtuee. .~ Seal Beach, 'Huntington Beach their tamilJ•;. · Pr" · T .1:he 141pyard ~ c~ ln Potter, P epito Perez, faUl .M. Oran1e. Tuatln, Pl&cenµa. and La a. +uena ~o ~ ottlcl&la or ISOft er.m ef,r.y 1950 ~ coan~\!oA ·Wutt the Rogers, ~k Sakyer. Md w. a H&bra. and the rapfd'.y growing empJoyeea of a p'lb!lc tnter{l&UoJ'.'· defense economy prognm 8PQD· Withe~. • wot Onnge county area em· &I or&anlzaUon recocnlaed under t.C,.ntl from hr:e 11 l sor;ed by the tben · Deteue 8ecre· • Pre~t ..,George P. · p,_ i.Dd bn.clng Buena Park, Cypreaa., th e I nternaUonal Orpntr.alton.s rie!l a ntence ot from one to 15 ~ ~ Jobneon and btc&l.l9e lNnt Vtc~ratde:nt., 'I. B. JkNU17 Stanton, Weatminater Midway lmmunitks A.ct, approved Oecem· years. Judg"l Morriaon ordered of subsider\ce on Tennlnal bland. from th~ precedin~ yn.r a:r:-, City, BolBa, New~o~, Carden ber 29, 1945, and membe!'8 of the.Ir that H II be retumed to Los An-• ' · automatk:ally members of tae _.. N.avy yawl Salo~ flnt boat to llDl9h la c.e Newporf...OUleiaada .. ~Uoul Sd'tra aaae Jut IWD• nwr. ~ere (&en to r\cllt),: Captain D~ P. Tucker, ·tJSN; LCD.&.~ O. a. Wlll!•ee, ~ (....._): Grove, Los Alamitos, Talbert Bar-( tu; gele• here he fa'.ced trial on a Supems· ors Hold boa~ 91/·directon. Tbe. ~ ·ot btt Ctty Ocean View Green.Ute 4 . .Allen• wM 'have entered the rnarlju a posaetLaion . charge be~ · dlrectora: from thelr ~ nut*· .. Paularln~ and all ar~a interwn~ Un~ Stat.ea and remain therein tore 1'l Is committed to the itate Defen~ ~eefil)g be ... elect the pr~~t:, ttnt Md , O. B. Hauett,, Clalef Bo9h•...in. tJ8N; Coinmod.or.e CUlf Chapman. 9f the .Newport ~ • WU.r AMOClatioa; Bl-ad Admlral WUder 0. Baku. Com_....\&nt, Eleventh ~a'Wal iMKrlct; ... t.cDR C. C. Taylor, USS, p~t sa.n1ns master of the Saluda. . {U. S. Navy Piao~) Inc. , .• punuant ~ tbe p~-vtuon. of 'Sec· P,rlson. · _ tecQJ'l4 ~pre8.ldenta .1.&ad. taa J Uon~ 11 of Ure Apeeme:nt between McE y, who aaid he !s now a ; The county superri&ore .apoct&· tree.surer:. Tlley ·appolnt..t,the ~ • WINNE , GETS NEW YORKY~C. TR I PHY The--U: s . Navy yawl Saluda, !int. ~at t~ finish in UR! 1950 Newport-Enaenada Int.e"1;1lttonal yacht race off the CallfornLa-Mex~o coaat, was formeriy presented' the New York Yacht club's new pe/pietual race trophy at a cerer;nony in San Diego, on Ott!. 77, t9:Kl. Formal presentation wu made qi\ behalf of the Yac ht c lu b by Commodore Cliff Cha;pman, ot the ·N ewport Ocean Sailing aasoclaUon , in the ofClcf of Rear Admiral Wilder D. Baker, Cbn1m•nda.nt .of the Eleve nth Naval Distri<"l. A token pn!9elll8fion has been held Im· mediately after lhe rllce. G . B . Hanl!len, Chief Boat.JJwain, USN, recei\led the trophy u of· nce r in charge of the Saluda. which was the first to fint.sh and aiso wipner Of the Divided Big Claas in the Newport • Ense.nada rue, he ld on May 5, 1900. F'1nt to Win The only commissioned y.cht In the U. S. Navy, the Saluda la the t1rst vessel to wln an international aaJllng race for the Naval ~ · u a retult of lta victory In the ...-Newport·En5enada. cOnteet. , With 4,000 .square feet of work· tng said, the 90·f.at Saluda com· peted agaJnat a field of 135 boats to cover the· course in Z3 hours, 8 minutes. 2 seconds. The N.ew York Yacht Clu6·.s new silver cup i.s intended aa a per· petual. trophy for the Divided. Biz' cl&s3 winner of the annual race over the ltO-mile cou.rse. Sahlda· Is attached .t o the U . S. Navy Electronics Laboratcry. San Dieco. for special use In electron· ics research. Captain Dundas P . Tuc;ker, commanding officer of the laboratory, and membE>rit of the yawl's racing ·c rew attended the prHf'nt&Uon ceremony. . l..a.r'S"t Yawl Reserves tq Hear Intelligence Talk Captain Lef T. ecerllngs, u~ sl8ted by Sergeant ack F . Nel· son, will present a 1 udy ln "Stra~ tegic Intelhgencr" r<{r members of Originally named the Odyssey, i the Orangl.zf'd R1?11erve Corps at the Sparkman • Stepheru& designed Orangi%~ Reeerve h('adquartere yacht WU built by H.P . Ne,vt.ns of 1012 N . Main •trttl, Santa Ana~ N.ew York. Largest yawl ln thP Monday, Jan. 15 at 1 :30 p.m, Tbe Pa.clfic Coast. the Saluda 9et a discuBSlon wtll cover the strategic new course record or three hours. position of the United statu. 25 minute•, 45 seconds in the Cor· Capt. Gttrlings Ls' one of eight onado Island Race sponsored by Sixth Army officer• presently ,on tbe Southern Ca.lifornla Yacht Re-a nin~month tour ,of the ILMl'IY gatta in July, 1950. area" as part of a prOgnun to keep The new cup ts onf1 isplay in the the members of the Army'• re. t.r.ophy caae of the U. S. Navy serVe and National Gt!&rd abreaat Electronics Laboratory, where it of the Jateat devek>pnlenta in atr .. wlll remain Ul'til tbe next N e"'· egy. ta.ctlcs, weapo~ and equl~ port·Enaenada race in May, 1951. ment . · ;'#;'" As part of his talk, Capt. Geer :+ -"~ lings v.·iJI show the Unlted State. and its possible defenaes. compar. ing those formerly considered ade· In eaatem Orange county it Include.a . El Toro, Yorba. Linda. Villa Park, Bcea Canyon. J\lcb· Cteld, Olive, Sa.ntlago CanyOn, Jr .. vine and El Modena? la three precinct.a, No. 11 at Huntington Beach. apecltJ Pft. clnct 44 at Olinda and the El Toro precinct, the vote wu unanimoUI. No nepUve vote.a were cut in either of .these th~e. Formation of the Orange coun'l ty Municipal Water Dlstr1ct, of which Mayor Glenn P . Allen of Orange la temporary chairman, wlth John Murdy, Jr., of Smeltzer hia vice~haJrman, now brings al· moat all of Orange county withs In potential membe:ra:hlp of lhe M. W . D. At preaent the cities ot Brea, Fullerton. Ana.helm, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and lbe community ot Coata Mesa and Fairview P'arm15 are In M. W. D. Su.nunrr \·ote The qoe.stlon of annexing thfo territory to M. W . D. wW be~p for vote in iate 1Ummer . To service lbe "new district, M . W .. D. has plana to build a $13.000.000 syatern of reeder llne111 lnto the cowtty, one for deliver: In~ treated water tor domestic use to l'nter Orange county near Bu~ Park; the other carrying itntreated water for apicultural uae, wouJd enter the county lbrough Santa Ana Canyon and dl8ch&rC'e lnto Santiago .Reaer~ volr. Domeatle water wiU cost $20 per acre root . lrrtption wa· ter wDI _cost $10 per acre root. The new d.latrict baa u.aeue:d valu· atlon or almoat $200,000.000. ' quate and impregnable with the f .__ Sou · modern concepts. Hti will show th~ ~nn.,.. ght · development of helnls pherlc de-Oii CDM Street Bond. feMe w ith America's .southern neighbors and the combined Amer· ican·Canadlan defense problems or the _t•tic region . >AgP"81ob a.utf"9 SuperWr cour:t bas b2e n re-- quested to foreclose a streel·lm- pr0>vement bond on a parCel of Corona deJ Mar real• eatate. R. ]... and Marie B. Cnatcher The latter part of the session filed ~ action against Gordon will be devott"d to a d1zJcttsaton of &nd Helen E . Thomu, ownen of the routes opt-n to possible aggrell· the real estate on w hJch a New-sors. Capt. Geerli.np wUi pGlllt out these avenues of attack on •rge port Beach city street bond was charts. laeued Nov. 29, 194 7. It was claim· While clf'monstratlng bow Amer· e-d the follow1ng are due: $215.48 lea ca.n be attacked. Capt: Geer· principal, $24.42 lnte-rest, $5.l!i linga will &ho •how the possibili· 1 penalties, S2 service fee, $2!i UUe ties for lh~ development of defense Rareh and $150 attorney's feel. I .fin: SALUDA (U. 8. Navy PllotD) . ' mea.sures designed to forestall or con~in these }>Osai~le attack.!. A n1ember or the Sixth Intantr:y Division at Fort Ord: Calif., Capt. Geerllngs spent several weeks on duty at Sixth Anny he&dquarte"' Presidio of San Ftanciseo, prepa.r· ing lh~s pres entatloii. AJ.&o invited to attend, In addi· lion to lhe members of the ORC, 1 are members of lhe~ Nation.al Guard , and Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Hei.-z Kaiser ( OonttAUed f'rwn ~1"8 I) eatabll.sh the v~kllcy of the board's. election. OBITU.>\.RIES I Sfanle Pr-When the ·new. county board ...... ~ . ---, · . J -. opo5pS t.a.kes office, there wtll be a dla- CJIRlS-NU!Ui HA..~ES crepancy ln saJartea. Stipervl•<>r• 1_ (Contlnaed trom Pace 1) ~h:ris Niels Han.sen, 70. died Kaiaer, Smith and Warner wUl ~untday at his home. 123, E. cies lmprovemeht financ'! COQl· start drawing $300 ·a montll, UM llocheatp st., Costa Mesa. mission consisting of the Sta.le M.lartea establis~ b¥ tbe at.ate fie . was a native of Denmark, Controller, Attorney General: Su· legislature some time· beck. Su· axniagRo this country early in perlntendent ,of Bank!. and Df.reo. pB'viaont c. M. FMth.erly Of Santa life • to.rs ot Fi.narlce and Public Worka.. ·Ana &nd ·Ralph J . McFadden of . Survt nc are t"'O daughters, Any local project. under: the P :acen.tJa. whoee terms have two Vrs. A ur Drummond and Mrs. plan, firet wou~d 1'!.ave to be a~ yeara l to run, w1ll cGAUnue ~t the Waller Alberts, both of Coatn proved by the goveiplnc bodf of preae~t 9CAle of, IZM monthly, i(e:9a i.lld three grandchildren. the JocaJ government tltitjaUng it. :Jince elecUve officl.ala 1.eneraUy • Prlva't. · tune.nJ servicu were Local Vote ~ ire barred trom recel\ltn.c in· •be.Id Sl.Rlday al the Grauel chapel ' ~ in ,pay du.ring thelr terms cb.ta lle9L . ,. "; . If found to be feuib~e tiy. the of office. _ ~ -.'Jaruam t Wu la Westmillste:t state c.ornmiasion, the proJectt then All other'-,elective otncl&la tak.· vai~onat park.. would be put up for"-a vote of the Ing new te~ aJ.eo wtO cet $S> ~·-people In tlae 1ocal are~ concern· ftl.onlhly increuu. s o m e 18 ; 'UNOOLN MeL~'llE-<d. Tho otate beDda In IN!ficlenl "!OO!Ju ago they wm. Wted PIQ' '"'DIAL 1119'' Manhall Thompson Stam S-. Tedmeolor Mualcal. "TWO WEEllS WITH LO\'E" the .Ui\.l1.ed Natioaa •n..t tll.e Unit-cook a San•'" Mo-:~-and ... -. "'-·~----bold ••-.. l ·~ · """""" ...... ,._.._. ~ tibn or o.AUllUntia. p..um · to o. -~ · , , ed 'S~ta at A;mfflca rt:gardlng pectin arrivtll of a ,third child ctviH.an defense conterence lB Sac· the Headquarters of the United 800n, u ordered to remain bt. rarnento. • week trptit P'rid•1• DOCJ !fie·. Id. Trjals·~ : Na~Df. u appro•ed b\ .. Public Los A elea county for the first Jan. 12. . . L&w IG1, 80th Co~;_ · year o his pr<ibalion and after Frederic ~ Ak-xander, generaf D. AUen.I who are natJonala ot a that.t ti e to el.!ly within. the seven manager of tbe auoclaUon, -.Y• (Coailau .. lrem ~ 1) , cOUf.1-D' W1tb wl'del\. Ute.re la in et· Southe C8Jif-Ornia counties. each coudty -through tta boird A dinlaer for members and fttt a treaty Of' iaternat\onal He tso ls to be fequired to of supervisors -will have a civil guest.a i$ btlJtC a.rranpd fOL: 1 agreement exempting IU natlon•ls make e&tltution at the rate of defense task to perform. J'or that p.m . Satj.il"day at the Bay e.,_ from ·military eervice while they $5~ a m nth. Officers satd Lou'derfa rea80n, he says, tt is well to-have )¥1th club aecretary, Irrinc Jlp°· are wlthln, the UnJted Sta.tea; or Joss o untecovered abalone was county of.fieiaJ.e bear 41nctly from (Ian of iJoa AnrQea' tn ~tol S:..rOther aliens whoae admlsaion est lma at $577. bl t ffl tais · 1 ,.._._:i, :.;:~ to the United Sta.tea 11 for a tern.. reaponai e sta e o c as to reaervati~.ns u well U \u-1aa -Y.·· po-~ otay only: ... the status of C&llfornla'a civil de. trl•. Captain of.SUN f'or p..e trt· • -., Wis people do read the ad& fenae pre am. .. ala Ja ~y Hom.mu. : : . • • ~· I r \ff\ I 'ii i I I l I , ... '' • ' Ach•ertisin Is. an In estment Toward the Perpetual Gro-.th of Profitable Business ' • ~ Th.is Man Doesn1 t Believe • 1n A [) V E R T ,,I S I N G .. : yet, he. has just arisen from a wJ 11 adyeitised metal bed that co~t~ined an adYertis~ mattress, sheets, blankets a~d piUows. He Is now .re111oving an adYertised br,and of pajamas and is about to-enter the bothraom;tbe fixtvres of which have bee~ ady~rtised for more t~an a ~uorter of ·a ~en,ury: H wi!I soon use on adY.ert1sed l:irond of soap and later pick up er sh_~1ng brush t at 1s known the world over 'because it has been adYertised. :He will ~se a rbzor, · s!!Gving soap; massage cream, toilet wotef, tooth brush and paste, ~ weJI dS a.comb and brush which have seen the light Of adYertising before hel puts on his well advertised clothes.· ' . ' . . ' . . . ..... -... ' ' . .. ;-.., ' This ,same man will eot a well advertised brand af cereal, bclcQ.rl, bread and coffee for his breokfust. And ji.st before leaving his home, he -iill pu~ on a well known cind adYertised brand of'hat. He will step into the motor car ft.hich • ' r I .. ' he purchased because its adyertised "points" sold him, and upon ei.eri119 · J i 1'~dl~s o~ce he ~i~l ligh_t an a~ye,rtis~ ~rand ?f ciga~ and sit.~6wn ~ . • ~r~,: .. f1 ~ .. l'fh15 daily adm1n1Strot1ve.-du.t .. .0P1.i4-..9.4.t•:U1~Juta1filrei Sf~. 4t , '~i7;;, .. ~ J · rupher, 'secretory and office associates are all wearing clothes which 1 wete purchased because they were well advertised. . .. - ' . l .. · • • . · I Upon his return h'me; Mr. Man finds a great deal of comfort il(a nati 1 Uy advertised chair atd almost .mechanically pulls t~e cord to a• . isecl ·brand of floor lam . Soon he is called to dinner .and must cross 'over we l'acl- vertised rugs; and pon entering the dining. room'..fi~;the tol>l• temp ·ngty· _'f;lted with many a11Cient-lo!'9 advertised foo~ procluct5:· -· .. ; ..... . ~ . ,• . ~ . After dinner he fll b a substantially ~dvertised pii)e with tidrertised tobacco, ·plays with Junior f.ith his advertised toys for thlrfy minutes ~bile M;t1ier and tile girls..are dibing the adyertised di~hes in on:Odvenised ~tol ~~k. After Hie. pfay perl wit!..;.. kids an~ a little ~..,ily c~,.i~ ~--likel ~is man wiU ga in the g1119p. Cllld use . the advertised brantl •f tool, fo~ a hour or So~ 'it-which tim he ,..11te.S,tlie h~se ond reads.a ~r fill with 1 stilllulating advert' . uct finds there is a gOCicl · l'!IO•ie acherti tfiat . the ~mity !Hst no ..... seeing~ . . . ., ' . ' · j Upen his rehlril ~the : ~~ijy mak: a ma~~ ~.~b a:~ J,. .... • • \ ' • • • ., ·' ' . • ·- . ."i.u.ooln Mcl:ntyn, 83, ot m amounld !."_ ~-bed.uy ~~ local "endl raloeo by eilber 111• -'""-• or __ Jo ;or.; Coot& Mesa. di~ 1n ;:• ";bl' .. ~teres~ .. ...._= the leglalatw'e, trtu.-th& -l.::.-'~~l!I . ..., County hospital Friday 00 te ..._ ~ ~ at u.e •urt ot th& - • _.mtc.-• · 1>e11pa1_<1. 18d~·~~..:.. · tenu. ' 1 ' '· , frigerator Which h bought because t.lie oclverlisnmeM poillted· .put IMllY .' .. «••a•yhiahlres; . •pri'ce;which .a·,,eatect fo him ~licl his entire fdmily. ' ' .. ·.' • , . · .•• ; . • -. -' . -t . • • ''4naltve of New H&mpebltt, be ~ -• ~ ,..,_,w th&tp:! I "'' ' jeet --lllo . • " llM·nftd In Callfomla fw IDIUIY tile ' liq»lda.ted wilhln. ~ )"Oil.rs: <;1•llr ~ .,....._ • • • !ltaB&e}' C01111knto!d· .;f • -..:-r Be 18 surv1n<1 by· 1>i. wtte, "'1lle p1an -.. ~ lk -P'I OF Ii ff TGes • ...,. s06 ea.ta Kela;;. four .... lD.,. mtltlone Of doJlan b Ull-' . • 11a1p11 et ~ o-. w~ et _..._, ot ..,...., ... -~ . Mt to -tt..U• !" ... Yetur:a. '!o"eQdell Of :run.rt-. .... to preJecta aC .......... -•od ... -pnpatt - 91 ~ of <*a M-; UU.-l't'• •C: _. nu •tile•...,... It -i.. 1'-pw\ C.-.. Co, ~ .UICl...;1S. ,.sreat· __ d,_,.al.lllo·qte, .... -lllad la -tor - I --lldtl-1 · -.u -~ , --..• 117 Ille C-, flt.,Ol .. e. . ~ wst111 .,.. ~e-'ld -· -IWJE?' -1\ ... sA'pi tlllill. Ull Ii ., .......... 1au.oa..DOI • ..__ ........ '' ••• t""' --. ·-tM .a. S I - -... 11irlill9la ......... _ .. • ....... ,_ IL!i\M ot tile -.cs a . .,.__~ ,.,... . • -· ~ V "'""'·~· a._~.,. ' . . .. , I 'tp : s·~·"•-Jil •uan ta.a_.._ ... ~ lati.MllWl*_e,._ . . . ' l • . ~ ·Ait~lid tQ9far1n ·tt,,~night, th~ ~-~~.-... .to.W a..IR re.law- • 1 ... .,aii·fMt, · •""41 cont~tiOa ~-. ctaclfK kil .'•n as i"t•' • -.~ .. ,.Wphfty. " . ..,,.. . . . -~ . 1 • •• - :H.; ..... ~.--' • I • • -' •• ' . . •, '1 ' • , . ' . ' .. I ·1 ' • .; .. . ' l ' " ~ I f I • • ·' • • l : I· . ·- I ' Ti T9 T , ' .. • < ' • 11 8UllDIESS GUIDI: ~ BOUSll: CLEANING w vka. r.tm.ttun · and n1p Uiampooed. Free estimate~ runy lnaUred. Al's House & Rug 1 ·Cleaning Co. . Be·roe llll 72ttc CLEARANCE on Used Refrigerators All are in good condition Appliances arc getting scnrce · and will soon be even .. harder t o find. See J ohn Harvey at Seacraft 625 COAST HJGRWAY NEWPORT BEACH Ph. !IJUCON ~771. IN NEWPORT, cloae lo ocean, 2 bed.rm. furnished houee, tratac~ W~ter and pie. paid. '651 mo. Pb. Beacon U6T·M. 83tfc: Servel gas refrig. 5 cu. :1ttc ft, in· very nice can----~, ----~ ....... --rri:tdi:i:Tr!ru:NT<ii~AL,U:::-Juc:id.da~ 1J; ww;w.•"- dition: ·-----------............. $74.gf) 60--tt. SUP. a.va.ilable near 1Jdo Be1•1tlf'Ul. new 1 bdrm. unfurn . ~ 6 CU. rt ®ly 3 wh...,. Claoe to-~ru11 aton. a-pt. l'h'eplace. Garage. $80 mo. p yrs old ' $139 95 theatre and market. Sl per tt. 200 Vla Antlbn, Lido Isle. Bar· Ll~SED -IllSURED Fri 'd. . ·5--·t ·-· f··t····-89.95 Call at 344 0 Via Oporto or Ph-Bor 2793-J. (Agents, no te). . \,,,,.ll.LL' -~ ~re, cu. · ···· · Harbor 1216. 63c65 · &to6D Glenn Johnston i'ngidaire, s cu. ft. -94.50 llOl ,stat st. Newport Bw::h Grunow ---------·--·-----· 49.95 S.-UlllCAa. ••• ' ~AL •' Harbor 229~-J Mct8 Ice ·aox. looks like , . .e!ttuic refrigeratol' 14.95 B\Jl'IGALOW' tlPRICH'P pluo "' . S'PECIAL~IS'~TS-~ p AlNTING . ALSO perfect condition. Term• $50 ean' Edna en.ts ' E Wb · tdry rt down and $1 5 J>f'r mo. at EAR_L--SHEFLIN as61 1~ J'lO • 39 95 s RAr ER'S HUStc co.. <-Linwood Vick,, RI tor. _ a e was er ---· , 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Sants Bolbool Ioland. B&I'. 20d' 3ldlt 273 Palma-St... Colt& Meaa --~ t Ana. KI. 3-Qil'U. . 62tfc Bea. 114117-M 94c9 Have a few good TVs-'l · BALBOA 18~ newly -JUST REPOSSESSED~ USED Pt.ANOS from $69 up. Good" tumlohed Apt. 1 l>ed"'811l. Patio'. playing uondKimL DA N 3-~ 'TW June,.~$55 mo., ln-H .• H. HQI,BROQK DAVIS-BRO\\'N CO. SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Santa -eluding "uttlfhea. 1-31 Topao. DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 1885 Harbor Blvd. C...ta Moff& Ana, cor . Sth Balboa .Island. 67p69 A. Pmimpt Beao011. &82.1 WANTllD~ W pianos. Tl'ade fu FURNJSHED bachelor apt: Klt- itep&lr 8e"19 11.alnt&IJle.d your old piano <>n a Grand, c hen and batb, $35 mo. Incl. -utU. 'Pbone: ~ Ul&-W FIREPLACE. WQQD 8Pinet b< beautiful t elevtolon. winter rate. H 05 w . Bay Av~ .• 2I01 Balbo& Bl.,._ Netrport Buell 2213 Newport Bl vd .. Costa Mesa R ighrst cash .Uowa.o.ce. Te rms. Newpo1L Beach. 64c66 -------~,-----Bea~on 5180-.l. DANZ..SCHWDT PIAN'O CO., • , , • • .Take your choice :it $3,750 down. Balance less than rent. ~Sp~~I~JO~~irs GET OUT Oli' REAC H. . ' . ' Can Fr'ed Barker, Bee.con 5796 (eves. Beacon 6939-J) or ca.JI _at our office at 16th -~d Irvine( Opposite the _Blg)l School). ·~ARL W. STANLEY, .Realtor 15th a.a.d Ifvlne, Newport. Heights DON'T MISS THIS ONE ' i951's BEST BUYS Nice Home Plus Income EXCEPTIONALLY nice 2 B.R . Lido Isle Bay Front 1. Large 11.i.tr . """"' ·.and don, 4 bdrms, plus maid's qlrs., 5 baths unit 4beat. 60-tt. lot, pier and float. Newly UeCorated and mo.!jt horn(' with a delightful living r oo_m, diniqg room, tiled''kitchen . s Qrvice poi-ch and large bdrm!!. W ell con!l\rueted. Select lfard· wood, excellent East Side loca- tion -plu!! a very nice apart- ment which would rent for $40 per month. B'bll price ___:.. $9,500 Very easy terms. e t tractive. At $55,000 -it's a buy The John Vogel Co. 4.M • 32114. SL, NA!v.1>0rt •Beach Phone Har., 1960 or Bea . 5315-J 63c65 CARPENTER 60<65 corner 61.h. 020 No. Milin, Santa Ana. , l NICELY FURNISHED l bedroom i'OR LEASE OR SALE-70' lot upper view apt. Year &.round on Coaal Blvd., central part or 2. Corona del Mar Income WORK ROUGH and Finl<thed built cabinets. Harbor •ROOFERS • PAlNTEJlS . ' CAJlPENTERS • RUG· CLEANERS custon1 116<t·,.1'. 3"c3!1H • HOUSE CLEANERS • FIX IT SHOPS Your ad appe,ring reg- ularly in these columns will bring you many new customers. Harbor area folka are ln the' habit ol "looking in. th't cla..ssl· fled" when they need these 11enice!I. 1 Use the News -Times, Post and Press combina- tion w ith over 21,000 dP.. culatlon. Ph.on~ Harbor 1618 today and a.':!k for the a<f".t:a.Jter. Special monthly Tata&. 14-PERSONAUI . .pooholi\'15 Anonym?M Write P . 0 . B0Jt. 197 i I BaJbda (s}and, taJff. Phone Klmberly 3-5393 :&-8JTUA.TIONS WANT>:o Wlien you need a nurse: Practical Nurses Registry Graduate UndeRgr&dua~· Trained Practical Nµrses Specially trained OB Nurses 806 Orfnge. Santa Ana Klmberly 2·81{>6 53c's6 • DON'T DELAY, CtLL 'f'ODAY ... tor an ad in tho lively era.,.<tl· tied muon of the BIO THJUI&- - Television Service RADIO REP AIRS JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE ! rental. $70 mo., i11clud. util. Ap--Conie.a del M41'. Call collect TW0 VERY NICE HOMES on cornr r lot Oll South Sid6' of HI-PJY 4.10 Dahlia, Corona del~$, __ L.o_m~lt-•_2_3_2_4_. _____ 6_2p6_• r -· · way, One house is nearly new. Larry li:Wen • • I arold Ramm ·Technicians ' Knabe Gra.w.L l,jeautlf\.11 Chlck- eTing GCMUL. ~ve $600 to $800. Kimbal Grand. ·v-. Story and Costa Mesa.- Clark. W ondet' twYd Sohm er lb. Fast Growing P°""'ss;on at once. Large iru!ur- ance loan p86'able at l64.12 per Industrial A~, month. F o, good conservative MESA RADIO & /Fl!lLE'VISlt>tl tM Broadway, C. M'. Bea. &118-.l 1 -50t!• I Grud, only $.395. Terms. DANZ..· RENT OR SELL new 1 bedroom SCB..M.IDl' BIG PIANO STORE,! partiy !Urnl&be<I home. Ne\v atove. s:>:s mo. or ~ Ml price. Nice 2 BR. hou.'l<' on %: acn! or quality · investment See this wrouod.. HoUa e Ml Slit.able for property at your t>arlie•t con· GRUNOW t;-lcctric rf•f'rigenlor 6 cu. ff .. C .E . motor . CoOO run- ning cont.li tjon. S7!'>. 501 Nar cis- ~aw, Cor ona del Mar. 63µ65 EVERYTHlNG FOR YOUR TRAILER WE ·FILL. BUTANE' ui• pt<OP-A.Nlll 'llANKll Complete tnatallatioft. J"e9olil.l' and service of all Traller Equij,merit: Re.rman E. Samuel El.Us M. Porter ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa. Phone Beacon 8224-R 82t!< 520 No. Main, corner 8th, Santa Ana. Rlil NT ~ PIANO. $5 per Dlo nlh. All rent allowed If you buy with- in terml!I. bA.NZ:..scffMJDT, 520 No. Ma.In, Santa Ana. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! Spineu and Gr&nda. Trade-ln.s. RentaJ rehwoa, repouesslon. ~ooderful bargaJ.rui. Many fam- ous rna.kea. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. 100 pianos to chOOH !ram., 320 No. Main, corner 6th, Santa Ana. GOOD UPRJGHT PIANOS trorii $59. Term!! as convenient a.e $6 mo. a t SHAFFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N . Sycamor~. Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0672. 4.4ttc. ti-STORES a omcr.s • .E. RltnUClll<:AT()i\. S C\I. CL. la.le model. Excellent condition. 1------.------- $1 50. Automatic et~ndix washer . On Marine Ave. · likl' new , soo. Ph. Har. 2370-W. Balboa Island ....... BEAtrr IFUJ, 8 pc. ciining rm. set. .U25.. G~nP Cbineile chiDa cabl.n ct , S~. Bendix au'tomalic washer, $75. Balboa T ransfer &: Stora~ Co .. 1925. Harbor illvd., Costa ,_.resa. 64c66 sERVlilL KM Ntfrigi'tator, 1 C"-. ft. .like nE'w, $1 75. Phone Harbor 1627 o r s~c u.t 11 8 Ithaca , Lido Lsle. Ilk&! Sl-\VANTF.D TO Bt;IV . WANT TO BUY about 18' pc8. good used corrugated sheet iron fOf' l'08[ing·. Blur. 1-020-.W. tjil,~c ' Store a nd Single Apt: Available Yearly $125-lllontb SEE Liuwood Viek, Rltr. 31.2 Ma nne Ave., Balboa 141. 62c64 .. offlcea or residence. venience. Mtfc Bay· & Beach Realty . ---------~-.-Bal-Blvd. Harboc l2S• S. E _astside Call HUbor 2258-J NICE LY FURNISHED-s1ae1ei apL -Nll\l!POR'.£..~GeTs good ioca-Costa Mesa automatic he,at. Private o· ~klm. Ne\v 2 bdrm., h.dwd .. nOOrs. WAN'r a good house~Iow market trance and yard. R~nable. fi replace, ,good healer, wall-value. This Le tops. 2-bdrm, hdwd 3M ar..dW~ ~oat.a M.ese.. paper. Will G. I ., 5,..1' down. Call t ile, firt!place, 2-car garage, fen-! M-ced Beacon M&of-W. S4p66 ce<J yard. ·eloae in location. For the price of $8,950 ......:... lj. just can't be beat. BA YFRONT REN'r AL, 1 bdrm., lo J"tme 15th, $70 mo.. 2 BDRM.. 2-balh baytront. Rea- sonable. caEKNLEAF & ASSOC, 3112 Newport .Bhd. Har. mz SMALL DOWN PAYMENT will bike lhi.9 ,2 bedroom hou.se at &-42 Rivers!de, Newport H eigohts. 1 ALSO 2 bed rm. · borne·.. 23622 · Snus Hatbor ftd., Cliff Haven. ' , Landscaped. · IK>TS rww a vall- able. Owner Manning. Beacon ·MOO.J. !13tlc • PM Sullivan Former ly C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 8 (-.COn 6243-W Harbor 3157·\.\' or Beacon 5458"-J * *SOLD * * ' 248 Driftwood Drive Shore Cliffs . By a Mµ!tfple Listing Realtor • ·• ·- . . I . . • . . . -~ - WOULD· YOU LIKB a ne&J'ly new <qnfo-% bN. .~ .L room ho~ w~th fireplace, ~ room. lau•"".Y room, doullle guac .. and a aeMrata guat. rOfm I lllldbath. ' ' . IN. ADD.lTION a 2 bedroom house fur mcome gr.1a- la.wa. FOi' more: intol'JD&tion about tlllll well located iiALaaA 181..AND hom._ call STANJ:.KT' HADFIELD, HarOOr :lO .. PAI .¥-SPRINGS Furnished Home • • • lleautiful 5 bednn., 4 bath home, on :wide lot ilL euen....t kleation. . Large patio, lanai, iuui "barllecue ~ fut1liahed and ~Jl to l!)OV" in. °"'8ft ha& just 1'!dtlced pric .. to. t ' . $29,500-Terms Wm. W. SANFORD! Realtor 216 MARINE A VE., BALBOA ISLAND Phone Bul?or 2462 .-' .. ------------------~-----~· U you u_e looking for the finest 'in everything, let .-us show you this home located in the Twrtin, Lemon Hta. area. Easily accessible Santa Ana, Los Angeles, ·and the Harbor area, set· in 6 ac>'es of citrus and avocados, this beautiful home is the superlative in g-00<! taste, quality,1 livability. There · are 3" large bedrooms, large livihg-room, unusual rumpus room, separate dining room, maid's quar- tel'!!I .. Modem conveniences inctude•ciisl'nrasher, gar- ~ ' bage chsposal, stainless steel in, . kitchen, radio · i:ontrollfd garage doors. EXpansive yard is com- pletely enck>sed with a. concrete '1ja.ll1 ia beautifll!IY landscaped~ ·has .sprinkler system! front and l!eU •.. For your outdoor pleawre therer-· a loYely patio,' a badmiBton .colU't asd there are etahles for your horses. Appointment only: Yo will llgTee tW this home is well worth the $75,000 asking-pr;ce. INVEST NOW! • "fhe 1s1a11d ·. • • • I ' ' l • • ' ' I J . ./ • . .. • • ' • ' I , . "!'· ' . v [ I I ' . ,· • • , ' ' , • • -' WATER PLANl° SERVES VOLLl!'.GE-Tbls blc wale r d~trlbut­ lnl' plant on Ulel former Santa Ana Anby AJr Bue l8 truly oolle- glate: it 111 o(M'rated by Cout CoRep fo-r &e\'e.ral water me,._ In~ cludtnc Uk• colk~. Pttote shows buce t,Ailk IMrlns ftJled, .. um- bttlla'' or l'·ate~ pourt.n,-lnto retM."n,.olr, In tum tft be pumped In %SO.foo~ lower t;ank.. Earl Trapp. a cqlteclan. l& "hown nn duly la pumpbOWte. COLLEGE . SfEKS EXIT, FROM WATER BUSINESS • Coast College, which is in lhe water busln~mi. would like to get oul, and hopes some <lay that the county Will take over a "''aler-distrlbutlor: system it operate~ on th~ sprawling former Santa Ana Arn1y Alt:. Basc Wh ere its campWI ~s located. The list of "uiiitrs" ot water is------------- incteaslng, lUtd so is the job of C h 1·· • maintalning the 1"•tcr pl&I)t al\d ras n1ures its Jines. Bc•id•• the C~st eo···~·· wa-Mesa Mother ter uscr':1 inclu · c the .Orange . Cf o u n t y Fair da. Southern A young Costa M l'sa mother California Bible College; Seger-~1[fercd a poMlble broken arm slrom Brothers. Anaheim Cold early P'riday when lho car In whiCh Storage; l.Aminatl!d Plastics. In-she was riding skidded oft Atlanta suJated Product.al Company. and St. in Huntington Beach anfl Hauser and Brot:M:. all on the air struck a pole but her husband and' ~-their three small sons e8Capcd 'l'JM:. two collcgt.os are at each ' injury. sirte O't:.-the fairgrounds: the in-Mrs. Audrey Walton. about z:J. doslnal planla BJ16 al the, north-was hurl when the c&c drlveq by west edge of the air ~in what her husband. Billy C. Wa.lton, 732 was a warehouse I district for the W. 20th St .. Costa Mesa, skidded pre-night ccnt'er. It allSO serves on the wet surface near Hunt.ing- Orange Cou~l.Y Ab·port nearby. ton Beaeh Blvd., and cra.Bhed ln-; . Man ln Charse I . Lewis Bell, mfintenance man fqr tht.· Coaat coirrge. bt in chafJe of op<'ration of thf .rumping pla.nt and di.~tribut!an syst~m. , So far, tbcre i& enough water, and . the 1,000,obo-gaJlon daily turnout fluetuat-111 considerably accomlng to use lor the air base pr:operty. . I Tho coll~ge too}( over the water ' . -.yatem when it pocated on 245 •en;• of the alr ~;s we.at aide. \ The county ba no water dil- (ric t to operate ay.tem, so a.r- Mngcd for Coast College to do tlie job on a "t n1por.ry baa.is'" Wbich so fur has · permanent. to a ut:Ulty pole. The accident oc- curred at 12 :13 a.m. Friday. The sons, 4, 3 and 2 years ot age.. were wrapped in blanket.a, a.sleep in the '"'rear seat of the machlne. Can't 911it Worti for Future Wed~l119 State unemployment appeals board ba.s ruJed that impending nuptuals a.re "not gOod cauae toe lea vtng Work." The board said a woman len. her WOT'k to be manl~ ·and wllh· tn a week: tiled claim for unen)-: plo)'.IDenl bencflta. In anolhel" at.ate. She was not married unw four wee_. la\et.' ... Th'e board said '"thue waa no. _ .. 1 • e¥1denct to •ho'9{ Wby it~wu nee-. Eveni~-Coll•ge ..ary for her to reotgu five w-~-~ . 'J · prior to her maniap." Tbe bo&rd P t".r'sonQ...I f and: tpt;slneas .~l'T'M-held she .. volun~lly ~,n her ~rk nee lbe'ti e of a neW six· ,withou~ ~ ca 1se •. .;.,;J: ln~uced Into lhe · - d ~;.,.., bedule of the Giftft CilaliDll for qt~ Cout ~ ~ evening_ • ~ . Choo!, beirinnlnl( an. i Hit aftd ... - • J'our. dl'\fo'.,.. !ill ' tbe" ,.,,...i _ · I ~'?"' --: qi.Id of -.., CQnespondenee ~ ~g .µt•n, 300 Sea· ."'11 be co.!m:d "--~ ...,., vlcw A~. Corona '<Id -Mar, ,... : ~ ~ and -i--giy"'! • :dl&Uop fl!r hll -.... ~~eace, f\lndamentab (RO'Pe >•map) -~ ~ dam· ._, n1 ~ aad ~"" agod _.. ~PC to Nar1 •••11~~. 8cllt' ntlq,.BMed1 ll\llll.. at .~:16 1'Jle -wtll , .... laiipl ..,.. p.11(-""""7 la-· ot, Iba ...., "!~ Tlllemlc, da~I kel Spot on ~'Jti"", ~ ~ r-6 µ; ttao .. 11 Ud mem-11&Y1t ~ • .__ ilr ot to" •*• ..,,_ . amoo. Anea•a car w. a tom traat flsD .. --""" ... Iba •• •nl ....... jlel' _, Mcll7 .... .--....... 1: .._.. -....,. --rtpl ,,. , '1 ~ .... Ttotp.JD.\11-loflba ~-• Wcu:·•ioli '-'•'P cl •• ... ..._u. o. · !14 -• lo Ille --41(, \loo~ ~ "!*I!" • .,.... ... -' .,. ... --: --. l .... >'~""' 1 . ... . • 0 • • '' • . ' " ' . I 'l -. ~· ~ State -in ·· L~ :~tt Peri<x.t;.: ~-~ ~.-.::..:.lJ -R. : ik.· . of W .t ·f ---:. =:~ Oii==:...:: ~ f'~t at'Y-1.1ng a er . · !!!; . ~=::: • Southern I Calllomla'a;r.intau ~ wru. bo two yean and rour railo ~ -tor It waa atated ' lu G ,,,,.. . ..._ monlha !'""t..b l!Cb..iuJ• -llljO bowa out. It wu -'-cl' today. · '"f!!e -n.;.,ber· of• pe....;na A aew .·.-la f.UWMI ·(I~ Coad. Rjo7 ia.-. '~.-Accord~ to l'rankl!n Thomu, chairman of the 1tat.e Oo~do ·~ up6n thta valuiibte ,...,.. nance, destped lo.~ ·II>,<'••: ' ,._uan ~: J\lvtt Boiril, ll>e lonlf<Ol<l'-«ht.ln ~ P;Orlod of """9rd for C&llfoml& p~.ln 12 member ctu .. of .lb• ·~~~!."""":::!i1erto J~~= TM· '', -are fl'ee·;1o_jjlllol and la to blame. 'lnce. the ~pt ~ . Me Water Dlatrlc t ta month Problema bu been lnelud-women J_of. all ap«.._*l'l .,J~• u gan, in 'K~, \944., tbe accu.mu-committee tn the current eeuk>rl -,!!-'-_: to l,000.009 and la ln-ed Ut U)e occ evenlng llChool new well '"M I • 'M\Ve _. ~ lated raJnf .~eflc,lt h&11 climbed oi Congre.u.' ,.' .~· month," Thornaa wtftter echedule. · r.lally ~ to ~U.~····•r to S6 lnchea, whicb reprUenta a ll&ld.. II' uie addltlonal 3,000,000 , Taught by Dudley Boyce, da,Y-•yo_ '· -, "uilf fGr · _ ··normal'" 28 months aupp\y ln the Batlotl w~,... penonii·, c ln thoMi clUea.. Colo-.achool ,in9truct.or' tn bt••n .., dte &d...uoea.-udlnt. we~~~ Los Al'lsetea 1dlty &,ea. I I '"tVater would .,., ra\,lOned right N4o Rt wate~. LI • vital a.tp.. coune•l8 given ever,:· w~y a ladder..-• ~ h illeilli9d ~· ''Tile acute ahortage •or ram· rrow in 10ID.e of the cltle. most e&-plelQen aupplx. p.tgbt 1rrom 7 to • . ...a. "' room t peut~ . ....-and .,....,. ': . mean. Southern Caltf0mla cttie:t eenUa.J to· our~~ war ~tort -~ith '*117 two ~>:• rem&Jnlng of the Commerce ·~ma-on Ulie 8huttie.cpcJc. -.S r8CU ·~· ~ would have &n over-popujatJOn or if they wer,/·obl1.1L9(1 to depend tn '950, llhe years precipitation <XX; campU& Adbnllifoa ia'free. vt~ ~ 1Jse collMe-A.. one llaMar aboUt 1,000,000 ,Pt"reona t~a.y lt tt aotely ·Ul?:°" local raJntalL". be-.con-~.311.oe 4D&elet how tot.ala• IC&Jll · fee J9 -.us d' ,Mell weft•• were not for co:orado River wa· Unued. Colorado ~ver wale~ baa ralntau lncl)ea_ During the current HALT SPREAD OF T. a ' · C1aaea .a.rt lteld *'"-r/ W. ..l' .ter ," lfhomu said. · -apeped the difference between de· . .~ from July first to It ·la eaUmated there ue ap-eventng taiom 7 :30 to 19· pa. la "Thia gnat drougbl, haa pointed pcndable wa~r eervtce and dcuUc date.,. the eity bu ~ved only Pf:Oxirnately 000.000' pe1--. w:ith llle OranP eoUt collep ~ .... up u never before Uae abllolute' durtailm.mta." . 1·71 ,inches. Nonnat for th.la llme acUve tu.berculollm ln tJl.W country. · · I ~ neceutty of protecting C&Ufor• Sant& Monl~ and ~ Di~go. ot tli)e Y would be 4..30 inches. About1 half ot theee u 9 kn0wn to , _j .. nla'a ahare of COiorado River ·wa. with a combfned .populaUon of ~ health. -aut.borttlea, but ::abnoet a c.p~ KAN ~ ter from 'th91 attempl8 beln°g made 392,000; were cited by the wa.ter " come lrom constant Quarter of a mUlkJn are unknown A "1a.n:tap t~ ! ... ~ by Arizona lhleceata t.o take water offlclal.u . ex.a.mpiea of cities ~rri-f."racUce! An &d ttcu.larly ln thla ~health offic~, Th,-."'mlknown taken out jby John llaMJl tDcluc- that wf!' urfei1tly need," Thomu pletsly de_pendent upon Colorado papef ~ ~· ruulta for you. ~" must be fou'"' eo lhat the-tua, 916 10cean• bou~· °"'*' · ; qld. He referred lo the Central River water to meet all needa of lndlvl.du8;18 can be pla.ce<t under ona d~I i,v Uld l:Je1on J:nnlde· Arlzona project bill that f&ll.ed lo lheh:: bomu and tnduatrtea. · News-Tlmu ada.-have been read trcatn:tent and the ~'r..ead ot tn-"Det...on,r. 1180 West ICighth ttreet, cl~ar the House Public. Landa ' Long Beach tt.lad Paaadena, with tn the H bof for over 4.0 yeare. fectlon ca.n be 1teppea'. Santa ~-• '' • • I FO ...... iltis ·Gr ' . " • ' ' -. • ~ ITATIMINT O F C DITl0 9 -' _ AS Of DECEMBE~3_!_0950. Af.TER.P YMINT Of DIVIDEND - , Al I Tl (What Merabars Ow.0 ' LIA.ILITJll - (what Wo Owl Qthors and Our 1111,...., I ' ~,()67,492.IS VtHGS ACCOUNTS • • • • • • ;-......~ • • • ' •••• • • • • • , . ' -...... _.. .... - • • • • .... i1Wt1111Hf1h. 0 ...,.... Th~ rept"4"'' IN ':°"''"ii·..,,, ,nioal,. ; • ..,.08UI cs Jl9 i ... tr · indi ... fd1tt1l1, corporohon1, et "r-. ..-goniution• e-.d trulf fllftdl. · , ss;o31 ,637.59 FllST LIENS ON REAL ESTATE ... i • • .. • "_.. ·.·., • • • ' Offdl t*iftcipo\ty Ofl ..,...., Oft th• TN Astoeiottoli OWl'll ft11t Ttvtl 1' J'-" MOMhly po~ ore ...... pott Hofbof-Colto M•M Ol.0-x.. poiol ... by llM bot'f-etl ~ .. \oGNOF• ~ _.;.;.. ~ LOAHi ON SAVINGSACCQU • • •' ''' .\. '.'.' ·.'': -.. ---+ ... "" ...... 41'""11 .... ......,... lhoft...,_ .• __, .. tNir o«• .......... '°-..... ,..,..,. ..c:.,.d .., o1119 ol IM ~·· .CC I $· • ,..,,_ .... _ ', ?.; 0 . a p • • • • , , • lEAL ESTATE O'Ht-E • • • •: • '•..._• • • • •. • • • ~STMENTS AHO SECURITIES , • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ·.' • . $30 «II 00 Stock ;.. fff.,•I H-• U..itH Sto•.s Gowf'!Mt\t "°""~· '. ~; ~ bol'lliint 1yit•t111 Looft lonk, vs.100.~. Mo9l'I tp ~ ~ the AstoCiohOft, •• itJ .okn .~ o~ ·~ ..,._ ~M =~ ._ ,,...-.... .. ttt. f_.,.,I ~,...-.... ~ . ..._.l_.U, I ·-CASH ON-HANO ANO IN a,t.NKS • • • •• ' •• : •• ' ..•• C.O.h ii "~ is IM -jor ..,.-~ .-OIY ..... ol .. Not.-.<4 FURNITURE, PIXTURES ANO EQUIPMENT .•••• • • • •. ' (600.00 2,,,73.98 : 108$().00 8,168..45 . ... ,~ 1-~tri tis ........ '9 o"°"'9 lof d•Pf9CI01'°"'· n.i11 ..... 11 r IH:--. • -. ....4. •«ETS 1.800.00 DEFERRED CHARGES ANO OTHER ,....., • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -_..:=-.-1 TOTAL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... ·• •• • • • • • • • . $5,,2,,lSlj~ -- • ' _,. --- • ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN IANIC • • '. • . ly M Uobl• 0 liM el aMit ""• ._ TM ,t.pociotioa ho1 """'edt0I• .ol · ....... ,......... M-lr:ifll •'fll• for • pe915 !IA ftOf ,..,.,. _ , • lOANI IN PROCESS'. • • • •·• • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • • ••• -... -'ho tllock ''°°M to blri1d, calf ... :A S''* ... Rj Titirt Associotieflh''"' 1~19 flf'lda ••to bt d~· ........ -·.-4 . .......... . OTHER LIABILITIES .. • • • .. • • • • •' • _ ' : will H tel...._ che, ~ .:.::11 no Mi.c•llo""" tie•• 1:::.... OfMI ~po,...,. "1 bol•••V.-4itcowM ........ ,,..., . ' ' S~ -C1F1C IESEiVES • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • ••••• '.• ' 0 •• : ..• ___ , -.. ·"·--~ .~ lot .-colle<Mcf ifiiterut ~ • __ u, .. .-oJtiw ~ ....._ ~ -·~ -. VES •••········· GENE I.AL RESER • • • • • • • •. • ' • • ' • 1 ... ..,._ . '...d . oc:c 6o11cs· _. "'-.1 .. 1• -" '.'ti "'- '-""' .. 1111011tto1 "' _i-___,.,.,,.J r...-W coN .. td'C9*b fer ~·fl(· ol ~ ..,..._-. UNA~OCATED RE~VES • .~: • ~ : • • • • -'• ' •••• • • TO+AL ···························•~·· 6'6,750.00 267,7,7.'3 L S,557.15 ' 312,000.00 116,767.30 $5,,2',751.71 • SINCl QiGAMIATION OVU " 'ttAlS -3 % I.GO Wl HAYt PMO ~NOS ,U A -. . .. ~ ••• ' IATl Mt.VU !-US THAN •• • • ; • •.... • • ~ ' l OOVllHWNT AICI It ' ' . • n.is •SSOCf•nON IS CHAITDfD IY cn<fTIO ,sr•rr•...,., ,._,.,,rtA,_ · l'· suHavtllD AM> IJAMINIO IY Tiff Pl!OPA1 "°"" '·°"" , ' Yqur Savings Account in this Savings Institution beneAts -you,in many ways : <tr It gives you insured $0fely •• •' • . ' each' account is insured lo $10,000 by the Fed4ral Savings ond Loon Insurance Corperotion, on lnstruft)ento!11y · of the Federal Government--tr ·11 gives yoli QVailobility. We hove ·always met withdrawal requests os r~ ' . ' ., • <tr II gives you good earnings.:. pq jd twice yearly, or compounded, os you wish. When you opeq your account . '· . . -. . ' . ' advise us whe1her you wont dividends moilt<'l to you on June 30th and Decembltr 31st, or whether you. woi:it · I -. . - -• - them to , be added , to your accouAt _and conit>ouncled. <tr It gives. you a mighty comfortable feelinq : • ;i . , . . . ~ ' .... -' ~ .... -=-tMY.f'llAP•t 0 lioving o s~vings occo.unt war~ng-Jor y~u-:':";, earni ng top _:po)'_.-;.; arid .readily ovoiloble J Y.?U~ need ':· -. AW •a•1um 6114(TAHITO_, - -•t'llllLMmlAll ...,.. & _,_, "'Clm.,ICB""• I J •• \ ~ ,-c•••, • CMll I ) './11J . ._ .. : . . I 'W !~ ore,·eurr~ntfr. j,ay;ng our twenty...,;gfitli '¢onsecutive :. 'cJMdend ·otKf ot ·tk.i:ot• ol · • • .. ' . ••• _._ ... ~CTO•I•_ .\~.:•, ·. ........ £if , • t ·, ...... - • • ~ I , . ' • j 1 J I I I