HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-10 - Newport Balboa News Times.. • • • ,. I i. • ' .. REMODELING COST FORCB, . . . I . ~BANDONMENT . . FOR SAI.&--ONE FORKER U. J I i I . i •• • . • , . . B. NA VY TIIJI ,..: Complete wlUI KJ!iAinu', . .., •.• ._.... o.·"" .. '.TUESD·. AY, :APs:iln l l""'l FIVE. ,...,.,.,_, llllatlett<I <1ream1! nu. could well r ·"-'Pt ~v ........ _,., .. ,_.. ' ""' ~" .&.'1 Pe the a.dvertlae.ment the Clty of A-RR-fS-·T-. ·S~,x-.:yo---UT~HS--t'--Af----..:·JE-,R w-.---.,L"---0. --+-cos--+-frA~M-ES-A·~-p-. AR-TY[~~:$ i3rd YEAR -NUKBER 15 ' · I · · · Saturday members or the Execu· ttve Board or lhkhambu of Com- merce puaed ~ follow19g reso- lution: B088Jt8 NIGHT .,._.ted 9.in..iJy~ by ~. local .BmtJ.aea and Pntteeoloaal woo.;.,.1 dab ww8apm a vwy .._cul altur !Mt Th,..-Y nlpt "* ~ )lewport Harbor ·l'acllt· clal.. iJ.."u.0 ·top, plobu<e la o. w •. "Dido"' Rk>loMd wbo -Jaot piaollled wllb *"" ~-., Ille Y.Mt(' ...... lly' .... ~ ._ fitzmor.to. OeJtter pltolo ~ f9ur ot Ulo sin. blqolJ> ......,.-Sb1e ,., tbo .wdl·p<Odecod ~'Lott to rlcht:. ·-.. ~-----·-vlded tile m.-: -w-(-w· tor nert ,_., p...,.adency): Marso Key.., wllo wrote the 0corlp&, a..i (._ti Nat.hi.lie Michaud t. 'Mr fire cbief eo.twne. Bottom pletUl'e catcbeo Mabel Fl~ sivlnf 11,ob Morpb:y a JUI; wttll Bob'• wife, ilay, ....,IJ,vtolhlf i. tile-""· 1New1-Tlmeal'boto) Dl'CK RICHARD CHOSEN 'BOSS Of YEAR' sv .. BPW ' TEEN AGf ~GIRL IS ATTACKED Clyde A . f'etie, 13 of Oranse. WU arraign~ tn N8wpon. town· •hip court MOftd&y on charre• of auault with a deadly weapon and htt and run, ln the anennath of a wild party held In Coota Moaa In· volvtng more than 40 pe:..._. early Saturday momlna. ~ue·. ball hu been set at $500. Booked on chai:se-or lnlox.tcatton with thelr an.atrnment a.te ll!!l for April 18 were Bob Eugene Berry, 20, of 17118 '\V)lltUer ~ri .. Costa Mea; Charlee Victor Han· eon, 20, of 326 E. 18th' st.. Coata Mesa: Richard Ivan Touby, 18, of 1941 Fullerton St., Coeta Mes, and Billy Howard carter, 20, of IDS 8 . Center St .• Otanp. Horace l"tank. SllV' 23, of 1917 Anaheim St., Coet& MeU, al whoee home the party occurl"td accordlng to police reeorda, wu booked on charges of conlributlnc to the de- llnqoency or a minor. · The whole 80t'dld '¥f&lr included the runnlnl' down Of a deputy sheriff by an auto, the reported attack of a 18 year old rjrl. and the p<>Mible U8I!! of narcotlca, ac- cording lo police reporU. It took four sherU'f'a dept,1.tlea, tour Newport Beach officer•. and Constable Frank Vaughn to handle the sltuaUon Wb.lch reportedly developed from a dllorderly party at 1917 Anaheim Bl. AuweredOoll Deputy Boyd Lenta and Garney Mc.Kown. an.weed tbe nr.i call at 1 a . m. Salu~y ~ were auured lbe party (about 'O run and WOln· · en-from teen.....-.1Juvenlke. JO men 40 .r-Al.!!I:-~ I! tn rowdy an1--'balltliEA* "fMtlkJlt would quiet down. Later a girl crawled to a near-by home telltn& of a ~lhc and at.. tack by two or 'th.re~ youlha. Dl!!putle11 ~turned to the place and rad.I~ tor addlUonal offlcen. A.a MeKown .topped one cu leaving the place and Lents an· other. a third car Reed pURd wtlh Con.stable V•li,_ lD pursuit. The driver swerved 1 and plnned Lentz aplnst. a car, eaU1lng a le1 lnjury. When the drlwr conUnued on hill Way, Mc.Known fired twtce and Lentz once. A N'ewporl' Beach pollce car forced tht driver, wt\o otflcera aaid waa Pet~. against a curb. Deputl~ Fran(:la Blystone and Jack Baker ~en arQved lD help· round up • olhe~ la, the party. El1ht per80n1 were tlilteD into i:u.· tody for quest:iobini'. Ct&aret butta. ul! traya and 'sweepinp were ta>l•n to a labor&· tory for analysi,I to check for pm-- •lble narcotlca elgna. Arrest of Mesan in Dope Raid ·is Big Mistake . Robert GUI, 30 • .,;... ot Coot.a Me• Poat.muter ~· Huel OIU. Naminl\ of o: 'J!· "~C!k" Richard u "Bosa ot the Year" and nomi· wu releaaed 8Atu'fdll1' a.ftirnoon nation of offken we.rt> (eature11 of the eighteenth annual BoMes' Night by Loe An,elee po~ alter betns of the Buslnese and "Professional Women'a club, _held Thunday evening ' arrested wtlll five bUaen on .U... at the Newport Harben) Yacht1 club, with Mabel' Ftl%mcnia prealdlng. I ptcion of vtolallAC , narcoUca Aitne11 Blomqu1st. chairman· of act. nomin&ttng commlttei Nported on · GUI, a t'esldent ~.t 1.938 Oran1e now ofti<eno tor llle coming year SCANDIA WINS Ave .. Coat& )(~~ ;;: u f 0 11 0 w a : pruksent., Ruth ex<Jnterated of &n¥ ~uvi• N£WPOAT HllA4M INT£.llCOii£<i'/AT£ ... ,. r I . CUW RACE MAP abowa cr-Pb.tc.lq hie" J!l&UI wblcll. wtD be i p. m.' bi. the tnraJ.i.I' -..n. Vanity raoea are ~oled for S:SO traveled by Uae feor eompeUa1 eNWm when tbey. struQ'le lor p. nit• wUI be Uie ftnt crew tta ever beld ln Newport aupe emK.J over tlae IOll meter' coune oe aorUl ·Udo Chalmel thla Harbor t wll alM> be the ftnt te l.aehlde all tHle fO..- ""'!'!•S ,-J'• .<Jallfonlia, ~ Ull(l Ma UOIJA: \oUI tue c '1,. a ......, iaOe, . . . , • ·· ... _ -·a -~ E;Hf 1·if: : , ;~~'··a ·· 'RAiE si 1. . . nan:oUc. 4fUr ~ )!eld In Loo wu1mea: nnot vk:e prellt<len~ Eve-CATALIMA RACE Anr:<lea county )alt ...,. .. n..... fund _ Drive . lyR Varner; eecond vfce !.president; " d&y at 7 p.m. Mazie Btrd: rect.rdlng ,.eeretary, He decllred a. ~ .. be wu MUdred Chapman; corresponding ~ncemed . it . waa all a terrtble . ·4 secretary. Jessie l:lW: Helen Nor· In the flrat completely SU~ mtst&ke. • • Passes· . 11!..-1 t"on. l~~r. • . tul Round.ca.talina bland race of Q4U wu nabbed,~ tM: othen ___ ~ .. ~ were • .,~ to ~e the Balboa Ya'cht club tut W'eek· ln a raid Oft a ~ bOmt. Of· · gtrls who. ~ve had cbirmamhip end the eorrected time winner ~ ... ~~ ~ .,.u.e a.rn.t ~· • ..-. .... :~· _: 2": of Ute Chriatmaa PrerieWI: held , ULat tbe ~ ......S •a Pftl -... •• •'I" - - Jlurlng the -t four~· Th<>Oe WU Heber P;rlcbon•a 1Joop which.,.. whol~S ...,.jaana _. -oNol.~;-..... M- receivlng awards were Ittne Mor· Scandia alµtouch Ute ftnrt ~t to high echool ~·th&. round lb 81111~ .W '1la ._..,,. 1'1 M' • r1a... Dorothy Sutherl&1M!, MlldAd to flnlah wu ~-Ill l!clunJdt • llle homa _..., 1, ...... of tlM lliW. r ........ p;o llili,11 M Stan!•)' and !!<tty -Jama. 10-metAr Hilaria: Serini~ -ti weed. -• • ...., ...... W l!l•tllll ... 1111.,..lllltS. #'l'beme of entert&lnliJent wu ot.lrt~ Sat~y noon .In ' tile Tile Colla. M.a r.tdellt .1okl lJf.,,,._ =Sii •.;.IJ~' "Leave it lD the Glrla." a take ott oveJ'tili'ht race.· tllJa ltocf aa ..... ~~ a lM ..,... .-....~ . "11•r on-lbe '"Oty OMLncll.'"• 1be cut complete lilt of Ute arbJtra.ry reet.a! ... • -& •FJ u1 !I ~ ;;-:.: ktc:IUded Neva ~del!. BeUlel 'Jiandicap -·had.-been ' .-••llH .Jr • · .... _,.. .. ll • Mang, Carol)'ll ~ lllhla Gof' completed' at -~~-~e. ~.::'.:. He -a ·~-7 ......... ta ,,~. ~_J=a;l~- ton md P'ttdal1 :M cou:ncll A~.OWO -...._cy ~·· Wllllti<r ud _......_lo -• •• --"--memben. Edltll uUneo and Ruby l;y a!ttt''thr Batunlo,J olart -blJU. Re ....,.. !IP Iii .fNjl Iii Uie 1;·1 ..... Klako aa ptbap coUeo:loi:o, Nai the llQ:fl!OI .... Vlal\iu!t: ow.i ~ ....... -\ha. 18 iM f I 't W --M Klclwld aa fire ~ ud :u.e by BUJ Ood.1iolls el~ W-: INel ,.1'I ..... ""II' 111 u1&ilod ,..,.. Jil. M ~--~ ".chonio ..till M...diilwl a.,...n .... _ ....... ~ ...... blm.' ;. . • ..... "' --""-~~-~. ~ driec!er, .,., -Wltonrd 1a • rw, ~ "1: om alf, .. -rrw•• ---' . ,• at a ....... ~ ~lll)' Re<ldlcl<. _'Joy ip.;;;, ·...a . ..,Gd •!l'nS "' 111.: , ,,,. ... .... ..... ~ .. lMt-- -"u1' • .... • ' r :8Wtnl Eutmaa, ~ .,.. ~ -.;q to Uiil .... 't:d ~. ~ • 2 "": cC ~ ., .. • .... ., .. . p-r • ,..i""""' .......... • ,...., ........... a.44 ...... I 1911l ; ~otlair l!bo<ue .... -~ ~ " -• !11111 --"U --~,,. ---... .. • ...... -·-'7-.,_tbo.,_..-..;,, ...... -•-1111111 .• IM._,...,.,_ ..... · jiL•. • ..... _.._ ,-.JIU<t • ._,.., 'Clllt Ywi •tl!m-" -• 'n. Cella ._. -''' .... ,.. .... 1 " I I bu, .... Roddfdl.,_Jlli,"lalli -,• I .. ,......_.II' ~"' ..... -... ...... ..... --.. ... ' ~ tt I floO. I) I:.,''., ,. 'tcc • •ill ....... 11 .. • ..... II! ~ 11• t4 ~ !' II .... 11' #I -~ ~ ' ' ' . ~ ~ i ,, ' , . . ' . "Upon receipt Qf flnal bid& on the three -plia.we for completing the propoeed Ship-Office f<W the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce. It waa;ound that due lo the tncreue ln coet of labor and ma- terials, the total of the three bk!s exceeded lhe amount proposed to be expended by· $3.000. "In view of thW and the indf'ler- mlnate national situation. the Board of .Directors decided lo give up the project and so recommwda to your honorable body. "In tlmea of patlonal 'emerg.ency when the coneervatton of fundl, · manpower and etrategtc matert· ala ie of prime importance, the Chamber decided to take this step u an example of thrift, which it ill hoped will !ipreaCI lo our Stale and Federal governmental agen· cte8. "Plans are under consideration to house the Chamber' or-Com- merce In new qJJ&rter6 located on • one or our major highways and an announcement of the final loca.Lion wt11 be ma.de public upon comple- tion or these plans. For the Board or Directors, Thomu F. Norton. preaident." . Bids for repair or the hull. plac· ing it ashore and then outfitting It aa an' office rOr ('XCeeded lhr preliminary bkla received several monlh.8 ago. In addition· materials to be used are in ahorl supply and will probably be required ln thA const..ructlon of new cr&ft lo do In the p~t emergency the wor~ that YMS. 449 did in the second Warld War • Rather than carry a. rurther drive for funda from ita members for t.he building of lh~ ship oUlce th~ chamber &rectors wW ~rideav­ oi' to cre¥e ~ ~ in Mme ex.· --or..,,;i~.,;;'. . ~. ~ ~.l(iiltl<:ilii.om•eot• wu-ta ftlyed to the Ne1f'POrl Be&Ch Clty Coupcil ~t night. The city took o~'erabip ot the YMS when_ It wu pure.ha.led. by lhe Chamber pt Comm~ at a tax sale for th• sum of Sl.00. ·several offers lo purohaae the craft were · made to. the Chamber of Commerce when tt flrat acquired the boat bull. I j • i • • j I - • '1 I I ' I • . County Rebekahs , to be Guests · ' · ,of Mesa ~o~ge Junior M,atrQ_ns • to Plf?,Y Brid.~e at HQtel Laguna Plal'tB wbre made for a big nJsht Ntw otficera wW be elected at at tbe next meeting April 17 ot the next meetlnc ot tbe Jllltlor the. Mesa Rebekah lddge when Katrom: mecUon of the .Ooeta KM&, • 'they auembJed April 3, wltl:I Noble l'rlaay Afternoon club. It' will be Grand. Bertha Wat:aon prulding a luncheon meeting, April 25, at ln IOOF h.all Coat& Mesa. Dfatrtct 12;30 p.m, tn the Hot.el Laguna. Depu'ty Preatdent Eva Lee w1ll Carda will be played. make her orrtclal visit on that Na.ined to aerve on the' nomtnat- n.lght and· Busy Bee lodge ot CJ-Ing committee at U'le tateat iea.. press have notified the JocaJ lodge sJoD. ..were Mn. .Joyce. Holllstet they have d ecided .to attend en Mn. Blanch "w~ and ·~ ma.sse un t hnl e~n1ng. lt '8 a1ao A.ml kopenheter. ~ourtesy night WJth the memben · A.a eiptdal1y fine Prosr&m' wu of .the other -eight kx.lges In tlle preaented by Geof'l'e Towne·ot P O- dlttrlct invited to attend the Mesa mana, who gave an abeorblnl ac· lodge. A cap~ty crowd 111 ex· count ot hia receot trip to South peel~. America. Fucin&Ung color alldes · At the Tuesday meeting Nina frosi Panama to Chile added to the Lolmaug h and Margaret ,Kllley interest of Mr. Towne's talk. He w ere reported Qn lh.e alck Ji.st and was introduced 'by hi• d&ughte.r-, Mary Lou Cox as being laid up membe~ Mrs. Georgl& Jonea. ' wtth a back Injury caused from a Mrs. ! B?nnle,' Grow, prealdent,i tau. presided. Lovely floral effect.a Jn the banquet }\all dolla mad• .,.ere c~ed out with cluateta of of' crepe paper and mars~all~• stock ap.~ daffodils. HosteMea tor were used as favor!!. Angel tOod the eveping were Mmes Ann Van cake topped wlt)l fruit and w~p. Heema;rck, Thereac ·Kandt e, ped cream were served to mem· Grace peth and Joyce Hollister. bers and gue1t l• 8 y the refresh- ment committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ed WUlcut, Hazel Dumo nt, Veen Roee, Ethel Smith and Daley Ginger. After a ahort busine11s meeting some or the members w~re excused to attend courtesy night hosteUlil by the Busy Bee lodge In the Ana· heim hall. Invited guesta,from the local lodge-who atte nded were Et- t ie and Colleen Slaten .. Bertha W&· aon, GhWys Bil"d, Flora Harrta, Ada Paull Pearl Backes, lYa Coe, Mamie ·W lllias and Lola Stewart. Combination Sale at Costa Mesa Sponaored by Cir cle Eight of the Costa Mesa Community cbure.h wscs, a cook ed r9oc1, white ele· phant and rummagt! sale will be held Saturday, April 14, at 11 LIJ'I. in the old Costa Mesa po.at offiee building on Newport Blvd. 6ef f/le OSt . . -. Gft'fbound gifts JOU cbc-.., •ikt for JO'lr mooq ... coses ku rban M1 OfMt form of U'&Vd! The a#t .-Al~. too .... ~ IO ·aiors 'pbces wi'b comfort&bl.,. .. wadier-cood iri on~d" Supet• Owba llt>d d>'. _, r;,-., ... · •••. choice of many sc~nic rou.rat • -111 ... At• !!! ,.., ,., •• EAS11 . Ollcago •••. f36.8S lletroit • • • • >f2JI() ,. Wuhiogton • . >f? • .fS New Yorlr. '. • • >f9.80 Bosroo • • • • S2.60 x 10!"'1 Ciry • • 29. 70 ~Moina • ~ 52..fS Miil°ttfK>lis • • 3"65 Ne,, OrlfM" • 34."0 Adaou • • • • .fo.90 __ ... ..,.___ ...... Week's Meetings of Mesa Citcles I Vario~ c.irclee ot. the Costa Mesa .~munlty Metodillt church WSCS will meet thla week. Cir- cle Nine will usemble today (Tueaday{at 1:30 p.m. ln the hoine ot Berlheace Fox, 177 E . 17th St. Grace Speth, 1026 W. 18th St., wiU enterta+i Circle Ten on .Wed!Jeeday ai 7:30 p.m. , Ftve circle will }';.old seulons 'Mtursday. A rll 12. Circle One wlll meet at 0. p.m. with Mildred ' Moore, 4~ Sp.n Bernardino Ave., Newport Hellfhts. Circle Two Will gather at 2 p.m. in the borne of Daiay Bennett, 20:S F1ower St. Circle Three Will be r~elved by Lucille F ernades, 1906 Orange Ave., at 2 p.tn. Misses Mary a.nd Eliu.beth Hall wUl be co-hostesses to Circle Four !l.t 2 p.m . in the church. Circle Seven will meet at the church at 7 :~O p.m. Paula Sand- born will be hostess. --Coastline Post to ' Install Friday Even 9 C, A. Smith,· riewly-elecled commander o't Coastline Post 3M8 and hia corp• of otrt- cers will be ins lied at' public ceremonies. to be eld P'rlday at 8 pdll. in Ameri Legion hall, Costa Mefl&. Chosen to serve th Smith. who succee<b P . A. ' immings, were M. M. LaBorde, lor V}ce-com· m&nder; George Splnk, junior vic&-eommander; .FJoyd F . Hot- fard, quartermaster; K.. C. Brown. chaplain; H . L. 1\oberta, pool ad- vocate; Edward JB&n· surgeo.11 ; J . K. ·Wallace, thrt:>e-year trustee; O. ' . " J . Moorhouse, Owo-year trustee ; A. E. Kelly, one·year ' .trustee; Wally Belau, adjutant. Christeni~g Rites at Mesa Church . 2~· +11y Trt,s WT I , ....... ~···- Local lJ.S.C. Girl '· 8ec.ted-Seeretary -of CoU.&ge AW .._S. •• t1.1'Ylllf...-m •, -. I •• ~ . • • • • • L'OVELIEST OF B.IUD.ES ls M'ra. Roben...Qurlf"y (Nancy IA;:_oo.el'e F'VweU) who "'ore her mother'• wedding. cOWll when 8be repeated \•owa Sa~._ev~ ln St. la.mes Episcopal church. Heirloom ro~ point lace whJcb adorpttd the co~lJ: and vt>ll "'U from Ute ."·eddlng Co"'D o r hPr grandmother, Emmalliie Ban.croft. and the bandkerehJf'f J"hlc'Jaolder wJUch Me carrif.d wu a ctft to Mno.. Bancroft from Gl"neraJ 1:-tayPttr~ · . . (Photo by C urtis Studios) , AJpba Phi aorority. Her husband attended Whittier college a.qd . U. s . C., hi.a fraternity being Pi Kap- pa .\]pha. 'Atter a wedding (rt_p .to Honolulu the rf.f!W Mr. and ifn. Gur'lei'will mi.ke ,~tr home on an -orange ran.ch near aa.tta Ana. Box Social Tonight at Costa Mesa ~ ---~ -~ . . .. ' ,;Tu1l.1y, A;w1 Yo, T"1' r • • • ..,, ... ,.._. ¥ ,,.. t J "J h t . , ~ -·•'°"'1c ·.-..:.S. -flrry 0 inSOl')S , · ,,. '":•ted t<!r ... '""' -· v· :s. H b A . . I 1 _,..,...,. .. at a IP•"'al -· , ISlr or Or reo. Sa ·'· k] tliii .. ~at tllO ,.,.... llail. ~ .. 2s a ee illClo .. --.. i Dant. Wada•· I Mr. -Kn: ClJ'de a .,on:J' -U · ' • ~ ft T:l!O p. m., 0...W..S.. J-°*""""" ID tllO Nnrpoitt , I ~Bell ... .,,;,-~ .._ ua t« a-<1a7 ._ -,NBWJ>Ort ~acb , wh'u caa ~Jieli-a na;:;,.t;:MU·~ ._ ..i ., tour Or u.. ·1111*4 cllspooe. of unwant<icl iu11cloo . un• 1J,., mOYle .._,.l<ld by Ille Bt&nd Bi.ta Tiie J-~ """"'«! aprlng 1' ~-~~I ai<I Oii 0:,_P All lpcaflAJkm mem: ~perat..d J~·a C.(e u Ball>M,. ~ pe a ..., __,,~e at bera and U..lr .;...u are lnvttecl ana more -ntl)' tbe ,Ji.- the Nlllf' • . Balvatlon Bell .&led. ' Ranch · at -ndldo. Tli~ _ ba'ft 'Mtrly w here Ma .1' !1'nJUP oold their rahch IUld Will ,lpOiid lt. ' ~ 1 · JlfOW AT KU& oeveral montlle on a tCur Of tbe Thore ''. row a • Items. tur-Wlk>clmi MW addltlc>IW lo Coota United 8~ Canada and Cllba.. nlture, clo~g. ah a, [appllancea ._.,.. ... Dr. and 'MJi. OUbert Nff . · and rillsceUfU1eoua , clea, are Gr· ud dalldren,. wbo are· .Dvtnc at Dodge •. tftovtn.,. Watch it! gently neti1ed by the SalnUan ·trr ls:ra.dway, alter a .tay m Bal· Army. Bocl&l Service~ center .eerv· bOL ,, : b1g tbio ana, to i ' .. IU vital 1 Dodire la moving. Watch It!. procram~aoclal ~bW~Uop. -· Heading-/ '"1 i! l"ftl< drtve '" a comml tee of oltlMna led liy Cha . William H. Ad&lna. Other menibere aN jJti.v.· ~ R . PendeU, church~; H . O. En" atgn, achoola; · Mo~tt R. OrimYa, civic clubs;1 Rou G ley, trate~I ordera and 1 clut. .. Brlpdlett D. GICtord, .social ser\rice « er ma.nacer, pointed o~ t.bat t lllllva1e week slogan,,. '!~rvic• 'f'brou1h kl• vage," la a: Short ffy of expl&ln· lng the tu~cttonJ the Salvation Army center':' W•"' row , · "Returb,hinr; ofl4Locarded artl- cleti in UH!' worksh ,pa at the cen: ter provtdea worJt: I. therapy for needy and bandicapP,edrt::1 • men," Brig. Olttord ~· "The f: ter la.st year provided 28,000 · , n of such work, pl ftl,76Q Wl:lolesa.Je meals, 18,5611 · w be'1"~&nd financial &MiBtance to men thout regard for ra.c. o creed." --_.I.--~ . ' ' ~\C­~~,..-~GS q,-<~-~...;\ .• -THIS ROUTE FOR HAPPINESS! . I I ' ·I . Because we· ha~ Savinp Plana for every p~ Brig. G tord e 1pbuiud that rehabllltatf>n Of I e _handicapped and needy la car1fed on aolely through ~ uae ofl'f'wanted •rt.I· ' cJea. The Joclal sei~ center &c· cepta no ca.sh don Iona. .nd purpose, you'll !'111d. ayatematlc savinp eaay here: 'Y~11·11 enj~y our cw:i;ent ' 4lvldends of 391> . . . the safety of oavlnga 'inaured up to '10,000 . . . anli the coilven!encc of a tline-saving Save- By-Ma!1 Plan. ·' A telepbfJJ\e call Harbor 07M '. Make your aavinga goal one year'a income . . during S~ac-e ~ k wil.i bfi!lg a Red ShJi&'ld truc~j to home or ot· t1ce to 1Uect oa1r~..., !'rl~I••· . r I , Costa Mesa P.-T. A. to M*t ~ed. · · get lltarted aaVh!g at our friendly aasociat.!on ' toda ' y. An inle~esting ~rogn.m l8 In store for memberp\ of the Colla Mesa Undbergh·Hif;per PI'A when they meet Wedne~y afternoon •. April 11, in the J:IF School •udl· torlum. The childrf.n from Harper ~hool are prepaiinc-the enter· tainment, '¥nder t¥ supervialon of the prJnciP,BI, Mrs. Emmalee Hea· vey Stow~. 11 . Hlghligh Ing the buslnel!ls sea- alon wtll lnstall~tlon of oftlceni. Refrel!lhrne ts will hie served ln tbe ktndergatt room i at the after-. noon'• , c . A rraqg:ementa haw ~n ma e f./lr ch11<l care. GIVE TO CONQUER C~CEK! . ., -.. ~-P1a"" J~/,i~,, suE FOR q1voRcE TER~SA "RENNER IMr1. A. Renner,) For alle ed cruelty by R!)y F . ' • -~ .... m. • 0,.., .... et· t _, .... . Woodside, r., "n1. Geraldine A. Olla srt .P .• , t •I 'ftt'M ~ Woodside tiled superior court · -' " suit for djvorce. Sh• &loo uke4 · 436 Sina. DrlYe -Harbor 11"1'<1.J. for cualodf of their two SODJ-9 . Ut..... 1 • C .. &..11.....1 and 5 ye~old. She aet tortA ID Corofta nm \lft -GrOllCI, - her comp • t that they wttrr. in&r· 1.1.""'=""""'""'""''"",. ..... .., ....... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"";;;;;;;;;;;;;;o=;;;;;;;;;i;.!J Med at Y:u Oct . 'in, te.to, aepu .. -~--------'--,---------------'----. ated last onday and that com- munity p perty includes a rui .. dence a t F. 32nd St., Newport F u. ·N z o N E Beach, hou old tufD1thirl:p in an apart.meilt 419 ewport Blvd., an automo le and ltied cuh · In poosesi of her huaband. OPEN EVUY FRIDAY, SATURDAY Dodge i~ moving, Watch It! ' w. Foote GEN URANCll Gou or"""'°" II ...... ft. Rar.M . ' ' \ -ancl -' , SUNDAY i BALBQA L • • J I ·Th~· He .;1,port-Ba(boa Hews-Times ~ f. I \ 1 Newport -ay Post anc/ ' ' 1 , f: , · · Shopp~np New.I . • . \' , . I : * r I Or~nge ~oun~~--s Great eit ; ' .I \ 1 · •• 'AaYerltsing'' Buy' 1 [_ i J J ·-1 . • • f I I , ~ I • • • •• • • ' • l ; ! • • . l · .. = • • I* ••• t. I •••••• 4 0 3 = r ·. . I . 1 . ,.,.,de'. April 10, t951 • ' • • '· ' .. . ~ • • ' • • • ~ . : ' , ... I ,. ·••n .w.S.CiS. Members Attenl:f. SJn Diego District M~eting -. . J• "\t' \ Biz nlmiiberl ·ot Ille' .Jolomen'• Society or Chr!ou&n se~ (Of Chrlat ChtndJ, b7 <tlle . Ila. Kt¢":'· PorF Beach, ,ueh'decf. uw. ~~al • •ll-do,y inHth\I' oi tbe !!Oh tbtel!o cllstl1ct held at" F!m 'Melllodlat • obun:h, San Dleeo:r~rn. Tbme attetidbig wm lllld Clara KQlll· stedt. pres.ldent of the WSCli of Mott, ~ •80 local r..identa • _ Newport Bea<:h, Mio. Bond Frei· · gathered In .the Newport Beach groups. M4.r\1 of lhe men •civic tq, lfra. M1l'la ,IYM, 1Ctw. llhtte · city hall Tueaday night at th"e in· te&Qen did alund, tnelUdln• Su-Salter and MN. IOri8 't'ralt.)"" Mn. '"" vit.ation of the Women'• Ctvic "perviaor .Uelnz Kaiaer, Mayor L. John K. Elliott." ~&Iap & ~rpben , ~e ot Corona del Mar ·and L: labell 1tD4. otbers: . · of the Meal w:kty, wU re ~ liatblJa loi&nd to hear a talk on t Mrs. Brown .ir.-lb.at -v1&.~1'ffld<1nt ot llle.l&n..,bltp .Paro and Recreation, The speak-ot Ute pro~~ confrollUng ·com-dlatrtct for a second year. j • -er ·was Mrs. Ro'.lin, F. Brown, munity recreation t~y ii .the · The morniag ~ •&! t.Uen \ba.lrman of the State Recreation I displacement Qf women .ttom the over by rejlol'U ftom . i..e vartbu ,. Commlalon, pa.st president, of the I home Into war planta. Toun.g Pft'• departmint.I and preaide.nta 'ot/all Olllfomla Congresa of Farenta and j sona into the armed aerftcm aatltn k>cleUea. N.-w dilitrlet otfloeri Teachere. tbe reorulttnf remlltlnr at stria w•re ln.ftallcod ht Mrs. Earle I IC. M.ra. Brown pointed out that the • ,to ac;.t as. h(llt.,eaeea in USO ser-Scott, c~erence president ot the \.1.r1t. s-equi.slte foi a p~ DI vice m~a ~tera. WSCS. Two beauutu.1 90la. ~tt rff:r.e&tton wu a plan. a method Adequa\e recreaUon~ tacu~ tendered by Mn. Parker s . '01-~.W-A .0:.A lfAor, l<lMOOL.r.-4 • ~ •••W •f(leen ~ AttU a at Uie~IChotf~, rt.;&.. ti 1P,,.t to finance the plan and a compe-pbyska1 and mental muat be pro-sen, and >fra. Richard J. Johnmn, _ \'-·to rl~) ·-: --=Jr. wwll nee~; .Mn.-...,,. r::r._la, t•iiln-... t ent ·director to co-.ordJnate the v1ded. ahe' •treeNd, to ~t&ln reirpectlYely. Eight Indian girb •v-~·• •-., _.., ~ Mn.. tecreatJOnal effort.a. th~ prpper bala.noe of the healtn rrom the Yuma Methodtat J.t1.aton l..oif'9otberllulit,. ftfst ~ t UNI. MPI.. Mlltlred. Wlllo•, htatortan.. 8 1 ~ rea.r. ~ · Mr .. Brown aald that it wu her of s ~cOmmuN.ty. aanv aon-In, Envllah and alao Elilie 8tewwt.. pan preeWeat te'*•MhtC offloerj· .~6811 Vaade,bers •. awflto' ,.1' Mn,# ltay , • a~ • ~ ., . , i New Ttmft ~~. ) . rtndillg that lnland cit ies, counties ·A survey of exlattng t:acpitlea, ln their own language. They wefe ·Vblad. tft'PIWNil'. and perhaps dbtrtcts should be deterotination of the needs for tur-hi, .native costume. . · ( • eon30lidated ln an overall reerea· tner oppOnmltiea tor recreaUqo, l:ltgh light ot the day wu an Eb ff ""' d 5 c!f C t f ilon&I prol('am such .. tbat ne«I· and then Uie adoption Dt & law lluoplrational add ..... by Mra. ·w. Mrs. June Johnson . e ~·! e.rf e . 1Qn our 0 . ed in lht 9'arbor area. Reason for or ordinance ·lo activate-•a com· B. Landrum,. field worker or Uie H • . d ~ f Meett, wtth .Chatrm•n~ · . this belief. •he said, w .. I.bat ta· mlasl!>" program w~r· reeonun""1· Women'a divialon· of Chrlatl&n onore 1o7Uet A c~-.-·.1n· "'!-· 'of·.·._~. ne'•'t For Ar~a tilltiea here would be uaed by ej:I by Mrs. Btown. sintce, wbo streued the mW.. . • .-.1.... v U'W\' • r I everyone, not only o( thla com· Mry. Jlrown woo lnt~uced by alonary appeal, takl!ig .. oM>tand· 'of Sfor/c: Shower l 111eettn1: of_ Uie <Ja'.file!! oec\lon. of ·A eourtj' H tor . Har)\or munlty and county but from other Mra._ EdP{ R . HllL praalden• o. 1n, eampleo ~ 1-•l(otfett , · ·: " f ilbeu ellalo ~ ai!noul)(ieil by Mlsa Area Boy' · te• ID ;i.. ~e)d "f'rl; 1reaa, Inland and tar away. Newport Hal'bor High Sclool PI'~ and ,D&'1d l'.hllnptoa &ad Albert A big atOrk ~ In front at u.e Lilian It Den1e1i,-.. :l\ WIJl ~Y. 'Ap,rU 21'· t 30. p.m . 1n Cdale MOit of those ln iittendan<:e at Mn. Louis ~r, P~l.:-~ 8w81tur of today~ "fo~ Uik" ~e. ttreplaCe Abel anot.her on a ta~ W he!d .4.,U:.11-•t bel ~ 2Al Mesa" ~ sc' I~ audJtorium. th• metllng were women ot. the of NeW]J9•-t Bu.rh E<4erriebl&17: ita'4!d, "la truly a ml.lillonarl' or· ,... courraonded wlUI tlltu: oottinr J!Tentnr CuJ1111 ft<I., lllJoa t:H!f•. Part~1p&1•~ JOI~ be TtoOp. ~. eommunity, .heads of the women'• I Scboola PTA., led pie flag afute ganiza.t!on." ~ · .~ the Urieme when June l.f'anv) • · , • NeWp<>rt ;,~ a.pd SO~ Ex- eluba, tm~rovements uaoctatlo111, and Mrs. "Paul O. Davia, Civic J'*1won .,... honored ~1..tft \be Dod .. .!' ~·· WAte)!. It! plo~r Puat B~ Co;ilA M.esa and • -'~ . ,, -.. . . • . ' . ~-I .. 0 : •. CURRENf1 .WNINGS. . I . • ~~,··--~ f"· • ' t' J· . . ' . . . ' P-..3 · " . / • .. I ' Pa_._re~t. Teaohera an~ ... ~ h u r c h ' League ptalde_nl, pre1ldod. Spiritual ;Th•rapy :'!"!t"~::a,::,u 31~~8* Dodre 'Ii. m"":'•· Wa~;.i.1'1.: 1'-oop rr. Cb n ael Mar : .S~g~~ A~iM~~r -· fu~g~g~ =~~~~~--~_-~,~~-~-~-~~~~~-H,~-~~~-~==~~~~~~-~.---- Announced by Newpo.rt' Circle for Chaplains -=~=.:ii:..~~~:.e , ... MJ>ll TIM. E .T"'. fflND,.ro shop,.ifyo,u lilj,e .• • · C ·11 c· . I A .... _ amt tptlnr fiewwa1 ......... tbl! -. .. • ' ; • apl a lrC e Mra. Eu& .,.,....,,.,.. anc1 ·1o11u O..pntuUon pt the flMlt _cllnlc rooma. A no .. I pm~-wu thie .· • . ·· • Elsie Newl~d were ~ cohplteues traJnlng program ln spiritual Pff9UI& of con!e.nta of sma1i me~ , '" · ·"1.. Caprtlla Circle's spring part7 Will be held on Wedne8day, April 18 With Mrs. Paul H .. M oore · a.ii ·ceneral chairman. It Is planned aa a benefit and '#ill begtn with deasert at •l p m. There wjlJ be \ioth wh@n l'Jewtori Circle, W . 8. C. 8 . t.tierapy ln the west will acli'«ely by";leeUn them nrst lettera of Uie /" ot ~t Ch¥rch by 'lbe 8ea met, cet underway this week wtth the· artklet !,,.run' the naJM "John- Aprll' at the home ot Mn. Goeld-arrival today In Loe Angelea of aon .. and tOT g lhla, Mr.. Joeeph ner, 217 -33rd street. While the the Rev. Robert D . Morr11 , super-1'harnpeon recei'w-ed flnt prise. In circle had DO ·March tnfftlng due vising chaplain" at the· Epl.scopal th pme of "&Dimal junion" Mrt. to Ulne&.-1 ot SQ many members, It ho.tpita.I, 'Philadelphia and dlreetor Jo~ wu tGp wtn.n.er "and ~ WU a btl!y month for tl\ey were In of the National Councll tor Clint-Thompeon wu loW : .. lcrambie(r chuge ·ot homteaa duty , at the cal Trainlnl' In Spiritual Therapy. namee'' toUnd Wtlma M)'refln wJ-0. c h u r c h. decora.ting, proxtdlng Clergymen representing e'/ery ner Wft.b Jean Inman tow. f door and table prtzce. · " Gueats Dl•Y play ey pme they wish, blit should bt1ne their own tarda. Reaervationa "Ql&y be naade with Mrs. Moore, 2902-J or wtth the t icket chairman, Mn. New· ' ton Cox, HarbOr 2198. _ COSTA MES ... W~I The Costa Mesa WCTU will meet In regular monthly tta ion Fl'iday, Aprtl 13, at 2 p.m . in th~ borne or Mrs. Velma Compton, 1878 F\JJlerlon ~ ve. Dodge ls movlnc .. Watch It! THE NEW . HAMMOND (lllORD ORO~ luncheons a.nd dinners and even Ptateata.nt denomlnatton In Lo8 At the rtf,..sllmellt lnterlm lee manaetng a runynage sal~. Angeles will meet with Dr'. Motrls moJded tn the form of a S~ial credit Wu (iven by Mtu ThW'8da.y at an all!day discu.ton ~in It.a crib accompJLnled a Newland., presi~ent, to Mudames meeting at which be will explain beauUful ~ decorat~ In the May Delozle-r, John Pflschner, J. the purpo1ea and outline the motif Nut.a wi re lta bo6tle A.· Bodman. Mamie HaYlce and methods for Instituting the couree ~ae and p~nch waa eerved. • Ray Baker for carrying on work here. The meetJ.nc will be held at ~~M'nl were the Honoree, :llri. ot'i.M cl.rc1e during the;hl'r'lh· the Chlp"Gh Federation, 3330 W . Joh.n.son · Mmee. Jpseph ~ . Mr's. -Ha1rtce, work s::halrrr\an, Adams Blvd .• startlng at 9 :30 a.m. son, Jea'n lnmM, Wilma Myrehn, told ot pJana made ror sum.mer In tlle morning Dr. Moma will die-Dorie lAW'kihardt. ..Ulllan Owe A, work, lnciudlng an. &l1 da.y 'm~t-cu. "The Pastor aa CounclUor;" Marjort;1B..rnet~; 141.uei s.una. lng ot Ute committee. ~-N~-in _the att~tnoon the topic' will be bel llmJ.lh Rut.ta Ortmrn, and \We laod !'Jl"Ounced the year'• apPor· "The Paator aa a yi.ttor to tile boa•......:.. • [ ~ to the ehllnj,h .,.XS In tu:JL 81ek... ' · -.ir-~·-~-~-"'-t •·t.etteh Were re.ad tl:o1a -thtee On Wedlieeday, Dr. Morrls wll1 f0rmer members, Mia Allee Hair· speak to representatives of the HeinhtS ,CirCfe ~x of AUU.Uc, Iowa; Mn. Mamie ~tat ot the GOod Sama.rltap on ~ Gray of San P'ernando and Mn. the plan at a..~ at the Jona-Pro' g~am' Led wwtam-1<111o of Prwtervtllo. • than club, arranged l1y lho Rt Rev. · •· - Appo!Jlted ... & nomlnaU~ ..,,,,. 1'nlnclo l!:rtc Bloy,. IDptotos-J ,Bia· by' Mrs . Les Nott rntttee we~: Kra. D. W . Holtbt. ~ of '-Anpl•, oh&ltman of • ' • : ., - ehalrm.an: M:,... Goeldner and MIS. the board. I>Urinr the weell: he Mta. Lea Nott l"Md a ~Pl· 1 ~-.1 tl'Ren. •W meet. wtth cbapteJns -of the pro.-oldng article entltled "hrfect J"'or the · pragram, Mlle New-llielhodtat, HotJ;rwood ~b,-teri&n Bltreprtnt for BapplnHSt u tht ·land. p ve a review tf.om RuNl Callfornia Good ...,;.n·tan. Veter· devotional program . When th~ ~ {Mark Rieh l. tut ot ~ am Adm1Ala\rath,>n. Lulherin and N~ H~J.&hll Clrtle of C1u1ft atu~lJopks fp!' the year. otller leadint hoapitala and "tnatl-Chli.rd' by Die Sea wsca md.tt-. • At. \Mi social hour ~· G~e1: tllitton. planning (o participate ln cenUy tn the home of Mn. It. 'IL . wa.. a.s&18~ 1'J' Mlsa 1 A~U. Bed-tAe program. On l'rlday, he will Mc.Donald, 414 Old Cotinty 1\4. ! .- dqrne In Rl'Tinl' nf~shmo:t. to speak to the studenta or reHpn Appolnted by M',,.. Wl~r,"1'· Mmes: .P~n. C l CUttis, at U8C at 11 a .m. 'huaty, · pttC:df;nt, to .. aien,. ~ Ba11ce, o.or,e Art! , lit~ret "Appointments u chaplalna ln memkn1' of tbe .nomln.atinr ~COIU~ (:lark,.Pearl Wlitte, .rt ~ P . an •tale and .most private h9'P1-mltn. "tllrertt Mra. Leon JI"~ U BJ~. EdW!\11> !1'lilo Ray t&la l\"d ""'tructlo~ .. now ft9UI"' .i.., H. Jt.' McDcnodJd &ltd . ..;i,. Baller, n. W. Holtby, ·~·~ .. at l•aat °"'\ yu~r_ special traf#lng F,,.t ·~OodWo~. . . . · · .I er:: A~ J-. J ... . ,Bod!l>at• In· <linl<al ap~lt~· ~PY In ·ad'-hooo«le frotn tbe moet -·-J-w'-• t"9 .. .., dlUon to lh• r.'ePlar ociademic and ru1 ~~held '1 t11o .,- 'N.w1'nd.-Kat• Ro . ""4 Uleolo(!eal ttVdle&,'', .°'!"'ri llieh· clle ;..,.. llll1Mll"ln 'Y Mn.~ • -' Adele-Beddome.-!, . &rd'Uet, who arr&nged ~ rileet-u • .-.. · ~ \. • .$29;40 Dir ' month l'i .. t .m~ Wiil on lfiy t In&. eql&ln<d: ·1.-;;~:::i::,~~- 1 , •._~I ;:cU •_l p·~;·~ \.;l~ l' ~. rpt{ a~· u..r.i.om, ot Mra. W. lhltbj. 'N,ptdy 1'c l wt~~ 1 ':il at bnee; Wt>h~· leam· ~:! Weat Oct&!\ Fr t. Catholic Women =ho.·~ _.is • tho ·~ iftg a stngie no~. COme, hear I'-.. ·• · · StJ and p1a1 the Hammo.o~ Chord ~•rtt•a•rtas n~e Are Guests al..-llOO:~~e~:n;.,~; 0;~~~0fo~f:.: °'Dc.ii~Sdi1ildt : ~~ Y.-,ts•: H~s ital Boy Sh.~res H~m• f~c'::: ;;;:.,,H·~:~~-~...: two"--'Jt.nt.a•e Kl b MdJIJen' · Leon Ferguaon, omer-...... 6 ..... ..-1!. ' pt-Co J • ...a:,, • . J1«ra VfeholM Brettner Bay Flora ' Harrb, Riehard ~ld IUllO · • are:-' ...,-, 2 L___ · · en~ (9' Sbott~ .:d ho.tesa on W~y Hugh McMillan, LU Nott. Roy hospttwltMd ...... """~· u..y,repotj..o ~.,· •• '-~ -the Al*•-OuUd H McDonald WWlam &!O N .._ ·s, .... 1 · ed 'al Ute iateot m r of ""' •· .-""";"~'::.':'"" ~ . -. Salter, . E. • · ' A.a. cl b ·-~ •-••-'< to ... ...._.~, of Our _..,. of Mt. Camie! and TIJl.lly, Kathleen Wrjght, 1-en C•';:~~ .. -..... ,~";,0 u h:;.' ~ ·.;;;!; -.._,._ t · Johll' .Vlanl!ey Cat 11oI1 c Bowyer "l}d Miao Clan ltoblltedl _...._..,. wae · . 7· · cltti~ Next dieetiJtg,..g eebeduled for L.-----~-~.,l"T'-':',•. -! I Tb• IW• are Val M re and Am~ PourlDg at U.., t>yuttMit ap· April 24 at 7 :30 p,n1. with "-· -----..,~~-.;,.;,----· ID&H Hamic or tm, ~ .-1 .. ted oa.en INtJet wen: Mra. H '" ~11 Weatm~ ,. , : r . . at Ba*a~an dancet. ~ week ~re Robtiw and Mn. Leollard Flora arr"'"t . r · t::.1-=='==~~-~=';,:=. :::;:=~\-tbey wUr giv~ 1ix d ce liumbeh' Perrual. guild p ....... t. ,_ Ave. ' • · \ · ' In thr .. ward&. · Chlel toplco ot lnt...t .... the • ' The club .meeting held at ·..,, ••• tea oa Ap"' 12 at Balboa s•out Troop 17 I• U>e home Of" Uie ent, nor. ., -~ 'i,_ . " I, . • : . Ch be.rUn Fl at t .... , c.utt of which -..-11, J . Arthur H f.:A. I titur. I ~ M~ ~ wer ree ' Taylor ls chalrma.o ·&nd on whkh Q ~ ftVeS •· 1 . , NIL 0 wen tibe ~ed. Mr& Hertner an-' I P~.: ... H~~ ~a ~~ Nhew· nounced the Mater Del High On Md8d.x •)•. A.W. 2iid1 ~ Port -~ ~· •ane a,~, ere eohool benefit dance at Santa Ana at Ule;~ ~ -·t: tt-nrp the eaat. . Country club. Mra. Frank Windle Bot 1ftout Tf!iOI IT, ~ • !fat _,_ •Ill M, -~ and-lol:ra. <'gatha Fenian wera ap-Var, 'J'iil*liiJ'~~ WU , Baker al bq holae, a.,phltt, fitted .. a cornmttttt to vta1i tM ........ ~ • ~· t~:t Balboa Iala..Dd, on A 18. lllek Kemllen were (1ven 12 ~ tM...:: :.ife;'"'i ;.~ ....... en diU · toWeta to bem for · the ~ Jleclcl+d, Wlllt W co~ ch~ kltdien. · · , . "'"'!'ltet or ~· ~ 'Iii ..... Char!"" aro.., BeD, ported Ule Nttt, meeting will 'be .May 2, at CllWN." ,_ • tben ot a ladles whit ·coat and· & tlle home of Mra. George !J&nc:bU. • Qi .,...._,..hathl .. MI pt,lrae (rem Ilia W W~ WU 1•40 We.A, 1ta1 ~ . '\ ~ M a....,l,,....,., • · -•Med .... & lot .._ the t0e i.o.... Ill '-JIJll T ,_.__. -~ ... a G • ' ~ ., H 1b r-, ,., ........ ~~ . Giftl · reetings :'~:;t"i.!;M~: ~~:; ar _or rours~me ~~ •• ,.._ for . You.:._ throUgh-. t~ rlgh~ ~of oar. Off to New 'Y-o.rk / "'~ M Cu 'r I •• ,..,. ·' ' . MB WAGON . -. . j . ' .... ,..,, ~«Mill ~ . • ~ 0011:8 ro ~AP~ ·~-~1t,X.:dutei.e,'&ad i:'M\IW.:-~:.fl~~·= F'lretl>alf' Don&ld WUlcut. aon of }tlr: llDd Mn. Dick J>iue ..., INY--=... '""': ~ m. YO!"' FrieodlJ' . • ~-and ~ 111" WIJl<:ut of Vic· -lDtr today, ~y. oa a 111°'91' , . • , , ,,: ,;i • , . •'. ~ BQ.m.aa ~·~n tori& Aw, left•fo.-~8'1ti P'rwlo<o ·11r1p to M-Yerlt. ""'· ~t '"'·,,..+cbo .uf~i5" • • ...r CiVlc and I. ~ M., Fl<\lli he Wlil be -wtl -lrilft ~ -th .. a • ..., llN. ~ .L , • flo1'1l <to 'l'ollJ<! IOl Will Ille -"-.,~ . ,;..... _,.. "-'-'<. ~.:C.IO:I Sa•lt• w.iw. Le.tt<t be ... ....., •. t1re Ulllt' ...... •. -v.a ~\irettt. "'· ;;r 1--wwwa.~ ;'W > > ,,.. • • 'ebuW, ' :.• .. . ~ .. --"' tlre"bln-:... ,,. '.:.!: ;, ':< .... ~ 0. 1111 .... /~ .,. • ·---11G(l -Mliir a.19-. pt I . • ' • I.Tiie. ... of a BebJ' -8 ....... RqUDll -1101 2Ax. 1'119 ~ "I ''' • ' Sun.~·• .r;.. w. • 1•• -.,, ..... i-.. ~··, --.. .-t9!JI• '"" t _ .. " 2dmM. •••'~ w ....... Kn. ••r -' ~ ._ ofNe,lcyt•~iD . ::•·-~:'lfJ ':':. 4:.::. -.· 61 -. -. 1st 1i P80D 4J•sll• W 19 • Ne.¥JIORT ,BEACH • -=-L-111o.-oe11ra. Pl,..... ,.., .. ,.;,.,Iii,. """'-•-ai.....: ---11~17 .. .,_ .. ~-j~---OMa-..,., ....... ltlt"k~-, ... ~ .. =-' $ t 4 ... ;...: · :ii...__ ....... .·:;~F I' -•t l>.,1oq t• .... kl : .»r•••·•l..,.~W--IU. 1a---· ' ... ,-· .. 'f 1 ... • • , • ' .. . ·. "I" ·-. . .. #." 2 • ·-... ., • • .. f .... ""' ~-~ . . .• ' ' • ' • ' ... , .... '•(9 . ' . . ' . • ,. ' . . • . . ' . '.. . , . . , . it's a gi,ft frum your.. ELECTRIC RANGEi • .. r ( I· ; , ' ' I ' , est. arid .. 'Finest .. . I . -. . ·iced car ·! ' • .. . ' ' .. .. ' -. .. .. • . . 1 • 1 • • • • • I ' • .,.. , ' .,.. • • I . -. • • . ,, . ·P~gi. 4· ' " > . , .. .. . ' • .... ..._.rd Z-.,. Tir . ••~ u · N•per$ Bc ~ r-.J.~n1a b7 the NllWPOBT RARllOS PCINl!Qll!!IO ~ANT . .. " • "' .• 1' ' Member of CALIFOR)fIA NlllWBPAPER PUB~ A88'N. :\(ember of tbe NA.TiONAL EDlTORlA.L A880ClA. TION •. .... Office and P<1nt1nir Plant at 2211· Bal- Telepbone Harbor 1818 • , ' . Enter..t u Sec<ind-cluo; Mdter at Ille ""8t<>fflce In N~ Beach, • Callforrda unau \be A.ct of Man:b a.' 1179 I RUSSELL L. DIETRICH, l'ldltor ' ~ RALPH BOROESON, A.dvertlalnl' ·.Kua .... , Qaallllod to l'1abll9b Lepl' Noudot -· ~to · of llll ~ . . ... . 8lJJl8CIUPl'ION 11.ATl:S: ' PR:WPORT-BAUIOA NEW8-TDD!:ll ft.erT ~y ln Oraag'O OoualJ, •M. per ,...; 11.lt .ix -.u..; fl.IS ~ monlho t Aho Incl-tbe NEWPORT-~A PRl:88, TlawMaJ) Ou .. lde oian ... C-.&7 sue per ,... n ·~,, ~.,, ..... uds,n.d<!ctu<d• .1~euJ.w , '-'ti.""-n-•our '"""' to "'°' •hoot1nir &t eech ether alons their lforder by J ohn J , K.llm.evkl.h of tbe Lake or -Oalltee. It • an latel"t!ll'tblc ne11U1try. W e bi.\.·e Motlywood i& reverbtrating with new-e15t dl8cloeures of Red afflli· rouned au over lt. l.mnwdla&ety aorth ot G&ltlee the mouatalm 8.tion of lt11 top pertorm~ra, amoa~ whom are two academy I award rt.R to•'ard ti>& Syrtaa bonier. w innen , Judy Holiday and Joae Stratepcally •pNki•s the Syri-ans have · a lft&t advaa.1'Je; Ferrer. ' To those bf u11 who •re on the tber a.re abo"'e tile Jewt1 on the !!Cene here and have some know-bl~ pl.a~ The thalalnllf -of Urie Hut.ob lt'dge of the "geniuaea of art" ln 'lhe m ot ion plct~re indust ry, ·news 5WalllP aJoaa the Jordall,_ Rl'\·er 8Uch a.a this Is nothing ...surprising. by ·thfl lewa. whle b IA tM came 1.1any of lhe miaJed eoui. are too of the Mooflnl', 111 of pe&t eco- lgnorant to understand the reality nomlc lmportande to l•..-el, "'lAoe or Communi11m. In many cues It fertJle land there u • rarity. i1' le.C'k of cultural background an&-EYea after t'T'ery ounce of work-• able lud In Israel hi cu1U\. .. Uott genuine lntelUgence, a.nd eel!-es-It .Wiil &re \n.sulndr-llt to ptoduce cape desire w hlctl caWJea them ta imagine t hey are champlonlfig tht' food· for lt9 poptalaUon. Thus the cause of the forgotten man. pn Jew. cannol «fve up. With tbem th~ othe r hand the writers are in-tt ls a p11rt' of thf'lr AUrVl'\"'9L tl":Jige.rlt men and when thl!y af. Israel L'I •II important la M- flllia te w Cth Communl.8,-front or-t.-rfu tatni-the d~lny•ot the per- ganlutlons it Is deliberate and plrxPd Middle East. One Uitn·s "''ith eyes open. Rega.rdley of hi Cf'rta.ln.. If thp foretcn powers whether such afflilatlon wit.Jl Red would mind their bwn bd.!n~ m ovemt"nl8 Is deJlbetat'" or via lg-more, a.ad f'RP«e la htlrtsuee norancf', the best cure l.o!I to boyco tt le-. th# lt!W8 and Arabs woWd their pic tures a.nd .let the producer be rnott frleadl.y. feel the Impact of the public's coo- tempt l\)t the I0118 ~f revenue. Pioneer Patrol Rewarded With Trip· to the Pike • GRAND'...0001: OFPKJl.qS wilt iiiiltoill tlle i.m<en 01.u.-:...,:.. _,....,.i-Ht .. ..i...w,;.. d.y •t..in ~alt.<! Ruler 'rh-S F :' N "'1°" wlU' .,,oe1v;,· ..,,; ~··~I ~ .le-,,_ ~ O~ halted Ruler Fay \..wts.. NfWf offlcen to auftJ'i\e tt.e·.,.-.pnaeat bf tie. IOelll l~se are pictured left· to rl«ht above, rioet i'ow: o. H. 'Bad' Briscoe. l'Alqulre; &•F,•8bett. Lecturtns KRICbt ; C. K.'\l'arne1" Lo,al Klll&ilt; R. A. E&otman, 1-dla1 KDlpt and Tom N•~ fiulljOCI Ruler. Ba<k row, loft. to fiPt:·c. M. Silxt00: Clhaplaln; Qlenn WMller, T'Ueri Robet't IJMcber, IAner Guanl ~ lrwln 8 pra,cue. 8NJ:retari. and M.ete Lal'1ecbe, Orp.n.ht. The loatanat1o11 • ceremontn WIU take ·place· tn the Elkw Lod~ Hall' at Malb Street Ud B&Jlloa 8'~ .Balboa. ~NewJS-Tlmu PhOto·) ... . . . ' ~ ~ . I . ' ' . . THERE'S A LI'ITLE 8PLVRGE imcterway ... lb' boa hlud ·-.... k ·-·to Ille·~ prt .. clleck rt"'ttl\."f"d hy Bobf"rt AJ&nn ef the ~ hiud V•riety St.ore for. •tte wind.ow cllsplay plctu~ a~vc. Nol otlly .l·ht" il30 'priw ... !Mlt t-hf' lltri~ttonai Nttdlf'frari: llttt8.u f'\'f"ft e.ct.ed a aupplemf'ft~f")· $5.0(l .to pay for a photopph of thfrt prize wtndow. Tlw a.UMe.tt\.·e wlftdow t,.... C1"eaied. la t.be IM!ahd Nfore dur- ing National Sa, . .., ~ Sew Week -ot 1951 abd __At\en won nn.t 'prlM> la the lnde~~ \'•rlety Store cbutelltc.UOn. .. · Whllf' the world Is oa nre and our .vouth are bd•C 89Crtfk:ed on I.he ~ n eld." of Kott,a, tM t latt4'!tt Nation& repreeeil.tatl,·"8. IM'Mled by capabla Tr)'re" Ue, It~ l''"fWl'l'al seere~. ue e&U&- ln~ anothe~ dtplomattc IC&Ddal bfoeaul!le of lmpro,er 8e9tlas &l'- ranp.mf'liib at. t,he ~ d'llJ1aS tJ\e benqu~t l'f't'en lai bonor of P!'fftdent Au.riot oi F411aCe., The ·PionPer Patrol, honor patrol of Troop t 7 .' Corona {ttel Mar tor the past four mont'h.s, pnjoyed Sunday afternoon at the Nu-Pik e -----------------~.,.--~~-::---:----:---:c~-------------­ How ean eo·Eplnc::aat .. lllcldent tlll1l&me ~ bis mf'n ·who are ~h of the df'Atl.ny nf tile world T No won~ ch'r that tbe wor1d '9 la •ach turmoil Thia lncldfllllt reml9da om.e of a nee hlttns u e&ephut. W est.em Germany ta permitted to muufacture tools fo r armi pro- duct ion. This Is the first step a.ctu· ally permitting Germany to pro- duce arma for henelf. It I• the pattern ('Xartly u I' was fol1ow- f"d afte r Wortd W9.r I. Jn all prob· ability If World War Ill doea not commence sonn, Germany will again be a aovere'lgn nation with 8.nothc r Kaiser or Hitler . , . who will barter with whatever might be In theh" best Interest ... any· thing for military e"'f>f?ndlency for another conquest. Rearming Germany UI the great· es t gamble confronlll'\I Ii.be <DOD· Commtinlla world today. Thf! ques· t lon ls--'.-can 8»Cb a gtinble be afforded? • The Human Race ' • ln Long Belu:b aa a reward for their outata.ndlng record. The troop epon80r, the'-Rot&ey . club;, . made lhia t tlp poulb~. · ·~ . . Attending were WylJe Kee:ltr, Senior"Patrol Leader of Lbe TroOp· and the following mcmbe'r• of lhr Pioneer Patrol: Robert Diehl, Bob-.. by'Callis, Tammy Baume, Rod Cal· derhe&d, Ronnie Keeler, Ronnie Newlon. 'M.A. "W0octy" HarwO\)d Scoutmaster, provided ln.neporta- tion and supervision on the outing. BLOODMOBILE VISIT • Vlllit of t.be BloodmobUe a.alt ls ... tftl for Tbundai. April 19 at Americaa Leeton Ha,U.. 15th ud Bay Yr.at. 3 to " p. m. It .... -·~by the local ~ oi : te... Amerl'.caa Red Cro.. ~ ,. Bl'ITEN Bl' 000 • Eight year old Dale WorkJnap. Corona del Mar Waa reported to ftave been bitten by a dog owned by Mra. V... Q. Ballrelcb, 43(! A c;acla . Ave., Corona del Mar·at 12:3l-p, "' m. Sunday . AITA Wt. POP! .)OU TW. . '!M- CL08E TO DANGER Ewn when you are cJo&e to home you are Btill clOM lo danger, warns lhe National Autombb.lle: Club. Be:'rore turning lnto utat driveway take .. a rood· look about you and rnke the proper arm a!g· nala m· a c lear and unmi21takablJ! . •• ·';; .. i.:.· . . ,. . • .I'S-+• -• -I • .. . . ' ' ' . We Ne~d You;· Coo~eration and Financial S\.lppo;i:t t~· enable 'tis :. ·' • • t~ cf11fray the expenses ~f our I . . . . • • .,FirS ; AuRual Ne~Pllrt Harbor • lntetcoHegfate. ··Crew Rega~~ • ' ; / ~1ec1 · t~ Satutd -Afler~ . APRn: · 14, J.N NoR'l'.H '.Ufo CHANNEL - \ . . . . ! • ' ~ • . - Our Regette -Fund Is Needed Prior t9 ·Races .end We Request Your E'erly Colitribut~on. Any Sum, Lerge or Smell ,. Will .Be "Gratefully Received., _. ' ;; ' Pleese Make Your ·Chee~ fayeble to the Newport _Herbor Chamber of Commerce end Send to 702 Eest Balboa Blvd., Balboa . I , ~ This Is Your Opportunity to T ~ke an Active Part in Helping ·Bring to Nllwport Herbor, an , :t' ' . ' ··, Event of ~ati~~al lmporta1ce. , : : .. LETS ,_.P.U'i ;'~PORT ' HA~.ac;>~ ON TH• MA~ .. # -• ~ • ' -~ .;. ,• ' 'I'· ... ' • • •.·I i ·' . f; auJ~. qu;r. of IOy~n - ' TrurUte at l.e9ular Prte~ . ·of Only $1.56· • ::!:1 · l StcoH Q11rt fer 0 .. , • •. ... ' ' I Hero'• yeur cha...e tol'W new celer .Into your .,._ et• ...i •• 1.;,1 Simply conie llllo our ltOn, buy -cuiart of lu1trou1 ·-.,... T,.,.Lltit , ' lno-1 ot ,...;1ar price.of 91'1y $Lii i get -~d """" ,__ly If odc41!io1N1I. Ten 9loriou1 pa11W tha~ ... ea1y to handle •·· clrleil - •lght to a lteacltiful 111011 • , • l....,•1 c'hip ••• waohGble .. Ii clNINI lllilo. . , .t" ' ' I • • ~ I '· • • • I.• • • ~· ·~II~ ~~w ~·, r#nr $f E,t1ii. _1~tf: "~1c'!,.~:~• ... Dl!l:J!EA.VTl:f\ll; CO,l,OR8 -MOlfTEBEY WBJTll, UOllT ~.-.Cll"4~ JVOB1','. ! UC$'r;BLVZi UOr~.BAi., A . car, OAN.AJI~ ~ AND.00\'.& ORA!', ~ STA.&Tll ,nio&Y, •• N ,LDDT wilD.z ,SVPPLIU·~ :'...ANY ooilia; ili .t • • 1. .-~. -. ... ••• &llO;r-. •.. '... . :· . • . ..I! .~ -. ,,.·' ''. ~ ~ •• • ~.: • ... ' t ,. • I .-r 'f· • • 1 '. '"" • ..... • , ' 4~ .,,): I '+ • • • .•• , •• -.;....,#' #•,..._ • ..J-• • • -~ J ' , . ' t· • i t . ' • ., 1 -l I I •• 1 • •• • ·Tuesday, April 10, 1951 ' . alb Hqrt· in H ayCrash TWo penona were. fn~ one c::rlUcally. ln a pair of\tratfic acci- dent.a near Newport Beach l"rkf*.y a!Urnoon. the ~lifornla Highw.y patrol hu reported. In • "fair" Cond\tlon at Santa Ana Community hoept'ta.1 wu Dominic Gotti, Jr .. 30, mualclan of Loa A.n.gdea. He suffered critical .tnjurie• a~ul 3 p. m . Frtd&y when hie car rammed the rear of a truck, driven by Jame• L. Fon· talne 43, of Whittler on Coast Hwy. at E. J.lorning Canyon Rd., Sho~ c :11re. Investigating Highway Patrol offic~n said the truck had atop-·~ to make a left tum when the car driven by Gottl era.shed lnto the rear end. Fo'htaine waa not burl. John \V. Malin. 35, of 311 Ruby :Ave., Balboa Island, .111ufferttd minor Injuries when hie car ran off Lane Road, one mile eut or Newport Blvd. about 6 : IS p. m . and wound up In a ditch . Given emergency treatment. Malin wa.s later booked in Orange county jail on a dnmk charge. . N,ame Manacien of County Fair _ • Announcement of appo intment~ C?f several departm('nlal managers and auperviaors for the t 951 Or- ange Count y ~ai r. t1chedult'd for 'Aug. 15-19 inC., \#ere made last Week. Harry Macres, Santa Ana and l.Aguna florlst. will serve u super- vlaor of lhe floriculture de pa rt- ~ut:ut... ~tcwart Y03t of N<'WpOrt l:Seac11 hu been engagN:I as commercial '!ipace.managt>r and "°'ill handle aalc ,of advertis ing for the pre mium 11.11{ booklet and for the official pro- •gram. • The horse show will be managed by Harry Ma.rreU of Garden Grovf' ln uaislance with hi~ wlf(', ~lah . 'who wi.11 S('rve u secrelllry. : Bob Max.well, who handled pub- licity for the Orange Co\11\ly FaJr ·during-the I949 season,. will bead ~p.ubllclty. • ATOMIC BOMB LIFE SAVERS* By Maj, <non. \\'a.It.er M. Roberlaon. CalUornia ~lrtttor of ClvU Defense . ' ••• t -1 _.~ . · •• -· -·--... -NEWPORT ttLaOA· .NEWS.TIMES --. . ' -.--• Soutlt Coast, Co. A~Fro~e, - ' ' ,. .. ~ ' ' . .. ' • I •· , . '-0,.1· .. -•; . . . . ~· • ,, .... • ' ' ~ ot' . .. ~. 'OCn Ad. . ·" e•-:...: .. '..1_ · · c<i-11a;,. w ~ ~i . '. · . ~ '. UJI ... mim Geanns ... for war producUoll ta the SOulh Coaot Company In New· port lle&dl whlcb baa jnat elgned a'> leue with Wllllam P&Jlle of Anaheim tor an &ddttlonaJ 100 toot ot frontage, on Newport Boulevard and-Balboa Bay Wat. of tbe .com- pany'e Utatlng yard. • • • I• • • . ,• ~t'.':":-.: ~-~-u .... -..A pr ..... -.:.:!. ... "uttle ~111mrns of lrha an..,. ~ n1 I WI I.JC ICllJlf ty . 3t.1~:tu~~ ltOw ..... Star~ TOmOiTow · By MARG<;>-.. .. , . • • Lotting le al~ady under way on lbc four M. S. B. Minesweepers Which South Cout Wiil build a.od buJ..I work la expected to be under· way in thirty daya. The additional Bp&Ce just acquired on a f)ve year leue will be uaed for storage of cradles and jugs and a portion to provide offetreel parking for em- ployeea:. During the peflk of their war production t.n World War II South Coast oc~~ed the land now placed under lease and used ad- ditional Pacific Electric property &cn>8! the 11treet for storage pur- pose•. Announcement of the le&&e was made by Walter Franz, president of the compariy. Other offtc~rs ate Leo Benzlnl, treuurer and vice- prealdent and Stuart Enrlgbl, sec- retary_ . YOU MUBT ALL l"ACl'l 'THE MUSIC! wboO daru tum b'f back on TV f f 1 ;And you hav,n't & moment to apare1 Vacatkmeri a.nd naUvea aft.ke·-are taklnl" advantage ot the .. ttlZVltUON RENTAL Sl!:T8 NOW AV.AILABLl'J> AT Tio: HOU8J: Olf HARMONY, Coeta Mua. :nil.I hut• mualtal me....., lo rentJni RCA and Hoffman Door model eeta tor u low u • buclt a daf. Get with thl.a eo yotJ won't mlae Cecil the. Soulek Serpent,or 't.M next appe&rance or Greuy Thumb Gumik. *TV •ta are delivered and tnetalJed for free. Hurry up and rent one of t.he11e, or It you're planning on deeertlng your wife <husband, opUona.J) '1Uld 4 kid&, be a lovable old aporl and buy them a brand ,..... Pacltard·llell. RCA. Hortman or Dumon• TV eel' before you take off. They'll ni!ver mla you, your cad! HOUSE OF HARMONY '1817 Newport Ave., Coate Mesa.. Beacon 6737-6603. •• • • SANE SENSIBLE STROLLERS SLIP INTO, SANDALS IN THE SPRlNG! Or Mother bid• you unbind ,your feeL OR wbal a relief to have the snow and a'lush off the ground, the alelgh tn' thfo moth balls, and the toe out of the, boot! Thia tS my very· OWll coy announcement that ll.ARBER'S BOOTERY ha.a ao many sandala---- More than I evet .av.:i PJeaae don't bother flying oft to N. Y.: ChiCaco or Bellflowe r for a\ pair of shoe!!!. They're &II at Barber'e Bootery In C08t.a Mesa. Stay at home my love and dangle your toes In the new all white drape aa.nd&le with medium wedge hffl. neat but never gaudy at $6.95. Or see the &howy wedge type aandal In multi-color, red qr while at $4.93: low flat wedge, white 01 L• S .,.U b Sun-tan and pretty baretoot SBJUSals at $3.9~. Are Y.OU lmpreued le~ OU~ae Y at aJI with the fact that Barber's Bootery haa a complete array-10( A I• D I summertime foot gear! ARE YQ.U ! ? ? Oh they have Prima. pp IQftCe ea er Cover Olr1 Fiala. Hollywood Skootera for $6.0$ ($2 less than mk.t. . price I and myriads of merry little shoea and aa.ndals. If you1tt t Tnder a~vl.sement toda y waa the , with children, Ba.rber·a haa Sun-Sana, Kedettes and plent y of other1 auit of Danlger Broe. of Santa Remember! If the ahoe won't fit. they \llon 't fo rce It at Barber'• Ana whic h la seeklng a n1aterlal-Bootery. 1706 Newport· Ave., Costa Me8B.. ' ~a~~. I~~ a~~!~sf.e~~= ~~~t:~:~ ' • • e • of Coat.a Mes&. tOr SI I~5.83 worth PEOPLE WHO UVE l.N OLASS HOUSF.S shou ld n('ver take s ot appltancea furnished for t.he shower in the daytime ... UNLESS THAT JS THEY HAYE HAO :lpartmenl. THE FORESIGHT TO FIRST CHECK WITH THE SHADE SHOP! Superior . Judge Kenneth E THE SHADE SHOP IS STll..L TAJUNG ORDERS FOR, FLEXALUM Morrison took the C83t' under study (ALUMINUM \~JAN I BLINDS ... very high quality V. -Friday aft~r a day 9f Pvi,Qt-nce wv Blinds that can ~ obtained In many decorator coloM!I. Helen prcsentied. It was di.scloaed that Wolfard can a.l!to-.lnsure 1your privacy by sUJt~estlng artlatic arra.nge- three con1binallon sink uni ta, ln-n1enls for any ty-pe window. The Shade ·Shop ca.Mies all manner eluding ranges and ~frl1terators, of drapery hardware. DOUBLE SASH ROOS, SWING LOCK FIX- were obla.lned from Da.nlger Broe,. TURES. TRAVERSE RODS. GOOSE-NECK BRACKETS, etc. Ir in a rcmcXlMing Contract being your old rpller shade• Insist on leading lhelr own lives, and 'making done by Jamt>s F . Clark a.a con· your home life generally n1ieerable. Helen Woltar<t can reverse tractor. them. repair them or sell you new ones at the SHADE SHOP, IJ14 Clark became bankrupt and now 29th St., Newport Beach. Harbor 884. • • • ' ' ! • .. • or uuJtie '!I'-lo -0,. tempo or. a J .' II. llo\Cll J'ucUO. · No AIT<llled In the raid we"' Joe · • ~ ·-, ·J>oW ""'! ,.\joy Y.,ur .......... you eaa f.t the 'muOtc of or lt Roclrtguu, 34, hie wife, Carmeb, ·• Mra. Cbfj.atlna ~ lal.ef· al.~u. .HOUU::iQi' ~ONT, Colt.a lfM:a. 6U> 'fHI8 llOTE 30, tenanta of U'le·boutae which GUI lor decora.tor &nd •tnetniier ot UM PLll:~llE: ; "-• ~ pnhta at H. or R. · l!aa a apec1a1 on now-wu attempting to 'Visit; P'N.nl< etif.ff or Orllng'e•Cout colleJ<. wW WlUf.J...!!!_fY., lQ.,i or '1.r LP reoocd YoU buy, you ~l • Coltlfl}bl& r V~Oes,' 23: and hla wife, J~nnie-, give first of a ~rlu of t~hlNI LP ........, In eltber dualcal or pop. Aleo try ·thla qn ,Our 'Cla"'· ~8. ol Loa Ange .... !ond Tllornu from 1 :30 to 3 :30 p. m. totno.mw Cbonl .•. The Houao ·of Harmony 'bu the lal¥Mt aelectldn of 415 f!odrtguez. 23 of Wht tier. !Wednesday r. in th .. EbeU clllb- •'Pm'• oa the Wat Cout. Victor hu broll&"ht out a wonderful new The gang bad been· under .the house. The lttlurea are spomored Treuury Gt Immortal Puformancu • ...._ in •D'L Now you. can ecruUny of officers and at.ate nar-by the colJe~ find will nm for hear earu.o, Alma Gluelleo: Tet:.ru1nni......cl tM other cn:ate .(!\ thea colics agenta for 80Jne time_, It _jdght weeka with the exception of new '8 ~ releuN made from the orif{nal Vlcton. The JUz waa diacloeed. They.said the gang May 30, Memorial Day: tnilnort.at.. like Bunny ·Berte-an'• IN A )Qft', old . Artie Shaw-wa.e suspected of supplyln.I" ped· A. national figure In both b<JUe-. 'Jramerey Flvee, old cn,.by, &nd the bMt"of the collector Item• &re-dlerll who worked fn the vlclr9ty Ing and decOrattve fielda, x:f9. "1.a available . . . You mwit bq.r Susy'• pltch on the "3 tpm••. of Whlttl~r. Montebell~ and Gar-Fl"c.>derlck W&s for seven )'mte Su.ay aaya they are 'iupertor in every way u far u reproduction, field high s chooll. H'o1~hold editor of 'Ute' I•4'9a' long wea.r A. for ,nteordln.1 a.rt.lits. She oucht to know. Y&u .can Home Journal and for 29 yean 1•t an RCA ai,rtomatlc chan1"er for 112.'BG and become a mu.sic Dodge ls movi~g. Watch it ! Woman'.s editor of the ..t.mericaa lover tn the same lencth of Ume It takes you to speed' to the HOUM Weekly. First to take up tM or Hannooy. 1817 Newport Aye., Costa Mesa. Bea. 5737-11663. LEGAL · NOTICE-scientific study of the dealgn and placement of hOU8ehokl equtp- 1 • • • mcnt, she wa.s for i:nany yean 4l-- 8ALUDOS! PEDRO A: GONZALES! AT· NOTICE INVITING BIDS recto r of the Household E;xperia rENDE AMIGOS FOR FAVOR! (ln the Notice la hereby given that the ment station at Greenlawn, Lons nea.,tln1e pardon my grammar school Spani.sh. I Board of Tru.slet>s .of the Or&ngE> lslend wher~ shC feAtured a dem· But have ' you fellow• heard the atory that's Coaet Junior College Distr ict of onatration home with each room been noaUng around the Harbor? No. It's Orange County. Calli .. will receive de YC'lotx·<I in a distinct period and 1ot about you senora thla time. Jt'e the one bid.I up t o the hour of 10:00 A. M . with a fasc inating $10,000 modern ('ve been telling everybody about the Casa on the 25th day of April, 1951, at kitch<'n. :Ion Carlos. environ of the Enchanted En-the office of said sChool Dllltrlct. Mrs. FrNleric k ha. been ' tea· -::hllada. Caaa don Garloa ha.s wperba Mexlcan located at l995I S. Harbor Blvd .. tured lecturer ln both thla Country ;ood! Authentic South or the Border -dlnnert Col:ta Mesa. Ca'ir .. at whl'ch time and in Europe', where ahe ape11t ">r a la carte frljolea con muy questo, terrific said bids will be publicly optoned two years s tudying Houaing p_roj. Tacos, Chile Rellenoa and Arroa Espanol! Thia llUle qff the trail for·lhe furnishing of lh~ following : ects in Uulland, Britain, etc., aftd care haa a aplCy fl'agTance and a Jot of atmoephei"t!. Kerosene lamp Towel Service · wherr s he studied Color Wider Ughllnc Is ao kind. And lf ln a moment of complete abandon, you Duplicating Paper ·'. Fr<'n ch ma.sle r8. · Often called a Jealre native muaic. there'"a a soft thrOflted juke box with La Bor-Ga801ine and Fuel Oils ··co'or Consuttanl,' sh_e makd ~a ·achlta 8.nd other McxJca.n. melodies. (Cheaper t ha.n marlae.hl~!) Light Bulbs specialty of ·sctt:ng" lh~colol' Complete dihnere ·are 96c, IJ."· $1.75. The $1 .715 dinner la laced t Janitorial Supplies plans for a S'ingle room, or an en· with a· big' Top 8irk>in Steak for people wtth acid0.ls or Dry Scalp.. Used Driver Education Car llr!' house. She has Writteh nVe The cold Carta Bl!l"c:;~ and u. 8 . beer make. 11. aa.Uefying wash for with Chev. Sedan 2-door books, one> of which is tran..late<l ·.hie fine Mexican food. Caaa don Car1"8. 113 22nd St .. -N~port. turn-In in seven languages! · Harbor 2838·M. Week daya. ~9. Sun. 6-IO. Clotted Tueedaya. · The said Board of TrustcW! aha'! In this series, llhe wtll cover .ucb • • • PA8TE THJS IN YOUR HAT! The Arn1slrong Linoleun1 Mfg. be the sole judge of the meril.8 and topics, a3: "Furniture Placement," qualifications o f the equiprne nl or-w ith C':n p hasis on tclevts.ton f'OOin fert.•d, and reserves the righl ' to arrang-Pln~nts; "Oetting yo tl'r reject alt bids, and lo~ waive any MOney's W&rth In Buying J'uml. Informality in any bid. tur('"; "What the We-lldn:ped Opt•ning-dale : April 25, 1951, Wi;idoW Should Wear"'-; ·:M.a.tchlns 10:00 A.~ Your Room to Your Peraonaltty"; Signed: etc., etc. QuesUo~ will be answer. BASIL H. PETERSON, 1-d . as far as· t ime perm.Ila. The Is reported in the n1illlary servtceK in Ala.eka. Daniger, through Al lys. Lester Van Tatenhov1 and C. Arthur Nis- HOn. contend th~ Hunters sho uld be '1eid reaponalb'e for the pur- chaae, whlle Defense Atty. Milford Dahl denied their .claim. C.O .• has a divine new creation for apltt.llerers. cu.lied oddly enoU:gh ARMSTRONG SPATrER LINOLEUM! The COASTLINE FLOOR COV>;RING CO. HAS A SPECIAL ON THIS HANDSOME STUFF ft. T ft.M ~Q. TARD. Thts lntereating pattern la very goOd.Jooking and pracllcal too. Clarence Page of the Coastline C.o. comes from l!l k>ng line of Unoleum Layers and knows all the secrets of the cran. He will lnatall this fine Llno1eum tn any large or sraall are&. IF YOU 1-IAVE ONLY 6 DOLLARS IN YOUR Anolher •pe<:lalty of the Coutllne Co. la COVE BASE INSTAL- Sec. Board of TrU8l~s talks will be illustrated with a Adv.: AprU 10.17, 1951. small m odt'l ·room· and toy turnl- No. 194 -Times. ture ; with the latest suggeaUons C. M~ Bldg. Permits Permit.a for 17 housea werf' is- 8Ued for the Cm ta M esa area by 'he county building dt>partment in tht J>ASt month. POCKET. consider yourtielf fortunate! You r~n LATIONS <Lligoleum covered bueboards) at '16c running foot. Cove take all the family over to the AXC,'HOft (:A.lrE ba.aea are very mbm ln technique and ln•ure cleanliness .. --nC'I PubllHh April 10·I7, 19!)1 . in fa brics. \Vllll papers and almila.r iletns. for a nice litle dinner party and still have mo ney comers to catch dirt ... Consult with Mr. Page also on hi• ·Unoleum le ft for 110me good cigars and 8 movie! The drain-board.a. Inata.llatlona are alrtctly water proof and the aver-NOTICE OY E ION Anchor Cafe features nice nourishing dinners age KITCHEN DRAJNBOARD 108 R.U:S!!j ABOUT SSI for THE Notice la hereby the tor around a dollar ... and alao will serve your COMPLETE .JOB. COASTJ.INt: ·FLOOK CO\'~RING, 18th llnd ~1ectora or the .Ne rt Harbor Scandia Wins little one-s a special chlld"s plate to call lhelr NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA. BEACON 6261-J. Union High School D sirtcl of Or- very own! One of the specialties de malM>n is ange County, Callfor ia, th&t"lhe (Contlauttl trum Pace 1) a small fillet steak for SI . If you want to h1:1.ve • • 1 • Annual ElecUon t:J member• of total ela~ t ime of 2J h: 22 m . quite a blt of change left In Your jeans. order a chlli-burget', or a HERE IS A MESSAGE FOR ·ALL the Board af Trust of the New-37s. to win the Jamee cacney chill alze. o r bacon A: eggs! The Anchor Cafe a lms to eerve good CADILLAC OWNER.8 ! port Harbor Unk>n High School trophy~ ene of s ix t>11ete.nUou• fill ing mettla tn a friendly prtce range. Pe(lple come out or the BE IT KNOWN HEREWITH : Di.strict will be held 1on •the third awards. Anchor Ca.fe looking very contented. Dinner apes;lalties . are on The Kotlage Kate Is no snob! If Friday or 1'.{ay, viz, May 18, 19f>l , •tta l Ra:m:.ei"s Antigua, wu until 7 p. m. Early bird breakfasts start at the crack ot dawn . . . you own a big, 1:111ooty car (paid for or It wUI be necessary: to elect bOti , iotne-4Q minutes ~ck, ~o~ :i a . n1 , .. Hours Sa!'. I2 M thru' Sun. 7 p. ni. Closed Wed. Anchor not I or live In the high rent district member. ' by ·or. Bertin Hall'a'Suoml. · .. • What e leme nts of the atomic bomb cauae the moat c8.11Ual · Ilea ! , · · • · The'" el:ment .... m a'k 1•n •g {h""e A-borub different la explosive radioactivity, but m<M>t dam- age I• cauaed by lls blut anl.1 heat fl.a.ah. Total valuation o f buJ:ding pro- j cclll in that area. durlt1g the pe- riod l.a 1147,8:>8. according to esti- ntalea lillted on the pt"rmlts. C-Oeta of $IO.OOO or more wera e8&iraa.led -ff» . ..OD ly . bttA.-(lf. ~ con.!'truct lon jobs. A permit. wu .laaued to C. M . Mears for a $I~.­ OOO lhr~-ualt apartme nt and garage al 1.990 Harbor Blvd. Cate, 7IJD Coaat Hlway, Newport Beach. (pd. for or not. You ca'.n atilt• ldle µp JlO The pollin·g p'acea far eat.cl el~· · · . L · ' lb• Kottac-e··Kate and set a lk HAM'-tore of the Ne'YfJ)O~ Ele-___ i:!nt~ Fou.n.._ · _. · _AR·~-OIN ...... · ,.~;_.1~.N., .•· • ·~'! BURllER-·The ,&1.ea.dly Kott.age IC&fe Jnent&ry School ct. oi the · '1il fourth \vaa Sca.J1dlaJ ~It c. · -v en. "-""-Pl.t'M'A -ut. •how• no diacrt.m'lnatton. ANYO~"ta.n Newport Hart.or k>n · High with 8 ' t fute· allowance or 3h, tm. .. ' • At Hiro.hJma and Nagasaki allghtJy over ooe·haU or a.II deaths and lnjury were attrtb- uted lo blut. N~ly o ne- lhl)'d of .the casualties were fr'C?m heat naah. At.lmlc explosion s high above g-round ca uae the mOll!l wide- tprUd dama ge. Exp\pslohs c Io 8 e t o the ground or be.low Its surface reduce lhe range of radiation. bla&t and heat t1aah. Thia ls becaUM the three elemi:,nts are ly blocked by the earth. rby buildings and other ob- ~a. · 'nJ.e scattered d I r t and duet ~ be dangerously l'"&dlQILctlVe. ~ In an underwater bu.rat there l8 leas to fear from bla..at, not.hlng lo fear from he:&l but •extreme dinger from radio- acti~-miate. •Sottre•:-SUtvival Under A.toMic Attack, official U . 8. Obvit. book.let. Fred H . Barker r('ct;lved a per· mil for a house and ~aralZ:e to be bunt at 2202 S.E . C liff Or.,. (Qr SIQ,000. DEATH NOTICES • LAlTRA MJLDRED FOSTER F\Jnera1 .services w~re conducted at Forest IAwn Monday at 2 p.m . ror Mrs.1 Laura Mildred Foeter. wife of ~-M. FoatPr and mother of Solon R . Fot1ter of 113 -Topaz, BaJboa Island. Mrs. Foster wu visiting her daughtPr at Anderson Dani. Idaho, at time of death. Stte la survi'led by her husband, J . M. Foeter : one daughtrr. Mrs. E. S. Wlcker1tham. Anderson Dam. Idaho. Solon R. Foeter of Balboa Island and six grandctUldn=n. • BEDBUD8 IN BLOOM Red.buds are In bloom in Lake County area lhb week, reports the National >tutomobUe Club. Molor- lata can see this colorful display rtorn many plac'te on local high· wayj, ·rhe EASY· DOES· IT CORNER .By CLA YrON THOMPSON . How 1o Maki Sh11pl1 Etilwgeiicy Pi1M Wmicli • We ._m. to nm into'11ot ofr. 90tlJ'Cetu.l peopla.. One of them, w}lo kMp• hi• •tons• tank fUll of Standard Aatomoti.Ye Dieeel FaeL told a.a how H r. P.aired hi• etora1• taa..k pipe I.ta.a• with: th• emer1•DCY • ~ diapuDmod. ': Call .. todoy obout Studad Aa.toaotl•• Di•eel heL It'll p,.. u • chanc-to no. yoa • Urie kiK al ..-.ice oa which • _..;. btllh -1-1 ..... _ • 'A few weeks a.go l was feelini:-very nervous and run down. •ck up wnh a ~ellc\bwi EmJr-Burger! School Dl11trtct ar" U .foltowa: 318. unde.r 'ttic Jong dlst.a.nce ,rule, l cou ld NCarcely crawl arouhd ~he waterfront. I trted takln'° every· ·Tbe carnage Trade set.a the same 1'{ann1Q'a Beef on A ses&me Prcci)lcl No. 1-New~rt School ea.!lil.v took t he Antigua best cor- thlng from pennies out of the baby'a bank to Hadacol. Then one bun with the same honie-grown relish at the same price lSc. 1'1e lfth and Balboa Blvd .. In aa.Jd reeled t ime t"rophy aa well 88 ris y I riragged into your Np;WPORT BAK~RV. There wu a day! Kottaare Kate Katen to -Hll'ft·H&t &: Working Kap-alike. -And -'lllly----dunenlary '•c h o q ~· dlfflricl her O\\'n Scandia cup ror beln.c 1 boua;ht a loaf or your NUT tlEALTH BK~AD for •ic This health body wile drives up tb a horse &: buggy, Ma(:k Truck. or souJ)M up Preclnct Nu. I donslsts of ll1e first K-38 to finish. bread made of bran.. nuts, and sweetened with honey made a new bicycle can get a big order of Fn'ndt. t""'rie9 ror I6c: You c~ park Newport Beach C ity PrccincWJ The l T. s . Navy's big. proud woman of me! Now I eat your health bread dally wtth baked beans any type vehicle on the parking Jot and eat xour. lunch with Dignity Nos. 1. C!. 3, 4. 5. ~ ~· 11. I5. yawl, Sal uda, wu the fift.h boat or With Ph.illdelphla cream cheeSe. I also do all m y 'own typew'r1tl11g (an ~Id collt;l'fl chum!) .. , I say again .and a,gane, ·aU :of you can 11-; 18 ,19, 20 and p 11rr Hav-home, but ~ing 8 &p'&tch entry 11.nrf am preiddent of the Brownie mothers: I am telling all my get • Ta.co for 20c, tt thick malt for 25<:: and get •h"appiy al the en Subdivision. her t rophiea were also scratched. trtentts to come to Your martelous bakery (Dr ener~zlng choc. chtp KOTT AGE KA.FE, 1920 Newport Blvd., l lblk. beyond the Mesa The officers e_ppolnled to con-Lancer. w h Ile Cloud and cOoklea, fruit bars, oatmi-al &: sugar cookies. Since I am n~ Theater _ (Clo8ed Tue8daya.). duct the election in the above-Break -A-J-[eart followed. 8lront; enough t o go on Picnics, I ha ve tried your wonderful ham-natned preci.nct are : Several prospective Tran.epa- burger & welner rolls. I give quite a few parties ~d cert&lnly do • • • Mrli. Julia 'Mae Egg e rt, cif i<' varhl race contenders were l!njoy your beautifully decorated cakes and French p&alriee. 'Mla.nlta A.ND JUST WHY ARE YOU SITflNG BY In.apeclor ~ in th~ st arting fleeL One wrPrtse ag&.ln ... and be aure ~ Mve me 2 doun of your poppy seed THE DOOR \VAOGINO YOUR TAIL AT ME. Mra. Nina . K. Holtby. judge · en tr)· was the 44 .rt. yawl Golden ~Is! I'll pick them up at your NEWPORT BAKERY. 2112 OCEAN OOG-Ji'ACES! Oh I see . _ . WeU :you can just Mra. Aurelia Nit'miee, JudGt> Bird. bnilt In the Yokosuka. FRONT, NEwPoRT BEACll ... Love, Ma rgo. unpack. •your .Flea-bags, take ):'our l~bes p~l ot Prec;inct No. 2-CprolJ& df'1•Mar J a pan . naval yards aln~ the last a a a .. your n1outh11, a.nd put tho"\ puppy bieuults itck School, in . said e~emenlary ., .... a r and own~d by Adm. s . W. LET'S YOU ANO ME GO ON A BIO BINGE HONEY AND ln the •r:k! ll'a not qulle lime' to go lo lhe sc hool district. PrC"¢inct No. 2 ~ck er The boat h1 atilt rep • . ~ n ••• h. cons!eta of NewpOrt Beach tcred ~t a J apan ... yacht clnb. PAJNT THE TOWN RED .-.. SHALL WE ? ? ? Tell you w•-t. ,Lii .... "99 .--.; Honeally .you dogs you. ever Cit in •-N 6 7 O 2 ,_ I I told bo l th t y prec C'-l; OS. ' ' 1 . l • Chum . . we'll It.art. out at lhe BALBOA 6 & 10. I don't want 'to ~nceLa M ~ :cilnu ~ h•r;•rto:aLe~u;.g spa. I3, 14 . 16, 21 r 2.2. 23. Se appear cheap about lhl.a whing-ding, but & girl'a got lo play It cagey. e ea· . a r c or ga, aven·•t The officers appointed lo con· wer Proftram And the Balboa 5 & IO'• got a reasonable new line of KOY AL had • mon\en.t • peace. You 1'4:1'ates could at duel the election in the above-'!!I DUTCH PAJNT .tha.t's quality st uff. How much c&n you ha.ndlt? l~t, ahow ~.the com~ de~cy to. wa_lt u~tll I'm ready to leave n&n1ed precinct.are : - A fourth of a pint or a quart? We'll each get our own Jug .. eh? town · Altbo 1 really don~ bl~ yqu for w-.nttng to board ·~ this Mrs. Anne Crawl, lnspttlor (Conllnu.-d from Pace ·t • J oint Outfall Sewer llyetem and pay operating-co.ta. And our own brush 0 . K.? They've got every color of the ra.ln· dogp dude t~ch. ~ut q.ult .~wing a~ .the door .apd behsv~ YOUT· Mn. Ja.ne E. Morgan, Judge bow. So we can either do-this thing up firown or get complettly •lv~• until its lime to leave. An;d trr and remember thls-\\'hlle Mn. Marlha Cuningham, Judge shellacked"! Are you game? And J alao hear that their Lacquer you re at the La Meea. Ranqi, you re each tp b,a.ve Yoitr own ~30x30 The polls will be open bt'tween Wouldn't U11e Une .,_ l"hlnner, Varnish & Turptntlne are 100 proof. Whee! Or llmten. fuh and your own shade tree. Aleo 1be stire to, drink {>lenty or the hours of 7 a . m . and 7 p. m . CM·nt:rs of rural pro~rty tn maybe we can really hang one on and gild the town! BalbOa fresh ",'ilk tn the morning. Al and Dni Thofnpson have a perfectl_v LILLIAN W . BUTLER, Clerk tlle8" ilit1lricl8 con~cnded lJley did 5 &:. Dtrhe has gold A silver paint. I tell you. we'll really palnt thl.1 c.b&rrf'lng cow namett palsy who gtve• milk ISy the bucketa!, And Board of Trustees not entlclpatr U8e of the wwer old town Indoors & ouL Sia! And we'll get all our supplies at the ~.urthe~ore they have an ariatocraUcl F~ch Alpine goat called . Newport Hubor Union High Jines for many years .. with the r•- Flve &: Dime .. I bear they've got everything but canned 'heat at Dollar. Remember I mentioned. Abig&ll? Well ahe considers her-School Distrlct. sulti.ni;: agreement. Howe+.er, Ute sot M.a.l.n. ~ aelf the Ela&. Maxwell of the dog world.f and ahe'H help you all have No. 198:...._Ttn:tee. bOnd bUy£'rs could not undertake t • • • .... a good tlme. 0 . K. line up now puppie&.flrst, big dogs to the rear, PubliaJi April 3-10-17, 1951. purC'h&sc -Of the bonds If .the ta.x and rn _take you over to Al and Dru rri.omp110n'11 La Mesa Ranch limits w"re rnforced. boNl TAKE TnJE TO BUn.f> .A LITrLE for Dop in ~ta Mesa. What'e that . hone. nUmber'f (I'll call up Cf:&TIFICATE OF BUSINESS Marks i"&id lL<w!Med valuaUoN GRAY HOGAN IN THE WEST. I've g-ot one Mn. Thompson at Beacon ~R and tell her we're on 'the way ! FlcUtloaa Flna N'Une of the districts would permit DU- right here for you ... Drop that T aqua.re! MWlh, clop! -tricts 2 and 3 to pay their •hare _ e·• • J • THE UNDERSIGN~, do here-of the purchase pdce in 13 year., Here's a chance for Y. ou lo become what la b rtlf '"·t th d t .l. Y ce Y ...... ey are con uc • and District-7 would complete tta I kno th l ded t -·-d·~ ble DON'T YOU wISH A NEAR SIGHTED' in h to t dl d b t wn u e an · gen ry. ......... -=-.ra , g a p o 8 u o an p o o sup-payments in 30 years. "' " little ocean rronl houite la on the Balboa Pen· BURGLAR or a ro~g collector for The Good· ply buatneu at 306 Palm Avenue. The Appellate court •id thf' -· lnsuJa and ha& a swMplng view of the Paclflc. will would creep ln our Cloaet and cart oft yoUr Balboa, California, undec the fie-engineering survey wae intended ESTATE I'd aay lhe 'owners have had a lot of.. pleuutt old ft'umpy frocfta! ! '? Here It la AprU and .tltloUs firm name of BULA ~ only as a guide and there WU and comfort.able liV\D.g In thl1 2 bednn. beach home. i'I'he large llvitlf: you ahould be spro liq new buds and frond.a, Pl--JOTOS aod t,hat ntd firm ls iCtually no 1imltalton uPon the room l1 arti.IUcaJly panneled and ha8 a high beamed celling. The burltinc ,out of Y r chrysalla. and displaying composed of tlle-rouo~ng per80nA. 1amount of taxes which may be kitchen ta an ell .ahaped a.tfatr just off the living.room whJch alll)W• ~ut l~the k>•e1lneU ln new lpriDC" finer)'. I am whose name's tn full ~d pl~ces of levied insofar u .the bonds ln cfbea· for audience participation by the cook. And of ooune, there'• a · Just rowdJ' enOUl"h surcut that )'OU Mt ri reaidence are aa follq,yr~. lo-Wit ; tlon are concerned. big ftrep1ace! The bath .epa.r&lea the 2 bedrooms and ha.a an out; .to· your cloeet. coll the inlUl'a.nCe and ,hustle AR~ SO..VER. ThC opinion waa written by~ side ahower tor bather's convenience. There's a c,me.nt patio on thna ·the ..amok9 an i fla.Me to the POLLY AP-509% East Balboa Blvd., siding Justice Charles R. ~ the ocean aide and a Iarre, a&4dY sun-yard u you enter. Thia it PA.BEL. I pranced 10 or 12 racks of char-. BAI~ Calitpmtal with .\S{K>clate Ju.etlcee Lloyd ·z. the· deal home for a small.family or It bu aJJ eo.r,U of poalbllltle• min•, lnexpenlJV. over th.re. Bright Ser-MERVfltl FREEMAN• 'Gi-iffen and Stanley ·Mu.ueil cOa- tor eJt.largtng. There's room /or 2 autoa In the garage, and room bin celaneae jer It Serbin Goller, ~reg. and 509 1,! ~l Balboat Blvd , curring. tor plenty of happy 1M>me ll:te ln the house. You•u agree that the. % ldM 110".9& -112. : Joi..n MUler J r& for llWe Balboa, California: The board• are scheduled to prtce tar le cobalderate at 117.500. You can' come to t.enn.1 wtt.b 'adlea ~ 9-ll;' Sun--drUle. wlt.b ned !i..q'uea $8.96; Ptcolay W.ITNESs our bands this 16th n1eet at lhe court tiou.e Werdrlea-- 8ally or .lfm Newb at the "ob.a Barn.laam a.I bfat.e Ottk!e. 001 Sun·Vp 6 Down m..e. wtth· jacket.a $ -11; a ';pee: La,.,.,n.. wuh-day ot• March, 1'31.-' day night. E. Balboa mvd. Hu. 1Gl)7. • ,.ibo llnm-~ype In .....,, ~ na~ w:ftll black .trtra .J.H.911. Ob ARTHUR Slt1YER, , ------ ; e . e • f9!t U ·you re t.be ttsht _.pe, $-her.'• a , nM:11: ef piod d.ft!MM • MERVYN FREEMAN. \ • . .• ,...,. ~ .. u•· 11,l!;CAUID!: y P<\Y UI LADlES' l>AY State ot'aufomla, Korea Vet . -uwl.lf you walk a utu~ fuQir!'-Mid a mackerel to a mal1j AT tou.-i: APPAMJ .. 1831 N ..,..., Pott& Kea. 1 County !Jf Orange, •. I I "Thera'• a eeaba• cloolo behind us. and he'• lrM<luis on my tajl. , j . '·. ON 'PtDS l~th d&Jlj pf Matth.· (~llnue<I from Par Jl See how eagerly th8 Jobatera and th6 Scallopa all idtrance! Tlwy'N ·•· "• e, • I -A ll.'lt:ll 'l>efore me ' u-... nny cbuna· n bo~·r to ro-the w1- wa1'uns at the Bayside -''Will you oome and Join. tbe 'cia-t:: ' l' • · '' ' ·~'.. ' A;.~N .·No••,.: ..,J,b'1'1~1 d ~ 1 ,. ·~ ... th '"oonL ... _ -lri • fThank you-Mr-. C&.rrQU.• Ym.. theft'• a huh flab quadrille gbirls ,Mi "_HOW BRO~~~QW WHY C 14(01.l>ILOCKS! r~..;~ ~ ~~ ~ •~tn an -:!:nwpeara~:.:~Car ·~ ::W aero . lf_loa .. a-truik.cleu. dallyatlbeBay•lc .. ll'lohlOrt.'BallbUt,.RadSna_,..,,..,._~ ~·u.at.':ft!_U,....·c1opu ,Jir lh•·P"d'~,u.t,ak\Jhsuienoln,dUJ~-~~';:; mark. '' .· • tltelio!mpcnlollttn~ : oily.._ trout that not miny people will' ISL Ah )'U. tbe -~~~Pt a Moili,,i, h}lfS. and. o.+, ~ wll.b b-•and -...m. p...;;,.u). appeue<! sutfering r.-1111!.rapnel ..... 'r laj..:toH. Tut'• whi o~r lbal Co -to tho aea In .... rpa.i'na tbe ~ ~t. ~ !:"' i.vqn. DA:tm .. -la 1'.t i ~ w pnpU... .lit~ Sn.VER· an1 MERVYN ·and frootblt.e. • Perr)' ..-... lltaadud A.m-t1 .. iM.aot • tey deptb to~ j'<Ml tbe -..toodltf!lll. -"l«ollY' Uooi ~ ~ ·1o ,.._. incb la ·=·-.,. ... ~ rill!i:KAN-..~.ldbe the withdrawal llf .. f ...... ~~ ~ -of U.. Ba~ J'llh Jlld.. ~ Oil the -mid I ' ,_ -, .• ,' ,,_ ,.--.., --.•-.w"'-. · _-·--whe"' hla un;'f! ~bied. _ • .i~·J. · ..._. la _.;,,J'-lMtadlod. to · •. • 1-~ bv -"-" V•-'•'-9 -• •• ---'"' ~ r-,,,-.., · -· ? ,., ...._..-T ~ ~OJ d,__ ·up •octnol'q lblnp to do 'wflb tlah. I label W. ,....,. -, _,,., · -•---a...--·-· ~~ 'l!ie wllllla ~ rtne force11. waa·-~ ;ilt . r:.~~;"-~;::::.;. 'It ' Ill( I I. , :UA~ = ;;::;~ 2==:. :t.. ~ ~~o:;: i= :.,.u..to-::;~~·:-ta. . •,~ ·; 1-G'J.~ =y ;::.. ";:'",:::;;.t.=;-.:;; t 111• •l'a,.i-. : tit M, ·-"'7-' Dot wQ,bui'.tar,oo: mus• ... braCJ ... u.u.il, • • ,,_....,. _ .... -'~ .... ~"..: ., ... ~.. ;J;;;~-~ ... ~-' 0 ~. [ Ila~ .. t being ttt.\li'neil to Ule otateO. ~ ' ~ l. , 1 ,. fOod dlJ•q ot-ilm t.bat'• 0tJt OE .dian .. , DO dou'l:lt In the~ ~i'T· ......,_,-~t ...... 'fJI,,• _)IJ!~" ~ P'.yl9P~·· • 19bd allicl 1ilrlliils •7·~ ·l: ~· no.n!coliim{ #"TJeL1 Onlcft .. , -1"•'="°'_._,,_,,.r--._....,. '-'-• rrt • at 1"..,...... l't. Im.' -~ lf!iwpoo:t. .(~!w up B.X. ...,... ......,.. By <j!MrlllUc • 1""!\ ~ilirr .~ .,,. ·~ ' lbe.dfv and ta ilir ee... preM11U7 tn lbe ~+ . . ~L'!:•·vyou 'THOMPSON ., tt,....ai;a •• e-. .. , ••> ... . ) ,.,.._. .... ,..., ... iMIHw $ -~...., .. r . .._...,.. -. ,.. .tloll of•· Marine•• ,.mt,. ' ~··~ n " . . .• .. , • ' M l OUfiiplllte)-. •Mz••·rw·9i tM ... .._. ...... M ~ ... B4RR.i A9JTON IJ'.9UP at El Toro. .• '.{ • -1 · • ·• • L • -. • -'a.'rer • -a• rrtno • ·•--~cut 1it~•··nr1;-~~1 "1118/119/ ·~fj,(_~·.~..i. •;1111 • •••••... J ··-Olt·lllll -. 1s·s1 Mt!Blp BATH~ TO llOOl'IDl'TBS &1:fAOS •UT -a -.a.-• SIJ Wiii a .• -Hlrrr• el ...... (llSAJ;l-; • .. ' . • .llJ-6-•!Hae ~1iiolt'!llt, ' ' -·r ..._ ."".wult-..? ~.-twJ*roolf....._. ...... _ .• _ ~J....Wa a .. -.. -OOo 1 .._. __ tfo.1• 'l'I • ---.....__. a..--. · ? '.Ila --.l"/;i6 a fl-llJ' u. 'm*>••·~ Illa-Jn 'Ml •· llffJ ·~ "' -• --r , . " • " .1:-' '_...,.:..;.:..':;,-.,._,... ... 'Z".: .. ~-_,,,,,, J ·--,, , ...-.. ·• --·--•ft , ., ,..., ,. .JO. .c,.t -~~·.r••• •JI""""~ ~~ --·'· '" ... 't.--~· ----· ,----.. ~ --'-_.,_ .. _. ..... .. ~ ' • # -· -~ .. r -__ --.~-~ to .. ~ • J.; 71 -i"" , . . ~ ... ... , '·.. t. " . .. . . ._• • < • • • . . • • ' • ' • I • ...... -....----~-----------...~-----~---------· -•-•?·-~-~----····· .. . ' . . . . ..... ---.,...----· ............ --. , -.... -.. -... -.... __.__ ...... --.... -" .. • I.' ,. '• I ' ' ' • .. . .. ,, .. , . . ' . ,,,,,.~ ... • i . ~ I • • · 1 I ' ' ' DA. i. . .. · •. ~,'fUNDY 'N tANDY ' . : .. - ' l \ BloPClmobile · (Contlllaed frum Pap 1) lhieves Enter· Pier Office : SLOW DOWN AT NIG~ Wilson Guilty Too many motorllt..drive·u: fMt (0..tbouod hom Pap l) at nlpt u they do dllriJ>& the day 12000~ the total to R9-)' for a patrol-the California W.pway Patrol type ~t for K&rr. pointed out today. R-em~dlnl ' . Vince cuswnano, the large 270. unit Blood.mobile will again be present ~ the city will be ex- pected to till the unit. Laat January when the unit Ylslted here, 333 peraons tutned ... out but many left becauae of the ' ·large 1crowd waiting ln 11ne. Only one man was tumed. away when the 270 mark 'wu reached. Next Wf'ek the targl'r quarters ot fthe Legion HaJJ will be utilized tor· the Two tlllhlng po!ea, a fishing reel. a •hort-wave radio and & palr ot blnoculan were burglarj,aed from the ticket office ot the N-ewporl pier tishlng fleet, N~wport police reported Saturday. Then on Nov. 1, they Ukrted, driven t.ba.t d&rkneu cre.a:tlt in- t.hey pYe Wit.on ll:M>O Ln an tn-creuea the dd1"er of &«l<)ehta, vo: ved transaction wbJch Wu to be the Patrol atated: a partial adva.nCe on a pune-"If you .muat drive at night, seiner tiabing boaL for a man alow down. Be sure tq turn your named 8a.lvador at Noga.lea, Mex-lights on e&rly, not ollly to aee- 100\ on which Wilson wu tn make but to be aeen-by approaching v motorilta." a profit but no.t in h.ia name. \ One of the chief d.lacourt.e.ies OtlM".-r Lo&na ot night traveling motorlat:S is _ first time and waiting will ~ ~U­ minated, Cusumano said. Previous- ly the Girl Scout houae wu ~. . • Appoinbne11t.s can be made by The ticket office on the end of the ocean pier wu found broken open at .5 :30 a.m. by Florence RUna, 3911 M&reua Ave., wttb tbe equipment millSlng, police ex- plained. one ot the polea waa made ot &Lua &J'KI_ the otheT waa a cal- cutta, Mrs. IUma told police. Dep. Dtst. Attorney Robert their failure to dlm thelr ~d­ Kneelalld a)ao brought out that light.a: tor oncoming can, acconJ.. \here were similar transactlona In lng to the Patrol. the Los Angeles area with other "Dlm or Jower qte. headlidlt men. ' beam · when pualn1 .other , Tve-Calling Harbor 186:) but it 1.8 not FORFEIT BAIL H&entla1 to have· an appointment Albert Lee Holmes, 1970 Maple to donate blood, Red Crose otficl-St., Coe;l& liieu, torteited $26 bail ,ala sald."" Coffee, cheese and crack-in Newport Beach cfty court Mon· en will be served all donors wtu.; day. , He had been booked on .Mn. Youn,g in tharge of the con .. charges of intoxication. I teen. ! I Wilson chose not t o teati!y ln hit hlcles," the Patrol urced, "wh.ther own defense and be subject to ,or not the other driver dlma hi1. cross-examinaUon. However, ln trts Two Wronp never ma.ke a right argument to the jury he categorl-and two motorllta. each bllndeid by cally denied the allegations other the other'• llghta, can have I 11er- th&o to admit he received. the toua or deadly canaequence.1.'" money from Kerr and Karl in a . · I April ll9lb Is the date, from 3 to Many a big deal has been made 7 p. · m. l We need . 270 pints! . ~ro a .mall Want Ad "legitimate buaine.ss transaction." Dodge i.. movin1. -Watch It! . ,. This prindple aPJ!lies no less to odyertising. When on ac:IYertisement oppeoro-in the company of news and editorial columns which you hoYe looked upon O\ your friends, and in which you have · faith, you transfer those • .feelings of faith and friendship to /he advertisement as well. It is Possible, of course, for the monufadurer or merchant to gain the goqd will of. the public by merely offering mercbondise which proves satisfactory when tested-to insure the initial trial of , the product is quite another matter. It means that the introduction must be effected by the most dependable mutvol fri41nd of the seller and buyer. , ' t il ." t.' f ' ' ' ' '. I I t . . . 1-llCI' '~en after the riftf customer hos been won over for the first tilfte, it tt 'quife n9CeHOty lo reassure him of the wisdom of his choice and to re· mind him that ,th.e product is still in th.; market by sending o message to him again and ogoin,--ln good company. • .. ' •• t " . ,• More and more ore the owners of better newspaper publications coming to the realization of the imp<irtance of. discrimination in the acceptance of the advertis· Ing which is to appear in their co~mns.• TheY, know that ~ censorship of this kind acts as o protection and o help for both advertiser and reader. It gives to the reader \. the comfortable auu.ro.nce that the advertisements he reads may be trusted, and gains for the odvertiM; the patronage resulting fron;1 his faith. This advertising is be- coming stronger every day. ' Advertisers ar• keenly aware af'the superi~rity of the results attained by the use of a de- • i-ndoble advertising medium,--one whose publishert-exerdse core and thought in the ~- lection of material for its editorial and news columns,-o medium which is an integral factor ' · in shopi~g and. reflecting t!i. Yiews ~ it1 circle of reoders,-o medium which has developed a large arailahon among o represellfative class of people in its partiailor territo<y--o circle of readers which represents the entire community. · • ' • USING ·tHESE FAc::JS AS A "CRITERION IN YOUR SELECTION OF ·A DEPlNOA9LE ADVERTISING MEDIUM, DOESN'T THIS NEWSPAPEa'S H.f-HO OF GftliTING fill THE GLOVE·Of'GOOO COM, ANY PERfECTLY? -.!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~· Ir . ' · OUI ADVEITISING $TAffWILL GlAOlY .ASSIST YOU' ••. Md II> -prcigr"'i"' -.han'ts who' wiJi' ..,,_ tt.e ~. .... of this good, --"" their od-~ "' .:. ~ .. roodi.19 pol>roc, -ettencl Ille aefv!l" of ,o . tOl"')i,<I ~· ltd; .fully • ...,Olile of 'msistioog )"><I' with higll~ ..... ~ ldoGo. copy, loy-ouls arld lift -t. . · , r • -. .. I "' • . . ~\-\ . ; ' ' '. ' • • l :. • ... • • • ·' ~ -, ,11 • . .._ ,. .. . -. PB0NJ: RA-.llM . j ... "l • . JltBWPGR:iiil; . . BUAt ! , ue••r ~,. 'J 1"S .. 1 .~, •• • -~ .. 1 (Ill ,. . ' •• ~· . . . ~. -. . . ' . , .. I • ,_ ;, •• • ' ' I i j •• ' .-' ' • • f!sh . Are. ~eweri F~~~~B~~~ ~f oenn ancten. Wiede' t11e -~t.cb a ttdervian-day on rec:Qrd tn CaUfoml& and Dlvlaton of Fl.sh and g&Qle baa reJ><!rled. ., ·I ' • 1 " . . , I • • ' ' " • : . r1--""'1'---l!----------'.""' ........ -.... P9"'1'"~·+·~~ ... ~ .• ~ .. ~·~·~:·!·~!!':~~~~~ ~ ...... -,n'is rtnM.ok "11.tr De 'l(ew ~i)-1;-ri! fla'*ll ' ' ilililJl .hMI-«-rre.' ... ,.tnt! .. J.tnotn>c"'8 U<I ookir Plann•r fol&!rs. ] · +.-,....--..... ---------~--.., ilAUIOA ,MAIUNil HDW co. ~E\VS.TIMEs -EVery 'tu. y · -y!':"~!-=1.~· NE R . · AGood '~loGo ~O T 'BA~ POST-Wedn~Y]I . • tiff WPOR1'--BA1,n9A PR"Ess-n1U'!,Mlais LIKB m:w Pro<tor dlol ceeU<ol News-Tllnee ~r tfae TllW'ld&J Pft99 Electric Hot Point Watne Iron, i...t year c&11fom1a ,,..i t.1w .largut number o( •ang-Jen ln lll!I hsatory, tbe dlv1.aion added a.nd uie 19&<> kelp bui and sand catch waa the poorest on .record. In 1~36 in 240,1~ angler <Saya a total of l,iM ,'79 were "4Ught. ln 19&-0 a total of 2,266,:193 fish we"' catight In 602,431 angle'r d&y1, or only 278,114 mo~ tiah by nea.r1y three tlrnea the number of angler days than tor 14 yea.rs pre- vlo·ua, 1talilllica ,ot the division N•WJl"tt ... ,. -t :iiuoqi..i Ada .... 1 ...... ~ ·r · •lectrl• 1;.... Si . Ud o-ni MINIMUM AD IS • L1NU . I · With l!,oat lbdlcator, A. 786 U Cluolftod adA mu.I be p&ld'for C.U·ln odvonee ,.~,..-L . Acoclo, Corona ~ Mar. l!ttfc ~ • 4 Unes 1 Paper $ ?lf . O'KEJlrE 6 MERRrrr ranp. "5 4 lJnes 2 Papen 1 '4 M111phy-wtll -$25 each. 4 Unea 3 Papers .. -Z.oo. • Innerspring matt .... $10 -· pu~lishera will not be responatble for more tban j One incorrect toUaway bed and rn.attrue. 120, In rtiot,t ot an advertisement, reserve the ri&bt to co~cUy,cl.Maif)'. GS Mangle, like 1nnr, $16, llal.2 an4 all ads and to reject any advertlaement not ~rmlq to Wilton ruf, $45, )84!.rnt, 4 cu. ft. ~ es 'apd regulations. Adve;rtbementa and cance~UOn. Will be reh1Ce?"atol", f75, 49 General wa-showed. , The barr'acud& catch of angler1 I.JI 1938 waa 69~.0&2 compared with 231,404 lh 1960 &nd . the yeJlow- tail catch 97,463 In the earlier year and 7,873 last )'ear, the divi- sion added. White aea base tllhing &bowed an increase from 121816 to 51,586 In the 14-year period and halibut from 71,366 to 86,998. The albacore catch Increased Crom 410 to 114 ,602. ' The diviaion urged anglers to un- hook carefully. and return to the water the little fish and the ones they cannot UM. They will grow and reproduce so anglers can en- joy fishing next yeW". No reasons tor the decre'8ing t'&tch were given in the report. . Richard Chosen <OonUnaed from •-l) Elwood Shell appeared at the finate in hilarious hu1a costumes. . Bob Murphy wa.s presented With a sport .eh.irl with . names of the club girlfl embroidered on the back. Thi.a was given in appreciation for the .. help he has gl\o'.en the club on the Chrlstma.s Previews held at lht' Rendezvous. Ruth Willmes, program· chair- man thanked the following girls ror their help in making-Bosses' Night a success : Carolyn, Varner general chairman: Evelyn Varner and Sue Horvath, .reaervalions; Lena Mae Wilsey, decorations ; Nathalie Michaud, dance a.rrangf'· ments; Aanes Blomquist~ music: Margo Keyes, script of play; cos- tumes, Joy Poore and Lydia. She r- man and special pr'ize, Alice Siem· ons. · ac ept~ up to 5 p.m . on the day preceding publication. ;'h-Har. tetc tel" heater, tr&, 2 outboiud.I, $10 P M ~· 1818, uk for "Ad Tok..., or....., af ud ~-.to .and $11:1, 'used doors, '$!! ea<h. I NEWPORT HAIUIOR)PUBLIS!JlNO co. PhoDe Barbor 2866-M. 2pl5 -i-:--'--2_2_1_1_11a1 ____ Bl_•_d_.,_N_•_WJl8~-~-111t.'*'_dl_;.' ~Ollllf~-·~nd&+J;_.----i'47 SAUSBURY IOOOter. Ellcellent I I condition. .75. can Bea. 1121W1-K as!flfied Index 1~11ARE Yo~ after 2 p:m. •n w~. 10 --G111clo WANT RIDill DArl.Y tram 1100' Newport Beach. ' 2pl 11 isttudln1 Ma...-blk. W . Balboa Blvd. to Corona O'KlllilFE • MBRRITI' table t.lp l! Bulldlnf llenleM de! Mar ( 9 to 5). I Phone Harbor gu rang'e gOO\l condition. Mo 14 hnon&la 1146-W. 1 96tfc Phone Hu!bor 2840-.J ~ HarJ>or 15 Share Your oar I %943 R. 'Ji.JO;. 18 TramJportaUoa LADY WANTS ride: io work tn • """" 17 R!>oflnl °""trtldon i., A. from Corolla ~el Mar. Hno. GIRLS apparel, alzea 10·12. blouoes ti. Be&utr Alda 9-5, Moh -Fri. Call Har. :!SM-W. dreueti, sweaters. Wool ' aklrta, 19 Upbotstertnc 2c4 Jlke new. Hu outgf'9WD them. !O lloaltb Akl9 ' -------'------213 Ruby, BalbOa I,alaqd. 3p6 H ~t aDd Foand !!-WST AND POlJND %4 School, l.nltructlon -------.o GARA.GE DOOR H&rdware~ Com~ !8 iltuatloa. Wanted FOUND __: Pair of .1glauea, tor-pl~te. Sacrifice. 6C$ Bepnia St., 29 ileJp Walited tlse ab ell frames' in' cue on Ba~ ~rona del -Mai. tp6 80 ••le Mbieefiaaoom boa Island ~unda.yJ Owner ca.h so-.f s:..,,. claim and pay lor ad. Appl)' 20 GAL. HOT w ATER HEATER. SJ Wanted ,t.o ~ Prea orftct!, 2211 Balllio& Blvdt, good condition, $2$. 309 E. Bay S! Furniture toF Sale Newport Beach. ttrc A'Vf!., Hai-bor 7t5-W. tc6 st-~ Alltlq... \ S3 -ta, SappUea '(OU PICK AND SA VE 700 U "mlcal, Radio ch.lcken fryers, 50c:: each. Brtn'g t SS Dop, C&ta, Poto box. 575 W . Wi109n St., <loata at '-ouJtry, n,a.bblU Meu.. 4c6 nu-- 113 Special AllJIOW& •o 11m1-0pportao1- tz Wanted to Beat U .lpartmenta and Romee 44 &ooma for Benl. fl! Rent, -'6-ond-n T"*'kll . '8 iatomolllloo, Tlft9 49 atoe Wanted - 50 4!¥o Sef'Ttce ' 61 Tnlten 62 4lfplaneo M 'l'oney to l.o&a ~ATIOKS WANTED FINE LAUNDRY or ironing only. curtains. HelP with din. parties. Pick-up and deliver. Mr•. Wil- SERVl!:L GAS Refrigerator (111471 8 cu. ft., $185. Good u new. No. 6 Beacon Bay, pb ... :kar. 1674-. 2cf 1\ams, Call Hal. '159~. 98ct • -tt-WANTllD TO BUY SO. CALIF. BIB~ ·COt.l.Ecrl: ~;.;:_;=_:=_:.;;:.;.;;:.;:.:. __ _ women students wept pa.rt ttme WANT TO BUY 1'20 bu.a a.ccor· work. Baby 'sitting, nouse.-ot)(, dion. Ce.11 Harbor 1146-W, evee. ironing, restaurant work, etc. 2tfc Ph. Kimberly 3·8281, Ext. ll, 3p8 Roland W right drew the t lckrt for lhe door prtze, a basket of beverages won by T . Weston Jay, 1. G6 1\fon~y Wanted _ G'1 ISeal l'Ata.Ut Waated 119 ..... 1-Ac ....... 60 llocomo Property TELEPHONE MEN Experienced Dependa_,le 0 r a ·n g e Cty. Telephone efmploiees urgently need any 'kind of eve- ning or week end work to meet· present living coa4-. Write Rt. 3-. Box MO-B, Oran~e, cau.t. 4pl Antique Tilt. ~QP ~ table. and bed wanted bJ. private party. Write Box Gl, this paper. 1 3dl Attending were 170 Business and ProtesslonaJ \Vomen and guest.8 . who voted It as always "high point ot the year." t:o JAMES B . BLACK. S. F ., Pres.., PG.t:E--"Probably one or th"" molft vtcloua untruths propagandized by thoae hostile to our way of life la that tht' wealth of the Nation Is concentrated ln the hanilii of a few." GI ~ Dtate ExcbUre ft 8eaJ f'.atatA I 0--BVSINESS GUIDE • COMJ>Lfi"E HOUSE CI..&AJ<1NO eervtoe. · 1"utnJture and iup !9-HELP WANTED 1bampPoed. Free t9tim&~ ·-• --.J-,..;.. P'UUy ~ WANT middle aged ~.Y to work Al's I House & Rug part time" Jn J""'•lr1 atore on CTieanin~ Co, Balboa loJand .Pb. ,ar. 2321.2<4 I Beacon 8111 . Tzttc --------+'---- ' Buy Your TV NOW! See These LOW Prices SAVE $80 U I S S · 1 ·wA..NT middle aged ~ady to Care ll __ ___.I DC e am ays For {' enetian Blinds·, for 4 yr.old girl.~P,-m.to2Lm. NEW 14" ADKIRAL TV -beau· titul mahoiany, modem .style cabinet with combination rac1•0 and 3-speed record pla)'~r. waa $389.95 . Shad.e and Drapery Hdwe. 4 days per week. ~ve in or out. 104 -J.5th St, NeWport Beach. THE I SHADE SHOP Phofie Harbor Oll50·J. 2p4 Free e~timates Ph. Har 884 POWER MACH!NE operator for 514 · ~ St. Newpo¢ Beach cott'") sportswear. Experienced t 93tfc only. Work in Balboa.• Pb. Har. ---c'---------1095. · '\ 2c4 SHARPENING WE NEED DOMEll,TIC. HELP-'- AIJ tools' -lawnmowers -pinking live in or out, salary i12~$l60 -,sheara.i knives, 1-9 . p.m. A: Sun. monih. · Ftr, XIT SHOP NEWPORT HA:RBOR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 609 Coast Highway 5051> E . Bay Ave., Balb<ia. . Newport Beach Phone Harbor 2581-R. l 92p8 Now Only $289.'95 ' 12%~' TV Philco Consolette. E:I.· panded 91 sq. inch picture, re- condit~oned. $189.9~ 12\0" Blonde Conadle $179.95 TV * , . UNT~ERSAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE· J • ' •· Floo~ wl.xing, window cleaning~ wall fashi ng f o r b~ildings, WANTED -O~her for night c 8h11t. Apply· motmniri, .·Yen.,,; Cab Co., 537 Coast Highway, Newport Beach. 3e5 10" table model TY ... ;S9UO 1"_~61&'ro0e1 rt. .. 1.$32.50 RCA CoNsoLEis.• Tv, j~ n:... with A.M A: FM radio, be&ut.1tlll mahogany cabinet with .doon ,_ only '309,00 a.,,. .• abOat • prewnl l•r ynrself II.la Clkrlstma•f· Make ynr pre.ent a llle4-m-.a.-. fer the Payrell Sa•· Inn Plan where )'OU work. The Pay- roll Saylnp Plan ls a conTenleat way to aa•e. Determine the amout yoa w .. t l• .. 1'nt ue~ payd.a., alad then your S.nd• will come &e jo1 aut. mallnllJ. Thal 1ltl wlll lleep •• say. las "Herry ChrisUnu" tor m••)' fevt: '9 come. u. s. ,,_"" D'fPOo"' • ., Use i C.lassilied Ads • • to 8"11 your car • • '. to ti.d a buyer for your l!ome . • . • to n11t JODr apt. .• •. to cllapoao of f11rlllt11re, and holMlaold goodii. 1ou·ao loager . ~ l . • • • t.O. ftlld a good t Job " ' OS MW .&4 ft1t' '21 ....... -.. ,~-atlllwe•.lt ~r . -u.. ~ ~f . ' " ~· Cleuified Adir stores, offices and homes. FERGUSON HDWE. WANT HAND for "85 ft· .achOoner. yv tenance map.. Ph~ ~r·. Wyeth USED wmE RECOR.Db. Good Newport !Bea.ch Ph. Harbor 41~ MU.t be good aeamF and main~. evenings. SY cam ore 9·5223, valu.e' at ·········-··-.. ·---·""".!Kl PUadena. ; ac5 1!-BUQ.DING 8EBVJCD .........a -------------·!PART TlllE Uf9ier'J'loe!tool i.oeh-Keep In touch wltb ua fDr •-, UITEJµOR -CXTl:RIOR er 20-30 ~-Praellcal upeti·· :':'"'Ill TV llOb -J · traded AINTING ' ence or 2 ,.a. of ciollep ....,.. • _ . LI SED -IMSVRED , .. ry. ~ lleacQ.~ r1u-W atta CllOllLln' -.....ter -Home GI nn Johnston 8 p:m. ·• I '"' Freezer. ·-t1)>0. ,..i.u,. .... 501 • 31 st.. Ne'lrport Beach WANT MAID, aperli!nced, middle $94,5(1 e.rbor 2297-J 3k-4.8 aged, to clean rootn8 and oftlcea. ~ + m • P ermanent. Private club. Good G. E , Refrigerator, late model, p AP . HANGING'' wages. '.References: Write Bos larp me ..... : .......... ~ ... TS189.9~ •an PAINTIN. G H Clo 1!'1-pa~r. · tcf lilASY TllllUl8 ~ED MAN TO 00 PAJtT:tnuJ WORK, I Kteth Quarry week e'nda .. •"1>iY B&)'lloott DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1516 s Ana A .... c;:om ¥-Trailor. ~kl 11Ulj • ~HI•' '11115 iiARBoB. BLiJ> pt: e Beacon MOi way, Newport Be"'*-4e · ---• -j ' ' 79c92 . . , COl!T A • JOBA I p AINTING 18-8ALll. ~ua Pli\lll• s.-111Z1 EARL SHEFLIN ' llOAT 8Ul'PLlll& . = i;: :;7~ ~ MOORINGS ·H. H. HOLBROOK t ' I DEP::r~ .PI.UMBING A. Prompt semc.. Malatalnff , ~e : Har-UlS.W i UOl Bal ... Blvd., Newport -l~NALll · · 1 ~ A"~r ~;;;J .. ~P.0.--1 · -....... _ ... Coll&. ~ ~-€n1 •'1111 " •• ' ' < • I ,I I .• 1 ... ....,., Ha•ar . P1Zl1•11, ~. 2211 Belboa BIVd. ' N•wport Beetl, PH. HarL0; .lit.a~ .. / ·1 I I ~ .. • • • • • . 1' \ ' . T~ay, April 10, 195f J i I ·-NEWS ~ TIMEs ··. CLASSlflEDS M~E CLASSIFIED O~ PAGE SIX • .. . ' • ; , I • • .. / · . . ' ~-NEWPORT -. • I • • NEWPORT HEIG~ BF.ST BQYS . ' . . 2 JU:Dll.OOK HOMB, Sr .old., BUt· location. Hwcl. Doon. double .......,._ " . . .. ' -• 81fAI . LIDO ISLE Lo1(ely 3 """'!'·· 1 'll b&th !lam•. ·I )'. • • .. -• • • 'SAi. MrAft • . EASURJ!i HUNT I . -10.U.. RADIO . NEW · "1950" DODGE I -·$8,9ts0 DtnJng, ~. place. Unit :h .. t. Large corner ew wlndowe. Lo- J cated on !comer itreet to ~t , lot: Exc!~v• 111~1 '22.000. . Call at our office for final clues I • • • SPJNSr piano. Re_.-d. Pay out •bl.Janee 1287. An&ther re--·n. S395. DANZ -S~ Bis "Ptatro Store. One Hundred P1anoe trom which to choose. 520 N. Main,' carrier &ti\, B&nta Ana. OWNER MUST aacrtftce almost new Cbineee red aplnet. Rich gnd.e make. Any reuonable ot- ter accepted. Harbor UM-M. 2p4 ,GRAND Ji'IAN08. UM<I. Knal>e Chlckertq, Muon and Bamlln, Stlnw&y, Everett, 8 chm er, Wurlltser, St&rr, Kimball. Many otbe.n. From $395 up. 'Danz- BchmJ.dt Btg Plano Store, Santa Ana, 620' No. Kain, comeZ: 6th. COME tn and play tbe 'Wondertul New Hammond Chord Organ. · l)vm 11 you don't know a note ot siu.lc you a.n~ play beautiful muatc Ln tm mlnulY. DANZ.. • SCH..'"-DT Big Piano and Org&n Co., 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. LOVELY BUNGALOW sl:u up- right piano ln fine condition, $1~. T enn.s, $20 down ~ $8.00 month at SHA.FER MUSlC CO. fSlnce 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Se.nla Ana. Klmberly 2;-0672. 97tfc ' . (A FllW J,.eft With Spare Tiree, Beat Chrome, Etc.) A CHANCE TO GET A, . . . ''NEW''. CAR AT YOUR PRICE! ' ....... ___ . ___ _ ·BETTER INVEsTIGATE ----·---- S~ VER MOTORS Your bODG&-PLYMOUTH Dealer 1936 Harbor Blvd' · Beaeon 6907 Costa Meaa '48 CHEVROLET CJub ep.. v8ry clean, 1 owner. PM> worth of .,.tru. Reuonk!ole prtco. In· quire at 92.f E. Ocean Front (up- stars), Balboa. 4pe '41 PLYMOUTH delux cpe. Good conditlon, $-426. Owner leavin& •t&ll!I. Harbor 14-JS..J. 2ct 't7 CHEV "F1eetmuter" Seda.n with radio, htr., fog litN, aearch lite. etc. Olamouroua 2·tone me- tallic blue and atver flnlah. $995 '47 PONTIAC "T orpedo" 8 Sedan· ette, ra.dlo, htr .• •pot lite, etc. Orl~&l nnlflh-•potleu In terior. One owner. Car of exceptional merit! $1095 '4.1 PLY. "Special Deluxe" Sedan: racJio and htr. "OrlglruU" thru- out. One in a thOW1and ! . . . I . .JlllDROOM HOMIC. D yro. 614. Really nlc.. ~ llro- pi.ce, hwd. tlooro, n&pto11'1 patio, etc. $10,750 • • I JIEOROOM HOJlll.-.-Oie jiopular Hwd. fiOOl"I, flrepl&oe, double rvap. . $12,500 ru.tlc ranch type. 3 Bdi:m Home, $11,500 . BRAND NEW on Broadway, Costa Meea. Be1t location. A beautiful home with hardwood noor• and many ex· ceUent teatureL $3400 down on FHA. BEACON HILL REALTY 468 Newport Blvd. (above the .Arche1) Beacon 6713·R CORONA DEL MAR WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ' IN OUR NEW OFFICE · LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL -- WE HAVE: MOST---0f the better listings fol' MOST---0f the better rentale • sale ? ? • • IT IS OUR DESIRE TO GIVE YOU FRIENDLY AND EFFICIENT SERVICE AT ALL TIMES COME IN OR PHONE Lido ISle $1150 down for thll l:eapUMI bids. olte:O>rner of Strada Centro. Balance $40 JD'" l:xcl'f'1Y8 !l'"'lng. . . Lido Isle Bay Fr. Lot • 60 ~ tron~e, pier prlvtlel'• .Tbp • location. $31,!M)(). ExclUllve lllt- lng. I · Ocean Frol).t Duplex Flrte beach at your door. Only $4,:;.oc> down. Balance like rent. ExclU1lve; II.sting. ~ay Shores Beautiful bay view -3 bdrm, 2 both home on large lot. Deluxe refinements , throughout.· Fire· place, unit heat. Lots of Ule. Full alze dining room with bay view. A' fine value at S~.000. GREENLEAF & A88DC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 2 B. R. home, nr. Golf C'ourse. Thi.a well-build home only 15 yeats 'Old on % acre, ha.a ex- tra large rooms and pl&atered . Wall·to--W&JI carpet. Very well landmc.a,,M. 1'4 family fruit treea. Price to sell at · Only $8,950 concerning )lese outstanding properties BALBOA piqi>UNsl,ILA • 2 &qroom 'th aun deck bayview ----$13,iloo . . I - 3 B. J:I,. two atOry ,aun deck ocean view $21,500 2 Bedroo i . r . ocean Front ............................ $26,500 ii BedroOm turniahed, Ocean front .... _.$40,000 MAR 2 Bedroom 200 ft. to bay ~ch ........... $14, 750 JOHN D. BURNHAM sOV E. Balboa Bivd., Balboa I Harbor 0645 or 1607 Sarah W. Newlln---.Janies C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen McDonald I Cliff Haven View Home %f bdmui;, denl lge. liv. rm, din. rm, 2 batha, fireplace, double pra.ge, All this plus bay and ocean view. Price $16~ 760, terms! 1osta Mesa Special 3 bdnna, din rm., fenced and landscaped. FHA Joan at 4 ~ pei' cen Price, $10,!_00 -$2000 down, balance ea.ay term.a. USED PIANOS from $60 up. Good playing co l'.l d I l I on. DANZ-1 SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main, .Santa ----------~ Ana, corner 8th. 45-APARTMENTS &: HOUSES $499 TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Coaat Highway Corona de! Mar j Bdrm. hoSRe, EMt Side. Thia k>vely 3·bdnn home is one of the nicer homes in CoBta Mesa. All hwd. !loora, 3 la.r,-e bedroo~. Large living and dining room, kitchen ii very large and plenty ot cupboe.rda. Call us to llhow you thia home a.a It w ill not last long at C~iff Haven View Lot ~utltul coi er 198x1'46, alreels on 2 sides. A steal at $3,760. , RENT A PIANO, $5 per month. ·RENTAL .I All rent allowed if you buy with-r P .S. Extra "Generous" Deals on 4 Phone Harbor 2774 ~ Several Mew 1960 Dodges left!-------------'----------- CLIFF HA ~N n~ S bdrm home. BARGAIN at $12,7150. ~:;,:~. ~:-:;.HMIDT. 520 SPECIALisTS SHA VER MOTORS ------------1 C&ll ll:dDa cnis Your' DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dir. CORONA DEL MAR-Bu8iness Frontage There is very little choice Blvd. frontage in Cor- ona del Mal' ·for Sele. Better see tbl&-under $200 per front foot. WE WlLL PAY hlgh••l c .. h !Linwood Vick Rltpr. Beacon 89-07 • price tor upright p~os-Not Ba.I~ taland. Har. '204.2 32cM I 1986 Harbor B1vd. Coet& MeM $13,100 For above 41 propertlea call Fred Barker ~t BeaCbn 579CS Or Beaoon 693g..J Eves. ~ -over 50 inches In heights----or -----------2 bdrm home EARI;w. STANLEY, Realtor · h1ghest cuh allowances on a ATTRACTIVE. llk.e new. ~ nna, 2: 1949 FORD 8 deluxe 4--0.r. only television trade. Call SHAFERS bdrms, unfurni.shed. Flrepl&ce, 7,000 actual milu. Radio. H eat· with dinJng room. ThlA lB an Ideal -OO and Irvine (opp. High school), Newport Heighta at Klmberly 20672. '2t1c dbl. garage. patio. Adult, no er. Ll!e a:uard tires. Clock. P er· pe•-. •90 mo yearly. 711 lriJI fee t condition. Kelly Blue book SHOWPLACE OF BALBOA ISLAND home for thoae who waftt a ~ ---------------,---------'-- bdrm home with a complete din- ing room. Home is on lot Mx312 • and 111 in very good condition • SPINET piano. Brand new. Slight· ..... • 1•-· •i••• ·th e··"ri•• Ave.. Cor ona del Mar. AT. ,.ung • """" w1 a c ..-... · Jy ·damaged In shipmt>nt. .fS'ow WW ·11 f · Ir ••le t " '60-ft. Bay Frontage -large pier and slip, 11-car garage. 4 bedrooma, 4 bath home, plus aervants quarters. PRICED far below replacement coot- 3 -BEST BUYS - 3 1-5983. 2c4 u.cr1 ce or qu1c ._ u only $395. Smallest 34.ze. DANZ· hi«htit bidder. Call Harbor SCHMIDT, Santa Ana, 520 No. lOW·W or Harbor 1163·R. 3cf> close to Newport Blvd. . ' in income property~ --·iCorona del Mar ' Main, RENTALS l93l§ FORD V-8 '4-door sedan, good tlree. needa · engine work, SS~ 1~ Acacia St., Corona del Mar. 2tfc $80,000 Price Only $6500 $11.600. Easy terms. Two units, .dJth of highway, con- .Uting Of 2 bdrm. home, hwd. Ooor1, fireplace, floor furnace. Alaol single apt fumllh~-plu1 garage. LOVELY USED SPINET PIANO, like new. TermB $.50 down and JOHN D. BURNHAM B.A.NERESON • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor $U mo. at SHAFER MUSIC 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca· more, Sa..nta Ana. Klmberly Harbor 1607 312 Marine Ave. Balboa I.aland Harbor 2042 . . I MRA Multiple Listing Office 1982 Newport Blvd., Coat.a .Mesa Phone Beacon a225 . $16,IOO-~. DUPLEX on comer lot. Hwd. noofa. . I 2 laundry 'if'· pram. Well 1,t.ed. , .. 2·0672. · 93tlc , ~~--~,;_~~-~-~--~~ I MODERN 5 rm. unturn. house, WANTED-~ piarl.oa. Trade ln hdwd. floors, south of highway, your old piano on a Grand. c . D. M., S75 mo. UUI pcl.. See ll 0 -T D -BRAND NEW 1951 onty J.100 milea.. Prtvate p.arty. Harbor 2317-J 8aturdaya and 8undaya or PYramkl 1·1498. '4ct SIMPLICITY PAYS OFF· Ocean ·Front for $17,500 · Excellent Buy. us.Ooo:-u:.4 '.J'RAN 1 YEAR ·OLD-duplex on comer LOVELY 2 bdrm borne, w I<> w lot. Hwd.Ekfloors, LfloorCrHurnacAMBes, "lgeRsL, paAUINo. ' Spinet or· beautiful television. owner, 410 Iris, Corona del Mar H ighel!lt ca.sh aUOW'ance. Terms. or Call H&rbo.r lMM>-J . 2c4 11M8 PONTIAC CONVERTlBLE- Hydramtlc, all extru. Very c lean, ~te aidewalla. Owner rrru11t aeU. Phone &aoon 81W be tore 5 p.m . or eves. Beacon S!i72-W. 2c" 2 &drm .• llvingroom, fireplace, batH, bar. kitchen. patio, ocean front porcli, 2 car r;arage. Ground for expansion. Located on BalbQa Peninsula. ca.rpeUn&". drapes, 2 ·ftreplaces, patio. PLUS rurnlehed apt over DANZ · SCHMIDT PIANO CO., corner 6th, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. YEARLY-New 3 bdrm house, un- furnlShed. F e n ced yard. 23641 Pirate Rd., Cliff Haven, Newport Beach. 2c4 - . I John D. Burnha·m I double p.rage, trees 'A: shrubs. · ~ COut ~Jvd., Corona del Mar . '; SO tt. oor. lot .eoulh of highway. (Op}X)Slte Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 Room tor add't 'mitts.' $17,260. --------------.;...,--------~ . BIA.CK BA y RIA.NCH I ' • terms. Ernie Smith, 1Realtor LEARN TO PLAY the accordion~ · u:k a bout our accordion lesson plan with a ccordion t\JrnlllbPd free. eau SHAFERS at Klm· See 11-REAL l!:llTATE llp[CBANGE 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. ! Harbor 1607 Eves 2278-W ~ 1205 Coast H1way, Corona del Mar . Phone Harbor 2867 ~UTIFUL fALL REDW~D RANCH HOUSE with unwt"pU8ed rew of bay. Sepa."'te guest house and complete careta.ker"11 quarter•. C1ver 6 acres, fenced berly 20812· 2t(c Louise A ts. FIRST ALL ELECTRJC ORGAN. Repo•· Doublea ~d Singles ·Ocean Front Furnished 2c4 , i and cross-tenfed. We consider 00 the finest ranch in NEW 2 "RnRM the ba<k 1>ay area. · I ~t'"" Charming 1 yr. old I . $1200 DOWN ;JWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY sessed.. Magnificent tone. For 1 church or home. Pay out bal-. OVERLOOKING B.A. Y Multiple Listing No. 1750 • ance. Te rma. This wonderful 308 Carnation. Corona del Mar instrument Is just like new. 92c93H Two bedrooma up, one bedroom down. 2,,, balh&--double car., can be u.ed a.s duplex. Wl11 take clean modern cruJaer to '8000 .. put payment. BEST BUY OF THE WEEK 2 bdrm house. hwd. floors, dual !VE Built under FHA ' supervision. furnace. Sundeck. Good area, EXCLUS . LIS1 ING Good locality. ~nlwood, tile, near best bathing beach. Will ST EY T'r • ,....FIELD "D 1 DANZ·SCHMIDT Piano and Or· gan Co., 020 No. Main, comer . 8th, Santa Ana. News·Times ads have been read ln t.!1e Harbor for over 40 yea.a. •••i1KJ -Pre>hlem I 4S-APARTME1''TS & HOUSES -------- LIDO ISLE U ·JOU want a rental on LIDO ISLE -. u.. ~yeraJ '°"'' apt.a. Alao home& available. . ' P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 11333 Via Lido . 1 BD'RM DUPLEX. gara&"e. close to ahopp,ing. Unfumiahed, ex· cept for stove and refrig. $52.50 mo. 1971 Church Ave., Coit.a M esa. 2c4 BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL See GAIL C.A.RNE..'Y w ith Nelda Gibson, Real Estate S08 Marine, Balboa lat Bar. J02 9!1tre BALBOA PENINSULA. -2 bdrm turniahed bowie. $60 mo to Junf' 15th, uW. pd. Phone Har. 3019-R ' 3Uc NICE RCX>MY newly redecoc&ted tum.lahed 1 bdrm. apt., garqe. Utilities paid, $60 yea.r round. Phone OX!ord 452·259 collect or call at 5412 Marcum, Newport tor key. 3p5 , Yearly Rental c0RON.A Dl:L MAR South of B l· way, f\.lrni8hed apt., 2 bedrooms, one with twin bedl. Lovely vley.-, SM month. Adults. Ph. Harbor 0800-W aftllr 3 p. m. SMALL NICELY FURN. APT. Private ent.ranee and yard. Au· tomatlc )leat. IM mo. yearly. Util. paid. 3M Broadway, Coat& Mesa. tee RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 Newport Div., Nwpt. Beach PHONE HARBOR 40: 98':99H loll of bulltlna. · rge lot. FHA tal<e Balboa Peninsula Jot .. · na.LJ , ,...,ea tor LAROE HOME, walk.inc distance terma lneludinr ea and inaur. flart payment. 216 M&rine Ave" Balboa Island.. Harbor 20 · w N ewport pier. 2-bdrms, djn. of $82.39. Full pr1 . . I ~ , rm, •use kitchen. .. rvJc:. porc!h. $851\A Bay & Beach Realty, I larp buement, brick patio l/\/T Gloden Fay Ethel Shirley Balboa land : The Island rooted o•er wtth watt on one · A,, ''L k · v· -'t" $7950 :s,O'Ys unit.I. f. 111·" 't'' . 'rll ' . AT!'RAC'J1VE 2 bcitm, lge. living opened Our . . t otde. Can ..,j ~l 1\''fT4J•• , . ~-HllO Balboa Blyd. Harbor 1264 on Little. fsland "" • UC y •. TRADE Aak At>Wl ~,'al 'An i · • I 1 · -' ' EN IN BALBOA rm. ·ftttplue, tuJil.iied, doubl~ "We I had no idea we • c d ONE STORY RUSTIC, 3 bednn.a., Compare thle \hom for valuE"-THREE BDRM, HOME on-Bay l"arare ~d PRJ~ci::o RIGHT. fidd: such a wide 11\'eep of den. 2\0 baths, !anal, dark rm. MULTIPLE LISTING RL1!4 A -wlt!Ylndl~uatity. Two AV.., El Bayo tracL Only s yrs . N ' B Sol.tth Bayfront view and Larre level aecluded loL lCul-bedroom pluo den. Ut In 1948. old, 2 baths, floor turnace. Patro. Near 0 ay t;i boUand .,.._ ------------Huwdood, tile, l pla<:<, beau-Good Door plan. CarpeUd and I cl aandy beach 80 rea• Caal.ned &di coat lltUe, do utucb. tlf'UJ carpet ln ll ' rm_ai:ui !fln. --Dicely tumWaed.-$l7,000. _ 8 bdrm, 2 baths, Nrnllhed. Good bl 11 FOR 2 bed.rm., den, 2 batlul at rm. BacJr: yard f~nced. Attrac-_ • ye&r-&roUnd liom Sll;OOO. SO a Y· ~:'.°"R~ ~~.· i~:t~~!, LET'S LOOK 1. . live FHA term.a. lrtILL PRICE 5 J><lrm.-l\<>'Tle near bay '14 ooo. NELDA G Y ... I it la truly a distinctive ONLY 1 '_ ' ' ""'boa Islan,d ICK:a. tion. 4-6293. 4e!t RE>w ~ CHARM AND DUITINCTION $13,500 Small ocean front home on Penln· G ""li by an oldel' hvo- . -·-........ -·-'ly ,..........,. .. ~ aula., rurntahed. $18,500. h . t·"' .. ~ _,___ .. ~~ .. ·-·s ry ome,. JUSt v~ HOKE hu 11111) rm., •"X1'D'· with Att t' B 2c8 b the owner who will aell WANT TO BUY -Small bouae or trpl., dining aru, T . v. rm., lge. . rac lVE) uys Balboa Realty Co. l'V&Ce apt. "from owner, Corona •leeplnl' donnltory, ·2 bdrm.I., 2 2 bdrm, G yra. old, cla.e In $8.500 'Dl d Bal .. --a a price ttd~ction to N •--• bath.I AND GUJ:ST HOUSJ: 700 E. \l&)bo& ~• .. -del Mar, for cash. o ~-er.a. · _ a , 2 bdrm .. den, n-N. Ht.I. '11.000 . "••bor 11>3 't savings to buyer of Phone Harbor .1196-MK. 4-ct with Iv~ Jdt.obeoette, bdnil., 8 bdrm, O.J. re•le 'Stl,000 -----''-------->.--TWO BDRlC ... PATlO. Fumt.olled • ba'th. '4 fL · rrantage. Drtlr<Jy 1724 8q. ft. of .q •ty living odeling and redecora- house. Peninsula · Point. Years fenced •tor pr1ney. Beautttul Phil Sulli'van B • T '"'"A lNCO'"'E •""""• plus · e double tlon. . leue, $100 per month.. Call Har-U-MONET TO LO&lf ti with n..-..,_ and trees. . .t\..J...LDV .M i--~ ""' l't4I. 'ca f;O.: w .,.~~;;.;,;,~ and' Xln'L C. Galen· Denison • RENTALS, iaat yeano 1ncome garage, 3 cove pori,hes, 50 f~t of South Bay- FURNISHED or UNFURNISHRD LOANS For Homes ""1•1ns. n1,ooo. G. T. Everson ~ :i::.:er::;i =.-; brick patio, la house and ffnt: Joa.de . of :-ro· Roomy 1 bedroom apL. G.....,. REGULAR 'l!.'!lo (10-20 yn.J KUST l!l:LL! Rm.U.TOR porch. two Iota, corner on Bay 'llt&ke fence. . knotty din en f•pace ,anhbono Kodem. ·Available Ma Y 1.ll. G. l. •'!lo 120 y~) Within a 0few reet ot aa,. Ibis 490 Newport Bl..i. co.ta Keaa avenue, all ror i21,ooo. pine,: 'oombed wood and W g o · neJl ra. ::~~~ ~= ;;~~'. ":;:~ ~2:t~~ .!:! =~=~:E~ -~':r.~ a:: 5<48-J aE:·K~-.~~~h. ;:;: hwd. . :Ii=· ~~:~.~! NEW dLEAN 1 -~-a~ ice. W• buy and ..u TnJot Doedo co .. p-COIUllr., .... l•trm. ""-'-2 Bdrm House of clo9et and built-11"'1Pll8 room Oft!' dou.bie C tla d R alt Co Rep. POJRIER KORTGAGll 00. IR'SIAL TBII!! ~ N ' ' ~-with lleatolatol' _ _. &pt .....,,.,.,.. , .. } ... ~ li¥lnC ,;,,. .. unturn.; .. 5 month. CA.LL BOB SATl'LER. hlr p&tta. M'AD .orn:ll! ~IUO 200() · CDM . ·,_ .. ,_._ 7~ fireplace , prage. , Children welcome. Har. 1077-.l tor Free Appralal < Jiu' !&rs• u.int rm and Jcl1cllen-$ down in · Ill •---· • • . ,.prlee of •ao..,.., ___..,.;.. Oas n e V • Kttro Ute 11u. ,,,_ Kl WlBO 0 bo!rm. fllmllMd -e. lcSe+J ....,. p&tlO. ot new wt ,very 2 bdrm& p1.,. detachod ll"M\ -· _ . .,..,...,...,· ce"-:': __ ,.1 0 ' addltion1l dilCOllb* on 11586 Newport Bl•d .. c.ar. lCe9 • • fot l&rp ramllf. Well --'ftll -~ root, D-loay-i-Uo. ..... &'I. -th ar h!PW•Y· v•~· .--..-, ... llAI rid Uon ~ y J'URNISHji:D APTS-Utll paid. Beacon 5T02 (!:vu.. BeL 821it) r ~·we TO BUlLI>. oaROVll. ed. "" fft taot tram bay h°'I'---...._ OWDer muot! aeh. l'\lll pnce, -· . ' : lncluc!, Ins . . . ' ..,,... ' ' ~ . , . ,. our F.'rlgtdal,.., 2 bd1·m, $80 mon'" . ·~ ,........ --.... •• A SUYI • -..~ r;; -"--"' J I .. .... -~ BUT, MOD~ .()ll • •tt.9410-. . ·-':" ~ ~-. ul -$19,800. ' 10 ......... , 1 S bdrm, $75 mo. to Jun> 151.ll. ------------llD'INAN""' , ., , ' 2 bdrm -., , . , PLUS t bd"'1 1040 w. Ealboa Blvd. Phone HL "'A.-ll'llAJLE& ·SPACE Wa ...,. TiWt"'"" o.. DSUoinTuLJ • Bay-& Beach Realty ~ •"i' -.,, lailndrY ~ 21111 v:• Dr, BaJ'llh.orea. IWB POWERS iat· l2TO-W. =tfc -.. POlt· -..... ,...,.· -·· 'l1ola.....,.....,,. -,lllot loU dao...;. l'll1 . · --ley ' ~rt!'· •ie,zso, term.. · . ' '. ' 2P' J A. BEEK 0 0ff:~-TJLUI;ER SPA~ for w<iman pre-n• ' ___ a ·----ol CILUUL 0.. W.111• Ult '•la Jlhod! --UM · . ' ' . • ---"""' !erllllly. ishare b&th. SlO ao. IA~AJ,0#.lt.t.lllM. Poln\ ---·••llol-,:-' ~·'" ,. ·, Ernie Smith, Realtor •.• T.nn • •· ~es •!!-i,.-hlaadll'errJ BAY ;FRONT UNIT by week. month or y~ ~bl• rates. Harbor =2 ( JCve. Har. 29H·K . r I ' - ' ' I BORK ih<JuM, ~ .,.. C<!pt et0..., ftfrle.,. ' -Newly -411 W-ID· ter Awj. N_..,..t ll"'l"ta. Id 1980 W..arun.ter; Co.Ila M.-, ' -'Via Udo pj,. llar. ... . I ·B. R., l9pm. -• •I . J ; • .i-Cout lllway, eor-dli ~ · . ~ ,'" ~ '. = · ', -.•1-w. . lc6 a11:a1, ISl'A....., LO.Um ~ "::;:. '=:'t ~ ... 11:.':t For Sale'rJ.lY Owp'r • . .._. -.., , • .lli'll'-.a..._,• ~ ·~· .. ~ B boa '8]anci ~ial '"'I".. • UDO m.& 1101iG. '6 -Ii*, 2 .• • .,.; . -...... -. "· 9QOlf8 -aDT lraW rt Bale·~ -'" . ...~ . i '• ,,.,._, "'''" ... -p.tlo WMJ ~ -s,,..G -c-,..... loated .bdrm lir•e, · . .-· •~ __..._ . ....._ ---So th. "'-.-4."D-1 Md!F•lf ••t'1 ~ ~·.a.&-A IF , 711.-~·0ci• ·-_ ----~-:._: ·=~.:i=-~~;:'i ::,:.pl..::ilJ',.:;-, ·.;~:--: U IS't'--"~ ~ $18,'1:50 : f:_,· =-.:::i:~ =· oriw,".t:.~ U ·e::.::. '. ije.·llv. rm. ~.unr mo. Cd -Ma Ull9-.l ar 111 -"".::."':!. ~,."!.., ........ , ---=~= ........... A••tt!1 •-I'll. Clard•lcw • ,... ,.. -----Wiii · • ' ~ -.~;,_ii,_..1 kUtlNA...,_or--:. -F ,._...& .. . ........ _. .._~~·~··-:.. ·=--=-..=.~i: .. ····~::1:".,;: .... w;,· ~~ .. ~ ii ;x . ~ _.. :. •J::,•C 101W ,_ u1a -a,u ~ , , ..... Me :•~••t our ~ 1t, °"' •i·-till' ..._ ..... "1•·Ylf r. r.•101, ~· · PG Wa;K -lto<lal -Uob ,.-tac.. .ttnuf. 'l,,BDRM... APT., 0 ., 1a..-,.,-,...... ....... ... .. -tor~ ....... Utll. ~ 8LUS TOP, '81 N-· · . ""' ........ ., ... --.:: , ... ' Anllloo l .. ~ • I 9'1/-C .... -~Prtwllei:.: ;#$ lsllP•Mf• 1911i:i".:16'f": •• ~:'1.:£a:..:1''[·~~"= :-.-,::a,•Jt..o;~-= ..... ~12-r.111,/.,..4":-.. li r ..._. I* I -..._.. .~ lkMUB A. ~ · 14 . ~-... a ... A-.; •• .,_ • . 1' , . ::i:;..=---..:-u:.=t ·_";!\U:'f.:Z~·c;; I ... =i.i:, ::.:.~,_,= ...... 'tr. w. ::_..,,N9f\,~ J.,z~ .::=-:.7~l' -~ i"1f 1'JI"' -. <-~ . Nttc: H1•9---. ..... ..,. .. palt111 · nu JI& ._llDIT. \. _,. ~.-1111t111ntrllar"'9o I tllj ~•,-.... ._... . . ... -.. . . ·r· .. '.. --i # • i ' • l .. ~ ( ... .. ... ____ ...._.:......_;_,,~,~ • • • • I I, 11 11 • • . . • t • Christian • A Lee.tare on Christian Science En lilied Chrllltlan Science : It W!>rlm by • How Ard!lbOid Ca"°7, C. 8. B- ot Detroit, Mlcklpn A public lecture on the subject of Christian Science wu delivered here last night by Archibald Carey, C.S.B. of Detroit, Michigan, to· a large &nd responsive audience in tbe cliurch edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Newport Beach. Mr. Carey is a member of the Board, of Lectureship of The Mother Church, T h e First Church of Christ Scieoz list in Boeton, Massachusetts. The title of hie lecture was "Christian Science : How It Works." He spoke under the aupices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Newport Beach. • Mr. Carey was int.reduced by A. Allan Dartford, First Reader of the church. - , I , - I .• I ' \ .i· · New;olT-*ALIOA NEWS.TIMES I . ' ' • • • \ .1..-' . . Science leMii,Te-jJiJ. A'rckJrb~ld Ca-reg, C~ ·s~ 11. ·4 " -• ' ' II thn not bllndnea, u . tn.aiC u the· tack of phy1ic1l 1t&ht? And u we ..., the problems before ua, do _. not. all re-echo the CTJ ot blind llortimaeu1, "Lord, thll I miabl rec.iv• lft1 ataht"? .. \ 2 ' . · · oport\Jcm ct1lll ~ -· Loi ualattu-mplo\oO!Ou11--llolpoloblplbe-U..llalt el ml(bl bt --u -ta!. ifbJ; It, Ibo Ooil -~ -lie~--·-_...., Ibo~ ot ,ort• --TM abUdy lo -tl-l7 tplrltUal .... -Ill ..,._, .,..,... 1lmllar It ... A -who WU --_.,. .... Al ... srattfllllJ wholtD-W~lch Jilut """red with Al .... piD ~ -0 -··' w U• -· -U.. ot -d OQr tppr9dotlcm ot lho hlrn brousbt btllb>& and ---dttttr Yll!Oll ot wllot QOcl ... -u;-:l.-~: .!.'7~':'--!.::i· b7 ....,.llrf,~ "' e..-uslnl, II It a.,lp- tii>n." Hi• bodi' "ullittld.'Ud loll God tiiat thll brlup ,tallb. ~1~ ~-of ';,;i;,j;~ n-flll lnntl'1 eut, . ' ouUook wll ~-• · • • not tilt Dl7'llco) tal!la. ot DUDG cau-Chrlltlan Sclmee -•-Tiie ~ ot btallGI which Con "' loam' to u• ~ ....,. belief that IDl1 ~ ._ .....,L In lilii>I pra70' Ille praril-J'OU mat, ned In lbt'Chrlttlao lid" lolrtlul flllta , "'•th9d Ujll JOIUI utlliJocl~ to P«>duco ....adi:ablt rMl!tl bot -lwlltd to tnanllt ll1ncl tor ..,.. textbook, or .In tht atrlstlall '1"'"t 11 th• m...ttl "' spiritual limilo• resulllf 'rtJ< • will '~""" !tad to.dllt-1ot-tho lnllht lhtt ware .-i to <0<--ce lletlnel or Journal, u well Yimon Uut an overcome mental , Scleoce siYH a 'Idea~ upl.ua• meat Ullaunat. 'l'hr. lt • red UW: Cond.Jtlon.. · u tbl t.Mumoolt1 70\I IDa1 biu btllldneu! You bur It Aid that -of tht CbrbtlaDity •lllcll 'lfU nmd that b louDdtd upon Btc:autt µoo 11 Spirit,. alW171 "!17·Widl0alda7-tvt.,nldl ln a a.rb-•i ... only with t.h• r:11ical •111 tall£ht and d~1:jl~f:ltll tact:.. Whan-10'1 understand tb• arlivt, expaeai41 tbt pei'feet ~-UU ~ churc:b. tboW bow et-~~ =~·~~= = ,: ~ ~.~'!'.. ~...: ~11':1f~t'.1i. ~\;; r:.1l:·:.= r:t~~~"':4u "::"P"U:.r.; ~~ ~i~ ~!..i~1i"i= tt 0 printed pace ill t book. Both The Dilco\ioru of ;~ Sci-u-en wiclon\Uld.tni ot Tnrtb II Prlndple, It wu ap-l lhttm-· -•bert otbtr ~ ot hive ·equoJJ7 normal physical vi-tn6 wu Mary llabr J:<ldy, • •<r7 clitltNDt -myaticllm or aet!Yltj mull be like a ml-Ill hnlhll ..... ,.Uod. The ........ oton. but one b obi• to rud tnd tht women' of brllllant lp.uaot. Ber famotlcllm. A faith lbel b IOllJlded th ti •-~ lrut ~t ii II lllQl'O tffectlvt than P17-other ii not. Both can aee equally paftntt: Weft de'tiu.t QrrUti.anl. on tacU can oner ~ lbakeo.. It ma ema ca. ™""6 '_., Wl 'Wl-cbothenp~t.or ps7cbaeomiUe mtd- •tll th• block letten on the white ond her iptelle<'tGU 4Ualnmet>ll .,..,,.,, a1roDlor wltb ua. M -~~t tht man lald b' !tll lie-. lcloe, 01'. ouier 17llltllu lhtl dial pa&•· But the one "!'ho can "ad •e.-. balanced ~ •~ '!7.,..a.a-commune with God ta true pra:rw. .. JUrt 80 a miltak• ta matbematice with whet .,. called th• mental '"' not only the letters on the lion· of spiritu • t ~· u we levn to .. Jl1a nature u 1i INtnl Vff7 real to the la1M con-UPIC\I q.f,diJM•, ia Ua.at tn Chris· pqe,. h• a.bo sees the. ideu con-arew llP and he:r brtledUi o v ·on i., our srowinl undent&D.dln& ecioumus that bellevet it. 'l'bil tian Scknce OGJ.7 tundupental ve,.ed bJ the words in the book. LncreaJed, lhe couJ4r•M7ond the brinp th.it unth1Dble; »owerfu1 f.a1Je conJCioumeu 1a spoken ot in Truth 1a med W a..L Tbtrti Lllno Thu are both,looltint 1t the aame I narrow llmlta\ioDJ ~ dosma and faith. Th• Bible an. -nt• pn,.er Christi.an Sctmc:e u ''mottal man." eftort io Pilch up one aet \bf tb.lq; but one sees only the blacll: I creed'whlcl\ 1'auld deleribe Ood u of taittl lba.ll ea.v• the lick" (Junes ·Al.in mathemaUcs. th .. fa.be CO(!.-human belieft· Wltb other belle.fl and wbl.te outline of letten, whil• UmJled, chanpiibl-and aupemat-5:15). Tbua true ·pra,.r brinp the. ecloumeu that teem1 to believe a thl'OU.ll:t th' ~rot suuff\lon or the other .. s the Lord'1 PraJer! ural. She alto .t9tf a'OoVt th• -i-ablUtJ to behold u JUUi dtd the mistake can be rn.ened a.nd. de-hypnotic eontrol. CbrllUa.n Sclftce Tb• man who cannot rad 11 blind \ entil\c and intallectual blaotn perfect rn11n of God'• own libMU , 'at.royed when it .. 11.1bjec:ttd to the develops tbe lndivldual'1 natunl, to the ideu th1t th• othe-.Jl\Ul can which Would delClibi' the wor1d u and with this toaz ... -t .WW of man truth, aa we n~ce the mlata.ke . lntelliat'nt n:tpqna to Truth1 -· "' I .,holl1 mele(ial,, llnorinl th• tx· ta littl th• alclL . h •-Nol onl7. daft Cluiltlan Science How can the m10 wbo can.not · tstence ot such ~ euent:JaJ chanc-Gr.;titude lJ a.n lmoortant fMture Wlth the tact. ince onlJ w at q liY• u1 ,thll powerful mflbod ot read-bl reletaed from thi1 mental teriltie of Goct -Iii .lo\re. 'lb• could of pn1er. It would bl lmpoilible :,~ :!i Pr~~= .. be !:~! dealtna wJlh clilftM or dlacorda.nt bliDdness'! BJ ieaminl to rud. Re no reuq~ for tb• ootdlict Uult to rea.lhe the nature of God. what On1J theie ta'cta. both the fal• e!ondltloql throuth Chriltiu ~- Ria blindneu ii not dependent lffOled to Ullt· bttween «.lence He ii doln& tor man, what He belief of inaction a.nd. tb.e laJM con-ence trMtment. but Jt abo em.bla upon bil eyes. could not be reme-and rel.i&ioo'· A tdenWlc.~pP£0ic;b ttandl rudy to do for •ch one of ICioumeu that Neml to u:Peri-'11 to protect our Malth and I:f; 4ied by mallillYinC &lasses. Only which wu ~ qpon:.u b-onest ua. without beinl ll'&tetu.l. A lack ence it .,. unreal. nu in 4 ffl'J' detln.Jte way. · as he learns to read, to .ee idea• in 1earch' for'tn)U'a w.qU.Jd'llkl itl coal ot ,snUtucH would llliND. a failure The patitnt aa.ld be felt that be we can. com..,, it to mathematics. lhb manner, can JUch bliodneta be y. a o,mtI&piq;~d.td upon. an . lo ru.U.. whet God -IL One who bardl7 d<oerved b..un. lhtt be Zv!ni111&~Ucal con-I which overcome. ~ bis und...ta.ndinc undersfandatife 'PtibdJiW. .f Prlb-fett no cratitude could ».Gt be con-milht be justly su11ertni for bil , pre1111ta l~!f itt tht d'* of 7our increases,· ha blindnes& diAppqn. cjpl• Y(hlct\ .Jht!n~ d ~tl'ola ~ ICiout ot ~ p.raence of God; liow OJ'fD ala.I in the put. n..e praoti--th"'°"'t "' eitb.r" 1 tact or a ~ 'Ibo createi-bll undentandlnc, the •ver'11ool ~'f>w Iii Ifie utµvT.: could be proy to Godf But Ill tb• llooar coiled bll ottentlon to tht ._,_, t"°l!I • laOL Tbore 11 notbinl inore t;e an :see in each paze of the Al Mrs. ldd.y • lciultl\' t6 un ..... atmo.pbere o! sntttuct. we can · Bible statement. . ""Now are ,..1 the et... Aat4 • ~ can alway• be book. What he ii able to 1e1 de-ttand tke. rtcbt nf9d0olldp that bow God u He ls. can reallu our DU ot God'' (I John l :2), A aon C!Ot'Nded -.., 1\t 1~illc counWr· penat uPon his undentandin&. snust u1n ~WllllSl··tna•. lclmce oneneu wilh H1D::l. We are COil· of God. the lmale and liUGeu of tact, ltavi.QI 7ou w1Uti the fact in· _Jesus n.terrtd to thil mental !.~!_..lr\Ja_ wi!i~=~~o·....!tt:i ICfous ot llb pnltn.ce eyerywbere. God cannot be a l1mM'r and de-.tMd of tba rn1Rake. And . then blindness when he aid, "Y• can ~ ..... ,~ • !he met "'lUeued. are the pun ill bu.rt: tor ae:"e.110 iutrerlni. Th• on1r debt an DO u~tlon.t to tb.11 rule. d.bcem th• tac. of t"i.e llcy; but can answer' to Iler qlf QCll. • met they lh&l1 .. God" (Matt. 6:1). Ute real man ow• to God ii to Tbee la,,,'19. _m.lttab whkh cannot ye not discern the &iem of the "ith an aectaent .w 9 was el· ~ we u.pe.rience thia. true .t-upreu God to live lo obecUence to ~ ~ bJ tht appropriate. tJmet?" (Matt. 18:S.) 'Ibe Paalm-pet"ted to pivVe fll'-1. lbt tOok: h•r I.ion, u we'" the ma.nltuta.tion of God'a lawi. •Thll obllkaUon alway• 1'ct. lb ~D leitnce we learn ilt 1U-nU to~ the mental and •Pir· Bible and opcued. lf at jbe acCounl Ood everywhere. we love the ftirU and h alway a beinl fu1AUed.. to tat evtrt · tbouiht w2!1cti ap .. ttual vision that will heal thil of th~ hea!JN_bJ il.of I p.allted bNutJ, harm.Ob..Y, and DVtecUon Al one accepts hll true -1.thood pe~ .tt the door o( cooac:1 ..... blindness when he pnya, "Open mao. la~~ Ut1'. ab• Jif'll th.a' appear. lt Would nOt ~ poa.. b'~ ,_ _, b God, b' t' f11iJ.ctiDI 9'cb c:me that .. errooeoUJ thou mine eyes, that l may behold inJtan,taneo 'b Id. • · 1ible t6 IM the perfect man, who is :ru~itqn~v!,Z:;i1~ to und::o uad ~ Jt with what~ tna,. ~ wondrous thiqJ out of thy law" Hen tl)e ~-. "'iqtultive .~· Godlike, without Joviq this like-ilckneu•as a punithment, bul 11 • a. The lectul'i!r 1poke substantially (Ps. 119:111 ). dkatlon of • od ·~ b.alin& ntU of Gad. Throulh prayer we forever rid or It. And the omnipo-., "' 11 tollvwr: Sin~ what one uoderst.andl con· used ·b,Y J~1.~ui .... slit Uvoied learn to undentaod and let th1 God a.1 Cb.rf-t.ian. lel.:Oce fl pr~tica.117 Man .• 1ean 810, neu a busj city troll Wbat be 11 able to see, our bersalt ~ 1.JWcb .of ~ft.teach~ f:fection of God and man and to ~C'l:blmOf ..._ __ ..a i. wda7t• -Ind~-toln u"1uf · {n bus• .. -· Tb.ro\llb • 'l. '· ·d U •--el •nd w-•· ~. tpp___.t.1°1 e them.·_,_ corT-t v•-, "·t .. .-e ~om an ° ma. ... •-· .......,.I ot the Orient. a blind "-•1ar a\ at environmm1 uo eYl en '1 ..... "1 ...-~-~~ ·--·--.1.UJ.9 -~"' ....... th t ~ ..1.-'· ... _._.. l""h.,.{.+~•n DOl;ltnot we ~to de-the ruadaJde i-.. .. i .. •. N: onlJ wa• controlled b1 our caipacity to tee. study· trqm ·I ~c Point or necuaarily lncludea botb under· a "'~om u .ua .. repuuw...... ~~nusnea to ...o.n.t ideal bt blntd tn u.';iiihi ul the aun. but .A man wbo could not reed ml.abt vt.ew and loo&1Qc tq,.tacts and t.wa •tandinl and love, ezerciR:I the and abandoned. from ·~ .. Mind. .,.;that our bl con Id ,.. ll<'lhini before him bt tn lh• midi! o! a" libror)' o! In-nther.1hilj fqr l!Jlt*oleo and "lllper-poT'<r o! lnlth ~ror, the ~-pblse tod qmptom of alclc-dtcial-· .,.., better ftpl'<ll boll> but en<lleu d•1• ol aittil\I'. iD th• teredinl and atimuJatinf books natural OC'.'turnncw. the diJcov-power or a fact to d 1 • mil-nea or •in lb.It appf&red in thil : int.ell~ ~ a lovint tJ,elplol· beat ind dust. • t>.gar. I and yet tn~t conaider bU environ-ered the Law1 'tbat Juut bad UJed take, and thus it b 'ckneu. ln cue wa1 reverted throu.cb spirit· nta to o}hen. A clunr realiJa- On• day ai be Nt by the road-l· am1t held nothing ol tnterat. Let and ~ ·DM.tbodi' nf ma)ln.J prac-the Christian Sclen ztbook we ual understan<lini ot the speciftc tioa of tM bature of fundamental blm learn to rad. and be would tic~ uM -c>f UM.m. • 'l'hiJ wu the rud, Wfbe Cbriltli.ke underliand-truth that would correct it, follow-Tfuth. at lbown in Christian Set· dde ht heard tht noise of many 6nd b.imaelf in a.n entitt11 ditlennt Science ot OlrilUanity, and ~e iJ\I of tcienUfte ~· and divine lna lt;e diredlont of. tbe Chrlnian ence. enM»lel UI to deted an.a re. feel comin& t.uward him a.Ions the environment. ut.W)'~s:a1 and in.spir· caJted bu dill:oVUJ "Chrilti&n healina includH a perfect Principle Science tu.tbook (p. 233), '°Th• ject methoda and aiotives that way. Jesus of Naureth wu pass-in&:. Hia enviro~nt would Science:." . , and idea,-perfecl God a.nd perlec:t counter fact relative lo &DJ' diaeaM would lnterfere with our propaa. hi'!' ::ardM e~~~:°~:i~''r.~~:,re:; cha.nae as his ability to 1ee in· She wrote!. tutboot on UI:• autr tnan,-u the buil of thoutbt . ll required to cure It." Tb• man We \MIU to weilh and appHCiate \he wcmcierl\ll works that were creued. So bj1 environment mi&bt ject, calle4 "Science and Health and demon.strati~" (Science and aa.Jd tha! there wa1 a lack of 1actl more acc::uretelJ, to detect •-n• b• th l• new teacher. The• be Aid to be dependent upon what w ith KeJ tq th• sen~.: Aa HUlth, .p, 2$9). proper I a.ndular aecretio-. Tbi1 and reject fa!M lmpreaiODI that :::'.d .. '.., he had beaJ-' lep~ be is able to aet:. 1rowtn1 ~~ l>fcaii'e inter· But someone may aay, .. I •IJ'ft was corrected with tb• fact that mi"ht tlo "''"'rm II ·-pted u true -1•11• su . .,..,, .. t~-' 1.. "' Sc:i<ncf, Vtitb their that these thinp we have been there b no cbemica.l or biolo&lcal Th ... e-· !'!. ...... ftlll.,.-lt ~-•• wt -·-and blindrtesa, that nothiQf aeem.ed When we stop to think of It, how cu ,., • ., ._. _ ._.,.. ......... im-!liblt to him. 81,.,d BartJ-pr.arlically useful we and thi1 abil· · co-operation-ab• ·,founded the coru:ideri.nl are , true; ~!.:, one'a inaction or action independent of ta~• t&~ •hleb we receive the ' , . or Po,.·er 8qaadro& ecllni.ra•lo "Uslo llDT . l · • 1' 11all\ftl' -·· preoe.nW to &-.. s.-<iroii 'lif,,! Mn. Je&netta' nl tor me In cl&Mes to ~ ..Ulns prlN:lplrN.. ·· Tiie bnD WM bu t by BID Scllock and Jolmay Portl>r helped rla'' the .u.t.W-wtcut. out b.Y 8alat Cicero. Tile )Mlat wtU 4upUeate : almOet ah UlfJ au of a rTcuW alzed boat uader MIL . · , · • (Photo by Beckner )~ FOR SAP. •nits SAKE ' When parltlng, It I• always well ~o stop the car .. rore be.eking mu enough . to another car lo :rUah any pedestrt: . Who mlg~ be paj&Bfug .between the two c'°rs t1 that moment. I~ the Nat- 1on&l AutomOblle C ub. lf a ped- !!!ltrl&n tfaa been daydreaming. \'OUr heaita.Uiig · gi\l ~a h im or her m opportun.lt>: lo t e p aside. PART OF WISDOM, -Consideration of the o_ther drivf!,r Ir; not always a matter of a.llrut9JlL polnt.e out lhe National •Au~ ·' bile Club. More often it ia a QU'!• tlori of one's own interest&. Th'8 the man who tries to leave am~e ~ace for anolher car when .he hfa parked isn't an easy mark who p too considerate of others but ~ wise drlve.i who knowa what ·,,. Dodge ia niovin1 Walch It! , .mesa many drivers make ot part· -Claatfled adl' art, read by folk.8 who are looking to ~uy, lng and how often they dama.Ce re ndeors ot cars that are too ne&r the battleground. ; -~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-- • ' POI IER MORTGAGE CO. ' ma ew hid h~a.rd of Je~~. People ity to aee things that cannot be aeen Christian -Selerice movement. ./UJ,y-abllit1 to an idat can CODUl.Q 001'1 God that can interfere with the idea• that will broaden our viaion siid he wai like O.vtd, and that the br.,;lhe phYtical eye. If you are one wbo knowa Whft abe >a~-environment. that throulb com.m.1 • .i._U..· harmonious activity of Life, tb• and heal bOth mental and physical 1 P. nm· g to build a house •our lisbed la c:om=ed to ~ ber nion w ith an• intelli&•nt. o .... lU&. We which 1ov,ms man ano. everr-bllndnesa. -, ·nttd to ~u•· lhe powtr of God waa with hJm. They ' ' ~9'.. .. , ·· God d tJ lhln •-• hi Tb " •• ~ said \ha\ he uaed thi1 power of ideu talle &bape in thou&ht. end , '\y a.Qd in ce. ThOle,who evv·praent one can ev OJ> I that u.;iOJlll to m. e pa-toundatlonaftnath1 that are afven 433 SPURGEON Bl:DG. SANTA AN A, CALIF. ' ' ' You ~,,. to see In 10 ... mind'• have .-Jv"" ••• boneftll ·which the ability to -ldeaa, but bow tlent aald thot ..........,. muaculor 1n ·~s~•---• lhe ~~~·--•-i- God )D bul tbOM wbo cama to bim ~ --~detottiWilith. · .'.''.~·····.'!:".~"-,__ tll tbla be mado praettcall7 acttooappoandtobelodWla. Tllil ·. •-"":._, __ ~u~-~th ---~-W--itlp. Wltb a srut IW'&e of ueb~d.b°Y:i·~71~o:i.INl.:i:': au i tbii".'"9.. ~. -r ...... ~ltome7h · • . • wumetwtthlbetrutbtbattben ence ""CM:JUJteand~ hope \he b\lnd man cried out. buifder. He be&it11 to aee what :rou tud• and lOY8 tow~tbe ooe wbo Chrlltlan Science, 11 Science, can W no inert substance and \hat with Kef, W the kripturet" by Announces • " "Jest.IS, thou fOD ot David. have baYe in mind. and the idea• become bu ·d11ne'' 10 tnuch1 tor ."\hem. So &how1 UI bow to ma.kt an eft'eetive no pby1le11l· inacl.Jon or aeilon can ~~ -Th!__~tua.1 The Opening of mere')' on me . ., Tboee who were more concrete. Pl.am and apeclft-Cbristlan Sdedtlstl:reeoirtiU' Mary application of what we knd!IW;"'u..: · ei-revent the ~bl• activity of tnaUt1!!!'Uilt::.»e':'•ni..~~~ ~-I near b1 tried to keep bltn trom in-c.a ttona ·a.re drlwn. and the car· Eaker Eddy u ' th'. D11COVere.r of Juus did ln. .bealint aickneu. We Spirit, 1'hich ts "alwa.11 operative_ ~~-@d!~~~t:l!::~~F~"""~ _. .. ·rve-th ' terruptil'.'l.1 Jaus. but he continued pent.en. ~d muqna and thoae who ChrUUan Scttnc. .. ••·th• rounder UI not deaUnC with abltraction.a, r IVe.rywbere. He u.Jd be bad' nO" aentiifb7-:'~--nceurd I er-.. · • . "' to cry, "Tbou IOQ of David. have wW fUrilish the materiW 1ee the oJ. the 'mOv.mtnt thrvuih · wbk:h but with concrete fact.. Ol:i11 one appetite and no delire tor ri&bt standin( that th• Christian Science merq on me.'' pro)ect more clearly. The mate-th.11 ·b~il' \nlth la ~c;bln.& man-who lffl lntelliDDtb' .can really action. Since God it Love and ts textbook •11 truly a key to the Jesus heard him. Ke stood It.ill rials are prepared in 1cco~M kind, &n.d H Abe sreit Leader comprehend tac;ta:. The only cuar· expruRd in rilbt act.Jvity, boW Scriptura u it enables us to rec- and told bis tollowen: to brinl the with this mental picture. whose ' cleai VilioD hil led them a.ntee: o1 be.in.I truly objective .. to could m1n, His lmate and Uk.eneu. o4J.!Iie their true munina. blind man to blm. W\tbout • a\O'" hardness of l\One murt yield to out of laooruH~ Ind bcmda&t. hito t.xereiae an intellilent, discriminat-fail to desire and have ri&b:t ac.tiO[il(! Chrittian SCilnee makes a dia:· ment'1 hedtatlon, Barttmaeus cast impact ot this mental concept, trttdon:t ~d' htaltb, 1'llJllODJ anH in&, subjective, or knowinl con· Only the falae •II, m11·· tinCtion beiween \lie'Cbrilt, deftned awa1 th• prment that wu the the stone ls molded a~ au«Ua. . , ' · ICioulnesl. Tb.ii tntllliJ:ent, blow-which accept.I millak" Ill . , in the, Cbrinta"n 8ci111.ce textbook mark of , bepar ~d eame to tat the 'plam.. The alre ' ~ 1a& eonaciouan.•.recocnJma apirit· could u y that man 1" t as ''th• ttfl\1n1 raanlteatation of Jesus. Jesu1 Aid to bial. "What the rtslstance of w~ Id How does, • lcienqe •X· uaJ or ldJ'riaely "1.tpb.1 ftctf, and dftire .. Man under Ui9 · t G~. which comes to the ft~ to wilt thou that 1 abould do · unto subttance and powv,. t,.ldeu . plain the -' ott"letUI And witlt. such fact.alt can destroy mil-of God con1tant1Jt.~ d ' -de1tro1 incarn1te ert0r" (p. ~!) .thee?" The blind man amwered. the materials are a btecf,11 cive UI tbt Yili$l 1bat will.enable tat.ea. ThiJ power of dJYin• .Truth presse1 ri&Jit, orderl.r act:lvi Y: ·e and luut. deftned 11· "the bi1hnt "Lord, • .. that [ mltbt ~v• ~ buildilll ii bWlt, and the mental us to ~ ·u11 ot"'tb't, tam~ lair• over error ii tiJed 1n Chrittlafl Scl· • intelllcent expre11ion ot lJ.fe and humaa corporeal concept ot the aiJ:ht." cbnceptl of th• builder lta.nd tortb wl\itb ~· ~_J. -""·wt . beitn to .nee to produce Practical. tu&ilW.e Love. divine idea" (p. 589). The etema.1 Kow tbet prayer well• up from in vi11ble and tan&ible expression. study \ht, CU1iUul: stieace ttzt-eftedl. Aa ~ tal.H, Wo&icll delUJJon1 of Ch.rit1: wu to fully exemplifted b1 ( tbe hn.rt ot bwnanity! "That J You move into• home wbicb. you book, ·"'ScltllCJ ini 'lhJlUa ·with mortal man were revened and re-JHUI that he wp lr.no.,..n u Christ • -AT - 141 5 Coast Boulevard Next Door to Bay F.acrow) • CO ONA DEL MAR, CALIF. Harbor 1077-J LER SHIRLEY E . POIRIER ROBERTL. S • rn.J&ht receive D'IJ 1IJbt"-that we ba.d lff!l-before 1·. was built. Your Ker to tht ·tits:. ~· bJ 'fi(a.t'1 ChrtlUaa lcPoe TrataMU placed with spiritual truµi., as these Je1u1. · 1'o!h th• Bible end the m.11 aee wha\ to do, what eourM to • mental vbion bu controlled and Baker Ud7, "W Utal::U..• ftnt How li thia done? The UH ot truths were declared and' atl\oned, Christian Science textbook 1pealt -!-========*=============;=====;!! take bow to ~ the problem. Q&:blllllid 10ur environment. ~~~.~-~l!'f. ;f f/;,W~ lhb power of Truth ovu eqor to fear and d-ndency be1an to.Iii>. of. the CJ>rllt H tbe ·Wty, tnd II · ( that' confront us! .How me:u 'are ·'I'biJ power of ideas to control 1~ial ln~ ... ':!.~'t! .. ~· .()f beal disease and solve ever,day The·morbldmentalattitudethathe we thipk'.of the Christ•• the; way ·" searchin.I for tht UllWt.rl our ta,niible environment" has a ...... ..,.. ~ Pk'9blemi ii Chriltian Science thou&hl wu the result of bil·~Y41· of livin1, jt be.lpe us to understand ' Jesus knew tht answer. Rt.al.iJ"': t.ar-reacbina effect. Fitt' y~ 110 tl).~•· .,.. -Uib U\,ll trestment. Bein& acienliAc, it ii cal roodillon bep..o to diAppear Ule ete.nial ,Pft>Mnce of the Cbrist. I • ~ ~ ----• ·--~~"'"•• .... ( ;,1:-.·~-deAnite and etreclive. It can be evenbe.tontberewuanyphitical Al oui' lfiof1 'a:pproach ~and divine Love to meet eve.J7 human mobile wu unknown. Today we ...... "6t ~ i. compared to lbe use of the power chanae. The bf:>dy. rilieVed Of the mere· the 'divine manifestation of need, he •Id, .. Receive U.,. aI&ht." are .wTOUDl!ed by automobiles. veQ ~. ·.tlW: ~ of a tact to dtl\ro~ an enw •ln atapa.tin1 etr~t of :Ii God,wetlndtbatooeneuwilbGod hrunedlatelf Bartima.llUI received What made tbem appear? Yun thotJAt 1~. ·..:J:"ct ~ d).lthematlca. t4inkin1, upreued free, o erl1, that fl trot Ulvation. Thus the hi1 slcht 8.Qd followed Juus in the NO* tew tne'ft in dift'ereot part. of • thmwt ... ~~~~ McOibtrirll ~ UnW Jt ii correc~, a mathemai-h&nnJHI. and pain)ea ac _vity. acceptance.of'the Cb.rilt brinp tull wa.y. Not otlJ wu tbt phytical Use world were entertalnina tht _... us tbjliib Jcal miltak.e can. m.Ue a crut dM1 The 1entle, lrresbtlbl• pow~ of aalvatlO!\, iQt. a1 • pouible tutu.re blindnesl healed, but th• mental idea that it Wu possible to produce by attanpti:J:W to God lr1 J:::er of -trouble. Tbe wbolt producUo.n IA>ve removed puma.nenU the u:perienOt, but u 90metbiq to bl· btlndnesa of indecitlon and unper· a aelf-prOpelled vehicle to take the ~ow. 8._~~:.c:_t I·! Jo~! line of an automobile, factory mi&bt tenM of material inaction th.a bad nperif,pc:ed. here and now, with a ceived opportunity WU cone. place Of the borH. Most people a.u ---OU be abut down bJ' • mlthematica.I I .eemed. IO powerful. -praenf NlHM from 1ictneu and . Without hesitation be followed we.re blind to that idh . '11i1 men 4:18), uncb1nlipl ,.b.avfila in-mistake wbJch ruu.lted in the· Of· In th.is case, the beal~ came, poverty and tin. Cbriltian Science Juu1 in the w•1-lh• way of lov· wbo say thia idea succeeded in 1et· ftnita bJtel;UI~ ~ CO be no derint of a.n inlulllclent quantity of lmmediatel)'. · other lim.llar cases tulAlll UM wordl of the Bible, lni ervlce to mankind. of under· tin& otben to see It. The idea point In atterapl:ialth.roqib prayer certain part&. And yet the miltake ban required patience. Sometimes .. Now I.I eome talvation. and 1t.a:ftdin1, crateful obedienct lO bet&D .to 6nd tan&ible and vWble to cbans• Bia~~ or to ln matbU'latiCI can alwaya be col'-It bu been ntceaL"1 to appl.r the ltrtntlh. and th• kinldom of our God (Mark lO:t&-&2, Luke lll expreatoa-usuallY very noisy ex-tJf:lAdt Kiln .._. °"""" out rected. and when it la cOrrected it truth peimtenUy,· u we do in God, aqd tbe po._ of bll Christ" l~Sl . preu10Q-4D.d vehicles th1t could will. ,,._.. ~ .. no. ad-00 tonier makes trouble. Tbe proc· matbematlca if we·do not lnstaqtl,.. (ftt'f'. 11:10), _ t.et u1 look at thia lPddent actually move themselves aiona the vatltace. tv~ t ~ P,Oll~ eu of cOrrec::ttni such a milta..te 'ia 6nd th• correction. One pbue of Bew M ..,._ frankly and ob}ectively, Int to see rotd· be&an to appear. Mort peopl1 in penua Go4. 1'0 be 1• n:ry much Ulte a Cbriltlan Science the false COI11C'i.ousneu called mor..: · JUl'l wh1\ taok place, and 111COndl1, aw the vision. They· were willift.I lovtna .fnd · .. , .. 1 • • tret.tment. SuppoM JOU multiplt tal mad lJ that It tometimel •e--How doet one start~ uae Otri$- to see wh1l f.aw1 Wlft utilized ta buJ ani;I use can: and tumis.h the But lf *• 8'!I P"79' U •means 001 number by another. ·In ordfl' pean to continu• atLtr 70U Ji;nbw tian Science? Ybu can buy or whlc:h could> be practicall1 u.eful money t.o build more cars. ~ the by which. ·~· communion to verity JOur ann.oer 1ou d.ivida l t that JOU know. better. Wben 1ou borrow a CopJ' of th.e Cb.riltian to us. But belore &oinl ln.to th• ment.aJ concept ol freer tra.nspor-with God 11 Iliad. .,. ean_p.IJt lhe b7 the multiplier. II tbat dbel nbt watch a auiuet, 1ou ltnow that the Science ,Qztbook, .,,Science. and methods u,ed. ltl u1 ,.ta. complete tt;tiqn developed, automobile• were abili\,. to let an• \ale. rJlht ldeu, &Ive JOU U.t other •umbt:T, 10u IUD don not JWVe, that tt ii, th9 Health •IP't JCekJ° the Scriptbret" picture of what Jeaua did to Sarti· imp~.-.iter tuell were pro-"',!!8ul~ I!!:" r~ ~a;::: -that 7our ..,.,. .. ii not in w'th lhtt cloH tlit, movio&. Th• by llll'J' lltktr d7, ot ••7 Cbril-maeu1. He not onJ1 healed hJI •.T*-vided. road• .,. ... prepared. Our •• ,, ...._ v. m arcordance with th• prtncl:ple Ot tat. ten1e tnliltl th..S It can con.. tian Sc~ "'Jlndinc Room or li&ht; he al1a lilted him out of •hat ta.qjWe. vWbl• env~t wu abllit.Y to 9'I: u l when h• matbematica -and therefore 11 n~ tldUe to .. the. aun movin&. even aecure i( at anJ public llbtary. ..,e bave called m¥-~ blJndnt.U. tnnstonned bJ lbe mental vWon .&niiuOt the 1.IPt Ulftetl..BuU-corstct. ti not rul. · ~ thOUCh JOU know better. -'When R,td th• Int ebapter, on PrJ,yer. &rtimaeus aaw nothlnl to·do but ot tbe · automotiY• pioneers who maeua ouf a& b ,....._·-"" ··-•--Bui •ou ~ow that wau can eof-7ou learn to drive aa•automobile, It II UH llttinl ~!1~iodow lhada There · Are .. -' ' , MAN AD-VANTAGES • .. tor · . OU 'in Using ; ~ ~ ' NEWPOR -BALBOA NEWS-TIMES NE'flPORT B'A Y POST . .\ ........ ..;, and · SHOPPING NEWS . . . . ' ,. • sit by the roadsida and be&. Bi wu uw somethina beyond th1 mental Trua PRJtr• ~ ~ t:qm.mwuua rect ttrl. mi:tue. ni'ii"'" ii 1 Vet'1 7ou may lean\ from a book every-on ·a IUB!l1 momma. JC.eep ·Ob blind lo any other -lbfilty. 11111:1 blindness of thdr-cloy and cue-:i~ai':f •:fb. ,. :.::= li&J>lllcant lhlnl· &vtn thouab 1he thin& ,.... need to know about -.11..,. -.ild -bow it lliuminea blind people have IMD ~1t1m•· cfed:ed tn abarinf their vi&ion with .._. . ,~"''""' ........ ....r--.... ...1 ....... 1 calculatilVO ·wJtb tbe wro•.• drlTin& your car. And yet.. unW tht INllD~ot Ute Bl)le. Y~can ties for,. useful OC<U:C lDjl ... -elher yeu drive ..... , .. own _. ~ ~-llA....,.uaa -~ •ou have ................ ~ow1u•• to attend. Science diuttb -"" ,__ _ .. , _ ... = __ .... -1111........ -.·it.In. 7odr...,. boadwrtt-, ~ ~ ~ --"'~-prouelS. lD 1pite of • pb.ySiea.I .Qr, or whether you me taz.lcabl" .__ aup ~ ..,_ ---· U It.. It control your b.anda and feet ·ill ..-..K:w •;&uncla,, and on Wed· bandi<1p of blind-.. Tbb mtn er• buies. lhb Yllion o! Iha url7 U..1 Re orb I · ,="'gt: lnL ,.... -that 0 """" drt>tns. your body may not prop-....iu ·~ the -wu no< onl• pb-'~~11"" but tu•--..>..ue bull'--bd b-·-•t lo ~ .... liJ. -u, -not -111 HP<' II It 7oUr -•7 -• to """•t ;7ou know. lncluclo ' ot bta!ini' ID ' ,.. ,,,..,,., bit w~ ~· '"'°"" or· ~~· .....,,. -\biDldna In cpltt ot wllot tpPacta ~'.1 :.--7ou -t1n":='•-··-w•·t ~~~-'<UM-e. · · WDhRT -BALBOA PRESS .- ·stf If o · MS · . : ·: · . ' .. b• wa1 11ao mt.ntallJ' d. UM. . · you ·n · environment ot ireatu .__... lr4ft __ _. u... r;t ou u. ..-..., -u. ,......-i.w..A"'•~ to ... tht pocilbWtlet ol act!'.;ty freOdon!,tod opportunity. --~ -~ . . lo be ""'1' lbill \,. .._ •~ JOU know, aJMl keep Gii drivtn., ·YOU'"!! Ull7 etu47 tht 1liblt that COljid brlnl blwi-lo him-DI tbt . 'rblon ot th-men, tod to .._., .. -,lll!do ·• GOd. a ~ IA 8-.., i;::; ... 1 before 1001 your body wW -ud th•-~ -tnt- aell and othen. • be<two ,.... now ~ -toctoy God. uitt,_.llqt ~ -·~ repudlalt It beca-10U -eo NlpoOli" to 70W' thCIUlhl lhtt ~,'"11~ P .. ••fllc!enU- -~ wt>a\,.a ~· wbot lhe7 at• belbre it WU..,,_._ be -la 1111 ·--~· It It not tnao and ~ta. T:t 70'1 lmmtdlaltly 10 tbn>Ulb -all !O<, ~~1111 -1 Ud OD look otaN. Nol ot>l1 wq llil ca%•11ible, It 11 ru':iblt tor 70U woullt'~i:~:7:=·•·!11t,!-r:=; NJecl that lolle --Iha lllOllotll Nciu'lred to ""'9 ar """~ OoC. ,. ~71i<id bllndn-hMltd. 'but bll · · u · ~·· In -.. •blcl> -lo aCc'!lll tbe m••ua 1 • -~ -·· car wllbdul ~ dtlll>-Io ..,. --ol blind llutl· . ..,, .!!!~ 1Dablllt7 .to to •• .,,.,.,....,.,. •or·-a ollQt , I ~-~ : u....i,atldltand"bf7flld~-.,.·-tt·~...._ -. ....-·w~.:::.-:;..,....__ .,. __ , m.,.~~Oj>poj'liinltt• liii<lailn bua..-Tbtlr-bU ""4u<td · So Iha ,.., c<i4....,.. II t ebfil17 to~ Ibo~ -' iiif"'"' ~ .,....,. _,, .. ....,... ="i :Oiallo.=. Ht-· will~.·· mulll,,for 70U. tndind-__....!Ir··=*-~& f:.-111attbii!aloe6w•.,..: Slim Cbrlltlon ~-~I-. t r ·~t'~" m7 -.i>M ._, cldak flt a btQar.,~~ , "'117 .ol W"'j ~.ii..'!Clj :::·--lbeto°'"!M.la_ti.:_ !Dlftl, muy N!iliDO-. !II• ~-.. JIPJ.:f :e;_ cloned'hll plift.at II>* ,.. ... c1e, Ii.;;.,..;.._..,_ ' ltl~cl!Oi .. 1-.fla\I • ~ !:!'.!..=. .. ~...., 'f"J~-~.::. :.=i:.:.=~;a~ ;' A#f · , ~ Loft llblt and I '.t~lad \WJI Iii. ptevl-.\a....e --bGw Oowtrlul 11 _, ,,_ ' •-,.. ~Clo--~.l:rou JIMia Ii MN to..,;.-. oua la loUo'lred J-m· lbtijiilll;ir IO-mlnfolly. ltlt'.llOI la u ·. :_1$', i!: =~c = ~·~ i;;;;,Jlalt u 1"'I wWld 1(,__ ~ .. Ml!l 1il. !llld CWda u~1>tk1o-tt ~-to'llndthil 'up\IDaU... ~'.~r -..... ~ . .-.J:.:J;_.-;;,MIJ.li' .,..::'J1zt.=t'"';r:..'Ci _)Ii; II'. 1'<1&,W'~":.~ tfio ~.,~~--~= of.!ttlEinl ~ -"' ... WT ... ~ !'E" --.. ...,,... -If,.... -~ • .... 1!11. th..,ll;!illf.-"~maJ~ ..... and -Ith '{lib ty. to tbl H~DH'fl • b -~ • ~:.._~=-~~--~ !i!.'."_ .. ~~ID.ci:M';_-.;. ;sjlr, ~-:"ot°'!'.....,; --''m~I"' ~~~ ....... In. ~ ....... •~ib17 -SdllJ/ ~llP ... _. '* -·--M-~· r-Qar-otiu..,--•":'cm: ;;~~.,;1,.·1-MWi 1a _ •• _ ~ ·>,._ ,, .._ ._..,,,,,: .s::r... -.. 1i.at17 ... .....,.... t ·~ ~·- -• -lli~ba1 .... __ '" .... ---·P" .. lib ... =.:·;;..~-=-..... ~ =ilst.-;:&~-~-"' tl-._JatrlfiN'flliJl--.i~ .... ...,,..lillllwbeftainn~LJllttllt'-fa , .. : ......... ...... ....... , ......... t ... trutJaa••f8'ioMr9ft'S-filll~ei 1.... ~ -joJ--l'"?~pftlu-Nl"'ftmt ial ... ajipoantomm1&11. 11111alt" ""' at~ ..._ .. S'l' .... -lla11 '">I 111 .__....._ ~ -· _ ~ Wt'*Cj*°' . ~ ( . .,......Ull_-tlle::.s-;:--~ ' .. .,.,... ~ .. -·11101 ..... Aa-1-.............. ""'.. .. (lie.. 11,m>tllllc-fr!llD., --~SsM!:.... ...... ~~~ ~ .. -_.... ...... _ .... __ = ... --....... ,....... . Wiida1•.-oftlll... ""'-------~ • : lllill-J C d1 .r IUlb • -·-~,!' -I • ' • ~~i::.i:i • .,.='001~= . "=ae-=-= .. -:u:,:: .. 11 •l!.-:is -..::i:."':.i1~:: ::· '"1"'7 ......... .,.,19 -ttodo.-\;""l_,_~ ~-··---le;"~'= ,,,•o:.:r-!i-1 ,....,.1 ,.. .. ... -. ~ .... . to flt( wbol I l'IWtll"""'f ... ,._.. II* ~ -... '1· lo 7 R ..... -------·lltll!n ... ;r:L '•It ' " ~-·~ ...... ____ ....._ ... .._. I ' ..... -.... •g_,._ a ~ • ..... :..v-~~"J='O:: •t ... v .. -~i-,..... :. :~::;;;z; t ~ .,, ''S '•" _, ...... . , •,_.~-~IN,'_,.... ... II .ll!"lllLl_al!-MI, F! !I' ::-nllq_M-=~r=z. ' . Jlnl_.,,,..,::i~ .. I .q_ .... cq._"l ·'9\-• .... -, .. -· .. 'IF • .,..,...,, Ill .. -.-1 ..,. ' • .. l .r .. .. ~ t. ... -, · •. 7 •• ,..., ,.. • • . l \ t ~ ~ ·":'~ .... ' ...,. . t •. -• r • • '