HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-19 - Newport Balboa News Timesl l I ~ r I I I I • I . . , .f • • BEAUTY CQNTE $T WIN NER . . . . 'IUAT'S OUR~ Got~ -Marlene Andenon. •·11, of .Coeta Meq n"pret11oPnts the N~rt·JlaltiOr U'nloe Hl(h School dhltrlet ln the coatt.t to ~ the Quem of the Oranse Cowlty Fair, Au •• U-JI. Mar- lene was wln.aer over four otbel' local tt.rla ill a .,eauty (l9Dle5t Saturday. Said ~· Andenon after belnr ~ho~n 1•rm comple.teQ> fl&bbe.rlUt.ed." We weren't. (New.Times Photo) JUDGE TAKES FIRST 1951 ALBACORE The 1951 albacore sportaflahing seuon started off with a bang a.t 9 :1~ a.m. Saturday when Ci~ Judge Fra.nk Llnnell brought to gaff tbc finit fighting tuna 'Of the year. Ueing 3/6 tackle, the judge b&uled a 18 pound, 14. ounce albacore Crom the blue watera of the Pacific near the 35-mile bank. LoBing lltUe lime, eporl!I fishermen were all on the high sea.s Sunday hoping to be able to fiy the albacore flag on their return. Linnl'U w11s fi shing aboa.nl the "Paulea'' owned and skippered by Paul Rogpra. Other fishermeD aboard Included Bill Pigg and Don Locke. • Kick-Off Party Linnell and me.rnben of hi.a party left for a.1b&oore waten early Saiurday m-01'111LAg-at£er at- tending a.~ty tntended to klck- ofl the 1961 albacore flahing der- by sponsored by Southern C&llfor- sport fiahlng clubl. The clnba ' are Ba.Ibo& Angling club, Newport Harbor Yacht Club TUna Club, Catalina Tuna club, Light Tackle Marlin club, Southe.m C&ltfomla I Tuna club, Paciftc Angler1' and Los Angele• ROd and Reel club. · Tb.Ja wu the .econd time tba,t J.udge Unnell hh 4UCCeeded ln bringtng in 111.e tint &Iba.core ol the ·_..., , Lbcal anglha-l~w~ pli .ian y' surprised by lhe early atart of the albacore run. La.at year, one of the betlt from tru! standpoint of the number of albacore talc:en and the length of the eeuon, had led PAUL P-OOERS, ten. and ludp UMell -wttll pOrti-ai data and tint aJt.core <Hit<>~ Photo) many fishermen to expect a litl!lr •ta.rt of the!. albacore run and a poore r S{'&.8on for 19.Dl. Second and Qig1-est aJbacore, wetehed in Sunday a( 31 Iba., 10 aa.. was taken lty Nathan. Llb- bot.t, 815 Sierra Drtve, Beverly BW.. on Jim ~Di'• charter boat Tarp. ~ were brought ln Sunday on Wayne liarpeT'I Cl'Ulaer Marw&y, ~ by Dick Harper and nellflbora. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark · • \ . MESAN GUILTY IN PARTY ROW Patrick Lannlntr. 1880 Fuller- ton A""·· Coat.a Meu wu found (Ul.lty of, uaault and 68.ttery a.nd g1ven the choice of 30 day• in jail or payment of a $100 fine in Newport Beach city court Mon- day. I Lanning had been an-e!llted on the complaint of Phyllis Wlleon. 19, of Santa Ana who char{ed wit.ti a thrown hr-er can at a party wtth a thrown ber can at a JM{rty on board the boat R.Oxanne d.ock- ed at Don Charle's landing at 3 :15 L m. Sunday. According to police records. Miu Wlleon aald that Lanning had taCCUaed her Of lytng to him and had struck her neck with R judo blow. Later, llhe mtld, he had thrown a beer can at iler which had cut her hP1'd. ' ., •1 ' • • BODY FOUND - ""'""'1'BY LIFEGUA~D AFTER · SEAfl~H . While hundreds of persons watched, Johll Wella, 22, of Anaheim, drowned in New- port Channel near the Balboa Ferry landing at 2 :4 7 p., m: Sunday. , According to numerous witnesses, Wells alid o(f the paddle board be was riding and was last aeen about 30 feet off the end of the Valle-' ly boat rental pier. The drowning vtctlm shouted and yelled tor help: but there wu none fortltcoming. There ls no lifeguard station &t the, Bal- boa beach. Under the aupenrtsion of Ufe- guard Captain Jack Jones. a !IC&rc.h -for the body waa lnati- pted. Jones dived down several times in the 26 foot water. but wu unable to locate the body. Later, the waters were dral'ged with grappling hook11 by the Har· bor department wtthout result. At ~:25 p . m. Lifeguard Don Aarvold, recovered the body by diving. She re«lved medical attention whJch required four atttches to cloee the wound. Continue Mesa Man's HearinCJ • . • I DROWNINO VICTIM _,.,b '-UfeCU&nl Captain lack 1.,... (at left boldlnl' l""'PPlln&' book Une) Polloe Officer. Dean Pollom and Jack Had&iin. -darbor department. help with the 88U'Ch to recover tb& bod,)' of .lohn WPll9, %2, of Anab.t>lm whc) dmwned SUDd.,. attemooa near Balboa Feriy landlftc. The body WU nna.11y rreovered by Uff'.ua:nl Don ,Aarvokl at $i%!J p.m. • (News-Times Photo) Identity of the victim wu established when the owner of the paddleboard conceBSlon 91t the foot of Adami St. revealed that he had rented a board to John Wells, of Aftaheim. • Later the wile of the victim established hie Identity . Horace Ensign Graduates 146 One. hundrt'd anH forty-Bix student.a of the Horace Ensign school graduated from the eighth grade into high school last week In impres- sive ceremonh?s In the gymnasium at lhf school. The entire school program W8.8 in the hands of the graduating Probation hearing for Douglu Hlnealy, 240 Eut 20th etreet. Coat.a Meu, In Superior Court wa..e contlnut"d one week. The hearing had originally been scheduled for the gradu-lut Friday. cl&M with music being provided by the school band and HlnNly had pleaded gllilty on atee Harmonalrea. Pre11iding over ------- one count of contributing to the I the aea!llon were the BU~rintend­ dellnquency of a minor (& 14-year-ent of the-elementary school dis- old girl) and ta uking prob&t.lon. trtct. Horace Ensign and Gofdon IL ill &lJeged that HJnealy had B. Findlay, prealdent of the school fonaled the gtrl when she had been board who presented the diplomu. employed u a baby sitter in hie Arlene Huff, president of the bome on May 18, lU~l . student body of the Bchool led in the Oag salute and presided as Christensen Dies mlstreu or ceremonle.s. The school orchestra., tutored by Norma L. Perkins, carried lh\ audience and Private rltee are planned for graduate• on a tour of the United OUo Chrf.atenaen, 69, Loa Angele. Nation.a and tile U"i'ted Statea att.omey and reeldent of 32 Ha,.. with •elected melodiH. The &Udl-~. who dled. ~&uSday a.ft. ence wu gr.Uy plcued wtth the cnoon followtn{' an aatomoblle rendlUon of vocal 1telectlona by collia1on at Telegraph road and the H&nnonatre•, approximately Tweedy Lane, near RJo Hondo half of the graduating cl&M under bridge, t.be dlreclion of James Fitzgerald. Chrlaten.aen waa a prot.ege of A dance group under the direction Clarence Darrow. Pra.ctklng in of Je&n CUtlen performed a fold Loe Angeles •Ince 1920, he hu da.nce .ertea to the music of the been dcfenee lawyer ln many noted chorua. cue11. He 11 aurvtvcd by bl.a wife, Paul Moore Wheeler, Rector of Miidred; two M>M, Jack ILfld Otto St. Jame1 Episcopal church. re- and one daughter, Oloocina. The cited the Invocation at the opening family bu aaked that friend• send of the scrvlcea and Rev. Paul Ed- no flowers, Instead contrtbuUng. ward Babbitt of the Congregation- to lbe Damon Runyon cancer fund, al church recited the benediction. WaJter Winchell, N~ York. SJOHAUL FOR • CAT BURGLAR ' Newpol"t. Beach police are aeek· Ing a light-footed thief who got away wtth '$30. ln change from the barber ahop at 2112 Ocean Front, Newport Beach, ·eometime Thur9day nJght. The thief U8ed a ladder to Ka.I~ the e~t~foot wire fen~ behind the allop and gained entry by break.Int a rear window. Accord- lng to police report.a, the break In the. glaaa meuured only two fHt by ten and a half lnchea and the thief had evtdef\UY equeeaed hla way through that •mall hole. Thase graduating were: Lind& LA'e Adair, A~n Lynn Al· !en, Gerald Carlyle Andreaen, Samuel Barton Appel Jo&nne Arant, Gregory ArchbaJd, Mary Jane H . Arm1'trong, Robert Munro Balley, Antonia Roberta Bair, Ro- 18nd Stewart Barcume, Bobby Dean Barnett, I>Jriald Bruce Bfft· ty, Lorene Rae Bjerken. Jamee Blue, Joan Yvonne Boosey, Lynn Suaan Bosley, Myrna Rae Bouch- ey, Deanna Bowen, Paul Davia Brelthaupl. Jo&n Ell..r.abeth Brend· ler, Jean Loulse Briggs, John Rob- ert Bruning. Richard Lawrence Buck, Wil- liam C. Bums. Dlrk Patrick Calla- han, Robert George CalliB. Ron- a.Id C. Chue. Jo&n Clark, Patricia Gay Clemence, R.Oberl Thoma.a Coane, Gall I . Colllna. Davie Lee Comer, John T. Cooper, Diane Cra.ndaJI, Cerlnl Creely, Rober\ F . CUnntngha.m. 'Jr., Gordon Lyle DlJton, Carol June Doane, Kathleen Frances Dob80n, Richard Philip Marveller D. Moody, Jr., Marcia Adele Moorhead, Sharon Raye Neighbarger, Ronald Lowell New- lon, Dcni_se Nadia Nlle8. Dan Raymond Page, Deanna Marta Pe- tE'non. Sally Louiflle PflBter, Marla J<ussell Plrg<>r, Richard C. Pleger, Lucille Pope, Thomu Alan Post, Arthur C. Rambo, Richard D . Reddick, Robert Harold Reed, Jr., LeNetta Cecelia. Rlcharbaon •. Wlf· llam C. Rlng. 1 He1en Patricia Rlt-cti~. Jt.ldlth D l\oaeT•, R. Stephen Rothwell, ~ Loe Bourtuo. Sand"' ·N..f•· ~m, Wat~r Schultz. Edward J Shafer, Georgia Ann Shlpm... Gordon Graeme Siple, R ona.Id / David 8Ut, Judith Garole Sle~r, Richard DeLo8ll Sleepcr, Da.vlP. T . 8teaMU1, Jane W. Stetson, Jinn Maret& Stewart, Judith Anne i Stewart. Frede.rick L. Stllllnga, .l)Ouglu Terry Stow- ers, Ann It. lsuthe.rland, Michael Robert 'fayloq. Patricia Mary Toe· pher. Taja J!JIZ& Tohill, Edmund Bruce 't.w"lchell, D&vtd Michael Vaile, Jerry Allen Van De Veere. Craig Warfield, Thomu C. Web- 11ter, Jr.. Richard Jamea Wella, Stroller Tod While, Luetta Mar Williams. Owenda Fern Wylie, and Yvonne Youn(. -+----- EXPRESS! BU8 SERVICE. i;;xprew ,,... 1o Loa Al)l•1 .. frrlm e&ui<ia I .&11d, l'iewport w111 take to the tiflhwaya for the sum- mer season ~ginning June 26, ac- cording to J~ Antista, local In!"'· ager for the oompany.· The big red bu8es will .le.ve Ba.Ibo& dally at 7:18 a.m., atopptng in Newport at 7:27. Only other atop enroute lo the P'cific Electric depot at Sixth and Main wtll be-J at Main 8treet and Ocean Blvd., U\ Huntington Beach. The Los Angele. arrival will> be &t 8:42' a .m . l · On the reti\arn trip bu11e1 will leave Los Af\l'eles at •:43 p.m. arriving In Newport at 6:01 and Balboa at &:lo p.m. An attempt h&d alao been riit.de to enter the liquor stol,'.e adjotnlJtg the barber shop by apenlng a tr&n80m over a re11t roOm. How· ever, lhe re11t room doee not open Into the liquor •lore. Dorkin, David ;Michael Drlakel, r · D d. t Ruth Emily Dudley, Charlne Diana 0 8 !Ca ·8 The theft wu reported to local police by Earl Hall at 9 :33 a.m. P'riday. The cue la now under ln- 'leltlpUon. Dutton, Judith Jea.n Eastman, M C I Ch h John Allon Egg.rt. Caroll Frank t, arf'ne . U,rC Evans, Jr., Gary E. Field.I, Eel-, ward ~natnger P'lah, Jr., James On Jul)! 8 Hl1 Elccellency, Arch- Edwln Fibgera.ld, Gail Mtftam bishop Frahc1i Mcintyre and other rrahm. Unda Frue, William dignltarlea wtU be present for dedi· Bryant Freely, Peter Aya.n Frost. cation of the beautlrtd new church Auto Crashes Patricia Kathleen Oaughn.. of Our Lady ·of Mt. cannel. Bleu- Patrtcia Loutae Gibbons. Ann lng and d · !cation of the church , ~ Glboon, Janet Colleen. Glboon, hy wip l>e at 10:30 a.m. wltll the I j · SI Muy OUbey, Alice Diane Gllaon, arehbJ!shop J>l'Mldlnl' at .Solemn I n liM I . Patq l!:llal>etll.Grut, Lyle Har-Hip, -at 11:90 a.Ill. I UI .. ' • I!!! Haue. Wtlllam J . Hamblet, • r Leah zYceala Marmon:,~· ,Four .,.,_. """" ...,,...., u t>ora H,.tw!g Richard DoylO.' tile .-it of ... a~ aec:t-!laldl, J~ E&abetll Heaal<Jn, i..t Tlnl..,.,, at a:U p.m. -. f'e\er cam.u l;tenderoon. Diane ~ "'tier.cucm of Haul Drlt<e -oatole Hilbel:t, M:al'pret Jobaa eoUl B!I~. °"'"""' clfl ' IW., !llrtll. JnJuriMI ...,.. Ml". bd ._ Ila'!' • C. Kettl Hltclv:oel<; Loftn Dooo· S. ila'fla, 1-s ---.Id --· Donna° L Mar¥ ,AJPll& . .._and lfft. W. R. ~ ll~opee, Cllntooo ll. Jt-, Jr, llbll'· -. 1latll al Pico. Ana Hourlpn; llllYld Pa..U '!)lo i..,., l'lco '"*'en -Polit-ArloM Hut!, PwmeUa ...... la a t;ar -._ J..,.,. lfa:t Jarvlo, Jolin II-JoiJ....., led! ~ tern ... 1'lao .,, f\co. -~ JCDOn, Joel a. X-por. - wt+ • 11k'e'$td 1eS ~ wtiea &rd' lb Kopp. Ma)' T. Kw. tllo *' .. -u.,. -tldlDI BeJ<ft lllarlo Kalllme7u. aiUlo. -...... "'u.. .... " u.. Illa. DOu !Amb, )(-~ Yla ~· fto -drl"" bJ.J-Jain.o Na-ntel U"""1.a, l'71!t 'h E' I lliil ..._...ILJled et a Wann Uoabari@r. BU11ara _. ~ ltpel. , OlleUI Uttle, )ll<tal ft!r.Jlla ~ .-... • lllood7 -.... """"" llantD ,_.. i... I.Ill .... 11eU7, ·-..... JC-r.,w ._ -.GNJ. ,__ J ' ~ -•Rl t Mar-,_,_,_ __ ..,.., --.. I "" e& u:sr aac n •1 ~ -·t _,...... •.;ia, -o.a......, -....... n. ......... ·~-... -... a lD llo........ If s'nMD, llG-llt llraee r , ' . •I ' I ' • , REPORT MAN BEATEN W. A. Wilgus, Jr .• i.os Angelee, was badly beaten by two men in a cafe in Newport Beach and two rods and reels, a pea jacket. sport jacket, Bleamer robe and battery were 1'tolen from his car J'une 5, Robt>rl M . Reynolds, Los Angeles insurance adjuster wrote Newport police. Wllgua was taken to his home in J..o6 Angeles for medical atten- tion by CPCil Barrett, 114-30th St., Newport Beach. . Investigators were unable to deterrrtl.ne the cauae for the acci- dent. It wu believed by aome that the vicll.m wa.a unable to Swim. Othen thought t..b&t be might have developed a cramp while on the board. Strangest of all was the fact that although many perBOns were: able to lndlc~ the spot where - WellB had g911e down. no one ha.d made an attempt to help the drowning vicUm: The body was taken to the Balt z Mortuary in 'Corona , del Mar. Form Committee to Restrict Oil DriU-UN · Exploratiqn · .: · An,.,.....t!V.;'coii.mn\et'. torm.,i "w ~--~IU\I• ar· restMCting oil drilling within the co~ai-eu r~iftmty." trom· the Santa Ana river 9f the weal to San Diego county line to lhll! eut and north to cresb of the CO&l"ltaJ hllla, wu appoint~ by a group of some 4~ citiuns oi Corona deJ Mar, meeting Friday night in New- port Beach city hall. Members of the committee are: Harvey Pease, r;>uncan Stewart, Harry C&mpbe.11 , Bud Desenberg. Ed Willits. presidents or dele- gale8 from 'each of the civic as- aoclations in the area, and such other pereons as may be ap- pointed later. Alter tormatlon of tht" ccn1· mlttee to sateeua·rd · rigJtl!'l o( property ownere, only person who seemecl not to wan_t "pro- tection" ~ a Balboan, C. 1 P . Cotton, 1MO Eut Ocean Front. "I'~ been a pr~rty owner here 20 yeare," said Cotton. for~ mer Marine Oyer and tool pusher on one of the West Newport wells. "You are wasting your time telling Irvine company lhey can't drill on their property. 1\.nd you can't go tell San Clemente and Laguna Beach en•J Capis- trano people they cfln't drtll on their property. You just can't do it. And the at.ate o'vns a lot of prOperty. Are. you g'Jlnq' to tell them they can't drill? The plane I flew u&ed 1000 gallon8 of ~a.so· line for every miP:ton I was on: and if1 we have war \\•JU1 Russia you are going to have well9 right on your own pr;operty and you won't have anything to MY about It. 011 le the only rcas'ln we are ho1dlng Korea today." Hl9t.ory 6i,·en Appointment of tbe committee on motion by Mrs. Kenneth Cool- ing wu final action after var- toua speakers had given hlBtory of local oU operations and cltl- zen8' reactions, ln five-minute t&lk8; and alter B. P. E!a.stin, di- vlat.on superintendent of Shell Oil company bad answered to the 6est of hie abUity que8'lions re- garding She~ oper&Uon.<5 on Ii~ vine property adja.cent to Corom. del Kar. West Newport operatione of Jerg1nB company were outlint"-d by Francis Horvath, who wa1"?led that people ea.at of 63rd street which is outside the community le&&e area of the Elliott con- tract I, are be.Cinnlng to teeJ they can drtll on their pwn Iota. ''Th' preaent •late of apathy la a sad one and we should wake up," be said. "If the· city permits sl&nt drilling (which drains adjacent property) they feel they should have their own oil." Mre. Carl Hanna said: ''Thia is not a rR&ae meeting of hysteria." and asked "are we to have in this, which _.ahould be the Riviera.· of the South.land., & forest_ of oil well8 wtth Utelr black gokt, or the celestial blue of ocean &nd flky !" She outlined formation of Mra. Amy Kennedy's Cout Pro- tectlvet A118ocl&tlon. whJch re- cently preeented county su~~s­ ora wtth a petition bearh\( &00 8i~aturu and uklng for frohi- bitlon of drilling between the ocean and hill&. lnfonnation Needed Said Mn. Duncan Stewart. "At the laat 8UpervisorB' meeting I _ learned that a ,petition bearlng- 500 name11 meana nothing and that the presence or four or five wo- men meana more. So we have at- tended meetings. We need lnt'or- matton and 90 do our plannint co!n.mtMlon and our boa.rd of su- pervtaorB. 1fhen drilljnJ mud ca.Jll"! dawn the gully, ttk health and building departmentA foun_st no slgna of oU tn it: but we look It t.o the drillers and they recOgnlled it." Verne We.bon, alter meeUng with Irviite company repreaenta- tlva, atated. the company bad tt- aelt oet a "llmlt aa to boW fu>drlll· ' {.0..---·) • • ' 1 -f 1 • • , Miss Joan Kimes Is Delegate to International YMCA Convention KiU Joan KlmE.'B, daughter Qf'~------------- Mr. and Mr111. \VUtifm. Killl.rs, SnU«· one-third or the en"'t nt the roo· Hatbor Roa<:l, Newport Hel•hU.. wnUon expenaes. Y'll Mt"n and Y's lett MQnday on the .Santa h 'M-~n.-tt'-'• provided_ a 1itt0Dd third, 'lJ}d Joan bas uved lhf' re-m&int!cr Streamliner El CApita.n, In com-oC the cost her9Nf. pany _ with 80 other _ youth dek.-1 Over tiOOO delegi.lPll, repN>8ellt· caj.es .iro1~ California and Haw&li inc all sector• of the~YMCA fam- ·wbo a.re enroute to the YMCA lii-lly,' both youth u.d adults. are rx- temaUonal convention to bP held peeled to be prNttnt. according to in C1eVf'land, 0 ., J1:ne 2f to Junt-ttporb releued today by Paul 26. Delp, YMCA aecretery · for the Dte popular younc high 8Cboo1 Orange COaat YMCA'.. Thia wUI be 80pbomore bu just beelt -e)l'c~ ~ la.rgeat TMCA gathering_ t-vcr rot.th•.aes.on& yejlr .aa pl'~l<knt of tp be WPld in North America. Td-f\l.J, the YXCA club tor l\igh "ftle 'Pttaldent ot• the United 9d\ glfls.1 S~ 'v.i.I Jut W'f"el.'. Stat.ea: the Prt!"e Minit11trr or prae.ftte<t with a round trip tkk'f't Canada: Dr. Ralph Bunche, N'obel to Cl"t'la.nd by Charles Le'vta. peacP prisr. wlnn,J.r and United Na- member of Y's ll'r-tt'a e1ub. lien.a ~XPCUtive ; Dr. Ralph ~k- Attendanc4· Kt lhe convention m&n, o r nation&J radio pulpj~ haa been made possible -Jor Joan rame; Paul Hoffma.n, European Uhrough the loyalty o! b f'r <"lu0 Recovt-ry program adminltltrator; memben1, who, un~lf·t th·~ lea<lf'r-and Or. John OVver N~ll!Oll of the ship ot Mis.!I Janr Arthur, hRVt> NaUCJnal Council o! ChureohAA will spon.90red VArio•t.<i <'Ven''> to ral..~ 8(ktr('SS the seMk>Dii. Shirley Franklil) Wins Scholarship ... ShlrJC'y Franklin of Cost& :P.teaa. • M.arUyn Palm anJ M.arpret Ul- brand o! ,Santa Ana were wtnnei's of the th.r{'(' l'!cholarshlp award.I -C1ven outstading high lk'hot>l !!On- ion at thr-Pa.nheUr>nfC tea. held at t.bf' bon1e or Mr!"!. C. E. Thoma.•. BonnJf' Bra(' sl t('C'l, Santa ADS. M~ Franklin. g1·.adu.ating: rrom H&i'bar high I:iC'hool, will enter the Untvus.fty or Artzona at Tucson ne)(t faJI, whUe thf' Sant& Ana girLt will go lo the UnivPl"ltily at California at B•rkf·lcy. Form Committee (C'.ontln1Jfld. from Pap I) ln&: could go to\\'llTd the ocean and that the-y had mentioned. the ract there were many .!llgnboarilil tn the city bUt noof' on the Irvlne property. "I thlnr< we-are fortu· nate in having them to ~ea.l with and not a bunch ot individual property owners." he said. Said Sbe ll SOJ>4!rinteodt>ol Eul· in, "Cont1'8ry lo g('n<-ral opinion, UM!l!e wClb a.re onl,y \\·ildcat.& and a.re pla~W according to advice ot our experts, not a ccordlnr to wherr one would Ilk(' to have thPm c1rm•d. • J .John AJdoock, boatt1"-aln matl' ..... onlt ctaMr. aoa of llr. and MrS. l'ac9.b A.ktoock •. 111 •11111 11trert.. was nnt •Uor ln thf> Jrrtn. King Jenkins, collegiate a.d.Y'Qor to UCLA from her aoror. 1lllp wu spt>akl'r of the anam.0011.. MU.le was by a 111trin1 quartet from Wiilard Junior bigh school ThJrty-eight gicli;i with-their mothe-rs werr-preaent, and 30 ~­ eae.. Amoag t.hose-from the ifa.r.. bar ~e Sul'lil' Pteger, Joe..ruia Lettholrt, Lynn HoxlP, Daryl Foi-d a.nd Jani' ~f'rherg. "Shell endeavor!! to roUow all rutrlcUorui and KreenA in the beRt ud &a.fest m8JUler Poaaible. Nn particular effort hu been made lo beauti(y thiS' location, In Valer.! StatN to hr paduatt"d hlilR Jlld sagebrush: :..ut it is in 1..,lll AperiallU tralnl.111 lo a drunk- lhe lntereat ot economy to keen ODW'ter roonw-•I Saal6rd, Fla. our hou. in order. whJch follow1i IMpktmas wrre pttlfllentM • 'DIE NEW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN th.rough with tea maintenance. ~ eta. wlllcb ma1aJ)' Wlud- f'cl polk:e otfleen&. by T. \\". Lar- .IMt. k~ SurfM't' 80Jll, MnJH"rlat:.PDdfont. nl pubUe ln- ··11 eo11ts alveral hund:rf'd dot· 1'tn1rtlnn anti W. T. Rf"IH"pr. Iara a day to operate with a drill-Wtructor of •"lorlda Poliff ma crew and they usually want M'l9dPm:y. MlunL ftla \li'U ttW' to 1et out as· soon LCJ a well i!t nnrt t._,. ~~h a OMll°M" n'U tlnisbed but lhl'se are e:ir.pLoratory made avaStebM to a Qa\'Y tllAA. we:Ua and &11 previoua well here Aldoock baa M"M'fld locally bave juat tcratcbed t.b.e aurtace. wtth tbr prt\'&te patrol olt\ofon QueaUoned as Lo lhe pomlhllity ... la World Wu D. wtwa hit Receives Medal at Santa Clara OutJJtanf1tng among waduat('ll o( Santa Clara coUt•ge at. ilJI c:En .. tennlal commencl'ment wu Harry Z<twin \Vllliams, 90n of Mr. IJld ltri;i. H. E . WllllamH nr San Mar- ino and 317· ApolPna av1·nue, Bal- boa Island. Dr. and Mra~ Lcori'-c. Nt.•IM>n and ehlldrC"n, Linda vc• and Mark Lewis ot 23651 Kings Rd., Cliff H11.wn, ~ft by plan~ last week for Attantlc City where the local phyaiclen has bM>n atlf'ndlng the Arue rlca.n :P.1Pd.lcal Asaoclation ronvf'ntton. Before returrnlng home lbe ramlJy will vtait Dr. Nebon'w molhitr and. oth<-r relaUvtt In Nf'w York City. Community Chest Ouarterly Meet Th" board ol dtreclora of tht' Community ChHt, Sally Somert. pnaldent, held r their quarterly meell.ag Tbunct..y rnornlnc June 14 at Nortoo'a Bay Sbore Cate, \o pasa on quarterly dLlperul or !und.a to the variow: agencin r•-· celvt.ng COmmunity Chest helproand to dl8CU&a plan1 for tbe 19~ tall Community Cheat campaign. . SheU rat.Pt be getting in opera.tJon wu u &od""'k,. A'e•lta ud all with a view to wbi~ockinl" u.n-,olnt. ee.L He IA .. ,.. al 8-- der tldelando in cue a Supreme ford Naval _..._ no..-lll"'!•r"""' -~ ~Mlll«j Court decialon ,p.veo CaUtomJa 1--------------------------...:..--....,---''----+--~- Mr. \VUUam1 reet>lved the Noblli Medal for tour yeare or high 11ehol- utic achlevemt>nt and the degr~ of bachelOl' of 3Clenoe. ¥' la 1 mf'mber of Pi O..lta Sigma, Amitrl- can Socie ty of Mecbanical ltngtn- ef"nt, Alpha Sigma. Nu. natlon.9.1 honor AOClely, and wu a member of the unlwr!lity'• swimming • JC, ........ . 0..-tll\ .. .... nn=1111t~•- rta:t>ts to tld<IUda oil. Eutln i&id; "We caa't drW within a milo of tbe ocean and the-longalt alant clrlllllla' I koow of la ooe mile. But I ce,. t.all )IOU we are not 1ai.r.. .w 1n the tldelanda.'" ~ 1(117 ?, ... • Aolred ~ Uaa-"""' w\lldl ... -to .. ~ ...,. ~ lllo 1"11:1 -.,...,. ... lla4 to -It Wjll! lb'llllq mU4, liUt Uaat _., lilt ol It -boon ·--· -lo ......... oat°"...-. -Ille ...,...., .. "" to ,...a ., ell -... llUld, "l'U .,.._ .. tU4. ~ of'..il -.., p1a.,.·~~-1t-• •'!'I ................... -.· . ... ;z'MP:i-.-... -,.._ Cl!,,, ... 011 7 .. • .... -= ..... ·11 -'-r; atll J El---.. ., •••f's .......... . ... ,, ........ . .. .. ,. .... ~ ......... .... ·-~-.. - • • . \ UGUJ.All SllJo -PllCI •.. I . Pio"4 J114J.i.c1io,;. TERESA RENNER . IMra. A. Renner) ' By MARGO ' • l 75 • .. ' PONTIAC 6 -PUft AND~ • I 1 I • I I ( ' -•.• -----· -........ --... --•• ---..•• ~ --••• ---T--• • .. • ' . I • 1 • ' I < • • T~y. June 19, 1951 . 'NEWfoRT-IAl IOA NEWS-TIMES .. ·' I ) ' . HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Bodety !'.dltM Dads Win in Father-Son Contest Dada took honor by one point In a splrtted contf'at wtth their aona la.!!it P"rfday f!Ve nlng at Cbrlet C11urch by the Sea'• father and son banquet u they demonetraterl they ttfllly know bow to brlng home the bacon. Rev. Paul Babbitt of Corona del Mar waa lhe fealur~ speaker. .1haring honors with Lewl!i Fabian. bUled u lhf' "one man band from Corona del Mar." W illiam McDon- 4.ld and son Bob gave the tout.'I to Ult! eons and dads. Morgan Lowery of Seashorf' Drive Served aa toastmuter and Frt"d Wood- worth conducted the community singing. U. S. C. Graduates Receive Degrees . Preceded by lhf' tt'adltlonal car and gown processional. approxi· mately <f600 Jt"raduatrs or the Unlverstt.v of Southe rn California received thrlr d cg-ree.11 at the 68th annual commencrment convoca· l ion held Saturday, June 18, In Alumni Memorial park on the campus. Preatdent Fred D. Fagg. Jr., officiated. Dr. Raymond B. Alle n. prf'8ident of the University of Washington ~ gave the commencement a.ddreM for the graduates. LocaJ ml"mb<'rs of the graduat- ing cl&M of 1951 and their respec- tive depees include James E . Dr-ever, PO Box 129, bachelor of enginttring: Hur&ton M . Harper. 4300 Seashore. m.uter of 9Cience ·In education. Pro America Me~ting Friday A meeting or Pro Amt>rlca w ill be-hrld Friday, June 22 a t 10 a .m. ln P11grlrn llall. Corona del Mar. with Mr. Reanick of Long Beach . continuing hi8 analyai8 of the new mRM movement fo r America Pita, a program of which Senator Jack B. Tenney Ui national chair· man. A t lht" first discussion Aldrich Blake of Long Beach, executive secretary, stated "The liberty of t he American citizen bequeathed to him by the pa.at Is rapidly shrinking: t>vll and unthinking men seek to devour what ls left of It ln the namtf o f civil l'ights. public welfare, planning, naUona.I t>mergency and other catchword.I and pbra.sel!I," al! he outlined a.Jmll of America PlUll. Ritual Practice Thursday for WOM 'the Newport Beach Women o f the Mooee will have a buaJneu meeting followed by rttua.1 prac· Uce, Thunday, .June 21. atarllng al 8 p.m . in the Mooee home, 2300 Ocean Front. Ritual Chairman Al· da Gorton ~ will be ln charge of ritual practice, which is In prep- aration tor inat.allalton of officer• on July 1. Federation Board in Final Meet The final board meeting ot Ult> Orange County Federation ot Wo- men's Cluba for the cur~nl club year wu held al Santa Ana on JWle 8. At the momlng· seaion report.11 Wt>re given by the out·golng offi- cers and chairmen, followed by a m08t iruipirational talk by Mra. John StPwart of Hemet. After a delicous luncheon, Mr8. L L. W ll· ltams of Orange lnstaUed the fol· lowing officers ln a moat lmpre8· st..-e manner : preeldent. Mr.11. W . L. Harb<'rt. Santa Ana: vtcepresl- dt>nt, Mrs. E. W. 'R eed, Seal Beach: recording secrt>ta.ry, Mrs. 1 A.-Eidelson, Garden Grove: cor- responding secretary, :&{ra. E . E . Patmor . Santa Ana: treuurer. Mrs. W . O. Cooper, Fullerton ; au· ditor, Mrs. Homer · Nichols, B~a : and parliamentarian, Mrs. A. H. Halleck, Orange. Mn. L. E . Sinclair, prealdent of the Southern District gave very interesting 0htrhllghts of the general federation conVL'lllion re· cently .held at Houston, Tex. One of the outatandlng .feature!! o f tht> afternoon WBIJ a beautiful pageant dt>picllng the "Orlgtn of the Flowers" which waa lilaged by the combinrd garden clu~ ot the coWlty and directed by, Mrs. Manson Rouae of Orange. Michigan Couple Visit' Son & Family Mr. and Mrs. John Verburg of Grand Rapids, )ficb., are vtaiting their 90n and farpily, Mr. an'd Mra. Merle Verburg and daughter. Su- san. 800 Poppy avenue, Corona del M ar. On Sunday, there was a Fa· ther's day celt>brallon a t the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harper. 116 Abalone, Balboa Ialand. tht> latter hoating an afternoon din· ner . ~ waa the flnt time Mr. Vt>rburg had bet>n with hl8 father on this day alnce he wu out of the service. Included in the party wele Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Verburg, M~. NEWLY ELECTED Of"F'ICERS or Lido Isle Women'•. club "'ere lntrod1teed Friday, .l'une 8 at thf" <'lub'• annual •Prinl' tub.Ion abow. Seat rd ( lf'tt to rtpt) &f'f' M,., Al&n. Crlacll, treuul"llr and Mrs. Ha,•lland Rosen, \'icf'..prcRldenL St&nd:lnc, lrtt to rlcht'> att Mn. New York Matron Feted on Visit to Lido Relatives It wu a royal welcom e which awaited Mr8. Mlram Litman of New York whC'n she arrivf'd at the home of her sister, Mrs. Earl W . Sparks, 4.29 Via Lido Soud on June ti for all t.he fan1ily had gathered to greet he r. Flying from the {'ast coast, M~. L itman had bt•en met at Burbank by her hoat I nd host ess. others remaining at the homr. R oon1s were ado rned with flowers and on IL lace-covered table, flanked w ltb tapers in silver candlest ick.I!, we.A a lo\lely cake whic h bore the leg· end "Wt>lcome to California ." On Frida y, Mrs. Litman was gueat at the Li'do l 8le \VomC'n's club fashion show and shC' and her hosts spent tht• week end at Dt•s· ert. Inn, Palm Spr..ng!I. La.st wrt>k there WM a lunc heon at Balboa Bay club, hostt'&'K.'8 by Gloden Fay and lhi~ past week end the Sparks anrl Lhrir gu<'Sl Wf•re in Mexico, slopping al ScnHnada. Gala Festivity on Ninth Birthday Baby Named for ~ Mesa Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myri'hn, M7 San Bernardlno avenue, New· port Hrlghte, are receiving con- gratlllajlon.11 on the birth of a son, Friday, Junt• 1 a.t St. J o8<'ph hos· pita.I. The young man weighed in at 8 pound.8. 1 ounce and W8.8 given the n&mt> of Mark Agustus a fter h18 great-grandfather, Agustus Myrehn who waa a pioneer In COllLa Me88.. Mechcle, Ralph, Jr .. and Eric await the young m an at home. 1-trs. Ellin My rehn i.11 the pat('rnaJ grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quarry are lhr ma- ternal grandpa.rent.a. Airs. M•ry L . \\'illlams of Cost& Atesa, Is g~eat ·grandmother again. Mesa Family on Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malhewl"I o r 597 \V . 19th ntreet, Costa M"sa headed lh<'lr car eut la.al Friday a nd atarted for Minncapolie via Y<'llowatont> National Park, the Gr•nd Canyon a nd otller scenic pninl!. Bay C lu b Luncheon for Ebe l! Section Mr!. Cunning Butler of Costa Mesa. oulJifoln~ leader of the sec· ond household economics 8ectlon ot Santa Ana EMU club. preaent· ed glft.i t o the retiring a.nd new offlcl"rs when the group gathered W ednt>8day for a luncheon al the Balboa Bay club. Anna Harpj!'r. mother ot the hoet: Tht" ninth birthday of D iane Mr . and MrA. Merle Verburg and Hogland. -<laughter of Mr. and P.frs. daughter. R ichard Harper. son of Denni" Hogland, 265 Broadway, the host and hi.I! recent bride. and Costa Mesa, was the inspiration her mother, M~. Seim• Lander!'! of a gala festivity planned Fri- ot Los Angeles; and the host and 1 day, Junt' 8. by Mrs. Ho~la.nd . The hostess. party was staged outdoor.I! whrre Daughter.11 Nadine and Sonra will accompany their parents on the three.week vacation jaunt. \Vhile Jn Minneapolis the Mesans y,•ill be F:"Ut'&ts of Mrs . Mathews' uncle anfl aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heim, "'ho ended a alay not long alj:O in the Mathews home. Mesa Homemakers to Install Officers New Office rs are Mmes. Wycoff Hoxie of Santa Ana, lea.dt"r ; Ann Zerinan. Corona dt>l Mar, vi ce· lt>adt-r: H . T . Hansen, Santa Ana. aecretary.treasure r. Serving with Ji.trs . Butler tut year were Mra. L. E. Allen and Mrf'I. J ohn Jae· obs. Mn. Rob<'rt E . Ro88 of New· port Beac h had charge of the luncheon arrangements. Lido lslers Plan Fishing Trip Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Chapman of Lido Isle left on Sunday tor EnHenada. The re they were join· ~ by Guillermo Bol.saon. preaident 'Of th~ Ens.t>nada Chamber of Commt"rCe and Mra. BolMOn , t he four flying lo LA Paz where lhey w lU spend aeveral days deep sea fiahing. OS BALBOA ISLAND John L. Hanigan. Studebakea offlcl&J and Mr.11. Harrigan. Lo8 Angeles-, are down tor the summer at 318 Sapphire avenue, Balboa Island. Music Pupils and Parents Entertained Mra. Veda T hompBOn, 3~ Avo· cado, Costa Mesa, entertained Fri· day evening in her home for he r piano student.8 and thei r parents. Biographies of great m ulers w ere given by the pupils and there we~ games and group 8inglng, followed by refreahmt>nta. StudenUI ln the program includ· ed Eat.her Thompson, Blanchf' Walker, Virginia Nel8on, Joyce Druck, Beverly Sutterfield, Juan- ita Wright, Caro1yn Overman. J ohn Nelson, James D&N and Skipper Davia. GueaU. includ~ Mrs. Alle n Nel.son. Mr. and M;rs. L. P . Thompeon. Mr. and M~ Charles Sutterfield, Mr. Chauncey Druck, Mr. and Mn. Glenn WaJk· e r, Mr. and Mra. J . O. Davi3, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Threlktld and Mr. and Mrs. P , M. Thompson, hoat and b<>1teea. LEAVES FOR NEBRASllA Mias Helen Aldoock, 11 T 46th street, left Thuraday to spend the 9U.1'1lmer ln Belview, Neb., wtth her sister, M.ra. Anna B&rT. Newport WSCS Delegates Report on Leadership Training School Reporta of leadership trainlng.--------------- 8Chool Mid at Orange early ln the group's conference apportionment ~onth were brought by delt>gates for the coming ye&rr Durlng the past month a thank offering eer- u procram for the afternoon sea· vice and Mothe.r·Daughter ban· alon of W SCS, Christ Church by quet were held, proceeda ot wbJch the Sea, mttting on TuelKlay ln being applied to the mclety'a Goodell ball. pledge tn the ad\>&nce program ot Glvtng t.he f'f'porta were Mrs. the church. .• Ray Baker, Mrs. Arthur Miller, A gt'OUp ot memben plaN to lln,. J ohn Pfi.llChner and Miu •tte.nd ~e Women'• day 8Mlion .Elale Newlan~ Others who attend· ·F'rtday, June 22 at lbe anaua.l con· ed. were Mrs. Emma Weatherford, te.rence in Redlaftda. Amons them Mra. Mina 1.veo. Mra. D. W . Holt· will tio Miu J!3o1e .N.,..laDct iq by and Kn.. Max ~T. det....,te trom the eb.ur:'Cll; ¥t& )(n. A. J. RUlte< -U a }ft8, Mn. Ray Jlaker, Kra. .Jo1m 110lo Tbe Blraactt al Galilee. with Elliott. ""° la -pr 1 -t al Mra. i. .. at Ole .piano. Mra. Jolin San Diel'> dlatrict ud ..... r.i ' P~tt broQcbt the devott~ others. her abject bitl.nc on The Dnmau The .July m a:fi•c wtb be a plc- Rood. • -~ '---at A-~ ~It Oft July · At Ute ba.fMel ••·on. ~ ht 10 and w1B .. ta It .. _, '.N.-. the mondns, Miu Clara Kol!-port Hetctita clrdL ' ~at tint~ of the At --....... --'o1 ..,. tlldtcJi year, ~ the put Lu Am ... c1r<!e -'°' a ddd· OM to lt.&¥'9 bffa. IDOlt IQCCF-"IJ MM htb Rl t;d" -ea. Paa· a varirly of games and contC'als contributed to the fun of the young folk . Among the prize w\n- ner.11 w er e Carla McClure, J ohnnie Holland and Sharon Blake. Fo r the refreshmC'n l interlude. lnlt>rc8l focussed on two birthday cakce:, onC' rtecorated In the c ircus motif anti the other ln a floral thenl<'. S('rv1'd w ith the confec· tlona \.1r crc Ice cream. punch, can<iy and nuts. Wishing Diane many happy rl1"- turns of the day were Barbara Joan and Pamela Hadley, Verna Loy and \f:axlne Nierson. Judy Tumer, Carla McClure, J ohnnie Holland, Nancy 1-taxwell, Janice Mathews, Sharon Blake, Kathryn Phegley and Nancy Lee Rains. Son Home. for Birthday Dinner Costa M<'im Homen1ake rs and t hei r ehildrf'n are lo m eet Wednes· day, June 20 at 10:30 a .m . in the Costa M~sa park. Chairman Betty Nichols will give county ne~s of importance. There will be election and installation of officers. The Beacon Bt-lles are l o join the group for a potluck luncheon at noon . Coffee will be served. Sevt"ral membt•r8 of the Home- make rs are &~tend ing the Farm Women's camp at F orest Home this week. COM T eac:hers Are Honored at Party Mrs. Anna Weevil. who hu c harge of Corona del Mar kinder· A birthday dinner was enjoyPd gartenf'rs Indoor s, and Mrs . Bar· Sunday, JunC' 3 by Mrs. R . W . nett, who s uperlv&E's them on th'! Murray of 118 Broadway, Coat& playgrqund, ehared honora lut Mesa. PreS('nt with her and ~tr. Thursday at a party given for Murray was thl'lr 80n , Pvt. Georgl' them by room mothers. There Murray of Ft. Ord. Another son. Were gifts for each and red caps Pfc. Robert Murray, stationed ~ for the childr11"n, u well aa cook· Shepherd Air Base, unable to be le8 and lee cream. The t ea chers present, telephoned h18 birthday served punch lo the molher1 '\>re• fellcltatlons t o hi.I mother. e.nt. . In .l!Jatory-of the local 11""'1" -. -:...::· .._,.. - ' ~ .~ WU wted !O &capt the od 1M • : •. .• ·-.... t • • • • Job.a Boyi ~retary ; MrK. Ne l80n Nelct", pl"tlAldeiiti ~ Hay I Lan~ll.helm, ret.lrill.I' president and parliamentarian. FAC Juniors Plan Park Steak Bake Plana f0r a. sirak bake to be0 held June 27 at the Cmta Mesa park we re con1pleted at the lat· ('St meeting of Uie Junior Matrons ~ctlon of the Friday Afternoon club, Kay Whitten announced lht> Red Cross Nursing classee: schrduled to slarl Junl' 18. Anyone lnlere11l· ed in attending _t.heat:! classe.11 may contact Mrs. H oward Bryan, phone Beacon 6378-\\'K. Pia.no aelectlon.s presented by Laura Porter provided enjoyable program lnlt>rest. Officers were lnstallt"d with Mrs. ljl"inz Kaist>r. junior past pre!'lldent o f the club, presenting a gavel t o Bonnie Grow chairman for a second lrrm. Hostessf's for the t>Venlng were Billir Thro nson, Barbara Coe, Frt"dah Bates and Laura Adams. Howard Lewis, Jr. Is Cal Tech (;rad Pr~ident Lee A. DuB~ge of tlle California Inatltute ot Tech- nology on Junt> 8 conferred de· gree.11 ranglng from Bachelor of S<:lt>nc<' to Doctor of Phlosophy on 367 graduates In the Caltech cla.&S of 19~1 - Ne~rt Beach graduate was H oward B. Lewis, Jr .. B. S .. Mn of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Lewis, 323 Via Lido, who majored In e\eelrical engint-t>rlng. A graduate of Venice higfl school, 19<15. he Is a men1bcr of Letterman's club. H la father and unclt" attended Caltech also. (Presa: Photo) • Costa Mesa Girl to Repeat Vows Mona Bird. attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wa.llcr Bird. 1581 Or&nge avenue, Co!!:ta Meaa, has set July 6 a.a the date of her wed- ding with William Harvey, BOn of Mrs. Anna Harvey of Mesa Drive. The nuptla.l!I will be solemn- iz:ed in the Community Methodl1:1t church. The popular brtde-ell"Ct was graduated from NE;,wport Harbor Union high l!Chool In 1950 and was an active participant In campus affairs. She was aecre· tary to Mr8. J:'ay Ha.rbl8on, dean of g irl!!: Harbor High Red Cr oas represehlative a.nd president of the Beachcombers. M1·. Harvey attend· ed Fresno State college. ,,. A wide ILMOrtment of brlda.J j giCt8 wu received by -M iss Bird \vhen her mother arranged a re - CPnt shov>'er. Blue and yellow tones were e mphasized In the ap· pointme nts and were r eflected In floral decorations of gladioli, com· newt."rs and roeea. Gamla afford· ed &mU8elllent-wtth prliea fll.W&rd· eel Mrs. C('CII George and Maurt"en Cameron. Refreshments of Ice cream. cake, cofft"e and tea round· ed out the ple&MUll courteay. Included we·rt> Mmes. Clyde Cave. • Ht"rbert F oster, Beatrice Rodney. Alma Black, Marjo rie Lindahl, Ce<'ll George. Rhea Mc- Kenzie, Anna Harvey, Stanley De('r. Barbara Scaman, Gayle Ar· bogast, Ramon' B ird, Misses Susie Kline, Ruth Grimm, Maureen Cameron, Diane Deer, Joan Drum· mond, Barden Grcenlt"af. .. Bank .of America Pays''20,000~000'::: . . . To Depositors '· .·. Interest at 2% for 6-Month Period On June 30, Bank of America rate applies to all ~of ~ pay aavinga depositors passbook savings ~i., , having n~y 3,000,000 ac-including Bank of America'• counta in exce1111 ofS20,000,000 popular We-Inaured Sa..U.. earqed at it.a new 2% interest Account&. There'• no mai-' . rate inatitilted Jan. 1, 1951. mum limit on p888book ary. At the sam:l.Bank of inge earning this 2% rate. America (RD.DOUD that OD Deposita at Bank of AJIWr. all depoaita on or be-ic1f ere secured by capital fore July 10 2% interest will funds and reserves of aboat be computed as of July 1. TliiB '450,000,000 and are inioured applies equally· to depoeita up to '10,000 by the Federal on new accounts opened dur-Deposit Insurance Corpora- ing the 10-day period. tion. For tbe benefit of those New savings accounta Will unfamiliar with the bank's .be eccepte.d at any branch of services, the new 2% interest Bank of America. ---- f'OR Rf;AL SATISFACTION IS SMALL BOAT ll MOTOK8 ' By CLAYTON THOMPSON Speed Owerhaul Jobs With Homemade Piston Cleoner If you do your own mai.ot&- nance on your car, you may be .intere1ted in making thie little gadget we heard about. It Mak.ea the a.craping of pi• ton ring groovea fast and easy. Of cour•e, you won.'t have to woTI'}' about tbie job if you uee New RPM Motor Oil The drat motor oil d·eveloped through atomic reeearch, New "RPM," compared . with con· ventional oila, •doubles the life of average automobile engine• between majoroverhaula due to lubrication ... cut.a in half the wear-rate of vital engine part.a. Call us about it. Fine prodod8 like this plus faithful eervice are the main•taya of our local buaineaa. .,, ' Pr ... O .. "' 7\rpos " .,U. N ckftt;-•W b11 th A.,_,.,AI"-/>ltnll.na , ........ AS~OilC s i ...-.. - Dl1tributed by C·LAYTON THOMPSON New York Guests ·at Leo Lee Home L. B. State College Summer Session Registration Mon. 18th & Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 155 A plea.!lant surprise wu in storr la.st week for Mr. and "Mra. Leo A. Lee. 285 Broadway, COBta Mesa, whf'n they wf're paid an unexpf"C l· ed visit by Dr. and Mrs. H enry E. W hite and Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Nicholls of Elmira, N. Y. Mr. Nicholl.a anrt Mr. Lee were c lass· mate.11 at Cornell University and had not aet"n each other for many yrars. The <'88lernera are touring CaJifomia and •eelng poinl.!! of in· ter11'1t before returning to New York. NEW MAGNOLIA HOME Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Payne have moved from 111 FT. 18th street to their newly·purch&!ICd home at 228 Magnolia avei::iue. Costa Mesa. which they brought frqm Mr. a.nd Mr1J. Frank Knauer. The many friendll of Mr. Payne will be glad to learn that he continues to Im- prove at the Veteran's hospital at Long Beach. Everybody reado the cluallled am. . ' .. • • Long Beach State College regts- tt>rl"d Summer Seaalon students Monday. June 18. ~ The Slate Collegt> la offering a wide range of course selection in teacher training and adminlatra- llon c redential3, aa well u a.fford- ing a.n opportllnlty for the enroll· ment of advanced pro(easlQ.D.al cla.Mes leading to the Master's "De· gree In education and other tielda. In order to meet the demand for elementary lt>&cherS, a eonver.!llon program in e lementary practlct> tea ching is also being inc luded. Thia propam la n lne weeka ln length and under the direct aqpt>r· vision of Dr. l<ephas A . Kinsman. H ofde·rs of the general aecond•ry credential are ask"1 to contact Dr. Kln8JTlan at the State College If they wish to obtain a. reservation In this course. The college U, augmenting its regular st.aft wttll 22 educational specta.IUrta to a.ulst tn meeting the great increue ln enrollmWt. Fetes FAC Board at Mission Inn Outgoing executive board m em· bel'JI Qt th• ll'l't.lax Afternoon club ended thia year of aervlce on a blgh po\e Whel\ Mn. Hei. Kalaer, retlrtng prukl~t. teted the. group w1Ut a luncheon at the Mladon Inn, Riven.Ide. S!Winir the pl.,....... of the ~e­ llghttuJ d&y were Kmea. Kennr th Stewart. Bertha • Tlllot.oon. Rich· ard Newman, WlD.iam WtW4pia, E. L Moore. P. A. C1to1nberlin, Gunning BuUtt, Calla Viele, !f: Lllwnnce, nor.-J:iibme1. J. P. Cooptt. Boyd ~-and\ 'II· ~~· ~ IN ' OONTl!:llaO&&&T _,. Ra Btudt ., C6ra.ll dol - + •• .. ~Cltnt.ed •IWIDllS a ~ S"'l'P .J. tac--Aft. .. c:laU... ---.... llad \' ...,... .... -.,_ .. ~ 1.-A'Ctl!I exll*t Of ~ ......, PalaU,,. la Amftica -I Gp ened .. tlllll ~., at la A.a- ... ,art ~'•s •• 1 + , ' , • ' ' ·. ·..e tlte qpntor I town you~ ·.calling_ : num6er you 'w.fff J name 1.-,..,.., /;, lor. ,,.ofi<-) -''* ~~~~Maybe you nevtr tf '°" /l!atfi ,.,,;r (II// lb ~s thought of it this way, but you can help your Long Distance operator sa vl: yoor time if you give her your call like this' Fint, the name of the.town you're calling. Then the ~9'bon' numbcr.'.And finally the name of the person yau're calling-if it's a person call. Y?u'U find this tip PUV~ helpful th'i'e days wheri Long Distance lines are11usy . carrying the ~!Is that •r:e aiding our rhilituy fo~ and our industries to build tr• nation's suength. " ' + I .j ~ - I -J.~ ·"' ...... ~ ... .. ~ w • • • l.• . •• ,1r . •· ~ ·-·' ' .. t I ' • . \ •Dz; rtY. / 'l I •• 'f oAHer:i :J,; 54.,, 'IJ/;lof.: • • • ' · ..et. Oit, Waldi Yw .DrM11 ;:n,i:-:f::S~-~.~.:: 'nlo C.-... lll&lnra.J · Palrar to4a7 ..-.--to 'IM> il' .._a -"""M llaft ,.uic ., Watdllll1 for cb~ -IM1 Ille...;. -..-ion avoided ,a -~ -... ,___ -• •""" .._~--. • ij. led denly -Ill -ot "° ..... 1. -.-.... u. ~• e.,__. ot • , J'OUftPlen can unll&r~ hl8 l"'ief wui aot be 'h111~ by m .A ~(f i'HIJ NE~t · 11111o p1a7W. a1n1ott ...,_,.., .,_ m ""npected or • P · t11e fact t11at .,. '"" lec,a»¥ ~ ~114~•~; 'Jwio utll, JIU llthwt ~ l>7 tlle Pa·. . _ . of blame. I , ••• , "'1ert •• E1W7 ht 7, ....... r [ ... Otl' 'g ni.Kr.l'.d.lt.or: . ~ trol todrift tJl..U-.aal•' atreet. -'"But rqsrdlem:!ot prGper • · ._ • .,_.--•'-and tor Ula )nl'llt ot ,_ rttl111) -Hd,...&l•I idl~ -.'pull 684 _...., __ lily llleir very ROllll!: FROll!l .JIALT IA&J! Mr. and )(,...:; Oo'tdori ~y aftd daupter BonD.&e recently re- turned ft'Olll a. vaeaUo&\. tr1p to ...... _111.;__,_ .. _N_1:_w_ro_w_r_R_".:.'!"_1»1_o_•_P_U111 __ •_sa_••_o_w __ :&NY ____ 1 _.aiwlnl ~th a .t.trieeat ot .... lllorpa'f .,... taterpnta.._ ,..,,,.,.. • ._ Md. where"' daJI-n•ture ue ·•p•~Yi -2¥' at timeti · °" lllo lpeecb of u--MUL • . ,.. · -aN Mpl&t. , · , tlloqllt-Wliotl>W U>ey a r • -~ .r CALIPOllNIA ~SPUER ~ ASS'N. • .. .:-: • .:;'~at I -••• n-tlft. --ot "Wlllle clUld "1.ty "''admitted· rldiDa' ~ Qi' playjes In u.e Member or \the NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION WW JOU ,..-t ~ •• emm · -·-~~·.,....-1J a _ta! r_.iblHt,y, motor-parkways, drinri cu• never be ~ ,.,.,.. ,.,...u.s -· JA7 *i eta --Job. ·• JIOtA'a -.,. . _, _,....,1.1•• -;-.~. ,,._ -· do • l Ye & WJ')' f'll' ... "'9PO-·--v _,.., .,.._ -1 ...,... • Denver ud Sa.It IAke.. .. l lll>d • Pr1nUns Plant at 221 t Ball!oa Bqulevard _, ' . • a1oo, • Ula Patrol de<:l&Hd. "Cllll· ''Tllo on1y ...., and po\,p.r t111nr n ts Mllniated t!lat · •.000,oOo TelepMM H&lbor' Jlll Many of Ila -that -ol • ...... -~!Mt --.id be t.aupl ll' play In to·do Is to --'!"'"D chil· people otarved to -UI In the --------"----'--_ _:. _______________________ ,, Ula _. -·-~ two JP-. )IObll!a lo a ...._ -· oat• .,.... ·on1y, an4 neftr ·1a U.e dttJ\ are ilur. Ia."ltn aecldent In· 19'3 famine In ~npl, lnclla. Ji:verybody ~-Ille -~ '§it....S u Second.claao Matter at tM Pootottloe In Newport Beach, Jf JOO will ftad 1117 letter ot ,_ )It (--"' 1i1M11 ---------~·'-----------·--+' ___ ...:...---------.,..--------------,-~ cantornla under !lie Act or Harell 3, 18'19 i-.wnte) :r-will ~ tllat we _,. -_,, t • Ula ...... ol Ula \ EDWARD A. LeHOVEN: lldltor :I. M. FRANC1':8, Bust.n..eu Mana~r 811B8C1Uft10N llATl!:S: '!iEWl'OllT·Ml.BOA NJ:WS-TOD:S "-Tooeillr ~ernlas Ula ll&diO Blatloa-1 wu ---lof-llo!O- -Tk ..-1oa ltW i.-"Wbat ... _ .. If ... -Ula ,,_ -"' UM_.....?.. • Mq I ~ sa eu1J .,.._r Wllllout It.. wl lo<Mi.t<! De.~. , MAY C. DAVI.I,. · China°""·~ del Mar. la 0-.., eo ... 1;y, SSM pre 7-l 91M mR _a ... ; a1.sa tb_, lt:D'I! NOH:: Belter )'1't-... r. lo l ... -lottff -........-- lltOlllbo (Al...., lnchld"" tho NEWPORT·llALllOA PRESS, Tllu...a1)1 ph .. -only'"'°' five paracrsplla JOI' ,...._o14c1. but t1oo -""">' Outold~ o~ c-ty 94.to ,... ,_,. fi<>m the paper ot W.7 It. May Wf' &tate lMt We baV• beard aJI of t.lM "'" .,,.. al t&Uta tAmER HAS HIS DAY • .. ~ .' Father, Pop, Dad or the Old Man, as he is somt!timea rii)t unaffectionately referred to, is a pretty .important5~y. And the family is willing to admit it-at least one ~y a year. . :-_ That day, ,the third Sunday in June (Jupe 17' thia Yfar), was set aside just to make sure thl\t at least.once IWery 12 months the otfleial breadwinner and aJleged -head o't . the bOU9e was 'appropriately honored for (a) being a father, (b) a swell fello111. (c) a faithful ,friend. • f i ' Esaentlally. the problems of a father today may not be any mono difficult than those of a geperation ago; but t~'re certainly not easier. It tali: .. a lot of hard work . ' and a lot of h~ thinking to supply the'!family n~ and co_pe with the major and minor criseB Which arise in the course of family life. • U father didn't have to put in five or.six days a week at his woi't, if be didn't have to keep th!I house in repair and the car in shape, if: he. didn't have tq filllre out ways of financing the loan pa;yments. the livinC costs, the kida' educations and so on, if he didn't have to advise, admonish, reliuke and occasionally chastise his · offspring as well as aet as arbiter 1Uld peacemaker. then lif& for him would ~ simple indeed. , . But who wants to live in a vacuum• jAnC! what great· ec .compensation could there be for these carea thalt the sound of feet running to meet him, the outsntcbed arms1 tile" upttlmed cheek ·and the excited cry "Daddy!" . . . ----··---~. FREE SPEECH HAS LIMITS' • · The decision of the U . S. Supreme Court in upholding the cpnviction of the 11 top communist party leaden has cl~rly confirmed the fact that the freedom to speak. and aet on the part of any individual or ~up extenda!only to the point where the ·rights of .fthers begin. In other words, if [r.,;, speech is usdj to threaten or • • to ,destroy the freedom of others, then it .. must be curJ:)ed. The accUBed co mnumists had cont<¥:ided that they were being deprived of their rights under the first aniend· ment to the Constitution which provides, that ''Congresa shall make no law ... abridging tbe freedom o( s~h." ·J •• ~~ the Supreme Court rejected this sophis~ry by bl"!'llY declaring: "We reject any principle of go-rernmental help- lessness in the face of preparation for revolution, w6ich Pfinciple carried to its logical conclusion, must lead to anarchy." )Ir. Morra.a Mlln:n. HM letter .. an aceurai. relteratioo-our dory, we too, bellew WM accurate . We hope ytKa too u e now aatlAfled, not wtlll bf~ hut yoor requtst tWtlllt"d.-B. R. 1 MORGAN AN&WIJBSI Co..ftN7 111.,._ 8119...U.. Plluutlar ~ JH'"'ld•nt, \\-'l'Otf' Ull .. IPtt•r t• ADl!n Stf'I,,., vk!ifi.. p"81&-at o1 t~ Corolla dri ~far ct'ie A-.nelatton. to ,.,.rut ... thP ~llalOO. N-Tlfn<oo In- ~ that. M• . ...,,.._.. lliPf!f!Clt ..,."' Gralt • blow to .CIUa CM·• Ital• -b piano.) BUCD'.8 Jn;l8T BJUNG REVENt11'., GJioUP TOLD Hopea ~ eomc!: Coiona d,tl Mar re•ldent.s that China Cove be made a atate Mach received a .. I.ht jolt TburJlday night during a meetlnl' or the Corona del Mar Civic Aa- S()('iatlon at whJch the principal speaker wu Geoffrey Morgan, pl"ffldmt ot the Shoretlfte Plan- Dear Mr. SteU(>: ning A~latloo. Ill 1 r Morgan told thf' and.lf'nt'e the ThJ• w &t'knoflt>dge rece pt 0 •\x major needs or a be&eh ftfler )'OtlT i'tt('nt letter ln whkh you tt has been acqulred by the etatC'. t.Aked tor a re11tatement of some of the basic polnta which I B<'t forlh conttmJng be:a ch acqulaltlon ~ and ckwlopment in my iddrees before the Civic Auocfatkm of They include: (I) acct'M ro11ds, 121 parking .. areu, f3) comfort statloM, .( .f) <tressing roon1a, C ~) living attommodaliona '(including dining facllltlea), (8) maintenance such a• police protecUon, lit e Corona del Mar. You will doubt· l'\IAnb and clf'an up macb.lnea. lea recall that I opened my talk Afany pen!IOna wbo attended the by saying that ll la contrary lo pot·h.lck dinner are now wondt>ring jusl how the Uny b;ea.ch \Viti k>ok Ole-po]lcy ot lh<' Shoreline Plan· after tht'•e facilities h&Vt.' bf.11n In· nl•g A1'80Cl&tion to take any part stalled at China Cove. In local controv<'rsle1 and for that Morgan al8o emphasized that rl'&.IOJ\ I did not wlah the audience all llt&lf' beaches mW!lt be rf'Vf'nU e producing. the main source.e bC'lng ~~tllcon•Ct~! mcy rt-mark••• df'althlnc rtom parking and dlnln,; faci1 1l lf'a. '"'' •Ll-9-& ove or any 0 •r Parking at Chlna Cov~ \\'ould be ber&ch developm<'nt project In tht> one at the blues t problen1s ~~e phUC>eQJ.Y of the ShoreHne I Acqubltlon ot C a I It o.r f\-'l a Planning AMOclatton ls briefly btacht'!I by tbf' atate b8.8 been held aummf'd up in it.JI maxim: "The up by a lack of matt'hfng monf'y be b U8t. b.1on t th or land, th<.' spes.kE'r told th;? group ·~ e, m g 0 e peo· al the 1rammar 8ChooJ.. Hf' A&ld pie. Tbe plain truth la that there that of lhe 1131 mUes of bee.ch 11 not enough beach ftontage to rronta~ in th1t et.ate only :ioo l"O around lt It la kept Lh private 1nlle5 l! in ubllc handJi and 800 owaenNp. It la only a1 shoreline mil a p IM la acquired by the Sta~ tkai 1t can es re. nee< · be made available for the ttt..:r-P,.JHt IJWa.y aUon or the ~ple \vho !k"f'k to He reli.ted the hlatory of th" enjoy the a\U'f and tht.'I ~nd and $1 ~.ooo.ooo state proJf"Ct atarte1 the 1un. i~ 194~ to acquire beach and ln· But It iii equally elM'ntiaJ to land artu for atatt' pa.i k1 und~r emphaab;e the f&l·t t hat the rct:re-tho:' metchlng ittnd prlnclpl('. ThPre a.tiona.J value of a beach> i• rnea1-ai.re no it.ate parka in 20 o{ th ~ Urt'd enUrely In tt>rms O{ its {je-t•ounllPa in t~ at.at,., }.(organ SHld, WIOJlP'eftt. It. Is · ooly u ?la y-l>-cauae the Inland cou.nUea havl' grounds are propE'rly e-qulpped no land to match and no mal.('blng that they become adequate faclll-money to put up \\"I th -$3.000.00IJ of tle-1 tor mus n•<'reation. Among the $115,000,000 otterE"d tor hilllnd the e1u1enttal lmprovem4tnta wh.icl\ parks.. muat be provided are: l I l acceA.<1 Leg Iodation to enablt.: the lL:i.' or roa.da, 12) parking anaa. 131 com· !'llat~ f'uni!.11 for ~maU ho.al harbors fort stat1onS, 1-11 drf'sslng room111, :along the roe.st waa tablt'd Cl lh<' l~l living accommodat ions rln-l1:Kisla!.ure after D'cmbe1'1 or the cludlnc dining facilltlea I. 1 61 state rartc. commisstoo pro~lP J,. maintenance n ch &.!I Police pro-thf' 1"hOrellne plann.•r statf'd. n~ .. t t tectu.t, llt• guard.I and clean up 11-ho....ild be 26 11m•ll boat h&rbor11- machlnes. 1• alom;.: t~ 1131 miles ot California Chevrolet alone offers this complete Power Teoml • NW:qi,QU A.;,omallc Tran1mlulo11• • Extra-Powerful 105-11.p. · Valve-irWlead E119in• -~ Econ0Mi1er Rear Axle Here's ·the automattc power team that brings you finest nC..shift driving ac lowest cost. No cluoch pedal, no geanhifting. A smooth, unbroken flow o.f power at all •pecds. Time-proved dependability. Come in and try it! ... Remember, more people buy Cbevrolcts than any other car! •Op1lona1 on De Luxe modt'lJ 41 rxtra eolf, · · • TIM••PROVBD POW~'*£& AUTOll&nc TRAMlllll.11~11 In the low-price fleld, Chevrolet built the fl11t automatic transminlon • . • and Chevrolet builds the !!?!!,! • . ·. to give you smooth, dependable no-1hlft driving at lowest cost! Jab Your "DISCOVERY DRIVE" • CULBERTSON llOTOB· CO• 2481 Coast Highway Phone Beacon 6442· Newport Beach ' ' : The people of American have been aware for the Past several years. at least , that the communists were ~not merely another poli tical party. Their ~dly purpo~ of destroying our form of government bS' foi;ce and of 1defy. in!!' the will of the maj<Uity has been onl)r too apparent. Thati,11J!tse was clearly and legally ~~ in the long r.o . I trial of the 11 and w:aa . ~ in the WhJle •11 of tbHe facilities are cnaet, Morga.a ukl a.ad added tha . dftlrable I did not mean to Imply !'l:'('Wport Harbor wu the only ma. tor a moment that all of them are I jor ple11eure boa.t harbor gn the <'n· euenU&l for any onf" particular tire ('Y.!lt. area. .. On the contrarry, I took A propoaed ttate muter plan of patba9t.o point out lh&t Doheny beach developnlent wu alao'ta\o.h'd i::•rk haa provision ror ~onth-long by the .atate lel"ia.1.ature on acuon parkfnl' of trailera, w~erl!U tbe I ot tM at.ate park conuntaton, new park at HunUnf1on Beach Morran cb&rred.. MUllona ot dol- ba.a no provtalon· tor anythb1& ex-Jara ot tideland oil royalt~ whll'h cept P&f~ and nre+rtnga for U8ed to come to the atate aH ~pflrea. Van Damme Park up wl're ~ by the st.ate park can1- narth hu areaa tor barbet'Uc pita, mluton are now lmpo"1nded Jn th<' ptcnlc tablea, re1trooma a.nJ pnrk-tederaJ gowmmwt, Jte added. 1 • l:il 1· ,, .... . '1 yt~t ,~Ill I , ; f I 1 painstaltln review by the U. S. Circuit Court and con- ' firmed again by the country's highest tn"bunal. Many of us feel that we have been iducb too patient wjth these conspirators and much too leilient in letting them free on bail '!l'hile their ca11e& were · appealed. But Anierican· has proved again that she can deal calmly as wdl as firmly w1th those bent on her destruction. ' ----•---- ..... H. T. stands for Harry Truman and it also stands itr high taxes. And we've had just about '18 much of both . as ~ can stand. .. • %·· CUllEIT ln&, ,but here ap.in people a1·e not More people vt.it Cali!omla allowed. to eta.y ovt>rnJght . In Mt.. beaches on a Fourth of Juli· than alon Ba7 on the other band. there ...tatt all the national park8 7on the L! pro via ion for dining rooma, ta.mf' day, the · ~l't uterted. dance balla and ~ host of reCTea· Ten mUeJS of-puflllc be&.ch can ac- tion faclUlles wbJle aome of thf' commodate 1,000,000 people and 10 beachea to lhf' north. have b&th-mOea ot private beach oAly tOO<I bouaea. ~ open,alr swimming poola peraona In realdence' he expl.&ln. and lluntf'rou. public dining rooms. ed. In ahort. the develapmim.t of a AUen C. Stelle, vttt-preeident. beach ta regulated aoleJy by Jocal pruided In tbe abeence of Vemt' ·cond.IUona a.nd public acntia1ent. W•taon. president. Ml.Mlc&l enwr- In auch • apot u China Cove, t<'r tatnment wu Pf'Ovlded b)I Ruth example, which ta near a thickly Hum:nu, ~ ca.ta MflM and .. tiled area, It would hanlly """m fetar . Welau. a_.i~ N-· to be neceuary to provide publlc Port Blach. dlnJng ~ or dl'ff8lng rooma _....:..• ---- f<J<' the ch&ng!nc of clothe& When r~T.A. lllllfD9 1'llANU It eorna to ratrooma, ltoweve.r, it J'\&M I. tldl ta a eondJUOn aad not• • tlleory that ~nfronta us. and your local Nl'f'POl't-aeMM. NfWl:·'1"1lllel. aulltorttl<o Will no cl<>Ubf mal<e ••.n 11<Wff0\ ....._ ' fll'Opet provlolon for their inat.ooJJa. ""'IJ"'t1 -. calit. tlon. , _ • DMr Dater. · · · ' Tlll' ~t pc\Jlcy of UM! Sta~ ~ ""-t -.. •-· Ui to ~ lidch r ..... iq, an Uol> ~Ille Hwpwt.-'Ollloa tr..., i.-11 to 011;> qr ODllllt)I hup •---,,. "'" _ ... u ror <!-~t -........ for -~ -_ .. -. Tlla chfd ad-tap ol -~ .. ,.. .... ,,,, .. ,.,._t '' • -- ~1~ .q-4 •• • • r •• J ........ ._,,_ ... , . W-low11ri111I 5"""! Ger ..... 'I I' ia LONG oe _....., ... Aeti j(I szs'ler ~ .. oa•ide IO .... ftl•· oble lifll M ...-,.. _ OG ... iJUido tlO ai•e r.-.......... _ -+ tNl-... aad ~' . ' I . I I . . • •• E.-Ulla ............... t u:o.. ~ ~--Illa& It c'"' Ille local olit.bOriUeo We do •PP-IJ lo al u.·,.....· the !lllal _.., 'U to Ille iiatwe ot dt,y -__ -.,..,. ..... ,. -_. •• 141~· ;Jyoii· ...... "' -ro. -· ··-·-~--....... ~. ••'h,_...,. .. news.r..laue~ .. ' "'" ,_. -~ and ~llon..--. Ulla ... -· 111,etlw ......... publle'nptn ... -......... . -ot ... ----.. a. ••i.n. ~-~:-· ~ u: ' CW1 • r•r1 ~· -otb.•~~--: l. •••-' •1 •a•s •"l t.o '''' P'+t m ...... --·~pt. ----lllr. • IJlra. a1 •1¥"I ttR SI -.._,,,ti ........ ~ f6 -• IP .... i • Olli u ·~._.,.,u ., ... f_., -·.,.. ..._,...,,,. le .. p PF - -= •!8'11 Pa .... '"!W ..... t11! " U. I i .. Ul'hN. t .. ~ ~ • a~ .. , .. .., ,_., ,-amt••• r. J«JerlAX. Pt JI' l nn1>7 n n c •1 '11._ ol<>JM'M 'p . a••.-. l&Al& Ji U *'II 11e11r. ~r ,12 : •• .. 1;d•t II( '' 'II ··---. ., l ' . . ~·1::."'::r. .. .. ....-. ...... fl .............. IOwcr~ Vioiii _., fnhr"I w,.e.·6M C--~ • 13'1 tAI ·c o•PllMY I. I e • .. • .. . - • • • • ' • • ' • • l • . !!!~~ .. ~.&ft.or~N , or lllJlllNJ:llll Vl'IDD By, '~AR ·o 'l"be .un -_h• .. bir • • • • t ._ • , • IYI ceritty that , 18 ~r to eon- •• '· ' .· !!:!~-= '•••$• CIU)lll..liir<~. 'St l&tM -· • dil •. RU • ll6:'Jb, I ' • s' t' '1, ;f!,'1~~-N&IDI. • 1 • dUct .&Jae of emploYplent ' ' -· ~ncut1oua firm ) "114Tl'E&_ 1lP"' .Y•"ed Bob Krull. atar . J1 ·-\ , • rrS A WQND11RmL Lq8T AR'l'-FDUIT l'R.Act1CICJ) BY TBS name of Irr HARBOR ' r l ~ ~ ANCD:NT .dB'"'" "it AND · ORlll:KS! · QRA.ql G01UU.N EMPLOY Ad!lNCY, at pitcher of the .lolajor COOkle 1-1'1 now lq·, MOJ>llUI· BNCAtlimC. .. AJt PORTBAJ'l'8 aiid. palntlftp., ~~waal QO!llt Eut l&Y 0 Awnue, Balboa, , .. N:=TIMES :.;_ hl'J' Tat.fay •t · TBAYP08T-W .... ys ' NEWPORT-•••·•n& »~ft1irscJ. • fro II ........ m.,l'IJ~&Dll 2 ·~ for~· -lta · a abi!I~ moOel > ~\II that blltt.tt ~i T ... lb! "fl> cu. tt.. one. BU&ri.e. ·r owe on 1£ le $779.tl,•but 1 pall! -"4t !« It.. You '4D .have lt CASH Or tal<e. peymenl.I ~f. n~. 76 mo. K}' equlty;~I BM1'at tOf So. Bp&dra, l!'ullerton. M p.m. Ph.. 215!{. ', ~ aess1on at the ~rt 11e11e17. Balter la l>et·-~ t 1"" to Ito!> , by ·Onee OOrman'i l>rlftwoocl oottq'e ond -ber ~ornl&, qn &P<S after June f, ler at this bakery! Coolclea are Just Uk•/ ) ·"/:. •-"'"• dloplay of portralte and palntlnp. Mn. Gorman hao re-UOl, that sl.1<! firm wu com..,. ' ~l't '• -'· -ys Newpwt IS&)' ·-Vluil-.... - -.. fllo WJ' I 'l'olher-u•ed to -heft! 'l'hi.s happens to · ceillly ',__,... hAr &Wdlo (ram L&euna 1'1 'll411>M ~ o!l<t~ '4 of O~'Aftdla, of llOlllO Kut he true beau.e only ·the other day Bob lore ' .... ~ -avalla •. ...._bla t .. --•t ap'polntmenl.I.' Th. era are oillv a other Bay A.kftb , Balboa Californta; .._ arti.t& tn thla -"'U7 oapable of thl• anclen.t and heauUfUI alt fl>nn. -,"":"• w~ --~~ tne place apart_k>o .... ~--tor Illa mother'a oJd > u. .---.. • ...... t --•• • .... h-·H-r N__..Ttima er tllille ftm , ' ,,, Prw . ·! . .. ~ .. ···~--' All~ ... -........ (W c:-. i. ......... , ... -~W.ui:TZD TO aUY !4.lhloaed ice-box cookie 1"8Clpe. All of ua. Howevel wbai7'I" n\&1nly waiited. to mention. belore I aot canied be eoriduc~ by Mn. Joanne including Vlrgin.ja McMaha.n .(his mother) &W&J" la• lb.la: Mr& Oormu haa for ule ~ very aac!lent orteatel Brlgp. ot Santa Ana, caUfornla.. . ' ,.._ ' 1 PiPer . . .. • .11 \VANT TO WY· 9r rent for th< month of ·July a 9x9 or 9x.l.1' tent, ~ Beac<>n 8MO after 8 p.m. 3fp!e breathed a sigh of cntitude when be tound ----_. wt ... pw of to make Btudio 'room. Then .. a f f\. ~fl MY HAND th1a fth i~. These cookies are made with liuU and ...... :tam d&J" of J\ln~~l1961 'Lb.. I Papen 1JIO brown sug:ar and simply de-ltah-ahua! . They're ~d-)1\lllled allar -a tiered table lnlaJd with JOd•, lapla-. ll · '(GLADYS LANDIS ' ,_... s .... ,.... I.It " The .-bllolllen will ~ lier r.._iljle tor qlON than, oqe 1ll"!"T""l ~ <!f ..._ ~t, ,_,..,. tho rlpt to ~ cl&!iolf; ~· aecl.daD~._atlollJ\ lo·Nject fJ:.~ent not_, t.: ~• an --•~· na. Advert 1en ... ..,. ca,..ilalldluo 'frill b<· accepted up to 5 p.m. on th~ daJ' ~ pulilla&Uon. fi>. Hat, !911 PlloM Har. 1118. Olilc for "Ad T_.. .ft;"'-.. iyn;d --to 35c a doz. Other cookies almost as wondertuJ and aeDll·pteck>ua stone!, 3 chaini. Javaneae llCf'ff&t Pl"'' l-"' STA-OF rcAugo NIA are · SOc a doz. And thel'e'a a new deve.lopmenf in the Breadline. tree9 ill Jllde bowl1 and othflr tre8fUres. You J"(,IRY tee the .. very. • ~ RANtR > 81· Newport Bakery now makes white bread wtth •t'MrMd IJour and wry old o'.jet d'arbt u \Veil a.a the marvelou.. pa.Jntlnp In Was al COUNTY. or O GE ) • 01'111f!t! a.,...•. 'Drlttw--' Cotta.p,, U3 Martnf" A\•f>., BaJboa laland. On thlA 4-th day ot June, 19~1. po"·del"f'ld mllk. Th.is ls highly reoommeoded by authorities such u -;, • • ~fote me, RARRr. 4{'HTON, a ~ylark Howaer. Yo11 batter get over to the NeWport Bak•I')', 3112 ·GLADY\S I BE Gi.AD YOU SAW THlS ·AD '-Notary Publk in ar\d for the 1atd Ocean Front. .ffar_,r lfU·R. P. & Pllone ID yot1r ordf"r for bl~· • FOR HIIRE'S YOUR.! CHANCE TO B~ THRIFTY , County and 8tate, reBldJng therein, day eakH. • e e e OLADIOLA.8 98c DO& ORDINAR.It.T THE-Y'Rlt $0N'E·Fll<=tt~ duly oomm~oned. and sworn, NEWPORT ILUITIOB PUflL!!lllUIO 00. ftll llal"'° m.d., N..._. ........ Oollloi te,I CARE TO IU;AR A FROSTY T-ALE OF FROaEN !'I lty 111 nt B rl.., %O'IO IWl8 E. BAiboa Bh·d. pe1110naqy 4ppeared GLADY s FUN wrrHOtrt GOING TO THI: FAil NORTH? .....,. 0 .; r e -• LANDIS, known to me to be-the Pull on your. parka w~ J tell ~u a~;t the -~er· . .. -.,.._,, ·Who¥ name la aubscrlbed rt.tic food freezer &t the tlOu.e of ~y. The . ·~· Hf>STESS WlTH THE MOSTl:ST · · (Thank You Mr.. to tht' within Instrument and ac· Hibbard ZulrZefO ~r. la mff .. by the Mao!tow~ 8et'lln.l .11 Dbris WbeatQn. Mrs. ·Wheaton, owner of the . ~tf.M knowlcdgfil to me tbat she ex- Sbip .Buildinc Co. ,Heace thfl, .. fr&ta! -box lit u ttutlfl!I'~ ~)Ga I.s!D.(ld s~ads a smorgasbord table the like or wtilc.}J eeutect the ,Kame. IN WITNESS .:.... Strong and sturd,..v_u a :.batl:le'.s!JlP.--The wonderful h~'t ~~n Since the daya of Diamond Jim .. Hence the brUUrtllt WHEREOF,·! have hereunto set • · lag about ow.Int tbl.a food 81l9ta.,e oablne~ Ii-' th~ ~or: .YOU _to do ls to. ••t youl'Mlt In a famished ~ditton, then my hand and affixed my offlelal you don't tiave to, go !4tand on your be•d 1n. t.Jte· bue~t. Al) 18 ~, ~1 ·r,olll" ~-o~r tp the Hostess Hot1se tor this $2.26 Smorga11bord _aeal t,he day aqd year in this Cer· 10-BUBINEM OtllDI:. • . • I StJJ.oa;lt jobs &vallaille now. Appliance ~ TV BARG.t).INS · ; PHILCO 7 cu. ft. retrige/atot' wlUt horizontal freer.er locker. Slid· lnr shelves._ Reh1geret~ mot.st cold zonf'. ~f' veg-eta.ble bin, $159.95. cu. n. uprig'ht Hibbllrd reqttlres only 36"x30" n.or space. 1t•s built ~nhei'! , K~p your head. ea~ slowly. Tbat way you zrtay be able to \IOcatc> tfrat ~ve written. like a refrigerator. has 4. separate ·compartments each with ~ sam~I_e ev_ec;v one o~ the ·delt1htltd hot • cold internatlOAal di~ HARRY ASHTON accessibilit.r-and you ne''er. never have ~o defrost! The Jflbberd {lav1n1' luncheon O! dinner In th~ big outdoof'1)atto will turther whet ~ty Commisalon Elxpirrs May al90 comes ln a wond8rf'W eombination retrigeratQr and freezer, the rur a_pp,Ute. Artful sandwiches. sa.la.da or complete ,luncheons are l8. 19r.a. HJbbard Two·2one, a '10 cu. ft, refripmtor wtlb: s cu. tt. freezer al.90 avallai>le at the HM~ RouM. And regular tab! P'hote dinners No. 216_Ne\Vs·Tlmes with indivlduaJ. controls for each. Ladles, the freeze ts on! Qiv' CLre served ;n caae you don't care to bend your supple beauty over Pub. 6/12·19-26/7/3/5l OOMPLIDTll BOUO CLaANtlfCI aentC.: 1'llndture and ..... alwDpaoed. J'Ne -mat•o-- P'Ully IDoured, Pleaae · regljl(er. ;NEWPORT HAR I! 0 II EMijLOYMENT AGENCY, 1!03~> E. Bay Ave., Balboa. (I blk. from ferry). ' 32c3( PmLCO 6 cu. ft.-Excellent me- chanical condition. HennetJeally sealed unit ....................... : .. $94M SerWI Elf"CtroJt1x gu refrigerator, V<'ry e lt"8.n cond, 5 cu. n.. $119.95 these money, time. and food uve.ra a fret?&ing glance.? Bll46et t~rrns. the smorgasbord., Yo11 may ordet' any of these food wondenr for RoAM of Harmon)', 181'7 S..wport A\'f'., C'.-ta Mf'M. 81-a. 5'7S'7alJ853. your nex~..-1Mlf{y. Varnplf'tf' aat .. rtng on land or by IN"D. RMtn11 NOTICE OF.J PUBLIC HEARING TO RE HELD BY ftlE ORANGE 1· cOUNl'V PLAN. NINO COMMljlSION ON USE \' ABIANCE PERMIT APPLI- CATION NO. tlV-SO., OF MAC· OIL OOBl'O!lATIO:\', t"OR A V.\RtASCE IN THE USE lt.:«lULA'l10NS OF THE lt4, Sl 'BURBA,"v RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT! TO PERMIT THE DRtl.1.JNO OF ONE OIL WELL ON 'Ml!: EAST SIDE OF TllE 8EWIJR A"'D ROAD EASEMENT ON THE NORTH- ERl.V SIDE OR THE COAST IHGHW ,t.V OPPOSITE REI.EYE'S Nln' SHOP, AND ABOl!T sOO Fr.ET INLAND FROl\l SAID COAST m Glf· WAV. IN 'Ou; WEST 1''ElV· PORT BE.,.Cff AREA. Al's House & Rug · Cleaning Co. WANT CASHIER for break.fut ali!Ct, 4 a. rn. .· .§ a. m. Ross· ro.ore Sportsman's \Vb.art, Ba.l· boa. lfr. Hutchins. Pho n t> Harbor 1212. 32c31 . 16" PHILCO televlllion couole-- ln excellent condition, mahogany cabinet with doors ·-···-···'249.95 e a a Rau-. I01 .~art.•. Ba•~·.l11land. Barbor !385. OH THE 9UN SHINES BRIGHT QN MY OLD BALROA ROME! • ' e e • 'TiS IUlnJller. the ca.rpell 40 fade. · HEY TUBBY! ~ YOU P.REPARING TO BE I will hasten at onte tor srime Sun·Gard Shade!4 IJTHJI: ~D LOVELY FOR THE SUMMER SEA· For my Old Balboa home, un-a-trald. ' SON, OR Al\E YOU GOING T? SIT AND SULK (Th.is is to be sung to the tune of' Dixie). Try thls Jovely old ON Y·OUft BIG BACK PORCH . Now is the hovr aumbel' over several times on your musical saw or ax wh.lcbever far g"lrding up over fat loin. a.nd bl~l.ne thetn over Na.ndy, theJt 9e11d a singt:nc telegram to the ~de Shop. Demand to the, S tauff•r Sy•tf!m Ra.Ion In Santa Ana. Bf!'mf"ll'fl several hundred yards of clear.vision plUtlc aun..:Gard eb&dea at Mc Adalna ls offering you )'OU!' chance at the Body aq. n.. Thia ICfentlnc stuff \8 a thrifty investment for ttOme or shop Beautlf\11. Special summer·rate treatment.t may be wlndiwa. 'Yqu can see everythtng and every~y tllru these shadeL . had for as low as $t by tlw course. The S~autrer bf.it the •Wl can't C"Ome tn and fa.de )'our tine brocaded drape.s and Syatem corrects your posture, revs up your c.rc_uJ&· Grieal&J Prayer ru .. s. Everyt.hins for carnoutlal'lft« windows, ineludlq lion, eliminaleA a bloated condition and a jaundiced toggJea and taueb:· at the fUlad,. Ahop, 514 nt• Rt.. NK'JM'l'rt ....._., • eye .. All you do Is relax and enjoy youraelf. You Uadler IM. e • e . should haft a f'"1 trial treatment and learn all about the Stauffer MEXJCALI ROSE STOP BLUBBERING! 81! 8yat.t:m Without aoy Bt.rlngs at~hed. 0 . K. that'I' a b_right girl, Sr.• '~'CHA. CH ' y th •·st " xi .waddle to t.he phone-The number 1s Kl: 3·1010. Open t>ve". Stauffer . .iav A . ou can jlet _e I.I'll:'. .-e: CUt 8 .... N rth .... 1 Santa Ana fOOjl tlll.t llcle1ot P<opecatapetpl (Phonetic spellln~i. yotem. -· 0 -an.• • · • rtg:ht around the corner, Right around the @m.~r THE BLUE PRINTS WERE UPSIDE from t.Jifl Pacific Ocean at t~e Cua 0pa eane._! DOWN SO IT WILL TAKE LONGER FOR ~~ muy sabroa ~ pleasea the m~t dlscrtm· .. cLA.8ENc£ THE OOASTUNE CARPET-BAO· ' ina.tinr. For htll"e It 19 l:hat Ula Banda aad Con.ale ~ GER TO GET Th"'TO ms NEW BLDG than WO ~v11rado with gentle hands and .. pleuty at c.beee ~ flnt ..,....,. ed ( rt ot ~e Deemster;s Unlon1. taahlon et.ch tortilla into a spicy adYenture ! . Tbe ~-~ ri ~m oou MY enchila.das are exhilarattq! Th tiooe tootbaome! _ 1'1& f .111:1 In the meantime, the Coastline Floor Coverinl' l'b , e · · Lo; 'J n . bU a -•pecial d.at on Ptlrlc A,.,.,. tf"xtunod broad·.1 .e Fri~les fascln11tiJI.&'. Ch&l'le~ Hall, owner !f...,. r/'A'\ ..... aoo.,. Cl renoe U s delibentely priced this all ttils seaa1de blstro says bustneas 1• good. No won~ ..-• ·1.-.i'•' . a . der! r a.siled him if that meant a raiAe in prfcea. -"'\., .,. wool c&rpetlnr at a rldlculOusly low S.S." 84-yd. · ........_ He wot& to p.cfdle u much carpettns Bu.t he sa.ld No. Which meana dinner~ are 95c up and a plate ot a& poellble before he moves down the streeL :S ls sUll l-Gc. It's more run .. than <;Matins the bu~hflr \0 eat Thi• ~ e.eal floor eovertns and cornea In e dee· a.. . C.... Dea Cal'lolt., IJS • ! .. tad St" N~wport .. Barbor zcas..M. orator. cot;ra. Another tb.J..-g, do you Ile awake 9 wee~ 0-.lO Sat.A. ':08"4 Tuf'A. niJ:fitl WP.l"p'.l.ol' about yo1,1r drain board? Jt it .. cracked anctcrumby, •• , • -• caJl th ... e ~\!tile. Yo~ can set an 8 (t. Fqrmlola dratnboerd whloll ERWOOD. HOW DO YOU. DEFY ALL CONVENTION~ its the t>esi., U.Sttllled for about. $4.9.60. Un.oleum ls cheape/ of course El;CCEPT THE MOOSE AND THE ELKS!? H&v; you any st.ate:.. •t the ~~line. Floor Covering. 18th Ir Newport Ave., Costa Meu.. ment to mal(e to the presa ?'r I Bhot the ques~ns to him.. My Bearoi\ 152st-J. pencil was poised. The wit"es to the waiting ~OWi warld ,wen ,- open. "Yes.,"_ replied Dr. Erwood stmply. "Here'a my meMa1e: I have lbl.8 be&\ttif\11 Rock Maple love-eeat with J:rovtnclal pattern. lt'a marked $139 but rm slelt, sick .. sick Of looking at it I teU· you! I'll sell it to the first man. woman or chJld that Comes in ~ere with $69. And ·anybody can have these glass top coffee tables knocked down from $16 tb $7.30 And here la a $50 modem, blonde hard-wood coffee table for $23.~0." Brwood has ·Spoken. The man bu bro~ hia long aIJence at last. Run quickly before he clame up again. Erwood'a. 40'7 F ... Balboa 81\·d. Bal.._, OpM f'\'ft!IL • • • "OH WHAT A TlMl!l I HAD WITH IKINNIE THE MERMAID DOWN IN HER SEA WEED ~-~--BUNGALO-OW!" The voi~ 'WU Ki.ngston'a ~~~ of course. nie braggart 'stood be11owtag away in the midst ot a dqck·load ot trellh Haljbut at the Bay.Sele llkt.1 Whlle Killpton r:=s ~~~ :~ :lth~ c:rsltl:!b~::: Ugh! 60o a pound for ~at !?! Certain people ·wrap bacon around roe and brotl it. Well let lbern. White Sea·B8.18 I 'll co"naider. fi'a dally tf~ and delectabJe at -this lea90l'lt and· the Shrimps are "'._bopper~ 10 to a pound. Freah """'ked ~orro1 Bay Crabs will only he with us unttf the end of July. but you can .always get mayonalse, Abalone etea.k• are very •pecial at T5c lb. Surprlae Harry and Mk for 18% d~t OQ. aa7tbl81 but Abalonr. Go on! See what happens at the ~e .,._. Mkt., !800 Lalayette, N~wpott. Open 7 day• a weelc:-8 ·a. m.-6:30 p. rn. . • • • l • • • DO. YOU HAVE A SWEET LITTLE,LOVlil ':;~~~t~ NESlr SOME WHERE OUT IN -THE WEST! i It you don't, get bUBy and fix up the Crow's Roost t you're livil(&' ln ! Lovinc hands. the pluttc a.•e and the Jlalboa 5 & 10 -can change any old hen-tu>\tee' into a r cUnning coop. . 'nle firat thing you do, Sit, ls clean up the JOi nt. The Balboa i5 & 10 hall spot remover8, dirt chasers, wax, varnish, J)alnt, buckets ·and scrub brushes. Tou fumi.ah the e1bows and the ~ae. Then perhaps a dash of plaid, fJIJwerel or checked oil~cloth for the ki~ehen tabla. A.ltd a new lampshade or two( .69c upl will C&J1t a ray of cheer. The 6 6; 10 n18J' have Invented plutlc tor all I know. They have pJaatfc tablecloth.I. drapes, 1thower and· bathroom curt .. lns. Thl'Ow mouldy atuff away In the W8.Bte-l?aaket. Then ttirow 1 the waste·b&aket ·Away and get a clean one. Line your drawers with clE:an aheli paper. Then take a 2 week's wcatlon ! but bri•ht.n th• C!'Of'IN"P whf'ft. your •"' fl*J Courtesy of Batltna 5 &:'14 •• son Maln. e..i-. ,., . Reappo.inted to Co. COMPULSORY CA~ Educanon Board INSUIAN~E Kll.J.,ED Be•can lllJ TStlQ For Venetian Blinds, ,Shades ·and Drape")' Rdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph; Har. 88i 1514 -29th St. Newport Beach t!-BUILDINO 81!11VICE8 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 173 Palm• flt., coata II.a Bea. l!fl!T-M - INTEIUOft -mcTICIUOft PAINTING LlcmN!!ED -rNSUl\S) ··Glenn Johnston 501 , Slat St. Newport BeacJI Harbor 2211'1.J • Sfe" Notice: Is hereby givt'n tbal pur· BU&J\t to !ecUon 19 . .Ordlnanct'! No.' se1, Orange dount)'. Califomla , as mt'n<led , a p~bllc hearng will be held by the Qrange County 'Plan· nine CommtsSiop on Use Variance DON K BUTTS Pennlt Appllcauon No. UV-304, of . • M~U Co~auon. to permit th<' , Lie. General Contractor d•illln&' of o well ~ the produc-Re8idential--Cqmmercia5 tiQll of oil ¥U tn the R.4 ; Suh· urban Reelde1\ttal fliatrict, on the . Re!1tode1i11g eut aide of &be .J"i'We.r and road Phone Beacon 9'4Q1.w . ea-ment on U.e northerly aide of 1'1ttc the ~ 'Highway oppostt<!'l------------- Helenea' Nut ~hop, and about 300 n . inland from said Coaat High· way, in the west Newport Beach area. The well IA t o be drilled vertically wtti a portable derrick or maat. whlCh d<'rrlck or · mut will be remo~ when drilling ls Sympson & NoHar PAINTING & DFlCORA'l"ING "The Best Money Can Bu)'" 512 • 38th St., Newport Beach • PROJ\'E HARBOR 2.40f 13trc completed. El~trlc power wili be r-------------- u .. d In all ol'<il'allona and the well H. ff .. HbLBRQOK will be drllled1 in accordance with the provi.100.01 eonta1ne<1 ;n a let-DEPENDABLE PLUMBING !(or accompanY,ing and made a part A Prompt - ot said appllc8Uon. Repair Se.rvice Maintained Said public bearing on ttie above Phone: Harbor 141&.W application ~ be he.Id at 2 :00 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach P.ltl., June 29,11851, in the hearing Wlae people do read lbe ada.. and meeting ~m of the Orange 1 County Pla1'tlng Commtasion, Room 315, Court ·House Annex, Santa 4na, Qalifomia, at which tiine and placp ali perROns lnter· rst.ffi therein i ill be heard. For turlh.e parUculara refer· e.iu;e ls .fn&de to ~d apptlcation which Is on tpe In office of the Con1mie3ion ~the above a.ct~ress for public Ins etlon. HM\O ST. JOHNS. Secretary E4-PElt80NALS . Aleoholiea Anonymoua Write P. O. Box ~ ljalboa Iatand, Oallt. Phobe Kimberly ~-63113 FOUNI)....Boy'a watch in Costa I . Mesa on June 9. Owner can claim b:;f lderlti!ying and paytn31 far ad. Beacon 5622-W. 35c38 I • WANT WOMAN for gen'l ltollse· work. Liv«" IJ\, be able to look after children occasionally. P er· manent job, refet"eiices. Phone Ha.r. 2006. Mc3ft HllLP W ANTSD -Orange Cout collep. Apply in pei'son to rtU out application at Administr.- tlon _Bide. !!¥.perlenctd Accountt.nt usln& Burroughs Poattng ' machine. !ltart July 1, 1951 -'285 per month -12 months. ' ..,.-Book Btol't' Manager. 11tart AU1f\18t l:i, 1a:s,1 at $225 per month -101..i montlul. UUllt:y Man -Start July I, 1951 at sm -12 months. . . At.SO l2\l" E?oJERSON Conl!Ole TV. Xnlt condl. black tube .... $139.50 Telekblg 10" TV .................... M9.95 PhUoo 10" TV, auto tuning '89.95 ~, , Keep In touch with ua for good bU){! in TV 8"ll being traded · in-. Ea.Ry Wh~rldry portable washing machine ·······················-·····--·'34..30 Handy Hot port.able waMher, good condition, ideal for apt ..... $19.95 EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA ViS..BROWN Co. 1815 HARBOR BLVD. COST~ MESA , Phone Beacon 6821 ' EMERS~ teJe.vtaion $100. Ph. 10.-in.ch table model in perfect oonditlon, Har. 14.74·J evenings. 2' Junior secretarles -J 10 and 1-1 monlha. Start' August l , and Sept.e:mber, 1._ 1951 -$225 per monlh. \ !--------------_:..__ Jack's. FUrnit~re AU aalartea lne:lui!Je• $15 ))er montb ··cos\, qr, uvlJW''. ""°"""'-First W ~-BU,y .. ~ll or;Trade 29tf conslde.ratlon to pe"°na uOOer l&OS West Balboa Blvd, Phone M .y~n. of qe;. Pereon.s older' Harbor .2602'·R. 30p32 than 83 9hould not •pply. • 1 _._. __ _,_, -------- Sfc3P RUPER GAS RANGE, good ·con- M•8'\f ... ~U8 dition. 9 x 12 Wilton J"QI'. Ma· hogany d"1inpoom tal>M, six cJlaira. t•9 'A .Rochester, Costa OVERHEAD &"ar. dapr. bdwe, Mea . Beacon 6817·J. · 33c3~ · $12.50. 2·burner eJec. plate, misc OKEEFE & MERRITT tooJi;r;, Hula skir;t ~e!-v cowbo)' ltril model. Its. tbE" CP m:!~ '"°"'· llize 7 \>·l'&n<I hat, ,size ' 1. Gu beater , 809 ~gonla, Cor· ·all automauc wtt) all·chrome .! griddle and the iJTIO broiler, al.so ona del Mar. ' -B2p,34 it has tht> simmer bUm.en1. Bal- 2000 ft. COPPER tubing for tuna ~;~e !u~~~:.: :::~·1:; boat. . o• ALSO aeveral uaed JU6r&nt.Hd re.. take payments of 18~ ~ per mo. frigerat.ora and unit.a. My equity FREE. See at 404. H. BONTEKOll REFJUOERATOR So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9-8 p.m. 4M E. 16th S\., Coat& Atesa or phoile 2152. S.f.c.38 Phone .QE"acon M87 • W S2p34 . Swini Fins We still haVe the tOOt:t 'rubber ones We live ilt:H Orftn Stamps Gunderson Drug Co. 11 T Main Street Barbo" 515 . • Balboa 34p42 RC A Tl!:LEVlSlON BLONDE CONSOLE screen 15"x20" In . ' ' . excellent condition. Phone Ha.r. 74. 34c36 ' ANTIQUli}• FUR~Pf J4mpa. Luatre::s: 0 ntADl!l. " ~ I ALSO Hotpoint electric stove, pria vate party, Ph. Har. 209$-M. Sfc36 I HEAR MUSIC WHEN I HOLi> YOUR ~. ESPECIALLY IF , YOU'RE CARRYING A PORTABI.E RCA '5· flUll AUTO.lo!ATIC RECORD CHANGER. eomplete-w:lth amp,ltler anl ·~•r whtch cost you onJy $34..95. you darling YQU! 8uay ~ thlB ~ rpro music box la a be.at. aeller at the HCHlle or BaNMV. • You cai). .pt lhe-complete unit without carryiftl' eue for-$27.9' M t.h.e attaeb· meat which plays thru your radio for Ql\ly $12~. Su~ believes 90 much Ln 4G'a that she has thfl l.argeet stock flt NOOrds fn ..the cowity. All the l'ftat claMkale and pope are a;• au 44'1. Thete Le Roy L. Dole of G a n.d e n OJOVe and Sidney R De.vtd.on of Newport Harbor were re--appolnl· Id to 9'" county 'boan! of oduca- tton yuterday by the boord of aupeniaora. Tkey will serve new terms which etart July 1. Both were nominated to the poot8 by county echeol.s 8upL Unttm T . Slmmona. It appear• Utat ·there will' be no compulsory financial UabUlty lnsun.nce l&W' tor ca.r• torthoom· Inf tram the pre,ent seulon of tie Ca.Ufarnla lealilature. 1 The ~\ate Seua,14> Finance com- mittee kJlJed a blll wit1.e.h would b&ve made ~ UabUilf tnsurance oompulaory for all motor vehi'clta Orange County Ptun~ CommiMlon No. 217-Timea Publl•hed s119r 51 ~ATIONS WANTBI> NEW -1/2 Drice . Bathing suits & -.tu'>i;l'a A: brN I SOLD HY HOMlil. MUST SELL FURNiTURE 2·pc. overstuffed aet, 2 copph p1-riter lamp•, pokv table, d"'-JJe• .nd curta~ d~l. box IPFin& and ma.t~ and 2 aingle mat~ aim-new. Two 9xU fup, waahlnc maehlne, etc. 2411 Vl1ta-.Dr. Bay Shores. recorda have no dJatortion or surface acratcb· and uaed tn n(rbt c.l\1~ juke lKtxes. etc. wheQe long·wear counta. rybody'a clamor· iaCi for "Great C&ru-.." l"ef!Ord&. You can pt Laua aJbunii• LO"G IEACH SHOW STARS ATOM II.AST or f bout 20 dlftereent Lan;& alngle ~• In aii t:bjlee apeeds at the Ho1'Se o1 jfarmony. Top ti!n .. this we.k: 1low llllll' Tiie Moon. On JCl<ldblta -.mg from an atom- Top of Old 8moky and Too Young. "Zepai 1-e", p't been heard te eaploalori to a.oent.eat to aelect Of llnce 9he went-to ·bed. e-of_,., 181 N.Wport Ave., u.. -be&Uutul worklnir girl Cloota ---am-. ' will .. featured c1ur1iis tho Flnt In the state. ' The meuure, au~ by ~n. Earl Demnond, D., sacramepto. provt<led a PortlOn would have I<> provo financial liability -11- btll\7 before h& oould ref!Ultt a veh!c&e. I ftMult8 come rrvm comtant l'nlctlcel Ni ad re"*'17 ID thla ,.per will pn>duce .-11.1 for :roo · • • • ' Annual Long Beach lllcpoaltlon In • BE WHO WOULD SEARCH FOR PEARLS p oUI.D DIVE the Vetei'ana Memorlal---Stadlum, ------------ INTO CllARLEY'!! OYSTER l!l'l'EW! Becauoe ~oo later, &II JUI)' 30-28. • • UGAL NOTICE 1 the ipma of the ocean tip tbelr scales at Cha.rle,Y"I · ood Restau· Tbe huge ten--day Show wtll fea· .. , r&ll~ Charley'• Shore Luncheons aad dian• .,.. the 1JCUtUebutl witll ture dilplAya of home app)lane9. R ... ,., • = 4 = = "'= "' ... · •• fi • '"""Charley'• Shore Luncheolls and dinnen are UMloplU.otaeutU.. apo.u, tra,,.1, automotl""' marine. NOttcm OP l1'ITl:lft'ION ,TO but with dock haJ!ds all along this gold c:oaat. Cold Slaw, rolla and c:ock· lnd1111trlal, armed to...., """ trana· &NOAOIC JN TRI: ll4LE OF tall ,•uoe. Al.., ror $1 .00 .•. Fried s-Ba.lo· or ~biit, "'811'1ps. portatton -lpmnt. .&L<lOllC\UC ·~~ Oyau,... or AbolOne lltealt Plat-. inOb aad ~ di&Mra ""' Hlgllll,ht.ot t11e aboW'...U Jle an To Whom .rt W..,.'boo<:em: U-2l1. lllclu<lillt; eoup, •lad. -rt and drink. A~allod Lob-atQmle ~ dllplay 1 called. l!otlioe lo'~ *'-' ~t It· at~r on a .dinner I• $1.~ Seaf1lod SAiads and talla U. m"'!l "A'.loma for~" Thlo ¥-the i;... diUll ~ Ille dat.. , · JIM&ant -talum In Charley'• out40« ,.u. o _ . U.. 8-y. latc<ot 0.,.,; -....... --Of tho ~ -.-PrJV ,.. to "U °""r -ot 1beee oupe,. aeaisoin. °""'°ka \Al ........ CW )'Olr K¥H-"'-OU l\!dfpj f~ alool\allD --at --' -wllia,.-d~. ~/1f!y'w -'-@, 1 ... a _ 1 ... -It ''"°" it.GOO _.. te.t -..... d n~"'4 U' ~: ' m""'1 ("".st i. Port Oraarl. -....., ~ ., Po:PP•• tO ==~ Tiiie ~., IL.0 'Sll:Mt. Newport ! e KNa:.RO'UJ e • • I &JDICWAL!t ~ ~ m.! -. Cant °':':J:"~ttco{la.. SUPBRlliftalt>llllft'IJ lD 'A VATJON ...... -"~ -•or•llil tWdo •in ....... la~ '°i ;;:i:i=~WA~f IMi.<a 'If* ...._t A.a Wiii lie,..,..... J J 8tUo ._... of '''nllrtlOa or. I told -ii! ~ ~-----8-Nplr, ....-t._ft:&!'AIW --!or ~ ot an · 9IOf7 Jut -. ~,Q"'fllllR• la 11!1-0( tJli --..... ~ that lloliC boo.... ... I f•. -.... • i.,. open.!...ad,~ •'!:::i-£~ :;,:;a:~. ":1!!.= .. ::':. .. .:::~ t fr l , . "In .. Tl>IDp an Int a Iii& ol a !Jut: J'all1 la -a ··· 1 • et M -le ...,... -. to P"'"" tlni. al.w l•~lr!• llb -EH aa -1." "lit' .. ...,.. ~ .. _._ It pl 'I'll;» -lie lflt Off I 1nsoa ol---""""Ille tn;} 8wD.awt' wt Tailim s• ,._. pr t r a .,., 11r ' ... acual .......... I 1 a w•••d ii al~ .-._\le .. plaMI lor .-.. ,..._.,psts'1 aue ........... ---..... _.... •• 0• :C nra • .._ ..... ..._..._..Of. .. Ms,,_ at Si;• l'Mfli'an\. Alm -... I IT ........ -•• !l. ~I 'sW -111111 -15 I --lie R't ... R•IO, Oi11Uf ' , -·· p I~ 1111<1. ·""""' ault. -U!1 Ja ~ I ........ tie . Q I trsr la a o 71=110. ! --· ... , .. •Ill" 31 I W .... . :,.iat..ita_,.O._.,..._lll9 1J1& ,,_...., ...,.._ -=1' %....,._pl 7 -•-Tr --Uc!~ -"" ............. .,._, .......... -. ... • I •n•e• ...... ., •"UR J'rl••Y IUR' far,.....---... 7 3 ........ ·= ......... ----........ . ............ ..,, ..-saaa •• ..._ 1 ·-1 ...... ,,... ,-,11 a· , .... •• n r - -. ..._,[ J...!! . . ..._ I C 5 II -• I •ft•-• -.,. , ... ~ ~···" ..... ._ ----~· . ... ---.,....., ... ~ . - •' . ' . -~- ,1<111t;1 ;-+=: 0 . D, 9. ,~y . ' ~ M • • flarol~. GraUel ,''f t ~ ' . ~I~ Ila Ml• Ill., ,_ oo,ta'- -'l'tNSURE .... • • • NURSE fdr child or elderly couple, 20 year81 ex perience. Good cook. Good reference. P refer Barbor , area. 'WHte Mr8. Belltnrer, 2021 E. Bay ll'ron~ Balboa. 31pf5 HAND ~RONINO D 0 NE. Mn. Bateo' llarbor UH..J. S2pst EXP~cmn Bo a. t 'Builder with flJUy equipped ahop wtU do repair! or flew construcOon. W. Royc:e ~751 -Banta. Ana Ave., eoata Mr'•· S2p34 ~CED Skipper, handy all aro•lid. want.a Jo~ on prlvat# yacht. HA& mu.ten papen and n•vtp\o papera. Write J. A, Gupar1 3222 Lowell St.. 8an Diego ti r phqn~ Bayview 396'1. ' -. - ' ·~p31$ • ,,, *' C.t••·· ... _-.-........ --------·-···----- <:12 • 38 J ............ n ,en -$7.DO Hand loom •kirta (10 -.12) .... $13 Painted deek. " and. book cue. 13, rnabog. chair, $2. 11>ei.I dbL ' bed and mattr., p ., ~rector set, (ftewj ........................................ $15 39!: E.-Del Mar (at end of street) Co•ta !le• l'bone Beacon 6288-W ;14.cl& BIKE. l )tn..nd ntw1 boyti, atlll in' ("t'&{e, . . • ·RAIR DRYER; profeutonaL per- fect • COnd,itlon,. !!qO!'l'OO~H, port.\ble. electr;lc VERY. REAl!Ol\I ABLE 8A VE $73, 1150 credit on new, dlamOll~\t prtu, Ph. Beocon. ' . ftl1~ daY,, 32Ca1, ' . Sfp31 PlllLCO llEFRIOERATOR -'51 model.-Its the big free&er model Ylat keeps 81j:f0 de;greee. Alao it U. U.. big frff:&eJ" hwer, a.It adjustable •hefv .. , and •. big, fUll width vegetable crlap@r. It doe.m•t have a ICNtcb on lL ~ due ta •199.03 .... Pay me caah or tal<~ pr.ymenta ot Sll.67 per mo. Y-ou ~ l)awe wbat l paid on It FRllE., Bee &1 '40f So. •rdrO. FUiierton, t..s ~.m. or pllone 2152. Sfc311 ·I I 1 • ·' • ) .. • . \ . • • J , • ' ./ • J -•AGSi.:=~· i'f1 -lWll4 ·OU wANr TO BuY. SB.L'· EMPLOY;·•; -· TRADE u . l CWSIFIED~·-·~E ~THE MOIE CLASSIRED ON PAGE FIVE Ch11ysl~r Engines , Used ,. Crowns -Royals See John ~ey at Seacraft 82!! COAST maHW AY NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 IMUc RACING SLOOP. 30 ft.. 2 bunka. bead. atalnleq steel rigging. Bargain $975. Ph. Har. 1503-W. 34c38 2!!" AUX. SLOOP. 11147 all mahog. 4 new A&lla. Head 6. 1aUey, bu- tane. Sleeps 3. Perfect. $1850 with altp at Rlc.hard90ns. Terms. Pbone Beacori 5092-MK. Hauled out at Dicka Dock Tue.a. and Wed. Mp H 111J810Al. &AOIU GREAT piano sale. 31th year. Re.ad theee prices. Never before have "A'e had such bargains. Spinei., l!IOme new, &ome u.aed, priced rrom 1295, '335. $387. Granda from $395. Aln101t 100 ptanoe from which to chooee. Special euy· terms. DANZ· SCHMIDT big plano atore, 520 .No. Main, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. P LAIN CUe walnut bungalow UP" right piano in perfect con~ttlon. Fully guaranteed. Terma. Sll.92 down and $9.66 per mo. at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 121 N. Syc&more, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2·Ge72. 17tfc TRADE your old piano or band inetrument on a televlslon. We need several p lan08 and band in· strum.enta for our summer rerrt- a.la. Highest trade alloWance at SHAFERS MUSIC CO., (Since . 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, S&nta Ana. Klmberly 2--0672. l 7tfc ~~!!?!'A !'I~ ~A!".•**'N?!-• aovm . · J'o; Rent otlltnia& deJ )lar: • I • • 2 l!:drm ~ .apartzqont., u~ B&lf a 1>loclt from tbe )I' eo.rb' ttnt $12!! mo. And 2 bdrm untum1lhed apartm ... t dntita•rs. Half a b1oc1t &om Uto --.a. Y-ly Nlltal StA mo. WJ: HAVll GOOD BELJl:CTION o! Bvmmor. llentai.. .. ' . DANA POINT BARGAIN: Baautltlll levtl lot 7tlltl:l0 ' toi ale at 12100! FITZ1dOtRIS REALTY COMPANY REAL EBT A 1lli an4 BUSINl!lSS BROKERS 813 Cout Blvd. Corona del .Mar • Harbor 2152 ' ATTRACTIVE well located Bal· boa· office for lawyer., account- ant. tnsun.nce, builder, archi- tect, etc. 50'1 Z. ~ Bl•d., Balboa. Harbor leOT." Httc 4S-.UO ABTllENT8 , ~ HOtl81!:8 RENTAL •' . SPECIAL.lSTS AlifOiottve. 4&-AVTOMOIULl!:S, 1J1lEll HERE WE GO!- the New 1951 c.D. IDl!nA cnaa Linwood Vic~. RJtor .• Balbooo loland. Rat. IOU • Hd' HENRY J CORON A DEL MAR -~ bdrm furnlabed apt and garage. Har- bor view, child o.k . On 1 year leaae. Har. 2867. 32c34 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cotCages. On Colline ialand Each apt. hu water frontage. Aecom. 4. Weet end Park Ave., Balboa laland. Harbor 2"2-W. 27p39 U SE OF Peninaula Point beach, awtm ln bay or ocean-only 1 blk. No. 1-3 _.bedroom lower. No. 2-2 bedroom upper duplex. Nicely tum. July, Aug., Sept. 1M2 Miramar, Balboa. Barbor 0612-W 19Uc . LIDO ISLE 11 you want a rental on lowly LIDO ISLE 8ff ua. Severa.I good bomee available. Aleo apart· mente by week or month. P. A. PA L M ~ R · IN CORPORA TED 3333 Via Lido ' Harbor 1500 18tlc at this . Attractive Price $1498.92 The Fashion Academy's Gold medal Award winner for 1951 . . . the sensa- tional new Henry J ... is YOURS for only $1498.92 delivered here ! The Henry J, a big family-sized sedan, won its division in the Mobilgu Economy R u.n. Test the Henry J today . for STYLE! for ECONOMY! . for PERFORMANCE ! for COMFORT! for SAFETY! The Henry J ... delivered here for only $1498.92-at yo ur Kaiser-Frazer dealers NOW! 37ui GRE;\ T PIA.NO SALE, 'Mag- nificent a.II electric organ. C&R slightly damaged in ehipment. Will sacrifice. Thill happens but once ln a life t,Nne. DANZ- SCHMlDT, Santa Ana. :i20 No. M aln. UNFURN. new apt. Garbage dUlp. Kaiser · Willys BEAUTIFUL Jeue French eplnet ' pla.no. Slightly used. Save $100. Conve.n lent terms at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. l8lnce 1907) 4-21 N. SycamOT'e, Sant.a A na. Klmber- ly 2-P672. l 7tfc Own entrance. Near Lido ahops 501 • 34lh, comer ot Ftnley. Har. 2.529-W. 32c34 RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1807 BALBOA ISLAND Crosley 506 E. FIRST SANTA ANA KIMBERLY 3-9688 37th GREAT PIANO SA.LE Re· poueSR'd Spinet. Like newt Pay out balance. Save ov"r 1200. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano store. Santa Ana, cor. 6th and Main. Houses and Apta., yearly or sea· '60 CHEV. 2•door deluxe sedan aonal. See GaU Camey, wtth USED PIANOS from '69 up. Good playing co n di t lo n. DANZ.. SCHMlOT, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana, cor. 6th. L 0 VE LY · STUDIO UPRIGIIT p\aJla. Fully guaranteed. Tenne '$36.37 down and $11 .:>0 per mo. 'at SHAFERS MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. 17ttc RENT A PIANO $:; ~r month. All rent a.Uowed If you buy with· in terma. DANZ-SCHMIDT, :i20 No. Ma.in, Santa Ana.. S7lh GREAT PIANO SALll Ma- aon and Hamlin Grand. Stein- way, Chickering Sohm et, Kim· b&ll. Kurt&man. Wurlltser, etc. Save up lo two-lhlnie! DANZ- SCHM.IIYI" Big" Plano Store, Santa Ana, ~20 No. Main, cor. 8th. WANTED: ~ pianos. Trade In your old piano on a Grand, Spin- et or beautiful televtelon. High, eat cuh allowance, terma. DANZ-SCHMJIYr P1ANO Co., cor. 6th. 5IO N9. Main, Santa Ana. COME JN and play the wonder· tul new Hammond Cbord Organ. Even if you don't know a.-note of mtalc you Can play beautitul mu.le ln ten mtnutea. DANZ.. SCHMIDT Big Plano and 01-gan Co., 620 No. Main. Santa Ana. NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 308 Marine. Balboo. laL Har. :!02 69Uc BALBOA ISLAND Furnlehed apt. Sleepa up to ~lght . 11' June St!WJ ; July IMO; Aug. $400: 11' Sept. St:M>. Very nice. ~ blk. to So. Bay. Shown by appt. Harbor 2128-M. 3lc4~ AV AlLABLE July lit -By year $125 mO--:Z bdrm furn. home, Balboa peninaula, near bay. Ph. Harbor 12&4-BA Y and BEACH REAL TY. 32c34 summer Reservations Lido lale Bay F'ront unite. 1 and 2 bdrm•, 170 week up. Harbor 3M:l, evea. Har. 2914-M. 17ttc FOR RENT -NEW APART- MENTS ..:_ OCEAN VIEW. In- quire 220 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. 33c35 WANT TO SHARE fuml..sh.ed 2· bedroom home, petio, with re· aponstble employed woman. Bal· boa Island. Reuonable, or IWll· mer rental. Ph. Harbor 2336-R. ' S3c35 FURNISHED bachelor apL Prt- vate entrance and bath. Yearly or eummer. Inquire at 415 Poln- eetUa. Corona del Mu. 34c36 P ARTI,4.LL Y tum. apt. Couple only. 145 per mo, untlllµea paid. c.n abow wttk eade. 822 Club- 15-DOG8. CATS. PETS 1 hOWIO Ave.. Har. 2903-W. DUn- . kirk 7 °82!!1. Mc38 CCX:lC.ER Spa.nt'l, blondt male, 8 moe.. old. Alao black female CORONA bl:L M.A1t 2 bdrm cocker' 0 moa.. old. 456 & 16th tumiahed apt wt\11 ca.race--So. St .• Coat.a Meaa. Beacon 5ft7-W of highway. Available yearly. 32pM Har..,,, 1874. 34c38 -V81Nl:l!ll~ CO~ SHOP-IO otool, old ... tabllahed trade. Ore. S1IOO. •o: Rent l.'!O. Houra ·e a.m. to 2 I> , Heart ot S&nta Ana. l"tlH! for coup!O. Good atocll: Md ~ '4500, call atter ·a p .m. Har6or 2116-W. hcc34 .: , , I ' , • I • NEW S BDRM FUllNIBHBD ttal- deg,ce. at Bayabofte. July and Bepa-.ber, Sloo -it. W. I. .1-2802 cr.t..tew Drl ... BaJf Sllol'eo, Newport S-:b. ·- Only 8800 milPll. Save money from private owner. Make off"r! Ph. Harbor 2404. 32c34 116-MUNl!:Y TO WAN LOANS For Homes 5~-20 yr. Regular Loane CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~\1% (14 yre.} WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER Hl5 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. M~tro Ute Ina. Funde Kl 3-5186 !A>ANS TO BUILD, IMPROVll, BUY, MODERNIZll, OR RE11"IN ANCE w. Buy Trust Deeda NEWPORT BALBOA FZDERAL SAVINGS It LOAN ASSN. 11333 Via Udo Pb. Bar. lllOO REAL ESTATE LOANS lntel'e8t Rate 4 'h . 5% i.-na qulckl7 lll&de Ill the Bay A.rff. and IAcu.na. lllnl'I• or muJUpJe unite. New or old. Be wtae and MYe by re-.flnanctng your pruent loan. Minimum o - pen.le. No charp for pre.llml· nary appralaal.. 'Phone Oanta Ana Klmbel'IJ 3-6021 or wrtte: ARTHUR A. MAY llortra ... Loen Corroaponaont Two. Calif. Uf• Ina. Oo.'• 1414 South Mahl &ant& An• ,1-Rl:AL l!:STATE WANTED HA VE PARTY with cash wanting to 0 buy a l or 2 bdrm. hOuae In Coot& Meaa. About U .000. Phone Beacon :i220 B. A. Nereson 19112 Newport BIYd., OOlta M- WANTED TO'LEASE OR BUY' Appr:ox. one acre wtl.b small . -. ...... high llCbool In OOl- ta II-. lOl • lltb BL, Newport -cb. Pb. WAlll:.,., Bubor 31711-8 owntnp. aottc • I •. ·•u~Ts · • PCAL~A. :;.......::-..... ___ • ee•l .-.r&n .Priced To Sell Right No , -. r. . ~ 'Balboa IalaDd I b!inn 14' baUll, nice patio andibarbeclle. Cl-to f~ Ni>rth Bay Beacb. Tllatlfully deccjn.t.ci and . ....11 tumlabed. j . • $17,900 I • STANLEY HAD"F'IELD, Re~ltor 218 MARINE. ~A ISLAND , farbor 20 COMPARE THESE PRICF.S Ocean View Homesites CORONA HIGHLANDS • qox.I30 ............................................ : .......... only $2950 60x100 LEVEL R 2 ............................................ $3250 69xl03 Extending through from Cabrillo Terrace to De Solo. A choi~ lot .................................. $4250 90x108 -TWO STREET FRONTAGES. Unob- structed view ............................................... 1.. .... $4500 TERMS: 5 YEARS : Low as $950 cash.. NEW HOME ; Tb~ bedrooms, bath and half, • fireplace . Leve l 60x100 lot. Just compklted and priced to sell , ................................... $14,750-Terma R. A. CASEY . 402 Serra Dr. Corona Highlands Phone Harbor 2330-W Courtesy to Brokers BALBOA ISLAND VALUE • DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BARGAIN If you are looking for a GOOD 3 bedroom. 111' bath HOME ! ! ? Choice location-perfect condtlon-tutefully decorated -nJcely furnlahed -2 patio• -barbeque __,, everythlng tor enjoyable year ro~nd llvtnc. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE -$17,900 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue at Marine Balboa Ialand • Harbor 2462 FREE Week ende -Small yard. Your weekend.8 are Free -Co boat· Ing, fl•hing, bathing. No more beck bending yard work -No more weed pulling. · Look at these EXCLUSIVE offer· lng11 : 1--0n °"NORTHBAYFRONTof Lido lele' a charming and tm- preselve 3 bedroom, 3 bath one 11tory horn'. Good 1ized lot wil.b pier and ellp and home hu no atain to climb. Ttp top condition and partially fumlehed. Priced to eel!. ALSO Several new 2 and 3 bedroom homee for aale on LIDO ISLE u well u a few choice building ettea either on the BA YFRONT or on cro. etreet lots. Prlce.15 far below v&lue--eu)t terms. Theae Iota are selling fut. R_.ip. member we are the DEV!a.tOP- ERS of LIDO ISLE where a tltUe buys a LOT. , P .A. PALMER 1NCORPORATED 333 Vt& Udo Newport Beach, ca..ur . Harbor lMO Linwood Vick W. A. Tobias f eaturing PROPERLY ' PRICED PROPERTIES VALUE PLUS New fnodem 2 bdrm home. 1 \9 biflba, 2...car garage. forced air heat, patio, large fireplace and Jot.a of t ile. IN EXCLUSIVE BAY LINWOOD VICK REA_LTOR 312 Mai-tne Ave. . Harbor 2042 BALBO')i ISLAND Corona Highlands r Ocean view. ,, 60 ft . or more frontage r An udlities (no assess- ments) I r Convenient location r Overlooking Newport, , Harbor r Private beach r PRICED TO SELL 15 HOMEsITES LEF'r M<;lDEL HOMES TO SHOW . VOOEL v ALUF.S .. . I in .COrqna del Mar INCOIOI -neulf oew tum. du· .,1n,-mm.r 1ot. Cbo1ce location.. 2 Mqna eMh unlL l.Mge rooms. .......,.., flnplace, -unit heat. '1Je' IA ll:IW...n and bath. Brok- fut nook. new l'llmlture. Rue• and dnpeo. Walled pttlo. Gar. tor each unit. Brick and wood exterior. Plute.r Interior. OWn- u 11-Jn.. Unlt ?to. 1. No. 2 Unit rented for 11J5 mo for 4 moa. 1100 ino. for 8 mOll. Price, 120,000. Bu a '7300 tnsuranCIP loan, SM mo at & r r ~L • Spic and Span 2 bdrm bome-renntahed tn.kle and out. Hwd. fioors. ventlan bllnda, f lttplace. Fa:tra gue11t rm. in connection with garage. Fenc- ed patlo, barbecue. sprinkling •Yllem. A reaJ home at l1 1,97G. Qood terms. Exclusive Shore Cliffs . · SPECIAL NEW 2 BDRM ·on4 DEN RANCH TYPE' HOME. Heavy . shake roof. i..ri-e room•, 2 fireplaces. forced air heat. I 'ii balh8. Col· ored fbl:tureS. den opeM to patio La:rre convenient kitchen. price •ze.500. $12,000 at 5 per cent ~ance lo&n, pymta $85 mo.. Phone Harbor 444 JOHN VOGEL Co. 434 • 32nd St. -v-100 Main St. Newport Beach Balboa 208 Marine Balboa bland UOl Coast Hwy Corona deJ Mar COSTA MF.SA '8000 DOWN FlNllST ReeldenUal etreet. Near- ly 'new 3 B. R. home, 11'2 bath.a. large llv. rm., fireplace, 2-car gacace, big lot, fenced. Price juet reduced. Owner says sell! HOR.ACE S . MAZl!:r 306 Marine Ave. Balboa lala.nd Harbor 3028·J -3lc39 SENIORITY (But not ready to retire) IF FATHER had been "on the job" day and night (or hu he?) tor u long u th.la 4 unit, at- tTf1cttvely furn. Balboa laland incom e property-he would have won the bola'• pralee, but would be kind of run down. ' Bµt today-due t.O extensive dec- 'oratlng and fffumtahlng, thlA property look1 ' "an&ppler" than a, W est. Point Ct.deL Income from partla\ summer_ rental res- erva.tton, already exceed.a S 1000 -Wblch coea to the buyer: 'Tt>u 'tl a~ee -an~ exceptional ~uy at Ul,600, tenns. I13land Realty Co. Reallots -Mulllpte Llatlngs Park at A1ate, Balboa l•land Harbor 377-W A Clualtted Ad 11 the mighty mld1et ln -AdvertLal~ Tod11-ys Best Buy in Coronlj. del Mar New 3 B.R. Home • cloee to ocean. Enclosed patio. Many other feature1. If you·re ~ tor a quality home, Prtc· ed rlrht, SEE THIS ONE! CALL Earl Chamberlain 500 Cout Bl_yd., Corona del Mar • (Opp, Newport Barbo\: Bank) Pllone Harbor 2288 Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 $3800 DOWN . 2 bdrnui. turnlahed home-Paneled Hvlng rm., flre- p1ace, bar kitchen, BBQ and en· cloaec:I patJo. I TRACT OFFICE Business Frontage • Balboa Income 7 Units, $Z7,500, good terms CLOSE IN -4 doublM, 3 alngi;. tn buatneu zone. Completely re- at Laguna edge 3 B R H . . ome of Corona def Mar $iOOO Dn. PIJ,one Har)>or 414-J . ------------A REAL DEAJ... on Newport Blvd . Remu.Jta come trom conata.nt Pn.cttce! An ad resutarl7 in uu. paper will produce ....i .. !or you. modeled In 1850--<lhowa excel-F S t... b 0 l""t retu ..... BUl' NOW tor • Or an: Y wner Clele--ln, 60' frontace, large home -excepUonally nice, 1 % bath, hua-e dbl. 1arage. Room on front of. lot for large bldg. Why p&)' rent for bU.lne88 when j'ou can blay th.ii for $18,260 on thne i.rma. IUIJU!ler IMome. Balboa Penlnsula Point Only $8850 2 bdrm borne oo Balboa Blvd. Nice beach bowie. nttpllk:e, partly turnlalle<L This Is Choice! sn.ooo -~ bclrmo. 1· litlth. Wllilr • home, lge. --~­plete11 •lee. lrlt.:hen, oto.,: m., ~Im-WUIM!r -pr. d1-'I. J-ctf -· ........ pod. • • • • Home tor dl.Krbntn&ting .buyer. 1 yr. old, a bdnna, 1 Ii be.tho, hwd. tloora. ftttplace. Floor l'llr· nace. extra lse. dbl. pr. Walled patio, et.: (trllA ttna-) ONLY $15,500 -~ at «!> ·Seville. Balboa . ut"llN l'OI\ INBPllCTION DAILY q.85 Waterfront Home I bdny. 2 ~ Pi!lt and nb...t' I 7Ta. old 1!'0-Im -er Dilpa11l,;..p&Uo turmtun.. $24,750' •• ,QpJ!:N 1 -5 · •• . ' Wrr u,., rw '*•• ,_.. r-.s , ........ _........., --..-. ~-· ·~ ....... --.~--......... 1•~:.mi­aa... -.1112 ·ana ...--~--•' ·~· ... • -- Brand New 3 B.R. BICAUTI1"UL. NllW ROME wltll all of the ftne.t featuru. ftre- p~o, . )Lwd., Jobi of tile, patio. wide lot. dbt ,....,.,. ll"llA fl. nanced. Lmr dn. lOw monthly paymen~l0,8'10._ PJW Sullivan · ·c. Galen Denison Q. T. Everlon do k.W,..-tJ!M. °"Ila Me. ......... ~-;.· Batttor lUT ~w er · •• t'Oll °""""" -~! .. ~·!P~&~•~LL~l:ll~IT~ATIC~~·-.._:_..:_! .. :::!P~CAJ.~:!1:8'.!!!T~A~T&~·~~-':l;·--.. THE ISLAND • -. ' A BUY ...::._ 'On The Bay \ . ' . ' South Bayfront,6 BR Home 50 feet, view, R-2 zone. J. A. BEEK OFFICE ' Balboa Island Ferry Harbor 63 Balboa Island IF YOU HURRY, . . you may choose colors --- for this cleverly planned new bouse is as yet un- decorated . 4 bdrms.. dell, livable patio; spacious living rm with .huge fireplace and en.chanting view of open channel tbru great picture windows. Beat private beach below sheltering . Corona lie! Mar cliffs, wit.h pier rights. Everett Morris & Assoc. 408 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa . ' Newport Heights New three bedroom home with fireplace, f u r n a c e, hll.[dwood floors, garbage diapoaa.l, double garage, / $11,000 full price ALSO Sixty feet of indUl!ltrial property on 31st Street is a sound lnveet. ment fell' Idle money. SlXty foot pieces are scarce. . Ralph P~ Maskey 3Hl Newport BIYd., Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 402 Excellent Income New 1 bdrm du1IeK, dbl. garage. Tile ln kit and bath, Iota of cupboards. R-3 lot, close trans. 8.nd stores. $13,500. Terms or 'Will take "bldg. lot in trade. You must l!lee this one at 242 Old County Rd., Newport Heights. Phone Beacon 6008-M. 32p34 In Corona de! Mar for a . ' Choice Selection Lots Homes Income Property Business Opportunities SEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. '\.523 Coa.ot Blvd., CDM . . Harbor 2766 Duplex Near new duplex. tor. location In beat inco~e are&. 1 blk. to bay and ocean. Rough plumbing tn for 3rd unit ove? l&rge gi.rage. Must be seen to appreciate. $19,MO, terms. RANCH · . 20 ACRE RANCH 7, miles from Newport. 12 acres permanent pasture. Abundant cheap water. 3 houaee and barn. Equipment for 15.000 chi~n.a. Will sell with or without llveiitock. Con- 1tider part trade tn ba.y area. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BtnLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport BIYd .. Harbor2552 3 BdTm G. I. Resale. $10,4:!0 FULL PRICE IM.80 monthly payment.a, beat cOata Mesa dlat.rict. l!"or detaU. call Mr. Kemp~ Hatbor 1500. • P . .(\.. PALMER INCORPQRATED 3333 Via Lido . Phone Harbor 1500 Harbor 3265 . Newport Heights CONTRACTOR"S OWN 2 BED- ROOM HOME, eKceplionally well built and well kept. Solld oak noon, dinlng room. large kitchen a.nd breakfut room, walk-in closet.a, nreplace, BBQ, patio. Full bath wtth tub and etall ahowe.r. Nicely Jandacaped ori large well-located lot. 2-car gar&ce. Only $12,:;o(). ca.ti John Mottram-Harbor 1000 Evenings Harbor 2f8C)..R P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach Sailboat Included in price. You get M.ilboat and mooring in addiUon to 5 bdrm home near bay. Spacl0ll8 room• and porch. Completely furnish- ed. Not new, but well built and room for large family. All for $21,500 ExcJuaJve Bay & Beach Realtv Ethel Sh1rley Gloden Fay 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1284 · Only $95 Down BUYS THIS FINE LOT 50:139 on Victoria St.. between H'rbor and Newport BlvdB. F'ull P!'ice 1995. Phones: Beacon 5606-M or Beacon 5293-W 18tfc . Lake Arrowhead For Sale or EX:change Large 3-atory fumiahed cabin at La.ke Arrowtiead, 1 near ' Blue Jay 1bopplng center . .<ccommo- datea 22. Two kitchens, 3 b&tha.. Open ye'-r round. Underpriced al $6500 for q*k sale or ex· change. Write W. L. Jent.on, 2502 Crestview Drive. Balboa Bay Shores, Newport Beach. LIDO ISLE $15,750 34p39 Complet'ely new 2 bdrm. home. ~ L&rge rooms. Chooee your own colore and flnleh. Lowest price new home -on Lido lale. A'LSO permanent ba.y vtew bul1d- tng site. Over 50 ft. frontage. Sacrifice for quick 'sale, $8,500. G REENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDl!J& -REALTOR 3112 Newport BIYd., Harbor 2552 CDM Ocean View 2 BDRM· RANCH TYPE HOME. 'Shake roof, hwd.. floara, db1e. rarage ori large lot. DUPLEX . h . $l5.500, terms wit a VIew E . S . h R al OD .• comer R..3 lot-Ii blk. to rn1e m1t • e tor . 1-ZM Coast Htway, Corona de! Mar bay. Sl.2,000, ~-Phone Harbor 26fT INCOME PROPERTY -on thne Iota near yacht club. Home with 3 rental wrtta. · 8 • B&DROOll ocean lroilt, older home. N--tine. s- car garage. A nry t<!04 nlue. • Sl~,500 . j . . • ( - 1 • I I j l , 1 · l l I I