HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-12 - Newport Balboa News Times• • 1. ' I ·~~-~----..----~---=~~"'"~· ' ' • • • Boy~ 10, Hurt in T 111ck Fall HARBOR ARE ·HIW Y REALIGNMENT N.EAR ' . P!-ANS FO~ CLEANDfG Ur THE UNSIGll'ILY lalaDd..,... of tbe'Clty'• Buck Gully Beach an>f.ems completed ~ the city ~,.. olftoe. IMtaU.tlo n of toilet facllltl~ and cnufln& of th,. "wamp area laland Of the bcaeb wUI probably be accompllahed. ln the )oreiround l"'o local cltl.zem1i rxamlne a mDd.dy swamp oa the bdcb appareatJy fed by aewage eff1uent whk.h can be ck>anOO up, maklnc a ftn.e dry laAd park ln the area for aear--by ret1lfta.l&. Newport Beach and Mesa · Merger Urged At the laet oieettng of ".the . .,_ __________________________ _ Co8la · Mesa CouncU Monday . .; Francia .J. Horvath, Newport Beach reattQr, ursed the forma- tion of a fact flndlftl' committee to lnveiitigate the subject of an- nexatkm OJ incorporation of Coeta Mesa with Newport Bea.ch. Freeway. Work Starts Soon Construction on thE' terminal st"c llon of the Santa Ana freeway is expected to start.J before the entl ot this mo nth. The job will prob- ably take a yea; to completf'. road officials el!ltimate . Succesaful bidder on the p1·oject wa.s W inston Qros., Monrovia, One cblld .-tvecl ollstit ln- Juriea llfto• r.uins from a truck «NI' tb• WMkend. "nlenl were ffl'W traffic acddeatL--Nine ye&.. old I;e!U Ill. Mateao. El MOftte. auff•Ad faclal cull and brui.a an... falllas from a truck operated by Subert '· Mateu.-Jr •• at 3:13 p. m. Sunday. The boy tell out of the bed of • ot the plck·UP' truck wb.lle It wu m&ltlnl' a rtpt ha.rid turn off Riverside Ave. to Cout Hll'h- way. At 11 :31 a. m. Saturday a ve- hicle owned by Roy M. Fox. Pa9- adena •lipped Ila brake and 1 smashed lnto an unoccupied auto I belon&"inr to Mrs. Etna Kunzman. 700 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar. The Fox ear had been parked on the eut s6de ot Goldenrod Ave., and came down the sllC"ht incline Into the K unzman car which had been parked on the opposite aide of the atreet. The car belonging to Fox bad a damaged left aide; that of Mrs. Kun:aman h..,:I exte.n.sJve damages. A car belongtnc to Lester H. McCllntock, Santa MonJca • wa.s hit tn the rear by a vehicle oper- ated by Rogue Oorazo. Wlllow- Horvath quoted trom &n artic le which ht had written tor this paper In 194.7. In that artic le be had .said that he believed Costa Mesa and NeW{>Orl Beach ehOuld become one city. who wer<' awarded the contract at $2,439.710. J brook at l l p. m. Sunday near --------------' the interaectlon of Bayside Ave. Covered by the contract Is th<' strip of freeway that extends fro1n Broadway. near the nor l hwt·Rt edge, ot Santa Ana., to First St .. near the southeut edge, whe re the frttway end&., at a junction with Highway 101. • He pointed out "Newport Beac h had the ocean. ha.ya. coves, pali- sades while the area of Costa Me.A& provided for residential homes. groves. ranches. and ln- duatrlal development which to- gether con90lidat.ed all the needs and advanta ges neceaaary for the development of a flrat claaa city." He added : ''Today we have the same conditions existing with a greater fuiri.on of lnterP!ll8 ot the clti.anry of each of the area.a." Bill S%17 If Assembly BUI 3217 becomes law the board of aupervi80rs can not provide for any munici pal tXJ>e servtce for any urban unln- corporated area, Horvatti said, wtleaa all coat.a tor such arvlces are paid by the area through a tu levy. . A petition signed by o ne-fifth of-the~_... lng annexation to a city corpora- tion can be submittir:d and a apecla.t election held., pnder the municipal corporations act. the •peaker added. Vot.rs In a city and in the territory proposing to be annexed would both be requir- ed to act favorably. Horvath ex· plained. No tecrttory annexed ahall ever be taxed to pay any portion of any lndebtedne88 of euch a corporation, contracted prtor to or existing: at .the date of annexation under the law, he went on. lnsura.nce Rat.H From Broadway to Main , tht• frePway route follows Santa Ana Blvd. on Route \01. then sw1n g8 off on a new right of way to Flri;t St~t. Pl.ans tncl\1de vehicle pa658s-e- ways al Malp, Santa Clara and 17th St., Grand Ave-. and the Santa F e railway: .. It ls under-"tood that the flsc11.I budget for Freeways of 1952 In- cludes funds creating the Newport Blvd., Freeway ovf'r St.alt.> rout e 55 f43) from the Arches to a junc- ture w ith the Santa Ana Freeway at F irst Street. • UIUrnately the N ewport Free· way will extend through Tus tin tnto a juncture with the' Santa ~ C1uu9n Jl'reewa.Y whic h ia presently being completed in its flnal ph&ae through Corona. Riy- eraide and lnto San Bernardino PLEADS GUlLTY 011 ver Lee MaMey , 25, of 359 E . 20th St., Costa Mesa, pleaded guilty to mlsderileanor hit-end- run driving Thursday and asked for probation. Hearing on b.is pet i- tion we.a M"l tor June 22 before JWIUce Howard Cameron ln Santa Ana townahlp court. CAiifornia highway patrol offi- cers alleged he had fa.iled lo s top M.a}' 19 at the scene of an acci· dent on Newport B)vd., norlh of Paularlno Rd. SEPULVEDA FREEWAY Pia.an.Ing for thf! propoeed ~puJ,·PCla Fmeway la tteheduJ- MI for the Board• or thr State of-California Hlgb"'llY Depart- mPnt ia. the near future. Both thf'I C'.dllntles of l...o8 An1elee and Oraoi;e have •Kt~ to thr ff'Vlslon of 11ufOclent S t ate M""Condary rmul waya to the ('ounty mad sy.tems to pro\1de the ru1tabllAhment of th"' n~ mujor hlJthway paralelllnl' U.e Cout 111.-bway. Acwrdlng-to l•N'se.nt plan.- nln~. the SfopuJ\'Nlll F~way \o\111 rxtrttd throus:h Loni" Beach artOSH Lakewood BoulPvard and Into OrangP Cnunty by w•y of <.ianl"• Gro\·e Boulevard. Both the to\o\'118 of Gardf'n Grove and Sant.• Anll will be inland from th'" route and It 111 expectf"d to lntenect Ne'11>port Blvd. at lta JngctJmt.-..wtJ.b .SO. .... ~-· and Ma.cXrUiur ~l,·cL a ear Santa Ana. Gibson Trial Set for July 2 William J ohn Gibson, 60, of C08ta. M~. a ccused of felonlOWI a.Maull on a 19-ye.ar-old youth and with firing a ahotrun at shrriff"s otficerl!I who 90ught. to arrest him. will go to trlat Ju1y 2. Appearing .Jn crlmlnal court Gibson entered a not guilty plea. hts attorney, Public 'Defe nder N . and Coa.st H ighway. ~ ;; I'• • • • ~'"!; • • . . . ... ",.1 f~ :·~ ,.1 ." l,-:. ~ •' c BALBOA BLVD. IMPROVEMl!li" and bull-dow.erw to work on B&Jlfoa improvement of Balboa 81\•d. will got undel'\\'&Y l.1At "'•ttk \~·hf'n the SullJ··Mlller compiany put men \'Cl. between 8th and 12th st~ Wheon thl.s stretch lA ftnlahf'<I, t~ ve become another acb.i~\·ernent In Nl•\\'port Beach's record book. (News-Times Photo) IDEN BALBOA BOULEVARD Completion o( the lmprov<>ment of Balvoa Blvd., between Mc- adden Place and Balboa is belnR pressed thi.a week and through a J int commitlt>t-of the Kiwan1s Club, Balboa Improvement AS80Clatlon d City Ofiiclal11 tNs hoped to start a tree planting ,and beautifica- on of the street. Crewe: of the Sully-Mlllf'r Com-~-------'-------- ~~ ar!p~~v:;~~t o~w~~c~ t~~I~ 11 c·11·1zen Awards mplell' thr widening or the r eel . Sand l!!I being hauled from - a:: ~~.:,; !il~e'p~~c-:: ~:~c:::~ At OCC R•1tes the work done tn the pr~vtously improved blocka of the street. th!1'~1.:~~1~~·~·l0:e:;:n;,~1:0~~ In Costa Mesa le Gf'lmea and the Balb6a Im- provement 'Auoc:iatton have ob-. A apecl&l "teature ,of.· the com- tained pledgq of IUffici~'t tree.a men l.._e,.~· _at ~ge for phattns-»...&M~d:e& ... :e+.;:.:Oial co ege next ,thurs<fay rilght 'be.Ila' of the bTi"'pi-ovemenl. Don-will be the presentation of out- ora of the lrtta are Frank.Un WU-standing ~citizen · awards to two .cox. realdertt of the Balboa Penin-prominent peraona In the junior aula Polnt and . Paul Howard, college diatrict, it was announced hom~owner of the El Bayo Tract. today by Dr. •Basil ff. Peterson. Both are profeselonal nurserymen and have long endeavored to en- courage a tree planting and beau- UlicatJon program for Ne'wporl BeaoJ{. Recently the joint committee on beautification met with H oward in Loa Angeles, toured his beauti- ful nureery ground in West Los Angeles. The Balboa program is part of a planned city-wide 'program of the Klwanl8 Club and the mem- bers wUJ undertake similar thru- out the city If community cooper- ation ls extended. Identity of tne honored men ha.a not yet been disclosed, but one will ~be selected from the Huntington Beach area ·and the other from Newport(arbor. · ClaM GI t. Imminent approval of three highway realignments vitally affecting and serving New- port Beach and Costa M.,. is expected soon, according - to Harold Springer, County ~ ~d superintendent., The ' projects are the realignment of Harbor Boulevard into Pomona street and thence ill- to Sixteenth Street and Su- perior Avenue. Plane approved by the Super- vtaon have been subthJtted to the Federal Public Road.a Admln.La- tratton for allocation or fund• oo a matchlng be.ala. The approval by the govenunent bureau can-be expected at any time accordlns to the county ofttctal who met wt th local ornciala yeaterdJ,y, Monday. Plana call for awingl.ng Harbor Blvd. into Pomona avenue north of WllBon street. Right.I of Way have been obtained on Pomona with a ~ant by the State ot C&l- ifomia being neceue.ry to brill.C" Pomona and Harbor to a junc- ture ac rosa State Mental Hospltal property. The propo8ed re-alignment would swing through tra.ffi~ around Costa. Mesa buelne88 district and empty It into 16th Stret. Six- teenth street on the Meea would be eventually carried across New· port Blvd .. by means of an over- p8.S8 and thence along the road which would be widened to a junfture with t he Coa.at Highway by way ot 17th Street and Bay- shore. Widening' of 16th Street through the exlsting course ln· eluding the grounds newly a.c- qulred tor High School expa.n.slon would be neceasa.ry in the plan. In addition to carrying H&rbor- Pomona into Sixteenth Street It would alao be carried to th• Coast HJchway westerly by aft extension of Superton SL, (New- port Ave.,) to an lntereecUon with the Coul Hlg'hway ln West Newport at Belboa Blvd. --P\aa Tllo P*'*' am ~. put of Ult ~ ~ll!e" ot_-_t Im· provememia; • Sprtncer •Y• that State ap- proval bu been indicated on the propoeed Sixteenth Street widen- ing and improvement and that tn all probability the State woH..ld provide an overpa.u at ita own expen8e whe~ the intersection would be, created with the exten- sion of the Freeway along New- port Boulevard through Cotta Mesa into Newport Beach. The entry into Superior Street Is part of the progra.m lo provide accese roa.ds to the propoaed Hoag Hospital for which. t he County la at thls tllne extendlng' Placentia street on the M~u.. The Insurance underwriters have Increased the rates In Costa Mesa about 45 per cent, Horvath charg- ed. The saving• on theee rates weuld run about $&00,000 he said. 'ne Newport Beach city hall cost between $150,000 and $17'5.000 and the city budget tor 1960-51 shows a coat of $107.000 for the police department &nd $t0,000 for the fire department, the •pea.ker con- tinued. THOUSANDS AT MESA REVIVAL 0 . Meye r, added one ot insanity. Gibson allegedly ahot at Sher- r iff's Deputies Oliver McCarter and Al Oliphant before Constable Frank Vaughn felled him , with a .38 caliber bullet ln hi.a aide. Gib· son ta accU8ed of beating Stanley Mefk. 19, of COata Mel&, laet March 12 wben the shooting OC· curred. 29 TEACHING YEARS MARKED Members of the joint committee are Monte Grlmeii, H erb Kenny, Jack Raub, Ua:J>an Beh, Dr. A. E . Stockton, John Kimball, Bert Webb, J . B. Mc.Nally, Lonnie Vin- cent, Bert Wilson, Maizie Bird Following an a.cld ss by Dr. \\'illlam C. J ones, pi:esldt>nl ol Whittier college, the degrees will be presented by Loul!I Conrady of Huntington Beac h, pre.Aident of the college board of trustees. Dr. James T . Thornton wiU present award8 and scholarship; the class gift to the school will be present · ed by C&rleton Mears, c lasll presi- dent. Special mu.sic for the occasion will be provided by the college choir and Miss Allee Martin, or- ganist, while the Re.v. Joseph H . Thompson, pa.star of ~he Costa Mesa Community church will Rive the invocation &nd benediction. Placentia at.reel la being graffd onto the Howpttal site vle. a ript of way dedlc&ted by the Ca.gMY intereata through their property and by the Hospital Board. Even- tually the roadway will be canied to an inteneetk>n with Newport Boulevard Inland from the Arches. The extension of Superior A venue lo the Cout Hl&"hW&Y would pro· vide another tdea.l acceaa road to the Hoeplta1 Site via the new road being built. No action on the appointing of a committee wu taken at the meeUng, B&id W . B. Johneon. chairman of the citlaens council. 1ald yesterday. GIRL GRAD Paula Cutle. daughter of Mra. Virginla CuUe, 205 E . Bay Ave~. wu a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Buetnese Adminilltra- tlon at the University of Oregon·s 74.th annual commenmeme.nt, June 10, 19M. I ~ Audiences eatimated at between 2000 and ~ are. attending the revival service• being held on lhe gTOU.Ddl: Of the Southern C.llfomia BJble college, 2MK> Newport Blvd .. Costa Meaa. · Recv. W illiam H . Branham. ev- angelist, ls conducting the series of services whic h will continue Qne m ore week. Programs are held at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m . ea ch day. The revival is _being sponsored by lb.e Orange County Full ~1 Mlntaterlal Association. Thirty- nine county churches are cooper· atlng ln the aeries .. aial1.t"-a11AJiiii•m•• -· .._ • tr >r. -.. - F.UTURE OFFICER One ot 9,ooO future Navy ofO· cers from 52 colleges and uni- versities who will participate lD a Naval Reaerve Officer 'n"atning Corp8 crtilM: thla year Is Mid- shipman Rlcliard A. H I g b I e , USl"m.OTC, of 328 Amethyst, Bal· ~ Ltland, ca.Jtf., a atudent at use: ~ Mr,.. Mabel Stanley of 321 Anade ttreet. Balboa, retiring fourth ("fade teacher In the Newport Beach elementary School, wu honor guest at a lea on Thur9day in lhr school cafeteria. and John Shamel SWI to be acquired in order to complete the Improvement are a half dozen of the big double armed atreet lighting standardt u11ed In the project; sufficient shrubs for incident.al planting. Boo8te1·s Of the plan point with pride to the patch of color and tree planted at the Balboa end of the improve- It wu 29 yea.n a'go that Mra. Stanley came to Newport lo teach upper 1T•de. ln the old brlclc 9CJlOOl which atOOd on the alte of the present buJkling and which wu••~-------------~ condemned alter the Long Beach earthquake. 'fhe Rev. Thomu R . Pendell, putor ot Christ Church by the Sea , g a v e t h e baccalaureate 8e.rmon at 5 p.m. S~day, 888iated by Rev. Peter Nyep.!Tlus, paetor of the Four Square Go8pel Church ot Huntington Beach. who gave the Invocation and benediction. Ex.a.mlnlnl' the new road M.on- day and Uatenlng to plana fOI' other improvements tn the area were Harry Welch, Stephen Gr1- sette, and W llll&m Klme.s of the Hosplt.al Board. &mt. tJ.elnz Kai.Hr and Harold Springer of the Oo.m- ty Officialdom. She had previoualy taught five yean tn Long Beac h, two ln Arl- sona and three in country acboola. Teacher• of the .ci'l<>m, former pupils now grown and with chil- dren taught by Mn. Stanley, and PT A mem bera gathered to honor her. From the county school8 of- fices ~ere Mr. John .J;layeii, a.ssat- ant superintendent: Miu Ellr.abeth Miller and Mlsa Barbara Hartzlg, consultants: Mr. Horace En8lgn, auperlntendent of Newport Beach ment at Alvarado street. The tree Elementary schools: Mr. Roy An-there waa tuml8hf!d by Robert A. deraon, principal of the Horace Murphy when the street lmproYe· :~.I~ ~h,c;;~,~~-;;,.,ni,;~~ ~::: ment was tlrot started IMMUNIZATJON BOOKLET READ·v ~~ ~$~~~~:~::=~ Planners 0. K. · · . -~~~;·:r~~1~:~~ :~[~ Newport Well FOR DISTRIBUT,ION IN NEwPQRT St&nle)''• clua. . Ea.ch bOUsebold tn ·New.,ort Beach shortly will have ?D.M!• a...aJlatt\e The tea wu sponaored .bY the De p to it An Utuatra~ pamphlet de:-crlbing in detail the "Who, what,, wbeA. P.-T. A. and Ille mothen ot the ,sp•1te _ rotest why and bow" of O•ange county mau lmmunlaatlon program, for ctvU chUdren in Mrs. StanJei's room. defenae. • PourlnK we"re Miu Semke Vea-The program, scheduled. lo begin county'='Wlde on Jtme 15 aad to t.aJ. bUUdlng principal; Mn. L. J . Apprbyal of the application ol b:t..!nd thrbuch September t51 ts fore tacllltle• can be rUtol'fid. Im-c.e:na.r, P .-T. A. president and the Ma.coil Corp. to drill a new being admln18tered. by the private munlKtlon agairult dtpbtbert&. M* Agnes Crate. teacbu. oU well in ~ West Newport field physicians at the request of Q!.e tetanwi and typhoid fever ~ nc- A coraage Or rt!d ro.e. WU pre--waa recommended to the board of medical and health services of the clnaUOll ap1Mt .matlpox cao supe.rvtaora Saturday att.e:rnoon Oran-r-unty o-. of Civil De-.-.••u rectuce the ..... --e(-r sented Mra. Stanley by bu pupils b th ~-•-~ .. _ ·-_...,, --· ,_ while: teachers Clara Sn.Iman and y e '-'' ange County planning tense. being strlcken. r -Comm.Juion. "Sev ral tU Nftlred ~:•:: 0~~1.::~to=edun~~ There WU only one dt1&e~nting by~~~=~:.:~~~t1:'~ for ~r bod;°:,...::,~· vote regl.ltered u the p nnen -th tsatlon apJnat t.bue diw. .. YO'll tt wu a garden of O°"fera. Cake approved th requeat of e ·0u community pttupa, outlines e must acttllOW!" ot •• ' '\nd .cotf~ wer.e: 11e~ Crom a compeny tor permillkm tct drill need fOJ' p~vcnUve care before. · lf tMonuli'm-. beauUtul refreahment table. ano•"'-oU well a-•.l.•tely diButer di8rUpta Mlli~Uon facilt -JU11t wl'&at., any,~---::-" ' . u-•---ti --~•-"'-' •-~ J bn N Oa-tloDa llldl~ ""IUlft ,. a -.t-~\ltU of iue.u were re-tao feet nOrt.b of Cout W.hway 9 • ac~ w ...,., 0 · f u.e· no... ,..,......, oor~ on a gu~ repat.er, wblcll in Welt rN•wpxl.. but "'-medlcalf tbhl~~~~_!tor.dvil de-~·~ ~ eua 1Ultatlae • ..: .... taltm around bJ' ruur-or th• The p1aftftllle conurUAl<in. tit , •nee °' ~~· Y· .-._._._, !he t ~~-ta ~·--~..-, -·. -"et~· ~ and ~l-•· au pet-....,..,_.., '' I -·-· _, ·--..-inc the &P,PI0""1 of •~ .,...-m~ ~ • let polllto out. ' , Ovlene Din Oil-~ the ·drilllns· operattona, !trod thorl~ ---lmmunlza~ Ii a1oo _..,.~qr·,-. ::?.;... Pted l!'UD•{ ud Whitney ll&r*IJ' OD the -of the ii-cue aaam.: ,.,..:lflc dll'&"!"' 18 a 'm\qt' u to. -1oeC It talt .. ·for -- l . of C!Ytc' ~lo9a of~ before al m&J'!'~~ lllrik .. 1oyr ·plete lnt-tlcil!. .......... tl Reoordl.ac• .....,. . plf1"d u a BndL t ' • !'°"'mun ty. -pamP!llet llafa burt. (90 ..,... ~ a l ......... to llackpwnd fotr the-,"'?'!'· -The ~ ~ · aak· 'Tblo ~ la ¥1\&117 ln\pal'·, bite), -•udl (wry !l,ltll·~ -'-about taldq a -uan, ed tile pl•......, to .w.r .., tant --._-·tat ...pio. tllM tile ~ p of .tw _. =-~Ne:=:..::•:.-: Ule patltll!ll lw -!I~ day ~ ~§!; otl>or :;, !:"!';;:: !:. :-1u.. 4X:c:1 · ~ te .,.q 11on, i.w -·pc Aa ..,._ ta a· ~ -oJoltes •elta~m _r!J;.. · oDd -·· ...... ,. us • · ~ t11111e worlr.·fcw .-...artaa" dall9 .............. siYm QP t -,.; I Dz S* acmdltl .. 111UU ••te ""' ....... -Will -i. ,,. --... -.c!Pt ~ .. 11• .,.tcl!IJ' 111"1 -·--.. --... ~ 1 •·· _._.-,. .• a.ct. .... ....-..:....,..· .... .J Clftft ....... tlfto.beeiW.;r "lle-fled to 37 st• tldll). I j -· .. -......... 1,,,~11tOiiW01 • ....... - Ar FblS .... "I nt WW"t ... -$0 tltr• ~l co. "71 Et ftWt ... ·•· ' .~l • .J .;. • • I • e" (liap a. )r...., 0112~ Gs_ !fr r, Ila It,.,, W•'t .. , •• -- ' -" .. • • . • ' MRS. WINIFRED BAJU1RE. Society Edl!Dr --~-............................ --... .,...·-·~~·,,-· .... .....,......,. .. _._.._""" KaJ)Pa Alpha Theta Meets with Harbor Hostess, Elects Officers • • M Htlnc Monday e•<'ning, JUMj i at u.. hem• of M .... Ruth V•t-H b · p ·1 ter. China Covf", men1bt'tl4 of Kap-ar o r up1 S· ~ Alpha 'Mlf't& in~t:allrd nfflcf'r~ ' D p for the n.w year. M es. Har«y On anCe fOgra m $omi"r~ was rn.hn.~t--~1' and 21 t L B h mrm~r& Wf'~ pn-!l<'nl. a ong eac • Taking off!<'" wrrf': Afr!'I. James $:f'ndrick.B o f Santa Ana , prC'sident Local pupils participated In a Mr". Kt'll8r \\'atson of Orangf', danc .. prog-ram Sunday. Junf' 3 at •l<'i' pn-"idt"nt; Mrs. Karl B<'ig htol a Lon« SN.ch llludlo, sponM>red,b7 l}r 1"hi-ef' Art·h Bay, trf'aJrurer: thfl' "National A9f!IOC'iaUon of Dan~ )fr.l. Ruth V<'llf'r. magazinr and Afflllatr<I Arl1'. June I wu an important o1 4ate IW llle Kubor A-Boya' d)ub. It mukf't't .th~ compleUon or tow. yean ol _,.rvtce to the _youth ~nil oommbnt~a of U\t' Co.ta llfetia and l'fewport Harbor areL Spark- f!d by the annlwnaey pla na a re hcing mafped th.ii week tOi a g l- ganllr Box*' club foorth birthday party. 'r"F co!cbr&Uon wtU ~ in t.b(' ronn -of a publh' camlva~ to 1 J W etapd on t~ clu b ground• F r:!- il&y nlpt, ~-22. P'lve hundrt>d and nWty boy:1 becam"' members or thl? Boye' ctub "Mltg Ute paat y ... r, It. ""Uj i;e-1 ~ All m t>mbttsblps have now explted. and tbf'1bc>ys •re btt.8f re- J ftfltinl' them •• fa.at u they cah. !1Moft are 92 """""•ls the first da7. Tbfore WCl'l' 27& junior mt•mben 11halnnan; J\;f r!I. Ell\V&rd Chap1nan F.ach month a rtanc" '.'!lUdlo ln ~bird, C"trona drl ,\far. archivi!lt ; Southt'm Cfllllromla is fNillturf"d, $fi~ Nancy L<-wls of Balboa ls-and thl3 tin1(' il \Vall lhl' D •rolhy land, ru!Ut r heir1nan. Ex-officid Jo ~tudio of C'nrona 1t.~1 M11 1·. Tak· hoarrl 1n,,mh"r LS ~1rs. F.rlwaril ing part W('r·C'· V.'and11 &Ml ~tu.rKI(' t~o\\'('l'!I of Anuh1•im. • Traulw<'in an<l Rnnda P lrt'·-· C'08- ' Thr nl"\V p1·Psl<lt>nl \VO~ nan11"d ta Mf'!'I&; Pa.tr-11'11!. Ragan an l "•n- nrCY:i•I dek>.,.alt-ln th" d !"t,.irt dra Sw11n~n . l;ornns rte-I Mar: ~v-.,,tin:l, lll h,· held at Di·I Mar G loria CroM and J nnh·•· AfRrlWJ\ln 1.tlOh. S:t nt.a ~{n11ie 11. . .June ~7. 28 SantR -"n.a.. ft-IA.1' TR&al.:'8 B l:A..tT'l"Y .. 9"'011 ... thrtll11 In !\alllnc .,. pn'Td b~~ thMtir aklJl'IH'ta. F,_,. If.ft: AM lJvrt"'-Rtlf" l-"1f-kr.r, Sanry Sk-hol!Ntn, ('a.r nl :\nn puJ~hr1tlldlnotH• J on" and l ktrifo f8 to 11 yf'a Mt), 206 intrrmedial P M f'Mbers f 12to 1'4 yt'arsl , anl't'l t 2 ..ntor m embfors 115 to 18 yea r!'). I t U. lntete1tlng lo note thAt 70 tamllfett , had t w o brothfors in t hP l C'lu b. 11 famUlrs f'&<!h had thttr I brother s In t h l:" Boyi.' club anri .orw I fan1Uy W&..'I rf'prMcntf.d by foui I broth <'rS 3Ji 1:lub 1n"mbf'rl'I. • Rrit 29. °"'"~at P~ \\'ill hf' prPsrnt ------- (-•m th<' v.·rst1•1n l'tl'ltt>s anrl Ht1v1:i"nn 1~1,.nds l ~ .,.a ~ vnt rcl !•1 r onl1n11t> th ~ l...nmlnn Bl' rrh th -:!trr ht>n<'flt. [l!~"f'•"ll 'l r I',, 01 \ 'h1 r J1 P,O to Orfinp-,. r nunt:,· p•JhO fu11d. Thf' ann11al ~urrn11 ·1· Jum·lienn Y11JI b.• h' Id 11• Balh()a Iiay <'IUb th·· flr.·t \•:.__•(']: in .\P"'lli::t. \\-'it n ~un1ml•r i-.. :~ldcnt -; \\'.:u : r 1• ull'nl· t....:·ri:1 to ho' gt•«!'=•"' Mesa Circles of WSCS Meet Thursday Santa Barbara t o G raduate Harbor Students ' Ftv<' C'irelr!'I or lh•· Cn11 ta ~1,.l'la 1 Com · Ch h \i\"SCS ·ill S11.nta BarbAra Coll,._.f" nr th•" lm~•t:.. tJ"' 1 ~ • · " I UntVl'f11'ity or c .. llfnmia w 1 11 m tt •11.ir,..,,a y, unr ·•· rd B h I · Dr 5-42 Clrrlt>!'J Onr nnd . T'A"O \\'iii mrf'l 8 "'"8 Ile t" or _8 Jtl"f'l'l'I tn · t · 1 1 1 2 1 g1 aduattng .>il:t-n1or11, ll '"811 an- N>9pt'<' 1ve Y at p.m anr p.n1. nou~·e<I' lO!lav by Pro\'oSt J . Har· Cltrlf' Fnur will con,·en, .. At thP 1• 11,111. • ' B&P Women Hold • Fina l Session F ins! business of thf' yf'&r wa!'I rti~u~-oi'"r1 b),' lhP BusineM an<1 Pro- f Pl'l'"llOnal "'on11•n 'l'I C'IUb or :'\l'f'>\V· port H arbor. m<'etln~ on Thur~­ dfl y, 'Jun" 7. at Ill!. la11t m P('ting until nt"xt Septt>mhf'r. 1 Photo by 8<'-C'knt>rl USC Alumn i Plans Scho l a ~ship Fund I Hot~ . ..\,plr nt)• . r There \\'Pr<' ~o .. Robert.~" o r I "'Bob""' on th(> r olls. 39 "Rlc-ha rdls," 35 "\\'ill iAlf\\." 31 "'J&rne.11" or '"Jims·· and l~ to 30 each of the j following naml!"s: Ron-Id. Donald. Gary, LtlrrJ', Jt>rry. Jack. Joh., ancl , Unrlr r the dirf'cllon of l\-f rs. David. TherC' wc rf" 288 of th•• Ho\-\'ard T ln1monl'I, and ~trs. Thffl-abo\'e t,\.<'IVe namea In thf' mem-' lore F . Coh1 t. thf' Univen51ty of bC'r!lhlp of ~92. I ' South<>rn Callrorn fa Alumni of Ahlon g the C'on1munity !'lervke 1 O!"an~1' county ert• to twJ:"ln tht> proj€'cl s in which .Boy&' club I solleltat1nn of tun<ts ror a rull m<'mbers partlC"ipate<I during the I )"£"&r Alun1nl Scholarsh ip lo SC. paltt Pi}!'h l monl.bs were: house to ' • I ' "00 .YOU SAYE, GRANDPA?" "Well , I teU you son, I started Saving when I wu not muc h older than you are now ... and l saved regularly fo r years and years. Even when I wair your Daddy's age, I still saved. But now i 'm reaping t he benefits of t hat Saving." Yo u, too. can prepare fo r yo ur retirement by saving ... now! S ta rt today. • MAKE YOUR SAVINGS GOAL A YEAR'S INCOME! NEWPO/et ·&41.8a4 . FEDERAL -SAV·INGS e.,.J!.-..,c_ ~ .. _ ..• r; _ ~llL.--P.A.PALlft&~.PUCINBT~=---::!f JJJJ Yio lido • l/tiirpo,:t 6t«ll •Colifomitt T\\'n !1<'"" r11•·1nl)I, r !" f1 Pl , La ~·1n•:t 1Jrnr·h \Ver" "'"l('On1"d. ~l 1 s.<. L<'Ota JJl"nn r~ nn1l /'.f 1<1..~ Ll1i<; \'.-·dder. J,n. 1 al n1f'1nbers prf'i:t(•nt \\-"C're ~fm t"s. James Wharton. A rthur KrKnlf'r, William H61str-in. Erl"•ard Chap- 1nan third, /'.{lRst'S Isabt>llt> Bowlrs, .Jacqueline Black, Nancy L<'wi!ii b h 2 H .11 o " 1an1.<1 . e Ur<· at · p.nl '""'lt-"l'l:'l(>l'I ""'1 Thr rt1•""f"•'f'.<1 \\'i ll h,.. c·nnfl'rr rtl bv tx-Mn1f's. OIS•'n , Charli>s nntl Bar· Prf"~i,1,...0( Robt'rt Gnrilon Sprnt;l &U ' Circlf' Fi\'i• will gath.-.r at 2 p.m . S1tturday, Junt• 18. at rf'r f'mnn it>f' 'fb1• Seholarl'lhlp C"ommittr-e f f'- portrd that ('ollf'f"TI MC'Of'rn1olt 01 f\'t•\-"Pclrt Hl•h had bf-f'n ~lM"ted t!'I Lh r rt•t·1plrnt or th.-. annual it<"holarshlp. and sug!l"t•stt":d that rnn~lrft'l'8l!On ht' givt•n to n1akin12: lht• ~t111h'nt lo ran fund RVltilabb· tn :i;irls att 1 ·nd1n~ Ornnj::e C'oagt tnl· h'lf!'. ll Is hopt•d thAt th" alumni of houst> distribution o r sewer bond I Oran,2:1' county will respontl in suf-eJM."t lon noti('l"S In N'6vembf>r, flC'l(·nt nun1hers so that thl!'I scho\-Boyg• 1.:lub rinanc{' clr.lvt> not k:es ,!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ar$:hlr '''Iii be "''8illlble for a in 0f'CPtnbf'r . At.omiC" bomb sur-1 -' 8J1d> the hostesl'lf'!'I .. '.\'r•:"(t rE>guler 1ne<'t i n~ \\'ill be nn thr f'Vrnin,2' nr th,. ~··rnnd ~fnn­ day in Sf'pt•~n1bf'r Mrs. Crumley '/isits in Canada : Back homt> from a thrilling trip to Edmonton. Albf'rta. 1s Mrs. ~argp Crum!Py o r Balboa , Island. ~vith high pra isC' for lhf' Ameri- can Air Llnrs pilots who took thPir planPs ~safely throu~h ~no''"· slerl, hall and a bllzzRrcl. "lh ,, P. b Ch 21 " ~1 .. 1 in thf' p1etur1·~qu1~ Quadranj:.I•·. \vt .·1rs .• u y rnev. " r ov. · h 1 · \\·1t 1;rar \l otrl!' 1n cap anti go"'n {'r ~trt•('l . Cfrtle SevC'n \\"ill hold a noon :<f'lltN~ aro und the r1-r_IC'etlnJ!: [)()Q I · 1 i lh C M k I S•·n1o r Wt'•·k ac tlvlt1rl'I at Sant11 p1cn C' n <' f)!<la .. ,It par · BarbAra Collf•ge 11t.,.,,f'd Sunday, Ba lb o an Stud ies Sa les M anagement Jun1~ 10. \\-'1th a hac<·alaur1•Rlt' ~•'rVi<'I' in \\'hiC"h Rl'v. Samuel 0 . 1 l\{cLC'an . an alum nu~ of lh<' in· ~titut1nn . gavf' thf' !U'rmon Canlllflatt>s for dt>,l{r.~,·~ in<'ludc : Paul c. '.':Of'I. l'!Qn nr ~·lr. anrl Balboa l!ilan1! · dPor~la Chri!-1· Mr!l. Adrien '.\:Qf·l. 90l E. BAiboa tint" Judd Bri!K'Ot", 320 Dian1onrl Blvd., has bef'f! acC'rpt£"d a s a !'tu-Ave. 1E<hK-at1on1 ; :\"Ila Ann Lan- <k'nt at V..'oodbury Colle~f". Lo.4 t clell , 209 Coral St. t F'.du cation I Ang<'le8 Marjorif" Ruth PrK'f'. 21 1 E1n,...r- St'Jeet.tn2 Salr!l /'.fana~,,1nf'nt a!'I I' Id A""· • ~onomt<'~ I·. his m.ajoi', NOl'I !ltartl'd his !ltudl,.8 Corona 1k I Mar Norma JPAn thi" past Wl'ek v.•ilh tht> 1><'21--nnln~ Antlt•rl'!On. 3 18 Narc1.S!iU!I 1 Art I , or thl" Sllmmrr quartf'r. •Lucia J i·an &t"•ar<I~. ~~~ E,.,., A graduate of Xo rn1and1 n Jun-ning Canyon Road t l\1u~1c '· Sue Horvath and Rnbrrta Shell or thr Youth Artivitlt-s committff e111k1'rl for vnlunlrPt1 ror Girl ~out Jeartrreh1p. and a motion ""•! paMP<I author'-ting lht> purrhAM.' or a fl It> nr storagr C"a blnt't for the ul'W or th" Girl Scout-a. Csirolyn \.Vrbf>r, ttnanc-e chair- m an. Introduced thf> 1 ~1-52 bud· ~f'l for ttw-('fUb , thl11 WI.II Afl- pro\'NJ by lhl" mf'mbt'nhlp. zrsd11at1ng hi~h 8C'hO(JI !!lf'nior to viva! booklt'ts for civilian defenSf' • 0 r • p LI A I A II T D •• y E ..... :"tti i l th,, fall !iit"lll l"flter at SC. I in April, ~«hool bond f'lcct lon no-• Tlw first offj("iel meot;n~ or t he lkeo ;n May e nd rleanlnt up l•· I MARViLOUI DINlllR, c••• cnmnilt tt'r ~·a• hf'ld rP<."f.•nt ly at I bles and grounrls while-5200 fish 11:~=~~~;;-:.:7.~.;;;.-'1 Bufrum's t1·• room , v.·llh the fol-dinnerl'I •'<'-l'l? being Mrved at the I it •' lo~·tni commlttef' membt-n pre-11-Lions club fillh fry. . • . ca.. THE s f'nt : Mt111. How8rd T immon l!I, chAlr-· v (1\\l man : }ff1'. Tht-odore F. Cohrt. co-R 1 Al Ptc"I~ o -I~ cti•lrman : Mr . Arthur T'li ylor, Mr . ~ FA !If B 'HE . ,.. ,, ,,.,, : . - . -· Th('O(lorf' F . Cohrt, Mr. W iUia m F OR S . .\Tl'RD . .\.V . .ltr?;Y. 18 I w . N'obl<'. M t . Robrrt e. W f'bb, All Farm Burea u members and 1• •00 Mi~ P•tricla Br•d ley. Mr•. Har-fri.,.nrls arf' UriJOO '° comf' to t he I --~ asAcM ry R . O lalt>r. Mra. Jt"rry Harvey, 19~1 .... n nual PicnlC", wh ich,.j>as 0..,M ~ MiM Erina J . M iiler . Miu Ginny brt>n plannt>d by the Young IN DOvf!° Tl'~. ,.~ R.olM:. M r . 1 nd M rs . .P-. J . P l!l.t k£'. P t>ople'!'I Dr psrtm en t of the Or-I Mra. Murll' Bouc hf'y, Mr. and Mrs. an~t:. County Fam1 Buresµ for O.virl ~-Kf'l lf'r , _Dr. Kubf'rt B . Jun~ 16th, a t Irvine-park. N'all. D.D.8 . a.nd Mr. •nd Mrs. Luncheon I!' flt 12 noon. EaC'h R ot'>t'rt L. Ler"en, M rs. Mary Pe-Farn1 ·centf'r i."I plannln~ t h(•lr din-' (e1·Rf'n anr! JI.fr. Cha rl<'8 Wigtltrnan. 1 nr·r ancl Pa ch r~·r!'lon IS to brln~ his table !'lrt vicl'. At l :30 p. 1n. --------- 111 Allllba Ave. T1 ll!lll• 7-1811 r"' "-"11 Next o.-' . Flr~t stop '''as at La" V<"µs. tlut It waSJ ln Ida.ho Falls they 1WC're del&yf'd for s ('vrre I hours in airport ht>&dquartt>rs, J. tv.•o s tar) log cabin rt•minhtct"nt of rionC'er tor t{ig h sch<>ot. Noel ltf"rvf"d In lhr" Coata M <'ll8 Ehnt~r Ro ber! U . s. MarinC" Corpe cltirinl( \\"orld Gregor)•, 203-t Harbor 1Eeono1n- War II. u·i:; 1 M lh1rf'CI Stanley told thf!. c lub rir 8 ptojH"t to rrttt an an<'hot at bnth thP 'A'f't=l 11nd 90Uth' f"ntranef' tn th•· ri ty on \11.'biC'h ''Vould ~ pla1·,-.d An embl .. m from each of l hl' varlou~ ~l'rvict-C'IUN and civic or~anizatlonl! In the city ahowinir th.· tlm1•fl and placeit or t heir m<'et- lngfl. Th<' c lub •ated to h av(' Ill; emblem place on trUCh a •lgn. Former Herborite is Or'e9on Grad. ~,;;~;o Smll<y will lak .. ...,oveo ., I High Qualify Print ing-Ph. Hat. 1616 atockadr11. A rriving al ,\lberta HERE FROM PAl.~I fillPR1l'CO~ l\frs. Crumle.r wa..'1 enlf>rta1ned a t Mr . and ~1r!ol. T"'' Rttd and two lhr country club by Dr. anti J\.t rs. C"hll<lr•'n or Palr)l SprlngM are now Folfru;bf'1o. formC'r harborltrs. p!l'f.abf!MhPl'I fnr thr summ(·r at S hp toured the pl!lrllamt>nt build-Lido Isle T rallrr pa r l<. l\fr. Rf>t'fl in,K'S. lf"•mf"d about the oil fil!"l<l.!J is prrsldr·n· 11f tho• RPPd Radin and •nd. with litPnltun• from the har-Sound EttuiprnC'nt c·orro1·atlnn in bnr ehambt"r of commerC'e, got in Paln1 Sprin~~. romp public relationJll v.•otk ~"ith 1 the hf"•d of th" Al~rta travf>I bu-1 A N D r<&U. While ot tho H ol•I M ac-sst • at• irect or I..>onald. 3hf' found as frlJO\V ,2"\J~t~ I f C b $ • the SOt"I of E1nperor Hath· St'laM..?, 0 U COUt1ng With his wife and "J;f"rvants. t $ k H Coln• out to Jasptt. Mrs. Crun1 -1 0 pea e re )ry Ml"' lhf' faOlQU!'I golf C"OUMJE' of I turf C'Ut in Scotland, roll('d into CUb S<'ouUnJ!; 1n th{' Orangf' Jl:m- m•l!I and sprr •d nu t un f"anadlan ! pir" Counci l '':Ill Jt'l~t a boost on I pofl. Althought RiJi::ht..8o't•:n" 1ncltld-, \\"E"<inf'sday, June> 13th wh('n Mr. I ·f'rl t he glllC"lcr l"OUntry ol 11-1t. Edith 1 ~farlin S . S('i~. A.si;;i~tant National I Cavrll. thf" w r-ather WR.!! n1.t too ! Dir<"Ctor of Cub S<>nut inl( B. S. A. I •t•old , ancl It \Y!ll' a DlOffl ti"j4',yablP l will be her~· to m (·rt \\'ith Cub ""vac·ation. 1 ~ader!-1. A luncht.'<ln \\"i th thr • . Mr11. Cru1nley 1.!I a.'4si!l"tant to 1 Tralnin~ C'o1nn1illl't' ha:i bl"'2'n ar-1 1 C ity Ch'>rk ( '. I<. Prlr!'t at thf> ranKrd by J ohn Ko·,..lrr. chairman ·c-tty hall. of trainln,e: and 1n th.· f•ve nlng at . --7:30 p . 111. all LC'ad1-.rs of Cubbing :Moo se t o Host :Distri ct Fish Fry ar" lnvitt'fl to "'Chru1t C hurch by the s,-.a" locat1'il at l-t20 \.\'. Bal- boa Blvd. in Ne"-port BeA , h . J.iarlin S , Sieg, AMlstant Nat- ionual Dtrt~cto1· o f Cub Scouting . N~·'A·port Brach Jamf"11· A . Hahna. Lido Park j lndu11trlal Arltll ; Robt•rt Ia n;· Upson. :137 Redland 1En1Ili.sh1 . \\-'alt .. ; LMi,rm~r. t.H 11r1n- ,,.ood Kd •• ('Ot"O'na ttt-1 :\ta r. n-.."' Piffl•"'ll t & thf' tlnanN> f'nmmltt- o f th4" . .\!11~la""1 ('hamhrr11 or ThC' m .. etlng wu tht>n turned ov~r lo th<' hospitality C"OmmittN'. and aftf'r the mf'mbers enjoyl"d tramf s. hom<'macl~ pl<' and cofret" .,•as ltf'rvffi. Robert 9erkt>1r y, aK>n . or Mrs. \.VUlla m Park u-af C.lmlet.on. for· mPrly or NPwport Beach. \Va& a candidatr fm lht> d'"ITf'f" or Bach- elor of SC'l<'nt~ at Uk> Uni .. l'r1dty of Orf'gon'11 7-tth annual ~Otl'l­ mrnmf"nt T~r d1•gre('g --.•"r<' \fln-1 fo>rrl'rt Jun" 10. The Unitarians Annou nce Speaker - ---I Ev<"rybody re&d8 the classified ad!!. 1 Th<' nl'xt mttting of th<' Unit- 1tri1tn Fr llow~hip \Yill be QD Thurs- rlay, Jun., 14 at i :4~ pm. It will b<' bt'ld •t lht> Old Studio on South Coal'll Blvd.. at ~amond strut. LAt[Una Bf>A('h. T ae !'lptallrr "-"111 be--th<" Rev. Peltt 8am90n and thfo ~1bjf'ct of hli. adrlrPN will ht> "\'"h•t Do Peoplp Rf'a l ly Vi'ant ?"" I Th t'~ 111~"'·t1nj?s are open to lh.-. ! pt1b lt•· . .\PA<'H E TR.\11. Arecht> Trail. \\•h1c-h wind~ I. t hrl)llith Jl~l"t'l!OUS n1ountain scrn-t I <'r·y frorn Glob<' to Apac h<' Junc- I t fon Ln Arizona . is rJ'ported by thr :\"at1ona l Automobile c lub to hav.-. he('11 flt o nr tim{' thr dark anr! 1 hl1X>tl~· st.!1.lkin~ p-nund or th1• Apat·hcl'I ' IA!ltln A. Beabr, D. p, 8. DDTlllTRT 1718 lfo•pcwt 8"'1.,00.la 11- Mecbee..I 814c. 9 1aoa. ITOll •a aa, ...... )- 11ar1>or s2113 Harold K. Gra uel Chapel nm.e: Beaean 54111 I. I Sunday. Jun(' 17 will bf> datr of ·anothE'r fish fry .at ~1008(' hall, ,\Vc>~t Ot"ean F'ron l . when lodgt' 1-t!'iO "'ill ht> hW!ts to m€'mbt-r111 or '.th(. South Ct>nl ral di ,t11 c t. 1 f-OmrnHf:".-or <>ranp County :\lnnda,-ftll{tl t. BE SURE -INSURE ! I On J unf' 21 , Legion ut tht' )1{0()8(' will try for thf' nati.__1nal rrcord for initiation, ritc•s tn bl• held a t :F\1Bt>rton . T rn n1t•n1b1~r!'i \\•ill be .sponsore<I hy :':••\Yport Bf'ach lod ge .. At Inglewood on lh(• flr'!tt Sun- 1fa.y In July /'.fooSt> of Southern Callforni8 \\•Ill hold tJ1 .. ir stat(' f'IPC-tion with Nt"\"J>O rt H arbor j..'TOUp joining thoJOte backing JE>rt'Y K"'f'flf"Y of San Bt>rnnrdino rnr of- fk'I' o f pre,:i\l('nt. COM Family t o Visit in East M.r . and MMI. Harold Swanaon. daugb ter San<tra and son Donald. are lt>avinr imnledtat<'IY an.er 9C'hool ekliee• for a six Wt'('ks trip to Indiana. Mrs. Swan110n Is frorn Santa Ana i::ba,ptt'r o f Delta Chl Sigma. n1t't'ting J une 21-24 In Terre Hautt' and whilf' there lhf' family \\·ill be guestA of hl"r •i.!Jtu. They will -att the Mamm?lh cave, JW>ar which they ll•ftl but neV'e'r riaited. In· Mkhl.gan tht>y will ..-...t relaUVf'll, stop to att Mr. S WUUIOl'I''• parents tn. Pa a c o, V.'uh.., ant.I then .:o t o Briliab Qo.. Jum~ be(ore returning t'tome. ll&'ft!RN VllOlll 0ZAR""8 Mr. Md llf'IL Ralpb P . Camp awn~ of Camp Muor. t lta W. Bo1-tloulnvd_..wn..!JUDOI ,.._ a b1p to MliaaoOrt and the Dari< "°'miry. Thq loft ....._ M*1' ta_ nytnc both wa:ro- OLAll8lll'Dm ADS. --OpportunllJ .. UocldnS ... I Boy S<'Onta or America .since No- t?mber 19-19, bu ~n a.w;..:.clated Ni.th th ... organization n.!I a ~t utd Le'S~er alncf' 192.}. H e ia an Eag le Scout and aerv~d :.s a voJ, :1.n tet'1 In rna.ny ca pe cl°:.I~~. From 19-t-4 to l!M9 hf' served &8 ii'leld Execu tlv(' and Director of tn.lnln,. at the Toledo, Ohio Area Council. Whtie at Toledo. a large Jhare of bl• work lnvolvffi C"J b Scouttnc and tralntnc methods. He wu MIK>Clated In lhe pioneer- ing of the Pow Waw lTa!nlng plan, a.nd deftloped the M onthly Roun'd- tabJe Pl&n for T'r'aintnr CUb Scout leade:ra. Ct.lb !couttnr ls unique :imons young., boy Prognmo of tM Adventist Camp Announces Dates Th'°' dates of lhe SummC'r Camp for y oung Pf'Opli' \\'as announced by Dr. C. L. 8m1lh, church &ebool superinte ndent of the St'ven th-Day : Adventist church of Ne'W'p<>rt Hel~hts. Junior girls. ag('a 9-J 1 will be from July 1-10 and Junior boys. Aug. ~-1-t . Early•tC'en girl!I rrom 12-1e age group, July 16-24, ! s.nd Earlyleen boya. Aug. ll>-28. I Tbt ca mp ia located in t he beau~ 1 Urul San Jacinto n1ounta ins. just [ out of t he town of ldyllwild and It ia opeon to an y boy or girl in these t.g-e rroup and or any race or ~rt"ed. Cftrlst.tan leaders w i th high rtandard• and a dl't!p lntc~st In boys and girls art> cboeen to work with the junk:irs and to guide lhl'm in lheJr daily program. A 11tatf or ~xperlenced leader• and counsel- tor11 ia larte enough lo prnntt per- JOn&I attention tor each · junior. Regiltft'ed nU'l'Sl"s and a camp Doctor are on duty al all Ume. Thoee intned.ed in sendin g" 'their .!tilldren are u.ked to call Dr. SmitA. Be&con ft682 for more dt-- laila, or Write. Chu. ·D. Hartin. camp cliNCtor, Box ~ Arlington, Calif. Reservatiou must be made ln ad .a.nee. world In that It la home-centered S . L. OUVEI\. S. F. blasln._ and ne:JCll))orttood~!ftctied. It bl a exec.-"T here will be a change for f'rr>gt&m fdr boys and their par-Ulle better in OUT &'Oftl'l\D\entl eol2 to eaJot ~tt-tt... an.l;r_ when our ~ trle. -en-- Wpr\OON ....., at the polla lnstft• .... ,..., -lloe .... .....,-.of ~ .l!Olf-" . ' r • • -~· • KrRBARD C. ll0\\'1!:, Ir. T o ~ &Ol<'fl'Uliurd .Junt" 16 In St. Paul's !:plsc:opal church. Oakland, ht t~ marrtap of Hubbard C. (Bard) HO\\'"• Ir., Ind Mb.' N a n c y Samtw{L dauatat.-:r nf 1'1r. a.ad 1'l rw. Plall- llp Sam ...... ~ Ollldan4. TM brlidPrroom h 'tta.i 90n of 1\l"'" K u-..i If ..... , -Aro-...SO.~ dol Mar, and the lstt> H•bllard 0. H owe, Sr. Iba wit~ lllA UJUll: STAM.El. ._ ........ 0n17 , 1 Pllen11 11.ubnr i 11fl 1 1 : 1%4 Marbafl A~e. Balboe f•la.od MA1TRJ;AA~8 BnRh-RomN-Trailf'f'A 1r...-.1ar Sba,..... BEACOS :le81 C-ta Mf"M 11.attf'f!M <'"- !158 ~l"\vport 81\-d. I R?CJ:~1'8 SHOE !!HOP -.... pal_ \\1tllf" You \\'alt AN..-•t~.....a.,_...1 .. C.-1.n'-t ~li'Mk w .... ..A 1 ou• wono-NotM11t 1......,..,. Mft N-rt Blvd. NllWPORT BEA.Cir f:lUJELU!NCE 19 UPKOUrntBY • • • KIMMONS ~ ........... .....J.- .. •ACOfll -CS I. Ultl • COSTA 111111rA b<kJ,..to-bo .... Alpba °"""""' ... .., .... r11y ...... ., -swu. wA111 -;:·~:.~.:;k::· :=: . ~~. ..&;~r Mr. He'ft' WM &I ' ffd_ _. """!""' from I 0 -.-•r ... 10 ..... , I new W1M'ldaic f w 11111a a ea--a At•"! 1 2 .. ei ~ I kli:z:+.:. lie .... fttl •• , .. fMc'-",Ue.f A , .... tlzsfM• ( -.. Alta' • we r r a • , "" ~wi .. ,.......,. c:..s _.,.. - ---....... ~-m ~~ . ' ···l""'~--..,..;i;...•·· ................... ~ ' . . ,,. ' I • • ----- • ·''What's this 'integration' they're attacking yo, for.?'' ) /l. •Ht11raa take• hie boat on to t he ocea,; and m•kea hi& cateb. St.alldln'd diacoven oil and bringa Ii •Pout of ihll lf'Ound. If both then aell to some- body el8e -the fiaherman to a buyer.at wha.rfeide, and Sta.ndard to a buyer at the well-there'• no intecrat:Mm. Su.ppoee eecll &akee t.be' nut step _ .. One of '91e complaints that a certain minority in this country· is nou1 making. about big companies like Standard Oil Company of California is tJw.t they practice "int,egration". This word is made to 90und so ei•il that, you may wonder what it m«im as it's used ifl this ca.9e. • The fact is t hat ,lntesration Is common in A mer ica n bu sin«!!'sses both la rge and email. They use it a8 a naturaJ part of. their .vystem of increaBing efficiency, cut t ing boats and inipm•tkg pnxlu cts. Integra t ion doe91l't make a good com- pan y bod. To understand integration at a glance, look a t this parallel: When t )le 8•he rma n ele-• Ilia m Aall. he has bEicOme a n in te1rated bu1inea1. So, too, Standard. l .i.k.e h im . we work to put ttie product into the form •you wan t . We 'ftfine the ~oil .11e produce -tum it into peoline, lubricants, chemicahi. Thia ia the practice of intearation- • I'd Like to Kno w ... Many peop1e -ra to •ncliri ..kms penu..tq-1t .. abouttheCdi1peny. We,-~Wtion~. but -~-of -1 inta..t. We talce thia..,. ot a;,. • . c tbmaf«~ lfyoubaveaqw' lion, ~Wse,;,,,; to..&ia:Clf9ol: Ml'» I.as 11) Kioow," 226 llulb Sb....t, l!lan ~.20, , • 1' I , ~ ,. STAllDA•D OIL CottPAllJ Of 1 ~ALIFORNIA ·; I ~.'IJRl~IR~~~lrW,...~ • • ' ( ' ' , --.. ---_... .................................. ·~-----. -... -. -----. ;_ . ~-•• , . ··-; ........ ·-----. --· .. -... --. -..... --... -·. -----., .. ------------.--.. ·-·· .... -,..,..__-,---..---..... . -~ .............. f ··················::: .. -····1···*··········· ... ~·P••=z:;·~··z• a: . . . . ' . '· . . • • ' , MRS . WINlFR.ED BA!Ullµ!:, Bodety ICdlt« ....... ~>Pi< ..... ~ .. -~~.,.. ..... ..,.~ .... ~·· Lido · isle Club Women See Surrimer . ' Frocks in Annua l fashion ParQde • ... Both the lounge and new sun.--------------- room -of Lldo lale Comm.unity ~tub bouae were crowded to capacity ftrtbe annuaJ spring faah.ion ehow eponliprec! by Lido 181e Woinen'e cJub. .Cuesta had a par~ for most ot them wore h11.bl decorated wtth noweJ'8 rrom their garde n.a which provided admiring or amwring com111enL >«"'-Hay L3ngenh,.im, presi- dent and gene ral chairman. and ottk:er11 t"lect, Introduced at end of the program, welcomed gueata. Mlllkan, wtao.e equally 1 a r s e etr&w wU bordered ?'1th Uttl• pot11 of growing planll. Finale of tbe piop&m waa In• troductk>n of new oft\cen who will aasume their. mlttu nest tau. They Include: Mn. R1chard Neice. pr .. ldent; Mn. Bavllal\d Rosen. vice ~resident: l.fn. J4Pbn • Boyd. lle<retary ·and Kn, Alab Cr4...U. treasurer. ·· · Procee<U from lhe &Uair, go to the county juvenile hoi:ne. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa ........ .us.t1 --..... ----------..... --~--------..... -(/ilJB~ · ·sp tt ov . ' N.uM . SAYS · . Troop No. n.---a-r: Mn,_, A.-.. c..-l<iods: M!L r. o . .,_.,_ I_ Meot,: W8', l:M, at ()9.-.,. ~-Wednefday 23 May. marked the Court of. ·~wa.rda ceremony ' by . Troop 17 at the Q>rona del Mar 9ChooL Twenty-two Girl ScOut. parti- cipated ln the actl'viUe. and ~re awarded Ule Proficiency Ba.dies earned ~le UU. year. Moel of the memben of this troop wt1l be able to complete all r~utrem~nu . tor Finl Clue Rank by tb'i c1oae of the year. On di.splay were exunplee of handicrafts completed eo far, and other projects to be esaayed upon reaUmptlon ot activltlea next term. Amid many 'leXclamations of pleased surprU!Je, the youngsters, ~ctiDg u hoateuea. proudly pre- I sure enjoy the fine reception . I am having in Newport Beach and I guess I've done some good. BECAUSE I've convinced our factory that New- port Belich needjl more new cars -and now we have them. AVA ILABLE FOR DELIV ERY FROM STOCK l'oor Choice o( Colors PLYMOUTHS • BELY,EDERES-Plymouths smart h;i.rd top. SUBU'RBANS-All metal wagon . SAVOYS-The Deluxe Wagons: Club Coupes-4 Doors and 2 Doorn -Convertible Coupes. CHRYSLERS Newport-The Beautiful hard top. 4 Doors and Club Coupes, Cunvertibles. Deuert was )crvrd at 1 :30 p. m . by Mmes. Don~lu Ward &nd Nel· son Neice, follov.·f"d by c11.rda and ·the fuhk>n show, the latter in cbarge or Mrs. John Boyd and Mra. ~rge Mic haud. Mr!!. George Ward was in charge of decora- lloha. Mias Glady& Kolew O( Balboa U!J included among one· hundred and twenty-seven Junior and aentor stude.a-ts at the Un.lverslty of Call· fo(nla at Loe Angele. who were elected to Pbl ~ta Kappa, na- tional honorary acholutlc eoclety, It WU &Ml)U.DCed yuterday by Dr. Carl Epling, preeldent of the group. . aented their mothers with gar- denia corsages. and later served refreshments of cake and Ice '-" AND FOLKS You need go no further for ~ the best deal in Southern ,California. W1th designer J oy Poore acting ·•• commentator, summer fashioM from Joy J ennice. Maggie's Knit Shop. Velma O'Brien and Fun Fashions, were modeled by mem- ben, Mmes. Paul Rog<'ra. D. V. Hayes. Kennrth T. Brook.ii. Alan Criaeell and J . Arthur Taylor. K eyed to th<' lnfor1nality ot re- 80rt lite '4&8 the bride's dress of gold printed v.·hite silk in street length and th(' knit frk:k worn b¥' her bridesmaid: while m08l adorablf' wa!I thr little flower girl, w1lh upswept blonde curl!! and gartK>d in a i;:rcen satin pajama suiL The !lhOY.'\ng of !IUmmer sult:s. street and patio cottons e nd· ~ with thr "br l'h"' Rn<I he r neigh- bor brln.i;;:lnJt ln a flowrr decked clothes ba.l!lkc t and hanging some of the Pretty wasl\e.blcs on twin clothea lines. Jeweb worn by the modeb were from R oberts ·Jewel('rs and flow- ef'a of the "bride" and her attend· a.nu were from Morrl. In the hat parade. mPrchandlM'- prize& went lo Mrs. Geori;e Yard- ley. who wore a largr coolie hat on which a little Mexican gardnc r perched. watching ov~r borders or P1'k geraniums. and Mrs. Julie t Tiie Most Service 20 Daily Trips EAST fro,,, l.AJ Angtln i11,/11Ji11g 7 "Fast-T/Jru" EXPRESSES ·tijjlll The Most Miles for Your Mo1ey ' DECORATING COIDDTT.EE "·orked hard and Ion&' on the room dt"Cont.tlon5 for tht" Balboa. Yacht. <'lub'a formal M'aAOD flab and mennahb1 -.dded t-. lhP f&lt"f}" of thr o<'('&.'Jlon.- be&otlful theme cbOM-n for t he dlnln.s oJ)flnlng dinner. N'flt8, pll}• colored (Photo by Beckner} To .Graduate From Santa Ana College Ario R . EvaM and George E . White are Newport Beach 1tu- dents who will graduate v from Santa Ari.a college at the thlrty- fifth annual commencement, to be held Thursday, J\Jne 14 at 4 p~m. on the college campus. The co1· lege will grant 115 diplomas and asaociate in arts degrees this year. Dr. Daniel C. McNaughton, direc- tor of the college, will pre.aide over the commencement exercllles. Whittier Graduates COM Students Two Corona del · Mar youn.- people. Mrs. Ruth R\chflne, 12"2 Abalone, and Herbert Tucker, r.15 ~ Acacia. were among the 3.71 Whittler college studenta lo be honred at tbe Golden Annl\fersary Commencement exerc~ ot th~ Quaker school, Saturday, June. Dr. Rutus B. von KlelnSmld. chance- llor of the University ot Southern California and &peaker at lhe ail· ver anniversary exerciaee ot Whlt- Uer college In 1828, delivered the 1961 commencement addreae on "The Great American Expert- TROl"HY WIN1''"ERS •i Balboa Yuht <'lub'" 01)~nln1 day n-catta were Harold Schl~rholdt (lf'ft _center) In the 110 claM and )llck1•y Smith In thl' Balboa OlnghlM. Ra.ct-commlltN! c hairman, Rob Boyd &tan<b at l•·ft as Commodon." Harr)• Blodgt>lt I right ) prl"M"nl the a~·anls. I Photo by Beckne r) Capilla Circle Officers Entertain , I Harbor Panhellenic ' Now Organized mGent... G d Board at Wednesday Luncheon reat " ran mas Capilla Circle Ex ecuti ve Boaro-- memben. Corona drl Mar Com· The third organi:iatlonal meet- ing of th(' Harbor Panhf'llenic was h('Jd Rt the Corona drl Mar Com- munity churC'h Thursday evening H G t munity Church. Wl're rntcrtaihed Onor Ues S wtt~ a deli,lthtful luncht•on at Ra- ~ s R estaurant last \V t'dnesday Great-grandmothers of the con-bY Mr!. Wenc'i('ll V, Hoyt, presi· gregation ot Christ Church by \ d~nt. an.d Mrs. George Dav1e!'l, the Sea were teted Wednesday vtce-prrs1dt'nt. evening in one dt the moat de· A pastel cloth and flow r r plJ1r1>- lightful mid-week prosnuna of cards brightr nt'd lht' long tablr the year. Seven of the thirteen w11e re 23 board membt>~. both great-gra.ndmothera of the con-outgoulg and incoming, gathrred gregatton were able to be present. tor the la&t 80Cial occa~ion of the A tally showed they repreaented season. Regular monthly 'mf'rt- 31 children, 77 grandchUdren. 67 lng11 o f Capilla Circle will br dis- great-gra.ndchlJdren, and 3 gTeat-continued for the summ('r and will great grandchUdJren. Total great be resumed ln Sf'ptrmber. In· grandchildren of the en t Ire dtvidual Group meetings, however. thirteen equalled 86. will continue throughout tht' suni· Takinc top honors waa Mr&. mer. Stephen Weatherford of Balboa, Following the lunchPon, a busi- with ~ great-~dc.hildren and 2 neu meeting wu held at Mrs. great-great irandchildren; next Hoyt's borne, where plans were were Mn. KalhlMD Wrt&ht with made for the comlng yeil:r. Lunch- 1:5 and Mrs. Carol Curt.LI wtlh tf.. ,eons, card partie!I, food saJes. a fuhion sho\V and a theatrr party with 31 won1t'n altrnding. Four- W<'ri:-riiiscu88t'd as con1ing attrac-teen national sororities were rep- tions for th(' Capilla Circlt' calen-rescntf'd. dar. Plans v.·ert' made to v.·clcome 1 Chosen for t~(' lt•giAlatlon com· n f'w mvn1bf'rs and to help with the n1iltre wrre Nancy W11liams, Vel· bulldinR" program d1nnrrs. ma K('clf•r, li"l'J.; J-laapa, Charlotte M('1nbers attrnd1n.I{ the lunchron Star('j::(' and Pe~gy Landers. snrt boarri · ml'f'tinj;" \Vf'rc M f'.!!· C('lestlnc HarVl'Y and J.-'largarct dan1es W . L. BakkC'la, 1\.tontr Bea· Harper '-''ill ren1aln as tc1nporary man, 0 . M. Campbell, Newton chairmRn and secrrtary until thf.' Cox. E . E. Copp. K . V . Dilts, Clar-cntirt' group of officers '·"' t·lect ('d. f"nce DOOd, Norn1an Frahm, The morning of July 11 was de- Gt'orgc G:-aefr, E. C. Hagen. cided upon &5 the ne xt tin1e of Arthur Kemprr, J ohn Meador, meC'tlng. Paul Moor1>, Gt>orgr Naylor, L . A. -------- Norman. 0 . Z. RobPrtson. J ohn Sadlrlr,\_ Grae(' SRilors, Luetta Spirer, C. G . Waldeck. a guest Mr11. Bert Caudry, and the co-hos- tf'&Se8, 7-frs. \Vendt>ll V. H oyt and Mrs. George Davies. Unable to be prrllt!nt were Mrs. S. W . Black- beard, Mr.!. David Hansen, M rs. A-feta N~lson anl'I 1\.trs. Ve rne Lee. LOST f(J~G Mrs. Curtis spoke on "Retlect1ona ----------------------------- A rins-with great sentin1ental va!ue was lost Monday la!ft week, by Mrs. Harold R. Bro\l.'T\, 929 W. Bay Ave .. NeW]X>rt Beach. The ring \l."llS lost somewhere between Mr&. Brown's home and Costa Mesa. It was a gift Lo Mra. Brown at the time her son was born. The ring had three dla- of Being a Great-Gr&lldmother,'" a.nd Mn. Weatherford pve .. lm- preulons of Great-Orahdchildre.n." both telllnc aome remarkable ex- periences in their family hlstorlea. Corsacea made by the Lu Amtgu circle were presented by Miss Clara Kohlstedt. Women Claremont to Cont er . Honorary Degree on Dr. Arthur Coons Society president, to each of the Bachelor of Arts degrees will be honored guuta. Mrs. Ives aerved conferred upon more than 200 scn- a1 planlat tor the evenlnl'. and lorw from 18 states and two ror- Mr,. Beddome gave the table e1gn countries at the 58th Com- grace. Greetlnrs from ' the con~p- Lion were ctvea by Mr. WUliam McDonald, 1£y Leader and from the Women's Soe:iety. by Miu Clara Kobhrtedt. pru:ldent.. otficia.l photo.,r&plul were taken uld Rev. Pendell c1oeed the eve-- ninl' W\th a mU...• bued on the text, "I wlU ble. her, uo that she aball become the mother ot mencement of Pomona College, Sunday. June 10, at 2:30 p. m. Summe r Series . Planned at Church monds. CLOTmNO STOLEN Theft of a large amount of clothing sometime la.at week was rrported to police by E. L. Barr or 202 • 43rd St., Newport Beach. Taken from Barr's house were two suits of men's clothing, several pairs of slacks, assorted &hlrts, a portable radio and a large quan· tlty of canned goods. • • There Are •· nationa. w1th lllns1 of peoples Arthur Coqna, president of Oc- cidental Colle8-e and summe r rt'sl· dent on Lido lslt", wtll be awa.rdt'Cl an honorary Doctor of Laws de· me a.nd an honorary Doctor of Science degree wjll be conferred upon Norrta Bradbury, director of the U>8 Alamoa Scientific Lab- oratory, Loa AlamOll, N ew M~x· lco. A concert by the famou& Wes- ley Nei;ro . choir of Los Angeles. a return progran1 by ProfeS8Qr Kingsley Proven mire •of. San Diego who Interpreted "Green Pastures" eo dramatically tor the congregation three }'e&n ago. an evening with l\'an Ha.rold Brown- ing, a tenor aoloist. and ma n y other outstanding programs will be included In the 1961 "Stun· mer Sunday Evening at Christ Church by the Sea" program. The series will run the-nine Stm- day eveninga during July and August. • No lower Fares ! - Chicago , •••••• •36.85 Detroit .•• : ••• ~gton,D.C. New York •••• 42.80 47.45 49.80 Bostoo ••• Des MoineS. Minneapolis NewOrleam • • • • 52.60 32.45 • 34.65 34 . .CO ,.._ """"-' r. ""91tlf fft lfSS, ••• ._.f .. Tkllllli ' --Ila& C. C. SW AFPOIID As-t -~~ ..... JJ"KCl9• Mn . ) com.in( tram her." All preeent declared the eve- Oinl' mOlt ·enjoyable. Oreat-&T&nd- motben prueat tncl\lded Mra. Emma W•Uterford. Mra. Kath- leen Wrtpt, Mra. Thomu Bed- dome.. Kn. M"lna Iva. Mn. Mamie Havice, MrL Geo r re Goeldaer, Mra. Carol CUrtia. Oth:er grudmolllen of tbe con- greptlon or ·w. ll. c. s. cln:IH wbo w.re uzaable to be pre•nt lncludecl Kra. P. L. BJn1na. Kn. 'Lettie Vallgllll. ~ '· L. Neblett. Kn. 4Jexandor Wtiorbt. Kn. R. B. Voocll, aad Kn, !l'rlnooa OOa· Rd. Theo Commencement addreM will be deliverl'd by Warren Olney, III. Conner Chief CouM('l for the Call- !ornia Crime Comml.saton and now pro!essor of law and crlmlnology at the Unlvcd:ity or Call!ornla. Dr. Coona U!J a graduate of Oc- cidental Cqlle)fe and · teef'I~ bill mute.r's and doctor's degree from the UnlWirsity ot Penruiylvanla. Widely known as an author, ad- min.lalntk>r, and educator, he haa taught It the Untnrsily ot Pen- Initiated three years ago, this program haa proved a popular sommer feature. It waa onlitted last summer obecauae ot Rev. Pende.11'• abaence in Europe, and ill being rein..8t&ted UUs year. A Cull announcement ot the entire. eerie• will be avaJlable abortly, n.aylvan'a. Unlven:ity of C&llfor-A Ll'ITLE OOURTl".8Y nlA at Los Angele& Callfornia Col-Tr)< ualng a utUe courtesy tile aeae ln Cblna. Ocddental College. next time you 9.fe. driving Oft the and th e Claremont Gradu:&le "highway. advt.ea lhe Nallonal I.AU ~ DAii ochooL , Automobile club. You will find l.aJle Pheri:lt Dan;t.. wldc:A .. to-Autbor of aeveral works on eco-that ualns a little courtny will .IP eatal-.u.e ,(cil& 1'11& rt ... juot -·and pnsident of tbe w .. t. a lonS way to keeplnr you sate. 19 ml1oa -« ,...._ .. bl _.,.. College .u.iciauan. o.. Ooorul A.-, 1o nl-t8' 111' tM Nat· .. ~ .. conou11an1 wtt11 tbe ADILETE8 roar GIUIJI -All-la Clul> lo 1M ,,_ NatlonAI _,..,.,, Planolnc BOW 1'0 lllLL IT. -...,.. _ '111 ,_ ldp.,'111e ~ •• pa C&lifomlA Stat<> Prl"" IN OliE ROUll, wator -It lml• Ii '19 -to -of 'tho ottlce of Price ~! ~· .-., '-' -.... lrTlpM U.. ..a. -._,.i. ~ .um-..UOa. ~ u ldYtaer to ~.~C::..~7* ... !:.r::! --ot tM Wjlte TUii tbe Cblef of lb• United lltalff •--_,.,.,,_ -· -~'Y!f.-! 1".' _ • _ ·-a.p.rat1p111.Commlplcm lo Ja-, :::= .C:,.,a... ~· MOW ." • ' . ' ' ' l • ' ' cream. Costa Mesa irl Scouts The six day tralninR: course to prepare Girl Scout Leaders and Jay m embers for the first camp Out to_be held In C08ta Meaa. bas met with great ,aucccsa. Mrs. f.race Speth ha!I been conducting :he cluse!I each Tue3day ,11.nd the !ourse will be completed In two Neeks. The· Camp Out .session will ;tart Monda.y, June 18 and run .hrough June 22. All ScouU anrl lrownics \VllJ. be afforded the op-I lOrtunlty of . camp life, learnlng \ ill the rudlment.8 of out door plan· ting o f coo.king, CIE'anlng, prepar· ng sleeping quarters. etc., without 'caving the clost> vicinity of Coata \1:esa. Thi-Camp Out will be held ·n thr blurr rrom 10 to 3 :00 each lay during the se881on. Troop 25 of the Girl Scouts ·ccently ~Rve 11. mothers tea whlle ;-arnln~ their hostess badge. ~&d· er5 Mary Chamberlin and Edna ·-1art RS!llslt>d the girl!! In the re- ;r ivin,i:-!lne wrlcoming the moth· ~r~. After several inte resting talks 1thP Scout!! 8f•rvM tea, cocoa. sand- wi ches and cookies. Guest.a pres- <>nt were: Mmes. Horace .Cheney. Earl f'!per, John H enn1 ngs, Ruth Lewis, Jack McQueen, Frank Win- tPrs, Thomas Jones, William Stone a.nd Flo re nce Kingman. ScoutJI present were Janet Cheney, Betty Piper. Nancy Henning•, Nancy Lewis, J eannlne McQueen, PhyJILa Winter, Ro8emary Jones, Eather Stone, Helen Hart. Nancy Cham· b(>rlln, Veronica Krotky, Nonna Hill, Gale Norris, Betty Blum. Nada Wibon and Judy Sutherland. Costa Mesa Harper Brownie Troops It'd by Mmes. Myrtle Glynn and Marion Maxwell, made a tleld trip recently to vlslt the "Cal-Va" Farm Dairy. A contest waa ar- ranged for the :.;rownles to guess the number of cans In a stack and the weight pf a alngle can. Dayni: Ladwig and Linda Glynn were winners and had delivered to their homes a gift of chocolate milk and orange juice. Cheryle Nugent has be('n taken in the troop &11 a m("mber. Girls making the In- teresting trip were Janice Ma- thews, Juanita VaJenzula, Larenza Valenzula, L In d a Mackintosh, Nege Cyr. Nancy Maxwell. Carla McClurf', Linda Glynn, Judy Hand. Dayne Ladwig. Penny Maxwell and Charlye Nugent. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 0 1''1. Y PERMANE:O.'TS s550 <Reir. 18.00) ............ ... DOTnE ELLEN'S BEAUTY SAWN 114-E. 18tb Gaeta Meu Beacon 610S E\'ett by a ppointment Pi4Ho!J-u~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs . A. Renner) Conoert PtanlJ•t of Tll,...,r ( 'u11fl11,.nl11 Oraduale Student of Jl.t·I" l~~rluK 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171..J Corona Hiqhlands - C orona def Mar ------··--·····-··-···- No matter whlll you wont to paint. ·-r-11 get outatond.ing .. ..Wis with Boyoen high quality painla. There' & a ~ Paint for e"'ry u.. ond pur- -· Let ua help you cboo1e Ibo be&t =• for your need&. Tru-Lite Hi gh G loss Enamel Reg . P r~c e $1.5 6 qt. Special 2 qts for 100 "/0 Pure .Lead Free Hous e Paint Reg . Pri ce $5.58 gal Sale Price gal. Po rch, Deck an d Floor Enamel $.1 39 R·eg . Pr ice $1.56 qt.-Sale price qt. ' • Tfu-Kot e O ne Coat Flat Wall Paint $3 39 Reg . Pri ce $4.0 I gal-Sale Price gal. • LUMBER COMPANY . 2025 Newport Ave. C O STA MESA • In store for you in your el.edric ho1ne food freezer: y~ar 'round . . ' , I . go~d · ecating!·· L . ~ ALL THI '4Al.iNOI of marvelous men~s at any scuoo ol the year are ~y ':Del waitini iii your electric home food freezer. Woiliaa. that 11, until the:family'a appetite <1lli for them .. Whatever it llUI IO tickle !heir lule.-just Rad! ia and you have it. Evcrythin& ii In -all )he lilM. . Stoto ~way food frllMeso and flavor. Food in your r,_, tuyt: ' Ill peat of pirf...,.r."""' iway the .. vlnp you ll)olke bf -· lhoppinc. !DO. t'ond la yourfnez..-ii like mnn.v in the ti.& --,, .. ~~ , . . . . . • Su your ~kctricol opplM,tulMtMr IOUTHll" QLf PO•;NIA ID.l ~O.N S.,OMPANY ~· .•• ··~"i ·-•. I I ' . • • - .. • • Pa..........i Effry ~ al NeWpari !'he, o.m.- by the NEWPORT RM<llOB PVllUSBI!fO OOllPAin' Member ot CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASS'N. Member ot the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Office and PrlnUng Plant · at 2211 Balboa Boulevard Telephone Harbor 1816 \ aa Serond-Class Mattf':r at the PMtotflce In Newport Beach, Callfomla under 'the Act ot Mi.rch 3, 1879 ED\\"ARD• A. LeHOVEN. Editor J . M. F"R.ANCIS, Bturiness Manager Quallfttad to Publl"h Vp.I Notk-M a&d Adv~rttlkmellt• or an Klnll:!l Sl'BSC'IUPJ'IO:S R . .\TES: NE\VPORT-8."_LSOA XE\VS·TIMES f"\'ery To~y In Oranre County, $3.50 JM"r yt>ar; $2.00 alx month*; et.!I thft!iie monthlli (.4.1~ lnclud~ the NEWPORT·B-~A PRESS, Tbunday) Out.aide On.nre County ~00 per year "O'ER TllE LAND OF THE FREE-., \I ' ' I FLAG DAY ·' , ; . '-~ The American flag has always sylnllolized the hopee and aspirations of our country as well as reflecting in a degree Uie growth and expansion we have achieved. The sters of our origlhal flag were to rep~nt "the consteUation of States arising In the West." and their arrangements in a circle-denoted the pe~tuity of the Union. The 13 stripes signified the "subordination of the States to the Union. as well as equality among themselves." The red color d enoted defiance, the white, purity, and the blue, resistance to oppression. · The addition of a star and in the early days. a stripe also,. for each new state, reflected the march of the pion- eers across the continent. Long before our nation attained the world eminence it now enjoys. ·the American flag was carried into ha!Ue in resistance to piracy on the high seas. in the preservation of the Union and in many lesser con- flicts. In the mddern era Old Glory hii.s become the hope of liberation to oppressed peoples the world over. The annual observance of Flag Day on June 14 gives us a special opportunity to review the achievements our n~l~banner has inspired Jn the past and to .contemplate ttii!"p,l,,.;,ise it holds for the future. In so doing we shall krep ·befbre us the high purpose of America and renew the determination to fulfill it. CO J,OR TV • Color, it is said. will never completely replace the standard black and white pictures in television anymore than it has in the movies. Experts seem agreed that while TV programs in color may become predominent the ·sets of futµre will no doubt be equipped to receive either type of broadcast. tOUftJSTS WILL: AN9LI ~rt THkEE DOLLARS Best Equipment forOCC l~ry 'nle leclalalun bao ...... led WIU. a p0,000 Nmlture buclfei llnal app!Vril "" a bW to ,..m .,.,...,"'116 CG!lifort and oonnlil· !!'·~-day ....,. -C lieeluie _. tor -t pe.trono, <>rang<I for c.Jlfoml& touriato. do.at ColJece wtU haw aftllable The lltate lkn&te · ,..otOrday ap-for uae In .June one of lb•j mOat pkoo•od th01 bill by Ahomb)Jman modeni aJ!d lieol equipped · unlor W UU&m Grant of~ Bridi, P't-, coli~ libNrlu In tbt ~tit of 1n1t1.1nr the pcm,hMI bf • illrie-CtJlfomJa. ii&.!' llet!fltl for h. rllbd ciii!J "* -New ,111mar1.. &n,..hero Will tit..., f!Mllnf. contain maoy ntted adnn~pi." • ..__ ,._ IOil8 IO<iJt IQ• ill.90 Beth Cosner. Hbliirtit.n. ~ • ''Tl!et • will be a opec!al tndJYtdual buttnc 1M ~ toF Ille D>aftU· .tudy rOOln with ei.,ht t.aldF" tor tatture ot alttrall ind fi9rtt con-t.wi noNnlul and 'one for fol!r. The ~ --tllill a..; . ollte~ 'rh• map •leeYe Will ..... imrur-ilillle lildiili\tY to I.Ito MM In tm.I tau. ...,. cbalri with plenty ol mili9f~ tilipJO,-t In mape and newipapen Within calltofnl&; lleco~ to ii roporl rHth. Magazine rick! wtU be of t11e Dtflilloll at I.Abdi' !11.atlotlcl ellfile ilt band. There will be a ol tf>l ·~!£ta bepartment ol In· iounge made to oi-der, tumltlhed lhdtrtil ft.elalldna. "'1th t'1ro-pu.teltger eeatl, alBo DLACIUIOARD LEC'l'URE-CAdfit Mft ·'~r of ~ ii• l'f'Crit'N tm.tnlctloa horn Wayrif-Crowl of Vf>rtt.. cttt Mn, et"t•• air patrol lrist~tor Of th@ &lboa tla.y Sqdadrma. Addltt6li&I ft'- rrulh tor tralnln .. are ~ -i -jJht, _,,_, to ltlcllard A. StPl,.ky or QHrita MHll. oomrhaacllnr et flfitr Df tW itantoa Bay .-quadron. \\•hlch hr a IW'm l-ln.llltaty. ausliJa.ry of t.ti;.. tJ. ~. Ah' f'Mtt>. Hf'Odqnart('ffl an-nPar t-hf. 01'9.Dlt" MHtnty f&lrKottnru. norfh nf f'o!ilta :'.\f eflla. The dJYl.tton i'tpoTted that in tfu.ee 1ndi'1duat chain !OT relax~ kateh· ,of ihll 7ear the alttrat\ att0n. The most tuctnattn.c ele-tndtultri' .tllplo)f"'1 133,000 wage ment ot the enUre library will be tnd 1euaital Worlc.en.t 43 per cent a l!eltaht..-ut 18-ft>ot f1replace, lo-- mof'9. than a y-.r •IO· cited tn tbt lounge." Tbe lhef'eUa of e1~00 worltera tboae 9ectJona ot the bbrary accountfd tor as per cent of tbe wtPt t.~e-specially bultt Shelves feat-to-Y~af .rllb In t.Otl.l ma.nu-Will c~~tn small stools tctr use in flcturtng a.hd 39 per cent oC the da.mir.ln.g books on the . lower taln In durable goo<ts ln Lndus· &helv.:!s. Letter t 4' the EdltOr Members of the Medical tmd Health Serv1ce or the Civil De- fl"1*f' Board, Orang~ County Area passed the following rf"901Utlon r~· gardlng the df"ath or Robf'rt L . Bl.con. 51 . administrator of Hoag M<>mo r ial hospital, who died of a stroke Saturday, ~f11y 19. (Edltor'.11 nott>). \\'HEREAS. the sudden and un- llmf"ly passing of 1'-tr. Robert L. Bacon, who servC'd this board a8 iLci first DlrPctor of Supply, Ls tt distinct lo.!B to civil defense in Or ange County, and WHEREAS, tht" members oi this Board reallU> the contribu- tion which 1.-fr. Robert L. Bacort ha.11 1nade to the developm'ent of th" Mt'dlcal and H ealth Service.I Board during Its lnciplency, and \VHEREAS. we fc>el that Mr. Bacon served our community at di.11tinct personal .11arriflcP, and WHEREAS, WP, the mem~rt of this Board, fePI a per&onal loM in the pa.~ing of Mr. Bacon, STATE SEEKS VOCAT-ION MEN trio•. ' flMw Atd Room A modem type cla&sroom will Poaltloha th thl! lnttltutlon&I Jn- dmtt.tt~ft tttld are o~n In Califor· nl&'A rhehlal hosplti.b a.nd 5tate P:rWoni. Men and women In thl• hdd work wtt.b patients and In· matea, teaching vocitlonal akllh lhat will U8tat in the-Ir tf'habill- !ltlon. wtW ctOLll'fO be provided tor the \lie ot 10Clal , Caution your children agalnat 11elenca students; together With a 11ha91-off tact1c1 trhlle tldlnl" btcy-pt"evtew room ~utpped wtth 12 rle9, advttH lhti 'kaUonaJ A.utam.t>-tui'h·tablet, ea.ch with ll.9 own prt- blle Club. Wiid etrllnr may Beem n.te earphonee, with strttll8 llnd like tun to a ch11d, but It endang-projectors tor ·movieJI, split mm, ers hU ~wn life And the Ute or the, or other typee of vt.sual a.Ida.. moto11l'lt, A feature of ~cular tntt"~t to journal18m student. w1.ll be a aound-proof typing room equip· ~ with !Ix !treamllned atandard typewriters. A new pooltlon. ho>pltll lnd11t1-trle.1 itupervtlor, has been etrtab~ lt1hed tcr direct a.nd Coordinate FRANCIS J . CARR. S .. F . Ulil· lt:Jea exec. -"Deliberate under· aa:psment for property tuu *{ a v1.c1ot18 pracUce t"hftt dlAcrtmlna es &mong ta.Xpayer1, creates dlttl- cultlta for govetttment, and, Mna.1- ly defeat1 ltlff>lf." bOtpltal production and se-rvlce 1 •• aL N-opentft>M. S11ch ti laundty. houile-Ml ~ W 1 n.I kffJJlnl and other W'ctrk done by 1 -~~.__;; _ _._.___~~-- paU•nlA. Civil .. rvtce e•amlnl-1"0ttCE l l'fVITlNO M US tlons for lhta p:>Bltlon and those Notice la hereby given that the of eortectlonal lnduatrtes fo~m.an Bo.a.rd of Tru8tees oC the Orange and f\Jrnlture factory fo~man Coast Junior Ccllese District ot wtll be he ld In July. en.nee County, Calif., Wfll receive Applicantll for supervisor may blM up to the hour ot 2 :00 p.m. file with the State Pf"nonnel on the 2oth day of June, 19~1. at Boll.rd untl1 July 7, while those for the office of bid echool district, both fof'f"man cl8Me!I have until Jocateod at 19951 8 . Harbor Blvd., June 23 to file appllcatlon11. Qollta Mtsa, Calif., at whlrh time f;xperfi-nN-N~ aald bld8 wUl be publicly opened Fronting the lounte w1ll be a huge window reaching from cell· Ing-to floor. On either ltd'1 of the window will be a door JH.dlng to a patio, where book• may be tflken outatde, allowlns students to loll ln the SUMhbte. The library, which wu dMi(fled by the !acuity In coopertlion with architect Robert Alen.ftdet LI so planned that it will be 15 years before tte capt.city of SO,ooO book!'! ts teached. At present thfre arc ove-r 7 ,000 booka ln the library and more are comtnc ln at .a rate of 350 a month. In et-eta of $8,000 a year Lti now spent on new booke, and an additional $1200 for magat:lnE"9. • • I -· ., -eltudm b .. 0Ats · 1 It.UT • 0 ABD8 • t'Amu: ·-..... ............ • L Ii I'S I 0 AT R E 'A). s raez Qollot ~ ~.,A·.. ~-· 1n 1 ,.AT,.lii m.t(D Ol'_1 8 8llOllE B ,' 0 ~ CURRENT EARNINGS High Quality Printing,-Ph. Har. 1616 THEREFORE, BE . IT RE· SOLVED that the ?.tedlcal and Health Servlcel'S Civil DE"frn~ ; Board express our appreciation and gratitude for Mr. Bacon '11 un- 8elrlsh servlcel'S to Orange county In the Interest of civil defense, a.nd that coplt>.!I or this rf"501Utlon h<' forwarded to 1'1 r. Bacon's f1UTilly , lhC' Hoag J..f('mor1e1 • Pre111byterlan Hospital and to thC' press. From onf" to three years of ex- p<'rlence In thl! type of v.•ork ts require-d t or the pclflltions. Call· fomla re s Id P n c e TC'qutrem ents hav~ bf'en waived for SUJX'tvlaor and the examination \viii be held nation-wide. tor the tui-ntahin« of the foUow- lnc: CoMlrucUon All Heart Red· \\•ood Lumbtr; one Milling Ma- chine on a 2~year lease.purchase agrt!('mE'nt. The said Board of Tru~t<>f"S shall be thf" sole judge of the merits and qualifications of the <>qulpn1ent offered, and re· serves the right to rtJ~t all btd8, and to waive any lnfonnallty in any bid. Many a big-deal hu been made H' h Q ·/'1-u p ' f' · Ph H 1616 thru a small Want Ad I tg ua ,, 1 fin 1ng-. . ar. THOMAS E . HANIGAN, M. D. Cha irman Att'd1cat a.nd Health ServlCC'8 Civil Df"frnse Board. Orange County A.rea. l_,OSES RABBITS Ray Alfred of 427 E . 16th St., Costa Mesa was r ebuilding hi.!! rabbitry. s\\·ept b)' a fire Friday ""hich de.stroyt"d $400 worth of rabbiL'I along \\'ith !'IOnlf" ~traw and ft~ftl. Costa 1'f esa Volunle<'r F ire De- parlmf'nt crev.·m en managed lo save $3000 \\'Orth r>f equipment. including hundreds n r rabbit~. on th1· A I frt'_<l_p_l_•_oe/J..... --- ' f:t.:TS NE\\1 BOAT V..'hilf' Ken Cromley of Balboa Island had the misrortune t o brrak ~e vC"ral bone!'I in hie hand recently, J1r.On1e con~o lation "'"s t he fac t he is sailing a new Snip('. Nc-w owner of Krn's former boat, the Snow- bird No. 1. i!'I Bt'rt Murphy of BE"acon Bay. Only s ix Clvii \Var vctera.M re· mained on Vf•lf"rans Adminlsth.· lion compl'nsation and penelon rolla on April l . A year ago, on April 1 ,1950, th€! total was 18. 8uperv130r11 recrlve a beginning gJary or $395 and forem"n start at S32!5 a month. Tht> 11tatr i8 alao seeking auo- clat e budget antlyat, $415-S.-,05; publlr healtl'l dental officers. ~· $710; U8istant ma.nagere, district agricultural U&oelatlon. SSM·Ul3: assistant mining grologiBts,. $358- $436 : and as11islant eng1neerlng- g-eo logists, S358·S436, A pp11catlon rorms a.nd compl('te Information about entrance re· qulrf"mf'nt.!I n1ay be obtained from State P rr.ronnrl Board offlce.!I in Sacrq.mt-nto. Sen Francisco and Lo~ An~1·lrs, or any drpartmt>nt t)f f"mployment ofrlce. WATCH l'Ol'R HEADLIGHTS ADV : Jun" 5·12, 1951. Op<'ning Datt': Jun" 20, 19:')1, 2 p.m. Signed: BASIL H . PETERSON", Sec .. Board of Tru.°'tees No. 215--Ttme11 Publi~hed 6/~·12/51 SOTIC-f: IS\Trl NG eros Notice Is h<>rC'by Jiiven that the Board of Tru~teeit of the Orange Coast J unior Collrge District of Orang,.. Co11nty, Call~ .. \\'ill rC'ceive bids up to th" hour of 10:00 a .m. on the• 20th day of June, 1951.,, at Car O\\'Ot->rs still are criticized the offlct> of said school district, for tht~ \\'8Y in \Vhich they fail t o located at 1906 1 S . Harbor Blvd:, rnake correct Ul!e of their multi-Co.-.ta 1'1esa, Calif .. at which time b('aJn headlights, according to the said bid.!! will be publicly op<>ne-d National Automobile club. The fo r the furnishing ot· the roilow- mots con1n1on blunder is that of ing : Nursing suppl if' it and equlp- ror gett lng that the long range ment; Radio, Telf'vtsion and Elec- beam M ould be used only when n o ~ronic . 8Upplle11 and equipment. car Is approe.ahinp from the · ap--· the 1 .11a-td Board flf" Trusttts shall poslte dV-ec-tlon. It has a tnuch be the-sole judge o r the meril'J greater fange and intensity than and quallf\catlonl!I oC the equip· the old driving light and like all mf'nt offered. and re8erve8 lhe greater power. should be handl~ right to i-e-Ject llll bids, and to \l.'lth car('. \\•aive any tnform.llty in any bid. ADV: Junt ~12, 1951 . Opening Date: Jun(' 20, 1951, 10 a.m . Signed: VA Answers on Cut .Off Date Ve terans Admlniatratlon ofnclala ln Washington. 0 . C. todAy answcrrd several QU('9tions that -.C'tPran11 ltavC' hf'e-n asking more tre· quf'ntly about the July 25 cut·off d&tl' for !lArt lng G. I . Bill training. BASIL H . PETERSON, Sec., Board of Trustees No. 214-TlmeB Published 6/~12/51 '~ ,. "" • As the Weat '1 town• ha~ 6TOWn, Wf'ut p~ (ariisu out into ~"country'' with hew UUphond. A FEW MONTHS AGO THIS WAS .AN OPEN FIELD I . In most towns you can telephone over a Wider area than ~ver I ----... Already, however, some of the television programs ·tt~ made mo re than a few viewers see red. The J uly c\ate Applies to \\'ortd War JI veterans dist:harg('d beforf" c£.JtTIFJCAT~ OF CES:~An~ July 25 , 1947-and this includea m<J!t. who S(>rved during the war. O ... BUSJN"£88 UNtiER • . . I ...... ---·--YOU'R~N. THE GIFT BUSINESS! Veterans dlscharged. after the 1947• FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME date have four yean n-om the.It' tralntnc this fall In the sa.me field The underalgnt'd does hereby I di!<.'harge In which t.o begin tral -ot study. certify that 8he la ceasing to con· ing. A number or veterans wtio have duct tf¥' buainea of employment Unfortunately, 'fa-i:_ too few American taxpayers take Many veterans h.av-e ukt"d.. had G. 1. training some ti~ In the agency, under llle tictltlo~-~rm an interest in the goVernment's management of their whether the ruing-of an appUca-Pf&t have been a.sking whether, name of NEWPORT H~R 1 ~ tion ror tralnJng-before the cut-oft becauee of that f~t. tbPY would EMPLOYMENT AG!t:Ncy, at country anct its resources. U~wn. o r unrea..llled, by the datt" ll aufflcle-nt to enable them to be ex:empt from the Juiy 25 c ut-~~ Eut Bay Avenue, Balboa, majority is the rather startling ~ that the U. S. tax-tra.!n al\.(>rward~. Dff date, and could start new California., on and after June 4, payer. through his o r her CongressioDak representative, is VA'l!I answt't is no. A vPteran cou~ after lhat date. 1951; that aaid firm wu compos- actuall• mt18t be in training by the ed ot Gladys Landis ot ~•u. ~--fostering an ihternational gift program unequaled ' tllot..Ott n.te · _,, ~· 1n cut~ff date In orde.t-to continue-Bay Avenue, Balboa Calltomla: history. attenftn:ls. VA said It wW con-The cui:-of htate will apply to that said bualneu will hereafter Id I •-·1n1n th v d, I. In this little map of a Western rown you Clll 2. Ne..-.-uiplnent in l!IllZiog" omouilts h:is hem Apparently without caring, we have permitted the s et • w eran to ~ In, tra &'"· f"m, A -...i unlea they have be con<1ucted by Mn. JNJme -, ' eve11 lhougl1' be has temporarU•. rettlmed to mill••-dut)' and sr1~ ot Santa Ana, Calif·-•• quiddy see oo.e of the results of our aemendous '""towuktoi.naeuethe nwnberoftc1-hon .. ""'" federal government, in the past ten years, to give away .lnteiTtlpted hit! course for ~ worl't be able lo .;rt. coune OD ~ MY HAND u,;;·~ tclepllooc expansioa prognun. The liglit put ShoWs d;; au In most rowns. For add.ing .,;:J. new f;';.. as tort!ign aid the equivalent of the ·*ealth of Flotjda, ~yond hll control. such u the Jul1 25 tor that reuon. d&y ot June, 1951. the area of \the comm~ity ,...ed by the foal telO. ' ~ ~aing •separate p.ir of wires baCk4'>,the Alaska and the six New ·England' Slates! ' aumnfe< ~&lion. Many Wqrld War n v<ter'&ria GUDYB LANDIS phone exchange, at bUic foal ruts, before we begib cmtll1 olli«. And Ute disunce wt mlut l'un tllese ) As sh . th c . al .. ___ .l,, .... Se ·""-:-·--eou... wllo have gone b&ck Into uiufonn BTATli: OF CALIFORNIA ) ... b""d; ••• --'d~-T Th .L .J-·J • . &o _ .. f own m e ongreSSlon necoru WJ natot -hav• been -cemea i.bi>tlt the OOuNTY OF o!UNo iJ ) 1 to '."' .•ouow~g wo!'' • w'." wo. e.w~.,... area '1" iaaeua u we pmh out m th• tmjn .-· o Hugh Butler, "Our" govetTmu!ilt, 'lrithlh the past 11 years, A .. teran who had once start-torthcomlng cut.oft d&te and how 0n Ihle 4th d&y at J ane, ltlii, , shoWs wb.at we n.added m Just' rhe past five y<an to mwla. Espellil•t, yO.. In &a, our expansion propam. has appropriated the equivalent of ,nUrly ONE; FOURTH od • coune iM1....., cannot re-It *1U afted lhelr fllture plOJi8 betore me, ftA¥Y -.ASHTON, a ftttp up with rile growing city. In maby plam tile id II\~ lo*fiftyeus iJ the br~t ova oxecurecl by on . . oume It becauoe he bao i.etume.1 to for; d . f. BW st...,• VA .t&ted. N-'•-Public In and t the -•• added·-'·•·-~---•-'old ·· ......:..: ....... Lli ·1:>.. of the total phys1cal assets of the Uruted States as of_1948! eittended ..u.., d\lcy I• atoo ccm-VA'• ....,,,., "i:U..t i. ntel'ILll ~~and State. .... ~ the;, --~ -.. ~ w•u u~ · ...--...1""' c uwi,,. Figures reported by the 'ltelltUka Selllltor, compiled •ldued to be ln~pUcl tor a no lnlelT\lpUcl G. L Bill 11tudi.. tluly commi.tonod and aworD, ~. All ~ ~ly .,.,.up callin1 area-'-whi~ -.--·-· __ ._,_. -''--~~-~-----"--, by the u. s . Dep&rtttlent of Colml!.enlle to show tfll! extent~ he ..,.,..,.,t _,ttol, ~-. lhat limo be .-nteNd pe,...,.u,. ap""'"'1 GL:A.DYB oddJgnad.tothen_wnbuofa~epnontsyoudljclll 'Prid!lncteases llince 194ti f th. "-'• .. t ._,_. •t"" ·-.,.._--. Otbtt ftterana. bl llCl!lool """'9--will be .JIOl'llllt:ted lo con-LANDIS lmownl lo ~· to bl \he -iJ·anotberi>ooot in rho value of tile sertic€10doi:al · ••i•· r M o IS 8~t program, o......,.. •• .n,,,.r,uuu;uuu. · the G. 1. 'BUI ,,....,._.,. tlII> --. ..... ·~-L•-'--•·••· •~-••-h•-'-__ -· C.:.,:-.. ~ -~~ 1 . ..,...,.. ·--~·-"'" "'-~~• -•,,, ~---~·-tdepbone aseis.Youcanallinywhereiothesennrly Even wor9e, econo~y, thla ataggtt!ilg llWn was school yo.., 11ay;,· .--na tt be soto out after July it to lll!O wttbln t 111111 ••· · built-up .Ju at rues which are 1 ....i &,rgaiowoillf .. made possible through DEFICIT finanelng. they will bo """"'11<1 to = RIO paot.-C. lninlDg, Whldi lmowlodcod to if:'" lllat obe .X-For io spitt o{ ioBotioo, in sj>ire of bi'&!>er 'ciists oi Some ~atora1 fortunately, are ~inJt~ dnina :"C:: 1';:'.!~ "':, ~ Ille l':...~ ~ ~"""b! = ~.~ ... IN...!,!!~ pOOc!.itig~relopboee-nra on ~'-" on the public purile in thla tjme of D«Mfll'J' 'fbelt tiglltm· cut-ott d&te. od by Ille ........ 1n1ng •ntlllom .. t ,.,. -w1 -m1 omcUi ..,...iipb!tl thm halfa 111udilithe-ofim... · Ing" to ineei def.me against &a•esaion C<llltl that have n-e fttercno -not atti!fid and -JuJy 25, ltM wjnd-..., « -t."'1 --Ii -Cd-• beeD for$. ii""'li us. llWllmU ~ VA "'J>llod. 'nletr the -. llflc:ati hnl ..... . . ' ·-· r" lllJllmer vacatioo. wDl be (:Dtd~ But a ftteru wllu bu MWr t' ~ ·~ . , "ft ..,.....-:....-. ~-t,'11.l..:.....-J::-of We!, ail tll·paJ!lil' cltJRilli, can taJre little coinfort in end an lntenvpllon wllleli la -: i.11 &l\Y G. L Bill 11a1a1ns, ani1 Dfb<it Ii&, acat c f *••lift•• • ·~ Mllltljol-U 9De the sage observation of .JIOllr .,Riclaard: "li:w~ llMl• """" to all ·flt' 1 · , ... liDd tllee-lillo. -baclt Into .....-. w!la ij. . . . ·! •I ~-pllv • • • • ._. ....... _.." ~ .t a dear acbool. Yet, tools iritt ieem m ~~~~.. ~. ~~tr l!oiil.riil·-iliilt M llouD4 by Ule Tal:J' ~ dato, V.A. If~ ll:B.r· . ........, • 1151 Hl~IW • 1 • ....,.... ~ y w~ be permitted to 'loalcl. . , 1 , l'f!ll., > 1 '~L.-m11!1'ii••'---------~aliii&J • . -• • • • ) I f t • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • By MARGO "I \\'AS A SCllMO WITH THE LO. l"!" STARTLING DOCUMEl\'TARY FACTS FROM TH-E SECRET FILES OF DR. ERWOOD. The my!lltrrlou.s Dr. EMVood has just sailed back in(o to~-n on his Invr m eu cape. It's my belier that all the~ei pMt months Erwood hf¥ bren spying 011 a irroup or mllllonaJrea by pretending to be one of thPm. Now ~omeonc> has to pay th~ flautist. as we AAy. Ir you <lon ·t go buy this stuff l 'm abOUt to 1 'lnrntlon, Er'lirood 38Y-' to~ you & ~r not to come .. hack t o his "bbato!r. H f're are the cherce merMls: At I,_ than CMl . . . Oak anct Ban' boo desk, matching chair and larhPlj all J plet'E'8 fo r $59: Rock maple platform rocker , was $82, now $39 0 Rock maple bed divan. $79. Modern tftble !Amps werr Sl2, n ow for .15.9~. RathE>r than wr both face f"Xllt>, ynu ~-o look at f;R\\'OODS • .ft7 F-Balboa RJ\·d .. Ralbf11t. ()pt'D f"\'I"'· • • • ··vnu'1·,.. lovlier than I !'emetilberefl." I said smil- ing into r:l y mirror. I ha<l just come bouncing in from 'laving my spinP and ,,·he~l-bMe adjusted at Bernil'Ce 1\dems' Stauffer System Salon in Santa. Ana. The Stauff<'r Systf'nl l.!fl a nation14Ily ramous fornl or pas- sive exerci:;ie for reducing-, posture correction and cir- C"H latlon tr>n·"'·\lp . I thoroughly enjoyed 1ny trip around .ht~ tabl<':'l, eRpf'cially on SeaBlscuit. You11 like it too antJ b<' M r,..la xPd at lht' finish, you'll ~8\!f' to .send out for No-Doze. Jt"e1,v of us bea~tie.S past the ago. o f con- l'lf·nt nrp immun<' tn Dowagf'r's Hump &: P ('lvic Dip. Stauffer treatments \\·ill check t hese per i I s ! The Stauffer Systl'nl also sounds like a torical, healt hy iipproach to Steno Sprf'ad & Socit>ty Ennui. By <'orr ectlftg your pos- ture. your \Vel~h t is n1ore evenly distributM, and stimu late<~ circulation diJlpt>ls rstt)· t ~f's. In the rnf'ant1m£', yvu can rf'lax on Cloud 7. I Ruggt>11l you take) advantagt' ot thr f"REE TRIAL trt'atment. ~t rs. . .\dams \\'lll t <>ll you all about thP tleal and absolutaly no obligation. Treatment!l are inrxprn11ivf'. \Vant s cl('ar s tPp ? Brisk eyes? Spark· ling N t'rVefl '! Sl-.ufff'r ~Y"l'f'ftl, ~mg s. Main, Santa A..na. Kl. S-1'ft10. flpt>n El·P'!ll.. • • • WOULDST EAT OF THE LOTUS BLOSSOM Oi' THE NILE· and cf\veJ.l In dreamy oon· tentment ! Lotua-Eaterw who fioat In their barps up the canal to the HOfilPM Hou on Balboa 'Island pat ake or wonderful food from many lands! Dorla Wheaton, Lad Bountlf\JI, · la famoll.8 for her SMORGA.S,.. BOARD DISNER AT ONJ .. V U .Z."i. Thi& beauteous buffet teatures innumerable l.n- tematlonal ..deltg-ht.s, and you can !!tagger around It all evening. Eat till .>·our· e)·es pop ot the ma.ny salad•. hot and cold delicacie&. S'A•edlsh meat ball&, Barbecued Spareribs . cun-led apples. marinated herring, Swedish apple cake ... It's also an added fillip to lunch or ha\•e dinner ln the btl' out-door patlo. Salad~ and san.dwtc he!J are a 1 big T echnl-color production here, And there are regular Table D'hote dinners and luncheona jf you're in a rush. An)' o f thi11 glorious gout food may be Qrdered for yo11r home or boat Mrs. \Vheaton nialntalns a ('()mplrtf' ratf'rlnJ[ JM>n.W. Eating Is a Jlyous paJ1:tln1e at t he lfOflltf'M H~OfW'. Row Ro\\' Row your boat lo SO'T Marlar. BalhinA. f,.lnnd. HArbor tH.'1. • • • ~~ SHALL WE T\VO GLIDE DOWN THE -----.... SAN SIMEON ITTWAY TOCF:THER A\ 70 . P.:llLES AN HOUR . or MhAll \\'e nlake a round ttlp to Nelv York ror around $30? No~ It's u p to you. I v.•a nt you to decide. 8<.'Hl'J.,\'t:R MOTOll:S in Lagi.1na ls .Your agenc:,· for l'"l~f; BRITJliilH MOTOR c: . .\R:'-i. The ract-:r. popular Rport ce.r-the JwfG It: the Mor ria and the Riley. MG's are becoming awfully keen in this area and jtt&tly ao. I M Y what a jolly n1otor •r~ AlM> ask John Callan. the manager for a ~monl!ltratlon of the Morris Minor sedan or converUble, or the Morris Oxford. See t~ new Riley if you're in· terested In a real lux.ury at a low ro.st. And he[e's court gossip: Mr. \\rilllam Mo1Ti~ makes such r ood cars. he got tapped for Knight- h<i<>d and is now ViM"Ount Nutfield. SIB! : ! An)· o r these 'A'Onder- tul Brittlsher!!I are available tor 11peedy delivery. Ht>-N''11 thf' foTPIKn ('3,Y hU)' nf lhf' \\'f'Pk • ·" ft .. naU)f f000\'PrtlbJp !W"fhlll prif•PfJ \\0il~' UDdl'r markf't ! Fsire lln bon m.arche, see .John rallan. Sf•huyll'r :\Jutn,.. .. If Thou \\Joultll!t Havr M e SinR And PIAy 1'"'9 S. ('oa~I Rl,·d., l.acunn. 4649•1. AR On re I Played ."-nd Sung e • • First ta).(4• lhiR tlme-'A·orn lutr a'A•ay, IS \'OU R ~A LUTATION T O THE DA \\I~ A .\fERRY ONE? An1I brin~ one frf"shly strun~:· Do you bounce out or bed In the morning. bare yo1u-te~th to \'ou 'rr i::o right. l\1f1 ·. ;t..foort>! • .\ girl gels to freling pretty unstrung the n1trror and smile, then shadO'A' box out lo t.he coffee pot? You \\\'i1nging her ov.·n l:yre. Bettt"r get some ne\v .reeordinfs! So , let•s don't ? ? In that case, Sober-SlrleM. gi\'t" up that sleeping bag In the pluC'k a brighter not€' and sing n paean to the Hn11M-or Harmony. tree hou~ and get yourself "a decen t nlattresM! Carlyle 's F'urniture fl11zy·s re-corrl shop makes lin1e \\.'ilh musi<' lovers rrOm 2-90 ~.-r~. realize!< the lmportanre of 111leep. Hence Carf)'le'fl has hig'h quality \'ur1ations on a record thf'n1e by Suzy in clude ever;ything from mattresses in King g1ze. <lo uble size, or cu~tom 1nade to your O'A'll "Shirley Temple Narrates Dun1ho.. in pear-shaped tones, to I size. Even an Orthof)f'<.1ic n1atlre!"s that w ill Rp1;ng you back into "Rho nda in B M inus for S ctigit ~ & a Thumb." !iC)f't•lal "1th t>l'f'ry 10" ahape. Any of the!ie matlt'f'!!!teff i~ nbove average in quality and be· nr I'!" LP N"'t"on.I you buy, .rou rt a Colun1bla 10'" t'liut"1raJ nr po' low average lh price. N ow you rlon·t 'A'R!J t to p1·es.11 your pants or tor FRF.•:! Yes One trip to H ou!W! ot Harbony will con vin<'e you that keep your mane)· under a n old !l8.gging. derrepit sleep sack. Better ~1 usic is herl' to .'1l8.Y :l t 11-Sli SP\\'port ,\\·f',, c·o~tn ~•*"6.11. RMlN>n inveat In 80me good Slumber at Carlfles.' On yo111· 'A'fl)' to the .G1S1 -.>6.~3. Bed-Room~. eee the flnlMht!'d and untinishe<.I f11 rnitu 1·e. K<'<'n 11t11ff • • • well built. ("nrtri.:•111 f'urnllnrf', 1990 llurtMlr RJ,·d .• ('tl!"fn ~IPMU. SnN't""!' c·°"'"' qulrklr to a ,.tt"td.'· hand an4 a w111iinl' bf'arl ~ ftf'al"on 87S9-\\'. That npv.· hadfi?•"' 1·n1 'A't'-Bring S3'.\'!I! "CUSTARD PUMP CUSTODIAN.'' J a.n1 now in char!{<' of th•· Custard Pump, at the ~MrpOrt Bekf'r,·: ··CU!!tard A"'' A Y !'0 yf'll.c; Bakf'r Dob and this fa."«"i nating devi<'e pokt'l! a ho il' in l'rt'&m puff .!!hf'lli; and shoots t he custard to thPm~ Here tCMl, ~rntle hand~ and the machinf' agf' produce Scotch Scont>s. Scotch Sconf's arr r il'h bi'W"'...lit dough stuff Pd \\'ith curranta. I CurranL'I are adole~ent ra1s1ns. l These scones are the real MacTav~--oven ·made f ron1 afl old li.Jghlan c1 rer1pe that Lasg{e brought home ln her snout one day. You \plit theRC bonnie scones. heat them, and drip butter &: jan1 t hereon. la ha' doz. 29cJ. You n1ay also H ighland Fling yourself over to the Ne\vport Bak et')' for Blueberry Muffins. Ne\VS flash ! Hot jell)' Donuts ure M?lllng faster than hot-cakeA every SundA)' n1orn- ing tlt the Nrwport Bakery, 2112 Ocean Front. Hfrbor 1442-R. • • • ftRAl>1" . .\Tl~'G '! ! ! fiATllER VE R(l:"\EH("ll~ \\0Hl·l~E l "E )IAV! f'()ffi-IAfit:R -HOt"Q1 'F.T~ -RRIGHT ROt'TOS~,F.RF.1'! .. ,..E,·as R\. )fORRI .• HARBC>R '!fl'TO •• H1'RR . .\V! • • • HIEY ~1 ·111Mll '(OH ~ '. • \\'A~T Tl) OET IS ~ O~ "J'lUI; !ieil.)f)1ER Of>l~ll Hl'!'(H I!'\ BALBOA~ You're ·ju.st In time' T here':'ll a bu.!linl's.c; rent•I a vail- •blf' at 507 Balboa Blvd. Thts spac.-r ,,·ould mak(' a ve1 y attr'1rt1vf' ~m all .!thop or Af>me sort or be a.n id("&) location for an tarchitect, doctor, lawy<'r. m e rcltant. chit•f. .:tcountant."'inRurancP agt•nl. build- ('r, bookie •boo" seller that 1!'1 , gnld bT'ick salre~- man. Oh pract1<'ally any k ind of a legal busint>ss REAL F...ATATE ("'Ould be l"arr1rd on ht r<". You <'Bn even roast mar9'lmallnw ~. as l hr rt•s a rt'd orick fireplace. And a tt>lr phOnf' an1r.,.:erlng-servlcl' <·an be 1nc·ludf'fl with this spot ir you nt>t>d It. This desirablt· r<'nt.a\ sound.s rcasonablr to me, and you'd hove Vf'ry r.1ce n e l~hbo1i:t Sall.\' •{Id .JJm ~P\\'lln. Go ~ ... l ht'm at John Bf'R'.';Q...\.\l'S 'lt~·a l t:i<otat,.. ()ffit"t>, ;)(17 E. &lboa BJ\·d., Harbor 1601. • • • HOLi) \'f)l 'R HORSI:~! C't 'RB \'f)1-.t SSA.f"t.1£. c:.---Furtht>n11nt'e STOP! What I 'n1 going to ask you lo ?r~.,:; dn requ irt'-' all my "•il l and s. fiarlr !18 journalism: Pir1ts .. control yourSf'lvrs a.nd 111tay out of the --.. ('nRslllhfo t·1(M),. (·o,·ertnr Co.! non·t E"vrn call up ""'""°-to say, "Can't \\'c Br Frie nds?" Clarf'nce Peg<' -1s ~t.11 opf'rating-in that hole·in-wall cracker box, ~I but he's r he<"king out soon. Gro und i1 about to be> ......... • tl•lt' for t1 nrv.• store for Claf'f'h('f' a.nd the bravP "' L1nole11n1 l...ayer.1. The new bldg. will be rtght next lo 1\fa.rflf'ld·~ ~fta rkc't \\'hirh is ri~ht next to Whf'rf' the new bldg. will be. Th€" C'oa•tll11 .. t,oor ('•\·t>rlnJf Will do the sanw erudjte, brilliant thin gs like laying tinole11n1 , Formica-ing drainboa.rd11 and carpeting A nd oth .. r allif'tl a1 ts 'A'lll ht' in<'ltt<lf"CI. In the m f'anllmf', r"sist that lm- pul~e. quit chel4'ing 1'onr nal!~ and 'A"&it for CoAstline F'loor Covering's B i.~ 01M'nin~ Sall·! ' • • • OH [)()(""TOR~ .-':'\ES'fHETIZE }.fY N A?.fE! Our d~ar<'~ frl<•nd, Polly Appa rt>I. i.11t )laving,. he r facade liftitt Dear Polly, s9 bravf', so uncomplalnlng about it all is bein.-altf"rf'd In tht> face thru the-courte8y of ht•r k indl). landlady. Mrs .. >\da Chambt'rs, and stal\\'Rl't John Stahl, coritractor. Polly hu be-en put- ting up 11 brave but old-ra)':h1 one<l front for years. l\"o,,· shr's going mo4 iPrn. But C"h €'c k thJa with your pinkJng .aht•11rs . . You'll ~et th(' san~e q11a.lity brands with the same thottul pricf"s. '.'{ora o·~e!ll, s till 'vith her nostalgic bloom of Kil1· arncy. will kt>ep .s1n1ling thru' thf'· dust. You womanly typ<> lhi.aga h l"<lgr-hop lhf' fence, cr&l''' thru the Hnf'S. tt•s \\'Orth it. Pony App&r'f'I hu!oi everything 11. woman needs and \\•i ll keep open tor btl!ines..'I all \1111;ng atl terations at lxs:! Xr .. ·port A\·f' .. C-ONta Mf'S&.. • • • IF RAIN MAKES THE: FLOWERs BEAUTIFU L. WHY DON'T YOU TAKE A SH O\\'ER? ? ? Start your BlG SPLASH at the Balbod. .\& lfl '. Fre8h box-car of~PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAINS-- HIGH 001..0R SOLIDS & P.>\TTER.i"IJS -shower s.ize $1.•9 • 1.14. Tbb•Miltf' 11.1.~ • S ... 9, ~JJtft"ftift,C" ,,·fndOW CUftaJn" 11 .• • J.98 .. Jr, Footnote To \.\·a1t1·e~<oieM: Keep It Clean! New ahJpment of plasUc ""1\Jt;-M• ftprua~ t hat look lik e white pique \\'Ith ruffies ... with a pl~c" to keep your Mies book and e. pocket for plenty or tlpl'I! • Dig Coverall aprons for th.at cranky chef •.• Sl.19. BALBOA a 4' 10 at SOO Main. ..... . . . • • • SOCIETY MATRONS ARE: OE:SE:RTNG THEIR YACHTS, Teen-AgeNt are ditching their knitting, and houite\l'il·es are dropping their k ids and all are jo111lling to the .JO- LEE :-iPORT ~HOP '. Smart women folk of all Jlk have h eard the hunter's horn! Jo-Lee S part Shop offers you beaut)• on a bud· !II!!!~ get. Bask-ette Short s. Sun-Rose <'OOrdlnated sk irt.If, .shorts & toppers. A lex Colman'.e glatnn11ro11s Sun-C"'ationR for da.Y or e\•enlng wear. And the aupe1· .IJWirn suits of Rose Merle Reid, Caltex and Par-Form. A.nd yot1'll proudly keep your head above water in a Kleinert~ Olympic Swim cap, 76c up. aome \\•Ith brtght · plaldt1 or flowers rampant. For a succesllfu1 sia.son in the eun, let .10-l.t:J..: SPORT ~HOP show )'OU ~· 0tn dreu and undreM. 1A!., :'\"Mvport A.\'f' .• Cn.tn. MNn. • • • HOW ARE ·vou FlXED F OR VELVE'T ACTION LOCK PUL- LEYS? ? ~ Odd Supports? Goose Neck BraC'kel~? Supply pretty lov.·, eh? Don°t ~ome whining and crying to n1e! I 've told you countless limes to get off that merry-go-round end grab the brass ring at the SHADE SHOP! AND GET A BRASS R OD. too while you're .11.t It ~ The Shadf> Shop le k.no'A·n as a \Velrd J oin t. I mean that Helen \Volfard carrie~ the !11.rangeflt joints of draper)' hardv.·arl! ... Sa.sh R.odA. Tra,·er!e tracks, TaS8elM. Pulleys. Ai!I Helen her!M"lf blithely put!! it, "\'\·e havt> equipment tor unheard of functions.'' Heard of or Unht'ard of ... \Vonde rf11l W indo\v-Working v.·onl1crs at the ~hftdP ~hop !\14 29th St.. :\"f'"'JHlrt , Harbor lU\.t, • • • ,;FISH ARE U NPREDICTABLE." SAID HARRY KINGSTON. "'t\'hat a brin y remar k," I re.1nark l'd, "Ia it .vours or Pliny Tht" Elder·s?" l t's lrtl@, you can't a lv.·ay!I predict tht' ,·a1iety or fi!lh that wiJI fin tnto t he Ba)·MdP 1'1arkf>t, but you can always predicl that t hey'll be 1:1.s fre!lh M!'I a telephone Mllc-ltor. "BarTacu<la" if! the hOUMehold \V<>rd t his week at the B&y11ide. Th)s Eat-\\'orthy rish sell at 3& lb. If you take the \\'hole thing and throw only the head to the cat.· . Harr y o r Frank 'A'ili rillel lhiM fish por nAda (free). You ca.n figure on f~ing a bro iled. baked or fried Bar- racud8. for about 20c n serving, laughing gail:-· 811 the while over the beef ahortag-e. Or do you ,fet nn insstla ble yen for a piece of 8ha.rlt ! 'tronlta Shark tastes like Sword.fish whjch tastes goo41. Sea Bass. YellO\\'tail anll Rock Cod will s hO\\' up thi!I \\'ttk at the Ra,·,.ldf' !'lkt. if they feel like iL %800 Lafnyf'tlf' on ltu> l\a..,)'. '.\"P"'- porL O~n 7 times a wef'k-·8 a. m .-6 :30 p . m . • • • AH MEXICO! LAND OF BO'M"LED \VATERS! LAND OF BRAVE BULLS! Have you tried the steak on the Sl,715 dip- ner at the Cllaa dun CarloA ~ Neither hal'e l . because l am too buay 90pping up the T e.cos, Enchiladas. F'rijoles a nd Chile Rel- lenos! Lila, Connie a.nd Charlie. between then1 turn out real Mexican dlrdle8 that mual have "l!Omething In them•· that gives you such a cra\•in.g you Co back twice a week and sometimes on Sunday. Dinners are 95c up or you can ea.t a la carte and be ft11l on a Taco. EJ:ithllada & Beans tor 80c. That's not Including )'Ollr beer or course. C... don c:arlos. ISS ttnd 8t.. XPl\0porl. Harbor !638·;\f. OJ'f"n dall}' .'\ -9. SRt". 5-1&. Clowd Tlll"ft. * * • * -----------------·- NOW••* ats All ( CHARLEY DRAKE DOESN'T HAVE TO FISH 1-"0R COMPUMENTS! Charley's a pracUCaJ man eo . be fillhq for Sea Baa and Halibut. Clta.IW.Y'• s..toad lt8toorant aerve:s Rafood by the tea and people t:mfle and curuy and compUm@t Charley. You can alt at the front or back patio of UU. M&lllde bbtro over a bowl or clam chowder or a Lobaff..Louie. and ... Marine llle. Luh<h time cbop-lkk!Ji& &pocla,! \" • JLM -sai-p Plate with Cold Bia•, 1boo1itr1np, '9<>cl<taJI Sa...., and-Rolla. Or a Sbrlmp O< LOMter =av bJ<ltlall ad<h zing lo your P . M. UWC ..,_ -ID ..... tw tbo taste ud beauty ot Marine or 0-t's n"M mlld. an.p f 'E•N &Ni SI.I& or it.a onl)• U-25 (for u qtSn 1 ••••l· 80 D' l'MI sOME'l'BlNG OUT OF THE SEA YOU -Pl;IB. -OllMloKT'll ' •4f~.,. Food to ~ out. , U31 Ooul ~ (-lD .._ ot- 1 da7• a wMk. 86aeoa -... (. • --· -_,_ --. -• The ~TIMES ::-Every . Tue8day NEWPOlfI' BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPOR~•BAI.BOA PRESS ...1;. Tborsdays N•.,'p.>rt "-lP.Jt :.'laoolft<d Ads mo•t ;..,~,,,., ,.._, flWS·'l'hnN or Ute Thursday · MIN'llllf'M AD 18 t LINES · All rn..lfteid a4 ·must ~ ~ for Cub la ad' t>e of pb.,..tlon. 4 Lilies 1 Paper $ .73 4 Lilies 2 Papers 1.50 • ~es . S Papers · 2.00 The ubllMten 1 not be r!!tponslble for mure; than one Incorrect lnaerfton or :in a verttM>mcnt, reserve the right to correctly claulfy any and all ads 11'rid lo Tt"ject any .adverUBemen~ not contonnlng t .. rules and regulaJions. Adverti3t'11111ents and c~cellations , wlU br · accepted up to 0 it~· on the day preceding publidatlon. Ph. Har. 1816 Pllollf' har. 1818. P"'k fbr '6Ad Tak~ or M'(ld ad and N""mlttalK'J@' to HEif PORT HABBOR PUBLISHING CO. Hl 1 ftalOO. Blvd .. Np"·port Beech, ea11tomla. CIBSsifled Index 1 o Ru~lnf'u o l1ldf' 11 Bulldlnl' ~lrrlalM I! Bulkltnr 1n·lrE"" 14 PP.raonahl 1!\ ShDN" \'on C'ar I 8 Tra.n~porta inn Ii Ronnnc C trartoni 18 8".nty Alc{l' 10 l "pholAtf'rtnc '!6 Hnll" Ald!I ?'? IAl"llt. and Found 2-l Sc•hoolM.. lmttruC'tion ~" ~ltuatlnnA \\'antf'd ?9 ~Ip \\'lllltM $8 Sah>, .\l~lal)f'()1uo 36-A S\\"Bp!" 1 !0-B A ppll•nr~ 31 \\'aotf'ld tn Bt1:\' !2 Fumltur'f' for Salf" 112-A Aatlqnr11 !3 Roat-. SnppllMI S4 MuW•I. lh!dio ll5 IJep. Cat-. Prt" 38 Poult~·. Rabbit" S7 J,l,·Mifork , S8 li'pM-1&1 Andnunt'f'mf'nt .to Bt1MlrM"M Opportunlllf'!ii 41 stnn"A IWld orn~ f! \\'aattid t~ bnt 43 Aper1rttf'tlt~ and lfottfW>°' 44 Room• for llf"l'lt 45 Rrnl, l\flN'f'll•nf"<lllfl -48 Room and Board 41 TnK.'kM 48 Automobilf'9. TlrMI •B AutOK \\'anUd Mi Aul() Sf'n·lt"A ~t Trallt""' 5! AJ rplan,.,.. M lionP)' to Loan Ml )IORf')' \\'antPd ~1 Rf'al E11tat~ \\·ant4"d 50 Raft('hf'"" Acl"N(f" 80 l nroMt> PMpPrt}· 81 Rf'al Estatf' Exf'ha.n(P 62 Rf"al EIUaff! Charge Mesaa With Lewd Acts COMPLl!!'rtll !IOUB1C CLllANINO ee:rvtee. F\lrnlture and nap ebampooed. ~e e1Uma tee- FUlly lrulu""1 Al's House & ~ug Cleaning Co. \ 8Mcon 15111 72tf< ' ' For Venetian Blinds, Shades ·andl .Drapery Hdwe. THE; SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514 ·29th St. Newport Beach 12-RlTILDING SERVICES PAPER HANGING and PAINTING , K$nneth Quarry 1515 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa MeRB P hone Beacon 5504 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., Coeta Me.aa Bea. 54~7-M Mell INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURtllD Glenn .Johnston ~01 • 31st St. Newport Bel.ch Harbor 2297-J 34c48 H.H.HOLBROPK D~PENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt R epair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 1418-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach \Vise peopte do read the ada. DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling w A.NT )'(JWlg 'lady toe: wait.- work. Some experience requtr- ed. Chatley'• Sea Food, 1135 ,Cout Highway, Newport Beach. 29c31 MACHINIST Wanted -Engine and tori-et la.the. 920 Coast HI· way, Newport Beach.. 29p31 GIRL to,-part time work--4 to 5 hours per day.. Must be acUvt>, ha~ own transportation. Apply 12 noon. Darling T et:hnical X...b. 101~ W . Victorte, Costa Mesa. 29p31 EXPERIENCED dinner cook - Male or female. F or private club. Start June l&th.. Salary opt>n. P erm&nf'nl. Write Box C2 lhl~ paper. 29c31 KJTCHEN h elper. no e.xperience requittd. Need young man or woman lo work Fri., Sat., and Sun., Charlt'y's Sea Food, 113:5 Coast Highway, Nt'wport Bea.ch. 29c31 \VANT LADY CASHIER for avgr. 6 hrs: each €.'Ventni;' for summer ~t"ason . \\'rllC' P . 0 . Box 827, Balboa. 31p33 WANT WOMAN' for hou.sework- 9..f> daily,• 6 aays a "'eek. N o cooking or child ca~. Mu.et havP. tran1'J)Orlatton. -Sl 25 mo. Write Box D, th13 paper. 3lc33 MAN' \VAI"\TED-For night clerk. Apply Balboa Bay club in per· son. 3lc32 \\'A:\"T THREE Auto Salesm en for new and usrd cars. Expt>ri· rnce not nN:essary. Good tt· muneratk>n for right man. MuRt be of '°ood character and neat a ppearanc<'. Apply tt{UNRO MOTORS, 3001 I\"t>wport Blvd., Newport Beach. 31c33 U8e the New.s • Timea, Post and f{e5A 1com:tJlna- Uon with over 2 ,f>OO clr-- culaUon. SO-SALE. Ml8Cl:l.1ANEOU8 COMPL~TE kitchen sink and cabinf't unit. ready to install, $45. Also Aemi-circular •break- fast bar, cupboard.111-under ma· hop.ny top, $40. Inquire 1406 SC'avlPW, Corona del Mar. 29c31 F-oreclosure Sale NEW -. 1h price Bathing suits .............. 32-38 Sh.dirt.a and bras ... ... .. . 32-38 BIOU8<'s ......... ........ ......... 36--88 Hand loomed Skirts .... 10-12 Clolhe1 rack., desk, book case, lloor lamp, 2 antique lamps, 2 prs. bunk beds and mattress. dbl. bed and mattress. Llonel elec. train, complete with extras 392 E. Del Mar (at end of strf'et I Costa Mf"M Phone Bt"acon 8286-W 30c32 PnollmlnAry heartng for \\l'i lllam Oliver Wharton, 28, laborer. of 162 F1ower strttt. Co11te Mt>M. charg- ed with t••o counts o r lr wd act.Ji ai-alnst a 10-year-old girl, ~·ill be held Tue8day In l'\'ey,-port to>A•nship court, it 'A'&S announced. Phone &-aeo n 6406-W . 1 , l nrc SO.B-APPLL4"XClt:S \Vharton. \\'ho wa3 arn.'stl'<I f'Sr- lier this WP('k, is cha.rgrd with taking part in lhf' two a cts v.·ith thr girl in thf' Back Bay arPa o f Co~ta 11' €'SS. Sht'iff0s juvenile officers Sgt. R. C. Can1pbt'll and Jack McAlary. \\'ho arrE's ted \\t harton on com- plaint o f the girl, said \\'ht:trlon had DIM Qef"n lnvolvf'rl i.n unothrr a ct \\·ith a young girl ~\''-"'ml yl"a1·" ago. OPS Gets Ready Df><'k9 '''ere cl<'art>d today at thr O ttlc~ of Prtcf' Stabl11zatlon for the Ju n..e 16 deadlines for filing or prlct' data by oprrators of an cs- tlmat ... d 30,000 st'Mce lnd~trie& in Southern CalifornlR.. In antlciR&llo n of the heavy volume of report.I itehedUl t'd for proce.Min~ by OPS headquarters at 108 \Vel'lt 6th street. e ffort.a Wt're madr to lriattuct 9<'rv1ce es- tablll!hmf'n t.11 Jn l.h.e>lr obligation!" undf'r Cell ing Price Regulation 3 1 Each known ope rator nf A !!<"r- vice indWltry, from harbfor !"hop lo mortuary. Is bf';ng-n1ai\Nl a copy or the regulation tugrth(·I' with informative material. In addition, butinf'l!.8 analysts sou ght lhe !JUpport ot trade groupa which rep"'8ent part of the more than one l'lunQred aervicf.'1!11 affttt- ed by the price control ordei·. O..bttu.I ea.-. JON"ph R. ctlletpte, head of the OPS consumer MrYlce section, t.a.kl that oblil'alloM of aerTice ln- dWltl1ee a.re aet forth clearly In the regulation a.ndi recommended ca.retuJ reading of the ord«. How- ever, he ursed consultation with OPS price an.atysta In eaaes or procedural doubL The H,-Vloe8 restJlallon eatab- tlahet: a ~illng price u the high- est !lat ~rice· cbar;ad during u.(" -peridd from Dec. 10. 1950, to Jan. 2:5, 1951 to each clas1 o r cu. tomer. By June 115, cellllag: prtcu: mu.st be posUd In storea; ~eel stat .. lll<Dt ot -.. and cdllnc prkes must be filed with Ute OPS dl»- lrt<i orno., 108 w..i St\ hstttet; all ~ of pnc.._ NI.ea and Prttlac -niuot lie •ftd fer -mln•tson 11y OPS and pr1ce <!If· ~I -ta ad an-------' a1a1tte w rr..., o.-Rt fta&wl ..... ......,.-.. Jiii: .. ,.. ... r •1 ._ ,_ • .. . ' ,.1 ....... ~~~~~~~--~~~ Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The · Best Money Can Buy'' J12 -38th SC ., Nev.•port Be1 ch PHO:-J'E HARBOR 24&1 . 13tfc Results come rrom cdn11tan1 Practice! An ad r€'gularly In tblfll paper w111 produce re.suits tar yriu . 14--PF..RSON ALS Alcoholics An onymoll.8 Write P. 0 . Box 20!S • Ba.Jboa. Lsland, Calif. Phone Kimberly 3-630 t2-l.OST A..'"D l'OrND LOST -Fingrr ring, 3 diamonds, on Mon .. J unr 4th, lx'tw. 900 blk. '\\-'. Bay Ave .. N . B . & Coste ~tesa. R e "'a r d. Sentimental value. Mrs. Bro\in, Kl. 2·3949. 3tc3S LOST Grf'y ·ft'malC' Cockate<'J- Tuesday, June 5th. R<'ward. 311 Ruby, Balboa Island . Ph. Har· bor 392-W. 3lp33 ~ATJO!f8 WANTED EXPERIENCED w oman "·ant.a t.ouse\\·ork and child care. By ';lay or hour or will live in. 413 Qld County Rd., CO&ta Mesa. Ph Beacon 6243·J. 29p31 W Al\'T to care for child, about 3 -4. yrs. old. in my home. Enclosed yard. Phope Beacon 6357·M. 30<:32 EXPERIENCED GARDENER '\lltant.s month.ly maJntmance in Balboa-Newport area Al.so nev.· l&Yt'llS, Ph. Har. 198T·W. 30p82 0 'KEEP'E o\ MERR.l'M' RANGE, 1951 deluxe CP, all automatic one. Has a lamp A: cJock. Alt chromE' gridctlr and a grill broil~ <'r. Used it only 3 monthA and ita like a ne"' one. Balance r O\\•r on it is $158.47. Can pay cash or lake payments of $8.90 ~ month. MY EQUITY FREE. ALSO my Phifco r efrigerator is a big b<>autiful 11 cu. fl. one. Ha.a C'verythtng, 50-lb. freezer chest. Meat chiller and full width ahelv~&. Two crispera for ,vege~ tablet!. Balance on my. rd•lger- atOT is 1267.99. ALSO cUh or t.akke payments of $14 .80 mo. MY EQUITY FREE. See where 1 bought it, 404 So. Spadra, Full- €.'rton . 9 -8 p. m. or phone FuU- f'rt.on 2!52. 31 c33 • S2-BOUSEROLD GOODS BRASS FIREPLACE, fenders"' and andirons. fl.flac .. old bric-a-brae. Ph. Bea. 5291-J morninga. 29c31 DAVENPORT and bed-davenport in good condftlon. HO Me91l Dr., Coola M-. a.a ... llOO-I. 29c31 GIBSO!f ELEC. ~rator ~ • Electric rur.ge with~ hil'h oven S2tli. Baby bUl'eY $12.50. Phone Harbor 26SJ.M. ,. 30c32 CROSLfl..Y SHELV ADO!\, 7 cu. Ct. in good condition. Newly· over· h&uled, $40. Ph. Bea. 860&-HK. 29c!l1 ABC WASHINO MACIUNE th good working oOndiUon, $20. Phone Hatbot 2488-M: 29c!l1 EMERSON I O.lnch t1111ie >node! teleTislon ill perfect condlt.lioa. UOO. Ph. }far. 1'74.J ......mp. 29tf , a BOtJ&WiLD OOOD8 TWO BARGAINS See th-two 11" PHILCO td.- vlalon corutoles -In ~t condition! ALSO. 12%.. l!:Ml!:RSON Conaole TV. Excellent condition. ....... .$169..60 Keep In touch with us for pod buys ln TV Bela be.lD.g traded In- Easy Whlrldry portable wublng maC'hlne ········-····· .. ······-·······fM .50 Servel P8 rrlrtg~rator, very clean condition ...................... -... $13'.96 EASY TERMS ARRAl!GEI> DAVIS-BROWN 188'5 HARBOR BLVD, COST.\...l(J!:SA Phone Beacor..6&!1 Co. !:XTRA NlCE -Lari!" doll house and doll play pen. Child's table and chair se~ Jike nt'W. Ph, Ha.. 219-M. 30c32 TROPICAL PRINT daven·bed- 2 matching ann ch.aJrii:, antique chest of drawers with marble tot:>. 2 antique m.lrrors, 2-door 17 cu. ft. Frigidaire. 309 N'ar· cl~us, Corona dE>I Mar. 30c32 Jack's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade Ifi05 Wet1t Balboa Harbor 2502-R. Blvd .. Pbone 30p32 HOTPOlNT E'ltt. stOVf', $65, good coni:!ltloi'l. coffee table, antique sldrboard and table. Ha. 2098-M 29p30 li ROOOMS ~of turnltur~all or by piCce. Televi8lon, radio, lawn mowt"r, door, wlnclow and cas- ing, 365 Broadway, Costa Meu . -29c31 USED ElPcfrlc Rerrtgerator, 7 cu. ft., good condition, cheap. 2384 Eld€'n Avr., Costa Mesa. 3lp33 DBL. HOLLYWOOD BED with box Aprings • innerspring m.at- treas in perfect condiUon, S25. 203 • 34th St., N°€'-wp<>rt. Beach. Slc32 t.fY ADMIRAL TV ill a 1951 14" modf'l -U1ed It only 1 month &: it'111 ju8l like ne\11.'. Ba.lance ·due on it is $159. I already paid .the excise tax and it haa the a.eilal l Ca.sh or take payments Or $1.97 · mo. Equity free. See at store.g-e, '404 Sq. Spadra., Fullerton. 9·8 p . m . Phone Fullt>rlon 2152. 31c 33 BOATS, SUPPLIES ll5·P'OOT BOAT and trailer. All metal automatic brakes. 2 new tires. :boat and trailer in ex- cellent condition, Both $27tli Orchard 18904. 23p33 BAJT TANKS- Plutic be.it tankl, available now. l'fe'fV modM"n, non-corrosive. Or· der yout"I naw. 102 E. 16th St., Beacon 6562. 30p32 t.IERCURT Hul'Ticane 7 ~~ hp OVt· board. Usrd 3 hours. Ph. Klm- berly 3· 7031 . 30c32 Chrysler Engines Usrd Crown.s -.Rt~' See J ohn Harvey· at Seacraft 625 COAST ffiGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACOM ~771 Htfc BALBOA Dinghy No. 150, c hrome fittings. Excellent condition. Ph. Karbor 502 days. 29rc31 DINGHY with outboard mbtor, like '1e'''· t l'r. old. $95 complete. 424 1i: F ernlear, Corona de! Mar, Harbor ~89-J. 29p31 l~FT CEDAR dory complete with , well, 5 hp Johnaon, oara, gas can. Excellent condition, $215. 213 Grand Canal, Balboa. Island Harbor 761-ft.. 29c31 25.pt' CABIN cruiser complete wtlh head, galley, 2 permanent bertlu!, \2 t.mporary berths. Twin 9Crew Star engine.. to· be sold for best cash otter. SeeJ It at 3400 Marctlt!I Ave .. Newport Beach. Hatbor ~22&-~ 29c31• PAIR R. & L. F101rllllp to II. p. "'trloee with roduc. s-r. $750. i'a<tol')' approved l-Out- board. SALES & smVICl!i South Coast Co. ~ Jlarbor 2800 ' . . Newport Beach 31ttc I I J I I • r I ' I I. • • • ' ' -._.--·••••···~· ·•· •·•··•r••--··•• ' ' • J.~. J1lN:ll u. 1111 .NliWIPOAT~A JO:Wll-1Dlf& MORE 1' CLASSIRED ON PAGE FIVE SI MUSICAL, RADIO 31th GREAT PIANO SALE Re- po.IM!ueJi Spinet. IJke new I Pa)' out balance. Save over 1200. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano store. Santa Ana, cor. 8th and Main. GREAT piano sale. 37tb year. Read these prices. Never before have we had such bargains. Spinet.a, some new. some uaed, priced from $295, $~. $387. Granda . hlom $395. Almoat 100 pianos from which lo chooae. Special euy Lenna. DANZ- -SCHMIDT big piano store, 520 No. Main. cor. 8th. Banta Ana.· PLAIN cue walnut bungalow up- r ight piano in perfttl condition. Fully guaranteed. Terms. $28.82 down and $9.65 per mo. al SHAFERS MUSIC CO . (Since 1907} '421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0572. l 7tfc BEAUTIFUL J esse French eplnet piano. Slightly used. Save $100. Convenient terms at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. I Slnc,19071 421 N. Sycamore,' Santa Ana. K.Imber- ly 2-0672. 17ltc RENT A PIANO $5 per month. All rent allowed If you buy with· ln terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 N,o. Main. Santa Ana .. TRADE your old piano or band in.strument on a t elev\alon . Wt! need several pianos and band in- slrumentA for our su.mmer renl· a.la. Highest trade allowance at SHAFERS MUSIC CO., (Since 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. 17tfc -------37lh GREAT PIANO SAL~ Ma· son and Hamlin.-Grand. Stein· way, Ch ic kering Sohmcr, Kim- ball. Kurtzman, Wurlitzer, etc. Save up to two-thirds! DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Plano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Mein, cor. 6th. CX>ME IN and play the wonder· ful n~\V llarnmond Chord Organ. Even if you don't know a not~ of music you can play beautiful muaic In ten minutes. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano and Organ Co .. 620 No. Main, Santa Ana. ti PliAL ll:ill'rA7&~~1 A&AJ. llll'l'ATli r:lUlRAJll0£1 -~·!::~p~•~•~U.~&!t!!!l~.Al'll~,!!_~~~:..!•!:::!ii~•~4~L:·!~!!,?~Tli~~~~~~-J ~!::~~!:_.2 ... ~l~A~l'S!.~~~tf~l··--~llf!:;.~~£!!!~!!,,~,~~'~~-~~JJ!"'!~A~!:·?!,tll~ln'~~A~:rz~~~~-·.:,..•~• Twenty-nine -Pa.Ima Exchange BUYS-BEAcffi~ 'suis ooEIL ~ALT""d , ~ ' ···0w11er mu.t niove to couta1 cllmAte. Will trade 1<>nily WATERl'ftONT BARG_AIH -Ph:R A l"LQ4T. llo.t, IDO r<'.'T 4 ~ THE ISLAND modem deoort !><>me ior pro pert)' wttllJn 8 bllnl o,f'-. Leuncb!Jls Ranlp. Gana'• Hou... J>aUo -room. Bu· ~'I JJ , 1148 oq. n. new c<lncnte block home, ·:tt-it. terrace, ._.,., "1rnl.a..d. "111 Price fl.J~. Tel'1hL Mui•. y n.,. -peel' home billlt . ' SLIGHTLY DIP'FERENT .: -• • ' dlredlon&I view, 3 m\Jea from center ot town. 5 or • No. l.MI. a 52-f\;i Ptete glaae ~ 10 aero or Land. wtthi addlUon\) choice home lltea. Cheap • • • · · • 1 of both th Jons llvtn1 ~ water. % mile 11levation. 1bla'l8 a year-round home ln CL08.E IN -Att r. a B. fl. Home, A·l Condition: 33 by ,. the r bdrm, overklpk-~ a"'Ji'ear-round community. For more detalle call 9& ft. Lot. PaUo. Oar. ll'Ull Price ,l,1'&0. luf lbe a~t llVA walled p&tio. . ' ' • • • • , 3 bdrD\~ 1 " bath. .forced air STANLEY A. SMITH HOME A INCOME. Handy .Loe. 2 Attr. Rwotlc Style tumace, I to wall carpeUng and cuatom Ima.de draperies are 1311 Coast HlrtiwB.y, Corona del Mar Cottage .. Well Built. About & Yn, old. Dbl. Ov. Furn. included ln lhi low price ot Phone Harbor 882 . Sll,300. Tenn.a. MU.It. No. 1711. '"' $31,600. , t U-A.PA.RTMENTS & ROUllE8 LIDO ISLE U you w~t a rental on lovely LIDO ISLE ~ ua. Several good homes avaJlab:e. AL8o apart- menta by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORA Tl!lD 3333 Via Lido ' Harbor 1500 16tfc PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottages. ALSO BOAT SLIPS On Collins Island Each apt. hu water frontage. Aecom. 4.. Wes.t end Park Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 2962-W. 27p39 USE OF PenlnsuJa · Polnt beach , swim in bay or ocean--only 1 blk. No. 1-3 bedroom lower. 'No. 2-2 bedroom upper duplex. Nicely furn. July, Aug., Sept. 1532 Miramar, Balboa. Harbor 0612-W 19lfc LARGE 4-RM. HOUSE and gar- age, unfurn. 1 bedrm. & sl~plng porch. Yearly rental. $55 mo. 1888 Placentia, Costa Mesa. Beacon 6712-M. 3Ic33 UNFURN. new apt. Garbage disp. Own entrance. Near Lido shops 501 -34th, corner of Finley. Har. 2529-\\f. I J2cJf Duplex Near niew duplex. cor. location l.n best Income area.. 1 blk. lo bay and ocean. Rough plumbing tn for 3rd unit over large garage. MUHL be seen to appreciate. $19,!)()(), term•. RANCH • 20 ACRE RANCH 7 miles from Newport. 12 acres ..permanent pasture. Abundant cheap water. 3 housee and barn. Equipment for 15.000 chickens. WIU sell with Or without livestock. Con- sider part trade in bay area. GRF;ENLEAF & ASSOC. emf.DER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd .. W:arbor2662 FOR SALE BY OWNER Attrac. 7 -room house wtlh ft>nced acre. Fireplace. dbl. J&r. Extra bldg. 1~x15. $13,000, terms. 362 East 2l>lh, Costa Mesa. \ 29c31 81-Br:AL ESTATE EXCllANOE For these and other pod buy. Contact Mary Dkkson at Phone Barbor tt4 ot ·Harbor U79 Harbor 1013 (eVel.) Harbor 2092-W. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd. N.wport Beach BALBOA ISLAND Good things can come in small packages! No need for a p..rdener or bll'h overhead to enjoy' this Ideal vacation home. C.Omplel.ely furnlahed-Attractlve ' living rm-Sleeplq accorrunodaUona for 10-2 t ile balh,.s Patio, bat:becue; private l'a"fe. All on a amaJI lo,l. Conveniently located, just •l blk. from the abopping cen- ter and a block from South Bay. . Price $12,500 ($5000 do\vn) · Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine ~arbor 2-482 Balpoa l.&land IMPORTANT NEW LISTINGS COSTA¥ESA l BDRM G. I. RESALE-$1000 DOWN, tull price $1 0,•00. 'A nice big family· home on 8~' .Jot a.nd fenced, euy walking dis- tance from Harper school and blgh school. Vacant. Move in now. 17TH ST. BUSINESS FRONT- AGE -Haa very n ice 3 bdrm borne, hwd floor11, Jlreplace, ex- tra bath In dobl. garage. Front would easily convert to bu&lness BALBOA Exceptionally nne bay front borne with viiew ot both harbor and bay. 3 large 'bdl1ha and den. 2~ ba.lha, General Electric kltc4, luxuriously turnLahed, $7~. . Phone Ha""°r 145 , CORONA DEL MAR DeJux.e triplex. on quiet palm tree llnM street. ,2 bdrm home wtlh ocean view PLUS 1 bdrm unit, PLUS garage apt., '32,750. Phone H~rbor 17•1 or Harbor lt77 BALBOA ISLAND Sp&el.s_us comfortable bay front hor9i with view wtndows acl'088 large living room, 3 bdnns, 1 Ya baths. An unu1ual value at $28,>00 turnlahed. Phbne Harbor 444 JOHN VOGEL Co. tat , 32nd St. Newport Be.ach 100 Main St. Balboa 208 Marine Balboa hland 1301 Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar S_eeculators Investors -People- , AV A1LA.BL8. an attracUve •tyled home wllh a Plan, . ' that .-..Ily appealo. A Modern kitchen with dlab· wuhe~. load.a ot cablnela m.d tlle. There are thf'¥ bedroom.. Cd a Don with 2 beths. ~. good beat ~d ~ fl.oon. TheN ta a Jowly A.lplne styled Uvtnc roona wltll open beam celling and unpainted mahopn7 ~el walnacotl.ng and dl.nl.ng alcove. Here im rOom for everybody &nd at a price thtl meaq.a tMMlnea. 119,MO. A fine Balboa. I.eland Ioca- lion. call for appointment. ! J . A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa laland F erry Harbor 83 "Balboa Island . . Permanent Ocean and Hill View 2 bdrm home, 1 % baths: 2 fireplaces,. electric kitchen. double garage. Many apeclaJ featurea. 00-foot tot. • Thr~ R -2 lots, includes cornu, $8,000. ' SEE THI!:SE TWO FINE HOMES! FITZMORRIS RBALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE and BUSINESS BROKER& 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2162 A FEW TO INSPECT Balboa Island Udo bayfront, 5 bedrooms, pier, 4.0' on water ............ 5•5,000 5 bedroom bayfroot. exclu- sive a.rea .................... : ...... $40,000 ' f'..HARMJNG income· and home eompletely furnlahed. Ideal for per&on alone or.several famlllee. 3 and 2 bedroom duplex and 5 rm. home. Always rented. One leased. 1 blk to bay &: ocean. $15,000 cash plua vacant or im- proved properly. Balance lo&n. Ownt:"t, Rm. 21. 94.05 Brighton Way, Beverly Hilb1. CRestvlew 4-6131. (Courtesy t o brokers). CHOOSING a home place is IMPORTANT b us1 n ess. Wherever you go DEMAND THE MOST for your home, your' family and . your in· vestment. Insist on fully protective restrictions, com- plete improvements, com· munity prestige. Chooee a location wlth a MASTER PLAN ll88uring continuity of good environment. or profe8111onal office. 60 tt. frontage. 0 . I . Resale. Here la a bargain New waterfront home, 3 You 1nuat 1:1ee thi.1:1 2 bdrm home "'·Ith garagf' • and guel'it apl.' IL could be just what you are looking for. It's immaculate and the enclosed patio is much larger t han &Vf'rage. Ide.al location just 100 f.l from the beach. Seldom have we seen any thing nearly 60 CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm COSTA MESA 19lff' Hert> at LIDO ISLE you wUl have privacy a:nd quiet, where you can still buy a.t een8ible price.11. -. ) $6500 bedrooms, I Ii baths ...... 525,000 bdrm stucco and plaster house. Small waterfront 1 bedrm. ... ~ furnished apt and garage. Har• bor vi,ew, ch.ild o.k . $~ mo. on 1 year leaae. Har. ~667. 29c31 $3000 DOWN Cons 1der. th('se T\VO EXCLUSIVE offerlng11 : $1500 DOWN -A neat 2 bdrm 2 home, 4 yrs . old. Nicely land- BC&Pf'd. tenc~. 60 ft. lot , near schoolM, east side. This value 2 yra. old, hwd. floors, fireplace. pier · .................................. $16,SOO lge. living rm and r xlra lge.. 1'iew, very attractive 2 bed· nice for the price .............. $15,900 I RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 FIN EST Reaidr'ntlal strePt. Near- ly new 3 B. R . home. 1 i,, bath.-.. large liv. rm., fireplace. 2-ear garage, big Jot. fenced. Prlc" ju.at reduced. Owne r say11 sell! 1. First time offered oc LIDO ISLE a charming. unlqtlf! and 1 lmprcS&lve 5 bedroom, 3 bath. one story NORTH BAY· FRONT home. H ere ilJ real- at $7600. kit. with tile and that is not room on peablsula .......... $16,M>O all-It Is completely furnished See Bill Tobias right away including' Philco refrlg, table 'Older 3 bedroom. 2 Ya lots top atove and 16" Admiral TV. near bay, nice garden ' .... $19,MMJ Beat This It You Can! Duplex. 2 bdrm each. new Linwood Vick , Rltr. REALTOR L 0 VE Ly STUDIO UPRIGH1' CORONA DEL MAR -Furnished 2 bdrm house, auto washer, sleepg 8. F or summrr or will lease by year. --Ph. Bea. 5283-W. ~ORACE S . MAZET 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 3028-J ly a "honey" on lovely lot, with pier and sllp and home has NO ST AIRS to climb. This home la partially furn- l111hed and the •first one that HCt'5 it will BUY IT. Priced BDRM BRAND NEW -A, trim lltUe home-just right tor a couple. One block from new Alpha Bf.ta market . $5850. Can arrange terms. $1000 dn-$595() nicely localed ............. -.... 119,000 C harming year-round home 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Phone Harbor 2042 "Look iO?l.he Green Lawn" piano. Fully guaranteed. Te rms $36.37 down and $11.f>O per mo. al SHAFERS MUSIC CO (Since 19071, 421 N. Sycamort', Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. "' 11trc WANTED: 50 planoe. Trade ln your old piano on a Grand, Spin- et or beaut1ru1 tl'levt11lon. H igh- est cuh allowance, terms 'DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO Co., cor . 6th, 520 No. Main, Santa 29tfc BALBOA ISLAND , Hou8e8 and Apte .. yearly or sea- sonal. See Gall Carney, with NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 306 Manne~ Balboa Ial. Har. 502 69Lfc 3 lc:Ju WlLL EXCHANGE Pq uity In w ell \oCated new Lido ISie 3 bedroon1 2 b8th hon1e for 2 b<-droon1 home in Harbor area. Cali Harbor 2~-R aflC'r 5 p . m . / 3lc33 57-REAL ESTATE WANTr:l> lo sell. 2. All50 on WOO ISL~. brand new 2 bedroom. 2 balh home with all up-to·date features. Perfect wee~;end home o r Idea.I for year around. Ptlced at ONLY $17,200. ACREAGE OVERLOOKING BACK BAY & MTS. t ~ ACRES. F or your es- tate or subdivide. Thia choice pa.reel at the low price of $12.- :w>o. Submit your reasonable terms. BAROAJN ONE A CRE -126' frontage x 307' deep &: ZONED FOR BUSINESS. $2750. c .. h. Look lhilJ over QUICK~ Brand new 1 bdrm-close to 17t h St. ahopplng center. H URRY! H URRY! new Newport Heights· A lovely new 3 bdrm home In best Height.a location.-Hu e very· thing, fireplace, hwd.. lot.a of tile, dining are&, breakfaat nook built In .laundry, eXcellenl fur- nace, lge. db).. garage. 3 bdrm, nicely localed, S yeara .................................. $21 ,500 2 Bdrm houSe and garage apt. near bay, good in- come .................................... eubmll AcroBB street from bay. 2 bedrooms, large patio .... $13,500 3 Bdrm beach hou.se, old, but clean, large patio .... $10,000 Only $95 Down BUYS THIS FINE LOT 54xl3D on Victoria St., between Harbor and Newport Blvda. FuU price $995. Phones: Beacon 5606-M or Beacon 5293-W IOtfc .c Ana. FOR RENT -1 bdrm apt. Weet Ocea.ii Frt., $75 weekly. Call Harbor 2312-R eves. 30p32 HA VE PARTY with ca.sh wanting to buy a 1 or 2 bdrm. houM IR Costa Mesa. About $4,000. ALSO . All for $11,000, terms Bay & Beach Re!ilty Ethel Slllrley Gloden Fay Lido Isle 11--BTOllr:ll a omCES A TrRACTIVE well located, Bal- boa office for lawyer. account· ant, insurance. builder, archi- t ect. etc. 507 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Harbol-1607. 24.lfc PROFESSJON+L OFFICE -Ex· cellent location. Coata Meaa. At• tractive ground floor bldg., park- ing. Ideal for Doctor, Dentist. Optometrist, Beauty Parlor or ? Beacon 6211. 3lc33 U-WANTED TO RENT DESIRE 2 bdrm. unfurn. house, yearly ba11ia, E . Costa Me.sa, Harbor area or C. D. M. Phone Ha.rbor 25M·R, after 5 p. m. 3lc33 &s-A.PARTMr:NTS .a uousr:s RENTAL v • . SPECIALISTS cau lldna er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. B&lboa Island. Bu. 2042 82c:M IN BAY SHORJ!;S -Furn. ·two bdrm ho1ne. Reasonable. June 15th, Sr pt. 15th. Owner leav- ing statr. 2015 Vista Dr .. Bay Shor-ea. Ph. Beacon 5688-W. 29c31 UN FURN. 2 bed room hom e and garage. Nice fenced in yard, Io ta of cupboards. M'ft see to ap- preciate, $85 mo. ye arly. 1888 Placentia, Cost& Mesa. Be8.con 6712-M. 3tc33 $50 -Large 3 nn. un!urn. apt. close to t own. 1927 'ti Harbor Blvd., Coata Mesa .. (K ey on premlsee). F or further Informa- tion Ph. Laguna •·50~ after 4. P . M . 3lc33 HORSES, DOGS, PETS. Etc. Spacious 3 bedroom home, 2 in: acres pasture.. H ighway front- age, fenced,..: irrlP,ted, land- scaped. $100 mo. KI. 2-2904.. 3lp33 BALBOA ISLAND -Small Apt., sleepa 2, ~ week, S60 -% mo., $100• mo., or $42.50 mo. by year. ALSO larger &,Pt. Sleeps up to 8, ,,, June $1:50; July S3:i-O; Aug. $400; % Sept. $1:>0. Very nice. iai blk. to So. Bay. Shown by appt. Harbor 2128-M. 3lc45 &I-ROOMS l"OR RENT BALBOA PENINSULA ....._ Pleas- ant room with twin beda. Pre· !er gentleman. Garage option- al. Phone Harbor 0245--R. 3lc33 AtilOiouve. ' Better Than Ever and prjced to go! Summer • • ~ '{9 -'48 PLY. lled ................ $U96 Reservations Udo lole Bay Front uniu. I and 2 bdnna. $70 week up. Barbor ZMI, evt:1. Har. 2914.-K. 11Uc SU)()(ER RENTAL on Balboa X. land and Corona del Mar. By week. month or 1euoa. '35 wk. ' and up. -Alao 2 bdrm yeuly ffl'ltal ln 'CDM, $83 mo. Phone Bar. 1620-J' or Har. 1077.J'. 29p31 r W O rtlRNISHl!:D HOUSBS - One and hl'o bedroom fenced YvcL aerw:l m .. w-•tns ma~ cblne, etc. uuuu. palcL Adulta only, y,.dy. rental. TM lria Awe, Corona dal 11hr, Ile» '4.9--"4.8 P~'V. tudor ........ ·-··· 1185 '47 PLY. club ........................ 1096 '41 CHEV. c lub ............. -....... 1095 ''1 CHEV. oedan .................... '985 '47 J'ORD Coov. . ................... 01086 '48 OLDS "8" aeda.nelle ....... 1096 'U DODGE lledan ................ 585 ·u PACKARD "8" lledan .... - ''6 BTtlDI!: "Champion" lled 296 '38 J'ORD Pickup ·--·--·-.. 296 Open to a p.m. "We Trade for the -· SHA VER · MOTORS J . • No more '50'• -but a whale of a deal on 1951'a ' Phone Beacon 5225 B. A. Nereson 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa. Mesa WANTED TO LEASE OR BUY: Approx. one acre with small house, near high echool In Coa- t.a Mesa. 108 -18th St., N ewport Beach. Ph. WAiker, Harbor 3175-R evenings. 30ttc M-ll!ONE'I' WANTED EXCELLENT 1st Trust Oeed- $3,600. Payable $36 mo., 6% int. Property value $7 ,800. Call Bob SatUer. Poirier Mtg. Co. Har. 1077-J . 26tfc EXCELL.ENT 1st T . D. water· front property. Newport Island. $3,100. 8'* $80. per mo. For lnfor. 1527 Newport Blvd. Lot No. 43, Co8ta Me~ 30p32 $8200 SEASONED lat Truat Deed. $100 mo. plu.s 6r~. Bay Shores home approx. $18,000. Dt8COUilt 5"H. Beacon 51M-lt. 31 c33 5&--MONEY ro LOAN LOANS For Homes a~ -20 yr. Regular Loana CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~5~% (14 YT•·> WE BUY .ANO SELL TR\JST DEEDS SE!!: BOB SA TILER IU5 CX>AST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRlr:R MORTGAGE CX>. Metro Ufe 1na. Fund9 KI :1-618& LOANS TO 811lLD, IMPROV& BUY, MODEllNIZE, Oil REl'INAN!=E We Buy Trua Deedo NEWPORT BALBOA rlll>ERAL llA VINOS A LOAN ASSN. aau Via lido PIL eu. uoe • ' t • Several nice building sltea on the BA YFRONT of LIDO ISLE. Either for elnglf.I family or In- com e unlt.8. It you want a l,OT below market value, &ee l.LI. Re- n\ember we are theo DEVELOP- ERS of LIDO ISLE. Hete a little buye a LOT. P.A. PALMER INQJRPORA Tl!lD 3333 VJa Lido Newport Bea c:i. Calif. Harbor 1000 LIDO ISLE Charming home. 2 bdrms, bunk rm adjoining dbl. garage. Flre-I pl.a.cc, patio, modern fumiahlnp near North Channel. $17,!M)O, good loan <41\ be had. One cood lot, 13000. Newport Heights New modem .). bdrm home OD beautiful street only 114,000. 14000 down. Newport Duplex $9500 $2500 down bu)rs 2-11toey duplex wllh ocean view, well turniahed, good income. N . B. C. REALTY CO. 32nd and N.wport Blvd. 29c31 G. I. Resale 4 ro Int. $12,500 BY OWNER -3 bdrm, newly decorated home. TUe Jtltcben. Pullman bath. 0"11. Doon. dbl. Jl'&RS'!, rencecl' ,.,..,,_ Short walking cliat&nce to ~ aad abopplnl'. I<kal loc&U... for fam. Uy wtth cblldttn at •u El Mo- -N.....port Helpla or call lleACOD 8"8-W. ·Owner Leaving State -· BACK ·BAY " :s ACRES amUJ ronaa., lwmJ d'a cJo.e to the ..... lie,)', °""" pletel,y ,.,_. and -t~ i 10.eoo, .. ,li(IO -...... 11¥- able 2.-room -for r..-. BTANLC!' R4Drm.D, ~ Ill Jlariae. Be-lill!'lil Jtar. JI IN OOhONA l>liL MA•-MA1'9 OJTliR -4itnc. .... J ..... -.1\i lla&ll,-. po a, .i -,,...,... patio, ! ,, ..... ,...S. AL pr.oa.-W.,..,.... at'1 .. -~ -.. ~ .. ""'1 ____ _. ... ..... _ _.... .... .... lNlJUSTRIAL -5 ACRES. Level well localed ln.l Costa Mesa's ever rrowlng light mfg. !K"Cllon. Price $10,000. We can also lo· cate emaJlrr parceilJ . Come ln and stale your needs. Barney Francque REALTOR 400 Eaat 17th St. at Tustin CW!lta Mesa BETTER BUYS on Balboa .Island Waterfront home and lncome--3 bdrm, 2-story year-round home 2 bath•. nice vtew. PLUS 2 bdrm apt. See thle and com- pare. · $28,500, terms Four { 4.) turnlthe<f apt. unlt&--2 'atnglee and two r bdrm apls.- Rece.nUy redecorated. Advance reae:rvation1 show why lt ls out- standing Income buy on Balboa W&nd. Only $22,500 Will conalder trade In Hunt- ington Park, South .Oate area. HUl'1')' on thla one . Island Realty Co. Realtors ..:.... Multiple L latinp Park at Agile, Balboa Island Harbor 377-W , Phil Sullivan C. Ga.len Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Coat& Mesa Phone Beacon 6698 Harbor 3157·W· or Beacon 6468-J $1200 DOWN .. Attractive 1 bdrm home. 2 ·yrs. old, fenced yard, 1 11' -car gar. 1 blk. to new Alpha Beta st.qre, Coat& Mesa. FHA loan. Smill. but very nice. '5800 full price. , Best Buy, Costa Mesa 3 bdrm home. 4 yrs. old.· Lovely comer lot. Hwd. floor•. double gar., beat locatlon~U prlce JI0,200. Ne\Vport Heights New 3 t!drm home. Excellent lo- cation. Beat of ooutructlon, hwd. noon, fireplace, lge plate glaaa wtndoWa. FHA loan. It.a a beauty, Ul,950. Close to Shopping I blk. to 'new Alpha Beta-Z bdQll home, 4. 'ii yn. old. Good loca- Uon. Baa nice fenced yard with garden uid fruit trea. A real value at '6300. 14.00 Batboe. Blvd. Harbor 1264. .. T.odays Best Buy in Corona del Mar • Only $9300, terms SMALL 2 bdrm home, 2yrs. old, C-ood location, fenced rear yard. Need& a little redecorating. $2300 dn Multiple Llattng No. 1871 SEE Earl Chamberlain MO Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Bubor 12118 Corona del Mar CHARMING borne, h.u 2 bclnns, ltvtng rm, with beamed celling and flrepL Dining rm, .kitchen, break.fa.at nn flld bath. AcceN to lovely pat.ID with fireplace from kitchen and living rm. Re- decorated in a.od out. Includes W to W carpetlllc and drapes. PLUS tum. apt over dbl. gar. On 60 tt. corner. ao. of blway. Room for add'I unlta. PRICED J'OR 9tnCK SALE ' Ustmp Wanted -and Rental& ' . Outstanding 3 bdrm, 1 %, bath h ome-a few steps lo best bch. on No. ba.y. Lge~ l,i-fng rm wtth ~corner; fp1 e. comb. dlnlngo.de.n. Bar-type kitchen, unlt heat. tile features. extra shower in lge. 2-car garage. Immed. po.88e81!11on. $22,950. Key at 3112 Newport Blvd. Phone Harbor ·:m~2. ROY GREENLE.t-.F &. ASSOC. ON LIDp ISLE -30-tt. lot. street to street . with permanent v.iew of bay and Bay club. f.20fS Sea.shore Dr., Newport Sch. Ha. 2467-J, 29c31 Large Lot with unobstructed vtew of b&y and ocean in beauWul Cliff Haven (not a leue bold) Only $3950 Nice 2 bdrm home 3 % yrs. old. Hwd. floors, gu fl~r furnace, on 6(}.ft. loL 3 garages with apt. above. Room l o build another unit. $18,500 --. For Furth.er Detalls--SD Ed 8edelmeier, Rltr; 1&23 Cout Blvd., Corona dt-1 Mar Harbor %766 I Beacon Hill Realty Erme Smith, Realtor $3500 down tse Nowport Blvd. (f\Oar Azclt .. J 12tlll Oout Hlway, Corona de! Mar VALUES! CUTE AS A BUO'S EAR! Thia cottage bu 2 B . R., 1 1> batho, k.Jt . llv. rm., sun nn., gar., le@. lot, between bay &: ocean. l"urn· l ... ed. fl,85(), Pbone ,:.Be&c:on 5713-JJ ~ " u----........ 1 Newport Heights -----'1-.----\-\--___ Ph_one_-_~_·_-___ , Balance $4 1 mo. 4'JI, G. L loan. S,D'Ll'itian View Nloe Z bdrm on large fenced lot. ~ $9~. P.-•loo Aug. lat. 619 Z ml ~ TtPll HOM& lCI Modena. Beacon 6315-J . BhaP • 'inird. !loon. dble. , 29c31 , ............... tot. ---$8800-,-----. -. '15;· , ·terms 11.uY• thlo .... p1etel1 -Enlie 8 'th,· &altor 11 bdrm col.tap beldw hlghWQ UGO Oaut ~ Corona del Mar tn Co""'4 del'Mar, 5 bika. -' R&ibor :llM7 . _... and 6 bllca.. -.bay. . Pb. Bar. lD0-.1 or Har. 101'7.J'l ' • t9pa1 DO yoq ant a home? -PRI-CED--FO-~-. Q_UI_CK __ -SALE--1• •-...,1 -~c:!!. ~ • larp unit., beat location, ... l!l.,.,tJ 'to ~ 1 bluet to -and b&Y. .. -~ Beutifl!llJfllnlllbed. _Won-• -41 ~ u flllO -. . derfal '--OaD owner PIL a.. mp nr -. ..._ for infar-ettce .. ' · ', c 2"11 PlloM Butlor JZro.W ••lJID NSJ' J Wt. >-e tn • • ....... t ,.,..,. ·--· -..a ...... 1" 'IW; llP1I .. prb. ;-.~ .. :;;;:r.•,-;:-u-;,;,;;·;:;";:-::-= .. :-_-;~:--;:-:...=·:-.. ;:,._:,.::,t i:.r~~Ei.":~ --·'·-·-'-i.r.r· . . .... .,.... • •ca 1111'-a or • ?arai iii ·... 9el'1 NIT-a.. ,-.q '-11 .. ....,._ _ I • f.. • • OPEN 1-5 • • lle&utltully ftlrnifhed year round OCEAN YRONT COTT AGE, tom. 4 bdrm, 3 bL liome. ~ly 2 B. R. XlnL location. Near N . new MODERN, 'With encloeed ff. Yacht club. $9,000. patio, 2-car pr. Ready tor com• cxiEAN FRONT--6 B . R. bome. • ple.te li'rinc. 128,500. 1711 Ocean S rm. apt. over 2..ca.r 'gar. Patio. Wvd., Ballloa. Harbor 2'5/2::c all fun>., c1 .... to bay. $18,000. BA Y'VIJW !ilOlfli -1--... -........ 1" batllil. • .,..,.__ ~ 'l'V• -.. INda. ow.tr. llU · •· Klap Jl4., Clla .. , .. H• .... t Bell. Plioee Brt • -11'. a1p11 RU&i\C"TIN I l1•~1tli ..._, ~ lltpJlr ..... Diii. -1,ce. Jat.O..W_1_ .... oi tnlla. .. ~~ (lie- --• Wiil), Caola-. • ".,,. • • !Balboa Realty Co. . Roi-Gred•y .J._phlne Webb I . UlliAA ,McAdoo 1 £. Bal-Wvd. Har. 163 •. • • I 1: B. R. Beach Ho~ A cute borne ci-to Udo abop- Ptnc and bandy to b~r:'ea 1'1lnll&ed and· pain~ lo .-lute. ~e ·n!ce\Y -aped front yard and _patio, -~ u-wanecs. Tbl8 .. - -t utle IO !)Aad ~""'1>' - .. tM rt.-. ~ -ba ·~~::..--'u. . r.. A. Palmer, Ille. -Via Ude Jf-pt, -••• J I . I ~