HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-23 - Newport Balboa News Times/ j • • ··-~ .. _, ' ,. • ' > • • NEWPORT Bi!ACH, CAL1FoaNfA, TUEsI>iY, JANUARY 23, 1951 , • I ' ~ -- . \ - t • I , ' . ' . BOB CALLIS ·kAMED HARBOR ~MAN OF YEAR' I. Gets Award af Balboa to be · Chamber Dinner .WithQut · Water . Over 300 Newpdk. Harbor resJ- dents gaw Bob CallLs, 718 Jumine Ave.. Corona dcl 1-tar, named "Mah ot the Year" at the annual Chamber of Commerce dlnnc r dance Friday evening at the Bal- boa Bay club. Tv1cnty other awards or merit and two Helms Foundation trophic& were present- ed at the session. Calli• 'A'll8 given the coveted a.ward tor his leadership o r the 1950 Community Cheat drive of Newport Beac h whtCh ln ten day& went ~ f><'r cent ovl'r its quota in record time and m&de Newport the nrst city in the state to accomp- li.9h tUI ~oaL Calli.{J told the g roup tttat he thou~ht the award should be shart"d by the drlve'a hard- wocking c11alrman, Judge Frank Linnell. The two huge H chns trophies were gi\lc-n to J. A . Beek rvr his outstanding <'Ontribution to Junior ya.chting 1,.. the Harbor and ~o Robert AllPn, Jr., for the mMl outstanding contribution to senior yachting. Bt'ek was ab&ent and the 8Yi&rd V.'&.:!I a cct'plt'd by his son, Allan Beek. Certlfi('.Att'• or Ylerlt. Hand -IC't(crM certific11.tr8 µf merit were givch by R etiring Presldt"nl Roland Wright to: cart H&nna (Qr his civil dcfenee work: Corona {!el Mar Bu~iness AS!K>Ci- atk>n for Treuure Days; 0 . W. "Dick'' Rlch•rd for hia Lido Mar- ket's n~ti I award; Newport 'Ocean · · g Aasociatlon fo,r the Enacne.da c::e; Junior Chambc( · ' tor the fioa tng Cbrtatmas t~; ._.. Al!llli.t.al\C'e" f::league ; Neivport.Elk!I Lodge for chartty work: HarQ.ld l . Johnson for designing the propel- ler for.'"the world's fa.steal apecd- boat. • (Con,tlnued OD hp I) Report 3 Fires · · Ov,r .. Weekend . . • RED CROSS BLOODMOBU.E tteel\'t'd ... full load or n• ... 18 ., w'l,o1e -.. -It \'Wl<d r<ew- port BHch lut Thunday. Many blood donon ~·rre tumed a-., ~ of tbtJ ~ted capacity of 1 tbe Glrl Seoul: Houae and I.be mobile unit. Top pbo.to allow• Mn. IUUanl Plqer, Red Cron, (}ray · Lady plalnr a blood dQftOr'~ t"Dlblem on Mrs. .John Porter. 16 Hubor 1Nan4, wltlle bu,b&nd lohn )Qok.; on. :MkldJe pttoto 11hows a 8m.a.i1 portion or the llne or blood dooon who paUentl,y walled to (Ive tbe.lr blootl at the Girl Scuut bouse. lo lo"'er photo Dou• Ward. l!S Via Undlne, Ullo Isle st'·" blood '''hilt> Sune Ruby l'tann of Los Ancetea lend& moral support and con\"ff'UU~ tNew ... Times Photo) ~e amall firea over lhe We("k- end ·totaled up an catim·ated $750 fire loss, according to tti.e Newport Beach fire department. . . At 3:40 a, m. Friday,, fire of an uh.Plown ortgtn ~t.ted the '37 Dodge belonging to W . W. Bamea, 706 Cout H ighway. Damage was e.tlmated at $150:_ and little, If any of the car was salvag-eable. The fire wu reported by Mrs. J . H. Gordon, of the · Miracle Mile Mo- tel, 706 Coast H ighway. · Thursday -a. m. RM1ldei1t" of the Balboa Pr..n· Liuiula . area. "'lll bf. wlthout wat~ Thunday mornlns, .ra:n. i.5. · front 9 a. · m. t.o 11 a. · m. aooon:lln.r to John ~lcMlllan, 8tlJM'rln'4•nth1Gl Of the ,Olty· of N ''"'port. Beach "'ater depa.rt.- rnf''1L Th .. cnt ·orr· ts made nec- eM&ry by some major Une tibanres In an ·~ where work t~ behls done on the aDey pe.v- lnc. Aooordin~ to Mc!\llllan, If. all Cont "'ell the wad-r \VIII be off only tof about 30 mlnutrs. If any I rooblt-l!i M.countereil, btt points out "'atM' cotdd .,,,.,, off for t.hfl full m.·o hour period. If thf' we-athPr Mould bftcome. bad the cut off mil'bt ha\'e t.o be post- poh<'d. Tht-&N'a to bf' arrectt'd e1:· tl'nd!i rrom 19th st·tf'et In Ne"·· port Bf'a('h ett•t to tbr Jt·tl._y, tn~ t1ludln1: &JI of Balboa and the Perilru.ula. Mesa Precinct 16 Takes Voter Turnout Honors Coat.a Mesa Precinct No. \6 turned out the hJgheat percentage ot voters Lut Nov. 7 and Santa An& Prccfhct1 No. 37 had th'' m61t voter!I goihg to the pollll that day, LeglalaUve Chairman Jam'e B. Utt or Aaaoclated Chambeni ot Commerce rCpOrted last we<ik. M the same time, he liated four other precincts which had hlgh percentagt's of voter-turn-out and high voles, e.tter completing an analysis or the Orange rounty voting record at the general elec- tion. . The boards of the two higheat- rankln~ precinct.A will be honored at tbe A.8eoclated'8 next member- ahip meeting J~. 30 at Santa Ana, according lo plans now un· derway, Secretary W. H. Ga.lll- enne said. Costa Mesa No. 16 turned out 286 of lla 304 registered voter&, ' (Continued on Pa&"e I) ', ' ' ' ' FIVE"~ . . .. • :NEW WHISTLE TO BE LOCATED .. NEAR ARCHES Air raid whistles o( the Ci~y 0£ ~wport Beach .will be tested at noon Friday bY"" orqer of City Manager Jotui Sailors. • The "dry run" hu-. ' been ordered to test t h e effectiveness of I.he react1: vated whiBtles recently , ac- quired by the city. The loud voice of1 warning wUi be located at the iruh .. t.at:.iOd ot the · Soulhem Califointa :cac ;cO?G~ pany at the Archea. Both the _RP' alert (a fluctuating or wa.rbllnc slngal of varying pitch of thla wbtstle for a three fTlinUte periodl' and the WHITE all clear signal 1 three steady one minute wbtsUe blasts with two minute silences ln between.) will be sounded. Other wh1atles, which will not! · be sounded d·urlng li"riday's tdt. will be located at the Gu Com· pa.ny aUb at.atk>n at M&rtne Ave: and Bayilde DriVC' and at tbe. pRrking lot · adjoining· the All-· Amedcan market in Corona del Mar .. In announcing the tlm~ or the test ·Of Civil defense wamlt\C equipment, Direct.or of CivU De-·· fense John 1 Sailors a!Mo relea&ed Civil Defense bulletin 2. Tbtte <Jolo~ Slpah 'the bulletin lists the three cok>r s1gnala to be wred in air raid warn· ings u : , 1. YELLOW: Attac k likely. A warning to be given U a rewlt ot tnteUigence indicating t.hit ~ aircraft are en route to attack the United Stales. Conaiaerect bt!or· q!•tlve only: •tor the pu.rpoee _of -U.'1lnlt-~..,.,.,.,,., •<>lflt:lalo•-.nd- jnatallatione. N:qt to be-U&miltdt.-- 'tod ") the general public. '?hie· (Ooll.Ultt•ecl ...... Ji·i·. lars . .Upset Anaheim. ·47 45 Biggest upflet in the atUl Y.oung Sunset 'League 'buketbeJI ~n was pulled ron the Newport HarbQr High !l<hool l gym floor ~ nlght when a.n underdog 1-f fiye defeated the lit.le favoritee. Ana· .... helm, in a. nip--and-tuclc battle., 11-4.5. " Last 'minute basket and free t hrow by shifty Harbor guard Dick Lane after Anaheim bad a t5-44. tea.a spelled victory. NeW- port now rules the roost as the Jnly unbea.len team in conference competition and will be-the te~ to beat in tht remainlnC IW!Ven ::Qnteat.8. • 4nabeim held, a slbn 27-26 lead lt halftime a.nd until midway tri :he third period when the Tari -. >UNSET LEAOIJE bTANDIN°" W L f'ta. Opp. Newport Harbor .. 3 O 141 Ill 'labta Alla ........... z 1 1118 tSI A.nahelm .•........... ,ii t U. Ull Runt'toa Bch; ...... 1 % 111 t•l Fiallertoa ··········--l Z i 12 HI Orup ···--···--·-··· !I S lfl! 1411 rr.-day ~~. Game. ·Santa AJla at. AubebD; Oraa.p: -.t Newport Hal'bor; Huiatmst- Be&cb u Jo"ullet'ton. , • • , • ' I • ' f ' . ' . .. ' • .. • ' I • . . . ~ 1~ :· 1 u, gJass W.d.nij,,_ ~ ~~ ~-~ "' ·-:NII 1 ·,., Ritu'al .Pta.Ctic:e 1 :: . •tte . OeL·ong' L . ·~rt _bi, w'..;, .;; . u: . . . :~~~~'.l'8'~.i: UJZl . 'S .. i~ A ~t; Newport Bead!..,~---' ttmt Lni · anra · M ~~~~~;~~·cioclL.!!! , Eallll ·Bprlliga• Mui , chaltin u • requested to pl'uM: •tun~la. lo. trr1;tmaaon l~e by Mt. IUld-Jilra." rit:Ual-pNetic• .... and -inalt:nM!'Uolla ~·I DouglaQ,. follOl'<ir!I fw\ the Mid· y.'lnt~r . 09nt~eD)'.,, • ~~ ~ on Jan.. 1-'-ba· ·a ~_..JJ'buradm.y' n:l:gbt, Jazt.. i:s .. 8 p.m., ! ~ bolne cereinoiiy at th• 1*ne ~· w1l1 be, ao IDIUfl!c!n. ,..., ' · . of •tlle' -·~ paienta, Mr,4110.. · ~enta wpl.bt\ .. ..rved i,,, '· Miio. ~I A . Ria 1180 ·Weal cte Wbllfred Randel and l'larilllt J:trtta . 9taet;. sanla An.&. 'lThe G . ce ,s~een . , . , . .:__ ~ ' ~= ~u1:f.;u~lf,~ M~$ H;;.:.1. lA'c;Miu~n ~ Ocu.n .boulevard, ~eorona del Mar . r: ~,.......,, aoct U!e. """' Mn. pou111us 1a }he Bi ~~dey,.Honoree ; . former . Helen R.is De Long. .. :. . ! · Dr. 0. Scott McFirland, pastor ~: ~ugh M~ldillaB,". 'Weatmlnp -ot~ lPfrit Presbyterian church, per-Iler aveo.ue, (ewport_ -~-etghla, form..d tlae •lncJe..rtng ceremony we! giftn a aurjn1se part~·Jl"rida)' the. brkk belng given 1n keeping ev~lng when trienda dropped ln by Hr fat.her. She. chose a lovely lo lieJp her celebrate he_r bJrthday. .. ilia.de of ma.uve net over violet TbeJ brought gffta and ser"ved, lnp "titte.ta 'toi-~er angle-length gown, at~ of the wrua1 cake, •~ h4?l aftd ~ed a bOuquel of gardenias apple · p ie decon.t.e:d with the Jeg- centtTfd wtih a white orchid. Her end I "Happy .Blrthd•y" and set &tfCH!aD.t, ¥.11'· .ra~s F . Edw&l'ds, wtui candles. Enj~ying:. U.~ &Ocial l1{0N ~ blue nylon net over taf-evening were ?.{isa Loma Milla, f*\&·and 'cahted a noeegay of pink Jrllu Elsie Newland, Mrs. Ol&tlea r01ff. ca.rn&tlOlll and white hya-Po~r. Mn. Etno Ollila 'lnd the ctathiii. Sett man dutiea were u-hoSlFN· . . 1 • • wmed by Benjamine Hart!lh ~stua, brother of . thee bride. ·-· M'.ra. Ria. mother of the bride, l• r •• tf ~ .... , : . ~ . .,,· " ! • • • • ,J ' • ~ • r.. • lil~R -IACJOA ~ ~. ' ,, CAPERS J:NTERTAINEB8-8-.n Hutrrno,.. 1.08 J . Av.., eo ..... ~I Mall <~ u.. n-.,. <oppea ,..ii -1Duhlt o.np. 5~ J.arbt>ur Av.., ~ del Mar, pcllJlla "' M-Bf- of Da.ae &ad ACCOl'Cltoa. wtlt be part of the. entertainment on C..tlt -Comnw•lty eap.,.,. nlcbta. ~ """ ~. Jaa. U ..la 91 at N-rt Harbor blp -. ' • • (Newapnme1 Photo) lta Gamma · . ' ears Dr. nteomb ~r. Lillian Titcom b, founder of th~ School f or Visua,lJy Handicap .. pe Children, ·Los' Angeles, wa.s • N OW SHOWING. ·~IPOU" ln ~r· A.loo • "Tbe Nut Vo6ee You Bear" '-~-.... ' L AGUNA IQACH COMMli rmY PLAYERS;, LTI>. . . . P RIC8to;TS , Anl\11. Looi' Gay Coine<ty 'HAPPY llRTHDA Y' . Gueat Director-_ . Marjorie wtiµamao.n .Ja.n. ff. U, !I. !'f ~d·!I . 8 030 P . M. $1.25 plus tax .. STOP! YOU'RE. ~OSIN G MONEY! . . . ' • ' I • When you 'hide . your JllOne:}. at home you're loMln&' the 1VOrth· I ~ -. wblle divtdenda you coUld be earning lf you put rt b)~. a Savtnc• ,~v.am here.· / Brin~· rour m@e)' to ua: ~y. Cun-ent hl,h. di~ncll ~ at.~% ... and for ex~ Nf,t~ a:!I Savtngt are ina~, upj to $11>,0IO!' For extra conve~ce ... save ·by maUt ,, " . . SUPPORT THE llABCll OF DDIE!l! . I Wu ln. ankle-tepgth "while ere~ and .Mn; Douglaas wore a two- pl~ dr~ of navy crepe, smart- ly-complemented wllh accessories U. red . and white. Both mothers wore 91'Chida. , 10~ Allende f b Mesa i· ebekahs Jnstall officers rocesa n on a t 1 · • · · E. • R·t 1 . -n:e R<v. Paul Moore ~eeler, a m ess1ve ven1ng ' ua s • aker 1 at the January meeting ------------- or Jfa Gamma Alumnae &JJllOCia-r------------''-i. ' ... N~~PJ~r, .. e~tBOA~ I . F1J:D .. E·.R:A··L"\.s·A'V. l -N 1~'.S· · · '. _At,;:~-;J;OAf{~~tATJQ~ W. -C .·Ries ot Costa Mesa play- ed ~ wedding march and preced- iAI ~ ceremony, I Love You rectbr, St. Jamea1 ·Pariah, 3.209 Vi• I---~--"-'_· _______ .. udO, will head a dvle:ptton lo the Mth annual convention 'o( the Epi9Copal dioc~se Ot Los Angeles, to be held in tha~ ctly. Tn117 •.• ~ Leland Ritter was in cb&rl'e of the guest book. ... Tbe .bTide waa graduated from Stanford University and has bee~ tor ihe pl.at three years recep- tiqola Jn the offices of Ors. James F . ~ ·anc1 Dale E . Brockett. Ha iiusband, graduate of Univer- Jdty of California. is geologist with the ~Uc Refining company in Qarac,U. -V,enezuela. He will leave n.urtd&y by plane for • South America, Mrs. Douglass to follow later. New Members at St. Andrews Regular delegates who Vfill ac- company him Ue George M. H ol· atein, RalRh Beall and Herbert Dewes. Alternates a?e ni.ornu Rutter, R obert Villagrana u.d H . A . J·erry Hal). Mr. Wheeler, dean of the Long Beach convocatiori; will give a re· port to the convention on the p·ro- greu and growth ot the cpnvoca · lion. The convention w~k is from Tuesday, Jan. 23 through Friday, Jan. 126, and includea appointment ·and . election of chatrmCn and members of various boards and com.intttees who will h&ndle the allalra of lhe eight..county diocese W.acorped recently as new mem-under the Rt. Rev, J"ra.ncis Eric , bete ot ~ Andrew's Presbyterian. Bloy, billbop of Los Anteles. There church were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel alao Will be diac\1&8ion ·and voUng Conlon, ~r .. aiid son, Bert, of Lido dn the diocesan budget, prorre- Iale; aleo ·~ea. Sally Peyton, Bal-reports from six C9nvocaUona and boa laland; Caroyl Roberdeau, 15 if\lltitutlona through the southp CJtff ffayen &nd Nora E. Web-land and planning of the year's at.er, Coat& Mesa. prq.gnun fo·r the church. ~U&ed oq. the eame day were Attendance <Will include 175 rec- S&JaD ~lotte Frizzell, Lnfant tor a -and vicars from almmt u daucbter of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam many pariahea, misslonB and & l"rtaell, Corona dcl Mar; Da-church tnstitutlona and 350 lay ~d and Nancy Springer, cbidren delegates from Lo8 Ang;ele.a, Santa o£Mr-an-di Mrs. Hugh B. Springer, Barbara., San Diego, San Bernar· Clitr Haven; Catherine and Penep dino, Orange, Riverside, vent ur' Jo°pe, sc'b.lnd.ler, daughters of Mr. and lm~rtal countiea. Women will and Mn. Christian F. Schindler, play an• Important part ort the Newport Heights. agenda, with the Women's Auxili- VIlilT NA VY SON i Mr. and Mrs. F.dward R. W Ulcut ot 219 Victoria St., Costa Me.sa. ::;e ~ Sa~~~~ow~~:'~~°u:~ ed st tbe Naval Rccrul~J\1:' Cen- ter. ary meeting throughout 'l'leaday, Jan .. 23 and . Daughters of the King a.esembling Friday, Ja.n. 26. · Sea.aiona will be held At St. Paul'• Cathedral and at the Bia- h0p Johnson College of Nursing auditorium, at Good Samaritan hoop Ital. . < Anahei~ Man to Ad~r ess · Pro -America I Memberll o~ Pro America are re- minded of the!_ meelil\G" ~t 10 a . m . Friday at l~e home of Mrs. El- mer Poirier, 1(08 Ocean Front, Corona. del ld&r. AU women in- tereated in good &"QVernment are invited to attend and. hear Jack Millet of An&Jle:im speak on "Your St.alt; and My Stake in Exposing Com!11unlam.j -....!....---- Junior Matrons J a nuar-n1 Program A demona~tlon plutlc pro- d~t.a wW blight a meeting of the Junior 'sestlon of thi' C08ta. Mea 1 y Arte.moon club to be hekl "111/edn ay, Jan. 24, at 8 p .m . in lhej F.l~b ouae.. Ticket.a fo~I the Conlmunlty Cap- ers _productla':n will be 'on l&lec Re- freshment.a Will be served at the cloee-of the ~ve.ning. Mrs . E I Stanley Home 1 rom North Mn. Mild 11 d Stanley returned Sunday ;;~Jr Sacramento where M e atten~I a week 's aeuion ot the Califor~ legislature. Conter- encq wtU k p her husband, A":B- se:mblyman ' rl Stanley in the north dUrin most of U\e short vacation pe for the law mak- ers, but he e ta to l>e home tqr a da\1 or tw next week. FORD STEP-AHEAD ENGINEERING ACHIEVES NEW 1RUCK E OHOMY . ,. are. . .... .......... ....... ~.,.,_. aaJ1wP111as·i ~--•• by Gutrudo Edick Complete O,._S...,;. . r--r Another page Waa turned ln th,e history or Meaa Rebek~h Lodge Tuesday evening when old officers sa.Jd farewell and new 1 ottlcers took their place.a. Crowded to ca- pacity waa the IOOF Hall, Coaia ,..,:~~ "AWch wa.a resplendent with enormous baskets of double p<>ln· aettla.s a.nd callas. The piano held a.n attractive arrangement 'of pink carnationa and rern. tio , held at the )l~me ot Mrt1. E in Williams, 325 ·Collins ave- nu , ·B8Iboa Island. Mra. John Ge ger J wa..S · aaaiBting ' hostess. Et teen members were present. fhe schdol is Delta Gamma's philanthropic project and the local a~l.at!On gave aubatanllal aid to ard lhe new building, to be co pletJd in March and fo'r which a ~c&tion · tea will be hel~ in AW-ii. Dr. Titcomb told the group a~t th~ new building, a.nd about pr gTessl of the children ~ho are ai ed lnr achieving a normal life de lte Ghe handicap of blindness. Fact~!iev"'" .. anti. qtdSlftObile SERVICE · CENTER I ~~: .. ~~~::~-~ In an lmpreuive tnatallation ceremony conducted by Eva Lee, district deputy p · aldent, Mrs. Bertha w,tson, n le grand, u- summed guli\fance of thia import- llnt 1 organi.za~on. rs. Lee aasiat- ed by Edna wald, marsba.l, and her staff officer• a.nd· tn- stalllng team. Mrs. Lee and Mr1. Grunwald were beautifully gQ"Nll- ed in royal blue with yellow cor - aagea, carryin&,.~t the colon of the Rebekah A.uembly President Ruth L. Aker1. The ~ft and t eam appeared ln lovely white·lace and white moire, formala. eggy! (Mrs. Daniel) Hay; pro- v! ce al~mnae chairman was prea- en and it W&J! d~ided the unit sh uld become a chapter instead ot an auoctation, anowing the se dlng lot a delegate to the na· ti at. cJhvention. avig ators Class. ears Rev.' Han d ~e.v. qharles F . !{ , assl>Ciate . , . e STEAl\I CLEANING ' I e TOWING SERVICE e ~~R KEBUO.DING e NEW ENGINE INSTALLED • • • e ~!ATOR CLEANING e UB&ICATI ON f> . 'ASHING· POUSHJNG e fRAXE SERVICE . • e f"ONT END ALIGNING e L BALANCING • ERT•BODl' and NDER REPAIR I r I I \ .·2nd " . .. Alt!llual Elb Mins ..... hkln1 Office Other officers in.stalled were: Loil Stewart, vice grand; Mary Taylor, recording secretary; Effie Slaten. financial ttcretary; FlC?r: m mber~ of th N e-ators' cl&.llll of Chrtat Churc the Sea at a AINTING ·DUST· FREE AJNT BOOTH pastor ot the ~ta a Commu-n!~ ,Methodist chul , addreaaed • m~eting 1~aat wee . Rev. Hand dis---<----.~--~----~~ FlllDA Y Cllld ··~!UIDAY FU.· 9-10 :r:ttcp lit ·~· ence Conner. treuurer: Colleen Slaten, warden; Gertrude Willcut, c011ductor ; Estelle ,Bowma.n, chal:p- lain ; Lillian Smalley, mualcia.n; cuased cne ·life ot . John Wesley, -i eom.-re oar ·Prtcee · toynder 1of the Meth<><Jist church. :......__F_•r_Q_ua11 __ t_y_w_o_r_k __ ..J .. . . Newport'. Hwbor Un~ HicJh SdtOOI ~..utprlum 'nnta Small, right 5Upporter to the noble grand; Helen Cawthon. left 11upporler ; Daisy Ginger, in- side guard ; P earl Backes. out- side guard; ~rlrude Watkins, color bearer; Al.ma Black, right altar bearer; Gladys Bi'rd, left al- tar bearer; Patricia Churchill, r-ighl supporter to the vice grand; Iva Coe. lett supporter; Eva Al- lanach , Pauline Ra.Ina, Ada Paull and May White, banner bearen. Given seat.a of honor 'wtth M.r1. Lee were J ennie Mae Amln. vice- president of the Aasembly; A. A. Harrl.s, dlstric\ deputy g rand MM- ter. and Willl&m Stewart, a past gra.nd master of Oklahoma . Guests extended a welcome we're Louise Butte r of Milwaukee, Wis-., and Daisy Newport of Struthers,· O. , . Fo.l lowing lbe rt\ualls,fic induc-' I I ·Tele -fun )ly Warren 'Goodrich · ' t1on 1mpreastve,t00c.tt wUta~ded t o, the program when mem'bers of the installing team com.pleted a wheel by Inserting spokes into a ~~~ ~:ke •rnk~ be~~~Jc~~=~ ••s o.r r I ti I II n 't • P·• Vf • r the rim were the words, "hiend -1oone;, t.ut I'm tired out. ship, love and trutb." Juwecoitloock from deUverlntl P.-.tatloq en elei,.~h·ant ... .,yl" ... You The Me&a lcidge preaented a won't mill reoeivina your ma. .. gift to each one of the lnalaJU'ng ' ~~ealll if i>1I answer !he otticero and team, 1pecl&I gltt. felv>h<!ne quic\Jy • , • Pacific belng received by Mra. Lee and TeJe-pbpne. ~ Mns. Grunwald. , I • Mrll. Wat.son pruented' a put I • noble Vand• pln to the 030!111 Gets · officer, Florence SV•b • a token of appreclatlun· on behalf D-.1... ot the IOdge, a gift wu pruentp 9illll ed by "Qnta Small to Mn. swtt· • . · I zer, who with her reUrtns oiafr, . 1 H1•.t-. have bffn rel:pcmt:lble for ao out· -------· standing: year of accompllHim-ent • J _. · ' and good fe:llowahtp. Thill WU ~ IU'f ft tt V'ltomllll .... cleverly decorated wttb a I I!. 9' llfn M lnll Which Hit RJ'eM:ntdd htt by Bid ' r Qn bp- I C lbe,ison Mo.turCil . - : 24&1 Cout W•hway --FM Plck-Up and Qell\•ety llCKfl'.S AV._LAIU FROM ANY' ELK . ' '. ·ii Prolict to Announce it's \ ap~intment as Exctu;ve producer in . the ·Otange Coul'!tY"_a.-.a i for . ' . . ' ., . -~c~ l(,'1't14 . . . }? • .,.red 11rict)y acc~rd1n1 to • redpe by ' DUNCAN HINE~ ... a trulf'dloth.cttve . ' • I ~ .....,.,.,,., Trvck1 for '51 eci..;•7-bellw ,.....,_n-,t ~--...r · ~ I TM r.'4· of dolJaf bllll. ·Allotber ... I ;t· .... ,. . . . h&lf of ~'Odd ..._ t! ' lo Sara i,orainr .· · sui.e;uent11, membe fDd 151, Coker, AJ•bamo , cuesta .'t'Ooumed to tlle~ i.,r>quet , ~ Is on1J 15 ,Yun ' ·~- ~ I ,,_ ' • .. ' ball w .. re -... to pl .,.ii< , .id~·-lllrrible, can't •eal and cotte<o were. part the en-I ~.ill! )be~ llliY t1WJ ah"'11d.1lfo i•yab1e·f aoc1&1 murlu<10. · Talile. ~l1~j '*', 1'1iat _~,the •11 appoln•~mta ..-deruly ~· r:~,819 ...._...,.. to.1 Gee1. . . ...,. ....i.-t. • ,.,,. -- • •• -• .. -· .. ' • ~ .. - ' • .- ; .. ,I I · 1 " trivect; ,....."''¥· mllch 4 fdm.._ id' • ..,. ~ comment. ~·tb:'i ~ta· ·~·l!'li' joU[t. Uve detallo wen inmk~·.u.. 1 ei~~ Uhloneil ot ·~ ~ ijit" ,the 'AOOL. __.... ' -~- • • • • ~ ~.~ &l!<ll ~-m;:!~)!!-oet lil~nut-· . ·, ~ ,l'o~lhe ~ ~liciP&.. .,. ~ '!'eM r:oi.._. ~. ~ lllod<~ '•.i::kiirdilfl -nor. K&irt&. ,. t ~· •• • 1'" '.,··i •. Hei~ts Circle ~ Nf eets Th ursday: - N.;...... ....... -..... &I c.a..-0 ....... ... · -... . .-nj q'~f-eu '• T:ll o'llle*, • 11111'-. ...... ~ W I kwtll, ,.. --~ :: ·=:=-""~ :::-e ! ==--==~· • I ... . -. • • ... .r.;..d~y} J@.•ry.·23;·19sr TI~fs lAvCll~l•· t ·'°''En1 5'ow · ... ·.Ta.ck.eta ' to ihe eecond -annual Newport Har r .Elks Lode< Min· , , ltiel Showi krje now available.. A.ti l Mb are ...,.ed for \lie p,.,..n-' t+n lo ~··Ille atqe pt New- port Harbor t Union H!llh, ochOOI . auditorium.~ Iriebruary 9 and 10. '\ f For the CotlvenJende· of re1Jdenll ~ Uclc:eta 1n eoocJ supply have-been apotUll th'°"g~out Ille , commu· rally, at Ille Elka Club, Main St. r ' and Balboa Blvd., Balboa.; New- ' l.Li I port Harbor Joubllahl/JC Co., 221.1 Bal-. Blvd!, Newport J!eacb: I I I I ' I - I. I I I 1 · I I Newport Jewelers, tTt~ and New- port Blvd., O>ota Mua; Robert A' ~unan·a law &rnce at m Ma· rlne Ave., Jl\.lbOa .bland, and Bob Qoyd's real tatft.e and tnsur'a!'Ce Office, 1213 Coast BJgbway, Co- rona del Mar; and· at Norton's · a.yahore Cate, l 7tb and Coaat Q.Jchway, Ji{a'.riner's .Mile. Rehea.raals for the show an be- lnc' conducted twice a week at lht> Elka Club and interested peraons who would like to perform a.re iri- vited to appear or contact Tom Norton, chai5ma.n ot _the ahovl, at the Bayaho?f Cate or call Bea· con 57e. 1 New Officers Installed at Lutheran Church The foUowln&' were installed as QfflcerJI of aervlce orpnluUona tn the Newport \Harbor tulhera.n Church Sunday, Jan. 14t.b: The Women'• Mlsaionary So- ciety: President, . Mn. Corrine Quarry! vice president, Mra. Max· lne PeterlOh; secretary, Mr11. Ha- sel W~; t.reuurer, Mrs. Vtr-- • slnla Rueger. . The J:l:i11 and Chain Club : i>re1 l- dent, Ciyde Louclul, vice president. Vlrgtnia Rueger~retary, Myrtle Hubbell; trea.aurer. Robert New- man. The Luther t..gue: -president, . , Janet Louclu; vice preaident, Joey Laurie; secretary, Shirley New· man: treuurer, Ja.ck Laqfit. · ottlcera or Uae Men'•· club and ot the Church CouncU wtU bt ln· • • •tailed s~. Jan. 21 at the ll o'clock MrYiC41. · Newly el~ted oa,cers ot the Churcti Council ate: reoorclin& .ec- retary,' Roy MceUdle; tinilncial secretary. Thor Swan.son; Sunday school superintendent. E. Schultz; · deacona, Robert Nev.ma.ft, Clyde Louck!! and Ponald Wedeking; trustee, JUnu )layden. J\,ll mem- bers or the council will take part in the irustali&tlon. Retiring otnCers are: Harry Harber. A . L. Gatterda.m, M . 0 . Bergland and Karl Teget. Life of 'Wesley Told Cirtle Five ltfembers ot Cirele Ftve of the Costa Mesa CommuaJty chU1'C!'l heard a talk on t.bt lite of JoM Wesley when Re v. Chwlea F . Hand was rueat speaker at tht groups' monthly meeting in the home of Mrs. Olga Crawford. 16~ ,. -. - -.--~--. --- -•+--• +: •• ~ • .• . , . \ . "' . ,: I • :N~,~{13-r.l~BQ..( ~!Y4TiM§_t ~ " · c~M:. w.c.l':U.: ~ . •• ~~l A~~-:'.;:·:. in P.~e;A(t1f>fl.-. M'IU l!!l~•Conant. l .R .P •. ,'Cllre<>- . oi, he<i !.dcupto from P•,.C• Ac- Uoa t maPatnt pointing out that the Unltid· Natlono ·wu orpnlsed t.o .,tu, 4i1terencea 'not to •- -, In. iwar~re when the ~ Meill Women'f ChriltJ.?.n Temper- ,_ Union convened in rerul&r mon y ~Ion_ Friday, Jan. )~ a~ 2 p.m. 11\1 the home of Mn. Lucile C!:lar~. i•:n Orance avenue. n. ! Velrita Comptlon, vlce- p entl ·cal~, Ille meetlnc to ord "Wbld • Ille RlbOon Row.l Ille Natlana'" wu Ulen wnc. lof.nl. Clari<. oplrltual director, re&d He· mW 12;1!, 2. JI.er •votlonaJ mes· ... e 1t·reaeest the ..l~t U\at" w\.~ Should ~t &l>Y•Y• ex;pecJ U1&hk191 tor IOO<I deed;. , • Mn. Allene ChrlJJtoneon re- viewed &rtlcles from the WCTU n•tlon&f ,pubJicatlon, tbe Un!on Slgnia.J. . • J,fra. ltjinnie V. Deakin. dl.aplayed carda 8hoWlng points ot interest tn Pennay~&nii. and Virginia vl&it- ~ during her trtp -east last aum~ . mer. While mem~rs were view- ing these. \.he secret.ar)-. Miae: Sar- ah Conant. received into the unlOf\ Mrs. Lura ¥. Smith, 286 Easter Sf.: Mrs. ·J ean Inman. MrS. J . W. irk1. 286 Ea11th~r St., and the ·namt.• or Rev. Geor'{.e P lumstead and ' )fr. Julio.a Christenson as honorary members. A request from the Newport e each w w8.s read, . Uking the Mesa u ion (o join th& NeW- port Bee.Ch e ber;s ln a Sailor Relief drive. Next mff 9 ·a~ ll a Y.'ith Mrs . .George Plumstead, SO , Costa Mesa, St. The t ime h s b<"en changed to the morning hour so that memb~rs may attend the World Day or Pr.ayer ser vices in Christ Church by the ·Sea. Sack !Unches are to be broug ht t o the mf'('ting. ' Friday's session C'Onc lutled With the &Ong. "A Charge to Keep I Have.'' Rev. P lu1nE<tl!ad , Rev. J o· seph H. Thompson, Peggy Clark and Elmer ,Clark jOined the ladies for a 80C'1a ! intf'rluc!e and refresh- men~ or t~a . cookies, candy and minU. Members pr es er i!flf"Cluded Mmes. Evelyn ThouJJ \ Velma Compton. Lura Smit.h, J . W. Kirk!!: Allene Christenson. 'Minnie V. Deakins.-Eliz.abt>th Plumatead, MJss L yda Conant and Miss Sarah ConanL Orcutt Couple Visit Ouarrys ·Sgt. and Mr!'I. Pctl'r lack Wil- son of Orcutt SPf'nl ·th week e.nd with Mrs. Ylllson's rents, Mr. • and Mrs. • nn('th uarr y, 151~ Santa Ana A e., ta ~fe•. Sgt. \Vlh1on hu j t n release from the hospttaJ ( Ito Ing a relapse 6f the pneumo hf' suffered at Chrlatmu tlm when he wu con- fined to the ~J Toro hospital. . . ~ . ' ' • 1 ' ' < • : ' I . •' ' .. • I '• I •• . I --•'I• .. ~ • •• . ' . ~ ' .... ...J • • J_.: ... ,.. ... ~ .. ,,. • -. ....... _,, . . ' .. -·~ '\ .. e~ort .. and. ~ali..a P•nia.-1'1~ ;;:: ~~ • ' .. ~ I IJ 'f ·I . ..... I . • • ·- .. ' • . . ~ .ater service. will . be int~rrupted on hursday, January .. 25th, 1951 · from 9 m. ·to 11 a. m. • The interruption 'iB" used by nece.ssary ·wor Le on the . . •' mains in the area ·where alleys aie ·b~ing ·'paved. , • The service interruption will extend from 19th Street jn Ne~orl to the .. tip of the Peninsula in Balboa at the J~ttY • Yoar ._City of New-por.-t Beae.b,. Water .Dep.ar_tQient . . . -' ""\. JOBR llcMl*·LAN, lapermtendent ' •• -, I J,.J ... , , .. ": ... •, r.-r, -....... ' . ...... . ., . :)• . : ..... ~' ... "' . .. ,, .. I -· ..... .. •• 1 .. "' . -• -' . ' . -. ,. • • ., Orange Ave . .., ~T YEAR ARCHITECTURAL dr:altl.q-1tudent& at OT'Mii.,., Coaat coil~ AOl,·IMI the probk>m of deal~ a hou1e ror a IOt 84 feet dNtp and SO f('f'I\ ,\·Ide. Tbt-t op hou,.,.. \\'M tHillt ·and d~lpf"d by Philo Tozt>r, Hll"I projf!'Ct (t'&turM a shake roof, ft'dwoOO board &nd battf"n front and l!ltU<"C'O f'XtC'rlor. Tbe dr&\\.'lng-l.n the backpound WM submitted ln (•omprtltlon ror prlu-8 offen'd bl' a local rlrm. &:~­ ond from tDp -modPnt. dNign by Dick 11Mt1n1!1 fN.turt_ng: a patlo off tbe dlnlng roo:n, thr kltch- eu., and th~ mut<'r tM>dto0m. It .._. c09d alreula11on for. a houM on 8Ucb a 8lna1J, lot, ~Y" OCC lnM 1t~to,. O!tcar Taylor.t TbJrd from top ~ Gary Ora;r detdped thl8 hou1'e. "'hich 18 ooruit n1<'t.f'() of natural ma~rtal~. 11ton.-rubblP, rMt,,·ood, &nd ' ad0be brick. Bot.tom -bttUt b)· Frank Sp.lrlbf'rl'f'r of Nfllwpo~t . ,h.tll a 11.Md roof "1th c.lereatory wlndow.· to *''~ llght t.o thf" Interior hall. ~~~~~~~~~ I l ' The ml.aslonary talk wa.a pre .. eented by Mrs. Viola Beckett. For roll 'ca.U eaeb munbera responded with a Bible verse. Rowtdil'lgo out the a.ttef'l\oon, Mrs. Cra.Wford and Mrs. Beckett, who wu Joint hoot-I H p rt eu , Hrved retreshmeola or fruit I : ouse a y Mlad. rol18 and coffee f G• I $ Preaent were M •. Florence or Ir couts . . Top Honors at Club Bridge · County Riders Hold Meeting: at Costa Me$a lillgh"l"Y· Violet C ...... Berth• I f C M Boluumon, En\ma imP"On. Ann• 0 OSta , eSa , Mrs. C. B. Rudd and Mr!<. Col' Hand, Iva Coe, tie Dudek, Jo-· . don Hollingshead t oojt top honors . ~ lt&ru):a . H&~8Qtl,\ tell,. , ~ u n c h , Keyed to jollity wa.s the reeent at canasta and brld~e respective-· Associated Riding I Clubs 1 ot Irene Nothem,, ie Crover., Hut-haose arty ~ bv Costa ~es.a 11y, at the W ednesday bridge lunch· Orange Count~ htild.1 (.bje1r, r~~·-" da Young Ernma Cranford ' Gert-" p · -~ · eon at Balboa Bay club. Bot)) monthly rneetln~ Wedne.aday night J"ilde Edi~k and Eleanor Ltghte'r. G~cout Troap 12 at the ~cout prizes were rurnlahed. by Richard's at Boots and Saddle club houae . An .n~. wo.dt mee~ will H · Gamei followed 8 dinner Market. Taking the club prlzM on lh• Orange County fa!r be he~ lJ;-y the cif'cle ori '~un-?,repar¢(1 b!,_ members and :f.ter w#re: .Mrs. Edith. Frazer~ box of grounds. SI~ clubs v.•ere represent· ~ .la.a. 2:J at ·th•· chu.rch JCM:b ~i&hls . out . wu_ sounded ere candy: M.ra. T. R. Cadwallader, ~ amonC" the 50 prC'scnt and Bob me~ber 11 t~ brlAg" a tack· lunch. ere still wh~ d free t.abJe . for next Wednesday; Cole of Buena Park Ptesid~. Next re,ruJar ...ton 18 slated through the sm&l ~ aat Mra. George Wilcox, a!'l&mlJ>O. EIPcted lo . fill tht-unexpired tor Feb. 8 at tbe home ot Mn. ~· •.:: prepared se ed by finger wave and massage" at \he term ot vice·'president waa Lau- Oertnlde Edlck, 188 Magnolia Ave. gt · . club beauty shop. rence Helne.ma.na ?' Buena Park,, Mrs. Pn-cie • Grover will llba.te Those ~}Oyiqg Fifty guests wet e preaent for former re(d;ona.J. v1ce-prestd~t. ot' hosteu duties An excbaftre of Diana Crane, J~dy e, Creteh-play a.nd to see thd raah.lon abQW Callfamla State Hor~emen a as- aecnt pal Val~nUne gitta wtll be m Oainea. Ruth He derson,' 'M.&rY by Jax, Inc. Ho..stess at a table tor soctalion. W elcomed "1as a. new a feature. _Keael, Nancy Lon.-. )fart.ha Nor--12 and provkling ~ial pl'izel, club, the 13th Street Wranglers nian. Charlene Purcell, Carol Ann was' Mrs. Roland Thomp8Qn. ot the Bolaa. area . · • ·· Stanfey Dixon's Weltome Son Sh.aw, Sue Thoma., Afa rlaine Mor-An important discussion on e1- rill, Lynne _St-hachner. caro!yn Ra.· tabli.lhing of riding trials ~pied gan •. Betty Hiatt. Scout leaders SecOnd Son for much of the eesaion &nd flna~pi,.n. were Mrs. NeUle Long and J.lrs. were made fOI' the danc:.e, held'Fri- · Mr. a.nd Mra. Stanley Dixon of Sybll NQrman. ~alph Stucks day •• 0>ota Meaa. During' Ill• social. lnteriM refreshmenta 'were .-erVed by the hoat club. m Ruby Ave., Ba11>oa la Hottsehold Section D&nl•I Ralph stuck ,. Ille -name Ute prot.1;d paren .. of • eo of the second son ot r., and Mn. arrived Jan. 15 In St. JOM to Hear Decorator Lee Stuck Lavon onoarger) or pltal Bruce •Burton l8 name . _ .12548 Wes nst ~ Ave., Coat'a cboeen for the tUe • who· Robert Martin ot l.Aguna Beach. 'Mesa. On t O"}lng co.mmlt- welgbed. ln at 5 ouncea. lnte.rlOr de®r8.tor, .ts scheduled to tee .18 Dann s ' rotbe.r David Lee ~piaternal o iii Mn. apeak today at a meeting "ot Ebel.I ha.If-put tw . , ' ' !r"k. Graham ot de. Pa-club hC)Ufehold section accordlilg Sb&rtng grandpa.reittal pride are temal grand..,.... .. are Kr. and to Mra. ,Murray R•bbltt, ~h&i,.. Mr. and Mo, J . c . Lionbarcer or Kra. Edward. Dixon ol BaJbo& 11~ man~ PrQgn.m wtll follow a 12:30 U6 . L&rkapur A¥e., corona , cl-el land and WUJJam Worth of Ball>oa -<!< luncheon , and ·aU Ebell mem-Mar and llr. and J\lrs. A .. stuck laland la I.be pate,.,,~ great-srud-bera ~ wei<;ome. of Santa ApL tatbe.r of the new arrival.. ' .1 ' ' WA~Q'f01''1"-" RF.TVRN8 Aner a tortni t'• Coal& .. _ .. ""d Mra. J:"R. Sb ,'2661Bro&d• way. '¥n· Edna I• haa1Hturft. ed to fie.r bome in OJyinpial w-. Mn. Cutle and Mra. Shelton are :11sten.. y i;•, . I WlR people do read Ille~ -' " I ' .· 1-. ' .._ .. .. - • • • '· .. ~ . . >·. . ; . ' • . ·{ . ,_ l. l ·- •. .,,· ,, .,,. . •• I ,. ' • ' , if ·-'\. ·• . ' f:llblo.-Jl!veey ~ at Newport lln• ... 'oollh..- b7 u..i NEWPO~T HAJlllOR PUBLISHING' OOllPANY. . " I 'f-I .. . • , · I .. ~ise · t_o ·Remark. . . ~ ~ • 117 ... ~!Ml-.,.... "9&? r '°,. ~ Member o! CALIFORNIA NEWl>PAPER PUBJJllHERS ASS'N. The blWtlal .P....,' 0.. the "Slate. or the Nalldn," requlnid by • Ill• Constitution, bao paaoed Into h!flo,:Y. ~ wu certainty not the beOt opeeeh .e;nr -do by a pruldeht; nor. 4oee it merit lbt> extravagant praiae of ~e major- ity leader, ~ ~tmack, who •ald, "We have 'tiatened to one of the tMlly great mt"Saagcs 1n U)e entlie coru1ti41t!onal history or Member o! th• NATIONAL J!IDJTOftL\L ASSOClATION: ., , .. _,'··"'----Ott--lc_e_'_and __ P_r_ln_tl_ng--P-la.!l_t_a_t ___ 22_1_1_8&1'-----~--.-.. -rd--''--'- • -· Telephone Harbor 1618 • • Entered aa Second..Clau Matter at the Portottlce 'tn Newport Beach, our country;" nritbcr WU It ont Calltomla under the Act ot Much · 3,. 1879 1 df the worst. There Wu UtUe ep. plau~ from ei\her noOr or gaU- RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, Editor crica when the prceident ente~ RALPH BORciES6N, Adve~tialng Manager lhl' chamber; th("rel WU applauae •, when he concluded the apetth anti • • Qaalllled to Publbh Lepl Notlen and Ad\.·~ta of all K.lnd9 left. 'The majority party alao ap- ----------------------'''---------plauded the dema.pd for higher i .. )._;" __ .! .·, • NEWPORT·. ll.IWIO~·. NEWS· TIMES .. SUBSCBJPTlON RATES: l'lEWPORT-BALBOA ~-ZWS-TIMES ei"ft'J' TlaMday la <>Taap County •. $3..50 per year; 1%.00 al.x months( e1.u three meaU.. (Aleo lncludet1 the NE""PORT-BALBOA PRE88. ~unday ) OUt•lde Oran~ County $-1.80 per y«11 taxe1: an odd reaction. ' The ~h.took 35 minute.a. The ' preeldent deveted 20 mlnutea to fOreiP, policy; '5-to "defense pro- duction: 6 to domestic leglslatlon: ~ -. ., ' . l\IARCH OF DIMES "I'he kual . March of Dimes drive which is· now under way deserves the wholehearted support of every community. Newport Harbor is ·especially rem~ded of the need to fight dread polio as one of its children is the first Orange 2 to "u.Uty;" 10 sccond.:a to econo- my and the balanc~ lo opening and. closing. The economy section was orf3t>l, by rinding most of the e>X}X'nslve dome3tlc prog.cam, re- rus('(I by the 81st, ConlJTC88, .._hid- den In the paragraph! on defenile The com~ent, in/lhe section of the room in which l happened tC1 be sitting. wa.s that the presi<kn\ Is more ·entertaining ru a letter· , The need for funds continues to be very great and the \\Titer, than a3 a ~pcak<'r! Th'er c- exte·nt to which this ·.need is met will reSt not alone on the 1 111 really not much else to say . about the speech. It gave cncour- County victim of the disease for 1951. generos1ty of the people but also on the recognition and ' agtiment, but no solutioll-anti acceptance of their obligation in this matter. . litt~e help. in a world sitvaflon Joo Every dime in this ?tfarch of Dimes will be "helpful. st'r10~11 ot the mo1nent (or. simple . / . solution. Perhaps the president I~ Make your donation today and make 1t generous. doing the best he can. ----• Commit ttt AppointmrntA SINCLAIR LEWIS .,_ · \Ve are busy with cnn1mlttee ap- pointment$. This is of great 1.Jn- portanCl' becau.se .90 pC'r cent of our work ls done in committC'C'S. On tfle Democratic side, appoint· t • ' men s are mar\C' by the mc•mberr. elf the committee o n \\'ay a.nd McanR. This i~ poor prOC'""'vrc; for 100 WC'eks thel!IC n1cn deal IA'i the technicalities or taxation and Wh ether or not his characterizations were' always ac-they go on th<> committr<" bccauSC' ~ur~te or .ty~ical h~ nevertheless. got the · moral of his S~or-~c~h~~r i~~:c~~e:~s t~:~Y 5~~{«'1~ tcs across Wlth tcll1ng ~ffect. So telling was it, in fact, that 1 giv<' committee assi~m<'nts . Sinclair Lewis, the noted American novelist. who pass- ed on in Rome last week did . not enjoy the . measure of popularity wliich us ually accrues. to a· writer of his stature. At leaRt, this was true in the earlier stages of his career when he startled and enraged various segments of the American public with his sharp jabs at their ,Pugnesa. on one occasion be was invited to visit the Deep South and The. Rr publi<:an!i have 11 sprr~al be I · hed At · th t ' I d' . . b comm1ttet' for th(' job The Re-yne . ano er 1me an n ~ana miruster pu licly publican memb<'rs rron1 ·ca,·h !>tatr prayed for the Lord to strik'e him dead. gpt togclh<'r and :5ell'ct one of their ·But LeWis ·rode out the storm and went on to increas-number to serve on this "Coinmlt-• · f d d -· l . tt· · I . . tee on Committcee:.", \Ve work -. mg ame an ccn:as1ng unpopu ar1ty. lS ater works did paticnt!Y to get the beet 'spol.3 for :t: not arouse such bitter resentment. This was undoubtedly n<''llll' m<'n. considering background. • due to the fact that his earlier writiilgs had measurably grographical distribution, anti per· -ceeded · h · · . sonal desires. I have rcpreS<'nted : sue . 1n C angmg some of the concepts which he had California :lhich now haa 13 _. attacked. votes) for ~4 cars and wa.45 again : Sinclair Lewis contributed much to American literature elected by. c df'IC'gatlon. Callfor-..,. d t A · l'f H '11 be · nla has bet"n well trratcd by lhc .. an o mencan I e. e wt nqt forgotten. ~ommltlee. w e hav(' men on al- ! • 1 • • • moat all Important. committees TltuE N' ·ow AS THEN and good "''"· This •year I w ill LOCAL PLUMBEl_l Sam Klufatber ste.pplnr out of the d rway of hlit former offlet'S at 819 Bay Ave., Balboa. Th6 bulldl~g hM btot•n In contlnuoU!l UM as a plumtnns orfi.te 81DC(' 19qo by ! otht•r plumbt•Mii. _Sam, U'hn ~ mo,·lng-hl8 main office to •07 SOtih SL, N1•"-port B<-nch, "'Ill cunllnue to u.e l·he old office D a 8torage and 11u11ply bulldlng. t P rce:a Photo) Sam Kinsfather Has Been 1 • Plumbing Fixture Since 1920 by Ed Lf'llO\'!"n . "My folks alway! told me to go Wee:t" is the ex.planation of Sam Klnsfathcr, 166 E~t 20th-St., Costa Mesa, when &.'l)S:cd l•o w he ever landed in Newport Harbor. Sam_ admlls to being an "Okie" having been born in Wctberford, Okla., but waa raised In Billin"gs, Mont. He's brcn a plumbing t fxturc hi the Harbor art"a Mince 1920 a~d rl:'n1embers his rirst rtays ln to1A'n~-------------­ Whl•n lie was slill an apprentice 8 job wh<'n tht're w&s a · riot in plun1bC'r . · 1 pro;::r<'s.s. t St.'f'ms ,that the polict' Talkjng out or the lrft side of took Sam ror one f)f thr riot('rM hiB n1outh ! thr rii:ht i;:\d<• is usu-and it took a lot or talking back- 111ly oc-cupied with the stub or a <'rl up with prour that hr was en1• cigar) Sam rrcall.'i lhc,ll.nys \\'hen i;i·oycd by tht> United State.a gov· t here \\'c-rt' no pavc·d stree ts in Bal· arttmcnt to get rrc~. · bon. ral'lt of Main slrcrl. Sstm rcc-J\ll!i anothc-r incitlffil in "Whrn we-:;:11t fl job on that sidr tht-Canal Zont> when he was call· Of town. IA'C hllrl to ~·h<'t'i Ol_ll" N i lo do 8 pillll')b1ng job at a m('ll· "qui_pmt·nt :n hatu.J CUl'~s and \vher:~ I tal in!'titution in the area. As a bar1ows tn gc·t ·1t across the sand. jnkr , ont> of the o(ficia"5 of• the he r~marks. . . I ins titutloc111 lockl'd him up In a A tall khak1·'ih1rtt•d grnt. Sam 1 cell In the violent IA'ard and \"l(l\k-1 usually !)f'orts a lt·at_hc r bnw tic. a ' c-d off with lhr k,ry. Some' proplr broad~br~nn1NL th1n-bantlcd hat. "'ere coming throus;h on a 'tour 11 ~<'ll-tr11nn11'{1 moustache, green t1nd Sam talked himself b:uc in wh 1pcor1~ palits and an ever-pres-Lhr face trying to get sonirone tn t·nt sto~1 e. . call the kCi·rw r a.nd that "he was Sam_ IS n1ov1ni; his present main the plun1b<>r that they had ca.lletl plumbing ofC1c c rrom 619 Bay to <Jo some work out here." The Ave .. Illt.Jboa, to larger quarters I best rct1ult he coulcl obtain wa~ a~ ·107 30th St., N(•wport Bt~ach . just the murmured sy1npathy of ".1~ ordc-r to Sf>rve the public t>f- 1 ' thc bystanders and r tlrn nrkA or ru.:tcnlly. and to get net'dt'd Cltld '.--Poor man, hr thinks he's 8 ; get a C_&Ji~!nian ·on the cmTimlt- ,. • ·Many things which wer e said years ag6 when fhe na-tee on Judiciary. and a Calirorni ' .._ t.io 'aJ d Republican on the committt>c lional space." I plun1bC'r that gol lock9d up iii here Kf"f'P Oltl Offi ce by mie:lake." . , . About an hour lnterc it SC<'mr1t " ., n an y.rorld situation. were entirely different are as banking and currency. It 1~ ot • .. limely now 3.s the day they were ~uttei-ed. TbeSe bits of wis-an easy job. Not all men1bcrs rcc- dom by Edward Everett Hale are a good example: ognize the dirricullics and the y t b · bo necessity sometimes of waitlng thl .rfLou canno nng a ut prospedty by discouraging for ~holce 'I"''""""'° wanted by members with greater seniority. Next week committel' work will You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the atrong. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You carmot aid the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling the wage _payer down. ~ . . 1 You can'not keep out of trouble by spending more than 1 _your incom~, · ; You cannot further the brotherhood of man by' incit- 'ing class hatred. · r You cannot establish sound sqcial security on borrow-! ed money. 1 · You cannot help men perman~ntly by· doing for them ~ the things they could and should do for themselves. Maim Streef ' • • • • • • I I I I ·- GWlllAGT!• euluit~ IN 1115 HOM~ l<UtfS l'IJ:lltlt -TNAll.11" OO&S tlll'SON begin, under conditions Of momen- tous impor tanct'. History will for· get u11;-but not the dl~ision.s or the 82nd Congress. Completes 15 ·Years With L A. firm A Balboa Islande1"tceldcnl with a long record ot falthrul .,rvice with_ the Ft\Jor Corporation, Ltd., bas been honored by the Lo!J" An- ge.Jes engineering firm. Wiifred A. Berls, or 309 Dia- :nond street, has cdtnplC'ted fift~·en years with the company and wait awarded a pin tn recognition of 'hi.a years or .!lervtce. SEEK S 1CL'STODY Custody or three children. rnng- ini; In age from 3 to 9, and rund~ for support were'.' reqtlestt>O ln su- perlor court by Mrs. Vlvta:n Q _ Bodman a.'; she riled suit ror di· vorc1! from Harvey ~· Bodman on ground of cruelty. Thl'y were mar- ried at Yuma Nov. 6, 1937 anti separp.ted last Oct. 16. her petlUon &et forth. LEGAL NOTICE NOTKJE ·OF INTENTION TO ENGAG.l: IN' DIE . SALE Ot" ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES H1 · 11 hultl nn to lhe old o[ficr:-i, I n1uch Jongc-r to Sam) the o[ftcial ond US(• the :;pat:c for storage. f-l r 1 who locked him In rcturnt-d an~ probably rt•r ls, loo. that the old tl·t San1 out, explaining th1:1t he urflce should continue:-' as part or a \Vas ju3t having a tittle· joke, 58111 plum~~n& concern as It ha8 lx'cn ha.s be<'n 8 little le<'ry or plumbing: ~C'r since ~900. j obs at n1t•ntal inst1tutloru1 ever Sam says thal a ?t1r. HUrd o prn-.si nce. cd lhC' place as n plui:nbing office Qu1•f'n's 1108 pltal in 1900 and then ~-Lugo took . . ovt•r. \\'hen San1 fh·st came t'o In his travt:hnj;'. Sam also vi s1t- \VOrk in the Harbor area he work-t"rl the Hawaiian l.s londs and hclp- rd for Elmer Turner \\"ho did j t'tl install the plumbing fixtures plun1bing cOnlracting in Jiunting-at Queen's hospital in Honolulu. ton Beach and in thi:' Harbor area He remen1bcrs the year and thf' Sam startC'd tr:i work In 1930 ro; time vividly. "It was In 1929 and P..tr. Lugo and took cfver the plurlib-1 l was ,there the day after the bij;' ing office on Bay Ave., after the stock market crash. Everyon<' death or Mr. Luf::'o in 193J. over thl:'re we.s claiming that he KiMrat!]cr turnC"d to plumbing I lost his shirt." . · as a way to earn a living sometime . Sam has come a long way since in 1919. He says with a disarm· his days as an apprentice and i.ng rrankness. "l was out of a ! currently l'TTlploys 11 plt1mbers • job and had to fincJ one. I had aod & comblna~ion bookkcceper- previously been {,"Ding to school secretary to keep track or his af- and engaged in a little fanning. falrs. But I was mc-chanically inclined His largest job and found out that plunlbing was BeaC'h WWI the IMtallation 9f all the llnc for me." o r the plumbing, hC'ating and wa- Hc served a four-y~ar a pprcnl-ter ~onditioning rqulpment at Lbe lcC'ehip and now has r<'achcd lbc P,!tY~ICal educalfon building or stage where he ncvrr fOrgC'ts hi.!11 Ne~·port Harbor High sc~ool. 1 tools when he goes out on 8 job He s very proud ot his radiant I this must surely be the cqulva-heating pipes u~dC'r. the dee~ of lent or a PH.D. "degre<" for plumb-I the outdoor sw1mm1ng pool lllid 1.rs.) Will mention it at lbc dl'OJ,l or a At Canal 7.one I "''Tench. \ 4 He worked In the federal ser-, Bll'Jl'!St Contract s vice ror two years and was .sta- tioned In the Canal Zone in 1926 and '27. He remembers ·the cxplo-- siye tempers of the Panaman.ia.ns and the day be was called out on His biggest r<"sjd<"ntial contracL'l were at the home of ·hortlcultur- ~t Paul J . Howard and J ascha 11.elf«z. He amUea when he re-• . rnembere HeifeU' artistic tem}Slr- , •• . ' • 1-.,. dllliwlry-23;. l-95f • ;-=~~-~.::~:~ Dodrua_:·t1.;..~ :1M·.· Moine "I . 1111 in-. ~ lnaltlns too mucll Pf· 'f'uu\11 II~ GI-I I DO... 1""talllng the bathtube aod r._,. D . I 'o-;:,.;,, ' :.i::~:~r.~ with Illa ~, .. uct [ ay; IMllt WI . l The tam~ '\'1•llnlat wu a good ,-, • '• · . ns aport 'and:T Sam~ -recal.18 the ttme J~ Qd con91&11•"1>f to.ta-• • · •.. ~,.. ~ tllat Helf , '!"""' kibitzing Ille ohlpe in t.bla . !>ountY.!lllal'tbls.,11 ·A <:""I*,.._ Kanne !lying ..,.. inltallatloni ot a bathtub a little new ~ f!ia tnon~ ate world.i!lg ~t ft~!f~n dtM for meritor- too loudly. I Sam told him to "go for hJ.&ber 9&1&~ ~rtUe!I ~g-loua,. ·~· In combat in Kee.a play your fiddle and I'll take care Ing from 1¥ mlnlmtiin per month by hf1 90")m.00t"r, Maj. Gen. Fi~id of lMtalling th~ bathtubs." Sam to & high' of l.100 f0r con.et.able. Barria. toim.m~tng the Ftnit Ma- reporta 'that "Heitt!tz took the joke ~ $100 f~r Ju.t~·otthe peace., rine Aircraft• y.'lng. with a amUe and whl!n he ueed They p&f.~lnettue.~ere approv .. _tT~.·Sfl. Ouaa B . Peru\cU. Jr., to return from hla concert. told ed by the ~unty supe.rvi8ora eomtt .2MD ~ti Ana Ave .• Coet&..Mesa. Sam that he had just come back month.a "go. effecUve at the start baa beeA awarded the Ait-Medal from "playing his fiddle.." of ne:w terms of office, ln com-w ith cltatl9n for his achievements Whe:n JlOt engaged in his plumb--pliance wttb .at:ate law which for-in provtdlng air support to tnfan· log' actlviti<'s, Sam usu.Uy finds bid.a a ~ during a term of of try during n.ight OJX'ratiom. He time to Indulge ln hta favorite flee. AJI coun.ty elective officers la a nlght-fight<'r bomber pilot. spOrt at hJnting and hl6.. Mt rec· goj; a $M tiper. monlh pay boo6t, A veterans of Wor'd War 11. ord In this sport certafnly has .except two auperviaor, C. ){. Fca-Sgt. ~ennell si:-en' the _iut Wa.r .in- helpt.>d roqqd out the family's lard-ther1y of Santa Ana and Ralph; J . atruct1ng aenal Lactics. Dun.ng rr. McFadden of Placentia; who are tn the Kort"an war hf tiu nown 49 Sam and hi.J Wire.. DorotbFa the midst of, their f our-year term11. combat mhmlo.ns against. lheo cn- have been marrl('d. 16 years and .Jut}ce De}lald i., Dodge and emy from advanced basea in Ja. have two sons. De\\'avne, 11 and Constable Fna.nk Vaug}ln.at New-pan and ~~m Kimpo, Wolll!an ·and . 'Gerald.~ 11,1 are both ·student.a at port Beach T0WD.B4lp got the larg· Yonpo f.irf1clds in Korea. Costa Ate~ Main School ., eat Increases, Vaughn from $160 to . He pilots the Corsair ni£1at vcr- -' · $~ a month and Justice Dodge aion or the Marines' famous fight-W · ' D • G from Sl 75 to $325 P&r month. cr·boro.ber. It Is the on!y alngle· OlllCI~ river ets Elevation Of the township to c1... engine nlght fighter being flown Jail Sente11ce -. A rating Iut year accouiited for in the Korean theatre. • the size or the increases. Sgt. Pennell's wire. Emma, li\."es nt the above addr~ss. The Pen- nclls have three children. CraC'.lc Gertrude Clapp, 26. 116~,!r 22nd St., N~wport Bcaeh, wu sen-ON THE ME~ ~ei:cro to serve 30 days in county Among Costa Mesan8 on the Jilli and P~Y a. $JOO fine after a mend from virus flu are ,Mrs. Wal-BOND ... SALES plea of gt.lilly to a drunk d\.iving lace Gohn dJ. Santa Aha~vc . and I . S~lt>s or U: S. Savings Bonds, charge Thursday. Mre:. Arthur Schade of Oran c : Senes, E . In Orange county during O~her cha.rget<I of rt•cklc-ss driv· Ave. b 1 December wl·re $256,683.06, it was ing and int.oxlcation were dropped' announced today by Harry L. art"'r M~s. Clapp entered her plea. Cla.ssi(ied ads cost Httle, do much. Hanson. county chairman: Judge D. J . Dodg<' suspended, 20 ~ days of the jail -sentence ror two years on condition she does not drive a car unless llccna<'d to do so. The won1an was arresl"d by Constable FgLnk Vaughn Tuee:- (lay, Jan. 16 at Nrwport Blvd., and Santa Isabel St., Co~a Mesa. PitulD !J,u/liuctitut. TERESA. RENNER (Mr>. A . Renner). ()C,~rt rtMlt..t uf Tb,.,... t~tHtlRNlta Onw.lnat.e Mt.udtt.rat ul Beta Bal'l.uk " -Classifle~ ads i re read by folks who are looklng~to buy. 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171.J News-Times ad.3 have been read in the Hartx:;r for over 40 y ear3. · Corona Highlands -Corona del Meir -·~ , efou~ .JJ,nnig' ' ·~ ' . . ..v• JODI' car m.r sematlona.I paint treatmeat t. I.De.._. Ito loou lllld trad,e-ID nlae 100~. ,Uk U.,one of m, io,ooo •tidied eutomen •llo laave proved to tMmM!I._ that tD7 ....... deal "' ddaltel,y tbo ...... aad -· ... ...,......, In - areS! Aad remembu tllll -m7 l Yf1U' parutee ta 100"' dependable. Call me DOW at Aaabelm UO'J for a.a appotatmeB1. (coiled of coone) or Drtn la Tomorrow. I ~ear eentee--a. at I &.JI. oat at 6 P.H. · • .. BAKED ENAMEL PAINT JOB .... . Tailor Mada Plastic Seat ·Covers NOT l"lllai: s1. ·]95 NOT SLIP ON OOVEBS •••••• r ~­ l , r l -· . CHECK THESE POINTS FULL PRICE' * AU C.US COMPLETELY SANDID . * WllJTIN I YUi GUAIANTU * ANY CAI -ANY COLOI * IN AT 9 A.M. -OUT AT 5 P.M. * AU .LA TEST 1950 COLOIS _, ·. * 20,000 SATISFIED C\JSTOMBS * UQUIRES NO :WAXING * 25 YLUS IN BUSINESS LOUIS HENNIG 200. So. Loa Angel• St~~ Anaheim Phone Anaheim 2407 Collect .,.JANUARY·· ' ala-r . • ; IDll I . • I $·687:5 REGULAR $83.30 ' ' I I . PRICE ••• -rONTIAC 6 PARTS AND LABOR 'ALSO _BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES 18 'POIN1'.' OVERHAUL 1. Com~te Valv~ clrlnd 10. Change Engine OD Z. Cl!l&D Carbon · 1.1,. Clean Oil Pump Lines, :; :::::: :::::: ~ ·Ser.en and Sump: .J' 5 .... ..._nd Plstolls JZ. .Ridge Ream,' glue bt1St, cylhlilen ~..-• lS. Clean and ad.Inst spark plugs 6, Replate Cblllleding Rod. '14. Replace Dbtributor Points, · ~~~MP tbDe •-7. Adm..t eo-tlng Rod-re "'°"'r cb1;;;.;1et 11 Bnlck · • . 15. CNaa Air ,Cleaner • ,, . 1'6. A~ e&muretor • . 8. ,...go Conaectlng Bods 17. Be~tllanl{old·Guket. &. Replace Head oad Pan GublJ ':18. Tpp BMktor n-o:~· 1 ·2. M 'O.-.N ~T H s-~-·r·· ·o·' -;r.p t& y:-· ~,,- P-t , , •l " .• ~~. ~-' • " " <r 1 -~-"' ~eui.li ~ w-. .G•1 ;i1111~d . ' .. ' ' ... ' • • .. • • • -• ' ~ ' .. ' ' ' ' I .. •·-. ., j . . .. 1 ._ ' • ' ' t .. - I I f !' • • ' J ~ tU4is.dey,' Janoar1 23;'1_~ r t ' , ' "NEWPoRT. ~~·I NIM'S I~~ • • • • • • \ • • LADY IN W AJTINO LADIES! Do you IOl1,I" for the litUe nicltiea of llfe 1 Such u fur c&.rrtace robea, pogo atlcka, diamond .(udce coolera, rhinestone lle-detecto~ etc? ? ? Well cut out that droqJJ.ng and get acquainted wl\h l!aA;ka' 4th Ave Lay Away Plan J S&tely out of ,the ltlgb rent · dLet.rtct by 4.0 lllfhta of It.a.Ira, we challenp ' anyone to lower OW"· celllnc. · A M.ra. FenwtcJr:· Cruller who Uves on the 6th floor ot our .. , c ' . I . . '' ••• " I ., . I • ·sy ARGO • • • • • • ALl!lirl! . 8 1111.:N ' * LABO~llOY8 • 41 MJ:DIUM l!IZE WO ?f · (WHO UKE TO WEAR MENS~.UAMAS) 'P.UAMI\ 81\LE .. ·WE DNDl!:&ES UIATED 'ntz SIZE Of".OUR CUSTOHICRS W'l'RE OOK WPnl I\ LOT o~lllZI; A P I'S i \'ALllE!I 95---NOW l/S OFF (OOPll!I 1 t Mort tlwi-6,000,000 pounda ;.of dl.ec&rded artk:Jea -contributed by Teatdeftts ot lhla·•an!e, Lnclud!.ng NeWPQrt Beac:ht Were ~oliected and nturblll\ed during I~ by the Salvation Anny -Social· Service Center aerving. this dllltrict. &c· cording to the annoaJ report of Brigadier Fred Ohm, mpager. Sale of. the salvaged articles ot clothing, fumit:ure and other household goods enabled the Sal· vatlon· Army to cany ·pn ill pro. ' .. Scouts :Eitd · • • New-Officers , ~· . ' -. New oft'tcen for ~ ~ Empire arc·a oouncll.i 'Boy.:: ·ScouU of An1 crlca, . '!ere elected at lJM annual 1dinn<'I' n1eellng of tbe group Tuesdpy nlgbt• lit &!be!&, Bay c lub. bldg. wrttee: • "Dere Sacks. • •. Ever since you laid away my IT&odp&., I been \\'Orkin wit yer lay-away plan. I been paytnc on a raccon coat wtlh yer ·outfit linee ·Jan. 1, 1920. .Even tho you peeple aahu.re me yer Vaults ia molh~liroof, I'd kinda like to git lhet coaL Now I don't want ~to appere lmpaUunl, but I may git a job on the Alcan Hlghwa.y, t1.11d BIDWELL'S SHO FOR ML'V-!18 MARINE. BALBOA · BARBO& !t0-.1 1 • • • • ISLAl\'D .~ ot hum.an rehabtlltation without calling upon lls frlen~ for contribution& of i:noncy, Brig· adlcr Ohm pointed out. TIME AND E wAlf FOR NO~ . , , But LOUCKS' Offlccn elec'ted at an executJff board met'"llng priOr to· the dltuter Included J&1ncs J". Gµbbtna, P.~· dent: William H . S~, Ji.,. second vlce·prcsident:. Dr. B. T .. W oodward am\ R. C. Pyle, ~ seftalivcs lo' the national councl).;" Kenneth E . Grcrn, councU ·omri;. missiotu.•r and H. N. Warte:n.. .reasurC>r. .J Two silVt.>r Bcavcr .awarda Wenta prei;cnt.ro to Gubbiml and Green' for oustanlling service to youth. JudgefKe1tnclh E . Marrieolli T'etir· ing councft president. acted aa master or ceremonies tor the e.ve· ["d aorta Uke to git thet coaL , Love, Mni. Fenwick Cruller." JE,VELRY""' will w long . "enough... for Yoil-. get your timepiece. ln work u we say. ck far enoug-h ao Utey•fe 11ot In the way, -but juiiit ·close enot1gh do a thOrough ?4 ~mpe~nt job a.nd guarantee In collecting the total of 5.178.- 800 pound.a or satvai;e matertaJ, the Salvatlon Army's familiar Red Shield lrucka traveled 288,000 mlle8 \o and from homes and of. fices in the area. ning. Now this Is just a lillinple of the loya.lty of our many old c u.ston1ers! Ta.kc a deep breath and walk up 40 flights today ! to lhtm for a con1~ete physical &: check-up_ Loucka' speclalizea ln expert wa'{ch a: j we.lry repairs. They ' "B'nAND BACK'" ot their their _workJnllll.ship. :Everything tenilia~ get Jloose &: wayward long toward 11-prtng. 90 have Loucka' check"Tthc settings ln your diamond 1 +-------------':.-, ________ ..__ ____ _ tiara or the atar rapphlre in your fOtohead, A8 a pt'ecautionary nle&silre. l}ave rint clips, brooches .~and other valu_ables checke~ DCcaslonally. Spec al deslgntng, bead .stringing. TAKE CARE- REPAlR ... LOU KS' JEWELRY. 1786_ Nev.tJ>Orl Blvd~. Co8la Mesa. BACK \' ARJ> BO~IB SHELTER-C&llfontla TUldenta atti best•· ntng to dig ln. as recommended by Go,·rmor Warren tut week. Shf"lten rang"" rrom mllkft'hift hpmemade i.tructures or dublOUA ,-a1ue to stn"amllnrd concr+t~ and steftl shelters that meet l'OV· mmt"Rt llpM'lflcatlons. Plans for the attractl\•e at-0mlc ha\·nt pie. tuttod a.re offerrd by a Saa~ Ana oompany. A-Bomb Shelter . for Yards Designed by · Santa Ana Firm Department -or .Civilian Defense Jut week, r ecomn1endcd that everyone build an atom-bomb shelter in t\i.! back yard. 'f1le only catch was that they didn't explain. how to build it. .A coniiitruction company In. Santa Ana uys Its baa the "nly. com· pleled A -bomb shelter plans which will meet or exceed all government • • • , PRIVACY IS A PRIVATE AFFAIR I don't care II your life 18 an open book, you still pull the wlndow shades at night, I hope! Now having set the scene. Helen Wolfard wanls n1e to tell you about her ~HADE SHOP. She makes window shades to your order . . . or repairs the old ones that rip &: rolJ and 8Care you wiliest . . . Helen bas a variety of ~hade materials, traverse lracks. fixtures, rollers. etc., and lnflulre abbut the Columbia Pyroxylin wubable, flame resistant l'lhades . . . these come in chintz, ptalda &: chlldrens' circus patterns ... They make an interesting wi)ldow treatment for modern or 1>erlod decor. Oh )'es, please note : Specially treated' Tele-VislOfl ~ades . . . . rompletely light repellent ... Plc&.9C C ALL Helen . Woltunl for any SHADY BUSINESS .. - • • • I J UST LOO ED ·QVER , SOME really wonder;ful unpainted furniture . _ . Now don't switch on "Beanie" Instead of This ,la not ordinary ... it's extraordinary. 'Phl81fumlture is In or provincial de11ign In beautiful mahogany, uh or gun1. little brush staining these adrQitfy built pieees look llke a. sm h design tor llvmg! CARLYLE·s. (formerly Al's Unpainted Furnitu ha.8 extra size chesfs, sliding door .wardrobes, Holl) wood head boards. coffee tableti. des k,_ Well plewM" go aee tor yourself! Thia Is the hand.son1el!t ·furnit u~o of 1t·s kind that I've seen. Carlyle's will lei! you how simple It s to brush the slain on &: get the· desired effect. The)· also have so e lower J)riced utility tYpe chest• etc., and do custon1 furniture b\ilhling. C ARLYLE'S. fformerl.)' AL'sJ 1918 Nc"·- SH.ADE SHOP 512 29lh St .. Newport. Har. 884 port. Blvd., Costa Mesa.· Beacon 6124·J. • • • • • • BABY. IT'S COLD OlITSIDE! Well. con1c on ,In, hone)'. Sh.a.ke STRIKE! SPLIT! SPARE ? I want you a.It to l ·I I I I I THE 'NEW .. -. HAMMOND CHOR.D ORGAN • You Can Play . '. Rich Or~n Tones - at Once · \\'lTlltlt·T KNOWING A SINGLE NOTE 01<' MUSIC Come Hear and Try thU "·underlul Xc\v Orga.0 Younelt specl.ficatlons. Their structural eh· glneer wu. de&lgner • of under· g\-ound reinforced concrete bomb l'f'leltf'rs for the I..os AlamOs atom bomb factory in New Mexico 1.Qd spent four months p roducing pl&ns fqr a backyard bomb iiihelter baa~ on government report.a of the cf· fects of an atomic explosion. off the snow and cra\vl on In ll"cre to Grant's Fabu lous Furniture take up bo~llng for fun & four figure! .Nov; Fox·holc! Grant has a n\ultlpllclt:,-of good used~ stov.s and heaters. wait just u darn minute befo re .)·011 run to the Come · on ln1 whether you·re cold or not just for the k icks! U It bowling alley. You1 can't play in THOSE shoes! weren't tor regulation "W," thls man, Grant might be a kleptomaniac .• 1 . But lhe Balboa I slf.nd Sporting Goods ca!1 o.4t· ... he ha.a about a million different ptecc8 ol old furniture and flt you or your husband in n neat pair of bowl· bric a brae _ .. He ha.a high-chairs, low chairs, se~rtng machines. ing !ihoea. This SfOrtlng goods store also has l'ire·screens, andirons, bras! wood baskets. and an accordion f or 'nylon: canvas & leather bowling bags ltig ,9. 7ts. Speaklng of clasaical 1nuslc. Grant has a liquor j ug that enoue-h (01· bowling-sphere &: sh~s.. · /. carries on like crazy when you lake it off the shelf. I t pla}'~ "'H O\v A."'D s1~tX'IAJ.: ~IU:LF f 'l.J~ARll'\G t"ALI: i DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. -DESIG:SEO by a ramoll8 struc- tural f'nKifK',,.r \Yhu df':sll'ftt"d bomb llih('llrni for lht• Los Ala· Pl08 (N., ~1.) atom-bomb ba8e. t.hf't abo\'t• o\-homb ,..heltt'r plans a"' &\'ailahl<' In local (;l\•ll ()e. t•~nM" ronnt'il!, bulldt:>rs, and ID· dl,·lduals. Tllf:l:J UF.t:tfll:TED Fuur rob<.·s and t \VO pillow casf'~ w r r e i;t11J1·n fron1 her unlockt'd <'Br, ?I.f r~. ti, T. Shaw, 7102 W. Oct>an J.'l ont, nolif1cd N<'wport B each polJC'C Thursday. 1'hc items v.•cr e takt·n Y.•lulc t hL• car was parked in front or the Newport Beach gran11n m &hool, she ad· dcd. LESTER A. BECllEB, D. D. 8. ' DENTISTRY -1785 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Atecllcal BJdg. Beacon 8702 6Q5 E-Bay Ave., Bal- Harbor 327 -J • The sheller le semi-burled and ha-1 a sttt!-reinforced concret e prt'.MU re-dome 36 incheS\ thick. 2 four-inch-thick welded steil doors ~:ve m~mWll protC'Cllon agairuJI blast, heat and radiation. Twr doors are necessary in case on<' becom~ blocked by debris. The sldf' and end walls are 12· and 18-i{lch reinforced concre te. The calculated stress ia such that !t wilt not -col· lapse-under a hiih burst from an atomic bomb directly above tJle bomb s helter. Baa Geigf'r C'ount~r Inside Is mountrd a Ge iger <"OUnter, Which m('&SU rr ll ffliPi~ion both ouUJide and inside-the iiihelter Ve nti:ating _ fan.s pull air iTI l hroush filtC'rs whic h rl'movc a ll radioactivity. The fans are equip· pro for manual o~ration in cur or pov.:('r failure~ Jn case of a IO'-'' or underwat('r burst from an atom bomb. It is only · ne~ssary to g-c ins ide and sit tig-ht un til the r8i')io- ac tive cloud pasM"s over. Standard dl.'"signs range in size from 6x4 feet to 8xl2 feet anci arc designed to shelter from fow- lo fifteen occupants. Construe· lion c°"ts cary . with size, ranglng from $1 .500 up. Cartk-dce Con1'trul'tion Co, Company officiaJS say they will arrange to furnliiih the plans to any Civilian Defense council, re· liable contractor, or individual who who writes to them. Harold K. Grauel £hapel I Expect 5 A-Bombs to Hit State l'b.oac: DeacoD 6810 Coeta Meu BE SURE-INSURE WllJL MAURIE STANLEY luuraaoe Oaq Phone 'larbor 117t m Marl.de Ave. Balboa blud. w. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE. Cou ·rteoua /nfor1nation !117 Balboa Blvd. • Newport 8eac.b Ph. Har. %-4 MA 'ITkl'.SSES Boabt---lfomee--Tr.t.len lr,...1(1llar Sha~ Bl':ACOS ISMI C..ta Mtwa Mattl'MI 0.. 1168 Newport Bhd. 1.faj. Gen. W . M. Robcrt&on say!! it an all-out war takes place, he expects California to be bit with fiv:o:;~M. says c a1"6tni"a "ls worthy of bei.n~ bombed".&nd &dd.s : •·I personally would expect at Jeaat flve strikes I~ California." ' He outlined the !!late'!! defense program to the County Supervill· ors association la.st week. He placed emphasi.! on recruitment of l,50(),00<f defense corps workers and said that was the main job ot local governments. Gov. Earl Warren told the au· dience that citizens can·t "joyride through an emergency" wh1le ii:oldiers lose their livrs. He re· pealed that Civil Defense w&l!ll CaJifomia's main job. Warren said it was up to the counUee to carry th~ Civil Dcfenae ball a.a Jong u poasible. The state would take over the reln1 only in an emergency, be said. County. Propelly Tax Takes 36°/o Jump Ory I Am" and "Show Me The Way TO GO Ho1ne~' \vith an aban: on \\.001~ l'I.AID R.Qd SOUD SHIRTS aad loned alcoholic joyousness. I tell you, for~et the Carls bad Ca_ver·ns ·TA('Kl:TS. T hese 1are high quality i~em s VALUES $1 0 to $12. Stumble thru' GRANT'S FURNITURE 4t APPLIANCES. . Nq\\i. at $6 & $8. These lire g-l'eal for sailing, skiing or just plain 164ts ?'<.'EWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA comfo1t and good looks. 0 . K . no\V .you can g-o . Go to the e e e BALBOA IS LAND SPO~TING GOODS, 222 Marine. liar. 2641 . GO JK> SOMETHING El...SE Anrl don't bother lo 're~ this .. It's nothing really ... barely "''Orth mentioning. No~lng it1. lra.sll<'&Oy reduc&l, dementedly slashed, or deplorably d \JCled. I'hls is not an Inventory sale, clearance sale or fire sale. -his IJI ">nly a "SLIGHTLY DIRTY SHIRT SALE." Jt, 11eem.s that during the mau hysteria that precrteiii Xmas, 80n1e of .you othei;wlse well· behaved women got little excited over the quality. white de colored shJrls a t BIDWELL'S SH0P FOR J.t:EN. Not da.ngerously . so. but Just enough to paw over these n1en's good shirts and eort of leave -:hubby finger mark! &: a little lip-stick here a: there. These shirts tlon•t really have battle fatigue. They will look &: feel like :lew alter a hot tub. THESE SltlRTS ARE AT 1/3 OFF NOW. Alao a few cordUroy Jackels, sport coats. w ind-breakers &. 801T1e l')lher good items are marked down. See the display ad in the Po~t ror lnro. BIDWELL'S Shop For Men . 218 Marine. &llx>a Jsland. Hir. 2090. ,. • • • LOOKJE! LOOKlE~ GET A NAME FOR COOKIE ~ Norn Morga.n's Bakery Name Con test cn1ls l<"'cb. 10. So lake off that •nghtfu l hair-net & put on your thinking mood. Nora has the lo-nut 4t bake shop in the All·An1er. Mlc.t .. Newport. She wants 1. nan1e for her shop. Sha has a suggestion box on her coun~er & Nill givt! a $6 Bakery good.s order to the big-brain sttbmittin& the ~hosen one. SPECIAL THIS Week-end at Nora's . . a Dobash cake: This is a !5 Jayer.tl"dream with choc. C'ream filling & all-over :hoc. icing .. This cake is only 70e and being-of such hig,h gout ~nle.st ,.-111 serve a l,ol of people. Some people faint dead away with '1ellght just from the Crag.ranee or the cake. J11 iiit let the weak tatnt ~ feed the survivor! Dobaa.h cake ... Nora's Bakery &: Donut Shop (until a new name) All ~American Mkt., Newport .. • • • QUITE A NUMBER OF YOU CHARMERS enjoyed Vern Williams little tea-party &: book revl~w . at-the PATIO BOOK ST ALL la.al week. Mrlf Wiiiiam.a will give a slmlllar affair In the ea.r future. to watch this column for date. In the. meantime, go 1n to this Jillie corner of Europe A: browse around. Vera haa an excel· lent rent&I llbrary ... new book.I, "Disenchanted•' Acrois the River & Into the Pool Room" etc. Alao a lot or rare & old books ... a splendid philo80phic eectton, metaphysical, Art. Orama, Music Books. Travel &: Sea Books. biographies ... Interesting things you can't pick • up every day. Take advantage of your extra lime. Mrs. Williams will be pleased to discuss y6ur Uterary likes with you or you can be on your own. In the gift room here, eome new collector's Items . . . hand-carved wood figurines, tiny angela and such from Italy. Fo enjoy yourself at the PATIO STUDIO &: f!OOK STAU.... 313¥.ii )4aril)e, Balboa Island. Harbor 284.7:.J. • • • Pll.l.OW C.A>;f;,,._TAMPED t 'Olt f;MnltOIDER\. -$1 .RD a PHl.r WE HA VE A COMPLETE STOCK OF STAMPED GOODS 1''0R E.MBROlDERJNC INCLUDING BABY .SACKS. KIMONOS; CARD· TABLE COVERS. AND POT-HOLDERS. SEE OUR NEW INSTRUC· TION BOOKS O N KNITTING, C ROCHErrIN'G & i:;EWISG. BALBOA 6 & 10 SOO MAil\"" RAl. .. BOA . . ' . \VHEN .l(NIGl-ITHOOD WAS IN FLOWER and ladle8 were conshicre{I delicacies. a lot of them hobbled ~round with eore feet. You know why? Decause' they slurred fl:lze 8 feet -into size f l'lhocs~' Thank heavens. brave men & true 1ike Harry Bar.ber of, Barber's Bootcry can1e along and put a atop to this tooll~hness! B it: feet bcca111e "''holesome. anri women .started leaping a.round like ha ppy ga7..elles. a ll 5 or 6 toes st~tched" out In front! What I reall,Y ·wanted to tell you Is: Barber's Bootery hu a tray full of won1cn's shoes-value~ to $9.M>. FOR S.,.89 ... These are short lots, broken t;izcs In hii;h. lov.·, meriium heels. a.n<l casual t ype shoes. Some l'RS l'a ls In black ~uede or brown ' elk are on sale in n1ost all slzciii: So take your feet over thpre. If they 1,U&li fy, yoU. can g et a good pair o r shoes for onl_v $3.08 .•.. ·Just dir+ct. your feet to the nunny side or the street which is 1795 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. • • • . "I S UPPOSE YOU'RE OFF TO YOUR SHOOTING BOX IN SCOTLAND, EH DOCTOR?" , "NAY." SAJD DR. ERWOOD. -Ii~ throwing dO'WTI his BEE·BEE gun. "I'm going t:o t he comer drug for a I • ~Aof 'cup of Bovnil." That's Erwood .. -. .!!::u--..··~: ~ unpredictable. bon-vlva.nt and boule· J vadler! Dr. Erwood just returned from~ the city with a normal blood·pressure and · a fresh shipment of coiiitume jewelry . The new je~·elry Is all trtc"ky stuff, well rgade and sells tor around a dollar (American): Earrings, necklaceg, rings, coral, rhineston~ and al• manner of gaudy trappings for you. I hate to mention it but t}l.ere are SIX tables full of bric·a·brac. flgiirin.es and gorgeous junk al you guessed It 1'2 price.· I p 'ess as long u the Dr's blqod pressure stays down, r ou can have anything in ·th" store for 1-!J except the furniture. copper. or jewelry. ERWOOD'S '. . . 4.07 t . Balboa Blvd., BaJboa. Open. Eves. -'-... . . A WEEK OR SO AGO, 'BRAD' THE LINOTYPE OPERATOR here at our newspaper ~as setting up my column~ Suddenly he became tense and alert. His ears wig-wagged when he read that the TAYLOR TRlM SHOP makes excellent seat-covers. Kicking the •LET ~S F AC~ rr _ WOMEN'S LEGS linotype machlfle carelessly ln the platen, he sped immediately to the TAYLOR TRllf SHOP in Costa Mesa ·and ORI1EREO se&t covers! have been a great toplc for diSCU88ion a.s far back as the Stone Age. PictUre a troWsy Telling. me about It later, 'Brad' said, "Advertl&lng really pays. and paleoUthlc hou.ee frau running around her furthermore those seat-covers were the best ever!" You can praw your own conclusions from lhl! quaint folk t;ale. But be sure an cave with stumpy legs a danglklg below her I conclude" that the TAYLOR TRIM SHOP mjlkel'I realJy good seat bearskin gulmpe. ~baby. even then, Mr. d d 1 t h 1 Paleolithic looked •at hef and said, "UGH!" covers an oes qua ity au o up o stery. Over night service ... Comes tbe evolution, Comrades! We can ll02 lridust!'ift.I Way. Costa Mesa. Beacon 69GO. vote A: wear short sk-irts ! AND can obtaln • • • beautiful LARKWOOD hosiery 1.t POLLY THIS IS A . SHAGGY RUG STORY. Laugh! APPAREL ... For sheer madneu, I'll a pair of the~ lovely &o Well I AhouJd say eo! And il's· a clean storx too. gauge hose ln a begulllnc shade! You g-et amazing nylon mileage Don't slop me if you'v,e heard It. I want 'tol hear from t.bese gam-natterera! They are closely kn.It;. 60 fine stitches it aga.IJ\ myself. Tt)e WASHERETI'E in ~ Corona per inch & snag resistant ... A pa.tr of theee With pictlll'e (ra..me. de1 Mar washes &:: . 'hntu:ea. 8hag rugs &: d~8 a heela or dark aeama W\11 make you feel Uke elegance on heels! beautlfW job Of It. Take your old faded floor-walk- Whtle you'Te geting 80me hoee. add a. ftlllp to your· co,tume wtth a eris over thete, pick out a . giddy Tint.ex color a: / A\ UtUe pure silk neck~-.u.are. Hand rolled ed.gea a: in 12 caY" colorB' haye your rugs "tly"ed.. _l 1wu, THAT amazed~hen . _ . only 49c. POLLY APPAREL. lAO Newport Ave.., ~at& Me.aa. Maxine told me that they take care ot' ah rup: • -• • . • , · up to 9xl.2. Don't Ju.at atop tnth fuss.. . ther ·your allp.:cow:ra, "OH • YOO TAKE THE HIGH ROio fxo ;rr! TA.KE THE bath, mata, draperiu. etc. ~ don't· be !Waled · · · A woman'a LOW ROAL> BUT rLL BE AT JO-Lit.E'S BEFORE YOU'" Tell you place is no longer in the hornet Be care.free, tnillc about. Leave why, Laa.a ; . . .JO-LEE Sport SJK>p ha.a ·.,me veiy ·bonnie wool your carea, your laundry A: dry cl~g at ~e· W-.heretle.. 404 C.out Scotch plaid aklrt.a. The• are pencU al.Im and butt.on cute , lo Bl~, Corona del, Mar. Har. 25&6-W. I authenylc l::lan plaldo _ • . lharpeo,t ,plalda I've . .... Nortb or -e ~ • ' • '• ' . South 0t ·Wuthering · Hel&hla! AND co~ with th-oklrta,· la YOU SAID A TRU!f;WORD, MAY'! !Wnovtng J"'lnt by hand a lonf, wide matching atole; ,,an, tiinpd at tbe 4dJe&. .'l"Jle Ide&! la_ 1a ~ job. And what it _.does to )'Ot,lr' .. bfanc11 .libouldn't hap COIJtumli for Roamln In ne GI~ (only $11.90 complete). iCCbeck to I a prune packer! ~re mot be ...... ~"f way. . And ab.a! I ::;~~~~~~~~~~~~! ro~~Yee~: ~tyblpt~~~-~~c!: this Cltalope ... il'• why t....ale wt bom.e). At.> at Lee atfoUp'e bf.1'9 ft. aid she bllnking and croainC her men;r tfrown orba. ~~ I ur.,..., smart -top lhop. a vaneey of alaclul for tho -ling .w.bn and ~·'the PACIFIC NELREM CO, lla.t ·a ~~·,brew. They dlP. 1 thia year reached $5,62-t.691. up SS w-Oi¥1erfu1, C&meron Gln'h&m blou.s to ;,r wit.ta. SpHldnc of ~ture. 1,.nttque11, louve.nJd doora, abutterw. ICl'el!llS and thlDga SA !\1 'S SEA FOOi) "SIGN OF nil: S~ • l .... t: re OPICN DAJLI 11 ...... µ ........ . - ~tailB, Sea -,~ ••• S'teak Dinnft'I' . - • l'llQi.-W: ~-G ....... I -~(9, 802-eO ~~814• per cent fJ'Oft\ the $4.~2.068 levy bow\qlg you'll be the ·talk ot the allq lp a ahorty· sqec1e fla.riltel 1 ~"l t)J.a magic' cbemi~l (~ula. .n wailbM-· t 6 vamt.h a~ .~ for laat Ytar, 11149-M, caJl!omla -t .;. $l2.96. But· ,.,.... ela ! ~Lt's "llPOBT 8110r, ·~U u--_ lllN! Pliclfic Nolrem ·~ ~ anji-~. buf It will wub TUJ>ay•ra' .-1auon f'ei-ted Newport Ave.i Cdlta JI-·; , ~-pain~ ~ Joa\;e !Oil' ~ture ·clep It o;eMY -rw -~ today. , .< .. • • ( ---. , ' . Pi9U.. 11'1'~ ~-• )Je~ l, lolcl you _ aJoo eradicate paint Property tax.. tor citJea. llCbool , , _u,,0 ~ WAB THIS -· r...!n;'~ 1t;ohlp'• ~r so r1a. u ~ fod,ay " cllolrlcta, and other dia't.rtcta Ill Ute . • , • -... bej• Baftd •_ _ . , Savecl -11. l""'"l' It •warn Pacif1e Nelrem, c_ovnty are. not Included b ~ •&JD ot-n1 ·Oii Ute. Jlbftt · "'!"-• • l1!'7 1811 ~u-. Now~ Harl>or .. ZNO.' • •· :.. 11~ --flaa •lttllal· fY-11.,.wu .UW0 J;ft) · ' . · . ' , For floQl •lH4~~.wv ,_.,-u.. Y• wut lo -....,,, -hor mo'(be< , • ...:.......L__ • · OOUllQ'• p.r.011ert7-fu lnJ' ---.I-! -... -llUle IPrfo • .,..,, ..... 1111 • ~UMf"""T ""'8CJIS• ,amowi~ lo Sl,191,09'1, ll'oc: 1-col4 _..,. UM --•llii -J!U-lflllil , ....... fib 'A 13-~ ... _ 1*ild Pl 10, pn-war, tt .. u .'1111.4.&J: -~ •· _.., ,.. •J'il aotF .•• ._ ~ u t1of cim .. _ .. .U. n..,.,...._,-a..Wp*ltbe... I • • ~ r,_ •1 LS I • ,..ur: UtUI bk<•. dlma ~ ... )JewpGl"t ..... r al:ltnt wtpt to .N~ poMce. at .t:ti p m trtr' ""' 11111 ..... -~ pjpp. •. i..--... !JUT l ........ ,... -.. IClllC _,qi ... ,,Od -.... -· ""' l:: ...::. -_:__~! -~ lo Pll."1• (or U.. · · llUl9'8 BSA.UTT .->P #· I II a ~ t wtD ilie ._ ~ DAL. _,. ---.._. ,..._ 1-.i. :i~ piir -.-; lot of -..... -.... ti.. --Illa ..,.... ,.... --!17 ---o.·iM 111S -: _. ot --tllfa ,~ •.-.•• '"1 ~ lltilo strto st•J't!--...., .-...,.. P¥1J; llU;rlot a \rlt/lbdll ta. ~ ....,.,, 1lc llrti. '·-h•'!ll•• ...., ·-•• 1...,.., ~ ••ltl'llOll "f-.. 'ntdrt·v I"\.,,., ..... -·•l ... IJ .... _ OOW! '1p' It -L"T. Oe 11~'!'. pl 111'.i';vWa __ . ....,.-,._ ....... t 8tp ~ tllli, fetal __ .., -.... -.,. ~ ... ,,,,. •• ~1 OI' ft ... --1°'1"-•:r. ........ • -lit~;i4'!9-..... . ~WI~~.~ ::.=·a:.:--...:;,-:..~ i ·..:_.~.':.:!.."~=:::;~;: ... !!•;:.~ .-.:,'(;;_ ~~~ .,._:c"P' l't!rz "'e, 0 1 I ! dol --.... • ' , of ri-,.... of Mtlw. ~ ... t~ ~ I • • ~ I ~ • r .~ ' 520 No. Main, Cor. 1:if 6th ,SANTA ANA Phone K). 2-5140 ' ~ • FUN ZONE , OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY ' . and • SUNDAY BAUOA. , ALUMINUM WALL TILE SAY "GOODBYE" TO CHIPPING PLASTER, PEEl..ING PAINT AND MOLD. INSTALL GI ... EAM.ING LIFET™E ALUMINUM WALL TILE ALL AROUND YOUR TUB OR SHOWE&- (40 SQ. FT. OR LESS) FOR ONLY- $45 Complete on Easy F. H.A. Terms 103 DOWN -SO MOl\'THS Guaranteed against chipping,, c racktng. discoloring or ni.L Add Value (g Your H ome · SPECIAL -ALL WOOL BROADFU,T J65 Yd." Installed For Free Estimate Call Beacon 6Z:Sl..,, or Beacon S8(t.W . . · COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING 1797 NEWPORT l\VE. OOSTI\ MEllA .. ' 1 I " .J ' l j I ' • ' t ·. ----· -.............................. ~ ..... ----........................ -···-~ --"' --.: -.,, .. --·~·~·~.;,~~1;~~ • • \ • -• . · Sinkings, . Suits Involve. Ina ·Lou · 8t.p o1 the Jna' Lou came to •t. lut week, b\Jt it took a court .... -action to do it. · < ·- ' ' ' / .. • .. Ina Lou ls a 34-foot· •port&-.,. • fWUn• boat owqed by John ·t., cr.uon. 527 Irvine Ave., New- pon Heigh t.a, and. Creuon built moet of tbe boat himM>lf. 'lbe hull, bowe\rer, wu purc~wd from · C. &. BMumont, 48a Nt>wport Blvd., Coot& M -. i...t August, when the sporta- ftshing boat was cdmpleted. Crea- .on ptbered a few friend.a togeth- er and 19.unched the craft trom Seupo.Tt Landing, 811 Cout High- .::-~Y-Newi:)orl Beach. To 'Crea- • aon'1 chargl'ln, the tna• Lou san,k wtthin rive mlnute11 after it hit the water. · The Ina Lou was brought back up on the Ways, and .908p wu pounded into OW aeama of the bull to atop the leaks. The . craft was la,ttnched again the nut dayj with lea fanfare and with the bilge pl,ltYlp opez:atinl'. Again it sank. Rep&lre3 Apln The veaael we.a taken out or the water again for rurtber leak re- paira and Cn!:uon launched It for the third time. Thls time, how-ever, tbe seams held better and the craft WU taken out to sea. But strong wav'ea pounded the soap out of the eea.m.a and the' vessel almoet went down for the third time. However, CTeaaoo managed to set the craft hack to thtt SeupOrt Landing, only to ha\re it 111nk at its moorings. On Nov. 17, the Ina Lou oncf' rDore wu pulled from the water. but that didn't end Creuon's troubles. Conata~ Frank Vaughn showed up with a seize order api.nsl the boat, Rlleging non- payment of the pro1niaory note by Cteuon to Beaumont. maker of the hull. I Cre&5Qn engaged a Corona del Mar attorney and filed an answer to the suit in Newport Township court on DE-c . 20. A cross-com- plain\ for $7.466 also was filed apirurt Beaumoiit. Last week Judke D. J . Dodge tian.aterred the whole mess from ¥s court to the 11uperior court be- muse the complaint exce-eded the l l,000 Umltatkm or his court. I Meanwblltt, Seuport Landing offlciala said the Ina Lou was back ln the water again with ita leak· ing condtion corrected. However. the boat is still attach~ by court ~t.ion and It still hasn't been on lt'.a 1hakedown cruise. ~w YMCA Unit fbnned on Coast ailboa Poatrna.ster lferb Kenny wa. elected pttaident at the or· ~Uon&J nfeettng of the Or-an.re Crout YMCA held last week •I the home of Mr. &nd Mrs. Jlmea Ranney in Huntington Beach. Other newly elt'1!tect officers a.re : Jame. Ranney, vice president ; Chiabolm Bl:Gwn, Coata Mesa, sec· retal')r; anif Ben Gautier. Hunt- ln(lon Beach, treuurer. Tbe.new,usociation includes the Newport Harbor and Huntington Beach school dlltricU whtcb werf' formerly undet the 111upervislon of lhe An&heim YMCA. Other boa.rd members are Rev. Tom Gibson, St. Andrew• Pre9by· ter ia.n chu.ri:h; ]4. A. Harwood. COl"On& del Mar: Raymond fi:Ut- rraan and Robert Long. C~ta • ¥ea.; Kln~ry Whlteneck, New- port Hetghts; C,tiarle.s Lewil, Or-· Snee Coast College: Mn. Al(len ~<iu\at. S""""t Buch; Esther • l)tiltii<Htwtnl Smith, Verne' Len- ~ flna Dr. Bf.111:b H •wea ot' I lbntlncton Beach. . • Woman Hurt in Tllree-Car Crash " A wolh&n WU sli&'hUy injured Saturday at l :50 p. m.~ in an ac- cident involving three ears at Mac· Arthur Blvd and Coast Hi&'bway, Corona del Mar. She ~'88 Mn. Leu~ Ma.€? Preasley ot Comp(on and -w .. treated by Dr . Rau.u an.er be:lng takr-n to -his. office by Ambulance.. PoHce aaJd the er~ occuired wbe.n a coupe driven by Thoma.a Burke of San Franclaco phlled out ~of tbe. outaide lane onto the ahoul. de:r ot tM road. 11le .econd car, drtHn by Paul Roberta ot Long 8-cb applied bra.kee and swerved to rajaa Burke'• ;!~'cle, officer. _naf.td. wben .lb• ulird.car, driven by Tran. p._ie,. collided wit.II tlw r8J' oPthe second cu. M:ra.: PttMfey iru a pauenzer in her 'f•11...-.~~le .. • ·>I-.... ~,_ qr.w D•h•se WOil ~fr j fl et. .(ewpwt ea.. • . ... ,..... i-" ....... .£ 7 ..... ·~ ....... ...,.nJ C..rt ovt1 Def I I Dlra•lr ....... ,, ... tile ... ., ... ......... Out --at ·a.o • W. .-...,_., · 11u; ,;..;. ~--., ..... -\ ... ~ .· ' 'Princess Pat' · Gets New Stern An expenditure or SJ0.000 wu nttessary to remove a jinx from the ultra·streamlined steel 1una clipper Princess ,Pat. Optimi•ileal- ly ta.ken to sea. from a wartime buJlding ya.rd at Newport Harbor, the $360,000 Princes.a Pat turned out to be a fish frightuer more ofte-n than 11. fish catcher. It was a hearibreak for the crew to lose school after school of tuna. catching only a tev: tons while other tuna clippers would slop on the same school and load fish hou.r on hour. Those old·Style clippers with vulgar conventional hull design caught fish all around the Princess Pat. Some fishermen put their heads together' to find the cause of the ship's bad lu~k. According ro 1o{lke Ra.dos of Harbor Boat Building Co.. at Long Beach', -"'·ho heard their complaints an<l worked out a remedy, the ship's sharp stern caused to her plunge up and down, making discomfiture for the crew and creating bubbles that flght- ened the fish. Scan"c.1 Tuna Fishermen on the racks away fro'm. the 11tern caught 1the most fish . since the shape of the hull camed fish blood lo Bweep back toward the stern. Blood scares tuna and attracts sharks.· And besitles that, the narrow stern limited the.size of the bait tank. The· Princess Pat'!! entire stcrri was cut off at the Dados y1trd and a conventional broad stern stetlon built onto the vessel, giv- ing her stability in a seaway, more room for bait and removing the cause of tlie bubbles. '"Sbmetimes this streamlining businessf Is carried too fa.I\" a fisherman ob&en"ell. County Builders Install Officers Clifford J . ~filler of Santa Ana was insta.llt'd la.st Wttk aa presi- dent of the Orange County Build· ers Assn., at a dinner-dance at· fair in the Bal~ Bay club, at- tended by more than 400 Persons. Glen Anderson of Santa A.na. acting as master of ceremonies. Introduced L. L. Isbell, mayor or N"ewport Beach, who extended ireetings to the gathering from all sections o[ the Southland. Other dignitari@.!I pruent and introduced were: Super'Viaor C. M . Featherty and 2ra. Featherly, S-Uperviaor H einz a.nd Mrs. Kaber; &nd Walter l4e1lott, president or the California Builders ExchanlJe. Offlcera lo serve with ~f ille r for th~ coming ti:rm include: V . J . .Anderson, first vice-president;. R. Donald Hall ,second vice·presldent and C. K. Tuttle, treasurer. -Opporturi.ity ts knocking in CLASSIFIED ADS. Air Raid whistle (Ooatlnuo<I from P-1) warning wUI b;.e tr~ttt~ ..-bY telephone to DtvislC!n' Chiera &nd Wardena. The_y wUl -thtm u- 1emble their key p:erao:nn~ only. ~ RED : Attack imminent. A warning to be given u a reault of an air division commander Identi- fying hostile aiJ'craft within hi!I area, or re1ponbillty. This ill the final ~-arnlng recelv~ at the key point air raid warning ctntu prtor to actual altack. W~ll be tr~­ mltted to the public. 3. WHT'J'E: 'All clear. To be gtv· en followlnc either a yellow or r ed tYPe &Jr ra..k? wamtng. It Indi- cates no turther immediate d1U11er of air attack. Will be transmitled to general public. , · 4_, The blue alert wied In tlJ!.jal!lt war has been e liminated. .. w....u.. ,._ p nfy According to the ~ bulietln ay. members of CtviJ Defense and Dla- aster Relief Cbrpa will &Uemble at their designated uaembly points immediately ' upon the so•nding of the R.ED' aJert public warning. However, 1 this DOU NOT apply to ihe Fthlay noon U•t run of the whistle watntng stg'n&la.. Friday's test la prlmarUy for tut· ing the effective r&nl'e of the wh1stel si-gnala and to famlllart.ze the public with the 90und a rid meaning of the wblsUe blull. The bulktln also laaued lnstruo· tlons to the public In Ume of t'mergency a.a follow1i- Your l'as. ~lectr-icity, or wat,r utility has;--emergency operating procedurq \vhlch are deatgned to b+!st 11aleguard the -community. When a&lety meuure• are n~• sary, utility auppUea can be cut off in danger a.reu moet effective· ly by utility serVJce crewe. Fol- low th• a.dvice of your loc&I ut11- lty man•ger. Do11 and 0oD't. Don't. t.bqt. ot.f yGdr ,.. 11ervlN'! cock! You may need lhe heat dur- ing 'the emergency alert and dan- gerollJ!I accumulations of caa may be releued Into homea or butldlnga If Mrvtce 1a re.stored by untrainM people. Don't.-shut ofJ your electrlelty: You may wa.nt your radio which may be your only mN.nB of recelv· Ing official lnatrucUon, or your clock, p r a hot plate, or even a light In your bomb. ahelter. Doa"t sb.ut oU your water !ler- vlce! You.· may 'need you"r uni- tary faCUlties or wa.\er may be needeq quickly to put out arnaU tires. Dpa't draw quantities of water Into ~ tub& or other contataen~ 'rhl.11 would only reduce preuure in m&Via and alao result in an q.n- neceuary wa.ste of water wh.lch. may be M.dly needed. Storagf" water beater• ha~ aulflctent sup- plle11 for emergency drinking and cooking nffds. Do abut off 1ro-. touters. . . ato""fllllr. aad other •pp11a..,.. u t~p. you weN pla .. out for thA da)'! • • aei m Oard9 . Sa.tlore aJao urged all CivUlan Detenae Workera to obtain Utetr ' ' ' • - • ~ ·-~· I ' • •• t '• , .. • • • • ' . ' W.tldae, lmn•Alt.._ . . ' Mary Aaa Morrison. J M. of Year (OeaJ.ued !tom 1'>c• I ) ' ' A.lao recetvlng awardJi Wfre : Giwes War PrlsGner C~ of S.1228 to Wife for Birtflday Judger Jl'ra.n~ 1'1mell, chairman of A '1228 check wa.s the birthday tbe wcceutul Community Che•t: preaent received by J.fr11. Jobi\ A. Hoal' F'oundadon for the future Best, 299 Broadway, Costa Mesa. boa:"'t&l.; James Webater for long from. her husband Jut Thursday. &nd talthtul serviCe to yachting; Mr•. Best'• birthday l.s Monday, Dick Stewart. and l'Ortfr Sinclair Janµaty 22 but ahe didu't. mind tht" for taking lbe Fl:91ng Scotctirnan prt>--blrthday gift at all. , to the Bermuda Rue: Heinz 'K&l- A I, · t ·::Al's House & Rllg · r y nc1nera .o! :i:;; Cleaning . ~Q . .....,,, l-·la-arr __ u_A_T1_0N_11_W_ANn:D __ _ O county offlcia~ ~_:~ .r,-. B•caa llli ••'-' M. · · Typ" ~ . . anuscr1pt mg ploring ~ht. old Santa Ana A~y ~.:. . . -G • d£S Air s...f in Costa 1.fesa for dis-,'1 ~.'11~ .. SDVI -. posal_~ ... ~ rubbish. in linlJ "with an-p ~G "lnto the b&nk" ls h'r reply u &er for youth work; Busineas and nounced plds to curtail burning - , .. . . . operaU •I some dumping EARL . Sa:EFI.JN" · '. to whereo the chttk is going. Profeasional Women's club for the The check was back pay fron1 'Preview and to reUrlng dlrecton1 tbe Marlne11 due John Best who Is. ~1arlon Dodd, John Bidwell, Ken- a.!retlred ~farlne sergeant. It was neth Wilson a.nd Bob Beecher. partl81 pay for the time spent C3'n: Alter the award presentation ye.ara) ln Japanese prison camps Wrigh,t turned over !he gavel to during Warld \Var IJ. new President •Tom Norton y,·ho glound • rril'alnlerll~~ · SupC'r 1.f. Feath.erly said ,; 8-, _ ~1-¥ ~ Be.at, who 'was a member of the rave the outgoing president a "death march" from cof.regidor k:ertlflc•te for his work the past wa·s Interned at ·Cabana TUan, year toward making the future "Hell·s Can1p.." and B!libl(I p(i.SOn ship office a success. Then E'xecu'=- cam~. ttve Secretary Hay Langenheim, t;4es~ Precinct "the workhorse of the .organiza- tion" waa commended and the ne\V directors ~ere presented by mlet- (Contlnuf"ll from P age 1) ter or ceremonies Vs Steffensen or 9-4.07 J>('r cent of the eligiblc11. of Corona del :P.tar. S&rrta Aiia precinct No. 37 had Norton, entertainment c halr- -4&:; regi11teretl and 319 of lhl"me man, turned the r emainder of the voled. • evening ov~r to the program which Election otliciala. to be guests featured comedy act.a by clown of AMOClated Cha:mtjers at its Pepito1 Perez. dancing by his wife next mtttlng ~ude : from Costa Joan, tap dancing by Edith p a vis Meu 16 -Nancy M . Ca.rd, W . B . and humorous magic by LoanP.1 Jot1n.son. Beslfi~ Lf:wnSberry, Nel· ,Kay and K•thleen. that th incinerators, if the coun· ty got h~a. .. e of them tor use, would ave to be r~palred and othrrwi 1 put into condition for daily b ning operations. · The unty has no run'ds lo set up incl erators at MlY of the 10 i;turrlpin grounds malntained for p"ubllc se and bums reNBe in. deep t encht>s; asht's then are covered! when the trenches are nearly f 11 and another trench ia dug. ograssively, draws and ~mall nyons are filhxt by this manner ] . -chai~an Willis H . Warner of the su viaors said that the coun- ty has "considered" incinerators r o r c bustiblt' rubbish, 'bu t lhat la of f'O.nds has. hampered plans f such improve.menu to ~limina ope_n burning.' INtDUoft"·..:.:.. --~t:qu:OR AINTING . uc!'si:p -'mfuu:o · Glenn Johnston · . 501 • 3111t SI. N.,.port Beacl) .Harbor 2291-J 3fcfJ R. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A..._. . . ' . Rq&lr -Maatalnod · · Phone: Har-141'-'11' Z1101 BtJboa ·BITd., Newport -.~ CARPEN'rER WORK la B . Fuller, Kathryn M . Dial and _ :... ______ _ Ruth M . Barnett. Reco itioni.ng of the long-un· R OUGH and Finished . ' ' cuaton1 1164-M . 34cl:;H Odell to talk · at CDM. MeetinCJ 011 drilling and Its 'in'luenc~ cwa the Harbor area will be the wbject for dlacusaion al the 8 p. m. Thu~­ da.y, meeting of the Corona del Mar Civic Asaoclatioo at the , Co- rona del Mar grammar school. Oil operator A . J. Odell.14304 Seuhore Dr .. \Vest Newport. wUI be the speaker. A questlo~· ! and an.swer period will follow o4eU's talk. :P.irs. Fred Harrnton', chairman ot the refreshments comm¥-tee, said that snack.JI will be ses-ved after the busl.De.ss mHting. PROWLER SEES MNl. Frank Was, 318 O.:chld Ave.; Corona de! Mar. reported'.• prowler In her back yard ·at '3:·08 a. m. Monday. Police were ul\ab}e to loca_te any suspects. Criminal Adion used S ta Ana Army Air Base ·buUt cabinets. Barbo~ 'c Contlnu6'1 f rom Pace J) 'year-old wtfe, plUI $720.95 for fun- eral expenses, S 185 , medical ex· pc-nses. $117.86 h.oapita1 charges, $18 for nura!ng nnd $15.45 ambu- lance. For . hi.a own inJurte•. Wright demanded ~ plus $35 inclner ors might be possible at- .mina cost. it was explaln~d. 1--------------- • PAPER HANhING 'Na ghty.Boy' Gets and 'PAINTIN.G 30 , ay Sentence medical cXp<'nses. He. also asked P..obe . Loui,s Coe. 18, of the for $2875 for deetruct1on of hlH 'boat ·~aughty Boy" based at the car. • f Lido Yacht ,Landinc was sen- tenced o 30 days In the · city jaij N M b f Tuesdi lotlowlng a guilty plff ew . em ers or on c h ges or tresp ... lng (26 L • p + 455 days the sentence suspended e91on OS ror tw years on condition u.at Two new names were added to tllere 1* no further t1re11paaaing violatio~ · Ult' membership roster of Costa New{· rt ·Beach po.lice arre•ted Mesa . Amertcan Legion Poat 4~ when l,.oui. Shepptns and F . If. Coe af1 r receiving a uport to ~~;~~:~e ~el~m:::a!~~y th:ie~~: :;~kpt~ :h~u~1:dctju~~ ~~11 se: Ing. Commander Stephen Smith in the arage, belonging to 1\lr1. Doroth Smith ilt 201 38th St., prettded in American Legion hall. Newpo Beach at 11 :S6 p. m. lniUal pl&na .,.,,ete outlined to Monda send a local youth to the annual Bill Boys' Stat e encampn1ent at • the state capital next'June. m ith said that he had gone o to lock his garare when Ke_Jlneth Quarry 1515 Santa ·Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Ph<ine Beacon ~504 65p78 ROOFING Stop any leaks, guaranteed. •, FREE ESTIMATES ·. Harbor -426-J 65c78 lt-PEll80NAUI .PHOTO TINT Have your favorite phot ograph hand' tinted. W rite name and a ddreu on bo...::k Of photo. A.lBo natu rt.l coloring. Price $1.50 ea. S~ TO SANOR.A 2050 E. Ocea1' Front Balboa Experienced. Harbor 163&-'JL .t 0p72 RELIABLE WOMkN fi>r blia.e- . · wOrk ·and ·~ookll\¥;"'plain dinner. , hour• 1 to l p. m. • daya._a ¥'eek. . Pllop•,Bel\C~n ~· 68p70 FOR 2 OR 3 MOl'ITHS -' Want woman to take complete ea.re of two school age chill:lren · (9 and 11 yrs.) [.Ive 'br. Be.ndiX, TV., etc. Ph. Harbor 0421-·W. 68p7.0 Have opeJ\lpg for experienced sal@.!lman 'r broker. Best deal in a.re.a. E RNIE SMITH, Realtor 1205 COAST HlGHWAY Col'Olla del Mar Harooi-2867 IS8c10 WANTED -Houaekeeper for el· d~rl)r couple. Private room and bath. Goad salary. Phone Be-a · coil 5499-R. 70c72 ASSI ST ANT bookkeeper, time 5 to 9 p.· m. daily. Box "R" this 1>4per. part \'(11t e 70c72 :SO-SALE, MJSCELLANmc>Ull • , EVERYTHING " • .... FOR YOUR . TRAILER WE FILL ·BUTANE ""'1 PROPANE TANKS Complete ln1tallation, rep.Ir and service o.t all Tralier Equipment . ~ Rerrnan E. Samuel Ell1I JI. P!»'t• ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR flLVD. Coat.a Men, Phone' Beacon 82tf.R Utt• Want to Record? N~w Tape Recorder Portable. Made by Ampro -Ex- . cellent !or recording n1uaic, speech or '! , $109.95 FLEET ADMIRAL CHESTER W. NIMITZ; USN, I Rel.) at Stan- ford U ., on the United Natjona- "Everybody loves a winner. but Following the meeting the post members joined the auxiliary for reircMmeitt.s and a soc.la.I hour. he sa someone insid.e lookinc •v~r h engine parts' which. be NEW WEBSTER WIRE RE-' 65c78 not every ~attle can ~ta succua." ~er'J .,_~ee Dietri,ch official 1. D~~/u,l 1ilkfi; !~~~/'~]~~~day ·. portunity. He ' pointed ' oul 1tbat Tt.'fW ~ Otletrfch uked ema:ll no worker ii auUtoriaed to go from friends ln at noon on Jan. 16 to houae to houae in connecUon with help hiDl celebrate hia fourth had sp ead out on the f I o or. CORDER, portable. .A bUy a t Smith osed the garage dOOP and MARIS STELLA 28A-t0 -l will $ltii3. went t get his r iOe. When he not' be ·reopcnolble lot debta con-DAVIS-BROWN CO, return Coe saw him,_ 8@.~ed tracted &&'&inst thill boat unlesa 1.... _ a win w ·and jumped, pU\ .. to •u\hOrlzed by 'II• tn ymllng. ljl!l5 .~b!>.r,~;vd ,..,.4,,_141"" make s ...,,.!"'·. JOHN F :MacPHl!:RSON .. ~Q_l>72 !I .•. !"P ..... Beac0n &tit ' ~ sinit touo;....d eoe bu .. ·..ioot.l""'""""'"""'"""""""'-,......,...,~-~--T'--t,_-:---_;'." __ _ 'Dimes . Campaign Follows· ·2 wever, the police car ~t trail and followed him , I ' • Lldo Landing Bhl pyard. hi.a duties unW h41 ha.a ti.ii I . D . bl'rthday at his home, 5"41 Cata- card. ' Photographing and finger lina 1 Drtve, Newport · Heights. prlntliig for L D . carda wilt be con· There wu a cake with "&II the ducted at · the Police Bepartment trlmmlnga," ramea and presents Tuesday and Thunday at 7:30 to for Terry.' Pr~nt were · LincJa 9 :00 p. m. until February lit. Stur1es, April Quisenber ry, Leallf' Schedulu after ~ebruary lat will Gentry and Terry'• elder brother, age be announced tram time to tlme. Daryl. 1 them. ey took Coe Into cUlltOdy rted 'fJm back to Smith'• here 1he was identified. itted that he had aeen ~e parts in Smit h'• gar- had1 decided to take Most ~Dl$asfrous Polio Veals . v ollowing the .t wo ~d.t dlaaitroua polio yeara ln American )ilal.i • ' tory, the 1951 March of ~ea campaign in Orange county bu q uick· Jy moved lntO hJgh g~ar. Robert S. Barne•, Orange1 Coun~y Campa.lgil. •· Chatrman -dectared tode.y. _ , ' · · The three ye:in of 1948, 19~9 8!1" 1950""have .seen· the ~rgest l amount of polio CUM reported in Ora.nee' county ln 28 years. ~ea and from' the lTend of recent atated. The year. of 19"9 !law tbe years It need not . be called 'fnf&n· greateat ~llo epidemic ever to ttJe' paratyata. aince the climb to_ •trike. Lan_ year wu not-quite ao adult-•ie gn>ups hu beeri bigher dia~ bUt t.t nearly. ~ed t.ha.n ever before." . the high m.arlc. +1 llM.9 throllfhoUt Cb&irmen and their or pntza- the country; be a&ld. Uon. tu Newport Harbor inclUde: .. ~DI• Coullty:a Cllapter of Kro. fDoroU.y SuU.erland. -- the N&u_on&l F~~lon for In-·n.-and Profeuton&J Wpm.en••· fantlle P&ralyata lj&o been lltruck club; Mn. Cunillnl' Butler and a.. financial blow by tile c-t 11um· Mn. Harold Kn!pp, Girl 8cou ber of caas cared-for dU<lnc Uieae Calta j M.-: I ee.ldemlc yean.," the chalrman . ""'d. "-.;.· 11~ Gef ·~o · Cmd . The county_,."" t}1e avetVe Photos Talleil . of U ,000 per 111<111\11 dl!rint· ~ ~ : • t on 'poUo ~tlenta, Jlamea ~ A .-re= -~for • • 'fld, acliltaa-UW-t\,wD .do!mftlaed d.it w...., ~ bat: i.i..., -.. ·' ' '215,000 ·Wd<ald ' lie needed I\' l.'61 -I _,-...... .i;-11 • In., Gfd,er~to "C9.fttlnue ~ ,..._ ...._ ·• ..._.n.u19 • .mcie. )la!f bt .. ~ -1 ~ ............ _.,. • 111o.iirew, cetftil la--,..~.--to-U. I( .......... 1'e11a9.~1 , ,. T111111r • UoN!.~Ua8'fQJ'~ e;Dd -~ftmlilJ' Ml ' ef i.m ·,·~~ . ,_ ....... _.. ...... i.• A ~ ot U. OollDtJ "'epts -. *i x~ ~ -~,~ I . R•7 1Qft1'*' • .,.D; •n' DI 1 1 •CMI --q.t U-. II a'aale-=· a ...... ••1-•-lllU. SUOO 'lllft Ill .Pe \l"'6 HJ. ~ • I r' M - -It ... ,. -=-.......... _ -........ -tlltelllo !I'll ._ ......... ~ ' )~ ·r;--.. --. . . fW -illla '""' , I llrr. Ir II w.-.w 11'1 I 1 • OlllW...,..._ ',lllal\ofl._ . ....,. ...., .. T ...... "511-._ I -N ~it=.=== _. I j'lf"l 8 lllo ....... • -....... l1>tl · t.o'• u~ -. .. 111 ...... _ M t11!fi ...... . ,. • • - • ·' \ • • . : ~ " • .. • .. • -r 'I • • • •• . ' •!•··-~ . VAWES ' iitl.Jsed Appliances •-OJM>A:m. 811PPLID "" I'-?!~ -a ~ 1-?·!:::~;~-~&~"'1;5'·!~~-~~!._-·-·-·-"-; •!!;:~·:!!·~t·~~~!lllrl'.A!!~l?S~·_.., _-'.:..,_:I~==~~:_!~~~..,;., ____ l_.?•!:::~·~·~&~11:,•!Kll!,!:?!~A'J'S~. ~-~·..:''-•-·-·--·,._--~~~=---~.~·~L;_.~Kll~l'l'_!~A~T?.E:_..__~;....;;.• . New -New.:_ New2~BD:;~~2~th;,~ JL~-' ,CORON& DELjMAR ·./ .. ''1 ' H.!.f.ALKs I" 1 1 . s~ ... miS-~ --. ...~;··~ .. HUDSON lNV ADER ..,.:.;.:· _.,_ '"*~""' ~-WHY P.AY RENT! Wbeti you can buy this lovely • . rand New .ATTRACTIVE ~In home ne_,.iy nett, • '· ·, All are in gQO<I condition ,\pplian«es are getting scarce ·and will soon be even harder t o find, · Marine Engine13 '-275 H.P. PRJcED TO SELL See J ohn Harvey at Sea.craft GREENLEAF It 'ASSOC. . 2 bedrm. home on 1R.2 lotl Forced air beat.-. has hardwood floors, fireplace, forced air 3112 Newport , Blvd. . Har. iM2 Garbage diaP';'8&l-Enclosed yatd. • !as than · 8':~er 1:1,n•~C::u~s~-=..:! heat; patio, !k&r garage,. completely ., BALBOA -Fumi-1 bodlwm 1 yr. old' Nicely lailcUc&~ The price ia ll<!me. Hlg~ua.lity workman· • fenced. South of Ifighway ·near shopping ' apt. InquJ~ 901 I:. Ba7 li'ront. right at t:ll,l5()0; I 1111p · over 1.100 eq. ·ft. Nice center in Cor.oha del 'Mar. · Balboa. V' appeari.n.g -keabl.: noor plan p · d $ 950 ' Phone Ha rbor OSU-W ',I ;.... Joie at w -beat bardwoo<I rICe at . 11, e7p&l , EXCEPTIONAL -many out feature• -' • Servel gas refrig. 5 cu. ' .. ft, in v~ry nice can- . dition ·····-······-··-······: ... $74 .95 .• FJ:igidaire. 5 cu. ft. -··· R9 .!m J'rigidaire, 6 cu. ft. .... 94 .50 Ice Box, looks like electric refrigerator 14.95 625 COAST m GHWAY NEWPoRT , BEACH Pl\. BEACON 5771 ># 2Uc ' Y.EARLY RENT AL -nearly new· lower duplex·. Completely fur- niahed. Near bay and 9boppin1 district, Balboa. Phone Harbor 1317-W . 18c70 2-BEDROOM and den home,•:.~;.. roo-14 1L'x27'. 2-car -e -large patio -. u. ... ....,.. &6' 72 Good lbcatlon .:_ Large 5 per • Beaine<i ceiling, f>anelled wallil. 2· fireplaces, cent Insurance. loan obtainable. one in large muter bedroom. YI to W carpet-.uklng prl<"T · ing. Lovely patio ~ alao ~clOlled rear yard. $10, ,500 ' • I 2 BEDROOM and· slee~g loft in bi-beam !iv- . , Hinigbg )'OOm.-$6,7 and il.a also south of · way in Corona del Mar . • . '$2,000 Will Handle ,. 1 ALSO Elec. water heater, a BAR- GAIN! I Have a few good TVs-· JUST TRADED IN ! DA VIS-BROWN C O. 1185. Ha'tbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Beacon 6821 MAHOGA.NY trimmed ninabout 1311' ft. inboard water cooled motor. New paint. Priced to sell. call eves. Harbor 0674 -J or dap Al Davlll Harbor 2522. 68c70 S4-MUSICAL. RADIO RENT A P IANO.· $5 per month. All rent allowed If you buy with- in terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. "PORD 1930 Mode l A Roads ter, I BUNGALOW UPRIGHT ·piano in $75,' Hollywood · bed complete. perfect condition. Terms ~ tWin aiu. $30. Standard 8 ize • dow:n and Sl5 J>f'r mo. at porcelain laundry tubs, $20. 621 SHAFER'S MUSIC CO., (Since Larkspur, Corona dcl 1otar. 70c72 1907) <121 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0672. 62t!c MONO WHEEL trailer. Cost $75. Will .eU !or $25. 511 Alieo New-'USED P IANOS fro,n $69 up. Good port Uelghta. Beacon &3o8-w~ •playing conditi~ DANZ- 70c72 SCJDqDT, 520 No. Main, Santa ~-----------Ana: cor. ~th. ' . • Us·ED e· Kelvinator refrigerator, good · condition. $75. 1570 l.cvine .S~·· Costa Meaa. • 70p72 SERVEL gas refrigerator, 7 cu. n. . like new, $1~. Phorie· Harbor 1627 or aee at 118 Ithaca, Lido lale. 68c70 P RICED TO SELL QUICK! Thor Automagic washing machlne- Dlahwuher comb. S75. 1 twin aize mattre&a and 1 mattress pad. 914 E . Ocean Front, Bal- boa. Harbor 0823-J . 67p71 Television Service -RADIO REP AIRS SPECIAL BUY WHILE' THEY LAST! New 120 bUl!I &pnelli I talian accordion'!. and cue, $1SB.95. T erma, $19.95 dowit and $10.35 per mo. at SHAFER;S MUSIC.(.,'(), (Since 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Santa ALa. Klmber- ly 2-0672. 85ttc W ANTf;D : 50 pian08. Trade in your . old piano on a Grand, Spinet or beautiful televi.sion. 'Highest cash allowance. Terms. DANZ·SCHMIDT PIANO CO , corne r 6th, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. J ANUARY CLEARANCE SA.LE! ONE FURNISH E D A.PT., one un- furnished. Yearly rental UtU. pd. Adults. Downt.own Balboa. R.euonable. Contee~ 0 ran c e 8765-R -5 morninp or write Box 71, Stlverado, Callf. 88p7~ . " OCEAN FRONT rurnished apt .. suilable for 2 adults. $4 0 i;nonlh wiriter rental, $45 yearly. U tll. paid. 1504 W~t Ocean F ront, Newport Beach . 68c70 OCEAN FRONT . LOW WINTER RATES TWO BDRM. APT. llvlncroom , bath, kitchen. View of ocean and bay. Q,utet location. UWl- tiea included .................... $68 mo. 13~ E. Ba.lboa Blvd., Ba.lboa · Har bor 2278-W 68c7 ON wEEK'L Y or Monlhly balls' tor winter. Bea'lltltully fu r n-• ished 2 bedroom home on beach~ Corona del M.a r. Reasonable rates to Eastern tourlsta or marines. Call Harbor I'O"·R . Jre3tfc VERY NICE 3-rm. apt. (1 bdrml Thermoatat~ controlled heat. Wlnter or yearly. 1400 W . Bal- boa Blvd., Apt. 4, 69c7 l CORONA DEL M AR -small a pt. partly rurniahed. Suitable fQI' a couple. Very reasonable. 513 •Goldenrod, Corona del Ma.r. 69c71 Larry EWen • • 1 arold Hamm 1 Technicians Knabe Grand. Beauutul Chlck-1 ering Grand . Save $600 to $800. BALBOA ISLAND Kimbal Grand. Vose, Story iend I HOUSES AND APTS. llOl8A RA DIO It TELEVISION 1611 B.-.-tway, C. K BeL 5808-J 50tfc BOYS ' SCHW1N BICYCLE, 28" in good condition, l yr. old. 535 Clark. W onder toned Soh~er YEARLY OR SEASONAL Grand, only $395. Terms. DANZ-See GAIL CARNEY "th SCHi'IIDT BIG PIANO STO~. W1 520 No. ).{ain, corner 6th, Santa Nelda Gi bson, Real Estate Ana. 306 Marine, Balboa IsJ. Har. 602 89c8 l R edlands Ave., Newport H eight s. JANUARY CLEARANCE S ALE! Beacon 5255-M. 68c70 Spi-nets and Grands. Trade-Ina. South of BJvd. ONLY $16,950, term.. .. CLIFF HAVEN ·3 BEDROOMS, twin' size. 1 % baths: Forced air heat. Large lot, enclosed yiird, BBQ. Built 2 years. ONLY $17,850, WITH EXCELLENT TERMS. '. .. LISTINGS WANTED-ALSO RENTALS ERNIE SMITH, REAhTOR 120& Coast IDghway, Coropa de! Mar Phone Harbor 2667 · BALBOA ISLAND - TO CLOSE AN ESTATE! 3 BEDROOM 13\ bath home. Corner lot , desirable loca- ~ton. ASKING PRICE $13,5!10 B ids submitt ed at our office . IN CORONA DEL MAR ATTRAGTIVE 2 BE DR OOM HOME, 1% blocks f rom ocean. South of H lghw&y. 45'· lot. LaJge living room. Beam ceiling. Hatdwocxf noors, unusual dining room. Kitchen and bath with tile. Price, $1 8,GOO. Multiple Ll&t- lni No. 1621 . · View Lot in Corona de! Mar Just above themaln beach (30xl18) one lot from Ooean A venue and only a jump to t he beach. A wonderful buy -Terms. G. I. $150 Down A~CTIVE b bdrm In NEW- 'PORT HEIGHTS. . Fireplace, bdwd., Ute, Jl'&vity flow fur· nace,.Jaund.r)1 gar b. dr.,., dble. garage on pa'ftd alley. THESit ARE ALMOST 1'eE LAST QF T HE LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES ! . ~ Phil Sullivan For merly c. r Galen Deplaon . G. T. Everson •eo Newport Blvd. Coeia Men Beaco~ 6243-W Harbor 3J57-W or Beacon 5468-J OWNER IN KOREA MuSt Sell at Once . • COMPLm'ELY FURNISHED 3- bedroom bpme; has nearly new refrJgeratoJ:, kitchen range, Ben- d ix washer .• Lots of tile In kitch- en a.nd bat.h. n ice patio enclosed by b rick WalJ. \ . About one half cash will handle, ~ance at ·only $32 per p!Onlh.-e 4 ~ z:tere1t For the above propertie• call Mr•. Maroon. H arbor 1775. EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor I BUY TlJlS TOD AY - · TOMORRO~ MAY BE TOO LATE , 22~ Marine AV(', " Balboa Island l • Ftn.L PRJ CE Somebody Wants The I sland $9,000 • EXCL S!VE WITH Our rapidly_ growing com~ munity of homes and in" ' . LINWOOD VICK, REALTOR 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 2042 • BALBOA ISLAND • . . . . I ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom house with! 2-bedroom a pt . over double garage plus guest room, and bath -both units spacious -closet space. We think this one of the nicest Island proper- ties. -$31 ,500. BA YFRONT with -:pier and fl oat 3 bedroolllf, 11/2 baths with 2-bedroom . apt. ·over double garage -both bave lovely ·bay view -lllllJIY conveniences -most livable and easy ta rent -partly furnished. $39,375. ' • ' ' L • Nelda Gibson Horace S . Mazet Harbor 502 <aarbor 3028-J 306 MARINE A VENUE, BALBoA ISLAND - DESERT HOMESITES ·7 NOW AVAILABLE -Desert Homesites ad,ioin· :fi health tenter of Desert Hot Springs, ten es. north of Palm SpringJ. View -plots on paved roads with plenty o f pure low .cost wa- ter at. only $1150. for cotnmercial half acres, all within walking distance of churches, school, . theatre, etc., and close to Two BIUlcb Palms, most beautiful Desert Hot Water Mineral &pa in America. For information write to Two Bunch Land Co., Box 31 , Desert Hot Springs, Calif., or phone Desert Hot Springs, 1~ for appointment. 68c70 BAY SHORES . BEAUTIYUL 3 bedrm., 2 bath MODERNE. Oesig?)ed by out- standing a.rchitect -2 fireplacee, h undreds of built -in features. A REAL BUY at $18,000. I --. LIDO ISLE LPT $2QOO. This Is the lowei.t priced lot on Lido, this week only. Lidcj Bay Front $9,500 ,,. -~ . ' '" ~. " . .... ·' • ·. •• ""- ' ... •' . ·-., • • I ' ... ... ...... ... f I i: ' ' . . ' ., Rental returns, repo§ession. \\'onderfu l bargains. M any fam- 'OWI makes. DANZ-SCllMtDT· BIG PIANO STORE. 100 planoo lo choose from, 520 No. Main, corner 6th, Santa Ana. · ATTRACTIVE North Bay i"ron t furnfahed cottage. Fenced ya rd, $75 per month until June 15lh. Harbor 542-M. 68c70 That uaed turruture, brtc-a -brac, paintings, etc.. now taking up •pace In your garage. Find a buy- er w ith a cla.seified ad ln lhe Newa-Ttmes, P08t, and Press com- bination . J ust P hone Harbor 11518. aay : "l want to place a Clusttled Ad," &nd a courteoo.. ad-taker Will help you wrtte an effecUye ad co me excels in the occas- Ben wNtman and As$ociates 4.00 &nd l Ol8 eoaa't Blvd Corofta del Ma r LIDO ISLE an unusu•llY low price for bay ,, ,.,. front. _.., 1, ___ ·!. SELL OR TRADE -Mod!!!m ice box 5' cu. fL New Western mas- ter light meter ind 3 1h · ~. EvlnnJde outboJrd. NlCEL Y FURNISH ED l bedroom upper view apt. Winter or sum- mer optional. lnc)ud. utU. Ap- ply 410 Dahlia, Corona del Mar. 69<:71 ' P HONE Harbor 1618 to pla ce your want ad on this page. l New 3 btlrm. Homes ESPECIALL~WELL BUILT l)'EWPOEtT CITY NEt"PORT HEIGHTS 2 bedrm. and den , 2 batfl&-Lar ge private patio. An outstanding home-. $21,15-00. i % loan. BALBOA PENINSULA ~ TWO LOTS FOR $4,SOIJ for a real buy you Clln't beat th.ii. Comer bldg. slt.,._Sacriflce $2850 Furnished Home for $13,500· .f • • - I I . ~ • · 1 1 'w ANT table saw. sk ill saw or ? Phone Harbor 3175-R, 530 -6 :30 p. m. 70c75 GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS from $59. Terms as convenient a.a $5 mo. at SHAFFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kl. 2-0612. 44.Uc. 61-TRAILERS io nal sale of bayfront view properties. The view. that o f f e rs entel:t&inment by. day and beauty al night: Oak floors. !~place, furnace, tile balh, garba'.ge dlspo8al. lawna, do~ble g&Ta(:'e, large lots. Move Emergency Hospital Bldg. This ls the low est priced. Ofte'< on the lslan<!. -' . \.!.,,_._. U-FUR?'4"1TURE FOR SALE Jack's Furniture l !W>l Balboa Blvd.,, Newport Bch Beds, mattresses, chests, stoves. re-frtgerators, etc. . Untini.shed Furniturt!. BUY, SELL or TRADE Phone Harbor 2502-R 64c78 CHROME EXTENSION TABLE Ir 4 chairs in excellent condit ion. Will ·U criflce at h:ss than 1.", price• $40. Phone Har. 1260-R 67<:69 ·-----------~ ii..:amoo ~'M'AN •HOfS ~i'ete lln.e', · tactory-t~ylou. ()pea '12·9 dally .. &un. Ban• tum.a. 276 Ocean Ave., Laguna Bellct.. . ttc OINE'l IE TABLE &. 6 CHA IRS. Natu ral finLlh, light wood~ex­ tra \eaves. Antiqued lealhert>ttC' seat.a. Phone Harben· 1008-\V, 67<-'69 ·We buy , sell or trade. 41-STORES a OFFICES FOR RENT OR LEASE ... BEA tn'IFUL 2·bedroom unfurn apt. Large room.1, hwd. !loon, tile kitchen and bath. Yearly rental 311 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Call eves., Sa t . and Sun. Harbor 0574 -J. 69c71 Balboa Island · FURNISHED 1-bdrm apt. to June 24 F"l'. custotll built, Glider trai)t?l". Eleetrlc brakes. Fully equipped. Sacrifice, MUST SELL. 205 Car· nation, Corona del Mar. 67c69 65--MQNEY TO· LOAN ESTABLISHED real estate office in heart of business diatrlct, Co- rolla del Mar. Call Har. 169~R. 63tfc 15th . LOANS For Homes 4%--WANTED TO R£NT ERNIE SMITH, Realtor . . ln now. · We have a specially priced $~,950 two story home with eight. THESE HOM1j18 WILL A\..$0 G. I. 7 ' bedrooms unit heat and Ralph J>. Maskey • • ' ' 3411 Newpor t IBlvd., Newport Bch . superb S 0 u t h Bayfront PhonejHr rbor 402:. main channel view. T h i a Com er k>catlon, brick construc- tion. 14 r ms. inclu~g surgery. NEW 3-bedrooma, $19,500 Priced to sell MiS"ht con.aider Under construct ion, finlahed • 800ftu lease. a.n a t tractive buy. -I -BAY FRONT INCOME TWO LARGE LOTS• 6 unit.a in cholce locati9n. Com-. • pleteJy furnished. Thia la a Owner says get an otter . Here y beautiful property and ha.JI a your chance tor a bargain. schedule'.d income of ovRr $13,500 PRICED AT $87.15-00 . OWNERS A1TENTION . ·' • ------------1205 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar With 4 '}"o • 5 1/2 '}'o JntJ WANTED-Vnturnlahed 2 bedrm Phone Harbor 2867 property with 50 feel of JUST COMPLEn'ED a ttrr.tlve 2 bedroom home. Fi.replac , lots• of tile, double gw;age. Fenced back ya.rd. Good loca tion, South ot highway, Corona.de! Mar. Priced al $10,750: Ph. Har. 2959-JK. GREENLEAF .. ASSOC. 3112 Newport BPvd. Harbor ·ZMI Give ua your listings on Lido, we r house at reasonable yearly rent-69c Long term. Low payment , al. CDM . or Newport Helghta. ~peclallzlnc tit ·F . H. A. and 0 . I. Call Harbor 1431-R. U ttc l FURNISHED GAR. APT. Studio Ptan.. 61ii?'o c~ ·•trucUon 'Loa.a.I frontage and sandy beach type. Completely redecorat ed. CALL BOB SA Tn.Jl:R. HIGHLY educated gentleman I Fireplace. Nice view. Se:i mo. Bar. 3183 for Fl'ee -Appraiaal should be seen at your would like to move to Barbor Util. incl. 617 ~ Poppy Ave., Rep. POIRIBIR. MOfJ-_rP,~GZ po. '., ljlWlfit · .. ""'--IN areL Wants to s hare house or Coron, del Mar. 70cT2 14.l!tro. life tna. 'Filni!L '"°" S-:1~ •.ear 'f'!,f'CO~~ce. ...~ room with kitchen privilege. Ph. UNFURNISHED I bedrm . bouae. •pJi-1 1 '. .. J ftll'Dlll. ft .U $38 500 45700 South Laguna. 12 to 5 ce un cu, • . p.m. 69p7l Extra large living room, view. MORTG.i\GE LOANS -(West aide), 2173 Pacific Ave., 4S-APARTMENT8 a ROUSES J. A . Beek Office 69c71 CLIFF HAVEN **SOLD** 2502 Crestview U.y Shor es By & • Multiple U atlng R ealtor 'GOOD BUYS! BALBOA PENI NSULA L-Beautl- f'Ullr furnished, 2 bed.rm. apt . Sundeck. .Ge.rage. \Vinter or yearly. Reasonable. Phone Har~ bor 0612-\V. 87c72 Costa Mesa. Phone Mn. Henry, Beacon ~294-J . 70p7~ Low Interest Rates FREE INSPECTION 2-bedroom · home. Newly painted out.aide and now being redeco- ·rated and new carpeting laid. Nice location tor children, large fenced yard with lawn and 1 plantinga. S MALL DOWN P AY· $10,000 BUYS S. W . COLEMAN BALBOA ISLAND, FERRY MENT. Ba.lance like rent. TWo story bulldlng1 wi~ 3 apart' 45-RENT. llUSCELLANEOUS 207 N . Broadway ·Phone Harbor 63 I Balboa Isl.and ~ · n1enta and five s eepu1g room•. ON NEWPORT BLVD.. Costa . Santa Ana Kl 3-7778 Bay & B~ach Realty Situated ln the heart ot Ba.Ibo&. Mesa-Storage) garage ·or small 1 2~ Balboa Bl'1d. Harbor 1264. Good u;icome posaibWt.le. with shop 20' x 30\.. H E"a vy wtrtng We Buy and Sell Trust Deeds right Management . a re active. · -. -' N. B . C. REALTY Co. 3116 Newport Blvd., Newport Sch. P hone H arbor 14-05 j _ · -' . ... , . ., .1 ~· 7=V r For the Fines in 1 Ocean Vie)V L6tiJ CORONA HIGHLANDS Overlooking Newport Har· bOr. Large, f ully impa$ved , ..• . . .. . • t:• • .r. .,. •• Call us nnd save money. Crawley's Used Furniture ·LIDO ISLE " homesites -Restricted -· $35 mo. Phone Beacon 6447-lt ---'--------61<--ISl .AJ..MOST_ NE~ N __ l ROME It INCOME $9,000_ . Men • ew.pon Heights -------~----LOAN& TO BUILD, UIPROV&. TWO BDBliL.hom.e. in excellent Get out your aaw IU\d hammer ! If you want' a r'tnta.J on LI:t>o ISLE aee U.8. Se veral lo,,ely a pl.B. Also home.a a Wlila ble. Square Dancing? , BUY, MOOllfl,NIZE, OR loc " ,,, T .......,..T ..,., BRAND NEW 2-bedroom home -Get out your paint b~h'! R.EFINANCll •Uon on ......... •n.c. ISLAND .. In ~.cellent tbca tlon hear High 'c&He: tht. BARG.AIN needa Private ·Beach .60 -ft. .. Frontages. . ., ~ New't Blvd Costa Mesa ·Phone Beacon 501-l-J P .A . PALMER INCORPORATED We BUy Trwrt Deeda l;epuatf!' ,_ """" and bath. School Miuly 1.ovely teaturea, ln· oome flxln'. There ta a 2 \J .. R . W e have a portable public address NEWPORT .e41.:ftoA. FEDltR.Al. eluding lirepl~e, Al. bwd. floora cottage with trpl .. bar kitchen, syatem, rewrd player and am-SAVINCJI • LOAN ASSN. Prt~ to lltll quickly . -and aeparate dt.atng room. Street AND a 2" B. R. 'apt. over the . . . From $2500 , .. MA,PLE dining .set, 9 pcs. Maple coffee tables and end lables. An- dirana and fire screen. Teen- agera bedrooo"I u J., Inner spring m.a.t t.ress. Cold.spot refrigerator, 8 cu. n. 1 205 Coral Ave., Balboa laland. 68c70 3333 Via 1.Jdo Harbor lMO m r. plifie r to ~nt tor games and 3333 vt& L!do Pb.. Bar. 1600 1 · ' • bonda a.re-_patd. · garage. Nlee-deep 'lot. Between parties. -, r-· · t • • W!ri qualif y for ~lther G .I. or non~ the Bay -&nd Ocean. . ' Buy Now & Save ~· LARGE TRAILER in lovel y court. DAVIS-BRO\VN co : REAL .li:STATE , I.PANS ' ~ANU:t lUDl!'IELD ~-I. . I ' NEAR BA.I.BOA BAY •885 H~rbor Bl~d. Costa Me.. • Interest.. Rate 41~ • 5 91> 216 Kanne, Ba.Ibo& r..1. Huoor 20 ,Full Priee-$10,800 Three a R. 2 Joatb cottare for TRACT OFFICE co~ mGHWAY at SEAWARD ROAD CORONA DEL MAR ., ' Adults, $30 mo. 174 1 Pomona, Costa Mesa. Ph. Sta.con 6747-J . 63tfc -" • ---· qulclcl __ .. _ In •'--•·• ~ vaeaUon: O!, year-round Uying. ... aeon 68Zl ~ 7 . --_, Beac-"n . R"ealty BAiie tntnllw'e Included. Older AH& and Lasuna. Skip or I v home bUt well coruitiucted omd •s--AUTOMOl!ILES, TlKl:S multiple unite. N..,. or old. a. -Fo~~e ·by Owner 4118 Newport Bi.d (1bove 'ArcJ>eo> ln flne lll&pe. $10,_15-00 .• , .. .... ~ bed davenport, chair RENTAL I .. t f75; Aoor lamp, like new· I ~; Dbl. lnnenpg. mall. • box SPECIALISTS '34 CHEV. SED .......... : ......... _..$ 0 apr.;.$60. All .3 yn. old. P ort. ·~ PLY. CPE. ·······-·········-··-145 Eaoy aplndrier. i-yr. old. $211. Call Edna' CraJs '37 DODGE BED. ·····-··········. 295 6:11 J>oinaetua. Corona de! ~ Linwood Vick, -Rltor. ::: STUDE. SED. ······-····--···· 695 70c72 Balboa laland. Hu. 200 Uc64 DODGE SED. ····--·-··-·· ll96 . -· -----1 "41 PLY. CONV. ···-····-.•·•-··· ~ · 0 PC. Solkl r.tah~gany ~rm. set . r..TJ . '48 CHEV. SED. ·--·····-·-····· • 990 ~L:?:i. C>U llltor I p m.-..u ~~ TORO MARINES ·47 CHEV. CLUJ<-··--······-U 85 Fe.,.!•:>t. Coron.a d•l M>r. 70c72 LOW WINTER RATES "47 DODGE TuooR ···-·-·-·-· U86 '47 DE SOTO BED. ····-··-· 1296 D 11(>.&7". ~Ul't'LIES '1'\VO, BDRM. APr., ll•ln""""' '48 MERC. CON .... ------· l2?«5 loath, ldtcbon, .,_ of -ad , I I' TERMS! BA VE ooon· 1ow mJWose • ·•• , i.y. Quiet locaUoD. it .... - Psttard .cdan to trade on 26 n. to -· Sultple for 2 eoupleL SHA VER MOTORS fidllnf:, 1-t. Ph. Bu-lS2W . UW!U.. ·1nclud<d, -NI mo. Your DODO~YJfOllTB.,.Dlr. lllc13 •. UIS. K. Ba--·· Ba-IW ~ -------~~---"----~ · 'B•tilor: 22Tf-W lleTO .Plilloae •·seoa M1 Small Boat Mart · · ' llOATS !!OUGHT, SOLD ud ac-~ ~..::· 1-:;,~ .::"*'...:::;' g;,:; -1ec1 011 .-.lpm•DL I ~ ray "bML ~ Md la S-_-. pf1oe, -o.u wl9e and ave b7 re-~ ~ ~ Phone ~-~113..R ... ~ "' .... . ··-your preaent loan. >Uni•--ll'WO . 2 B.R. HOKl:ll IN • • • • ·88c70 S:llM ·DOWN -· . PHONE R 4144 penoe. No ........ fOr pnllml· CLlJ'P' BAVEl'i, on Snl!J Har· ThJa ta a very :nk>e 3 B. R. 2 l;UIB:BU • • , nary •--1-~ aeata bor --1 1owor priced 2· * S 0 1 L D · *. 1>&111 borne about two ,..,. otd -----+--~--~-. Ana Kliti~.i-.-or T' B.R. ._la Newport Helgbtc. ' * * &net ln a desimble ~n L' , ' • • • ARTHUR A. VAY A~ -··--..... d .. lr-• -frolJl IJ1dO •bopping ..... .·ISLE • .. ?""· .Mortp~ <lor!'•J-•t &tile ~ ~ rtcM-SKAµ. ; . iqs . umtne ! ll'lreplaCe, ,_qod f<11~, p&llo, ~O• STOR e bedrooll!, Jli Two • Life IM. 00.''l . D9Wj'f p.::.L ~ will ft. <;;oro del liar 2-ear -··• .~ ricl!t I L . baths <>n '_,., .,._. -·Ill, , .,. HH 8nutb -• llanta ' DUCff · !DI"· -2 a....,. • •12 • .J!l4!. -.-, sun deck. u.;.-z;-Md .;.. • ........ Rd. CIJtf,,8-...... --. ~ .u.. . .. ll-&KAL. J:llT•ft, DC&Uf -5'l0!li . . . 79tfc KuJUpJ,o llultor ~tfn!: COAST RlllAL'l'l:iCO. , in&' foomO. PUiiy~ ••, ' J.UDlfuOK ........ ~ OORONADEL . N,.s~ --~~~~~~::-~-_ Ame'. 2 • $2si,50() ~ ·: SEI.I· or. TRA'.r>J!: .-Ui>! °"" --lW 'C·d, 'roqm -"'° ...... ~ ... ( Nw -. .-. .v-.......... ..., OwMt bebtC lraa.t~ .. -luftrt .. ~ •• t •• • , t •• . l:Ktra larp-pntp .... --.. . ' ... . . ·. -..:::.J --.a..,.._........,.,nt11 11N~~ ·~.11a1,11a •. • . .2_._..,...,_w.t._ .GLHGllE . Ttte.JphDVopaCO.. I ,_ -... ........ .-rooceol air be&L.J.~-.. IOVl'B or lllW~.,,;., -.... -a., Jf<WfMl •• ~ pio'r ... •• ....._ .. ii = I , ••1 ll"".OiilJ .. .,-.-.... •,Ill~ t I -. ,,_ Bw. tM "I! lllM 1'"g"l .... lar~4'o( fl M· •1 --llJ......_ 1'11-5iifp.· .. · .,.... Tl, • 'llO" tnronDauaa ~Iii.:& -·· ,,. .. .. ... -. . ...., '• 0 1711d... .. · '"'° ' ·am ..-...-.... 21 • •-. of.vcLC.D.M; ~·:::_~i::~_:i..•~.1_-Balbt&---+'C;..;o._1_&_.Al_5_c_rt~•- .. • · Balboa Marina , f ~~ ~-=.:.:.:. -.... a ... .,, --11 ..... moll c.:..t Blc"-7. BarbCw cm~ -w: ..... to • ,...., -1 a.llllli wm TIMi' oi:t-...... ~ _,.. -.._ ' I rtz•sr11m -L l 11 Df UW"*11. dllle • 111 s, '1 paint.. Sle1t ... t :Vz ,,,._ A. . ~ . _.,, llllt' l'OllUAC. <Ir --- f. 'b1La, • 'Psi lli12 '.:;': BAltOA.IN! Plt:'11111'~ ~ • • : ,.-. , r· I I I f . 1 . ' • • • .. • I ...;;, ~'~< . •:Y; . . • • • --• • -' • I • CRO\\·os GATHER bf!fo~ the-doon of Lonn'" on Balboa Is~ shortly beforf' the \'r-r,· .. u~rul aale ~. Friday. Ian. 4. Doon J.lµt~ncd al B:SO a. m. and within.a fr,,· 1:11lnulr11 the stor'~ (fnnn1•rly Ida Naylur's) ""U IO pMked thal lht! opt•rat.orit had to IOC'.k the deof'!I and If.I &floPPt"'"" ln on!y \\'hen otben "'eff lea\·lllg '"" Abop loaded '''ith barpln'- Lo\VPr crntf"r p6ctur4" sh0\\'9 'Lorne lluycke, ne\\' O""Df"r Of Loft'D'S.. ~ plft&8et.I es:prnu.loa Un.doubt • Nly oomes from the ft'fUJtsl of the <'lrarance l'<lle atl\.·crtbed bl tk Shopper and Pres8. • • . . . . • ... .. . , ' .... . ' NEWl'OltT -11'' IO.A NEWS-TIMES ' ~--.... : I \ WRNE HfilCKE RUNNING A FULL PAG' AD • • • • ... -· .. .. • T~dey • • • • AD ~ RAND barpla--eeekiq r-omen from the ea· Ure lfarbor. area stream lato Lottli• u the doon llltt opeltf!d .Jan. 5 at t:SO a. m.. (°Plioto oa. the left). The "·omen •w tller falJ.. .. se ad la the Shopper anti PreS.t (eselold\·el)') ad\·ertlalac t'.tu-llquktatlon ...i. pd THEY ARE COftPNG lN WITH THE AD IN THl:IR ~D8 to .bave a ~ader of the wo•- drrful ~ off~red. Tbe full·pace ad from the Slaopper or Prea8 ·ts · clearly vlslltle la the ba.8d. or the first t"·o women. Picture on thr rtshL •how• the cro\\·d ln the slore a few .minute. aft-er the opcnln~; • -< 1' . ·t' '• ·~ 2 EXCLUSIVELY _ ll THE ''SHOPPER''. AND THE ''PRESS'', JAN.' 3 -AID 4 • .. ' LOREN 'S (forme rly Ida Naylor's) on Balboa Island . packed thei; s~or~ ftom early morn i~g till late at night with Shoppers tak ing aclvan· tacje of the many bargains offered. -. ... ,,.. . -· . ~~ ' ... o''°·?• .. -.,. • ' .... ~,_... .. -.,'.•tt,V ·t;,a.-....t,.-, . .,,.. . ...... -.... • Mr. Horckc'• and Mr. Ste\•ens' letters substantiate theHe stale- ments. 'l"he Bay Post & Shopping News ha8 a clreulatlon of O\'er 16,000, blanketing the. ci ty of Newport Beach, (Newport, Balboa, Balboa Island, Corona del Mar, Lido Isle, Bay Shores, Beacon Bay, and Newport ~ghls) as well as the neigl\borinp citlel\, of Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach. It ill u. free circulation pape~ dell...,..i.1'>' carri!lr eYet)'cThlU'sllay . .. .. , ". ~ \ .. . l ,t. ... v ·.:....::~~--~~,:.~'i..' .. ·,,.;·1,;~\ .. _ .< ......... ;. H. W. STEVENS & COMPANY Special ,Sales for 'Retail Stores 412 WEST SIXTH STREET LOS ANGELES 14, CALIF. OYER 19 .,480 , Hr. A. A. H&n1ilton Newport·Balboa Press Dear .Mr. Hamilton: January 13, 19~1 Shopper$ and Press Ever y Week! ,YOU CAN 'T B_EAT We 'know · tnat you will be very lntet"t>stcd in knowing that the sale which we are now conducting for Alr. Hu)lcke, \\'ho purchased lhe Ida Naylor §Jlop on Balboa Island, ia a tremendous su ccc~. \Ve und('rstand that it is the most eucceasful sale e\'er staged in this area. We uaed your pubUcation exclusively in advertising this sale and you cett.ain1y mllat have covered the area. quite thoroughly because we drew busl· neaa front aa tar away a.s Laguna &ach whJch certainly speaks well for· thi pu)unc power of your paper. In fact, we had such t remendous crowd.a on the oPenLnc clay that we ~Id not "begin to ·handle the 'great throngs of people who attended the sale. It la needless to say that any time-, in tile ·ruture. we conduct a We, any pbwe in your ·area. you may re.st-assured that we &Hall cen,,ili\ly use .your paper tor our publicity . . • 'I ml•hl add' that we received the fullest cooperation l.lOn 1n ~ a~ of this display advertising. from your orp.hJM~ . . Cr_fRCULATION • and is eagerly read by thousands who shop for the best boys In food, clothing and appliances. . : The Newport-Balboa PRESS, with nearly 8000 circulation ~s the Harb.or area's leading pal~ circulation weekly newspaper, c<weriilg all the news of the entire area including sailing, boating, fishing, society, spo..U. and all the latest Harbor news events. '' • -• • 1 . ' N~rt ~y Post Newport Beach, Calif. Gentlemen: .. LOR EN'S Balboa Island, Ce.lit. ' January 1.2, 19Sl • It gives me great pleasure to inform you that our sate at Loren'5, 204 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island, whi~ was adverti.&ed exclusively in the ?;le'1J>Orl Bay Post and the Newport·Ba.lboa Preas, has been a tremendous •UCceSf. The volume of business on the first day of the sale probably set a new feCOrd for the 'area. It fs con~elvable that we could have done fifty ·per cent h1ore-If addlUonaJ space could ~ave lH:en made avalJable. We have tirst·hand reports that mnny perao'na returned borne when they 81()1.' .U1e extreme con· ' cutJ.ol) inaide the store. ""· In yiew of the fact that every piece ot merchandl&e placed on sale wu · tro1n tJ\e atoie's regular stock, and that there was ~ addtU:~ stock brough't In for the sale, it ts i..nCleed remarkable that proi)e? p~tfo.r could ~roduoe Buch .V:olume in ' alngte <lay. · ~ I r , " , LOREN'• Lorne iJ!ur~ • • Very truly yours, ' ' . . ' H. W. STEVENS" COMPW By H. W. STEVENS t l l!WS:all • .. ·-" ... ~N_D' 1, t9PP.l~G NEWS tWi --w .. w = j & w w = ui • r ' ' ' -r - • .. . ~ ... ;: .. 1" ••• ' ' Dalbo& i.•1nd, Callt • ., ~ ..l ; • • I -. • ' l l