HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• ' ' l I' L I • . NEW EDUCATIONAL BUILDING plctu.-.d above (w"t) side of the endoaed patio and adJolnlnl' the p nt parl"'h house. Ground wlJI be _,brokeo· Stl9l~ • • day, July 1 with a eettmony ln charce of the KL Rev. 11ed Clark, Lord Rlahop of Koot.enay, Canada. ' j • and of the Re\•, Paul. 1'foore "'httler, rector of the church. PhUrntt Ellerbroek l!I arcbllt."Ct and Geo. H 0Js trln l"' builtf4?.r. ~ f I ~ ' TIDELANDS RA.Cl'Z -Pa.rt of the tweaty.feor boa&; Jlee&; whlab. turned out for Newport HartMJr Yocbl c1u.,So -w·TJ-. 8-lo led by Dlelt steeie(• Odyooey, and Porter Slnclal,;e boat, the Fl,Y· .... 8clofdtw. Od,)wy W•• nnt ~ to tlniell, otnclaJly. •lnce Kenn7 SclunldV• Hila,._ the nrSt -I i.,.tallo.I a.:~ &lie -..,rftc:lly, . t -' . ·'\'I A~ • r'-, HOT DOG • POP ......... , ............... at .. llilner Al-M .,. o:lub'• Fiia Nlpt -... I Fri- day. Left to rtpt m•aeldq oD their wlMen mre'D -f8d ~Wftltee Kit~ That"• Bill Ood90e on the rtp.~ apparently more lnte"'8ted la wbat tboee ottaer p,,. are eattnc than what be'• ready t.o sink his teeth Into. (N ews-Tlmee Phqto) • • llt1Jll.B& iWll Ml .. c.a--. .. Ill .. _ --•-•N•-er __ ,_ ..,. ....... ""' ... '·"'·--· .... -..... ,_ ........... , ' ' " , '• (l(ows1'11: l'Wol .• •• ·~ • I - New Educati0n Uoif Planned for St .. James The Right Reveretrd Fred Clark, Lord Bia hop of Kootenay, Canada, will off le late on Sunday, July 1 at ground breaking tor the new educational unit of St. Jamee Epll- copal 'ch1;1reh and to parallel the church on the west 1lde of tbe patio, according to an announce- ment by the r~tor, the Rev. Paul Moore Whtoeler. Need of lhr. building WU graphl· cally told by one youngster report- ing to hla pa.rent.a, "Our clus n1eel$ ln the clolhe8 cloeeL" The "clo thes closet " waa ln reality the vel"lment room. Other clueea are held In the kitchen, cbolr and the parish houae ill tilled to capacity. The new addition will give 3400 square feet more space. It wUl include a chlldren'lr\chap- £'1 for the primary department, beginners" room with altar, work 8.~d 1play a.rea ; large audlo-vlJU&I atct room for showing educaU8nal film's: atx classrooms; choir room. offices for the rector ud church 11ec retary and re11t rooma. The addition will m&ke poaelblto the eatabllshlng . of a nursery school a.nd kinde rgarten on week days, lo help r elieve crowded con- dlliona In public achoots. Cost will be $27,000 but the building will represent a larger inveatment becauae of gtfta of ma- terial and 11uppllet1. George Hol- stein. contractor. will build at a ctual ~t . Of the cash amount, $12.obo ha.a already Deen pledged and a cam paign wilt begin lmme- dlaltly to raise lhe balance of s1 a.ooo. ' -; -• • f I ...,.,, r ' • . ·-.,. SH ..... ....., ftve pe,_· llaiilay DlPl_ la ~t of t.bo •-~y ehab, ~. abov. le the car bloll waa ""°& driven by Almd E.. Ollloon, l!I Alnelbyel Ave., Ila!,,.. -, at the time of hbl eat. Olb8on, and a p-•1eBp.:r tn'llle aar wef'P both Injured. The car was Jiit,'~ It "' ... makillis jt'r turn rrom the Cout: HIJh.._y lato the Bay club. (Photo tty' Beckner) Aarbor ~igh Asks An~exaH_on Hinesly Case· Lower Insurance.· Rate Cited · Continued Again A ~uest that 1the Newport H&rbor UnJon high echool be incl~ded Prollauon hearlng for DouglU wiUiln the boundArte1 of Newport Beach will )¥ve been. brought Hlneeley, 2.fO E. 20th etreet, Costa befor:~ the Nc\\·port Beach Ci ty Council Monday nJ.chl. Mesa. wu again ·continued for a The requeat, In the form ot a letter from the hl(h scbOOl'a Board week. Tbla iJ1 the second time that , __ or Trustees, wu as follows: ®----the c ase baa been continued. rt '7he &Ard of TMJ.1Jtee.s o r the In Uie next five yea.ra. if the build -wtll be heard next Friday. Newport Harbor : Un ion high In~ were within the corpora.led Htne.sly had p)eaded guilty on school d1Rtrict hu.1 tor l!!Dmetlme. limit.a or the City or Newport one count of contrlbultlng to the been considering lht matter of re-Beach rather th&n in the unlncor· delinquency or a minor Ce. 14-year- queetlng of you (pat the high porated ar'ea . The ratee are e1-old gtrl) a.nd 1.8 uking probation. school, with tta can(pwt of approK-tabllshed by the Boa.rd ·0 r Ftre Un-lt I.a allea-ed that Hinealy had lmately eevcnty-ftv~ acres, be in-derwrlten and It ·appears that we rondled the girl when she h&d been eluded within the bou•d&rle• of must accep.t sakl Board'• ruling aa emplpyed a.s a baby sitter in hll the City or Newport Beach." to ratea." . • borne on May 18, 196~ . ,"'lbe achool tor ni.any year. haa I "Annexq:ig the , ec:ho01 property . Gibson Hurt · in Three-Car Crash . ' Near ~Y Club - Seven persons were in- jured ·in four automobile ac- cidentii over the week end. Five persona' were injured in a three car accident t H a t occurred at 'lo :46 p. m. Sunday night' In front of the BalbOa Bay Club. . C&c driven ·by A!rrecl E . Gib- .an, prominent Harbor area to- w.ranee. man, o ~ !126 •Amethyst a•enue, Balboa laknd, was h it tn the mldd1e Of It.a rtg:bt aide u It WU tuming lnto the Bay club rrom the Coast Highway. Mr. Oib- aon and a pbaenger tentatively ldentft1ed u Mra. Esther Mltchell of Corona del Kar,~ Were &oUt in-· Jured. At the tlnie ot the ""cident it wu thought that the hurt.a. they auatalned were aerioua. 'but latest reparte from Community hbspltaJ lndlc&te that they ue both rest· lnl' comfortably. The Glbeon car was struck, ac- cording lo Newport. Beach policf' reporta. by a car driven by How- ard Parker of Vista: Paasengua in Parker' a car wen H. L.. Foster, M:r•. E1la Foster &nd slx·year-old Max FOflter, all of Los Angeles. The small boy wu the ollly one to ewcape without tnjuriea. Glbeon's ca.r after ltt bad been struck by l"Oflter'a vehJ.cle spun around and elammed lnto a cac driven by Stephen G. Freeman, 1532 Miramar, Balboa. Freeman WU uninjured. l!)'pm police meuurementa, lt 'ri8 de~tned lhat •Foat~• car .Jilddecl tMI ·to8t before the lim1>oet. Phllmer Ellerbroek t. architect rOr lhe church, which will have property valued at' 1129,800 when t.hlli addtlon t. completed. ~ vtslon hu been made for addinl' a second story with powth of the ~ ~dent 'upon your clly for Lq th~ cltj_would !" no;,..y affect 5e ;p. . ....,.,. .. mce. INC'L,!f water, the t.F~-Uon. or ~ ·;. '(!1 ilt!Wtt; · 'tliilf'j\lllill!i '1fi8'iM!lli r ._ ~ . · r,'lllit'~-.... _, ~ Tile-> In~. ·~ho rwiMd. . to ~J' "-"''via s..i· ..... -.;·' :1t_" • ..,~ .Jame.,. ~ parents are· from Lo.I Aft_., WU .t.rtlc;Jt ~y a c.&r the church It.Nit by &n add1Uon to the eut. Two Sailors ·Strong-Arm Man A Long Beach Insurance aalee- man Thur•day night waa divea;ted for $28 in cuh and a wrMrtwatch &nd rinl' valued at 1200 by two ea.lion near Corona del Mar, the sheriff's office reported. The victlm wu Grayeon W . Show, r'"° told inveeUgatore be met ht.Ii uaallanta in the Lacuna Beach hotel bar and 1en with them In their car to look for hOi ma- chine. Show aald he had for•otten where he had parked hie c&r. Show and the two men rO<k around the area for rtve or ten mlntuea &nd the n etopped on the Back Bay Rd .. near the alt worki! where lhe victlm w .. pushed out of the car &nd ordered to hand over h:la money &11(1 valuables. bf· ttcera reported. Show waa left It tbe 'ecene &nd waa plt ked up later by a Newport Beach police cu. STRANGER rBAN la aaaoll.IMllq the Fourtll ol .luly celebra\loa at El Toro Marino -· t.bo SUia Ana ll<!pltt l<lld aboul t.bo ....... r&cee. roptq coateat lad bue- ball pme. Talklnc allout tlle -Ille odllorlal blue po.ctl _, ............... ~ Ille ..u- """ r-beq ---1 De .... ..... "'ftcketa t•r tlla -·wtn ..... -·--.., a~ al! .._ Wiii el tM ..... -· . FIWll Ata.Qru+ • OordoG Loo Auotln of A.lbambra la llJ>Olldln& .,me time with lalo aunt, Mr& Ruby Choney, an l'lower st., O>olJ> ~ ... d prl)op dloi-al, without clartty_tJj otitua .~"ti.I;' ecbool '· ,_ ... being • part ot U!e city. Tour co-.. ,being •nt,ltled to .... ....,.,, .... ·c·fa' ''1m· F1·1i..iJ. operation .in futnlahing these aer· vlcea-turnl.tbed by the clly. The CU vtcea hae alwaye been apprectat-echooJ propert): it of coune ex· · @d by this Board. u they ha.e emp~ from kll property ~ee." • M t c been necessary to1 the IJUceutul "In view ot•the:above, the Doud In esan s ase openUon of the aqhool p1ant." of Trusteu of th~ lfe"port Har· "Recently a n"" problem baa bor U nion h!P-achool 'illatrtct , · arl9en. W e are informed by the hereby requesu that you, the 0.ty An aft&davit alleging that "Wll- ac.hool'1 ineurance ~ ca.rriere that Council. of th• City of Newport llam 0 . Wharton, Costa Mesa, ui undu a revlalon or lnsuran~ rat.es Beach, take the neceuarY steps • ae~ peychopath wu tiled applying to thl• are;. that the high to Include the Campus of Newport with Superior Court Judge Rob- scboot would save tapproxlmately Harbor Union hltb 8c.bool Within. ~·~in who i:: ;:~ c(lmi- $8,000 in fire ineurt-nce premlurm your clty'e ~d&riee.'' AJ~er Dep. ':.i1t. AUy. a.~rge P . J-0ne9 flied the affidavit Uie · Ask D •t[• ri ·:o.:i.·: · · -eol!'rl' apjloinled Dr, Hym&.11 Tuclt-ers r1 _,,,_'.1g~n~ . ;;~~~i·~~=i..:::: Dro't ·rt c -·,· a co·v: a Propo· 'ifit :-: ~~~~1?'tf'~;ii~t:rii ~ e,, .. n . "" . .~ ;;·. -. _. !:t::i:~~.:~K~: ~ • Reading or a d n or 90 letters from out of t~ prOperi.y-ownel"" · 'cUaed of.-t\Vo -telOny .. morabi coudts spark~ the paaslng of a titotlQtl by West Newport~Impro-.:enient 8..IJ90-involving children, wu represent- ctatlon at It.a mttuhg Friday night, uklng the cJ(y council to repeat! ed by Atty. Robert Barne•. ordinance ~22, whl:h allows s lant drilling for oll under lhe c lty west of 53rd street, and which le an amendment to o~ln&nce 372, which . ' prohiblta 1111 "dr111m"g ror. develop-\ inl', producing, at ng and re:fin-the Park ahd Jlecreatlon Comml&- lng petroleum, ol1, p.a rand other slon'• plan lo !a.us II a month hydro-carbon • IU tancu wt thin · · -1· 1 lhe coroprate llfn~t of the Oty ap.lmt all water meten to ~Y ot Newport Beac ," and which for purchaaln, Of China Cove wu preeented council la.et property" for uae u • public beach nlghL I "' and which a'-q wu to be brourht Whlle the moUo1 pa.Med unanl· up &t the cityJ council meeting. m oualy, Uiere wae ~ definit e feel-Charles Ha:.rt.. reportl~g for the Ing that tr the ctt)l,j did not repeaJ committee orl · Newport lellllld the amendment, ~t ti ahould, in bridge, stated.~ survey ehowed 92 faimeM lo proper owneni west people contacf;ed, 63 in favor of of ~3rd street, a.ll w them to do a bridge at~U'CWI avenue and vertJcal drflllng on f heir own prop-eight uUsfied wt th the bridge ln erty ln order lo pr tect their min-it.a present 1 tton at 38tb •treeL eral r tchta. All wan~ open bridge wit}\ lt WM polnU<t ~t that ~a.coo no flll. No er wu received company bu been ~ven ~t by from the ~g 21. the county for a ell on ~nnlng Lan IA q ~ another properlJ> oortb. of hlp~y ,,as ,,.....! •N& changli\g of th an ortaet to the.!' uc:h!g Jd'fln.e 11-3 aone on' poe highway achJso company wello. It la the Jttgtno from Ne~<tj_If!Ucl to commer- -· alant drlll<d Poclflc !!:lee·. clal ""'1lng ror -t ,.,.1a1a, cbar&- trlc rlgbt ot way, which dty lot Ing property were ""'-· OWDer'9 , c:lalm cfraln tlaeit the channel made UJ\l&fe for property: and ao tar Ibey have bathen a11d Md would bad no otlero ot unity 1._. be ftllecl up 1,11 11&11<1' by •• ......., Bomo pJ'OtNI w voiced oga1na1· from ~ _.__ An expreae round-trip on the Loe A.Jll"el~Newport Beach-Bal~ boa motor .oo6Ch line 1'rill be dp- eratod bt l'acltlc ll:lectrtc during the summer· month.a, beginning Tue&day, June 26,.it wu announc- ~ today tiy B . O. Marler, pae- aenger traffic manager. The trlp .now leaving Balboa Monday through P'rtday at 1' :01 a.m., arriving at Loa Angeles St. Ternilnal a t.8 :36 a..rn., will lea-n Balboa at 7:20 a.m., Newport. Biach at 7 :27, Huntington Beoch at 7:33, Sun~~Beach at 7 :4-3, Seal Buch at 7 :47, Seventh and Hatha- way in Eut Long Beach at 7 :60, th~ncP ()J>erating ~preaa to Loe Angele•. arrtving &t 8:42. The trip leavihg Loe Angeles St . Termlhal at 4 :M" p.m ., arrivlnl( In Balboa at 6 :2'. Wm leave at 4 :43 p.m. and operate esprea lo Seventh a11d Halh&way, arriving thete at 5 :38, 8e:&l Beach at 6 :41, sunaet Beacll at 5:46. Huntington Beach at a :53, Newport Be&cb at 8 :01 utd ll&lboa at 8:08 p.m. FUn 1 Night Kids Eat.. riall~:" .t:.funi\Eat .Again · -. 1 '!'bolo,.........;. wbo .attooidod lbo ~ 8r7".' Club'• Fll!l Ji~ at !"""-.. -J'rld&,t maDjlP,d to atow 4way 3llO hot dop and -.,.ti me" tllat -"Ill ~ /a docent ..... d bath tUb. . .. . ·'.-,. '( . , ,1 Tbe occulon ... °'" ........ tlon'• -'1111:i.io<Y ~)''and tbo -bel~ pat, a..'**7 u.lr llhan of the· two hUp .,.... IW'l!fe baked for tbl oocti... ~ • 4: 0-uoo -nlood. tor lbo Roya Clbb'• BelloOljU'11llp-tund ~· ~ ' ~· ~ to tlle -wllldl aold tor 211, ceaf4. •• . . . . . • at the lllterwrctJon ot Marguerite and Seaview a~uee, Corlona· del J.Ou, at I:~ p.m. Saturday. Tbe boy had been runntng-across ·the •treet alter hia parent. when he WU struck by a vehJ.cle.. driven by R. K. Hemp at Whittler. Fortu· nately 'the ,cilr W¥ golng slow and tbe boy .uttered only minor bumpa and bnllaea, A cycllot, Richard Holland, ii;, • ot 702 GoJlienrod avenue, Corona det Mar, wU 1truck by a car aa be w .. cycttnr north on lfegouta ave-· nue at B:OI p.m, Fr:ld&y. Drfvec of the car· w}llch .truck the boy wu Georyre -~· Matthew. JI;aguna Beach. Acordlilg ttt police irecords, Matthew Mid that be was unable to eee tb.e boy because th-ere ls no tlgbt ai the ln~rRctlon of Fourth and ~goni&. and becauae there wu ao 11.cht on the boy's bicycle. Matthew wu not·held. Tiie cyc- ltn suffered cut knees and went into abock. He wu taken to Com- munity hoepltal by !eal ambu- lance. A three<&r oolltaton.' in w tJicb no one waa injured, wu reported t.o NeWJK>rt Beach police ·at 4 :':\ p.m. Sunday. The iaoctdent took pl&ce at the lnle,.tkm ot 17th . street and tout' Highway. A u.r operated · • Tom Rush, Long Be.di!, Jiii Into tho rear of a · vehicle 'd'rlYllt by Jamea L. Bur-.• ger, Long ~b-Bµrp1"• "'!''· In tum · hit the rear of' a vehicle plloted "1 'Willlam J . Kltt>y. aJao of Lonr ae.ch. Rush'e car wu the only OGfi ~ wu 8erioualy dam ... ased. -t I , • • ' " " " •' ' . ' h• 105 AIGiLES • amily G~thering t Trusty f:iome ountv Group at OP CQnvention ' • • I r , ' i . , ... • ~ I ' . , . ~ . , . ,. t I . • • t ' I I I ·-• f. Savings ~II ~•ad the Wayl l •. • Systematic Sa.Vinp wiU ;take you to real.. aecuri,ty ... eo doo!t.~y. !!tart to !!&~·here now! \I · . t • • ~ • : , ' l .. At NEWPORT .BALBOA ,P.lilOERAL all ~vinga . are 'in&!!i:e~· gp.{o $10,000 .·an«;! earn :current big)! • " 3% diYill!lnWi-· :eome in ;ana.:atart a Savings ""to;].. , ~ ~y. " . . and make a· year's income your • " " t · ... Savings goa:I:. ' " ' • • • I \ • T~y. J.-26, 1951 • • • • . . . ' .._ • . HARBOR SOCIAL EVENTS lnvi+ed to '.~~·er. F,ormer:Herborit Purchasihg .A(jent Here 'From .Engla . . .. ' . . I I Rip-taUft .~ of the . Kr. alld Mn ..... ~ i _ 11arli9< .,.... Ila"'! -..· 1nY1te.i ·co ,.....,., .-ia. n.w - C Off S M t • meet. Mi'o.. w~. L.. -D11ud to atlAlnd of Ourtesy -·1cers at ta·r ee newl,y ~tfil plu<:Jlalp,1 .-t their -Bob ,,_ coUqe ...a for H:qei ~ bOopifai at ""· were at tllelr l:nclnltu 1ntorniµ ltinclleoD . In · . Newpcrl . Mn. --po.Id a o<, will p....ide. ~ Leqoue In •t.artlnl tlMo I • I • • • '· . . ' ' •' \ , -" '. '.I .. ' -1 ' • When Birthday Party Is Held =~i:-~~u~-= :-::-:::: =t~ ::!t...~ .:..-$ -----------• ·" .• . --Thrift Shop and WM onil UM A f'Ull comp1emmt of courtesy.._ ON NEW YOU TIUP . poup whicb ran the ~ l , I I t ott\cen served for the reee.nt s!::m:~~=e~~~~~:~ ~ A Gay, Ruby avenue. .lhop. Mr. Boudlnot new ~ to ·meeting et H&rbot-Star chapter, lie Ehrle, 'o~; Eat.her, Vlrctnta BaJboe. lAland, la tn New York City England tut week. hla Wife ~­ OES, a festive affair noting birth-CummtngS: Brea; Marth&. Ruby attenCltnc a b\19lneN convenuon. nlnc to leave later trom )Mew daya of Worthy Matron Ruth Def.s.. F.ckles, Santa Ana; Elect.a. Au· IH=•-wtll::.:::_:be:_: ... ::=:.:•_.2:_1:_:da.::_:Y•_· _____ Y_o:.;r,..k_. _________ _.' _________ ~--------'--F----'C...:'---'------'--....'....----'---r--------------=:....,..,_ ter and Worthy Patton Henry blne Baumatark, Buena Puk. Dei.8te"r. Otben were: warder, Grace Sch•· Glftft eacort w ere Maude Sib-fer, Ama Tai, Fullerton: aenttnel, ley. p.,.t gra.nd matron: MW'lel George Paulaon, Garden Grove: Johneon and Grace Scott, deputy nag bearer, Charlie Baumet.ark. gTIUld mat.tons. Gueet offlcers Buena Park. Myrna Bent of IA~ were worthy matroM and patrons guna Beach waa hoateu. ot Ora.qge county chapteni. Serv-All guest officers were" present· tng u worlhy matron, Marie Bat-ed. with col'9&gea, made by Jean tenon or Hr-.rmosa chapter, Santa Cottle. Mr. and Hrs. Deister were Ana; worthy patron, Arch Haw-pre.vlted monetary gt.ft.a from of- kins of ~Fullerton ; associate ma-flcen of the local cha~r. by Jean tron. P earl Bake r of Yorba Linda: Cottle, asaoclate matron a.nd Har- ·usoctate patron. George.r Ehrle of old Flnk. a.aeoctate pa~ron and Scepter chapter. Orange; 8e'cre· there w~re many more pent0na1 tary. Frances Mc.Kelvey, Seuide gifts at the r efreshment hour. chapter. Huntington Beach: trea.s-Irene Wlleon had arranged the u rer, T t"sla Bo8well, Fu11ertoni dttoraUon11 of large green Cana. conductreu, Myl'Ue H itchcock , ua.ed with white marguerltea and San Clemente; a.uocia conduc-gladlolua tor the roomii and t,.ablel!I. trea, Sadie Dorsey. Norwalk: Cake anrt tee cream Were served marshal, Kathleen McPheraon, by Mra. Cottle and mem~rs of Seal ~ach : organlst Georgla her committee: Daisey Pooley. Talley, La Habra: cha aln, Fran-Ealher Devine, Irene Wllson and ces Barnee. Downey. Walter Peck. Newport W men of the Moose to Install 0 icers Sunday, July l lnst.allation of rfew otftcers for.,__ ___________ _ the coming year will be held in man, AJda Gorton: child care t he American Legion ha.JI. 15th &: chairman, Dorothy Miller: social West Bay avenue, Newport Beach service c hairman. Murtene Tipp· SUnday, July 1 at 2 p.m . by New-Ing: home making chairman. Elate port Women of the Mooae. lnst&.I· King; hoepltal guild chairman. lalion w ill be conducted by the Ollve MUler; membership chair· ritual te!Mln from lhe Santa Ana man, Selma Jonea; Moose Heart WOTM Chapter &:;, A cordial ln-alumni cbatrma.n. Edna Phegley; vttation ia extended to all chaptera pu.bllclty chairman, Flon. Vaughn; .. to attend. Refreehments will ~-Mooae Heart chairman, LQrn.ine M"rved t oUowing the ln.stallatJon. )(ontgomrry; library c hairman, Newly elttled officers or New-Lema M&uey; Mooee Haven· chalr- port WOTM are: aenlor regenL man, Grace Brenner. Winlfred Randel; junior gradu-An Initiation ceremony will held ate regent, Alice Anderson : jun-tn the Mooee home Thuraday, June lor regent. Clara Leach: chaplain, 28 at 8 p.m . Candidate to be lnlt· Alice Young, L1E"llt'h.1rer; Joyce lated ta Dorothy Carter of New- Edick, recorder, Viola Com~l. port Beach, sponaon.'d by Myrtle ,. Co-workers appolnted . by the Humphrey. new senior regent arE": guide. Refreahmenu will be aerved tol- Nicky Edgerton; &.Mist.ant guide, lowing the lilltiatlon by the hoet- Edn& Phegley: sentinel, Elsie esse& co-workers Bobble F rorelch King.; argus. My rtle Humphrey ; and Joyce Edick. Chapter night pl&niat, Olive MiUer; ritual chair-chal.rma.n la Selma Jones. Former Resident Has Broken Back The many. Harbor area friends of Mrs. Marte Mellor, the former Mrs. C. M. Trusty, or Sall Lake City, will be 90rry to learn that she la sutfertng from a broken bac k a.nd will be tn a cut for many montha. accortllng ·to her physician. Mra. Mellor. the moth- er ol W. H. Trusty, 330 Santa Ana Ave., formerly resided In this viclnity and after moving away fr~uently came be.ck lo visit here. She would be glad to hear from her local friends who may "-'rite her at 1M2 Harwood Ave .• Salt Lake Cit y. ------- Circle Members Plan Picnic Mra. Alden Does~rg was b0&t- E"88 to ten members of Laa Amlgu circle of WSCS, Christ Church by t he Sea. at her home, 908 WeAl Ocean Front. Mrs. J ohn Shields presided a,nd Mrs. Kennelh Farn&- worth wu in charge of devoUons. Planned wu a picnic pot luck for memben and their familJea, New Director for Holy Neme Societies Rev. 'ntomu F . McNlcholis, putor of St. Jerome'8 church, Weatcheater, ha.a bee':n appolnt.ed direetor ot the Archdioceaan Union of Holy Name Socte tle.a by ArchbU!:hop J . Francis A. Mcin- tyre, the chancery offi ce announc- ed this week. · Father McNlcbolu hu been as- aiatant dlrector atnce' 1946 and dl- rtttor of the Holy Name Speaker'a Bureau 11ince 1938. He wa.a acting director of the union durlng thP put year ln the absence of Msgr. Patrick J . Concannon, retlrlng di- rector. Miigr. Concannon ia pastor or Good Shepherd churcll, Bev- verly H tll.8. Lido Families in Oklahoma The Hadd Ringa of Lldor Isle left lut week ror the rmdweat where they wi11 viatt their daugb· ter. Delore• and her family-at Wichita F&llil, later meetlng the Tom Hendereona of Udo tale in Oklahoma. They will visit the Grand Canyon and other scenic apots e111 route .. to be ,held July 27 al the home of HOKE f'llOll OOLLEGE Mrs. btnton ~1Jer, 10708, Sou.th Unlvenlty of Oregon student&, Hubor Blvd., Anaheim. Al.so dia-La Nelle Gay, Kathy Rabbitt and cussed wa.a a Cund-rai8ing canuta · Lohlla Vincent are home tor the party to be held in August. /summer. ~ck ~bbltt a.nd Don Jones are among the UC boy• re- Eftrybod7 reada t.ne elu8Uled ada., turning home. Why take less 1hat1 2' bantt interest ior your savings'? I , • 1 • Yer. .. ,,. « A-lea ,..,.,. 2S . : ..... ;,,,.,.., ................ ... : .... ;""'"' llflllit -, •••••• k I llftiop IDIJ ..... n ..... ' . . ~i--~------------------· • A.-a.u ot America, ia acldirioe : ... all ocher ptoteaioas, 1""' l trtinp depooia aa ~ "7 I capital fuads and,.,"• ol : about M,0.000.000. -.f-.. ·--------·------·. ---Fw1uori1J, ... ,,..;,,,,. ..J,., Md itolnftl, tk,.UI ,_. .-i•I' • ..,, ito &rd t{ AMmat. - 'r~ .. lleml o( ..lmtma NA-.-ll'fllm~ Oit .U,iam ...-.. w ·hfortJ•l7 io '1° ·"""'~ •6rars)I W•f/)"'1J . -...................... -................... _,.,...,... . - -' • , • . ' • • ' .. ,,-.. .. - ·-· ·-~ . - \, • ' ~··-........ -~ I wor er I • I Through a system known as C o-ordinattd Di1tribution, men and women in 1860 diffcrtnr kinds of jobs keepsMil produro .flowing smoothly from the oil fields to you. '. ' :: ' -·· ' ' ' ., • • • • ' ·-to · meet yo peeds , oil supply, transportation, refinery I_ utpu4 and deliv- ery of finished products mto an el!i~ent 'IS,'Stmbly line · stretching from oil wells to you. An~ as a !esulr of this system, petroleum products cost lcf;s here than any- Meeting your ne.eds for oil products requires the teamwork of drillers, scientists, truck drivers, mechanics, administrators, dispat~~. plus pet>- ple working in 18 5 4 other kinds of jobs. Some work on oil derricks. Others tend pipe line stattoM. But all work together to keep the ' . flow of oil moving from underground sources to refineries, through complex processing steps, 3*d then to distribution cente~ ... so that gasoline and oil can be delivered to you, when and where yeu :want them. It's a round-the-cl~k job. I At Shell, this teamwork is made possible by a S)75tqltl called Co-urdinMed Distributiun, which mesh~ cru~c --·-··- :~~:~~:=±"' I~ .;,Mt economy, coinfort, protection. It p ' uce$ more than half of Am~rica's power. I! Co-ordinated Distribution, whic links ~er the work of people in 1860 different ds of 1 jobs, is.~· other example of how the oil indlnd1n•_ SIJ~ the mµi, mwn usefulness out of our petrolc SUrY· . ' And oil compaillcs, to do this, wo on . : pro- duct;ion, refining, and distribution. II I • . ' I Joined fO Hrve you Mt Production finds new oil fields, gets the most possible oil froifl en.ting wells. R9flnl111 gets more and better products from every gallon of crude 'pctroleum. . · · Dlstrillutlen anticipates the users' needs, and delivers the prodiict where and when it i5 needed. With production. relining, :and distribution all , joine\i "under one roof'-teamcd to exchange ideas-ShCl.L ruJ.-lt· its 1!'1ft to assure th,e ~ efficient flow of p«rOiewb' • produets to you. . ' , • . · 1 •. To .,,.,J," Amwlcm 1 I , Because they have plowed ~ck over I 0 billion. oolli.rs into 1 new plapts ""1d squipment 5fnce the end of World ~ar rl, At!leria's privately ma112~d oil companies· ouq>roducl:. thC world-arc better prq>oked tod:iy than ever before c0 meet bodi civilian and miliiiary needs. • • j ' . t•· ~- t Shell ~ii Ci mpa~y.: .. -I~· , f ~ 'i. • • ·I • . ,, ' • ' , I • • • 1 ' .. -----·-···--- -. r • • ' • • • • ' I I I ·' I . I. 1' I . . • • ' . I , • I RisErlo ' Remark ~,... ...... 'PW W-. 1CO-tlle HOUIO 'llav-->!!....,, Los no 11ocw wottt; I laboNd loll« - and polllftlllJ' ovn an artlele (or 1 ,. r 7' t•· EYfll'7 S"lt llaf'. at 1'&Wpwt •11*9 OIM? 5* "" tile ~ RAa.l>Jl PmlUllBIJ(O OOllP411T -~-·rof CAUFORNIA ~SPAPER PUllLilllDIRa .Alllnf, ~-'ot tl>e )'!A'nONU. ICI>rI'OIUAL AllOOIATION -. . ilrlntlnl' Plant at 2211 -.. II;-· Telephone Harbor tet• 1 . .....,_ u Second-Ow Ma.tter at, tJ!e Poltotfte9 ta Newport Beech. · Calltomla under the Act ot March s. 1119 EDWARD A.. LeHOVEN, Editor J. M. FRANCIS, BuJtineM Manager SUB8CIUPl'ION RAT'8: . NEWPORT·RAl .. 80 . .\. NE\\1S.TIME8 every TvMd&7 r..fo.sa ... County, "1.M ..... y ... : $%.Otl six ...... tho; .... - m~~ (Al"" lnclud .. the NEWPORT-BALBOA PRF.88, ~) 1 · Outllldf" Oranp C'.ounty M.00 per year : .. ). ... .s;;. . . . .. *• •• .... • • * ...... a tu joumal ud eevera.I 1ettH1r "" IUCll ""'Jeota aa uvr and u.e fallacy ot public lloU.ltn&· Bofore wrtun .. my weekly letUr, I knock· .ed. otr • r.... eecondl, for your --·t. Ille IUH••tlOft lllot Karp.rel Trumua· make a record wltll "Old IJoldlero N-Die" on one llfde and ,'"Doll't. Shoot t.hr Pluo ~·Oft the other . I rloe to uk you which of my labo(a you think haa spread over the Country! 'nlat wtlecraclt: was plckE'd up by newspaper column- lat. and on the radio; it haa ap- peared In other CpngTeu.lonal 1et- tera and at J~ut tWo nauonai magu.inee wtll have tt in the next Luu.ea. One or them, checking de- t.al ... phoned U!e Library of Con- gre11, lo ask about the piano player &Ong. The library reported, ao I hear, that it ha4 no record or It. I am afraid only tho.le of U8 who 11aw the flNt decade o! the century can gtve thJa Worma· Uon and we do so reluctanUy and PHEROOIOUS PHILLIPS - -with the hope we do not lncriml· C ,.. Qu k ~-na~ . Q\lrAelves. Wl\SlilNGTON, D. .---..alifomias a er 'vung1eu Thaoew•re the "-Y• of flrot re· man, mild mannered John Phillips of Banning ia the Wk 1 .... f.-, tlle fl.fQlly dloclplln .. of the Capitol today. He is being bailed as the 'Battling of a Pl!<r&tlon ago and the tlrat • rre6doma of college. Fr.tda.y nJgbt Banningite' for his brief encounter in the conidor with could mean the national A.C. and Clarence Cannon (0) of Missouri, fam~ for bis inflamma-Jack Blaekburh. Harlem .T"'l'my ble temper and careless tongue. · ~ · -Mu.,,hy or GenUemea ' Jack Cannon .completed his fifth demonatration of violence 'Wq~· er~' .. '.. b f 'tu• "t•1on' A<N'i. O'Brien. Or I\ <ould mean th• Y n I Ice burlHQue ·111how' at about 4th and and California's Phillips participated in hl1 fimt. • •• 7 , • r: . . I, ch .. tnut, much frowned upon by· TIMI cluh centered attention on a .mouldering differ· • paronta. ence)1t0tween the economy-minded Republicans of the House G1·verr~~~4.:.:_ies by''Mir.,andy' ' u:.r. t~~~~ t~od~1w':u1~ Appropriations C.Ommittee and the Democrat.a who· have l:lat,~11 come d01"JI •taa'•· announce that been. a.ccu9ed of withholding budgets scheduled for1 Con· Beto~ an Int~. aud1~.. · he wu about to otns "Don't •hoot .,._;,,DAI ,,..ruaal, of aome 130 m•"\t?er~ and gueot8 Ed • 0 the piano P~. Ile'• 4~ the ,, .. _ ,.. ,.._ of .the Coot• w ..... Bay ciu•· _ ucatton 'OSt~ be•t he can.· -then .i ... what 1 Leaving the floor of the house the two vvngressman branch of the Califomia Fucbaj.a ) wu, to lhoee day•, a .aliplly off· came togeftler in the corridor . where Phillips and John Society, Mn. Freduick Rauen-, · color aong. Th• oong n•ed not be h da • fekl better Imo "Mlra.nd .. s ad I R the nmfl one, and the piano play. Taber (R) of New York were discll88ing t e y 8 event.II. of 'radio a.nd ~le~slon far:e. te• I y· 1se' er WU never publi.hied, 80 far ... Cannon, according to bvstandera .dl8t aspersions freely apok~ on "PJunin.g and Plantt.nr . I know, but •tarting with one as , to the antecedents of Congressman Phillipa, failing to Shade G~a.'.rdena." The deillghttul .. Elf'mf"ntary ecbool ~cofft per cornf'dlan, Jt •pl"t'ad until It ht>· note a twinkle in the eye of the Missourian, Phillips ia said p.rden aqtborlty wa• introduced pupil for the 1,412· pu ns in av· camEh• • tucommon t'Xpreulon. . . ln co.ta Mesa Legion hall. by . eu cacl"a -alu, lhe fleet· to have rendered a reso~dmg ~ handed alap full m Mrs. ~c BUu. vice pre•ldent or erage dally attendance in~ N,w. lng yeani glide by! But~ 1 think 'the face of Cannon. Phillips qu1c_kly ducked a right jab tbe Io ca 1 organt%8.tlon at It.a poit Beach el~mentary ~hoot dla· thty ~Ide In ctrele•. The burleaque I i I ' I l ' 1 l • t I P. ~ lhl trtct ave~ged $270.9~ fOf' 194el60 •how" hall moved uptown and Is only to encounter the ring of Cannon's left flsl) full in the mon Y m .. tlng tn Costa Mus compared with $201.~9 ~r pupil n • -gton hall Al Holllste p-1 r-now catted a musical comf'dy and _ h LA; • r. '"'8 • for the 1,395 attendaru!f' ot 1948· ~ mout . , dent. conducted a short business 9 ls ltOld out weeks a.head. It has , ii, A swollen lip. patched together with a single stitch, suaion. j · California Taxpayera a.uoc;ta-mov<'d into the livinr room 1.nd is ' S Mi Ion t(•port.Pd today. Data shown kno\l.·n as TV.· The girls arf' u a soiled shirt and suit. and chagrin at having connected tre ng the Importance. of are the late11t avatlablr. •vile and as attractive, but much · · k C planning, Mlraridy divided garden• __ 1 -with an unorthodox left boo , and a purple heart of on · into three categories. She first Teacher -...aries ln the dlstrlc!. mort' l'ICantlly clad. The danclnK · al Battle be' ported b Ph'll. toda a · averaged Slt>l .~l pt'r pupil for le now callf'd choreography. The grellBIOn are mg B y I 1ps y , j 1scua.'1ed tb• front yard with 1049.w, compared ~ith u 32"3 f or For the sake of the reCord here is the list . of Its "well kept. ta.1,lored suit look, 19-48-49. SCffiery is Improved. The comedian Ca • . t I wbere the-·eucntlal upkf"<'p la the Other current r-osta In the di~-haa diacatded hiJ baggy pants nnon a previous encoun ers; lawn a.nd a few formal flowers ln favor of a st>rle" of allegedly Kid Cannon -vs.. Milt RbmJ'ue (The Missouri Chai d h h · trtct , ('Xcludlng transport.at~. runny hat.I. Onl:y thP jokes rt>-. -a n s ru,s are required." .llVE'r8~~d $82.68 J>f'r pupil for maifl the aame. lenger) decision to Cannon. . The back yard was referre<t to 1949-50 compart<I \\'ilh ... 7.4-6 tor as the "kltch " _. 1 t ..., While I am in this nostalgic -K. id Cannon -vs-Generous John Taber (Referees and en a pron anu 8 no 1948-49. mood, let me talk about lruiuranC'e al'I well kept as the front yard. Tran!porlatlon costs tor the 4ia· Judges decision to Taber). and where one will undoublerlly trlct avt>ragt'd Sl6.76 l)("l,'r pupU !ror and the value of the con11umer Kid Cannon -va-Young McKeller (Scheduled for a find such items as the lnc inerator 9 dollar. Mra. PhllUpa and I wll!!re and clolhe•llne. J 49.50 compa.red with ~$11 .es ,tor married ln 1813. Th<*" \\'ere un· f\niah-no deciaion). 1948....cg. ' enllehtf.ned day•. whrn a youn<> P11radh1P t-;nrtovd "Publl h I •-• " Kid Cannon ·VS· Iowa Jensen (Match-note held-rain c ac 00 coi.11 ... are. gener· couplfl thought they had to work Then comes Our Garrlen or ally •pee.kine, lncreulnc futer ha { ~-) rd and lo lay u.lde eomt>thing 0 W01UB . as thl" P e rsians calle<l, "Paradl8f' than achoo! population ill ~. ~·-~ for lhf'lr ruture proll"CUon. I be· Kid Cannon ·VS-John Phillips alias the .Battling Ban· Encloeed," the 11peaker contin ued. ln~." the Taxpaye-rs' 8.Jl.!OClat'lpn ban to buy Insurance. Tho~ \\'etE> ningite (Stopped by referee Taber, TKO to Cannon). The main factors In shade gar-declarf'CI, pointing out that school also th(' day"· like these, of a , dens '6 protection from as many cost.a per pupil for 19.t9·~ We.re Dt'mocratk: president, and th<' The Nutralite Company over at Buena Park had better sides u need~. it was pointed hlgh('r than for 1948·49, In almi>st !lart or t}\f! lnv&!lion of \\'ashing- war." RepreeBntativc Hallf'Ck has of those which caused . the fight in 1716 -the lack of frO\\'iD&" them. Calttomla, .. the Taxpayers' organ-suggested that tht' appropriate i l I ! I ' • • ' l I 1;. !~ I I 1, ! ... Q • ' .. •• ' ,, ' . • ~· l • • • T-.d•y,;J~ 2~ INSURED, SAVING.Si- ' CUIUNT IAINltllS ' ..; .Per Attnufn ; •• stop sending our Congressman vitainin tablets, or maybe out . "When }"Ou hear ot 110me-"very di•trict ln Califarnla. ton from college classrooms. Mr. they ahould aend him more! ' one \\·ith a green thumb. you can ··Dfft.-lona on achool budget "tor \Vllson \\'a! about lo run again, on expect to find a peraon who 1 1951·02 are being ni.ade by local lht> slogan, ··Hf' kept us out of Come to think .of it, the undet"Jying argument wa.s one loves plants and is suc-ceMful tn boards of educaUon throughout representation for the taxpayers. lof irl..nd}· said t hat watering i~ lzatlo.n uid. slogan for next year, If lhf' pres- c C h . done by intuition, net b)' 11ched· '°Taxpaycra should l e~ their lo-!'lrnl occupant of the While HOUM-ongressman annon as been upsettin·g the long· ule. One muat handle ht• own cal M"hool tru•ters know their d<'Cides tq run again , \\'ill tx-, "H(' I ......_, L _.;_~,.~-.... wz-----0 = -I ~~,c, established balances in appr:.opriation subcommittees, which plants and learn their character· ldf'a.a on echool' 3J>#n<)lng rig-ht kr p" us out of pt>ace ." have been 5 to 4 or 4 to 3, and not only· putting himself isflcs to achieve ultimate beauty, now-rat.her than "''alting ufitil Those v.•ere al.so the days when r. a ccording to t he gardf!n expet'tt th«" public h«"arings covit" around you could go to the sta rt"' with A on Ml:b 1.:ommittees, for voting purposes, but putting four "Have an open central apace In Augu~t . , dollar bill and bring home change. Democrats to tWo . Republicans on some of the-m, this In )'Our garden In "'hie h to en-"The IW'hool budget nrf"ds ti~t-Ir you bought five dollars "·o rth niaking a five to two weighted committee with his vote. joy Its beauty. ('nintt u p -just as the, ta xpay('r of.grocerlee, the clerk v.·ould have ··ni.e slu is i1nportant, too. ln I~ having t o tightc-n his.bell to pay to help you Carty the box out lo Phillipa had a.aked on the floor if the rankirig Re· planniJtg your garden. AJ \VBYl'J ror prt>parr<lness:" L lhe J.taxwe~J. Today, my grand-P . a~ Mr .. Taber, was not also to be put on a conference plan for a larger area than is r. daughter ~uld ca1Ty home five c . tee. Mr. Cannon then accused both Phillips and currently needed. plan )·our pr· Driving la a job that calla fq a dollflrs worth Of ~cries. I do den cloae to your house so that 1trong ·sensf' or N'1'1ponf' bill'ty. ltf not thillJt her ic.nefa.uoo. la that. Albert Thomas of Texas. the subcommittee chairman of you can live amon1t your treu--you do not give it th.a lll1l9e it . . , much ltron,..er u..n QUN; l think trying to put ~mething over on him. . ure.s. · Join the prden to the may very 1\•eU taJce your lite. the financial poUciel of t.bLs Mb .Words followed. and since this is not the first argument house with a redwood fence or .. ~ .. ~T ~ ~ L 1 mlnl.stl'1ltloa are WM.ker. and cte-shrubs tor backsround. and above t ...... · of the k!nd in which Mr. Cannon has •engaged, it must be all. have running water in your a verified prot.Nt wtlh the st'.a.te 9 ~ ...... vc to our nat::tc.al safety. supposed that his Words are said without the necessary garden. if at all possible. Dtt· Board of Equa1iaation at Sa.c;ra· It was a struggle lo pay for smile. JI -BEN REDDICK ferent levels are a l30 prlnle tac-mento. Calitomta., stating rrounda lhOl!f> ftrat ln.surance policies. Now FINE NINE Qon't look now, but try looking every Sunday at 2 p. m. at Lions field in Costa Mesa park. They've got some of the raw-meatiest, hottest. ding-dongest ball games up there when the Costa Mesa Merchan t.s nine piles on to the diamond. They're all local boys and you've prohablt 1een them across a counter before. See them Sundaya. •. % ' 1 • • tors la atL&iaing perlectlon,·· l.l\e tor denial . u provld14 by 1':W· 10,000 of the dollars of 1913 would ~ •peaker declared. The premises are now Ucented lfor buy on"1y 11.""too wo®. ot con- Menu b}' M,.. lh°8 a.le of alc<>WJUc bjV'll'BCea.. · .umerw gqods today. 1 would have MAMIE E. WATERS l\e(>ded to t.alce out $2&,000 then, At the conclusion of Afirand:v's fascinating and Informative talk, a line was torme<l for the re· freshment table with donation.a ot ta.sty cookies. donuts and cake• from members and friends. The kitchen was tu med over to • the men for the Mrvlng ot coffee and tea. In the male contltl,-ent were Messrs. Churchman. Lawrence. Payne, Lee. Hinchcliff. BaUey and Ungenll!Jter. No. 2tV--Tlmes. to have 1~0,000 buying power to- Publlsh June 28 ~9!51. day. rbc veelest short lime in· ' nation In our history has been A plant sale wu t~• aft.,-. math of the refreshment lllter· Jude. Jaclc: Lowe conducted the !la.le. Door priua were won by Mmes. Conle)'. Longedon and Payne. "Mle July 10 meeting w111 be bel4 In Ute Coat& Mom Park. CIP!ftTIFICATZ OF Cl;S8A.TION OF BIJ81NE88 UNDlllB I FICTITIOUS FIBH NAMEJ The underslgne<I dOH hereby ce.rtlfy that she ta: cejs lo cpn· duct the bustlleM ot e ploym.ent agency, undl"t the tlcU tom: tlnn name ot NEWPORT lHARBOR EMPLOTM:Zl\"'T AGENCY, • a.t "'10 \0 Eut Bay A.venu,, Balt!oa. ea111 ... 1a. on and alt« Jwt<; 4. 11161 ; that 11&14 firm ---ed of Oladya IAnd.1.a, ot doo~ East Bay Aftllue, BaJbo& CaUtonµ&; ~t aald buatne .. will ~r be OOJM!Ucted by Kn. Joanne ------------IBnsp. Of Sonia Ana, Cautanll&. . LEG ·L N' wrTN1CSS MT llANJ) !Illa' ~Ill _ " , OTICI day of lune, ltlll. I 1 01.oAl>TS ~IS XOTJCJt OP ll\'TJl!ll"'l'ION TO BT A TE OP CALIJl'ORNIA ) r· , ENGAGE IN THE SALE or COUNTY OF ORANGE' ) ALCOllOUC llEVl!llAGM On Ulla 4UI <ky ol .J~e, l l , atnce lhe Kore11n outbf'ta.k •. Mr. Truman uk.11 for more severe con· .June 19, 111111. boCO«I .,., HAJIRY A~_' a TO WHOM: JT'M:A T CONCERN: Notary Publle to and C"f. ~ 'i'1ci Nottoe la bettb)· given that County and State, reatdlrif theri!1n • nn ... day• .,ner tl>e ·date pool· duly-oommlaoloned uld !t:' eci., the undemped propo-to -any a_.-ed diLA.l> I _,... aell alCOllollc beverap• at t.beoo LANDIS, known to me to lie premtou, --aa ronow.: ---=!,·•..r--rli•Oed~ 1114 Newport Boulevard. to Ille wttllln -... N-rt Btach. on,... County -~ to me t"t!w=a Punuant to , such mtenuoa. the ecuted the: ...,,._ IN ~ ,.18 ~~ to u.e ~r • ..r baw ----••• :o,t Slate 89eid !!l ~·--IW ... llUd -~ 111t,:n••I n.:.:.:.:-~ .. ~..r::: .. °' ror8" u.:; =-~ = ~.=:. :r- --.. fallowa: • • . llAJlR1' ....... .,,. OM 11ALE ii()' Oo 'l! •1 ¢ ., · 11i1p1i. r •.•• uamu: 11. Jllla.. .r ..... ,...... ~ to prdQlt Ille Na. 21 ...... N .... -rm-I -·-ol -"-""'"" ftlo ~ M.1-,...,.,,,.,,.1 . ! I ' I I I I I I' . • I In store for yo~ · i1z your elatric lumu.food freezer: . ~ . . 10.,HIU CALIPOINl' IDllON ~~M .. Y r r I I i I I 1 I I I I ! ' 1 · I I I .,_ ......... • • • .. I . . 1~~ar Reserve ·, · ....... 1 , 'A· S S IE I E.l) ,. Uttit~ain T • Miq)dy·)o(l119.t1n AcnertlaillCJ, ~ ~.W orfl'ct'n from Ille ~-· 1'-4-!.;..· .,....._.i....;;;.'..,...--.;.· ;;..• ~-· ~-""-,,_._....__...,..,._ ______________ ~·!"'· __ _.. _______ ..,.. ___ 1_-!-o.• ~ HUl>clr .,._po-up their • ~ • ._. • -.-..A · ' -buWan4oe1t....i--t11~ktt ..... ~ ... ,..::>-., .. ,ery .._..._aT · ALL ,CAIMI: sodD:TY 18 AGOG! •• ~· "TWAS BRiLLio ON THE SLITHY TOVES. , f« c.mp Coo...,, Sunday, .Jue 17 BT BAY:·POST-.W~ PANTIUl18 ARE BUUli'l'O! UPBTA.IRS..,...,., ARE om GTRl!l AND GIMBLE In the wabe; &II ror their ~ly tour o~ duty. NE,;p( RUNNING. DOWNSTAIRil! Party Bur"'°" are aiott! were the boro19n1, and the mom• r1tba butrrabe.'. , 'l'be •<P'!"'· all vetel'all4 ot 1 T~BAl.ll()A PRESS -Th ' ya Here·• the blneat .,.,.,; -the ell-very of apple-ji YOU'RE Mll!OL'uTBLY RlOin'. Mr. Cam>ll! EW.,.ld Wu II;1UUMmbers or th• t"P!l!1 .. , ~ :::ia• 'IW Alla - -.. UM """• •rlr jaCil:I ••·ne..tsa.tDO& DOU ..HOW .,._ '1'hU~y, June a CUrt..y,a 8fafo.i ii lhe .mlnuy place for 8CtntJDa\. . , 1 staUDn ~t. & re· :N.,.._tt.el, er t .. ftm ! f 1'1'19 Georp and Ethel Strebe, 9wnen or the famed Palm lll'g llMfood by lbe _, Bia !ipf'dal on U...re now! .' ~· ol'liUJuUon ...ru. -.iquar-· . IOlfUlt1M AD llJ & UNl:8 Sprillp Doll Hou.oo. wUI be 111 charge. Tbu know tull FRE811 CAUGHT (!fol ~). Smoked Albacore en at 1012 N. Mal.o ...... 1, Santa AU 1-Mli~ ado -be ,.id fW OMll hi lld0-of ,...__ well food will be out ot thla heml8phere and drlAJul $1 lb; and Buttcud.11. 76c lb. this week only!_ !Ana. They wlll ..,end two weeks '-1 • · ~ · strictly r:rom VaJhalla. Th~ Balboa Doll House hu'-.-SH why Old NJta • l&ndlubbe.ra alike are castln.i otf Jtn khaki before returning home. • ·1 •·ea 1 Paper $ .'%5 . been redone IA • &1<kll< nuumer with much the same. ,_ or Charley'o! Charley'• Reatao11U1t I• Ill the heart or the tre """ j The Station Complement, with ii lbes % Papen IM llecor u the Oi;'e at P. S. And tor your u.nloatined joy, entertain· belt. You can ail out.aide ln one of Charley's patios and hear what the· addition of 11 other officers. LilM!9 S Papen , z.Go , ment by the Guadalaljarn. Boy11t , These Lati.n La.d3 play it Ctne~ and the Wild waves are uyi.ng whlel1 usually turns out to be, ''TrJ fwt11 · a.et aa custodillN and opera· 1~ mellow and have been the toast: ot Palm Sprt'nga for 115 seuon.s. Chattey•• $J.00 Shrimp Luncheon and a Crabmeat Cocktail!" Late .ton ot U.. 92.000 acre World War ~ 'of :'1~~Cnt..~e J..~r 11~ tO~n::.,~i~ ·Cock'talls begin at 10 a. m. Dlaners trom 4 p. m. A high Ume ln the afternoon those ~me tattl ... tale wave• are murmurln&'. ~··Fish Ill t.rainfn&' camp Which is now all ds and to reject any advertieement.._-.nOt contornilna ti• begins the moment you walk In the (foor at Ute Doll rrou,.,.. f11\ E. Dinners are $Ll:li, and Broiled -Lobster Supreme la S2.2~." But Co ~rvtng-u a camp site ·tor 8500 d r gµJaUons. Advertbernent,a and cancell&Uona will br: 8alhoa BIY"d.. lla""'r nn. ' down and llAten for yolJTaelt! Charley's Seafood ts next to· Port rticf'rs and men ot Calltomla'a ~ 6 p.m. on the day p~ing pubtte&Uon. Al. Bar~ 1818 '-• • • . Oranrt-at 1136 COMt Hlgtl\\'11.y. Newport. .Beacon 6834. Open ~9th NaUonaJ Ou.ard dtvtstons. · ._, Mk fN "'A.d Tak.-0,. eend ad aad remtttaae. to IS SOMEONE YOU KNOW ABOUT TO MEN· 1 day• a w .. k. e e e '. ' I Until fut March Cook had been NZWPOllT HAllllOK PUllUllHING co. DELSSOHN IT DOWN THE MIDDLE AISLE! Or HA.RH! HARK! THE LARJL"WOOD! t\ro u fhome camp ot California's 40th JI Balboa IVnL. Newpnt ..._ c.llforata.. . ina.ybe a dear friend ls 11stenJn.g for the patter of tiny :J BE'l"'n-:R LEG lT O\'E& TO POU.Y APPAREL'! 1divL1I~ whlch Ui now training in 1 ----ll---..j..------'---~--'--.:...:~,;....,;_:;;...;.. __ _ fool.!Jteps! 'In either case. please meet Slyvia! Slyvia Polly's having a •ptttal an thM ..,...k on UIP •fam~ :Japan. • I Timmer• has just opened her RVLVIA'K ~HO\\~R °"" LMrk~·ood hnAlt;r:r! nesie gam·f1attere.r1 1have Harbor area men now at the 10-B Gulcf. ' · 'SHOP •.. with EvPrythl•J" ~or Brl~ .,_d Bablf'tL a. vawp toe and, & vamp top. The Vamp top niean.s bUe el"f": Major IJ,obert J". Ht-ffner, =o Yon wouldn't reoogniu. the CJld P. 0 . bldg. In Balboa! a. reinforced knit top that pt"Otecta your hoM jtrom Corona Ml J6r; Major l..t'O B. DP Ot7U c:::t.m.A.NJNO Now ilS bright, .C\hiny, "modem and filled to the rafters biting, 8?Ultllng gartera! The 60·16 gauge, IOM&-~ Rio.a, Costa M.eea; Major ture and rup with layt"ttes. And lh~re are very fashiOnable "Lo11il'Je , mery a8 cob''"ebs. regi.1larly pricot1 at Sl.9~.~ no~· )Wm<"8 M. Ritch.le, Costa Mesa; ~ ""8 utlm.atee Original$'.' as featured ln Ha.r"per's for very junior -for $1 .49: the 51-15 reg. ,1.66 now t .29:!.reg. Ma~r Chrstf'r F . ~ttell, Corona ~ " •• I , ' I ' • • • • •• By MARGO. • • I I • • • I • • • , ~l.~~ ····-.. PAINTING EARL $HEFLIN m -. BL. 0eota _. -Mll7·11 - ' ' ' Papi ' !' !•!I••!!'.~~ 1_ r • HI iim.P .. "'~-~ ~ coDece. ....., • ""'-to rw -, out Alltlllatlma at" · .' tr!..•m.tfa.. ' I t101l11Mc. ;:::!__ · t jj :. l!lxJ>ttlmc<d ~ ~ ' Bunou111o ~. ~~~ ' lltart .JDIJ 1. 196:.J-~ ~7~~.2~;;,~,;:: ,,_Ill -101' men t - Utility Man -llt&rl ~uty/.i: • a.t $22Sc -12 monttM. 2 Junior aocttlaJ1ea J 10 11 inODlha. .Start Aagut 1, f d &e:ptembcr J, 1961 ...:.... tm r month. · All aalut•.s Include $25 por ,tno!>lh "cost of living" ~ua. ~ . couideratfon to ~na uni1er . 5.~ years of age. Pebona o"er than 63 sho11ld not apply. ' I 3~c39 EXCLUSIVE John·Ma~~De deal· er applicator has Opening tor Ralesma.n in loCat-a.rea, car· f'lele. Salary and com. SE)f Mr. Mc .. Glnitia, ·to a.m., 500 So. Los /..n· geles St., Anaheim. j · 3&37 sweatenr, shorts, crawlrn1 .... aLeeperB. and several thooeand diaper11. 1.66 Dark Heelrrs now $1 .29: 51·15 regular price 1.50· now St.19. del Mar; Captain Fred F . Allen.. Al' . Hcbuse & Rug misses to 6 years old, swank sult11 tor pn·schOOI "gents, hand kni '"1.ew Larkwoods tlre fl"elght train freHh and in the very latest Costa MeM ; Captain Frank R. -And .ee here too. tor unusual gifts fol' brides! Coftf'e-maker!I, toast· shades. Don't stand on cettmony. girl. Tnrkry trot to Polly ApPof'f'I. Hart, Balboa4 Captatn Roy R. Mc· ~ ing Co. .. er~. ceramics. load~ of lovelies. Oh.. pletl9e go glv" a look! S,)'l''la'ic 1W Sf'\\i>ort Avc-., c•o•ta M...a. I C•rdle, Costa Met11a ; Capt. J ohn Beilc<lOI 8111 72tfc . . DON K. BUTTS· TRAILER SPACE phu utilltln for llOffle betp in trailt>r COlU'f.. Adult.a. 1741 ·Pomona. !Coata Meae. Ph .• Beac011 67~7·1. !35c37 ' • I She\\'f>r :-4hnp. ;!07 Main st .. Balboa. • e • 'l-J>80n, NCWJ?Ort Helght.8; and Lt. e e e "lfO". OF. . .\R TO Ml' Hl~AIJT IS THF. 01.D OAKF.N' Bf'Clfl.ET! L<>Rlle 1'l Holbrook, Newport .. Did you .. ,,..., IW(llf"PZP a fMnatn at. a Vf'ptablP "taod ~" said Tttt-oltl oukf'b buf'kft. thP lmn-honnd buC'kf"f ,,·hJ<'h IM huna In · lhP &ach. Harry ~gston, I blushed to . the rot>ts of my C'k>rlous. Egyptian \\'f'll !" Ethel Richard's has some old wood and Iron prlmltives1 that hennaed hair. "Yes. Harry," I stammered, "I did pinch a tomato makea you wish you were your own grandma. A.ny ot these old in the summer of ·u .• "Just as I thot!" mi.J:sed Hart)'. "Women fo\•ooden or Iron beauties would 1 make great i,le.tlo k~ick·~acks. like to poun<'e around and feel what they're ~uying!.. Harry is so There•s a butter ladle. cabbage cutter, butter mold, a potato ma.sher. en.alTM>red of this g'f'e&t mere band laing braln~wave of his that he's s.nd a cookie roller. Other bargains: a copper and braSs coffee pot puttln& great boxes of Fresh fish out tor you to appraise, goggle tor $9.~0; copper lee.·kettle, $8; Iron and brass door knocker, S:S . a nd wangle O\•er. This "'eek is '·pi<:k out your own fish week' at iron mall bOx. $7. Ethel &leo has a big display of cut·gla!JR: compotes. the 'B&J•aldP. Markf't. Probably you'n find staring a.t you rrom beds baskets, nappies, vases, spoon holde~, pitchers. Amaft'g the (urni- of shaved Ice, the W1de-eyed White Sell Ba.ss, Barracuda, Yellowta.11 ture a.nttquitiel'I : 8 mat"hing \"lrt<trlan rnund M"at· ~haln: a Windsor and maybe Albacore. Harry· saya he has a apttlal prlCe Ol'I Alba-waJnut high-chair; o round oak table, 42 " top perfect condition, $~. core for. canning. I neglected to find out v.•hether the ·speCtal price' See all lhe Antiques or the put and future at Ethfol Klf'.JlanJ•,. is in your favor or his. RegardleM. the smart place to go for a A.ntlquf'!' and lmpnrt11• 4715 Ne'A-port Blvd., Cost.a Mesa. Bea. 6677·J. fishy stare ~ the BayKide Mkl. 10% diM'Ouat en an7lhln1" bt1t e e • abalonP tr ,rou ,..n •1 th9 "'ord "npam" frontward.-. 2800.Latayette. A LOVING CUP TO ffiM' THAT FIRST I~'VENT- 7 days a wk. ·8 :00 to 6 :30. ED SLEEP! AFTER THAT, TH.£ ACCOLADE to the~~,-- e • • Inventor ot "'1attresses . , . AND THIRD PRIZE to · 1 \VANT A COMPANION YOU CAN TAKE BY THE HANO C:arl:rlf''A 1-"umCturf" tor stocking up on a bountiful supply , \ , OVER RILL AND DALE ANQ SNUGGLE UP TO ON THE BEACH. of high quality mattresses at low prices! A Jump)' . EVEN! ? ? One who will re.tp0nd to your @Very whim? Laugh. mattress may be all that•s betv.•een ~·ou and the vice· jive and carry a tune. be serious «nd cultured or just plain shut up? pm. of lhe Board! Popping and poking. s prings at Yoil can haV'f! your pick of the portable. now at the HOV8E OF night do· not make for clear heads and level ·thinkers lfARMOSV. The RCA VU-tor Olobetrot.ter is a vacation. vagabond, in the A. M. Carlyle's has &II manneT of boi: spring• tops In style and performance. Complete INilh ba.Ut-rles. this golden and mattresses in king size, double size or a~!f size Including made t hroated gem is $68.25. Pe.nonal portables. small 6ut perfectly to order. An;vone of these sleep Mcks :will cUre acute 80mnabulism. formed U-4.95; other new model conversation pieces that double as Carl;rte's al.90 features unpal.nted Hollywood be&.dboarda; por:tabte • portables· or table models S37.20 complete. And the automatic record bars in ash A: mahogany for $9.915; bar and kitchen stools. and )'ou'd 'pluyer that's going round t\dl speed Is the RCA 411 rpm ... tn1I)• be surprl3ed \\'hat all you can find at Carlyle'• FumlturP ~ a 'clear a mu1'1t'tll prodla at '11!.9.'i. Honse Of Harmony can also outfit )'OU day .. -,.,. Hu.rtw.r RJ\'d .• f'Mta MMUL Bc-at"On 6199-\\1, with a very smart. tmbreakable 18 piece Bruse.he potter}· set. suit· • e • obly boxed tor throwing or eating on, onlf. S6.93. Go ask Bud to DR. £R\VOOD STOOD RF.FORE HIS ADDISG I MA· stand on a Brusche saucer at the HoWlle of llannon:r. I817 ·S"f''''ft0rt *('KINE "'RH A YARD l..ONG TAIPE OF FIGl!,RES. Avr. .. Co8ta MPU. Beacon 5737 • 6653. He ahook his head •lowly. "No matter how much P8)1Chic ntc>ne)' I take In, it never add9 up to anything ... he sighed CAR \JLAZE t N 8 c· Cl k wtattully.I The .ecret of Erwooct's overwhelmln,r S\ICCel'!l8 A h i J I lh ball 1 1ty ' er With money Is this; He sells stuff for Je88 than he pa.ya · tt>i It, and ·th• psychic re1uma juot 1211.111! S..t Buys tbl• Wff~ ore ~ bl,; bQUO("k~ for that informal ll#'aUnl' toncll. One In ted plutlc s ort <' rcu t n e ery . cable cauaed a fire whlcb resulted ' . . in ·an esta;aced $200 damap. to a car bel'Oii ni to h:lfzibcth \Vrii"n1.. Thr tire ocun't'd Wednf'sday at . .• ..... . ed to-Off'1ce (wtth secttt storage space; i.S HaJf Price and costing only! $12; _ another is In washable aqua. kldney·ahaped. che«p yet at SIO; &n· Nam 20th s.fret't anct N'e'Wport Slvd., dn Cn~ta M l"'sa. AT R:UVARD !fi;CHOOL The Rf'v. Paul Moore Whttler of St. Jamrs Episcopal church will att end t.he opening &e!lllion of sum- nltr 41.dult camp and cl&pes at Hi.rvard !!chool on Wednesday. later A. Beeker, O. O. 8. DmtTlllTBY' 17111 lfewport 81"1.,C..U.- ......... lllq. Bnrwa 1162 "" llOll a Ba7 A-,~ a.-U7.J ! ' Harold K. Grauel 1 Chapel -:-6111 ne 11 ........ , c-t.& Mea. BE SURE-INSURE Wttll 11&1JUll l!ll'ANLll!r -o.)T ..__•l'l'IW ---"---· , MA Tl'lp':SSE.'I Roa--Trall<>"' lrttSUl&r Sha ..... DEACON 50ll CeNa Mesa Matl.,.... Co. . !tAO Newpert 81,·d. RHJCJAKDl'S SBOE SHOP _ .... pal_ \\'Idle Yoo \Vait .A AJ..,•tl ...... ~ <MT.CO.fl\ a.....,..w ... .ou1 wonoi Not91i.. f..,,...r:i.i. UG:I :Sewpert Blv4. NEW.POJ'IT BEACH f'J(CEl.U:.'fCI! ta> • UPllOL81'EJIY I . -.. -KIMMONS c.tMa ,......., ·~ e-t111 ... lllACON -CJ5 I. IM 511&r, COSTA MlU . WA.Ta HIA-5 .. ~ ......... -llz'PI' .. 1••8.J.1./J . • PL()WG l • ·A.WU .. ....... 0.•1'i*9P • • -• 1'11115 ~· ';.: ~---' ... "i ' C. K . Pr .. st, City C~rk of New· eacb, was tf'Cently elected vice-president of the Gov- Publlc Relations associa· its annual C'onvention !fl 1 Roosevt>lt in Nrw York port B regiohal emment Uon at the Rote City. ' Gove mmHil public relations of· flcers fr om throughout the coun- ed at t•e mttling to broad-try vot en thrlr base of meml:K'nhtp to repreMntativee _from all r government and at the tme to adopt. the namC' ent Public Relations as. wfttch had been former- include levr ls o same ,. Govemm soclatJon ly nam nlclpaJ ed the Association of Mu· Public Relations Officers. Lee K . Jaffe, cijrector of publi<' , port of New York Au- was electC'(l prrsldent of up. re la llor\8 thority the gJ'O CITIZ ENS COUNCI L -. ELEC TION .JULY 2 New o Mesa cit ing yf'ar ffic~ra to serve \he Costa lzena councn for the com·· \viii be voted upon by di· rnton July 2 of tbe group at a meetin~ hi thE' Costa Mesa main school. • Name s placed in nominaUon tor chairm an include: Stewart Innerst. Ted N et r. JORph Rapier and J . .L. Reynold s. Ari,r Ute Sf"lectlon of B an. a vice-chairman will be rom the other thrtt. EarJ and Helen Powell were ed for the position of sec· chatrm c~n t Peterson no min at n't&ry-tr Msurer. W.B. JobnJ!loh. chairman for the yeflrs, declined to run for ti.on tor the new nscat pa.et two the p<ioi )'f'8r. ON TRANSPOM' Georg e J. Frazee. fl~t class. n of Vr. and Mrs. Robert ee o( 310 84oth street. New· H.h. ls aerving aboard the lf'81{1SPOrl USS Menard op· In Korean coastal water. ettr. "fl t.11.. 'Okinawa .cam· USN, .o E. Fraz port Be """8UI( eraUng J..wt palp Me ~Ill pbililaua .p ,jjUrlng. Wprlct War µ, t\1• narJ was re-cOlQmtilaloned la.st lier ani1 j9ln~<t"the"UN all· ,torcee'la'KOP<A hf April ~· to "t"1'Y large JIUDl· fWIY. equlpPed n\en tn wllere • lllllpblbioas U..ulta ..... or ...... are 'lo "· la-ed, the . 110na or --ult tranaporta also pi'o- lfiem un.W t.My have atonn- the . \tt( ed *"" boaclu!& • . . WID -~ .... ~ -......... tel Jllilr ....... at m I ~ other ha8aock. a betge·oolor. 1arge and comfortable. la 'SJ4. Th•re are a number of table-lamps \vllh swtrled silk red or cha rlruese shades cut 1:: to $12. And also a tailored floor lamp w ith brass shades t•ut in 1-;, to $12. And a l90 a tallottd floor lamp with brass standard now only $14. Hot tOot lt to Erwont1'11 day or f'\'f', 401 E. Bnlboa. &lboa. .... - DIVIDEND REFLECTS COUNTY EXPANSION • ...... ----~------- tian Blinds, Drapery Hdwe. Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial aemodeling . Phone Beacon 6406·W 17trc H .H .HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ' Repair $('rvice ?.tatntained Phone: Harbor 1418·W 'l801 Balboa Blvi;l., Newport ~each Wlae people do read the ada. 14-PersoDals Alcobollca Anonymoua Writ~ P. 0 . Box 205 Ba-loland, Calif. Pbone Klmberty 11-63111 BONUS WAGES tor engtnt. and turrel lathe · machlnesL ·. ~20 Coast Hig4way, Newport Bch.. 36p38 LICENSED SKIPPER FOR ~· CURSIO!\' BOAT. PHONE Hor. 8. 37c38 ' MEXICAtJ BEA~ HATS f r o m $2.95 in unwrual styles and colors.' CERAMIC SALT and PEP- PERS for collectors, 29c pair. ' Dick Knox dinnerware -, 2nds -service fbr 4, $10 499 Newport Bl\'¢, Coeta Mesa. 38p40 Swim Firis we still have the. good rubber onc3 We g:iVt> S•H Gr~ Stamp~ Gunderson Qtjlg CQ. , 117 Main Str¥.t ~------------Harbor 515 Balboa t~hare Your Car I . 34~2 1 LADY wiabes to commute to Long GIRLS Schwtnn bicy le, practt· Beach dafiy, 9 :30 to 5 :30. 502 · cally nf'W , Btandard lllU, ~~· 4th st., Corona del 'Mar. Har. Weelt ends, 2015 E . Qcean ~Yd., 30:;1.w. 35<31 Balboa... 3fp38 Floor Waxing-Window Cleaning Wall Washing F or BuOdinp, Sto~s. Offtces 11nd homes.-Phone Harbor 116. 35p37 R!:nUG~RATOR -I .\,lit-size P'ri&1dlUre, •Cu. ft. ~ Runa good. Reasonable. 1FJt9 E. Ba.J. boa. Blvd., Balboa. .Bar. -389-W. 3ec38 • Appliatjc,~ ~fli . 'BAR<'.;~·~. PHILCO 7 cu. ft, refr1P,N.t.or with ' ' ~ ... horb:onta1 freeze.r ~er. DUO• ing shelvea. RetrigeJ'&ted 'JIM>ist ' cold zone. Large vegetable bin, $159.96. PHILCO 8 cu. ft.-Exciellent me- chanical conditkJn. Hel'metiealfY ..aled unit .......................... ft4.li0 • ' •• J ' • \ J I •' l I 1. I I • • I .. ·: I ' . • • ... , ••a, •. . ..roL!' M, 1111 J!l&WIOWI R••.wn•. lJIJiWl•TIMD OJ, RENT. OR · TRADE • ~ ... . "' ri-Houehold Goods . Jack's Furniture I We Buy, Sell or Trade 1508 Waot Bal-IDvd.,, Phone Harbor 2501-R. 30p32 Dl:JNCAN. PHYFE extendible "111n- 4nl' rm table, 8 chain and China cabinet.. Mahogany. A1ao 1ong dln.n. very sturdy •conatruction. J:larbor 2152. 35c37 GR.EAT ptano· sale. 37lb year. Read theae prices. Never before have We had 1uch bar•a.in& Sptnets, aome new, some \IHd. priced rrom $295, ~." S387 Granda from $395. Almu.t 100 pianos from which lo ch<>o9e. Special ~ term.a. DANZ· SCHMIDT big piano •lore, 520 No. Main, cor. &th, Santa Ana. DB~ DEXTER WASHING MA· CHINE, perfect condition. Deep freezer ( fln oldie but works 37th GRE.\T PIANO SALE, Mq- ftnel Wliat &m t offered? Ken nificent all electric organ. Cue sUghUy damaged In shipment. Niles, Har. 1968. 36c38 w ·11 \fl -·-h b r 1 a.acr ce. , 1ue apperui u J PHILCO REFRIGERATOR -It's I once In a life time. DANZ- a 19~ model, 9 cu. ft., bu a SCHMIDT, Santa Ana. 020 N,o. : large frees.er cheat. all steel _M_at_n_. --------- •helves and-a crtaper for vege· USED 120 bafM!1 Wurllt:ur accor- tabl~. AJao It hu a nice big dlon. Steel reeds. S75. Call Har. meat chlUer. Balance I owe on 1146-W nlghta, Har 257-4-M days It la $199.03. Pay cash or take 35tf payments of $10.9-4 per mo. My ------------ equity FREE. Alao my Gaffe l'll I< Saltier range, ~P,?ult!J:, Rabbltio 1951 model, C.P . all auto. Hu CORNISH CrOM reil fryers lamp & clock. all steel griddle wboleule 36c lb. 11·500) .. Large and the chrome broiler. it alao started turkeys, $2.50 ea. Geese hu the all·chrome 'top. balance $3 to $5. Baby ducks, 10C up. due Is $189.93. M.y equity rree. 575 w . WU.On, Coata Mesa. See at 104 So. Spadra, Fuller· · 37c39 ton'; 9 a. m . • 8 p. m . Phone ------------ Fullerton 2152. See Sunday 11 ~-m . to • p. m. 37c39 _,_l_-S __ to_r_es_an_d_O_f_f_lcet! ___ _ ATTRACTIVE well located Bat· , HOTPOINT Eleoctric range, dee-p boa office tor lawyer, account· well, alm08t new. Mahogany ant. insurance, builder, archl· ' dinette aet, 1 uphollJlered chalrs. t t t ·~ E Balboa Bl d ec • e c. 1.1V1 • v ., 315 Irh~, Corona de) Mar. 37p39 BlflOOa. Harbor 1607. 24tfc MUST VACATE ON TliURSDAY SNACK BAR • RESTAURANT !!: :!e!-:' 4~'a:-' •• _., .. Summer Rel)tals --'""'t.-a bdrm ii.me, larp ,_ ,ans. A...U. to ....... ht at MO per -·· · ~ ' I' f -' • Newport -0-!n, altr. 2. bdrm ltom•, ton~· janl. Rtuonallle rate, b)' wlt 9" mo. /- N•:--rnl Ioland-Waterfroot bom• tor couple only, ,160 mo. pJu1 ut11lt1M. Avail July eu. to Oet. lat. EL BAYO DIST. A.ttrac. 2 bdrm view apt. S700 for July to Aug. For app't to Re, Call Mary Dickson at H•rbor 1013 or Har- bor 1778. 'Earl W. Stanley, Realtor :j113 Newport 'illvd., Newport S,ach CORONA DEL MAR -2·bednn. house, &t• Be«0nla. unfurnbh- ed. except ltOYe_lr retttserator. One-year leaef" PO mo., elec- tricity pa.id. See owner•. rear. • ' 31p39 GUEST houae nr. center of Cor- ona del Mar. Newly remodeled, reasonable summer or winter rates, phone Harbor J.263. W. . Summer Reservations 3llc37 Lido Iale Bay Front untt.a. 1 and 2 bdrm•. S70 week up. Harbor 2M2. eve1. Ba.r. 291•-M. 17tfc SUMMER OR YEAR·s LEAS&- 3 bdrm bouae, completely tum .. overlooklns ~h . 512 Ocean Blvd., Corona de'· Mar. Harbor 1<167-J. Mc37 BAljJWA 1$LANI)--:DUPLEX llPACIOllll ~DllllNJ iarP~ Loi a patio. OM I bdrm. will< °'l" two 'l2:i ~ utra _.-room. 2-car ........, p1uol ~· ,,..,. ot Ibo Harbor trom the part1Y . one~ deckl ~2-trontqe. PIUCED ' TO · .. I . aJl!Li:. at .!IOO. • f . .. t • • . BALBOA ISLAND INCOME AIJllOllt new :I bdrm home t-· Be1utlru1 petlo PLUS 2 bdrm apt onr ,u.,.', both I completely fllmllllled. Rear ' ' . apt Niiled lut IOUOD !Or maro Ulan $HOO. f(5000 ·ca.lh, pymta ••SO mQ.I -this la the beet Income b,.y we've had tor montha.. rotaJ price 11 $22,MO. BAYSHOREs Brand new 2 bct'rm dream home. Shake roof,-fteld8tone front and ' fireplace.• Th.11 one you'll love! $12.760, Good Terma. W. A. TOBlAS EDNA CRAIG Sales Refttala LINWOOD V1CK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., 1Balboa ,lsJand Harbor 2dt2 Enjoy the BEST OCEAN AND HILL VIEW in Corona del Mar from the Uv. rm and also from the upstairs of this beautiful llome ! There are 4 bdrms and sewing room and 5 y, baths. Asking price, $37,500. Subml{ offer. l ANOTHER. ~autiful hoine with 2 bedrooms, l ')4 baths. This one has ocean. hill and canyon view. Priced below replacement cost dt $25,000 . FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY \Real Estate and Business Brokers , 813 Coalit Blvd. Corona de! Mar Harbor 2152 Priced To Sell Right Now • ' ... Yellow drape•, $-4t1, dbl. box LOCATION -Will remodel. SOO ------------ Balboa Island 3 bdrm 1 ~ bathl. nice patlo Md barb¥ue. Close to flne North Bay Beach. Tastefully decorated and well turnlah~. spring and mattresa, $40. 9x12 W . Balboa Blvd. Call G. B, Barf rug. ~. wa1hlng machine. $35, nard. Harbor 1460. 37p3~ 2-pc. overstuffed, $4~. table .t: 2 chaJr&. $10. ~511 Vista Drive, Bay Shores. 37c38 1 DOUBLE Innerspring matlre58 .t: coll sprlnga. Clean and ln good condition. both tor SlO. Phone Bea. 6714·W &!fer 6 p.m . 38c39 , ...... ......... ..:o; .. ;;. ·.-•. ~ ...... - ~Boats, Sup,_p_Ues~--- ' 20-FT. MAHOGANY RUNABOUT Kennath engine, a good buy at $4.00. 3712 Channel Pl., New- port l!!Jand. Har. 2819-J. 35c37 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 43-Ae~entio and llo118e8 _ RENTAL •' SPECIALISTS can l!ldna er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa lala.nd. Bar. 2042 82c64 PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cottage•. On CollirtB l11land Each apt. hM water frontage. Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave., Balboa leland. Harbor 2962·W. 27p39 USE OF Peninsula Polnt beach, swim ln bay or ocearl.-only l blk. No. 1-3 bedroom lowe r. No. 2-2 bedroom upper duplex. Nicely furn. July, Aug., Sept. 1532 Miramar, Balboa. Harbor 0612·W 19ttc ------------FURNISHER bachelor apt. Prl· vate entrance and bath. Yearly or summer. Inquire at 415 Poln· ettia., Corona del Mar. 37p39 BALBOA ISLAND 62:> OOAST HlGHWA Y NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 5771 , Furnished apt. Sleeps up to elght, 04ttc PAIR R. ii: L. Flagship 90 h. p. engines with reduc. gear, $7:)(). Factory approved "Johnaon OUt· board. SA LES & SER VICE South Coast Co,· Harbor 2600 Newport Beach 31tfc ?4AHOGANY TRIMMED Inboard nmabout. 111i11 rt. Priced to sell. Call Harbor ~74-J eves. and week~nds. 36p38 SNOWBIRD In rood condition- need• paJnt .. $130. Inquire at 220 Diamond, Balboa Island. 37c39 DINGHY, llke new. Brus fit- tings. $200. 221 Cry1tal Ave .. · Balboa laland. 37p39 JOHNSON outboard. 10 hp QD engine, 10 t imes oUt, perfect condition. Revenie c.h&rge, AT· lantlc 1-1137. Ask for Dean Saum. 37p39 lit, Musical, Radio ' ·S7lh GREAT PIANO SALE Re• pomeMed ~plncL Llke new! Pa:y out balance. Save over S2'00. DANZ·SCHMIDT Bil' Piano 1tore, Santa Ana, cor. 8th and Main. { 1,2 June 1150; July $350; Aug $100; ~ Sept. $l"50. y e ry nice. ~ ~lk . to So. Bay. Shown by appt. Harbor 212S.M. 3lc45 NEW 3 bdrm turn. residence In Cliff Haven, include• TV, radio. automatic washer, new stove & rcfrlg. Ha! fenced yard. Lea,.,e by year, $125 per mo. Call Fred Barker, Beacon 5795. or Beacon 6939-J. 36c38 RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 DELUXE ''N~" 3 rm furn. apt. 1 blk. Lido ahops a:. beach. $1!) wk. 2H • 32nd St., N•wport, Harbor 23"-4·W. ~p37 SPAOOUS Bay Front 4,bedroom furnl11hed home. 60-ft. lot. pier a.ad float. An.ii. July, Aug. Ir: Sept. Monthly or seuonal. BLANCHE OATES, 311 Mar· lne Ave., Balboa l91and. Ph. Har. 1671,. 3&37 BALBOA ISLAND Bousea and Apts., yearly or aea- sonal. See Gail Carney, with NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 308 Kanne, Balboa Ial H&r. ~2 89tfc 2 BDRM untumlahed house. year- ly rent.&.l, ~ mo. 606 -38th St., Newport Beach. 38cf0 SUMMER OR YEAR'S LEASl!t- Ocean view, ~ blk from beach. Comfortably tum. Jse. llv. rm, fireplace, 1 bd.rme, t 14 bat.ha. garage, fenced yard, % blk to bus. Owner. 224 • f8th, Newport Beach. Harbor OM9·W. 37c42 44-Rooms for Bent COMFORT ABLY furnllhed room. Private entf'Ulce and bath. 5081,-1 Marigold. Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor 2863-R. s:Jc37 $17,900 STANLEY HADFlELD, Realtor • 216 MARINE, BALBOA ISL.AND Harbor 20 Broadway Duplex 2 bdrma, Ea1t aide, over 1800 sq ft.-hwd. noors, rumace heat. dbl. gar. cloee in. 2 yrs. old. Xlnt. cond.J. Leased income 11800 yr. ...... Full Price $15,250 Terms Balboa Peninsula • Only $13,000 13800 DOWN, 2 bdnna, turnlahed home-Paneled living rm, fire· place. bar kitchen, BBQ and en- cloeed patio. Balboa Income Ive Newport H.eights Host attractive 2 bdrm home. • 1 Units, 3 completeljr furnished. EXC<'llent condition. Price only Ul.600. !-----------...:.-only 2 yrs. old. Heavy shake r;oot. Here We Go THE NEW 1951 HENRY J at this ATI'RACTIVE PRICE $1498.92 'fhe Faabion Academy'• Gold medal Award winner tor 196L . . . the aenaationa.1 new Henry J . . • 18 YOURS tor only $1'498.92 delivered here! The Henry J , a big famlly-alsed se- dan, won lta diviaton ln the MobUgas Economy Run. Te•t the Henry J today . '. , • for STYLli! for ECONOMY? tor Pl:RB'ORKANCZ! for COMJ"ORT! for SAFETY! The Henry J . . . d•llvued here for on.ly llf91.92-at your Ka.iaer·ll"ra.Hr1 dealer. n .... p•ac•, beamed ce111nirs. knot-Only $8850 ty pine, lot. of Ute, dbl. pr .. land.caped, redwood raJl fence. 2 bdrm home on Balboa Blvd. patio. Thia is one of the cutest Nice beach houae. Fll'eplace houses ln the Height.a. partly turnh1hed. Only, $10,950 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson <90 Newport Blvd, Co.to M ... Phone Beacon 6898 Harbor 31~ or Beacon M&l-J IN BAY SORES -2 bedroom houae. fully carpeted, curtain•. 2591 Vi1ta Dr .. Bay Shores. Call owner, Beacon 5517-J. 37p39 Wlse people do read the ads. This Is Choice! 121 .000 -3 bdnns, 2 bath. unfur. home, lge. enclosed paUo--com· pletely elec. kitchen, atovl", ref. dh1h wuher lllnd gar. diapo.sal, 2·car garage, landacaped. Ocean Front, Balboa $33,500, terms Charming -Completely and at· tractively turn. 3 bdrma, 2 bath, 2 fireplaces, good furnace. Ba.r· beeue, beauUful landeca.plng In patio, and fl'Qnt terrace, 2-car garage . Coast P·roperties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2&MI 61-f!eal J!:Mt&t.e E:rchan11.e_ CHARMING Income and home completelY tuftn.1.ehed. Ideal tor penoa alone or several farntlle•. 3 and 2 bedroom duplex and 5 rm. home. Alwaya rented. One l•aaed. 1 blk to boy a ocean. CDM Ocean View $15,000 cub plua vacant or lm· 2 BDRM RANCH TYPE HOME. proved property. ·Balantt loan Sb.&ke roof. hwd. floor•, dble. Owner, 1M2 Mlrama..r. Harbor garage on large 1ol 0612·W. 1Cwrteay to broker1). 1eue $15,500, terms ---------- WANT MONROVIA! Have th"'" E'rnie Smith, ReJl.}tor bdrm home, patio, 88' 6: rueat 1205 Cout Hlway, 'Corona del Mar house on 5 acres. SUit for &vo-Phone Harbor 2667 cadoa or aubdtviaion. WANT ------------ Harbor area-Income or ! 631 Cloverlea.f Dr., Monrovia. 37p39 Pretty As. A Picture Relulta come trom con11tant 2 bdrm home on 'ii acre ln good Practice! A1J. ad rec'JlarlJ 1n thll loc. above lhe"back bay. Sur· KAISER WILL YS paper will produce reilulto tor you. rounded with nowe111. 18 ftult CROSLEY trees &nd veg. garden. Built bi ~'h ~Money to Loaa no. H .. '-pet10, lothllouoe, rte~ 506 E. l' ,UU)T , I pond and fenclnir. A beaullfl~ 3-9688 LOANS For ·Homes buy. $10,llOO. lll!:AOON IULL REALTY. Bea. 5713-R, 4118 Santa Ana KI. 5~-20 p , RA!cuJar 1-Da Newport Jllvd. (AboYe An:h .. ) OONSTRUCTION LOANS ., 35c37 • I • -I ' J I · al , a 'Penn. Nearly f:m 3 bdrm, 2 bath bOme O:tl'"!' oca., iarg'e patio. Th1I h e · doae:nl or deluxe feat 1 a.a Parquet ·floor• ln llv rm it dL rm., frple., unit heat. ta~dlng colon ti: wal.J pap. · Al11M. ...~ out. ~e 9UJl k . Y muat aee thls ~~ home, $21,llOO. .~:a~ Shores FIRST ~ OP'P'EIU!ID. One of the eat ; 2 "bdrm home• on B&ysi e Dflve. 2 bath•, large room.£ l~~Y patio, beautifully furnillfied. J't you are looking for a boljo wl~ cllaml, Ir_ l)vablllly, I let ualahow1lhll prd'perty to >"'"· Price It.HO, tum. 1 ' . i -- !anch 20 ac~-i ln ~. Pasture. •=rt eap water, prope.rty piped for: Irrigation. Three houae , gCJi..xl barn, equipment tor ltUKlO ffhickena. Will sell or conaldier~ 1 rt trade for S&n ta 1 Ana 9r wport Beach prop· erty. f"rlce f0,000. I - · G~lj'EAF A ASSOC. B . E~ -,REALTOR 3112 N . po Blvd., Harbor 2~52 l THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SALE · . . Llsting IS N~. 1781 , ~ peach of •,,location at Ufe corner of "vocado and «Ji. CDM, atlords vief. to the Ocean; alid . proxlinlty. to Cput Hwy. Ideal for home le Income. -. . I , Here is a modem design liome, and apartment, where every room 18 an fou1'Jde room'. Th'! llving room, Laila!, bedroomii, and bath all can be entered from the apacloua paved palil/. There are two bedrooms In tile house, and an extra ....... bedroom on th\! ground floor which can be luied with the house, or to supplelnent the oµe bedroom ' . . apartment thcat 18 over the ,garage. The furnished price is ·only $17,500. Can also be purehased on a partly furni&hed basis. Posseseion of house July 1st. , Call for appointment. J. A~ BEEK Office Balboa Island Ferry Harbor 63 Balboa Island Balboa Island INCOME "HOT SHOT" A completely furnished duplex -2 bdnns in es.ch unit-choice corner location. -Close to south Bay and shopping center-unusually high· income rec- ord, showing over 15 % net' return on investment!! INVESTIGATE THIS TODAY!. Full Price Only $14,950 ,. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue. at Marine Balboa Island Harbor 2462 T EJiISLAND 1 . You've Looked at the Rest A BUYkn the Bay Now See the Best South lBa~;ont 6 bedroom ING.I. 4 '1o FINANCED HOMES . . , J • ' , ~ ln beautiful Cliff Haven. 1; • hom 50 feet, view, R-2 They're well buUt attractive 3 bdrm homes on large Iota~ zone1 . I We suggest you use your G. L privilege NOW while present low down payment and eaay terma are still . J. N,. ~EEK Office available. , Just a few left and when they a.re gone- Har. ,. B~boa Island Ferry THERE WILL BE NO MORE ·at these low prices C~STA MESA $3b00 DOWN ' ' FINEST Residential street. Near- CaU Fred Barker ~aeon 5796 or Beacon 6939-J OR • DRIVE TO THE EARL W. STANLEY Office, 15th ·& Irvine (Opposite' High School) ly n 3 B. R. home. 1 1Ar baths. larce 'i 1v. jrm .. fireplace, 2:ca11 garac" blJ lot. fenced. Price 36c38 reduced apin-MAKE OFFER! --------------------=~---- H A(\:E S. MAZET 08 rarine Ave. · BalOO. HarbOr 302S.J 31c39 Want •to ~o some fi><ing 1 It's old t qttdll everything, but there's a ~•P . of fun to be had in thia oldt 6 barm .house. Swell locatlo o~ ocean front, near ever nr~ OW'ner ill and must sell qulfkl-j. Come and see tp.ls. BAY & · EACH Realty 1450 Baltio& lvd. Harbor 126-4 Owner Leaving Town, MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK! Large modem 2 bdrm home, Coruna del Mar. Ha~ floors, flag.stone fireplace. Nict>ly 4&ndscaped.. Low monlh:I' ly payments ot S39 mo. $4000 c&Bh wlU handle. Full Price $11,900 Exclusive with BEN J . WHITMAN 400 &: 1018 Coast Blvd. Corona. del Mar Harbor 1862 and Harbor 2202 I -a:i ONLY AT Iri c~rt>na de! M,ar Newport Heights YI ~or a Cho" J Selection I Lota ! ' llomea In r)ie Property Busin . Opportunities I SEE Ed ~~! lmeier, Rltr. · 1528 t Blvd., COM bor 27118 Older h i?e plus guest hse. AttracUve ~ ~lncial decor. ~ blk to . Houte bu f bdrms. COmple fenced and private. Nice I i_:r_n. ruest h0ll.8e pays upkeep'. ~,900. _ llAY EACH Realty Yd. Harbor 1264 3llc37 VOG LVALUES Corona Highlands ,t Ocean view ,t 60 ft. or more frontage •' All utilities (no assess- ment.a) of Convenient l~ation ,t Overlooking Newport Harbor of Private beach of PRICED TO SELL ONLY A FEW HOMES~ LEFI' MODEL HOMES TO tSHOW TRACT OFFICE at Laguna edge of Corona de! Mar Phone Harbor 414-J Lake Arrowhead New three bedroom homF with fireplace, f u r n act>, hardwood floors, garbage di.Bpoaal, double garage_. . $11,000 full price ALSO Sl~ty feet ,of industrial property On 31st Street i. a eound i.nvea:t· ment tor Idle money. Burty foot Pieces are acarce. ~ · ~ . ' Ralph P. Maskey 3411 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. / Phone Har&or 402: , OWNER MUST SELL! IMMEDIATELY! Modem 2·bdmt home, Newport Height.a. Beam· ed ceUtnp, (lure fir.Place. many buUt-IN, lncL bor. Complete re<1Wooc:1 fencing. 2-ca.r pr. SI0,800, eaay down pymt, S68 mo.. lnclu. taxe1. Call Harbor 257f-M daya or Hatbor 1t6·W evenings. _ . Mttp' F Sal. E h G. I. Resale 4 'I' .. Int. or e or· xc ange $li,OOO Large 3-.etory furnished cabin at BY OWNER _ 3 bdrm, newly Lake Arrowhead, near Blue decorated home. Tlle ttchen... Jay sbopplng center. Aecom.mo-,Pullman ~th. Hwd. fJoora, dbl dates 22. Two kitchena, 3 bat.ha. garage, fenced )'al"d·. Short • ' SMALLEST STUDIO UP.RJOHT WANT woman or couple to share PlAMO In 1 l dill my n'w home. 1 child 0 . K. ... ~ per ec con on. ':IO CHEV . 2.-r delUX. oedan Only 8800 mlld, perfect condl- UQn. Save mon~7 trom prtftte owner, $1676. Pb. Har. 240f. at l>-3.lil' o• )'T'S.) -- W!l BUT A)m SELL REAL v ALUES! $8000 18 Front co Knotty $2llOO do at fU port e.. Seuhore colony. e · lnte-rtor, l bdrm and '38 mo. Keya 8L, nut m New· 1 Offtce, Harbor 2478. 3llc37 Open yU,. round. 'Underprlced al walking d.lotanee to «~la and $6500 for quick ale or ex· •hopping. Ideal location fl{W fam.. ctt..Dge. "\Vrtte W. L. Jenleon. lly with chlld.ren at 442 )!:I llo- ' I • I Fully guaranteeQ.. Term.a $4&.7.5 _or will rent room. In Costa down and 118.!)9 pe"r mo. at Mesa.. Ph. IJe!con 8663-M.. 37c39 SHAFER'S MUSIC Co. (Since BALJK>A. ISl.A.ND aummer rent.al 1907) 421 N,. Syearnore, Santo 1 a 2 bdrm liomes wltll u.. of Ana. Krmbefly Z.-0872. ...UtM>.t a: paddle hoe.rd. -·' !7th OREA T PIA NO SALE Ma· 900 and Ba.mJln Grand, Stein· CORONA DEL KAR -1 le 2 bdnn rentals. $M week It up. way, Chickering Bohmer, Kim-ALSO 2 bdrm untum., y,.arly LIDO ISLE ball, Kuram..n. Wurllber, etc. ttnt.a.l phone Harbor 1MO-J1 i SaYe up to two--t.hlrcb! DANZ· 3:5plO 8CHMIDT· Btc Plano Store. -----'-------Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. eor. 8lh. ' U J'OU want a rental on lovely WANI'ED: 50 planoo. Trade ID I..IDO ISLE -ua. Be,nral KtJOd 1our old piano on a !Jrand, SJ>ln· homes avallable. Aleo apart. et or be&utlftaJ telnukla. HIP· meat.I by week or month. . ~ cub allqwanco, terma. . !'or~ =o~~ _P.A. PALMER Ana. lNOORPORA TmD 1333 Via Llclo B&r-11100 lltfc 3.Jtfc '47 FORD 8 2-dr -radio A he a tort A·l CODdlU-Price IUll teT1D4. lHll ......,In. ea.la -· . --~ l:lca7 TRUST DEEDS I ' • SEE BOB SA TrLER NEAR BAY. atlra.c. older cottage 1U5 OOABT BLVD. 2 bdrm, alftpln&' porch, kttcben Corona del Mar Hubor 1077.Ji With breakfut 11001<, dtnln&' rm. Rtp. POIRIER .W:ORTOAG!l po, I ltvtnir rm, t'ln!place, •JUJD fur· lll•tro Lil• Ina. """"" Kl MJ.1a1 olohed too. Only JlO,liOO. t>UPLU -On tp. .cotne:r lot t.oAHa TO ~jj~ bet•..., boy lllld oceU.. Pluter llUY. ¥00 Oii -9tuoco cooiotructJon, , tile SAC ., Ir 1·c E RPlH ~· · n . roof. Room for add'I bldg: ' ' 'lllO llTUJ)!lBA.K W• lla7 Tl1la Dolllll •U.ooo. ' KU.:-~~ caD Jiu: Hll:..~o.8!'~ .A.Uk. Bal, 00 ReaJ eo' bor 1716-1\. lfpll, -Via Udo PIL fllu-J.Mil a ty • 1947 llTUDICBAKJ:lt Cll&mplm, . · Rom Greeley J-s>(dne .Webb "'"' ~!Ub cpe. ~ so04 --REAi:. ESTA~· U>.\H8 TOO m. s!i'I:" :::-· dlllool, SlllO. Pr1tat. • ..,t1. sar. lnbnmt Rate ~-• II"' Bar. 1aa -.11, a'rt311 '-~ -la Ille ~ Three bedioom )tome M O!l"Oll ~ ~ ... ~~..,.C. . 1111t Jo . :..... lml!ltllllo'ullit.o. -• old. -•j'&tlo .....S ........ Iii RATZ TO, W.:" -,.1-· ....... aft bJi Iola witll ·-ot t.y,.-,11 · Wate ront liome 3 bdnns. 1 'L.., pter and float 2 yn.. old GIC dJahwuhe.r petlo turnltllrtl. U,750 ! r, 8-1027"1. 8~8 • • -~ s.. 11t · . ·-"".-..'jot,...... -1arp. °""" 1iat * ,_ N'-w•rt H. eights .. per. TC.· · -~"'I:: ,_ po111nl-. M!et. •:] not""!'. llUt -Rma. ---'--~..;:_:..:_:..:_:_~--ried ..... --.,;:; WJ •H' ··~~ ..... IM .~ i11,lll(t "' Rll&DlllNCE -Beau!UUDJr fW'a. t iliii.\iiRR::;;a.w-;;;;;;;;;a;i; .ba "n' 1' ~ ~ -·, 'BA y a, J!l!JAQI lWltj .• ,3C50 , a-.. ••lo wu11or; ..,..._,,,. NUR R••t11r -~A. UY 1 UIO 111-....i.· llM• llM ... ._.. .,. ,,. o.,L-. hJO -. :rev l"OWld. wo ~ -.-. ,.,.~,. · ·v4Tt'l.iiiilcaM ur ·1 .-.,., ·j==~~:·:iar.-r ...... 1o1. IUftr 4-NeWpoi'l Bwcll lltl 0Ula Jbd.. ,. .... ,.-. ~ 0.-. Uf9 a (la,... l , • • • Alll-lb 519' D W&rMIOO-K. • 1111,fe U:.W. IJTJll W~......... ..... .......... CID Jl J1i .. jc'I .. 'I 'Ill\ '81&1. ITOU "• ., I '_ •i ' /,I • I i I . • -· ' # 2:i02 CT'e'atview Drive, Balboa dena, Newpott Height.I call Bay Shor.., Newport Beach. Beacon 89ea-W. '