HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-05 - Newport Balboa News TimesI \ ' ) r. , ; ' • • . ' • ,. NEWPORT • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY; JUNE 5, 1951 FIVE CENTS .t ·o* M. ReSiden~ Seek to Halt Oil Well .Drilling in ·That Area . s Corona del Mar ruidenla, armed with 118mple• of oU une.llln& mud coll~ted f.rom the sl.re&J!I. bed at the beach. about two, mllu from oil drilling operatJona. uked the County Board of Supervlaora Thureday lo revoke the permit of the Shell Oil Co. now drilling on lrvtne Company ~roperty, lnJand of the Cout HJghw9y. Pioneer Sails to South Seas . With Mrs. Clark Gable aboard, the George Vanderbilt schooner. Pioneer. sailed from Long Beach Friday headt"d for Hawail, the Mai-- QUe&M. Tahiti a.nd other Society Islands. Sklppe~ by CapL T. I. Vat- land, of 421 31st St., Newport Beach_, µte Pioneer Ma be~ a familiar sight In the Lido Channel tor a num~r of Years. Vande.rbilt, who .ls making the -------- cruise with his wife and 12-year- old daughte-r Luc ille, indicated that th~ trip would be-of a sc::i- entiflc nature. ' The CaJifomla Academy of Sei- ences and 'the Philadelphia Acad - emy or Natural Science are co- ,gponsors of the expedition. The owner said that attcmp~ would be made to photog-raph and gather marine s~lmen.s at Mesan .Seeks Probation on Morals Charge 1 depths of a mile In South Pacific Oougla.s H. Hlnesly, 240 East Wlltecs. Also on the · echednle .20th st., Co.ta M.e!tl, pte8:ded would be the gathering of rare gul1ty on one count of contrlbu- blrds. ting to the delinquency of a Loaded down with lhc latest I minor ta 14 year old girl 1 In Su- in scientific Pquipment, the Pion-perior Court F rtday and asked e~r .will try to conie up .~o v-:nder-for probation. \ b~ll 11 rxr,ectations of m~1ng a It is alleged lhat Hinesly had btg h aul o ( marlnt-&n.d bard life. fondled the girl when she had Dredges for .scraping the ocean been employed as a baby sitter in floor, neUs for hauling in ma.rJne hia home on May 18, 1951 . life fron1 the ocean that ls at-The probation ·hearing has bttn tracled by the schooner's brlght set tor Friday . .lune 15 in Super- bumlng a rc lights and diving ap-!or Court. paratus are included in the exten- sive outfittings of the Pioneer . A nc\V t echnique will be used for galhf'ring-marine speclmerui. A ~-pccial poison will knock out fish. • Vanderbilt stre&8ed that there would be no nee<J to follow thE' Frank Buck principle of "bringing them back alive." "We'll bring our specimens bac k in alcohol.'' he said. F•urteen cameras and other ph<>tographlc gear will make a grapAic.. record of-1.l:le..trlp. .Under- water photographic "1\Jlpme.nt la also Included for filming marine life ln thE'ir habitat. C. Brown Named to School Board Chl.sholm Brown. prominrnl C03ta .Mesa businf'ssman I Davis- Brown). w~ narnffl lo the Costa Mesa School Board Thursday to take over the poat left vacant by t he recent resignation of Doug H.lnesly, Co u n t y Superintendent of School.8 )..lnt.on T . Slmrnon11 made the -e.nn4u~nL -- Costa Mesa Child Dies of Suffocation SECOND f "A.RE\\'"E.LL , to t.be Harbor aree wu -14 Friday by Ru!l.~11 Olrtrlch. editor of the Pn'!l!J8 and X t'Wa.-T\mea. who left to join hl~ "1fe and two l!lrnall iitons at thelr ranch In VlAta, "'hf'rn thr,· afl'I rahing fryftn and a vocadM. D'ettlch and hb partnc-r, photocraph11r Af'!W"flc-, itt&rlf>d a p&ctortal ~lnP,. the Bnchcombf>r, here afttt the war, lat~r 801d It. After it0me tlmt' ln thP mlddle weal the-Dte-- t ricM retunM!d and' R~ll •~at Into the ad\.--ntlslq department latf'r bt-eomlnc editor of the Nrtn-TlmtJt and tbe .FrftB. WAl'Ell 'iQli' FOR FAIR~IEW . Vande rbilt cxpecl.8 that the trlp ~till take six months. Oce&n area" will be studied that ha..e.n'l been Jerry Lee Shafer;~-month-old Whether or not uaers of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dona.Id E. Fairview County WaUr District Shafer, 1892 Whittler street. COB· will get a new water distribution ta Meaa., smothered to death ln his system will ha.ve been dec.lded at baby buggy Wednesday. the polls Monday wl\en : \.tie ' •150 visited for 40 years. Schoo l Bonds ~ to Mesa Voters Deputy O>roner lloger Burn-members of the di•trlct have cut barn who conducted a.n investiga-their vol(.>S. lion said that apparently the child Thf· voting was . on a proposa l had suffocated to death and no to iMUe $325,000 lh bonds to re- Inquest waa necessary. place outworn lines -some of The tiny boy wu found d("&d by them 30 years old -ln order to Still being tabulated are the his mother aeveral hours after s he inc rease the low presaure whic h result.s of Mo nday's Costa Mesa had look~ at him at ts e..m . Indl-hM pla.gue<l rl'sldcnll of the dis- electlon in which the votens ba.l-cations were that the child had t.rict for yea~. loted on two major proposals t0< smothered shortly after his moth-Unde r plans of the present expand their .chool syatem. er had lo.oked at him. 001,,-d of directors and according Decisions wlll be made either Funeral arrangements will be to their announcements. t he issue ;ooo conducted by the MacDougal can be rr pald out of revenue from approving or rejecting a s9a . M rt · a--t& Ana. "money ob'·1·ned under the present bond lssue and an extension of 0 uary JD ~· , u.. state ald in the amount of $1~.-t&x .. rate. 000.000. Mesa Man Killed SUpJ!OrlCMI of th• bond 1 ..... are A two-thirds vote approving the b R d G cler optimistic over , lhe pro~ble out· i88Ues is needed to expe.nd lhe y oa ra come. They point to the fact that Costa Mesa school system. Elmer N. EIH.n.saon, 60, ot 2187 not a single protest wu rallied A new grade ecbool on Del Mar Vatrvtew Road, Coat& Meaa, was agaJ.nst the bond luue and the re- A.ve. and an Intermediate echool tnetantly killed at 10 a. m . Thurs-placement planl!I at t.he public ' at Hamilton and Meyeu Pl. plua day in Trabuco· canyon when his meeting hf'ld within the district on cafeterias at the three exlllt.lng-road grader went out of control, M11y 8. Lending lmpetu11 to the schools will go before the voters. elid off the road and toppled over favor In which the plans are held According to law, the Sl.500,000 on him. It was hours before the wa.s a communication from the state ..grant woult1 not be repay· bodt could be extnc&ted. Elling-Board of Fire Underwriters of the able until the tax rate fall.a be-eon had been employed by the Pacific last week that the new low 40 cents. At that time the county road department for the systC'nl would ··probably reduce difference between the existing . 1 put 23 years. tire Insurance ratea by about 20 rate and 40 cen!s is refunded to Among survivors are his wife. per 'cent." The local reaident.a charged that tha.t they were not aallafled that the drilling OperaUon had vlolat~ reaidentlal areu woukt be pc-o- ed terms of the permit beca~ the tected. I driller had changed the location They urged the 1uperviaor11 not ot the' well and had permitted ro-lo grant turthet permit.a until a tary mud lo flow down a etream s tudy of lhe 11itua.tlon had been bed a.nd contaminate little Cor-made. However, c hairmen of the ona beach near-Shore Cliffs. bl?anJ, Wllllll H . Warner, Mid that Not SaU•fiN the board could not slop all pro- . Members of the group proteat-ceedlngs In the dcvelopm~nt of Ing the dr:lllng operatlorui had natur11l resources. &eeompanled oil company offi cial" Warner said that the board to the Kite of a propoaed new could uk She.II Ott and 1'8 con- drllllng operation (two mile& ln-tractor to correct the situation land from the Coaat Highway "and IP. they refuse. we can 1tart midway between Corona del Mar proceedlng11 to revoke their per- and Laguna Beach) and Indicated mil."' ' Uns~heduled Mesa V 1 isit Planned of Red Cross Bloodmobile Unit Because o f the dire need tor""--------------- whole blood for the Korean front, an unschedull"d visit by the Amer i- can Rt"d Crofts blood mobile unit will be made In Costa Me11& on Thursday, June 7. Since t his does not leave much time to publlclze the vi!llt, the cooperation of every organization &.nd group of the community is urgently needed. Service clubs are requeated to •pread the word and lndlvlduals are requested to support the local br&nch o( the Southern Orange County Red Cto88. The moble unit will be set up at the Costa' Mesa American Lf>- glon haU: West 18th strCe t. from 3 to 7 p.m. on June 7. Any per- sOn in good health betwttn the ages of 21 and 60 will be accept- ed, provided they pass the prelimi- nary check-up. It hu been more than three months since the la.st visit o! the moblle unJt, ao that peraorui who gave at that time. are eltgtble to come again. Thia I• a convenient, opportunity for pe-ople who wish to replace blood given from the blood bank. to do so. It 1s hoped t hat 124 pint.a will be 'lbtained. Mrs. J08eph Rapier , cant een chairman tor Costa Mesa branclr, ~·Ill furnillh light refreshment.a to donors. She wlJI be assisted by volu nteers from the Grange. Mrs. Mild red Mathews is acting a.s chairman for the day. and will be &Misted by executive board mem- bers Including Paul • Creighton. chairman; Walter Weimer, Ralph Irwin, Irma Gabriel, Llllla.n Butler. Jim \Vh\te, JU.dge D. J . Dodge, Arliene Suangler, Gertrude Bush- nell and Rut h Bacnett. Anyone wi!lhinA transportation may phone any of the above memtloned mem- bers and the transportation chair- man Mr•. Bushnell will provide of getting to the Legion AMONG THE HONORED gueat. 'a t the Balboa Yacht club'• formal &tMOo. operdnc dinner dance lut Sa~rday "'·ere the two •'head men." of Weat Cout yachllq Mqwn here '41ttt. BYC Com - modore Harry BlodKef( (oenter). At left ls Commodore Lt Rle- ltf'n, of tbr Pacific Coast Yachtln1 Aaeoclatlon and, at rtpt, Com- modore Clifford W. Chapmaa. .a r.. of the Southllrn catlforn.la Yachtta1 A.Nodatlon. (Photo by Beckner) Rogers Second in Craig Rate the state. Nellle and a daughter, Mrs. Eve-Last year the-dhrtrtct, with the Superintendeftt" of 9 ch o o ta , I lyn Weber. Services were in assistance of the neighboring Everett Rea , predicted a turnout charge of Smith It TuUtlll, Santa I Newpor;t Mesa Irrigation Diatrtct, of 500 ,-0ters on the luue. 1 Ana. . I (Continued on Pac11 t) ,,.._ .. Thia vear'• race to Coronado wu made under eome ~tfrlculties •Ince fog obscured the coul a la.rge "part of the time and made It weU-n'gh tmpogglble for lhe •kJppera t oeee their check polnt.a, thereby ma.kfng the percentage er- ror• unusually high for thl• group of top Olghl predicted log men. Mr. Rogen. with a boe.l new lo hUn. 1fell prey to the handicap and wound up in fourth place _wllb an ~rror of 4 .~ for the alxty-mile c:oune. On die longer rpn frQm San DtegO to Long Beach on In ciaaa "B': the novice dlvt.ilon· Wedn.-y be vlndlcatod lilmoelf A. c. KcQuat. wtlb Regina n. b,1 pl•clnl!' -tor tbe nan wjlb held a tint la bla c._ .bolb waya only LM error and coUectlns a and wound aP in .thif'd placwf over-. -~ Wftb an ••-all with a ,..,;.&itage of 3.M emir, en-or bf 3.lt. wb1Je Ed Slmonla. new to lbla . . EH ., 0Und:~ .tbe ~~ay r:ign of Queen-Georg~ ~ones, ~312 Newport Blvd., the !ixfb umual Fama Mesa. Ftab·Fry pto'f1~ tun, enterta.lnment and flsh. tor crowds ot thousand! Saturday rnd Sunday. A.ddlng glamour to the occaalon, ~ the election of beauteou1 Arlene Andent0n. representln& Ana~ helm Junior Ch~ber of Commerce, aa number on~ on lhE' Fiah Frrhli parade oL beauties. I; ~ . ~. AIU••"&b .., atrupr to -pme and aloo With ' ,_ -t, dk:(ed•log neJna, llr. 1locftW llad tbe CU7aJna. D~ JD&ll&C•, Uttle t11Re to ~ ~ p.,fonn-ed a oeeond la hla .n.l.ion. &11\"1~11111 -~_ .... of 11o, for one.more ,_.., tbe R oi· wlllcb Ji ii1s1i13' l*'portallt rW "~ IT*-' °i'lldlt dUlt .~ f-I':" tno of ........ Re will -.,.. Oft tbe "cout·~ -tntrtn· -""'•• 111 • IUl>!n --I o1can, ~ trop11y. 11111, w1t11 · a year of cr1!lolns ex~ to-!.. nr.,. 'l'lllle m tr . ptbtr, Paul ao,er. and PuJM . I ' I Vlc!lorjoDI In tbe ~ -~ m!Pl. llrillS It to "N..,.~ nai -of Ibo.-. ,.., -,..... . . Doft!I._ wllll Illa"-II, ....... Ill tbe ....... ~. ~J:I .... tllleUoetlilfdtae.,.....,_ .-, llu a ~"to• --tropl!J'.1An7'• ., .. ,_ ... ......,._ -_ ... -• -="'17 '!11111117 to ..., im ,_ ~ ~ at lhwpart· .... -p..-caU..~t -GI -Y--r.. -~' -..ii...in.•J...!.• ...,.., .• ,..... ......... feet ....... , ...... _1111,t.. ~,., , • 1 ,,. • . ' ' , • I I • · I ' • ' 1 1. • • " . MRS· ..... WJ:NlFRED ~· Soalety Ec!Jtor- _,,.,,,..,._ ... -....w ... ~...-~,..."°'lf!S:#ll"~~"""""""'~ Graduation Dance .. Held Friday for 8th Grade at Ensign School The graduation dance i. lawye 3 high. polnt In commencement actlvltles · and t!'lghlh xraden at Horace Ensign acbool wlll have many plt:a.:Ja11t memorle• of the njghl o( June I WhLn tht')' danced t Ol{e ther tor lhe ltL<\l time. 'nae 11wtng ba.ni.l, under the d.lrectk>n of Miu Norma Perkin., played I.a. a setting of paJma and the ec::hool'• carete-rta where the dance WU held wa.s decorated with etrlkllll nrra.ngements or red gla.dlola.s and \Y'hllt! stock. The girls wore white ga-ntent( corsages preaented by the New~ port Beach Elementary School-' PTA, w.ho sponsored the d&ne~ a.nd the boys had red carnattorui for th~lr lapel11. 'fhe host an4 hostess badgf' worn by Mlckei Taylor, Pick Slet•per, Enla Men.; dtnhall. liob Coane. Ron,nle Nf!W· · lari.~ Leah Harmon, Arlene Hut~ Maria PIPgcr. Sandra Schmklt attd Judy Stu1tn1un were deslgnfd by Mr,;. nt~xtord Brandt. Bob Milum anti John E11'ert :ohnrf'd emt.·r~ honuNi, anhounctn1 1luJ1C'W1 and do.nee "'lrlner1, PrUiiet for lhf>.Lucky Spot tis.nee went ta Arlene t-luff a.nd Caroll Evans and Oall Collin. and Mike VaUe '#Ofl the Statue dance. Two boy1, bOUi ttavtni' the i1lit!W B. C .• won Uie theatre p8.8&('8 pre8Cnted by M"aeoo Silf'r. owner of th~ Lido and MeU. theeres. One pair of tlcketa we~ to Bob Coane, the ot.her t.o Bob Cunn1n1ham. Lyle L&ohbtrler, .tn1er with the band, added rrtatly to the evenln1 with h1a lntupreta\k>n of the .1ea- 10n'1 IOOI btta. Durtn1 the lntemtluion punch WU ..,.,eel; Mr•. W. M. F.ie.ld1 pl'Mktlns over th9 bowl. A sur· prlN dWinl \he earf1er part of ..lh• en,llns ..WM the pla)'in1 ot a lape "."fOnllns of the owlns band made t.y Roy A.nderaon during the centett at. the N.wport Harbor lfit.lon hJSh 8Chool. An lntere11t1nr eomt ln th~ eecond half or the .-.en.tnr WU the da.nce conte1t, JUdfed by Mn. Mars•r•t Lew11, and won ~Y Marcia Moorhead and Totn Webete.r. A third door prl&e dr&vtin1 wu made and the theatre UckeU were won by Lorene Sjerkln. J'aculty members pruent ~e~ Mn. Maey MouUller, Art Ch11lat· ellM.n, Mn. Marsaret Lewi.. Clt! • ford MaJtler and Roy Andersen. p:-inciPal. "' . Aaltlns Mn. Kenneth 8tarege, bame and family chalnn&A of the PTA u.ntt, ln plann1n1 the party ..,. the foUowtnr elrhth xrade P6Hftll wbo aao acted u chalt ffonu; Mr. and Mn. W. 0 . s·u~ 1t1Md, Mr. ·and Mn. Jo.eph Hamblet, Mr. and MN. H. L. Dor· kin , and Mr. and Mn. D. R. Bow· '. ~ . Cub Scout Packs to Hold · Picnic Next Saturday at f rvine Park ' Cub Scout packs llln, Bal~._ ____________ _ sponaored by the Newport Beaclli Elementary Schools PT A and pack • 181 , NPWJ>Ott Beach, sponeored bJ • • Richard's Market, wind up tbe.tt BCft.!On Saturllay, June 9, pldtlckt ing togelher at Irvine park. Th• .vack.'5 wlll furnish drink afld dea1 !iert to go w!th the lunches eacl'} ~fnnlily · w ill pro vide. The after! lunch program include!I foot &na Fack racing, a broad·jumping cbn~ test and a trophy baseball game ~tween the two packs. ~ Art Remley, 101 Eaaat BalbQa. Blvd., cubma.ster pa.ck l~. la 0..-. ganiz.ing e bicycle club, the bike trjp3 this sumn1er to be lead b)' Larry Ewt'n. On these excuuiollt lht· boyl:I will get lnstrucUon 06 • surety nlt<asures and courtesy °' th(" road. The police will award thf •'yt·lers a Ct'rtlfi<:ate et the end oi. lltP !!('&:JOn. ~ You're _1niss1ng a lot of fun, lad. lf you &r8 eight .yeara old and h&nn't called on ypur local cub-- muter about Jolnlnr a CUb Seoul pack. .e&)' 8COUt committeemen. U lhtre LI an eJ•blh birthday com-\rir up between naw and Augu.t 17, you're eligible to attend the one paok meetin• held durin.lf the summer on that . date at 7 :30 At the Ta.r Pit. What'a more, Joinl!K" at that meet.in_g gtves you a cha.nee t.o begin wo'rking right away for that lmPortant nrst badge. -Qubeoou.tlng becan in · Newport 'ti yean ago when Scoutmute.r .fack:'l'kiat cnated thla branch at Scoutlnl' to-anawe r the ouUtde interest.a of boys jwit under Scout a,-e. Parents of boys lntereBted in CUb Scoutinr are urged to con~ i.act Mr. Remley, Harbor • 0752, ot Mrs. Alden Doesburg, Rarbor 0413·W, PTA unit CUb co-ordina- tor. Mrs. J. D. Snodgrass Is Hostess at T-wo Delightf ~I Events • Always a irrnclous hostess, Mr~ .. ~-------------'- J . D. Snodgrass or 7, Beacon Say, t:'n lt•rtainf'd rt'i:l'nlly with a lunch· f'on or attractive dt-taU.s in the IJalboa Bny club. ~plJcattn• ln charm a.nd • Mesa Circles .in ~i :of~~~~- munlty Methodlot ChUrdl M re, cenUy tn monthly ~na. ~rcle 1 gathered with Lucille Wea.therw wu, 23.f E. 11th atreet. ror • del- 1ert lun.cbeoo. DevoUone were by Alice &:ulman. lllthel Rl>odd pve the m.ta!onuy talk. Other'a pre• ent wen Mabel Jam e, Kathryn Dial. Harriet JohMon, RutJI KJd· der and Lola Meek. Circle 3 member• met with Vel· ma ·c~to:n, 1178 P'ullerto,n ave- nue. . Aden conducted the bualneM. .w officers ·elected 'tfere : Ru Allen, chairman; Sal- ly HlnuJ)I;-Vlce-cllairman; Alice Nl.tenbefs, lttuurer; Ella Albf'r1, .ecret.ary. I)evoUol\I were stven by rloruce R.atrllktn and th• mJa-1 1lon&r)' niuaase by Rem• Rea. . 'the circle later went lo the home of Ethel Cooper tor ntresh.menta. Nineteen rnembtta Md two vi.st· tors were ptqen\, The next meet: ln1 la 1e.l for Wednuday, June 13 '' 1 :ao p.m. at the home ·or l.ff's. Allen, 111 W . 18th litreet. l!d-Nlalllaei .. • . . Ctrele 4 eonve.ned at the church wber.e Nora Lanse pre1ldCd over the bWllneN. "Thouaht of the Week" wu the topic of the devo-. lions pre1ented by RuU. s&rnelt. Katherine M:ackens.te'a mJulbhary talk WU on "Moh&mmedlan\am:· HoateuM Mmu. Maxey. Kirks llJld PlW1\.ltea.d aerved refreah· mentt to 21 memben and 2 pests. The nut mff\lnr wtU be he"d Thutoday, Jun¥ 14, at 2 p.m. In lhe Sunday achpol buUdtn1. Hoel· euaa will be Mmes. Olaon, Charles and Barnett. Circle 1 elected new offlceTs al a mfftln1 wlth1 Jerry Dav~ 441 E. ltth street. Chotien were: Ann Lilley, chaJrman; Wilma Myrehn, vlce~h&lrtn&n : Lorent! Watt.I, eec· retary; Helen Yerkey. treuurer. Mary Andereon read a po~m. MR . AND MKS. CHARLES !lJJBACK '•land at wheel of the In~; 1"-~doc llle7·....,.. marrlt.'tl .. 'rtd~y, l\tay 16 by' ilud10 C. · C. Cravath. Thf"0brld~ k thf' t:onDPr Ml19 lknilee 0'~ tPreu Photo) • Marine Wedding on Cruiser Invader I ; Mrs. James Barr-et+ Is Hostess to Altar Society Secret p&:• were revealed. Prea-··Marriage Boat" spellt!d elgnal ent Were Helen Brown, Clem I flags which flew above the deck Shotwell, Wilma Myrehn, Ann Lil· or tht> C'l"'Ulaer Invader on Friday, ley, Paula 8.anbbrn,.Helen Yerkey, May 25 at sfte crlulsed Harbor wa· 1 • The bay front home of Mrs. Bonnie DaYle, lnne Wood, Lorene ters. On boa.rd were lnttm&te James 8 . Barrett, Bay Shores, wu Watt.a. The l'f'OUp Will auemble frlt'ndl:I and relaUvea gatherM to setting for a meeting of the new June 14 for a noon picnic ln lhe witneBe the marriage of Miss Ber· Altar soc~ety of St. John \flanney Coal& Mua p&rk. nice Alice. O'Connell, daughter of church on Tuesday of lut week. At Flower 8trttt Mr and Mr.11. J ohn O'Connell, \V. Twenty·thtee member.11 were .pres· Gertrude .Pence wu welcom"-d ~ Ange~es, and Charles Jame! enl for the dea.ee_rt luncheon and &a a new member of Circle 8 whic h Fishback. son of Mr. and 'Mrs. buaines11 11esslon, pretided oyer w .. entertained by Pauline Mith· J oseph Granville. by Mrs. Nicholas Brettner. Assi!lt- otr of FlO'Ner •treet. Helen Myere . k Ing hosteuea were Mrs. Elmer had ch&r&e al the devotional In· Th<' do~l&o:itn~ cedrc:o~d too Polrlf'r and Afrs. Edgar Carpen- terlude a.nd Evelyn Thompson placc on e Y g ec was I Ler. bt'OUtht the mlulon'1'y le&son. Re-performeJ by Judge C. C. Crt· Jt wna decided fte.ahmenlfl Wert' Berved to Fern valh, thl' bride ~Ing given In l'oell, MiAry ~heran, Frances keeping by ~er rather. I~ was a Jones. Ora Holly, Mae Dorrell, zul" m.arlne wei.ld!ng ln a ll d~ta1lll. MiJI~ Hall, V•I Bube, Qertrude Pence, 0 Conncll \vore e white flannel Helen Myers i:velyn ThompllOn sJtirt, double breasted navy jack· Alene Cbrt~ten.:>n &Jtd Atar.Y et a.nd yachting cap. He r corsaa:e ~berltlih. Membera wtU be te· wu of white orchids. Her maid celved June 18 at 7:80 p.m. by of honor,_ M.Ju E velyn Muy Helen Myers. 346 E. 19th .s treet. Oeorl{e, wore a elml!ar C08t Ume that m~lihgs would be heir! on the first Tues- day of each 'month but lhaf this session would serve for both May and June, the next to be held on July 3 with Mrs. Brettner. lnetead of the Junp bUelneu meeting. there will be a 1•rden party on 'tut.s· day~ June 12 •t the home of Mn. Harry Welah, 171~ • Waterfront Drive, Corona del Mar. A salad luncheon wlU be 11erved at 12--:30 Circle 9 m"et in the home of bnt w1lh gardenia cori1age. Betty Barnett, 1931 Ana.helm ave-J o¥ph· Granville wu bt>el man nue. Devotiona were under the · 1111d <J ther attf!'ndant.a were Mildred leadenhip of t>orls Luckhardt. Harris and Merl Ha.ikel~ Mra. Beri1leace Fox conducted the ml11-O'Connell wore a dress of white aionary 1tudy interval. Pruent jef'9ey while Mrs. OtanYille wu In were Evelyn Ooemer, Marilyn navy and ":'"'hlte. Both mothers Huscrott, DorU Taylor, Monna wore orchlcls. Fisher. Rhea McKt>nzle, Myrtle After the ceremony the wedding 1 Olen, Mae Rhea Glocknt'r, Bla.nche cake Was cut and those on boatd Hutie. Dorothy Schorle, Ju11tcen toasted the new Mr, and Mra. ~Utton. Betty Dt>ering, Royce G!l-1 Pishba.ck In champagne. After- bert, Ade le M'lchaeU, Frances T im· ward thry left the boat at a Bal· betlake, Gabriella Ramoz, H elen boa Js land dock amid. a show~ of Foell and Lucille Hahn. Rhea Mc· rit'•'. While the Invader ceturntd Ken1te, 166 E. 19th stree t, wtU be tu hf·r IJcrth at Vt:ln A-1arina . ho1teu Monday, June 11 , at 7 :30 I -~ p.m. Eloot. orn..... Women of Moose to Elect Officer-s !:Jectlona of officers featured a meeting of Circle 10 hostessed by Miidred Warne. 1882 Lemon p.m . With carcUJ a!terw•rd• on the terracl!' or converaatlon tor those v.•ho do not ca.re to pli.y. There will be dooi-pri&es ror all. Aaaist· Ing hoateue• wUt be Mme11 .. J . M. Mulroy, T . J . Runkle and Geo. C. Parker. Book· Written Here to be Published in Australia DAR Holds Final Meeting at O'Neill Park The 18.Jllt meeting of the year, until next fall, for the Col. Wllllam Cabell. Chapter of DAR or New- port Hirbor WU held In O'N~U .park on M8y 23 In the ronn of a moat enjoyable picnic. Before the progT8JJI and fun of the day ~gan . a short bwiiness &euion preaided over by the Regent, Mrs. Charles Boardman, took care or plans for social arratrs to be held duri1lg the sum.met" month&-to ralsE' money for the National Buliding fund. Ari-angements were made for the chapter's representation and flowers for the Memorial day ceremony which took p'lace on the Balboa Pier. Members of lbe chapter are Mmes. J, L. Beac;h, C. F . Baxter, w . E . Blinn, Charles Boardman, Margaret Dearborn. Braden Finch, W. E: .• Fietft?r, C . F . Lander&, F . I . , Morris, Ward Porter, R. 0 . Rae, Franklin Seamon, A. E . Stockton. W ifllam Tritt,. Lester Vi erling, James Webster, Harry Welch. Trevis Westgate, Jesat> Wolfe, J . B. Wurdeman, H . P . Yarnell, Edna Marx, W . W . Poore end Mi.&.s Bese:e Sklnner. """"°' A. Becker, D. D. S. DltNTISTRY 1780i Newport Blvd.,COllt& Meta Xedlc&I Bid&. BtiaCOll 8752 D00 Jt. 8&7 A •e., Balboa • ' ' • • ' ITS FUN TO.WATCH YOUR . TOTAL GRO.W! • • • . ,_ When. you make regll)ar __ additions to your Savings Program you'll -your Savings. tota) grow and ~w. Even 11111aU adilitions do the trick when they're a ded regularly. · .. • Make the equivalent ~f a year's income your Sa~gs goal .. : f-0r real security. When you save here all S!!ving8 are Insured up to $10,000. ; FRAT EX FASHIO"S : PLASTICS A Fratex Fashion stylist will be in the Harbor Area this week to show you the complete line ·of plastics f~r · home decorating. Draperies -· Kitchen and Bath Sets -Bedroom Ensembles, etc. FOR . Al'POINTMENl' CALL I ' H· A R B 0 R 2 '6 6 U-DRIYE . CRUISERS ROW BOATS. ! :i1~so8:~~s : ~!~~1:.t Launching ELLIS IOA.T RENTA %802 Cout Wway Nm"port ne,c11 Ph. Harboi- • AT SO'(Jn, END OF BA YSBORE BIUOO~ , I · High Quality Ptiofing-Ph: Ha~. ~616 Bridge way lhl' aft~rmal}\ ot th•· luncheon. th..: ~roup returnlnj to the StlO<.iifr~ home !or c&rcl 11lay. Mrs. Paul Dunlap scored high, ?1.1r!'I \tuuam Kemper took i>t>cond priZP, Mrs. Verne Snod'l' ~rass pl8c1:d third and lhe draw pr1z~ Y.1t:nt to l'tfrs. J ean Lawrence. trtendllneu wa. a luncheon and cana.tta part)' anenaed by Mn. 8nOdllf1lU. The ruest llot Included Mme•. Wilma C&tey, Kathleen W'aleh, Y•onne Benton, C. B. Rudd, Net.on Holmwood, Gordon H1.1daon. Bird,-Loul.a Venator, J. W, Cammack, J. A. Oant, Colln Brown· attd ·c. H. Kountz. Helghte Dr., Santa Ana. Bcm ecf. Newport Beach Women of the Hadley presided and seer.et pals Moose will have election of ne"W w ere dtaclesed. Chosen to uslst orrict-rs Thur!lday night, June 7 Marian Overman, newly elected at B p n1. in th" Moose home, 2300 chairman, were: Florence Cham· Ocean Front, Newport Beach. berlain. vice-chairman; Vlrgtnln Thursday, June 14 wilf be a social Hogland, secretary: Ml!dred Rlt· night for the ce>oworkers and their .schke, treaaurer; Bessie P ott.s, guests. An eQjoyable evening is Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, 324 Lindo avenue, Balboa, have r~ccivcd word that ?ttabel VJaln's new book. The City Be fore the Sea, ha.s been accepted for pub· 11.shing In Sydney, Austra1ta. The author ls aister of Nora Waln, whose novels of Ji!e'tn-China • have made her famous. She is also I High Quality· Printing;.Ph ,. H.ar .. ~61.6 Harold K. Grauer'-· · thP wife of' Ca pt . P'rcderick Smith, who wu In a Japanese prison camp. for 27 months. C\lapel Pb.one: Deacon 6010 ' Others c>njoyin~ the affair wet• A1m es. Harrl C. Burdick, P . A. C.:hambt.•rllrl , Kellit!' J en.sen, FranJI: Or. John Chung Honored at Dinner corresponding secretary: Lucille planned for everyone. Knight. miMlonary and devotions • chairman; Faye Brock, ·member· The couple li\'ed in Newport Hai bor last winter and part of the book wa.s written here. Leaving here they went back to Shanghai and later to Sydney. 110 Broad"·ay Twltchf'll, Earl Stanley, A . Brad· ford, Arthur \Vagner. J . Parley Sn1ith, J ack Boylan, E. [. Moore. Tnl' frli:nds • v,rere lntereetecl la Occasioned by, the birthday 1 ship; Ethel De Bord, publicity. Al· • vlt-\Vlng Mrs. Snodgrass's collec• ' t 1on or rar~· glassware and me· anniversary of. her huaband. -Dr. tending we.re Be.s.sle Pott.s. Ethel John K. c. Chung. 211-E. 18th st .. De Bord, Nettle Stevena. Marian Costa Mesa.. Mrs. ·Chung enter. Overman, Flore.nee Chamberlain, tained recenUy with a delightful Vlrstnla Hogland, Otn Orltfln, dinner at the · Chunrking Cafe, Jackie MUler, Mildred Rltaehke, • mentos of her .wjourn in the Ha· v.•n.llan fl!llan<ll'I. THE NEW HAMMOND ' CHORD OROAN at.50 per moatll YO.U_.eu'-ptay J.. ...... mllllc at ·once. wlthOul ,..,,.. ~ a, oiqle not&. Como -and p1a7 the ~ Cbol'll ,<>rap.. • ..' ... .. Anaheim. . Jean Patrick, Faye Brock/ Lucille . Knight. Eunlce Fitch and Irma ·On band to relictlate lhe local Leigh Shaw. Next meeting wtll be phyalclan were ~· Minnie Rich· June 13 with Lucille Knight, 2308 ler, Mr. and Mra. Robert Shorey Elden avenue at 7 :30 .m. and aon Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Mar· ' P vln GibllOn and ctaucht ers, Kathie ind Charlotte: Mr. and Mra. Rob- !rl Muller, Mn. Pa.rrle Robil180n, Gary .. Joyce, Maxine and Caroline Chung. To Conduct Education Study Jamee W. Thornton, 811 OrchJd lftDUI:, Corona dtl 'Mar, vice. ~telldeAt llf ~ Cout cellep. .itt.11 tie at UCLA uu.. IWnmer u lO-dlreetor or a pneral lclucatlon ltUdy for tile Slate or· Call!ornta Nlllch "' to be con<hi<:ted •t tile .llllftnl,ty. It Will be attended by !acUlty rwp-laUV• of all Jun· or collesee ln the 1t&te.. Mesa Old-timers a,t Perris Picnic • Mesa Students y.rin Legion Awards Two Coeta Meaa M.atn IC.hoot at'Ddenta, Marjorte Crable., nlth grader &ad Martha. Whetchell, ell'blh l'f'&der , won the: American- lam HMY conte.at 1pouored by I the CO.ta Mua Amerlcan Lel'ion auxtlluy~M. The-y were preeent· od f1f1a !be achoo! awant aa-1 aembJ¥ y 21. J'lorene. Dav,y, • awdllar:r member In chatt'e Of lhe prQsnm, hiade the gift preeenla· tlon. I . U tile ""• local · _,. win at tile 21.ot~trlet -tool In June, U!eY will tllclbhi few 11&u...i ·-· Danyl&lcl. • .t . , Entertains Sister From Vermont • ---..... ·1-~ ot -a.ri. ...... ot OOr· >err -~-.at-_ ... ----! 0 :1 ........... OM 'I' 1T W. lit& ftull ....a ol .......... .............. l1a7 ........... -.z11t. • 'n ) II • •*'9 la (llJ'I ---ftw -.... 177 ,.., ••• --._ x . ...._ •••• Oo p•t.-. tar U.. .a aaaar-....., ..-.... M '>apraa ---.... ~ .... ·---......... Lam~ -• 1"'-•ir•J.;,.., 1-&1• U. M tr'"' .._. ·• ... Mil ..... llmMrt biilta tb '-------------· • • • . . . llr ..... Jin. ,.,..__ t « "" .. ~ ,, .~ I • • ' • •• • r • • H. S. Students GU t<lit officers attending the re· cent in~tlatton and gu ~t officers' n ight were Senior Regent Fern Tipton : Treasurer Mary Ellen Ret.'<i: Chaplain Nancy Dunn, from lhe Santa Ana chapter ; Junior Regent Flora Wiley: Recorder in Air Reserve Lillian .Hutaln, from Fullerton • - chapter ; Junior Graduate Regent Two Harbor high students who Mary Roberbon, from Garden are members of the Navy Air Re· BE SURE~ INSURE wltll l!dAURl'E STANI.E• _ lnsuranoe Onl7 Phou Harbor :a ·;7e 1 ml !farble Ave. Balboa blalld , Grove. Members or Moose lodge serve will take: a specialization 1457 \Vf're also present. The clu.s course thia aumQ:\er at either Oak. or candidates Initiated was nam-land or Seattle:.. They are Roger @d in honor of Put GOvemor Ward, Jr., member of the eenior Haven Holbrook of Lodge 14&7 . cla..u and 90n· or Mr. and Mrs. Mr_ Holbrook was presented with Roger \Vant of "4 AJi8o street: a p38t governora' pin by the lodge and Roy Watklnl, ion or Mr. and members. Secretary .Jack Vaughn' Kn. Roy K . WatklnJI, also of ·~============~! made the preeentation. Newport Height.. ; MA'l"l'BESSES Boata-Ro~Trallen lneplar !!hapea BEACON 11081 C.0,ta ..... Kattrele Co. 1180 Newport Blvd. • . ' • EXCl!LLENCS la , UPHOUITERY • . , ·-··KIMMONS ~,,...,...,; °'~~ cwtMs... llACOM -,S I. IM ·m&J, COSTA WllA ':::::::=:!::::::::::=:::::.:::== . ' • BIOOLUU>fS s'Jrot:.8801' _....,,. 7 . -rwWaK .,,A. AtMt.H•· ...... .... -. °"' •.• .,.,.. . OUtt """"' ~ ._,, .~ .. -~ ..... ,.~ ; NiMPOIU ~Cll • .WAmHIA,.. ...... I 1111e ... 'JU H ". ,,. 8.o.jlo" ~ l'tV' , •• AG ' 'I a .,.. .....::i ...,.. ...... \ • ' -.c. .... ;.": .... • • - Thrilli'ng THO RO U &H B 1£0- --• . ' I ,. NOW!. Tff RU JUlYil ,.,. . tltr1:30,._ ' j EIJOY A IU AT NtllYWlll Pl1Jl •. , ... •lftf el A•M~'t '!""' ....... .,,. :..: ~::~·~ -=~=-.:':"...!-~ ~ l1t1i.wo.& ... COIUIMll SAMMY, ... f ' •. ,.. o.l-4•ot .. _ ....... ·-.. Tiil Cll!EMA .. _. ---1111•1Ull ~ .._ -.oi ~ .,...,... ... n.,. ~ ..,. "".i ... _.,.. ...... .,.,.... t.1111 Ol<M1cl 1Yl~I .• -. .... ,., ~ • .......,~ • . -. Al••··~ J ...-wit ' . . •. . , . . •. , . • JI c1u•~l'll ·; .... : . ,. ... r,. tM ,,,., 11:t0 ..... ,., IUllVIO MA.ft j, ra,,._;,...,..._, · ,.i ' ' l 1 , I IACll jl'AIL" • ..., ....... i .• , ... ·, • I I , .../ . • .. ' . I· ~ •• --• -•• 1 . -._,. -• 1 -----.... • ·Tuesday, J1111a 5, '1951" -:····-r • :!HARBOR SOCIAL .EVENTS . . ' ' ----• ~ -~~-. ~L~~:i..~.._!1i'J':!1!?!.-'"'.-'"-- • I NEWPORT'-IAtllOA· fil~ ' .. : Riders · Get Trad ·in· ·River Bed • • ' • -_: .. _____ _ .NEW OAJI fti-·· . • • • l --Clark Woods Move to ;}:DM . : summer stQik ~company Plans ;·:1 en Plays for Laguna Season · ·at -Costa Mesa ~ before a ...,,,, ·-<torta ln0eel'chofa-cv,11e- make ap l1llf mind ~'UM body otyle that -_.., Qlo hta needm, adft9eiil the. NatlQb•l Au~oblle cl.ub. .With",·.,;. many types available .today, th.la I• more difficult, but the ca'"1UI buirer Will <have made a thorough 'lt.udy of hta needa and determined -which Oldeot ..,,_ • d-lo" qt'~- 6na.. del ·-... llr. and llJjL Cl&fk Wood, r..m-ll' of= .Wbd ~ llVfnl" at 302 ~ avenue. They are not -'trancet9 bowewr, for they are ~ yt LlOJd Wood, 0.:-.. .Blftt, J>ronil· nenl . contractor and ~Ud8r. I ,, :. This ye&r t'or the first ttfne In,., __ _:.· -----.,..-----1 Jessie, Wes Densmore, and many • )t*a six eeasona of aummer s tock others. , the Laguna Beach 90mmunlty Th,. dUemma of the oatraclzed ·.Playhouse will' be taken over by prote~sionals wa..'I brought i.nto .a company of profeuion.al actors, sharp focus by an amusing dinner ·all of whom live LD Laguna. In· party at which the cast of "Happy B!rt.hday" occupied one toom and •'stead ot gdinl" to Hollywood or all of the union members ot the further atteld for ite it.an, the Playhouse \•.'ere carefully segre- , 'n"'wly formed 1tock company for gated In another and required le : rthe moet part will draw upon tht> wear be.Ill llk'e lepers. The upshot 'wide array of experienced talent of it all was the formation of the irom •tace and 1tereen already re-Laguna Summer Theatre com- sldlng ln the sea.ilde commulty. pany, of which seventy per cent ; It wUl be a dramaUc season of, J.re equity members. "by &nd for I...a.guna. Kenneth Brlttor1, Fred Clark. • The atory behind this new sum-Don J r-ssie, J oseph Paul and Mlch- mer &tock coqlpany. iM interesting. ael s ·ims are the produc('rs. Byron 1t la the direct result of an actor's Kelley has ~n appointed director equitY ruling that obliged one o! for the season and E . J . KroW1e the prbd.ucera to withdraw from will serve ii\ the dual capacity of . tbe ca.at of "Happy Birthday" dur-scen!c tlesjgner and technical di-, '.ing the winter amateur seuon be· rector. ;c~u.se ot hi.a proteulonal standing. Starting with "Old Acquaint· , Se he decided to form an equity ance," June 26. ten plays will be '.company that would provide an prvduce<l in aa nt1ny weeks. These ' outlet for the talents of the many inclutle such vat1t'd fare as other prote911lonala in Laguna who "Cradle Snatchers." "Set ror a founded', built up and for many Spell." '"The Royill Family," '.years have supported the Laguna '1"herf'·s Always Juliet." two short : Beach Community Playhouse: plays by Janit's M. Barrie----"The ·P olly Moran, Mal St. CJair, Bren-Old LD.Jy Shows ll1•r Medals," dA J oyce, Barbara Britton, Con-and "Shall W~ J oin the Ladlea?" , n ie and Glen Wells, Le.site Kim-and the world premi('r of a new . men. Eric Linden. Barbara Reed, drama. yet to be announced. Tht> ' Kfnneth Britton, Betty Shope season is schN.luled t o close wlth , Paul, Joseph 1Jody) Paul, Maurine , "Hbus~party," by Kenneth Britton 'Cooluon, Judy Long, Howard I and Ray Hargrave, August 28- (Hap) Gr~am. Fred Clark, Don I September~- . ·Executive Director Addresses ~Harbor Children's Home Society-. . ' "It la the respoMibJlity ot each,._. ____________ _ : and every Interested citlzt>n of · California to bt>lp strength and • correct the lawa regarding adop- ' lion, of a aolution la to be found ' to the problem... Manuel Siegel · told tbe members of the Newport · Harbor au.xlJiary of the Children's : Home Society at their luncheon · meeting held Tueaday at the Bal- • boa bland l)ome ot Mn. E. C. , Martin. . Mr. Siegel is the executive di- . ~ctor ot Lhe Citizen's Committee on Adoption of Children in Cali· : fornl.._ The committee Is a clti- ' un'a group which ha.a been ere- . ated to work torether to ehec- • l ively study and attempt to solve · CaUtornia.'a a.doptJon problems th.rough progre.uive programa and , improved JegUlation. Mr. Siegel · told the auxiliary that community · education Is neceeaary to worltinl[ ~ out thue problems and th.at legis- lators should be in.formed of the •...recommendations of the citizens. Mr. Slee-el al.so sa.id that many • children in institutions and foster homes could ~ placed in adoptive homes if more skUled social work- ers were ava.Jlable and financial aid forthcoming. There are not many orphans or legally aband· oned children in California-rum- ors to 'the contrary. However. many children could be found adoptable it lht>re were money enough and skilled workers avail· able to slrt out the facts to pave the way for the older child's place- ment in a loving home. Offl~rs elected at this meeting, who will serve for tht> coming· year 1o1rere-as follows : Mrs . E . C. Martin. president; Mrs. Wiifred Berls, vlce-presldent; Mrs. J . H. Riggs, recording secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Staeege. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Forre•t Theetge. treasurer; and Mrs. A . v : An· drew11, parliamentarian. Assisting as co-hoeteaaes at the meeting were Mrs. Wendell Cal· kins, ~1rs. David Corson an<.! Mr!. F orrest Theetgt>. • ; , - ROY All OOURT MEMBERS walA>b tbio danMn1 at tbe Spdas. F .. tlnl ciJ llie:_Oo ...... !IOJ~ oclioOI, held Tuesday mornlns. Part of tile court (left to rl&'llt) · ""' tlu!IJ' ~:. ~ellle. TluUoUi. Maureen O'Leery, Gary Aekerman, OaJ'Ol Denner and Orer MaeOIWv1"91" •.. ,(.Newa.T1mH P~o) . ' Bridal Party to Feature Lido Fashio·n Show Highlighting the annual fashion Bhow or Lido IaJe Women's club. to be ht>ld Fr-iday at Udo club house will be a lovely June bride, with maid of honor, brtdeBmalds and flower girl. accordlng to Mrs. Hay LangPnheim, gt>neral chalr- nian. J oy J f'nnlce will also cr~ate a go"'" on the spot. be.sides showing stx original n1odels. Other spon· sors are 1-iaggle's Knit Shop, Vel- n1a O'Brit>n and Fun Fashions. Models wtll be club memben, M:rnes. Paul Rogers. D. V. Hayes. Kennt-lh T. Brooks, Allt>n Cris- sell and J . Arthur Taylor. Guests will also be models, for each Is to wear a hat de<corated with nowers from her garden. with pri%es offered for the pretti- t>st and most orlglnaJ. Deuert will bt> st'rVed at 1 :30 p.m. by Mn1l'S. Douglu V.'ard. and Nelson Neice, followed by cards and the fashion show, th<" latter In charge or Mrs. John Boytl and Mrs. George ~ii('haud. Mrs. George Ward is in charge or decoratlon.s . Proceeds from the affair go to the county juvenile home at Santa Ana. Members may gel thf>lr tic- kets at the club house . Costa. Mesans~· Beach Picnic Join Legion Ai.tx. Fin.al Event for earo1 1Mrs. Haro1.i> Hoh• wu .. Mothersingers admitted to t he membership of , . VFW auxiliary 3636 at a-recent Mr. and Mrs. Herbforl , Co1e- n1eetin1" ln American Legion hall, man, 718 Weal Ocean J'ront, Bal- Costa Mesa and at the same tlme boa, enterta.Jned at final event ot her hu.sband wu admitted to the the Harbor ¥.otheratngu., a ·pot post membenhip:· luck-auppe:r and wiener ~-on A plea wu mad~ tor good, clea.n the beach Tua.day evening o!,lut clothing for a needy veter&n'• week tor .member• and their hu1- f&mlly. Pereona wishing to con-ba.nda. ' tribute tjleae o.rticles .are . aaked qhlneae-lantern• provided d~o­ to contact 'Hazel (Mrs. J ohn) Gill. ratlve Ulumlnatlon. MN. -J . Le.Ille A 11leeping bag wu donated to 11 Stetffalsen, dlrector, wu able to •lck boy who has to 11pend much be prese'nt, being we11 ·on ' the way time outdoors. to recove.-y rrorh her recent optta· Irene Timmlngs was re-electe:ct t !On4100t turned over emcee duties juni.or vlce-pre•ldent of the unit. to .Jdr ... .SteffmMn, who led . the Delegate!! elected to attend the group In .. f1t-vorlte songs JU they state department conveniiQn in sat around tlre bon.tire. . Santa Cruz June 26 wen Pearl Present were Meun. and Mmea .. Brown and Mabel Glnen.a. Alter· Coleman, Steffensen, Ralph Dl!a- "atea named we re Dorothy Gllle1-ver, Al Cl,.mence, Burt. Proci.r. pie and Loul.ae McCracken. Calrence Dodd, Jame.a ZeJger. The reault ot the poppy day Warren Lippitt, Norman Hu~iBB. aa.Jes )VU overwhelmingly suceet•· Glenn Whitloc k, lia.rold Boyyey, tul, It wu announced. The aux.ill-MarU! N""ewla.nd, Jamee Sanda, W . a.ry wishes to thank all thoae who 0 . Harrtaon, Raymond Griggs, helped In making the two-day sale George Graeff. Frank Orr. Clay- so aucceufltl. ton Lowe, Tex Tunnell, Harvey Attending the aecond dlstr\ct Peue, Roy Mohlson, Ronald Bar· meeting in Orange May 27 we.re \ow; a.ho Mmes. Ray Harvey, I the newly-elected delegates. Alice !.a.mes Gookcn and Elton Ragan. Daggett, Dorothy Gillespie, Pearl Brown and May Buckland. Others attending were Oda Wells and Mabel GMngu. Refreahrnenta were served by Louiae-DelJChenes and Yvonne Scott. Mesa Circle 11 El.ects Officers Dates Set for Y'S M Cl b YMCA Boys Camp H . eRns ~ Mn,; Othella Crane will rennie her duUe• u chairman of ctrcle U of tbe Cmta Me.a Cam.mu- nlt.y MethOdilit church WSCS in accordance with her tt-election at the Mel.ion'• May 22 meet ing In her home on 17th alreet. Orange Coa.st YMCA ttu aecur-ears epO ed fou r p.rioda in ·Ooceola. an-of YMCA Sec. nounct·~ Paul Delp,, g<'"neral secre- tary. Th!s fin{' ca.mp has been In I ''1"here are now 11. total of te.n operation, !!erving boys tor twe.n-I · hl I · 1 led 1 th active Y clubs in my area and I ty·elg years. t IS oca n e • Other otflcer1 chosen we.re-Mn. . YQUR W . Y TO CHICAGO niost beautiful part of th<'" San predict there wtll be ten more by NEEDbE-A \Bernardino· mountain, 6,300 root the first of the year," said Paul Fril51e Jackron. secreta.ry; M.ts. Marjorie Hatnes, treuurer; and publicity chairman ; Jean Wind80r, devotions; Betty J enka, mi.ulon- ary chairman; Myrtle Long, mem- bership; Jane Reid. loca.I church actlv:Uea. Dev0Uon11 were ltd by Mre. J enka. Here is new:J for Orange county folk \\·ho are handy with a cro- chet nt>edle. The 19~1 Orange county fair, scheduled for August 15-19 , will again participate 1n the nation·"-'ide crochet conte~t. Orange county re.11idents may enter their handiwork In the com- ing fair to compete ror the hand- some '"Best ot Fa.ir" trophy, the blue i'lbbons golnJ to winners in -J6 classifications, and fQT the spe- cial ribbon awarded for original design ~ponsored-by Woman'r Day ·magazine. Winning entrtea at the Orange ~ouniy fair ln an'/ of th~ 16 cate- gorit>s will then be eligible tor na- tional j udging with otlfer prise v.•m.n ers from all over the country. The 19~1 Natlon&l Crochet champion will be awarded $M0 in caah plus a rree trip to Chlcag-o with all expenses pa.id. There Will also be special cub awa.rda for national entries ot ttt.n-age girls, -'·H club girls and for ladte.s over 65 years ot age. A total of J2600 in cash prizes are ~Ing offered In the final national competit ion. Even the n1 en can get into the act. Special prize award to mt-n will be $100 in cash and an all- expt>nae paid trip to Chicago. Any piece of. crochet worked in me.rttriz:ed cotton which wu eom- 1>1eted s1;ice January l , 19~1 . will be eltgible tor the cow petltlon. The J6° claaailtcationa include almost anything a contestant might want to make. For ruJes and regulations or thf nation-\\ide crochet contest and tor a list of the 16 claulftcation.s write to: Orange County _..Fair, 20391 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mesa. ~- Costa Mesa Minister Tells -of Mobile Post Exchange An onklned mlnl8ter troM Costa Meu.. a photogTapher and a five- man dance band haft pooled their talents to provide a traveling po.st -,sc:J~p for 4oth dtYilloD lntantrymen b!Vt)uacking In the Ojojlhara tralnJri formerly used by the Japanese army. MUIJ the 2'Z3rd regiment's rwlng band have made the tran.aitlon from t rhythm to two--blt cbanP w;tt. lng "l don't know ir I'm suppoted to a paper quarter, according be counting mea.au:res or money," l'1T9t Lt Aaron J . ~Rothman.• of · ed Malin. a former be.81 380 Perle Pl., Colt.a .Jiir.eM.,. form.er violinist ol". the Baltimore sym: ~,....tlGD• dlnct6r I.cw South-phony orcbt"sftL._-. era. ~Ol'ftls Bible collece. Tbe ·rough. duaty rtde._Jrom 40th r cl('vation. A mountain !!trea.m flov.·~ through camp and tht' boys can C1sh till tht>lr hearu content. OttH'r activities include hiking, nature. lore, horseback riding, C'ampc-raft and all klnd.11 or sports. A f"i~ swln1ming pool is available fur in.Htruction a.s v.•el l as play sw1n1s . Delp, YMCA secretary in this area in giv"ng a progress report to his spon~r. the Newport Harbor Y's Men" club at Its committee mttt- 1nJi!" May 28. The Y's Mens club sponsored the rect>nt YMCA fund raising cam · paign which made 'possible en- gaJi!"t'mPnt of a fu ll-time secretary. ·rhe f'Venlng program around Mlnistrrs of local churches, th,,. campfire out u~der the stars 1 princlp:!ls und Instructors in vari- w1th . sung-!I, storf('B, stunts an<.! ous schools and youth workt>rs in skits 1i:1 a never-to-be-forgotten t'X· other fields have been contacted perif'nct' for any boy. by Air. Delp ' tn hll, ,j11.d$&Vo(-1 tP The f~ i8 t'ops with plen_ty of get new y ~tubs started f"or' \.tte fresh 1n1lk daily. A nurae ts on boys and girl.I. "The respoiise hu du ty nt all tlmell of guard the bet•n , tertlflc,'' the secn>tary said. health of t.'"am p. A counselor i9 Bill B6rt y ·8 Meru club preal- provided for each cabin gTOUp of dent t:loeed ' the meeting a!ttr teU· eight bo~s He is choae.n for proven tng the committeemen about their leadt'rsh1p abllit' In building char· neJlt project, Interesting paient.11 actf'_r. . . in Camp Osceola, a high ·mountain H 1~h school boys Hi-Y camp 111 summt>r camp tor boye: and girls. Junl' 19-26. Junior high boya· Mr. Delp .said that the "pattnt.s (ages 12-14). June 26-July 3. Ora-could receive more lntormation by y camp (boys 9-12), ls J\Ugust calling him at Beacon 8268. 23-30. • AU camps are st the t>xceptlon· ally low fee or $16.7~ which ln- cludt•a meals. tran11portation and insurance. Camp periods are fast rilling up and parents interest ed should rt>glater their 90n.s a.s soon na possible. The YMCA office ls at Orange Coast college and a $6 deposit will hold the reservation. FISH a OAME POWER A bill extending the regulatory powen of thip Fl.th a.nd Game com -· mi.salon tor two yean hu atarted through the legi.ILature by Sen&'tor Charlu Brown, D.. Shoabon.e., It allowe the commluion to 1et eea- aona and bag llmita. l:nr7" weelr: day,, mornJ.ftl" Lt. head.quart.ere at Sendai --io...__ the Rotlun&n -SCt-~ph Hall or training area haa failed to dam~­ Moaten.y Park, former UCLA the enthuaiaam of the PX crew. ~. c&mp.aa plll.lotft~ber and hla ayn-.. A can of -· ,._.,.. pretly copat.d .ton:k~ to t.be fl.e.1d eood wflen • man hu ta.sled noth-( ·..nth "'\ army truckload ot aoap, Ins but .rice paddl.. for a WMk.'' ~t:M, beer, cooklee ~ observed Hall. • caNSY. ·For aunbunt soldlen • ot the 11o1 ..... pd Hall hit .._ tlMt Wrd, 11'X. lwluri .. otter a chans• -_ Of & lllOlllla ''PX" wbell th• from their .....,Y diet of l'leld ra- 223rd 1lopn llnlt .......,..... at t.1pna.. Moot. populv IWNI are -, C..p Cooke -Janu&ry. i:atl<>Md to three ca.,. per ma.a; ' • -the 40tlJ l'"Oall.IDed field dteeocrac:ken -.-... Eac1i ' <n'"tiis la 1._ U.., Pl!C picked comlJ&l!y' nma u.to..p Ito '!\'Ota ! UJ>-tllo JI... ..US.-PYJs. lade Ill 1-lb&n llaU aa bour t.lttt r 1111--tue, wu11.: Guy Jor. the trvck amws. 1 --!"-". Kan.; 11e1wy1r Kalin. Tiie mo8iJe PX -·11u eanpt N-"l'illll ~ -.& Q • ..U. Oil eo Wolj In the nard that otlls W.-.V, It. L ; ..,S 0...ld Yori<, ol the •0th &N ~ JC""9;1aomt. N. Y. a Fehr~ · , --... i. caly PX la tile "'l'1M7 ~ .. ...U." t' M><I ,.... ,Wllll a ·~-. -pllot.o Jlct. 1'1•• ~ ~ ,., • ....._ ""'=• .:t:ai:. .,, 2 19 I I find :::.i-: ::.~ ':'.. ":: -...... -..,..._ I'll -.at....... . I l • . ' I • During tbe 80Clal interlude Mrs. J ackMn and Mra. J e~ks sh a.red honors at a surprise layette •bow - er. Aftt'r the gifts were opened. games ba.sed on the babyhood theme were played. The names of 11ecret paJ.s were disclosed· with a gjft exchange. Mn. Crane was· assisted in hoat· es.s duties by Mrs. Long. A deuert <f..~r•;. bro4ght i" e to the occa-)llbn.1 ·•I >~ 11 : lTi/.' pt~~~t date hu beec changed to" "ctf~di* day, June 13. Mrs. Jean Windsor will ht' host-.... Miss Nancy Igoe on N. Y. Vacation Mias Na.n cy Igoe, Ea!lt 18th atreet, Costa . Mua., 14 on 2 week&' vacation from her work at the Abstract ~Title company and left Friday, J une 1, nytng to mw York. She will be gone two weeks tlnd b vi.a iling a cousin, Mrs .. W. Rt.'"Ymond Pitt, 3rd, who la known to many Costa Meaa.ns for the family realded here whe.ii Mr. Pitt WU a feature writer on the Loa An~u O&lly Newa. ' ·With. a •1Z81>le delep.µ<m et t)'pe meeta them adequately f>e.. .AM0911ted ~C club· 'memben fore he starta ahia Jhopplng trip. J)f'llllll.t. the bOard of aupervl9ora A mlatake jn tbt. CUe. ta too ex-~ IUt ·~eelt to Improve, rid-peMive. A lltUe thought wt:U pre-Ins traila in 8anta Ana river bed vent erron. ... ea.la 11-dlatrlct. -========================~ -Opportunity, lo Jmocl<ln&' ln CLABSIFDl:D ADS. '-Tbe tran,_wldOt of a bulldozer r; blade, will bO 1<raped from Ham- Uton It .• C6lta Meu., to Wlnters- l>Urs Rd. aDd Barbor Blvd. The board -voted down another :-equfft of the rid:lng cluba, head- ld by Bob Cole of Buena Park, -.hat the horse.men be permJtted to ue a levff 3.\on1r the river. P"loOd Control Enctneer Jack Bradley lnlilted that the river lEWee, C?f sa.nd, doea not pD.Ck w~lJ ·;.,hen dry and that the hooves or ;he hones would churn the !land to such an extent that It would be unu.aab:e tor OoOd control equipment and tire truck.JI. Mr.. Lulle Eutma.n Baeakena. :h&lrman of the planning &nd de- velopment · committee of Aaao- cl&ted.; Ch.amber1 of Commerce, headed the delegation before the board, a.nd':atrUaed that the open- ing ot the trail In the rlver will be an e.xperlm ent to determine If other are.aa of the river bed could !VenttiaJJy be opened to the riders and hlkep. The-AUoctated Riding clubs had aaked originally for a longpr atretch of trail, uktng that . a 1"'0Ule be improved to 17th 1trttt bridge tn 6anta Ana. --Opportunity ta knocking In CLASSIFIED ADS. I • \ ·A 0 I ' . ORRIN W. WRIGHT • PUBLIC ACCOU NTANT Md TAX CONSULTANT IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE NEW LOCATION OF ms OFFICE AT • • 217 MARINE A Vil., BALBOA ISLAND P. 0 . BOX 116 PHONE HARBOR 160 • - PU:uta !J1Uttuciip11 TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner I OoaCert l'!Mlat of T1ano ~ta Graduate ShMje:at of 8ela Bartoil 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171..J Corona HiCJhlands -Corona clel Mar . ' • INSURED . SAVINGS , • CUlllNT IARNINGS • • Per Annum ,, .. ; ,. v • ' • . . •, ' • ,... l · Page 4 Pabli..bod r;..,ry ~ aS Newport -b, c.Jllonda by lbo NEWPORT HAAlM>R !'UBUsmNO COMPANY ·- Member of CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHl!:RS ASS'N. Member of the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIAfION Office and PrtnUng Plant at 2211 Balbo& Telephone Harbor 1818 Boulevard ~tered u ~ond-Clua Matter at the Poetofflce ln Newport Callfomla under the Act of March 3, 1179 Beach, EDWARD A. LeHOVEN. Editor J . M. FRANCIS, Buaincu Manager" • Qtm.Unt'd to Publl.ta IA'(&I Notices and Ad\'ertl8ententa of all Klnd8 SU118CRIPTION -RATES: NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-nMES every Tuellday • In Oran.re County, P.M per year: U .00 six months: $1.%5 thrtt months (Aho Includes the NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS, 'I\ureday) Outalde Oran,.e County $4.00 per year Here's What's Cooking California • 1n Ninth agricultural district fair 3-ith annual Live rmore rodeo, and redwood empire rodeo at Red-Livermore, June 9 -10. wood Area. Eure ka, June 12-17. "MiSl!I California'' .PB~f.'ant. tal- Sevf'nth annual Rusa\an river rnt and ~auty contest, Santa ;iders' hot!!le show and sheE'p dog Cruz. June 8-10. trials, Ska~gH Sprin~ Road, H t-r· S<>vcn t h annual horl'I<' 1Jhow. al<lsburg. Junt> 9-10. Santa Cruz County Hor1Jemcn, Sonoma county trail blazers' Santa Cruz, J une 10. annual trt>k, Ff.'nton Acr f.'S, Santa Dog ~how. Del Monte, Junt> 10. R~. Junt> !>-10. · ""t Gninion run, Southf'tn Cahror- Fiesta , Lark!ipur-Corte Msdeur+ nia &acht.'l'I, June 4-7, 20-23. June 7-10. ~ F ourth annuAl Hawlh<rnf.' com· Thi.rd annual Modoc county jun-munlty fair. Hawthorn('. Jun(' ior l1ve9tock and agricultural show 1 8-10. , and s&l(', Alturaji, J une 8. Third annual LA F iesta Duarte. Annual devel'!!I corral rodeo. DuartP, June 9-10. LittlP Va llry, June 10. Sixth annual Aztrc riders all- Hor11e show, Twin Cities Riding westf'rn horl'lt' shn\v and ~yn1kh1t.11a club, MaryMvillP. June 9. in A lvarado Canyon. La Mesa, f.TI'TR AN1',VERSA.RY was cel.ebratf'tl ~Mtly by ioha Boyd'a BaJ"1rw BuUdffw Supply outftt. at 818 Coas t HICb\vay. In honor of the ~on. the e'!terl:crr of the bul&dlnp W&& si\'t>D a apanklnr new palat job. lNews-Times Photo) FIFTH ANNIVERl!ARY Five years serving the Harbor area was rc<"e ntly lht' r<-eord of Bayvle\v Bulldl'\S Supply at 818 Cout H ighway. Thr 1tort> rrdnt ·wu given hearty swipt"a with the paint bn1sh for the occasion and the establi•hment, und e r the guidance of OWn(lr J ohn Boyd, ls ready for <:on tlnu.E'(.I i;ttowth keep- ing pac(' with t he-Harbor area. Boyd 1s a for1nt.•r .starr engineer with H cadqu:irter3 Wrstern Fly- ing Training Command and V.'R.., !L&tlonNt in S,anlll Ana during World \Var II. LikP countleM others, h P cnfoyed the Harbor arPa and dj-ch"lrd lo stay here af- ter hl!!I separation frail) the .service. . -. UG-A_I; N011CI NQTICS ~O 111118 Nqtlce 18 hereby given that the Boa.rd ot Tru.teee ot the Orange Cou.t iunlor College District of Orange County, Callt .• will recetVe bk11 up to the hoUr o f 2 :00 p .m . on tbe 20th day of June, 1951, at the: ofnoe of said echool dlat'riet , located at 19951 S.' Harbor Blvd,~ Coeta Mesa. CAiif., at which tlme aaid bldJi will be 1't1bl icly opt>ned for the fumlahlng of the. follow- , ing: ConstrucUon All Heart Red- wood Lumber; one Milling Ma- chine on a 2-year le&11e-purcha.ae agreement. The sa.!d Board o f TtUlllees ahalJ be the 11<>le judg" ·of the merilll and qualifications of the equipment offered. and re- aervea the rlght to reject all bids. and to waive any informa.llty In any bid. ADV: June 5-12. 19:-il . Opening Date: Juni 20, ·1951, 2 p.m . SlgnPd: BASIL 'Ii . PETERSON. Sec .. Board of TruBtt'eH No. 215-Times Published S/5-12/51 ' 111.11ta Ana. _ OilltOnlla. . at -1or public: ~ ' I Ume and plac'e.--all pe,_. la· 1LU10LD BT. )OBNa,J \e,..._ thenoln wilt 1>e -. ~ _ I For turther partk:ulan rere~ <>nn.se. County PluntlUr: ence la made to -•Id app11caUon bociuni.ion. · 1 - which 111 on ftle ln off!ce of the .No. 213-Ttmea Commi.Mlon a.t. llle above ~ PubU.h June ~ 195L ADVEllTlllEMENT roa lllD8 t I Notice ill """'by gt""n tbal the Board ot Truoteu of Ule Orarip: "";oaat Junior College Dl.atrict of Onn.ge County, here~ refel"tj!d' to .u the "0Wner", Will recetve up to, but not later than 2:00 -Pr "Jll .• June 13, 1951, Healed bl<!-for the award of contract.a for f t) ~e r~-roofing of the Gymnulum BuHdlng, &nd t Z) for a c.m.pua pagtpg syl'ltem to be lruitalled In the Library Bulldlnc, all at Oruge Cout College. Such bidll ah•ll be recetved in the office of the .. Owher'', !ln lhe Admlnlatratk>n Bul~inl'. Orange Coat College, 199f.l Harbor Bouf("Vard, near Santa Ana, Orange County, California, and lhaU be opened and publicly read aloud at •the above alated lime in the office of the "Owner" In •Uch building. Each bid must conform and be res:ponslve lo lhla tnvttatlon. t.Jle plans, speeif~tton.s. and all the-other documenll compriatng the (>('rt1nent contract document.a. Copies of the Contract Document.a are· now on file and open to public Inspection In the &&Id "office of ~ Owner. and of Robert E . Alexander, Architect, localed at 3657 South La Brea. In the City of Loe Ange le.a, ln sa.ld County &nd State, for the r<'-rooflng; and at the office of the Owner only for the campua paging syst Pm. . $('para.le contra.ct bids wtl.1 be received covering 11 l re-roofing, 12) campus paging sy1Um. Completion Lime requee:ted to be set by hiddcrs. A deposit of IO'fr of the total bid by certified c heck or bid bond is required wllh each bkl ; labor and materi&la bond and per- for1nancf.' bond required of contractor 1elected. Each bid ahall be made out on a fonn to be obtained at any of NcmCE Ot, PIIBJ .. IC llEAJllNfii thr said offices ln which the Contract Documents are on file. TO BE HEl.D B\' THE «>R.-Each bid 8hall be accompanied by a certified or c&ahler'• check ANGE COt TNTY Pl.ANNING j payable to the Owner, or 11atlsfactory Bid Bond In favor of the <>wner, COMMISSION .ON t lSE VARI-cxccut1-d by the bidder &ii Principal and a satlBfaclory s uretY company as surety, In an amount not 1ru than ten per cent of the bid. ThC' ANCE PERM 1 T APPLICA-c heck n r bid bond shall be given u a guarantee that the bidder will 'nON NO. l l\'-%92. C>F MAOOIJ. C'XC'cute the Contract tf It be awarded to hlm In conformity wtth the CORPORATION, fi"OR A VAlll -C'.ontrat:t ~umenl.8 and will provide the 15urety bond or bonds as ANCE IN TH.E I J S~ REGl;l.A-!>P•"'cified therein ~thin five days after nottncatlon of the award of TlflNS ()t' THE K-4, SUBJTR-the contract to the bidder. . Th(' Owner reserves th e pr ivilege of rejecting any and all bids or to v.'aive any lrteGl1laritlcs or lnformalltlea in any bid or in the bidding. \\'ORKl?\-o CRE\\' of Bay\'lt'U' Bulldt"nt Supply lnclud-thMW" ~ richt &N': Gar Y.ncll"h· John 84"•.\·d. \\'ylle He dt'Cldrd upon a bulldcre sup- ply bu.11lnrs.'I. for(lsering a steady growth for Newrnrt IJ(•ach. P ursuan t to the Labor Code ot lhe State of California.. thf" said Board of Trustee& has ucerta.lned the gener&.I prev&lling rate, of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman needed to .CXt'CUte the contract.a which will be awarded the succesaful bidders: &nd \J)ese prevailin~ ratea ,are contained ln ukl specl!icatlons adopted by the Boa.rd, and are as followa: l 'IM!ilflC'ation: fnur slaJ\\'ftrf". Lrft to A PPR ENTICES -May be employed. in conformity ~th Set:tion 1777.5 of the California Labor Code. Parade, ho rs(' show and rodro, .June 10. llarrlMn snd Juhn (ila,..~ !Ne\\'s-Time!'I Phntol Hclpln,i.: Boyd conduct hi ~ bu.!li - nt'M ar1• Kall' nrid, Wy llP 1-larri- i;on, Hal Gl1t~.'l and Ga r English. BAN R ES I 0 E N T I A L l>IS- TRICT TO P t~ R M I T 'nlE DRILLING OF 0 ~ E f) I I. WELL 01'' THE EAST SIDE OP' THE SE"'ER AND ft(}.<\Jl EASE!\fENT ON TllE NORTll ~ ERL\' SIDE «>f>~ THE f'OA.~T HIGHWAY C>PPOSITE HEl.- ENE'S 111' 1·! T S H 0 P, A:"\ll {\.8:(l1TT ISO f "EET l:Sl.A:SIJ F Rf)M SAii) COAST HIOll - \\"A \', IN THE \\1F.ST '.\t:\\·- PORT Bl<:AC'H AllEA. Carprnters . .. ...... ............. ........ ...... . ..... $2.~ ''olo County Hor!ff'nte n'a Assn., P acific powCr boat reg,..ttR, ~11s-1 \\'uodland. June 9-10. 8ion Bay. San Dlf'~T•, Junr 10. Cr~:.~~~ J~nu•g~~IO Clly festival. o;~;~~~~~: :~IHnd h•ndl<'aµ. s .. ~ I Huge lobbying College Holds SOTIC'F. 1 1''\'ITl~G DllJS LEGAL NOTICE Prophetic Words Key Suspense in 'Night Must Fall' ~ome Building • Expense Charged All School Picnic B;.~,~;c:r 1~:::;,::~ ~;v:~. '';;',~~;~ Slowed to Walk • Cua.'ll Junior C'nllt·J:t' Districl of -Ex1>t.•tdlturt· of "almost a n1lllion Sturll'nts, raculty and t'mployt'e8 f r 0 C C II OranAe County, C'.nlir .. v.•ill r<'<:eivc b Lack 0 Money tlollars a yl'a r of the taxpayer!'!' 11 rani;::c os.st 'n <'~l' gathrr-Y monl'y" for th,. t•xpr('&~ purposi· •·d ut l rvir11· l.,ark F'ritlay aftt'r· bids up to lhl' hour of 10:00 a.m . noun, May 2~. for thl' annual All on thr 20th day f")f J unt'. 1D51 . at Large scale tract home buildlni:: or lnhbyinh v.·a.., cf'largcd In th(' I s(·hool P it.•nlc. ThC' hours fron1 l hp offict• or ~Id scfi ool diHlricl. in California ts being slo\\'Cd down IC',1ti!'IKlUr(' la~t we··k. Ot~~,. t <I .30 to 9 p. n1. Wt.' re ont' con -·r"H'ate<I a't 199!'"i l S. H•rbor Blvd., to 8 walk !><>cause or Jacko[ avail-county spl'nl $IO.-l 25 for lobbying linua\ period ur run anri r r laxa-Costa Mesa. Calif., at which tim(' last Yf'Or. lion. rt•porL'!I th1· \Vnmpn',.; Athll'lic said bit1!!1 \\·111 bl.' puhllcly opt'ned "You·u be the death of nie~" a re abiif m ortgage n1onf'y. th" Dtvi- propht>tlc wo rd!!! !ipokc n In the slon or R eal E.<itat.c has rf'pott('d. lightest banttr by Gertrude-Horn. S carcity Of mor tga,I{(' mon£'y in the'play, "Night Mu!!ll Fall" se~m11 to be worrying ,ub<llvidt·rs whic h Is b..•ing prc8Cnted on June a nd build€''"" more than critical 8 a nd 9 al Orange C088l college material problems, the division chapel. aid. ··Nlght Mu.st Fall," being .glve.n It appeal'B that mo.st large scalt' by the Harbor Community Play-ftn&nclal ln11tltulions are. at leMt ers. ls an Intelligent and intf.'nSE"-Lf'n1porar:ily, out of the ITsir1<'ntial ly 1cntertalnlng play. Far from mortgage mllrkct. due primarily beihg the ordinary mystery drama 1 to to tbe lack of available mort- wlth 3lapatlck com edy touche&--gage funds and not necessarily th.ls is·a play o f a g Foup of sharp-1 to mer~I~ lnterel'lt ralcs Involved. ly contrasting characteri:iatlona. the dlvrs1on 11tatefl. Thls Is a difficult play, ror there During 195-0-a r£'cord ho1ne arf> no mll\or parts. The cut ts J building year -financial 1nstitu- small, therefore the burden o f dla-lions made con1m1tments, or built log11e reslll h"avily on a few. up a "bac k log" of commitmenL<1. Each character Ill a rich portrayal in son1e CIUIE's to the h•vel of thf.'ir unto itself a.nd important to the I legal re8t'rve r~uirf'ments. plot 'and t he play dema.ndll fro m ' The situation haa been furtht•r t-ach n1ember o f the ca11t a clear I complicated, the division r('ported. c ut pjcture of the part lhf'y play· I by the joint action or the F'Pdt>ral Rt>hearsal audiences have been Re!i,_erve Board Rnd the U. S. held enthralled. Treasury deparlmPnt In their Clever director Marjorie Wit-"demonetizing" of_thc lo ng term Hamson of Laguna Beach . keeps 2% per cent FC'deral securltlf.'s. the play n1oving at a rut and ever Thts is said lo hA.ve had the efft>ct 'fhi:<i as~crlc<I .. wanton waste" As.<10l'1ation. spon!-lors of th is year's fnr the furn1sh1n~ of the rollow-of rublil• funrls an<! other char~('!'! "v•nt. ... " ing: r\ursin.g suppl it·~ and equlp- \\'f'r{' niadc by AS8t:mblyman Au-Undl'r the co-l'hai rmanship of nit~nt : fladio. Tf.'lcvision and Elec- ;~~t5~si F. Hawkin~ of Lo3 An-:\ofary Rob i n~ of Nt.·wport H eights tronic 11upplics and equipment. e an(t Dianl' W1·stlake' of Corona dt•I l 'h f' said Board o f T ru!ltl'f'S shall Th(' occa sion was the prel"enta-Mar, the p'anninJ,: commlttrc had be thC' sole jud~<' uf lfle ml'rils lion of It bill lo place drutif' arranged a progran1 \\.'hich tea-and quallf;cations of the equY:,- curb!'I, Hawkins said. upon the turOO a. student -faculty softball mrnt oftere<t, and reserve• t.pe !!prnrtlng or .-ounty tax fund!! by g anlt.'. J;:R.Y rnCt'e. egg toss, shoe right to r1 •j 1·ct all bid~ and \o- Callfornia Boards of Supervi80r!I m ixers and othe rs. waive any Informa lity In any bid. to contract for lobbylstll othf.'r ...._, 1 ADV : June 5-12, 1051. · than regular county employell. . ,,amf' (:Ornm II~ SeVentun other members of lhr SPf.'clrlc aturi('nt Com1nitttts ap-Opening Datt.•: June 20, 19~1. 10 slatr as~mb l.v signf.'d Bll co-au-poinll'd ror the evt•nt "'err as fol-a .m. Sl••nrd; thors of thr Hawkins' ml'asure. lO\\.'S: Activitif•s -FrP<I °"'en!!. ,.. In prrS<'nting his legislatio n carnpus rt•sident. sport11: Allc1· I BASIL H . PETERSON, crat·king dov.:n on the coun ty F'ox, Costa A.!t·sa, a51;(sted by the I Srt·., Board of Trustees boa rds. Hawkin.ci lssut>d a fo rmal OCC Vlterman.11 Club. gamPI'; No. 21'1 -Tlnies !'!Lat('tnf'nt. ,\ntong oth('l' lhingi:i, rqu1pn1t>nt. Httrold R()('hn1 and thP Publl~hed 6/5 -12 5 1 he t•harg1•d that "many aasen1bl.r-1.Rtl<'r!"nan's c lub: fO<xl. K eo Fi~h-1 m£'n fr el that lhf'se private lobby-f'r. Col'lta ~1('sa. and Bill K ing. ISL" (hired by public money Huntington Bf'ach ; publicity, Bar· throu~h irup<'rvisorsl oftt>n are den Greenleaf. Balboa Island: ~ USE'rl 1n attt•rnpt!'I to lnftU~•ncc leg-Marjoru• l, U I s I f et, Huntilljtton Jslation which 18 ri <'lrin1cntal to Beac h; Jane t Hill. Corona drl Mnr, the g~al mas.<; ur county taxpay· Barbara L<1n~. Nt·\.l.·port Ht·i~hU. ers. Notice Is ~('rt>by .'[ivr n t hEt t pur- suant to Srction 19, OrdinRnc·1· Nu. 351, Orange County. CallforniR. 8}; nmcnr1<'d, a public h l'Rting will b•· hf'ld by 'thr Orani;!"c County· Plan- ning Commission on Usc VariROCf' P ermit Application No. UV-2fl2. of ~fncoil Corporation. to permit lhP drjlllng of one W(•IJ for thr produc- tion of oil and gAA in thf' R-4 , Suburban R('si•lential D1strlct, on the cast sid<' l"f th(' Rt'Wt'r and road easemrnt o~ th<' northc>rly sidP 11f r he Coa.cit H ii:hway oppoi;itf' He lene's Nut Shop, anl\ about 150 ft. inlanrl fton1 said Coast H igh- WJJ-Y· in the west Nt•wpf)r t BcaC'h aiea. The well is to be drill<'rl vertically with a-portable dt•trick or ma.st. which df'rrick or muHt will be rt'1noved when drilling-i~ completed. Elt-ctr1c powC'r will be used In all operatlona~ and the WE'il whl be drilled in accordance "'llh the provi11ion~ contalnt>d in a Jct- lf'r accpmpa.nying and made a part of Mid application. Said public pcaring o n the above appllcat ioni, Will be hr ld at 2:00 p. m ., June 8. 1951. in the hr arlng and mN!'ling room of the O range Co u n,t y Plann ing Con1n1lssion. Room 315, Court House Annex, Labort>rs, G('neral or Construction .................................... 1.75 Y.11·(·1 riclllll8: Electrician -G('neral F"Orema.n ....................... . . ... ~'3.126 EJ (•<:n-ical F oreman ...... . ......................... ·-····· . ··~ 2.815 E lectric;,al Sub-Foreman ..... .... ..... ............... 2.75 Electrician ............... .................. ............... .......... . .... 2.825 R oof('r F oreman ........................................... 2.75 Roofer .,... . ......... _ ..... . ..... -· .. ·····-··· 2.50 Shet.>t M('tal Workker . .. . ................... _._ .. -.:.: ............... 2.49 O\·prtlmt> Ralt'M for Basic T~: CARPENTERS: Double time for all overtime, except for P ile Drivf'r Men -Bridge or Dock Carpenters on Hde work where the ovcrtimp rate will be time ILnd one-ha.lr; providing that \Vh <'n mf'n are called lo work outside of the regui&r wotk day thC'y will be gµaranteed six !6 ) hours pay at the'Overtlme rate. LA aqRERS : T ime and one· half except Sundays and Hollday.11 \••hich are double time. Overtim" shall be paid for work performed in excess of the regu 'ar rlay·s or week'11 "\'Ork and at the rate for overtime ot the cra(l involv£'d . Holidays as herein r t fe1 red to &hall be deemed to be New Year's Day, Dl'coration Day, Independt:nce Day, Labor Day, Armistice Day. 'fhanksgiv!ng Day, and Christmu. If any of the above holidays falJ on Sunday, the Monday following 1hall be corwldered a legal holiday. lt shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom a CQnlract is awarded, and upon all sub-contractors under him, lo pay not. lea than l'lairl J;:eneral prevailing rates of per diem wage.11 to all workmen em· plo)·ed in the execution or the contract. , No bidder may withdraw hla bid for a period of 30 days afttt· U1c date set for lhe operiing of bld.11. No. 211 -Tlmes. Board of Truateu, Orange Coast Junior College Diatrlct. Orange Counly. Calif. SJgnod: BASIL H. PETERBON Publish lolay 29 -June 5,. 1951. -=-----:::::;:~--------------------- ' ""' quicke ning tempo and ea ch play-of reduc ing avallablf' mortg&J{<' <'r wraps his part a round h im Uke money by more than $1 3,000.000.- " cloak and wears It well: Orren 000. • and ,_1ari lyn Pcrnzzl, Tust in ; tick- rts: Marlf'ne Jacobsen. C08la MemJ,, Ek.-verly Thornpaon and Vel- ma Pridhan1. Costa l\.fcsa: fire- \voo<t: J\.t arllyn Suess, Midway City. "W e fel""l-and I think jusli!l- ably so.1. that It Is not right or rair for tax runds t'vcr to be u~d against the interest.!! of the pt>oplt• who pay the g0Ve\onn1ent b4l8." . • • Brooke w ith hi• c hameleon-like This audden "drying up" of c hanges of c harac'°er u Danny, available "take out" n1ortgage Gt'rtrudt> Horn u eetty. self-c~ri-money is the main reason largP tPrt"d Mrs. BramllOn; Margn1 t acaJe home building In Cali!ornia Rol17.&ud u frustrated. bewildered hU been practlciLlly .stopped in Olivia: Bob W ent% a.a Hubert .. !Cs tract.a the past two weeks, the pompoll!!I and unknoY('lngly coml· dlvililon '8-id. cal: Benny rumer as the quiet. ------- forceful in."l pector : Virginia Royce Water Vote as ~rs. Terenve. tart and dlr,dain- ful : Ma rge Stafford a:s cute but (Continued from P1:t.1~ I) dull Doro: and Nancy Andrew!!! &8 the quietly flippant nurse. Admisllion to the play will be Sl.00 and !!ltUdt>n t..8 50 Cf.'nls. Cof- fee v.•ill be served between acts and curtain l ime Is 8 :30. p.m. • provided a n ew feeder n1ain which . carrlea MWD water lo reservoirs for both distric~. Thia latest Pro- posal would complete a modern and adequate water aystem for the whole district "'hic h f"Xt en ds from Newport Ave. to Pacifi c o.,.. and from 19th St. to 600 feet west or Wilson. · "Th e l egislature,'~ dt-clarffi Hawkins, "has been subjPctf'd t o con!l&nlly increasin~ pressure from highly·paid private lo bby1't.s rf'preecntlng the state and local Chambers or Cobmerc<', and wtio are also paid public m oney by the Boards or SupervilK>rs. "The use of county tax monry by the county supervisors," con- tinued Ha\\·kin!'l. "to finance lobby- ing contract.a \llith pr ivate groups or individuals is certainly a wute of public runds: Any legit imate t l'pr('8cntatioo of county liitere!!lt before the legislature can be bet- ter handled by rrguJar full-time county employees or by members of the various boards of supervls- ors." \\'AGNER TO Al.ft FORCE P1c. Rlchard E . Wagner of Newport Beach. Ca.lit., has been a.Migned to the 3-i63rd . School squadron of the United Statea air force ,it New-Mexico Western col- ...Jege. auver City, N. M. Waner Is one of the second 50 men to arrive at Western. The squadron. \\'hlch "Wt.11 malnlain a level of 300 m en. Is beln schooLed to become clerk1 and t:rpista for -the a fr force. I t i's quartered ~ht on Resulte come rrom consta111 Newa-'nme. ,&48 have been read l Practict'! An ad regularly ln th1,. In the Harbor for over 40 years. , paper will produce results for ynu the coUege campu!!I. · • The Newport Beach man came to Ne• Mexico WeBtetn on April 19. after being l!ltaUoned at She.p. P'\rd Air Force hue. Wichita Falls, ;.ex. Before entering the service he attended Loyola uni· \•ersity, Los Angele&, C&lif. He'1 a 1949 gTaduate of Saint An- thony'• high~ school, 4og Beach. H I._ backcround Includes activity in swimmln •• football and tra.clt. W..,ntr le the eon ot Kr. N. A. Wagner. 3711 Cll&nnel ~­ NeWJ>Ort BMch. Bl• lraln!J>«· af New Mexico ·wutem · .w can .... UnUe -tor 12 -WltUe at W..Um. he, lo Ol]lllt clUot ol Illa S"OUI!--. IDUVDS' LICEl'ln:a A 1f11Dd Iola! ot 11.101M1 dm-- ------- FAST D,RIVISG DA."liOEROUS Drivlns loo fa.at for conditions and ttic willingness to takP chance!! in traffic t>Ventually will bring the erra.nt motorist lo grief, the . California H ighway Patrol said "today. · "W ith more vehicles on the h ig h\\·ays than ever before, ex- Cf.'sslve spt..•Pd is n1or<' dangerous than cver." thr patrol pointed out . "Excessive 8pt•t'<.I remains the chief cause or fatal accidents, not only in California, but through- out the country. "ChancP-taking is also a princi- pal fac to r in our blgh traffic n1ortality and acc:dt>nt rate. The d rive r 'Who deliberately takes a chance may be taking his laat, ont' that may S<'nd him to the hoa- pltal or morgue. Aftf.'r all, it's Your life. \Vhy gamble w ith It?" ' , __,en'·llnllw were CM'ICD*as ta qll!Onlla u ot Ju11&17 .at. .lllil. ~touie~A­ mabllie a.... Of Ullo ~ ~--· . ™ "'8 open.ton• do."' PJIJ .. ....... °1119' •••rtai ..,. ,, .... ..._ ..•. _ ... .._, tN---~.Pboto •n;llO ..-. ~ Uc1•1_1 • ' • l .. • • -' ' • ' ' ... I '" • ....,...,._,.,....._ . . ...... '-', ..... : , .. on \\te ... o\\. • I • No movln9 part• to wear oUtl With a Servel Gu Refrigerator, lbtic'1 llO -· DO machinery, Tbt tiqy gu ftame la lbt st~ F-.ing Sy11em maltt1 ice and c;old ... elimifllia moving pans 1ba1 wear our and ...U ooia. Thia i1 why s. .... 1 ouy1 1ilu1 and luu .... p. You iet yeari of procection wben you bay a Semi Gu Refrigerator. -, And even lower prlda I ' When you -the eigbt ·models, you'll .,_ diat Servel ii WNG oil beavcy. When you IDok i~, you'll fuMI it LONG Oil a>a...U.11ee, -. TWte'i spore 11onge apace .•. mbic fnmn food ll*Z ... '11 that'• new. And e.ea lower pridt.I SM··~ at clealen' or your Gu Compaay, i.acl lllect ~ Se"el Gu-Refrigen.O~ IOOtL ' l•pWete .......,. c1M,a1:2:1.f. ' • -~ ........ '"Ti: ~rr·1" I~-..--...... -ii""'--""'" .. --' ' . .._:7'4 .... ; ......... ~.~~~ ---•.70 ....... ol ...... .......... . -~Jet ..... .. ..... lei.-...... . 'f . a • J ~ .... , ••••• , ••• , ...... , •• , ... y . . .. . • • I l . I I l r ' ' " .. • -·---·---~ r -' • • Tuesday, June 5, 195 1 .. • I • I Art Exhibit · at L.-.A. County Fair Twenty-two muterplecee of· palnlln.g"~ -=ulptuN a.nd Cetamk• reproP.se:ntlng 22 countrle:s or culture.a have ~ ~.rowed from mtU.e- uina and collections •from all ove.r the worl(f for ahibll al Los An· ge.lea CoUnty/FaJ.r, September 14-30, according lo Millard ShMt8. director of lhe fine a.rts ex'hJbtte for the fair and one of the country'• top artist:M. Tit!" of this outeta.na-• Ing exhibit Is ··one World of _Art... 24t.b flne arta exhlbiO t the coun- Shttlll a.l!to announced a nation-ty fair and Sheet's 16th year u al competitive exhlbtt.!on of oil di.rector. More than 900,000 per- painting and sc ulpture, a natlo!la.1 sons saw the art ahiblt at the fair competi~ ('Xhlbition of art.a and laat year. crafts and an invitational salon of ----~"'-- color phot ographs will be held el-GOOD DRIVER8 onrg SIONA.LS multa.11C"Ously. All follr e:ithlblll -• ' -,. .. . NEwPoRT.aAllOA NEWS-TIMES · \ Mesa Hostess CoL!.hty f<.'it Ass n. For Canasta ·sr~ap to See Etc hin gs · It wu f0< her ntla:bborbood Ti>e 0.-.e County An ~ canuta club that Mn. Dorothy c:latJoa .announca lta next rqul&r Grant entert.atne~:r reoeri'Uy ln her meet.tac to be beld June 1, ln place Coot& M-borne on Meier' A.. ot June u . tile lecl1ltt ball of tile Prlae wlllnen ..,. Mn. IMmlta IJ'l.U.rton PubUI: Ubrary at I p.m. Eutman. Mrs. Jean Hldd•n and wllon Peter Je....., will <Xhl~t hill Mra.. Jean Smith. · ,tclt!np and rtve-a demo~tJ~n · Roundlng,out the evening Mn. of method and tools with l\i. etch- Oranl ervecS retreahmenta te lnl' preu. Everyone ta lnvtted, ft Mmea. J't"&nc:ee Smith, o l g a ll tree and ntreehmenta are eerv- Grant, Ann Hilton, ICutman. Hld-ed. membenhlp1 a" available. den, Smith and Marjorie Halnea.· -Rewlta come trom comtant ' Attend s . Dist. PT A Mem bershi p Conf. . . Mn. Raymond Rapp, member- •hip c:ha.lrman &nd Mn. Jack Har- rla. preelde:nt. repruent.ed the Coeta. ¥cu Lindbergh-Harper PT A at a membenbtp conference held 1'1...S.,., May 22 In SanU&go Park, Santa Ana. MTa. Charlea Davi.a. fourth di.s- trict PTA. membenhip c:balrman, preeided. Standard procedures for obta.tnlng memberB In parent• teacher organlzatlona wer~ out- lined by Mn. Davlll. . ' Summer · Series at C hrist C hurc h I I Na iad Mariirer's at Plan Session A nln~..-..Jc opec1a1 """"'I"' Nancy Trilt and ~an Du~rlb Sunday -evenlnl' aeriea, brlnl'lftl' \n · served at the aecond meeUng ot outatandlng talent front throurh-the Orange County Gfii Plann!n·g oot .out.hem Callforn.1&, will be Board of Girl Scout. Kay .26 at oondu·ctecf • agalr:L thla 1 yeu &t the all-day &eaalon h~kt An Ora.nge. ~t Cburcb by the Sea. They 1repreMnted ·Mariner Ship Naiad of Newport Harbor. MA.'!Y DRIVERS Harborites Attend -Asilomar Confer. R~preaent41g Newport ~T Ol'tlr Scout Council at A.a'.k>m.ar, Pacific Orov~. CttlJ!o, May 22--24., ro:-I h" r.rrn. confen!'flce w~,. · nflasio:i.rr Mrs. Ev'e.rett N and Mra. E."th('r Chapman. counc &d:- visor. The <'Onference wu we at. tended from all we!'!lcrn I region 12) and Hawatt. At the end ot March thi.!I year, tbere w'ere outslandlrig 4. 714 ,296 I OpE'ralor'a llcensc.e and 434,671 Dll . IJ. GORDOJI MacL!!AN, ' will ~ tlisplayccl in the fine arl.11 Good bOxer., never let the other man know what they are about to do. Good drivers, polnt.a out the National Automo bile Club, aJwa)'1' let lhe other roan know what they are about to do. By giving thr correct ar.m signals. clearly and diatlncUy. they help keep them- selves safe. -ciumtted -an reed by tolluo I PracU<el An ad rqularly In lhlo who a.re looklns to buy. 1'1'"1 wtll produce re.JJU for ,au. ·AT L. B. llQIJAKE DANCE Attending a mquare dance at Lo.ng Beaclt rec:ently were Mr. and Mrs. Bud 1wucox of Newport 11- la.nd, Mr. and Mn. Clifford Drake ·ot Balboa; Mr. and Mn. Ronald BarloW of Balboa Iala.nd and Mr. and Mra. c . c . McCary of Laguna ,Beach. chautteur'e licen.9e8 tor a total of Oakland, Pre.s., Cali!. Med. Aan. 5,148,917, the C&llfornt4 Depart--"'E veryone. able to give blood ment of Motor Vehicles has re-s hould go at once to the. nearest ported. • Bloo<.1 Bank and give a pinL'' " • building at the-fair. A $1000 purc hase prize and two $100 honora ble m<"nUon awards are offe red 1n t he oil painting di- vision; $SOO purchase prize and one S lOO honornble mention award fo r sculpture: and three cub awards in t'ach division of the arts a.nd crafts exhibit. Competltlons are op"n tlJ 1:tll artists in the Unit· NI Sltttt·s nnd rull d('ta.ils may be obtaincJ by w ritini:i' lhe Los An- gt•lf'~ County "Fair Association. P omona. Calif, This yl·ar')I exhibit n1ark's the A total of 2,56 7 ,608 veter&nR obtained Gl loans between June 22, 1944. beginning ot the pro- gram, and A prill, 1951 . The loans totaled $14 .1· billion, of which Vet· eran11 Administration l(Uaranleert about hal~, or $7 .4 billion. Dist rlct Presiden t Pays Visit to Ame rican Legion Auxiliary ~rtkeMONEY (.., ,.,.: frwt Se\\'port Bfoat"h ..._ btrw c ... lw f.rlr• I • I COil\', W\'(). . . ..sso.e.s REER..~llEB . ..\., TE.SS. . .. 40.20 Bll~•~•sto!', MOST. . 2.t..6o A r'nembershlp cont<"st pay·off 'dinner &.ttended by a group of dls- t:ngul11hed gue5Ui combined for a memorable event· for member11 of the Newport Harbor unit of the American Leglon auxiliary L'! the y turned out for tht> regul1r sOctAI mttting held in Legion hi.II Mon· I day night. May 28. The dinner of tamale pie'-tos.~d green salad and carTols, topped off with home-made strawberry 111hort· cake and cofft'e, was pl'('parf'd and servt>d Captain Julia Eg,gcrt and her team. . Heading the ll.st of honorel'1 guest.a was Mrs. Nl'll(' J . Carlson. 21st di.strict prcitldcnt, who was ma.king her offic ial visit to the lo- cal unit and who al.so ac ted M guest initiation officer during the impressive candlelight ceremony which saw Mmes. fanni(' Reed. Frances Hanna and Nl'lle Parkt:r I welcomed into the organization. Other dll!ltlnguished gul's ts wcrl' Mmes. Elva Mae 1Ca.sey) Jone8, 21st diatrict flr.1l vice-president and membership chairman : Vesta Tracy, district poppy ch&.irman ; Edith Ingram. di8lrict drill team chairman; Irene Gittens, president of Orange county pa.st presldoot's parley; and Marian Math<'ws .. de- partment ot CaJifornia historian and junior put dlsttict president. Girl• Stat.:-Rep. Sharing honors with the di•· tingulshed guests was M.lu Elf.'a· nor Ragan. who wtll be Newport Harbor's first representative to Girls' Slate In SacramPnto. Miss Ragan and h~r mother were .spe- cial g\lt"8ls of Mr1. Geo rgette Gor· don. Girls' State chairman, who announced that she a.nd the can· didale will attend a special tea In Corona Salurdav for che.irmen and their repre~ntatlve.s. •• A brief bU8ineS.!! met>ting was held for the purpos(' ot prf'.sentlng committee M'ports to a cquaint members and guests with unit ac· ti vi ties. CR..\NflRf)()K, R. ('. . . .. 25.80. Poppy co-chairman. Ellf"en Inns. reported a record turn·OUl of vol· un tee rs salesmen, who sold 1380 poppies and turned In $242.40 for same. The local unit ordered 2000 poppies this year. for which they have .sent payment in full to the veterans at Sawtelle hospita1 who participated In making the little memorial flow<'rs. The remalnd· er of the proceeds, Mre. Inns fu r· I lher explained, will go Into special rehabllttatlon and child welfare j tundll to be used solely for needy 1 BJS;\IA.IJ<:K , ::S. I>. . .. SS.SO • . - Dru Way, pli.11tai-Sau•10'5 on Jfd. 7hp -iOr tke SHOW Enjoy the "1how " on picture book highways in air--cooditi.onedcom- ro rt. Go one wwy, return another. Stopovers anywhere. See. more on your vacation-by Grey Hound! ,fJ to set. "REAl>Y Travel a"ywhere, leave pTacti- cally any titoe! YourtMUI is wait- ing -ja1t pack your bag and go. Consult Greyhound Agent about U .. S .• Canada, Ji1e.xico v1atiout •. an co.t~ ................... ....... .. •.' ·, veterans and their children. t Hospital •\!ark I According lo a re port read by acting hospital chairman', Mona Hayden. lhe Tuesday hospital work has amount~ to 415 hours to date, plu1 33:t acredit<'d .. otf station" hours. Members ot thr local unit who are entitled to 50 hour pins for this work are Adrian Joyner, Mildred Bonl'1.s, J ean Markham, Frances •Hanna and Bern1ce Opel. The m ttting was conducted by brlet but informative talks by each district chairman present. Mra. Carlson chose unity as the theme of her talk, pointing out the ti-e.mendom job that la facln,:r the American Legion auxl~ary to- day and that can only be accom- pliahed by a network ot 8tron1el.)· united unit.a pulling tosether for a brighter tutu.re. A.a the meeting adjourned, n1any out-ot-.town member1 had oppor- tunity to nne:w acqua.tntance11 and tt'lendahlpe made in the organiaa- t 'on ln pa.st year and to m1tke new Crtenda among the new ·members. DRIVING LAWS Wbenev.et' )'OU climb behind the wheel of an automobile you wtll flnd that you a.re ,ob?lged to Uve wtt.hJ.n .. a whole new Ml ot rules a-tel ~Uone. ,When you applied tor )'otfJ' driver'• l.1cenae. pOlnta out t.be \Natlon&l Automob'le Club. you Were oblla-1 to le&m ~ Je.ws and now 't.hat you are a u..,, oe.-_._ you ohc>Wd bow ~. 1a .. and • up to them --Uy. ---~---.PALO v.a08 VAl,Q:'f' ~ \'-·.a1...,., -In Rl+a--\T. lo ••~ .'t17 U. 1'"""""1$~!".CIUb to -· -_:__ Into • ~.--•.. ~lr- >11"11nn.,,. ~r--mw. ~ ·I · < • } ' . I ! • • ) ' '· • .... plus 580 more . in the refineries •• • ' 'us 130 1ypes \ ..•. p. of jobs at . "b 1.· 00 centers ... distr' u'' _ ... to g\\fe you a\\ the .,_ roducts you need ~' ·P u.rhome and car\ 1oryo ' ' These divcry,j~ jobS,t:t~~cll ~c knjt together. through hundreds or :1drnin.istrative positions, to f~rm a system of ~rdinatcd Distributt'on. This S)·ste1n keeps pctroleurn products fio"°·1ng sn1oothJy from oil fields and refincrie:s to industry, the Ar111ed 1-'urcc!>, and you. ...... -- ' to meet your needs Y ou now use more than a thousand dilferent oil prod- uctS, and you use them at a r21.'e of 290 million gallons a day. To make sure you get the product you want, when and where you want it, requires the highly spe- cialized effons of men and women in 1860 different kinds of jobs. A sensitive system known at Shell as Co-ordinated Dis: • tributitm makes ~ble the smooth flow of petroleum from 6~lds to your door. It knits into.an cflicicnt team \he people working in crude oil supplv, tnnsponation, refin- ing and ~elivery of finished pCO:.ucts. And :aS a result, petroleum products cost lcs.;• here than anywhere else in the world. ~. M I ... "" ....... ...,,,,, , Oil comribuces in hundreds pf ways to the nation's econ-"' omy, CODJfort, protection. It produces more than half of Americas power. Co-ordinated Distribution, which links together the work of people in 1860 different kinds of jobs. is another example of how the oil industry gets the maximum use- fulness out of our petroleum s\Jpply. And oil compani~ to do this, work on 3 fronts: pro- duction, -relining and ~bution . Joined IO 1arn YOu ,,_, ......,udlon 1inds new oil fields, gets the most poost"ble oil from aisting wclls. _ lliflnl119 !!"""more and better' products from every gallon of crude petroleum. . · Dhlrilllutlon anticipotcs the users' needs, and . delivers. the product where and when it is needed ~ ~~.h~ll ;oil. ~o~· 1 • With production, refining, and distribution all joined "under one roof'-teamed to exchange ideas-Shell does its pan to assure the most efficient . flow of petrolemn products to you. ro strengthen America: Became .they have pl!)\ved back o,·cr IO billion dollars i.rito new plants and equipment since the end of World War I~, A~erica's privately managed oil companies. outprooucc the world-are befter prepared today than ever before to meet both civilian and military needs. ' ' •• • < • • ~ T 'lY 1 .. Weet 8tJt Street, IAI~ ........ ~4, ~illllllla l l • ' . • ' l I 1 • 1 "j • • If ' -\ • • • ''Dear Mn. Poat: Do you conalder It ~ form for me to. appear on tM beacJI tn·a Sea-a,old 8\f'lm Sutt t'rom the Seaweed•• Bhol!'" Answer: "M y dear younl' lady, no "'-tter what 8hape you"re In now, the Sea-Mold Sult. by Flexee1 will stve you perfect form! SJped Em." Ah ~a. ladle•! I brfD.,I' you tidlnp of joy. The. Se&Weeda ... an enchant• little Laguna shop !au tbe new S...-Mold IWlm suit.a made ·by the Flexeee GirJde-Bra Co. Tbe.-terrific suits are · in one or two pc. eluticl&ed nylon. GU&rallteed to make you ahapely in the popular places! J have It on very sood authority that a certain famous Wagnerian opera ttar lA very pleued over the nt of <her Flexeea ! This 1uperior suit makes the ana.ll figure look supreme and la fervenUy nattertnc to the larger woman. Theee form fit ters come ln Juab tansertnes. aquaa, white, blue, black, lilac and aeveral others. One more word a.bout llhia Sea-Mold dream suit-It 's .. available ln long or shore torao length& You ee~you just can't be niistit in a Sea-Mold from the SeaWeeda. Only •l!.95 And ye•! While slipping into a Sea·Mold, look around this c.ha.rm.ing shop! Fascinating imports. sandals, rebo8&3, dresses. jewels imports, aa.nd&.q. rebo&u, dresaes, jewels SEA WEEDS i.n the SEA WEEDS PA TIO H23 So. Coast Blvd: Laguna f-2696 __ ..... ____ ,;;j6ia ' . . . ;i'HE MOTHS WILL LOATHE YOU FOR THIS' . OR THE HUMIDITY OF· IT ALL! . Don't procrastinate about your fur·plece. It's not a fer piece to your phone! Go call the Wuhlacton CIMDe n.'. They have a marvelous fur storage service! They wlU •tore your fur1 1.n sclen· tlficaII: regulated cold·storage vaults! Your fur• wUJ.-be Insured at your own price tag, and will be better off here than at Fort Knox' The Washington Cleaners al*> hu an experienced tuni•r who wili call on you and dlacws remodeling your old mink mantilla. Many vaJuable old furs can be re-.desip ed. cleaned and ctu.ed and come out looking llke Mrs.. Astor'• brand new plush bone. Furs should be cleaned. and glazed before storag•. Drag you~ pelts to the Washington Cleaners or have a driver stop by. WaaltJn(Wn ()1~'9, 329 Marine Ave., Balboa Is.land. Harbor 348. .. • • • DRY UP AND DON'T BE A WET BLANKET! Go lay in a rresh wpply of dry towels at the BALBOA :S &: 10 ... Then get up and· bU): brightly · brilliant CA.i.~ON BATH towels at $1 .29; matching ~hand towels :59<:; wash. CLOTHS !9c; and, SPECIAL -.. J. • • • l..arJt1 Coral Colored Batb-Towel• SJ.19. Blc beach towela-$1.69--blcrer beach towels 11.98. This ~ is keep your powder dry week at the BALBOA 5 II I 0 . . • Hu ten to SOO Mala, BALBOA. • • • "I WOULD GO TO GREAT LENGTHS TO SATISIT A CUSTOMER,''°SAID HELEN W OLF ARD u ahe ha.eked off a IO ft, traverse rod with her trusty back·a&W. And ahe would too! Helen's --- Shade Sbop wtll broaden your point of view or narrow It. for that matter! Or i! you need a new outlook, the Shade Shop will supply sucgutlons. complete with all the fix.lure.a. Travene rodtl are a smart. going thing now, and Helen u I aaid before, will meas· ure and hack to your perfectly proper fit. Oh yea! Here's Inside info: the sun is blasting away every day now which la a charming thing in itself, but .shudder to think what lt'a dolns to your rugs. drapes and furniture._ The Shade Shop hu the pl&lllc, clear v•slon S un· prd roller shades at Mc sq. !t. Sun·ga.rd aha.des !titer out the fade-rays. It happens to old M>ldiera! It could happen tO you! S~E SHOP, 614 !9th St., Newport, Barbor 884.. . -. . \ -: • • • , By MARGO • • • • • • • • • • • • you will stance around the Newport POAt or PrNa, you1l ttnd ab ad that· 1&yw 10% dl1100U11t on th• prtc, of all fish purchased ~t the Bayside. Thia ta 10% off on anyttilnJ but a b&lone which a.t 75c lb. la eo cheap, It's like they're (ivtng It away al.ready at ~ Bayaide F1M Mkt. 2800 Lafayette, Newport. Open 7 day" a week- & a. m.-!.8 :30 p. m. • • • CHEER A FRU}1''1> ! FREE DELIVl:RY TO ST. 108EPB'S AND COMMUNITY HOS-' PITALS ON GAY BOUQUETS FROM U . nowen by MorrL 509 E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor1!0'70 • • • NOW IS THE TIME To GATHER UP TRE LOOSE ENDS! FOR THJS IS REMNANT WEEK at the Coastline Floor Coveting! The eoa.fune 18 getting too °dll' for Its britches. as \Ve all say way down east. Clarence la Pta.JuVnl' on moving to a larger bldg. soon, but In the meantime, he wants to get rid or about 999 pleceiii of good Inlaid linoleum! Here's your ctuµ\ce to gral> yourself a piece ot linoleum for a shelf or drawer for as little as 25c! Or )·ou can perform au 90rts ot tr1cks on the floor v"ith remnants r&nging from sizes 3x3 to 6xl0. You can si-t roll-Pods of llnolr um 8x8 and bettt"r for SI a square yard. I wlah you'd ~urry over there now and cart these remnant• away! I have to go around the com er with a periscope to llff Clarence a• it 18 now. Go on! Good scram· bllng at the Coastline F1oor Covt'lrlDJ, ll tb 11.nd :s .. ,,·port A\'e., Costa MH&. Beacon G251...J. • • • PSSTI C"MERB .. KNOW SOMEONE GET- TING MARRIED '! EngS:ged Graduating? Going steady'! Peek thru' keyhole• and find out things like I do! The Holll4" of Hannon)', having recover· ed from the Flah Fry l trust. has the ideal gift• that rhyme with "J une, Moon. Soon, Sy.•oon." A sweet (ltl graduate or any bride v.•111 k ick up her heel1 over a new portable radio, or an RCA 4.:S rpm automatic record player ($12.9~). Or records make laetlng J-emlnders of you. Maybe you want to tall 90meone "How High ~e Moon " or that the)' have "Beautiful Brown Eyes." Or "'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik." Incidentally, H olllt'I of Hannony has the largest ~upply of· 45 records In ~he county. Here you can find anything you de:sire from "Buffalo Gal" to Victor'• Treasury of Immortal Performances aJbums. Among current best selling album.a are Marlo t;anza'a selections fron1 "The Great Caruso(' Doris Day's "Lullaby of Broadway," and Yma Sumac's "Voice of the Xtabay." Oh list to U'lese golden notes: Where there's harmony In the house, there's music trom the HoltMt" of HHrn1 on v. 1817 New· port Ave., Cosia Me.sa.. Dea. &737·:5&03. · • • • '"$HE WAS A PHANTON OF DELIGHT WHEN FIRST SHlll GLEAMED UPON MY SIGHTS." Ladies , you too may become de· Ucht!ul thru' a ' deluslori. v101a I have' news from the front lines! The P eter Pan Bra Co. I.a reaching for the moon. Their latest and greatest device, the Triple Trea111rf' Bra.M11W.rf' ia now on sale at Polly Appattl. Thi& Peter Pan Co. makes terrific bras that c reate beauti- ful alluslorui ! Thia bra. hu built-In contours. There a.re no pads, no puffs-no loose ends. Hence you get ')·ourself a, •Upe r silhouette 'A"hen you wear a dress, bathing !'!U it or formal. P e ter Pan hidden treasures fall gracefully on rich and poor alike. in a.11 sizes to suit the need. Broadcloth $3.00: nylon $3.95 ; strapless nxlon or tMple treasure with plunging nec kline $5. 8 €:tter brace yourself doll-Peter Pan's the aecret pa.ssword ut 1~011~· . .\.pp11.r.-I, I833 l\"ewport Ave .. Coata A1 esa.. • • • E\'ERVBODY IS BRA\.1XC1 • · OVEll THE F'IN"F. MEXl<1AN FOOD a t ('A S A 00'.\"°"t:ARLOS DINNERS or . .\.LA CARTE IS3 !2nd St. S e\\·port Rea<'h liar. !6S8·M . Open 5. 9 Saturday8 ~. 10 CIOM'd TUf'A. CALfFORNIA. DESIO N ER J oan floberts raids the Unee cl~t and <'.omes forth with a P .r rffi and M•hlte cheeked Jae· quard cotton short 'n lhlrt. two- "'omt> that Is partlcula.rl)' adapt.. ed to patio partylnr or •UD-iaz. tnc. HaJ~r neckllnee \)'Ill be much ln el'ldenee for eom1nc Murnrrwr "'f':ar. Neat llttJe Morta an> hip -s llmmlns with hidden pockt!t~ ju~t for fun. Approxl- mat11 n-t·&I I price 16.95. Color8 : rN:I , ,,·hitt", blllf'I and "•hltc.-. Slz.f>fl 10 to 16. Two Win · Degrees ' • "C·LASS .I ~F I .E·:b . . ' . . . ' ' ' • • 0 Tb,e Miqhfy Midqet In Adveitlalnc;r ' I • NEW~~ -Every Tae&d&y NEWPORT BAY POST-Wedne::r: ~WPORT-BALBO,,: PRESS..:_ th . ys BUY YOUR 1 • • Home · Freezer I N9w ·· H11:R1t la the .. saon of 1ll&tP!na ln berries, truJl, ft8h. etci -Be thri.'ty -e njoy the coav.tt!erlee · ot your own home ~1 N-pqrt BAJ Poot-:J!Uollletl Ade -rU .. Ille -1 Newa--Ttmee Of t11e Thonda7 PreM MlN1,MllJI AD 18 4 LIN1Cll AU Clullfted Adil mmt be pa.Id for OMii a. ad....ae ef' .,.,..u-., 4 Lines ·1 Paper t .75 4 Unes 2 Papen lJIO 4 Unes S Papen Z.00 publ1.&ben1 wUl not be reapon.lible for mute than one tncoTrect lnaerUon of an advertisement. reH:rve the right to correctlJ c1ua1t1 any and all ads and to reject 1•ny advertillement not ccmtonnJns tc• rulea and replatlon.s. Adverttaementa and cancellaUona wW bl accepted up to 5 p.m. on the day preceding PubUca.Uon. Ph. Har. 1818 Plteu Har. 1118. ask for .. Ad Taker" or lflDd ad and ftmltt:aaee tet NEWPORT BABilo& PUBLl8RING 00. Hll llalOO. lllvcl.. Newport llMda. Oallfonda. Classified Index 1011-- 11 llalldlas Mawtalo 11 llalldlDs Se~ 14Penomlo 15 8bare Yoar oar 11 Tra89portaaloa· -n Rooftns Coatracten 18 -'7 Aldo . It Upllelo-S I !0 Health Aldo 18--81TUArlONS WANTED POSITION WANTED, FEMALE. Excellent cook A: nUne 6: ·chef. 'fake tull charge of home for I or two adJ.l.lta. Available June 10. References. Apt.'"IS, 912 Sb. Bon· nJe Brae Ave., Los Angeles. 27p29 GENERAL OFFIClt W<>rk. ltx- perlenced, permanent i'esident, type 56, no shorthand. Harbor" 2M2·W, eveninp. 28p30 .. FOUR Elec. Motors, uBed, 14 H. P , $5 EACH. . Euy Wblrldry portable wuhlng machine ........ -............. -....... $34.50 . 12% •• EMERSON Cotu!Ole TV. Excellent condition ·~·····$159 .50 IDEAL ltXTRA. SltT 7" televlllon with ~ lene, complete with new pic- ture tube. Attract ive ,!nahol'. WOOd cabihet ................. ;.-... $59.9:5 ~eep in touch w1lh w: for gOGd buys in TV set.a being traded In- ' Servel gas refrigerator, very clean condition ....................... _ ... $134'85 EASY TERMS ARRANGll:D DA VIS,BROwN 1886 HARBOR' BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone. BeacOn 6821 ' Co. H Loot ""'d ll'oud %4 School. JnatftlCtlooa %8 8ltuatlona Wanted !9 Delp Wanted UNG tuCD HAPLE Breaktul Set. tour YO MAN -college &: bual-ctialra; 1 • 9 x l2 Guhlat.an Dom.· SO Sale, Millee~ SO-A 8" .. P9 Sl Wanted lo BUJ I! F'ornJture for 8&1e S!·A Antique. IS Boate. SuppUee If Musical. Radio ~ Dop, (Jato, Pei. S8 Poult.ry, Rabblte 11 Uve.tock S8 Special Amtounoemeal to . Baalneu Opportonltlm 42 Wanted to Rent 4S Apartmeai1 and Rome. « Roome for Beat 45 Real, Mlaae- " Room and Boar« n Trucko 48 Automobllea, 1'lJ"M 41 Autoe Wanted 50 Aut:o 8entoe 51 'I'ratlen 5! Alrplanea 55 Money to Loa.a 66 Money Wanted 6'7 Rea.I Estate Wanted 68 Ra.ncbee, Acreare 10-BUSINE!IS GUIDE • COMPLETE BOUSE CLltANING HrVlce. FumJture and nip llb&mpooed. J'ree ..umaie.- FUJly !Mured. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Beacon s111 12tfc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 81!4 514 -29th St. Newport Beach neu background wt.hes perm. sales or office poaitlon ln or Oriental rug. Excellent condl- near Harbor area. Write Box B, t ion. 408 San Bemardlno1 New· this .i'"per. 2Sp30 port Heights. 27p29 Jack's Furniture !9-BELP WANTED LADY TO TAKE .over ••labllahed We Buy, Sell or T(ade_ Avon business.-CaU H&rbor 1606 West Balboa Blvd., Phone· 2118l-J after 5 p. m. 28p28 Harbor 2502·R 21p29 MILL WORKERS and helpers for furniture mfg. Harbor Mtc. Co., 412. 29th,. Newport Beach. . 28p30 WANT Experienced woman for c"ooklng and· general housework, asalat 2 children. Live in. Good salary. Phone Harbor J:Sll-R. 28c30 EXPERIENCED woman for gen- eral house work and chijd care. Live In. Phone Harbor 2009-J, 28c30 SALESMAN-No. Cal., Nev. U tah well introduced major gift line. Travel with lg. display and llv· Ing trail.er. 2092 So. Coast Blvd., 01.aguna Beach. • • 28p29 WANT FEMALE, &Baistant to bookkeeper. Steady employment Write Box A, lht. paper. 28c30 WANTED -Wa.ltressea tor reg· ular and summer. Experience preferred but not eaeentlU. Ap- ply 211 Marine Ave., Balboa Island or Ph. Har: 0707·J. 28c3-0 SALESLADY-Experienced. Neat appearance. Over 30. Apply a t Don's Candies, 306 Palm S t., 5"1boa. 28c30 A-BOAT&, 8UPPLIE8 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 8211 COAST ffiGHWA.Y · NEWPORT BEACH , PH. BEACON 5771 ' V.ttc B!l.AND NEW 20·ft. Pix:Je aloop, aleep11 2. 8·ft. beam, deep keel. Rever.slble Wiaconaifb motor. Nearly ready t o launch, 11100 . Ph. Long Beach 8-2701 . 2Sc28 FALCON 2 SETS OF SAILS. A dolly. Phone Harbqr 1"6J·W . 27p29 FOR SALE-On ahore mooring. K street, Balboa. Outboard motor, good condition. R. E . Dickinson, 34-42 Encinal, La Crescent.a., ph. Churchill 9-4988. 28p30 • ' ,. I LOVE THE NAME OF CH.ARLEY! CHARLEY IS A GRAND OLD NAME! BECAUSE I WAS THERE CHARLEY AT YOUR FAMOUS SEA FOOD RE8TAURANf! I HAD A BIG .&HR.IMP COCKTAlL FOR LUNCH (75c) and it WU 90 dellC'htfuJ that I am considering wearing a sandwich board that says .. EAT AT CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD RESTAUKA..'VT! EN.IOY THE FRUIT of the S.EA BY THE SEASIDE!" Charley aerve• a huce I.abater Louie or Marine Salad on a 1-1 inch shell plate which hu that rare quality of being as good u It Us beautiful! The Halibut and Sea Basa are ~ tresh now. they barely stop between the ocean and Charley's griddle. Fried Jumbo Shrimp Lunc:Mon1 and dinner• $1.00 It $1.2~ pleaM: everybody! Better check lnto thl&-You can dine indoors or out. Order Salads, Sealoods &-Stutt to lake home for your next # , Brawl! CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD, 1136 Cout Hwy., next to Port Or· a.nge. Open 7 days a week. BeaCon 683.C. Reveal Plan to Open Coastline T\vo residf"nls from the Harbor art."a , Marjorie Ann J\1ier of New· port BE"ach and Velma Gate11 Cass of Corona del Mar. are among the 1 300 candidates for the degree or bachelor or &rta to be conferred during 89th commencem ent exer· cises at' Occidental coll ege at 1 :30 p.1n . J\1onday, J une 11, in the Hilt, side theatre. according to 1 PreSi· dent Arthur G. Coons. Speaker at commencement will be the Hon or· able Earl Warren, Governor of Ca.Jilotnla.. 12-BUILDING SERVICES dt>-<IALI!:, MlllCZLIANEOV8 DEER RIFLE Mod. 70 W in, scope and extras. 16-FOOT BOAT 8JKI trailer. All metal automatic'i:>rak.es, 2 new tires. Boat and trailer in ex- cellent condition. Both · $275 Orchard 1880f. 28p33 , • l ' I • • • HEY SOURDOUGH! : ! WANT T() GET IN ON THE SUMMER GOLD RUSI! IN BALBOA ! You're juat In time! There's a busineu rental avail- able at ~7 Balboa Blvd. Thia spa~ would make a very attractive· mnall shop of aome aort or be an ideal location tor an architect, doctor. lawyer, merchant. ·chief, accountant, Insurance •l'ent, buUd· er, bookie, (book seller that ill). rold brtck sales- man. Oh pracUcally any kind of a legal buaineu ATE could be carried on here. You can even roast marshma.llow.s. as there's a red brick nreplace. And a telephone answering service can be included wJth this spot If you need it. Th.JS de.sirable rent&! M>unds re8.90ilable to me. and you'd have very nice neichbors-Sally aad llm NMdla. Go see them at .JOHN B17RXllAM'S Rf.al Eatat.e Offtee, 501 E. Balboa Blvd., Barbor 1801. . . . ' HE H.U A FINGER IN EVERY PIE ! AND YOU MAY BE EXTREMELY JOYOUS AND LAUGH AND DANCE IN THE STREETS OVER HIS VERY FAC'T! Bob KJull, baker boy make.a home-like pie that drive you from home and ript over to the NEWPORT BAKERY. Bob'a treah frozen fruit pies a.re on the lipa •of everybOdy who has Mc! Bob's Krull's IC.rust puts Pl"udence Crockett's In the deep dark ahade. High on the luscious list this week are: ~ah fl"ozen fruit boysenberry, cherry, apple, apricot, and the fr.nch apple plea. And the 1:f'9&M.. and cuatard puffs from the Newport Bakery can be taken lighUy. I pereonally endorBe the cinnamon mqa ( 26<: for s ) and the eta.le ruled cottee cakea. Every· one who's tried the sour rye and pumpernickel bread.Ii or the weiner rolls endorses 01~ Newport Bakery u 1taf.t headquarters for the .staff of li!e. Open '7 day• a week at 21U Ocean Front. Newport, Har· bor 1«2-R. • I • • •• DON'T llE A MEENIE, MOE AND KEEP GOOD BETS TO YOURSELF. Give your loved on. a Up-<>ff about lhe .u.{CHOR CA.FE. You'll be a~- better braver . p8r...A for tell!n&' 'other people · \~~,.!ol'f_ about the breakfut.a here! BeaV91ll)' ·buttermilk 4f ~""'~ bot cakes, ham 'and egp. .and on the week10da. vtt).-r-'-'.;....< .... !Gr th• ~·· 8mprtee ~ Don't lobk at m.e! I don't know what~• 1n It. -~~y;;;;.~l!!!ll;;.l;!i but I guarantee you'll be pleued with tile f<MMI and the price. 01.adya alwaya ext.en& a wekome , .. to old trienda and newcomers. Oo in and try the dellcJoua S5c lunch.. Alao clon"t torir<t •nnln&" cllnMn $1.00 up. Tbo Anchor cate opec:lal- tses Ill a "'114'• plate 8-s ai 4llo Thia la tbe locaUon. when ~ sood fellow• are well met. IC'njoy llf•! &at. out oft.an.. at the A Miter Cafe. _Roura aJ"e 6 L m.-7 p.. m. ~d&,.-:--SaL ( .;m..-1 a. m. Sun. 2 a. m. -8 p. m. nlD Oo&lt BW7o1 Newport. Beacon I039-W. . : . .,. . A master plan to open up some ot California's fishable coastline to the average a.n1Ier and his family was unveiled this week by the W1.ldllfe Conservation Board. With more th&n 85 per ce.nt of the State'• 1,130 mllea of cout- llne in private ownership or cl08ed to the public, Consul41-nt Seth Gordon believes that some of the- Board'a horse -racing proceedJI ahould be used to 'provide acceas areu tor t~. swirnmtnc, wa- terfowl hunting, and other recru- ttonal ueea. ill a S-i ·page report to the thrtt- man Board, Gordon and Field Representative C. R . Knight. Jr .. recommended the acqulalUon ot 121 unlta in 13 coutal counUea. Land to be purchased by Ule State would amount to about 4:50 acrea, but would provide public access to many mUes at shoreline recr ea- tional area. Coat of the program waa e1U- mated at between $300,000 and $400,000. ThUi sum would cover purchue of land for righta--of· way, easement.a, parking facilities, and would allow for poaalble in· creues In land values.• Free Parka The comprehensive blueprint !or a aeriea of free oc~de parka wu two years ln the m.aking. It wu compUed from report.a ot sportsmen, cha.mbeni of comsnerce. a.nd personnel of the Dlvlalon of Fish and Game. Flnanelng bf the program, Ule report tndlcated, would have 1 to come trom f\lture dlpo Into State par1-mutue1 llmdo by th•I i:...gi. lature. The Board's original $9,· ooo,opo>tund, .... ~ by Ille oI.eslo- lature In UM7, i-been ""1Wi.ated In tbe purclla.le of .... tJalt -- erlee,, game futN. waterfowl man- apment area.a. and other capital coutructlon project& ope,..~ "1 the Dlvloioe Of Fltb an4 Game. '"l'HA'l"S THE HALIBtn'!" llaJcl•Bany Klnpl,qa .pollltlq to a dock to.AS of frail' ft.lb. "Wato yoar, ...,._,. I cau-him! But . there WU DO rrl.OPJ1las tJllo IQ9I ---,flab . peddler U be PlllCE8 80AJl < iw-!tled °" alM>ut tbe -d•ai•U.-.; A....,__ IA Juot T1'e Bureau Of !Abor 8lallotlco tJllea and lieluctlt a poU.•not Jup al 11 no. --t s•...--....,..t.c1 t11at u of _,. • u. 111-t~wtUl rave • 9P1tt11z:a..i ~ "'..,_.to ,......,..., .. ...C. • ..-_. .. 404..._.., olu1mp for l!ylns, -a nclpe. for -· .U ti* tn......,. ... · " .&-. cl-IAU..-OfU.~ ...... ,... ,,_-U-__ JU. ___ lhe _...,.. ~.,.. tM mtbalt 'Mlp ta ..... a.it -u t111i17 ue "Dllf14, -WV 1"eL . 'IP dally ~ tbe w ""'' , ... U. W llr .... ore barrllil)' -n. ....... -it per -t too. . &any -.W If -pt-.. wtr 117 np, .. mipl --,_ -· -of a~ op-aad IA -.,_ ftne (U--IWT) % _-'\ -wk& ,.... 4D per -t. 11111* -tho _. at wttb tbait ntll 9"' but lt -tll!JJ"N 1Zdf ......... T U Jut J...,,..I -'-l + r • ... -'f • t .. ,... • • ~ l • . • • PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry l:SI:S Santa A.J\a Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon :5:504 Fresh and Salt water fish tackle. Reas. Priv. pty., Whitman, 628 .Coast Hwy., Newport Beach ..... 26p28 FUR·COAT and Hat (Mouton) or- lgtnal, 12-14, $7:5. Ma.n's top SKIFF -8 ft. -Car top -Never ueed. For sale or will trade tor g irls bicycle in gpod con- dition or? Phone Ha'r. 3222·1" after 6 p. m. 28c30 p AJNTING coat, like new HO-f4). Raglan 81. cocoa br. camel ha.il', ,25. NEWLY OVERHAULll:D CHR)tBj;ER1 CROWN, ~ Call "'""f"" 5ff:!-.ltlA. IU38t. Miss iticr , d~ughler of 1'1r. and Mrs. 1.fillarft M. Mier of 26'2 Vista Drive, Newport Beach, is majoring in Engliab a.t Occidental; la acUve in ~literary, musical and joumal- t.etlc circlea, and Ls a member of Gamma Kappa Thet& sorority. EARL SHEFLIN Whitman. 628 Cout Highway". . Newport Beach. 26p28 'J'" • -r· ' , ' . .. ,. 2sp30 273 Palmer St .• ColJta Mea Bea. ll457·M t4c9 TWO RIDING HORSES and sad-2:>-liT. aux. sloop. galley, sleeps 3. very g'*1 condition. $1750. Owner will finance. dles for sale or tra.d~ Phone INTl:RIOR -"lllXTICRIOR Harbor 1289·M. 26<28 PAINTING . ltflss Cua, daughter of Mr. and MMI . Harold P . C&s8 ot 9CH Ocean avenue, Corona del Ma.r, is ma- joring in Education at Occidental where she ia Vice-preside nt of the s'°"lor ~la.as, aerved on Bengal Board, and was Pen·Hellenlc president. She i.!I a member of Del- ta Omicron Tau sorority. • LICENSll:D _ INSURED MUST SELL -30 large blooming fuchsia hanging buk:eta, all dtf· 22-FT. all-mahogany sloop. beau· utu I. $1800. . 16-FT. runabout, ho pped up jeep m otor, approx. 40 mi. per hr.' $750. · "Glenn Johnston fe,..nt. 285 Broadway, eoata aol -Slat St. Newport Beacb I =-·=M-:e-::ria=. ::-=cc-=-=--"'=="'-=c--28c_3-0 ~-t. n:&ROLD ELLSWORTH SP~GLER. Jr .• 113 \'la Koron. l.Jde h ie, eoo. of Mr. and Mrs. Harbor 2297-J 3kf8 B-UTY SljOP ltQUIPM;l!lNT -10-FI'. Chris Craft operi utillly- juat reflnlshed ...................... $950' · J. E .Spa.n.fle r who W'8 lnduct. · ed u a member of tbt1 Enllated Reeen·e Corps hu been uslp- ed to ·co. I, 20th Infantry, 6th Dlvl&lon at Fort Ord, cal.if. Prior tO enterlnr the Anny, p,1:.. 8pan&lf'r "'M f"if'lllPloyftd u a nre flchter for tbe Callfoml& Ol,•i81on of Foreslrl'· Hn attend- ed N9"'"port Harbor Union hl«b school and Orsnge Coaat col- Baccalaureate exe rcises will be .held In' the Hillside theatre, Sun- da y, June IO, at 7:30 p.m . 'wtth Rt"v. William Scott Chalmers, headmaster, Harvard School, to give the addreas. • ~1;'!.. ~:sh:ct~i:.::i:ui;redly Seek E_ngine~rs better than one in many quests for The Divlaton of ffigbwaya ls knowledge, so a.re four or even seeking aasociat.e equlpment engt- m ore ears better thi..n two when neer1 to nu J>O!llUon to tta Sacra; !n acarch of oar noises, pointa out me9to office. WIUl the extenalve Ute National Automobile ·club. road Wlldinl' progn.m now in Nol.lea ln the ~ !'-&Ve a way of progreaa, • t.heae engineera are being tran11mitted quJte ;a di3tance doubly needed to eee that matnte- trom t.belr .aurce. The man en-nance and conetructkm. eqytpment Pied In roe.king the car or other-ls kept ln operation and complete-. wile creating the coµdJt\on.s that ly modern and up to date. DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6400· W I7ttc Sympson & N ollar PAINTING & DECORATING ''The Beat ·Money Can Buy" 51 2 -38th St., Newport Bea.ch PHONE HARBOR. 240f Uttc R.H. HOLBROOK! ' DEPENDABLE •PLUMBING A Prompt R-1J".-. Maintain~ • Phone: Barbo1 1418-W 2801 Balboa 3 Newport BffcJ> Wlae people ~ tlle tdt. pf'Oduc:,e the. eowid may fll)d bim-Appllc&Uona'wW).e accepted by mt too fa.r awny ~o loo.ate it' pre-the State Penonniel Board untll clkly. It la one .,_b on which It July H •or a cl-'' .. ->---·-I P.f.,. to have a ho;.r. nation U:' be 1teidia A----' AlcObollc:a .· Anoll:V- ___ "-Five ·Yf!9:n ot enctneertnc a... ' Write i".' o. am a DAYDREAMING pert....., In . .,_,.,o,.k nqula:lftc a a.1"-ldtad, Otllf. Valleya tWed with b-and ~e of !be -and can of • ~ Klmborflr I flll ' J • hlllsldeo dotted wltll wlld!lowen •ti-&114 _.,,. - are an tnvltat.lon to d&J'dn&ml!lc. t~ equlpmellt -tlle ~t. =-Ulln Alm roUJID but daydrumlng wltlle drlvlq. ot cnl1eP ..-_at.loll are n..-. warna the NaUon&l Automobile ....,.,. "~ta.· '. LOBT.-June <JD4 betas• Balboa Club, ce.n all too often Onrl IA < Tiie -tlllJ' ~ -lo ~apCa.· •-t:.s--~-r ..,_ ... ,ter. Mal to '630. .. . . . a.ward.. )(,.; a. Ph*, ADltiia7 -.. ,... _.... .. -(Orme .., ... ollt•btd ftGm tbe • • 8ta&e Pa ;rW ..,.. acl!C91, ti '".._..~ 1011 L-. -; .. .. -....... ----... -.. , __ ·-..... , ...... *_,......_It 1•1l'., ... ._ w -• ...._ r-a.••• •. -....-.: ~--. Ur .... f ........ 107 8tat, .. ,. S. -l'tUiicl90D t;; ,...~":.totz.eow": • ... UIS' D111A 'act ol •11.,. ,..1020 ...,....ACT· mmt ottlca. . . I ' • ~ . • .... w DCIQ:. .... _ ,.,,__ ... -9tfW" .... \ • Dryers, etc. BALBO~ ·INN BEAUTY SALoN. Har. 817. 28c30 8" DELTA TABLlt SAW A f" Jointer ~mbinatton, $100 a·· Porter-Cable 8kW Saw, $75. Spray gun and compi-euor, S35. Excellent condiUon. Be. 0024 ... w 28p D-HOU8EBOLD 00008 MODERN 2 pc. lent oondltlon. old' $70. PIL aecUonal, excel· Leu than 1 yr. Harbor 1270-W. 28c30 t!LOND MUNTZ 10'' table model Telev1Jd.on, in perfect condition. $76. 211 % Agate, BalOO. Ialand. ... • 27p29 EUeen B. Richard.son RICHARDSON"S YACHT "ANCHORAGE Bayside Drive, Har. 3'69 l!8c3-0 If-MUSICAL, RADIO 31th GREAT PIANO SALE Ile• pomeued Spinet . Like new! Pay out balance. Save ov~r 1200. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano· stor e, santa An&, cor. 6tll and' Main. . GREAT piano ea.le. ~'Zth year. Read theae prices. Nev~ before have we had such ,b&rgalna. Spine~ .-amne new, 10me ·u.ed, priced from $295, $335, f387 . Granda from $395. Alruoot 100 pt.ano. t1'0tD which to cbooee. ll'OllloqCA 'hble no: Heater $6. Special easy terms. D-¥f'Z· Bod $6. Cllat-$6. Oak table $6. sCinaDT b ig piano' st.ore, 5~ a fl. Bervo~Jlke new $115. Call No. Main, oor. 8th, }!anta Ai-" ~boJ' J:sSl·J. : . 26c28 USll:D PIANOS trom ~up. Good BllJµKrABT BAi, forml<a top. plaJ!ng c on d I t I o a . DANZ. u.-••• . -SCIDaDT. 620 No. *1D,. S&nta'. ~Y ..-• Apex ' 8'' wul>l"6 macblM Re1-ble. =Ana.,-:-::=",;_<>!-'=_-..,. _ __,.-'---'-:-,,.., .4-l7 °HeQotro(le, Corona de! Kar. BKAUTIJ"UL ~ uprtpt 3 · · . -piano. cue and .. Uon lib ...W. '""===~"-..:......-.,:.,-.:..,__ ll'UllJ' paranteed. renn.: SIO.U Hql'PODIT -·-.... Waat-.....,,,,, -fl6.M per moallt at, ..., .-,. -!GP.. -eao. 8llAn:R MV81C ·co. r~ Good -ti. -puty. ll07) UJ N. llJ<1-8uta- -.._.._ . ~ A-. n .. ""'1' ~ ' 1Jtfc:0 ¥ LUXUJUOUll 80PA, ---11th ORMT ~O 1••• ~ ·,st~ ...... _, .. frame.' Nftctn' 1111 alecta:lc ~ C... ~!!'l,:.'0:~ :i°'·--'*11·1 ....,...,. ·-I Im "*St 117' • - -• . --.... _ ,.... , 71 .. -bntctt .... ---• -~. lite tW D£JI$. "' ·~ N'll. ~, •••mr, -a ..., im 1ra ,Qr••-·· -... '-. -+-" • sit.a .. '"! lldi · -a ' '"!'t"' .... ~ . • • • I ' I ' 1 · .. , ' . ' . . , . 0 I MAN ·v .. CHOI.CE . SE-LECT-1.0:NS -. ·Ofi ~R ·E~l ~.STATE .. _~t-1$ .. T·ED ~1N '1H -~S · t t •cg 1 u::u 1 1 1 1 • o 1 ' : 2 t 2 t l • • 64 1 •-z 1 c ll 1 e u • 's ,, a ' , ,, t • kf1 . . I S·E~-r 1·0 N ··1 · ~~.._ ·.., ~ ~!' , • . T~i. lune 51 1951 :., . t '• I I I ' I l • t I t • ' • " 1 u a u 1 r • w t w t ' s ••• •• t i I MOii CLASSIFllD ON PAGI SIX PLAIN -walmlt -plow up- rlibt piano In pfrfect cond!Uon. Fully suannteed: Terma. $7&.S2 d.6wn and $9.a:i per mo. at llHAJl'lllR8 MUSIC 00. (Since . 19071 421 N . llycamon, Banta Ana. Klml>erly 2--0972. ~tfc TRADE; your old piano or liand tnat..twnent on a televteion. We need several piano. and band ln- ,s-trument• tor our summer rent- alt. Ht1treat trade allowASice at SHAFERS MUSIC CO., ( Stnce 1907) 421 N . Sycamore, S&nta Ana.. Kimberly 2-0672. l 7llc WANTED: 50 pianos. Trade ln your old piano on a Grand, Spin- et or beautU'ul televialon. High- eat ca.ah allowaiice, term•. DAJllZ-SCHMlDT PIANO Co., ccJr. Sth, ~20 No. M&ln, Santa Ana. BEAUTIFUL J eaie French spinet p\a,no. SllghUy uaed. Save $100. ConvenJent term11 at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. !Since 1907 ) 421 N. Sycamo re, Santa Ana. Kl.mber- ly 2-0672. l 7t!c LO V ELY STUDIO UPRIGH"l' piano. Fully guaranteed. Terms $36.37 down and $11 .50 per mo. at BHAFER8 MUSIC CO. (Slnce 1907 ), 421 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana. Klmberly ~-0672. 17trc 37lh GREAT PIANO SALE Ma- oon an~· lin Grand, Stein- •ay, g Sottmer. Kim- ball, Ku a.n, Wurlitzer, elc. Rave up to two-thirds! DA.NZ- SCHMIDT Big P ia.no Store, Santa A.na, 520 No. Maln, cor. 8th. COME IN and play the wonder- hll ne'v Hammond Chord Organ. Even it you don't know a note of music you ca.n play beautiful mwdc In t en minute•. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Plano antl Organ Co., 1520 No. Main, Santa Ana. R.£N'T A PIANO $5 per month. All r ent allowed if you bUy with- in terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Ma.in, Senta Ana. , ;.;~::-lEh•· .. "":·-·7 ~ ::::;;,-... -.· :=.::m:~ • • I,Jdo ~nt, 5 bedruoma. Coll -a.is -. ' Linwood Vick, RlWr .. GOOD SENS~ --, .... ., ear. toU _. The renter who alDP ·~ow ·summer Reservations -sWEi:T HOME'' la ldddtq ' -' Lido Isle Bay l!"n>nt unit& 1 and 3 -no w .. k up. Ha<bor ~2 • ..,.._ Bu. m4•H. 11tfc roR.NIIHED t bedroOm bome. J'an<ed. Print• conal beach. BarbeCUe and patio. Nur ahop- ptns center. S260 per mo. for MUOn-or $1600 by the year. 8aOO M&t'C\11 AVe., Newpott Bch. . • 2tp28 FUIU'I. Oil UNFURN. 1 bedMom apt. on watertronL FiH'place. View. Yearly rental to perma- nent reatdenu. too CtubbOUM:, Newport Beach. 37c29 ll'Ul\Nl8HED 2 bedroom houae- NeWly decorated. P'enced ln yd. Yeuly bull only, Children O. K. 472 Laurel PIJ.ce, COit& Mtsa. Beacon 6017-R. 27p29 BALBOA-2 rm. tum. apt., clean. New etove • retrlg, 9ood loc. yeat leue le.G mo. Will rent · summer rental. 203 Alvarado St., Balboa. Har. 1889-J. 27p29 FURN18HED APT". In new home. Llvlng rm. wtth flrepla~e, bed- rm. kitchen, bath and garage. Beautiful view ot ocean and bay. 2052 Cli ff Drive, Cliff Haven . 27p29 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottages. ALSO BOAT BLIPS On Collins Island Eacll apt. has watt>r frontage. Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 2962-W. 21p39 USE OF . Peninsula Point beach, swim In bay or ocean--only 1 blk. No. 1-3 bedroom lower. No. 2-2 bedrooin upper duplex. Nicely furn. July, Aug .. Sept. 1532 MJr8.mar, Balboa. Harbor 0612-W 19tfc; FOR SALE OR RENT-Courte.sy to bro kers himaelt l.n4 M!'ellading the landlord. J\ent money once handed over la gone for- ever -but the money you put into a house is still yours. It changes its ,form -it becomes a property i'!- stead of gold and simply passes from your r I g h t pocket to your left. ·You will be m&kinl" the RlGH'r MOVE In buyinr on L I D 0 ISL&. Here you can buy the home of your choice at any price. Distinctive a n d lovely we have 2-3 or -4 bedroom home• with price• and term• to meet your pocketbook. Living on UDO ISLE you and the chlklren can enjoy t h e CLUBHOUSE with Its mack bar. private U11.dy bathlnJ" beaches, tennis courts, pier• and landtnr floall!I and !lne•t lm- provementi1 with all W l r I n g underground. \VE are the DEVELOPERS of lovely LIDO ISLE -where a little buy11 a LOT. If you prefer to build we have some outstandin&: lots on UDO ISLE. , Aa the DEVEi.oP&RS we can offer ycnr low pr1ce11 and easy terms. It Wiii pay you to check with us on LIDO ISLE. Come see us. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED aa33 Via Udo Newport Beach, Call!. H&rbor lM>O. UH t.be New•. Tlmea. Poet and Press comblna· Uon with over 21.~ clr- calaUon. 81-REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ~LIGHTLY DIFFERENT --.-• i. V AILAiii.a an atU:.Cu..., 1tyled home wltb a Plan, tllat really ap~ A Modem kitchen wltb dbh-. Wulbe:r, loada of. eUtneta and U>e. 'Tb.ere ·•re three ' bedroolrul and • Dea "."lb 2 batho. ll'lreptace • .- beat and oaJc ,flool"I. Tison lo • lovely Alpine etyled. ll¥ins room with ope beam ceUtns and unpatnte'd mahogany panel wa.tmcotln~ and dtnlng °ilcOv•. Here la roory for everybody and at a prls:e the t means bualneu, 119,600. A fine Balboa ;taland loca· tlon, c;all for appolnlment. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboe lAland Ferry Harbor 63 BalbOa I•land ,, . The Grandest Ocean View that ca.n be obtained! Large home, 0 bedrooms, 6~ batru: 2 s!eeping porches, 3 cedar lined cloacts. Hwd. noor11, dbl. garagl' and cuport: buement, service porch, 56-ft. cor. ln Corona del Mar. This ls really a buy. SubmJt offer. Multiple Ll~tlng No. 1843. · . A FINJC LADIES READY-TO-Vv"EAR SHOP for Hale be- <'aUM ot ill health. A very nice bustne11s and the p~tce 18 r_lght. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. · Real 'Estate a Buslneu Brokers 813 COAST BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR '.Phone Harbor 2152• STILL TIME For bargains at CORONA HIGHLANDS REAL VALUES in Costa Mesa 1 BR on East Side ... .$ 4,500 2 BR on Broadway .... $ 6,500 pier, 40' on water ..... :--:US,000 · 5 bedroom bayfl'Ont, exclu. live a.rea ···············-· .......... $40,000 New watertront home, 3 ·bedrooma, 1 % bat.ha ..... $26,000 Small waterfront 1 bedrm . pier .....•............................. $18,500 New, very atlracUve 2 bed· room on peniM:ula ........... $18,500 Older 3 bedroom, 2~ Iota , near bay, nice p.rden .... $l,9,l500 . Duplex, 2 bdrm each, new · nlcel~ located ................. :$19,000 Charming year-round home 3 bdrm, nicely located, 3 yeart .................................. $21 ,500 2 Bdrm house and garage apt. near bay, good In- come ..................................... submit Across street from bay, 2 bedrooms, large patio .... $13,MO 3 Bdrm beaCh house, o!d, but cle&ll, large patio .... $10,000 It's precloua and provincial 4 bdrms, garden, patki .. $29.600 Bay '& Beach Realty Ethel Shirlt-y 1450 Balboa Blvd. Gloden Fay Harbor 12~4 VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar • • • SPECIALS ••• New large l bdrm home, ocean side of highway, Uvlni rm l!i° x 24. 01.nlng rm . handy kitchen, se rvice por ch. Modern guest rm In connccllon with ·2-car gar. Built to take apt. above that would have ocean view. Price $12,650 Te rms, 575 mo. ' Spic anQ. Span · at the Laguna edge of Corona de! Mar A few 60 ft. LOTS 3 BR only $1500 dn .. $ 6,950 2 BDRM HOME. Redecorated In and out. Living rm 13xl9, !Ire--I 3 BR on 1 acre ......... ,$ 8, 750 ~~~~~·ia~w:lin~c:°~~~~~tc~~: 5 fl. tile over tub and bath. Door from .............. $ 3,250 . ' " . . .. . • an:•a. aTA'l'S .•• ·-•. an:AI. n:llrAH ' ' ' 3 BdrD1 .Home,. Newport Height$'° BRAND Nn:W, -ot -wltll bwd. floora, . tlaptmle.fli-eplaef, plate Clam wladowa fadnf Uie paU.. f !ii. % F. H. 'A.. loan avl.ltable. ll'• a. beauty! . . $11,9~ . • 2 Bdrm. Home -2 Baths NEWPORT HEIGHTS -BUiit S yean o,go by a bull*r for hU own home. It'• be.aut1tully tlntsbed with the bdt of hwd. fl~ WOod panellq-, larce room.a. pa.Uo, te.nctng · a.nd -double ,ga.rage. M.o.t attracUve and a real down--to- earth value. $12,500 BEACON HILL REALTY 4&e Newpo¢ Blvd. (near A.rch11) Phone Beacon 6713-R BALBOA ISLAND 3 Bdrm. -2 batb -corner attractive -furnished -$15,500 A FAMILY HOME In Corona de! Mar; on -a 60 ft. lot. 3 bdrms. 1 'h baths. Hdwd, firs. Beautifully carpeted. Plenty of room for your family and well located for shop- ping and fun. See this multiple listing today #1814 NELDA GIBSON 306 Marine Balboa Island · Harbor 502 ' BALBOA ISLAND VALUE PLUS! Are you looklng tor a GOOD 8 B. R., 11.-1! bath HOME? Choice Jocatloil. -.perfect condition -lutetully decorat- ed -nicely turnlthed -well landscaped -designed tor enjoyable year 'round living. Priced below the market at $19,500 ,, · Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Balboa Island Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 $1000DOWN LIDO ISLE 3 Bedrooms-2 Baths Corner-Nr. Best Bch. On Lido Isle • ...__BUSINESS Opportunllle8 2 bdrms, ~ bath•. large W&.lled EXCH,ANGE HOMES 2 BR, hwd. & tile .. $ 8 ,950 from hall to cement block 'patio with barbecue. Fenced yard, sprinkling IYBtE'm , -tue•l room along •Ide of garage. Good neighbors: BRAND NEW 1 bdrm h'ome, Pan- el Ray heat, dbl gar, cJoee to new 17th St. •hopping dlatricl. Full price Only $5950 Best Buy on Lido EQUIPPED BEAUTY sHOP wlth patio, 1 ~ lot!!. Call Har. 1485 established cllentele. PLUS love· for inlormatton or appt. $~3.000 equity -Los: Feliz Blvd., Loe Angeles. Six bdrm house, big lol. from .................. $14,250 exclusive listing ' ly apL Good CoBta Meu. loca-___________ 2BI> __ JO tlon. Call, Harbor 32~-2Tc29 WANT 3 bdrm or submit. Pon't be too late! 4 BR, furn. cloee in .. $10,500 BRAND NEW Bay View Lot llMALL OFFICE FOR. RENT 2 BEDRM. turn. hse. Ocean Frnt. Close in. By year or w~kly ALSO Contractors · Attention! 3 BR new home, hwd. floors ........................ $11,800 Price $11,975 · Good Ttrms, Pymts. only $75 mo. JOHN VOGEL Co. LOVELY 2' BDltM HOME-Fire- place, hwd., lots of tlle, forced air heat. Dining room, large lot, c1oee ln, Mu.l Side Costa Meaa. ON uOO -Choice corner. 62 fl. frontage. Sacrifice for qu~ altJe- $6500 1-BEDRM. rum. hse .. fireplace, Ocean Front-by weekly. Purl • Reaaonably J . Smith, owner. 4.20 E 7th. 7 BLDG. Lot.. PLUS new 2 bdrm 2328 Newport Blvd., Newport Sch Upland. Ph. 321-154 or 323-193 11ome In Pomona .. For Information STOP AT Tract Office Cout Highway 4 BR on East Side .... $13,000 taOl Cout Htway, Corona del Mar _ Bu-1¥>r 17-41 or Barbor 14'1'1 ~~.~- Phone Har. 2~2 or ffa.r. 2570 or see at 2410 w . Ocean Front WANT HOME on ·111lnd· or Cor- lTlfc ' Saturday, June 9th, 10---3 p. m . ona del Mar. at Se•ward Road CORONA DEL MAR PHONE HARBOR 414•J 4 BR on 1 acre ......... $16,000 '--''--------~·~.~ Result.I come rrom constant Practice! An ad rel".Jlarly tn tht. paper will produce result. for you. CLIFlF HAVEN BUlLDilR -REALTOR 3112 New;>:lrt. Blvd., Harbor 26152 20o21 A-TTRA--CTI--V-E_w_e_l_l _l_oc_a_t_ed_Ba_l-\ 28c80 - For Further Delalla-SEE boa office for lawyer, account-UGHT h u k in furn. a t. . ant, insurance, builde.. orchi-0 se eep 1' p Ed S d 1 ' Rlt RANCH 3 BR Ran~h type. Back bay view. Hwd. firs., 2 tile A TTR.ACTIVI: 2 bdrm and deh- Jrtreplace, . hwd., beautif\Jl car- peting. Sep. dining rrn., larp bdrm1, dbl. gar. Lge. fenced back yard. A G. L Reaa.Je tect. etc. 50T E. Balboa Blvd., Se?arate bldg., private t>nlrance,. e e mete~, r. Balboa. Harbor 1607_ 24 tfc ut1l. pd. $40 tno. ye&r round. \1028 Coa.et Blvd., Corona del Mar 20 ACRE RANCH 7 ml. from Newport. 12 acree permanent pa.ature. Abundant cheap water. 3 house11 and barn. Equipment for 15,000 chickens. WIU «ell . with or without livestock. Cob- elder part trade in bay area. baths ........................ $23,500 INCOME . ' Only $95 Down BUYS THIS FINE LOT U-WANTED TO RENT -Please-a BEDROOM, 2 bdth furnished home on Bay Shore, Beacon Bay or Lldo Isle. Lease on yearly basis or if proper home will lease with option to buy. C&.ll Beacon 6480·J after 8 :00 P. M. 28c:I! RENTAL' desired, Newport Har~ bor area. Want 2 bdrm , turn., need fenced yard, no children . Will pay $100 m o. P ermanent raident. Wrile Box ~. th~ • • ' 28p:l9 U-APARTMENTS & HOUSl!lS LIDO ISLE It you want a renlal on lovely f4.DO ISLE see us. Several good homea avallab~e. Alao apa.rt- menU by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED MS& Via L ido Harbor lMCI ~ . 18l!c Summer Rentals Lido Isle -< bdrti>, 3\io bath, 11. lot, play yard. Special rate tor seaaon or by month. China Cove -Beautiful View home. 3 bd.rm and maid's room. Overlooks jetty, a few step11 to beach. C'DM Bayfron\: -2 bdrm, prlval~ beach. New, compact. Ea.sy to care tor. GREENLEAF & ASSOC. ,BtnLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2632 17ttc RENTALS JOHN t>. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1307 5161,s Narclsaus, Corona del Harbot 278i Close lo shopping and bu.a lines- 3 Unit Income ... built 19t'>O includes separate 2 bedrm. tront home. For full details call Mr. Kem"ttton-Harbor 1600. at $13,500 54.xl~ on Victoria St., between Har'bor aiid Newport Blvde. Full Mar.. Inquire 162 FlOW"~r St., Costa Me.ea. 28c30 Automotive. '29 FORD in sood runninr con- dition. Fine for Hght pick-up. Phone Harbor 114 -M. :l6c:l8 PRJ.VA;l",li: Pf-RTY 0'1"'!RS: . ·si 1¢D~N ttollNd C4nverti- lb~. Hydramatlc, radio, heater. white walll, 600 miles. Coat $3700. Leaving slate, will uc- rifice for $3,000. Will finance. 1432 W. Bay, N~Wport Beach. Har bor ·1327-J. 27p29 19-47 CHM'SLER Town and Coun- try. Original owne r. Immacu- late. $1500. 261~ Poplar Blvd., Alhambta. cuivbertand 3-lda:i. 26<27 ------------ CHEVROLET 2-<loor de luxe sedan Only 8800 miles. Save money from private owner. Ph, Harbor 3404, 31!ci!O CHARMING Income li.nd home completely fUrnllhed. Ide&I for person alone or severaJ families. 3 ·and 2 bedroom duplex af\d 5 rfn. home. Always tented. One leased. l blk to bay It ocean. $10,000 cuh,, plus vacant or lm• proved prepetty. Bala.nee lot.n. O~r. Rm. 21, 9400 Brighton Way, IJeverly Hille. Ct\eatvlew 4-6131. (Courteay to brokera). 19t!r. ExcP,ange Wanted . ' , ' t 'r.l:U&llJE un1£9, nearly new, wet turn1Ahed, good renta.ll, C!IOk to beach. i'u.11 price $16,000. Want small boU&e In patt payment ba.l&nce euy. Alao have cub buye r tor loW prtce cottage, W. Newport. N.B.C. Really Co., 3116 Newpotl Blvd. 26c28 .!1-REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE J>ART'Y With cash wa.ntlng to buy a 1 or 2 bdrm. hotiee ln Colt• Meaa. About 14,000. Phone Beacon 0215 , B. A. Nereson GREENLEAF & ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR · 311.2. Newport Blvd., Harbor 156:1 Fabulous View 'Ot entire Newport Harbor area, from high upon a hill. Large 4- room home and rental apart- ment on nearly two acret:, cloee in. Be11.ut1ru1 estate ot ca.n be divl!fed: Honie and aptll'Vn.t, •lew building aite, three buai- neu lots. ALL for only 1361000. Eaay t erms. Conalder trade, fll)eei&lly Lfdo I11le. Call John Mottram, Har. 10.00 • P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, caut. INCOME . B.A.NERESON OPEN EVENINGS MR.A .A: Npt. Harbor Multiple Llatlna-Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd .• Costa. Mesa Phone Bf.aeon 5225 ' ..EXTRA SPECIAL! BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- Charmlng rnodem 2 B. R. home. Firepl. Patio. Many nice tea- . P . A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via ·Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1000. CDM Ocean View turea. $14,000. NEW 5 ROOM HOUSE. Tile in CLOSE TO .BA y-:; B. ~-_ k~tchen and bath. {>bl. ga,..ge ' home. w~ constructed~ ' rf f!l 60 fl. •}ot.. pnder J).5,oop. pc...-. • Miya •&el~ See this ln ... E' , ·~lent tipJctpg. , ,, , , ~ : OFFER! · Ernie Smith, Realtor DISTINCTIVE -Thia beautiful 3 12C>t> Coast Hlway, Corona del 'Mal' B. R. home b built around apac-Phone ~rb9r 2867 loua patio for ou~r living! Located on Bay Ave. in El Bayo 4 "1. F H A Resale tract, close to Xlnt. ·bathing / G • • • beach: otten real pride of po11- &e88lon ! THREE bedroom, hardwood flra .. beat Costa Mesa location, Large • Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Costa Mea Phoi:ie Beacon 669• Harbor 3107-W ,or Beacon 5468--J Corona I del Mar CHAR.MING hople, •has 2 bdrma, living r~1 wtpl· ~~eel.._ celling ~iBi~~I: trom kitchen and living rm. Re- deaorated ln and out._ Includes W to W -carpeting a.nd drapes. PLU8 tum. apt over dbl. gar. On 80 rt. comer, ao. ot htway. Room tor add'1 unit.a. PRICED FOR QtnCK SALE . price $995. • Phones: Beacon 5606.M or Beacon 5293-W 16tfc Linwood Vick W. A. Tobias teat ring eRQPERLY -~ t. I: r.mCEDtrt&Jt-~ ~ , ...... ,(.JI .TIF.S ?. l.1 ..... '. i,.'. COLONIAL: ~ etory, 4 bedroom home. Lovely patio. Fireplace and furna.c~. Dealgned tor all year living. 2-car garage. 2 baths, 2 shOw- era. Ideally localed ........ $23,8~ -&nd many othera. · I b Llattnga Wanted fenced yard with attract ve ar· Sales il.nd Re'nta.ls Balboa Realty Co. beque area. • -We have moat ot the better b uyo Rou Greeley Joaephtne Webb Sll.500 full price, $2500 banate• Ernie Smith, Realtor lllted. ·our Ume la youn. -Ullian McAdoo Alk for Mr. Kem.pton, Har. 1500 CK 700 E. Balboa Blvd, Har. 153 , 121J5 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar LINWOOD .VJ · 10 Unit• on 5 Lota p A PALMER Phono Harbor 3S&'I RI!lALTOR SL blk. to Bay Front LOT 29 ·-Huel Drive, Corona def • • ~ INco-'-oRATED . 312 Marlge Ave., Harbor 20'2 Cloae lo Balboa 11hopplng Mar. Oceait-vtew for l2l&o, 1500 n.r • ' BALBOA ISLA.ND $37,500. terma down and UO • mo., Incl. Int. 3333 Via Lido, Newport Beach Bay ShQreS . 1982 Newport Blvd., Coate Mes& --Sign le on .the Jot. Owrier J . H . Ch&rmln.g reerivood. and brtck 0 Sellin e UNrrs on Bay Front, with prl· Carroll. &M1 La Mirada Ave., Todays Best Btly" .ranch type 2· bedroom home. wner ~ vate beach. 1 ~ blk.11. !tom Main Hollywood 38, canr. Phone HI. UnuaWJ.y gobd land.lcaplnl" -Ne&rlf new LIDO -ISLB a bdrm WANTED -Bay Front home st. l689. 2sc2s in Corona del Mar green lawn ud flower bordered . 2 batb home. HeaVJ( beemed •lth )'&Ohl anchora«e, not over '38,500 ' ' walka. Sn-M-bar with plant. ~virig room celllnp -Clever $40,000 cul>. Roxie E. Hamer, N rt H · hts? $21 000 t · •·• bo w::-:--r~ to --" Un LOANC'O. F H •• Burdick D Po B lb R 1 c ewpo e1g erms . .... x,.. w~ cupe •· bar ,_ kl,,,ben~._w tUe .::J Or OIDeS agent, ~I t.. mona. a Oa ea ty 0. . " ' ' . Elec. kltd)en. Mercury .owi"'bel, ba~,;; floon-unJt •t CONSTRUCTION LOANS Calif. Tele. LYc. 3·lSIO. :llp30 Rou G~ley ·Josephine Webb NllED tw,9 lar .. baclroomo! Like i 'BDRM, panelled den, I blk. from "• dream 'llOJl'•.-• . tropical flaptone patio-•"'· w ANTED Ulllan McA.doo wallc:-1.n· cloMt., · breakfut al-ocean. Superb Ocean view. Auto-tl.5,'7&o 1 8acrtfice at $2~Terma. at 5--5\'.!% (14 yrs.) llOME or INOOIOl 700 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. lM cove, brlcl< patio and barbecue, mauc beat, <6 tt,•lot., weQ land· Harbor 4Q (llvea. BeL' CKIG-J) Owner Home Sat: I.: Sun. Wll 8UY AMD Skt.L S"umiahed Ba larce well·~aped, level lot! neaped, • ..._i s~~~ ~~ Clolo in, r::;,,ar_:.. WANT ~ noo,.., oep-. I SEE . • •The Jnlfit Vogel Co .. 100 vta San Remo, Harbor ONl·ll 1416 COAsT BLVD. Prlood .Rlfbl THE p RE s s arato dlnlnc -· tars• lrl"'ben 500 'Coul Blvd., Corona d•I Mar a ' Karine Balboa. I.l1and • . . 11AJtAH D!INI81l, Broker very aU-Uft' fireplace, tub ' • • OPEN 1 " • • Corona del Mar Ha<bor 1011--1 • • ----" -· p1ent~ot cup-. Earl Chamberlain • · · -" • 1857 E. Walnut st., Paaadena 4, ES ~ ~ • G J R-'--1 e 4_0{, T-t .. ~... .._ ... ~ --.. Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. y 33CK THE NEWS T//llJ ~ cJe&r o;tt:r wator and (Opp. Newport f14ibor Bank) • ·, • .,.,.._. • · I' .ur , --1, •u•-~::.i..,--;;:: _.,. We lllL J'lmda Kl ·W1811 ' CaUf. S c. S--• -p30· , • oower ID t Tllla Ion!• hDroe, ~-· H bo _ . $12 l<l\I\ , .4 Olrm. I bL home. • ·--1 -t " ... &"UUIQe &r r ~-• l~ • 'IM • ~MODWRNo ·With nt'Ntll LOANS l'fO auu.o, DD'llOV& • :rHE °"ST. INllt bl( • ~ contractor . BY oWNmt f.-:a -newJ7 , pailo~ J.c&r pr.'~ for cOm- llVY', MC>l>JCRNIZll, OR rM-MOHEY WAN'llll> ' ' I I "" for Ilia own tlUnlly,. •~bte Balboa 'r-land deeorilA!d ~-·,roe .lllt.cben.•· plm uvtns .. 119.$00. 1111 OeeU aDUIANa J -for only 111:'00-' ~ Pullman IHl'tti;. Hd; tlooro, dlll: 111Vd;. Bal-H&J'bof Mal-JI. BALBOA ISLAND w. llu7 'T>uat 0eeei. oc&•J.ENT i.t Truat IMd-• . -Phone John lf!>ttnm r111>t """' _ .' : $3000 price cut·' -. · t~ : ,...._ ~ -. utto H.....;, and Apia., y .. rly or -· NZWPO!lt IL\UIOA n:DJ:IU.L '3,600. P&Y.able 5SI -· '" IDt. • , p A DAT MER KOST 8EJl,' Baautiiul ., blsrm. wailtlllr 3".: tO J 0 lo ... · ~ ' IOD&l. s.. Gan eo.mey. wit.11 uvmoa " LOAN . AallM. -l'!<>perty Wiue n.800-ean Boll Orn.n1"e Cou nt·.t_s. . .a.,. ~ ·.eollielJ bo-. FUnw:e:. I fin abopplllr.· -l•.Jar ~ , !fSWP0$'1' HIIIG8Ta~:7 Ct NELDA amsoN assa Via Udo PIL Bfr. t.al(I ~tlet'. Poirier Mtc--cb. -· '"' ~ , • lNQOlll'OllAn:D ;place, a dJ: l•s ...a.: Gu-U)' ,wt.. ... "'. -.~ •. ~ ·2 ~- REAL ESTATE ' Rl!:AL 12!TA'rl!: LOANS . l ..z. , -T d -t I N ... ~ ~!~.If. ... _ di-' ~-.... --Im' ..., Newpott ...,,... .. ~' ~ lat.orlor, _l>·.nMd -11 ...... 0 t$ ancl n ll ,,.... ... ,..., ~ -.-• •---J'ea-IMl-W, ., ""'•Ill~=·= SOI 14&1.ne_ -Isl. Ha<. 502 IDterelt Rate t~ · 5"' ll'IllllT truat.-,·11a1..~ ""'1'" · U . , ~ • ', BUjlol',llOO. mecltatO po1111llm. ~•Bu•,, • T .J.: , • ";:~ .. • -. -i...... ~ -111 u. Ila,) uio 11oe ,.. ... p1ao 1at. at • • • '· bor 1111..r •• seo...,. ~ '~~-er . Ying~ ;'*:a · -Jt• - _SCH_oo_L_ieacbeno _____ w_1n_tu_ren_<-Ai:-..,.-~-.....,., • ''" '.. ..,..,.. ......., _ _,. 1' 'R •a/' Estaf• 2 B R Pi'er ._... . ..,,,.oat ' '-· , ·4 ·~ · ,. , ~ ·" , ' 'i ' "-' · ·· _, art:"""' -11Jt. • ,,_, I.I c:llamUD&'IY lllm. Z-Otory . ....,... .-...... -• -l&~U,'.111111 ~.. •. • ... .r•• . I • \ ~ 1 • ,., '1T--~ Cod bouM on"Bal. la. 2 -ud -"1 -•·11 -M _.,..., .... ••-1, . $l5ocJ() DOWN . Little ~aild'~'f. .:;.:3 ~ .• 12 Un ~IA!,,:, ~'ibirn-,...q~la; . ll'<-1"1""".-. iii batbL '86 -.. F II io..: r I ' -a1ta.. ..... Acl'lerlisi-.. . .>J .. ~~ .................. ..,.~ .... -,u<IU -i.-• . . : -AT9-I--.. ~ --... 'pp• ..... ..... ~ .. .. ....... .,.... I ...... ~ . • • ' • ' -•-n-••-....,t. lOtb. ~-·. -X. h .. llar fl-. [ 'Ii ' · .. ~ '1211 8IO. ·Im bale-" Hie. 'llalhm ... sq ,It Inn JUL ~· -knm .. °"'•t:.,-W... · .• laW. .. 11111 7:!'". ts ••If--·· 11-n•n-a -• l~..:._,! aer a•••. •llQC ..• I I ra.1 ' ......... """' ... .... ,. ~ 'A .. L,... ~ ... 111' • . ' ---" '"--·· -,.,WUJUm , ~ llf!U~· ~ aaAlmla ---·-..... .w: > llOld.Oll et allsl ... illa,e .... WW& 01111,-r.;cita" n••.t.T ""-~.. IJt Ill.&. UY w.urr TO ,llVT' ... ._,_.. • • .. ....... "61\ ............... f 1 .. --.............. ~· ··-:....~ •• w..-u. ...... I ClllldO.ILcatu•l6-11Wi. .... ef'IU•sj, W I 'MPrl 11"'1 ............ =,, ...-' ·· · lllrl?ld• ~ · :,f · lf.c.M •pp#1 r.-.. ... -1-IH -a& tel Pri•mtlia. c.-,._-. n.u.-0.'s -rw -1....-i ' l. ···-..... -... -'HIOIOI -... ts ... 8TAifwT UDw'l'D,"·--IQ. f-'llM. "Tiii "MIDI ' -dalllar. Har.UIO-ll. JIUc Wt~ --.U.1 ,ft. f!U. ~---• -la' t11e ......,_ b 09W te. ,_, ,,_ -1!4 C. -..... . 218 •it;-. --'*nf Ba '9 . · I , -· ... , ~ .......... 111it •s liSsC .... , • • , • t ' • • .. . ___________ ., ____ -~- ' \ • • . , . - fl•ge a Balboa Civil Air Pa tr.ol Squadron Seeks Recruits Busily engaged if\ the third week or Its cadet rueruitlng <!rive \s Balboa Bay squ11.dron 77, Civt.1 Air Patrol, according to an a.o= oouncement by R ichard A. Stre-1· A!tY. 11quadron cOmnia.nding, of- ficer. Strelsky emt\haaizcd the need tor ewn more Civil Alr Patrol cadelll to effcctlvely carry out the proposed progra1n for the squadron during the coming year ''In view of t he fact that in any attack on the w est coaat, the max· !mum number of planes which could be destroyed la only 30 per 1 • cent, we need trained and semi· trained mr n and w omen t o help avert pa.nlc and confwiion that m ight occur in the event of such an attack , With or wlthnut the Atom Bon1b," StJ'elsk y sald. "The g reatest need or thP Clv1l Air Patrol at this tlrne is for pilots and civilians with a irplanes to fly vital blood plasma anti transport a ttack victims to and from strlckPn arl'&s, aa well as re--- lleve the Air Force of many of Its secondary dutil's." SH'd for Youth "Secondly," he conttn ue<I. "there la a 'need fo r young men and wo- 11tt!'n in the cadet to hC"lp provide the Alr F orcC' with sl"m i·trained personnel durlni;: lhl' present un· stable world situation. The Civil Air Patrol can givC' cadets many benefits not ordinarily received out.lllde of the CAP. All CAP squadrons havl' the co.operation ol the Air Foret•, J\.t a r ines, a.nd Navy, which enables lhf'm to visit thelr bllJl:es, fiy Link traine rs. at· tend class€'s, and J::et free orienta· Uon fli ghts In ser vice s ircraft. Jn addition. 1tquadron flights e..nd praclic('-!'I ar(,!. hrld on wef'k·ends." Young mrn and \von1en between thr ages of 15 a nd 18. interested in becomin~ CAP cadl'L", are ln· vlted to attend n\eeting11 of the Balboa Bay s1uatlron. hPld every Monday €'V€'ning a t 1 p. m., near the Orans1.· County Fai rgrounds. To reaC'h the squadron area, tum of f N1•wport Blvd. in Cost.a Meea , at the Oran~(' County Fair sign. Be fore 8 p. nl ., a cadet will be stationed at t he {'nlrance lo give direction.". Arter a· p. m .. ap· pltcant.s may follow t he a rrow" on the telephone jxliC'!:I to squadron headquarters. ------ Give Air t o Meat, Pou lt ry Give me11t, poultry and fi sh 11 tittle room t o brt'ath" In the re· frigerator, rPCOm1nend.11 J\.f a r I a n Prestlss, hon1e advisor for the Uni- vers ity of California Ag ricult ural Exten.slon Service. Loosi!n &n)' tight tra n11parent coverings, and wrap again l003t'ly be fore refrig- erating, she sug gests. All meat, poult ry ahd fish shou'd_ be kl'pt cold , prefersbly s t a ten1,.eratUr l" of ~a lo 4~· F. Gr:oUAd f resh meat and variety meals .spoil n\ore quickly than ro&.'5t.s, chops or 8tea ks. Th e y should be storrd IOOliCly wrapped and cook r<I w ithin two days. Smoke-d meals, such as ham. frankfurters and bacon, a re the exception to the r ule. Mrs. Pren· tiS& says. They may be kept t ight· wrapped durinjt" stora gf'. Smoked meats will keep longer than the unsmoked, a lthough bacon and sausage may change flavor. I' you ha ve to keep cookrd meat, poultry or fish, or any broth or gravy, cover it in the refrigf'rator:: and plan to U&e it up "flthin 1l few l:STERSECT10SS "-ii kinds of unexpected thlnp. can go \\•rong at intersections. warns the Na tional Automobile Club. Thfs ts why the \\'iae driver approaches t hem with caut ion and drlveg through t hem w ith a lert care. By doing so he kf"e ps him- self from getting ··croaeed up at the CTOMroads.'' . . w .... , • '· '. 41 .. . • J NEWPORT..IALIOA NEWS.TIMES ,.. Vne,111p1oy11 .. ..t Drops loc:c Shicleftt -. ' 'Dedicate! oc·r Paced by g&&n1 :n acrlcu:ttul'e1 ' ~ ;\, eo~rnment 1nsta11at1o.. a.n d Wins SdoolG ship • · n'lanuractU:rtng-. tot.al emp·oyment R•fl · R ln _C..UtomJa r'OM' lo approximate-Fte\de.r Slade. 900 of Dr. and I e· ange ly 4~2.000 during April. At t'he Ml'9. H. C. Decker, 488 • 82nd SL, • 1&Dle time. unemployment dropped Newport Beach. and a 'bualneu J'~nnaJ · dedlcaUon ot the Or- 'o 196,IOO at •m.id·AprU. educatlqn m~r at OranKe Oout ange Coe.A College rtfie ranee Announcement of the employ· Coll~. he been awarded a $:500 took place Wedneeday, May .. 18, nent figures followed a Jolpt echolanhJp and a $400 award trom when Dr ... Horace Parker. member mat)'lli• of the labor market by Mayr P'oundatk>n at Claremont of.the Board ot Truateea, accepted Paul ScharrenbeTg, director be the Men'a COUege. a .22 ca.l\bre r!fle ofttcta.ly glven Jtale Department of Induatrtal Slade t.ranaterred to Orange the club b:t the Bob Sporting R.e'&tk>n.s and Jam.ea G. Bryant, Co.a.at from Lo. Ancele1 Valley Goods Co. ot Coet& Me•L P"oUaw· ilrector of ,~e State Department J . C. lut Septembet when hle par· tng preaentatk>n ceremonie., Dt. l( Emplo~nt. cnt.a moved to the cOutal area.. He Parker fired , the fln:t •hot trom The April level of employment wu a ttberal &rts f;T&duate from the gun, ' waa 49,000 h.lgher than U\e March Van Nuya High l!ICbdol tn 11M.9. The OCC rifle . n..nge wu built total and exceeded' • &ny previous At Claremont he wtll punue by rlne club memben who toUow4 April figure by a wtde margln. further work ln buairte811 eduea· ed offk:lal epeclllcatk>na of the Unemploymen~ declined by 37 ,000 lion. slanting hla lntei-ut. to corir Natlona.J Rtr:e Asaoclatton. It LB <luring the same period. oration aelling, the neld he hopea 50 feet long and hu elx ahootlng Farm employme11t , made the to enter atter graduaUon. rangea: all targeta are for .22 cal· greatest gain from ¥arch lo April "Oh yea, eome day I hope to tbre ammunition. ~Ising by 18,000 from the aeaaonal become a buatnea executive, but The college club wa.s organized ow point in the former month to I want t.o work up to that position, this year under sponsonhlp of app:oxtmately 3!>0,000 at mk1· tearnlng through experie.nce each Wesley Mole, lnstructor and repre- April. pba.ae of a big corporation," rt· eentaUve of NRA. The Club's Hiring of clvUlan worker• at marka the already 8ucceutul bWli· NRA charter beara the names or military ln8tallation11 continued at neas atude'nL 24 OCC stUdenU ~ namely, Henry a rapid rate, bringing government Aguilera. Marvin C!ark, Emil employment to a record high level G T Dopyrea. Roy Ell.Ls. Don Foell. ot '519.000. en. Urges een-Agers Richard G«enleat, DonaJ Hall, BOth !lCUonal andl no.n-seaaon· S • School Carl Hinda, Charles Keener, Don· a.I factors contributed to a raiee to tay lft aid Lt>ggett, James Leslie, Robert ot about 7.000 In manuJacturinJ? The nation'• teen·agers can best McClelland, Robert Meeham, Earl emetoym~nt \o Bl total of 867,000 serve their country by staying-in Trapp. Owen Ulhmt-yer. Earl Waf. workers. Indu3tries which are high school as Jong 88 poNible, flf', Delbert Anderson, Alvln Far- closely related to the defense ef-Major General Thomaa Hanley, Jr., ley, Harold Inman, Vivian Caw· tort contlnued to expand. Chief ot the Military Penopnel thon and the offlcera, of th.e club. The number of job seeker!! and Procurement service division, De· The range Is open for practice the number of job openings are parlment of Detenae. said this eve ry day at noon, a.lwa.ye under more nearly in balance now than week during a vtJJtt to the Army 11upervision. they were a year ago, Bryant ea.id . ~d Air Foree Recrultlng Head· ''Eventually," says Mole, "we The number of job .seekers h&B de· quarter8 in Lo9 A.ngelet1. hope to have a r lfl e ltani to pllr· creased greatly and the number of The ieneral emphaslud that the t lc lpate ln lnterco!legiate ron1pc· openings· has risen sharply al· "service1 want the best qualified tltlon." tholigh there are still more job young men and wol)1en," according seekers than openings. Shorta.ge~ to SJt. Melford M. Bonar, local of workers exist in some occupa· Anny a.nd Alr Force recruiting tlons. but In many Olher5 ... job sergeant at 30%'~' Weat Third St~. !teCkers outnumber openings. · I In Santa Ana. The: more 8Choollng Beachcombing Aids Science 1'.>r technical training men have, Vet P m"tt d t lhf' more valuable they are u cttl· Beachcombi!Jg can '?e st;:lentlflc-t S er I e 0 zens to Ute country. ally rewarding, · "The ·19~1 high BChool gradu· That's the 'xperience of Dr. C • T • • ate," General Hanley stated, "will Crace L. Orton. a.sN>Cl&tc ln ma-ontlnue raining provide a great aource ol the cur-rtne biology at the Unlve.r&'lty or I rent military manpower require· I Callrornla's Scrlpp. lnstitute of mentJf. There are hundreds of I Oceanography, whooc 11pa.re-tlme . Veterans who interrupted G.l. I opporlunttlea in the Services for t forays on Southern California Bill s tudies al any time in the pa.st training which wtll pay dividends I beache8 have tl,rought acientlflc and later were called hack to mill· In later life." dividends. tary senQ ce, will be permitted to Dr. Orton is studying fish in cont1nue trainlng after discharge Lensmen Sought their 1ar\·a1 st.ages. j u.st after they even though they ~('t out after f'mcrge from the egg. The work ~he July ~5 c ut·ofr date for s~~t-Employment opportunltlea for hu con8iderable economic Import· 1ng tralrl.tng, Veterans Adm1n1s· photographers now eKlat with 8_ ance, since what happens to r,iah lration i:sa ld tod.ay In 1U1SWer to a nurpbc-r of federal agencies In in thei r first few we('k.e of life may number of quen es. California Artaona and Nevada determlne the latl'r success or A vf'trra.n need not necelll5arily a ccordlni: to the U . S . Civil Ser~ failure ot commercial flaheries. · have interrupted his G.I. Bill course vice Commtislon. •San Francisco. . Because living fish eggs a.re specifically for the purpose of Appltcatk>na are now being ac-rather hard to find, Dr. Orton had gorng back into uniform. In or-cepted for po1ltions paying be· been doing moat of her work with der to .be entitled to po11t·cUt·o ff tween SJ&~ a year aod s4600 a the lesl'll 11:atisfa.ctory preserved date training, VA e"-plained. specimen, "until," 11he says, "t year. .A • ln all cases, however . condoct The go•crnment is especially ln· took up my beachC<'mbing." and progress must have been l€'realed in appl)canla who , have Some species of marine fishes satisfactory, for furlcr training had hll'hlY specialb:e-d experience lay their eggs on floating objects to be authortxe<! after military in such field• u motion picture in the water, such as driftwood duty. color procealng, underwater or and kelp. The material carriea the And in all cases, too, training hlg'b .speeod motion ptctur'e photo--living cgga, to ahore. If they 4re after the deadline date mu!lt be g raphy. PerBOna with these typu found .aoon enough they can be resumed within tt reasonable pe· of experlt'nce may ~ be eligible ror hatched into the larvae Dr. Orton r iod or t ime after the vet erans higher salary grades. I needs 1n her Investigations. She retu.rns once again to ci vilian life No written teat will be given bu a group of either u.u.ry or a.nd mu&t be completed by July appltca.nta. Ellsibillty for pa.rttcu -flying-fish eggs rtdentlJtcat1on la ~. 1956. Jar aalary grades will be de term· dtfflcuJt at this stage I Incubating As an example of• its ruling, ined on the ha.ale ot the applicant'" in the laboratory nnw .. VA, ci ted the ~ of a veteran experience. Dr. Orton ls not the fi rst .!JClent· who Interrupted G.l. Bilt training. Application forms may be ob· iet to take note of the value of which had been going along sat-talfted at any first or s econd"'Cl¥15 drirtwood. Percy S. Barnhard, l8fa ctor1ly, in t!H9 In order to"take post office, and llhould be fll~ former curator or the Scr ipps In- a temporary Job, In 1950 he was w ith the Director, 12th u . S. Civil etltutlon and author of a book on recalled to a ctive duty. Even Set'Vic9 Commlalon. 630 Sansomt marine rishes of SouthC'rn Call· though he gets out after the cut· Street. San Franclsco ll. No cloa· fornla, took e.dvanta1;e or drift. off date. VA Mid.. he would , be ing date ha.s been announce<t for wood-borne eggs in some of ht.a eligible for further G.I. training, the examination. research studies. provided he h&d neceM&ry title ------- for it . VA stated. that the July 25 cul- oft date will a.pply to one cl&sr1 of World War 11 veterans who in·· t errupted training to re·enter 11ervice. That cla.M consist.a of those who have bffn released from their second period ot ser· vice before the July 2~ date. The July ~ cul·ofr date ap.- pllee to veterans dlacharged bf':. fore . July 25. 1947. Tho.se dis- charged from Wo-rld War 11 after the 194 7 date have four years from that discharge In which to s tart training. LT. GEN. ALBERT C. WEDE- MEYER. Presidio of S . F.-=-"Our country !lhould scrupulously avoid commitment.a that it cannot pos· !libly fultlll." Promise Surpris~ at Flower Show - He Is not rtvlng out with any detaJla, but Harry Macrea ~f San ta Ana promiaes a lot ck S'Urprt.ses for vlaltor1 ~ attend the flower show he ta plailnlnc In connection with the 19:11 Orange countY falr 8Chf!duled for Aug. 1&·19. The norfculture eXhlblt aupertn· tendeqt"a bll' aecret la the elabo- rate a.nd unusu&J decoration8 being planned for the 'show which he a,aya will turn the enUre J0,000 aquare feet of dWplay . space Into Trailer Regulations An announcl'.'m€'nt was made lo· day by Mr. Paul·, Scha.rrenberg, director of the State Department of lndwitrlsl Relations. th•t copiea or t_tle rules and regu!atlons affect· lng the installation of tolleU In tralkr coacli.e& are now available for dbstributlon. These regulations, e f r e c t I v • April 29. 19~1 . were adopted by the Commtaaton of Houalng •Jter a aeries of publlc hearlnp held In Loa Angeles and San FrancLsco. Persons Interested Ir\ obtaining copies of the regulations may ap· pl)· at any 0Ulce11 of the Dlvt11ion of Hou11ing, located at 965 Mission St .. San Francisco 3. or Room 707 State Building, Lo.a Angelea 12. a veritable faj9land to rival any· thing yet seen at a Southern Call· .,.... fomla (lower •how. ~ . To 90me' peopJf', Including the ' .......... . •. late Gertrude Steln, a ro&e ill a. roae ta a roae. Marcee and all eJl- htbttor1, . however, plan to get away from aJI IUCh" proaaJc non· sense to preRnt BCOl'N of floral dil:playa lq a aettlng daszllng ~npuch to ope.n the orb of a b'ack·~Yed Suaan. Orange county'• florist.a, nur· eerymen and amat~ur rJorlcultur· Wt.I are cooperating ln such a. nne way, according to f&Jr officials. that • the: comlna flower ahow promilea to wrpau that of ta.at )'CU \tlhlch drew IUCh Oironga and favorable comment&. ,,,., 11ota1 di.p1aya aays 11u'pe.- tntendent N&C!tta. ~tJI include the bljt f-ure d~la,. tor nlll'9<riea. Ute cut ,. owu and conace •xlli~ HAI tor tlorUt.o. and U>e feature dlsple.yo for botlt flow<r u.>cia· UoN and garden ftul-. ~ ylU aJoo be • .......merclal clua ror dahUu attd ~... aauitelu &la tor --<>Pen dllPJay +z I fw fttcMe t'Gbetot.w be- • • ~ orel\ldl, ~;ua -cut tlo"9ta. \ 'Tiie 1161 '<>ranp county taf; free ....... Ult booklet. rtv· b\c )oawleto, lnfonnatlon to .,.. Ill~ • Wo -~ depart· .... •• <iiol ... •ftllalile . -t .-'·· . ( "F<Atnit~'lilhe ·-"' lhlf Ooil•-"' .c.llf<I<""' ...i .... style -· by Jcifd .... ...., ' wllo r. .. .,...., .. u-r•"T- 1 ... u~··. ' • • ''"'·· o.r ....................... . YA Insurance Law wt1het: to retain bla · term Jn.sur· anoe, he mU•t renew It every five years, ln advance or the explraUoh The rKently ~n&ct;ed Federal· date, and, ol courae, at a !higher law halted the INUance of ne~ premlwn baaed on hla then 8.t4 National Service lJJe Inaurance l•lned ace. Warren ·Vetoes Service Day Bill • • to veterans ot World War U. ex· The new law bu no effect Gov. Earl Warren vetoed a bill cept tor thoee returning to mUi· ' tary service, should provide "food however, on permanent plan NSU. t th ht" t th t It cannot expire. Although It may or oug 0 ote ve era.ns be lapsed for non·payment or whose NSLI policies are of the Y&· ttmiuma It can be lr'ult.&ted at rlety which expire every five ~y time by pa.yment r:f premiuml'I yea.ra, l~t e oplnlon of Ben Ue· In arrears (with Interest) and berman, range County Veterans aa.Uatylng of health requirementa. Service fflcer. · paased by the legi1dature that would give 30 days pa.y 'to any at.ate employe going into any branch of the service, whether en· !lltlng or drafted. He e t1mated that two out of Perma.qent plan tnaurance al80 The governor noted that the measure had gone through ne.lther the Senate flna.nce committee nor the ways and means committee and no estimates of lb coet had been made. He said, howeve r, that It would 'Involve a gTeat arncnmt Ot money. every three NSU pollcy·holders hu other advantage11 over term In Orange County have. these five· NSU, such as various guaranteed yea.r level premium term policies. values. The remaining third have convert· cd t o one of six perma.nent plans of NSU. Prior to the enactment or the new inJ11ura.n ce law a vet eran whose term policy had expired could nev1·rthele88 apply tor new GI in- surance &nd obtain It. If he met the health requlrements. Under the new Jaw, he cannot. It he SOCIAL 8ECUl!ITY You don't need to pay a dollar, or any other sum. to get full in· formation about your rights under aoclal security. lt'11 yours for the aaklng at" the social security of- fice, eithee-in printed booklf't form or ln direct, authoritative advice straight acroM the de1k. Warren sald present law pro· videm for "separation" pay only If the employe join s the National Guard, Na.val Militia., or reserve corps: . . , WAYMER PETrv OCC Studeat Treuurer The governor i-;a.ld be would have approved lhe bill if the -two committ~ on finances had given it their approval. e PLANNED ADVEllTISING PAYS llG DIVIDENDS e PLANNED ADVERTISING PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS e "' I > i5 0 iii ~ 0 z -... I ~ ~ • ! .. I ' ' • The ·c~MPANV HE • K ·EE PS . i ••. 4 J When a '\ acquaintance of yours bri ngs a fr iend of his to call upon you, your gree ting of the new· comer depends to a · g reat .exte nt o n the opinion of1the m'an who introduces him, doesn 't it? Usually, you judge the stranger by !he company, he ·kffpl. This' principle applies no less to advertising. When an advertisement appears in the company of news and editoria l columns which you have looked. upon as your "frl•nds; and in wt.ich you have 'fa it h, you transfer those feel!ngs of faith and friendship to the adverti.sement as well. • It Is possible; of course, for the manufacturer or merchant to gain the good w\11 of the public by mere ly offering merclland ise which proves satisfactory when tested-to insure the in itial trial of the product is qu ite another matter. It means that .th• introduction must be eff..!ted by the most dependable mutual friend of the .seller and buyer. And even after the new customer has been won over for t he fi rst time, it is quite n-stary to reassure him of the wisdom of his choice and to re- mind him that the product is still in the_market by .sending a message to him again a11d again,-in good company. . More and more are th• owners of better newspaper publications coming to the realization of the importance of discrimin a tion in th e acceptance of the adverti s- ing wh ic h is to .appear in their columns: They know tha t a censorship of this kind acts as a protection bnd a help for both advertiser and reader, It g ives to the reeder the comfortable assurance that the advertisements he reads may be trusted, and gains for the advertiser the patronage resulting from h.is fa ith . Th is advertisin,g is be· coming stro"ger ,.very day. f Advertisers a re keenly aware of the superio ri ty of the results attai"ed by the use of a de- pendable advertising meclium,--one whose publ ishers exercise care a nd thought in t be se- lection of material for Its .ditoria l and news columns,--<1 medium which is an integral factor ' in shaping and reflectinglthe views of it( circle of readen,--<1 medium which· has dev•IC!ped a large circulation among' a represenlallve class of people in ii• particular territary-o circle of . ' readers whicH repre .. nt1 th• entire community. • • •' . I. , I I . ' USING THESE FACTS AS A C~ITERION IN YOUI SELECTION OF A DEPENDABLE ADV!RTISING MEDlUM, DOESN'T TH IS NEWSPA,ER 'S HAND OF GJ ETING FILL THE G LOVE OF GO?D OOMPA~Y PERFECTLY" ' ·-·--· --·· . ' . lilt .• ,A.,. ... QMllB .. • . .. I ' • ' r !! a . S! ~ ~ g ... • .~ z z ·19 > ~ lll ::I "' -z a ~ -< "' .. -a 0 -< -I 0 "' • ~ .Z '.l!J l ,:::! "' ·z a ~ -< ... ~ ;,: -'I ~ • 5? z z 21 • g ;I . ' 1· I ' ' it ' ~ I • 'j I . '