HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-24 - Newport Balboa News Times·t •' • ' ~ , GUARDS .~SAVE 3;.1 lST DROWNING : HERE SINCE '49 Wading Into a riptide cauaed the death of 14-year-old Richard Bal~. Fontana. who drowned in the ocean off 20th St., Newport Beach, at 1 >iO p. m. Sunday. Three othe r persona, also from Fontana, were pulled from the· sea by Lifeguards Jack Jones. Don Burns and membere of the Harbor department. The lhre<" were Allie A. Park~r. 38; t.eonard Bennetts. 23, and iR!chard Fletcher,· 14, all' of Fontaha. This wa.s the tlrst drowning re- corded for the NeWport 'Beach area in almost two years, since J.uJy 23. 1949, when Walter K . Bergman of Riverside was dr9wned. According to Lifeguard Captain Ja.ck Jones, he and Llff'guard Don Burn.!I were on the Newport Pier in their j t'e p wh<'n tht'y spied sev- en.I persons evidently caught In f\ riptide. Thf"y hurrlf'<l t o the beach. bul were hamper:cd by the large c rowd of pe<>ple lining thf' pier and beach. • FIVE CENTS -~-,~~ r ..... ~ >-~ • ·~~< =·-~ ,. IS SURPRISE . ~,Ri~~~~-. ~--~~;~; 1 A.PPO.INTMENT •~-~ -.. ~'t .... _, . ~<r.:i,~l'·'"' M , '" ·~. . ' :>· I(, .'•">l: i~t/" . Dale C. Rallllley of 207 ~ff:.\':; -· Crystal -Ave., Balboa , Island, ·· ~ . ' was•named to fW tbe unex- , pired term, of • realgiled :city councilman Dick Drake by the Newport BeaCh. City Council Monday: night. ·Ram- sey was a surj>rise nominee for the posl His name never appeared among the dozen· who had been de!'~ eligi- . ble for the spot. ' Ramsey hu ~ a resident ot California for 45 years and bu owned propertj In Newport BeaCb sJn_ee 1942. ijamaey -and .hb wtte, Olga, have r"'!lded t.I the Crystal avenue addres. Binoe 1946. NEW COUNCILMAN Dale ~· Ram..iy la ~­ clty lMt. nl.(ht (Monda)·). by City Clerk ~ t:e ~ awom la M '• ooUnc11man of the K. Prielt, ·Mayor L .L. Isbell, rtsht. smJles appi-o\'&l. The new city coUncUman la a retired trucker b,avtng been form- er owner of the -Valley Truck Westward wins TAD TRACK lEAM UPSET lb~:;,7;:= Onie Mad., Shore According to J ones, he pulled one of the persons out who hap- pened to battle hl.s Way to 21ho're. . Burns pulled out two others from the ocean. Sh.IP Rock Ra~ ce Clo:r. ot. gloom .hovered low over Davldoon tleld after the resu!ts ~.~ '::..:::-:; of the SQ.nset League track and field meet were tallied la.st Frida,>·. the aew city COtlDCilnial.' o.a.f" Wlnnf'r 1f the var:lty competition was Santa Ana !losing out 'the RamMy 1aat·mpt. 'l"IM Dlllt.ered: Good saillng winds assured the Newport ~·Harbor Tara by a scoz-e of 60% points to 54.Y~. Huntington city fat.bu revealed. art.er tbe 11uccess or the fi rs t annual Ship Beach to led up 32 potnl8, followed by Fullerton 23~. O range 12 and meHIJl&' t.llat be waa called at Rock race Saturday won, odrlly Ana.helm 8 . t:SO p.m. &lld told. of Ida ~ enough, by the scr at ch boat, Bob In the Bet! competition. Fuller-mark wa.s 51.2. lion to f1U t1't1 O.--)'eal' term Miller's Westward. a 66·foot sloop. ton took lrst place, lll)d Hunting-l'l!!fD&laln& la Dlclc Dtakes aoWt· AN EVENING Of' MERRIMENT &r'Ound Uie camp fii'e tolfped off tW .... \let ecme J*Wred above when t11e nvo ..., ... ..-1a bad ea™> tJioU nn et Ill• -Or ~ ......,.. b"J"'I bar-..'. The """ne Is la a U~ valley, deiep oo the' lrvlM raacla. lalmnd ~ Corota del Mar. (News-Tlmea Pbotoe) · Expect ··Recor~ Breaking Entry List for 4th AnnuaJ Ensenada Race· May 3 Southern C&.llfomla"! annual 'Newport Harbor to 1J:n,senada In· ternatlonaJ Yacht race, 9Cheduled to l!ltart from N~rt Harbor Thursday, M,,_y J. at 12 nbon P.D.S.T .. w ill be as· cotortuJ aa ever. Plan Subclivisio~ on 50 Acres of Irvine Co. Land Tenta tive map for a 50-acre ltlbdiv\sion on Irvine Compaiiy .lt.nd In the Upper Newport Bay area of io•la Mesa "1'U approved by the county planning commis- sion Friday. Ba!es wa.s stil) undl'r wate r when he was spotted by Burn.s who wa.s assie\ed In getting btm out of the ~ater by the Harbor Department. The vlctima weri; laken to Ute M SL pier for med~al treatmenL AU ~~ who we"1 r,._...,. from ~·?·1•"8:.M-·1111gM":~ and one wu 11ven a ·•hot ot adre:naltn. · Funeral arranierru.~:nt.s t or Rlch· ard Bales a.re ~g . handled by Batts Mortuary. ! ltecruitf!'P Office °!::~g :,:1 w~~·:rmy t.nd Air Force recruiting offices will be opened 1.n N cwport Beach &nd Costa Mesa under the direction oi' Cpl. Dick Dunn. The Newport office wlll be at the Newport pier a.nd will be open Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a. m . to 3 p. m . In Coata Mesa the po.at office lobby will be the . location and the houra, Monday only, from 1 to 3 p. m . cr.onun1...:a nn ~I ) Westward was flrs't to fin ish anr'I ton Beach 'f>Ok flr11t ln the Cees. Bob Suess of HuntingtOn Beach cllmanle obllp.tion. Class A elapsed' tim<' w'nnt•r 19 The loc8f Tar Beeme!l ·finished sped ov,er the 880 in 2 rpin. 00.0s.; Selection of B.umiey" _... hours. 45 rnlnutrs) In the NC'w-further back than a new recruit in the broken Tecord was 2 :~.2. unanlmoua, tMJlM : --~ lllllde par\ Harbor Yacht cTub sponsored lin4\ at~a 'sergean.{'s Mess ... last. Jack Clark of Huntington Beach tbe . ~ • ... 1 ---. event, The Cee did thelr •bit by coming too~ the mile in 4m.4.6.2a; the for· Flncll-~ • ...,,,... ...... ~ , Clw B.Wlnner wu lhe ~HYC i.neeeo ,inth•!r~~w: . t mer •tandard waa 4:4.8.5. . . O_reeiey · .-.i ~ l•~Otss·.'at;_. ~P·.·~~~re ~aj.t El-· f-~,,~~· tile· }'001 ~ s.n~··~~-~ .. -.i9@t_~ .. ~.!1:1.~~~'· ·?' r Sl:. .. Ubtt~'no.rac&'WlLI, moWjiig. . ..... l!Ob' aec'!On.e "" lhii flna aoore lndl· ~~ . ". 11'8' declared In the arb\~rary etaaa M 'blm&' f?f , ·en G~.flth by a cramp--cat.ea. The iean:u1 went Into the ~ ~.lo pe~~ none of tM bOate finlshcd. e<1 UIWICJe. ~ffied to rack up relay Wfth. the Saints )eading by favortac ~~ dltten.&ic..Ml- Total of 19 sailtng yacht.a statt· about 15 j ~ta'.'taccordtng to the one-fourth ot apoint, 54% to 54~. data for Ille cn,..r;afilllo qOt. ed the race to Ship IJ.ock at Cata-form' ch&rt.s) GJ'lffith eked out a Santa Ana won the la.st race by Tbe Mayor-ltlw!e remuked Ula&. Una Iala.nd'a 18thmus and back. fourth RJace in tbe low h.urdlea and eight yard.8, adding six points. t.he ~ wae a dltflcalt o• They left lhe Harbor at 11 a . m. ~hllred l~a fou r way tie tor fourth Newport was ,MM:orid but was dis-u ~~ '9f wltio ~ Saturday. The race will rC'p'.ace in t~e hi h jump, for 314 poidts. quaJifit'd because Its second run-feelta.p' of.o&Mrw would be bun. the aJ1nua.l Spring San CJ ementc oor New tte<:Ords · ner; Andy Knox, ran through the 1'hlA perhape aocoan.. for .the RR.Ce. The S$i!el league also had four passing zone in han~ing the baton 981ecilon of a.,_. WIN> baa DeVel' Don Barber's Branta '!88 second new recotd-holdere after ilB ev,ent· to .the Tars' No. 3 man, Bill been a ,...dldNe for· ottlee. la In CIUB A with a time of 9 :50.24 . ful after~oon. . ,.1 Schmidt. With~ut the disqualifica-Newpo~ 8eMh .aM Md .... Hiiaria ( 1·0 :06 24} was thh:ct and . Bob NP.rman of Newpdit Har-,lion, Santa Ana's nlargin would setlve worktns .for 'anet:llllw ~ Skylark I 10:07.61 third. Behind bor high~Jumpcd 6 ft. 2 % tn.; the have been 60%.. to 58 'h. dlda*"' for :the uaez:plred coaa-. Escapade 10 ~49.39l \V88 Altama.r old record wa.a ts:l-%. The meet reached Its climax al-clhnanlc term.. (10:06.M): Suoml tl0 :08.10J and Larry J'Klrchm&n of Anaheim ter everything etas completed ex· Antigua (10:08.37.J. ran the '4:40 ln fi0.9 ff(:.; ~;old (Qonllnued on Pare 2) DOG BITES MA!< According to polic~ rePorl.8· a dog belonging to Mrs. L. B. Vin· cent , 322 L St .. Balboa. bit Carl A. Web8:ter, 7.304 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach at 5:01 p.m. Fri- day. Company ·which ran between Loa Angeles and Imperial V&Uey points. Mr. and Kra. Rameey have two grown chlldrin, Betty,~. and Bill, 23, who la a-.tudent at USC. Harbor High Student$ Present Aquacade for 'Schools Week' Ramsey t\U b8el) working on the Tra.rutp0rt&tion deta.08' ot lhe Cl:· vlll&n O.fenil. Ontpo In Ille prM- ent emergency. He· "*8 been ·ac- tive in clviG,!'roJecls· &All -nu.cs in the la.at 1'11(0 ,polltica.J camp&lgna of the clty on behaJt Ot the Ba.I· -Island Tup&y~ &MOCl&tlon. · 'Gibso~ Hearing Set for .Today In observance of Public Schools Week, the N.::wport Harbor Union High school will present an aquacade, ·to open at 7:15 this Thursday e vening. April 26. The general public is cordlaJly Invite-cl. One of the colorful skits in the aquacade program is lhe Jun<? graduation number, In which the gt.rls march to the pool to tl)e traditional strain! ot "Pomp &nd'_., ____________ _ Clrcumetance." then swtm tn a mock graduation marc h. in the pool, using the ba&k' 91.roke, crawl, and single arm' overhead. At th.e end of thle "rriarch" they rectlve their d!plomu, then iswlm the : re- turn length of the pool holding the · diplomas above the water, and demonstrating their grace a.nd akill ln this d~fficuJt one -anned sy.rlmmlng technique. (Continued on ~ace 2) The pa.reel b · located between Palisa.dea Rd. &bd Mftl& Dr. near O)'presa St. at the• tip Of Ule Upper Bay luid la to be divided Into 208 lot.a by William Croddy oC Sant& Ana. With over 100 of the South.land'!!! flf\C'St blue wate.r .11alllng yachts, t\Vo corQlng from San ~cleco, another record-brcaklng entry 1L11111t h8.8 been eatabJlah~1 .ND other ocean racing cciurse : sa'lllng race<.t--------.,..,:-----''-------------.--------~--,----­ Prelimin~ bearing for · John Gibson. 60, ot Costa Meaa on compan}on CfOUR~ Qt felony &a• aault on a YfUt.h and auault with a deadly wea.pon by thru.tentn"c three peace offtcen will t;e today, Tuudt.y at I :30 p. m. hi New· port Bet.ch ~hip court. Olb- BOn wu ~ on the oounts . , , . 'betore-Juoti~ Don&ld I . Doclp, Pacifit Anglers Name Linnell in the world er-ea.le. the ftnlerest among the yacht ownen that thb classic does. · ' The .atart on May· 3 h&a., been carefully ~hoeen. to prov~e~! tlnlah 'n Todos ·S&ntos Bay to ~oincide w ith the featJvlUe8 of the ~(::lncO de l\l&yo In l!lneenada. l!lntut&lnment• brought from Mexi<o City wlll , be ' on band . du.!in&: ·two nJlfhts of• cele bration. 1Tbe two wUI ~ gO all1 -o<it in' we:~ the l""'- . Judge Frank Linne~l of New· from the. not-th .n-tday l).ight With port Barbor was installed u a Noc.he Mex.J.Ci.n& followed by the' ptt:sident of .the Paclfic Anglers trophy ·p'reile:ntation satunSaf .~Ve-- .... club at Friday night's tint an· n.lng at, wbtcb • wtll ~ pthief!tl ftual blrth.i.y · dinner·l\leeting (at-the trop~y -qno or Uielr official • te:ntted 1)y 100) at the Bal.boa Bay repfMentat-lw.e. 'l'bae lncJude Ute:. pub. He ~ Dr. Salvatore PIUidento ·Of Ille l United 1>1t.ie,. Konacb of Balbot.. ti\e first "prrn· t.nd ~. U>e Gottmor of -caH· ' debt an.1 · ' lo.under of the l'&clflo tornla -.qd, U>e lfoa<>i1ible •AU~ ilLooD DONO& !!avid ....,.,.,,,.... lD B&!loo& ~-~ Island OibSDll ~ llllot in the mid- .... -ot ·~ ua: ~ who c1oMUJc1 a pltit of blJiOd to . the . section by Cilutable Frt.ni.(T!ny). a..! C.-ll!ra ~ vlolt Tllunclay ot tlle "-"""" Leston Vaurtm of NewpOrt townablp-u ' Ha'L C11L lboPenDhl lo belq otlauli!d ..,.. N-Faith Schmlcl•. ~ ~~u8:i;::~to i:~tt'~ -a....., * ~ o-a 'r..t, ~-Is ai.o . •h<n>io rMnr ouver ·JoioC&tter and ,Al Ollpilt.nt .,_la llie ............. ·(·News-Times l?botol 'with a,~ s• 1iu -ID • · · -' ~ of Coot* Ma Tiie ckrp ., ,'.. · t. ,.i• · l · .,· ·.. :· ! 1 r of amult ,_i)\fi a1 ~.qsqppoft ' ~--~ ottlcl&la ,/,,,,.; 'feelln1 a bl$ g\OQft>!' ~odai ~oll~ ~ . out oftlhe i!-'toil µ.ra.t., Ute ~ ~ wbon the B:oodmolllW vlolled:N-rt-~'1'b0r ~ -c.::r of lhe~-IP'"-Oftlcora ~eoa1;;.;u,biT-1 =~;:~e~~~ 011:0,. ~~·~ti Jail ~· f •a--, T l • ,r ~default.Qt lft:ftiopd.~ • Angle... • parci. ~ ~ of. t~ ' · • .•# oui,r-.,.,. otrl~orw; ~ii Pigg of Not'titern ~ ut Ba,la Cl\<ll-1 Jklbqa lalln4 f'YlCe pies\denp. fornia.Ucl l!'i_:K&.,.;,,,.Of .Ille two Dr. RC ~ ~of -Corona dol elti• . '> -:· ~ _; " -I I . .ACC<J!d!Dr ,14i )In. cvr ~ at the Red,crou omce. there ;... """ "' .)adaii ~ · . · _,,, 129 .,,... ...... ll't r·-....... d ""' w were ~ r • ' • 0( _, .... ~ 'Iii·~·· ·~~<&J -:,.,~ 21 ~~.y i , ~~. I lt:ar :t~·~J; dt~ .A-3-~~~,;iij ton W, P . .-~loba c:.pi, be tllo ~-Y Yaclit elU ~ • 111art o.v.n .. Dudloy ._t Gd potua1 st""' _.. lo-~ '111d· ~~-..... H. "'.,,,. patt Oo .... -' ~ 11aaia AM (diet>-., : m;.,.;= ......,..,. · llla,) . • • -.... •""'i"R -.~,,._Po ••tod -of--. .... ,.., __ , .. ~-j . ·.!,. .. ' , • .. ·,r ,: ~A'. . ll-. . Tlle'dty~u1>c1a-~out 12 ...,.lor U>e ·larP!I, "Clarence~~ n:m'*"' # pdlp ~ q0~(i0n,l ~ ~1:1 '1 i.e. lo -Cliilnllan o! pil& A~ ~ ·diit ' , W. ·. tbe WMiatlca • • 1 ' ~ " • .. _ ... ;1 ~ _ , -. .·-1 lri'9' UIJ) ~ Clf ...... t.arpr ~_Jt :llie . 'lArlaaJlail~~· IJie'llne.Cll'lfI~jf'S .,... iir;i ~.-t~j\IP!* ~ !11",<'!'J' -••t tor tiJ9 lltd! !>f ldta~lle .. ~!'1 I ..._ Co ' -• • • _, -. ·~__.In 111e-dub'• or ,..,._.,"' l&Jtlal ~ ~ --hd Dr. *'6lo :;m ')":' ;w ~oc:o, ~rt: .¢i;lnant ot~. , Pri Iii' t ' ~. 'k..; .· (Can 1.oll ·a> . · < ._..,, "r:t ..,l""'"-~ .. . . .. . .... 1.'tt .... "~"l·:K-.·~ ot.szt~ ~'"~i'!"ti , ..... fot.J,it it;~' ,,,, ~ ••• "';.,..~:: '.! tt.~, ·~ :~ -_ ........... "" Ille ~ r-• ;.;:::_; , .. - ilei--¢i'aio s ts· I ;~ U. tk9't.0.' ~ ...... llflFlll'ied ~ ~ --,~-!:"=·~~-~··#l~s~.~~~~~ '*-:--~:w,w~;1111~s•t·•.,.. ... ,~ 1'. ', tl~ !PC' I' · ' • -··············· ..... ,., ..... . • ' • . l I • • -..... . -.....-··· ' -.... • Page 2 • • . Enstnacla. Race . ; (Olli __ ....,1) ccpt tlle pole vault. 880 and NlaJ. ~ ,tlle NOllA 11&1 CODIJnlooll the Newport led MI+. to 45ll. Santa Pr1oldent'a s.11, In&ul\IJ\~ In Ana tMn-j>l<ked up aeven points ID-1900 wblcb wll} be held la liie UM> vau.1t from Ronald McK1m and Catht!'.dl'&I Room ol the Ri'ftrla Dick Igou, and Harbor waa blank· Del P&elt1co Hotel 8aturd&y aw- ed. Thal ga.ve Santa Ana the lead, nlng following the. preantatlon of 52 ~ to 51 \.». Newport gained a_ tropbiea earlier 1n th~ day. It will , potot Wheh Wayne BeJ'1'Y defeated be a· fitUnl' cUma.x. to both th& end Saint Larry 'Tarrant for third 1n of the Ctn.co de Mayo &nd ·the In· lbe 880, ma.king pie eouht M" to t.ematlonal Y&eht race. 6t ~ when the. relay te&m.1 toed J>re..rs.ce p1ana eall for an 'Dwe- tl>e atartJnc line. ~ 1"leeta cllnner to lie held at _ . tnp Mall the .llal-Bay olUh In Newport High point man of the meet wu 8-h. One of the larpat IOClel Dick Bennett with ~_polnta lflrlt attain to lie held In Newport Har- in low and high hutdlea; thll'd In hor durlnl the comlnC year, many hroad Jump!. Tbe 'l'ara hlsh man, -ton trom Mulco alld Boutl>ern and second high pointer for the Calltomia ctUe1 .a.a . weU &I aklp- meet wu Dick J ones. Rapid Rlch· per1 and crew1 entered ln the big a.rd scored a tlrsl ln fJle 100 ya.rd r,.ce will be-in attendance. scamper, and took second in th• Included I.fl the. gue1t lilt wtJl 220 and the broa4 jump. be: Rev Adn\lral Wilder D. Bak· CIM8 A er Commandant of the 11th Na- 120 hlsh burdleo -lleGDett ~ 'Dt.lrlct and Mra. Baker; Chief (SA ), Taylor (NH), !{mltb (0), of Statt Captain and Mrs. Acuff, You.ncer (F). Grtlnth (NH), USN; ContUl -OenerU of Mexlco, Tlme., 15.:5a. Salvador and Mn. Dub&rt M.; Gen· 100 -Joaea (NH), ·Port.er er&l and Mn. CarlOI Reye1 A.vile1, (SA), Fowler (SA), Dod9on Commanaante of the 3nd' Military (HB), Momey (F). Tlme 10.U. Zone of Mexicq and bapla.in and · ~tile -Clark (HB), Sn;rder Mra. John Tttbea. USCG, Com· (FJ , Woodbous.e (~"B), Morrt.I mander of the 11th Cout Gui.rd (SA), IV"""&'" (0 ). lllme 4m. dlotrict. DENTAL AUXILlAltY of o ... .-. OouatJ of-rt plalt today'a hen<llt lunebec. at llNboa Bay Club wllll ~ Keu,y O.wtb .... rnallre d'lloteL At Keuy'a rtpt bl Mn. H oward ·Baker, :120 8appb1M A_..,, Jlalboa i.-d. -•cleat of the ...,.Wary a nd at bis fen La Mn. Cllatlee Gruber of Ooata M-• vine ,....s.i8.t. 8tandlll1 -(left to rlpt) M..._ Mlltoa Andrew, Santa Ana, _,rotary: Mn. .John L. WehrSe,J Ot SAata A-. put prnldellt ~d Mn. Johll Tbomquht of OnOtce, jwa.lor put pnaldenL • (J'.i•':"•·Tlmes P!l<>to) 44.Z. (New IN.pe record: okt In addition to the UIUal 1ea pa- rtt0rd o f 4 :48.6.'twld by Lrooanl trot durinc the race by the USCG Thornton.. Saa.ta Ana). a.n atr patrol will be maintained 4.ofO ·-Klrchman (A), Nord-during the hour. of the aaillng rum (NH). \Vll!IOG (0), South-event with one plane being detail- worth (Nlt ), Myre (NH). Time ed to p1'0vtde a 1,000-mlle weather :W.2s. bPld by f 'l}'dfii WllM~ l'lieep patrol. Captain D. B. M&c· Oran~). Diarmid, U8pG, command.101 of· 180 low hu~ -Bmaett ficer of the.San Dleeo Air StaUon (S:\.), YfJWLl'W"'r (I'"), Fotwer will bt in charge ot theme opera- (SA), Grlfnth (SH), McCooh ~- Riding Clubs Hold Trophy Dance Balboan G ra duates From War College -Wealey D. Smith of Balboa ~ cenUy gn.duated tram a counie in Field EoonomJce of the Indus· trial )Nar .Collese. USA. The courae wu conducted by leading lnftructon and repreaeittattvea of Anny, Na.vy and Coaat Guard were Ln attendance. Cl8.Sllea were held a·t the Elke Temple ln Los Anceles. Coastline VFW Installs Off ice rs (SA). Tlmt•-. % l.!1. Many of the defendinl' yachlf Newly elected ofrlcer1 of Cout· llne VFW auxiliary 3536 were in· !ta.lied In colorful ceremon~ea re- cently in Coata Mesa American Legion hall. Edna Clayton a.nd her ln1lalllng team !ram. Santa Ana had charge Of the ln!llallaUona. -· Mton ·-: I~ .fr~ -~~-l ~-··-t •11111101 ililob11t1~"~··r..tarat1on ,of w_.., _ will bold .1£a f!Dal -· ~\!al' of Ibo o!Ub' 7~ . oa ll'l'ld&y1 April :rr,, &,le Brawley, eoa•antnr &t t :IO Liil-II! lllo1"'- b:rt-IU -... 111ra.: ~-'C. --ot Or&AM. ~ "hos4.nt tot the -two ,...i.. wUJ preelde. Cluli ...,.,..;,_ att....i· Ins wt11 11e sneted by' ...._ •'!1-eeu M. rudp, prealdollt of the Impertal County r.deratlon Mid Mn. W. A. Swetdfepr, preold•' of Braw,ey Women'1 club, hOlt· Heel for the day. f • our1n1 the daJ, nnal raporta .DI """""° cbalnnon of e«nmltteea WW be glveo. An outa!aqdin1 re- port on conauvaUOll of NIOurcu. u It concema Callfonila. will ·ba given by M.,. C. W. llarlY· ~r"­ L. II:. l!fnoJalr,• dlettlct -vlee·Pt:ei!· aent 1!11<1 prosram chalnl)an, wiq preeenl u reaturejl ~r for Uut day, -Dr-"'°"'rse' ,ulli~t,.'p~­ de_nt of•R4dW}da U nlnnlty, wl\4 \vln -&k On the aubjec:t , ., __ ea\lon ior '<lriiiJ·" B~ muo!Q IA .iao .belDg planned · bY. I.he hoot~ neM cklb. ·. · • . • • . . .. ( ~ -~ ,. I '· Stea&(_ Savers.~. Hippy1 Family! Eacli ·me'mber ·of this family piU.1 a ''different luxur)-tci. give. up for jWlt seven d&Ya ... . . and 41ve~g they aave by dolllg_ this .If~ ,into a f amily s&vings Progr8in' at' ~RT BALBQA - •EM·L ! • ,.• -~ U:. give up ;.o~I!: -for ' eaclt~ ~r . • . -~ ' . . . . " bu ' brought them cJ.-r."togeth~_.,.Bitd •.gi~ . · t hem ~ SAVINGS ! 'Y~ family}/~ ¥.'tile . : ~-J~me in.'today ::~··~t at.a~~· ··: .. -_ ':. ' Make \!our Saltlaga '6-1 o-Y.,.., •. ~ . r -!. t20 -Purtrr (SA ), ilol'lfl9 ot lut year Will be entered to de- (N'"H), Gul'rtD.-~ (K ), Burm !end their lau..rell, amona thue (SA) _...,... 10). Time !!.h. are tbe UBS Satyda, aailed al' Geo. lf8(» -Suf'tll• (11.8 ). MoCrackea 8anaen. USN; Ee.lacy, Gene Bol- (F), &rry (NllJ, Tarrant (SA}, Un; Tom Bay, Paul Kettenburs; Bruna (0). Tim.-'lm.00.h.. (New Hurricane, St&nley Jacoba; Sky- , lni:ue recant: 4,,1ld rbcurd or :m. lark, Don B . A)'re9: Cavu, Homer -t.:?-. h eld by Gk'no GalnH, Laughlin and the yacht lo capture Huntington &11eh), the Jul boat In trophy' Of 19~, A.9eoclated Riding club.I of ONnre ·county held thelr a.nnU&I trophy daJ)ce Frida~, April 13 at ~ W-'• c!Ub In Coate Mesa. Tlte trophy preaentatlon wa., the cUlml.r\&tioD ot a year'• compeU· tiOn at Round Robin Hone allow• held at lbe "¥&doua club srounda. Pol.n:ta were awarded ribbon y,rtn .. ner'a, "' ' The following high point awar~ were made: SECOND 8D;OE OF FLU Harvey Somef1, Chryaler- Plylnottth dealer haa been confin- ed t o hi• borne with a second Inducletl. were Irene Tlmmln1re. president; May Buckland, senior v1ce-preeldent : Dorothy GIUes:pie, junior vice-president; P earl Brown, lrea.eure r ; Loul1e Deschene•. con· ductregs: Hesler TA'Ilinait, chap· lain: Elsie Hermance. guard: Eula Patterson, tru1tee ror three years; HllZC'I Olli, two-year tru1tee; ~la Thompson, one-year trU1t.ee ; Alma Swartz, musician: J ean Kelly, aec- relary; Ali.ce Dagge tt, patriotic Instructor : Oda W ell!J, fiag bear-- er ; Jane Secor , banner Marer; Eva McCormick, Yvonne Scott, InetallaUon of the °"" dlotrlct ofocul, u .. we ti U Ule new.. coun- tl( preild~; wlll tf.11• pi.,Oe In the att:erl)OOn, ,with Mn. BoneJ>ra.ke acttni' u i.natalllng odtcer. New district otftt:era thclude the roOow- ln)l: .P"."!'!d!'Jlt..lJn-L. ~ .Bincl&lr of Ca!Jil&lfl';, '\\Oe-Rl'Mldl!1't, Mrsc A.oflJr .JI&"'!> ~f· CU~amonp;_ ...,,e. t;ry, Xta. ~Ill!.' H. Crippen of Le ~ea ; t~tV.,Mn. ti. W. Preek of lrullertooi: audltpr, MIL ol&~y­Sh~•r :Ot Heri]et; ~ lnlltee, Mn. Ii. ~±'Lee -of. O~terlo. The 1 Uite:::::>aC::=:=ac=::::i.OC=:::i:MiC:i::::;:x.=::;:»==:iaC:::=~ cotreapo.ndifS· Mf;retaz:y and par-11 llanl'en~. &pp01nt lve oftlcen, • .. s bot put -sw111,1e <NH> st Fatrwlnda, o . Ba11Vrandt. ft. 8 % ln.; Van .Drf'mlln (NH) , ... "· s 1>1 1 .. , uon•pn <01 u Pacifiac An..:i.,,_ ft. %% ln.: MeClt"llan (!li.'H) 44 , .... • rt. 6 1-) In.; 8"8-11 (HB) 44 ft. (Ooattauod hom Pace 1) "11 lD.. Dr. Hottman and Jarrett. Hand· Broad Jump -Dod9on (RB) decorated certificatu were pre- 21 ft.~~ 1.n.; Jo~ (NH) !Ott.. aented each club member who 8 LD.: Bea.n,-tt (S . .\) 2:0 ft. 5% caug-ht ti.ah Ln l~. In..; Polwrr (SA ) ?O ft. ! ~ la.: Will Host Tounuunent H_opldn.s (Slf) %0 ft. Vi ·ln. The club will host a Lnter-club , ffil'h Jump -Nomuua (NH) albacore t ournament 1n July, It 8 ft. 5% In. C Nf'W lf"AIJUe record; was announced. Participating old record of 8 ft. 1 11 ln. Mid by clubs wtll be P aciflc Anglers, Ba.I· Bob \\'hltr o f Exef't.lor); Busb boa AnClinl' club, Upt Tackle CS A ) 6 ft.; Andr&d~ (SA) 5 ft. Marlin, Southern California Tuna. 10 11 In.; tlr ltrmml"ft (8A), Twui. Club Df Catallna, Newport VowtpT (F), Grtff\th (NH) and Harbor Yacht club, and Los An· t..&ncd&le (NH) .5 ft. 8 In. geles Rod and Reel. Pote Vaul\-TI~ !\fcKlm (8A) Perpetual tropbles were present- and We.at (IIB) 11 n .. " ln; tie ed 1950 prize wlnnera u follows: ll(OU (SA), Bruwn. (F) and 1-. Mm .. (RB) 11 ft. First marlin -Ff'ank l.Jnnell; 880 relay -Santa Ana (Fowl-targeat marlin -Jack Anwtler: Pr. Burn... M cCo.h and Port.r): divisional first.a ln marlin catches Hua.Unston ~h. P'ullertoa. R. "Jack" Lenfesly (heavy ), T1me lm.U.4L (S .. wport Harbor A.nweUer (medium), George Roi· ttnhbed .M!'Cond but " ... dt.quali-stein (light ) . Bill Ptsg (3/8 J; fled). nm albacore--Or. Thomas J. De· PolJIUt Santa Ana GOJ,4 ; N.,...-Vaughn ; largest albacor&-W. L. port Harbor M 1}z: Huatln«toa Ba1derston; divisional firsts Ln BPach S%; FullPrton !3 "A ; Or· albacore catch ea -Balde.r1ton an1e U: Ana.bfllm 8. (3/15 ). Frank Unnell (three- DEATH NOTICES Edward Cupit lhre.ad), sallf13h tourney wtnne.r1. J . Wayne Harrison. H . J . Rogers, Merle Afflerbaugh and Bob An· deraon. Senior Divt.lon-t1t, BiJJ J ew· ell, Sr., Tri-City Wranglen , F\JJ. Rrtoo; 2ild, Betty Linton. Trl-Clly W ran I' 1 er a, Westmlnimter; 3rd, Jlmmy Ha.rdlng, Carefree Riden, Arte.Ila; fth, Clarence Henderson, Ana.helm Riding club ; ~th, tie, Billy Warne ot Ca.ta M esa Boot. and Saddle club and Frank Cox of Carefree ft¥:tera, A rleala . Junior Dtvls.Jon-tst, Bill J ew- ett~ Jr .. Tri-City Wranglers, Ful· lerton; 2nd, Glen Thomas, COl!lta Meea Boot!! and Saddle club; 3rd, Ka.y Balley, Costa M esa Boot.a and Saddle club; 4th, J011q>hine McKee, Coata Meea Boot.I and Saddle club; 5th, Loia P eters, Foothill Riders, Buena Park. Stockhorae Trophy-Senior DI· vi.lion -Betty Linton, TM-City Wtanglera, We.tmlnate.r; Jun.Jor Dlvlaion-..Joeephine McKee, Coat& Me• Boolll and Saddle• clob. Sportsmanship Trophy -Sheryl Holmes, COllta M~ Boots and Saddle club. ~ Squ&re dancing W&! enJoyt!'d 8!1 we ll as donut.a and coffee. Music was by Marty Martin and her gang. $1350 fire Loss Engine 2, Newport and Engine Ei1war<t Cupit, 66, 'of 1684 Whit· \Vome.n 4, Balboa :Uland, helpod put out a tier avenue. Co~ta Mcaa . died Sat-Larrest marlin -Marton Lell· nre at 204 Abalone Ave., Balboa urday, April 21 tn St. J oseph hQll-!eaty; divisional tlr&t l.n alba.core Island at 7 :40 a . m. Saturday. The pita I. H1' is survived by hia wtte, catche...-Lyn ·Linnell ( S/8 J, Jane houae la occupied by Tex Strong Maude: one son, Edward C. CUplt Groenendyke -llhree-th.read). and la owned by Mr•. W .W . Bar- of Las Vegas; two daughters, Mra. nett. Rcrnardlne Reid of La.a Vegas and Harbor H-l-1.. The fire had evidently started in Mrs. J . E. Mattof or Stockton. ~· a truh barre.I lylnc next to the 1'he deceucd w a.<i a member of (Coettaued from p:.e 1) buqdlnc a.nd hl.d then ignited a Tonopah Lcxlgt> 28, F . and A. M.. wall of the struc ture. Damages Another clever lldt la the 1quare were eM:lmated al leu than I~. ~nicea will be held W edneaday at 2 p. m. iJt Grauel chapel under dance number, In which an inter-. Two other flrel were aJao re- ausplcea or Seafaring Lodge 708, F . pretalloo !Jf lhil popular folk ported for' the put w~k . and A. M. with ln~rment expected dance la performed ln the water. • At 1 :4.1 P· m . 111.unday, a houae lo be m' Wt!etmin.ster Me.mortaJ AU of th~ twelve roullna ue or· at 114 -31th. 8L, Newport Bea.oh Park. '-l.lril&l-.nwnbera, w.orMd out b1 the· belonltni ~to RJ.Chard C. Torrence llOME l"ROM JIOSPlTAL Carl Anderberg J!'I back in town a nd about after a si!'ge ot Illness in the hospital. Mr. and Mra. An- derberg, who awn the Sea Shell apartments on Balboa "Blvd., were l a king In the town via automo- bi le over the week end. Dodge is n1 ov1ng. Watch It! -~----. Eve.rybody rrad11 the classt.ned ada. ' THt~ NEW HAMMOND CHORD-ORGAN $995. ·- girls' IWimminl' claue1, under the who Uvea al 318 E . 19th St., Colla iutrUctiori" o1 M i• 1 Marjorie Meaa, ca•C'ht nre. A truh box Ad&ma and Miu Ellen Slyh or the next to the wall of the buildlng Girt. P . E. department. Also in· caucht ft.re and a three tool wide eluded In the evening'• program 1trtp wq burned ln . the building will ~ IODI• p~nled by Ml.u from top to bottom. Oamage1 to Marie Hiebacb' Larkettu and a Uwi buUdi"n• and tntertor weN! e1tl- dlvtnc a.nd llfe·••vlng demonat:ra-mated at •TM. Uon by Coach Al Irwin'• advanced Lut ~ at 11 :'8 a. m. a nrimmera. bulldlnJ a.t 1807 E . Bay Front. Ba.I· Otrt. participatinc In the "Grad· ~ belonatn• to W . R . Hervey, uation" lkil are: Marilyn .Peter· Loi An1ele1, cau1ht flr~ and dam- IOft, 1tudent leader; Barbara Earl, ~ were eslihlaled at SlOO. Barbara !ohnaon. Jody Jollnaon,' Painton were burnlns the paint JO&ll Kline, Jeannie Toulouse, off the bUUdinJ when one of UM! Shirley Sinclair, Rene Tbompeon, b&ttene iSl>fted and clamapd the Shirley Cll&ae, Pat Evenoon. Da-exterior wall on the aecond atory. rnon Keppe.n. Betty NJ)ltin. Mari-. anne Dtemer, and Kary Snyder. Square ...Oance l'Wimmen are:. Barbara Bandy, ltudent lea.der; Barbara Hennlnp, Sally McMil- lan. Mary Sue Tom.lina>n. Shirley Grant., Nonna. M&rahall; Shirley Ruaa, and Sylvia WUcox. Other 1tudent' lea.den are: Lealle Klo- vbit, ln tM ''AprU Showen" num· ber, and Donna Price, ln '"Sllate.n Walt&." ' • siege or the nu. _ ~ Runs in -Front of Car, Girl Injured T en year old Judy J onan, 221 Frances Smllh and Georgia Ban, 34lh St., Newport Beac h wu color btts.rena : \Vanna Roberts, hl•- aUghtly Injured at 3 :3~ p. m. Sat· torlan. Wiii al.ao tJ<l lnetailed. , Southe rn 1 dllt.rict w Ul tSe oo.t .. e. to the. ~te federiUon converl- Uon which wlU be held at Coro- nado May T throush the 10lli, ao mue'1o tnte¥ la being directed to plan1 tor lij&t event. Harbor Hi Girls Attend Whittier Campus Day ' urday. According lo pol!Ct> reporU Alice Daggett, outgoing presl- lhe-llllle..clrl stepped out !rom ·be· dent, was present~ with a put Three N,ewport yo~ng people hind & parked car and ran into the pre.stdenl's ring, a corsage and gUl were among the. 266 southern aicie of a car driven by Fred S. from the auxiliary. Ten-year pins Call!ornla hlsh 1ehool 1tudent.s Nattrua, 141 Virginia Place, Cos-and roraages were pre1ented three who at tended the annual WhJttler ta Mesa. NaUraae' car skidded lo charter m ember•, Pearl Bl'Own, colle,p campua day_Jaat Satur<Jl.y. a. atop 1.5 feet from the point of Hazel Olli and .Lucille. Dod~1 _ ThOAe attending were Vlr,.tnla Impact. The accident occuz:red ln Five· year plna a.nd coraagea JonM, . COU.-n,. M~o'l, and front oL the lilUe &'ltl'a, home. were pru.ented Calla V·lele, 'J"raJ;l-J ane &odubffa, all ~ra at Other accldetitA over the week-ces Smith, Ttnta gmall and Ora.ce ~ewport HarDoJ\hll'b 1. end inclOOed.: l.Asnlck. Irene Ttmmlngs ·received A n1vin1 B&turda_y c rnoqn. A car driven by Fred W . Krause, a three-year pin and coraal'e for the Yililtlni' itudent.I were conduct· 410 Dahlia Ave .• Corona · del ?.1ar serving three conaecuUve years as M on tourw ot the poet campua wa.s s truck in the lert rear by a treasurer. Betty Maltreje&n wu by Whlttler coUece 1tudenta. Fol- senli-truck and traJ!er rig driven pre!'lented 8 gift for serving three lowtnc-the tOur.. the wpmen were by Richard E. Stokes or Bellflower con.secutlve years a..s conductress. gueall ~.a styJe ahow Tlhlle the at 9:20 a. m. Friday, In Uont of Allct> Daggett preaenled. a girt to men aaw a nlm of the 19151 New Shep's Cate, Coa.at Highway, Ney,•-ea ch orflce:r who ,,"flrved with her Year~a parade and Rose Bowl port Beach. the pa.st year. game. A p..nel .di.au.Ion of col- According lo , police record.! Hester Tallman, in charge of lest.ate life, dinner and a lhor Krauae wa.a pulling out from a de<:oralions. adorned the hall.1 in '}>rogram, and .preaenta,tion of J . parking lot al 1015 Coaat Highway spring nuwers, candles and red, e . PrteaUy'i comedy "'Laburnum when lll.8 vehicle was struck in white and blue bunting, Lela Lane Grove," climaxed the d•y'• actlvi· the· left rear by the truck. I a nd \Vanna Robert.! had charge of ties. Kraus~·• car was badly damaged. r~·fre~hments, lilt:rYlng home.made L"DM Accident co.k1>, it:e cream and coffee. Ebell lprln& FeaUv&1, April 26 Al 8:35 p. m. Friday, a car dr1v-1 ---11 a.m., ·A.merfcan Legion Hall en by Verel R. Ha.ro1d, San Diego, H S S • G" I waa hjt ln e rear b" a car driven I , • enlOr Ir S 'J Dodge la movinl'. Watch ft! by J011e Hlbodeaux, Los An-El " 'bl f geJe8, w le •lopped at the traffic 191 e or li&'ht e intersection of Poppy S h I h" Ave. and Coul Highway, Corona C 0 arS 1p5 del Mar. Damage to both vehicle• ~ wa.s sUcht. Plail8 !or their annual Mother· A similar &~flf'Mi1 YfFP~I tf. DaugfJt.et t~a1 ~~made when 3,30 p. m. sal~t!i'l'l~l~ ~utllt~an~ , ty Pan Rel· Bay bridge. W vehlCle ··drlVen by lenic meet.8 TUes of lht• week E . H . J ohnaloo 1aqn~ .Pt~etop.. at 7 :3~ P·.~· in ~ Y. W . C.. ,A.. hit the rear o~ a car driven by buf.ldlng, 146 Nortfi Grand avenue, PatrtciaJ F . Mezln, San. Pedro. Orange. Both autoe were going west . Slight Guests will be high school sen· damages resulted. Ion who are tn the fall entering A t hree car accident took placf' colleges In which there are naOon- at 9:50 p. m . Sunde.y at the i!tter-al aoror1Uea, and \.heir mother&, aeetlon or GoldenrOd Ave. and Pan H ellenic gives awards of Cout Highway. A car dr iven by merit to out.standing seniors in Alice D. Cohee, Brentwood, ra.n county high achoola and any girl into the. back of ' car operated by may apply for one. l I I tw A. ltet' w; D. D. II. DlllftlaTlt~· na 1tawpwt -.,Oml& - v..,.1· &ads. ·ax',• nu ---Jt'-sa,-.1.w.;-llillm.-'' Harold K. Grauel Chapel : Ed.1th H. La.Fond, Tulare, which In Application bl&nka may be ob-no.er Belleoa 6111 , turned piled into the rear of a tatned from the dean of girla al llf Brollidway ~ta He.a vehicle piloted by Eddie Johnson. Harbor High school; from Mrs. ':::±::::::::::===~==::=~' Loe Ange.lea. The Cohee vehicle Leon Willia.ma, ,Harbor 109'S·J or received exte.nl1ve damages and from ·Mr•. John Kee.ler, Pan He1- waa towed to Stower'• garage. lenic president, Harbor 2152-J. The other can were only slightly Time ls llmlted however, u the d&mag'ed.. appltcatlor11 must be in by May 1 . • BE SURE-INSURE 1 ; ~; I JIA1Jalli ftAJlfUl'I' 1'4 ~ lt? I aMr' · ~ -• ..... :im . .~·:~-.... -"; ~.'!~'!'. . - ' .... .... '· -..... .-~ .......... -.. -, a --...... ';\ r a ••• Ever ybody's doing i~re y()tt! ! dancing every' Saturday Nit.e to . Big Name Bands now VIoo MUSSO ·Saturday , April 21 ,. . Wed; through Sat., April 25-28 ' - RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM ,, . . at rolliUI& ~ , ·_ .' ' • ,~ ~ .,. · ·~ ""'" · ; • ._. L .,. ... ~ ·, .•.• ~~ "'J • FUN Z -ON>B . . OPEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY , and SUNDAY BALBOA . PUuio !JMl1'~ -' TERESA ; RENNE~ I Mra. A. Renner I °"•"'" ,,_,., n.~~ t I il'f ' ·1- --o-i. -·• ., -·~ r, ''.i 11 1 1 416 Serra Drive ---Harbor 1ff1..J ' .,, .,_ ,, f --·c o,OiiQ·~RicjlilGiick -Cero•a del u. -- I . . ' SMAIJ SHOPP.·EIS • l • SCAN 1 -ij, " . · •.~''~''·~A~·~o:-··.;ti.., ·,o, 1 _By -MARGO I "-• I . ' . IN THIS · PAPER . . . . '. • , ' J • • • • • I • 1" • I ,, . ' Nl:WPORT~>• NEWS.TIMES ' • 2~ ·vears . Sin _ ·J-llef:'s ~! -'ffl\RBOtt· SOGtAL· EVENTS ~. . . . .. ............ .:-~~-~-y·'"~ W'lotll ... ,,..,._.,,..,,,,.~,~ Spring~stival · N~ti~e Daughters ' 1 ., · to Aid ~ounty " Week S Big Event Blind· C~ildren . The 'public la invited to attend Sal)ta Ana Parlor No. 230, Na• Contonnmr IQ the. public'• ...,. · ·• oral ~ \Mt l>uke!;a -... -...i and nol eeen, Rora,.d Wr!Sbt .-Uy dr~ aa, uno'bltru!Ytly u a ~-Ot ·1ate, bownet, 111o left lapel 11-off Ute twlnltlo of \win ·diamond&. On l'l'ldi,y, Ute ThlrtffntJt, Wrltht attelldod a· -~ of the -..! of 'dlHC!ora ·1 f ' • the Spring FNUval at AmertC&1"1 Uve Daughters of the Golden West Leeton hall. Newpot't on 'Thuroilay, bave extonded their blind chlldttn Apr\J ' 28 trom 11 a.m. to 4 p..m. Ql'Oject to cover a pertod of three Thia benetlt la bein• •taged by yean and ·to tnclude the vt.ually NewpOft: Beach !!bell club. handicapped children of all Orange From momtng to late attemoon county. A vi.lion diagno9tic cllnJc f'VenU will be takinJ pt~ce. )lany ~aa been eet&bllebed for the eum- booth.I "'1ll be open. Book.a, plant.a .nation o! all ...uru&lty handicapped and flower., cooked food, costume children l.n all O!'anp eowtty Jewelry, white elePhanll, etc .. wiU acboota, the opening date bdn( be on sale. April 21, 19&1 . SONG CON'l'DIT WINNEJU!-.-Oout c..u.Ce-a mua1e <lr~t VlrCU Pa.rt.ch of Balboa Illand. ln cooperation wll.h the NaUve •'-----... -wl b ~--•-• ot the .Bank Or America at .th~ i:wattk Jonathan clut» ln Loa Ast· ,...,. an4 had pinned on 'blo lapel a blue encircled gold pln at with dlamondo. 1ymbol of , 2S ~ of MrYtce with Ute Bank of ArdertcL The ptnner wu Al Gock, cti:alrman of the boa'4 of dlrectoro ot the ~tlOnally known cart.Oon1at ·and Dauvhlera, Miss, Erlcaon ot the ft!Cm-v ~.,_., .... .,.,. a aoa,r ' t tbe •-I -.IMU..-aooa· • to be hMrd ta the ecbool ....,bly. ft.e wtnne~ are lbown ,... autbor will be present to auto-Dlvbkm of Special Services. -graph h.1a newest book, "Where OranJe county supert'ntendebt of ee&vtws their awvdl from K enneUl Boe~r. OOC• top. MDC Do We Go From Here!" A. co:1ec· schools office, made a survey of wrtteN are. le.It to rlrflt, Allee Martin mid Mary Amwi MOl"l'iNQ. Bank of America . W'rtgbt't annlverah.ry date WU rea11y •arch ~d bUt lb• Wrighta were on vaca Uon, and the powen- tftat·be extended , the date of the tk>n of beautlf\JJ miniature rooma. visually handicapped children. The J---------------,------.:._ ______ _ Local GirJ Aids in · May Festival at Oxy College loaned to the club by Mn. H . M. survey di.9Covered 21 visually ban· WbetseJ and an a.rt exhibit by club dicapped childre n ranginl' ln age member9 WW 'be on dlBpl.a,y. from 2 to 16. With the e•1'bliaht A Mack bv .erving lunch. sup-ment of the clinic. It la hoped un· ervlaed by 1tilrs. l(a.rloe Othmer suspected eye condJtJona will be And her committee, will be open dijcovered. Couple feted ceremony. , Slender. meticulous (notice hia deak with paper!! piled rte•tly' u banknotes) and with a touch of the "Man of Dtatlnction" a.tr about at 11 o'clock · Funds f<Tr the clinic wUJ be ralJJ· on Board Lurline Annual Women's Vlattln& Day him. Roland Wright wtl1 have a.nd M.ay Festival wtll bt held on spent t en years In the Newport the campua of Occ!denW coUe«e. Beact;i bran~ of Bank of Amertca Durinf tbe afternoon tboae who ed. at an out-door brf'akfUt to be wlah lo play card.II and have tea h~d in May. Vic Borchard of Bor- may do BO tor $1 each. There Wi ll chard's Market , 631 So. Maln St .• be. tna.ny priUS tor the lucky on~ Santa Ana. has agreed to have the lncludlnc the beautltUI band-knft breakfast held in his. pa.rklnJ lot. 1ult made to .nu and the Richard's T.he food and. cook.a wUI be donat· merchan<ijee or-der t for Wh ich one ed by who1esa.le grocen and manu- doea not h&ve to be preeentl ttckeb facturers, including Folger Coffee being SO centa each. lnt'i!restlng company. Sperry Fleur company. travel a.nd magazine boot.ha will General Foods corporation and W' presided over by Mra. Constance others. On board the Mat.eon Uner Lur· llne Monday Mr. &nd Mrs. WU· ll&m Toblas or Coron& cW:l Mar were given a royal farf well whef' friends ga.thered for a cocktail party ln their stateroom . .6.n equa.1- ly cordial welcome wtll be extend· ed them when they arrive In Hon· olulu. where many frlendt will be present to' deck them with leis. Maklnr their flr•t atop at the Los Anrelu, SatW'day, April 29, thla comlng June. . . . ... , . ROLAND A. WIUQHT · according lo M.arilyn Munz, prui· Prior to that. time. he .erved , dent ot the Aaeoclaled Women Stu. Ulle eam" 'or ganlr.atlon from the l(Un, and clutching her ll!e'a 1&vT dent.a, spon.eorinr or,.anizatlon /or branch otnce In La Meaa, spending Ing which ahe hlld brought to d.e- thh1 a.II-day event. Joy Witwer will 115 Yean at that po~t. poait tn Uie bank •tarted poundin1 be chairman of the d&y. 1• Looking back o~r the yeara, the culprit over the he&d with, an Hig:bllghta of .the day will ln· Wright feels that he would gf&dly oyerslze handbag. The hoodlwn elude a faculty pand dlac.uaeion on fellow the 15a me ooune of aclk>n ran out the door with the lady the academic provam or Occl· 11 h& had the opportunity to •tart ttlll hanging on, ran lnto a U~ J,ayred and Mn. Anita. Perew. Come and atay all day. Royal Hawalla.n, Kr. &nd M ni. To-e · t & D I bla. wUI later move next door to OS umes ances I the lslandera wbere they have an dental at which PrukSent A.r tl\ur a!I aver •&•in. iron swu~g luattly by & tlre•tixlnr G. Coon.a, of Lbe Angele! and Lido F apectator and went down for the BANKING SERVICE complete TO THE LAST DETAl-l ! Your local branch of lank of Am.rk:o pvvldes lift.. Insured Savings Ac<Qunts, Ten pion Checking Accounts.. Commercial Accountsw 7imP41 f'enonol loons, Form and Bu1ine11 loons, Tro.velers Cheques, ond mony other bankil\9 services. A•' l•lt 11 A .. rk• ,.ys n ,.,,,,s, .. .ii ,.sshtlt s•rifl1s Your &onk of Amerko ~·· ~hll~tffAbil !I • ,ij~H'.'flii.,~b<lis~ H loC:ol 1n ~rMn't.,' yet pro•klH 'I°" ond yovr community w»h the worlcfs most complete bonJrin9 sertice. · • ea P · "d G • ty apartment aiite for a. month Isle. will preside: a gala water "rom Ml.nnnota full count. rov1 e a1e IWbUe pluur after that are unde: at Kamaa·ina Eve t , .. m1ned. th•y ... conaiderlng ny-n Ing to New ~and before re· turnln.-home. i With ea.ch member coming in Wlahing them "bon voyage" some sor t of Hawaiian ooatume, a .were Harbor trtlnda. Mra. Louiae sarong, holoku, mumu or bea.ch s. Ree., Mn. Howard Seager, shlrt, it Is a PY scene when Kam-Mn. Gladya Broth.en, Mrs. Jame.! aaina Klub aasemblea these day1. Siemon.. Meurs. It Mmea. w. B. Especially interesting waa the Tritt, w. Opel, Lyle P ope, Linwood seuion held April 18 at the h.ome Vtc.k, Bamey Keeter, Harold Het· of Bobbie Baker, 320 Sapphire r1ck, Jack Bidwell, n . Cook, Ferd avenue, Balboa Isl&nd. tor Joy· Lan.sdowpes and Frank Young: zelle Brandt, artist and authortty from Puadena.. ChJef of Police on dances of the South Sea la-&nd Mn. Clarence Morris, Mr. a.nd 1a.nd.11. gave several dance numben ~. F . w. Pomroy, Mr. and Mi;a. including Ta.hitian and Chlneae. R. R Fel.n.agle, Mra. Dorothy Gray, She wore a Tahitian co1tume. M ra. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L&waon: Baker also jotned In one of th~ alto Mr. and ,Mrs. Carl Brainerd 2"abltian numbera. a.nd Mra. CoruUe Griffith. Pasa· All memben were pre&ent es· dena; Mr. -.nd Mra. Fred Fleming, cept J ennie Hoff&r~. who la tn St. Loa Angalee and Mr .. a.nd Mra.. J . Joseph hoapltal wtth a new babx. McBride or i..· C&nada. Gitla and cards were aenl to her. Among frlenda on hand to greet ahow demonatrating the work of I He wu born ln Pipestone, Mtn- the physical education dep&rt.-nUota on July 5, 19<M.. Comment~ ment, the May F e1tlvaJ In the Lnr on his arrival Into lhe world Hiiiside theatre with the pre!len-he says: "J think that mother tatlon of ortginal dancea by a atu-WI.I eca.red b)' l!K>meth!ng on thf' dent CTQUp and the crownln&'" of F ourth of July; 1 came on t he r.th." the May queen, whose k!entlty will At the recent meeting wtth the be secret until the coronation hour bank's directon, Wright took 90me of 4 p.m. ribbing on hia birthplace a.long the Marjor1e Ann Mier, d&ul"bter of .. Who ever heard of Pipestone? .. Mr. a.nd M rt. Miiiard M . Mier 'I. lln~. One ot the directors ca.me t o 26'12 V l.ata Drive, Newport Beach, Wri&"ht's reacue. It appeared that a senior majoring In English at h~ played semi-pro baaeball in the Occidental, lJ!I a member of the Wl9conatn-Mlnneeota cir cllit once committee in charge of the water upon a time. One (J( hie favorite show . 1pota waa Plpeelon~. Women of tvioose to Install Officers The Wright family moved away from Pipestonr in 1911 when Ro· land wu 1 years old, and hi.I tat.her wu In the grocery buaineu · In La Meaa for a number of year!! Roland went to the La Mesa Initiation will be held by the gT&mmar •chool and then on to Newport Beach' Women of the Gt'OQl'Tlont hJl'h achoo!. He wa.a a Mooae. Thur.clay n ight, April Hti member of the second graduating 8 p. m. In the Moose Home. 2300 claas from that h igh echool, which Ocean Front, Newport Beach. Th\11 &180 holda th~ record for being lht" wUI be Elli~ Kinp Ch&pter Night. am&lle1t claq with only 3r. mem· Reff'fthmenu wlll ~ ee:rved ~ ben. 1 Completing a delighttul evening the vacatfaner1 in Hawaii will be was the delicious Spa.nllh dinner Mrs. Darby ot the Silhouette Shop .served by the hoste!!l.ll. Next mee-in Honolulu ; Mr. &nd Mra. L¢.ster 1-1-IJiac--wW be at 8 p.m. at .the-bome Linn, Mr. and Mni. CaTI Beckert Of ~ta Keane. 1579 Ocean Blvd., and Mr. and Kra. .. Pat Walker. -lowinl' the lnlUatlon by h08teuet, ''I tbtnk the t otal .!choot enroll· Bal~&. Benefit Card Party at St. Joacl,-ims SQcial Hall ' R \ --Se.idor Regent Allcii; A.ndenton and rile.nt at Groumonl \YU about 250 ep. ort . Progre s co-worker Grafe Brenner. student• when I WU gc5ln£" there," .. S th~h~c!':~~:u:ie~:.:0:~~ 1~~ :C~a:t~d:~~~;e:! .~~~~h:n~ day, April 29th starting at 2 p. m. high achool and the other. Helix. ·1n s·1ster Kenny ::~ ~~=w ~~er:4~~. ~~ ~~~: ~:~rin;re o~~r~~L:s'}o~pli~~:'!o::t The Ritual Team will hold practice Friday. Mary 4 is set a.side as v I t D • on Tuesday, Wednesday 9 n d Soucht ur~ Patb the date of a benefit card party o.un eer rive Thursday night.s. Searching for a path to follow to be held in St. Joachim social Co-workers' decided at the Jut in later l!fe, Wright essayed .a nf' ' \tall at 8 p.m . Preparation• are Progress tn the recruitment of bu.atness meetinc to have a aocla: 11eme.11ter at San Diego State col· well under way for the &flair with volunteera for the May campaign nlg'ht on the 2nd Thursday of eat:b leg e. coming awa)' with the firm committee:• selected fro 1 m among or the Slater Ell&abeth Kenny month •ponaored by the chairman conviction that he wasn't meant members of the Mothers club of Foundation was reported thUs k of the month. to be an engineer. the school and the Ladles· Guild. 1 by Mn. George M. Dauphinew;;l . The Moose Bowling T eam, No. 2, He then awltched over to Kelsey Mrs. Elvi ra. Krolky and Mrs. DriftwOOd Rd eo· d 1 'Mar took second place In the sweep· Jenney Commercial college a.nd at~ Gladys Brown are In charge of Oranl"e Count). ch:~~an e 1 ~ staket1 La.st Tuesday night at Vans tended business administration general a'rrang.ements. appeal. n Bowling Alley. "' ooun es for on·t> year. After that Ch• 1 naata, 1 bebr1dge, ~ and . pl-".We atlll need many more vol-It wu reported that Publicity he sandwiched ln a year'a t imt" noc rde-~lhJI h played with prues unteers. however, 11 all the cam· Chairman Flora Vaughan a.nd Co-getting pract ical experience u a awa eu g scorers. An ·attrac-p8.lgn Coa.11 a.re to be reall%ed a.rid worker Minnie Hale were on the book.keeper. Later attend I ng Uve door prize ls also announced I '< list Co k • Bobble ~ USC' m t llt Ile 7th Retreahmenta wtll be ed b th · the Stater Kenny treatment made s c. . -wor ers r ,.,.. s e ropo an co ge at serv Y e available to) more victims of relch and Lela Carroll who have a.nd Loa Angelea. attending busl· glrb, of the 1th grade of St. Joa-polio." Mn. Dauphlne declared. been IU attended their tint chapter neu admlnlatratlon courees at chim 8 achool. Coat& Mesa. The Sister Kenny Foundation meeting in & Jon g t ime tut Thurs-night and working durlnl' the day. hu a goal of 13000,000 in Los An-day night, and were &tven 4 hearty fle ha.d tln&lly decided that he relee county. Fund.a collect ed In welcome back by the> Co-workera: wa.nted to make banking hJ• car· the campaign will ro tor the oper-Ullian Da.wley hu returned from eer When hi• mother told him ~Uon of the Rulb-Home-Ellz:abeth lhe Eut where: ahe h.a.d been c&lled about an opening in the. Bank of Kenny lnaUtu~ in El Monte, op-by the death of her mother. America located in La. Mesa. It waa In the nature of a triple erated by the Kenny Foundation -Roland •tarted aa • aavlnga tell- celebi;atlon when Mr. and Mra.. F . and opened following Jut year's ContempOrary Art er and bookkeeping and WOl'klng Three Events Inspire Dinner c. Andreeon ( wbo are Uvtnc on appeal. his way lhrou11h the poetllona of S8t.h atreet i.B Newport untU their The El Monte tn.stitute ia the Exhibit in June commercial teller. night. teller and new Corona d~ Mar home I.a com-only hoepital in the West offering JunlOr lendlJJg officer. · pleted) entertained Thuraday eve-the complete Sister Kenny treat-' lt waa Juat about ln 1933 that hf' ning with a dinner at Victor ment for pol1o, admlnlalered by The NaUonal Exhibition of Coq-rememben one of the moat gum- Hugo'a. · speci&lly trained Kenny t echnicl-tempo'?:..J.P&lntil'lg in the Unit~\ med·up. attempted bank robberies Sta.lea wul be held at Loa .Anl'ele.a of all time. ' Gueata werl! Mr: and J.tra. Wll-arui. Devoted exclualvefy to polio, c t J 2 Jul th l tit t I oun Y mU11eum une to Y 12, Uwally, durln. a these depress. Ion 11&.m Tobiaa of Coron& del Mar, e na u e a an approved ho. with $a.oot in rch.ue tze. • who aa.iled Monday for Honolulu plt&J of tbe NatJon&J Foundation pu pr to years, the La Mu.a bank had four a.nd for whom the dinner wu a for lnf&ntUe P&ralyala. hie offered. a.ccordlnc to an· an-employeea. However. at the time featl7e farewell. It Wu ....i..o the' Campa.ign plana call tor tbe ex-nou.nc~ent m&de by Oswell Jack· ot the abbrtlve b9ld-up attempt son of lAguna Beach Art gallery, one of the worken wu on vaca· 16th wedding anniveraary for the panalon of tbe bOAlpltal in include trom whom exhibition entry bla.nlui h08t.s. and the birthday of " Mn. two addlUOl'll.l wlnp wb.ich &re may be obtained. tlon. Andreson. available but unequipped became A.JI medi&"G! oU palntln• Will be of lack of tun.da. e at:cept.ed, lncludlnc cuetn. tem· Accordlng to Roland, a local bad An out.patient dlnlc, eervlnc pert. Sou.ache, l&cquer and duco. boy decided to do a Job on the pmt·polio patient.. la maint&ined Not to be 'accepted an watercol-ba.n:k wtth the help of two buddlea. Get.awa·,. Car Driver ot the ,.etaway car be· ca.me fl1.Jhtened and drove away but was picked up later by the authorities. Wright remember• that a sun can look awfully blr when the bar- rel h1 facing you throurh the b&n o( a teller'• window. One of th~ huards (It ·aeem.8 ) of beinc a ban~er lies ln being elected treasurer of a.lmo•t all organization.a one be lo n I' a to. Wright says that he h()lda th•t office in "tbr@e or four club&" with hi• wife holding the aarne position in several women's or- ganizations. Wrtcht haa also been president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. is currently treu· I urer of that body. Hf' ·1s &Jm a director of the eofnm\11\ity Cheat.. and ts prealde.nt.elect ot the Ro- tary Club; and for the Commun· tty Concert A880Clatlon (naturally ) trea.aurer. He'• aim very proiid of'· th• fact that b e wu. Oft •th• ~ of Freeholder• wtllch Prepared a charter tor the city of Newport Beach in 1948. The charter was not accepted but Wright aeore• It a.a & good try. -His wife i!I very acti"e tn cl\ric affair~ u a member of the Chll· dren'a Home Society. trearirer ot the Asalstance Leape and member of the PT A for a number of yt!!!ara. ' Son at Harbor Son Gregory. 16. tdw attend· In( Harbor High. ta "a bit of an athlete." He's been a mt!!!m· ber of the Cee bukdb&ll and track te•Jl}• and ha.a been do!nc well on both aport.11. Jn his ten years with the local branch of the Bank of America, Wright fia• seen deposits lncreue from one million (a year after he came here ) to more than .ix rnilUon. In the same .-tretch of time the Joan bwitnese h... in· cre&&ed seven times. Wright attributea It 1all to the rapid expanaion of the commun· ity and thinks that tul ure pout· bllitles are un.limJ,\_ed. i"With \he Safi.ta Ana freeway makJ.n&" .web progTes11 this area is a natural .tor expa.nakm," lie say•. "Even now people commute tb Loa An• ple!i every day." he Points out. "With the' Freewe y a lot more people will choose to l~ve })ere. in Ood'11 country and commute to the rat race up, therej" • AT NEW eoft The new addrea. of M.r. and Mra. C. A. Herberta, Jr., and daupter. Garo!, lo ~:U Tultln ,...,ue, N.W- part Hel(btl,'l'be famU;jo thlo 1'eel< wu comfortably eetu9d. in their channtn1 new 'abode, h&vtnr mov· ' ed from WeU.. Pl., ea.ta Mesa. Ebell Spring FeaUval, AprU 26 11 a.m., American Legion Hall -ln a .eparate buUdm.g on the ho8· rin Tb ' plta.J pound&. U the Si.at.er Kenny on. P ta, drawtnp. put.elli or e three ot them .went up on a AT TUIUNO~ ca.rnpatp Qleete, Its pal It 1a .culptur.. hill commanding a vtew of tht>' A weetrienct in Tujun U hou.w p\aftned to ln"Creue cltnic facWUes • town a.nd waited unw, the local guMta oti. Kr. &n4 ;..· Rury In Southern ca· 'ornl t ak I Btj:l:rvE8 AWAlU» pollc& force (one man > wu · for Zlt!Q wu ! njoyed b lit d Mri. 1 ._ ~ a o m e t S ,._ on _the other elde of town.. , .-.--ieo B )(-•--Yf .,~ ~ --~ -Ible for more polio vtcllma rL lrlo}\<! a Tbeuret, _ .. "" The Ut""' boolum4 then drove ~-• -0 """' ~·•- IQ take advantage of Ute highly of Ml1 Dari-V. 'l'bouie't. al 184 up IQ Ute ball. one atayed' at Ute avenue, Newport He!pta. On !Jun-~ Kenny tre&tmenL Fiower St:. Coota K-. ... , _, · day Ute croup atunded Ute ilporb-· _ .... •••-••Id awarded tl)e • Combat lntantoy--of t!>e ptaway car. On• tnan'a ""°" ln IM An"-~· -.-, • • bedCe wh1Je covered the bank enttance. and U.e ·.,-_. ~~--_.•-P_ Kar.II Dauphlne; 2-year-old aon man ' ~ With olller stucl< a luge .gun Into uller R.uJt., ..;..,.. l 1 of ¥arine LL and Mrs. Daupblne, th• Ellbth can1ry """'""' ..... ~ Roland Wrtcbt'I ...., forctnr blno __ .,_1 I .~ -A &oat -.... :. wu n.cflltly ~ trom Ute SW-Ko..., It •WV """"''!"*! ~!"" tJ1.. n--.-I":" -~ ter Kenny boopltal, makfn« a coin:: bads• le awarded . Gll)JI to tlGGt. !:.,. °':'.'Ute i:::,r •-r IQ Ute clapor will<~ .-fllr 1'-·; pleu ,_,,_ ........... bis ·-~ u.. COlllbat f!ltu~ lo • --·~ ..• u ·~--n1·~ W"'~ ·, .. to had ~~ t;,\;jj;:,~ i.e";;;. tfaCUllll t.etw"°!' tM .Ulte ~U,. ...,.,U:. ~ ~ik ..;1i,'! Dodre lo ,IDOYlnc. atQ IU w..t the IC! Monte bcooPltal. llllU tn>opo -Ute .....-..,_ and•_. 0.-UICI forced tk bait a>1•apr -,.--.,.---~-...-+~-"-. Ulechi"!'...wd,.,....·walltqala. vice ;~ I lo-o-·Ute-TboMrodltl~----------+----. lecotlM llc 111• rm 1U14 &ala tu . , " • lliiMI -.·GM Jron out plllowu. for Dpct.t.m(CIS • I • la Ula ~ )1 ... ;ac-~ ()OUl , \ Ille -""" -• 81lllt1W-of •· Ui......... ' · -~ -a:iii a.wt, 1"r\d a-.....,., )r:, &..iau.a el!llllllJ au U.O illftr .. -u lloe , •• 0 , ''--"-· •••11t tr .r ... C'lu'-ddet ',,.., ...... .....,,_..,,.., .._. ..._ , J.:. t • • • '°'81MPNS ·· -P Ir UR.-JISR 'ClllQ, all -of ti! ..... ~ 0.-· 1-MI' t11e...,.,-_. ,.__ ~ ••••;., ·:,abor- t# 01£ Ill *I-· .... ~ .-1-0ii W-of ...... a, • -~ tM -trllis • Ille .. COii -J.~ ........ -1 •• .._. o.ta--.ron llJ'p'il ... --ldr ....._ - -4!1L ,,._, ..J ' ---~~~~~-= "I • '-• .i....;._ ' ..--''='=======:::::i=== ,_ IR • • • ...,_ ICW9 at lllo .... -.... wftk ~ li!OMf pt 'I ..... I'· .lf«z~ Bil------;• GIW'r 1•-•llli•flp&Wlill._;lllM-_.U. BJay..,.,llPll' ••• mM '· ....... ,, ..... vs-...-.vss· ........ ~ .. ,· ~ & -WLW ale !loo··--..... --..... --Ula -'8111111.. • · ._ ,•,:a;.lfl'lo. ...... -of m.-,'llllait --··a. -.u' wtoliW lrJ' -·-... I. -'Ja .... 1111 't::::;,r.::· ~-::.: ........ : s .•ohaj!Jr:.:'' ftlllJilllJ . •J;,I r. ~ 1 II &--llprftoc --. · ...... • toa r.Nd.o: 11J -,.. J. a 2 b -"'°'1°' •er 1-~ i ij 11 &A,,...... F 1A1h9 .. ~ tl•W W ltd ..... i111'• Ma l -.. ,, 'II . I ' I • • . r-. . • • ' ..,. ' .. ' , • ll:llTAD TO WIDOW FAt:"' B 'd . -or J._ ll ~ ,r,,,, ~ r,1 ge _GrOUf' oiled Aprtl 1. • .., to ldir ..... t Pl -. F . _i ._. -IL • ...,, • .,, au ..... o ay on . ri1..1ay or .. co.-.et-·--.... . _. · ol hlo will whlcb llU. -~ The brldp -lion ot the c-.a for probate,ln,~ oouiot. llrli. ~ Frlaiiy -~ club will KMi>P oald U.. -te eoft9lliu of -bl• for ltl monlllly mooting real and peroonal pioperty 'f!)rth ™@y, April '¥J, at U :SQ , p-m '1n UCMe ot $10.000." · for a deaert"'luncheon. Mra. Kathleen Mc11ary anc. ·Dc>dce ' ta &lOVin«-Watch it! EbeU Spring Jl'eatlvaL -April 28 l.l LJD.f American Le(ibn Hall Dodl'e .. moving. Watch it ! Xn:. Edith Balter WW ah.are ti<>6- teu dutiea. B~dc'e and cllasta will be played. · Dodge Js DICli/ng. W atpi It ! .,. ' "" 1 ~ •• ,,,.I»'~~ Mn 6etfu-, .•• >6Ur }lffonwflon' i/f>llWor ;, on tbe ,job ro ~ · se~e you ... with numben not ldt~d in your directory. And Jnarc telephone urn · ~ her .only whco die}' don't find] the number they w~t in the teltphonc book. Wh y, they •y, mah two calls when -willdol : /I'!, 7/,,,g ~nee wond•~ how-~y 1~ ·, num6eri too' distance usen h•ve discO~ered rhat ' -. • a list of che out-of-town numbers they c:all can bes mighty t\andy thing. Saves time, you know, if )'OU place ·;~ your C311 by number rather than just by name and address. So, Den rime" you call, why not jar down the number of che penon you're caJJUlg .when ,vour Jong dm.nce open.for reports it to you • ~ ' ., ' 4 • •. Ind,stt..n: )'Our own long distance number listi ;-. ~ .. • • . ' of peqple spend' lots of rime deagni~ your telephone set for both beauty Ind . ' efficiency. G;4gcts and attachments only clutter up its clean lines ••• llDd perhaps impair its dficicncy • .. @t»acitic T1\e_ph11t1 , . , ;+ ,, .. ~.:· . ~ . ' -.... . ..>''";•~ '1 '.> ,.. -,. .. '· < • . ' ,• • \ ' , • • ' S~~ fe T raffle Offices 1 saf9vua;j,.\your freight shipments In a/I parts of IM country • ........ ' • -... • " ' I • • , • • I • . ,, ' • i '· I· I ' • • • ' -, ! NEWPOllf -BALIOA NEWS-TI~ES • •T.ay, 'Apn'I 2:4', 195 1 I . & ' w ..:::..._. ,..__ ..__ 1' · -~ ---rori~-._.., .-. Pa~ Eve17 ~J as Ne:wport -Oalllonla "7 tlle NEWPORT BARBOR PUBLISHING OOMPAN'I' Jiember of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N, Member of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL A~TI<?N -Office a.nd Printing Plant . at 2211 Balboa Boulevard Telephone Harbor ,1616 i!:ntered u Second-Cius Matter at the Poe~oUlce tn Newport Beach. CaJ1(ornla ·under lbe Act of Ma'rch 3, 1179 RUSSELL L. DIETRICH. Editor RALPH BOROESON, Advertlsltlg Manager - Quallfled to Publish LcpJ N otlce& and 1'--~vert~eata of all Klndl SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: NE\YPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES every In Oranp County, 53..50 per yNr: $2.00 ,Us. month•; Sl.ZS three months (Aho lnclud" the NEWPORT-BALBOA .f'RE88, Thunda.f) . Outtlde Ors.nee County fl.00 per year -6oi.:os On Bra~·~ tW. OrMP <10..t ~·~··· on.,....i ID Ii rip,.... ·-of· Mdmlaton. At lelt W ·Nllbara Lona, 'ff.l'Vlal the',bt.rdle ... Katy Erbe llnMllt!'ll It acrou the ae&.. Tou,,,......,.ta are IWW' bdnl cotaductecl lA t.he fourth pt>rlod claM" for top poe.IUooA la Uae • .. "'9 Md doublea. •"1"brtle girla are all . . cbampl:oulllp materlai/' •Y• Coeds . Beverly CamptM"ll. AN AMERICAN HE RITAGE The observance of California's thll:ty-second annual Lett.er to . t he Edit.o r LEGAL NOTICE Public Schools Week to be held from April 23 to 27, will JI(,, Ralph Dietrich, Editor NOTICE OF SA.Lr: OF STOCK highlight once again th)! vital position of our publie edu->Balboa News-Times. IN RUI..K cation· system in the American way of life. Balboa, Cal~f-. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:- ced be 'd h bli h I d. Dea. M•. D1stnch: Th'-"otlce ot lnte ti t II It '11.ardly n sa1 t at our pu c sc 00 B eserve A ""'reon'a name, on~ hopet1, .,. 1"' n on ° IK' ,..~ a atock qt goods ln b\Jlk WllneeMlh the Sllllport Of all citizens Whether they have children at· ~ould be a. lhiJ\g ot JO)'~ beauty. tllat f:ioU~ ls hereb)' given tbA~ tending classes or not. That support cin take many forms. rorE>ver-or as long u one lives, l h e u~derst rd M.ARCARJ!!'t · · h I bo·-' b . · · at le .. t. MARY Int n•-to --•1 &II Wtlltngness to j serve on sc oo cu.us_. .to e active in And that's why w~ would an.. -e U3 <>Cl r that certain stock ot merchandlse Parent-Teachers activities, to back appropriations necessary preclate whenever you ha.ve.re C~8Ung generally ot stock .. fix- for the. maintenance of proper school facilities and reason-tn the futur~ td use. ~frl !!""'ehll). turea and equipment·()(, lhat ce.r-- . f ed · · h •---h h your newspaper, you · a .... er er t&in bwslneq known u BRITI"S --La.AL NOTICI ' ... ~~'-;_.NC?~~-. !. be --at 1:00 o'oloclt p, "'-ll'CJllWJS oP INTSNDai 11.&U on Kay I:!, 19151. , NoUoe lo i-e\,y sj:ren: Tbltt Theo otflc<ro appointed to _, PBUJJP IL CAR1U1:L1; dUc:t the eloetl<111 In the _abOve-J'RANCU, CARRllLI,.. Vend•?· named 11:1-entary School Dlatrlet wW ~ i. U38 Palm Drive are< • in. the City cd La C.0 zda,, eouilty No.' .1-Mra. Jul~ Mu l!:cc•rt ot Lila An,.i .. , State ,of Callfor- No. 2-Jtfrii. Anne crow~ nJa. Intend to aell to E . 0. Htl'l'- lnllpeetor sdN; Vendee, ,..,.... addreu ill No. 1-Mra. Nina K. Holtby . 10()72 South GUbttt In th.e City No. 2-Mr•. Jane E. Morgan of Anaheim, County ot Oran1e, . • Judge State of CaWOm1a, the follow~ No. 1-Mn. Aurelia Nlemlec : dNCrtbed pe..,.nal property, to- No. 2-Mro. Marlba M. 'CUnnlng-wit:. ~ h~ • Judi e All 1tock In trade, fixture•. (Signed) MARION f;. DODD, equipment and good 1will · Clerlt/Set:cetary Of a certain Variety Store bwll- March' 11, 1951 neu, known u P. It Carrell'• Jr .• No. i98-Ttmea Department Store.. and located at Publiah Aprtl 17·24; May 4, 1931. 1822 Newport Boulevard, In the City of Colta Mesa, County of Orange, State of Callfornl.a, a.nd that a .. 1e, tran.s!er and a.aeign- ment of the aame will be made, and the consideration ther efor wtU be paid at 10:00 o'ck>ck a.m. on the lat day or .June, 19~1 . at the escrow de~ent of Bank or America NT & SA Lincoln Height.a Br. No. 327. at 2430 North Broadway tn the qty or Los An- geles, Counly of ' Loe Angel~. State of California. NOTICi: ro JllDDr:Bll The Boa.rd or Truatees or the 'Newport Harbor Union HI g h 9Chool requests bids. on 30 of 35 new standard make typewrlten for a:chool use or the fol · owing makes: Royal, L. C. Smith, Underwood and Remington. Bid.a will ~ received until· 12 noon In t the office of the high school May 14. 1951, and will be. opened In the board roonl at i :00 P . M. on the same day. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bldl. LILLIAN BtrrLER, Clerk Board of Truatees Newport Harbor Union H igh School. No. 202-Tlmea. Publlsh April 21 : May 1. 19ri1. Dated Apl"il 16. 1951. PHILLIP B. CARRELL Vendor FRANCES CARRELL Vendor E;. 0. HIITSON . Vendee CR-16918 No. 200-Tlmea PubU.ehed 4/24/51 , . . . ,. ~ .. . · _ By CLAYTON ,TIHOMPSOt'f How Te CHck ltlnfcall,t Lnel ii,, .. Dlffeeilltlal a-· .... :'fu...,. to ..... the Iubrieont :rev ~ 11&1. It woib·u obowD la Ibo dlqram be!-. bend finger slowly until end is in ·oil ~ ' remove and oil level will show Q!l fin ger nail .• • • • • • • • • • . Tbe euieat way·w..-know of keePina' tho• apiral bevel ani:l bypoid pan in JtOod condition ia to uae RPM 'Multi-Service : Gear Lubricant. • • It keep1 a tough. protective • film on gear teeth. Contain• • eb anti-foaming agent that : controla lee.bp due to product CLAYTON THOMPSON • • able salanes or ucators, to visit t e c~rooms w en t e par1mts on their choice pf a na.me-·NURSER.Y · d t · · · t th b l'I I J c a.th · SCHOOL located at opportunity occurs an o express apprec1at1on o e y spe 1 ng t anl.s .arter r er JOl Ma.r'\{uer1te aVC{lue, Gorona de! No. P--64$4 CERTIFICATE O•' DOINO BUSINESS UNDEI!-ncrmous NAME I W e hereby cerUfy that we are transacting business, principally a.t 219 Cout Hig hway, ln the City· of Newport Beach, County ot: Orange. State of California, under the fic- titJoua firm name ot .HARBOR PAINT A.ND WALLPAPER CO .. and that the names Iii. tu'11 of all or the owner• or said buslness and their places of residence are: Dodl!:"e la moving. Watch It! Ebell Spring Fe1tlval. April 26 11 a .m ., Arnerlcan Logion 1-{all 18th & Balboa Blvd., Newport laaclt Har. 155 teachers who serve so faithfu.lly in their tasks. than JanJCE. Mar. Callforn~. belonlfln~ to Mtd The original fault.<0f Course, waR lt is heartening to see the increasing recogpition of vrobably Beckner's. Jf ·Min Cai-· MARGARET MARY BRITr and , located at 701 Marguerite Avenue. l>ublic school n-...__is express. cd through more ad . .v.uate. out-Ler v.·ore her ne.me on he r tra.n· \.'-"U .... 't Corona ~I Mar. C&ltfomla., Orange lays of funds. The increasing num.ber-of scbolarShlps1 too. som he would ln<.loubtably have County,. Catlfbrnla, and that . a . , joyouely spelle(I it correcUy. tranafei" and U8lgnment ot the such as-Bank of America's s tate-wide A:chievement Awards My regards to the old reneg~de, same will, be made and the pur-!Jrogram for the high school studen~. is anotbci: project • Den Re-<ldLck. ' ehue price thereot' Wn1 be -p&icl on which serves both · to support our nublic sch9<>1S and to . ~r:;~sCT.EARY, Thursday, the Third , day ot May, provide_widcr opportunities for deserving studepts. In this _.Public Rotations 19511 at BAY ESeROw co .. Inc .. · · Main Office, 1-415 ('-Oaf.~ Hlghwfly. latter instance alone more than :><.X>O stqdents .wtll rcl::eive [ Corona del Mar, CallforMa.· , Orange Edllor11 Notr: certific••es and trophies while a total · of '$32,000 will be County, California. at 10:00 o'clock -t" Dl-ar Mr. Cleary. awarded many of the winners ·in Outright grants'. A Pf'n\on.'"' hAllff', onr hopn. A.).f. That the addreu of said ven-dor Is 701 Marguerite Avenur. That the America of tom<,>Fraw· can be ·only as fine as Mbould b.-.. tllln«i or Jo)' and Corona del Mar. Californta,-Orange t.he schools of today is se.lf evicfenti The rising generat.·ton bt-auty fof'e\·rr--or as 100• .,. County and the addrea.s of said on .. ll\'eA. at INML · will· face increasingly grave problems , apd they will need Ttw a.me la ~II Dittrich, vendee is 5'10 St. Annes Drive. . Laguna Bettch. Orange County, the best of training to cope with them. Let us see that rath., ~ Ralph. C1'llfo•nla. they get it.· ,, Date-d ,Aprll 19, 1951. Balboa 5 ..... in MARGARET MARY BRrrr ~· ANNE BOYER, FRANK A. KATNIK. 127 South Lincoln Street, Orange, Callfoml&: ELIZABETH KATNIK, 127 South Lincoln Street, Orange, California. Dated April 2nd, 1951. FRANK A. KATNIK ELIZABETH KATNIK State o r California, County of Orange, ~. Check Artist GetS Jail Term Weather -Service On this 2nd day of Aprll, •1951. before me, David D. French. n Notary Public In 'nd for said Cvunty an<1 Stst<", pet110nally ap· Stat<' of Callfornifl. l)('ftrad Frank A . Kltnlk and Ellza- County of Orange. ss. beth Katnl.k, known to me to be Technical Sergeant Fra"k W . ON TfilS ~0th day q.f April.-~· the persona wh03e names are sub- M,cC'la~hey1 16, ~[ 317 Cot'opado D.1 1951, be.fore me, a Notary acrlbed to the foregoln& Ln.etru· ·. A check WT\le.r who had been at i Ave., BalbQiS. ba,a been uai.ned Pulfl•c ln and--tOr a&:ld ctJun.ty'ahd ment. and ecknowledged 1o me Camarillo State hospital &.nd whal lUl ~SupPly St_')'g~&nC' lo Fl~e.d<iUai't~ State, peradh&ry a'ppeared "Ma.r· that they executed the same. sa.11.l he had only JO years lo iive tors, Air Weather 5ervlct (M.ATSI . 'fint Mary "Britt Md" Arute Boyet>, Wllne&li n1y ha.Rd e.nd oftlclal '4'88 sentenced to the 1late priaon Andrews Air.'Forc.e Baae, MJiry· known to me to be Cfe personl! seal. Friday by Superior Judge Kenneth Ja.nd, according-to an announce· whose namee ~re su.~rtbecf to the DAVID D. FRENCH E. MorrliK>n despite his tearful ment made toda,y by Brlg•dler within Instrument, .and ticknowL-Notary Public In and for tiald plea that he be given anb ther General W , 0 . -&:nter, Chief, Air edaed to me that. the7 executed r' · County and State. c hance. Weather Service. 'the 11&1Ue. (SEAL\ . The court recommended J ohn W . Sergeant Mcclatchey entered IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I 1 No. 19.'>--Tlmea. carroll. 26, Qf Corona del Mar be the military service In S<"plen1ber, have trereunto sel my hand M.nd a.f-Publish April l7-24 : May 1•8, 19~1 . transterred fl'om San· QuenUn to 1942. He attended the Supply Ser· fixed my official seal the W.y and the California lnBlltutlon for· Men v1.ce School at Lowry Air Foret> year ln this certificate tint above at Chlnq. He said the sent.e'nce for BaJw, Denver, Colo rado. He served wrilten. writing no fund checks was "lo 39 months w ith the Medical CorP8 (SEAL} help you," noting that "you ~hould In Hawaii. be put where you'll have regular Sergeant Mcctatchey i.s marr'ed, / living habits for a change." ' PIRATE GRAPPLl.:RS-Dem-to the former MIN Billie. Ruth tnveatfgattng offlc<"rs sald Car· onatratlns the torm that won Rambo, daughter o f Mr. Odis Ra.m- roll had been In the state hospital him the. A.AU 191 lb. champion.· bo or Ponttoc, Oklahon1a. He ha.a In 1950 and later had been in a two children, Ronald. 8 years and vetei-an's hoepital. They said the ship ht PauJ Brick or Orange Darrel. 5 years. He Le a member Coast colle•e. Herr be t,. tab1-youth believed he had Hodgkins of the Muonlc Order. <1;sea.&> a.nd had only 10 years to U•s with, from left., Haak Air Fo rce'• Air Weathe r Ser· A.cutJera.. Ak'x: M•rtlne:r. (lytnc live. They sa:.ld yoUng c:a.rroll had [ down) aad t:.d Hlll (kneellna). vice, a component or the Miiitary been helped by hiti family In pre: -~-----------Air Transport Service (M.ATS >. vioua difficulties w i t h writing ~ providea" meteorological support to check&. DRIVING CHAR.OE tht! U . 8 . Air Force .and Army .lf"Welry Theft Rudolph M. Ja.geniki, 31, 108 1 Ground Forcea around the world. ~ford Taylor, pleaded not , Fifth St., Huntington Beeah, was I -- guilty to burglary. grand theft and arrute_d by Newport police on a B-a-cL on Duty receiving stolen properly and de-.1 dctlnk driving charge Saturday. • rmanded a. jury trial through Put>. Jagerskt posted a S250 ball b<ind W"fh N lie Defender Meyer. H is jury trial and was relea.&ed at 8:-45 a. m . tor I GYJ was &et for May 7 in Dept. 1. Ja.n appearance in Newport City -The complaint filed by District court on Monday. Police arrested Robert P . Mceowefl, con.struc- Atty. James L. Davts alleges Tay·' Jagerskl at Newport Blvd. and Lion Battalion, USN, formerly ot lor burglarized th(' "Newport J ewel-/ 22nd S.treet. Santa Ana, Calif., and hU8band of era place at 1702 Newport s :vd.. Mrs. Eleanor Louiae McCowen of Costa Mesa· la.st Feb. 3, that he SRO\\! 1'10VlE ~ Fullert.orl Ave., Newport had taken watches. shaven and Dana llnd Ginger Lamb of Cor-Height., bu reported for duly othtr merchandise vahled at more ona del MJ1.r. explorer& and author• with U. 8 . Fleet actlvltle&, Yoko- tban $200 from the place. and that !bowed thei.T film "Enchanted suka. Japan. he had rrcelvcd wril!lt watches and Vagabonds'" ill a program tn the McCowen, who was ordt"red back other merchandlHe stolen from the [Unity Church of Truth· ln Santa to active mlllta.ry duty Nov. 21. ~ 1 ~~ -~-·-~ . vice July 16. 1941. •Ebell Spring Festival. April 26 I EbeU ·Spring Festival. April 28 Be.tore enterln&' the Navy. he 11 a.m~, American Legion Hall 1 11 a,m .. American Legion Hall WU grapuated Crom Santa Ana ------------·---~-~·-----.~----•HJrh acbool an~ attended Fuller· too Junior CoUqe; Fullerton. Claims Fra•d in . hsiness Purc:hase DEAN C. BRADFORD Notary Publlc In and for 11ald County and State. No. 201-TlmeJI Publishf:'d '4 /2'4 /51 NOTI<;E TO BIDDERS Thr Board ot Truater:s or th€' Newport Harbor Union RI g h 3choo1 requMts blda on the reroof· Ing of the following: 1. Port.Iona of main bullding- caleterta area. 2. Wood1hop .. 3. Portion of boy11· gymnaalum area, nurse's offtce. Spec1t1c&tlona may be obtalned In the office ot the high &et;:tool. Areas to be rerooted must be aur- veyed by the bidder. Bids wilJ be received untll 12 noon In the office of the high l'chool May 1-4, 1951. and will be opeocd "In t:he board room at 1 :00 P. M. on the .same day. 1be board reserves ' the right to reject an}' and all bids. LiLLlA.N BUTLER, Clerk Board of Truai.ee1 Newport Harbor Unkm HJgh School No. 203-Tlmee. PublWh AprlJ 2f; Ma) 1. 1951. N<>nCE OF ELr:Cl'ION For Memben of u.i ~.....i.a -..i ot tbe Newport 11eac1o _...,. Dhtrlet • ~·OTloE INVITING BIDS Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Orange Co_'lJlt Junior College Dlst.rlct of Orange County, Ca.lit., will receive bids up tcr the hour of 10:00 1.M. on the 4th day of May, 1961, at the office ot said School 01.etrlct, located at 19951 .. S. Harbor l&lvd., Coata Mesa, Calif., at ~hlch tlme said bids will be publicly opened for the rurnlahlng of the follow- ing: Library marulnes and· Auto- motive toot•. ~ · The Mid Bbartl of Truateea. shaU be the 80le judge of the merits and quallftcatlons of the equipment of· fered, and reaervea the ,,right of reject all, and to waive any in- formality In any bid. Adv.: April 17-2-4-, 1961 .• Opening Date: Mlly 4, 1951, 10:00 A.M. Signed: BASIL H . PETlCRSON S ec. Board ot Tnateea No. 197-Timea PublJ.thed </17-2</51 CERTIFICATE OF llJJ81Nl!:88 Ylctltlotlll Jilrm ~amo . No. P·N-11 T ff E UNDERSIGNED doe e hereby certify that· he LI conduct· tng an electrlcaJ cont.racUng b.i.si- neu at 1204 O:tut 1$lghwa.y, ·Co- rona del Mar. Callto,rua. under the tlctltJoua firm Mme ot UN. DAKER ICLECI'RlC and tba.l aid firm la compo.ted of the foUowing penona. wbo.e nunea ln hill and Notlce is hereby rtven to tM pla.oea ot realde:nce are u followa:, . C'1almlng fraud in hill purchase electors of the Newport Bea.ch to-wit: .. ~ - or the Balboa Gl&111 Co., ln Ne-w. Elementary DUJ~-t of Oraqe f ARTHUR K . · ~NDAKER. port Be&ci!, R"-lf W . Cut.bbert County, Callfoml&, that the An-· llOO Dahlia. '. · W~· week Jlled ault for award of nual !fectlon tor membera of the. Coroqa>del Mar, Calttomta. ·, 410,1911.111 trom ..W. fJ. Long, St&hl Board of 1'"'"'-of tile Newport 'WITN!!:SS my band UU. 10th PN>peftle& of Loo AngelM. Joful ' Beach Elementary Dilltrlct will be I day of Apr!~ 11151 .• M. St&hl and the Olklden Callfor-b•ld on the third I'd~ of May, , . . ~THUR M. LANDAKER ! nJa Co. aJllO ot Los .Ange!ea.. rt&. M~'ll. 1951. . ' • • State ot.Callfornle., • He Jllleged Long "¥ ~t&hl .teP-It will be n..-.ry to elect one Ooun!J' ot. 0mnlJ'e;·... • ~led U!e "'!"'patlY<to bO pnint-. member. 1 • , ON TBta toth Jlal! of April. A. •bl• wtU. Ci (o '9~ per cent .or tbe 1'he polllq p~ce for"eloetan..of >D. lll~fot'O m•. RAJUlY ABB- Jluo buold..s•tn ,the' area. t.b&t In ,I.Ile Newport &M:b ElemOlltar)' 'ION)' i\-Notacy 1'ub1Jc Jn '&Dd for ~o month& IM>r had; pald ·otr.a , PreclncL. No .• 1 tPJ:oc:lncto ..._in !lbe jl&id 0>un1:7 and 111ai., ..-:· ~ .~"!'09 ..!_~Bt.j>L and CltJr l:loell<>m ~ 2. a, 4. 5. I, I, 11. 1ag -tbeHllo, duly canmlotlooe ~ -WU ... -~ --15.ll.1t,190DdOJff8-ftD...,_ and t;rorn. .,.,..;..ny ~ right to .U OW.... f~la In 111-1 Dtotri<:t Wi/f ... 'art ct11e' ARTHUJI IL L4J'll)kSV,, IUlcitui Ille ~P· ; -' ml ........ ,' N-.t ~ 14tll:A to .... to '9 tk ,..... ,.,... Be &l!•1ed oi tl>e ~ta.~ Bii'.d.. -'lit o&Jd 'D!.--lo allboalti~·(o Illa wl- Uona wee.~ r.IN, .. .-........ the tr1c\. ... -.. ._ • -; : ~;.. .• illltnUniln" wt ~ to .. """18-... - -_ .... Utq m,.. """""' ..-'lfw ,OliJd .-. -lllat ... --a.. -ll!J SlO)llO. --·at U.0 1&1,ia.a1 -·ot t°M •Jlewl"rt B,.•••-. Wl'-..0' I llllft • }lo~ -·. • I• -• > ,.,-....--• IJ -Old u:.-~,:...... "'!"IUJ'~i:ll:fO.~J=---o lw I llo oat Ill)'--... " Dodge Is moving. Watch It! ; .. -··--· . ' • • ~ ~ L .. I "'-IN . ·:··~,,__. SURED . SAY.IN.GS CUUINT · EARNINGS Per Annum \ ·~ ----' SAYlllS " ..... , >o ' .. ' ,, llSUllD 7 ·UPTQ ~ 111,lll,all 0 't't ,.. ---_....._ ~,., ........ ...., ,... .... • - --~-o· -:= • > • ~,c, . ~ : . , . .. '-" . ;w .. ~ .-·l it . ·. -,~,..-~--.1 .. olA , ---~ ..... ·~-,,~-.,~!-" r:· ........,.-........ . ; ....., ..... Jilli@" .. • ' I --. . . _,.! # o1 ... ' • I< I ' I •. • '"1, OLD ~T .ldJrs .. -~!fee(~"' -pw'I I~ hr -'°' "I& --W -~1¥ W, '1alitl!I_.. ~ ~ .ar-ceew.o a .... _-~~~~-'t'I ........ --.. ... _.., fl!o:nc""1rJ.• ao.ft.. ,.1-,, ' - ................... ~ ........ h 1•, 7 ..... Cllfl•• rel....,. el Ute "811•••.._ .... la U..~M'4:t;: 1:L ._. z1t••'"1 -~ o( tW.~·--~.i;::. ... •r~~!:t :~--:.-::.-:-.=: . e ----'for-•ll B ~!!!*"! el tllo. el •; a. 0., ' I .Ml :JCw laa--. ,. > --'\. -: ' .,,..-T< 9e'till::lll .-)d.DI ll• • ~ '-~UM.) . lapd faDarw •to ·• -OM~ · 'nlo.·illlllo ... ..,_ Ml •• -IWUIT ......,.. • · ~ ... a.~..... y~ ~ •• •• ... ttnm t. ~ ~ ._~....,..-fJ(,T:tO 6'Cllddl A..llt. (JCjO n' 111 •q 1He1111/11) _ ' ., -,f>ll,o'.-... ._ : Ma. 19----• • Do4p lo..~_...... Ill ~--~-I' 11ilM1fll P l"O~lt.-;'*1 ).la.'U. t . 1,.• • .,,, ..... ~ ~.: ... · .....-. •f -• ' -, r ' • ·- _, J • • t • • ---• ... '"' "'--... • -• • ...... .,T-·---,~ I ' 1 • I I f • - • • T~day, April 24, J951· • -NEWPORT ... t'°A NEWS.TIMES I ~ --,. , . • . \ ' • ' -, • • 1 ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • By . :M.A.RGO • • • ' ,• ALL LOVELY :t.AolES LOWER YOUR LANGUOROUS LIDS Le\ no maid or'matmn crteve I , and p.&e upon thla silver ulver. For r'bear .ye..i &n ezcllinl' inYlta· ,To .. her loekt ot an unlove}y hue. tton. Kay ?i:eleo~. requesta your gracloua pruence at 3"40 Vt& lrrowly br thln.,.-.tor llberaJ art8·11hall gltve · Oporto, Udo. Iale for her. FuhlOn Showing Tuea., May 1 at ,3 o'clodt. "Boeh ptle• of Curia~ Nature .never llnew.' Miu Nel«>n • eeasfde salon will dt11play Round The qock F&ihton.I 8o let each ma.Id or matron ~ perCelve ro~ your eummer b)' the aeL Thia fuhion 'fof'eCUt. wW feature 'nl&t ~vely ,tlnted ~ ~rx atyluih po,· , audl acene etealent· as Rose Marte Rel( Swim Sult.a. JI'. B. Hor~ A te~t or. a cut-oh Beauty tnlall waye lol'9JOth · play .clothe•. ·Glass Gabardine.a, the exotic orient.al apl~ndora of ~ t,. o~ with t&e u~ art ot aVTBI · • Carolyn Schnurer, eemJ-eocktall costumea, and new aum.mer amart • ·;: 1 • 1 · · .... ' apparel for the junior, large or half-alze woman. Judy NUea. Mra.· \., · ... 1 • • , \ ' ' • , ·I Control ; of Court.I W~ges ·SOtig~t ~ Orange county· uked 1ut week for ~ rlgbt to oet oalartea and d'\t.ermlne the nwnbu of attaches tor the two m\ln'eipal..courta 1 and three juaUce court.a to be estal>-- llahed 'to replace 11 townshlp µWI· lice Courta and 13 city COUrt.i on January 1, -U63. • The court reorganlaatiOn plan, approve<J by the ·board ·or ·super· vl8ora tut TUesd&y, wu ta.ken to Sa<:ramento bj SllPervbor .Y(U· lard Smith of Orange and C. M:. I I • • • • •• ,... I ·ATOMIC BOMI .LIFE. SA V.ERS! 117 MAJ. 0ea. \\'atur 11. Rob-... ea:u.,.. ob.do. oof Olvll bet- • ' .What •botft trtom b.om b bUrf\3? ' . ~Near the cooler of the blut the burna are often fatal. Pcopte ma)· be se.riowtly burn· ed more than a rnile away, while the heat can be felt on Uae hands and face at four or ftve miles. Willia H.Unt. Nan Broug-hton, Marton Sparrer and other beauteou. ~ !'Oluetuf. .OOrona deJ Mar. Harbor .2807 proteulonal m9dela will flaunt lime fil Kay Ne19on'• rapturoUB round 1 • ' e e • l • Featherly ot S&nla Ana &lid County Counael • JOet Ogle: who left Wednesday following an In· tprmal meet.pig df the board.· · At that Ume . ·t.tae supervi30n1 held that they should detennloc the number of 'C9Url attaches and thel r .tart es. , the clock creation& Hair styles wtll be by Bud Lann.Ing of the ,. ", ~ · r • Udo Salon of Beauty. The charming Miu Net.Jn' beralt will do count.I a,.ER!J..>WERE. MA.DS ,IJEFOR.!fFoRKS W.bleb no doubt &Cf•. the eonirnentary, Fredda Roney, former Vogue conault&at will co-aA4.. f th,ct i:L, lpeople l'Rb Ernie-~ and eat them! Em.Je ordinate th.18 salute lo summer . So pray attend, milady and oblerve ta.tn· re·hlnce.. Mat x vmo. eeU the.e 15c bambUJ'l9f'li My that ce ..... To prevent flasb bu.ms, try to find shelte r WhC're tbere '5 1 "'-'&II, high bank or some other objPCt between you and the bursting bomb. , how Kay NeJ80n'a ·Tamely Fu.htonis cu.n make every hour your ahln· u.tb~~' COffi4; baclc 3.or 4 times' a. day ·tor a ucktuL I tug· ing one! 199ted to vrrue that mayW: crafty conswtiere were bu)' inc them • • • DO YOU HAVE YOUR EAR T9 THE GROUND? Well, get up, silly ! You look ------,j the British are coming ? I could have told ar--- pretty stupid In that position! Oh. you say yo1i1 that. Of course the British are con:a- tnr! ln Jact, they're here. The BrltlM~ lacuan and the Brlti1th Au8ttn11l Ah the sleek, amoolh Jaguar Sporl XK120 . Indubitably, the Jugar is the finest niotor car ot Its cla.88. •owever, I must remember that I'm not going door to door selling Jaguan. J merely wlah to relate that the no"'' Jaguar Austin Motor Car Ag-ency ia now open in Newport for the convenience of a.II mlllioftalrea A cat may look at a king. and you too may aak for a demon· stratlon of the Jaguar Sport X~I20. And yes, my merchant.a prtncea,~ lhe Jaguar Motor Co. ts now accepting reservations for the senaa- tlonal new Mark VII SaJoon. latest addition to this famous British line. This ne"'' ultra run-about agency it1 a branch of Ctyde Kinf'!' Santa Ana office. Accidentally speaking. King's has ·an excel· lent foreign car mechanic service In S. A. Virgil Caln la in charge of your local Jaguar Austin Agency which Is at 1208 Cout Hlway. Newport, Bea. 6587. • • • SAY MAGGIE, CARE TO REMEMBEfi WHEN YOU AND I WERE YOUNG? Then stop winding your gramophone" and listen to this. Sµzy has just ren1oved her expert fingers from the muatc· loving pulse of Orange County loni; enough to stale that the 3 best selling tunes for the week are How High the Moon, Mocking Bird Hill and Tennessee Waltz all by Le9 Paul. Runnerup Is When You and l Were Young Maggie Blues b)\ Bing and Gary. Naturally these h.ita are available at the House of Harmony, Coal& Mee&. Another favorite Is Yesterday, and September Song by Ez.io Pinz.a. Suz.Y., the Lorelei of the Hou9C ot Harmony has a huge reeord repertoire oC 4~'!!1, L. P . ·s. elc. Or It yo\I want ~methlng extremety unheard of. she'll be glad to order It for you. You can get Yma Sumac's Voice of the Xtabay album on 45's. A 180 D'oyly Ca.rte Opera Co.'a record· logs of the cornplete Mikarlo, P inafore and Trial by J,ury. So 8Wi.ng It . Maggie, get vibrating on over to the Hou~ or Hannony, 1817 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa, Beacon ~737 -56:;3. • •• • I am greatly lmpr~ssed b.Y movies ronce mlng the haul monde. l mean the typE! ol cinema ln whic h the heavy lidded, 80phisticatcd '-erolne makes some telling riposte llke. "I'1n running Off with the green stamp salesman In the morning." Then ahe steps to the broad windows and pulls the traver»e c urta.ln11. The effect Is starkly I dramatic. You may recall that In no hihh society saga doee U1e . NEW EQUIPMENT ......,fly~ tbe Orup tout co1i.1e TM'bn.olog:,· Dfopt. includes (top) a M.SOO Rockford laW-modeL multlplt-MpM"d tdblroom · enctlM! dQlped for .D.clune tumlnc. . o~ Hufford, student in art metal. la · the comely coed admiring the latht•. In the c.roter picture Owen Uh.lme)'eer (left) and Don F~ll arr using the t"·o new wood--iul'nlnl" lathes la tbe "·OO<bhop departnwnt. l"urdua8l'd at a ca.st of Sl.800 each. the lathetl pro~·lde aaether knporlant unit I• tht 11plt"Ddld.ly equipped "'ood!lhop. The lo"'l"r photo sho"·s Mr. Robert Carhon tnstructJDc E\·enlos School ·studrnt RUI" Ryan ln tht-complM. ol)ttation of the ne"' trfit pe.ot"I u~ fqr tcestlng reneraton, starters aa'd' ,·oltar. rerulaton. Ryan IA a pro!fWJolonal t>ltttro-plater at El Toro Marine BaM-, "'hp Nt.A rMumed to M"hool for Instruction Ui b.i5 !1pecla117:ed flrld. grande dame ever stand and yank at lhe curtains or get clonked on t he oogg-tn with a Toller shade. NO! She Clettly pulls a st11ng and the c'-"ta'"' gll<&e ,C"~fully a croaa the traveree rod•. Tlie point of th.ls devastating ect-narlo Is that no \voman who owns a dtawtn• room ahould be wit.bout a draw curtain. Now Helen Wolfard of the Shade Shop l~1 ta.st becoming known as the MLLE. Modlste of the Traverse Rod Worlrt. Helen's fo11.e Is undeniably the Traverse rod . She will measure &: Install them for you or ee.11 them outright with all the fittings. The Shade i5hop can provide you with custom elide tr.acks, ceiling track.8. exten!l1on tracks ... and everything but rail- road tracks. I believe. So n1ake track!! t o the !Shade Shop, 514 29th St .• Harbor 894. Newport &ach. • • "FRAMED A,GAIN." \-ELLEO 1-IOPALONG CASSIDY. This poor horsen1an has no rtoubt been rramed oftener than that tired Indian a.t the end of the tr11il. \Vhlch leads me to remark that thl.r I~ Frame-up Week st the Ra.Ibo& li & 10. The Five and Dime has CAL POLY FAIR Cal P oly sludcnls whose home8 arc in Orangl' counl}' lhi!! Wl•ek ma.lied nlany .\lpecia!ly printed i.n- vital1ons to lhcir ft l(•nds ».nd rela- tive~ rr-n1i nd111.c t hr m to be sure and allC'n<I lhc C(,IJegcs unique "country ra ir on a college campus" April 27·28. Orln~e county la re(>' r esentrd by 84 students on the San Luis Obispo campus -approxi- mate ly 3l.., pf'r cffit of the total enroUement of 2700 men. · Doc:tt"e 11.8 moving . Watch lt! • a new art line of fran1ed pi cture" including the 2 above.mentioned J"OVENILl!:S TAKE BOA'I(.. equestrians. There are floral. bird scene8, landscapes~ cowboy and Petitions for appearances I~~-dog print.a for children's dens, and picture» suitable for moat &ll)' venile court have been filed Dy I room. Prices range from 35c to $3.49. Whereas there a.re no ,Newport police ainst two C c .ezannes or undiscovered Rcmbrandts ln this g~up, the frames arc M:~ 12_ t"ar·oldagbc> osta I nice. and walls do need bright pictures. Re~tlve11. children and Y ys. Loved onea can be nicely framed tor 45c to Sl.6li a.s the Ba.tboe Cornish Roehm of the Bayshore 6 a: 10 hu photog'rapher frames, singles, doubles, mlniatu~s. and camp boat, hcruse nullfied police all slzea. But by all means frame SOMEONE at lhe Balboa 5 a 10". Wedne(Klay he wa.a holding two 300 Main Balboa boys Wbo a.ll~gedly admlt\,ed steal-' · ing a boat froril there and an out- board motor from 190 Roch~ater St.-, Coat.a Mesa. Police said the boat was recovereed by It. owner, C. G. Preston, ~72 Vista Dr., Bay- shorea. • • I WANT YOU TO GET UP EARLY ONE OF TtfESE BRJGHT, DEWEY MORNINGS. Lace on 8'>me stout w.a.lking boots. Go to the vcatlbuJe and get your little wicker hamper. Th611 go d,eep into the woods and pick a basketful of alraw- berries. On your way home stop at the Se\vpnrt Birokery for some delightful old .fashioned 1traw· berTy shortcake biscuits. Or lf you p1·efer, get the sponge cake. Either way, you'll be pleaaed. Look over the other oven waret1, n1y dear. Custard- filled creme puffs, e<:la.lrs, cream pies llke disc.a of floating' froth . . . banana, cocoanut and lemon cream. Wondertut .cuatanl plea at Mc. The Rum Cake at 6-ic has an ~citing tt.avor. I And be sure and get a bundle of Breadstlcks. Fre&h and crisp they give a ·tine fillip to a green salad. Excuae me while I drop this typewriter. I'm making myself so hungry I've got to duh over to the N~wport Bakery, 2112 Ocean Front, Newport. Harbor 14t2•R,. • • • • "WHO 00 YOU THINK YOU ARE ANYWAY! OSCAR OP THE WALDORF? CLEMENTINE PADLEFORD! PRUDENCE CROCKETI' ?' ·: Thus 1 addre&aed Harry . Klngaton at the Bayald" Flah Mk.L He bad a peculiar gleam in hla handaome dark eyea, ., I knew forthwith that 'be felt a recipe coming on. 'J'hLI parUCuW gaalronbmic orgy baa to do wilh a.hrlmP" Go wash your handa then . peel and clean raw shrimp. Throw the.m ln a paper bag aJont wtth f101.1r, salt. and pepper. TW1rl lhe bag &roUnd your bead l ttmea and mutter "Ba,ysid!' ... 88.yalde" or if too tired, shove tbr ehrlmp around in Dixie Fry. Remove the exhausted shrimp aru dip in a batter made from flovr . .sa.lt. pepper. Iota of paprika an( a bottle of stale beer (beer open and stood awhile), Fry l.n deep fat or any old way you want . to. I might a~ that thJ• .wbole t.h1nf eoun.da flshy to m~-But then lhlti'• the Baywlde P'l9ll llkt. tor you l"rlfrbtel\lngly Fn!ab' Flab &n4 Seafo<MI at 2803 Lafayette, Newport. • • • • whole.Ale tor .10c each a.nd retailing them down the road for 30c But Ernie doun't ~'what you do with them= You can ralae r.hUdren ~n urtm.. eat them, throw a party, plant them ln the ground. or 9Cll them (() your wife BO 8he won't have to cook. ThfJ Kott:&ge Kare a.Jao likea to aell .a. lot of Fren~ Crtea for ltic. and a thick malt ~or 2tic.. Put the11e an· to_gether and they don't spell mother, but hey, do spell P-I.C-N·l-C·S C-H·E·A·P. Plenty of parking placet. Just bring an old empty stomach to the K6t.&a.(e Kate. 1920 New- port Blvd., Costa ·Mesa. One block beyond the Mesa theatre 1 !Cloaed Tuell.) Now open II IL m. -% a. m. · ' · • • • YOU COULD BE WEARING THAT $10.000 PLATINUM MINK COAT WITH TENNIS SNEAKERS FOR ALL I CARE. But fo~ your own qke, you ahould _reali:&e that no matter how beautifully -:owned you may be. ,your feet must be correspondingly' shod. Right here under you retroua&e nose Is a fine big shoe •lore ... Barbfir'"' dook-F')'. Barber's carries the nationally advertised Vitality, Grace W&Jker, &ad Clinic Shoes for Women. These sprightly, 8 prtngy shoea come in d~uy. street or walkers and are all quality shoes de<::enity priced. B:&rber'• also carrlea summer sandal• of every descrtptlon for you 8i"d the children. Oh yes. also for the c hildren, Red GooM an~ Uttle Ya.nk. llhoes at popular prtcea No\fl for your feet indoors, the comfort&;ble Terry cloth OOMPH.IES $3.t>O. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B&rbcr ~ friendly, ex.pertenced Shoe-fitters and will probably let you lry on every pair of .shoes In their store. which t:ould amount lo 10,000 pairs at Barber's Bootery, 1790 Newport AvJ!.., Co8la MeM.. • • • • SLOW DOWN! HOLD EVERYTHING! Don't be In such •a hun·y ! The weather' fl flne &: dandy and the fish are flt to be ca.ught. But what about yau ·rtend ? You can't land a halibut on a battle1s >0le ... and _you can't hold a pole on an empty 1loma.ch ~ So to be fit a.s a nounder and ha-ye a strong g-rasp on any situation, drop in at the Anchor pate. Have breakfast. Have Glad's buttery buttern1ilk pancakes or ham &: eggs. For heaven'• sake. eat a good breakfast. Then lean back and llaten to the'lnalde scultle bull on the whereabout:!! of all fish. After your trip. when you're weary &. cllllo~. and feel tor all the world like the AnC'lent Mariner, creak back, to the Anchor tor a klnd word and a good c up of coffee or a bowl of hom'e-made chill and a hamburger. You don'{ nece688..rily hav~ to be a Nimrod to enjoy this good lnex· pensive food , rca.d 'the papers, play the Juke box, or llaten to tt\e .i&lly conver1:1B.tlons. Anybody who likes to eat Is welcopie at the .Ucbor Cafe, 71 lD Coast HJ"·ay, Ne\,·port ik»ch. Closed Wed. . . .• THIS IS THE MOST REVEALING TllJNG SINCE LADY GODIVA~ U•1U1.\ly I con1e awa)' ,from a TV sho~ \Vith 111y lin1pld brown eyes fee-Ung like 2 pots of glue. Last week to shield myself from auto- graph seekers, I stepped lntQ the House of Harmony. By etro.ni::-e coln~ldence, the great televlsk>n coverage oC the. General's S. F . welcome Wf.8 0.11.. I viewed It tro1n a Hoffman Ea.8y Vision fr\', a.ad it waa lrtdy wonderful. The Hottman, It seoma Is the only eel With speclfl patented Jena. 'Ibe picture comes out In a sort of Amber tone and I• very aoo!hlng to the eye. There Is ho distortion, and perspective and clarity seemed greater to me than In any other seL O. K. So maybe you got blue eyes and can aee better wilh an RCA. People with one blue eye 8.nd one brown eye are said to prefer Packa~ Bell. Regardless of· your eye·cue, House of Harmony can flt you wlijl a brand new TV set or RE.llrrri'T _you a fi6or model. To go bac k lQ that marvelous Hoffn1an. H. of H. has a beauty at the new low price of $199.96. You better '~rake up and see what's going on In the world. House of Harmony will help you see the light. 1817 Newport Ave .. Costa Meaa, Bea.con ~737-5653. • . . . , OH YOU CAN'T FOOL ME! Because I h&ppen to know that a lot of )-ou women are sufferini;: from dl80rders or the drain-board. Your old drain-boa.rd Is cracked and full ot crumb8 maybe? The sink water c:;ontinually runs up~ your sleeve or down Into ,your sock? O\rl11. why be nervoua ani:t upset and give In to nagging, dirty apron all the time?' So harken to my water-tight cure tor leak)' drain· board. The Coa8tltne 1'1oor C'-0v~rtng Uo. is doing a service to wof'!lanklnd by installing first cl8.ss linoleum drainboards tor a!! low &11 $3&. This Is inlaid linoleum ·and is ~val.lable In· unlimited designs and pa~tems. Or better st.Ill. if you're really fed up. and watet"· k>gged get the tmsurp,NSBed \Formica drainboards with complete in .. :st&llatlon for arowid $69. Remember Life can be beautiful ... with a dr&inboard by Coastline, 18th and Newport -Ave., Cost& Mesa. Beacon '5~1-J. • • • CORTEZ DISCOVERED MEXICO. QUIEN SABlj: Dl~COVERED THE TORTllLA., and you can discover the Casa don Ca.rloa! Cua don -Carlo• ls a dlvtne little Mexican cafe-juat down the st~t from the Paclflc Ocean in Newport Beach. The atmosphere la quaintly Sp&nil!h. The 1•1)1P3 . arfl dim. You can bounce ~ taco on the floor and pick It up and eat IL The place 18 THAT clean. And 011 oompa.dres," the food ... ah the cocina is truly excellent. The authen- tic Mexlc~ cooking· ts exceptlona.L The frljolea refrlto8. the chUe rellenos. tbll enchilada.-the salsa. Everything· lt1 muy bueno. You'll be shocked and· happy at the low prices. You may order a la carte, ')r (\I Men range from 96c up. HAST A LUEGO ! CASA DON OARWS. 113 32nd, Ne"!"port. Har. 2638.:_M. Closed Tues. Open 6~9 veekd&ys. Sun. 0 -10 .• • • • HEY! WHO THREW THE WRENCH' IN MR&. MURPHY'S FAN BELT?!?. Well. calin · 1owno M'rL Murphy ..• dGn't lo3C your head the "Tllnute aomething goes am.las with your horseleu "'&rTiage! Whilst out with my lantern, 1 di•· -:overed an hone11t mecha.n1c !" Bill Quem-. ine-- -:han.Lc&l pn1ua at the Newport Marine Engtne V!Corka can nx anYt.ti!ng but a broken vow. The average woman Nho con into a pra.ge doean't know her eifgine .frOm her cr.ank- lhatt. But I believe you may safel>:_ take .your }\at rode.. jeepi. wuhtn.g-ma.chinu. tnlx·mutera, and apace llhlpa to the Newpqrt ?'Cine Work• fo~ any -Tepa.lr .• Bill Qu.erry. &l)d Jtere I quote. aa1a. We will 40 aft)'thlng: t:Qo make an bcmeirt buck." The Engine Work.a '• aJao bea.ulltu11y equipped for oomPlete boat. ~ havtng dock· .t.de era.nee and ~ "way' with them. So ladles and gents If -you're >laving any tnechanlcal difficuJUea, don't try to plece: yOur motor to~the.r with a . bent hairpin. See the Newport Marine Engine Worka.. 2810 Lafayette. JiEWPORT BEACH. Harbor J.1"31 . . The Newport-Balboa Press ' ' . . . News-~iine.$ . .. . ... . ,. Newpdrt Bay Post and . s'1t9ppi,,g 'News . · : , ' t The board declined to make pub. lie. the proposed salary sehedul".s for judges or .the two municipal courts e.nd three just!ce courts. They would be, however, e.blr to cut at .least In half the ulary "bill" now made for the jurists on the 24 benches now operating in cities and townships, Undt'r the voler·approved 0 court reorganlu.tlon bill. the legislature determinca the· number of munlcl~ pal court judgea and their com- pensation and the number of court attaches and their salaries. The aupcrvi&ora determine the salaries ot the judgea of the just ice courts and their clerks. State minimums are to be Bf't, however. Supervisors recommended ont? judge for each municipal court. and the legislature ls expected to follow the board'!! recommenda- tions . To serve the three justicf' courts, parl·time poaitions will be created by thO supehrisoni, ac- cording to their present plans. Will Name New Grand Juror Wed. . . To s~reen reports ·a.nd con1- plaints 'and a.aslgn them to com- mltleos, t.he 1951 grand jury last week named an executive cimmit· tee and prepared to meet Wednes- day when presiding Superior JudgC" Robert Gardner will name a 19th n1ember of the Jury. In sessi~ 'last Wednesday, the grand jury acceptecf "with regrelB" the resignation of James Rubel or Newport Beach.• a .writer whose healt,h will not ~rmlt him ·to c\'.>n· tlnue lo serve. ·Foreman Sam Mey- er of the jury said . that he ar- ranged with· Judge Gardner to pick another grand juror April 25. In anounclng lhe e1r.ecutjve com· mltlee, Foreman Meye~ said he will serve with LeRoy Ater of Ana. heim and I. 0 . Sewell of Santa Ana. Shifting committees since Ru- bel left ihe jury. Foreman Meyer named Earl H. Te'mpleman or Brea a.e 'Chairman oC C.Ommlllet' No. l, criminal affairs. Servthg With Him Wiil be Robert G. Tut- hill or Santa Ana and Glenn Wool- ley of Fullerto:i. To flil .Rubt>l's place on Commiltt"e No. 4, county offices; Alwin V. Dief'ker of Orange waa named. Costa Mesa ·Marine Awarded Air Medal MN-rine Fl.rat Lt. George Jf'. Thayer of 479 Laure.I Pl. Costa Mesa. has beeir. awarded lhe Air Meda.I for ml!ritqrio~ acla while participating in 'aerial fltght:s over enemy te.rrilqry u a pilot in Korea.· J). little bit of solj.d material will provid~ flash pro~ even close to the exploakJn. FarlhC'r out, the linie8l aort of lhlng-('VC'n cotlon cloth-will do lh<' trick . If you work in the ope.a., al- ways wear rull-IC'ngth, looee· f!ttlng-. llght-<;()1 ·1rN clothes in tin1e or e1nerf{f'ncy. Never go aroun1 wil h your sleeves to.led. up. Alway .. \Vear a. hat -the brin. Oii\~· 1•ro lf-c t you from iseriou~ filer burns. Fla.~h burns from the A· bon1b's li ght aild h('at caused 30 per ct•nt of thr injuries at H~ . ~h ima a11d Nai;asaki. •source: Survi\'8..1 ,Under Alonl'c Attack, official U. 8 . Gov't bvoklcL Dodge. is 111oving. Walch It! ' Ebcll Spring F l'Sliv.I, Aprll 26 11 a .n1., An1crican Legion Hall Dodsc is n1 oving. Watch It? Yea, 3 route• to the Northw.1t Coaat end Redwood11 Sacra• men to Valley., or via Reno.Go ~1 way, retun:i another-no utra fare. Frequent de~ coi. all · tout.ea. You .,ee more, 1&Ye man.; have more fun-by GreyhomMI to Poriland or SeattJ.I Mrs. C. C. ~wafforcl, A.cent 1532 C.-t ltiP-,. Pbon.e Beaco.n Mn ID Moat ot these filKhte we.re flown at night, deep Into enemy terrl· ·L tory and under acfvene weather I' cbndlntiOn.a where• enemy gfuund -• · · · ~·e wao "4tilef r'ee<l•ed. or e;ipect-. ' ; • GiftS J& Gree.ting• • eel, and the poUIJ>Wty o( .attac ... ' _, y . . A. ' t.-om -e:d.e.my &.1z:cfatt ,....~ alwaya r ., . -ior OU -thrcM•p pre.8el1t • . ' • .._ ' • • ""' " -' I • • ' t • 2 ne clt&Uon Ucom~J the -WELCOME WAGON ••ant .~~ .tn 'pa:r.ti. "Fint. Ll, l • • ~ Tbay~( ;-.hla ~;~p from iYour Frieadly and devojjon_to dl!tY ""'""Jn !'"°P' · Busiileu N~-; Jnr ·,,itli the-.~ ~ of ·I. Ci. • · • tM Ur;dted ~~.'4an.l ~:° -. i • 8:°" VIC ud • ., ~ •: -• . ,_ Sooia1 w.11are U..rJaw•. Sbett llpr'Dg' ~ N>rl• • -I ; .11 a.m, Amerle&D Lec!oA 11a11 O;o 14~ .. ot.#m•• •I: J. " .. ,.. , r .I I , ~t>Odp· to moriols-w.,kj, itt "''Tt>rB'' . ~fa B.l.f ; l~.,.m~t~ <::h:-.. qe or rnW1e~ ~ "1Tinl9 of N--o 1 ra • NEWflP,Rt BEACH 1 •.. (N•-.lwrt'3 1\d I>- . ' . ... . ii 1 -!f r ~~cisil I -I l - • f ' • I ; • ' r • : 1 • .-. ' -· -! Edistm Ctim.pany's I -Millionth '. . . Meter A Miles/om in llie · prog;ress of Central •and South ,Californ_ia • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . ' I I • ' • ' • • • ' I butiilld a( tlu A~ of Mr. m Mrs. ; Dall B. Lill]wlli~ d652 Lo Tmiwli11a Lant Frinidl] Hilis, ~;/}u,. , TltvndaJ AtriJ 12, l?Sl EDISON -COM~ANY t • f > ' ' t ' • • .. • ' . • •, • .1 ' • .. . ~ . NEWS-TIME$ -~ery Tuesday · NE\\'.P()RT BA"\' ~T -Wednet1daY8 NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thursdays Newport BQ. PMt >W'flecl Ad9! wt J"llll I.II' tlie TuieedaJ · 1 NMn-on-or tM fta1"9dm7 Preu · All ~-.... ,;,=:',.-: ~:..~ ... .,.of pulllk!MloL • ~ . . 1 !'\aper ' .'75 f UDM Z PaPen 1.50 4 Uaes · S Papers !.00 The publlahera will not be responlible for more than bne 'Incorrect luertJon of an advertleemcnt. reeerve 'the rtcbt to coryoecUy. cluait;y any and all ada and to reject any adYert!eem.ent 'not Conforrntflg to .. rulb and regulations. Advertbementa and canceii,.uona Will . bo· accepted u:p to 6 p.m,. on the day preceding pubUPtlon. Ph. Har. 1~18 Pboae Har~ 1114. uk for .. Ad Taker" or tend ad and remlltaneeo to NEWPORT BARBOR PUBUSllJNG CO. ll-lltJlll!llU8 OtJIDll · • ~ATioilis WANTED EXPERIENCED G&rdener ma.l.'1i"' tenance, clean up new J&WNI, old lawna renovated. By the bow or by montb. Ph.. 8-r. 1967·W . 8cl0 W A.NTicD -Housework by hour. . . DA VIS-BROWN Co. iW ILUlllOR 0 BLVD. COSTA MBsA · Ptlone Beacon 91:11 ' CUllTOM MADI!', curved upbol. oofL In perfect-condltlOn, bu attached table. (W .. $(00), Now $17!1. Ph. 8-:on MIS-W. 8pl0 - LOVELY CHICKli:RJNO ... SONS bunplow uprtpt piano. A mu· atclano tnotrwnent. fUIJy l\IUU· teed. Terma. $36.32 dawn aad 110.Sft per 'month ~t ~ MUSIC CO. (Slnco 1907), t21 N . Sycamore, Santa AnL Kimber· ly 2--0672. 117tfc Who to Contact for Civil Defense Work . 'Fb e earth is ·ssid to weigh approxi~ately ~ six sextillion, silc hundred and aixty quintillion ton!. Tliat'.• . oo~ BOW ;;,M$No Nl"llce. ll'llnlltun ud ..... mbampooed. Free Mtlm•Wt Best of references. Have own tran.oortation. Ph. Bea. ~274·M. 9pll CUSTOM, BUILT lAWJOb daven· port and cba!r, aJl epring eon· •true., SSQO. ALSO 1Aweon love eeat, foam !' u b be r cuahiona. newly recovered, stoo. 391 But l'th·St.. Costa MHL 10 • 11 a. !'1· or evee. ,Jfter T p, m. Scio COKE In and play the Woaderf)ll New Hammond Chord 0rpn. Even lf yo,u don't know a. note of muaic you can pla>t, beauutul musiC 1n ten mlnutea. DANZ.. SCHMIDT Big Plano .~d Orpn Co., 6~ No. Ma1n. Santa Ana.. ~ • ll"lllly -Al's House & Rug ' John Sailon or the deputy di- ----·----_. "approximately" y'understand. ~ !._HELP WANTED ·,._'°II rnldtot of Newport Har- bor .;..Jw., lo take part ID tbe ~Vet"·pqwtns civil deteue pro- iram 11houJd eo11tact Newport Harbor a vll Defe.ruse Dlttclor rector, Cul Ranna. at the city ball. phone Hal'bor S1 Sl, hr- ~· tile houra of 9 L m. and 6 p. m. It is said that they usually get it. , American women want too 'l!uch-but . .. ~ Cleaning Co. · WANTED-Paint and body llhop and uaed car helper. If yau are not experlencer, w e will teach you . O'Kiml:FE ... MICIUUT ApL else 11\itane~ or raa ltove (like new) 11\0ftel top. Ideal for. boat or t.taJier. Ph. Harbor 2882-W. 8c10 TWO LOVELY U8ed •plllet pl,anos both like new. Bt~ uYinp. Temu. $4 ).82 down and 117.25 per montb at SH.AJl"ER MUSIC CO. (elnce 1907 ), 421 N . Syca· more, Santa · Ana, KI. 2-6112. • • • I , Advertising Is an Investment Toward the P_erpetual Growth of Profitable Business ' This Man Doesn't Believe in ..• yet, he has just arisen from a-well advertised metal bed that contained an advertised mattress, sheets, blankets and pillOWJ. He is now removing an advertised brand of pajamas and is about to enter'the bathroom, the fixtures of which have been advertised for more than a quarter of a century. He will soon use.an advertised brand of soap ond Inter pick up a shaving brush that is known the world over because' it lios been advertised. He will use a razor, shaving soap, massage cream, toilet water, tooth brush and paste, as well as a comb ond brush which have seen the light of advertising before he puts on his well advertised clothes. • • • This same man will eat a well advertised brand .of cereal, bacon, bread and coffee for his breakfast. And just before leaving his home, he will put on a wefl known and advertised brand of hot. He will step into the motor cat which he purchased because its advertised "points" sold him, and upon entering his office he will light an advertised brand' of cigar and sit down to func~ion his daily administrative duties amid advertised office furnit11rf!, .His_s.telJ09- Ripher, secretary and' office associates are all wearing clothes which were purchased because fhey w.ere well advertised. • • • Upon his return home, Mr. Man finds a great deal of comfort in a nationally ·advertised chair and almost mechanically pulls the cord to an advertised brand of floor lamp. Soon he is called to dinner and must cross over well OJ. vertised rugs, and upon entering the dining room finds the table t.emptingly filled with many ancient-long advertised food products. • • • After dinner he fills a substantially advertised pipe with advertised tobpcco, plays with Junior with his advertised toys fo~ thirty minutes while Mother and the girls are doing the advertised dishes in an advertised metal sink. • • • After the play period .with the kids and a little family chat, it· is likely thii mon will go in the garage c;ind use the advertised brand of. tools for aq hour or so, at which time he re-enters the house ond reads a newspaper filled with . stimulating advertisements and finds there is a goad movie advertised that the family must not miss seeing. · · · -· ' • • •• Upon h.is retum home, the family makes a ·mad raid for snacks out of the re- frigerator which.lie bOught beCause ·the advertisement painted out 111any econOftly featfm, plus a price which appealed to him and his entire *!mily. 11111·1 ... I '' • • • I • .. /.· • . ' Breon 1111 . nt:fc For Venetian Blinds. Shades. and Drapery Hdwe. ' THE SHADE SHOP Free -estimates Ph. Har 884 514 -29th St. 'Newport Beach THEODORE ROBINS FORD dealer, 2116 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach . Har. 380. 8cll WANT WO~N or rtrl fo.f typ- ing and r eneral ot'ftee work- G ive references ahd quallflc&· tlona, write Box K , thla pl.per. USED FURNITURE -----~-•_7u_c Cu.tom built Kln~ Bise · SPINET' piano. Repoueued. Pay bed and mattruo ................ fJ~.00 out balance $287. Anolller re- Martq 0WUhtr, l(OOd cond. ·211.&o pou'n. $395. DANZ· SCBKIDT Roll • Awa7 Bedl .................. 17.M Big l'lano Store. One Hundred , • . 9Stfc l!-BUILDINO 8ERVJ<JES INTll:RIOR -llX I l!RJOR PAINTING LICENSlllD -INBIJR!:D Glenn Johnston ll01 ·Slat St. NoWport Beach · Barbor 2297..J S4c48 PAINTING EARL . SHEFLIN m Palmer st., Coot&.. M- a.. 11451-M tlk9 Universal Building Maintenance Floor Wa.x.ing • Window. Cleaning Wall Wuhtnr For. BuUdlnp, St.oru, Otncee and Homu. 823 E . 10th St., Lon1r Beach. Ph. Har. 118. 9pl 1 · 9c H.H~HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prom pt Repair . Service Maintained Phone : Harbor 1418-W 2801 Balboa BJvd., N ewport Beach • ,._PERSONALS Alcoholics An>nymous Write J>. 0 . Box 2°'5 ~ Wand, p.Jlf. Rex·Alr vacuum· wtth,,a.ll P lanoe from ·wtllch to ~. attachment.a. Uke new ...... S9.60 520 N. Main, comer 8th, Sant& Taylor Tot .............................. 5.00 Ana. 8cl0 -----~~-----194& Model 8-ft. Servel-. ·.Standard Station, Inc. Has a few openings FOR MEN ' A buy for CASH GRAND PIANOS. Uled. Knabe UM<i Box Sprtnp and Mattreue.1 ChJckertng, Muon and Hamlin. Cheap! . Stlnway, Everett, Sch mer, JackiS, Fu. rru•ture Wurlltaer. StArr, Klmllall. Many othen. From $395 up. Dus· 1505 Wemt Balboa Blvd. Schmldt B tg Plano Store, Santa Pbone Harbor ~-R Ana, 520 No. Main,-come.r Bth. Who are looklnf for permanent 5c7 •employment with excellent op-SMALLEST Studio Upright Plano VETERAN MOVING .A.WAY-in fine condition. Full~ iuuan-portunlty for advancement. -21 Muat meD O. £. refrigerator, late teed. Term& $40.82 dOWl) , ~ to 4.0 p referred. Paid wtlilc model ••--•--A 1 condlli"" • 28 h t s~ • -R • -• .. ~· .. ...-. .t4. per mont a n.....-• traJnlng. Approx: 1277 .50 month Wiii rift f •1•• •• Pbon MC "" or • ~ .. 0 • e MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), (21 N. to etart. Ubera.1 laundry allo.,.... n-----.... •-to .uea\.'Ull VO.£. ~ sycamore, Santa AnL Klmber· ances. H lgtl School mlnlum"!m --'------~--..,.--'9 deelred. See Supt. at the HOUSEHOLD BA:lt.QAINS -Din· ly 2-0872. 6 Ttfc STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia It Coaat HJghway- Corona del Mar . Between 8 :30 and 12 every Friday 7cl2 In&" table, mahopny; i chalra. HURRY ON THIS-SllghUy u..d $65; winc-·baArk cba.tr, •lip COV· bJonde mahogany spinet pt&rw>. ered, $26;~ped9'.9t&l lamp on W:al-ea.Ve USO. Tenne $75.82 down nut et&nd,' ta;, Kelv .. tor nrtti•·· and s20.to per month at 8RAIP'- 6 cu. n ., A·l, $65;·E1ectric·MU· ER MUSIC 00. (8lnce · t9Q7), ter atove, apt. •l.ze', ISO; 15·vol. 4.21 N . Sycamore, santa Ana Popular Science, $15; 20·V01. Kllnbqly 2..oe12. · 97tfc Boolll TarklnJlon, $10; l~-.oL WANT FEMALE G R 0 c· ER y Mulbach Worke, 114). 104 M~-USED PIANOS from $60 up. Good tone, Lido lele. • ,..1op11 · o ·~ CLERK _ Bay Shore Trailer --.,.--,...,.-,-=-c-::--c playing c on d i t I o n. A1 ... u- Park, 17t.h &: Coa.st Highway: lEXCELLENT CONDmON-Dark . SCHMIDT, :i20 No. Main, Santa 10c12 blue 9 x l~ Mlg wtth hall runner Ana, comer 6t h. ------------to match. $100 tor both. Bea- WANTED, S TENO., Single; ex·' con 6060--W. 10c12 perlenced. General office work. ---------..,--- Simple bookkeeping. Local firm. SMALL CRIB, $15; comb. hi-chair State qualifications. Do not ap-A play table, 110; garden.....wlng . ply un!eae lntereeted In perm•-$7. P'ruit jars, model P . T . boat. nent employment. Write. Box 201 Onyx, Balboa Ialand. 10p12 M·l this paper. l0cl2 ABC IRONER -Not new, but In f.O--BUSINESS Opport_ualtlee. FOR LEASE -Complet~y equip-. ped BEAUTY SHOP plue attrac- tive home. Excellent Coata Mesa locat ion . Call Har. 3265. 10c12 • . - __ Pbo __ n•_K_1m_be_r_11_'_3·_M_93___ -ALE., MISCELLANEOUll good w ork ing condition, $30. 430 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Ma.r. Harbor 127~-R. 10cl2 trAPARTMENTS & HOUSES YEARLY or Summer Ren(al -j bed.rm . tum . or unturn. bowie, Coron& del Mar. So. of hlway. Phone Harbor 886-M. 9cll Patio Furniture PAINTED G.E . REFRIGERATOR, 5 cu. ft. $50. O'Keefe and Merritt gu: heater, $1 5. Ph. Bea. 5475-W 8cl0 -. Phone Beacon 6451-W 92c7 TWO LADIES BICYCLES, $10 ---'----------each Phone Beacon ~3-R or , LIDO ISLE .. 'q'"m .. l ~i 'LIDO DON'T DEilA Y, CALL TODAY see at 457 Tuelln Ave., Newport . . fl . . I , -~~-~ Joft1J -.• -.... ....,,_ ·~ >'.: -.._,. .. -..... ~ .i !i! 1 ho!ii.. a..ilal>le. .. BOAT!!, •UPP...-p. A. p ALMER ., .,.. tor 1a:a•ad i n...the .IWel:t clusl-Hetfhta. 8cl0 fled eection of the BIO THR&E- Newe-Ttmes, Post Shopping New~ and the Preas OVER 21.llOO CIRCULA TlON 18 THI: ANSWER! PHONE Harbor 181& to place your want ad on this J*ge. U-LOST AND FOUND ------LOST-PrucrlptJon g1a.Ue&-90me where ln Balboa or La.gun&. Pink !ram.ea with at.Iver and gold aide pt~. Margaret Momlnptar, Rte. 2, Box 78, ~lands. Callf. , • . 8p10 FOUND -Ladleti' wrlat watch, A.prl)' 23rd, owner may redeem by paytns for ad. Phone Har• bar 02()6..J. 10cl2 NEED HELP? Conault lltuaUon wanted adm or plo<:e .& cluoltled In Ille N...,. ~ Poot and !'.-«>mblna· tloa at '2 -W-. min. Pbone Ilarf>or 1111. . SHEET MET AL equipment and mater ia l -34 n . ladder . )(ahog- any office deek. and chair. Make offer. 2004 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Mesa. Beacon 8910-.R. 8cl0 THAYER BABY BUOOY-in very good condition. Ph. Har. 1656·W. 3-6 p.m. 8cl0 ---------,,,.--=:-9 x 18 A!ex Smith Blege Rug, $95: Chrysler Engines Used Crowns ~ Royals See John Harvey · . . ' at Seacraft S:lll OOAsT HIOHWA.Y Nl!WPORT BllACH Apt. gu range, $25: 5G-gal. Gen- eral water heater, $50: 1948 Oaf· fera It _satUer'a rangie, grlll, double oven. high broUer, timer, C011t over '300, aac. for 1186; U8ed doors, SS ea.; t9t9 Elgtn PH. DJ:ACON 01n 5 % h. p. oUtboard, $75. Harbor 94tf~ 28M-M. 2pl5 W ANTED-81llp-obo,,, radio wllll BOYS 28" bicycle, atngte laundry aam>na, :Ill watle or belt.er. Pb. . IN CO RPO Rf Tl:D 3383 Vta Udo ~ Ba.rbol' 1000 22ttc BAY FRONT UNIT by week, month or y~ Re&aanable rat.ea. Harbor "62 (Eve. HU. 2914-M · IMltfc RENTAL 1' .SPECIALisTS can lllclna • Crall Linwood Viclt, Rltor. Balboa l1!end, Bar. 20d IJc6of RENTALS tray, Chal!:e lOunge, bed divan, IA~ Beach .(.15rit. ... $p1·0 hl(h chair. Very reuonable. 20SS I Mlramar Drive, Balboa. H.Ubor SKIJ'l"-12 n.., ' ft. ~ 1/1 5--1~12 ply bottom. Good --See rn>UUAU Htl-J . ~ at la7 w. Bal-limt. tpll JOHN D. Bu·-.~·~ TWO BURNER electrlc plate with I 501 E. Balboa· Blvd., Balboa oven,carpetawee-.~---Marine Engine-l' Harbor 1607 ... play pen. '""1tnc -..s. -. -s 1ft list •·-----=-------- -place -· 120~ PolmeW&, pee,..: ll'UllNUIBED or UNPURNillBED .. Corona del Mar. lOcµ ·Benlce at yaur ftaat or ~. ROomJ 1 becln>om apL a.nee. Pre-.,m"'-tuiie.-11P-"""'>< -· An.liable May l8L • .ll"'V.nl>N8 WA!ii'IW D BOU!laiOLD OOOll9 . 70U' -for. tlOe ..-111s --T-""'leuo. N--tfu.; -\ --CUit:-..... ,. ..... _..,.. WANT llA.BT .trnNo Tlaeolf&y t x ~2 Doaf.0 <>rlental ouatotan "!>'dL ,.,..,,.. ~-1 .. '!< .. Wt. PPJUUOn. H.,bor mw. ~p15 thru J'rldo.t nellins at my bome. ru' ud J*I. red maple --~T aDTAL ~ I ---71S~ Irta A .. , Corona del Mar. , fut tab'4! &ad • ~ 1111~ M 11.P. 1114JU119(-~· ~ OJI. niNIJ Ila uru -~ lllod< I 1 I . . .. · , • 8p10 Narct.IW; Corolla del Kar or. ll._I~ ••-'11°4 llOO. ,_ ••HSJC -·-I -.• . . p-&a.-t1S7·W ~ '°' 1,_ ~ °"'!18-. lpO ,_ aon• St<MI ~ .. JllU1. ·• ~CSD'Carpml'!." want. I• ' I -llflO 11 ft. Cll>All MOW80AT P'J PM. ~ dOt Mar. ftaDjt ll.a<IJ -._inns or llUlld· ROu.&WAT bed, t1a11 -ult 1W 0-. ~ OljUU ~ -lllHok • ltlt• IDS -.. or ~ cu c1o an Mir • , 1to11 ' JdDdi ot ..-nodelhii--alQlb « -•·11~· tan'•11 mauiw.. ,. .. BOAT owliw -·~~ 1 fta11i1! ~ -· -"'Jlnc AJ.oo "bi• wan ,bed"~ -cmn-•n. • -. -·--Wllll .._., ....s ~ ..,.. ... W.. wpottq, eto. •Wiii 1'1 ~ -. . a--. O'lf_.. · -a•n " , i.u.. ,.;tie °' ~ laeo•• ~ 127~W . • • ICU 1tll ..... -.. fl. RT ) Ill -1 •• •' A • -clt7 ::--=~). "-1a.~~ t !'.!i ~IN~:....~= .:r:.;:.;. P;i:..::.. ":it,,·=';,~°"''-\•r Pr.~ ~ •. · Prcr'adol -. """"-._. '° • _,,. , · ~-<>wa rs .:t4f ,_, * -••· rs? w -*· tllllt. . ~ 'COltOllA DSL ••• I ..._ W-a. ...... la 1! 111 a.:; -'i!t 11: -·....... N I t I""" llNM. ....... .._ a.,•-:= Ip,.! • ., taWo; .-...-; I • ~7W W.. •(0.~·. a 11111 • lfll -• .,._ lmll i ·-C-1. UI lltrf'!I ........ LADl"WAJnaMllb&LWOilllllf an-. .......... ilNI. °"' ........ l lfU · ........ ball -tN •11"1a-w 11111. Jlt a I Stt ' 71 , .!....- ·-ft.W.• •• nna. ldt ~· flllltw.: • ._a _ • ..,.... ........ • • • • • • • t • • • , . • • T ,~ .. dcEAN FRONT BALBOA PENINSULA COME WITH ME ON A TREASUR& ifuNT! The •Dd of the rainbow -ls for tale! This gractou. four f>edJ!oom hGme la designed for your plea.au.re, peace and perpetual ehjoyment! Walk with me. thru the la.rp lana,1 patio with , tbe cWnt rubber treea, into the apactou.. Jiving room. Modem tumlabinka are the moUf here .•. a Ions cu.atom- bullt divan. a corner ftrepiace, a radio-combination ... everything for creature comfort. And belt of sl!, gaze thru the wide, wide windows at a broad beach and unex- celled ocean view. The high, sloping roof of tbe dining area lendlJ quiet elegance and a feeling that the almpJeat meaJ wOukl seem like a ba.nqueL S bedrooma with adj. bat.hi are on the ma.In floor ... whlle up a abort nigbt of at.an, there:• a hu,i;;c Provtnclal bedroom-den with bath. This room sptl.18 cha.rm the moment you enter. The .l;Jrly American furn.Ushlnga and the expansive ocean view and the privacy make thia 'away from It all' spot the perfect one for guest.a. Back down.stain agaiii', there ta a com.1 pletely equipped kitchen ... · refrlg., 1l-0ve, & diapocal and even pot!I and pane. Oh, you can live with yourself In this house! Aa a matter of fact, you can at.art today! Every- thing'• aJI ready for a marvelous design of living! $40,000 -Terms to Suit JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA Harbor 0645 or 1607 SARAH W . NELIN-JAMES C. NEWLIN, Jr.-HELEN McDONALD • MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE SIX ts-,.~ a DOUSES YEARLY RENTALS -2 lovely homea ln Costa M:eaa, 3 bdrms turnlahed and a 3 bdrm home partially f\Jrnished. See Blanche Gates, 311 Marine Ave., Balboa lBland, }farbor 1671. 8c10 BALBOA ISLAND • HOUSES AND APT&. YEARLY OR SICAf!ONAL See GAIL CARNEY with Nelde Gibson, Real1 Estate 306 Martne, Balboa 151. Har. !K>2 69t.tc BALBOA PENINSULA -2 bdrm tumiahed house. $eO mo to Jun" 15th, util. pd. Phone Har .. 3019-R Stfc Yearly Rental Fumlahed 2 bdrm. apL with ga- rage, aouth or hi&'hway, Corona del Mar. Ph. Ha.rbor 1674. lOc.12 UNFURNISHED f.nn, f bdrm apt guace, clOH In ~t. Me-. Adult., no pets.. $_46! mo. 126 • Broadway, Co.ta Meaa. 8cl0 u/ LAGUNA BEACH SUCCESSFUL M'.ODERN' DE· SIGNER produced tbls mOllt '\ln- Usuat i , bdrm. home With ocean vtew, ~ floor to ceWns win- dow•. Only 3 block• from main · beach.. Rent&l for yeu'a leaae, $150 mo. untumllbed. Inez Arnett Good CLIFFORD D. TAYLOR, ANoc. 11 !Xi So. Cout Blvd .. La~na Boll. Pbone Laruna 4.-1* 61-REAL ESTATE WANTED Small Home Wanted FROM OWNER-Have $2000 ca.ah. Can mak~ good monthly pay- ment.. Phone Job.n Mottram., Harbor 1500 · day1 or Harbor 04-42-R evenings. 8c10 A • 1ve • • WE TRADE For ·The Best! 'H l><>NTIAC "6" Torpedo Sedan· ette, fuUy equipped, ortl"naJ 2- tone grey flniah. Spotlep lnter:- ior. A lot of fine-car tor $1095 '41 DODGE -"Luxury Liner" Sect A smooth running, neat 8.nd re- 1pectable one-family car. ·(Bal- boa Blue) . $565 '47 PLY, Spec. Dlx. Club Cpe. Radio, etc. Sparkl.lng "Pit.calm Blue" flniah with plaetJc cover• to match. Motor juat thorough- ly ....oodltuined by our ohop- Beauty plua reliability· ! ! ! $1085 '60 FORD V8 "CUatom" Tudor. A beautifully kept New Dodge trade-in from Corona del Mar. Radio{ htr. fog lltea, elec. clock, plutlc covera, rubberized under- coating, etc. $200 BELOW MKT.! 9cll P. S. "EXTRA GENEROUS" • fS-A-TR.AJLEB llllAOZ' ---VERY NICE SPJ\CE available in lovely quJt!t trailer court. Shrubs, flowera, tree.a. Adults. 1741 Po- mona, CoSta 1'1esa. Bea. 6747~J . 5tfc Mo-MONEY TO LOAN deals still left on a few brabd new 1950 DODGES. SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE-PLYMOt.ml Dlr. Phone Bea.con &907 ' 1936 Harbor Blvd. Ooeta Meaa 1940 BUICK •-dr. aedan. Radio and heater. Good throughout. • • Picture a one-1tory home on a lge.' lot -•CWet to atreet -4 bed· room.a, 8 bl.tha, unit heat, prb- age dispoaal, 2 water heate~ wired tor e.lecbic ranre -llJ)&C· towi chffl"f'Ul rooma -3 car ga- rage and ALL TOLD one of the tine•t BUYS we h ave ever of- fe-red. ~ Thia 1, an EXCLUBIVE llatlng with price and terme that will appeal to you. SEil TJDS. ALSO 1..oAated in one of the "CHOICE SPOTS" on the WA TERP'RONT of LIDO ISLE w e have a nearly new 4 bedroom and 2 bath borne that ts a "honey." Thil LI not an "old beach house" but la a nearly new, clever year around home. Unit heal, p.rbage d1.spoaal, Hot- polnt dllllwaaher, 2 •tln decka, lovely view, are a. few of the ma.ny up-to-date features. Thi.a ta a quality BUY. Priced r1tht. ALSO ' • Some very desirable lota for' aalc on LIOO ISLE. Choice water- •front lotB for income unit. or crou street lot.a at prices well under va.Jue. REKEMBER we a.re the DEVELOPERS of UDO ISLE. Here a little· buy1 a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Cal If Harbor 1600 LET U8 KNOW what kind of reirl estate property you want. We have all kinda of property lilted. If we do not have th! kind you want, we will leave no •lone un• tumed to find it 'for you. B.A.NERESON MR.A Multiple Ll.8Un• Office 1982 Newport Blvd., Colta M~ Phone Beacon 6226 Otfc Balboa Island . ' 4 BEDRM. 2 bath )jome In good location. Two fine patios ·make this an ideal home. $20,000 furnished Stanley. Hadfie1d REALTOR 216 Marine A.venue BALBOA ISLAND Phone Harbor 20 { ltfe THREE B. a home, tile In lj.Jtchen, bath. Hdwd. Landsc•ped. Red· wd. fence. Dbl. gar. Lot 70 x 120. $14-000. By appL 22•2 St. Jameo Rd .. Cliff Haven. Bea.. 6008-W. 10.12 LOANS For Homes family car •thee new, ssoo. 1139 -----------0.-- 'W·(~~~~ r~i F sf j20 y..idl ' ~ Cona 5-o I> % ( H yra. > No Commlu. chg. on Metro loans . We buy .. &nd sell Trust Deedll l!!l'!R BOB SATTLER 1416 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIICR MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ule Ina. Funda Kl ~-~185 LOANS TO BUILD, ~VIC, BUY, MODICRNIZ!il, OR . REFINANCE w. Buy Tr\lal Deedo N&WPORT BALBOA ll'IIDlllRAL SAVING& It LOAN AljBN. 3338 Via Lido Pb. Bar. ll!OO REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate • ~ • 5% w . Bal~. ,Blvd .• +IJs 1 j{)!~ .. ~ ~~t. :v.~ ~ · • ~ ~ lte n4M1m~em 1~rj R ~ year-Jound home .. eomp. tum. • · · 17H l!!ut 'Oceen Bl•ct., eaiboa. .. FOR LESS. For appointment to -c&U 19'9 Cadillac f-dr. oed. Jet black. Owner, Har. 2•01-M. Open dally. white aide ..,all Urea, radJo With rear speaken, hyd. beater. de- fros.ten, cu..storo nylon seat coven. Haa the new K~ttering motor, checked and tuned by Cadillac e~rts. A beauutul one owner car that looQ like new and at a very special prtce. 1948 Cadillac 4-.dr. EMd. Hyd. heat· er, def'toater, radio with rear speaker, autDmattc window utta. WSW and _nylon aeat covera. Checked completely and ln A·l mechanical condition. We Invite you to drive lh,J..s beau.Uf\11 one owner car. $600 DOWN WHY PAY RENT? Fumiahed, new, 1 bedroom bou. In Coeta M'.-. Lot J50 x 120, '6600 lull price. B~bor 11107. J:T ... Harbor l271·W. 10.12 fl-llllAL l:llTA..-m JtCHAl{QS l Ocean Front Furniahed -'!: I . . ' . , \ ·R~Al ESTKTE llStf~ Real Estate Llatlng on the Harbors ~eat Homes For Sales, ~ntala ... tor Your Convenience, SEE - W.W. 'BILL' SANFORD MILDnED 1306 PARK A VE., at Marine, Balboa laland $1000DOWN G. I. RlllSALE-two bedroona- atde location. Redecorated e and out. Back yard feneor Nice appe&rin•· Paym1nfli HARBOR 2462 IN the Foriner Post Office Building r than rent and lncludea . and lnlun.nce. Come pre.- to buy-you'll like tt tor the moneY. Bpf!culaton take a • BEACON BAY % BDRM HOME on large lot-beautifully furnished. SPJCK and SP AN! This is a very dQllirable restricted community with private beache., piers and floats. • Price $18,5QO LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave. Balboa laldd Harbor 2042 Looking fori "LOCATION'' fu Corona del Mar? . ATT'RACl"IVIC 2 bctmrt borne with ftreplace, cloae to ma1.n eection of town and beacb-(muth i of hl1"hwa1• hwd. noon. lhlMOUt eon.trolled beat, fenced pe.tlo, fruit and nowera. $13.600 P'ULL PRICE to ca.ah out. Ex- clusive With ua, BEE · · • TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Cout Highway Corona de! Mar Harbor 2774 Lido Isle Lot $1160 DOWN, JfiO mo. on balance. The Island . One of th• betlt bu.Jldinc attcW on~ .i. ... u. laland. Corner or Btreot and SOUTH BAX FRONT 8tnd& Centro. · ~ • • .zxcu.mvm .UB'mfo , VIEW PROPERTY LID0-3 B.R., 1 % Bath . . Located on oomer 1lte with ~ . otreeu on three oldoo. You win . • .,..., It la truly exceptional never have Iha\ CNWded bulli.tn 50 feet o( lovely view to- teeltnr 4' th .. lovely home. Cor-gether with. an older two ner trpce., forced air heat.-11' . Uvtnr ,...m, 14• dlnins ......, 111• lltory . home that will be kltcllon, tarre 2-car J&Nre .. W• IOld u la. You can move hove lh• key. right In and get this fine l!xelwllve Uotlnr · · Ocean Front Duplex location at a bargam price. On !In• beach. A UtUe paint will See It today. mt.Ice t.hla a nlQe property. Only ff600 down. mipt conal.S.r TWO tine year round homes • loo . il Sullivan , Galen Denison . T. Everson ewport Blvd. ea.ta l4eaa hone Beacon 6243-W· r S157-W or Beacon MM-J NLY A FEW , SITES LEFT The finest Iii large oce8.ll vi w homesites overlook· in Newport Harbor. Pri· v beach , fully improv· ed No . assessments. Re- st "cted. Terms availllble. Mo 61. Homes to Show CORONA HIGHLANDS TRACT OFFICE COAST HIWAY AT SEAWARD ROAD ¢ORONA DEL MAR Pbone Harbor 4'14·J Good Buys in CQM 2 BEDRMS., redec. . ........... $10,:SOO 2 BEDRM. frame furn ........ 10,160 2 BEDRM modern patio .... lf,000 3 BEDRl~ 111' baths, forced heat ........................ 14,7:w> 2 BEDRM t 2 bdrm apt ...... 18,250 2 SEDRM t turn. apt, 60 ft. corner ................................. 17,2!)() 3 BEDRM plua rumpus rm, ocean vjew ........................ 26,000 3 UNIT income ocean· view 32,750 •mau houoe u part I.rad•. with the character t h a t Bay Shores will cheer you, your fam-Ernie ·Smith, Realtor S.:,~:""': ~y~Bh=-~~ IJy, and .friends. Three and 120~ CQJlst Hlwy, Corona del Mar bath, forced air heat. lot.a of four bedrooms in ea. home Phone Ha~bor 2667 tile, trpce, patio, extra slse 2· with two bath.a. Definitely .8cl0. car car•re. Thia i.. an out.stand· It-- Ing value al $26,000. """ valuet1. ' BY OWNER GRB:J!:NL!tAF A ASSOC. Y I t · . "ted. C d } '1 • ' • • • . B•ck Bay Area-Vi· Acre .Allraetln t bd1'm J¥>m• buUt ~ left. Th .. % ,aeno lo z, pacjced With -fruit treeo, -· and llhrµba. Flroploce, bw4. Patio and lath hoUM. Tli .. la a real value. '10,800. ' : , BEACON' HILL REALTY -Newport Blvd. Phone Ilea""'! &TlS·R <Near A'.l'Chu) OUTSTANDING BUY in Corona del ?dar ' . NEW 2 BDRM. VIEW HOME, oversiled 2-car gar, laundry. Thia home muat lie -n to appreciate. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SATURDAY & STJNDAY; 1~ p.m . APRIL 21 and 22 at 716 Jasmine, Corona del Mar EARL CHAMBERLAIN 500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar ' (Opposite · Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 . ' - BEACH SPECIALS . A HOME AND INCOME-,near beach, market and lnLIU!lportation-2 attractive well built cottages in A·l condition, 2-car garage. Fenced yard. A real buy at ·111,300 tor both. Multiple Llat No. 1761 . ._ ALSO A1'TRACTIVE ~ell 8.rranged older home. 3 bdrm&., bwd. floor in living room. Floor furnace, roomy kitchen. Ser- viee porch, cement pa.tlo, garage. • · Full Price $7750 Corner waterfront lot, 127 rt. frontage on water, only u .ooo For details on either property, eall Mary D!ckaon, Har. 1018 (Eves. Harbor 2092-W) - Costa Mesa Extra Special STAGGERED DUPLEX-on Broadway comer. Two very livable 2 ·bdrm homes, one With fireplace. Separate laundry room. and P.r8.cea. Best, 00111truction. Priced to eeU. ·¥ulttPle L_ll:t NO. 1776. •t • -For fUrtber detail• :Call Karj'·D1ck90n• Har. 11013 (Eves. Harbor 2092·W) ••• EARL W. STANLEY,'Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach THREE HOMES IN BALBOA Large Furnished Ocean Front Home On 3~1ot corner near Newport Harbor Y4cht Club. Thia la a grand home for a good big family who wou!d love It tor yeara and years. Terms may be made on • price of f.t2,500. ... ON BALBOA PENINSULA BOTH ON CORNER LOTS NEW 2 STORY, 3 bedrm., 2 bath, furnished home- with adjoining lot -$31,500. VERY PRETTY 2 BEDROOM HOME -J18,000· -' . -. . - ' • Sl12 N<WJ>Or\ Blvd, Harbor 1562 our napec ton tnVl . Orona e ro.ar .1 . . , . , . Balb , 'p , . .. :1! { ; "11 f'l'b Powel!s at t'\ • . FJ¥llil ;a<AIN sµq:n1,o.'t', 'ti .,. L linp u v, i d can ~"'bOii~l'cio·'~"' . ~ ~ ' il • fl,_ lii i!· Q -iii a,, ' ' ~ 1" . ;ii, I . SIZI!; CORNER 'J:..P11 ~ I; 'f..~~ n ftan~~·!l!lt:f.roo~,~J~,.(<I; j oa ' en1ns Ill'• ' •· ·· • ~· ' ! 1 ws AV>r AND !IEAVIllWI , ,,..i. x ~ . ,, <.. \:· 1 . • VERt Bl:AUTIJ'UU:.Y ~-· J. A, BEEK Office ·Phone Harbor' 1s20.R alter e: · ' ·U:JUIS · . • · R GGS, Reaitor " . : JBHED 2 bodnn. f>!>m•. Oll\y s P . M'.. · l0pl2 714' E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 80 yeara old. P1U1eled Uvtng rooqi Har. 63 Balboa Island Ferry -~------:---------------- with tlNp-. kitchen bar, at---,-----'----BY OWNER REAL VA TUES lacllecl -· BBQ. .. -patio-~ Only ,H,600 -hand!• EXTRA SPECIALl COURTESY TO BROKERS in Costa Mesa 1724 sq. ft. of quality living -BAY BEA~ at o•-·t end make• LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm., 2 bath, 1\0 ~ space,. plus large double Only '11,000 buyo thl.I S·bednll. ~q ~ 11 ti Fu lhlo older cottqe Ideal for .,.. '1ou, large wa ed pa o. r· t!<>200 Full Pri"ce garage, 3 covered porches, i bath bome on ~ -U nlshed. Ne-ar club house. •t&,600. .-po oom• oooan view. Attridfnl)' "'I "" or Y-round living. brick patio, lath holllle and !umlahod. PIRJ>lace. 2 .., pr· PluUired Interior, ft replace, llv· -1 BDRM'. frame, · !umlahed, close ap. ... J0.000 down. tnsroom. dlnln& room, 2 bdmls., SHOR•E CLIFFS ...,_.. Choice ocean to •torea, submit your down pay-stake f~nce. Inter. knotty -room. prap. Fumlahed. lronl lo\, near bathing beach. ment. pine, combed wood and AUJC> on PonlaMl-2 JN. Old. '10.IOO. . $20,000. , .redwood,' beamed -eei.linga, ' 3 bednn, I · bath un!urn. borne BALBOA POINT PmNINSULA Phone· OWNER, Barbor U86 or $1000 Dn. 3 baihs, hwd. f)oora, lob! :t:X~~=-t. ~-:= AttracUve, modern 2 bedroom Riverside 2854 for Information s YEAR old 2 bdrm. qutet Ea.at of closet sPa.ce and built· Wllb oton, dlsbwuher, ref)11'• = ~~:.,.. ·~· .,!',~";',; or appointment. 5p18 olde locaUon. Furnished. in features •. 7 .ft. fireplace :..Usa;;::-:;J::.1· 2 .., rv. -111 .. 1 ~1•.000. G I R. al with heatoJ&tor, guest apt --, OL09li TO BAT rRONT -BALBOA ISLAND · • es e over garage. Price to aeU. B.foIJIOA-f'llm. 1 bedJftl. oldor ~ a !ldrm. -., rrPI., Best &ut Side, ·2 bdrm, hwd. only including furniture. ..,, ... -- ,_~ ~-• R • • FOUR BDRM'. 3 BATH HO_.. ·$61 per mo. Low down paVTnent. • -o-. ·-......... lo _, ~ •. T.•V, ,.... Uld i.ROOv QUEST .• -,... beautiful dra""", $19,800. w" +a=· • OO'ITA.011:. -..uruJ patio -WJTHFIN&VIEWOFWATER ,...... BAY SHORES 1947 Cadillac f-dr. l!!ed. H74.,.. matic, heater, radio. A beauUtuJ clean one owner c&r with low mileage and mechanjcally per· feet. Priced f&r below rovem· ment oeilin.I'· Bank ter:JD•, 1949 Chev. dlx, sl)'le t-dr. lkd&n. , ..,_ ..,.. now-. c..m,1.1017 _ . Lovely 3 .B. R. 2511" V.ista Dr, Bayaho~~ RALPH P: ~KEY OJ1f BAl.B(lA BLVD.-i· bodr1Jt. · lalP·rruad !or pri-y. 411 tt: RUMPUS ROOM'.-WITH BAR bit. nelehl>orbood, ,,_ Harper _,,_ ' Loazuo qatcltlf· made ,la the ~ Area and Laguna. Single or mulUple u.ntta. New or old. Be wtae and ave by re .. nnanct.nc your pft.M.Dt loan. Mlaimum ea· ponae. No c:barl• for prdlml· nary appnlMI. Phone Bania ·Ana Kimberly s-.8627 or Wl'tte: AR'l'HUR .A. MAY Mor!Ne ....,_.. COtNopclDOent Two caru. ur, .Ina. .Co.'• , Jot block "'\th ."'410, Ur COG41· tloll. boater and ·-o~· Veey low rnUQce &l}d a 8h&me lo eall ti """4 A alea1 al $115.85. HU N-rt mv. Nwpt. -licim4 In It-I -onlJ' ltl500. lot. VU8T BB 8ll:JCN ro B& ·ooUBLll: GARA.GI:. -Aa AU·valqe, over 1100 ' • PHONE ~ '°' aubmlt -~1. ' AP~TIU>! ~18.IOO· . , oq. rt. •o111!f. IJl.IOO. iUlicnlt Nwi>t.. Heights ~ 1 ------.,,----R oUPl~ 1o ..,..,.. '° ft. South Coaat Realty , Sianrey ~dfield -...,,,. ._·_ · · · , 2 a. R. w11J1 G. L ~ ., ..._ 1414 Rm1th M111ln Rii.nta Au Newport ,Auto ~ea _ 2eOf ~-r\ lllvd. . N•WJ>Ort S..cll Jlar. · H07 let8 POlfl"¥\C otnamlfDOI' t-dr. -.~radio.beat«, ....... liru. Xlnt. condltlOD. i!lel"flee wl!e VUBT !IS.LL!. Phone - COii 6761·W. • ~ 9cll· 1.IM9~-... IC'dan. ~OW vaoe11cw cV. been .. mectzn'er~~• .... 1'..,. u.xuot--.--. B•c-on .._ Ola '1r'.., et • o&.t11s• l>r • .., • • ... BtJ1C£[ ..... Cna:mlNs I ,.,. l'OR SALE Ne,r ""°I ...... <!1r1-One --. , by ~ OWner ~Iii tx'SDnlt .... Cllll .. I l I Gobta -. I.Ate •tt -·v_. "-·: ·~ r, "-&n.1=. !;!"U.=-:.i!":.i.~-=: lMt 'aun •• iiiiat .... I'll. ~..ao.o; UiiU -llulillP ...... utn ' , .. ___ .., ___ .., ... _______ -"""-· --- • '° rr. LOT ·.l!!_Ha.rllor"llelll>t., ~.~IO~-~ .. ll!JIUPloUollntr-· ~TOR B. A. NERIN:!nN l'aJallleUl-·t"' ... -.Ic. wl\I .. u !or -°' trade for -~..... -.<It ¥&1a k,'llalll09. Har . .203' 2ie Karille 'Avenue ~ 11..,i ~ Attndbot'. ...... -er lloet or ! ! 'frlt. lo Nf . _ "If-Pa-· t • B.U.BO:A ISLAND . '~If ' VllJ~ ...!..~~ ~ :o·.':o:~ r,;,.-:; ci.w.. Leal l>!ive> ~ 'ftUPUl:X .. ·-.. troat--.A •· ..,,.. -••• ----• . . ~ Barbor':IO '">" = .r.:,;;;;:, .-I .......... Bn-au:s.-, .. IS liillloU -· tpll -.,._ J -ept., a 1 -I ::_: ---•-....._cot• Ille .1 -' ·' . • , • . 1 -apt. 81!4 a -• tap lir O.r1ra ~-., '!"-., • . . _,....,,,_. .. Cs . I--Hf OUR_ ROVD -..... 1.\1 THE &RESS """....i ...... _. ...... ... °' ......,., . ....,... BY.... o· F H . , 7 • • , cOmplote; .. -~ n ... *"" • r IU9llJT' DOWll PA.TllllN'I'. -i.1,_fH 8' IYoompN a-GM41 Ce&n ront 0Dle -0 ,.;rn1 ~ . 1 wllll -. .-. -1a1re -rHE NEW$·"'1"~·11!.s -• ........ ""' 11111. Ps•~.~ on the Pen""·ula·· · ·. ·• • · ·ur ,ia.:A . • 1,..i -.. 1. .... ,,, ,, ,...,. r UJl1l'I "" a.ttn ~ -._ ~ ..... Bal'---p-'--·'ft ~ .,,... -&tar\-. _., "" rt'st ' --· • . '~1-N&W ~ v.., ~ -_..... . ooA.ITLAJI!> ..AiiiT Co. THE PC)ST -....-1n• ,, .. ,,-.-•5'0ICll 11• .. ...., w _d! ~-.troma,a,.....o111.~Df"""""'•"••JAL..::. tMNew,..-i-. --- ' ,_ -· sn.-.. ._. -. , --at.A ';P &l!Jll WU. IF Patio.-. ....... en,. Ood l's• looa4 I .... -.la N-aao -1'1111 (--, •1 • --••• Twn .,n_· cne ·1uni1rtr1rp •• ,,... ... ... a& ...... ~ _... 0 -ne c-..lv'I I ·m.R FIPll A?Ds'lln • 1L II. w.ar. -N ,,,..._ > l .... .,a Iii -C'ts -·f-,~:::-:-~,,.-,,--~---•v••il -.....n•' 'T"' '......, Ylll&I. _Qll(. ._. VIit& -.& 11 f •18 W -...,.. •I•• ..... 'lilO "at. -• r.,.. •' .... M .011#1l o•"l•t ..C-Oeet~Co. , ... ,. · 1p1o· ";"-. or• ......, · ;.....,.·,1"1 "'-,, Sl'm.Ko.I:acc.-a•ol=---·-··•:4-TFIE -~1,:;~~ .... -•B&lbo&RnltJ:Co. I· • .-iD;900 ,......,_ ..... ,,,.. .. 11111 -._. • *• -.. i ._ ac,a(_ ~ ,.. It:....._ ...,,.; ••• r -. Iola. -"' ,..... • .-. 1'~ --•-'-I•~ -r M ·UI 'Da&-''D -t'"A ,, £~ ·-.--1·1 ' ;..g.,. ..... .... .._ 1 = , .,...,._ ' --Allli34_.~ ,....,lrue 6 .... •Ill'~ • _, -.. . ... ii .... -..... -... ,, 151............ -II, ... ,. ..-..; •• 7 • Jl.&C. ···"'· fUl~4fV\ ... · Me4hl'r. ·t 412 'I -0 47.:• ..s. ' lau 1a .-s..-tar • -a • .un • ,,,-· .Hew~• 11111 ......... ....., .. ,.. ···~· .._~ . ... ,, . ' • r • ' • • , ' ' , I · ' . I I . ' .. . . . ' .. ' l.JFESAVING CLASS--CoM:b Al Irwin'• Frnbmaa &Dd Sopbomore claM In advaaced .wll:nml..aa dnn· OMt .... t" break foll bM'k Mn.nl'le ltoM •. ReadJ.ns lr ft to rlrftt: M)-ron Grant, Doo Clerk. Bob Hart. lfalJ Sttlt•y .. Robbie Eutm&A. Gary HamlJtoa, Ian Da,icbon, DJ~k HarrlAon, l.,t'O Curt~ a.ad F1oyd • 8\o\"¥-lliOll. • All "arbor High Boys. Girls Participate iri Swim Program No Change In P. E. Schedules ' There wi 'l bl' no change In Pa.- l'ifir EJC'('lrlc p&llSi'nger st:rvit•c whf'n S<n1lhlariders move lhf'lr clockM ahead one hour at 1 a.m . on Sunday, April :Z9. Thrc>" hundn'd a nd l\venty-five boys have nctlvcly particlpatfd in the advan('('d 5'Vin11nlng class given at the Newport Harbor Union High sC'hool during the 1950-51 school yt'.&r und1:r the in11truc tion of Coach A I Irwin. Schrdulf'S will tw 11hlftcd lo con- form wllh day-light aavtng t ime and In crrt•ct tht•te will be no lcmi; or servlc(' during lhe night or the c hani.:r-over a.s owl car11 ant.I buses will np<'rBtc at tht> aame Intervals . · Mo~day rnomlng commutrr11 will catt·h their traln8 and coache3 at tbt• same tlmc, provided they re- n1r1nb(>r to artju.st lhri r tfmcpleces Out or 28 11011-swlmmt•rs in the school at lhe hl'glnnin11: of th" term, 27 1·an no'-"" 08win1 a mi.nhnum u{ ont> length of lht> _91101. 1'ht• on~ remaining non-swirnnler ia a tran211~ . rer from \V isconl!lin. \\'ho has but rttently coriie to harbor. This !llU· dent has lr arnrd ho..-.·" to swim one width of-tht• pool succf'sst'ully, anrt expcct:ii to met't the requil"'('ment of Pleads Guilty to Check Charge one lenj!th "In rta.'Wlnably ~ood Otto ·M. Dodd, :>4 , 439 El M o- form" in another two or t.hrtt dena Ave .. Newport Hcl~hl11. w a..<1 weeks. 5entenced to 60 cla:11·" In county Fair Premium List Sent to State The non-swin1mt'rs Wf.'l"t' given jail after he pied guilty to a f}f'lly an lntrns1vt' proJ,!'ran1 for the first thle-f complain('(f In l\"ewport City thtPl" Wf'rks 11( their training, and court lut wttk, t<'cords show. PrC'lirnlnary copy for l'rt·m!11 111 pract\svd one hour cnch day for The jail sent<'n<'e wa.~ suspr>nth·d l~l.st booklrt to ht> publh1hed for f1ve <lay~ a Wt•t•k. This was follow-one yrar on conditlvn Otldd makt· t•xh l bitor~ In the 1·0111in1; 1{)5J Or· Ht by a ont:-hour-..1.l-week prac tice rc&tttulion by Tuesday of a bank nnse County Fair JJChf'dUlcd ror for the t:nt1rc year. ch~k tot $71 .12 cash ed by J ohn A u~ J!'i-10 . ln<'lumvt', hfl8 Rone to According to Coach Irwin, "The Boyd. 818 Coast Hwy. Boyd cont-the State Division Of Fa.I.rs and Ex- adva.nced swimming cill!j,Q 111 not l.n plained to polJce he c~hed the po11i tlons_ ior approvro:, accord1ng the pool for .competition, but ror .cheCk last J\lly made out by Ootld_ to Roy F..dw,rcb of Orange. prut- the purposr of ll'Arn OJ:' the baffle whjch wu relurnf.'d by tht:> Co8la drnt of lhc .!I.2nd pistrlcl Ajtrtcul- strokc.s and fu11da1nenlalts of life I Mesa bank to. be r ert•rred to thC' tur-al · A8li0Clatlon 8pon&0rl.ng the saving lt•1·flnlquPs." maker. Boyd stated he had con-annual 1•vent. I.Ii.I Achh•\·Pm l•nts tacted Dodd on numerous occas-Thi' bl~k 1et, lihowing exhibit dl- loru1 since the check was returned visions an1 cla!lal'll. 1 ules and re!fU- without getrni.g tc"stltuUon. lalions. will th• ready ror free dl11- Dodd Wll.8 booked by Nt:wport trtbu lion not later than June J. Son1e of lh1• outslanU1ni; achieve- ments of the class ar<' as follows ; 1.-Br('ast &lrok t>, advanced- 283 pa~; lJ ralrd fair: 5 failed. 2.-Tirvtl Swimnlf'rs Carry -276 passed: 35 rati'tl fair: 14 failed. 3.-'-SLdc Strok('---310 passed: 10 rated fair ; l Tuiled. i _.-Cro"M Cht>.st CarrY -250 pass"J: <10 fair; 31 fail<'d . :'J.-V-invertrd Breaat S troke- 310 pas~Pd : 8 fM.ir: I failf'd. 6. ·-Head Carry-ZJ:i passed: 85 fair: 24 failed. 7, -Brt>ak ;ng Front and Back Stra~11:le 1-l old -Approaches and carric11-96 paasecl; '4 fair: 3 failed. 8. -45 f1XJt swim under water. treiO wntC'r 15 n1lnutrs -271 pl)SSed : I failt>tL An intrrestlng point In the .pro- grtltrl is that a pe:rmanent record of ea ch hoy's achievc~ent in ad- vanced S\V1mming and hfe saving is kl'pt and posted in the gymnas- ium, 11<> that every boy can see hi.a lmprovt>ment ea ch year. The i;irls' swimming progT&m, under the m.structlon o( Mia Mar- jorif.' Adam.! and Mi!.!1 Ellen , Slyh: la similar-i.n organtzaUon and goab to that offl•rN..I to t he boy!!. T hh1 program is df"slgned t o ln· elude evt>ry girl at Harbor f"Xc<'pt the stYtlt•nts <'XCUKed from Physi- cal Education for reason.e of h"altb. M iss Slyh rt'J>0rts that by the end of June. nearly 400 girls w ill have con1plel<'d the baaic ~lnunl n i; and lite aav.ng training .requtr~mC'nla. ------ -Opportunity Is knocking ln CLA~81F!ElJ A OS. A Classified Ad !3 the mighty · pa1dgct in Advertialng -CIU!llfled alls are read by folk.a who are looking t o buy. police on the petty theft warrent A total of apprOxlmately 148,000 at 11 :30 a. m. Tuesday. In prt>mlu1n awards will be offe red Uncle Sam ·says rxhibllors in th~ tMI Or&nge County Fair. slalt>d Secrt'tary- ~1ana~cr R. H . C. Fullenwider. This rPprc!'lent~ an increue of nC'arly $1 0,000 o vt•r la.st 111eru:t0n to krep pace w1 th thh1 year's &d df'd !nterC'itl and Lhe anticipated larg" c un1tx•r o r entries. A ward money paid to exhlbitorH ls d<'riv{'d from State r cvenur acqulr<'d from the tax on· Callfor-. nla's pari-mutuel hor•e racing i n- duatry, polnted out Fullenwider. DR\'O(iERI MYSTt.~RY Start -of a minor mystery at the Newport Be&ch police l:italion Sat- urday wu lht' fioqtng of &n am~r bottle floating In lh<' ocean bt'- twr<'n Alvarado and Coronado A ve211., Balboa by Da.le Watlington. son of Mr. and Mr1. J. F'. Wattlng- tin. The Watllngtona Were 11t.ay- ing at 216 E. Ocean Front on a 1 vi.sit. ·: The large lhree gallon 11izc fL!!l· Geerce Waa.blnrtoa, ou Srtt Prest-bt'r bottle ~as of hand blown g U..'i dent, said: "Tbrtft makn bappf c&ppc'd w1th a type of porous homn and aound: a.atlou. IutW It stone. It contained ai:i a.mber deep." ~ liquld. Writt.<>n on the cap were ,One of the ~t war• to put Ulat the y,·ordR ··Erik111bcrg Bryggerl, advlte Into aetlon ls to enroll today Kla&.<1 1 Gotl'borg." for the ~yroll Savinr• Plan for the A fl C'r carefUI tnvc•Ub&.tlon !he purcha•e of U. S. Sa...-tnp Bond!I. conc lus ion was-that the bottle wu NOW, LET'S A.LL BUY U. 8. 8.4.V-a ontaln•r m&de by the Erik&beT"' INGS BONDS. c .. , e "· s. ,,_...,, 0..-...,,, Brewery in· Goteborg. Sw~~n . Po- lice invcst!gator11 of the "la.llte-to- EN ROUTE TO MEMPHIS find-out" achool were unanlmoua . . Mr. and Mr-a. Clyde R. "Jerry" in their opinion of the liquid in the Johnson were tn Uttle Rock, Ar-bottle. lt wu the famous Swedish kasna.s, over the, week "end tor a I beer ... m lxird with sea water. stop overan the tour of the Un it- ed States. They have spent M!V-'The reaaon you can't find many eral days in Texas and are now wom("n driving truck.a Ls that en route to Memphis. they write trucka· haw: no back aeall"-WU- to local frienda. • llam Frankllil Gaines. • ,, . '. . ' , " Tuesdev:>Jr,1 24, l9SI ., • 3 -: -~ :[n'f~i ~ ,~~~· ~ .e.-111• ~··1~·~~;: e ~.~(·Shoots~ .:h;li.n•?·-.~:r\Await Patt~ , . -. · r.r~-r·· ~. :-,'-. • • ~ Pt ia,llzl~a . . . · ·: 1-. ·~ • tt... • Ccr;• Dealh · .... < , -~ MAU .Cf~ .. : , ... ~hni~~ 1 • ~ 1)9)Ym1:Reds . . ~~.:..~.~·:·=·of' freeway B1U ~ ~~ ~~I n ~~. Wiii ~~ ~da)', ~.'f!"ci. ~ Calllomla ilulne ~ ~"°':t ~san';'or 4Da. Orange ~fy-.,... th1a .... k a ·~.71\u..-Y .11!1>1\ll.llS ~~on r(cb&rp ,q~ Pfobat\on,v~~~ !"" fnim N-rt -th lit'Ear1 .ro1u13on.:l'a.a . ~ •JC»r•ued li<>Pe UW..lhe .tale lee· 1'·yeo,r-.ld ~ Aft&._ 'kiri 11\11· ~ore 'Superlpr .Jwlge ft&)'ritmd ~~erl)' -.t a""'° of ll08 w Edijr . S&nla A ""'!' I talaNre wW adopt-a bill b7 ~· l•red 'Jrilllor lilJ\lde• ,!'hon , 'l!1t ~ · ;fi' . . ·~·; '111.;..;: • .,.-::._ .._'1 u•"-. toda Mr 1.,.,;_...!':; cruMd~ri.;]. bi,yrnan Earl, w. Stanley. Which etlher Jum~ or ~n tn::p ·a C1!.f ~e .... aeveral tbi · ago 1.r;-"· ~.t"" r -"'! " Y • ~ • wou~. lncb.lde a propoaed Se1>uJ. J111t betoN ll craalled lato a alp ...; .. oommlt od to a j, ..._,,., '"""!' .0-.".ell. wltll llbootlpg -. lyb ~~Lnoon.N -."'1•• ·r°"!_ .,.....~ Yeda Freeway Into tlle atate high· ~--·•rth ~· .. ~-' .-. .. 11•...:....! .... i , · · · · 1 _,.. ...,.. tJD'e&' ~7· Yaka and probebly Y v U)' • o; U11 o '-'Ol'On& ~ 1 ......... .... ~ --..... ur · , """ ~-'""'-u , a narootl( UM17. · The commlt ... , . '...:...-1,:..:;· ~ -• Mar Bew t&Jten' to Saa}& Ana way •J•_.. .. . nla Hfjl>wo,y petro -..jlo~ · menL wa• a term of'hloiJ>rob.Uon: ~Z~ fl·lourth. . Co; unit ~ boopltal at the time .·The bill by Stanley (AB2214) Jr108l -OUoly !lllui:e<1 'W a I Oil. a cli&'l'I o( "°""'""'Oft,' of • l~ W&IJ .Ille Qnot plane to p &ne < un • y t Uqea would provide for surveys of the Ctarle.i K. Cornea. ~{. .ot -.i• rn&11juan-. ~ .. ·· .11 " .' cqmb.:t..tot lbe Cor-.lrw ebloe they :'d ~erti;:'~ ~to his route, from tbe '*eltem part ot 17th SL, ~ Mena. w~ ta:-· He ~nUy ;?d been placed .oh arrived ln ~Jt'.orea tut September. h &'· wh ht! di~ J'Tld& ... 1_.t Loa Angels, &CJ"081. the northern craahed with o·ne ~ir~ by~ ·Q&J'Ole n-oin ;. statue lnatltut'ion .. n.e, ~•.;trom . the famed 0~ ere.waa re'mow.dcf k,~U.~ eecUon of Long Beach and joln Ile L. Patch 53. of~ El .ll.oder\L and Ow April 13 be wu ptckN CGeckef~ _aquadron ~on Wlnblg~ortuary, where 'ait .Ma· ~wy 101 near La~a Canyon Rd. ._Newport Beach. at ~·~ 81,vd.. ~lp In N~wport. Bea¢b bn a char~ , t.be-c;anltr .. USS Bat.au.. were topay WU tO be coQttucted~ W de-· . 0 range county 1 APOcl•tM and DJ'er Rd. abo~~ 7:.Jlli _ L m. of· torpnr aa.rooUca 'J>reacripUon& pl~t.t:d-, w,\.C,pt. P hillip DeLQng, tumlne the exact caue of· death. Chambe,._ of . Commerce recenUy Thunday. Gome&• -WU..~ · , AaaL Dtlft..o A.tty. ·parley ~smttb lt.u9band ·c#. Katbertne I t Del...ong urced the state to take lbe legal Oranp' county hoaplt&I for'!reat-iald '.tat•· ofncorw·h&d filed thr.~ qt ;!!l'T;Orelllll BL, Corona del Jlar, Plan D'--a..t..._ , otepo to otart Sepulveda Freeway. ment or unct.termtned tnjurt@&.-":C'tUOl• ;of Jl'n9CrtpUon . tor-pry if'l ~it.ed· ':'"t!I two of the four ..,.. alUl'I rt ta expected the route would •Ul'hUY hurt in "Ut' u'ull Weri Ne~ Beach tow.ilMlp . court; pl&l!,eai ·~'I P'lnt LJeuL ~rold of OPS R • .. h enter Long Beach near Z23l'd. St., hi~ ootl. Chv1eo lrl.. Gomu. Jr. but had exprewd prefe...,ce-U>at ·n,.ulllt ·ot~nunount. wbo ahot et Gl•M and Cro&lf that clty to a point be- t Y... aQd Patel\. ·" the. yoo.th be preccseeci ·u a pro-°f9:>Wll Orte~ e and pro~ly got Local retalJera and . btia"'tneu tween Spring St. (Cerrltoe Ave in A car driven by DoniLld L.. Tru-batlnn vtolat.or: . f.he-fotpth_; '!''1ich wu. lalt seen Orange County} and lhe A1amito8 man. JT, ot Santa• AnA. ak.tllded · Deten..e Atty. M'acletl. Thomp-b~)nldthe aun. men will have an.o pportunity lo traffic circle. It would enter into ... .ldl{ll po~t . n-;a~ the oran.-e 101' asked the. court lo ttinll.ftue a. lf~\.1:1~ J?Pot WU hurt although :::-:n~==·~~~::,~i Orange county ln ·the vicinity of t'Ounty alrpo~ _at-1~ P·. m .. We..?-,hea.r;lnjE". u.yJng h~ Wanted to one ~e "~ hlt by the attacking a meetlnr to . be held Friday, Ge.rden Grove Blvd., and swing nellday, ll waa . dlacJ~. A pas-. .. (ucty the -caae. He uld he be-aircr~1t.::; _ • ,\ April 27 at 7 :30 p. m. at the southeast to pus aouth of Santa eenger In lbe' ~. 1W..,.._<ia Tf\ylor Ueved the hearing nnx.t Friday Palr·Were .Jumped .Lodge Hall of -the Lagruna Beach Anta. 14 of San;ta .~Pa euftered m inor woukt be p·rlnclpally "d~~rinlned ... ' Elk 680 So th Coaet Bl d La Orange county's prellminary lnjurie8 when . ahe either junlpe<i by the cou'rt of what ts to be Th! .tw.o Marin e planea werr a., u v ·• .. plans have been developed by or fell from lhe cal!' Ju~l bef'o.>rc done with the defenctant ·• jum~ "1fJLr.~Chlnnampo. The al-guna Beach. · Harry Bergh, land planner for the ll stru'*.'lhe post, It was t:eporl'!. · tack. Oc~u~ while both pla.ne1 Phlllp Krauae. •price attorney county's planning comml.aaim. ed. . . · -· ·... were . lof~ with bomb8, nap&lm for OPS will be'the night's prin-Linking with the Sepulveda ~ ,. Un ita ri an.s . ~hnouncit an~ roekept. . " clpal speak.er. Olacuutng regula-Freeway, wtUch would relieve the -~<nOR' """"LEN Sermon Subre.et • -l!'\~.~lh l knew •. Daigh re-lion 7 wtll be Meyer Beo .... Louio preoent. heavy congestion on the , .. ~·Y ~ , .. ' , ... Q9l'.lei\.:;.. Jumped ua. CapL J . Steinmetb will talk ·t>n -;-the Coast Htway and 101 would be Ro~-~Q.Y.Q.l!lll...§Nl,kt-J..rt4o. n.: -Nex.i--Thur.day,-·April-·H , the ~-qr·1 loed: 'It.arr lhooµDg : ramlficattona_ of Re(Ulation ·11:. a long~onsld~red wtdelting of 101 port~ ·P'~ ... ~~t of .a ~~ ~rae~ .U,.P.lt.,arjtJl.,Soclc ty's &'U~ ·~~ thetn!J~• holes ln my plane.' All interested per90ft.8 ,Lre Ur'I~ between· Laguna Canyon Rr. and power_ oo~-.tno~"; fror'ft 1'1~ wl!l b(.,thc Rev. G. Doug-tu~· ,~~\f<~ii;...1, red m l111Uea large ed to attend lhill i!!_(ormatiVe Caplstr:ano Be~· where 101 mer- boat .. ~~ -"!u ti~ 01> lli. Ute ,Yi;?t. fn1n lster '!r, the Un(vcn..l· ~ ~bit~"'gotnr over by wing. I meeting. : .-ges wlll1 Coait Hlghw&y. pier ;-at ·· Un'!", ,IUJ~ ·' Edll"Wal~~ <l:ll· Uriftarf&Ji oburch -at lllv•tnle. · 'tigut'Cd.lt ~ time lo llhoot back." . . -· -· · - Ave&, .Ba~ .. Th.e Ut.ett .~C'Ul'--"· Mr._ 5'ra7:ter''!'·~ic )"W bC-.B~<f ~~ ~Jk.i;i'.'~Jll.' tOrmerly o! Reault. come rrom-_ ~t -Op,porbuitty 1s knocking in red ~ tUne durtog'· the put Oa~~. ~IR.!'nlnl' Cor Man .. Ttic Ml«i:ft~~nded lhe Untveralty Pra U 1 An ad ...,,1_."' •1 uila · . CLASSlFtED ADS. week.-·f.. .· _ meet'nc pl&Ce : IMI Cai..tinla St.i ,a(~M'I ·ana was• star track ' c ce re&~~~'. D . • Laguna: Beach; the 11n:te : };f.:li p.m, aq.1ete'. ,m Jolnlng the Marine paper wlll produce ~tor.·you New•-TitnU ads.have been read Dod~ la 'ttto•Jng. \:'V.:toh lt!·, V!.3iton are ~elcome. ~rpe. · .·l• WL8e people do read tbe..~a. in the ... Harbor tor over 40 yea.ra: . \ ... '" . . .-. . : ~~ ·. .. _, > '·. • . . It's In T,he : Bag • A M1n-11ota farmer who didn't. like Qi.my hands ' hit th1 jackpot with hla ·~ popc;om maebtae I By RONALD L. AN'Df:BS9 N WW MinnMOta n -fennw Elmer tt::.lf!.IT'S m nm BAG." ,.w• 1 • ...,.. -n '. Britaius U hlll muoched Ms pop- ~ -~. • ref..-..,d to the ..c:ret of hi~> ~ ery el .,.__. ... popcoc n •tine. The be& ~ ...-. ol ~ the co=-• shaped aeclr: ,,... ...... -•t9. -7 -WW. tlli&, .. h9 ~. "you can ..c· , cOm like ,ou •t an lee .CNldll c:onL As ,w •t, you:' just Hep ... ..-tile pap c::ora up from the bottom of the. .a.tk. You •t It off the top. N..,_ need. to touch lt with yoar b8Dds. No tum. • -· Britsiua., • SS-)'Ml'~d 1eeident of. DoT.r, 1 IOll4:;...ttem Minwta ...U..... pt the W.. few his pop cam cone ...,,., ,..... ..., oa a cold wiat« nicbt. aftK he ud ¥' wife Md finisitMd: their nicbtlY pop C.W. -. • B.ap ... & diollbd pttinC -, ..__,_, ....... ~ ar.i.. be bepn toyinc: with a paper -=Ir, trJiDtl; to flpre out how te pt the pop COl"ll lato . his mouth withoat .oUi9t WI,......~ ~ M ~t ot foklina it into • '4-.._.' •• ...... it worbd ja:llt. • be ..C I t~··· lib tqUI 1 riJac tootll· . . ,;:. "' • ..... aaJy ..... . . .1:1-...ttw thl eow. .... _._ ~. "'10t• •nnl ~ tD ... 11 ·..,, .oaw prodw:e hii ·,. .... ~ ........... bobodlt .. --_.,. .... , .......... Britai• ...... w.u..iMc a' .. h i .... witll wllidl .. emiM. ... ..... :. k "'=••If. I la• ..... --llDt --tD hi= he ... ae1 'ed a milk ltt ' for Iara w .,...._ __ 1,_ .. _,._ tif ¥-.. -tba f#& Biil tM VII 7 I 'ti: lrw. -· •--.wldac ~ ia ~ ldl t ; .... 1, ...... c .,,. 7 ... ... ., old ..,,. -· ..... , .... 9"11 e coup&. of won GS ......... ~ ...,,. .,..i.. ... bod • -; ....... -1kl .....,_ sriw "' ct. .. -..,. 's'lhd COMe nidy b tbe pop coria. It ,... hd by b.Dd and WM madl tao aJowa .. it .... ltart ia the riPt ditldUft. 'WWlobofO.-tlM __ _ .. ,,.. ..... hi.a I ti.ine•oftea1h1 ..W. 111..-U.. -a1111pW. tM SL a' tiat n 1M for W. pn1dt1ct snd ,....._ it en-_....._ .. Jf'tm.Uy ... perfedad • ...,..,.. tMt _ ... ~ ....... _ ..... __ ~· -........... "'. ,_ fr .. ' 1 ee-+ap, M 1 bed oea L..._ It: ..,...,.-~--. art•it na wida. the prc'1r·--ol 1 ...._ ,,,., .._ ta dire oS*•tiilia • tor9 ....,.., .. ,... ollolrrtlJ' -"' vi= tt' .... -.. wl rt'd"7 ill:WP 1, e llllit, nw.i&. .. & Mil NII& ett1aetiaac d. #SS ' CL • With diet -.-•Ni..-. W. "1711-ct:ion. _. eecm ... 1b•n1 .Ml ~----·-­... --Todo\ll' . .,. .... _.... ,,.._ lie -tr!dlt ._ eil W"llll ~ -. .,,, 'CW • "" ........ -70.ooo -••• -rf•'• W, \-. ~. wpiiolf11 t6a .-.·attn,.. nl~_......., ... .... .. 11 's? 4 ' '• I ¥ ' laioe•tor El••r Bft ·, !i• tli•.•&aT* f'r&ctlcal • • • of '-;I•. prof1ta~i t.raiaolrlld • • • ••• •• _. ... ,,. J.aa .,,.·--:·. ~I ~ tt -........ c1otl*. • ..,. Brit• irhlO.' . --·.~ --dmC* f~; • wintW cl$:'t *'-• i-.. fOr bmrr•nc tM llfflo. .. ill~ cbalas in ....... lhodc· ... rWnc' tow bar ,. .-pulUDc ....... and • -w -doc ,,_.book wblla you --. "'l\oable -tbot -· .,. --it .... naf\ac 10 effort:"-it m.da ma ........ ~-1-,1t.· -.. --fl--..wt. Ho """"" a piano .... -... fly -M ... 53. T oday M and his wif• maJr:e --ffi&llto ...... tho ........,.. Wbila lltill a farmar he t. RM a tm111bM' of tM • .Mlrm 1 Kr cbeptiw' of ~ ~1'lll: Fennen.. When tM CClll'f'....uon. tw'N to flyin&. l!lrtut..........nh • amlle • hla f1~racalh Oftll ..of hie ..,., ~ Sboctly .,_. Wortd Wor I...._""° flnt a~....­ ,,_ et h:a beiPt, M am. up -"Witll a .._ .... for • f"liCliml, mutd....mpdi airplane . tritb. • rucltt.' lib • ahtp'1.. nw 9iDp- .n tilatrt. al them •are controlW by tM pilot .. ho cwld -t!Mlr -"' _ _..... ... _, ___ _ ..W., ' He-•-tmc-ol tbo ..... to a --... rad aircraft c ..... ., tMt ·-_... ~ Ml·-polla. ~ qaidll)' JMt k lllltk, ..... ,., ,._ eollilct- ~ • s.n--tUt ... ..,,,'··· hat ... ... ..... M•-• Blitaba case ,. die weird (I08oo, I 19 tJitc witlt :-. lllMk'moa••--hi ftilJls a&'l 'IJls:S ,..y ~ I' • • . " . f ' J I· 1 1