HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-16 - Newport Balboa News TimesI ~ ' I j • j I f ' r .. ,. ' ~ ' " t· . I . ~ ! I · t ·- I I ,_ , , • I GRIME~ BOYD , ALSO ELECTED:. moo VOLTAGE 8IONATURt-Flo7d Grellri, 400\.S AVe .. N"ewport &Nth and man.ager of the tiervlce ~tloo at 30tb St. and Nrwport 81\"d. poln&s out a portiotl of the cemMt that was r'f!dooN to a ~llke 1U.b8taaoe when a 11,000 \'olt power UR came doWn · durinl'" the hiP wtll(b. TbUnday. The JlUfteat marldnc indicated b about 18 lnche. lone· and Is a ()9rt of a alx foot arc whkh waa bu.med lD.te_.the cement by tM II\"' wire. (Newa-Tlmea Pboto) HIGH WINDS RIP HARBOR1 ·11,ooo ·VOLT WIRE FALLS In the backwuh ol last Thursday's combination wlod and ~a1n atorm, Harbor residents were busy with pulty kniv e.!J a} their empty window frames, rcctatmlng wayw~rd boats, and,. wondef)ng 1 what an IJ.000 val~ charge would do to. a man. ' BY DJROCTORS Named to eerve the Newport Harbor Chalpbe.r of Commerce for ~ ~coming ~. aa preeident la orton,\.p?'Oprtetor o1 Nor- '• Bay Shoi-e c&ie on the Marl-~· Xlle and ti!• Cape Cod Hou.. Oil ~ la\aftd. • . . ', / 1. ~le ~ •Of Balboa,. WM ected flnt: .v1oe--pre.ident •nd JGba JloYd 'Of.;ibe Mar!ner'o Mlle. ~. , vtee . Pnii!dent. Roland Wflibt, reu.t.:r , preoldent WU ·-to bl& -lat -ltlon or tr ...... rer.• <&lectlons ""re made l\y Cllambol' ·ill...,tors meeting Monday noon. ., Appointed to the.. poattton. ot di· rectoni at large were Thornu Hendereon, Newport; Francll Horvath, Weat Nawport; Don Hllmmell. Newport !Jelc&to: Lon- nie Vincent, ~; O. W. 'Dlek' At 4.':22 p. rp. 'n1Ur8d.ay, JL Uve.._------------~I • Jf,000 I YOlt ~ aputtered and real vf the day ,;e,'ve had can: ln.j ~iilCldllllf"'angzit)t '*1 'tbl!"'"'ttmien th~ station." nl.IHh ~patr1' driveway ot Reed's service sta-mi.inlenan<ie me.n were dispatched lion at _292o Newpoc.,&....,i Bouleyard. to the ecene and quickly replaced F1oyd Oreiwe, 4()()1-' Clubhouse the wltt. WI"' Falla oa !loot Ave .. Newport Beach .. manager of TOM NOBTON OATH ADMINISTEU~\'ll deten&e voluateer. pkidce heir loyalty to the Ualted sial.e. In • ceremony eonduetN b7 city dork . 0. IL Prt .. t, I!' tbe cotUK:IJ chllmben of cltf luolL P '' ~ of the Friday nl(ht meetloc wae to eb&&I• 809 pin Kidnaped by Trio;· 11~ Year Girl Esca~ in iCostt Mesa · A bonifled 13 .. year-cld Long Beach girl early Satirday. ~prntnr. told aheri.ff'a deputies a btzarre ,,{Ory of bow ahe :waa kk!naped1 b)' • three young men a.nd later manai~ •to eacape h'otii than. ij coai., .. ' Meea after ahe h4d fought ott several A.Pf! attempt& · · ~ Auburn·h&ired Marilyn E. Con-' rarl, 11148 E . !~th St., Long Beoich. 1950 Fi' . L . tiofd)>eputle• Boyd Lentz &nd~r-re . oss· :I ~:~':::e 8:e W:.,. 8~t~g r!~ . , . I .' / • a cab at Alameda Blvd... '.&ad y· Gveri~ , m-St.. Long'B<lih. • •) v • • . • Near h111terfa ·after t~e lerrt,.Y- the, service station pointed to the Al t ;25 p. m. Newport firemen ug1¥ electrical scar ( tt had pitt&I answered a call at a et:rvice ata- thcl cement and turned-portions of lion at 7000 C.OU( Highway near lng experience, lhe -comely ~la& A fire toaa of 117,J O<>.IJ for the a.Id ahe had attended a ba.a.ifel· City ot Newport-eeach In Jfl50 ball game and wu on h.er' way wa. reported lb.la wf'ek ~Y· ~ . home when ahe waa forc~"ld the Chief Fraitk Crocker, with other car by three men. Shr ~d •he non-chargeable M.re louea of $61.51 wu held on the floor of the rear to automobUefl, bo&ta ~d electric 1 Richard. Udo t.le, and· Al Oibeon, (f".e•tta~ oa Pace 5) motors. · ' WILL 'HELP CITY· ' ' COLL T 600. PINT THURS. One hundfed ·'and ten etvil de--- fcn!ke wori:e.n.. a'rea wardenl, bk>ck e apt&ins and <lisUt.er teuu apeciallsta attended a · m~g Friday night Vi the city councU chambers to listen (o a.n explana- tion of their duties anl:l organise a cooperative effort lo tulf"'tll New- port Beach'• quota or 600 pin.ts of blood at the next Wit pf the Bloodmobile Tttursday,-Jan. 18. The clvtl deferise ·volunteer workers received a bulletin en the subject of "Warden Servtce.' were · . nn~rprintied and photographed for their identity catUs, and, In a mass~ ceremony, took oath of al- legiance. Each worker &lao l'e'"' j i celved a Copy of "Sulj\·ival Under Atomic Attack."" a · plimpblet di&- , trlbUt<'ci bf the state of Califomi& ~ . Office of Civil Defense. -~ John sa'tlors. Newport Be~•~ _,.. pirector of Civil Defense, started - the meeting by explaining ~ • runctlol\l!I or the Newport Bea.eh Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Corps. He outlined the duties ot . ~acb of tbe major division& witb- ui .th~ corps and . explained their responi:libillUes. 5 Atta w ........ Deputy Civil Defense Director Carl Hanna then Baked the fi:~e area warden.8, Herb Kenny, area l , (Balboa); Charles Peach, area 2, (Newport); 0. M. Campbell, 3.rea 3, fN~rt Height.)'; W8yne B. Harper. area 4, (Balboa. Island ): E . H. Thiele, arM 5, (Corona del Mar);· to introduce _ thenlsclvcs •and their block cap-.. , • • ta ins., • Hanna urged that ..,wardens, block captains &nd slttet Heuten· ants perliOnally deliver \heir "Sur-- viva! Under Atomic Attack" bul· lctins. He istrcssed the fact that Po"'t ForCJ*t the. BioOc1mObi1e~ ~. Last call for · bl~ lofton! T)>e Red or-B~le -wUI tM, Jtr-ro'e 1hl• . ..,·eek and Newpod Har1?<>f cltlun.• MUST ·provkk> 600 ba'dlr """6ed pints of - blood ~~for use, la ,':'-~ but a.hlo to N"plenlsh oar own ' CIJmUY hoopltah supPly. ' Time: s p. m. I<> 1 p. m. ~.,.,. ••n.-'11:' Platt: Glrl · Soout Home. 1 TOO W. 8alboa Blvd. Newport. For appol.ntmeat!I ·' call -Ute Red CrDM office In Balboe. Harbor 1885. A.ppolftt:mra.ta are: P,...em.i but oo( ·-"1<1l' .... oentlal. '' ' 1 1 , It tnto ., glus-like. materi&l) and the Santa Ana rtver bridge where a&id: "we were--cettainly lucky a bot wire bad t'allen onto the 1ta· that nobody was standing here Uon'• metal roof and burned holes Balboa l•land. . -· Chlef Crocker lhlted a total of Hold over direct.on are Waller T ' w· 0 . 34 flre11 during lbe year a .et by -each family in tbe area • ehou>d have one and s6ould IPam the de- fense pr0cedu;res listed lbetetn. · •• when the wire came down. All the (CoaUaued on Pace 5) B. Mellott, Corona' del Mar; MaU-ars '" pener• "arson.tats, for a total of nearly 28 r ice Stanley, Bal* hland; R. L . r per cent Of Bil (lrea reported du_f- c..w. and '~~'!!"~e-;; M~f s. A-• Today 1"i:~:rY:~~a lhlted by the chief lrich.Jded amokcr11, 26 ; carelesa- 1 Balbo neu, 11; , electrical , orlgtrur, 12·; Elder Y a Tied for fint place in tb~ Sun. exploalonai 14_; heating and cook- . ..t League, following an euy win Ing. 17 ; child and matches, three : · · tq' the opener 'f'rtday al ,F\illerton, spontan~ combustion. two; un· M• E els Lif t~ Newport Harbor High School determined, i•: •r:' d sunshine, one. a, n n e .,_ket.ball team will meet a much A total ot 160 flies were hand- . · •\_110"ger foe th la afternoon' (Tues~ led , by the depar ment during th6 .., . • day) Ban.ta Ana. at the Harbor year includ.lng 30 public alarms. b .. ' II . n-·: . ffl&b gym. Then on Frida,. night, 89 1tUJ ahlrm1, 31 reported flr'Ca.. J ! the ,..r cagers tackle the title 24: t&aes of re.cue aen1ce .and 29 ~¥orttee. Anaheim, aJ8o on the .q\aad. ·calla. Thla included i4 fires Al\ .,iJ.i ~t Mlbolo ~lrl"'rl floor, , In bulldlngs and 137' other r1 .... · iealdeot ,took ~ own Ufe b)r han1-IA.st Friday ule TaNJ crwshed Typet1 of flrea JI.sled by Chief Ing early Sa~y momlng. He Fullerton, M-24,. behind th c CrUcHr Included 2.-4. auto ~ck, w.; Wu.he' Albtld.t (Jeorge1 83, 2119 abarpehootlng ot torwan:l'\NQ!Ues 1 boat., 23 dwelttnp\ nine pri- Seville Ave., s&iboa. (20 polnta) and-center (}rif!lth ( 14 vate garages, 11 mercantile, three GeOrge waa found h&nglnC' from potnta). They ran Up a. command-e leatric motors, aix electric equip-., •--37 7 lead at h&l!Ume and ment, 24 graaa and weeds, 20 trash a ratter in tbe pra.ge by hll 1tep--.. lf!i • ~··led to the :X, partially re and reruse, two chlmneya, fl\rc daughter. Mra. Oloden Fay, with .. ~ - whom he lived, at l:20 ._ m. Mni. vengtng the trounc g the Indians amoke scarea, one t&lae ala.rm and ray bad enUred the garqe at gave the Tar football team last two public school. ' 7 :30 a. m. to do lbe wuh1 ..... but fa.II, thelr only det,eat in the con- -.. ference ~-ea. HIT CR0881NO 8108 lhe badn't 1m119 to, the corner · -·-·· , .. ~er In " -B te Full to WJlUan1 Krae-er, 7 u .. i~a l where Geor~ had committed sut-WM! am game er n ... ~ clde unUI near~ an hour later m~ to trJp lhe1 Tara f,y a Cqvea, struck U)e peC:estrla.n c:f§· when 1he fllllcovered the body. alnale · ,.baket. 4.M6. In other ing• 41g:n at 22nd St. and B a Deputy Coroner Roger Burn-pine. Friday Santa Ana downed Blvd. at 10:10 l\. m . Sunday. He ham stated thf.l death occurred Orange 59-48 and Anaheim stop--took the damaged algn to F· at approxim.J.lely 8:30 a. m., police ~ HwaUDgton Beach •. :J0..32. port police for repatra. / · .. • • u.ld.. lfe 1':af,d fuhloned a noo. , l """'' ""• from a • ple<:e of cloth .. line. J" --J t y· ph• I NOW l'l"& tJNANlllOlJS -._...MA -15, •f n1 linl Wu 0oo..-t .. I . ,Al•ma~· ' . ro . 1es st.. Coot& -'l'llunday .....me tlllnl _.,.,of Im ~Y to Mr. and Mra. ·~ told offlcon VUl'll -·I ::' ~...::.:= ~.=;~ ~~==~t":.:: ~ ~r:...-~t:n ~~ Presentm· by' "'1·1ng· C1u· b &llratkMI clw. rs ~'ehl alaMd wttlt O....ace Voaafy 1950 and bad 110t tieen ln the..,.,_ . -. . . • . , , . _II . of healtlL . 1'11!!1' liald he - Clerk B. J. SfB!ttl (rtitd>.. • motlier, (C..ter), Mn. Elliabe~ • (Ooct'm ed ."!' Pap •> ft:ree..Ume. wtaner ·~·the ·annual ;trophy prwntaUon to jutilor Potts. who ttp.-.mteil ldm la bMeme dtbea three yean -~.t.-~-..l-..l ·tty the lBalboll An1IJ"l''dub., Wu David .WUU&ml ...... Ilk ... -. Oeorp ,_ .... ---Ill uas. Tllo)' ..... 8 d or·... --· -.....-~ ' · 1 ~ I _ ulrl Of l'uojiena. Preeenta~ and party were held at the club 8&~ .. ~h-.d bl ON_!A M--1113& ,' I --------------' --l.L ,,,;;,..L ' 1 -tloploy, (I \lo l"'UDda), ~ YUL· Junior mem~ muat tie 15 ...-me••.; ... , -d ~ "l"''tln ',croaker yeara old or younger, ' L DEFENSE WORKERS llne up for Hanna said "Every person, e.,very rCildent, should be adytaed wh~ ~ Identity card.s at Civil ·Defense !Ji doing for the pro- t ection of the home owner." He --Frlda_y .alg-ht meet101 of 81"6 wardell8, ock captatns, and cited the P earl Harbor attack in cl\ def~ speclallst• at thP city hall. Mot than one huodrrd 1941 an'd said we are 't.wbject to at Jlded tbe meetlac \'Vblch was deftlped to ~rlent the 1.'oluntcer atta.ck not f\ye year& from today, \\' kere ~· th61r duties aad &al!llgnments. tNew~-Timee .Photo) not three years from today, not . one year from today, but at any · · m01nent " ' · · n O'f Year to New CM Mortuary He added firmly, "We need or-. . _, .• . . . Gets Planners OK !!~~.uon and we no¢ it right ~~: -f': j , . ·~ , I Following Hanna, Police Chief '8 ., Offk;er11 of Ui~ ?rangt county R. R Hodgkinson remn)tm that . . . plan~' comm.iss1on w_ere re-Newport Beac~ Ls · particularly , · . elect~ •Friday in a se&'!!llon that fortunate ln l)eing subjected to C' f ·c 0·1nner saw approval granted a Costa disaster and emt>rgenclee regular:- • t • \ . M~, ':mort.uar~ .. fleadins-the ly _ d~ring Eastei:-week and • " • romirilalqn agam Uf Dr. Walter L. Is p epared for· any other diaU- ,. an of~ t~ Yeu" a"trd wlll Qlgh~ ~f Laguna Bcac.h . ai ters. ' .. chairman. H. Stanley ~nltn_J of Polke Rnen·ea bo e feature e\·ent of the «tb\ ...,.6aJ· Newpon Harhoi· Cham: f Comlnerce IOeC!tlng In thr of • • ll:nner dance to be &t ._ _Balboa Bay Club her to hel Frt y eveai~I· . 1-een 9ther a"·ardli "111 be ~ to--citizens who Work- r the Witlf!rme:nt of t~ ctty the at-chamber presklflat / f nltJl11f'ld o• flace a) ' Villf. ~ark continues_~u viCe-_J:hair-On a more serious note, Hodg- maq; with Harold st. Johns serv-kJn80n said that becau.se of the ;i:ig ~ lecretary • lrc•asurer and Newport Police Reserv .. e program. RaY)lloOO R. Recd a.8 assist.ant thb law and order division Of the Eecretary. Civil Defense council hu a Poot P8.rkes, Ridley & Seal won ap-of tre.lned and ready o~ficen to proval lof its request for a yard swing into action If needed. • · variance ,tO pennil establl·sRmcnl He added' that the new-defense or a morttrary and ctlapcl on the setup would be "somew~at . th-:? east side of Harbor Blvd. aontb same type of organization that of Bernard St., Costa M~. (Contlnu.ed Oil Pace I) . 5 Ne-vi"'1. . H' I rbor ' Residents' Mli rr-Go Round ~~ bom• the lurut ;,..._ Arti.ur John8on arid Gordcin We- tropliy {8 ,pound.I 12 ounces) and ~ trophy -prtae ~.,.. -·Take· Oath : as U.S. Qfizens ~~~~,:; ~~~cl~=~00~'.:1:.i~.~,~1 .i~-" ~..,,j . · .I· ~..,. lDS fat lllJn, ._>. • CU~ rr,,,.q. aof """'ta Vlota, ,.. 11'1.Ye. ~ H~r reotct"'l'" .. ~.1i'ciuc14"11n a•-of fl P~~~. "":.':, ~ .JJallt tn>plll'• r.i-~~-al-~ ~: ~ qert batlWl . . candidate. ~\on• w~ .,.. ~trialed _ ~ tllio o&tll o1 alJe. ,_.Ille · c,.. ..=.. --.. weal · to ;fed J..,,.. o1 lti 8'"., 8 c&l ~ I>*ll. Loo Ml< ~ ,po._~· <!lu..;m or the :U•ltod ~tats .ot AmttJ<a ~la I!'" :';I.-~: 4~•• ·~ "tfkuhle -laap~.• n ~-....-; WsMt ----I _ court ·or ~"11' Buperlor JIJCI&' llOlle11 d.rliner. · • • -ride. ;' • · , • M' ~ u.e oeccondl ~ ~ • -.f ~ ~· c1111~ I!. :· ~_;-I led ~~ ;,. J ' -I ' __.,, ..,_.. • _ __. alt.-. m>pllr -s.io _.,.... .... Da Bl""-, Bit W, 1lld' IU.,.t. • ~-0.-. ~ ~..www:"I I ·• . . ' ~_,..,. :; ·--£11-.--;---> -""-~""""' Jlltl. -wl>tte -..... i• 1119.-4-.-:I ... ~w"!llllhe~""::.: :!'~~~-~·~~ :=t~z-t.~----:..:: .. ~·,.,llnolo ,.... ........ La j ~Jo. .... OoP ..... , . « iotlll .. --r~:---~ ;-· •. __. · · .... ..,,, M ,_-.fall..._..,.. da&ei t~-huallm ~ 'tkrl: ..,,... )'1l1c6' ,CIJl'e._ ~\bat tht . ..... 0c,...., .,..._ ..._ Nto ·• _...a ,,......,. ..... . Olill A.._..,.,. I""Mj, .. 1·· ~t~·-·-._.,.., .. ::--tt'l:f"1 ~ ~ ~. ~~·= ~ KelD-§Ctc:-11.~ . ' la as•:.:,;: ~.::.:11!1•~~: ... ~~ ,;;--:-~-.;r,• = _, 1 :'J'::f,J.;;a tbe -p p .. ,. -.: '~ flL,,'!!-Illa ... """'~ a ftd'-"'i. ~ ~·~ 01 PB &J: ~ ;:t ''!'be~ • lMtonCba:d--2 I p...; -~.. lllJa I" ..,.i....:_w_a.., •'"-.... 1~ : ~ • ~ ..:.. ..... ID ia '""as•~_...,., Oilo "' t-. -._,, • .,.._ ,,. s • .,_,. ---I ·s• ,., •-.,,,. • ., . • ._all flCll al·r--i a<.-. ~.111111 ....... ~Cl al•....,. ........ · · , -' . -..... '3gl a.'? I: ...... -foad 'teero.'" APJ. Cw o ·-........ - -.... --a. 11 'I I an .._ 1 c, lal! d'1; JIWt. ' 11 -ot .._ ..... ----...... •lo .... °' IL7 ~· eu • S' , r • • -Ill Rs if file Ille o ,!)Ct ,.-y d rrt ,_ lfe....,t' -rip:!-...,.., a .•• I llli 14'111 "I }1"9 ,....,. ·.~ ..... "1 ... GIJo • °\11 -· . ... -,..,, .... , , ', •a'I lull, . *!..Mir; -i feill ~ ,_ ,.c1 I 1111, -.. ~ o.it;J Pi ,;I J11111W 144 jf .. • ... ~ ~ -• .....,. 11'•1J ..,_, "1~ W1I .... ... ...,...... "-;11f M 1' Sil ...... ., aa~ . , .... , ~lul!I . • • ,--~ ~ ~ ·• - " I • ' ; - .i~aco n.:. 0 ll~s I '.~eat Tororrow ) • ' WOR·LD • .. • PllD -J . ···~••llJ ·1'*'5 Of . ~Air~ ... ~.~ . :_,: ·1."bell travel -Section procr&mJ --:·~.~~ ~ • ··~-~ ore ol>en to ·th~ general public "f .. ca!!tOnlla•a litat.:~ air ·~ -b!i. •~ lie ielU:I ,' well. ·~ club mom bent, st...-.. tW!Ce-Q>phbil) ~ 1..,,_pllui', ,tli8* 'la to lit> itart..s wt~ IO da19,' ~ Constance Ja;i-ffil. chairman ¥All· ,(k<n.· '\V:.it.r .,JC ROtieruoo,··-nllr'<d, State DI~ ol CMI ct . ~ Be1.con Be.Des wW uaemble for tbelr re,w4r monthly meet- big. l<lmorrow I (Wednud&y) at • : -'7 :.80 p.m. ta ~ home of Peggy ' Bertuleit, 841 I 22nd St., Coot& -· ~ ~ Vna. Simple Household Repaln · .. t'wru be tbe toplc!to be-demon8trat-· ..s. I 1 , • ' . ~ ~ ' Newport .W 5.C.S. Sends Stipplies u:ad "'one of lhe moat tiateJ'NUng J • r ~ P~-"'-··-· ..... Def•-. i.a ~ouncod •• ' . ' • • . --..., . ~.:-~ ) WU ..,_. p~,.. lie · -::·T • -1a. .. ·•· Wiien .Col H. a Andenon .R!> ~-11>e nrat ~ -• ,~- • . . . ... ~ .Johp B. x ·1Uglew1cz., c\llet tele- .man. USN, huaband or Mn. Meme ' Klu(iewica 9f 2662 River:side Dr., Coata Meu.., "receiltly arrived M F1fft AeUviUea, U . S. N aval Bue, t~Tokowka. Japan, for duty. • RMUJ.ta come • f'l'Om constant '' Practice! An ad rqularly ln UU. 1 • paper will produce result.I tor you. for Distribution in·. Germany · bor Counetl of Chutcb Women. Balboa Clrcle wu appointed ~ be church ~teases for the thonth of February. ' r •. Mn. J . A. Bodman. sec re ta of supplies repotted packing and ahlpping 250 pounds of clothlni and lhoes ln %2 boxu, now on .,.y to Nurenbe.rg, Germany, to be dlll{ibuted by a 1wlethodlat paa.- -------------· ltor, when the bualneu meeting or AfUr the noon luncheon. 1en- ed to &O member1 by Newport Hetghtf Circle, Mn. J . K. Elliott open~ .the a.fternQOn profl'am with d,vouona. bet aub)ect .belng Look.Inc 'Into the New Tear. " " " .. .. '' LAGUNA. BEACH 'COMMUNITY PLAYERS, LTD. PRESENTS Ani ta Looe' Gay Comedy 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' Guest Oi recto1- Marjorle Williamson JUL !•, !3. %6, 21 and 28 8 :30 P. M.. $1 .25 plus tax WSCS, Christ Church by t.h,e Sea ·WU hek! at Goodell ha.U , Miu Clara J<oblatedt prealdtng. . Al.lo report~ were two boxes ot grocertes. Chtiatmaa gift to Toberman Settlement house at San Pedro. Mrs. 0 . W . Holtby,'su- perintendent of children's work, stated the church school had sent two CARE packages to Gennany. Nt-w Memt>tl-. a.._ spo.i& ... Speak.•' ot the afternoon wu .Mrs, .Gilbert Nee, who ytu intro· duc~ by Mra. Thomu Pen.dell. Mr•. N ~ ducrlbed bel"Hlf u a product of WSCS Mtaslon work ln China. Daughter of a BudC:ih1'l " " " ,. Mrs. E!J.ie Salter, membershtp family, ahe had· been aent to a chairman, announced 12 new mission 9Chool to learn Encllab member!i. MJse Kohlatedt told of I and u a result both ahe and he1 •the seml-annuaJ meeting of WSCS fa.rnlly had embraced CllrLIUanJty. ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of Southe~ C~lfoQ\la Conference 1 Later, she became a teacher tn a to be held at Flr~t Me thodist college at Foochow. She answered church,· Long Beach. Jan. ~-24 , many queations concunlng life with a la.rte local delel;&llon plan-f ln China and ot fleeing to For~ ~ .. ' • J • , . " I • ' " '· .. • ' " The • •• ' .. :Welcome ,Wagon ..Hostess :Wm Knock on Your~oor ~ wlda Gift1 It Groetin•• ':. ~ Friendly Bu!li~es1 "• · ~ " ~•iihbon and Your Civic and Social · Welfare Uadert ,. •• ning to attend. ltnoaa before the R ef;I Army took Plans were ma.de ror entertain-ChVla. • · ing Harbor churc"h \YOmen at the 6ne of lbe moet lntereattng .... World Day of Prayer lo. be held •Iona of tbe llOclety, mem.berl at Christ Church by the Se•_O!l packed Goodell haJl te; he&(' Mn. Feb. 9 untler &Uli plcf's of the Har-Nee. now ft&)'lng at Balboa. Mrs. George Wheat is Speaker at Ebel! Clubluncheon · Oistrfct a.nd county ornce r.+------------- were present Ill the F ederation the Jlorweglanl are a gay Uld Vi- day meet ing, held by EbeU club vacibua people. Hieb pra.bie.·wu on Jan. 4 ·in American Legion given the Dane.t,. wtlh puticular ha11 and heard Mrs. George Whe•t eophuia. on women tn pubUo w~ (i~ an Interestinc dellcription ot many of them eervtng ln perlla· her recent trip to Europe. It wu ent. Of lntereat were the e&Ul· a luncheon atrair wtth tables at-edra.11 of Rome ' and hlstillcllUng tractivly arranged with yellow the trip, the o~rammergau Wiu- chryu.nthemuma ,and veen ~ .ton Play. -,- yellow c~dles by ~e luncheon_ -Womea'• Project. · ~rnml1t~. Mmes. P. F . Wll10n, Aa to club women Mn Wheat Irvin George Gordon, Victor Grace stated the two mau'.i profecte of and H. 0 . Boyvey. Hoatenee the European Federation are the were Mni. L. L. Isbell and Mni. proper 'handling ot bund.Jta se.nt 0# the OCCD$iOn of: Ray <ll!erms. from America And tile placing or · Introduced by lhc preaident. war orphana. Most needed in the The llirth of a Baby . . Mn. 'C .. M . Deakins w ere: Mn. way ot clothing, Me Wu tok1, a.re ~ .. emealAnnouncement,J_ ~y ~nebrake, dlstrlct pr;eal -blue Jeana ..ad .T ·ahltta tor chll-~e ofl esidence .. 1 . 'f~. R:"ADec.k. district par-dren. In ck>rlinr. he atated, "I • -A.rri¥wl1 of Newcomers to IJarnentarlan and Mn. O. W. am glad that I live ln a young . NEWPO RT BEACH Freek, Orange county pr .. ldent. country that loolul forward In- Y•. Yoilr .Health ~ ~na.. Riches -follcl think that fin• clO-lbd flrie, b~hotaes are lbt -imoortant . p m lile, but thtM tbfnp re y don't mean too much l1 a penon doesn't feel well mouch to enjoy them. Most folka don'I re•· lln 11111, but .Us . Lucy Jltaow el!, of Jl!>o>~ I, SIDM \Jlounta·tn, a... ree11wa tt VVJ Well. lilrL -ell tak .. HADACOL, ond bJ laldn1 HADACOL me found sh• 11 helplDs her "' . , Mn. Wheat, who tnveled Eu-stead ,nt backwardll." • rope for four months lut sum-Introduced aa a new member ·mer with a group 'of Rotarians wu Mr•. Warren Iv &:ott of . paJd aped.a.I attention to women, Newport. / bow they work, live and act. She Announcement wu made that told of the thritUneu and gener-donora were needed for the blood· oalty. of the Scottfah people and mobUe oil Jan. 18; &180 of the their-delightful hoepltaJity; con-deaeert brid&e party at 1 p.m. on trary to gener&J belle!, she said, the aame day at EbeH clubhoae. Pa rents-Forum Anno unce d at Mesa PT A ~eetin g The opportunity to hear sub- jects of utmost importance to &JJ parents: discuued by Jearne<l and well known speakers, ia belng pre- sented free of c harge by the New- )Port !leach and ~qeta Mesa Pa~ ' 1 ent-Teacber-.' A~atlons ,' TheSf. lectures are t>.!ing held in the r~ ~tfon ball of the Newport Ha~ bor High School every Monday n ight in January :it 7 :30 p.m. scbe:ctul~ as follows: Jan. 115, "Therapy for the Crucial Ag~s." Or. Dora Purchard. speaker: Jan. 22, :;Personality Adjus ent," Dr . Merle V. Tatkr. spe r•: Jan. 29, Flo . Cunningham No w at Home ., Qftem oftrCOIDe deficiencies o1 ·-vttamtna B,, It., Niacio and Iron, wbleh HADACOL contains. 'i • -. ·a.re la. Mn. Braswell'J own state!Dmt: "I have been sick for llDmt : time with stomach dis- "Play, Recn!&tion d Leiaure," Dr. Floyd R. Eut ood, spe&Ret. At the January ~ting of the I.indbergb-Harper ~ executive • turtiencn. I began takinc JIAD.. '.ACQL and I !>ave been takin1 It • about aJ.a. weeks. I am so much Httu and much stronger. I will _,imue to take RADACOL. It sure bait helped me. I tell mr. . ~ about l!ADACOL. I cant • pn.i!! BADACOL too much. I • . Id, N ,.an 01~:· e 191. I-. , .. , .... CO.fP(lratsoD . .. . ., . . ... -.. board, a. glal'W' Hinesly, president, ged everyone to at- t~d these' in r Ung and lnform- ative pro...,ul..J -M n . Seyrno KOonce "'-a.a ap- }>Olnled soclal chairman to re,Pla ce Mra. Thomaa Bank• who '8 mov- ing from Costa Mesa ·llOOJ\. PubUe reading• for •·p~nny Wlae" will be held at the Uguna Beach Community fVayhouae at 0t. ·Ch•)'e!\D<. Wyo., l'-:tw<ed Olt lr!U . be ~ • -~ P~ wt!!> With relaying the oal<rt to el wdteni !Joiisolll. UM~ pt code~ and llO.lncorporated afMi •J" kl enulU.iuUc audlena uw f)rOlll 11. HY llOIDta to 08 ~t• ,-., leletype, and/.., ndlo. , beautltul colored rum. of WyoJJ> • <:om"lop tut. ot: ,pulllk a\lbcftlleN are for the - Inf. Utah . and Colorado. They .. , P 1"11t 1le up to the, dll<;,n. l-t.(d In aheriffa' ~ I viewed. the Grand Tetons. clothed Uob ~ ~ ClvU defe~ ~ Robert.on Mid a nietMd --.._ In th< mantel· of Bnow IJld th< '' Loeal officials have -" au be<n worked out to lnaiure ~· J--~--H to CQ9idlnate .d<!tail<d CIP!.ra~ Jni-the m-ce and &!lo to~ great a&AINll. ote valley ln a pl&U -~ the date .. of the, nm. lrr ---t lnte~' to ~r cloa!t ol ocariet palnt-h ~ t ·-' -and blue IUpln,.; .... exat!n1 ill:-out ol itat .. wtd< sya tm ""'1 •plnlll taJ... m tJob at the co...-iu1 W,omtn1 ro. be made public ·next ~~· • .. J tome conimunltlea ba•e DiOJ. et de<i and the i>eoiuUtuJ cit)' of Col· • OonDocle Ker hlala • com~ted alarm 17-~ ')ra:do Sj>rinP, while Yellowitone, The 11 ltey potni. .&f.·•~ect:. warftthp ba•e not been .~e ZJon and Bryce National p&rlui ed. by te1eph0ne to JM. W.Nteni muad&tr.ry In the Lnltlal 'ordet. 1 were portrayed Ln all their glory. A.tr Defense li!_orce ,and ·,.(ll' 'rellai. ·'!be Federal Governml'ht ls Col. Ander90fl le on the 1tatf of the &lertl to an 'allot;ed ftwnb9~ ~lng an electronic! Id~ de· the public aervice c~m'lalon Of aubcentera ln Va.rlod.8 &l'ff,11, Th vtce to be .ued on .a unlfQrm the Union Pacinc Railroad and subceoter8 in tum> are ch&rc -riatloh·wide bula. Robert.eon. Mid. I . • his presentation wa.s greaUy ap: preciated. , Next meeting of the Travel sec- tion will be at the club boUJe, 7 :30 p.m. on Feb. 6. Nell Murbar9er Lufn. · . ~oobyer ... P~~.i~n l eoor to Add ess~ Men's 8rothem0od • t" I ' Serv:es as Ju~ge PerSlan·bom I Luther .Roobyar, ---~. -,..\---.----..,--. l ' i-C dr&matlC tenor and rormec star of , Proni~ent chlf.l'Ch · ~en· in In ll!irS Ontest ·' the ·opera. and "l'ncm • atage, will Leo Angel<* AY 1bat thlll 11 the { , be gUeat speaker an:d sipger at If flnt Ume tn ~eir Jmowle,.,p U..t Nell ¥urbarger, 'mago,iln• '!Vrll-dinner "t\Jee~ at the Men'• an 'outatand!Jla figure In UIO •· 1?.J.._.. ,. e r, ~ retumed to · he!' Costa Brotherhood of the Fttat Bap~ tutalnmeat flelil hU : ut.en.Dy 1:1,1~ P01T.£R. 'Mesa . t'om.e, -~,.Maple Ave., church ot CO.ta, Mesa to be held "niili istmRlf ,to·~ kn-." a~ .-.. • .__.;... ___________ rollowinJ a two w~· ·eojourn on Monday,_ l1µ1 . 22, at 8 :30 p.mJ parUcJpatil\g actfyely in •~-Ellen An n Wi1cox .. ..i h the d~rt. . : . . • Hoobyar, star of 1nany~ motJon tan -~ ·Hoobyar baa ~-• ·r . • ·.-, Rog er Axwort y In acijfltton to visiting several plct1:1-rCa and operatic, ~qrm-ec1 ai m&ay Dbt&ble tuncUGM. tn- ls Co_,.L .. 1rma n N o· points oi' interest. Mies Murbarget lncea, hu one of the m~~'\mlq~ eluding HoUyWood Bowl., the ._n.. ' ew · 1rector , . attend$,' the . ,&IUlUal .Pef;Leg storl ... In modem evanp\i.hi. Rl RofelL Wllaon md S<ott Toni Ile-· •t L A C·onference f M'-Oh • Smith t ·Mint! Jambof in Cameot'td ~e~·Untteid ,. ~·at ib I vlala at ~i..Oni BL I t 'Nofua Ho1&1 -.. • • . . ,, . O · .,,sa ' Olr Borrego Valley and, wl(t · !l'l' ot lite flv&lafter ·~df•t!>•r wood · a/'d San Gabriel u.. Loo Ellen Ann ~tu Wilcox of 227 five jud~es selected to choOee' the ·had accepted tian te,.ch!nga An.celea Bl"eak:fut club 1 and num~ Rogf"r Axworihy ttaa been se-biggest l 'whop " told in the in Persia and usisted 1n ea-eroui c:hUJ'Cbea. P earl St., Balboa Island Uaugh· lectetl as· thC new ministtt of mu-Deaert L1 's C teal, held In con· ta1'li.sh g m onary work there. ti!r of Mr. and Mrs. Angua Potter sic ror the Costa Mesa Commu-junctidn : th e Pee-Le&" affair. A to than star at UCLA of the Kame dltldrcm is serving u rti(y Ml;!.thOdist church. to succroe<i While }t P m Springs the local where uated,. Hoobyar has co-chalmian ot the p;ognrn for ldus F. Harper, whose e mploy-woman w a guest of Mr. anti been a on the concert and mcnt Is laking hin1 to Hunting· Mrs. G~rge C. Wheeler, ~ubllth-lecture-tform since he t erminal· tM inauguraJ co.nterencc of the ton Park. w .. for t\vo and a half · V ' en of ~e Palm sp·rlnp llla~r ed hie ar service. as Amertcan ~it\<: College ··Placement and )rears di rector .or the local choir. and &JAoivt~ted M'(. and Mrs. An-Red C 1 Field Worker . RecruJ~en~ t Oft~nt Association He le~ve;!I a host of appreClalive ton Waoel(, former Costa MU4 He had never profeued· a per· tO be held at the Ambassador ho-. friend.a and co-workers. merchan~ _who are now enpged tt>nal experience ot religion until t el in Los Ange.lea on Jan. 19. lll' A rea::Clent or sant& Al'lia and JL in buslnftla at the desert reaort~ his converilon follQwing a Salva- her po1ltJ:on.,Oth the Bureau et student at Santa Ana C.ollege, Mr. t!on Army-Mutual E;aatem Trane- Emp~t:nl at the University of Axwort.hy intends to continue p· t 'd t continental Radio feature upon Southern C.&U!orn1&, Mrs. Wilcox work at Pomona College, where as • f8$f eri which be appeared ae· one ot the la 'eervtnJ u placement couliselor ht> • " .. 111 study ror a car<>er in to b .J Spe•ker . gu~et stArs. Llstenhtg to a tran .. in charge .of placement of cngl· church n1~lc. A tenor list and til llliil acrlption of the broadcut, Hoob· neen and · sclentl.et.s for lhe con-also a cellist, r. A o rlhy has F1C l h yar bec&me convicted of hla need rerence... had wide ~xp rienc 1n church at '. unc eOn of a peraona1 r.eligJon whJ1e na- More tllan 40 key Lndustrlal chofr}fa.dershi , c e·ge produc-1 tening t o his own voice singing leaders over the UniLed. Sta~s lions ,and yout c 1p music and Mrs. i . R. Daughenbaugh of ... The Old Rugged Q_ross." Will join with unl~rsity and col-Is currently m ~r of the band Lyhwood~ put preslden of . the Jege reprt!Mntlltfves. In the all-day at Santa Ana College'. He as-C~tf. Mt!}'a Friday Art ~ clltb. sessions to hear addresses and sun1cd tluties a t till' local church wtu pri!ent ttvel e .._ t·he dlscu~IOlll!I on qitlona1 emergency on the first Sunday or t his year program ~te-l e i ia.t e monthly per80ftftd ··ptOh~: u-aln.uig Of .with tilt' Ulrt:cLlon at ·both the n\eeting ~t the lub •. r>e ~l<t-F'rl- college student.I .fol' industry. senior and juniur ·choirs. day,· Jiz( 19 e ·cl.ub bouae . placement of graduates and test-Luncheorf, will aerved at )2:30 Ing problems. • ' y • f T th p.m . l Among promizieQt speikers will 0 1C0 0 r U Hostesje; for the, occuion fftll be Lt. Gen. Ira c: Eaker, 'uSAF .• ' a d. L t be Mrs.~ De.nnla' Hosland, Mi's. .el.; Allan T. Pr•y~r. chairman IS 1'.a IO ec ure Hany-c; Burdick, MMI. Sam D . of thf' boa.rd, M0J"Se Intemationai Crawford[ and Mni. JO&eph Hamb- of New York; Ray L. Rands.ll, "Chrijllla.n Sci('nCI'.?: The Voict": let . ~ US Department of Commf rce of of Tfuth" will be-the subj<·c t or ~i------ Washlngtgn,, D. C. and dUy W!· a. le~l~re to be radiocaal over Sta· \ \\'adswotth. Jr., Vice:..presidE'nl, Lion KFWB 1980 kc) Friday, Jan. Dukes of Dixie Southern Counties Gas Co, 19, al 8 o'clock from 'J'wenty · Pighlh Church o r Chris t , Scientist, lose Member Missionary So ciety to Install O fficers·, ' - Loi:; Angeles. 1'hc lecturer. Mar· garot Morrison. C. s .• of.Boston, is a tnenibcr of The Christian' Sci- c11ct· Eonrtl of Lt:'c..:turcshl1>. ' He poue8ftea a voice Of unuaual quality ,and Virility and bbl sing, Ing and. teatl~ony make hJJp a very deairable person tot any religious program. FIND P.t.RllAKEET A ,,.e.. and yellow parrak ... wu foUlld by Wa~e L. Puk~r. Fullerton, on the. Window aU1 of the Newport Beach brancft' ot the Bank. of America, Wedne ... y momlng at 10 a. .. rn. Parker. fou.nd the bird peck.in( al a ~ed atieker oh the bapk wtn~"-Thia may be the fl.f11. · docu~ 1n- 8lance of the "early bird relting the bird." ' ' ' W. 0. T. 1 \t-.:1. Bow ling Teams Pan . · 1Eoucr10tt~.u• 1o o/~:o'fF· .t.11· 8a1o 1--iJ l'rt '• CaliL Deal*-. ·--. '· Te le-fun "'1 Wlmn Goodrich Th_e.. 'bags for the annual rag drive will be ddJvered to . the school.I Jan. 12 and wlll be picked up Jan. 19. according to Mn. Ar- 7 :30 p.m . Jan. 19 and 20. nua mopht,Ucated comedy bu a cut . of four women and three men. I Tbe cut will be eelecled at the j try-out.I wblch a.re open to all who • have an lntereat ln. the theatre., Production data for ~ "Penny Wise" a.re F eta. 28, March. l, J , 3, I and f . • Chili Di ; DRESSES va1...;. .. ~ ·NOW 1095 to 1995 . . • l • , • ' , -.. thur Kilt., waYll _and me'1UI chairman. · The wel!ue commJtt.H, ~aded by Mrs. Rebert Rapp, &nJ\OWlced lMt clOthinc and two buk~ ot food were given io needy people of Coot& M-during the Chrtat· mu seUon .. .. Ho me Study . Coun e Be ing 9ffere~ . • l at Christ Churdr • · ). Group ol o.a.o;rdl8e, vai-.... 11.H . SKIRTS ~ NOW 895 • • •• • • • - • 1· I I • ' . • ' -• • • • ' . ' , ' I I ' •. •• \ . ... . , ( -. -.. • .. ·-• T~u~~·~y~,J.~n~~~'..!.....:.'~~~1~95~1-;-"'.'""""--·--~-----·--~.----::::::'."'"""::::~~====:;;;;::;;;;;;N~EWPO==·~·R=tG:.aA;;;l:IO~A~·~N~f.W~~~TI=M7ES~--:·~T""~·-:--:---=:--;-----1:'--:-::-:---:::---:-:-:--:-------::-::-:--;--7"""-p.Tj ...1. HAuOR Leaders Club Anahei~: Pl.!'yers, Sc;ore !lt Bridge . • .., Killer "Sea" by I' Hml:tor .Wotnan i · . Marines ' Inspect _occ Facilities Commanding orttcera or El Toro ,_ta.rine Base -inspected Orange Cout College campus and educa- t ional tacUitlea, ·Tuesday, January 9 . The purpofte Of the visit Wu to aecure ftrat-ha.nd intonnatlon rela- t ive to the possibility ot using the c ollege facilities for speelaJlsed training for the Marine Corp3. The .(rt.ailing group included Ma· jor General William J . Wallace, Commanding General, · A lrtra.tt, Fleet Marine Forces. Pacific; Col- onel Thomas J . \Valker , Chlet of Staff. Aircraft. FIN!t Marine Force, PaClfic: Colonel Ernest R. West, Operations and Train.lng Of- ficer, Marine Corps Air Station: and Captain John R . Gill, aide to General Wa.ll&ct'. , ., ··orange Coast College Antici- pates a drop in r('J:Ular ('nrollment next year," statf'd Dr. Ba.sil H . Peterson. college President. ..Al- though we plan to continue to of- fer a comprehensive program of instruction for regular students. we ~·ould like to contribute to natk>na1 l'lefen~ training . Our Board of Trustees has signified a wllllngnesa to contract with th€' armed 1JCrvices for the specialized training of military units. ' Mory iuutsman, 1'rt5 W. Bal· boa BJvd., Newport Beach wa.a t.be latest local resident to lntorm Newport police ot seeing a m'-.n who cl08ely reaembled • WUI1.&m Ed"(&Td Cook, Jr.. ~-born madman who lll being aoµgbt for multiple murder by police and FBI agent.a in the Soutbeweat. According to Mary Kaut.a:man, she was waiting tor a bua m the l~ block or South M;aln atreet in Santa Ana when a fellow in a black '37 Ford sedan tried to pick her up. Later, ahe aw a picture of the wa.ntec! murderer on a tele-- viaion set and thought that the diuppotnted Romeo ··mla:ht have been Cook. She alcr that be fitted Cook"s d~acription cloeely, except for being more gaunt, and thinner. In describing the 'Santa Ana encounter. Mary Kautzman •id that th1.• fellow "ac t~ ~ry odd, not the type of acting like an ordl- nar¥ m&n trying t o make a ~lck up." I Burglan Get $6 "'om Gas Station • Burglars entered ,lhe · MobUgas 8l&tion at the cor ner of West Balboa Blvd. and <:Out Highway !ometime Friday night &nd esc.at>- ed with S6 In cash after doing a n estimated $12.50 dan1age to the cigarette machine, police aaid to- 1ay. . . ' "Our collPge is peculiarly well qualified, through fac ilities at,1d Instruct ional staff. to provi.dc training in vocational, technlca l and busln rs~ fields. Th<' Ce.ct that we are able to house and reed sev· e·ral hundred ~en on ca mpus 1s also p.t tractlvt' to lhe military." stated Pete(son . .. E. T. Mo.sher. atlf'.ndant at the station, arrived at 5:40 a. m. Sat- urday to open for businesa and discovered the machine tipped !lpSS BEVERLY LA.._'1>1':88 j').. I~ ft Is antlcipat('d that the mill- ary torcea will utiliZ<" colleg't's and universities in training Lhc huge armed [orce now plannl'd. Bunco Hearing Reset for Feb. 1 \ HearinJ: on cha rg('s or g rand theft of DB.;--e" Fink. proprietor of Davey'1 l:.ockf'r. 307 Palm St .. Balboa and Harry C. \Vil.son, ex- San Quenlin inmate claiming tn be a forme r Army captain W8M conllnucn until 10 a . m. Monday, F eb. 1 a t the Newport Beach township court. One or the de fendant's lawyers w~ unAblc to appear at the pre· liminary' h<'aring which had been acheduled .. tor W ednt'sday. Jan. 10. The new date wa.'! SE'lec t ed as being satisfactory to all parties. Fink and Wilson arl· accused of bilking George A . Karl, 1014 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa and Everett L. f<arT, 2118 M.irarnar Dr .. Bal- boa out of $6250 under preten.'!c of obtain ing marine cquipm<'nl for them through surplus sales con- nt"ction~. Elks to Hold over. He called police Who notl-o· k H fied the o~er. Kenneth Mark· IC arper ham, 129' -43rd ~t .• NewJ)ort. t S V W'th Police ••id entranco had been 0 ay ows I 1n.11.de through a small rear win-B I L d dow and the burglars had pried every an ess open the cigarette machine to get the charige. l Mrs. Se lma C. Landess of Loll I Angeles announc('f! the en,,;agC'- mPnt of her daughter, Beverly, to Mr. R ichard K. Harper, son of'Mr. St. James Women Meet Thursday · New officers a.nd cha.lrmen will taJce over when the Woman's Auxiliary of St. J ames., church meets Thursday at l :30 p. m. in the pariah house. The budget will be presented and plans made tor the . whole year. The incoming president e nter- tained officers and board mem· hers at luncheon in her home at Bay Shores and announced her appointments tor the year. Serv- ing with Mrs. Keran are : ¥rs. Ruth Pattison, vice president and chRlrman or ways and mearui : Mrs. Harvey Mayer, secretary and Mrs. William Elder, treasurer. Chairmen Include: supp 11 's, Lenten and Advent . work, Miss Irene Busomworth; U.T.O .. Mrs. Marshall Keeler: director ot wed- dings, Mrs. Ethel Brewer: Altar ' and Mra. Wayne Brooks Harper of Balboa I.sland. The ~ride-elect Ls attending use where she Ls affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. H arper Is also attending USC atrd Is a n1 cmber o( Sigma A lphb. Epsilon rraternitY and member ot Calpha. Beverly passed candy OJ\ Jan. 8 at the sorority hoW!e to announce th(' engag('ment. The W('dding Is to take place on February ~. Young Ep iscopalia ns Atten~ Ann. Meeting Satu rday in Pasadena _ Guild directress, Dorothy <Mrs. at.. Second Tryout I Jerry > Hall; peroonnel. Mrs. A. A. A ~roup of local younl':' p<>orle attcndt'il the annual confe rence of t he Young C hurchnien·s Leagu" hf'ld Saturtlay at All Saint.$ c hurch. Pasadena. S peakf'.'r wa~ the Very R ev. Richard \Vat.son. dean of St. Mark's cathedral, Sea· tlll', Wash. 4 ,_; .... Schmidt: house, Mrs. H e nr y s econd rehf'arsal for the 2nd an-Seeley. Cha.innea of guilds list nual Elka Mlnslrel Show will tx-is not completed. new one8 belng held at 7:30 p. m. \Vednt'sday in needed for Coco1'8, de! Mar and the Elks Clubrooms, Balt>o, Blvd. Balboa-Newport. and Ma i~ St., Balboa. . Hereafter executive board meet- T orn Norton, Leading Knight of lngs wtl! be .. at 12 noon. presed- the Lodge and and Minstrel Show Ing the auxiliary meeting on the chairman, hu announced that th(' third Thursday of each month. show wUJ be h~ld F e bruary 9 and 10 at th C Newport Harbor high school auditor ium. S ingers, da.ucers. specialty act.3 ~esa Bethe l Plans Tri p_ to Ghin at ow n and end men are Invited to try-Plans for a trip to 01¥era ou't for the production. All pro-street and a dinner in Chinatown ceed.s of t he ahow will be donated lo the Elka chal-ity tund. ST~AL Ll.i'"E BOAT J . D. N<'Wt>:ll. 1201 U>ast High· way. Newport Beach reported the theft of a.n 18 ·foot metal life· boat I sometime during the Pa.st month) rrom Its storage yard qp lhe northeast abutment of the A re.bes overpass. "I:,he boat be· longs to the "Semona" which ls owned by G. R. Sharman, 122 Cry- atal A vr: .• Balboa Island. Rf',COVER BOAT "'ere made , when Costa Mesa Bethel 1~7. Job's Daughters. held their flrat January meeting in Friday Anemoon. club h o use. Honored Queen Carol Thomas presldlnt. Each member alao re- ceived name of her secret pal for the next 11ix monthl!I. ' Cake and pie donated by mem- Qers were IKlld, 'roc~11 going to the bethel treUtl(Y and earmark- eQ for purchase ot a new eymboUc dove, used In the order's 'rit uals. Next stated meeting w i 11 be Thursday of this w~k. REPORT SHOOTING Iklegnles from St. James In- cluded : Pat Allen, J:ck Wilcox, Nancy Miiiet, Bill Dosla Joan Me rrill, Kf'n CrumlE'y with tht'ir dlreclor. Francc11 Hcmilton and ihe rt""cto r'. Rev. Paul ldoo" Wheeler. Training School for Protestant Church Workers The Orange County Council of Prote8tant Churches has ju111t .an· nounced released information con- cerning \he Annusl Uader11hip Training School. Thls annual event w ill start January 15th and Jut for 11tx week11. Meetings will be h eld on Monday evening~. A new departure t.s announced fol' this yoar wiµi two schoot, be- ing conducted at the same time. The school for the northe rn part ot the county will be held at the First Pre.s byterlan c hurch, Santa Ana. WeekJy seUiona will start at 7 :30 p. m. and lut for two hours: Naiad Mariners Plan Classes in Water Safety On Jan. D. at 7:30, Mariner Ship Naiad, miet fo r ttic _ a;.,egu lar m ecl- lnK at the Girl Scou\ H ouse. An lnterestlng film on water utcty was 8hown and a , talk given by Mr. Earl Peterson, who ill in charge of water Mfety for the Red Cross in the Harbor area . Alrt>ady plans are bclng mad,. for Junior and S enior life · saving classes by the Red Cro8'J Jn early summl't. These classes arc free and no per- son should b<' without the know- ledge of swimming because Jes· 1K>ns for all ages are. given every year by the Red Cross. A Naia.d Planning Board made up of lh<' S hip met at the Scout House J an. 10. Attending were LuBcllc Boice, Officer o f the Deck: Sharry Van Comp>rnollc. Sgt. at Arms; Barbara Siarcgc. super-cargo and Doran SueM. Yeoman. Grat.le Re preacntatlvcs wcrr Jane Nunllll, freshman: J oan Nunftn. sophomore: Judy Allen, junior: and J ane Soderberg, sen- ior. SLIG llT ACCIDE1'"T A minor accident b<-tWC'e n cars driven by Robert D . Sp<"ncc.r, San- t(\ Ana and GJen B~ebe, Salina, .Kansas, took place at 12:25 p. m . "Sunday, police reported. The a c- cident occurred \\'h<'n Spencer •l· temptCd to mak<' a rig ht turn onto e norlhWt'st ramp of The ArchCs. N o o ne was Injured and the cars were onl y slightly dam- aged. VICIOl'S DOG LouU5 Larson. 214 • 32nd St .. Newport Beach 111:ported that a bulldog had tried to bite him at 8 p. m . Sunday when walking in the 300 block of 32nd St. He uld that this had happened onCe be· fore. Police warned the owner ot the dog lo take preven live meas- ures, MILESTONES MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage 11Cerute8 were taken out by Roger Kay Gordon, 21 and Kathryn Phylll& Asher, 19, both ot 173 Flower 11t riet, Costa Mesa; and William Henry Niel.sen. 27, 132 West 'WU.On ·street, r Costa '> A. m·t· Plans_ Program. s Mro. c. E. lrwln~and·Mra.· E.'t. erine Smith and Mri lt'a!Ju'Jli' Reckley or Analietm w<1:e wtnnen Whitney;·~ Henry Egcert Uc! to Help Troops eut-:West and 1Mra. Marg&ret Mre. George Carroll. ' .. I ·. GIR. L On Jan. 9, t•· •-de-· club of , • Runru:ra·Up north .• .IQ\ltll ftre IR: ,,_ ... ~Imes ~d Mra. Peggy Jo~n MrS. Grace Freeman' and 1&. D . lhe NewpOrt Hatbor Girl Seoul or Santa Ana were hlgh-scorer11 Wetherby~Mn. Frank Reed anct scouT AMn., met for the mon thly mbet-norlh -90\lth In the'" duplicate Lt.,Col. W. A. Hob»J,on: Mi. aad bridge game held I.ii Balboa Fri-Mri. Joe Wilcox: Mn. Ro~: , . Jng at LJlc Glrl Scout HousC for day even.ing. . · Brown and Harrv Sp..r ... --~: ..... NEWS-bWJlneu and coffee and dough--·" • ..,.. .... "',.~ Runners-up cut-west were ).fr.a. Mrs Roy Strotz. nuts. Twenty-nine member.a were Gladys 8-ile a.,nd Mrs. A. D. Duplicate bridge pla~ wlU' present and from reports bad a.h Wetherby: !itrs. H . M. Walllng-m for their next gain on niA exceedingly interesting and help-ford: Mrs. R obert Dischner and d 'evening Jan. 18th in Balboa, .. T.-p No. H led ~ llro- Leedff: Mft. ht 8ddedler Co--:. Mn. H. F. Cbrhlt,T M-"'-Uy Girl Scoat H.,.. tuJ morning. Mrs. Cbarlezi J ester ; Mrs. Cath-th play.starting at '7 :30 O'clock: It has ~n decided that the · • ,./ This new acUve BrownJe Troop baa been excttdingly buey alnce orpf.llzed working 1n· the tleld of Handicraft and Arla. Hand-paint· ed couten tor fathera ot-the gµ-ta and fancy pol-boklera for the mother• and 11bell neck\aees, gathered 11.11 a group at the beach theft painted and strung .. ve been succeufully finished. An outing in which they were take-n, through the Excelsior Dairy pr9vldcd fun and lntormatlon ro~ the group. prograrn of these monlhly meet- ings will be planned a.a per re-I 1:==>ac==;)Cltc::=::::iac==~tc:=;:..,.==~oc==»c:=?~;"1 quests fron1 the Leaders for cer-/ • (' Troop No. %1 4th lftde B ruwnJ f"S Leeder : Mrw. r. W. H ydt>n <Jo.-lfader: MrL ·J . !\fcGann and Mnt.. D. V. Ha,y~ Meet11 Tbund.ay Gir t Scout llouM• Coppercratt and leathercraft handfwork have bE-cn the projects ot thts act lve troop, w ith an out- ing to the Minney-Boat Landin.g a.nd a four through several boa.ts . .At Chri.Rlmu. thP girls made a worthy &nd un8elfish dcci11lon l o make a cMh presentation to thr anta Ana Harvey School for the H andlcapPcd ln.!ll<'atl ,of having a party and exchanging-prt'8<"nts in the troop. Thl.11 W CE'ls a trip lo the zoo ls being organized. Troop No. lS t nd l'radf> Bro\\'lllt>s l..HdPr: 1'1hl-1-B. Brorrtng Co-lt"&df'r: M ni,. Arthur l'<a ll!!bury M~ta Mon~y at l-Radf"r'1t hom t· on Balboa ll!lland Enth'uscd members of this Brownle troop have been cOncen- lrating on single mcf'ting handi- craft,...projects anq at Christmas ma.de Interesting spatter painting Christmas cards a.s well as cook- ie.11. Eac h week a diff('rent m em- ber leads the flag salutC and is the r efreshm ent hostess for the day. The new spring projE'cl will be making and stud)' or puppets. T mop No. SO 4th crade Bro\\'n lt's J~rr: l\f n.. Oanlel HunKakl'r Co-ll'&CIP-r : !\-In. Eur("nf" E lllo l Mttts T huMW.lay Girl Scout llouM· During t he fall Troop No. 30 lain klnd of' he lp and information. This will U8ist them in planning good mc-eUngs for their troops. Crafts, songs and <i ance11 wel°t' conct'nlrated upo'1 \\'hich met with great response on t.hC pa.rt of the Lea ders attending. New officers 8.rC' as follows : Mrs. C. W . Crowl, pteRident: Mrs. Broox H oyt, vice-prcsld cnt: Mrs. C. F. Schindler, rccorJlng secre- tary: e.nd Mrs. L. A. Nel:;on, cor~ r('spondlng st·cr(.'tary. LESTM A. BECKER, D. D. !I. I DENTISTRY 1785 N ewport Blvd., Co.ta Mesa Medical Dldg, Beacon 6752 ~ E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J Harold K. Grauel Chape l ) P hone: Bea.co~ 6610 . 110 Broadwa y. ~oeta Mesa BE SORE-INSURE With MAURIE ST ANLEY lmMimnoe Oaty l rhone Harbor 1178 2Zlli 1'1arlue A ve.. Balboa I Aland w. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE Cuu rleu11s !11,/0r}ri.ation 211 7 Balboa Blvd. Ph. llar. %4 complet ed an Interesting period I ~====::;=::=======~ or work In Coppercrat t. A new I; and exciting plan for the spring will be lied to lh4 schoot s tudy of Callfurni11. Mla11ions and a 'field trip le being pla:ulud to San Juan· Mission. T roop So. %9 3rlt g-radf' Rro"'tllPS LN.df"r: Mr8. Harry l.a.t•<' Co-Jeadf"r: MN .ElaJne M<'1'fanlpl Mt't"lA W f"dnetMlay St.. Andre\•f!i Ch un-h Nf''4"port. llM,rht11 Painting ce'ramic figurines in the field of Arts and C rafts have kept thil!I Brownie group engross- ed for the past several W('eks with copper work planned for the next type of fun-work. As ii troop thC'y have been planting flow('rS and helping l o beautify the c hurch grounds. Girl Scout Cookie Dr1v9' Set for Feb. 10 It I~, etllng close to the lime for yearl Girl Scout Cookie Drive !tel tor F . 10-24. when girls in Brownle, Gi rl Scout and Mariner Scout uniforms will be ca lling at homea to sell deliciou.11 cookies. It la hoped NcwpOrt Harbor will keep It in mind u all proceE"dS ~ to the Girl Scout House. All leaders muat get orders in by Jan. 25. Mrs. C. F . Schindler, 415 El Modena Ave . ., Beacon 674-W is chairman ln eha.rge of the sale. Give Scout Plea For Supplies MA Tl'RES!lf',8 Boat.&-llome.-Tra.Uen lrreplar Sbapet BEAOON 5061 Coflta MN& MattreM l io. 115$ New port Bl vd. S A !\1 'S- S E·A FO 0 D "SIGN OF THE SWORDFISH" 1 lflle Eut of SNI ~ at Sarhlde OPSN OAILY '1 11 a. m. to 11:18 p. ... Cockictils, Sea Foods --Steak Dinnrrs l'H01'E8: WNG lll'JACB • 840-79, 802-00 and 824-05 WELCH'S ~._ . ~..,...__ _1~ ~ET INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT! When you're a home owner YOU'LL be the bosB! No more high rents o r landlord troubt('a ! Buy a home of your own NOW ... with our economi- cal home loan. Our friendly sdvisors will arrange a loan, that's j~t right for your need.a an~ . budget. T alko over the details with them today: Red fape ill at a minimum. ' . FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MAKE PAYMENT BY MAIL ! N~PORT BALBOA FEDERAL . SAY IN .GS AND LOAN .ASSOCIATION · .~-. . JI, A. JIM.MU, Ira/Intl • ' 3333 Via Lido ~ "~ ·. , UarbOr fSOO T NEWPORT Bl:ACH ,"°CA~f;DRNIA +.-----------... --------------· l I • I THE .JEW HAMMOND CHOR;D :ORGAN · • • You Can Play' Rich Organ To••• at Once • / ' WITHOUT K !o/OWINQ A SINGLE NOTll · OF MUSIO Cqme Hear and Try. this \\·oaderful New Orpn J"ou.raelt I DANZ ~SCHMIDT . PIANO co. 1 520 No. Main, Cor. of 6th I t. SANTA ANA ! Ph,one Kl. 2-5140 J _____ _ 'PU:uui !J114~ TERESA RENNER {Mrs. A. Re nner l Ooaaert .,.. •• ot n,..., C'AHJt .... at• (. Meea and carmu Teresa De Sena, It former Girl Scout leaders. or Or.dllak 8tudelll of Bela Dart ell "'~ • Mrs. Charles Schmitt. 40 Boli- var St .. Lido Trailer Park, report- ed the theft of a 14 foot boat rrom 1ts slip sometime Sa'turday. night. At !:30 p. m. Sunday. the boat was recoverl"d on Balboa penln- aula. Observers said that four bo)'8 got ~ of the boat and dis- appeared. Newport, police received word ot l!lhootin.J tram the cliff over- looking the Arches al 12:17 p. m: Regi.!ltration will coet Sl.Z:S per penK>n for the 1llt week period. Churches with a men1berahlp or less than 1~ may pay a blanket fee ot $10 tor all pa.rticlpatlnx membera. For churcbe8 with a membership over 150 the tee ii '15 on tbe aatne basil. 81, 811J • 38tb street, Newport. any other interested peraon wi.sh-43oSena .DriYe · Harbor 117W ·~ .. \ I , • Sunday. N elltby • residents com- plained that bullets wer e landing ln the Balboa Coves area . The re· port wu turned over to county authorltlea for action. · 2nd Annual ·Elks -Mimtrel t 1 Officers of St. James Parish Installed Elected ottlcera. 0 tor 1951 of the Parish of St. Jame. were lnatall- ed Sunday mornuig at the 11 o'clock aervlce by the rector, the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler. FlllDA Y alld aTURDAY FB. f· 11 , Taking otfke were the new vestrymeni Herbert Dewea, Ly- man Farwell, William Holst'.etn. Albert x..._ and Richard Camp· bell ; Women'• Auxiliary ottic..ra. C.:Ue Kef'&ll. pMl,:lent; RUlb Pattlaoll, BenUce ~er and M&u- rlne' Elder: ·Y. C. L:. &dvteOr, Pran:- CM Hamllton and otfkltn Pat Al· len, J eck W tlcalr; and ' Jo.Ji M et· rill. OBJTUARIES Ing · to donate supplies not beinb used, 'have any .aupplles, ~aln~ I. E ltNE8T WHEA.TCBOIT toot. left over . from former troop J. llrneat Wheatcroft, 78, at acUvttt~ii that can be uaed In Girl Balboa lal&nd, died Tb.uraday in a Scout acUvtties (suc!h aa.arta and Garden Grove aa.n.Ita.rlum. He had cra(t.s, copper and" Jeather work. lived In California 30 Y.ea.ra. etc.) they . will be K"feaU)" appre· A tttlred buiJder, bit wu born cl&~ and used by the Girl Scouts. in Enclan(l. Bia wi!e, Kate, i9 b.1a Dellveliy may be. made ·at the only au:rvlWr. Oir f Scout House 1700 Balboa -P rivat e aervk:ea were -held Bat-BJVd. '""Newport, Monday through urday at 3 P· m. In Balta mortu· ~ betwttn 8 and 5 o'clock . ,.ey, Corona de! Mar. · • n:;~:.ent . ww be in London, 4 Stuclen~s Take c;RAJ(LE8 T. PILldNroN R1-llands .. Exa_ ins _ Cb&rleo T . Pilkinton, 60. 9211 "T"" South ~in street, Sa:nta ~ )'our l!tudenta trom Newport dled ..Jan. 13 at Orange county bo9·; BarbOr Union. high ICbOol, who pttal 1'fter a long Utile-. He was hawi out.standing acholuUe rec- bom In FullbriJht.. Texu. had ot4 were amoug Ille 450. out· llftd In caJlfomla 211 yean. 11 ot lll'ancllng lllgb llChool ilenloni who lbem ln Costa .Me.. Be had been ~ •la Ute compeUUVe "" ..,.p1oyee or the «>Wily road iocllolarWNp -.nlnatlon g1..., at ~ent and wu a1oo • stau u.h u rilnrott,y or Redlando J111· bkrMr tor the Km. ~ !.om· -47 &. • ' -·,Be la ounlftd !>7 -l>la ,.Ue, .. t--~tlllg from COSTA Ml!ISA -· -.?w .PINl:IJ. •111 M.-; -"!"'o Jodi. l!07 Oro.ton lfewpoct' 8-rlloi'. were W mlam ' .. Driw; -..... two l&'ftlld• ......... °""" . ' ~~· .· Otllo LM Bmllll, Jiu ,fe<iro _.., J oba ud. Oan>le. • ' Dol-oU> • Gntld.=-~ ..... .., = =:-.i .:i.:..=....~~ . ~ -be bdd V.:"'l"-.Y ~ ~ wtll.be cl"; ,. pOadeo( tor .. llQ.'Jltatc1 at Ille at. I!')'\: lrl~tle~';!' ot lo d•u•blc .wdento 1 , N ....u 'ao.a ell;)' o.1t, -Ille ~ • \M"' ~ "II~ alllllt)'. ..,_ _;;'-'"~"" ........,_ i.,.-. -t.,. rw-1.e~ ~ coo!dl!-to ·,Pr,,,.i.tt ~ a • ~ ..----··u-. . l . ~of .Ille Uldnnlti·ot mi. aa 'OaM& JllP•i!J' eliied DAWC liOilM J Jt.ll91nde ~,.. ... --·--av••,..... ... -·L· ' .... u.-·-at A,...,,;. ·~ ~ """'"'al ---~ . ........ •B ·---" .. ..__,.A~·~-VIII ~dol-"9+'od...__. Uon, ....... ..,-.'111t1-, 'wlM• al -Californla ;' " • ' •.• ., :: tit. tllllali tm alas ui-!d -... ._ ••. Illa .......... " ........ ~ ~ \ ~ Ille -ot t11e > II '9 Ill "-!'~ <>*-11\ ~ .:: ..... ----J.----.i..-------~------o!,...--~7'.'~.;.-~, ~ ......... ~-J _~ .. v=I" •••• • • ORA'.NGJ!l o...,... . 1ll8S corOt.a Highlands~ coi-ona c1e1 'Meir : t ' F .U .. N Z 0 N .·B ~ . ..-·.. 1 • ~ . OPEN EVERY ~ID.AY~-SATURDAt ~~' mMI I\' SUNDAY IAUOA ' • • • . • ' : " ( • •' • • • ' '· Ps9lfl. . ' ••• l . ,, • " . i . • • ···lt·:s . New Members of Mesa C hurch ' ' - 1 ~ New membeQ received tnto tbe latdtatSoa fOr O\·e.r Fo1't7 Yelr. Cost& Meu Commulty llet.bodl9t church durtns Decembet were Kr. PaltL.~ Ever:y TumdaJ at Newport a:''h, ~oftda and Mn. Robert Cbambertaln 'of 1oy tbe NEWPORT HARBOR P1JBLJSllING COMPANY 3MI Flown SL. Hr. and Hro. Wll· -=~---------------------,---1llam Flak or UD w. 23rd Bt .. and ll. ember .:. CAUFORNlA NEWSl' APER PUBillSHERS ASS'N. Mlos Betty Slmmona of '2068 New· ...,. port BlVd. Millicent Chainberlaln Membel' of the NATION~ EDITORIAL A..SSOClA.nON and Ruth Reynalda were received ·Office and Printing Piant at 2211 Balboa Boulevai-d Telephone HarbQr . 1616 Eatf'red u S~od-Class Matte'r at the Postofflce in Newport CaUfomia under the Act of March 3, 1879 Beach, u preparatory membtn and are receivll}g .tf'!Llnlnc. Fined $50 for Typewriter Theft -RUSSELL L. DIF:JRICH. Editor J 09eph M. Rfckman, 27. Lu RALPH BORGESON, Advertlstng Manager Vega.a, r..~ev., wu flned $60 ln Newport city court Tuesday an.er Qaalllled to Publl11.h Lepl Notlcn and .4.dve.rti.ementa of all Kinds h e entered a plea to a petty theft charge. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Rickman wa.s taken Into cua- NEWPORT-BA.LBOA NEW8-;TIMES e\•ery Tuffday tody by Newport police ll Laa la Oranp Oounty, $3..50 per yeai': °U.00 t1x m onths: ll.t5 th.. VegU and transported to New- moatll!I t AJao lnclodn the NEWPORT·BALBOA PRESS; Thunday) pon ~ach. H e wu charged with 0utalde. Orance County $LOO per .,.., th~ theft of a typewriter from ,tht> :====::::l==:=::::::'=:::::::::============;====~oftice ot Roy Greenleaf. Sr., 2828 SANITATION DISTRICTS 'IRON .. OUT' DlffERENCES Most of main point.a;; of jispute between directors of aanlt&tlon di.ltrictJI of Orange county appear to have been "ironed out" In con· ferences, Atty. E. J . Marks said Wednesday night aa the "lght county district!: mt>t at the court house. "l think-we are going to get .... -------------- ' ' and chairma.n of the board of supervisqrs to serve on district boards. Mayor Anton Wilson of Placentift wu pa.rtlcularly out. spoken ~ga..inst such a require~ ment. Nt'wport Blvd. Police aald" the r.y~Wl'ller was the property of Edward L. Benne tt, 2141 New- port Ave .. Costa Mesa. Greenleaf reported t he typewriter .stolen lut Saturday. set. Grand Theft Hearing, Jan. 25 Leater B. Lytle. of Bakersfield. will face charge• of grand theft and vio~atlon ot the corporate se· cur1ties act 8.t a preliminary hear- ing In Newport Township court Jan. 25. records .show. together on the point.a in dispute," he told the directon. H e sald It h&d not been d"etermined whetheT agreeme.nta to be presented to thP dlrectoni (Qr signatures would be tor purchase and sale of the pres- ent Joint Outfall Sewer system ,-work& or w~lher they would be for use of tht w ork3 pendlng pur- Heinz K aiser of.Nev.'port Beach- Costa Mesa, new Flf'th District supervisor, wu seated aa member O[ the boards of Dist. ~. 6, 7 and ff, replacin& Ii-vtn George Gordon. Councilman Robe rt Boney of Ana- heim presided over the joint meet· l ng In a~ence of Chairman Viren Reed ot Santa Ana. Lytle wu arraigned TueAday and bail set a\ $5,00 by Jud~ b . J . Dodge. Lytle was charged with the grand then ot $2,400 from Lyex Hamilton, o'f Csthed.ral City, California, in February, 1948. In a complaint signed by HamOton. Lytle WB.$ booked lq the county jaH Monday after. extradition from Arizona, court record• ahow- •d. chue. . Question as to wliether admlni&- trative costs should continue a their present rate while prelimi- nary work b being d one wu rais- ed by Mayor Verne La.n~n~k. ot HunUngton Beach. who assert· ed the. dbtrlct sltould "tighten their belts a.nd drop any unneees· aary-employea." Need Ea&IDttr Walt for. '51 Cards Motorists Ul'C)ed . Adminislrator Nelson Lau ner Motor Vehicle Director A . H. aa.td the administrative Offices Henc;}erspn today urged motorist! need8 the services of an engineer who have not received their 1951 to continue checking on data ot pot~ntial . reg-!.:ltr,tion car<b to bt> the aewera,e· survey report.8. May· I patient. • . or Allen Mand1 of Santa Ana of-"W e expect to havt> the last or tered the opinion that the district 1 -these_ two·part ~~rms in the mail cOuld aa\te money by hiring an by mid-January. Hender.son satd engineer as needed instead of pay-"and_ because ot their convenience Ing $150 monthly . Nr the part-it will pay motorists t.o wait ror time"aervice qr Engineer Nat Ne ff. them tn:rtead of renev.·1ng o~. thi- , A.tt'y. Mar•• 1$8.id a.n amend-1950 white r.:gtstratton .card. · . m ent to the slate law is being pre-The cloeing date for payment of pared tor auti"mlsslon to the at.ate 1~1 ftte without penalty Is mld- leg"!sla.ture to permit cities t o night F ebruary .5. Ma.Ued appllea- tea.Se 'to other public agencies any tion.s ~\Ult be ~tm.arked prior part ·of eewerage of water wo rks to that deadllne to avo!d penalty...- and that he hu dlscussed with Over -the • counter appUcatio'hs Cong. John Phillips 1e'gislation to' mu.at ~ submitted before the elost> be .IM.lbm.ittf'd to Congress which of bu81nes.s F e bru&.ry 5. • Seaman Patterson Compietes Training Roger K. Pattenon,.eaman re· rruit, USN, son or M.r. ahd Mn. D. E. Pattersol'l ot ~ Cout H l· way, Newpoh Beach, r ecently con1pleted training at lhe Naval Tralnlng Center, San Diego, and Is nov• availablt> for uslgnment to a fleet unit or to one of the Navy's schools for specia.J lz.e<l tra.ifling. During this period of t raining, he underwent Jntenalve drill In such .su bjects as signaling, navi- gation, basic ordnance and eea- rnanshlp. He alBO wu Indoctrinat- ed into the waya of the Navy and learned tht> customa ot the service. Only 1 . Drowning Reported in 1950 F orty-six major first a id cases a.nd 36-4 minor first aid ca.sea were handled by• the Newport Beac h life guard service In 1950, Lift Guard Capt. Jack Jone.s reported wouliJ settle w ith thP fede-ral gov- ernment the problem of liabilit y of governmental agencies for sale of sewer works built in part with feoderal funds. Saw Stolen From Balboa Builder · this week. Federal Funtd Since part of the JOS system was con.atructed with federal tu.nda. offlclala say they· faced pos- alble llabllity by disposing of lines and treatment plant.S even though they were !t<>ld to another govern· mental agency serving the sam" pU!'pOM. Object ot the proposed federal legislation would be to a u· thorise the sale by tl!e JOS t o the sanitation boanY. Dlttctorl'I took exception . to a Los, ~et .. ;;l>l 'P~ -to c~: qni ~i\ f~ act by ~ 'ill!' th-ttlfio~ <lt ~Vea Maim· .Street George H. Yardley, 2140 East One drowning and one death Ocean Front. Balboa, reported last from heart failu re occurred on t,he \lreek to Anaheim police t he th~ beaches In the harbor area during or a $300 De Walt eight inch cuT-the year, J ones added. The service ofr saw and platform. stolen from made 3 1 squad calls, ~ r es cues, lhe yard of a vacant t esid'ence at 68 aasis~ fro m the water, han- 1201 E. Center St., in Anaheim. ' died three Bll)'bu lance ca.sea. 16 Yardley, owner ot the Yardley inhalator caa!?s. 22 emerge ncy Constructibn Co., which has bet>n calls by radio and tnade 27 e:merg· deYeloplng subdivisions tn Ana-ency call!! frpm the station,, he helm, told police he had left the added. saw at the home ot an employe Life guarda worked ~ city but had neglected to move It when gUaro dayl'I, 691 .coUhty guard the employe vacat~ the house days, 14'3 city bea.ch cleaning days w~ere ; \.¥.".saw ~; star~. The and 171 cowity beach cleaning ~ft ~CU~ JQ Uf9e. between daya, the llte (UA.rd captain con- Dfc· ~ 'I"~ !""! , be '"lid. <luded. . ~ ·. " by Ralph Stein Trial _ • .,. WIGG!.£ YOUlt. WHOI.£ ,._ •• JUST ~Ii l'IA.Sf' 10lllT" ! Illness Dela.ys Manslaughter Robert Dale Lower. 40, of Hollywood, accused of felony drunk drlvtng' • a.nd manal&ughter as result of a apectacul&r acc t· dent at Newport Be•ch Dec. 14 . when M.r1. Elizabeth Wright wu killed, wu not in Criminal Court Friday for a rraignment, ao a bench warrant wu luued for hls arrea:L Judg-e Kenneth E. l.tonlAon agreed, however, to delay service. ot the ·arrest order tor a week after the court wa.s Informed that Lower wu ill. The defendant ls accu.aed u result of an accident on Cout Hwy. at W est Newpor{ when hia car rammed one driven' by ~rce Wrtcht of N e wport BH.ch; M.n. Wricbt WU throWn bill and kllled ~Uy. " ' . " , •• • • ' -~ ; uA.1·1· fer Sqdn ~ New ·M~i . I ICI , • Tate 'teddl!lg ... ' NffJt ·Team ·_ to T te Over Netrhbcir. reported ll>at ~ · · I\ , · hOUM under conatructlon eu~ or ' 218e E. Ocean Front. Bal-WU Pl,ac~ ·"igh I_. Sailfish . Meet· Old • ·· : Ba entered illeptly. The report wa• . ' ' '~· ' ' se -~":!::. pa lice at ll :()15 •• m. 11 !tr Upon' lnvi:aUgation lt was CoUnd 'Ibe-fo rmer-Banta Ana Naval that entry 16..d been made liito the AJ l. n.-which ·w:a• the homf' r "'"' ...... _ bl1 upper floors ot the building. The or a.-• 1'--.uau-alr m.,_ durtnr \vindows were broken above the World'·x~',.ryll; ll to be dulpated latch to effect the entry. · ... Nae tor tbe nytnr of Ov rptl belJCop.t.er. It wu .m~r of ~e building, '{ern Orr, week. ' Pa.sade~ we,., notl!lf&I by police Rep. . ohn Phuttpa · confirmed and dtacovered that ap_ the 'linen.a rro W -_.... D C and bedding_ had been taken from m •--n, · ·· · rumo~ the struc&ure to lh,e et ect that the lonl" lnacUvej __ · ____ _ blimp will be i;artJally re-• ,pened t ta 1prlD1 tor training a lrteS Ne\\'port Harbor .Y-.cht clU.b'• l iahing team a tied for 1.2tb place .. with the Light Tacl<le Mi.rlln ~ub ot Loa Ante.Jes and a Newvk. N. J . club ln lfte Sixth Annual IJcbt Tackle s.un~ tournament held In Palm Beach~ Fla.,• Lut. week. Soulhern Calitoml~'a top team proved to be the Tuna club of Catalina Island. whJch came Out fou rth in the event. , helicopter. 1quadron. A.a tai. a.a la known: Marines wtll be. ui111z1nc the windmUl-type aiteraft i or lbe first time in the tormatio .of a ·helicopter' aquad· ron. Tb Na~ ""air arm w tti c h worka cloae cooperation · w ith Marlnea, heretofore ha.a supplied helicopte in rescue work for thP. to Get Girl to Enter . Car ,. J . \\'ayne Ha.rrlaon. Santa Ana automo~le dealer, . scored 60 points for the Pacific Anglers club A'L CHAMBER DINNER--HlchJlsb,tla.c t'twi nte.rtalnntf'Ot fra.- lll.n!' at t.hf' 41th 'a:nnµal dlnneor l'Dfftinl' of 'the· NeoW1o·porl R ubor Chamber of C'ommf'rt'f", Friday, .Jan. 19, at ttMi Baltto. Ra,· Club. - wlll be ('orona del )l&r'1t u ·o rkl , ftu:n0'ru. clo"'ll, PPplto Pt-rf'.t, \''ho \\'8 one .. rourt .}c>8tt>r ln Spa.In. P..eelto b plctul"f'd on his "\Yorkl'• amallNt blC')'ck-.'' . .\nnual chambtr a." .. ro. '''IJI. be preM>nt~ at ~ -dlnnf*I' in('.ludlng • thr "man of the year" cttalJn'n and tlV' lnt.rodu"tlon of tht' ""'' chamhrr pl"1"8idt'nt for 19J.I. Tlc k"t~ a.n-ll\'&llablr at tht" ehP.mtwr offlN>. tNt'v.•s-Tim<'s P hotol A~k Patte rson to Kellogg . Quit~ Make Report on Fair Board r Beach Erosion A repoct by Conaultlng £ngi- neer R. L. Patterson of N ewport Beach on e rosion conditions along the coa.st of Orange county follow- ing the recf'nt high .titles and a c· companying hl'avy g1ound S"IA'ells was requt•st rd last wet>k b)' the board or super\'isors. Patterson i~ ntaklng a nev.· shr· H . Cl&)" Krollogg of Garden Grovf', presid"nt _uf the board of dire('torii of the 32nJ Agricultural Diatri~t which operateB the br- a.nge County Fair. last v.·tiek an- nounced he ""'ill not accept reap· polntment to tht' post he ha.'I helJ the pa.st four years .. Kellogg sald he v.·HI retain the presidency Wllil Govl'rnor Earl \\'arrcn, \\'ho· appolnt•.J h im. se· selects his sue- vey of erosion along the coastline cessor . under contract \Vith th C' super· Kt-llogg h a s visors \\•hic h 'A'RS rnadt• last sum-bPen at th1> helm mer, and Chairman \Vlll is H . }l,\'ar -of the county ner s a fd thP engineer v.·ould tk exposit ion du r- as ked to include in his slUd}· a re-In&; one fair held port on condit ions resulting from at l hr Anaheim lhe h igh. ticlt's of la.st \\•eek end. grounds ant.I the At the 11an1e time supervisors la.st t\\00 years at asker the U.S. Enginef'rs corp at thP fo rmer San· Los Angelf's to considei-some La An a ·~rmr form of en1ergency· a·ction to p ro-A Ir Base at le<:t lht> short>line at Sea.I Beactl-H. (', Kto llogg C'osta Mesa . and SunsC't Bt'ach.Surf5idi' colony in resigning . K eilO~)t urged con· whei-e ero.'llon v.•aa reported t>Spe· tinuatlon of the policies under cial\y .sertous in the vicinity or thP \\'hich tht> fa ir has stt>adily grown. jettiPs of the Seal BeR.ch Ammuni-"It must ren1a in primarily a youth tlon and Xet df'pot. rair, an old -fa~h ionf'd < oun.try fair. R ush Report and should ha\"(' as iL<i main a im Patte~on's report on cont.lition3 lht.' proclamation o f our agricul· of the coastline will be rushed to tural wealth. he <lf'L·larrt.I. augpient thr county"s demand on Tht> new prt>Sldent p.nd board tht> U. S. En,KineC'rs for cotrcC'lion should adher ci stC'adfastly lo the of the problt-m. . master plan, app1 oved by the R<'Pl'PSentativt>s of the Orange state fairs Lomn1l ~inn . Kf'llogg County Coast Assn. earlif'r last said. "That pllln \\"OU\d provide, wf'ek urged the supervisors to or· among Sf"Vf'ral thinj;"i;. a stadium der a conlinuing survey of erosion for year round athletil'~. nnd an along the entire coast of the coun-ampitheatf'r making possible cu l· ty. They sa id n1ost s tudies bavt! tural and thcalrtcaJ presen ~a- been di rectrd at the ar between tions," the pre!liden t stated. Seal Beach and Nt!w Beach, Orange County ca n become the with little conside given to capital of Southe rn California condiU9ns. . <"t?Ut trom ti-or~e. shows t~roug.h promotion 111ewpoil Bea · · · .. • I'" "'qr-0;-1 .rt1r • boaf~•f .Kellogg ,... 1· ffried. ' ~ • "I STOLES Harold Cohe.n, Santf\ Monica. re- ported the theft of a pair of pre· •crlptlon sun gl&.SBell (valued at $24.~). from his car which was parked on the 900 block of the Coa.st H ighway. The. theft occur· red Wednesday at 9 a. rn. K'ello.rg paid tribut e to his. tel· lp'A' directors, whom he said "kf\OW their fair businf'ss," Results come rrom constant Practice! An ad -regularly in. this paper will produce results for you: -Be v.•lse-tell people-advertise! Leal.hem cka. , All th, fac'ilitles which were in use durt;.g the war at the LTA base slllf are avatl~ble ... &Jthoug-h much harger space la being uaed by civilian agencies &J!d for stor· nge purpbsea. •It ta hot known "'hether the former N;aval air .atatlon will take _on a new name with lt.8 WM'! being changed to heav1er·than4.ir era.ft. LEAVES ADDING-MACHINE Carl Veneman of the Houae a.nd Garden furniture store at ei 1 9oa.st H ighwa.y, NewpOrt Beach reported to politt Uutt a woinan le ft a~ adding rri.achine ,with him last v.•eek and has not retulrnrd for it . ' H(' reported that the woman said ~he "had too much stuff in her car and couldn't keep It." She as ked hi"m to take eu.fe of It' and that she would return for It in a few days. · LEGAL NOTICE • SOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE l!~'lJER EXECUTION In tbt> MunJclp&I Court .of the City, of Lo8 A.Jirles, County of Lot11 An~ Stale of CaJlfomla. • SHFjRIFF'S SALE UNITED STATES CREDIT BUREAU, IXC., A Corporation Plaintiff VS, "HIRAM L. SEBRA AND DONALD H . MEKEEL, Defendants Newport Beacli police received by ~king one saillWl W\llch he a report of a mafi trying to Induce rele:a&ed. He will be presented an a young girl t o enter his car at individual trophy for releuing the 5 :02, p. m. W.edne8day, opposite fish· by a Florida conservatlcn 1109 Balboa Ave., Balboa Island. group. · " An ·onlooker called to the girl and A total ot 86 sailfish were taken told her not to get Into the car. during the three-da)' meet. Only' The man was descrltied as being s,x of them we re boated. 24 years old, six feet in helcht. Art Hall, Lott Angeles, helped& welrhtng 200 pounds, brown hair-tb.e Catalina Is:and. Tuna club into ed, and 'wearing levt.s and a navy fourth spot . by taking and releaa- bluf: ja cket. He waa driving a lQ..f 7 1 Ing a sailfi.:sh on the. last day of F ord coupe. P oUce COl'.ld not lo· the m~eting. His team amaued cate the s~pect 370 po:nl.8. The Los Angeles Rod · • t.ind Reel club went sa.illesa tor Deny Permit for Lunch Waqon City council members Monda)· qight denied the application or R oy B .. Swett of Los Angeles to retail light lunches In commer cial zones 1n the city. Swett had asked to be permitted to sell sand\\•iches and pop from a mobile lunch wagon. Councilman Rose' Greeley who introduced the motion that permis- sion. be denied Swett sa·~c;i: "t)ler e are enough restaurants in tO\\'n to take c&re of demand. There is no opening for a v..·agon to come in." ' the entlrt> meeting. Top spot in -the tourney went to the Palm Beach fishing club with R iviera Beach second, and Miami. thjrd. Blushing Bridegroom '1"his is the start of our joint bank a ccount," the bfidegroom to.l the telle r. The clerk t ook onf' loqk · •·1'n1 afraid it's a poor start," he said. "You 'sel this is the stub you keep, not the check," The blushing ne\O.'lywed retumed to h is hont.e and found the check tn his \\1a:ste basket. The EASY·OOES·IT CORNER • By CLA \'TOS TOOMPS0:-0 Easy Wa y To Clea n Feed l'ipe On Kerosene Stove Under and by virtue of an Ex· ecution issued out oC the Municl· pal Court of the City (1f Los _.\n- geles, . COUf!lY of Lolr Angeles. State o f California. wherein United States Credit Bureau, I.nc., fl 1 corporation, PlalnUtf, and Hiram L. Sebra and Don&ld H . Mekeel, Defendants, upon a judgment ren- den?d th<' 3rd day of November. 1950, for the sum qt One hundred and twenty -one a.nd 55/100 (S121 .5li) Dollars. Lawful Money· of the Un!ted States, beside!! costs and Interest; and sum ot $26.32, making a total of One Hundred ·and forty-seven and 87/100 Doi· Jars. with interest from the 15th da y of December, 1950, i8 nov.' (at the date of this writ ) a ctually due on said Judgment. ~ A friend of ours auggeated this way (right) to make au.re the l ow of Peirl Oil isn't restricted in yaur kerosene stove. A bit of rag on a rifle ramrod or Jen cth of wire made from a coat hanger i.a handy f0r th.ii job. Swablting will remove duat that naturally accumulates. \~~==== \ ' Pearl Oil. the Ki n' of Kere>- 1enea,comeato you free of every impurity. It doesn't cause. amoke, .aot o~ll! ve keroseney odora. Every burna-civea REMOVE ACCIJMUlAll D DUST YEARLY - • you more heat.and licht foryoar kerosene dollar. Call us about Pearl Oil today. We'd like to ahow you the prompt aervice on which our JocaJ bu.sines• ia baaed. A s._..,111 on c..;..,. . .. .c.liferal9 Pre4.d PEARL OIL I have, on the 21st day of De- cember, 19~. levied upon all the right. title, cla im artd inte rest of said defendant.JI (or either of them) in and to the following de- scr ibed real ~tale. to-wit: As appears of record in Book 3, Pages 41 Ir: 42 of ~laps of Orani\.e County, known as L9t 7, Block 642, Tract Corona del Mar. R e- corded 10·29-48, In Book )'72:1. Pag'e 395.· Th.is property la not regial· er~ under the Torrens Title Ac No ce is hereby given, tha.t on Thursb.ay, the 18th ·day of Janu- ary, 1p5t; at 2 :00 o'clock P. M., of sa.Jd y, I wtll proceed t o sell U;I front of the court · house . door. South Entrance, in the City of Sant Ana1 at public auction to • Dlshjbuted by • CLAYTON THOMPSON ' WHOLESALE ~ISTRIBUTOR FOR l\'EWPOR'." BARBOR PBOI'li'E R..UBOR JM RES IDENCE "HARBOR 1094 ! • 1 IJVE IN ' ' • LAGUNA? It . Pays . t o advertise . the '" Newport Bay Post! · ·t.J1e ghest bidder tor ca.sh In Dial Laguna 4·6217 eves . for display information ~w l Money of the United State • all the rtght. title, claim ' ' and !1tere•t ot said defendant., (or either ,of them) of, in &nd to ~ +.n ,deacr lbed property, or ~ muoh thFreof· u may be ~ece•· _sary . ralae sufficient to ¥lilly ~id dgment with lnt.ereat an4 cost!. . • • • • • -"-i: D . . . CURIEJIT EAlllllS ,::: ' . • ".! \ " ' ' • .._ •• • l . -• • • " . I • • .. 'I' • • • • • ' ' ,-• I ' _, • • ' ,o "' ...... .; '! T~.,..~~ct.~j~,--~:.i.~n~~~~~~&~.·1~95~1~·-.~~f~-,~~-.~--__.:.-4.:......~-.·~~~,~.~~--~_,.,;-..~N~EWfO~~l!T~·l~~~Lio~A~N~~~~~~--!2-:..:J~:_,:.,....~~'.':T~-2.~~~~-.=._::.:,;;i-'.;:~-t-~~~~~ •• "' - it • ' : 'Pl\Elll FOOD! NORA DS A ~AXE !! . · fl-Alert! Wo en and ).hn Thinkers! Nora. Morpn want• a na.me tor 1'er dougbliut a.nd bake ahOp. ·rhifl pastry paradise is located in the Greater All-A91.erlcan Mkt., Newport. Nora aeU. wonderful, soul-satiafytnc. cream 1)1-. French paatrtes. cookieA, Enflish muf· t~ Mll-rt•lnl' bread and just everything palatable! H ere'• the dea1 : 1 Nora has a w gesuOn box on ber bak.~ry counter. While you~ sittinc around wonderlnr where your • • • • • next mtnk at.ale l!!i· coming from. get down to earth and think \IP a 1 name tor• Norals Bakery! To the bright party 1uggestlng the ch°'3en name ~ a ~ BAKERY GOODS ORDER! You can pick f out anything in the bakery line )'OU want . _ . all at once or string ~it out! NOw hurry and go "over to the All-American Mkt. and put one or a dozen names in the contest box. ~ sure u.nd put your n&Jn.e. address and phone on your e~tries. _Watch this coh11)1n t or name of \'(Inner.' I hope it's YOU! • .. ... r ' • • ' • I . By MARG0 1 • ' " • • •• • • • • • • • • I I . ALL WOMEN • j RVN• GET sOJ880Rl!f. ', S ·A·L ·E . !llO PAIR OF EAJUUNll8 . 19< PAtlt (F-nol TU lllCluded) (With Thl8 A°d) LOUCKS' I EWELRY GVABANTEEI/ WATCU REPAJRU/ll l 188 N"e1.vpc.irt Blvd., Costa M.M& • • • S IS -BOOM -WOW! 3 R OUSING CHEJ;:RS ANCHOR CAFE! lt's easy to cbeet on a full stomach! The winner o my 'in()•t qt' the best food tor the lea.st' cont~t ~ the ANCHOR CAFE~ I was eatlnr Uke a amall bird {ane I don't mean buoard) till I at&rted. ea.tine breakfaat, . ' ' • , • • • ARE YOUR ' DOGS BA.ftKINC? ., .,. NO. l 'lII not going tum yb~ In at the Sheriff's sub-station !or disturbing the peace . lunch. brunch. and i'fl&CU at 't.hla food ahrinb. The way I Re il- YOU SHOULD ALL ENJOY LIFE, and E:AT OU'T MORE OFTEN. AT THE ANCHOR CAFE. I swear lt'a cheaper than trytnc to 11tew a fey,· bones at home. Gladys and Dee serve big, tat breakfasts all tJay, a speclul 65c lunch,, and all manner of wonderful grab-up snacks--Eat for example an egic-burger or that Taste-bud •tlngler to an abalone burger ror 40c; Everyt hing• home-made, lnclu(tlng t}\e soup. A , sure way to avoid dlrly d18hea Jn the "sink, E at at the Anchor Cafe. Open 5 a. m.-ts p. m. dally and 4 a .. m. to 5 p. IO-BU8INE88 llUIDll. lt-BU1LDINO. BEKVICllll .. ;..' . I u ked you a 9v11 guestk)n §Lnd J expect to give you a civil answer. \Ybelher you're a slaving bouseWife, a man ·bro\v-beallng hie secre- tary. or a c~ skipping. oft to school, you need a good pair of lboe•! Good shoes and ll$ppy feet are t he c..'Omer stone of your roun- daUon. Harry 'Barber at Barber's Bootery, Costa Me's.a has been laking excellenti. care of people's · te-et for over 40 years. B11rber'!i Bootery Insists on fitting you cor:rectl)', no matter whlil your walk In life ,\. . This big ram ii)' shoe\ htta Clinic !:lhoes for nur:'\cit ant.J profeesioliaJ women. 1nen's \l.'ork Moes, Pled Goose shocH for children, U. S. Rubber ralnwear. Daniel Green house slippers. vagabond shoes ... all kind•' bf shoes. 8 .-\RBER'S BOOTERY. 1795 tjJ.~WP<>RT A VE .. COSTA MESA. Sun. 711 D Uoast Hiway, Newport Beach. ~ . . . . • Fore! MADAM PUT DOWN THAT CLUB. 00 YOU W I_SH TO DRIVE 300 YDS. DOWN THE FAIRWAY! Then open your b~g athletic niind to whut I'm sayinfi! I aa.y unbluahlnglf that Polly Apparel has a "birdie" of a golfing dress. The reaBOn that l am prepaf.ed to describe this pr1nenl in 11uch deathlesa '}>rose la that Mr Brown made n1e try it on. As a matter of face-it llappened one. tlay lut week v.·hen evel'y peen In the County was tee-high m· water! This sport~· washable glngharo ln check or~ plaid ie a shirt- maker type, buttons d0'6.'ll the front ~d has a back ~d shoulder ti • drape built ror action! The neat trick is that the short sl~e un- f'l lRTAJX CL.EAJtANC'E buttons up the arn1. allov.•tng all the freedom and m~e-flelilftfg' you HEM SANT RID,DAN'CE care to display! ;rhe dress carries a Sertrln label, alonl" with a go!P . S A VE MON EY medal tag which says "Fashion l:LCfldemy a·ward"--o. k. 90 I'm con- SWGHTLY SOILED CURTAIN FLOOR vinee<.I This dres.ll al 510.95 wins the academy aw&rd aad Gloria SAMPLES NOW . .o\.T Cost in organdie, mus-Swanson is · on h er own. 80 you don't play golf, there's al>,1,•ays Jin, tie-backs, cottage and Dutch curtains. tiddly-wi nks. Regular and 1' sizes at POLLY APPAREL, 183ri Fabric san1ples and dl11COntinued drapery ma-New!X)rt Ave., Costa ?l{esa. Beacon 6363, ... teriaJ!J . a big variety or remnants al 2~e • • • to $1 .00 BALBOA JSLAND TEA PARTY OR TEA R ICHARDSON'S CURTAIN & DRAPERY DRINKERS UNITE! Ladles a lert....::Here'a a charm- 1203 Coast Blvd. Corona de! Mar Ing Invitation for you! Vera \\'illip.ms at the P ATIO e e e STUDIO AND BOOK STALL Balboa, Island cor- EXHIBIT A-Pl'MeCdtor Oeor~ BM.llldi WaSoftDe:r, iteemed more lnt#rested Jn t eOW't _ p rooeedlnn. Tbe .un~oncemed wi llCe!M'J ht from the •kit "'"hle.h wlll be put o munlty Playrn at the Costa Meu Comm sho'!V will be hPld Frtdaf and Saturday, hlKh school audito rium. Adml111Jon for dttn 2~ Ct>nts. .t; Jr., a.ad Jodie Gene "'1hH:88 tlUlD In the lit Patt Witte. Tbe by ·t he Newport. Oom- ty Capen. Tile 4.:act :~ p. m. at N~P4>rt ults is. 60 cenu; c hll· INews-Tlme~ PhOto) ' . idnaped. .from Pace 1) COMPLll'l'B HOUBll CLl:ANINO 9el"lk:e. l'Um.ltur9 and n1p lbalnpoood. ,.,_ ~·-­ll'Ully lmu"4. Al's House & Rug. Cleaning Co. -..... nu l!-,BffiLDING SERVICES PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 271 Palmer St., Costa X- Bea. IHS7-M . 94c:9 INTERIOR -EXTlllRlOR PAINTING · LICENSED . -INS~ Glenn J ohnston SOl -Sht st_ Newport .. ROOFINd~-. . ' st'op a.ny leaks. gu.Ja,ntffd."' • FREE ES',fIMA T ES ... Harbor 426-J .. APER HANGING PAINTING -I and Kenneth Quarry ' ~ 1515 Santa Ana. Ave., Co8ta. Mea , Phone Beacon 5504 115p78 ' CARPE'NTElR WOR K R OUGH and Finished built ca.blnets. Harbor -custom 1184-11. ' 3k3l!H • SNOW! SLALOM! SCHUSS! SKIERS! Before you n1ake that dially Invites )·au .to atend a ~k . Review, have a next Sitzplatz, check in at Ski Headquarters--The Balboa Jstand cup or tea, and \•1ew an art exh1b1t. Vera will re- Sporting Goods! Here you'll find Skt8 for sale (Or Skis & Boots for I view several recent books of current Interest and rent1 mitts, skJ-sweaters. caps, ski-~ks, muk11, wool plaid shirts present a showing of seascapes and marines by. the Seek Salesman Who Sk ipped Bail Beach Sfcf8 HarbOt 2297-J DON'T Dl!lLA Y, CALL TODAY "t'ompar ent ,by one of her a b-... t or an 1ad in the llvelJ claaa1· ductors ho k ept his fet>t on her . • fled section of the and Jacket.a. In tact everything tba Will make you cut a gooJ late, noted painter, Edgar · Payne. Mrs. WUWams A S250 warrant wu Wued by body. : . th H , H . H OLBROOK BIG TRREE-Conlin ing, e Ki ri utd the "1 figure whether making a jump, riding e lift, or being hauled away 1 will give her review and art exhibit on Thursday, Newport police Wednesday for men dro e a round tor about two DEPENDABLE PLUMBING Newa-Ttmes, Post Shop plng Newa on a stretcher! Besides ucellent equipment, you can obtain waxes. Jan. 18 at 2 P· m. and repeat agaln on Sat., Jan. R obert Lee . Lucier. 22-yea.r-old hours be ore stoppinc;.. in ap unln-A Prompt ' and the Preas habited re& w here one of the OVER 21 ,500 CIRCULATION IS lacquers. ski-conditioners and parts here. If you're fussy and in.5ist 20 at 2 P· m. There will be no charg-e tor thl•. rlo magazb;Je solicitor 'frnm Los An- on mow befory you go skiing, call the BALBOA I~ND SPORTING • soiree. but Mnt. \V. suggest~ you call for rescrvirl~ons as her s p geles when he failed to appear in trio atte pted to aua.ult her. She llepa!r 8el'9b Ma.tntal:ned 'IHE ANS WER! said she esiated his adva.ncea an~ PJ:aooe : Bar~ ~4.16-W" I Phone Harbor 1616 today and uk GOODS for tSki information. 222 Marine, Balboa lslaad, Har.· 2641 is tres intlme. Plan on nt~endlng. th~ Book Review .and Art Ex-court after posting ~o bail. , hibit and then· bro\Yse thn1 lh1s <:opt1vat1ng little continental comer. Lucltor was booked by police in the utne escaped but was 2801 Balboa BlYd.. Newport Beach · for the ad-taker. e&ught 'd returned to the car, •: • • j Ve-ra has new imporl!I f1·om Ffknce Ita.ly and Holland. Call Harbor Monday Jan.· 8 for vagrancy and LILY! aq.b YOURSELF. KAY NELSON'S BIGGEST SALE 2647-J. PATIO STUDIO lllltl B~K ,STALL. 313 Marine, Ba.Jboa oeeratlng without a business li- OF THE YEAR IS NQW ON! U you thought her previous success-Island, cense. A cllizen'e arretrt had been At11 fuJ sale wa..a the answer to a maiden's prayer, you'll really be bug-1 • • • • signrd by an elderly Balboa Island heavily, eyed ~t this Ollf! TH1S THEN IS IT, Gilda, your opportunity to J .. ADIES0! I have declared thia ensuing woman. ed, and rink.Lor H ea,11y e men were drink ing arllynn sobbingly relat~ ch tried lo force her to purchase uns:urpassed styles. and fabrics at reductions up to ~o·.; "~ 2 '>'~ks tlS CLEAN UP & PAINT UP According to the \N:uman, LuciPl' drlnk. Kay NelaoD'• Ore1& Shop is offering regular stock suits, blouses. ' fortnight !pronounced rort_nlt J for the Har-came to her home at 12:10 p. m. BaCk the car, the vtot im sa.td fO&la. dreues and hats. all drasticall.r price-whacked. 'I don't have bor area. I'm, sure you'll .... au want to Tueeday wishing to 8l"ll magazine her kid ers .stopped .someplace lo tell you literate readers that quality fabrics are getting scarcer cooperate. Here's how to begifr.. .. first, •\&.bscriptiona. ·LUcier told the -proba Huntington Beac.Jt- and acarcer. Dip Lato next monthls budget. beg or borrow ii you I go_ thru' your houae • attic &Jfd~: that hf' was ~arnln t money and bou t a bottle f1f llqoor .. · muet. but TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TERRIFIC SALE! Adm rt--· ~~i<:A~· ~-·· 11:1 _ au the old furniture that need• refhi~ns. for his future education. It is al-Then,. ·went on, they dr ove in& glll;llc"b alw~ys linger on any feminine apparel bearl11g a K&)' 0 Old Coffee tables. bedsteads, -irha.t nots. feged, police: saJd, that ht> told t he around mt! more 'and flna.llf ?telson label! Hurl you.rself thru' tbe nearest door. Go to look antique!'l or any wood that's 1uf tocating wDman, he had !!old $29 worth or s topped ,t Newport Blvd. and • • Blood 9uota Fint Obiective of' Defense Wortt.,rs; Need 600 Pints (OoiltlJtued trem Pare 1 l tfme to look objectively at the .. next flvi;: or_a!x yeart ~d .12 W.· _ 1ze that. our mode of living Ml going ,to be changE:d in many w ays." • .. ' •• .. .j , I ,I and remain to marvel at thC bargains! 1 under old paint or varnish. Then "put your magaziha to he r neighbor across 18th St., ta Mesa. P . S. Also crepe • wool dresaes in lh sizes on sale! 1,bnishes to soak in some paint thinner or turpen tine. Then step tbe street. Who wa.'I going t o be-There, -rllynn B&ld, two of the We had during World War II." He pointed out that bot.h the chiefs and aaaistanl ch ief of the police and fire departments have had· previous experience u mem- ber!!! of World, War Il Civil 1)De· fense Unit.s. . ~ -"E:ver since la.st June (the ou t - br~a1c of the crisis in Korea) we've had potential disaster a l 6ur doorstep. It is lhe aim of the. - Red Cross to have at least .one member in every family tra ined In first aid.'' .· . KAY NELSON'S DRESS SHOP, 31.40 Via Oporto, -(acros.."' rrom to the phone and call the PAC IFIC NELRE,.t CO. They will"·come comt his nurS<' afte.t he completed men got out of the ca~ le&ving Udo Theater). I to your hol~ and pick up the furnlture • haul it away.-..,-hey his medical cducatlofi: hC>r In th rea r !!ea t with the third. • • 9 will remove all the old paint or varnish and return your furniture The woman bought $13 wot-th of Seeing chance to escape, she "A RAG OF BONF. AND A HANK clean. paint free & N'ady to refinish! This magic chemical disCovery, magulne!! from Lucirr. Accor d-said she grabbed a clgaret the p• HAIR: THE li"OOL HE C ALLED HER the Nelrem process washes paint away, quickly, &&fely and chuply. Ing to pohce reports, Lucier the man w smoking, pushed it HIS LADY FAIR." Kipling may have been So beautify your home! Jt's where you live J1?U know! PACIFIC told the woittan that sh<' was very aPiast e back or hi!! hand and concern~ with the bones too, but I am NELREi\f. 2811 Lafayette. Newport. Harbor 2960. sweet and ki.s!!e<l her. HE" is then ! ran tb e home of J oan Drum- concerned with youi:. hank o'hair-Much e e e alleged lo have offered to do tt\P mond, 12 Rochester St. as I loathe admitlinlll it, men are not such y.,.,, 0 ~ SHINE" And dishes and clee1' the house if the The g I said all thrtt of the "OH, I DON'T CARE JF THE Svo.i D N 4 -woman would send her hotisekeep-mt"n we abQut 25 years of age fool.a as we would like to think. They are neit hf'r will )'OU· IF you take your laundry over to the W,A.SHER-•r ••way, and talk J t h -of having served ln the ua smart enoug to want a woman look-ETTE in Corona de! Mar. \Vas.h-Day can be the nicest day of After Lucier left, the woman . f 0 f th k illl' ahiny haired and well coiffed! So S(lylng let's brighten up your your v.:eek! Don't ruin an entire day steaming up the kitchen and phoned her nelgh&r who had air orc.e · d ~oe ;,. ba~~ ~e';::V1~ hair and make It one nice glamorous, beguiling color! R UTH'S slopping around. Just gather up your linen in a bag and take it never heard of the young nlagazine ~~~t ::s 'going to have some fun BEAUTY SHOP HAS A MARVELOUS NEW ROUX COLOR over to the Washerette. Then go out and fly around enjoyin g the !!alesman. The wOman then le)('-fi rst,'" a ori:ling to Ma r ilynn. SHAMPOO! Thi~ shampoo comes in 12 natural shades. The color beauty or the birds and the Bay! The Washerette g1ves you every, phoned the Nl"wfK>rt Beach police a.ry B. Conrad, mother la.eta 4 -6 wk!!I., does not rub off on yOur pillow or get stre&ked ! It .!lerv1ce imagina'ble. ~othlng is too good for your clothes ..... They who picked Ul> Lucier. of 1~:;!· y g victim, wu notified doesn't wash out like the old rinses. Here m)· girl Is a simple easy rumish good soap. pure tubs. fluff drying and neat folding. This and earn to retUm her daughter way to tone up your crowning glory~ You can get ROtJX OOLOR paragon of clean living ie open every Thursday until 9 p. in. ·be<:ause 1 S HAMPOO and hair set con1plete for $3.50. J said at Ruth's Beauty the\• waJ)t working people to be big and' clean ... and YES, you N~Oft _ Nnmed -home. Shop, 338 Polnaettla, Corona de! Mar. Har. 2907. cM leave your clothes h'ere to be DRY cLE.-,.NEp~i'}V~ J~,. '"I' · " ; ,i .• :~•?I • • e stop, but be ourc ll'• al' The WASRERETT!Jl·( .~ 1. \~A~·t~.!;.',1"< '. \ltl•,.-'J,,Ctfil*is,"~1~@ " :\ '~~ Corona del Mar. Harbor 2566-W. · ·· l-. ~ ... , I 1 po~~-r~· ~hy and An-·y DR. J!:RWOOD! 1 SCREAMED. WHAT ARE \reu DOING drew Brown of the Balboa.J'eiiin-C()aa ·frvln.bp.t}· ~ WITH THAT HAMMER? Sheepishly enough, he put down the tool SKIP PER BOOKED sula area. different and pointed to some ven· beautiful pewter tankards. ''This Ames Ar izona Rancher luys Chamber directors elected hf say exac Y t wt I d ln lh · al 710 Elton Glen Nk:.hol8, 40, skipper Mrs a a . pe er a ma e e origm circa J moulds. so I thought C del MC.r Land the ballotting V1Is month were · by poundinr in a few dents, I could ... , ." "Fie on y'lu, ErWood'. · O FOfta of the-"Soliloquy" located a t the John ~ler, and Dr. 0 . G. Sues.a, Bremerh The next thing I know, you'll be training worms· to crawl in and In a $60,000 transac tion. W. F . Balba Bay Club, Was booked on Balboa Island; Harvey Someri, to the U f ~-out o your beautiful Maple furniture." Antiques my f'oot ! Oh J Stark. 'fArisona cattleman, acquir-chargee 0, exhlbltlon1'm and post-Mariners Mlle: Monte Grimes, tell you, don 't tum yo9r back on Dr_. Erwood. He'll sell you hi! !ihirt ed ~pprox.imately one acre of real ed a SIOOO b'1l bond 'Pueaday. B&lboaj Tom Heffr.rnan, and Ar-in Hobo for % p r ice if you're not caref ul. Half-price Howard ~ al,a practi-e-state loca ted in front of lhe Pali· vo Haapa, Corona del Ma.r and out 8 · f rs.on. although I ca n't y why." hferholt was born in en, Crl!rmany and ca me ited Stales in 1926 with nd. The couple landed e.n, New Jersey . "with~ end or relative ln this cally riving away English bon~ and Bavarian china pJaleS, cpps, !ides Hotel in Corona d<'I Mar. Nichols plea ded not guilty and will Ben Reqdick, Newport .Beach. country." tea-pota, lea-Mls~ etc. The best buy in this abbatoir at ·the moment The property Overlooks the en-have a-jury trial on Wednesday, President Wright reported fu ''We oved f'l"om ~nnany to ls a. bamboo Tropical Sun circular gla.u top coffee table formerly tire Harbor area. -Jan. 17. his directors that specifica tions escape e depre8.!ion and lnfla- prteed at $60. lf Y.ou hurry you t'lln steal it for $29.7:!1. A·lso if Tom Payne of the Stanley Nlchple la accused ot having e.x-are now being drawn preparato,.Y ,tion aite \\ror ld War I. We Just you don't hold yourself above petty gran, you cat1 snatch a n1utch-Smltti real estate oCficC', 1311 poacd himself t o a local Wqman to adver~lalng _for bids tor pµlllf!g packt..'<i u e verything we. couldn't Ing 119 tatile lamp for $8.9~. ER WOOD'S. fi'urnlture-Art -Gifts Coast Highway, Corona del Mar tn Bay Ave. In Balboa a l 11 :30 .a. the .Chamber s hip ~ull a.shore an;:l -~~te~d' ca.me to t he U nited ·Fabrics. 467 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. li.andled the transaction . n1. Tueaday. convert ing it into an offlc~ · Wright r eported a. favorable re-Mrs. Schlerholt My11 that her i II I • • • A.'~buy-wor-'' fOr today:- • ou're·paying 90 % - • rnure for cwthing: ' . co11 · aretl with i935~1939 . " a~erage Jnice_s • • • 1 Sourtos• "U.S. lo!reau of ~ S.a1;,ti6, ·"Edhcn.doinalic: ellctridt, • o·.....,. • ---7 • iDf lON CO.JIPAllY 1 ' ' ' ceplion by the Griffith Co1np,ny husband rece:ived his ~ltlzenahlp to the Chamber rC'quc·st for a~-papers long ago and was very dlt ional" land near th• bolll of! t...., pleased when she flna lly received 1-i1e rs. sight. ~he said that the examliia uoo H·.g11 w·1nc1s questions. "bked about lnd•pend-ence Day, the Const itution and Ill amen~en~. the d uties of hi(h <Conu..Ued f_l"Gfft "Ce I ) goVernment offlciala and the high· In it. The (tremu pulled uie wt~ M courts In the nation," to the gl"OW)d and dl.spoaed of t» After . receiving her clllftQhlp burned porlJon or -the roof. I papera, Mrs. Scbierholt and he r A lafil"e plate g lue windo~ ~t h\Lsband drove , u p-to gee tlielr 20- Slr\l(>t'•1 TeWlhkl~ bard'ware atore -year-old -.. 80n ,· B uotd l · who' ts in . Cootli\_Heaa .waa -.hatte~ bT .tudy!ng p11armi.Cy at; the Unl- guata wlilch were measured at 9 veraity of Southern ~ltorn.la in knob ~·hour. .· · I. Loa Artgelea and celebrated tho Wiodqw• were alao report~ Occ&ston wtUi a flne dti'aner. blowa ojit' •t 3510 w. oc.... 1. I Newport Beach,and 107 -3lat · , l..IClll_,_;,/f y~· N~ Beach . U~- The au-d~ent le (l'.looo · ....,. hP. ) . ~ that ~ tolaJ of MV<n boo.ta Md oUooi -.. :.tu llo alftd. broken looee from . t:beit mooriD · _.,.. ... ,.._ ~ p..... wll: In tb ·bay. Tbe dep&rtn)enl k ... -wltlit··._d;....,. l tl fbll .crww an ~y. untU J L 'i'M c -~ . Pri!l&Y in>«nlng becaoao of .Toiia If.._. -· IM· ~ ~ 1 . i •ted?' nit ....... .. .. " 1-.,,. ... lo!' ....... ....... . cwr"" ll-08.E q~MP """°" e z j a -i-. - ' 4n CNp-•1 IMpecllon ol """ :.,;, ~ e-2 ... -· .... c;:&l'a ....... tor !ww ClamJW to .... tr1tw ef ,_....u.;.tlle7.,.t111>t1o-_, •· , , .r • _;,, ··~~"' bat .... ,._., ctu) t\? 1 .... •:::* .... at ~<'>IJJM " A. atlcll!t. a r t11 el ·Cl ~-.--.... Ill .. Ill -.I~ ps• 1t•J1v a...0• I flOlll ..._., ., .... • = ..... -.._ ..,.. ... le--....... to opp.u~alt · ._. CW,_ .............. ... ' . ' lll OllJ&I _ .... _ _.. ' ..... , ... "-* .. ~ ----. ' ' -" .. - The police chief streued the need for proper Identification or civil deferuse workers (Wednes- da y the Newport ,Bea."c:h police log received a call from a woman who questioned the authorit,y of a. civil defense worker who wa.s making hi!! rounds without proper tdenti· LoVeland , announced tha.t two flcallon -he was a civil de(ense organized meetings v.ill be held volunteer wbo h adn't yet received to set up Red Crose first &id his identification c~d.} coureea. Monda y night, J~ lr> Hod k . Mid th t the clv1} at 7:80 a t the cit y · council cham- II 10800 a bers nersona from Newport, :Bal-derense worker should, be lhe per-.,,-boa and Newport H eight.a • are son "who urges others . lo attend urged to attend 80 that Red C1'08I fir st aid cou r.se!! to prepare tt }\.em -flt'st aid cl888ea can be organlr.ed !!elVea for emer genciee; t he per-tor In terested. persons. k !!imtlar-:~a;:h~;xsth:lspe~~~h1:';:, ~~ meeting wtll be h eld W~y asked a questlo,Q_ 'On civil defenae, night a t 7 :30 at· the Corona del , knows the answers." Mar fire hal} tor interested per· He clo!!led by aa)'tng ''We in eons _ fro~ Corona • del. r'\1.... aAd · Newpart Beach a re a way a,b.ead of ~~ ~<L ·fi ~ It:. .. ey'1'.}'body e1lle. and \\-e 1ntend.. to Th~ Red Crou ·dir .T:': ltky' "1.ea . -If~ tt;ic b<ot way -:at ~t·. Ole couroeol co ... "' _,18 staying a live." houn of nrat-aid tralniitg ... Cl--- ea will be on nine nights, with. each <cl&s11 la.sling two hours. Fire Chief Frank Crocker fol· P eaafmtstlca.lly. Lqvel.&nd an-' lowed up bj s tressing tha.t "bl~ nounced tha.t Newport Beach'• capt&int and their aides will have blood quota .. waa 600 pint., and to be men of all work. They'll th&t ''from our past record, rm have to know the elem ent. of fire a fra id lt'a an impossible J~.-L flght1pg ; lirst a id and other· civil ~ H e cited figures for the lu,i twqa,..-. defense pr:ocedure.s." vlliila ot the Bloodmob'ile both or He added That _Ne w7p o r l "which took p!ace during the cur· Bea ch wewi 11 _1 1 r 00 ,ahteda v e "three .or rent Korean crials. "On July 20, four ste"el Whistle 1950, Newport Beach's quota wu a.Jr raid w hist les, (the loca-200 ptnta of blood; 81 pints WU-ri"" l ion has, not yet been d t!elded our total ·dona tion ; on Oct. ~ .,. ., , u pon ) and &Ujf'ficienl for coveting our ~uota wa,a allll 200 .ph1ts ot.. -.. the · city. ~t police depar.tment blood, thla t tme we donated 13!5t !· wlll _control these air raid algnale pint., of•blood.' u . they have d'one during the'~t DlJ"e Bfooo N~ .. : emergency." ~ "Ctocker said '1these new whl!!-He Uluatrated the dire n eed of ; • Uee will promptly roll you ou1 of the Armed F orces for blood by f _ bed at nigbt ti necessary. ~.)r're •Yinl .. Evuy 19 Uaya. reanre. _jJ much better than before." trooptl tn Korea must eive up a ~ ! Speakltls; abou t th< fire, fight· pint M b l-. becAU9e of the lnad· -1 . lng role In civ U defen.ee, Crocker equ.q. of whole bloOd don&Uona., ~ Rid that . "*": flglillng' hun'l from I -the people of the United • • changed and p!aln . old ytaler la ta~ ... He added that today 'i1Yf.1 • • •Wl I.he ~t." H e pointed out that pef. cent of oUr men ·w~ ID.: , an ample ~e of wa.ter supply. action recover, largely bee&~ ot. _ 1' &JTid w•ter ~ectiona bu been the U81e of Whole blood." He ~ ';,; p~vided fot' 1tn the event of an ed ~ -blood don8'.~ ''Can't ~ em ers(!:ncy a.rid that the fire de--wait. 'f . • 1 ., -. partment Lt OJ.. equipped .to .... v~ Cuownano, blodd "d1a1rJ , .. sea water it heceua7." m.ul'.(9'"·Uii. area, ouUined .a~;•~ ·~a.' llol"'-tor~ the n-ey -·· ' ---w:., .•. ___ ,, . pliita of bJood. Each ·ctril deftrele •• 1 Uoyd I..owfand. .-klDa 'tor Worker .att8'din& the 1 meeuDs • the Red Crom \Ulft "$.~ ~~qiTll ~-S'iffn five apPoinb:Ddlt' Defenoe -it iiakl that ;:w~~ban .... .._. tiw blood doft6n at: ~ loot tnclt of !'be rill -iny In' -1'toil of the ~ ~ •vmt of ttttrsier '1t'e."Te~ ._ Be aid ~t .If -~ 1rc:ftec ,. t to~ to-., to a....., "tot t\ft people t., +Wto.;Nftf..•.: p11oae to call . u.e ·nre clepartmeftt port ~ .... eUll)'. ..,, _,. • .., "!" j;ollee ---ar~ ll'IOla' ~ -_u.,&1l.i1Wl!l!IP'•k ptetllJll9ta1 14 _ q-. .... , ....... aJroi6CIJ feeelftil n ......._ ,. ; ey, t11at _. .. loot -Oh --ta ror ~ :Ju. ·11.--411 ,p.' of ••1i .aN"tJ.~ .... ,... O ts:.....__.,•· -Ia 1fte ~ ot II 11 t-.r UN tile .... ~ Wiil fW 'C >td L .: ..,.,., ,...ajl,_ ___ ........., .-.. .._ •ra IW • ....... .. ,...... .. ,...,,. "',,... --. ·-If ,,? ''"'• taia\ '9cY ..... 11"• Wte ~ 1'111 ftr7 At M F J1Zf • d ...... t.e -• .io •w"• -....., -..,.. •1an f'tJO ..._ ol 1 1 '1J' .rrljrs«• 5 -lit 1J • -.,.· • A .... ... ,, ....... -·........... ..,;, ... --~, -· I .. Al "(ft' .;..._-=~: - _ I ' • ... •• • .. . ' .. . . . ~ ..... I ' •· . ... , , • ' -"· • ; r • • • ~ '!t'"' ~!f ~08 -. ' Rmri .l Pi.wo. '6 -per monu. . CLEARANC~· on ·used Refrigerators • , All m>t allowed If you buy wtih· ln tenna. D.A.NZo.8CBKIDT, ~ No. Kain, Santa Ana. ' ' , . . ' NEWPORT~ IALIOA NEWs -TIMES ; ' ~ t . ""CIVlC CENTER DIST!iICT ' . , . . ' • ; .. t:~d,y, ;.i,,.pry ,,i "!1Jf ., i '':s4L00A IS~ANI) ~-. (· ...;::;;;;;;;:;.~--~~~~~~~ All are in gooil ondi~n Appliances are ~et~g sC!lroe and will soon be even harder to• find. BUNGALOW UPRIGHT piano in perfect · condJUon.. Te.nn.1 $30 down a.nd 116 pn · mG. at SHAFER'S KUBIC.,J::<>., (Sine< ft.GOO. ll:xcellen.t -tlon on 36th BL Atbsc!Un putl&117 f'U.i;l;'lltibed 2--lledn:Joril.~ frame bome. Cement fOUftdatloll. o..;., roof, yant (enCed end lon<lecaped. ·v~ VALUJF.S l • In Crona del Mar. ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom house. with 2-bedroom apL over double garage plua· guest room and bath _; both unit.I ~OJ18 -cloeet space,. 'Ye tbiqlr t/1la one of, the'Dicellt hland proper-,1 !l ·!lo I . ' I ' ' , I I . [ . I. ~ I ' . ' . . ·' • MORE CLAS$1FtED ON PAGE FIVE Jf-l'EllSON &UI Alcoholica Anonymoua W rit e P. 0 . Box ~ Bal-Wand.-Q.Jlt'. Pbone Kimberly s.6398 PHOTO TINT Have your favorite phologn.ph band tlntrd. Writ e n11.me 11.Jld addreae on ba.ck or photo. All'IO • J007) 411 N. Sy,:amoro, s.nta Servel gas ref rig. · 5 c11, Ana. Kl. 2~11. . emc f~, in very nice con-uliEO PIANOS from $69 up. Goocf dition .................. \..-... $7 4.95 I yin ' dill DAN 2;- Frigidaire, 5 CU. ft. ·-· 89.95 ~m&n. ~O N':.° Main Santa Frigidaire, 6 cu. ft. ·-· 94 .50 ,ua, cor. ·6th. ' Ice .Box, looks like electric refrigerator ALSO 14.95 SPEClAL BUY WHILE THEY LAST! New 120 bua Bonelli Italian accon:ltbns and c&M, $189.95. Tenno, $19 95· down end SlO 3~ per mo. at SHAFltR'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907, 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Aila. lOmbei-- Easy Whirl<!ry port-1 abl~ washer ............ :. 39.95 J Elec. water heater, a BAR- GAIN! 1~ 2-0672. Miltc natural colortng. PTlce $1 .W ea. Hav~ a fe w good TVs-- SEND TO SANDRABalboa. JUST TRADEJJ1 IN ! 2050 E . Ocean Front ' INPUS'J'RIAL BLDG. FOR LEAsE i.-AIWE -Mod.era. -Alrnoat.. new. Approximately 6,000 ~ t~ avallal>I,. ~bl~ =W. : CHARMING LIDO ISLE HOME . ONLY $15,500 2 bedn>om-. handy kitchen. Lari" ~vlng room: flttplace. 2-car p.ra.ce. ~ ot' btilll-lna. Completely walled yard. Excellent loCatlon near North Bay. , For the abovC prop<-rtles, cal.I Mary Dlck110n, Harbor 1013 or Harbor 2092· y;. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Be.cit NEW 3 . DRM. HOME. Hdwd. floor1. ~roed •lr fu,.,.ace. l % batlla. fA><o of tile. k..-gar'. 45 tt. !!et. Quiet ah&ded attteL · Exclu8t1'e rt1ldentlal mectton on ocean illde of higbwa:t. $6,300 WILL ~ANDLE, . I ' -- TWO BOitlie:. HOME. ~er lot,, ; . ocea.n tide ot bJ«hway. lArge · rooms. Brick walled yard. Bar· ~uc. · Lovely lanchlcaplng. 2· car prage. ~t ua 11h0w you thi• GOOD BUY et ONLY $11.- 700. 4 ~ a . I . loan at $60 mo. 1 tpcludlng lntercat, taxes and In· aura.nee. . ~es. ..... $31!1500. . ----. BA YFRONT with pier and float -3 bedrooJDB, 1 ~' · baths , with 2-bedroom apL over double · gllage -both have lovely bay view -~y convenlencee -most livable and ea.st to rent -. partly furnished. $39,375.-• . , . AN EXCELLENT buy -3-bedroom - 2-batb cottage with attractive living room, firtpl_ace, in good. location -reduced to $12,500. . Nelda Gibson Horace S. Mazet Harbor002 . Haroor0028-J 306 MARINE ·A VENUE.• BALBO• ISLAND ' ' "FLASH" '·: 65078 DAVIS-BROWN CO. FROM Tms hATE forward, I l~ Harbor Blvd. coela MeKD I WA NTE.D: ~ pianos. Traile ln your o1d piano on a Orand, Spine t or beau~lru,I television. H\gheat ce,.,h allowance. Terms. D.\NZ·SCHMIDT PlANO CO, corne r 6th, ~20 No. M&ln: Santa Ana. u-..APAJtTlluri'll • lfO(Jl!la FURNISHED yearly i'enlfla. 5 rm. A SLEEPER -r3 .b,drm. borne. parUy' tumtahed, 11.f, b •th s, knfl.ty plne Interior. Ocean· aide of,J hwy. H ,700 ll"ULL PRJCE $2,000 will handle. B~l30A ISLAND \ ' wiJt not be reapon•lble for any. Beacon 6821 -debt.a other lh&n my own. Dorothy Pfeifer. • 15-SBARE 1'01111 CAil YOUNG LADY erTiplo)ed, ws:nt.1' t.ra.nsportaUon t o Loe Angelea. l!f0nday .Uiru F riday. Phone Harbor psas-J . 65c67 SERVEL gas refrlg<.'rator:, 7 cu. ft. like new, $150. l1hone Harbor 1627 or see at 118 Ithaca, Lido ale. 64c66 OSHKOSH HAT & SHOE BAG blue · alrpl&nl'. white cowhide trim . Like new. 'it price. H a r· bor 106. 65c67 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! Knabe Grand. BeauUtul Chick- ering Grand. Save fSOO to $800. K im bal Grand. VOA, Story and Clark. Wonder 'toned Bohmer Gra.nd, only $3~. Tenn.a. DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO PIANO STORE. 520 'No. ~a.In, corner 6th, Santa Ana. The Jsland I><>'-$65 mo. Alao amaller .1 and irm. rentab, '$30 A 140 'm0.- 6500 Coaat. Hwy., Newport Bel\. This d!Btinguiehed commu-INCOME ....: 3 rentals on a 45 x 118 corner lot. Good neighbor- hood. Ocean. aide o( 'tllghway. Well conatructed and attractive . . 65p67 BAYfRQNT REMTAl., l bdrm, to June 15th, $70 mo. 2 BDRM., 2·bath boyfC'OllL Rea· . eona.ble.' GREENLll;AF & ASSOC. nity offers excellent bay-• front properties With a ' , Lancll<&ped end fenced. No. 1 • apt. )>C!rtly turntahcd. No. 2. end wide variety of view and . .a apt.a. tully turnlahed. Incqme character, with location ·$2.580 per year. PR ICED RIGHT at. Sll,:i-00.""" Good terms. n-__ 1.0_ST_A-1''D __ •·_b_1_N_,D,_---ELECI'RIC WASHER with pump. ------------3112 Newport Blvd. Har. 2002 factors chawging from IN tJ08TA'. M!:SA • NEWPORT JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! LOST-Brown boxer. feft\llle,. 2 Excellent condition, S25. Phone YT•· old. Had op ckoker chain Harbor 0838-W. 67p69 Spinets and Gra.nds. Trade-in•. RentA1· -returns, repoaaeaalon. Wonderrut bargatna. Many tarft· ou_, makes. DA,NZ-SCHM:IDT BIG PIANO STORE. 100 plan08 to choo1e from, 520 No. Maln. corner 6th, Santa Ana. and lead. Answers to n&.Qle "'Chee-Chee." $10 reward. Phone Beacon M77. 65c67 1&-SITUATION8'WANTED When you need a nurse: Practical Nurses Registry Graduate Undergraduate Trained Practical Nurses Specially trained OB Nurses 806 Orange, Santa Ana Klm berly 2-8156, 67c68 WILL DO WASHING a nd IRON· ING ln ·my hom e. W ill pick up and deliver. Beacon 5762-M. 65p67 DES PERA "PEL Y need job. Geo. office a.ad parts aales, men's fu rn. Grocery clerk. Driving. Write P. 0 . Box 916 , Long ~ach.' 67p 19-HELP WANTED WILL GIVE rent tree (utilities "'paid ) of small m oder;n fumiahe'L house In e xchan.ge for care of children 6 d•YB a w eek . Phone Beacon 6007 -W. &tc60 EXPERIENCED couple, cook and butler. H oliserna.n, colored or F ilipino. . ' H ousekeeper, live In. . NEWPORT HARBOR ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BENl>IX a utomatic .washer . like neW. S.90 and ~. household · ltt ms. Phone Harbor 3 111 ·W. 67p69 11-WANTED TO BUY WA.NT TO BUY about 18 pcs. good used cor rugatl'd sheet Iron tor rooting. Har. 1020-\V. Sl tfc GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS from $MJ. Terms u convenient u 16 m o. at SHAFP"ER.'8 MUSIC CO. (Since 190'1") 4.21 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. KL 2...()872;. . 44.tlc. H-FURNJTURE FOK &-\LE Newa-Ti.mea ads have been read ------------In the Ha.rbor for over 40 years. Jack'.s Furniture ••.....sTOREll"' Ol"l"JCES 1501 Balboa Blvd . ., Newport Bch 1------------- Beda. mattresses. chests, stoves, EST ABLISHED real estate office refrlge ratO~, etc. In .hea rt of bualneu district, Co- . Unfi nished Furniture. roria del Mar. Call Har. 169~R. BUY, S ELL or TRADE 63c66 Phone Harbor 2!">02·R BAMBOO RATl'Ah SHOPS , ~ ... , . _ , Complete llne, factory-to-you. W.A:NTED-Unturntahed 2 bednD Open 12-9 daily lk Sun. Bank hoi.pe at f"9UOO&b1e yearly tent· term•. 275 Ocean A•e .. L&runa al. COM or Ntwport 1,Helg~ll. Beach. Uc • Call Harbor 14.Sl·R. 4.ltft" STUDIO COUCH. poke r table. folding steel chairs, maple rock- er, ma ple coffee table encl misc. 505 Begonia.· Corona ue1 Mar. Harbor 727-J . 6&-67 WHITE Table Top Gas Rangt· $35. Gas heaters. S~ each; cJlest, SJ: Mattresses, $5. B4?8t"on 6040. days.· 65c67 NEWPORT ISLAND yrly. r,ental. 2 bedroom unturn. apt., prage, laundry, exlra rm., patio. IS03 1n. 38th. See. owner, 501 • 38th St. 65c67 YEARLY RENTAL, Udo Isle. Beautiful new 1 J:xirm . un!urn. apt. Fireplace. Gwage. $80 mo. 200 Via Anltbes, Lldp I.fil e. Har· Bor 2793-J. (Agent4 note). &4~0 ON WEEKLY or Monthly hula for 't'inter. Beautifully fum- lshec..1 ~ bd;troom home on beach, Corona del Ma r. Reasonable rates to Eastern tourtsll!I or marines.. ' Call Harbor 1695-R. '3c65 BALBOA -Furnished 1 bedroom apt. lnquir'e 001 E . Bay Front, Balboa. . P hone Harbor 0331-W . Sip 1f.! DUPLEX -Uufurnl~ed, new· ly_ decorated. 1720 Anaheim, CQJlla Me~ Call Laguna. Qeach 4.-1892. ' . . . ,67c69 SINGLE APT., 135 mo. to , July 1st or wllh bc..lrm., SLO mo. ex4 t1a. UUt. pd. Cloae to ~tores. 1006 Balboa Ave., Balboa lslantl. 67 c69 H ·A-Rl':ST ,HOMES REST HAVEN. P ensioners Welcome. 152 Cabrlllo,. Costa Mesa bl0j:k to block. • · JmIGHTS ARl!:A- " We have a epecla!ly priced two-story home with many bedrooms, unit heat, IU'.ld superb South Ba:Yfront, • main channel view. · ThlB· 'property with_ 50 feet of front.age a.n,d sandy. beach should be seen .at your e&l'liest convenience. , the price is · $38,500 , J. A. Beek Office BALBOA ISLANp YERRY ·Billboa fsland LA.ROii: 2 BDRM. HOME, cor. lot. Living tfi'tu 'l.~~ x 2i1..t, lge. atone !lreplace. ~rnace. Hdwd. floore. Brea.kfa,t nook. Large window•. Lota pf closet.a and cupboarda. Bed.room No.· l la 12·x. 1.5, bdrm. No. 2 1a 131,.s X 1J'h:. Porch on two sidca. 10 x 10 buement, 2-c•r garage. Rm. to build rental. A REAL BUT ~ T $8,950 with terms $50 mo. ':t'he Joh1' Vogel Co. 1301 eo..t "Hwy., Corona ~eJ Ku Pftene Harbor 1141 or H&r. rl477 . · · · Evenlnp Harbor 393·M1 Balboa Coves Home No. 43 Modern 2 bdrm• and den, 2 Datha. L&rge llvlng r111 and dining rm. Party furntahed, ·$6000 down. See owner, 1440 Weat Bay Ave . or Phone Har. OIH·M. D9c72 SEE THIS. IN cORONA Dl!lL MAR. SOU!rH OF BLVD. 2·bed· ruam. home; hdwd. Ooon, dble. ,.....e,. . rotl •ud feace. ~HA. financed. · FITZKORRIS REALTY CO. BALBOA TSLAND lf,ealtorw and BualncM Brokers ll. . 813 Cout Blvd., Corona del Maf BARGAIN! Phone Harbor 2152 TWO bdrms. Spaci.oua living rin. * • ('LOOK * * fl.replace,, lovely1 encl~ patio 4 ...-room., 3 bathrooms, ocea.n plu11 two extra gue.et roon1s ~ ea ch with ~ bath. Guest house view, new modem 2·story year- could be convetted to apt. around home. Completely tum. 506 ~ E . Bay Ave. Balboa FOUR CHAIR S & cock tail table. I BALBOA PENINSULA -Beautl· 3 bar stools. Rw;tic rtn ish1 suit· fully furnished, 2 bedrm. apt. . able Jor patio or lanai. G re~·n Sundeck. Garace. Winte r or Betty Lcae~rg Bea. 6Yl-W Excellent income as ia - • ~9h I :Bette!r see this It you·~ serious 1711 Eut Ocean Blvd., .Balboa. For appointment to see call owner.-Bubor _2543. 56c69 65tfc WANT MA N, handy with tools, to iMlall drapes 11.nd venetian bl_lnds. Ph. Beacon .5277. 65c67 WANTED -Exper ienced stenog- rapher w ith ability to meet the public. Balboa Bay Club. Phone. Bea.con 6~28 tor appt. 65c66 • WANTED-DISH WASHER. Ap- ply SNACK SHOP, 1619 Coast H lghw&y, Corona de! Mar. 67o69 WE HAVE one openlng only for a good telephone survey girl, ln Newport or Harbor are&. At-· tract ive hours. good pay. work in your home it you deaire. Fo~ o.p pointment. cau Mr. Burpo. IO.rnbcr1y 2--t ~. Santa Ana., between 9 a. m. and 12 noon.• 67~9 'phone desk. H arbur 17~3. 65p67 year ly. ReuonabJe. Phone Har-bor 06 12·W. 67c72 EXQUISITE modern c u st om Chinese for liv ·r n1 and 'llin r1n. lfodern blond oak bdrm set, in· eludes knee hole di>sk. Philco deep freeZC', 5 1·:: cu. rt. like new, $125. Harbor 31•19-J, EvclS. 66c68 ' LIDO ISLE u you want a rental on LIDO ISLBl 1ee ua. Several lovely apta. Also bomU available. P.A. PALMER 4~RENT, MJSCl!:Ll.ANEoU8 ON NE\VPORT BLVP., , Costa Mesa-Storage garag4( or>. sma.ll shop 20' x 30 '. H<'avy wiring SJ~ mo. f hone ·Beacon 6447-R. • 66c71 IN CORPORA TED , HOME SOLD 3333 Via Lido ' Bart>or ll!OO 4&-AUTOMOBILES, TlllE8 Must sell furnishings of 10 room _..:_ _______ ' __ nu __ c 19i0 CHRYSLER -i d~r in excel· house and gara~e ~pt. Fine LARGE TR.A.ILER in lovely court. lent condition. One owner. $395. quality MontE!r~y furn•ture, vc:ry A dults, S30 mo. 17'41 P omona. Phone Harbor 141.5-R evening•. reasonably priced. 109 Onyx • Costa Meaa. Ph. Beacon 9747.J. ~p67 Ave., Balboa 111land. • 65c67 6alfc CHROME EXTENSION T ABLE It 4 chairs in excc·llent condition. Will sacrifice at l\:"ss than 1-'.i pr!ce, $4 0. Phone H•r. 1260-R. 67c69 D{NETTE T ABLE & 8 CHAIRS. Natural finish, light woofj--f;'X- tra leave~. Antiqued Jcatherettc seats. Phone Ha rbor· 1008-W . MODERN l bdnn. apt., 203 • 6th St.. Balboa, $45 mo., utll. pd Phone Harbor 3496-J . Mc67 T WO BEDROOM APT. untutl-tlah· ed in Corona de! Mar. Yearly r(!n taJ. catl cvenlngs Hl.rbor 0574-J. 65c67 COST NEW $4 ,000. NOW $1 ,465. Bukk Super, 19i6 Eat.ate Wa· ,on. Beaut. maroon, White alde- waU tlree. radio, he.ater. chrom e luggage r-ack on top. Nice con- dition, $1,485. Prl. party. 1112 W. Bay Ave., Newport Bch. Ph. Har. <M39·J. 65p67 it ls priced for quick action. ---'---------- Linwoo!il Vick, Rltr. Bayfront be!lch home 312 Marl.he, Har., 2Q42, Balbqa Jal. ~ yr. old, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2 f.lre · 65c67 place1. ®-ft. frontage, tine Joca-. ~-----------t'lon. Jrurnllhed, price $36,000. aUY NOW! ! ! NE;AR BALBOA BAY . ~ B. R., 2 bath f1ome wtlh bulc furniture lncl1,Jded. In Xln't _con- dltlon. Fine bathln1: beach at 1treet end. De1lrable tor vaca· ·lion or year·round llv. Sl~.500- AIBO adjoining lot with amall garage cottage built to take l!lf."CODd • 1tory Dving quarte~a. Owner wi-11 conskler selling bot.b- T•rma. New S·b<lrm., Z-bath home on L1d'> Iale. Larse lot and patio. Herc's • re•I ltUY .at $19,500, · . Income DelUXe 8'-Unit bayfront apt. Sehed- uJe<l lntome near $14.,000. Ttuly th la le a tlne--property. Mk u.a tor tuU detaila. . prop<rll .. <or •1s.ooo. 20-acre chicken ranch $2100 DOWN BUYS 1 mUea from Newport. 1~000 ca· pa.city, 3 houaea, lfood bam. 12 acres ln P,erma.nent puture, abundant water. $40,000. Con· eider part trade1 in bay area. YEAR AROUND HOUSE. 1 Story -Centrally Iloc&tesl -Solid Stucco Con- struction · ·Large carpeted living room with 'fireplace , 2 good ·sized bedrooms EACH WITH BATH Cen,f#!r !i;allW:&;Y -Terrific closet spa_ee Separate·dlrung room -Back porch 2-car_ garage pliia double carport apace (can add unit) Complete1y Furnished • .Including Hotpmnt washing 10achine -Electrolux· -Kitchenware -Dishes and MAY8E even anR~ lT' TV console '$13,500 ' . · JOHN-· B. ·PRENDERGAST REALTOR 223 Marin.e Avenue ' · Haroor' 1331 Balooa Island • CORONA DEL MAR $3000 DOWN STANLEY SMITH OFFERS ANOTHER BARG'-'!N: 3-bedroom, 2-batb modern home. Best location, 1 Y, blocks to main beach. Priced far below m&r· keL Hurry on this one'! ' • . f Contact Tom Payne or Stan Smith "I 1311 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar For the Finest in · Ocean View Lots i {?ORONA ffiGHLANDS ; ' Overlooking Newport Har, oor. Large, fullY. improved homesites -Restricted - Private Beach 60 -ft. Frontages. ' From $2500 'i . Buy Now &. Save TRACT OFFICE COAST HIGHWAY at SEA WARD ROAD CORONA DEL MAR PHONE HARBOR 41\-J ., BALBOA ;ISLAND · . NEAR sot.rm BAY. Large fin ' . ' bdrm home and maid's room. 2 baths, 2·c&r garage. Untumieh- ed. ' Perteet tor large !amUy CASH T ALKs . . Brand New · Builder ln iteed ot CASH &nd will sell thla 'beauti.t\ll ·2.tJedroo.D • 1fome. Htgtl qa&llty workm.-.n· sblp -over 1.190 wq. tt. Nice · appearing -Jtkeabl•· floor plan -lo .. of< tile -· beat hanlwQOCI • -many 'atandout teiturea - 2--car ga.racc; -l.a!:$'q ~Uo - . Good location -• Uartre 'li per cent insurance, i-n obtainable. Asking price--:- $l 0 ,500 C .. D. M. IRcome 2 attraetive 2-lM;lrm nom"\a on best loCatrd OOmer lot. One home 8 yrs. old and other new. Fireplace, paUo, . tnsurance loan $7,liOO payable at $64.12 per mo. Fur.i. PRICE $16,000 Submit Down Payment G. I. $75o Down A '!TRACTIVE· 3 bdrm ID NEW· PORT HJ:IGHTS. Fireplace, hdwd., tlle, pvity tll>w tur- nace, laundry, garb. dlsp, dble. g&r&J"e oo paved alley. THESE ARE ALM'OST TSE LAST OF THE LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOM;Ell ! Phil Sullivan ll"ormerlj C. Gale.n Denieon Gi T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Coat& llNa Beacon 6243· W · · ~19,500, terms F. P. WALDRON · Harbor 31.M·W Or lleoc"'I M58-.J . - ..J WANTED-Female cool< for pri- vate home, atartlng Feb. 15th. Re!cn:ncc1. Write Box 0 , t.hl! papt"r. 4?ce9 EVERYTlllNG FOR YOUR TRAILER 67c69 CHRYSLER ROYAL-2 to l Re- WE FILL BUTA.lfll ""4 • Beacon 5400. 62tfc l duction. Good condit ion. Phone PROPANJll TANKS Complete lnlltallaUon, repair • ON BALBOA ISLAND Attractive 3 or 4 bdrm. hoUBe, un4 furnlahed. yearly. §ee Gall CJ'F11ey Nelda Gibson, Real Estate, 306 Marine Ave., Balboa llla.nd. Ph. Harbor 502. 65c87 51-TRAILEBll 24 117. cPstom b\llJl, Gilder trll.ller. Electric brakes . .Fully equipped. Sacrlftcc, MUST SELL.·205 car- nation, Corona del Mar. • 87c69 ' -------------ONEY TO LOAN· 3 B. R .. 2 bath -.imost ' new . home. Across from µoo shop· ping area.. near ~•l I.fl dealr· able area. Refer. M. L. No. 1~19. Priced rtglll at U2,2llO. -_, .· Building. Sites , e:xcLusrvE AGENT • INCOME bAROAlN Balboa Pentn. Cor.· .................. $2850 308 Marine Ave. Balboa llland can be ,bought•tor only $9,000. Udo R-..3 1-yfront .. :-..... ." ......... 9M>O .A 2 B. R. home with frpl. L!> ... 46-ft Udo ................................ 3500 of yard areL AND 2 8 . R. airt;. :JO.ft l.Jdo ................................ 2500 I-------~----- over garage. Older property GR.EENLEAJ" 6 ASSOC. Phone Harbor 234-R 85c87 LlTl'LE BALBOA ISLAND RENTAL •' SPECIALISTS that needs attention -BUT 3112 Newport: Blvd. Harbor 2502 LOANS 'l'O BUIU>, JKPllOVll, TRULY A BARGAIN! c:;Jooe to OWNER W1LL SELL OR I.£ASPJ KARIN£ WAl!'.8 and BOAT · SHOP. 80 tt. on bay ·ID cbolce Newport location for ecrvici:nt 1 both yocbta end commen:lal boat.. H&w: mobrage 1p&ee -for •16--18 bo&lL WW\ con.skier tttde tor income property. Write box and -· of .all Trailor EqulpmenL Berm.oh E. ll&muel J:lllio K. PUrter ' New -New -New HUDSON INV ADER BUT, KODIC&NIZS, OB N•wport Harbor Yacbt Club * * . SOLD * * LARGE living room with view of Rll:J'INANCS end Xbt'L Bay bathing. K . L. South Bay. 'Se~lt ttlevlalon Call -Clnlg w Bu -·-IJiMda ' , room for the kid&. · J.lnuoual RESJDENTL\L· . Q, 'Clo U\lo P'!per. · . 65tfc e v ..,~ -No. 1831. .,.,,, ---'1~~ kl •·· -·~ Lin ood V• k RI t · r r . ...,... _..., uru tchen with 'break fut ..-.; , ~-..-. 1 o:s;~E COAST . Marine Engines w . IC ' Qr. NEWl>oRT BALBOA f'ICDl:RAL so~ t:;OAST REALTY !X). Coroaa de! Mar trlc ~. atalnlea ollik, •tc. • INCOME . Bal-'•land Bar. 20d lllclH BAVINGll 6 LOAN AJlllN. , ·•K;;iflple Ll.ung R.alton" 2 bedrooma, 11> batho. Double TR ~ SUPPLY PRIC~ ~·sm.L E Tw 333' Via Lido P1L Bar. UOO 302 Main RL, b."'-' Har. 111134 By • -e and 0 WHALE ot an o.t· ,c qs TA it II: BA APARTMENT d.ta 1D10 HARBOR BLVD. ON BDIUI turnlahed opt. o .-, ...,._ M··--'-.Lio"·-lleUttlr tic for o•-ge or ~·---,;..__ qC>URT_. moderii. . ·~-•·. odUI ... No pet&. . "Near Fav!Uon" -~.---. ~·· ·--• ,_ .. I t.<• uaD - M-, Pbone --8214.R • See . John Harvey $70 montllly yearly, wattr paid LOANS For Homes . " ,. Built in 1942' thta year round ·come. ...,,llO ..... y ....... . -.-I llU• at Seacraft ~..!.. SIJI> W. Bal-.=1 with 4 ro -5% 'ro Int. -0 -y WAJ'fft:D . DON!'II MISS = ::..~· ~ ~!.w iofe=: : ~l~ltt ~;"ua--:.. ~ ~ IN PEjutECr CONDITION-1123 COAST HIGi{WAY , Long term. 1---t J'OR !IAl&'-A~ "nt.Jlort.. .mu'TC! ONE tram's.at Bay.· 'I KIL-Wllll,llVllt.laC0111blMIJaa Welnut d.lnette aet, ~-Phone NEWPORT BEACH COMP'LETELY tumilhed 1 bed· Spedallwtns tn r . R. AJ ~(i""L .sage, e~I tnte"f't:lt. Due bee. 1, .&.~ -. ' ' . i dWl ~· 6,._waflab>c g>.ach~, • Beat!on MH:K.' ~ 65<G7 Pb. BEACON 6771 rm. •pl. at 009 E. Bal-Blvd., Plam. Iii" ~Cr•lllnldioa <Loano ll:iL We¥,·..cµrec1 Will dloc:owlt Udo ts1e Bay Front BT~ HADl'IELD Price .. ~ T-.~--.-· FIREPT .ACE WOOD 2tfc BaJOO&. U)il. pd. Winter or yo&r· . BOB BATliuca ,tO'i'. 11:.fT. M~ 12215 ltV. , . IA • 211 llarW! Bal~lll. Harbor 20 .~ IJ. · I t0c!97 . r-: ly. Inquire' 900 Ill. Ocean l'ront a-~1-f ...... ·' I • Bay Ave Newpo<t Bc:b." eapf7 ~ lh;!lti·. -.--· ' . -'. ' ' --..-..-I r ..... 2213 Newport B!Vd, COata 11:-. or Pbone Harbor 2137. . -™"· )l~ or ~ ·-APPFI • ' ~ l!!UO t!U'ld'• qtro., 6 batho l!llALI-. DOWN ' PA•__.• will * * S Q 1::, 'J) '* • * . ~n 3180-J. Small l3oat Mart . llep. PO.DUl:ll. MOR'l'OACJS 0 CO. ~· ..... IMAD w.umlo 11111t '-..i. M-tt. lot. pier -I -tbJ,o ·· -·--at • • . llOc65 BOATB BOUGHT. sew &lld ... ~.2dl=-·~·'"' ~pine~~ -ur._ -. --fa ~1811 ' •. . • • !.l:. tlaaL N-'7.--.tal and -142 illYenl4o, Nw .... 't Hetp .. _ t "tilt a...-A.w.; ••• -------------coptal on cOllJl'--•nL ., ~ -~ HOuu;. All ~ ' • · AL80 I _..._ ,-.., 23112 l ~';;~~ • • ' .,._.. en with eomp1e1e1y REAL ESTATE· ' ANs , . .. ·1 . . . . 8la1is ll&r1ior lid., Clltt 11&-. ' Oc*a ---·. Television Service , Balboa Marin"-new, unnim-. -· oa j 1 . · GASH~ · · At JM,000 • it's a buy . ,._,..,, -...m. 11ow an11-· . ~111 • · -RADIO REPAIRS 2802 Cout Hlp"-Y, Barbor 0771 A-1&,BL. c,roaa cld Kar. -lll~lllt .Rate•~-11~ from .... ~-~ ..... onl7. . . ' -• . able.··°'°'"' if-h•g, s.-llq!Hplo_ ,....,. ;.~ .t&n7....,. ... u.-11am.. -,. 65c78 , , -i.ow ~ -bl .u.. 111.1 ~-•Tp49 'tjie Jolin Vogel Co. ~-. _ .f. • ~ . . . ' ---' 0 -N ~~ARD 8 t/NABO ·~~-·.......;.....ID~ .;.... ·-,. Ara -1-ll!L=''" . i -' ' ..... -.. ... ll••. pan -, ' • • n('!ll•W ....,...,, ........ Qanm.a ----~ u•~ n "'''"v~·~ ~,... ..... ' ---,,.., ......... .. • ..... -.ran nm••u -· = ·-·-w. ' "'~-.... ~ _::. • .-;;:; .. :.;;_ -::::! -~ MW" a.u>to. • 'l'Sl.m9llllUH ·-. !3"-tt. Prlced'IO ..u. u~ nn .• bclrm., 111..,_, ~ . ·-..,. ... .., 1-=-,.. . • •· ~,...,, -or --~ ...,__ -•a -• -,__, -1• ~. C..JI. .... ~ et aDOl Noeport Bl-4. Newport Panel 1"'1 M.t. ~ --_1111 j-.111j,o ~ •· f'~ici.i,• Or•....,.• n'l:'I ,". '. ' , .,. -RafT OB llllU. -J. ,,_ l.... . · .... · I • . -Beech or c:all evu. KL 2~ lllo.ft -1UT~llolol1-....... lfO" ctl I• ,... 1 > ~~-·-· .L~-, _._, . _ putlJ ftlrtltd -., N .... ~· *-1 W. . , • l5ce'I ~do! Mar .,_ llutlor ..._, ;: • . .-S ~··~ Df ~A . ..-.·114R.""' ot ~.Mo >--·-tllll> . 'PIUCl:l»TO U:U. QUICK! 1'.119i • ' • _ ' WJ'• ""' . • 1 ._ 6 -.·ainap '""""-to'· q. ~·°"" °'*"°' ~ · ·' • ~ ; lidDI{. .... 1-L :· .(•t,.·PF . ..,...,..._••di._,.. CRtJUJER. wANTEt>AO"-t.o to ~..,-. llUcl AM"'ti :ti ;/...._: .I room 41;1 ..... l11i1:tlr" 1lifrz~ ....... ,,.,.,Ua1t ~Olli .... *7711' -1 . .._,...,,.. ,.. _....,. -b. '111· 1. twa ft. --l l>ftf~. Otter-Uf NICWPORI, -... -,I Y AJl'l'BUR A. 'f' -p1 ' 1. WMt -• ......... I .... C luh le'J' , . · ., . M~ ,119!1'" ... = W -.· · -':.:.\~:f~*Q.-:: ~~. ~~-~!"..troa~t~ -~~1~11 ...... _. -~~..,... · .,, '·~-~-,._ · .-nlla•-IMA ~., · , I;,-_ ••Jrr=f· ~ ._, •"---· ··-.,. ,..... . .._,,,,., 0.,0...._ ... rtt-'RR: ,,_.MW ·19111111 .--MDI 0-•1x• ~ 111~ --..i ~ ' _.. -a •' -...... -r: -.• -•-, r;-_ ' . '"'.'-,...j .... ,,___.__ ~. .. ... a. .• . ...., ,7 tuac ~·· -;~ ..... 1 .;f" • • • ~,... .::•••= .,.. ,....... ...... ~ ·-...... ':-'-.... -...~.......-., ... ,,_. • . ! r' ~--\r.' " • . r:. :