HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-13 - Newport Balboa News Times• ' I • I r •• • . ' ' .. c , . ' "U"l'llBNED MA.RINE ·.:.._ 0 tt feels .p~'ty ,'°°'1 to be home, but· what a •ttme ba:ri.q: 0 /' 1 M)""S recentl1·-~turaed...from-Korea Mart~' Ueat~t Robert ~flUUl of 81% Martsold Ave.. OoroA& del Mar. K·lernan's wife. Marilou le ttalllU.s Orr a ba.d cold and e&rly Mo~day motnl•i· dauPter hettS& Ann came dow.i WUb chicken• pox.. Left to.rtpt are Nancy CbriatJ.ae, 16 montbs, Mn. Kier- nan, Gary Robctt. G, Lt. Kleman, and Th~nosa A.Do (before tbe cblcken pox), t. Dftlfl:ie the oompllw tatlona, U "-as l"ood to IN? bOme with the family. (Ne ... Times Photo} WALT ELLIOTT'S ESCAPADE IS LIPTON :WINNER FOR 2nd 'CONSECUTIVE 1:YEAR Commodore D. W. (Walt) Elliott of Newport Harbor Yacht club did a n1utcrful job of saUJftg Sun- day to take. the 46-year-old l.ip\pn trophy for the second consecutive year In a 12-mlJe ocean race off ,Newport. \\'alt, of course. was biling his ..ca.11for.W-a. 32 sloop Escapade, flagship of the NHYC fleet. A large spectator fleet which followed t.be action got an added thrill when two huge cruising spouter whales hove to in the middle o( the fleet just to port of WiOi.s Boyd"s Rocking Cha.Ir D and &b close to Dr. Don Barber's Branta, that guests 1tboard the gobd doc- tor'• sleek 10-meter sloop were tbrown tnto c-ontueion. 1'1.rst over the atarttng line on a atarboarc;I tack, tbe 1941 trans- ~pactftc race winner W8JI never headed.. Superb in windward work and ln sporting westerly winds Es- capade lravuscd two sbl·mtle tri· angUlar legs in a ta.st 2bs, '15m. and 598. Long-Awaited · JOS Tax· Suit to Reach Courts This Week The long-awa.lted ~It tO determine if tax ceillng,11 agreed upon Jn thr€!e Ot Orange County's several sanitation dlstrlcta are binding wlll bC' filed this we<'k with the Appellate Court, with ai-gumcnta tenta- > •' -. .... ' • OAT • '· . -. I I .a-rd-"-. YE,--:.t.-R,-'_-··NUMBER-. ~...-,-11-"-.:.;.._--__:-NEWPO.._,_-+-R-T-B-EA-<E,-· -.-. CALIFO---'-__ RNIA,_.,.... __ 'IUE.ID ____ •_.A_Y..:..;MAR-.-, ....!...!-l.__:l3_,_195-1-....::... _____ ~--''--~ · I I ··I , ' I ; •" •r ,· ~~~~~~1--:-::~~..,..-~~--~~~~~~.,--~----i-~~-'--~" . I Reactivation ROAD RE PAIRS, 1 1 of Base 'ASJed STILL CHlff ~ . . by Mesa C~.CA, CRASH· CAUSE Two telegrams were · sent to· 1 ' • C Extensive road r~paJr worlt> oa • Wuhlngton, D . · Friday by the the Coast Hirhway .conUnuea· . •~.. · Cost.a Mesa Chamber Or Commerce ,,. r-.. stating that their org.,uzattoru be a contributing factor ,fn ·~me would wclconie reactivation Of th accidents in the Harbor &tea. om tormer Santa Ana Anny Air Bue the Week· end seven persona we~' injured: .four serioU8ly, in a total The wtre, were sent to CongrHs ot tiVe accidents. men John Phillips and Harry R • Sheppard, the· tat.ter ait.hOugb no Four.elderly '..ouratJI from o.naL trom thia district, le lqter~ted da were crlti•.:ally inJUred at 6:4·~ · mUttary attalrs. ..· Friday whtm their light' Engu.ta The wire did not mention wha make car rOllJded h8ad-on with i the gr-oup wanted dOne Wl heavy aedllll ·on Coast Highway ~':'J:1~~ ~!~f: ~~:;e~:1!~ n~f~t:n,:t. highway patrolmen ever. the Chamber paue<J a re.o.:. and Newport poUc;:e who aaiated. lutlon ot policy Friday stating that' arrested Wesley Sorenson. 41. a. the boa.rd of directots~ favored cook, living at 404 :BalbOa Bl~ continuation o( the two Colleges Balboa, r.harged him with (don)r at their· present lllte!. : drunk driving and clalmed that Selim Franklin. Chamber pres!-e ~ pusing the viattora' car dent, Aid the resolution to send on the wrong side and (prced th-e the wires was passed bY a 6 to 4, smaller vehicle aero. the center vote and added "people at ttr"t' line of traffic Into an oncom.J.ni" might not understand the two ac· machine. ·, · tions takeJ'I but they ""ould if they The Ganadia.ns were in an aulo had been at the &eMion." driven by Joseph C . ...Jrvtne, 14, He said · trie board felt that If of Saskatchewan, Canad&. With the army wanted lhe air base him wu his wife, Mary, 66; Iaaac either with or without the college Costi. 70, and his wife., Eliiabelh. altes. they would take lt regard-aJSo 70, all from the same dty: ' lesa at the Chambers' wiahes and The Irvine car colUded with a If they wanted to use the schciol'11 sedan driven by William D. teaching facilities they would also. Owens, 43, of Santa Ana. Owelia .. ·- She was 4m. 43s. ahead of Har- old BarnPson 's P C.'C sloop Lani ot Loe Angeles Yacht club. tively set for March 30. · The army, having just completed was not hurt. a survey. knows the situation, Taken. to HMp&t&I. · • . ,, Franklin sa.J.d, and the board felt 'I'he Irvines and the dost.ta were their action Jn not mentlonll\g the taken to a Santa Ana hoeplt.&l. E. J . Marks. former mentber oC the court and apeclaJ counsel for the county's sanitation di11trict11 . Finishing 36 a. behind Lani. wbicb outfoxed her on lbe second weather l"b of the course. wal'I George Kettcnburg'a EUiaiie of San Diego Yacht·club in 2h. 21m. 18a. Then followed : Lark, Tommy Long, Balboa Yacht club, 2 b. 25m. 30~.; Mickey, Larrie Ba-rr. Coro- nado, 2h. 26n1. 55.s.; Sparkle, Alex ll<vlng. CB.brillo Beach ( 1949 win· ne!) 2h. 27mh, 1~-i An_.li~a. Hal Ram~r. Voyagers, (1947 \l.rinner), Paving of Road Asked~b.y Mesans said that the suit will be t..o detormlnc it celling!! of a 10-cent tax rate ithould apply In Distr~ct No.· 2, of eut half or Fullerton, Orangr. Anaheim, Garden Grove and other territory, and In N,o. 7. ot Tustin-Irvine-Lemon Heights area; and would also challenge collcae would not Lnjure It Ln any where physicians said that Mr. way, (Conlin.,.. oe ..... I) ·, 2b. 27m. 22e. Crew Help ;, Stuling crew work which help- ed account •fqr ~apade's win was (CoaUaued on Pace 5) Charge Man With Robbery, Assault . Charged with robbery and as· sault with int!!ntions to commit rape, Basil J . Hunt. 27 , San Jose, Friday morning waivt>d prelimi- nary hearing in Ne\~tport Beach township court ana WU to be ar· ralgned in superior (.'hurt. The accused man was remanded to the eounty jaU in lit'!{ of $10,· 000 bond f ixed by Justice of the Peace, D. J. Dodge. H unt alledgedly beat. robbed and attempted to rape a Newport Beach woman in a car parked at ' Orange Ave. and ~hester St., Costa Mesa. on the night of Jan. 2. the complaint statee. Arresting officen u.id the victim took $::,() f'rbm her atter the assault. Hunt was picked up by ·San Jose authorities on a teletype warrant iasued by the sheriff's ottice and returned here to face the charges. A request that the county Im· the 12-Ce:rit ce.l,JJhg in District No. prove s. E . Mesa Dr. In Coata 3 of west half of Fullerton, La M~ from Cypr~ j\.y.e. t,o t.tie !J!fil!.._~a !'HJ!i~!\J!llMttr, end of the road was under study Cypre&11 and O'ther area.a in ~ this week by Couftty Highway west county. Supt. Harold Sprenger. Attorneys tori 1.M>nd house• and A petition signed by B. O. banks have held that .the tax cell- Bracey and other property owner s lngs would pr~vent them from on Mesa Dr. set forth that prop-approving the Ale or the '$8,308.· erty along the strf'et has bttn 000 in bonds voted February 28, developed considerably and that 1949. to finance the county~wldc furthe..r improvements are under sanitation system. Should a.Messed way. The street. however, is un-valuation drop, y,·lth subsequent improVC'd and owners have diffi-loss of income, the bonda could culty reaching their properties aft-not be paid 01=1t: it was claimed., er a ra.i(l . The petitioners asked Acrtt"'enta Slgnt."CI the county to bring the street "up However. alJ the sanitation dis- to standaras of other roads in the tricts and the tour cities and eani- vieinity." tary districts compriaing the · Ftoodlnc Problem Orange County Joint Outfall Sew· er System have •l,-ned agreements Also referred back lo Sprenger under which lht! sanitation dll- ror "future consideration" was a t lets can llmorllk purch.Ue or lon.g-standlng que~tion of flooding t~c JOS facilities on a tax-ceiling. adjacent to Tustm . Ave. at La basis. The purcbuc pact.e, lnvolv- Perle Pl. Sprenger informed the Ing s1.282,ooo tor the marine seC- superviaors the r<>a:d depa~m~nt lion ownl'!d by JOS, allow long tu.!I plans . ~or runnmg a p pel ne periods for payment on . the .lines. along T\latm to 15th St. where Similar agreeme.nt.11 tor othef JOS flood waters would be ~f.rrt<'d off facilities are In .the making. in a natural drainage di\.Ch1 H ow· So-called .. poUemen't agTee- ('Ver. be a.aid bla departm.rlt doe! ment.8"' were mad!'! at the time not have the fund! to undertake the $8 308 000 in bonds were vot- the $7000 project this fi&ca.l year. ed. T'he~ tax--c:ellings applied Supervisor Heinz Kaiser of Cos-largely In areas w ith a:'grlcultur~ ta Mesa said the water M>meUf!1U a.a a background. \tands three feet in a ditch along ---·---- the road. Sprenger said the flood· GIVE· NOW! TO THE 'RED CROSS ' ...!f°•tloued on Pare 51 No Qulbbllnc He said the chamber did want the ba.9e reactivated and did not want to "appear to be qujbbllng" in the tellf'gram. Costa Mesa and the entire Harbor area woul~ benefit from the bue, the d~· ec· ,. it ..tl..t CAKE OO~'TEST -Top photo -Prize wtnnlng .:akes In Rlcliant'" market. cake cont.eat are held b)' thou~rZ~ta:~~~:~~me · (lert"10 rljfit) 1'ffs. U)'iiioliOICW&t\:ey,~ar-d)-f'Mri.-'1"'rlUt(o.el Pulill:l, ·(tstf; · 511"8. Adrl&n 3oj·=·- acquainted with the al'ea • and •r. (!nd). Below -Staadin& In rear are a.even of the nine entrant!! (lt'l.ft to tl&"bl): Mmes.. Tom settled here. Norton, Mild.red Chapman, Raymond Han·ey, Adrian Joyner, t~ranCM Pulaski, forothea Klrutfat.her Unofficial word has been recelv-and lttne :Sf"\\·land. ~tt-d are the Judges, (le.ft lo right) \'lctor McLaglen, Jtfigr Frank I~lllnell, ed that the army ls deciding be· Ken Niles, "Pt-plto" P~rez and Judge U • .J. Dodgl.', , (Beckner PholosJ tween thi!-former Santa Ana base I and one other tor • new trallltng Proving' They Can Cook l' oo • • • site and It was understood that ~activation of the SAAAB would coet the taxpayers $30,000,000 less than th~ second base con.sJdered. Franklin suited. LBJJt Tuesday Costa Mesa mer· Women who don blue jeans and chanllJ at a breakfast mect.,.g ., go fishing. deserting their kitchens vbted in favor or the ba.ae reacti-a.a a certain redheaded columnist it she received 50 new $1 bills for contest.a.ntsiere: Mrs. Tom Nor- vatlon only it the two colleges has bewailed, have once and for her organization and cakes baked ton, Bay S re Cafe, Zonta club; could remain ln the community. all proven they can be tops in from her .recipe w ill be sold all Mrs. Doro ea· Klnsfather, 166 those S&fJle kitchens just as .they this week in Richard's bakery. East 20th s reel, Costa Me6a, Frt- Boat Co. W•ins can hang up fishing records that with 8 5 cent royalty on each being cLontlnued on tace 6) make their husband jealous: for paid Lady ,Angle rs. --11------ lt was ltfrs. Frances Pul.aski, 329 Mrs. Adrian 1 Jo;·ner. 183 Del 11 · Damage Suit Fun z6ne Boat cod'lpan;t of Bal- boa and 0. V. Clawson and Ven- lora Clawson, of Costa .Mesa, suc- ceufully defended a laMIU't &gainat them brought by Mrs. Hester Hulme and her 'husband, E . B. Hulme, ot Altadena, ln a cue heard in Superior Court Wt week by Judge Robert Gardner. Mra. Hulme and he~ husband requested damages ln exceu of $30,000 for a fractured vertebrae ln her back &nd eevere ahock, al· legedly 'resUJUng froql a boat ride 1n the open ocean on the boat, ''Miaa B&lboa" on June 27, 1948. .. i The Bulmea aought ~ *prove mat ·the ''Mia Balboa" was unaea- wol"Qly for ri&vigatlon ln lhe open .e& 1 and tor weather which they eoAtended wM very rough; that O. V. Clawson ne-gUgenUy operat· .ed the boat rew.lting In Mn. Hulme's injury aod further that lbe Clawsona were al80 negtlgent in not provMfing hangera, grasps or belts tbr pa.ssengen to hold on to and In not haYi.ng adequate euab.1ona on tbe'boat. A tlomeys Max 11...,ita 1 and Robiert .R HurWlbl lntrodUC<d u a Wltlujlll, Frank Clocker. fire chlet, wiw Is In char11e of Ille .... I • (o..till-.. ~ ~) Marine Avenue, Balboa Jsla.nd, of Mar, Costa Mesa, was S£>co.nd piacl· Red C r.qss Work~ the Lady Anglers whose cake was winner and her c:rganl.z.ation, R ~ Th da judged I l>Cst ln the. Richard's mar-America~ Legion auxiliar~.· re-to • urs y . ket cake contest. I celved s25, and royalties will be A Rnl ·rOM luncheon will hr In a ropC"d-off spa.cc Saturday given on her ~ke,_ t o be baked he.Id at th, Ba100a Bay club at at the markt't the judges, Victor next week. She 15 also a lady ang-noon Tbubday, l"larch 1.6, to McLaglen. Judge Frank Linnell. Ier. determinethe progrC!Ss of the Kert Niles, "Pt'pito" Perez and Tblnl Place \\'lnnerS' current. f d drtve. All dllltrtct Judgt! D. J . ~ge sampled nine ltf.rs. Raymond Kent Harvey, captaln:ot .d \Vorkr rs ~ re.- of the most bt'autitul and lu.<;cious 316 Poppy avenue. Corona Qcl Mar quesled t 1 attend the Ju•cheea. cakt's which cnuld be produced. led the close list of third, plac~. Chalrma.e Carl llanna. has n-- Each had a potential p0int value designation gtven all other cake.s. ported. ·~II-a:.. I .. f-" -1 Nfwporf ~zlR1 'l'!le llocly of Capt-Jolu! flilcl<· lul4'. Jr., R TOh> ~·pilot. )WI.id.~ Dec. 7 la • Pl,.._ ._. In ,_ ---..-lo IJ.e·r Unlbed '8tat;a -"ll\ be burled M.ardl 17 m.,.,.}¥.-Cll:titer, .... ) ,.-. . . ") • :~ ltriclliu.i·· .... _........ "tllO 11 -with, llMIP 1:';.ftjd I.., al ~ Ill., Mm. • owpwt ~~,~WO 'futWMk ~=~:~~1c..,,. Film at c... -"' ti ·-~at a • -.fW ll!'-'io'• te conlii[lrie ~ ... r ~" .... t ~ e. ,. ,. :a .. !""* C?-' 'C.. ,.... _lie' • ~ ,)n ·-.·.: :;·":'~ ~ a..~=11...:. , """""" ~Ei~a:~:~; ., "'"'' ,__.·141m4!iJll '!'"""II" .. '1 '. m 1 47 ~ ... _. •••1• ..n ~-~amt Ir . _· · ~ · n...-.; ;:~li:Q; .. _. 8, .,. .... ..,.., ...... lor,••··~lL ... "' r o ; ~ -~· u;. ,(118) ..., ;:; c iii!"'C\illta;; kJk :·:::,. ~ ~ ~ -.--~ ....... 7'"'. 'i:-.~>-.ii;·: ~',.!;1 ':..~== ·U...~cciut , ' -""'\ -. ·-.... -4 • ... ,.. -, • ( .. ... ~. . . ~. , ; . ~ Murder else .Qnl~~ .tJ ___ _ su;enor c0urt Mrs. Cordelia Either Green, 13, -of Costa Mesa, accused of taially br.ating her 3·rnontb~ld dau.Cht.er, Patricia. Ann, ·wu. ordered. 'ntura- day to face Superior 1 Court &JI· raignment on a murder cbarp. Ju.slice Howard Cameron of Santa Ana Town.ship Court' order- ed Mrs. Grein held -to answer ln the high court and said ab.e would be arraigned tn the• criminal dlvl· sion Friday, M&f'Cb 18 at 10 a.m. The prellmlnary e.x.amtnatlon bad been continued from. TuUday, March 6 when Public De.fender N. • I D. Meyer M>ugbt to compel the prosecuti~ .to producela complete state~nt made by Mn:. Green. shortly ~r her arte:at· Wt Feb. ~ 12. At · the Thur&day eeNlon Mey6f. withdrew h1a motion to Compel a.a .. mission of the st&ttmeqt, aaytng , · ".\.. the district attorney's' ·ouk:e h&et provided him with a ~ of th~ t.ranscrJpt. Meyer then made a Jormal mo.-, tion to dlml.M the charge, contend- ing insufficient evktence bad beeit · produced, to show .Uiececl blowa b.y the woman..lwere &;Ufficient to cause the child's dea~ . lrrlt&Ud hy Cr)1q • • Offlce!'B said Mrs. JC.-bad lokl lhem crying by1 llie chllol lid irrit.a.t.ed; tier 90 she h&.d •!keel the litUe girl and that! "on ·~ 00- C&Jlon llhe had hft the. bl.hti. oa tl)e ,..,,...,, Willi the heel, Of htr ill!Jt M¢yer con~nded evt~ ~ " tllat the chlld also bad falleOs:' izsf. be Mid that would b'Limore li)elr lo cauae Ille fatal llsull· t.ac:lm; lban would Ille purP,Orted. _. with "aoft part of the: baftd..." -;--:-·J. :Judge ·earner-Ort rUled, llDwJ.e.1,, that "anr.one ot thoee ~m:ipt ba ... cah.Md the ·..fracture. lt'•-a,.... • tion ot fact I th.ink 1lh0a.W J»e' • terl:ntned by the jury. • • .:..-.;- Utt.le Pa.triclS Ann 1 GHlft ""116111 Peb. 9 In the counlJ ~· 4a auloply dllclooed ,~. -as re•ult of' a olt!Tlt:_I • &!If '1 the 1s~ clalmo I& "'9 reault of ,U.j" &IJegtiti ~ el p;ae:~ld t,y ·~ -~j .I ,, .. ~ ~ ' ' • .. j \ . • ' j I ---------. ----. -__ , ______ ., ......................... . • • t' • •• ' " ' ' • Pege 2 I '··· I ,. · NEWPORT. Memo~ifil .f~ncl;'· '! ·. bel :~•ttY .' ' Estabfiff/ed bri · ~ate ~~. ~ 1 :j' ,,. "*It ·• e · __ • rt! Third ~lil"7 · patty. of Qel! " ""u , t:.r . ~l&r:,~ clllb 11aa ·Ileen Ott•for -,.ii~ ,;tlljlltalla""""°"' .. '"'"'•,,,.,-..,.,·....,..°"""'"~ --<"=ft'V"~~""-~ In ~~-: .... L . ·~i -..~ tJiit.Md of th18 .........,., and WW..~ ~----.-~~ ----.~.,....,,,_ w numelV-re--~-. a -luacbeoo>, followocf' by C&· s ur nrise Shower Fr1'ends H"'no·r qu ..... trom. fa!nlll• *'14 lncllvld-i\UU'. and' ....... 1. nli>• ta J1 .. .111. _,... v. ual.o, the American C¥cer ... let7 ""clteta ... -fjwh and .... :, •• • 11.onot 'Event for Mesa Mat ;on ........ ...,_..i ,• m•mdrtai fund li~n. mu;rbe 1n ~M.rc!t tr with • , to whlell r-ui.. aa<I· r-of· in7 ol the "&oot...ot lliiioo! D. . ~f~. Cha.s Roberts at Show_er .E~f!nl: .. E~:I-:n:.::.::~~ :i~·~~~ ::ai.w -!·it_.~• \.~~'lf \+ .Mll1'rlse, stork -•er &onor-Compllment&ty . to Mn. CliUl8 &Jid· Kr. Walter Bplepr, Co.chair-• ;& b t ' a '&.] (Y.., Ill&' Mro. Chadea Roberl.. 2534 Ho!fard of $) M&Jnoll( avenue, man. ; ' . Leaders at -. ii' w~ B'i. ~ w_....,.,in.ter Ave., ..wu gtvei>, by a C-. M..._ ~' M. ~ Kre. TM memorial !Und baa been ... · I • lo' le!il ......,,., The Im· ~ ~~:~-:,11a.,~~ .. 1i:;1o~ ·~ ... 1;~: i:!;· ~= ~~.= t~"'!,~ StuGl en t Co(ltcli.b , . • o~"ra .'_.."'.~~at~ 2SllO Westmln8ter Av•. Other ol>ared hoeteee duU.. at a layette way tO crol!l'ttruiio't&te 1 lovllll-One --I -f.t 'tho . ""-L p; ---a ..:p!r,-18 iaa-..,od..aa • bQ9teases were Mme•. Dorothy lhowtt recently. Background fOT' wbo haa died ot C9.llcer Rev. and r•.. fllU .n.ay .en, three bi1 foui 01 a kind~tter, Umti, "'Jeannie Perkine and LOil the C0\111.dy wu ~·. Hoflard'1 ContrlbUtton.a m&de ~ memory dell of Chn.t Cliurdt .,,. tfte ~lea, became, ~ tf?,e '~~ Schm.ldt. Whtte stock was ued bom hich wu a.......v..ted with tt"ed u teadera at tlNt aaut:tMm leaftt. ~ -rOom l n J'(>Ur ~ e ~ ...-~· of a tliend or & m--f th• C&ll!on\la Me-8tu11 en t to bold -ra~.) tbrouihout the Uvng room, ..,_. ltoclr: Al!d ow..,t J.>OU In a white lamUy aft ackn°"'Jedeed 'by the r-- ln• .an . all-white. c:elOT m&teh. and. yellow colO!' acbeme. .. -.~-~-c-•-~e•y· ~·· a move'!1en.t conference la OleJtd&le -Our hmd ii now· • ~ .. ~~ -· .. ~' • ~ laat woek. ''Tbe Cbl1otl"1 P;unlly" • ,, f ' Tradklonal baby ganmt were Tbe tionoree and her moth, er, memorial --•-_,t •-... r··-. ' 'II] 1' played u Well as a new mulica1 Mra. Del Cecll, were both praent· Uy itattn;-t.A.~ a me';riJ ·~ ::ic-::b:;~:t Of tMo d~on r.r "-r p j_ ( (l ·~ t:r iJ pm.a PriZes •ere 'won by nearly ed with eorucea ol yellow car-been recelTf!d and l'tvtris the name · --l: -l -- every cunt. The ml,Jly gift.a were nations. Appropriate games and of the do.nor. Tbeaie contrfbutton. preaented lt!. a gayly decon.ted contest.a afforded dlventon with. rnay be in any-amount. Wn: It lotneo South'• furn, he dlacaJoda a 2. Thll freer.es ·Jle paclt a01n for both aides. Hil i>blect. la • to capitalize· ll>e fAcl tbit )'OJI?' lide holds me.ny more coraa tluzo. tbe opponents, and .O will have -. mueh better cbanCe of palrina tjle fUture up. -(s.crillclDa a wild card for th.II ~ ia a c:ommon u4 wor1hwhlle 1tntc1em.) bfue ~ pink basslnette. Follow-prifts belng 'taken by Mmea. Helen Mn. McCallum aid memorial lhg Jhe festivities, ndivlduaJ deco-Peddicord, Florence Faber, Au-fund.11 are U8ed" t o 1Upport the So- rated cakes were erved with tee drey Herndon, Corinne Quarry and c.fe:ty'a three-told attack on can- cream., coffee nu and mints. Virginia Reuger. th · · Tltioee partici ting in the happy. After the gift opening, decorated :~ ~~!~ research, • edu·catk>n, ettnt Wel'e M s. Allee Sena, Al-cakea were served With tee cream, Although the major eource ot -ta ~r g, Margaret Moes-coffee, nut.a and mlnts. lnclu~Pd tu:nda tor tht. pro&tam com'e from bttg, th McCartln, Dorothy guest.a . were Madames. Olive the eoclety'e annual April cam- Costa Mesa " Git/ St:o11.ts • 1 I I • ' • . - ! .. • , t ·' 1..... ........ ~ -·. . .. f.,.,J ~ • ..dr"tJ;'ltfQ ·--I • • Cox, , ith, Kay Newman, Eberts, Dorothy Jacbon, Audrey paign. and other contrflftitton.s Wlmile J~ s, Betty Cuteroft, Herndon, Sylvia ll"ackman, Lolli throughout the year are becominr Kuy Pysd , Atargaret Carrescta, Schmidt, Vlvtan Ravely, Mae of increuing tmportance to l!l:e Ginny Hoffa.rd, Delphia Bowman, ctieebro,. Gary Fredriksen. Del eoctety a.a more tamlUes and tn- Norma GraY.es. Dorothy Leritz. Ceci1 , Liilian LaPerle, Sue Good-divlduall become aware that they Je&nnJe Perkin.!, Lo~s Schmidt and an, Hazel Wilcox, Be~nic1 Hay-clln contribute fn -tbe name Of • pron. Taylor. den, Corinne Quarry, ~h.ce Loucks, loved one to the ultimate vlctol'y fin C. You draw an 8 and dis- card &DDther 5. When the third gHde Brownie troop from Llnd~rgh achobl met tut Wffk at the hotne of tl\elr lea~r. Mn:. Rut!l Lewta, JllY Thurln St., they rec~tT~ a happy surprlae. Ruth Or~r. one of (he Browntei: ~ turned nfne years old ~and h~ mother, Mra Paul Grieser t~ note ol <the otcuton Tiara 5. The came bu p roceed- to beke a love:ly yellaW and whtte ed. without further m eld.inc. birthday cake for RU\Jrt to she.re .. West now dbcards a J . You a.routin1 Lon« r.iut~~·~~M of tM ~ : ). i:i~~tU..~~~tol.ibb~ for.r~ iti il.c'tek/,~~hu.iiam. THE GIRLS BEJli~D ~-: , ~H JEL!PHON~. "HELlO" i1orence Faber, VlrgmUl Rueger,. over this dread diae&H. The Amer- Rub , Evel Ellerman, Helen gratetul to lndtvtduali ll'ld faml-Husbands ' Nigh t Planned by Mesa Club W da mtea, Coe Mesa: Myrtle lean Cancer Society 1-deeply qatte am, wpQrt Beach; Helen Ilea throughout the county who Peddl . rd er le Silva, S~ta Ana: are witnr thia practical means of en Vlctor1 eddicord, Sam U.oher, I . &aisling the M>Ciety to carry on D. Wo all and C. E._ Peddicord, the fight a.gain.st cancer. I Under the auspice!; and means committe Mesa Frid3.y A rnoon club, plans a.re ~der ay ror a Hus- band's N\ch~ · ner to be given M&tth 30 at e c lub houae. Dln- M-r, bu:ftet st le , will be served at 1 :30 p.m. and will bE' toUowed by • program of entertainment in charge ot Mrs. Bertha Tillotson. Mn .. WllJia.m "-;illtams is chalr-man ~of the wilys and menM cOm· mlttee. . ) Newport Beacl1 Scout Troop 17 Tr-. 17, .8tb grad<-Olrl - I miert Mb. Sklney A. ""NII.. • Co-IMdllr: Mn.. F. O. Mu.Uck Meola Wodn...iay, COM' ""'1001 These busy Girl Scouta bave juat.compteted more than 50 East· er::_A.onr-In, ·the form Qf "m&p- ~-.• IUled ' With candy Edler e~ ftdti.ned .for the children ln tbe ; .. Orange. county hospltal. On M~ 3 CaroJ Brush, Mary Dud- ley:_\Yendy GnJweJl and Diana ~. mcmben of troop 17 a. sl•~ lbe Red Cross in dUJtrlbut· lng to the ban.kB and leading stores of Ule Corona del .Mar district poatera a.dverti.sing -lhe l~l Red CYou fund campatgu. J Buena _Park. Memorla.I tunda 11hould be eent Sen~1ng gift~ but unable to at-to the American can~r Society, tend · were Mmes. Marguerite Orang Count Bl"I. h 309 Otl! Quarry. Rachel Wede-king. A11ce Buildi:• Sant! A nc ' McCardle. Lida Kenyon. Lee Wor-0 ' ~a. Jey, J ewel Clemmta. Gene Roth, Marilyn Wild. Mildred 'Nu.lily. Shirley Eagleson, Marjorie Tay- lor and Jane L.anpton. Mission Subject for Central Bible Church Women Brealcfast fun for Bethel 157 Keyed to merriment and decided lnformaJtty wu the "come u you are" brtakfaat which took place Saturday morning, March 3 when Carol Thomu, honored queen of Jobe Daagbters, Costa Meaa Betb- '"Out of Sa.marl.a" is the sub-el 1'57, WU tioste88 to 21 ofttcers ject chosen by Mn. Kathryn Haw-of ll'le Bethel, lhol'f\e for a talk ft will pl'eaent Stantnr at 7 :80 a.m . lM ,-ir11 at the next meeting of the ·W• Wtte arouneed by ltOD'le of the men'• Midi®lllP§rtoctety of tbf! mothens •ho procffded to take Coeta Meea Central Bible chUrch them tn their sleeping parapher- to be held Thurllday, March l~. ntUa to Carol's home, 21'51 Irvine at 2 p.m . in Ute home of Mrs. Ave.. Costa Me8a. Prizes were Nancy McClure, 2248 Ora.nge ave-wan by Madge J"ullbright, who nue. A, m\14icaJ program is al:90 waa the prettieat tn PJ1; Deanne plann~. TU wm be served l&ter. Peter80fl for the tunnJeat hair-do ; An all-day 11ewing sesaion Joan Merrili, cuteat PJ11 ; and Lyn marked the latest meeting of the Smith for the t\Jnnle•t lookJng. societ,,y in the church. Hosteasee Assistin« Mrs. Carl Thomu, for the pot luck luncheon were mother of the honored queen, in Mn. Gladys Beardsl and Mrl!I. serving breakfast were Mrs. A. W . Elsie Sharman. Mu I-hued 1tock Gunn, Mrs. Louis Cra.ndall and and other seasonal looms decked Mrs. P . V. Pe:t n . A highlight the tables. Mrs. ay G\bson led of lhe aftal! w. a· picture taken the dev ·onal beerv~ce on of the group t serve u a memen- "Borden11." Mrs. eardaley, pres!· to of the fe~ lty. Officers attend- dent, had c of the busi.ne.88. lng were I Thomae, Connie pGunce on it. 1howinc your pair with the oUttt Brown.tel:. 'Punch of J's to validate the meld.. The wu served with the cake. The pack you set contains: 5, 3, 2, girll made copper ptetutta 'of anl-e 5 9, 7. Acaln you d ecide to mall rotiOwtng the bwlln~ meet-make no additional meld.a, and tng. Brownlee prHent were Marl-dilcard a . S, leavin& yourself lyn Berry, Barbare. J~an Cooper, with: T heirs are iinpo,rtant ' ofis-:ind they <lo theni well Catherine Fogarty, Phyllis John--~---------- son. Barbare Lewis, Jo Ann Shra,1 tt t t tr r r I' Lr t 1· \' r r \' j er and the celebrant. Ruth GJrleecr . A very happy oecuion for all. ' . Anyone walking by tJle 01~1 Scout House theee de.ye wUJ nott~e it Is shining like a new ptn. Member11 of trooJ>ll one and two labored tong and hard la.at week to put it In ship·ehipe order fm t)te com- ing month. Various trOope take turns in keeptnr their hM!lj cl.tan each month. The mt81 J and leaders on thl.a rrionlh'• project were, Jo Ann Ogden, ShtrleY Cliaw- 800, Beverly Bttbe, Sheryol H olme, sumn Ntaaen, Lillian Mar- tinez, Dee.nit& Ovtat te, Nadine Mathews, Mrt. Venlora ClaWson and Mn. ICdtth Ludt. t n their turm, Eut laya olf a Q and Weet melds 10..10-1 0..10. <1"he opponenta. u e scared and are be1inntn1 to "unload.") Weal 4llcards a 4. ------ Skating Party For Birthday Fun A skating party at the Barbor Roller Rink was one of the jolly 1. H ere's o ne bus"ioess where che spocJighr's iCaJ.Jy feature• of Leroy Hogland's 11th or1 women. Because of the nature of relephoite ~rk., birthday celebration ahal'@oCf by nearly rwo OU( of every three celephooe peoplt-are eleven children Feb. 21. Later, the d be younr folks returned to lhe homt' women -• high pcrct'htage. An rhey must rpa- ot Leroy'• pa.rent.II. Mr. and Mrs. ble, well-tna.ined women co handle your -calls dli- Membera or Olrt Scout troop 1~ Dennis Hogland, 265 Broadway. cimtly and serve you well iii our offices. We min attended Oranl'e Cout college for ea.ta Meaa, for the gilt openitig r~; ar our expense of course. And they earn good and ref'reahment.11. A decorated '· h. · rk a trip throuch the bu.lillea de-money 1n r 1s important wo . partment to earn their clerl badge birthday confection waa "<'rved d fourth In a eerte1 to ee.rn Ute Cur-with l~e cream and punch from a 3. I( would be ha.rd to imagine work for w .. men · ~-table adorned with tavdr1. ved Ba.r, hJghest a m Girl roday more.-important than a 1'ob in our narion 's1irele-On h"'tfor th n were J l'r-Scoutlng. 'Ibe rirls d _, phone service. For now, more than ever, our coanrry W .. t ry an n .. d aywllrd, J erry r neu omaJ'\. u H T Coo needs Swifr, reliable rommunjcations co hetpr. and. e_.y u, Bob per. Girl ·Scout rd of Direetors Suaan Brock arlef111e Carter. Col-the joH of defense. And ic 's reassuring co kno~thac met last wee~ d completed plan11 leen Carte Carol Elmer , Stephen i.a rhes~ days of high prices on most evcryrhin you tor the obeery ce of JuUettt Lo\v Serokee and Diane Hogland ~ Un-s1ill get a ba.rai1in when yeu buy celt"nhone s , ice. day, ahe ·betn founder ot the Gir! able to attend but sending a gif t o--r • Scouts. The ceermony will ~ heir! was Robert Knight. Here ij rhe ~t, on the average, tel~hone rates are Sunday, March 11 at 3 o'clock tn up less. th.an haJf as much .as the· cosr of living.I' the Main Scllool auditorium. NOW IMPROVING J "Gi1v. Te Htlp Y•.,.,. Rid c,..,, !tfobiliu For Dt/~11'' Mmes. Grace Speth, Edittl Ludi Mrs. Marvin Wilcox of Orange and Sybil Norman attended a Ave., ia baving a bout with pneu-~ I ' .. 2. Prac,ticlaliy every sort of job-from ac;d>umiog co coching-can be found in ou.r busineJ.S. In ad- dirieft co·geod pay, the girls have the s<ocurity of the compwy-pajd Bmefit Plan aad enjoy holidays and ... ari6ns with pay. All mow they have a good diance ro advance as l'.heir abiliry growr. Perhaps rhc best evKlence of r.he importance of women to us is that hundf~s fiave manage·cnent jobs. Price increases. since 1940 foo J UP lZ~ . I Your telephone is one of today's best bargains Included n&' those present Gunn, Marah Taylor, Judy Tuck- weT"e Rev. an Mn. Dwight Kin-' er, Joan Merrill, Phyllis Willough- man, Mmes. M. M . Moore, Maude by, Lyn Smith, Diane Harrta, Lyn Criaier, Emma Barr~ ClaJre Boaley, Kenna .John.son, Marilyn Wright ... Mayme Gallagher, Gladys Ingmundaon. Barbara Earl, Car- Rehme, ~lsic Sharmon, Rebecca olyn Woodworth, Madge FuD- l!fcGutre. Beardsley, Harry Schick, bright, Lorra.ine CT'andaU, Diane Kate Semrow, Evelyn Wright, Kay C'randall. Carol F1.nk, Sandra Gibson, Nellie McAdams and Ml-. Schmidt. Deanna Pete...,n, Shar- =u~ n;:t:~a~ldln~o~:i 1: ~:il~e~~~ la BOme what Improved ~ Pac. ific Telephone1' "Day Camp" which will be inaug----------------------------------l---------"-----.:...-~---------urated In 'Coat& Mua for the tlrst 1 I 1 Rer &. .Becker, D. D. 8. Dl!:Nrll!rltl' 1'1811 NO'IPJ>Or' Bl'Pd.,Coeta Ml- -Bids. 9-81111 a06 II. B&y ...... , - Barbor 127-J 1• H aiold K. Grauel '. Chapel · 1~ Plaoee: Beacon 511 O ' 111 Bnaad..waY CM.ta Me.a e SURE -INSURE ....... , K AUB.IE STANJ,..&Y \ lmuranoe o.1'1 ).: Pboae Harbor lTN .• M&rllMAve. B&llloa haud, Etta. Bryant. on Sh_ernn. Barbara Hennings. March 111-H: s ....... mp Sch ... 1 E •1 J J "Oh, tbe Pity of It" mt . OSa , r.· Now Exhibiting Moos.e. Lodge 1457 at Fullerton . lo ln1t1ate 31 Candidates Newport Beach ·Moose Lodge 14~7 will hold an initiation Tues.- day. March 20. 8 p.m. tn the new Moose Home, 2300 Ocean Front, Newport Beach. _ _The Maywood ~ll Mooae Lodge de'kTee staff will conduct the inJt- iaUon. Thi~ degree staff has won the 1tate charilplonshlp (or tbe pur-five yeara. Thi.I wUl be a very Emit Koaa, Jr., one of thia na- tion '1 outatandl.ng artleta, will , be the rue•t -s>e•ker at tM next meettnc of the Oran•e Co\mty Art auoctatlon, to be held thJ1 Tbun- day even.Ins. March II at' II p.m. In tlle 1'u11erton Public Library Lec- Lure h&ll. time. The board wlahea to extend thank• to the Welch Co .. tor lay- lnr the •"'eW •Ide walks at the Scout Houae. · Day Camping Planned for . Girl Scoot ·Troops . Since It ta.kn month.s to get Glrl Scout eumroer day camp plans rolling, a mee~c: took P1!Lce Feb. 28 at the SCOlll,,JIOUfC, m•~a Beach to Wk over ways and mea.na . .\• wu the cue l.n 1950, Newport Harbor and l.Aguna Beach Girl Scouts Will bold a ab:· day camp torether this year. The datea will be June ti, 20, 22, 25, 27, and 29. Volunteen in au die- pa.rtmenta are needed. lnipreMJve ceremony, u there will be 20 Marines in the c.._ of can-W. Stuart foOte dldates, w•arlnr tllelr dreao bluee. GENERAL INSURANCE The ca.ndtdatea: to I be initiated Mr. Kou.. who waa born In CSechalovaJUa and .ttudled art at the Royal Academy 1n Pregu•. '" perhaps best known to 80Ulhland- en Utrou.i1' the btclualon •of two of h1a watucolorw tn Pa.n. where he lived &l'lO painted for 90me ttme and be ta at praent on the •ta.ff of the "'Match-up"' depari:mflllt at Tw'1\U.th-Contuey Fox where bla Job, that of jolnlilg f&IM beck· CJ'OU!ldl With real Onea, WU Writ- ten up m the "A.mer1can ·A.rt:Jl't .. two montAa ap. • , Anyone dea:trlng lo help, may call Mra. C. W. Crowl at Hlrbor 1360-R. Mra. Crowl. who ia day c&mp chalrm.an, attended the meetin« wit! Mra. Pat Ovetes1. Mn. Esthtt Ctlapme.n, council ad- vtaor; Mra. Amber Gruwell ' and Mn. Sam Stafford, all o1 Newport Harbor. . are : William Sbaw, Thomu WU-Caurte<ms hiformalicm Hem.on, Albert S&r!!"nte, Edwin !Ill Balboa Blvd. Eubanks, Phllllp Shannon, Bruce Newport Beaeb Ph: Har. u Jobnatone, Nick Prirnela.no, Ed- Brownie Troop 33 .Earns $74.85 ~·~-;::;::;::::;:;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::: ward Edick, Dean Flannagan. WU-llam l..AJcfu.a., George Fontaine, Mervin Freeman, Wlllard Zwiebel. Robert Donohue, Tbomu Cox, Kr. Koa will -hlo p&lnt- inp, a Jarp numf:ier of whldli wUI be on dlap1aJ In Ille leetllftl bD. for Girl SCo...ts '· FAMOUS HAMMOND • --Orgc a Henry Jarvie, Bronafor Millwood, P . 0 . Fluht, Carmello La Sped•. E. J . Smith. William Dowden, Charle1 Killer, Uonfl Stewart. Jam.. Carrutbera; Bil Bkurlock, l1bJ Lovin&:, Kr. McDowel~ MY. Walker, Mr. NeWe.a. Wilbur Shaw Utd" Prank Baar. Refruhmenta will bie served fol- lowing the lnttla_Uon. Tiie exhlbltlOll, lac"'4tng boll> o1b Fourth ~ -..ie. of !loop and waten:olan, ·w111 be open to S3 undtt Ule -P of llln. the public dally '*"Pt llunday, 10 W. l!l. J'1a1>er at eo.-<!el Mar, a.m. to t p.m .. !or the entire month .did & ..,_ joll of ..ntnc Olrl of lilarc:h and e•nyoo.e .. cord.I-Scout ~ .,,..... .tile reeent aJl:y In-to •ttald beth the .... clrlYe. In all ~ &!lop-Ot etpt bllll!Joll -the 'i'bur.m7 night -. • ' . ' meeting to -and m .. { 'M1. On a -a.tunt.y ll1lll ll'oop Koa In pe1-. manned .. tulo. all da7 'In the eoro-, dei .... ·.U:.AJ!oertc&n ~pille ~etions ~~ ~ "°'!.!""tt C::..~! lampshade Display et T ode"~ . to turn 1a ftUll 1o doe -.t l o, day at Hi Schc>ol 1 a-. .__ an 1110.-Oar1 . Mn. llcinte dsemen. 101 Vt.a llutclaa-oJ ~ A»-•f'Wlean Arl.lotJe l&mJ>Oh'deo. C1'0&tl .. 8* a-~ ._ wm be -. Xull$ tar...,..., u.t a o-. -of Ule -education ci.-iii • "=ll ~!to -W.ra of table'~. • 1• I . ~otN-HutiorH!p~ o.t It•~····-of .A.~omt ............. - tna be di\ ~ _,. "°"' t · ell!olt. °'*'*-.. Mar 11ne at = """" ilif4· aa lio " -1 to t p.a. tn -aaai• ~ --t 11ttc9 2U• f9r ~t ~ at tbe lllP ~ at 11 ..... ~ -ldDd\-,.... .......... -' * -au 1 ""'..::·_~ :i¥ 1zJ "ftila ~ 'fa _,,,~ ... !' 1 , ~ -__ .., r n; I' -ot -"""--~ .... ~· ..... ....... ~ __ ...., --·--csl 1 to 4 la ll'>ldajo -·--....... CST: ._ 0...-o zMJ D Jl'l~-.__ ,,_ le _,If at. _. "'-...,. .. 11 1 · ... "!" 'tt' m .... JtloL ¥. -· roe 11 ta -.dz -.... ..:... ,,,__ liil lllL 0. ~ ..... ..... ..... 1 •. ,...,. . .•'--"'---'-.-. .. ...,_ ...... -. .... ... .. •. . .......... ·~ .. • • .. "art ........ -• +. ' I • ' ............... .,...--;o. "L; .. .t-Door *'" ((.,.,~ • .,o,,0. ol .,.,,dwd ~iliJ'fff"' ottJ I frl Jlfilltfol-4 11 ffp.1u:le11r on .-roilabi/ilT of ,,,..;tol ~ --· 1411 C1111 I • ! • ·in +he IOw~t>r_iqa ~eld I . I .......... ::... . ---....... , • .. ' • ' • ' I ,, • ( • . Tuescl.y,March 13, J951 • ' • < HARBOR' SOCIAL EVE~·Ts ' . . . / Lutheran Women Discuss Plans ·For Easter Week ~""rbe-. Wo~en'• Missionary Soci- ety of the Newport H arbor Luth· eran cburch DJ.et Thur8day, March l at the home of Mra.. Maxine Pe- teraon, 828 W . 18th St. Mn. Ethel Peteraon acW u co-hostess. Rev. Herbert Ro th conducted the Bible 1tudy and Mrs. Vlrgi..nla Rueger "prefft'lted the lesson, centertng on peac'e in the world. Mn. Corinne Quarry, president preslck-d at ... " businr.ss meeting. Plans &rC' rwoar1ng completion for the annual Sunrise service at the ch~ and the Easter breakfast wliich wiU follow at the Legion haJI in Costa Mt'sa. Mi's. Mildred T~ly announces &n impressive puppet show deplet- ing the Passion story to be staged 'the night of Palm Sunday, March 18, at the church. Boys and girl$ of Sunday achool have made the puppets -and the entire dialogue will be direct quotations from the Bible regarding the last days of Chrlat. Thb group presented lhe "'Birtir of ChrU!t" during the Christmas S("ashn and received cn- couragemt'nl to continue the pre- sentation. 'Three new members were r ec<"iv- ed. They w~e Mmes. ·Lois -S chmidt . Alm But a.n ne Smith, Mem rs resen r e Mmes. My•tle uut~. ~'::'~,. ite Quarry, Kay ·~~~~~ia Myrehn, Betty Dutro, Elna Bar- rick, Uwra Vatland, J'lftp:i;·· Williams, Marcie Moore, 1 aSi Trusty, Virginia Rueger , Agne s Kessel, Corinne Quarry and the hosteMe.S, J..tmes. Maxine and Ethel P eterson. ; Nevad a Family Visi t s Relative s Mr. and Mrs. Charle& Wiiliams and children of Fallon. Nev., are visiting their respective mother:., Mrs. Mary W illiams of 20th St., and Mrs. Agnes Arutldell of Ham- i1to n St. 'DIC" schools arllF Closed in FaHon due to the flu ,t rC'&Ching !M!r iOUS proportions thl"'if so they decldt"d to takE" advantagl' of the time off and Visit their mothrrs and olrl friends ht're. both having been forme r residc nt.B of Costa Mesa . DAl 'GHTER ILL 1'frs. Mary Williams of 20lh SL. Costa Mt'sa, has received w ord lhat her daught , 11-frs. Bernard Cook f Betty w · ian1s J Is seriolL~- ly ill in th.c h ital at P'allon, N~v. She i.s a "Vic of lh<' flu which 8eems to ~ very s1·vere in that locality. Judy. Anne Blehm · Is Hostess on Third Birthday Wllen Judy Anne Blehm reach- ed the third ml)uione ~ ~l young career, the recent evedt was de· llgbttully noted with a party at the home of her parenta, Mr. and M n. Edward Blehm, 221 W. WU- eon St ., Coala J.teu.. A variety of gamea, dear to the h eart of child- hood. amused t he tots w ho al&o joinf'd In singing and rccltaUona. Prizes went to Carla Trick and Garo! Ann HIU'd.lng and Mra. Blehm provided a gift .for each guest. The girls received. gay package:1 of bubble bat while m a rbles were pr sen for the boys. ' Birthday cake ice crea.m- were served a t finale or the f ete. Among those helping Judy Ann to celebrate were Ric ky Harding, Annatw-Ue and Alvin Wilson, Roger Hardin g, Marcia and Evans Davis,_ Jackie Jones. C8rey M cWetby, Carla Trick, Judy Beard, Lynn Harding and ~a.rot Ann Harding. Mrs. Sutherland Honor Guest at Stork Showe.r Because of the happy hopes which the Judson Sutherlands are ent<'rtaining for a not ' too dl.:5tant ev('nt. Mrs. Sutherland round herself the center of interest at a recent layette shower arranged b Mrs. Harold Steck and Mrs. Carl Tl"ick .' The pretty ltffair had set- ting ih the home of 1.trs. Steck , 522 W. 19th St. Based on the baby motlf were the game! played with priz£'s awardl"d Mmes. Grant _ ~lier, Frank Rowell, Barbara t::llaefn1an. the honoree and her d aughter. Jud.r Sutheila.nd. Clusters of jonquils provided a colorful decorative note to the scene and~ benig-D &tork stood guard over the ar of gift pack- ages on th di g table. For lhC' cf shmentB interim, the ho..'!tc~s served Ice cream cake df'Co ~; with pink bootees and coffee. • In the friendly gathering w ere Mrs. Helen Engdahl of · Costa Mesa, mother of the complim<'nted guest : Mmes. Jame!! Carroll, Long Beach: Betty Bracy, Boyd Ben- ham, Frank Rowell. Santa Ana: Barbara Chapman, Bal a ; How - ard Crowder. : Donald Thompson, Gra _ r. Cost.a M en:· · Bert M , 4 Newport Heights; Judsoa utherland and M~s Judy · Sutherland, Costa Mesa. =------:; Have You Met John and Mary Smith? -,,,. Here they are, a typical yo ung married couple figuring out thei r first budget. Tbey've decided t o make us their third financial partner and t hey're going to save 20c on every dollar, bal! for security, half for the things they want. You, too, can have future security when you save systematically. l : 'l • ' . HONOR F~G W1Nl\~RS were members of DPn I of CJu• Scout Pack 180 for their modf'I of Corona clel Mar (f'aturtnc .Vecll. the M"asick ..er pt"nt. and h b girl frie nd, ~Ila. Lr:ft to r lsbt a re Bob BaJUnv r, 183 S hon•clttf Rd.; .llm Wlnt.ubotham, !18 Orchid A\·p,; Kent tlarvt')" 3 16 P~PP.Y A ,·~.; JrrrN"y Burr~. :13 Dahlia Local Delegates Lagun a Lio ns Attend Young Entertain G.O.P. Conference B. & P. W ome n Orange county S<'nt a large dele-The Laguna Beach Lio ns club gatlon to the California Young R('-Quartette entertained the Ne"{port publican convt>ntlon held at Santa Harbor Busine88 and Professional Barbara on February 24 , and ~-Wo mens club at their meeting The Orange county delegation was Thursday evening. The quartett e headed b}-Sam Bamc11 o r Laguna with Bud Reynolds, Dick Thurs- Beach who ,wa.5 s.ubsequently-elect-ton. Chat lcs Prestcn. Wi.th nOn ('d a regional vice prcsldt'nt ot the Grant at 1he piano. l!lang popular State Young Republicans. , songs and put on •ome very en- Other Youqg Republicans ~t-tertainlng specl&lty numbers. :t.ter- tending rrom the county were: Al-ilyn Wheeler wu program chair· lt>n Beek, Norman and Virginia man fo r evening. Miller. ;Tean P C'relli-1'til'\<'tti. ari'd A number or glrl8 baked cak<'s Elva \\'oodland all of Newport and brought to lhe meeting t o ~ Beach: Cy and Dottle Painter, judged for entry t o the Richards Beverly Barnes or Lagµna Beach; Market cake contest. President Dick Livingston of Fullerton an<.! Mabel li"itzmorr~ with help of June Blodgett Moore of Santa Sally Newlin and Wilma Walter An Cut the cakes so every one pre11-a . Virtually t>vcry vital issue fac-ent had a sample. Mildred Chap- ing the country today was care-man wa.s voted the b<'st cakt' fully and c ritically d t bated. A~ to baker to represent lhb club. the prC'sent war crisis the Yo'ung Mnt C. K. Boardman gave a G. 0 . P. wcnl on fecord favoring: shorl U\lk o~ lh"e Red Crruis drlvl"' 1) The crossing bf lhe 38th and lW'gl'd ev<'ryone to give what parallol if the military considers they can to a most worthy cause. it necNBary for victory In Kor ea. A nominating commltttt of 2) The•draft of 18 yrar olds pro-three was elected to nominate new vided they be· dcferrl'd to finL-,h offlceni for the coming year. h iih llehool. · 3) ReJr ase of thC' Those on lhe corvmlltt'<' are A~nes Nationalist Army of Chiang Kai-Blomquist , Sally Newlin and Evc- Shek to join in ' the fighting lyn Varner. against the Conn11unists. 4 f Thi.? Ruby Stcven!On, l.farch of adoption or an an1endmcnt to the .Di1nes chairman, reported thal the . S . constitotien to the efff'ct Marcil of Dimt'8 dOD.&lions ~re ..a that no trl'aty wilh th"\ ,foreign little under that taken in la.at yl"ar. pOwers shall supcrlK"de l-he U . S. Guests pre.sent were M rs. C. K . Constitution, the Jaws 'Of Ute land Boardman, Mrs, Twtcbell. Nt"lda or of the states. 5) That foreign Gibson, R uth Lieb, Lynn CArlos, policy be based upon "!el! in-Ethel Shirley and Vera Williams. tercst" but not isolationism. Market Group Honors Employer It wa!'.I a jolly rrowd of 60, \Vh1c h CnJoyrd dtnnt'r \V<"dn<'sday 1•vening at Huntington Beach Inn, "Nhen .e.mploycs or Richard's Lido Market celebratL'Ci the third a.n- niveraary of the store. This accounted tor the three candles on the birthday cakes, one of whll'h \\'&S dC'Corated "'ith a picture or the store tront. It v.·as also Dick Ri l'hard's birthday a.nd he was prciientl'd with ~ gold tie c Hp. • Lionesses Enioy Bridge & Luncheon T'\.\•<'lve ffi <'mber11 ·of the Lion- ess<'S shar('d a delightful after- noon of luncheon and cardB on \\'ednesday at BalbOa Bay club. 11-trs. Ed Milum is cb&irman ot the Lions' auxiliary. LIBRARIAN TO S PEAK Dorothea Sheely, Newport li- brarian. will review Fifth Chinese Daughter, by Jade Snow Wong, on March 20 as program for Hunt- ington Beach Women'8 club Utera· ture section. • IL Ebell Sections to Hear Reviews Sf-cMoa S Mrs. C. G. \\'aldeck Is slatt'd tn ~-Ive the book rt'Vi<'W when Ebt>ll Book Sl"'clion 3 mDf'ltl today at the home of MiM Lilian K. Dan· !ell, 241 Evening Ca.nyon Rd., Cor- ona del Mar. Member11 are to a&- semble at 12:30 p.m. bringing sa.ck lunches. Mrs. J . B. Prendergast Is c hairman. Sttl lon 2 •Book Section 2 will have a 88.Ck luncheon on Wednesdat al '1.he club houSt::, 12:30 p.m . Afterward Mrs. Grace· W ebb, chairman. will present Mrs. Anita Pcrcw in her cle ver r eview uf the French play. The Happy Tin1e, by Samuel Tay- IOI". Birthdays Noted on Tucson Tr ip Continuing an annual eu.stom of j ointly Celebrating the birthdays of M rs. )_far~L. lliam.s of C08ta Mea& and r& gene Long ot Tucson, Ar!i r. a.nll Mrs. Ken- neth Quarry Colla Me8& and Mrs. WtUlama motored to Tue&0n tut week where they vi•ltcd Mr. and Mra, fAng and family. • I . !• •• • ( • I - An .; Roy Math<r. sti Martrold A...:t"' Franklin sOhult&, UI Poppy ..\.\le.: and Chip Willey, S01Yi HettJtrope A''t. Robb'-' Wlo- terbotham who did a good deal oi \\'ork o"1 the Pro~~ wae at bome with the ·nu '4'hen th«> picture Waft takcft. Drn Mothers are Mra. ' Arthur Wln&erbot.ha.m and !\In. T . l>unoan. StPwa.rt. • . • Bishop Eric Bloy to Confirm Class · on Palm Sunday The Rt. Rev. Francis Eric Bloy Bh1hop of .the Dioec~ of Los An- gele11. will make his offldal vL~it to St. James Parish on Palm Sun- day afternoon at· 1 o'clock. Bis- hop Bloy wlll preach and lhl"' clua of adults and children of th~ church 's chool will be presented to h1m for confirmation. Palm Sunday morning at 9 :30 o'clock will b<' l)el<.I the lradittonal service of holy bapti~m. The other Palm Sunday scrvict·s will be th•· usual 8 :30 a .m. S<'rViC<' and 11 o'clock &erviC<'. The choir \\'ill pro- vide special music for the eleven o'clock scrvicC'. VFW Auxiliary Admits Members When Costa ltf<·sa VFW Auxili- ary 3!'>36 convcnl•d in regular ses- sion Friday. 1'1arch 2, in American Lt'glon hall, Mrs. 1'1C'ta Dineharl was admitted Into the mC'mbcrship and an old me1nlx'r . Mrs. Lo!~ Thompson. was heartily welcom<'d back after an absence of three years. Nominations of of(iccrs for th~ coming ycp.r wr rc \"Ol ed upon. EJect.}on ""''ill be he ld at the March 16 meet ing. b{rfi. Sue Ilg, national president of the VFW Aux.iliar . w ill visit Southctn Califor~a pril 11, 12 and 13. Menlbcra l he local unit who plan to atte a banquet in Los Angeles Ap 11 honoring Mrs. Ilg. arc Presi ent•Allce ·Dag- gett, Mn. Louise McCracken . sec.· rCtary, and Mrs. Ire ne Timn1ings, reasurer. A stibscript1on to Brn.- 1 te Digcsl 1nagazinc was paid ror and oroer<'d sent lo 1.hc Sawtell<' Veteran's hQipital. Mn. Oda WC'l:s and ?ol rs. Dag- gcl served refreshments al the close of the !'\tcnlng.· Garden Section to Elect at Luncheon Meet • (News-Tim-es P holo) Ne Non-Fictiof! Book Tells of Prison Life PariicularlY-of intC'r<'!ll among new rJ>n-flcltOn. books at the pub- lic li~rary is My Six Convicts r WiJ~n l. Given enlh uslasUc re- view recently by Tin1c magazine, it is a sprightly and uninhibited accou-'t of life behind the wall.II. N e'1 fiction lnt!ludcs : Baupl. Danger FTom Deer: CoXe, The J.dow Had A Gun : Fenisong. Grim eh Parsa!: Godden. A Breath of A r : Hale, Substance of A Orea~; Hilton. Morning Journey; LaMu e, Moulin Rouge; Llewellyn, A Fe Flowers for Shiner ; New- man, Diligcnce,1 in Love: Shut e. R.oun the Bend; Vaughan, Moul•;. cd In arth; \\.'rsl, The Wilch Di~ gas; We15t, Vulture Valley; a nd Wo rl , Bright Tomorro .... ·. No -fiction books are : Biu . A. Pictorial H~tory of the Amer can Theatre : Caldwell, The N<•w Popular History of tl'fe World: Gunther, Th e Riddle of MacAi-thur; Jvt"hs, The SC'venleen R e a ti(' r ; ' Kie ran. Info rmation Pleasi Almanac, 19~1 ; Lorant. l'DR1, A Pictorial Biography; Mar- tin, iraclc at Carville; Mizener. Th<', ar Side of Paradise: Roose- vcll, )Partners: Th<' United Na- UonS arid Youlh; Steichen,_ The BJu d ho..t; Stransky. East Wind Over f rat.tUe; and Wi~st>n, My Six Con ' ts. . M ,rlo e Othmer · Is be ll Hostess l 911 Book Section l • Je~bers a d<'lightful revil'w of Smile, Pie . wht'n they met Thureda y at i home of Mrs. Marloe Oth- m<'r 760 Eaat Ocean Blvd .. Bal- boa. rs .. Robert Jayred and Mrs. RO Allen Were aalsllng host- .. • • • F. . .~~' .~~ ·· an.l ·N · IYERY ) SATURDAY IF-10U'BE GOING TO BUY , A NEW CAR B U Y · A H-U 0 S Q. N ' I I ' J NOW! AND SAVB MONB"lf • Till: NE \\1 (.:,\rts ox 01-1t S llO\\' ltOOM F LOOR (~A.N AN'D \\"ILJ, Bt: SOl.D AT 'fllE OLD PRICE WHIU T HE Y I.AST. • C .. \LL LEXTNGTON 6-3025 FOR A DEMONSTRATION • ,MAIN ST. GARAGE • 4-10 M A IX ST., R 'l "!\"Tl:\"GTO.S BEAC'll ' . ENDS MARCH 31st % CURRE:Nr -UIMUKS·· t'~vew- l . ' The Carden S<'clion of lhc Elx>ll club or Newport Beach will hokl its regular monthly mE'eting a l tl\c t lub house on Balboa Blvd., ?l-1ar. 21 at 12:SO p.m. Mrs. H . Cardoz4 Sloan, owner of lhc Cardoza Be- g•.,ia G~dens will be the guest spe•Js-cr. Dessert luncheon will be served by the group, This is an open meeting but non-me mbers should make ruervations for luncheon with the tk"Ctetary, Mrs. E. G. Doane, Harbor 134 7-M. The nomi- nation comn1lttee will present names or prespectlve · chairman for coming year tor election by the eectlon. Have Your Ca~ Ready for ' Spring ••oh, t he Pit,· ~larch 15-1 8. 8 p.m., • • Lubricate "Cba.ssls Check Hom • Check Windshield Wiper Check Tires ... . i Check Muffler and Exhaust ~'\tems ., Repack 'Wbeela • C""'8 and Adjust Spark Plugs • ~ Copip'"'5ion.-. . Drain and Fllllih Radlatnr fiiapect a.nd AdJuSt 8"""'3 .. FBI Master Cyllnj)er Official' Headlight Adjustment Check Wheel Allgnnilort Ad.lust '.)'...,.In Cheek Blltt.ery . , ·Ad,Jast Faa ud Ge~ Belt "Pleil UP • t • ' . I . .. AND ·~'.&KT •· ~Y , l I I 1 ' \ ONLY. I , .. UNTIL MARCH 31st REGULAR $I I. I 0 . I I • ' I 1 I J ·' I • J ! l I • I I I • • • l • • ... Pu,.dled Eftfl' 'l'uert•7 at Newport:Brnt1a.,..Oallfeni. ... ~ llle NEWPORT llA.JlJIOB fUN:'WRJl!IO p().lllPAlfY Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISBIDlS ASS'N. ~ember or the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ABBOCIATION Office and· Prtntlng Plant at 2211, Balboa E!<M!levud Telephone Harbor l6l8 • -Entered u Second-class Matter at the Poetottlce tn Newport RH.ch, C&li.fornia under the Act of 11arcJ1 3, 11'11 - RUSSELL L. Dll!:TRJCB, F.dltnr · I ,. RALPH BO~G£SON, Advert.laing Manarerj SUBSCBIPt'ION RATES: NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIME!! eveq Taeo$y rn o~ County, '3.M per year; 112.00 e1:z moDtha; $1..!5 three months (Abo lnctudN the NEwfroRT-BALBOJ\ .. ES8, ThurMay) Out.Ahle Oraap Ceuaty M.00 per year HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER UNIQUE "Our hometown newspapers are in a unique 'position. Nothing can take their place in American life." This was the declaration made by Lou E. Townsend, Vice-president and advertising manager of Ballk of Ameriea , in a talk at the recent California Newspaper Publishers convention in Sacramento. "It is trne," Townsend continued, "that metropolitan papers reach many of the "home" towns, and we_ wollld not deny them their functiWI. But nothing serves the local community like the lbcal paper when it is managed with the community welfare in mind." The hank advertising expert went on to point out that in these days of national emergency the roots of the nation's greatest strength lies in the "home" commubities. "The hometown De'IVSp&per," he said, "is on the spot, in its own family circle, the one means of dispensing critical information, of giving inspiration and keeping .ideals alive." He also stressed the fact that the hometown news- paper is the means by which legislators and government circles can judge the temper of a community since it is accepted as the interpreter of community feeling on issues of the day. ',The radio, he Ba.id can never compete in inter- pl'eting the community. These statement&, coming from one of the leading advertising authorities in California, conffrm the view we have always held. GETI'ING CLOSE Unless the sun mov"" f8J!ter -it's going to be outrun ' by airplanes before long. Lut week when a 13:-itlsh jet bomber challenged Old Sol to a rac& a.cross the Atlantic the llWl won by an hour and a half. But the plane set a new tranS-Atlantl; record and gave _notice that faster .trips are to come. Maybe the sUJ> needs jet propulaion. • ' . .. -~ . . MNHER OF TllE ·JtllODU; CLASo)I lll 0 Bol\JOa 'v ....... t olii6'• annliaJ \\·lnt~r Se.-=tee · "'U o~ of Nrwport Hat~r YM:ht clutfe up.and~omtnc-7oucn 9&Hors. Tommy SbPP!CJtVd "'1t.lll 'te• ~y, !'hown hert'-flylna: hPr ~tacular rf'd nyJOfl "pl.nD&Jct'r. -' Woman Loses Dainaqe Claim Superior Judge Raymond H. Tl"lootpllOJl Tuesday ordered eo damages for . Mrs. Thertlne B. carpenter of Costa Meaa. wbo sued Santa Fe Railway for $12•.- 000 tor death of her hUBband. Wayne Car(>f!:nter. on June 16. -t9.f.8. The court gave judgment to the railroad company despite the fact thnt a jury had failed to agree as to \Vhet her the railway firm was liable. Carpenter suffered a n eye in· jury m early J une, 1948. whtle engaged 1n track repair oper- atiOns. Two day11 after the band- age was removed from his e)•e he was dead following an acci- dent in "''bich hi• raJlroad hand- car coll ided y,rfth a truck. Mrs. Carpenter ~ontended that the railroad wa.s directly respons- ible for the accident in which her huaband met death because raJl- road phyfl icians had allowed the bandage to be removed from her nlate's injured eye. t Photo by. BecKner) • -. .. • .. • ' ' " <JUjiJ!i()A.ft OP' IR18INE88 ~..-]!I- THE ~GNllO. .do llere- ' . .. cutlfy Uiat, Uaoy ar-e con<luct- 1 Cioii. tng·a .REAL llS'l'AT& and GEN· P. .l:llAL ·INBURANCll! -at . eQj.Oout HWY, •• eo.oQa.clel· Mar, i -Serl Gt ~ de! California, ..Rd..-tho flcutl~ ..... ~ )'-ot tWof --._ film -ot <T,JJE ANI>BlllSJ:N llloi ~..-....·ar tbof o.&np <J9MPANY DI' lllat Mid tlnn I• ~* ,....-•-W. [)lo. a__.i of~ tol.~ poNOns, "'-11 ot C1iU1-!9 ~,,,._'. """-nanw-iii tull. and place• ot ~ -... 10o.jil; ~au--...... ,_~wit : altoHWn. j No.'ll!IY -eel Ofticero F . Carlyle .ui-. 124-Mth ~--~ -..~·Pf~i3d, . St., Newport Beach. c::aiu· ' ~J'":.~ • .A.nta Cl>u)otte F ~ 1114• llr.1I. ~-·~ o:=: S6th St .. N~tt BMch, Caltt. ~·~"rint -,..... Wl'rNESB --th1a 16th r.tJ.r\'k.inta Dodd, ~ Grove. day of February, 19111. • ' ~on ;,; :.i· ~ -.S "K.UlY ~- WOLTAN, '4!eo known u KA.8.T woi..;r.u.. at µme at her o..,u. tn and tn the reel prope~y de- scribed aa'fOUCM'a: i An WidjYl~ed • one-Ult' tn· tettst tn all tbat real property altuatt<S id ~ County of ~r.J ange, st&& of Callforn:la, and ·deacrtbed ~ follows : . Lot 16 'Ii> Bl\)Ck <S of ft!vor Sectlon, If~ Beach, as per Map µlereOi recorded 'in Book t, Page 26 of miscel- laneous M&PSi Records Of Or- ange County, Callfomla. T • .i;t.1 t.i01~~ I~ !.9S f " • i,. S.cout Cook'ie Sale Big Suce11s$ . . .Girl Scollt clutJnnan. Kn. Chrt. .. Uan kb.lodter, announced that 230 '"" boxes •f ditl Scout oooklee ~ · \ aokl durtnk the receht idrlft. £n.-• • tire proceeda, '$482.20, wW be a.i.s. , · ed to the Newport Har&r Qi.ti • 1 Scout eatabllahed camp fund,..Aat . J reporta. -¥ ~ -• "011. ..... Pity of n· the subject ·or the disctwlton ' . WU LEGAL NOTICE that said hearings will be 'held on the 15th day of March, •nd Uie - 19th day of April, 1951 , at the hou.r A pO.#m cit 1J1e _....,,·WU F . C. ANl>lUl:8EN p,....'ilted'by ·11i.. Jldlttl Kerl di· CHA~ '!'· ANDRl:SEN r<!dor iot y.. Vlaltln&' N..,... A-. State of c.utor.nla, d&Uon. or" OJ'aagc county. Bhe had COllJ?.~ ot Qranc"e, ~ e~ored ..._ deplctlnl" service• ON1crHIB ·18th day of February, otterect bY, Ula VNA and gave. a A._ D.i 19~1. befQre me~~ F . talk dtpU-utllls tb&l the care of Willmes, & Notary Public in ana Ute petiel'\t doel net end when he for the s&td County and State, re- leaVM •tbe hospital~ It. ie otten. con-siding therein, duly canu:nluioned $ued by the VN A 1t&ff nvrse in &nd sworn, pereonally appeared F . b~ "hom"' . in g1vhig the patient Carlyle Andreaen, and Charlotte t&11e and In teaching· membe.M!I of F . Andreeen known to me to be the family bow t.o care tor the lhe penroNI whose names are aub- pl.Ue-nt. . · scribed to the wtthJn tmtrument, Btd1 or otteni are invlted for aaid prope~' y and m\l.lt be in wrttlng and · l)e ?"eeeived at the afore.said o ice. or said Adminis- trator or may be filed wlµt the Clerk 'or said' Superior Court at any ume adtr first publlca.tion of th1a notice and befbre mal<Jng aa.id eaJe. • Said sale will be made upon the following t.f1!1U : Ca!!h in, lawlul mone'.y of the United State1, ten per cent (107' l or the purcb.ue price to be paid on the daJ. of aa!e, balan'ce on conftnnatton or sale by the Court, buyer to aasume the existing trust deed in favor of Newport Balboa Federal Savlnp and Loan Company recorded Octo- ber 19, 1950, in Book 2089, P&c-e 4.00, Official Records of Orange County .. in ~e am9unt of appraxj- mately 12.2~.oo. bearin~~9' in- terest. payable $25.00 per month·. DATED : February ZS, 1951 . of 7 :30 p. m .. in the Council cham-· -•. ben of the City Hall. Newport • ' ~ Beach. California at which tlme • t and place any a.nd all pereon.s In- terested may appear and bl> heard thereon. NEWP'oRT BEACH PLANNING COHMISSION" RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary By Order of Chalrme.n Walter M . Longmoor. No. 184 -Times. Publish March 6-13, 1951. NOTICE OF HEARING PLAN~nNG J)OMlUSSION .. .. A timely talk was given by &nf a cknowledged to me t.bat they M.ril. Margai'et Cate of F\Jllerton executed the same. IN WITNESS entitled "Our Frltridly Enemlnes." WHEREOF, I bave hereunto set She aa.td that oui ·enem.ie'a· !Gr a my band and &fflxed my offlclAI war that might come to wi: this seal the day and year in this Cer- tlme. would not be fore.gin born liflcate first abo.ve written. aaboteura, but natural ·botn ctti-ROBERT F . WILLMES NOTICE IS fHEREBY GIVE N that the Planning Commission of , .. 1 the City of Newport Beach, State r:en1 o~ ollr Own country who have <.SEAL) ~fl ~ooled in how to create My Commission Expires 11/16/51 BEN F . WHITE, Administrator of the Estate of MARY G. WOLTAN, also known u MARY WOLTAN, Deceued. of California, will hold public bea.r- lng on the Resolution ot lntenUon panl<;; i.nd chaos. They might poe-No. 17?-Times.. : af.bly b;e nelfhbors wh~ tamlUes . Publish F eb . 20-27 , Mar. 6-13, 51 of the Planning Comml:sslon t o amend Section 9102.2 of Ordinance would be in danger 1f the. 'enemy' dld. n.ot follow. party line•. She urged nlllsea .to take active part iii' Civil OetenAe activities In their Co.mi:nunlty, to be ~ll informed and to be '"ready tor any emer- ge'ncy. The U80Ciatlon approved an amendment to Ila cons\j_lutlon to allow !or aasoclate rrten:ibership atatua at one quarter the cost of full membership. Thia will permit l.nac~lve nurses who "'ish to main- tain con~t with their profesaion- al U80Clation to do .IO. Si.8ters 1of St. Joseph were host- easea durlngi the social hour whlcri tonowed the meeting. Studeats to 1.Hm Manlage Prebl•IJK RICHARD A. FITZGERALD, A'ITORNEY ' 1.· _the S~rlor Court. of tbe Sta~ of Callforala, la · aad For tht' Count)· of RJ,·enlde. • No. 13.5%5 ,... NOTICE OF SJlLE OF REAl. PROPERTY AT PR.fVATE SALE No. 11D--T1mes. Publish March 6-13-20, 1951. No. 635 so that certain lands north of High,~:ay U. s. No. 101, sbown on sheet No. 7 o r th' d~tricting map be rezoned from a "tf" Dis-• trict to a C-1-H Di&trict, and sakl NOTICE OF HEARIN8 Planning Commi.s&lon Proposes t o PLANNING OOMMISSION amend section 9102.2 of Ordinance ' • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN No. 635 so that certain lands north : ~ that the Planning Commisslpn of ot Highway U. S. No. 101 be re-.. • the City of Ne~"port Beach, State zoned from "U" District to C-1-H <# : of California., will hold public hear-District. and so that the area ~ ings on the ResOlution of Intention known as Bay.shore . Ca.nip be re-• In the 1'fatter of t.he Eltat.e of ot the Plaitning Commi8Slon to zoned from "U " District to R-4 '" - .lOSEPH WOLTA:S, ~. amend Section 9102.2 of Ord inance District and C-1 District, and so ; • NOTICE IS. HEREBY .GIVEN No. 63~ so that certain landll south· lha.t Tr•cts 1014-1102-114.0 and ad--~ that the undersigned, aa Adminls-of U . S. Highway No. 101, mon> jacenl areas be rezoned from "U" ... "'1 Jos-H I ~1 ul l k th St&nl District to R-1 District. and so .. trat.or of the estate of i:....-pa'" .. c ar y r n own as e . ~y WOLTAN, Deceaaed. will sell at Tract , sho~on Sheet No. 4 of the that other areas adjacent to Bea-# • private sale to the highest and districting rr:p.p be rez.oned from a con Bay Subdivision. now roned • bat bidder. upon the terms and R-3 District to a C-1-H District., ··u .. District be precisely ironed as c:;ondidons hereinafter mentioned Notice is hereby further given ahown on the Shttt No. ~ of the and aubjeet 1 to confirmation by that 88.ld .heinnf;s will be held on districting map. said Superio r Court, on the 19th the 15th day of March. and the Notice Is hereby further given i day Of March, 1901, at the heur of 19th day of April, 1951 at the hour that .said hearings will be held on > Don Bridgman, instructor ln 10 o'clock A . M . or thereafter of 7:30 p. m., in the council cham-the 15th day of March. '&nd the lp1ycbology, Orange Coast oollege. w ithin the time allowed by law. hers of the City of Newport Beach, 19th day of April, 1951, at the ls •cheduled to give lhrtt of a a.t the office of said ..(dn\lnl1tra · C&lifontia at :>which time anct, place hour of 7 :30 P-m., in the Council ! S-lectun ,prlei on marriage spon.. tor in the Court House, City of any and all persons interested may Chambers of the City Hall, New- • aored by 'Molar Board of Pomona Riverside. •County of R iverside. appear and be heard thereon. port Beach, California at which : ~:~lege, bttween April 17 ... and M~y Slate-of Ca~lfornia, all right, title-, PLANNING COM:t.USSION time a.nd place any and all persons • Interest I and estate ot said RA y Y. COPELIN. Secretary interested may appnr and be .. • Dr. Ralph !:ckert of State De-,., heard thereon. JOSEPH WOi...TAN, DecPa..sed , at By Order of .Ch.airman, • partment of Education will o,,_, · RAY Y. COPELIN. Seere.tary'• · -·· the time of hi8 death, and all Walter M . Longmoor. $300 000 I • the foru..rb aeries April 17 with the · , By Order of Cba.lrm&n. ..~ •' n1ury cllallenge : "Are You Ready for right, title and int~eirt that said No. 185--Ti,me!. "YlraJter ~ Longmoor -.. t _e!ltate has a,...,ulred, by o.-ration Publieh Marc ·6-1°, 19'1. • · · Marriage!" · ~"" ,..-"'-"' .... o 183 T im ' • " S 't • F•1ec1 of Jaw or otherwiee, other than or ~., · -es. ; • UI IS I Bri~a.n·a lectures will consld-In addition to that of said JO!l!:PH NOTICE F HEARING Publish March 6-13, 1951 . .. ; l M h ,300 eT .such taplqi u ae.lecllng a matot, WOLTAN at the lime of his death p• •••N~'G CO S ' • ore t an .000 dama:ges the eng...-emeat period and psy-~ •n MMI SION SOTICE INVITING BIDS •: : were di!.ma.nded in aunorior court cholo...t.cal proble mo envolved In In and l o the real property de-NOTICE IS HEREBY ~IVEN ..--a• ... _d f ll -Notice o·s hereby given that the • ' \\'ednesda:• for a tiny tot who · d · scri....., u 0 oWll: \ that the Planru·ng Com-'·-1on of • marriage a JW!ltment and raising , ,....... Board of Trustees of the Orange was c rushed under the wheel~f children. An undivided one-half in-th C't f M t o . ~ wttl • • L e 1 Y 0 ~.ewpor a.:at."1..1 Coast Junior CoJleoe District ot • • • a trucJ11:-trailer nearl.\' a. }.'ear a.;.~ To round out the program. ac-terest ln all that real property hold two public hearln~ on the • ) • •-Or. ange Count.Y. Calif .. will receive' .. lotrs. Dorothy A. ?.toore of cordlltg to Matar Board announce-situated In tl"!e County of Or-application of E . Morris Smith for bJds u. p to t he hour of l O:OO A.M. ' 2~16 Ne\\--port Blvd .. Costa Meaa, menl, a doctor will discuss t.ht> ange, State of California, and the rezoning" of Lots 1 and 3. on the ·28th day of March , 1951, ~ Oled suit in superior rourt tor phyeiological upecta of marriage d%~~ i';: ~~~~~w:~ of River Block 436, Corona del Mar !ram at the office of said school district, her 4.-year-old lllOn, John W. and a coltrge profe.MOr of econom· the present zoning of R-2 to a C-1 localed at 19951 S. Harbor Btvd., Moore, Jr .. \~tho she said has ~n ,....._,, lea will present the economical as-Section, Newport Beach, as zone, in accordance With S ectk>rl 6 Collta Mesa' , Ca li f .. at which time i!etornied for life. The s uit l!'l RROllF.N \\'lN.,r..R -Kenn)· pects. per Map thereof recorded In of OrdinanceT No. 635. a-in t w 'tt E St . ri . Schmidt'• bNultlful 10-mettt, ts, Book 4 .. Page 25 of miacellan-N t ' . c b t rth -i aa.ld bids will be publicly opened e -s a er · eltler. ,river. Htl r1 f Ill I h In N' 0 ice is ,.ere Y u e.r 6 .ve~ for tht> following: Erectlon and and Co nsume.l's O il Co., ownet 8 a.• am ar "I" t • PW-e<>us Maps, Jlecords of Orange that the sa·d 'hel.rlnga will be b ld The accident occurred la8l 1>0rl Harbor. lrlurnpbPd 0, ... , B Coas swamps County, California. on the 15t~ daY of March and ~e placing of 156 steel dressing lock- March 16 at Beach and E Ste., flt>rt <tf flflren ocean raclnl" Bids or offers are invited for 19th d ot A il 1~1 t "· h e.rs and 876 itee-1 box lockers in the • h ,_ .. , k d ln o· side 21 " ay pr . UoJ • • ........ our Gymnasium Building. The sa.fd El Toro, he.r petition set forth:, )'Ml ta ._, ~·t'f'<d BP..n •~-cp~p-C8Gft I -V said property and mu.st be In writ-of 7:30 p. m.Jtn the Council Charo-Board of Trustees shall be the •nle with the child suffering a crush-turp thr oo\·rlf' ro,._,,. Pr-ing· and \\'ill be -r eceived at the ber of the . City Hall. ?tewport jtldge of the merits and q. ualif;a- ed pelvis 8.nd othrr fractures. The petual tropby ror the ~ S"cortng almo1t at will, Orange aforesaid office of said Admlni.11-Beach, California, at whlOh time t.ion11 of the equipment offered .... d mothe r ask~ for .. .,00,000 tor the around C.tallna. ,... ___ t COile~·• •---•-•l team trator or may be filed with t.he and la d -• I -· -· Ph b B •-l .........a · ew uo.acU&.1 P ce any an -.u per.sons n-rese rvee the right to rei·ect all bids boy 'and art additional $10,000 lo I oto y ec"""'er buried Oceanside JC'a wider-Clerk of aaid Suprrtor Court at terested may appear and be heard and to waive any informality in pay _ for medical and surgicaJ al-. ma.nned nine 21 -o Tueaday alter-any time after first publication of thereon. bld I • • • I I ' j l ' • • j . ' ~~ion and hospltaJ expense•. ·o 1· Uil.""f ~ "\ti.\.~~·'~,. JllP,P· The late-;::~ ::ii!~Fe and . ~'!Te rreiking ~~~~=~Secretary ADvi-~f3 •llP.~PSJJ r '-•'' · ~~."!.-,·case• fO .. : e t_nq Cll l aA nve 1hnlii~ ~i~c;?1~.~-1e: . Sald nle will be made upon the By Order ot,Chalnn.f'l. • • ~ji ·~: Mal'Cfi 28,ifao!~ -Kere L'st .Shows Lo.ts in~~ i;;:tle~,.:i~tg_•c:i: ~= :~!;-t~t;1~s~:.~ N~;~~~,~·-·~"'·'w... 10:00 ·A -~~ed : I ~ ¥f ' • I ~ .. , C>•• REDDY Kl LOWATT Y Hr Smalt of tltt C11t111 I'm a busy little atoin~ I sp)ir myseU in rwo! I multiply as many rimes as I have jobs to do! In slimmer, winrer, spring or fall I'm ready every hour; . . . }UJI push a switch and watth me zip Wirh ligh1 or hel!t or power. • JOUTHllN CAJ..fOaNIA -IDllON COMPANY • .. • • Juvenile Court I and Phil Shafer poled a triple per cent ( 1 ~ of the purchase Publish March G-13, 19~1 -~s1i:~ p~~ON· d -pri~ to be i>&id on the day of sale, ·• o ees Referred lo juvenile court ror ' an double, respectively. ball"Oce on confirmation of sale by No. l87-Timea lnvesttga.tion tut week. wu a ca.se B t N A Line acore: the Co..... buyer to assume the NOTICE P.F lfEABJNG Published 3/13-20/51 1.. U 0 Creage oc·~·"'·.··.· .. ·~ ; : oi...u~·.~· •• co.•~ST; ..... .... PLANNII'!lO COMMISS IO~ alleging ·Robert. Louis Coe had 11 existing trust deed in favor of bur~lartzni two boats ln Newport 21 Newport Balboa l"ederal Savlngs NOTlq!": lS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE lNVITL"llrr;G BIDS H ho l o ..... pn, J 2 o • H•l"l'l1. c J J that the Plann~ng CommlBaion of ar r ut F eb. 19. Public De-There·s Iota of Jots. but no &ere-Ac1u••. c J o 0 Hid'""· 11 2 2 1 and Loan Company recorded Oclo-Notice b her eby given thst the fendt:r Meyer said Coe was onl~ 18 age, on t}\t delinquent tax ltata ,_."'· <1 J I • a.rt:, ,._,. _ l J ~ ber 19, 1950, in Book 2089, Page the City of l"iewport Beach will Boe.rd Of Trustees of the Orange ... yean a.Id and wu lnvo!ved with evrry year. and from all indlca-~4!,~-"j, lb ~ : ~ ~;9· -J~b ~ ~ 0 400, Official Record! of Orang.-ho!d a publlc hearing on the ap-Coaat Junior College District of 17-y"ar"°ld. Jack Turley in the two lions the sarnl' cOndltlon will hold C.11. •• t .J •I Tllrdth. lf-p. 1 1 1 County, in the &mount of approsl-plication of Ray H . Looml• t'or a Orange County. Call!., wlU receive . JI ed bu 1 Co T Co'! C.1tt-o, lb 2 l o NotcR\ d J 1 t 50?;. variance on the Wly ~ of a ~g rgtar es. lhl• year. unty ax 1 ector MM••, rf 2 •· 1 t:J•feltl, P 1 2 1 mately $2,224..00, bearing-6 1,1 ?r bids up to the hour of 10:00 A.M., • 4 Sin~ the younger defendant Don S. Mozley saJd today. -dfldo, 29 D o t interest, payable $25.00 per month. Lot 17 and 'the Wly ~ of Lot 1&, on the 28th day of March, 1.951, .... ...,.. In l nil Th d In ta]•-•· f ... _ Tot.11 ti o 1 ' Ofllefo, ,. • o o Block 10 Sf't-llon 2 Balboa 11land WU uve. e court., he •kl, the r aecon s u.uen .... o ....... u · ldirN1• rl 1 0 0 DATED: Feb[uary 28, 19~1 . . · .T • at the office of said School Di.a-....... two &houlcl' be h,a.ndted togethff. aren't delinquent unlit April 20. Koli11, " 1 1 o BEN F . w~H"r~n;:~,. (200-02 Ru~ Avenue) In accord-trlc t, loc&led at 19951 8 . Barbor -~oe said ln hit atfld&Vit of ttA&n-but Mozle·y aa.id that the usual de-Wfll,,.., cf O O • Administrator of the Eatate of ance with ~ctlon 6 ot Ordinance Blvd., Costa Mesa, C&tif., at which 1 ' eta.I t.qabillty lo hire an attorney Unquencles a.re of arnall-aized lots. Tot•lt _ u JI 10 Joseph Wollan, Deceased. No. 635· • time ••id bMD will be publicly that. be owned a fiahlnc boat va)· -Building lol41 of more or less SCOIE ev INNIM•s No. 180--Timui. ti' Notice ia hereby 1'urther given opened for ,the following: 1 ·Bea.ch _ bed at $2000. Ouroig the arr&tgn · va.lue are: located in Laguna Beach. 0.U-.IM ..•. 0 • Ol-0 ~ 4 ~hllsh March 6-13-20, 951 . !&~~~5::i~hye~~:arcwi~l 1~h.e!~ Two Drum Sander, or equal. The ... mcnt, Coe a.eked to be releaaed on San Clemente and 'Newport Beach; ~ .... C:O.• {111 u 1-z1 10 J said Boartt of Trustees shall be ht. own recognizance 80 he couJd end in t...aguna Beach Schoor Die-the Mnlr of 7,:at;i p. m . ln the Coun-the sole judge of the merits . and · repair hi.I boat, but wu told only 'trict. and Silvera.do, Modjeaka and leal ~ FiaM RICHARD A . FITZGERALD, ell Chamber oft.he City H&ll, Nl!"W-qua.liflc&tions of the equipment of· that hiJI bail would be r~uced to Trabuco Canyons. a. :a.. .. ATTORNEY port Beach, C&ltfomta, at whJch !ered. a.nd reaerves the right to re· Sldbo. Somewhat larger Iota ue in El wl K 'llS SD In the Superior Cou,rt of tbe State time and place. llm.y and all per. ject ,all bid.a, a11d to waive any in· · Modena School Diatrict, where .Due.J.o ~creued bualnea activ-of ~orala, la ... For the :°::.C, ln~~ may appear add be Cormalil)" tn bid. CA.BS COLLIDE eorlyfly promote... bop;ed tn tty tile ""1 utate Qfflce of B. A-CGoultJ' ol 11.1~, ADV.: JoiaJ'Cll 13-ZO, 1¥51 • ·. • Coll!Blon Of J:&r& driven by Ito-uµbllsh the-city ot Carlton but N-1,M2 Newport Blvd., Coo· No. lJlll!I ~~ry Open Btdll: March · 28; 19:;1 ~ ther R. McCllntnck, 28, 214 SSrd met promotloiw <\fllalllU "1th the tal ·-ibu reeenUy been en· NOTICE OF 8AiJI! OF UAL Bv Order of Chalnnl.n, 10:00 A.M.. ~ • St., Newport Bead> anl Ern .. t c. co18711ao·-.. •I ~~lal>d boo •.• m in_ the lal'Sed I'! .lloable Ito former ..... PROPERTY il nrv Aft , 81gned : • -··' Rubljoud. 81, 70e N. Hain BlreeL !The ...;.., eotate firm will COD• SAL& W"1_ter "'· '-""'· BA8IL H, P£t'ERSON •• t Birch d E1 •th __ ,, ""'·•r 1n oome Y . del.lnqueacleo H••-tnr-.::t. -·-> _,. No. 111-a..... . c-.• Board o.f t'rust ... . • an I• ·~=--·-ha been $1~· 000 ,....,.~ uuer !ta oerv>OO_~ -ea. 1n the Matter of ~ lli:otate of Pubµati -'ll. U~1. """ 4.na. wu reported by po1lce l"ii-· v~ ·. Ptr' year: 1er·e1, properti ~ent, MARYG. WQLT4..tJ,-el8okn<>Wft No. 18&--Timea !. ~ day. Both matchlne• were. ~Uy they atarted ou.t greeter number Hilt.all and JMurance Ia addiUon N KA.RY WOL~. Deceued. NOTICS DF BJ:••INO Publlahed 3/13-20~1 'dama&<:d, iliv .. tlgator9 ..Sc£ . ~I: ='°'i:.:Ch .~ ~=:i lll<t flnn ~ploJ<O-<hl'.. NOTICE .IS lfD!llllY GIVEN P~O OOMM188tON , .tamp.al.lie" lot;, ~Uy Without , ., . !hat th• ~.I ae Admlnla· NOTI~ jlB ~ OlVEN mtua ot J.npeoa,and -· .,_ •• IJ i-tratnr at u.. ..tate 6! IL\RY o . ~ Iha 'PlanaJnc ·~ 4l stv.n ·-_,. ~ .... ,..lopodlu d :"-oll•1• to WOLTAN, allo '~ .. KARY IJle -Olty of 1'~.s..eb.· •ta~ .ll.&rmmlll1a ..... 11 ••• ~ a JS .• ,... n·-,• ••. ~ • • l """ ow--. ollMloned _ t11em, ,,. • ,,.., prl.,.... .. 'tn' 111e . •uchtt -i!>lll <mA!' ~or tnt... M~ Qf lbe Joto 'ploved. ~ ~-, WOL'rAN, Dec-, wlD l!Oll at of C&llfomlt, *111 boil l"'lllic --' U.. ......_ Bame --J>oi'lllt --· -lbe -and or U.O = ~mjllla · PPA.OOlf """' -""---*'' • c.. •111• ..... -. . I -)D bloclca.. --uac . of -u.a IOO CODdltlolia bel•]n~ --amend See 9102~.QfQr'lll'll*•-eo.•j IDto ~-~ 1 , "'! -tloo \:U'pua ~ UJoe !loutllenl &"!i oubjec:t fo ,ta.& et!m by Jllo. eill -~ .wQID. lbe1 -~;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;E;";;;;; -.lit .. Ule ¥'81<'""'• .... ~ -...... ill •·aid~ c,m:t. .. Ille J.lltll -.po:1o.,;i:t.J~._., .... ~,. aa .., -.-l!o-.. .._..;..., '*lw.-. ., · 1.. •Y o1 Mardi, U61,·at.U..-."' tot. -ftdi:f Jl!*rljl • •.,. w · .._.._...:........_ .M<mio7-. -i"xs-.; "\ ........ 'IWOmt .. -m,.-Cl>I.,., 10 d.-. A. 11. or -~• tn in-.,.._ ... ..._ 'IN -al•r .,._. .... lo U.O au •a• .-to t11a ~ .,. 111 --~· -Ille -....,_by-· to WI IDc..~-4'1 tDC.. -to ~a ....... lln<el'llde "c::ioui,tyi"!'": n 1a _,, ~ ...... ta..._ ....... aft 1t11e-otmlil~ llll blc-, -· _.,.., .,_.. ' 8 .LI~ 111r.io.-A11C11Gn:-iiala.t -"".a. "*'-7 ........ i. le.Ula.~Bc: (, ~"'--.... ..,.._ ...... _.. .. •a. .,. · ~ I 8MI& All) -pom U'ttiooa. ... ~,Cl( .......... -ot to lbe't• E~~lf) ,... ...... t• p••-· -'fto - -..... ···-··-c;.w.. .... 'all •• UIJ9 -· ill• fJ{ •• ... '"" -'~ ft n I • I ..... --;a---~ ............. -................. 1at _____ ........ (Ml),_ , --+ , ,Jllr.~'llln.~:;, _...._toGotill--111 I oCllW<ll•G ........... IWo .... lllula.ql!>=---llnr•:• !' '*'a. 111o11•1. 9IL'IC ~le .._ -a • --.....-lnM Iii.tit -.,....., · .. "n',-•Anll .Ill~• iii tt ,.,.. &.Cotta-·-..--••."'a,...._ 1 ,,......-,,,1tsw-cttllW• ......,,_~,, :&.....,. '111 'a11: ""' to Pala ,., ,,11'. ~ tllli .,,. 1.. "'1 w' • aai.: .. • 1t .... .. ... _.. 1 " tr ...,... >; f I "' • \ ' ' ' I, I • ,._. ... ----.. ---~---............... ._..._ ........ ·---·--------·--·--. -----------. ----·~~-·-' .. • • • • .. ' • • • il'uetd.y, Men:h .13, 195i 1 • • • . . .. . 1 t I . * NiWS-'Tllili5' ... ~ I £ ' ' . -,.--- • • > .. ~oat ,o, Wins 1c..-....... 1'.a.11 -• cal ~ther reco~ a.od who testi- fied ·that the sea. waa \l'ery mud; and aleo tnt:roituced u witneaaea, Richard S. Dittmar,· one of the own.era of the Sea Boat company Of Coat.a Mea:a who ·designed and ~...,a,he boat~ Douglas Prte1t of the ilarbor Department; Chte ~rt Meyer• of the COUit Cuaf'd and Chrl.s Clawson, the fOl'me1' operator of the boat. me:nt tn favor ot all the dererid. a.nta and made the statement that - tbe plaintiffs had not proved any Oegl!Jmce on the part of the op- erator of the boat. He aakl the boat. Mtas Ba!boa wu Very sea- , -.. '. J: '·) .<.. . ., I '* MARG(J). • • ; ... AU of these Witnesses testified t.bst the "MU!s Balboa .. W&!'I far better than the average boat used for that purpoee and was of ex- ceptionally fine con~truct-ion and aeaworthy for much heavier sea than existe<I the date of the aneg- ed injury. These wltnes.se.e also . worthy and had all of the equip- ment and S&ft=ty precaotionA ot:Ail· Jiar1Jy uaed in~ boat.a mgaged In like ibusinea and eW:n more so as the testimony ehowed that the Miss Balboa had unusually lhickr cushiona, c-raAh pad.a, a place for paasengers to grip on to and gen- er'9-llY was very well buil t and equip~. The jQdge stated that altholigfa it was unfortunate that Mrs. Hulme was inju'fed. she bad veoluntarily ta.ken a ""thrilllng ocean speedboat ride" and assum- ed the risks attendant ·thereon. tealli'.ied that the vessel had a ,. ~ c~nt tSt place for passengers to hold ori to -e •v 1 and .,..hich the plaintiff~ denied. (Contlnue«J, from Pace 1) The defend~t 's attorneys con-· day Afternoon club: Mrs. c. M . tended that 1f Mrs. Hulme was D k -bs . t· f M injured it was through her own ea tns, SU lttu mg or rs. negligence and that under thf" l.:11w. Gladys Thompson, ~bf.U club: Mrs. ahe assumed the risk or any in-MUdred Chapman, 222 lril!i avenue, Jury on the ride in the absence of Bus.iness and Proft-Bllional Wo- any ahowin r r , un'the men'a club; Mra. Irene Newland, . g 0 neg tgenc:e :HO San Bernardino avenue, New-part of the boat COl'Tl(.Jany ur the o_perator ~t thl· boat. port Beach, Elementary aobool.s P -TA ~nd Mrs. Frances Stawicki, HJMI 11.ad Ba•·k 1 2622 Vista Drrve, Nt•wport Harbor The plaintiff's physu:inn, Dr. High school P-TA. AU cakes in Ri.!fser of Pasat.ll'na, on cross-ex-turn v.•ill be reatured for a week amination said that Mi-s. Hulm(' at th.e bakery. had a deforn1ity 1n her back con -In addition to earning money Bi.sting of a deviation of tl'\i' spin!" for t heir club, ea.ch ('ntrant re-- which E'Xistell priur to the alleged ceivc>d a corsage and a personal accident and \Vbtch made her more gift, these ranging from a cake prone to injury of the splnf' than knife to a $9 carving set. Each of a pE>rson in normal bf'alth and that lhe judges, besides ha\dng a once- ehe could have suffered the ~am" in-a-lifettme chance at cake samp- lnjury in many d1ffert>nl •.vays. ling, received a basket of grocer- Judge Gardni>r render£'d judg· irs. ONE NITE ONLY SATURDAY. MARCH 17 • .WED.· TH URS.· FRI. ·SAT. MARCH 21 • 22 • 23 & 24 FRANKIE LAINE and DICK PIERCE • 'BALBOA • • ••• '··-<-' -, . The EASi~DOES·IT CORNER ,.. ' .Y ··-;-.·' :•' lly CLA YTO:'< THOMPSO!f How To Kn p Your Oil HHter Clean. A dollar- .-aeiahbor of oun servi~• hia own pot-type oil beater tei'· olariT-CMI euily. • • ' Be cle•n• the at-r•iner a• ... aboft la the m.ll"am -the I. Meterina V•l•e •tem, too. Wll.eboethemm-• • ~ . • 'l1ln IMt_ !Kr"ape.• lhe bOftler "pcd. to ZftDO'l8 all bard euboD. • 1!cp af. top ol the dot lo i:Jl. • O)le<Ce\lfo.afrleob~qa : ..w,,.. f;aa1 7 ,, ~"' • ..-.....--- Of cou.r••, u•inC Standard. Stove Oil, 100" di9tilled .-cl clean;dell~ you need oaly MrVice your heater once• year. U you have a pn11un-typa burner, try New Sia11.du4 Furnace Oil with The~ Ji atop• fi.ltel' cloa'Dic- EDjoy' dopeildal>lo ail -.- fort with -of.--Stedud Hea tlq OU.. J ... e:all uaJ i '• • • • • • • • • • • . . ' -1:gWoon! · j;JOlllE DOWN !onT 'oi.. vo~f l ,,\ • .., the one on UH! L&rtlna Uncoln .Mer<:ury tl...i Car THAT Tiu.:J:1 CoKE DoWN TBJ8 IN· Lot'. TN• dNm 'bot.l' llU enrythlnl' but runnlnJ wate<o ll baabydro- STANT! WE KNOW YOIJl'RE 1.IJ' matlc .._,..ohltt. Uook -Ka,-no b&ndof) radio' and beater. Be\ter TBERil ! Poor ErWood ls really 1 out oh a ln~te t.hia ~ ot a car be.ton Cucllle changes her mind a.nd llmb. You, know why he'1 o~t there? ~ ;tth the .foreman.! Or f~rget aU about Luctlle! Maybe .tie'•., He's bidlnc from bill collectonl1 Erwodd ~ter qff at the cumery. In lh&t cue, .co to the La,guna, Ube. Mere. Is In Dire Str&tto (a Coral ~ .ott Ute U-S Car Lot and Uk &ED BUELL to ohow you the FIVE '•9 the Cout of BaJbOa). Dr. E:rwbod. that ll'O!U>B YO!J. ei1n have you~ cno1·ce of any one of t.bese .weU~behav~ fantasuc, macnittcent Pliy-~y of thf ~-utoe ~or S.l,49&. "{hlehever way you decide, you'U be on the be.at Western world has a.cute Lack& Muuma of term• wtth RED. LAQUNA UNCOLN MERCURY us9 C&llS. a disea.ae that comes from ove.1 specui,· ieo N. Coast Blvd., Lacuna t..$&25. · • • , ' lion and fuclnatlon wt.th pin.·ball ma-· • • -• chines!, Buuards are nesting In ·Erwood'1 pettf ca.sh dra'fer. But EARLY Bi'iu>s! YOUR TAPE-WORM Wil.L Dr. Erwood won't •be up a tree for-1tver. From his lofty ptrch, he ~RE YOU Jl"OR TRIS! THE ANCHOIJ CAFE /A directing a MARCH MONEY RAlSING CAMPAIGN for the beneftt :he locale for ftll1ng your maraupium or knap·sack be~ ot Erwood'a till! Get yourself over 1to ErwOod'JI shop po1t-ha.stey! !ore emfsarklng an a ~Wh fishing cnril!Jfl! Night· Yoo ca.n buy fabulous gifts, atl'il'Ork, China, fabrics, gla..sa, furniture, OWl. Glad opens her bi•tro at !S A. M. (evej.y d~ ex· lamps, mirrors, gtsmoa, jewels and foodoodlea at cost and under. ::ept Wed.). Gladys specializes in early morning "'arm.' Go over there and put a deposit. in ca.sh (no 11tul1 pleaaeJ oo some-Jpa for fishermen, ttavelera, Just hungry people and thing! Let's get Dr. Erwood out of the leat-m6ld and home for 1ven eater1 to queuy and · butterfly stomachs! For Arbor Day ! ~RWOOD'S, 407 E. Balboa Blvd., 'Balboa. people who enjoy facing life· in earnest with a lusty ' • • • brea)ff&.st, the~·re golden brown buttermilk hot cakes mGH GLEE! OFF THE HIGH SEAS! VJB.. .>0ntooned under ratta· qt butter. syrup or honey. GINIA. MC'MAHAN IS NOW BACK AT TllE NEW~ 'I'heee can be eq_uipt with ~ugged sides or ham, bacon, PoKT BAKERY. 2112 Ocean Front in Newport! Jr aau•ge. Now for you la.st livers-(0. K. so you 1.·trs. McMaha.n is a famous cook\e-cutter from _ way ;ct a fut -1iverJ who see the dawn corne up like . I • 10-BUSINJl:SS OUIDIJ COMPLl:'l'B HOUSll CLltANING ..im.Ce. Fumibire ahlS rup shampo<>ed. Free ..tlm&tee- Fully JnsUred. Al's House. & Rug ' Cleaning Co. Beacon 6111 72tf (' • ti.-BlJJLDING SDIVICl:S PAPER HANGING PAINTING an\} Kenneth Quarry 1515 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Jll!M Phone Beacon 5504 . '19c92 back! She parlayed the Newport Bakery into thunder in your whirling temples, Glad hu a hang--over cocktail. . heavenly dough from I939-11M7! Then she rested The mere recipe ma.kea me diuy. but Glad says that it turns weak- awhile, and now ahe"s back with all lhe old wonder-linp into industrial giants! AJJ right, ao here it ·is lunch all ready! ru1 recipes!• Probably a lot or you 1m&rt gourmets Lunch ls 6$----and very good too, and after that aloresald hang-over remember Mrs. McMa.han for her enchanllng bait-~~la.ti, a beer becomes a plea.san(. ladder to the next landing! By erles in Balboa island. Costa Mesa and Laguna. the, middle of the afternoon, you'll be up and swinging over a zesµu1 Well listen closeJy , .. The Newport Bakery is chil~ size. Th.is interesting program goes on al the A~'<'HOIC ('AFE. open ever day now ! Even on Sundays, you ca.n get freshly baked hOt 711-D Coast Hlway--6 A. M. · 5 P, 'M. In Newport. co(tee cakes. doughnuts and bread -tor break fa.st ! Trot down this • • e For Venetian Biinds., H . H. HOLBROOK Shades and Drapery Hdwe. DEPENDABLE PLUMBING THE SHADE SHOP Sunday morning and get some hot-cross buns! And the OuJ.ch bre.ad .tusT MENTION Ml' !'-IAME IN CORONA ! ! l has more crust than a tax-coUector ... wonderful! I've tried it. ll18T WHISPER TBJS COMMON HOlJSl:HOl.D \\'ORD (marl{o) Slllt rising breaa which is keen with fish Is a Friday special . . . WHEN YOlJ LEAVE YOt"R LAl l~DRV A'f TIO: WA~HER- Bob Krull, Virglnia"s son is the master baker here ... So welcome IETTE, .• them back and give your taste buds a thrill. Bud. Newport Bakery, IT WILL BRJ:SG l 'Otr 2112 Ocean Front, Newport. 1FltEE BLlJ.ISG e • e .. FREE Bl.EACH STOP THAT DANCING UP THERE. YOU RUG-CU'I'TERS! WASHl:RE'ITE, 404 CoaMl Bl\•d., Corona dfo.I Mar, llarbnr !:'i86-\\' Since it is the custom In most parts of this ~country to WE!:&r shoes • • • in the house, I suggest a rug that you don't'have to worry about! DO YOU KEEP A COW? ? ? No don't Coastline Floor Covering has a FLAX-TEX all linen carpeting that run out and get one on my account! I merely r-'>?'-, ls perfect for the beach. Flax-Tex is very handsome in decorator wanted to mentJon the fact that CA RLYLE'S solids and multi-colors. And you can't "'ear it oul : .. even if you UNPAINTED FURNITURE has son1e divine run a· herd of Longhorns over it twice a week ! Furthermore, you 3 le&"l'ecl milk stools for $1 .95. o . K, so may- &nd the kids can track sand and sprinkle dirt and goop over a be you got a TV set ? Carlyle's has some Fla.'(-Tex carpet and not hurt a thing. The more you scrub one of sturdy Mexican mahogany television tables these carpets with a brush the nattier it looks. Coastline will instaJI for $7.50. Or maybe you paint pictures of Fla.x-Tex wall lo wall or ')'OU can buy throw rugs up to 9 x 12. Also apples &: bananas in a bowl . . Carl_yle 's has now you can select tfom a beautiful new line of Sherwin \\'llttams an artist's easel tor $2 .75. And now Jet me wallpaper or take -advantage of thftJ special: Pabco Inlaid Unoleum, ask you a penonal question. Do you have to drag up a chair·lo modern designs and blO('k pateten1a for $'!.50 sq. yard installefi. }'each ~ No. 2 <:an of okra on the top shelf? For $1.95, save stretch Coastline Floor Covering. •18th &. Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa A strain wfjlh a set or kitchen steps. Other bargains: Coffee tables or Beacon 5251-J. end ta~ $10.60; Early American cobbler's tables $13.75.· Quality • • • c Innerspring mattresses $4Y.~ u'p. Afl of Car1y1e·s unpainted fumi- IT'S IN THE BAG. BOYS! OR lure Is beautifully built and costs are considerate. Every piece .is MORE FUN THAN AN IOWA sanded and delivered free. A little bit of ~refinishing stab"! ·and you PICNIC! That's the hot gosalp got yourseJf somettng, Sis. Carlyle's Unpainted Furnitun!!, 1916 about the ERNIE-BURGER. the Ilk: Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa,, Beacon 6124-J. hamburger put out lhe v.•lndow at • • e t ·~ lhE" KO'T'TAGE KAFE. Cost& Mesa.. OH. THE OLD GRAY MARE SHE AIN'T \\-.HAT SHE USED Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. ~ewport Beach 78c92 IZ-BUILDING SEllVICJJS INTERIOR -'EXTERIOR P AINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston Mil -31st St. Newport Barbo? 2297-J . Beach 34c48 P AINTING E ARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., Coat.a Mesa Bea. 5457-M 94"9 Convict. Lower of Misdemeanor, Drop 2 Charges People crawl, hitchhike. charttr TO BE! Ladles, do not be dismayed by the im p.Jications of this busse!j and __run , like crazy to buy a dismal ,dirge! Some of th" most devastating!)' .handsome \\"Omen in bag-full of these gastronomic de-lhe co~try have silver threadS' among the gold. Whether yo4've lights! Some people eat them richt turned I jray from tright. .age or waiting for your flife-partner to Robert Dale Lower, Hollywood t here in the parking lot with coffee eeme ti<tme from the Elk's Club, turn your old gray bonnet into a salesman, was foUnd guilty of mis- or a malt. Other people take. home a shining silver mane! RUTH'S BEAUTY S HOP has a new Color-demeanor mans I aught er late sack and invite · people in. A lot ·Of Foam ~nse put up by the Rayette Co. This rinse color-lights drab, sn1art people are raising -a batch ot dull hair into suarkHng slate-sUver gray! The desirable stuff comes Thursday night by a jury. which ch ildren on them! This HAMB1JRGER In other hlgP llght.s fOr 'hair or other hues .. 6 shades in all~ deliberated 8~ hours in court of in full size on a sesame bun with Manning's beet and homemade Color-Foam . rinse is only 50c. It's your money honey, but throw Superior Judge Franklin G. West. relish. Becau~ Ernie has so rnany 'Sati.-fled castomers, he can give caution to the winds. All at once you're lovely~ Also permanents Compauton felony charge~ of derful tacos. pie and ·other good stuff to take out. As a matter of $10-$15 , at Ruth'• Bf>anty Shop,' SSS Poln~ttiu. f.'oronu dt'I Mar. lmanslaughter and .J;lrunk dr1vi~g you thi• walking Ernie·Burger for only l~c. You can also get won-llarbor,._~90'7. wert" not upheld tiy the jurors ut f fact, a tnousand of you can even qt inside the Kottage Kate. ten ~-·e ff • the long trial which started the at a time that is! So join the happy. dancing throngs on their way HERE . COMl;S SPRISG ! prev1oU!I week. f to bag a bunch of Burge:t-s at the KOTTAOE KAFE, 1920 Newport When Spring comes you may tell cause the days are long'er, Lower was arrested Dec. 14 a t- Blvd., Costa Mesa f l blk. beyond t.he Me.ta Theater1 . children play longer. and school semes to be longer. When SpTing er his automobile stru.._..ck the rear • • • comee the Skunk cabbage comes out of the snow. Skunk cabbage of one driven by George H . Wright COME OUT OF "YOUR DARK COCOONS. LrM'LE BUTTER-has an unpleasant smell. The flower trees like a pussy willow will of 6701 Seashore Or., Newport I FLIES! It's Eastertide! So flit your wings over to POLLY start blooming. Listen! Do you hear the birds singing i.n the . Beach, killing Mil. Elizabeth APPAREL for gay gossamer garments! Polly Apparel herself i• morning? Stop on your way to the bus stop and hear the birds Wright and injuring Wright. Offl- b · · · · Sh • h d h f 1·rt d' N cers and medtcaJ examiner testi-l urstlng out 1n a new spring guise. es a er ace 1 e . ew sing. Start whlstli.J1g and start to skip or run, then you will get 1. I paint, comfortable easy chairs, louvered panels. AND all the 4 quiet to the bus stop faster. You won't miss the bus. -fied ~e 'was intoxlc~ted . ladies from the front windows are back on the job with new hair-Out of the wa"y~ For here comes sprin..-. The ·defendan~ however, denied 't d d to " any intox.tcatlon, although he ad-dos and clean bright facet1 ! Polly is now qui e rea Y an eager (Spring has come to the fourth grade! (Contributed by Sharon I prO\'ide you with everything a woman v.·ears (except shoes). Perhaps Dance). milted he had "a couple" or high- 1 a dress that flatters whf"N' It mattf"n. A little Gage straw hat? ba.118 at Long Beach shortly be- Or a sprig of flov.·ers? And you want a purse and gloves of course "fore the accident:. He told the for the Easter parade. Be sure to conside r the new Serbln 'f&8h~ble. Ebe If Travelers Hiway Accidents court an<I 'jµry he was driving celene~ jersey dn!!sses bt Mveral sn1art styles at $12.\Xi. O)l;·.PQ,l'.4~ ti'• 1 • , ~J U_~~ . . southt;aat on .·the Coast Highw, .. APPAREL wilt do right by yo\I if you're a woman ~ 1835 'N-~"1 · Y'l $W! MPtt;O (Continued from Pace 1)' · ,and~ bt lltelieved ttts rifht fro . Ave., Costa Mesa. and Mrs. Costi a~d Irvine are stnf tire w~nt fiat j~t •. before _the col- • • • The artp..chair travelers of the in serlotl.$ condition, with multiple ,lision making ft (lJn~1ble for_ OH COO! HARRY KINGSTON IS A LOBSTER HOARDER! Newport Beach Ebell club and injuries. Mrs_ Irvine Is less serl-him to avoid the slower moving Some people save string, I save· paper bags. mother saves jar Ucfir, the\r friend&. had a thrilling ex· ~usly lnjurl"d. it was reported. · Wright a~to. . and Billy Gr:allam sa.ves people! But crafty Harry Kingston ie . sat-perience on Tuesday evening, Mar. Minor injuries were received by Forem~ , H~rYi _P. Fab~an ing lobsters down at the Ba!~itle Fish Mkt.! Only today he b~ke the 6 at the club house when Mr. Bal-Marie arid Mike Herrera, both of handed in .-the v~rdteU findJng Mws that after March l!\tb all lobsters will be frozen ! "Harry," I lard of American Airline& piloted Los Angeles, who were passengeni .Lower guilty of tile . diademeanor said couTteously enough, "Do you mean-? Do you mean the O. P . them through Old Mexico on one in a car driven by R. I. Martine&, manslaugh~~er &nd_.j not gull~y of A?" '"No. dreamer," replied Harry, '"The hunting seuon i• over of their ten-day tours, accompa-20, ot Los· Angeles. At 10:25 a.m. f~lony druhk drt''ling a~ 1 ~ :o3 Mar. 15th-and fresh lobsters will remain at sea. But I have many nled by the rhythms of Latin Shnday, about 200 years eut of. 0 clock-~fterr. the ~~rs re~eived a fat, palatable lobster frozen and ready. to sell to my favortte American muai('. the Bayshore Bridge, Martinet: t.he caae ~ 2·32· . filed customers which means anybody. And I think the frozen are as By remarkable colored moving failed to stop In time to avoid-8. Atty. nUey M. Harns good as the fresh." "Your opinion Is worthless ln my opinJon, but I pictur"el: tbe audie'bce vi~ted fas-collision with a car driven by Rus-application for Pro:~tlon for his appreciate your aay1ng so," I replied. "Now Harry," I cajoled., clnaUng Mexico City. the terraced sell w1 · Cuthbert, 46, of Long client and heartnc was.set for Mar. "'\\•on1en are wringing their feet and stan1ping their hands tor an-rardens and palace of Empress Bea.ch. Both cars were going ln 23· other of your famous ·recipes." "0. K.,'" said Harry lmPishly. "Maybe Carlotta at CUernavacll and the same direction, highway patrol W next week," 8.-' \"SIDE FISH MKT., 2800 Lafayette, on the bay, through the eteep cobbled byways oftlcere &aid. · • Es-p· ade •lftS NewJX>rt. of Taxoo, where the famotJli haJl,d· A four-car accident Sunday at wm:-~ I , e e • "'J made sJJverware la c:--eatffl bv na-4 :26 a .m. took place· al Marine ,{Conttnoed fl'Old hee-11 DID I REAR ·YOU SAY 500 RABBITS!!:}! ~-live art:lat,8; then on the wondrous ~~~~Le an~auC1°1ut Highway .. perform~ by Don Zc:tler, Dtck Mc· Ye5 mam, you sure did. The latest count or rab t:_4~ Alcapulco, the Riviera.of ·the -J e rco, a ,passenger Klb"" Saint Cl " k y A rl ln a car drl,.en by Carmey .._ uo;:D,' , ~ero, -.ar ont-bit noses at lhe BALBOA 5 & 10 shows 500~ ' me CU where they dreamingly ...... d d H . d Cbutain t ldd ~-·t •-unged', sunning ·-d swimming Maulrico of Long Bea'ch suffered en an owar · Easter Bunnies. snuggling in brigh . C' Y c.-.. e _..... ""' ..... ·' Excepting F.ecapade and Spatkle d with along ••e end).,.. c· u-"ng •·ach. a sJiabt concussion as a -suit ot . -· . baakefa! The bunnies are nesting own u-i • •• ~ -5 " · atl tb contenders were Pee P··t ti · T"·y 1-~•y drifted alon• the ca-the crash. The four cars tnvol·"'-.. e · · candy Easter Eggs. baby chicks. and c,.a.o er· me in: .-i.u "' vcu st and, atte the Newport "--Mk t nab: of Xochimilco )n fiower-be-were driven by Jamee G. Parke"r oopa, r hoveij.ies! These child thrilling Easter L>IM> e d k of ~s Angeles· Maulrlco; _...... Harbor winner had practically are 3~ • 69e -79c. -98e. Or maybe you·r~ plan-,__~ ec ed boats to the 90uncf of Lewis Clark 2421 Ora , 7er cllncbecJ things oh the tint lap, ning an egg-rollfn& contest in the parlor or on · -·, twangtnThg gut~ and old Bpa.nteh Coe:ta Mesa ~d-Gord ~g~ re•> Lani, Eulalie and Lark ·~_ged their t..M village green. BALBOA 5 It 10 bas all the , sonp. ey saw a gay fiesta in of Downei. <>p -· oores own b&tt1e tor 11eCOnd gu~g equipment. Lillie cotton. chicks, Euler eggs. ,abbits, .. ~rallonl the street.a when the dancers were tOr aecond •pot-. ' and favors. And big atutted rabMta. named -x1\umper and Othe( In fant:Utic coatwnes, and visited Can Pile Up ln other victorlea oVer the week stut('y Eaater toya. EASTER EGG DYE of course. Eaater c+.r.cta and the cordda de toron, or bull fighL .Newport police said Parker~s end, ~y Schenk'I vtcloue won a f'rlghtmingly lifelike pla.stic akin doll, complete with deta.ch&ble Mr. ilanard WU an engagin.« car failed to stop tn time and hi{ both the Harry March trophy and ha.lo and Wings called believe it "or not '~J.\ommifl'• Little A.ftp&." lpU}teri and will Again be at' the Maulrico's ca.r wbic.b in tum ram-the winter series in the Le~~ Now be a good egg, iJue Easier. and start the en roULnr at t.he-club . bquee on ~boa Blvd., oa med Clal'k's vehicle whlcb hit dlngh,y elasa over I' rtvala. Joe BALBOA a a 10 at 300 '¥ain SL, Balboa. I the <e~tng of April a at 7:30 With Moore'e car. Parker's car receive4 '1"&Jt.enbach's Huasy -topped five ' \ • • • • ptctUJ'bi of their t:.our to Hawaii. extensive· ftont end tJa:maca.. PC winter aeries contender& and MY NERVES AU ·88BATl'EUD! SIKPLY 811A~a.PAt 'I'beer: traveloguea are gtven At' 3'45 p.m.. Saturday .On Mac· i;tOm Sheppard'• Argosy defeated ru jus( try and 'pull mY..1t togellwr long enough to tell you all throu:&'t. tho~ of tlle Amert-Arthur Blvd., near the lnter.ectlon Bev!!D RhOclee rlvala. , A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 1418~W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport l:Jeach , WE RENT ... ' ELECTRIC paint sprayers, noor sanders. polishers and gardening equipment. Stroot.a TeWlnkle Hardware, 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Phone Bea. 5222. -PAINTING & Houses Docks or? -For estimate PHONE HARBOR 1659~J 87c89 More Classified on '.next page. -Be wlse--tell people--adverttH:I 1 lE Greyhound giYcs you-the 111111 •i/a for your money ... cosa less thao any other funn of trttell The .. , ""w11it11U, too ... more servia e::t • more places •itb comfortable. "wea(he"t-condirioned·· Super- Coachcs. And the-.si 1i1,hhM"•t··· .... choice o(Jmaf scenic roura! . ' ,,,~ An !I! t.wr; lens EAm Chia'go ••• ; f!6.15 Detroit •••• ~··· NewYork •• , · Jlqttoa •••• ·K•0 u s City •• ·Des.MolAes •• MlAnnpolit •• New·Odeau • Adaoc:a • • ... • 41.80 47.45 49.80 I 5lA'O 29.7' ~2.45 34.$ ~ .(0,90 about ft ! Now don•t get bruthleu With -exc!temenL BUT ~T ~~ can :i:tultnee anl<91 are •ponaored by with the Cqut lliglrwa1 a car . . 1,. ·the other nl&ht I came born• to m:f lnodeat apu1Jlleal. •el.ft. ~-tho cleb <I Newport !!<"'I'· driftn I>)' Tom WoodAU, 1WJllUier, a50 .. Std · sore and load-with pecerlu, that .Is. si,PJ11111' to !II~ n._ lecturea it.1-e frtt to tlle pub-slammed Into a vehicle ownod~by • · ' •II · · . . . door, in a modest mood, I pulled lM roller -down. All ( l· Ile and lare .. .,,.u' Worth attending. i.oui. Stanley, 1313 Clltf Ot,1'1~ ... rnii.' Hel.:C.11"HoM.:. ·2;.J ".. ~~ broke loose! Tllo roller ah&de rlj>po4 ·~p and dqtnl. played I ..._..,. ~. ~ · · port Helgbto. Stanley' .. car wu , ..., , , ·,, U hi Tri,. Of u.. SW' Spanpd Banner. -! cloBked m<I .. ~ ..... ,.. tli>r ~ •oac1 . ~lwoly damfJe<! Oil' It. . Kn: A. Malone, I SM. -' a I ~ • I finale! Whal an ordeal! P-1 Otl P-lil!Mfil by ~"°'r~ ~ l I I!" , elde. '• , ...... K..tpc;rt fflllsltta. --1 tfl• ._ ..... takes! Oo at once to the llRAM ,-Ud ban '¥ ~ <Ow ' • I~ r.,,,; !) Fred lf. Kroll,. WllniJ~ 1'88 .,.._ to N~ ~ ....--' i ·i I.,-..,., Ii ·aw ti I pre•• d and !al.liq -111..wi -.rribft L -'ff -Ins bat --I»' mun., tn of -ed for druak. driYliitfl!9!!..Mto Wee!; tllet a f:io ~ wu -. I 1 make JoU --OI' ..-jqJJr Old ·-U JVll'N ~ -llW.t, lilob>nl ~~ ID Uwo -!'. -col_llded with&.~ dal ... l;nni & -·i[i~-!--ll'A you may -wan1 on a 1aw .i.tt: -a-ta • . ..i.t. .., ~ °"'" n1 Jott & Os11t aid by l'ki;d Dollarlllde .._ or. r.. •'-.....,.. !a ..... ......-: · -" , .. . dllld"" will be owJnslnl' llllnd·l-~-t» NI°"' la tliio w-r-.:..i'illty for the lllllq--'la ...,.lei at 17 St:-~.BIP· II..: Mrt-~ -.loft·-• ' 4 .I tune c1ar11ns. -,_)1111 -~--,. Y••• • sr ~;not M itme9d uc1 Olat. the nat....,. at 1e:ll3'.a.m. l'rlday . ..._, . ...-a .fiomt ~--._ m ~-•r•.11n•<•·-. j "' Dt**ue•• lliit ~ . -the ••M -· llC • -.... 1'<u w,..,_• P ,---~ eilld "1!lot 11.o---.ID&' to pollee ~S-... -.i the lilllf m' I' I: . ft• • f1111 • • • ' 1111" ~ ~ aa.· 10 ~ u.t 1-haid1.~ 0. M ..... .,.... 'lMt la ,...,t&J 1 -i. CQMS AWAY WkB -~ DI KT ww ilUi ~ct ..... F. j1 N and oipeW tw:Ja-I!! a lilllhlO ·la QM. JlllJl9' • KOBDJlii! .n I )mo'w i.iiey, *'JI cllilek ·her_ -at U..l ~-, r. -. -fl llQ"""!'e ·~ -Ide Tll'clt 'z"nt Tbo7 ~ ~ ~ and ft;y .. ...,. wlU. t°" Ill 11 ~' • 18 IJlo!m#~ -~--II.Wt, Oii ........... ljlt}D U.,·-"1 ,...,.... II& ...... 90 W ll 1 1ai . l ~.,j . ' .. iiiil~'ziiioiil3~~';:i~~i;;;;;aiJ,lililJUir1:.;:. ..... ,;:_,,:_,~ • • -.,-:> •• CLAYTON THOMPSON . ' ~.u.11 Jlil.."tl'MJl1l'f08 FOB 'N,.tf.,.,. .... 80& ftlOd .... _ 15$ • -Ul!ID&NC& ••llllOlt '11'4 • ' . , • •• ' , l t • -< .1 I ·I I • ., ... " . . •• • , • , • 1 1. 1 ' ,. , . ,._ i I t ', / 'NPNPORT.LUoA ,;mes .• : ~~. 'T~ey, .... . ' . ... ,. ' . (" 7 HEWS ·. rt ··. ~~~S$1 ·flEoS + THE l PST l-·~YER~$1~ MEDIUM JN llJE· NEW~J~ ·'HAbOR . AR~. --'-7-'-'-.' ··~~- -'' I IJ I '""Ii • I *t ••• ll I t I •••• ' • t;;-.J • ,. =""'\ • ! 'UQ • ., t 6 u ~ !'!!'!! !¥~ I~' MU810.U. aAulO . '!-"'~ ! -"°~~D a..-llEAL EBTAinl. : ~ '3J!A.Tz ; a...:aLU. ·~pl MdRE CLASSIFIEb ON PAGE FIVE 1.i..__. ............ __ • I '· ). • • • •I • " ~ u·i·~i·x..;.. ....... ~ ~ .tnn1"· RllN'f A J'.~O. » J><r ~nth. ·!iIDO ISLE · 'l. ' • I • • '"' ' ~· ror s-.. ot ttir • Alt....,, .11owec11t you h<"1 with, • • . ul>o Ba.CK BAY , On ·Mari.rte Ave., Balbo11i ·Island boat. A R4al BARpAlNi Ph. 1)1 tenno. DANZ.SCHMIOT Co,, ·u '°" ~t a ~~ on •-·•-' 15 ACRE!!.-lat time otfered •fw Three bU.fu•. bid.:. a11 10ceupled 'wllh A·1 tenant&. Harbor 232:1 • :• 90c92 G20•N. Main, Santa AnL \ ISL.I: lee UL lffj"ral .u...-_,.., .1 t Be lltu1 •-• •·- .4· • • • • apt..._ A.190 ttr.nma. avsll&ble. · \ aa e, au view. Ree:tric...::u Sh9W 8%, n4' or t.ett.er. N~ phone caJla please> See. X,s. • ....,... fMER $1 '2()() Down area.. CaU· tor Information. . • M-n:iliiol'1AL8 , MOVJNG -ChUd"il, glld•t -ng ELECTRIC ORGAN. Like new'. · p A-PAU · , · ., New Lido Tn}e Marorui .at ll:aJ'I 81anley ottl<e. . . ·J-:;:...:.;;;:;=;;..;.;=----,--• and'· 1rapne playgrOU!ld ·~Ip-lamouo malt,. Save $200, l<rm._ . • • • · F H A R al ...., " ~ "' Alcoholiai An<>nymoU:. ' m~t. $30. Phone ~n 8209·R Electrllled orgo.n, U.00 only $175 INCORPOR-t~ . • ' • .. es e READY SOON -3 bdrm, %-bat!), ' " H M ,..... . H ·Write P. o. Box 2% (uhtU Thureday eve.) 9Jc92 For church or home. Danz-3383 V1a Udo llar'bor: 1000 LoTe1Y 2 ~rm. almost new, nev~r dlnlng--<ten. Corner fireplace. aye any \JDOJCe 0Me8 Balboa laland, Calll. Schmidt. 320 N. Main, oor. 8th. , lltl< -lived In. Hwd, tile, garage, , · For<ed alr heat. bar-type kltch· onl!albpa Island $12,50(} to $85,000 Pbone Kimberly 3-6.193 30.8-APPLIANC£8 8anta Ana. , BALBOA PENINSULA-2 bdnn., . eu:y payments ot $62.39 tnclud "1 nl. 28-cUallrtlmgaratoge.. ... <=:'_~-~· et. to •t. PRECISION Watch Repairing Ei.f:CTRONICALLY TESTED AND TIMED U>uck's Jewelry lTIS Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 81c93 Hz.LOST AND FOUND LOST -Slacll male cat. Please notify. 303 Grand Canal, Balboa 14Jan.d or call POLICE Dept. Harbor l. 89c90 LOST -Liberal reward for mai"' > WE REPAIR all makes Of w&ahing mac:lllnes. tronera. vi.cuum clt"aner. and ta- b1e appllancee. STROOTS Te· Winkle HardWf.!'e, d.~2 NeWpOrt Blvd., C06ta Mesa. Bea. "22. · 86c99 SI-WANTED TO BUY BOOJ}S \V ANTED I will ca11 and buy .... Your entire library BUNSTER CREELY Phone Harbor 321~-W 78c7DH · red Dachshund who dif;apj)('ar('d from 0101 Seashore Drive on Feb. 3. Phone Harbor 0809-J I S2-FURI\°1TURE FOR SALE evenlnga. 90p95 FOUND -Small diamond din- ner ring. Write Box Z care of thta paper. DOc !S-!llTUATIONS WANTED • EXPl!:RIENCED MAN wants po-- ettlon as motel or apt. manager. WW al.to consider maintenance or, caretaker of private estate. WW go a.nywhct e in Calif. 505~ E. Bay Ave., Balboa. Harbor :1!181-R. • 85c9-0 FINE LA UNDRY or ironing only. Help with dinner parties. P ic k- up and deliver. lt1rs. Williams. Call Beacon 5591-W. 88c90 YOUNG MAN. Veteran. wants job in HFVice station, light truck driving, m~anical work or ? ? cau or write 3711 12' W . Balboa Blvd.. Newport Beach. 89c90 WANTED -House\lo·ork by the hour. Have own transportation. Beacon p211-M. 89p90 l .ltXPERT gardl'ner rlesirl."8 work. Hu power machinery. Ph. Bea. ~283-W. 9ltfc H-HELl' WANTI:D ·Standard Station, Inc. • U.. a few openi<igs FOR MEN ' Who are looking for permanent employment with excellent op· ~Ttunlty for advancement. 21 to 40 pretefred. Paid while training. Approx. $270 mont.h to 1tart. Liberal laundry allow- ances. High school minimun1 de-aired. See Supt. at th~ Btiy Your TV NOW! · See these LOW Prices: RCA tONSOLE 16" TV, like ne"v with .,t..M & FM radio, beautiful mahogany cabinet wllh doors ............................................ $324.95 PACKARD BELL blonde 121.f?0 ' table model. BARGAIN! Two TV Radio-Phonograph Com- binations. latest model: one 14'', one 16" rectangular. Floor sampl .. .a. ~cellent buys! 10·· TABLE model -RCA chas· sis -Expanded mask -f'.ler'_ black tl,J.be. Reconditioned 8fld guaranteed. Comple with / - · ble ............ ·-·········-········ 9.95 USED WIRE REC Good value at .......................... , ..... $99 .50 Keep In touch with us ·tor good buys in TV sets being traded In - EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885. HARBOR BL'VD. cOSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 FURNITURE BARGAINS Caloric Gas Ranges, apt. & r<·~- Chrome dinclt(' set ..... -......... $89.50 Mahogany bed Mal\ogany r ocker ........ _ .... $29.00 Auttque chest & table Magic Chet ga:!!I range ..... S89.50 International Harvester Refrig. Englander Mattress, full or twin size .............................. $39.9:> Deep freezers, Interna'I 7 cu. ft. Victor 16 cu. tL Dale's Furniture 1929 Harbor Blvd. taxes and Lnsuranl"e. Full prlco.! o · e c,~ your own b~. very attractively turn~ .,8 5oo • co.lore. Price $22,000. tahed, $66 mo. to June lat. Har-~f • ' · · ALSO bor 3019-R. 88Uc .--12 -bdrm.a.· and den. I% bath.a on RENT A PIANO, Jft, fYJO. Six mo. rent appJJes on purchase at SHAFER MUSIC CO. ( Sln('e ' 1807) t21 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana: Kimberly 2-0072. 80tfc $750 DOWN G. I. 1 \i, lots. Beautl!ul tar~ patio, LOVEt.Y 2 BDRM, 2·bal!_l baty. Brand n..w 3 bdi--m hon1e. Over deluxe construction: Truly ·• front apt. Fine bay"Vlew · r.c va E'I -·1 . , tine home $22 ~ · \V ANTED: 50 11!anos. Trad~ . in your old plac10 on a Grand, Spin- et . or beautiful t elevhiion. Wgh· mt caah allowance. Terma, DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. cor. 6th., b20 .,..o. Ma\,n. Santa • Ana. SPINET. Brand new but case slightly damaged in shipment. A wonderful f>a.rgain. Save $140 Genuine. Te rms. Danz-Schmidt Santa Ana, 520 N. Main, corner 6th. Over one hundred plan'9. SPINET R epoas., Pay out balance, $285. Another reposseulon at $395. cost new $615. Just like new. Terms. Danz-Schmidt Big Piano Store. 520 N. Main. corn. 6th. Santa Ana. LOVELY PLAIN CASE bungalow upright piano in fine condition. $265, terms. SU down and SlO mo. at SHAFER MUSIC CO. (Since 190,7) 421 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. • 80ttc beach. $115 mo. to .June 15th: 1100 eq. ~Corner lot, flaptone · · · s :tgbtly higher by year. ll"'Jllc .• hwd .• tile, thermo. ranch $4 750 Full Price type. We believe lhUi is the IA.st ~ ' GREENLEAF A: ASSOC. individual home that can be ur-ct.rrE. BEACH HOUSE. 1 block 3112 Newport Blvd. Harbor 2M2 chased at 5 per cent down PW~ from best bathing beach. Build- .. 8etfc have sold every C.l. home. that' Ing ~n good cond. $4~50, furn. c<:trT_A_G_E_T_R_Al_L_E_R_,~3-r_m_a_.-2-7" we hove ad.vertlsed. so act quick Lido Bldg. Sites apt etove, running hot water, on lhla one. Full price-55-fl. bay front choice loc. $27,500 private bath and laundry. 200 E $11,250 30·ft. bayfront R-3 ... .' .......... $9,000, 16th St .. 16 and Orange, CoelA 45-ft. lnslde ........ .' ................. $3,500 Mesa. Adults. 89p91 66·ft. inside lot, best loc. $ 7.000 BAf,BOA ISLAND HOUSES ANO AP'l"S. · YEARLY OR SEASONAL See GAJL CARNEY with Nelda Gibson, Real Estate 306 .Marine, Balboa Isl. Har. 502 69tfc For Rent New and Furnished Apartments S50 JM'r mo yr. rd., close to town and beach, hwd. floors, garages. wa11hing machine and hot waler furnished. no obje-ction to good tenants •wilh well-behaved chll- drcn. 2 B.R. & Den On lo vely corner · lot near Newi>ort Heights. Nice kitchen, 9eparate din. rm, big bny windows, fi re· place, pkuant den. 2-car gar. For the be•t buy In the area . Full prtce- $9,000 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson REALTOR 490 Newport Blvd. C'..osta Ml'sa Phone Beacon 624 3· W Harbor 3157-W or Beacon 5458'-J 35-'ft lMide .................... _ ...... $ 2,1550 GREENLEAF Ao ASSOC. 311·2 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 86tfc Selected by Multiple Listing As Outstanding Buy OF THE WEEK •.. G. I. Resale, $12,900 CORON A DEL MAR 3 bdrm home hwd. floors.auto. heat. 2-car gar. 3 blka. to beach, close to shop. center. Paymeht.8 only $61 per mo lncl. tax. and Insur. WHY PAY RENT? GRAND PIANOS -Used, Knabe 1 Chickering, Maaon and Hamlin. Steinway, Everett. Sohmer . See W . A, Houslon, Jr .. own<'rs Wurlitzer. Starr Kimball. Man.v .agent, 222 \h Main street. 1funt- others. From $395 up. DMZ· inglon Beach. Tell'phone Lex- 3 BEDROOM HOME ON BEAUTIFUL LGE CORNER Multiple Llat.ing No. 1691 Ask About Thi.8 at Any MULTIPLE LISTING Rt.TR ' , 89cDJ .Schmidt Big Plano Store, Santa lngton 6-4027. 89p93 Aha, 520 N. Main ( corner 6th. ·•80 ON E '• L ASE-521 FernlCaf, VOSE & SONS upri~ht piano. Medium size. cxc('ll<'nt conditio n. Bench included. Ph Har. 2282-W after 8 p.m. Dlt'.92 40-BUSINESS Opportunltl,. Corona dt:I Mar. Lars-c living rm with fireplace. 3 bdr1ns, garagf', clean. Call Harbor 0829·R: 89c91 SMALL APT furnished, ut1l pd. LOTS Qf' ROOM HERE. DOxl56 corner in an cxecll. location Co6ta Mesa. House, garage and patio built in 1946. Has tl.rt'ptace hwd. floors and quality features. Large fenced patio. Price, $13,- 750. The !•land 3 BR's & DEN 2 BATHS-LOTS OF REAL HOME I .. . WANT TO BUY! S50 mo., yearly rental. Adults. 423 Goldenrod, Corona dol 1.1ar. Phone Harbor 2848-W. 90c92 ATTRACTIVE. llkt> new. 5 rms, 2 Newport Heights Ont> of the Jx>sl buys· In the entire area. Really nice 2 bdrnl hon1e, 4 yrs. old. Has many nlcl' featurrl'I inc!tJ . fireplace, hv:d. firs, flag- stonC'. etc. Bonds ptl., price is far below r l•placen1l'nt. Nicely i;tyled home on at-I Small Business Suitable for a Lady No Food or Deauty Parlor. Ed L. Sedelmeier, Rtr 1523 Coast l~tway, Corona 11~1 M.lir Harbor 2766 ' · btlrms, unfurnished. Fireplace. dbl. gara,;e. patio. A'dult, no pt>ts .. $100 mo. yearly. 711 Iris Ave., Col"ona dcl Mar. AT. I 1-5983. 9lc93 I VERY ATTRACTIVE apt .• a ccom- modates 3. $45 n10 .• util . pd. On tht· ocf'an and J blk. from bay. 1700 W . 0c£'a.n Front. Newport Beach. 9 lc93 LARGE turni.sh{'d 3-rtn apt. Pri· vacy. Perfect for 2 ml'n or em- p:oyed couple. Also wish Lo sh&re. my home with refined pc-r-- son, Corona del Mar. . 91p93 $10,750 Beacon Hill ~ealty 466 Nt>wport Blvd (above ArcheB) Phone Beacon 6713-R 74c76 . * * LOOK * * FOR LEASE Business Property Small h~ on Marine Av~ .• Balboa Island. One room sul~bJ~ .for business plua ~helor apt. ALSO FoR RE-LEASE--!Buai.ne88 property on ?tta.rine Ave. Store room plus 2 ~room apt. W1th fireplace, at- tractively furnished. Suitable for small business or pro- fessional people. Ba.lance on lea.se approx. 2 ~ years al 1135 month. . ~ ....,. -... On Balboa Island UNUSUAL 3 bdrm pre-war home, Q % baths. Forero air furnace. LJe· llv., din, and bdrms. Wall·lo-wall carp<'t In· eluded. 60 ft. lot with patio and room to stretch. Extra rm in gar .. Other outstanding features. Its really nice! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 MARINE AVE., BALBOA lSLAl\'D Looking For ---? ? ? ? TOM PAYNE, Realtor My New Office Ready Soon at 310 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR Temporary" Headquarters Now at 3i8 COAST HIGHWAY Telephone Harbor 0961 or 2883· W (Formerly associated with Earl W. Stanley, Realtor, Corona del Mar efftce tor two years; and for Uie pe.st six months with Stanley A. Smith,. Realtor.) BAY FRONT IF YOU WANT A BAYFRONT HOME on Balboa Island, you bad better see tllisl 2 BDRM, knotty pine interior-large fireplace, floor furnace, completely furnis!)ed and spiel! and span. In excellent location, with beach anq room in rear for garage apt. $24,000, Terms LINWOOD fICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Phone Har. 2042 BALBOA ISLAND - 89c91 Home and Income Priced to Sell BAY FRONT HOMES · , STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia & Coast Highway Phone Beacon 'Costa Mesa 0107-W 83c84 FOR SALE-Complett" equipment for a Frosty . busincu, includes a Taylor' Freezer with Harden· ing Cabinet, a 4& g11.llon retrlg. milk cabinet. also drying rack. containers. etc .. S£'il at a reason- able prict'. 221 So. El Camino .Real, San Cien1ellte. Calif, Phone 348. 89<..it l LOVELY tipper 2-bdrm, u nfurn. apt. 105 N. Bay Front. Balboa lsla~d. Perff'ct !!Un d<'Ck , $85 per mo. Referc•n_ccs 1 require<i. Harbor ().167 -J . •9lp93 3 B. R. 2 ba. &: fge. apt. ovl·r ga., I ocean view, new mod. 2-story year-around home. Comp. furn. l n 1 East Ocean Blvd., Balboa. For appointment to sec call Owner, Har. 24!il-M. Open dR-ily. 1 · 1'tc89 tractive corner. There are thre · bedrooms and den with two baths, a modern kite en, plenty of tile, fire· plac ; good heat and oak floo . There is a lovely . Alpi e styled living ·room with I open beam ceiling, unpai:nted mahogany wain- sco~ and ample dining, al- covel The .;;tterior finish is of $akes and splattered bric~ ·decor. Redecorati~n can lnake this one of tire mosd colorful Balboa Is-2 bdrm home plus apt over garage, and hobby room. 2 bdrm laundry t -5 bdrn\ home, lge living room. • · , Corona del Mar ti-STORES A OFYlCE/I For Sale by Owner . . ' l~nd fhomes. Being !iold unfurnished and Sandy beach. beautiful view. A barga~n at $40,000. 2-Modern 3 bdrm home-PLUS • ' f! I I I I J • , • Between 8 :30 and 12 every Friday 89c93 Jack's Furniture ' 1505 W. BALBOA BLVD. BARGAINS ln use°d and ·WAREHOUSE FOR SALE OR LEASE, 12-rin . 8· bdrn1 hnmP. M od. stucco, 3 yrs. old. Sl 6.000 full price. See, owner -416 Riverside Ave.. Ne.,..-poft Height.a. 91 c93 LIDO ISLE HOME. 45 foot lot, 2 bedroom:!!!, firt"place, walled patio barbecue, double garagc-most, reasonably ' $20,apo. priced at 2 bdrm. apt. Xlnt. location. 111 $39,375. ~ RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN for general hous<' worlr and child care. Private room and .bath. Reference&. •Cood salary. Call Harbor 2787·W. 90c92 ...unpainted !urnitu.re 1 Buy; Sell or ~ade Phone Harbor 2502-R ' . 89c3 or FACTORY SPACE FOR RENT 630 W. 17th St. STlJDIO APT. overlooking bay. Close to Richards. Yearly, $65 mo, winter $50 mo.. utilities. Com plete furn. for truly restrul living. Harbor 1489-R. 307~ 33rd, Ne..,.,·port Beach. 91c93 $13, 750 A vallable al once. Phone CRestvlew 6-4789. 82c9J 51-REAL ESTATE WANTED 3-0WNER MUST SACRIFICE-, 6 bclrma, 4.·bath home. Pier 6: float. J. Aj. BEEK Office BallJoa Island Ferry j NEW '2 BR 4-{i bdrms, 3 \i, baU1 home. Pier H bo ,~ 63 Balb I home o g~ lot, expan-& f loat. Unusually liberal rt .. ' ·Furniture Salesman R~ED Experienced Only Apply BARKER BROS. Reed Type suiiroom Furn FURNI'.TIJRE Costa Mesa BALBOA -Yearly rental, 1 bdrm furni.shC'd apt. ( f'xcept •line EM). Phone Harboc:. 0331-W. 91p6 Cash for G . I. Homes ar r , oa sland I sive ocean· view from love· nancing. ' I I 11 panelled living rm. Bay & Beach Realty ' INfOME FROM OPEN SUNDAY, 1-5 Ethel Shirley Gloden Fa)' 906 N. Main Street Cb . • Santa Ana airs.· 87 cH Couches, Phone Harbor 1964 88cD2 ------------Tables, U ·A-TRAILEB SPACE Will consider others with A-1 fl· nancing. Ph. Harbor 2865-M . 88p3 Part 1 10 tt. undeveloped New-CORONA HIGHLANDS Sm~ll Investment SEE 608 SEAWARD RD. u60 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1m rt Blvd. frontage. Value Costa Mesa Buys LARGE SPACE In beauUful trail· WANT-2 or 3 bdnn. rum. or un-j.660. WANTED -Licensed 3rd assist· . tc. e . ant engineer or bt"lter tor the "Gypsy" 140 H.P .. Atlas impfrial Very Reasonable Prices. er court, also small lrafl('r for furn. house, goOd location, close -"-- WANT TO RENT-;1tngle garaJrc rent. 122.50 mo. 1741 Poinona, in near bay. Reasonable. Bal· Part 2 bdrm. house, rent $60 for storage in Harbor area. Ph. Costa Mesa. Beacon 6747-J boa or Bal. Isl. Phone SY. 4-2126. nfo. Two·2 bdrm houses at. Ernie Smith, Realtor U-WANT!:D TO RENT Llatlngo Wante<I -JI.loo l'tentals 3 BDRM HOUSE, large Wil80.0. Asking $7,360. offer. ~ loL W.' Submit dieM'I ('R~ine. Apply Port Orange, 1135 Coast Hiwy, New· port Beach . Beacon r~2~. 9Ic93 Harbor 1423-J. 91p93 89trc Mrs. Schaupp, 1741 Paloma St.. SIOO, two 1 bdrm hoU8t't1 1205 Coast Htway, Corona del Mar 1 Pasadf'na 7, Calif. 88c3 S 00 mo. Total income. Ph H bo 2667 NEW 2 BDRM HOME, comm. DAVENPORT 8.nd 2 kltchen ta-'4S-APARTMENTS &:. HOUSES t4-R001'1S FOR RE1'-Y / $!60 mo. Value $20,000. one ar r acre. 1544 Placentia. ONLY Hotel Laguna CORONA DEL MAR -Furnished ar -very arge rear o . zone __ , I bles. CREAP. Call Harbor 2988. AttenUon Marfnes & Eaaterncr1:1 · , Gt-REAL ESTATE EXCl-IANGE P t 3 L 1--1 t I Everybody read1 the ctaas1tled ads. $9,500. ~ NEWPOR'[ BEACH-near bay rooO'J• with Private ~ntranc~ and VlE\V PARK -f bdrm, ·3 bath I d.2 for trailer court or · NEWPORT HEIGHTS ------------~m. 1 bdrm. apt., gar .. uttlltics own patio. Phone Har. Oi)89-RK home. Wil l trade for Balboa or 1'?.f?? Two entrances. BALBOA ISLAND Nearly new, deluxe home. Very -------------SS-BOATS. SUPfu:r.B includ., $45 mo to July 1st. I 90c92 NewpOrt home. Call Landauer Y,alue, $6,600. attractive pl&ce near HI School. .. , •••.I!!• -·~••·• ·~u!I ALSto~-~·rn::.. ap~ util. ~~7 ~·50 • Realty, 422 Crenshaw Blvd., Lo,; ' '\ DUPLEX -Good locaUon, excel-$14,500. -----~~·~ BOOKS-SEA· BOOKS vwY -L aeon • 86· tic tll-AUTOMOBILES, TJJlE8 .Angeles, Ph. AX 1-5261. 87p92 Tdta 1 . I Value $39,ISO ten 11 t Income. OWner anxlouo to N . B. C. REALTY TeleVlS• i'on S • A floe stock ot boob on au ,acht· ~37 DODGE s ti w Eld t ' -:-u Doct ae · u d •20 ooo 3118 Newport Blvd. Newport Bch. ervice Ing oubject&-Plu. all curnnt RENTAL / . ta on agon-All In Will trade small home, clear, er y owner 1 • or says n er • • boob Lendln&' libl'U1 ' t -\ sound condition. Has been care-"must :go ~a.st." Sell all at $26,-~!0.~~1:.~ The lslande~ SPECIALISTS , ~~.~~~;"pr~% •• ~jci";2 ~"..~:: Lido Isle-for ocean front 500. '1f·000 1down. bal. $160 mo. ~ent ~5::°.,P. . Technician. 21' Mutne, Bal-la. Har 1647 • Cap lldna er.ts ette. Newport Beach. Harl>or ~bOab. R l C Ch'!"k ~With Me Now NELDA GIBSON MD4 RADIO " TELEVISION Linwood Vick,· Rltor. io20-w. S8ttc 100 E . ?!-.eB~vJ~ Bat~~ W. A. SCROFT Harbor r;e2 flarbor 229s . lllll -.a7 .• C. M. Bea. 580&-J MOORINGS tor approx. 30 ft -t B&J-laland. Har. 20(2 32c:M LaSALLE COUPE. '86. Good mo-Harbor 11'>3 Tl R altor 306 Marin• Ave., B&lboa loland · I in north bay oppGtite Ken -MOTOROLA 7 1m:b TV •~n gl""" N .l v Ila ~-ior, rubber, heater, low mlk!a.,.c. 90tefc 21 36 N wno t B'••d. ~ •• n M ~w cw .. ~au up·r:ghl. $15. l es 1 -rtna> CORONA DEL. MAR. 620 Mart-. $12~. 415 Acacia.. Corona dei p~~;r ·:,n· ;;&;'1~, ua aESmENflAL LOT -50 foot 300 1"-Q6. c;lay, $3: l gal. 06 ALSO nearly new Brun~ 2 b,.p. ' 1016. Two bdrm. unturn. Flrr-Mar. Harbor 2555-J. 9lc93 56--~0NJ;Y TO LOAN U no l.ans . Pb. Bea. C>TS8·R I trontage at 434 Okt County Rd. ctea.r ..... ., ... $1 .. 50. 612 West Bal· ·compreuor ·and other freon plaCe, Patio. cara•ge. Yearly ... $900 twl price. Phone Beacon •--= retrtg. equip., l1Md one sea.eon i __ w 1950 CHEVROLET dlx coupe . .save boa Blvd., "ml.lbda: Har. 0596·W. leue-L Qwner . B. FM1rwealher, i :;297 WK even• .. -RG...Ol " , • • . 9Ic93 UJ7 Ocean Blvd .• corona de! 2® Lambert Drive, Paoadeno. aales tax. private party. Phone MORTGAGE LOANS T ' , l3e ( B ' . ....... ~y· Mar, Harbor 3169-W. ~I SY l-li689. 87p91l Harbor 2<04 . 9Jp93 Low ln~t Rateo , 0 Y 8 • S Y,Y ,. , Corona de! Mar • So. of Blvd. 2 BDRM HOME. hwd. floors. .all land.leaped, $12,(XM). Ha.a attt.r • G. I. loan on it. FITZMORRIS Realty Co. REALTORS 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar . Phone Harbor 21524"'' Balboa Island Special I ~YTffiNG in SOUND VALUES' CLEAN ll'URNISHED ho119e, Ser· M-llONEY TO LoAN 1 FREll IN8PlllCTION,«KL 8-7778 i· . l'OR YOUR TRAILER J4-MUl'IUA1. ILWIO wt. GE wuher, fenced yard . . s.:W. C0LE?d.AN co NA DEL MAR B~A ·PO~ . . 3 :;m =-:;~t'."' ;:.::, = WJl:~~KS &ltd COME In and play the won<krrut Near ehop.s.UAdult., no peta. '63 ·LOANS Fo~ Homes 207 N i IBtoedwaj Santa Ana .$16. · ~· T •• Chanitins 2 ~· •lli=I home, Dark room. Oompl t lnl' lion. New Hammand Chord: Organ. mo yearly. Ul pd. 704 lrla An.. ' . ' r . ..... B .... , --~ .,._ .. ·..._ __ t ~--'-I y erms &pl., patio, tq0-'2-<:ar iar&fll'. Onl $!1000 d • • '.al.a ""°" Even It 1ou doo't .._ a note ~ del Mar. 119p91' R.l!XlGU!iARL .~%1%20' (10-l!O))'TS.) "-" ...,,,, """ """ ~~-....,.,... D • eoni-,J 2 ....,_.... AUNctlve In ' olMlgn. •1•.0oo-· -·" · Y ' """ -. .ntco of' all .Trailor ~ 1 la ~·-••-·• . , ·~ ~ eBcll "'•"'" ---< . ..t , ·~ Prk:e-Jlipdpmen.t. '0 ' ltlll8C you o;an P 1 ---CO~L!:TELY J\lmlshed 1 bdrm ,J'HA 41''-' (20 ~) . ~ r'dwood' tin.. ~ INCO-PIWPliR't;Y . . $13 250 llumaa ll ~uet l:llla ~· PorW muaic 1n ten m1nu~ D.uiZ-apt In Balboa. 0-In. utu pc1. ,eon.true. Lou& ~%.(1• .vts.> REAi ESTATE LOANS 1 . • 2 laundry toCma. irodem ... ~U....1n • """"t; ; . · .SCHKIDT Big PiaJio and Orpn • 1'-fll or aeuooaJ. See OWllOJ'. l!(p ConuniaL ell& • .., Jlotilo toan.i j •. l~ , W !I t.ed. abte areail...i-'to .,.,...... ~ . ORANGE COAST Co., ~20 N. Kain, -Ana. •800 S. °'*" 1 Front, llalOO.. We -bUy -~ '..U n..t I Doed8 -~~ Ba~ jlh ~ 5~ N>. Buyer: mti;s.' ~ Pluo' j1M8t ~ TT-_..r: J ' TRAILER SuPPLY USED PIANOS from ... up. Goocl . ~ ·21,31. -1 'bA.LJ.. Bo,B SA~ . ~I ~, .... In "U>o BaJ . . .r. For :Vou" . ' --ballL N . ~-PG.: . ~tanley ~1e d • . 1'10 Hiiuion .U..VD. PlllY!ng -DA:NZ. l'UlUll8RED ol"lflo cottage --Har. ·.i1 tor ftM A~ ~ -....1::":!. ·~ : Prbd pt Temuo iµ&bt, !*'· . 'l · . .. < • 21~· ~·----""'-· ·---~,..,--+l"-•.,'•-+¥..,..Ha._. _. ~lilt-~ B•-11224·.R SCIDIWI', i!301°'-*bl. Id&& ly ~ ll:;c. ttfrlg• liloal flop. POJIUJ;R JlORTG:AGl!l CO.. ~ ~ . • ' } c·h ' be } • j~.H£i~'s -v"·'' i''. -. , '. '' . ! . An&> cor. IUI.. . • , .,. ,.,,., , NO n'iO. uUl pee '34. Metro Ute Ju. ~ ~ H116" . ~ .... , ~~ ti1 ~ . • . IUJl r am: , I Bl:ilbd, -! a _· ....... J!rpl; ~ , C:::OSta. J~ ·, ~1'fCW OJ!: range, perrii::t TR.WE your old ~ cir~ .,_ ' ~ •lfMa. S,.. GtlielJ llCiAJ,ia TO~llimtOva. . ~ !!'-·.;:;. "f,;;T~ OOt ~.;s.,' Ooroaa 4-l ... ""lnril: IK; IOl.t"qf W..·~ tam; m.L QB~'-:.1! l!ldl .... Mi -· 190. 2~ -AJl>•Lb11'l. IUlrument far n. fllll -' • -1 IMn I Ej-" "*II ~ -l ......,rt Barbo\' ~I · 117 11bo1io. ~ ~ --. -~.-1) . . • IG6. -. ~:i-1 ... 1ollliwf Pl!-• 20~~!! ri!U. ,. a~ --~,a~ dftlra. apt. BllQ , •llB'IN c;:s ., .'Ri!''"' ~<Ir "!ii.;,. _. ·~ -'auc. '11,711. I . .-'· ~ 1 .. • «"'8Clil..._ pra. ~ = ..-at 1111.U'E MOlllC_a.. ·;:t pi\ cro.e to u.. • ' "'• ,..., .'rnlit =, ·· ~mua. .t... MA'!' ~ · · • . I eOU'nr eoAArll ar•..-rt PO.. .,.. --· ,.ra~ • c:; =~'!ru, !!:e~ = ~ ,:, ._71 I lllJ • -•• 'J!'.x'::::t. ~i":!. -:..~a:•:=.;~'" I -... ~ u:"'~oa.~, .p; 1 Lt ~ .. i'T ..! .. ,£! .... t.'#1~~ ~=-·4.:laa · :::::.,·.• .... !t,1 eat. It ... _ • ~!.U.,• n.:t""'!" S-Jlll6. ftpft •, =. . .,-. SI t I ~ ~ . ""1 . -~~ ~ iiu-. n , WI·-.-..... < 7 t .. ..... f!l~ ~~1T7M;;. "Jf-_ . • ~-& At'a . . . ~ -. . ... -... : l . .. -! -• --~-