HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-30 - Newport Balboa News Times' ' • . ' I. J ' I I · I I I I r· ! . I I, •• ' • • • , ' ~ . ., . . . JNl o ni:CEBS AND DlRllCl'Q.1111 or tho Newport 111\rtlO•· I.Ady Anglo ..... ,,.., ..-""""" f.loto o~'• nnt u-•'lftplty awanl~Dlltt, helcl·af Ille .Newport Bubor Yaellt Chlb lut 'Wedllt"nd•)'· Standtms. rrom left: DorlA Powen, lulla Sawyer. Fl'allCS PUJMkl. Bt<ll'~ a.... -.O.·Hacetr; Stella GU--Lota Skeen. Soakd: Dkkk Grmy, ()Im, McK....ie, tile ........... _l_aad_......_, •. (Pholo bylleclarrr) • Lady Anglers Install Officers, I .. • .COPS ARR~ST· '. ·HENRY· B~lLOWS ~ Award Trophie~. ~~-:~~:r~~-~ Nt'wport Bea.cb ctty jail ll'rlda).' rl . . Coundlman Dick Drake a.... sured worried Corona del Mar .resklenta Friday that tfte Newport Beach city ordinance prohibiting oil drilUng is_ ironclad. and no drilling will be aUowed •1ithin the city limit.a. Drake vfintured the opinlon at a meeting of the Coron.a del Mar Ctvic Association -at. the grammar school. • Drake tokt association membera N~wport Harbor Lady An.Kier• afternoon on a 'Loe Ange lea Qin:. he'd their annual dinner and In~ lrlct Attomey·J. com,lalnt arier alallallon ot office~ last WednelJ... lhty aSlegedly bilked .g ;elderly day evening tn the Newport Har· Oklahoma ollm'a.nta widow •out -ot bor Yocht c,lub. Trophy aW'&1'91 tor $12,000 with • .tory of fab1lloqa 19!\0 were also m&de at the at· profit. to be made In an "lnve1t· fair. ment pool" operat~ by the that he had received the-opinion •. : of outstanding petroleum engin·' eers conccrn!ng the ordlnuce . AT THE BALBOA ANGLING CLUll'S annual Trophy Awanl · Dtaner, ~ H,opton CriPt) "-aiked oil wtt~ ttte i(na•s t1h&re Of 1>opltln lncludlq: the ~ P-Awanl ror the Club C hamp- lonoblp ·~L Mayor W.Uboll ..,_.. .. tbe City of New· pcm -Tropb,y to Boptoa, ·wlro -WOD the Bill Pie{ A-rd fo, the tarsmt. ~U.O oo ~ tackle, the Blue Room Trophy 'for tile ftrst member to bi:oak a ,club ""'°"' In l950, and the J . c. . -· Trol*>' for Ille ---...,...t Wblte Sea llu. on 1/6 .~· · {Photo 'by 8!cltner) Erma Lachenmeyer, progi-am yacht.amu'l!l "mlUionalni friends." chairn1an. Introduced Leta Skeen. Arrealrd a.a they ~re boarding p.Gling prestdrnt. wh.o pre8enled a 110-foot yacht p.n~red oft the· pL-vel lo Olive McKenzie, 18!\l l .. ldo Peninsula' were Henry Bel· prtsl\lcnt. Other new office-rs o.re lows. allu BeOoua. a nd· hie 88· Clara Keeler, vice·president, Dtck· year-o'd see1ttary, Miu Patricia le GrPCley. se<'relary and Juli .. Ann Rdyale. Bellow& has made hlll Sawyer. treuutC'r. home on 'the yacht Gloria Dallon Board members Introduced wu,. for tbe ,p&Bt five years. Leta Skeen , tac kle chalnnan, Er· Ball on the arrepl "'arr~n,l.8 wll!'I ma Lachcnmryer, program ,chair-8 et at $6000. The putr la.t.cr wu man and. parllamentarl&n, Francis transferred to Los Angt!les Ci ty Pul&skl, refreshnient diaJnnan. jail.. · ,Ju·1a Sa,wyer:, year book chair· Bellow• and hie eecretarv are man. Stell Marshall, publicity cbari.:::f"d ,with bilking Mrs. Mana chairman, DorJs Powers.' t.roph)' Blackwell, 8:S, of MO N. Laure l cb.atrman, Slella Ga.lnPl'I, member· AT"e .• Los Ang-eles, of the 112,000 Bhip chairman and Elizabeth Ha· swn. Deput y Dlat. Atty. Logan gan. 'h08lC88 chairman. Lindley· aald tbey presented Mra. Trophy awards were made by Blackwell with st.Ot lE;a of fabulous Frank Sawye'r, aulsled b}r ·Eva'. pr0tlta to be made. from thfl' mll· Graham, 195-0 trophy chairman. Jiona(re l•investmeat pool." -Largc8t marlin award WM given ~Ip Grew ' . . PAIK JAIL'lfD-Det. .Sgt. V. L MeManlsal (left) aen"H wwraat for arri:st on Henry Bello\\·a and bis ~'Patricia Ann Royale; as the pair were about to..bOard Bellow.' y.cht, Gloria Dalton, on the Lido Pea.lnwta Friday afternoon.~ They we~ Jalled ~ pand 1heft cllargee airer a widow comp~ that they ref'Uwd to return 11!,000 sbe ln'-eated. . Jessie Dotku, whUe ll('(:Ond was A trtendshJp .rrew between the won by' Ada Ballet. Large.l alba· arrested palr and the oldefly wld· core qri nine thread awarded lo ow afteT Mia k.oyale allegedly AIR IAID WHIST" LE TEST BIG FLO~ Olive McKenzie, while . Dickie offerod Mrs. Blackwc)I $llOOO a.rtor . • ._ .. , • , : ' •,. Greeley had second. Winner of the her huaba.nd 'a death In May 1949, largeBt albacore on aix thread wu .. jwit tio hetp oyL" · Fran Piper, who •now holda the Mr&. Blackwetl declined .the of· WILL' TRY A.GAii ' NEXT FRIDAY ·1001 ::;o~x ·~~~din w~.''\1c~:-"C:!:o:..~ ~~c~~~=:..:.e .,"yal: "g1.:,"J. . -. • ~··' ~ . . . ·. .. ' . dyk~. Winner on three thread .Y{U Mn. Olor~_ ~1t.Of1. Mra.' Black· .. y ery unsucceMful'' ~ i::~~ ' "I have enoulPt confidence in Lhr Irvine Oempa.ny to feel that they will not let this beauut\11 . arr.& be marrt'd by ttn.1tightly oU ~ develop1nent ," he added, 'com· n1f>nling on oil drilling nOW going on In the hills near aoh>na Big&. lands where h6 (ceidta OU was the main topic ot di .. cua;sion at lhls m eeting ot the civic ~iation because of the weil belng drilled-by Shell Oil, plainly visible from the HighLand8 area.. O'Decll Speake Speaker or the evening was A . J . 0·0e11, tnJept'ndenl oil ope.r11rttor a.nd· r es ident of Wt!St NewpOrt . He sald that hr had been in touch l''ilh Shell oUicials earlier that day and from them learned tbat the depth of t he well was tha.n 4 lsti feet. H e )"&med that In his opinion the city ordinance might ~ euc· ce&8fUlly contested in ~urt by-a property owner who wa.nted to f'xerel.se h is property rights by drilling for oil on his lot. O'Dell had told West ·Newportere the same thing w~n their right.a were diBcussed recently. • , J t.lly Call Special a/bacon!" troplly w,oll said ~ ~=-~~d-~=r~lbed~ij~~ Newport f'l«!:h'• ,t}l'lt Wf!l..J0'91> Y Ollft ,M<ol!;~ !"!! ~~ U JJ. ~oi .. t.elnoo~tili·~~" 'Maliel --.&C.e\e•~:.,,"1.~~4,,,;.:ii•;.o""'~lloiili 1 ~oeten.e· ie&cleni under th9 df. The auoeiatlOn apProved a mo-- 'tion to have a speeiA.I -commltte:e ... . ~ ci*7, .. -_, -· -u to he "terms of prdinance·reiat~ 18S1 On10BB8 of the ~ Aqlllos CIUlr weft lUtalled durtns G.e1r !5th .m.m.a trophy a"'nl dltpae1r at the a.J:boa Ba)· Club on hida_y. 8Jto.,.,. kft, from ~: '· B. McN&llJ', 2Ad ,w-presklent; 1(!11 ADem, ,......,t: i.e.. Jo-eee~; ~ l'f&ler, ht vi .... , ·Mc '"-*· · ....,(Photo by Beckner) Bl· Al.ten Nam~ ~·n1tml Club PfeSid~nt: HOpton Big Winner J!'.d AJle.n wu nam~ president •of th~Balboa Angling club Friday night. at the 25th annual dinner meetin_g ~d tr<;>phy prcaentalien held at Bt.lboa Bay club. wu named treasurer on the first albacore or lhe ~IL80n awa(d. °'fortune'' and wa:p told that he rec(ton of their chi<'f, John Sall· Newport Rarbot .Lady Anglers not only had $2.,()00,oop lnvnled ort1, trl<'d out the. two new whl8Ucs received the Inter.club lrophy 'In in E""°lllnd., b~.a &88 amas.s'ed $6.~ p • Cheese "''" Friday noon but the former lateam· i· 0150ft competition with the Oce:artaldf' 000,000 m<>t°c by ''g_olng to the boat whJsllea were too low pitched Lady Anglen. Flrtt fl.sh of th~ L&b)e .. w(th mtUlonaJre friends in · ' l h b Bee to be h'an:t for any dl5tance. 1 N rt -n... el ed a sea.son rop y wu .. won y t he "lnvr8t.m!'nt pool." ~ l!lWpo · ....... ......., rtt '' n Jay Burke o ... 1e Bullt"ed w••• ~ ,. • ti M The whistle loc8tcd at the 1 .. , • ll lnta" .... 1r~0-•- • D'C -iuen carrte ""'e 11ugges on. n . Arches was tried out first but ! emerrncy a po uuuc..._.. (Continurd. of PaJe 3) Blackw"U contii\ued. lhat 1he. lake even at full power It could jU!lt at. St25 p, rn. Sunday .ad\·l8lng Tars Win 5th Straight, 47.37 Harbor High hoopmen remain€'<! out In front in the Sunset League basketball race by trampling Huntington Bea.ch Friday night, 47.37 at the Oilers om. Newport thu. won tu ti~ atralght and ended flr1t round play W'ldt!!hated. The Tani wttt take on Fullerton at the Hargor HJgb T. n~t Friday. N ettle11, league tdtn acorer. and Pe~erson made 12 points each to ~p the 11COrtnC, for tti.e . Sallo!:'. .Griffith W8.:! held ·\O '1 while IAJ\e had his beat night AO far collect· lhg 11 point.a. Young the SueM eatlf had 12. tor lhe OUe.ra. Huntington Beach won the B team, outclustng the Tar Beea, 69-33. advantage of the investment pool falntly be ht-ard at tbe pOlice ala-thf"m to \\"am t't'sldf!un about o.-..ralion. She said ebe· g• ave Bel· · bill -lion thret" blocks away ahd at the lh" ··poMJ. ty of pol 11 one d (Oollttaued •. t"aC'e I) Newport fire s tation. five blocks cbc"9e. The ~ from the Car Pushes P·. 0. Out ·of Line Balboa's post office building ..+a.a pU8hed out of line and tw~ ...Jin· dowe were amuhed at 11 :10 p. m . Saturday when George H. Shaw of San Martpo ba:cked ht. car lnto the building, located on Main St. by the Pavilion. Police lttveettgallng the accl· dent aJ.eo aaid the wOocten ~nch on. t he sidewalk wu broken &nd the water cooler in the bulldlng wu damaged but the car wun't damaged. Mechanical defect.8 in the car -cauaed the craah. otftcers sa.ld. away. It couldn't be heard at all. Dirt"et.or ol Public llealtb ln Saa However, It was heard throughout F~cl.sco' read: Newport Hcighl.a at a varying "Contact all ·food •tores, t'rfi· pllC:h, depcndinJ: on lhe wind which taurant8 or other rood outk>U W{l.S blowing softly oU the oeean. and lmmedlately atop the ule Corona dt?I Mar's whistle. at the of &II Borden'• Brand Lieder· All"'Amerlcan Market, couldn·t bC' kranr. chee5e particularly that ln h~rd at more than a block's dial· stau contabien. G or fl o~ ~. • 81..r.e, lot N o. B-MSI. Bold for Sa!lors and his deputy, Carl lllllpectloa. Tiie cbee9e hi allepid Hanna, said that the: pitch of the to be deadly pol11Uaom a D d (Colitlllued on Pap a) ,eould ~ death." Allen replaces Grorge Pross, who new date of club ofricials. ,._ ____________ _: ________ ~-----Marine Injured in MotcN;eycl• Accident Othera elected were Angua Pol- let"';' firit vice-president and J . B . McNall)', S<'OOnd vice • presld~l. Re-elected w~ Lee Jonas, secre- tary;. Frank Crocker. historian and Ct&renc~ Atkinson, weigh· ~r. . -Board or dirtttors includes also Cllrt1a Do8h .or Balboa 181a.nd, J.A"Onard.. Kin~baker and Ralph 1.&rrabee of eNewport, Pe p I to Perez ofl CoroN' det Mar, Paul Bogen Of Udo llile . Oily Judg_e-Fnn.k LinneU was to&almuter. . Pl"eAldent"• Report In hl.3 pr(.Bident's report, Pr<>M told the gr'oup 'lhat. the club nt?w ,w.,~ 8 ml!'.mberablp of :123. lnclud- -lftg 53 women-· Member. own a total of 219 boat.a. be said, and ~ed that 4-1 new mepJbers have jolhod the club during the put ' . year. . '"In M>me c:pmpetJtkma. . Pross a.kl, ''We came ®1 lolera, but no one couJd beat ua lD sportsman ... - lhlp.." . 4 blgbllgbt or the evenlllc 'W~ the p..-ntatlon or lbe -~= pion'• lrophy . .J>y' N'ewport ~or L. , L. l4bell to, a.&rleo ~u. lloog Beach. Hopton &In mered, k..2 pobat. to win the ~.. • 1,, ' "'ln -,..._, ..... ~ ll&WJV _._... ~ ud:Bot...t MCKemle w'u'tb;.7;11:..~ , Tl .. 1 .. ;r ... Here la lbll ... ~ ...... awarded: · .. " ... "-t ....... ar::~!:·· •":-if~~ --r .tw. wa~ .• ,. . tJ.;a llll)j w a,"1J, llatpor; r .EO 52 i • ..... I) -~ PC.c. Cba.rlea D. Watts, Camp Pendleton1 received major injurle:s when the motorcycle he was driv· Ing collided with a 1 car drtYen by Fred W. Perry,~ O&n:len Grav~ at the lnteiaectlon of ).tonte Vlata and Elden ·st., lft Coeta Meu: ac- cording to hfghway patrolmen. · Watta waa gotng • South · on Monte Vista and Perry eaat on El~ den when the: accident took place. WatU wu nuihed to tbe: Naval Air Bue h01pltal and then to San· ta Margarita b09pltal in Ocean· side.. ', . ~WY• 1'1g to oil df-llling withln city limJt.e. Resurfacing o( almOOll tour mile• D-by N_..... o· ~~ ot Co&!lt Hwy. from Mariners' Y¥ Wv:l •J -••• Mlle at Newport &ach to t,he • ~,a .-a,L• _.._ city's ~uth ltmir al Corona del lft "IKlmlfts••• 1 · Mar was ordert'd last week by lht At 17 noon Friday, ju11:t when Public Works c:;::o1nmission. the city officials were futilely try· Contract for the 3.7 n1ilcs of Ing to test the air rild whistles. · lmpro~ment w li.!f Je::t to Cox Bros. At.rs. Joy Stanley, 512 Jaamlne Construction Co., of Stanton, on Ave .. Corona del Mar, frantically low bid of $1 5fi,960. It call~ for called the police station and re· lhrE'e inches of asphlflt macadam ported that her baby was drown· lo be applied· over the cxistirfg Ing. rour·lane paven1 enl a nd shouldl.!rs Policeoi and f~re department .on both aides.of t.hc roadway. mf'n1bers quickly responded from The job will extend from the their air raic/ listening posts and Sea Scout B~e. near ~arlners' the baby, Joan, who had alipped Mile, through Corona. del Mar and into a b&thinette filled wttb water. will vtrtually complete the Coast while 'hla mother was phon.lng, w~ Hwy. resurfacing program which revived. Dr. Phillip Baa&ett also 8larted at Sa..n Clemente arid work· aulsted in ~e chUd'~• recovery. ed·northward. . I ·' . l • ' • . • i • Shower UMi.~. 'H. s. Ft>. ~Met ) · ~s', .. C ib • .. • I ~ ' i I I ~:._ - ' I • I SWthem Distrjtt (~ration ---: t - ·~ts at · Hemet .,.,,..,._ DlotJo!d J'ederaUon ot W81t)en'• club wt:ll bold its first mfftlng of 1951 on Wednesday, JaJi,•Sl, at Hemet Women's olub, coav!nlnir. at 10 Lm. Mrs. C-y C. ~elrl'ake of Orange, D\.ltrict ~ent, Will preside and .. Mrs. Ghi"a Shoemaker, President of , Rlwrsl«k' County Federation and lolJ!• Maurice Perry, PTesldent of eieg,et Women'• club, wUJ ~t tbl)le attending: - ~ of the mo1'ftlng will ln· cinae repo.rt.s by the five county pruldenta and a numl)er of diatrict cha.lrmen. ' I I • _PA!lp~ D.utll'IG ., . . . ~· l,n,JM;)_ PlansJoJ.oirf .. ·. ,Actlv in -;: M.rs .. Riley ·-.Coe Fu~d Pro~ . M~y . ·':"'0;~~ • J: Atfi .ti~ tar _,. ..; ·Mlnm· Meetlq u lllyal tor the month-. ,.... JCIPtjl ONdf"Olrla' ellib • bu'S Ce~ Mn. Riley Coe I)' '......,i -"" at the hl,11 l<hoo). whlcll me.ti, it-tlla · Girt ScoUt 1 •t• ..... sifted at :~ ia.yetta -... membero .Of the N~rt Harbor H ..... cirt'U.~nm: ,f'!'d. third..•)'~ ' n1 I l>eld. on ~7 atte,,,_ al 1be Obion Hlsb Sc!u>ol Parent.Teach· ~ the mOf!~ · at-7 :SO ~"" • lsome of Hp. Hattie PblWpa. ~ ~~latlon cam~ together at ~ very actlft. ov~.J~!~~t Man Wfftmtnater avenue,, Coata Kea.. one o cJocl( Olf' Kb~day, ~an. p . montJl&., 'nie poup11u· ~·~ were Pf<""' SllN'I• -dullia ,..,. 11r9. YIU, ~·Edgar Slll I,> pJUldeint. m-...illdde~loe<{lif ,~ Pldlllpe aad')lrw. RO, COo; -... pnllldlnir. . . ' Cb+..ulnl> ~ ..... ~ta 111-l&w of the h........,. . · R.e-tatlv.. -:z:.i• appointed MN.~ -<Jlllt!I\' )lllW\ A, !Iii. >G!t>, atlon 818Jt. Riley Coe and Elion M c-by· ¥'-· HID t.q at •U... dlnilS 90ri.· Jl'q.. '1;4 .l'!lrtlr. "Mn. ',NtJjbr hal~ catterl:)' ot Dunne 8cotaacl ,...., In· &Uta Ana In ·February which ~.' ~ ~ Liiltti0'!4; 1tuth maimd Jut J,,fy In ae._, ·wll! be given by.the!<>r~ge[C.0-Mro.~chard ~wart iuld . Rem).~-, where the 8etpMt S. radio techiu: ty ·eoun91t Of COUbty A.gencle°e q. Ci!tmefte...-· •; -~ Gi~ d&ll with the army atr corpo. (•~.I!>!> TKG~ wblph wty .allJIJ· .:thf.K1r:I.\. w.en ·bue-:; wlth .~lrr Scott. . PenUtemon and ceranJuma were yze concUtiOllS. a.tfectln~ youth ln SWut . ~tend.an , and are _.i'l9W. 97th Dliru'ict beautlfUlly ............, on a 1-0 . C. I • wor~· on ~e -~~fff ..,1., 'I;he ley, suaan which centered the dining Tht achodl nuree, Mrs. Ma.r,.:r-Maio · projec~ 'bf , the 'Jt'OllP 111 1 to'. and o tablo. G.it'U we.re broug!lt unwrap· et F'l'eem.&11j. announced t~t tbe help tbe ~ppid, chl.Ji1ten ~ U.ry ped and ,..,., pUed oaiound It. T. B. Mo~lle Uplt which llr open the,qra;ige .Cottnt:l ~Ital w~I'\" .corned After all h&d been admired, they l'or adults and b.Jgh school juniors they ien9 ti!_rthday ~al"ds and ~a-cldent. were gift. wrapped by the demon and seniors Y1U be available . .at 99naJ gi~ At ~t plans for and wtU be malled to Germany. the echool on March a. !Cuter giftS are befJSg mape. 1 Taktng priael tor pm ea were Plana were annOu.nced u to the cufreseo,rc.en)!~ WlUI t It t" r ~ y gar et dall. ,, ' • l i . .( ' ' ' j :SAYE PAil Of uefl:DDLLAI YOU EARN! ... . . 14!'e your Savingii ~al one yea~·s , income in a . profitable Savings Program' at NEWPORT BALBOA ·FEDERAL-SAVINGS ANI>LOAN. . I By saving !luring this lnflatioµarY trend -you'll bave so mu"!1' IJ!O"' b~g y>wer when things retwn to .no?!Jlal: ~ s~ tblS week aod enjoy our current '.diYldendrate'of 3'J!,! -. . . . -. • • .., ! • • . . Mmea. Blanche Moffett, Mina Mc-fund 'ralalq Pl' A project whkh hand1cappe<I chlldrc In UU. -co!'" CUbbina, Ct.a.ra Rollliu and Ralph will be put lolo effect by the hJgh munity fa Jcept ·u;p by member1 ,-0f SC~rle. Others pruent were Tim school, Co8ta Meu. at'd Harbor the .!!figfloth ~ade' Girls' club._ Apn Donna and Nancy Schorle, Mra. Elementary schools 1n the neer Stewu~. WfB , ~y Mec,~ed Carl Hacan. and children. Linda, toture. It will be a melodrama, p Mt. and.·Jt.itty Slee~r.' .. aecfe· Mark and Bruce, Kra. Howard Coe t itled, ''.Oh, The Pity ot It."• tary. On Feb. T".n:_iolh~rs of Mep1· and Penny, and Mmes. Gertrude Tbe Llfe Memberabip committee bera ot lhe d\.lb.., are planning,. a Edick, Percle Grpver, Raymond was. appo~ted wtth ~111· -/UY .va.Jeqtlne it:uppor pa.a;ty tor the Eutman, Frank wnea, Everett Tn.utwine u cha.fJ'man ..UiM.ed g'l"()up at tbe soout. R ouse. Elly Nielsen •. past president ,Qf Starbr ht club, preaented tM. c~a~te with aeven otflcen' chain mon~y Jot them .h&vtng; been eam -· . '. · F;QB ~91lR SAYJN:OS: -' , )Jra. L. E. Sinclair of C.lipalrta, dlatrict vice-president, will present the day's program. The morning addr'ess will be given by Mrs. B. D .• Stanley, a men1ber of the -'Jilu:Una:eter.'s aee~on of tbe Wr>- -.n•a elub of Orange, :speaking !Jt "The Art of Public Speaklng." . :::frhe principal addrclis will be Rea. Pearl Back , Ada Holz.. by Mrs. Harold Boyvey and' Mrs. j t _.,.. ''--.---- ' claw, V•~ and the Henry Eggert. Memberllhlp ln the µni-h< LArturer hosteaaea, high school PTA 1'.'saoclatio'\ bas ''7 ... T'"' _ · At .th• re ent Interim frUlt incre....i over that of last "yNu to ·Sp,~ak 'Friday Jello, cookJe• coffee were aer· and now standa at 561 ., · '>"'· . ed:!dPfg::,r~~~i:=~~ .~nr:~ .. ~~,.··~.·. ,~·. •, A~AILAB~ Star'"bri ht club,. a 12 :30 luncheon ' : I · : .. ·on F eb 1'1at I. 0 . d. F . Wt. Tl!,18 NC\YIPQ.RT BALBOA la to a ValenUne party and t ~ ~ · • ':ft" :~~an e berp~~t~; ~~.!:i~·~~~' . f E ·o,.~. ' R,'A~"L .. '.:SA v. I N-'G. s . ' en in the afternoon by Mrs. " .Uam Courtney, of tbe Citizen's mlttee for tbe Hoover Report. •..i. ttny rat • being uaed ·... at Santa ·Ana 00••1 nut cup•. 8th Grade Girls your nscience be.-your guide." J.;: very fol'Ce.f'Ul ,,speaker. whose lllbbiect will be "Better Govern· ~ at. a Better Price:' -~us1cal tnterlUdes planned a.re ~!ally fine and will lncluae vo- • JOloe by Mra. Ted Ro~rta and ~· Uoyd Barker, as well as the r:.:-.Ja.cinto Trio con1posed of Mrs. Christian Science U! Sunday S.ubject Plan New Scout ~roop Ralph R. Rhea, Unity m£niBter. lecturer and writer , who-ls ·giv- ing-a series of talks in the Unity t.:cn lers of Souttiem Californi&. will speak at tbc Unity etlurch of Truth, 2015 North Broadway, Santa Ana , Friday 1!vcning, Feb. 4! at 8 p·.m .. on the HUbject1 "'l'he ~~er, 6~;~c-::mw-:,.d· ,J:~=' .. AND-. LOA ~ASSOCIATION 'I. .... ·_,.-.. -• ,-• the a ed. meeting of Feb. 15. • . " • · a A a ·•• .. a.:.__~1-' M em rs were remlnded ·of the . ·.' ' · /,~• •.6'ALM-,;.,;._ . ::-; : ~'~~'!o".:81~0 °;..,~ ~~ 1h3 Vlc.-.tfdo.. . 1· .. :·'"'" -· ; Ha""' ISOO ~e WUliams, Mn. Howard De- "tne and Hrs. RAymond Gelaer. ;Accompanists will be Mt1J. R obert .Hart.man and Mrs. J efr AJle'n. .Conchita Par lor Hostess to ·Fulfe.rton N. D.' s Gr,ce Parlor was well repre- sented by a delegation of 14 or ltll 'Dle!Jlben at the regular meeting .of CoDabita Parlor No. 29-4, Thun- iday evening, Jan. 25, at the Friday Blatt,. faahioft•s darlin.c e.er., IM.on. this year u • r a't'Orit.. in smart cotton vdveteen suiu like tlu. sophiatic.ted ..,..e dnianeil b1. Bonria and Duhennan. Dark Tel.• Yeleen .Wa. are popular wilh t.oth. mreer sirb and eoUesienna i.e. OUM they ean be adapted IO .... ,.. oaradona.·N~tional C.onon CoundJ ( aahioqieu report. Purchase Prizes • Offered in Sixth Art Exhibit 'Afternoon clubhouse. Costa. Mesa. The Slxth Annual Newport • Kra.. Charles O~den and Mrs. Harbor Art Exhibit Is to be held in ).Jellle Spencer were . hospitality the Newport Harbor Union H igh <hosteMeS for the evenmg for Con· school fl-om March 1 to 4 lnclu- .cbita Parlor ~d the members ot 1aive. Purchase prizes are offered e&M. re!lpeetiVe Parlor met to-of $200 for oil, and $1 50 for w&ter gether in an -e.ven ing of fun. good ,color. The subject is open for both !ood and became good friends. mediums and ea ch entrant may Native <8aughters to Honor Grand President Officers and me'mbers of Con· chit& Parlor1 No. 294. NDGW, ~Harbor Area wilJ journey to FUl - }er(on and S ilv('r Sands of Hunt! ington Beach t o begin re hearsal ot their work for the joint meeting or the three parlors early In April. This Will be for the honor and en- tertainment of Grand President Anna T. SchiebU!ich of Los A.n· geles. Musica l. Review For Ebell Club .i:F'~ Ebe.U club's rf'gular meeting mi F~b.. · 1. Erm• ~11ffman May or Santa Ana will give one of her d&- lithtt'UI musical revit'\\'S. Me-mbera still rememMr her las{ ycar'i re- view of South· Paclfic. onL· of the highlights of the club year. Pro- gnlm LI at 2 p. m. and follows the 12:30 lunc heon for \Vhich reserva- . ktons ·must be made with Mi.as Marcia, Coom~ or Mrs. D. W. Clark. Boa.rd meeting is a t 11 'IL m. tfodling Better Than . Good FoOd, Says Ohio Man !U~!t two pllhrt1JlgJI ' , , P!fk-up ata,1{2)\ll .f.J'.!'i &a. ~"'l"" Ted ~·-•29<4 Weit nil St .. Los Angeles; Newport ~arbor Union High school, Newport ach ; Kenneth B. Stoeve r. River· a\de H igh Sc~ool Art Dept ., Room 133, Riv('~ide ; and J.fary Mac· gowa.n. Scripps Collegt> Art Dept., Claremdbl. Paintings wfll be picked up Feb. 19 and retumt>d March 6. In conjunction with t he main exhibit, the Orange county high s<:hool and junior college students are invited to submit entries fo r a special stude nt showing. The Brandt-Dike Summer School of Painting of Corona deJ Mar is of- fering a scholarship as fi rst prize. Honrable m('nt1on swards n1av be given for work of high merit. ·Any med·ia is ac:ccplable. but the work n1ust be original. Students may leave entries with Mrs. Perry, Countf A rt C1Jnsu ltant. at the Orange-County School Office in S•nta Ana, or a t Ne'A-port Harbo·r Union High S<.:hool n()t later than Feb. 19. Recc;>gnit ion of the Newport Harbor Exhibit continurs to grow more widespread in the art cen- ters of the country . Bach year an in.creasing group of important art· ista have s ubn1itted t'ntrtes, with the result that the merit and brll· Ii a.nee of pain tings hung in the past two yea.rs compares favor· -a bly with thORe at metropolitan exhibits] The Phil Dike oil, "Wblte Be-acb," ·which· won first prize in the 1949 NewpQrl show, is now exhibited at Ute Scripps Art G&I· Jery and similar honora ,have come to 8. ft\P"llbef Of NewpQrt award winners. As purchases are frequently made at·the~show, painters are re- quested. t o cnclo.."lt! the list price of each entry. Costa Mesan Repeat .Vo Mrs. Le and Em.eat Davis, bo o ta Mesa. were q\lletly ma 'in. Santa Ana th.la nionth. 'the couple ate now-mak· lng their home at 1600 Newport I Blvd . ., Costa Mesa:. · The mighty power of God to ·For the t1111t time in two yearl4 banish dlaeue and aln wilt be con· a t roop of e ighth grade glrls who aide.red in · tbe Bible lesson on wish to do Girl Scout badge work "Love" tn all Christian Science ia being inaugurated. An.y ~ighth churches Sunday. grade girl witb the rank of t'irsl The Golden Text la from Zep-Claaa and who wlsbea io work he r haniah: '7hy Lord thy God in tht> curved Ba.r may Join and Is lnv'lte<t midst of thee ia mighty; he wtll to attend the tint meeting or uve, he will rejoice over thee with troop 10 on Feb. 2, lmmediateiy Real Triumph." . Everyone is welcon1e. There will be ah overflow crowd so if you want a 'seat you are advised to come-early. ~:~~': . Ar p~":'~i!:.~ :e: ~-= ~~·~"~· ~~~· w~·~P:f?~R~T~·-~--·~·~!EA~· ~~~ ... ~~~..;~C~A~L~l~F~a~·'~R~N~· ·~ .. ~~ urged attend. Host sses !or the evening were Ca lher e Henson, Etta Mae Coff· I ' man Beute Benedict. On Ule .. , · refresh ent committee were Ruby 'A ...,,.,.01.1...,,,,..J41LJ. • joy; he will reat in hta love., he after sctiool at the Scout Ho118e. GIKl1 ASSA l 'l .. TF.D cla'wr · d, Martha Hostetler. Doro-,..,...__, ___ T __ thy B ick, Charlotte and ·.Ray- will joy o'ler thee with singing" New leader, Mrs. Samuel IMar· M iss Pat PL~rry or Los Angelf:'s (3:17). jori·e) Stafford is planning an ac-callt:d Newport poli& .from a Co· The leuoD·8eMn0D includes the live OJJl~f-doorS program W)lfch rona d(!l ~far Sf'rVit:1: Sta.lion at s tory of the he.allng by Jesus ot will lncJude tennis, biklng and 12 :10 a . m. Friday and i+ald her the women who, according to camping when v.•eather permltli. boy friend, Clinton Rogers. 40, Luke's Gospel, was: "bowed togeth-Miss ·Sally Stalford will· be the L"I· had IL\SB.Ultai, kicked and beaten er and could tn no wtse lift up her-sistant leader of this new troop her and then fOrced her from' his mond cNaJr and .Eddie Moore. /'?~ '1 /. I b\f1 . 'c,(U(J.H, s-Crandall . Revealed SCHOOL OF BALLET self." When the rule of the syna-and Mr. Stafford, who la working car one halt mile west of -Merle's e"menl ot Mlss Lorraine gogue objected to hla healing on ·with Cub Scouta, will help instruct Drive-In on Co&11t Highway. p 0 • Crand to Donald Ray Baines the aabbath <jay, Jesus replied, wltb sailing, rope and boat work, lice lnformed county police 88 It wa.s·re ealed when the progpectlve .. Doth not each one of you on the so helpful to begt,\ner Mariners was believed Rogers flrd ·· 1rlto bride m was borne recenUY. sabbath loose his ox or his au when suc h plans can De put into county te rritory. • from San Diego, where from the alall, and lead him away efiecl. 1--------------en stationed since enter- to wale.ring! And opght not this Thought wlU be directed lo Civil ing \.h Navy on Dec, 11. WOJQ&n. whom Satan hath bound, Der~ work tor m en1bers of the Miss Cranda:lJ , is the d8ughter lo, these elJhleen years. be looeed troop. insofar ae girls of eighth and Mrs. Louis Crandall, • · at OLD LEGION HALL 16th and BALBOA BLVD • , NEWPORT ~EACH Phone' Harb~r 2681-M from thts bond on the sabbath grade age can be USC'd. Mrs. Stafc el Drive, Corona deJ ):far day?" (13:11, 115, 18 ) ford .is a bride.and 3 r:\ewcome r ~o a sophomore at Newport ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~~I A selection from '"Science and the Harbor Area and.·troop 10 !.$, Union Htgh achool. Her fi- Heallh with Key to the Scrip· very fortunate to have• he r ·work· the son of Mr. and Mre. lures" by-·Mary· Ba.ker Eddy de· ing with it. Barnes, Orange Avenue, clare1: ''The power of Chriatiar. ----ea&. lie w&s iradut.ted Science a.nd divine Love 111 omni-Naiad Mar'1ners rbor High school with the potent. It ls Indeed adequate to I 1950, No date has been unclasp the hold and to destroy Make S • nl the wedding. diBease, !In, and death" (p. 412.) I pr1n9 i:rtans Ebel! C ook Book for Spring Gifts . Mariner Ship Naiad of N ewport Harbor, skippered by Mrs: Ted Hambrook held Its r ('gular meet- ing Tuesday, Jan. 23 at ?:SO at thf> Girl Scout hdu.se. Reviewing a.ids Announcement ii made by Mrs. 'to naVigation was the work of Wm. B. Tlitt general chairman the evening. Dt¥u.ss1on of plans that copies of, the Ebeil club c k for the sb.Jp's participation in the book may be purchaa.;d at ~e 1 May Garn w er e begun and tor f,be Chamber ot commerce ln Balboa n_ext th~ee months a great dee.I or and at the Ensign newlf)>&per ln time will· be spent on skills. Lu- Corona del Mar. Thia tntereatlng Belle Boice and Sharry Van Com- book, priced at 1_50, will ma.kc pe rnol~e 1;"ere appolnted to al.tend ch~ming Valentine gttta. Dlatri-the. Gtrls Planning Board in Los bution chairman 1$ Mn. John La-Angeles on Feb. 3. , . mar and she can be reached al · A beach _ picnl~ on Mareh 19 Is Harbor 0828-J. in the otf1ng with the Naiad . u h08less to four vt.altlng ships. O n Dinner Party at Hinesly Home Host.a at a rf)c t dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Do laa Hinesly or E. 20tb Mesa. Place& were mar to Mr. and Mn. W . J . Hlnealy, d Mra. Olin Llak and sons Ro e ~d Richard. Cos· ta Mesa; M and Mrs. Clarence Beardsley, Loa Angelea; the bOlta a.nd their children, Connette and Terry. Annual Cllrl Scout Cookie Sale Febnoary It io Fel>nary U F eb. 17, members of the local shlr will go lo Singing Pines camp for1 snow run as guesta of ahip "Golde n Hind" of Pasadena. A dance at uie Glrl Scout hc>Qse- intertaJning the Sea Scouta aiid Fullerton &nd Sant& Ana Mari- ner shipa ts, belng planned IODn . Mrs. Kenneth Starege llnd Mrs. 0 . G. Suess are the first and ·sec· ond mates of thle ente.-prising group. • warmi The built Mesa where main le tishin&' I mente • ' Noreks w .Home r; has been a m"onth\ of hospitality for Mr. and ohn Norek, whose best u present waa thei"r new 806, The Rhine, Ud0 Pe: for groupS Df friends have them with several house:- s . three-bed.room home was Harry, Burdick of Costa ver Norek 's boat shop. e owner is doing winter ance work. on his 1porta- boli.ts from the San Cle· eet. · ••• > H f• • "' • ' ·New World Standard I . . Ne ·in ilavel" ' ' • .... ' • ..){Otl! in daily se111ia Jetween Lor.Angel.es &-Chicago ' ' ' ' ' I -l • .. l J •• J - ' . T u,sd;y, Je\l~ry 30, 1951 I 'HARBOR SOCIAL £VENTS . . --1 Ame~icarlleQi;rr;tA~itt;y·~···- Holds -Busy Evening Session - Mrs. H. P . Yarnell who wu a.sstst ... ed by Mr11. Charlee Boardman and MMJ. Converse Wurdemann. The ~egent. ~trs. ~B9ardman, called_ the 9Cll8ion to order and the de- votional was given by Mrs. Je.ue Wolle. Minutes t}"om the prevlou!!I meet- ing were read and approved and the treuurer's report was made. An interesting account of the OAR conference in Los Angclt's early In January was gtvC'n by Mrs. Boardman and other business wu concluded. J;~aker of the afternoon, Mrs. Bartho'omew Cla.rk. wu lntroduc· ed by liofrs . A. E . Stockton. Her r-ubj('('t wa..q .. Net g h b n rho o d H owie." 1\le HoU8<', located al 1922 E . Fourth street (Boyle ·Height.al tn East Los Angeles is In the heart of the juvenile de· llnquent. area i.1:ht•re young Mexi- can gang warfare in '>olh sexes abound. Hoce in th~ tlistrirt or poor foreign a.nd American homes where Communism could so easily flourish, true An1cricani8m is being taught and lived in tl'te DAR Neighborhood House. Girls are taught to sew and boys may study carpentry and other h&ndicraft and later all are hulpcd to get jQbs. The young people we the House for parties and -80Cial gathertnp and can get away often from oveFcrowded home8. No fee Is uk- td of any young person attending the af(l.ira-of the HoUM. Supplies for the numerous project.a ot the • • NEW!'C)IT-141'QA ~ltMES , DRAMA STUDENTS at. Orange Coast' coll1•5'C \~ill .. act.., part of u.eir fill&l examlnatloa• th& end of this mnnth. llf•t e George: Ba.- can er Newport. playing-Lord ~x: iu1d lrrnP SatKt·nt of Balboa , bl&Dd, Queen Elizabeth. &l'tl pOrtraylng o. l!i<:1:ut• from .. Ellr.abeth. the Queen." . and SUNDAY BAUIOA ALUMINUM WALL TILE SAY "GOODBYE" TO ClUPPING PLAs·rER. PEl'.:LIJ'\G PAINT AND ,MOLD. INSTALL Gr.EA1'f1NG I~t1' ... 8Tl1.fl'.~ ALUMlNUM. WALL TILE ALL A.ROUKD YOllR •rt iB OR S HO\\.Elt- (40 SQ. FT. OR LESS) FOR O!\'LY- -$45 C'omplete on Easy F.H.A. Terms 10% DOW!\ -SO MO!\'TfflS Guaranteed against chlt>Jtlng ., cracking-, discplorinb .or rust. Add Value to Your HomC' SPECIAL -Af.L WOOL TEXTURED BROADLOOM 365 Yd. Installed For Free Est1mate Call Bca<·on 5%51.J or U<.-at.-on 5846-W ·-COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING 1197 NEWPORT A,VE. ' COSTA MESA THE NEW -- HAMMOND CHORD.:_ .ORGAN • You Can _Play. Rich Or9an Tones at Once \\'ITllOUT KNOWING A Sl!''GLE NOTE OF-MUSIO, eom'e ee., and 1ry th1a wood~rruJ N1!\'' orP11. Younell PiaHJJP;u~ ' ' TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A.' Renner J' Cctantwt Plfablt of Tbn-eiCJont.~ata ONdiate Stu-\ ol Bela Bartoli 4'36 . Serra Drive , Hcirbor 1171.J Corona Hicjhlaft.• -C0rona clel Mar • 2ntl -~ftJHICif _- 1 Eilis • -• 1 i -M. 1· -1nsl1e __ , ., > •, • -• . ·., _wo lit SllO'Ws - -. ~-~.Wpoil~_,Hirbor Union Hltil · ~ SciOol Auditorium - • • i \ . • ' • -. • • • • j j . ~. I, , r -- I I ·i I' • , • I ' • .. I .. .. -• .. NEWPQltT·-·~A • • I ' . ·nom .M~o· "au Delvery --:-,,-,D-:-''-·-:-Ne ___ Lo<al'-.... -~----_·-:-uo-;-_-~_r _. o-~~:'"'~:-·-~-"'-"'.,, •. -:,,_..,....1 1$~!.~~~!t~!~!S ~~~t~. m.·~mn · . . ~ a~.-· C ' T . • ~· ICq ... ~-la __ ,, wttll Soctlan' 1 T'IT'3 or thl ~ i.a-Cnndo. • • • , · • • N0"'9:' Au ro<e • •-o ,..,....,. ~ *-11. lne ~ ff'i6 I ·.,1a .-1noar -tlZAln ,..._1lnao rue r"" u.& cntt 1nYOl.¥ed. -. • ~ .I . ~ 1 l • ~ co l ~ ~ ~ 'I' • • .~ •" T -~·~, • .,__, •• ....,.. l"•ll be a ~apwle ~pyooi of 111, _...or B&Ji.o. ~.Herb lily .. NEWPORT B&llllOR 1'.UISIJSID!<O 00-~ K t 807 E Ba • --~-• • .: ~nter -: .. ;,.._··~···-···-····" ..:.,..-.-.. J;··---~---··-·-:·····-···-···"' i:.ars ;rioorta~ .... ~ .. c .. ., .... -.-.. :..... . ......... L.-.. -.... -... ··--2.116 ~11-il'ht .... -.. : .. :;._;,_.-•. : . ..:.-... -~_ ... _ .. ...::.:., ......... :'.. 1.116 enny o . Y -'"·• -.,-. 1 / • • . . · w Wer ·-······--· -. ~---~·--·--·-··--·-·-2 2 .ts .• Jlemller·or CALIFORNIA NEWBPAPl!:R PUBLIBBERS ASS'N. The mw.-de!ZY•rlnl'~ .. beek t~ Herb•a boyhoc>d chorea he\plllg ble Power Saw OpiefttOr --·!..-~-----·-··-·----··--: As "Jhmbu of the NATIONAL EDrroRIAL ASSOCl.f.TION hlll parents who ran a dairy (Om> in Bflmont, a amaJI town fn Wme{>l cz~.~· .... ,_ .... _.:. ...... ~ .. L ... -... -......... _ ..... ., .... ~ ' I Printing Plant at 2211 ~ Boulevard Telt>phone Harbor _ 1&11 0n1ar1o, Canada. Th• dairy tarm played an lmpo'rt.ant rollg ln Herb'• euly Ufe and he len hJ.sh echoot at the ag-e of 14 to act u torena.n JCnte-Nd aa seC:ond~au Mauer at tb~ PostOftlce in Newport Beach, on the farm. . , C&llfon:J:i.a u.nd~r the Act . ot March 3, 1118 Hi8 parents sold the farm wh -. ' . RUBSE:LL L. DIETRICH, . Edltor RALP~ Bj>RGESON. Advertlain&' Manager •. he waa 20 and Her b put ln a year working ln a tumJture tac· tory.. ..... Later, h1I family declded to go ~Qaa.U.ned to Publ'5b Lepl :Sot ices ~ Ad\•ertlsemeata of all Kindl to .homealead cOuntry ls) Manitoba about 300 mileS nori::l~t ~t Winnipeg. There the K • en· gaged in "farming. clearinr the land and trying to make a Uvlng" according to H-erb. SUBSCRIPT10N RATES: _ NEWPORT-BALBOA SEWS-TIMES •)-..Y TueoMy la 0...,.. County, '3..50 ..... year; n .oo llll< mot5tllo; ••.!5 - DT<NISJsO (Also lncl"'!ea the NEWPO~-BALllOA PJlESS, Tbundat) Oot.Akle OranJ" County f4.00 per year Herb got the itch for more edU· atlon and when he was ·26, J;ae went to Winnipeg and took cot- s ATE BUDGET l#?ge course. at Wesley college a.nd ·THE T Manitoba University. .U a l!id•· With Federal tax.es due to take further sharp increases line to hi• college 'vork , ,Herb did it . is. refreshing to learn-that no boosts in state taxek will !lome organlzattonal work". con-tinuing ln this field when he moved he necessary to meet the ne\v billion dollar budget. to Calgar:f aa state secreta ry for This is a tribute to efficient admib.istration -and .in-the International Sunday ~hoo1 direCUy a tribute to the judgment of the people in keeping A .. octation. the present State-Administration in office. One can . r eadily Next Ventures imagine that if the results of the election had been different ' I n his next bus:inesa ventures he · h b d Id h bee much ran the gamut from dabbling ln II! the governorship race t e u get wou ave n · real estate and Insurance to buy- diferent and much more costly. lng grain and livestock. The new budget has been held to bare essentials, and Perhapl' adberlng to the "var- . f t d't' th' · time lety ls the spice of life" school of properly so. In view 0 curren con . l tons . is. JS no . phllosophers Herb put in two for pet projects and other construction which lS not abso-years working on a 11mal1 weekly lutely necessary. ney,·spaper In Red Deer. -f th · f ' l t ' ted at "You know how workinar for Revenues or e commg isca year are es .•~a a weekly Is." say! Herb Ln a slow $969 million, o r $4 7 million s hort of the $1,016 milhon bud-~oice that is strictly In the bass get. The difference will be made up out of the 11rainy day'' ~ge. "I w~rked on fdvei'~.sing. I. h ' h h bee h Id f · · · uch doing news reporting, editorial fund of $~84 mil ton w IC as n e or occasions ~ work and '\'hateiver had to be done. as this. And it might be .said that holdi!'g it has not been The odlto, wao pretty 1lck o,nd I an easy job. At every session of the Legislature some group praetit'aJly ran the paper," he has made a determined attempt to grab off part of it. a~~rb then wandered up to Van- The wisdom of setting up the-fund in the lush days and couver, BrltlBh Columbia for about of protecting it m the meantime is now clearly demon-a year "not doing anything ~uch." · · h · t he aays. A brother of Herb a wu strated. Alertness must be maintained. owe\·er · agams in California in 1923 and Herb ,further schemes that would cut heavily into this reser\•e. came to the Golden State in that The free spenders are always with us -and it's our year and apent hi• tlr11t summef , . " working on a fruit rp.n ch tn the money they re so anxious to spend. . San Joaquin valley. Mexican Lectures Spanish C~asses . Whittier Alumni to Hold Dinner Nearly ! 200 \Vhittler college Jorge Garcia. native of !.fon-Jllwnpi are expected to attend the terey, MexicO, no"' living In Long Long Beach Harbor area f\lumn i Beach, lectured to the combined dinner for graduate! and exstu~ Spanish classes at Orange Coast I dentA of the Poet school. Waltt>r college r ecently, on the educa-Hooker. prestd~nt Of the Long Uonal ~tem and .the fndustrlal Beach group, annolmct'd today. developmf'nt of Mex.ico. ~enor The informal dinner , medlng Garcia·s lecture \\'3.S entirely In will be h~ld In the dinlng room of Spanish. the t.at'ayf'tlt> hoteT in hong Beach At'cordlng to the !'peaker , illlt-at. 7 o'cloc~ ~turday, Feb. 3. eracy i.s bt·lng greatly rt'duced,.jn .All \\TJ\1tt1er college alumni. tbe Mexican Republit' beocause of a WlVeS, husbands and rrtends of the new law bolstering a popular college fr9m the Long Beach-Har- Herb lived first in ALladena and Pasadena and then mot to Cap· 1strano Bea.elf in 192 and spent fiYe years in that to worklnC' moStly in real estate, t manag- ing tO""put In a year'• ttmf running a rt>st.au rant. In Santa Ana He then moved to Santa Ana for six years. During that period he worked '"ith. old age pension groups ln Santa Ana and Long Beach, with thf' ststt> highway departmr-nt and state engineer and also y,•ith the U . S. En~eers on the Prado dam pro1ect. 1 Balboa be<:an1e his home In 1938 and he obtained hi.8 present ~­ tion as postmastl'f on August 1. 1941. Prior to hi" postma9ter'.s appointme~t. he wu a pro'Pe-rty Investigator for Orange county. HERB KENNY might give. There used to be a parlor "ga.n1e In \\•hlch you'd try le guess what aomeone wou&d, be. like if Instead of being born a human he'd come into the world ei a member of the a.nhnal klnffom. If we were playing thllt gaml and gueBS1ng about }ierb the 8.nS"·er would be eaay. Herb would be a h~ge St. Bernard ":lthout the brandy keg. C~u ~f:Y~ieramlsts· , lki~~ E~tel'. to .. ~l'.>if . . . ~y's Motel. at Fulferton . oeo,g. Ujlll>erg, m•••rer . ot I ' . • San~y's Mot~l. 1015 Cotlat Hlgh- Entry .,Iii.DJ$• ara now t>etna way,. Corona.·del Mar, reported to mail~ 't.p :pera.m~ts who wbb to' Ne'fport police that the i:gotel had aubmlt. th~r-vbrlc: toi the· Or8.n~ been burglarized aomei.Ime be-;:1nl.~~~!~"~f u:~ ~w:~ ~:~~Y. m. Mon~y ·and 9 to . be hetd' durln~ the morith of Two or i.he untt.s wer.e entered, February, \ · one a partment over an empty res-- SatuJ:'(fay, Jan. 27, wu the dead-taurant, and one ln the r ear ot A Teetotal~r line for local entrih, all work ls to the restaurant. The window screens Herb is deep voiced, capable, be left. for judging •t the Fuller.:. had been cut and entry made ton Public l.Jbrary Lectlire H.all through the unlocked wtndowa. aad-e:ted and give! the lmpreulon ot belng big physically. H e's will-after 10 a.. m. and before 8 p. m. The intruder gained entrance to Ing to tackle a big job and carr~ between Jan. 25th and 27th. The the aecond 1tory apartment by it through to the end. Oh, yea, entries will be divided into three way of an outside drain pipe. In about the "without the brand~ clU!lificaUons. ProfeJJalonal, c:Om. this apartment the fumJtti.r~ hat:I keg" parL Herb Is a teetotaller mercl&l and Amateur and separate been · rearranged, aeveral of the and we found that out when he •wards will be made in each. beds had been uaed and aome of wort a basket of champagne and group. Th.ey wtll not compete the furniture damaged. Two red other M.!Wrted liquors at the; acalnat each other . The. number woolen blankets were ta.ken. of ~entries will be limited to two Qtristmas Preview dra"•lng Jut year:. per claaatticatlon for each entrant. \\'e asked him about. the final Final selection of pieces for UH' disposition or the basket and Herb exhlb1tloh and ~e aw.uding of LEGAL NOTICE . · Cem-~er (o0mpooltlon or VWJel ... ,. •. ~ ..... _ .. _... 2JiO C6neat ll'IOor F'lnlalltng MachTD< Opento. . ., ....... .: ... _,_,,_ 2:60 . . . ~ LASOBEU: , . ~:.:to~~·r;i.;:;-;;~ti;;··~--iktri;;"~ 1.75 VjbraUOg Mach.tn.. and etm:Ua.r mechanical jpola ilot aep&rat.el)' claaaU!ecl lleNID __ ....... ,_ .. ___ .... _ ......... . M.lner (Hand or Jlac)ihtet -.. ---···---·---.. -........ -....... -........... . Mqtorman. ............. , ... :_,, ........... -............... , ............................... . 1.115 1 2.lO 2.10 • Cement Dumper (on 1 yd. or larg'er mturs and handlin&' bulk Cement) ····--···-··-·-·-··:···-··~-·····-····-···-······-·····-······ 1.95 ~b&lt Raker and lroDtt ......................................... ,................. Lt5 Buggymobile Kan ·-·--:.._ .................................................. : .... ,........ l .t 5 Concrete CUrtt '-~peniou. Membrane ·-···············~·-···-······· 1.93 Dl1llen (Coi:e, ~d or Wagon) ·······-···-··-······--·:.............. 2.18 ' Drillers (All jKllerl) ... ,. .................... -................ ,......................... 2.03 Gu A: OU Plpeltn• IAllorer .................................................. ,. 1.80 Flagman' ....................... _ ....................................... ,...................... 1.75 1 Guard and/ot Watchm&n.,. ........................... ·-···-·-·-·····-······-········ 1.67 ' Gu A 011 Pipeline Wrapper-Pot Tend.er and Form man .. 1.95 Gas &: OU Pipeline Wrap.,.r-4 inch pipe and ·over .. ·-··-·····-·-2.08 Sewer Pipe La)ol!T' (Excluding C&ulker) ·····-·······-·--················· 2.~ Sewer Pipe Caulker (uatng eafnndnl' tooll) ..................... _. 1.93 Sewer Pipe Caulker (Cement JolntaJ -···-·-····-········-·····-··:·-··· 1.80 Tarman and Mortarmin ···-····-······:··--··-··-·······-··-·····-················· 1.80 \Vindow Cleaner ........ : .................................................. '................... 1.00 OPERATING ENGINEERS: A -Fnune--Boom Truck .:f •.•.... ·-···············-··--··-··········-·············-2.30 Air Compre.aeor Operator ···············-·····-···································-2.~ Boxman or ~ixer Box Operator (concrete or asphalt plant ) 2.15 Concrete. or Asphalt Spieadlng. Mechanica l Tamping or .F'inlah Machine operator ···························-···-····-················ 2.30 Concrete Mixer Operator-paving type and mobile mlxer 2.40 Concrete.Mixer Operator-Skip Type ··············-············-····-···· 2.18 Concrete Pump or Pumpcrete Gun Operator ···-··-·-····-···········-~:18 Heavy; Duty Repairman . -········-···--·-····-··········-········-··-············-·· 2.30 Heavy Duty Repairman-Helper .............................................. J .93 H ighllne Csbleway Operator ··-···--··-·-··············-·························· 2.43 Elevator Holst Operator .: .. ·-·---·-····-·················-··········-·············· 2.25 Tractor Operator-Bulkiour, Tamper, Scraper or Drag Type Shovel or Boom AttaChment. ............ ~ .................... : 2.30 Tractor Scraper or Drag Type Shovel-Tandem .................... 2.68 TllUCK DRIVERS: Drivers of Dump Truclu of leu than t yd!.. water level L83 Driven"bf Dump Truck:a--f yd•. but less titan 8 yda. wa~er .. level ············································-····-··············-···-················-··· ._ 1.8.'i Driv~rs of Durrlp Trucks-8 yda. but less than 12 yds."' waler Jevel ···········-··············-···································-······-···-,--1~90 Drivers of TJ'&rullt-Mlx Trucka under 3 yds. ............................ 2.05 Drivers of Tr&ru1il-Mlx Truck...._3 yda. or more ········-····-····· 2.18 ELECTRICIANS: Electrician -General Repa1nna.n .............................................. 3.125 E'l~trical Foreman ········-···~··········•··-··················--·······-········· ··--2.875 Electrical Sub-Foreman ···················-················ .. ·······-·· ........ -... 2.7~ Electrician ··-···-···········--···········-····-··-······-·································--·-·· 2.62:5 C&ble Splicer Foreinan ·····················--···-··················-· ···-···········-·· 3.215 Cable Splicer ................................................................ ;. ·············-·· 2.92::. IRON WORKERS: aaid th•t he turned It ovf.r t o the certtftcatea to winners in each NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE Elks: w ho raffled It off for their claMtft.caUon will be made by a U d S t . 3440 Cl II Cod Reinforcing Iron Worker .......... ~························-·-····-·········-···-··· 2.38 Christmas relief fund. All he says jury CO!l51atlng of Mr. R ichard n er ec ion v e Metal Pan Se tter ······-····----···············-········ .. ·-·························-·--·· 1.93 It "lherj!: wa..s no use wasting PetteTSOn of Scrl.ppa -College, of the State of CalifomJ& Metal Pan Setter Working Foreman ··-·················--·········-······-··-2.00 •ood Ii' quo• on m· e aod seem-• the Clar,.mont, Mr. Wllh.am Payne of N~~ICE IS HEREBY GIVEf"l : Meta.I Pan Setter Helper .. .la ................................. ·-·-····-······ -·-· 1.70 e • ......, ---1 That ROY E. GRILL. JR .. Vendor, ~ 2 50 best waY to get some Chriatmul Orange 'Coa~t CoUege 11.nd Mr .. wrose address is P . 0 . Box 43, Stru~~:e~!on 2~0;::rb~··~~f~··thJ··;~~;;;~············-; · charity out of It." Merton Purkiu of Fullerton. c ta. M sa County of Orange In addition to being a ·member The exhl1:rition will be open t o s~te of ~alitornla, intends to seti F en.ce Erector ············-····-···············-···--······-· .. ··--············--·······-···· 2-•0 of the Elk's, Krrb js "·lcti-pre•\dt!-nl the pw.pllt' dally, except Sunday, \n to JACK -PROBASCO_,. Vendee, p _UNTERS: ot the Kiwanis and "'U recently the 1ec:;ture hall, February ~th to whose addreSB is 704 West Paly-Regular Brush Painter ··············-············-··············-······· ............. : 2.lfS made president or the ntCAj 28th. mra in the City pt Orange, Coun-Bruah Swing Stage ......... :............................................................ 2·•0 board ,for the· Newport Harbor! ty of Orange. State of Catifdrnla, Steel and Bridge ............................................................. -.............. 2.40 and Huntington Beach district.a. AnauaJ Girl Scout Cookie ~ the fGu'o"·ing deScribed personal" Steel and Brtdge Swing Sta.ge .................... :............................. 2.65 \V e're stopping herr, but quick, Febnlar)· 10 to Ft>bruary !4 property, to-wit: Spray Gun or Sand Blaster ·········~·················-··-····--····-····· ········· 2.40 before hE' a.cqulreA some mo.re -· All stoc.k in trade. fixtures, Spray Gun or Sand Bluter Swing Stage ····-··-····-·······-·······-··· 2.85 tilll1'8. equipment and good "111 of a cer· Plumber Forem.an ...... :':.................................................................. 2.875 T 0 RegiSter taln restaurant ·bm(ness. known as Plumber Gas or Line Sprinkler .......... .'....................................... 2.~ CARL'S, and. located at 447 New.. Plum~r Lead or Cement Caulker ................ -.~···--···········-·······-2.625 Mesa Voters port Boulevard. Costa Mesa, Coun· Industrial Plpefltter For~m•n ····················-·--····-·-·-···-······~·· 2.875 t yor Orange, State of California , lndustrtal Ptpentter ··········-·····-··············-······-········-·-·-·····-·-···~·-· 2.825 and that a sale, transfer and as-Industrial P tpefltter Helper ........................................................ 1.775 · Mrs. Dorothy Hiatt announces signnlent of the same Will be made J ourneyman Pipe Line Foreman ................................................ 2.875 t hat Abe le again· taklng regl.stra-and the conaldPration therefor wUI Journey!Ilan Pipe tine ............................................................ _... 2.82~ • lnove.rrient whereby eVe ry liter&t" bor area are cordially in~ted to person Is responsible rOr the in-attend t,.h~ gathering. "'htch wlll struction or at least one illiterate be the first for the combined individual And along with educa-area. In previous years. separate Uonal progress goes industrial meetlngs have been h,eld for each developntent, particularly in stt'E'I are~. .but t:hls. years combined and glass, in severnl tosmopolitan gathi>r1ng ~rom1ses t.Q be the la.rg- cen~ers. • est evrr. given by the coUege in ...,,. During &n open rorun1 foilowing 1 the section. • Uie lecture studenL~ learned ac1------ In his extra-eurril·ular activi- ties. Herb ha.a probahly served on more committees. associations and organizations in the area than any other loe,al man in a similar perlDd or tin1e. H e w.., aecond vice-preat- dC'nt of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce in 1946; pre11ident of this org&hization In 1947 and first vice'-president in 1948. Wonder·Drug· to Benefit from Garden Tours. llona hw votlrl:g .. ~ny one wishing be paid· at lO:OO 'o'clock a..m . on Helper ;P ipe Line ...... --............................................................... ,.... 1.775 to register °" re-N>glater may do the ith da·y of F ebruary, 1951, at Roofer Foreman --············-············-·····················-····-······-·--······-····-,.'75 \ dltional fact.; relative to aU phases C()J,LJSIO:\°' REPORTED of Ml'Xican l ifto and civilization. Cars driven by Geneva B. Mar- Thls session, l!k t>Wi5" conducted in. tin. 29 , 2110 Kilson Dr .. and Theo- Spanish. gave addit ional oppor-dore J . Berkefeld, 29. 11414 Mon- tl}Dity ror lhl."' colle~<' !Cludents to rovia Ave., Costa Mesa, collided gain practical expt>rit'nce in learn· at St. Andre•·• ,Pl.. end Cypress lng a foreigti language. avenue, Santa Ana, cau•ing minor , · damage io both vehicle•, police r"e· ~tlW ads ~~_Jj,t.Ue, ~o ;nuch. 1 port~d Saturd:Y·, ·Maim Street by Ralph Stein • 08£Y n£ LA~ l10HT fll6S ON HILLS. l>Ol'Jr SPEW, llOHf, ~ He wa.s general chairman of the se\\'er bond campaign appointed by the Asaociated Chambers of Com- merct'; chaJrman of varloUll high- way commltlf'f'S and aerved two terms ~ president of the feder- ated. Chan1bers of Commerce of Orange County. so at Mrs. Hlatt's home, :i26 W . the escrow department of BANK Roofer ·····-·-····--··················-··-············-··-··························-······ .. ·-······ 2 .50 19th St .. Co•a Mesa (one·half OF AMERICA N AT l-0 NA L Sheet Metal Worker (Plus 7 cents employe.r'a contribution) 2.40 block from the Alpha Beta store). TRUST AND SAVINGS k~O-OVERTIMI!; RATES •-OR SIX BASIC TRADES: It (!! a4vtsable to phone Mrt. CIA TI ON at BALBOA No: 37, lD CARPENI'ERS: Double time for all overtime, except for Pile A "·ondertul treat Is In stort Hla(t at Beacon 5081-J for ap-he City of Newport Beach, Coun-!>nver Men_ Bridge or Dock Carpentera on tide work .,!"ber~ the over- this February for all garden mtnci. pointmt>nts. I ty of Orange. State of C&li!ornla. t ime rate will be time and one-half; providing that when men &re called Pd people who will be pleased to 'Dated ·JanuarY 26th. 1951. to work outaicte\of the f.erutar work d&y they, will be guaranteed •lx team that the California' Arbqre-Amlua.l Girl Scout Cookie Sa.le ROY E 'G RILL JR ' · tum Founa1t-l ion, Inc. is l!pansor-, 1 ' • · , · I (6) houra pay at the overtime rate. 1 .._ •h<-~ t • ..J. ,. ~ b""'l'Y J~ f<>!'<bruazj H , ' '. , Vendor CEMENT FINISHERB: Time_ l~ .• one-~· tor UM! ;(Ira, t three ing some ve.J, c¥M"~ ~ ~fl OH-;t ' i '' j<i •4--· Eacrow 37 -2459 · hours aftet Che r,egul&rlX conatltuteil'. .tft: .. h li~e 8hiftv~d 1aU ot.ber durtrrgCtmelliaWeek.· edalea ( I •. ' .... ~\ No.167-'l'l.J1lt;a ~ .Ov~~.tde~ v ·~:-r .. r ...... ~if ~\.' have been set for Feb. 16· 17 and LEGAL ~OTICle: Published 11$o/'5t' ~ ·~ •"""'"" t~ ..... ~ : Time and one-h&Jf for a11 Utne worked In excess of 18· The proceeds will be used for eight (8J boura per day and for the slxtb CODMCUli•e day worked; and Samed OCCA Pnxy lhe benefit o! the Los Angeles AD\IERTISEME1''T FOR \JIIDS ' double tittle for the aeventh conaecutlYe day worked. Watchman ah&1I At the Tueaday nlghl meeting State and County Arboretum for Noltce ta h ereby given t.bat the Board cir TrUstees o.f the 'Orange also receive time and 6n~h&lf for holida)ra except where a h oliday of the Orange County Coaat A..-medicinal purposes maJply the de-,.. rred falls ·on th~ 7th couecutJve day worked, which aha.lJ be double t ime. sociation held In the Laguna Beach velopment of Ule new wonder drur Coast Junior College District of Orange pdunty, heretnaner rete hot.el Po,stmaster Kenny Wu elect-cortbone. to u t1te .. Owner'', will receive up to; f?ut not later than, two o'ck>ck _ IRON '!VORKBRS: Do~ble time for all overtime. ed presideht of that org&nii.ation. Ac.res and acres of beauty, rival-P. M .. Pacific Standard Time, of tht> 16th day of F ebruary, 1951, sealed LABORERS: Time. and one-half· except Sunday• and Hollda)'11 This 'was a second time for H erb lng that of the deep IOUth, will be bl ds1 fp r the awal"d of cpntract(a) for a Cattle Feeding S~ed ot about whieh are double. time. · "'ho ha& served u OCCA prexy thr0wn open to the public show-~.500 aquar~ ~e~t. of concrete fdun~tions. '!lab, and matlgen; at.eel OPERAnNG t::NG~J!::ERS : Time' and one-half for ,u overtime about three or four year• ago. He lng bte value ot tbeee winter fiow· columns; "'ood· beama and purlina: corrugated alumln¥"1 roofing; except· Sundays and Holidays which· are double time. Where Operallnl' explains that the <>cqA was .tart-erlng plants with bloom. beyofid aluminum &Utten; cold water piping: and .aome electric ltgbting; Ur Engln~ra. durinc any one calendar dm.y, are •OC:khlc overtime on the ed about ~ years ago to qpen a deecrtptlon in lanMcaptng vast ~ther .. with &djoln lnl' Corrall: with about 2,,~ lineal· feet .01. wood same unlt of a project 00 which a.nothrr craft is workiJlc overtime road along the coast and si.nce that estat'e.s, u weU as small home· gar-renCing and gates and some·wtre fencing; located ln aatd school dlatrlcL at ·the double Ume rate. the!\, the Operating J:aimeerw on such unit of time h8IJ devoted tt.11 effort.a t o pro-dens. Such blda 11ball be recel~d ln the office of .the "Owner", uithe Admin-work •hall aJao be paJd at tbe double Ume rate. A unit of tbe project motion and dev~lopment of the The Arboretum FourutaUon ls 1stra.tlon Building, Orange Cout College, 19951 Harbor BouleVard, meana ~y alD.gJe bulldlDc, feclllty, utility, Ol'·UJ otber a:tncle atruc- coastal atta. • gratetUl to the owners. who hav~ near Santa Ana, Orange County, catifomia, and shall be opened ~d tun which 18 independent C1f any other unit at the PfOJect. Tbe Blgge11t thing ln Herb'• tlfe now ao generou.ly opened their gvden!!I pubUdy read aJoud at the above stated time ·in the office of thf' operaUon of a Cruabinl' plant for •tock pile ... ~ .e:rvtclng, ~­ , s the new $15.000 poet, office tor thla project. They will be open "dvmer" in such building. · ' -• tnc IU1d mainlenanpe of ~ulpanent on a propect abal1 be at Ume and wbtch is abuilding at 204 Main eac h d'ay Crom ten ~ the morning ~cb lUd n1uat contorni\ and ,be _respon.!Jive to this invitation, the one-NU, except in ihe followtnc' two tmtances: (1) Bunda,,. and street. •·1·m very happy aftd much .until tour o'clock in lhf! &fte:rnoon plana,1 ispec:tnca.Uona, and all the Other. documeqts compn.tng the per-Holiday.; (2),~Where tbe equipment operator i. re.palrinc b1I equip- pleaaed with the pnwipect. The .a you may tour all ln one day, lf Unmt contract ooeumenta.~C(!plu ~ the Contract. Documents are now ment· on a· unit ot u.e pro~ where double Ume ta bet.as paid ln·that new o!fice wtll be a credit to the you are a . fa.st-.atepper, but the' on file and-open to public ~n in the a.id officea ot the. owner, c•lend&r day. ~the Opetatlnc Eq1nfft \. worktnc on a project area. We11 have enUrely new more enjoyable way will be to \>lalt .sl}d1ot Robert E.--A.lexandu, A3.bttect. located at 3657 South~ 'Bree., u a.n~lnteanJ par\: ota crew where another craft ta recelving-avntkne equipment .ln our new quarter• a few of the gard~na du ring ~o in th~ City ot Loe Anplee. in ui(I County ,and State and may be pay by. vtrttae ot a hoU1:ky not specified tn tbe Kuter Labor Agree· and aome ot It hi arrlvinc alttady. of the three days. . obtaifted at either place bTdepo.tUng $25.00 for ea:ch eeL nua_.depoalt men.I;. then Q'le Opera~ ICnstJl~ sbaU + recel•e. tile aame overttme We hope lo move In 1Jld be tt&dy You will turlllab your own tran• wtnl'be ~ tfthe aet or eet.e ot Contract Document. delivered are rate aa tbe-Other_Cr&ftt _ .. tor businem on April t . So far portaUon and the ticket. &re 41.00, ret:.timed ln' g1)0d eonilttiOl'I With.ii\ five daya after the bid openlnc. '1"11!.& Vet"Pftl~ ..,,,..::· _ _. ..-u" --w Bunda and Bollda- our plan. a.re Otlly tentative for plua .Uncle Sam'• take ot 20 eeat. ~raJ contract bid.a WiJ~ be received covering all pb.ue9 ot the .. ___.. .. _.,....: -t. . .,.._ .--_. e:S-.r.. 19 ~- ' a suitable opening-«;rernonj-, but tax. They cazi"r be' pllr'Chued a\ worJt.I ucept on .. ette utillttu a.ad Yard worlt; unlt prices reque.t.ed tor .wbidl ar,e dotiW•u.ne:.<'\ . · ; · we'll ha8re 10n\etl\ln1r worthy oach< Pz:den or in Laguna ll<!ach uclvttJon. concnde. •teel. etc. •CompletlQl1 time r-eated to' be ..-t ICX.c;ept u ~ .. ,*"" _. llclnedule. tlle ""te at per diem ..,.,.. .... k d b at Mariam HedCM Smith'• Reafi1 by b' ...,,_,, , atate-ent or M--·clal condition and "'--lf ol 1~ fOf' eacb pf tbe~ cl1n1'ftee•·kMWot work tlw.l;l ·bl the ~on . ""'!. e up y the time openinl' 220 F t A at,._ J.::.r-:-·.-~ ... ~· w•.-v -,. aet f-_....., ,re&<ot of_,, _,_ mllltlplled by elgllt· (I). day rolls """'1><!," 1ay Harb. office, ores ve.: ...,,-.-ot l'"! totar bid by cerUfled check or bid b'ond 18 ~ with eadl l!:lllbt ...,_ .iil!on ·-Mn-a day'i w'wk: It 1'elnc ""4eratood, that Jlallcllnr 8 -.. 'n>ompeon'"' 226 -A"-.or Jlldj 1f-bor and rrateniala, bond am performance bond req\ll?ed of coi>-In llle'-t tlla't .. ""'"" U. _,,pioiod leM thu eilllt (I) .,_... • _, rrom 1'11&. 8-i't C. t:l!> -· P. 0 . tntt.Or llelected.. . • ' per,M;, tine ,_, ~ ,..._, +zD 1'e -e<I to be Ull\l !z:actloll ot As you ll'llght unmagine1 the BoX,US, IA-. ~ot-18711. , tf'h bid li"-lJ be made out ·on a fonn to lie~ at either the per &em .............. 11;vot,d' tllat Ule auml>er ot'lloUra ot wrt!Y Pootmu!er -·t han too llra. William -· put· P-· ot oald --In which the CQntract Doc:wnentir..,_ Oil file, ...,pll>,....,.t--J'....,;, (I) -9: · . , . . . • mllch tJmo ror 11obliie.. aru.oup dent r Oo.lltomlli au.ie..Ciu.,., I ch 'bid ahall·be ~,by a ...utled·or _..,...,.-'· ..,.,,. ~ · · • he aayo that "you lf>lc6t -• Inc., 18 ~lf ._ -.,.,_Iii• to Ule Owner, or-~ Ill" bpnd 117 fa..,. Of tine o.nier, ·~ -~ ,.,,. IOr • · pert~ In ...,_ 'ot the bO!Udlng u. 111111 ........,, ~-· Tile..-... to be --Win be. txeeutod by tine -aa ~ -0 -~,..rot,: --reculat ..,... -... ~· _.. -al llle-nte for ~ ot tiorb lo c<ln'Ofttly • ....,-. b7l a ~ 9~ lUI Dez••-~JJ, la aa amount -te.. tlwL ten COBt of Ule biiL Tiie !he -..,.....,,._ J • ,r l ' · ·. 1 " ~ -~18 -.-DT!..., 'IA c'Mde: --bid -Mall 11e ·.tftai u a_.,. -•tine-. Wiil ~ u ~ '"'""ed 141 +-8 lne d ."'"., to~IM ,N"11:Mr'• ,&be -from Ille poit.-. R. ValallUllo) U -SI -Uze'Dooatnet If It .,;i~ 11 lnlm ~ -Use ,Day, --D71'<bd' ·tnre Qa,-,J.alnor DaJ, ._Day, ~·oriel 1alil •_.,-..-"I Jilo Driw, 8ul .._, ,l&. -"lira. ~ta """' wtll. J<,m_de tine . ' · -, °'" -.. TM• l(t\onc .~:-~Iii .. U ""7 of llle,UoY. ,., ur. 11ut 11e.•J •*"lt!'0t0cuw. Jcilul 1:. ~ rua OUftold -'$7d User* wt-d.. )'11 ~,; et u.. -et '"''-· •1, tine • .....,. r;1 .... -lne ...... w.:.:, llpl..,.::'i:t !,llled,.. llftlltU11l Me , lll'tdl ..,,.... Aw .. 8ouUI ~:"L~ M t Iii'. and ~ olaatract so U.. ......... · ..; · . iu ..... -- ' 'It, ... ._ o.t.nc&ar to •.~ on a/kT-.';,. ,_ 1a i'9 -., -I:.· ~ 'ti • .,w., * ? ,.,. . ~ o.., ,., onw tl!o priJll&p-et. • ..,,. Mis•aa ..W.. •-• .. -,._ ~ · 1 • t : t nw -Idm. to JI&>' --tll(la ~ 1 :!'"•·-...... lzt' l"'•tl A.._ Ma..-: llJa. -,.. ~,,_i.e . ..,. lrilplut-ac _ta .aa1' 7lld ,.. la tine ~-1.• 1111 *"'?" I ..... el fOo; --r" to Alf',..... ~-a:wuod ._.....,... ........ l• ~ -SMI:....... • ' , .... , • .._._Mc t• Ol .. tllllJ: •ML · J....•I t ....... -.;tnoi&; ;? ... ·-..... -"'!:..;'!@••• ~ ••• , 141 tllo ~·.cote et tlia -et,,. .... -,., ... --~' .... '•!!.-~.·~-.-·~et .. ..,. .... ~.---";:•-::fll!..!...' --'a,.tU•' la_...,._, ...,..,_ ___ l•'""tllo '5•• =.,_.,,_ -,..,... .-11 :S -~ •. , • Im ·= , ....... ~ , p -._,....,o1 ... Cftft•t1Pe~ .,..... • .... ; , ..... .,Tl. -.Os • OnMtJ .,. • Yeii di! ,.._ -oe a : , I" J' •• --. tna cc : 11 .-· wti•-: Mil ,_ . \. . , c·azp 'llk='" as 311o oJ:• , ;.a:o,1._. ":il'f----;;;;::;;;:;:::! ..,,.,Ill( . ...-~ au • ..a... .. 1.,. .._ c12·1a ..... iW4£ ·as..._ .. 11 n t11 ta.al. 11,.... ..... :r.sl"M_, .__. ... , "• 2 ,, _ _, -._.._fit w• 1'161 I .... .,.,, tll' ....,,, __ ,_,,.a:• • 11.il_..lllil. .... fllll,4..._ • -' . ' . . ' Hiltl5 WHAT . -·-Mil:.> I HE ~1~· • • • • • • -• .~ • , • I • • .. " • ------------------.... ·-, I • • " l .... -~· • • I T~ayL 'J-ri-'30>,,(9$'1'~ - ,. ~r · IALIOA ~$;'~ ~s ~ • , . . ' ... L ·i: ~tiOf.1.0a l'.~ '. TiafRc Coww . . . ,,. ,, . --Brcb'!f&Y. ~trol. Serg-eant James s: BoOth ~t . Ufe Oral>ae• County aquid. ~ -one or "29 po- lJCe. nqicU. rrad\>&ted T1n1.-y born lho 1 Trettlc lnst!tu~ •at Nortbweatem Unlvenlty, Evan· ....... III. .. ,. ·-~th. wbo ,Uvu at 212 Sapph.tre :Wtboa lsland,.altended the' J.na:tt .. tute'a tlve .. mont:, traffic poHce ~ adAllnift.ratton course on a com-~tiUve ·~ granted ·by the Automothre Safety Foundation, Washington. D. c. Tbe coune Irr ,.. traffic superviaion and accldenf pt"evenUon fn('IUdetl more than 600 boura ot classroom study, demon- .__ •l!&Uona a.nd one-week field .study of the New Jersey state poUc'e. DOG BITES MAN Heiler Cardstrom, •939 Udo Saud, Udo Isle reported that he .i had been bitten by a brown dacb- ~ • 4' ahund at 2 p. m. Frid8y. He was given medical treatment &J'ICl the dog put in qua rantine. The dog belongs to C. J . Schiller , 933 Lido Soud,. Lido 1sle. ... . ., J . . .. • ; I ' •. • · By, ~ARGO· . .•· ( '1 •• m..-~ ~ . . '---:~--~·------------------...... ·-· --.... -+---------~~--~ ... ---++-------~-----,=~~~':::'""=:"i:::r'~~:......,.,.,~~~'...:.:.:~jr~:·er~~'=·=Ta?:~~e!M; .... ~~'7;;.~:-:·n"~1~·L;.OllR~&,&J;.fDr.;~~·~·~,~"t;;; • • .. __ . • .. " I , r. ti£i.:' · 1 . . OIL BE . ....mo -YOU ..... When ·Tw!llgbt DraW• her ~ • . , ...!."--. ' • LG8T-r· -tan Do\M ... 'l.ADIES' ·IS~ TIGR&SS THAT 18.REALLY YOU •11n.. ... And pine tllem·Wlth. Star, ' -j 1~ o1lms is;...BllILDING llDYllUU,}.. • • ~ l'rooit andll3id 'st. unoot!cecl u Jut month'• SU.bill?~? Sa .. you ~~a. wbltt of Remem_!>er to ,wt 'tbe' Venet¥ blinds . COMPLmrll l!DUIDI ,...., • ....;n IN'tERIOR _ • .,_,,_ ·~'r til -.of Phlillail.tJ16. TOOTSIE'S ·DOW acent called "STALIONG F'EE'tf:~ :/.~· exot!o No,.,mattfr whore: you are-.. • , • · . --.-·r·--.·---.Ward.'Hllf-1.W. 'lJP?~ perfumed OU which bre'athea of moonlight and 20.ec p.eollne . .,.. ptobably a Jot'-of reutOu,t duela V(ere~fo¥&'ht .t klncdorn• loat be-. :;; ~= ,,;::,,..:_ P AIN'l'ING · ' ' . :. · 1 · been known to drlve an'en'ur. Uon's Club to rnadn...: 'l\'.y It. today cauiO some ~~dOJ)O Jtlt~.tol p=J!operly clnak b11 windows. II · UClilNS&D. _ IN.'auRs!>.:. ~ lum_A~ ~~j in t.be conven.Jent quart size. Also .robes ~for 8ln&'f:1' ••lM machln.ea Let thla be a ~l Helen Wo~ JM *8.dea by tbe eeuhore ~ t:umed. · , . • -;:..::;:J;..... and as a .urht <1ress1nr to~ yo<ir worm weather aalads. T°afuba Bunk· at her.S~I!; ~I> ... l!l>f'mak""I ~r .iwieo to .your order: Al s 'House & Rug Glenn !JohlistonoM.AN· A:NTS howoewonl by be( notorious lady wresuer aays, :·1 wouldn't. dree.IJ\ cit~ appee.rlnc at or re.patri old oDUf She Ma' )'texaluln Venetlan .bUnda wiUJ We.ah-fSOi -318t St. . Iiewl>o'rt Beach ttie day or week Good ~~ .11 the Main Street Gym without.first dlpplnlr myaelf In "STlng Feet." able Jllutlc tap\! ta a variety of decoraf« color& 4nd .,..., you Cleaning Co., Harbor 2?117.J, ~ .~A~ No. 2, 191q C!l>judt. . . . e e • # • .... • can an~ V. blin~ here for c1Un1a.I' or f'eP,&J.rlnl'. Don't be half sate! B••ooa 8111 • ntfC! _ st;_, cpeta_Mesa..: • 1f1.P'11 cau Helen· Wolfard at· the SHADE SHOR tor tree eatimate on ·~·-------------u ff. HQLBDiOQK ~ SHOCKlNG! TRULY SHOCKlNG! Grant'• ifumlt~re "' • v b11n•-r •12 ~th 0-. . A>( WiIL DO IR01''INQ Ill my blne. Appll&nce Store (bOWle of a thousand wor\hleu ltsm•) bu come T·V ahadea, roll!"' &bade•, and_ • -or ~ur houoe. • • •• Furniture Repairing DEPENDABLE PLUMBING 17!15 :l(!>nrovia, ·Cos!& ~'Ph. _ up·wtlh a real prize! Grant ha.a a small, red batterY nladune. You s~ .. N:~rt. ~Bar. '884. _ • • '. • • Chair bottorq.a.' renewed, cane or . ... ~-. , ~a.coo ~f)..R. • jTJ'P'll 'r.-~ etick a penny ln the.elot, grab the ha.ndlea.a: 11nuee.A. Resii.u : An 1•-• ,..,.,._, ,.,. __ .._ d ~ ••-..• ~ COME. DJN•u LET US W4ND""' ARM IN ARM BP-~ ~-r.roun-. -~an '---·••-co f -" ~ ' elee!rJq ahoek~ . Not that tt will ever replace coc&lne, but how at>out ~ r· I rocken laced _,__ -'-••• Repatr 8en1ct MallltalDed ' ·~~ me rom-•. lha • J thi ··"·~· THRU"THE' ~N F~' .. ~ •. ~No, better -"I, let . rep ; ~ re-5•~1· --·.· u-~ 1,.. ·-Pnc, tlce! .An ad re-·••"'• .,,=-t . A Oftl' 8 aa.me e80terlc •etn; a WlJ"1N plut1q box eclept """"_.. "'"' ~ •w... HARVEY'S FURNITURlD caM,JQC ~_. -...-" ,._......, r- "Dog·Master." lt'a tor electrocutJ.n& hot dop! You can' make ,th.ls us saunter up'° the POLLY .APP _ and aee what RJCPA.IR SHOP. Z801Balboa Bhd., NeW:lbftn.eb :i"per"f'Jl produce reault.afw , ..... your very own tor $1.&o. And frankly, I Wouldn't M ' without it they1ha~ in the>COtton field. Well, r11 tell you.; DOZENS 2(¥50 Santa Ana A'Ve., Coeta Me-. , ' another day U I wert you! ....!... And Grant ha.a baby beds ... a play &: ~NS ot a:pe.rklin& new cotton dresaea! Wonderfu) Beacon~ 8133-J. Y17cl8B CARPENTER. !9-llltLP WA!VTED ' pen for $6.75, mattresses, a louvered ~n. Taylol"-'Tol at U .75, Lady Alice a: bet smaller li&e sister, La. A.lice •.• an<l, 'l'ho knows what· ~lae ! NOT EVEN GRANT'S i'URNITURE These aautoriud, waababJes cbme ln radiant lrrldescent WORK Wl~ -Two iteeret:.arlea: for. .. .. • • ! • .\ • . - • • • • • - I . •• -============= ~ APPLiu;OES IM~ Newpoft Ave .. Costa -· ·j • chainbrays ¥' $8.95 •up. , • •• ·vefy springlike slut! . , . _12_-_B_UILD __ IN_G_BEB __ v_ICE_s___ Ottlce -I>.ean "! ~·n~g Ool· j -.: i-• • • • u you·11 Pa-rc:IQn • my poetic futcy, onci U,tUe daaJer in ROUPH and Flnished cusfum ~ tege. One 8-5 daily. One l::SO.,,.·" a#_ LESTJl:R A. BECKER, D. D."' COME ~ME THRU' THlS GREEN GATE TO "e charming lilac &od yell-looked ve'r'jl Easler E .. (1... . . . And p AINTING built cablneto. Harbor llM·M. ~0 :30 p. m . dally. S~Dg al• -- 1.- 1 I I "\' ... "' th: . I 34c35H , ary $215 mo. Apply or&nge litUe .PATIO. '"· o A.ND BOOK STALL , .. v ....... mllllamo has en there are am&rt appearing linen ,weave rayona, in belge, gold EARL SHEFLIN DENTISTRY --'<' ~ r Cqaat College, Dr. BW ;J, Pr1eot. ~ 1785 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa Medical Bldg. Beacpn 6752 606 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 327-J · a new shipment of glass and what not pieces from· POATlJGAL. J Cll' ·watermelon <µte ,lnslde color) pliues. a: wa.(fle weave pique~ . . . _ . . .. ,. Oh od < In Fre h to I lad •• . •• a f'a1tner st .. eo.ta M-•• --·~N... . ?lc.e~ • like the glass ... amber or ,clear tear drop liqueur and Old fashioned yes. new m e1s nc crepe r arger let to size ._ •\• , BeL 64-57~ Hct ,...~_c_'~---~-.;.... ______ • I :· em-brace.rs. Beautiful shell sitters or •plrltedly tUnctlon&I! So many '.These dresses eome in regular A-half sizes llJ plenty of sharp styles ----------~---, EARN $2 per hour at home in marvelous little gadgets from all over the world and f.11 ln JU' easy · · · all ran.gt.ng between '$8.96;-Sl0.95 J ••• it's spring time at 183l5 Alcoholics AnOnymous your spare time. Learn photo price range, dQq't )'OU think r Some new modem brass candleatick.9 Newport Ave!,, epata .Me,sa · · · Polly Apparel · · · PAPER HANGING Write P. 0. Box 205 retouch~g'. Pb9to boom .start- i,n star and clover leaf pdttems. These won a priM In Sweden tor .... • • • • Balboa 1.sland, c&ut. lng,. Extreme short.age of' r:e- beauty and desjgn. Swedish pewter ... hand blocked cocktail naP. MY IDEA OF UNHOLY BLISS IS A JAGUAR RUNABOUT and PAINTING Phone Kllnberly 3-ltl93 ~ouchers . Clua ln•truct!on ,by k ins '¥flb small French poodles and caTI"OUHis .. And please notice COVERED WrrH Leopard.akin upholstery. A tar bark' from a faded ex-mo;vte studio technician start.I ·-==========:;:=~I the marines and sea ocapes by the Jatt fU.e painter, Edgar Payne .. bedspread' thrown over the ,.al of a moth-eaten Dodge '39 . . .. Kenneth Quarry PHOTO TINT soon. Two evenlnr-a week. Rea· 1-Glance oVer the rare old prtnta. and books . , , Very satiatyins e¥-Dreamer, you! Well, the Tay~r Trim Shop doe!J'.l't do a lot of leopard so"nable tuition. FQ,T l.nf.orj_naj 1 • I cur sion , . thru' the PATIO STUDIO &: BOOK s.TAt..i.. 313 ~ Marine, akin jobs, but they do a lot of excellent upholstery work. They do 1515 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Rave your favorite photogrS:ph lion Phone KI. 2-664.i or call at Harold K. Grauel Ba1boa Island. Har." 28"7·J . f\lll leather 'cushion wor~ make custom tops for convertibles,· door Phone B@!lcon 5504. hand tinted, Write name and ttre CHARLES ROHNE Stlldio. I e e '"'·• ' panell.J\g, headllninp., and make especlaJly flne-t.ittlng seat covers. 65p78 l\ddress on back of pha.to. Also . 207 N . Broadway, Santa Ana. Chapel HBY FELLOWS! WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT!-Well. BOJne-And make truck cu.ahions loo. ·I guess Y.PU could cheertully MY natural coloring. Price '$i.~ ea. Hours 10 a. m . to 5:30 p. m. -ooe·. b _ .. 00 ••to body better get out of this scow, It's pretty crowded. Som'ebody get COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE ... Il you can't afford PraRetsultd come from corurt.ant SEND TO SANDRA ?2pTf cM ~ ~ I 'I\ -'-c:-c Jee~. An ad regularly ln thl.@ 20""" E Ocean Front Balboa out & go call the PAClFIC NELREM co. to come over and make ~mething !laiu.y, like ~ .. wns get some TAYLOR-MA.DE seat cov-r' · - 11. B-• · ·u be 1 ht d J paper wlll produce results tor yot1. 65c78 .-.,_,\vay Co8ta. Meu. tht~ craft ship shape! This outfit will come o~er and remove paint, ers · .. you mg Y neat an ust u happy. TAYLOR TRIM , ::::::==========' varnish • bilge topside a.nd bottom. Seriously Sailors, the Pacific SHOP. 1102 INOUSTIUAL. WAY, Costa Mesa. BEACON' 6930.:. ~ Nelnem Co. has a chentlcal formula tor removing paint, shellac It •· • • BE SURE INSUR.E varni.Bh quickly &: harmleesly from all seagoing craft. including the HURRY! SCARE-CROWS! MAYBE you can still get under -Queen Mary! They also do the same tor furniture, antiques, shutters. lhe wire a t RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP. Prices go up aome beginning With "llAURD: STANLEY lnAuranoe OnJy hone Barbor 171'1 n.5 Marble Ave. Balboit. bland W. Stuart fqote GENERAL INSURANCE C<ntrlw11.s Information 2117 Ba.Jboa Blvd. base-boards, etc. Th;>n't be old hat &-scrape ypur handk off to the Feb., 1. Nothing drutic. but due t~ risinc cost of supplies etc., etc .. e lbows! ... C all PACIFIC NELREM co. It's magic! 2811 Lafayette. your KWitch work wiU cOst you a htt1e more . But it will stUl pay Newport. Harbor 2960. 1 yo u big divi dends to look your best you know. Virginia A Harriet e e e ¥e experts in al~ lines of beauty \VOfk. They give wonderfLiJ per- WITH A MERE FLIP OF YOUR LWLE manents. bleach jobs. color shampoos, manicures, brow. &: lash dyes ELEGANT WRIST YOU CAN have a horrie•full ... ln fact every thing to· help you give nature a boost! As I told ot beautiful tumlture at a conai:den.te coif . . . you last week in a thrilling episode, you can take girl children over CARLYLE'S (formerly Al's Unpainted Ftim1-there for permanents or shampoos & sets. FURTHERMORE, you'll ture J hb some beautifully designed unfinished be welcome at RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP, 338 POINSETTIA, Corona pieces In mahogany, uh o~r gum , .. In modem del Mar. Harbor 2907. and Provincial designs. . . . a beauty or &n • • • Early American hutch or china closet . . . TAILS FROM HOFFMAN • and chests with quaint bra.BB handles , . , mod-Does your dog enjoy Tele~ • I More l~la.uitled on next ,..._ • • • ' Newport Bea.ch Ph. Har. 24 ern dining table and chairs ... wonderful aectJonal. highly function&l vision and ·11 so which pro-. . pieees too. And record cabinets· ... Thi.s furniture is extremely gTa.mS? I have dkta on two crafty . . .· ·. idove tailed 1 at the seam.fl and generally well made Be v er I y Hills dogs. ·One, all over. Any ot these lovel1es can. be converted lo fihlatied bea .. ty SatcherveU Sitwell, (the least with a 11ttle brush staining. Please go over to CARLYLE'S AND likely) a Sea.lyh.am terrier, llke1 LOOK . . . They also do custom work and give budget terms. only ba.8eball games. Saleh 1916 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. . ,. dOes a great job of fielding . , • e e eve~ytime there's a hit, ·he Oo9ta Meu. Matttt. Co. THERE COMES A . TIME IN EVER·Y WOMAN'S UFE When de.shes back of the TV screen · -llGO Newport Blvd. • .!lhe's forced (o sew,. pn "'; bu!ton , .. unless she l'ves Jn a nudist and looka~or the ball Another MATTRESSES Boat>-Homee-Tra!len 1 lrreplar Sbal""I BEACON llOII :=============· camp or course. BUT WAIT! LET'S AVOID PANIC. DON'T sh&C'&'Y fellow, CJ&.rflllcie an LOSE YOUR HEAD! Consider the fact that the BALBOA 5 lt 10 alleged Cocker sits all day on the TV aota ... apd has even been ' Complete One-Stop Factory-Chevrolet and" Oldsmobile S~VICE CENTER • e STEAM f'LEA~l-XG • TOWl'SG ·sEtt\-'JCE I • e MOTOR RJ:BVRDING e NEW EXOINE INSTALLED has gripper fasteners. These work just like buttons and cut out humbred to the extent of having his meals brought to him. Clarence that awtuJ needle work. Another , tricky way to avoid strenuous likes \Yf!stern movies and gets very excited over the horses. During labor is tO buy some denim o r khaki patches at the BALBOA 5 A-IO. the shooting Scenes, . he d ucks under UJe couch ... love scene~ The9e answers to a baby's prayer a t twilight can be pressed on seem t o make him quite maudlin. Well Ill keeps them orf the _streets. with your Iron. and frankly hang on .hel ter than thread. You cen .from chaslng1 cat•. and out. of the potmd, I suppose. wash llie heck out of clothes and these little old patcbiee just cling " and take it! Now for you oJ~ world t ypes who can operate a N rt Add 800 M ..,_ W ·• needle "' thread without • nervous brealc-down: tbi• parag<>n of Vlr· ewpo s e'"" oman 5 t ue, ~ BALBOA 5 &-10 .ha.a talon zippers, buttons, threaJ, needles, . . Dr1"ver "1n Fnlal tape.measur.es. Jace. ruffling &: fancy ribbon ... BALBOA 5 A-10 is - at 3:A:;~~1::LIN~!· OVER. THE :OUND· ~hones During ~50 Seal Beach Crash ING MAIN! Holst the Mizzen . , . , BARBER'S ,Mor e than 75,000 telephone-A lhree-whicle crash In Sea~ BOOTERY HAS A .FRESH CARGO OF U. S. were added In Southern Celifomia Beach rrh~rsday afternoon brought RUBBER KEDETTES . Every man. woman d th t t d I l and child should have a pa.ir of theae ere~ soled exchanges or the Pacific Telephone,.. e~ o wo men an serous n- bouncing Boosterette ox.fords . , _ Washable blue, and T~legi-aph company during jury f;<> two women, one rrom brown. white and red canvas tops .. t $6.50 pair. 1950, a mid-century year or ccm-Costa ~eaa. Here's your passport to Spring. honey ... These • tiulng expansion that was high-Fatally injured in the col,Ueion • • I " , ! INSURED · ' : I . -SAVING·S . ' .. e RADIATOR Cl.EANJXG e LVBRJCATION • I · ' 11 ' Kedet tes also come in really divine ballerina. styles; washable white. lighted by inc reased t elephone ac-of the two cars and a truck w er e. g1fCn and red with dura ble light rubber soles only $3:75 . , . other tivity of all ~l:hJ?s; i ! , li«\,.i., ~~-=_,Hu~, r5· of t..olt"An- toa:fer and sandal t ypes .. ·. These ea.sy going shoes' won't· be too According to NE!'Wport~ll&!'ager '.ge'!t(i .•r··~~11i'aJcar, and John ,,. f 4 i t 1"'WASmNG : POLlSHYNd ' I , . e BK.AKE SF.R\'J('..E e FR01''T END Al.IG?'-"ING e WHEEL BAL\:S('ING e EXPERT BODV'-nnd e P,AINTISG -l>ttST-FRF.E PA.INT BOOT•I • Compare our... Prl<'f'9 Fo' Qua~ity \\'ork l • Culbertson Motur Co !481 COMt Hlgb\vay ~aeon 64-12 Free Pick-Up and ~Uvery· plent iful, I fear ... eo get ~th it _ .. all k1nds of me n, women & T . M. Hambrook, ,who made t'hl p~1!"1· K !¥ Cleveland, O., children's shoes and children's Kedettes here too. BARB.ER'S announcement today the compa· P re in 'the second auto. BOOTERY 1795 Newport Av~ .. Costa. Mesa. ny's tremendous posl World War Mlj. 1 Hubaud WM pronounced • • • n expansion prograrp has account-dead upon arrival at Long Beach ed tbr an increase of more tban Community hospi~ Thvrsday. Mr. THIS ·WILL TICKLE YOU NO DOUBT! The WA)JHERETTE 608,000· Southland telephones and Sullivan died early Friday mom· '<''ashes feathers and down pillows. AND FLUFF DRIES THEM a total served in Pa.ctfic Tele· lng In the ho8plt&l, FQR ONLY $1.2~ a pair. Which, If you a.sk me is more like mother phon"e's Southern C&litorOta area Lia~ aa ln ''very se!1(1\:ll con- love than· institutional kindne.ss~ Remember .the d&ya when people today at l ,66.f,'500 .. There were 800 dftion I Jn tbe .Long BeacJi hos~ ,dumped the Teathers out all qver the baJk yard and' just washed added in the Newport Beach ex-pita.I ill kn. Betty Richard.Ion, 47,• the tic.king? Many feaµiers sa.Jled oft into the soup as a result ot change during 1950 and 5.~ gain-ot 2a40 Newport Blvd., Coat& thJs antiquated method. So gather up your dirty pi'UOws and get ed in the five-year period tor an Mesa, irresumed to be the.driver of daint).•. Mother Washeretle will take care of y(\ll ! A.,nd don't tor-lncreak of 168 per cent, making the s~nd car. She suffered pelvic get for a moment that you can leave your laundry here, your rugs a total ot g,186 th service here. lnjurle~. &: drapes . for Tintexing, and your clot.l\es for dry ~ee.ning. Open During.the mid-~entury mark.er, ~lving head Injuries in the Thursday Eves, untll 9 p. m. Free parking at the W ASHERE'ITE. too, Ham brook sald. -subscribers accidtqt wa. Mn:. Emily Waper, 404 CO.f'\ST BLVD., CORONA DEL MAR. Hai:.bor 2~W. and uaers' ot ~e service placed 27, o( ~ Angeles! pauen.ger ln · • •· • .. ,, nearly 10,000,000 daily ,Calls in ~ the -.._baud 'C&I', al8o a patient. in THIS IS THE STORY OF THE LONESOME CHA.JR .. , an un-Southland 500 000 mere than a the Long ~h hospltal . wanted chair. charmln8'. plump, easy going _Ir decont.Uve. But year" ago 'and 'a.lrilost ~.500 more .The ~ver of the' truck, Clyd~, where has it gotten her! She's. aboUt average iJ! ~auty and wan~ than in 1945, · ~ M~lalfl B.rlatow, 39, ot Nat1on3:J to give crratuni comfort and eoo<t, Uvtbg to so,..eone. J auppose'in Here In the Newpcirt Beach ex-City, was not hurt. the beginning she aet her slgbts too high. Her price wa.s $110. change, telephone users placed' a Th~ 1cpm.ion occurred at Coast, Which w.:S not u.nru...onable donaldertng her back.g:i:.otlnd. and mod.tab dally average o( 33,386 calls '1n ·Hwy. l!abd Bay Blvd., ln, S;eal frame. HOWEVER DR. ERWOOD 8,\YS SHE HAS 'J'O GO! Go 1950 as compared with 12,172 In Beaclt. The Seal Beach police ,de· pay him her board tbtll which ts m and take het~ away to· a good December, 1945. the manager 1tat.. pa~iept . reported that the truck home! Lota of wonderful china. cla.sa, flgi.1riniea, lamps. copper, ed was ~grwut on Cout Hwy., brass, costume jewelry at ER WOOD'S ... ALMOST everytltlng al · ' ' . °':bJ~ud •ar was ... Ing aouth I ONE·HALF PRICE! Fumltur.. Art. Gifts. i'•brlcs ... •o7 E . ·Hits 2 p·-..L·· ,. tow&fd Huntington Beach and the .. Balboa Blvtt. BaJhftrl_ ..-.. ._.ars Ri o auto wu headed north . ·i· .. , • • • · • 1 Oii Coast Hfghweiy on .!f~!':;..~1on ot the cruh la HOW NOW BROWN COW? WHYOO YOU . , 'beln 1 ndllcted by the llOal Beach LOOK SO CONTENTED? You'll Jook amur and A ~ aceldent too)< P1-poll • • contented too after BUTtERMILK H9'1'-CAKES at 12:40· p.m. Moaday, Jan. 22 lri • · ·, _ T THE ANCIJOR CA.FE! 'Daeae; buc,tefiod.&ppJed front of Bosun'•. &Ocker on tbe .~ ' ... .--1 delJchta are o. 1peclalty .de~ "aid only 36c Coast High~. A ·car driven by I( D•age ' ' ' a <•t complete with a atalwart eug ot <>01tiie. Dr. Kerl B,QN,! UopnL Beach, u , H • ' Olio nice Ultn .. about tbla lltU., •• 111'1!' blitro 18 g<>ln~ east on -the di&at Rig~ •'~ OMe , th& chi~ dicuU.. attitude of the pl&ce. Nii 11d..wlp;,d c balf • tpD P.aclfto I • I • • • '' • ~ _,,..to be In a hu"I')': .· • except to _tell Tele~e company tiui:k,ln wllldl be ~ =~.ir1a~-:.'! ~ n;ext ftob ~ .•• Gladya &J!d 0,.0 Uke William ~-Lee, Dn.np and. Jadt (ir~ ....._;, to t1;e........!::_ to --pie °'!l lboJr wonderfUI fOod and nl8x K. TUchen&I, SUta Alla .,_ · t ap...-.• .,.... , •••• oome ~ 1._ ••oral ..,. oTOt: a piece eatinr Juncb. _. car Q>el! ltJt .• a . -'!'! &trta IJICU I to 71 WtiO , ot ·p10 1 u·•'llw~ or placi wbenl you cu r1p . t» fl-• or lhe J?Ul!ed car>· ~."to· Kn. · I;'"..,,,__.,,._- spo;t_ ~-1-' P,ualp9 out or u.. dally..-. ~ 11a-Jame. -11411 ~~ ..:.,._, Inti ....._ l1 IJ¥1Llaw >,fol> r~ -'. . younelt a.JIW. bapP)"'bour •• ~a t.ot.,,.... .. ~ -.. Oo<on& I -· ~; t ~ '"!"~GIDP.~. ,....,_ ··- • ~~-· --l'llli.!!AJICHQR c.uz nw Oout.-r.-.. _.. ., ~ \ . i~ • we w. ~ • port, f'a,m.:._Ji p.,nL dal,ly. 4L11t.~B p.'m.·8~ 4 ' 'fA a.,:pci!ke ~ ~pwt_BllllL -< ", • r ,-~ ~ ~ •. ' • • · ., , • -"" f ~ Dr. •Jlw u.i t.e !DOit, •Azw,ll (tan ~ ~ 'f t , .,.._ 'I 1' r ~i>-• ~ 'l..l...._ ....... JW 9 ... .... ··---,..... ' • 4-:~ .,---~-"--' i I I .,._, ·I( • rp -. . " .. .o.....,. .... ilh r c ..-m.....,. •"•~•'•1 ttsc ..,., , ....... ·-:..·:::~ . ,. . =·4':~·.. ---.;;:. t:~1·t --~· ow,r .. · 094;,~ ' r::=y=·J ,l~ .!......; ~ a.r • ,.,r. .. , U. ' '\;JI~~ •~ ~ fillM 1lla .:,,.. • . -" .. -.ua 11 . ,. • 1..,. -r .... ... . ...,-... · •• • •I ____ _. .. _s . ~ ::;e·r•sta-• w•,-..... '! 2211 -·~·aan~? a·· ~· . .,.» .. ?\; ........ ,>' . • • r • • • • • I • ~I -~ I ,, . ·l >o I • • ... ·. . _..,..,.., .... ,.,.._._o.;i\f,. ~ r'""z_ .... ",.. = o .. .-~ ! r rte~ .. ...., ... -• ·1 I .. • I • .. CUUiHT l:A'ININGS .. l'erAnn~m I 4• j, 1 • I - J . . , • . . • • • • • • • • -·' ., ' . I , ~ .. ~. ' ' ' • . ' • • , ' ., • 1 1 . I • ·MEWS ' MORE. CLASSIFIED ON PAGE. FIVE ~ • • 111 CIDEST -------,-- --.----' - • ••• . ' ~ . f ... t ~ l'OIS MUI ta --••"'n a MAI tP j:·~·!·:·~·!!•~A~L~D~T~·Ari~!._.;.._...;.._~f:!~~!'J!~~~::._..:.__:~l~~~~:_!M~l~A~ftl!!°'·.:.,~;.·-+~~l-~!~~!!~~~.!'t'~lil~~~l.~t!'_:;:'...-·--~j 1'.""·~.!:· :=a!'!.~1:;!&£~'.:.!111n&~.~·~·~·~-~1 ·:.'..~r--.~-- 1so1 -Blvd •• Newport Bch ya per moath until JUDe 1ot11 rtt"#f ffauen & Ne...un'n HeigJits Spec" ·ials . UTD'UL I bodrift., ~ iiat, ' 2-.iQ:ol(oo)f ~1len>11 .. ll\'ing room 14'h'x2J'. ll'ecta,. ma~t...-., ch .. t., at.ave•, Har..,.. MJ·llL , 71c73 vrn • ••Yi" DllRNll. Dnt-b7 out· 8 -~ ;;..,.., ...... ~ ~ •~ 2 fi·-la • u•& 1D110EUA!fZOct1 J ack'8 Fumiture . A~:~::.;~ . ·, ~I . $2,00o eWN . . . '. ... BAY SHORES .. ..~CEJ;'TIO~AL . I • rdrlgeratora, etc. ---,."-----'~---I. We.have combed thia areal to iow dn. payl!lt. Ii~ ·. · 1=~ an:lll~2 nreiu-J•.._. -.r--(• ~ .. ....,, ~·P cea, Uilflnlabed l!'llrnlture. INES · · 1 I [ · . , b · or . ..,rut-In (Mt_. • Op;e In large !DUterjbedrooni. W to W carpet. · B~:~i;-~~ ~-~a: E~;?~ ~TES : We Offer You · 4 qholce of .~ m:u. BUT·~ P9'-. I · lllg. ~J patio j aJlioencl~ rear yard. -. ' r I VALUES in Used Appliances 1Mc78 TWO BDRM: >.yr, Uv!nsnliim.' ' AT $2,000 J)()WN 'LIDO ISLE ; I " . • . Soil of Bl ," ONLY $16,950 . bath. kitchen. vi-of oceo.q and • 1 • ' 2 ~Inn . ..; -. 2 balhit · ,.,... BAJIBOO RA 'IT A1'I BHOPB Completa line, tactoey-t.o.7ou Opell IS-t dallJ I< SUD. Bo.n • tema. 270 OCellll A .. ., Lqu1IS Beact. Ur · All are in good condition Jlppliances are getting scarce and will !loon be even . harder to find MODERN light m~ple dbl. bed, Servel gas re.frig. 5 cu. ,, box sprtng and mattreu. dre r ft in very, nice con-. witb mirror, $95. 402 Serra Dr. ruhon ................... : ...... $74.95 Corona Highlands. Bar. 23ftc~3 Frigidaire, 5 cu. ft. .... 89.95 ALSO Have a few good TVs-- JUST TRADED IN! . DA VIS-BRO~'N CO. 1885 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Mesa PRIVATE ~ARTY oft era 3 bdnn. cheats. divan, 3 bar C'halra. 5 pr. draperies. M.lac. ltenia. All tn goed condition. 1444 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Har. 2379. 73c75 Beacon 6821 G-ROA.nf, "''Pl'Uf'At ' -~~~---~--~~ STEW ART Warner Frigidaire - Good condition .-$35. Phone Harbor 1386-J. 72p74 BLUE RUG and pad, like new, f 12xl3)-Hooked rug, 4x6. wril- ing drsk, bednn chair, lea.the r club chair, Cedar cheat, walnut · dbl bed springs and mattreS&. coffee table, girl's %8" bicycle. 108 Vta "-1llhe, Lido l!le. Har. 2779-W. 72c74 While They Last Uled 8-ft. Servel refrigerator: excellent condition, ortginal ser- vice policy 1llll In effect- $169.95 New-New-Ne~ HUDSON INV ADER Marine Engines ' ' 275 H.P. PRICED TO SELL See J oho Harvey at Seacraft 626 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Pb. BEACON 0771 2t!c bay. Quiet location. ~ br. ilrtft Procrutlnatlon In ~ trying iUmu 'wlll make It mo"'· vale .-_Uo •• All otttot•MJric to bue. 8Ultable for 2 coupleo. dlfflcult to tllld a l'>Od llonie at uia.e i.nn.. ,IJoOl:t& ¥-., mo: '21.lllJO. '" loan. • UtJIJ~.. Included .... -......... mo. IDcnuln« dally -bulldlDf mo.tmo.to aro .ttcfit&lllDC ' 13215 I!:. ~ Blvd., Bal-up with. a conaequent price rloo. • ' Barbor 2218-W · T2c24 I ALBOA ~SULN Co er .hid(. slt6--llaalflce J:lllllO PICK YOURS NOW 'While 1reuonable term.a are avall- MODl!:RN J bodnn .turn. ~pL '40 able. Co.II Fred Buker. ~ 5796. Eves. lleL 9113$-J mo., utU. pd. Inquire Mn. Oln-or call al our otttee." tath and Irvine (oPP· HJ&"h School)' • . --' . " ergency Hoepltal · Bklgj rad. 312 Alvarado 'Place. Balboa.. P•. Harbor 2•96-J. 11c1a EARL-w. STANLEY, Realtor or locaUon. -k ~· . 14 rmi lncludJD&' surpr~" ced lo .. IL Klpt COllllldeT P'URNISHED 3 rm. houee, $50 mo 15th and Inine, J"fe"TJ>Ort Hefahta · 300 Feinleat. Corona del Mar1 Phone Harbor 0214-J. 11c73 BA YFRONT RENT AL, 1 bdnn .• to June 15th, STO mo. 2 BDRM.. 2-baUI bayfronL Ra· son able. C(REENLEAF I< ASSOC. 3112. Newport Blvd. · Har. 2M:il EXTRA clean 3 and 4 rm apLa., furnished. Elec. · refrlg .• utU. pd. S40-$46 mo. to June 115th. 301 E. Bay ... Ave., Blllboa. Har. 1969-J. . 72c74 BALBOA ISLAND, furnlshed cot- tage, 2 bedrma. $00, walt'r pd. also collage tn. rear -$35. 118 Emer&ld An., Balboa lal&nd. 7:1p74 OCEAN FRONT LOW WINTER RATES -The Island ' We have a speclally priced . two ·story home with eight .. bedrooms, unit heat, and superb S o u t h Bayfront main channel view. Th i s earliest convenience. The price unfurnished , $38,500. AY' FRONT INCOME . VOGEL VALUES! 6 ill tn chOlce locaUon. Com-Newpqrt .Heights · P 1.e1y t0rll1a1>ed. Ttlt• -•• a 1 uttf1d pi'operty and hu • AttracllVl! new 3 bedroom home . uled lnCOD18 of oyer SU.GOO Hdwd. 0001"8. Fireplace. Fur-ICED AT $11,&00. nace. All room.a are large. Bpac· 1 REENLEAF Ir: AssoC. IOU• ck»eta and cupboard•. Tile 311 Newport ,Blvd. Harbor 3M2: , ln kitchen a.nd bath. L&J'ge lot. -·~f------------1 2-car prage. A quality home BOA beach bouae on small · tn.. a good ne!ghborbood. ~riced decaped Jot near ocean and right, w1lh term.II. . Good ~kine f.clllUe.. 850. · Showri by ~polnbnent., .. c BeaC(tD 81()8..J. 72(:74 . Jiving room If;~ x ' ... 24 \h., fltt- place. P'\lrnace. HOWd fiooni. Bedroom No. 1 is 12 x 15. Bed- t'OOm No. 2 ll!I 13 "1: x 13'1:. Large 'kitchen and breakfut nook. CH Cl!: LOTS. W . cor. ~·Broad· w y and Raymond _A.Ve., Coat.a ea. t 75 x 122). conta.ct owner. I!:. IAmbert Rd., WbJKler. f . 72p74 . LMOST NE;W ' CORONA DEL MAR Nn 2 bedrm Cape Cod South oi Highway. Large l'OOlll8. Forced air heat. DhJ. gar. Fenced yard. OPEN .FoR INSPECTION, 1.:_ 5 ~ATVRDAY and SUNDAY SEE 321 NA&CISSUS A VE., c, D. M. - ' ONLY $13,500, TERMS CLIFF HAVEN . 2 bednn home -.Redecorated in and out. New wall lo wall · "Carp.,ting. -Large living and dining .room, lireplace. .Twin size bedrooms. Bendilt waaller.,~MEDIA'.l'E .POSSESSlON. Only $1t,7~, with low down payment. OPEN FOR INSPECTION, 1-5 SATURDAY and SUNDAY SEE 23622 Snug Harbor Road · . . PAY ONLY $1,5QO CASH_ and . move. into tblo lovely 2 bedrm home on large lot. B&lance like rent. Total price $9,850. THIS WON'T" LAST, HURR'Y ! LISTINGS WANTED -ALSO· RENTALS . . I - HAVE GOOD low mileage '48 Packard sedan to trade on 26 rt. fishing boat. Ph. Harbor 13~0-J. TWO BDRM. APT .• -lt'tingroom, bath. kitchen. View ot ocean and bay. Quiel location. Ullli-J. A. Beek Office BALBOA ISLAND FERRY 10 x 10 baaemenl, 2-car gars~. Room to build rental. It'11 a real t¥>me and' a terrific buy at only TW l89M: euy tcrma. l 1 BDRM. home tit excelleqt ERNIE SMI:TH, REALTOR' ~ Good assortment of used WASH-I ING MA CHINES-E:..y. ABC. t leA included ---······• ........ ,88 mo. 1326 E. Balt>o• Blvd .• Balboa . ·~73 CORONA DEL M,\R ! allon on LITTLE .ISLAND. arate guest roOm autd bath: ced to sell quickly. 1205 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2667 ! Kenmore From $10 , Harbor 2~78--W 72c74 Small Boat Mart • Harbor 63 Balboa Islit.nd 1 • I r I, ,. ' ' • • ' " . I • • O.E . Portable DISHWASHER demonetrator, If new, $189,g:; Now $149.95 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED - STROOT'S TeWinkle. Hardware Beacon 5222 1802 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa BDCMONS metal double bed. aprlng1 and qiatlreaa, never uaed. S2~. Call at 2095 Creat- view Drive, Bay Shor~ or ph. Bea. ~7. 71c73 Want to Record? New Tape Recorder Port.able. l\tade by Ampro -Ex- cellent for recordlng music, 1pee<:h o r ? $109.95 . NEW \VEBSTER WlRE RE- CORDER, portable . A buy at SI~. DA VIS-BROWN GO' 18M Harbor Blvd. · Colla MeU Phone Beacun 6821 BO~ TS BOUGHT, SOLD and ac - cef\led on consignmeont. Balboa Marina 2802 Coaat Highway. Harbor 0771 65c78 CHRYSLER ROY AL-2 to 1 Re- duction. Good condition. Phone Beacon ~00. 62tfc --.UllJCAL. BADIO · JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! Knabe Grand. Beautiful Chick- ering Grand. Save $600 to $800. Kimbal Grand. Vose, Story and Clark. Wonder toned ' Sohmer Crani;i, only $395. Terma. DANZ- ' SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. 520 No. Ma.in, corner 6lll, Santa .. Ana. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! Spinet.II and Granda.· Trade-Ina. Rental returns, r epoase8lllon. Wonderful• bargains. Many fam· o~ makee. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. 100 planc:>ti to chooee from, :;20 No. Maln. comer 6lh, Santa Ana. BALBOA -Furnle~d 1 bedroom apt. Inquire 901 ll. Bay Fror\t, Ba.Ibo&. Phone Harbor 0331-W 67p81 RENTAL •1 SPECIAIJSTS cau 1lldu. Cnlc Linwood Y>ic1', Rl~or. Balboa Island. liar. 1'0t2 IJclH ONLY $17.300 full price ror ex- cellent LAG UN A t NC 0 ME PROPE'RTY. Rent.8 about $2,400 per year. Call Santa Alta. Kl. 26774 or Ellcondldo 112:;, 7Jc76 U-ROOM8 FOR Rl!:NT FURNISHED roome, kitchen priv- ileges. Penaionera or c!llldren O.K. Large houae. -ReUonable. Write Box "S", lhl.11 paper. 71 c13 -----,--------I ATIRACTIVE ROOM,. oulaide Out of elate owne r deelring, lo purcha.ae ranch property tn Ari- zona will .selJ 4 furnlahed units• In Corona del Mar tor $31.500. 2 housea, 2 garage apt.I., 4 gar- agee. 2 Iota, New t"arbage dl&· poaa.t.., 1tovu and refrtgerat9rs. Ocean aide of highway. This is approxlm&tPly $10,000 below re- placement coet. The John Vogel Co. 1301 Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Phone Harbdr 1741 or Har. 1417 Eveninse Harbor 393-M • 216 F ANLEY HADP'Il!:LD arlne Balboa I.II. Ha.rbor 20 I . · I NVEST NOW! INC ME PROPERTY- 3 pt.a. and ~ aleeptnr rooms, in h t of Balboa. Right mane.ge- m ht will make lhia pay c:llvt- d di. Priced .. to sell at $10,000. ' ' BALBOA ISLAND Charming · Knotty. Pine 3 BR home with smaU rental apt. In rear. Excel. loc. Furn $16,500 · BAYSHORES Thia attractive new J! bedrm home .with all you could desire for year-round liVing-pine walls, attractive tiled kitchen,. patio, fireplace and dbL garage -$14,500. Nelda Gibson Horace S. Mazet UNFURNISHED 3 RM. A.•.. re. living rm., bdrm., kitchen, bafll. .entrance. Near busea and shop-0 •Panel ray heat. Frlgidalre and plng. Very rcuonable. 603 .Lark-.$8750 CQRONA DEL MAR," turn-EX ON BALBOA POINT- A active a.nd almost new 1 a 2 bedrooma. Large garage w · h eunde<:k. ·Close to good b&~ Harbor 502 Harbo.r 3028-J 306 MARINE A VENUE, BALl}OA ISLAND atove furniahed. 317 Heliotrope, apur, Corona de) Mar. Phone I.shed clean thrwout hardwood Corona del Mar. Phone Hatb<v Harbor 3099-J. 73c.75 floor~. 2 bedroom&, ~e•r ever;Y- 2989·W. • 84.tfc , thing. ldf!•I for elderly people 4.&-&ENT. Ml8Clll...LANEOU8 Monthly paymenta leu than Eulernef.a -Mf,rlnea AttenUon ! rent. Call Harbor 0&29dt. 73c75 IN NEWPORT, clo1e tO ocean, 2 ~rm. fumtahed hoWMI. garage. Water and cu p&ld. '66 mo. Ph. Beacon 8487-K. 63ttc LIDO ISLE Square Dancing? We have a portable public address ay&ten1, record player and am- plifier tO r~nt for game.a and par.ties. If )'OU ....,,t a ,...t&l on LIDO ERLE -.... Scftral loYely DAVIS-BRO\VN co. apt.a. A.I.lo ttmnu available. 18.M Harbor Blvd. Costa Me.a P. A.:Pi\LM1jm Beacon 6821 INCORPORATllD ' Oii-MONEY •To LOAN 3333 Via Lido ll&tbot lllOO ------------ ' Income Property 3 units, furnl&hed, rented $12:; m o. uuw.., non-resklent owner, $3,000 down. $9,500 Bayshores Home Attractive· 3-bedroom home, only $17,600. mmtna. See thl• property make ~(fer. . S .. MOD. I< ATTRACTIVE lex and apt. over ,3-car gar. lreplace.a. LM.rgie patio. Xlnt. lion. Price '26,000. Reier. L. 11147. OWNER IN KO~ Must Sell at Once • • IN CORONA DEL MAR COMPLETEL y P'URNil!HED 3. bedroom home; has nearly new refrigerator, kllchen f'Ul&'e, Ben· dUc: washer. Lot.sot tUe In k itch- en and bath, nice patio en,cloaed 3 R .•. 2 bath hom:e, just off by brick wall. ba front. rood swtmmtnc bch. . :• ! • J 1 Pl tered lnlerloT, h~wd. fire., ·About ·one . ha.If cash 111J! fl. furn. ldeoJ for year round or handle, balance at only $32 G. I. $750 Down 1 2 •very fine, brand new . 2-betlrm ho1neli. The&E> homes are lllrge 1927 sq. fl.) and IOCAled In Costa Mesa's be.At East Etlde cl~ ln. Fireplace, hwct. rloors. We. l~rge lot, tree1, many oulllt.andlng featuree. 1 FULL PRICE $9,500 . Excel. terrna lo qualified buyera. Owner Must Sell AttracUve 2·bfdrm hpme·5 yre!o ld. BUNGALOW upright piano f Jit perfect playing condition. $290. T enn11, $30 down, SID mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. C Since 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Sant.a GENERAL 50 gallon w~ter heater Ana. KJmbei'ly 2-0672. 7ltfc .:_---------.,-- just-Hke new, $7~. Ueeck.kitchen ------------LARG!: TRAILER In lovely'court. Utt• LOANS Fer Homes. with 4 ro -5 112 ro Int. Lido Isle v atlon. per month. • SB ROOM HOME-• Fireplace, hwd, -tile baU. -.;rtth .aeparate 1lall shower, d1'lng rm, fenced back yard., patio, dbl. gar. · aink, $5. Harbor 2863-M. 73p75 RENT A PIANO. ~ per month. Adult.I, S30 mo. 1741 Pomona, Lot.8 at bargaln prices, now ls the 2 at~ l>PI.. enclosed patio. St cco &.nd pluter conatnactkm.. 1 A ut 2 Yl'f· oid. Dealr~ble area, lo U4o •hopplll(. Refer. 4 % lnte'l"e8t .. . Priced to Sell at '$8,950 SABLE DY.ED MUJ!kr t C t All rent allowed lf )'OU buy with-Coat& Mea.. Ph. Beacon 67f7-J. Excellent condition. aSi.z ~4 in term•. DANZ-SCKMIDT, 520 63tfc Lons tenn. Low payment Specializing In F. H. A. and 0 . I. Plana. 5 % "-C -•.ructJon Loen1 • time to build for profit, lot.II $2,1 60 I< up. BUY THIS TQDA Y - . TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE Phone Harbor 1048-J . e71c73 No. Main, Santa Ana. NICE 2 'B.DRJi., 2 bath,_~artly · • . • ·'USED PIANOS from H8 up. Good fumiehed t\C)uae. Yearly rental View Lot L. 1610. U .150 down. Full pr e •n.aeo. • SUBMIT YO.QR. TERMS YOU BETTER BUY NOW! TeleVIS1on Sel'Vlce playing condition. DAN z. In Balboa. 'Dbl. -"' !P"llo. CALL BO!il BA TI'Llm Bar. 81~ for 1'Tee 4ppralaal Rep. l'OlRllllR lllORTGAOll CO. •lro. Life lnl. runda. KI l~lllt Hlll1lde lot on Clift Dr. near Santa A'.na Ave., unreelrlcted view or bay and ocean, ~ acre, the only one avalJable. Submit offer. FULL PRICE 8 C04BT Rl!:ALTY CO. $9,000 RADIO REPAIRS •8CH1l1DT. 020 No. Main, Santa AU fenced. C&U ,J!e&ccn M~t,~~ Ana. cor. 6th. " ut~lplo Ustlnr Realtor•" 302 In BL. Balboa, Har. 2034 • Phil Sullivan L&nJ J\Wen • • I arold 8&mrn Techn1ciam KEBA RADIO I< TELEV1810N 100 Broadway, C. K. Bea. -.i ~ENNY LIND Type dbl. bed. Com· plete w ith eprings and lhner mattrcea. 130. 3 ~ x 41.4, 1peed Graphic complete. Har. 1970..M after i . 71 p73 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRAILER Wl!l FILL BUTANE OUd PROPANE TANKS Complete lnstall&t.ton.. rep..lr and •rv1c. ot all Tniter J:qulpment. Berman :a llo.muol Ellla M. Porte! ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Onota 111-. Pbo!M --8224,ft 3.J:RVEL Gu n.trigerator.' :S cu. fL. ln good condition. $149.M See at 1&60 Orange Ave. Coata Mea. 71c73 WANTED: SO planOB. Trade In your old piano on a Grand, Spinet \or beautltul televieton. Highest caah allowance. Terms. DANZ-$CHMJ,PT . PIANO CO, comer I~ :;2() N?. Ila.in, Santa Ana. TEA.RL Y -2 bdrm. unturniahed hooae. 003 -38th St ... Newport Iala.nd, (owner at 501 -3Bthl . 73c75 REAL ESTATE LOANS $10 000 "Near Pavilion" EXCLUSIVE WITH Ben Whitinan and Associates Formerly C. 'Galen Denillon G. T. Everson Interest Rate 4'h • 5% . , ' F r Sale by-Owner ._.. qwckl1 made ID the 11&7 N. B. C. REAL TY ·Co. TW~EAUT. 2 ·B.R . HOMl!:S IN f90 Newport Blvd. Cotta Me&& Ana and Lquna. Blnrle or Beacon 6:U3-W NICE 3 RM. HOUB&, available uJH...i unit.a. N old. Be 3118 N~ewport Blvd., Newport Bch. C H4 VeN on 8nUJ Har- m ~• "' or Phone Harbor 1400i • be\ L Road and 1 lower priced 2 Yearly. '45 mo •• utU. p&ld. 814 % -••d ava by -•-··c1n-r 400 and 1018 Cout Blvd Corona del Kar Ha.rbor 3167-W . or Beacon MSS-J Wiae: peOple do read the &di. .... ·~-~ •. B.D home· la Newport Hda>"bta. w . Balboa Blvd. Barbor :zelM. 1our pnMDt klo.n. llllatmum U• • 1 · .'t:, l!:xc d d• Ir SPINET piano. 1% yra. old. Like 73p76 pe .... No charre,fcr pnllml-A BargBlD. Take Over 4 % A ... 1. nowi· ellent !'II .. • new. Save l200 on thllt. Term• nary appraleal. Pbone ll&nta G. I. LOAN on 2 bedrm. home, able hom,. prioed rlfhL SMALL Balboa Coves H' om' e 2502 Cre•tv1.W '1 ~-del ..... cc._ •· • ~ · DOWN pymt. OW>ier will fl· . . down, 515 mo. at SHAFER'S $80 -621 Fem eat, ...._.v••• A.na .1U.11U1111r...,. a..4627 or write: So. ot Blvd., ~ D. M, Hdwd. • .. -.. Sn Bay Shore• Sine 1007) 421 N Mar, 3 bedrooms. lar•e living fl frpl ti nance. Mannln•·' ~· ua No. t3 SIC CO. ( e · • ARTHUR A. MAY .. ~.. . .. gar .• pa 0 · Ho.rbof Rd., Cliff U.ven. Beo.. Modem 2 bdmut arid den. 2 b&Uut. By a * * SOI,.D * * • Sy\:&mon. Santa Ana. Kimber-' with nnpl&co, garo.ce. lllortpp i.-eon.poadent r n~ORRIB REALTY co. 56-0o-J 1ouc Lo.rre Uvlnc mi and d!Jllnr· rm. Mljltlple +uunr Realtor ly 2-ool72. · 71ttc $M -Studio 'Ap&rtment.. tarre TW'O eo.uf. ur. lnl. Oo.·• (Realtonl. Ph. Harbor 2162 • Party furnlltbed, f8000. -n.1--:---~-------- PHONE Harbor 1619 to place yout want ad on t.h1a page. llvlng. room with alcqve, ·Holly· '1414 .... u. Main Bo.at& Ana 813 Coast Blvd., Corona ·dsl Mar TWO Bl!DROOlll . HO~ .;',.' "° Bet owner, lOO West Bay Ave. Have, openlnr for A8SOCIA TE Wood twin becla. K.llchen and 1 -. • .... _ th .. 1n11t ~ BROKE~ Belt deal lo areL / ample cloeeu._ 81\0"(er, balll. MODTGAGE LOANS OMlER ¥lJST SACRIFICE ~"'·1a~::":!.l:;;. n;:,.;~-~ or 1'119ne Har. _,.)(; 6~72 ERNIE sMmI, Realtor Harbor 0829-K 73c76 4... 2 bedroom. 2 bath ... at.er front cdun, Jn 111tc11en .. bath. OWNER off-2 B. R. bouse, ·flN· 120!! COABT HIGHWAY U-"l'nllli!ll A OFPIOBll home with pier ond float. PLUS ALSO 1 tioch'aOm Jaonie,.neeclo. fin· place, !'"tlo, R-2 lot. Only f7900. Corona del Mar • Harbor 26417 ~ 48-AtJTOlllO.U,,., 'l'JllE8 · ~ ln~;'~1g'N tarre go.rage iw>artment.. Pu>t>-.J.binr tnold>t. 'f7,~ for both-"-'3.300' down. fliO mo. c,., balanC11. 7IcT3 A-1 LOCATld'N on Main St.: Bal-l _ erty la all newly decorated ln-S2,000 dowftt' ftb mo . .at. Weet Open tOr tupecUon. 10. t..rk· , • boa near Pavilion. Space occu-S W COL,,...,' A 1'T 1 sljle and ouL • J4ot0 DOWN. H4mUton. ·Ooota llea. · 8"con opur. Ooroo1& jlel Jtlo.r. 71p73 G I HOME pied by present P. -0. Owner will '35 PLY. Cpe. a ~J fool J II:! ; • .1!.1~11 Harbor 28416-K. 73p75 6t37•R. . ' , . 71,<73 • • "m'*' to au1t tenanL ·u sTUDIC ··LUdc-= N. Bro&<1Wa1 Phone * in Corona del Mar SEE Mn. McAdoo, 700 E. Bal-Bedo.n. l!:wey ~ ,1111own Santa Ana KI 3·7178 .l d ,. Best 'B • . . * * S 0 L ·D * SOOTK or HIW~ y In wry Dl~ boa Blvd., ,Balboa. Ph. Harbj>< lo mo.n ... 7---"-;-;.•mum-~ We Buy anQ Sell Trust Deedll '.Fo ay s .. uys CORONA DEL MAR Toa J"-1ne dUttrlcL 1'wO' -. bwd.. 153 or Hart>or 2873·W. 72c74 •41• DODGIC ·~ Uner" \ • -1 in Clean and n ... I .dm, -e In Ooraila 6el Mar floon; praire, la-ped loL p • sedan, one at ...... -_ ... _ MCI co''RON A D'EL. ,. .. An excetL ·loc&Uoa 1 blk., from ' $12.000 l'ULL PRICll f';OOO $1 NEW MODERN and attnM:tlve ·u lllERC. CONV, .... own-L04Jlll .-c> BUILD, DIPllOV», 4 • ~~ •lores . .A. n.il caw bom• and ..,. ... bs,ndle. Paymenta Ub NnL MAGIC CHEF' Table Top Range. olfl"" on Newport Blvd .• above er·-mil ..... ·--·-·---121:1 .rt:1 '•~~OR "·$6,500· ~ ....... lle•rM117 a value. ill""'-~ .. ~h.c~ "-ltor Be' 'wru" •t '• d OOod condition. '45. Bea. 11662. llle Arches. '45 mo. Pb. f!eacon • · · ,._...,.,.cm u . -w..-.,......,. ' n m•n ·"" 73c75 6713-R daya. (Eves. Bea. IM&1·R l. 8~ TERMS .._ llU1'i anu:R8 W1' Jlllc7 TNlt DMlll 2 ·-cott&J• well located, .. • -• ' • • : ' A.saoC!i&tes..... . a cu. FT. SERVEL refrigerator. 7 ac 75 H SHAVER! MOTORS ~'!:.a~r~t-~•!:2...~ P.ooo w111 ~"' ~e · -~J.~ Heights .' New 3. ~Homes see vr. -.,u. .... ~ ·Jlhod. ~ condl~. Insured. $175. -·"·-.,. ~ -·· • ~ l:ll~T BUILT ., T ""'-. ""I Mar · . g" 12 gray·Jllffll ru~ a. pad $50 U-WANTED TO. ~ YOui DOl><llll-l'Ji!VOUTH l'Jlr. 1131 -Ude> I'll. ~-UGO $12,9()()' CleliA I lloditti ~ wr 1111 ~ Jirt)'· · • · i ~!~1:".!:a~~ii. Coro~3c~~ WANTED-u'ntemlsW ··~ _.ilM ~;~ c:=·-; ....... L mArillXCllAM .... su!.,,U..iue;tte_Ave..c.D.JLNew ·.= ~L~.-~o'.~1 Q&k ~~~is·:..:~-. TA.'jiiSA . beuae &t reuonable yevlr Nat-, • 1 . ·• = · • = ~ , 111 taed:nn brick and ·~bblne. "'-di .....--., i.:...•"''. ALI .M .. "' 1 ,, -. • • • • , ~ . __ J al. U.-1 ..... t&,. I • ~ 1 . < &fr t 20 f : ~ ' -~-.,_.. "11 v ; • .......... UilJ. atMt. " ...... •A-8W.&PS COM or N..,-..... ~ lNt• PLYKOll'IR' '"""°' -. SEJ'J.·or TRADE A.al<tm&Uo fon:..r • ~ ~. ~ •• , . . • -Ille Praito. . ,--.. Iola. Ko... 17 t\!LRR. ~· i" ....... Call Harbor H.31·1\. ~ -tlood p&lilt .,.,, -... fldl I 7 l ..,, ....... Lun*7· I -"' ... . . ,..-r-=--.. - sKiL 01\ TRADlll .-=-lllodeJD Ice W~2-3 ... .. _price.. NO ~ • ~,, • ~ balnc tnh.t-. iy-. • -. • G,· l """'-DOWN· . ~ . -.t"o Ml\ . . ~ :.. ....... n.u.io::: :.: bo1< 6 0u. f1' 11-Western mu-,;~·bte .... ~~·.::i.: ... .A..._ Apt. I. l • 7JpTI , --6 atJ'e -S--11P .. 1n .,,..,. , -~ -. loil. (';Ii ~ tlPt meter and 3111. H. P. ;;f;:T; JlOo-:::::,:,_ a.o. •.A.X. _......._:;;,_ 1 I .,_ -.. -,....._. f , ,.U~:y MO, ._, ·-....... l!i N-; i'aD• liOlblil ~~O. L , .. ";"L ~ -... l --~ ,_., . · 171 1-~-.-~'hi l -Qoocl.-pc'e -.... Wmt -. er l!OJ'IDi'tLu, INOC>Nm ,,_ Ill< 1 ~ • · ll"i'· ::r-: fin. ·• • llOltA.~ .. N'll!Jr · · . l_AN'r...::':~~.;.~~ S-2$1t, ~ ~ 71' ·~~ =.t:~~ .~n:.-a:-.:-~ I="""\!..:;:•~ ..... WO -~ Jla1P.h: ~Mi,al8)': . 'IOI-,..,..,.. · .. Ill. Tiie~ . -:z.: f-;>:. ·-7. . ' ~ •:!:::1_ .... .2''!?" ............ ,.~ f . .... 'E.! _'1+----"'---------,.. . ·n OUlf Dll'.IQldl ~·1s n·. ~ . · ...O a ,_,lliz,., a -.-aeilfy ,.._ --. ..-·-·• a1tw~tu ft ?V" , ~A ISLAJl!D-=-:-.:~~~= Wfil ·Tra4e ' .~ ~· . ' -j)lls'.!Arlant , -_., :.J•~lll.o: ... " WANTmD-AuT0..rncMJWw HOUUil .um APft. • • C~"'--" 1 • d . 711111 "4t. I *'\ti' IP •'-' ••• .JI!~ • 'VACIUl71: aa.~ Tt1Rft8'Jl~ ~TOR n..-AJ. IRJICIE -....... e -...._ WI •·tr •tr 5 -liA'i•M Qhte • Ill* ~ r Bee 04.J!., ~ .... 'florttou ~ pr1aa le .. lit-'Nelda GR "· Rail No ~ •...: ,,.,... . •• fk• .Bii di • fC'1 mr;e•£::-. ; I • I==~ tu. WJ1111 r. o. .._ . ..., '-* •dr, ••• 1s1. -· _ ._.... -• , • _ ;....i:.1 arrllll ... 'Gllillf. n.tl . ~ ...... ~ --. • EA. IC •i "-__ .;; ~ --r ' ". . -. . <' . ·, • • ' •