HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-17 - Newport Balboa News Times• • -- • ! I· I • • ;-~, BA:Lt0A POST OFFlci:-Hub K.....,., Bai-Post-• .. r. h pk:blm:ed ~ the aadle.nce whleh ~ t~ ~ the nP""nlnc of .the "•'t• pan 9ftlee MA•:p.· m.:Frtday. X...,. wu vert ~8ed wltb tk ~ 9f Urie DeW bWJdtnr·and mlled It une ot tbe' llJOIJJ. .beaatltUI poet of.ftce& for cities or Mmllar ~. • -- • •' cVENT HAI LED BIG SUCCESS Callfomla.'e Golden Bear• elght- ·:>ared their way to a three boat length victory over • aecond place Stanford Saturday anemoan In lhl!l first annual Intercollesiate iteg'&lta to be held Ln Newport Harbor. Five lengths back of Stanford was third. place UCLA w Ith k>uthern Cal eight lujtha behind 'he Bn 1lns. Ky EbrlJhl'• men of California \troked their way over the 2000 met.er course on North Udo C hanntil l.n six D'llnut.ea, 29.8 M1c- 1nds. • ' FIVE CENTS • Hottut tuue jll the N-rt Harbor an. tlllo wf!Ok wu U.. dio- cuuton of the nahey t.o .,_ Med on the Newpok Be9Cb Oty Cowie cU. Oow>Cllii\'eo W\thout .-pllon ~-oun..'t.. at Did< l>TU.e'• ouijden uUo.;' In 'iutgn1na t.o W.. , a tour ot Europe wttb Kn. Drake and Mr. and Kra. ~ L. C?utcber. Dra'ke app&renUy coosult.ed no one and b)\ that move &lteMted many of tbo9e '"friends U)d sup- porten who had stuck by h1l'ft dur- ing hta atonny career on the city council. · Principal conlendeiis for the post ot councilman , are Ralph MUkey t-rom Weet Newport and Tom.Nor· ton with a large backing from a.I· boa lalan'd. Mukey ia ; being puMed by Fraru::i. Horvath and Dick Rlch&,rd. !'l<>rton baa ' the apparent backing of the Be.Ibo& &MOClal(OJ'UI pd the" I&~ groups u Well#9 the Mariners Mlle area. .. ' l News-T\mes .Photo) In the junior varelty race whic h preceded the main event . Stanford Jayveer1 paddled t he listance In 7 mlnute11, 2:6 ·sec· 'lnd11 for first place. UCLA lln- iahed aeoond, six length• behind with a pickle boat playing ca- boose. The pickle boat consists ot aparea trom USC, Stanford !ind the Brulna. Calltomt& wu not enterted ln the JV competition and wu not npreeented in the pickle boat. QuJetly being mentioned in the backgroun~ Lo Wal~ Loltrmoo•'. chairman of t.l\e ?leiWport Bea.ch Planning Copuniulon. put prul· dent ot the Chamber Of commerce "1d ard"nt dYic Worku for many years. Lonf"1oor at the -mOment l9 out ot the city and ,bi.I not been avallab1e for cornmeJlL Wbeti ap- pr.oached by the c.lvlc groupe de- siring to back him ln the 1ut elec· lion, Longmoor aald he deelred to tlnlsh the Job aulgned hln\. on the pl!Lftnlng commiaalon with ad.op· tlon of a muter plan and"" zoning ordinance. Thia project· la now completed. •• , FIRES CAUSE $5;500 : DAMAGE Total estimated damage or.-------------- $6,l!iOO w aa caused by the two bluest fires ot the ~ar ln New- Port 1:farbor. both occurlng over the put wecken( the tlre de- partment has repott.ed.. Illness Forces Rubel off Jury ' ' Friday a t 7 :20 p. l}l· the inter-A slight stroke suffered by lOT of a home owned by Andy James E. Rubel. ~ Lido Soud. The race ran etricUy accordlnl' Oram of San Marino and occu-Lido Iale wUJ · poatpone the sched· to the form cha.rt• with ca.Jtfor- pied by o r . Harry Morgan ot uled investlption ot the garob-nia. addlng 80me addJtlonaJ stlver- Los Angeles, at 20T Abalone, Ave .. Ung activities ot the Seal Be.act ware to their trophy case which Balboa Is land, wu burned out metal Monte C&rki (Al.rport Club) already ho\18e8 three Olympic with an eatimated loN of $3000. by Committee N o. 1 of the Or· medallions and atx Poughkeepale Then on Saturday at 1 :43 p. m. ange County Grand J ury, Sam regatta champion1hlp cups. jUat, betorti the creW races got Meyer, cha'rma.n ot the Jury, an· ilroke Foot Board Wi~rway In the bay, the garage· pounced today. ' . Of J , C. Elms, 267.1 " Viata Or .... Bay Rubel. Well --known author of Callrornia 8 llme might have Sllores, caught fll:JI: and S~ .weate.rn and mystery novel!'!, ha!'! I been better had not BllJ Rurland. dam& aused. recovered from hla 8 troke but Nmber 6 man. splintered . his foot , ire was c -. uPtm the advice ot hia phya:lclan board about •oo yarft. from the .. APL ChJef Jan ~ Of Ute. tlntah. ~ of thl• CaUfonlla ftn dfopart~t .-J.d ~ tht. Will giv•~!'P .. b'-po.alt.Ion •• .. ~ad did not"'" J5UF·6W'tbl~ ,,.. t'l;,r ca'lu1e-orli6t•-.i--1• '•tnt 01 Comrnlllff Nb. 1 and ''wJU flnlOh 1' th 1-' iliiiJ• stvl• ~ -'a · take thtnp~ easy for a while.': n e .r s Ye. un _etermmed. . . The committee of which Rubel Stanford crewmen held • alight .. Mra. Hagerty, 121-.Abalone Ave., was c.haJrman was eol\ce.rned with lead at the 8t&rt of the couf'9e 1'!,POrled t he Island' fJd_ anl:l th.e the tnvestlptlon of law enforce-but the C&tlfoml& ell'hlera sur.red S..lboa Island ftll'ln• a.n.awered ment. agencies such as the oftl-Into a half lenll.h lead al the 500 Ule call. No °'* wu home when ces ot the sheriff and the dlatrlcl meter mark and neYer rellnquiah - ihe tire occt1n'ed and a.JI the tum-attorney. ed the lead, alter that t lrne. lahinfa. newly purchaaed by Dr. Superior Court Justice .Robert According t~ we.ter •plder ex- ¥orsan, .were dfl(royed. Fire I Gard,r\er will probably appoin t a pert• ~lltornta at.arted 9ut w1Uri lhspeclor Phil · J¥yden. said the suettsaor lo rRubel at the Wed-a 38 ~al and then eel t ied Into a bouae waa dam8.ged . lo such ah nesday meettn.-;c of the Grand pace eating. &mooth and powerfu l (CoaUaued oa Pap I) Jury, Meyer aa.k\. 32 11lroke. LESOTHS AHEAD. of MCOnd 'plact-St&aford. thto Call· fond.a Goldl!n Bean na\1-f'lfbted ttwtr "'>' to \irtor,· In Nr\rport Harbor's flnt crew res&tta tn NorUt Lido Ch&n.nri la.'I Sa.tl(rda)-: The Bear eJ..chtaorne covered the %000 meter· courri:e ln 8 mlaute&. :1.1 &eeonch. (Top plloto), Lowfr photo lhows the •tart of tbe Harbor Track Team Wins ~e~~~JJ!~! l'l•wport )iarbOr Hip traek team captured the eu~t t.e..iue dual meet championship u the)t out• ell.Med Orange lut Friday for the Tara· 23rd conaecutive dual win. The .cot'e in the contest held at ALL llYES HERE -~1or \·a!""lty race "itb ttae l JCLA ln the' torecround.. a plckW boat (compo11f'd Of rttWmNI from Stallfont. l lSC and IJCLA) Df':t.:t and Stf,afoni i.r fM awa~. Ti."' JV nwt' wa. \\'on b;y Stanford with UCLA ta~ .aeoond. The pickle boat pro\•f'd .our but man.a~ to co~plet.e the .OOW"W. (Newa-Times and Beckner Phot.0.) , II\"l'O THE DRIN'K l'Ore9 ·v\ct.rioua Coxwala. Bolt McCoaneiJ who 18&8ter-\'Oiced UJe, Golden &fl' crew lo vtctnry over t1te !900 met.er OOUl'lle la Nortll 1.Jdo Obannti lut. Saturday. (News-Times Photo) Member• ot the Central New- port Community U80Clation have exp?essed a dealre to .-ee Francts Horvath natned· to the council post u have other friends of his rn West ?fewport. Horvath, has been active on tbe park commit- tee in recent years and was an unaucceutul OOuncU candidate tn t h.e lut electton1. Wae Roaaer Up Tom Norton ran ln the lul elec- tlOn and waa runner up. He cam- paigned with Braden Finch who now •il.4 on the cOuftc1t. He' told the Newa-Ttmea today: "l wu wtlltng to b;e. oJ .. service 't that tll"l)e and am atlll d~atroua of help- ing oUr c~~unlty · ln. any wa.y -lb!~!! Mer Mdt Mn. Norton operate th6 ~ 8'!ore· Cal• ..... '-. qo.& 'I ·~ "'" ,004 I local •11111•• ..... ,..... ll Dlssolllffon of. Jay.cees Revealed. (ttteoluUoa of tbe N~rt Barbor 'wtlor Cllambrer of Commeme became of "lacll: of mteree&:"_' aad "4ecllnlnl niem- benbJp" WU revealed today followlac n.ceipt of • lette.r • to tho -body by Soae&ary Member-8 of the wtnnlng cr-ew ·were: heor~ Loru at stroke; Bill Hull, N"o. 7; Bill Ourland, 15 ; Terry Grew, &: Ken Kuatck. •: Dave DraveS, 3; Tom Adams. 2: Harry Gardl11er, bow. &.nd Bob McConnell the 1ut -minute re- plaeeritent &a coxawain for Don Gluaker. N11wport 'Harbor mp he- eomt'<I the center 'of atteBUo• tor 8llft11et Leal"ue prepttiert thl9 wer.k wtth pnillmlaaliM TuMCl..ay ud flnals Friday In thft annual a.11-learue track and field champlomhlpL Harbor Hl.gh wu 71 -33. Tar Bf!e and Cee squada &180 won, 58-36 and 56-17. reeJ)f"cllvety. , PILOT .NARROWLY . ESCAPES . ·INJURY :£: .;::d.;;~;; AS PLANE: CRASHES·. ·1N . MESA · FIELD ~=~~~ ·n:~L OF OFFICE-.-YOU& EMllLEM OF AUTHOllJTY' the cJoarro of Paet Qrand EDl\od Ruler Fay 1,r,.·10 (rlpt) Tltunday whea he ~Jed Tom N.Oito. u Exalted Ruler or the I , •L-Newport Barbor Lodc'e of ~..... Norton rMCh8d the h11tte.t • honor blo Lodp,.. ----)'...,,,In tho clullro oboco t11e o ......... tlen .r tllo Lodp. · ' ~ .... -.-n ,.,....,. __ .., ·•11P, M e..... ........ '-•" 1·an 't 1119 ll•f..- ... .,_ i.:1112,, -.... ".... n.. ,, ... • -:tr I 111 .. ffl!n. tit llilr '1f. & -...: lliil. J'J 11 flL lla;t i ..... ··-ltteltt1'•7!1JMW1I &&.ft!"" 1111111 ... p; , ... ,s .._. l" p 'I II'~ e6 rat..,.,_, .. _., a I -la .... 1111 --~ .. ~~ ftsl&~ ..... -""". nm tL; .. ... ... ._ ,,,,.___.• ......... el U. Lae .. • • • (JJ .... Tlaloa J')Molo) <, ' •• Although the weather Waa ~n· erally overcast wtUi a '11outhweat- erly breeze d>adt Ky }!br1"1t was hJl'h)y ' pleued with the coune and prai.d ll Mghly. He said that tt wu extremely mnooth and aid that the New- port Regatta wtll eve.ntua.11y rtval the Harvant-'Yale 1ertea. The All-Suneet League ch&mp- lonahtp meet wtlJ ~ held here neat Friday and Coa.ch"'l Ralph Reed'• SaJlora are heavy tavorttee. In the Oranse meet the 'r&ts •Jammed the htgh ju.mp, ldlotput ~ pole v~lt pavip_.g lhe..1P)' to the vtctory. Glenn Grlftlth ln lbe 6urdle• and Dttk Jonea in the dUbe3 were double w1nnera tor Newport. ---. ~---"-----'---...::....-. w .. Arnf!tt 'Sf)u,r, ot S&n~Diego; ... by IV Pl'!lltMat · Dr. W. J . a · pik>t o1 aome 23 years .expert-·-Dolaa, LeMlatcl .. .....,., and Liked Coune From a coneenwa of opinion ot lhe competing oarsmen. t he couree left little to be deatred. Couw.ins were pteued with the •tralghtneas of the couree and said that there WM no chance of getUng lost durtn« the race ; an experience more lUcely lo occur (Cotltlllued on Pap II Doors Open at I Balboci p e o. Summary: LH loiP ~--. Orlttllll (NH), Taylor (NH). SmlUI (01. Ttme, 13.f .... (Coatlu""" oa Pqe I) N.H.Y.C. Wins Challenge Cup Winner of the perpetual Wiina trophy in the tint cbaJ1enge race Ra~r th!P Cl'08I tbe my.tic between the Harbor'• two oldest torcu wh~rttCu.lar domain la yacht clubll. wu the challenpd ,the 24 hour pertod of Friday 13. te&m from Newport Harbor Tac.ht the oftfctals in ch&rfe of the open-Club which eoundly drUbbed their 'na "ce.remonfH Of the Balbo& Post cro.-bay rivals, Balboa Yacht Ofttce held their celebration at 4 Club, in a eertee of four races p. m. Tbund&y. · Sunday. Lehman dlnshles were . M&rklnii;.t11e eftnl were opeec11.. ..-!. by• !lffb Kenny, Lonnie Vincent, Tiie raulta Wider an tntttt..i Roojo1Grffley, and Mont.. Grim••· llCOring 8Y01em pve, II!) polnta t.o 'rhe poOt office ,,_ wu oUlcl&I-ewport l\nd 1113 t.o Ba"- l>' opened 't.o t119' ~Ubllc alt~ cere-~ lndlvlduall1 wen. ~ -nonlea In whldl· Max BklleJ', owner ll<:huck and TQm Bhepp&rd of Ille '.>f the '"'Udll!& •plllll\ed open tho NeWP,Ort Harbor teo.m wll,o Oa,cb "'IJllil>g aoer, • -.nrota ln. two umW'~ , P.,.tmuter Herb Kenny pnloed at't!Mi l!lll&r, fOfl -and ~ '.lie n-bUl'cllng and aid that It Pointa eacil ' ' ... °"" of the -pool oatceS . Cliallen-f« the . ~I> lor due. ot _,.,abla -He a...ud, · •ljkb .U ~ -In ~YO a brief h!MorJ 0( tbe ~ lioe lllf '¥-1--~""¥ ,._ 'ftaot- olta and -111at Ille ..., modem llllr, -ilom!larJ' «: ~c. "'Ill ...,llc!l"I' will do m-t.o bealjllfy ~ -t<rfeii -,..... Hne.1-&' County Sewer Dist. Chainnan Braden' Pinch, Newport ~a.ch city ceuncllman and chairman ot County Sanitation Dlllt.rtct S, was elected Wedneaday night to be cha.lrman ot the county-wide s&ni· tation dlatrlct& The Newporter aucceecta Virgil Reed. Banta Ana councilman, who Tueeday wu defeated tor re.elec- tion. Rttd made hla farewell Wed- ne.ctay nigh( u did Santi Ana Mayor Allen Mandy, wbo did not aeek re-election. Mandy's auccet:, ear baa not .yet been appointed to (Coatloued ea Page I) aa::; -... ~ ... -~ .. ~:. -.' ~ ~""" -o( u.. ~ °""'" ·-·~ ~ ·~ .... '*::;J 111ttee .w u.. '°=Cllllt.,-""'...,. ,...t ~··•·•·wr .,. ·---~"-·-~for tm ,noipodhe ~: ' Ottloe wtta lte ..... , CJ~ Tk ... ""'*" Dqrt''-u ...... a I !lft(//f_ ..... ,, wCi ---···-= • ~ p 1 J $ T~- .... 1111 .... =J••ap • ._ .. ...... -IK I 1111 I ~ -;:•:.: ~JWltl;A:ll i m s-:-9..:::. =:.:: ~ A ....... 1';J== -'tM -Y '¥.• -It I I I "' ""~ I •1111 u "°IM •• ~ CM -- Poot -"""'m"' °' .. I s '" -1111111!. ,, -• 5 ' 91 :r,J":.,\4; 'r)I~ ~ Im ~· :-:'f ·~ J. .. 111 Jiit 17 Aince, lllld "l""'\Qr of a flying Mesa Mothe r Loon Wll-s 1ervioe and achool "in the.· muthern cit,.. narrow y ave ed. cruhlng in-Delay tart to a row of tall eucalyptu.a trees F 2nd' · Ch ' ~::~eth~v~~rnle,; ~:!th M~ an~ aces arge . ; · Thuraday ~ftemoon.. of c~ta Mesa The plane, a Fairchild , PT-23 Psychiatric ~mlnation of Ura. ~ 'f · _ traine r wu being flown by one of Cordelia Esther Green, alle'ged Speer·.' student.a, Richard Davel ot . murderer of her thr~-mbnth-old Menta· 1 Sc· hool . San Diego on Thursday morning daughter, was ordered Friday' by when a forced landing wu made Superior Judge Kenneth E. idor- ln the freshly tllJed fi eld adjacent risoh. I Costa Mesa'a p1opoeed $18 mll· to Irvine avenue. The only.dam-The examination wu Drdered lion elate holplt&J ecbool tor men- ag-e suatatned by the ahlp was a at~er a new, complaint accusing ·•.ally defectlYe children la atUI a crackt'd propellor, which wu re-Mrs. Green not only of murder vear or two away acoonslng to placed tater tn the day. but ot felony assault wu filed by word received Jut week.. Speer him.self attempted to take Dist. Atty. Jal(les L. Davia. Preliminary drawinp a.re now lhe abip oft about 4 :30 p. m ., but • Public Defender N. D. Meyer underway, Dr. 1'1-ank. Tallmu. the aoft ground prevented the ,uked the court to appoint . two ,tale dJreetor ot mental hygiene plane tram pining enough speed pgycluatrtsts to examine t b e bu announced, but he added that for taJte~tf. Alter 1teveral trial young Cost& Mesa woman, who iJI iround wodid not be brolten ,,tor MUUJ, he tinall7 Sol the •hip In the alleged to have a.dmltled abe beat •..he m.tttuUon untft alter Jtily, air, only to dbcQver that he h&dn•t tiny Patricia Ann Green with ber ll32. Tbe ~It.al 'fill 'le located enough altitude to clear tbe lrff!I fists becaWJe th,e child. cried. .,n TOO acrea of( Harbor Blvd. near I (Coaliluled oa hp 6) Wlloon St, < , (C.tlll...S -. , ~blymlin Earl l!~q'. ""° • .., iuply reoponolble for loc&tlon of tlle lnltltaUoi1 for niea· ta14' ret&rded ' chlldrell on tlia Mea. aid' 'tlui.1 tllc US 'mlUloli for the him.,.. 8<!lool and B..- ,Pllal ... "del.<:fecl h""I ,t,M - pt J>y ·tlle .~ea ot Fl-.... _ .. ., ....... . ·.!_-... :;. ·~ \ . -~. ''Tbere Wu to b8. aa-..P.,,..,P~---"7 lion orlcln&llJ' of •~CIJIO.tOO (ot • ·:be odlool <&lid ·boopilal tor ....,taJ. 13' deffjttl¥o •c:1111drftL -ucb u tlley '(the lit&Ul onl1' !lad a total '#-.D00,000 for, ..... oi .... tJaJ' I w..,..,~orAllo<~~ '*000,000 ... --' -'tllo ~ bJ U.. Dqowb 'U of J'I: uDce. _prtOr to b "*"'"& our q-.i~ ":" '!f•trl .. --" Pariu:tal .... ........... ·~···· ~-~,:.n~ .... ...: '8U'1 ~ 7 I IMI lllr"'JJMpri·: ..... at .. -f/6-.. 1t•*i•t z1t11l ,.i., :11 ~ ... ., .a.M ~-'::!~ u:,:: ~'-= oi1I OS-112 . " l I. " , I , - . , " ·~,. .. ,, ' • . H RBOR SOCfAl : E¥ENTS H SchOol Parent.Teacher . Ass[ Sea s Officers at FiMI ·Meet . · . ' The Wt meeUDc of the year for ... -------+-------.1 NeWport 8'rbor Ulllon m,h acbool l?aftnt-Teacher A.saocJaUon toolt p~ April 10. at 7 :~O pm. In the z:ec:reation hall of the hl&h achool. ·aeme for the evenln&: 'wu "Family Reoponslbllity." Call to order was made by Mra. Ectrar HUI, p~eoldent, followed by the May Festival Is Benefit· for Church Bus Fund • :; . • ' • ,• ~ ,. " rta,g s.!l.lute and the Invocation -u g1Y<Jl by Rev. P. G. N~wnann, mlnl8tet o_f Costa Mesa Ft,..t B&p- Plano pe In the ...... or 00111- plelioa fw u.e Sprtns Featlval, -w1ll be ...,_ by u. ~y ~ ot tlle 'Newpoft e..-Latbena eh_. and held .. •1. Ila¥ I \llirfnc tile after• noon. The proceeda: of the fesU.. va1 wUI bolp ....,n u.. ~ tun4. -It la hoped will """' ....... tlle amount _....,. to~ a bUa ror SUnday 8Cllool tnMpOr· t.\lcn. • t1st. cliU.tch. The buainesa Qf the evening WU quickly 1 ha.ndled Ln 'order to Qlak• way fOl' tn.stallaUon of new otti• cers. Kn. John Vernon. tint v1ce-- presi~nt of Fourth District in· tl"OdJCed and tnatrucl•!d each offl· cer in her duties. The new officers, who wore beautiful corisagea. wue: Mrs. Roy Rouah·, president; Mi-a. Harold Boyvey., ftrst vice-president ; Mrs. Thomu Perkins. 'aecond vlce- preaJderit; Mrs. A1 'Horvath, re- cordlng~eecretary; Mrs. Robert Al• len, corresponding skretary; Mn. Roland WJ1gbt. treasurer; Mn. F. W. Tunnell. historian: Mrs. ~aul Huttman, parliamentarian ; and Mre.. E. V . Ragan, auditor. 'l'\lrntttg over her gavel to M:ra. Bootha will be .. t ug with food, cancty, wlUte elepban~ crafta, etc. fOI' ..ie. SpeclaJ. muaic bu ltffD a.rnJlce<f tot t.h.e Pf'OIT9.lll, of Wlllch ....i. cl&u. will pfovlde a part. AJl U.. ban~work •dlapl&J· ed and ool4 will be made by the clllklttn. Mn-Mlldn!d Truoty 11 general chairman. .la the mJddle Wut Md Europe t.'"-e sprtnc feaUYalal att &n an- nual atfalr and ioolted fot'Ward to the en Utt year. It la hoped to ma.ke tllla an annual ptberlns alao. A hull" May pole Will be a feature of the da7. .~ QF FOREIGN WAll8, -No.'IAI, IM!W tiielr ..... u._' Of 'Olftoeia .u '.ili;!. ~' -Loclion Ull .;,. Friday, April U . N.ew .-. ...i....: '(-l>ed): P1oul T. rl='•• redlta&' eoe• 1r fi:ier; ~ Qhat.ham, bttt.llloe offteer : ...i ~ I'.. SllldJ.ll. new eerndr. ( ........ llis): A!-.Tt ll-7. M. M. LaBo-, Flj>yd Hooliri, I.· llbo&'. W&llaoe, ~ Moor~ w.i... -., a--· -0.0.,.,8p!ak. f o4 ... am-,. omciolo ..... '(OMt<>d): 1-__,, o.o- lll.T ·Gllleople. moe n-1ap; new p"'91-of th ~ ... Alll<Jhry; Ed-'ClaytANI. A.Hee Doftett, _ Rouah, Mra. , Hill thanked the echooJ faculty for cooperation throup her twa yea.rs a.a p~eai· dent and expre&!ed appreciation to ~ ~ --.1 Bro-(•I-In&). l!:hle -· Eulo PaU ...... Y•--tt, 1a.. -· 'r ~ n .... er Tai~ Alma 8-E"" llloCennlcl<, and F......,.. SNlllL . (Photo by BeclmorJ · ~';,.~.,f:';,..'!'~i~f :~:Pt!!:~ May Start Class VFW p t 6886 expreaed for a11 present her ap-·in l.;.mp Sh.ades , ,. OS preciat!On of the retiring preai· 'lllil Ifill · dent's untiring e!forts in PTA I 11 work. She then called forwird Wtth the •tart ot the iut .. me. to nsta h 1 ,.•edr _n~w chairman, who we~ rati.o ter 1n lamp &bade· makinf cltMU. ._-b)l U.. llonlecn.rt _. New chairmen a.re: art and ~ ot the Coeta lileaa. l'"r1d&y ott· T . ht poster, 1'lre. H . P . Yarnell; budget Afternoon cl\lb, the ceiu.ne la open , . 1cers on1g . _ and rtnance, Mrs. ;.... L. Hayward; fer incare ttststrat.J.OM. ft wu an-. cour1esy, Mrs. Byron Fenley; char· nounce<l thia week. Tile cla.aeli Nc.wport·Balboa Vete.rana of actet education, M.rs. Edgard HJ.D; wtdcll &r'e free an Mk4 . eftl')' F6f.:e1p Whl Poat .B888 ofncer:s emt>Jems and publicatiOn11, M:n. R . TlliNday In the clu~' from 1 wl1l be lnstalled at 8 p.m. Tues· T?'autweln; founders• day, Mra. ua.tU 4 p.m. They an under the a.,y,. April 17 (tDnlaht) tn the Ernest McClellan ; grade repre.Mn· all9pice. of the Adult Education AJ:riertean Legion hall, 15th and tat.Ive, M..S. R. K. Harvey; hul1h, <!opartment or Newport Harbor Bo,Jho& Blvd. "!'be public Is Invited Mrs. Clarence Dodd; hospitality, Union High school. to ·the ·op.el\ meeting that wf1J {m. Mr•. C. · B . McVay: lnternattcnal Mrs. Viola.. Boaa of Long Beach, m....edif.leb'. be turned over to the relatJona,1 llrs. Edward Mirkovich; ~tor, aaya: '"If JOU can ·bold ~ln&" otncer, Com..-.de. Lesley leg!BJ&tlon, llln!. Henry Eg.._.; a needle, )'OU can ma.ke a lamp G ,.,._.,,.._ · •'" • -, __ . """~"' Second Dlltrict -COm· magul.Dee, Mrs. Thomaa Jesko; . ~P. brins a home to m&bd.er. The diatrkt ritual team members.lip, Mrs. T. M . Perkins; Ute; drab rooma oa.n be brtght-directed ti":y If. o . CbuUNI wtll .,. motion pictures, radio a.nd tele-ened. wtu. the r!pt la.mpe." n Mt COmfade Cb&tbaln wtlh the vision, Kra. T . B. Frost; music, la DOt neceu&ry to obtain new initall&tlOn. - Mn.. Ron&ld Barlow; p&.rent· tramu tf the old one1 meet the To· be Bled: . .._ .. .k D . Moore, teacher education, Mra. John nM4. mand .-._,. Keeler; J>4blldty, Mrs. Charles Mc-llln.. Boaa ~~ problema =~~~Ukwen:~: Kinnon; ,puNlclty rttOTd -It. lJlolMdually Wlt.11 Udl PllP'l. tak-..it •Pf ~ ~~· )(' lfn.~Knlpp :prosn.m.~ i.ciato---.--I\.~~:~ Harold Bo)"'ey~ §Choo! reis ..... nta-~ or tumitun, comr. ...ci tez. 9 -tiffl>v.-<* · Vir ttft, Mn. Fay HarbUton·, stu~nt tu.re. ot rvom. ,. __ ru-and · ff f , pltin;, Sil O&kden., = --.-. •-ft*"' A. Weber 8nd n.o. Mc-welnl.tt, Miu Margaret Freeman; bUe Of lamp. An etrwt la made tn El.rd · ways &nd me&M, Mt!I. J . H . Sanda. tlMie ctu.e. to produce lndtvtd· y, truatee•; Robert V. Faust, The . pto.,..,.am was turned over ua1t.ed ~p ab&dee. J~ advocate: l"rilnk D. Moott, e • Robert A. Wt:ber·, William W . to J . Leslie Steffensen, hthen" Metcalf and Monte R . Grimes, night chairman, who immediately No Reciprocity county council doleptes; WUllam cal.ie<t all fathers to the-front Md W. lletcalf, Monte R. Grlm.e-. dis- organized a "Fathersinger".' gl'QUP Seating -at tr1tt deleptea; Eugene c . Quarry, with Mr. Davidson and Judge Dodd adjutut; •Dale t . Johnaon, omcer ... solosl.!ts who sang w;thout Say.a·o Concert or the cllly ; Or. L. A. Becker. .,,,. any/ previous rehearsal. Hl.s can· 'lllil ~I ~ e... lght ceremony was one of With 700 Commander Moo-having .. "!· Id 1·ttin new members jotn.lng '"' . w• s <-"!'di g mirth With perform-the Santa A.A& Community Con-neued t)le Jhat:allation df Cout- en an audience joining together. cert Aatoclatton this year and the llne poet 3536 and institution of .100.e G&J'dner Talka seaUng capacity of the high school the new poat In -Brea Urgea at- For the more serious part of hia audifortum entlrel)I, told out, Her-tendance of everyone to wiln~ss a program, .Mr. Steten.sen introduc-bert-G. Bfcke1, president. today wondertW perfo.rmance by the oew ed Judge Robert Gardner u the emphaalzed. that the Bidu Sayao installation team. speaker ~ the evening. He &poke concert on April 18 woul'd be Um- on "Home and Fam.Uy Relations." lted to local memt>t;rship -holders. la part he said that the most "We re~t very much that we troubleaome juvenile cases comt> wtll be u.na.ble to extend the ao- fr~. tJ\e1 so-called better fami· called reciprocity feature to Com. liea, ;la hia opinion and from hi.a muntty Concert membenbip card vast ~rience In the field , Judge holders of other ·ll880Ciations " G~rdner 'g.ave thtee reuons for Bickel at.ated. ' thi.s aJQl.at.lon; 1 1 ) an &larmjag la~k of ilon'4 Jt,re;'21 .l&c~.Pf --""'·• ''f'of· --;:'.1 G ~-, I , pline w!lh young children and old-I 0 .;)' an Ir S er; 3) non-employment of youni S fib II l people. 11' conclllalon he said It OTT a eague ~y ta lbe fault of the pattnla · when young J»")ple go wrong and, Harry. Harber' ot the Newport l1lat YOUJ:IC!llera a.re doing a betier Harbop Lutheran church ta start· job In lid;JUlt.ing to our clvillaatkm l.D.g a girl.a"' softball league again than adults. th.iii summer and hope.a to make Mr_a. Sam Miller of Huntlncfon it a federation among the cbu.rchea Beach, Fourth District chairman in the a~eL Lut year the only ot High ICbool service. waa lntrO-other church team was from Hunt. dueed by ¥rs. Roush. ington Beach. He plans to have a 1"he audience WM invited to aanCtlon league and any chur'ch have refreshments which bad been interested may call Bea. 6()56..W. pi:"ep&Hd by the freshman mothers Other commun.ttlea have spon· with Mrs .. Pa(ke r Pence as cbalr-90ttd eucceestul teams and the Baptist Women Meet for Luncheon Making baby dreasea occupied members and gueata of the Dor· caa Society of the Flrat Baptltlt c;b.ut'Cb .at Ooeta Mesa w·he·n they met Wednesday, April 11, at lhe home of Mrs. P'rances Mcintee, 514. BoLea avenue. Luncheon, pot luck style, wu enjoyed by the ~up. Mra. Florence Kraus, presi- dent. Rad charge of the business in t.e.rvaJ.. I , 1 Gueat.a were Mrs. FunkbaURr, Mr•. Charlotte Kroesch of Ana· heilD and Mra. Fl:eeman of Long Be&c)a. Others in the gathering in· eluded Mm~. Kraus, Evelyn Up· dlke, Clatre Wright, Mary Melton, Lou Ver~ Iona Mackintosh, Lulu Walker, France• Mcintee and daughter . man. Teacflers and parents gather· llarttor area with the hundreds at SAN FRANCISCO VISIT ed about lh• tea table, beautlllllly young llrts eager for sports of decon.ted wlth spring fioW"ef'9, tall an kinda and g'ood facllitlea for Mrs. WWiam Tritt, West Bay ancdlee, 1~ve~ and lace c.loth tor Ut:etr., exhibition should support a ·avenue, len early lhia week for a cake and coffee and visiting to~t· l'fOWhlg lee.gue. vi.alt with rela.tivea and trlenda in her. lira. H. P . Yarnell and Mn. San FtancJaco. During her atay C. H. McVay poured. there ahe wtll make her beadqu.ar- FA C Tt o Honor Past F!residents , ·Elect · Off"icers ' , , Edward Hiatt Js te ... at ratrmont hot•t Natal Celebr~nt Doctce la m0¥1ng-. Wat.ch it! , " • , . BalbQ·a Circle · Fetes Celebrants· ' April birthday celebranta wete honored at the retreshment hour wJlen Balboa Circle met with Kn. Gould in her &p&rtmf'llt at 15"30 Miramar Drive. .Among thoae wished maiiy happy returno wu the president.. Mn. ~ 'we•'1'· er ford while a cud wu sent , to Mrs. Barnett, not pi-eaent. at U:le Qleeting. · . Mn. 'Y~atl)e_rfo~:. ~pJ><?l.J}ted as a n omi.nati:nr comm1ttee , Mrs. Adrtatt •Adllll'ls, chatrmh: Mn. Mina..lves &nd Mrs. Fiora !k,atty. They wttl report at Ute.May mttt· Ing. Tbe group dUlcuued .. plans tor Aprll' hostt:Aa Wt)' .at lbe ch!Jrlch wber.e, \hey., an pro~. nowers, serving" aa rece~ ~d are in charge of ~eon&. w • • Next lnfttui« ~Ill be on Kay 2. · a noon lunch.an to be eerve<S at the hbme'ot ..a. -i-. _ I .. ' .., .. • . ' Chit:tf 09ug. Bra '(. Home ,from Korea A joyoul, welcome from hill wife and chUd~. Dou.glaa and Bo~e. 186 Wells 'Pl., Coat.a Mesa, await- ed avia\lon ordnance chief D . '0 . Bray, Navy, on his return trom Dine mo11ths' o~ dUty in Ja- pan and Korea. Tb·e 1oc:JJ man L! staUoned at San Diego. He ts'· the son of Mrs. Eli&a.betb HeM. West Bay avenue, Newport Beach. J. Stuart Innerst to Address Guild J . Sluart Innenrt will be guest speaker when the Wesleyan Stt· vice Guild of the Costa Mesa eofn .. munity Methodist church meets Thursday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the church. rlorenee Flahetly and Virginia ~&I will be c«>--hoJt· esses. All errtiJ.oyed &nd bUlllnfss womc.n of t.hle .vea.are! iJi.vjted. ~ FORMER MESAN DU:S Dr. Robert M . Pearce, 85,Jromer resident of Coata Mea and Oranl"e d1ed last Wednesday at bit home in Los Anceles.. A natlw of Dll- nois., he ia survived by one .on, Robert E . Pearce or Los "ngeles and two grandchildren. ------- GUESTS FllOlll KANSAS 1 Mr. and Mn. Donald Huddle - ston or Clift Haven have been ex.- tending hoUSe guUt h.osplt.a.llty to Dr. and 1llra. Alden Weber 1,dt Osa~ato le, Kans. Dr. Weber ' ls .Mrs. Hu dleston'a brother. , FmE REPORTED brush fire at 620 CCJ&St H~. was extln,.WShed by th'e Newport Beach fire department. at 12 :15 p. m. Tuesday, the nre department reported. ·No damage reault.ed from the blue, firemen Mid. I Dr. Gilbert Nee ' ' Heads Dispensar¥ at Pasadena ' : · Dr. Gilbert Nee of Costa Meas. has jllst accepted a position ... s uperintendent of the Pasadena Dispensary and du.ring the week will make his home at the YMCA biJllding, returning •to Coat.a Meaa fQr. wetik e.nd1 wt~ liis tanl.Uy. · Dr. Nee'· a iid his fan;itly ca.me , to Balboa last year from Formosa where he had been in cba.rge of medlcal auppliee for the Ee.A. Pre· vtow!y he waa .superintendent of Wuhu General hospital in China. Buckeye Clu b to Have Din ne r A pot luck supper ha.a been 11lanned by the Buckeye club for Saturd'U' DJPt, A.pr!! 21 , In the Round HoUH, SanWlgo Park, Ban- ta Ana. All Harbor area fol former residents of Ohio, are ln· vited to 8.tt.end. Additional intor- matlon may be obtained from Kra. Carl Ott. 284. E . 18th street, Cceta Meaa,. phone Beacoa -64M--W or Mia, FlONnee Wallace, SOO W, ~th n,,,et, .$anta A.pa. Dodge f&/movlng_ Watch .it! 1 t •• • issio~ T~lk for urc;h Group ~ '-"r .~l'D. D. &~ 1'111 Newport Bl .... Ooota -I • ! ~.· Mtl!IDlal 1814c. -~ ·.Bri~ .. .,U ~· ~ ........... . l11u1M>rm.J < Coilta )leg, I ' _._, . ......,. .~-~-.I .l*J:"8.,J.hM ,.-· ,, -=:· di°''· • 'F ' ._. --S I j w $ -__ ,.., ~1' lrR·-· . -WAN'f-, , • . ~ .. • Q...:-:--. ' A WOIRJ-sHIELD? ..! Then start · a Savings Program at NEWPOR'1' BALBOA· .FEQ~ ~' P.&~Y ~ -add to ·1t .:.: recularlY! ll&ke· ,Y991' rl>&l . ~-~· .~ ·;:. and protect )'~ .f~. tin&nclal .. ~ ~ ; . , - Our current· dividend ·'rate ~of 3% ·Will Ii~-·" . . ~ ~ . ~· ' you along' «!want your liba,l., -Come -m and get , started tliJa • J1&Y.daY, ·. : ,' · _ . · , . . . . • A FBD:JfDi',v; uoBJE-OWNEo IN8TITUTION . . . . . ' .. ·- -TE·RESA ~ENNER ' (Mrs. A. Renner) Ooeoor& fti 'let nr:J.~. 0~8~tor ,, ~is·. · ... 436 Serra DrlJ• M•bc!if 1171..J; Corona Hll)hlands -Corona del Mar . . ..... . ' ' " • .. J FUN • . ' OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY . . . . and ' SUNDAY IA•loA · • • • • • • Tiffi He , ! • ,• , <, • , .. 1 ~ • • -. J r • I ,_ ~ . ~ • " J~ -- . T 11..d.y', Ap~ll' 17, 1951 . . . ........ ~ .......... ...w·.~--~ ... .._.... ... ~~~·~,,,.. Harbor Star Chapter .. Exemplifies -... I -' Work for Deputy Grand Matron New riteintMft were lnltiated. . ..._ __________ _ exempl~• ritual'1tle -w or .ll I j d W S C S wh&l G....,_ S.:OU, deputy ,....,d $ ., ft , • • • matron of 97th diltrlot of Grand ffj Chapter, State of Callfomla, Or-Elects 0 1cers, der of the Eutem St.a.r paid her H ' M-• • oftlclai vl>tt on, April 10 to Har-ears ISSIOnary bor Star chapter, meeting ln I. 0. "O. F . Hall, Colt.a Meu. Balboa bland Community chu.rcb w_ s. c . s .. Christ Church by the Sea. elected otneera when "hey D'let for a noon luncheon ftt µie church. On the luncheoii com- miettee were Helt-n& Hargrave, Beatrice Hauser and Ad4!le Baine.a. Mrs. HOUM:r pre11lded and heard the reports of the nomlnaUng com· mittee, Lou.ise Smith_ ·Lottie Don- ' • . , •' ,, . • . . • 1 I NEWPOa'f:.IA,l IO~ NeWS-TIMES ' ,.,. f ---~~~~~·~e~.~~~-fu-n~A~nah-ei-~~~P -.-,-rCDM~Cirl--&-ues~.t- A MINlATt7RI: DINING BOOM lo vt~ed 1>y lto c-t.r, Mrs. U .K. W-. Of l;.,;t,a M""' - hobb.J' S. oonttnletion Qf the.a a.utbeaUe little rep... Tbe l'ONU wUl be one of tbe f~· Of Ebell club's Spius Feetlv&I, w be loold April U, 11 '-m. at Amerieaa Leeton hall, l&th and Bey Yrvnt. (News-Times Pboto) , for Sp~age Wee t..~"'! wr:. of C~de-Beatty Caltoft artlcloa whlth Ne Th• llev. '~~r\11, · A 17-~ ' HubQll Hlch --.... den!• 't:ontrfbute -'--' P~~r ot W)llte pie, ~Im. ·~ sir! who likea ~la-ca1a ·~ op~ed. the tl!_lnl-ual pNaehlnr-wu -a Wlal ~ 'ot Cl)'d•• Ill&" e,Jvatlon Army lllJvap Wff . miaslon llwldi.y c at Ch""' Beally ·al I.be ctrcll8 -per/o..:.W.Ce Week ~' throul"h· 19 ma ?'urch by-the speak:lnc--oil $8.turday. • '" .. Prove of t v I to !hi Roll11Pua JllXpe -In ~IJl'i ' It all -Malted durlna: Easter \ • ue • co day Uvlnir." ~un y 111c'ht h!~ '"Hk w...,. ._tty ··~.:.. -rnWlltJ' ltii time ol em.ersency, \hcmt: WU. ''El e hn't It"" .... , ~ r--~ .... ~Y WU • ~ ~vatlQn Army !hi.I wee and laat nl&llt~t -• :'There w.~. keeplns-ho .... at •0819 Goldenrod' aanouactl!i:J a plan whereby · Twd f U .. Ave .. Mille her mot.bar, M.ra. Fred , dlt-tl<>lhJn&', ahoes a nd otM T.;,ih~ Mr. But rl.b epoalt> McCarthy, wu In a boopltal ·re-- a.rttole• 'fill •bo provided thJa cit "Lfk 8 ---~edneld covertng 1fom a .•noUll operation, ' ln t¥ eveol ot •& dlauter, or t : ... QuJ:t ~ne"a •the Mtn~~ Betty li.8te.ft6f! iD on. the Clyde help duUtute penoria. Thursday, "Contee~the WW" Beatty radlo ~am. and that The Newport Beach Sa.lvae-and Friday on • Wit.bout prompted b.er to write a lett"er Wwk committee, a year -aroun Echoes." Effort· ls I" ma&e · t.hill tt? ... _hiin in ca.re of the radio sta- org&Ai&allon headed by Chatrm (.UU WIW...m ~-4danu, ip.ay call upo year to secure re~ att.e~~anoe she "-'TOte that she liked the the Salvation _ Army •-~a1 Se throughout the· ae es for It· la PfO'"'am Would like to met: him ~" only tn the cona t nlpt by D• • vtce Center IUVing-thl.a area to night participation the mluion and hta lion, Prince. She told h.i.m needed articlq. that we c&n et the tuU vaJu in lt ot the tiJne ahe lived on a farm BrtC"-Ra.naon D. Oitford, man g e near 'Ibowsand Oaks, where all acer of the center, aald a • ._,. for our oon&regatt1 and oomrn\1-the childre.ja hlld pets. and visited Y"'"" nity," SI.id the Rev Thorou Pen-. Red Shle~d truck will be dispatch 1 dell: c~urch pastor. ' the World JUDJ"le Compound to ed in reaponae to appeals for hel Spec.tat music wtll be-fqmiehed tee the Africa wild anirp.aJ,1 of Discarded arllclea which a r 1 6d the movie 1tudi0s. Ch•pter opened with Worthy Matron Ruth Dleater and Worthy Patron Henry Dleater prea!dln&, Given special escort, )tn. Scott w-a.a pruenled from the Ea.at and given honors. She ca.rrted a large a.rm bouquet o! ptnll gladlolua, &1.tt of the chapter. Alto given escort were ~cea McKel"Yey, worthy matron ~ Seulde chapter. Hunt- ington ee.ch; four put matrons and thrte put p&lronL ker and Bertha Plnkh•m. E."lected 1--------------. g~:~~i~~E~'?~~~~ Elementary P.-T.A . Miniature Rooms to .Be feature conttibUted to the Salvation Arm by the Ric~land' A~nue Meth isl We<inesday a telegram arrived are recond1tioned in the wo!'"k churc~ cbolr ot S ta ..\na at lo· aavt ... that °Cl~e Bee.tty would ntght & session. T e aervice be-J -·"' 3'""' / ahopa of the social acrvlce cen gins at 7:30 and a cordla.I invlta-be dellcht.ed ~o have you-attend ter, providing thoull8Jlda of hour tton 11 extended to Ill t and this Saturday• matinee perfonn- hltlateo w .... .....i Accepted by lnitULtion · were Loutae 8 . Smith of Costa Mesa and Emma Poupart. of Newport Beach, and by &fflli•Uon from Corcoran chapter, Bernice Knlea. Each wu ~:iE~m~':i;i~;:: ~:~~ i:s~:~:tes of _ Ebe.II Club, Spring Festival tarles: Chr.Utian 1JOClal relations, Since the meeting 0·r Monday, Qn display at tb• American Le-• • -' preaented wtth a whlte Bible an<S. reclpt bolder. gi!te ol the chapter. Mrs. Hauser; promotion, Ruth lb-April 18, was to see the new o·t-glon hall, April it, tor Newport j Add 8 . bottson: epirttuaJ Lile, AltbeA t icers and chairmen lnatalled, tbe Harbor Ebt-11 club SprlnC-' Feali-. ananas, Durlnc the iniUuy ...,·o rk Maude Wood of Corona del Mar sang "In the G&rden of Tomorrow.'' Shlftler: mi.saJonary educat!on. boa.rd ti r N Be . IM k NJ. c k Lucy Bowle.a ; chlldren'1 work, Mrs. I mee ng 0 ewport ach val. wn1 be five u:~ut.lite m.lnla-a e ew a e H ll M Elementary school P .-T. A. la.et ture rooms ttom' the. collection or t argrave; l'Upp 81• &rt.ha Allen: Thursday morning at Horace En-status of women, Mrs.. Baines. sign llChool had &n .. 1n the Stretch" Mra. }\. M. Whet.Ml, 4•~ El Mo1 The weather grows sunnier and Afte,,.lhe aptteh by the deputy gTl.nd m4tron, officera of the ~pt.er gave her a rttt, preeept- ln.K' It Ln a novel and pretty ~· ReUrlq. .die returned. to tbe hall w1y. a colorflll puuol whlcll ahe ..tried to the Eut where' each St.at Polut bad a tiny _...,i, !ta handle ln the point color. Topa of the little paraaola were of new dollar bUla and. u they were placed in the big paruol, Put Ma- tron Edytbe Kemper u..ng an ortg- inaJ parody bn "Penntea from Speaker o' the &t'terftOon wu den.a A,ve., N~rt Het1hta. For lovelier every day and a doun ~ ·• feeling. The buainesa at hand ~ --""" lltll t k d •-·k Miss Carol T•~ ot Balboa. lal&11d, eeveraJ aum~ viaitore ·tn the e •• • out oors u.;.,; on you. ~ • J lo culminate thia year' a work-to Whv t te I U ( h kl h Juat returned from Ked-..n, India, home or lhetr ghter, Mra. John ,~.., no a a me rom t e tc -•--have everyth.lng ln order for the ._ akin d 11 1 d where.. llbe wu st&Uolled at Rarna M-.c-Mlllen ot S.lbOa, Mr. and Mre. en uy m I e c ous eueru &i Muktt mJMfon. She_ .-ave an Incoming boa.rd. \Vhet.el .are now perma.ilent re8i-ln a trice with cake mtxes? Quick • Included in the agenda were t •-d lntereaUnir accOWlt of her stay denta here. f o m..,,, an euy to, vary, a most • such diverse Items aa heartnr a • _ f ti k be d lib there &pd. uelna one of _her sou-A.ti a hobby Mrs. Whetse.l made e.1 ve ca e can ma e w a • report or $11&0 received from the · a.k 1 1r k h venin. a wht•e •ilk aarJ petterned benefit melodrama (to be divided everyth!ng in the rooma by tiand. ,c e. m x you no\v t . e secret bl bJue, vave a demonatraUon of •'-Sbe waa ln•plred to do something of ualng treeh banana as the liquid • between UJJ'e.6 schoo)s); voting 1n~1 f d II 1 how it ls arr&nged by Indian wom-along lbll llne. aft.er Yiewlnl" Mr•. a~':" ent or a e c ou• be.nan& money to ae.nd the Motti.er:etngera Thome'a (of tho M.ont&omery-cake. Not only la the flavor oJ lh1a to the · at.ate conYt!lnUon; approval W&rd family) mlnlature roam. ot cake pleulngly dlf!Wenl, but ba- Heaven." Arthur Fitzmorris, put patron. on behalf of lhe Masorui talked on publlO"echoobl week wbicb they a.re aponaorlng tor the 32nd yea:r. Hlghllctit or the Week will be a en. . Next meeting wiU be a noon luncheon at the ch\in::h on May 2. wtth inatallation ol oftlcer11 to takf' place ll!terward. Las Amigas $roup To Name Officers dinner on Wedne8day, April 25 ..._, al Orance Cout college with en-.A.II members or lJryl.u Amtgu tertainment and a l~ure by Dr. circle, Cbrilt Chureh by the Sea GUea Brown. Ticket.a may be ob-should be ln at(en.d&Dce tLt the tained tro111 Walter Peck or Ray Mtly meelin.c' 1.t they d<i not wUlh lo NJellen. They a.re 11.50, each and tie named president, for election of reervatloDa are limited to 1~ officers will take place at that ses- peraona. sion, to be held at the home ot The Worthy matron reported Mn. Tb.omu Pen~~!IJ. $fi03.12 ~&red hum the c&rd Thia wu the warning ialued at party~ ~in up1'9Med apprect. ~e meetinl" ot April 10 .. when tbe a.Uon Of ~ cbaptar to an t.boN KJ"9WP met with Mr9. Charle• who pYe '°'1.attona and ·~ who Wlsh~a.n. Ba..'boa. Jean llcDon- atended, niakinl' lt & &re&t •UCCQS. aJd led in devotions. Plans were diacuued for a Birthday Puty mother-dauc:hter banquet, to be It wu announced lhe birlhda)· held May lt>. Il wu decided to party tor the worthy matron a.nd purchase coffee. cups to a o wtlh worthy patron had been changed the gla.u p\l..Dc h set al the church. to June 12; also that &ll those ob-&lao to und another box of cloth- aef'Y1ne natal annlvenartea , in ing and suppllea to Ala.aka. Plan· lla.l"th 'and April would •It at the aed Wert> decoration• for the Sat· head table on April 24. Tomorrow, urda:Y wedding at the church. April 18, ta Starbrlght party wtlb While members worked on member• uked to brine thelr -own scrapbooka, ,,hyllls Greenleaf read c&rcla, table.a and table service. the •tudy po<>k. Smoky See. tNut- . A pol luck dinner preced.!d the chukl . A refreshment interim meetinl'. wtth the deputy gn.nd completed the evenina- matron and new candidate. a.a Preaent were Mme .. Lynlon Col- apec!aJ l'Ue.Als. Small paper para-lier, Alden • Doeabur,., Kenneth to:a and wt1lerla decorated the F&rnaworth, Undaey. William M;c- • dininl" room, wblle b0a&keta of mu-Donald, PendeU. John Shlelda, ru.erltea and •J,.ocka were a.rranfed M&ry Sl&.nley, Wi&htman, Green. ln thtl' lod1e room by Georgia Ml:-·ee and Earl Stoneback. CJell&n. I -i On~t.he dil\Jter committee 'llrer? 'Marprel Triuel1, Faullne Hllbott, Edith lfolte and Margaret Rabb. ~~-~Included ~Ev•itn1e~~e-~o~ie , ~~~air ' Book Section -1 Elects Officers New membetl were welcomed, officer• were elected and Dorolbea Sheely reviewed one of the li- brary's newat books, Harem Sca.re'm (Taylor ) when book sec- tion 1 or EbeD club n1et Thun:<fay regi1tered for rcmova.l of the oil k ak l t rurntture In the Loa An,.elea mu-nuaa eep c ea mo at and reah and ru 1torag-e tanka at Newport: •eWh. tor a lone period of time. recelvin( thank& from Ule Carl The rooma are scaled 1 Hi Inch to To make banana. cake with a Harvey acbool tor monetary aid; the toot and ln every respect are quick cake mix, when the pack&ge and a report trom Rlcbart1'1 m..,._ perfecUy porportloned. Ea.ch hu dJrecUon. for mixing-· s~lfy the ~=~e~erar<lln& sale of the P.-T. A. a different motU. Viewers will ... addit!on ot 1 cup ot liquid, simply In conclusion Mn. P . F . Balnea a French room, the Gay Nineties, use 11>-t cups of mashed bananas Cblneae room, ma.hosany dining In.stead of the llqukl. When lhe retirtnr presjdent, pinned a presJ-room and the year 1910 lrem,m-packa&e-· directjons for mlxlng dent's pin on her sueceuor, Mra. bered tram Mn. Whetsel'• child-SJ)ei:lfy ~ addition of eggs, use L. J . Caenar, in appreciation of hood). 1 cup of. mashed bananu plus ~ her extraordinarily flne service aa f t.e th l vice president for the current To complete t.h e five room.a took, cup o wa r as e !quid ingTedl· year. Usually this la done al~r accordlng to Mn. Whetsel, about ent and: UM the e~ga aa direct~. the term In office. three ~ears. She built the rooms. Following the meetinc, Mrs. woodwork, furnJture. painr.td the Bainea feted the croup at lunc.heon pictures and made the · framee. in her home. Pirate Jload, cu(r handmade the draperies And the Haven_ needlepolhl rug beca.uae sh~ loved Local Pasfer the work:. In tb.e French room the ba.y wlndow whlclti Le from . ~e c~lllnll to the f'"'°r wllll ~~ panea wu a problem which. took muiy d&,y• to complete. TJw plu- tic glact.ne uaed for glus wu dif- ficult to &ecure 111 poeition. St. Jarries Women to Meet Thursday Mr•. li&m &ayr .. will speak on 'The un.tt.ed Tba.nk Offerlns'' when the W omJ.n'• Auxiliary or St. Jamea Eptacopal church meets at 1 :30 p. m. Thuraday of thl.I week In the pa.rl8h houae. I to Pre~ide at County Fellowship Thia hobby ha.a not been found Newe-Ttinea ads have been read expenstve by Mrs. Whet.Jlel. but In the Harbor tor over 4o years requJrea patience and tngenult:y. The Rev. Thomu Perul•ll , pastor ot Chrtat Church by lhe Sea. w!ll pre.aide at the aecond annual meet-For Instance, a table with a mar- ble top waa made from a lacy Ins of Ora.nxe County Protuta.nt •«•le 11lcne found by the Whetaela -. Minlatera Fellowship, to . be held wh.o ·1tave other h.obbiea ot rOGk Wedneaday, 9 a. m. to l :30 p. ~collecting and gem l"rlndlng. ThP ln the Finl Presbyterian church [ leog of the-same tab'.e tvu made at Orange. from, the ring of an llutom,obUe Mr. Pendell will give a t-rport door handle; the upright standard on the Churchmeir'e Le&1alatlve from a metal ~onnec~on ot a lawn conferenc, held recently at Sacra-hose and the valance made from a mento and to which he wu county dl9Carded •ilver bracelet . ~1~('1• movl.ng. • • delepte. Ebel! club lS' fortUnate to have • .A.ddreu of the day will be "'The Mra. Whetael's bfo.autiful little Min.later and the Far Eastern lttu-rooml! and the display le expec,ted at!on" by Dean Cranston, Univer· to dr&"-' many admirers at the aJty ot Soutbem ea.uforDI&. Other 8p!'"!.ng Fe~tival. No general ad- 1peaken and their .ubjecta will mJaelon Is to be charged tor the be: Pait.or Georre Buadlcker, St. alktay event and the public la Peter's Lutheran ot &uita Ana. welcome. A snack bu w \U be open ''The Mlnia'ter and bia Schedule"; durtng the lunctf ittQu~~-~i Uckels ., 1 the ·Re\f'. Bruce Cllll, 8ea.1 Beach tor cards and tea are Sl. ABOARD CAllJllER Watch It! 'of work theru.p)', meals., beds an a 0 come ance of the-ciJ'<:U. and meet financial ustatance to needy an worahip and renew their Christian hint aa we)l "U Prtnoe. Plan to .handicapped veterans and non faith. bring-a tri.end cw relative with vet.erana. you It you wiUL" -In order to carry on this pro Methodist Youth So Saturday Ille took her gT&m of eelt-help, the Salvatlo mother and · slater Leah, 13. and Arm-y " baa a continuing need fo Report on brother, Randy. 12, to the circus. used clothiag, furniture, horn The hui1ba.nd and 1tep • fathe.r appliance•. radios. bedding, dishes Dist. Convention ot the family is T /Sgt. Fred Mc- newspapera. magazine• and mis Ca.rthy, now on duty with the Air cella.neouit articles. Featurinr tbe s~ay evcnin& Force in 'Jatian- Ouring-the Salvage. Week driv meetine-ot the Youttl Fellow1hlp a ca.II to Harbor 0758 will brin f Ch lBt. Ch h b · 01· S · CDM Marj Ffl-a Red 'Shield truck to ho-e o o r Ur<: y e ea were_ fte ,., "'' reports of the dl.atricl M.. Y . F . office to pick up lhrow -awa convention held over lbe week end in 'O&aratlon KiHer' articles. in Fullef-ton. . r- DRIVEi! FINt:D SlllO Robert ·Elvin Willey, 36, 804~., Larkspur A vc., Corona. del Mar, was fined $150 on a drunk drtv- in&" ch~rge in Newport City court F'Tiday. I Willey wa.a arreated1by Newport police at Lark1pur Ave., a.nd Fourth Ave .. at 12:50 a. m. Police charred he was driving In an er- ratic manbe!'" and tw.d no opera- tor's license in hla: po&IN!lssion. You are almo~t' three times a s likely to be killed in an automo- bile accident between seven and eie-ht in the evening as _you are between aeven and eight in morn-in~-_ ( Featured speaker ot the conven- tion, which drew attends.nee from as far as San Diego. El '2entro and Yurna, was the Rev. Frank But- terworth of Anaheim, now con- ducting a preaching miBsion at Christ church. Attending from here were Kenyon Beatty, Paul Freuhan, Mary Al(oo Baker and Sh!rley Tyler. Currently ~kin&" pe.rt in th.e korea.n "Operation Killer " is Capt. Phillip DeLong, USMC, of ~ Orchid Ave., C.Orona del Mar, wl1'o I.a oper•lln& from the carrier USS Bataan. capt. DeLong recenUy took part in low -level raid'! on railroad marehaJllng yards north of Seoul lD ~height locomotives were de&lroyed. UN".OERGOU ai:JaoERY Twenty-tour percent ot all driv- Mrs. Dwight Jacobi al Co.ala ·ers involved In fatal automobile Mesa la confined to St .. Joaeptl~s accidents ln,the U. S . last year hospital foUowini major surgery were between the aces ot 18 performed Monday. and 24. Dodge i.6 movine-. Watch it! Dode-e ta movinr. Watch it! ' ~pee.ding on U. S. streets and hlJ"hwaya last year injured 475,- 500 men. wqmen, and children. Your .. Ser e I Dealer in .the Harbor Area .Ube_rai Trade.. _ . j f 8even1 Oocid U-1 ' . ' -For Your Old Servels • l'rlcild to Ref,rigerator -Te . Sell -Terms "' 1645 ( GRANT'S . FURNITURE and AP.PLIANCE . Newport Blvd. · Beqcon 5707-M COSTA MESA ·Otf. ·- tteW··· . I -s=~·~,1:oo··. ~'Iv . AND IVIN LO_Wll 'llCISI • Miracle of Fatima To be Subject _ ,:;,..;;.~J_burs. Lecture · • morning at the home or Mrs. Lon- nie Vtnee.nt, Balboa. Mrs. Ray Harvey wu reelected chairman tor the cominc ye.ar and Mra. Jamee W. Thornton waa a.a.med 1ecret.ar!-. Method.I.al, .. What'• Gotnr on Out Our Way!"; Kenneth Hc>a.t, film preview "For Good or Evtl." De- wtiona will be by the Rev. Ken- neth Boyd of Westminster Pre11by- te.rt&n church. Alec Nicholl will be toubnuter at the Fellowship luncheon. Richard L. Jone.. airman ap- prentice, USN, ton of Mr. and Mra. J,-H. Jone• ot 201.6 Orange Aw.. Coeta Mesa. and hueband ot th• former Miu Wini.trM G. Jone• of Jll4 S. Rou St.,' 8&nta Ana, ia currently aervlng-aboard the caM"i.er USS Bon Ho.mme Ric.hard, which recently partlct.- p&ted... in tll&ht training aCUvitl9• oil San Diec-a. • Mre. • Aane Wenden who made the Pilgrim.age lo Fe.Um&. Portu- gal In 1941 will speak to members ot lhe-pariAh of Our Lady of Moun! Carmel church on ThurlW!ay eve- ning at the Newport Beach Gram- mar ec~l auditorium, at 8 :00 p. m_ The PUcflnlage made In lH 7 marked the Thirt.lelb A.n.nlveraary ot one-or the rree.t Chrlatian. mf.r.. aclea or m.Odei:n tlmea. In the amaU Ylllaa-e ot htlma. there appeared the v~ of Mary, -told the cllildreft · 1'at an eYU pvemment wu taldR& over RuMia. and deUbr eNtely 1~Plna-out Cllr'.auaii , falU>. ~ tlla_t the We<kl •111\IOl P""' for the" ~tlon of Cloria- tiaD k'Jve and ethlca before . the world • could enjoy wtde-sPread -· Mza. W I ..... illt.eretled in not on.l)lo Inc the devotion ot tbe Pl.Jirtm.a, ot I wbom there were more th a mW1on trom all ~ ot lhe w~ld, 'bbt wu taken Wri.b tbe ldm , rlcll llvu ol! the _,..._ . ' UV.. of I.be ~ countey ct PortugaL I ancl will tell of their u-and habl\.. Hu talk will be -...~by 1u..: motion pld-taken the lriab . J)om'•lca• hlhen U.bon. Since ber r.tum. Kn. Wendm hu _ -J tedurine 1n Calllomla and haa appearod ---Catboll< ~ceo. ..... ~ which wl1j aUrt at 1:00 p. m. bu no tdm'roa ~.&Dd u..·,_... llelio-+~·- •so .... Wat.ctll ltl New members added to the sec· Uon were : Mmes. Basil Peterson, WWiam Kirk, J . W. Cammack, Bruce McBrtde, Georce Carroll, Floyd Buell and Carl Hann.L ' Nut niHtlng will be on Maj 10, p~ lo be announced later. Mn. Virginia Cuti<" wUJ rive the book review. Dodge la lltOVlq. Watch it! -~-~ ... .-...... ___ -------. -------- FILE lllECUANIO'll Ul:N Forecloeure or a mechanic's lien tor $29t1.86 a.Uered to be· owed for e.Jectrica.l work on Lldo Isle property WU IOUl'ht ln . superior court tut Wffk by the nrm of Moll.IOD and Landaker. They tiled the .ault ap.insl Nlrlam G. and Kenneth P . SChmJdt u -owners ot the property, antll Oranp County Title Co. and Newport· Balboa Federal Ba'llnCJ and Loan Alan. • • Reoulto come rrom -.t&l\t PracUcel An ad resuJuiy-Ill l.blo papv will pn>duce -tor ,...._ ---Opportwotty la lmockln,-lh. Ct.All&D'DCD ADS. ltverybod.J' rM48 tM .. , .. ,,ed .. • • I ltS M.rve,lous ! Its -MotDrless ! You'll be adted the iD1Unt you see the 1951 Se Gu R~gerator. It olfen you n~ CQnveniences. larger Inside, smaller ouuide. And it's silent ... _,, silnu I There's no motor, n0 machinery, a single movin1 pan to wear or 1row obiry. A ioy gas ftame opentco the uouble-frtt 'freezing sy 1 gi'" :you lodg-life, low-cost rd"rigeration. ' -GUoro~ IO vears _ You'" ltln o(..a.u.mo. when 700 buy a Senel ~-.·~t'~ ~ fo1 l!J yan ... ....... ..criaen-....,..._ in the world. Th •pecially hiiJ19<Unt ia tU... like ~ Seep into .i.in:• or your ~ 9>aJpaay_ toda'" See the e "-"unful °'°*Ii. Select ~ one desisoed lipr • . S•112e,i ft i1~~"9 QUl1p1ita:;..t ._ .......... ~ ... ~ i.. ..... ,'nol' • .....__.,,,,61' ·- ~- 1 • --.... ~~=:::::t:: . ~ .. . -~ . -. . ' l r.:tt•-:::.•r JI -~·§ ILi ...... ...,.,, 1+o1~ --=-l r..u.;c ..... -.... .. .. 'Ille as; ..;?£:: .... ..;.-= ' . . .j. \~; " "· ••• ' . -----' r I • • -NJll' ..... ft1i1 -- , • ,.., ......... . I • " t • • 1 , . ·' • I . , . . . , • • • • • I • Peg9 j ' -NEWPOAT-IAf.IOA .NEWS.TIM~ <Tue.day, APr11 '17; f951 ' ~.--~~~~-------~--~~~~~~~~~~---·~....;..;::..__;_::..;,,;.;_;::.:::;:~....;..;::..~,.~.~.AL;.;:::_N011C~~.~1~-:::;:--:~;;-~;:===~==::::;==::::;:=:::~·:;'.:::=~=~::_. R·i:·!: '!!: 1:-~.1~ ATOMic' ~ N.;....... :~ z !=o~.. _J ..... ·~· list 'fl;··Yor . r 1'11~ !lverJ Ta-, a& Ne++pori -~ -_ . llJ'• U.. :NEWPORT HAallO& PUN,llUUNO OOMP.t.N'I' ' Memiier of CALIFORNIA NEwSPAPER ,PUBL1Smt:R8 ASS'N. Member of the . NATIONAL !CDITO~-ASSOCIATION Office and Prlntlftg Plant at 2211 Balboa Boolovard Telephone Harbor 1818 I Second.cla.u Matter at the Pmtotftce tn Newport Beach, Callfontla under the: Act ot Ma~ 3, 1879 RUSSELL L . ,DIETRICH, .~tor RALPH BORGESON, Advert11lna Manager SUBSCRIPTION RNi'IJB: · .. NY.:WPORT-BALB'pA NEWS-TD0:8 ev_, ln Otanse Cow:1ty, $3.50 per yew: S!.fM! elx ~u; •t.U three moatha'.(Al.5o l•cludtw the NEWPORT-BALBOA PRE881 TbundaJ) Oulllde Oranp County 9'.80 pe1 Y,.., DR. DOROTHY W . BARUCH. L . A.-.. Because baby can't gel hUs own food ow-reach for a ci)tarette, he·may reach for h1s thumb." There ~rere 236.800 more pet· son.a injured ln U. S. motor ve- hicle accidents laat )'ear ~han Ln 1949. Dodge i& moving. Watch It! -' l..Etrr. GOV. 0 0 OD W .IN J , KNIGHT -"Anyone In Amaic11. can bet.."Ome anything he wllnla to -ln this land he cau1 uplre lo any heights." SpudJn1 on U. s . streets and highways le.at year killed 13,300 men, women, and children. Dodge is moring. Watch It! Law on Pablicalion ol Cerlificate ol Business (l'lc11110119 rhl.a:-•••e) -, . -• 041,nroii!nA '. CJiV1L OODl!f S"6-Every ·pt~· trana.o~ buaineaa .b, :UU1 state under a fictlUOU8 name ·&nd erery ~p ~ctlng bualne .. ln uµa l!llate qnde.r ~. ftctitio\11 ~e. or ·a -~snauon not 1bowing the namee ot Uif.... ~mcma lntetelted u p&rtnera ln 1 eucb bualnesa. muat tile with Ui., clerk of the county ln wblch hJs or tta principal place ot bum.n"8 la lituated. a etttlflcate, st&U-ng the n&.fue In tun and place ot residence oC wch person and 1tau.Dg the name.1 1n fUll o1 all the membera ot wucb put.· n'erabtp a.nd the.tr pla.cea or rutde.nce. Sae.II eertllleate mmt. lie publlabed once a week for fOJlr •uooeul•e weeka, In a new. paper publbltecl 1J1 the COUJ1ty, If there be one. -d ll tllere be none &n auclt county, tbl!D tn a De\"8pape.l' l9 aa ad,Jolalaa oouaty. An affidavit ahowing the publication of auth certtfl- cat• •hall be ttled with the County Clerk Within thirty day• alter the completion of IUch publlc&Uon. (Stat.. 1923, p. 238.) 24--The certiflcate filed with the clerk u provided ln 9fl:cUoit-twenty-four hundred and aixty,ab: muat be 1lcned by the pent0n the~ ~erred to. or by the part:nen1, u Ole cue may be, and a cknowledged before aome' officer, aut.hortad to take the acknowledgement of conveyance of real property. Where a bualneu la berea.tter comm~ b7 a penon under a fictitious name_. or a pa.rtn.enhlp la hereafter formed, the certificate muat be tiled and the publication deaignated ln that ltec:Uon mwit be ·made wth1n one month after the commence· mtµlt ' ot such business. or attu the (onnaUon of the p&l"UM',... - ship. or within one month -from the time designated lll thfj agreement ot lta memben for th• commencement ol the ~ nenllip. Where the bualn-bu been beNtolor8 conducted Under a fJctlUOWI nanw or wlM.nl tbfi putnenbip UMu Deen heretofore: formed, the cerf;Ulcate mut be flied and the pob- UcaUon ma~ within Rx rbontlm alt.et the s--1• at this art. No pie.no• dolftS .,_lw a.der a tlcatioQ ......, or 1'le .,... al~ or MIPcnee-. •or aQ penom -..,., .._.._ .. pa.rt.. ...,.. MlllnrJ' to lM ,..._ oJ -UUclo, or tlielr wMI,.... or -.1pem. .U.U mal•tala W.7 ~.,_ Gt ~ ...,._, of any C"nlllr'K't or coetnct.e ..,.,_ •f ~-...a. lllMler ' I < • 1Udl ,fk.UUoa name, or tbftr puhlenWp" --., ln ant ooan or tide •-uW t'f ...-1 Mo lloft ftlotl IUld tM ,. ... . 11cau ... -._. ,.-.. -. .....,.. .<Bl&I& 1911. p. «1.1 l~--.Op every cl>onr ln tb& fttemben,of a pertnerihtp tranactlng buotn-In l.hla •t,e udder a flclltloua name, ot a· daigm<llon wlllcb -at ob9l!r the. ____ of the ""'""'" interested u pu(nen ln tta bmlne., . . -:. .-new ce:rtttlcate m~ he li1ed with the counlll;;'de,rtl. -a!ld' ~ ._ piibllcatlan made u NqUlred ilJ' l.hla utiti. !"' Ille f-Hcm ot - port/lenhlp.-(St.u.· 1173, p. IM.) . . . Yoµr Certifl€~te -~.ublished Have .~:-.:..,. ..... in -the .... ..:.-~ ......... ~. • In oplte of ll>e t'act' U..t much UFI SAYIR$f ' oxa~-1--..;·CATI: or DOIJ<O Fw Ii_,,. ., lk 0o.........;. · r ' -_:: p',· ·.~~~--• hu happened and ln<><e h&ll "be<n IJUIUO:llll tlNDSa nvtlTIOUll u,. · _ 1!.lW\I ul~ 1lnce · the Oenttal MacAr-Br 119J,. fl..t .,,.._ a NAIUI , . -.i ot Newport -• I'!!~: ' 1 thur Incident. we cunot· owtlook •••rtuo, ~ ~ We ~bp· certify thot we a... . --,. Dfab/"t · ' vwr OUR • the atomic tm~e ·of Ito ef-, . . • t~ b«udn-prlnclpolly at Notice ii hmbY Jl~n to the th -" rec;:.:d .. ~~!i o~ differ-.. .Juel~~ 1~~~>: In ~~ .!%~c!;.~~i:; =.::. ~:i:ia;: ~t!~~rl =-' t (/!. ·e ' . 'Ii en~ between pollUcal expecUencl ret,tlon to 'atollltc attadt; State of C&UfonJt&. under ·the f\c-County, C~fornla., that the An-, --IJ . ' ,· ' . j . V 1 , . anlJ diplomatic treachel')'. on one Radloactl..tty .f,e the extreme--Utloua firm name of HARBOR nu.al E!ection tor· membere of U.e · 11~ and military neceeatty,,n the -ly p()Wertul ·t>unt o'r' duiit and PAINT A.ND' WALLPAPER 00 .• Board of.Trueteee of the Newport other. It la beyond fU'gum.ent that part.Sci• Ul the air. u It hlb aftd ,th&t the namea In tUll ot all Beach Elementary Dtatrtct will be AHP ~:iaae ~0;~~ •:,.t~~!.~:: ~ e1r':ta~ ~e;i:.=~ ~~eP:':r o!.':~~~ and ~e~~ :'aytt11e9,tt;~:C. ':"day or May. · · €hsn9· ,jj .soldiers (that tncludel generala.. much la~r ~c)a upon bow J"RANK A. KATNIK. " It will be neceaaarY to eltct one o·· ·v· ;.· ., · . ~ admiral.I and all bra.ncbee of t.M much radiaU.C. you have ab--121 South Uncoln Blrttt. member. service) are the one who eacrl-eorbed. But even a couid.~le Orange, CalJloml&. . The polling place for electors or flee their lives >.o preaerve their amount la not neceu•rUy fatal. ELIZABETH KATNIK, the Newport Beacli Eleml'nla.ry country while the diplomata and The ttnt slcne are naueea 127 South Lincoln Street, Precinct No. 1 (P recincts u In poUt lciana stay at home--and and ahock. In extreme c~ Orange, CaJlfornt&. . City Elect lone 1, 2. 3, f. 5, 8,.9, 11 , continue to gamble wtlh the lives they wtll develop tn a few ISoUn. Dated April 2nd, 1931. 15, 18, 19, 29 and C:tff Haven Sub- of others. , ~ 1n a day or. two, vomlUns, 1',JlA.NK A. KATNIK -cUVialon ) Dlatrfct will be at the , There.tore, when we reeort t.o d,._rrhea and t.ver ma)' tottnw. ELIZA.BETH KATNIK entrance. Newp:>rt School. J4lh & force of arma war should . ..__ lett r-Sta.le of CalU'ornta, ' Balboa Blvd., achool In --'d o•-. u.:: Th~re may be a Uttle paln--... ut entlttly ln the hand.a of the mill· but dl1eomtort, depreulon and County of Orange, M. trlct. , . tary. What does Mr. Dek11 Ache· fatigue. The symptoms U.Bual· On this 2nd day of April, 19~1. The polllng place for said t'le<:· 1oJOn and hi.a cohorta know about I)' dlappear, then return tn two before me, David D. French, 11 tors of the Newport Beach E.lc; the military necessity of crodlri1; or three days. In the wont and Notary Public In and for said ml"nlary Preclnct No. 2 (Precinct.a the 38th parallel er J.tanchurl•n untreated cuee, death follows. County and State. perBOnally •P· as in City Elections 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, P\UI MAT91ALS border? lt you have any symptoms, pea.red Frank A. Kltnlk An~ Eliza· 14, 16, 21 , 22, 23) District wlll k ' It Is because of fear that RUB· go to a med1cal station at once. beth Katnik, known t o me lo be at the entrance. Corona del Mar Bia might be provoked tnto war th~ persona whoee names are aub· School In tiald Di~lrlct . ,1 with ua? Such fear and &UIVUllfllons 11erlbed to the foregoing Jnatru-The polls will be open between ,.-~ •Source : Survtval · Under .. are ridiculous. Ia th~re anyone ment, and acknowledged to me t he hours of 7 :00 o·clock A . M Atomic Attack, offlciel U. 8 . th t h who believes that RuMJa would a t ey exec-utt>d the same. and 7:00 o'clock p. n1. . Gov't book.Jet. w · l"nler lnlo war JUBl becalJ8e .:;h~ ltneu my hlllld and official The returns of the election will was pro_voked? 111 there anyonr '---------------'I seal._, be canvassed at 8 :00 o'clock p. n1 . who bel1eves that Russia W l1Ukl DAVID D. FRENCH on May 25. 1Ml. risk war because of Korea'? 18 Tri"alS • Set Notary Public In and for i;ald . The officers appolnt<'d to con there a.nyonl" who believl"ll lhat County and State. duct lht> elect ion In the aboV('· Ru~ia wtJJ not fig ht In the future for 2 Dr"1•en (SEALl named Elemeqtary School D~11trlc evl!n though tt.c United States ..,. No. 1 9~TlmeR. are: and the world continue constantly Publlah Aprll'l.7·24: May 1·8, 1951 . No. t -Mrs. Juli11. f.fllc Eggert to appease ~er 1 Regardlt'88 of Elmer P'ranc ls Bailey, El Toro No. 2-Mrs. Anne Cruwl, Hll1t•I IA11- kNOW•llM . Tl GET 1111 llST ·-llON AT- '/ --• -~ • ' .. what lhe United Stale• might do marine, will GO to trial without NOTICE IN"VITING <BIDS Inftpectur In Korea, Including the. National· Jury April Z4 on a charge of driv· Notice la heri:by given that tht' No. J ~Mrs. Nins K. Holthy -~A11a lat Chinese invasion of China, l.ng orr the len side .of • highway Board of Trustees of the Oranr;l" No. 2-Mra. Jane E. Mor g11..n RuMia will fight WHEN she ls within 100 feet of an tntersectlon. Cout Junior College Di.etrlct of "' Jud~c- rea.dy. California H lghlt'ay patrol of· Orsnge County, Callt., will receive No. 1 -Mrs. Aureih• Nit'mlcc Is there a single example wht-rt• flcers arrested Bailey on the bid• up to the hour of 10:00 A. M. No. 2-Mrs. Msrtha M. Cunning Ruasla s howeod In the s li gh test de· c harge after Mn accident March 14 on the 25th day of April, 1951, at he.in Judge grer her wllllngneHS to coo~ra te on M•cArthur Blvd. near Acacia the office of aald School Dlstrlct. !Signed) MARION C. DODD, with a[lyunc? Russia 18 biding St. He pteadf'd not guilty and located at 19951 S. Harbor Blvd.. Clcrk/St•crelllr for tln1c ! waived a jury trial. C08la Meaa , Calif., at whJch time Mart h 16, 1951 Aleo pleading not guU'y wa.a 88.ld btda will be publicly opened Danny Eugene We inberg of Los for the turnlshtng or the following: Angele.a. who iB accused of driving Towe l Service l&1Jt Aug. 6 while his operator's Duplicating Paper and chauffti:ur's licenses were re· Oaaollne and Fuel Ollll voked. Light Bulbf! H ie trial will be May 2. The Jannorlal Supplies ca. hu been dela~ while being Uaed Driver Education Car lran111ferred from Newport Beach with Chev. Sedttn 2-door Towru1hlp ~ou rt by Justice D. J . turn·ln Ofxlge. Hl" wu arreal¢ on Bal· The Mid Board of Trustees shall boa Blvd. a t 26th St.,' Newport be the sole judge of the merits and Beach. quallfica tlon11 of the equipment of· Marine Badly Hurt in Mesa Accident feted. and reservPS the right to reject all bid.8, and to waive any Informality ln any bid. Openln1r datl": April '26, 1951, 10 '00 A. M. It Is amuJng that Dean Ache· son, who refuSf!d to abandon Alg1...· HIM. traitor of our 'Country even after H·iss was found glulty, yet abandoned General MacArthur. It ill not ~nil"d that England ts urging th~ Unitt'd States to tum evt-n For mosa ovt>r to the Red Chinese. At the same time England rt>f uHes lo tu\.n over to the Rl"d Chinese her crown colony of Hong Kong located on the China main . tand. Attlt"t>, the n1an who repre- st•nled Lhe Communlpt part of Eng· land in 1937 in &pain durlrfg the Civil war. is a statesman who holds up his right hand with clOl'- ed Ciel In the Communist MIUl<' Signed: BASIL H. PETERSON. while In hi.e left hand he holda lht• U. S. Marine Richard Warner, Chamberlain umbrella u a sign 26. of SIUlta Ana Marine Air Corpe ot British appeaaemenL England Station suffered major hurts at Sec. Board or Tru~teea would sacrlflce the world If tl 3 ;10 a . m . Saturday when his car Adv.: Api-U 10·17. 1951. meant preeervatlon of her power. ran ott Nr#port Blvd. n•r· Baker No. 194-Ttmea, St., ln CoalA Men., hit a trt!1!. and Publlah AprU 10·17, t9fl1 . Slmple ~.. wu demolbihed. Warner wu lak· 1--------------- The reason for EngllBh opposl-en to a dlllpensary 11.t the air al&· I NCYr tc r; OF ELUTION lion lo llacArthur and refusal to lion. Notice '" hereby given lo the approve the invasion of Manchurln \ l'leclora of the Newport Harbor .... ,y •Im pie. It meana unllmlted LEGAL NoncE 1· Onion High 'School Olotrlct of Or. market for Engllah goodti, to Red ange County, Callfornla, that the China-via Hong Kong. It means Annual Election for ml"mbera of t>llmlnatlon of the Amerlc&n com· N011CE OF INTENTION TO ' the Beu.rd of TrusteeA of the New· No. 108--Tln1t•s Publiah April 17·24 ; May 4, 1061 TIPS ON BA'l"l'ERY CARE mercl" In China and an &!moat l"X-ENOAGI: LN THE SALZ OF port Harbor Union Hi«h School ~; clwilve mtt.rket for Brill.eh goods. ALCOHOUC BJ;\rERAGES Dialrlct will be held on the tblrd However, the foreign policy of April 13, 1951 Friday of May, viz. May T8, 1951 . England ls no more thl" foreign TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It will be necessary to elect one policy of all the English peop~e Notice 111 hereby given that fif. member. a.ny more than the forflgn policy teen days .!fter the date posted, The polling places for satd elee- of Lhe United SLatf"s iB the policy the underalgnect propoaee to sell tors of the Newport Beach Ele· of t>Vcn a very amall minority of a.IC'ohollc bev.11.ragea at the&e prl"m· menta.ry S(::hool Dlatritl of the the Amer•csn people. I IMes de11crlbed u fol1ows: • Newport Harbor Union High The ~cri fice of GE'ne ral Mac.-234-12 Seventeenth Street. School Diatrlct are ae follows: Arthur 1a cause for rejoicing In Newport Beac h, Orange Precinct No. I -Newport School I Europe because It n1eans. accord· County lith and Balboa Blvd., In aald Ing to their ln terpretaUon. that PunJuant lo such lntenllon, the ~lementa.ry 8 c h 0 0 1 dlelrlct. Korea does not mallet, nor doe11 undersigned ta applyinJ to the Precinct No. 1 consist.a of anythln.g In the Orient a.a long u Stale Board of Equalization for Newport Beach City Precinc ts Amerlc&na continue to center their l8SU&.llce by tran8fer of an alcoholic Noe. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 8. 9, 11. 1~. ent'rgies in W eatern Europe. bfoverage license for these prem· 11, 18 ,19 20 and Cliff Hav· No Judgment Moukt be formed lse11 u folloW~: en Subdi\rtsion. u lo whether or not General Mac-ON SALi: The officers appointed to con· Arthur refused to obey military or-GENER.AL UCENSE duct the election In the above- ders until he is given an oppor-Anyone de.airing lo protest the named precinct ar<>: tuntty to speak his aide Qt the Laauance of aucb' license may tile a Mn. Julia Mae Egge r t , story., 9'flnenl Orders to all~com· vertfled prote1t wtth the Slate Inspector manda ln the Army are one thing. Board of Equallatlon at Sacra· Mn. Nina K. Holtby, Judge , . • HELPFUL HINTS For Homemakers · • ~ In~ AD LIB By MARGO ' ls-In ~Th· ,. • • " ·-while speclflc ordera to command-mento, Call!Omla. stating groWl6:18 ·Mn." Aurelia Niemiec, Judge Ing generals are e ntirely another. tor de.nJal u .provided by law. The Prec\nct No. 2 ......... Corona del Mar Decisions m~de In Washington premiaee are J:\OW liceneed for the 'fichool. ln said elementary cannot always be carried out. It Nie of alcoholfc beverage.I. echool district. Preqlnct No. 2 MORE HOME-TOW ·SERVICE IOR WEST'S HOME TOWNS ' ' . Ia. entirely different in Ume of ri:\ANK H. _COBURN con!data Of Newport Beach WM' on the baltlefleJd than it ta No. 198-Times. City preclnct8 Noa. 8. 7, 10, 12. We're puttin~ many illions mo.rt . to telephone facilities this yeat . In the offices of the While Houae., Publllh April 17, 1951 13, 14, 11, 21, 22, 23. Sta~ I>topartment or Pentagon. The officer• appointed ...to con- 1 wu an officer of tar lauer CZl\.TlFIC"-TE OF BU81NE88 duct the election tn the above- ranlj, than ·gen eral during the tut nauttooe 1"1nn Na.me named precinct are: war. enga~ In our Army and · No. P·M71 Xn. Anne Crawl Inspector Navy Joint Intelligence,• aa the THE UNDERSlONED doe 1 M"rs. Jane: E. Mo~pn. Judge - head ot the Balkan eectlon. Had here by cvtlf'Y that he LB conduct-Mn. Martha Cuningham, Judge I adhl"ted to the atrlct decoru.m lng an e.lectrlcal contracting bWll· The polla will be open between 'of an ofl·times slJJy Wuhlngton neee at 1204 Coe.et Highway, Co-tbe hoUn of 1 a . fl'. and 7 p. m. program of m1:1 tary regulaUonl' rona del Mar. Caltforni&, under Ll.u..i.AN W. Rt.rl'LER, Clerk 1 woo.Id have been totally belpleu. the flctlUoua firm name Of LAN. -Board of Trusteea Thia: applied lo all lntellicence of· DAICER ELl>CTRIC and that eaJd Newport H•bor Union H igh Ileen. Not u a -war memoey but ttrm la compolM!d ot the toUowinJ School Dietrtct. a.a a mOl!lt vivid 11JuetraUon, here per900.&, whoee namflll ln fUll and No. l~Ttmea. la an examp~ ~t •tupidy ln Ume place. dt residence are &II Callows, Publlah April 3--10-11, 1951. of war as prescribed bJ the mlJI· to-wit: tary under preuure ot civil au-AR~t!ft M. LANDAKER, NO'l1CZ INVITING B1D8 thorltlea. 59<t Dahlla.. Notice: t. hereby gtven that the One day early ln 111«' we re-Corona dOt M&r. Callfomla. Bo&rd of Tfult-of th._ Orange uy ·ai14 in tbe lcelved an order In Carlo that nb WITNESll my -thl1 loth o....t .Junior College Dilltrlct of cities, t•'-booe ,_.,,lea« Jtill d ar it apaodJo& 1 tntelllgence officer could engage Ur ·day or A.pri 1~1. oranae County, Calif., will receive :-r r"'t' hlo work to ..e any of the fottlgn ARTHUR M. LANDAJU:R bido up to UI• hour of 10:1>0 A.M. IJld imptovin& the telephone sy . For OU{ p<>pll,· -=-a "'trradlear of the' reuon-Suto ot Ca~ on lbe 4UI da1 of Mai" Ital, at latioq oontinua to grow. The d 1 (or new tele- unleu ttrst uranged , with LL C<>unt7 of {)nJlge, u. tJle offl<e of Aid School Dlatrict. phone service goes right on. t . ih 1 ite 'of our having Commander X, wbo w .. to malco ON TIU8110Ul do,)' ol" April. A. ~ at 18161 8. Harboe Blvd.. qoubled ,the number of telFJ>h in use in ti!• ~I the •eceBMO' ~~menu D. 1951, bef .... me. llARRY ABll· eoO!& Kua, Collf, t_t Wllldl time· -put.,.., 1..,., Aad doublin& <jie ot money with forelgneu tor an. Interview. TON. A N"\&1'7 PubiJ!: In -'Ad tor Mies bldo ,..W be publlctp ~ in•--' in die ,.i-i.,...0_b1.i,;-in ~.,. five _,. H.-ver, we bad to li>e aU tbe' the oalil OoilaQ< and 'iltate, <eolcl-for. ~ fUnl.lolbiDS of the •--.-~ -, -r-u .,. I •-,.....,-~:;'~i':::1!1';.,to .':,," .,!! ::!t . -~·~ ~7J!'2 tar: . , . .• 5. it-a akeo • tremeado\11~ -•co build "l' wbo .'° tiiat he mlfbt -flow ARTHUR LAND = ~?'~-,lllld ~-..... -c1w million ml •half DfW ~ .,,,;•.e lo p\\>e-1 wtu. ....i. arrui•-lo me , to the ~ -Tiie -_,,, qi~ ~ .edded Uc< 1945. Aad, bml..,. '.,., .i.n-in die. menu and In. W.,. -111 -111·on!!leribed ~-be the -Jallse of uM .....ito and floral i••.,.t .0.., the ,' · CO le<VO • .,.-to~ QD~ U>e -~. \ IMtWt,1iaiid.. to ...-.-liftl>eeqal-iat-~bosaniaplabom ~1940,.i N•tunllJ,'1..-lo odlitie metMllle.,._lllew. DI'~ uc11wneo 111o::t;l ot -: .. eace-ohoilll2'P.Ye<,-'upm.laitbla'" to~l.hla--r.-of •ourstote~ Wlill~ W!mRllO,, I ..... n)9rl ... .es lo ...d.. all)'-JD. • , ~.1:~.' . lbe__;.__L _.:...! i-n-t end lim~ .... a-Ol het HOlo fol .l7 -.ud otfts4.I ho "i1t7 la all)' 1liol. ooar ...... -t">"_.,, Mi+IGt,,. • ·~-- ~ hlcreuea .mce ip-ro. """ .. ' .. ' . • lftJ -4e!nc ... ,,._ ~ 1117 ~ w1 U. ...,._.,_, A.n.: April lt·U, 111L ••• ~--~~amodus~Cioor'-.. Yilw ii_l'flii>oe " 9 -... al 0tdoro. 'I'll& -i.Woo..tltJcal,allnl-..+mt-0, •110ate:X..,.4,.U6J..lO!Go ~ •• ._o(,..,...~sbat ~:+.a...J ""Profwlunal• Dill a.eo,w .._. ta.. ' A.IC. ~ .• . . -.. "'" • --~In ...... ~. • wlUI. --, .... , · ·&.Uta ,, · : 81pod ,. ·· ," ~· n..c· ·1fi'1c' · T. := ':":".=:.••:_•:. r.: u•r o · au--~~) , , :!~ !, .. ~:' r--~ F• II -lit-Oooea..W --"°· ~ lfo Uf-~ · .... _ T 111 · 1'1711'..il!lllM --~-----...,....;;-.-, _______ .;.._~-....,to '!fl'·•---. 1'lllllllli .AprU 11-IA; *"'1 i-"'-... • 11 VlT-""1111 . •• . 1 .. . .-"],--" ~ • • • r ., I ~ . ,,, . .. • 1 •' • j • ~= l t I I i -\ --: ...,......_... ..... 1---------.--_ --=--. -·-· ·---~-· -·-· --r ·-------~-.. -. • ---... .. I •• Tuetde • Apn1 t7, 1951 Cutt _ ;~outs f (} Stage ·Carnival VIRGINU ADOS GLUIORI • ' • • NEWPq)~T-IALIOA NEWS-TIMES . ' .. .. • • • • • • -· • • • ( ' ' •I ' . . • • • By MARGO . . • ' • ece1ves New York can ttom. C.!f. , • ' I • ' . ;/f. PY county fair and camlvol · / 'to be beJ<I al the Corp,na deJ Har /' 01<:hool grounds on Sallirclay, April · .28th, I~ a apecl9i e'Va\l to--.wh.lcb evuyone Ls lhvlled. lt will be ;aponaored' i?Y CUb Scout Pack 180. . FLOATllAM AND JETSAM courteay .of Gene_ and Ille Paclflc ocean! )i(y travels u a rovinl' snoop lake .me to many •lnull'e Comers. That'• wbere I ~I.covered Ge1;1e the Beachcomber -ln a pretty atrange .comer In a small thatched huL Gene must have had a pitcher ot water poured over bl• head a.a a lll1&ll lad. He haa become disenchanted with •leady work and fallen victim to the tuclnatton of La Ker. Gene cottect& lrilerea:ttng bits of driftwood. colored bottles. and ahelhs. Re makea unusu&J patio and lanaJ LADIES! F'LU2! ID omla. eapedlllly N Hatl>or, ordlng to r. w:~ore.nbatser, lllto editor of e lmport&lll I 1. • • l Starting' the fl'.'stJville1 at 1 :30 BRING A TIDS ron SPtX::IAL BARGAIN I FINE Q UALITY DOUBLE ,LOOI' TERRY TOWELS S for fl.00 • hUng magazine " otor Boat· g •• . .. . . . • • etary or the ora.n·ge ty Har~ r Commlaaion, king fOI' a p.m . wtll ~ a b1g bicycle p&rade followed by features which will . be tun for everyone. Pony rides, ballqona, games and movtea are (. plant arrangements out of big slaba of cork. Cork ashtrays and book-ends. Cork what-not.a. Gene ha.a a palr of Japaneae It.raw sa.nd&Ja turned into wall va21ea. An old bamboo carpet beater wllh a philodendron rampant. He makes spoon·racka. gathers flab net.a. Thia dreamer. Gene unfortunately likes to eat, ao ll.e woulct be plea&ed to sell you these patio arrangements. the driftwood, the cork ul}- tray• and the other sea-going stuff he ha.5 d~vt.sed. Or even ma.ke up things to ~order tor you. His mother buyj things from Gene: but that's a mother for you every tln1e. Co look for Gene's Tlme-n· Tide Creation• ln Cole's Trading Port, 3108 Lafayette, Newport. Siu l8d& Limit I tG a cu.ton.er •BALBOA I 5 &:10, SOO MAIN, BALJloA'. • In a letter lo H*'eleh, sec- y of the-recent repprt on Upper ewport Bay, Borenberger aays; -· -' 'planned for the cbUdrrn, who wlU 'like such thingn u pop corn, hot •dogs and loda pop as well u thl~ grown upa do. ; The "O~le-of the Pacific" will tell your fbrtuncs. Games of mlUly kinda will test the alc:ill or all. Door · priua and game priz.cs promise .aomething to lakp home for every- •one. Featured above all else wtll '.btt the ··Cake Walk'' made 'ramous . at last yt"ar's fair. Thf' carnival is int,..ndf'd lo sup- ply funds to support Cub Scout 1 a ctivities. AccordinG lo Harvey Prue. Cub ~{uler. it is the only 'commun1ly fund raising progrwn for the year. TlcketM can be purchll!fffi from your ncighborhood'boy~ when they , call at your door. or they can be obtained at (he )::"ale. Usler J ones, chajrman anrt Mrs. William To- '.bill, co-chairman. proml"4e a gooi time for ~·ou anrt all lhl" fa.mil)·. Th: y su~~P.St that everyone ln . lht-Bay area M;.lve Saturday after- noon, April 28. for the County Fair and Carnival. TH~Ts nt:roRTED Two p('lty theft~ W('re llsled by Newport 1>0Mt'f' Thur»day. Charles ~1 clt11'1.non, 432 Golden- rod Ave,., Cortina ,do;-1 Mu.r, com- plalned of the theft of a $&4 .78 watch fron1 a desk In his son's room. Polle(' said therf" was no In- dication of illf'gel entry into the house. The oW a.ken hack.et 1m • duh of 11.amor when ~el:r Vir1inla Ma10 etopt. lor a clri.ak at the well. The blonde MGM •lar wean • be- eomiA& ltallerbul len1tb ·fa•hion, with • full plhend •k.lrt o( 1t•rch1 while pique. National C.Otton C.Oun· eil (a•hion •ulhoritie• report thot pique i1 •n Jn1port•nl fabric in thJ1 .e&IOD 01 cruloe and "90l'l d,e. ..... 2nd Medal for Marine Flier • • • "SEE A 1'1AN AT !81 O LAF A \.ETl'E SEE A MJ\N' AT ZHIQ LAf"Al"ETTt:. Go to the Ne\vport Marlne Engine Works ... go to the Newport Marine Engine Work8 . . . !" I l\vttched off the short \vave receiving sci which was ntt.ac tied lo the sirl~car~ of my motor akooter end ~kooteiJ ht•ad-fir·st to the Bay front. "Are you su1 e you want to Sf"e little ole me?" I in')ulrcd of Biii Querry ... \Vhy [ haven't subscribed to Popular ~teC'hanlce In just yea.r11!.. IL de velops that I do not have to be a meC'hllnlral ~en \u3 fron1 M.J.T . to tell you that the N'1<wporl Marlnf' t:ni;-. \\1orki. Is th<' piece to go tor n1otor servict" Hov.·ard Dennis and . Bill Querry are' equ1pl to n1uke any engine run' Hot rO<ls. stock cars, to\vn cars. cit.v C<trs and BOAT~!. The ly)al deal lookl'I very acc:on1n10<'htllng ... :vou (:811 ll n1p ,vou r bout rl~ht tr rtockside and have !he engine pulled out v.•ith a 'C rane. On thC' oth~r tJhJe or the bldF?" .. tht"rc':ot a '\.l.·ays· whe1·e you can haul you1 bollt In and out of the \\'Rtr>r. ThPre M'<'n1cd tn be 'an av.•ful lot or con1plicated ,;,aC'hlnery at The Newport Marine F;ngine Works; elec. welders. silver eolderrrs, lathe end drill presses llnd who knows '? Oh yes one very Impress!\'<' motor turned out to be a brand new t~N.l~ral J~p ~tarint' 61 h . p. boat motor whic h these n1en !tell here a s well as used boat engines. I sa~' ror you ladieK and men to lay YQnr n1otors at the reel or I-tie Nt~\VPOllT M.\RISE ENGIN'E . . \\'ORKS. 2810 Lafayette. NEWPORT. Harbor 1113. ~ • • • . • • • DOES YOUR DOG'S TA.IL DROOP? DOES \roUR FAITHFUL FRIEND AND COMPANION APPEAR NERVOUS AND ILL AT EASE WITH OTHER DOOS-? Doea he Jack that o'ld sniff and bark? So . . . Just as I thot-Much as , J loathe telling you this, you've got a neurotic canine ln _your house. Dn1 Thompson, practicing dog psyciatrtst at her La Mesa Boarding Ranch, .says that this Is not at all uncomn1on. This ti111e of year particularly, dogs feel an atavlatlc back lo nature call .. lt'a pe1·fectly obvious that 88.rksdale or whats-his-name nf'('riS a vacation in the country at the 2 'Ai a cre Ls MM.a Ranf'h F'or Do~"-Here he can breathe t~e pure country llir. dr:tnk tresh cow's mllk a la Daisy, bark at lhe c hickens., and unjangte .his' nervf's. No dog t'On1es a\vay from this country"boarding hon1e v.ith an underprlvlloj!'cd attitude or hang-<tog air! Mrs. Thompeon sn.ys her f{re1tlest dlffirulty Is J;'ettin& the little monsters to leave . . once they'v<' had JJ. tas te of <lor. days on the ranch. P. S. Please a.o1k Dru about the v.•onderfu!. well-balanced LABRADOR RE- TRIE''f.:R PUP oh<' hit.a t'Olt 81\.Lt,; at the L..., Meoo Ranch for Doi;-11 ln Collla Mes&. &>aron M38-R: • • • "We were very pl~ued to re. Ive and have the Ofportunity to tudy tk.e report onimprovem.ent f Upper Newport y which we ecclved from you a.at month. ur flrat reaction w , why can't e Jive out there w~ere they do lngs like this tor b4jl'ating. ''The great city o~ New York ot alone ha.a done nrthing at all o make the lots of llJI boating pie-ea.sler, but on lhe contrary, •here boat clubs pre~loualy exist· along portion!! oft the. water- ront, they were rulh&.s..,ly thrown ut of t~eir Jocatlons \so that ne\v ighwaya could be c~nstructc-d. "Whlle we all a~r'* that hi~h­ ays a.re nece881lry ajicf scrvt> lhc- eeds Or m"ore people tha.n boatinf! acilitltes. it would seehl that tromc re&s could be found where rcc- f'eational boating could be givL·n mt> a.ltl'ntion:· All out for lhe blR 111.url< l"llC'"~ \\'01nen anrl ch1l ct r1n rirst! Yes. Jn oommenting 011 lht• Uppt•; "ello\.l.'s. U1e racf' is on ! Mo.-e-and n1or~ peqple arc rncin~ to the gwport Bay report t~e N1.•v.• \'ork Knlta.ir;r Kaff'! for a. NHl'kful of 15t• Ernie urgers. So111e C8S"ey !tor of •·Molor n Oatlng" cun- nvcKt"or,.; are r 11 111orect lo be hoardin~ the3C <'lecla~le hn.n1b11rgers I inurs by stating that the "report n attlr". old t1·unk1:1 l\nd nndt•r lhP bf>d , 131 lorl t ~('t p1:1nlcky hlch so ab'y pres<•nts lhl' \vork "o lk11. Er-n ie ttssure!i n1c he \\'ill kP<:'p on 11ellln . hese . Bargain I find the results of tht> Orang e '.lllr{;ers as long as yon k~_P b11.v11:ig the n1! Other 1nte sling news tounty Harbor Commission is a 1s that new ('omers to the 1,ottai::e Kaf(' get pop-eyed wh n they see · oet valuabl<' cont ribution to thi,; hO\V many hot salty t ·r,.nch Jo~rlf'"4 they ca:i haul lf.Y.·ay fof'}15c. And orn1 of d<'VE'lnpmenl. Wr only !f you feel like throwing your n1one.v urounil, .. vou can get a fine fat fish that our official~ on lhis Hid e ·heeseburgcr for 25c. a Taco ff)r 25c or a tlucl< ntalt al 25c. These f the continent v.•opld see the ·lre walk·Olll prices J quote. But you cnn cut. In the parkinb lot ight." a without R cover rhari;e at the Kott:·q;~r K11fp 1920 Ne\vport Blvd., l blk. bt:yond the Me&t theatre .•. 1Clufiet..I TUe13 ., • • ab 2 Drivers ' • \\'Ill tll,. mut lnK Mf"a..,.011 find ~·ou 1•11 al on"' In The theft1 of a,,rtic l<'s of clothing from a lint' irl the reat' of hilt premiaes wa,, rl'ported by Warren Kellogg, 1338 W. Bftlboa Blvd. Ht· said the clothing belonged to his tenants and Mked police to check the 11.rea. "'For h~rolsm while participat· lng In a erial tUght against th•· enemy," Marlne Capt. Gerard Dethl('r, husband of Mrs. Hell'n Chenoweth Ot!thler, 2686 ~lands Or., Co.sla. Mesa. h88 bet>n award('(! a Gold Star in lieu or •a seeond Distinguished Fly·lng Cross. \\'OMEN'! AllF. 1·011 \\.ORfflY.D ABOl "T f:IF.T-th .. nt-l't? Cease 111oumlng. 1ny cloves~ Take into Tl!'\0 \\'ltlSKLJ<:~? l don't mean wrinkles untler C'OnHlderalion the Grev·Ilrea'sted T'A·ili Bird. ·SIU: your bnby blue ('yes. I n1can in the scat of your ~oes deep into lhe v.··()()(is in the Springtin1c' a.n<t slacks. All of you ladies who lead such a strenuous dips her feathers in the wlld rerl hokun1-berrY. :portlni; lif<', sitting on your 2 n1asl<'d schooners Then she sits. in her nest and preens her giddy Drunk Charg~ persons wrre arr,.8lt·t..I on runk driving charg('Si by ·N~·wport licl' Satµrday and a third ro r eslsting arreat and irtoxic-a tion. Accvmpanying the av..·ard is this • playing a cey-d11cry an<t re11d lng Variety will harken gouan1er gel-up until sonic bil'd con1e s along. You ·to this gi·eat n<'V.'S. Jo-1,l"f" S1•ort S hop has the never heard of a T\vili Bird \l."\thout a mate! Thus Mrs. Eva Lotti.IM' Critton, 34, 718 aln St., .Huntington· Beach, wa.~ harb«i with drunk dl'iving a ftc l' er car was stopped ~n Hwy. 101. t Tustin Ave., at 2 :3°ia. m . Pol ~cl' ll<'gcd she was driving <'Fraticaliy. Ht"r husband. Che8tcr E . Critton. TOOl..S STOLEN cit a lion: A n1etal chair1 han1mcr, pair of "For heroism whll<' partlcipat- pllera and a screw drivl'r were lng in aerla.1 flight against th~ stolen fron1 the pier of Mrs. Dick enemy while J11ervlng with a Ma· Bartlett, 2li Edgewater Ave., Bal-rlne Nliht Fighter Squadron boa. police flt Newport reported based Al Klmpo, Korea. During thr Thursday. W. L. Humphr<'ya. 307 Urly hounr of darkne..~ on the ..Edgewater Ave .. told police ~ he nl,i?ht or Sept. 25, 1950. Capt. turned on the lights on hlll pier Dethler, who wa.s on a c '03(> sup- a.o.d frightened av.•ay lntruder11 port miSBion. was directt.'d to slrikr twice during the nlght. He aid be enemy troopl!I and \'ehicles with- found Ute canvaa rolled back onif!lr&wtng northward out of Sroul hla boat but no~ WU misslhg. through the Uljongbu Valley. new figure·fh+.tterint;" Ramblin Slacks. Here's thf" let us take a lesson from nature tLnd fl y over to RLITH'S BEAUT\' breeding: Sun Rose out of L. A .. out or butche r linen. by a.n illOI'. Ruth specializes In turning droS8 pJu1nac-e to gold. 1 You overcut of Rayon. Ramblin goes to lht' post 1n navy blue at S7.D~ can get your top-knot tinted, dyed, bleached or rinsed most any The Ramblin Sia.ck Is ab~lutely crease·reslsla.nt and you CM sit. co lor ... l-"or keeps of by the "'eek. A l'Ol~OR-•'OAI\-1 ItlNSE 60c. walk or skoot for days and still look sleekly ~mooth. Lee Stroup Roux Color Sharnpoo co111pi('lc $1 .. Gel your i18i1· 1110\Ved for $1 .25 is also showing very sporty Snn·Ror.e Coordinates to matt> with theS<' t.l Rl1Tll'S BEAlTT\. t;HOr. 338 Poinsettut, Co1ona del Mar. 8lack1:1 ... A butcher· line n navy skirt 1$7.D5 1 and a chartr('use ant' Harbor 2007. • . .saml' address, was arrcst('d on harge!'I of resisting· l\frf·st and in- oxlcation. He was a paAAcng1.•r in he vehlclP. Both Wf'rc releasc:d on 8.iJ totaling $376 fwl an ep1)(>ar· icc Monday in -Newport C1l1• ourt. navy for red and whlte1 tailored wesklt 1$7 .9~'· Wilh these 3 re9011 pieces you caJ) rub elbows from Banff to Il1arrltz! Cameron rE!i· and hlue plaid ~hirt11 i;o ,,along Ylith the c rowd at $3.95 .. and Trln1f\t bobby sox b,>• the j illion ut Jo-lk" S1,ort :-Ohup. IS3$ Xe\Vf)()rt A\'f"., Cm1ta MeKL ' ' • • • ! . --· -·"De8plti the rxlreme hazard .. R!sutti -~~r'""1fi ~iant preeent~ bY darkne~ and terrain. "HA,.f:~itiri .... Jili:B1t6u1t l\'E\\' TEl,,E FllNllENS?'' Inquired Pracllce! -6.n ad regularly !n tbia and with complete c1isregard ror Suzy a'1 J napped into the Hou~ of 1jilrn1ony. "No -whatz a .paper wtU prodUce..re.tulta for you hil!I personal safety, Capt. rktbie r I Teleiunkrn? A broken dO\Vn Televialon set!" I M'plled raffishly Dodge is moving. Watch it! Uncle Sam Says You haTe, rlabl at band, Ole mu• of ebaDKIJl.s th.e CQllrM ., J'OU ut ...... Ju•• alp •P today at :r••r com..-T• payroll offtc~ for Ule Pa7roU Sa ....... Pla•, aJMI Lbdleate tbe amen& 7n "IP .. brYnt trom ea.cit · .. :r ebeek. U. 8. ~vbp Beiau are~ Ulu m&e1e7. U 1•• I~ cash. tt'.1 rette. 11 • Bond lA lost or 1te&en, It will be ~ plaeed.. 8o start 1a.tn1-TODAT. u. s. ,,_, o ....... f'Xe<:uted re peated attacks to·dan-Suay Indulgently ateppcd to the R.C A. Automntl•· t:'.i rpn1 recon· gr'rously low altltudf's, recovering changer fpriced at $1 2.9~1 and playi:!d the Shubf>rt Syn1phon:.,. No up the sleep sides or tt\e v1tllt>y 7 -C 1.tajor with Atn1 . Mengelberg conducting the An1:Jlerclan1 Con only at the last possiblr inatant. certgebouw Orch. . . My casual attlturle t urned to one of exclted "H is akill kll and courageous at-l\dntirA.llon. Capital, recor·d9 no\V bring you the n1arvelou3 pre-\va.1 tacks were responsible for Inflict-Telefunken recordtni:-s of the Berlin Syn1phony, the An110terd<tlll Ing very heavy casualties on r n· Hambutg. Vienna Phil. & other European n1u sical greats! Suzy ther emy troops and equipment. a.nd called time out & gave me the fifty t;rand tour lhru' her (5 reco rds tor the dlsruptlo~ of thh; o rdt>rly t•m the LP kid who wo11lc1n 't pay 5c to h(>ar Toscanini conduct "Rer wlthdra.wa.I. capt. Dethier·s eour-Hot Mama .. but I was TllAT IMPRESSF.D: Now you csn get Thr age, sklll and fearleRe devotion to Sextet From Lucia with Carusu. Galli·Ctn·cl. lie Luca (plus 3. t Con1· duty were in keeping with the plete Rigoletto In only 14-45's and Olivier doing excerpts rrorr highest traditions of the Unlle<t 1-tanllet. etc. But More Anon Music Lo\'ers ! An<t no n1atter 11;t Stales Naval service." whRt speed you rotate be~it, rotate In the Hou~ of Harmon3•, ·1st? Finch Nam9d • (Conthl~ from Page l) the sanitation bo&rd. Contracts for preliminary engi- neering reports on the county·wid(• sanitation proirarn were approved formally by the directors or thr seven sanlla.tlon districts. The study wtll be to revll!le engtneilrin~ pJ&ru11 tor the $8,308.000 worth of work authorized under the setup. Har r y Overmyer, Huntington Beach city engineer. was appoint- ed by the dl8tricl8 to appraise per· aonal propertlea to be purc'hased from the Orange County joint out· fall sewer sy8tem. Harbor Track (Continued from Page I) 'oo.-Jone& (NH ), Le"1..'4 (0). Schnlldl (NH). nme, 10.4 ...-. Newport . .\\'e., Costa Me&t\. Bf'ac.•on 5131--.~653. • • • NATION\,.lDE SllR,'E\"S Sll0\\1 Tll1\T the dlvoroe rate is.. extren1ely lo'v in the hon1es where the women stay ln the kitchen and rattle the pots and pans. My own prlVRle survey proves thaJ women are happier doing K.• P. in a bright, clean cheerful kitchen. The Coa~tllnf'! Floor Co\·erln~ goes a.long wlth this gag. Clarence Page has a remark- ably good. Inexpensive kitchen treatn1ent In CONOO\VALL. This wall covering gives an lmita· lion tile effect tor kitchen anrl baths. It's ver~ colorful, With waterproof lnslallallon, and oh •· easy to mop down and keep clean. Back of a tul- for example, It's nu.ich handier to clean than plaster. Congowall can be installed floor to ceiling or just uppet or lower walls. 12 patterns are available. and you can dream ur aome nl~ 2 color effects. The price of Coni;owall is 50c a sq. ft installed. U you long to be a model homemaker and enjoy thr pls.urtits of a well fed famil}'. g ive yourself0 the proper backs-round which in this eaae Is Congo\vall from the CO&llltllnr Floor Coverlnl'· 18th & Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. Beacon 5201-J. • • • ' • • • \\'1\1·1-·A1c1~tr s·rn1\I\"fJERR! 1t·a no fun to go travrll inr; if .vou haven't a place to con1e hu1ne l •.J. HO\V \'lill .vuu ever know when you ·reRch ho1ne .. _ 1r yqu <lon't have one ~ ? '? l·Iere1s a clrea1n,v. well feathered nest• w~lttng to be chosen by 1tOme \vortlhy btrd::t. Thll!I Is a con1 plctrly furnished ocean rront home on the Balboa peninsula. The house Is very l1aniJ- REAL ESTATE M n1e rl'nn1 lhc·exlerlor \'iC\V \vith 6( ft. 'tront- lt:e b}· 80' deep.' The la1·cc front yard is rence cnclose<l' and fea· ures 11 ~alaxy of ivy gerMni ums a nri i;l 1 rub~. Insic1e -)'ou'll , find a arge a t tractive living-room with fireplacf' etnd adjoini n~ bar kitchen. ~ broctd windowed ocea.n vieY.', tv.·o bedroon1s 1111d tv.·o ~ths. Off he 2-car garai:;·e is 1:1 l<tri:;-P s('parate· !'oom and bath. bea.utlfuJl.Y 1it11ated for storing C'hllttreri 1 ~11ests or relfttives. All this and heaven too for $35.QI}(). \Vhtl:;l inqui1in(: Ahoul this treasure trO\'e,, 'ltik Sally or .Jln1 Newl in KiJuut the fine oceaA1 bay front. and comer 1ol.8 they have lis ted ror 1><tle. And hurry! They have o ne dandv •nd ra1-e R-3 lot at John Bu1 ·nhan1 Real E;;tate. r;Q7 E. Balboa Blvd. ·-1a rbor 1607 • • • AYFIC'IONAIJO~ ·cf' EXC"El.l.F.:\"TE l\IEXJCAf\. FOOD are toss- 111; their son1brel'o's In the all' and i;houting "Viva la Casa don '.:a.rloK~'' Sn1art ho111bl'es have disc-ove1·eiJ that they can 'dine very aviMhly In this rolflr(ul little cafe an<I s till lie pleasantly rela.~ed •ver the co·it or the chPCk. Charles Hall. O\vner of CBsa don Carlos 'lppar·entl.v hasn't heard of inflatinn, as you can ~et a con1binatlon ;>!ale dinner for D5c, or .ll plate of \VOnderful frie<I bea.n.J for-15c, a ~aco at 20c. a fine gree-n ensa.larla l5c We8le1-n ~er is 25c Other llnnars at $1 .35 and Top Ril'loin Steak dinner ut· Sl.75 inc lude praCti- ·ally everything but Cant inflas. Lila Banda and Connie Alvarado lo the unsurpasred Mexican COflk i'lg. I J:O t~ere oftrn. Won't you loln me An1igos. at C».tw don c:arlos 113 22 nd St.. Z'i"''''port. Harbor 2638-M. Week days ()-9, Sun. 5·10. Closed T\1esdays. Chtlldt> Mart 1n Reender.M, 48, an D1ego, waa · \looked .on d.rU1lk drivJ.ng charges al 1 JL "\-Police arretiler Rttnders on Hw.v. 101 lt quarter-mile west Pr Ne\vport Blvd. ------- lane Cras~es 1 (Continued frona i"Bl"e I ) ! l the 19th street end or the fic_-'d. Banking sharply, Spe~r all1'n1pL· d to land the plaJlf' parallt•I to lhC' recs but was "trippeCJ up" by onP one bush Which thr~w, Ut~;fib'.i"p nto a ground loop. Exten~ivc dam· ge, CMlimaled al $80().was dont' to he left wini;-. prop, an<! untJ ercnr- lage of th<' plane. but Spt:er cahlf' er with onlY a~ slight sc1alch llt1 1ls forehead and left !fl;· Sending for a true~. and· s larl- ng immediately to re111ove tht• ingB from the ship, Speer'8 oii l\• ~ntmenl was, "I Sure would hUVt" •en a dead duck if I h1:u.I hit thus€' ees." esa' Mother Contfuued from Pt1octj '1 ) • Meyer and Dist. At~y. Ja1nes L. '• • I p avi8, however, couldl not agree SO 1..0NGER DOES THE SOU:\"D OF Tll E SAW OR Tfl.E his to whether the court could RAP OY THE H.-'~IMER echo within the lady-like confines of Polly ame ohly one or.-could select Apparel. owner Gilbert Drown ·is no longer a mazing the natlveii wo doctors to make• the mental flf Costa Mesa with hla feata on a saw-hQrse. The Polly Apparel! is xaminallon. Morris6n said Ire -e"plendld wtlh new ~prlng paint. ne\V c-lothes sheds. and rejuvenated ould -check the law and 1nake -;irleklns (or. is it m&1111equlns?, But dtspite her new fl.ce·liftillg. e appointment subsequently. .. olly Apparrl is the san\e sweet old store, aelling qualit)' brands As the case now ataitds. Mrs. >Ut an attractive piece of costtlme jewelry. a medallion. braceletlor ill return t9 court April 27 lo 1 scarf. Or perhaps a slip or gown or a pair of Berkshire or Lark-ter a plea on the f lony assault • Male d1·ivers ,in 1950 were lo· Valved in n1ore than 90 percent of all U. s. automobile accident.a. . I ·, • • ' LEASI; EAST I i f .. I Greyhound giTCSyou tht .. n ;,nfl1. for y_our money ... coses less·~ ,,i ;iny other form of travel! The "..J., co•wwirtre~. lOO •• -more serrict.to. - more places ;ith com(oruble! ·. "weather-conditioned'' Sup.e-r.o!· • Coaches . .f\nd the"'"' sii/,fuli.,.. ~ ,: ••.. choice-of many scenic coa.R ,. .. . t ·:. Tire rt· Alt fl! Ltwtc farts EASn · Chicago •••. $36.85 ,, Detroit . • •. • 42.80 Washington 47.45,. New York • 49.80 Bos[on •• Kansas Ci<y Des Moines Mi9neapolis • New Orle&DS Atlanta •••• 52.60 29.70 32.45 34.65 34.-0 40.90 --... . I e ' 20 Daily Trips EASTj fromlosbgtlts . , Mrs. C. C. Swafford, Acent 63! Coast Ill1bwa7 Phone Beacon UIS. Mlle-0.abow (II. Woodbp...., (NH), Knaecer (01. Time, 4 m:ln. 5%.9 lee. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A ME1"""'TAL GI A.NT to realize t,hat ocean fresh fish is dletetlca.lly necessar)' for a balanced dieL On lhf other hand. if )'"OU eat enou~h of th'is sea-going brain food, you may become a mental giant. Then It will no lortger. be necess&ry for mt' to direct your v.•ayward little feet to the Bayside Fish Mkt. You'li lhank me later when your brain Is sent to Harvard courtesy of the Bayalde. Fish Mkt. ! And another thing _ .. \\'l1at else can you buy for 2~ lb. ? ! ? Red Snapper, if you buy the whole fish II a mere 36c. A whole cleaned Sea Trot1t is 2Sc lb. oil and a.II! And the yeltowta.U are running! R\ght . to t.lh. llayslde \vhere lhey G'el ::leaned and beheaded and sell for 4,5e lb. Fresh whole local halibut la 40c lb. at the latest quote. Ba.rracurla have trtopped runnin; (Ha·rry, says 1t they never con1e ~ck It's loo 800R.) FreM crab:' are cracked at 65c lb. Furnish your own mayormalse. O. K., Bralnef use yOttr head .for eating fish & st'a!ood from the ~de F1ab Mkt !800 Lafayette. .NewporL 'or lltle la.dies of quality. You really should begin now to think' reen is slated lo gq to t :i.al on ~bout something for your mother for Mother"'s Day. You can pick the murder charge ~ay l(_ She .vood nylons. Prices range from mq<test to moderate. So pu·t sorpe-h&rge and to· h'ear report from .hlng In Lay Away for Mother's Day. You can find anything a ll-•-P_•_y_c_h_la_t_n_·•_u_. -..,..· _____ :_ ___________ ....:. __ .voman might wes.r (except shoes). A~O A COMPLETE BAfJY WEAR DEPT. at POLLY APPAREL, 1833 Newport Ave., C®ta Gifts & Greetings for You -through WELCOME W.AGON I from Your Friendl1 ll~ineH Nei""""'9 and Civio and Social Welfare Le1d8" I . . o. ,,., .~.,,. •I I I , ' T"9 Birth of a Bob, EnN4meatA;;-.,W.,•na O..npof1.udo- A.rrivala of~.. a "'*' 1 tD NEWPORT BEACH i • «& -Wlhon (0). Nerdrum (NH), Soutltwort.b (NH ), Ttmf', -63-8 --lift low hurdkl'I -Griffttb (NH), Smith (0), Ta.)·lor (NH). nm.. !1).' -.. !!O -olo-(NHl. 8<.hmldt (NH). Lewis (OJ. '11.me ZS I KC. --II. Sladlq 10), e....,- (Nlf11 Bruns (01. Tlrue, 2 m.1n. 1.9 MC, . Rl&b Jump-Norman (NH ). LanSdaJo (1'"11), ... lrrson (NH). Dl5taac0.19fL81n. . Sbot pot-V .. Dttmlln (NB), Swlop (ND), McClellan (ND). m. ... N\. 51 ft. • la.. Pole '"Ulft. -Sm.Uey i.....,_, (ND), Opp .,Jldatit. 11 ft. (NB), (NU), ~~ -ForleU lo Newport Harilor. Cloa A-N-rt -Tl, o.aq.u. CW. -N-rt -111. o....., ... <-. 0-N-port -111, orup n. . • • • I now propose an amendment to A.mendmeJ. XIX, which if }-OU ~call dealt. \\1th women·• au.(· ferage. \ propose tbat all women be allowed lt take a nap ln the afternoon. Oh . -. tt '4"0U.ld rnaJq for a better world llJld a. kinder, prettier. wo~ hood. My lnaplnltion for Ul1I brave noble gutu,,. '4"U a Yialt to the Ska.de Sltop. Helen Wollard b&l IOrrnf abeQlu.tely light repellent window ahade ma· t.illal. n.eae ....,... look like regular wjndo'.4 Iha.des. but ah.a my proud beauty, ID the . Mslllfl· mlcldle .l• 1<>melhlng dark that puabea out U.ll\1 lll>W ibo~t -till• for your TV -m or tor kee~ the children trem pltlpg up alJlaw:n! '0r lf you b&ve • Mll·bouei, lteep Ille -ID tiae ·.t.ttc &bout the time of day. Or the doe ·(rolr- L ht. ~ lba -bell ID the i!Q1lme? Or Lor a pbolo-lal>? AM • 1-,,,.. -pill. -tall& u.at beauty -ID"Ule on.,,_ wtt.boql •IJIDl&l:T DUAL llE&T llTAJ<DINGS ~1-1) . " .N ....... •?Mr_, Onrr· --·--· a -"----...-.• .P 8Fc1• ·-r·-.---S Att'tllll -t • $' C'JO a * • • ,, --~ ,,,..,. -... olocldq co.p. ..... ,.,,..,. upt.r -~ 1 --DOp ..... ..., -.. pl&lda ,...ci prlAta fO< rollor ' -"' 1 -I...,, '1U•llt7 W11•0 No ~ .Youl_.w pt a -dUta iwio!t a -· ---•*-·tlr u 11-u P.11 If you'ft pt u a -~~l .,_7i* ~.-... Ut ·~~x-po.L -~- I • \less.. • • • I HA\"E J CTST COM£ ·FRO~I A IDGHL~ SUCC&~SF,UL birlh- lay party. The guest of honor wa.s a young lady Juat 1turned : 10 vears old and frankly she didn 't look a day over 8! Th~ ptece(de -eelatance, as always at s uch festive occasions[ was the birthday ·ake. This particular cake waa: a thing of beau y and a 1wow ot a ·onversalion piece. Bob Krull. oven artist at the NPwPort Bakery lrean1ed up n Olrrusel Cake that made the ~ye~ of the Cartwheel :'rowd shine brighter than all the candles. Six p.lly coldred sugar 1orae11 mounted on red straws pranced triUJ11P~arttly unper a red U\d White cardboard tent. And you never at ~ better b8.nd-stand! \ Car.rowel cake from the NEWPORT BA ~y wUJ induce high 1pirite for agee 8 to 60 on any gala. occaalo ' llft my other ~at ·}\apeau to Bob ror his Australla.n J==offee c e . . . 4 rare old '8Clpe be just got out of hie safety deposit l · It's from eheer lMven with citron fruJt.a, nuts and Stre t p (a:k:).' N~rt '9kery. 2113 'Ocean Front. Ne"'J'Ort Beach. one Baf'b9r 1w .. a.. . . • • • ' ·I • YOU'LL 11!: ABOUT AS WELi, IN- l"OBMP;D AS A RUN -AW A 'F .II.Ur t.OONIBT If )-OU clOn'l p~ buay '!uui l&tcb onto a TV at. THE HOUSE 0 HARMONY, Coots M-believes lb&t In 1rder to form a more perfect uniQO,. '-"'7 f.amUy ebould 9'9'11 or rent a "Tele- -eet. -o[. U&nnony bu an ~ ~' bui In .. l!r&nd·-table -1' -- -Ill '111.1111 Thia la '40 -Ul&a >t!ul qlial ...,., and ..,.._ an -&ad lllft.' taxa Or If * are uw -lJ10. Wl\7 -'l J'OU ,...t aa RCA or Hoftmaa' Lj>odol lllld by It ,.X. tai' ._ la rout owa putorT Rs 11 Ill. ....... ,...._ TV .t& for .. -... •1 4-7 for u., COil,,..,~., fteatha1ni. ililtep!ka, and Rfll '61117 ........ 'Mtallilu..t .,. __ ....,. JIO(J -···-mr, llp,T ~ .t.Q., OOft4, wpe Iii '711.-, , . ., . . ' .. o · 1'~ CURRENT WNINGS ' • • ' I - • I • • • • " • I ' < I ~""""""'--------....... _______,. _____ ,... ..-.-. .. • ..----... -.. ..---. ,,...._ ..... --.. ...... • • • • .. • •r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·---· • •• •• .--.-.-.........--....-• .. --............... -......... ---____,..--· ..... ., ___ ,,........,..... -• ;& • ...--·--..-•••••• ~·-. -· -~ ·' ' • • I ; Not Ion; ·Maskey (V..U.'Df'tl ,,..,.--Pap 1) • lowtnc lettV to the to11r Ing councllihen: ·• . '. I· , re\n~-1 became the present realdenttal sectJon. •·3-Developed Ne,vport Island in the aame way. ' ' Seek Approval of Injury Paym111t1 sc.hoola. Norton ia president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce and la.st Thund~y wu ln- st•Ued u Exalted Ruler ot the local EU.. Lodg•. "Jue )'<Mil crazy'!'" said Robert Allen, formet" City Councilman a.nd relktent of Balboa Island, when a.eked if he wu again in- terested In the poatUon. "I wouldn't Wllll.t Uu.t council job under any clrcumatances." Allen waa con- sidered & llkely candidate for the appointment btcau1e Of ·hie resi- dence and Jocatkm of bia bualnese, •Dtck R lch&rda h.u requested that I eubmit my name for the vaca.ncy in the Newport Beach City Council. "I thelliiCfBre willlng"iy aubmlt my name to the City Council of Newport Beach to till that vac- ancy. I agree, if &ppointe<,t, to use every etfort to act in harmony with the aima and objectives of the present Council tn their sup- port of good rovernment. "4 -Served aa chairman of the Rationing Board durlnr lhe war. "~Put president of the New- port Chamber of Commerce. "8-Put president of the New- port Harbor ... Boe.rd of Realtora. "7-Honora.ry Life Director of the California Real ~late Anocl- atlon. Superior court baa been re- quested to approve payment or $886 to Robert L. Gill, 20-year-old 90n of John Olli and Mrs. Haael Gill, Coat.a Mesa postmaster, for injuries suffered in a Los An- geles county automobile a ccident. "My belief• and QuaJitlcatlona are u follow•: "8--0wn business property ln Weal Newport Beach and ta a property owner on Lltlo Lile, New- port laland and Balboa Coves. The father aa.ld younC' Gill had been' injured lut Nov. 17 when an automobile In which he was a paueneer oolllded with one drtv· e·n by Richard G. Mansfield on Firestone Blvd. near Studebaker Road. Balboa laland Variety Store. "1-1 believe the Lido I.ale, BaJ- According kl Ma)oor Le.ter Is-boa Covet, Weat Newport area with bell, former councllman o. z. Rob-. almost 4000 population mould have ertson ha.a · ln!ormed h.tm that he repreaentat1on on the Ctty Council. too ts not interested tn the ap-"'2--Waa lnstMJrnental ln having polntment. Robert.eon la a real-the oil derrickll, oU SUJllps and dent of Corona del Mp and hu oil re finery removed from Weat been 'supplanted' by Braden Finch Newport Beach. , Street.a, side-- of that cohunUDlty. walks, cu.rt>. and utiUttes were ··&--Have lived here. and aup- ported good government for 22 years. Sincerely, Ralph P . Mu- k ey." He Mid Mansfield had ot/ered the $880 payment In itetUement of a claim and urged the court to authorize receipt of that amount. Last year, 26,600 v.rere kll.led in traffic Amerlcan1 accidents. Maskey has dispatched the fol-then lmt&lled and West Newport DR. PAUL POPENOE, Dlrl!ctor, Amer . Institute of Family Rela- Uons. in Ce.llf.-"It takes more loyalty and faith now to raise a f&mUy and prepare them for lite, than ever before In the hlatory ot t:lvillzatlon.'' In 1950, 1.799.800 Americana injured In traffic accidents. were e ·. l'\ANNED ADVEITISING PAYS BIG . DIVIDENDS • PlANNED ADVERTISING PAYS lllG DIVIDENDS ... s " z iii ill >· ~· fil z ~ • I . • • The COMPANY HE KEEPS 'When cin acquaintance of yours brings a friend of his to can upon you, your greeting of the new- comer depe-nds to a greot extent on the opinion of the man who introduces him, doesn 't it? Usually; you judge the stranger by the company he keeps. • This principle applies no less to advertising. When an advertisement aPJ>eors in the company of news and editorial columns which you have lo~ed upon 'os your friend•, and in which you hove foith, you tronsfer those feelings of faith and fr iendship to the advertisement as well. It i.s possible, oJ course, for the manufacturer or merchant to goin the good will of the public by merely offering merchandise which proves satisfoctory when tested-lo insure the initiol trial of the product is quite another matter. It means, that the introduction must be effected by the most dependable mutuol fr iend of the seller and buyer. ' Alld even after the new 'customer has been won over for the first time, ,itJs cp1it• necesso,Y to reassure him of __ the wisdo)ll ,of !tis choice .and to,.,, mina him that the product is still fn the market by sending a mesiage to him again and ogain,-ln good company. • More and more are the owners of better newspoper publications coming to the realizotio~ of the i!"portance of discrim ination in the acceptam:e of the advertis- ing which is to appear in their-columns . They know tho! a censorship of this kind acts as a pr~tection and a help for both advertiser and reader. It gives to the r~der the comfortable assurance that the advertisements he reads may be trusted, and gains·far the advertiser the patronage resulting from his faith. This advertising is be- coming stronger every day. Advertisers are keenly aware of the superiority of the results attained by the use of a · d .. ~ndable advertising medium,--ane whose publishers exercise care and thought in the s•· lection of materlal far its editorial and news columns,..-o medium which is an integral factor ' . in shaping and reflecti119 the views of its circle of readers,--a medium which has 'developed a large circulation a111ong o representative class of people in its particular territory--a i:ircle of readers which r...-1111 the entire community. " ·USING THESE fACTS 1-.s A CRITERION IN YOUR SELECTION OF A DEHNDAlllf 1J>VUTISING MEDIUM, DOESN'T TlilS NEWSPAPER'S ) ' HAND Of GaETINO Fill THE GLOVE OF GOOD COMPANY PERFECTLY? " Ill\.. OUI Ai>vn'nSING STAFF W1Ll GlADLY ASSIST YOU • , •teitd i. ,._. p<ogreteM -rcllonb wllo WI lo·""' the col- -el tltie pod --for .their odwt!~rnenb lo the -ol L. f11•ne ,..., w. exteftd ~ wvioes of a tchnf9d ~ ... ,...._ .... , ...,, --"'" "' Ollisting you wilt. hig!H...t NrchandisiOg -... copy, 1oy.-and '" Wort. e , • • • , . , ' '-'·'') ' • ' . ' ' ~~;n;;;tiMi~--~lMiiii--~.;--___.-• NU• i".MW•l•lll8 ~ft -..... • -·~ • ~ z z "' 0 ~ ... ~ s "' .. Ci 0 s 0 "' z 0 "' • -~ I • • 1 ~ • ; • . ' • .. , . -r .. ~).. Aprll ·it _19sr .• Plumbing Law Gets C0m~aints c ·lA·S 'IF l -·n I . • ll'he Mighty Mid et In .Ad°'.rt1.tfi11 Complaint that the plumblhl' '-------------1-.-----;..-·-----O'KEEF& 6 ~rrllt RllilJe, PO: lnlpectora ot the <OWllY have been "eol.D.g overboard on techn1- callttes" la beJng 1nveltlpted by Supervtaor Ratph J. McFadden of Placentia, the bulldlnl' ·,~epart­ m'ent committeeman ot the coun- ty boar<:S or aupervieors. 1 NF;WS-TDmS NE\VP0~TBAV NEWPORT-BAI.BO Newport Bay P•t :::lulln. -N ew.-Jbnee OJ' MINDIVJI AD~--bo,_ad 4U- E,very -. ' y T-W·~~ya PRF.ss·,;.;.;. imdays Adi w& ,_Iii=' Ttr! Icy ~ ..... 11 •I.DID -rs•• Ms• ., .. u ....., New l\Qlla-y J>ed _A ~ $20; G . Jl,•Jobncl<. lll&e ?"'"'• $15: 11}0 • 50 •pl. Generat water beater, $15; 2 Outboardl.1110 A $85; laed doora, ~ MCll; "-Pie n>eker, $15. Hu-~IL r :lpll LIKE NEW 12 x 15 "'I' ud pod. Supervisor Heinz Kal.aer of Costa Mesa ~ed on a com- plaint he sa.td he baa bffn re- c(!lvtng t'rom ''reputable contrac- tora" that lnspectora ln the county a.re making tt "rouahe r ln the county tha.u In lhe cities." He said coptractors have been required to tear out work wh.lch they aald confonQed to the coun- 4 IJ-------' S125; Clm>me dinette oet, JU; -work bench, US; manp, •t~; 1951 Powell Motor-Scooter, ~ price. Toe Orchid, Corona del Mar, Harbor 3031-J. 6cl 4 u-Papen ~00 The publlahera will not be res ' for more U...I one lncoirect '48 CUSHMAN llQJOTER.-Good condlUon. no. CalJ Be&. l5641(). W . or Harbor 1"32-J . Tp9 lnaerUon of :ui advertUe.ment, the l'flbt to co~ clusify aey and all ada and to reject a y ~t not I ~onntiw ~ rulu and reruJatlons. Ad'f' C. .,_ cw"C)'la&Uona will uo accepted up to 6 p.m. on the day pc..,..nc p.,,._tlan! Pb. Bar. 1616 ty plumbln& code. Chairman Wiiiis H. Warner and Supervisor C. M. Fea.lherly, the former committeeman for the building department. recalled that a similar complaint ha.d come up last year, and that Inspectors were Instructed to set up a uni· form Lnt.erpretation hued on the plumbing coda. McFadden said he would take the complaint• up wJth BuOdlng Inspector Charles W. Donohue. Bears Easily Win (ContlnlM"CI from Psce 1 ) on aome of the not-so-straight courites In the East. Har. 1118. ull: for .. Ad NEWPORT !!11 n.Aloo. Blvd., N Classified Index 10 11w11-~ 11 Bulllll.ac 11ata1a11 12 Bullclblfl Be..- 1' PoroOaala 15 Sllare I" oar OU 18 Traupo- 17 Boon.s °""-18 _.,Aldo - 19 Upboloterlq 20 Roalt• Aldi !Z Loot aad Foaad u SchOot, 1-tJ ..... The race wu financed and 28 Sltuatloail WMt.ed sponsored bt the Newport Har-!9 Help W-t<id bor Chamber of Commerce with 10 Sale, MJwl'•-.-i Hay Langenheim, secretary-man· SO..A swai- ager. as regatta director. Don 11 Wantm to 8aJ' Grant of Huntington Beach, and sz Furniture for 8ale former coach at Yale, was referee SI-A AndqUM ot the races. George Farquhar as ~ta. 8Qpplle9 and John L. Hendric kson, bolh S4 Hnalcal. Badlo of Huntington Beach. were timer 1.5 DoSt. Cata, Pe .. and oftlcial judge1. at the finish, 18 Poultry, Ral»blte respecti\•ely. 11 Uveetpck Thousands of spectators (eati· 18 Special AllltOnmwne-t mates range downwards from It lktsl.De99 Opportaaltlea 26,000) lined the North Shore of 41 Wuted to Beat Lido I sle, the bay side of the u Apartment. ... Boaem Coast Highway. the bluffs of '4 &oorna for S.:t Newport Heights and' hundreds of f5 Raa.t. MW. >•r a boats in the bay area. tt Room UHi 8ollrd Only complaint from spectators '' Traclul · was the Jong hour and a bait in-'' AotomoltiflM, 'an. tervnl between lhe J-y and var-'' Autoa Wuted sity races. The lull can be ex-60 Auto Sflrvlce • _.-..... ~,-·· ftl-.-mlO 00. "•ea, o.ltonle. t~ATIONS w,uin:D l"IN'E. tr~lng CUrtaln•. Help With dlu. partiea. Pick-up and deltver. ldra. 'Williama, c..n '!11.r. 1595. 5p7 -~~~~~~--~~-so. C.u.IF. BIBLE COLbEG,E women atud.nU want pa.rt Ume work. Baby alttlng, houaework, ironing, t-estaurant wwk, etc. Ph, Klmberly 3--8281, Ext. 11. 3p8 MIDDLE AGED woman will do baby altttng. Reliable, experi- ence. PhOne Beacon 0114.-WK a. m. or evenlnp. 6p7 WANT-Cement block laying, car- pentry, paintlng, boat mainten- ance, ~at englnt.. tune.up, tull or part time. <!Ill after 4. :SO p. m . Harbor 3068-JK 8p8 • WANTED ~ House".-ork by hour . Beet of references. Have own transportation-Ph. Bea. ~274-M 8p8 GOOD USED CLDTH&S, o\lltable for hi&h school 1(1.rla. S1zea: 10 8lld 12. Sktru, blouae.m, black cheaterneld eoat and formal.a. Call Harbor 2033-J. 7p9 CRANE KJTCHEN UNIT, cut Iron porcelain top, dttp aink, ti"e. , dra in area both skies, metal cabinet, roll~r dr:awers. e~c. lncl all fixtures, llke new, $100. Ph. Harbor 798-R. T-e9 SI-WANTED TO BUY WANT TO BUY 120 baa accor- dion. Call Harbor 114&-W, evea. 2ttc • • 31>" O'KF;J:FE. • KERRITI' ru range. 10 cu. ft. Senel l.'lectro- lwc.. Hamilton ae.cb vacuum and complete flrepl&ce .et .. Ph. ~r. 2121-R, lie? Buy Your TV NOW! See The11e LCIN ~ces Philco Conaolette 12%" TV. l:x- pand"'1 91 eq. inch plctUl'e, re. conditioned. $189.95 . 12~ .. Blonde Console TV- ' plained by the fact that there 61 TraOen EXPERIENCED, capable married waa only one loading platfor1n 52 Alrplane.9 women to manal"e apt.a., Motel $179.95 tor the crewmen and thal equip-66 Money to Loul or rooms. Full reaponafblllty. No ment had to be switched among 68 Money Waated objectJo118 to cleanlng. Uving table model TV .... $94.5() 7" table model TV .... $32.50 10'' crewe. Additionall:r. all the crews ~'1 Keal E•tate Wanted quarters for tour and •mall per· had to row the 200 meters to the 69 Ranches, Acre..ce j centage. References, character starting line before beginning the 60 Income Property a nd work. Write Box J-1 thi• race. All in all. It was one of 81 Real Estate bcba.Di'e paper. 7p9 RCA CONSOLE 18" TV, like new with AM & FM radio, tteauUful mahogany cabinet with doors now only $309.00 the best free shows that lhe Har-12: Real bt&tl! bor area has put on for awhile. ~------------!--I Results come From conat•nt Long may it live ! ~hone Harbor 1618 today P ra.cUcel An ad ~evlarly ln Ulla Keep ln touch wltb us tor good buy• Jn TV &eta being traded In - and ask for the ad-taker. p&per will prodt.tee.. eai.IU tor you. Special m onthly rates. • · Fires Cause tConUnued rrOm ral'e J) extent that it cou1d neve r be re- built. At the Elms' home aomeone had been in the garage just 4.5 I minutes before t~e fire waa 111een by a neighbor but everything had been all right at that time. The TOO HOT TOAST A small blau at thr homr of J . 1''lemlrc. 1811 \\I. Balboa Bl\•d., Nrwport, a.t 12:M p.'m. Saturday \\'l!i.I a lso reportf"d by the NlrmlN".s who put out too fire-,,·lthout tht-ald of the nrf. dt>partmMt.. About SIO darn&«e ,,.M cau!M'd "·hen an automat.lc toutt"r set t he toMt on fi re which la tum burnffi l'°Upboards and curlalna nearby beforf' a p&n of wate r "''BM u8t"d to f'X- tlnS"Uhlb UM blaxe. BU8JNE88 OUJDE ' M.PLJC1·.a: HOUSE CLL\.NIN rvtce. P'Urniture and ru hempooed. Free utlma lly tnaured. 's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon 8111 r Venetian Blin , ades and Drapery Hdwe. E SHADE SHO ee estimates Ph. Har 88 5 4 -29th St. Newport Beac 13tt I BUD.DINO SERVICES INT&RIOR -J!:XTICRJQR PAINTING root and interior of the garage were Hadly damaged 'plus u.iling equipment and a bed stored there. ~ Briacoe said the Newport en- &ine had little trouble getting through the he8V)' Coast High- way traffic but the situation was different for volunteers answer- ing the al.arm in private cars. UCll:NSED -J;NllURl:D Glenn J ohnsto'ri ' • 3lat St, Newport Beac Forty-two percent of l8.8t year's motor vehicle accidents involving injuries happened ln the dark. Last year, 299.500 pede.ttrlans were Injured in, the United States. • Use Classified Ads • , to sell yonr car Harbor 2297-J Mot PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 2'7f Palmer St., Colt.a Mma Bea. !'>457-M . H. HOLBROOK ! . D PENDABLE PLUMBIN A Prompt Repair Service Maintained .Phone: Harbor 14.18-W '2 1 Balboa Blvd., Newport Seac . •··ROOFERS • P AlNTERS • CARPENTERS • RUG CLEANERS • HOUSE CLICANERS ' • F1" IT SHOPS Z&-HELP wANri:o ' WANTED SKlPPfR for 65 tt. 11Chooner "Gallanl." Phone eve- nings SYcamorel 9-5223, Pua- dena. 8p8 MAN WANTED f r landscaping. I See Mr. ·Beeson Saturday be- l tween 10 -12 a1 m. Norman·s Nursery, 1313 . Coast Highway Corona deJ Mar. ! :M:.7 WANTED -Alrc~ft mac.hJ.niatll, engine, lathe and\ mill operators. 2 yrs. minimum perience. Day and swing ahln.s. Apply 630 W. 17th St., Costa esa. 8c8 • SPEED QUEEN wuhlng macllln•, nice condition, white enamel, $39.90. C. E . Refrigerator, late mod.et. large size ............................• 189.95 EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BRO\VN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 ' Rattan · Furniture Made In the. Philliplna and· \\'OMAN /or part t!lne house woH. in our own work 8hopa. Balboa Penlnaul,1. C&ll Harbor W~de choice ot fabrics. 1233-W. · 7p9 Le.rftea~ dl"Pl•Y In Bo. C&llf. WANT WOMAN WORK· par t Refln~g and Reupbolctertar time in a ca!e U. ronade!Mar. HOUSE &'GARDEN Experience not n esaary. Phone•e11 ~~-tlli' -~il Harbor 31~. 5c7 _ ______i___:__· _!.._ __ . BED · . ' , . , f -d WAN'!" eld~rlf1ad~<to 11u1..-..qul0t ' warorobe, •20; 81Jto.i.-.• M l new home. Re'l_t free ln ex-G. E . iron, $5; 7 .. ft. tr1:vene rod change for som·e; baby alttlng. $8; % folding rollaway bed. •20 : Phone Beacon 3-M. ~p7 2 brau lampa, $3 ea. 2312 Cliff In Regard to th Ad For a MOTEL MAf AGICR Dr., Newport Hel&ht:a. Phone Beaeon 51711-R. lk7 The advertiser rtt!feived IO many t!4 NJTUR replies, ~· lo unable to an.ow er U ;::iED FUR E them individuallyj and so takes CU.tom built Kinr Size this means of f xpreufng hill bed and matt.reu ..... _ ........ .$7~.oo thanks for youi ' let ters-The lifaytact wa.lher. aood c.on4. 18.50 post ti on la filled. 8c8 Roll • A. way Beds ......... 1........ 17 .50 t • Rex-.A.lr vacuum with &It attaehment.., llke new --···; 811.llO Standard Sta ion, Inc. Taylor <rot ·····-···-.. -· .. ·-··--·-6.00 · 1948 Mcidel 8-tt. Bertie!-• Has a few. qP,enlngs , • ; A buy for CASH I Used Box Sprinp &ad Matttt .... FOR ~ ' . ci-¥f . Who 'are looklilc or pennanenl Jacl,c's .F11rniture employment wtt ucellent op-1606 Welt Balboa Blvd. portunlty for ' ad ancement. 21 Phonai'llariM>r 1501 1 .a to 4.0 pteferred Paid _wbile • 61:7 '. • tralnlnc. APFox· S277.:IO montll :MODERH a PC u~ ...,. I • to find a buyer ' ro .. YOW' homo· ' Your ad appearing ,.q.. ularfy In these colwnu will brine you many_ n.ew customers. Harbor area foUui are 1n the habit of "lookliig In the cJa.tfll· ned" when ~they n'efid · thea aervtcea. )o start. Uberal uMry allow-tlGnal. iDo1sem cbeot of ~en · an cu. High 1 mlnlwnum · &ad palllt:iap. Call ll&tbClr 1988. ' det!llred. See Sup •t the -• I r..-~ - • • to '81t your apt. to dl8pose of furniture and bomebold goods you no longer • • need. . • t.o fiad .-good job • . Qt ...... A• wr«' tc ........,._ Uee the ?i;ewa .. Ttmea. , Poet· and Prea comblna .. tJon with over 21 ,:KK> ctr- culallcln. ·Use · . I Classified Ads NewportHubcw P ·r?t'n1 Co.- Alcoholfca . All~, Write P . o , !lex -Bal.... ,....... Clllll. .,..._ Klatl>ertJ-'"6111 , Patio-Furniture PAINTED ,_ 2211 Be!Ha Bf vet Newport ... Ch --~~&1!!•!.• ~~..,.;:;.·J I Ph. ':'lerbor 16JJ. ro.uJIJ> --, · • w. "----;...--'"""'!--'! --1161..1. I.... •• f'lloDe Beacon 8'61.W -. . \ l """''. ~ ST~ARD !fl'ATIONS Dahlia A Couti Hll'b~ Corona Kar Between 8:30 and every Pt1da1 1 7cll • REAL KAPLlll TWIN B"DI' and "PljnP. JllOl like new.· BAR· GAIN. PbOPe .llut>or ~-W. .. . : 1~ . ·w , • I 1 " • • i' . • : Tu..cfay, ~F.ft 7, mi -Nl!WPORT-.ilAUdA NIW$-:n"8 ' . ~~·I 1 NEWS .• TIMES· CLASS.IFIEDS .1 I - • .I ' ' ' ' . ' •• • • I ' ' ' ' ' . . I ' l_~D"-:::;:1 ':R:&llL:;t~SllTJl~·~~Tll~~~~-...,~·!::!R~R~•~L!llll'~f'r!A~TS~~......,~~-1·~.=·~·~·~~~!E8'l'A!?:.~Tl:~~ . ..-....:...~'l~~~!:::~·~~! .. !'!A~ftl~~.:.,_,..~·~:·~.Pe~a~u.~.!iiinA~.~-~l'S:!.:J'.__;:;;..;:.:..J. I" ~ '· ·:1 ~-.•>. · --. \ . . , ·· Lido Isle: U>t ·• 2 1 BE&r ~µys-=2 • • . S$--l)O()s, CATS, PllTll .,,. ...... , One of the t>ut biludlnC 11-on 1'I ~I BALOO, A P"""m'SULA '1lll0 DOWN, $40 ""'·on 11e1a·nce. .JN ~RO.I.A . o 'EL ....... D f • . oCE.AN, FRONT , ·:i1:~c:;.~mer ot lltnet an1 New• 2 bdrm . me, bi:, i?tlon, ~e kitchen, ' ' • ' Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals I See John Harvey at Se~craft 625 COAST IDGHWAY .NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON ~771 . . • U..,.-AP AKTMENT8 • H0ll81E8 . LIDO ISLE rt you want • ft'htal on LIDO ISLE mee us. Several lo•et1 apta ... Also homes available-. P .A. PALMER INCOl\PORATm> · 3333 Via Lldo Harbor 11Wlli 22tt< Ocean ''Front Ftimishea· · Two bedrooms up, one bed.room down. 2% bau.-double gar., can be w.ed aa duple:&. Will take clean modem cruiser to I $8-000 as part payment. · RALPH P . MASKEY 3411 ' Newport . Blv.. Nwpt. Beach PHONE HARBOR •02 -H FURNISHED APl'S-Util. paid. -8---KS--S---8-0-0-KS-Fl'igtda.tres. 2 bdrm, $60 month. 00 · • EA 3 bdrm, $70 mo. to June 15th. 94ttc Will You Trade? A tine atock of boob on all yac:ht· 1045 W. Balboa Blvd. Pboae Ha. tng .ubject:a-Plue &11 current 1270..W.. 2Uc Have one bedroom house On water· frOtlt wlth pier UKI float. Nice patio. Will trade equity on larger waterfront house wtth pier tor 32 ' boat. bool!a. Lending Ubrary. The Islanders 21• M&rtne. Balboa i.. Bar 1!147 $30 -WA.NT to rent small sailboat at Balboa last 2 • wks. Ap ril. 2 adults. ex- perienced sailors, will take good care of boat. ~ Box 11, th is paper. Write 5p7 WANTED-Ship-shore radio with antenna, 25 watts or better. Ph. Laguna Beacp 4-2~9. 5p10 1946 CHRIS CRAFT O'nlter 25'- $39~. 1949 White· Star runabout 1.f' ·with 1949 Johnson 16 h.p. outboard and traiter. ~. Ph. Har. 1605-M. 66p8 Result.a come from constant PncUce! An ad regularly ln thls paper wUJ produce results for you. BAY FRONT VNIT by week. mantb or year Reasonable rate1. Harbor 25152 (!!Ye. Har. 29H-K 98tt<: . $25 WEEK -Special monthly rates. FURN. 2 BDRM. A.Pf., laundry room, fenced in pJay· ground for children, garage. UtU. pd. BLUE TOP, '401 New· port Blvd., Newport Bch. (above Arches) 99Uc Bay & Beach Realtv Gloden Fay ~ Ethel Shirley 1460 Balboa Blvd. • Harbor 12'54 Wise people do read the ada. -MONEY TO LOAN LOkNS For Homes REGULAR•!>% (1{).20 yrs.) RENTAL / G. L 4% (20 years) I FHA •!4 % (20 years) SPECIALISTS Co..,truc. Loans 5-:i\iof7o (14 yrs.) -I No Commies. chg. on Metro loa.na can .._ Craig We bUy and sell Truat Deeda Linwood Vick, Rltor. CALL BoB SATTLER , Balboa Illand. Bat. 204.2 32c5'4 Har. 1077-J for Free AppnJaa.l Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. YEARLY RENT AL -2 bedroom .Metro Life l.rul. FUnds KI S-6186 nicely turn.ishe<t nouse. %: block ----.-,.. -------- from shoppfn& center, I b!oclra I LOANS TO BUILD, IJO'llOn from ocean, $100 mo. 425 Man· BUT, MODERNIZB. Oft ,;old, CoronA del Mar. Pbo1>e REFlNANCR Harbor 1M4·R. 5c1 We Buy Trwit Deed. 14-Ml.JSICAI.., RADIO -t-room unfumtshed hoUse, $50 mo. ------------'466 Newpori Blvd. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL • .SA VINOS oft LOAN AllllN. 3333 Via Lldo "'1. liar. UGO SPINET piano. Re~&aed . Pay Phone .Seacon 5713·R out balance $281. ~otbeJ" r~ poss•n. $395. DANZ -SCHMIDT Big Pi&J10 Store. One Hundred Pianos from which to choose. 520 N. Main, corner 6t.h, Santa Ana. RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 6c8 GRAND PIANOS. Used. Knabe 507 E. &lboa Blvd, Balboa Chickering, Mason and 'Hamlin, Stinway, Everett, S c h m e r, Harbor 1607 Wurlitzer, Starr, Kimball. Many BALBOA PENINSULA-2 Wrm other:s:-. From $395 up. Danz-iurniahed house. $60 mo to J'un~ ' REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate •'h -5% Loana quickly made tn the Bay Al'M. ud IA.suna. SlngJe or multiple unit.I. Nfl'W or old. Be wtse and eave by re-financing your pl"elent ·tom.. Minltnum U· · pen.ee, No charge tot prtlb:nt· MJ"J appraiaaJ. Pbooe B&nta Ana Klrnberly 3..e&27 or wrn.e: • 3 bedroom&, 3 bat.ha, Uvinrroom. fin.place, kitchen, . 2 ca.r garage, sun porch, patio,. landscaped large . 64x80 lot: i;'urnlahed $35,000 JOHN D. BURNHAM, Realtor 507 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa • . ' Harbor 160.7 Eves Harbor 2278· W Sarah W. Newlin James C. Newlin Jr. Helen McDonald ' ' ESTATE PROPERTI~ OFFERS ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO COURT AP- PROVAL AND PRIOR SALE. ' 2 Lota 60x85, Balboa laland DUPLEX EdgeW&ter Place, Balboa COMMERCTAL BLDG . -Lot 126><150 leased for $400 per 1110. Orie ol main streeta in Santa Ana . ' Let's.Talk About These! . ED L. SEDELMEIER, Realtor 1523 COAST JUGHWAY, Cotona del Mu Plione Harbor 276ij · TWO HOMES . IN BALBOA On Seville A venue, Balboa Peninsula. Immaculate small boute .. 3 bdrma., 111' baths, hoor furnace, hardwood f1oor11 ," fireplace, paved and walled patio. Area of house and flnl.shed garage, 1580 !i'.Q. ft. FHA financing 4~%-Sl8,000 unfumiahed. -. . , . .. Large Fu~ Ocean Front Home On 3·1ot corner near "kewport Harbor Yacht Club: This is a gra.nd home for a good big family who would • lo,vP it for years and ye&t'8l Terma may be made on price of '43,500 .. --. ' 1 Of couhe we 1'1.ve Bai and Ocean Froat ~lee, both improved and fteant. oau for Information.. LOUIS. W . BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa !arbor ll(} Balboa Peninsula The Island Schmidt BJg Pfano Store, Santa' 15th, utll. pd. Phone Har. 3019·!\ Ana, 520 No. Main, comer 6th. · 3tfc WURLITZER STUDIO PIAN0-- 414 Heliotrope, Corona dcl Kar. Phone Harbor 0594-M. 7p9 FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED ARTHUR A. lfA Y Mort.gage Loan c:orr.pooOu.t Two cant_ Lite Ins. Co.'• 1414 South Maln Santa Am VERY Bli:AUTIFUl.l.Y FUllN· I&Kll:D :t -· -· ~·. yeare old. P&Mled-llving room . SQuth Bay Front View Property · Yee, if la tn1ly a dlstinC-. live Balboa loland toca. tion. Graced by an oid- er two-etory bome, juat ~ , vacated by the owner who will aell at & price redllC\ion to pemtlt l&V• lap to buyer for re- modeling and redecora- COME ln anct' pl&y Ute Wonderful New Hammond Chord Organ.. ltYell if you don't kliow a note ' ot muliic you can play beauUf'Ul muaic tn ten minutes. DAN'Zr SCHKIDT Big Plano ai>d Orpn Co .. 620 No. Main, 8onta Ana. Roomy l bedroom apt_ Gaf'(l,ge. ------------ Modern. Available ?.Tay lll,. DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY Yearly lease. Near stores, tram:· ... for an ad ln the Uvely clu.1· with fiftpl~ kitchen bat', at· tached gar. BBQ, encloaied patk>. Only Slf,500 $3000 handles. portation. Harbor 1935-J. "6pl~ tied section ot the _ Oaly $15.000 buys thia 3·bedrm. BUJOlER RENT AL _ 2 •bdrm. BIG THRllZ-\ 2 bath home on pOll-.ia - nicely turn. home, bayfront ,Bal· Newa·Tlmes, Poet Shopping New. 80me ocean view. A.ttncUftJ.y . boa, private be&cl>. ' Available and the Pnu tunu.bed. F!replue. I car pr· June 15th to Sept. 16th or leu OVER 21 ,500 amCULATION IS ace, '6.CJOO ®wn. if desired. 918 E. Balboa Blvd.. THE I Ba.lbo&. Harbor 1302-J . 6c7 , ANSWER! ALSO on Penluula~ Jft.' ok1. LOVELY "BUNGALOW also Ill>' PHO~ Harbor 1618 to place 3 bedrm. 2 beth untuna.• home rtpt piano 1n tine condiUoa, . your want ad on tbla &>IC•· on. 40xt00 lot. Large .. doetd sne. T'f'M. no d9wn • .'8.oo Lido Isle patio. Complete e,Jectrt<: kit.-, month at SHAFI:!\ MUsre·co. YEARLY RENTAL. Brand new 3 With stove, dlmwul,.,-, Nt11c. tion. ~ rstnce 1907[ 4:11 N. Sycamore, A prbqe dJ-1, 2 car pr. Santa Ana. Kimbttly 2.Ql'llf. bed>ooln, 2 bath hOI!'•~ '200 a Full price $21,000. Full 50 feet of South Bay- flttc month. ----------p A p ALMER BALBOA-Fum. 1 bedrm. older front with loads of Y,ard & USED PIANOS from $60 up. Good • IN00RPORA.TED bouse, cloee to bay beach. It s garden •pace, & no crowd- playlng con di t ion. DAN_Z-333a Via Lido Harbor 15001 ·~ FORD vs "cu-·--·,' Tudor---$9500. • Inf of nel&'hbors. Two cen-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Santa ...., -....... tra.l uni h , Ana, corner 6th. . 15c7 ~o "' htr.. fog llteo, electric .ON BALBOA . BLVD.-.'! bednn. t eating furnaces, . TEAJU.T RKNTALS _ 2 lovely clock, nylon coven, -lzed ho,... In R-3 ...,... only -. fireplace, large r u m p u a RENT A PIANO, $5 per montk ---.. In ~-~.,.. • .__... undercoating etc. (Island •green) Submit down ,_.....,.._.t roon:i over doubl g•--·~ -..u ......,_,._. -"" """""...... Nest to new! A most deStreabie · · 91'...r-••-& · · • e ---· ... · ,~~-"H~ ~ . ""~ -·-. s bdrm -buy f~ JW!t-DUPUl:XMJlli ~!i i;r..lff ~~ .. · .~ms· ·1r.·-.500. pro-· • tiir , . , • , f , partlalg. 11m1tobed. a.. .......... 1 1.o~n 1Q "'-a1 .... _ •• _ Ito. '~ "' ·.,_<;la~ sµ,~:•n., BOI-• ~1665 from bay,'fomp•tely fuml"'1f'd. '"'., , a II ........,....t • w -' W", PAY , h"-h·-·ash Ia(.nd: ifai'IXn' 1111. 6c7 • · only $10.1M or will tradl, Sf(JO(J' 'on teil~orlrtioll' C08t . . . , Al ..,.._,,_.,... '1'i ..,..,.. L '47 CHEV. "Fleetmut:er'' Sedan down. • · price tor uprlgt:lt pMi.noe--Not Loaded wttb eat.ru! Olalnouroua I -Your inspection m· VJ'ted, 0 '" · ~-In he·-·---FURNISHED % Bedroom House. ver o.IV ta......._. 1 ... ---. "Metallic"' 2·tooe Blue 6 Sttttr TRIPLEX on ocean front-A 2· ... highest ca.ah a.Howancea on a Yearly. Near bay. Har. 1587-J. finish! Where can you m.atcb bedrm, 2 bath apt., a l bedrm., television trade. Call SHAFERS 5p7 this year, make and VA.LUE for l bath apL and a studio apt. Call HUB POWERS at at Klmberly· 20672. 2trc only-Has good income record $29,500 BALBOA ISLAND . $995 sUBMJT DOWN PAYMENT. J. A.. BEEK Office SPINET piano. Brand new. Slight· JQCCLUBIVE l:.llmNO dbl. garage. rcluslve, wltli1 ,~12,500. , term& LlDCh-313.a, 1% Bath • • Loeated on eomer oite Willi INCOMJ;: B We have & 45-ft. corner, lot l\reeta on three Mdea., You wlll ·1 1 never haw thlrt"cri>wded ·llUllt-ln with 11111all hOUlle on rear. Build your home to lllllt feeling In thllf lovely h0me. Coi'· . while liviz!g:;;n pl'J!m!sea . ONLY $10,500 Full Pr.lee ner trpce., toi-cef-Ur heat. n • , ~ · U¥1nr room , .14' dining--don, tile E ., CHAMBERLAIN• kitchen, large 2-car garage. Wt 500 ~ Blvd.,.Corona de! Mar have the key. (0 " N -I Har Excluatve L!atlng ppos1te q: rt . bor Bank ) Phone Harbor 2288 Ocean , Front Duplex on fine beAch. A little paint will Exe usive Beacon Bay · make this a nice property. Only ~500 down, might consider 3 BEDRM. HOME and STUDIO APT.-Both com. amaJl house aa part trade. Bay Shores pletely furni!llled. Each has separate enclosed Beat loe4Uon In Bay Shorea. Beau-patio. 2 ca.r garage-private beaches -piers and 1 uru1 bay view, 3 bdnna, 1 % floata. This 1·' a splendid in_vestment for h91Jle . bath, forced air heat, Iota of and, or income. -• • tUe, frpce, patio, extra si:r.:e 2~ car garage. Thia la an outatand· . $23,500, terms · , lng value at-$25,000. ) 3112 °:::;,E~~d~ :=·2:152 LINWjOOD VICK, Realtor REAL VALUES ·-Full Price $3900 l bdrm. home, approx. 3 yrs. old on ~ a c re. SUBMIT DOWN. Better see this one today! 2 B. R. Furnished Close in. Full price Only $4500 2 B. R. Home ~lose ln, 2-car garage. Full price ?nly $6500. Submit down. Duplex 1 bdrm ea ch side, 2·car garage, corner lot, only 1 yr. old. Hwd. .floor. This la a real buy for only Sl0,950, terms. Shore Cliff View Lots Very Exclusive · View Section Only $3950 each \. A. NERESON MRA Multiple Li8ting OffiCe 1982 Ney.rport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 522~ Ewr1bod7 reada the clwlfted ads. 312 Marine A ie. Balbo& Island Harbor 2042 I CO~ONA DEL MAR • HOME and INCOME-1 bdrm residence and 2 bdrm ~~~ 1~U:t1o~c*~~s ,;:.~~!~tr:~~vr;1 t::m~v::;;::~ ther. lnformatio1 call Bob De~istoun at Harbor 2474. I< ALSO 2 BDRM HOME ON CORNER, l blk. to ocean, only 6 moo. •.Id, llke 1•w. ~3,QOO For further dett118 call Bill Sc-~uster, 615 Coast High· way, Corona d~l rar, Harbor 2,"'74, , EARL l\'. STANLEY, Realtor 615 Coast H lgh?y 1 ·1 Oorona del Mar SIMPliCITY PAYS OFF Ocea~ Front for $17,500 • 2 Bedrm., livin oom. fireplace, bath, bar kitchen, patio, ocean fr nt . porch, 2 car garage. 'Ground for expansion. Located on Balboa Peninsula. John D. Burnham 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har r 1607 Eves 2278-W Wise Inves ment Rustic --Shake Roo( • Corof\a de1 Mar· to in- vest in choice Imperial ' -. Brand new attractive 2 bd.rrt, me Looking for ideal beach home! '! 3 bdrni. 2 baths, aever bar type kitchen with bamboo stools, view,. oompletely furn . $11,000 Full Price Exclusive With Us-Hurry! Another 3 B. R. with 'out.ltl.ndla&' view ot .._ and ~ .abore-;-reepy a dream 21 home ~th pri~cy-Priced un- dw marltet at · $25,000 -See This! IV alley ranches. undance of cheap water. cellent returna. T..X wizit can- not be beat ! Co e in and let us tell you a ut this ffabulous valley. re have alfalfa, cotton, d vege- taple properities or aale. Stanley Ha ield REALTOR Marlnl' Ave. Bal a lJ!Jland Harbor '20 ~omer lot,-unique tirepl&ce. large 2·car garage. VERY LPW DOWN PAYMENT. If you are interested in making a good deal-com e prepared to buy Uds lovely home. Full price $9350 Top Buy Close in 1ocaUon.-F.aat aide--2 bdrn1 home. 92'4 sq. ft. Separate ga.rage. Only 5 yrs. old. Mu.y like&ble features. lmpouible to replace this property for· the asktng price of only ~ $8500 Multiple Lis ing $990 DOWN No. 1757 . TOM PAYNE -Rltr. 310 Cout H iw.y, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2774 B i:ST BUY OF Newport Heights $13 000 B G. I. Resale-2 bdrm home-~ ' , U S. r gar&ge--Excellent neighborhood. RMJ.!(G4 -1>omei •it . 0nrr .... m-~1d. H~on~ ' om er lot tn Co} MlrY ~ on~\/ ~uu ~ t ~ lock from ocea.n Blvd 8 mo.old. $ 250 · --~· BY OWNER l'lreplace. Handy to shopping ' COURTESY TO BROKERS enter. In •plendid ondltion. . -, LIDO ISLE, corne~ lot, bay view I Ask Abou~. at Any Cliff Haven near c1Ub house, 3 bdrms., 21,.i MiJLTIPLE LI RLTR Let WI prove to you a &00<! 1N7. baths, central heat. Fireplace. · Two bedroom and a den. Uvlns Lanai, 2 patios. CompleteJy fur--;-------+---15c_7 room and dining room beautifu. nist\ed. $26,500. ly carpeted. Hardwood and tUe. ' LET'S LOOK! ! . ly d.ama--..t in shipment.-Now HOUSES A.ND API'S. . Harbor 63 BalMa lelutd r erry only $39;•Smalleot ..._DAN~ YEARLY OR SE,ASONAL 'H DODGE "Luxury Liner" Bed. 7 UNITS on S,.U.00. Blvd. -Re-fc:t . SCIDODJ', Santa Au, sao N<>-Bee OAlL CABNSY wltll A smooU. ronn!Ji&', cleanly kept -UY .re-led--t dllla. A 3 ------------ M Nelda Gib .,_, .., __ •· ooe-famUy car. (Balboa Blve). 'llnglN -~'lie app-. ftOOO •In, son, .-..-....... te · · , _ •••L LIDO JllLE 2 bdnn.,.2 bath, 1\0 tota, large •Walled patio. Fur· Nlhed .. Nar club house. $18,500 .. cross S. t. fro Bay 2-car g•r•&"· Recenuy redeco-rated. Lota of lmprovemNltl. ,, FHA loan. UNBEATABLE for the a.aklng money of -war 2~story stucco rooms, 2 baths, l oom, diningroom, kl en, &er· Ce porcb, forced,,.lr eat. Dbl. rage. All ·in beaut ful .condi· LOVELY USED $PINET PIANO, :!Of' Marine, Balboa -Isl Har. 1!02 • $585 per ywar. • ~ ..U..nllt <!Own. $13,500 Phil Sullivan . 69ttc· like new. Terms $00 down and ------------ $16 mo. at SHAFER MUSIC TWO BEDROOM APT. nicely tur- 00. (Since 1907). 4.21 N. Syca-nished with Jarge patio &·atreet more, Santa An&. Klmberly view. Monthly. yearly or aum· 2--0872. • 93Ue mer season. No pet. or ehiJdcen. 610. Marguerite, Corona det Mar. w~ p1anoo1-, ~ 1n :ip7 your old piano on • oranc:1..1------------ Bplnet or beautlfu) ' tele-. Yl:ARL Y RENT AL-3 rm. ho.,.., Hlghest Cub allowance. Tenn& parUy f'tlrnl.shed. $M mo. or with DANZ • 8aDlIDT PIANO CO.; P,I'&&". $70 mo. 122 E. Balboa comer;~lh-UO No. KaJn, San.. 8 1'11, ~ (SH upotatn "- A.nL &pt. after 5 p." m.}. . 7cf MJl)CHANICS SPECIAL! '40 PLY. club cpe. with radio a: htr. Sound Coast Properties Co. '301 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa ion. Very nice buy ' - body but needs motor overhaul Phone Harbor 2668 tlhis popular model book for ·_----.------- BALBOA POINT-3 B. R. Homf' about 2 yra. Near bathing beach A gOOd buyl $13,500. DUPLEX-At.tl'act!ve. jffOR~ CLIFFS -Choice ocean front lot, near bathing beach. $20,000. ' $22,500 • 1 ; C. Gillen Denison i "°6.) Our trULiL PRJCE. .. .A.a IS"- $248 P. S. "EXTRA GENEROUS" deals still left on a few brand new' 1950 DODGES. Clooe to say. Up""1' 3 B. R IN BALBOA Lower 2 B. R. G-na. &nd ?a<>ne OWNER, Harbor 1'485 or Rtwnlde %854: ·• tor tnformat ton or appointment. 6p18 TiqlEE BDRM. HOJ4B 00 Bay bath adjolnfn& double p.rqe. Ave., El llayo t~t. Only 3 yra Larp patio, -eek. hl1lllh-ONE ACRE, 132' x 30<!• on 18th Y & ·Beach ea.lty~ G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. c...ta K-et Shirley • oden Fay Pbone Beacon S2fS.w ~ -{-Bal_boa __ B_1_vd_...:_H-J..r_bo_r_12_84_ Kam,bor 3157.w Or lleac<m. Mla-J old, I llaUl.I, floor fant-. 'Patio. ed. Tlda la prlcod rt&f!t ! $111,MO. St., Coot& M..a, between Orange Good floor pl&n. Carpet..t and ~ llPIX'.:lAL.. An. A -. Ana Ave., U500. $!000 DOWN : * * LOOK * *. nicely fllmlshed. $17,000. 6 B. •R . -!Mme. A -Write C. Sellen, 139 W. Hunt-Fil!m!!rr Relidentlal . 3 B. R. 2 ba . .ft \p. opt. .._ p., deal for a ta.rpi famlly. Bay 111.gfun Dr .. Monrovia.. Tt!l "EL-new 3 B. R. home,. ~ baths, ocean view, new modttQ ·~ SHA VER MOTORS 6 bdrm_ ~ ....... bay, $14 ,000. bead! at -end.' "nlla 18 • llott l-40l7. . •c9 < ' ')(• ... -around hon>e. COOtp' -· LEARN TO PL.A Y thP accordJoo-OCEAN P'RO}lrr CA.BAN.A on • . . real deal at ltf,800, ;m"P 11"'· rm, ttrep. ee, %-car 111n Eut Oc-Blvd... a.Jbaa. ask: abopt our accordion Jeuon beautitUJ Treasure Ial&nci, La-Your DOOOE-PLTllOUTH Dir-. amen ocean front home oni Penln· MAKE o--· ~.,~ oow-"' arap, big lot. tEh ed. Prtce ' For appob\tment to ~ c.a plan with accordion -d -8-etl.' tolewly remodeled Phone Beacon 8907 !Nia. flam~ fll.-. I ••-~ . N , WtHreducedORACE. OWns. er ya aell! "<>wna-, Har. Ulil·K. ep.dalJ1; •' fre<!. Call SHAFERS at Klm· &n4. furnlahed. Bath. bot an4 193e Hart>or Blvd Cci.ta Meaa ' 2 8 · R. .Stucco -Ule roof -l bdrm liome, -letely anlf at-, berly 20l12-lltfc cold water. Twla -· Protect----------~--· L. • ia,.. patio. _,. loCauon; llaJ ' tncttvely fUftUlb,ed_ Large' lot, 308 Karine Av · ,Nl.wPnitT HElGHTS HOMa,- ed ff'l!Jft pa~ Witll piell\y Of LINCOLN SJ;PAN, 1940, 'ff~ . Balboa Heaity Co. AYe. OUll will talkl I me.11 1a~• :..i. Balance, $58 Ialand _ Har r .aoaa.J --~-; ~ u.inl' -. ALL ELECl'RIC ORGAN. n._. pUto fllmit.ure. !lee or write or. motor. ;....,. 15 UM, P . -700 E . -BIV<I-, Balboa TRULY ~G ·" mo. lttcludlng~lnt~lna. pu· · ·· l5c'l!I -nafurai lleartb,'Z ptet\y ~ oened. Hapillcttlt tone. Fot ~ Fr..i Wr!g!rt_ at Tn!uure oally new, t<uck oU filter, $285-· ~ tl!lj -Beautltul ~ wtitJll --.. -r J1a. 25112, iew . Bea. -~-W -. · large enclosed and ~ ,church <>< borne. Pay out .... -ild, Lquna. Be-. Td 26f2 Cteshi<W ·Dr, B&Jr -I llowers .-entlftly btcb renc...i . or Sale by, r. ,,., ..... d patlO• ""1µ. .... -.:.,.;!.,-rn:, ;!'t ~°:"=. · -· · · Beaconl13!-a !lf>T ·THE PRESS -' ~~i:~,-.:~·L_..!_ -and LETS"TRADE · 1Bui:aoim.t:1_<>ot'.11.t;2 ~~:'1·,r?~.,...termT': D~-SCHMIDT Plano and ~-4S-A-'l'llAJLD RA.CE 1938 -!l ton Cb~VTOlet rrtal<e p •• ·--H 40 rli.nl!'eS. ' ~. ::':8' e-~ , ~-~ Dr,,,· pll. --. IUW' 1 Pl' Co., ~20 No. Main, wr VERY NIC:E SPAcl: a..U.ble In 'truck. Runs rood. $12$, Nor-THE NfW$.ITIME~ . =t·f:;.~.,::i.~~-18 aa~!'!-n~~-~~ • $la,v.1ei\ , ·· ~bJr"'!'teely. 11111 etll. Sailta "'1L ~ j<Wely quiet trallq c<>urt. Sbrubl, man'a llur.Oeey, 1313 cout High-• 1. u•-. , . , l 'CJU way eon.aa deJ 11ar -6cT THC POST ~ to•Ba1 ....,.Jo ·&.Mire to • Ban .-...,_.... -ot!the • , . flowers,. trffL Ad1llt.I. 17U Po-' • . &;' i -W.I , ; t -tMt ~~ti A: • st once.1'11, ~ ~8 KNOW-t ldad..t'...t So~ebody Wants -~ ?«-Bea.. 6li:;t· 1949 CHicvRoLBT ~ •-.1r. • -. j 0 _ • ..-.L~ ,.. __ _,_ n •• -.•1 • 1a.~ caufo;--j : ~ or_aar, uo, ~ ,;._ .. ~~~~ ' t=· . --'-·· ·-~--· . • ~ -· ,MllO., -.ww Orange Co"· nty•s. """'u.u 'VUllOtl n<:a&~Y , ,, • -.-,... :..., ~ ~-1 ! • . -·--. -~~...... · , fin&-"-Ortpaal '"'-· Sit-, ")htflflE .. '• .. --: .. _I IDeome or -, • ..-.,. -~-" tlle -)'9o! .:-'T-r.;: ..=:.z ..._...,_ -._ .. -:='ft"·~~.ra·.;.:-•·:;. O•tslondinr . •--..-... --. ..... • ' .... ~ .. -:..,,..... .: .. 1. N . &~ ~ :::'~.-:.=~;:..--er __ • ,_.... --.._.._...BJ:lft'AL,...:.h ....... ,4 .. • • • .. .... t ·Es1~. -··••ClkliillrJ'-6-...:. ,.. .. Lo_ .................. 7 I .... _ft L -"'....... B ... ~-_,,_,,....., .... __._ -.._..-.i-;.;.;...----~'-"'-ll.,. UJ •t;.....,o,. 17 -----.....a .-~.a ·r·~ ... "1:.:..-~ .. a. ·, 111ma-. s• n 11 •111• Hll. '"•• -11ar -s -ac 1 "--.....,. -.. ... -. A-' .J•.r .... ., . ..., • .,. ,._ n-, Reatw•·. · , .... ,.,. _. -· 1111 "', ? -t to 1111-• a tt1iil -.a..np, aa.oa TOP, a ....... ·ui..-.-. -l u~en1~ng . 1 '"!19_Wt41. n. . n't.aanr mi ppM& ...;.v • .w 11ar ,.... · ...._ -.--=*..,., ,.,.1 • _,. .. ';.\ii,"~-••h' .. t01 Jfo•pwt, 9'd., :Jf-' -llUV.'Bo..O.-,.. .. JllL, l:l.-Jl•ll"',... . • ........... -. ... 1 110 7 .. ~ ._.-.me ~ ,;-::•::.1 .. -:-.";!;,'-.,.,,.,._=il'.ia llalp~trrlt.l'..,.._.tl••.., JldL< ....... Ardm> tltte -Uiu. Tei .~ M'"1· ·r· .. . -· llli'risiuu1 .,212 ' ~+j.·~ ... "' •. • .. ..... - ' • • • ' . . ( . ~ • , • I I I ,, • • 1'. I • I • , r .. ,, ., ! . . ... · .. , • ' ' 1 l ...• .! 'I . ~-· • • · \ffigh· .School . to · .. Giv~ · Aquac~de .. In oblenance of ''Public School Week" Newport Harbor Union Hlgb .::boot will pruent an aqua- eade Thunday e~enlng, April 28. at the bJgb 11Chool swimming pool Tbe ahow ts open tq the public, and will begin at 7:13 p.m. No general open house la belng held •t the school during the week, however. Under the direction of MiM Mar- jof'ie Ad&nul, the girle ,phlatcaJ edu· • • .. I' •• • • . • 1 . -. ... . ' • N~!lT.aALIO}.. ,,f'!¥S.11~~.,-. -. L I -nriUtt c-..-'d • • , · D111A41 tor .Ff1•1 · 1il·Dfvorce: ActicMI '" .. c, • ...., JUdtl , _w ... Rilports .._..,, Gow8rnor 59.s ·. · $hlnle(I: ifll I Her lilla-d lllla 'atrucl<'h.r Md • i • .DeailJlne fw-1i'lng ealltomla un· thriatened to· kill lier ·and tte;r ~b Maakey._ ~lnent In emplOym~nt. !t.n.u..nui:e WNt , ~ Gov: Ea.ti Wun':at 'tJM aJreadf· clllldrm, Mn-Dorothy Ndoon N-rt -b and ·county clYlc poi;ta and ccntrlbuUon return~ for olgnod lnlo law oevo blllil ~ charged In superior court'•u •he acUvft:tea over a perlqd of ~n. the' tint quarter; Of t.9ft1 . le Mon· tty thla year•a aeulon of the .U~ti .. keel the court lo reatraln Ancell hu been named '!' lNcceed O.Orp d'f. ~prll 130, R. C. Hlall:L•udltor legfalature, whlcb hu ae J N I.a fro mole tjng·her Kellogr of Yorba. Unda .u one of ln charge foe tht State DeJ>&.rt· weeks•aUll to run. · 8~ ,:;ed !:uon ;0,. dtvo~ on· three ~ea on the county·wtde ment of Employrpent 1n"8&nl& Ana One meuure to~rec:etve the Gov". ....... nnd t rudty · s&y\ng tbey beauunb.Uon 0>nte1t. belng OOD· aid toda.y. emor'• signature .wu au~red by' e·-~ 0 t:S ln ~t M F b ducted \an(ler aponaorahtp of the Retw:na filed after AP.rll 30 arc Auemblyman Earl W. Stanley, of were marr a eaa, e A.uoclated . Chambere ot ·eom .. charged lnt:erut &IJd penalty. BalbQa leland, · autborl.ztng clt tea, 13, l942, eeparated lut ~edn_eAday mere~. tt ~ been. revealed by a , Hiatt aid ihe depadm.enl'• district&, and ttubltc t!orporatlone :!oohave b • 18~ug:!:r,. 85:= spokeeman fof ttt,e beauuncauon audt;t diltrtct orttce In Santa Ana to leue or gtant rlgbta ot u.ae tn Y 1 e see · committee of which Kn. Lelia la open Monday, through Fr;lday ffW&ge di.apoaal faclltUes for any haa two other~ children. . Baeakerµi ta '~b&lrman. and that he a.nd bis ctatt wUJ gla4· term or tn perpetuity~ Such. leases Community property was listed ly aulBt any employer who needs &re presently limited to 23 yean or About 76 percent or last yea 's automobile acctdent.I involved S- ten.pr care. 1La an aufomobll~ equity In _a real-Dodge ta lnovlng. Watch It! help in completing the n!port rorn1 . 50 _yean in different sectiorui .-Dodge ii moving. Watch It! dence and houaehold furnishings i ------~ -----'-------------~----on Gunther St., Sa.nta Ana., and a 1 cation department will give a ser- • • ~ tea of picturesque and original swimming routines, composed by the gtrbl themaelves. . -Songs by the aextette, directed by Mias Marte Hiebsch, and. folk dances on the pool deck will 'be offered in between the swimming act.a. A diving and life..savtng den1- onstratlon, under Mr. Al Irwin's 1118itrucUon, wnt be presented by the boys physical «fucation de- P¥tmi;:Qt. . -Built aroupd a calendar~ theme, the swimming rolllines, songs and datlces will etlch be ap\>ropriate to on.e month tn t.1\e year. The C'Om- p:ete show laat.3 about an hour and a bait. and begins promptly at 7 :15. The public i3 cautioned that th.la Is not an ••open house" and i.8 urgp:t lo arrive on time ln order to .enjoy 'the entire show. Cancer Crusade Behind Quota The 1951 Canc£'r Crusade reach- ed 22 per cent or quota at the haJf-way mack as Sf,100.38 ha" been actually r"eceivcd as or April 14. The quota ror Orange county la $18.500. Final report on the Corsage and Boutonnlere sale made possible by the Orange Couitty Floriat.s a.Mo- claUon donaUng all the rlowera 18 as follows : Newport l:kach and area .... S •1.9'7 bank. account. Win $25,000 Crash Trial • In Judgment for $25,000 was glv'-'n to Mrs. Estel1e B. Niemeyer ytd her husband, Ray. Thursday after- noon ror Injuries su rre~ Dec. 23. 1949, in an automobile collision with a bakery truc k in Costa. Mesa. A jury of l 0 women' and two men deliberated two hours and 25 minutes before reachlAg the 9 to 3 verdict for Mrs. Niemeyer against Walter H. Hilf:lreth. Sr., driver or a bakery truc k and the Sno-Whlte 8-.kery, owners of the truck. Mrs. Nlemyer was d riving south on Nt>wport 'Blvd. nt'sr Paular lno' I Rd. when her auto coltided w ith the truck which WWJ b(>lng drive-n out or a private driveway. Mrs. Niemycr saird she s wervf'd behind the truck in effort to miss it, but that Hildreth back into her car. [ Hildr~h claimed h£' stopped be- rore entering the through str~et and that Mrs. Niemyeres swervt•d ~r car toward h im. He said h ·' wu backing to get out .or her wa_v when struck. Allys. Max and. Rob- ert Hurwit.s.. how£'vcr, claimed Hit· dreth had come out or the drive- way witbout using car and that he back Into Mrs. Niemeyer after he realized his mistake. · ;::t,~;:;:;, :::· :::• •·•••· •.. :••••••••· 1:~.: Mobil Unit Speeds ;i;n:.,:i;:.~~h' : :~!:~ Port Security Cards Orange ....... ........... . ........ 34.50 : · . Garden Grove . .. ...... ......... 42.~9 To help speed lhe las uance of San Juan Capistrano 31 .05 Coast Guard Port Security Identl-. Westminster '............ ... .. ...... 30.08 ftcatiQn Cards th the Los Angeles- • · Total ................. -····· .. $883.~7 People who have not been con- tacted may send their donations to the chairman in their commu- nity or ~o the American Cancer So- ciety, Otis Bldg., Santa Ana. The communlty Crom which it is sent .vt.ll receive full credit for all do- n•t.ion's aenl in by mall. Guard your family-Join the 1951 cancer en-de. Pair Fined in City Court . Two mP.n were ordered to pay fines in Newport City court .Wed- nead11Y, one on a battery charge and the other ror Clit tampering all.d intoxication. A charge of wire beating WM reduced to battery agaln11t Harry Homer Corne11&on. t8, 213 EdK'" Long Beach harbor area the Coast Guard has a mobile unit currently available to call on groups deslr· lng lo make appllca.tipn 'for tltf' cards, harbor ofr!cials said today. The Coast Guard said that the mobile unit will b(' available only to peraorts regularly employed on vessels or on watPrfront facilil~t>S and those bavlng public or prlvat•• buslnCM connect~ with the oiw.r- atlon. maintenance-or a.tlmlnl•lra- !':lon of ve88E"ls. lht>l r cargoes, nr waterfront racilillPs. Groups ~eslring to avail them- selves of the-mobile unit are re- quested to nmk~ arrangements by_ phoning the Coast Guart Port Se- curity Gard Section at Long Beach 7-2941 . Enderle Admits Assessment Error water Avenue, Balboa, to which he A88e3Sment for $8 40 in personal entered a plea or guilty a.nd Judge taxes on a boat pur<'hiued by a Unnell fined hlm S2:i:i. I Glendale man from N~wport Har- Cornett.K,n was arrested bj NE:w-bor has been canc,el!Pd by Count_,. port pol•ce Monday night in his Assessor lrfaurlce F . Enderle who home. Police ,.&ld they re<"elved a explained the asseSS111ent waa by caJl of a disturbance in-the hon1 i.:: error. and when the:y arrived Corneli&ui'l H . Eugene Breitenbach co1n - wu Ln the proces3 of throwing his plained that he had purchaserl lhC' wtre bodily out the front door or boat l&st October and had moved their home. the craft to the driveway at hbi Otho Albert Pettyjohn, Jr .. 29 Glendale home. General Delivery, Laguna &ach, He complained both to Enderlt' "was Clned $'7~ on chargeF of. In-and the boari::I. or supervisors, the tox1cation and car tampering. Pet-board asking for a r eport. tyjohn waa observed in a car --- owned by Coleen Jean Martin, Long Beach, taklng itema from the glove compartment Monday night while it was parked near Coast .Blvd. and Poppy Ave., Co- rona de) Mar. Islander · Fined on Bal lery Char«Je John W. Layne, 3.5. 300 %: Ma- rine Ave., Balboa Island paid a $25 Cine on an assault and battery eha.rge in Newpo,rt City court last week. Layne was arre.11ted by Newport police Friday night AprU 6, on " complaint signed by his wife. Po- lice w.ere caJJed to the residence or Mn. V. Miller. 3071,l Alvarado St., B&lboa, at 9 :48 p. m., where she aa,Jd Layne waa beating hla .wtte. Police aid Mre. Layne had red mark& on her arms, her hair bad been pulled and t.her-e wu a lump Oft the rigbt .-Ide or her rf\outh, when th~y arrived. Mra. Layne bad started divorce papers aplnat her hu.8balld that momtns. polieto added. Th~y "were obliged to Wle- force in making Layne leave for the Poua.e staUol). otttcera report. ed. • Expand County Defense Adion A 1160 tine Or SO-day Jall sen- tmoe· againat Layne was suspend· eel oo condition be pay S:z:> b&ft 1 oO (tart.bu violaUon. ol. uault and I lMitUry,' ·no · lntOxlcaUon Uld no abt&lle or annoyance of bi8 wtf.f\ . . ·F ......,""" -ed. • J!lt PILOT JdsJ: (l~. on arrl'111 Ill caut. at'-~ ·-t • JD .smia-·-~ AJ.r- ice... -to tblllk ....... -U..owtac'J'Oeb ·•t ~ oat tMte!" ! ,._ + ~ 1>. -~ . .. . .. • ' ,, ' '!fJ ..... :oi -· • 4: '· • • ' • ' ..,..,.. ... • ' This"Plant"grows from Your needs for oil are manyfold-and they vary With the seasons. You want more fuel oil in winter, .more gasoline in summer, other_produccy year-round. How to bring greater efficiency to the job of filling your needs, as '!"ell as those of industry and 6ur armed forces, is dte major study in a new kind of pilot plmt-sct up by Shell for research into distribution problenis. ' At I' such pilot plants SheH develops new ~bu­ ti~ -~~ues for use in its ?etwork o_f 707 'f , ~butll1g .plants. Bcttct semcc, ·for you .and the na~ is,dt~ mul_t. · . -. • • 1·• M l•199'-u11fult I I ·OO ·conttibuta in hlllllheds of ways to the natliln'• :. " f ' • ' • • . ! , • .. ' ,, .. • ~ .. ' ~ ' ' -• , • "lotNID; ro 1sav1 Jou . . • • lliT I .. , • • ! • \ -. • .. ·-ffum rtcry gallon ... ~ 111d .clilivCrs !he • ' ' " . . . . .-.. -1 -·---... - " . • . I . ,. -c-l f• •1'.:__ ... ' T~, ~ 11.:1.. > ' ·D.csu•Ncs1 ta 1 .. . . . l7l'llOLftl:ltY . .. --1 ......... l·~· SUgbt_ lnjurtea. •.• , -:::~ • L 1 Pb-·-w ~ 11 ~ .......... ;vrp1'1rt.,.. ~ .....:UMt-._ ~· ,. , " MACON" .-. tira, when he fell: rom hie ~-" OS L 1~ i'rufr, ~TA ~· cycle at 818 W. tioe ·Blvd., B&Ja I~-========::::::::::;::::=~ l • • . .. ' b6a, at 11 :25 'l'r' y nlgbt, ·New-Dodge la .moYll\c. Wateh It! port polite rep<>r Dodge la lmov~. Watcb It! Hamann w~ .t lf{d ~by a · loca" t phyolctan. A. . ger on hi• mo-mCCIAJlors SHOii: sBOP torcycle, Marlene Olov~r, Jt, B&t,<1--8boee Repaired win ·Park, wu no 1~ po?ce Wlalle y.,. Walt ..A Added. ThC(&CClde occur-red when Hamaitn &pplied· la-brake•· ilbd Altff.tit::!-="""' the front wheel J ed. throwing Ontu,pe~c won the two people m the motor-oua Mono: Motkhr.o ,..,_. .... cycle, poltce concl ded. HO! Newport Bl-.1'. .. • . •'. -.. .. . . ... ' -. --·----- • .. " ••• .. ~ .. _ • • • " "pilot plant" in the oil ind mually ltUdies improved ways of making producu. Naw Shell lw developed 1 n.w kind of pilot plant to study distri- bution of products in urms of your needs. ou.r needs At Shell, all three of these ·openaons ~ meshed into · one smooth-woicking unit by an intricate,,~ system known as Co-orilimted Distribution. . . . With productlpn, refining, and distribution aU joined "Wider one ·roof' -reamed to ~ ideas-Shell. does its pan ~ assure the most cfficietit 6<>W Qf p!'tro- leum products a,> you., · , ....................... , ' ' ' ' • .' ~use they have plowed -~ .arer 10 billiOn dqllars · into~ p~1~·cquip_men~ duri_ng the Pfc! . . . · - Ameru:a's pnvately man~g_ed ·otl comparues out-• . . ~ produce dtc WQrld-are~.t· prepared tbday !hall eYV be~ tlJ tDCtt both~civilian arid miJi I ~ . .., . ·. . . ' -tanll ~ .,. ' -·-• • I • (